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It holds meetings and demonstrations, and publishes the quarterly journal Palaeontology. Membership is open to individuals, institutions, libraries, etc., on payment of the appropriate annual subscription: Institute membership £7. Os. (U.S. $20.00) Ordinary membership £5. Os. (U.S. $13.00) Student membership £3. 0s. (U.S. $8.00) There is no admission fee. Institute membership is only available by direct appli- cation, not through agents. Student members are persons receiving full-time instruc- tion at educational institutions recognized by the Council; on first applying for membership, they should obtain an application form from the Membership Treasurer. All subscriptions are due each January, and should be sent to the Member- ship Treasurer, Dr. A. J. Lloyd, Department of Geology, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. 1, England. COUNCIL 1969-70 President : Professor Alwyn Williams, The Queen’s University, Belfast Vice-Presidents : Dr. W. S. McKerrow, Department of Geology, Oxford Dr. C. Downie, The University, Sheffield Treasurer-. Dr. J. M. Hancock, Department of Geology, King’s College, London, W.C. 2 Membership Treasurer : Dr. A. J. Lloyd, Department of Geology, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. 1 Secretary: Dr. W. D. I. Rolfe, Hunterian Museum, The University, Glasgow, W. 2 Editors Mr. N. F. Hughes, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge Dr. Gwyn Thomas, Department of Geology, Imperial College, London, S.W.7 Dr. Isles Strachan, Department of Geology, The University, Birmingham, 15 Professor M. R. House, The University, Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire Dr. R. Goldring, Department of Geology, The University, Reading, Berks. Other members Dr. F. M. Broadhurst, Manchester Dr. L. R. M. Cocks, London Dr. C. B. Cox, London Mr. D. Curry, Northwood Dr. A. Hallam, Oxford Dr. Julia Hubbard, London Dr. J. D. Hudson, Leicester of Council Dr. W. J. Kennedy, Oxford Dr. J. D. Lawson, Glasgow Dr. E. P. F. Rose, London Dr. C. T. Scrutton, London Dr. V. G. Walmsley, Swansea Professor H. B. Whittington, Cambridge Overseas Representatives Australia: Professor Dorothy Hill, Department of Geology, University of Queensland, Brisbane Canada: Dr. D. J. McLaren, Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, 3303-33rd Street NW., Calgary, Alberta India: Professor M. R. Sahni, 98 The Mall, Lucknow (U.P.), India New Zealand: Dr. C. A. Fleming, New Zealand Geological Survey, P.O. Box 368, Lower Hutt West Indies and Central America: Mr. John B. Saunders, Geological Laboratory, Texaco Trinidad, Inc., Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad, West Indies Western U.S. A. : Professor J. Wyatt Durham, Department of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif. Eastern U.S. A. : Professor J. W. Wells, Department of Geology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York © The Palaeontological Association , 1969 MEDUSAE FROM UPPERMOST PRECAMBRIAN OR CAMBRIAN SANDSTONES, CENTRAL AUSTRALIA by MARY WADE Abstract. Positive and negative moulds of circular bodies occur largely on depositional undersides of flaggy sandstones of the Central Mt. Stuart Beds, attributed to the Upper Proterozoic. Respectively they represent Hallidaya brueri gen. et sp. nov. and Skinnera brooksi gen. et sp. nov., two medusae with strikingly different gastrovascular systems, each of a scyphozoan grade of complexity but lacking pronounced fourfold symmetry. They do not closely resemble any form known from Ediacara, South Australia, but add to the slowly accumula- ting evidence that medusae in the past have been more varied than at present. Hallidaya brueri is also found in the lower part of the Arumbera Sandstone, WSW. of Alice Springs ; this formation may bridge the Precambrian- Cambrian boundary. In the course of geological exploration near Mt. Skinner, Northern Territory, Australia, a sequence of maroon shales, sandstones, and quartzites was examined by Mr. A. L. Halliday, geologist, Kennecott Explorations (Australia) Pty. Ltd. He discovered a fossiliferous slab bearing six casts of an unknown fossil (PI. 68, fig. 1) approximately 4\ miles ENE. of Mt. Skinner, but was unable to trace it to its origin. During later work, Mr. M. M. Bruer, field assistant with the same company, discovered a sandstone and shale sequence containing a large number of these fossils approximately 1,100 ft. higher in the section, 3 miles NNW. of Mt. Skinner. There is a general dip of 15° SW. and the exposed structure is uncomplicated. No fossils have been found elsewhere in the sequence, save for a few doubtful ‘worm casts’ still higher. On the bases of regional reconaissance mapping and lithologic similarity this sequence is considered part of the Central Mt. Stuart Beds (Halliday, personal communication) of Upper Precambrian age. This formation is not known to contain fossils elsewhere, but at its northern ex- tremity is overlain by the Grant Bluff Formation, to which a Cambrian age is assigned, since it contains a Lower Cambrian Helcionella (N. H. Fisher, pers. comm.). The Central Mt. Stuart Beds unconformably overlie a very rugged Archaean basement, as the beds at Mt. Skinner also seem to do (Halliday, pers. comm.) but the contact is here obscured by alluvium. With aid from the Australian Research Grant to Professor M. F. Glaessner, and from Kennecott Explorations, a short visit was made to Mt. Skinner (text-fig. 1) to collect fossils and study their occur- rence. Mr. Halliday demonstrated the local geology and Mr. Bruer provided guidance in the field and assistance in collecting; with the permission of Kennecott Explorations he has also prepared text-figs. 1 and 2 from maps and air photos in their possession. I am indebted to Mr. C. C. Brooks of Kennecott Explorations for making arrangements for the trip and for giving permission to refer to the un- published Kennecott final report, Mt. Skinner Examination, Northern Territory. Another field trip to the vicinity of Alice Springs was recently supported by the Australian Research Grant to Professor M. F. Glaessner. He and Mr. I. M. Thomas have constructively criticized the manuscript. The material studied is deposited in the collections of the Geology Department, University of Adelaide, South Australia. C 6685 A a [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 351-65, pis. 68, 69. J 352 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 text-fig. 1. Locality plan showing roads connecting the Mt. Skinner area to the main north-south (Darwin to Alice Springs) road. This portion of the Northern Territory is indicated on the inset map of Australia. The monotonous succession of flaggy, maroon red-beds is occasionally interrupted by thin, widespread, pale greenish, flaggy beds, and by localized, coarse sediments such as the strongly cross-bedded, arkosic sandstones and grits that cap two prominent hill- tops overlooking the main fossil occurrence (text-fig. 2). In both the red and green flag- stones the coarser sediments are arkosic and sometimes include clay pellets. Small-scale M. WADE: MEDUSAE FROM CENTRAL AUSTRALIA 353 text-fig. 2. The Mt. Skinner area (after mapping by A. L. Halliday), showing the known fossil localities. The enlargement shows the main fossil localities on either side of the valley containing Mt. Skinner No. 2 drill-hole. 354 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 cross-bedding is very frequent, and scoured surfaces are often quite extensive. Rarely, masses of detrital mica are found. A petrological report on samples of maroon and greenish, coarse and fine sedi- ments was supplied to Kennecott Explorations by Australian Mineral Development Laboratories (Appendix to Kennecott final report, Mt. Skinner Examination, Northern Territory). It indicated that the sediments generally may be classified as subgreywackes and impure siltstones to claystones. The coarser sediments are more strongly cemented by authigenic quartz, and the red coloration is induced by iron oxides coating the detrital grains, whether of quartz, rock-fragments, or feldspar. The green bands contain copper minerals and lack iron oxide coatings on detrital grains. Where there is clay cement present (as, particularly, in the finer beds) there is less authigenic quartz. Laths of authigenic mica are present, and there is more evidence of stress and metamorphic change reported from the petrological study than would be expected from field evidence. The lithological setting has numerous parallels with the Precambrian fossiliferous deposits at Ediacara (Wade 1968), though these lack rock fragments and have much less detrital mica (Goldring and Curnow 1967). Occurrence and fossilization. The main fossil occurrence lies almost on a direct line between Kennecott Explorations’ drill-holes Mt. Skinner No. 2 and No. 3 (text-fig. 2), on the sides of a small valley running ENE.-WSW. On the south side of the valley, the fossils have been found through about 20 ft. of maroon sandstones and minor shales above a green band which measured 16 ft. thick (where it was intercepted by the drill- hole Mt. Skinner No. 2) and in the green band. On the north side they were encountered more sparsely below and in the green band which here forms a dip slope and is strongly weathered, outcropping poorly. Except on the steeper slopes of the valley, scree and rainwash material covers much of the outcrop. One piece of float containing a fossil was found in the creek between Mt. Skinner No. 2 and the main fossil outcrop; it is most probably from a further occurrence of the fossils along the strike of the beds. The fossils occur in two major forms: A. In the elevated relief on depositional lower surfaces of beds. These are discs, truncated at the edges, usually depressed in the centre. Their elevation ranges down from about one-eigth of their diameter to totally flat. B. Impressions in depositional lower surfaces of beds. Latex casts of these are almost hemispherical in small specimens, to gently domed with elevation only about one-tenth of their diameter in large specimens. Group A. Most of the fossils belong to group A and are sandstone discs, elevated to flat, and normally depressed in the centre, where the impressions of a number of con- centrically ringed bodies (here called nuclei) are grouped. Quite a number of specimens appear as though the rock has broken away to expose the nuclei, and removal of the surface of one fossil with some partly exposed nuclei revealed their continuation inside it. In numerous specimens the nuclei are scattered from a grouping around the centre; in some the bodies seem to have been buried in a partly decomposed condition since they leave scarcely a mark on the sediment (PI. 69, fig. 5), though the nuclei make firm impressions and occur also beyond the outline of the body. Clearly, the nuclei have been much more resistant to decay and to compression by sediment load than the bodies that enclosed them; nevertheless they can be flattened, giving rise to extra annular rings in M. WADE: MEDUSAE FROM CENTRAL AUSTRALIA 355 their outer parts. Their thickest portion, a central boss, is often more resistant to com- pression but some are compressed excentrically. The common preservation, as a cast of the body enclosing moulds of the more resistant nuclei, is best considered a positive composite mould in the sense of McAlester (1962). Although the usual occurrence of these fossils is on the depositional lower surfaces of flagstones as positive composite moulds, they have been collected in situ with counterparts in complete reverse on the upper surface of the underlying bed. In these the mould of the fossil body may be little altered from the shape it had when the positive composite mould (projecting down from the bed above) was formed. The nuclei, however, are cast by sediment which infills their impressions in the overlying bed. It would be tempting to regard them as primary infillings of hollows in the animals by mud, like the casting of medusa-gonads (Nathorst 1881 ; Walcott 1898) if it were not for the fact that nuclei can be scattered away from the body and still make impressions in the sediment which covered them (PI. 69, fig. 5). These casts of nuclei are therefore secondary structures, counterpart casts (Glaessner and Wade 1966; Wade 1968) set in the mould of the body. It is probably best to employ the term negative composite mould ( McAlester 1962) for the whole complex preservation. The partial rings of sediment enclosing the identifiable specimen (PI. 69, fig. 2a) and its unidentifiable neighbour show that the specimens adhered tightly to the surface, which is strongly scoured, while the sediment transport was in progress. Twenty or thirty of these rings were observed on dismembered slabs of the one bedding plane, and scattered individuals elsewhere, but only a few of the contained specimens were identi- fiable. Perhaps a certain degree of decomposition caused dead bodies to adhere to the substrate, for the preservation is exceptionally poor and only one depression that might have sheltered such a creature in life is known. It is a gently curved hollow with a definite circular outline, penetrating at least one lamina of sediment, and of the approximate size to accommodate one of the smaller organisms. Alternatively, this hollow may represent a specimen which chanced to be buried in the top of a bed; it lies in the depression between small sedimentary ripples. The nuclei may be scattered from the centre though still within the disc; many, few, or none may be seen (PI. 69, figs. 3, 4). Discs without nuclei are not, strictly speaking, identifiable, as it cannot be proved that a cast with no nuclei, or a positive composite mould with one or two displaced nuclei, is the same form as a specimen with nuclei in place. In the field as well as in the collection, sharp-edged casts, flat to gently curved very low domes, are a rare accompaniment of the positive composite moulds and may well represent casts of the aboral side, unmodified except by flattening against the substrate. Group B fossils are only half as common as group A. All save one are impressions on lower surfaces. A cast of the internal spaces (PI. 69, fig. 12; text-fig. 5) occurs on an upper surface. The amount of detail shown on latex casts of the moulds is very variable. They tend towards a smooth, low, featureless dome but none of the larger specimens have withstood sediment-load to the extent of being quite smooth, and they show characteristic depressions. One of the least-flattened is illustrated (PI. 69, fig. 8). Small specimens, being much more steeply curved and having much smaller radii, withstood sediment load better, and featureless moulds in this size-range are known. It thus appears that the usual preservation of group B fossils is as negative composite moulds. 356 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 The only distinction between poorly preserved fossils of group A and group B is that they are in opposite relief on the same (upper or lower) surfaces; a few of the most flattened that are possibly group B cannot be distinguished from group A fossils. Evidence of numerous minute, unidentifiable organisms was seen on slabs like that shown in Plate 69, fig. 7. Some small casts of medusiform shape (PI. 69, fig. 6) are also known on the bases of slabs but they are not numerous. On the other hand, slabs with their lower surfaces literally covered with structures half way between this medusiform shape and the small load-casts seen on Plate 68, fig. 1 have been found. These minute load-casts are almost ubiquitous. They could have been initiated by hollows where small organisms decayed, but where there is evidence of variable thickness of the clay layers, the load-casts have formed only above the thicker clay. This evidence is supplied by the shape and particularly the texture (Wade 1968) of the undersurfaces of the sandstone slabs, which often indicate that clay was almost confined to ripple-mark troughs while neighbouring ridges were only thinly covered. Jungst (1934) described a cratering of clay surfaces as clay dehydrates under water but the rather thin layers of clay involved here are not likely to have been able to form deeply indented surfaces. Dehydration could, however, have formed a surface dimpled enough to initiate the formation of these minute load-casts, which have not penetrated into any sedimentary layers below the clay in which they were formed. This supposition fits the confinement of the load-casts to the areas of thicker clay better than either the view that the initial surface-irregularities (and thus the load-casts) are all due to the decay of small organisms, or to scour marks. Their frequent lack of consistent orientation also seems to rule out formation of the initial irregularities by flow of water. Fossil form A Genus hallidaya gen. nov. Type species. Hallidaya brueri sp. nov. Diagnosis. As for type species. Hallidaya brueri sp. nov. Plate 68, figs. 1, 3-6; Plate 69, figs. 1-5 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 68 Figs. 1, 3-6. Hallidaya brueri gen. et sp. nov. Positive composite moulds on the undersides of sandstone slabs. la-/, Paratypes F16461 a-f, X 1 ; example a is the only one appearing to possess a marginal flange but this is probably due to the superposition of two individuals. Nuclei can be clearly seen in a-e and less clearly in /. Branched, radial canals appear at the left of c. The five-rayed depression at the centre of / may represent its mouth; its left and lower rays bifurcate, the lower of the two right-hand rays traverses one of the four visible nuclei. 3, F16463, x2; specimen most clearly showing dichotomous branching of radial furrows, nuclei faint. 4, Holotype, F16464a, x2; specimen with numerous, rather small nuclei; radial furrows show faintly and connect to a circum- central zigzag furrow which is only partly preserved. 5, Paratype F16465, approx. X 1-5; the other specimen which shows a zigzag circumcentral furrow with radial furrows connected to its outer points, and nuclei. 6 a-c, F16471a-c, x2; a, specimen with 13 nuclei; b, c, neighbouring well-preserved specimens with numerous nuclei. Fig. 2. Lower surface of slab F16470, x2-6; either the cast of a minute medusiform fossil similar to that shown on Plate 69, fig. 6, or the counterpart cast of an isolated nucleus of H. brueri. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 68 WADE, Medusae from central Australia M. WADE: MEDUSAE FROM CENTRAL AUSTRALIA 357 Diagnosis. Body disc-shaped, with truncated margin. Surface of elevated discs either flat, depressed in centre above discrete, ringed, inflated structures (here called nuclei), even more widely depressed, or (rarely) gently curved in a very low dome showing, at most, several, scattered nuclei. Branched, radial structure sometimes observed in those with central nuclei; it is clearly preserved only in one specimen where it consists of dichotomously branching, narrow furrows. Concentric corrugations very rare. Nuclei relatively resistant to compression and decay, round to oval in plan view; an inflated, equatorial Tyre’ forms a belt around a central, domed structure. Additional equatorial rings and ovate furrows on the central dome show on flattened specimens. Normal attitude of nuclei flat in one plane around centre of body but if crowded may be tilted and overlapping, 3-13 are known in different specimens. Holotype. FI 6464a (PI. 68, fig. 4). Material. 49 well-preserved specimens in which both the over-all dimensions of the disc and the detail of at least some of the nuclei can be seen and a number of additional, moderately good to poor speci- mens; all these are positive composite moulds. Two identifiable negative composite moulds. A few smooth, featureless, casts may also belong here. Subsequent to the completion of this paper, several specimens of H. brueri were collected about 23 km. WSW. of Alice Springs (133° 4F, 24° 37'), in a clayey siltstone approximately a quarter of the distance from base to top of the Arumbera Sandstone. This formation is about 600 m. thick here. It is mapped and recorded in numerous publications, mainly of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Canberra, as uppermost Precambrian to Lower Cambrian, or more rarely as wholly Lower Cambrian. Dimensions. The common size-range is between 10 and 30 mm. in a known range of 5-50 mm. On text-fig. 3 the over-all average diameter of each well-preserved specimen is plotted against the average diameter of the largest well-preserved nucleus present in it. This choice was made to minimize bias in the measurements; while flattening would tend to increase all diameters, the vagaries of tilting or a shallow impression could only act to minimize size, and it would never be possible to establish whether a small impression was the natural result of a small specimen or induced by preservation. The maximum size ratio of smallest to largest well-preserved nuclei in one individual is about 2 : 3 in this material. It has not been possible to recognize nuclei on specimens smaller than one of 5-5 mm., and specimens without nuclei cannot be identified with certainty. Even with the rather small number of points available to construct text-fig. 3, it suggests a direct relationship between the size of the over-all dia- meter and the size of the nuclei. Description. The fossils present several aspects. A few are gently convex, very low domes that show, at most, a few nuclei scattered and tilted at any angle (PI. 69, fig. 3, F16467). These could be aboral sides as they show no trace of a mouth, or tactile or locomotory organs, nor is there any structure which could obscure their presence. The most com- mon aspect, whether the specimens are flattened or not, has a group of nuclei extending from the centre to occupy one-third to one-half of the diameter of the disc. They would tend to obscure a central mouth or any other insubstantial structure placed in this posi- tion. In unflattened specimens the surface is often depressed near the group of nuclei and always depressed where the nuclei are; it also seems decidedly flatter than the probable aboral side (PI. 68, figs. 1 c-f; PI. 69, fig. 1). From these factors of shape and the association of scattered, tilted nuclei with the more convex side (PI. 69, fig. 3) it appears that a planoconvex body with the nuclei lying nearer the flat side is the most natural original shape to assume. As the nuclei tend to lie horizontally in a group around the centre, they do not exclude the existence of a centrally situated mouth. Indeed, the 358 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 centre-top specimen (PI. 68, fig. If) possesses a small, five-rayed depression in this position; it is not a compressed specimen and only faintly shows four nuclei situated between the rays and over one of them; two of the rays branch dichotomously (text- fig. 4b). A similar arrangement of three nuclei and a three-rayed impression is known from one other specimen. A number of the specimens with groups of nuclei also show a faint, branching, radial structure which is clearly seen only in F16463 (PI. 68, fig. 3), mm 50 40 • 30 20 • 10 • 7 mm text-fig. 3. Hallidaya brueri gen. et sp. nov. Scatter diagram of the average diameters of the discs in millimetres plotted against the diameters of the largest nucleus in each disc. Holotype circled. where it is seen to consist of dichotomous furrows. There is not enough structure pre- served to tell whether the pattern of branching is regular in detail, but it is apparently always dichotomous. No trace of it has yet been observed on any wholly convex side (i.e. on any of the probable aboral sides), though it shows on some of the most convex of the specimens with nuclei grouped at their centres (PI. 68, fig. lc). In the holotype and in F16465 (PI. 68, figs. 4, 5) some radial furrows can be seen to branch from the outer points of a zigzag furrow which partly encloses the centre and is partly obliterated by nuclei. Some of the nuclei appear to have escaped the confines of ruptured or decayed bodies that may be faintly indicated on the same bedding plane (PI. 69, fig. 5, FI 6468) but others are found completely free. Even when free of the discs, they normally held up the sediment long enough to form external moulds on the bottoms of overlying beds. Some casts of this general size have the proportions of nuclei (PI. 68, fig. 2, F16470) and are M. WADE: MEDUSAE FROM CENTRAL AUSTRALIA 359 also found on the bottoms of beds; either they represent counterpart casts of nuclei which were partly buried in the top of a sediment layer, or the medusiform creatures responsible for such casts as that shown in Plate 69, fig. 6 can overlap the nuclei in proportions as well as size. Some casts which appear to represent uncrushed and partly crushed nuclei are present on a few bedding planes crowded with innumerable small, wrinkled, circular fossils which have the size range 3-6 mm. and could be either totally flattened nuclei or the minute medusiform creatures. They have the appearance of having been strongly inflated but are now flattened to an unidentifiable film (PI. 69, fig. 7). text-fig. 4. Hallidaya brueri gen. et sp. nov., approx. X 2. Restored as a translucent medusa showing the structures illustrated in Plate 68, figs. 1, 3-6; Plate 69, figs. 3, 5. a, oblique exumbrellar view; b, oblique subumbrellar view; m, mouth (PI. 68, fig. 1/); n, nuclei (many figs.); s, central stomach (partially visible in PI. 68, figs. 4, 5); r, radial canals (PI. 68, figs, lc, 3-5). The marginal flange shown here by dashed lines is seen only in Plate 68, fig. 1 a and is probably due to superposition of a larger specimen on a smaller (several examples of partial superposition are known, e.g. PI. 69, fig. la). Interpretation. As these fossils are of soft-bodied animals of which no original material remains, we are left with a record only of the general shape and relative durability of some of the organs. Association of certain structures in the fossils allows us to assume their closeness, and dissociation their separation, in the undistorted animal. Besides circular outline, it is notable that the mass preservation of the discs is convex downward on lower sediment faces. Another feature is that the nuclei are present as moulds. From these factors we see that the animals were buried in, or adhered to, sediment surfaces, and were still present, either dead or alive, when the sand covered them but collapsed quickly allowing it to cast them. The nuclei, however, did not collapse but were tough enough to support the sediment until it set into moulds. The nuclei were discrete struc- tures which could be displaced from their original position but probably would then also suffer relative displacement such as we observe. In elevated specimens, radial, branching furrows may show on the side of the disc that has the nuclei in orderly group- ing, but not on sides with smooth, elevated contours in which only impressions of displaced nuclei can be seen. (Radial structure can also show, as do nuclei, in flattened specimens — in these the characters of the side with centrally grouped nuclei always prevail to some extent over the featurelessness of the side which shows displaced nuclei, or none.) Assembling all these characteristics we have a circular body curved in a low dome on one side, the curve of the dome covering structureless material that disintegrated quickly 360 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 upon burial. The opposite surface is flatter. It is either naturally concave or poorly supported in the central region. It is most frequently smooth but in some specimens shows branched, radial furrows across its outer part; these may be related to a sub- surface system of canals which occasionally forms impressions on the casts, as their usual absence would be very difficult to explain if they were to be regarded as a system of surface markings. Their pattern is consistent with medusan — particularly scyphozoan — radial canals, and they branch from the outer points of a rather zigzag furrow around the centre, which could represent a central stomach. At about the same level as the canals we have to place the nuclei. Normally assembled around the centre and lying in one plane, they must also be beneath the epidermal layer, as they sometimes scarcely show (PI. 68, fig. 1 b,f ), but the actual depth is probably rather variable: in specimens in which they are very numerous they overlap somewhat. There is also the possibility that a central mouth is represented by the star-shaped slits, which are rarely observed in the centres (PI. 68, fig. 1/). The structure of marginal and submarginal furrows seen in Plate 68, fig. la may represent two superimposed specimens or, perhaps, a nearly vertical marginal flange like a velarium. In summary, the proposed reconstruction indicates a medusiform body almost certain to be a coelenterate medusa (text-fig. 4), whether Plate 68, fig. la is taken to represent a marginal flange or not. The nuclei are placed in a position which would allow them to be connected with the gastral epithelium, which is a common position for reproductive structures in modern medusae; these also grow throughout life. The behaviour of the nuclei as firm, discrete bodies cannot be equated with present day medusoid gonad struc- tures except, perhaps, those in which the embryos are incubated during early development. They are more probably the early stages of medusoid buds, but their later development is not known. The possibility of their being food material has to be considered also but EXPLANATION OF PLATE 69 Figs. 2 and 12 are of the depositional tops of sandstone slabs; all others are from the bases of slabs. Figs. 1-3, 5. Hallidayci brueri, gen. et sp. nov., paratypes. la-c, F16462 a-c, X 1 ; a, superimposed specimens; b, the largest individual, showing the strongest development of concentric ridging, which is also seen on c. 2a, b, F16466 b, Xl; negative composite moulds. 3, F16467, xl; positive composite mould of probable aboral side showing 3 tilted and 1 horizontally-placed nuclei. 5, FI 6468, X 2, scattered nuclei, probably of 2 individuals, one of which is centred on the nucleus near the centre of the picture. Fig. 4. cf. Hallidaya brueri, FI 6469, X 1; probable aboral side. Fig. 6. Cast of minute medusiform fossil, F164714, x2. Fig. 7. Minute fossils which appear to have been circular and inflated but very flattened during fossilization. FI 6472, x 1. Reverse side of slab shown in fig. 12. Figs. 8-12. Skinnera brooksi gen. et sp. nov. 8, 9, X 1 ; 10-12, X 2; 8-11, negative composite moulds; 12, internal mould. 8, Paratype F16475k, relatively smooth, large specimen, centre undulating and partly surrounded by 8 secondary depressions spaced around half the perimeter. 9a, b, Paratypes, F16475«, b’, a, irregularly flattened, large specimen; b, earliest identifiable growth stage with 3 large inner depressions and a fourth, smaller depression. 10, Paratype F16476; a small specimen with 3 inner depressions ringed by 13 visible secondary depressions and a small obscured area. 11, F16474u, b; a, holotype with 3 large, pouch-shaped inner depressions and 15 secondary depressions, b, Paratype with 3 inner depressions and 15 secondary depressions. 12, Paratype internal mould FI 6473, showing 3 inner pouches with broken canals at their inner ends, 15 secondary pouches attached by double canals to the inner pouches or the central area, and more complex structures placed between, and toward the margin from, the secondary pouches. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 69 WADE, Medusae from central Australia M. WADE: MEDUSAE FROM CENTRAL AUSTRALIA 361 their rather small size range at any size of the body seems against this (text-fig. 3), as is the lack of oral sides without nuclei, and the lack of specimens that might be partly digested. An early view that these bodies might represent some sort of embryo capsule with developing embryos, rather than an entire animal, seems negated by the constant growth-rates of the nuclei and the bodies, and the overall medusiform character of the bodies. The system of radial canals in H. brueri is of a complexity very rarely reached in the Hydrozoa but frequently found in the Scyphozoa. The apparent depth of the nuclei within the body suggests also that they were more likely to have been related to the gastral epithelium than to have been invaginations in the sub-umbrella. The structure of the probable mouth resembles the bifurcating mouth-furrows of Rhizostomites admirandus Haeckel but is not as regular. Although it apparently had only blunt, finger-like lips like Rhizostomites and similarly lacked a manubrium, it shows no other similarities to Rhizostomites and stands apart as a primitive scyphozoan-like medusa without known, close relatives. Fossil form B Genus skinnera gen. nov. Type species. Skinnera brooksi sp. nov. Diagnosis. As for type species. Skinnera brooksi sp. nov. Plate 69, figs. 8-12 Diagnosis. Circular, low-domed, soft-bodied animals, relatively higher in proportion to width in smaller specimens. Probable original shape plano-convex. Body resilient but differentially compressible, revealing the pattern of major, internal, pouch-shaped spaces by its surface depressions, which form a group of 3 large inner depressions near the centre with a ring of 15 secondary depressions (wherever these can be counted) outside them. The 3 largest, inner depressions tend to be pouch-shaped with a concave curve toward the axial region like the inner pouches of a complete internal mould. In this, a network of paired canals connects the 3 inner pouches to the centre on one side and to 15 secondary pouches in a ring outside them but minor spaces and connections near the margin may be reticular. Only the ‘inner’ depressions are seen on the smallest individuals. Holotype. F16467# (PI. 69, fig. 10o). Material. 26 negative composite moulds and 1 internal mould. Several small, smooth, external moulds and a number of very distorted specimens may belong here. They are described from latex casts of the natural moulds. Dimensions. The ratio of height to width decreases markedly with increasing size. This is no doubt exaggerated by the larger specimens being more prone to sag against the substrate. Most of these are badly distorted (PI. 69, fig. 9a). The range of average diameter is from 3-9 mm. to 32 mm. with a decided maximum frequency in the vicinity of 10 mm. Maximum height known is about 2 mm. regard- less of diameter. 362 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Description. The low-domed bodies were probably smooth prior to burial but tended to sag under load into a pattern of ridges and hollows which is standard for various growth stages, though more obscure in some specimens than others. The smallest specimen shows, in the cast, a pattern of three large, oval depressions and a fourth smaller one to one side, with prominent, smooth ridges between them (PI. 69, fig. 9b shows the text-fig. 5. Skinnera brooksi gen. et sp. nov., F16473, paratype, x3T. Clear areas represent gently rounded prominences on this internal mould and stippled areas the depressions that bound the prominences. Depressed areas with obscure structures are lightly stippled. Coincidence of the dominant shear direction (x, y) in the rock and the radial canals partly obliterates the natural structure near the margin, as does chipping of the margin above. Inner pouches, pl-p3; secondary pouches, 1-15; of these, 1, 6, and 11, situated between the inner pouches, are larger than the others. They probably attached directly to the central area (?stomach) as their paired canals run radially and are much longer than those between inner and secondary pouches. There is no trace of structure derived from a ring canal in the plexus of small structures near the margin. original). This characteristic ridging between the depressions is common to all identifi- able small specimens. Numerous secondary depressions are lacking in the very smallest individuals; this may be an artifact of resistance to compression and not due to the structures they indicate forming at a later growth stage. The inner depressions are the largest and they are frequently pouch-shaped, concave on the axial side. No specimen has more than these 3 largest depressions possessing concave axial sides. In the holo- type the 3 secondary depressions placed between the inner depressions are larger than the remaining 12 which occupy relatively more cramped positions. The accompanying M. WADE: MEDUSAE FROM CENTRAL AUSTRALIA 363 paratype (PL 69, fig. 11 a, b) has the same number of depressions with similar proportions, and the structures are again evident in the internal mould (PI. 69, fig. 12) where they are expressed as sand mounds, apparently casting a system of natural spaces. In this internal mould a third order of peripheral spaces is also cast by sand but the structures are small, and obscure in detail. Only the holotype, among the negative composite moulds, shows any evidence of these peripheral spaces, and that only by a few peripheral depressions exterior to the secondary depressions. In one or more sectors of several other specimens the number of secondary structures is 5 to each inner pouch (or depression). One speci- men has only 3 secondary to one inner depression in the only sector in which they can be counted. In medium-large specimens (PI. 69, figs. 11 a, 12) the secondary structures may be radially elongate, to scarcely visible in relatively uncompressed specimens (PI. 69, fig. 8). In a number of the larger specimens the centre is obscure but the pattern of depressions and ridges in the outer parts is radial. The most enlightening single specimen (PI. 69, fig. 12; text-fig. 5) shows elevations of sandy sediment occurring in the relative positions of every depression known from fossils of the external surface. It seems this is an internal mould of a system of natural spaces in the body. The low, convex disc on which the internal mould is displayed may approximate the shape of the underside but it is more likely that the lower surface disintegrated, allowing the entry of sand to even small canals and spaces. The sand fill is identical with the substrate and the margin is a very sharply depressed furrow. Text-fig. 5 was drawn from the specimen onto a 5x enlarged photo to achieve accurate proportions and overcome difficulties in illu- minating the radial structure. Its lightly stippled centre indicates where the internal cast was either too shallow to form definite markings, or weathered or chipped away. 3 purse-shaped, inner pouches taper to canals at both axial ends. These canals appear broken off, as though once attached to a central stomach which is not delineated here because the numerous faint markings in the centre offer too many possible shapes for unprejudiced restoration. A system of paired canals attaches the 3 inner pouches (or, between them, the axial ‘stomach’ region) to 15 secondary pouches symmetrically placed in a ring nearer the margin. These are separated by, and give rise to, smaller connections and spaces too complex and small for clear preservation. These appear to be connected in a reticular manner. Canals do not multiply by branching. Interpretation. The shape of the internal system of spaces and canals closely parallels the gastrovascular system of a medusa of the scyphozoan grade of complexity. The central area may be equated to the stomach, with double connections to the 3 large inner pouches and through these (or by-passing them in the inter-spaces) with double con- nections to the 15 secondary pouches and further connections to the still smaller sub- divisions. The present evidence is of dominant 3-fold symmetry. It is tempting to regard the inner pouches as the direct homologue of the scyphozoan gastric pouches. They may be, but they differ from any modern scyphozoan system (see, e.g., Mayer 1910, Hyman 1940, Thiel in Rees 1966) in each pouch being connected to the central stomach by 2 widely separated canals; again, the canals to the secondary pouches are also double; even in the marginal plexus, minor spaces and narrower connections are still recogniz- able and the whole is distinctly different from the more uniform plexus development of a number of Semaeostomeae and Rhizostomeae. The similarities are probably due to convergence and it is not likely that S. brooksi is ancestral to any modern medusa. 364 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Despite the initial impression of similarity produced by the similar size and curvature of H. brueri and S. brook si, they have very little in common. H. brueri has narrow, dichotomously branched, radial canals. S. brooksi has its central stomach leading by paired canals into 3 inner pouches, and thence to numerous, more marginally placed pouches from which canals again branch. No example of a branching canal has been seen, though there may be reticulate connections near the margin. While in H. brueri reproduction by medusoid buds or incubation in the gonads appears to be firmly estab- lished, there is no evidence of this in S. brooksi. H. brueri has a normal texture to its mesogloea and collapses quickly when buried, forming casts. S. brooksi is much more resistant and under the same conditions forms moulds. There is little evidence of 4-fold symmetry in these two species or among the medusoid forms from Ediacara (Upper Precambrian), nor is it a striking feature of the Cambrian medusoids (Nathorst 1881; Walcott 1898; Moore 1956), though in Mesozoic times it appears to have been well established. The taxonomic importance of 4-fold symmetry in medusae has been emphasized by the loss of the less regular forms and the diversifica- tion of the more regular forms to produce the modern aspect. The few known fossils do not allow us to reconstruct scyphozoan phylogeny from fossil material, and the field has been left largely to workers on Recent forms who are in general agreement on the degrees of relationship within the modern scyphozoans but in notable disagreement about which gave rise to which (Thiel in Rees 1966). Thiel’s careful assessment of characters in common leads back to an ever more strongly tetra- merous ancestral form for the Scyphozoa. Chapman’s work (in Rees 1966) verifies earlier placement (Kiderlen 1937, vide Moore 1956) of the Conulariida as ancestral to scypho- polyps and relatively close to Stauromedusae. The long range of the Conulariida, now extending to Upper Precambrian (Glaessner and Wade 1966) would provide ample time for the course of differentiation proposed by Thiel. In any discussion on the ancestral form of the Cnidaria the position of the early medusae, which are not Hydrozoa nor placeable among modern Scyphozoa, needs consideration. There seems no place in Thiel’s scheme for the non-tetramerous fossil forms, even for those like Hallidaya and Skinnera, as complex (in the characters we know) as the younger scyphozoans. Extend- ing the concept of Scyphozoa beyond its limitation to modern forms, however, it is reasonable to classify these new forms as parts of an early scyphozoan radiation. REFERENCES chapman, d. m. 1966. Evolution of the scyphistoma. 51-75, in rees, w. j., ed. 1966 (q.v.). glaessner, m. f. and wade, m. 1966. The late Precambrian fossils from Ediacara, South Australia. Palaeontology, 9, 599-628, pi. 97-103. goldring, R. and curnow, c. n. 1967. The stratigraphy and facies of the late Precambrian at Ediacara, South Australia. /. Geol. Soc. Australia , 14 (2), 195-214, pi. 10. hyman, L. H. 1940. The Invertebrates : Protozoa through Ctenophora. New York and London. jungst, h. 1934. Zur geologischen Bedeutung der Synarese. Geol. Runds. 25, 312-25. kiderlen, h. 1937. Die Conularien, fiber Bau und Leben der ersten Scyphozoa. Neues Jahrb. f. Mineralogie, Beil-Band 77, Abt. B, pp. 113-69, figs. 1-47. mcalester, a. l. 1962. Mode of preservation in early Paleozoic pelecypods and its morphologic and ecologic significance. J. Paleont. 36, 67-93. mayer, a. G. 1910. The medusae of the world. Pubis. Carnegie Instn. 109 (1-3), 1-735. moore, r. c., ed. 1956. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part F, Coelenterata. Geol. Soc. Am. and Univ. Kansas Press. M. WADE: MEDUSAE FROM CENTRAL AUSTRALIA 365 nathorst, a. G. 1881. Om aftryck af medusor i Sveriges Kambriska lager. Kongl. Svenska vetenskaps- akad. Hand. 19 (1), 3-34, pi. 1-6. rees, w. j., ed. 1966. The Cnidaria and their Evolution. Zool. Soc. London Symp. 16. thiel, Hj. 1966. The evolution of Scyphozoa. A review. 77-116 in rees, w. j., ed. 1966 (q.v.). wade, m. 1968. Preservation of soft-bodied animals in Precambrian sandstones at Ediacara Range, South Australia. Lethaia , 1 (3), 238-67. Walcott, c. d. 1898. Fossil medusae. Monogr. U.S. Geo/. Surv. 30, 1-201, pi. 1-47. MARY WADE Department of Geology The University of Adelaide Adelaide Typescript received 20 July 1968 South Australia SPECIFIC FREQUENCY AND ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS IN TWO HORIZONS OF THE CALCA1RE DE FERQUES (UPPER DEVONIAN), NORTHERN FRANCE by PEIGI WALLACE Abstract. Statistical examination of the fauna from two horizons in the Calcaire de Ferques (Frasnian) of northern France, combined with thin section studies and field observations, lead to the conclusion that while the fauna of the lowest bed of the formation suffered slight transportation, this did not disrupt the ecological associations of the fauna and a true life assemblage is represented. The fauna of the upper beds accumulated in situ in an environment with a gradually increasing argillaceous content, and shows features which may be asso- ciated with these deteriorating conditions and with the level of background radioactivity. The Calcaire de Ferques is a highly fossiliferous bioclastic limestone, world-famous for its rich and varied fauna, which includes topotypes of many well-known species such as Cyrtospirifer verneuili. It outcrops only in the Palaeozoic inlier of the Boulonnais, northern France (text-fig. 1), the geology and palaeoenvironments of which have been redescribed by Ager and Wallace (1967). The Calcaire de Ferques has been intensively studied in the last hundred years, notably by Robinson (1920) and by Pruvost and Pringle (1924). It was given its name by de Verneuil (1838), who compared its fauna with that of the Wenlock Limestone, which it closely resembles both in faunal groupings and in mode of preservation. However, Murchison (1840) referred it to the newly erected Devonian System. It was correlated with the Calcaire de Givet, the type of the Givetian stage, by Godwin Austen (1853), but Gosselet (1860) compared it to the Calcaire de Rhisnes, which was included by d’Halloy (1862) in his newly erected Frasnian stage. No further modifications of its stratigraphical age have been published, but it must be considered to be of Middle Frasnian age since both the underlying Schistes de Beaulieu and the overlying Schistes de Fiennes lie within this substage. Until the end of the last war, the limestone was extensively worked in a series of small quarries strung out along the outcrop. The degree of exposure is excellent at the time of writing, but is deteriorating rapidly because many of the smaller quarries are being infilled with overburden from the more extensively worked Carboniferous Limestone nearby. The majority of the quarries terminate along the strike at one of the numerous small dextral wrench faults which dissect the area (Wallace 1968) and which are well exhibited in the largest quarry, La Parisienne at Beaulieu (text-fig. 1). The palaeoenvironments of the main part of the Calcaire de Ferques and the palaeoecological relationships of its fauna are discussed in detail by the author else- where (Wallace, in press). They may be summarized as follows: a succession of en- vironments of rapidly increasing and then gradually decreasing depth, passing from the Zones Subturbulente and Turbulent e of Lecompte (1961) to deeper, quieter, open shelf conditions with the formation of brachiopod and coral-bearing calcilutites in the middle (Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 366-81, pi. 70.] P. WALLACE: INDICATORS IN TWO HORIZONS OF CALCAIRE DE FERQUES 367 part of the formation. The upper part of the formation shows a gradually shallowing sequence with increasing terrigenous material. No previous account, however, has attempted to discuss the environment as it changed from the hypersaline lagoons of the Schistes de Beaulieu into the biostromes of the Calcaire de Ferques, or from the latter into the subtidal mudflats of the overlying Schistes de Fiennes. A neglected truism about quarry geology is that the most interesting features in any quarry are at the top and bottom of the working faces. This is logical, since the excava- tion normally ceases where the character of the rock changes. It is especially true in text-fig. 1. Locality map of quarries in the Calcaire de Ferques, showing the outcrop of the limestone and the position of the dextral wrench faults which displace the formation. the numerous quarries of the Calcaire de Ferques, where only the main part of the limestone is massive. The formation dips at about 30°, and huge bedding planes of the Thin Basal Limestone are exposed in every quarry, providing the large amounts of data which are considered statistically here. Similarly, the argillaceous nature of the Upper Beds of the limestone makes them unsuitable for quarrying. They are well exposed along the southern faces of many of the quarries, where extensive collections have been made. Although the main part of the limestone is well exposed in one or two quarries, notably Carriere du Bois, so that a general impression of the succession of environ- ments may be obtained (Wallace, in press, text-fig. 13), only dip sections are available. That, and the more massive nature of the rock, make statistically reliable collections and observations unobtainable. THIN BASAL LIMESTONE The basal bed and earliest development of limestone within the Calcaire de Ferques is the Thin Basal Limestone, 2 cm. thick, resting on the dolomitic sand facies of the b b C 6685 368 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Dolomie de Fiennes and overlain by a moderately fossiliferous sandy dolomite (Ager and Wallace 1967, bottom of fig. 2). The limestone itself has a red or grey calcilutite matrix, rich in bioclastic fragments, and contains an extremely abundant and diverse fauna. Dolomitization affects both the upper and lower surfaces of the bed, but rarely alters it completely. The fauna is completely unaffected. Iron enrichment commonly accompanies the dolomitization ; many of the dolomite rhombs are zoned, and the upper and lower bedding surfaces are commonly dark red. The population structure of the Thin Basal Limestone is shown in text-fig. 2. In both this histogram and the similar one for the Upper Beds (text-fig. 4) the population is expressed as percentage of sample rather than in absolute figures. Although it is realized that ideally for comparison the population should be expressed in terms of standard quadrats, this was not possible because of difficulties in the field, especially with the Upper Beds. Instead a faunal census was taken for each locality. To eliminate observa- tion and collection bias, the accuracy of this census was checked in two ways. First, the assistance of two other people, one a geologist and the other a non-geologist in the field for the first time, was enlisted. Although the size of the collections varied, the proportions between the various species collected by the author and her two assistants remained remarkably constant. Secondly, a bulk sample from the exposed surface of the Thin Basal Limestone was analysed. Again the proportions between the species cor- responded closely to those in the collections made by hand. Therefore it is considered that the faunal censuses represent a valid sample of the population. Numerically, by far the most dominant species in the Thin Basal Limestone is Cyrto- spirifer verneuili, which consistently forms about 40% of the sample. All growth stages are present. There is considerable size and shape variation within the species and it might be possible to erect up to a dozen nominal species for this horizon alone. All these ‘species’ intergrade, however, and both Gosselet (1894) and Vandercammen (1959), in statistical studies of the species from the Boulonnais and Belgium respectively, concluded that only one species was present. Athyris concentrica is rather more common in the west of the outcrop than in the east, where its place seems to be taken by Productella sabaculeata. This latter species, with its very delicate spines, might suggest that water conditions were rather quieter in the east than in the west, although flume experiments (Ferguson, pers. comm.) suggest that spiny productids may have been adapted to regimes with moderately strong uni- directional currents. Corals are relatively rare within the Thin Basal Limestone itself, although they occur abundantly within thedolomitic sand immediately below. Bryozoans may be more common than suggested by the histogram (text-fig. 2), but their delicate nature makes fragmentation almost inevitable, and hence counting difficult. For that reason, only their presence has been indicated and the percentages shown are not a true representation of abundance. Even cursory examination of the histogram (text-fig. 2) shows some basic associa- tions between species. For example, (a) where spiriferids and athyrids are abundant, corals are virtually absent; ( b ) there is an inverse relationship between Cyrtospirifer and Athyris ; (c) where corals are abundant, athyrids and rhynchonellids are low, (d) where productellids are low there is a low specific diversity. The y2 test was used to test these and all other relationships in the bed. The test was applied 2i-1 n t'mes where n = number of recognized species or species groups. Thus not only was each individually 0 EAST text-fig. 2. Histogram of the population structure in the Thin Basal Limestone, Calcaire de Ferques. Values are expressjd as percentage of the assemblage, rather than as absolute figures, for ease of comparison. Epifaunas and minor elements omitted. Localities are in order along the strike, not in a stratigraphic succession. 370 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 listed species considered, but also certain basic groups such as spiriferids, rhyn- chonellids, cerioid corals, solitary corals and stick bryozoans. This brought n to 37, and hence the number of tests to nearly 600. Of these relationships, 47 were significant to a 1 0% level, 25 to a 5% level (the level most usually applied by modern ecologists according to Kershaw (1966) and accepted as valid by Johnson (1962)) and 3 were significant to less than 0-01%, a very high level of significance indeed. It was considered useful to include levels higher than 5% (i.e.p = 0-05) in both tables and figures, since this demon- strates associations and linkages which can be subjectively observed in the field both in this region and in other Devonian areas, but it should be noted that their statistical significance is small. The results of the y2 test are summarized in Table 1. They show a close correlation between all types of coral, especially Hexagonaria and the solitary corals. Corals are also fairly strongly associated with other species; for example Spinatrvpa aspera and (less strongly) Ptyehomaletoechia boloniensis with the cerioid forms; and gastropods, Tenticospirifer tenticulum and S. aspera with the solitary forms. Cyrtospirifer shows a negative correlation with both cerioid and solitary forms when it is present in proportions greater that 30%, which was observed from casual inspection of the histogram, but the converse association, that of high (>30%) Athyris concentrica with corals is not justified statistically, although the inverse relationship between Athyris and Cyrtospirifer is significant to p = 0-07. Some of the associations, such as Chonetes with Douvillina and Nervostrophia, might have been expected since the forms concerned were probably adapted to rather similar environments. Close associations also appear to exist between other brachiopods, such as the rhynchonellids (both Ptyehomaletoechia and Cupular ostr uni), Athyris, delthyrids, Schizophoria, and Spinatrypa, and these are also associated with gastropods and Pseuda- viculopecten. Since Cyrtospirifer occurs in every collection, it is difficult to prove a statistically valid association between it and the other brachiopods, but logically this association (which may be only a tolerance of similar conditions) can be seen to exist. Negative associations, from which one might possibly deduce some antipathy or intolerance of similar conditions, occur between Cyrtospirifer (when present in very high proportions) and gastropods, and between strophomenids and gastropods. A general negative correlation also occurs between the spiriferid group and the coral group; it is exhibited by Cyrtospirifer I Hexagonaria, Cyrtospirifer/ massive corals, Cyrtospirifer/ solitary corals, Tenticospirifer/ Alveolites and delthyrids / D isp hy I him. Text-fig. 3 is a constellation diagram of the positive associations in the Thin Basal Limestone. The strongest associations are between the two major coral groups, the solitary and the massive corals, with a weak association with phaceloid forms. This plexus is linked more loosely with the Cyrtospirifer/ Athyris association of brachiopods and with gastropods. Very loose links occur with the remainder of the brachiopods, the pectinids and the stick bryozoans, which form a separate plexus centred round a strong association of Ptyehomaletoechia with Schizophoria. A strong link exists between Chonetes and the strophomenids, but the strophomenids are negatively associated with several other members of both plexuses, and this association, although positive in itself, is probably not related to the main constellation. The only major species which shows no statistically significant association with any 0-001 +ve Hexagonarialsolitary corals 0 08 — ve Del t h y r i d D isphyllwn 0-001 +ve Massive corals/solitary corals 0-08 +ve Cupularostrum\Ptychomaletoechia 0 001 +ve Hexagonarial small solitary corals 0 09 +ve Hexagonarial Disphyllum 0-002 +ve Ptychomaletoechia/Schizophoria 009 — ve Schizophoriaj Disphyllum 0-005 +ve Hexagonarial large solitary corals 010 +ve Tenticospirifer\Cupularostrum P. WALLACE: INDICATORS IN TWO HORIZONS OF CALCAIRE DE FERQUES 371 > >» o JZ ZZ V- C* c/3 I + I + + + I + I I I + I + + + I I + + + + I + + + + 666666666666666666666666666 ++++++ I ++++++++++ I ++ + I + + to VO h O O O — T-H o o o o o 6 6 6 6 6 l/D ooooooooooooo 6666666666666 rfr vo o o 6 6 o o o o o 6 6 6 6 6 r- r- o o 6 6 0-07 +ve Spinatrypal solitary corals 0-20 — ve Athyris > 10%/gastropod 0 07 + ve Atrypa squamifera/ gastropod 0-20 +ve Solitary corals/gastropod 0-07 + ve Cyrtospirifer < 30%/ Athyris > 30% 0-20 +ve Atrypids/rhynchonellids 0-08 +ve Cyrtospirifer < 30%/massive corals Sch 372 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME \2 c £ ° oj 60 J=1 C C/3 C/f § Q Dh o3 3 c5 2 Q & . o> oo r- - Si ^ |qV! o £ ^ fS • - ix tn t~ 8 -h ^ k4 N •5 •- c o 23 r^&H u? p \J . „ pq ■H* s .a a a-5 go o3 -£> W QJ a> rs ^ e so .S ^ 52 ^ C o O T3 > ^ C - O P o U 00 „ .s ^ V 5 o3 o3 1 5“ S to . 2 S« -S S ^ 1^ §! OgD _r s | ■a S, o a „ 2 °- t! &o CO , r « e. o 2 ° o £ 6 0J (U *-l > “ O .5 xi ■a os c a .2 x o to xS° - X '«■' „ o e - ce -5: lu° ^ Z z •§ t; I § O -£ It X 8^ §£ rt £ j <3 £<^-g c • - a se M <3 ,~ 01 P>, : aj CL) to J; C 4> o i-l U • . x o « E H £ E * o _ . ^ o £’S ^ 5 'll I a> X „ ^ 8 < z p x --xia, H. S Q >; C Q) g o ^ ^ ' S, H * S < Q P. WALLACE: INDICATORS IN TWO HORIZONS OF CALCAIRE DE FERQUES 373 other is Productella subaculeata. Its strongest association is with S. aspera (positive with p — 0-16). The general trend of its associations shows that it would form part of the coral plexus, linked more loosely to the massive forms than to the solitary forms. Epifaunal encrustation is moderately common at this horizon, the brachiopods particularly being affected. About 10% of individuals of Cyrtospirifer verneuili and a rather smaller proportion of A. concentrica are affected. The most common organism, and often apparently the first to arrive, was Spirorbis. Aulopora frequently encrusts the fold of the brachial valve of the spiriferids, though it also occurs on the wings. Other epifaunal elements, such as the encrusting bryozoans Hederella and Paleschara , are rarer. These encrustations are similar to those observed by Ager (1961) on Spinocyrtia from the Devonian of Iowa. Thin-section studies permit close examination of matrix relationships, especially those of the broken shells and bioclastic fragments (PI. 70, fig. 2; text-fig. 5). Separated brachiopod valves fell concave downwards in the biocalcarenitic matrix, often leaving an ‘umbrella structure’ of space beneath them. These spaces were colonized by Girvanella- like algae, which also acted as a cement for the matrix. The overturned shells and shelly sand provided a protected environment for the algal colonies and would also have shielded them from excessive light. Senes (1967) has found that most Recent algae in the Mediterranean (although not directly comparable to Girvanella , whose affinities are uncertain) cannot tolerate more than 70% luminosity and many prefer much less, often living beneath overhanging ledges or amongst rocks and sand-grade sediment. After the growth of the algae beneath the shells, burial and lithification, drusy growth of calcite filled the remainder of the cavity. Subsequently dolomitising fluids attacked both the upper and lower surfaces of the bed. The highly broken nature of much of the shell debris suggests forceful comminution, either by waves or by scavenging organisms, but the algae show that once deposited, the bed remained undisturbed until lithification. It is thus possible that the bed was formed in rather deeper water than suggested by the comminution of the shell debris, perhaps by the action of a single storm, dumping shell debris and whole shells in an alien environment, The size frequency histograms of the main species of brachiopods (text-fig. 6) mainly show a normal bell-shaped distribution, which according to Boucot (1953) suggests post-mortem transport and sorting of the assemblages. Other features which suggest transported assemblages are the absence of juvenile rhynchonellids, and the remarkable correlation of endpoints of three of the species, and of the main size peak in all four species at 1-1 or 1-2 cm. length. It is most unlikely that all four species would achieve mature shell sizes to within 1 mm. of each other, but size sorting of this kind might be expected in a transported assemblage. The frequency of all species tails off at 1-5-1 -7 cm., again a remarkable correlation, though it should be noted that the spiriferids show a small peak of larger individuals. UPPER BEDS The Upper Beds of the Calcaire de Ferques, varying in thickness from c. 8-10 m. are noticeably richer in argillaceous material than the underlying bulk of the limestone, and pass gradually into the shales of the overlying Schistes de Fiennes. The fossils, although of species similar to or identical with those in the main part of the limestone, 374 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 are markedly bigger, especially those species of brachiopod presumably attached by a pedicle during life. The first large individuals to occur are preserved in a matrix of grey bioclastic cal- cilutite very similar to that of the main part of the formation, but the argillaceous content of this calcilutite increases rapidly upwards. The fauna within the calcilutite is very well preserved; for example, atrypids still have their spires and very delicate fringe of lamel- lose growth lines undamaged (PI. 70, fig. 1 ; text-fig. 4). Some incipient dolomitisation is present; the proportion increases towards the top of the formation. Limonitic zoning within the rhombs is frequent, but there is little iron staining within the rock as a whole, and no iron sulphide is present. The uppermost limestones are greenish-grey (5 GY 6/1) in colour and frequently have a sandy appear- ance because of the numerous rhombs of dolomite on their surfaces. They are inter- bedded with greenish-grey shales. Although the fossils are the largest within the formation, the fauna is the least diverse, and epifaunal encrustation similar in species and position to that in the Thin Basal Limestone is common. Pathologically deformed specimens of both spiriferids and atrypids form a surprisingly large proportion of the assemblages, often up to 10%. Deformation usually took place at a growth-line, and consists either of invagination of both valves or, in the case of the spiriferids, of a marked branching of the ribs on the wings. The population structure of the Upper Beds is shown in text-fig. 7. As with the Thin Basal Limestone, visual inspection indicates an inverse relationship between Cyrto- spirifer and Athyris. Where C. verneuili forms a dominant (i.e. >30%) part of the sample, and especially where this is supported by the presence of other spiriferids, the proportion of Athyris concentrica is markedly lower. It can be seen from Table 2 that the number of significant associations in the Upper Beds is considerably lower than in the Thin Basal Limestone, largely as a result of the greatly diminished diversity of the former. Many of the most important members of the assemblage still remain, and this diminished diversity has been achieved at the expense of elements such as bryozoa and some of the less-abundant brachiopods. The constellation diagram (text-fig. 8) shows rather different groupings from those of the Thin Basal Limestone, with a plexus based on a strong text-fig. 4. Diagram of the main features of the photomicrograph shown in Plate 70, fig. 1. An atrypid brachiopod is in presumed position of life. The shell structure can be clearly seen, and the position of the frills and small pieces broken from them show that the shell has been undisturbed since death, and was probably killed by burial. Geopetal sedimentation within the shell indicates the horizontal: it can be seen that more sediment entered through the anterior commissure and piled up against the first spire. The spires have moved from their position during life, possibly owing to internal decay of the soft parts. They are surrounded by an oval shadow which may represent the final position of some of the soft parts. Drusy crystalline calcite fills the upper part of the shell. text-fig. 5. Diagram of the main features of the photomicrograph shown in Plate 70, fig. 2. Separated valves of brachiopods, convex up, in a bioclastic, calcarenitic matrix, have left umbrella-shaped sheltered spaces beneath. The large shell covers a gastropod with an open umbilicus. Girvanella- type algae grew in the enclosed spaces, carpeting the sheltered bottom and filling the body-chamber of the gastropod. The remaining space beneath the shell was subsequently filled with drusy crystalline calcite. Dolomitisation attacked the upper and lower surfaces of the bed: the iron-enriched rhombs form dark patches on the photomicrograph. Large-zoned rhombs grew in the inner chambers of the gastropod. The shell structure of the brachiopod shells (probably atrypids) is clearly visible. TEXT-FIG. 5 376 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 inverse link between Cyrtospirifer and Athyris very loosely linked to a coral/rhynchonel- UdlSchizophorialstrophomenid plexus. These links are considerably less strong than those of the Thin Basal Limestone, but the relationships between species are similarly oriented, i.e. a species does not change the nature of its relationship with another species from bed to bed, but only the strength of the relationship. Other associations and occurrences may be noted from the histogram, such as the presence of fan bryozoans at the eastern end of the outcrop only, and of stick bryozoans only in the west. It may be noted that gastropods are more important than they were in the Thin Basal Limestone. ECOLOGICAL DEDUCTIONS The environments in which the earliest and latest beds of the Calcaire de Ferques were laid down were clearly very different, although both fall within the broad classi- fication of ‘shelf biostrome’. The Thin Basal Limestone consists of an assemblage of very well-preserved whole fossils in a coarsely bioclastic matrix. It may well be that much of the comminution of the shell debris was achieved by scavengers turning over the sediment in their search for food, rather than by current or wave action. All the fauna (with the possible exception of the nuculoid lamellibranch found at one locality only) is epibiontic, most are sus- pension feeders and many are attached forms, which may suggest that this was a firm bottom fauna. The author considers it more probable, however, that the original sea floor was covered by a layer of bioclastic debris, since in all species where one may see an attachment area (such as both solitary and cerioid corals, and exceptionally Schuchertella), the attachment areas show moulds of shell ornament, either spiriferid, strophomenid, or schizophorid, or show evidence of attachment to other bioclastic debris, such as crinoid ossicles. No evidence is found of forms attached to a substrate such as a rocky sea floor. Although the bell-shaped curves of the size frequency diagrams suggest a transported fauna, the fact that y2 tests show significant associations between species argues against extensive transportation, as does the unabraded nature of all members of the assemblage The presence of in situ algae beneath overturned shells suggests very little reworking of the bed. There are three possible solutions of this apparent incompatability : (a) The curves may not be truly bell-shaped; (b) The curves are bell-shaped, but true life associations are still represented; (c) The associations proved by the y2 test may be mechanical rather than ecological. Thus if the faunal associations are significant ecological associations, it must be concluded that bell-shaped curves may occur in biocoenoses as well as in thanato- coenoses, as suggested by Hallam (1967). Moreover, it may be deduced from the work EXPLANATION OF PLATE 70 Fig. 1. Photomicrograph of a vertical section through the Upper Beds, Calcaire de Ferques; X 10, (see text-fig. 4). Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of a vertical section through the Thin Basal Limestone, Calcaire de Ferques; x 7-5, (see text-fig. 5). Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 70 WALLACE, Calcaire de Ferques P. WALLACE: INDICATORS IN TWO HORIZONS OF CALCAIRE DE FERQUES 377 40- 35- 30- 25- 20- 15- 10- 5‘ 25- 20- 15- 10- 5- TEXT- Cyrtospirifer verneuili X- 1 65 - 60 55- 50 45 40 35- 30- 10 15 20 25 cm 25 Length 20- 15- Ptychomaletoech/a boloniensis io- £ 5 10 15 cm Length Athyris concentr/ca I ■5 10 15 cm Length Spmatrypa aspera 5 10 1-5 cm Length fig. 6. Size-frequency histograms of the main brachiopod species from a single locality in the Thin Basal Limestone at Carriere de La Parisienne. 378 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Locality Mansel ! j I *f Bouton Bouton La Fdrisienne W end specimen s in sample 58 text-fig. 7. Histogram of the population structure of the Upper Beds of the Calcaire de Ferques. Values expressed as in text-fig. 2. of Middlemiss (1962) that extensive transportation would cause almost complete destruction of brachiopod shells. This is confirmed by many workers on Recent faunas, especially on molluscs (Schafer 1962, Holme 1961, and Johnson 1965). Thus it may be concluded that if the assemblage has been transported, it was only over a very short distance and had little disruptive effect on associations. Hence the fauna is still representa- tive of a life assemblage. It is suggested that the fauna lived and accumulated in water of shallow to moderate depth (i.e. below wave base but not greater than 10 fathoms). A catastrophic event such P. WALLACE: INDICATORS IN TWO HORIZONS OF CALCAIRE DE FERQUES 379 as a storm subsequently transported both fauna and matrix to its present position where it was not subject to currents and was quickly cemented, first by algae and then by crystalline calcite. This interpretation is supported by the field relationships of the bed. It is thin and developed only relatively locally, being confined to the eastern end of the outcrop. It immediately overlies a formation whose environment of deposition has been interpreted as lagoonal (Wallace, in press), the uppermost beds of which are a black and yellow sandy dolomite containing branching stromatoporoids, a facies interpreted by Lecompte (personal communication) as ‘sub-lagoonaf. This facies in fact occurs TABLE 2. Significant associations in the Upper Beds, as proved by the test. P 0001 + ve Cyrtospirifer > 30 /JAthyris < 30% 001 + ve Gastropod /Athyris < 30% 001 + ve Schizophoria/ fan bryozoan 0015 + ve Rhynchonellids/solitary corals 004 + ve Solitary corals \Productella subaculeata 005 + ve Schuchertella /gastropod 006 +ve Gastropod/ Cyrtospirifer > 30% 006 + ve Ptychomaletoechia/ Productella subaculeata 010 — ve Schuchertella/Schizophoria 0-20 + ve Tenticospirifer/strophomenids 0-20 + ve Productella subaculeata/ strophomenids 0-20 + ve Sch iiopho ria / s t ro p h o m e n i d s 0-20 + ve Schuchertella/massive corals 0-20 + ve Schizophoria/ massive corals 0-20 — ve Productids, 'gastropods both below and immediately above the bed, leaving the anomalous situation of a thin limestone with a good marine fauna sandwiched between lagoonal, possibly strongly saline, dolomites. It would seem likely that the Thin Basal Limestone thus represents a marine association washed, perhaps by a sudden storm, into lagoons, which in a short time were themselves swamped by a sudden marine transgression which laid down the limestones of the main part of the Calcaire de Ferques. The higher argillaceous content and lower bioclastic content of the Upper Beds of the limestone at once suggest a quieter, possibly deeper, environment of deposition than that of the main part of the limestone, but this initial impression may be erroneous since they pass up to shales and sandstones interpreted as the products of an intertidal (and just subtidal) environment (Wallace, in press). The excellent preservation of much of the fauna and especially that of the atrypid frills, however, indicates that little or no reworking of the sediment, either by currents or by burrowing organisms, took place, and that the environment was extremely quiet. The increase in size of many of the species is most marked in those brachiopods which presumably were attached by a pedicle during life, and may be a response to the in- creased argillaceous content of the sediment. It is noticeable, however, that the size increase does not coincide exactly with the increase in clay content, but is first observed some metres below; thus the two may not be connected. These large brachiopods do not show the crowding of growth-lines near the anterior commissure usually considered as indicative of adulthood, a feature which is seen in smaller specimens from other parts 380 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 of this formation and from other formations in the area. Ager (1963, p. 142) has sug- gested that in exceptional circumstances ‘gigantism’ in fossils may be a result of delayed sexual maturity. This effect has also been observed in several living vertebrates, largely by inhibition of the action of the thyroid (Comfort 1965, pp. 85-6). It is interesting, p = 001 01 < P < 05 05 < p < 10 10 < p < 25 text-fig. 8. Constellation diagram of positive associations in the Upper Beds of the Calcaire de Ferques. Symbols as in text-fig. 3. Ath, A thyris ; Cyr, Cyrtospirifer, D/N, Douvi/lina/Nervostrophia ; Ga, Gastropod; Pro, Prodactellci subaculeata; Pty, Ptychomaletoechia; Schi, Schizophoricr, Schu, Schuchertel/a therefore, that this gigantism occurs most markedly in those species which have a high proportion of pathologically deformed individuals. The two phenomena may be connected, possibly through an external influence such as increased background radio- activity affecting the genetic balance of certain species. The authorship of species mentioned in this paper is as follows: Cyrtospirifer verneuili (Murchison); Tenticospirifer tenticulum (de Verneuil); Cyrtina heteroclita (Defiance) ; Spinatrypa «.s/; < =-° 5gm.samps. sample 5gm. samps sample Igm.samps. sample Oolite fragments 3-8 4-7 40-8 0-78 - - Ooliths — — 1198-8 22-9 148-8 0-8 Brachiopod 69-9 84-3 3555 0 68-0 shell fragments 1 7064-0 98-4 Bivalve shell fragments 3-8 4-7 45-0 0-84 Echinoderm debris 1-8 2-2 21 4-8 4-1 64-5 0-3 Gastropods - - 0-3 0 006 - - Thecidellinids 0-2 0-24 14-4 0-27 2-6 001 Other brachiopods 1 -4 1 -6 13-8 0-26 5-7 0-03 Ostracods - - 8-4 0-16 38-9 0-2 Polyzoa fragments 1-7 20 112-2 2-1 2-0 001 Annelid worms 0-4 0-48 19-1 0-36 3-5 001 Total 830 5222-6 17330-0 PREPARATION OF MATERIAL Weathered marl samples were dried and crumbled through a 6-mm. sieve to remove large fragments. The sieved material was immersed in water and cleaned for ten minutes in a Dison electrosonic cleaner, marketed by Headland Engineering Developments Ltd. The samples were then washed until a clean residue was obtained. This was dried and passed through 2-mm., 422-ju,, and 152-ju, sieves, each residue size being analysed for faunal content (Table 1). Experience has shown that only the material retained on the 422-^ mesh is likely to yield thecidellinids. The cleaned residue was hand-picked under a binocular microscope and the brachiopods transferred to glass tubes for further cleaning. The individual tubes were replaced in the cleaner for periods of 10-20 seconds until the matrix had been removed. The shells were examined at each phase of cleaning 390 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 to determine whether the treatment should be continued. It should be emphasised that this is a very slow method of collecting as the thecidellinid content of the residue is approximately 0-3%. The collection of 172 specimens is comprised as follows: Complete specimens selected for sectioning were cemented to glass slides, using a mixture of Lakeside cement (obtainable from Cutrock Engineering Co.) and chloroform. This remains plastic for sufficient length of time to allow correct orientation of the specimen under a binocular microscope. When the cement has hardened, the orientation of the specimen is checked and a plasticine mould is built round it. The mould is then filled with Ceemar cold setting resin, which, when hardened, allows the block (attached to the slide) to be serial sectioned on a Croft parallel grinder (see Hendry el al. (1963) for other methods). Although the theory of sectioning such small specimens at 0-02 mm. intervals is sound it is found to be inaccurate in practice. Better results are obtained if acetate peels are taken after a standard number of 30-50 revolutions (depending on the area of the block face). The length of the specimen is divided by the number of peels obtained, thus averaging out any error. Residue obtained by the method described was found to constitute approximately 40% of the Oolite Marl from the Westington Locality. An analysis of the composition and faunal content of the cleaned residue is shown in Table 1. In all size ranges, the bulk of the residue is composed of brachiopod shell fragments which may be identified as rhynchonellid and terebratuloid. Occasional specimens of Globirhynchia subobsoleta (Dav.), Epithyris submaxillata (Morris), and Plectothyris fimbria (Sow.) occur in the coarse residue and it is probable that the shell debris was formed from the remains of these species. The bivalve shell fragments may be identified as Ostrea and Lopha species. The echinoderm debris consists of unidentified echinoid spines and plates, crinoid ossicles of Pentacrinus type, unidentified ophiuroid plates and vertebrae. Three very small gastropods of Nerinea type were recovered from the 422-p sample. The polyzoa fragments have been identified by Dr. A. W. Medd as Actinopora sp., Berenecea sp., MeJieeritites sp., and Spiropora sp. The ostracods are Bairdia sp., Cytherella sp., and several unidentified cytheracean genera. The analysis probably shows a bias towards brachiopod shell fragments as the true nature of the shell type was frequently obscured by adherent matrix. It is possible there- fore, that some fragments included in the brachiopod count may in fact have been bivalve material. In addition, quite large echinoid spines appear in the 422-/x sample as their diameter is the critical factor. In the 152-p. size range it was not possible to dis- tinguish between brachiopod and bivalve shell material with any degree of accuracy and Brachial valves Pedicle valves Complete specimens Broken valves with significant detail 55 16 43 58 172 ANALYSIS OF RESIDUE P. G. BAKER: BRACHIOPOD MOORELLINA GRANULOSA (MOORE) 391 they are therefore grouped. However, as the proportion of brachiopod shell material is so large it is considered that the probable error is of no significance. Analysis of the brachiopod content was very critical and it is unlikely that any specimens escaped attention, even in the 152-jU, samples. Although the number of ostracods shows a marked rise in this size range, they still represent approximately the same percentage of the sample. The thecidellinid material shows the same ranges of variation of shell shape noted by Elliott (1948) during his study of Bifolium and by Nekvasilova (1967) during her study of Thecidiopsis. It appears to be correlated with the size of the area of attachment 0-5 10 1-5 2-0mm. valve width text-fig. 1. Histogram to show the size distribution of 126 brachial valves of Moorellina granulosa (Moore) from Westington Hill Quarry. Number of individuals plotted against width of the brachial valve. and is almost certainly the result of environmental influence (Rudwick 1962). The dangers of using a single character are evident but for the purpose of expressing size distribution (text-fig. 1) width of the brachial valve is used, as this appears to be one of the least variable growth characteristics. This feature is particularly useful as over half the material consists of complete or broken brachial valves. Scars of the area of attachment on the pedicle valve occasionally show portions missing and occasionally, the pedicle valves are still cemented to shell fragments. Nekvasilova (1967) has shown that the form of the area of attachment is consistent with Thecidiopsis being attached, either to the valves of living oysters (liberated on the decay of conchiolin), or settled directly to some firm rocky substratum. The author is in agreement with her views on the ecology of Thecidiopsis and the evidence suggests that Moorellina occupied a similar environment, that is, belonged to the epifauna of the inner sub-littoral zone. This opinion is further supported by their association with peri-reefal brachiopods and the nature of the organo-detrital remains with which they are deposited (ref. Table 1). A consideration of the evidence indicates that the collection represents a transported death assemblage, the size-frequency distribution (text-fig. 1), showing moderate positive skewness. This may be regarded as the product of a normal growth-mortality 392 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 rate if compared with the histograms plotted by Hallam (1967) in his work on molluscan death assemblages. The fragmentation of thecidellinids, other brachiopods, bivalves, and Polyzoa in- dicates that the debris was formed in a turbulent environment. However, the lack of abrasion of the fragments together with the persistence of occasional bridges and brachial lobes in detached brachial valves of thecidellinids would suggest that the organo-detrital remains were transported only a short distance. Reference to Table 1 will show that thecidellinids are most common in the 422-^ size range whereas ostracods are most common in the 152-fi, size range. Brachiopod shell fragments represent a high percentage of the material in all size ranges. These data and arguments advanced by Hallam (1967) suggest that no significant sorting of the population has occurred. The absence of appreciable numbers of small thecidellinids which would reflect the normally expected high juvenile mortality rate may simply be the result of selective shell breakage (Hallam 1967, p. 35). The presence of brachiopod shell fragments in excess of 2 mm. diameter, the absence of large thecidellinids and particularly the absence of large theci- dellinid shell fragments, is considered to indicate that thecidellinids with a brachial valve width of more than 2 mm. are not represented in the population. Sedimentation factors are not thought to have affected the upper size limit as ooliths larger than the largest complete thecidellinid shells are common in the 422-p sample. Clearly, therefore, the larger size-distributions of the sample may be regarded as adult shells. This is a much smaller population than that studied by Nekvasilova (1967) but the ratio of brachial valves to pedicle valves and complete shells within the sample is similar. The material shows a number of progressive changes, such as, the development of the cardinal process, the development of the border and the appearance and progressive elaboration of the sub-peripheral rim. The brachial apparatus develops in the same manner and, in the tuberculate stages, forms with from one to five pairs of brachial tubercles are present. For reasons to be described later it is thought that some of these latter are damaged adults. All the structures, with the exception of the adult brachial lobes, show varying degrees of development in the material studied. This shows the presence of an intimate relationship between the progressive development of the various growth features with general size increase. The collection of the material from one sample from a single bed, the size distribution and the close parallel between the growth stages of Moorellina and the ontogenetic development of Bifolium (Elliott 1948), Lacazella ( B .) lacazelliforme (Elliott) (Nek- vasilova 1964), and Thecidiopsis (Nekvasilova 1967) leaves little room for doubt that the material from Westington Hill quarry represents the ontogenetic stages of a single species. Comparison of the forms having a single pair of brachial tubercles with Thecidium forbesi Moore 1855 indicates that there is no valid basis for the separation of T.forbesi from Moorellina granulosa. It is proposed, therefore, that the adolescent growth stages showing this degree of development of the brachial apparatus should be designated forbesiform. It is considered that five ontogenetic stages may be recognized, each marked by the appearance of a characteristic feature (text-fig. 3a-f). The dimensions recorded are those of the specimens figured in Plate 73 and are intended to indicate only the general size relationship, the stages represented being obviously subject to natural size varia- tion. P. G. BAKER: BRACHIOPOD MOO RELLINA GRANULOSA (MOORE) 393 Length mm. Width mm. Thickness mm. A. Brephic valve 0-47 0-5 0-2 Pre-forbesiform stage 0-9 10 0-3 C. Early forbesiform stage 10 1-2 0-35 D. Late forbesiform stage 1-2 16 0-35 E. Post-forbesiform stage 1-4 1-7 0-4 F. Adult valve 1-1 13 0-4 MORPHOLOGY The present paper is concerned only with the morphology of the interior of the brachial valve (text-fig. 2a) but it is felt that some attempt should be made to reconcile the interpretations of Elliott (1948) and Pajaud (1963) with the glossary laid out in the Treatise on Brachiopoda but without adding to the existing confusion. Briefly the new morphological terms and the justification for their introduction are as follows: Border. The term is introduced to define the flat region of the valve between the sub- peripheral rim and the periphery of the valve. This unites the limbe-marginal and bord frontal of Pajaud and enables the distinction between anterior, lateral, and postero- lateral regions to be made. It is felt that this is necessary as it is noted that the postero- lateral border is the first to appear during the pre-forbesiform stage of development (text-fig. 3b). Brachial shelf. The term is introduced to define the raised flat areas, within the lopho- phorian area, from which the brachial tubercles develop. The inner boundary of the shelf is occasionally raised to form low ridges which may correspond, in part, to the ridge extensions described by Elliott (1948) during the early ontogeny of Bifolium faringdonense (Davidson). Brachial tubercle. The dotted brachial ridge (Elliott) is not thought to be sufficiently explicit. The rounded dots (Elliott 1948, p. 9) are by definition tubercles (Williams 1965, HI 54) and the term brachial tubercle is introduced as these structures are of considerable importance in the development of the brachial apparatus. Socket ridges. As defined in the glossary, inner and outer socket ridges are present (PI. 74, fig. 3). The recommendation of the glossary (op. cit. H148) that the term marginal flange should be replaced by sub-peripheral rim is adopted but it is noted that this has a postero-lateral extension demarcating the outer boundary of the cardinal area. The term brachial lobe introduced by Pajaud (19666) for the establishment of the genus Rioultina is adopted, particularly as lobes are referred to in Moore’s original description of MooreUina granulosa (Moore 1855). One must recognise however, that the brachial lobes of M. granulosa are convoluted and not as in Rioultina , auriform. Ontogenetic stages recognized. The brephic valve (text-fig. 3a; PI. 73, fig. 1) is the first stage represented and is 0-5 mm. wide. The valve is almost circular, thick, and cap-like. The cardinal margin is almost straight and approximately two-thirds of the width of the valve. The cardinal process is the only recognizable thecidellinid feature, being low 394 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 and broad, occupying a little more than half the hinge-line and projecting slightly beyond the cardinal margin (text-fig. 2b). There is no median septum but the postero- lateral border is just discernible. The dental sockets are poorly developed but clearly bounded anteriorly by the lateral divergence of the sides of the cardinal process, form- ing inner socket ridges where they turn down to unite with the posterior margin of the valve. No sub-peripheral rim is present at this stage. Three valves show this stage of development. Stage two is marked by the appearance of the median septum which is considered to be a neanic feature (text-fig. 3b; PI. 73, fig. 2). The valve is still nearly circular, relatively thick, markedly convex, and in the specimen figured, 1 mm. wide. The cardinal margin is slightly curved and somewhat less than half the width of the valve. The cardinal process is more strongly developed (text-fig. 2c) and turns down sharply into the floor of the valve anteriorly. The postero-lateral border is now clearly defined, also the dental sockets. The sub-peripheral rim is represented by a row of denticles which, posteriorly, mark the inner boundary of the postero-lateral border, not, as in Elliott (1948), trending inwards to form the sides of the cardinal process. Laterally the denticulate rim is almost peripheral so that there is no noticeable border. It will be noticed that the bridge extensions do not unite with the inner socket ridges and that they merge laterally with the sub-peripheral rim. The median septum is fairly thick, developing from the anterior margin and extending posteriorly, the posterior portion being free from the floor of the valve. This stage is designated pre-forbesiform by virtue of the fact that the brachial tubercles of T.forbesi Moore (1855) are not yet developed. Six valves show this stage of development. The two stages described correspond closely with the first two ontogenetic stages of Bifolium faringdonense (Davidson) described by Elliott (1948) but the subsequent stages showing the development of the brachial apparatus are quite different. Stage three is marked by the appearance of the brachial tubercles characteristic of T. forbesi and is accordingly designated the forbesiform stage, early and late features being distinguishable (text-fig. 3c, d; PI. 73, figs. 3, 4).The valve is now slightly wider than long. The cardinal margin is well-defined, slightly curved, and just less than half the width of the valve. The cardinal process is by now a prominent feature, projecting markedly beyond the cardinal margin. The dental sockets are deep and the postero- lateral border inclined to the plane of the valve. The sub-peripheral rim is well developed so that the lateral and anterior portions of the border are now visible. At this stage the EXPLANATION OF PLATE 73 Figs. 1-6. Stereoscan photomicrographs of brachial valves of Moorellina granulosa (Moore) collected from the Oolite Marl, Westington Hill Quarry near Chipping Campden. All the figures are interior views of specimens coated with evaporated aluminium before photography. The bridge is broken on specimens fig. 3-5. 1 . Brephic valve (37500), shell recrystallized. X 75. 2. Pre-forbesiform stage of development (37503) showing the development of the median septum. Cardinal process slightly damaged. X 50. 3. Early forbesiform stage (37505) showing the brachial shelf and appearance of the first pair of brachial tubercles. X 50. 4. Late forbesiform stage (37507) showing four pairs of brachial tubercles, well defined sub-peripheral rim and border. X 50. 5. Post-forbesiform stage (37508) showing the expanded brachial tubercles, uniting posteriorly to form arches. Cardinal process slightly damaged. X 50. 6. Adult valve (37509) showing the form of the right brachial lobe. Cardinal process slightly damaged. X 50. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 73 BAKER, MooreUina granulosa P. G. BAKER: BRACHIOPOD MOO RELLIN A GRANULOSA (MOORE) 395 bridge is usually complete (broken in the specimen figured during cleaning) but without the marsupial notch (Elliott 1948). The posterior portion of the median septum is quite clearly free from the floor of the valve and is usually slightly larger than that shown. The floor of the valve is now characterized by two raised areas (brachial shelf), along cardinal process cardinal margin postero - lateral sub- peripheral rim ' lateral adductor L a Pi. muscle sc brachial shelf brachial tubercle median septum border outer socket ridge dental socket inner socket bridge rid9e body cavity brachial lobe (reconstructed ) sub-peripheral rim text-fig. 2. a. Composite drawing from brachial valves 37509 and 37510 to show the morphological features of the interior of the adult valve. Brachial lobe and median septum reconstructed from specimen 37510. b-g. Drawings to show the form and modification of the cardinal process during ontogeny, together with the development of the inner and outer socket ridges. b, brephic 37500. c, preforbesiform 37503. d, e. early forbesiform 37505, 37506. f, late forbesiform 37507. g, post forbesiform 37508. the inner boundary of which the brachial tubercles develop, usually appearing in pairs. Valves with one or two pairs of tubercles are said to constitute an early forbesiform stage, whilst those with four to five pairs are said to constitute a late forbesiform stage. Attention is drawn to the fact that the tubercles are regularly arranged and without the random distribution figured by Pajaud (1966fi) in his work on material from the 396 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Inferior Oolite of Dundry. During the early forbesiform stage the cardinal process begins to lose its concavity posteriorly (text-fig. 2d, e) eventually forming a flattened region which gives rise to the outer socket ridges during the late forbesiform stage (text-fig. 2f; PI. 74, fig. 3). The bulk of the valves show this stage of development. The beginning of stage four may be recognized by the fact that the distal ends of the brachial tubercles expand and develop projections which ultimately unite with those of adjacent tubercles to form delicate arches. This degree of organisation is taken to represent a post-forbesiform stage (text-fig. 3e; PI. 74, fig. 1) The cardinal margin is, by definition, a hinge line. The outer socket ridges, developed from the posterior of the cardinal process are now clearly visible (text-fig. 2g; PI. 73, fig. 5). The median septum extends back almost as far as the edge of the body cavity. The floor of the valve is characterized by expanded brachial tubercles showing the development of arches and inward pointing projections. The brachial shelf is now hardly visible, its decline probably to be correlated with the higher development of the brachial apparatus. Five valves show this stage of development. In the adult state, stage five, the arches of the post-forbesiform stage are united, thickened, and extended to form convoluted lobes (text-fig. 3f). Two specimens were found at this stage of development, 37509 with the right brachial lobe intact (PI. 73, fig. 6; PI. 74, fig. 2) and 37510 with the left brachial lobe intact. The brachial lobes of both specimens could be seen to be joined to brachial tubercles anteriorly. An attempt to clean specimen 37510 in order to provide conclusive evidence for the view that the brachial lobes are attached to the valve solely by brachial tubercles, resulted in the loss of the remaining brachial lobe. Specimen 37509 has therefore been subjected only to partial cleaning, this in itself being sufficiently destructive to remove part of the bridge. This specimen is remarkable in possessing a very young form cemented to its anterior border in front of the median septum (PI. 74, fig. 4). For reasons to be mentioned later, very little appears to be known about the adult brachial valve of M. granulosa. The above specimens are almost certainly examples of the type referred to by Davidson (1874, p. 110) in Moore’s collection from Dundry and almost identical with Moore’s type specimens, M2850, Nos. 2, 5, and 6 held in the base- ment of the City of Bath Reference Library. The Westington Hill specimens are smaller than the examples of M. granulosa held at the British Museum. These have a brachial valve width of 2-5-3-5 mm. whereas the largest specimens from Westington Hill have a EXPLANATION OF PLATE 74 Figs. 1-8. Moorellina granulosa (Moore) 1 . Stereoscan photomicrograph (37508) showing the brachial arches. Postero-lateral view, angle of incidence 48° to the plane of the valve. X 250. 2. Stereoscan photomicrograph (37509) showing the brachial lobe free from the floor of the valve. X indicates the point of attachment to one brachial tubercle. Antero-lateral view, angle of incidence 36° to the plane of the valve. X 100. 3. Stereoscan photomicrograph (37507) normal to the plane of the valve showing the cardinal process with inner and outer socket ridges. X 100. 4. Very young form cemented to the anterior border of specimen 37509. X 250. 5. Photomicrograph, reflected light. Vertical transverse section through specimen (37511) showing the posterior extensions of the brachial lobes and median septum. X 46. 6. Retouched copy of fig. 5. 7, 8. Photomicrographs prepared from acetate peels of vertical transverse sections of specimen (37511) at 0-68 and 0-7 mm. from the umbo, showing the form of the brachial lobes and their attachment to the floor of the valve by brachial tubercles. X 50. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 74 BAKER, Moore Hina granulosa P. G. BAKER: BRACHIOPOD MOORELLINA GRANULOSA (MOORE) 397 text-fig. 3. Series of three-quarter profile drawings to show the development of the morphological features of the interior of the brachial valve of Moorellina granulosa (Moore) during ontogeny. a. brephic valve, b. pre-forbesiform stage, c. early forbesiform, d. late forbesiform, e. post-forbesiform f. adult valve. brachial valve width of only 1-7 mm. (Moore’s types 1-2-1 -8 mm.). In addition, the posterior region of the sub-peripheral rim is different, the rim being inclined posteriorly in the majority of the large Dundry specimens and forming quite pronounced angles where it turns to unite with the bridge. In the Westington Hill and Moore’s type material the rim remains vertical in this posterior region (PI. 73, figs. 3-6). It is felt, therefore, that re-study of the larger forms must be undertaken in order to ascertain whether they 398 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 are properly assigned to M. granulosa. Although the stages show a general size increase, size is found to be no criterion of stage of development. This morphological variation is judged by Elliott (1948, p. 24) to be the natural result of intra-specific variation. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS As it appears almost impossible to clean brachial valves without destroying the brachial lobes, if present, a technique for serial sectioning oriented complete shells at 0-02 mm. intervals has been developed in order to discover the true nature of the brachial lobes and the nature of their attachment to the brachial valve. Sections show that the brachial lobes are extremely delicate (approximately 0-03 mm. thick) when first formed. They are, in fact, developed from the brachial tubercles in the manner described and extend posteriorly as crescentic horns, turned inwards, towards, but not uniting with, the posterior termination of the median septum (PI. 74, fig. 5-8). As, in the forms studied, the brachial lobes are only attached to the valve floor by the slender brachial tubercles, one feels that this must surely be the explanation for the general absence of brachial lobes in detached brachial valves of M. granulosa, although the remains of the brachial tubercles are quite common. On separation of the valves, such delicate structures could hardly be expected to survive in the accepted en- vironment of the thecidellinids (Ager 1965, Nekvasilova 1967). It is probable that the bridge also is usually broken in detached valves, a view supported by the fact that the bridge is present in all sectioned shells with a brachial valve width of more than 0-8 mm. Distinction between the post-forbesiform stage and the adult is not possible in brachial valves, in which only the broken tubercles remain. As size is found to be no criterion of stage of development, it might be better at present to include all forms with expanded tubercles in the adult stage. Study of the Oolite Marl material may resolve the difficulty observed by Pajaud (19666) concerning the division of the sub-family Moorellininae Pajaud 1966 into the genera Moorellina Elliott 1953 and Rioultina. The criterion of distinction between these genera is said to be the absence of brachial lobes ( Moorellina ) or the presence of well established auriform brachial lobes ( Rioultina ). The genus Elliot tina Pajaud 1963 created on the form of the area is wisely reduced to sub-generic rank. Pajaud maintains that Rioultina is evolved from Moorellina stock. The Westington Hill specimens might logically be considered to occupy an intermediate position in time ( Moorellina , Rhaetic to Bajocian, Rioultina, Pliensbachian to Oxfordian). Careful comparison of the thecidellinid material of the British Museum and the In- stitute of Geological Sciences with that collected from Westington Hill shows a range of features in the Westington material which grade from moorellinid to rioultinid so that the only real difference is that of size. Rudwick (1962, p. 334) notes the occurrence of typically adult shells of Terebratella inconspicua (Sowerby) which are much below the normal size and attributes this to phenotypic stunting. It is equally possible that the material from Westington Hill represents a dwarfed population. The ontogeny, however, shows the clear development of a ptycholophe (see Pajaud 1966a, p. 618) whereas Rioultina is said never to get beyond the schizolophe (Pajaud 19666). The problem therefore, appears to be one of definition; either one must accept that some moorellinids do have brachial lobes or these forms must be referred to P. G. BAKER: BRACHIOPOD MOORELLINA GRANULOSA (MOORE) 399 a new genus. One hesitates to create further new genera until more is known about the relationship of the brachial with the pedicle valve. However, concerning the brachial valves of moorellinids it appears that the form of the brachial apparatus has a higher taxonomic value than the mere presence or absence of brachial lobes. The presence of a ptycholophe in the genus poses the problem of its systematic position at family level, as the ptycholophe is regarded as a thecideid character. Owing to the difficulty of determining between post-forbesiform types and adults or even whether the ptycholophe is universally an adult character in the population its taxonomic significance can not yet be fully appreciated. However, the clear ability to develop a ptycholophe is regarded as being important, particularly in view of the phyletic relation- ships proposed by Rudwick (1968, p. 352) as it increases the probability that the simple ptycholophous thecideaceans have evolved from moorellinid stock. REFERENCES ager, d. v. 1965. The adaption of Mesozoic brachiopods to different environments. Palaeogeography , Palaeoclimatol., Pcilcieoecol. 1, 143-72. davidson, t. 1 874. Supplement to the British Jurassic and Triassic Brachiopoda, British Fossil Brachio- poda, 4, 110, Sup. PI. 12. Palaeont. Soc. [Monogr.], London. elliott, g. f. 1948. Palingenesis in Thecidea (Brachiopoda). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12) 1, 1-30, pi. 1, 2. 1953. Classification of the Thecidean Brachiopods. Ibid. (12) 6, 693-701, pi. 18. hallam, a. 1967. The interpretation of size-frequency distributions in molluscan death assemblages. Palaeontology, 10, 25-42. hendry, r. d., rowell, A. J., and J. w. Stanley. 1963. A rapid parallel grinding machine for serial sectioning of fossils. Ibid. 6, 145-7, pi. 20. moore, c. 1855. On new Brachiopoda from the Inferior Oolite of Dundry. Proc. Somerset Arch. Nat. Hist. Soc. 5 (for 1854), 107-28, 3 pis. nekvasilova, o. 1964. Thecideidae (Brachiopoda) der bohmischen Kreide. Sbor. geol. ved, Praha, 3, 119-162, 12 pis. 1967. Thecidiopsis ( Thecidiopsis ) bohemica imperfecta n. subsp. (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Bohemia. Ibid. 9, 115-36, 8 pis. pajaud, d. 1963. Note sur les Thecideidae (Brachiopodes) jurassiques. Bull. Soc. geol. Fr. (7) 5, 995-1000, pi. 24b. 1966a. Note preliminaire a la classification des Thecidees (Brachiopodes). Ibid. (7) 8, 615-20. 19666. Problemes relatifs a la determination des especes chez les Moorellininae (Thecideidae, Brachiopodes). Ibid. (7) 8, 630-7. rudwick, m. j. s. 1962. Notes on the ecology of brachiopods in New Zealand. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. Zoo/. 1, 327-35. 1968. The feeding mechanisms and affinities of the Triassic brachiopods Thecospira Zugmayer and Bactrynium Emmrich. Palaeontology, 11, 329-60. williams, A. 1965. Morphology in r. c. moore (ed).) Treatise on Invertebrate Palaeontology, Part H, Brachiopoda. Geol. Soc. Am. and Univ. Kansas Press. P. G. BAKER Department of Biological Sciences Derby and District College of Technology Kedleston Road Derby, de3 Igb Typescript received 23 September 1968 A CONODONT ASSEMBLAGE FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS OF THE AVON GORGE, BRISTOL by R. l. Austin and f. h. t. Rhodes Abstract. A fused assemblage of four apatognathids and one Spathognathodus scilulus is described and illust- rated. It was collected from relatively unfossiliferous carbonates from the D Zone of the Avon Gorge, Bristol. Only two of the apatognathids are closely similar. The others are of different sizes and represent different species. The assemblage is interpreted as the remains of a single conodont-bearing animal and this is supported by a consideration of other assemblages, the rarity of conodonts in strata above and below those yielding the present assemblage, and the similar occurrence and stratigraphic ranges of the components in this and other localities. The recent growing interest in the value of conodonts in problems of stratigraphic correlation is based largely upon the study of discrete specimens which have been isola- ted from a carbonate matrix by digestion in dilute acid. In spite of the value of these individual conodont ‘species’ there has long been a realization that different individual forms of conodont may have been combined together within the body of a single animal. This possibility was first suggested by Hinde(1879, p. 361) who described what he thought to be a natural association of conodonts from the Devonian Genesee Shale of New York. He argued that the intimate association of a large number of different types of conodont on the bedding plane of the shale implied their original association. Although this particular group is probably not a true natural assemblage (see Rhodes 1962, p. Wl\ for details), other workers have described associations of conodonts, which are accepted by most workers as original ‘natural’ (i.e. biological) assemblages. Most of these are from black fissile shales of the Carboniferous of North America and Europe (Schmidt 1934, 1950; Scott 1934, 1942; Dubois 1943; Schmidt and Muller 1964; Rhodes 1952, 1954, 1962). A full discussion of the arguments for regarding these as natural assemblages is given by Rhodes (1962, p. WIT). Other less well-documented Carboniferous assemblages are described by Cooper (1945) and D. J. Jones (1956, p. 126). Two other methods of recognising original associations of conodonts have been developed within recent years. Rexroad and Nicoll (1964), Klapper (in Rexroad and Nicoll 1964), and Barnes (1967) have described fused conodont assemblages from Or- dovician and Silurian strata, in which individual conodonts are fused to others of similar form. In some cases, e.g. Rexroad and Nicoll (1964), the fused elements are all of the same size and belong to the same form species; in others, e.g. Barnes (1967), they are of the same form genus, but represent individuals of different size and different form species. Barnes, Rexroad, and Nicoll have discussed at length the basis for regarding these fused specimens as natural associations. Other workers have recently attempted to recognize original associations of conodonts by analysing the statistical distribution of individual species in large samples of isolated conodonts, e.g. Walliser (1964), Bergstrom and Sweet (1966), and Webers (1966). [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 400-405.] AUSTIN AND RHODES: CONODONT ASSEMBLAGE FROM BRISTOL 401 These studies have involved strata of Ordovician and Silurian age in which, if the infer- ences as to natural assemblages are correct, the arrangement of individual conodonts is rather more simple than that found in Carboniferous assemblages. During a recent study of lower Carboniferous conodonts (Rhodes, Austin, and Druce 1969) a group of fused conodonts has been recovered from a typical light grey, fine grained calcarenite of the D Zone of the Avonian at the Avon Gorge, Bristol (ST 564734, sample D7, in the above study). 6 kg. of the rock was processed in acetic acid and a heavy mineral separation in bromoform of the dried residue produced a total of nine conodonts referable to the genera Apatognathus, Hindeodella , and Spathog- nathodus. Five were originally fused together as an assemblage, but one specimen be- came detached in preparing the specimen. The assemblage is deposited in the collection of the Department of Geology, University of Southampton (Catalogue number 10412). Description of the assemblage The assemblage consists of three specimens of the genus Apatognathus Branson and Mehl and a single specimen of Spathognathodus scitu/us (Hinde). The arrangement of the specimens is illustrated in text-fig. 1. This may or may not be the original biological arrangement. The biggest of the three apatognathids (unit 2) is orientated so that its anterior and posterior limbs both lie in a horizontal plane. The posterior bar lies nearest to the observer when seen in text-fig. 1. Its apical denticle region is fused to the anterior distal end of unit 1, the most anterior of the three Apatognathus specimens. This specimen is oriented at right angles to the plane of the posterior bar of the biggest specimen, and it faces in a position directly opposed to it. The third specimen of Apatognathus (unit 3) lies near the distal end of the posterior bar of unit 2, and is also arranged at right angles to it, both in a horizontal and vertical plane. This specimen, however, points directly posteriorly so that its denticles point in the direction of the distal end of the posterior bar of unit 2. The small specimen of Spathognathodus parallels the apical denticle of the Apatognathus (unit 2.). The Apatognathus elements show individual differences. The anterior and posterior apatognathid elements of the assemblage tend to resemble one another in overall size and form. It is difficult to identify these in terms of existing species of Apatognathus but they resemble Apatognathus chauliodus Varker and A. cuspidatus Varker. The biggest Apatognathus unit possibly represents a distinct species. The fusion of the four specimens with one another is very strong, and seems to be a result of additional material having the same appearance as that from which the cono- donts are made. There seems to be ‘fusing material’ in direct and continuous contact with the opposed surfaces on the conodonts, but although we have looked at the assem- blage under the highest magnification which we can obtain by use of optical microscopy, we have been unable to see any detail of this material. One remarkable feature of the present specimens is the fact that they are preserved in such striking three-dimensional relief. They show little, if any, effect of compression. The two most striking features of the assemblage are the opposed position of the three elements at right angles to one another, in both a horizontal and a vertical plane, and also that in each case the distal end of one of the bars is fused to the apical end of its neighbour. It seems improbable that this is wholly fortuitous, but it is quite unlike the parallel and common alignment which is characteristic of all other known assemblages. 402 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 denticles on oral surface of posterior bar posterior bar OUTER LATERAL VIEW OF APICAL CUSP POSTERIOR BAR UNIT 3 OUTER LATERAL SI DE denticle on oral surface of anterior bar anterior bar OUTER LATERAL SIOE POSTERIOR BAR apical cusp APICAL CUSP text-fig. 1. Stereoscan photograph and drawing of assemblage of Apatognathus and Spathognathodus scitulus. For details see text. Unit 1 is labelled in lower-case letters, unit 2 in upper-case italics, and unit 3 in upper-case roman. Magnification x 70 approx. Systematic palaeontology Specific identification of the hindeodellid fragment is impossible. One of the isolate apatognathids is compared with A.petilus Varker, another is fragmentary and specifically indeterminate, and the remaining two, which are similar, are well preserved, but juveniles. They do not agree exactly with any descriptions or illustration of existing species, AUSTIN AND RHODES: CONODONT ASSEMBLAGE FROM BRISTOL 403 though they show some resemblance to A. cuspidatus Varker. They differ most con- spicuously from illustrations and descriptions of this species, however, in the relative length of the apical denticle, and in the degree of lateral twisting of the anterior and posterior bars. This is so extreme that the denticles curve upwards towards each other and the centre of the arch, away from the plane of the anterior and posterior limbs. The apical angle is extremely acute and in this it resembles A. cuspidatus as well as A. chauliodus Varker. One of the specimens (unit 1) fused in the assemblage, appears to represent the same species as the two free specimens just described, but it is a somewhat larger individual and it has a longer apical denticle than either of the other specimens. Interpretation of the assemblage We regard our specimen as a natural assemblage not only because of the enormous improbability of any artificial association of this kind within samples which have been subjected to such relatively violent disaggregation, but also because of other occurrences of a similar kind of fusion in what are to us clearly natural conodont assemblages (Rexroad and Nicoll 1964, Barnes 1967). The association must, in our view, clearly be ‘original’ in the sense that it represents a pre-depositional association. The rarity of conodonts in this sample seems to make it wholly improbable that it could be regarded as a fortuitous sedimentary inorganic association, which occurred after the death of the conodont bearing ‘animal’. It may then be asked what type of association this could represent if it is accepted as an original biological association. It may represent some kind of pathologic condition, in which elements normally freely associated together within a single animal, have become abnormally fused together. This also seems to be the most acceptable interpre- tation of the specimens described by Rexroad and Nicoll and by Barnes. Rexroad and Nicoll interpreted a similar association as a possible case of tetanus, but this may be to read more into the association of the conodonts than is justified. It seems unlikely how- ever, in view of the very great rarity of other fused specimens, that this could have been a ‘natural’ condition. A striking feature of the present assemblage is the difference in size between the elements that are associated together. It might be argued that the association of elements of such very different sizes is against their original association in a natural assemblage, but a fused assemblage from the Ordovician Coburg Formation of Ottawa ( Barnes 1 967), contains an association of belodids, which show a comparable variation in individual size. Barnes argues that this association may suggest either a process of continuous replacement within a natural conodont assemblage or the original association of strikingly similar conodonts of different sizes. Either interpretation could be applied to the present group of apatognathids. In contrast to this most of the elements in known Carboniferous conodont assemblages are of almost identical size and seem, therefore, to have been directly paired. It could be that Apatognathus, which is a genus with a very irregular occurrence, did not represent a similar type of paired component in a natural assemblage and Cooper (1945) has argued that at least some Carboniferous assemblages may have contained unpaired components. Other workers (Schopf 1966, Webers 1966, Bergstrom and Sweet 1966) have suggested that Ordovician assemblages were probably composed of different types 404 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 of individual components from those of Pennsylvanian age. The present assemblage can- not therefore, be interpreted only by comparison with known Pennsylvanian assemblages (Rhodes 1952). It is difficult to compare the present conodont fauna of the assemblage with any immediately adjacent to it, because from samples collected at 10 ft. intervals from 200 ft. of strata immediately below and from 50 ft. immediately above the present sample no conodonts have been recovered. It is noteworthy however that the genus Apatognathus, which is not known to form more than 25% of faunas of broadly similar age in other areas, constitutes 77% of the fauna of the present sample. Both the rarity of conodonts in over 250 ft. of strata (138 kg. of which were digested in acid) and the relative rarity of Apatognathus elsewhere support the possibility that the assemblage may be an original biological association. The strong nature of the fusion of the elements, also seems to us to favour such an interpretation. As noted above, studies of some Silurian (e.g. Walliser 1964) and Ordovician (Bergstrom and Sweet 1966) faunas have shown a constant numerical relationship and identical stratigraphic range between certain isolated conodont ‘species’. These have been interpreted as assemblages. We have compared the relative abundance of individual components of our assem- blage, when they occur as isolated conodont elements in strata of comparable age in the North Crop of the South Wales coalfield, the Avon Gorge, Bristol, Yorkshire, and Scotland. Comparison of the percentage frequency of all isolated apatognathids with S. scitulus provides no consistent ratio between them, individual samples ranging from 1 : 2-50 to 1 : 0-20. Similar variable ratios are also found in other individual samples of very large conodont faunas from which assemblages have been recognized (e.g. Schopf 1966, Webers 1966). Most authors attribute this to post mortem sorting (e.g. Schopf 1966, p. 16). The stratigraphic ranges of S. scitulus and Apatognathus are similar in each area from which they have been recovered. Also S. scitulus and Apatognathus , though both rela- tively rare, are most frequently found in the same sample. This common association is also present in the Visean rocks of North Wales (Aldridge, Austin, and Husri 1968). We interpret the common association and similarity of stratigraphic range of S. scitulus and Apatognathus, when found as isolated elements, as support for the suggestion that they were originally associated together as a biological assemblage. CONCLUSIONS A fused assemblage of four Apatognathus with a S. scitulus suggests that these elements were associated together in the same conodont-bearing animal. This inter- pretation is supported by a general consideration of the occurrence and preservation of the assemblage, comparison with other known assemblages, other common occur- rences of the two components, and their generally similar stratigraphic ranges. Variation in the size of the Apatognathus components of the assemblage suggests that there may have been a form of continuous replacement of components within the assem- blage or, more probably, that different sizes of the same element were present. The relative positions of individual apatognathids in the assemblage may or may not represent the original orientation within the conodont-bearing animal. It seems to us AUSTIN AND RHODES: CONODONT ASSEMBLAGE FROM BRISTOL 405 improbable that they do, for all described conodont assemblages from the Ordovician, Silurian, and Carboniferous display a broadly parallel alignment of associated elements. The present assemblage throws little new light on the puzzling question of the affinity and function of conodonts. Acknowledgements. We are happy to acknowledge our gratitude for the use of the stereoscan micro- scope at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, and the assistance of Miss V. M. Hale and Mr. D. Clark. We are grateful to Miss Sonia J. Kostromin and Mrs. R. J. Aldridge for typing the manuscript and to Mrs. A. Dunkley, Mrs. Beryl Fisher, and Mr. S. Osborn for their contributions to the text-figure. REFERENCES aldridge, r. j., Austin, r. l., and husri, s. 1968. Visean conodonts from North Wales and Ireland. Nature, Lend. 219, 255-8. barnes, c. r. 1967. A questionable natural conodont assemblage from Middle Ordovician Limestone, Ottawa, Canada. J. Paleont. 41, 1557-60. Bergstrom, s. m. and sweet, w. c. 1966. Conodonts from the Lexington Limestone (Middle Ordo- vician) of Kentucky and its lateral equivalents in Ohio and Indiana. Bull. Amer. Paleont. 40 (229), 271-441. cooper, c. l. 1945. Microfauna of Pennsylvanian-Mississippian borderline formations (abstr.). Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. 56, 1153. dubois, e. p. 1943. Evidence on the nature of conodonts. J. Paleont. 17, 155-9. hinde, g. j. 1 879. On conodonts from the Chazy and Cincinnati group of the Cambro-Silurian and from the Hamilton and Genesee shale division of the Devonian in Canada and the United States. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond. 35, 351-69. jones, d. J. 1956. Introduction to Microfossils. Pp. 1-381. Harper and Bros., New York. rexroad, c. b. and nicoll, s. 1964. A Silurian conodont with tetanus? /. Paleont. 38, 771-3. Rhodes, f. h. t. 1952. A classification of Pennsylvanian conodont assemblages. Ibid. 26, 886-901. 1954. The zoological affinities of the conodonts. Biol. Rev. 29, 419-52. 1962. Recognition, interpretation, and taxonomic position of conodont assemblages, in r. c. moore (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part W, Miscellanea, pp. 70-83. Geol. Soc. Am. and Univ. Kansas Press. Austin, r. l. and druce, e. c. 1969. British Avonian (Carboniferous) conodont faunas, and their value in local and intercontinental correlation. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Geol.) Supplement No. 5, pp. 1-313. schmidt, h. 1934. Conodonten-Funde in urspriinglichem Zusammenhang. Paldont. Z. 16, 76-85. 1950. Nachtrage zur Deutung der Conodonten. Decheniana, 104, 11-19. and muller, K. J. 1964. Weitere Funde von Conodonten-Gruppen aus dem oberen Karbon des Sauerlandes. Paldont. Z. 38, 105-35. schopf, t. j. m. 1966. Conodonts of the Trenton Group (Ordovician) in New York, Southern Ontario and Quebec. Bull. N.Y. St. Mus. 405, 105 pp. scott, h. w. 1934. The zoological relationships of the conodonts. J. Paleont. 8, 448-55. 1942. Conodont assemblages from the Heath Formation, Montana. Ibid. 16, 293-301. walliser, o. w. 1964. Conodonten des Silurs. Hess. Landesamt fiir Bodenf. Abb. 41, 1-106. webers, g. F. 1966. The Middle and Upper Ordovician conodont faunas of Minnesota. Minn. Geol. Surv. Spec. Publ. SP-4, 1-123. R. L. AUSTIN Geology Department University of Southampton F. H. T. RHODES Geology Department University of Michigan Ann Arbor Revised typescript received 23 October 1968 THE TREMADOC TRILOBITE PSEUDOKAINELLA IMPAR (SALTER) by PETER H. WHITWORTH Abstract. Salter’s species Oleiuis impar, 1866, from theTremadoc of North Wales is referred to Pseudokainella and redescribed with the aid of new and better material. The record is the first for this genus in Europe. The species is compared with other records of the genus, and correlations with North and South America are dis- cussed. During current research into the trilobite faunas of the Tremadoc rocks of North Wales and Shropshire a number of specimens collected by the writer, and three others from the Geological Survey collections, have provided evidence of a new record for Europe. A nearly complete, distorted specimen from Portmadoc (Geol. Soc. Coll. 6970) was described and figured by Salter (1866) under the name of Olenus impar, and it is interest- ing to note that he observed (1866, p. 303) a close resemblance of this species to ‘ Remopleurides' . His illustration with respect to the specimen Geol. Soc. Coll. 6970 is reversed and evidently in part restored. Since then no further mention of the species has been made, even in the monographs of Lake (1906-46) and Henningsmoen (1957). The discovery of new and better material at Arenig substantiates my first suspicions arising from the study of the Geological Survey material that this is a member of the Remopleurididae, namely Pseudokainella Harrington, 1938. Figured material is deposited at the Geological Survey Museum (GSM, Geol. Soc. Coll.) or at Birmingham University together with topotype material (BU). SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Family remopleurididae Hawle & Corda 1947 Remarks. The classification here adopted is that of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleonto- logy Part O (Moore 1959) except that the diagnosis of the Remopleurididae Hawle & Corda 1847 should be adapted to include the narrower thoracic doublure of Pseudo- kainella, where it extends only across the free pleural terminations. The term ‘intergenal angle’ used in this paper refers to the prominent angulation of the posterior cephalic margin, resulting in part from the rather forward position of the genal spines. Subfamily richardsonellinae Raymond 1924 Genus Pseudokainella Harrington 1938 Type species. Pseudokainella keideli Harrington 1938. Remarks. A recent diagnosis of the genus has been given by Harrington and Leanza (1957). Kobayashi (1953) excludes this genus from the Richardsonellinae on the absence [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 406-413, pi. 75]. P. H. WHITWORTH: TRILOBITE PSEUDOKAINELLA IMPAR (SALTER) 407 of an intergenal angle and includes it in his (new) subfamily Kainellinae. Subsequent work has however shown that this character can be present and even strongly developed, as in P. keideli and P. impar. Consequently his diagnosis of the Kainellinae, based partly on the presence of a nearly straight posterior cephalic margin (i.e. absence of intergenal angle), requires amendment. His subgenus ParakaineUa (1953, p. 43) is furthermore regarded as a subjective junior synonym for the reasons given by Harring- ton and Leanza (1957, p. 133). PseudokaineUa impar (Salter 1866) Plate 75, figs. 1-8 1866 Olemis impar Salter, pp. 302-3, pi. 8, fig. 4. 