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Collinson, Department of Biology, King’s College, London W8 7AH Membership Treasurer : Dr H. A. Armstrong, Department of Geology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU Institutional Membership Treasurer : Dr A. W. Owen, Department of Geology and Applied Geology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ Acting Secretary. Dr J. A. Crame, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OET Circular Reporter : Dr D. Palmer, Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2 Marketing Manager '. Dr C. R. Hill, Department of Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History), London SW7 5BD Public Relations Officer : Dr M. J. Benton, Department of Geology, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1RJ Editors Dr M. J. Benton, Department of Geology, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1RJ Dr J. E. Dalingwater, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL Dr D. Edwards, Department of Geology, University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cardiff CF1 3YE Dr P. D. Lane, Department of Geology, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG (co-opted) Dr P. A. Selden, Department of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL Dr P. D. Taylor, Department of Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History), London SW7 5BD Other Members Dr E. A. Jarzembowski, Brighton Dr E. A. Kennedy, Oxford Dr D. M. Martill, Milton Keynes Dr A. R. Milner, London Dr R. A. Spicer, Oxford Overseas Representatives Argentina: Dr M. O. Mancenido, Division Paleozoologia invertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata. Australia: Dr K. J. McNamara, Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000. Canada: Professor S. H. Williams, Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University, St John’s, Newfoundland A1B 3X5. China : Dr Chang Mee-mann, Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Paleoanthropology, Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 643, Beijing. Dr Rong Jia-yu, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chi-Ming-Ssu, Nanjing. France: Dr J.-L. Henry, Institut de Geologie, Universite de Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu, Avenue du General Leclerc, 35042 Rennes Cedex. Iberia : Prof. F. Alvarez, Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Oviedo, C/. Jesus Arias de Velasco, s/n. 33005 Oviedo, Spain. Japan: Dr I. Hayami, University Museum, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Tokyo. New Zealand: Dr R. A. Cooper, New Zealand Geological Survey, P.O. Box 30368, Lower Hutt. Scandinavia : Dr R. Bromley, Fredskovvej 4, 2840 Holte, Denmark. U.S.A. : Prof. A. J. Rowell, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. Prof. N. M. Savage, Department of Geology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403. Prof. M. A. Wilson, Department of Geology, College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio 44961. W. Germany : Prof. F. T. Fursich, Institut fur Palaontologie, Universitat, D8700 Wurzburg, Pliecherwall 1 MEMBERSHIP Membership is open to individuals and institutions on payment of the appropriate annual subscription. Rates for 1990 are: Institutional membership . . £60 00 (U.S. $108) Student membership . . . . £1 L50 (U.S. $20) Ordinary membership . £28 00 (U.S. $50) Retired membership .... £14 00 (U.S. $25) There is no admission fee. Correspondence concerned with Institutional Membership should be addressed to Dr A. W. Owen, Department of Geology and Applied Geology, The University, Glasgow G12 8QQ. Student members are persons receiving full- time instruction at educational institutions recognized by the Council. On first applying for membership, an application form should be obtained from the Membership Treasurer: Dr H. A. Armstrong, Department of Geology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU. Subscriptions cover one calendar year and are due each January; they should be sent to the Membership Treasurer. All members who join for 1990 will receive Palaeontology , Volume 33, Parts 1-4. Enquiries concerning back numbers should be directed to the Marketing Manager. Non-members may subscribe, and also obtain back issues up to 3 years old, at cover price through Basil Blackwell Ltd, Journal Subscription Department, Marston Book Services, P.O. Box 87, Oxford OX2 0DT, England. For issues before Vol. 29 contact the Marketing Manager. Cover: Framboidal pyrite with lumen of a tracheid of the early land plant, Gosslingia breconensis, from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of South Wales. x700. See P. Kenrick and D. Edwards. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 97, 95-123. THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE FORAMINIFERA A REVIEW OF HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES by JOHN R. HAYNES Abstract. A historical review of the classification of Foraminifera reveals that the latest by Loeblich and Tappan is in the central tradition, leading from the work of the early English School, in which it is attempted to relate test composition and fine structure to physiology in formulating a sound basis for distinction of suprageneric rank. Although the early English School first distinguished homologous from analogous structures, their view that Foraminifera constituted a primitive, plastic group has inhibited biological and stratigraphical work, and distorted classification down to the present. The search for a single ‘key’ to turn the problem has also led to swings of fashion and, using Brady’s metaphor, to ‘cutting rather than untying the Gordian Knot’. Recent classifications are shown to retain considerable artificial elements. Attempts to substitute numerical taxonomy or cladistics for ‘intuitive’ taxonomy are misguided. Principles to assist the way forward are given. The Foraminifera are the most abundant marine invertebrates and play a major role in the economy of nature. The classification given in the Treatise of invertebrate paleontology (Loeblich and Tappan (1964) hereafter referred to as Treatise (1964)) has been treated as a standard for a quarter of a century, so the appearance of a comprehensive revision in book form (Loeblich and Tappan 1988u) is a considerable scientific event, not only for palaeontology but also for zoology. Its importance for geology is well expressed by the authors in their introduction : ‘They are the most widely used fossil organisms for biostratigraphy, age dating and correlation of sediments, and paleoenvironmental interpretation, both as organisms whose living representatives provide ecologic data and as mineralized shells that are a geochemical record of paleotemperatures, extent of glaciation and other paleogeographic features’ (p. 1 ). However, the very success of Foraminifera in applied palaeontology and palaeoecology has hindered advances in classification because workers have resisted changes, preferring the ‘stability’ created, at least in the West, by general acceptance of the Treatise. Indeed, suggested changes may provoke hostility. Symptomatic of the general attitude is this complaint in Nature about the alternative classifications put forward in Comparative primate biology (Martin 1988, p. 589): ‘The Editors did not impose a uniform system... use of alternative schemes seen as a sign of healthy science better seen as an insidious ailment ...a relatively stable classification is a prerequisite for other work ... it is high time matters were put to rights . . . the present situation is comparable to a team of computer programmers arguing endlessly about whether they should use BASIC, FORTRAN or PASCAL, rather than getting on with the actual programming job in hand’. Views of this kind mistake the fundamental purpose of classification which is to provide an orderly hierarchical array of taxa reflecting the genetic lines of descent, not simply to provide a convenient pigeon-holing, i.e. a natural classification is confused with an artificial identification key or retrieval system. A taxonomic scheme is useful for ‘other work’ in direct proportion to the extent it reflects the true lines of descent. An artificial scheme will probably be misleading in biostratigraphy and palaeoecology and certainly useless for studies of macro-evolution. It is the advances towards a genetic classification that are a prerequisite of greater precision in other work, especially in study of rates of evolution and diversity patterns. A good example is provided by the foraminiferal genera I Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 503-528.| © The Palaeontological Association 504 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 GJobigerina and Globorotalia , formerly included in one family and both considered to range back into the early Cretaceous. In Loeblich and Tappan’s book they are now placed in different superfamilies and both are restricted to the Cenozoic, Globorotalia to the Neogene. The discovery that the globigerinids are near-surface plankton while the globorotaliids are deep-dwellers is in tune with this more discriminating approach. Similarly, the large orbitoidal foraminifera were originally placed in one family that straddled the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Again, these genera are now recognized as belonging to distinct superfamilies with ranges which reveal and emphasize the marked break at that horizon. Changes of this kind are clearly a sign of scientific health and complaints about them reminiscent of the lamentations that arose because Copernicus destroyed the stability of the Ptolemaic system. Another reason for the ‘bad press’ given to taxonomy is the common misconception that the important work on the major groups has been done, with the main goals achieved. Like the traditional comparative anatomy once taught at Oxford (as described by Sir Peter Medawar in his engaging autobiography. Memoirs of a thinking radish), it is seen as ‘deadly dull’ and no longer a ‘live’ issue, despite the ‘grandeur’ of the demonstration of evolution. Controversies in taxonomy are dismissed as mere squabbles about trivial matters, such as priority of names, and descriptive work on new species as a higher form of stamp collecting. However, there are very few groups in which the phylogeny is known with any certainty. In the Foraminifera it is a matter of continuing lively debate and a comparison between the classification set out by Loeblich and Tappan in their new book and those of earlier workers, including their own in the Treatise (1964), will silence criticism of this kind. The general reader may be given a clearer picture of the problems faced in the attempt to produce a natural classification by a historical summary of past debates about the correct principles to be followed. The clash between the ‘English School' and the ‘Continental School' in the nineteenth century and between the English School and the ‘American School' in the early twentieth century being particularly instructive, because the extreme