1881 Olemis impar Salter, p. 496, pi. 8, fig. 4. Holotype (by monotypy). Geol. Soc. Coll. 6970. Other Material. GSM 70999, 71001; BU 398a and b, 399, 400. Due to poor preservation of the holotype the following description is largely sup- plemented by BU 398. The material comprises one large complete specimen, one smaller disarticulated and nearly complete specimen, a number of small cranidia, and numerous isolated free cheeks and pygidia from the Arenig area; one complete specimen and two incomplete specimens (all distorted and one bearing a hypostome) from Portmadoc. Diagnosis. A species of PseudokaineUa with nearly parallel-sided glabella, two pairs of lateral glabellar furrows, prominent intergenal angles, and very long genal spines reach- ing beyond the posterior end of the pygidium; width of frontal area (tr.) about twice the posterior width (tr.) of the glabella; thorax with wide axis, and narrow doublure widening backwards; pygidium with four axial rings, margin bearing four pairs of evenly sized spines. Description. Dorsal exoskeleton oval in outline. The cephalon is sub-semielliptical, slightly more than twice as wide as long, gently convex transversally and less so sagittally. The glabella is raised above the level of the librigenae, is gently convex, longer than wide, tapers very slightly forwards, and is very gently curved in front with rounded antero-lateral corners; it is expanded slightly opposite distal ends of posterior glabellar furrows and at occipital ring; well-defined by axial furrows which are accentuated by distortion in GSM 70999, 71001. Two pairs of lateral glabellar furrows are discontinuous across the glabella and are more or less isolated from the axial furrows by slight swellings (dis- tortion may give the impression that they are confluent across the glabella). Anterior (2p) furrows short, faint, directed backwards and inwards in a slightly forward convex curve. Posterior (Ip) furrows longer, very slightly sinuate especially in young cranidia, directed backwards at a greater angle and stronger than 2p, being deepest at their mid- length, and commence opposite mid-points of palpebral lobes. Occipital furrow wide (sag. and exsag.), relatively shallow, bending forwards at the middle and more strongly forward-outward abaxially, descending to meet the axial furrows just behind the posterior ends of the palpebral lobes; occipital ring prominent, wider than the rest of the glabella, turning forwards abaxially and well-defined laterally by an outward curve of the axial furrows. 408 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Fixigenae much reduced; palpebral areas very narrow (tr.), elongate-crescentic; posterior areas extremely narrow, blade-like, extending out to a distance about equal to two-thirds the width of the occipital ring; anterior areas expanded, triangular, some- what inflated. Preglabellar area rather narrow, nearly flat, set below the level of the glabella and lateral extensions of anterior fixigenal areas; it is bounded anteriorly by the wider (sag. and exsag.), gently convex, forward-curved anterior border which nar- rows abaxially, and by the anterior border furrow which carries a row of small pits. Palpebral lobes moderately large, narrow, crescentic, raised well above level of cheeks abaxially; situated slightly behind the mid-line (tr.) of the glabella and closer to it in front than behind; they extend from opposite outer ends of 2p furrows to just in front of occipital furrow. Palpebral furrows prominent but fairly shallow; visual surfaces of eyes not preserved. Librigenae are gently convex with moderately wide lateral borders which extend into strong spines without angular deviation from the general curvature of the cephalic border; genal spines reach back beyond the posterior margin of the pygidium in a gentle outwards curve; the lateral border furrows are wide and shallow. The posterior cephalic border, at first directed slightly backwards, widens rapidly and then turns sharply forwards through about 80° to form a prominent intergenal angle, finally becoming narrower towards the genal angles. The intergenal angles encroach strongly across the first and part of the second thoracic segments. The posterior border furrow is flat and wide, commencing opposite the middle of the occipital ring; it more or less follows the curve of the posterior border but bends through only 45°; its con- fluence with the lateral border furrow is usually obtuse (but see below). Inner spine angle (see Henningsmoen 1957, p. 13) acute, about 45°. Sutural pattern kainelliform. Anterior sections of facial suture are short and strongly divergent forwards with an angle of 145° between them; after turning abruptly around the anterior border they become marginal and meet axially, continuing across the doublure as a median suture. The anterior sections reach the axial furrow immediately in front of the palpebral lobes. The posterior sections, which do not quite reach the axial furrow, turn sharply backwards and outwards behind the palpebral lobes and curve gently back to cut the posterior border of the cephalon just inside the intergenal angle. The hypostome, previously unrecorded, shows a typical Apatokephalid form, though it is rather elongated by distortion. The general outline is ovate (probably originally more or less oval) with length greater than breadth; the frontal margin is well rounded and probably has a narrow, flat anterior border. A slight posterior increase in breadth EXPLANATION OF PLATE 75 Figs. 1-8. Pseudokainella impar (Salter). 1, Flolotype, Geol. Soc. Coll. 6970, x 2£; Tremadoc (? Port- madoc Flags), Pen-y-clogwyn, Portmadoc, Caernarvonshire. G.R. 56553830. Figured and partly restored by Salter. 2, Flypostome, excavated and enlarged from fig. 3, GSM 71001, x4; Tremadoc Slates, Portmadoc. 3, Cranidium, hypostome, and part of thorax, GSM 71001, x2J; Locality as for fig. 2. 4, Attached librigena showing genal caeca and reticulate ornament, BU 399, X 2\ \ Upper Tremadoc, Shumardia Beds, Ceunant-y-garreg-ddu, Arenig. G.R. 821 53603. 5, Small uncrushed cranidium showing anterior border pits, BU 400, X4; Upper Tremadoc, Shumardia Beds, stream section near Arnnodd Bwll, Arenig. G.R. 80753690. 6, Damaged cranidium and part of thorax (note effect of deformation on glabellar furrows), GSM 70999, x21; locality as for fig. 2. 7, 8, Internal mould (BU 398a) and latex cast of counterpart (BU 398b) respectively, both X 1£; Upper Tremadoc, Shumardia Beds, locality as for fig. 5. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 75 WHITWORTH, Tremadoc trilobite Pseudokainella P. H. WHITWORTH: TRILOBITE P SEU DO KAINELLA IMPAR (SALTER) 409 coincides with a widening of the lateral border. Anterior wings if present are not pre- served. The middle body is strongly convex, reaching a maximum in front of centre; it is oval and bounded laterally by a deep border furrow which continues around the posterior margin. Maculae appear to be absent, and a posterior body is not defined (except by a lowering of convexity which may be due to crushing). The lateral border furrow becomes deep postero-laterally where the border is slightly expanded and upward- turned. The posterior furrow is much narrower and shallower, defining a rounded margin to the posterior lobe and a gently convex posterior border. The cephalic doublure and dorsal surface of the cephalic border are ornamented with some 9 or 10 well-spaced terrace lines, and the glabella, librigenae, and anterior areas of the fixigenae have a close-set reticulate ornament. The specimen from Ceunant-y-garreg-ddu (BU 399) shows two features not seen on the other material. The first is the angle of intersection of the lateral border- and posterior border-furrows which, normally rather obtuse, is here acute and directed strongly backwards and outwards in a point. The second is the presence of a strong caecal ridge on the librigena; this commences opposite the mid-point of the palpebral lobe and crosses the librigena obliquely backwards and outwards at an angle of 40° with the axial normal; at a position level with the posterior end of the palpebral lobe it turns abruptly outwards and runs directly towards the genal angle, dying out before reaching the same. These features could prove to be of varietal significance, but further material is required before more definite conclusions can be reached. Thorax of 12 segments. Axis wider than the pleurae for the first 8 segments, then becomes increasingly narrower than the pleurae; it is moderately convex and raised well above the pleural regions. The first axial segment is slightly wider (tr.) than the occipital ring, and the second slightly wider again, thereafter each becoming successively smaller. Axial rings are straight medially but bend forwards abaxially and form vaguely defined marginal lobes; ring furrows are wide axially where they bend forwards, but laterally they become narrower and deeper as they curve forwards to meet the axial furrows. Articulating half-rings are well developed. Axial furrows are strong and slightly outwards curved around the abaxial ends of each axial ring. 8th segment bears a broadly based median spine which extends well beyond the posterior margin of the pygidium; it appears to have a double base — the main ridge, developing from the anterior part of the axial ring, is supported by a broader triangular base which originates from the posterior part of the ring and extends back as far as the 10th segment before the two parts merge into a single spine. Pleural regions are nearly flat and of constant width (tr.); weak proximal fulcra can be made out in each of the first few anterior segments only. Each pleura is crossed by a prominent oblique pleural furrow, commencing in confluence with the axial furrow in a shallow axial socket at the anterior margin of the pleura, and reaching the inner edge of the doublure in the posterior half of the segment. The original convexity of the exoskeleton seems to have been rather low and the shell material thin. As a result a thin layer of deposit lying between the dorsal exoskeleton and the doublure remains attached to the external mould, and the pleural furrows have been impressed through it on to the doublure. This layer is present on both thorax and pygidium and is too thin and firmly attached to allow removal without damaging the underlying surface. This is why the impression of the doublure is seen on the external mould. 410 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 The pleural furrows can therefore be seen to continue into the pleural terminations in each segment. Each furrow approaches the posterior pleural border and dies out before reaching the acute, backward-pointed spinose termination. These pleural termina- tions become progressively longer and more spinose posteriorly, an appearance which is somewhat exaggerated by a corresponding increase in the width of the doublure with its ornament of step-like terrace lines. Each axial ring bears a reticulate ornament of Bertillon pattern as on the glabella; the wider posterior band of each pleura also has a weak reticulate ornament. text-fig. 1. Comparative diagrams of two species of Pseudokainella. (a) P. impar (Salter) from BU 398. ( b ) P. lata (Kobayashi) after Harrington and Leanza 1957. Both x 1-4. Pygidium sub-elliptical and twice as wide as long. Axis is convex and raised above the level of the pleural regions; it tapers gradually backwards and bears four segments plus a rounded sub-triangular terminal piece, the latter being prolonged at a lower level into a weak, flattened post-axial ridge which dies out shortly behind the anterior edge of the pygidial doublure; the abaxial terminations of the first and second rings are feebly lobate. Axial and ring furrows are straight and become weaker posteriorly. Pleural re- gions, unlike those of the thorax, are somewhat inflated and the pleural terminations are turned slightly upwards. Three well marked pairs of pleurae and a fourth less prominent pair close to the terminal axial segment are seen. Interpleural furrows are weaker than the oblique pleural furrows, but both curve backwards and are directed backwards at increas- ing angles until the fourth pair lie nearly parallel to the axis. The first two pleural furrows P. H. WHITWORTH: TRILOBITE PSEUDOKA1NELLA IMPAR (SALTER) 411 extend into the marginal spines, the third is considerably shorter, and the fourth does not extend beyond the inner limit of the doublure. The pygidial margin is extended into four pairs of lateral spines which correspond with the continuations of the pleurae; they are short and triangular with wide bases, and each pair, except for the innermost which are small and tooth-like, becomes only gradually smaller adaxially. Doublure wide, reaching over half-way in towards the axis, and ornamented with terrace lines which converge and become closely crowded behind the axis. Measurements (in mm.) of BU 398 Width of cephalon (at occipital ring) 32-0 Length of cephalon c. 17 0 Width of cranidium (at eyes) 12-8 Width of glabella (at eyes) 9 0 Length of glabella (exc. occipital ring) 10-3 Width of occipital ring 9 3 Length of occipital ring (sag.) 2-8 Length of palpebral lobe 5 0 Length of thorax c. 25-0 Width of thorax (anterior) 26 0 Width of thoracic axis (anterior) 10 3 Width of pygidium (anterior) 19-3 Length of pygidium (excluding spines) 8-7 Width of pygidial axis (anterior) 5-5 Length of pygidial axis 6 5 The holotype is considerably less than half the overall size of BU 398 and is too distorted to obtain reliable measurements from. Localities. Tremadoc Slates, Portmadoc, and Pen-y-clogwyn (no other information known )\Shumardia Beds, north bank of stream 150-60 paces upstream from east end of wall by forestry road and 200 yards NW. of Amnodd Bwll farm, G.R. 80753690; Shumardia Beds, south bank of Ceunant-y-garreg- ddu gorge about 30 yards upstream from stone wall at bottom and 1 mile SE. of Amnodd Bwll, G.R.821 53603. Remarks. Pseudokainella impar seems to be closest to the Argentinian species P. lata (Kobayashi 1935) in general outline and in the characters of thorax and pygidium. It differs however in having a less constricted anterior lobe to the glabella, more strongly divergent anterior sections to the facial suture, smaller palpebral lobes which do not extend so far backwards, a weaker occipital furrow, wider posterior border furrows, and a strong intergenal angle. The thoracic axis is also wider and the reticulate ornament generally stronger. P. keideli Harrington 1938 is much smaller and shorter over-all. Its cephalon has larger palpebral lobes, narrower anterior glabellar lobe, shorter posterior sections to the facial suture, and more divergent genal spines. Its pygidium is shorter and has a macropleural first segment. P. pustidosa Harrington & Leanza 1957 is intermediate between keideli and lata and has a strong pustulose ornament. Of the other recorded occurrences referred to this genus, P. armatus Hintze 1953 was believed by Ross (1957) to belong to an unnamed and ‘undescribed, more primitive genus’, and was later redescribed by Lochman (1964) as Praepatokephahis armatus. Sando’s (1958) two specimens from the Stonehenge Limestone of Pennsylvania, which he tentatively compares with P. armatus, are, therefore, not to be included in the genus; indeed, the glabellar shape and furrows are much more reminiscent of Apatokephalus 412 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 s.l. than of Pseudokainella. Kobayashi (1960) illustrates and describes a ?new species (sic), but I prefer not to include this at present in Pseudokainella on the grounds of insufficient and fragmentary material, especially as he himself expresses doubt as to its correct assignment. P? macarenae (Harrington and Kay 1951) has a rather long pre- glabellar field bearing radiating ridges suggestive of Kainella, but otherwise it closely resembles P. lata; it has recently been placed in the new subfamily Artokephalinae by Chugaeva (1964). Until now Pseudokainella has been recorded only from Argentina, Korea, Columbia, and recently North America (R. J. Ross Jr., personal communication), and the present record lends credence to the idea that it may well be, like its close relative Kainella, considerably more widespread than at present believed. Its presence strengthens the relationship between the Kainella jCeratopyge faunas of South America and the Pharo- stomina fauna of Balto-Scandia (Whittington 1966). The genus occurs largely in the Lower Tremadoc of Argentina but only in the Upper Tremadoc of North Wales. This seems to indicate a temporary influx into the Welsh area late in Tremadocian times after a northward migration from South America. This migration could well have been along the North American-Balto-Scandian-Russian zone, since it is now known to occur in North America (see below). Such a migration route may perhaps be indicative of an early development of the dispersal directions indicated by Whittington (1966, text-fig. 2) for the Arenig-Llandeilo period. R. J. Ross Jr. (personal communication) informs me that a species of Pseudokainella is now known to occur in Clear Creek Canyon, Monitor Range, Nevada (Lowell 1965) in association with Hypermecaspis and Parabolinella, an assemblage very reminiscent of that in both Argentina and Britain (the British species Parabolinella rugosa Crosfield & Skeat is thought to be a Hypermecaspis, see Harrington and Leanza 1957 and Henningsmoen 1957). Precise correlation of the American assemblage is not yet settled, although it ‘seems to correlate with the lowest Hystricurus-Symphysurina assemblage further east’, i.e. Utah (Ross, personal communication). Since the underlying Saukia Zone of North America, usually placed in the late Upper Cambrian, now seems for certain to correlate with the lower part of the Mexican Tinu Formation (Lower Tre- madocian) of Robison and Pantoja- Alor 1968, the Symphysurina Zone might be con- sidered as Upper Tremadocian in age. As such it would correlate well with the British Upper Tremadocian, and if Ross’s correlations are verified the mutual presence of Pseudokainella would support this. That the Mexican and British Tremadoc are closely equivalent can be readily seen from the presence in both areas of species of Geragnostus, Asaphellus, Angelina, Bienvi/lia, Parabolinella, Leptoplastides, Peltocare, and Shumardia. In addition to the presence of Hypermecaspis in Nevada, affinities between North America and Britain are further strengthened by the mutual association of species of Shumardia, Beltella , and Apatokephalus. These last all occur in the Goodwin Limestone, Pogonip Formation of Nevada (Merriam 1963, Nolan and others, 1956) and some occur in the middle part of the Garden City Formation, Utah (Ross 1951). Both may therefore be considered as equivalent to some part of the Tremadocian (the Garden City Formation in part only). Acknowledgements. I wish to thank Dr. Adrian Rushton (Institute of Geological Sciences, London) for the loan of material and for helpful discussion; Dr. Isles Strachan (Birmingham University) for his continual help and encouragement during the preparation of this paper. P. H. WHITWORTH: TRILOBITE PSEUDOKAINELLA IMPAR (SALTER) 413 REFERENCES chugaeva, m. n. 1964. Trilobites of the Early and Middle Ordovician of the northeast of the U.S.S.R., and Analysis of trilobites in chugaeva, m. n., rozman, kh. s., and ivanova, v. a., Comparative bio-stratigraphy of the Ordovician deposits of the northeast of the U.S.S.R. (In Russian.) Trudy geol. Inst., Leningr. 106, 24-85, pis. 1-6 (not seen). Harrington, h. J. 1938. Sobre las faunas del Ordoviciano inferior del norte Argentino. Revta Mus. La Plata , N.S. 1 ( Paleontology ) 4, 209-89. and kay, m. 1951. Cambrian and Ordovician faunas of Eastern Columbia. J. Paleont. 25, 655-68, pis. 96, 97. and leanza, a. f. 1957. Ordovician trilobites of Argentina. Univ. Kansas Spec. Publ. 1, 1-276, 137 figs. henningsmoen, g. 1957. The trilobite family Olenidae. Skr. norske Vidensk.-Akad., Mat.-naturv. Kl. 1, 1-303, pis. 1-31. hintze, l. f. 1953. Lower Ordovician trilobites from western Utah and eastern Nevada. Bull. Utah geol. miner. Surv. 48, 1-249, pis. 1-28. kobayashi, t. 1953. On the Kainellidae. Jap. J. Geol. Geogr. 23 (3), 37-61, pis. 3, 4. 1960. The Cambro-Ordovician formations and faunas of South Korea; Part 6, palaeontology 5. J. Fac. Sci. Tokyo Univ., sect. 2, 12 (2), 217-75, pis. 12-14. lake, p. 1906-46. A Monograph of the British Cambrian trilobites. Palaeontogr. Soc. ( Monogr .), parts 1-14, 1-350, pis. 1-47. lochman, c. 1964. Basal Ordovician faunas from the Williston Basin, Montana. J. Paleont. 38, 453-75, pis. 63-7. lowell, j. d. 1965. Lower and Middle Ordovician stratigraphy in the Hot Creek and Monitor Ranges, central Nevada. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 76, 259-66. merriam, c. w. 1963. Palaeozoic rocks of Antelope Valley, Eureka and Nye Counties, Nevada. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Surv. 423, 1-67. moore, r. c. (ed.) 1959. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part O, Arthropoda I . Geol. Soc. Am. and Univ. Kansas Press. nolan, t. b., merriam, c. w., and williams J. s. 1956. The Stratigraphic section in the vicinity of Eureka, Nevada. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Surv. 276, 1-77. robison, r. a. and pantoja-alor, 5. 1968. Tremadocian trilobites from the Nochixtlan region, Oaxaca, Mexico. /. Paleont. 42, 767-800, pis. 97-104. ross, r. j. 1951. Stratigraphy of the Garden City Formation in north-eastern Utah and its trilobite faunas. Bulk Peabody Mus. nat. Hist. 6, 1-161, pis. 1-36. 1957. Ordovician fossils from wells in the Williston Basin, eastern Montana. Bull. U.S. geol. Surv. 1021-M, 439-510, pis. 37-44. salter, j. w. 1866. On the fossils of North Wales. Appendix to The Geology of North Wales by A. C. Ramsay. Mem. geol. Surv. U.K., 3, 239-363. 1881. In Salter and Etheridge, On the fossils of North Wales. Appendix to The Geology of North Wales, 2nd edn, by A. C. Ramsay. Ibid. 331-567. sando, w. j. 1958. Lower Ordovician section near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Bull. geol. Soc. Am. 69, 837-54, pis. 1, 2. Whittington, h. b. 1966. Phylogeny and distribution of Ordovician trilobites. J. Paleont. 40, 696-737. P. H. WHITWORTH Department of Geology The University Birmingham, 15 Final typescript received 9 January 1969 A NEW SPECIES OF AULACOTHECA (PTERIDOSPERMALES) FROM THE MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIAN OF IOWA by DONALD A. EGGERT and RALPH W. KRYDER Abstract. Aulacotheca iowensis sp. nov. is described from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Iowa; it is distinct from previously described forms in synangial dimensions, number of sporangia per synangium, and size range of pollen grains. The Iowa material demonstrates that pollen organs of the Aulacotheca type were borne in large numbers on ultimate axes of either an entirely fertile frond or portion of frond lacking planated foliar structures. Orientation of the synangia suggests that the fertile regions were three-dimensional and bushy prior to fossilization. The genus Aulacotheca was instituted by Halle (1933) for certain synangiate pollen organs believed to have been produced by medullosan pteridosperms. The exact nature of remains assigned to this genus was entirely problematical until the work of Halle, and included leaves (see, for example, White 1900) and seeds (Kidston 1890-8, Crookall 1929). Older generic designations of remains now assigned to Aulacotheca include Whittleseya, Rhabdocarpus, and Holcospermum. Four of the six previously described species (A. elongata (Kidston) Halle 1933, A. hemingwayi Halle 1933, A. campbelli (White) Halle 1933, A. idelbergeri Halle 1933, A. dixiana Hemingway 1941, and A. hallei Hemingway 1941) occur in the Upper Carboniferous of Great Britain. Aulaco- theca idelbergeri occurs in continental Europe in strata designated as Westphalian A. In North America, Aulacotheca has been reported from the Pottsville Series of the Appalachian region (White 1900), the Pocahontas and New River Beds of West Virginia (Jongmans 1937), and the Michigan coal basin (Arnold 1949). Arnold (1949) has dis- cussed the occurrence of the genus in North America and has compared this material, which is referred for the most part to the species A. campbelli , with that from Europe. Methods of study. Elucidation of the various features of the specimen was carried out by excavation of the individual synangia to insure completeness. Isolated synangia were treated with either Schulze solution or dilute sodium hypochlorite (Clorox) to remove dark occluding materials. Subsequent to these treatments the synangia were carried through a standard dehydration series and mounted between coverslips so that both sides of the synangium could be examined and photographed at relatively high mag- nifications. Attempts to separate the individual pollen grains in the adherent masses were unsuccessful so that individual pollen grains were observed and measured within the EXPLANATION OF PLATE 76 Figs. 1-5. Aulacotheca iowensis sp. nov. 1, Over-all view of one-half of specimen (part) showing general organization; 1324a, Xl. 2, Over-all view of counterpart of specimen after additional excavation had been carried out; 1324b, X2. 3, Two synangia apparently borne as a pair; 1324b, x5-5. 4, Single synangium showing the narrow stalk; 1324b, X 8. 5, Isolated synangium after treatment with Schulze solution; Slide 2934, x22. [Palaeontology, Yol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 414-9, pis. 76-77.] Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 76 EGGERT and KRYDER, Aulacotheca (Pteridospermales) D. A. EGGERT AND R. W. KRYDER: AULACOTHECA CPTERIDOSPERMALES) 415 pollen masses. Measurements parallel and perpendicular to the long axis were carried out on a sample of 250 grains to determine the dimensional range, percentage distribu- tion, and average dimensions of the pollen. SYSTEMATIC SECTION Order pteridospermales ?Family medullosaceae Genus aulacotheca Halle 1933 Aulacotheca iowensis sp. nov. Diagnosis. Fertile frond material lacking planated foliar structures, primary laterals apparently borne alternately and having numerous groups of stalked synangia along their entire lengths. Individual synangia about 5 mm. in length, 1-5 mm. in maximum width, and having either 3 or 4 pollen sacs. Pollen sacs with elongate pollen masses of adherent bilaterally symmetrical Monoletes- type pollen grains 88 (135) 165/x long by 44 (81) 121 p. broad. Holotype. Specimen 1324a and b (part and counterpart), and slide preparations 2926 through 2980, Paleobotanical Collections, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. Stratigraphic position. Clay pit approximately | mile south-west of Redfield, Iowa (Sec. 5T 78N, R29W, Adel Quadrangle), Cherokee Group (Des Moines Division). Age. Middle Pennsylvanian (Des Moines Series). Description. Initial cleavage of the matrix combined with subsequent excavation for more complete exposure yielded an extensive mass of synangia approximately 8 cm. in length (PI. 76, figs. 1, 2). The arrangement of the synangia suggests that the specimen consisted of a major axis bearing approximately 6 primary laterals. These laterals, apparently borne alternately along the major axis, bear the individual synangia. Little in the way of clearly definable remains of the major axis are preserved, but the presence of such a structure may be inferred from the orientation of the synangium-bearing laterals. Each bears a large number of synangia which are radially disposed in the matrix surrounding the position of the lateral axis. This apparent 3-dimensional disposition was presumably a feature of the plant in life and suggests that this portion of the frond was non-planated and probably had a rather bushy appearance. Synangia are stalked (PI. 76, fig. 4) and in some instances borne in pairs (PI. 76, fig. 3). Individual synangia are spatulate in outline, broadest just back of the tip, and gradually tapered toward the base into a delicate stalk. Average dimensions of the synangia are 5 mm. long and T5 mm. in maximum width. Relatively few, somewhat distantly spaced dark lines run longitudinally along the synangia (PI. 76 fig. 3) and apparently represent intervening walls between individual sporangia. As is seen in PI. 76, fig. 3 and 4, these dark lines designate furrows that separate somewhat curved ridges. A number of rep- resentative synangia are shown in place in the matrix in PI. 77, fig. 1. Entire synangia consist of either 3 or 4 elongate masses of pollen (PI. 76, fig. 5, PI. 77, fig. 5). Each mass apparently represents the contents of a single sporangium, little else remains. In some instances, a thin layer of dark material is present covering e e C 6685 416 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 portions of the synangium (PI. 76, fig. 5), which when cleared in Clorox consists of a single layer of extremely thin-walled cells that are axially elongate and have horizontally orientated end walls. Whether this tissue represents all or part of the sporangial walls, or is some sort of tapetal structure, is not known. Individual pollen masses illustrate that the sporangial cavities were relatively narrow in comparison to their lengths and reflected the exterior shape of the synangium in being broader near the tip (PI. 77, fig. 3) and gently tapering toward the base of the synangium. Disposition of the pollen within the masses (PI. 77, figs. 3, 4) further illustrates that the sporangial cavities were probably circular in cross section rather than radially elongate. Material embedded in paraffin and sectioned did not provide any pertinent information concerning the central portion of the synangium. Pollen grains of A. iowensis are similar to those found in a large number of pollen organs thought to have affinities with the Medullosaceae. Grains are bilaterally sym- metrical, have a prominent suture on the proximal face (PI. 77 fig. 2), and have lengths that range from 88 to 165 /j. (text-fig. 1) and breadths from 44 to 121 p. The percentage size distribution is shown in the text-figure. Average dimensions are 135 ju. long by 81 p. broad (based upon 250 grains). The walls of the pollen grains are relatively thick (ap- proximately 8-9 p) and are essentially devoid of ornamentation although a few grains have an extremely faint punctation. In the dispersed form similar pollen would be assigned to the genus Monoletes Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall 1944. Discussion. Information concerning published species is restricted to features of in- dividual synangia although we can now suggest certain other features of fertile regions of A. iowensis. Of these species, A. elongata and A. hemingwayi have the most completely known synangia. In these forms the number of sporangia (8-9 in A. elongata, 9 in A. hemingwayi) and range of pollen dimensions are fairly well established. Aulacotheca is extremely rare in occurrence in North America. Initially described under the name Whittleseya campbelli by White (1900) on the basis of material from several horizons within the Pottsville of the Appalachian region, North American material has subsequently been assigned to Aulacotheca campbelli (Arnold 1947, 1949) in most instances; however, Jongmans assigned material from the Pocahontas and New River Beds of West Virginia to A. elongata and A. hemingwayi (Jongmans 1937). Material from Eastwood, Michigan described under the name A. campbelli (Arnold 1949) is fairly well known and in this instance the number of sporangia per synangium is 6. Additional material described by Arnold from the Sewell Formation of West Virginia as A. campbelli, and the material originally studied by White has not been shown to have spores present nor has the number of sporangia per synangium been determined, although it appears that Arnold’s estimate of 6 is probably correct in comparison with the better preserved material from Michigan. The number of sporangia is also not EXPLANATION OF PLATE 77 Figs. 1-5. Aulacotheca iowensis sp. nov. 1, Portion of specimen showing numerous representative synangia; 1324a, x5-5. 2, Portion of pollen mass showing detail of individual grains; Slide 2928, X300. 3, Individual pollen mass after treatment with dilute Clorox; Slide 2928, x43. 4, Portion of pollen mass showing disposition of grains that suggests the tubular form of the pollen sac; Slide 2928, X 120. 5, Individual synangium having three pollen sacs partially separated; Slide 2926, X 22. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 77 EGGERT and KRYDER, Aulacotheca (Pteridospermales) D. A. EGGERT AND R. W. KRYDER: AULACOTHECA (PTE R IDO SPERM ALES) 417 known in A. dixiana and A. hallei. Hemingway (1941) suggested that A. Hallei had 6 ‘loculi’, but apparently believed them to be synangia rather than individual sporangia. A. iowensis with 3 to 4 sporangia per synangium has a lower sporangial number than any other species for which this number is well established. Evidence for either the presence or absence of a central hollow region is totally lacking, in so far as we can 40 35 30 P E R C E N T 15 25 20 I 1 Width of grain Length of grain 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 MIC RONS text-fig. 1. Aulacotheca iowensis sp. nov. Histogram illustrating range and percentage distribution of pollen grain dimensions; based on a sample of 250 grains. judge, for all of the species except A. elongata. In the latter Halle (1933) inferred a centrally placed hollow on the basis of the disposition of the spore masses after com- pression and on the lack of evidence of any relatively thick carbonized area in the centre of the synangium. In some instances, a longitudinal splitting of the flattened synangia into two halves has been used to suggest the presence of the central hollow area, and Halle seems to have been impressed with this feature of the material since it allowed a close comparison to be made with Whittleseya , in which a ring of fused sporangia surrounded a large central hollow area and made up a cup-shaped pollen organ that was open at the distal end. In cases where synangia have relatively large numbers of sporangia it can be argued from their disposition, as Halle did, that the sporangia originally formed a ring about a central sterile region, either hollow or of solid tissue. However, in forms such as A. iowensis where 3 or 4 sporangia are present, compression results in a disposition of the sporangia which does not permit determination of the exact nature of the central part of the synangium. Thus, largely through limitations of the material, most of the described species of Aulacotheca cannot be shown to exhibit 418 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 the full complement of features assigned to this genus by Halle in the original diagnosis (Halle 1933, p. 40). In practice, however, most material assigned to the genus shows a similar external form, evidence of slight longitudinal ribbing, and most often a toothed or lobed distal end. In this respect, material assigned to Aulaeotheca is more or less indistinguishable from that placed in the genus Boulaya Carpentier (Carpentier 1925) the most complete study of which was published by Halle (1933). In Halle’s study, the genus Boulaya is characterized by having relatively fine vertical striations but lacking evidence of any external ribs. In other respects, the genera Boulaya and Aulaeotheca are indistinguishable on the basis of external features. The internal structure of Boulaya has never been satisfactorily determined, although Halle believed it to have a central hollow region surrounded by a ring-shaped sporangial region which may or may not have been subdivided into individual sporangia. We have assigned the present material from Iowa to Aulaeotheca largely on the presence of shallow external ribbing and the clear presence of several individual sporangia within each synangium. In 1932 Dix suggested that synangia of the Aulaeotheca type may have been attached to Neuropteris sehlehani, but, this appears to be an instance of close association in the matrix. Thus, at present, nothing is known of the source plants which produced pollen organs such as Aulaeotheca. Relationships with the Medullosaceae are deduced from the type of pollen and general organization of the pollen organs, which compare favourably with some better-known pollen organs such as Dolerotheca which are almost certainly of medullosan origin. However, the general organization of Aulaeotheca is not very different from that occurring in some pollen organs believed to have been produced by members of the Lyginopteridaceae. For example, both Telangium and Heterotheca Benson (1904, 1922) are synangiate and the central portion of Telangium was hollow. Fusion of the sporangia apparently extended throughout their lengths in both Aulaeotheca and Heterotheca while in Telangium the sporangia were free except near their bases. The genus Telangium , is, in turn, questionably distinct from some forms of Crossotheca and Kidston believed that the two genera were probably the sam? ( Kidston 1 906). Thus, although general accounts of these genera of pollen organs generally assume that the forms are distinct types such is not the case and a great deal of continued research is needed to properly determine the detailed structure of these presumed pteridosperm pollen organs. A few remarks should be made concerning features of the fertile frond or frond regions of A. iowensis. Whether the synangia occurred on separate fertile fronds or merely occupied portions of the same fronds having sterile foliar areas cannot be determined. It is of interest to note that present evidence indicates that Aulaeotheca pollen organs were borne on pinnate fronds with unequal branching of the frond axes rather than on fronds with equal dichotomous branching. Also, the fertile regions of Aulaeotheca lacked sterile foliar structures and were apparently 3-dimensional in the distal regions where the pollen organs were borne all around the ultimate axes. In this respect, Aulaeotheca is reminiscent of several Devonian genera such as Archaeopteris and Tetraxylopteris (Carluccio, Hueber, and Banks 1966, Bonamo and Banks 1967), and, in view of several studies by Long on Lower Carboniferous pteridosperm fronds and structures such as cupules borne on fronds, illustrates that the frond of Palaeozoic seed ferns was much more 3-dimensional and branch-like than has been sup- posed. D. A. EGGERT AND R. W. KRYDER: AULACOTHECA fPTERIDOSPERM ALES) 419 Acknowledgement. This investigation was supported by National Science Foundation grant GB 4126 to the senior author. REFERENCES Arnold, c. a. 1947. An Introduction to Paleobotany. New York. 1949. Fossil flora of the Michigan coal basin. Contrib. Mas. Paleont. Univ. Michigan 7, 131-269. benson, m. 1904. Telangium scotti, a new species of Telangium ( Calymmatotheca ) showing structure. Ann. Bot. 18, 161-76. 1922. Heterotheca grievii. The microsporangium of Heterangiwn grievii. Bot. Gaz. 74, 121-42. bonamo, p. m. and banks, h. p. 1967. Tetraxy/opteris schmidtii: its fertile parts and its relationships within the Aneurophytales. Amer. J. Bot. 54, 755-68. carluccio, l. m., hueber, f. m. and banks, h. p. 1966. Archaeopteris macilenta, anatomy and mor- phology of its frond. Amer. J. Bot. 53, 719-30. carpentier, a. 1925. Note sur quelques empreintes de graines et micro-sporanges de pteridospermees provenant du westphalien du Nord de la France. Rev. Gen. Bot. 37, 145-56. crookall, r. 1929. Coal Measure Plants. London. dix, e. 1932. On a sporocarp probably attached to a frond of Neuropteris schlehani Stur. Ann. Bot. 46, 1065-8. halle, t. G. 1933. The structure of certain fossil spore-bearing organs believed to belong to pterido- sperms. Kungl. Svensk. Vetenskap. Hand!., Ser. 3, 12, 1-103. hemingway, w. 1941. On the coal-measure plant Aulacotheca. Ann. Bot. N.s. 5, 197-201. jongmans, w. 1937. Comparisons of the floral succession in the Carboniferous of West Virginia with Europe. Compt. rend. 2cme congr. strat. Carb., Fleerlen, 1, 393-415. kidston, r. 1890-8. The Yorkshire Carboniferous flora. Trans. York. Nat. Union, Volume for 1888-98. 1906. On the microsporangia of the Pteridospermeae, with remarks on their relationship to existing groups. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 248, 413-45. schopf, j. m., wilson, l. r. and bentall, r. 1944. An annotated synopsis of Paleozoic fossil spores and the definition of generic groups. Illinois Geol. Surv. Rept. Invest. 91. white, d. 1900. The stratigraphic succession of the fossil floras of the Pottsville formation in the southern anthracite coal field of Pennsylvania. U.S. Geol. Surv. Ann. Rept. 20, 749-930. DONALD A. EGGERT Department of Biological Sciences University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, Illinois RALPH W. KRYDER Department of Geology University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Typescript received 30 September 1968 MIOSPORES FROM THE LOWER CARBONIFEROUS BASEMENT BEDS IN THE MEN AI STRAITS REGION OF CAERNARVONSHIRE, NORTH WALES by f. a. hibbert and W. S. LACEY Abstract. A well-preserved miospore flora from the Basement Beds of the Lower Carboniferous in the Menai Straits region of Caernarvonshire, North Wales is described. A total of 47 species is recorded from the deposits. One new genus Umbonatisporites, and 7 new species are proposed. The assemblage contains spores characteristic of both Tournaisian and Visean deposits, but is considered to be Visean in age. The Lower Carboniferous succession throughout North Wales consists largely of a series of limestones underlain by Basement Beds and resting unconformably on Lower Palaeozoic rocks. Lower Carboniferous deposits outcrop on both sides of the Menai Straits and in Caernarvonshire lie on Ordovician rocks. Greenly (1928) described conglomeratic sandstones, shales and thin limestones which he placed at the base of the Lower Dibunophyllum zone (Dx). There is a fragmentary fauna, mainly of brachio- pods; the lowest horizon containing abundant faunal remains lies close to the base of the overlying Brown Limestone. There is no clear indication of the precise age of the Basement Beds and they have been variously assigned to the base of the Da or the top of the S2 (Greenly 1928, Neaverson 1946, George 1958). Three samples were taken from a lenticle of shale, approximately 40 yards long and 3 ft. in thickness, where the Basement Beds outcrop by the Britannia Tubular Bridge on the Caernarvonshire side of the Menai Straits (Grid Ref. SH541708). Plant remains from these beds were first described by Walton in Greenly (1928), the list of species later being extended by Lacey (1952 a, b). The later work indicated the presence of a rich assemblage of plant micro-fossils and seeds. The three samples were collected from the shale in the following ascending order: sample LC2 from the base of the shale outcropping on the foreshore; sample LC3 one foot above LC2 and associated with the plant bed described by Walton and Lacey; LC4 at the top of the shale band two feet above LC3. The three samples showed no marked differences in miospore content and are accordingly treated as one assemblage, characteristic of the Basement Beds. Preparation of samples. The samples were immersed in 40% hydrofluoric acid at 40 °C for up to four days, to remove the silicates. The residue was oxidized in fuming nitric acid for up to two hours, then washed with progressively more dilute nitric acid and transferred to a sinter-glass Buchner funnel. Here the residue was further washed with a 5% solution of potassium hydroxide and then, repeatedly, with distilled water using the technique described by Neves and Dale (1963). Permanent slides were made using ‘Cellosize with a thermosetting plastic as a mountant (Jeffords and Jones 1959). (Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 420-440, pi. 78-83.] HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MENAI STRAITS REGION 421 The terminology used is that outlined by Couper and Grebe (1961) and expanded by Smith and Butterworth (1967). The classification of the dispersed miospores follows the scheme first proposed by Dettmann (1963) as revised and extended by Smith and Butterworth (1967). Only those species which are described for the first time, or are considered to be more critical to the present study, are given systematic treatment. In addition to the illustra- tions using the transmitted light microscope, a number of photographs are reproduced using the scanning reflection electron microscope developed by Cambridge Scientific Instruments following the technique described by Hibbert (1967). The slides containing holotypes and other figured specimens have been deposited in the School of Plant Biology, University College of North Wales. They are marked with the preparation number and the co-ordinates are those of the Leitz Laborlux micro- scope no. 582096 of the above Department. Single grain mounts bear the prefix MS. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Anteturma sporites H. Potonie 1893 Turma triletes (Reinsch) Dettmann 1963 Suprasubturma acavatitriletes Dettmann 1963 Subturma azonotriletes (Luber) Dettmann 1963 Infraturma laevigati (Bennie and Kidston) Potonie 1956 Genus punctatisporites (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1954 Type species. P. punctatus Ibrahim 1933. Punctatisporites irrasus Hacquebard 1957 Plate 78, fig. 1 Description. Diameter 58-89 p, mean 74 p (45 specimens); amb circular to sub-circular. Laesura distinct, straight, length one-half to three-quarters spore radius, occasionally low lips are developed. Frequently the laesura are gaping with dark intertectal areas. Remarks. Spores with dark intertectal areas were included in this species by Sullivan (1964a). It is thought to be a miospore characteristic of Tournaisian assemblages (Sullivan 1967). Previous records. Horton Bluff (Tournaisian) Canada (Hacquebard 1957). Lower Limestone Shales (Tournaisian) Forest of Dean Gloucestershire (Sullivan 1964a). Cementstone group (Tournaisian) of Ayrshire (Sullivan 1968). Springer formation (Mississippian/Pennsylvanian boundary) of Oklahoma (Felix and Burbridge 1967). Infraturma apiculati (Bennie and Kidston) R. Potonie 1956 Subinfraturma granulati Dybova and Jachowicz 1957 Genus granulatisporites (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1954 Type species. G. granulatus Ibrahim 1933. 422 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Granulatisporites visensis sp. nov. Plate 78, fig. 4 Holotype. Slide LS9b, 57.2 104.9. Size 41 p. Diagnosis. Diameter 26-51 p, mean 37 p (56 specimens); amb subtriangular with concave interradial margins and rounded apices. Laesura simple, straight, length from three quarters to equal the spore radius. Ornamentation consists of grana 1 -5-4-0 p wide at the base and up to 2-0 p high; the grana may coalesce to form short, verrucate ridges. Ornament well developed at the apices where it forms an indented margin; the inter- radial margins mostly smooth. The grana are most strongly developed on the distal surface and are frequently concentrated at the distal pole and along the triangular radii. Exine punctate between the grana. Remarks. The development of irregular ridges characterises this species; its development is not strong enough to warrant different generic assignment. Subinfraturma verrucati Dybova and Jachowicz 1957 Genus verrucosisporites (Ibrahim) Smith and Butterworth 1967 Type species. V. verrucosus Ibrahim 1932. Verrucosisporites eximius Playford 1962 Plate 78, figs. 9, 10 Remarks. The present specimens show a larger size from 62 to 92 p, mean 82 p than those described by Playford (mean 72 p); otherwise they are similar. Previous records. Lower Carboniferous of Spitsbergen (Playford 1962, 1963#). Subinfraturma nodati Dybova and Jachowicz 1957 Genus waltzispora Staplin 1960 Type species. W. lobophora (Waltz) Staplin 1960. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 78 All figures X 500 Fig. 1. Punctatisporites irrasus Hacquebard 1957; Slide LC5b, 21-3 110 0. Fig. 2. Waltzispora planiangulata Sullivan 1964; Slide LC2e, 41-4 101-7. Fig. 3. Lophotriletes tribulosus Sullivan 1964; Slide LC9b, 33-3 95-4. Fig. 4. Granulatisporites visensis sp. nov., Holotype; Slide LC9b, 57-2 104-9. Figs. 5-6. Raistrickia nigra Love 1960; slide MS80. 5, proximal surface. 6, distal surface. Figs. 7-8. Neora'strickia drybrookensis Sullivan 1964. 7, slide LC2b, 23-0 100-2. 8, slide MS14. Figs. 9-10. Verrucosisporites eximius Playford 1962. 9, proximal surface; slide MS144. 10, proxi- mal surface; slide MS182. Fig. 11. Grumosisporites verrucosus (B. and W.) Smith and Butterworth 1967; LC2c, 32-9 98-5. Figs. 12-13. Umbonatisporites variabi/is gen. et sp. nov. 12, distal surface; slide LC2c, 14-6 106 8 13, Holotype, proximal surface; slide LC2e, 44 0 99 0. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 78 HIBBERT and LACEY, Early Carboniferous miospores HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MENAI STRAITS REGION 423 Waltzispora planiangulata Sullivan 1964 Plate 78, fig. 2 Description. Diameter 30-41 p, mean 35 p (50 specimens); amb triangular with bluntly rounded apices, having angular junctions with the concave, interradial margins. Laesura distinct, simple, straight, length from three-quarters 1o equal to spore radius. Exine 1-0-1 -5 /x thick, ornamented with grana and coni, 0-5 p high and 1-0-1 -5 /x in basal diameter; ornament absent from the proximal contact area. Remarks. The variation in ornament between the specimens was not as evident as Sullivan describes. The angular junction between the apex and the concave side was variable but never approaches the distinct angularity described by Staplin (1960) for W. lobophora. Previous records. Drybrook Sandstone (Visean) Forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire (Sullivan 19646). Genus lophotriletes (Naumova) Potonie and Kremp 1954 Type species. L. gibbosus (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1954. Lophotriletes tribulosus Sullivan 1964 Plate 78, fig. 3 Remarks. The size range, diameter 28-39 p, mean 32 p (40 specimens), varies from that originally given by Sullivan (30-45 p, mean 36-5 p). Otherwise the range of ornament in the present specimens agrees with the original description. Previous records. Drybrook Sandstone (Visean) Forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire (Sullivan 19646). Genus umbonatisporites gen. nov. Type species. U. variabilis sp. nov. Diagnosis. Radial, trilete miospores, amb circular to sub-circular. Faesura simple, straight, one sixth of the spore radius; frequently indistinct. Ornament of variable shape, predominantly narrow at the base, widening towards the apex and terminating in a rounded head, which is topped by a short, sharply tapering spine. There may be from one to three rounded ‘heads’ on the apex of the element (text-fig. 1). There are tapering spines interspersed over the surface of the spore. Exine is frequently folded. Umbonatisporites variabilis sp. nov. Plate 78, figs. 12, 13; Plate 79, figs. 1-3 Holotype. Slide LC2e, 44-4 90 0. Size 120 p. Diagnosis. Diameter 95-134 p, mean 106 p (34 specimens); amb sub-circular to circular. Faesura one-sixth spore radius, simple, frequently indistinct. Exine 1-2 p thick, covered 424 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 with a distinctive ornament arranged in indiscriminate patterns. Ornament variable in both size and shape; one element up to 4-5 p high and 1-0-1 -5 p in basal diameter, widening towards the apex where it terminates in a rounded head which is topped with a thin tapering spine. There may be from one to three rounded projections at the apex of the element. These elements are interspersed with spines 0-5-1 -0 p at the base and from 2-0 to 4-0 i x long. The exine is commonly folded. Remarks. The only other spore showing variable branching at the apex of the elements making up the ornament is the megaspore Singhisporites (Potonie 1956), ‘die terminal ± kleine Verzweigungen aufweisen’. There is no indication of the short terminal spine seen in Umbonatisporites nor of tapering spines interspersed with the ‘bacula’. The ornament in Singhisporites is frequently adpressed on to the spore body as is typical of Umbonatisporites (PI. 79, figs. 2, 3). text-fig. 1. Profile view of sculpture of Umbonatisporites variabitis gen. et. sp. nov. Subinfraturma baculati Dybova and Jachowicz 1957 Genus raistrickia (Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall) Potonie and Kremp 1954 Type species. R. grovensis Schopf 1944. Raistrickia nigra Love 1960 Plate 78, figs. 5, 6 Remarks. The size range of the present specimens, from 48 to 67 p, mean 56 p (33 specimens) is smaller than that given by Love, the bacula are also of a smaller dimension. Love comments that his description is based on only a small number of specimens and it is considered that the present material represents an extension of his original description. The sizes do not differ markedly from those given by Sullivan and Marshall (1966). Previous records. Lower Oil Shale group (Visean) of Scotland (Love 1960). Upper Sedimentary Group (Visean) of Scotland (Sullivan and Marshall 1966). Raistrickia cf. clavata (Hacquebard) Playford 1963 Plate 79, figs. 4, 5 Description. Diameter 34-128 p, mean 109 p (30 specimens); amb circular. Laesura straight, length two-thirds to three-quarters the spore radius, with slight lip develop- ment. Exine 3-0-6-0 p thick (excluding ornament) covered with a variable ornament HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MEN AI STRAITS REGION 425 of verrucae, mushroom-shaped processes and bacula; their basal diameter varies from 5-5 to 8-0 p and height from 2-0 to 9-0 p. The ornament is irregular and occurs on both faces of the spore. Remarks. The character and positioning of the ornament in R. clavata (Hacquebard) Playford 1963) is very similar to the present specimens. The size, however, is that of R. ponder osa Playford 1963, which has less verrucae and a more uniform ornament. Genus neoraistrickia Potonie 1956 Type species. N. truncatus (Cookson) Potonie 1956. Neoraistrickia drybrookensis Sullivan 1964 Plate 78, figs. 7, 8 Description. Diameter 31-53 ft, mean 45 p (35 specimens); amb triangular with rounded apices and straight to slightly concave, or convex sides. Laesura often indistinct, straight, length three-quarters of spore radius; slight lip development. The distal face of the spore is ornamented with cones, bacula, and verrucae. The coni are often blunt, up to 3-0 p in height and 4-0 p in basal diameter; the bacula are up to 9-0 p high and 5-0 p in basal diameter and the verrucae from 3-0 to 7-0 p high and up to 9-0 p in basal diameter. Exine 2-0-2-5 p thick. Remarks. The specimens agree closely with the description given by Sullivan; the size range is extended. The large verrucae when occurring on the equator, in particular to- wards the triangular apices, give the impression that the spore has a flange. Previous records. Drybrook Sandstone (Visean) Forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire (Sullivan 19646). Infraturma murornati Potonie and Kremp 1954 Genus convolutispora Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy 1955 Type species. C. ftorida Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy 1955. Convolutispora labiata Playford 1962 Plate 79, figs. 8, 9 Remarks. Diameter 47-89 p , mean 64 p (50 specimens). The size of the miospores from the Basement Beds is considerably smaller than those described by Playford, diameter 82-114 ft, mean 99 p. Apart from size difference the present specimens have the same characteristics as Playford originally described and they are therefore placed in C. labiata. Previous records. Lower Carboniferous of Spitsbergen (Playford 1962). Convolutispora vermiformis Hughes and Playford 1961 Plate 79, figs. 6, 7 1957 Convolutispora flexuosa forma minor Hacquebard, p. 312; pi. 2, fig. 10. 426 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Remarks. A number of the present specimens have lower, more insignificant muri than was originally described by Hughes and Playford. They form a continuous morphological series to the more typical form and were all included under C. vermiformis. Previous records. Lower Carboniferous of Spitsbergen (Hughes and Playford 1961, Playford 1962). Horton Group (Tournaisian) of Canada (Hacquebard 1957, Playford 1963). Upper Devonian of Melville Island (McGregor 1960). Springer formation (Missis- sippian/Pennsylvanian boundary) of Oklahoma (Felix and Burbridge 1967). Genus dictyotriletes (Naumova) Smith and Butterworth 1967 Type species. D. bireticulatus (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1954. Dictyotriletes tesselatus sp. nov. Plate 80, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 Holotype. Slide LC3a, 55-7 93-2. Size 95 p. Diagnosis. Diameter 78-105 p, mean 91 p (50 specimens); amb circular to sub-circular. Laesura distinct, straight, length from three-quarters to equal to the spore radius; accompanied by prominent lips up to 6-0 p broad on each side of the mark, having a number of blunt crests up to 5-0 p high. Ornamentation on both faces of the spore of smooth muri, 2-5-4 0 p wide and up to 11-0 p high, frequently with a clavate profile when seen equatorially. The muri are frequently expanded where they anastamose, and may terminate abruptly on the proximal face. Lumina very irregular in shape, from 5-0 to 27-0 p in longest diameter, there may be clavate projections within them. Exine 2-5 to 4-0 p thick (excluding ornament). Comparison. Retieulatisporites variolatus Playford 1962 is characterized by a higher frequency of more clavate muri when seen in profile. The lumina are more regularly arranged and are rounded to polygonal in shape; the exine is also thicker and the laesura is not accompanied by lips. R. cancellatus Playford 1962 has lower muri which are not clavate in section. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 79 All figures X 500 unless otherwise stated Figs. 1-3. Umbonatisporites variabilis gen. et sp. nov. 1, Details of ornament; slide LC2c, 14-6 106-8; X 1000. 2, 3, Stereoscan pictures showing detail of ornament. 2, negative S/28/32, x 5650. 3, negative S/28/37, x 5650. Figs. 4-5. Raistrickia cf. clavata (Hacquebard) Playford 1963. 4, Distal surface; slide MS174. 5, Proximal surface; slide MS 177. Figs. 6-9. Convolutispora spp. 6-7, C. vermiformis Hughes and Playford 1961; Slide MS153. 6, Proximal surface. 7, Distal surface. 8-9, C. labiata Playford 1962; Slide LC3a, 32-8 96-2. 8, Distal surface. 9, Proximal surface. Figs. 10-11. Dictyotriletes spp. 10, D. pactilis Sullivan and Marshall 1966; Slide LC5c, 16-5 106-7. 1 1, D. cancellatus Playford 1962. Proximal surface, slide LC3d, 37-8 1 10-9. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 79 HIBBERT and LACEY, Early Carboniferous miospores HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MENAI STRAITS REGION 427 Dictyotriletes cancellatus (Waltz) Potonie and Kremp 1955 Plate 79, fig. 1 1 1938 Azonotriletes cancellatus Waltz, in Luber and Waltz, p. 1 1 ; pi. 1, fig. 8 and pi. 5, fig. 73. 1955 Sphenophyllotriletes cancellatus (Waltz) Luber, pp. 41-2, pi. 4, figs. 78 a, b, 79. 1955 Dictyotriletes cancellatus (Waltz) Potonie and Kremp, p. 108. 1956 Dictyotriletes cancellatus (Waltz) Ishchenko, p. 43; pi. 7, figs. 88, 89. 1957 Dictyotriletes cancellatus (Waltz) Naumova; Kedo, p. 1166. 1957 Reticulatisporites varioreticulatus Hacquebard and Barss, p. 17, pi. 2, figs. 15, 16. 1962 Reticulatisporites cancellatus (Waltz) Playford, pp. 597-8; pi. 82, figs. 11-13 and pi. 83, figs. 1, 2. Remarks. The inclusion of this species within the genus Dictyotriletes follows the emen- dation of Reticulatisporites by Neves (1964) and the subsequent emendation of Dictyo- triletes by Smith and Butterworth (1967). In the comparison of their new genus Corbulispora with Dictyotriletes Bharadwaj and Venkatachala (1962) separate the two on the basis of the latter having ‘flat muri ... a simple trilete mark’ (p. 24). There is no valid reason for emphasizing the simple trilete mark as an important difference between the two and it would seem that the interpretation of flat muri is not objective. It would seem that these characteristics are not of sufficient significance to separate the two genera. A more detailed study of the type material is needed to resolve the problem. Previous records. Lower Carboniferous of the U.S.S.R. (Waltz in Luber and Waltz 1938, Luber 1955, Ishchenko 1956, 1958 and Kedo 1957, 1958). Lower Carboniferous of Canada (Hacquebard and Barss 1957) and of Spitsbergen (Playford 1962). Dictyotriletes pactilis Sullivan and Marshall 1966 Plate 80, fig. 10 Description. Diameter 62-105 p, mean 85 p (50 specimens); amb circular to sub- circular. Laesura not seen. Ornament of thin, tall muri 0-5 to 2-0 p wide and up to 18-0 p high, clearly visible as radial projections at the equator. Lumina irregular in shape, from 5-0 to 33-0 p in longest diameter. Muri frequently folded. Exine 2-0 to 4-0 p thick. Remarks. In measuring eleven specimens Sullivan and Marshall gave a size range of 52-63 p, mean 58 p. On the basis of a greater number of specimens this size range is extended. Reticulatisporites sp. B recorded by Love (1960) would seem to be D. pactilis. Love records a size of 74 p for his specimen. Previous records. Lower Oil Shale group (Visean) of Scotland (Love 1960). Upper Sedimentary Group (Visean) of Scotland (Sullivan and Marshall 1966). Goddard formation (upper Mississippian) of Oklahoma (Felix and Burbridge 1967). Dictyotriletes submarginatus Playford 1963 Plate 80, figs. 3, 6, 11, 12. Description. Diameter 52-69 p, mean 60 p (25 specimens); amb sub-triangular. Laesura distinct, sinuous or straight, extending to the equator, accompanied by elevated lips up to 428 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 3 p wide. Proximal surface laevigate, occasionally the muri run on to the proximal surface in the equatorial region. Distal surface ornamented with low, narrow, sinuous muri, which may both anastamose and terminate freely; the lumina formed are irregular in shape. Equatorial outline irregular to deeply indented. Remarks. The spores described here agree closely with the original description given by Playford, with the exception that the ornament of the distal surface appears to be less dense and the incisions at the equator are deeper than his figured specimens. It is not clear if the equatorial structure is a true cingulum, or is a feature produced by the fusion of muri. Previous records. Horton Group (Tournaisian) of Canada (Playford 1963). Subturma zonotriletes Waltz 1935 Infraturma cingulati (Potonie and Klaus) Dettmann 1963 Genus knoxisporites (Potonie and Kremp) Neves and Playford 1961 Type species. K. hageni Potonie and Kremp 1954. Knoxisporites stephanophorus Love 1961 Plate 80, figs. 9, 10 Remarks. Diameter 46-84 p, mean 68 p (20 specimens). The distal thickenings and dis- tinctive structure of the lips, thinning proximally, are characteristic of this species. Previous records. Lower Oil Shale group (Visean) of Scotland (Love 1960). Upper Sedimentary group (Visean) of Scotland (Sullivan and Marshall 1966). Springer forma- tion (Mississippian/Pennsylvanian boundary) and Goddard formation (Upper Missis- sippi) of Oklahoma (Lelix and Burbridge 1967). Knoxisporites pristinus Sullivan 1968 Plate 81, figs. 5, 6, 9 Description. Diameter 53-89 p, mean 68 p (27 specimens); amb circular to sub-circular, frequently irregular. Laesura distinct, length from three-quarters to almost equal to EXPLANATION OF PLATE 80 All figures X 500 unless otherwise stated Figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. Dictyotriletes tesselatus sp. nov. 1, Holotype, distal surface; slide LC3a, 55-7 93-2. 2, Holotype, proximal surface, 4, Proximal surface; slide LC3c, 31 0 99-8 5, Distal surface; slide LC3c, 31-0 99 8 7, Stereoscan, proximal surface; negative S/26/40, X 600. 8, Stereoscan, distal surface; negative S/26/29, X 630. Figs. 3, 6, 11, 12. Dictyotriletes submarg inatus Playford 1963. 3, Proximal surface; slide MS122. 6, Distal surface; slide MS122. 11, Distal surface; slide MS81. 12, Proximal surface; slide MS81. Figs. 9, 10. Knoxisporites stephanophorus Love 1961 ; Slide MS 108. 9, Distal surface. 10, Proximal surface. Figs. 13, 14. Knoxisporites seniradiatus Neves 1961; Slide MS91. 13, Proximal surface. 14, Distal surface. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 80 HIBBERT and LACEY, Early Carboniferous miospores HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MENAI STRAITS REGION 429 the radius of the central body, occasionally lips are developed. Exine thickened on the distal surface, the thickenings are irregular in shape and frequently only slightly developed. Remarks. The present specimens clearly fit into the description given by Sullivan. The variability and often ill-defined nature of the thickenings make it likely that many spores which are rather badly preserved will be placed in this species. Certainly some of the present material approximates to K. hederatus (Ishchenko) Play ford 1963 and K. rot alas Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy 1956. Previous records. Cementstone group (Tournaisian) of Ayrshire (Sullivan 1968). Knoxisporites seniradiatus Neves 1961 Plate 80, figs. 13, 14 Remarks. Although very few specimens of this spore were seen, they were clearly refer- able to this species; the laesura having wide, prominent lips, so distinguishing the specimens from K. triradiatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy 1955. Sullivan (1964a) records K. cf. triradiatus from Tournaisian deposits; in these specimens the trilete has narrow lips, narrower than those of K. seniradiatus. This may rather be a representation of the morphological range of K. seniradiatus. Previous records. Namurian of the southern Pennines (Neves 1961). Genus cincturasporites Hacquebard and Barss 1957 Type species. C. altilis Hacquebard and Barss 1957. Remarks. This genus includes specimens which have a cingulum and a distinct convolute ridge, or boss distal ornament. It is likely that the genus Orbisporis Bharadwaj and Venkatachala 1962 does possess an equatorial cingulum, although the authors do not describe such a feature; this, together with its variable distal ornament, makes it difficult to separate from Cincturasporites. Critical reassessment of the type material of the genus Orbisporis is necessary to resolve the problem. Cincturasporites intestinalis sp. nov. Plate 81, figs. 11-13; Plate 82, figs. 1-3 Holotype. MS 132. Size 130 p. Diagnosis. Over-all diameter 92-143 p, mean 104 p (70 specimens); amb circular to sub-circular. Laesura distinct, straight, length two-thirds to equal to the central body radius, often gaping and frequently accompanied by a development of the proximal ornament. Cingulum from 10-0 to 19-0 p in width, showing a poleward overlap onto the central body; the equatorial amb is irregular and has several thickened lobes. Cingulum is concentrically thickened, having a peripheral band of thickening and a further band adjacent to the body with a thinner area between. The distal and, to a lesser extent, the proximal faces of the central body are ornamented with convolute. 430 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 vermiform ridges, only rarely anastamosing, from 5-0 to 30-0 p in length and 4-0 to 9-0 p in width. The central body is most often displaced laterally. Remarks. Orbisporis convolutus Butterworth and Spinner 1967 is similar but has a thickened band on the proximal side of the equator and lacks proximal ornament. Cincturasporites sp. Balme and Hassell 1962 seems to approach the structure of C. intestinal is. Suprasubturma laminatitriletes Smith and Butterworth 1967 Subturma zonolaminatitriletes Smith and Butterworth 1967 Infraturma cingulicavati Smith and Butterworth 1967 Genus murospora Somers 1952 Type species. M. kosankei Somers 1952. Murospora intorta (Waltz) Playford 1962 Plate 81, fig. 8 1938 Zonotriletes intortus Waltz, in Luber and Waltz, p. 22; pi. 2, fig. 24. 1954 Simozonotriletes intortus (Waltz) Potonie and Kremp, p. 159. 1956 Simozonotriletes intortus (Waltz) Ishchenko, pp. 88-9; pi. 17, fig. 204. Description. Diameter 50-69 p, mean 58 p (30 specimens) ; amb subtriangular with straight to concave sides and rounded apices. Laesura simple, distinct, straight, length from two- thirds to equal to the spore body radius. Cingulum laevigate, 6-12 p wide, may be thicker and wider at the apices, overlaps the central body on the proximal side. Remarks. The validity of the generic assignment of this species remains in doubt. Staplin (1960) showed that Murospora Somers, Simozonotriletes (Naumova) Potonie and Kremp, and Westphalensisporites Alpern could be included in a single genus having patellate and capsellate forms, the equatorial feature being a tightly attached but separate part of the spore and not a centrifugal extension of the spore body. He did not amend the diagnosis of Somers. It is not known what is the true nature of the equa- torial structure in the type material of Simozonotriletes and until this is understood the present specimens are placed in the genus Murospora following the work of Staplin. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 81 All figures X 500 unless otherwise stated Figs. 1-4. Lophozonotriletes muricatus sp. nov. 1, Holotype, proximal surface; slide LC5b 46 7 101-4. 2, Holotype, distal surface. 3, Proximal surface; slide MS29. 4, Distal surface; slide MS29. Figs. 5, 6, 7, 9. Knoxisporites spp. 5, 6, 9. K. pristinus Sullivan 1968. 5, Distal surface; slide MS26. 6, Proximal surface; slide MS26. 9, Distal surface; slide MS219. 7, K. literatus (Waltz) Playford 1962; Slide MS145. Figs. 8, 10. Murospora spp. 8, M. intorta (Waltz) Playford 1962, Proximal surface; slide LC5a, 43-6 97T. 10, M. aurita (Waltz) Playford 1962, Proximal surface; slide LC7b, 33-4 101-6. Figs. 11-13. Cincturasporites intestinalis sp. nov. 11, Stereoscan, proximal surface; negative S/26/41, 360. 12, Holotype, distal surface; slide MSI 32. 13, Holotype, proximal surface. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 81 HIBBERT and LACEY, Early Carboniferous miospores HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MENAI STRAITS REGION 431 Previous records. Widely recorded from the Lower Carboniferous of the U.S.S.R. (Luber and Waltz 1938, Ishchenko 1956) and Spitsbergen (Playford 1962). The Upper Carboniferous of Britain (Sullivan 1958) and Upper Mississippian of Canada (Playford and Barss 1963). Murospora aurita (Waltz) Playford 1962 Plate 81, fig. 10 1938 Zonotriletes auritus (Waltz) in Luber and Waltz, p. 17, pi. 2, fig. 23. 1956 Simozonotriletes auritus (Waltz) Potonie and Kremp, p. 109. 1957 Cincturasporites auritus (Waltz) Hacquebard and Barss, p. 23, pi. 3, fig. 1. 1957 Cincturasporites irregularis Hacquebard and Barss, pp. 25-6; pi. 3, fig. 19. 1960 Murospora varia Staplin, p. 30, pi 6, figs. 16, 18. 1960 Murospora sp. cf. varia Staplin, p. 30, pi. 6, fig. 19. 1962 Murospora aurita (Waltz) Playford, pp. 609-10, pi. 87, figs. 1-6; text figs. 6a-q, s, 7. Description. Diameter 49-73 p, mean 59 p (30 specimens); amb sub-triangular, margin smooth to undulating. Laesura distinct, straight, reaching to the equator of the central body, accompanied by lips 2-5-6-0 p broad and slightly elevated. Cingulum from 5-0 to 13-0 p wide, laevigate, showing variation in thickening and in equatorial outline, thickenings commonly situated at the radial apices. Remarks. The overlap of the cingulum onto the central body is not considered to be a constant feature of M. aurita by Playford; he rejects the assignment to Cincturasporites. Certainly the continuous morphological series of cingulum width and thickness which he describes is present in the Basement Bed material, cingulum overlap occurring in- discriminately throughout this series. Previous records. Lower Carboniferous of the U.S.S.R. (Luber and Waltz 1938, 1941). Upper Mississippian of Canada (Hacquebard and Barss 1957, Playford and Barss 1963). Lower Carboniferous of Spitzbergen (Hughes and Playford 1961, Playford 1962.) Genus lophozonotriletes (Naumova) Potonie 1958 Type species. L. lebedianensis Naumova 1953. Remarks. Potonie (1958) includes spores in the genus Lophozonotriletes which were cingulate and had a prominent verrucate ornament. Playford (1963a) found an overlap of the cingulum onto the central body in rather less than a half of the specimens of Cincturasporites appendices Hacquebard and Barss which he examined. He discounted this overlap and placed the specimens in Lophozonotriletes. Lophozonotriletes muricatus sp. nov. Plate 81, figs. 1-4 Holotype. Slide LC5b, 46 7 101-4. Size 59 p. Diagnosis. Over-all diameter 48-69 p, mean 58 p (55 specimens); amb sub-triangular with convex sides and rounded apices. Laesura distinct, simple, straight, length from three-quarters to equal to the central body radius. Cingulum from 11-0 to 20-0 p in C 6685 p f 432 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 width. Distal surface of both the cingulum and the central body bears an ornament of verrucae which may coalesce to form ridges, from 3-4 to 7-5 p in basal diameter. Remarks. L. appendices (Hacquebard and Barss) Playford 1963, has an irregular distal ornament which is not elongate and is only rarely coalescent; it is also larger (1 10-70 p). Genus vallatisporites Hacquebard 1957 Type species. V. vallatus Hacquebard 1957. Vallatisporites vallatus Hacquebard 1957 Plate 82, figs. 6, 13. Remarks. The present specimens agree with the descriptions given both by Hacquebard 1957 and by Staplin and Jansonius (1964). There is a variability in the size of the vacuoles which are not considered by Staplin and Jansonius to be of secondary origin but rather as a specific character. Previous records. Horton group (Tournaisian) of eastern Canada (Hacquebard 1957, Playford 1963). Banff formation (Tournaisian) of Alberta (Staplin and Jansonius 1964). Cementstone group (Tournaisian) of Ayrshire (Sullivan 1968). Vallatisporites ciliaris (Luber) Sullivan 1964 Plate 82, fig. 8 1938 Zonotri/etes ciliaris Luber, in Luber and Waltz, p. 25, pi. 6, fig. 82. 1964 Vallatisporites ciliaris (Luber) Sullivan, p. 370, pi. 59, figs. 14, 15. Remarks. Over-all diameter 52-77 p, mean 62 p (50 specimens). The ornament described by Sullivan as galeae and spines is variable in size and density. In the present material there seems to be a continuous morphological series between this species and V. cf. ciliaris Sullivan 1964, in which the ornament is more or less completely absent. In this series there is considerable variation in the size and shape of the vacuoles. Previous records. Drybrook Sandstone (Visean) Forest of Dean Gloucestershire (Sullivan 1964). Bewcastle Beds (Upper Tournaisian/Lower Visean) of north-west England (Butter- worth and Spinner 1967). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 82 All figures X 500 unless otherwise stated Figs. 1-3. Cincturasporites intestinalis sp. nov. 1, Distal surface, slide MS69. 2, Proximal surface, slide MS69. 3, Stereoscan picture, distal surface, negative S/28/25, x 625. Figs. 4, 5, 7, 9-12. Vallatisporites microgalearis sp. nov. 4, Holotype, proximal surface, slide LC2a 23-5 102-2. 5, Holotype, distal surface, slide LC2a 23-5 102-2. 7, Distal surface, slide MS231. 9, Distal surface, slide LC2c 28-9 95-5. 10, Proximal surface, slide LC2c 28-9 95-5. 11, Stereoscan picture, distal surface, negative S/28/27, X 600. 12, Stereoscan picture, proximal surface, negative S/28/26, X 600. Figs. 6, 8, 13. Vallatisporites spp. 6, V. vallatus Hacquebard 1957, Proximal surface; slide MS248. 8, V. cilliaris (Luber) Sullivan 1964, Proximal surface; slide MS233. 13, V. vallatus with Lycospora uber, stereoscan, proximal surface; negative S/26/2, X 650. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 82 HIBBERT and LACEY, Early Carboniferous miospores HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MEN A I STRAITS REGION 433 Val/atisporites microgalearis sp. nov. Plate 82, figs. 4, 5, 7, 9-12 Holotype. Slide LC2a, 23.5 102.2. Size 56 p. Diagnosis. Over-all diameter 39-59 p, mean 49 p (56 specimens); amb sub-triangular with convex sides. Laesura indistinct obscured by sinuous, elevated lips which are equal to the over-all radius of the spore. The distal surface of the central body and the cingulum is ornamented with verrucae and galeae, the bases of which are often fused, from 1-5 to 4-0 ju, in basal diameter and up to 3-0 p in height. The cingulum is internally vacuolate; in addition there are a number of vacuoles opening into the proximal face of the spore. Remarks. This spore is smaller than V. galearis Sullivan 1964, and the distal ornament is found both on the central body and the cingulum. Suprasubturma perinotrilites (Erdtman) Dettmann 1963 Genus perotrilites (Erdtman) ex Couper 1953 Type species. P. granulatus Couper 1953. Perotrilites magnus Elughes and Playford 1961 Plate 83, fig. 7 Remarks. Diameter 101-54 p, mean 123 p (20 specimens); the perine is torn away from several of the present specimens, otherwise the spore is as described by Hughes and Playford. Previous records. Lower Carboniferous of Spitsbergen (Hughes and Playford 1961, Playford 1962). Horton Group (Tournaisian) of eastern Canada (Playford 1963.) Perotrilites perinatus Hughes and Playford 1961 Plate 83, fig. 6 Remarks. Diameter 61-86 p, mean 65 p (22 specimens). The folding of the perine gives a wrinkled appearance to the spore which can assume a reticulate pattern. Punctations occasionally seen on the perine are likely to be due to corrosion. Previous records. Lower Carboniferous of Spitsbergen (Hughes and Playford 1961, Playford 1962). Upper Sedimentary Group (Visean) of Scotland (Sullivan and Marshall 1966). Springer formation (Mississippian/Pennsylvanian boundary) of Oklahoma (Felix and Burbridge 1967). Suprasubturma pseudosaccititriletes Richardson 1965 Infraturma monopseudosacciti Smith and Butterworth 1967 Genus grandispora Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy 1955 Type species. G. spinosa Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy 1955. 434 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Grandispora reticulatus sp. nov. Plate 83, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 Holotype. Slide MS 192. Size 82 p. Diagnosis. Over-all diameter 75-130 p, mean 101 p, diameter of central body 52-96 /x, mean 72 /x (36 specimens) ; amb circular to sub-circular. Laesura distinct, may be obscured by lips, straight, length one-half to three-quarters over-all diameter. Distal and proximal faces ornamented with simple spines from 2-0 to 5-0 p in basal diameter and 5-0-15-0 p high; they may have expanded bases which anastamose to form a reticulate pattern over the surface of the spore. The exo-exine is strongly punctate and the central body is distinct and laevigate. Remarks. It is not clear whether the reticulate nature of the exo-exine is caused by the development of the bases of the spines or by its thickening. The reticulate pattern is most clearly seen in those specimens where the ornament is well developed and rather crowded. Grandispora sp. A of Sullivan and Marshall 1966 is likely to be G. reticulatus. The size and disposition of the ornament distinguish G. reticulatus from other species in the genus. Genus hymenozonotriletes (Naumova 1937?, 1939) Potonie 1958 Type species. H. polyacanthus Naumova 1953. Hymenozonotriletes? hastulus Sullivan 1968 Plate 83, fig. 3 Description. Diameter 51-72 p, mean 60 p (35 specimens); amb circular to rounded triangular. Laesura indistinct, obscured by raised lips which are sinuous, length equal to the radius of the central body or reaching onto the cingulum. The distal face of the central body is ornamented with small cones grading into well-developed spines on the cingulum which are 1 -5-4-0 p in basal diameter and from 2-5 to 7-0 p high, spines fre- quently have a swollen base. Proximal face of the central body laevigate to finely punctate. Spines occur on the proximal face of the cingulum. Remarks. The genus cannot be placed with any certainty in the present system of classifi- cation because details of the structure and exine stratification of the type species is not fully known. The designation of these specimens as Hymenozonotriletes follows Sullivan (1968). Previous records. Cementstone group (Tournaisian) of Ayrshire (Sullivan 1968). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 83 All figures X 500 unless otherwise stated Figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10. Grandispora reticulatus sp. nov. 1, Holotype, distal surface; slide MS192. 2, Distal surface; slide MS 187. 4, Stereoscan, negative S/26/32, X1900. 5, Stereoscan, detail of ornament; negative S/26/31, X630. 8, Proximal surface; slide MS76. Figs. 3, 8. Hymenozonotriletes? hastulus Sullivan 1968. 3, Slide MS9. 8, Slide MS6. Fig. 6. Tetrapterites visensis Sullivan and Hibbert 1964, Stereoscan, negative S/26/35, x 190. Fig. 7, 9. Perotrilites spp. 7, P. magnus Hughes and Playford 1961; Slide MS147. 9, P. perinatus Hughes and Playford 1961; Slide LC2e, 43-4 99-1. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 83 HIBBERT and LACEY, Early Carboniferous miospores HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MENAI STRAITS REGION 435 THE MIOSPORE ASSEMBLAGE FROM THE BASEMENT BEDS The assemblage from the Basement Beds contained a total of 47 species, as shown in Table 1. It was dominated by Lycospora uber; species of Pimctatisporites and V al/atis- porites were present in quantities greater than 10% of the total (500 spores were counted). Cyclogranisporites lasius and species of Leiotriletes and Dictyotriletes had representation between 1 and 8%, the remainder individually contributing less than 1% of the total. The assemblage contains miospores which are restricted elsewhere to assemblages of Tournaisian age: Dictyotriletes submar ginatus, Knoxisporites pristinus, Vallatisporites vallatus, whilst others have been recorded mainly from deposits of Visean age : Leiotriletes tumicius , Waltzispora planiangulata, Lophotriletes tribulosus, Raistrickia nigra , Neorai- strickia drybrookensis, Convolutispora mellita, Dictyotriletes pactilis, Knoxisporites stephanophorus, Gruniosisporites verrucosus, Remysporites magnificus, and Tetrapterites visensis. COMPARISON WITH OTHER LOWER CARBONIFEROUS MIOSPORE ASSEMBLAGES Comparisons between the miospore assemblage from the Basement Beds and others of Lower Carboniferous age are set out in Table 1. This table is compiled from data of the following authors: Butterworth and Williams 1958, Felix and Burbridge 1967, Flacquebard 1957, Flacquebard and Barss 1957, Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy 1955, Ishchenko 1958, Kedo 1958, Love 1960, Luber 1955, Luber and Waltz 1938, Playford 1962, 1963a, 19636, Playford and Barss 1963, Smith and Butterworth 1967, Staplin 1960, Sullivan 1964a, 1964 b, and Sullivan and Marshall 1966. The correlation and zonation for the Carboniferous follows that set out by Francis and Woodland (1964) in Table 1, p. 222. Correlations between faunal assemblages is that of Prentice and Thomas (1965), and the S2/D! boundary is used to define upper from lower Visean (Murray Mitchell pers. comm.). The assemblage from the Caernarvonshire Basement Beds closely resembles that described by Sullivan (1964) from the Drybrook Sandstone of the Forest of Dean, which is Visean in age (S2). There are species which are only recorded from these two deposits, namely Lophotriletes tribulosus Sullivan 1964, Waltzispora planiangulata Sullivan 1964, Neoraistrickia drybrookensis Sullivan 1964, and Tetrapterites visensis Sullivan and Hibbert 1964. Both of these deposits lack characteristic species which are recorded from the Visean-Namurian deposits of the north of England and Scotland (Sullivan and Marshall 1966). The assemblages described by Knox 1948, Butterworth and Williams 1958, Love 1960, Sullivan and Marshall 1966, Owens and Burgess 1965, and Butterworth and Spinner 1967 complete a range from middle Visean to Namurian A and have been grouped together, on the basis of spore content, as the Grandispora suite by Sullivan (1965, 1967). This suite has also been recognized from the mid continent of U.S.A., Spain, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Turkey (Sullivan 1967). None of the characteristic species of this suite are recorded from the Basement Beds but other species commonly found in the Grandispora suite do occur. Raistrickia nigra Love 1960 and Dictyotriletes pactilis Sullivan and Marshall 1966 both indicative of upper Visean deposits in Scotland, 436 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 TABLE 1 Stratigraphic distribution of miospores found in the Menai Straits assemblage. Broken line indicates uncertainty regarding stratigraphic dating or precise age limits; B & W = Butterworth and Williams. Stratigraphic time scale as defined in Harland, W.B., et al, (eds.) 1967, The Fossil Record, Geological Society of London. PScu, TOURNAISIAN VISEAN LOWER UPPER NAMURIAN BASHKIRIAN LEIOTRILETES INERMIS (Waltz) Ishchenko 1952 L, SUBINTORTUS (Waltz) Ishchenko 1952 L. ORNATUS Ishchenko 1956 L TUMIDUS Butterworth & Williams 1958 PUNCTATISPORITES GLABER (Naumova) Playford 1962 P IRRASUS Hacquebard 1957 CALAMOSPORA MlCRORUGOSA(lbrahim)Schopf, Wilson & Bentall 1944 GRANULATISPORITES GRANULATUS Ibrahim 1933 G. MICROGRANIFER Ibrahim 1933 G. VISENSIS sp, nov CYCLOGRANISPORITES LASIUS (Waltz) Playford 1962 VERRUCOSISPORITES EXIMIUS Playford 1962 WALTZISPORA PLANIANGULATA Sullivan 1964 LOPHOTRILETES TRIBULOSUS Sullivan 1964 UMBONATISPORITES VARIABILIS gen. et sp. nov. RAISTRICKIA NIGRA Love 1960 R. c.f. CLAVATA Playford 1963 NEORAISTRICKIA DRYBROOKENSIS Sullivan 1964 CONVOLUTISPORA TUBE RCULATA (Waltz) HoffmeisterStaplin&Mallcy1955 C. LABIATA Playford 1962 C. VERMIFORMIS Hughes & Playford 1961 C. MELLITA Hoffmeister, Staplin & Malloy 1955 DICTYOTRILETES CANCELLATUS (Waltz) Potonie & Kremp 1955 D. PACTILIS Sullivan 8 Marshall 1966 D, TESSELATUS sp. nov D. SUBMARGINATUS Playford 1963 D. c.f. PELTATUS Playford 1962 KNOXISPORITES PRISTINUS Sullivan 1968 K. STEPHANOPHORUS Love 1960 K. SENIRADIATUS Neves 1961 K. LITERATUS (Waltz) Playford 1963 CINCTURASPORITES INTESTINALIS sp. nov. MUROSPORA INTORTA (Waltz) Playford 1962 M, AURITA (Waltz) Playford 1962 GRUMOSISPORITES VERRUCOSUS (B. & W.) Smiths Butterworth 1967 LYCOSPORA UBER (Hoffmeister, Staplin & Malloy) Staplin 1960 LOPHOZONOTRILETES MURICATUS sp.nov VALLATISPORITES VALLATUS Hacquebard 1957 V. CILLIARIS (Luber) Sullivan 1964 V. MICROGALEARIS sp nov PEROTRILITES MAGNUS Hughes & Playford 1961 PERINATUS Hughes & Playford 1961 REMYSPORITES MAGNIFICUS (Horst) Butterworth 8 Williams 1958 ENDOSPORITES MICROMANIFESTUS Hacquebard 1957 GRANDISPORA RETICULATUS sp. nov. HYMENOZONOTRILETES ? HASTULUS Sullivan 1968 TETRAPTERITES VISENSIS Sullivan & Hibbert 1964 HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MENAI STRAITS REGION 437 occur in the Basement Beds, as does Remysporites magnificus (Horst) Butterworth and Williams 1958, restricted to Namurian A and younger deposits in Scotland. Similarities also exist between the assemblage from the Basement Beds and the ‘Aurita’ assemblage described by Playford (1963a), from Spitsbergen. This latter assemblage is characterized by zonate spores and is thought to be of Visean, possibly Namurian age. Many of the species of this assemblage are found in North Wales, notably Ver- rucosisporites eximius Playford 1962, Convolutispora labiata Playford 1962, C. vermi- formis Hughes and Playford 1961, Murospora aurita (Waltz) Playford 1962, and M. intorta (Waltz) Playford 1962, all of which have not been previously recorded in the United Kingdom, also Dictyotriletes canceUatus (Waltz) Potonie and Kremp 1966, Convolutispora tuberculata (Waltz) Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy 1955, and Pero- trilites magnus Hughes and Playford 1961 which have previously been recorded from Tournaisian and Visean deposits of the British Isles. According to Sullivan (1967) elements of the Spitsbergen miospore flora place it in his Monilospora suite. The assemblages described from the Horton Group of Eastern Canada have similari- ties with the flora of the Basement Beds, Dictyotriletes submarginatus Playford, Rais- trickia cf. clavata, Perotrilites perinatus, and P. magnus being conspicuous in both assemblages. AGE OF THE BASEMENT BEDS The miospore assemblage from the Basement Bed has affinities with other assemblages of Visean age, in particular that of the Drybrook Sandstone (Sullivan 1964). It also contains important species characteristic of the Tournaisian Vallatisporites suite (Sullivan 1968) and is similar to the Visean miospore floras from Scotland (Love 1960, Sullivan and Marshall 1966), both of which are assigned to the Grandispora suite, and the "Aurita’ assemblage from Spitsbergen (Playford 1962, 1963a). There is very little published information on lower to mid-Visean miospore floras with which comparisons can be made. Also there is no opportunity to extend the strati- graphic range of Lower Carboniferous fossils in the Menai Straits area because of the limited nature of the deposits. The appearance of miospores typical of Tournaisian assemblages is likely to be due to reworking (Wilson 1962). The Basement Group of the Carboniferous Limestone is a transgressive sequence and a shale lenticle in a sandstone-conglomerate is a situation where such reworking would take place. Yet these spores are not less well preserved than those more typical of the later deposits. The presence of the widely recorded miospore Lycospora uber may be taken as evidence that the deposits are of Visean, rather than Tournaisian, age. The presence of other upper Visean to Namurian mio- spores would place a minimum age on the deposit without entirely excluding the possi- bility that further work on early Visean deposits may extend the range of some of these spores. Since, however, many of the typical late Visean types are absent it is believed that the Basement Beds are of early upper Visean age. This agrees well with the tentative Sa-Dj^ age assigned to the deposits on the basis of fragmentary faunal evidence and the middle to upper Visean age suggested for the overlying Brown Limestone elsewhere in North Wales on the basis of floral and faunal macrofossil evidence (Lacey 1962). 438 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Acknowledgements. The authors thank Professor P. W. Richards for the use of facilities in the Univer- sity College of North Wales. Their thanks are also due to Dr. R. Neves, Dr. H. J. Sullivan, and Dr. M. A. Butterworth for their advice and assistance at various times during the course of the work. Cambridge Scientific Instruments provided valuable help with the scanning electron microscope. This paper is part of a thesis prepared by F. A. H. while in receipt of a D.S.I.R. Studentship. REFERENCES balme, d. c. and hassell, c. w. 1962. 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Characteristic spores and pollen of the lower horizons of the Carboniferous in the B.S.S.R. Tr. Inst. geol. nauk, Akad. nauk B.S.S.R. 1, 44-56 (in Russian). knox, e. m. 1948. The microspores in coals of the Limestone Group in Scotland. Trans. Inst. Min. Engrs., Lond. 101, 98-112, 4 figs. lacey, w. s. 1952a. Correlation of the Lower Brown Limestone of North Wales with part of the Lower Carboniferous succession in Scotland and Northern England. Rep. 18th Int. Geol. Congr. Gt. Brit. (1948), 10, 18-25. HIBBERT AND LACEY: MIOSPORES FROM THE MENAI STRAITS REGION 439 lacey, w. s. 1952 b. Additions to the Lower Carboniferous flora of North Wales. C. R. 3rd Congr. Strat. Geol. Carb. Heerlen (1951), 2, 375-7. 1962. Welsh Lower Carboniferous plants. I. The flora of the Lower Brown Limestone in the Vale of Clwyd, North Wales. Palaeontographica, 111B, 126-60, 4 pi. love, l. g. 1960. Assemblages of small spores from the Lower Oil Shale Group of Scotland. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 67, 99-126, 2 pi. luber, A. a. 1955. Atlas of the spore and pollen grains of the Palaeozoic deposits of Kazakhstan. Izd. Akad. nauk Kazakh. S.S.R., Alma-Ata, 1-125 (in Russian). and waltz, i. e. 1938. Classification and stratigraphical value of the spores of some Carboniferous coal deposits in the U.S.S.R. Trans. Central Geol. Prosp. Inst. 105, 1-45, 10 pi. (in Russian). ■ 1941. Atlas of microspores and pollen grains of the U.S.S.R. Tr. All-Union Geol. Sci. Res. Inst. ( V.S.E.G.E.I .) 139, 1-107, 16 pi. (in Russian). mcgregor, d. c. 1960. Devonian spores from Melville Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Palaeon- tology, 3, 26-44, 3 pi. nea verson, e. 1946. The Carboniferous Limestone Series of North Wales; conditions of deposition and interpretation of its history. Proc. Liv. geol. Soc. 19, 113-44. neves, r. 1961. Namurian plant spores from the southern Pennines. Palaeontology, 4, 247-79, 5 pi. 1964. The ‘Dispersed Spore’ genus Knoxisporites (Potonie and Kremp) Neves 1961. C.R. 5th Congr. Strat. Geol. Carb. Paris, 1063-8, 1 pi. and dale, b. 1963. A modified filtration system for palynological preparation. Nature, 198, 775. owens, b. and burgess, i. c. 1965. The stratigraphy and palynology of the Upper Carboniferous outlier of Stainmore, Westmorland. Bull. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. 23, 17-44, 2 pi. playford, g. 1962. Lower Carboniferous microfloras of Spitsbergen, Part 1. Palaeontology, 5, 550- 618, 10 pi. 1963a. Idem. Part 2, Ibid. 5, 619-78, 8 pi. 1963b. Miospores from the Mississippian Horton Group, Eastern Canada. Bull. geol. Surv. Can. 107, 47 pp„ 11 pi. and barss, m. s. 1963. Upper Mississippian Microflora from Axel Heiberg Island, District of Franklin. Geol. Surv. Pap. Can. 62-36, 5 pp. potonie, r. 1956. Synopsis der Gattungen der Sporae dispersae. I. Teil: Sporites. Beih. Geol. Jahrb. 23, 1-103, 11 pi. 1958. Synopsis der Gattungen der Sporae dispersae. II. Teil: Sporites (Nachtrage), Saccites, Aletes, Praecolpates, Polyplicates, Monocolpates. Ibid. 39, 1-189, 11 pi. and kremp, g. 1955. Die Sporae dispersae des Ruhrkarbons, ihre Morphographie und Strati- graphie mit Ausblicken auf Arten anderer Gebiete und Zeitabschnitte: Teil 1. Palaeontographica, 98B, 1-136, 16 pi. 1956. Idem. Teil 2. Ibid. 99B, 85-191, 22 pi. prentice, j. e. and thomas, j. m. 1965. Prolecanitina from the Carboniferous rocks of North Devon. Proc. Yorks, geol. Soc. 35, 34-46, 2 pi. schopf, j. m., wilson, l. r. and bentall, r. 1944. An annotated synopsis of Paleozoic fossil spores and the definition of generic groups. Rep. Inv. III. State geol. Surv. 91, 1-72, 3 pi. smith, a. h. v. and butterworth, m. a. 1967. Miospores in the coal seams of the Carboniferous of Great Britain. Spec. Paper Palaeont. 1, 324 pp., 27 pi. somers, e. 1952. A preliminary study of the fossil spore content of the lower Jubilee seam of the Sydney coalfield, Nova Scotia. Publ. Nova Scotia Found., Halifax, 1-30. staplin, f. l. I960. Upper Mississippian plant spores from the Golata Formation, Alberta, Canada. Palaeontographica, 107B, 1-40, 8 pi. — and jansonius, j. 1964. Elucidation of some Paelaozoic Densospores. Ibid. 114B, 95-117, 4 pi. Sullivan, h. j. 1958. The microspore genus Simozonotriletes. Palaeontology, 1, 125-38, 3 pi. — — 1964a. Miospores from the Lower Limestone Shales (Tournaisian) of the Forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire. C.R. 5th Congr. Strat. Geol. Carb. Paris (1963), 3, 1249-58, 2 pi. 19646. Miospores from the Drybrook Sandstone and associated measures in the Forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire. Palaeontology, 7, 352-92, 5 pi. 1965. Palynological evidence concerning the regional differentiation of Upper Mississippian floras. Pollen et Spores, 7, 539-63, 2 pi. 440 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 sullivan, h. j. 1967. Regional differences in Mississippian spore assemblages. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 1, 185-92. — 1968. A Tournaisian spore flora from the Cementstone Group of Ayrshire, Scotland. Palaeon- tology, II, 116-31, 3 pi. — and hibbert, a. f. 1964. Tetrapterites visensis, a new spore bearing structure from the Lower Carboniferous. Ibid. 7, 64-71, 2 pi. and marshall, a. E. 1966. Visean spores from Scotland. Micropaleontology, 12, 265-85, 4 pi. wilson, l. r. 1964. Recycling, Stratigraphic Leakage, and Faulty Techniques in Palynology. Grana Palyn. 5, 425-36. winslow, m. r. 1959. Upper Mississippian and Pennsylvanian megaspores and other plant micro- fossils from Illinois. Bull. III. State geol. Surv. 86, 135 pp., 16 pi. F. ALAN HIBBERT Department of Botany University of Cambridge Cambridge WILLIAM S. LACEY School of Plant Biology University College of North Wales Typescript received 4 October 1968 Bangor MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM VISEAN DEPOSITS AT DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN, SCOTLAND by EDWIN SPINNER Abstract. Megaspore assemblages are described from two coal seams in the lower Limestone Group. Two new species are proposed; Setosisporites pseudoreticulatus and Zonalesporites fusinatus. The genera Lagenicula (Bennie and Kidston) Potonie and Kremp 1954 and Setosisporites (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1954 are emended. Two new combinations are proposed: Setosisporites indianensis (Chaloner), and Setosisporites splendidus (Zerndt). The assemblages are compared with published records of megaspores from North America and Europe. Dunbar, East Lothian, is situated on the east coast of southern Scotland, some 25 miles east of Edinburgh. Exposed on the foreshore approximately 2 miles east of the town centre near the Barns Ness lighthouse are a group of alternating limestones, shales and sandstones, the prominent members of which are named as follows (from a detailed succession given by Lumsden, in press) : Upper Skateraw Limestone shales etc. Middle Skateraw Limestone Skateraw Coal shales, sandstones etc. Lower Skateraw Limestone 25 metres shales etc. Upper Longcraig Limestone shales etc. Longcraig Coal Middle Longcraig Limestone Of two thin coal seams, approximately 10-22 cm. thick, the lower, named here Long- craig Coal, can be seen at the base of a low ridge (high-water mark) formed by the over- lying Upper Longcraig Limestone (NT 7 1 55 7730). The upper seam, named here Skateraw Coal, occurs 5-6 m. above the Longcraig seam in the succession and crops out on a small promontory 200 m. farther east towards the lighthouse. Both localities are clearly indicated on the geological map permanently exhibited on a wall in the derelict lime- stone kiln situated just above the shoreline as well as by marker pegs on the ground. This succession is locally assigned to the Lower Limestone Group of the Carboniferous Limestone and is probably upper l3! or basal P2 age (pers. comm. Dr. R. B. Wilson, Institute of Geological Sciences, Edinburgh, based on the tentative correlation of the Upper Longcraig Limestone with the Hurlet Limestone of the Glasgow area; see also Currie 1954, p. 533). By its geographical position, this succession probably represents part of a link between the depositional areas of the Midland Valley of Scotland, and the Northumberland Trough of England in Upper Visean-Namurian time. [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 441-458, pis. 84-86.] 442 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 The succession was brought to the writer's attention by Dr. R. H. Wagner as a result of a field excursion, led by A. Davies and D. C. Greig (Institute of Geological Sciences) and subsequent discussion of the stratigraphic age of the strata. Although the work began as a study of the presence, preservation, and variety of megaspores in this deposit and of the possibilities of changes in megaspore assemblages as an aid in the subdivision and correlation of Visean deposits in this area, it was found during the work that some revision of the systematic descriptions was desirable, and that some new taxa were necessary. A comparative account is also given of published records of megaspore assemblages from deposits of Lower Carboniferous age in other areas. Channel samples were taken of both seams and megaspores were obtained by using Schulze’s solution (2 days) followed by repeated washings with 5% Potassium hydroxide solution. Specimens were prepared for both transmitted and reflected light examination. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS No suprageneric classification is employed, and the arrangement is in alphabetical order. The type material is deposited in the reference collections, Microplaeontology Laboratory, Geology Department, University of Sheffield, England. Genus lagenicula (Bennie and Kidston) Potonie and Kremp emend. 1 954 Lagenoisporites Potonie and Kremp, p. 1 52. 1962 Rostratispora Bharadwaj and Venkatachala, p. 25. Type species. Lagenicula horrida Zerndt 1 934. Emended diagnosis. Trilete megaspores with an apical prominence formed by the progressive expansion of the laesurae along most of their length from the junction with the curvaturae to the proximal pole, and the thickening of the exine of the greater part of the contact areas. Description. This expansion often, but not necessarily, results in a longer polar than equatorial axis of the spore body. There is a tendency for lateral compression to be most common, but polar oblique compressions are found. Spores compressed laterally are bottle-shaped in outline, polar compressions circular to oval in outline. Originally the spore body was more or less spherical in shape. Contact areas are usually distinct, laevigate or ornamented with elements, similar in form to but smaller in size than those which characterize the distal surface. Exine ornamentation is varied consisting of basic elements e.g. verrucae, cones, spines, pilae, baculae, capillae ‘hair-like’ forms, or more complex elements with features of two or more of the basic type, or the exine may be laevigate. Often two layers of exine can be distinguished (transmitted light) the inner layer when distinguishable being thin and often folded. Comparison and remarks. Lagenicula is most similar to Setosisporites (Ibrahim). How- ever, in Setosisporites the apical prominence is formed mainly by the expansion of the laesurae, which generally occurs only in the area immediate to the proximal pole. Also, the heightening of the laesurae is relatively abrupt in Setosisporites, not a gradual increase towards the proximal pole as in Lagenicula. E. SPINNER: MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN 443 Setispora Butterworth and Spinner 1967 may appear similar to Lagenicula, particularly in ‘dry’ specimens. However, any indication of an apical prominence in Setispora is due to sculptural elements on the laesurae. Some specimens of Cystosporites Schopf 1938 may have an apical prominence similar to Lagenicula (e.g. see Chaloner 1954), but the extremely long polar axis and mesh-like structure of the sac-like spore body clearly distinguish the genus. Isolated abortive specimens of Cytosporites may be confused with small laevigate specimens of Lagenicula, e.g. L. nuda Nowak and Zerndt 1936. Lagenoisporites Potonie and Kremp 1954 and Rostratispora Bharadwaj and Venka- tachala 1962 are characterized by an apical prominence essentially similar to that of Lagenicula. The former genus was separated by its authors from Lagenicula on the presence of a more or less smooth or laevigate exine. Rostratispora was proposed on the basis of a verrucose rather than "hair-like’ sculptural elements on the exine. Opinion varies considerably on the use of differences in ornamentation to group otherwise similar specimens at a generic level, but I doubt the value of further subdivision at this level on the basis of differences in ornament. Many lageniculate forms are known with very fine elements which are difficult to see on dry specimens. Others when examined by transmitted light reveal elements which vary considerably in form and are difficult to describe in terms of basic element types such as cones, verrucae, pila. It is proposed that the close similarity in form of apical prominence and original shape of body, suggests that the older name Lagenicula should be retained for the genus, with Lagenoisporites and Rostratispora as junior synonyms; and that the ornament differences are used at a specific level. Botanical affinities. Lepidodendraceae; Potonie 1962. Lagenicula subpi/osa (Ibrahim) forma major Dijkstra ex Chaloner 1954 Plate 84, figs. 1-4 1950 Triletes subpilosits forma major Dijkstra, p. 871 (nom. nud.). 1954 Triletes subpilosits forma major Chaloner, p. 27, pi. 1, figs. 4-8. 71957 Triletes subpilosus (Ibrahim) S.W. et B. forma major ; type 271/; Dijkstra, p. 14, pi. 9, figs. 94-6, pi. 10, figs. 97-103. 71957 Triletes subpilosus (Wicher) S.W. et B. forma major Dijkstra; Dijkstra and Pierart, pp. 12-13, pi. 11, figs. 126-7. 1959 Triletes subpilosus forma major (Dijkstra) ex Chaloner; Winslow, pp. 18-20, pi. 1, figs. 1-9. 71962 Lagenicula subpilosa (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp; Ishchenko and Semenova, pars p. 71, pi. 8, fig. 1 . 1967 Lagenicula subpilosa (Ibrahim) forma major Dijkstra ex Chaloner 1954; Butterworth and Spinner, pp. 13-14, pi. 3, figs. 2-4. 71967 Lagenicula subpilosa (Ibrahim 1933) Potonie and Kremp 1955 pars', Karczewska, pp. 286-7, pi. 2, figs. 4-6. Description. See Chaloner 1954, p. 27; Winslow 1959, pp. 18-20; Butterworth and Spinner 1967, pp. 13-14. Remarks. The material assigned here to this forma agrees closely with an earlier de- scription (Butterworth and Spinner 1967, pp. 18-20), but an additional feature noted 444 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 on several specimens is the presence of a thin, folded layer of exine within the ornamented layer that is generally regarded as the spore wall. Since there is some disagreement over the value of recognising this forma (Karczewska 1967, p. 286), and also in the variation in over-all size of spores, length of sculptural elements etc., which appear to vary with stratigraphic horizon (Winslow 1959, pp. 1 8-20), the following new results are recorded: Maximum diameter of the spore 960-1760 ft, mean 1280 /x, based on 50 specimens mounted in a hydrous medium; One other specimen measured 640 p in maximum diameter. The apical prominence ranged between 150 and 300 /x in height, 200-400 p in basal width (height measured on lateral compressions as from beginning of projection from curved spore outline to apex). The spines on the outer layer of exine, distal to the curvaturae, varied between 80 and 250 p in length, 16-40 ft in basal diameter, 4-10 ft in diameter at the apex or tip. These figures are in approximate agreement with those previously recorded by Winslow (1959, p. 18) from the Hardinsburg Formation, Kentucky, U.S.A. (low Chester Series, Mississippi) and by Butterworth and Spinner (1967, p. 14) from the Bernician beds, Cementstones, Cumberland, England (Visean S2). Dijkstra (1952, p. 103) in describing this forma for the first time gave a size range of 500-1300 ft, mean 866 ft, based on 50 ‘dry’ specimens. The species Lagenicula subpilosa (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1955, which character- izes strata of low Westphalian age, has a similar size range (320-1 100 ft, mean 652 ft, Dijkstra 1946, p. 46 and 1952a, p. 103, ‘dry’ specimens; 550-1270 ft, Winslow 1959, p. 17, wet specimens) to L. subpilosa forma major. This led Karczewska (1967, p. 286) to reject the forma. However, as Winslow pointed out (p. 18) the distal spines on L. subpilosa are generally less than 100 ft in length, and the maximum length of the spines recorded by Karczewska is 115 ft. It is therefore suggested that on the basis of larger mean diameter of spore, length of spines and different stratigraphic age, that the re- tention on this forma is of value. The relatively short dimensions of the spines, as given by Karczewska, makes the inclusion of her record in the synonymy questionable. Also Dijkstra (1957, p. 14), Dijkstra and Pierart (1957, p. 13) describe short elements 10 p long between the larger distal spines. These were not reported by Winslow (1959) or by the author, either in. 1967 (Butterworth and Spinner) or during the present study. Affinities. Lepidodendraceae; Potonie and Kremp 1954. Stratigraphic distribution. Europe: Turkey, Namurian ABC (Dijkstra 1952); Ireland, Lower Carbonifer- ous (Dijkstra 1957, Chaloner 1966); Scotland, Dinantian-Namurian (Chaloner 1954, ?Dijkstra 1957, Sen 1964); England, Visean (Butterworth and Spinner 1967); ? Moscow Basin, Lower Carboniferous EXPLANATION OF PLATE 84 All specimens by transmitted light. Figs. 1-4. Lagenicula subpilosa (Ibrahim) forma major Dijkstra ex Chaloner 1954. 1, Proximal surface, polar compression, X 100; slide D/10. 2, Lateral compression, X 50; slide D/ll. 3, Part of specimen to illustrate cones on contact areas, x 100; slide D/12. 4. Part of specimen illustrating spines projecting from distal surface, X 100; slide D/13. Figs. 5-7. Setosisporites pseudoreticulatus sp. nov. 5. Proximal surface, polar compression, x 100; slide D/7. 6, Holotype, oblique compression, x 100; slide D/8. 7, Lateral compression. X 100, slide D/9. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 84 SPINNER, Scottish Visean megaspores E. SPINNER: MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN 445 (Dijkstra and Pierart 1957); ? Poland, Visean (Karczewska 1967). U.S.A.: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippian (Chaloner 1954, Winslow 1959). Genus setosisporites (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1954 emend. Type species. Setosisporites hirsutus (Loose 1932) Ibrahim 1933. Emended diagnosis. Trilete megaspores characterised by an apical prominence at the proximal pole, formed mainly by the expansion of the laesurae at the pole, although the polar part of the contact area may be involved. The greater parts of the contact areas are not involved in the formation of the apical prominence whose size relative to the spore body is such that the polar and equatorial axes are of similar dimensions. There is no preferred type of compression; polar oblique compressions are circular to oval in outline, lateral compressions bottle-shaped. The spore was originally more or less spherical in shape. Distal to the apical prominence the laesurae are low and of variable length. Contact areas are distinct, laevigate, or ornamented with elements similar to those present on the distal surface, but smaller in size. Spore wall when ornamented is covered with basic grana, cones, spines baculae, capillae or pilae type elements of variable size and density. Comparison. In their original diagnosis of this genus Potonie and Kremp (1954, p. 152) referred to the exine ornamentation, except the contact areas, as being branched, slightly pointed, short or also relatively long hairs. The emended diagnosis refers to the original shape of the spore body, form of apical prominence and wide variation in exine ornamentation. See also under emendation of Lagenicula above. Botanical affinities. Porostrobus spp. (Chaloner 1958, Bharadwaj 1958); Bothrodend- rostrobus watsoni (Chaloner 1967). Setosisporites indianensis (Chaloner 1 954) comb. nov. Plate 85, figs. 1-4 1954 Triletes indianensis Chaloner, p. 28, pi. 2 figs. 1-2. 1959 Triletes indianensis', Winslow, p. 26, pi. 6 figs. 1-3. Size and shape. Trilete megaspores circular to oval in outline varying between 875 and 1615 p in max. diameter, mean 1195 p (based on 28 dry specimens). Polar, oblique and lateral compressions are found. Lateral compressions are bottle-shaped due to the projection of an apical prominence. However, the polar axis of the compressed spore is not always larger than the equatorial axis. Originally, the spore body was more or less spherical in shape. Haptotypic features. An apical prominence is present at the proximal pole. Bluntly pyramidal in shape, this structure is formed by the expansion of the contact areas close to the proximal pole, and in part (?) by the laesurae. Basal diameter of apical prom- inence varies 200-375 p, 50-150 p in height. The laesurae extend as low trilete ridges from the apical prominence to the curvaturae, 30-60 p high and wide. On the apical prominences of some specimens small ridges occur as (?) extensions of the laesurae. 446 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Contact areas occupy approximately three-quarters of the proximal surface of the com- pressed spore and ornamented with small grana approximately 6 p in diameter. The position of the curvaturae are marked by low arcuate ridges which are only well developed at the junction with the laesurae, 25-50 p wide, approximately 25 p high. Exine structure and sculpture. The spore wall, distal to the contact faces is ornamented with densely placed granulate to conate type elements 10-15 p up to 20 p in basal diameter and height. These are generally more densely placed in the region of the curva- turae. Internal to the granular layer, a thin membrane can be seen on broken specimens. The outer granular layer of exine varies 30-50 p in thickness. Comparisons and remarks. Chaloner 1954 and Winslow 1959 both assigned this species to Triletes, sensu Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall 1944. An attempt to place this species in one of the narrower genera proposed by Potonie and Kremp 1954, encounters difficulties. These authors proposed three genera of lageniculate megaspores i.e. Lagenicu/a (Bennie and Kidston) emend., Lagenoisporites Potonie and Kremp and Setosisporites (Ibrahim) emend. The primary feature used in distinguishing these genera being the structure, form and size of the apical prominence relative to the spore body, and a secondary feature being the type of (or lack of) ornament on the exine. In type of apical prominence T. indianensis is more similar to Setosisporites e.g. S. praetextus (Zerndt) Potonie and Kremp 1955, than Lagenicula e.g. L. horrida (Zerndt) Potonie and Kremp 1954. However, the exine ornamentation in Setosisporites is ‘hair-like’ e.g. S. hirsutus (Loose) Ibrahim 1932. Comparing with Lagenoisporites T. indianensis is similar in the small differences in length, between polar and equatorial axes, and in the small size of sculptural elements on some specimens which give an approximately smooth appearance, particularly on specimens not well preserved. The apical prominence in Lagenoisporites is, however, formed by the expansion along most of the length of the laesurae and the contact areas. Rostratispora Bharadwaj and Venkatachala 1962 another lageniculate genus of megaspore is similar to T. indianensis in the type of ornamentation (verrucose) but has an apical prominence similar in form to Lagenicula and Lagenoisporites. Although lateral compressions of Setispora Butterworth and Spinner 1967 appear lageniculate, the height of laesurae is a result of capillate type ornamentation, and is not comparable with T. indianensis. Triletes indianensis Chaloner is therefore recombined to the genus EXPLANATION OF PLATE 85 All specimens by reflected light, X 40, unless stated otherwise. Figs. 1-4. Setosisporites indianensis (Chaloner 1954) comb. nov. 1, Proximal surface, polar com- pression, illustrating typical Setisosporites type apical prominence and large contact areas; slide D/6. 2. Lateral-oblique compression; slide D/6. 3, 4, Part of specimen illustrating ornamenta- tion at spore margin, X 120, by transmitted light; slide D/14. Figs. 5-7, 10-12. Setosisporites splendidus (Zerndt 1937) comb. nov. 5, Proximal surface, polar compression; slide D/5. 6, Distal surface, polar compression; slide D/5. 7, 10, Part of specimen illustrating ornament at spore margin, xl20, by transmitted light; slide D/5. 11, 12, Part of specimen illustrating types of ornament on distal surface, X 120, by transmitted light; slide D/15. Fig. 8. Setosisporites sp. A, oblique compression; slide D/4. Fig. 9. Setosisporites sp. B, lateral compression; slide D/3. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 85 SPINNER, Scottish Visean megaspores E. SPINNER: MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN 447 Setosisporites as emended above in the characteristics of original shape of spore body, form of apical prominence and type of ornamentation. Stratigraphic distribution. North America, Beaver Bend Limestone, Indiana, Low Chester Series, Mississippian (Chaloner 1954); Bethel Formation, Kentucky, Low Chester Series, Mississippian (Winslow 1959). Setosisporites pseudoreticulatus sp. nov. Plate 84, figs. 5-7 71937 Type 13a, Triletes temiispinosus var. brevispinosa Zerndt pars, p. 6, pi. 3, figs. 1, 2, 5-7. 71957 Triletes hirsutus (Loose) var. brevispinosa Schopf, Wilson and Bentall forma I Dijkstra pars, p. 13, pi. 7 figs. 67-71. 71959 Triletes g/obosus Arnold var. A Winslow, pi. 4, figs. 1-3. Holotype. Plate 84, fig. 6. Diagnosis. Trilete megaspores approximately circular to rounded triangular in outline varying 420-800 p in maximum diameter. Apical prominence varies 60-120 p in height, 90-150 p in basal width, rounded at apex. Contact areas are ornamented with cones 4-6 p high. Distal to the contact areas, baculate to pilate elements, 10-30 p in length, up to 6 p in basal diameter with small cone-like terminals, form an irregular reticulate pattern of ornamentation. These elements are densely placed in the region of curvaturae and may be partly fused to form a small flange-like structure 20-30 p in width. Description: Size and shape. Trilete megaspores, approximately circular to rounded triangular in outline, carrying between 420 and 800 p in maximum diameter, mean 620 p (based on 50 specimens in a hydrous medium). Polar, oblique and lateral compressions are all commonly found, there being no apparent preferred direction of compression. On lateral compressions the curved outline of the spore body is interrupted by a small ‘neck-like’ protuberance from the proximal pole. Originally, the spore body was of approximately spherical shape, the polar and equatorial axes being of similar dimensions. Haptotypic features. Laesurae are straight to slightly sinuous in outline, approximately two thirds the radius of the spore body in length. The line of commissure may be ruptured, and is bounded by narrow (approximately 10 p wide) tecta raised 20 p high near the junction with the curvaturae. The height of the laesurae increases gradually 20-40 p from the curvaturae towards the proximal pole, where there is a marked ex- pansion forming an apical prominence. This structure varies 60-120 p in height (measured in lateral compressions as projections from spore margin), 90-150 p in basal diameter (measured perpendicular to height). The apex of the apical prominence is smoothly curved. Contact areas are distinct occupying one-half to two-thirds of the proximal surface of the compressed spore, and ornamented with small cones, approximately 4 p basal width, up to 6 p high. On some specimens the contact areas have irregular areas of thickened exine, which tend to be arranged radially from the proximal pole. The curvaturae are represented by narrow thickenings on the exine. Exine structure and sculpture. The spore wall excluding the contact areas, is covered by what are basically baculate to pilate type elements. These vary 10-30 p in length, up to 6 p in basal diameter, slightly swollen at the apex, where one or more small, pointed, cone-like projections may occur. The elements may be curved or straight-sided C 6685 G g 448 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 and are oftened joined at the bases. This feature, in addition to the elements being adpressed to the spore exine, gives the appearance of an irregular interrupted reticulum. On many specimens the elements are densely placed in the region of the curvaturae so as to form a small flange-like structure 20-30 p wide. Two layers of exine can easily be distinguished forming the spore wall. The outer layer appears infrapunctate, approximately 20 p thick, measured in optical section, yellow-brown in colour. The inner layer, distinguished under transmitted light, is attached to the laesurae, thin and folded. In some specimens it is shrunken, but in others it is in close proximity to the thick outer layer. Under reflected light, the exine is yellow-brown in colour, the apical prominence is not always clearly visible, and the sculptural elements appear more or less granular. The pseudoreticulate nature of the ornament is not clearly distinguishable. Comparisons and remarks. This type of spore illustrates some of the difficulties that arise, when descriptions are given based on only one type of examination, i.e. reflected or transmitted light. Under reflected light examination S. pseudoreticulatus is similar in shape, size, and ornamentation to S. hirsutus var. brevispinosa forma 1 (Zerndt) Potonie and Kremp 1955 as described by Zerndt (1937, p. 6) and Dijkstra (1957, p. 13). Zerndt noted that it was difficult to distinguish a regular form of the sculptural elements present on his specimens, but that he regarded the elements as small spines, up to 6 p in length, 4 p in basal width. He also reported much smaller elements on the contact areas of his material. On most specimens of S. pseudoreticulatus the elements are adpressed to the spore wall, and appear under reflected light as small projections of the size given by Zerndt. However, both Zerndt and Dijkstra emphasize the radial thickenings of the exine on the contact areas as being the characteristic feature of S. hirsutus var. brevispinosa forma 1 . Although some specimens of S. pseudoreticulatus were found with thickenings on the contact areas, these were not common or as distinctive as suggested by Zerndt. It may be noted that Dijkstra (1957) using reflected light found S. hirsutus var. brevispinosa forma 1 to be common in the coals of the Limestone Coal Group of Scotland, slightly younger (Ei) in age than the horizon studied here. Thus, there is evidence which suggests that some of the material referred by earlier workers to S. hirsutus var. brevispinosa could be assigned to S. pseudoreticulatus and this is indicated in the synonmy given above. The major argument against such an assignment is the prominence of the radial thicken- ings on the contact areas, and the size of ornament. Under transmitted light many more of the details of morphology of S. pseudoreticulatus are seen, and similarities can be seen with *S. globosus (Arnold) Potonie and Kremp 1955 in shape and general morphology. However, S. globosus has a smaller size range (390- 570 p Arnold 1950, p. 80; 385-640 p Winslow 1959, p. 42), and the sculptural elements are larger (35-50 p length, up to 12 p diameter; Arnold p. 80), straight-sided with terminal clefts. The sculptural elements are not joined to form a reticulate type pattern which characterises S. pseudoreticulatus , but are discrete and widely spaced. Winslow (1959, pp. 43-5) described three varieties of S. globosus. Of these varieties, S. pseudoreticulatus is very similar to S. globosus var. A in length and height of laesurae, size of apical prominence, type and size of sculptural elements forming an irregular reticulate pattern (catenulate ornament of Winslow, p. 43). The size range of var. A is E. SPINNER: MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN 449 smaller (330-630 p, mean 515 p; Winslow, p. 43) than S. pseudoreticulatus (420-800 p, mean 620 p). Winslow (p. 43) also noted the similarities of var. A with S. hirsutus var. brevispinosa when compared under reflected light examination, but did not consider the two as being the same due to the absence of radial thickenings on the contact faces of variety A. The differences in ornamentation between S. globosus and S. pseudoreticulatus (in- cluding Winslow’s var. A, see synonymy) are considered here to warrant separation at specific level. No specimens with the type of ornamentation present on S. globosus were found associated with S. pseudoreticulatus during the present study. Winslow’s other two varieties of S. globosus can be distinguished from S. pseudoreticu- latus by the larger size of the sculptural elements (15-57 p, generally more than 35 p, var. B) and the type of element (tubercles 5-26 p length, 5-52 p basal diameter, var. C). S. pseudoreticulatus also resembles S. reticulatus Karczewska 1967 in size, shape, and ornament pattern. However, on S. reticulatus the outer layer of exine forms a uniform fused reticulum on the distal surface. Small projections 3-7 p in length, are situated between the lumina of the reticulum. S. pseudotenuispinosus Pierart 1958 and S. pilatus Spinner 1965 are similar in shape and size of the spore body to S. pseudoreticulatus , but these species have smaller, discrete, sculptural elements which do not form a reticulate type pattern. Triletes catenulatus Winslow 1962 can be distinguished from S. pseudoreticulatus by the presence of highly developed laesurae (200 p or more high). In my opinion many of the specimens previously assigned to S. hirsutus var. brevi- spinosa forma 1 could be placed in S. pseudoreticulatus. However, rather than raise the varietal name to species rank, a new name is proposed for the following reasons. Zerndt (1937) recognised two forms (varieties 1,2; Zerndt 1937, p. 7) within var. brevispinosa. These forms are markedly different in type and size of ornamentation (form 1 , appendices up to 6 p long; form 2, spines 39-96 p wide at the base, decreasing to approximately 12 p near the tip). However, Zerndt emphasized the folding, thickening on the contact areas as the common feature of both forms grouped within the named variety brevi- spinosa. Later Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall (1944, p. 26) in dealing with the problem of Zerndt’s varieties within a variety regarded variety 1 of Zerndt as being var. brevispinosa and proposed a new varietal name secundus for variety 2 of Zerndt; whereas Dijkstra (1946, 1956) interpreted varieties 1, 2 of Zerndt as forms within var. brevispinosa. Due to the different interpretation of Zerndt’s work, the emphasis on folding and thick- ening in his description of the variety, and the small size of the appendices on his form 1, a new name pseudoreticulatus is proposed for the species. Botanical affinities. Unknown. Stratigraphic distribution. ?Limestone Coal Group, Scotland, Namurian E2 (Dijkstra 1957); Lower Carboniferous, Ireland (Chaloner 1966); ? Hardinsburg Formation, Kentucky, Wattersburg Forma- tion, Illinois, Chester series, Low Mississippian (Winslow 1959). Setosisporites splendidus (Zerndt) comb. nov. Plate 85, figs. 5-8, 11-12 1937 Type 28; Lagenicula splendida Zerndt, p. 13-14, pi. 18, figs. 1, 2; pi. 19, figs. 1-3, 5; pi. 20, figs. 2, 3, 4. 