positions taken up highlight the difficulties involved as well as differences in philosophy and attitude. This will also help to explain the paradox that late into this century the Foraminifera could be regarded as a simple, plastic group in which the shell composition reflected habitat, and differences in shape and ornament the impact of physico-chemical forces acting on the protoplasm (D’Arcy Thompson 1942), at the same time as they were being successfully used in biostratigraphy. No attempt is made to summarize all the classifications that have been proposed (for an exhaustive coverage see Loeblich and Tappan 1964, pp. 140-63). Instead, attention is directed to the most influential classifications in what may be called the central tradition; in particular, to the founder members of the English School because they were the first successfully to distinguish homologous from analogous structures and because the classification now produced by Loeblich and Tappan is, in many respects, ‘the direct lineal descendant’ of that of Carpenter (1861, 1862). ATTEMPTS TO UNTIE THE GORDIAN KNOT The clash between catastrophism and unif ormitcirianism The dominant figures in the English School were largely biological in outlook and, appropriately for a maritime nation, were chiefly concerned with the study of the Recent and the dredge samples that became available as a result of the strong nineteenth century drive towards exploration of the oceans. The first work on foraminifera in England was on the Recent species of the south coast (Walker and Boys 1874). The dominant figures in the Continental School were largely palaeontological and geological in outlook, the first work in France being that on the Eocene of the Paris Basin (Lamarck 1804). There was also a deeper dichotomy in that Alcide d’Orbigny, the founding father of scientific foraminiferal studies and of the Continental School, was also a catastrophist (appropriate in post-revolutionary France), whereas, in contrast, the English School was strongly influenced by Lyellian uniformitarianism (see Heron- Allen 1917). HAYNES: FO R A M I N I F E R AN CLASSIFICATION 505 D'Orbigny (1826) was the first to recognize the Foraminifera as a separate group, considering them an order of the Cephalopoda distinguished by possession of a series of internal, basal chamber openings (foramina), rather than possessing a siphuncle. Concordant with his idea that the Foraminifera were cephalopods he divided them into families entirely on the basis of chamber arrangement or coiling mode, the simplest (and most severely parsimonious) solution. After the discovery that Foraminifera were Protozoa by Dujardin (1835). d’Orbigny ( 1839) raised the group to Class status with six orders based on chamber arrangement, plus an extra one for single chambered forms. Despite the simplicity of his taxonomic scheme, d'Orbigny recognized a large number of genera and species. This was because he believed in the complete replacement of faunas at the end of each successive geological stage by special creation. Although the discovery that the Foraminifera were Protozoa prompted d’Orbigny to give them class status, it had little other effect on his view of their classification. In contrast it had a profound influence on the whole philosophy of the English School, dominated by Williamson and Carpenter in the mid nineteenth century. Thus, Williamson (1858, p. ix) saw it as demonstrating the Tow organization’ of ‘diversified inferior creatures’ with an ‘anomalous and obscure' history. The external features of the shell, such as direction of growth and sculpture, considered important earlier when foraminifera were thought to be molluscs, were now seen as due to ‘age and local circumstance’ and possessing Tittle value’. Carpenter (1862, p. vii) in classing them with the Rhizopoda commented on the soft parts as ‘a little particle of homogeneous jelly ’, the ‘protoplasm not yet differentiated into cell-wall and cell-contents’ and more primitive than Amoeba , because, apparently, without nucleus. For this reason he concluded that variation in form of the shell aperture, which in higher animals with an alimentary canal would warrant generic or family distinction, was of ‘comparatively little moment’ and perhaps even a matter of ‘individual difference’. Both these key figures in the English School readily accepted the new doctrine of Darwinian evolution: Carpenter was close to the Darwin circle, wrote a supporting review (1860) and took a prominent part in debates on the subject as, ‘one of the most active and respected interpreters of evolutionary theory’ (Young 1985). Combined with their view of the low position of Foraminifera on the tree of life, this led them to reject outright d’Orbigny’s classification based on geometrical plan. The ‘extraordinary diversity’ of Foraminifera and The gradational nature of these differences’ which indicated ‘community of descent more or less remote ... from a small number of original types’, also led them to dismiss not only his successive special creations but also his ‘needlessly ... multiplied ... number of species’. Williamson ( 1 858, p. x) decided that ‘ real specific ’ features would only be shown by the soft parts, and that The hard shells of the Foraminifera do not constitute a sufficiently constant and important element in their organization to justify our trusting to them as guides in the discrimination of species’. While Carpenter (1862, p. vii) was forced to the conclusion that ‘sharply defined divisions - whether between species, genera, families or orders do not exist’ and that (p. x) the ‘ordinary notion of species ... was inapplicable’, the term becoming one of convenience for inter- grading assemblages grouped round a small number of family types, showing ‘continuity through a vast succession of geological epochs’. It would be anachronistic to complain that Carpenter and Williamson lacked an adequate species concept. The attempt to apply evolutionary ideas was premature. Adequate knowledge of the stratigraphical record, of true genetic diversity as distinct from dimorphism and polymorphism resulting from alternation of generations, and of the complications caused by changing apertural style during the growth of multiform species, lay in the future. But they were correct in their scathing attack on members of the Continental School, such as de Montfort (1808) who recognized individual variations as generic, e.g. nine genera based on ‘ Nautilus calcar ’ - all synonymized with Lenticulina in Loeblich and Tappan’s book. But in their extreme reaction to d’Orbigny on the side of Lyellian uniformitarianism they denied (Carpenter 1862, p. xi) there was ‘any fundamental modification in the foraminiferous type from the Palaeozoic period to the present’, and deduced (Williamson 1858, p. xii) that foraminifera have Tittle value... in determining the relations between 506 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 zoological provinces or in identifying stratified deposits'. These views cast a long shadow down the years, inhibiting stratigraphical work in Britain into the present century, despite their countervailing (and contradictory) remarks on the value of foraminifera as indicators of temperature and depth. They undoubtedly influenced Darwin, who otherwise might have found a paradigm in these ‘intergrading forms' regarded as the ‘direct lineal descendants’ of remote ancestors. On this subject the first edition of the ‘Origin' preserves a resounding silence, and, significantly. Carpenter does not mention foraminifera in his extended review of it ( 1 860). In later editions (from the 4th, 1 866, p. 402, see 1929 reprint of 6th edition, p. 293) Darwin notes 'Foraminifera have not, as insisted by Dr. Carpenter, progressed in organisation since even the Laurentian epoch’. Even a hundred years later it was concluded ‘ the morphological series ... do not always seem to have very strong claims to being evolutionary series’ (Challinor 1959, p. 79). The confusion about the value of the foraminifera in stratigraphy is a symptom of the confusion about species caused by the advent of Darwinism. When Carpenter (1862, p. x) states that the idea of the species as ‘marked out from each other by definite characters ... from original prototypes similarly distinguished’, is quite inapplicable to this group, with the suggestion that this is unlike the case in the more advanced Cephalopoda, we see the persistence of the Linnaean idea of the species, i.e. separated by morphological gaps from their nearest relatives in the great chain of being. Underlined by his view (1860, p. 214) that the chief difficulties for Darwin’s theory were those structures or habits ‘difficult to imagine to have been acquired gradually by any process of consecutive modification'. Again echoed by Challinor (1959, p. 62), ‘the apparent rarity of closely graded evolutionary series may express a real rarity and be due... to evolution usually proceeding in jumps rather than perfectly smooth gradation’. In this way, paradoxically, the profoundly anti- Darwinian, Linnaean species, the discrete ‘particle’ of Lyell, became incorporated into the philosophy of the English School as a justification of extreme lumping in the search for the ‘morphological gap’ between ‘true’ species. The pervasive influence of this idea, even today, is seen in ill-advised attempts to delineate this ‘true’ species by ‘scientifically rigorous’ methods, involving numerical taxonomy and cladistics (see p. 521). Although the attempt to apply evolutionary ideas at the specific and generic level was a failure, the attempt to find a more natural basis for the higher divisions was much more successful. Both men (Williamson, a medical doctor and Professor of Natural History and Carpenter, one of the leading physiologists of his time) were highly skilled microscopists and their background and training prompted them to look for the possible connection between soft parts and fine structure and wall composition (texture) of the test, as a means of recognizing major groups. Carpenter (1850, 1856, 1862) made particular use of both natural and artificial casts as well as thin-sections in his studies of foraminifera from off Australia and the Philippines which included a number of larger calcareous genera. This led him to the discovery of canals and the distinction that could be drawn on the basis of the presence or absence of pores between annular discoid genera grouped together by d'Orbigny. By means of thin-sections and transmitted light, Williamson (1852, 1858) distinguished the three major wall structure groups of the post-Palaeozoic and the lamellar character of the hyaline group. These observations led to a comprehensive reclassification by Carpenter (1861, 1862). Two suborders were recognized: Imperforata, to include membranous, ‘porcellanous’ (porcelaneous) and ‘arenaceous’ (agglutinated) families and the Perforata, taken to include three calcareous families - one finely perforate (Lagemda), one coarsely perforate (Globigerinida) and one finely perforated with canal system and supplementary skeleton (Nummulida). With its emphasis on fine structure and composition this classification is decidedly modern in outlook and it might be thought that simple elaboration of its main ideas would have taken place through the late nineteenth century. For a number of reasons this was not to be the case. In particular, although in outline the classification ostensibly presumes a necessary connection between wall structure and perforation, detailed perusal reveals a major contradiction. The tendency of some ‘rough-cast’ porcelaneous miliolids to acquire an outer agglutinated coat was considered ‘a trifling variation’, not justifying their separate treatment. Similarly, perforate agglutinated forms with calcareous cement were HAYNES: FOR A M I N I FER AN CLASSIFICATION 507 united with their calcareous homeomorphs and (1862, p. 48) separated from ‘proper ... purely arenaceous’ forms with organic cement in which ‘the absence of any pseudopodial pores ... shows their affinity to be rather with the porcellanous than with the hyaline series’. In this way. Carpenter tried to rationalize a system based on the idea of the primacy of perforation as an indication of fundamental physiological distinction, but at the cost of considerably devaluing wall composition as well as chamber arrangement. It is interesting that in claiming that the porcelaneous and hyaline series are isomorphic in chamber arrangement he overlooked the distinctive milioline coiling ot a major proportion of the porcelaneous group, including the ‘rough cast’ forms which could have assisted his argument. Quite apart from this contradiction at the heart of the classification, the very success of the rhetoric of the founder members of the English School regarding the impossibility of recognizing species on the basis of the hard parts (if at all) helped to undermine it from the start. Thus, ironically, despite its brilliant insights, it came to be seen as over-elaborate, like the parallel scheme of Reuss (1862), also based on the discoveries of the English School, but with twenty-eight families recognized. The triumph of the English School These changing ideas were well shown by the new classification proposed by Brady (1884), on the basis of comprehensive collections from all the major oceans, made during the voyage of the Challenger (1872-74). Although during the intervening years there had been an attempt to solve the problem of the relationships of perforation and wall composition by putting composition at the higher hierarchical level (Rupert Jones 1875), Brady considered this ‘cutting rather than untying the knot’, and abandoned ‘minute structure’ as a means of subdividing the order as ‘not uniformly applicable'. Carpenter’s six families were refined and increased to ten (including twenty-nine subfamilies) with much more emphasis on chamber arrangement, particularly evident at subfamily level. Also, against the spirit of Carpenter's ‘Principles', the unilocular family Astrorhizidae was set up to cover single chambered agglutinated genera from the Abyssal Plains and the Globigerinidae was restricted to planktonic genera. However, the family Textulariidae was still considered to include both agglutinated and hyaline, biserial and triserial genera. The Lyellian steady-state, uniformitarian dogma of the English School is also apparent in the idea that Nummulites (‘ Nummulina') ranged back to the Carboniferous, in the inclusion of Fusulina in the same family, and in the failure to separate Endothyra from the agglutinated group. The continuing confusion about species was also still evident. On the one hand Brady quotes Carpenter's views with approval and states ‘so-called species represent no more than terms of a series’, but on the other hand he recognizes (p. vi) ‘modifications ... whether species or not which differ not merely in details of form and structure but in habit... with characters that afford means of easy identification’. The attempt to group varieties around a few primary types was abandoned and the treatment of species and genera is nearer to that of Reuss and the Continental School. Despite the continuing disagreement about stratigraphical ranges, it is possible to see here the beginning of a rapprochment, although Brady’s species limits are extremely wide and he found the ‘needless multiplication’ of species by European workers ‘a bar to progress’. In the event, reconciliation between the two schools lay well into the next century. Brady’s simple classification, backed by the beautiful lithographed plates in the Challenger Report (unsurpassed until the invention of the scanning electron microscope and still superior in some respects), was widely influential and remained in use, modified by Lister (1903), almost into our own day (Jepps 1956). This reflects the long dominance of the English School and the apparent confirmation of its views : first, by the detection of pores in the proloculus of the porcelaneous genus Peneroplis (Rhumbler 1895); second, by the discovery of calcareous genera, in supposed Cambrian limestone from Malvern, some specimens actually being put into three extant species by Chapman (1900). The issue of the ‘Cambrian’ calcareous foraminifera became the ‘cause celebre’ of foraminiferal studies, not solved until Wood (1947) demonstrated that the fauna was derived from an erratic of early Mesozoic age. Meanwhile workers like Galloway (1933) and Chapman and Parr 508 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 33 (1936) who tried to take the occurrence into account in classification, were almost bound to decide that calcareous forms sprang from tectinous ancestors and that agglutinating forms arose later and were more advanced. The germ of this idea may be found in Carpenter (1862). Those that did not, like Cushman (1927), who on the basis of his stratigraphical work had good reason to find it suspect, were forced to try and explain it away as a result of post-mortem calcification. Inevitably, wall structure was further devalued to the point that Douville (1906) decided it was determined entirely by habitat. Economic imperatives and the rise of the American School It is interesting historically, that just as the philosophy of the English School apparently reached its apotheosis, developments elsewhere in the world, in particular, the successful application of larger foraminifera in the Far East and the Caribbean, and of smaller foraminifera in the oilfields of Texas, vindicated their use as biostratigraphical index fossils. The name chiefly associated with the taxonomic work on the great number of new genera and species that now came to light was that of Joseph Cushman, the key figure in what came to be known as the American School (Galloway 1928). He began his career working mainly on Recent Foraminifera, indeed his interest in them continued until his death (Cushman 1932, 1933, 1942) and his knowledge was as extensive in this area as that of Brady. But he also became well known as a consultant for the U.S. Geological Survey and various oil companies. This allowed him to set up his own laboratory in 1924 and to begin the serial publication of the famous Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminifera/ research which attest to his unrivalled knowledge of foraminifera from both the subsurface and outcrop. With this background he was well suited to syncretize the philosophies of the English and Continental Schools and to mitigate their tendency towards excessive lumping on the one hand and excessive splitting on the other. This was not achieved immediately because the sheer volume of new material necessitated the creation of many new taxa and this was fiercely criticized by members of the English School, still labouring under the misapprehension that the fauna from the Malverns was Cambrian and clinging to Carpenter’s central dogma: that the Foraminifera were a simple plastic group. The initial reaction of the English School is well shown by Heron-Alien’s review (1929) of Cushman's new classification (1927, 1928) which recognized some 600 genera (compared to the 141 of Brady), ‘an overwhelming avalanche’ causing the ‘brain of the beginner to reel’. In particular, he deplored the splitting of many genera, with the revival of many of d’Orbigny’s names, as well as previously abandoned names. Although admitting that the time had come for an ‘exhaustive’ reclassification, he was ‘assailed by doubt’ in his response to the argument for splitting based on stratigraphic utility and as well as pointing out the problem of facies, suggested that unconformities and faults could ‘seriously embarrass’ the petroleum geologist and that it was ‘self-evident that the pelagic Foraminifera must be useless as stratigraphical indications’. That the battle was now between applied and academic workers rather than schools is revealed by later correspondence in Nature (Heron-Alien 1935) where he quotes Hans Thalmann’s description of the creation of new genera and species in 1933 and 1934 (more than 300 per annum) as ‘ dementia nomenclatorica americana ’. It is interesting that, despite quoting Thalmann’s remarks with apparent approval, he admits the responsibility of Earland (his co-worker on the Discovery material) for seventy-three of the new species for 1934. This contradiction is reminiscent of Brady who similarly found it necessary to legitimize his own taxonomic offspring by appealing for general adherence to the standards of rectitude set by the early Fathers of the English School. Cushman not only increased the number of genera to some 600 but replaced earlier groupings by forty-five families (many based on the subfamilies of Brady) which were increased to fifty in the last edition of his book, Foraminifera (1948). These families were clearly distinguished on grounds of wall structure as far as it was then known, chamber arrangement and aperture form, with coiled genera regarded as leading to uncoiled genera. Unilocular agglutinating forms were considered the most primitive group and ancestral to most other families via coiled, unilocular genera already present in the Lower Palaeozoic. In his general acceptance of ontogeny and recapitulation as a key HAYNES: FO R A M I N I FE R AN CLASSIFICATION 509 to unlock the phylogeny of multiform species, and of uncoiling as a dominant trend, he followed Lister (1903) and Schubert (1908, 1921) rather than Rhumbler (1895, 1911, 1923) and Douville (1906) who believed in proterogenesis and general coiling-up. There is an interesting correspondence here with the rejection by Spath (1933) of the idea of a general, coiling-up trend in the cephalopods as postulated by Hyatt (1900). Like Brady, Cushman did not group his families in phylogenetic lines (probably because of the difficulties caused by the confused stratigraphical evidence) but fifteen of the calcareous perforate families were regarded as having common descent from a rotaliid ancestor. As was shown by Wood (1949), apart from Peneroplis and its allies which Cushman separates from other