450 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 1944 Triletes splendida (Zerndt) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, p. 25. 1946 Triletes splendidus (Zerndt) Dijkstra, p. 50, pi. 16, figs. 173-5. 1955 Lagenicula splendida Zerndt; Potonie and Kremp, p. 119. 1957 Triletes splendidus (Zerndt) S.W. et B.; Dijkstra, p. 14, pi. 8, figs. 85; pi. 9, figs. 86-8. 1959 Triletes splendidus (Zerndt) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall; Winslow, p. 27, pi. 5, fig. 8. 71962 Lagenicula splendida Zerndt; Ishchenko and Semenova, pp. 72-3, pi. 8. 71962 Lagenicula verrucosa Ishchenko and Semenova, p. 74, pi. 9, fig. 3. Description: Size and shape. Trilete megaspores more or less circular in equatorial outline. Lateral compressions are most commonly found which have a marked ‘bottle- shaped’ outline, the ‘neck’ being formed by an apical prominence at the proximal pole of spore. The difference between the polar and equatorial axes is not large, and on some lateral compressed specimens the polar axis is the smaller. Polar and oblique com- pressions also occur. Maximum diameter of the spore body including apical prominence on lateral compressions varies 935-1625 p, mean 1225 p based on 35 dry specimens. Originally, the spore body was more or less spherical in shape. Hapotypic features. The characteristic feature here is the bluntly pyramidal apical prominence at the proximal pole, varying 200-300 p in basal diameter, 150-270 p high on lateral compressions, and may appear slightly constricted at the base. This structure is probably formed by an expansion of the exine of the immediate polar part of the contact areas, and in part by the laesurae. On some specimens, small ridge-like? continuations of the laesurae can be traced on to the prominence. In some specimens the laesurae are ruptured, but the ruptures have not been observed extending on to the prominence, whilst in other damaged specimens the prominence has been completely removed. Distal to the apical prominence, the laesurae form low ridges 250-400 p long. The contact areas occupy approximately three-quarters of the proximal half of the compressed spore. These are delimited from the remainder of the spore body by the smaller cone-like sculptural elements, generally less than 12 p in diameter, but occasion- ally up to 30 p on some specimens. Arcuate ridges representing the curvaturae are not well developed except at the junction with the laesurae i.e. curvaturae imperfectae. Exine structure and sculpture. In the region of, and distal to the curvaturae the spore wall is ornamented with cones and granular type elements. These are most densely placed in the region of the curvaturae. Two groups of elements can be recognized based on size. The most prominent group consists of relatively large cones 30-75 p in basal diameter (generally larger than 50 p), 12-35 p high, and often mammillate in form. Interspersed with these elements are smaller cone and granular type forms generally 20 p or less in basal diameter, 5-15 p high. Broken specimens reveal a thin layer of exine, internal to the heavily ornamented layer which is approximately 50 p thick. Comparisons and remarks. The limits of this species are ill defined. Both Zerndt (1937, pp. 13-14, pis. 18-20) and Dijkstra (1946, p. 50, pi. 16, 1957, p. 14, pi. 8) allow consider- able range in spore diameter (700—1700 ^ ; Dijkstra 1957) and in size of sculptural elements (16-97 p diameter, Zerndt 1937; 10-150 p diameter, Dijkstra 1957). At the same time both authors recognised other species e.g. Lagenicula subtilinodulata Nowak and Zerndt 1936, which could be placed within the limits they described for L. splendida. Chaloner (1954, p. 28) proposed Triletes indianensis for specimens having a distal ornamentation E. SPINNER: MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN 451 of elements of up to, but generally less than, 20 g in length. These specimens could, on the basis of the limits given by Zerndt and Di jkstra, be assigned to L. splendidci. Winslow (1959, pp. 26-7) recognizes S. splendidus (Triletes splendida of Winslow) as being larger in size of spore and ornamentation, than L. subtilinodulata and Trdeles indianensis. Reference to the holotype is of no assistance for, as far as I am aware, neither Zerndt nor any other worker has designated a holotype for this species. I do not think that any particular value should be placed on relatively small differences in the size of the spore body, but suggest that a useful character for distinguishing this species is the two types of sculptural element. This character is seen on Zerndt’s speci- mens illustrating the species, and plate 18, fig. 2 is designated here as the lectotype of the species. Triletes indianensis Chaloner 1954 differs from S. splendidus in the small size (generally less than 20 g in basal diameter and height) of the elements forming the ornamentation on the spore wall. Lagenicula agnina Zerndt 1937 can be distinguished from S. splendidus by the type of apical prominence (laesurae expanding along most of the length), small contact areas, and close verrucose ornament on the distal surface. Lagenicula verrucosa Ishchenko and Semenova 1962 can according to its authors be distinguished from S. splendidus by its smaller size (1360x 1325 g) and ‘barbate’ sculpture. Judging from the drawings produced as illustrations of the two species, L. verrucosa appears more similar to the specimens described here than does L. splen- dida sensu Ishchenko and Semenova and this is indicated in the synonymy given above. There is some reason to doubt the correctness of assigning this species to Lagenicula as described by Potonie and Kremp (1955, p. 118). In their diagnosis these authors maintain: ‘a long polar axis, an apical prominence larger than the part of the contact areas not involved in its formation, and unornamented contact areas.’ These features are not applicable to this species. The type and size of the apical prominence relative to the other haptotypic features is more typical of Setosisporites e.g. S. praetextus (Zerndt) Potonie and Kremp 1955. Consequently this species is assigned to Setosisporites as emended above. Stratigraphic distribution. Europe: Poland, Dinantian-Namurian A (Zerndt 1937); U.S.S.R. Donetz Basin, ?Dinantian-Namurian, (Ishchenko and Semenova 1962); Ireland, Lower Carboniferous, (Dijkstra 1957, Chaloner 1966). North America: Degonia Formation, Chester Series, Illinois, Mississippian (Winslow 1959). Setosisporites sp. A Plate 85, fig. 9 Description. Trilete megaspores circular to oval in outline, approximately 1250 g in maximum diameter (only two specimens found, 1310 and 1180 ft in maximum dia- meter). Apical prominence at proximal pole, blunt pyramidal shaped, 300 g maximum diameter. Laesurae relatively low, 25-60 g wide at junction with curvaturae. Contact areas approximately 650 g in radius ornamented small cones 25 g diameter. Spore wall distal to contact faces, ornamented with large cones 65-80 g basal diameter, 60-70 g high, smaller cones approximately 40 g diameter in region of curvaturae. Remarks. These megaspores closely resemble Setosisporites splendidus as described 452 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 here, but have more typical conate ornamentation in which the elements are higher, approximately equal to basal diameter, and not mamillate in form as in S. splendidus. The elements are also not so densely placed on the contact areas or distal surface. Lagenicula agnina Zerndt 1937 has larger sculptural elements on the distal surface (97-225 p width, 48-160 p high; Zerndt 1937, p. 14). L. subtilinodulata Nowak and Zerndt 1936 is smaller in size of spore body and distal ornamentation, and the contact areas are laevigate. Setosisporites sp. B Plate 85, fig. 10 Description. Trilete megaspores 912-1500 p maximum diameter, mean 1300 p based on six dry specimens. Apical prominence is bluntly pyramidal, 150-225 p high, 250-375 p basal diameter. Laesurae, distal to apical prominence, are approximately 50-60 p high and wide, best developed near the junction with the curvaturae. Contact areas occupy three-quarters proximal surface, smooth bounded by arcuate ridges 35-50 p high, 50-80 p wide, most pronounced at junction with the laesurae. Distal surface ornamented with irregularly scattered cones, 25-40 p high, and wide, 60-300 p apart. Remarks. In type of apical prominence this species resembles S. splendidus and S. indianensis. Genus zonalesporites (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp emend. Spinner 1965 Type species. Zonalesporites brasserti (Stach and Zerndt) Potonie and Kremp 1956. Zonalesporites fusinatus sp. nov. Plate 86, figs. 1-4 71957 Triletes brasserti Stach and Zerndt, type 20; Dijkstra pars , p. 13, pi. 7, figs. 73-6. Holotype. Plate 86, fig. 1. Diagnosis. Trilete megaspores composed of spore body with a subequatorial corona. Spore body varies 1300-2160 p in maximum diameter. Corona varies 415-700 p width, composed of a number of layers of baculate type elements, 10-30 p width, with rounded tips. Elements are more fused distally to form a rim with some dissections and ornamented with small baculate processes. Margin of rim generally smooth, lacking ornamentation. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 86 All specimens by transmitted light, x40, unless stated otherwise. Figs. 1-4. Zonalesporites fusinatus sp. nov. 1, Holotype, proximal surface, polar compression, by reflected light; slide D/1. 2, Distal surface, polar compression, by reflected light; slide D/2. 3, 4, Parts of corona, X 120; slide D/17. Figs. 5-8. Parts of corona of Zonalesporites spp. for comparison with Z. fusinatus. 5, 8, Z. brasserti (Stach and Zerndt) Potonie and Kremp, X 120; slides WD/6, WD/8 (Westphalian B, South Wales Coalfield, Great Britain). 6, Z. conacies Butterworth and Spinner, x 100; slide V4/21 (Dinantian, S., age, Bernician Beds, Whitberry burn, Cumberland, England). 7, Z. cf. ramosus (Arnold) Spinner, x 250 (early Pennsylvanian, Williamston Spore coal, Michigan, U.S.A.; specimen lent by W. G. Chaloner, Botany Department, University College, London). Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 86 SPINNER, Scottish Visean megaspores E. SPINNER: MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN 453 Description: Size and shape. Trilete megaspores approximately circular to rounded, triangular in outline consisting of a spore body with an equatorial corona. The spore body varies between 1300 and 2160 p in maximum diameter, mean 1440 p (based on 36 ‘wet’ specimens). Entire specimens are not common, 10 such specimens measured 1550-2300 p in maximum diameter, mean 1950 p. Polar compressions are most common, due to the longer equatorial axis of the entire spore. The spore body was originally more or less spheroidal in shape. Haptotypie features. Laesurae are straight or sinuous in outline, half to three-quarters the spore body radius in length. Broadly based, the laesurae are raised 100-250 p at the proximal pole. On most specimens the laesurae decrease slightly in height from the proximal pole before attaining the greatest height at the position of the curvaturae, 150-290 p. Also on some denuded specimens the laesurae are seen projecting beyond the spore body margin. An apical prominence is not present. Contact areas are laevigate and occupy half to three-quarters of the proximal surface of the compressed spore body. The positions of the curvaturae are marked by the bases of the elements forming the corona. Exine structure and sculpture. The corona is attached in a region slightly proximal to the geometrical equator of the compressed spore body. The width of the corona varies 415-750 p, greatest width in line with the laesurae, hence the subtriangular outline of the entire spore. The overlap of the corona onto the proximal surface of the spore body approximately equals one third of the width of the corona. The corona is formed by several layers of elements (five or more). These are approximately 30 p wide at the base, densely spaced, and partly fixed to form a loose type of reticulum. The proximal elements are most distinct 10-25 p width, baculate in form, with smoothly rounded tips. Distally the layers are more completely fused and form an almost continuous rim to the corona. Small baculate elements with rounded tips 10-30 p in width project from the fused part of the corona, but only rarely from the rim (small dissections occur in the corona approximately 100 p in diameter). On some small specimens the fused outer part of the corona is not so clearly distinguishable and the rim has a crenulate appearance. Distal to the corona the spore body is generally laevigate, but small verrucate type elements 20-50 p in diameter may occur scattered on the distal surface. These tend to become more elongate near the spore body margin and merge into the corona. The spore body wall appears infrapunctate, approximately 40 p thick, as measured in optical section. Within this layer a further thin folded layer of exine can be distinguished (trans- mitted light) in most specimens. Under reflected light the corona appears almost completely fused, with some striations, lighter in colour than the spore body. Dissections can be distinguished. Comparison and remarks. Under reflected light both Zonalesporites brasserti (Stach and Zerndt) Potonie and Kremp 1956 and Z. fusinatus sp. nov. appear very similar, and the differences in corona structure are not easily seen. Dijkstra (1952, 56, 57) recognizes wide variation in size of spores and some variation in the corona of this species, but does not consider these differences to warrant distinction at species level, but he distinguishes several formae within the species. Potonie and Kremp (1956, p. 122) give no details of the structure of the corona (cingulum of P. and K.) in their description. However, Winslow 454 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 (1959) using transmitted light, restricted Z. brasserti to those forms with a corona (flange of Winslow) formed by ?layers of elements, fused laterally except at the point of attachment to spore body and at the terminals. The outer layer forms ‘bar-like’ processes (Winslow, p. 36) projecting at the margin. Only rarely are small dissections seen in the corona. I agree with this interpretation of Z. brasserti and separate the specimens described here into a new species Z. fusinatus. The two species are similar in general appearance, especially under reflected light. However, in Z. fusinatus the corona is less compact, the elements are baculate processes with smoothly rounded tips, are only partly fused, and the rim of the corona is generally smooth, lacking any projections. The laesurae and contact areas are usually ornamented in Z. brasserti with verrucate type processes, generally laevigate in Z. fusinatus. Z. conacies Butterworth and Spinner 1967 can be distinguished from Z. fusinatus by the elongate cones which characterize the corona (PI. 86, fig. 5). Z. radiatus (Zerndt) Spinner 1965 lacks the fused margin of the corona, and the elements are spaced on the spore body. Z. fusinatus differs from Z. rotatus (Bartlett) Spinner 1965 by the larger spore body and the corona formed by several layers of elements. Z. ramosus (Arnold) Spinner 1965 although having a corona formed by several layers of elements as in Z. fusinatus, characteristically has relatively large projections (up to 52 p long, Winslow 1959, p. 33) from the rim of the corona (PI. 86, fig. 7). The comparisons made above are based on transmitted light studies. Under reflected light examination it is difficult to distinguish Z. brasserti from Z. conacies and Z. fusinatus. However, the author considers the differences (see PI. 86, figs. 3-8) to be distinctive and worthy of recognition at a specific level. Affinities. ?Lycopsida (Potonie and Kremp 1954). Stratigraphic distribution. ?Namurian, Scotland (Dijkstra 1957). THE MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES Both coal seams yielded well preserved megaspores of considerable variety. A count of 500 specimens from each seam indicated the composition of the assemblage as follows : Coal samples Skateraw Longcraig Lagenicula subpilosa forma major 176 132 Setosisporites pseudoreticulatus 145 101 Setosisporites splendidus 53 30 Setosisporites indianensis 0 22 Setosisporites sp. 3 11 Cystosporites sp. 11 10 Zonalesporites fusinatus 34 194 Zonalesporites rotatus 78 0 At generic and specific level the two assemblages are closely similar in over-all content and proportional representation. However, the differences may be of significance in correlation with other areas in northern Britain, in that the Longcraig and Skateraw coals are stratigraphically almost immediately below and above the upper Longcraig E. SPINNER: MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN 455 limestone; these are the records of S. indianensis and Z. rotatus, and the dominance of Z. fusinatus in the Longcraig coal. Accepting the suggested correlation of this limestone with the Hurlet limestone of the Midland valley of Scotland by Wilson, the differences between these assemblages may contribute further to the subdivision and correlation of Lower Carboniferous deposits in the Midland valley of Scotland and northern England. Although no plant megafossils have been recorded from the area, some indication of the types of plant forming the forests at this time can be obtained from the megaspore assemblages. Chaloner (1954, p. 31) and Winslow (1959, p. 94) commented on the im- portance of the Lepidodendrid-Lepidocarpon elements in the forests during the Missis- sippi (Chestererian) of central U.S.A. The same comment may be made here, based on the occurrence of Lagenicula and Cystosporites. Probably a more important element was the plant producing the Zonalesporites. This type of spore is known from Sporangio- strobus Bode (Chaloner 1962). The plant bearing Sporangiostrobus is unknown, but the large size and structure of the cones suggests a large arborescent form. Nemejc (1946, p. 7) suggested that the most probable parent plants of Sporangiostrobus are among the lycopods with long leaves, such as Ulodendron Lindley and Hutton. The recorded species of Setosisporites are unknown from fructifications, although spores assignable to the type species of this megaspore genus, S. hirsutus, are known from the small ?herbaceous lycopod Porostrobus canonbiensis Chaloner (Chaloner 1962). From the known broad association of Zonalesporites and Setosisporites with the Cristatisporites/ Densosporites group of microspores (Chaloner 1962, pp. 82-3) it may be suggested that the Zonalesporites and Setosisporites of the assemblages recorded here represent elements of the open moor of Kremp (1952) or the densospore phase of Smith (1957). Similarly, Lagenicula subpilosa forma major and Cystosporites sp. rep- resent the forest moor or lycospore phase. The absence of the megaspore genera Tuberculatisporites (Ibrahim) Spinner 1968, Laevigatisporites (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1954, or similar forms, suggests an absence of Sigillarians in the lycopod flora. A similar comment may be made regarding the Selaginellales since there is an absence of any spores of Triangulatisporites Potonie and Kremp 1954. In general, the megaspore assemblages indicate a flora in which large arborescent lycopods with long leaves were important together with some more diminutive forms. COMPARISONS WITH RECORDS FROM OTHER AREAS The relatively little published research on Lower Carboniferous has been largely concerned with records of occurrence, discussion on the value of broad or narrow species definitions, and the relationship of megaspores to fructifications. Consequently, it is not yet possible to reach firm conclusions on the stratigraphic value of these mega- spores. In one of the earliest papers dealing with dispersed megaspores (Bennie and Kidston 1886), three forms were described and recorded from localities in the ‘Carboniferous Limestone Series’ of Scotland: Triletes IV, Lagenicula I, and Lagenicula II of Bennie and Kidston are very similar to S. pseudoreticulatus, L. subpilosa forma major and Cystosporites sp ( Igiganteus ) recorded here. Much later, Dijkstra (1956) recorded the same forms as well as Triletes rotatus, T. splendidus, T. brasserti (a form very similar 456 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 to Z. fusinatus ) from the Limestone Coal Group, which overlies the Lower Limestone Group in Scotland. Dijkstra’s records were confirmed by Sen (1964) who studied the Limestone Coal Group in Ayrshire, west Scotland. Also, Chaloner (1968, p. 79) recorded megaspores closely similar to those reported by Dijkstra from part of the Ballycastle coalfield. Northern Ireland. The present work extends the stratigraphic record of these species into the Lower Limestone Group of the Carboniferous Limestone Series and records for the first time the presence of S. indianensis outside North America. In addition, Dijkstra and Sen reported Triletes praetextus Zerndt forma minor Dijkstra 1952, T. simplex (Zerndt) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall 1944, T. mucronatus Nowak and Zerndt 1936, T. horridus (Zerndt) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall 1944, T. subsimplex Dijkstra 1957, T. hirsutoides Dijkstra 1957 in the Limestone Coal Group. None of these species have been recorded from either the Lower Limestone Group or older deposits in Scotland. Butterworth and Spinner 1967 described megaspores from coals and shales of the Cementstones and Lewis Burn (Scremerston) Coal Group of Cumberland, north-west England, which are C2 to S2 in age (coral-brachiopod zonation, Garwood 1931) and equivalent to part of the Calciferous Sandstone of Scotland. The megaspores obtained were not so abundant, nor were the assemblages as varied ( Butterworth and Spinner 1967, p. 21, table 1 ) as those obtained here. Of the seven species of megaspores recorded, only one, L. subpilosa forma major has also been recorded here. Summarizing, it appears that the megaspore assemblages from the Dunbar area (upper Px to basal P2 in age) are different in content from those reported from the under- lying Calciferous Sandstone formations (C2-S2 age) below and the Limestone Coal Group above (Ei in age) in the Midland Valley of Scotland and northern England respectively. Studies of megaspores from Lower Carboniferous deposits in areas outside Great Britain are also few in number. Chaloner 1954 recorded L. subpilosa forma major, and S. indianensis from the Beaver Band limestone (low Chesterian), Indiana, U.S.A. Two species, Setispora echinoides (Chaloner) Butterworth and Spinner 1967, S. palaeo- cristata (Chaloner) Butterworth and Spinner 1967 were also first described by Chaloner from this formation. Although these species were not found during the present study, the only other record of this genus is of three similar species, S. pseudoreticulata Butter- worth and Spinner 1967, Triletes pannosus Alvin 1966, T. subpalaeocristatus Alvin 1965, all reported from the underlying Calciferous Sandstone Series of this region. Winslow (1959) published on the distribution of megaspores in the Mississippian (Chester series; Winslow, p. 74) deposits of central U.S.A. In this work Winslow com- mented (p. 77) that although megaspores were often abundant, there was little variety within an assemblage. Most of the species recorded during the present study were also reported by Winslow, a notable exception being the Zonalesporites. Winslow reported (p. 80) this type of spore appearing for the first time in the Pennsylvanian (Caseyville Group). A markedly different impression of the variety of Lower Carboniferous megaspores is given by workers in continental Europe. Dijkstra 1956 described twelve new species from samples obtained from Egypt considered by Dijkstra to be older than the Lime- stone Coal Group of Scotland, and later (1957) with Pierart proposed 29 new taxa from the Moscow Basin. E. SPINNER: MEGASPORE ASSEMBLAGES FROM DUNBAR, EAST LOTHIAN 457 From our present knowledge it appears that the megaspore assemblages described here are more comparable with those of approximately equivalent age in North America than in continental Europe and Asia. Further work may produce more evidence for Sullivan’s (1965, 67) suggestion of regional differentiation of Mississippian floras, and may answer the question as to whether the similarities and differences noted above have stratigraphic value. Acknowledgements. I am indebted to Dr. W. G. Chaloner for the critical reading of the systematic description of spores and to Dr. R. H. Wagner for reading the manuscript. REFERENCES alvin, k. l. 1965. A new fertile lycopod from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. Palaeontology, 8, 281-93. 1966. Two cristate megaspores from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. Ibid. 9, 488-91. Arnold, c. a. 1950. Megaspores from the Michigan Coal Basin. Contr. Mas. Palaeont. Univ. Mich., 8, 59-111, 18 pi. bennie, j. and kidston, r. 1886. On the occurrence of spores in the Carboniferous formation of Scotland. Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 9, 82-1 17, pi. 3-6. bharadwaj, d. c. 1959. On Porostrobus zeilleri Nathorst and its spores with remarks on the systematic position of P. bennholdi Bode and the phylogeny of Densosporites Berry. Palaeobotanist, 7, (1958), 67-76. and venkatachala, b. s. 1962. Spore assemblage out of a lower Carboniferous shale from Spits- bergen. Ibid. 10, 18-47, pi. 1-10. bode, h. 1928. Uber eine merkwiirdige Pteridophyten — fruktifikation aus dem oberschlesischen Carbon. Jb. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. 49, 245-7. butterworth, m. a. and spinner, e. 1967. Lower Carboniferous spores from North-west England. Palaeontology, 10, 1-24, pi. 1-5. chaloner, w. g. 1953. On the megaspores of four species of Lepidostrobus. Ann. Bot. London (N.S.), 17, 262-93. 1954. Mississippian megaspores from Michigan and adjacent states. Contr. Mus. Palaeont. Univ. Mich. 12, 23-35, 2 pi. 1958. A Carboniferous Selagineltites with Densosporites microspores Palaeontology, 1, 245-53, pi. 44. 1962. A Sporangiostrobus with Densosporites microspores. Palaeontology, 5, 73-85, pi. 10-11. 1966. in wilson and robbie Geology of the country around Ballycastle. Mem. Geol. Snrv. Great Britain, 78-81. 1967. in boureau Traite de Paleobotanique, Paris, 2, 656-7. currie, e. d. 1954. Scottish Carboniferous Goniatites. Trans. R. Soc. Edin. 62, 527-99, 4 pi. dlikstra, s. j. 1946. Eine monographische Bearbeitung der Karbonischen Megasporen. Meded. Geol. Stichting, ser. c— 1 1 1—1, 1, 1-101, 16 pi. 1950. Carboniferous Megaspores in Tertiary and Quaternary Deposits of S.E. England. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 3, 865-77. — 1952a. New Carboniferous megaspores from Turkey. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 12, 102-4, 2 pi. 1952b. Megaspores of the Turkish Carboniferous and their stratigraphical value. Rept. Int. Geol. Congr. 18 th sess. Great Britain, 1948, 10, 11-17. 1952c. The stratigraphical value of megaspores. C. R. Congr. A r. Etud. Strat. Carb. Heerlen, 1951, 1, 163-8, pi. 5-7. 1956. Megaspores carboniferas de la Camocha (Gijon). Estud. geol. Inst. Mallada, 12, 245-55 (English summary 256-62) pi. 48-57. — 1957. Lower Carboniferous Megaspores. Meded. geol. Stichting (n.s.), 10, 1956, 5-18. — and pierart, p. 1957. Lower Carboniferous Megaspores from the Moscow Basin. Meded. geol. Stichting, 11, 5-19. 458 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 ishchenko, a. m. and semenova, e. v. 1962. The Megaspores of the Carboniferous ages and their stratigraphical importance. Academy of Sciences Ukrainian S.S.R. Proceedings of the Institute of Geological Sciences Stratigraphy and Palaeontology series, 43, Kiev. 147 pp. (in Russian). karczewska, j. 1967. Carboniferous Spores from the Chetm 1 Boring (Eastern Poland). Acta Palaeont- ologica Polonica Warsaw, 12, 268-345, 12 pi. kremp, g. 1952. Sporen-Vergesellschaftungen und Mikrofaunen-Horizonte im Ruhrkarbon. C.P. Congr. Aw Etud. Strat. Carb. Heerlen (1951), 1, 347-57. lumsden, g. I. (in press). Excursion A4, B4, The Midland Valley of Scotland. C.R. Congr. Aw Etud. Strat. Carb. Sheffield, 1967. nemejc, j. 1946. Further critical remarks on Sternberg's Lepidodendron dichotonmm and its relations to the cone of Sporangiostrobus Bode. Bull. inst. Acad. Tscheque, 47, 35-45. nowak, j. and zerndt, j. 1936. Zur Tektonik des ostlichsten Teils des Polnischen Steinkohlenbeckens. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Letts. A, 56-73. pierart, p. 1958. Palynologie et Stratigraphie de la zone de Neeroeteren (Westphalian C superieur) en Campine beige. Publ. Ass. Wtud. Paleont. Bruxelles, 30, 23-102, pi. 1-18. potonie, r. 1962. Synopsis der Sporae in situ. Geol. Jb., 52, 204 pp. and kremp, g. 1954. Die Gattungen der palaozoischen Sporae dispersae und ihre Stratigraphie. Geol. Jb. 69, 111-94, pi. 4-20. 1955. Die Sporae dispersae des Ruhrkarbons, ihre Morphographie und Stratigraphie mit ausblicken auf Arten anderer Gebiete und Zeitabschnitte, Teil 1. Palaeontographica , 98B, 1-136, pi. 1-16. sen, j. 1964. The megaspores of the Ayrshire coalfield and their stratigraphic value. Micropaleontology , 10, 97-104. schopf, j. m., wilson, l. r. and bentall, r. 1944. An annotated synopsis of Palaeozoic fossil spores and the definition of Generic groups. Rep. Invest. III. geol. Surv. 91, 1-73, 3 pi. smith, a. h. v. 1962. The Palaeoecology of Carboniferous Peats based on the Miospores and Petro- graphy of Bituminous Coals. Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc., 33, 423-74. spinner, e. 1965. Westphalian D megaspores from the Forest of Dean Coalfield, England. Palaeont- ology, 8, pp. 82-106, pi. 14-17. 1968. Contribution on the megaspore genus Tuberculatisporites (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp 1954. Pollen et Spores, 10, 395-410. Sullivan, h. j. 1965. Palynological evidence concerning the regional differentiation of Upper Mississip- pi floras. Ibid. 7, pp. 539-63. 1967. Regional differences in Mississippian spore assemblages. Rev. Palaeont. Palynol. 1, 185-92. winslow, m. 1959. Upper Mississippian and Pennsylvanian megaspores and other plant microfossils from Illinois. Bull. III. geol. Surv. 86, 7-102, 16 pi. 1962. Plant Spores and other Microfossils from Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian rocks of Ohio. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Surv. 364, 93 pp. zerndt, j. 1937. Les Megaspores du Bassin Houiller Polonais, partie 2. Acad. Pol. Sci. Lett. Traw Geol. 3, 1-78. EDWIN SPINNER Department of Geology The University Sheffield 1 Typescript received 15 January 1969 CRUSTACEAN BURROWS IN THE WEALD CLAY (LOWER CRETACEOUS) OF SOUTH-EASTERN ENGLAND AND THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE by W. J. KENNEDY and J. D. S. MACDOUGALL Abstract. The trace fossil usually known as Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren occurs at several horizons and localities in the Weald Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of Surrey and Sussex. By analogy with Recent occurrences (as described by Weimer and Hoyt 1962), all of which are marine, these structures are ascribed to the burrowing activities of decapod crustaceans (callianassids) in near-shore and littoral sands. Normally the traces are associ- ated with a mixed assemblage of marine and brackish water fossils, and it is inferred that the Weald Clay occurrences of Ophiomorpha by itself indicates a marine environment, close to shore, where such an assemblage might occur. Three variants of Ophiomorpha are recognizable in the Weald Clay sandstones: (1) a pellet-lined system; (2) burrows with a meniscus fill; (3) unlined burrows with scratch marks. Each represents a different type of burrowing activity by the callianassids. The Weald Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of southern England consists of a thick (up to 360 m.) sequence of clays, sands, silts, and limestones of Barremian age (MacDougall and Prentice 1964). It has long been realized that the Weald Clay shows marked evidence of marine conditions, although indications of fresh, brackish/marine, and perhaps near- terrestrial conditions have been recorded. Thus, as Kilenyi andAlIen (1968) noted, there are two broad molluscan assemblages: a freshwater one, dominated by Viviparus , but also yielding unionids, and a much less common assemblage, with Filosina (Casey 1955), Cassiope, Melanopsis , Nemocardium , Ostrea, and other forms. Other evidence is seen in the Isle of Wight, where the top of the Wealden Shales are undoubtedly part marine, with marine molluscs and trace fossils. Echinoid debris (again fully marine) is recorded from the Weald Clay by Casey (1961) and Allen and Keith (1965). The latter suggest extensive variation in salinities during Weald Clay times on the basis of carbon isotope ratios. Detailed studies on the ostracods have been published; Anderson (1967) described a complex variation in the ostracod fauna of the formation, which he took as evidence of the presence of many marine phases. Kilenyi and Allen (1968) described a brackish/ marine microfauna from the lower part of the Weald Clay, but in reviewing Anderson’s work (op. cit. p. 162), they concluded that only three undoubted marine bands occur in the Weald Clay of Surrey and Sussex. In this paper we describe the trace fossil Ophiomorpha nodosa , a marine indicator not previously recorded from the Weald Clay. It occurs in sandstones at several horizons and localities. Further detailed microfaunal work is needed to relate these sandstones to the brackish/marine bands of the ostracod workers. [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 459-471, pis. 87, 88.] 460 PALAEONTOLOGY VOLUME 12 SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Ichnogenus ophiomorpha Lundgren 1891 (for synonymy see Hantzschel 1962) Type species. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren (1891, p. 114) from the ‘Wealden’ (Lower Cretaceous) of southern Sweden, by monotypy. Diagnosis. Medium-sized three-dimensional tunnel systems branching dichotomously at acute angles, swollen at the point of branching. Tunnels internally smooth, sometimes filled or lined with ovoid pellets, when the surface of the filling is mammillated. Ridges on surface of burrow filling A B C text-fig. 1. Diagram of types of Ophiomorpha occurring in the Weald Clay sandstones. Sectioned parts are stippled. X 1 approx, a, Type 1, agreeing with the typical form of O. nodosa, b. Type 2, with meniscus fill (detailed structure of fill omitted), c, Type 3, comparable to Halymenites striatus. Discussion. Hantzschel (1962) described Ophiomorpha as having ‘tubercle-like or wart- like ornamentation of the outer wall but smooth inside’. This description is liable to misinterpretation; Lundgren’s original figures and our material shows that the tunnel is smooth, whilst the outer surface of the filling has a tubercle-like or wart-like orna- ment (text-fig. 1a). This is usually clear in lithified sediments, but in unconsolidated sands the distinction is usually lost. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren 1 89 1 71836 Ophiomorpha mantelli Nilsson; in Mantell, p. 25 ( nom . nud.) 1842 Spongites saxonicits Geinitz, p. 96 (pars), pi. 23, fig. 2 only. (non. fig. 1, = lectotype of S. saxonicus). 1847 Cylindrites spongioides Goeppert; Goeppert, p. 359, pi. 35, figs. 1-2; pi. 36, figs. 2-3 (non Goeppert 1841, 1842 (see Hantzschel 1965)). 71852 Spongites saxonicus Geinitz; von Otto, p. 20, pi. 6, fig. 1. 71856 Cylindrites spongiodes Goeppert; Dunker, p. 183, pi. 25, fig. 5. 71858 Halymenites flexuosits Fischer-Ooster, p. 55, pi. 13, fig. 1. (Genolectotype of Ha/y- menidium Schimpner 1879, vide Hantzschel 1965, 42). 1865 Cylindrites tuberosus Eichwald, p. 8, pi. 4, fig. 13; pi. 5, figs. 1 a, b. W. J. KENNEDY AND J. D. S. MACDOUGALL: CRUSTACEAN BURROWS 461 1866 1873 71873 1875 1877 71878 1878 1878 1879 1889 1890 1891 1895 1900 1909 1916 1917 71917 1919 71919 1921 1928 1931 1937 1938 1948 1952 1953 1954 1956 1959 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 Phymatoderma dienvalii Watelet, p. 24, pi. 4, fig. 1. Halymenites major Lesquereux, pp. 373, 390. Halymenites minor Fischer-Ooster; Lesquereux, p. 373. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Stephenson, p. 406. Broeckia bruxellensis Carter, pp. 382-92, pi. 18. Halymenites striatus Lesquereux; Lesquereux, p. 37, pi. 1, fig. 6. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Lesquereux, p. 38, pi. 1, figs. 7, 8. Halymenites minor Fischer-Ooster; Lesquereux, p. 39, pi. 1, fig. 9. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Stephenson, pp. 370, 371. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Eldridge, p. 317. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Stephenson, p. 532. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren, pp. 114-15, figs. 1, 2. Astrophora baltica Deecke, p. 167, pi. 1. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Knowlton, pp. 17, 18. Cylindrites spongioides Goeppert emend. Richter; Richter, pp. 8-11 {parts), pi. 9, fig. 7; pi. 8, fig. 6; pi. 12, fig. 3. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Knowlton, pp. 86, 87. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Lee and Knowlton, p. 242. Halymenites striatus Lesquereux; Lee and Knowlton, p. 243. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Knowlton, pp. 313-14 {cum. syn.). Halymenites striatus Lesquereux; Knowlton, p. 314 {cum. syn.). Halymenites major Lesquereux; Berry, pp. 55, etc. Astrophora baltica Deecke; Voigt, p. 104. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Mathias, p. 355, fig. 1. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Carter, pp. 256-7, pi. 43, figs. 1, 2; pi. 34, figs. 1, 2. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Stenzel, pp. 68-70, fig. 7. Terebella sp. Beets, pp. 184-7, figs. 1-5. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren; Hantzschel, pp. 142-53, pi. 13, 14 {cum syn.). Halymenites major Lesquereux; Eargle, pp. 143, etc. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren; Prescher, p. 59. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren; Seidel, pp. 489-93, figs. 1, 2. Ophiomorpha Lundgren; Baatz, pp. 168-71. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren; Toots, pp. 165-70. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Toots, pp. 165-70. Halymenites major Lesquereux; Weimer, pp. 88, 89, 95. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren; Hantzschel, pp. W205-6, fig. 124 (4, 9). Ophiomorpha Kilpper, pp. 55, 57. Halymenites or Ophiomorpha', Weimer and Hoyt, p. 321. Ophiomorpha Lundgren; Hillmer, pp. 137-41, fig. 1. Callianassa burrows, Hoyt and Weimer, p. 530, fig. 3. Ophiomorpha-, MacKenzie, pp. 141, 143, pi. 2a, b. Ophiomorpha tuberosa (Eichwald); Vialov, pp. 163-7, figs. 1-4. Ophiomorpha, Halymenites', Weimer and Hoyt, pp. 761-7, pi. 123, figs. 7, 8; pi. 124. figs. 1-7. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren; Hantzschel, p. 63. Halymenites major Lesquereux ; Hantszchel, p. 72. Phymatoderma dienvalii Watelet; Hantzschel, p. 71. Astrophora baltica Deecke; Hantzschel, p. 13. Broeckia bruxellensis Carter; Hantzschel, p. 18. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren; Hoyt and Weimer, pp. 203-7, figs. 1, 2, 5-7. Material. The present description is based largely on specimens collected from the Weald Clay of Hambledon (Surrey) and Burgess Hill (Sussex). Much additional material has been examined in the field, at these and several other localities and horizons. 462 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Diagnosis. Ophiomorpha with tunnel wall ornamented by single elliptical pellets. O. nodosa differs from O. borneensis Keij (1965, pp. 224-6, pi. 29, figs. 1-8, text-fig. 2 (1-4), text-fig. 3) by the predominance of vertical as opposed to horizontal elements in the system and the ornament of single as opposed to bilobate pellets. Neither of these criteria is particularly satisfactory. Description. Ophiomorpha nodosa forms tunnel trails between 5 and 15 mm. diameter with a number of distinct types of surface ornament (text-fig. 1); these variations indi- cate the type of infillings of the tunnel; the tunnel itself is generally completely smooth. The tunnel system is extensive and ramifying both vertically and horizontally. Horizontal elements of the system predominate (though this may be an artefact of preservation) and are concentrated along sediment interfaces; with the vertical elements they form a three-dimensional network. The tunnels branch at acute angles at infrequent intervals (usually about 25 cm.), branching is dichotomous and both branch tunnels are of the same diameter as the original tunnel. The tunnel may be slightly swollen at the point of branching. The tunnelling organisms were not phobatactic, and later tunnels cut earlier tunnels indiscriminately. There are three main variations in surface ornament, with transitional forms between; all may occur in a single tunnel. The texture of the sediment within the tunnel is variable, but always differs from that of the surrounding rock. Type 1. (Text-fig. 1a; PI. 87, fig. 1 ; PI. 88, fig. 2). This agrees well with the typical form of Ophiomorpha nodosa. The surface of the tunnel infilling is mammillate, and is built up of small discoidal pellets, 2-3 mm. wide and 1 mm. thick in the largest burrows; the size decreases slightly in smaller burrows. Type 2. (Text-fig. 1b; PI. 87, figs. 1, 2; PI. 88, figs. 3, 4). The surface of the tunnel in- filling is ornamented by annular ridges. Sections show that these ridges are related to a well-defined fill of concavo-convex laminae (meniscus filling); these laminae may dis- integrate to a honeycomb structure; the individual ‘cells’ of the honeycomb are clay pellets. This type is found more commonly in vertical tunnels. Type 3. (Text-fig. lc; PI. 87, fig. 1 ; PI. 88, fig. 1). Comparable to Halymenites striatus Lesquereux. The surface of the tunnel fill is covered by a longitudinal, reticulate, ridge system. Similar trails of ridges are present on clay/sand interfaces associated with the sandstones in which Ophiomorpha occurs (PI. 88, figs. 1, 5). Within the systems in the Weald Clay sandstones, there is little obvious distribution of types as a whole, other than a suggestion that type 1 is more abundant in the upper part of systems, type 2 in vertical elements, type 3 in the lowest, often horizontal parts of burrow systems. Discussion. We give an extensive synonymy for this trace-fossil; other references are given by Hantzschel (1952, 1962), whom we follow in regarding Ophiomorpha nodosa as the most satisfactory name for these burrows. The association of scratched burrows (type 3) with O. nodosa has led us to include other scratched burrows occurring associated with Ophiomorpha in the synonymy, i.e. Spongites saxonicus von Otto {pars, non Geinitz) and Halymenites striatus Lesquereux, but not scratched burrows not found associated with Ophiomorpha, e.g. Spongelio- morpha de Saporta 1887 (p. 299, pi. 6, figs. 2, 3). W. J. KENNEDY AND J. D. S. MACDOUGALL: CRUSTACEAN BURROWS 463 INTERPRETATION There can be no doubt that Ophiomorpha is a crustacean burrow, a view already con- vincingly stated by Hantzschel (1952). Weimer and Hoyt (1962, 1964) described the burrows of the extant marine decapod Callianassa major Say from sand beaches of Florida and North Carolina, convincingly demonstrating their presence in Pleistocene deposits nearby, and the identity of these burrows with Ophiomorpha nodosa. The material from the Weald Clay differs from that previously described, in the dominance of preservation parallel to bedding planes, a result of the occurrence of the burrows in, and on, thin, locally cemented sands in an economically exploited formation, so that the blocks of sandstone accumulate in front of the working face. Elsewhere, occurrences are in unconsolidated sands, and they are naturally seen in vertical section only. In the Weald Clay sandstones, the density of Ophiomorpha systems is low, and the sediment is not burrowed intensively; depositional structures are never destroyed and there is no intense bioturbation. Characteristically the tunnels are confined to sand horizons, only passing through clays when these are thin, i.e. less than 15 cm., clearly reflecting a preference by the crustaceans for particular depositional environments. The animals populated only recently deposited unconsolidated sediments, so that settling structures within the sand bodies, i.e. load casts and syndepositional faults (see PI. 87, fig. 1) often affected the tunnels. This is in strong contrast to the associated Equisetiles ( E . burkhartii Dunker), whose underground stem, root, and tuber systems cut the burrows (and are thus later) and are unaffected by the settling structures and compaction effects. The three types of burrows represent different natural processes, which we inter- pret as follows: Type 1. This corresponds to the generally accepted form of Ophiomorpha nodosa. Worked pellets of sediment, moulded and cemented by the callianassid, are pushed into the sides of the burrow and scraped flat internally (see MacGinitie in Hantzschel 1952, p. 150) or smoothed off by the passage of the body of the inhabitant (as described by MacGinitie 1930, p. 39, in burrows of the callianassid Upobegia pugeltensis Dana). In the Weald Clay material the pellets can sometimes be seen to have a brown cement; in Eocene examples from Upnor, Kent, microchemical tests indicate the presence of phosphate. Weimer and Hoyt (1964, p. 763) record collophanite as the cementing agent produced by Callianassa major to bind the sand pellets forming the lining of its burrow. Type 2. The meniscus-filled Ophiomorpha tunnels can be interpreted in several ways. According to MacGinitie (1934, p. 167), when individuals of Callianassa ealiforniensis (Dana) break into adjoining burrow systems, offending tunnels are blocked off and burrowed round; a similar explanation for our filled material seems quite likely. Alternatively, this type of burrow may represent the filling-in of early parts of the tunnel system with material from new excavations, rather than disposal by the ejection of this material at the surface. Honeycomb structure, observed in some parts of this type of filling, is a result of the deposition of loads of clay rather than sand alone. A third interpretation is that these parts of the system were never open, but represent C 6685 H ll 464 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 the activities of the callianassid as it passed through the sediment, leaving a meniscus filling as the animal transferred sediment backwards. These fills thus appear to be somewhat different from the ‘ Halymenites ’ noted and figured by Brown (1939), which are packed with what are clearly callianassid faecal pellets. Type 3. The surface ornament of reticulate ridges on these burrow fillings represent grooves or scratches on the inside of the burrow. These can be interpreted as scratch- marks, produced by the appendages of the inhabitant when digging or passing through the burrow system. Their preservation is the result of lack of subsequent lining or packing of the burrow, so that the marks produced during the initial excavation are preserved. This type of burrow clearly resembles Spongeliomorpha [de Saporta 1 887, regarded here, and by Reis (1922), Hantzschel (1962, 1965), and Kennedy (1967) as a burrow, although de Laubenfels ( 1955) treated it as a sponge], the scratched tube of RhizocoraUium (Hantz- schel 1962, p. W210, fig. 129 b), and the scratched fossil and Recent burrows figured by Weigelt (1929, pi. 1, 2). The boring ‘ Terebel/a ’ harefieldensis White (1923), widely distributed in the top of the Upper Chalk immediately beneath, and filled by, the Lower Tertiary deposits of southern England (Hester 1965) has a similar ornament (Kennedy 1967). In all cases these appear to be crustacean burrows or borings. In all types of Ophiomorpha observed, there are occasional swollen portions, often close to, or at, the point of branching. These represent ‘turn arounds’ where the animals were able to change direction in the burrow (see MacGinitie 1930, 1934, for a description of similar features in Recent callianassid burrows). The trails of ridges seen on the bottom surfaces of the sandstones containing Ophio- morpha (PI. 88, figs. 1, 5) are interpreted as the surface tracks of crustaceans, produced as scratches on a mud bottom. These were almost certainly produced by the Ophiomorpha inhabitant. They are identical with the trails of Recent crustaceans figured by Weigelt (1929, pi. 3, figs. 1, 2). The small rod-like objects occurring abundantly on the bottom surfaces of some of the sandstones containing Ophiomorpha are similar to the callianassid faecal pellets described by Moore (1932), Pohl (1946), and Weimer and Hoyt (1964). OCCURRENCE Ophiomorpha ranges throughout the Weald Clay, but it is apparently confined to the more sandy horizons: siltstones, sandstones, and interbedded sandstones and clays. Table 1 gives the localities at which it has been found, and relates these occurrences to the divisions of the Weald Clay erected by Topley (1875), and, as far as is possible to those of Reeves (1953, 1958) and the ostracod zonation of Anderson (in Worssam 1963). Hambledon , Surrey Ophiomorpha occurs in thin, silty, largely siderite-cemented sandstones in Topley’s (1875) no. 7 sand (the Fenhurst sandstone of Wooldridge (1950)), at the Nutbourne Brickworks, Vann Lane, Hambledon, Surrey (SU 973375). The beds with Ophiomorpha W. J. KENNEDY AND J. D. S. MACDOUGALL: CRUSTACEAN BURROWS 465 contain no calcareous fossils, but are notable for the occurrence of large numbers of well-preserved plant remains, identified as Equiselites burkhartii Dunker. Three con- taining lithologies can be recognized: Lithology A. Thin sideritic silty sandstones in beds which vary in thickness from 40 to 120 mm., showing little lateral variation. In vertical sections these sandstones show thinly laminated low-angle cross-bedding and ripple-drift bedding in the upper part. Minor (20 mm.) textural rhythms occur within the cross-bedding. There is a general lack of biogenic disturbance, except for burrows of Ophiomorpha (compare with the Table 1 Ophiomorpha occurrences and Weald Clay stratigraphy Ophiomorpha occurrence Local divisions Ostracod zonation (Anderson in Worssam 1963) Topiey (1875) Reeves (1953, 1958) Hambledon no. 7, sand Group III Cypridea vaidensis no. 6, limestone, ‘Sussex marble' (large Paludina) no. 5, sand and sandstone with calcareous grit no. 4, limestone (large Paludina ) no. 3, limestone (small Paludina) no. 2, sand and sandstone newest red clay Cypridea clavata Capel, Burgess Hill Group II Cypridea tuberculata oldest red clay Cypridea dorsispinata Southwater, Sedgewick Park no. 1, Horsham stone Group I observations of MacDougall and Prentice 1964), which pass through individual beds of sandstone and are concentrated along major bedding planes, particularly the bases of the sandstones. Ecpiisetites stems pass through Ophiomorpha and are filled by sediment identical with the surrounding sandstone. The bases of the sandstones are erosional, and show a variety of sole-markings, i.e. broad, poorly defined load structures, prod-marks, groove-casts, and the ‘A’ and B’ trace-fossils of Prentice (1962). Dessication cracks in the underlying clay are preserved as reticulate ridges on the base of some of these sandstones. Lithology B. Massive sideritic sandstones, up to 240 mm. thick, with indistinct bedding. The top of the sandstones is poorly defined, grading up into sandy clays. The main mass of the sandstone is penetrated by vertical and horizontal Ecpiisetites stems, with tubers arising from stems at the nodes. The base of these sandstones is covered by Ophio- morpha tunnel systems. A syndepositional fault system cuts this surface and the Ophio- morpha (PI. 87, fig. 1 ). Lithology C. Micaceous sandstones, 200 mm. thick, breaking into 50-mm. slabs along clay partings, which contain abundant drifted plant remains. The bases of individual layers have load casts; other bottom structures also occur. The upper surfaces are 466 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 carious, and have a honeycomb texture due to intense penetration by Ophiomorpha, with a lot of clay in the burrow filling, which has weathered out, leaving cavities. Capel, Surrey At Clock House Brickworks, If miles south of Capel Church (TQ 175385), Ophiomorpha occurs in Topley’s (1875) no. 5 sandstone, in lithologies similar to those at Hambledon. The section in the middle face has been described by Kirkaldy and Bull (1948); it is now badly degraded, but has been confirmed by one of us (J. D. S. M.). Bed 2 of Kirkaldy and Bull includes the sandstones with Ophiomorpha, and two litho- logies can be recognized: micaceous sandstones, similar to the Hambledon lithologies, in beds up to 200 mm. thick, sideritic, with abundant Ophiomorpha-, and thin siltstones, (ripple-marked with an erosional base) in which basin cast structures (Prentice 1962, pi. 3, fig. 2), varying from 50 to 250 mm. thickness are developed. The base of these siltstones is covered by groove-casts and prod-marks, which are occasionally interrupted by Ophiomorpha (PI. 87, fig. 2). The siltstones are penetrated by obscure vertical tubes, similar in diameter to stems of Ecpdsetites burkhartii. Apart from these, we have failed to detect the Equisetites recorded by Kirkaldy and Bull at this level. An interesting feature of this section is the occurrence of Filosina [ Neomiodon } in some numbers, above bed 3 of Kirkaldy and Bull (1948). In the lower pit at Capel, a further section includes clays with Paraglauconia strombi- formis (Schlotheim), Filosina gregarea Casey, oysters, and an abundant ostracod fauna including Schuleridia, arenaceous foraminifera, and cirripedes (Kilenyi and Allen 1968), suggesting that these beds were laid down in marine or brackish waters. Burgess Hill, Surrey Ophiomorpha occurs at Keymer Brickworks, near Wivelsfield station, Burgess Hill, Surrey (TQ 324193), in massive, micaceous sandstones up to 200 mm. thick, ripple-drift bedded in the upper part. These sandstones appear to have been dredged up from the lower part of the succession, where silty clays and shaly clays with ostracods, passing up into red clays and sandstones, are seen; the succession is rather like that at Capel. The beds with Ophiomorpha appear to be Topley’s (1875) no. 5 sandstones. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 87 Figs. 1, 2. Ophiomorpha nodosa. 1, Bottom surface of a sandstone block from Hambledon, Surrey, showing all three forms of Ophiomorpha (as indicated), load casts, syndepositional faults, and Equisetites burkhartii (E); x 1. 2, Bottom surface of a basin cast from Clockhouse brickworks, Capel, Surrey, showing a specimen of Type 2 Ophiomorpha, with prominent pelletal fill, cutting a surface covered with aligned groove- and prod-marks; x 1. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 88 Figs. 1-5. Ophiomorpha nodosa and associated trace fossils. 1, Type 3 Ophiomorpha running parallel to bedding, with a trail of ridges to the left. 2, Type 1 Ophiomorpha, showing characteristic pelletal surface; a tuber of Equisetites burkhartii is visible at the top right of the photograph. 3, Type 2 Ophiomorpha, showing ornament of burrow fill. 4, The same, vertical longitudinal section, showing meniscus fill. 5, Trail of ridges from bottom surface of Ophiomorpha — bearing sandstone. All photographs (except 4, a section) are the lower surfaces of sandstones from Hambledon, Surrey; figs. 1-3, 5 are X 2; fig. 4 is x4. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 87 KENNEDY and MacDOUGALL, Crustacean burrows in Weald Clay Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 88 KENNEDY and MacBOUGALL, Crustacean burrows in Weald Clay W. J. KENNEDY AND J. D. S. MACDOUGALL: CRUSTACEAN BURROWS 467 Southwater, Surrey The topmost bed of the Horsham Stone (Topley 1875, no. 1 sandstone) in Southwater no. 2 Brickpit, Castle Wood, Southwater, is intensely penetrated by Ophiomorpha. Fragments of crustacean carapaces and rootlets of Equisetites are occasionally found in both sandstone and clay. Sedgewick Park and Slinfold, Surrey Ferguson (1926) recorded three types of sandstone in the Horsham Stone, very similar to those recognized by us at Hambledon. At a quarry (now filled in) 800 m. west of Southwater Church (TQ 152263) he recorded (p. 408) what may be Ophiomorpha : ‘peculiar cylindrical bodies, possibly animal tracks or burrows, are observed, and car- bonaceous fragments are not uncommon’. Ophiomorpha also occurs in Ferguson’s type A sandstone in the Upper Horsham Stone at a natural exposure at Sedgewick Park, Surrey (TQ 179271). OPHIOMORPHA AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATOR Ophiomorpha structures in Recent sediments. Weimer and Hoyt (1962, 1964) have shown beyond doubt that Ophiomorpha- like structures are being produced in present day sediments by callianassids (marine decapod crustaceans), particularly Callianassa major Say. They recorded this animal primarily from the low littoral zone, between mean sea-level and low tide on beaches that face the open ocean (1964, fig. 2), in well-sorted sand in strongly wave-agitated waters. They also noted some occurrences just above mean sea-level, and in the shallow neritic zone, up to T5 m. below mean low water, and suggested that the burrows extend to greater depths. Fossil occurrences. Extending their observations to adjacent Pleistocene sands, Weimer and Hoyt successfully demonstrated that the occurrence of Ophiomorpha in these indi- cated their deposition in shallow neritic and/or littoral conditions. They suggested that Tertiary and Cretaceous occurrences indicated a similar environment; burrows in well-sorted massive-bedded sandstones indicated littoral or shallow neritic conditions; burrows in poorly sorted, well-bedded silty sandstone suggested deeper neritic conditions. In spite of this definitive view of the environment indicated by Ophiomorpha , i.e. wholly marine, littoral/sub-littoral, there is a range of suggested environments in the very extensive literature on this trace fossil (Baatz 1959, Hillmer 1963, Mathias 1931, Ortmann 1925, Seidel 1956, etc.) Ophiomorpha is recorded in sequences which contain lignites, marine fossils (including ammonites), freshwater fossils (including unionids), quasimarine or brackish-water forms, and mixed assemblages in the same bed. Other authors have recorded faunas suggesting varying salinities in the same sequence, features which require explanation. Considering the occurrence of a trace-fossil of this type, the environment indicated by the burrow is not that of the sediment the burrows occur in, nor of the sediment above the surface whence the burrows originate, nor any fauna these sediments may contain. The environment indicated is that existing during part, or all, of the period represented by the surface from which the burrows originate. If this is borne in mind, it is readily understood how Ophiomorpha can occur associated 468 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 with marine, brackish, and freshwater fossils, and how the sediment they occur in could become colonized by plants (for example, in the case of the Weald Clay, by horse- tails). If the environment of the Recent producers of Ophiomorpha structures is con- sidered, this is the very environment (the transition between marine/brackish-freshwater/ terrestrial conditions — a shoreline) where mixed assemblages could accumulate, and where slight movements of the littoral zone would give the vertical faunal variation found with so many occurrences of Ophiomorpha. Ophiomorpha is a marine indicator of littoral and shallow neritic environments (Weimer and Hoyt 1962, etc.). The present records are in keeping with the picture emerging of the Weald Clay depositional environment. Thus the presence of Ophio- morpha, together with the general form and lateral extent of the sandstones in which it occurs, suggests that the latter were sand bodies, lying parallel to the contemporary Weald Clay shoreline. These sands were colonized by the callianassids soon after deposition, since early post-depositional (and perhaps even syndepositional) features such as load casts and fault systems disrupt their burrows. At about the same time as coloniza- tion occurred, the upper parts of the sand bodies were gently reworked, so that ripple- drift bedding forms the upper part of many beds. Subsequently, either as a result of local changes in geography, or the waning influence of marine conditions, the sand bodies were colonized by semi-aquatic plants (horsetails, all apparently Equisetites burkhartii). This colonization was later than the general compaction and settling of the sediment, as the roots pass through burrows, load casts, and fault systems without disturbance. This interpretation of the environment of the callianassids which inhabited the Ophiomorpha burrow systems is in keeping with the general pattern of known palaeosalinities as based on isotopic work (Allen and Keith 1965, plus additional unpublished data), the occurrence of brackish water or marine molluscs, and ostracods (Kilenyi and Allen 1968), and the well known occurrence of non-marine fossils and rootlet beds. Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Mr. B. C. Worssam for bringing the Weald Clay occurrences of Ophiomorpha to our attention, and to Mr. J. N. Allen and Dr. T. I. Kilenyi for discussion of their data on Weald Clay ostracods. Dr. J. M. Hancock gave considerable assistance in the field, Mr. R. Cleevely helped in the location of some of the more obscure references. The assistance of the technical staff of the Departments of Geology, Sir John Cass College (London), King’s College (London), and the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Oxford, is acknowledged. We are particularly indebted to Dr. J. E. Prentice for much useful discussion and to Dr. W. S. McKerrow for criticizing early versions of the manuscript of this paper. REFERENCES allen, p. and keith, m. l. 1965. Carbon isotope ratios and palaeosalinities of Purbeck-Wealden carbonates. Nature, Lond. 208, 5017, 1278-80. anderson, f. w. 1967. Ostracods from the Weald Clay of England. Bull. geol. Surv. Gt Br. 27, 171-235. baatz, h. 1959. Ophiomorpha Lundgren, eines marines Spurenfossil, im oberen Quarzitsand Nieder- hessens. Notizbl. Hess. Landesamt. Bodenforsch. Wiesbaden, 87, 168-71. beets, c. 1948. Opmerkingen over Kalkzandsteenbuizen, problematica van het Eoceen-Bekken van Parijs. Geologie Mijnb. 10, 184-7. berry, j. 1921. Contributions to the Mesozoic flora of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. 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KENNEDY Department of Geology and Mineralogy Parks Road Oxford J. D. S. MACDOUGALL Department of Geology Sir John Cass College Jewry Street London E.C. 3 Typescript received 27 November 1968 NEW SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS FROM THE LOWER DEVONIAN OF NEW SOUTH WALES by N. M. SAVAGE Abstract. Five species and subspecies of spiriferid brachiopods are described from the early Siegenian Man- dagery Park Formation, New South Wales: Cyrtina praecedens Kozlowski, Proreticularia beddiei sp. nov., and the new subspecies Quadrithyris robusta molongensis, Ambocoelia praecox dorsiplicata , and Howellella nucida australis. There is a close resemblance to species from eastern Europe and a genera! affinity to species from central Asia. Recent investigations in the vicinity of Manildra, New South Wales, have led to the discovery of several interesting Lower Devonian brachiopod assemblages. Of these the most important consists of delicately preserved silicified material of probable early Siegenian age. Two new genera from this fauna have been described (Savage 1968 a , b ) and several complementary papers are in preparation. This paper is concerned with the spiriferids. The Lower Palaeozoic deposits of the Manildra district form part of the Cowra Trough sediments of the Lachlan geosyncline (Packham 1960). Within this depositional trough a thickness of at least 10 000 ft. of sediments accumulated during Silurian and Early Devonian times. No detailed palaeontological work took place until Hill and Jones (1940) and Hill (1942) established the Lower to Middle Devonian age of corals from the Garra Limestones immediately to the east. More recently Strusz (1965 a , b , 1966, 1967) has investigated the Garra Formation further and described many more of the corals. The stratigraphy of the Manildra district has been described in detail elsewhere (Savage 1969) together with faunal lists and a discussion of possible correlations. It is suggested that a new group, the Gregra Group, should consist of the Maradana Shale, the Mandagery Park Formation, and the Garra Formation. The first two are new forma- tions, of late Gedinnian and Siegenian age, respectively. The third is a relatively well- known sequence of limestones and shales of probable late Siegenian to early Eifelian age. All three formations are calcareous, shallow-water deposits with rich shelly faunas. The Lower Devonian spiriferids from the Mandagery Park Formation show a close resemblance to forms from Bohemia and Podolia, and it is with these forms that the present taxonomic discussion is largely concerned. There is also a general affinity with other spiriferids from the whole Eurasian faunal province, which in Early Devonian times extended from eastern Europe, across Asia, and into western North America. These affinities are also evident in other groups of Manildra brachiopods. Tn the systematic treatment below, specimen numbers used are those of the Palaeontology Collection, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Sydney. [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 472-87, pis. 89-92.1 N. M. SAVAGE: SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS 473 SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Phylum BRACHIOPODA Suborder spiriferoidea Superfamily reticulariacea Waagen 1883 Family reticulariidae Waagen 1883 Genus quadrithyris Havlicek 1957 Type species. Spirifer robustus Barrande 1848, by original designation. Quadrithyris robusta molongensis subsp. nov. Plate 89 Diagnosis. A form close to Q. robusta (Barrande) but with a more prominent fold and sulcus. The lateral slopes bear no trace of plications. Material. The total of 61 silicified specimens consists of 16 complete or nearly complete conjoined shells, 15 dorsal valves, and 30 ventral valves. Specimen SU 19590 is designated the holotype. Description. Exterior. The shell is transversely elliptical in outline with the maximum width between mid-length and the posterior margin. The cardinal margins are evenly rounded and the anterior margin is straight or emarginate. In lateral profile the shell is strongly biconvex with the thickness almost equal to the length and greatest near the umbones. The strongly convex ventral valve has a prominent umbo and an erect to slightly incurved beak. An apsacline interarea is concave with an apical angle of 110-20°. The delthyrium includes an angle of about 45°. Narrow, ribbon-like, deltidial plates project normal to the interarea along the delthyrial margins (PI. 89, fig. 26). The dorsal valve is less strongly convex than the ventral valve. It has a broad umbo and a prominent, incurved beak. The interarea is low and orthocline to apsacline with an open notothyrium which includes an angle of 125-35°. The ventral valve bears a broad, rounded sulcus and the dorsal valve a corresponding fold. Both commence at the umbones and extend to the strongly uniplicate anterior commissure. The surface ornament consists of fine growth lamellae spaced at 5 or 6 per mm. Ventral interior. A deep delthyrial cavity is bounded by strongly receding, subvertical dental lamellae which converge posteriorly before meeting the valve floor (PI. 89, fig. 33). The teeth are small and stubby with a subtriangular cross-section. A prominent median septum, extending half the valve length, is high in the middle with a concave edge anteriorly and dorsally (PI. 89, fig. 30). The ventral muscle field is not sufficiently impressed to be discernible in the material available. Dorsal interior. Long, widely divergent sockets are supported on strong hinge plates (PI. 89, figs. 28, 29). On their inner edges the sockets are bounded by strong inner socket ridges, triangular in section and becoming higher and stronger anteriorly (text-fig. 1). Narrow crural lamellae slope sharply down from the socket ridges but do not reach the valve floor. Slender crural bases are attached along the inner edges of these crural lamellae (PI. 89, fig. 28). A large, well-rounded, cardinal process is occasionally 474 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 preserved in this silicified material. In some specimens traces of several lobes are present (text-fig. 1). A partly complete laterally directed spire with 4 volutions is present in one specimen and it appears that a complete spire would have 5 or 6 volutions. The muscle field is long and narrow and extends within the dorsal fold about one-third of the distance to the anterior commissure (PI. 89, figs. 28, 31, 32). text-fig. 1. Quadrithyris robusta molongensis subsp. nov. Reconstruction of the dorsal cardinalia based on several incomplete specimens. Approx. X 10. Measurements. The dimensions of 4 specimens are given below in mm. Length Width Thickness SU 19588 Complete shell 5-8 70 4-7 SU 19589 Complete shell 80 101 6-9 SU 19590 Complete shell 8-9 11-5 7-2 SU 19597 Dorsal valve 9-6 13 6 — Ontogeny. From the relatively small and broken collection, sufficient specimens of different ontogenetic stages are present to allow an examination of the morphological development during most of the growing period. The youngest form available has only a very gentle fold and sulcus and a ventral umbo which does not project posteriorly EXPLANATION OF PLATE 89 Figs. 1-35. Quadrithyris robusta molongensis subsp. nov. Mandagery Park Formation, Manildra. 1-25, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of five specimens of progressively in- creasing size. 1-5, SU 19586, a very young stage with a low fold and sulcus (fig. 4) and a ventral umbo which does not project posterior of the hinge-line (fig. 1). 6-10, SU 19587, a young stage also with a low fold and small ventral umbo. 11-15, SU 19588, a larger form with a prominent ventral umbo (fig. 15), a distinct ventral interarea and ribbon-like deltidial plates projecting normal to the interarea (fig. 13). 16-20, SU 19589, a mature form with a pronounced fold and sulcus (fig. 19), and incurved umbones (fig. 20). 21-5, SU 19590 (holotype), a relatively large form with a ventral umbo projecting well past the hinge-line and a strongly uniplicate anterior commissure (fig. 24). 26, Postero-lateral view of SU 19590 showing the ventral interarea and the thin ribbon- like deltidial plates projecting normal to it. 27, Antero-ventral view of dorsal valve SU 19595. 28, 29, Antero-ventral and ventral views of dorsal valve SU 19597 showing the inner socket ridges becoming higher and stronger anteriorly and the narrow inner hinge plates suspended from these ridges and not meeting the valve floor (fig. 28). 30, Lateral view of large broken ventral valve SU 19598 showing the long median septum with its concave anterior edge. 31, 32, Antero-ventral and ventral views of dorsal valve SU 19591 showing the widely divergent sockets, the strong inner socket ridges, and the adductor muscle scars. 33-5, Dorso-anterior, dorso-lateral, and dorsal views of ventral valve SU 19592 showing the strongly receding dental lamellae (fig. 35), and the long tooth ridges. (Figs. 1-26 x 3, figs. 27-35 x4.) Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 89 SAVAGE, Quadrithyris N. M. SAVAGE: SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS 475 past the hinge line (PI. 89, figs. 1-5). As growth proceeds the fold and sulcus become more pronounced and the ventral umbo extends well past the hinge line (PI. 89, figs. 21-5). Both the dorsal and ventral beaks change from an erect position in the younger stages, to an incurved position in the mature shell (PL 89, figs. 10, 15, 25). Internally the ventral median septum becomes relatively longer and the dental lamellae relatively shorter, whilst in the dorsal valve the hinge plates thicken and a low median myophragm becomes visible in the muscle field. Discussion. The relatively smooth lateral slopes and growth lamellae, in combination with the high ventral median septum and prominent dental lamellae, place this form in the genus Quadrithyris Havlicek. The closely related genus Quadrithyrina Havlicek lacks dental lamellae. Q. robusta molongensis is distinguished by receding dental lamellae, lateral slopes with no trace of plications, and a high median septum extending half the valve length. It closely resembles specimens of Q. robusta (Barrande) although the Bohemian type species has a less-pronounced fold and sulcus. Other Bohemian species are Q. kotysensis Havlicek and Q. falco (Barrande). Both have a sulcus bounded on each side by a low plication and a fold bounded by weak furrows. Q. trisectus (Kayser), from the Rhenish Schiefergebirge, differs from the Manildra form, and also from the type species, in possessing a very long median septum flanked by almost equally long dental lamellae. Q. robusta molongensis is one of the earliest species of Quadrithyris known. Siegenian species have been recorded from Nevada by Johnson (1965) and from the Altai Moun- tains by Kulkov (1963) but all other recorded species are from deposits of Emsian or Eifelian age. Genus proreticularia Havlicek 1957 Type species. Spirifer carens Barrande 1879, by original designation. Proreticularia beddiei sp. nov. Plate 90, figs. 22-38 Diagnosis. A wide Proreticularia with evenly rounded lateral margins and a strongly incurved ventral umbo. Material. A total of 120 silicified specimens consists of 29 complete or nearly complete conjoined shells, 45 dorsal valves, and 46 ventral valves. Externally very fine growth lines and radial striations are preserved but no spines have been observed. Specimen SU 16620 is designated the holotype. Description. Exterior. In outline the shell is transversely oval with the greatest width at about mid-length. The cardinal and lateral margins are evenly rounded and the anterior margin is gently rounded to emarginate. The lateral profile is unequally biconvex with the ventral valve the deeper. Maximum thickness is just posterior of mid-length. The ventral valve is strongly convex with the greatest curvature in the high umbonal region. An apsacline, strongly concave interarea has a curvature which increases apically and a width slightly more than half the maximum shell width. The beak ridges are very weak. An open delthyrium includes an angle of 40-50° and is bordered by prominent deltidial plates which project normal to the interarea (PI. 90, fig. 24). 476 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 The dorsal valve is convex in lateral profile with a broad umbo terminating in a small incurved beak. A concave interarea is apsacline and very short with an apical angle of about 150°. The notothyrium is open and includes an angle of 125-35°. The ventral valve has a faint sulcus and the dorsal valve a barely discernible fold. Where they meet anteriorly the commissure is rectimarginate or weakly uniplicate (PI. 90, fig. 25). A surface ornament of fine concentric growth-lines also shows traces of very fine radial lines (PI. 90, fig. 22). No spines are visible, probably because of the nature of the preservation. Ventral interior. The ventral interior is without dental lamellae. Narrow tooth ridges border the delthyrium and thicken markedly on the inner surfaces prior to projecting as short strong teeth. In a single specimen the ventral muscle field is visible as a number of linear radiating impressions (PI. 90, fig. 29). Dorsal interior. Small hinge plates extend for about one-third of the maximum shell width (PI. 90, fig. 28). The cardinal process, placed at the very apex of the notothyrium, is poorly preserved in most of the material but in some specimens occurs as a wide structure with several ill-defined lobes (text-fig. 2). Deep, narrow sockets are widely divergent at about 140° and are supported on narrow hinge plates. The inner socket ridges are low proximally but become wider and higher distally to terminate in pro- jections which articulate with crural fossettes (PI. 90, figs. 27, 28). Thin, triangular crural lamellae slope downwards from the inner edges of the socket ridges but do not meet the valve floor. They extend between one-fifth and one-quarter the distance to the anterior margin and are strongly convergent downwards and moderately divergent EXPLANATION OF PLATE 90 Figs. 1-21. Ambocoelia praecox dorsiplicata subsp. nov. Mandagery Park Formation, Manildra. 1-5, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 16614 showing the large ventral interarea (fig. 3), and the small dorsal plication in the anterior commissure (fig. 4). 6-10, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 16609 showing the more inflated ventral umbo (fig. 10), and the gently plicate anterior commissure (fig. 9). 11-15, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 16610 showing the slightly emarginate anterior margin (fig. 11) and the high, gently concave interarea (fig. 15). 16-18, Three dorsal views of ventral valve SU 16612 showing the narrow tooth-ridges along the delthyrial margins and the absence of dental lamellae and a median septum. 19, 20, Dorsal and ventral views of dorsal valve SU 16615 showing the bifid cardinal process, the long widely divergent sockets, and the broad crural lamellae meeting the valve floor posteriorly. 21, Ventral view of dorsal valve SU 22668 together with a crus broken from it. (All figures x 9.) Figs. 22-38. Proreticidaria beddiei sp. nov. Mandagery Park Formation, Manildra. 22-6, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 16620 (holotype) showing the distinct fold and sulcus (fig. 25), the emarginate anterior margin (fig. 23), the narrow strip-like deltidial plates project- ing normal to the interarea (fig. 24), and the large incurved ventral umbo (fig. 25). 27, Antero- ventral view of dorsal valve SU 16622 showing the broad cardinal process and the large sub-triangular crural lamellae. 28, Antero-ventral view of dorsal valve SU 1 6623 showing the hinge plates support- ing the large crural lamellae. 29, Dorsal view of large ventral valve SU 16621 showing the narrow tooth ridges, the absence of a median septum, and the large deeply striated muscle field. 30-4, Dorsal, ventral lateral, anterior, and posterior views of SU 16617, a young form with an almost perfectly elliptical outline and a rectimarginate anterior commissure (fig. 34). 35-8, Dorsal, anterior, lateral, and posterior views of SU 16616, a very young form. (All figures x6.) Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 90 SAVAGE, Ambocoelia and Proreticularia N. M. SAVAGE: SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS 477 anteriorly (PI. 90, figs. 27, 28). From the lower edges of the crural lamellae slender crura curve upwards. Spires have not been observed. The dorsal muscle field extends between one-third and one-half the distance to the anterior margin. It is divided into a narrow, elongate pair of medial adductors confined to the faint internal impression of the fold, and a pair of shorter, more rounded lateral adductors. text-fig. 2. Proreticularia beddiei sp. nov. Reconstruction of the dorsal cardinalia based on several incomplete specimens. Approx. x20. s'. The dimensions of 5 specimens are given Length below in mm. Width Thickness SU 16616 Complete shell 1-5 20 1-3 SU 16617 Complete shell 1-9 2-6 1-7 SU 16620 Complete shell 4-5 60 3-6 SU 16621 Ventral valve 4-8 6-9 ■ — - SU 16622 Dorsal valve 4-2 6-8 — Ontogeny. This species is not well represented in the collection and most of the specimens are damaged to some degree. As with the other spiriferid genera described herein, the most obvious ontogenetic changes are the accentuation of the fold and sulcus, the increasing prominence of the ventral umbo posteriorly, and the incurving of the beaks (PI. 90, figs. 22-6). In this species the dorsal fold is very gentle in even the mature forms, and in the youngest stages it is scarcely visible at all (PI. 90, fig. 36). As growth proceeds the ventral sulcus becomes more marked than the dorsal fold with the result that the anterior margin is emarginate in the mature specimens. Discussion. This Manildra form resembles the type species from the Ludlovian Kopanina Limestone, Bohemia. However, specimens of Proreticularia carens, sent to the author by Dr. Havlicek, are less wide and have a less incurved ventral umbo than P. beddiei and this difference is also clear from the published illustrations (Havlicek 1959, pi. 25, figs. 1, 2). P. Candida Havlicek, 1959, from the Koneprusy Limestone, is also narrower than the Manildra species and it differs further in having shallow furrows bounding the low dorsal fold. Proreticularia has not been recorded previously outside Bohemia and Asiatic Russia. 478 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Superfamily cyrtiacea Frederiks 1919 (1924) Family ambocoeliidae George 1931 Genus ambocoelia Hall 1860 Type species. Orthis umbonata Conrad 1842, by original designation. Members of the Ambocoeliidae show considerable variation, even from the same locality, and precise distinctions between species, and even genera, are often difficult for this reason. Vandercammen (1956) attempted to group the genera primarily on the basis of dental lamellae, separating those with dental lamellae from those without, whereas Havlicek (1959) laid particular emphasis on the presence or absence of a fold or sulcus in the dorsal valve. Neither of the resulting groupings has proved satisfactory and in the Brachiopod treatise (1965) Pitrat has not attempted to subdivide the Ambo- coeliidae into subfamilies. The Manildra species described below shows considerable variation in the degree of plication (see PI. 90) and it is unlikely that minor departures of the anterior com- missure from the rectimarginate condition are of generic significance. In the form of the interarea, and the internal features of both the ventral and dorsal valves, the Manildra form closely resembles the type species of Ambocoelia and it is to this genus that it is referred herein. Ambocoelia praecox dorsiplicata subsp. nov. Plate 90, figs. 1-21 Diagnosis. A form of the species Ambocoelia praecox Kozlowski with a weak dorsal fold and a uniplicate anterior commissure. Material. Of a total of 55 silicified specimens, 30 are complete or nearly complete shells with conjoined valves, 10 are dorsal valves, and 15 are ventral valves. The internal features, including spiralia and crura, are often visible in this material but the finer external detail is not preserved. Specimen SU 16609 is designated the holotype. Description. Exterior. The shell is small, subquadrate to semicircular in outline, and widest near the hinge line. The cardinal margins are sharply rounded and the anterior margin is often emarginate. In lateral profile the shell is very unequally biconvex. The ventral valve is deep with a swollen, strongly arched umbo and a suberect beak (PI. 90, figs. 5, 15). The lateral slopes are gently concave postero-laterally, and gently convex antero-laterally. A high interarea is apsacline and concave, with the curvature increasing apically; it has a width about two-thirds that of the shell and an apical angle of about 90°. The large open delthyrium is triangular and includes an angle of 25-35°. The dorsal valve is evenly convex with a broad umbo. A low, concave interarea is anacline to orthocline and the notothyrium is open, often with the cardinal process visible apically. A low sulcus on the ventral valve extends from the umbo. The dorsal valve has a low fold, bounded either side by a broad furrow. Anteriorly the fold and sulcus form a gently uniplicate commissure (PI. 90, figs. 4, 9, 14). The shell surface is smooth, or ornamented with fine concentric growth lines. Fine radial striations are present, and often a further set of stronger growth lines is irregularly superimposed (PI. 90, fig. 19). No spines have been observed. N. M. SAVAGE: SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS 479 Ventral interior. The ventral interior is without dental lamellae. Narrow tooth ridges, which border the delthyrium, are continuous with the teeth. No median septum is present. The muscle field has not been observed in the material available. Dorsal interior. The hinge plates extend from one-half to two-thirds of the valve width. A shallow notothyrial cavity is partly filled by a bifid cardinal process which has a long, inclined shaft (PI. 90, fig. 20). The sockets are long and widely divergent (text-fig. 3). They are bounded posteriorly by the valve margin and anteriorly by narrow inner socket text-fig. 3. Ambocoelia praecox dorsiplicata subsp. nov. Reconstruction of the dorsal cardinalia based on several incomplete specimens. Approx. X 30. ridges which are low proximally, but become higher distally. Broad crural lamellae rest on the valve floor with their inner edges almost parallel (PI. 90, fig. 20), but occasion- ally they only join the valve floor posteriorly and are suspended from the socket plates for most of their length. The lamellae are strongly convergent downwards and moderately divergent anteriorly. The crura are long and subparallel with short, hook-like, ventrally curved processes projecting from them at about one-third the valve length (PI. 90, fig. 21). The spines are directed laterally, each with 4 or 5 volutions. A long, narrow, muscle field extends three-quarters of the valve length but the individual impressions are in- distinct. Measurements. The dimensions of 5 specimens are given below in mm. Length Width Thickness SU 16609 Complete shell 1-6 2-3 1-5 SU 16610 Complete shell 1-7 20 1-6 SU 16612 Ventral valve 1-7 2-2 — SU 16614 Complete shell 19 2-6 1-9 SU 16615 Dorsal valve 2-6 3-5 — Discussion. Considerable variation of form is present in this material and it is difficult to find two specimens really alike. Examples of this variability are seen in Plate 90. Ambocoelia praecox Kozlowski, from the Borszczow beds of Podolia, is very close to the Manildra material. The only real difference is the rectimarginate anterior commissure of the Podolia species compared with the dorsal fold in the form from New South Wales. Of the Bohemian species, A. operculifera Havlicek, from the early Emsian Reporyje Limestones, differs from the Manildra form in being distinctly sulcate, though it is 480 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 worthy of note that one of the figured specimens (Havficek, 1956, fig. 17) shows very weak plications laterally. The younger species, A. mesodevonica Havlicek, from the Middle Devonian Acanthopyge Limestones, also shows weak plications anteriorly. Both A. praecox from Podolia, and A. praecox dorsiplicata from Manildra, differ from the North American type species in having a higher ventral interarea and a non-sulcate dorsal valve. Superfamily delthyridacea Phillips 1841 Family delthyrididae Phillips 1841 Subfamily acrospiriferinae Termier and Termier 1949 Genus howellella Kozlowski 1946 Type species. Terebratula crispus Hisinger 1826, by original designation. Howellella nucula australis subsp. nov. Plate 91 Diagnosis. A form of Howellella close to H. nucula (Barrande) but with a very small median septum in the extreme apex of the umbonal cavity. Material. A total of 716 silicified specimens consists of 426 complete or nearly complete shells with conjoined valves, 157 dorsal valves, and 133 ventral valves. The internal features, including the spiralia in some cases, are well preserved but the finer external ornament is not present. Specimen SU 16603 is designated the holotype. Description. Exterior. The shell is small and transversely oval in outline with the maximum width just posterior of mid-length. It has broadly rounded cardinal margins and more gently rounded anterior and lateral margins. In lateral profile the shell is strongly biconvex with the ventral valve deeper than the dorsal valve. The thickness is often equal to the length with the maximum thickness at about mid-length and the anterior slopes almost vertical. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 91 Figs. 1-35. Howellella nucula australis subsp. nov. Mandagery Park Formation, Manildra. 1-5, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 16602. 6, Antero-ventral view of dorsal valve SU 16608 showing the conspicuous cardinal process and the large triangular crural lamellae. 7, Antero-lateral view of broken specimen SU 16605 showing part of the exposed spire. 8-12, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 16601. 13-15, Dorsal, dorso- lateral, and antero-dorsal views of ventral valve SU 16606 showing the dental lamellae and low myophragm. 16-20, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 19599, a young stage showing a relatively gentle fold and sulcus (fig. 19), and dorsally directed beaks (fig. 20). 21-6, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, lateral, and postero-lateral views of mature specimen SU 16603 (holotype) showing the prominent ventral umbo (fig. 25) and pronounced fold and sulcus (fig. 24) which are typical of the larger specimens. 27, Ventral view of dorsal valve SU 16604 showing the divided hinge-plate, the broad cardinal process, the widely divergent sockets, and the large crural lamellae suspended from the socket ridges. 28-30, Dorso-lateral, antero-dorsal, and dorsal views of ventral valve SU 16607 showing the gently advancing dental lamellae (fig. 28), the small median septum at the extreme apex of the umbo (fig. 29), and the distinct myophragm (fig. 30). 31-5, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 16600, a relatively young form. (All figures x5-5.) Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 91 SAVAGE, Howellella N. M. SAVAGE: SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS 481 The ventral valve has a concave, apsacline interarea with a width half the maximum shell width and an apical angle of about 1 10°. This is bordered by low, poorly defined beak ridges. An open, triangular delthyrium includes an angle of 30-40° and is bordered by narrow deltidial plates which project normal to the interarea surface (PI. 91, fig. 10). The ventral umbo is prominent and the beak incurved. The dorsal valve has a small suberect beak and a low anacline interarea. An open notothyrium includes an angle of about 140°. The ventral sulcus and dorsal fold are both rounded in section and strongly defined. They commence at the beaks and expand rapidly to occupy two-thirds of the shell width at the anterior commissure. The lateral plications are broadly angular with straight slopes and sharply rounded crests and troughs (PI. 91, fig. 11). Generally there are 3 plications each side of the sulcus and 2 each side of the fold. The finer ornament is poorly preserved but numerous regularly spaced concentric growth-lines are visible. text-fig. 4. Howellella nucula australis subsp. nov. Reconstruction of the dorsal cardinalia based on several incomplete specimens. Approx, x 20. Ventral interior. Well-developed slender dental lamellae extend one-quarter to one- third of the valve length along the line of the plications bordering the median sulcus (PI. 91, fig. 28). The lamellae diverge anteriorly and downwards, and have concave anterior edges which drop sharply from the overhanging delthyrial margins to advance along the valve floor (PI. 91, fig. 29). Small slender teeth have shallow crural fossettes directed antero-medially (PI. 91, fig. 15). A very short median septum is present in the posterior extremity of the umbonal cavity. The ventral muscle field, which is weakly impressed in the material available, extends up to half the valve length and is divided medially by a low myophragm (PI. 91, fig. 29). Dorsal interior. Short hinge-plates extend laterally for two-fifths of the maximum shell width and separated by a wide notothyrial cavity, (text-fig. 4). The cardinal process is broad and strongly recurved posteriorly to protrude through the notothyrium (PI. 91, fig. 6). Finer details of the cardinal process are seldom preserved but two specimens have a bilobed process (text-fig. 4) and one has a trilobed process. Narrow sockets are widely divergent at about 125°. They are variable in length and supported by the strongly curved hinge-plates which arise from beneath the interarea. The inner socket ridges are narrow with prominent projections distally which articulate with the crural fossettes of the ventral valve (PI. 91, fig. 27). Large blade-like crural lamellae extend downwards from the inner socket ridges but do not reach the valve floor. They meet the valve wall posteriorly directly below the cardinal process (text-fig. 4). The lamellae are strongly 482 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 convergent downwards and divergent anteriorly, with concave anterior edges extending one-third of the distance to the anterior margin (PI. 91, fig. 6). From the lower edges of the crural lamellae arise crural bases from which long crura project anteriorly and then curve sharply upwards to point postero-ventrally. Distally the crura are attached to the laterally directed spires, each of which has 4 or 5 volutions. The faintly impressed dorsal muscle-field is confined to the trace of the fold. It extends about one-third of the valve length. Measurements. The dimensions of 5 specimens are given Length below in mm. Width Thickness SU 16601 Complete shell 2-5 3-3 2-7 SU 16602 Complete shell 3-4 4-6 30 SU 16603 Complete shell 3-7 4-7 3-5 SU 16604 Dorsal valve 5-7 9-3 — SU 16606 Ventral valve 3-2 4-3 — Ontogeny. From the numerous specimens in the collection a good ontogenetic series is available. The main changes which occur with growth are the accentuation of the fold and sulcus, the projection posteriorly of the ventral umbo, and the gradual incurving of the ventral beak (PI. 91). As maturity approaches the thickness of the shell is increased by the deposition of shell material along the lateral and posterior margins, and this is responsible for the incurving of the beaks and the increasing prominence of the ventral umbo. In the young internals examined the features differed little from the mature forms. Discussion. Howellella nucula ( Barrande 1879), from the Ludlovian Kopanina Limestones of Bohemia, is very close to the Manildra material. Externally the forms are identical, with a similar fold and sulcus bordered by two or three gentle plications. Internally the arrangement of the crural lamellae and dental lamellae is the same, and there is a low median myophragm in both ventral valves (compare PI. 91, herein, with Havlicek 1959, figs. 41, 42). However, there is a median septum at the very apex of the umbonal cavity in the Manildra form which is not present in the Bohemian species (Havlicek 1959, fig. 41). Though distinct, this median septum is very short and different from that in Delthyris. Other related Bohemian species include H. koneprusensis Havlicek, from the Kone- prusy Limestones, which differs from the Manildra form in having an angular fold and sulcus and more lateral plications. H. spuria (Barrande), from the Kopanina Beds, has a broader fold and sulcus flanked by incipient lateral plications, and H. inchoans ( Barrande), from the Lochkov Limestones, has numerous weak lateral plications. H. laeviplicata Kozlowski, from the Borszczow beds of Podolia, is also close to the Manildra species. Only a single ventral section is figured by Kozlowski (1929, fig. 60a), and this does not show a myophragm. However, Kozlowski states in his description that the internal features are essentially the same as in H. angustiplicata which he illustrates with several serial sections (op. cit. , fig. 64). These show the crural lamellae suspended from the hinge-plates for most of their length, as in the Manildra specimens. Material with affinities both to the eastern European forms and those from New South Wales, is found further east, in central Asia. The Siberian species H. khalfini Kulkov, 1963, from N. M. SAVAGE: SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS 483 the Lower Devonian Solovikha Limestone in the Altai Mountains, is less inflated than the Australian form and does not possess advancing dental lamellae. Of the species described from south-east Australia, H. scabra Philip, from the Cooper’s Creek Formation at Tyers, Victoria, is less gibbous than the Manildra form. Both have 2 or 3 lateral plications each side of a strong median fold and sulcus, but whereas the Victorian species has 2 very short dental lamellae, the lamellae of H. nucula australis extend up to one-third of the valve length. Philip (1962, p. 222) states that the Tyers material has extremely short crural bases but makes no mention of the crural lamellae, possibly because the form of these structures is not apparent from slots visible in mould material when species with ‘suspended’ crural lamellae are examined. H. textilis Talent, from the Tabberabbera Formation, Victoria, is known only from deformed material which is not easily compared with the silicified material from Manildra. Another Vic- torian species, H. lirata Talent, differs from H. nucula australis in being wider and having a lower fold and sulcus flanked by more numerous lateral plications. Superfamily suessiacea Waagen 1883 Family cyrtinidae Frederiks 1912 Genus cyrtina Davidson 1858 Type species. Ca/ceo/a heteroclita Defrance, 1828, by the subsequent designation of Hall and Clarke, 1894. Cyrtina praecedens Kozlowski 1 929 Plate 92 1929 Cyrtina praecedens Kozlowski; p. 207. 1954 Cyrtina praecedens Kozlowski; Nikiforova, p. 150. Material. The collection consists of 472 silicified specimens of which 329 are complete, or almost com- plete, with the valves united. Of the remainder 55 are dorsal valves and 88 are ventral valves. The preservation is sufficiently delicate to show the external punctation. Description. Exterior. The shell is small and hemipyramidal. In outline it is semicircular with right-angular cardinal extremities and evenly rounded lateral and anterior margins. The lateral profile is subtriangular with the maximum thickness at the posterior margin. The ventral valve is hemipyramidal with a high umbonal region. The steep slopes are slightly convex laterally and more strongly convex anteriorly. A prominent, suberect beak projects just past the hinge line and the very high interarea is apsacline to catacline with an apical angle of 85-95°. The interarea bears growth striations parallel to the hinge line. A long, narrow delthyrium includes an angle of about 20° and is closed for most of its height by a deltidium which is gently convex near the hinge-line but strongly arched and hood-like about a round or oval apical foramen (PI. 92, fig. 28). The dorsal valve is convex with a broad umbo and a suberect or nearly straight beak. It has a very low, anacline interarea. A dorsal fold and ventral sulcus are prominent. Both extend from the posterior margin to the strongly parasulcate anterior commissure. The fold is elevated above the remainder of the valve anteriorly and at the commissure it accommodates a semicircular tongue from the ventral sulcus. Both valves have 3-5 pairs of strong, rounded plications which arise along the cardinal margins (PI. 92, figs. 1, 2). The furrows bordering the fold, and 484 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 the plications bordering the sulcus, are particularly pronounced. Several strongly lamel- lose growth-lines are usually present in mature specimens. The shell material is finely punctate. Ventral interior. Convergent dental lamellae project anteriorly from the delthyrial margins but do not reach the valve floor. These lamellae meet to form a vertical spondy- lium which extends anteriorly for about one-sixth of the valve length (PI. 92, figs. 35, 39). Above the spondylium the dendal lamellae become progressively reduced to form stout, vertical pillars which border the delthyrial cavity and project as short rounded teeth. Supporting the spondylium is a high median septum with a concave forward edge. The septum protrudes into the spondylial cavity as a subvertical tichorhinum with a hollow interior partly divided by a thin vertical plate, complete at the apex, but for the most part consisting of two separate septa (PI. 92, figs. 35, 39). The closed apical part of the tichorhinum is visible through the foramen (PI. 92, fig. 37). No ventral muscle-scars have been observed in this material. Dorsal interior. The dorsal interior has a broad cardinal process consisting of three primary lobes and numerous secondary lobes (PI. 92, fig. 31). The sockets, which are deep and triangular, are supported on strong, thickly developed hinge-plates (text-fig. 5). Crural lamellae extend downwards from short, widely divergent inner socket ridges but do not meet the valve floor; the lower parts form crural bases which diverge anteriorly at 65-75°. Subparallel crura extend about one-quarter of the valve length and are joined by a slender, V-shaped jugum with its pointed end directed anteriorly (PI. 92, fig. 27). The spiralia are large and occupy most of the shell interior. Each is elongate and laterally EXPLANATION OF PLATE 92 Figs. 1-44. Cyrtina praecedens Kozlowski. Mandagery Park Formation, Manildra. 1-25, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of five specimens of progressively decreasing size. 1-5, Specimen SU 16628, a large mature form with successive growth thickenings at the valve margins (fig. 5). The closed apical part of the tichorhinum and the horizontal striations on the ventral in- terarea are also visible (fig. 3). 6-10, Specimen SU 16627, a mature form with the dorsal fold distinctly elevated above the lateral plications (fig. 10). 11-15, Specimen SU 16626, a younger stage with less pronounced plications. 16-20, Specimen SU 16625, a young form with only two plications each side of the fold (fig. 16). 21-5, Specimen SU 16624, a very young form with gentle plications and relatively rounded contours. 26, Antero-ventral view of dorsal valve SU 22669 showing the attachment of the crura to the crural lamellae. 27, Anterior view of broken specimen SU 16634 showing the slender V-shaped jugum joining the subparallel crura. 28, Postero-lateral view of specimen SU 16633 showing the strongly arched deltidium with a hood-like foramen. 29, 30, Ventral and antero-ventral views of dorsal valve SU 16636. 31, 32, Enlargements of figs. 29, 30 showing the trilobed cardinal process with its numerous secondary subdivisions (fig. 3 1 ), the deep sockets partly overhung by the inner socket ridges (fig. 30), the widely divergent crural lamellae, and the long narrow muscle-field divided by a low myophragm (fig. 30). 33, 34, Two dorsal views of ventral valve SU 16629 showing the dental lamellae converging to form a spondylium into which the high median septum protrudes as a hollow subvertical tichorhinum. The latter is partly divided by a thin vertical plate which can be seen on both the posterior and anterior sides. 35-6, Dorsal and dorso-lateral views of ventral valve SU 16631. (The hollow nature of the median septum within the spondylium is probably the result of incomplete silicification.) 37, Postero-dorsal view of SU 16632 showing the partly exposed spires. 38, 39, Dorso-lateral and dorsal views of ventral valve SU 16630. 40-44, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and lateral views of SU 16635 showing unusually prominent growth lamellae. (Figs. 31, 32 x8, remaining figures all x4.) Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 92 SAVAGE, Cyrtina N. M. SAVAGE: SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS 485 directed with 5-6 volutions (PI. 92, fig. 37). The adductor muscle-field is long and narrow, extending two-thirds of the distance to the anterior margin, and consisting of small posterior adductors and larger, more elongate, anterior adductors. A low myophragm divides the muscle field medially (PI. 92, fig. 32). text-fig. 5. Cyrtina praecedens Kozlowksi. Reconstruction of the dorsal cardinalia of the Manildra specimens based on several incomplete specimens. Approx, x 35. Measurements. The dimensions of 4 specimens are listed below in mm. SU 16625 Complete shell Length 2-7 Width 3-8 Thickness 2-2 SU 16626 Complete shell 3-2 4-5 2-8 SU 16627 Complete shell 4-0 5-7 40 SU 16628 Complete shell 4-5 6-5 5-2 Variation. There is some variation in the strength of the growth-lines and in a few specimens these are particularly pronounced and produce a very uneven, lamellose surface (PI. 92, figs. 40-4). In other specimens the growth-lines are more gentle, though equally numerous (PI. 92, figs. 6-10). Differences in the form of the deltidium are com- monly the result of breakage, but there is evidently some variation for a few specimens have a strongly convex plate with a hooded foramen (PI. 92, figs. 28), while the majority have a far less convex plate with a longer, non-hooded foramen (PI. 92, fig. 42). Ontogeny. A good ontogenetic series is present for this species. There are few external differences between stages apart from the increase in the number and height of the lateral plications (PI. 92, fig. 1-25). In the gerontic stage successive growth lamellae are closely spaced at the lateral and anterior margins and become more conspicuous (PI. 92, fig. 4), than in younger specimens. Internally there is a thickening of the hinge-plates in older specimens and a broadening of the cardinal process as the three primary lobes divide and multiply. Discussion. Although the Manildra specimens are smaller and have fewer plications than those from Podolia described by Kozlowski, an attempt has been made to allow for environmental stunting and to avoid the introduction of a new species name when only size and related characteristics are distinctive. The type species from Western Europe, Cyrtina heteroclita, is not well known and its relationship to the Manildra material is difficult to assess. The form from Santa Lucia identified as C. heteroclita by Oehlert (1901 ) is seen in his illustrations to have an unbroken septum dividing the tichorhinum. If this is a constant characteristic it may 486 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 have taxonomic significance, for m specimens of C. praecedens from Podolia and from Manildra the septum is not continuous across the tichorhinum. Another reported feature of C. heteroclita which needs substantiation is the absence of an apical foramen (Koz- lowski 1929, p. 210). Of the other European species, C. teta Havlicek, from the late Emsian or early Eifelian of Bohemia, resembles C. heteroclita externally although the interarea is considerably longer. It is more angular than the Manildra form and has more prominent horizontal striations across the interarea. C. heteroclita gregale Talent, from Sandy’s Creek, Victoria, resembles the Manildra form in shape and the number of plications but the growth lamellae are very weak or absent in the material described. Another eastern Australian form, described by Dun (1907) as the new species C. wellingtonensis, is also close to C. praecedens. It is larger than the material from Manildra but possibly lived in a more favourable environment. Acknowledgements. I wish to thank Dr. V. Havlicek and Mr. Galle of the Geological Survey of Czecho- slovakia who generously made specimens available. I am also indebted to Professor H. B. Whittington and Mr. A. G. Brighton for facilities at the Sedgwick Museum and access to specimens. Dr. N. P. Kulkov of the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., kindly sent specimens from the Altai Mountains. Professor C. E. Marshall and Professor F. H. T. Rhodes provided facilities at University of Sydney, and University College of Swansea, respectively. Professor A. J. Boucot and Dr. J. G. Johnson, of the California Institute of Technology, kindly read the typescript and suggested improvements. REFERENCES barrande, j. 1879. Systeme Silurien du Centre de la Boheme. Pt. 1, Recherches paleontologiques 5, Brachiopodes , 226 pp., 153 pi. Prague, Paris. conrad, t. a. 1842. Observations on the Silurian and Devonian systems of the U.S. with descriptions of new organic remains. J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 8, 228-80, pi. 12-17. dun, w. s. 1907. Notes on Palaeozoic Brachiopoda and Pelecypoda from New South Wales. Rec. geol. Surv. N.S. W. 8, (3), 269. hall, j. and clarke, J. 1892-95. An Introduction to the Study of the Genera of Palaeozoic Brachio- poda. Pt. I. Nat. Hist. N.Y. Palaeontology, 8, pt. 1, 1-367, pi. 1-20 (1892); pt. 2, 1-317 (1893), 319-94, pi. 21-84 (1895). havlicek, v. 1956. Ramenonozci va pencil branickych a hlubocepskych z nejblizslho prazskeho okoli. Sb. listred. Ust. geol. 22, 535-650, pi. 1-12 (English summary 651-65). — — 1959. Spiriferidae v ceskem siluru a devonu (brachiopoda). Rozpr. ust fed. TJst. geol. 25, 219 pp. 28 pi. (English summary 221-75). hill, d. 1942. Middle Palaeozoic rugose corals from the Wellington district, N.S.W. J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 76, 182-9, pi. 5, 6. and jones, o. a. 1940. The corals of the Garra Beds, Molong District, New South Wales. Ibid. 74, 175-208, pi. 2-8. hisinger, w. 1826. Gotland geognostik beskrifting. K. Vet.-Akad. Hand!. Stockholm. Johnson, J. G. 1965. Lower Devonian Stratigraphy and Correlation, Northern Simpson Park Range, Nevada. Bull. Canadian Petrol, geol. 13, no. 3, 365-81. kozlowski, r. 1929. Les brachiopodes Gotlandiens de la Podolie Polonaise. Palaeont. pol. 1, 254 pp. 12 pi. kulkov, n. p. 1963. Brackhiopody Solovikhinskikh sloev Nizhnego Devona Gornogo Altaya. Akad. Nauk SSSR , 131 pp, 9 pi. Nikiforova, o. i. 1954. Stratigrafiya i brakhipody Siluriyskikh otlozheniy Podolii. Trudy Vsesojuz geol. inst. Moskva. 218 pp. oehlert, d. p. 1901. Fossiles Devoniens de Santa Lucia. Bull. Soc. geol. Fr. 1, 233-50. packham, g. h. 1 960. Sedimentary history of part of the Tasman Geosyncline in South Eastern Australia. 21st. Int. geol. Congr. Copenhagen 1960, Regional paleography, 12, 74-83. N. M. SAVAGE: SPIRIFERID BRACHIOPODS 487 philip, G. m. 1962. The palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Siluro-Devonian of the Tyers area, Gippsland, Victoria. Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 75, 123-246, pi. 11-36. pitrat, c. w. 1965. Suborder Spiriferidina, in moore, r. c. (ed).. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part H, Brachiopoda , H668-H727, Geol. Soc. Am. and Univ. Kansas Press. savage, n. m. 1 968a. Planicardinia, a new septate dalmanellid brachiopod from the Lower Devonian of New South Wales. Palaeontology, 11, 627-32, pi. 122. 19686. Australirhynchia, a new rhynchonellid brachiopod from the Lower Devonian of New South Wales. Ibid. 11, 731-5, pi. 141. 1969. The Geology of the Manildra District, New South Wales. J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S. W. (in press). strusz, d. l. 1965a. A note on the Stratigraphy of the Devonian Garra Beds of N.S.W. Ibid. 98, 85-90. 1965. Disphyllidae and Phacellophyllidae from the Devonian Garra Formation of New South Wales. Palaeontology, 8, 518-71, 72-8. 1966. Spongophyllidae from the Devonian Garra Formation, New South Wales. Ibid. 9, 544- 98, pi. 85-96. 1967. Chlamydophyllum, Iowaphyllum, and Sinospongophvl/um (Rugosa) from the Devonian of New South Wales. Ibid. 10, 426-35, pi. 67. termier, h. and termier, g. 1949. Essai sur 1’evolution des Spiriferides. Notes Mem. Serv. Mines Carte geol. Maroc. no. 74, 85-112. vandercammen, a. 1956. Revision des Ambocoeliinae de la Belgique. Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belg. 32, 1-51, pi. 1, 2. N. M. SAVAGE Department of Geology University of Natal Durban, Natal Typescript received 23 December 1968 South Africa A CRETACEOUS ECHINOID WITH FALSE TEETH by PORTER M. KIER Abstract. The teeth described in 1911 in a specimen of Conulus subrotundus Mantell from theTuronian Middle Chalk are from a Recent echinoid. No lantern was present in adults in Conulus or probably in other members of the families Conulidae Lambert or Galeritidae Gray. The structures previously thought to be lantern support structures (auricles) are considered to be related in function to the large buccal plates. Instead of being degenera- ting structures as previously thought, they increase in size in later species. Although echinoid workers generally have not become very aroused in their con- troversies, two subjects have caused considerable heat: the question whether Both- riocidaris was an echinoid (now resolved in the affirmative), and whether or not Conulus had teeth. Conulus is one of the better-known and more ‘popular’ echinoid genera in Europe because of its abundant occurrence in the Chalk. It was assumed that it was toothed because it is an holectypoid, and most holectypoids have teeth. Forbes (1850, p. 3) described and figured what he considered to be teeth and jaws in Conulus and subsequent authors (see Hawkins, 1911, p. 70 for a complete history) accepted his opinion until Duncan (1884, p. 11) in a paper considered to be dogmatic by those op- posed to his views, disagreed with the previous workers and contended that the objects they thought to be jaws were imaginary, or merely grooves made by a tool in the soft matrix within the peristome. After this strong rebuttal the proponents for a lantern retreated and most subsequent workers until 1911 accepted that it was lanternless. However, Hawkins (1911, p. 71) found a specimen of Conulus subrotundus Mantell, in the British Museum with four teeth protruding from its peristome. He was unable to find any jaws. Since this time it has been assumed by all echinoid workers that Conulus and the rest of the genera of the families Conulidae Lambert and Galeritidae Gray had jaws and teeth when adults. As part of a study of the lantern in echinoids, I was particularly anxious to see a lantern in Conulus and dissected hundreds of specimens of C. albogalerus Leske. This is a relatively easy task with an air abrasive machine because of the soft chalk matrix. However, no fragments of a lantern or teeth were found in any of them. Inasmuch as the peristome is very small in diameter, bits of the lantern would have been expected to have been retained in the test. Furthermore, I dissected a specimen of C. albogalerus in which all the buccal plates were still preserved in place but there were no fragments of a lantern. These plates have been found on only a handful of the thousands of specimens of this species that have been collected. Obviously the slightest movement of the speci- men after death caused these plates to become separated, and if a lantern had been present in this specimen it would be expected that parts of it would still be there. Hawkins also dissected hundreds of C. albogalerus and never found any lantern frag- ments. But the teeth in the specimen of C. subrotundus described by Hawkins were positive evidence that could not be ignored. It could not be assumed that four teeth were washed into a specimen all with their tips extending outward. But if it had teeth, why were no pyramids preserved? Hawkins noted that it would not be possible for the (Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 488-493, pis. 93, 94.] P. M. KIER: A CRETACEOUS ECHINOID WITH FALSE TEETH 489 pyramids to slip out through the small peristome and have the teeth remain. He sug- gested that perhaps the pyramids were noncalcified — a conclusion with which he was not satisfied but could suggest no other alternative. Restudy of this specimen has re- vealed the solution to this dilemma — the teeth do not belong to the specimen. Some person excavated a cavity inside the peristome and inserted four Recent teeth mixed with some cement into the cavity. The following evidence indicates that the teeth did not belong to the echinoid: 1. The matrix around the teeth is much softer than the matrix in the rest of the test. This difference was readily apparent when the air abrasive machine was used. The machine had very little effect on the area away from the peristome but one blast of abrasive in the area around the teeth removed considerable matrix. As is well known to anyone who has worked with chalk fossils, the matrix in Middle Chalk specimens is commonly quite hard as opposed to Upper Chalk specimens. The matrix in this specimen is typical of the Middle Chalk except in the cavity where the teeth lie. Here it is not only very soft and crumbly but also much coarser (PI. 93, fig. 5) in texture. Dr. Maurice Black, an authority on chalk, examined this material and concluded that it was not chalk. Only a few coccoliths were visible and he suggested that these had probably come from the adjacent chalk matrix. He surmised that this material around the teeth was probably some type of cement (perhaps dental). A. G. Brighton, curator of the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, reports (personal communication, 1968) that there have been many chalk ‘fossils’ faked by individuals anxious to sell specimens to museums, or interested collectors. Commonly, the hoaxer mixes up a matrix of crushed chalk or lime, and some type of cement and inserts into it a Recent specimen and then offers it for sale as a ‘perfectly preserved Cretaceous fossil with color markings’. After hearing about this forgery in Conulus, Peter J. Moulds of Queen Mary College, London, examined some specimens of Chalk echinoids which had been puzzling him and discovered that at least two of them are forgeries. According to his letter to me (1968): ‘one block of Chalk with several spines enclosed had an entirely different test added later. This test had been sawed in half in order to fit to the block! I suppose the main reason for these forgeries was to increase the interest and thus the value (financial that is — many of the museum specimens have their original price on them).’ 2. The quality of the preservation of the teeth indicates that they are from a Recent echinoid and not fossil. All the teeth have a glistening, porcellanous sheen (PI. 94, fig. 1) which T have never seen to this extent in a fossil tooth. Although a slight sheen may rarely be preserved on an extremely well-preserved fossil tooth, it is never as pronounced as on these teeth. Furthermore, the open meshwork of the microstructure of the tooth is not permineralized as it would be in a fossil (pi. 93, fig. 4). The open interstices in the tooth are normally filled with secondary calcite in a fossil tooth but in this specimen they are not. Furthermore, the upper part of the teeth are soft and fibrous with the asbestos-like structure found in a Recent tooth but never in a fossil. The teeth are too small for a carbon-14 analysis, but Dr. Kenneth Towe pointed out that Weber and Raup (1968, p. 42) have shown that skeletal magnesium is lost early in diagenesis and that Recent echinoids therefore have a higher magnesium carbonate content than fossil ones. Dr. Towe suggested that if these teeth were Recent, they should contain a larger amount of MgCO:J than the rest of the fossil. He analyzed (using X-ray diffraction) a portion of one of the teeth, part of the test of a Conulus subrotundus , 490 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 and for comparison purposes a Recent tooth, and a tooth known for certain to have come from a Chalk species, Phymosoma koenigi (Mantell). The fragment of the test of C. subrotundus and the tooth from P. konigi contained no MgC03, whereas the tooth of the Recent echinoid contained 6-8 mol per cent MgCC)3 and the tooth from the Conulus contained 3-4 mol per cent. The fact that the Comdus tooth contained MgC03 and the specimen from which it was supposed to have come contained none indicates that the tooth is not from the Comdus. 3. The fact that all the teeth are broken and that all these broken ends are on the ends of the tooth in the matrix must arouse considerable suspicion as to their authenticity. It is very doubtful that any natural forces could break the inner ends of all four teeth and still permit their outer ends to protrude unbroken from the echinoid test. Echinoid teeth are quite strong and any force which broke all of them would surely disassociate them enough so they would not all remain with their tips still protruding out the peri- stome. Probably the hoaxer, in order to avoid drilling a much deeper hole into the test, simply broke part of each tooth and inserted the broken ends into the hole. 4. The teeth themselves are unlike any found before in an irregular echinoid. Their keels are far too narrow and sharp. Hawkins (1911, p. 72) stated that the teeth were very like those found in Camerogalerus cylindricus (Lamarck), but the tooth of Cam. cylindricus has a much broader keel, tapering from the edge of the keel to the sides of the tooth, whereas the teeth in the Comdus have the sides of the keel parallel to each other. Al- though, Durham and Melville (1957, text-fig. 1b) show a narrow sharp keel in Holectypus r/e/?re.sms(Leske)Ihave made further preparations of the specimen they figured and have found that the tooth has a broad keel very much like that in Pygaster as described by Melville (1961). I know of no irregular echinoid tooth resembling the teeth attributed to Comdus. 5. When Hawkins first saw the specimen he noted that someone had enlarged the peristome by cutting. Presumably, he thought that this enlarging was done in an effort to expose the teeth, but probably the hoaxer was unable to fit all the teeth in the small EXPLANATION OF PLATE 93 Figs. 1-3. View of the interior region around the peristome in three species of Comdus showing the thickened basicoronal plates which have been considered to be auricles. The pictures are arranged stratigraphically with the earliest species, Comdus castanea (Brongniart) from the Cenomanian at the base (fig. 3), the Turanian C. subrotundus Mantell in the middle (fig. 2) and the latest, the Senonian C. albogalerus, at the top (fig. 1 ). Note that the structures formerly considered to be auricles are more pronounced in C. albogalerus than in the older species contradicting the assumption that these structures are degenerating lantern supports. 1, Comdus albogalerus Leske, Upper Chalk, Gravesend, Sedgwick Museum B. 3623, Kent, x 8. 2, Comdus subrotundus Mantell, Middle Chalk, Orbirhynchia cuvieri zone, Flitchin, Herts., Sedgwick Museum B. 408, X 10. 3, Conulus castanea (Brongniart), Bed 13 Meyer, Beer Head, Devon, Sedgwick Museum B. 7577, X 13. Fig. 4. Section through tooth considered to be Recent but found in specimen of Conulus subrotundus figured in fig. 6. Note the microstructure which is normally visible on a Recent tooth but not on a fossil, x37. Figs. 5, 6. Comdus subrotundus Mantell. Specimen which H. L. Hawkins found in the British Museum (Natural History) with four teeth protruding from the peristome. He cut the specimen in half and excavated the area around the peristome but found no fragments of a lantern. Note the coarser matrix around the teeth. Label for specimen, B.M. E 10743, only states Upper Chalk which is presumably an error because this species is known only in the Middle Chalk. Fig. 5, X 6 5 ; fig. 6, x 2. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 93 KIER, Cretaceous echinoid with false teeth P. M. KIER: A CRETACEOUS ECHINOID WITH FALSE TEETH 491 peristome and just widened it enough to accommodate them — which might also explain why he inserted only four teeth. 