porcelaneous forms on the groups of their postulated perforate ancestry, his families can be grouped into distinct higher categories based on wall structure. That this was not done reflects the continuing doubts about the importance of wall structure and the persistence of the idea of the primary importance of perforation. Cushman also followed Brady in including the Palaeozoic endothyrids with the agglutinating lituolids. The families were grouped into higher categories by Glaessner (1945) who recognized seven superfamilies based on wall structure, chamber arrangement and apertural form. The endothyrids were placed in a separate superfamily with the fusulines on the grounds of their microgranular wall structure (Henbest 1937) and the porcelaneous families were also regarded as a natural group originating from a coiled unilocular ancestor. Glaessner laid particular stress upon the value of biological studies in interpreting the fossil record and pointed out how the work of Myers (1935, 1936), Le Calvez (1938) and Jepps (1942) not only clarified problems of dimorphism and reproduction, but proved the stability of species and of wall structure, perforation and chamber form under different ecological conditions. However, although the superfamilies were considered to have a common origin in coiled, unilocular, agglutinated ancestors, the continuing existence of the ‘stumbling block’ to confident phylogenetic work, created by the supposed Cambrian fauna of the Malverns, meant that no attempt was made to recognize suborders on the basis of wall structure. The return to wall structure as the primary basis of subdivision Wood (1947, 1949) not only removed the ‘stumbling block’ in the way of recognition of the stratigraphical succession of the major groups of Foraminifera but greatly clarified knowledge of wall structure. The optical characteristics of the main types were clearly defined and the hyaline group was shown to include both radial and oblique (‘optically granular’) genera. It also encouraged other work on fine structure which with the help of TEM now proceeded apace, leading to the suggestion there were three types of lamellar wall, monolamellar, monolamellar with septal flap and bilamellar (Smout 1954; Reiss 1958, 1965). This microscopical work on fine structure is reminiscent of that of the early English School and in the same way came to underpin a new classification, that of Loeblich and Tappan ( 1 964), the most important and widely followed of those proposed in the wake of the great expansion of foraminiferal studies during and immediately after the Second World War. Compared with Cushman’s scheme the number of genera and families was practically doubled, to 1194 and 95, grouped in seventeen superfamilies and five suborders. The outcry that greeted the appearance of Cushman’s classification was not repeated in the case of that of Loeblich and Tappan. Although Berggren in his review (1965), remarked that few could have been prepared for the appearance of such a ‘two volume tome’ he went on to say that comparison of the numbers of taxa recognized with those in other invertebrate groups, revealed it was actually conservative. It is also significant that the main criticism made by Lee (1966) in his review of the biological section, is of the assertion that ‘the simpler genera’ with a single-chambered test of pseudochitin or pseudochitin combined with agglutinated particles also have simpler histories, remarking that the life cycle in Allogromia is complicated and indicates the opposite. This general change in attitudes was largely due to the influence of Cushman’s book, which went through four editions, to the impact of biological work, and to the successful stratigraphical application of larger, smaller and planktonic foraminifera in the subsurface (in which British micropalaeontologists fully participated, particularly in the Middle East and Caribbean). Although problems of definition 510 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 remained, the ‘new synthesis’ between population genetics and Darwinism in the 1930s and 1940s established the modern species concept and thereafter the debate was between individuals rather than schools. The idea that foraminifera were a simple, plastic group in which true species did not exist largely disappeared. Wall composition and fine structure were now regarded as most important and the basis for recognition of the suborders and superfamilies, with apertural characters and chamber arrangement second and third. Thus we find that, after just over a hundred years, wall composition and fine structure have returned to favour, on the lines of Rupert Jones’s attempted revision of Carpenter’s scheme with perforation made subordinate : Allogromiina - membraneous Textulariina - agglutinated Fusulinina - microgranular Miliolina - porcelaneous (imperforate in post-embryonic stage) Rotaliina - calcareous perforate Apart from the microgranular group, the major subdivisions are based on the wall structure categories of Williamson, and reliance on wall composition and layering is carried to great lengths in the recognition of the superfamilies. In particular, aragonitic, calcitic spicular, calcitic single crystal and , hyaline-oblique (‘optically granular’) structures were given superfamily status. However, the attempt to use wall structure as a key led to inherent difficulties like those in Carpenter’s scheme. Although the Rotaliina were defined as calcareous perforate and the Miliolina as imperforate in the post-embryonic stage, separate status was not given to the perforate families in the calcareous microgranular group or to those in the agglutinated group (also discounted by Carpenter). Again, although aperture form is stated to be more important than chamber arrangement, in practice, the lower divisions were recognized on a combination of characters, and where wall structure and apertural changes with ontogeny were ill-understood, chamber arrangement inevitably took precedence. History also repeated itself in that opinion swiftly swung away from the extremes of this mid- twentieth century cutting of the Gordian Knot. Towe and Cifelli (1967) showed that although radial and hyaline-oblique structure are distinct optically they are close crystallographically, and one may easily give rise to the other. Indeed, intermediate forms have been shown to exist (Bellemo 1974). This confirmed the variation noted at the specific and generic level in many families by Haynes (1956) and Wood and Haynes (1957). It thus became clear that the Cassidulinacea was an artificial grouping and that wall structure shows progressive changes in many groups, e.g. in the Elphidiidae and Cibicididae (Anomalinidae) where chamber arrangement remains stable, in contrast to the Nodosariidae in which wall structure is stable while chamber arrangement shows rapid progressive change along many lines. Similarly, the attempt to subdivide the hyaline group on the basis of layering ran into problems of conflicting observations until it was decided that all the Rotaliina, apart from the monolamellar Nodosariacea were bilamellar (Hansen and Reiss 1972; Gronlund and Hansen 1976). Some of these problems were taken into account by Loeblich and Tappan in various modifications of their scheme (1974, 1984). In particular, in 1974, they abandoned the attempt to make hyaline-oblique and bilamellar structure the basis of separate superfamilies, although wall composition was retained as the basis of the overall grouping. The Treatise classification became the dominant influence on foraminiferal studies for more than two decades. Of other classifications proposed, the most interesting was that of Hofker (1951) in which the hyaline foraminifera, considered to be derived from agglutinated forms with a toothplate, are divided into three suborders: Protoforaminata - single aperture, finely perforate (protopores) Biforaminata - two apertures, finely perforate Deuteroforaminata - secondary aperture dominant, coarsely perforate (deuteropores) Unfortunately, although this arrangement emphasizes the aperture and internal characters and HAYNES: FOR A M I N I FE R AN CLASSIFICATION 511 brings perforation back into consideration as a major factor, it largely ignores wall structure and stratigraphical relationships and although modified by Reiss (1958) has not been followed. The classification of Haynes (1981) retained wall structure as the major consideration at the higher level but with recognition of nine orders and a return to class distinction. The hyaline group was considered polyphyletic and broken into five orders, e.g. the Buliminida were considered to have been derived from high trochospiral agglutinated forms (following Hofker in echoing Carpenter) and the ‘vitreous’ Palaeozoic genera were separated as a suborder within the microgranular group. The superfamilies were recognized on a combination of coiling mode and apertural form and emphasis was placed on umbilical characters. A major weakness is that perforation is ignored and the presence of pores in the megalosphere of Peneroplis is dismissed (along with the much more doubtful ‘pores’ in the walls of adult peneroplids and miliolids). This leads to the contradiction that although the hyaline group is regarded as polyphyletic, porcelaneous genera are considered to constitute a natural group. Further contradictions are that milioline agglutinating genera are left within the Miliolida (as by Brady) and that the single crystal Spirillinacea are considered the possible rootstock for the microcrystalline Rotaliida, although the genome is apparently more complex in genera such as Patellina than in simple discorbaceans. Summary This review of the most influential of past classifications reveals: the baneful influence of the idea that the Foraminifera are a very simple, plastic group; the strong influence of ideas about species on classification and biostratigraphical use; the uncertainty about the value of wall composition and fine structure until biological studies showed modern species to be stable and the stratigraphical relationships of the major groups were clarified. It is also clear that use of a single factor at the higher hierarchical levels, cuts rather than unties the Gordian Knot, as Brady remarked, i.e. a solution likely to be as short-lived as Alexander’s empire. In this respect, it is interesting to see how well the new classification of Loeblich and Tappan avoids the pitfalls of the past. THE NEW CLASSIFICATION OF LOEBLICH AND TAPPAN ( 1988) The period since the publication of the classification in the Treatise of 1964 has been a time of unprecedented growth in foraminiferal studies, especially as applied to subsurface stratigraphy by the oil companies and to the core material made available since the initiation, in 1968, of the Deep Sea Drilling Project which has triggered an explosive outburst of activity on planktonic groups. The providential, commercial appearance of the Scanning Electron Microscope, at almost the same time, has also allowed more accurate discrimination of taxa on the basis of internal, apertural and external features, leading to the recognition of large numbers of new genera. In addition, many of those synonymized in 1964 are now regarded as distinct. This has brought the total number of genera considered acceptable by Loeblich and Tappan in 1964 (1,192) to more than double that figure in 1988 (2,446). These have not just been added to existing suprageneric taxa, as might be expected in a ‘relatively stable’ classification, because these categories have also more than doubled : suborders (5 to 12); superfamilies (17 to 65); families (95 to 296); subfamilies (129 to 300). This is not only because of the discovery of new supra-generic taxa but also because of the higher weighting now given to certain criteria as compared to their approach in 1964. This explains why the number of families has trebled and the number of superfamilies almost quadrupled, although the number of genera has little more than doubled. A possible cause for concern is that fifty-six of the subfamilies, forty-four of the families, three of the superfamilies (two in open nomenclature) and two of the suborders are represented by one genus only (105 taxa in all). A simple explanation is that many genera cannot be placed close to existing taxa because of the incomplete (as well as incompletely known) stratigraphic record. Alternatively, it may be argued that the group is being oversplit. Probably both tendencies are at work. The large number of families recognized is clearly important for macro-evolution, presuming that ‘the taxonomic family is the conventional unit for studies of large scale extinction and rates of change of diversity’ (Newell 1982, p. 260). It may also 512 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 be considered encouraging that the average number of genera per family is 8-26 which falls between the 5 to 10 considered the general average by Van Valen (1973) presuming these numbers are not artifacts and are telling us something about niche partitioning. This may also suggest that the families and subfamilies with very high numbers are probable candidates for further splitting, if we consider that ideally a subfamily should represent a single evolutionary lineage, e.g. thirty-seven genera are included in the subfamily Miliolinellinae. However, there will clearly be differences according to whether evolution in the family is dominantly allopatric and branching, or sympatric and phyletic. Criteria employed at generic level As the title suggests, the work was conceived as a handbook of genera. There is a prodigious number of excellent plates and most genera considered synonymous are also illustrated. The success of the authors in carrying out this massively daunting task, is attested by the comments of reviewers: thus Banner (1988) considered it ‘virtually miraculous’ that not only had they managed to complete the task but had ‘done it very well'; and Haman (1988), although he regretted that ‘rigorous criteria were not used’, considered the work a ‘scholarly endeavour’, and a ‘useful, well-illustrated catalogue’. The reaction to the decision not to recognize subgenera was more mixed. Although approved by Haman, Banner considered recognition would have helped to diminish the rigidity of the generic diagnoses and Jenkins (1989) that they are essential to show iterative, evolutionary lines. Adams (pers. comm.) has also pointed out that subgenera have been raised to full genera without discussion, as in the case of the Lepidocyclinidae (see Adams 1987a). Although it is not made explicit, the genera are recognized on the basis of test architecture and coiling mode, aperture form and accessory structures and internal structures. The authors also carry through the presence/absence of keels, umbilical bosses and supplementary apertures as generic criteria much more consistently than in the Treatise. An important innovation is the use of ornament at generic level, following its successful use recently in the planktonic forms. The well known Lingulina tenera plexus of the Lias is thus transferred to Paralingulina. Although this may cause raised eyebrows, the re-instatement of many genera previously put in synonomy is to be generally welcomed. A good example is that of Ornatanomalina from the Palaeocene of Pakistan, formerly put in synonomy with Thalmannita , described from the Palaeocene of Cuba. This led to widespread records of Thalmannita madrugaensis in Africa and Europe which on inspection are found to refer to species of Ornatanomalina (Haynes and Nwabufo-Ene 1988). This perfectly illustrates the palaeogeographical importance of refinements in taxonomy. A common fault in palaeontology (which also tends to bring taxonomy into disrepute) is the confusion of a diagnosis with a full palaeontological description. As pointed out by Banner (1988). this is not avoided here. In fairness to the authors, they have obviously tried to include all the features that may be relevant, including in some cases long accounts of reproduction. But this means that the reader has to search, often vainly, for the distinguishing features of the genus amongst specific details and repeated suprageneric characters sometimes, but all too rarely, finding what is required only under the Remarks. A minor point, but a possible source of confusion, is the continued use of spiral and umbilical as descriptive terms for the dorsal and ventral sides of the test. As both sides in a trochoid test are spiral (and may be umbilicate) the older terms are much to be preferred. Criteria employed at the suprageneric level Predictably, the reaction to the changes at suprageneric level have been more adverse. Thus Haman (1988) who provides a synopsis of the main taxonomic changes, considered the ‘rationale not easily determined’, and some of the family distinctions only generic. He clearly felt the new scheme inferior to the ‘incisive and decisive’ classification of the Treatise and that ‘desired stability had not been achieved’. Banner (1988) was also ‘ unhappy about some of the concepts . . . and the suprageneric importance . . . given to some morphocharacters ’. How far can these criticisms be sustained? Loeblich and Tappan have had the problem of revising their suprageneric arrangement at the same time as incorporating a large number of new genera. They have made their task somewhat harder by continuing to cramp the Foraminifera within one Order, following Levine et al. (1980), a procedure that looks increasingly outdated in the light of the statement by Sleigh (1989) that the amoeboid protists comprise a number of evolutionary lines and are ‘almost certainly polyphyletic’. Margulis (1974) has even suggested the Foraminifera should be considered a phylum. Upgrading them at least to class or subclass status would seem to be warranted by their position as the largest and most varied group of invertebrates and unique style of reproduction, with, like plants, a diploid asexual generation. HAYNES: FOR A M I N I FER A N CLASSIFICATION 513 The five suborders of the Treatise are now increased to twelve: Allogromiina Textulariina Fusulinina Involutinina Spirillinina Carterinina Miliolina Silicolocuhnina Lagenina Robertinina Globigerinina Rotaliina organic wall, unilocular (may tend to multilocular) agglutinated homogeneously microgranular aragomtic, non-septate calcitic, single crystal, non-septate (may have few chambers) spicular, secreted calcite crystals porcelaneous imperforate, true pores in protoconch of some opaline silica, imperforate calcitic, hyaline-radial, monolamellar aragonitic, hyaline-radial, septate, internal partitions, finely perforate calcitic, hyaline-radial, perforate, bilamellar, planktonic. calcitic, hyaline-radial or oblique, perforate, bilamellar, benthonic. This breakdown reveals the authors continued reliance on wall structure at this level, though there are inconsistencies. Two, the Globigerinina (planktonic habit) and the Lagenina (fine structure of lamellae), are recognized on other criteria which leaves the Rotaliina inadequately diagnosed. On this basis the buliminids also merit equal recognition and separation from the rotaliids. The Fusulinina are defined as microgranular but include the Archaediscacea and Colaniellacea, described as having radial layers, and included in the Archaediscina by Haynes (1981). Other difficulties include separation of the non-septate, aragonitic group, as the Involutinina, from the septate Robertinina, whereas in the Allogromiina, Spirillinina and the Textulariina, non-septate and septate forms are included together. Agglutinated genera with milioline coiling (Rzehakinacea) are included in the Textulariina but their relationships with miliolids in the Recent (Haynes 1973) and first appearance in the Lower Cretaceous associated with acidic and low oxygen environments suggests a separate origin from within the Miliolida, dentate forms via the Miliolacea, edentate forms via the Ophthalmidiacea. The single species, Miliammelus legis , included in the supposedly siliceous Silicolocuhnina may represent a similar response, in this case to life below the Calcite Compensation Depth (CCD) by agglutination of siliceous rods. The Carterinina is also based on a single genus in which the test is composed of calcareous spicules. However, these were regarded as agglutinated by Bronniman and Whittaker (1983). Perhaps Carterina should have been placed under ‘Genera of Uncertain Status’ pending the necessary tank studies. The features now considered important at superfamily level are the unilocular, bilocular or multilocular character of the test, presence or absence of perforation, canals and major apertural features. Bilocular is not defined in the glossary and generally includes non-septate forms in which the initial end is expanded to form a cavity, considered homologous with a proloculus in septate forms. Non-septate multilocular forms, where the chambers are connected by stolons, are not separately considered. Family features now include free or attached habit, presence of internal subdivisions and surface texture as well as coiling mode. Because they regard wall structure as more fundamental than number and arrangement of chambers, both of which may change during ontogeny and therefore being more indicative of evolutionary relationships, they (paradoxically) tend to discount ontogeny as a key to phylogeny at the highest levels so that coiled, uncoiled, uniserial and unilocular genera tend to be put in separate groups. For instance, fully uniserial agglutinating genera are separated from those which become uniserial in the adult and regardless of apertural style are included in a single superfamily, the Hormosinacea. They may have been unduly influenced here by the current, fashionable revival of the idea of a general coiling up trend involving proterogenesis, as against uncoiling involving recapitulation ; exemplified by Brasier’s attempt (1982) to show that the overriding imperative in the evolution of test architecture is towards minimum lines of communication