6. The presence of teeth but absence of any of the numerous parts of the jaws is nearly impossible to explain. The peristome of Conulus is so small in diameter that the jaws could hardly have slipped out around the teeth without the teeth slipping out also. Commonly, the teeth are the first to slip out of the test after the echinoid dies. They are connected to the jaws by far less tissue (they must be able to move down the dental slide as the echinoid grows) than the pyramids are to each other. I have found very few teeth in comparison to the number of jaws during my excavations of fossil echinoids, and I have never found teeth without there also being part of the jaws. The only direct evidence of a lantern in Conulus was the presence of the teeth described above. Now that they are shown to be fraudulent we must examine again the problem as to whether Conulus, and for that matter any of the members of the Conulidae or Galeritidae, had a lantern. Recent workers (Hawkins 1911, 1917, 1934, Mortensen 1948, p. 43, Wagner and Durham 1966, p. 455) have considered that the thickened structures (PI. 93, figs. 1-3) in the interambulacra at the edge of the peristome were auricles (lantern support structures). Although Hawkins’s illustration (1917, pi. 28, fig. 1, reproduced in the Treatise, Wagner and Durham 1966, fig. 331, 4 c) does depict a structure strongly resembling auricles, this figure is highly stylized and gives a misleading impression of the structure. In this figure the auricle-like features are exaggerated. Although the thickened basicoronal plates do resemble auricles or apophyses, they differ from them in an important character. Auricles or apophyses consist of processes which rise upward from the basicoronal ambulacral or interambulacral plates. These tabs may be thick or thin but invariably they rise far above the general level of the basicoronal plates. No such tabs are present in Conulus. Although minute knobs are present on the edge of the thickened basicoronal plates in large specimens of some species of Conulus, they are absent from most species and are far too small to be considered as auricles. Many workers including Hawkins (1911, p. 72) have considered that the ‘auricles’ in Conulus were degenerate structures and that their lack of strong development resulted from the fact that the lantern and its supporting structures were gradually being lost through time. If this were the case it would be expected that these ‘auricles’ would be less pronounced in succeeding species, but just the opposite is the case. This thickening of the basicoronal plates becomes more pronounced in later species. The earliest Conulus in which I have been able to expose the interior is C. castanea (Brongniart) from the Cenomanian. The basicoronal plates are slightly thickened (PI. 93, fig. 3) and two slight depressions are present in each of these thickened interambulacra. In the Turonian C. subrotundus Mantell the interambulacral plates are more thickened (PI. 93, fig. 2) the paired depressions deeper and the angle of their faces greater. Finally in the Senonian C. albogalerus Leske all these features (PI. 93, fig. 1) are even more pronounced. Therefore, this thickening cannot be considered a degenerating character. The position and character of these structures suggest that they are related to the function of the ten plates around the peristome which are considered to be buccal plates. These plates are interpreted as buccal plates rather than basicoronal plates because they are not attached to the rest of the test by normal sutural tissue as is indicated by their absence in most specimens (they have only been found in C. albogalerus but presumably 492 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 were present in the other species of Conulus ) and their loose connection on those few specimens where they are found. Furthermore, the plates which precede them have the arrangement and number characteristic of basicoronal plates, with a single plate in each interambulacrum, and the ambulacral plates and their pores arranged according to Loven’s law. Finally, these basicoronal plates have their edges curved inward with their tubercles facing the peristomial opening. The plates are very thick and large in C. a/bogalerus (PI. 94, figs. 3-5) and could have their origin in the large buccal plates normally found in a regular echinoid or be derived from the secondary buccal plates found in irregulars. The primary buccal plates of regular echinoids have large buccal tubefeet whereas tubefeet are absent from the second- ary buccal plates of irregular echinoids. The absence of pores in the Conulus buccal plates indicates that they probably are derived from these secondary plates. Although some authors (Mortensen 1948, p. 38) thought pores were present in these plates because of the presence of pits on the interior of the plates. These pits (PI. 94, fig. 3) are shallow and do not penetrate to the exterior. Hawkins suggested that the ‘auricles’ may have been slots into which the buccal plates were retracted. However, the exterior of the buccal plates has tubercles, pre- sumably for spines or pedicellariae, which probably would have prohibited the sliding of these plates back into the peristomial opening. Furthermore, the buccal plates curve interiorly over the edge of the peristome almost in a joint which would make impossible their sliding back over the edge of the peristome. It is apparent, however, that there is some relation between the ‘auricles’ and the buccal plates. The ten depressions in the thickened interambulacral plates are directly behind the ten buccal plates. I agree with Hawkins that the pits on the interior of the buccal plates are for the insertion of muscles and suspect that the deep depressions of the ‘auricles’ were where these muscles were attached to the test. Perhaps the buccal plates functioned as teeth, pushing food into the gut. The thickening of the basicoronal plates would be necessary not only to provide a properly angled face for attachment of these muscles, but also would strengthen these plates so that a large stress could be exerted on them when the muscles contracted. SUMMARY There is no direct evidence that Conulus or any member of the Conulidae or Galeritidae had a lantern when adult. Excavation of hundreds of specimens of Conulus has revealed no fragments of a lantern. The teeth described by Hawkins are shown to be Recent EXPLANATION OF PLATE 94 Figs. 1-2. Views of two of the teeth, believed to be Recent, from specimen of Conulus subrotundus Mantell figured on Plate 93, figs. 5, 6. Note the glistening porcellanous sheen and the fibrous micro- structure which are typical of a Recent tooth but never so well preserved on a fossil, X 16. Figs. 3-5. Conulus albogalerus Leske. 3, Interior view of area around peristome showing the buccal plates and the deep depressions in the thickened basicoronal interambulacral plates which may have served for the attachment of muscles leading to buccal plates. The small pits on the buccal plates do not pass through the plates and were probably for the insertion of these muscles, X 10. 4, View of same specimen less enlarged, X 2. 5, Exterior view of same specimen showing buccal plates and the small tubercles for the attachment of spines or pedicellariae, X 10. BM E 33079, Senonian, Micraster coranguinum zone, Northfleet, England. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 94 KIER, Cretaceous echinoid with false teeth P. M. K1ER: A CRETACEOUS ECHINOID WITH FALSE TEETH 493 and the fragment that he considered to be part of a pyramid, he later suggested was a piece of a pelecypod. The structures considered to be auricles were probably related functionally to the large massive buccal plates which occur immediately oral to them. The obliquity of the peristomial opening in many species of Conulus and its relatives is further evidence that no lantern was present in the adult. All echinoids having a lantern have a symmetrically shaped peristome. Acknowledgements. This study was carried out under a Guggenheim Fellowship at the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. I thank Professor H. B. Whittington for making the facilities of the Museum available to me, and A. G. Brighton and Maurice Black for their advice. Dr. R. P. S. Jefferies, Curator of Fossil Echinoderms at the British Museum (Natural History), very kindly lent me specimens of Conulus. J. Wyatt Durham and Richard E. Grant reviewed the manuscript and made several very useful suggestions. Kenneth Towe not only pointed out the value of making a magnesium carbonate analyses of the tooth, but also made the analyses. REFERENCES duncan, p. m. 1884. On Galerites albogalerus, Lamarck, syn. Echinoconus conicus, Breynius. Geol. Mag. 21, 10-18. Durham, j. w. and melville, r. v. 1957. A classification of echinoids. J. Paleont. 31, 242-72, text-figs. 1-9. forbes, E. 1850. British fossils. Mem. Geol. Surv. 3, 3 pp., pi. 8. hawkins, h. l. 1911. Teeth and buccal structures in Conulus. Geol. Mag. 48, 70-4, pi. 3. 1917. Morphological studies on the Echinoidea Holectypoida and their allies. 6, The buccal armature of Conulus albogalerus, Leske. Geol. Mag. 54, 433-41, pi. 28. 1934. The lantern and girdle of some recent and fossil Echinoidea. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 223B, 617-49, pi. 68-70, 26 text-figs. melville, r. v. 1961. Dentition and relationships of the echinoid genus Pygaster J. L. R. Agassiz, 1836. Palaeontology, 4, 243-6, pi. 28-9. mortensen, th. 1948. A Monograph of the Echinoidea. 4, 1. Holectypoida, Cassiduloida, 363 pp., 14 pk, 326 text-figs., Copenhagen. wagner, c. d. and Durham, j. w. 1966. Holectypoids, in r. c. moore (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part U, Ecliinodermata 3, (2) 440-50, figs. 329-34, Geol. Soc. Am. and Kansas Univ. Press. weber, j. n. and raup, d. m. 1968. Comparison of C13/C12 and 018/016 in the skeletal calcite of Recent and fossil echinoids. J. Paleont. 42, 37-50, text-figs. 1-5. porter m. kier Department of Paleobiology U.S. National Museum Washington, D.C. 20560 Typescript received 6 December 1968 CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL-A MIDDLE CAMBRIAN CHORDATE WITH ECH I NODERM AFFINITIES by R. P. S. JEFFERIES Abstract. Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel 1901 is the oldest known member of the Order Cornuta Jaekel 1901, and of the Subphylum Calcichordata Jefferies 1967; as such it is not an echinoderm, though having echinoderm affinities, but is interpreted as the oldest known member of the Phylum Chordata. Its anatomy has been studied in detail, and new observations have also been made on Cothurnocystis americana Ubaghs, Cothurnocystis primaeva Thoral, Cothurnocystis elizae Bather, and Mitrocystites mitra Barrande. These studies throw light on the origin of the chordate heart and pericardium, reproductive system and acustico- lateralis system. They also suggest a basic similarity between the anatomy of Ceratocystis perneri and that of a pterobranch hemichordate resting on its right side. It is suggested that a population of pterobranch hemichordates, that took to resting on their right sides and acquired calcite skeletons, gave rise both to the echinoderms and to the chordates. Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel, from the Middle Cambrian of Bohemia, is interpreted as the oldest and most primitive chordate known. It is also the oldest and most primitive member of the subphylum Calcichordata Jefferies 1967, of the class Stylophora, of the order Cornuta and of the family Ceratocystidae. Unlike any known descendants, C. perneri had a hydropore, and this, with other features, connects it more closely than later calcichordates with the echinoderms and makes it possible to suggest how echino- derms and chordates are related to each other and to the phylum Hemichordata. Study of C. perneri also throws light on the origin of the chordate heart, reproductive system, acustico-lateralis system, and hypophyseal complex. C. perneri was first described and figured by Barrande (1887, pi. 2, figs. 17-21) as ‘plaquettes isolees’. Pompeckj (1896) described and figured C. perneri under the names Trochocystites! (p. 503, pi. 13, figs. 9, 11) and Mitrocystites (p. 504, pi. 14, figs. 1,2). Jaekel (1901) named the species and cursorily described and figured it. Bather (1913) discovered the gill slits, whose nature was first recognized by Gislen (1930). Ubaghs (1967, summarized in 1968) has given a well-illustrated account of the species and inter- preted it in a way completely different from that here adopted (see also Ubaghs 1961, 1963, 1968, and Jefferies 1967, p. 205; 1968, pp. 263, 276, 289 ff. , 335). He has also selected a lectotype and given precise references to previous work (Ubaghs 1967, p. 2), except for that of Barrande and Pompeckj. I have reconstructed C. perneri from natural moulds and rubber casts. As with my previous work, several projections were drawn simultaneously on a drawing-board. Reconstruction was difficult as the thecal plates have always been badly dislocated. I have made complementary observations on two species which largely bridge the gap between C. perneri and the previously studied Cothurnocystis elizae. These two species are Cothurnocystis americana Ubaghs and Cothurnocystis primaeva Thoral (text-fig. 1 .) (Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 3, 1969, pp. 494-535, pis. 95-98.] R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERl JAEKEL 495 Systematic position. Phylum Chordata; Subphylum Calcichordata Jefferies 1967; class Stylophora Gill and Caster 1960; order Cornuta Jaekel 1901; family Ceratocystidae Jaekel 1901 ; genus ceratocystis Jaekel 1901; species Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel 1901. The family Ceratocystidae, as here understood, includes the family Cothurnocystidae Bather 1913 and comprises Ceratocystis , Cothurnocystis, Phyl/ocystis, and Nevadaecystis (whose only known species I prefer to regard as the earliest Cothurnocystis known). It excludes the Scotiaecystidae Caster and Ubaghs 1968. This usage differs from Ubaghs (1963, 1967, 1968) and Jefferies (1967, 1968). IO>ars Occurrence. All the specimens studied come from near Skryje, Bohemia. Ubaghs (1967, p. 14) has given details of localities and horizon. The specimens occur in numbers scattered over bedding planes in a greenish greywacke. They are remarkably complete, and presumably died by burial. This agrees with the fact that the matrix, being a grey- wacke, was presumably deposited from a turbidity current. Associated trilobites prove marine, and suggest shallow-water conditions. Material. The material of Ceratocystis perneri examined numbered about 100 specimens and is pre- served in: Narodnl Muzeum, Prague (including lectotype 22123/7, 1924); Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (specimens W1-W27); British Museum (Natural History), London (E16071-4); Geologisch- Palaontologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitat, Berlin (Ca9, 26, 30-33); Geologisch-Palaeont- ologisches Institut der Universitat, Greifswald, German Democratic Republic; High School of Mines, Ostrava, Czechoslovakia; Ustredni Ustav Geologicky, Prague; Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut der Universitat, Freiberg-i-Br., Federal German Republic; Smithsonian Institution, Washington (61503, 33324); Mineralogisk Museet, Copenhagen. C 6685 K k 496 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 The two known specimens of Cothurnocystis primaeva Thoral were lent by the Institut de Geologie, Universite de Lyon (1879/508), and the Institut de Geologie, Universite de Montpellier (holotype). The only known specimen of Cothurnocystis (= Nevadaeeystis) americana Ubaghs (USNM 143237) was lent by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Additional material of Cothurnocystis elizae Bather and Scotiaecystis curvata was lent by the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. GENERAL SHAPE, THECAL PLATE NOTATION, AND THECAL PLATE HOMOLOGIES Like all calcichordates, Ceratocystis perneri consists of a theca and a stem (text-fig. 2). The theca is boot-shaped. On the anterior face, right oral, left oral, and left appendages can be recognized. These are equivalent to like-named appendages in Cothurnocystis elizae and Coth. primaeva. However, the right oral appendage of Ceratocystis perneri was fixed immoveably at the base, instead of being held by a hinge as in Coth. primaeva and Coth. elizae. The posterior right and left angles of C. perneri correspond to what Bather (1913, p. 399) called the ‘ball of the foot’ and the ‘heel’ of Coth. elizae. The ventral surface of the theca of C. perneri is approximately flat but a ventral spike (S3R) is always developed on plate M4RV, and sometimes there are one or two ventral bosses (S1R, S2R) on M2R (PI. 95, fig. 1 ; PI. 96, fig. 7). Also the left appendage projects somewhat downwards so that, as far as its form in C. perneri is concerned, it could almost equally well be called a ventral spike. It is here named the left appendage because it is homologous with the better-developed left appendages of later forms. The ventral surface curves somewhat dorsally in two regions on each side of the stem. As Ubaghs noticed (1967, p. 12), the stereom mesh of the ventral plates of C. perneri \s denser where it would have touched the sea floor than elsewhere. It is particularly dense where it forms the ventral spikes, and the ventral surfaces of the left appendage and of the right and left oral appendages (text-fig. 17a; PI. 95, fig. 1). These particularly dense areas represent portions of the ventral surface which would have been forced slightly into the sea floor by the weight of the animal. The dorsal surface of the theca (text-fig. 2a) is raised into three keels which meet on the plate CM (PI. 95, fig. 2). The stereom forming these keels is denser than that surrounding the keels so that each forms a sort of girder. These girders are most deve- loped where the plates that they cross are thinnest, i.e. roughly in inverse proportion to the distance from the meeting-point of the three keels. A keel also exists dorsal to the left appendage, on plates M3LV and M3LD (text-fig. 2a; PI. 95, fig. 2). In addition a rather sharp angle (peripheral keel) separates ventral from lateral surfaces in most places. The theca of C. perneri , unlike that of later cornutes, was almost entirely covered by large plates. There was, however, a semicircular oral integument, (or in, in text-fig. 2c; PI. 95, fig. 1) just ventral to and posterior to the mouth, and small, flexible flaps, con- taining platelets, probably covered the gill slits (text-fig. 2a, d; fpl in PI. 98, fig. 1). The large plates of the theca can be divided into: dorsal marginals (MD), ventral marginals (Mv), marginals that are neither dorsal nor ventral (M), centro-dorsals (C), right and left oral appendages (roap, loap) and infra-branchials (IB). The suffixes used in the plate notation are: A = anterior; P = posterior; L = left; R = right; D = dorsal; v = ventral; 4_5 = position in sequence starting just anterior to the stem. The ascription of the same suffix number to dorsal and ventral marginals (e.g. M4RV, R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 497 M4RD) is somewhat arbitrary. A plate is not necessarily homologous with a plate having the same notation in some other species of cornute. The relation of the present notation for C. perneri to that of Ubaghs (1967) is as follows; MPV = M0; MPD = Am; M1RV = M4; M1RD = Ag; M2R = M2; M3R = I4; ^4rv = h43 M4RD = S4; roap = M4; M5R = I4; MAD = M6, S8. M4Lv = M4; M1ld = Ad; M2L = M2; M3LD = S4; M4LV = M4; M4LD = S6; loap = M5; M5L = I2. CA = S5; CM = S2; CPL = S3; CPR = S4. IB4, IB2, IB3, not shown by Ubaghs. I3 of Ubaghs is probably only a portion of M5R. M,; and S8 of Ubaghs are ventral and dorsal aspects of the same plate (MAD). Ubaghs did not observe the oral integument or the infra-branchial plates. The homology of the thecal plates of C. perneri with those of the various species of Cothurnocystis and Seotiaecystis can be established fairly certainly in most cases (text- fig. 3). Ubaghs ( 1 967, p. 4) seems to have been over-cautious in this matter. One important trend in the evolution of Ceratocystidae was the development of the bellows system of pumping water through the gill slits. This had much influence on the thecal plating, since it caused the thecal wall to become more and more flexible, and it must be borne in mind in examining text-fig. 3. The bellows system was rudimentary in C. perneri ; Coth. americana had a flexible roof to the theca and a rigid floor crossed by a thickened strut. Coth. primaeva , Coth. elizae, and Seotiaecystis curvata had a flexible roof and a flexible floor, crossed by a rigid strut. The plate homologies call for the following additional comments: 1. The strut of Coth. tfme/7Ctf/7tf(strintext-fig.4;P1.98,fig.2), which has not previously been described, corresponds in position to, and must have been homologous with, the struts of later species. Comparison with Coth. americana allows the anterior and posterior strut plates to be recognised in C. perneri (M1RV, M4LV). 2. The left appendage, right and left oral appendages and the ‘heel’ and ‘ball of the foot’ provide good landmarks in all species, except that the right oral appendage is absent in S. curvata. 3. Apart from Coth. americana , where the relevant anatomy cannot be worked out, the plates just anterior to the stem (i.e. MPV, M1RV, M1RD, MPD, M1LD, M1LV) can be shown to have the same connections with each other in all species of cornutes and mitra- tes except that MPV is known only in C. perneri while Coth. elizae , S. curvata and the mitrates have lost MPD. The relative sizes of these plates, however, vary greatly from species to species. 4. M5LD of Coth. primaeva is homologised with M3LD of C. perneri, rather than with M4LD, because (i) M4LD of C. perneri is obviously homologous with a plate C1A in the dorsal integument of Coth. americana, and (ii) the shape of M4LV in the incomplete, only known specimen of Coth. americana , suggests the existence of a plate M4LD (text- fig. 3c, ? pos M4LD in text-fig. 4; PI. 98, fig. 2) in the complete animal that would be intermediate in position between M3LD of C. perneri and M5LD of Coth. primaeva. 5. The plate M4RV of C. perneri is homologised with M3R of Coth. primaeva, Coth. americana, and Coth. elizae, and with M4R of S. curvata, because a ventral spike is present, except in Coth. elizae and some specimens of S. curvata. 6. The Montpellier specimen (holotype) of Coth. primaeva, on which text-fig. 3 a,b 498 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 largely based, lacks M3L, which exists in the only other known specimen of the species, preserved at Lyon. 7. IB1; 2, 3 (text-fig. 2a, d; ib in PI. 98, fig. 1) of C. perneri correspond to some of the posterior U-plates of Coth. amerieana, Coth. primaeva, and Coth. elizae. The stem of C. perneri , like that of other calcichordates, was divided into anterior, medial and posterior parts and ended abruptly. Ubaghs himself stressed that there is no evidence for the pointed plate which he showed in his reconstruction at the posterior end of the stem (1967, text-fig. 1, p. 13.) R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 499 C roaP text-fig. 2. Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel. Reconstruction of external features, a, dorsal; b, right lateral; c, ventral; d, posterior aspects. For plate and spike notation, see text, ag = accessory gaps; an = anus; as = anterior stem; bs = branchial slit ; dg = dorsal groove (median eye); g = gonopore; h = hydro- pore; loap = left oral appendage; lpvp = lateral portion of a ventral anterior stem plate; m = mouth; ng = narrow groove (lateral line); or in = oral integument; ps = posterior stem; roap = right oral appendage; stc = stylocone ; vo = ventral ossicle ; vpr = ventral process of a ventral anterior stem plate. D bs ^pl Mpd bq M IB3 /aq n9 / J m; an 9 3 M ^ KA M 'IRV 1 'ILD M|Lv 1 'PV GAPS IN THE THECAL SKELETON There are many places where the plates of C. perneri are penetrated or separated by definite gaps, as distinct from ordinary sutures. Some of these gaps represent true thecal openings which, in life, would carry organs or parts of organs through the thecal wall. Such thecal openings would either connect external sense organs to the nervous system, or connect internal cavities with the ambient sea-water. By contrast, other gaps in the thecal skeleton merely represent places where the thecal wall existed but was not calcified. These can be called uncalcified wall spaces. They would be filled in life with muscle or connective tissue. 500 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 22 text-fig. 3. Plate homologies among Cornuta. a, b, Cothurnocystis primaeva Thoral, ventral and dorsal aspects; c, Cothurnocystis americana Ubaghs, dorsal aspect; d, e, Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel, ventral and dorsal aspects; f, g, Scotiaecystis curvata (Bather), ventral and dorsal aspects; h, i, Cothurnocystis elizae Bather, ventral and dorsal aspects. Homologous plates have the same stipple, lap = left appendage; loap = left oral appendage; rap = right appendage; roap = right oral appendage. R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 501 Gill slits and the rudiments of the bellows system A first complex of gaps in the thecal skeleton is disposed between the plates in the left dorsal part of the theca (ag, bs in text-fig. 2a, d). This complex consists of two types of gap. The first type is represented by seven large holes (bs). Three of these are between CPL and IBj, IB2 and IB3, while four are between CPL and M2L. The second type of gap, corresponding to what are here called accessory gaps (ag), is represented by holes that are variable in form, number, size, and position. They are usually much smaller than the seven holes bs. A first group of such accessory gaps is arranged anterior to the gaps bs along the sutures M3LD/M3LV, CpL/M3LV and CPL/M2L. A more posterior group of accessory gaps is arranged near the three most median of the gaps bs, mainly around the infra-branchial plates, along the sutures IB3/M2L, IB3/M1LD, IB2/M1LD, 1B1/M1LD, IBi/MpD, and MPD/M1LD. The distinction between the gaps bs and the accessory gaps is emphasized by Plate 96, fig. 2, showing the dorsal margin of M2L and M3LV, and by Plate 97, figs. 4, 5, showing dorsal and ventral margins of infra-branchial plates. The gaps bs must represent branchial slits for the following reasons: 1. They closely resemble in position and number the 7 (or perhaps 8) gill slits of Coth. americana (bs in text-fig. 4; PI. 98, fig. 2); each of these, in turn, is almost identical in structure to the previously studied gill slits of Coth. elizae (Jefferies 1967, p. 167; 1968, p. 253). 2. If the gaps bs are gill slits, the infra-branchial plates could well be homologous with some of the posterior U-plates of Coth. americana (pu in text-fig. 4), Coth. elizae, and Coth. primaeva. 3. Upper and lower margins of the gaps bs are not identical. Each upper margin is sharply defined and truncated by a facet (faf in PI. 98, fig. 1) while the lower is rounded. This suggests, by analogy with Coth. elizae, that the upper margin bore a soft flap, attached to the facet, and this flap closed against the lower margin, so forming an outlet valve. One specimen has platelets inside one of the gaps bs (fpl in PI. 98, fig. 1). In life these could have been imbedded in a flap, much as in Coth. elizae. If the gaps bs were gill slits, the accessory gaps represent uncalcified wall spaces. Thus the posterior accessory gaps correspond closely in position to the gaps in Coth. elizae and Coth. americana between the plates in the strip of dorsal integument posterior to the gill slits. The anterior accessory gaps correspond, though less closely, to the gaps between the dorsal integument plates anterior to the gill slits in Coth. elizae and Coth. americana. Further, many of the integument plates of Coth. americana are star-shaped, and contact their star-shaped neighbours by the points of the stars (text-fig. 4; PI. 98, fig. 2). They could well have evolved from polygonal plates whose sutures were affected by the enlargement of accessory gaps of the type seen in C. perneri. As regards function, the accessory gaps of C. perneri probably contained muscles which could slightly depress the roof of the theca, so forcing a sudden jet of water out through the gill slits. This seems likely, since the gaps between the integument plates of Coth. elizae to which the accessory gaps correspond, seem to have contained muscle that pumped water out through the gill slits (Jefferies 1967, p. 168; 1968, p. 258) and the same is true of Coth. americana. There was a shallow depression in the inner face of 502 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 the theca of C. perneri surrounding the posterior group of accessory gaps and correspond- ing to a raised portion of the internal cast (iml in text-fig. 9b; see also text-fig. 10, and PI. 95, fig. 9; PI. 97, figs. 5, 8). This depression could have contained a patch of muscle that cooperated with the muscle of the accessory gaps in pumping. internal surface of ventral plates matrix text-fig. 4. Cothurnocystis americana Ubaghs, dorsal aspect of only known specimen and holotype (USNM 143237 from the Lower Tremadoc of Nevada), au = anterior u-plate; bs = branchial slit; f flap; dpi = dorsal plates of stem base region (precise morphology not discernible); grg = gono- rectal groove; in be = integument over buccal cavity; in ph = integument over pharynx; lap = left appendage; ?pos M4LD = presumed position of plate M4LD; pu = posterior u-plate; str = strut. Slight contractions of the right part of the thecal cavity, which would supplement those of the left part of the theca, may also have occurred. This is suggested by the form of the edges of some of the plates near the right margin. Thus the edge of M4RD where it abuts against M4RV is cylindrical, rather than plane (rm in PI. 95, fig. 1 ; PI. 96, figs. 3, 6). Again the edge of M5R where it touches roap and of M3R where it touches M2R are distinctly cylindrical. This suggests that a hinging movement was possible of the thecal plates about a hinge-line, corresponding to the sutures M5R/roap, M4RV/M4RD, and M3R/ M2R, near the right-hand margin of the theca (hinge in text-fig. 3d, e). This presumed R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNER1 JAEKEL 503 hinge-line runs along the middle of an elongate depression on the inner face of the skeleton, corresponding to a raised portion of the internal cast (imr in text-fig. 9a, c; PI. 95, fig. 2; PI. 96, figs. 1, 4). This depression presumably carried a sheet of muscle like the depression internal to the posterior accessory gaps. It is likely that the action of this sheet of muscle was mainly to raise the neighbouring plates of the thecal floor by rotation about the presumed hinge line. C. perneri therefore, could probably pump water through the pharynx by flexing the thecal wall, just as later Ceratocystidae could, i.e. the bellows system of pumping water through buccal cavity and pharynx had already begun to evolve. This method of pumping, however, must have been much less efficient than in later forms, since the volume of the thecal cavity when contracted could have been only a few per cent less than the expanded volume. Indeed, in C. perneri flexing of the thecal walls could not have been the only method of pumping water. Some other method must have been much more important. This could have involved cilia on the inner surface of pharynx and buccal cavity, or as seems less likely, some type of muscular pumping which has left no trace in the skeleton. The ability to flex the thecal wall in C. perneri was developed along sutures which, with few exceptions, correspond to the dorsal margins of the frame in later forms (text- fig. 3). This is obvious on the left side of the theca and also true on the right, for M4RV of C. perneri, which is ventral to the right hinge-line, corresponds to the frame plate M3R of Coth. aniericana, Coth. primaeva, and Coth. elizae, and M4R of S. curvata. This situation is consistent with the fact that the thecal roof of Coth. americana was flexible, but the floor was not. The muscles round the presumed right hinge line must have changed their mode of action at an early stage from lifting the neighbouring floor, as in C. perneri, to depressing the side wall, which soon became part of the roof. The dorsal and peripheral keels of C. perneri would have stiffened the roof and floor of the theca. They may owe their existence to the rudimentary bellows mechanism for, without them, contraction of the bellows muscles would have forced water towards the middle of the theca and made the floor, and especially the roof, belly out, instead of expelling water through the gill slits. As the musculature of the roof gradually spread inwards in the course of evolution, the stiffening provided by the dorsal keels became both unnecessary and disadvantageous, and they were eventually lost. The dorsal keels are still obvious in Coth. americana , however (text-fig. 4; PI. 98, fig. 2), and some sign of them even occurs in Coth. elizae, though probably only as a functionless and variable vestige (crestal plates, Jefferies 1968, p. 259). The peripheral keels of C. perneri, on the other hand, became elaborated to form the thecal frame of Coth. americana and later species and became better adapted to a stiffening function, the need for which in- creased when the roof and floor of the theca became flexible. The presence of 7 gill slits in C. perneri is of interest, since this is probably the primi- tive number for cornutes and therefore for chordates in general. That 7 is the primitive number for cornutes is supported by Table 1 which shows that all the early species of cornutes with the unspecialized elizae type of slit (i.e. all except P. crassimarginata, S. curvata, and Coth. elizae itself, which is a late form) have a similar number. The lowest value among these species is perhaps 5, probably 7 ; the highest value is 9. Certain other groups of chordates with a similar number of pairs of gill slits, may have inherited this number from an unknown Upper Cambrian cornute with 7 slits on the 504 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 left side of the theca, by way of an Upper Cambrian mitrate with 7 gill slits on each side. Examples of such groups are the Cyathaspididae, which include some of the earliest known agnathous fishes and which show evidence of 6 or 7 pairs of gill slits (Denison 1964, p. 345), and gnathostomatous fishes which never have more than 8 pairs of gill slits, including the spiracles (Bertin in Grasse 1958, p. 1306). table 1. The number of gill slits in Cornuta Name Age Type of Slit Number Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel M. Cambrian As here described 7 Cothurnocystis americana Ubaghs L. Tremadoc elizae 7 (or 8) Cothurnocystis primaeva Thoral U. Tremadoc At least 5, or probably a L. Arenig ,, few more. Cothurnocystis ubaghsi Chauvel ,, ,, 7 (or 8) Phyllocystis btayaci Thoral ,, ,, 9 Phyllocystis crassimarg inala Thoral ,, Specialized 13 Cothurnocystis elizae Bather Ashgill elizae 16 Scotiaecystis curvata (Bather) Specialized 40 Thecal openings on the right side of the theca There are 4 thecal openings on the right side of the theca of C. perneri (m, h, g and an in text-fig. 2c, d; PI. 95, fig. 1 ; PI. 96, figs. 6, 7, 8, 10; PI. 98, fig. 5). Two of these open- ings (g and an) are usually fused together to varying extents (cf. PI. 96, figs. 7, 8, 10). The identification of these four holes follows from a comparison with rhombiferan EXPLANATION OF PLATE 95 The lengths of the scales are in mm. E = British Museum (Nat. Hist.); GPMB = Geologisch- Palaontologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitat, Berlin; NM = Narodni Muzeum, Prague; USNM = U.S. National Museum, Washington; W = Natur-historisches Museum, Vienna. Figs. 1-7, 9. Ceratocystis perneri. 1, Ventral aspect of W 13; latex impression to show oral integu- ment or in; M2l is affected by a fault in the latex; an = anus; g gonopore; h = hydropore; lap = left appendage; ng = narrow groove (lateral line); rm = rounded margin of M3RD i Sir, S3R — first and third right ventral spikes. 2, Reconstruction of dorsal aspect (W 8) made by glueing latex impressions of plates together. 3, Natural mould, dorsal aspect (NM 33723, same individual as Plate 97, fig. 1); br = brain; gbc = groove between buccal cavity and pharynx; pbc = pit between buccal cavity, pharynx and anterior coelom. 4, Reconstruction of ventral aspect (E 16074) made in same way as fig. 2. 5, Latex impression of part of an individual (W 10), to show inside of plate M4RD; cbcr ridge corresponding to cleft in natural mould, i.e. between buccal cavity and anterior coelom; imr = limit of groove on internal cast housing the right internal muscle. 6, Anterior aspect of natural mould representing the part of the brain in contact with MiRD (specimen W 16); iskc = intraskeletal cones of right side; rf = right face of brain. 7, Anterior aspect rep- resenting part of brain in contact with MPD (specimen W 16); magnification as fig. 6; adf = antero- dorsal face; dll, dir = left and right dorsal lobes; dp dorsal process. 9, Natural mould of inside of MPD, (specimen W 26); ag = accessory gaps; iml = limit of left internal muscle. Figs. 8, 10. Cothurnocystis elizae. 8, Natural mould representing posterior coelom and adjacent structures in contact with M1L+RV; cf. text-fig. 6; postero-ventral aspect, with specimen lying on its back (specimen E 28644); gd gonoduct; grg = infilling of gonorectal groove; mini = left median line nerve; pco = posterior coelom; pbr = right pyriform body; r = rectum. 10, Natural mould of posterior surface of M1Ld of E 28658 representing terminal portion of rectum (r) and gonoduct (gd) and part of antero-dorsal surface of posterior coelom (pco); cf. text-fig. 6. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 95 -T«f rP M ■ cbcr &bi 'MkC Imlnl^pbr' ;[ JEFFERIES, Ceratocystis perneri, Cothurnocystis elizae R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 505 and diploporitan cystoids. Jaekel (1899) established the existence in those groups of four holes in the theca, apart from pores connected with respiration (text-fig. 5). These four holes were arranged roughly in a plane that included the oral end of the theca and the base of the stem or, in stemless forms, the point of attachment. In sequence they were the mouth, at the oral end of the theca, the hydropore, the gonopore, and the anus. The holes m, h, g, and an of C. perneri are also distributed roughly in a plane which includes the oral (anterior) end of the theca and the stem base, but which, in this case, is parallel to the ventral surface and to the sea bottom. This comparison suggests that m of C. perneri is the mouth, h the hydropore, g the gonopore, and an the anus. text-fig. 5. Oral surface and thecal openings of the diploporitan cystoid Glyptosphaerites leuchtenbergi (Volborth) redrawn after Jaekel 1899. an = anus; fg = food groove; g gonopore; h = madreporite (corresponding to hydropore of other cystoids and of Ceratocystis)-, m = mouth. The identification of the mouth (m) in C. perneri as a large opening at the anterior end of the body, agrees with the situation in other calcichordates, and with chordates in general. It agrees in particular with Coth. elizae (Jefferies 1967, p. 168; 1968, p. 255). The account of the mouth region of C. perneri given here differs greatly, even in terms of pure morphology, from that of Ubaghs (1967, p. 1 1 , under anus), who did not observe the oral integument. The identification of the holes g and an of C. perneri as gonopore and anus calls for partial restudy of the anatomy of Coth. elizae. In this species I have previously described an opening, which I called the ‘anus’, just left of the stem, where it would be in the outwash from the most median gill slits. I described the ‘anus’ as connected by a ‘rectal groove’ in the skeleton that ran under the posterior coelom to the anterior coelom in the right-hand, posterior region of the theca. Re-examination, however, reveals that the distal, vertical part of the ‘rectal groove’, between the ‘anus’ and the posterior coelom, in fact consists of two grooves — a larger and a smaller (rg and gdg in text-fig. 6, cor- responding to r and gd in PI. 95, figs. 8, 10). These two grooves must represent two contiguous tubes, one wide and one narrow, opening into the ‘anus’. The narrower tube, as judged by its groove, ran ventral and posterior to the wider tube across the posterior coelom, but ran left of the wider tube where both climbed upwards after 506 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 leaving the posterior coelom, so that finally it lay dorsal and anterior to the wider tube near the opening. The situation in Coth. primaeva (text-fig. 7; PI. 98, fig. 6) is essentially the same as in Coth. elizae. As already mentioned, the two tubes opening into the ‘anus’ of Coth. elizae are connected by the ‘rectal’ groove to a point just right of the stem. This point corresponds text-fig. 6. Cothurnocystis elizae Bather, internal anatomy of the theca (cf. Jefferies 1968, fig. 3). a, Antero-dorsal aspect of posterior part of theca, with the dorsal integument removed and M1L+RD lifted upwards, b. Posterior aspect of M1L+RD. c, Left lateral aspect of animal, lying on sea-floor, to show lines of sight used in a and b. Only the portion of the theca posterior to X-X is shown in a. 1 , 2, 3, 4 = points where pharyngo-visceral line approaches the dorsal side of the theca ; bpc = portions of skeleton in contact with posterior coelom; gdg = gonoductal groove; gmln = groove for median line nerves; grg = gonorectal groove; htd = heart depression ; pbd = depressions for pyriform bodies; pvl = pharyngo-visceral line; rg = rectal groove, sp = striations of pharynx; str = strut ;vint = ven- tral integument. to the position of gonopore and anus in C. perneri (cf. text-fig. 8b-f with 8a-e). This suggests that the two tubes of Coth. elizae represent the rectum and the gonoduct, which had migrated in evolution to just left of the stem, so as to be in the outwash from the gill slits. Conversely, the position of these tubes in Coth. elizae, such that their products could be washed away, confirms that they were outlet ducts, and supports the identi- fication of gonopore and anus in C. perneri. It is likely that the narrower tube in Coth. elizae was the gonoduct, and the wider one the rectum. Evidently the ‘rectal’ groove is better called the gonorectal groove, and the ‘anus’ should be called the gonopore-anus. The distal part of the rectum of a mitrate (text-fig. 8c-g) had the same basic course as in Coth. elizae on the one hand (text-fig. 8b-f), or a tunicate tadpole on the other (Jefferies 1967, p. 181 ; 1968, pp. 287 ff., p. 317). In mitrates as in tunicate tadpoles it opened into a left atrium. By comparison with Coth. elizae, the gonoduct of mitrates probably also R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 507 opened into the left atrium (text-fig. 8g) with the terminal portion of the gonoduct left of the rectum. In enterogonous tunicates (text-fig. 8h) the terminal portion of the gonoduct is right of the rectum. Comparison of text-fig. 8g and h, however, shows that the mutual rela- tions of rectum and gonoduct are nevertheless similar in mitrates and enterogonous tunicates. In the adult tunicate the two tubes are merely turned through 150° compared with the mitrate condition. The point x in the tadpole diagram (text-fig. 8d) indicates text-fig. 7. Cothurnocystis primaeva Thoral. a, camera lucida drawing of the ventral aspect of a portion of the natural mould of the Montpellier specimen (holotype) (cf. PI. 98, fig. 6). b. Ventral aspect of theca; stipple indicates portion of anatomy shown in a. br = brain; fM1RD natural mould of the facet on plate M1RV which contacted plate M1RD; gd gonoduct; grg = infilling of gonorectal groove; iskc = intraskeletal cones, corresponding to those in Ceratocystis perneri; mini and rnlnr = left and right median- line nerves; pbl and pbr = left and right pyriform bodies; r = rectum. where the gonoduct will enter the left atrium later in ontogeny, and underlines the comparison. There is no evidence whether cornutes and mitrates were hermaphrodite like tunicates. What is here called the gonoduct may represent the male or the female duct in different individuals or, as in tunicates, one inside the other. In Coth. amerieana the position of the gonopore-anus cannot be established. A gonorectal groove can be seen right of the stem (grg in text-fig. 4) as in other forms of Cothurnocystis, but cannot be followed more distally. The migration of gonopore and anus had therefore already begun, but may not yet have finished. The leftward twist of gut and gonoducts was thus acquired by cornutes because gill slits existed only on the left side. It was retained in mitrates and tunicates, where gill slits existed on both sides, because it was no particular disadvantage. The identification of the hydropore (h) in C. perneri, based on comparison with cystoids, is confirmed by its absence in all cornutes later than C. perneri. Thus the cor- nutes, in this respect as in others, evolved towards a more usual chordate condition. 508 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 □ ant. coelom [S3 post, coelom WIM pharynx □atria and buccal cavity R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 509 The presence of a hydropore in C. perneri, as discussed below, has important implica- tions for the internal anatomy and throws light on the connections between chordates, echinoderms and hemichordates. Thecal openings related to the nervous system Near the anterior end of the stem are two openings, the narrow groove and the dorsal groove (ng and dg in text-fig. 2a c, d), that are not represented in Coth. elizae (ng in PI. 96, figs. 4, 10; dg in PI. 96 figs. 1, 9; PI. 98, fig. 1). The narrow groove is excavated in the ventral surface of M1LD. Ubaghs (1967, pp. 8 ff.) described it as “?hydropore\ It is here regarded as the first rudiments of the acustico- lateralis system and, since it is widely open at the surface, would have functioned as a lateral line. It is reminiscent of the lateral line of mitrates (narrow groove (ng) in Jefferies 1968, pp. 283, 307, 314, 322; lateral line (11) in Jefferies 1967, pp. 178, etc.), and Ubaghs homologized it with this feature. It is, however, on the left of the theca, whereas the lateral line of mitrates is on the right. It will be further discussed under the nervous system. The dorsal groove is excavated in MPD, just anterior to the mid-line of the stem. Ubaghs named it ‘encoche mediane’ and suggested (1967, p. 1 1) that it might be connected with an internal mouth that he supposed to exist in this region. It is interpreted here as having carried an upward extension of the optical part of the brain, which was presumably light-sensitive. The dorsal groove certainly existed also in the cornutes Phyllocystis b/ayaci and P. crassimarginata. It may perhaps have existed in Coth. primaeva , which certainly had a plate MPD that could have carried it, but this plate is not well displayed in either of the two known specimens. The dorsal groove is also further discussed under the nervous system. THE CHAMBERS OF THE THECA Four thecal chambers can be recognized in C. perneri on the basis of superficial internal anatomy, the positions of thecal openings, and the fundamental resemblance to Coth. elizae. These four chambers are the buccal cavity, pharynx, anterior coelom, and posterior coelom. Text-figs. 9a-c are reconstructions of the internal cast of C. perneri , combining details from many different specimens. Text-figs. 10a-c are an interpretation of these reconstructions. The sculpture of the internal cast is complex and includes: (1) Growth-lines, parallel to the edges of plates and not shown in the text-figures. (2) Growth traces, extending inwards perpendicular to plate edges from notches (e.g. gill slits gtbs in text-fig. 9b, c) in the plate edges (cf. PI. 97, fig. 8). (3) Indications of muscles, associated with rudimentary flexibility of the theca, discussed above, and dis- tributed in two areas, i.e. just ventral to the more median gill slits (iml in text-fig. 9b) text-fig. 8. Homologies between various calcichordates and a living tunicate, a, e, Ceratocystis perneri (cornute) ; b, f, Cothurnocystis elizae (cornute) ; c. g, Mitrocystella incipiens (mitrate) ; d, tadpole of the tunicate Ciona; h, adult of Ciona (dorsal aspect ) a, b, c, and d compare the anatomy of the four forms in dorsal aspect, e, f, and G show the relations of gonoduct, rectum, gill slits, and atria, at atrium; ato = atrial opening; bs = branchial slit; g = gonoduct; h = hydropore; ht = heart; lat = left atrium; Ip = left pharynx; m = mouth; ph = pharynx; r = rectum; rat = right atrium; rp = right pharynx; st = stomach; x = the point where, in the developing tunicate, the gonoduct later comes to enter the atrium. 510 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 and near the right border of the theca (imr in text-fig. 9a-c). (4) Intercameral features and indications of internal organs other than thecal chambers. The buccal cavity was situated much as in Coth. elizae, occupying the ‘ankle’ part of the theca. Its posterior border is indicated on the internal cast: (1) By a groove (gbc in text-fig. 9c; PI. 95, fig. 3; PI. 96, fig. 3). (2) By a pit (pbc in text-fig. 9c; PI. 95, fig. 3 ; PI. 96, fig. 6) in the floor of the groove. (3) By a cleft (cbcr in text-fig. 9a, c; PI. 95, fig. 5; PI. 96, fig. 1) which appears to have divided the right-hand strip of ‘bellows’ muscle (imr) into two parts. (4) By a cleft on the left (cbcl in text-fig. 9a; PI. 97, fig. 10). On general grounds the clefts and the grooves would indicate where the skeleton had filled the gap between two chambers, and the pit would indicate where it had filled the gap between three chambers (in this case, buccal cavity, anterior coelom, and pharynx). The anterior coelom must also have been situated as in Coth. elizae, i.e. mainly in the posterior, right-hand part of the theca. It is from this region that gonopore, hydropore, and anus emerged, indicating that the corresponding organs, and the chamber that housed them, must have lain here. The boundary between posterior coelom and buccal cavity is indicated : (1 ) By the part of the groove gbc to the right of the pit pbc. (2) By the cleft cbcr. The junction of anterior coelom, pharynx, and buccal cavity is indicated by EXPLANATION OF PLATE 96 The lengths of the scales are in mm. Figs. 1-10. Ceratocystis perneri. 1, Latex impression in dorsal aspect of W 25 to show internal features of M4EV, he. imr = limit of groove for right internal muscle ; cbcr = division between buccal cavity and posterior coelom; dg = dorsal groove in plate MPD; imr = margin of groove for right internal muscle on plate M4EV. 2, Latex impression in dorsal aspect (W19) to show distinction between accessory gaps (ag) and branchial slits (bs.) 3, Latex impression in ventral aspect (Ostrava specimen) to show features on internal surface of plate CA; gacpd = ridge corresponding to groove on internal cast between pharynx and anterior coelom; gbc = ridge filling groove on internal cast between buccal cavity and pharynx; rm = rounded margin of M4ED; stc = stylocone. 4, Latex impression in ventral aspect of Ostrava specimen (different individual to fig. 3) to show internal surface of M4ED and right oral appendage with limits of groove for right internal muscle (imr); gan gonopore and anus; ng = narrow groove. 5, Latex impression of stem in dorsal aspect (W 9); note how dorsal plates (dpi), though dislocated after death, have nonetheless remained articu- lated to each other; aif = anterior imbrication facet of dorsal plate; bos = boss of ventral ossicle; bs = branchial slit; DS = dorsal plate of anterior stem; lg = lateral groove; mg = median groove; stc = stylocone; VS = ventral plate of stem. 6, Latex cast in ventral aspect of Ostrava specimen (different individual to figs. 3 and 4) to show features of inside of CA with process (pbc) corresponding to the pit on natural mould between buccal cavity, pharynx, and anterior coelom; gan = gonopore- anus; h = hydropore; rm = rounded margin of M4ED. 7, Reconstruction of right posterior region of theca in ventral aspect (W22), made by gluing latex impressions of plates together; an = anus; g = gonopore; S1E, S2E = first and second right, ventral spikes. 8, Natural mould in ventral aspect (GPMB Ca 33); an = anus;br = brain; g = gonopore; gacpv = groove on ventral surface between anterior coelom and pharynx; gpcac = groove between posterior coelom and anterior coelom; gppc = groove between pharynx and posterior coelom; pbl = left pyriform body. 9, Latex mould in dorsal aspect (W15), to show anterior stem, with dorsal and ventral stem plates (DS, VS); dg = dorsal groove ; gan = gonopore-anus ; gpcac = ridge corresponding to groove on internal cast between posterior and anterior coelom; gppc = ridge corresponding to groove on internal cast between pharynx and posterior coelom. 10, Latex mould in ventral aspect of posterior part of theca and part of stem (NM 22123/7 1924 lectotype). Note narrow groove (ng) and the gonopore (g) and anus (an) separated by a minute ridge, and lateral and ventral parts of a single ventral anterior stem plate (lpvp, vpvp); h = hydropore; stc = stylocone. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 96 JEFFERIES, Ceratocystis perneri R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 511 .'ll u II SO ^ 11 — X , - ? c r! 7 iJ >. .2 ~ G >» c - ’> cj CJ — 13 ° 8 C/3 ^ d, G ^ G T3 — C "d G a ^ B \ cn *-h > . 1 S 2 cj n cj -2 cj T3 ) > -2 60 § -o c c/3 o a C/3 T3 2 G a os G 7= « s § y T> 5 13 ^ &-o cj 0) — T3 O C o ^ 13 x co > *-< G O cj T> i Oh i CJ Cj ; go *G 1 c ctj cj tO cj . „ CJ ^ G£) (/) G .2 cj X GO Cj ^ G o c3 u 13 c ^ ^ o a « .2 a CJ G Gfi ’Z z O O CJ CJ O Vh a _, u> „ m 60 -B . ' 2 II so — >> TD O -O E o .„ e o .2 * td a ^ j5 2 ii o 2 , a CJ H— » *— < -7 2? ccS G 2 -S - a a_ ... <3 II o o 1 cj X> bt) >r (3D CJ CJ II (L> CJ ^ S- ^ ft «* Gfl CJ 512 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 CD text-fig. 10. The chambers of the theca of Ceratocystis perneri — an interpretation of the reconstructed internal cast (cf. text-fig. 9). R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 513 the pit pbc. The junction of anterior coelom and pharynx is indicated: (1) By the groove gacpd (text-fig. 9c; PI. 96, fig. 3) which meets the groove gbc at the pit pbc. (2) By the groove gacpv (text-fig. 9a; PI. 96, fig. 8) on the ventral surface, internal to M1RV. (3) By the grooves gacpld and gacplv (text-fig. 9a, b; PI. 97, figs. 8, 9) on the left side of the inter- nal cast, beneath the gill slits, which indicate an extension of the anterior coelom into the left part of the theca, as in Coth. elizae. The boundary between anterior and posterior coeloms is indicated on the right by the groove gpcac (text-fig. 9a; PI. 96, figs. 8, 9). To the left it presumably ran left of the left pyriform body (pbl in text-fig. 9a, b; PI. 96, fig. 8). A groove (gio in text-fig. 9a, b; PI. 96, fig. 1 ; PI. 98, fig. 5a) just beneath the gono- pore and anus, and beneath and around the hydropore, may indicate the contact with the skeleton of some visceral organ inside the anterior coelom. The pharynx would have connected with both buccal cavity and gill slits, and so would have been disposed as in Coth. elizae. The indications on the internal cast of its bound- aries with buccal cavity and anterior coelom have been mentioned already. The boundary between pharynx and posterior coelom is shown by the groove gppc (text- fig. 9a; PI. 96, figs. 6, 9; PI. 97, fig. 2; PI. 98, fig. 3). The posterior coelom probably occupied a small volume just in front of the stem. The indications of its boundaries on the internal cast have already been mentioned. ORGANS INSIDE THE ANTERIOR COELOM The thecal openings from the anterior coelom are the anus, the gonopore, and the hydropore. They indicate that the anterior coelom contained: (1) the rectum and the rest of the alimentary canal behind the pharynx; (2) the gonad or gonads; and (3) an axial complex, like that of echinoderms. The presence of an axial complex calls for discussion. Living echinoderms which compare with C. perneri in having an axial complex that opens directly outwards by a hydropore or madreporite, comprise the echinoids, asteroids, and ophiuroids. In all such forms the axial complex has basically the same structure (Fedotov 1924, Smith 1940). This can be illustrated from an echinoid (text-fig. 1 1) where the following parts exist: (1) An axial organ divided into the main portion (Millott and Vevers 1968) and the head process. The main portion of the axial organ consists of a close-packed mass of canals, some of which are haemal. (2) An axial sinus (lumen of axial organ of Millott and Vevers 1968) which expands upwards into a madreporic am- pulla beneath the madreporite. (3) The stone canal connecting the water vascular system with the madreporic ampulla. (4) The dorsal sac which is a coelomic chamber that has become invaginated on one side to contain the head process of the axial organ. (5) The genital strand which runs from the axial organ to the gonads and is surrounded by (6) the genital sinus. The functions of the different parts of the axial complex are various. (1) The stone canal, opening as it does by way of the madreporic ampulla and madreporite to the outside, serves to keep the fluid of the water vascular system at the same hydrostatic pressure as the ambient sea water (Fechter 1965). (2) The main portion of the axial organ has three functions: (a) it is concerned in the degeneration of amoebocytes (Millott 1966, Millott and Vevers 1968) and presumably expels their degeneration pro- ducts by way of axial sinus, madreporic ampulla, and madreporite; ( b ) it is certainly secretory (Millott and Vevers 1968) and possibly acts as an endocrine gland (Millott 514 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 1967, p. 63); (c) it helps to circulate fluid in the haemal system by means of contractile vessels that it contains (Boolootian and Campbell 1964). (3) The head process and dorsal sac are particularly concerned with pumping fluid through the haemal system. The head process is in fact known to be pulsatile in all the living classes where it exists. Thus, in echinoids, Boolootian and Campbell (1964) showed that it had the structure and action of a two-chambered heart and pulsation was also observed by Narasimhamurti (1931) and Prouho (1887, p. 331). In ophiuroids pulsation of the head process was recorded by Narasimhamurti (1933, p. 79) and Gemmill (1919), and in asteroids by Narasimhamurti (1931) and Gemmill (1919) among others. The head process and dorsal sac of echino- derms are homologous with the heart and peri- cardium of hemichordates, which they resemble in structure, function and embryological origin (Fedotov 1924, p. 298, Narasimhamurti 1931, Gemmill 1914). The head process and dorsal sac of C. perneri, by comparison with living echinoderms, would have lain near the aboral end of the axial complex, i.e. in the anterior coelom near the hydropore (ht in text-fig. 8a). In C. perneri the superficial internal anatomy does not show their exact location. In Coth. elizae and Coth. primaeva, on the other hand, the position of the dorsal sac is probably indicated by a bulge in the internal cast (ht in PI. 98, fig. 4) ventral to a culmination (4 in PI. 98, fig. 4) in the pharyngo-visceral line. This bulge corresponds to a depression in the internal face of the skeleton (htd in text-fig. 6), and is similar in position to the hydropore of C. perneri, since both lie near the median edge of plate M2R (the ‘heel’ plate) which is homologous in the two species. The bulge is unlikely to represent the position of an optic nerve (contrast Jefferies 1967, PI. 168; 1968, p. 251) for it is too tumid and differs in shape from the space ventral to point 1, on the left of the theca (PI. 98, fig. 4; text-fig. 6) which could well have carried such a nerve. Lying in such a position the dorsal sac and the presumably pulsatile head process of C. perneri , Coth. elizae, and Coth. primaeva could well be homologous with the peri- cardium and heart of other chordates. They would be situated (ht in text-fig. 8a, b) like these features in other chordates, in the main visceral cavity, in the general region of the gonads and post-pharyngeal gut. Berrill (1955, p. 112) was therefore mistaken in asserting that, despite their morphological resemblance, the heart and pericardium of chordates could not be homologous with those of hemichordates, because located in different parts of the body. In the evolution of mitrates (text-fig. 8c) the pouching out of the right pharyngeal chamber (rp) would separate the dorsal sac and head process (henceforth called pericardium and heart) from the right wall of the theca and push them towards the right side of the gut. Their position would thus become very similar to the pericardium and heart of a tunicate larva (text-fig. 8d). head process of axial organ .rnadreporite a^eV dorsal sac genital sinus- genital strand main portion of axial organ madreporic ampulla stone canal axial sinus text-fig. 1 1 . The axial complex of an echinoid. Redrawn after Fedotov (1924, fig. 80). R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 515 In C. perneri, the stone canal, along with other parts of the water vascular system, was probably degenerate or absent. The water vascular system would have been non- functional if it did exist, for C. perneri shows no place that could have borne tube feet, which are the effector organs of the system. The axial sinus and main portion of the axial organ of C. perneri presumably stretched forward from the hydropore, into which the axial sinus would have opened. It seems pos- sible that the axial organ may correspond to the pituitary gland of vertebrates and the homologous neural gland of tunicates. The function of the axial organ in expelling the degeneration products of phagocytes (Millott 1966) is found also in the neural gland of tunicates (Godeaux 1964, p. 59; Peres 1943; Millar 1953, p. 47). The possible endocrine function of the axial gland (Millott 1967, p. 63) can be parallelled in the pituitary and perhaps in the neural gland (Godeaux 1964, p. 57). The loss of the hydropore as Cerato- cystis evolved into Cothurnocystis implies that a new way must have been found to eliminate the degeneration products of amoebocytes. It may be that C. perneri , like hemichordates, had a buccal diverticulum opening into the buccal cavity or the front of the pharynx and in contact with the axial organ, just as the buccal diverticulum is in contact with the equivalent glomerulus of hemichordates. Such a diverticulum could have provided a new pathway for the expulsion of degeneration products. Komai (1951) has already suggested that the buccal diverticulum of hemichordates (the so- called ‘stomochord' or ‘notochord’) is homologous with the hypophysis. THE STEM The posterior stem (text-fig. 2a-c, 12; PI. 96, fig. 5; PI. 97, fig. 3) is fundamentally similar to that of Coth. e/izae (Jefferies 1967, p. 171 ; 1968, p. 261) or S. curvata (Jefferies 1968, p. 275). Its skeleton consists dorsally of imbricating plates (dpi in text-fig. 12; PI. 96, fig. 5), and ventrally of ossicles (vo in text-fig. 1 2). Unlike Coth. e/izae or S. curvata , however, there is more than one pair of dorsal plates for each ventral ossicle (PI. 97, fig. 3; Ubaghs 1967, p. 13). The ventral ossicles are wider than deep. Their dorsal surfaces are complicated; they carry a median groove (mg in text-fig. 12; PI. 96, fig. 5; PI. 97, fig. 3) flanked by a longitudinal lateral groove (Ig) on each side. Lateral to each longitudinal groove is a series of low bosses (bos). In the more anterior part of the posterior stem these usually number about three bosses on each ossicle on each side but in the more posterior part about two bosses on each ossicle on each side. Sometimes, however, a boss straddles an interossicular suture and, in addition, bosses on right and left sides of an ossicle do not always exactly correspond. Right and left series of dorsal plates meet at a lax suture in the mid-line and, together with the ventral ossicles, they enclose a tunnel-like lumen. Each dorsal plate has a rough external surface (exs), a well-defined anterior imbrication facet (aif), a less well- defined posterior imbrication facet on the inner face, and an expanded base (bdp). The anterior imbrication facet fits against the posterior imbrication facet of the plate next in front. The expanded base articulates with the bosses on the ventral ossicles in such a way that each base largely covers the anterior part of one boss and the posterior part of the next boss in front. Also the base of each plate slightly overlaps the base of the next plate in front. Successive plates were probably connected to each other in life by connective tissue between adjacent imbrication facets. This is shown by 516 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 specimens in which the weak dorsal sutures have been parted after death, probably by gas released by decay of the soft parts, while the plates of a series on each side are nevertheless still articulated together as in life (PI. 96, fig. 5). The soft parts of the posterior stem would have been much as in Coth. elizae or S. eurvata. The median groove would have carried the equivalent of the crinoid cham- bered organ (not in text-fig. 12), coated by the equivalent of the crinoid peduncular nerve (dnc in text-fig. 12). Comparison with mitrates suggests that the peduncular nerve (= dorsal nerve cord) was dorsal to the chambered organ (= notochord). Lateral blood vessels (lv) probably went off from the notochord, as in Coth. elizae and S. eurvata , though in C. perneri they were not in contact with the skeleton. By comparison with Coth. primaeva, which has two pairs of dorsal plates, and two pairs of grooves for transverse vessels corresponding to each ossicle (personal observation), the transverse vessels of C. perneri would have corresponded in number to the dorsal plates and the bosses. The tunnel-like lumen between the dorsal plates and the ventral ossicles must have contained muscle (mu), since the posterior stem with its imbricating dorsal plates is adapted to flex upwards. Analogy with S. eurvata (Jefferies 1968, p. 276) suggests that the muscle was in the form of muscle blocks, separated by the lateral vessels. Comparison with mitrates suggests that lateral ganglia (lga) connected with the dorsal nerve cord overlay the lateral vessels. There was probably a blood vessel down the middle of the notochord (pv), as deduced for Coth. elizae and S. eurvata. Ubaghs (1967, p. 12) has interpreted the posterior stem as carrying the water vascular system of an arm in accordance with his earlier views (1961, 1963). However, the dorsal EXPLANATION OF PLATE 97 The lengths of the scales are in mm. Figs. 1-10. Ceratocystis perneri. 1, Natural mould in dorsal aspect to show brain and associated structures (NM 33723/1951); same individual as Plate 95, fig. 3; dll and dir = left and right dorsal lobes; lpr = left process; ng = infilling of narrow groove; nng = nerve to narrow groove; pbl and pbr = left and right pyriform bodies; rf = right face of brain. 2, Natural mould in ventral aspect to show brain and adjacent structures (W 24); gppe = groove between pharynx and posterior coelom; lpr = left process; pbl, pbr = left and right pyriform bodies; vfl = left, ventral face of brain; vs = ventral swelling. 3, Latex impression of stem in dorsal aspect (NM 221123/7 1924 lectotype); bos = boss; mg = median groove; stc = stylocone. 4, 5, Latex impression of infra- branchial plates in internal aspect (GPMB Ca 32 and W 26) to show distinction between branchial slits (bs) and accessory gaps (ag); iml dorsal margin of depression for left internal muscle. 6, Natural mould (W13) in posterior aspect of the interior of M1LD to show the nerve to the narrow groove (nng) going round the left pyriform body (pbl) to the infilling of the narrow groove (ng). 7, Natural mould of the inside of Mpv (specimen W 4); sut = suture with M1RD; vfr = right ventral face of brain; vs = ventral swelling. 8, Natural mould of the inside of M,L, posterior aspect (W 3); ag = accessory gap; bs = branchial slit; gacpld = groove showing dorsal boundary between anterior coelom and pharynx left of the stem; iml = limit of left internal muscle. 9, As fig. 8, ventral aspect; gacplv = groove showing ventral boundary between anterior coelom and pharynx left of the stem. 10, Natural mould of inside of M4LV (USNM 61503); cbcl = cleft between buccal cavity and pharynx left of stem. Fig. 11. Mitrocystites mitra. Natural mould of inside of posterior part of the theca in postero-dorsal aspect (E 7517), to show (i) auditory nerve (aun) going round left pyriform body (pbl) to auditory ganglion (aug) in left atrium (la), and (ii) lateral-line nerve (lln) going round right pyriform body (pbr) to lateral line ganglion (llg); cf. Plate 98, fig. 7; hep = cast of hypocerebral processes; n5 = nerve n5 of palmar complex; og = oblique groove; r = rectum. Palaeontology, Vo/. 12 PLATE 97 JEFFERIES, Ceratoeystis perneri, Mitrocystites mitra R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNER1 JAEKEL 517 plates do not resemble cover plates, for the base of each one is expanded and makes contact with the bosses by a very broad area, and successive plates on the same side seem to have been held together by connective tissue. The median dorsal suture was lax, and for this reason often split open after death. The reason for this laxity was mechanical, for when the stem flexed upwards the angle between opposite members of a pair of plates would need to change as the pair was forced downwards on to the pair next behind. The fact that left plates sometimes separated from right plates after death resulted from this laxity of the median dorsal suture and does not show that they could separate in life. text-fig. 12. Block diagram of posterior stem of Ceratocystis perneri, left dorso-lateral aspect, aif = anterior imbrication facet; bdp = base of dorsal plate; bos = boss on ventral ossicle; dnc = dorsal nerve cord; dp = dorsal plate; exs = external surface of dorsal plate; lg = lateral groove; Iga = lateral ganglion; Iv = lateral vessel; mg = median groove; mu = muscle; not = notochord; pv = peduncular or noto- chordal vessel; vo = ventral ossicle. The skeleton of the medial stem consisted of a ventral stylocone (stc in text-fig. 2a-c; PI. 96, figs. 3, 5, 10; PI. 97, fig. 3) surmounted by about eight pairs of dorsal plates. The stylocone has been accurately figured and described by Ubaghs (1967, p. 13, fig. 6). The skeleton of the anterior stem was more regular than Ubaghs has suggested (1967, p. 12). It consisted of about 15 rings of plates and each ring, as in other calcichordates, contained 4 plates— left and right dorsal, and left and right ventral (PI. 96, fig. 9). Each ventral plate consisted of a lateral and a ventral portion (Ipvp and vpvp in PI. 96, fig. 10) and the ventral portion extended across the ventral face to near the opposite side (text-fig. 13). Successive rings of plates in general imbricated so that the front part of each ring was inside the posterior part of the next ring in front. On the ventral face, however, the ventral portions of ventral plates imbricated with one another, in such a way that right and left ventral portions usually alternate (text-fig. 2c). 518 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 The soft parts of the anterior stem presumably included powerful muscles, almost filling the large lumen. In addition there must have been, on functional as well as comparative grounds, an anti-compressional structure extending through the lumen. This would be the anterior part of the notochord or chambered organ whose posterior continuation followed the median groove of the posterior stem. There would have been a nerve, the dorsal nerve cord or peduncular nerve, from the brain to the posterior stem. The functioning of the stem is dealt with below. text-fig. 13. Transverse section through skeleton of anterior stem of Ceratocystis perneri. dp = dorsal plate; Ipvp = lateral portion of ventral plate; vpvp = ventral portion of ventral plate. THE BRAIN AND CRANIAL NERVES The brain of C. perneri (text-fig. 14a-e) can be reconstructed more fully than that of later cornutes. It lay, as in all calcichordates, and like the aboral nerve centre of crinoids, just anterior to the stem, where its position is indicated by facets on the internal cast. These facets show that it was in contact with all those plates of the theca which touched the anterior end of the stem, i.e. MPD, M1LD, M1LV, MPV, and M1RD. It did not touch M1RV, which did not form part of the stem insertion in C. perneri. The cranial nerves of C. perneri touched the skeleton in only a few places. The morphology of the cerebral cast and of the associated structures may be described as follows: 1. Right and left dorsal lobes (dir, dll in text-fig. 14b-e; PI. 95, fig. 7; PI. 97, fig. 1) are situated on right and left sides of the dorsal part of the cerebral cast. They are mainly in contact with MPD but they continue downwards in contact with M1LD and M1RD and end in a number of points, the intraskeletal cones (iskcr and iskcl in text-fig. 14b-e; PI. 95, fig. 6). These presumably indicate where nerves entered the dorsal lobes from the skeleton. 2. The cerebral cast had an ant ero- dor sal face (adf) which was produced upwards into a dorsal process (dp in text-fig. 14b-e; PI. 95, fig. 7). This latter was contained in the dorsal groove leading to the dorsal face of the theca (see above dg in text-fig. 2a, d; PI. 96, figs, i, 9; PI. 98, fig. 1). 3. The left face of the cerebral cast (If in text-fig. 14d) corresponds to a facet on R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI IAEKEL 519 c o 1-J c O W +-* in £ > G 03 c3 03 4> ^-g r g 2 .2 3- c £ ^ o II s- j— < O S ^ CO G t) o3 | >■» G ^H-H i-H W) o a o x: &b ^ 03 a o a> o > o3 G 43 2 *- o 5 T3 S uT u ■ - .G tH 03 rl C *G Uh o3 O j-i a w a> tl c o3 o3 Oh „ .O •- ■c? "c3 c I— G a> W) > Oh -O 77.00 GO *-< ^ x; ^ V, G O c3 X) rn fcH .o II bl) > $? G a> "§ < > — * ^ -2 o ^ .£ £ *g 2 J-h T3 X) V G -O O ^ >* Jz- Tj Oh ^ o - E -° = co C -O g c 2 "lo «-> S 4) L — i & > S «g" 60 ^ 'C C T3 •£ 5 2 r2 0 II ■ ii y I— L— x> ^ &£ ■a .2? * c ^ - II JD c*_, Oh ^ 'tS > £ j-. G CL> w G « 2 G G c ° 2 0) ~ CJ X ^1h lH i2 03 w V-. H— * G 03 11 H > X O w X H co co 'S G Oh O X) CJ 520 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 M1LD (PI- 97, fig. 1). Just anterior to it a powerful left process (lpr in text-fig. 14d, e; PI. 97, fig. 1) went off leftwards. 4. Just left of the left process, and in contact with plates M1LD and M1LV, are indica- tions of an approximately spherical body called the left pyriform body (pbl in text-fig. 14a, c-e; PI. 96, fig. 8; PI. 97, figs. 1, 2, 6; PI. 98, fig. 3), since it is homologous with the like-named structure of mitrates and of other cornutes (Jefferies 1967, pp. 173, 177, 185 ff, 193; 1968, pp. 264, 276, 299 ff., 322). The right face (rf in text-fig. 14b, c; PI. 95, fig. 6; PI. 97, fig. 1) of the cerebral cast has anterior to it the right pyriform body (pbr in text-fig. 14a-c, e; PI. 97, figs. 1, 2; PI. 98, fig. 3). Both right face and right pyriform body are in contact with M1RD. The right and left ventral faces (vfr and vfl in text-fig. 14a-d; PI. 97, figs. 2, 7; PI. 98, fig. 3) of the cerebral cast are in contact with the plates MPV and M1LV. The anterior boundaries of these ventral faces are better defined towards right and left sides of the cerebral cast than further ventrally where they pass into a rather vague ventral swelling (vs in text-fig. 14a-d; PI. 97, figs. 2, 7; PI. 98, fig. 3). Just left of the left pyriform body was situated the narrow groove (ng) in the external surface of the theca in plate M1LD. This receives a projection to the narrow groove on the internal cast (png in text-fig. 14a, e; PI. 97, fig. 6). This projection represents the infilling of a canal in the skeleton. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 98 The lengths of the scales are in mm. Fig. 1. Ceratocystis perneri. Latex impression showing dorsal surface in dorsal aspect (W 8); ag accessory gaps; bs = branchial slits; dg = dorsal groove; faf = flap attachment facet; fpl = prob- able flap platelets; ib = infrabranchial plates. Fig. 2. Cothurnocystis americana. Dorsal aspect of only known specimen and holotype (USNM 143237); bs = branchial slits; inbc = integument over buccal cavity; in p = integument over pharynx; ? posM4LD = probable position of plate M4LD; str = strut. Fig. 3. Ceratocystis perneri. Plaster cast of silicone rubber mould of Copenhagen specimen, simulating natural mould; the ventral surface of the brain is better marked off anteriorly than in any other specimen examined; gppc = groove between pharynx and posterior coelom; pbl and pbr = left and right pyriform bodies; vfl = left ventral face of brain; vs = ventral swelling. Fig. 4. Cothurnocystis elizae. Natural mould of inside of theca in postero-ventral aspect (E 28667), with the specimen lying dorsal side downwards, cf. text-fig. 6; 1, 3, 4 = points where the pharyngo- visceral line approaches the dorsal side of the theca; grg = gonorectal groove; ht = probable position of heart; pbr = right pyriform body; pco = posterior coelom; sp = striations on the inside of the pharynx; str = impression of strut. Fig. 5. Ceratocystis perneri. (a) Plaster cast simulating natural internal mould of plate M2R, posterior aspect; ( b ) Latex cast of plate M2R, posterior aspect. Magnification, of (a) and ( b ) equal. Both are from same specimen. Narodni Muzeum, no number, h = hydropore; gio = groove round internal organ. Fig. 6. Cothurnocystis primaeva. Natural mould of inside of theca (Montpellier specimen) in ventral aspect, to show region just anterior to stem; cf. text-fig. 7; br = brain; gd = gonoduct; grg = in- filling of gonorectal groove; iskc = intraskeletal cones; mini = left median-line nerve; pbl, pbr = left and right pyriform bodies; r = rectum. Fig. 7. Mitrocystites mitra. Natural mould of inside of theca in postero-dorsal aspect (MCZ 566); cf. text-fig. 15 and Plate 97, fig. 11; aug = auditory ganglion; aun = auditory nerve; la = left atrium; llg = lateral line ganglion; lln = lateral line nerve; mp = median part of brain; n3 = optic nerve; n4 + 5, n5 = other nerves of palmar complexes; og = oblique groove; pbl, pbr - left and right pyriform bodies; pco = posterior coelom; pp = posterior part of brain; r = rectum; ra = dorsal margin of right atrium. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 98 JEFFERIES, Ceratocystis perneri, Cothurnocystis spp., Mitrocystites mitra R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNER1 JAEKEL 521 Interpretation of these features of the internal cast is possible by comparison with other cornutes and, more particularly, with mitrates (text-figs. 15, 16; PI. 97, fig. 11; PI. 98, fig. 7; Jefferies 1967, pp. 185 ff., 191 ff.; 1968, pp. 295 ff., 319 ft'.,). Taken to- gether, the dorsal lobes (dl) and intraskeletal cones (iskc) are comparable with the anterior part of the brain of mitrates, which likewise is dorsal in position and probably also received nerves from the skeleton, sometimes by way of intraskeletal cones (e.g. MitrocysteUa incipiens miloni , Jefferies 1967, fig. 10; 1968, figs. 19 a-c). The anterior part of the brain in mitrates represented the telencephalon and was olfactory. Consequently the intraskeletal nerves of C.perneri, which presumably entered the dorsal lobes by way of the intraskeletal cones, would be the olfactory nerves, and the dorsal lobes would represent the telencephalon. The antero-dorsal face (adf) of the brain in C. perneri is ventral to the dorsal lobes, i.e. ventral to the telencephalon, and this part of the brain in mitrates and all other chordates is optic in function. The dorsal process (dp) that extended upwards on to the dorsal surface of the theca would therefore also be optic in function. It would represent a sort of primitive median eye. This, however, was prob- ably not homologous with the pineal or parapineal eyes of vertebrates, since it runs upwards in front of the telencephalon, rather than behind it, and is absent from all known mitrates. The right and left pyriform bodies (pbr and pbl) of C. perneri corre- spond to the pyriform bodies of other calcichordates and these represent the trigemino- profundus ganglia of vertebrates (Jefferies 1967, p. 190; 1968, p. 307). The ventral swelling of the cerebral cast (vs) may possibly correspond to the places where ventrally placed nerves left the brain. These would correspond to the median-line nerves of other cornutes (1967, pp. 173, 177; 1968, pp. 264, 276). The left process (lpr) presumably represents a large nerve to the theca (ner in text-fig. 14c, d) corresponding to either posterior or medial part nerves, or both, of mitrates, i.e. to optic or medullary nerves, or both. If a corresponding right nerve existed in C.perneri it did not touch the skeleton. The narrow groove (ng) on the surface of M1LD recalls the narrow groove or lateral line that exists in mitrates (lateral line (11) in Jefferies 1967, pp. 178, 190; narrow groove (ng) in Jefferies 1968, pp. 283, 299 ft'., 314). If the projection to the narrow groove of C. perneri (png) carried a nerve, as seems likely, then the nerve supply to the groove (nng in text-fig. 14 a, c, e) was like that to the groove of mitrates in coming round the outside of a pyriform body. However, the narrow groove of C. perneri was left of the stem, and its nerve supply came round the left pyriform body, whereas the narrow groove of mitrates was right of the stem, and its nerve supply came round the right pyriform body. This anomaly demands a partial restudy of the mitrates. In Mitrocystites mitra there is a previously unrecorded ridge on the internal cast (aun in text-fig. 15; PI. 97, fig. 1 1 ; PI. 98, fig. 7) which sweeps round the front and left side of the left pyriform body (pbl), behind the rectum (r), and appears to enter the left atrium (la) to end there in a little lump (aug). With respect to the pyriform body this ridge corresponds in its position on the left of the theca to the ridge in M. mitra representing the course of the lateral line nerve (lln) on the right. In addition, the lump (aug) is a left counterpart of the lump representing the lateral-line ganglion (llg) on the right. It therefore seems that the two sets of structures are right and left antimeres of each other, except that the left one ends in the left atrium, while the right one ends at the surface. The acustico-lateralis system of fishes includes two parts — the lateral line which lies at or near the surface, and is directly sensitive to displacements of water (Dijkgraaf 522 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 1963, Bergeijk 1964), and the acoustic system, which is invaginated and sensitive to pressure waves, gravity and angular acceleration. It seems that the acustico-lateralis system of mitrates had two corresponding parts, i.e. external and functioning as lateral line on the right, and invaginated and presumably functioning as ear on the left. The ridge aun would therefore represent the auditory nerve and the lump aug would rep- resent the auditory ganglion. The fact that the auditory nerve runs immediately in front of the left pyriform body, behind the rectum, suggests that the lateral line nerve (lln) probably ran immediately in front of the right pyriform body. Its proximal course was text-fig. 15. a. Portion of internal mould of Mitrocystites mitra to show auditory nerve and ganglion (MCZ 566, cf. PI. 98, fig. 7). b. Diagram of dorsal aspect of theca, to show portion (stippled) included in a. aug = auditory ganglion; aun = auditory nerve; la = left atrium; mp = medial part of brain; n2, n3, n4+5 = nerves of left palmar complex; og = oblique groove; pco = posterior coelom; pp = posterior part of brain; r = rectum. For meaning of anatomical terms see Jefferies 1967, p. 1 79fF. ; 1968, p. 315ff. therefore probably different from what I previously supposed (1967, figs. 10, 14; 1968, figs. 19, 27). Text-fig. 16 is a revised reconstruction of the cranial nerves of M. mitra that takes these new conclusions into account. The narrow groove (ng) of C. perneri and the nerve supplying it (nng) correspond closely in position to the auditory ganglion and auditory nerve of Mitrocystites mitra. The nerve nng must be homologous with the auditory nerve of M. mitra and the floor of the narrow groove presumably housed the homologue of the auditory ganglion. In C. perneri the narrow groove, being on the surface of the animal, would have func- tioned as lateral line. The early history of the acustico-lateralis system in the chordates would therefore have been somewhat as follows. The system is first seen in C. perneri as a surface groove just left of the stem that functioned as lateral line, being directly sensitive to displace- ments of the sea water. In Cothurnocystis this lateral line must still have existed, but probably lay just right of the gonopore-anus, without any separate opening in the R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 523 text-fig. 16. Reconstruction of brain and cranial nerves of Mitrocystites mitra in dorsal aspect (modified from Jefferies 1968, fig. 27). ap = anterior part of brain; aug = auditory ganglion; aun auditory nerve; be buccal cavity; e = eye; llg = lateral line ganglion; lln lateral line nerve; nip = medial part of brain; mpn = medial part nerve; n0 = ventral nerves of uncertain connection and homology; n,_5 = nerves of palmar complex including maxillary trigeminal (n2) and optic (n3) nerves; n2AfP = branches of nerve n2; olo = olfactory openings; pal = palmar nerves; pbl and pbr = left and right pyriform bodies (trigemino-profundus ganglia); pg peripheral groove; pp posterior part of brain; ppn = posterior part nerves; r rectum. 524 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 skeleton. The nerve that supplied it would have swept round the front of the left pyriform body and followed the posterior surface of the rectum to the lateral line. When the left gill slits, anus, gonopore and lateral line became enclosed in the left atrium, which happened either when the mitrates evolved, or somewhat before, the lateral line changed its function. Displacement of the surrounding sea-water no longer affected it, but it would be able, in a rudimentary way, to fulfil the functions of an ear. It would thus be sensitive to pressure waves, to angular rotation that caused swirling of water in the left atrium, and to gravity, if calcareous otoconiae existed in the cupolae of the neuro- masts (Pumphrey 1950, p. 13). Among mitrates, the Mitrocystitidae again became sensi- tive to displacements of the external sea-water by evolving a lateral line, with its nerve supply, on the right side. The appearance of organs on the right which had previously existed only on the left was a feature of the evolution of mitrates from cornutes. It is seen in the pharynx, the gill slits, and probably the atria, as well as the acustico-lateralis system. The earliest known occurrence of a lateral line on the right side is found in Chinianocarpos thorali Ubaghs (Upper Tremadoc or Lower Arenig), which is the oldest mitrocystitid known. Such a feature is unknown in the Peltocystidae, which is the other family of mitrates represented at the base of the Ordovician. The way in which the primitive mitrocystitid acustico-lateralis system evolved into that of vertebrates cannot be worked out, since it would have happened in soft-bodied animals. Presumably, however, the lateral-line was replicated on the left side of the body and the acoustic system on the right. This replication on opposite sides of the body would be similar, but opposite in sense, to what had happened in the evolution of mitrates. It is interesting that the only skeletal calcium carbonate which vertebrates possess is found in the acustico-lateralis system (otoconiae and otocysts). This may represent an inheritance from calcichordates, in which the acustico-lateralis system was better developed than I previously supposed. The relation between brain and blood system in C. perneri is of interest. The brain was in contact with the thecal skeleton all the way round the stem insertion. The blood supply to the stem must therefore have gone through the middle of the brain, just as the haemal strand goes through the aboral nerve centre of crinoids ( Reichensperger 1905). Like the haemal strand, it probably continued backwards down the middle of the cham- bered organ (= notochord) as a notochordal vessel (Jefferies 1967, pp. 172, 184; 1968, pp. 263, 293). Anterior to the brain the notochordal vessel would presumably be connected to the axial organ, as the haemal strand is in crinoids (Reichensperger 1905). POSTURE, HABITS, AND MODE OF FEEDING The posture of C. perneri would have been very like that of Coth. elizae, i.e. the theca rested ventral side downwards on the bottom with the stem stretched out almost horizon- tal behind the theca. Certain portions of the ventral surface of the theca (stippled in text-fig. 17a) were ventrally prominent and would have touched the sea floor more frequently or sunk deeper into it than the less prominent parts. Those ventrally promin- ent parts would have been the places that bore most of the weight of the theca and are constructed of more massive stereom than the other parts of the ventral surface (PI. 95, fig. 1). Indeed, the massiveness of the stereom is roughly proportional to the prominence of the part which it forms. Massive stereom would be smoother than loose-textured R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 525 stereom, and would have less soft tissue within it that could be damaged by being scraped over the sea floor. In later members of the Ceratocystidae the ventrally projecting, weight-bearing parts of the ventral surface became better developed (e.g. Coth. elizae, text-fig. 17b). In such forms they had the function of raising the ventral integument clear of the sea floor. L text-fig. 17. Ventrally prominent areas (stippled) and observed positions of stem in a, Ceratocystis perneri and b, Cothurnocystis elizae. or in = oral integument; stc = stylocone. R and L = especially frequent positions of stem to right and left. The arrow a indicates probable easiest direction of slip in Coth. elizae. In the histograms each dot indicates one specimen. so that its pumping movements would not be hindered. This raising of the ventral integument is particularly marked in Scotiaecystis curvata (Jefferies 1968, figs. 8 c-e) but is also developed, to lesser degree, in Coth. elizae (figs. 1 d-g) and is incipient in Coth. primaeva. The form of the ventral spikes and anterior appendages of these three species suggests that the theca could have slipped backwards much more easily than forwards (1968, pp. 265, 277) and this was probably also true of mitrates (1968, pp. 310, 323). The probable direction of easiest slipping in Coth. elizae is shown by the arrow a in text fig. 17b. The form of the ventrally prominent parts of the theca of C. perneri suggests that the theca could already slip more easily backwards than forwards, though the tendency was less pronounced than it became in later Ceratocystidae. Thus the anterior part of 526 PALAEONTOLOGY VOLUME 12 the spike S3R (text-fig. 2b; PI. 95, fig. i) would have stuck deeper into the sea-floor than its posterior part, and the same is true of the left appendage (lap in PI. 95, fig. 1). The stem of C. perneri is in all observed specimens stretched out on a bedding plane, and could probably wave from side to side. Text-fig. 17a shows its position in 105 specimens. There are two especially frequent positions (L and R) which also existed in Coth. elizae (text-fig. 17b). These perhaps correspond to the most usual end positions of the stem in its side-to-side movements after burial and before death. The massive texture of the stereom of the ossicles of the posterior stem, of the ventral surface of the anterior stem, and of part of the ventral surface of the stylocone (as stippled in text-fig. 17a, cf. PI. 96, fig. 3; Ubaghs 1967, pi. 2, fig. 8) resembles that of the ventrally prominent parts of the theca. It is likely that the massive-textured parts of the stem, like the similar parts of the theca, were habitually in contact with the sediment of the sea bottom. Conversely, the loose-textured part of the ventral surface of the stylocone would not usually have touched the sediment, or would have touched it more lightly. The distribution of these variations in texture suggests that the stem stretched out almost horizontally in life so that the anterior and posterior parts sank somewhat into the sediment, while most of the stylocone was just clear of the sediment, or sank into it less deeply. This agrees with the observed position of the stem in fossils, parallel to the bedding. With such a posture, abrupt lateral flexion of the stem would have caused the theca to slip over the sea bottom, mainly backwards, and would have provided a clumsy but workable means of locomotion. Pulling an asymmetrical object is easier than pushing it, being directionally stable. This was the probable reason why cornutes, as here be- lieved, took to moving backwards. C. perneri would have been a deposit feeder like C. elizae (Jefferies 1968, p. 258), since its mouth was level with the bottom. It is likely that water was pumped through the pharynx mainly by ciliary action, but that the animal could also ‘cough’ slightly, using the rudimentary bellows mechanism of the theca. EVOLUTION IN THE CER ATOCYSTID AE Ceratocystis perneri, Cothurnocystis aniericana, Cothurnocystis primaeva, and Coth- urnocystis elizae closely approximate to a single line of descent (text-fig. 1), and most of the changes in this line of descent can be explained functionally. C. perneri had a boot-shaped theca formed of calcite plates. This theca rested on the sea bottom by the ventral side, which carried ventral spikes to hold the theca in the sea floor and to carry most of the thecal weight. The animal moved by dragging the theca backwards by the stem. The theca had a mouth at the anterior end, and hydropore, gonopore, and anus existed right of the stem. Left of the stem were 7 gill slits. The theca contained 4 chambers, i.e. buccal cavity, pharynx, anterior and posterior coelom. A respiratory and feeding current was created, probably mainly by ciliae on the insides of buccal cavity and pharynx. These two chambers, however, could also contract, slightly but suddenly, by the action of muscles in the thecal wall. The dorsal thecal wall was stiffened by keels which assured that this ‘coughing’ action caused contraction of the thecal cavity, and expulsion of water, rather than merely changing the shape of the thecal cavity without change in volume. Most of the food supply came from the organic detritus lying on the sediment, i.e. the animal was a deposit feeder. Internal organs in the R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 527 right-hand posterior corner of the theca (i.e. in the anterior coelom) included the post- pharyngeal gut, the gonads, the heart and pericardium, probably an axial gland, and perhaps parts of a degenerate water vascular system. The brain lay at the anterior end of the stem and at the anterior end of notochord and dorsal nerve cord. Olfactory and optic parts can be identified in the brain. The optic part gave rise to a sort of median eye, which lay on the dorsal surface of the theca. Just anterior and lateral to the brain were two ganglia (the pyriform bodies) homologous to the trigemino-profundus ganglia of vertebrates. Just left of the stem was a groove on the surface that represented the first beginnings of the acustico-lateralis system and was supplied by a nerve coming round the left pyriform body. Coth. americana was functionally a major advance on C. perneri but is unfortunately not well known. The theca was still boot-shaped, but more like that of Coth. elizae than that of C. perneri in shape. The theca had become much more flexible than it was in C. perneri by the development of a dorsal integument. It seems likely that muscular pumping had become the main way of expelling water through the gill slits. The most important pumping muscles would be those in the roof of the pharynx, which would be partly housed in large spaces between the plates. The roof of the buccal cavity was flexible, but lacked comparable spaces for muscles. The gill slits of Coth. americana, which still numbered 7, were very similar to those of Coth. elizae and were well adapted as outlet valves. The hydropore had disappeared, and it is possible that the axial gland had started to discharge through a duct in the anterior part of the pharynx, i.e. had turned into the pituitary gland. Gonopore and anus had started to migrate leftwards, so as to approach the exhalent current from the gill slits, though it is not possible to say how far they had moved. The flexibility of the thecal roof meant that the floor of the theca was liable to buckle when the muscles of the dorsal integument contracted. This tendency was counteracted by thickening the floor along an antero-posterior line to form a strut. Coth. primaeva differed principally from Coth. americana in having a flexible floor to the theca, crossed by a rigid strut. The pumping action of the theca therefore involved movements of the floor, as well as the roof, and would have been more efficient. Gono- pore and anus were just left of the stem in Coth. primaeva , as they were in Coth. elizae. They would thus lie in the outwash from the gill slits. Heart, pericardium, gonads, most of the post-pharyngeal gut, and the pituitary gland lay in the anterior coelom, as in C. perneri. The rectum and the distal part of the gonoduct, however, ran across the floor of the posterior coelom, from the anterior coelom to the gonopore-anus. The brain of Coth. primaeva probably resembled that of C. perneri in most respects, including the presence of a median eye. Coth. elizae did not much differ from Coth. primaeva but is better known, because more specimens are known. It lacked the median eye and had more gill slits (16 instead of about 7). Spikes on the ventral surface would have lifted the thecal floor above the sea bottom, so that movement of the ventral integument would not be hindered. The foregoing history involves some oversimplification. Thus Coth. americana is only known to occur at a horizon that also contains a cornute with a flexible thecal floor ( Phyllocystis sp. Ubaghs 1963). Coth. americana itself, therefore, must represent a late survival of the stage with flexible roof and rigid floor, which other cornutes had already surpassed. Again the outline of the theca of Coth. primaeva is not intermediate between C 6685 m m 528 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 that of Coth. americana and Coth. elizae , but suggests affinities with Scotiaecystis curvata. These discrepancies are probably not important. The line connecting C. perneri with Coth. elizae was a conservative one. Other cornutes diverged more from the C. perneri type. The line of descent leading to S. curvata pre- sumably separated from the perneri-elizae line after a flexible thecal floor had been acquired. It is represented by an undescribed form contemporary with Coth. primaeva (Ubaghs, personal communication). S. curvata was a suspension feeder; its mouth opened upwards and the ventral integument was lifted well above the sea floor by strong curva- ture of the frame so as to improve its pumping efficiency. The gill slits are also highly specialized. The Phyllocystis line of descent, which includes bilaterally symmetrical forms, also separated from the perneri-elizae line after the acquisition of a flexible thecal floor. The increased symmetry of the theca was probably acquired by bending the ‘ankle’ part of the boot-shaped theca leftwards, so that the mouth also came to point leftwards. Coth. ubaghsi Chauvel (1966, p. 98) in which the buccal cavity is strongly bent to the left, may represent an intermediate stage in this process. The mitrates were probably derived from Phyllocystis. Some primitive mitrates belonging to the Mitrocystitidae have a leftward pointing mouth (e.g. Chinianocarpos thorali Ubaghs, Jefferies 1968, p. 314). From primitive mitrates the other chordate subphyla are probably descended. CALCICHORDATES, HEMICHORDATES, AND ECHINODERMS The extraordinary asymmetry of Ceratocystis perneri, together with the position of the anus right of the stem, suggest that it evolved from a bilaterally symmetrical animal that lay down on its right-hand side. Moreover, it seems likely that the animal in question was a pterobranch hemichordate. Thus text-fig. 18 compares the reconstructed anatomy of C. perneri, based on echinoderm and tunicate analogies, with the anatomy of the living pterobranch Cephalo discus. The disposition of organs is similar, if the ventral side of C. perneri is taken to correspond to the right side of Cephalodiscus. A digression on the anatomy of Cephalodiscus is now necessary, before pursuing this comparison in detail. Cephalodiscus zooids (van der Horst 1 935) normally live in bundles of horny tubes, but are capable of leaving the tubes to wander over the surface of the bundle. Each zooid consists of three parts, which can be called protosome (head shield) (prs in text-fig. 18b), mesosome (collar), and metasome (trunk), and the metasome is extended to form a stem (st), at whose distal end buds are produced (not shown in text-fig. 18b). The protosome contains an unpaired coelom, the protocoel. It also contains, in a dorsal position, the pericardial vesicle and heart, the buccal diverticulum (bd) (‘noto- chord’, ‘stomochord’) and an excretory glomerulus. A right and a left protocoel pore (hj), lateral to the heart, connect the protocoel with the outside. The mesosome contains a right and left coelom, the mesocoels, separated by a mesent- ery. It carries a right and a left array of tentacles and each tentacle contains an extension of the mesocoel of the same side. Down the ventral side of each tentacle runs a food groove to the region of the mouth. A ganglion (ga) is situated dorsally in the mesosome, in the mid-line, between the right and the left sets of tentacles. Right and left mesocoels open to the outside, each by a separate mesocoel pore (h2). The mouth (m) is slit-shaped, and lies ventrally, between protosome and mesosome. R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 529 A |notochord = extension of right metocoel into stem posterior coelom = right metocoel buccal cavity janterior coelom = left metacoel (not shown) |° \ gonad Jaxocoel = protocoel j pericardium |mesocoel [ [stem muscle i jph arynx ner ve text-fig. 18. Homologies between Ceratocystis perneri (a) and the living hemichordate Cephalodiscus (b): an = anus; axg axial gland; bd = buccal diverticulum; br = brain; bs = branchial slits; dnc = dorsal nerve cord ; ga = mesosomal ganglion of Cephalodiscus; h = hydropore; hx = protocoel pore; h2 = mesocoel pore; m mouth; prs = protosome; st = stem; stn = peduncular nerve. The metasome contains a right and a left coelom, the metacoels, separated by a mesentery. It also carries the whole of the gut behind the buccal cavity, and the gonads. The gut is U-shaped and consists of buccal cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, and intestine. Right and left walls of the pharynx are each penetrated by a single gill slit (bs). There are 2 gonads, one in the left and one in the right metacoel, and each opens by a single gonopore (g) to the outside. 530 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 The stem is muscular and highly innervated particularly on its ventral side (peduncular nerve stn). The coelom of the stem is an extension of the right and left metacoels, which in the stem of Cephalodiscus itself are not separated by mesenteries. In the related Rhabdopleura, however, the mesentery separating right and left metacoels continues to the end of the stem. Animals of Cephalodiscus type have probably existed for a very long time. The fossil remains of Eocephalodiscus, described by Kozlowski (1948, p. 195), from the Tremadoc of Poland, differ very little from the skeletons of recent Cephalodiscus colonies. Also Kozlowski has argued (1947, 1966) that graptolites were pterobranchs, and the first graptolites are known from the Middle Cambrian (Obut 1964, p. 306). The homologies of pterobranchs and echinoderms can be expressed in a table. Pterobranch Echinoderm protocoel left protocoel pore right protocoel pore glomerulus pericardium heart buccal diverticulum left mesocoel left mesocoel pore right mesocoel right mesocoel pore mesosome ganglion left metacoel right metacoel left gonopore left gonad right gonopore right gonad stem right metacoel extension into stem left metacoel extension into stem innervation of stem axocoel hydropore (in part) absent main portion of axial gland dorsal sac head process of axial organ absent hydrocoel hydropore (in part) reduced or absent absent absent left (oral) somatocoel right (aboral) somatocoel gonopore gonad or gonads absent absent stem coelom of chambered organ absent peduncular nerve These homologies are based largely on the discussion given by Fedotov (1924, p. 298) except that his assertion that the pericardial sac is a right antimere of the protocoel is disregarded. Also the stem homologies given here never seem to have been proposed before. It is here assumed that the hydropore of echinoids represents the fusion of the protocoel and metacoel pores of the left side of a pterobranch, instead of corresponding to one rather than the other. It is interesting that Grobben (1924) derived echinoderms from a pterobranch that came to rest on its right side. His views on the changes involved are unnecessarily com- plicated, however, by his attempt to derive the echinoderm stem from the region of the hemichordate protosome. Other authors such as Bather (1900) have derived echino- derms from an essentially hemichordate and bilateral ‘ dipleurula ’ ancestor that came to rest on its right side. The conclusion that the bilateral ancestor of echinoderms lay down on its right side is based on the absence in echinoderms of the right protocoel pore, right mesocoel pore, and right gonopore and the reduction of the right mesocoel as R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 531 compared with the left mesocoel. Also, if a pterobranch lay on its right side, the food grooves of the right tentacles would touch the sea floor, and so would become useless and disappear, while the food grooves of the left tentacles would face upwards. The absence of the originally right mesocoel and tentacles, and the upward orientation of the food grooves of the remaining, originally left, tentacles are observed features of stemmed echinoderms. Returning now to the comparison between Ceratocystis and Cephalodiscus , the simil- arity can be expressed by saying that, starting from the stem of either, and proceeding clockwise round text-fig. 18a and b one passes in succession: (1) the branchial slits (bs), (2) the mouth (m), (3) the hydropore (h) or equivalent protocoel pore (fq) and mesocoel pore (h2), (4) the gonopore (g), and (5) the anus (an). There are many obvious differences between Cephalodiscus and Ceratocystis. Thus Cephalodiscus : (1) Lacks a calcite skeleton; (2) has paired tentacles; (3) has paired proto- coel and mesocoel pores, instead of a single hydropore; (4) has paired gonopores, instead of one only; (5) has a relatively smaller buccal cavity; (6) has a small pharynx with a single pair of gill slits, instead of a large pharynx with seven gill slits on the origin- ally left (= dorsal) side; (7) has the anus, gonopores and equivalents of the hydropore much further from the stem; (8) has an important ganglion near the tentacles which, so far as known, is unrepresented in Ceratocystis ; (9) has the stem coelom continuous with the coelom of the trunk (metacoel) instead of separated from it; (10) has no big ganglion at the proximal end of the stem; (11) has the metacoels paired and equal, by contrast with the probably equivalent, anterior and posterior coeloms of Ceratocystis, one of which is nearer the stem than the other. Most of these differences would represent either the loss by Ceratocystis of organs present in Cephalodiscus or else changes in the relative sizes of parts. C. perneri shares with stemmed echinoderms many of the features which separate it from Cephalodiscus. The most important of such features are: (1) the calcite skeleton; (2) the position of one perivisceral coelom (right somatocoel, posterior coelom) nearer the stem than the other (left somatocoel, anterior coelom); (3) the separation of the stem coelom (coelom of the chambered organ, cavity of the notochord) from the peri- visceral coelom; (4) the presence of an important ganglion at the proximal end of the stem (aboral nerve centre, brain); (5) the presence of a single hydropore (cf. cystoids), instead of paired protocoel and mesocoel pores; (6) the singleness of the gonopore (cf. cystoids). These common features suggest that stemmed echinoderms and calcichordates have a common ancestor more recent than the common ancestor of both with Cephalodiscus. Also this more recent common ancestor would resemble a calcite-plated hemichordate that habitually rested on its right side. The resemblances and differences between Cephalodiscus, stemmed echinoderms and Ceratocystis suggest the following evolutionary history. A population of Lower Cambrian animals resembling Cephalodiscus vacated, as Cephalodiscus can, the tubes in which they had normally dwelt. They took to moving over the sea floor, by the action of their muscular stems, lying on the right side of their bodies. Because of this orientation they lost the body openings of the right side, i.e. right gill slit, right protocoel pore, right mesocoel pore, and right gonopore. Further, the right tentacles found them- selves with the food grooves forced downwards into the sea-floor and so became useless 532 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 and disappeared. The left tentacles found themselves with food grooves upwards and were retained. At about this time the left protocoel pore and left mesocoel pore fused together to form a hydropore, the calcite skeleton appeared, the metacoels lost their simple paired arrangement, so that the right metacoel came nearer the stem than the left metacoel, and alone provided the stem coelom. This stem coelom then became sepa- rate from the right metacoel in the adult, so that the stem could now be bent without being shortened or lengthened, and a large ganglion evolved at its proximal end. Evolution now proceeded in two directions. One population specialized in tentacle feeding and lost the gill slits. It gave rise to the stemmed echinoderms. Some of these lifted the mouth upwards, so that the left somatocoel came to overlie the right soma- tocoel and the hydropore, gonopore and anus came to be arranged in a vertical plane, as in cystoids. Another population specialized in pharyngeal feeding and lost the tentacles. This group gave rise to the calcichordates, including Ceratocystis. The expansion in the size of the buccal cavity and pharynx, and the increase in the number of gill slits and their migration to the downstream end of the pharynx, were adaptations for producing a more powerful pharyngeal current. The originally U-shaped gut, which may have been an adaptation to the original tubicolous habit, had been lost at some stage in the sequence described. CALCICHORDATES AND OTHER CHORDATES The present work does not much modify the picture previously given (Jefferies 1968, p. 331) of the evolution of the extant chordate subphyla from the Calcichordata. However, the beginnings of the acoustic part of the acustico-lateralis system seem already to have existed in mitrates; also, the left atrium of mitrates received a gonoduct as well as the rectum, and the heart and pericardium already existed in the anterior coelom. It is possible, also, that the pituitary or neural gland may have existed in mitra- tes, having been derived from the axial gland, and that the gill slits in mitrates may have numbered about seven on each side. CONCLUSIONS 1 . Ceratocystis perneri is here interpreted as the oldest chordate known, and the oldest known member of the order Cornuta. It had affinities with echinoderms, but is best regarded as a chordate; from it, or from very similar unknown forms, all later chordates are probably descended. 2. The bellows system of pumping water through the pharynx, which is well developed in later cornutes, had already begun to appear in C. perneri. 3. C. perneri had 7 gill slits, and this was probably the primitive number for cornutes, and therefore for chordates in general. 4. C. perneri possessed mouth, hydropore, gonopore, and anus arranged in the same order as in primitive stemmed echinoderms such as cystoids. Gonopore and anus also existed in the later cornute Cothurnocystis, in which rectum and gonoduct had come to be disposed fundamentally as in modern enterogonous tunicates. 5. The thecal cavity of C. perneri, like that of later cornutes, was divided into buccal cavity, pharynx, anterior coelom, and posterior coelom. 6. The anterior coelom of C. perneri would have contained, near the hydropore, R. P. S. JEFFERIES: CERATOCYSTIS PERNERI JAEKEL 533 a heart and a pericardium. These resembled in position, and were presumably homolog- ous with, the heart and pericardium of other chordates. They were also homologous with the heart and pericardium of living hemichordates and the head process of the axial organ and dorsal sac of living echinoderms. 7. The main portion of the axial organ of echinoderms may be homologous with the neural gland of tunicates and the pituitary gland of vertebrates. 8. The stem of C. perneri did not differ fundamentally from that of later cornutes. The anterior stem, contrary to Ubaghs (1967), was regularly tetraserial. 9. The brain of C. perneri had paired olfactory dorsal lobes, homologous with the telencephalon of vertebrates, and a dorsal median eye which was not homologous with the median eyes of vertebrates. Paired pyriform bodies (trigeminal ganglia) existed as in later calcichordates. A lateral line was already developed in C. perneri, and evidence suggests that the acustico-lateralis system of some mitrate calcichordates was already divided into acoustic and lateral-line subsystems. The blood supply to the stem of C. perneri must have gone through the middle of the brain. 10. C. perneri lay habitually on its ventral side, and could drag itself backwards by side-to-side wagging of the stem. It was a deposit feeder. 1 1. The reconstructed anatomy of C. perneri can be compared with the anatomy of a modern pterobranch hemichordate lying on its right side. On this comparison the stem of hemichordates would correspond to the stem of stemmed echinoderms and calci- chordates and to the tail of other chordates. The extension of the right metacoel into the hemichordate stem would be homologous with the chambered organ of stemmed echinoderms and the notochord of chordates. It is suggested that a population of Cambrian pterobranchs took to wandering over the sea floor with right side downwards and acquired calcite skeletons. This population gave rise to the echinoderms, by elabora- tion of the tentacles and loss of the gill slits, and to the chordates, by loss of the tentacles and elaboration of the gill slits. Acknowledgements. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help of many Museum curators who have made specimens available. In particular I wish to thank Drs. V. Zazvorka, R. Horny, and R. J. Prokop (Prague), Dr. P. Kier (U.S.N.M., Washington), Professor B. Ruzicka (Ostrava), Dr. H. Kolmann (Vienna), Drs. H. W. Rasmussen and N. Bonde (Copenhagen), Dr. H. Jaeger (Berlin), Dr. H. Nestler (Greifswald), Professor M. Pfannenstiel (Freiberg i. Br.), M. J. Mattei and M. K. Revert (Montpellier), and Professor L. David and M. B. Walter (Lyon). Professor G. Ubaghs (Liege) has, as always, done all he could to assist me in work which ran exactly counter to his own ideas. Professor N. Millott (Bedford College, London) helped to clarify ideas on axial complexes, and Dr. P. Toghill (British Museum (Natural History)) helped with relevant graptolite references. Mr. P. Minton (Imperial College, London) contributed many ideas on functional morphology. Dr. L. R. M. Cocks has helped greatly by constructive criticism of the presentation. REFERENCES barrande J. 1887. Systeme silurien du centre de la Boheme. 7. Cystidees. 233 pp. 39 pi. Prague. bather, f. a. 1900. The Echinoderma, in lankester, e. r. (ed.). Treatise on Zoology , 3, London. 1913. Caradocian Cystidea from Girvan. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 49, 359-529, pi. 1-6. bergeijk, w. a. van 1964. Directional and nondirectional hearing in fish. In tavolga, w. n. (ed.), Marine Bioacoustics, 281-99. London, 413 pp. berrill, N. J. 1955. The Origin of Vertebrates, viii + 258 pp. London. bertin, l. 1958. Organes de la respiration aquatique. In grasse, p.-p. Trade de Zoologie 13, (2), 1303-41. Paris. 534 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 boolootian, r. a. and Campbell, j. L. 1964. 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Hughes, Department of Geology, Sedgwick Museum, Downing Street, Cambridge, England, who will supply detailed instructions for authors on request (these are published in Palaeontology, 10, pp. 707-12). PALAEONTOLOGY VOLUME 12 • PART 3 CONTENTS Medusae from uppermost Precambrian or Cambrian sandstones, central Australia. By mary wade 351 Specific frequency and environmental indicators in two horizons of the Calcaire de Ferques (Upper Devonian), northern France. By peigi WALLACE 366 On the structure and relationships of a new Pennsylvanian species of the seed Pachytesta. By t. n. taylor and d. a. eggert 382 The ontogeny of the thecideacean brachiopod Moorellina granulosa (Moore) from the Middle Jurassic of England. By P. g. baker 388 A conodont assemblage from the Carboniferous of the Avon Gorge, Bristol. By r. l. Austin and f. h. t. Rhodes 400 The Tremadoc trilobite Pseudokainella impar (Salter). By p. h. whitworth 406 A new species of Aulacotheca (Pteridospermales) from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Iowa. By d. a. eggert and r. w. kryder 414 Miospores from the Lower Carboniferous Basement Beds in the Menai Straits region of Caernarvonshire, north Wales. By f. a. hibbert and w. s. LACEY 420 Megaspore assemblages from Visean deposits at Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland. By e. spinner 441 Crustacean burrows in the Weald Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of south- eastern England and their environmental significance. By w. J. KENNEDY and J. D. S. MACDOUGALL 459 New spiriferid brachiopods from the Lower Devonian of New South Wales. By n. m. savage 472 A Cretaceous echinoid with false teeth. By p. m. kier 488 Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel — a Middle Cambrian chordate with echino- derm affinities. By r. p. s. jefferies 494 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD BY VIVIAN RIDLER, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY VOLUME 12 • PART 4 Palaeontology DECEMBER 1969 PUBLISHED BY THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION LONDON Price £3 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION The Association was founded in 1957 to further the study of palaeontology. It holds meetings and demonstrations, and publishes the quarterly journal Palaeontology and Special Papers in Palaeontology. Membership is open to individuals, institutions, libraries, etc., on payment of the appropriate annual subscription: Institute membership £7. Os. (U.S. $20.00) Ordinary membership £5. Os. (U.S. $13.00) Student membership £3. 0s. (U.S. $8.00) There is no admission fee. Institute membership is only available by direct application, not through agents. Student members are persons receiving full-time instruction at educational institutions recognized by the Council; on first applying for membership, they should obtain an application form from the Membership Treasurer. All subscriptions are due each January, and should be sent to the Membership Treasurer, Dr. A. J. Lloyd, Department of Geology, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. 1, England. COUNCIL 1969-70 President: Professor Alwyn Williams, The Queen’s University, Belfast Vice-Presidents : Dr. W. S. McKerrow, Department of Geology, Oxford Dr. C. Downie, The University, Sheffield Treasurer: Dr. J. M. Hancock, Department of Geology, King’s College, London, W.C. 2 Membership Treasurer: Dr. A. J. Lloyd, Department of Geology, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. 1 Secretary: Dr. W. D. I. Rolfe, Hunterian Museum, The University, Glasgow, W. 2 Editors Mr. N. F. Hughes, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge Dr. Gwyn Thomas, Department of Geology, Imperial College, London, S.W. 7 Dr. Isles Strachan, Department of Geology, The University, Birmingham, 15 Professor M. R. House, The University, Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire Dr. R. Goldring, Department of Geology, The University, Reading, Berks. Other members of Council Dr. F. M. Broadhurst, Manchester Dr. L. R. M. Cocks, London Dr. C. B. Cox, London Mr. D. Curry, Northwood Dr. A. Hallam, Oxford Dr. Julia Hubbard, London Dr. J. D. Hudson, Leicester Dr. W. J. Kennedy, Oxford Dr. J. D. Lawson, Glasgow Dr. E. P. F. Rose, London Dr. C. T. Scrutton, Newcastle Dr. V. G. Walmsley, Swansea Professor H. B. Whtttington, Cambridge Overseas Representatives Australia: Professor Dorothy Hill, Department of Geology, University of Queensland, Brisbane Canada: Dr. D. J. McLaren, Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, 3303-33rd Street NW., Calgary, Alberta India: Professor M. R. Sahni, 98 The Mall, Lucknow (U.P.), India New Zealand: Dr. C. A. Fleming, Geological Survey, P.O. Box 368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand West Indies and Central America: Mr. John B. Saunders, Geological Laboratory, Texaco Trinidad Inc., Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad, West Indies Western U.S. A.: Professor J. Wyatt Durham, Department of Palaeontology, University of California, Berkeley 4, California Eastern U.S. A. : Professor J. W. Wells, Department of Geology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New Y ork © The Palaeontological Association, 1969 A NEW FAMILY OF CARBONIFEROUS AMPHIBIANS by ROBERT L. CARROLL Abstract. The morphology of a new Carboniferous amphibian, Acherontiscus caledomae, combines cranial characteristics typical of lepospondyls with a vertebral structure resembling that of embolomeres. The skull is relatively small and the trunk region quite long. Limbs are apparently poorly developed. This form cannot be placed in any of the recognized amphibian orders, but presumably represents an isolated lineage which originated prior to the establishment of the definitive characteristics which differentiate all known lepospondyls and labyrinthodonts. Acherontiscus is designated the type of a new family, Acherontiscidae. This genus is based on a single specimen from the Royal Scottish Museum which had no horizon or locality data. The matrix contains spores which indicate a horizon from the upper part of the Visean to about the middle of the Namurian. Since the publication of Zittel’s Handbuch der Pacelontologie (1890), it has been generally accepted that two major groups of Palaeozoic amphibians could be recog- nized: labyrinthodonts and lepospondyls. The groups included by him in the Lepo- spondyli — microsaurs, nectrideans, and aistopods — had been recognized by the Miall commission somewhat earlier, but at that time (1875) they were only vaguely defined and not really distinguished from labyrinthodonts. Zittel’s grouping was based pri- marily on the structure of the vertebrae. Labyrinthodonts (or, to use Romer’s (1933) term applying to the vertebrae, apsidospondyls) have distinct ‘arch’ centra: posteriorly the pleurocentrum, frequently paired, and anteriorly the intercentrum. These clearly correspond to the vertebral components in amniotes. Lepospondyls have typically been described as having holospondylous or husk vertebrae — a single central ossification for each segment. The gross similarity between the structure in lepospondyls and that in adult salamanders has led to the assumption that embryological development followed a similar pattern in both groups, with direct ossification from the perichordal sheath. The presumed distinction in the pattern of embryological development in the two groups of Palaeozoic amphibians makes it difficult, if not impossible, to homologize their components, although it has been suggested that the lepospondyl centrum was comparable with either the pleurocentrum (Parsons and Williams 1963) or the inter- centrum (Thomson 1967, Carroll 1967) of labyrinthodonts. In addition to the vertebral pattern, a series of cranial features also distinguish laby- rinthodonts and lepospondyls. Labyrinthodonts (discussed at length by Romer in 1947, 1963, and 1964) typically have labyrinthine infolding of the enamel, large fangs on the ectopterygoids, palatines, and frequently the vomers, and typically parasymphyseal tusks. They generally possess an otic notch dorsal to the quadrate, and the stapes is directed laterally or dorso-laterally. Lepospondyls (reviewed by Baird 1965), in contrast, lack labyrinthine infolding of the enamel and distinct fangs on the palatal bones. They all appear to lack an otic notch. The stapes is directed ventro-laterally toward the quad- rate. Lepospondyls (as most clearly shown in microsaurs, Carroll and Baird 1968) have a very well-developed articulation between the occipital condyle and atlas-axis complex in which the atlas fits into a large strap-shaped recess formed by the exoccipitals and [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 4, 1969, pp. 537-48] C 6940 N n 538 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 basioccipital. Although the articulation is not as well defined in labyrinthodonts, the occipital condyle is typically a knob-shaped structure which fits into a ring formed by the atlas intercentrum, pleurocentrum, and paired arches. The latter pattern becomes better defined in early reptiles. In addition to these fairly clearly defined anatomical differences, lepospondyls can also be characterized by their tendency to be small, aquatic forms, many of which have feeble limbs. In contrast to labyrinthodonts, lepospondyls are not known to have a distinct larval stage exhibiting external gills. It has been possible to fit all adequately known Palaeozoic amphibians into one or other of these major taxonomic categories. The distinctions appear complete even in early Mississippian lepospondyls (notably the ai'stopods, Baird 1964) and the Upper Devonian ichthyostegids (Jarvik 1952). Despite the obvious distinctions between laby- rinthodonts and lepospondyls, however, it is considered that they have a common ancestry, for, to quote Baird (1965, p. 293): ‘a duplicate origin of the tetrapod appen- dicular skeleton is simply incredible.’ The reason for reviewing the established classification of Palaeozoic amphibians is the discovery of a single specimen from the collections of the Royal Scottish Museum which appears to combine the characteristics of both labyrinthodonts and lepospondyls. This specimen, R.S.M. no. 1967/13/1, was discovered in a search for lepospondyls and early reptiles made in 1964. The specimen appeared to resemble the pattern of typical micro- saurs such as Microbrachis and Hyloplesion in having a small head and an elongate body, with little or no evidence of limbs. The skull grossly resembled that of gym- narthrids in having the orbits far forward and in possessing a small number of blunt cheek teeth. As originally preserved, the post-cranial skeleton showed very few details. The importance of the specimen was not recognized until a cast was made which revealed a series of vertebrae preserved as impressions. Instead of a series of single, elongate centra, as in microsaurs, the vertebrae were clearly formed on the pattern of embolomeres, with two rather similar, spool-shaped centra per segment. The specimen obviously belongs not only to a new genus, but also to an entirely new lineage, other- wise unreported in the fossil record of the Carboniferous. The purpose of this paper is to describe this particular specimen, and to discuss the current concept of the classification of the lepospondyls in light of its anatomy. Class AMPHIBIA Subclass and Order Undesignated ACHERONTISCIDAE llOV. Diagnosis. Small stegocephalian amphibia with both pleurocentra and intercentra well- developed cylinders. Skull with lateral line canals, orbits far forward, no otic notch, teeth without labyrinthine infolding of enamel. Dermal pectoral girdle well developed. Long trunk region. acherontiscus gen. nov. Type species. Acherontiscus caledoniae gen. et sp. nov. Diagnosis. Same as for family. The generic name follows Cope’s practice of naming serpentiform lepospondyls for tributaries of the Styx: Cocytinus, Phlegethontia, etc. CARROLL: A NEW FAMILY OF CARBONIFEROUS AMPHIBIANS 539 Acherontiscus caledoniae gen. et sp. nov. Holotype. 1967/13/1 in the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. Skull and associated postcranial skeleton. This is the only known specimen. Locality and horizon. The specimen bears no data as to horizon, locality or collector. The matrix is a fine-grained coal shale which resembles that of amphibians from the Loanhead No. 2 Ironstone of the Limestone Coal Group at Burghlee, Midlothian, which is lower Upper Carboniferous in British terms and equivalent to the Continental Namurian A and the American Upper Mississippian. Ostracods preserved with the specimen have been variously identified. According to Dr. Robinson, University College, University of London, all are assignable to Carbonita ( Carbonia ) fabulina , which inhabits coal shale facies from the Visean to the Coal Measures. Dr. Pollard, at Manchester, identifies most as Carbonita humilis, and others dubiously as Carbonita infiata. He suggests that these specimens may indicate Coal Measures, most likely Westphalian A or B. Dr. A. H. V. Smith of the National Coal Board examined a piece of the matrix and reported that it: ‘contained an assemblage of spores rich in species including such forms as Cingulizonates cf capistratus, Rotaspora knoxi and Tripartites trilinguis. By considering the stratigraphic ranges of all the species recovered from the sample, it is possible to assign the miospore flora to a horizon within Assemblage III of Smith and Butterworth 1967. In Scotland this Assemblage ranges from the upper part of the Lower Limestone Group, through the Limestone Coal Group to upper part of the Upper Limestone Group. In terms of the Heerlen classification, these lithological divisions range from Upper part of Visean to about the middle of the Namurian. . . . The horizon is definitely not Coal Measures.’ Athough there is some question as to the exact age of this specimen, it is of sufficient anatomical significance to warrant description. Description. The skull is exposed primarily from the right side. It is flattened, with much of the original bone surface badly damaged. In order to determine the position of the sutures more accurately, an attempt was made to etch away the bone so as to expose the impression of the ventral surface. The skull roof and lower jaws were crushed so closely together that what matrix there may have been between them was lost in the etching of the bone. This led to the etching of all three bone layers. It was hence felt better to save the poorly exposed dorsal surface, rather than to attempt further preparation. To judge from the apparently complete right lower jaw, almost the entire length of the skull is preserved. The premaxillae are missing, however, and possibly small areas of the nasal and lacrimal bones. These bones appear to extend almost to the external naris, but the posterior margin of this opening is not clearly defined. As preserved, the skull is 16-5 mm. in length. In contrast to typical labyrinthodonts, the orbit is very small (approximately 2-4 mm. in diameter) and is located far anteriorly (its posterior margin is 10-5 mm. from the rear margin of the skull). Where the original surface of the bone is preserved, the posterior roofing bones are sculptured with shallow, irregular pits, somewhat as in the microsaur Tuditanus. The more anterior bones, particularly the frontal, are essentially smooth. Lateral line canals are evident on the supra-temporal, post-orbital, prefrontal, and lacrimal. What is preserved of this system suggests an arrangement typical of that of aquatic labyrinthodonts. As in the microsaur Micro- brachis, the posterior portion of the skull is very wide. The crushing and loss of much of the original surface makes it difficult to substantiate the pattern of the dermal bones. Three bones may, nevertheless, be fairly clearly dis- tinguished across the back of the skull. These may be designated as supra-temporal, squamosal, and quadratojugal. One important point that can be safely established is the large size of the supra-temporal, since much of the surface of this bone is preserved. Such a large bone in this position follows the pattern of microsaurs and is distinct from that of labyrinthodonts. Although poorly preserved, the posterior margin of the cheek 540 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 C 1 cm ‘==3*? text-fig. 1. Acherontiscus caledoniae. A. Skeleton, skull and dermal shoulder girdle drawn as a mirror image; postcranial skeleton drawn from rubber mould. Numbers indicate vertebral count, x 1 b. Skull and dermal shoulder girdle. X 3. c. Restoration of skull. X 3. d. Single ventral scale in medial view, x 12. CARROLL: A NEW FAMILY OF CARBONIFEROUS AMPHIBIANS 541 region appears to have been nearly vertical, without an otic notch. The anterior extent of the supra-temporal, squamosal, and quadratojugal is difficult to ascertain, but they may be reconstructed as meeting the jugal and post-orbital in the manner of Micro- brachis (Steen 1938). The mid-dorsal region of the skull is not well preserved posteriorly; there may have been small postparietals as in Microbrachis. The parietal appears to extend a lappet laterally between the supra-temporal and post-frontal; the area of the pineal foramen is missing. The left post-frontal, post-orbital, and jugal are disarticu- lated and lie behind the remainder of the skull. The post-frontal is shown as an im- pression of its ventral surface, the post-orbital as an impression of the lateral surface, and the jugal is exposed medially. The latter shows very large areas of overlap with the post-orbital, squamosal, and quadratojugal. The portion of these bones entering the margin of the orbit seems to be somewhat different from those of the corresponding bones preserved on the right side, but this is not surprising considering the extent of overlap shown by the jugal. The frontal appears much longer than the nasal, but the former bone was probably overlapped quite extensively by the parietal. Where the sur- face is preserved, the maxilla appears smooth. The upper dentition is obscured by that of the lower jaw. Neither the palate nor the braincase is exposed, nor can these structures be readily prepared without danger to the skull roof. The right jaw, which is displaced slightly posteriorly, reaches just beyond the posterior margin of the cheek. The anterior end narrows, suggesting that only a very short portion has been lost. Like the other bones, those of the lower jaw have lost most of their surface. It remains only on the antero-ventral margin of the dentary, which shows no sculpturing. No lateral line canal grooves are preserved on the lower jaw. Including the impressions of the anterior teeth, 16 are present in the lower jaw, with room for at least 2 more. The posterior 7 teeth are bluntly-rounded cones, while those more anterior are slim and sharply pointed. The posterior teeth were ‘sectioned’ by some earlier pre- parator, showing that the pulp cavity is very large and that the enamel is definitely not infolded. The tips of the posterior teeth are not well exposed in the right jaw, but those of the left can be seen protruding through the skull roof in the area of the post-orbital. They are laterally compressed and marked by vertical ridges, much as the teeth of Cardiocephalus (Gregory, Peabody, and Price 1956, p. 18). They show little, if any, wear. There is no evidence for more than a single row of marginal teeth. The posterior portion of the lower jaw is very deeply worn, making it impossible to establish sutures between the dentary, angular, and surangular. The medial surface of the left jaw is exposed behind the skull. It is very poorly preserved. The articular surface appears to be at the level of the posterior end of the jaw, with no retro-articular process. Immediately behind the skull are a number of bones which presumably are remains of the visceral arch apparatus. They resemble in general the bones described by Sollas (1920, p. 513, fig. 39) in Lysorophus, but their disarticulation in Acherontiscus precludes homologizing the individual elements. What is visible of the structure of the skull resembles in general that of lepospondyls such as the ‘typical’ microsaurs Microbrachis and Cardiocephalus. It shows none of the characteristics expected in labyrinthodonts, such as infolding of the enamel, multiple bones in the temporal region, or an otic notch. Aside from the dermal shoulder girdle, the post-cranial skeleton of this animal was prepared by etching away the bone with hydrochloric acid and casting the rssulting 542 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 impressions with silicone rubber. This results in the post-cranial skeleton being viewed from the opposite side from the skull, and explains the necessarily composite nature of text-fig. 1 . This method of preparation was necessary since the bone surface as exposed was so damaged and weathered that very little structure could be determined. The vertebral column is visible primarily in ventral view, with the neural arches only occasionally exposed. The centra, in contrast, are readily seen for much of the length of text-fig. 2. Acherontiscus cciledoniae. Postcranial skeleton drawn in three sections. X 3. the column. It is immediately apparent from their configuration and from the arrange- ment of the few neural arches present, that each vertebra consists of two centra, typi- cally complete cylinders, which may be compared with the intercentra and pleurocentra of embolomeres and other labyrinthodonts. There is absolutely no question of the association of the skull and these vertebrae, which demonstrates a combination of lepospondyl cranial features and apsidospondylous vertebral structure in a single form. The first segment has only a single centrum. Posterior to this, some 32 central pairs are exposed in sequence. More posteriorly, the column is intermittently visible, with CARROLL: A NEW FAMILY OF CARBONIFEROUS AMPHIBIANS 543 much of it represented only by a depression in the matrix. A few vertebrae are more clearly exposed at the extremity of the column. The entire trunk region and most, if not all, of the tail were apparently in place, with the elements quite well articulated, when the animal was buried. By extrapolation from the well-preserved sections, a total of approximately 64 vertebrae were present. The posterior 3 or 4 show haemal arches and so are definitely caudals. More caudal vertebrae may originally have been present, but the series ends without reaching the margin of the block. Bones which may represent elements from the pelvic girdle and rear limb are present in the area from the 26th through the 31st vertebra. This suggests approximately 27 presacrals, although this is only very tentatively established. At least as far back as the 36th vertebra the intercentra are not modified to support haemal arches, although poorly preserved structures which might be so identified are present in the area of approximately the 40th vertebra. There is some regional variation in the centra. There was apparently only one element in the 1st segment, a narrow crescentic pleurocentrum. It would be very interesting to know the manner of articulation between the anterior cervicals and the brain-case, but it is impossible to determine this on the basis of this skeleton as it is preserved. The 2nd segment consists of a crescentic intercentrum, which bears facets for the articulation of the capitulum of the first cervical ribs, and a rather short pleurocentrum. Apparently the first 4 pleurocentra are crescentic rather than cylindrical, judging from the 4th which is disarticulated. The 5th and those more posterior are complete cylinders, but retain a large passage for the notochord. All (except the two most anterior) are considerably longer than the intercentra. The 6th intercentrum is displaced and evidently crescentic. The 25th, 26th, and 27th intercentra are visible end-on and are cylindrical, with most, if not all, of the notochordal canal closed. With the centra oriented as they are, it is not possible to judge where, between the 6th and 25th segments, they become cylindrical. In addition to their short length, the intercentra are characterized by the presence of facets for the articulation of the capitulum of the ribs. Dorsal to the area for rib articulation, the surface of the intercentra is of unfinished bone, presumably marking the area for articulation with the neural arch. Both pleurocentra and intercentra are marked laterally and ventrally by a regular pattern of deep pits, giving them a marked resemblance to those of embolomeres. The posterior caudal vertebrae differ from those in the trunk region in being less deeply and regularly pitted, and seem to have rather thin walls. The intercentra more closely ap- proach the length of the pleurocentra in this region. The pleurocentra, and apparently the intercentra as well, are complete cylinders as far posteriorly as the tail is preserved. The haemal arches appear to articulate with rather than being solidly attached to the intercentra. Poorly preserved neural arches are present on the 26th, 30th, and 31st vertebra. The most posterior is visible ventrally, showing both posterior zygapophyses. The two halves of the arch are completely fused. The neural spines appear to be short and located far posteriorly. The pedicle of the arch and the transverse process are never well exposed. Where visible, the arches are disarticulated from the centra. It is probable from the structure of the centra that, as in embolomeres, they were never solidly attached. Fragments of ribs are visible throughout the column; none are well preserved, and the articulating surfaces appear incompletely ossified. Since there are well-ossified facets for the articulation of the capitulum on the intercentrum, it is probable that the ribs were 544 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 double headed in the manner of embolomeres and most early reptiles and typical micro- saurs. Their length can be nowhere adequately established, but there does not appear to be any marked modification in length in the suggested area of the pelvic girdle, except for the ‘sacral ribs’ themselves. Structures which appear to be quite long ribs extend nearly to the end of the vertebral column. The dermal shoulder girdle is represented by the interclavicle, in the form of a large oval plate, and the clavicles. The left clavicle is complete, with a narrow, unsculptured blade, and a short, thick stem. The interclavicle is marked ventrally by a very low median ridge, and fine radiating grooves. It is complete posteriorly and definitely has no stem. The anterior margin is covered by the clavicles, preventing determination of the presence of a fimbrilated margin. Neither the cleithra nor the endochondral shoulder girdle is visible. No elements identifiable as belonging to the fore limb are visible. Considering the size of the bones of the dermal shoulder girdle, it would be most surprising if this animal lacked forelimbs. They may, however, have been small and/or poorly ossified, or lost prior to burial. Nothing can be very confidently identified as representing the pelvic girdle and rear limb. There are a few elements in the area of the 26th through 31st vertebrae which are definitely not normal ribs or vertebral elements. Two, apparently paired, blocks are adjacent to the 28th vertebra. They might represent remnants of the pelvic girdle, but they do not compare with any bones described from other Paleozoic tetrapods. They are quite thick and well ossified, except for margins which appear to be surfaces of articulation. They might conceivably be sacral ribs. A pair of bones reasonably identi- fiable as limb elements is found adjacent to the 26th and 31st vertebra. Each is approxi- mately the length of a single segment. They resemble in a vague way the tibia of other Palaeozoic tetrapods, but, in the absence of other evidence, they could as well be the femora of this animal. Some of the bones in this region, otherwise accepted as ribs, may be part of the appendicular skeleton. It is unfortunate, in the light of the very interesting evidence of the axial skeleton, that so little of the appendicular skeleton is preserved in this animal. Numerous fragmentary scales are associated with Acherontiscus. Most are poorly preserved, represented by roughly oval patches of fine parallel rods, resembling in a general way the dorsal scales of microsaurs. One scale, shown in text-fig. Id, is almost complete and resembles closely the ventral scales of microsaurs, as viewed medially (Carroll and Baird 1968, fig. 20). Although more closely resembling those of micro- saurs, the scales of Acherontiscus also resemble in a general way those of such laby- rinthodonts as Trimerorhachis (Colbert 1955). The presence of lateral line canals indicates that Acherontiscus was primarily aquatic. This habit would explain the small size and incomplete ossification of the elements of the pelvic girdle and rear limb (assuming that they have been correctly identified). Such poor ossification might also be attributed to immaturity. Judging from the solid attachment of the bones of the skull and the degree of ossification of the vertebrae, this animal appears to be essentially mature. In lepospondyls in general, however, there is very little difference in the anatomy of individuals of different size within a given texon. The fairly long trunk region, as well as the small size of the skull, suggests a snake-like habitus. As has been suggested by Panchen (1966) and Parrington (1967, p. 277), the CARROLL: A NEW FAMILY OF CARBONIFEROUS AMPHIBIANS 545 development of an embolomerous or lepospondylous vertebral structure are both methods of lengthening the segments so as to assist a sinuous type of locomotion, usually associated with an aquatic habit and anguilliform swimming. Taxonomic position. The significance of this specimen is its combination of cranial features accepted as typifying lepospondyls with a vertebral structure closely resembling that of embolomerous labyrinthodonts. This combination makes classification of this particular genus difficult, but contributes to our understanding of vertebral homologies among other Palaeozoic amphibians. The great range in vertebral structure among the labyrinthodonts indicates that this feature alone is not a sufficient basis for classification within that group. Within both the temnospondyls and anthracosaurs the pleurocentrum varies from being a major structural element to being little more than an accessory. The relative importance of the intercentrum likewise differs greatly within each group. Although such a range in vertebral structure has not been recognized among the lepospondyls, the presence of haemal arches in Pantylus and Lysorophus (Carroll 1968) indicates that multipartite vertebral centra do occur within that group. The pattern of the bones of the skull roof appears a much more valid basis for classi- fying both labyrinthodonts and lepospondyls. Ichthyostegids, anthracosaurs, and tem- nospondyls can all be defined on the basis of the relative position of the bones in the temporal series (Romer 1947). No labyrinthodonts are known which have a pattern which could be confused with that of any described lepospondyl. The patterns within each of the lepospondyl groups seem similarly stereotyped. All typical microsaurs have a particular pattern (Carroll and Baird 1968) as do the better-known lysorophids and adelogyrinids (Carroll 1967). The pattern of the skull roof of Acherontiscus resembles most closely that of the microsaur Microbrachis. The absence of an otic notch and labyrinthine infolding of the enamel support association with lepospondyls, as do the general body proportions. This genus differs from all labyrinthodonts in these features. The presence of multipartite centra indicates closer association with microsaurs and lysorophids than with aistopods or nectrideans, but no more specific assignment of this genus among the lepospondyls is possible. The dentition is similar to that of the gymnarthrid microsaurs, but this prob- ably does not indicate any particularly close relationship. The fact that Acherontiscus is as old or older than any of the known microsaurs makes it a possible ancestor to some or all members of that group, but there is no very convincing evidence for this while the well-developed embolomerous vertebral pattern suggests that it diverged from the lineage leading toward microsaurs at a stage when neither had yet developed its defini- tive vertebral pattern. On the basis of our present knowledge of the one described genus, the family Acheron- tiscidae should be recognized as representing an isolated lineage, of equivalent rank with nectrideans, aistopods, lysorophids, adelogyrinids, and typical microsaurs. DISCUSSION Acceptance of Acherontiscus as a lepospondyl raises several problems in regard to our concept of that group. This genus provides the first conclusive evidence of the presence of multiple central elements in the trunk region. There seems no reason to argue against 546 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 the obvious identification of these structures as intercentra and pleurocentra, or to reject their general homology with their counterparts in labyrinthodonts. The presence of haemal arches in Pantylus (Carroll 1968) and ‘ Hylonomus' fritschia (Credner 1885) supports identification of the major central elements as pleurocentra in microsaurs as well, although trunk intercentra have never been conclusively demonstrated in this group. Haemal arches, but not trunk intercentra, are also present in the lysorophids Lysorophus (Carroll 1968) and Molgophis. It seems plausible to assume that primitive microsaurs and lysorophids derived their vertebral structure from an apsidospondylous pattern. Unfortunately no members of either group are known prior to the Lower Pennsylvanian, by which time all genera had lost all trace of trunk intercentra and most typical microsaurs had eliminated the haemal arches as well. Acherontiscus, from the earlier Carboniferous, appears to have retained a more primitive configuration. If the central elements in typical microsaurs, lysorophids and acherontiscids can be homologized with those of labyrinthodonts, can these forms be considered as lepo- spondyls ? The term lepospondyl may be used in a descriptive manner, as does Romer in 1966: ‘. . . the centrum forms as a single, spool-shaped bony cylinder around the noto- chord . . (p. 96), or to imply a particular mode of embryonic development \ . . in which arch-centra preformed in cartilage do not occur; instead, the centrum forms directly as a bony cylinder around the notochord’ (Romer 1945, pp. 157-8). In terms of adult structure, there is no evidence for more than a single vertebral element in either the trunk or tail of any nectridean or aistopod, although the vertebral anatomy is well known. In both groups, outgrowths from the major central elements in the tail act as haemal arches, precluding the presence of a separate element with this function. What- ever their homology, the vertebrae in these forms are structurally lepospondylous. At present we have no way of knowing whether the intercentra and pleurocentra of Acherontiscus are preformed in cartilage, or ossify directly as bony sheaths around the notochord. It is possible that the retention of multipartite central elements indicates retention of the primitive developmental pattern, but there is no proof of this. Unless one assumes that the developmental pattern in nectrideans, and presumably ai'stopods, implies a separate origin for the vertebrae from that described for laby- rinthodonts and other lepospondyls, the centra in all amphibian groups must be generally homologous. This implies a suppression of the normal cartilaginous precursors of the centra in nectrideans, if not in other forms which are structurally lepospondylous. It seems probable that the small size of the vertebrae and their simple structure in the adult made such abbreviated development possible. If the vertebral structure and developmental pattern in nectrideans was initially derived from the rhipidistian or labyrinthodont condition, then the adult configuration in Acherontiscus , lysorophids, and microsaurs can be accepted as representing slightly more primitive stages in the same general pattern. In all but Acherontiscus, there is a strong tendency to develop a single central element. On this basis, all of these forms may be retained within the Lepospondyli, whatever the pattern of embryonic development. Despite the common tendency toward a holospondylous vertebral structure, small size, and aquatic habit, there is little convincing evidence that all of the groups accepted as lepospondyls share a single common ancestry separate from the labyrinthodonts (Parrington 1967). Whatever the developmental pattern, the adult structure of the vertebrae clearly separates ai'stopods and nectrideans from microsaurs, lysorophids, and CARROLL: A NEW FAMILY OF CARBONIFEROUS AMPHIBIANS 547 acherontiscids. The morphology of each group is stereotyped and distinctive throughout its known fossil record. They are united primarily by their common distinctiveness from labyrinthodonts. It is quite conceivable that all of the known lineages evolved separately from primitive labyrinthodonts or their ancestors among the rhipidistians. While knowledge of Acherontiscus appears to confirm the homology of the major central elements in microsaurs and lysorophids with the pleurocentra in labyrinthodonts it contributes little to our understanding of the vertebrae in nectrideans or aistopods and emphasizes the difficulties in classifying the lepospondyls in general. Acknowledgements. I wish to thank Dr. Waterston and Dr. Miles of the Royal Scottish Museum for permission to borrow, prepare and describe Acherontiscus. Dr. E. Robinson, University College London and Dr. Pollard, Manchester University, were very helpful in identifying the ostracods associated with this specimen. Particular thanks are due to Dr. A. H. V. Smith of the National Coal Board for identification of the associated spores. Dr. Baird provided much useful information con- cerning the ontogeny of labyrinthodonts and lepospondyls and many stimulating comments as to the taxonomic position and anatomical significance of this genus. REFERENCES baird, d. 1964. The ai'stopod amphibians surveyed. Breviora , 206, 1-17. 1965. Paleozoic lepospondyl amphibians. Am. Zool. 5, 287-94. carroll, r. l. 1967. An adelogyrinid lepospondyl amphibian from the Upper Carboniferous. Can. J. Zool. 45, 1-16. 1968. The postcranial skeleton of the Permian microsaur Pantylus. Ibid. 46, 1175-92. and baird, d. 1968. The Carboniferous amphibian Tuditanus [ Eosauravus ] and the Distinction between Microsaurs and Reptiles. Am. Mas. Novit. 2337, 1-50. colbert, e. h. 1955. Scales in the Permian amphibian Trimerorachis. Ibid. 1740, 1-17. credner, h. 1885. Die Stegocephalen aus dem Rothliegenden des Plauenschen Grundes bei Dresden. V Theil. Z. dtsch. geo/. Ges. 37, 694-736. Gregory, j. t., peabody, f. e., and price, l. i. 1956. Revision of the Gymnarthridae, American Permian microsaurs. Bull. Peabody Mas. 10, 1-77. jarvik, e. 1952. On the fish-like tail in the ichthyostegid stegocephalians. With descriptions of a new stegocephalian and a new crossopterygian from the Upper Devonian of East Greenland. Meddr Gran land 114, 1-90, 21 pis. miall, l. c. 1875. Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor Huxley, Professor Harkness, F.R.S., Henry Woodward, F.R.S., James Thomson, John Brigg, and L. C. Miall, on the structure and classification of the Labyrinthodonts. Drawn up by L. C. Miall, Secretary to the Committee. Rep. Br. Ass. Advmt. Sci. 149-92, pis. iv-vii. panchen, a. l. 1966. The axial skeleton of the labyrinthodont Eogyrinus attheyi. J. zool. Lond. 150, 199-222. parrington, f. r. 1967. The vertebrae of early tetrapods. Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, No. 163, Problemes actuels de paleontologie (evolution des vertebres), 269-79. parsons, t. s. and williams, e. e. 1963. The relationships of the modern Amphibia: A re-examination. Q. Rev. Biol. 38, 26-53. romer, a. s. 1933. Vertebrate paleontology. 1st ed. Chicago. 1945. Ibid. 2nd ed. Chicago. 1947. Review of the Labyrinthodontia. Bull. Mus. comp. Zook Harv. 99, 3-352. 1963. The larger embolomerous amphibians of the American Carboniferous. Ibid. 128, 415-54, pis. 1-2. 1964. The skeleton of the Lower Carboniferous labyrinthodont Pholidogaster pisciformis. Ibid. 131, 129-156, pi. 1. 1966. Vertebrate Paleontology. 3rd ed. Chicago. 548 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 smith, a. h. v. and butterworth, m. a. 1967. Miospores in the coal seams of the Carboniferous of Great Britain. Spec. Paper Palaeont. 1. sollas, w. j. 1920. On the structure of Lysorophus as exposed by serial sections. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Ser. B , 209, 481-527. steen, m. 1938. On the fossil Amphibia from the Gas Coal of Nyrany and other deposits in Czecho- slovakia. Proc. zool. Soc. Load. 108, 205-83. Thomson, k. s. 1 967. Notes on the relationships of the rhipidistian fishes and the ancestry of the tetrapods. J. Paleont. 41, 660-674. zittel, K. A. 1 890. Handbuch der Palceontologie. Ill Band. Vertebrata ( Pisces , Amphibia , Reptilia, Aves). Miinchen und Leipzig. R. L. CARROLL Redpath Museum McGill University Typescript received 11 February 1969 Montreal 110, P.Q. A FA VREINA-THALASSINOIDES ASSOCIATION FROM THE GREAT OOLITE OF OXFORDSHIRE by W. J. KENNEDY, M. E. JAKOBSON, and R. T. JOHNSON Abstract. The crustacean microcoprolite, Favreina decemlunulatus (Parejas) is present in several beds of the Great Oolite Series at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire. It occurs in burrows of Thalassinoides type and was probably produced by a brachyuran crustacean. It is associated with a molluscan and annelid infauna in bioturbated sediments that have been interpreted as accumulating intertidally or just below low water mark (McKerrow et al. 1969). The ichnogenus Favreina Bronniman 1955 covers a variety of rod-like microfossils perforated by many fine calcite-filled longitudinal canals. Objects of this type have been described from many parts of the world, i.e. the Oligocene of Turkey (Altini, 1942), Jurassic of Switzerland (Joukowsky and Favre 1913), French Mesozoic (Cuvillier and Sacal 1956), Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Cuba (Parejas 1948, Bronniman 1955), and the Triassic to Miocene of the Middle East (Elliot 1962, 1963). Recognition of the true nature of these objects, as crustacean faeces, was first made by Parejas (1935, 1948) from the work of Moore (19326) on recent forms. We describe here the ichnogenus for the first time from Britain, on the basis of material from the Great Oolite Series (Jurassic, Bathonian) White Limestone and Forest Marble at Kirtlington Old Cement Works, Oxfordshire (National grid reference SP. 494199). This quarry has been described elsewhere (McKerrow et al. 1969). The only previous records of faecal pellets of this type in Britain are from the Chalk (i.e. Type A faecal pellet of Wilcox 1953; see also Kennedy 19676, p. 137, and Bromley 1967, p. 172), although unpublished observations suggest they occur at other localities in the Great Oolite and at other horizons in the Mesozoic. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Ichnogenus favreina Bronniman 1955 Ichnospecies Favreina decemlunulatus (Parejas) 1948 1948 Coprolithus decemlunulatus Parejas, p. 519, figs. 46- 8. Emended diagnosis. Favreina with ten crescentic longitudinal canals. The pellet is orna- mented externally by V-shaped transverse grooves. Description of the Kirtlington specimens. The pellets are rod-shaped, up to 1 cm. long, 1 mm. in diameter, and circular in cross-section. Externally (PI. 99, fig. 2), there is a distinctive ornament of V-shaped transverse grooves. In section (PI. 99, fig. 1, text-fig. 1), there is a distinct separation of the pellet into two zones, a central core and a surrounding envelope. The core consists of fine-grained carbonate sediment, the envelope of fine-grained calcite. They are distinguishable as a result of slight colour differences, the envelope being lighter than the core. The envelope may also be detached from the core around part of the pellet (PI. 99, fig. 1). [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 4, 1969, pp. 549-54, pi. 991 550 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 There are ten crescentic calcite-filled canals in the core. They are arranged symmetri- cally into an outer ring of eight about a central pair (PI. 99, fig. 1, text-fig. 1). Discussion. Favreina decemlunulatus can be separated from all previously described Favreina and Favreina- like pellets by virtue of the form, number and arrangement of the canals (see Table 1 in Elliot 1962, also Elliot 1963, p. 299). It is also the only Favreina in which an external ornament has been noted. Interpretation and occurrence. Faecal pellets of recent invertebrates have been described by a number of workers, i.e. Moore (I931u, b, 1932 a, b) and Edge (1934). It is clear from these works that only one group of animals, brachyuran crustaceans, could produce faecal pellets of Favreina type (Parejas 1948, Bronniman and Norton text-fig. 1. Diagrammatic cross-section of Favreina decemlunulatus. Actual diameter of pellet is 1 0 mm. approx. 1961, Elliot 1962, 1963). Here, material is passed down the stomach, and canals are pro- duced by a system of fleshy processes which project inwards from the stomach wall. These processes are at first flanges, but traced posteriorly, they become detached from the stomach wall, projecting as fleshy cylinders. As matter passes down the gut it is compacted around these cylinders, and faeces are voided with minute canals inside. When fossilized, these canals become filled with calcite, thus preserving traces of the passage of the soft parts of the animal concerned. In the recent crustaceans, there is variation in the type of pellet produced, in particular in the number and distribution of canals. This is a reflection of specific and generic differences in stomach structure. In particular the Galatheidae produce a pellet which has a well-differentiated ventral cap. We had thought to interpret the separation of the Kirtlington pellets into core and envelope as a comparable phenomenon, presumably the result of a comparable sorting mechanism in the Jurassic animal, but Dr. A. Kendall (Reading University) has told us that petrographic studies on the White Limestone of the Cotswolds show that such envelopes occur on non-skeletal grains. He suggests that EXPLANATION OF PLATE 99 Fig. 1. Thin section of part of a Favreina packed burrow, X 6. Fig. 2. Fractured surface of a Favreina packed burrow showing external ornament of pellets, X 6. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 99 KENNEDY, JAKOBSON and JOHNSON, Favreina KENNEDY, JAKOBSON, AND JOHNSON: FAVREIN A-TH A LA SS IN O I D ES 551 these envelopes are a diagenetic replacement of organic sheaths. In the case of Favreina, the sheath was probably a mucilaginous coat, present at the time of extrusion, but now replaced by calcite. The remarkable ornament present on the ‘solid’ Jurassic specimens of F. decemlunu- latus (the original account is based on sections of Oligocene material) is the first record of such structure in Favreina. Pellets of recent brachyurans appear to be smooth; the ornament of our material may have been produced in the gut of the animal, but it seems more likely that it is the result 50 cm text-fig. 2. Sketch of Thalassinoides burrow systems on bottom surfaces of limestones from the basal Forest Marble, Kirtlington, Oxfordshire. of a rhythmic contraction of the anus during defecation. Miller (1910) records such contractions in related Crustacea. F. decemlunulatus ranges throughout the whole of the White Limestone at Kirtlington although it is absent in some beds. It also occurs at the base of the Forest Marble (beds 3k, 4d, 6e, McKerrow et al. 1969). Two modes of occurrence can be recognized, as loose pellets in sediment, and as closely packed masses which are clearly filled burrows (PI. 99, figs. 1-2). In section, these burrows are elliptical, compressed parallel to the bedding, and have a breadth of from 2 to 5 cm. On bottom surfaces the burrows weather out, and have a striking polygonal branching form (text-figs. 2a, b). The burrows lie horizontally, and branch at 5-15 cm. intervals, widening at the point of branching. Several levels of burrowing can be recognized, but burrows rarely cut each other; the sediment is not intensively disturbed. These burrows can be referred to Thalassinoides. This ichnogenus was erected by Ehrenberg (1944), for ramifying burrow systems with Y-shaped branching points and local swellings, described by him from Miocene sands. These burrows were intimately associated with remains of Callianassa. 552 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Subsequently, these burrows have been recorded from many horizons and lithologies; in the British Mesozoic they have been recorded by Hallam (1961), Farrow (1966), Kennedy (1967 a , b ), and Bromley (1967). There is no doubt that these are crustacean burrows. In the Chalk they have been described associated with ‘anomuran’ faecal pellets (Kennedy 19676, Bromley 1967), and inferred to be the products of sediment eating crustaceans. This is also our interpretation of the Favreina-Thalassinoides association described here, although the dense packing of the burrows is unusual. The only comparable examples of this type of which we are aware are Ophiomorpha (‘ Hcilymenites ’) burrows described by Brown (1939). These too are callianassid burrows (Hantzschel 1952), and the pellets appear to be of Favreina type. That these pellets belong to some organism other than the excavator of the burrows is possible, but we see no evidence for this, i.e. traces of re-working within burrow fills. The explanation of the filling is far from clear. The nature of the packing is such as to preclude a passive filling by pellets washing into burrows by current action. It seems that the animals stuffed their burrows with pellets, rather than moving them some dis- tance to eject them at the surface. CONCLUSIONS Favreina and Thalassinoides occur associated in the Great Oolite Series at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire. This is in keeping with previous suggestions that both trace fossils are produced by anomuran crustaceans. As with most other occurrences of these trace fossils (Kennedy 1967 b) actual crusta- cean skeleta are rare in associated sediments. Three brachyurans are described from the Great Oolite Limestone of the Midlands by Woods (1925-31). These are the palinurids Mecochirus clypeatus (Carter) and Glyphea regleyana (Desmerest), and the astacurid Eryma bedelta (Quenstedt). Phillips (1871) also records Glyphea rostrata Phillips from Kirtlington. Of these, M. clypeatus is of a suitable shape and size to have occupied our Thalassin- oides burrows, and seems the most likely of the known crustacean fauna to have pro- duced both burrows and faecal pellets. Some poorly calcified form, not preserved at all could equally have been responsible. The beds in which the trace-fossils occur consist of shelly, oolitic, and marly lime- stones, often bioturbated, with a rich and variable fauna. Some beds, yielding brachio- pods ( Epithyris ) and mytilid bivalves ( Modiolus ) are interpreted as subtidal channel fills; other beds, with infaunal bivalves and annelids represent tidal flat deposits (McKerrow et ah 1969). The Favreina crustacean thus lived at, or close to low water mark; even if the animals colonized tidal flat environments, their burrows probably reached waterlogged sedi- ments. The extension of the recorded range of Favreina decemlunulatus into the Jurassic is not particularly remarkable. It does not automatically imply the altogether improbable occurrence of the same crustacean during 120 million years, rather it should be com- pared with the great time-range of other trace-fossils (Hantzschel 1962). KENNEDY, JAKOBSON, AND JOHNSON: FA VREINA-THALASSINOIDES 553 Acknowledgements. We acknowledge most gratefully the encouragement of Dr. W. S. McKerrow, and the assistance of Mr. G. F. Elliott and Dr. R. P. S. Jefferies towards the identification of our material. Dr. A. C. Kendall has kindly allowed us to quote from his unpublished researches on the Great Oolite. We thank Professor M. R. House for allowing us to publish his photographs of Favreina. REFERENCES altini, e. 1942. Etude geologique de la chaine cohere entre Bandirma-Gemlik. Istanb. Univ. Fen. Fak. Mean., Ser. B, 8, 76-137, 6 pi. bromley, r. g. 1967. Some observations on burrows of thalassinidean Crustacea in chalk hardgrounds. Q. Jl. geol. Soc. Lond. 123, 157-82, pi. 7-11. bronniman, p. 1955. Microfossils incertae sedis from the EJpper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Cuba. Micropaleontology , 1, 28-51, 2 pi. and Norton, p. a. 1961. On the classification of fossil fecal pellets and description of new forms from Cuba, Guatemala and Libya. Eclog. geol. Helv. 53, 832-42. brown, r. w. 1939. Fossil plants from the Colegate member of the Fox Hills sandstone and adjacent strata. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, Washington, 189-lc, 239-75, pi. 48-63. cuvillier, j. and SACAL, V. 1956. Stratigraphic correlations microfacies in western Aquitaine. 2nd ed., 1-33, pi. 1-100. Leiden. ehrenberg, k. 1944. Erganzende Bemerkungen zu den seinerzeit aus dem Miozan von Burgschleinitz beschreibenen Gangerkern und Bauten dekapoder Krebse. Paldont. Z. 23, 354-59. edge, e. r. 1934. Faecal pellets of some marine invertebrates. Am. Midi. Nat. 15, 78-84. elliott, g. f. 1962. More microproblematica from the Middle East. Micropaleontology, 8, 29-44, pi. 1-6. 1963. Problematical microfossils from the Cretaceous and Palaeocene of the Middle East. Palaeontology, 6, 293-300, pi. 46-7. farrow, g. e. 1966. Bathymetric zonation of Jurassic trace-fossils from the coast of Yorkshire, England. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 2, 103-51, pi. 1-7. hallam, a. 1961. A sedimentary and faunal study of the Blue Lias of Dorset and Glamorgan. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B) 243, 1-44, pi. 1-2. hantzschel, w. 1952. Die Lebensspur Ophiomorpha Lundgren im Miozan bei Hamburg, ihre welt- weite Verbreitung und Synonymie. Mitt. Geol. St. Inst. Hamb. 21, 142-53, pi. 13-14. 1962. Trace-fossils and Problematica. In Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part W, 177-245, figs. 109-49. New York. joukowsky, e. and favre, j. 1913. Monographic geologique et paleontologique du Saleve (Haute- Savoie, France). Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist, nat, Geneve, 37, 296-519. Kennedy, w. j. 1967«. Field Meeting at Eastbourne, Sussex. Proc. Geol. Ass. 77, 365-70. 1967 b. Burrows and surface traces from the Lower Chalk of South-east England. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) (Geol.) 15, 3, 125-67, 9 pis. mckerrow, w. s., Johnson, r. t. and jakobson, m. e. 1969. Palaeoecological studies in the Great Oolite at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire. Palaeontology, 12, 56-83, 2 pi. miller, f. r. 1910. On the rhythmic contractility of the anal musculature of the crayfish and lobster. J. Physiol. 40, 431-44. moore, h. b. 1 93 1 <7. The systematic value of a study of molluscan faeces. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 19, 281-90. • 19316. The specific identification of faecal pellets. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. n.s. 17, 359-65. — — 1932u. The faecal pellets of the Trochidae. Ibid. 18, 235-41. 19326. The faecal pellets of the Anomuran Crustacea. Proc. roy. Soc. Edinb. 52, 296-308. parejas, e. 1935. L’organisme B de E. Joukowsky et J. Favre. Arch. Sci. phys. nat. (5) 17, 221-4. 1948. Sur quelques coprolithes de crustaces. Arch. Sci. Geneve, 1, 512-20. Phillips, J. 1871. The geology of Oxford. C 6940 o o 554 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 wilcox, n. r. 1953. Some coprolites from phosphatic chalks in S.E. England. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12) 6, 369-75, pi. 11. woods, h. 1925-31. A monograph of the fossil Macrurous Crustacea of England. Palaeontogr. Soc. (Monogr.). W. J. KENNEDY Department of Geology and Mineralogy Parks Road Oxford M. E. JAKOBSON Department of Biology Royal Free Elospital School of Medicine 8 Hunter Street London, W.C. 1 R. T. JOHNSON Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Cancer Research University of Colorado Medical Centre Denver Typescript received 27 February 1969 Colorado, U.S.A. A NEW SPECIES OF FOSSIL TURTLE FROM THE UPPER SI WA LI KS OF PINJORE, INDIA by b. s. tewari and G. l. badam Abstract. A new species of freshwater fossil turtle, Geoclemys sivalensis n. sp. is described from the Pinjore Stage (basal Pleistocene) of the Upper Siwaliks near Chandigarh, India. Representatives of Testudines are known from the Lower as well as Upper Siwaliks (Smith 1931). The Lower Siwaliks have yielded nine species of turtles of the genera Chelonia, Trionyx, and Emys (Pascoe 1962). The Upper Siwaliks of the type region are fairly rich in representatives of the Reptilia but these need further study. This paper records the occurrence of the genus Geoclemys and describes a new species, Geoclemys sivalensis n. sp., from about 1 km. south-east of Quranwalla (30° 46' 5"; 76° 52' 50") in the type area of Pinjore. The geology of the area has recently been out- lined by Sahni and Khan (1959). The genus Geoclemys is a tropicopolitan freshwater land turtle and is represented in the present-day Indogangetic system by Geoclemys hamoltoni (Gray 1831). The species lives in well vegetated shallow, clear, freshwater of oxbow lakes and ponds. It is con- sidered that G. sivalensis, which is a closely related form, might have inhabited a similar environment. The Upper Siwalik sediments of the Pinjore Stage comprise alternations of clays, gravels, and sands with common cross-stratification, indicative of a fluvial facies. Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to Dr. L. B. Halstead (Reading University) for his criticism of the typescript, and to Miss Kamla Dutt (Panjab University) and Miss Lalita Kaw (Jammu and Kashmir University) for help during the preparation of this paper. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Order chelonia (testudinata) Family emydidae Gray 1825 Genus geoclemys Gray 1855 Geoclemys sivalensi sp. nov. Diagnosis. Carapace oblong and tricarinate, strongly arched transversely, lateral edges straight, margin not flared, nuchal pentagonal, three neurals, and three pairs of pleurals. Holotype: Carapace, A/665; Museum of Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. Locality and horizon : 1 km. south-east of Quranwalla, which is 6 km. northeast of Chandigarh Lake. Pinjore Stage (basal Pleistocene). Description. The carapace is oblong and tricarinate being strongly arched breadthwise and widest at about one-quarter the distance from the anterior end. The lateral edges of the carapace are straight and taper slightly towards the posterior margin which is not [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 4, 1969, pp. 555-8.] 556 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 text-fig. 2. Geoclemys sivalensis, n. sp., dorsal view of carapace, P.U. Mus. A/665. X TEWARI AND BADAM: PLEISTOCENE TURTLE 557 flared. Three interrupted keels or series of nodose prominences are present on the carapace. The pentagonal nuchal abuts against the first neural. There are three rect- angular neurals which tend to become hexagonal, the first having a convex anterior end, with an almost straight posterior end and with the lateral edges somewhat concave anteriorly. The second neural is the largest; a prominent median ridge with its highest point near the posterior end runs along the length of the neural continuing from one to the other. The pleurals appear to be in three pairs alternating with the neurals, the third TABLE 1 Measurements in millimetres: (E) estimated, (R) right side, (L) left side Carapace: length 230 (E), width 215, height 95 (E). Nuchal: length 26, maximum width 20, anterior width 1 1. Neurals: length width 1 71 52-5 2 67-7 48-5 3 51 45 Pleurals: (L) maximum minimum maximum minimum length length width width 1 101 69 100 74 2 46 — 101 — Pleurals: (R) 1 101 68 101 76 2 50 — 96-5 — Peripherals: (L) inner length outer length 1 38 50 2 36 39 3 85 47 4 44 (E) 47 (E) one is not preserved in the present specimen but its presence can be inferred from the part of the third neural present in the specimen. The first pair of pleurals are roughly rectangular with the antero-lateral edge arched and the surface marked with arched ribs indicating growth stages. Near the proximal end a ridge extends from the posterior margin towards the anterior side and gradually merges into the general level of the pleural. The second pair of pleurals seems to be rectangular but is incomplete in the present specimen, the ridges representing the growth-lines in this case are parallel to the lateral margin. The ridge on the proximal side, extending from posterior margin, runs anteriorly merging again into the general level of the pleural. It is also a continuation of the ridge seen on the first pleural. The third pleural and suprapygal are not seen. Three pairs of marginals are faintly discernible near the anterior margin of the carapace, especially on the left side. The first marginal is the largest, having the shape of a roughly elongated hexagon, and second and third are roughly rectangular. Sutures between neurals and pleurals are prominent. On the ventral side there are only parts of two fairly preserved mesoplastra; the 558 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 sutures of the mesoplastra are visible and form the longest part of the sagittal suture. Fragmentary parts of the entoplastron and hypoplastron are seen. In fact the plastron has been damaged to such an extent that many of the sutures have been obscured. Remarks and comparison. The present form resembles in general appearance G. hamoltoni (Gray), a living species of Indogangetic turtle, also described by Minton (1966) from Sehwan (Pakistan). In G. sivalensis the shape and morphology of the pleurals and neurals is similar to that of G. hamoltoni but differs in the number of pleurals and neurals which are restricted to three instead of four in the latter. The dimensions of other parts of the carapace differ. G. sivalensis resembles G. hamoltoni in the presence of three pairs of central ridges on the lamina which also suggests that the forms represent young stages. REFERENCES minton, s. a. 1966. A contribution to the herpetology of West Pakistan. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 134, 59-70. pascoe, e. h. 1962. A manual of the geology of India and Burma. 3, Government of India Publication, Calcutta. smith, m. a. 1931. The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Reptila and Amphibia, 1, 49-116, London. sahni, m. r. and khan, e. 1959. Stratigraphy, structure and correlation of the Upper Siwaliks east of Chandigarh. Jl. Pal. Soc. India, 4, 61-74. B. S. TEWARI and G. L. BADAM Centre of Advanced Study in Geology Panjab University Final typescript received 24 April 1969 Chandigarh, India LOWER DEVONIAN LAND PLANTS FROM GRAPTOLITIC SHALE IN SOUTH-EASTERN ALASKA by MICHAEL CHURKIN, JR., G. DONALD EBERLEIN, FRANCIS M. HUEBER, and SERGIUS H. MAMAY Abstract. The discovery of vascular plants ( Drepanophycus sp. and Hostimella spp.) in graptolitic shale from Noyes Island, south-eastern Alaska is the first record of such an association in North America and the oldest confirmed occurrence of land plants in the western hemisphere. Monograptus aff. thomasi associated with the plants on Noyes Island occurs in Australia with the famous Baragwanathia flora that has long been considered Silurian, but now is regarded to be no older than early Devonian, about the same age as the earliest undoubted vascular plants in Europe. Corals that occur in limestone interbedded with the Alaskan plant and graptolite- bearing shale further indicate an early Devonian age. The plant and graptolite shale of Noyes Island is part of a section composed predominantly of conglomerate, sandstone, and coral limestone breccia, suggesting high-energy shallow marine sedimentation that was interrup- ted by brief periods of accumulation of graptolitic mud that also preserved fragments of land plants that lived on nearby uplifts. For many years the earliest record of vascular land-plants was known with certainty only from the Old Red Sandstone of early Devonian age in England. A few records from older strata had been open to doubt either because the age of the beds was not proven or because the plant remains were obscure. Then from Australia Lang and Cookson (1935) described the remarkably well-preserved Baragwanathia flora from graptolite- bearing shale in Victoria. The graptolites associated with these plants, often preserved on the same slab of rock, were considered as definitely Silurian (and not younger than lower Ludlow); thus the associated plants were considered the most ancient record of vascular plants anywhere in the world. Recently, however, re-examinations of the Australian graptolites (Jaeger 1966, 1967; Berry 1965), long regarded as conspecific with those from the British lower Lud- low, indicate that they correlate with the considerably younger, Lower Devonian, graptolite succession established by Jaeger (1959, 1962) in Europe. The Baragwanathia flora accordingly is now considered post-Ludlow and approximately the same age as the earliest undoubted vascular plants in Europe. The presence of land plants in earliest Devonian or possibly latest Silurian grapto- litic shale although very rare has been observed from widely separated regions: Bohemia (Obrhel 1962); Germany (Zimmermann 1953, Roselt 1962); Russia (Obut 1957); Australia (Lang and Cookson 1935). The discovery of vascular plants in graptolitic shale from south-eastern Alaska described in this paper is the first record of such an association from North America and the oldest confirmed occurrence of land plants in this hemisphere. In addition, the close association of corals with the plant and graptolite-bearing shale further defines the age of the plants in terms of a marine shelly fauna. Acknowledgements. This study is the result of finding plants in graptolite shale in 1965 by M. Churkin, Jr., G. D. Eberlein, and A. T. Ovenshine while mapping parts of the Craig quadrangle in south-eastern [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 4, 1969, pp. 559-73, pis. 100-1.] 560 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA text-fig. 1 . Geologic map of north-eastern Noyes Island, south-eastern Alaska. Explanatory symbols on opposite page. CHURKIN ET AL.: LOWER DEVONIAN LAND PLANTS FROM ALASKA 561 Qag Alluvial and glacial deposits di Diorite UNCONFORMITY =4. S4. O <5 I r Karheen Formation DSk, conglomerate and sandstone with interbedded chert grit, limestone, and calcareous siltstone DSks, black graptolitic shale and coral limestone breccia UNCONFORMITY SOdg Descon Formation Graywacke and mafic submarine volcanic rocks with inter- bedded siliceous siltstone , conglomerate, and limestone SOdl Descon OFormat ion Massive, fi ne-gra ined crystalline limestone cc - uj Jr h- ec < < 3 Z O' P 3 uj O or uj o o < _ « g<^ cr c/7 o ,75 _^5° Contact Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed; queried where doubtful Strike and dip of beds Strike and dip of cleavage Fault, showing dip Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed; queried where doubtful 3~> 20 Minor anticline, showing plunge Minor syncline, showing plunge LlI DO pj nr UJ Q_ W LOWER PURBECK UPPER" PURBECK MIDDLE PURBECK LOWER PURBECK FREESTONE SERIES < Q 0C O Q. WF* CHERTY SERIES wm. < Q on O CL PORTLAND SANDSTONE PORTLAND SAND r e> o KIMMERIDGE CLAY (UPPER PART) text-fig. 1. Generalized succession of strata close to the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Dorset and Sussex. Correlations are not implied between the two areas. Swindon 576 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 text-fig. 2. Locality map of Kimmeridgian, Portlandian, and Purbeck sections examined in southern England, plus other areas mentioned in the text. Inset map shows localities on the Dorset coast within the area enclosed by a broken line on the main map. NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 577 Samples were selected on the basis of lithologies most suitable for palynomorph preservation in each section. In general, the samples from the Kimmeridge Clay are shales or silty shales and those from the Portland Sand are siltstones or fine-grained sandstones. Clastic material is almost entirely lacking in the Portland Stone and all samples from here are relatively pure limestones. Samples from the Purbeck Beds are more varied but in general grey and brown shales, silty shales, and clays yielded the best assemblages. Of the carbonate rocks in the Purbeck Beds, argillaceous limestones are the most satisfactory for palynologic examination. TABLE 1 Zonal classification of the Portlandian and upper part of the Kimmeridgian in Dorset, with thicknesses of respective rock divisions exposed at West Weare Cliff (Isle of Portland) and Hounstout (Isle of Purbeck). The strata comprising the upper two Portlandian zones constitute the Portland Stone and those of the lower two zones the Portland Sand. Numbers of samples examined are indicated. Stage Zone Portlandian Titanites titan Kerberites okusensis Glaucolithites gorei Zaraiskites albani Kimmeridgian Pavlovia pallasioides Pavlovia rotunda Marine Upper Jurassic Isle of Portland Rock Units Isle of Purbeck Barren Freestone Series 25 ft. Cherty Series 60 ft. Basal Shell Bed 6 ft. Not sampled Freestone Series 50 ft. Cherty Series 65 ft. ' Portland Clay 14 ft. West Weare Sandstone 40 ft. 22 samples < Exogyra Bed 8 ft. Upper Black Nore Beds 35 ft. Black Nore Sandstone 6 ft. Lower Black Nore Beds 25 ft. 9 l samples < Black Sandstones and Parallel Bands 44 ft. St. Alban’s Head Marls 45 ft. White Cementstone 2 ft. Emmit Hill Marls 30 ft. , Massive Bed 6 ft. 12 samples Kimmeridge Clay 100+ ft. Not (Not exposed at West sampled Weare Cliff) ' Hounstout Marl 50 ft. Hounstout Clay 30 ft. Rhynchonella Marls 10 samplesi 20 ft. Lingula Shales 40 ft. Rotunda Clays and Nodules 98 ft. Crushed Ammonoid Shales 108 ft. (a) Hounstout ( Isle of Purbeck). A complete succession from the Upper Kimmeridgian to Portlandian, as shown in Table 1, is exposed in the face of Hounstout and surround- ing cliff's at Chapman’s Pool, Emmit Hill, Pier Bottom, and St. Alban’s Head on the Isle of Purbeck (Arkell 1935, 1947). Number of samples collected is shown in Table 1. Arkell’s (1935, 1947) zonal classification of the Kimmeridgian and Portlandian is followed, with modifications suggested by House (1958 a , b), and is also shown in Table 1. The top two ammonite zones of the Kimmeridge clay were examined in this study so that the typical shaley facies of the Kimmeridgian would be included. 578 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 ( b ) West Weave Cliff (Isle of Portland). A continuous succession from Kimmeridge Clay to Portland Stone is exposed in the cliff's on the west side of the Isle of Portland as shown in Table 1 (Arkell 1933, 1935; House 1958u). The number of samples used is also shown in the Table. Pur beck Beds The lower boundary of the Purbeck Beds in southern England is delimited by Port- landian sediments which belong to different zones in different areas (Arkell 1953, Taitt and Kent 1958, Falcon and Kent 1960). The Purbeck Beds are terminated by the in- coming of the Wealden facies (Allen 1955). Arkell (1947, 1956) used ‘Purbeckian’ as a stage of the Jurassic system, basing it on three ostracod zones recognizable in the Purbeck Beds. However, the Purbeckian of north-west Europe is now considered as a predominantly freshwater and continental facies developed at the top of the Jurassic and the base of the Cretaceous (Maubeuge 1962, Oertli 1963), and to avoid confusion the term will not be used. It has been customary in British stratigraphy for more than a century to use the term ‘Purbeck Beds" for all those continental, freshwater, brackish, estuarine, lagoonal or partly marine, usually fine-grained and calcareous sediments developed above the Port- land Beds in southern England (Fisher 1856, Bristow 1857, Topley 1875, Woodward 1895, Arkell 1933, Howitt 1964). The desirability of using the same rock unit name for similar sediments from widely separated localities is questionable. The term Purbeck Beds is used in this study for all areas because it is still in widespread use. The erection of other formational names requires more intensive work on the detailed stratigraphy at each locality than was attempted here. The present work on the Purbeck palynologic assemblages may help to resolve some problems of the stratigraphy and correlation of the Purbeck Beds. In a later section, reference will be made to the ‘Purbeckian’ of France and Switzer- land developed in and around the Jura Mountains (Arkell 1956, Donze 1958). To avoid confusion and to remove any connotation of time-concordance, these sediments will be informally termed, for purposes of discussions, the ‘Swiss Purbecks’, ‘French Purbecks’, or ‘Jura Purbecks’, depending on the context. Some sections of the Purbeck Beds in southern England have been zoned using ostracods. The history of the zonal classification of the Purbeck Beds has been given by Anderson (1958, 1962), the later reference with particular regard to the Upper Purbeck. Anderson (1940) proposed a more detailed subdivision of the Purbeck Beds than the original tripartite division of earlier workers. This was subsequently revised by Sylvester- Bradley (1949) and Anderson (1958). In consequence, the limits of the Lower, Middle, and Upper divisions have undergone considerable fluctuations. Anderson (1958) proposed 6 ostracod zones of which the lower 2 define the Lower Purbeck, the succeed- ing 3 the Middle Purbeck, and the highest zone characterizes the Upper Purbeck (Table 2). The limits of these three divisions now correspond exactly to those used by Bristow (1857). (a) Dorset Coast. The type section of the Purbeck Beds is exposed on the north limb of the Purbeck anticline in Durlston Bay. There is a general attenuation of the Purbeck Beds westwards from Durlston Bay (390 ft.), Worbarrow Bay (290 ft.). Bacon Hole (250 ft.) to Lulworth Cove (179 ft.) (see Howitt 1964, fig. 7). Purbeck assemblages have NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 579 not been recovered westwards beyond Lulworth Cove. The detailed stratigraphy of the Purbeck Beds has been described by Fisher (1856), Bristow (1857), and Damon (1884). Bristow’s sections have usually been taken as a basis for later work, but his rock units have been emended by Woodward (1895), Strahan (1898), and Arkell (1933). Some workers still use Bristow’s rock unit nomenclature in preference to Arkell’s. The two schemes are compared in Table 2, where also the ostracod zones of Anderson (1958) are indicated. TABLE 2 Ostracod zonal classification of the Purbeck Beds from Anderson (1958), with Arkell's and Bristow’s alternative stratigraphic nomenclature of the Dorset Purbeck sections; the Mountfield Purbeck is from Howitt (1964) including his suggested lithologic correlations with Dorset. Zones Upper Purbeck Cypridea setina Middle Purbeck Cypridea propunctata Cypridea fasciculata Cypridea granulosa Lower Purbeck Fabenella boloniensis ‘ Cypris ’ purbeckensis Dorset Arkel! 1953 Bristow 1857 Upper Cypris Clay and Shales Unio Beds Upper Broken Shell Limestone Chief Beef Beds Corbula Beds Scallop Bed Intermarine Beds Cinder Beds Cherty Freshwater Beds Marley Freshwater Beds Soft Cockle Beds Hard Cockle Beds Cypris Freestone Broken Beds Soft Cap Hard Cap Viviparus Clays Marble Beds and Ostracod Shales Unio Beds Broken Shell Limestone Chief Beef Beds Corbula Beds Upper Building Stone Cinder Bed Lower Building Stone Mammal Bed Broken Beds Caps and Dirt Beds Mountfield, Sussex Greys Limestone Series Shales with Beef and Clay Ironstone Arenaceous Beds Cinder Beds Plant and Bone Beds Rounden Greys Main Gypsiferous Beds Marls with Gypsum and Blue Limestone Series Insect Beds Four Purbeck localities were examined along the Dorset Coast. The type section at Durlston Bay was examined in most detail. One hundred and twenty samples were collected from the 390-ft. section of Lower, Middle, and Upper Purbeck at this locality. Of the 85 samples treated for palynomorphs, 69 yielded assemblages. At Worbarrow Bay, 18 samples were collected, 15 were processed, and 12 yielded palynomorphs in the 290-ft. section. At Bacon Hole, 73 samples were collected from the 250-ft. Purbeck section. 47 samples were processed and 37 of these yielded palynomorphs. At Lulworth Cove, 30 samples were collected from the 179-ft. section. Of these, 17 samples were processed for palynomorphs but only 5 yielded assemblages. The poor yield at Lulworth may be related to the increased proportion of carbonates at this 580 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 locality compared with areas further east. Limestone proved to be generally barren of palynomorphs. For the same reason, sections of the Purbeck Beds developed close to the edge of the basin at Teffont in the Vale of Wardour (Andrews and Jukes-Browne 1894), at Swindon, Wiltshire (Sylvester- Bradley 1941), and at Hartwell, Buckingham- shire (Ballance 1963) all proved to be barren of palynomorphs and are not considered further here. ( b ) Mountfield, Sussex. Purbeck Beds are brought to the surface in Sussex along the central line of the Wealden dome in the Brightling anticline (Edmunds 1954). The lower part of the Purbeck Beds is known in subsurface sections in the mine of Gyproc Ltd., at Mountfield and in various boreholes. The stratigraphy, compiled from surface and sub- surface sections, has been summarized by Topley (1875), White (1928), and Allen (19606). A more detailed account has been given by Howitt (1964). The general succes- sion of the Purbeck Beds in the vicinity of the mine is shown in Table 2. At Mountfield, 31 samples were collected between the lowest gypsum seam, at the base, and the Greys Limestone Series at the top of the section, a total of almost 400 ft. (Howitt 1964). These samples were from surface outcrops and from subsurface sections in the mine and from Gypsum Mines borehole M 64 (grid reference TQ 716187). Further details of this borehole are given in Appendix 1 of Norris (1963). Of the 23 samples processed from Mountfield, 21 yielded palynomorphs. (c) Warlingham Borehole , Surrey. Preliminary accounts of the succession in this bore- hole have been published in the Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey (1957, p. 29; 1958, p. 48). The Purbeck-Wealden junction has been placed at 1,892 ft. on the basis of ostracod faunas and the top of the Middle Purbeck at 1,935 ft. (Anderson 1962; Howitt 1964, p. 105). The top of the Portland Beds is recognized at 2,150 ft. but below 2,040 ft. there appears to be a repetition of lithological and faunal types in the Purbeck Beds, which is attributed to reversed faulting. Twenty-three core samples between 1,900 and 2,027 ft. in the borehole were examined for palynomorphs. Of these, 18 yielded assemblages. Fairlight Clay On the coast east of Hastings, the Fairlight anticline brings the Fairlight Clay to the surface (Edmunds 1954). The Fairlight Clay is the lowest Wealden formation and is generally thought to pass laterally north and westwards into, and to be overlain by, the Ashdown Sand (Allen 1960n). The complete Fairlight Clay succession has been described by Topley (1875) and by White (1928), who believed that the Purbeck Beds underlie this section, close to the surface on the crest of the anticline. Allen (1955) stated that the Upper Purbeck-Wealden junction as defined by ostracods is probably situated low down in the Fairlight Clay near the base of the Wealden as traditionally defined, i.e. the base of the Fairlight Clay. A series of calcareous clays and limestones developed between 949 and 1,080 ft. in the Henfield borehole and regarded as equivalent to the basal portion of the Fairlight Clay (on ostracod faunas) \ . . could equally well be classed with the Purbeck . . .’ (Taitt and Kent 1958, p. 12). The lateral change of facies at this horizon promotes the possibility that the lower part of the Fairlight Clay on the Sussex coast may be a lateral equivalent of part of the Purbeck Beds of Dorset. Allen (19606, p. 7) noted ‘The problem of how far the Purbeckian extends upwards (if at all) into the Fairlight facies of the Wealden remains unsolved.’ A detailed palynologic NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 581 study of the entire Fairlight Clay sequence would be desirable to determine its probable equivalence to the Purbeck but was not attempted in the present study. The preliminary results of a study by Hughes and Moody-Stuart (1969) using a new correlation method, however, suggest that the Fairlight Clay is in fact a lateral facies equivalent of the upper Middle and Upper Purbeck. EXTRACTION OF PALYNOMORPHS Most samples examined in this study were grey or brown fine-grained clastic rocks but a few limestones were represented. These samples were prepared by first crushing about 5 gm. (20-50 gm. in the case of limestones) to pass through a 1-mm. mesh sieve. Carbonates were removed with cold dilute hydrochloric acid. Silica and silicates were dissolved in hot 50% hydrofluoric acid (40-60 minutes treatment was sufficient). By- products from this reaction are finely crystalline or in part colloidal, gelatinous white, pink, or brown precipitates usually occurring as a distinct layer or intimately mixed with the organic residue. This by-product was reported by Norem (1953) to be composed of either aluminium fluosilicates or a mixture of double fluorides of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. It interferes with subsequent preparation procedures and consequently must be removed after hydrofluoric acid treatment by repeated washing and dissolution in hot 25% hydrochloric acid. The organic residue remaining was treated with 20 kHz ultrasound for 20-30 seconds using a generator with a 60-W power output and a magnetostrictive transducer coupled to a steel probe with a 1 : 1 end area ratio. The probe tip has an acoustic power output of 2-74 W/cm2. Acoustic treatment was used to disperse the finely divided organic material which characterized most residues. This finely divided material was removed from each residue after ultrasonic treatment by repeated short centrifugation in water with a few drops of non-ionic detergent added (Funkhouser and Evitt 1959). Ultrasonic treatment was used before oxidation of the residues because spores and pollen are more fragile to ultrasound after oxidation (McIntyre and Norris 1964). Most samples were not highly carbonaceous and the residues did not require more than a few minutes oxidation in concentrated nitric acid or Schulze’s solution. Humic material remaining after oxidation was rare in most samples, but when present dilute ammonium hydroxide removed it effectively. Safranine-O was used to stain some paly- nomorph assemblages. Residues were mounted in glycerine jelly and stored in a mixture of glycerine and water with phenol added to prevent microbial attack. Rock samples used in this study are stored in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. Full locality details are listed for all samples in Appendix 1 of Norris (1963). Type material currently in the palynology collection of the Department of Geology, Uni- versity of Toronto, will be transferred to the Sedgwick Museum for permanent storage. SYSTEMATIC PALYNOLOGY— SPECIES LIST The species mentioned in the following list occur in the marine Upper Jurassic and Purbeck Beds. The species are listed morphographically using Dettmann’s (1963) modified scheme. Where applicable the original author’s name is followed by the plate 582 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 and figure number of the illustrations given in this paper. New species and new combina- tions are treated thoroughly in the following section on Systematic Descriptions. The stratigraphic significance of all species is discussed in a later part of the paper. Turma triletes Suprasubturma acavatitriletes Subturma azonotriletes Infraturma laevigati Cyathidites australis Couper 1953; Plate 102, fig. 1. Cyathidites minor Couper 1953; Plate 102, figs. 2, 3. Deltoidospora rafaeli Burger 1966; Plate 102, fig. 11. Deltoidospora psilostoma Rouse 1959; Plate 102, fig. 8. Dictyophyllidites harrisii Couper 1958; Plate 102, figs. 9, 10. Dictyophyllidites equiexinus (Couper) Dettmann 1963; Plate 102, figs. 4, 5. Stereisporites antiquasporites (Wilson and Webster) Dettmann 1963; Plate 102, figs. 13, 14. Concavisporites juriensis Balme 1957; Plate 102, figs. 6, 7. Divisisporites sp. cf. D. euskirchenensis Thomson and Pflug 1952; Plate 102, fig. 17. Infraturma apiculati Acanthotriletes varispinosus Pocock 1962; Plate 102, fig. 12. Osnumdacidites wellmanii Couper 1953; Plate 102, fig. 18. Baculatisporites comaumensis (Cookson) Potonie 1956; Plate 102, figs. 15, 16. Converrucosisporites variverrucatus (Couper) comb. nov. ; Plate 102, fig. 19. Leptolepidites psarosus sp. nov.; Plate 103, figs. 2-5. Leptolepidites epacrornatus sp. nov.; Plate 103, figs. 6-9, 11. Rubinella major (Couper) comb, nov.; Plate 103, fig. 10. Pilosisporites trichopapidosus (Thiergart) Delcourt and Sprumont 1955; Plate 103, fig. 1. Pilosisporites delicatulus sp. nov.; PI. 103, figs. 12-18; Plate 104, figs. 1, 2. Infraturma murornati Cicatricosisporites australiensis (Cookson) Potonie 1956. Cicatricosisporites purbeckensis sp. nov.; Plate 104, figs. 5-11. Cicatricosisporites angicanalis Do ring 1965; Plate 104, figs. 12-13; Plate 105, figs. 1,2. Cicatricosisporites brevilaesuratus Couper 1958; Plate 105, fig. 3. Reticulisporites semireticulatus (Burger) comb, nov.; Plate 105, figs. 4, 5. Lycopodiacidites cerniiditcs (Ross) comb, nov.; Plate 105, figs. 6, 7. Lycopodiumsporites austroclavatidites (Cookson) Potonie 1956; Plate 105, figs. 8, 9. Klukisporites pseudoreticulatus Couper 1958; Plate 105, fig. 11. Microreticulatisporites diatretus sp. nov.; Plate 105, figs. 12-15. Foveosporites canalis Balme 1957; Plate 106, fig. 3. Tripartina sp. ; Plate 105, fig. 10. NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 583 Subturma zonotriletes Infraturma auriculati Trilobosporites bernissartensis (Delcourt and Sprumont) Potonie 1956; Plate 106, figs. 1,2. Trilobosporites apiverrucatus Couper 1958; Plate 107, figs. 9, 14. Trilobosporites obsitus sp. nov. ; Plate 106, figs. 7, 8. Trilobosporites domitus sp. nov.; Plats 106, figs. 9, 10, 12, 13. Appendicisporites potomacensis Brenner 1963; Plate 107, figs. 1-4, 7, 10. Plicatella abaca (Burger) comb, nov.; Plate 106, figs. 4-6, 11 ; Plate 107, figs. 5, 6. Infraturma cingulati Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis (Cookson and Dettmann) Dettmann 1963; Plate 107, figs. 11, 13. Contignisporites dorsostriatus (Bolchovitina) Dettmann 1963; Plate 107, fig. 12. Duplexisporites problematicus (Couper) Playford and Dettmann 1965. Infraturma tricrassati Gleicheniidites senonicus Ross 1949; Plate 107, figs. 16, 17. Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus (Couper) Dettmann 1963; Plate 108, fig. 5. Coronatispora valdensis (Couper) Dettmann 1963; Plate 108, figs. 1, 2. Suprasubturma perinotriletes Densoisporites perinatus Couper 1958; Plate 108, figs. 3, 4, 6. Heliosporites sp. ; Plate 108, figs. 7, 8, 10, 11. Turma hilates Aequitriradites spinulosus (Delcourt and Sprumont) Cookson and Dettmann 1961; Plate 108, fig. 9. Couperisporites complexus (Couper) Pocock 1962; Plate 108, fig. 13. Januasporites tumulosus sp. nov.; Plate 108, fig. 12; Plate 109, figs. 2-4, 7. Turma monoletes Suprasubturma acavatomonoletes Subturma azonomonoletes Infraturma sculptatomonoleti Marattisporites scabratus Couper 1958; Plate 109, figs. 5, 6. Anteturma pollenites Turma saccites Subturma monosaccites Infraturma saccizonati Cerebropollenites mesozoicus (Couper) Nilsson 1958; Plate 109, figs. 11, 12. 584 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Subturma disaccites Alisporites bilateralis Rouse 1959; Plate 109, figs. 14, 15. Abietineaepollenites minimus Couper 1958; Plate 109, fig. 13. Vitreisporites pallidus (Reissinger) Potonie 1960; Plate 109, figs. 8-10. Podocarpidites sp. cf. P. eUipticus Cookson 1947; Plate 109, figs. 16, 17. Parvisaccites radiatus Couper 1958; Plate 109, figs. 18, 19; Plate 9, fig. 1. Subturma polysaccites Callialasporites sp. cf. C. trilobatus (Balme) Sukh Dev 1961; Plate 110, fig. 8. Callialasporites dampieri ( Balme) Sukh Dev 1961 emend.; Plate 110, figs. 2, 3. Callialasporites obrutus sp. nov. ; Plate 1 10, figs. 6, 7. Callialasporites sp.; Plate 110, figs. 4, 5. Turma aletes Infraturma psilonapiti Inaperturopollenites dubius (Potonie and Venitz) Thomson and Pfiug 1953; Plate 110, figs. 9, 10; Plate 111, fig. 19. Inaperturopollenites sp.; Plate 110, figs. 11, 12. Infraturma granulonapiti Araucariacites australis Cookson 1947; Plate 110, fig. 17. Spheripollenites subgranulatus Couper 1958; Plate 110, fig. 13. Infraturma spinonapiti Peltandripites tener sp. nov.; Plate 110, figs. 18, 19. Infraturma reticulonapiti Undulatasporites araneus sp. nov.; Plate 110, figs. 14-16; Plate 111, figs. 2-10. Turma plicates Subturma praecolpates Eucommiidites troedssonii Erdtman 1948; Plate 111, figs. 13, 14, 16. Eucommiidites minor Groot and Penny 1960; Plate 111, fig. 15. Subturma monocolpates Cvcadopites sp. cf. C. nitidus (Balme) comb, nov.; Plate 111, figs. 11, 12. Cveadopites carpentieri (Delcourt and Sprumont) Singh 1964; Plate 111, fig. 18. Monosulci tes sp. aff. M. minimus Cookson 1947; Plate 111, fig. 17. Turma poroses Subturma monoporines Exesipollenites scabrosus sp. nov.; Plate 111, figs. 20-2. Perinopollenites elatoides Couper 1958; Plate 112, figs. 6, 7. NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 585 MIOSPORES INCERTAE SEDIS Classopollis torosus (Reissinger) Balme 1957; Plate 112, figs. 1-5. ClassopoUis echinatus Burger 1965; Plate 1 12, figs. 8-13. Classopollis hammenii Burger 1965; Plate 112, figs. 14-16; Plate 113, figs. 1-4. Sehizosporis reticulatus Cookson and Dettmann 1959; Plate 113, figs. 5, 8. Sehizosporis spriggi Cookson and Dettmann 1959; Plate 113, figs. 6, 13. Sehizosporis parvus Cookson and Dettmann 1959; Plate 113, fig. 7. Sigmopollis callosus sp. nov. ; Plate 113, figs. 9-12. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Turma triletes Suprasubturma acavatitriletes Subturma azonotriletes Infraturma laevigati Genus divisisporites Thomson and Pflug 1952 Divisisporites sp. cf. D. euskirchenensis Thomson and Pflug 1952 Plate 102, fig. 17 Description. Spores radiosymmetric, complexly trilete. Amb triangular convex to irregularly sub-circular. Laesurae long, simple, straight but dichotomozing up to the third order, reaching or almost reaching the equator. Both proximal and distal surfaces scabrate to granular. Granules usually low (occasional up to 1 p high), closely spaced, up to 2 p in diameter. Occasional verrucae developed at the equator up to 3 p high and 10 p or more in width. Exine 3-5 p in total thickness; endexine distinct and 0-5-1 p thick. Dimensions (3 specimens). Equatorial diameter: 53-69 p. Distribution. Upper Purbeck, Dorset. Remarks. These specimens differ from D. euskirchenensis by the possession of a thicker exine, more complexly divided laesurae, and verrucae at the equator. Insufficient specimens were available to erect a new species. Lower Cretaceous specimens originally assigned to D. euskirchenensis by Cookson and Dettmann (1958) are now included in Rouseisporites radiatus Dettmann (1963), which is distinct in structure from the present specimens. Infraturma apiculati Genus converrucosisporites Potonie and Kremp 1954 Converrucosisporites variverrucatus (Couper) comb. nov. Plate 102, fig. 19 1958 Concavisporites variverrucatus Couper, p. 142, pi. 22, figs. 4-5. Remarks. This species is removed from Concavisporites because of the lack of curvaturae, and recombined with Converrucosisporites on the basis of shape and ornament. Q9 C 6940 586 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Genus leptolepidites Couper 1953 emend. Norris 1968 Leptolepidites psarosus sp. nov. Plate 103, figs. 2-5 Holotype. GN 109B/1, 40.4 124.5. Sample 59-1-6 (dark grey shale), Middle Purbeck, Chief Beef Beds, Durlston Bay (from the top of Bed 75, Bristow 1857). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete, amb rounded triangular to circular. Laesurae simple, reaching the equator, usually indistinct. Proximal face entirely granulate, or only on the contact areas. Distal face with closely spaced verrucae. Exine thin in be- tween the projections. Description. Laesurae straight, reaching or almost reaching the equator, occasionally quite distinct but usually difficult to see. Granules on proximal face rounded or poly- gonal, 1-2 p in diameter, dense, occasionally joining up to give a sub-rugulate sculpture, rugulae about 4 p long. When only contact faces are granular there is a distinct levigate zone separating them from the verrucate distal ornament. Distal verrucae 3-13 p in diameter, 1-5 p high, rounded sub-circular, rounded poly- gonal, irregular or elongated. Solitary rugulae up to 17 p long and about 5 p wide may be interspersed among the verrucae. Verrucae closely packed forming a distinct negative reticulum with grooves about 0-5 yu. wide but varying slightly. The distal verrucae may encroach to a variable extent on to the proximal face up to the contact areas. Exine between projections less than 0-5-1 p in thickness. Exine on proximal face less than 0-5 p in thickness. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter: 20-44 p (holotype, 39 p). Distribution. Middle and Upper Purbeck, Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. Remarks. Distinguished from Converrucosisporites proxigranulatus Brenner (1963) by the more densely packed distal verrucae and by the presence of rugulae. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 102 All figures X 750 unless otherwise stated. Figs. 1-3. Cyathidites spp. 1, C. australis Couper, GN 161/1, 32.0 127.4. 2-3, C. minor Couper. 2, GN 317/2, 44.2, 128.5. 3, GN 138/2, 58.2 123.1. Figs. 4, 5, 9, 10. Dictyophvllidites spp. 4-5, D. equiexinus (Couper) Dettmann. 4, GN 146/1, 24.7 128.3. 5, GN 161/2,’ 53.0 117.7. 9-10, D. harrisii Couper. 9, GN 316/1, 32.6 114.9. 10, GN 316/1, 58.0 124.8. Figs. 6, 7. Concavisporites juriensis Balme. 6, GN 142/2, 43.1 112.5. 7, GN 142/1, 40.1 119.6. Figs. 8, 11. Deltoidospora spp. 8, D. psilostoma Rouse. 11 13-1 3c, 38.3 116.9. 11 , D. rafaeli Burger, GN 262/2, 32.2 107.5. Fig. 12. Acanthotriletes varispinosus Pocock, GN 188/1, 44.0 114.5; X 1250. Figs. 13, 14. Stereisporites antiquasporites (Wilson and Webster) Dettmann. 13, GN 476/1, 51.8 112.5; X 1250. 14, GN 187/1, 29.5 108.6; X 1250. Figs. 15, 16. Baculatisporites comaumensis (Cookson) Potonie. 15, 11 13-1 8c, 22.6 118.9. 16, GN 432/2, 46.9 104.3. Fig. 17. Divisisporites sp. cf. D. euskirchenensis Thomson and Pflug, GN 345/1, 117.3 56.2. Fig. 18. Osnmndacidites wellmanii Couper, GN 316/1, 22.2 106.6, Fig. 19. Converrucosisporites variverrucatus (Couper) comb, nov., GN 338/3, 50.9 124.1. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 102 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 587 Leptolepidites epacroniatus sp. nov. Plate 103, figs. 6-9, 1 1 Holotype. Slide GN 147/1, 27.8 119.1. Sample 60-5-22 (dark grey-brown shale). Upper Purbeck, Marble Beds and Ostracod shales, Durlston Bay (6 ft. below the top of Bed 84, Bristow 1857). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete. Amb rounded triangular to circular. Laesurae long but not reaching equator, simple or labiate. Proximate face levigate to subgranular. Distal face verrucate with occasional echinate projections. Exine thin. Description. Laesurae simple or with very narrow lips less than 0-75 p wide, straight or sinuous. Ornament of proximal face very much reduced with respect to distal ornament, but distal ornament encroaches on to proximal face at apices. Distal verrucae regularly or irregularly rounded or elongate, 2-3 p in diameter, sometimes reaching 5 p long, up to 1 p high and spaced about 1 p apart. Exine 0-25-0-5 p. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter: 12-22 p (holotype 20 p). Distribution. Middle and Upper Purbeck, Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. Genus RubineUa (Maljavkina 1949) Potonie 1960 RubineUa major (Couper) comb. nov. Plate 103, fig. 10 1958 Leptolepidites major Couper, p. 141, pi. 21, figs. 7-8. Description. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete. Amb rounded triangular or occasionally almost circular. Laesurae long, simple, not reaching the equator, rather indistinct. Both proximal and distal surfaces ornamented with closely spaced or touching, almost spherical, irregularly rounded or elongated verrucae. Verrucae 2-10 p in diameter, 1-5 p high. Exine thickness between verrucae 1-2-5 p. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter: 39-80 p. Remarks. It proved impossible to split off the larger specimens as a distinct species and consequently all are included in one species with a larger size range than that indicated by Couper in his original description. The species is transferred to RubineUa because of the comprehensive verrucate sculpture. Leptolepidites is characterized by verrucae on the distal face only (Norris 1968). Genus pilosisporites Delcourt and Sprumont 1955 Pilosisporites deiicatulus sp. nov. Plate 103, figs. 12-18; Plate 104, figs. 1, 2 Holotype. GN 428/1, 46.0 128.4 Sample 61-7-5 (bufiflignitic clay), Upper Purbeck 7 ft. above Paludina Clays, Bacon Hole (middle of Bed 26 described in Norris 1963). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete. Amb triangular convex with broadly rounded apices, occasionally becoming almost circular. Laesurae short, one-third to one-half of the spore radius, straight, simple, frequently indistinct. Both proximal and distal surfaces scabrate and covered with irregularly distributed echinulate processes. Pro- cesses hair-like, very narrow, straight or curved, simply terminated or briefly bifurcate, 588 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 2-5 , u long, spaced 1-2 p apart at the equator but up to 5 p apart at the poles. Exine 0-5—1 /x thick. At high magnifications (greater than 1,000 diameters) the exine is seen to be dis- tinctly microreticulate. Lumina of reticulum less than 0-25 p in diameter and muri also very narrow. Echinulate processes very narrow and consequently indistinct. Occasionally the bases of the processes may widen up to 0-5 p and can be seen to be hollow. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter: 28-40 /x (holotype 30 p). Distribution. Upper Purbeck of Dorset. Remarks. This species is easily overlooked on account of its delicate ornament, or it may be confused with Stereisporites antiquasporites (Wilson and Webster) Dettmann. Infraturma murornati Genus cicatricosisporites Potonie and Gelletich 1933 Cicatricosisporites purbeckensis sp. nov. Plate 104, figs. 5-11 Holotype. Slide GN 145/1, 38.8 121.9. Sample 60-5-16 (grey, slightly calcareous shale) Upper Purbeck, Marble Beds and Ostracod Shales, Durlston Bay (Bed 84 of Bristow 1857). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete. Amb. triangular. Laesurae long, straight, simple or labiate. Proximal face levigate. Distal face with 3 or 4 triangular sets of widely spaced ribs running more or less parallel to equator. Ribs narrow and uneven in width, height, and spacing. Description. Laesurae simple or bordered by very narrow lips about 0-5 p wide, reaching equator. Distal ribs straight or sinuous, occasionally bifurcating, 0-25-1 /x wide, 0-5-1 p high, spaced 0-5-2 p apart (4 ribs and intervening lumina measure 9-12 p). Ribs project at apices but not on sides of amb. Distal ribs encroach on to proximal face at apices. Ribs are characteristically uneven in width with swollen nodes at irregular intervals along their length. Exine about 1 p thick, with a very thin layer of endexine distinguishable. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter 30-48 p (holotype 47 p). Distribution. Lower, Middle, and Upper Purbeck of Dorset and Sussex. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 103 All figures X 750 unless otherwise stated. Figs. 1, 12-18. Pilosisporites spp. 1, P. trichopapiUosus (Thiergart) Delcourt and Sprumont, GN 338/2, 30.6 117.4. 12-18, P. delicatulus sp. nov. 12, proximal surface, GN 427/1, 56.6 124.9. 13-14, Holo- type, median focus and distal surface respectively, GN 428/1, 46.0 128.4. 15-16, Holotype, median focus, and distal surface respectively. X 1,250. 17-18, Proximal and distal surfaces respectively, GN 338/2, 119.7 22.2; X 1,250. Figs. 2-9, 11. Leptolepidites spp. 2-5, L. psarosus sp. nov. 2, Proximal surface, GN 428/1, 128.5 37.0. 3, Distal surface, GN 338/3, 36.2 1.262. 4-5, Holotype, proximal and distal surfaces respectively, GN 109b/1, 40.4 124.5. 6-9, 11, L. epacrornatus sp. nov. 6, 8, Holotype, x 750 and x 1,250 respec- tively, GN 147/1, 27.8 119.1. 7, GN 146/2, 52.6 125.3. 9, GN 146/2, 52.7 125.5. 11, GN 190/3, 41.6 108.9. Fig. 10. Rubinella major (Couper) comb, nov., GN 255/1, 41.7 1 19.4. Figs. 19, 20. Cicatricosisporites australiensis (Cookson) Potonie. 19, GN 142/1, 54.8 108.7. 20, GN 315/3, 45.5 122.8. . Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 103 ('•A »> Cl' IvV *>x L«i NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 589 Remarks. Distinguished from other species of Cicatricosisporites by means of the narrow ribs of uneven width and spacing. Genus reticulisporites Pot. and Kremp in Weyl. and Krieger 1953 Reticulisporites semireticulatus (Burger 1966) comb. nov. Plate 105, figs. 4, 5 1966 Lycopodiumsporites semireticulatus Burger, p. 247, pi. 14, fig. 4. Remarks. The concave amb and low muri place this species in the genus Reticulisporites. Genus lycopodiacidites (Couper 1953) Potonie 1956 Lycopodiacidites cerniidites (Ross 1949) comb. nov. Plate 105, figs. 6, 7 1949 Lycopodium cerniidites Ross, p. 30, pi. 1, figs. 1-2. 1955 Lycopodiumsporites cerniidites (Ross) Delcourt and Sprumont, p. 32. Remarks. The distal surface is rugulate, not reticulate, thus placing this species in Lyco- podiacidites. There appears to be a morphological transition between those forms of L. cerniidites (Ross) with more regularly arranged regulae, to forms of Coronatispora valdensis (Couper) Dettmann with poorly developed circum-equatorial ridges. However the latter species has a very much greater stratigraphic and geographic distribution in the sediments examined and it is likely that each species was derived from different sources, their morphological similarity being only apparent. Reticu/atisporites pudens Balme from the Lower Cretaceous of Western Australia is similar but much smaller and carries an imperfect reticulum on the distal face. Genus microreticulatisporites (Knox 1950) Potonie and Kremp 1954 Microreticulatisporites diatretus sp. nov. Plate 105, figs. 12-1 5 Holotype. Slide GN 148/1, 33.2 125.6. Sample 60-5-24 (grey shaley clay), Upper Purbeck Unio Beds, Durlston Bay (Bed 82 of Bristow 1857). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete. Amb rounded triangular. Laesurae one-half to one-third of the spore radius in length, usually with narrow lips. Both proximal and distal surfaces ornamented with a perfect microreticulum with rather variable circular to polygonal lumina never exceeding 2 p in diameter. Exine 1-2 p thick interradially, thinning to 0-75-1 p at apices. Description. Amb occasionally elongated along one median. The trilete scar is rather variable in development, occasionally being simple or indistinct. Muri of the micro- reticulum 0-5-1 p wide, 0-3— 1 -5 p in height, of slightly variable width usually widening at the junctions. Lumina 0-5-2 p in diameter, rounded or rounded-polygonal, varying in spacing from moderately widely spaced pits to closely spaced rounded-polygonal lumina. The lumina of the proximal reticulum may be slightly radially attenuated, par- ticularly near the ends of the laesurae. 590 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Dimensions. Equatorial diameter: 30-40 p. Distribution. Middle and Upper Purbeck, Dorset and Sussex. Remarks. Distinguished from Foveotriletes subtriangularis Brenner 1963 by the micro- reticulate ornament on both surfaces rather than foveolate ornament primarily de- veloped on the distal surface. Genus tripartina Maljavkina 1949 ex Potonie 1960 Tripartina sp. Plate 105, fig. 10 Description. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete. Amb triangular, usually concave or straight- sided, slightly undulating. Laesurae long, reaching the equator, with lips about 2 p wide. Proximal surface unornamented. Distal surface with irregular radial grooves 0-5-2 p wide, spaced 1-2 p apart, occasionally anastomosing or coalescing with adjacent grooves. Both proximal and distal face may be slightly undulose. Exine 1-2 p thick. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter 24-46 p. Distribution. Middle and Upper Purbeck of Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. Remarks. This species is distinguished from T. sp. cf. T. variabilis Maljavkina described by Dettmann (1963) from the Australian Cretaceous by the more broadly rounded apices and less dense distal ornament. Subturma zonotriletes Infraturma auriculati Genus trilobosporites Pant 1954 ex Potonie 1956 Trilobosporites obsitus sp. nov. Plate 106, figs. 7, 8 Holotype. Slide GN 163/2, 59.2 127.5. Sample 60-5-1 (buff, silty, calcareous clay), Upper Purbeck, Unio Beds, Durlston Bay (Bed 80 of Bristow 1857). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete. Amb triangular. Laesurae long, usually simple, but rather variable. Both proximal and distal faces verrucate, but sculpture sparse and more reduced on distal face. Apices each carry a very large and prominent thickening which is circular in equatorial view and is restricted to the apical equatorial region. Exine thick. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 104 All figures X 750 unless otherwise stated. Figs. 1, 2. Pilosisporites delicatulus sp. nov. 1, Median focus, GN 338/2, 122.3 23.0; X 1,250. 2, Proxi- mal surface, GN 428/2, 31.4 108.3; x 1,250. Figs. 3-13. Cicatricosisporites spp. 3, 4, C. australiensis (Cookson) Potonie, Distal and proximal surfaces respectively; GN 146/2, 32.0 1 1 1.8. 5-1 1, C. purbeckensis sp. nov. 5, Proximal surface, GN 153/2, 29.3 119.7. 6, Holotype, median focus, GN 145/1, 38.8 121.9. 7, Median focus, GN 146/2, 20.9 113.2. 8, Median focus, GN 146/2, 44.7 108.2. 9, Equatorial view, GN 153/1, 21.9 109.0. 10, Equatorial view, GN 142/2, 23.2 126.7. 11, Distal surface, GN 147/2, 32.5 125.6. 12-13, C. cingi- canalis Doring, proximal and distal surfaces respectively, GN 163/2, 40.8 122.7. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 104 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 59J Description. Amb with roughly straight or slightly concave sides which are undulating because of verrucate ornament. Apices rounded and extended by the apical projections. Laesurae may be narrowly labiate, two-thirds or more of radius in length, occasionally reaching the equator. Proximal face with dense, rounded, or irregular verrucae, 6-12 p in diameter, 2-3 p high, and spaced up to 3 p apart. Occasionally they may fuse into large indistinct rugulae. Distal ornament variable, ranging from low, indistinct, sparse irregular granules about 3 p in diameter to rounded, low or high sparse verrucae up to 11 /x in diameter. Apical thickenings usually restricted to the equator but occasionally extending about 4 p towards the polar areas. Exine thickness 8-10 p over the apical thickening which is 14-20 p wide and has a rounded aspect in equatorial views. Endexine 0*75—1 *5 p thick. Ektexine 1-5-3 p thick between the projections. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter 56-69 p (holotype 63 p). Distribution. Upper Purbeck, Dorset. Trilobosporites domitus sp. nov. Plate 106, figs. 9, 10, 12, 13 Holotype. Slide GN 345/1, 57.0 111.7. Sample 60-19-3 (grey calcareous marl), Upper Purbeck, Upper Cypris Clays and Shales, Bacon Hole (6 in. above Bed 1 of Arkell 1933). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete. Amb triangular, concave. Laesurae long, straight, labiate, commissures raised. Both proximal and distal faces entirely covered in closely spaced, low, irregular granules. Exine at apices undulating and usually slightly thickened in the equatorial region here, but these thickenings not extending polewards as distinct valvae. Exine thicker on proximal than distal face. Description. Laesurae almost reach the equator, raised 1 -5-2-5 p high at the centre and provided with narrow (1 p) tapering lips along at least half their length. Scabrate to sub-granular ornament on both proximal and distal surfaces. Granules rather irregular in outline, very low, 0-25-1 p in diameter and spaced not more than 0-5 p apart. The exine becomes rather undulating around the apices tending to assume a low, poorly developed, verrucate ornament, and also is slightly thickened. Exine 2-4 p thick, in- creasing at apices to between 4 and 7 p. Exine on proximal face distinctly thicker than on distal face, about 6 p at the centre. Endexine 0-25-0-5 p thick. Occasionally the exine is slightly thickened interradially at the middle of the concave sides. Both proximal and distal faces convex, proximal face rather flatter than distal. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter : 56-80 p (holotype 65 p). Distribution. Upper Purbeck, Dorset. Genus plicatella Maljavkina 1949 Plicatella abaca (Burger) comb. nov. Plate 106, figs. 4-6, 11; Plate 107, figs. 5, 6 1966 Cicatricosisporites abacus Burger, p. 242, pi. 7, fig. 3. Distribution. Middle and Upper Purbeck, Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. 592 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Remarks. This species is transferred to Plicatella on account of the apical thickenings at the equator. The distinction of Plicatella , characterized by weak apical thickenings, from Appendicisporites, with more prominent apical thickenings, is arbitrary but a convenient procedure. Hughes and Moody-Stuart (1969) have questioned the validity of the genus Plicatella on the basis of observations on associated spores of Cretaceous schizeaceous ferns. They have noted that occasional apical thickenings occur in populations of Cicatricosisporites-typc spores. These thickenings may be in part the result of compres- sion in the equatorial plane. Dispersed spores, however, are difficult to relate to associ- ated spore populations. Plicatella abaca has a distinctive morphology and distribution and appears to be a discrete group. Consequently it is maintained as a distinct spore species. Suprasubturma perinotrilites Genus heliosporites Schulz 1962 Heliosporites sp. Plate 108, figs. 7, 8, 10, 11 Description. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete, zonate, consisting of a central body and an outer more complex layer. Amb of outer layer, excluding the zone, convex triangular with broadly rounded apices. Amb of inner body convex triangular with more sharply rounded or pointed apices. Inner body excentrically placed in relation to outer layer. Laesurae of inner body long, straight, simple, reaching the equator, occasionally in- distinct. Laesurae of outer layer long, sinuous, labiate, reaching equator and frequently the outer zone. Lips 1 p wide, slightly tapering, with fibrilar structure similar to that of outer layer. Equatorial zone 4-7 p wide, roughly parallel to amb of outer layer, 2 p thick and tapering very slightly towards its outer edge which is smooth except for occasional projecting spines from the dorsal surface. Entire distal surface of outer layer, including the distal surface of the zone, ornamented with irregularly distributed spines, 3-5 p high, bases roughly circular and 3-6 p wide, spaced 4-7 p apart (tips spaced 8 p apart), tapering rapidly at base but more gradually towards tips which are pointed, truncate or occasionally bifurcate. Exine of inner layer levigate, 0-25 p or less in thickness, apparently of simple, undifferentiated structure, frequently folded, particu- larly near equator. Outer layer including zone, spines, and trilete mark with a fibrilar structure. Fibrils about 0-25 p thick and anastomosing to form a ‘three-dimensional’ All figures X 750. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 105 Figs. 1-3. Cicatricosporites spp. 1-2, C. angicanalis Doring. 1, Proximal surface, GN 140/2, 42.6 128.5. 2, Distal surface, GN 145/2, 48.0 128.6. 3, C. brevilaesuratus Couper, GN 265/1, 39.8 112.9. Figs. 4, 5. Reticulisporites semireticulatus (Burger) comb. nov. 4, Median focus, GN 189/2, 46.0 122.5. 5, Distal surface, GN 195/1, 21.1 110.8. Figs. 6, 7. Lvcopodiacidites cerniidites (Ross) comb. nov. 6, Proximal surface, GN 147/1, 29.8 128.2. 7, Distal surface, GN 421/1, 111.8 60.8. Figs. 8, 9. Lycopodiumsporites austroclavatidites (Cookson) Potonie. 8, Proximal surface, GN 147/2, 43.4 128.2. 9, Distal surface, GN 154/1, 29.2 127.8. Fig. 10. Tripartina sp., distal surface, GN 182/3, 26.0 101.4. Fig. 11. Klukisporites pseudoreticulatus Couper, GN 148/1, 45.3 119.5. Figs. 12-15. Microreticulatisporites diatretus sp. nov. 12, Holotype, proximal surface, GN 148/1, 33.2 125.6. 13, Distal surface, GN 341/2, 26.8 121.6. 14, GN 145/1 121.3 39.2. 15, Proximal surface,, GN 153/2, 34.7 111.8. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 105 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 593 reticulum with lumina 0-25-1 p in diameter. Outer layer very thin on proximal sur- face where its fibrilar nature is difficult to determine. The outer layer is 1-2 p thick at equator and on distal surface. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter (including zone) : 30-42 p. Distribution. Upper Purbeck, Dorset. Remarks. Insufficient material was available to erect a new species. It was considered appropriate to describe the specimens in detail, however, because they are extremely distinctive and possibly of stratigraphic importance. These specimens are tentatively referred to Heliosporites. Schultz interpreted the type material of this genus as possessing a distal perispore. He did not distinguish a zone. This latter feature, together with the restriction of the spinose ornament to the distal surface, suggests affinities with the genus Styxisporites Cookson and Dettmann. This genus, however, does not possess a central spore body. Considerable difficulty was encountered in interpreting the structure of these speci- mens owing, firstly, to the indistinct appearance of the central body; secondly, to the thinness of the proximal surface of the outer layer; and thirdly, to the fibrilar nature of this layer and the zone. All these features make elucidation of the equatorial structure, in particular, very difficult. Consequently this interpretation must be considered tenta- tive until further specimens are available. In view of this uncertainty these specimens and the type material of Heliosporites may ultimately prove to have a similar structure. If this is so, these specimens are distinguished from the Lower Jurassic Heliosporites altmarkensis Schulz by their rather small size, thinner exine of the inner spore body, and rather shorter distal spines which are not truncated. Turma hilates Genus januasporites (Pocock 1962) Singh 1964 Januasporites tumulosus sp. nov. Plate 108, fig. 12; Plate 109, figs. 2-4, 7 Holotype. Slide GN 421/1, 55.5 123.3. Sample 61-6-2 (grey, clayey shale), Upper Purbeck, Paludina Clays, Lulworth Cove, Dorset (from 2 ft. 6 in. below the highest Viviparus limestone). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, probably trilete, with a distinct central body. Amb rounded triangular to circular or oval. Inner body thicker and ornamented with a perfect polygonal microreticulum and usually carrying a large circular aperture on one face. Outer layer is very thin and loosely fitting around the antapical face, projecting beyond the central body at the amb and ornamented with irregularly distributed granules which are distinctly raised on hollow protuberances. Exine layers usually very thin and of indeterminate thickness. Description. Exine is composed of two distinct layers, an inner thicker and an outer, thinner membraneous layer almost completely enclosing the inner body. The inner layer bears an irregular but perfect polygonal micro-reticulum; muri 0-25-0-75 p wide; lumina 1-3 p wide and of polygonal shape but occasionally irregularly rounded. Reticu- lum always present at centre of antapertural face but usually becoming indistinct towards edges, sometimes showing a trilete distribution by development of stronger, 594 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 elongated lumina along 3 rays. The outer layer is very thin and is covered with rounded granules about 1-2 p high and varying from 0-5-2 p in diameter. Granules are distinctly raised on protuberances of the outer layer giving a characteristic L-O-L pattern in surface view. Granules spaced 1-2 p apart and irregularly distributed. Occasional gemmate or papillate projections may be distributed amongst the granules. Outer layer loosely lies over the antapertural face and projects 1-6 p from the amb. It occasionally encroaches up to the edges of the aperture but usually becomes indistinct on the aper- tural face. Inner layer about 0-25 p thick but usually indeterminate; outer layer of exine very thin with no distinguishable optical section visible under oil immersion, excluding the thickened granules. Dimensions. Maximum equatorial diameter: 47-62 p (holotype 47 p). Minimum equatorial diameter: 32-52 p (holotype 33 /x). Distribution. Middle and Upper Purbeck, Dorset. Remarks. The outer layer of Januasporites is not referred to in the description as either a perine or a saccus since the stratification of the inner layer is not visible. This outer layer is only loosely attached on the antapertural face but becomes closely attached to the apertural face at or just beyond the amb. Anteturma pollenites Turma saccites Subturma disaccites Genus podocarpidites (Cookson 1947) ex Couper 1953 Podocarpidites sp. cf. P. ellipticus Cookson 1947 Plate 109, figs. 16, 17 Distribution. Kimmeridgian and Portlandian of Dorset. Lower, Middle, and Upper Purbeck of Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. Subturma polysaccites Genus callialasporites (Sukh Dev 1961) Potonie 1966 Callialasporites sp. cf. C. trilobatus (Balme 1957) Sukh Dev 1961 Plate 110, fig. 8 Description. Spores radiosymmetric, alete, with a distinct central body. Amb of central body rounded triangular, surrounded by a distinctly trilobed equatorial saccus constricted All figures X 750. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 106 Figs. 1-2, 7-10, 12-13. Trilobosporites spp. 1-2, T. bernissartensis (Delcourt and Sprumont) Potonie- 1, Median focus, GN 345/1, 47.3 127.4. 2, Distal surface, GN 163/2, 51.0 122.9. 7-8, T. obsitus sp. nov. 7, Holotype, median focus, GN 163/2, 59.2 127.5. 8, Median focus, GN 163/2, 24.2 114.7. 9-10, 12-13, T. domitus sp. nov. 9, Holotype, proximal surface, GN 345/1, 57.0 111.7. 10, Median focus, GN 345/1, 57.4 120.6. 12, Equatorial view, GN 345/1, 51.6 1 16.5. 13, Median focus, GN 345/1, 38.4 127.8. Fig. 3. Foveosporites canalis Balme, GN 168/1, 107.6 22.3. Figs. 4-6, 11. Plicatella abaca (Burger) comb. nov. 4, Median focus, GN 145/2, 49.0 12.49. 5, Median focus, GN 212/2, 45.9 126.1. 6, GN 261/1, 46.6 116.0. 11, Equatorial view, GN 212/2, 40.4 126.4. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 106 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 595 at the apices of the central body. Exine scabrate or indistinctly wrinkled. Saccus 8-10 p wide. Exine of saccus and central body indistinct and thin. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter 50-51 p. Distribution. Middle and Upper Purbeck, Dorset and Sussex. Remarks. These grains differ from C. trilobatus (Balme) Sukh Dev in the scabrate rather than rugulate central body and in the overall smaller size. Callialasporites dampieri (Balme 1957) Sukh Dev emend. Plate 1 10, figs. 2, 3 1937 Nelumbium type Simpson, p. 673, fig. 2a. 1957 Zonalapollenites dampieri Balme, p. 32, pi. 8, figs. 88-90. 1958 Zonalapollenites cf. trilobatus Balme; Hughes and Couper, p. 1482, fig. 1 (e). 1958 Zonalapollenites dampieri Balme (partim); Lantz, p. 925, pi. 3, fig. 34. 1958 Zonalapollenites trilobatus Balme (partim); Lantz, p. 925, pi. 4, fig. 37. 1961 Callialasporites dampieri (Balme) Sukh Dev, p. 48. 1962 Pflugipollenites dampieri (Balme) Pocock, p. 72. Restated diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, alete, with a distinct central body. Central body amb circular to rounded triangular. One face of central body distinctly convex. Equatorial saccus surrounds central body and imparts a circular outline to the entire spore. Saccus attached by a narrow area at the equator of the central body, about one- fifth to one-seventh of the total diameter in width but decreasing and becoming irregu- larly constricted at the apices of the central body. The saccus is never constricted so much as to completely separate into three distinct lobes. Saccus usually carries delicate radial folds which may pass into rugulate folds on the attachment area, but is never folded on the centre of the spore body. Saccus and spore body scabrate to subgranular. Saccus wall about 1 p thick. Exine of central body 0-25-0-5 p thick. Description. Attachment area of saccus 2-8 p wide, distinct or indistinct, sometimes with a wrinkled appearance due to folding. Bladder usually 8 p wide between apices but varying from 4-13 p. Constrictions at apices reduce bladder width to the range 1-8 p, but these are not equal and all three are not necessarily developed on any one spore. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter: 47-69 p. Distribution. Kimmeridgian, Portlandian, Lower, Middle, and Upper Purbeck of Dorset, Sussex and Surrey. Remarks. C. dampieri (Balme) is similar to C. trilobatus (Balme). Balme (1957) noted the similarity but in his description of C. dampieri did not mention any constrictions of the saccus, which however, are clearly shown in his photographs (pi. 8, figs. 88-90). In the present material the sacci are always constricted to a variable degree, frequently deeply, in three places. The more deeply constricted examples are very similar to C. trilobatus, particularly as Balme described the bladders of this species to occasionally coalesce to form one trilobate bladder. The central body, however, is always scabrate to subgranular rather than rugulate, the latter ornament being characteristic of C. trilobatus. 596 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 C. dampieri is here emended to include forms in which the bladder is constricted to a variable degree at the apices of the central body but never sufficiently deeply to clearly delimit three bladders as are found in C. trilobatus. It is distinguished from C. trilobatus by this character, by the scabrate to subgranular rather than rugulate central body, by the narrow attachment areas of the bladders to the central body, and by the restriction of the rugulate folds to this area. Thus emended it embraces forms variously attributed to or compared with C. dampieri (Balme) and C. trilobatus (Balme) by Lantz (19586) and Hughes and Couper (1958). Some of these trilobed, but not trisaccate forms have a clear rugulate central body (e.g. Lantz 1958, pi. 4, fig. 40) and on this character are best left in C. trilobatus. In his original description of C. dampieri , Balme noted that ‘some specimens show vestigial triradiate markings’ although these were not illustrated. Saccate grains with trilete scars of various types and development have been illustrated by Hughes and Couper (1958) and Lantz (19586) and attributed to Balme’s species of Zonalapollenites. It seems advis- able to remove these from Callialasporites dampieri ( Balme) and C. trilobatus ( Balme) to genera of the Triletisacciti since some of the trilete marks illustrated by these authors appear to be quite well developed and not vestigial. All figures x750. explanation of plate 107 Figs. 1-4, 7, 10. Appendicisporites potomacensis Brenner. 1, 2, Median focus and distal surface respec- tively, GN 427/1, 48.0 117.6, 3, Proximal surface, GN 265/1, 122.3 44.1. 4, Median focus, GN 265/1, 50.2 111.0. 7, Median focus, GN 265/1, 48.2 123.4. 10, Median focus, GN 138/2, 50.0 102.6. Figs. 5, 6. Plicatella abaca (Burger) comb, nov., distal and proximal surfaces respectively, GN 145/2, 45.5 108.4. Fig. 8. Duplexisporites problematicus (Couper) Playford and Dettmann, GN 109B/1, 44.2 128.6. Figs. 9, 14. Trilobosporites apiverrucatus Couper. 9, Proximal surface, GN 338/1, 34.9 124.5. 14, Proximal surface, GN 341/1, 116.8 25.8. Figs. 11, 13. Foraniinisporis wonthaggiensis (Cookson and Dettmann) Dettmann. 11, GN 428/1, 58.3 110.7. 13, GN 428/1, 44.6 114.0. Fig. 12. Contignisporites dorsostriatas (Bolchovitina) Dettmann, GN 163/2, 32.4 119.1. Fig. 15. Coronatispora valdensis (Couper) Dettmann; Damaged specimen showing structure of distal surface, GN 154/1, 27.2 127.8. Figs. 16, 17. Gleicheniidites senonicus Ross. 16, GN 146/2, 37.4 124.4. 17, GN 147/2, 28.2 116.9. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 108 All figures X 750 unless otherwise stated. Figs. 1, 2. Coronatispora valdensis (Couper) Dettmann. 1, Proximal surface, GN 187/2, 47.4 125.3. 2, Distal surface, GN 152/1, 42.5 112.3. Figs. 3, 4, 6. Densoisporites perinatus Couper. 3, Proximal surface, GN 262/1, 41.5 123.3. 4, Median focus, GN 338/1, 52.8 111.2. 6, Median focus, GN 338/3, 50.4 127.9. Fig. 5. Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus (Couper) Dettmann, GN 257/1, 44.1 116.4. Figs. 7, 8, 10, 11. Heliosporites sp., Median foci. 7, GN 338/2, 37.1 110.7. 8, GN 427/2, 34.9 112.6. 10, GN 338/2,44.9 117.4. 11, GN 262/1, 53.3 114.2. Fig. 9. Aequitriradites spimdosas (Cookson and Dettmann) Cookson and Dettmann, GN 428/2, 50.5 124.7. Fig. 12. Januasporites tumulosus sp. nov., holotype, distal surface; GN 421/1, 55.5 123.3; X 1,250. Fig. 13. Couperisporites complexus (Couper) Pocock; distal surface, GN 265/1, 59.0 115.3. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 107 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 108 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 597 Callialasporites obrutus sp. nov. Plate 1 10, figs. 6, 7 Holotype. Slide GN 148/1, 48.4 109.6. Sample 60-5-24 (grey, shaley clay), Upper Purbeck, Unio Beds, Durlston Bay (from Bed 82 of Bristow 1857). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, alete, with a distinct central body. Amb of central body circular to oval, surrounded by a saccus imparting an irregularly circular outline to the entire spore. Central body outline not clear, saccus not distinctly attached to it. Saccus very thin, standing out from central body one-tenth to one-twelfth of the total diameter, scabrate to sub-granular, carrying coarse and also fine radial folds on equa- torial bladder, these passing into irregular rugulate folds on central body. Central body granular to rugulate, finer sculpture elements at poles. Exine of central body ( ?endo- exine) thin, about 0-25 p or less in thickness. Bladders (?ektexine) also thin, about 0-25 p thick. Description. Bladders very narrow, usually about 5 p wide but varying 4-9 p. Bladder folded coarsely and approximately radially. Central body usually indistinct. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter (including sacci): 38-69 p (holotype 61 p). Central body diameter: 29-44 p (holotype 44 p). Distribution. Kimmeridgian, Dorset. Lower, Middle, and Upper Purbeck, Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. Remarks. Callialasporites obrutus sp. nov. is distinguished from Zonalapollenites segmentatus Balme by the possession of a very thin-walled central body. Callialasporites sp. Plate 1 10, figs. 4, 5 Description. Spores radiosymmetric, trilete, with a narrow equatorially attached saccus. Laesurae long, sinuous, labiate, 1-2 p wide reaching beyond amb of central body and occasionally reaching amb of the saccus when they fan out into folds. Amb of both saccus and central body circular to rounded triangular. Saccus scabrate but thrown into rugulate, rather than irregular folds where attached to central body. Saccus projects evenly beyond amb of central body a distance equal to one-sixth to one-tenth of the total diameter (4-8 p). Saccus almost unfolded or carrying rather coarse, irregular radial rugulate folds up to 2 p wide and 4 p long. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter (including sacci): 39-64 p. Distribution. Portlandian, Dorset. Middle and Upper Purbeck, Dorset and Surrey. Remarks. Apart from the prominent trilete mark, this species is similar to Calliala- sporites obrutus sp. nov. in possessing an equatorial, radially folded bladder which is attached to a rugulate central body. Turma aletes Infraturma psilonapiti Genus inaperturopollenites (Pflug ex Thomson and Pflug 1953) Potonie 1958 Inaperturopollenites sp. Plate 1 10, figs. 11,12 598 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Description. Spores small, spheroidal or occasionally of irregular shape owing to folding, inaperturate. Exine relatively thick and rigid, unfolded or carrying short arcuate folds. Exine 0-25-1 p in thickness, usually about 0-75 p. Dimensions. Diameter: 9-15 p. Distribution. Kimmeridgian and Portlandian of Dorset and Sussex. Lower, Middle, and Upper Purbeck of Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. Infraturma spinonapiti Genus peltandripites Wodehouse 1933 Peltcindripites tener sp. nov. Plate 110, figs. 18, 19 Holotype. Slide GN 316/1, 42.0 123.7. Sample WM 2024/2 (grey, calcareous shale), Middle Purbeck, Warlingham borehole, Surrey. Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, inaperturate, spherical, folded, entirely covered in All figures X 750. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 109 Fig. 1. Couperisporites complexus (Couper) Pocock; distal surface, GN 338/1, 43.4 1 1 1.0. Figs. 2 -4, 7. Januasporites tumulosus sp. nov. 2, 3, Holotype, median focus and distal surface respec- tively; GN 421/1, 55.5 123.3. 4, Median focus, showing circular aperture; GN 345/1, 41.51 28.5. 7, Median focus, GN 138/2, 40.4 117.2. Figs. 5, 6. Marattisporites scabratus Couper. 5, Polar view, GN 163/2, 51.2 111.5. 6, Equatorial view, GN 147/1, 27.8 119.0. Figs. 8-10. Vitreisporites pallidus (Reissinger) Potonie. 8, GN 138/2, 28.0 122.0. 9, GN 154/2, 45.7 121.7. 10, GN 153/2, 30.7 1 13.5. Figs. 11, 12. Cerebropollenites mesozoicus (Couper) Nilsson. 11, GN 152/1, 38.1 117.9. 12, GN 152/1, 48.0 111.1. Fig. 13. Abietineaepollenites minimus Couper, GN 265/2, 46.4 111.3. Figs. 14, 15. Alisporites bilateralis Rouse. 14, GN 143/2, 42.6 120.8. 15, GN 259/2, 28.6 127.2. Figs. 16, 17. Podocarpidites sp. cf. P. ellipticus Cookson. 16, GN 431/1, 118.8 39.3. 17, GN 421/1, 47.5 123.1. Figs. 18, 19. Parvisaccites radiatus Couper. 18, Oblique polar view, GN 146/2, 37.0 124.3. 19, Oblique equatorial view, GN 186/2, 49.5 112.6. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 110 All figures X 750 unless otherwise stated. Fig. 1. Parvisaccites radiatus Couper, equatorial view, GN 138/2, 50.8 128.2. Figs. 2-8. Callialasporites spp. 2-3, C. dampieri (Balme) Sukh Dev. 2, 111 3—1 3C, 44.2 119.4, 3. GN 421/1, 46.6 119.3. 4-5, C. sp. 4, GN 152/1, 29.5 123.2. 5, GN 152/2, 36.1 121.8. 6-7, C. obrutus sp. nov. 6. Holotype, GN 148/1, 48.4 109.6. 7, GN 431/1, 23.9 118.2. 8, C. sp. cf. C. trilobatus (Balme) Sukh Dev, GN 255/2, 49.7 120.2. Figs. 9-12. Inaperturopo/lenites spp. 9-10, I. dubius (Potonie and Venitz) Thomson and Pfiug. 9, GN 196/1,56.8 127.7. 10, GN 345/1, 35.9 108.6. 11-12, /. sp. 1 1, GN 272/1, 44.9 1 17.0; X 1,250. 12, GN 421/1, 39.1 120.4; X 1,250. Figs. 13. Spheripollenites subgramdatus Couper, GN 482/1, 34.6 109.3. Figs. 14-16. Undidatasporites araneus sp. nov. 14, 16, High and median foci respectively, GN 421/2, 43.2 126.8. 15, High focus, GN 421/2, 47.1 110.0. Fig. 17. Araucariacites australis Cookson, GN 265/2, 46.6 1 19.8. Fig. 18, 19. Peltandripites tener sp. nov. 18, Holotype, GN 316/1, 42.0 123.7; x 1,250. 19, Tetrad, GN 281/1, 46.4 115.0. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 109 z.TA. K^‘~- -i s a J ■ s iV*' NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 110 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 599 short, closely spaced, irregularly distributed spines. Exine very thin, usually less than 0-25 p in thickness. Description. Grains always carry many arcuate and crescentic folds. Spines 0-75-1 p long, usually about 0-25 p wide but occasionally up to 1 p wide, spaced irregularly 0-25-1 p apart. In some corroded specimens some of the spines are reduced to low granules. Rarely the grains occur in tetrads. Sometimes the grains are ruptured in an arcuate fashion. Optical section of exine indistinct, occasionally reaching about 0-25 p thick but never thicker. Dimensions. Maximum diameter: 33-55 p (holotype 50 p). Distribution. Kimmeridgian and Portlandian, Dorset. Lower and Upper Purbeck, Dorset. Remarks. This species is easy to confuse with some acritarchs with short processes, ft is only distinguished with difficulty but is clearly a pollen grain on account of its occur- rence in tetrads. Peltrandripites tener is distinguished from Araucariacites australis Cookson by its smaller size, much thinner exine, and clearly echinulate rather than granular ornament. Infraturma reticulonapiti Genus undulatasporites Leschik 1955 Undulatasporites araneus sp. nov. Plate 110, figs. 14-16; Plate 111, figs. 2-10 Holotype. Slide GN 345/1, 25.3 107.2. Sample 60-19-3, (grey calcareous marl), Upper Purbeck, Upper Cypris Clays and Shales, Bacon Hole (6 in. above Bed 1 of Arkell 1933). Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, alete. Amb circular to oval. Exine very thin and ornamented with irregular rugulae coalescing into a very imperfect, irregular micro- reticulum consisting of narrow muri of constant width, and elongated irregular lumina with a radially elongated arrangement towards the periphery. Exine 0-25-1 p thick, possibly tectate. Description. Muri and rugulae 0-25-1 p wide, of constant width along their length, 0-25 p or less up to 0-5 p high. Luminae 0-5-1 p wide and up to 3 p long, tortuous and boun- ded by anastomosing muri which show both angular and rounded bends in their courses. Spores sometimes show concentric folds close to the periphery. Dimensions. Maximum equatorial diameter: 21-30 p (holotype 26 p). Distribution. Upper Purbeck, Dorset. Remarks. Undulatasporites araneus sp. nov. is distinguished from Undulatasporites anguineus Leschik by the overall smaller size, thinner exine, and shorter rugulae. Turma plicates Subturma monocolpates Genus cycadopites Wodehouse 1933 ex Wilson and Webster 1946 Cycadopites sp. cf. C. nitidus (Balme 1957) comb. nov. Plate 111, figs. 11, 12 600 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 1957 Entylissa nitidus Balme, p. 30, pi. 6, figs. 78-80. 1962 Ginkgocycadophytus nitudus (Balme) de Jersey, p. 12. Distribution. Kimmeridgian, and Portlandian, Dorset. Lower, Middle, and Upper Purbeck, Dorset and Surrey. Remarks. These grains have a slightly greater over-all size range (18-39 p long; 13-27 p broad) than those described by Balme but also differ in their tectate and scabrate to infrapunctate exine (rather than ‘smoothly or faintly granulate’). The exine, however, has a granular appearance in some corroded specimens. Balme (1957) believed that C. nitidus was derived from plants of cycadalian or bennettitalian affinities. The strati- fication of the exine of the present grains is not in conflict with this. Pollen grains of the modern genera Bowenia, Cycas, and Macrozamia belonging to the Cycadaceae and are illustrated by Erdtman (1957, figs. 10, 17, 46). All have tectate exines with rod-like elements supporting the tectum and closely resemble C. sp. cf. C. nitidus. The exines of some of the modern forms are distinctly crassitegellate whereas the tectum of C. sp. cf. C. nitidus is frequently seen to be just thinner than the gap between it and the endexine but merging into a crassitegellate exine. Turma poroses Subturma monoporines Genus exesipollenites Balme 1957 Exesipollenites seabrosus sp. nov. Plate 111, figs. 20-2 Holotvpe. Slide GN 316/1, 45.5 109.5. Sample WM 2024/2 (grey calcareous shale), Purbeck Beds, Warlingham borehole. Diagnosis. Spores radiosymmetric, monoporate. Amb rounded triangular to circular. Both proximal and distal faces rather flattened. Distal face with a circular thickening around the centre with an over-all diameter about half the equatorial diameter. At the distal pole at the centre of the thickening is a rather thinner, distinctly depressed circular EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 1 1 All figures X 1,250 unless otherwise stated. Fig. 1. Peltandripites tener sp. nov., GN 281/1, 54.5 121.1. Figs. 2-10. Undulatasporites araneus sp. nov. 2-3, High and median foci respectively, GN 341/1, 27.8 128.0. 4-5, Holotype, high and median foci respectively, GN 345/1, 25.3 107.2. 6-7, GN 345/1, 30.5 112.4. 8, High focus, GN 345/1, 107.3 25.9. 9, Median focus, GN 421/1, 56.1 127.6. 10, GN 345/1, 24.3 108.9. Figs. 11, 12. Cvcadopites sp. cf. C. nitidus (Balme) comb. nov. 11, GN 338/3 49.4 119.8; X750. 12, GN 196/1 43.0 109.3; X 750. Figs. 13-16. Eucommiidites spp. 13-14, 16, E. troedssonii Erdtman, x 750. 13, GN 163/2, 40.3 109.9. 14, GN 163/2, 48.7 125.9. 16, GN 148/1, 38.1 117.2. 15, E. minor Groot and Penny, GN 345/1, 25.9 107.4; X750. Fig. 17. Monosulcites sp. aff. M. minimus Cookson, GN 344/1, 39.2 128.6; X 750. Fig. 18. Cvcadopites carpentieri (Delcourt and Sprumont) Singh, GN 184/1, 41.9 108.8; x750. Fig. 19. Inaperturopollenites dubius (Potonie and Venitz) Thomson and Pflug, GN 153/2, 23.2 122.1; x 750. Figs. 20-22. Exesipollenites seabrosus sp. nov. 20, GN 316/1, 109.3 45.3; X 750. 21-2, Holotype, distal surface, X 750 and X 1,250 respectively; GN 316/1, 45.5 109.5. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 111 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 601 pore. Exine tectate, microreticulate, consisting of inwardly projecting elements. Occa- sional scattered, irregular granules may occur on both faces. Exine just under 1 p in thickness. Description. Distal thickening distinct but not sharply delimited at its periphery, 11- 17 p in diameter (just greater or just less than half the equatorial diameter). Distal pore at centre of distal thickening circular, depressed 1-5-3 p, 1-8 p in diameter (one- twelfth to two-thirds the diameter of the distal thickening). Microreticulate ornament developed over entire surface of grain, including the distal pore and thickening, occasionally indistinct or scabrate. When well developed the muri of the microreticulum are about 0-25 p wide and the lumina are about 0-25 p in diameter. This tectate ornament may be accompanied by scattered groups of irregular granules up to 1 p in diameter developed on the outer surface of the tectum. The tectate nature of the exine is usually quite clear even though delicately marked. The inwardly projecting elements of the ektexine are usually only seen as faint radial structures between the tectum and endexine. The radial elements may become so faint as to simulate a simply cavate exine. Exine 0-25-1 p in total thickness. Endexine 0-25 p or less in thickness, occasionally not clearly distinct from the ektexine. Folding seldom occurs owing to the flattened nature of the spore but the amb is occasionally irregularly crumpled. Dimensions. Equatorial diameter: 23-36 p (holotype 36 p). Polar diameter: 4-6 p (holotype 6 p). Distribution. Kimmeridgian and Portlandian of Dorset and Sussex. Lower, Middle, and Upper Purbeck of Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. Remarks. Exesipollenites scabrosus is distinguished from ExesipoIIenites tumulus Balme by the tectate nature of the thinner exine and by the microreticulate ornament. No spheroidal forms with a triangular polar thickening which Balme ( 1 957) found associated with E. tumulus were found associated with E. scabrosus. The Lower Jurassic assem- blage in which E. tumulus occurred also contained abundant Classopo/lis (Balme 1957, p. 41) as do the present samples in which E. scabrosus occurs. MIOSPORES INCERTAE SEDIS Genus sigmopollis Hedlund 1965 Sigmopollis ca/losus sp. nov. Plate 1 13, figs. 9-12 Holotype. Slide GN 383/1, 48.7 108.3. Sample 60-19-22 (buff calcareous sandstone), Middle Purbeck Corbula Beds, Bacon Hole (from the base of Bed 60 of Bristow 1857). Diagnosis. Spores spheroidal. One face carries a distinct, markedly sinuous split in the exine. Entire surface of grain ornamented with low bifurcating rugulae which do not project at the amb. Exine about 1 p thick. Description. Grains seldom folded and consequently more or less perfectly spherical owing to the relatively thick and rigid exine. Splitting is almost invariably developed and often takes an inverted S-shaped course r r C 6940 602 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 across the entire face. It does not appear to be associated with a thinning of the exine and in optical section is seen to be a simple break perpendicular to the surface of the grain. Rugulae 1-2 p long, up to 0-25 p wide, branching and occasionally partly forming an imperfect microreticulum, usually not projecting at the amb but in a few specimens giving the outline a slightly irregular appearance. Exine 0-75-1-25 p thick. Dimensions. Diameter: 11-14 p (holotype 14 p). Distribution. Middle and Upper Purbeck, Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey. Remarks. SigmopolUs callosus is distinguished from Spheripollenites subgranulatus Couper by the much thicker, more rigid exine, by the distinct rugulae which do not project at the amb, and by the distinct sinuous rupture occurring on one face. The split in the exine is considered to be significant (possibly connected with germina- tion) rather than fortuitous owing to its constant and similar development in most grains examined. Since it is not associated with any thinning of the exine it cannot be considered a colpus. It is similar to a monolete mark but is not associated with a differ- ential raising of the surface of the exine and appears to transgress the entire exine thick- ness from the inner to the outer surface. Probably it is best considered an alete grain. STRATIGRAPHIC PALYNOLOGY All the samples examined from the Purbeck Beds and Upper Jurassic with few ex- ceptions are dominated either by ClassopoUis torosus or Inaperturopollenites dubius. These two species together usually constitute at least 70% and occasionally more than 90% of the total spore-pollen flora. The relative abundance of these two species may have palaeoecologic significance. They are of little use, however, for delimiting assemblages EXPLANATION OF PLATE 112 All figures x 1,250 unless otherwise stated. Figs. 1-5,8-16. ClassopoUis spp. 1-5, C. torosus (Reissinger) Balme. 1, Tetrad, GN 164/1, 43.9 128.5; X 750. 2-3, Median and high foci respectively showing grain with endexine separated from ektexine; GN 414/5, 49.5 125.2. 4, Equatorial view, GN 97C/1, 43.1 107.8; X 750. 5, polar view, GN 316/3, 37.6 128.0; x 750. 8-13, C. echinatus Burger. 8, Polar view, GN 316/1, 41.9 129.1. 9, Oblique polar view, GN 316/1, 58.9 124.6. 10, Polar view, GN 316/1, 37.0 124.3. 11, Equatorial view, GN 203/1, 31.2 128.7. 12-13, Equatorial view, median and high foci respectively; GN 97C/1, 53.8 108.5. 14-16, C. hammenii Burger. 14, Equatorial view, GN 316/1, 29.2 125.7. 15, Equatorial view, GN 162/2, 41.9 128.7. 16. Oblique equatorial view, GN 97C/2, 47.1 126.7. Figs. 6, 7. Perinopollenites elatoides Couper. 6, GN 259/2, 50.8 1 18.1 ; X 750. 7, GN 190/3, 42.5 108.5; X 750. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 113 All figures X 1,250 unless otherwise stated. Figs. 1-4. ClassopoUis hammenii Burger. 1, 2, Equatorial view, low and median foci respectively; GN 316/1, 32.0 128.5. 3, Polar view, GN 154/1, 52.7 120.3. 4, Oblique polar view, GN 316/1, 40.9 129.5. Figs. 5-8, 13. Schizosporis spp. 5, 8, S. reticulatus Cookson and Dettmann. 5, GN 260/1, 43.3 116.3; X 350. 8, GN 259/1, 53.7 127.9; X 350. 6, 13, S. spriggi Cookson and Dettmann. 6, GN 265/1, 46.2 1 16.5; x 350. 13, GN 163/1, 51.6 1 17.6; X 350. 7, S. parvus Cookson and Dettmann, GN 154/1, 47.8 125.6; X750. Figs. 9-12. SigmopolUs callosus sp. nov. 9-11, Holotype, low, median and high foci respectively, GN 383/1, 48.7 108.3. 12, High focus, GN 383/1, 37.5 108.7. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 112 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 113 NORRIS, Late Jurassic and Purbeck miospores NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 603 for stratigraphic purposes. On the other hand, the constituent species of the remaining fraction of the miospore samples are very diverse and may be used to define spore-pollen suites which appear to have stratigraphic significance. Suites have been recognized by study of samples collected in sequences. They delimit broadly similar spore-pollen samples, presumably derived from the same vegetational unit or units. They are de- scribed on the basis of their persistent species (those present in about 50% or more of the constituent samples in a suite) and spasmodic species (those occurring in less than half of the samples on which the suite is recognized). The composition of the suites is shown in text-fig. 3. Marine Upper Jurassic Assemblages The Upper Kimmeridgian and Portlandian of the Dorset coast and the Portland Sand of Sussex have similar miospore assemblages which are included in one miospore suite (Suite A). The basal Purbeck of Durlston Bay is also marine or brackish and is characterized by the same Suite. Suite A is restricted in composition, most assemblages consisting of 10-15 species (listed in text-fig. 3). None of the species show restricted ranges within the intervals examined. All species occur in the overlying Purbeck Beds. The extension of their ranges into lower strata is not known in detail, owing to lack of adequate studies in the lower horizons of the Kimmeridgian, but more than half the species comprising Suite A have been reported from the Lower, Middle and Upper Jurassic of Britain by Couper (1958), Lantz (19586), and Wall (1965). The restricted nature of assemblages constituting Suite A is probably the result of the combination of several factors. Both the Upper Kimmeridgian and Portlandian com- prise marine sediments deposited in an offshore environment. Considerable sedimentary sorting of the miospores by both wind and water is likely and may have resulted in only a fraction of the total available spore-pollen population from the adjacent land areas reaching the depositional site. This relative impoverishment may have been accentuated by the extremely limited flora that occupied coastal sites at that time as evidenced by the overlying Lower Purbeck assemblages. At West Weare Cliff (Isle of Portland) Suite A occurs up to and including the Basal Shell Bed. Samples above this bed from the Cherty Series and Freestone Series did not yield palynologic assemblages. Suite A occurs in Portlandian samples from the West Weare Sandstone, Upper Black Nore Beds, Black Nore Sandstone, and Lower Black Nore Beds. Samples from the Exogyra Bed, the lower part of the West Weare Sandstone and upper part of the Upper Black Nore Beds were not available. At Tar Rocks below West Weare Cliff, Suite A characterizes the Kimmeridgian pallasioides zone to at least 135 ft. below the lowest row of nodules in the Black Nore Sandstone. At Hounstout, Suite A characterizes similar horizons in the Lower Portlandian and Upper Kimmeridgian. The highest occurrence of Suite A collected at this locality was immediately below the Lower Parallel Band of the St. Albans Head Marls. Suite A characterizes the Portlandian and Upper Kimmeridgian below this, comprising the remainder of the St. Albans Head Marl, Emmit Hill Marl, Hounstout Marl, Hounstout Clay, Rhynchonella Marl, Lingula Shale, Rotunda Clays and Nodules, and the highest 20 ft. of the Crushed Ammonoid Shales, below which samples were not collected. At Durlston Bay, the only Purbeck assemblage obtained below the base of the Marls 6u4 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 text-fig. 3. Composition of microfloral suites showing persistent species (unbroken lines) and spasmodic species (broken lines). N.B. Range in entry 16 is correct, and not that in entry 41. NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 605 with Gypsum and Insect Beds belongs to Suite A. This assemblage which was obtained from a horizon 3 ft. below the top of the Broken Beds, contains dinoflagellate cysts (Norris 1965 b) suggesting marine conditions of deposition, as suggested independently by Brown (1964) using petrologic criteria. Marine plankton. The spore-pollen assemblages of Suite A are accompanied by a large proportion of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs; Norris (1965) has described a few of these species. The relative numerical abundance of microplankton in the marine Upper Jurassic (expressed as a ratio — number of microplanktonic forms/number of miospores) varies from 0-2 to TO. The relative diversity of marine Upper Jurassic microplankton species compared with miospore species (expressed as a ratio) varies between 0-6 and 3-0. In contrast the saline horizons in the Purbeck Beds containing microplankton have relative numerical abundances of microplankton that rarely exceed 0-01 and relative diversities of microplankton that never exceed 0-2 and frequently are less than 0T. Purbeck Assemblages The Purbeck miospore assemblages of Dorset, Sussex, and Surrey can be grouped into two suites of distinctly different composition. Suite B. This Suite (see text-fig. 3) is similar to Suite A in terms of most of the commoner constituents; however, Classopollis echinatus and Inaperturopollenites sp. occur less frequently, and Podocarpidites sp. cf. P. ellipticus, Araueariacites australis and Perino- pollenites elatoides more frequently. Eucommiidites minor occurs in Suites A and C but is unknown in Suite B. Suite B is distinguished from Suite A by the presence of the following rarely occurring species: Acanthotriletes varispinosus, Converrucosisporites variverrucatus, Leptolepidites psarosus , Micro- reticelatisporites diatretes, Cicatricosisporites purbeckensis , PlicatelUi abaca, Couperisporites complexus, Cycadopites carpentieri, Schizosporis spriggi , Parvisaccites radiates. On the Dorset Coast, Suite B characterizes most of the Lower Purbeck and the lower part of the Middle Purbeck. At Durlston Bay, Suite B occurs up to Bristow’s (1857) Bed 53 in the Upper Building Stone, 17 ft. below the base of the Corbula Beds. At Bacon Hole Suite B occurs up to the top of the Marly Freshwater Beds (Bristow’s Bed 42). Its lowest occurrence is not clearly defined at Bacon Hole where palynologic as- semblages are rare in the Lower Purbeck. At Durlston Bay, however, Suite B definitely occurs down to the base of the Marls with Gypsum and Insect Beds. Suite A occurs almost to the top of the Broken Beds. At Mountfield, Suite B characterizes the 4 gypsum seams at the bottom of the Purbeck sequence, the highest sample containing Suite B assemblages occurring at the top of No. 1 seam. In the Warlingham borehole, Suite B does not occur above 2,022 ft. but the section was not examined below 2,027 ft. and so its lowest occurrence was not determined. Suite C. This suite is similar to Suite B in terms of most of the persistent species (text- fig. 3) but contains these additional persistent species (some of which, however, occur rarely in other suites) : Cyathidites minor , Klnkisporites pseudoreticidatus, Cicatricosisporites australiensis, Cicatricosi- sporites purbeckensis, Plicatella abaca, Coronatispora valdensis, Parvisaccites radiates. 606 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Suite C contains all the rare species that characterize Suite B but also contains the 32 additional spasmodic species listed in text-fig. 3. Suite C occurs in the upper part of the Middle Purbeck and the Upper Purbeck of the Dorset Coast. At Durlston Bay, this Suite ranges from a horizon 15 ft. below the top of the Upper Building Stone (Bristow's Bed 55) to the highest sample examined, a bed of limestone at the top of the Marble Beds and Ostracod Shales. The Viviparus Clays are no longer exposed at this locality. At Bacon Hole the lowest occurrence of Suite C is from near the base of the Corbula Beds (from the bottom of Bristow’s Bed 60). The interval from the base of the Corbula Beds to the highest occurrence of Suite B close to the lower middle Purbeck junction is barren of miospores. Consequently the exact delimitation of Suites B and C at this locality cannot be determined accurately. Suite C occurs up to the highest sample examined from Bacon Hole, a silty clay in Wealden arenaceous facies about 8 ft. above the top of the Upper Purbeck Paludina Clays. The latter is delimited from the basal Wealden by the incoming of sandstone. At Lulworth Cove, Suite C occurs in the Paludina Clays but its lowest occurrence has not been determined at this locality because of the lack of assemblages. Suite C is not known at Worbarrow Bay, also because of lack of palynomorph assemblages in the Upper Middle and Upper Purbeck. At Mountfield, Suite C occurs from 13 ft. above the top of No. 1 gypsum seam throughout the remaining ‘Middle’ and ‘Upper’ Purbeck to the highest sample examined in the lower half of the Grey Limestone Series exposed in the River Line south-west of the gypsum mine (Howitt 1964, p. 86). In the Warlingham borehole. Suite C occupies the interval from 2,004 ft. to the highest sample examined at 1 ,900 ft. DISCUSSION OF ASSEMBLAGES AND SUITES The three suites represent a progressive diversification of the plant microfossil assem- blages (text-fig. 3). Species of Suite A are drawn from a total of 32 species. Most assem- blages constituting Suite A are composed of 10-15 species. Suite B is represented by a total of 42 species, although each assemblage in this suite usually consists of less than 10 species with occasionally up to 22 species present. Suite C is the most diverse, being represented by a total of 73 species; most assemblages of Suite C contain 15-30 species although this number can be (rarely) as low as 4 or as high as 42. Each successive suite is characterized by the entrances of new forms. There are no well-marked extinctions although local ranges may be restricted in some sections. Most of the characteristic new forms of each suite are rare types. This leads to difficulties in assigning some samples to a suite, but the use of sequential samples has allowed a more meaningful evaluation of the absence of rare types in a sample. This progressive diversification of the assemblages may be the result of evolution, sedimentation, local phytogeography, or changing environments. The distribution and ranges of characteristic species within each Suite is not constant from section to section, which suggests that factors other than evolution and extinction are important in deter- mining individual ranges. For example, Pi/osisporites delicatulus is characteristic of Suite C in Dorset but is unknown in Sussex and Surrey. Thus local palaeoecologic control may be severe and does not allow the use of individual miospores for minutely NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 607 detailed stratigraphic correlation, although the use of miospores for general correlative purposes is possible as set out below. There is no apparent relationship between the miospore Suites and the numerical dominants in each section. Either Classopollis torosus or Inaperturopollenites dubius may dominate the assemblages constituting Suite A. At Durlston Bay and in the Warlingham borehole Suite B is characterized by relative abundances of Classopollis torosus greater than 50%. At Bacon Hole and Mountfield, C. torosus dominates the lower assemblages of Suite B but I. dubius becomes important in the higher assemblages of this Suite. Suite C is characterized by an abundance of /. dubius at Durlston Bay and in the War- lingham borehole. At Bacon Hole and Mountfield either I. dubius or C. torosus may dominate the Suite C assemblages. Many assemblages in Suite B and C are characterized by the freshwater chlorophycean alga, Botryococcus, presumably reflecting the domin- antly non-marine conditions of deposition. Botanical considerations. It is possible to assign many dispersed spore and pollen species from the Jurassic and Cretaceous to natural plant orders and families (Potonie 1962, Brenner 1963, Dettmann 1963, Pocock 1962, Singh 1964, Norris 1967). Species con- stituting Suites A, B, and C are distributed amongst natural plant taxa at the ordinal or higher levels as follows: bryophyta: Slereisporites antiquasporites, Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis , Aequitriradites spinulosus, Couperisporites complexus. pteridophyta: Inaperturopollenites dubius (pars). Lycopodiales: Acanthotriletes varispinosus, Lyco- podiacidites cerniidites, Lycopodiumsporites austroc/avatidites, Foveosporites canalis, Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus , Densoisporites perinatus. Filicales: Cyathidites minor, C. australis, Osmundacidites wellmanii. Bacidatisporites comanumensis, Converrucosisporites variverrucatus , Leptolepidites psarosus, Rubinella major, Pilosisporites trichopapillosus, Cicatricosisporites australiensis. C. purbeckensis, C. angicanaiis, C. brevilaesuratus, Klukisporites pseudoreticulatus, Trilobosporites bernissartensis, T. obsitus, T. domitus, Appendicisporites potomacensis, Plicatella abaca, Gleicheniidites senonicus, Maratti- sporites scabratus. Pteridophyta incertae sedis: Deltoidospora rafaeli , D. psilostoma, Concavisporites juriensis, Divisisporites sp. cf. D. euskirchenensis, Pilosisporites delicatidus, Reticidisporites semireticulatus, Microreticidatisporites diatretus, Tripartina sp., Heliosporites sp., Contignisporites dorsostriatus, Coronatispora valdensis, Januasporites tumulosus. cycadophyta: Vitreisporites pallidas , Cycadopites sp. cf. C. nitidus, C. carpentieri. coniferophyta. Coniferales: CerebropoUenites mesozoicus, Alisporites bilateralis, Abietineaepollenites minimus, Podocarpidites sp. cf. P. ellipticus, Parvisaccites radiatus, Callialasporites sp. cf. C. trilobatus, C. dampieri, C. obrutus, C. sp., Inaperturopollenites dubius (pars), Araucariacites australis, Spheri- pollenites subgranulatus, Perinopollenites elatoides. Coniferophyta incertae sedis: Eucommiidites troedssonii, E. minor, Exesipollenites scabrosus, Classopollis torosus, C. echinatus, C. hammenii. spores and pollen incertae sedis: Inaperturopollenites sp., Peltandripites tener, Undulatasporites araneus, Monosulcites sp. aff. M. minimus, Schizosporis reticulatis, S. spriggi, S. parvus, Sigmopollis callosus. From the above list it is evident that the assemblages spanning the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in southern England as a whole represent principally pteridophyte-gymno- sperm vegetation. Lycopsids are less important than filicalean elements but some of the pteridophyte spores of uncertain affinities may belong to this group. Bryophytes and cycads are both relatively unimportant groups. Ascending the sequence from the Upper Kimmeridgian to the Upper Purbeck there is a progressive diversification of the spore-pollen assemblages. Suite A consists principally 608 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 of coniferalean elements with a few filicalean, lycopsid, and other pteridophyte species. In Suite B conifers remain important but pteridophytes begin to diversify. Bryophytes appear in Suite B as rare elements. In Suite C conifers remain the most diverse persistent elements but pteridophytes are the most diverse of the spasmodic species. Bryophytes are commoner here than in Suite B but are still rare. Cycadophytes are rare elements in all the suites. The numerical dominants in all the suites, Classopollis torosus and Inaper- turopollenites dubius, are both coniferalean species but some of the inaperturate grains could be derived from equisetalean plants (Batten 1968). CORRELATION AND AGE OF THE PURBECK BEDS Correlation It is difficult to select ‘index’ forms or key species (Couper 1958) but the suites recog- nized on the basis of several species are presumably time concordant. Correlation of the Purbeck Beds and equivalent strata in southern England on the basis of palynologic suites is shown in text-fig. 4. At Durlston Bay, Suite B is present from the top of the Broken Beds (samples from the Caps and Dirt Beds below did not yield palynomorphs) to the upper part of the Upper Building Stones. Suite C occupies the remainder of the Upper Building Stone to the top of the Marble Beds and Ostracod Shales. In Bacon Hole the boundary between Suites B and C occurs at a similar strati- graphic position, i.e. at the approximate level of the Scallop Beds (of Bristow’s 1857 terminology). Due to the westward attenuation of the strata, however, the B/C boundary is approximately 15 ft. above the Cinder Bed at Bacon Hole whereas the equivalent interval at Durlston is almost double that thickness. Samples from the ma jor part of the Purbeck Beds at Worbarrow Bay and at Lulworth Cove were too sparse (perhaps due to the large amounts of limestone in the sections) to locate the boundary between Suites B and C. At Mountfield, however, this boundary is well marked in the subsurface section of the Purbeck Beds just above the No. 1 gypsum seam approximately 50-60 ft. above the base of the section. This contrasts with the position of the B/C boundary approximately 260 ft. above the base at Durlston Bay. Thus the four gypsum seams and intercalated shales at the base of the Mountfield Purbeck would appear to be either a condensed sequence equivalent to the Lower and much of the Middle Purbeck of Dorset (some 260 ft.), or there is a hiatus between the underlying Portlandian and the lowest Purbeck at Mountfield which seems more likely for the following reasons. Although the Purbeck of Dorset is apparently conformable with the underlying Upper Portlandian, in other areas there is some evidence to suggest that the Upper Portlandian is absent. In the Henfield borehole of Sussex, 2 ft. below the base of the Purbeck Beds, faunas occur indicating the Lower Portlandian albani zone (Taitt and Kent 1958). In the Portsdown borehole the Purbeck Beds rest on Portlandian equivalent to the top of the Portland Sand (Lower Portlandian) in Dorset. At Mountfield the arenaceous sediments immediately underlying the Purbeck Beds have yielded dinoflagellates characteristic of the top part of the Lower Portlandian gorei zone in Dorset (Norris 1963). Falcon and Kent (1960, p. 13) presented additional evidence from boreholes in southern England and stated that there is ‘no evidence of the occurrence of Upper Portland anywhere in the Wealden area, there being a non-sequence at the base of the Purbeck’. Taitt and Kent LULWORTH BACON WORBARROW DURLSTON MOUNTFIELD WARL1NGHAM COVE HOLE BOREHOLE NORRIS: MIOSPORES FROM SOUTHERN ENGLAND 609 i 1 uaddn J l V... 1 3iaaiw K n O-- 1 / l 5 5 -i Z < Ul X 03 i t . ! 1 cc o UJ z =5 < ~~ i I d3ddf) fv 3iaaii/\i i t d3/v\o~i O" \ / / \ \ i / u / \ Maysville Cincinnatian Eden Barneveld 'Trentonian' LU _l a Q Wilderness 'Blackriveran' i Porterfield Ashby Chazyan Marmor Whiterock Ashgil I Caradoc Llandei lo Llanvirn Bolindian Eastonian Gisbornian Darriwilian text-fig. 4. Tentative correlation table for the middle and upper parts of the Ordovician of Europe, Australia, and North America. Based on Cooper (1956), Thomas (1960), Whittington and Williams (1964), and Whittington (1966). The old subdivisions in the North American succession are shown in quotation marks. Packham (1967) recorded a varied fauna, including Tetradium and heliolitids, from Billabong Creek. He tentatively correlated it with the upper part of the Wilderness (= Upper Gisbornian, in terms of the Victorian graptolite succession). Near Gunning- bland, Cliefdenella etheridgei, Streptelasma sp., Palaeophyl/um sp., and Plasmoporella injiatci have been collected together. The species of Palaeophyllum appears to be con- specific with the form occurring in the upper member of the Cliefden Caves Limestone. The fauna thus includes diagnostic elements of both Faunas II and III. Possibly Strepte- lasma and P. inflata appear earlier in the limestones of the Parkes Platform than the limestones to the east, on the Molong Geanticline. The intervening Cowra Trough, or some marked differences in the environments of the Parkes Platform and Molong Geanticline, may have affected the faunal distribution. Philip (1966) described an isolated occurrence of Ordovician limestone south-east of Tamworth, northern New South Wales. Named the Trelawney Beds, they have pro- duced an abundant fauna, including Favistina, Palaeophyllum, Streptelasma, and helio- WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROM ATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 643 litids. The coral fauna, though apparently lacking halysitids and favositids, resembles that found in the upper part of the Cargo Creek and Canomodine Limestones, and seems to belong to Fauna III. Philip observed that the conodonts included forms previously described from strata of Barneveld to Maysville age in North America. He suggested correlation of the Trelawney Beds with the upper Caradoc, or with the Eastonian of the Victorian type succession (text-fig. 4). Thus, Faunas I and II are tentatively regarded as Lower? or Upper Gisbornian and Upper Gisbornian? or Lower Eastonian, respectively, and Fauna III is Upper Eastonian (text-fig. 3). There is no evidence at present to suggest that Fauna III extends into the Bolindian, though the possibility cannot be entirely ruled out. ZOOGEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIPS Little is known about the stromatoporoids from the Gordon Limestone of Tasmania, and no systematic work has been published on the fauna. Banks (1962, pp. 164, 173-4) reported Cryptophragmus and ‘aulacerid hydrozoans’ from the Chudleigh-Mole Creek area, and the Queenstown area. The ‘aulacerids’ near Chudleigh occur with Catenipora, Tryplasma, and other fossils in the upper beds of the limestone. Several other localities are mentioned by Banks (1957, p. 50) as having stromatoporoids. In New South Wales, the stromatoporoids are dominantly encrusting laminar and hemispherical forms. The only records of a cylindrical form are Cryptophragmus ? sp., from the middle part of the Regan’s Creek Limestone and from the lower part of the Bowan Park Limestone. The significance of the specific references to Tasmanian forms with cylindrical coenostea remains in doubt. In the departmental collection at Sydney there are laminar-hemispherical specimens of Rosenella and Labechia from the Gordon Limestone. The virtual lack of post-Eastonian limestones in New South Wales may explain the absence of Aulacera. In North America species of Aulacera are limited to the Richmond (Galloway and St. Jean 1961, p. 25), which would correlate with Upper Bolindian in the Victorian sequence (text-fig. 4). The stromatoporoid faunas of New South Wales exhibit the closest relationships to Asian and east European faunas described by Yabe and Sugiyama (1930), Ozaki (1938), Yavorsky (1955), Khalfina (1960), and Nestor (1964). Six of the fifteen described species bear resemblances to Asian, and two to east European forms. Four of these, Rosenella woyuensis, Labechia regularis, L. variabilis, and Ecclimadictyon amzassensis are synony- mous with Asian species, two others exhibit affinities to Pseudostylodictyon poshanense (Asian) and Clathrodictyon mammillatum (east European) respectively, and one is com- parable to C. microundulatum (east European). One further species, P. inequale , is closely related to a Chinese species described by Ozaki (1938, p. 216) as Rosenella ? sp. nov. Only the genera Stratodictyon and Cliefdenella appear to be endemic to Australia. Cystistroma donnellii shows some similarities to Stromatocerium canadense Nicholson and Murie from North America (Galloway and St. Jean 1961, p. 62), but none of the other New South Wales forms is closely related to a North American species. The only positively assigned genera common to the Ordovician of North America (Galloway and St. Jean 1961) and New South Wales are Cystostroma, Rosenella , and Labechia. The clathrodictyid genus Ecclimadictyon, which makes its appearance in Fauna 11 (Lower Eastonian = middle Caradoc), first occurs in south-west Siberia in horizons 644 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 correlated with the upper Caradoc, and in Estonia in the Porkuni stage (upper Ashgill). C/athrodictyon, also found in Fauna II, first appears in Estonia in the Vormsi stage (lower-middle Ashgill). Ordovician clathrodictyids have not been reported outside the Australian-Siberian-Estonian region. Vlasov (1961) described a species of Clathro- dictyon , C. formozavae, from the Cambrian of West Sayan, south-west Siberia; Nestor (1966) thought it resembled the internal structure of Ecclimadictyon, but it remains too incompletely known for its precise affinities to be settled. Other Cambrian species formerly regarded as clathrodictyids are now assigned to the family Korovinellidae Khalfina 1960. The trilobites also exhibit strong Asian affinities in the Upper Ordovician (Caradoc). Whittington’s (1966) ‘ Encrinurella ’ fauna is considered to be restricted mainly to Australia and south-east Asia (particularly Burma, South China, and Korea), though Dean (1967, p. 33) noted that it may reach into eastern Turkey in the late Caradoc and overlap with a fauna of the ’trinucleid-homalonotid’ group, having a Bohemian aspect. The ‘ Encrinurella ’ fauna is reported as occurring in the lower member of the Cliefden Caves Limestone and in theMalongulli Formation of New South Wales (Stevens 1952), and in the Gordon Limestone of Tasmania (Banks 1962). Packham (1967) observed that most of the macrofossil genera in the Ordovician fauna at Billabong Creek are found in the Ordovician of North America, but P/iomerina is a notable exception, occurring in south-east and central Asia. Relatively strong faunal linkages between New South Wales and North America are suggested by some other Ordovician groups, notably polyzoans (Phillips Ross 1961), conodonts (Philip 1966; Packham 1967), and edrioblastoids (Webby 1968). SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY The registration numbers of specimens in the University of Sydney palaeontological collections have the prefix SUP. Order stromatoporoidea Family labechiidae Nicholson 1885 Genus cystostroma Galloway and St. Jean 1957 Type species. C. vermontense Galloway and St. Jean 1957. Cystostroma cliefdenense sp. nov. Plate 117, figs. 1-5 Material. 8 specimens from upper part of middle member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek (SUP 28258-60), from eastern side of Large Flat (SUP 28261-4), and from middle part of Regan's Creek Limestone (SUP 28162). Holotype. SUP 28258; other specimens designated paratypes. Description. Coenosteum mainly laminar, but sometimes laminar-hemispherical in form ; up to 1 40 x 60 mm. diameter, 50 mm. high. Broad, updomed mamelons may occur, about 15-20 mm. in diameter. Latilaminae developed in some specimens, from 1-5 to 5-5 mm. high. Vertical section shows small cysts of variable size, chiefly with length slightly more than twice height; cysts usually 0-25-1 -0 mm. long, 0-12-0-20 mm. high though WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROM ATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 645 exceptionally in mamelons, may be 2 mm. long and 1 mm. high. Between 12 and 22 cysts occur in 2 mm. vertically. Cyst wall mainly 1 5-20 p thick. Latilaminae separated by mud and calcite infilling. No astrorhizae or villi visible. In tangential section, cysts exhibit round to polygonal outline and variable size. Remarks. C. c/iefdenense, although not particularly well preserved, is clearly distinguish- able from other known species of Cystostroma. It resembles both C. minimum (Parks 1910) from the ‘Trentonian’ of Kentucky, and C. fritzae Galloway and St. Jean 1961 from the Richmond of Ontario, but differs in exhibiting, on average, smaller cysts. C. minimum has astrorhizae and C. fritzae smaller mamelons. Genus pseudostylodictyon Ozaki 1938 Type species. P. poshanense Ozaki 1938. Discussion. Galloway (1957, p. 424) interpreted the structures on the cysts of Pseudo- stylodictyon as crenulations rather than denticles. This may be true of some species, but in the original description of the type species, Ozaki (1938, p. 209) referred to short pillar-like structures, often thicker than cysts, and not extending beyond one inter- laminar space, or more frequently ‘mere projections’ from the underlying cysts, sug- gesting denticles. Pseudostylodictyon is similar to Rosenella but differs in exhibiting more gently arched to flat or sagging, low, elongate cysts, which sometimes approximate to laminae. It may be distinguished from Cystostroma by having less arcuate cysts and denticles. Aulacera Plummer 1843 has a cylindrical coenosteum with large axial cysts, smaller arcuate cysts in medial and outer zones, and sporadically developed pillars in the outer zone (Galloway and St. Jean 1961, p. 21). Pseudostylodictyon aff. poshanense Ozaki 1938 Plate 1 17, fig. 6; Plate 1 18, figs. 1-3 Material. 5 specimens (SUP 26226; 26232-5) from ‘mixed fauna’ unit of lower member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo. Description. Coenosteum hemispherical to encrusting, up to 170 mm. diameter, 160 mm. high. Latilaminae exhibited at irregular intervals through coenosteum. No astrorhizae. Vertical section shows prominent mamelons with arching of latilaminae across them. Preservation of finer elements in coenosteum is not complete, especially within mame- lons. Cysts of variable size, updomed at mamelons and broadly sagging between; cysts long, low, and gently convex away from mamelons. Denticles occur on upper surfaces of cysts and rarely on outer surfaces of mamelons. Mamelons usually 1-2 mm. wide, spaced 3-8 mm. apart. Number of cysts varies from 4 to 14 in 2 mm. vertically; occa- sional large cysts 1-8-8 mm. long, 0-5-2 mm. high. Thickness of cyst wall varies from 10 to 40 p; mainly about 20 p. In tangential section, mamelons are round; denticles show as fine specks. Remarks. P. aff. poshanense ranges from a finer variety (PI. 118, figs. 1, 2) to coarser varieties (PI. 117, fig. 6; PI. 118, fig. 3). It has affinities with P. poshanense from the Ordovician of Shantung (Ozaki 1938, p. 208), but is distinguished by narrower and more 646 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 erect mamelons. P. aft', poshanense is not closely comparable with any of the North American species of Pseudostylodictyon ? described by Galloway and St. Jean (1961). Pseudostylodictyon inequale sp. nov. Plate 119, figs. 1-3 Material. 3 specimens (SUP 28252-4) from upper part of middle member of Cliefden Caves Lime- stone, Licking Hole Creek; 1 specimen (SUP 29141) from just above middle thinly bedded unit of Bowan Park Limestone, Quondong; 1 specimen (SUP 29134) from upper part of limestone at Malachi’s Hill. Holotype. SUP 28252; other specimens designated paratypes. Description. Coenosteum hemispherical to laminar, up to 90 mm. diameter, 85 mm. high. In vertical section, cysts very variable in size, from large gently convex plates up to 20 mm. long and 4 mm. high, to long, low cysts resembling laminae, spaced about 12-16 in 2 mm. vertically. Long, low cysts occur in groups arranged parallel to one another, lying between scattered larger cysts. Cyst wall usually about 20-25 p thick, but exceptionally 120^. Denticles prominent on upper surface of cysts in some areas; especially conspicuous where they project into sediment infilling of a large overlying cyst; seen to extend 0-2 mm. above upper surface of cyst. Mamelons not clearly differen- tiated. In tangential section denticles appear as dots spaced about 0-1 mm. apart; diameter 20-60 p. Remarks. P. inequale bears close similarities to a stromatoporoid from the Middle? Ordovician of Shantung described by Ozaki (1938, p. 216) as Rosenellal sp. nov. Galloway (1957, p. 424) assigned Ozaki’s species to Pseudostylodictyon, evidently because it exhibited the frequent grouping of parallel rows of long, low cysts simulating laminae. The Shantung species is closely related to P. inequale but differs in having mamelons. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 117 Figs. 1-4. Cystostroma cliefdenense sp. nov., X 10, middle member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek. 1, SUP 28259, paratype, vertical section showing rhythmic alternation of latilaminae and calcite with sediment-filled zones. 2-4, SUP 28258, holotype; 2, vertical section exhibiting typical arrangement of cysts in coenosteum; 3, vertical section showing mamelon with large asso- ciated cysts; 4, tangential section. Fig. 5. Cystostroma cliefdenense sp. nov., SUP 28162, paratype, X 10, vertical section; middle part of Regan’s Creek Limestone. Fig. 6. Pseudostylodictyon aff. poshanense Ozaki, SUP 26235, x 5, vertical section exhibiting conical- shaped mamelons and denticles on upper surface of the large cysts. From ‘mixed fauna’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 118 All figures from ‘mixed fauna' unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo. Figs. 1-3. Pseudostylodictyon aff. poshanense Ozaki. 1, 2, SUP 26226, x 5; 1, vertical section showing small and large cysts; 2, tangential section. 3, SUP 26234, x 5, vertical section. Figs. 4-6. Stratodictyon columnare sp. nov., SUP 26229, holotype. 4, vertical section showing lati- laminae and mamelons, X 5. 5, vertical section showing rows of fine, long, low cysts and poorly developed short, denticle-like pillars, x 10. 6, tangential section exhibiting arched rows of cysts around mamelons and dark specks which represent small pillars, x 10. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 117 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 118 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 647 Genus stratodictyon gen. nov. Type species. S. ozakii sp. nov. Diagnosis. Encrusting, laminar to hemispherical coenosteum, with latilaminae, rela- tively long, low cysts in regular rows resembling laminae, and small, discontinuous pillars. Mamelons may be present or absent. Scattered astrorhizae also occur. Discussion. The short pillars extending vertically across up to 10 cysts and the presence of scattered astro rhizal canals distinguish StratodictyonixomPseudostylodictyon.Aulacera has small pillars in the outer zone of its cylindrical coenosteum, but the columnar form is taken by Galloway (1957, p. 423) to be one of the fundamentally diagnostic features of the genus. It is uncertain whether Aulacera exhibited astrorhizae or not. Galloway (1957, p. 422) reported them to be rare or absent, but Galloway and St. Jean (1961, p. 21) stated ‘astrorhizae absent’. Plumatalinia Nestor 1960 also seems to be a related genus, but the columns are formed of fine subreticulate tissue, and astrorhizae are absent (Nestor 1964). In the mamelon columns of Stratodictyon columnare sp. nov., the rows of cysts are updomed and the pillars diverge outwards. Stratodictyon ozakii sp. nov. Plate 1 19, figs. 4-5; Plate 120, figs. 1,2; Plate 124, fig. 1 Material. Based on 4 specimens (SUP 26247-8, 26252-3) from ‘lower coral’ unit of lower member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek. Holotype. SUP 26252; other specimens designated paratypes. Description. Encrusting to laminar-hemispherical coenosteum, 130x100 mm. across, 65 mm. high. Latilaminae prominent, even to gently undulating, usually 1-10 mm. high. Encrusts Nyctopora, Labechia, Cystistroma, and a polyzoan resembling Prasopora. In vertical section rows of long, low cysts approximating to laminae, averaging 16-19 per 2 mm., are visible. Alternating zones of well preserved cysts and poorly calcified elements or calcite through coenosteum. In one specimen (SUP 26248, PI. 120, fig. 1) numerous closely spaced latilaminae occur, each successively thinning out towards crest of an encrusted Labechia , and finally completely mantling it; alga present between two of the latilaminae. Walls of cysts mainly c. 20 p thick. Pillars thicker than cyst walls, flocculent in appearance, 40-50 p in diameter; seen to extend continuously across up to 7 cysts. In tangential section pillars appear as fine circular specks, mainly spaced 50-150 p apart. Vague scattered astrorhizal canals observed, mainly c. 0-2 mm. wide. Remarks. S. ozakii is closely allied to S. columnare , only differing in lacking mamelons. Aulacera peichuangensis Ozaki (1938, p. 217) from the Ordovician of Shantung is remarkably similar in the character of the latilaminae, the long, low cysts, and the moderately persistent pillars of the outer zone, but not in the differentiated axial and outer zones of the cylindrical or dendroid coenosteum. 648 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Stratodictyon columnare sp. nov. Plate 118, figs. 4-6; Plate 119, fig. 6; Plate 124, fig. 3 Material. 5 specimens (SUP 26227-31) from ‘mixed fauna’ unit of lower member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, and 1 specimen (SUP 29142) from lower part of Bowan Park Limestone, east of Quondong. Holotype. SUP 26229 ; other specimens designated paratypes. Description. Encrusting to hemispherical coenosteum, up to 140x100 mm. across, 90 mm. high. Mamelons prominent. Latilaminae folded across mamelons, from 1 to 15 mm. high. Encrusts Coccoseris and Labechia. Algae encrust it, and occur between latilaminae. Vertical section exhibits rows of long, low cysts resembling laminae, averaging 15-18 per 2 mm. Walls of cysts mainly 15-20 p thick. Pillars thicker than cyst walls, c. 50 /x in diameter; usually only height of interlaminar space, but some more continuous, extending across up to 10 cysts. Structures not well preserved in mamelons, but in one part of holotype (see text-fig. 5) rows of cysts updome and pillars diverge outwards. Mamelons c. 1-2 mm. in diameter, spaced c. 3-5 mm. apart. Astrorhizal canals scattered in coenosteum. In tangential section, cysts seem to be arranged concentrically around mamelons. Pillars show as fine specks. Remarks. The close relationships between 5. columnare and S. ozakii are emphasized by one specimen (PI. 124, fig. 3) which is assigned to S. columnare. Its coenosteum lacks mamelons near the encrusted Coccoseris but has them away from it. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 119 Figs. 1-3. Pseudostylodictyon inequale sp. nov. 1, 2, SUP 28252, X 10, holotype, upper part of middle member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek. 1, vertical section showing alter- nations of rows of long, low cysts simulating laminae and large cysts, and prominent denticles. 2, tangential section shows denticles as dark dots. 3, SUP 29134, X 5, paratype, vertical section, upper part of Bowan Park Limestone, Malachi’s Hill. Figs. 4, 5. Stratodictyon ozakii gen. et sp. nov., SUP 26252, x 10, holotype, ‘lower coral’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek (see also PI. 124, fig. 1). 4, vertical section showing rows of long, low cysts with scattered short pillars. 5, tangential section exhibiting specks which seem to represent pillars. Fig. 6. Stratodictyon columnare sp. nov., SUP 26227, X 10, paratype, vertical section showing small pillars crossing several rows of cysts. ‘Mixed fauna' unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 120 Figs. 1,2. Stratodictyon ozakii gen. et sp. nov., SUP 26248, paratype, ‘ lower coral ’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek. 1, vertical section, x 5, showing latilaminae suc- cessively thinning towards crest of encrusted specimen of Labechia regularis. Darker patch between latilaminae represents a small algal growth. Rows of long, low cysts and small pillars well exhibited in upper parts of coenosteum. 2, tangential section, X 10, exhibiting vague astrorhizal canals in addition to pillars. Figs. 3-6. Rosenella woyuensis Ozaki, ‘mixed fauna’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, east of Large Flat. 3, SUP 26216, x 5, vertical section showing rows of large cysts alternating with sediment-filled spaces. 4, SUP 26217, x5, tangential section showing large mamelon surrounded by cysts. 5, SUP 26216, X 10, vertical section showing denticles on upper surfaces of cysts. 6, SUP 26216, x5, vertical section showing large cysts, including some infilled with sediment and algal? structures. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 119 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 120 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROM ATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 649 Genus rosenella Nicholson 1886 Type species. R. macrocystis Nicholson 1886. Rosenella woyuensis Ozaki 1938 Plate 120, figs. 3-6 1938 Rosenella woyuensis Ozaki, p. 215, pi. 30, fig. 2; pi. 31, fig. 1 a-d. Material. 4 specimens (SUP 26214—1 7) from ‘mixed fauna’ unit and 1 specimen (SUP 29140) from ‘upper big shell’ unit of lower member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, east of Large Flat. Description. Laminar to hemispherical coenosteum composed of large convex cysts; reaches 150 mm. across, 90 mm. high. Latilaminae with sediment-filled spaces at irregular intervals between them. Broad mamelons developed. Vertical section shows irregular-sized larger and smaller cysts with denticles arising from upper surfaces. Wall of cysts varies considerably in thickness, usually from 25 to 1 50 /x, exceptionally up to 500 p. Cysts usually 1-3 mm. high, 4-10 mm. long, excep- tionally up to 6 mm. high, 24 mm. long. Cysts spaced about 5 in 4 mm. vertically. Some cysts contain calcite infilling, others filled with sediment which seems to include a variety of algal? structures. In tangential section, broad mamelons prominent, with large curved cysts surrounding them. No astrorhizae. Remarks. The species closely resembles R. woyuensis from the Tsinan Limestone (Middle? Ordovician) of Po-shan-hsien, province of Shantung, China (Ozaki 1938), and is therefore assigned to it. R. amzassensis Khalfina from the Upper Ordovician of the Siberian Platform (Khalfina 1960) is similar, but one of its type specimens exhibits three pillars. Genus labechia Milne-Edwards and Haime 1851 Type species. Monticularia conferta Lonsdale 1839. Labechia regular is Yabe and Sugiyama 1930 Plate 120, fig. 1 ; Plate 121, figs. 3-6; Plate 124, figs. 1, 2 1930 Labechia regularis Yabe and Sugiyama, p. 56, pi. 18, figs. 5, 6; pi. 21, fig. 8. 1938 Labechia regularis Ozaki, p. 210, pi. 26, fig. 2 a-d. 1955 Labechia regularis Yavorsky, p. 59, pi. 24, figs. 4, 5. Material. 13 specimens from ‘lower coral’ unit. Licking Hole Creek (SUP 26236, 26238-9, 26242, 26248, 26252, 26255), and from ‘mixed fauna’ unit, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo (SUP 26231, 26240, 26243-4) and east of Large Flat (SUP 26237, 26245). Also occurs in lower part of Regan's Creek Limestone, south-east of Cargo, and in lower part of Reedy Creek Limestone between Molong and Copper Hill. Description. Coenosteum hemispherical to laminar-encrusting, up to 100 mm. diameter, 80 mm. high. Latilaminae mainly from 3 to 15 mm. high. No astrorhizae. Vertical section shows moderately thick, persistent pillars, 0-2-0-3 mm. in diameter; some exhibit lighter axial zones and some have zigzag edges, being broader just above point where it intersects lamina or dissepiment. In specimen SUP 26236, the laminae seem to persist as updomed extensions across pillars, and a pillar shows multiple branching (PI. 121, fig. 6). At the upper boundary of a latilamina, pillars often appear to C 6940 u u 650 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 extend up as rounded tubercles above level of adjacent lamina (PI. 121, fig. 3). Laminae regularly spaced, flat to slightly concave, continuous between pillars over distances of 50 mm. or more in several examples; also smaller upcurved cysts (dissepiments) developed between laminae in certain areas, from 0-2 to 1 mm. wide, 0-1 -0-3 mm. high. Wall thickness of dissepiments same as for laminae, from 25 to 50 p thick. Laminae mainly spaced from 9 to 12 in 2 mm. vertically. Pillars usually between 0-1 and 0-5 mm. apart. In tangential section, some pillars exhibit light-coloured centres suggesting that they were originally hollow, or originally infilled with different material from outer walls; others appear to be undifferentiated. Pillars mainly circular, but in some sections irregular to subangular in outline (PI. 121, fig. 4). Remarks. The New South Wales material particularly closely resembles L. regularis, as described by Yavorsky (1955) from Upper Ordovician localities in the basin of the Stony Tunguska River and a tributary of the Kotuy River, Siberian Platform. The Russian specimens appear to come from the Dolborsk stage, which is correlated with the upper Caradoc by Ivanovsky (1965). The type material described by Yabe and Sugiyama (1930) from Wu-hu-tzui, Fu-hsien, province of Liaotung, South Manchuria, probably from the Toufangkou Limestone of Middle? Ordovician age, seems to have fewer updomed cysts (dissepiments) but is otherwise similar. L. ( Labeehiella ) mingshankouensis (Ozaki) from the Ordovician of South Manchuria and Shantung also has regular laminae, but they are more widely spaced (4 to 5 in 2 mm.), and astrorhizae are exhibited (Ozaki 1938, p. 207). Labechia variabi/is Yabe and Sugiyama 1930 Plate 121, figs. 1, 2 1930 Labechia variabilis Yabe and Sugiyama, p. 54, pi. 17, figs. 1-9. 1938 Labechia variabilis Ozaki, p. 211, pi. 28, fig. 1 a-d. Material. 3 specimens (SUP 28163-4, 28248) from top of middle, massively bedded part of Regan’s Creek Limestone, and 1 specimen (SUP 28251) from upper part of middle member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, on banks of Belubula River, west of Large Flat. Also occurs just below middle, thinly bedded unit of Bowan Park Limestone east of The Ranch. Description. Coenosteum hemispherical, reaching 90x60 mm. across, 80 mm. high. One specimen (SUP 28251) encrusts Tetradium cribriforme (Etheridge), and is associated with heliolitids. In vertical section, laminae gently undulating, concave upwards between closely spaced pillars to flat and gently convex. Laminae spaced about 4-6 in 2 mm. vertically; EXPLANATION OF PLATE 121 Figs. 1, 2. Labechia variabilis Yabe and Sugiyama, x 5. 1, SUP 28248, vertical section; top of middle part of Regan's Creek Limestone. 2, SUP 28251, tangential section; upper part of middle member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, on south bank of Belubula River, west of Large Flat. Figs. 3-6. Labechia regularis Yabe and Sugiyama. 3, 4, SUP 26240, x5; ‘mixed fauna’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo; 3, vertical section showing well-developed latilaminae; 4, tangential section exhibiting pillars with lighter centres, and irregular to subangular outlines. 5, 6, ‘lower coral’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Flole Creek; 5, SUP 26242, X 5, tangential section; 6, SUP 26236, x 10, vertical section showing branching pillar. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 121 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROM ATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 651 in few instances may be traced horizontally as continuous elements for more than 15 mm. Pillars appear to arise from more continuous laminae; persistent, extending to height of at least 8 mm., and cone-shaped across interlaminar spaces; branching pillar also observed (SUP 28251). Tangential section shows great variability in diameter of pillars, from 0-1 to 0-5 mm. owing to the cone-shaped form; pillars spaced from 0-4 to TO mm. apart, circular, oval to subangular in outline; some appear to have hollow centres. Irregular tube-like struc- tures about 0-3 mm. wide may represent astrorhizae, but they cannot be confirmed in vertical section. Remarks. The New South Wales specimens are closely comparable with L. variabilis from the Asian Ordovician, especially with the material described by Ozaki (1938) from South Manchuria. The only possible difference is the doubtful astrorhizae exhibited by one New South Wales specimen. The original description of L. variabilis by Yabe and Sugiyama (1930) is based on a number of specimens (syntypes) from various localities in South Manchuria, North China, and Korea, and needs revision. Genus cryptophragmus Raymond 1914 Type species. C. antiquatus Raymond 1914 Cryptophragmus ? sp. Plate 122, figs. 1, 2 Material. 2 silicified specimens (SUP 28169, 28171) from middle part of Regan’s Creek Limestone. Also occurs in lower part of Bowan Park Limestone, Paling Yard Creek. Description. Coenosteum cylindrical, unbranched, more than 40 mm. in length, 13- 15 mm. in diameter; encrusted by colony of Propora. Axial column 7-10 mm. in diameter; axial cysts unknown. Latilaminae present, though not prominent. No astrorhizae or mamelons. Lateral cysts spaced 8-10 per 2 mm. radially; flat to concave between pillars; seem to be slightly oblique to the outer wall rather than parallel to it. Pillars have long, blade-like form; in silicified material, individual pillars can be traced as longitudinal grooves on outer surface of coenosteum for up to 7 mm.; spaced about 0-5-1 mm. apart around periphery of coenosteum. Remarks. In the type species of Cryptophragmus , C. antiquatum Raymond, from the ‘Blackriveran’ of eastern North America, the pillars are described as ‘oval to prismatic and tend to be round’ (Galloway and St. Jean 1961, p. 19). The New South Wales speci- mens, in contrast, have blade-like pillars. They are therefore only tentatively assigned to the genus. Genus cystistroma Etheridge 1895 Type species. C. donnellii Etheridge 1895. Discussion. The original type material of Labechial ( Cystistroma ) donnellii Etheridge is being redescribed by Dr. J. Pickett (Geological and Mining Museum, Geological Survey of New South Wales). Judging from the nature of preservation of the material it was probably collected originally from the Tower coral’ unit in the Fossil Hill section. This locality is near the Belubula River, in the Parish of Malongulli, as stated by Etheridge 652 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 (1895, p. 134). Pickett is raising the type species of Cystistroma to full generic rank, a procedure which I support. Etheridge (1895) originally discussed the relationships between Cystistroma and Labechia , Rosenella and Beatricea Billings 1857 ( = Aulacera), but not Stromatocerium Hall 1847. He observed (p. 139) that ‘ Cystistroma appears to be a Labechia assuming certain Rosene/la-Yike features’. Cystistroma is closely allied to Rosenella , but is distinguished by having large pillars. It differs from Labechia and Stromatocerium in exhibiting denticles on the upper surface of cysts and sometimes on the outer surface of pillars. Labechia has regular, cylindrical pillars, whereas Stromatocerium has irregular to blade-like pillars. The variability of pillars in Cystistroma typically extends to both Labechia and Stromatocerium types. Only those with serrated outlines, owing to the intersection of denticles on outer surfaces of pillars, are distinct. Denticles have only been positively identified on the upper surface of cysts in one species of Stromatocerium , namely. S', canadense Nicholson and Murie from the ‘ Black- riveran’ and lower ‘Trentonian’ of North America (Galloway and St. Jean 1961, p. 62). Nestor (1964) recorded ‘small monticles’ on the upper surface of cysts and ‘hollow’ pillars in Estonian examples of S. canadense from the Oandu and Pirgu stages (= middle Caradoc and middle Ashgill, respectively), and S. sakuense Nestor from the Oandu stage. Possibly these features result from incomplete preservation, and the ‘monticles’ are poorly preserved denticles. Perhaps these species should be assigned to Cystistroma. Cystistroma donnellii Etheridge 1 895 Plate 122, figs. 3-8; Plate 123, figs. 1-5; Plate 124, fig. 2 1895 Labechia (?) {Cystistroma) donnellii Etheridge, p. 134, pi. 14, figs. 1-6; pi. 15, figs. 1,2; pi. 16, figs. 1-3. Material. Based on specimens from following localities and horizons in lower member of Cliefden EXPLANATION OF PLATE 122 Figs. 1, 2. Cryptophragmusl sp„ SUP 28169, x4, middle part of Regan's Creek Limestone. 1, cross- section showing outer zone of cysts and pillars in silicified specimens. 2, oblique section showing linear grooves representing impressions of blade-like pillars on outer surface of specimen. Figs. 3-8. Cystistroma donnellii Etheridge, x 5. 3, 4, SUP 26263, ‘mixed fauna’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo. 3, vertical section with characters resembling P. aff. poshanense. 4, tangential section showing pillars with serrated outline owing to denticles on outer surfaces. 5, SUP 26258, vertical section showing denticles on outer surface of pillars; ‘mixed fauna’ unit, lower member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, east of Large Flat. 6, SUP 26259, tangential section; ‘mixed fauna’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, near Cliefden Caves. 7, SUP 26250, assumed topotype, vertical section ; ‘lower coral ’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, Fossil Hill. Typical representative of C. donnellii var. A (see also PI. 123, fig. 1). 8, SUP 26262, vertical section; lower part of Reedy Creek Limestone, just south of Molong. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 123 Figs. 1-5. Cystistroma donnellii Etheridge, X 5, assume! topotypes, ‘lower coral’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, Fossil Hill. 1, SUP 26250, tangential section showing pillars with an oval outline. 2, 3, SUP 26268, vertical and tangential sections showing irregular, angular pillars. 4, 5, SUP 26267, vertical and tangential sections exhibiting angular, blade-like pillars. Figs. 2-5 depict representatives of C. donnellii var. B. Palaeontology , Vol. 12 PLATE 122 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 123 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROM ATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 653 Caves Limestone: 'lower coral’ unit, Fossil Hill (assumed topotypes SUP 26250, 26267-8, 28246-7), shearer’s quarters, Boonderoo (SUP 26260-1), Licking Hole Creek (SUP 26255), 'mixed fauna’ unit, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo (SUP 26263), east of Large Flat (SUP 26257-8), east-south-east of Cliefden Caves (SUP 26259). Also found in lower part of Reedy Creek Limestone, near Molong (SUP 26262), and in lower part of Regan’s Creek Limestone, south-east of Cargo. Description. Large hemispherical to encrusting coenosteum, up to 280 mm. diameter, 200 mm. high. Vertical section shows thick persistent pillars varying from 0-3 to 2 mm. (but mainly c. 1 mm.) in diameter. Cysts updomed at contacts with pillars and sagging between; where not intersected by pillars, tend to be convex to undulating plates of variable size; usually spaced from 2 to 4 in 2 mm. vertically, but exceptionally up to 3 mm. apart. Wall thickness varies from 50 to 250 p. Upper surface of cysts and outer surface of some pillars exhibit denticles. In tangential section, pillars round to elongate, irregular; some round pillars have serrated outline where denticles are intersected, and some irregular pillars have narrow flanges. Pillars mainly composed of narrow, dense outer zone, and broad, granular axial zone; former seems to be in continuity with adjacent cysts. Pillars spaced about 2-3 mm. apart. No astrorhizae seen. Remarks. The two morphological variants of C. donnellii, depicted in text-fig. 5, occur together in the same beds of the ‘lower coral’ unit at Fossil Hill. C. donnellii var. A exhibits large round to oval pillars (PI. 122, fig. 7; PI. 123, fig. 1), whereas C. donnellii var. B shows large angular, blade-like pillars (PI. 123, figs. 2-5). C. donnellii most closely resembles S. canadense, which is noted for exhibiting an extreme of variability (Parks 1910, pp. 16-20). However, C. donnellii is on the whole a much larger form. Relationships between Stratodictyon, Pseudostylodictyon and Cystistroma. Strato- dictyon ozakii, S. columnare, P. aff. poshanense, and C. donnellii from the lower member of the Cliefden Caves Limestone exhibit a remarkably continuous range of morpho- logical variation (text-fig. 5). S. ozakii resembles S. columnare except for the mamelons; S. columnare is similar to P. aff. poshanense except that the small pillars are denticles and the cysts are larger; and P. aff. poshanense is close to C. donnellii var. A, but the mamelons are replaced by large pillars. As already noted, C. donnellii var. A has round pillars and var. B irregular, blade-like pillars. The small pillars of S. ozakii and S. columnare have much the same spacing as the denticles in P. aff. poshanense and C. donnellii , and seem to have developed as extensions of them. They are not seen to be continuous across more than 10 cysts. Galloway (1957, p. 368) indicated that pillars were derived by upward growth of denticles. Closely spaced mamelons in S. columnare and P. aff. poshanense , especially in the latter (PL 117, fig. 6; PI. 118, fig. 3) are morphologically similar to the large, round pillars of C. donnellii var. A (PI. 122, figs. 3, 4, 7, 8). Both structures have a similar spacing, and have cysts updomed adjacent to them. The updomed ‘mamelon’-like pillar structure of C. donnellii is well shown in the intergrowth with L. regularis and Prasopora (PI. 124, fig. 2). The presence of denticles on the upper surface of cysts and the outer surface of pillars in C. donnellii illustrates that the cyst tissue is in continuity with the outer zone of the large pillars, and supports the view that the large pillars were derived from mamelons. Although it may be a function of the relative size of cysts and 654 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 pillars, there seems to be little obvious updoming of cysts against small pillars (derived from denticles), whereas the cysts adjacent to large pillars are appreciably updomed, suggesting derivation from mamelons. The great size discrepancy between large and small pillars in species occurring at similar horizons in the lower member of the Cliefden Caves Limestone is thus explained by their different origins. text-fig. 5. Relationships between Stratodictyon, Pseudostylodictyon and Cystistroma, showing derivation of large pillars from mamelons, and small pillars from denticles. Vertical and tangential sections approximately 7 times natural scale. Regarding details of occurrences of these forms, P. aff. poshanense (5 specimens) and S. co/umnare (5 specimens) are found together at one locality, in the ‘mixed fauna’ unit west of the Boonderoo shearing shed. One specimen (PI. 124, fig. 3) of S. columnare from this locality is very similar to S. ozakii. Another specimen (PI. 122, fig. 3), assigned to C. donnellii, is closely related to P. aff. poshanense. Judging from the intermediate forms (for example, PI. 118, fig. 1), specimens of P. aff. poshanense and S. columnare could be interpreted as variants of one species. The locality in the Tower coral’ unit at Licking Hole Creek yielded 4 specimens of S. ozakii and 1 specimen of C. donnellii, but no S. columnare or P. aff. poshanense. At Fossil Hill, also in the Tower coral’ unit, both variants of C. donnellii occur, but none of the other species. At each of these localities, with the possible exception of Licking Hole Creek, one organism may have constructed the forms represented. This, however, leads to viewing WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROM ATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 655 the whole range of variability from S. ozakii to C. donnellii as the product of one organ- ism. Even if there were local differences in environmental conditions and preservation, it is difficult to accept this proposal. Yet the possibility remains that we are here dealing with form genera and species formed by one organism under differing local conditions, rather than with true genera and species. Family cliefdenellidae fam. nov. Relationships. The family Cliefdenellidae is distinguished from the labechiids by having coenostea with laminae which are downwardly indexed against pillars, and complex astrorhizae. The presence or absence of astrorhizae has been considered by Galloway (1957, p. 378) to have no more than specific importance, but it may be significant that no other Ordovician stromatoporoid has such an elaborate canal and column system as Cliefdenelia etheridgei gen. et sp. nov. The comparatively large size, the presence of denticles on the upper surface of laminae (or cysts), and dissepiments are features that the group shares with labechiids. The cliefdenellids resemble representatives of the family Clathrodictyidae Kuhn 1939 in having downward inflexions of laminae at pillars, but differ in exhibiting persistent solid to tube-like pillars, and denticles on the upper surface of laminae. The supposed Cambrian stromatoporoid family Korovinellidae Khalfina 1960 is distinguished by exhibiting slender, rod-like pillars, porous, perforated laminae, and by lacking denticles. Nestor (1966) has maintained that the Cambrian forms are archaeocyathids con- vergently similar to stromatoporoids, but Khalfina and Yavorsky (1967) have defended the view that they are the oldest stromatoporoids. Genus cliefdenella gen. nov. Type species. C. etheridgei sp. nov. Diagnosis. Coenosteum composed of laterally persistent laminae and continuous solid to tube-like pillars. Laminae exhibit denticles on upper surfaces and downward in- flexions against pillars. Domed tabulae occur in tube-like pillars. Interlaminar spaces occupied by dissepiments and branching astrorhizal canals. Prominent astrorhizal columns with updomed laminae and vertical ‘septal’ structures. Discussion. Few genera show even broadly similar characteristics. The most closely comparable labechiids, Cystistroma, Labechia, and Labechieiia Yabe and Sugiyama 1930 all differ in having updoming of cysts (or laminae) against pillars. In addition, Cysti- stroma lacks astrorhizae, Labechia lacks denticles and astrorhizae, and Labechieiia lacks denticles. The Ordovician species of Clathrodictyon do not typically exhibit dissepiments, and they lack denticles and tube-like pillars. The Lower Cambrian genus Korovine/ia Khalfina 1960 also lacks the tube-like pillars, and differs in having laminae with a reti- culate tissue and lacking denticles. Cliefdenella etheridgei sp. nov. Plate 125, figs. 1-5; Plate 126, figs. 1, 2 Material. 8 specimens (SUP 24154-9, 26246, 26264) from ‘Island' unit in upper member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, on Island, between Belubula River and Large Flat. 3 specimens (SUP 24160, 656 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 29138-9) from Ordovician limestones, south side of Parkes-Bogan Gate road, 1 mile north of Gun- ningbland. Holotype. SUP 24157; other specimens designated paratypes. Description. Coenosteum hemispherical to laminar, up to 1 30 X 90 mm. diameter, 80 mm. high. Regularly spaced laminae and pillars (appearing as tubes) show on broken surfaces. Upper surface in one specimen (SUP 24155) undulatory, with updoming of laminae around astrorhizal columns. Laminae regularly spaced, continuous, with pronounced downward inflexions at junctions with pillars; spaced on average 6 laminae in 5 mm. Walls of laminae from 50 to 100 p thick with sharp outer boundaries; composed of 3 layers, an inner and outer clear zone, and central granulated zone. Smaller cyst-like dissepiments occur abun- dantly between laminae, some obliquely inclined across laminae. Denticles present on upper surfaces of laminae. Pillars are well-developed cylindrical vertical elements, but variable in internal form; some are hollow tube-like structures with updomed cysts (tabulae) crossing them, others are infilled to form solid elements. In tangential section, circular in outline, mainly 0-5 mm. in diameter; outer wall of tube-like pillars 50-75 /x thick. Branching pillar observed in one specimen (PI. 126, fig. 1). Astrorhizal columns with associated updomed laminae and vertical spine-like ele- ments are 2 mm. in diameter. Pattern of stellate branching astrorhizal canals, up to 0-5 mm. wide, ramifies through interlaminar spaces away from astrorhizal columns; astro- rhizal canals also occasionally exhibit tabulae, spaced c. 1 mm. apart. Remarks. "Labechia ? sp. (Gen. et sp. nov. ?)’ figured and described by Ozaki (1938, p. 213) from Ordovician limestones of Shantung resembles C. etheridgei, but it is on the whole smaller, having 3-4 laminae in 2 mm. and pillars 0- 1 2—0-2 1 mm. in diameter; the EXPLANATION OF PLATE 124 Fig. 1. Association of Nyctopora sp., Labechia regularis Yabe and Sugiyama, and holotype of Strato- dictyon ozakii gen. et sp. nov., SUP 26252, X 5. Both L. regularis and S. ozakii exhibit latilaminae. Fig. 2. Association of Labechia regularis Yabe and Sugiyama, Cystistroma donnellii Etheridge, and Prasopora sp., SUP 26255, X 5. Note mamelon-like pillars of C. donnellii. Fig. 3. Intergrowth of Stratodictyon columnare sp. nov. and Coccoseris sp., SUP 26230, X 5. Note latilaminae in S. columnare, and relationship to periods of growth in Coccoseris. Figs. 1, 2 from ‘lower coral’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek; Fig. 3 from ‘mixed fauna’ unit, lower member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, west of shearing shed, Boonderoo. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 125 Figs. 1-5. Cliefdenella etheridgei gen. et sp. nov., x 5. 1-4, from ‘Island’ unit, upper member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, at the Island. 1, SUP 24157, holotype, vertical section showing prominent astro- rhizal columns with vertical ‘septa '-like structures and updomed horizontal elements, tube-like pillars, laminae with denticles and downward inflexions against pillars, dissepiments, and vague tabulae in hollow pillars. 2, SUP 24156, paratype, oblique section showing tube-like pillars filled by sediment. 3, 4, SUP 24154, paratype; 3, tangential section showing stellate, branching astro- rhizal canals radiating from column; pillars are mainly solid elements, and denticles show as small dark specks; 4, oblique section showing tabulae in astrorhizal canals, and both tube-like and solid pillars. 5, SUP 24160, paratype, vertical section, from one mile north of Gunningbland, showing slightly updomed tabulae in hollow pillars. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 124 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 125 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROM ATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 657 laminae are less regular and the dissepiments are not clearly differentiated. Astrorhizae are recorded, but nothing comparable with the complex network seen in C. etheridgei. Family clathrodictyidae Kuhn 1939 Genus clathrodictyon Nicholson and Murie 1878 Type species. C. vesciculosum Nicholson and Murie 1878. Clathrodictyon aff. mammillatum (Schmidt 1858) Plate 126, figs. 3-5 Material. 1 specimen (SUP 28255) from upper part of middle member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek; 1 specimen (SUP 28250) from just below middle, thinly bedded unit of Bowan Park Limestone, Quondong; 2 specimens (SUP 26218-19) from upper part of limestone, Malachi’s Hill. Description. Coenosteum laminar, up to 110x70 mm. diameter, 50 mm. high. Broad mamelons 10-20 mm. apart. In one specimen (SUP 28250, PI. 126, fig. 3), coenosteum intergrown with Propora and thick-walled tubes almost 1 mm. in diameter, interpreted as caunopore tubes; also associated with Ecclimadictyon and algae. In vertical section, laminae moderately continuous, gently undulating, spaced from 6 to 9 in 2 mm. vertically. Vesicular appearance where downward inflexions of laminae meet pillars, and triangular space forms between each adjacent inflexion above pillar. Pillars about 0-3-1 mm. apart; not seen to extend beyond one interlaminar space, and occasionally do not reach underlying laminae. All tissue in coenosteum seems to be compact. Wall thickness of laminae c. 50 p. Few vague astrorhizae appear to be present, but not particularly restricted to mamelons. In tangential section, elements not well preserved; faint speckling may represent pillars. Broad mamelons and downward inflexions of laminae especially prominent. Remarks. The New South Wales material closely resembles C. mammillatum (Schmidt 1858) from the late Ordovician of Estonia and the Ordovician or Silurian boulders on the south coast of the Baltic (Nestor 1964, p. 42). The relatively poor preservation and less prominent astrorhizae make it necessary to refer the material to C. aft', mammilla- turn. The form of the pillars is the same as that depicted for C. striatellum (d’Orbigny) by Stearn (1966, p. 90). According to him, the pillar spreads upwards to meet the lamina, leaving a hollow space. Clathrodictyon cf. microundulatum Nestor 1964 Plate 126, fig. 6; Plate 127, figs. 1-4 Material. 1 specimen (SUP 28257) from upper part of middle member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek; 6 specimens (SUP 26220-5) from ‘Island’ unit of upper member of limestone. Island between Belubula River and Large Flat; I specimen (SUP 29133) from upper part of Bowan Park Limestone, south-south-east of Malachi’s Hill. Description. Coenosteum hemispherical to laminar, up to 120x90 mm. diameter, 120 mm. high. Broad mamelons spaced 10-20 mm. apart. Latilaminae range from 0-5-4 mm. in thickness, with sediment-filled spaces between some. Vertical section shows undulating laminae of variable length and vesicular appearance, 658 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 spaced from 9 to 14 in 2 mm. vertically. Coenosteum frequently exhibits alternating latilaminae and ill-defined or structureless, calcite-filled, or sediment-filled layers (pre- sumably originally representing non-calcified tissue or pauses in growth). Alignment of downward inflexions of laminae in some parts of coenosteum produces slightly zigzag pillars which extend continuously through 4 or more interlaminar spaces; pillars spaced from 0-2 to 0-6 mm. apart. Astrorhizae represented by a few scattered irregular tube-like structures in coenosteum, about 0-5 mm. in diameter, including mamelons. In tangential section, undulating laminae appear to be arranged concentrically around mamelons. Only faint traces of pillars seen. Remarks. Since C. microundulatum from the late Ordovician of Estonia (Nestor 1964, p. 41) lacks mamelons and astrorhizae, the New South Wales material is only tentatively assigned to it. The character of the undulating laminae is the same as that exhibited by the Estonian species. Specimens from the Island locality show a gradation from poorly calcified to more completely preserved forms (PI. 127, fig. 1) resembling Ecclimadictyon amzassensis (Khalfina 1960), a species which occurs in some abundance at this locality. Perhaps the material should be assigned to Ecclimadictyon. However, Clathrodictyon and Ecclima- dictyon are closely related (Nestor 1964, p. 107) and in practice it proves most difficult to separate the more ‘primitive’ forms with undulating laminae. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 126 Figs. 1, 2. Cliefdenella etheridgei gen. et sp. nov., x 5, ‘Island' unit, upper member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, the Island. 1, SUP 24158, paratype, vertical section showing branching pillar, and laminae with denticles. 2, SUP 24155, paratype, tangential section showing solid pillars, astro- rhizal column with "septal’ structures, and laminae formed of compact tissue with denticles represented by darker dots. Figs. 3-5. Clathrodictyon aff. mammillatum (Schmidt), X 10. 3, 4, SUP 28250, from below middle, thinly bedded unit, Bowan Park Limestone, Quondong; 3, vertical section showing association with Propora and a caunopore tube; 4, tangential section. 5, SUP 26219, upper part of Bowan Park Limestone, Malachi’s Hill; vertical section showing downward inflexions of laminae, with triangular spaces developed between adjacent inflexions above pillars. Fig. 6. Clathrodictyon cf. microundulatum Nestor, SUP 26221, x 10, vertical section, from ‘Island’ unit, upper member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, the Island; showing alternation of latilaminae and poorly preserved to calcite-filled layers. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 127 Figs. 1-4. Clathrodictyon cf. microundulatum Nestor, x 10. 1,2, from ‘Island’ unit, upper member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, the Island. 1, SUP 26220, vertical section showing incipient develop- ment of pillars like those in Ecclimadictyon amzassensis, and alternation of latilaminae and poorly preserved layers; 2, SUP 26223, vertical section showing part of broad mamelon, and rhythmic alternation of latilaminae and incompletely preserved layers. 3, 4, SUP 29133, upper part of Bowan Park Limestone, SSE. of Malachi’s Hill ; 3, vertical section exhibiting undulating laminae of variable size and prominent breaks in growth between successive latilaminae; 4, tangential section showing undulating, cyst-like laminae concentrically arranged around mamelons. Figs. 5-7. Ecclimadictyon amzassensis (Khalfina), X 10, ‘Island’ unit, upper member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, the Island. 5, SUP 26206, vertical section showing zigzag-shaped laminae and slightly zigzag-shaped pillars; note layer of irregular tissue at base of coenosteum (see also PI. 128, figs. 1, 3). 6, SUP 26211, vertical section showing astrorhizal canal. 7, SUP 26205, tangential section showing dark dots which represent pillars. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 126 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 127 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROM ATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 659 Genus ecclimadictyon Nestor 1 964 Type species. Clathrodictyon fastigiatum Nicholson 1886. Discussion. Nestor (1964) interpreted the genus Ecclimadictyon as closely related to Clathrodictyon, but differing in having strongly crumpled (zigzag-shaped) laminae and lacking pillars. He reported (1964, p. 107) a grained microstructure consisting of small dark dots on a lighter background as seen in tangential section. Similarly, Stearn (1966, р. 91), recorded dark dots in the type species, E. fastigiatum, and considered them to be melanospheres formed from the originally compact tissue. Yet Nestor (1964, p. 69) despite his interpretation, has assigned Clathrodictyon (?) kirgisicum amzassensis Khalfma 1960 (a species which exhibits well developed pillars), to Ecclimadictyon and has referred to ‘pillars’ developed as inflexions of laminae in another form, E. pandum Nestor 1964. It therefore seems necessary to expand the conception of the genus Ecclimadictyon to include species like E. amzassensis (Khalfma) exhibiting indubitable pillars formed by downward inflexions of laminae. Ecclimadictyon amzassensis (Khalfma 1960) Plate 127, figs. 5-7; Plate 128, figs. 1-5 1960 Clathrodictyon (?) kirgisicum amzassensis Khalfma, p. 370, pi. O-l, figs. 1-3. 1964 Ecclimadictyon amzassensis Nestor, p. 69. Material. 9 specimens (SUP 26205-13) from ‘Island’ unit of upper member of Cliefden Caves Lime- stone, at Island between Belubula River and Large Flat; also occurs in upper part of Regan's Creek Limestone, south-east of Cargo; from lower part of Cargo Creek Limestone, south of Cargo; from lower part of Canomodine Limestone, north of The Glen. In addition reported from several localities ranging stratigraphically from above to below the middle, thinly bedded unit of Bowan Park Lime- stone, and from an Ordovician limestone lens near Eurimbula, north of Molong. Description. Coenosteum hemispherical, up to 180 x 110 mm. diameter, 120 mm. high. Some specimens show latilaminae, and rhythmic thickening and thinning of tissue. Surface relatively smooth. Vertical section exhibits network of zigzag-shaped laminae. Downward inflexions of inclined lamina occur at different levels on either side of pillar giving zigzag appearance. Pillars appear as long, zigzag-shaped vertical elements in well-orientated vertical sec- tions; up to 12 pillars in 2 mm. laterally. Pillars and laminae form a compact (speckled?) tissue, usually inaregular network, but in basal 0-5-2 mm. (PI. 127, fig. 5), or sometimes at commencement of a latilamina, tissue is notably irregular. Zigzag-shaped laminae are up to 10 mm. in length, spaced from 8 to 12 (usually 10) in 2 mm. vertically; rarely updomed in small mamelons with astrorhizae; mamelons up to 2-5 mm. in diameter. Latilaminae exhibited, from 4 to 33 mm. thick. Also rhythmic (possibly secondary) thickening of tissue in some specimens (PI. 128, fig. 5), possibly due to slight fluctuations in environmental conditions. Astrorhizal canals scattered through coenosteum, mainly с. 0-5 mm. in diameter, and occur in mamelons and more commonly elsewhere. Coenosteum of SUP 26209 encrusts the smaller E. nestori (PI. 128, fig. 1). In tangential section, pillars usually spaced 0-2-0-3 mm. apart; appear as dots which may be connected by lamellar elements to form bars, or a more complicated meshwork of vermiculate to meandriform appearance. In a few places the meshes become com- pletely closed. 660 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Remarks. The New South Wales material is remarkably similar to E. amzassensis described by Khalfina (1960, p. 370) from the Upper Ordovician of the Altai-Sayan mountain region, south-west Siberia, and is therefore assigned to it. The holotype is from the Amzass Formation of Gornaya Shoriya. Other figured specimens come from localities in the Altai mountains. The Amzass Formation and its equivalents, the Orlovsk Formation of Altai and Chumysh Formation of Salair, are correlated by Ivanovsky (1965) with the upper Caradoc of Europe. Other species may be compared with E. amzassensis ; E. kirghisicum (Riabinin 1931) from the Upper Silurian of northern Kazakhstan bears similarities, but lacks astro- rhizae (Yavorsky 1955), and E. pandum from the Llandoverian of Estonia is comparable but has less well-pronounced pillars and cone-shaped astrorhizae (Nestor 1964). Ecclimadictyon nestori sp. nov. Plate 128, fig. 1 ; Plate 129, figs. 1-6 Material. 1 specimen (SUP 28256) from upper part of middle member of Cliefden Caves Limestone, Licking Hole Creek; 7 specimens (SUP 26199-204, 26209) from 'Island' unit of upper member of limestone, Island between Belubula River and Large Flat. Also occurs in horizons just above and below middle, thinly bedded unit of Bowan Park Limestone, and in Ordovician limestone lenses near Eurimbula, north of Molong. Holotype. SUP 26203; other numbered specimens designated paratypes. Description. Coenosteum laminar to encrusting, up to 180x 150 mm. diameter, 40 mm. high. Latilaminae often well developed. Upper surface of one specimen (SUP 26201) exhibits moderately large mamelons, 12-20 mm. apart. Vertical section shows subreticulate structure with zigzag-shaped laminae and poorly developed short pillars formed from downward inflexions of laminae; in most cases EXPLANATION OF PLATE 128 All specimens come from 'Island' unit, upper member, Cliefden Caves Limestone, the Island. Fig. 1. Ecclimadictyon amzassens is (Khalfina) and Ecclimadictyon nestori sp. nov., SUP 26209, X 10; vertical section showing E. amzassensis encrusting paratype of the smaller E. nestori. Figs. 2-4. Ecclimadictyon amzassensis (Khalfina), SUP 26206. 2, tangential section showing bar-like connections formed from downflexed horizontal elements between pillars, x 10. 3, vertical section exhibiting zigzag-shaped laminae, pillars, astrorhizae, and a prominent break in growth between successive latilaminae, x 5. 4, tangential section showing bars and more complex meshworks of intersected folded horizontal elements; note also astrorhizae; x5. Fig. 5. Ecclimadictyon amzassensis (Khalfina), SUP 26207, x 5, vertical section showing prominent rhythmic thickening and thinning of tissue. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 129 Figs. 1-6. Ecclimadictyon nestori sp. nov., X 10, ‘Island’ unit, upper member, Cliefden Caves Lime- stone, the Island. 1. SUP 26199, paratype, vertical section showing zigzag-shaped laminae and poorly developed zigzag-shaped pillars. 2, SUP 26203, holotype, vertical section showing cauno- pore tube between latilaminae, with offset extending vertically through coenosteum. 3, SUP 26200, paratype, vertical section exhibiting zigzag laminae and bunchy astrorhizae. 4, SUP 26201, para- type, tangential section showing dark specks representing pillars, some of which are connected in meshwork of horizontal elements. 5, SUP 26204, paratype, vertical section showing break in growth between successive latilaminae. 6, SUP 26203, holotype, tangential section showing laminae con- centrically arranged around two caunopore tubes. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 128 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 129 WEBBY, Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales WEBBY: ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 661 laminae confined to interlaminar spaces, but exceptionally may extend as zigzag elements through up to 4 interlaminar spaces. Laminae usually spaced 15-16 in 2 mm. vertically. Bunchy astrorhizae associated with updomed laminae scattered through coenosteum; not particularly associated in mamelons. Latilaminae frequently well developed, 4-12 mm. thick; may be in contact, or separated by sediment and calcite-filled cavities. At commencement of each new latilamina, thin zone less than 0-4 mm. thick of less regular tissue (PI. 129, fig. 5). Large thicker-walled cylindrical structures (probably representing caunopore tubes formed by a commensal organism) about 1 mm. in diameter; tend to be associated with mamelons; also horizontal tubes of same organism in sediment between latilaminae. No dissepiments seen. In tangential section, pillars appear as fine dots spaced 0- 1-0-2 mm. apart; usually connected with obliquely cut laminae to form partly open meshwork having vermiculate appearance. Large, relatively thick-walled caunopore? tubes clearly shown (PI. 129, fig. 6), with laminae concentrically arranged around them. Remarks. E. nestori bears the closest similarity to forms belonging to the E. micro- vesiculosum group of Nestor (1964) from the Llandoverian of Estonia, and may be regarded as a species of the E. microvesiculosum group, being distinguished from other representatives of the group by having 15-16 laminae in 2 mm. vertically, bunchy astro- rhizae, and lacking dissepiments. E. microvesiculosum (Riabinin) has dissepiments, 16-19 laminae in 2 mm., and lacks astrorhizae. E. microfastigiatum (Riabinin) has star- like astrorhizae and 14-15 laminae in 2 mm. E. macrotuberculatum (Riabinin), the third Estonian member of the group, has dissepiments and 12 laminae in 2 mm. Acknowledgements. The author wishes to thank V. Semeniuk, R. A. McLean, and J. G. Byrnes for providing specimens for study from areas at Bowan Park, Regan’s Creek, and north of Molong, respectively. The work was supported by funds from the Australian Research Grants Committee. REFERENCES Adrian, j. 1956. The geology of the Molong District. Unpublished B.Sc. (Hons.) Thesis, University of Sydney, 138 pp. banks, m. r. 1957. The stratigraphy of Tasmanian limestones. Min Resour. Tasm. 10, 39-85. 1962. Ordovician system. The geology of Tasmania. J. geol. Soc. Aust. 9, 147-76. cooper, g. a. 1956. Chazyan and related brachiopods. Smithsonian Misc. Colt. 127 (1), xvi+ 1-1024. dean, w. t. 1967. The distribution of Ordovician shelly faunas in the Tethyan region. In Aspects of Tethyan biogeography (ed. adams, c. g. and ager, d. v.). Syst. Assoc. Publ. 7, 1 1-44. etheridge, r. jr. 1895. On the occurrence of a stromatoporoid, allied to Labechia and Rosenella, in the Siluro-Devonian rocks of N. S. Wales. Rec. Geol. Surv. N.S.WA. 134-40. galloway, j. j. 1957. Structure and classification of Stromatoporoidea. Bull. Am. Paleont. 37, no. 164, 341-480. and st. jean, j. 1961 . Ordovician Stromatoporoidea of North America. Ibid., 43, no. 194, 1-1 1 1. hill, d. 1957. Ordovician corals from New South Wales. J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 91, 97-107. ivanovsky, A. b. 1965. Stratigraficheskiy i paleobiogeograficheskiy obzor rugoz ordovika i silura. Nauka, Moscow, 150 pp. ( Akad . Nauk SSSR, Sib. Otd. Inst. Geol. Geofiz.) khalfina, v. k. 1960. Stromatoporoidei. In khalfin, l. l. (ed.). Biostratigrafiya paleozoya Sayano- Altayskoy Gornoy oblasti. Tom I, Nizhniy Paleozoy. Trudy sib. nauchno-issled. Inst. Geol. Geofiz. miner. Syr., vyp. 19, pp. 82-4, 141-3, 357-8, 370-3. andYAVORSKY, v. i. 1967. 0 drevneyshikh stromatoporoideyakh. Paleont. Zh. 1967, no. 3, pp. 133-6. moors, h. t. 1966. Some of the stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Cliefden Caves District, near Mandurama. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Sydney, 115 pp. 662 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 nestor, h. e. 1964. Stromatoporoidei Ordovika i Llandoveri Estonii. Geoloogia-Inst. Uurim. 112 pp. ■ 1966. O drevneyshikh Stromatoporoideyakh. Paleont. Zh. 1966, no. 2, 3-12. ozaki, k. e. 1938. On some stromatoporoids from the Ordovician limestone of Shantung and South Manchuria. J. Shanghai Sci. Inst., Sect. 2, 2, 205-23. packham, g. h. 1960. Sedimentary history of part of the Tasman Geosyncline in south-eastern Australia. Repts. 21st lnt. Geo/. Cong. Norden, 12, 74-83. 1967. The occurrence of shelly Ordovician strata near Forbes, New South Wales. Anst. J. Sci. 30, 106-7. parks, w. a. 1910. Ordovician stromatoporoids. Univ. Toronto Stud., geol. ser., no. 7, 1-52. philip, g. m. 1966. The occurrence and palaeogeographic significance of Ordovician strata in Northern New South Wales. Aust. J. Sci. 29, 112-13. Phillips ross, j. 1961. Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian Bryozoa of Australia. Bull. Bur. Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys. Aust. 50, 1-172. sherrard, k. m. 1954. The assemblages of graptolites in New South Wales. J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 87, 73-101. stearn, c. w. 1966. The microstructure of stromatoporoids. Palaeontology 9, 74-124. stevens, n. c. 1950. The geology of the Canowindra district, N.S.W. Part 1. The stratigraphy and structure of the Cargo-Toogong District. J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 82, 319-37. 1952. Ordovician stratigraphy at Cliefden Caves, near Mandurama, N.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 77, 114-20. 1956. Further notes on Ordovician formations of Central New South Wales. J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S. W. 90, 44-50. thomas, d. e. 1960. The zonal distribution of Australian graptolites. Ibid. 94, 1-58. vlasov, a. n. 1961. Kembriyskiye stromatoporoidei. Paleont. Zh. 1961, no. 3, 22-32. webby, b. d. 1968. Astrocystites distans sp. nov., an edrioblastoid from the Ordovician of eastern Australia. Palaeontology 11, 513-25. Whittington, h. b. 1966. Phylogeny and distribution of Ordovician trilobites. J. Paleont. 40, 696-737. and williams, a. 1964. The Ordovician period. In The Phanerozoic time-scale. London (Geological Society), 241-54. yabe, h. and sugiyama, t. 1930. On some Ordovician stromatoporoids from South Manchuria, North China and Chosen (Corea), with notes on two new European forms. Sci. Repts. Tohoku Imp. Univ., ser. 2 (Geol.), 14, no. 1, 47-62. yavorsky, v. i. 1955. Stromatoporoidea Sovetskogo Soyuza, Pt. I. Trudy vses. nauchno-issled. geol. Inst., N.s. 8, 1-173. B. D. WEBBY Department of Geology and Geophysics University of Sydney Sydney 2006, N.S.W. Typescript received 27 February 1969 Australia THE WENLOCK GRAPTOLITES OF THE LUDLOW DISTRICT, SHROPSHIRE, AND THEIR STRATIGRAPHICAL SIGNIFICANCE by C. H. HOLLAND, R. B. RICKARDS, and P. T. WARREN Abstract. Monograptus ludensis (Murchison 1839) sensu Wood 1900 (with its synonyms M. gotlandicus Perner 1899 and M. vulgaris Wood 1900) is fully described together with a new species Pristiograptus jaegeri , the two having been frequently confused with M. vulgaris. A second new species described from the Wenlock rocks of the Ludlow district, Shropshire, is Holoretiolites ( Balticograptus ) lawsoni, and another form Pristiograptus sp. 1 is left under open nomenclature. M. deubeli Jaeger 1959 is recorded for the first time in the British Isles. The stratigraphical distribution of the graptolite fauna of the Wenlock and lowest Ludlow of the Ludlow district is discussed and comparisons made particularly with North Wales. A poorly developed ‘ nassajdubius Inter- regnum’ (Jaeger 1959) separates the C. lundgreni Zone, with its abundant M. flemingii (Salter), from the M. ludensis Zone with its association of P. jaegeri sp. nov. and the index species. The problem of the correlation of the Wenlock/Ludlow boundary is discussed and it is recommended that in the graptolite sequence the horizon best correlated with this boundary is the base of the P. nilssoni Zone. In their revision of the stratigraphy of the Silurian rocks of the Ludlow district, Holland, Lawson, and Walmsley (1963) defined the Ludlow Series and its four component stages by means of standard sections for the boundaries between these and adjacent strati- graphical units. The higher Wenlock rocks cropping out in the south-western part of the district were given detailed description in terms of lithology and fauna though, naturally, no attempt was made at a definitive classification of the Wenlock Series. The boundary between the Wenlock and Ludlow was, however, effectively designated by the choice and accurate description of a standard section for the base of the Ludlow Series and its lowest Eltonian Stage. At this standard locality, in an old quarry in Pitch Coppice on the south side of the Ludlow-Wigmore road, nearly 5 m. of Wenlock Limestone are followed by 1 or 2 m. of Lower Elton Beds. Conscious that they were stabilizing rather than completely solving the problem of the Wenlock/Ludlow boundary, Holland et a/. (1963, p. 141) referred to the remaining difficulty, viz. that the position of the base of the Monograptus vulgaris Zone in relation to the Wenlock Limestone was not known. ‘The problem of the graptolite sequence in areas where the Wenlock Limestone is developed might be solved by prolonged collecting throughout the Welsh Borderland but the rarity of graptolites at this level in the shelf facies would make this a most difficult task. In any event, it is desirable that at the standard locality the Wenlock Limestone should be within the Wenlockian and the Ludlovian (Eltonian) should begin above it.’ Subsequently, two of the present authors (C. H. H. and R. B. R.) decided to attempt a revision of the Wenlock graptolites of the Ludlow district, the available background of carefully documented localities permitting the possibility of rigorous collection from all exposed Wenlock and basal Ludlow. The third author ( P. T. W.) was in the meantime concerned with the precise revision of the graptolite sequence at the same level in the geosynclinal area of North Wales and had encountered a nomenclatural question con- cerning the species M. vulgaris. Thus, the present paper sets out not only to describe the [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 4, 1969, pp. 663-83, pi. 130.] 664 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 graptolite fauna of the Wenlock rocks of the Ludlow district but also to attempt to solve the taxonomic and stratigraphical problems associated with M. vulgaris, the zone of that name, and the Wenlock/Ludlow boundary. Two preliminary notes on these matters have already been published (Warren, Rickards, and Holland 1966; Holland, Rickards, and Warren 1967). Localities within the Ludlow district are numbered as in Holland et al. (1963), where grid references and other topographical details are given. Where it has proved necessary to subdivide these localities the relevant information is provided herein. Our graptolite collection from the Ludlow district has been deposited in the Geological Museum of Trinity College, Dublin, and TCD numbers are given. Other material described herein is in possession of the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge [SM], Birmingham University [BU], and the Institute of Geological Sciences [GSM GSC (Geological Society of London Collection), GSM Zp (Boswell Collection)]. Acknowledgements. One of us (P. T. W.) thanks Dr. A. G. Brighton (Cambridge) and Dr. I. Strachan (Birmingham) for the loan of specimens in their care and also Dr. H. Jaeger (Berlin) for helpful dis- cussions on the ludensis Zone faunas of both North Wales and Germany. Both C. H. H. and P. T. W. are grateful to Dr. L. Teller (Warsaw) for affording them the opportunity individually to see and collect from the Pragowiec section in the Holy Cross Mountains. C. H. H. has had the benefit of a visit to sections in the German Democratic Republic under Dr. Jaeger's expert and hospitable guidance. C. H. H. and R. B. R. thank Dr. T. R. Lister, Christine Rickards, and Dr. J. H. Shergold, for assistance in collecting from the Ludlow district. Dr. Warren's contribution is published by permission of the Director, Institute of Geological Sciences. THE ‘ VULGARIS ’ PROBLEM In the systematic descriptions below it will be shown that Monograptus ludensis ( sensu Wood 1900), M. got/andicus Perner 1899, and M. vulgaris Wood 1900 are conspecific. We have already indicated our preference for usage of the name ludensis (Warren et ah 1966, Holland et al. 1967) and our views have been accepted by Martinsson (1967). In addition we have received a number of personal communications variously advocating the usage of ludensis, gotlandicus , or vulgaris. It would seem that several workers have more or less concurrently concluded that these forms are conspecific. Of these three the earliest published name is ludensis Murchison 1839, and subse- quent to Wood’s (1900) description of this species nothing has been added to its dia- gnosis. Although it has been but rarely recorded. Wood’s concept of ludensis has not been changed or abused. Largely because of her definitive work ludensis cannot be considered a confused species. Nevertheless, although she clearly interpreted the species by reference to fig. 2 of Murchison's original illustrations (Murchison 1839, pi. 26), Wood did not specify (as lectotype) a particular specimen from those shown crowded together on the slab depicted there. It is true that earlier M‘Coy (1851, p. 4) gave as ‘Ref.’ (i.e. synonymy) ‘Sil. Syst. t. 26. f. 1, & la. (Not. 2.)’, thus referring to those figures depicting a Monograptus priodon (Bronn)-Iike form; but in describing fossils from the Geological Museum of the Uni- versity of Cambridge he cannot be taken as ‘first reviser’ of ludensis in the sense of the Rules. There is no question of M'Coy’s having selected a lectotype from the type series as the Rules require; he was simply assigning material to one particular previ- ously published figure and not to another. Murchison himself in Si/uria( 1854, pi. 12, figs. 4 and 4a) chose to repeat only figs. 1 and 1 a of his original plate from the ‘Silurian System’ and referred to the form shown there HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GRAPTOLITES 665 as ‘Graptolithuspriodon (Ludensis), Bronn’, thus leaving outside this implied synonymy his original fig. 2. However, in Siluria (3rd ed., 1859) Murchison again included both original figures under the name ‘Gr. priodon Bronn [Gr. ludensis, Sil. Syst.]’. The principal objection to the use of gotlandicus Perner 1899 as the specific name for the graptolite in question is that the original figure is of a distal rhabdosomal fragment. However, modern Czechoslovakian and Polish workers have adequately redefined the species, and again there has been no confusion in the literature. M. gotlandicus has been widely recorded except in Britain (an omission explained once the conspecificity of ludensis , vulgaris, and gotlandicus is appreciated), and the name is well entrenched in the literature. By contrast M. vulgaris Wood 1900 must be one of the most frequently misidentified species in graptolite literature. The majority of records and illustrations of the species are based upon incorrect identification. Our recent examination of the Das Gupta collec- tion (Imperial College, London), for example, showed that some specimens labelled ‘ vulgaris ’ were referable to spinose graptolites of the M. leintwardinensis Lapworth type. The confusion over the identification of vulgaris arises partly from the fact that Wood’s (1900) original description involved two distinct species. One of these, a straight, slender pristiograptid (P. jaegeri sp. nov. herein) has been commonly found and recorded as vulgaris, whereas Elies and Wood (1911) clearly designate a specimen belonging to the other form as ‘type specimen’. As implied above, the true ‘ vulgaris ’ has been widely recorded outside Britain as gotlandicus , whilst in Britain some specimens in Elles's and Wood’s collections were referred to ludensis and other material, notably in the Boswell Collection, was assigned either correctly or to M. vulgaris cf. curtus Elies and Wood and M. colonus. Few indications of vulgaris in the literature are, therefore, correct and none clearly defines the morphology either of the pristiograptid or of M. vulgaris Wood (pars). The true vulgaris we would retain in Monograptus since it has distinctly rounded lateral aperture margin.s to th 1, and does not fall readily into either Pristiograptus Jaekel or Co/onograptus Pribyl. M. ludensis as defined by Wood is, as we now know, identical with this, and Wood’s failure to notice the conspecificity reflects the poor preservation of specimens collected from the locality of the type specimen of M. ludensis. We are fortunate in having in our possession isolated Polish specimens of M. gotlandicus Perner. Comparison of these with our now extensive collections of ludensis and vulgaris indicates that the three named species are conspecific and that the pristiograptid form (common also in the Polish material) requires a new name. The problem, therefore, is complex in that none of the three names is entirely satis- factory. Our discussions with colleagues have indicated that to choose one name will please but a fraction of the interested parties. At this point we shall state our views on the matter, and then describe the species below under our preferred name. The immediate aims are to establish the conspecificity of ludensis, gotlandicus, and vulgaris, and to apply our preferred name to the relevant biostratigraphical unit. It is our view that the interests of palaeontology and stratigraphy will best be served if the name vulgaris is not (by special provision) adopted. It is the most junior name and yet is shrouded in the greatest misunderstanding. Of the two remaining names we prefer properly to follow the Rules still further in adopting the senior name ludensis, though we appreciate that it is less well established in the literature than gotlandicus. x x C 6940 666 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Family retiolitidae Lapworth 1873 Subfamily plectograptinae Boucek and Munch 1952 Genus holoretiolites Eisenack 1951 Subgenus balticograptus Boucek and Munch 1952 H. ( Balticograptus ) lawsoni sp. nov. Text-figs 1 a-c Diagnosis. Rhabdosome tiny, parallel-sided; thecae inconspicuous, apertures ventrally facing and surmounted by loop-shaped processes which show, in the form of lists, traces of the graptolite fusellar structure; thecal spacing 13 in 10 mm.; clathrial elements well- developed, reticula imperfect and sparse; nema subcentral. Holotype. The specimen illustrated as Fig. \a, number TCD 8473. Material. Three well-preserved specimens in low relief, and other fragmentary specimens (TCD 8473- 5). Horizon and locality. Wenlock Shale, Wenlock Series, ludensis Zone. Ludlow district, Burrington Farm lane, section, locality 62 of Holland et al. (1963): see text-fig. 4. Associates are: Monograptus ludensis and Pristiograptus jaegeri sp. nov. Derivation of name. After Dr. J. D. Lawson, who collected the specimens during the 1964 Ludlow Research Group meeting in the Ludlow district. Description. The maximum observed rhabdosome length is 4-00 mm. and the dorso- ventral width (low relief) 2-70 mm. Excluding apertural processes the rhabdosome achieves a dorso-ventral width of 0-90-1 -00 mm. and is more or less parallel-sided. The extreme proximal end is almost rectangular in outline and rapidly reaches the maximum dorso-ventral width. The thecal spacing is 13 in 10 mm. Text-fig. 1 b depicts the apertural processes at their maximum observed length of 0-80-0-90 mm. Clathrial elements appear to form a very approximately hexagonal mesh on the lateral walls. The free ventral thecal walls are roughly vertical or gently concave, turning out- wards slightly in the region of the apertures, and are defined by quite robust paired ventral lists. An imperfect and sparse reticulum is indicated by the presence and distri- bution of much finer threads. The thecal apertures are obscure, but are probably similar to those of H. (B.) baiticus Eisenack, i.e. ventrally facing. Loop-shaped processes surmount the apertures and pro- ject ventrally, or somewhat proximally, for a distance of 0-80-0-90 mm. The loop may exhibit some transverse expansion away from the thecal aperture (text-figs. 1 a , b) and is infilled with slender cross threads. The cross threads form a rough ‘zigzag suture’ and could possibly be homologous with the growth bands of sclerotized graptolites. One specimen (text-fig. lc) shows a slender nema in a subcentral position. Distally there is an abbreviated appendix (text-figs. 1 a , b) and a general slight tapering, clearly indicating that the rhabdosomes have reached their adult length. Remarks. This species clearly belongs to the subgenus Balticograptus and is distinguished from H. ( Holoretiolites ) by the presence of a poor reticulum, and a less tapering rhab- dosome. H. (B.) lawsoni is perhaps closest to Eisenack’s species H. (B.) baiticus but differs in having longer apertural processes, a less parallel-sided and more robust c text-fig. 1 a-d. Holoretiolites ( Balticograptus ) lawsoni sp. nov. a, TCD 8473, holotype, ludensis Zone, Wenlock Series, locality 62 Burrington Farm; b, TCD 8475, same horizon and locality as holotype; c, TCD 8474, same horizon and locality as holotype; d, Pristiograptus sp. 1, TCD 8654, part of specimen on PI. 130, fig. 6, showing pattern in cortical tissue. Figs. 1 c-cx 20, 1 dx 30; is, interthecal septum; stipple indicates ferruginous staining; oblique ruling indicates nearside of rhabdosome in lc. 668 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 rhabdosome, and more closely spaced thecae. From Retiolites clathrospinosus Eisenack, H. ( B .) lawsoni differs in having loop-shaped apertural processes as opposed to paired bifurcating spines, a less well-developed reticulum, and thecae which approximate to a ‘climacograptid’ rather than an ‘orthograptid’ type. The general dimensions of the two species are similar. Holoretiolites Eisenack is recorded for the first time in Britain. Family monograptidae Lapworth 1 873 Genus pristiograptus Jaekel 1889 Pristiograptus jaegeri sp. nov. Plate 130, fig. 1, text -figs 2k-r, 3/ 1900 Monograptus vulgaris Wood, pp. 455-6 (pars), text-fig. 10« (non 106, pi. 25, fig. 2). 1911 Monograptus vulgaris Wood; Elies and Wood, pp. 378-9 (pars), text-fig. 248a (non 2486, pi. 37, figs. 10 a-e). 71935 Monograptus vulgaris Wood; Decker, pp. 443-4, figs. 32-4. 71935a Monograptus vulgaris Wood; Decker, p. 309. 1943 Pristiograptus vulgaris vulgaris (Wood); Pribyl, text-fig. 2l (non 2m), 7 pars, pp. 22-3. 71947 Monograptus vulgaris Wood; Ruedemann, p. 490, pi. 84, figs. 22-4. 71948 Pristiograptus cf. vulgaris vulgaris (Wood 1900); Pribyl, p. 78. 1963 Monograptus vulgaris Wood; Holland et a/., pp. 104, 136, 157. non 1900 Monograptus vulgaris var. /3 Wood, p. 457, pi. 25, fig. 3. non 1911 Monograptus vulgaris var. curtus Elies and Wood, p, 379, pi. 37, fig. 1 1. non 1960 Monograptus vulgaris var. ashlandensis Berry, p. 1163, fig. 2h. Diagnosis. Rhabdosome of moderate length, relatively slender, and ‘stiff’, particularly at the proximal end; sicula 2 mm. long, reaching aperture of th 2; over-all thecal spacing 12-8 in 10 mm.; distal thecae inclined at 40°; maximum dorso-ventral width at 20 mm., T30-F50 mm (relief). Holotype. The specimen figured herein as Plate 130, fig. 1, and text-fig. In, TCD 8661. Material. Many specimens flattened and in relief, numerous isolated specimens. Horizon, ludensis Zone in the Ludlow district and uppermost lundgreni and ludensis Zones in North Wales; nilssoni Zone of Pragowiec, Bardo Syncline, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Localities. See text-fig. 4 for Ludlow and Conway Valley (North Wales) areas; Holy Cross Mountains, Poland (see Tomczyk 1962, fig. 9, p. 45). Derivation of Name. After Dr. H. Jaeger (Humboldt University, Berlin). Description. The rhabdosome reaches several centimetres in length but is usually of the order of 20 mm., where the dorso-ventral width is approximately 1-30-1 -50 mm (in relief ). Flattened and compressed specimens may have a distal dorso-ventral width of up EXPLANATION OF PLATE 130 Figs. 1-8. 1, Pristiograptus jaegeri sp. nov., holotype, TCD 8661, ludensis Zone, Wenlock Limestone locality 100a. 2, Monograptus ludensis (Murchison) sensu Wood 1900, TCD 8658, ludensis Zone, Wenlock Shale, locality 61. 3, Monograptus deubeli Jaeger, TCD 8657, ludensis Zone, Wenlock Limestone, locality 114d. 4, Gothograptus nassa (Holm), TCD 8653, ludensis Zone, Wenlock Shale, Locality 40. 5, 6, Pristiograptus sp. 1, TCD 8660, 8654, lundgreni Zone, Wenlock Shale, locality 91. 7, Pristiograptus dubius (Suess), TCD 8663, ludensis Zone, Wenlock Shale, locality 40. 8, Monograptus flemingii (Salter), TCD 8652, lundgreni Zone, Wenlock Shale, locality 79. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8 x 10; fig. 4 x7; figs. 5 and 7x5. None retouched. Localities within Ludlow district as in text. Palaeontology, Vol. 12 PLATE 130 HOLLAND, RICKARDS and WARREN, Wenlock-Ludlow graptolites HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GRAPTOLITES 669 to 1-90 mm. A typical feature of the species is the ‘stiff’ rhabdosome, particularly at the proximal end (text-figs. 2, 3) which only occasionally shows very slight dubius-Uke curva- ture. The sicula has a length of at least 2-00 mm., the apex reaching to the level of the aperture of th 2. The over-all proximal thecal spacing is 12-10 in 10 mm. falling to almost 8 in 10 mm. distally in the most extreme variants. Undistorted specimens in relief usually have a thecal spacing of 1 1-10 in 10 mm. proximally and 10-9 in 10 mm. distally. The thecae are of simple pristiograptid type throughout the length of the rhabdosome, and are inclined to the axis at about 40°, in the distal regions. Rare specimens show a slight rounding (incipient lappets) of the apertural region of th 1 (text-fig. 2k). Such a degree of rounding of th 1 in P. jaegeri would be most difficult to detect in a specimen not isolated from the matrix. Thecal overlap distally is approximately two-thirds. A small number of specimens has been obtained from Ludlow in which a strange lateral thecal spine is seen on th 2 at about the level of the thecal aperture of th 1. We consider that these are probably abnormal and that the spine is not a character of specific importance. Remarks. It is this species which has been most commonly recorded, and indifferently figured and described, by numerous authors as M. vulgaris Wood. Some of Das Gupta’s (1933) specimens, for example, although with a ‘stiff’ proximal end, are referable to M. leintxvardinensis and not to ' M. vulgaris'. Pribyl (1948), however, selected as the lectotype of M. vulgaris the specimen figured by Wood (1900) as pi. 25, fig. 2 and re- figured by Elies and Wood (1911) as Monograptus vulgaris Wood (pi. 37, fig. 10#). It is of interest that Elies and Wood (op.cit.) had already effectively designated this specimen as ‘type’ (plate description of pi. 37). The species is distinct from the pristiograptid described herein as P. jaegeri sp. nov. Monograptus vulgaris sensu Elies and Wood does not merit retention in the genus Pristiograptus, an assignation adopted by some workers (e.g. Pribyl 1943). M. vulgaris sensu stricto is considered below under the description of Monograptus ludensis (Murchison). Pristiograptus jaegeri sp. nov. occurs quite commonly associated with M. ludensis , although on evidence from North Wales its first appearance may be somewhat earlier than that of the latter. Assemblages isolated from calcareous nodules from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, almost invariably yield both species. The faint rounding of th 1, rarely exhibited by P. jaegeri , perhaps suggests an evolutionary relationship between this species and M . ludensis (Murchison). Work in progress by one of us (P. T. W.) on the graptolites of North Wales suggests that P. jaegeri may eventually be usefully subdivided into several subspecies, and that some evolutionary connections may be unravelled. At the moment we would note that more slender forms seem to occur at lower stratigraphical levels, in lundgreni and basal ludensis Zone beds. P. jaegeri may be distinguished from P. dubius (Suess) by the straight, ‘stiff’ proximal end and the long sicula reaching to the level of th 2. As with all pristiograptids, identi- fication is most difficult if few specimens are at hand. There is considerable variation of such factors as dorso-ventral width, thecal spacing, etc., depending on whether the rhabdosome is flattened or in relief and, further, on whether the apparent width has been increased or decreased by compression in the strata. The North Wales specimens tend, for example, to be less well preserved than the isolated Polish or the three dimen- sional Ludlow specimens, and are usually flattened and often compressed. Consequently, 670 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 TEXT-FIG. 2 HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GRAPTOLITES 671 a greater dorso-ventral width is sometimes achieved (up to 1 -90 mm.) and the thecal spacing shows a greater range of variation. P. jaegeri differs from M. vulgaris ashlandensis Berry 1960 mainly in having a longer and more conspicuous sicula. We consider that Berry’s form is at present best regarded as a species in its own right distinct from M. ludensis, probably referable to the genus Pristiograptus. P. ashlandensis is known only from flattened material and there may be some doubt about its true thecal characters. Pristiograptus sp. 1 Plate 130, figs. 5, 6, text-fig. Id Material. Twenty-four specimens almost flat or in low relief. Horizon and localities. Wenlock Shale, Wenlock Series, lundgreni Zone, localities 91 and 38 of Holland et at. (1963). Associated are: Monograptus flemingii and Pristiograptus dubius. Description. The rhabdosome reaches a length of at least 35 mm. and a distal dorso- ventral width (low relief) of 2-40 mm. A width of 2-00 mm. is achieved quite close to the proximal end, usually at about 7 mm. above the base of the sicula or approximately th 9-th 10. The proximal thecal spacing is of the order of 13 in 10 mm., although some badly squashed specimens reach 14 in 10 mm. Distally a value of 10 in 10 mm. is the widest observed spacing. The sicula has a length of 2-00 mm. the apex reaching the level of the second thecal aperture. In the mesial and distal parts of the rhabdosome the thecal tubes are inclined at 45-50° to the axis. Thecal overlap in the same regions is of the order of two-thirds. text-fig. 2 a-j- Monograptus ludensis (Murchison 1839) sensu Wood 1900: a, TCD 8658, specimen in relief, ludensis Zone, locality 61 Ludlow district (text-fig. 4); b, SM A60900, isolated specimen in full relief, nodule from Pragowiec, Bardo Syncline, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, probably nilssoni Zone, presented to the Sedgwick Museum by Dr. A. Urbanek; c, d , SM A60904-5, isolated, mature specimens in moderate relief from Pragowiec, nilssoni Zone, showing infilling of apertural region with late tissue, nodule from Dr. A. Urbanek, specimens prepared by Dr. G. H. Packham 1960; e, SM A60901, broad, immature, isolated, specimen in full relief, nodule from Pragowiec, probably nilssoni Zone, angles of thecal apertures, not yet infilled with late tissue; /, GSM GSC 6584a, proximal end, in full relief, of proposed lectotype, illustrated in text-fig. 3b. ludensis Zone; g, TCD 8744, external mould of specimen in low relief, ludensis Zone, locality 41 Ludlow district (text-fig. 4); /;, TCD 8744a, internal mould of th 1 and th 2 of previous specimen showing rounding of th 1 not apparent on external mould; /, SM A60906, proximal end in full relief, nodule from Pragowiec, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, nilssoni Zon e;j, GSM Zp 5670, abnormal development of dorsal lip of sicula, specimen almost flattened, ludensis Zone, Oerfa, Llanrwst, N. Wales (N.G.R. SH 8456 5950), Boswell's locality 482; k-r, Pristiograptus jaegeri sp. nov. : k, BU 1470, specimen originally figured by Wood (1900) as Mono- graptus vulgaris, text-fig. 10a and again by Elies and Wood (1911) as text-fig. 248a; /, GSM Zp 5720, proximal end of specimen illustrated herein as text-fig. 3 f ludensis Zone, Cefn-y-Fran, Llanrwst, N. Wales (SH 8280 6080) Boswell’s locality 536; m, TCD 8745 specimen with unusually curved sicula, ludensis Zone, locality 100 Ludlow district (text-fig. 4); n, TCD 8661, holotype, a specimen in full relief, ludensis Zone, locality 100a, Ludlow district (text-fig. 4); o, SM A60903, isolated specimen in full relief, showing the rare slight rounding of th 1, nodule from Pragowiec, Bardo Syncline, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, probably nilssoni Zone; p, SM A60902, isolated specimen in low relief, nodule from Pragowiec, probably nilssoni Zone; q, TCD 9218, ludensis Zone, locality 40, Ludlow district (text-fig. 4); r, TCD 8696 specimen in low relief with abnormal spine, ludensis Zone, locality 40, Ludlow district (text-fig. 4). All figures x 10. 672 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 The length of the ventral thecal wall at th 10 is 2-50 mm. The thecal apertures approach the horizontal, that is they are not at right angles to the long axis of the thecal tube, and both proximal and distal thecae are strongly denticulate, almost spinose. A single specimen (TCD 8654, text-fig. 1 d) shows a rather curious pattern of the cortical tissue. This is composed of fine, arcuate ridges, which are mostly, but not invariably, concave towards the ventral side of the rhabdosome. The ridges are laid down over the dorsal wall of the rhabdosome and over the nema. In numerous instances earlier ridge systems can be seen beneath later ones. The exposed portion of the sicula is similarly affected, but not the interthecal septum of th 6-th 7. Remarks. The cortical tissue on the specimen described above is clearly laid down in a somewhat irregular manner, presumably by soft parts operating from the ventral side of the rhabdosome. Dr. Berry has recently shown us electron microscope photographs of this structure which he has found on Ordovician orthograptids. Pristiograptus sp. 1 is a relatively robust form, and is difficult to equate with the many previously described pristiograptids. In general appearance it resembles the form figured by Pfibyl (1943) as P. cf. sardous sardous (Gortani), a flexi/is (linnarssoni) Zone species. The Ludlow district species is, however, rather more slender and has more closely spaced thecae, whilst the thecal angle is distinctly higher. P. kosoviensis (Boucek), a Ludlow species, is perhaps closer to Pristiograptus sp. 1 in terms of general dimensions, being only slightly broader. The long-ranging P. dubius stock seems repeatedly to pro- duce narrow and broad species (and subspecies), and P. sp. 1 may reflect the laiter tendency. Genus monograptus Geinitz 1842 Monograptus deubeli Jaeger 1959 Plate 1 30, fig. 3 1959 Monograptus deubeli Jaeger, pp. 126-7, pi. 10, figs. 4-8. Material. Six specimens, low to moderate relief. Horizon and Locality, ludensis Zone, Wenlock Series; locality 1 14d, Ludlow District (see p. 676). Description. The rhabdosome is almost straight or with gentle dorsal curvature (parti- cularly at the proximal end), achieving a length of about 20 mm. and a distal dorso- ventral width of L10-L25 mm. The thecal spacing varies from 12-13 in 10 mm. proximally to 10 in 10 mm. distally. At the level of the aperture of th 1 the dorso- ventral width is 0-90 mm. The sicula has a length of approximately 2-00 mm. its apex reaching almost to the level of the aperture of th 2. The dorsal wall of the sicula may have dorsal curvature whilst the sicula as a whole expands rapidly towards its aperture. The sicula, therefore, appears more broadly triangular than is usual in monograptids: the aperture has a diameter of 0-50 mm. (moderate relief). Th 1 has a distinctly rounded aperture. Subsequent thecae are of simple pristiograptid type, though a faint trace of rounding can be seen on th 2 and th 3. The rounded aper- ture of th 1 is already formed when th 3 is half completed. Thecal overlap is about one- half and the angle of inclination of the thecae some 30°. Remarks. Although less well preserved our material agrees closely with that described HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GRAPTOLITES 673 by Jaeger (1959) from Thuringia, particularly in the nature of the proximal end and the shape of the sicula. M. deubeli has not previously been recorded in Britain. Dr. Jaeger has recently obtained the species from Australia whilst one of us (R. B. R.) has identified M. cf. deubeli in the Hassi Bedda-lA borehole of the Compagnie Frangaise des Petroles d’Algerie, where it occurs in strata immediately overlying beds with P. bohemicus (Bar- rande), M. incipiens Wood, and M. chimaera semispinosus Elies and Wood. 1839 71879 1890 1899 1900 71900 1900 1911 71911 1911 71935 71936 1936 71942 1943 71948 1956 1959 71965 non 1879 non 1879 non 1900 non 1900 non 1911 non 1911 non I960 Monograptus ludensis (Murchison 1839), sensu Wood 1900 Plate 1 30, fig. 2, text-figs. 2a- j, 3 a-e. Graptolithus Ludensius Murchison, p. 694, pi. 26, fig. 2 (non fig. 1). Graptolithus colonus Barrande; Quenstedt, pp. 198-201, pi. 150, fig. 43 X (non figs. 43/, P, y, 2). Monograptus sp. Holm, pi. 1, figs. 27-30. Monograptus gotiandicus Perner, p. 12, pi. 14, fig. 22. Monograptus vulgaris Wood, pp. 455-6 (pars), text-fig. 106, pi. 25, fig. 2. Monograptus gotiandicus Perner; Wood, p. 460, pi. 25, fig. 7. Monograptus colonus var. ludensis Murchison; Wood, p. 465, pi. 25, fig. 1 1. Monograptus vulgaris Wood; Elies and Wood, pp. 378-9 (pars), text-fig. 2486, pi. 37, figs. 10fl-c. Monograptus cf. gotiandicus Perner; Elies and Wood, pp. 382-3, text-fig. 252, pi. 37, fig. 8. Monograptus colonus (?) var. ludensis (Murchison); Elies and Wood, pp. 394-5, text-fig. 262, pi. 38, figs. 9 a-c. Monograptus vulgaris Wood; Boucek, pp. 9-10, figs. 4 i-j. Monograptus cf. vulgaris Wood; Boucek, p. 6, fig. 1 k. Monograptus gotiandicus Perner; Boucek, p. 6, figs. 1 a-c. Pristiograptus gotiandicus (Perner); Munch, p. 251, pi. 3, figs. 1-3. Pristiograptus gotiandicus (Perner 1889); Pribyl, p. 26, text-fig. 38, pi. 2, fig. 5. Pristiograptus ( Pristiograptus ) gotiandicus (Perner); Pribyl, p. 70. Pristiograptus ( Pristiograptus ) vulgaris vulgaris (Wood, 1900); Tomczyk, pp. 53-54, fig. 15«, pi. 6, fig. 1, pi. 7, fig. 1. Pristiograptus gotiandicus (Perner 1899); Urbanek, pp. 11-26, text-figs. 1-3, text-pl. 1, pis. 1 and 2. Pristiograptus gotiandicus (Perner), 1899; Obut, Sobolevskaya, and Bondarev, pp. 67-8, pi. 11, figs. 4, 5. Graptolithus ludensis Murchison; Quenstedt, pp. 192-3, pi. 150, figs. 29, 31, 32. Graptolithus ludensis arcuatus; Quenstedt, p. 194, pi. 150, fig. 30 [= M. testis s.l . ]. Monograptus vulgaris var. /? Wood, p. 457, pi. 25, fig. 3. Monograptus vulgaris Wood, text-fig. lOn. Monograptus vulgaris Wood; Elies and Wood, text-fig. 248«. Monograptus vulgaris var. curtus Elies and Wood, p. 379, pi. 37, fig. 11. Monograptus vulgaris var. ashlandensis Berry, p. 1 1 63, fig. 2h. Lectotype. The type slab contains at least 80 well-preserved specimens of the species. Murchison’s original figure (pi. 26, fig. 2) appears to be diagrammatic, probably composite, and shows only a por- tion or portions of the type slab. We have chosen GSM GSC 6584« as lectotype of the species. This specimen is illustrated herein as text-figs. 2/and 36. The specimen figured by Murchison (1839) as pi. 26, fig. 1 is conspecific with Monograptus priodon (Bronn 1835). Material and localities. Numerous specimens in low to moderate relief from the Ludlow District and from North Wales (text-fig. 4). Many specimens isolated from the matrix, from nilssoni Zone nodules, Bardo Syncline, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. 