between proloculus and aperture (‘MINLOC’). This idea is somewhat weakened by the observation that the soft parts are generally confined, or retract into, the penultimate chamber. Their approach makes particular coiling modes ‘stable’ by default and produces a horizontal arrangement. On the whole, forams show new features in the adult and the stratigraphic record provides evidence of repeated uncoiling trends with connected serial changes in aperture form and position. The ideal shape for rapid movement through sediment by retraction of the podostyle directed forwards from a terminal aperture is apparently reached in many unrelated lines of smaller deep-sea forams. Recognition of these lines would have simplified the classification at family and superfamily level, especially if the difficulties encountered by the authors at the subordinal level were eased by the recognition of orders (as by Haynes 1981). It would also have helped to remove some of the inconsistency inevitable in horizontal groupings of a class that exhibits rapid evolution with serial development of all features of the test at some time, usually in combination. The only 514 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 ‘key’ to these developments is the stratigraphic and evolutionary record and it cannot be predetermined. To be fair to the authors much of the inconsistency arises because of the different levels reached by research into different families. The Nummulitidae, probably the most famous fossil forarns, are a good case. In the Treatise (1964), Cole lumped most of the genera previously recognized under Nummulites because they grade into each other. This extreme lumping, neo-linnaean in its search for morphological gaps, pleased no-one, except perhaps, punctuationists convinced that evolution proceeds by genuine saltations (‘hopeful monsters’). Most of the genera remained in use and are reinstated in the present work. However, genera with subdivided chambers, even the sub-annular complex form Spiroclypeus , are included in the same family, rather than being separated as Cycloclypeidae (Haynes 1981) though this would be consistent with their own criteria. Already since publication, the wave of research has undermined this systematic sand castle. Adams (1988) has shown that the type species of Nummulites has secondary chamberlets and Haynes (1988) has redefined Ranikothalia with revival of Nummulitoides. This illustrates how the numbers of taxa recognized (diversity) varies not only with the data available but also according to the current philosophical paradigm and underlines the futility of pious prayers for ‘stability’. As Knoll and Butterfield (1989, p. 602) wrote recently, ‘Taxonomic changes both reflect and influence the way we think about evolutionary pattern and process’. A review of the treatment of major suborders will indicate some of the difficulties to be overcome, especially necessary considering the use already made of the taxa recognized (in the evolutionary and diversity study published by Loeblich and Tappan 19886). Problems in the treatment of the suborders by Loeblich and Tappan (1988a) Allogromiina. Although the naked Allogromiina are defined as membranous or proteinaceous, the included families Lagynidae and Allogromiidae are defined as being both, the Allogromiidae as proteinaceous on a plasma membrane. Within the Allogromiidae the only difference between the subfamilies Shepheardellinae and Argillotubinae appears to be that the Argillotubinae are wrinkled and may be fixed. Textulariina. Within the non-septate, agglutinating superfamily Astrorhizacea the only difference between the family Astrorhizidae and the Rhabdamminidae, as defined, appears to be the greater selectivity shown by the latter, because Rhabdammina also has branches leading off a ‘globular central area’. The Rhabdamminidae also includes both free and fixed forms, in contradiction to the stated criteria. In the remarks on the sub-family Halyphyseminae the comparison is presumably being made with the Dendrophyrinae, not Rhabdammininae. The family Psammosphaeridae is defined as coarsely agglutinated but the subfamily Psammosphaermae as finely to coarsely agglutinated. Technitella is figured upside down and on the basis of the spicular wall and the broken attachment end (Haman 1967) mistaken formerly as the aperture, should be transferred from the family Saccamminidae to the Rhabdamminidae, subfamily Halyphyseminae. No clear distinction is made between the family Hemisphaeramminidae and the Saccamminidae and Psammosphaeridae. The Diffusilinidae is defined as being distinguished by an irregular mass of branching tubes but this does not agree with the diagnosis of the two genera included. There is no mention of tubes in Diffusilina. The superfamily Hippocrepinacea is defined as possessing a proloculus and tubular or flaring second chamber. However, the subfamily Hippocrepininae does not show a prolocular initial end and the Notodendrodidae (one genus) actually has a bulbous central region leading to tubular arms. Within the planispiral to uncoiled superfamily Lituolacea, the family Lituolidae is defined by possession of simple interiors and terminal apertures which is taken to differentiate them from the Discamminidae which is diagnosed as having internal partitions, i.e. secondary septa. However, the figures given of Discammina and Ammoscalaria seem to show primary septa (organic without agglutination) only, with no subdivision of the chambers. There seems little reason to separate them from Eratidus and other genera included in the Lituolidae, subfamily Ammomarginulininae. Also, it is not clear why a simple wall is considered important in the definition of most of the families and subfamilies when it is not mentioned in the superfamily definition and no cases of complicated walls are included. No reason is given for including the Adhaerentiinae which lack an initial coil and are biserial, in the superfamily. Although the superfamily Haplophragmiacea is defined as streptospiral to uncoiled, it includes the streptospiral to planispiral Recurvoidinae (as a subfamily of the streptospiral Ammosphaeroidinidae). It also includes the calcareous trochospiral and planispiral families Nezzazatidae and Barkerinidae. (Note that although the Nezzazatidae are defined as trochospiral to planispiral, the subfamily Nezzazatinae is defined as trochospiral or planispiral.) These families, with their digitate internal partitions and areal apertures, may represent diagenetically altered robertinids. They are certainly not close to Ammosphaeroidina. The family relationships within the superfamily Cyclolinacea are not made clear and the diagnosis given for HAYNES: FO R A M I N I F E R AN CLASSIFICATION 515 the family Orbitopsellidae does not adequately distinguish it from the Cyclolinidae. The terminology used here, as in the case of the Loftusiacea (inherited from previous workers it must be said) is not helpful and the fog- index is high. The family Cyclamminidae is defined as involute and rarely uncoiling, yet it includes the subfamilies Pseudochoffatellinae (evolute) and the Choffatellinae (only one out of eight genera with no tendency to uncoil). Neither the subfamilies Alveophragmiinae nor the Hemicyclamminae seem to be adequately diagnosed on the criteria given. The superfamily Spiroplectamminacea is defined as planispiral to biserial and uniserial development is not mentioned (nor is streptospiral coiling) although the family Spiroplectamminidae is defined as planispiral or streptospiral to biserial, rarely becoming uniserial. In fact, two of the eight members of the Spiroplectamminae become uniserial and both the genera placed in the Vulvulininae. Three of the seven genera placed in the family Textulariopsidae become uniserial and one of the three placed in the Pseudobolivinidae. It is not possible to distinguish between these two families on the criteria given. The subfamily and family distinctions are not clear in the diagnoses given for the superfamily Pavonitinacea. This group may be of polyphyletic origin. Within the superfamily Trochamminacea the sub-family Trochammininae are diagnosed as ‘trochospiral or may tend to uncoil’. None of the ten genera included and illustrated shows uncoiling. All the canaliculate, high trochospiral agglutinating genera are included, with the biserial Textulariidae, in the superfamily Textulariacea and the non-canaliculate genera are accommodated in three other superfamilies. Because this emphasis on perforation tends to cut across groupings made on other features the superfamilies show a mixture of coiling modes and apertural styles. The Verneuilinacea and Ataxophragmiacea are not actually distinguishable as defined and it must be pointed out that the family Prolixoplectidae are included in the Verneuilinacea on the assumption they are non-canaliculate but the fine structure is only known in three of the nine genera. A number of families in the Ataxophragmiacea are defined as possessing a two-layered wall but the terminology is confusing. In the family Textulariellidae ‘beams and rafters’ are said to produce an ‘alveolar wall’. In the Dicyclinidae there are ‘transverse or radial partitions’. The Dictyopsellidae have a ‘sub- epidermal network’, and partitions are not mentioned, but in the Pfenderimdae, ‘vertical or horizontal partitions’ result in a ‘reticulate subepidermal layer’. However the wall structure is defined, these families do not appear to be close to the Ataxophragmiidae and the family Cuneolinidae (which includes Sabaudia , characterized by a double-walled embyron with microgranular inner and radial outer layer) probably does not belong here either. The Coskinolmidae appear more closely related to the superfamily Orbitolinacea. They have been excluded because they lack marginal exoskeleton (marginal subepidermal partitions). They are also stated to lack the embyron of protoconch and deuteroconch diagnostic for the subfamily Dictyocomnae but that feature has only been found in eight of the twenty six genera included. Within the superfamily Textulariacea the subfamily Minouxiinae in the family Eggerellidae is defined as cribrate which conflicts with the definition of the Dorothiinae as also developing multiple apertures and which includes Arenodosaria in which the aperture is described as sometimes becoming cribrate. The definition of the family Pseudogaudryinidae is incomplete, the aperture being described as an interiomarginal arch with the trend to multiple apertures not included. Fusulinina. Within the Fusulinina, defined as ‘homogeneously microgranular’, the unilocular Para- thuramminacea is divided into families mainly on the number of layers and character of the wall. However, the Parathuramminidae appears to be distinguished from the Chrysothuramminidae by wall thickness alone. The superfamily Moravamminacea which includes genera with proloculus and tubular second chamber is distinguished from the Earlandiacea simply on the basis of the appearance of incipient septa and otherwise shows a very similar range of morphology. The distinctions as defined between the families in the two groups are not clear. The Earlandiidae are not distinguished as straight but defined as free, although Warnantella , put in the Pseudoammodiscidae, may be free. Both the Pseudoammodiscidae and Pseudolituotubidae include streptospiral forms. The Caligellidae, defined as curved to straight, includes genera showing initial coiling and therefore cannot be distinguished from the Moravamminidae. As defined, the Tourneyellacea cannot be distinguished from the Moravamminacea and the definition actually should exclude the subfamily Palaeospiroplectamminae which would be better placed within the family Palaeotextulariidae. The definition of the superfamily Archaediscacea does not make a clear distinction from these two superfamilies either, because the appearance of a ‘radially built’ outer wall layer in this group is only introduced in the family diagnoses. Inclusion of this superfamily in the Fusulinina clearly offends the stated criteria as does the inclusion of the Nodosinellacea ‘fibrous inner layer’, the Geinitzinacea ‘radially fibrous' outer layer and the Colaniellacea outer ‘vitreous’ layer. The imprecision of this terminology and the 516 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 description of the Nodosinellidae as ‘fibrous or perforate', suggests that more detailed research is required into this whole group and that perpendicularly arranged granules without optical alignment (fibrous structure as in Palaeotextularia ) is being confused with radial hyaline structure. The superfamily Endothyracea is not defined as multilocular or septate, although they follow the Tourneyellacea, and although most of the genera show streptospiral to planispiral coiling with growth the superfamily and the family Endothyridae and the subfamily Endothyrinae are defined as ‘planispiral to streptospiral'. The coiling mode in the superfamily Fusulinacea is not given in the superfamily definition. In the definition given for the family Ozawainellidae it is stated that geological early taxa are planispiral and evolute but three of the four Carboniferous genera are involute and only Pseudonovella is evolute with the final whorl enveloping. This genus should probably be removed to the Loeblichiidae. This weakens the supposed distinction between the Ozawainellinae and the Pseudostaffcllinae and between the Ozawainellidae and Staffellidae. The presence of early streptospiral coiling is inadvertently left out of the definition of Pseudostaffella. Within the Fusulinidae the distinction between the subfamilies Fusulinellinae and Wedekindellininae is not clear. Within the Schwagerinidae the subfamily Chusenellinae is defined as possessing plane or weakly folded septa in the early stage but both the genera described have plane septa initially. The definition of the Verbeekinidae does not include the vital information that the septa are plane (only given in the case of the subfamily Pseudodoliolininae). The subfamily Kahlerininae, defined as small with single tunnel, does not fit the family definition. Miliolina. Within the superfamily Cornuspiracea the distinction between the family Cornuspiridae (planispiral to streptospiral) and the Hemigordiopsidae (streptospiral to planispiral) is not clear. This is because the subfamily Meandrospirinae (planispiral or streptospiral) is included in the Cornuspiridae. Also, as defined, the Meandrospirinae do not appear to be separable from the Calcivertellinae. Genera in which incipient chambers and definite septation appear in the adult whorls are included in the Baisalinidae and those with a few chambers throughout, and definite flexostyle, in the Fischerinidae. However, Dolosella in which the holotype has several undivided whorls, is included in the Fischerinidae. The subfamily Spiriamphorellinae is defined as like Ophthalmidium in the early stage. If so (the type figures are obscure) it cannot be included in the Nubeculariidae, as defined. The definition of the superfamily Miliolacea which rests entirely on coiling mode does not exclude the Ophthalmidiidae and other forms with chambers of half-coil length included in the Cornuspiracea. This also applies to that given for the family Hauerinidae because genera with simple apertures without teeth are not excluded. Because the authors have now defined the family Miliolidae on the basis of its pseudoporous wall, simple wall structure should have been included in the diagnosis of the Hauerinidae. Quinqueloculine genera are included in the Miliolinellinae, so the distinction with the Hauerininae is not clear. The Riveroinidae are defined as planispiral but only Riveroina is planispiral throughout. Pseudohauerinella is quinqueloculine and may become planispiral in the final whorl. The definition given for the superfamily Alveolinacea does not make a clear distinction with the Miliolacea. This is largely because of the inclusion of the Fabulariidae which are milioline. They are defined as, ‘with milioline early stage’ but the coiling mode in Fabularia and its allies is milioline throughout, the biloculine adult chambers still being added end to end. Pseudofabularia and Pseudolacazina show a fundamentally different coiling mode. The Mesozoic and Tertiary alveolines form two stratigraphically distinct groups. This is not recognized at subfamily level. The inclusion of the family Milioporidae within the Soritacea distorts the definition of that superfamily so that it is described as ‘early stage pitted or perforate and less commonly may be perforate throughout growth’ which disagrees with the suborder diagnosis. However, although the Milioporidae are defined as perforate throughout ontogeny, in three of the six subfamilies it is said to occur in the outer chambers or adult and in Kamurana, the single genus in the Kamuraninae, it is also described as an adult character. In the other two superfamily diagnoses it is not mentioned. Although the Milioporidae are defined as being coiled in various planes (not in the superfamily diagnosis) the subfamilies show a variety of styles, even uncoiled rectilinear. Kamurana is described as consisting of a globular proloculus followed by an individual tube, so may have strayed in from the Cornuspiracea. The best place for this ‘family’ would seem to be amongst the genera of uncertain status. Lagenina. The Lagenina are defined as radiate (as is the genus Cryptoseptida ) rather than radial, and genera within the family Syzraniidae are confusingly described as ‘radial fibrous’ and ‘hyaline pseudofibrous’ without explanation. The family Robuloididae is inadvertently described as uniserial instead of planispiral. The HAYNES: FO R A M I N I FER AN CLASSIFICATION 517 diagnoses given do not make a clear distinction between the Nodosariidae and Vaginulinidae because both can include arcuate to uncoiled genera. The subfamily Marginulininae cannot be distinguished from the Vaginulininae on the diagnoses given. The inclusion of Rimalina with apertural slit in the Glandulininae means that this subfamily cannot be distinguished from the Entolingulininae on the criteria given. Robertinina. The Robertinma are defined as planispiral to trochospiral and with internal partitions. However, genera which becomes uniserial or uncoiled biserial are included in three of the four superfamilies recognized. Only one of the three families within the Duostominacea is known to have partitions. The family Epistominidae within the Ceratobuliminacea is defined as having peripheral apertural slits but the subfamily Garantellinae is defined on the basis of its umbilical, ovate and areal apertures. Globigerinina. The Globigerinina are defined as ‘radiate’ rather than radial hyaline and within the superfamily Heterohelicacea, the family Guembelitriidae is defined as having trochospiral, triserial or biserial early stage although the superfamily is defined as biserial or triserial which would appear to rule this family out. The family Heterohelicidae is defined entirely on aperture form and the distinction with the Guembelitriidae is therefore not clear. The superfamily Rotaliporacea is defined as having extra-umbilical-umbilical aperture but the family Globuligerinidae have umbilical apertures as well as imperforate pustules and should probably be transferred to the Guembelitriidae. Within the family Hedbergellidae the subfamily Helvetoglobotruncaninae is defined as possessing portici extending to the umbilicus. Whiteinella , included in the Hedbergellinae is also described as having this feature so that distinction between the subfamilies breaks down. The superfamily Globotruncanacea is defined as having umbilical aperture and tegilla covering the umbilical area. However, in many genera the aperture is described as extra-umbilical-umbilical, e.g. Marginotruncana , and many are described as possessing portici rather than tegilla. The subfamily Abathomphalinae is defined as having narrow umbilicus with ‘tegilla, that of final chamber covering the umbilical area’. This is inadequate considering the superfamily definition. What is presumably meant is that the tegillum of the final chamber becomes a single umbilical cover or ‘techo’. Within the family Globotruncanidae, the subfamily Globotruncanellinae is defined as single keeled but genera with single keel are included in the Globotruncaninae, e.g. Globotruncanita, and a number become single keeled with growth. The superfamily Globorotaliacea cannot be distinguished from the Globigerinacea as defined. The Globorotaliacea are defined as ‘ non-spinose, but may be pustulose or pitted’, whereas the Globigerinacea ‘May be covered with narrow spines’. The additional character of ‘numerous small pores or fewer large ones’ given for the Globigerinacea does not overcome the lack of a clear distinction. Within the Globorotaliacea smooth genera are included within the family Eoglobigerinidae, also defined as having extra-umbilical aperture without lip. However, of the four genera included only Parvularugoglobigerina fits this diagnosis. I agree with Brinkhuis and Zachariasse (1988) that names of this length should be excluded under the rules of the 1CZN, and in this case, Planconusa be substituted. The other three genera including Eoglobigerina , should be transferred to the Guembelitriidae. As both the Globorotaliidae and Truncorotaliidae can be pustulose the distinction between these family groups is not clear. The family Pulleniatinidae is described as streptospiral. This character is not included in the superfamily diagnosis. Within the Hantkeninacea the family Globanomalinidae includes Globanomalina which is low trochospiral to planispiral. This is not included in the family or superfamily definitions. The diagnosis of the superfamily Globigerinacea does not include the trochospiral to streptospiral coiling of the included family Hastigerinidae or the areal apertures of the subfamily Orbulininae. The distinction between the Porticulasphaerinae and the Orbulininae is not clear because both can have a later enveloping or enclosing