674 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Horizon. ludensis Zone in Ludlow District; ludensis and basal few metres of nilssoni Zone in North Wales; elsewhere the species ranges into the nilssoni Zone. Description. The rhabdosome is characteristically large and straight, often reaching a length of 60-80 mm. and a dorso-ventral width (in relief) of over 2 mm. At 10 mm. from the proximal end the dorso-ventral width in our material varies from 1-50 to 1-70 mm. The proximal region shows rather variable but usually ventral curvature, whilst the actual proximal end commonly has a most striking appearance (text-figs. 2 a, b ), often with a ventrally curved sicula and a prominent apertural region. In these specimens the ventral wall of th 1 is often concave, thus accentuating the rather claw-like appearance of the proximal end. However, there is every gradation between this ‘typical’ proximal end and the more robust type (text-figs. 2 e-g), in which th 1 may have a less concave ventral wall and a higher angle of inclination and in which the sicula is less prominently curved. Th 1, and less often th 2, shows a distinct rounding of the apertural region (text-figs. 2a, e, h, i, j ) due to the development of incomplete half rings resulting in incipient lappets (Urbanek 1959). The lappets are clearly visible on our British specimens. The sicula may be slightly in excess of 2 mm. in length whilst its apex reaches the level of the aperture of th 2. At th 2 the dorso-ventral width is from 0-80 to M0 mm. The thecal spacing changes from 13 in 10 mm. proximally, to usually 10 in 10 mm. distally, but occasionally to 8 in 10 mm. In immature rhabdosomes (say 10-20 mm. long), thecae subsequent to th 1 or th 2 may have simple pristiograptid apertural regions, but adult specimens show a pro- nounced infilling with late fusellar tissue of the angle between the original even aperture and the subsequent free ventral wall (Urbanek 1959). This is clearly seen in mature Ludlow specimens and is commonly observed in the North Wales examples (text-fig 3c). Thecal overlap changes from rather more than one-half and up to two-thirds proxi- mally, to three-quarters distally. However, when infilling of the apertural angle is complete in mature specimens the rhabdosome appears almost parallel-sided and the ‘serrations’ of the ventral margin may be hardly visible and a free ventral wall non- existent. In such material overlap is effectively complete. Remarks. M. gerhardi Kiihne, 1955 is clearly very close to M. ludensis (Murchison), differing only in having a higher proximal thecal count (14 in 10 mm.) and a dorso- ventral width of 2-20 mm. at 10 mm. from the proximal end. Indeed, Jaeger (1959, p. 64 n.) has suggested that gerhardi and vulgaris (large form, = ludensis ?) are con- specific and reiterating this later (1964, p. 37) he added that he believed gotlandicus and gerhardi also to be conspecific. It is possible that the variation noted above can be ascribed to astogenetic changes (see above and Jaeger 1962, p. 37), but it may equally represent geographical variation and short of a detailed study of gerhardi we prefer to leave open the question of its precise relation to ludensis. The appreciation of the conspecificity of M. ludensis (Murchison) sensu Wood, M. gotlandicus Perner, and M. vulgaris Wood (pars) solves a number of problems concern- ing the geographical records of this species. Thus M. gotlandicus was widely recorded and common on the continent ( nilssoni Zone) and only doubtfully recognized in Britain. The converse holds for M. vulgaris (pars). The latter has, however, been frequently and HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GRAPTOLITES 675 a c e f text-fig. 3 a-e. Monograptus ludensis (Murchison 1839) sensu Wood 1900: a, BU 1466 (a), specimen figured by Elies and Wood (1911), pi. 37, fig. 10 b as M. vulgaris Wood on the same slab as the type specimen, pi. 37, fig. 10a; b, GSM GSC 6584a, proposed lectotype, a specimen in full relief on the type slab showing critical details of the proximal end, locality: Llanfair, Montgomeryshire; c, BU 1496, specimen figured by Elies and Wood (191 1), pi. 38, fig. 9b as M. colonus (?) var. ludensis (Murchison); d , BU 1466 ( b ), the type specimen of M. vulgaris Wood, figured by Wood (1900) as pi. 25, fig. 2 and by Ellis and Wood (1911) as pi. 37, fig. 10a; e, GSM Zp 4003 b, somewhat compressed specimen, ludensis Zone, locality Brynsylldy, Llanrwst, N. Wales (SH 8202 6164), Boswell’s locality 472; /, Pristiograptus jaegeri sp. nov. GSM Zp 5720, ludensis Zone, locality given under explanation of text- fig. 21. All figures x 2\. widely misidentified, and is probably not as common in Britain as the literature would suggest. The form described by Elies and Wood as Monograptus vulgaris curtus nom. nov. (for Wood’s M vulgaris var. /?) would seem to be a pristiograptid, the type lacking the 676 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 rounding of th 1 so typical of M. ludensis. We feel unable to comment at this stage on the position of Pristiograptus curtus in relation to other pristiograptids. STRATIGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION The stratigraphical distribution of graptolites we have collected from the Wenlock and lowest Ludlow of the Ludlow district is indicated in text-fig. 4. The locality numbers are those of Holland et al. ( 1 963), except that a few subdivisions have been made as follows : Locality 114 (Holland et al. 1963, p. 165) is a track section continuing some 500 m. through Wenlock Shale. Our more precise Locality 1 1 4a refers to National Grid Reference SO 45387228, whereas Locality 114b lies about 120 m. north-eastwards at 45487232, and Locality 1 14c is at 45667247, some 230 m. further north-eastwards. About 160 m. beyond this an exposure within the Wenlock Limestone at Grid Reference 45817253 is referred to as Locality 1 14d. The north-eastern arm of the branching track with its exposures of Wenlock Shale referred to as Locality 100 in Holland et al. (1963, p. 164) may be followed up slope where some exposures of the lower part of the Wenlock Limestone are available. The lowest of these, at the base of the Wenlock Limestone, is here referred to as Locality 100a (Grid Reference 44887244). As will be appreciated from text-figure 4, some localities in the Wenlock Shale have yielded no graptolites or but a sparse record, whereas others, such as Localities 79, 91, and 40, are relatively rich. Holland et al. recorded no graptolites from the Wenlock Limestone but the present investigation has revealed a sparse fauna in its lower part. These same authors, (Holland et al. 1963, p. 108), record a graptolite fragment from the Lower Elton Beds of Locality 69, but this and other exposures within these beds were searched again with very little success. We have obtained but a further single specimen which we have identified as Monograptus ? varians Wood. Approximately the lower half of the Wenlock Shale in the Ludlow district falls within the lundgreni Zone and is characterized by an assemblage of relatively abundant Monograptus flemingii, associated with Pristiograptus dubius and another pristiograptid here referred to as Pristiograptus sp. 1. The ' nassa j dubius Interregnum" of Jaeger (1959) may be identified as a relatively thin horizon in which M. flemingii and Pristiograptus sp. 1 have disappeared; Gothograptus nassa is present; but Monograptus ludensis has not yet appeared. It is immediately suc- ceeded by strata yielding M. ludensis; but between this first appearance of the species and its further occurrences there is a considerable thickness of strata from which we have recorded no graptolites at all (see text-fig. 4). The factors responsible for the impoverishment of graptolite faunas at the level of Jaeger’s "Interregnum", and marked there by the restricted fauna of G. nassa and P. dubius , may perhaps be reflected here in the absence of graptolites through the basal part of the ludensis Zone, which we have taken as beginning at the first appearance of the index species just over 100 m. below the base of the Wenlock Limestone. The characteristic assemblage of the ludensis Zone as seen in the highest part of the Wenlock Shale is of M. ludensis itself together with Pristiograptus jaegeri. Both G. nassa and M. dubius are also present at first. Finally, it is important to note that the ludensis-jaegeri association is now known to HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GR APTOLITES 677 Wen lock Shale 50 m M. flemin gii Pristiograptus sp l P dubius G. nassa M. lude n s i s P jaegeri sp.nov. H. lawsoni sp. nov M. d e u b e 1 1 U> o X) n> i'll l- ■ Wenlock Limestone LElton Beds D — O o o > 30 m > M varians < m xi 2 CO lundgreni /' ludensis 'n il ssom o p ■o M f.flemingii M f. aff ele g a n s G. nassa PI. aff. dubius P dubius P pseu d o du biu s P jaegeri sp.nov. M. luden si s o 70 L. Mottled U Mottled Mds. Mds. L. Nantglvn FI aas Gp disturbed bed U N. F G o ^ < > B r~ ® m cn WENLOCK LUDLOW text-fig. 4. Range chart of graptolites in the Ludlow, Malvern, and North Wales (Conway Valley) districts. The section given here is that measured at Ty-mawr Farm (N.G.R. SH 820 682), Eglwysbach, Conway Valley and the graptolite occurrences are local and hence can be directly related to this section. However, the general stratigraphy and graptolite ranges are applicable to the whole of NW. Denbigh- shire. In the North Wales graptolitic facies approximate peaks are indicated by fine dotted lines. Dot/dash lines indicate approximate position of the nassa/dubius Interregnum. Alternating lined and stippled beds are mudstones; ‘bricks’ are limestones; ‘broken bricks’ are calcareous mottled mud- stones; and fine-lined beds are shales. P. nilssoni Zone species are omitted from the North Wales side of the chart, whereas these only are shown for the Malverns. Abbreviations: Mds. = Mudstone; Gp. and G. = Group; spec. = specimens. Details of graptolites (in the North Wales section) not referred to in the text are as follows: M.flemingii aff. elegans Elies, Plectograptus (?) aff. dubius Boucek and Munch, Pristiograptus pseudodubius (Boucek). 678 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 continue into the basal part of the Wenlock Limestone. Thus, we have factual evidence that the upper part of the Wenlock Shale and part at least of the Wenlock Limestone belong in the ludensis as distinct from the lundgreni Zone. The consequences of this in terms of stratigraphical nomenclature are discussed in the next section of this paper. Also within the Wenlock Limestone, we may note the occurrence of Monogrciptus deubeli at a somewhat higher level than in Thuringia from whence Jaeger first described this species. As mentioned above, it is unfortunate that the Lower Elton Beds of the Ludlow district have still failed to provide conclusive evidence of their position in the graptolite zonal sequence. We have, through the kindness of Mr. J. S. W. Penn, Miss J. Vinni- combe, and Mr. D. G. A. Whitten, been allowed to examine a collection of Silurian graptolites from the Malvern Hills assembled at Kingston-upon-Thames College of Technology. Mr. Penn will undoubtedly be referring to the full results of our examina- tion elsewhere, but we note here the presence of Monograptus various in the Lower Elton Beds. The number of specimens is small and, in spite of the uniformity of shelf facies Ludlow successions throughout the Welsh borderland, there remains the possibility that the Lower Elton Beds of the Malverns are not of precisely the same age as those at Ludlow. So, as M. various has never been recorded in pr e-uilssoui strata, here is slight evidence that the Lower Elton Beds belong to the nilssoni Zone and we have added this to our chart. We have also been able to examine, and here report on, four graptolite specimens obtained by Professor P. J. Lesperance (University of Montreal, Canada) from the Lower Elton Beds of Millichope, Shropshire, which were forwarded to us by Dr. J. H. Shergold (Canberra, Australia). They are: an indeterminate distal fragment; the part and counterpart of a form probably referable to P. dubius ; and a specimen referred to Monograptus sp. cf. various various Wood. The material is not well preserved and the last mentioned specimen does not exhibit clearly the proximal thecal ‘hooks’ of various although the dimensions of the rhabdosome accord in every way with that species. It could possibly be assigned to M. aff. ludensis. Thus, whilst in no way providing of itself an unequivocal age for the Lower Elton Beds, this material adds further slim evidence to that from the Malverns. Finally we would note the occurrence of M. uncinatus orbatus Wood, a nilssoni Zone species, from the Lower Elton Beds of the May Hill Inlier (Birmingham University, specimen no. My 82m). Text-fig. 4 also includes a summary of uppermost Wenlock graptolite occurrences in the Denbighshire Moors in North Wales. We provide this as an illustration of a typical basin facies graptolitic sequence in contrast to that of the Ludlow district; and, more- over, a basin sequence which has been subject to modern study by the Institute of Geological Sciences. The Ludlow district is to be regarded as of shelf facies in terms of higher Silurian stratigraphy, though certainly in a position marginal to the basin or geosyncline. In the North Wales section, as in that at Ludlow, the ranges of Monograptus ludensis and Pristiograptus jaegeri replace that of the original M. 'vulgaris'. Although Gothograptus nassa is common within the basal M. ludensis Zone, its maximum occur- rence is within a 'nassaldubius Interregnum’, of the same order of thickness as that at Ludlow, which may be recognized immediately below the first occurrence of M. HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GRAPTOLITES 679 ludensis. This interregnum is thus again in the same stratigraphical position as that originally described by Jaeger (1959). It is now clear that the sequence from the lundgreni Zone (with its characteristic occur- rence of M. flemingii), through a ‘ nassajdubius Interregnum’, to the ludensis Zone (characterized by both M. ludensis and Pristiograptus jaegeri ), and then into a more varied nilssoni Zone assemblage, can be widely recognized in Europe. The comparison with the very carefully described sequence from Thuringa is evident from Jaeger’s diagram of graptolite ranges (1959, p. 39) and two of the present authors (C. H. H. and P. T. W.) have had the opportunity of seeing the same sequence in the Polish sections of the Holy Cross Mountains. THE WENLOCK LUDLOW BOUNDARY The question of the recognition of the boundary between the Wenlock and Ludlow in the light of the stratigraphical facts referred to above must now be considered against the historical background. A short review of the problem is given by Holland (in press). Murchison (1833) was originally confused between the two Silurian limestones at Wenlock and Aymestrey respectively, and his Lower and Upper Ludlow Rock were at first separated by the so-called Wenlock Limestone. This confusion was eliminated the following year when the relevant part of his stratigraphical table (Murchison 1834) showed the Lower Ludlow Rock following upon the Wenlock and Dudley Limestone and succeeded by the Aymestry and Sedgley Limestone. Wood (1900), in her classical account ‘The Lower Ludlow Formation and its Graptolite-Fauna’, referred to Mur- chison’s line of demarcation, but noted (p. 421) that he himself had admitted that the ‘Lower Ludlow was simply an upward prolongation of the Wenlock Shale’. In some districts he thought it impracticable to separate them. She referred also to Lapworth’s (1880, p. 48) comment that the division was probably made ‘less from a palaeontological than from an aesthetic point of view’. Wood’s own palaeontological studies had con- firmed that ‘where there is a lithological transition between the Wenlock and Ludlow Beds there is also a palaeontological transition’ (p. 421). Nevertheless, she was able to draw a palaeontological line between the two ‘of considerable stratigraphical and prac- tical value’ (p. 421). Working with Elies (1900), who had similarly described the grapto- lite fauna of the Wenlock, Wood (1900, p. 421) compiled a short list of the comparative graptolitic characteristics of the two divisions. Thus, the Wenlock was characterized by the presence of Cyrtograptus and monograptids of the flemingii type, both of which were absent in the Lower Ludlow. The Lower Ludlow, on the other hand, contained mono- graptids of the colonus (Barrande) type as well as spinose forms such as M. chiniaera ( Barrande), none of which was present in the Wenlock. More significantly for the future development of Wenlock/Ludlow biostratigraphy. Wood divided the ‘Lower Ludlow Beds’ into five graptolite zones, of which the lowest was that of M. vulgaris. This last followed upon the highest of the Wenlock zones defined by Elies, that of Cyrtograptus lundgreni Tullberg. The vulgaris Zone was devoid of graptolites in the type Ludlow district, though the fauna was to be found in both the Builth and Long Mountain districts where Wood also established her detailed strati- graphy. The M. ‘ vulgaris ’ [= ludensis ] Zone has since been taken internationally as the base 680 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 of the Ludlow Series and numerous references from Central and Eastern Europe could be quoted. The authoritative and comprehensive work of Jaeger (1959) on the graptolitic Silurian of Thuringia has already been referred to above. In Britain, Boswell ( 1949), for example, used it (though evidently with some difficulty) in his lengthy treatment of the Silurian rocks of North Wales. In contrast, those working in the shelf facies of the higher Silurian, where the Wenlock Limestone is developed, have followed Murchison’s revised stratigraphy with the Ludlow beginning immediately above that limestone. A correla- tion table and comprehensive reference list for the British Ludlow is given by Holland et al. (1963). Nevertheless, since Watts (1925) equated the M. ‘ vulgaris ’ [= ludensis] Zone of the Long Mountain with the ‘Wenlock Limestone Stage’ of the Wenlock-Ludlow Area (Watts 1925, p. 346) and went on to report that above the Wenlock zones ‘comes the zone of M. vulgaris which Miss Wood (Dame Ethel Shakespear) has shown to be equivalent of the Wenlock Limestone’ (p. 394), a sense of disquiet has tended to affect those obliged to rely upon the assumed correlation of the barren beds above the Wenlock Limestone with the ‘ vulgaris ' [ = ludensis ] Zone of the graptolitic geosynclinal facies. The Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1926, published in 1927, referring to the Much Wenlock district, suggested (pp. 42-3) that the ‘ vulgaris ’ [= ludensis ] Zone extended some 60 m. below the Wenlock Limestone whilst a P. nilssoni zonal assemblage had been found about 18 m. above the limestone. An abundance of Gothograptus nassa in the 60 m. of shales below the Wenlock Limestone ‘would, other things being equal, be taken as clearly indicative of the zone of Monograptus vulgaris. The correspondingly low position of the localities indicating the zone of Cyrtograptus lungreni supports this view.’ Das Gupta (1933), however, found the range of Gotho- graptus nassa at Wenlock Edge and in North Wales to be ‘closely comparable with its occurrence abroad, as, for example, in Bohemia, where it ranges from the highest beds of the zone of M. testis (= zone of C. lundgreni in Great Britain) to the lower beds of the zone of M. nilssoni ’. Das Gupta’s comments were taken into account by the authors of the Shrewsbury memoir (Pocock et al. 1938), where Robertson and Stubblefield (p. 102) wrote as follows: Subsequent ... to the completion of the survey of the Shrewsbury Sheet, Dr. Das Gupta, working in the Long Mountain area, where there is no Wenlock Limestone, has found M. vulgaris in the C. lundgreni Zone, and associated with the zone-fossil. He has also collected M. vulgaris from beds a short distance above the Wenlock Limestone of Wenlock Edge, at a point some 9 miles south-west of Much Wenlock. Manifestly, these discoveries are still not sufficient to establish whether the Wenlock Limestone belongs to the C. lundgreni or the M. vulgaris Zone, or to both, and until that is done, it should be clearly recognized that the position of the Ludlow-Wenlock boundary in the graptolite suc- cession remains unsettled. At this point we may simply refer back to the introduction to this paper, where reference is made to the standard locality (Pitch Coppice) for the base of the Ludlow Series. We accept this marker point in the shelf facies for the Wenlock/Ludlow boundary (but see later). We are now in possession of new biostratigraphical facts as summarized in text-fig. 4 above and our commentary upon it in the preceding section. We now know that the M. ludensis Zone begins some 100 m. below the base of the Wenlock Limestone HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GR APTOLITES 681 in the Ludlow District and that some at least of that limestone is definitely to be included therein. Consequently, a difficult situation exists. The ‘ vulgaris ’ [= ludensis] Zone has been widely regarded as the base of the Ludlow and yet we are convinced that the Wenlock Limestone must remain in the Wenlock Series and not the Ludlow Series. Thus, we have advocated that workers in the graptolitic facies should now take as the base of the Ludlow Series the base of the nilssoni Zone (Holland, Rickards, and Warren 1967). Martinsson (1967) has already found this helpful in his ostracode correlations. But though this course of action will restore stability and allow for reasonable accu- racy of correlation from one facies to another, it does not dispose of the final problem of the definition of the base of the Ludlow Series at a standard section in the Ludlow district. As explained above, we still do not know that the base of the Lower Elton Beds in that district coincides with the base of the nilssoni Zone. It is still possible that the whole of the Lower Elton Beds are, as was originally assumed, of ‘ vulgaris ’ [= ludensis] age or, again, the base of the nilssoni Zone may come within or even below these beds. If the first of these three possibilities obtains there will be no problem as the base of the Ludlow Series, as defined by Holland et al. (1963), will coincide with the biostrati- graphical horizon at the base of the nilssoni Zone already advocated for use in correla- tion. We have indicated above that there is some evidence from the Malvern Hills that this is indeed the case. If, on the other hand, fresh finds of graptolites or other aids to correlation do even- tually demonstrate that the base of the nilssoni Zone comes at a higher level within the Lower Elton Beds, we shall be left with a Wenlock/Ludlow boundary, as at present defined, which comes within the ludensis Zone, though of course high in that zone. This situation may not commend itself when the inevitable progress of international strati- graphical procedure leads to a decision on this particular boundary, and it may prove necessary to accept a slight readjustment of the base of the Eltonian to coincide (if possible) with the base of the nilssoni Zone. Our present study cannot contribute further to this particular problem and we can only reiterate that we recommend the acceptance of the nilssoni Zone as the base of the Ludlow Series in the graptolitic facies, and we are satisfied that any resulting correlations from one facies to another will then in any event be close to the truth. REFERENCES berry, w. b. n. 1960. Early Ludlow Graptolites from the Ashland Area, Maine. J. Paleont. 34, 1158-63. boswell, p. G. H. 1949. The Middle Silurian rocks of North Wales. London. boucek, b. 1935. O silurske faune od Stlnavy (Zap. od Plumlova) na Drahanske vysocine. Casop. vlast. spot, musej. Olomouc. 48, (3-4). 1936. Graptolitova fauna ceskeho spodniho ludlowu. Rozpr. II, tr. Ceske Akad. 46 (16). - — -and munch, A. 1952. Central European Retiolites of the Upper Wenlock and Ludlow. Sb. ustred. Ust. geol. 19, 104-51. das gupta, t. 1933. The Zone of Monograptus vulgaris in the Welsh Borderland and North Wales. Proc. Lpool. Geol. Soc. 16, 109-15. decker, c. E. 1935. Graptolites from the Silurian of Oklahoma. J. Paleont. 9, 434-46. 1935a. Some tentative correlations on the basis of Graptolites of Oklahoma and Arkensas. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 20, 301-11. C 6940 Yy 682 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 eisenack, a. 1951. Retioliten aus dem Graptolithengestein. Paleontographica, 100A, 129-63. elles, g. l. 1900. The Zonal Classification of the Wenlock Shales of the Welsh Borderland. Q. Jl. geol. Soc. Loud. 56, 370-414. and wood, e. m. r. 1901-18. Monograph of British Graptolites. Palaeontogr. Soc. [Monogr.] Holland, c. h. (in press). Problems of classification and correlation in the Wenlockian, Ludlovian, and post-Ludlovian pre-Gedinnian stratigraphy of the British Isles. Symposium volume of Third International Symposium on the Silurian-Devonian Boundary, and the Stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Devonian, Leningrad, USSR, 1968. lawson, j. d. and walmsley, v. g. 1963. The Silurian rocks of the Ludlow district, Shropshire. Bull. Br. Mas. not. Hist. Geol. 8, 93-171. — rickards, r. b. and warren, p. t. 1967. The position of the Wenlock/Ludlow boundary in the Silurian graptolite sequence. Geol. Mag. 104, 395-7. holm, g. 1890. Gotlands Graptoliter. Bihang Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. 16, Afd. 4, no. 7, 1-34. jaeger, h. 1959. Graptolithen und Stratigraphie des jiingsten Thiiringer Silurs. Abh. deutsch. Akad. 1 Viss. Berl., Kl. Chem. Geol. Biol. 1959 (2), 1-197. 1964. Der gegenwartige Stand der stratigraphischen Erforschung des Thiiringer Silurs. Abh. deutsch. Akad. Wiss. Berk, Kl. Bergb. Hiittenw. Montangeol. 1964 (2), 27-51. kuhne, w. g. 1955. Unterludlow-Graptolithen aus Berliner Geschieben. Neues Jb. Geol. Paldont. Abh. 100 (3), 350-401. lapworth, c. 1873. On an improved classification of the Rhabdophora. Geol. Mag. 10, 500-4, 555-60. 1880. On the geological distribution of the Rhabdophora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 5, 45-62. martinsson, a. 1967. The succession and correlation of ostracode faunas in the Silurian of Gotland. Geol. For. Stockh. Fork. 89, 350-86. m‘coy, f. 1851-5. Description of the British Palaeozoic fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge. 661 pp. London. munch, a. 1942. Die Graptolithenfauna des unteren Ludlow von Ronneburg und Umgebung. Beitr. Geol. Thiiring. 6, 241-66. Murchison, r. i. 1833. On the sedimentary deposits which occupy the western parts of Shropshire and Herefordshire, etc. Proc. geol. Soc. Load. 1, 474-7. — 1834. On the Structure and Classification of the Transition Rocks of Shropshire, Herefordshire, and part of Wales, etc. Proc. geol. Soc. Lond. 2, 13-18. 1839. The Silurian System, xxxii+768 pp. London. 1854. Siluria. xv+523 pp. London. 1859 Siluria. 3rd ed., London. obut, a. m., sobolevskaya, r. f., and bondarev, v. i. 1965. [Graptolites of the Silurian of Taimyr.] Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R., Siberian Section, Inst. Geol. Geogr. 1-119 (in Russian). perner, j. 1894-9. Etudes sur les Graptolites de Boheme. Prague. pocock, r. w., whitehead, t. h., wedd, c. b., and robertson, t. 1938. Shrewsbury District including the Hanwood Coalfield. Mem. geol. Surv. Eng. and Wales. Sheet 152, New Series. 297 pp. pribyl, A. 1943. Revision aller Vertreter der Gattung Pristiograptus aus der Gruppe P. dubius and P. vulgaris aus dem bohmischen und auslandischen Silur. Rozpr. ceske Akad. 53, 1-49. 1948. Bibliographic index of Bohemian Silurian graptolites. Knihovna St at. geol. list. Csk. Repub I iky, 22, 1-96. quenstedt, f. a. 1879-1881. Petrefactenkuude Deutschlands 6, Korallen, 1-1093. ruedemann, r. 1947. Graptolites of North America. Mem. geol. Soc. Am. 19, 1-652. tomczyk, h. 1956. Wenlok i Ludlow w Synklinie Kieleckiej gor swietokrzyskich. Inst. Geol.Prace, 16, 1-129. - 1962. Problem Stratygrafii Ordowiku i Syluru w Polsce w Swietle Ostatnich Badari. Inst. geol. Prace, 35, 134 pp. urbanek, a. 1959. Studies on Graptolites. I. Development and Structure of Pristiograptus gotlandicus (Perner). Acta palaeont. pok 4, 1 1-26. warren, p. t., rickards, R. b., and Holland, c. h. 1966. Pristiograptus liulensis (Murchison 1839) — its synonomy and allied species — and the position of the Wenlock/Ludlow boundary in the Silurian graptolite sequence. Geol. Mag. 103, 466-7. HOLLAND, RICKARDS, AND WARREN: THE WENLOCK GRAPTOLITES 683 watts, w. w. 1925. The geology of South Shropshire. Proc. Geol. Assoc., Lond. 36, 321-63. wood, e. m. r. 1900. The Lower Ludlow Formation and its Graptolite-Fauna. Q. Jl. geol. Soc. Lond. 56, 415-92. C. H. HOLLAND Trinity College Dublin 2 Ireland R. B. RICKARDS Sedgwick Museum Cambridge P. T. WARREN Institute of Geological Sciences Ring Road Halton Typescript received 24 February 1969 Leeds 15 PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE SHELF BENTHOS DURING PHANEROZOIC TIME by JAMES W. VALENTINE Abstract. The taxonomic and ecological structure of the shelf biota are intimately related at the species- population levels. Early Paleozoic faunas contained relatively few species representing relatively many higher taxa, and ecosystems were relatively generalized. Medial and late Paleozoic faunas contained more species representing fewer higher taxa, and ecosystems were relatively specialized. This suggests that, as higher taxa became extinct, they were not replaced except at lower taxonomic levels; diversification was proceeding through increasing specialization. After Permo-Triassic extinctions, rediversification was chiefly confined to low taxo- nomic levels. Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic diversification at lower taxonomic levels has been remarkably great, resulting not only from increasing specialization at the population level but from a marked increase in pro- vinciality due to rising latitudinal temperature gradients on the shelves and to the fragmentation and isolation of shelf environments by continental drift. This paper examines the historical relationships between the ecological and taxonomic structures of the marine biosphere, and attempts to account in a general way for the patterns of their evolution. Each of these structures is hierarchic. The units composing the levels of the ecological hierarchy include individuals, populations, communities, and provinces, while the units composing the levels of the taxonomic hierarchy are such categories as species, genera, and families. There has been relatively little theoretical discussion of the evolution of these struc- tures for marine invertebrates, yet the geological record of skeletonized taxa of the shallow marine invertebrate benthos is longer and more complete than for any com- parable group of organisms. This paper therefore deals with the rich and lengthy record of shallow marine environments. This restriction to a specific group of communities has some special advantages. The diversity pattern for the world at large is obviously very much influenced by the deploy- ment of organisms into new environments, such as the invasion of the terrestrial habitat by vertebrates. By restricting the data to a limited group of communities it may be pos- sible to investigate the patterns of diversity changes within ecosystems. Much of the structural evolution which the taxonomic and ecological hierarchies have undergone is a product of the diversification and extinction of species. There has been much discussion of the patterns of taxonomic diversifications and extinctions through geologic time, especially of higher taxa, and ecological relations are commonly invoked to account for these patterns, particularly for extinctions. The processes of diversification assumed herein are those of the synthetic theory of evolution based on Darwinian selection and upon modern genetic concepts. Speciation and the origin of higher taxa have been discussed from this viewpoint in a number of larger works (for example Huxley 1942; Mayr 1963; Rensch 1947; and Simpson 1953). As diversity rises, there must be a mechanism of accommodation of the new forms in ecological systems; such mechanisms are discussed by Klopfer (1962), MacArthur and Wilson (1967), and [Palaeontology, Vol. 12, Part 4, 1969, pp. 684 709.] VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 685 Miller (1967), among others. Possible causes of extinction, and hypotheses of the processes of extinction that have operated to create the Permo-Triassic faunal change, have been reviewed by Rhodes (1967). THE ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE BIOSPHERE The ecological hierarchy is regarded as being composed of the levels that are depicted in text-hg. 1. This paper is chiefly concerned with the functional aspects of the hierarchy, GENETIC H ERARCHY ECOLOGICAL HIERARCHY LEVEL UNIT COLLECTIVE DESCRIPTIVE UNITS FUNCTIONAL UNITS *2 \ F3 — -«*» Marine Shelf Biota Shelf Realm of the Biosphere High F1 \ \ ^ — r-E®» Province Provincial System Gene Pool \ \ A1 r^®» Community Community System (Ecosystem) Genotype - \ \ Gene Pool — Population (Deme, Species) Population System (Niche) Functional Genetic Unit \ Genotype — Individual Ontogenetic System Low *! Collection of gene pools p * Collection of gene pool collections -*3 Col lection of col lected gene poo! collections text-fig. 1. Some levels of organization in the ecological hierarchy employed in this paper (after Valentine 19686). that is, with the interacting systems of organisms and environments. From the highest level down, each functional system is composed of subsystems representing the systems of the next lower level. The lowest functional level in the figure, that of the individual, is certainly capable of further subdivision into sorts of functions of ‘unit characters’, each underpinned by a system of genes and its regulators. For the most part, however, the present discussion concerns population and higher levels. It is convenient to consider the ecological units in terms of the environment with which they interact. Hutchinson (1957, 1967) has developed a formal conceptual model that treats the environment as a multi-dimensional region (see also Simpson 1944, 1953). Only an informal treatment, based on Hutchinson’s model, is required here. If each separate environmental parameter is visualized as a single geometric dimension of this region, then all possible environments are represented by the resulting multi-dimensional 686 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 space or hyperspace, which contains as many dimensions as there are possible environ- mental parameters. The space extends along each dimension to the physical limits of each parameter. It is assumed that this multi-dimensional environment model is stan- dardized by having each axis allotted an arbitrary but permanent direction to form an text-fig. 2. Highly diagrammatic representation of some aspects of environment-organism relations, visualized as a multi-dimensional space, of which each dimension is some environmental factor, physical or biotic. Each point within the lattice represents a unique combination of factors. Only three of the many dimensions are depicted, a, the total possible range of all environmental factors repre- sented as a multi-dimensional lattice, b, the portion of the environment that actually exists on earth, the biospace ; it is available for occupation by organisms, c and d, the region of environmental space that coincides with factors tolerated by an organism and that is bounded by its limits of tolerance — - the ecospace of the organism. Only a portion of the ecospace is realized (c) ; the remainder is prospective ecospace (d) that may be inhabited if the environment fluctuates so as to include more of that portion of the lattice. The ecospace concept may be expanded to population, community, province or biosphere levels, and to species, genus, family, and higher taxonomic levels. environmental hyperspace lattice , hereinafter called simply a lattice for brevity. Only a certain portion of the total possible lattice (the prospective lattice) actually represents conditions of the environment. This ‘realized ecological hyperspace’ may be called biospaee (text-fig. 2), a term employed in a similar but less generalized sense by Doty (1957). For any organism there is some more or less small volume (actually a hypervolume) VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 687 within the lattice corresponding to the range of environmental conditions under which it may live. This functional hypervolume will be called the ecospace of that organism (text-fig. 2). Each population also has its own ecospace, which is the hypervolume of its niche within the lattice. Indeed, the ecological units at all levels have ecospaces. A community ecospace is the multi-dimensional model of its ecosystem, and a provincial ecospace is the model of the provincial system. Although the highest functional level standing above that of the provincial system is the level of the biosphere, the system of the shallow marine realm is being used here in its place as a matter of simplicity, and this realm has its own ecospace. The total ecospace that an organism or other ecological unit may utilize if it is physically available may be called the prospective ecospace , while the portion of the ecospace that actually overlaps with realized biospace may be called the realized ecospace. These terms are modelled on the discussion of Parr (1926) and Simpson (1944, 1953). Dimensions of the lattice which have special properties are those that represent the real dimensions of space, in which discontinuities occur that permit the occupation of similar functional regions in different geographic regions (Miller 1967) and of time, in which the changing shapes and sizes of ecospaces and of biospace are perceived. The structure of the ecological hierarchy may be illustrated by considering just one level, for example the community level. Community ecospace is composed of the eco- spaces of all the niches of the component populations, and includes some dimensions that are not niche properties but are organizational properties of the ecosystem. The size of the community ecospace, measured by the number of dimensions occupied and the extent of occupation along each dimension, depends upon the sizes of the com- ponent niche ecospaces and to a small extent upon the organizational properties. Into a community ecospace of a given size, a relatively large number of small niches or a relatively small number of large niches may be packed. All niches in a community ecospace overlap to some degree, for all share a common tolerance for certain salinity ranges, for example, and for certain oxygen concentrations, and for other parameters. The more that niches overlap, other things being equal, the more populations that can be packed into a community ecospace of a given size (Klopfer 1962; Miller 1967). Consider, then, a community (A) composed of relatively few populations that have very large niches that overlap only narrowly on the whole. The animals tend to be rather generalized feeders, so that energy flows in relatively broad streams through the trophic levels. This community, though of low diversity, may displace a large biospace in the lattice, that is, may have a large ecospace. Consider another community (B) composed of many populations of different species that tend to have very small niches which overlap broadly on the average. The animals are highly specialized with relatively narrow ranges of food sources, so that energy flows through the trophic levels in relatively discrete paths along chains of organisms that tend to be rather isolated owing to their high specialization. Energy flow is not like a stream but more like a shower that breaks up into numerous jets. A community of this sort, though rich in species, may displace no more biospace in the lattice than community (A) and may displace considerably less. These communities have vastly different structures in the lattice, and yet it seems possible for one to evolve from the other. They may thus represent relatively early (A) and advanced ( B ) stages in the evolution of a community ‘lineage’ that has inhabited 688 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 a similar biotope through its history. In this event the ecospaces of the two communities will approximately coincide, although the way in which each community biospace is occupied by niches is different. The community structure has evolved. Structural states of ecological systems at other levels may be described in an ana- logous way. All the systems evolve by changes in the quality, relative proportions, and diversity of their subsystems (Valentine 19686). Thus evolution of ecological systems need not involve organic evolution, but may result merely from the readjustment of existing populations in new patterns of association. However in the present discussion the chief interest lies in changes that are based upon organic evolution, upon changes in gene frequencies within populations that produce changes in niches, and upon the accommodation of the changed niches in ecosystem structures. Enough is now known of these processes to permit the construction of a provisional model of the diversification of ecosystems. But before proceeding to the model, it is appropriate to examine the main patterns of taxonomic structure during the Phanerozoic. THE TAXONOMIC STRUCTURE OF THE BIOSPHERE The taxonomic hierarchy is too well known to require any general remarks. For pur- poses of this paper only a few levels need be considered: phylum, class, and order, which will be called ‘higher’ taxonomic categories; and family, genus, and species, which will be called ‘lower’ categories. It is possible to visualize the ecospace of any genus as com- posed of the ecospaces displaced by all its component species, and the ecospace of a family as composed of all the generic ecospaces, and so on. Thus defined, the ecospace of a higher taxon displaces the actual regions of the lattice that have been occupied by the members of that taxon. Thus the taxonomic hierarchy possesses a precise structure at any time. This structure changes through time in well-defined patterns. The main trends of evolution of the taxonomic structure may be characterized by con- sidering the trends of diversity among higher and lower taxa through geologic time. The fossil record of diversity, however, is certainly biased. An important source of bias is the differential preservation of taxa. It seems possible to use the skeletonized taxa that are best represented as a sample, from which to attempt to generalize to the entire biota. The basic data from which generalizations will be attempted are the records of easily fossilized shallow benthonic taxa of nine phyla: Protozoa, Porifera, Archaeocyatha, Coelenterata, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Echinodermata. The ranges of these phyla and of their taxa are taken chiefly from the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (ed. Moore 1 953—67), the Fossil Record (ed. Harland et al. 1967), and the Russian Osnovy Paleontologii (Orlov 1958-64). As the assignment of groups of organisms to taxonomic categories involves a large element of subjectivity, it is fair to ask to what extent the trends in taxonomic diversity are real. In the first place, if one constructs a hierarchical classification of fossils that appear at different times, the average time of appearance of higher taxa will be earlier than that of lower, simply because some of the lower taxa appeared later than others, but none appeared earlier than the higher taxa to which they belong. The mode of first appearance should shift progressively towards the present at lower and lower taxonomic levels ( Simpson 1953, pp. 237-9). Similarly, the mode of highest diversity will tend to shift towards the recent at progressively lower levels provided that the earlier taxa at each VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 689 level persist or are replaced. These considerations account for such shifts in the mode of appearance and diversity in text-fig. 3. Secondly, there is no doubt that the present data contain monographic artifacts (for text-fig. 3. Stratigraphic variation in diversity of higher taxa of well-skeletonized marine shelf invertebrates. Data chiefly from Harland et al. (1967) and Moore (1953-7). an instructive example see Williams 1957). However some of the main points to be dis- cussed here concern relative diversities among the several taxonomic levels. Presumably, monographic artifacts would tend to appear at all levels, and relative diversities would be much less affected than absolute diversities. It is unlikely that there is a consistent 690 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 monographic bias in the same direction among a majority of the taxa, and I therefore believe that the major trends are real. Another important consideration is the extent to which trends among skeletonized taxa represent the biota as a whole. At present the non-skeletonized Invertebrata have the same biogeographic and synecological patterns as skeletonized groups (Lipps, in press), and there is no reason to expect that patterns of diversity of non-skeletonized taxa would follow different trends than the skeletonized ones. Furthermore Lipps has pointed out (pers. comm.) that the preserved groups are morphologically diverse and unrelated, yet they often exhibit similar patterns. Therefore it is assumed that major trends among skeletonized and non-skeletonized groups tend to be in phase. Experience has shown clearly that the chances of preservation of an organism that does not possess a well-mineralized skeleton are exceedingly small. Indeed, the lack of a record of a taxon that does not have a relatively high probability of preservation can hardly be taken as proof that the taxon was not living at the time. And the probabi- lities of preservation cannot yet be specified even for taxa with highly mineralized skeletons, under many of the stratigraphic situations common in the geologic record. It is therefore difficult to assess the significance of negative records. Most of the known phyla had appeared in the record by Cambrian time, although even among our sample of nine, one (Ectoprocta) does not appear until the Lower Ordovician. The phyla are well-differentiated and some contain relatively complex organisms when they first appear, so that a fairly long period of evolution can be assumed to have preceded their appearance in the record. However, it is possible to argue for many phyla that their final organization into the ground-plans that are now considered as characteristic may have only narrowly preceded their appearance in the record (Cloud 1949, 1968). It has been suggested that such a great evolutionary event may have been permitted by an increase in atmospheric oxygen past a critical level (Berkner and Marshall 1965). At any rate, it is likely that nearly all of the invertebrate phyla had become established before the Cambrian, and the relative timing of their appearance in the record may partly indicate the order in which they acquired hard parts or the chance occurrences of unusual preservations. Nicol (1966) and others have suggested that the acquisition of hard parts may have ensued as a result of widespread phyletic body-size increases. Many of the nine phyla in the sample contain taxa that are not members of the shelf benthos or that have relatively low probabilities of preservation. Examples are the planktonic Scyphozoa and the soft-bodied Keratosa. Such taxa are excluded from the tallies. A few other taxa probably participated only partly in the benthonic ecosystems. An important example is the Ammonoidea. The effects of such taxa on the diversity curves are considered separately. Diversity graphs for phyla, classes and orders that seem to be chiefly members of the benthos are presented in text-fig. 3; diversities are classed by geological epochs, and therefore do not exactly represent the standing diversities at any given time. The diversity levels depicted in text-fig. 3 represent a balance between diversification and extinction, but the amount of taxonomic turnover that has occurred in any epoch cannot be inferred from the diversity levels. Text-fig. 4 depicts the numbers of appearances and disappearances (presumed to be extinctions) among the higher taxa per epoch. From text-figs. 3 and 4 the following history of higher taxonomic diversity can be VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 691 inferred. The higher the category the earlier it tends to reach its maximum diversity. If the phyla were not all present throughout the Cambrian, at least they all appear by early Ordovician time, but the highest diversity is recorded in the Middle and Upper Cambrian. New classes continue to appear until the Lower Carboniferous, but the highest class diversity is recorded in the Middle and Upper Ordovician. Orders have text-fig. 4. Appearances and extinctions of phyla, classes and orders of shelf benthos in the sample, classed by Epochs. Data as in text-fig. 3. continued to appear until the end of the Cretaceous, but achieved their highest recorded diversity in medial Ordovician time. Ordinal diversification, however, was great during early Ordovician time, whereas the greatest class diversification was during the Cambrian (text-fig. 4). It also appears that the higher the taxonomic category the less it has been ravaged by extinction, and the earlier extinction has stopped. Only one phylum (Archaeocyatha), which comprises 11% of the sample, disappears, although the sample is so small that this figure cannot be taken as very precise. However, 16 classes comprising 50%, and 692 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 75 orders comprising 64%, disappear. These extinct taxa are never fully replaced by other higher taxa, at least not from among the taxa that we are considering, so that the diversity of each higher taxonomic category has decreased, rather markedly in the cases of classes and orders, since the early Paleozoic. For the taxa in the sample, the extinction of phyla is complete by the end of Cambrian time, of classes by the end of Permian time, and of orders by the end of the Cretaceous. text-fig. 5. Stratigraphic variation in diversity of skeletonized families of shelf benthos belonging to phyla included in text-fig. 3. Data chiefly from Harland et al. (1967), Moore (1953-7), and Orlov (1958-64) The lower taxa present a somewhat different pattern. Text-fig. 5 depicts the geological record of family diversity in the sample, again excluding unsuitable taxa such as the planktonic foraminiferal families, and text-fig. 6 depicts the record of appearances and disappearances. About 100 families are recorded by the end of the Cambrian, and 300 occur in the Upper Ordovician; diversity remains near 300 until the later Paleozoic, when it gradually falls off. A marked drop occurs in late Permian and early Triassic times. The pattern has until this point been not too unlike that of the higher taxa, with the mode of major diversity shifted towards the present. The Jurassic rise is even anti- cipated on the ordinal level (text-fig. 3). Flowever it is in the great diversity rise of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic that the pattern of the families departs in a fundamental way VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 693 text-fig. 6. Appearances and extinctions of the families of shelf benthos in the sample, including Nautiloidea and Ammonoidea, classed by Epochs. Data as in text-fig. 5. from the pattern of the higher taxa, for the higher taxa reach and maintain rather steady levels of diversity from Ordovician onwards for phyla. Lower Triassic onwards for classes, and lower Jurassic onwards for orders. The Cretaceous and Cenozoic diversi- fication of families marks a major change in the evolutionary trends of taxonomic structure. It can be seen from text-fig. 6 that the times of diversification of families tend to alter- nate with times of extinction. This pattern is well shown in a figure by Newell (1967, 694 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 fig. 7) that is based upon a different taxonomic sample. The pattern certainly suggests that times favourable for diversification and those favourable for extinction were distinct, and that there is therefore a complementary relation between these processes. Newell suggests in effect that there have been extinctions to provide unoccupied biospace before there are major diversifications, and of course there must be many taxa resulting from diversification before there can be major extinctions. However, the data in text- figs. 5 and 6 do not entirely bear out this thesis. The very high extinction peaks in the Ordovician, Devonian, and Cretaceous are not accompanied by massive reductions in standing diversity. In fact, the early Ordovician and Cretaceous extinction highs are nearly hidden in text-fig. 5 owing to the great contemporary diversifications. Late Ordovician and Devonian extinction peaks reduce the diversity level somewhat, but only by about 6 and 13% respectively, because diversification is fairly high at these times. Only near the Permo-Triassic boundary, when diversification is exceedingly low (text- fig. 5), does the diversity level suffer a major decline of about 50%. The unusually low level of Permo-Triassic diversity is not unique because of the extinction peak alone, but because of the lack of a corresponding peak of diversification. It is interesting to examine the patterns of family diversification and extinction within each of the higher taxa. Newell (1967) has presented graphs of family diversification among a number of higher taxa; I have prepared similar charts for diversification as well as for extinction of the families of higher taxa in the present sample which confirm the patterns he has presented. In general, however, the high rates of family diversification and of extinction within a higher taxon do not alternate in time but are highly correlated. For example, the Brachiopoda diversify strongly during the Ordovician and Devonian, but extinction peaks are found at these times also. Secondary levels of diversification during the Silurian and Lower Carboniferous correlate with secondary peaks of extinc- tion. Only in the Permian is there a lack of correlation; the great extinction is not accom- panied (nor is it followed) by diversification at the family level, but is accompanied by the lowest diversification rate known for brachiopods during the Phatierozoic. Trilobites display a similar correlation. Cambrian diversification rises to a peak in the late Cambrian and falls oft' progressively during Ordovician epochs; extinction levels do precisely the same, except that they rise a bit in latest Ordovician. There is no follow- ing rise in diversity, however, although there is a secondary peak of extinction in medial and late Devonian time. Certainly there is no alternation of diversification and extinc- tion. The same may be said of diversity patterns of the Porifera, the Echinoidea, and several of the Paleozoic echinoderm groups. The Foraminiferida, Anthozoa, and Gastro- poda have more complex patterns, but there is no suggestion of alternating extinction and diversification except at the Permo-Triassic boundary. In the Ostracoda there is some indication that extinction follows diversification and not the reverse, and similar trends are found during parts of the record of other taxa. Even in the Ammonoidea and Nautiloidea peaks of diversification and extinction tend to correlate and certainly do not alternate. The alternation of peaks of diversification and extinction of all families in the sample (text-fig. 6), then, are chiefly due to the alternation of high rates of family extinction of some higher taxa with high rates of diversification of different higher taxa (which is usually accompanied by a rise in extinction among these different taxa also). Except at the Permo-Triassic boundary, all this tends to be accomplished while diversity as a whole VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 695 remains surprisingly stable considering the magnitude of extinction and diversification peaks. The major events that alter standing diversity on the family level are the diversi- fication in Cambro-Ordovician times, the Permo-Triassic diversity low, and the Cretaceous-Cenozoic diversification (text-fig. 5). text-fig. 7. Stratigraphic variation in the diversity of benthonic shelf families (dashed line) and genera (solid line) of Foraminiferida, excepting the poorly skeletonized Allogromiina. Data from Loeblich and Tappan (1964). It is possible to demonstrate that with the genera as with the families, there is a striking rise in numbers in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Text-fig. 7 depicts the diversity of families and of genera of benthonic Foraminiferida through geological time. This is one of the taxa that contributes strongly to the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic rise in family diversity. Throughout the Paleozoic there are, on the average, about 3-4 genera per family described. Across the Permo-Triassic boundary this ratio drops and then rises again in the Jurassic and early Cretaceous. In the late Cretaceous the genus/family ratio climbs to nearly 6, and in the early Cenozoic to over 8, where it stands at present after a late Cenozoic decline. The size of families is somewhat a matter of opinion. There is no 696 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 special reason, however, to believe that the disproportionate Cretaceous-Cenozoic rise is a taxonomic artifact. The data are certainly subject to monographic and other biases, but have all been reviewed by the same team of authorities (Loeblich and Tappan 1964). It is interesting in this regard that the same trend can be inferred from the data charted by Henbest (1952) based chiefly on the work of Cushman (1948). If the trend is an arti- fact it is an enduring one. Incidentally, peaks of extinction of genera of foraminiferida correlate rather than alternate with peaks of diversification, just as is common among invertebrate families. Another taxon that contributes heavily to the Cretaceous rise in family diversity is the Gastropoda, among which the same pattern of disproportionate generic diversi- fication is present. There is no satisfactory recent review of all marine gastropod genera, ORDERS GEOLOGIC RANGE FAMILIES Genera 8< Subgenora Genera - / Subgenera/ Family Archaeogastropoda1 U. Cambrian-Recent 2 32 7374 76.0 Mesogastropoda U.Ord. (Caradocian)- Recent 75 7467 79.6 Opisthobranchia L. Carb, (Visean)-Recent 9 240 26.6 Neogastropoda L. Cretaceous (Albian)- Recent 20 7779 56.0 'including Bellerophontacea. 11 Possibly from L. Cambrian, depending upon ordinal assignment of early groups. text-fig. 8. Families, genera, and subgenera of orders of shallow marine gastropods. The most advanced orders contain higher numbers of genera and subgenera, on the average, than primitive orders. Data from Taylor and Sohl (1962). but Taylor and Sohl (1962) have published a census of gastropod genera and subgenera combined by family and higher taxa. It is possible to show that the more recently an order has appeared in the record, the more genera and subgenera per family it contains on the average (text-fig. 8). The Neogastropoda, which appear in the Lower Cretaceous (Albian or possibly earlier) and which diversify chiefly in the Upper Cretaceous and later, have 56 genera and subgenera per family on the average. This is 3| times as many as the average of the Archaeogastropoda. Furthermore, even the groups of archaeo- gastropods with the largest living representatives, such as the trochaceans, tend to have differentiated strongly at the generic level in the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic. For the Trochacea, for example, there are 14 genera and subgenera recorded from the Lower Cretaceous, 32 from the Upper Cretaceous, and 66 from the Upper Cenozoic (data from Moore 1953-7). The other orders of Gastropoda are intermediate, both in time of appearance and in genus-subgenus/family ratios, between the Archaeogastropoda and the Neogastropoda. It follows from this situation that, for the shallow marine shelled Gastropoda, the late Cretaceous-Cenozoic rise in family diversity (from 37 families in the Lower Cretaceous to 66 in the Upper Cretaceous and to 83 or 84 in the Cenozoic) is disproportionately exaggerated on the generic level. This agrees with the data for Foraminiferida. Two other groups that contribute especially strongly to the rise in Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic family diversity, the Ectoprocta and the VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 697 Echinoidea, appear to display similar trends (see Newell 1952 and the appropriate Treatise volumes). In contrast to the preceding groups, the phylum Brachiopoda displayed its greatest familial diversity during the Paleozoic. It has not diversified during the Cretaceous- Cenozoic but maintained an average of about 12 or 13 families and about 50-65 genera text-fig. 9. Stratigraphic variation in brachiopod diversity by families (broken line) and by genera (solid line). The genera/families ratio remains near 4. Genera after Williams (1965), and family data from Williams et ah (1965). during this time (text-fig. 9). It is interesting, therefore, that the brachiopods have about the same genus/family ratio recorded for the Paleozoic as in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic — about 4 times as many genera as families throughout the Phanerozoic. Even during the greatest periods of diversification, the numbers of genera per family did not rise disproportionately, although generic turnover was significantly greater than family turnover. Judging from a comparison of the graphs of evolutionary rates among trilobite genera (Newell 1952) with family diversity trends, disproportionate generic diversity is not found among trilobites during their time of greatest family diversity either. In summary, diversification on the family level during the Paleozoic and early Mesozoic z z C 6940 698 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 seems to be accompanied chiefly by simple proportionate diversification on the generic level. Diversification on the family level during the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic seems to be accompanied by a disproportionately high diversification on the generic level. It is impracticable to attempt a census on the species level for even a few higher taxa, and there are strong reasons for doubting the significance of fossil species counts in any event. It is necessary to approach species diversity at least in part from a theoretical point of view. Species evolve at greater frequencies than genera or families or higher taxa, and their standing diversities are therefore more volatile. The appearance of isolated habitats can produce swarms of closely related species, and the development of specialized communities may permit the development of a great number of species, not necessarily closely related, but endemic to the community. Reef communities, for example, appear to contribute large opportunities for both these types of speciation. A great number of specializations are possible on reefs, and thus large numbers of relatively specialized species from various phylogenetic backgrounds may appear. Reef tracts are also characterized by patchy and discontinuous distributions of reefs, and the isolation of outlying patches might often serve as a basis for speciation. Communities such as those on reefs that appear, endure long enough for a highly specialized biota to de- velop, and then disappear or become greatly reduced, can produce temporally localized but significantly large fluctuations in standing species diversity. If species diversification is great within such communities, generic diversity would also be enhanced. Since the species endemic to such communities are normally specialized, the average niche size of the shelf biota would be decreased while they flourish and increased when they wane. At times the middle and upper Paleozoic record contains numerous reef associations and at these times it is likely that species diversity reaches disproportionately high levels, relative to families. It is expected that generic diversity might also rise disproportionately at these times. Although early and middle Permian reefs are widespread and contain probably the most specialized Brachiopoda recorded (Rudwick and Cowen 1968), a dis- proportionate generic diversity peak does not appear at that time in the available data (text-fig. 9). The description and evaluation of Permian reef biota is far from finished, however. Another important way in which specific (and generic) diversity may be dispropor- tionately multiplied is through a rise in provinciality. For example, theoretical considera- tions suggest that there are many more shelf species today than in the past, owing to the high degree of shallow-water provinciality at present (Valentine 1967, 1968a). This provinciality is both latitudinal, correlating with the great latitudinal temperature gradients at present, and longitudinal, owing to the presence of efficient biogeographic barriers of continents and ocean deeps. In the early Jurassic provinciality was not strongly developed. A Middle and Upper Jurassic Boreal fauna that contains endemic forms has been widely recognized (Neumayr 1883; Arkell 1956). Evidence has now been advanced to suggest that the Boreal fauna of the Jurassic signifies a low-salinity facies in a region of rather stable palaeogeography rather than a climatic province ( Hallam 1 969). Whatever its environmental basis, the appearance of the widespread fauna marks an increase in environmental heterogeneity on a sub-continental scale and a rise in species diversity. The general trend towards increasing provinciality in late Cretaceous and Cenozoic times must have greatly enhanced the numbers of species on the shelves (Valentine 1967, 1968a). Many genera which contain several species in a given province VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 699 are now represented in different provinces by separate suites of species, so that the total numbers of their species are immense. Such is the case with species of Nucula, Macoma, and Mactra among the Bivalvia and Conus, Calliostoma , and Fissurella among the Gastropoda, to choose a few of the many examples. This situation must have been much less marked during times of low provinciality. For these reasons alone it is contended that the number of species in the shelf environment has increased disproportionately relative to the genera, especially during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Thus a species diversity curve would have about the same pattern as a generic diversity curve, but the peaks would be exaggerated (and the curve would be offset slightly towards the present). There are still other reasons, discussed below, for believing this pattern to be correct. The major diversity trends in time among the fossil taxa are assumed to reflect real diversity trends among the ancient shelf biota, and they can be described in terms of the structure of the taxonomic hierarchy (text-fig. 10). In the earliest Paleozoic each phylum was represented by only a few classes, each class by relatively few orders, and so on down the hierarchy. By the close of Ordovician time, however, the average phylum was well differentiated into classes, and the average class into orders. Some phyla became extinct, but were not replaced by other phyla. After the Middle Ordovician the diversity of classes and of orders declined but the diversity of families rose, so that the structure became relatively more diversified among the lower taxa (text-fig. 10). It is possible that the average generic and specific diversity of the Upper Carboniferous indicated in text- fig. 10 is too low, owing to a disproportionate diversification at these lower levels that culminated during the early Permian. At about the Permo-Triassic boundary, both the numbers of classes and of orders were reduced by just less than half relative to their Middle Ordovician peaks, as were the families. The Permo-Triassic diversity low was most marked at lower taxonomic levels (contrast the familial and ordinal diversity decreases). After the Permian the only gains in diversity registered among higher taxa are on the ordinal level. The numerous lost classes are not replaced, and even the rise in ordinal diversity is relatively small. The great climb in diversity at the familial level returns the hierarchy to a pattern commensurate with the early Upper Paleozoic pattern by Middle Jurassic time. Thereafter the number of families per higher taxon increases, especially during the Upper Cretaceous, and the diversities of lower taxa follow suit (text-fig. 10). The so-called nekto-benthonic cephalopod groups Nautiloidea and Ammonoidea have not been included in the basic sample because of uncertainty as to the degree to which they participated in benthonic ecosytems. Nevertheless, some of them were surely regular members of a benthonic food chain. In text-fig. 5, the families of these cepha- lopod taxa are added to the families of the sample. The pattern of diversity is not much altered thereby; there was a slight increase in the steepness of the diversity rise from the Triassic to the Lower Cretaceous and the appearance of a rough plateau during the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. The effect on the ordinal level is to emphasize the Ordovician rise in diversity and the mid- and upper-Paleozoic decline. Therefore, the exclusion of these Cephalopoda from the sample has a conservative effect insofar as the major trends are concerned, and in no way contributes to special conclusions. Another major group which might have merited some representation in the figures is the fishes. At the family level their inclusion would raise the curve in text-fig. 5 to an even higher Devonian peak, and somewhat steepen the Mesozoic trend of rediversification (as 700 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 CO CO CO © o CO a> CO CO CO a> o CO a> o >s CO CO o "O E © c a © o >N CO CO © "O £ a> c o © _£I o © Q. -C w. o pO cd *Vh CO as cd > dj > > 1-4 dJ Sfl c dJ CO G o O *C G r» <-h dJ .5 00 fS ^G 31 flj dJ ^ j^L TD co co 5 .aa x) I Q I s G £ cd dj CJ G G3 'cd J= - % to as K T3 3 8 8 S C cu ° 0& a 7, 3 w c o 5 cl> -_ -X "O ■*■* 03 - 4. «,0 ° j§ d oj & • o X a> cd x . 5 S dJ co , — dJ co ^ > dj ° >H E ^ci o 2 2 17 o _ £ c o ■° 3 ~ & o_- o .g .2 a 33 .-G g E 2 ,cd CO ^ dJ bfl cd co S3 .2 > .ts cd co o *-H a Gi__i ^ o £ o “■§ as • ~ t3 sq y X • £> O c S /]) cd & J/s u D. CD 05 < Q. E • u o o TD xJ C oj ts CO dJ G H X . . „ w d cd H 00 o estimates based on the literature. VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 701 would almost any additional taxon). At higher levels, they would raise ordinal diversity in medial Paleozoic and class diversity in early Paleozoic times, emphasizing graph patterns. Clearly, their exclusion does not affect the major diversity trends. COADAPTATION OF ECOLOGICAL AND TAXONOMIC HIERARCHIES The correlation of the structures of the two hierarchies under consideration is best approached at the species level. The fluctuations in species diversity, which have changed through a whole order of magnitude and more at times (Valentine 1967), naturally cause wide fluctuations in the numbers of populations in the ecological hierarchy, which must be accommodated in some manner. In general there are three ways in which new species populations might be accom- modated in ecological units (Klopfer 1962): (1) they may colonize parts of the environ- mental lattice that were previously unoccupied, in which case their niches represent an extension of ecospace in the ecological unit but average niche size is little affected; (2) space for their niches may be created in the lattice by shrinking one or several of the pre-existing niches, in which case the existing ecospace becomes more crowded by partitioning and average niche size decreases; or (3) parts of their niches may overlap with one or several pre-existing niches and thus crowd the lattice by overlap rather than by partitioning. The last sort of accommodation, by niche overlap, occurs hand in hand with one of the other sorts. The fitting of a new niche into the lattice may commonly involve all these sorts of accommodation. Theoretical or practical aspects of niche partitioning, which were touched on by Darwin (1859), have been considered in a modern perspective by a number of workers (for example, Bray 1958; Brown and Wilson 1956; Klopfer and MacArthur 1960, 1961; Klopfer 1962; McLaren 1963; MacArthur and Levins 1967; MacArthurand Wilson 1967; Hutchinson 1967; and Miller 1967). Yet data on variations in niche size and its relation to species diversity among marine shelf invertebrates is scanty. Marine research includes the work of Kohn ( 1 959, 1 966) on the gastropod Conus and Connell (1961) on some intertidal barnacles. The most recent major rise inferred in species diversity from the late Cretaceous to the present seems to have involved an extension of ecospace, an invasion of parts of the lattice which were becoming newly realized, thus expanding the available environment. This increase in environmental heterogeneity in the shallow marine realm was evidently due partly to the cooling of shelf waters in high latitudes (Smith 1919; Durham 1950; Valentine 1967, 1 968 a), which permitted the rise of new biogeographic provinces in separate chains along north-south-trending coastlines. New provinces may also have been created by the drifting apart of some continents, progressively isolating, from about medial Cretaceous time, shelf regions that had previously been connected. This permitted an increase in endemism. Thus this expansion of ecospace is envisaged as due primarily to two factors: (1) extension of the thermal factors and of numerous other parameters that are related to temperature, creating one set of biogeographic barriers; and (2) the creation of another set of barriers through the breaking up of formerly continuous or nearly continuous epicontinental seaways and continental shelves through continental drift (which in effect multiplies biospaces along dimensions of real space). The relative timing of these events is not yet clear, although there is a suggestion that longitudinal provinciality was 702 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 strengthening in the late Cretaceous (Sohl 1961) while latitudinal provinciality was still weak. The Cretaceous-Cenozoic expansion of ecospace was fundamentally on the level of the biosphere and involved the rise of provinciality, which in turn permitted new com- munities based upon endemic populations to appear in each province. The increase in isolation among the populations living in separate provinces or separate communities permitted the formation of many new species. The increase in generic diversity follows from the multiplication of species and their isolation in separate provinces or communities. Different but related species with similar morphological adaptations would arise in similar habitats in different provinces, forming associations such as Thorson's (1957) parallel bottom communities or becoming ‘geminate’ or twin species such as occur on opposite sides of the Isthmus of Panama (Ekman 1953). The increase in generic diversity would be proportionately less than in species diversity, owing to the multiplication of similar morphological types in distinct provinces that would be grouped as genera by taxonomic practice. The same principle seems to apply to the family level. A marked increase in the diversity and provinciality of genera would lead to a more or less modest increase in family diversity. That the pre- sent biogeographic pattern of diversity is similar at the familial, generic, and specific levels has been well documented for the Bivalvia by Stehli, McAlester, and Helsley (1967). Kurten (1967) suggested that mammalian diversity is high at the ordinal level because of endemism arising through the isolating effects of continental drift. At higher taxonomic levels on the marine shelves a different factor must be operating to control diversity, since higher taxa do not much participate in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic diversification. Perhaps this diversification has occurred too recently for evolution to have proceeded to the level of higher taxa. The pattern of ordinal diversity suggests that this may be the case. Yet class diversity has declined since the Ordovician. A better explanation may be that the available biospace of the epicontinental seas and shelves was nearly fully occupied since at least very early in the Phanerozoic, and most increases in taxonomic diversity had to be accomplished by ecospace partitioning and overlap (see Rhodes 1962, pp. 270-2; Nicol 1966). Thus only in times of unusual expansion of the marine shelf biospace, when the realized parts of the environmental lattice increased persistently, would significant diversity increases result simply from the invasion of new biospace. Ecospace partitioning involves a decrease in the niche sizes of populations, at least along dimensions where competition may occur (Miller 1967), and this is not a process that lends itself to the appearance of organisms with wholly new ground-plans or with major modifications thereof, such as are required for the development of higher taxa. It is instead a process suited more to the modification in detail of pre-existing morphological types, so as to accommodate to smaller ecospaces — in other words, a process suited to the increase of specialization. By Cambrian time or shortly thereafter the ground-plans that are the hallmarks of the major invertebrate phyla had been established. Most of the species were by present standards primitive and functionally generalized; modal niche size was no doubt far larger than at present, though there certainly may have been some highly specialized forms. Evidently, diversification in the Cambrian and Ordovician led to the presence in late Ordovician time of a large number of higher taxa. This may have been partly due to an expansion of biospace and should have included an increase in resources. As much of the former marine shelf biospace may have been occupied by soft-bodied organisms, VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 703 the expansion of skeletonized forms may have involved the appropriation of some re- sources that had formerly been utilized by soft-bodied groups. On the other hand, on the assumption that soft-bodied taxa should have responded to the same opportunities as skeletonized taxa, it seems even more likely that there was a concomitant diversi- fication of soft-bodied lineages. These are debatable points, but it is clear that it cannot be assumed that Cambro-Ordovician radiation was occurring in vacant biospace. Vast regions of the lattice must have been occupied, and this may have served to channel the evolutionary pathways of diversifying lineages. Certainly there was unusual extinction among higher taxa during this time. Higher taxa in the sample that appear in the Cambrian, but which are not known to have sur- vived the Ordovician, include the phylum Archaeocyatha, the echinoderm classes Homostelea and Helicoplacoidea, the inarticulate brachiopod orders Obolellida, Pateri- nida, and Kutorginida, the monoplacophoran order Cambridoida, and the trilobite orders Redlichiida and Corynexochida. Numbers of other taxa that are poorly known also disappeared early, and may have represented higher taxonomic levels. They were not included in the sample because of their questionable status. These include some trilobitoids, some early echinoderm stocks, and early gastropod-like molluscan stocks. Perhaps most of these are functionally generalized forms, the morphological architecture of which proved unsuitable to the demands for specialization. Biospace formerly occupied by populations of extinct lineages would soon be re- colonized by populations of the lineages that remained, if such colonization did not actually precede and contribute to the extinction. This easily leads to the diversification of extant lower taxa, but not to the creation of taxa on a comparably high level. In the early Phanerozoic the large average size of the former ecospaces of extinct taxa provided ecological room, so to speak, which allowed the lineages that reoccupied vacated bio- space a certain leeway for progressive morphological modification that could still lead to the establishment of a higher taxon. Later, when vacated biospace was to be in smaller parcels, opportunities for morphological modifications became limited, as during medial Paleozoic time, when the diversity of classes declined markedly (text-fig. 3). Although diversity of orders (text-fig. 3) and families (text-fig. 4) also declined during that time, the decline was less marked, and order/class and family/order ratios were both rising. This suggests that the extinction of a higher taxon was not usually accompanied by replacement at the level of the higher taxon but at a lower level. It also suggests that biospace was decreasing. In the Lower and Middle Permian the numbers of species and genera may well have been disproportionately higher than is suggested by the number of families, owing to the development of reef associations. Towards the close of the Paleozoic the change in the taxonomic structure suggests a great reduction in the heterogeneity of the shelf environment. Provinciality was already low. It is not certain, therefore, whether a significant further reduction occurred or indeed was even possible in late Permian time. However the numbers of communities certainly decreased (for example, the late Paleozoic reefs disappear) and, although there are not well-documented field studies, it appears from faunal lists that the numbers of populations in the remaining communities also declined. Thus the ecological structure shrank at all, or nearly all, levels, suggesting a general decline in biospace. There are too few data on the ecological hierarchy of Permo-Triassic times, however, to support speculation on the precise causes of the extinctions on this basis. Rhodes (1967) has 704 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 reviewed the major hypotheses of extinction and remarks that probably none of them alone would cause the sorts of changes found at the Permo-Triassic boundary. Rediversification evidently began by medial Triassic time, unless the increase in family diversity then is an artifact. If it is real (and it includes the beginnings of Sclerac- tinian radiation as well as the expansion of gastropod families), it suggests that generic and specific diversification was proceeding at even higher rates. Presumably biospace had expanded (or was expanding) once more and the newly realized parts of the environ- mental lattice were being recolonized. However, compared with Cambro-Ordovician lineages, Triassic lineages were rather specialized, with smaller modal niche sizes, so that the average colonizing lineage must have occupied a relatively smaller part of the lattice. The opportunities now presented for the formation of higher taxa could not be much exploited by the relatively specialized populations. There may be exceptions; the Sclerac- tinia may have taken advantage of biospace vacated by Paleozoic coelenterate lineages to become skeletonized and reoccupy some of the same biospace. Finally, at some time in the Mesozoic a diversification involving the marked rise in provinciality discussed previously began to occur as well. It seems likely that the Jurassic and early Cretaceous diversity increases, which are not inconsiderable and which take place at a high rate (text-fig. 5), are partly owing to an increase of latitudinal provinciality due to cooling poles and to an increase of longitudinal provinciality due to the separation of some continental masses in Jurassic time. A thorough analysis of the biogeographic patterns of Mesozoic diversification is badly needed. The Cretaceous-Cenozoic boundary is marked by extinctions of some benthonic marine groups (see Hancock 1967), but if there was any appreciable alteration in the taxonomic diversity structure at the family and higher levels it was of so short a duration that it does not appear in the present data. The structure of communities, provinces and of the entire shelf realm must have undergone qualitative changes, but this is a more or less continuous process on the broad scale we are considering. The Late Cretaceous rise in diversity extends unabated across the Cretaceous-Cenozoic boundary. Surely there was no large-scale reduction in biospace. Two major modes of taxonomic diversification have been described, both proceeding at progressively lower taxonomic levels through time. The first involves a biospace that fluctuates about some size that does not vary much in time. Diversification at the popula- tion level at first proceeds by colonization of untenanted biospace, but soon must be accompanied by a progressive decrease in average niche size. Communities therefore become increasingly packed with more and more specialized populations and begin to fragment into portions, each of which has an energy flow that is partially independent of the others. The isolation and independence of these portions will increase with further specialization until they form ecosystems that are as independent as the original one from which they fragmented. Slighter and slighter environmental discontinuities will form community boundaries until the environmental mosaic of a given primitive com- munity, relatively heterogeneous but occupied by primitive populations with large niches, is broken up into a number of smaller environments, each more homogeneous than the original and each occupied by more specialized populations. Provinces become packed with more and more communities that have progressively smaller ecospaces. The diversity of provinces is not so sensitive to this progressive specialization, although it may eventually be affected if the trend continues long enough. Any widespread partitioning VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 705 of temperature or temperature-correlated parameters would lead to increased pro- vinciality even in the absence of progressive changes in the latitudinal temperature gradient. If partitioning were to continue, smaller and smaller changes in thermal regimes would act to localize range end-points, and thus form provincial boundaries (Valentine 1966). In sum, in this mode the ecological structure evolves from lower levels towards higher. The other mode of diversification involves a biospace that expands to create new environments or to add new dimensions (or at least to extend old dimensions) to old environments. New environments may be created, for example, through climatic changes, and old environments may be extended through the improvement of limiting factors, that is through the amelioration of conditions which tended to inhibit diversification. From what is known and can be inferred of the hierarchies of the Paleozoic, diversi- fication (at least after an initial radiation of skeletonized taxa and probably before) was proceeding chiefly in the first mode, from the bottom of the ecological hierarchy up- wards, implying a relatively stable biospace. Rediversification following the Permo- Triassic extinction was probably in the second mode, involving an amelioration of factors that had inhibited diversification, and the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic diversification seems to have also been in the second mode, but involved the creation of new environments. Nevertheless there must have been continuing specialization and thus the first mode was also active in the taxonomic and ecological evolution. Processes that bring species that appeared during biospace expansion into sympatry with older lineages, such as ‘species pumps’ of various kinds (Valentine 1967, 1968a), may link these two modes into a single system of diversification. Finally, the more lineages that exist the greater the opportunity for large-scale diversification under appropriate circumstances in either mode. This factor is certainly at work in the dis- proportionate multiplication of lower taxa during Cretaceous and Cenozoic times. A number of authors have suggested that extensive changes in sea level may control some of the diversification and extinction patterns (Newell 1952, 1956, 1963; Moore 1954; see Rhodes 1967 for other references). Widespread epicontinental seas, it is asserted, provide more inhabitable area for shelf invertebrates and therefore more opportunity for diversification, while regressions reduce the inhabitable area and thus the diversity. There is some theoretical support for this position in the species-area work of Preston (1962), Williams (1964), MacArthur and Wilson (1967), and others. Little work has been done in marine environments; the areas of ancient shelf seas, especially during regressive phases, are difficult to estimate (though see Ronov 1968); and the effects that could be expected in a biosphere of vastly different ecological and taxonomic structure and composition are largely uncertain. The problem is further complicated by facies differences between epicontinental seas and shelves bordered by open oceans. Although uncertainties in calculations must be great, preliminary estimates suggest that the species- area effect would have been far too small to account for major diversifications and ex- tinctions by itself. Moreover, we live at present in a time of great continental emergence yet the shelves are richly diverse in lower taxa and in ecological units at all levels, pre- cisely the opposite of the pattern of Permo-Triassic extinction. Indeed, a relative lower- ing of sea level must commonly result in the emergence of land barriers which isolate regions formerly connected and permit the rise of an endemic biota in each region. This would have the effect of increasing the total number of species in these regions. 706 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 Nevertheless, the elimination or rise of species resulting from shelf-area fluctuations would certainly contribute to diversity patterns, and further evaluation of this sub- ject is clearly merited. CONCLUSIONS: THE PROGRESSIVE CANALIZATION OF ECOSPACE It is concluded that a major Phanerozoic trend among the invertebrate biota of the world’s shelf and epicontinental seas has been towards more and more numerous units at all levels of the ecological hierarchy. This has been achieved partly by the progressive partitioning of ecospace into smaller functional regions, and partly by the invasion of previously unoccupied biospace. At the same time, the expansion and contraction of available environments has controlled strong but secondary trends of diversity. Present marine biospace is in fact unusually extensive, and the world’s shelf seas are therefore unusually heterogeneous and support a large number of ecological units today. The relations of these trends to trends within the taxonomic structure of the benthonic invertebrates are intimate. Assuming for the moment that evolutionary trends among marine benthonic inverte- brates will continue and that biospace does not change much (a dim prospect in view of rising pollution), what might be predicted of the future structures of the ecological and taxonomic hierarchies ? Speculation on this point may be of some value to underline the sort of process that is postulated to have gone before. Clearly, the trend towards specialization would further reduce the average niche sizes of species. It would be increasingly difficult for evolving lineages to depart much from their modal functions and morphologies, as biospace would become available only in increasingly smaller compartments. The amount of change necessary to produce a new family would be increasingly difficult to attain, and eventually no new families could appear. In fact, some families would become extinct so that familial diversity would decrease, and lineages from other families would fill any vacated biospace. After some time genera could no longer appear, for biospace would be packed too tightly to permit morpho- logical variation even at that level, and generic diversity would decline for a while as some extinction, inevitably, occurred. Eventually, all the biospace would become filled with evolving lineages with an incredibly small modal niche size, each lineage constrained by the presence of all the others to evolve in only a narrow pathway directed by the trends of evolution of the entire biota, and of changes in the entire biosphere. Ecological units are now exceedingly small by today's standards, with virtually every few food-chains forming a separate community and every moderate topographic irregularity forming a provincial boundary. Canalization of ecospace is complete. The biosphere has become a splitter’s paradise. Although this extrapolation cannot be taken too seriously, it does point to some important consequences of ecospace partitioning. First, average species of the early Paleozoic, with their broad niches, may have had different patterns of morpho- logical variation than the specialized species of today. Secondly, the occurrence in the early Paleozoic of numbers of unusual ‘ aberrant ’ higher taxa that contain few lower taxa is not necessarily due to a poor fossil record but is probably the natural consequence of adaptive strategies that prevailed in primitive ecosystems of low diversity. Finally, extinc- tion of taxa of high diversity is less likely than extinction of taxa of low diversity, other VALENTINE: PATTERNS OF TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE 707 things being equal (Simpson 1953), simply because so many more lineages must dis- appear. Similarly, the markedly rising provinciality of the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic will tend to make the extinction of the newly diverse taxa that have representation in many provinces — a common situation even on the generic level — more difficult. Acknowledgements. Gratitude for extensive discussion of the ideas presented herein is expressed to Dr. A. Hallam (Oxford University) and Professor A. L. McAlester (Yale University). The manuscript was carefully reviewed by Dr. W. S. McKerrow (Oxford University) and Professor R. Cowen, Pro- fessor J. H. Lipps, and Robert Rowland (University of California, Davis). All this attention resulted in much improvement. The manuscript was written during a Guggenheim Fellowship spent at the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Oxford University, and at the Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University. The generosity of the Guggenheim Foundation and the hospitality ot these departments is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES arkell, w. J. 1956. Jurassic geology of the world. Edinburgh. berkner, c. v. and marshall, c. c. 1965. Oxygen and evolution. New Scientist , 28, 415-19. bray, j. R. 1958. Notes towards an ecologic theory. Ecology, 39, 770-6. brown, w. l., jr. and wilson, e. o. 1956. Character displacement. Syst. Zool. 5, 49-64. cloud, p. e. 1949. Some problems and patterns of evolution exemplified by fossil invertebrates. 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THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Annual Report of the Council for 1968-9 Membership. On 31 December 1968 there were 1330 members (716 Ordinary, 121 Student, and 493 Institutional), a net decrease of 23 members during the year, the first year of the higher subscriptions for Ordinary and Student Members. Finance. During 1968 the Association published Palaeontology in five parts at a cost increased to £10674. The reprinting of Volume 3 was completed at a cost of about £1500, £426 of which has so far been paid. Special Papers Nos. 2 and 3 were published at a total cost of £1594. Administration costs remained a relatively small charge on the Association’s finances. In spite of expenditure increasing to a record level, the Association's reserves were greatly strengthened during the year because of increased income. The higher rates of membership subscriptions provided £940 more income, and sales increased from £4378 to £5973, giving an excess of income over expenditure amounting to £2315. The excess has been added to the Publications Reserve which now stands at £9540, sufficient to pay for one year’s publication of Palaeontology. Sales of Special Papers have been proceeding at a reasonably steady rate, and the cost of each has already been covered by sales and donations. The Association is indebted to: the Shell Oil Co. for a further grant of £250 for Special Papers; Belfast University for a donation of £150 towards the cost of No. 2; to Oberlin College for a donation of £475 towards the cost of No. 3; and the the Royal Society for a loan of £1000 for the production of No. 2. Publications. Five parts of Palaeontology were published during 1968 to form Volume 11 ; they con- tained 61 papers and consisted of 824 pages and 154 plates. Special Papers in Palaeontology Nos. 2 and 3 (for 1968) were published; they contained a total of 137 pages and 32 plates. Meetings. Six meetings took place during 1968-9. The Association is grateful to the Council of the Geological Society of London, Dr. H. W. Ball (Keeper of Palaeontology at the British Museum — Natural History), and Professor F. Hodson (University of Southampton) for generously granting facilities for meetings, to Dr. A. Hallam for leading the field meeting, and to Mr. A. Rixon for giving the demonstration. a. The Eleventh Annual General Meeting was held in the rooms of the Geological Society of London, Burlington House, London, W. 1, on Wednesday, 6 March 1968, at 5.00 p.m. The Annual Report of the Council for 1967-8 was adopted and the Council for 1968-9 was elected. Dr. Maurice Black of the University of Cambridge delivered the Eleventh Annual Address on ‘Taxonomic problems in the study of coccoliths’. b. A Field Demonstration Meeting was held on the Frodingham Ironstone on Saturday, 4 May 1968. Dr. A. Hallam demonstrated features of palaeoecological interest. c. A Joint Meeting with the Geological Society was held in the rooms of the Geological Society on Wednesday, 19 June 1968. Professor Melvin Calvin gave a lecture on ‘Molecular Palaeonto- logy’. d. A Special Lecture by Professor Dr. E. Voigt ( University of Hamburg) on ‘Palaeohistological studies on the soft parts of fossil animals from the Eocene lignites of the Geiseltal, near Halle (Saale)’ was delivered in the rooms of the Geological Society of London on Wednesday, 2 October 1968. e. A Demonstration Meeting on ‘The preparation and preservation of fossils' was given by Mr. A. Rixon in the Department of Palaeontology at the British Museum (Natural History) on Saturday, 16 November 1968, at 2.00 p.m. f A Symposium on ‘Patterns of Evolution' was held in the Department of Geology, University of Southampton, on Tuesday to Thursday, 17 to 19 December 1968. About 60 persons attended to hear 1 1 papers and see a number of demonstrations. Professor Frank Hodson was local secretary. THE PALEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 711 Council. The following were elected members of the Council of the Association for 1968-9 at the Annual General Meeting on 6 March 1968: President'. Professor Alwyn Williams, F.R.S.; Vice- Presidents : Dr. W. S. McKerrow, Professor C. H. Holland; Treasurer. Dr. C. Downie; Membership Treasurer : Dr. A. J. Lloyd; Secretary: Dr. J. M. Hancock; Editors: Mr. N. F. Hughes, Dr. Gwyn Thomas, Dr. I. Strachan, Professor M. R. House, Dr. R. Goldring; Other members: Dr. F. M. Broad- hurst, Mr. M. A. Calver, Dr. C. B. Cox, Mr. D. Currey, Dr. Grace Dunlop, Dr. G. F. Elliott, Dr. A. Hallam, Dr. Julia Hubbard, Dr. J. D. Hudson, Dr. R. P. S. Jefferies, Dr. J. D. Lawson, Dr. A. H. Smout, Professor H. B. Whittington. Shortly after the Annual General Meeting, Dr. W. D. I. Rolfe was co-opted as Assistant Secretary under Rule 3. In order to keep the number of officers to 1 1, the maximum permitted by the rules of the Association, Professor C. H. Holland graciously offered to resign as Vice-President. Circulars. Three Circulars (Nos. 54-6), containing full details of the affairs of the Association were distributed to Ordinary and Student Members during the year, and to Institutional Members on request. 712 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 12 BALANCE SHEET AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 1968 Balance Sheet Liabilities Publications Reserve: Balance at 31 Dec. 1967 ....... Transfer of Reprinting Fund ...... Excess of Income 1968 ....... Royal Society Loan ........ Subscriptions for 1969 in advance ...... Provision for Printing Palaeontology, Vol. 1 1 as per Income and Expen diture Account ........ Less expenditure already incurred ..... Sundry creditors ......... Assets Office Equipment . Investments at cost: Equities Fund for Charities 5 per cent Defence Bonds . 5| per cent Bonds 7| per cent Kirby U.D.C. . Wagon Investments . Sundry Debtors Authors for Offprints Advance Payments: Palaeontology, Vol. 12 Palaeontology, Offprints Cash at Bank: Deposit Account Current Account — Sheffield „ London s. d. 5720 1500 2303 10 355 7288 s. d. 13 9523 1000 156 3066 17 999 18 3 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 1500 0 0 3000 0 0 366 15 0 104 16 8 112 16 6 2595 1 4 277 4 10 £13 763 19 10 22 0 0 9499 18 3 785 7 3 471 11 8 2985 £13 763 19 10 Report of the Auditors to the Members of the Palaeontological Association. We have examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Account which in our opinion give respectively a true and fair view of the state of the Association’s affairs as at 31 December 1968 and of its income and expendi- ture for the year ended on that date. JOSHUA WORTLY & CO. Chartered Accountants THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 713 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ending 31 December 1968 Expenditure £ s. d. To provision for the cost of Publication of Palaentology, Vol. 1 1 , Part 1 2049 2 6 Part 2 2156 17 9 Part 3 2049 13 11 Part 4 2100 0 0 Part 5 2000 0 0 10 355 14 2 Add extra cost of Vol. 10, Part 3 157 8 10 Vol. 10, Part 4 To reprinting back parts 159 13 8 To Administration: Postage .... 168 1 7 Circulars .... . 198 10 4 Meetings .... 8 9 10 Stationery 29 13 10 Miscellaneous 40 5 8 Audit Fee 17 17 0 To Depreciation ....... To Publications Fund, Excess of Income over Expenditure To Special Papers ....... £ s. d. 10 672 16 8 426 15 0 462 18 3 4 118 2303 0 0 £13 870 1 7 Income By Subscriptions for 1968 Subscriptions for 1967 Sales of Palaeontology Sales of Offprints Interest received: 5|- per cent Defence Bonds . Equities Fund for Charities 5 per cent Defence Bonds . 7f per cent Kirby U.D.C. . Wagon Investments . Liverpool Corporation Deposit Account By Specific Donations . General Donations: British Petroleum Texaco Burma!) By Special Papers: Sales . Donations . Less cost of printing By Miscellaneous receipts 6851 13 2 213 13 9 3688 2 3 478 14 9 110 0 0 77 16 9 100 0 0 46 15 9 166 1 3 38 16 0 5 19 0 545 8 9 233 0 0 250 0 0 175 0 0 100 0 0 525 0 0 1806 17 4 790 0 0 2596 17 4 1336 5 6 1260 11 10 73 17 1 £13870 1 7 3 A C 6940 INDEX Pages 1-171 are contained in Part 1 ; pages 173-350 in Part 2; pages 351-535 in Part 3; pages 537-709 in Part 4. Figures in Bold Type indicate plate numbers. A Abathomphalus, 26; intermedia, 27, 2; mayaroensis, 26, 2. Abietineaepollenites minimus, 109. Acanthotriletes varispinosus, 102. Acherontiscus, 538; caledoniae, 539. Acinosporites saiopiensis, 225, 39. lAcrocy there inornata , 144, 28. Aequitriradites spinulosus, 108. Alaska: landplants in graptolitic shale from, 559. Alisporites bilateralis, 109. Ambitisporites, 228; cf. avitus, 40; cf. dilutus, 229, 40. Ambocoelia praecox dorsiplicata, 478, 90. Amphibia: new family from Carboniferous, 537. Amphicythere, 146; confundens, 146, 29; pennyi, 146, 29; sphaerulata, 147, 30. Anomalinoides, 197; hyphalus, 197; velascoensis, 198. Apatognathus, 401. Apiculiretusispora, 219; cherata, 219, 37; microconus, 219, 37 ; spicula, 220, 38 ; synorea , 221, 38 ; sp. A, 221, 38; sp. B, 221, 38; sp. C, 222, 38. Appendicisporites', jansonii, 108; potomacensis, 107. Araucariacites australis, 110. Arcellites medusus, 334, 62, 63, 67. Archaeozonotriletes, 234; chulus, 234; c. chulus, 235, 43 ; c. inframurinatus, 237, 43 ; c. nanus, 238, 43 ; cf. divellomedium, 238, 43; dubiits, 238, 42. Archimedes', sp., 52, 53, 54; wortheni, 52. Armstrong, J. The cross-bladed fabrics of the shells of Terrakea solida (Etheridge and DunnJ and Strepto- rhynchus pelicanensis Fletcher, 310. Arthropoda. See Crustacea, Ostracoda, Trilobita. Asperopora, 630; aspera, 632, 115 ; multipora, 632, 116. Atlantic: benthonic foraminifera from Galicia Bank, 189; planktonic foraminifera from Galicia Bank, 19. Aulacotheca iowensis, 415, 76, 77. Austin, R.L., and Rhodes, F.H.T. A conodont assem- blage from the Carboniferous of the Avon Gorge, Bristol, 400. Australia: late Precambrian/Cambrian medusae, 351 ; Ordovician stromatoporoids, 637; spirifer id brach- iopods, 472. B Babinka, 173; oelandensis , 174, 34; prima, 34. Baculatisporites comaumensis, 102. Badam, G. L. See Tewari, B. S. Baker, P. G. The ontogeny of the thecideacean brachiopod Moorellina granulosa (Moore) from the Middle Jurassic of England, 388. Bjtostomella maniformis, 628, 114. Batten, D. J. Some British Wealden megaspores and their facies distribution, 333. Bivalvia: new Ordovician from Sweden, 173. Bohemia: Cambrian chordate with echinoderm affini- ties, 494. Brachiopoda: interpretation of serial sections, 321; ontogeny of Moorellina, 388; spiriferids from Australia, 472; structure of shells, 310; trimerellids from Canada, 161. Brizalina incrassata, 194 Bryozoa: skeletal growth in fenestellids, 281; Wen- lockian, 621. C Callialasporites, 594; dampieri, 595, 110 ; obrutus, 597, 110; sp., 597, 110; cf. trilobatus, 594, 110. Cambrian: chordate with echinoderm affinities, 494. Canada: Ordovician trimerellid Eodinobolus, 161. Carboniferous: calamite cone from England, 253; conodont fauna from Cornwall, 262; conodont faunas from Devon, 276; fused conodont assem- blage, 400; growth in fenestellids, 281 ; megaspores from Scotland, 441; miospores from Wales, 420; new amphibian, 537; pteridosperm from Iowa, 414; seed from Illinois, 382. Carroll, R. L. A new family of Carboniferous amphi- bians, 537. Cephalopoda: scale modelling of shells, 48. Ceratocystis perneri, 494; 95-8. Cerebropollenites mesozoicus, 109. Chamberlain, J. A. Jr. Technique for scale modelling of cephalopod shells, 48. Chelinospora, 242; cassicula, 242, 42; sp. A, 243, 41. Chordate: Cambrian with echinoderm affinities, 494. See also Vertebrata. Churkin, M., Eberlein, G. D., Hueber, F. M., and Mamay, S. H. Lower Devonian landplants from graptolitic shale in south-eastern Alaska, 559. Cicatricosisporites, 106, 588; abacus, 107; austra- liensis, 103, 104 ; angicanalis, 104, 105 ; brevilaesu- ratus, 105; crassistriatus, 108; globosus, 107; grabowensis, 108; myrtellii, 108; lucifer, 108; purbeckensis, 588, 104; recticicatricosus, 106; spp., 13-22; ( Anemia ) crimensis, 108; (A.) sibirica, 107. Cincturasporites intestinalis, 429, 81, 82. Classopollis ; echinatus, 112; hammenii, 122, 113; torosus, 112. Clathrodictyon, 657; aff. mammillatum, 657, 126; cf. microundulatum, 657, 126, 127. Cliefdenella etheridgei, 655, 125, 126. Coccoseris sp., 124. Coelenterata: medusae from Australia, 351; rugose corals from France, 178; stromatoporoids from Australia, 637. Coelopleurus melitensis, 42, 6. INDEX 715 Concavisporites juriensis , 102. Conodonts: fused assemblage from Avon Gorge, 400; Lower Carboniferous from Cornwall, 262; Lower Carboniferous from Devon, 276. Contignisporites dorsostriatus, 107. Conulus ; albogalerus, 93, 94; castanea , 93; subrot m- dus , 93. Converrucosisporites variverrucatus, 585, 102. Convolutispora, 425; labiata , 425, 79; vermifonnis , 425, 79. Coronatispora valdensis , 108. Cothurnocystis ; americana , 98 ; elizae, 95, 98 ; primaeva , 98. Couperisporites comp! exus, 108, 109. Cretaceous; benthic foraminifera, 189; crustacean burrow, 459; echinoid with false teeth, 488; planktonic foraminifera, 19; stratigraphic correla- tion by miospores, 84; Wealden megaspores, 333. Crustacea: burrows from Weald Clay, 459; trace fossils in Jurassic, 549. See also Ostracoda. Cryptophragmus ? sp., 651, 122. Cyathidites ; australis, 102; minor, 102. Cycadopites, 599; carpentieri, 111 ; cf. nitidus, 599, 111. Cymbosporites, 239; cf. catillus, 242, 41; dittonensis, 241, 41 ; echinatus, 239, 42; verrucosus, 241, 42. Cyrtina praecedens, 483, 92. Cystistroma, 651; donnellii, 652, 122-4. Cystostroma cliefdenense , 644, 117. Cytherella recta, 1 1 5, 23. Cytherelloidea, 115; paraweberi, 116, 23; weberi, 115, 23. Cytheropteron, 141; aquitanum, 141, 28; sp., 142, 28. D Deltoidospora; psilostoma, 102; rafaeli, 102. Densoisporites perinatus, 108. Devonian; palaeoecology of limestone, 366; rugose corals from France, 178; serial sections of brachio- pods, 321; spiriferids from Australia, 472; spore assemblages, 201; land plants from Alaska, 559. Dicrorygma (Orthorygma), 137; kimmeridgensis, 137, 31 ; sp. I, 137, 31. Dictyophyllidites ; equiexinus, 102; harrisii , 102. Dictyotriletes, 226, 426; cancellatus, 427, 79 ; pactilis, 421, 79 ; submar ginat us, 427, 80 ; tesselatus, 426, 80 ; sp. A, 226, 39 ; sp. B, 226, 39. Disphyllum sp., 100. Divisisporites cf. euskirchenensis, 585, 102. Doliognathus lata, 267 , 46. Drepanophycus sp., 569, 101. Duplexisporites problematicus, 107. E Eberlein, G. D. See Churkin, M. Ecclimadictyon, 659; amzassensis, 659, 127, 128; nes- tori, 660,128,129. Echinodermata : affinities with Cambrian chordate, 494. See also Echinoidea. Echinoidea: Cretaceous with false teeth, 488; from Miocene of Malta, 42. Ecology: Devonian limestones, 366; patterns in shelf benthos, 684; studies in Great Oolite, 56. Eggert, D. A., and Kryder, R. W. A new species of Aulacotheca (Pteridospermales) from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Iowa, 414. See also Taylor, T. N. Emphanisporites, 222; epicautus, 223, 38 ; micrornatus, 222, 38 ; cf. neglectus, 224, 38 ; sp. A, 224, 39 ; sp. B, 225,39. England: calamite cone, 253; conodont faunas, 262, 276; Cretaceous miospores, 84; crustacean burrows, 459; echinoid with false teeth, 488; fused conodont assemblage, 400; Jurassic miospores, 574; ontogeny of brachiopod, 388; ostracods from Dorset, 112; palaeoecology in Gt. Oolite, 56; Siluro-Devonian spores, 201 ; trace fossils in Gt. Oolite, 549; Wealden megaspores, 333; Wenlock bryozoa, 621; Wenlock graptolites, 663. Eocytheropteron decor atum , 142, 28. Eodinobolus, 163 ; canadensis, 167, 33 ; erect us, 169, 33 ; magnificus, 164, 32. Equisetites burkhartii, 88. Eucommiidites ; minor. 111; troedssonii, 111. Exesipollenites scabrosus, 600, 111. Exophthalmocythere fuhrbergensis, 152, 28. F Falcodusl sp., 278, 51. Favreina; decemhmulatus, 549, 99; sp., 12. Fisher, M. J. Benthonic foraminifera from the Maestrichtian Chalk of Galicia Bank, west of Spain, 189. Fistulipora nummulina, Ell , 114. Florinites, 72. Foraminifera: benthonic from Cretaceous, 189; plank- tonic from Cretaceous, 19. Foraminisporis wontliaggiensis, 107. Foveosporites canalis, 106. France: Devonian rugose corals, 178; palaeoecology of Devonian limestone, 366. Friend, J. K. See Funnell, B. M. Funnell, B. M., Friend, J. K., and Ramsay, A. T. S. Upper Maestrichtian planktonic foraminifera from Galicia Bank, west of Spain, 19. G Galicia Bank: Cretaceous benthonic foraminifera, 189; planktonic foraminifera, 19. Galliaecytheridea, 120; confudens, 125, 25; dissimilis, 120, 24; elongata, 123, 25 ; fragilis, 130, 27; malzi, 123, 25; cf. mandelstami , 126, 26; polita , 128, 26; postrotunda, 129, 27; punctata, 121, 25; spinosa , 128, 26 ; sp. 1, 1 3 1 , 25 ; sp. 2, 131,27;sp. 3, 131,27; trapezoidalis, 124, 25; wolburgi, 121, 24. Geoclemys sivalensis, 555. Gleicheniidites senonicus, 107. Globotruncana, 28; area, 28, 2, 3; cf. aspera, 35, 5; conica, 29, 3 ; contusa, 29, 3 ; falsostuarti, 30, 3 ; gansseri, 31, 4; havanensis, 32, 4; stuarti, 33, 4; s. stuartiformis, 34, 4. Gnathodus, 267, 279; delicatus, 267, 46, 51 ; punctatus, 267, 46, 51 ; aff. semiglaber, 279, 51 ; texanus, 268, 46. Gothograptus nassa, 130. Grandispora, 433 ; reticulatus, 434, 83. Granulatisporites, 421; visensis, 422, 78. 716 INDEX Graptolites: Devonian from Alaska, 559; Wenlock from England, 663. Grumosisporites verrucosus, 78. H Hallam, A. Faunal realms and facies in the Jurassic, 1. Hallidaya brueri, 356, 68, 69. Hallopora elegant ula, 633, 116. Halymenites striatus, 460. Heliosporites sp., 592, 108. Hemitrypa hibernica , 55, 56. Heterohelix, 20; globulosa, 20, 1 ; striata, 21, 1 ; ultimatumida, 21, 1. Hexagonaria; cf. longiseptata , 185, 36; namnetensis, 1 79, 35, 36 ; venetensis, 184, 35. Hibbert, F. A., and Lacey, W. S. Miospores from the Lower Carboniferous Basement Beds in the Menai Straits region of Caernarvonshire, North Wales, 420. Hindeodella segaformis, 47. Holland, C. H., Rickards, R. B., and Warren, P. T. The Wenlock graptolites of the Ludlow District, Shropshire, and their stratigraphical significance, 663. Holoretiolites ( Balticograptus ) lawsoni, 666. Hornera frondiculata, 55, 56. Hostimella , 570; sp. A, 570, 101 ; sp. B, 571, 101. Howellella nucula australis, 480, 91. Hueber, F. M. See Churkin, M. Hughes, N. F., and Moody-Stuart, J. C. A method of stratigraphic correlation using Early Cretaceous miospores, 84. Hymenozonotriletes ? hastulus, 434, 83. I Inaperturopollenites, 597; dubius, 110, 111; sp., 597, 1 10. India: new Pleistocene turtle from, 555. Iowa: new Carboniferous pteridosperm from, 414. J Jakobson, M. E. See Kennedy, W. J., and also Mc- Kerrow, W. S. Januasporites tumulosus, 593, 108, 109. Jefferies, R. P. S. Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel — a Middle Cambrian chordate with echinoderm affini- ties, 494. Johnson, R. T. See Kennedy, W. J., and also Me Ker- row, W. S. Jurassic: faunal realms and facies, 1 ; miospores from Purbeck, 574; ontogeny of brachiopod, 388; ostracods from Kimmeridge Clay, 112; palaeoeco- logy in Gt. Oolite, 56 ; trace fossils in Gt. Oolite, 549. K Kennedy, W. J., Jakobson, M. E., and Johnson, R. T. A Favreina-Thalassinoides association from the Great Oolite of Oxfordshire, 549. — and Macdougall, J. D. S. Crustacean burrows in the Weald Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of south- eastern England and their environmental significance, 459. Kier, Porter M. A Cretaceous echinoid with false teeth, 488. Kilenyi, T. I. The ostracoda of the Dorset Kimmeridge Clay, 112. Klukisporites pseudoreticulatus, 105. Knoxisporites, 428; literatus, 81; pristinus, 428, 81; semiradiatus, stephanophorus, 428, 80. Kryder, R. W. See Eggert, D. A. L Labe chia, 649; regular is, 649, 121, 124; variabilis, 650, 121. Lacey, W. S. See Hibbert, F. A. Lagenicula, 442; subpilosa major, 443, 84. Leptolepidites, 586; epacrornatus, 587, 103; psarous, 586, 103. Lister, T. R. See Richardson, J. B. Lophotriletes tribulosus, 423, 78. Lophozonotriletes muricatus, 431, 81. Lycopodiacidites cerniidites, 105. Lycopodiumsporites austroclavatidites, 105. Lycospora uber, 82. Lyropora quincuncialis, 52, 54. Lytoceras fimbriatum, 7. M Macdougall, J. D. S. See Kennedy, W. J. Macrodentina ( Macrodentina) , 149; cicatricosa, 149, 30 ; macidata, 149, 31 ; sp. 1, 150, 30 ; ( Polydentina ), 150; parvapunctata, 151, 31 ; proclivis proclivis, 150, 31 ; p. striata, 1 50, 30. Malta: new Cretaceous echoniod from, 42. Mamay, S. H. See Churkin, M. Mandelstamia ( Mandelstamia ), 133; angulata, 134, 29; rectilinea, 133, 29; triebeli, 133, 29; ( Xero - mandelstamia) maculata, 135, 29; sp. 1, 136, 29. Marattisporites scabratus, 109. Martinottiella alabamensis, 193. Matthews, S. C. A Lower Carboniferous conodont fauna from east Cornwall, 262. — Two conodont faunas from the Lower Carboni- ferous of Chudieigh, south Devon, 276. McKerrow, W. S., Johnson, R. T., and Jakobson, M. E. Palaeoecological studies in the Great Oolite at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, 56. Meekopora dudleyensis, 628, 114. Microreticulatisporites diatretus, 105. Minerisporites , 343 ; aliens, 344, 66, 67 ; marginatus, 343, 65, 66, 67. Miocene: echinoid from Malta, 42. Mitrocystites mitra, 97, 98. Mollusca: new Ordovician bivalve, 173; scale models of cephalopods, 48. Monoceratina, 145; sp. 1, 145, 29; sp. 2, 145, 29. Monograptus, 672; deubeli, 672, 130; flemingii, 130; ludensis, 673, 130; thomasi, 100; vulgaris, 675. Monosulcites sp. aff. minimus. III. Monotrypa paterella, 635. Moody-Stuart, J. C. See Hughes, N. F. Moorellina granulosa, 388, 73, 74. Murospora, 430; aurita, 431, 81 ; intort a, 430, 81. INDEX N Neoeponides hillebrandti , 196. Neoraistrickia drybrookensis , 425, 78. New South Wales: Ordovician stromatoporoids from, 637; spiriferid brachiopods from, 472. Nodophthalmocy there tripartita , 120, 24. Norford, B.S. and Steele, H. Miriam. The Ordovician trimerellid brachiopod Eodinobolus from south- east Ontario, 161. Norris, G. Miospores from the Purbeck Beds and marine Upper Jurassic of southern England, 574. Nuttallides galiciensis, 194. Nuttallinella lusitanica, 195. Nyctopora sp., 124. O Ontogeny: of thecideacean brachiopod, 388. Ophiomorpha nodosa, 460, 87, 88. Ordovician: bivalve from Sweden, 173; stromatopo- roids from Australia, 637; Tremadocian trilobite, 406; trimerellid brachiopod from Canada, 161. Orthonotacythere, 143; interrupta, 143, 28; pustulata, 143, 28; sp., 144, 28. Osmundacidites wellmanii , 102. Ostracoda: from Kimmeridge Clay, 1 12. Ostrea ( Liostrea ) hebridica, 12. Owen, D. E. Wenlockian bryozoa from Dudley, Niagara and Gotland and their palaeogeographical implications, 621 . P Pachytesta bsrryvi/lensis, 382, 71, 72. Palmatolepis , 269; gonioclymeniae, 269, 47; gracilis gracilis, 269, 47 ; perlobata schindewolfi, 269, 47 ; nigosa trachytera, 270, 47 ; sp., 270, 47. Paracalamostachys spadiciformis, 257, 44, 45. Paracypris, 117; problematica, 177, 23; sp. C, 117, 23; sp, 1, 117, 23. Parvisaccites radiatus, 109, 110. Peltandripites tener, 593, 110, 111. Perinopollenites elatoides, 1 1 2. Permian: structure of brachiopod shells, 310. Perotrilites, 226, 433; magnns, 433, 83; microbacu- latus, 226 ; m. microbaculatus, 227 , 39 ; m. attenuatus, 227, 39; perinatus, 433, 83; sp. A, 228, 40. Pilosisporites, 587; delicatulus, 587, 103, 104; tricho- papillosus, 103. Planoglobulina acervulinoides, 22, 1. Plantae: Devonian landplants from Alaska, 559; new British calamite cone, 253; new pteridosperm from Iowa, 414; new seed from Illinois, 382. See also Spores. Pleistocene: new turtle from India, 555. Plicatella abaca , 591, 106, 107. Podocarpidites sp. cf. ellipticus, 594, 109. Polygnathus ; communis, 48, 51 ; sp., 51. Polypora; cestriensis, 53; sp., 52, 53. Precambrian: medusae from Australia, 351. Pristiograptus, 668; dubius, 130; jaeger i, 668, 130; sp. 1,671, 130. Procytheropteron sp. 1, 142, 28. Proreticularia beddiei, 479, 90. 717 Protocythere, 139; neali, 140, 28; rodewaldensis, 139, 27 ; sigmoidea, 1 39, 27. Pseudoguembelina , 24; costulata, 24, 1 ; excolata, 24, 2. Pseudokainella, 406; impar , 407, 75. Pseudomicroplasma sp., 100. Pseudopolygnathus, 27 1 ; triangula triangula, 271, 48 ; tr. pinnata , 271, 48, 51 ; sp., 272, 48. Pseudostylodictyon, 645; inequale, 646, 119; aff. poshanense, 645, 117, 118. Pseudotextularia elegans, 23, 1. Ptychomaletoechia cf. gonthieri, 61. Punctatisporites irrasus, 421, 78. Pyramidina szajnochae, 193. ? Pyrocytheridea sp., 133, 27. Q Quadrithyris rob list a molongensis, 473, 89. R Racemiguembelina fructicosa, 25, 2. Raistrickia\ cf. clavata , 424, 79; nigra, 424, 78. Ramsay, A. T. S. See Funnell, B. M. Reptilia: new Pleistocene turtle from India, 555. Reticidisporites semireticulatus , 105. Retusotriletes, 214; dittonensis, 215, 37; dubius, 215, 38; cf. minor, 217, 37 ; sp. A, 218, 37 ; cf. triangu- latus, 217, 37 ; warringtonii, 216, 37. Richardson, J. B., and Lister, T. R. Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian spore assemblages from the Welsh Borderland and South Wales, 201. Rickards, R. B. See Holland, C. H. Rosenella woyuensis, 649, 120. Rubinella major, 587, 103. Rugoglobigerina, 36; pustulata, 36, 5; rotundata, 37, 5 ; scott i, 37, 5. Rugosa: Hexagonaria from France, 178. S Savage, N. M. New spiriferid brachiopods from the Lower Devonian of New South Wales, 472. Scaliognathus anclioralis, 272, 49, 51. Schizosporis; parvus, 113 ; reticulatus, 113 ; spriggi, 113. Schuleridea, 118; triebeli, 1 18, 23 ; sp. 1 , 1 19, 23 ; sp. 2, 119, 24. Scotland: Carboniferous amphibian from, 537; Visean megaspore assemblages, 441. Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus, 108. Setosisporites, 445 ; indianensis, 445, 85 ; pseudore- ticulatus, 447, 84; splendidus, 449, 85; sp. A, 451, 85 ; sp. B, 452, 85. Sigmopollis callosus, 601 , 1 13. Silurian: spore assemblages, 201; Wenlock grapto- lites, 663; Wenlockian bryozoa, 621. SiphonodeUa, 273, 279; cooperi, 279, 51 ; isostichia, 279, 51 ; obsoleta , 273, 46 ; sexplicata, 51 ; sp., 51. Skinnera brooksi, 361, 69. Soot-Ryen, Helen. A new species of Babinka (Bivalvia) from the Lower Ordovician of Oland, Sweden, 173. Sorauf, J. E. Lower Devonian Hexagonaria ( Rugosa ) from the Armorican Massif of western France, 178. Spathognathodus scitulus, 402. Spheripollenites subgranulatus, 110. 718 INDEX Spinner, E. Megaspore assemblages from Visean deposits at Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland, 441. Spores: British Wealden megaspores, 333; Carboni- ferous megaspores, 441 ; Carboniferous miospores, 420; early Cretaceous miospores, 84; late Jurassic miospores, 574; Siluro-Devonian spore assem- blages, 201. Steele, H. Miriam. See Norford, B. S. Stenopora primaeva, 629, 115. Stereisporites antiquasporites, 102. Stratodictyon, 647; columnare, 648, 118, 119, 124; ozakii, 647, 119, 120, 124. Streelispora, 230; granulata, 231, 41 ; newportensis, 230, 41. Streptorhynchus pelicanensis, 311, 57, 58, 60. Sweden: new Ordovician bivalve, 173; Wenlockian bryozoa, 621 . Synorisporites, 232; downtonensis, 232, 40; tripapil- latus, 233, 40; verrucatus, 233, 40; sp. A, 234, 41. T Tavener-Smith, R. Skeletal structure and growth in the Fenestellidae (Bryozoa), 281 . Taylor, T. N., and Eggert, D. A. On the structure and relationships of a new Pennsylvanian species of the seed P achy test a , 382. Tenakea solida, 3 1 2, 58, 59. Tertiary: See Miocene. Tetrapterites visensis, 83. Tewari, B. S., and Badam, G. L. A new species of fossil turtle from the Upper Siwaliks of Pinjore, India, 555. Thalaminoides, 551. Thanmopora sp., 100. Thomas, B. A. A new British Carboniferous calamite cone, Paracalamostachys spadicifonnis, 253. Thomsonia, 338; alata, 338, 63, 64, 67; fairlightensis, 340, 64, 67 ; pseudoteneUa, 341, 65, 67. Trematopora sp., 634. Trigonorhynchia pared, 61. Trilobita: Tremadocian from Wales, 406. Trilobosporites, 590; apiverrucatus, 107; bernissar- tensis, 106; domitus , 591, 106; obsitus, 590. Tripartina sp., 590, 105. Tryplasma altaica, 100. U Umbonatisporites variabilis, 423, 78, 79. Undu/atasporites araneus, 599, 110, 111. U. S. A. : Devonian landplants from Alaska, 559; new pteridosperm from Iowa, 414; Pennsylvanian seed from Illinois, 382. V Valentine, J. W. Patterns of taxonomic and ecolo- gical structure of the shelf benthos during Phane- rozoic time, 684. Vallatisporites, 432; ciliaris, 432, 82; microgalearis, 433, 82 ; vallatus, 432, 82. Valvalabamina scrobiculata, 196. Vermcosisporites eximius, 422, 78. Vertebrata: new Carboniferous amphibian, 537; new Pleistocene turtle, 555. Vitreisporites pallidas, 109. W Wade, Mary. Medusae from uppermost Precambrian or Cambrian sandstones, Central Australia, 351. Wales: Carboniferous miospores, 420; Siluro- Devonian spore assemblages, 201 ; Tremadoc trilobite, 406. Wallace, Peigi. Specific frequency and environmental indicators in two horizons of the Calcaire de Ferques (Upper Devonian), northern France, 336. Waltzispora planiangulata, 423, 79. Warren, P. T. See Holland, C. H. Webby, B. D. Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales, 637. Westbroek, P. The interpretation of growth and form in serial sections through brachiopods, exemplified by the trigonirhynchiid sepatalium, 321. Whitworth, P. H. The Tremadoc trilobite Pseudo- kainella impar (Salter), 406. Z Zammit-Maempel, G. A new species of Coelo- pleurus (Echinoidea) from the Miocene of Malta, 42. Zonalesporites , 452; brasserti, 86; coniacies, 86; fusinatiis, 452, 86 ; cf. rawosus, 86. THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION PALAEONTOLOGY The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers (preferably illus- trated) on all aspects of palaeontology and stratigraphical palaeontology. Four parts at least are published each year and are sent free to all members of the Association. Members who join for 1970 will receive Volume 13, Parts 1 to 4. All back numbers are still in print and may still be ordered from B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England, at £3 per part (post free). A complete set, Volumes 1-12, consists of 47 parts and costs £141. SPECIAL PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY This is a series of substantial separate works published by the Association. The subscription rate is £6 (U.S. $16.00) for Institute Members and £3 (U.S. $8.00) for Ordinary and Student Members. Subscriptions and orders by members of the Association should be placed through the Membership Treasurer, Dr. A. J. Lloyd, Department of Geology, University College, Gower Street, London, W. C. 1, England. The following Special Papers are available. Members may obtain them at reduced rates through the Membership Treasurer. Non-members may obtain them from B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England, at the prices indicated. Special Paper No. 1. (for 1967) : Miospores in the Coal Seams of the Carboniferous of Great Britain, by A. H. V. Smith and M. A. Butterworth. 324 pp., 72 text-figs., 27 plates. Price £8 (U.S. $22.00), post free. Special Paper No. 2 (for 1968) : Evolution of the Shell Structure of Articulate Brachiopods, by Alwyn Williams. 55 pp., 27 text-figs., 24 plates. Price £5 (U.S. $13.00). Special Paper No. 3 (for 1968): Upper Maestrichtian Radiolaria of California, by Helen P. Foreman. 82 pp., 8 plates. Price £3 (U.S. $8.00). Special Paper No. 4 (for 1969): Lower Turonian Ammonites from Israel, by R. Freund and M. Raab. 83 pp., 15 text-figs., 10 plates. Price £3 (U.S. $8.00). Special Paper No. 5 (for 1969): Chitinozoa from the Ordovician Viola and Ferndale Limestones of the Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, by W. A. M. Jenkins. 44 pp., 10 text-figs., 9 plates. Price £2 (U.S. $5.00). Special Paper No. 6 (for 1969): Ammonoidea from the Mata Series (Santonian- Maestrichtian) of New Zealand, by R. A. Henderson. 82 pp,, 13 text-figs., 15 plates (in press). Price £3 (U.S. $8.00). SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Typescripts on all aspects of palaeontology and stratigrapical palaeontology are invited. They should conform in style to those already published in this journal, and should be sent to Mr. N. F. Hughes, Department of Geology, Sedgwick Museum, Downing Street, Cambridge, England, who will supply detailed instructions for authors on request (these are published in Palaeontology 10, pp. 707-12). Fifty free offprints are provided to authors. PALAEONTOLOGY VOLUME 12 * PART 4 CONTENTS A new family of Carboniferous amphibians. By R. L. carroll 537 A Favreina-Thalassinoides association from the Great Oolite of Oxfordshire. By W. J. KENNEDY, M. E. JAKOBSON, and R. T. JOHNSON 549 A new species of fossil turtle from the Upper Siwaliks of Pinjore, India. By B. S. TEWARI and G. L. BADAM 555 Lower Devonian land plants from graptolitic shale in south-eastern Alaska. By M. CHURKIN JR., G. D. EBERLEIN, F. M. HUEBER, and S. H. MAMAY 559 Miospores from the Purbeck Beds and marine Upper Jurassic of southern England. By G. norris 574 Wenlockian Bryozoa from Dudley, Niagara, and Gotland and their palaeo- geographic implications. By D. E. owen 621 Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales. By B. D. webby 637 The Wenlock graptolites of the Ludlow district, Shropshire, and their strati- graphical significance. By c. h. Holland, r. b. rickards, and p. t. warren 663 Patterns of taxonomic and ecological structure of the shelf benthos during Phanerozoic time. By J. w. valentine 684 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD BY VIVIAN RIDLER, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY Palaeontology A CUMULATIVE INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-12 (1957-69) PUBLISHED BY THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION LONDON November 1971 Price £1 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION The Association was founded in 1957 to further the study of palaeontology. It holds meetings and demonstrations, and publishes the quarterly journal Palaeontology and Special Papers in Palaeontology. Membership is open to individuals, institutions, libraries, etc., on payment of the appropriate annual subscription: Institute membership £10 00 (U.S. $26.00) Ordinary membership £5 00 (U.S. $13.00) Student membership £3 00 (U.S. $8.00) There is no admission fee. Institute membership is only available by direct application, not through agents. Student members are persons receiving full-time instruction at educational institutions recognized by the Council; on first applying for membership, they should obtain an application form from the Membership Treasurer. All subscriptions are due each January, and should be sent to the Membership Treasurer. All applications for membership of the Association should be addressed to: Dr. A. J. Lloyd Membership Treasurer, Palaeontological Association Department of Geology University College London Gower Street London W.C.l, England Subscription to Palaeontology and Special Papers in Palaeontology for non- members of the Association are available through Blackwell’s Periodicals Oxenford House Magdalen Street Oxford, England PALAEONTOLOGY The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers on all aspects of palaeontology. Review articles are particularly welcome, and short papers can often be published rapidly. A high standard of illustration is a feature of the journal. Four parts at least are published each year and are sent free to all members of the Association. Members who join for 1971 will receive Volume 14, parts 1 to 4. All back numbers are still in print and may be ordered from Blackwell’s Periodicals, Oxenford House, Magdalen Street, Oxford, England at £5 per part (post free). A complete set, Volumes 1-13, consists of 51 parts and costs £255. © The Palaeontological Association, 1971 A CUMULATIVE INDEX TO Palaeontology VOLUMES 1-12 (1 957-1 969) ISLES STRACHAN PUBLISHED BY THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION LONDON 1971 © THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION I 9 7 I PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION v DATES OF PUBLICATION OF PARTS OF VOLUMES vii GENERAL INDEX 2 STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX 15 AUTHOR LIST 25 INTRODUCTION At the suggestion of the Council of the Palaeontological Association, I have attempted to compile an index to the first twelve volumes of Palaeontology. It was originally intended to have three ‘subject’ indexes (by age, locality, and fossil group or general topic) in addition to the list of papers by author. Unfortunately it has proved impossible to produce a satisfactory geographical index within a reasonable space and so only the topical and stratigraphical indexes are here. Most of the papers in Palaeontology lend themselves easily to classification under both heads and are therefore to be found in both indexes. Others have either a general time span or deal with matters like techniques and thus cannot be ‘dated’ even to an era. These will then only appear in the general index. The basic sequence used in each index is noted before it. This cumulative index is compiled on slightly different lines from the indexes to the annual volumes (apart from not having the generic and specific entries for fossil taxa) and it is not intended to supersede the annual indexes entirely. It is hoped that it will provide a quicker access to the main topics which have been dealt with in Palaeontology between 1957 and 1969. The final result includes improvements suggested by various members of the Executive Committee and by my colleagues in Birmingham but many arbitrary decisions on where to classify particular papers result from my own ideas and prejudices. ISLES STRACHAN Geology Department, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT 1 7 May 1971 DATES OF PUBLICATION Vol. 1, Part 1, pp. 1-86 28 November 1957 2, pp. 87-158 27 May 1958 3, pp. 159-260 11 July 1958 4, pp. 261-411 30 January 1959 Vol. 2, Part 1, pp. 1-160 17 October 1959 pp. 161-280 29 March 1960 Vol. 3, Part i, pp. 1-128 30 May 1960 ? •^-9 pp. 129-244 19 August 1960 3, pp. 245-396 18 December 1960 4, pp. 397-624 9 March 1961 Vol. 4, Part 1, pp. 1-148 30 April 1961 a ^-9 pp. 149-312 27 July 1961 3, pp. 313-476 28 October 1961 4, pp. 477-662 30 January 1962 Vol. 5, Part 1, pp. 1-148 12 April 1962 a •^9 pp. 149-354 20 July 1962 3, pp. 355-618 2 November 1962 4, pp. 619-826 5 February 1963 Vol. 6, Part 1, pp. 1-218 26 April 1963 2, pp. 219-396 27 May 1963 3, pp. 397-596 7 October 1963 4, pp. 597-770 10 December 1963 Vol. 7, Part 1, pp. 1-172 14 April 1964 2, pp. 173-350 21 July 1964 3, pp. 351-524 22 September 1964 4, pp. 525-707 14 January 1965 Vol. 8, Part 1, pp. 1-198 26 February 1965 2, pp. 199-373 9 July 1965 3, pp. 375-576 28 October 1965 4, pp. 577-767 15 December 1965 Vol. 9, Part 1, pp. 1-181 21 March 1966 2, pp. 183-354 18 July 1966 3, pp. 355-522 25 October 1966 4, pp. 523-705 23 December 1966 DATES OF PUBLICATION viii Vol. 10, Part 1, pp. 1-170 2, pp. 171-337 3, pp. 339-523 4, pp. 525-720 8 May 1967 29 June 1967 24 November 1967 22 December 1967 Vol. 11, Part 1, pp. 1-162 2, pp. 163-328 3, pp. 329-490 4, pp. 491-642 5, pp. 643-817 4 March 1968 28 March 1968 2 July 1968 28 November 1968 20 December 1968 Vol. 12, Part 1, pp. 1-172 2, pp. 173-350 3, pp. 351-535 4, pp. 537-718 25 April 1969 24 July 1969 11 September 1969 19 December 1969 NOTES ON THE GENERAL INDEX This index includes both systematic categories and topical headings (such as fauna, flora, functional morphology, technique, trace fossils) arranged in alphabetical order. The primary systematic division is into Class, Phylum, or equivalent, depending on the general practical recognition of fossils, i.e. molluscs are recognized as Bivalvia or Gastropoda, etc., while brachiopods are initially recognized at the phylum level. Cor- respondingly the further subdivision of these groups varies. There are sufficient entries under Ammonoidea for a stratigraphical subdivision to be useful while recognition of the superfamilies is not within the knowledge of many palaeontologists. Similarly trilobites are subdivided by age even though this results in the separation of two papers on Encrinurus. Brachiopods, on the other hand, are treated further systematically since recognition of the main groups of articulate brachiopods is fairly common palaeon- tological knowledge and the stratigraphical arrangement can be obtained from the other index. This arrangement seems to be the best practical one and corresponds to some extent at least with the interests of palaeontologists themselves. The entries include reference to the volume and page of Palaeontology on which the paper referred to begins as well as the index number (in italics) from the Author List. GENERAL INDEX AGNATHA Cephalaspis lyelli Agassiz, 1, 99 (482). Downtonian ostracoderm Corvaspis, 3, 217 (437). New evidence on Jamoytius, 11, 21 (353). Traquairaspis from Canada, 7, 210 (139). ALGAE Algal debris-facies in Middle East Cretaceous, 1, 254 (154). Algal growths in English Rhaetic, 4, 324 (190). Algomycetes and Tasmanacea from Brazilian Palaeozoic, 10, 640 (407). Calcareous algae: Cretaceous Permo calculus, 4, 82 (755); from the Dalradian of Islay, 5, 268 (752); new Tertiary, Subterraniphyllum, 1, 73 (153). Coccoliths: from Atlantic seamounts, 7, 306 (40); taxonomic problems in, 11, 793 (47); Up. Cre- taceous from Zululand, 11, 361 (333). Codiaceae: some Cretaceous, 8, 199 (759); Namurian of N. England, 1, 147 (238); Visean of Scot- land, 8, 192 (58). Dasycladaceae : new Carboniferous genus of, 7, 181 (498); three new Tethyan, 11, 491 (160). Girvanella: British Carboniferous, 6, 264 (497); Silurian from Welsh Borderland, 9, 48 (239); type species of, 1, 22 (496). Problematical microfossils from Middle East, 6, 293 (156). Solenoporaceae, reproductive structures in Tertiary, 7, 695 (755). AMMONOIDEA Palaeozoic Abnormal growths in Devonian goniatites, 3, 129 (205). Alaskan goniatite from Ireland, 1, 158 (196). Carboniferous goniatite zones in S.W. England, review, 3, 75 (60). Cornish ammonoids and trilobites, 3, 153 (393). Delepinoceras in North America, 7, 173 (777). Devonian goniatites and correlations in Canada, 6, 491 (207). Eumorphoceras, new from Ireland, 4, 54 (501). Goniatite fauna from Germany, 11, 264 (165). Goniatites striatus from Ireland, 1, 384 (797). Namurian goniatites from Eire, 5, 355 (502). New South Wales: clymeniid, 3, 237 (332); Famennian ammonoids, 11, 535 (235); Up. Devonian Cheiloceras, 9, 458 (234). Nuculoceras stellarum, 8, 226 (799). Palaeoecology of Goniatite Bed, Castleton, 8, 186 (168). Supposed earliest clymeniid, 3, 472 (206). Visean goniatites from N. Staffs., 1,16 (39). Mesozoic (general) Yorkshire type ammonites, 5, 93 (208). Jurassic Epizoic oysters on Kimmeridgian ammonites, 11, 19 (706). Juraphyllitidae in Britain, 7, 286 (209). Kimmeridgian ammonites from drift of Lincolnshire, 6, 219 (75). Liassic Neomicvoceras and Paracymbites, 9, 312 (141). Propectinatites, 11, 16 (105). Rasenia from Scotland, 5, 765 (509). GENERAL INDEX 3 Toarcian Pseudolillia from Spain, 5, 86 (140). Variation and ontogeny in Oxfordian ammonites, 9, 290 (314), 10, 60 (315). Cretaceous Ammonites from Bathurst Island, N. Australia, 6, 597 (500). Barremian of North Bulgaria, 5, 527 (278). Biometric study of Barremites subdijficilis, 6, 727 (345). Gault Hengestites, 2, 200 (71). Leymeriella in Britain, 1, 29 ( 70). Scaphites, origin, limits and systematic position, 8, 397 (485). Speeton Clay: from Lower D Beds, 5, 272 (301); new heteromorph from, 6, 575 (145); phyl- loceratid from, 9, 455 (343). AMPHIBIA Growth stages of branchiosaurs, 6, 540 (472). New Carboniferous family, 12, 537 (67). ANGIOSPERMS Probable angiosperm pollen from Britain, 11, 421 (254). Wood: Eocene Anacardiaceae, 9, 360 (48); Eocene oak, 3, 86 (47). ANTHOZOA, see Corals ARTHROPODA Eurypterida: median abdominal appendage of Slimonia, 3, 245 (469); new from Scottish Old Red Sandstone, 5, 137 (470); ventral anatomy of Carboniferous Anthraconectes, 7, 474 (491). External anatomy of Carboniferous ‘scorpions’, 1, 261 (488), 3, 276 (489). Insecta: beetles from Antarctica, 1, 407 (505); Carboniferous nymph, 10, 307 (360); Liassic dragon- fly, 1, 406 (504); Rhaetic and Liassic beetles, 4, 87 (172); Tertiary Homoptera of Stravropol, 10, 542 (36). See also Crustacea, Ostracoda, Trilobita. BELEMNOIDEA, see Cephalopoda. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Catalogue of Begg Collection, Glasgow, 6, 378 (124). BIVALVIA (= Lamellibranchia). General Babinka: affinities, life habits, 8, 231 (275); new species from Ordovician of Oland, 12, 173 (408). Epizoic oysters on Kimmeridgian ammonites, 11, 19 (106). Functional studies on Arctostrea, 11, 458 (69). Intestine of Liassic Nuculana preserved, 2, 262 (115). Ligaments preserved in Australian Permian bivalves, 11, 94 (376). Microstructure and mineralogy of Jurassic mytilid, 11, 163 (213). Mode of life of Jurassic ’’Posidonia' , 8, 156 (230). Salinity-controlled assemblages from Middle Jurassic, 6, 318 (211). Size-frequency and growth-ring analyses, 6, 731 (119). Size-frequency distributions in death-assemblages, 10, 25 (187). Devonian Prothyris in Britain, 6, 1 36 (495). Carboniferous Caneyella, Posidonia and PosidonieUa, distinctions, 1, 405 (342). Naiadites obesus from Fife, 4, 300 (38). Namurian from Eire, 5, 355 (502). ‘Nebraskan’ fauna in Scotland, 4, 507 (494). Non-marine: from East Fife, 3, 137 (37); from Pembrokeshire, 3, 104 (233); new, 5, 307 (147). Wilkingia to replace AUorisma, 1 , 401 (493). 4 GENERAL INDEX Permian Dentition of Permophorus costatus, 7, 281 (269). Eurydesma from Dwyka Beds, 4, 138 (134). Merismopteria and origin of Pteriidae, 3, 387 (135). New records from Eastern Australia, 4, 119 (137). New Zealand Atomodesma, 6, 699 (467). Palaeotaxodonts from New Zealand, 7, 630 (468). Mesozoic: new genera and subgenera, 4, 592 (116). Trias From Oman Peninsula, 4, 1 (218). Photonegative young in Lima lineata, 3, 362 (228). Pteromya, 6, 582 (118). Jurassic Ecology and stratigraphical distribution in Great Estuarine Series, 6, 327 (212). Malayomaorica from Indo-Pacific Upper Jurassic, 6, 148 (232). Cretaceous Characters and relationships of Pseudavicula, 3, 392 (136). Tertiary From Libya, 5, 1 (117). Teredinid from Iraq, 6, 315 (157). BLASTOIDEA, see Echinodermata. BRACHIOPODA General Anchorage of articulates on soft substrata, 4, 475 (372). Fabrics of shells of Terrakea and Streptorhynchus, 12, 310 (17). Function of zig-zag deflexions in the commissure, 7, 135 (373). Interpretation of serial sections, 12, 321 (480). Life assemblages from the Lias, 4, 653 (184). Origin of the loop in articulates, 4, 149 (486). Predation and shell damage in Visean fauna, 9, 355 (52). Sectioning of steinkerns, 7, 105 (415). Shell structure of billingsellaceans, 11, 486 (487). Faunas Devonian: from Nevada, 9, 152 (240); from Somerset, 7, 1 (474); from Canada, 3, 208 (322). Llandeilo from N. Wales, 4, 177 (272). Triassic from Oman Peninsula, 4, 1 (218). Inarticulata Dinobolus from Silurian of British Columbia, 3, 242 (304). Eodinobolus from Ordovician of Ontario, 12, 161 (305). Valdiviathyris from Indian Ocean, 4, 542 (370). Orthida Cortezorthinae, new subfamily, 10, 142 (242). Four British Ordovician species, 1, 292 (76). Isorthis and Salopina in Ludlovian, 8, 454 (465). Planicardinia from Devonian of New South Wales, 11, 627 (385). Schizophoriids : Carboniferous from Europe, 11, 64 (337); Devonian from Europe, 9, 381 (336); mantle canal patterns, 11, 389 (355). Visbyella — a new genus from Silurian, 11, 306 (466). Triplesiacea, morphology of superfamily, 5, 740 (499). Pentamerida Brachial structure, 7, 220 (12). Unusual stricklandiids from Wales, 9, 346 (506). GENERAL INDEX 5 Strophomenida Delepineci from New South Wales, 7, 514 (66). Feeding mechanism and affinities of Thecospira and Bactrynium, 11, 329 (375). Feeding mechanism of Prorichthofenia, 3, 450 (371). Horridonia from the Permian, 4, 42 (175). Howesia, a new Permian genus, 6, 754 (268). Leptaena from English Wenlock and Lr. Ludlow, 10, 590 (253). Llandovery stropheodontids from Welsh Borders, 10, 245 (96). Parachonetes from the Devonian, 9, 365 (241). Pedicle sheath of young productaceans, 7, 703 (57). Pennsylvanian Juresania nebrascensis, 7, 23 (162). Scottish Visean productid, 9, 426 (394). Thecideacea: morphology of Moorellina, 12, 388 (20). Rhynchonellida Austmlirhynchia , new Devonian genus, 11, 731 (386). Carboniferous Pugnoides, 3, 477 (318). Sensory spines in Acanthothiris , 8 , 604 (374). The true Rhynchonella, 1, 1 (4). Atrypida Dayia navicula, 11, 612 (453). Devonian atrypids from England, 8, 358 (108). Eocoelia hemisphaerica and related species, 9, 523 (507). Leptocoeliidae, revision of family, 6, 440 (11). Spinatrypa and Spinatrypina, 10, 489 (109). Spiriferida Brachial skeleton of Attenuatella convexa, 11, 783 (16). Delthyrial cover in Mucrospirifer, 11, 317 (114). Eospiriferidae, 5, 682 (45). Martiniopsis- like spiriferids from Queensland, 1, 333 (62). New Devonian spiriferids from New South Wales, 12, 472 (387). Shell development in Spirifer trigonalis, 4, 477 (146). Type species of three Up. Palaeozoic punctate spiriferoids, 1, 351 (63). Terebratulida English Aptian Terebratulidae, 2, 94 (287). Shell-growth in Recent terebratuloids, 10, 298 (384). BRYOZOA (= Polyzoa) Caradoc: trepostomes from Shropshire, 6, 1 (367); early Phaenopora, 5, 52 (365); Homotrypa and A mplexopora ?, 8, 5 (369). Chazyan leptotrypellid and atactotoechids, 5, 727 (366). Cretaceous Pyripora and Rhammatopora, 3, 370 (447). Cupuladria canariensis, 6, 172 (263). Dionella, new Cretaceous genus, 8, 492 (284). Fenestrate: new fenestrate bryozoan from Carboniferous, 8, 478 (438); micrometric formula in classification, 9, 413 (439); Polypora , 6, 166 (291); skeletal structure and growth, 12, 281 (440); type Fenestella, 4, 221 (289); Wenlockian from England, 5, 540 (290). Permian from W. Australia, 6, 70 (368). Silurian: from Canadian Arctic, 9, 517 (43); from Central Wales, 3, 69 (310); from Ludlow, 5, 195 (311); Wenlockian from Dudley, Niagara and Gotland, 12, 621 (312). Types of seven Ordovician bifoliates, 3, 1 (330). CEPHALOPODA Belemnites: Dicoelites and Prodicoelites, 7, 606 (421); new belemnite from Indonesia, 7, 621 (422); Op pel’s specimens of B. gerardi, 6, 690 (420). Namurian fauna from Ireland, 5, 355 (502). 6 GENERAL INDEX Nautiloid: Leurocycloceras from Welsh Silurian, 7, 525 (201). Technique for scale modelling shells, 12, 48 (83). Visean fauna from New South Wales, 7, 682 (50). Yorkshire type ammonites and nautiloids, 5, 93 (208). See also Ammonoidea. CHITINOZOA Ordovician chitinozoa from Shropshire, 10, 436 (236). CHORDATA Cambrian chordate with echinoderm affinities, 12, 494 (231). See also individual Vertebrate classes. CIRRIPEDIA: See Crustacea. COELENTERATA Eocene sea-pen from New Zealand, 1, 266 (189). Medusae from Precambrian/Cambrian, Australia, 12, 351 (459). Medusoid (?) from Silurian of England, 11, 610 (424). See also Corals, Stromatoporoidea. CONODONTOPHORIDA Apatognathus from Yoredales, 10, 124 (457). Assemblage from Carboniferous, 12, 400 (18). Cornwall: Carboniferous fauna, 12, 262 (281). Devon: Carboniferous fauna, 12, 276 (282). CORALS General Devonian corals from Somerset, 7, 1 (474). Lower Palaeozoic corals from New South Wales, 4, 334 (425). Periodicity in Devonian coral growth, 7, 552 (389). Sequence of Ludlovian — Couvinian faunas in U.S.S.R., 10, 660 (195). Rugose Silurian: Microplasma from Monmouthshire, 9, 148 (481). Devonian: Alaiophyllum from Canada, 6, 132 (323); correlation of Canadian M. Devonian, 7, 430 (324); Hexagoraria from France, 12, 178 (409); Marisastridae from Devon, 10, 266 (390); Metriophyllum, 7, 108 (203); New South Wales corals, 8, 518 (426), 9, 544 (427), 10, 426 (428); N. American Smithiphyllum, 8, 618 (325). Carboniferous: corallum increase in Lithostrotion, 8, 204 (245); hysterio-ontogeny of Lonsdaleia and Thysanophyllum, 10, 617 (246); Slimoniphyllum gen. nov., 4, 280 (247). Permian: corals from northern Iraq., 1, 174 (215). Tabulate Cystihalysites from Wenlock and Dudley, 7, 452 (433). Devonian from Devon, 11, 44 (204). Dimorphism in Striatopora, 9, 488 (307). Squamulate favositids of Victoria, 3, 186 (327). CRINOIDEA, see Echinodermata. CRUSTACEA Cirripede: new species from Gault, 8, 629 (98); pedunculate from Silurian, 6, 161 (490); probable burrows, 1, 397 (243). Crabs in an Eocene nodule, 4, 85 (97). Cuticle of Silurian ceratiocaridids, 5, 30 (359). Cyclas from Mendip Hills, 10, 317 (177). GENERAL INDEX 7 Phyllocarid: Caryocaris from N. America, 9, 371 (87); Palaeozoic from Czechoslovakia, 6, 97 (86). Syncarid from Stephan ian of Warwickshire, 4, 546 (355). Traces: burrows in Weald Clay, 12, 459 (255); Favreina-Thalassinoides association in Jurassic, 12, 549 (256). See also Ostracoda. ECHINODERMATA General Lower Palaeozoic faunas of the British Isles and Balto-Scandia, 2, 161 (344). Blastoid: Devonian Belocrinus from France, 9, 244 (274); Pentablastus from Spain, 6, 471 (244). Crinoid: British Ludlovian, 1, 106 (341); Devonian inadunates from Somerset, 4, 538 ( 473), 8, 11 (475); earliest known, 11, 406 (33); form and function of stem, 11, 275 (392); Jurassic from New Zealand, 2, 150 (410); Ordovician from N. Wales, 8, 355 (32). Cystoid: function of pore-structures, 11, 697 (321); Macrocystella , 11, 580 (320). Ceratocystis, a chordate with echinoderm affinities, 12, 494 (231). Edrioblastoid : Ordovician from Australia, 11, 513 (476). Ophiuroid : Cretaceous from Australia, 6, 579 (400) ; traces from Namurian of Ireland, 7, 508 (265). See also Echinoidea. ECHINOIDEA Cidarites moniliferus and the status of Eucidaris, 5, 785 (325). Classification of cassiduloids, 6, 718 (329). Cretaceous echinoid with false teeth, 12, 488 (257). Dentition and relationships of Pygaster, 4, 243 (256). Evidence for the age of Myriastiches gigas, 10, 171 (266). New Albian echinoid from Kent, 3, 260 (73). New species of Coelopleurus from Miocene, 12, 42 (503). Pedicellariae of Silurian echinoids, 11, 576 (42). Re-interpretation of Bothriocidaris , 10, 525 (319). Salenia in the eastern Pacific, 7, 331 (510). Spines and fascioles of Echinocorys, 6, 458 (418). EURYPTER1DA, see Arthropoda. FAUNAS, general Precambrian Fossils from Ediacara, South Australia, 9, 599 (174). Palaeozoic Described and figured specimens in the Begg Collection, 6, 378 (124). Graptolite assemblages and zones of Birkhill shales, 11, 654 (448). Specific frequency and environmental indicators in Upper Devonian of France, 12, 366 (464). Palaeontology of Namurian rocks of Slieve Anierin, Eire, 5, 355 (502). New South Wales : Lower Carboniferous fauna, 8, 54 (356); Carboniferous fossils from, 4, 428 (64). Jurassic Faunal realms and facies, 12, 1 (188). Great Estuarine Series: ecology and stratigraphical distribution of fossils, 6, 327 (212); salinity- control mollusc assemblages, 6, 318 (211). Cretaceous Stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand, 3, 487 ( 74). FLORA, general Middle Triassic from Cachuta Formation, Argentina, 10, 564 (226). FORAMINIFERA Devonian: from Western Australia, 3, 397 (121), 31, 601 (99). Carboniferous: fusulinids from Spitsbergen, 2, 210 (167); graphical aids in description of fusulines, 10, 322 (126). 8 GENERAL INDEX Permian: from British Honduras, 5, 297 (563); from Peru, 5, 817 ( 364 ); from Spitsbergen, 2, 210 (767). Mesozoic, general: adherent foraminifera, 1, 116 (25); 5, 149 (2). Jurassic: arenaceous from type Kimeridgian, 1, 298 (267); from Ampthill Clay, 4, 520 (178); Brotzenici and Voorthuysenia, 6, 653 (110); new information on Pfenderina, 4, 581 (405). Cretaceous: alveolinid from Jamaica and Mexico, li, 526 (357); Bolivinoides from Britain, 9, 220 (29); Chalk Marl palaeoecology, 4, 599 (59); from Ireland, 9, 492 (30); from Isle of Wight, 4, 552 (28); Maestrichtian from Galicia Bank, 12, 19 (170), 189 (166); Marssonella and Pseudotex- tulariella from England, 6, 41 (27); Polymorphinidae from England, 5, 712 (26). Tertiary, general: classification and distribution of Globigerinaceae, 2, 1 (22); large forams from Central America, 11, 283 (149); Globigeriiioides ruber, Miocene to Recent, 10, 647 (111). Palaeocene: Heterostegina, 10, 314 (148); new nummulitid, 11, 435 (756). Eocene: adherent from France, 5, 149 (2); Assam Discocyclina, 6, 658 (380); Assam Nummulites, 11, 669 (379); Cassigerinella from Florida, 11, 368 (772); Orbulinoides beckmanni, 11, 371 (773); Operculinoides, 2, 1 56 (297). Oligocene: stratigraphical distribution of Archaias, 1, 207 (404). Miocene: distribution of Discospirina, 1, 364 (7). Pliocene: Alliatina and Alliatinella, 1, 76 (68). Holocene: forams in marsh cycles in Wales, 8, 27 (3). FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY Cretaceous oyster Arctostrea, 11, 458 (69). Dichoporite pore-structures in cystoids, 11, 697 (327). Feeding mechanism of branchiopod Prorichthofenia, 3, 450 (377). Feeding mechanism of Thecospira and Bactrynium 11, 329 (375). Schizochroal eyes and vision in trilobites, 9, 1 (97), 464 (92). Sensory spines in Acanthothiris, 8, 604 (374). Stem of pseudoplanktonic crinoid, 11, 275 (392). Zigzag deflexions in brachiopod commissures, 7, 135 (373). GASTROPODA Apical development in turritellid classification, 8, 666 (7). Australasian Typhinae, 4, 362 (458). Carboniferous from Queensland, 4, 59 (283). Devonian Orecopia from Canada, 9, 142 (326). Discohelix in the Tethyan Jurassic, 11, 554 (479). Fossilized intestines from Lower Cretaceous, 2, 270 (72). Nomenclatural corrections, Lower Greensand, 4, 312 (75). Permian Platyteichum from Australia, 4, 131 (733). Peruvispira from S. Africa, 4, 138 (134). Sinus-bearing monoplacophoran, 11, 132 (361). GRAPTOLITHINA Assemblages and zones of Birkhill Shales, 11, 654 (448). Development of a dicellograptid, 8, 41 (227). Development of Lasiograptus harknessi, 8, 272 (352). Diplograptids: from British Lower Silurian, 5, 498 (313); from British and Scandinavian Llan- dovery, 11,1 (57). Glyptograptus dentatus and allied species, 6, 665 (56). Monograptus, new species from Yukon, 6, 751 (225). New variety of Orthoretiolites, 2, 226 (399). Sequence of graptolite faunas, 1, 159 (55). Silurian: new from Howgill Fells, 8, 247 (357); from Illinois, 5, 59 (362). Tremadocian from Norway, 6, 121 (413). Wenlock from Ludlow district, 12, 663 (202). GENERAL INDEX 9 GYMNOSPERMOPHYTA Amyelon: in American coal balls, 7, 186 (722); revision of genus, 5, 213 (24). Fossil cycads, 4, 313 (191). Opposite-leaved conifer from Jurassic of Israel, 2, 236 (79). Structure of Vertebraria indica, 11, 643 (317). See also Pteridospermopsida. HYSTRICOSPHERES, see Microplankton. INSECTA, see Arthropoda. LAMELLIBRANCHIA, see Bivalvia. MAMMALIA European Proviverrini, 8, 638 (456). Growth gradients in monotremes and marsupials, 6, 615 (419). Late Jurassic fossils in Cambridge, 6, 373 (95). Miocene anthropoids from India, 7, 124 (340). Odontoma in a northern mammoth, 7, 674 (223). Wealden fossils, 6, 55 (94). MEDUSAE, see Coelenterata. MICROFOSSILS Composition of Pyritosphaera, 6, 119 (271). Micro-organisms and syngenetic pyrite, 5, 444 (270). Problematical microfossils from the Middle East, 6, 293 (156). U. Jurassic and L. Cretaceous microfossils from Hautes-Alpes, 8, 391 (454). See also Foraminifera, microplankton, Ostracoda, Protozoa, spores. MICROPLANKTON General Interpretation and status of hystricosphere genera, 6, 83 (143). Silurian Wenlock Shale acritarchs, 2, 56 (742); 6, 625 (144). Devonian Reef-controlled distribution in Alberta, 4, 392 (416). Permian Hystricospheres from Britain, 5, 770 (462). Trias Fine structure of some acritarchs, 9, 351 (285). Jurassic From Ampthill Clay of Yorkshire, 5, 478 (382). From Australia and New Guinea, 2, 243 (100). From Kellaways Rock and Oxford Clay of Yorkshire, 4, 90 (381). New name for species of Gonyaulacysta, 7, 472 (383). Cretaceous From Cambridge Greensand, 7, 37 (104). Tertiary Tasmanites and Leiospheres from Louisiana, 8, 16 (163). Quaternary Fossil microplankton in Caribbean deep-sea cores, 10, 95 (463). See also Chitinozoa. MOLLUSCA Sinus-bearing monoplacophoran and classification of primitive mollusca, 11, 132 (361). See also Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea. C 8439 B 10 GENERAL INDEX NAUTILOIDEA, see Cephalopoda. OSTRACODA Ordovician Siiicified fossils from South Wales, 6, 254 {414). Silurian From Stonehouse Formation, Nova Scotia, 3, 93 {107). Carboniferous Non-marine fauna from Durham and Northumberland, 9, 667 {338). J urassic Freshwater from Oxfordshire, 8, 749 {31). From Dorset Kimeridge Clay, 12, 112 {260). Mandelstamia from English Mesozoic, 3, 439 {299). New genus, Oertliana, from NW. Europe, 8, 572 {258). Cretaceous From Bargate Beds in Surrey, 7, 317 {250). From California, 7, 393 {198). From Sutterby Marl of Lincolnshire, 8, 375 {251). From Tealby Clay of Lincolnshire, 9, 208 (252). Law of ostracod growth, 7, 85 (13). Ontogeny of Theriosynoecum fittoni, 7, 72 (406). Non-marine from Ghana, 11, 259 (262). Speeton Clay: Neocythere, 6, 274 (248); Ortlionotacy there , 6, 430 (249). Weald Clay marine brackish bands, 11, 141 (259). Quaternary Normanicy there and division of the Trachyleberididae, 2, 72 (298). Normanicythere leioderma in North America, 4, 424 (300). PALAEOECOLOGY Actinocamax plenus Subzone in Anglo-Paris Basin, 4, 609 (229). Brachiopod ecology and Lower Greensand palaeogeography, 5, 253 (288). Colour markings in phacopids, 11, 498 (161). Crustacean burrows in Weald Clay, 12, 459 (255). Ecology and stratigraphical distribution of bivalves in Great Estuarine Series, 6, 327 (212). Environmental causes of stunting, 8, 132 (186). Foraminifera of the Chalk Marl, 4, 599 (59). Frodingham Ironstone (Lower Jurassic), 6, 554 (185). Goniatite Bed at Cowlow Nick, Derbyshire, 8, 186 (168). Great Oolite at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, 12, 56 (277). Llandovery transgression of the Welsh Borderland, 11, 736 (508). Marine benthos, substrate and palaeoecology, 9, 30 (120). Mode of life of two Jurassic ‘ PosidonicC (Bivalvia), 8, 156 (230). Patterns of taxonomic and ecological structure of the shelf benthos, 12, 684 (455). Periodicity in Devonian coral growth, 7, 552 (389). Photonegative young in Lima lineata, 3, 362 (228). Population studies in the Visean of NW. Ireland, 9, 252 (210). Predation and shell damage in a Visean brachiopod fauna, 9, 355 (52). Size-frequency distributions in molluscan death-assemblages, 10, 25 (187). Size-frequency and growth-ring analyses and their palaeoecological significance, 6, 731 (119). Transition zone across an Upper Cretaceous boundary, New Jersey, 7, 266 (261). PISCES Antiarchs, additions to our knowledge of, 4, 210 (471). Birgeria from Rhaetic, 9, 135 (388). Dipnoan skull roof and palate, 8, 634 (65). GENERAL INDEX 11 Haplolepid fauna from Pennsylvanian of Nova Scotia, 5, 22 (19). Otoliths from English Jurassic, 11, 246 (423). Palaeozoic fishes from South Africa, 5, 9 (173). Triassic Saurichthys, 5, 344 (180). POLLEN, see spores. PROTOZOA, see Foraminifera, Radiolaria. PTER1DOPHYTA Devonian Land plants from graptolite shale, Alaska, 12, 559 (88). New plant from South Wales, 11, 683 (151). Lycopsida Fertile lycopod from Scottish Carboniferous, 8, 281 (8). Revision of Eskdalia Kidston, 11, 439 (445). Selaginellites with Densosporites microspores, 1, 245 (77). Sporangiostrobus with Densosporites microspores, 5, 73 (81). Sporophyll from Coal Measures of Somerset, 11, 445 (46). Pteropsida Biscalitheca from Pennsylvanian of Illinois, 11, 104 (331). Structure and relationships of Radstockia, 10, 43 (441). Sphenopsida Calamitean plants from Scottish Lower Carboniferous, 6, 408 (84) New British calamite cone, 12, 253 (446). New calamitalean cone from Illinois, 8, 681 (193). On the genus Pothocites Paterson, 8, 107 (85). Probable dispersed spores of Equisetites, 11, 633 (34). PTER1DOSPERMS Calathospermum fimbriatum, a Scottish Carboniferous cupule, 3, 265 (23). Mariopteris from NW. Spain, 10, 694 (460). New species of Aulacotheca from Iowa, 12, 414 (152). Peltaspermaceae, a Permian and Triassic family, 3, 333 (449). Probable microsporangiate fructification from Illinois, 7, 60 (132). Structure of leaves of Rhabdotaenia from India, 6, 301 (316). Structure and relationships of a new species of Pachytesta, 12, 382 (442). Three fructifications from Scottish Lower Carboniferous, 5, 225 (402). Triassic plants of Argentina: trunk of Rhexoxylon, 11, 236 (49); the leaf Dicroidium and its relation- ship to Rhexoxylon, 11, 500 (14). RADIOLARIA Radiolaria from the Namurian of Derbyshire, 9, 319 (200). REPT1LIA ‘Dwarf' crocodiles of the Purbeck, 10, 629 (237). Gastric contents of an ichthyosaur from Dorset, 11, 376 (339). Histology of dinosaur bone, 5, 238 (123). Jurassic dinosaur Scelidosaurus, 11, 40 (303). New pleurodiran turtle from Eocene of Somalia, 9, 511 (461). New turtle from Pleistocene of India, 12, 555 (444). Pliosaurus brachyspondylus from Kimeridge Clay, 1, 283 (435). Pliosaurus macromerus, scapula, 1, 193 (434). Stretosaurus, a giant pliosaur, 2, 39 (436). Vertebrate evidence of a southern transatlantic connection in Trias, 10, 554 (44). GENERAL INDEX 12 SPORES and POLLEN Megaspores Assemblages from Visean deposits, Scotland, 12, 441 (412). Devonian from Canada, 1, 321 (78). Devonian from Wyboston borehole, Bedfordshire, 10, 1 89 (294), 706 (295). Seed megaspore from Devonian of Canada, 7, 29 (82). Two cristate megaspores from Scottish Carboniferous, 9, 488 (9). Wealden megaspores and their facies distribution, 12, 333 (15). Westphalian megaspores from Forest of Dean, 8, 82 (411). Miospores (including microspores) Silurian Assemblages from Welsh Borders and South Wales, 12, 201 (349). Devonian Assemblages from Welsh Borders and South Wales, 12, 201 (349). From Melville Island, Canadian Arctic, 3 , 26 (276). From Vestspitsbergen, 8, 687 (5); 30, 280 (6). Middle Old Red Sandstone: Cromarty, 3, 45 (346); Orcadian basin, 7, 559 (348). Spores with bifurcate processes, 5, 171 (347). Carboniferous Assemblages from coals and sediments in Yorkshire, 7, 656 (279). Distribution of assemblages in Western Pennsylvania, 9, 629 (181). From Basement Beds, Menai Straits, N. Wales, 12, 420 (194). From Drybrook Sandstone, Forest of Dean, 7, 351 (431). From North-West England, 10, 1 (61). From Spitsbergen, 5, 550, 619 (334). From Springer Formation, Oklahoma, 10, 349 (164). Microbiological attack on miospores, 6, 349 (293). Namurian from southern Pennines, 4, 247 (302). Sections of dispersed spores, 5, 247 (220), 679 (133). Simozonotrilites, 1, 125 (429). Spore-bearing structure, Tetrapterites visensis, 7, 64 (430). Structure of spore wall in Cingulati, 3, 82 (401). Toumaisian spores from Ayrshire, 11, 116 (432). Permian Assemblage from Iraq, 7, 240 (398). British saccate and monosulcate miospores, 8, 322 (90). New British spore, 4, 648 (80). Trias From Western Australia, 6, 12 (21). Keuper from Worcestershire, 8, 294 (89). Jurassic From Purbeck Beds and marine Up. Jurassic, 12, 574 (306). Further interpretation of Eucommiidites, 4, 292 (219). Cretaceous Hoegisporis from Australia, 3, 485 (101), 8, 39 (103). Method of stratigraphic correlation using miospores, 12, 84 (222). Reappraisal of Aequitriradites, 4, 425 (102). Revision of some Belgian microspores, 6, 282 (131). Schizaeaceous spores from macrofossils, 9, 274 (221). Pollen Angiosperm from British Lower Cretaceous, 11, 21 (254). Aqudapollenites in British Isles, 11, 549 (280). STRATIGRAPHY Llandovery transgression of the Welsh Borderland, 11, 736 (508). GENERAL INDEX 13 Method of stratigraphic correlation using miospores, 12, 84 (222). Stratigraphic palaeontology of the Lower Greensand, 3 , 487 ( 74). Time in stratigraphy, 8, 113 (292). STROMATOPOROIDEA Actostroma from Jurassic of Israel, 1, 87 (214). Microstructure of stromatoporoids, 9, 74 (417). New species of Komia and systematic position of genus, 6, 246 (492). Ordovician from New South Wales, 12, 637 (477). Revision of some Jurassic from Yugoslavia, 2, 28 (216). Some Tethyan Jurassic from Middle East, 2, 180 (217). TECHNIQUE Glass fibre resin casts of fossils, 3, 124 (354). Graphical aids for description and analysis of fusulines, 10, 322 (126). Improved method of analysing distortion in fossils, 9, 125 (391). Serial sections: interpretation of growth and form, 12, 321 (480)', of steinkerns, 7, 105 (475); rapid grinding machine for, 6, 145 (192). Technique for scale modelling of cephalopod shells, 12, 48 (83). TRACE FOSSILS Crustacean burrows in Weald Clay, 12, 459 (255). Favreina-Thalassinoides association in English Jurassic, 12, 549 (256). Kulindrichnus langi from Lias, 3, 64 (183). Probable cirripede, phoronid and echiuroid burrows within an echinoid test, 1, 397 (243). Starfish traces from Irish Namurian, 7, 508 (265). TRILOBITA Cambrian Alimentary caeca of agnostids and other trilobites, 3, 410 (308). Estaingia from South Australia, 7, 458 (335). From Amanos Mountains, Turkey, 4, 71 (729). From Pioche Shale, Nevada, 11, 183 (169). From Purley Shales, Warwickshire, 6, 397 (403). Irvingella nuneatonensis, 10, 339 (377). Ontogeny of Peltura scarabaeoides , 1, 200 (483). Revision of two Up. Cambrian trilobites, 11, 410 (378). Tremadocian New trilobites from Shropshire, 10, 47 (224). Pseudokaiiiella impar , 12, 406 (484). Ordovician Ashgillian from Ireland, 1, 369 (478). Duftonia from England and Wales, 2, 143 (727). Encrinurus multisegmentatus and allied species, 1, 60 (450). From Albany division, Girvan, 8, 577 (452). From northern Yukon, 9, 39 (264). Llandeilo from Berwyn Hills, N. Wales, 5 , 790 ( 273). Oedicybele from Kildare Limestone, 8, 1 (443). Silicified from South Wales, 6, 254 (414). Tiresias M'Coy, 5, 340 (130). Silurian Acaste downingiae and related spp., 9, 183 (395). A caste! la spinosa, revision of, 10, 175 (396). Dalmanites myops (Konig), 2, 280 (128). Denckmannites from New South Wales, 11, 691 (397). 14 GENERAL INDEX Encrinums punctatus and related spp., 5, 460 (451). From Upper Llandovery of Tortworth, 1, 139 (725). Odontopleurids from Balto-scandia, 10, 214 (54). Schizochroal eyes and vision, 9, 1 (91), 464 (92); 10, 603 (93). Two new genera from Howgill Fells, 7, 541 (350). Devonian Colour markings in phacopids from New York, 11, 498 (161). New odontopleurid from Bohemia, 9, 330 (55). Carboniferous Australosutura: new genus, 3, 227 (10); from Oklahoma, 9, 270 (309). Tournaisian of Britain and Belgium, 1, 231 (176). Permian From Salt Range, West Pakistan, 9, 64 (179). VERTEBRATA, see Agnatha, Amphibia, Mammalia, Pisces, Reptilia. NOTES ON THE ST R AT IG R A PH I C A L INDEX The entries are arranged in sequence by Periods, starting with the oldest. There are some entries under Eras, usually where the subject is also broad and where there is no restricted indication of ‘age’ in the title of the paper. The Tremadocian has been indexed separately between the Cambrian and Ordovician and the Old Red Sandstone in- cluded in the Devonian. Within each period, the initial subdivision is generally by class or phylum, arranged alphabetically, and it is hoped that none of the resulting groupings is too large for convenience. Papers covering specifically more than one period have been entered under each period. Entries include reference to the volume and page of Palaeontology on which the paper referred to begins as well as the index number (in italics) from the Author List. STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX PRECAMBRIAN Late Precambrian fossils from Ediacara, S. Australia, 9 , 599 (174). Medusae from uppermost Precambrian or Cambrian, central Australia, 12, 351 (459). Calcareous algae from the Dalradian of Islay, 5, 268 (182). PALAEOZOIC, general Brazilian Palaeozoic algomycetes and Tasmanacea, 10, 640 (407). Catalogue of the Begg Collection, Glasgow, 6, 378 (124). Corals from New South Wales, 4, 334 (425). Echinoderm faunas of the British Isles and Balto-scandia, 2, 161 (344). Graphical aids for description in fusulines, 10, 322 (126). Microstructure of stromatoporoids, 9, 74 (417). Morphology and function of dichoporite pore-structures, 11, 697 (321). Origin of the loop in articulate brachiopods, 4, 149 (486). Sequence of graptolite faunas, 1, 159 (55). CAMBRIAN Ceratocystis — a chordate with echinoderm affinities, 12, 494 (231). Shell structure of billingsellacean brachiopods, 11, 486 (487). Trilobites: alimentary caeca of agnostide, 3, 410 (308); Estaingia, new genus from S. Australia, 7, 458 (335); from Pioche Shale, Nevada, 11, 183 (169); from Purley Shales, Warwickshire, 6, 397 (403); from Turkey, 4, 71 (129); Irvingella nuneatonensis , 10, 339 (377); ontogeny of Peltura, 1, 200 (483); revision of two Upper Cambrian, 11, 410 (378). TREMADOCIAN Graptolites from Norway, 6, 121 (413). Macrocystella, the earliest glyptocystid cystoid, 11, 580 (320). New trilobites from Shropshire, 10, 47 (224). Pseudokainella impar (Trilobita), 12, 406 (484). ORDOVICIAN Alga: type species of Girvanella, 1, 22 (496). Bivalvia: systematics, affinities and life habits of Babinka, 8, 231 (275); new species of Babinka from Sweden, 12, 173 (408). Bothriocidaridae, new from Girvan, 10, 525 (319). Brachiopoda: Eodinobolus from Ontario, 12, 161 (305); four British dalmanelloids, 1, 292 (76); Llandeilo from Wales, 4, 177 (272); morphology of Triplesiacea, 5, 740 (499). Bryozoa: Caradocian from Shropshire, 5, 52 (365), 6, 1 (367), 8, 5 (369); Chazyan, 5, 727 (366); types of seven bifoliate, 3, 1 (330). Chitinozoa from Shropshire, 10, 436 (236). Crinoidea: ‘ Dendrocrinus ’ cambriense, the earliest crinoid, 11, 406 (33); new from North Wales, 8, 355 (32). Crustacea: morphology and range of Caryocaris from Alaska and Great Basin, 9, 371 (87). Edrioblastoid, new from eastern Australia, 11, 513 (476). Graptolites: development of a dicellograptid, 8, 41 (227); Glyptograptus dentatus and allied species, 6, 665 (56); Lasiograptus harknessi, 8, 272 (352); new variety of Orthoretoilites hand, 2, 226 (399). Silicified fossils from South Wales, 6, 254 (414). Stromatoporoids from New South Wales, 12, 637 (477). STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX 17 Trilobita: Ashgillian from Ireland, 1, 369 (478); Duftonia, 2, 143 (127); Encrinurus multisegmentatus and allied species, 1, 60 (450); from Girvan, 8, 577 (452); from Yukon, 9, 39 (264); Llandeilo from Wales, 5, 790 (273); Oedicybele from Ireland, 8, 1 (443); Tiresias, 5, 340 (130). SILURIAN Alga: Girvanella from Welsh Borderland, 9, 48 (239). Brachiopoda: brachial structure in Pentameridae, 7, 220 (12); Cortezorthinae, new dalmanellid group, 10, 142 (242); Dayia navicula, 11, 612 (453); Dinobolus from British Columbia, 3, 242 (304); Eocoelia hemisphaerica, 9, 523 (507); Eospiriferidae, 5, 682 (45); Isorthis and Salopina from Welsh Borders, 8, 454 (465) ; Leptaena from England, 10, 590 (253); Leptocoeliidae, revision of, 6, 440 (11); Llandovery stropheodontids from Welsh Borders, 10, 245 (96); unusual strick- landiids from Wales, 9, 346 (506); Visbyella, new resserellid, 11, 306 (466). Bryozoa: from Canadian Arctic, 9, 517 (43); from Central Wales, 3, 69 (310); Ludlovian of Ludlow, 5, 195 (311); Wenlockian fenestrate, 5, 540 (290); Wenlock palaeogeography, 12, 621 (312). Cephalopoda: Leurocycloceras from Wales and Welsh Borders, 7, 525 (201). Corals: dimorphism in Striatopora, 9, 448 (307); Cystihalysites from England, 7, 452 (433); Micro- plasma lovenianum from Wales, 9, 148 (481); sequence of faunas in U.S.S.R., 10, 660 (195). Crinoids from British Ludlovian, 1, 106 (341). Crustacea: cuticle of ceratiocaridids, 5, 30 (359); ostracods from Nova Scotia, 3, 93 (107); phyllo- carids from Czechoslovakia, 6, 97 (86); pedunculate cirripede from Esthonia, 6, 161 (490). Echinoidea: age of Myriastiches gigas, 10, 171 (266); pedicellariae, 11, 576 (42). Eurypterid: median appendage of Slimonia acuminata, 3, 245 (469). Graptolites: assemblages and zones of Birkhill Shales, 11, 654 (448); diplograptids, 5, 498 (313), 11, 1 (57); new from N. England, 8, 247 (351); monograptids from Illinois, 5, 59 (362); Wenlock from Ludlow district, 12, 663 (202). Llandovery transgression of the Welsh Borderland, 11, 736 (508). Medusoid (?) from England, SI, 610 (424). Microplankton: age of primitive echinoid, 10, 171 (266); from Wenlock Shales, 2, 56 (142), 6, 625 (144). Ostracoderms : Corvaspis kingi, 3, 217 (437); Jamoytius kerwoodi, 11, 21 (353). Spores: assemblages from Welsh Borders, 12, 201 (349). Trilobita: Acaste downingiae, revision 9, 183 (395); Acastella spinosa, revision, 10, 175 (396); Dalmanites myops (Konig), 2, 280 (128); Denckmannites from New South Wales, 11, 691 (397); Encrinurus punctatus and allied species, 5 , 460 (451); fine structure of eye of Phacops, 10, 603 (93); Llandovery from Tortworth, 1, 139 (125); odontopleurids from Balto-scandia, 10, 214 (54); schizochroal eyes and vision, 9, 1 (91), 464 (92); two new phacopid genera, 7, 541 (350). DOWNTONIAN, see Silurian. OLD RED SANDSTONE, see Devonian DEVONIAN Bivalvia: Prothyris in Great Britain, 6, 136 (495). Blastoid: Belocrinus from France, 9, 244 (274). Brachiopoda: Atrypidae, unusual structures in, 8, 358 (108); Australirhynchia, new genus, 11, 731 (386); brachial structure in Pentameridae, 7, 220 (12); Cortezorthinae, new dalmanellid group, 10, 142 (242); delthyrial cover in Mucrospirifer, 11, 317 (114); Eospiriferidae, 5, 682 (45); from Brendon Hills, Somerset, 7, 1 (474); from central Nevada, 9, 152 (240); from Western Canada, 3, 208 (322); interpretation of serial sections, 12, 321 (480); Leptocoeliidae, revision of, 6, 440 (11); new spiriferids from New South Wales, 12, 472 (387); Parachonetes, new genus, 9, 365 (241); P/anicardinia, new dalmanellid, 11, 627 (385); schizophoriids from Europe, 9, 381 (336); Spina- trypa and Spinatrypina, 10, 489 (109). Cephalopoda: abnormal growths in goniatiites, 3, 129 (205); Acanthoclymenia, the earliest clymeniid, 3, 472 (206); ammonoids from Cornwall, 3, 153 (393); Cheiloceras from New South Wales, 9, 458 (234); clymeniid from New South Wales, 3, 237 (332); Famennian ammonoids from New South Wales, 11, 535 (235); goniatites and stratigraphical correlations in Western Canada, 6, 491 (207). Corals: Alaiophylliim from Canada, 6, 132 (323); correlation by tetracorals in Canada, 7, 430 (324); 18 STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX from Brendon Hills, Somerset, 7, 1 (474); from Garra Formation, New South Wales, 8, 518 (426), 9, 544 (427); from New South Wales, 10, 426 (428); Hexagonaria from France, 12, 178 (409); Marisastridae from Devon, 10, 266 (390); Metriophyllum , 7, 108 (203); periodicity in coral growth, 7, 552 (389); sequence of faunas in the U.S.S.R., 10, 660 (195); Smithiphyllum in North America, 8, 618 (325); squamulate favositids of Victoria, 3, 186 (327); tabulates of North Devon, 11, 44 (204). Crinoids: inadunate from Somerset, 4, 538 (473); Quantoxocrinus from Somerset, 8, 11 (475). Crustacea: phyllocarids from Czechoslovakia, 6, 97 (86). Eurypterid, new from Old Red Sandstone of Scotland, 5, 137 (470). Foraminifera from Western Australia, 3, 397 (121); 11, 601 (99). Gastropod: Orecopia in western Canada, 9, 142 (326). Graptolites: Monograptus from Yukon, 6, 751 (225); with land plants in Alaska, 12, 559 (88). Microplankton, reef-controlled distribution in Alberta, 4, 392 (416). Mollusca, monoplacophora: a sinus-bearing monoplacophoran and the classification of primitive molluscs, 11, 132 (361). Palaeoecology : specific frequency and enviromental indications in the Calcaire de Ferques, 12, 366 (464). Plants, pteridophytes : land plants from graptolite shale, Alaska, 12, 559 (88); new plant from South Wales, 11, 683 (151). Spores: assemblages from South Wales, 12, 201 (349); assemblages from Vestspitsbergen, 10, 280 (6); from Canadian Arctic, 3, 26 (276); from Vestspitsbergen, 8, 687 (5); megaspores from Cana- dian Arctic, 1, 321 (78); megaspores from Wyboston bore, Beds., 10, 189 (294), 706 (295); middle 0. R.S. of Cromarty, 3, 45 (346); Middle O.R.S. of Orcadian basin, 7, 559 (348); seed megaspore from Canada, 7, 29 (82); with bifurcate processes, from Scotland, 5, 171 (347). Trilobita: colour markings in Phocops and Greenops, 11, 498 (161); fine structure of eye of Phacops, 10, 603 (93); from Cornwall, 3, 153 (393); new odontopleurid from Bohemia, 9, 330 (53). Vertebrates: additions to knowledge of antiarchs, 4, 210 (471); Cephalaspis lyelli Ag., 1, 99 (482); skull roof and palate of Dipnorhynchus, 8, 634 (65); Traquairaspis from Canada, 7, 210 (139). CARBONIFEROUS Algae: biostromes in Namurian of northern England, 1, 147 (238); British species of Girvanella, 6, 264 (497); Calcifolium from Visean of Scotland, 8, 192 (56’); Komia and its systematic position, 6, 246 (492); Nanopora, new dasycladacean, 7, 181 (498). Arthropods: non-marine ostracod fauna from northern England, 9, 667 (338); Rochdalia, an insect nymph, SO, 307 (360); external anatomy of some ‘scorpions’, 1, 261 (488), 3, 276 (489); ventral anatomy of eurypterid, 7, 474 (491). Bivalvia: distinctions between Caneyella, Posidonia, and Posidoniella, 1, 405 (342); evidence for ‘Nebraskan’ fauna in Scotland, 4, 507 (494); Naiadites obesus from Fife, 4, 300 (36); non-marine assemblages from Pembrokeshire, 3, 104 (233); non-marine, from East Fife, 3, 137 (37); non- marine, new, 5, 307 (147); Prothyris in Great Britain, 6, 136 (495); Wilkingia to replace Allorisma, 1, 401 (493). Brachiopoda: Delepinea from New South Wales, 7, 514 (66); Juresania nebrascensis, taxonomy, 7, 23 (162); mantle canal patterns in Schizophoria, 11, 389 (355); new productid from Scotland, 9, 426 (394); pedicle sheath in young productaceans, 7, 703 (51); predation and shell damage in a Visean fauna, 9, 355 (52); Pugnoides triplex, 3, 477 (318); schizophoriids from Europe, 11, 64 (337); shell development in Spirifer trigonalis , 4, 477 (146); type species of three punctate spiri- feroids, 1, 351 (63). Bryozoa: new fenestrate from Ireland, 8, 478 (438); Polypora M’Coy, 6, 166 (291); skeletal structure and growth in Fenestellidae, 12, 281 (440); type specimens of Fenestella, 4, 221 (289). Cephalopoda: Delepinoeeras in North America, 7, 173 (171); Entogonites cf. borealis from Ireland, 1, 158 (196); Eumorphoceras, new, 4, 54 (501); goniatite fauna from Visean/Namurian boundary, 11, 264 (165); Goniatites striatus and related forms, 1, 384 (197); goniatites from Staffordshire, 1, 16 (39); Nuculoceras stellarum , 8, 226 (199); palaeoecology of Goniatite Bed, Cowlow Nick, 8, 186 (168); palaeontology of Namurian rocks, Slieve Anierin, Eire, 5, 355 (502); review of goniatite zones in Devon and Cornwall, 3, 75 (60); Visean fauna from New South Wales, 7, 682 (50). STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX 19 Conodonts: Apatognathus from Yoredale Series, 10, 124 (457); assemblage from Avon Gorge, 12, 400 (18); from East Cornwall, 12, 262 (281); from South Devon, 12, 276 (282). Corals: increase in Lithostrotion, 8, 204 (245); hystero-ontogeny in Lonsdaleia and Thysanophyllum, 10, 617 (246); Slimoniphyllum , new genus from Britain, 4, 280 (247). Crustacea: Cyclus martinemsis from Mendip Hills, 10, 317 (177); syncarid from Stephanian of Warwickshire, 4, 546 (358). Echinoderms: starfish traces from Namurian of Ireland, 7, 508 (265); structure and systematic position of Pentablastus from Spain, 6, 471 (244). Faunas: from Kuttung rocks of New South Wales, 4, 428 (64); from Trevallyn, New South Wales, 8, 54 (356); population studies in Visean of NW. Ireland, 9, 252 (210). Foraminifera: fusulinidae from Spitsbergen, 2, 210 (167). Gastropoda: faunas from Queensland, 4, 59 (283). Gymnosperm: Amyelon in American coal balls, 7, 186 (122); revision of Amyelon, 5, 213 (24). Lycopsida: compressed sporophyll from Somerset, 11, 445 (46); fertile, from Scottish Lower Car- boniferous, 8, 281 (8); revision of Eskdalia, 11, 439 (445); Selaginellites with Densosporites, 1, 245 (77); Sporangiostrobus with Densosporites, 5, 73 (81). Megaspores: cristate from Scottish Lower Carboniferous, 9, 488 (9); from Visean of Scotland, 12, 441 (412); Westphalian D, Forest of Dean, 8, 82 (411). Micro-organisms: composition of Pyritosphaera barbaric t, 6, 119 (271); micro-organisms and syngenetic pyrite, 5, 444 (270). Miospores: assemblages from coals and associated sediments, Yorkshire, 7, 656 (279); distribution of assemblages in Lr. Kittanning Coal Measures, Pa., 9, 629 (181); from Basement Beds, Menai Straits, N. Wales, 12, 420 (194); from Drybrook Sandstone, Forest of Dean, 7, 351 (431); from Lr. Carboniferous, NW. England, 10, 1 (61); from Lr. Carboniferous, Spitsbergen, 5, 550, 619 (334); microbiological attack on miospores, 6, 349 (293); Namurian, from southern Pennines, 4, 247 (302); sections of dispersed spores, 5, 247 (220), 679 (133); Simozonotriletes , 1, 125 (429); Springer Formation, Oklahoma, 10, 349 (164); structure of wall of Cingulati, 3, 82 (401); Tetra- pterites visensis, new spore-bearing structure, 7, 64 (430); Tournaisian flora from Ayrshire, 11, 116 (432). Ostracoda: non-marine from English Coal Measures, 9, 667 (338). Protozoa, radiolaria, from Namurian of Derbyshire, 9, 319 (200). Pteridosperms : Aulacotheca from Iowa, 12, 414 (152); Calathospermum fimbriatum, cupule from Scottish Lr. Carboniferous, 3, 265 (23); Mariopteris from Spanish Stephanian, 10, 694 (460); probable pteridosperm microsporangiate fructification from Illinois, 7, 60 (132); structure and relationships of Pachytesta, 12, 382 (442); three fructifications from Scottish Lr. Carboniferous, 5, 225 (402). Pteropsida: Biscalitheca from Illinois, 11, 104 (331); structure and relationships of Radstockia, 10, 43 (441). Sphenopsida : calamitean plants from Scottish Lr. Carboniferous, 6, 408 (84) ; new British calamite cone, 12, 253 (446); new cone from Illinois, 8, 681 (193); on Potbocites Paterson, 8, 107 (85). Trilobita: Australosutura, new genus from Australia and Argentina, 3, 227 (10); Australosutura from U.S.A., 9, 270 (309); Tournaisian trilobites from Britain and Belgium, 1, 231 (176). Vertebrates: haplolepid fish fauna from Nova Scotia, 5, 22 (19); Namaichthys and other fishes from South Africa, 5, 9 (173); new family of amphibians, 12, 537 (67). PERMIAN Algae: new Tethyan Dasycladaceae, 11, 491 (160). Bivalvia: Atomodesma from New Zealand, 6, 699 (467); Eurydesma from Dwyka Beds, S. Africa, 4, 138 (134); new records from eastern Australia, 4, 119 (137); Merismopteria and origin of Pteriidae, 3, 387 (135); palaeotaxodonts from New Zealand, 7, 630 (468); Permophorus costatus, dentition, 7, 281 (269); preserved ligaments from Australia, 11, 94 (376). Brachipoda: Attenuateila, unusual brachial skeleton, 11, 783 (16); feeding mechanism of Prorich- thofenia, 3, 450 (371); Horridonia, 4, 42 (175); Howseia, new genus from Durham, 6, 754 (268); Martiniopsis-Uke spiriferids from Queensland, 1, 333 (62); shell structure in Terrakea and Strep- torhynchus, 12, 310 (17); type species of three punctate spiriferoids, 1, 351 (63). 20 STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX Bryozoa, from Western Australia, 6, 70 (368). Corals, from northern Iraq, 1, 174 (215). Foraminifera: from British Honduras, 5, 297 (363); fusulinids from Peru, 5, 817 (364); fusulinids from Spitsbergen, 2, 210 (167). Gastropoda: Peruvispira from Dwyka Beds, S. Africa, 4, 138 (134); Platyteichum, from W. Australia, 4, 131 (138). Microplankton: hystricospheres from Britain, 5, 770 (462). Miospores: assemblage from Iraq, 7 , 240 (398); British saccate and monosulcate, 8, 322 (90); new British spore, 4, 648 (80). Plants, land: Peltaspermaceae, pteridosperm family, 3, 333 (449); structure of leaves of Rhabdo- taenia from India, 6, 301 (316); structure of Vertebraria indica, 11, 643 (317). Trilobita: from Salt Range, W. Pakistan, 9, 64 (179). Vertebrates: growth stages in branchiosaurs, 6, 540 (472). MESOZOIC, general Adherent foraminifera, 1, 116 (25). Calcareous adherent foraminifera from British Jurassic and Cretaceous, 5, 149 (2). Fossil cycads, 4, 313 (797). Reappraisal of microspore Aequitriradites, 4, 425 (102). Yorkshire type ammonites and nautiloids, 5, 93 (208). TRIASSIC Algal growths in Rhaetic Cotham Marble, England, 4, 324 (190). Arthropods: new Rhaetic and Liassic Beetles, 4, 87 (172). Bivalvia: Rhaetic-Hettangian Pteromya, 6, 582 (118); from Oman Peninsula, Arabia, 4, 1 (218); new genera and subgenera, 4, 592 (116); photonegative young in Lima , 3, 362 (228). Brachiopoda: feeding mechanisms in Thecopira and Bactrynium, 11, 329 (375); from Oman Penin- sula, Arabia, 4, 1 (218). Microplankton: fine structure of some acritarchs, 9, 351 (285). Plants, land: flora from Cacheuta Formation, Argentina, 10, 564 (226); leaf Dicroidium and relation to Rhexoxylon, 11, 500 (14); pteridosperm family Peltaspermaceae, 3, 333 (449); trunk of Rhexo- xylon, 11, 236 (49). Spores, etc.: Keuper miospores from England, 8, 294 (89); plant microfossils from W. Australia, 6, 12 (27). Vertebrates: Birgeria acuminata and absence of labyrinthodonts from Rhaetic, 9, 135 (388); his- tology of dinosaur bone, 5, 238 (123); new evidence for a southern transatlantic connection, 10, 554 (44); Saurichthys krambergeri , 5, 344 (108). JURASSIC Bivalvia: epizoic oysters, 11, 19 (106); intestine of Nuculana from Lias, 2, 262 (115); Malayomaorica, new genus from Indo-Pacific, 6, 148 (232); micro-structure of mytilid shell, 11, 163 (213); mode of life of ‘ Posidonia ’, 8, 156 (230); new genera and subgenera, 4, 592 (116); Rhaetic-Hettangian Pteromya, 6, 582 (118). Brachiopoda: life assemblages from Marlstone Rock-bed, 4, 653 (184); ontogeny of Moorelline granulosa, 12, 388 (20); sensory spines in Acanthothiris, 8, 604 (374); the true Rhynchonella, 1, 1 (4). Cephalopoda: belemnite, new, from Indonesia, 7, 621 (422); Belemnites gerardi, 6, 690 (420); Dicoelites and Prodicoelites, 7, 606 (421); epizoic oysters on ammonites, 11, 19 (106); Jura- phyllitidae in Britain, 7, 286 (209); Kimmeridgian ammonites from Lincolnshire, 6, 219 (15); Neomicroceras and Paracymbites, 9,312 (141) ; Propectinatites, new genus, 11,16 (105) ; Pseudolillia, 5, 86 (140); Rasenia from Scotland, 5, 765 (509); variation and ontogeny of some Oxfordian, 9, 290 (314), 10, 60 (375). Crinoids: form and function of stem, 11, 275 (392); Phyllocrinus from New Zealand, 2, 150 (410). Echinoids: Cidarites moniliferus and status of Eucidaris, 5, 785 (328); dentition and relationships of Py gas ter, 4, 243 (286). STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX 21 Fauna: ecology and distribution of invertebrates of Great Estuarine Series, 6, 327 (212); faunal realms and facies in the Jurassic, 12, 1 (188); recognition of salinity-controlled mollusc assem- blages, 6, 318 (211). Foraminifera : arenaceous from type Kimeridgian, 1, 298 (267); Brotzenia and Voorthuysenia, 6, 653 (110); from Ampthill Clay, Cambridgeshire, 4, 520 (178); new information on Pfenderina, 4, 581 (405). Gastropoda: Discohelix as an index fossil, 11, 554 (479). Gymnosperm: opposite-leaved conifer from Israel, 2, 236 (79). Insecta: beetles from Antarctica, 1, 407 (505); Liassic dragonfly, !, 406 (504); new Rhaetic and Liassic beetles, 4, 87 (172). Microfossils: Up. Jurassic from Hautes-Alpes, 8, 391 (454). Microplankton: from Ampthill Clay, south Yorkshire, 5, 478 (382); from Australia and New Guinea, 2, 243 (100); from Kellaways Rock and Oxford Clay, Yorkshire, 4, 90 (381); new name for species of Gonyaulacysta, 7, 472 (383). Ostracoda: freshwater from Bathonian of Oxfordshire, 8, 749 (31); from Dorset Kimmeridge Clay, 12, 1 12 (260); Mandelstamia from England, 3, 439 (299); Oertliana, new genus from NW. Europe, 8, 572 (258). Palaeoecology : in the Great Oolite, Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, 12, 56 (277); of the Frodingham Iron- stone (Lr. Jurassic), 6, 554 (755); salinity-controlled mollusc assemblages, 6, 318 (211). Spores and pollen: further interpretation of Eucommiidites , 4, 292 (219); miospores from Purbeck and marine Up. Jurassic, S. England, 12, 574 (306). Stromatoporoids: Actostroma, new genus from Israel, 1, 87 (274); revision of Actinostromina, Astrostylopsis and Trupetostromaria, 2, 28 (216); Tethyan Stromatoporina, Dehornella and Astro- porina, 2, 180 (217). Trace fossils: Favreina-Thalassinoides association from Gt. Oolite, 12, 549 (256); Kulindrichnus from Lias, 3, 64 (183). Vertebrates: dinosaur Scelidosaurus, 11, 40 (303); ‘dwarf’ crocodiles of Purbeck, 10, 629 (237); fish otoliths from English Bathonian, 11, 246 (423); gastric contents of ichthyosaur, 11, 376 (339); giant Kimmeridgian pliosaur, 2, 39 (436); late Jurassic mammals, 6, 373 (95); Pliosaurus brachy- spondylus, 1, 283 (435); scapula of Pliosaurus macromerus, 1, 193 (434). CRETACEOUS Algae: alga debris-facies in the Middle East, 1, 254 (154); coccoliths from Atlantic seamounts, 7, 306 (40); coccolithophorids from Zululand, 11, 361 (333); interrelationships of some Codiaceae, 8, 199 (159); sexual organization of Permocalcuhis, 4, 82 (155); Tethyan Dasycladaceae, 11, 491 (160). Bivalvia: characters and relationships of Pseudavicula, 3, 392 (136); functional studies on Arcto- strea, 11, 458 (69). Brachiopoda: English Aptian terebratulids, 2, 94 (287). Bryozoa: Dionella, new genus from Europe, 8, 492 (284); Pyripora and Rhammatopora, 3, 370 (447). Cephalopoda: ammonites from Barremian of Bulgaria, 5, 527 (278); ammonites from Bathurst Island, Australia, 6, 597 (500); ammonoids from Berriasian of the Speeton Clay, 5, 272 (301); biometric study of Barremites, 6, 727 (345); Hengestites, new genus from Gault, 2, 200 (71); Leymeriella in Britain, 1, 29 (70); new heteromorph from Yorkshire, 6, 575 (145); origin, limits, and systematic position of Scaphites, 8, 397 (485); phylloceratid from the Speeton Clay of York- shire, 9, 455 (343). Cirripede: Arcoscalpellum comptum, new to the Gault, 8, 629 (98). Echinoderms: echinoid with false teeth, 12, 488 (257); new echinoid from Albian of Kent, 3, 260 (73); new ophiuroid from Australia, 6, 579 (400); Salenia in the eastern Pacific, 7, 331 (510); spines and fascioles of Echinocorys scutata, 6, 458 (418). Foraminifera: Bolivinoides from the British Isles, 9, 220 (29); Chubbina, new alveolinid from Jamaica and Mexico, 11, 526 (357); from Ballydeenlea Chalk, Ireland, 9, 492 (30); Maestrichtian from Galicia Bank, 12, 19 (170), 189 (166); morphology and development of Marssonella and Pseudo- textulariella, 6, 41 (27); palaeoecology of Chalk Marl, 4, 599 (59); planktonic, from Isle of Wight, 4, 552 (28); Polymorphinidae from England, 5, 712 (26). 22 STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX Gastropoda: fossilized intestines of, 2, 270 (72); nomenclatural corrections, 4, 312 (75). Microfossils: from the Hautes-Alpes, 8, 391 (454) ; problematical, from Middle East, 6, 293 (156). Microplankton, from the Cambridge Greensand, 7, 37 (104). Ostracoda: first non-marine from Ghana, 11, 259 (262); from Aptian, Lincolnshire, 8, 375 (251); from Bargate Beds, Surrey, 7, 317 (250); from Barremian, Lincolnshire, 9, 208 (252); from Cre- taceous of California, 7, 393 (198); microfauna of marine brackish bands in Weald Clay, 11, 141 (259); Neocy there in Speeton Clay, 6, 274 (248); ontogeny of Theriosynoecum fittoni, 7, 72 (406); Orthonotacythere inversa from the Speeton Clay, 6, 430 (249). Palaeoecology : Actinocamax plenus Subzone in Anglo-Paris Basin, 4, 609 (229); brachiopod ecology and Lr. Greensand palaeogeography, 5, 253 (288); crustacean burrows in the Weald Clay, 12, 459 (255); transition zone across an Upper Cretaceous boundary in New Jersey, 7, 266 (261). Spores and pollen: angiosperm pollen from British Barremian to Albian strata, 11, 421 (254); Aquilapollenites in the British Isles, 11, 549 (280); dispersed spores of Equisetites, 11, 633 (34); Hoegisporis, new Australian form genus, 3, 485 (101); new species of Hoegisporis, 8, 39 (103); revision of some Belgian microspores, 6, 282 (131); schizaeaceous spores, from macrofossils, 9, 274 (221); stratigraphic correlation using miospores, 12, 84 (222); Wealden megaspores and facies distribution, 12, 333 (25). Stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand, 3, 487 (74). Trace fossils: probable cirripede, phoronid, and echiuroid burrows in an echinoid test, 1, 397 (243). Vertebrates: Wealden mammalian fossils, 6, 55 (94). TERTIARY, general Australasian Typhinae (Gastropoda), 4, 362 (458). Bivalvia from Libya, 5, 1 (117). Classification of cassiduloid echinoids, 6, 718 (329). Classification and distribution of the Globigerinaceae, 2, 1 (22). Coccoliths from Atlantic seamounts, 7, 306 (40). Cupuladria canariensis — portrait of a bryozoan, 6, 172 (263). Development of Globigerinoides ruber, Miocene to Recent, 10, 647 (111). Echinoid Salenia in the eastern Pacific, 7, 331 (510). Growth gradients among fossil monotremes and marsupials, 6, 615 (419). Homoptera of Stavropol and reconstruction of continental palaeobiocoenoses, 10, 542 (36). Larger foraminifera from Central America, 11, 283 (149). Neogene Tasmanites and leiospheres from Louisiana, 8, 16 (163). Solenoporacean algae and their reproductive structures, 7, 695 (158). PALAEOCENE Heterostegina, 10, 314 (148). Problematical microfossils from the Middle East, 6, 293 (156). Sindulites, a new nummulitid, 11, 435 (150). Teredinid (Mollusca) from Iraq, 6, 315 (157). EOCENE Coelenterate : sea-pen from New Zealand, 1, 226 (189). Crustacea: crabs in London Clay nodule, 4, 85 (97). Foraminifera: adherent from France, 5, 149 (2); Cassigerinella from Florida, 11, 368 (112); Disco- cyclina from India, 6, 658 (380); morphology and phylogeny of Orbulinoides beckmanni, 11, 371 (113); note on Operculinoides, 2, 156 (297); Nummulites from India, 11, 669 (379). Gastropoda: apical development in turritellid classification, 8, 666 (7). Vertebrates: European Proviverrini (Mammalia), 8, 638 (456); new pleurodiran turtle from Somalia, 9, 511 (461). Wood: Anacardiaceae from Britain, 9, 360 (48); oak wood from Britain, 3, 86 (47). OLIGOCENE Stratigraphical distribution of Archais (Foraminifera), 1, 207 (404). Subterraniphylliim , new calcareous alga, 1, 73 (153). STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX 23 MIOCENE Anthropoids from India, 7, 124 (340). Coelopleurus (Echinoidea) from Malta, 12, 42 (503). Geological distribution of Discospirina (Foraminifera), 1, 364 (1). PLIOCENE Foraminifera: distribution of Alliatina and Alliatinella, 1, 76 (68). PLEISTOCENE Microplankton in deep-sea cores from Caribbean, 10, 95 (463). New turtle from Siwaliks of India, 12 , 555 (444). Normanicythere and the ostracod family Trachyleberididae, 2, 72 (298). Odontoma in a northern mammoth, 7, 674 (223). RECENT Brachiopoda: anchorage of articulates on soft substrata, 4, 475 (372); shell growth in terebratuloids, 10, 298 (384); Valdiviathyris, 4, 542 (370). Foraminifera in Elolocene marsh cycles at Borth, Wales, 8, 27 (3). Normanicythere leioderma in North America, 4, 424 (300). NOTES ON THE AUTHOR LIST This list provides an index to the papers by author but it is mainly useful as a supplement to the other indexes for those who do not have a complete set of Palaeonto- logy at hand. Each paper has been given a reference number which is quoted with the entry or entries for the paper in the general and stratigraphic indexes. In almost all cases, papers by the same author are listed in sequence of publication, those with multiple authors being inserted in sequence under the first author. Cross- references are provided for the second (and subsequent) authors. AUTHOR LIST 1. adams, c. g. 1959. Geological distribution of Discospirina (Foraminifera) and occurrence of D. italica in the Miocene of Cyprus. I, 364. 2. adams, c. g. 1962. Calcareous adherent foraminifera from the British Jurassic and Cretaceous and the French Eocene. 5, 149. 3. adams, T. d., and haynes, J. 1965. Foraminifera in Holocene marsh cycles at Borth, Cardiganshire (Wales). 8,27. 4. ager, d. v. 1957. The true Rhynchonella. 1,1. 5. allen, k. c. 1965. Lower and Middle Devonian spores of North and Central Vestspitsbergen. 8, 687. 6. allen, k. c. 1967. Spore assemblages and their stratigraphic application in the Lower and Middle Devonian of North and Central Vestspitsbergen. 10, 280. ALLEN, N. W., see KILENYI, T. I. ALLISON, E. C., see ZULLO, V. A. 7. allison, r. c. 1965. Apical development in turritellid classification with a description of Cris- tispira pugetensis gen. et. sp. nov. 8, 666. ALVAREZ-RAMIS, C., See WAGNER, R. H. 8. alvin, k. l. 1965. A new fertile lycopod from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. 8, 281. 9. alvin, k. l. 1966. Two cristate megaspores from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. 9, 488. 10. amos, a. J., Campbell, k. s. w., and goldring, r. 1960. Australosutura gen. nov. (Trilobita) from the Carboniferous of Australia and Argentina. 3, 227 . 11. amos, a., and boucot, a. j. 1963. A revision of the brachipod family Leptocoeliidae. 6, 440. 12. amsden, t. w. 1964. Brachial plate structure in the brachiopod family Pentameridae. 7, 220. 13. anderson, F. w. 1964. The law of ostracod growth, 7, 85. See also sohn, i. g. ANDREWS, H. N., See PHILLIPS, T. L. 14. archangelsky, s. 1968. Studies on Triassic fossil plants from Argentina. IV. The leaf genus j Oicroidium and its possible relation to Rhexoxylon stems. 11, 500. 15. arkell, w. j., and callomon, j. h. 1963. Lower Kimeridgian ammonites from the drift of Lincoln- shire. 6, 219. 16. Armstrong, J. 1968. The unusual brachial skeleton of Attemiatella convexa sp. nov. ( Brachiopoda). 11, 783. 17. Armstrong, J. 1969. The cross-bladed fabrics of the shells of Terrakea solida (Etheridge and Dun) and Streptorhynchus pelicanensis Fletcher. 12, 310. 18. Austin, r. l., and Rhodes, f. h. t. 1969. A conodont assemblage from the Carboniferous of the Avon Gorge, Bristol. 12, 400. badam, g. l., see tewari, b. s. 19. baird, d. a. 1962. A haplolepid fish fauna in the early Pennsylvanian of Nova Scotia. 5, 22. 20. baker, p. g. 1969. The ontogeny of the thecideacean brachiopod Moorellina granulosa (Moore) from the Middle Jurassic of England. 12, 388. 21. balme, b. e. 1963. Plant microfossils from the Lower Triassic of Western Australia. 6, 12. 22. banner, f. t., and blow, w. h. 1959. The classification and stratigraphical distribution of the Globigerinaceae, Part 1. 2, 1. banner, f. t., see also eames, f. e. barker, d., see kaye, p. C. 8439 c 26 AUTHOR LIST 23. Barnard, p. d. w. 1960. Calathospermum fimbriatum sp. nov., a Lower Carboniferous Pterido- sperm cupule from Scotland. 3, 265. 24. Barnard, p. d. w. 1962. Revision of the genus Amyelon Williamson. 5, 213. 25. barnard, t. 1958. Some Mesozoic adherent foraminifera. 1, 116. 26. barnard, t. 1963. Polymorphinidae from the Upper Cretaceous of England. 5, 712. 27. barnard, t. 1963. The morphology and development of species of Marssonella and Pseudo tex- tulariella from the Chalk of England. 6, 41. 28. Barr, f. t. 1962. Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the Isle of Wight, England. 4, 552. 29. barr, f. t. 1966. The foraminiferal genus Bolivinoides from the Upper Cretaceous of the British Isles. 9, 220. 30. barr, f. t. 1966. Upper Cretaceous foraminifera from the Bally deenlea Chalk, County Kerry, Ireland. 9, 492. 31. bate, r. h. 1965. Freshwater ostracods from the Bathonian of Oxfordshire. 8, 749. 32. bates, d. e. b. 1965. A new Ordovician crinoid from Dolgellau, North Wales. 8, 355. 33. bates, d. e. b. 1968. On ' Dendrocr inns' cambriensis Hicks, the earliest known crinoid. 11, 406. 34. batten, d. J. 1968. Probable dispersed spores of Cretaceous Equisetites. 11, 633. 35. batten, d. J. 1969. Some British Wealden megaspores and their facies distribution. 12, 333. BATTEN, R. L., See ROLLINS, H. B. 36. bekker-migdisova, e. e. 1967. Tertiary Homoptera of Stavropol and a method of reconstruction of continental palaeobiocoenoses. 10, 542. 37. bennison, g. m. 1960. Lower Carboniferous non-marine lamellibranchs from East Fife, Scotland. 3, 137. 38. bennison, g. m. 1961. Small Naiadites obesus from the Calciferous Sandstone Series (Lower Carboniferous) of Fife. 4, 300. 39. bisat, w. s. 1957. Upper Visean Goniatites from the Manifold valley, North Staffordshire. 1, 16. 40. black, m. 1964. Cretaceous and Tertiary coccoliths from Atlantic seamounts. 7, 306. 41. black, m. 1968. Taxonomic problems in the study of coccoliths. 11, 793. 42. blake, d. b. 1968. Pedicellariae of two Silurian echinoids from western England. 11, 576. blow, w. h., see banner, f. t. ; eames, f. e. BOEKEL, N. M. VAN, See SOMMER, F. W. boellistorff, j. d., see fagerstrom, j. a. 43. bolton, t. e. 1966. Some late Silurian Bryozoa from the Canadian Arctic Islands. 9, 517. 44. bonaparte, J. f. 1967. New vertebrate evidence for a southern transatlantic connection during the Lower or Middle Triassic. 10, 554. boucot, a. j., see amqs, a.; walmsley, v. g. 45. boucot, a. J. 1963. The Eospiriferidae. 5, 682. 46. boulter, m. c. 1968. A species of compressed lycopod sporophyll from the Upper Coal Measures of Somerset. 11, 445. BREIMER, A., See JOYSEY, K. A. 47. brett, d. w. 1960. Fossil oak wood from the British Eocene. 3, 86. 48. brett, d. w. 1966. Fossil wood of Anacardiaceae from the British Eocene. 9, 360. 49. brett, d. w. 1968. Studies on Triassic fossil plants from Argentina. III. The trunk of Rhexoxylon. 11, 236. 50. brown, d. A., Campbell, k. s. w., and Roberts, J. 1965. A Visean cephalopod fauna from New South Wales. 7, 682. 51. brunton, h. 1965. The pedicle sheath of young productacean brachiopods. 7, 703. 52. brunton, h. 1966. Predation and shell damage in Visean brachiopod fauna. 9, 355. AUTHOR LIST 27 53. bruton, d. l. 1966. A new odontopleurid trilobite genus from the Devonian of Bohemia. 9, 330. 54. bruton, d. l. 1967. Silurian odontopleurid trilobites from Sweden, Estonia, and Latvia. 10, 214. 55. bulman, o. m. b. 1958. The Sequence of Graptolite faunas. 1, 159. 56. bulman, o. m. b. 1963. On Glyptograptus dentatus (Brongniart) and some allied species. 6, 665. 57. bulman, o. m. b., and rickards, r. b. 1968. Some new diplograptids from the Llandovery of Britain and Scandinavia. 11, 1. bulman, o. m. b., see rickards, r. b. BURBRIDGE, P. P ., See FELIX, C. J. 58. burgess, i. c. 1965. Calcifolium (Codiaceae) from the Upper Visean of Scotland. 8, 192. 59. burnaby, t. p. 1962. The palaeoecology of the foraminifera of the Chalk Marl. 4, 599. 60. butcher, n. e., and hodson, f. 1960. A review of the Carboniferous goniatite zones in Devon and Cornwall. 3, 75. 61. butterworth, m. a., and spinner, e. 1967. Lower Carboniferous spores from North-west England. 10, 1. callomon, j. h., see arkell, w. j. 62. Campbell, k. s. w. 1959. The Martiniopsis- like Spiriferids of the Queensland Permian. 1, 333. 63. Campbell, k. s. w. 1959. The type species of three Upper Palaeozoic punctate Spiriferoids. 1, 351. 64. Campbell, k. s. w. 1961. Carboniferous fossils from the Kuttung rocks of New South Wales. 4, 428. 65. Campbell, k. s. w. 1965. An almost complete skull roof and palate of the Dipnoan Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi (Etheridge). 8, 634. 66. Campbell, k. s. w., and Roberts, J. 1964. Two species of Delepinea from New South Wales. 7, 514. CAMPBELL, K. S. W., See AMOS, A. J.; BROWN, D. A. 67. carroll, r. l. 1969. A new family of Carboniferous amphibians. 12, 537. 68. carter, d. j. 1957. The distribution of the Foraminifer Alliatina excentrica (di Napoli Alliata) and the new genus AlliatineUa. 1, 76. 69. carter, r. m. 1968. Functional studies on the Cretaceous oyster Arctostrea. II, 458. 70. casey, r. 1957. The Cretaceous Ammonite genus Leymeriella, with a systematic account of its British occurrences. 1, 29. 71. casey, r. 1960. Hengestites, a new genus of Gault ammonites. 2, 200. 72. casey, r. 1960. A lower Cretaceous gastropod with fossilized intestines. 2, 270. 73. casey, r. 1960. A new echinoid from the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) of Kent. 3, 260. 74. casey, r. 1961. The stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand. 3, 487. 75. casey, r. 1961. Stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand: nomenclatural corrections. 4, 312. 76. cave, r., and dean, w. t. 1959. Four British Ordovician species of dalmanelloid brachiopod. 1, 292. 77. chaloner, w. g. 1958. A Carboniferous Selaginellites with Densosporites microspores. 1, 245. 78. chaloner, w. g. 1959. Devonian megaspores from Arctic Canada. 1, 321. 79. chaloner, w. g., and lorch, j. 1960. An opposite-leaved conifer from the Jurassic of Israel. 2, 236. 80. chaloner, w. g., and clarke, r. f. a. 1962. A new British Permian spore. 4, 648. 81. chaloner, w. g. 1962. A Sporangiostrobus with Densosporites microspores. 5, 73. 82. chaloner, w. g., and pettitt, j. m. 1964. A seed megaspore from the Devonian of Canada. 7, 29. chaloner, w. g., see Mortimer, m. g. 83. chamberlain, j. a., jr. 1969. Technique for scale modelling of cephalopod shells. 52, 48. 84. chaphekar, M. 1963. Some calamitean plants from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. 6, 408. 85. chaphekar, m. 1965. On the genus Pothocites Paterson. 8, 107. C 2 C. 8439 28 AUTHOR LIST 86. chlupac, ivo. 1963. Phyllocaricl crustaceans from the Silurian and Devonian of Czechoslovakia. 6, 97. CHURKIN, M., see LENZ, A. C. 87. churkin, m., jr. 1966. Morphology and stratigraphic range of the phyllocarid crustacean Caryocaris from Alaska and the Great Basin. 9, 371. 88. churkin, m., eberlein, G. d., hueber, F. M., and mamay, s. h. 1969. Lower Devonian land plants from graptolitic shale in south-eastern Alaska. 12, 559. CLARKE, R. F. A., See CHALONER, W. G. 89. clarke, r. f. a. 1965. Keuper miospores from Worcestershire, England. 8, 294. 90. clarke, r. f. a. 1965. British Permian saccate and monosulcate miospores. 8, 322. CLARKE, W. J., See EAMES, F. E. 91. clarkson, e. n. k. 1966. Schizochroal eyes and vision of some Silurian acastid trilobites. 9, 1. 92. clarkson, e. n. k. 1966. Schizochroal eyes and vision in some phacopid trilobites. 9, 464. 93. clarkson, e. n. k. 1967. Fine structure of the eye in two species of Phacops (Trilobita). 10, 603. 94. clemens, w. A. 1963. Wealden mammalian fossils. 6, 55. 95. clemens, w. a. 1963. Late Jurassic mammalian fossils in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. 6, 373. 96. cocks, l. r. M. 1967. Llandovery stropheodontids from the Welsh Borderland. 10, 245. cocks, l. r. m., see also ziegler, a. m. 97. collins, J. 1961. Eocene crabs in a London Clay nodule. 4, 85. 98. collins, J. s. H. 1965. Arcoscalpelhtm comptum (Withers), a species of cirripede new to the Gault. 8, 629. CONKIN, B. M., see conkin, j. e. 99. conkin, j. e., and conkin, b. m. 1968. A revision of some Devonian Foraminifera from Western Australia. 11, 601. COOGAN, A. H., See WILSON, E. C. 100. cookson, Isabel c., and eisenack, a. 1960. Upper Mesozoic microplankton from Australia and New Guinea. 2, 243. 101. cookson, Isabel c. 1961. Hoegisporis, a new Australian Cretaceous form genus. 3, 485. 102. cookson, Isabel c., and dettmann, mary e. 1961. Reappraisal of the Mesozoic microspore genus Aequitriradites. 4, 425. 103. cookson, i. c. 1965. On a new species of Hoegisporis Cookson. 8, 39. 104. cookson, i. c., and hughes, n. f. 1964. Microplankton from the Cambridge Greensand (mid- Cretaceous). 7, 37. 105. cope, J. c. w. 1968. Propectinatites, a new Lower Kimmeridgian ammonite genus. 11, 16. 106. cope, J. c. w. 1968. Epizoic oysters on Kimmeridgian ammonites. 11, 19. 107. copeland, m. J. 1960. Ostracoda from the Upper Silurian Stonehouse Formation, Arisaig, Nova Scotia, Canada. 3, 93. 108. copper, p. 1965. Unusual structures in Devonian Atrypidae from England. 8, 358. 109. copper, p. 1967. Spinatrypa and Spinatrypina (Devonian Brachipoda). 10, 489. 110. cordey, w. g. 1963. The genera Brotzenia and Voorthuysenia (Foraminifera) and Hofker’s classification of the Epistomariidae. 6, 653. 111. cordey, w. G. 1967. The development of Globigerinoides ruber (d'Orbigny 1839) from the Miocene to Recent. 10, 647. 112. cordey, w. g. 1968. A new Eocene Cassigerinella from Florida. 11, 368. 113. cordey, w. g. 1968. Morphology and phytogeny of Orbulinoides beckmannii (Saito 1962). 11, 371. 114. cowen, r. 1968. A new type of delthyrial cover in the Devonian brachipod Mucrospirifer. 11, 317. AUTHOR LIST 29 115. cox, l. r. 1960. The preservation of moulds of the intestine in fossil Nuculana (Lamellibranchia) from the Lias of England. 2, 262. 116. cox, l. r. 1962. New genera and subgenera of Mesozoic Bivalvia. 4, 592. 117. cox, l. r. 1962. Tertiary Bivalvia from Libya. 5, 1. 118. cox, L. r. 1963. The Rhaetic-Hettangian bivalve genus Pteromya Moore. 6, 582. 119. craig, G. y., and hallam, a. 1963. Size-frequency and growth-ring analyses of Mytilns echtlis and Cardium edule , and their palaeoecological significance. 6, 731. 120. craig, G. y., and jones, n. s. 1966. Marine benthos, substrate and palaeoecology. 9, 30. 121. crespin, Irene. 1961. Upper Devonian Foraminifera from Western Australia. 3, 397. 122. cridland, A. a. 1964. Amyelon in American coal balls. 7, 186. 123. currey, J. d. 1962. The histology of the bone of a prosauropod dinosaur. 5, 238. 124. currie, ethel d., and george, t. Neville. 1963. Catalogue of described and figured specimens in the Begg Collection in the Hunterian Museum of the University of Glasgow. 6, 378. 125. curtis, M. L. k. 1959. The Upper Llandovery Trilobites of the Tortworth Inlier, Gloucestershire. 1, 139. 126. cutbill, J. l., and forbes, c. l. 1967. Graphical aids for the description and analysis of variation in fusuline foraminifera. 10, 322. dean, w. t., see cave, r. 127. dean, w. t. 1959. Duftonia, a new Trilobite genus from the Ordovician of England and Wales. 2, 143. 128. dean, w. t. 1960. The Silurian Trilobite Dalmcmites myops (Konig). 2, 280. 129. dean, w. t., and krummenacher, r. 1961. Cambrian trilobites from the Amanos Mountains, Turkey. 4, 71. 130. dean, w. t. 1962. The Ordovician trilobite genus Tiresias M’Coy, 1846. 5, 340. 131. delcourt, a. f., dettmann, m. e., and hughes, n. f. 1963. Revision of some Lower Cretaceous microspores from Belgium. 6, 282. delevoryas, t., see jain, r. e. 132. delevoryas, t. 1964. A probable pteridosperm microsporangiate fructification from the Penn- sylvanian of Illinois. 7, 60. DETTMANN, MARY E., See COOKSON, ISABEL C.; DELCOURT, A. F. DETTMANN, MARY E., and PLAYFORD, G., SC’C also HUGHES, N. F. 133. dettmann, mary e., and playford, g. 1963. Sections of some spores from the Lower Car- boniferous of Spitsbergen. 5, 679. 134. dickins, J. M. 1961. Eurydesma and Peruvispira from the Dwyka Beds of South Africa. 4, 138. 135. dickins, J. m. 1960. The Permian Leiopteriid Merismopteria and the origin of the Pteriidae. 3, 387. 136. dickins, J. m. 1960. Characters and relationships of the Mesozoic Pelecypod Pseudavicu/a. 3, 392. 137. dickins, j. m. 1961. Permian pelecypods newly recorded from Eastern Australia. 4, 119. 138. dickins, j. m. 1961. The gastropod Platyteichum in the Permian of Western Australia. 4, 131. 139. dineley, d. l. 1964. New specimens of Traquairaspis from Canada. 7, 210. DONOVAN, D. T., See HOWARTH, M. K. 140. donovan, d. t. 1962. New information on the Toarcian ammonite genus Pseudolillia Maubeuge, 1949. 5, 86. 141. donovan, d. t. 1966. The Lower Liassic ammonites Neomicroceras gen. nov. and Paracymbites. 9, 312. downie, c., see lister, t. r. ; wall, d. 142. downie, c. 1959. Hystrichospheres from the Silurian Wenlock Shale of England. 2, 56. 30 AUTHOR LIST 143. downie, c., and sarjeant, w. a. s. 1963. On the interpretation and status of some hystrichosphere genera. 6, 83. 144. downie, c. 1963. ‘Hystrichospheres’ (acritarchs) and spores of the Wenlock Shales (Silurian) of Wenlock, England. 6, 625. 145. doyle, J. c. 1963. A new heteromorph ammonite from the Lower Cretaceous of Yorkshire. 6, 575. DROZDZEWSKI, G., See SEILACHER, A. 146. dunlop, grace m. 1962. Shell development in Spirifer trigonalis from the Carboniferous of Scotland. 4, 477. DURHAM, J. W., see ZULLO, V. A. 147. eagar, r. m. c. 1962. New Upper Carboniferous non-marine lamellibranchs. 5, 307. EAMES, F. E., see SMOUT, A. H. 148. eames, f. e., and clarke, w. j. 1967. A Palaeocene Heterostegina. 10, 314. 149. eames, f. e., clarke, w. J., banner, F. t., smout, a. h., and blow, w. h. 1968. Some larger foraminifera from the Tertiary of Central America. 11, 283. 150. eames, f. e. 1968. Sindulites, a new genus of the Nummulitidae (Foraminiferidae). 11, 435. eberlein, g. d., see churkin, m. 151. edwards, d. 1968. A new plant from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of South Wales. 11, 683. EGGERT, D. A., See HIBBERT, F. A.; TAYLOR, T. N. 152. eggert, d. a., and kryder, r. w. 1969. A new species of Aulacotheca (Pteridospermales) from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Iowa. 12, 414. eisenack, a., see cookson, i. c. 153. elliott, g. f. 1957. Subterraniphyllam, a new Tertiary calcareous alga. I, 73. 154. elliott, g. f. 1958. Alga debris-facies in the Cretaceous of the Middle East. 1, 254. 155. elliott, g. f. 1961. The sexual organization of Cretaceous Permocalculus (Calcareous Algae). 4, 82. 156. elliott, g. f. 1963. Problematical microfossils from the Cretaceous and Palaeocene of the Middle East. 6, 293. 157. elliott, g. f. 1963. A Palaeocene teredinid (Mollusca) from Iraq. 6, 315. 158. elliott, g. f. 1965. Tertiary solenoporacean algae and the reproductive structures of the Soleno- poraceae. 7, 695. 159. elliott, g. f. 1965. The interrelationships of some Cretaceous Codiaceae (Calcareous Algae). 8, 199. 160. elliott, g. f. 1968. Three new Tethyan Dasycladaceae (Calcareous algae). 11, 491. 161. esker, g. c., iii. 1968. Colour markings in Phacops and Greenops from the Devonian of New York. 11,498. 162. fagerstrom, j. a., and boellstorff, J. d. 1964. Taxonomic criteria in the classification of the Pennsylvanian productoid Juresania nebrascensis. 7, 23. 163. felix, c. J. 1965. Neogene Tasmanites and Leiospheres from Southern Louisiana, U.S.A. 8, 16. 164. felix, c. j., and burbridge, p. p. 1967. Palynology of the Springer Formation of southern Oklahoma, U.S.A. 10, 349. 165. figge, k. 1968. A goniatite fauna from the Visean/Namurian boundary. 11, 264. 166. fisher, m. j. 1969. Benthonic Foraminifera from the Maestrichtian Chalk of Galicia Bank, west of Spain. 12, 189. 167. forbes, c. l. 1960. Carboniferous and Permian Fusulinidae from Spitsbergen. 2, 210. FORBES, C. L., see CUTBILL, J. L. 168. ford, t. d. 1965. The Palaeoecology of the Goniatite Bed at Cowlow Nick, Castleton, Derbyshire. 8, 186. AUTHOR LIST 31 FRIEND, J. K., see FUNNELL, B. M. 169. fritz, w. h. 1968. Lower and early Middle Cambrian trilobites from the Pioche Shale, East- central Nevada. U.S.A. 11, 183. 170. funnell, b. m., friend, J. k., and ramsay, a. t. s. 1969. Upper Maestrichtian planktonic Foramini- fera from Galicia Bank, west of Spain. 12, 19. 171. furnish, w. m., quinn, J. H., and mccaleb, j. a. 1964. The Upper Mississippian ammonoid Dele- pinoceras in North America. 7, 173. 172. gardiner, b. g. 1961. New Rhaetic and Liassic beetles. 4, 87. 173. gardiner, b. g. 1962. Namaichthys schroederi Gtirich and other Palaeozoic fishes from South Africa. 5, 9. GEORGE, T. NEVILLE, See CURRIE, ETHEL D. 174. glaessner, m. f., and wade, mary. 1966. The late Precambrian fossils from Ediacara, South Australia. 9, 599. 175. gobbett, d. j. 1961. The Permian brachipod genus Horridonia Chao. 4, 42. 176. goldring, r. 1958. Lower Tournaisian trilobites in the Carboniferous Limestone facies of the south-west province of Great Britain and of Belgium. 1, 231. 177. goldring, r. 1967. Cyclus martinensis sp. nov. (Crustacea) from the Upper Visean of the Mendip Hills, England. 10, 317. goldring, r., see amos, a. j. GOOGAN, A. H., See WILSON, E. C. 178. Gordon, w. A. 1962. Some foraminifera from the Ampthill Clay, Upper Jurassic, of Cambridge- shire. 4, 520. 179. grant, r. e. 1966. Late Permian trilobites from the Salt Range, West Pakistan. 9, 64. 180. Griffith, J. 1962. The Triassic fish Saurichthys krambergeri Schlosser. 5, 344. 181. habib, d. 1966. Distribution of spore and pollen assemblages in the Lower Kittanning Coal Measures of western Pennsylvania. 9, 629. 182. hackman, b. d., and knill, j. l. 1962. Calcareous algae from the Dalradian of Islay. 5, 268. 183. hallam, a. 1960. Kulindrichnus langi, a new trace fossil from the Lias. 3, 64. 184. hallam, a. 1962. Brachiopod life assemblages from the Marlstone Rock-bed of Leicestershire. 4, 653. 185. hallam, a. 1963. Observations on the palaeoecology and ammonite sequence of the Frodingham Ironstone (Lower Jurassic). 6, 554. 186. hallam, A. 1965. Environmental causes of stunting in living and fossil marine benthonic inverte- brates. 8, 132. 187. hallam, A. 1967. The interpretation of size-frequency distributions in molluscan death- assemblages. 10, 25. 188. hallam, a. 1969. Faunal realms and facies in the Jurassic. 12, 1. hallam, a., see also craig., g. y. 189. Hamilton, d. 1958. An Eocene Sea-Pen from Dunedin, New Zealand. 1, 226. 190. Hamilton, d. 1961. Algal growths in the Rhaetic Cotham Marble of Southern England. 4, 324. harper, c. w., see walmsley, v. g. 191. Harris, T. m. 1961. The fossil cycads. 4, 313. HAUDE, R., see SEILACHER, A. HAYNES, J., see ADAMS, T. D. 192. hendry, r. d., rowell, A. j., and Stanley, j. w. 1963. A rapid parallel grinding machine for serial sectioning of fossils. 6, 145. hibbert, f. a., see sullivan, h. j. 193. hibbert, f. a., and eggert, d. a. 1965. A new calamitalean cone from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Southern Illinois. 8, 681. 32 AUTHOR LIST 194. hibbert, f. a., and lacey, w. s. 1969. Miospores from the Lower Carboniferous Basement Beds in the Menai Straits region of Caernarvonshire, North Wales. 12, 420. 195. hill, d. 1967. The sequence and distribution of Ludlovian, Lower Devonian, and Couvinian coral faunas in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 10, 660. HODSON, F., see BUTCHER, N. E. 196. hodson, F. 1958. Entogonites cf. borealis, an Alaskan goniatite from Ireland. 1, 158. 197. hodson, F., and moore, e. w. j. 1959. Goniatites striatus and related forms from the Visean of Ireland. 1, 384. 198. holden, j. c. 1964. Upper Cretaceous ostracods from California. 7, 393. 199. holdsworth, B. k. 1965. The Namurian goniatite Nuculoceras stellarum (Bisat). 8, 226. 200. holdsworth, b. k. 1966. Radiolaria from the Namurian of Derbyshire. 9, 319. 201. Holland, c. h. 1965. On the nautiloid Leurocycloceras from the Ludlovian of Wales and the Welsh Borderland. 7, 525. 202. Holland, c. h., rickards, r. b., and warren, p. t. 1969. The Wenlock graptolites of the Ludlow district, Shropshire, and their stratigraphical significance. 12, 663. 203. holwill, f. J. w. 1964. The coral genus Metriophyllum Edwards and Haime. 7, 108. 204. holwill, f. j. w. 1968. Tabulate corals from the Ilfracombe Beds (Middle-Upper Devonian) of North Devon. 11, 44. 205. house, m. r. 1960. Abnormal growths in some Devonian goniatites. 3, 129. 206. house, m. r. 1961. Acanthoclymenia, the supposed earliest Devonian clymeniid, is a Manti- coceras. 207. house, m. R., and pedder, a. e. h. 1963. Devonian goniatites and stratigraphical correlations in Western Canada. 6, 491. 208. howarth, M. k. 1962. The Yorkshire type ammonites and nautiloids of Young and Bird, Phillips, and Martin Simpson. 5, 93. 209. howarth, m. k., and donovan, d. t. 1964. Ammonites of the Liassic family Juraphyllitidae in Britain. 7, 286. 210. hubbard, J. A. e. b. 1966. Population studies in the Ballyshannon Limestone, Ballina Limestone, and Rinn Point Beds (Visean) of NW. Ireland. 9, 252. 211. Hudson, j. d. 1963. The recognition of salinity-controlled mollusc assemblages in the Great Estuarine Series (Middle Jurassic) of the Inner Hebrides. 6, 318. 212. Hudson, J. d. 1963. The ecology and stratigraphical distribution of the invertebrate fauna of the Great Estuarine Series. 6, 327. 213. Hudson, J. d. 1968. The microstructure and mineralogy of the shell of a Jurassic mytilid (Bivalvia). 11, 163. 214. Hudson, r. g. s. 1958. Actostroma gen. nov., a Jurassic stromatoporoid from Maktesh Hathira, Israel. 1, 87. 215. Hudson, R. G. s. 1958. Permian corals from northern Iraq. 1, 174. 216. Hudson, R. G. s. 1959. A revision of the Jurassic stromatoporoids Actinostromina, Astrostylopsis, and Trupetostromaria Germovsek. 2, 28. 217. Hudson, r. G. s. 1966. The Tethyan Jurassic stromatoporoids Stromatoporina, Dehornella, and Astroporina. 2, 180. 218. Hudson, r. g. s., and jefferies, r. p. s. 1961. Upper Triassic brachiopods and lamellibranchs from the Oman Peninsula, Arabia. 4, 1. hueber, f. m., see churkin, m. hughes, n. f., see cookson, i. c.; delcourt, a. f. 219. hughes, n. f. 1961. Further interpretation of Eucommiidites Erdtman 1948. 4, 292. 220. hughes, n. f., dettmann, mary e., and playford, g. 1962. Sections of some Carboniferous dis- persed spores. 5, 247. AUTHOR LIST 33 221. hughes, n. f., and moody-stuart, j. 1966. Descriptions of schizaeaceous spores taken from early Cretaceous macrofossils. 9, 274. 222. hughes, n. F., and moody-stuart, j. c. 1969. A method of stratigraphic correlation using early Cretaceous miospores. 12, 84. 223. hunter, h. a., and langston, w. 1965. Odontoma in a northern mammoth, 7, 674. 224. hutchison, r., and ingham, j. k. 1967. New trilobites from the Tremadoc Series of Shropshire. 10, 47. INGHAM, J. K., see HUTCHISON, R. 225. jackson, D. e., and lenz, a. c. 1963. A new species of Monograptus from the Road River Forma- tion, Yukon. 6, 751. 226. jain, R. K., and delevoryas, t. 1967. A Middle Triassic flora from the Cacheuta Formation, Minas de Petroleo, Argentina. 10, 564. jakobson, m. e., see mckerrow, w. s., also Kennedy, w. j. 227. james, judith. 1965. The development of a dicellograptid from the Balclatchie Shales of Laggan Burn. 8, 41. 228. Jefferies, r. p. s. 1960. Photonegative young in the Triassic Lamellibranch Lima Iineata (Schlo- theim). 3, 362. 229. Jefferies, R. p. s. 1962. The palaeoecology of the Actinocamax plenus Subzone (lowest Turonian) in the Anglo-Paris Basin. 4, 609. 230. jefferies, r. p. s., and minton, r. p. 1965. The mode of life of two Jurassic species of ‘ Posidonia ' (Bivalvia). 8, 156. 231. jefferies, r. p. s. 1969. Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel — a Middle Cambrian chordate with echino- derm affinities. 12, 494. jefferies, r. p. s., see also Hudson, r. g. s. 232. jeletzky, J. A. 1963. Malayomaorica gen. nov. (Family Aviculopectinidae) from the Indo- Paciffc Upper Jurassic; with comments on related forms. 6, 148. 233. jenkins, t. b. h. 1960. Non-Marine Lamellibranch assemblages from the Coal Measures (Upper Carboniferous) of Pembrokeshire, West Wales. 3, 104. 234. jenkins, t. b. h. 1966. The Upper Devonian index ammonoid Cheiloceras from New South Wales. 9, 458. 235. jenkins, t. b. h. 1968. Famennian ammonoids from New South Wales. 11, 535. 236. jenkins, w. a. m„ 1967. Ordovician Chitinozoa from Shropshire. 10, 436. 237. joffe, Joyce. 1967. The ‘dwarf’ crocodiles of the Purbeck Formation, Dorset: a reappraisal. 10, 629. 238. Johnson, G. a. l. 1958. Biostromes in the Namurian Great Limestone of northern England. 1, 147. 239. Johnson, h. m. 1966. Silurian Girvanella from the Welsh Borderland. 9, 48. 240. Johnson, j. g. 1966. Middle Devonian brachiopods from the Roberts Mountains, central Nevada. 9, 152. 241. Johnson, J. G. 1966. Paraclionetes, a new Lower and Middle Devonian brachiopod genus. 9, 365. 242. Johnson, J. G., and talent, j. a. 1967. Cortezorthinae, a new subfamily of Siluro-Devonian dalmaneffid brachiopods. 10, 142. JOHNSON, R. T., see MCKERROW, W. S.; also KENNEDY, W. J. jones, n. s., see craig, g. y. 243. joysey, K. A. 1959. Probable Cirripede, Phoronid, and Echiuroid burrows within a Cretaceous Echinoid test. 1, 397. 244. joysey, k. A., and breimer, a. 1963. The anatomical structure and systematic position of Penta- blastus (Blastoidea) from the Carboniferous of Spain. 6, 471. 245. jull, r. k. 1965. Corallum increase in Lithostrotion. 8, 204. 34 AUTHOR LIST 246. jull, r. k. 1967. The hystero-ontogeny of Lonsdaleia McCoy and Thysanophyllum orientale Thomson. 10, 617. KAAR, R. F., see ZULLO, V. A. 247. kato, M., and mitchell, m. 1961. Slimoniphyllum, a new genus of Lower Carboniferous coral from Britain. 4, 280. 248. kaye, p. 1963. The ostracod genus Neocythere in the Speeton Clay. 6, 274. 249. kaye, p. 1963. The ostracod species Orthonotacythere inversa (Cornuel) and its allies in the Speeton Clay of Yorkshire. 6, 430. 250. kaye, p. 1964. Revision of the Ostracoda from the Bargate Beds in Surrey. 7, 317. 251. kaye, p., and barker, d. 1965. Ostracoda from the Sutterby Marl (U. Aptian) of South Lincoln- shire. 8, 375. 252. kaye, p., and barker, d. 1966. Ostracoda from the Upper Tealby Clay (Lower Barremian) of South Lincolnshire. 9, 208. 253. kelly, F. b. 1967. Silurian leptaenids (Brachiopoda). 10, 590. 254. kemp,e. m. 1968. Probable angiosperm pollen from the British Barremian to Albian strata. 11, 421. 255. Kennedy, w. j., and macdougall, j. d. s. 1969. Crustacean burrows in the Weald Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of South-eastern England and their environmental significance. 12, 459. 256. Kennedy, w. J., jakobson, M. e., and Johnson, r. t. 1969. A Favreina-Thalassinoides association from the Great Oolite of Oxfordshire. 12, 549. 257. kier, P. M. 1969. A Cretaceous echinoid with false teeth. 12, 488. KILENYI, T. I., See NEALE, J. W. 258. kilenyi, t. i. 1965. Oertliana, a new ostracod genus from the Upper Jurassic of North-West Europe. 8, 572. 259. kilenyi, t. i., and allen, n. w. 1968. Marine-brackish bands and their microfauna from the lower part of the Weald Clay of Sussex and Surrey. 11, 141. 260. kilenyi, t. i. 1969. The Ostracoda of the Dorset Kimmeridge Clay. 12, 112. 261. krinsley, d., and schneck, m. 1964. The palaeoecology of a transition zone across an Upper Cre- taceous boundary in New Jersey. 7, 266. 262. krommelbein, k. 1968. The first non-marine Lower Cretaceous ostracods from Ghana, West Africa. 11, 259. krummenacher, r., see dean, w. t. KRYDER, R. W., See EGGERT, D. A. 263. lagaaij, R. 1963. Cupuladria canariensis (Busk) — portrait of a bryozoan. 6, 172. LANGSTON, W., See FIUNTER, H. A. LARGE, N. F., See SAVAGE, R. J. G. LARWOOD, G. P., See THOMAS H. DIGHTON LENZ, A. C., See JACKSON, D. E. 264. lenz, a. c., and churkin, m., jr. 1966. Upper Ordovician trilobites from northern Yukon. 9, 39. 265. lewarne, G. c. 1964. Starfish traces from the Namurian of County Clare, Ireland. 7, 508. LISTER, T. R., See RICHARDSON, J. B. 266. lister, t. r., and downie, c. 1967. New evidence for the age of the primitive echinoid Myrias- tiches gigas. 10, 171. 267. lloyd, A. J. 1959. Arenaceous Foraminifera from the type Kimeridgian (Upper Jurassic). 1, 298. 268. logan, a. 1963. The new brachiopod genus Howseia from the Permian Magnesian Limestone of Durham. 6, 754. 269. logan, A. 1964. The dentition of the Durham Permian pelecypod Permophorus costatus (Brown). 7, 281. LORCH, J., See CHALONER, W. G. AUTHOR LIST 35 270. love, l. g. 1962. Further studies on micro-organisms and the presence of syngenetic pyrite. 5, 444. 271. love, l. g. 1963. The composition of Pyritosphaera barbaria Love 1957. 6, 119. MACDOUGALL, J. D. S., See KENNEDY, W. J. 272. macgregor, a. r. 1961. Upper Llandeilo Brachiopods from the Berwyn Hills, North Wales. 4, 177. 273. macgregor, a. r. 1963. Upper Llandeilo Trilobites from the Berwyn Hills, North Wales. 5, 790. 274. macurda, d. b., jr. 1966. The Devonian blastoid Belocrinus from France. 9, 244. 275. mcalester, a. l. 1965. Systematics, affinities, and life habits of Babinka, a transitional Ordovician lucinoid bivalve. 8, 231. MCCALEB, J. A., See FURNISH, W. M. 276. mcgregor, d. c. 1960. Devonian spores from Melville Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. 3, 26. 277. mckerrow, w. s., Johnson, r. t., and jakobson, m. e. 1969. Palaeoecological studies in the Great Oolite at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire. 12, 56. mckerrow, w. s., see also ziegler, a. m. mamay, s. h., see churkin, m. 278. manolov, J. r. 1952. New ammonites from the Barremian of North Bulgaria. 5, 527. 279. marshall, a. e., and smith, a. h. v. 1965. Assemblages of miospores from some Upper Car- boniferous coals and their associated sediments in the Yorkshire coalfield. 7, 656. 280. martin, a. r. h. 1968. AquilapoUenites in the British Isles. 11, 549. 281. Matthews, s. c. 1969. A Lower Carboniferous conodont fauna from East Cornwall. 12, 262. 282. Matthews, s. c. 1969. Two conodont faunas from the Lower Carboniferous of Chudleigh, South Devon. 12, 276. 283. maxwell, w. g. h. 1961. Lower Carboniferous gastropod faunas from Old Cannindah, Queens- land. 4, 59. MEADE, M. J., see RIXON, A. E. 284. medd, a. w. 1965. Dionella gen. nov. (superfamily Membraniporacea) from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe. 8, 492. 285. medd, a. w. 1966. The fine structure of some Lower Triassic acritarchs. 9, 351. 286. Melville, r. v. 1961. Dentition and relationships of the echinoid genus Pygaster J. L. R. Agassiz, 1836. 4, 243. 287. middlemiss, f. a. 1959. English Aptian Terebratulidae. 2, 94. 288. middlemiss, f. a. 1962. Brachiopod ecology and Lower Greensand palaeogeography. 5, 253. 289. miller, t. g. 1961. Type specimens of the genus Penes tella from the Lower Carboniferous of Great Britain. 4, 221. 290. miller, t. g. 1962. Some Wenlockian fenestrate Bryozoa. 5, 540. 291. miller, t. g. 1963. The bryozoan genus Polypora M’Coy. 6, 166. 292. miller, t. g. 1965. Time in stratigraphy. 8, 113. MINTON, R. P., see JEFFERIES, R. P. S. MITCHELL, M., See KATO, M. MONROE, E. A., See SASS, D. B. MOODY-STUART, J., See HUGHES, N. F. MOORE, E. W. J., See HODSON, F. 293. moore, l. r. 1963. Microbiological colonization and attack on some Carboniferous miospores. 6, 349. 294. Mortimer, m. g., and chaloner, w. g. 1967. Devonian megaspores from the Wyboston borehole, Bedfordshire, England. 10, 189. 36 AUTHOR LIST 295. Mortimer, m. g., and chaloner, w. g. 1967. Nomenclatural note: correction of name for a Devonian megaspore. 10, 706. 296. NOTES FOR AUTHORS. 10, 707. 297. nagappa, y. 1959. Note on Operculinoides Hanzawa 1935. 2, 156. 298. neale, J. w. 1959. Normanicythere gen. nov. (Pleistocene and Recent) and the division of the Ostracod family Trachyleberididae. 2, 72. 299. neale, J. w., and kilenyi, t. i. 1961. New species of Mandelstamia (Ostracoda) from the English Mesozoic. 3, 439. 300. neale, j. w. 1961. Normanicythere leioderma (Norman) in North America. 4, 424. 301. neale, J. w. 1962. Ammonoidea from the Lower D Beds (Berriasian) of the Speeton Clay. 5, 272. 302. neves, r. 1961. Namurian plant spores from the southern Pennines, England. 4, 247. 303. newman, b. h. 1968. The Jurassic dinosaur Scelidosaurus harrisoni, Owen. 11, 40. 304. norford, b. s. 1960. A well-preserved Dinobolus from the Sandpile Group (Middle Silurian) of northern British Columbia. 3, 242. 305. norford, b. s., and steele, h. miriam. 1969. The Ordovician trimerellid brachiopod Eodinobolus from south-east Ontario. 12, 161. 306. norris, g. 1969. Miospores from the Purbeck Beds and marine Upper Jurassic of southern Eng- land. 12, 574. 307. Oliver, w. a., jr. 1966. Description of dimorphism in Striatopora flexuosa Hall. 9, 448. 308. opik, a. a. 1961. Alimentary caeca of agnostids and other trilobites. 3, 410. 309. ormiston, a. r. 1966. Occurrence of Australosutura (Trilobita) in the Mississippian of Oklahoma, U.S.A. 9, 270. 310. owen, d. E. 1960. Upper Silurian Bryozoa from Central Wales. 3, 69. 311. owen, d. E. 1962. Ludlovian Bryozoa from the Ludlow district. 5, 195. 312. owen, d. e. 1969. Wenlockian Bryozoa from Dudley, Niagara, and Gotland and their palaeo- geographic implications. 12, 621. 313. packham, g. h. 1962. Some diplograptids from the British Lower Silurian. 5, 498. 314. palframan, d. f. b. 1966. Variation and ontogeny of some Oxfordian ammonities: Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) and Creniceras renggeri (Oppel), from Woodham, Buckinghamshire. 9, 290. 315. palframan, d. f. b. 1967. Variation and ontogeny of some Oxford Clay ammonites: Disticho- ceras bicostatum (Stahl) and Horioceras baugieri (d’Orbigny), from England. 10, 60. 316. pant, d. d., and verma, b. k. 1963. On the Structure of leaves of Rhabdotaenia Pant from the Raniganj coalfield, India. 6, 301. 317. pant, d. d., and singh, r. s. 1968. The structure of Vertebraria indica Royle. 11, 643. 318. parkinson, d. 1961. The Carboniferous rhynchonell id Pugnoides triplex (M’Coy). 3, 477. 319. paul, c. r. c. 1967. New Ordovician Bothriocidaridae from Girvan and a re-interpretation of Bothriocidaris Eichwald. 10, 525. 320. paul, c. R. c. 1968. Macrocystella Callaway, the earliest glyptocystitid cystoid. 11, 580. 321. paul, c. R. c. 1968. Morphology and function of dichoporite pore-structures in cystoids. 11, 697. pedder, a. e. h., see also house, m. r. 322. pedder, a. e. h. 1960. New species of brachiopods from the Upper Devonian of Hay River, Western Canada. 3, 208. 323. pedder, a. e. h. 1963. Alaiophyllum mackenziense sp. nov., a Devonian tetracoral from Canada. 6, 132. 324. pedder, a. e. h. 1964. Correlation of the Canadian Middle Devonian Hume and Nahanni Formations by tetracorals. 7, 430. 325. pedder, a. e. h. 1965. Some North American species of the Devonian tetracoral Smithiphyllum. 8, 618. AUTHOR LIST 37 326. pedder, a. E. h. 1966. The Upper Devonian gastropod Orecopia in western Canada. 9, 142. PETTIT, J. M., see CHALONER, W. G. 327. philip, g. m. 1960. The Middle Palaeozoic squamulate favositids of Victoria. 3, 186. 328. philip, g. m. 1963. The Jurassic echinoid Cidarites moniliferus Goldfuss and the status of Euci- daris. 5, 785. 329. philip, g. m. 1963. Two Australian Tertiary neolampadids, and the classification of cassiduloid echinoids. 6, 718. 330. Phillips, june r. p. 1960. Restudy of types of seven Ordovician bifoliate Bryozoa. 3, 1. 331. Phillips, t. l., and Andrews, h. n. 1968. Biscalitheca (Coenopteridales) from the Upper Penn- sylvanian of Illinois. 11, 104. 332. pickett, j. w. 1960. A clymeniid from the Wockhimeria zone of New South Wales. 3, 237. 333. pienaar, r. n. 1968. Upper Cretaceous coccolithophorids from Zululand, South Africa. 11, 361. playford, g., see also dettmann, mary e., and hughes, n. f. 334. playford, g. 1962-3. Lower Carboniferous microfloras of Spitsbergen. Part I. 5, 550. Part II. 5, 619. 335. pocock, k. J. 1964. Estaingia, a new trilobite genus from the Lower Cambrian of South Aus- tralia. 7, 458. 336. pocock, y. p. 1966. Devonian schizophoriid brachiopods from western Europe. 9, 381. 337. pocock, y. p. 1968. Carboniferous schizophoriid brachiopods from western Europe. 11, 64. 338. pollard, j. e. 1966. A non-marine ostracod fauna from the Coal Measures of Durham and Northumberland. 9, 667. 339. pollard, j. e. 1968. The gastric contents of an ichthyosaur from the Lower Lias of Lyme Regis, Dorset. 31, 376. 340. prasad, k. n. 1964. Upper Miocene anthropoids from the Siwalik Beds of Haritalyanger, Hi- machal Pradesh, India. 7, 124. QUINN, J. H., see FURNISH, W. M. RAMSAY, A. T. S., See FUNNELL, B. M. 341 . ramsbottom, w. h. c. 1958. British Upper Silurian crinoids from the Ludlovian. 1, 106. 342. ramsbottom, w. h. c. 1959. Distinctions between the Carboniferous Lamellibranch genera Caneyella , Posidonia, and Posidoniella. 1, 405. 343. rawson, p. f. 1966. A phylloceratid ammonite from the Speeton Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of Yorkshire. 9, 455. 344. regnell, g. 1960. The Lower Palaeozoic Echinoderm faunas of the British Isles and Balto- Scandia. 2, 161. 345. reyment, r. a., and sandberg, p. 1963. Biometric study of Barremites sabdifficilis (Karakasch). 6, 727. RHODES, F. H. T., See AUSTIN, R. L. 346. Richardson, J. b. 1960. Spores from the Middle Old Red Sandstone of Cromarty, Scotland. 3, 45. 347. richardson, j. b. 1962. Spores with bifurcate processes from the Middle Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. 5, 171. 348. richardson, j. b. 1965. Middle Old Red Sandstone spore assemblages from the Orcadian basin, north-east Scotland. 7, 559. 349. richardson, j. b., and lister, t. r. 1969. Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian spore assemblages from the Welsh Borderland and South Wales. 12, 201. 350. rickards, r. b. 1965. Two new genera of Silurian phacopid trilobites. 7, 541. 351. rickards, r. b. 1965. New Silurian graptolites from the Howgill Fells (Northern England). 8, 247. 352. rickards, r. b., and bulman, o. m. b. 1965. The development of Lasiograptus harknessi (Nichol- son 1867). 8, 272. 38 AUTHOR LIST RICKARDS, R. B., See also BULMAN, O. M. B. ; HOLLAND, C. H. 353. ritchie, a. 1968. New evidence on Jamoytius kerwoodi White, an important ostracoderm from the Silurian of Lanarkshire, Scotland. 11, 21. 354. rixon, a. e., and meade, m. j. 1960. Glass fibre resin casts of fossils. 3, 124. ROBERTS, J., SCC Cllso BROWN, D. A.; CAMPBELL, K. S. W. 355. Roberts, j. 1968. Mantle canal patterns in Schizophoria (Brachiopoda) from the Lower Car- boniferous of New South Wales. 11, 389. 356. Roberts, J. 1965. A Lower Carboniferous fauna from Trevallyn, New South Wales. 8, 54. 357. robinson, e. 1968. Chubbina , a new Cretaceous alveolinid genus from Jamaica and Mexico. 11, 526. 358. rolfe, w. d. i. 1962. A syncarid crustacean from the Keele Beds (Stephanian) of Warwickshire. 4, 546. 359. rolfe, w. d. i. 1962. The cuticle of some Middle Silurian ceratiocaridid Crustacea from Scotland. 5, 30. 360. rolfe, w. d. i. 1967. Rochdalia, a Carboniferous insect nymph. 10, 307. 361. rollins, h. b., and batten, r. l. 1968. A sinus-bearing monoplacophoran and its role in the classi- fication of primitive molluscs. 11, 132. 362. ross, c. a. 1962. Silurian monograptids from Illinois. 5, 59. 363. ross, c. a. 1962. Permian foraminifera from British Honduras. 5, 297. 364. ross, c. a. 1963. Early Permian fusulinids from Macusani, Southern Peru. 5, 817. 365. ross, j. r. p. 1962. Early species of the bryozoan genus Phaenopora from the Caradoc Series, Shropshire. 5, 52. 366. ross, J. r. p. 1963. Chazyan (Ordovician) leptotrypellid and atactotoechid Bryozoa. 5, 727 . 367. ross, j. r. p. 1963. Trepostome Bryozoa from the Caradoc Series, Shropshire. 6, 1. 368. ross, j. r. p. 1963. Lower Permian Bryozoa from Western Australia. 6, 70. 369. ross, .t. r. p. 1965. Homotrypa and Amplexoporal from the Caradoc Series, Shropshire. 8, 5. ROWELL, A. J., see HENDRY, R. D. 370. rowell, a. J. 1962. The brachiopod genus Valdiviathyris Helmcke. 4, 542. 371. rudwick, m. J. s. 1961. The feeding mechanism of the Permian brachiopod Prorichthofenia . 3, 450. 372. rudwick, m. j. s. 1961. The anchorage of articulate brachiopods on soft substrata. 4, 475. 373. rudwick, m. j. s. 1964. The function of zigzag deflexions in the commissures of fossil brachio- pods. 7, 135. 374. rudwick, M. J. s. 1965. Sensory spines in the Jurassic brachiopod Acanthothiris. 8, 604. 375. rudwick, m. j. s. 1968. The feeding mechanisms and affinities of the Triassic brachiopods Thecos- pira Zugmayer and Bactrynium Emmrich. 11, 329. 376. runnegar, b. 1968. Preserved ligaments in Australian Permian bivalves. 11, 94. 377. rushton, a. w. a. 1967. The Upper Cambrian trilobite Irvingella nuneatonensis (Sharman). 10, 339. 378. rushton, a. w. a. 1968. Revision of two Upper Cambrian trilobites. 11, 410. 379. samanta, b. k. 1968. Nummulites (Foraminifera) from the Upper Eocene Kopili Formation of Assam, India. 11, 669. 380. samanta, b. k. 1963. Two new species of Discocyclina (Foraminifera) from the Upper Eocene of Assam, India. 6, 658. SANDBERG, P., See REYMENT, R. A. SARJEANT, W. A. S., See DOWNIE, C. 381. sarjeant, w. a. s. 1961. Microplankton from the Kellaways Rock and Oxford Clay of York- shire. 4, 90. AUTHOR LIST 39 382. sarjeant, w. a. s. 1962. Microplankton from the Ampthill Clay of Melton, South Yorkshire. 5, 478. 383. sarjeant, w. a. s. 1964. New name and diagnosis for an Upper Jurassic species of Gonyaulacysta (Dinophyceae). 7, 472. 384. sass, d. b., and monroe, e. a. 1967. Shell-growth in recent terebratuloid brachiopoda. 10, 298. 385. savage, n. m. 1968. Planicardinia, a new septate dalmanellid brachiopod from the Lower Devonian of New South Wales. 11, 627. 386. savage, n. m. 1968. Australirhynchia, a new Lower Devonian rhynchonelloid brachiopod from New South Wales. 31, 731. 387. savage, n. m. 1969. New spiriferid brachiopods from the Lower Devonian of New South Wales. 12, 472. savage, n. m., see also walmsley, v. g. 388. savage, r. j. g., and large, n. e. 1966. On Birgeria acuminata and the absence of labyrinthodonts from the Rhaetic. 9, 135. 389. scrutton, c. t. 1965. Periodicity in Devonian coral growth. 7, 552. 390. scrutton, c. t. 1967. Marisastridae (Rugosa) from south-east Devonshire, England. 10, 266. 391. sdzuy, k. 1966. An improved method of analysing distortion in fossils. 9, 125. 392. seilacher, a., drozdzewski, g., and haude, r. 1968. Form and function of the stem in a pseudo- planktonic crinoid ( Seirocrinus ). 11, 275. 393. selwood, e. b. 1960. Ammonoids and trilobites from the Upper Devonian and lowest Carboni- ferous of the Launceston area of Cornwall. 3, 153. 394. sheils, k. a. g. 1966. A new productid brachiopod from the Upper Visean of Scotland. 9, 426. 395. shergold, j. h. 1966. A revision of Acaste downingiae (Murchison) and related trilobites. 9, 183. 396. shergold, j. h. 1967. A revision of Acastella spinosa (Salter 1864) with notes on related trilobites. 10, 175. 397. sherwin, l. 1968. Denckmannites (Trilobita) from the Silurian of New South Wales. 11, 691. 398. singh, h. p. 1964. A miospore assemblage from the Permian of Iraq. 7, 240. SINGH, R. S., see PANT, D. D. 399. skevington, d. 1960. A new variety of Orthoretiolites hami Whittington. 2, 226. 400. skwarko, s. w. 1963. A new Upper Cretaceous Ophiuroid from Australia. 6, 579. 401. smith, a. h. v. 1960. Structure of the spore wall in certain Miospores belonging to the series Cingulati Pot. and Klaus 1954. 3, 82. smith, a. h. v., see marshall, a. e. 402. smith, d. l. 1962. Three fructifications from the Scottish Lower Carboniferous. 5, 225. 403. smith, j. d. d., and white, d. e. 1963. Cambrian Trilobites from the Purley Shales of Warwick- shire. 6, 397. 404. smout, a. h., and eames, f. e. 1958. The genus Archaias (Foraminifera) and its stratigraphical distribution. 1, 207. 405. smout, a. h., and sugden, w. 1962. New information on the foraminiferal genus Pfenderina. 4, 581 . smout, a. h., see also eames, f. e. 406. sohn, i. g., and anderson, f. w. 1964. The ontogeny of Theriosynoecum fittoni (Mantell). 7, 72. 407. sommer, f. w., and van boekel, n. m. 1967. Brazilian Palaeozoic Algomycetes and Tasmanacea. 10, 640. 408. soot-ryen, h. 1969. A new species of Babinka (Bivalvia) from the Lower Ordovician of Oland, Sweden. 12, 173. 409. sorauf, j. e. 1969. Lower Devonian Hexagonaria (Rugosa) from the Armorican Massif of Western France. 12, 178. 410. speden, i. g. 1959. Phyllocrinus furcillatus sp. nov., a Cyrtocrinoid from the upper Jurassic of Kawhia, New Zealand. 2, 150. 40 AUTHOR LIST SPINNER, E., see BUTTERWORTH, M. A. 411. spinner, e. 1965. Westphalian D megaspores from the Forest of Dean Coalfield, England. 8, 82. 412. spinner, e. 1969. Megaspore assemblages from the Visean deposits at Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland. 12, 441. 413. spjeldN/ES, n. 1963. Some Upper Tremadocian graptolites from Norway. 6, 121. 414. spjeldN/ES, n. 1963. Some silicified Ordovician fossils from South Wales. 6, 254. STANLEY, J. W., SCC HENDRY, R. D. 415. Stanley, J. w. 1964. Serial sectioning of steinkerns. 7, 105. 416. staplin, F. l. 1961. Reef-controlled distribution of Devonian microplankton in Alberta. 4, 392. 417. stearn, c. w. 1966. The microstructure of stromatoporoids. 9, 74. STEELE, H. MIRIAM, See NORFORD, B. S. 418. stephenson, d. g. 1963. The spines and diffuse fascioles of the Cretaceous echinoid Echinocorys scutata Leske. 6, 458. 419. stephenson, n. G. 1963. Growth gradients among fossil monotremes and marsupials. 6, 615. 420. stevens, G. r. 1963. The systematic status of Oppel’s specimens of Belemnites gerardi. 6, 690. 421. stevens, G. r. 1965. The belemnite genera Dicoelites Boehm and Prodicoelites Stolley. 7, 606. 422. stevens, g. r. 1965. A new belemnite from the Upper Jurassic of Indonesia. 7, 621. 423. stinton, f. c., and torrens, h. s. 1968. Fish otoliths from the Bathonian of southern England. 11, 246. 424. strachan, i. 1968. A medusoid (?) from the Silurian of England. II, 610. 425. strusz, d. l. 1961. Lower Palaeozoic corals from New South Wales. 4, 334. 426. strusz, d. l. 1965. Disphyllidae and Phacellophyllidae from the Devonian Garra Formation of New South Wales. 8, 518. 427. strusz, d. l. 1966. Spongophyllidae from the Devonian Garra Formation, New South Wales. 9, 544. 428. strusz, d. l. 1967. Chalamydophyllum, Iowaphyllum, and Sinospongophyllum (Rugosa) from the Devonian of New South Wales. 10, 426. SUDGEN, W., see SMOUT, A. H. 429. sullivan, h. J. 1958. The microspore genus Simozonotriletes. 1, 125. 430. sullivan, h. j., and hibbert, a. f. 1964. Tetrapterites visensis — a new spore-bearing structure from the Lower Carboniferous. 7, 64. 431. sullivan, H. J. 1964. Miospores from the Drybrook Sandstone and associated measures in the Forest of Dean basin, Gloucestershire. 7, 351. 432. sullivan, h. j. 1968. A Tournaisian spore flora from the Cementstone Group of Ayrshire, Scot- land. 15, 116. 433. sutton, i. d. 1964. The tabulate coral genus Cystihaly sites from Wenlock and Dudley. 7, 452. TALENT, J. A., See JOHNSON, J. G. 434. tarlo, l. b. 1958. The scapula of Pliosattrus macromerus Phillips. 1, 193. 435. tarlo, L. b. 1959. Pliosaurus brachyspondylus (Owen) from the Kimeridge Clay. 1, 283. 436. tarlo, L. b. 1959. Stretosaums gen. nov., a giant Pliosaur from the Kimeridge Clay. 2, 39. 437. tarlo, L. b. 1960. The Downtonian Ostracoderm Corvaspis kingi Woodward, with notes on the development of dermal plates in the Heterostraci. 3, 217. 438. tavener-smith, r. 1965. A new fenestrate bryozoan from the Lower Carboniferous of County Fermanagh. 8, 478. 439. tavener-smith, r. 1966. The micrometric formula and the classification of fenestrate cryptom- stomes. 9, 413. 440. tavener-smith, r. 1969. Skeletal structure and growth in the Fenestellidae (Bryozoa). 12, 281. AUTHOR LIST 41 441. taylor, t. n. 1967. On the structure and phylogenetic relationships of the fern Radstockia Kid- ston. 10, 43. 442. taylor, t. n., and eggert, d. a. 1969. On the structure and relationships of a new Pennsylvanian species of the seed Pachytestci. 12, 382. 443. temple, J. t. 1965. The trilobite genus Oedicybele from the Kildare Limestone (Upper Ordovician) of Eire. 8, 1. 444. tewari, b. s., and badam, g. l. 1969. A new species of fossil turtle from the Upper Siwaliks of Pinjore, India. 12, 555. 445. thomas, b. a. 1968. A revision of the Carboniferous lycopod genus Eskdalia Kidston. 11, 439. 446. thomas, b. a. 1969. A new British Carboniferous calamite cone, Paracalamostachys spadiciformis. 12, 253. 447. thomas, h. dighton, and larwood, g. p. 1960. The Cretaceous species of Pyripora d’Orbigny and Rhammatopora Lang. 3, 370. 448. toghill, p. 1968. The graptolite assemblages and zones of the Birkhill Shales (Lower Silurian) at Dobb’s Linn. 11, 654. TORRENS, H. S., See STINTON, F. C. 449. townrow, J. a. 1960. The Peltaspermaceae, a Pteridosperm family of Permian and Triassic age. 3, 333. 450. tripp, r.p. 1957. The trilobite Encriimrus multisegmentatus (Port]ock) and allied Middle and Upper Ordovician species. 1, 60. 451. tripp, r.p. 1962. The Silurian trilobite Encrinuruspunctatus (Wahlenberg) and allied species. 5,460. 452. tripp, R. p. 1965. Trilobites from the Albany division (Ordovician) of the Girvan district, Ayr- shire. 8, 577. 453. tucker, e. v. 1968. The atrypidine brachiopod Dayici navicula (J. de C. Sowerby). 11, 612. 454. turner, Judith. 1965. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous microfossils from the Hautes-Alpes. 8, 391. 455. valentine, j. w. 1969. Patterns of taxonomic and ecological structure of the shelf benthos during Phanerozoic time. 12, 684. 456. van valen, l. 1965. Some European Proviverrini (Mammalia, Deltatheridia). 8, 638. 457. varker, w. J. 1967. Conodonts of the genus Apatognathus Branson and Mehl from the Yore- dale Series of the North of England. 10, 124. 458. vella, p. 1961. Australasian Typhinae (Gastropoda) with notes on the subfamily. 4, 362. verma, b. k., see pant, d. d. WADE, M., see GLAESSNER, M. F. 459. wade, mary. 1969. Medusae from uppermost Precambrian or Cambrian sandstones, central Australia. 12, 351. 460. wagner, r. h., and alvarez-ramis, c. 1967. Mciriopteris from the Stephanian of north-west Spain. 10, 694. waines, r. h., see wilson, e. c. 461. walker, c. a. 1966. Podocnemis somaliensis, a new pleurodiran turtle from the Middle Eocene of Somalia. 9, 511. 462. wall, d., and downie, c. 1963. Permian hystrichospheres from Britain. 5, 770. 463. wall, d. 1967. Fossil microplankton in deep-sea cores from the Caribbean Sea. 10, 95. 464. Wallace, peigi. 1969. Specific frequency and environmental indicators in two horizons of the Calcaire de Ferques (Upper Devonian), northern France. 12, 366. 465. walmsley, v. g. 1965. Isorthis and Salopina (Brachiopoda) in the Ludlovian of the Welsh Border- land. 8, 454. 466. walmsley, v. g., boucot, a. j., harper, c. w., and savage, n. m. 1968. Visbyella — a new genus of resserellid brachiopod. 11, 306. 42 AUTHOR LIST WARREN, P. T., see HOLLAND, C. H. 467. Waterhouse, J. b. 1963. New Zealand species of the Permian bivalve Atomodesma Beyrich. 6, 699. 468. Waterhouse, J. b. 1965. Palaeotaxodont bivalves from the Permian of New Zealand. 7, 630. 469. waterston, c. d. 1960. The median abdominal appendage of the Silurian Eurypterid Slimonia acuminata (Salter). 3, 245. 470. waterston, c. d. 1962. Pagea sturrocki gen. et sp. nov., a new eurypterid from the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. 5, 137. 471. watson, d. m. s. 1961. Some additions to our knowledge of antiarchs. 4, 210. 472. watson, d. m. s. 1963. On growth stages in branchiosaurs. 6, 540. 473. webby, b. d. 1962. A Middle Devonian inadunate crinoid from west Somerset, England. 4, 538. 474. webby, b. d. 1964. Devonian corals and brachiopods from the Brendon Hills, West Somerset. 7, 1. 475. webby, b. d. 1965. Quantoxocrinus, a new Devonian inadunate crinoid from West Somerset, England. 8, 1 1. 476. webby, b. d. 1968. Astrocystites distans sp. nov., an edrioblastoid from the Ordovician of Eastern Australia. SI, 513. 477. webby, b. d. 1969. Ordovician stromatoporoids from New South Wales. 12, 637. 478. weir, J. a. 1959. Ashgillian Trilobites from Co. Clare, Ireland. 1, 369. 479. wendt, j. 1968. Discohelix (Archaeogastropoda, Euomphalacea) as an index fossil in the Tethyan Jurassic. 11, 554. 480. westbroek, p. 1969. The interpretation of growth and form in serial sections through brachipods, exemplified by the trigonorhynchiid septalium. 12, 321. WHITE, D. E., see SMITH, J. D. D. 481. white, d. e. 1966. The Silurian rugose coral Microplasma lovenianum Dybowski from Mon- mouthshire. 9, 148. 482. white, e. i. 1958. On Cephalaspis lyelli Agassiz. 1, 99. 483. Whittington, h. b. 1958. Ontogeny of the trilobite Peltura scarabaeoides from Upper Cambrian, Denmark. 1, 200. 484. whitworth, p. h. 1969. The Tremadoc trilobite Pseudokainella impar (Salter). 12, 406. 485. wiedmann, J. 1965. Origin, limits, and systematic position of Scaphites. 8, 397. 486. williams, a., and wright, a. d. 1961. The origin of the loop in articulate brachiopods. 4, 149. 487. williams, a. 1968. Shell structure of the billingsellacean brachiopods. 11, 486. 488. wills, l. J. 1959. The external anatomy of some Carboniferous 'scorpions’, Part 1. 1, 261. 489. wills, l. j. 1960. The external anatomy of some Carboniferous 'scorpions’, Part 2. 3, 276. 490. wills, l. j. 1963. Cyprilepas holmi Wills 1962, a pedunculate cirripede from the Upper Silurian of Oesel, Esthonia. 6, 161. 491. wills, l. j. 1964. The ventral anatomy of the Upper Carboniferous eurypterid Anthraconectes Meek and Worthen. 7, 474. 492. wilson, e. c., waines, r. h., and coogan, a. h. 1963. A new species of Komia Korde and the systematic position of the genus. 6, 246. 493. wilson, r. b. 1959. Wilkingia gen. nov. to replace Allorisma for a genus of Upper Palaeozoic lamellibranchs. 1, 401. 494. wilson, r. b. 1962. A review of the evidence for a ‘Nebraskan’ fauna in the Scottish Carboni- ferous. 4, 507. 495. wilson, r. b. 1963. The lamellibranch genus Prothyris in the Upper Devonian and Carboniferous of Great Britain. 6, 136. 496. wood, a. 1957. The type-species of the genus Girvanella (Calcareous Algae). 1, 22. 497. wood, A. 1963. The British Carboniferous species of Girvanella (Calcareous Algae). 6, 264. AUTHOR LIST 43 498. wood, a. 1964. A new dasycladacean alga, Nanopora, from the Lower Carboniferous of England and Kazakhston. 7, 181. 499. wright, a. d. 1963. The morphology of the brachiopod superfamily Triplesiacea. 5, 740. See also WILLIAMS, A. 500. wright, c. w. 1963. Cretaceous ammonites from Bathurst Island, Northern Australia. 6, 597. 501. yates, Patricia J. 1961. New Namurian goniatites of the genus Eamorphoceras. 4, 54. 502. yates, Patricia J. 1962. The palaeontology of the Namurian rocks of Slieve Anierin, Co. Leitrim, Eire. 5, 355. 503. zammit-maempel, g. 1969. A new species of Coelopleunts (Echinoidea) from the Miocene of Malta. 12, 42. 504. zeuner, f. e. 1959. A new Liassic dragonfly from Gloucestershire. 1, 406. 505. zeuner, f. e. 1959. Jurassic beetles from Grahamland, Antarctica. 1, 407. 506. Ziegler, A. M. 1966. Unusual stricklandiid brachiopods from the Upper Llandovery Beds near Presteigne, Radnorshire. 9, 346. 507. ziegler, A. M. 1966. The Silurian brachiopod Eocoelia hemisphaerica (J. de C. Sowerby) and related species. 9, 523. 508. ziegler, A. M., cocks, l. r. m., and mckerrow, w. s. 1968. The Llandovery transgression of the Welsh Borderland. 11, 736. 509. ziegler, b. 1963. Some Upper Jurassic ammonites of the genus Rasenia from Scotland. 5, 765. 510. zullo, v. A., kaar, F. f., Durham, J. w., and allison, E. c. 1964. The echinoid genus Salenia in the eastern Pacific. 7, 331. THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION SPECIAL PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY This is a series of substantial separate works published by the Association. The subscription rate is £6 (U.S. $16.00) for Institute Members and £3 (U.S. $8.00) for Ordinary and Student Members. Subscriptions and orders by members of the Association should be placed through the Membership Treasurer, Dr. A. J. Lloyd, Department of Geology, University College, Gower Street, London, W. C. 1, England. The following Special Papers are available. Members may obtain them at reduced rates through the Membership Treasurer. Non-members may obtain them from B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England, at the prices indicated. Special Paper No. 1. (for 1967) : Miospores in the Coal Seams of the Carboniferous of Great Britain, by A. H. V. Smith and M. A. Butterworth. 324 pp., 72 text-figs., 27 plates. Price £8 (U.S. $22.00), post free. Special Paper No. 2 (for 1968): Evolution of the Shell Structure of Articulate Brachiopods, by A. Williams. 55 pp., 27 text-figs., 24 plates. Price £5 (U.S. $13.00). Special Paper No. 3 (for 1968): Upper Maestrichtian Radiolaria of California, by Helen P. Foreman. 82 pp., 8 plates. Price £3 (U.S. $8.00). Special Paper No. 4 (for 1969): Lower Turonian Ammonites from Israel, by R. Freund and M. Raab. 83 pp., 15 text-figs., 10 plates. Price £3 (U.S. $8.00). Special Paper No. 5 (for 1969): Chitinozoa from the Ordovician Viola and Fernvale Limestones of the Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, by W. A. M. Jenkins. 44 pp., 10 text-figs., 9 plates. Price £2 (U.S. $5.00). Special Paper No. 6 (for 1969): Ammonoidea from the Mata Series (Santonian- Maastrichtian) of New Zealand, by R. A. Henderson. 82 pp., 13 text-figs., 15 plates. Price £3 (U.S. $8.00). Special Paper No. 7 (for 1970): Shell Structure of the Craniacea and other Calcareous Inarticulate Brachiopoda, by A. Williams and A. D. Wright. 51 pp., 17 text-figs., 15 plates. Price £L50 (U.S. $4.00). Special Paper No. 8 (for 1970): Cenomanian Ammonites from Southern England, by W. J. Kennedy. 272 pp., 5 tables, 64 plates. Price £8 (U.S. $22.00). Special Paper No. 9 (for 1971): Fish from the Freshwater Lower Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia, with Comments on the Palaeoenvironment, by M. Waldman. Approx. 130 pp., 37 text-figs., 18 plates. Price £5 (U.S. $13.00). Special Paper No. 10 (for 1971): Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia, by R. H. Bates. With 43 text-figs, and 27 plates. Price £5 (U.S. $13.00). PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD BY VIVIAN RIDLER PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY rn 8 5 Mwa 8 > X 5 > 5 ■ VF' > _ “ C/3 UJ C/3 X ^ CO /ooSn, U3 , jrflfo,, o ' z 0 “ ■ 5 “ x*tA -» Z ' _J Z _l Z -j lavaan libraries Smithsonian institution NonniiisNi nvinoshiiins saiavaan libr< — “ 3 z r- z <3 • ™ 2 03 2 03 jigs 2 /5^^X 03 /& m m | m

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