chamber. Rotaliina. The authors subsume the Buliminida sensu Haynes (1981) within their Rotaliina. This leads to a very unwieldly subordinal diagnosis and attempted recognition of twenty-four superfamilies but the criteria used are inconsistent. The Bolivinitacea is reduced to two genera only. These can be distinguished from the others, removed to the new superfamily Bolivinacea only by possession of truncate and carinate periphery. Genera without toothplate are removed to the Loxostomatacea. Neither of these superfamilies would appear to warrant recognition on the authors’ own stated criteria. Within the Bolivinitacea, the family Bolivinoididae is set up to accommodate one genus, Bolivinoides, characterized by heavy costae, and a well known lineage in the Upper Cretaceous. However, a number of Tertiary species within the Bolivinidae show a similar type of ornament. Unless they are all to be given separate names, family distinction is hardly warranted. The superfamily Cassidulinacea is much reduced, compared with the 1964 Treatise , when it accommodated 518 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 all hyaline-oblique rotaliids. Indeed, both radial and hyaline forms are now included in the family Cassidulinidae, as are genera with and without toothplates. But although Orthoplecta is given separate subfamily status because of possession of toothplates which make a ‘spiral column’, Islandiella , with its cornet shaped toothplate is included with Cassidulina in the Cassidulininae. I consider these genera, both, incidentally, radial, should be removed to the Bolivinitacea (Islandiellidae). The one trochoid, enrolled biserial genus known is placed in a family of its own, Cassidulinitidae but the superfamily definition does not accommodate it. As defined, the Eouvigerinacea cannot be satisfactorily separated from the Bolivinacea. The Lacosteinidae includes some disparate forms probably of separate origin although initially planispiral. Lacosteina has a drawn out ‘buliminelline’ adult spiral with loop-shaped aperture, while Elhasaella is twisted biserial with terminal aperture. Interestingly, the surface textures are quite different. The diagnoses given do not clearly separate the Turrilinacea and the Buliminacea. Although defined as possessing simple aperture and toothplate the Turrilinacea include the Stainforthiidae with loop-shaped aperture and well developed toothplate. A triserial genus without toothplate is also given family status. Within the Buliminacea the family Reussellidae is not well defined because the angular chambers are not mentioned. The distinction with the family Trimosinidae is not clear and this group probably deserves sub- family status only. Despite the difficulties experienced earlier with the Cassidulinacea the authors exclude hyaline-oblique forms from the Buliminacea and Turrilinacea and place them in the Fursenkoinacea. The family Fursenkoinidae can only be distinguished from the Stainforthiidae on this basis. I consider that the superfamilies Fursenkoinacea and Turrilinacea should be reunited in the Buliminacea, which should probably include the Delosinacea as well which shows development of septal pits and bridges like the Virgulinellidae. Similarly, I would include the Stilostomellacea (five genera only) in the Bolivinitacea on the grounds that they represent uniserial end forms. Note that Revets (1989), considers that BuUminella lacks a toothplate and should be excluded from the Buliminacea. The superfamily Discorbacea is defined as low trochospiral but the first family within it, the Conorbinidae is defined as low to high trochospiral and it also includes, within the Eponididae, the subfamily Rectoeponidinae which becomes uncoiled and uniserial in the adult. The superfamily includes fifteen disparate families. No clear distinction is made between families such as the Discorbidae and Rosalinidae which have open umbilicus tending to become secondarily closed by umbilical flaps or bosses and those such as the Eponididae in which the umbilicus is primarily closed. I consider these features should carry more weight than the presence of the poreless patch used to bring together Baggina and Cancris which have very different umbilical characters. Poreless areas are common in genera of diverse groups and like ornament and surface texture should not be used at family level in isolation from other features. Incidentally, Baggina is defined as possessing closed umbilicus but on pi. 591, fig. 6, the umbilicus is shown to be open. The Discorbidae are described as having the chambers subdivided by a ‘paries proximus’ defined (Glossary) as a septal flap. This confuses the toothplate (umbilical flap) with the septal flap attached to the previous apertural face. The superfamily Glabratellacea is distinguished from the Discorbacea by the presence of radial striae around the umbilicus on the ventral side which are presumed to facilitate and indicate plastogamic reproduction. The mode of reproduction in most foraminifera is unknown and it is difficult to accept that plastogamy and radial umbilical ornament is necessarily confined to one superfamily (largely to one family) considering the range of the morphologies (including the high trochoid Buliminoides considered incertae familiae by Revets (1989)) that are brought together by this approach. A case in point is that of Rosalina parisiensis. Specimens in the British Museum (Natural History) collections, ascribed to this species on grounds of prominent ventral ornament, include forms that otherwise clearly belong to Discorbis, Rosalina , Discorbitura , Discorbinella , Neoglabratella , Neoconorbina , etc. (Haynes and Whittaker in prep.). This suggests that ornament should be allowed little more than specific weight in this group. The superfamily Siphoninacea is not adequately defined. The development of planispiral and streptospiral growth is only introduced in the definition of the family Siphoninidae. Uniserial should have been added to the description of the subfamily Siphonminae to distinguish them from the trochospiral to uncoiled, biserial Siphonidinae. However, there are only five genera in all. The superfamily Discorbinellacea is distinguished from the Discorbacea on the basis of possession of an arched or slit-like equatorial, basal aperture but this superfamily definition is inadequate because genera with areal apertures such as Discorbitura are also included. This approach also brings together the Pseudoparrellidae, with closed ventral umbilicus and the Discorbinellidae with umbilical open or secondarily closed with umbilical flaps and/or bosses. It is also inaccurate in that four of the nine genera included in the family Discorbinellidae do not possess equatorial apertures. One of these genera, Carlfranklinoides is clearly shown to have radiating striae around the ventral umbilical aperture in pi. 631, fig. 14, although it is stated that ‘none is present on the holotype’. On the authors’ own criteria this genus should have been transferred to the Glabratellacea. The HAYNES: FOR A M IN I FER AN CFASSI FICATION 519 genus Cibicidoides is transferred to the family Parrelloididae although the aperture appears to extend around the dorsal spiral suture as in other members of the Cibicides group. Woodella does not show the differentiation into a relatively poreless ventral side and coarsely perforate dorsal side given as a family characteristic, so all three genera placed here probably belong in different groups elsewhere. As defined, the superfamily Planorbulinacea is stated to be distinguished by extra-umbilical to nearly equatorial aperture and coarse perforations while plamspiral coiling is not mentioned. This would exclude the Planulinidae, trochospiral to planispiral and finely perforate with equatorial aperture, and the Cibicididae, aperture equatorial and possibly extending over the periphery and with a number of finely perforate genera. The Bisacciidae are irregularly planispiral with sutural canals so probably should, indeed, be excluded. Within the Cibicididae the genera are finely split but the distinctions are not clear, especially between Cibicides and Lobatula. Discorbia with umbilical flaps round an open ventral umbilicus would be bi tter placed in the Discorbinellacea. The Planorbulinidae clearly derive from the Cibicididae but the Cymbaloporidae included here with them show no such relationship. The presence of umbilical apertures and cover plates, and lack of dorsal attachment surface indicates a closer relationship with the Discorbacea. Montfortella , included in the Cibicididae, should probably be transferred to the Victoriellidae which show the development of a pseudumbilicus with secondary umbilical openings on the spiral, ventral side. The range of the Planorbulinacea is given as Early Cretaceous to Recent on the basis of one genus only, Epithemella. Its ventral, umbilical aperture and attachment surface suggest removal to the Discorbacea. This would make the range of the superfamily, Late Cretaceous to Recent. Spreading, irregular and branching forms are included in the superfamily Acervulinucea, described as lacking an aperture apart from mural pores. In Acervulina the aperture is stated to consist only of coarse perforations. However, the figures of A. inhaerens given on plate 659 clearly show peripheral and dorsal, sutural apertures resembling those of Planorbulina. This seems to indicate that Acervulina probably represents an extreme, irregular variant of Planorbulina and cannot be used as the type of a new superfamily. The definition of the superfamily Asterigerinacea is inadequate in that it does not cover the orbitoidal Lepidocyclinidae which are included. It is also defective in that it includes the formation of supplementary chambers as a key feature which excludes the Epistomariidae, subfamily Nuttallidinae, on the authors’ own criteria. Further, the families, Alfredinidae, Asterigerinatidae, Asterigerinidae (one genus only) and Amphisteginidae (one genus only) cannot be distinguished on the criteria given. The authors synonymize the Anomalinacea with the Asterigerinacea following the suggestion of Hansen and Rogl (1980) that Anomalina (Anomalinidae) is identical with Epistomaroides (Alfredinidae). Here the authors have acted hastily. The type of Anomalina has certainly been lost but the International Committee on Zoological Nomenclature has not yet suppressed the name. Although Hansen and Rogl recovered Epistomaroides from Mauritius but failed to recover the type species of Anomalina (A. punctulata d’Orbigny), in what is its type locality, this does not (and cannot) prove that d’Orbigny actually described what we now call Epistomaroides as Anomalina. This is unlikely because although there is a general similarity in coiling mode (shared by many genera) the apertural and sutural details are quite different. The case of Anomalina should remain open. The superfamily Nonionacea is defined as ‘planispiral to slightly asymmetrical' but a number of the genera included are described as low trochoid, such as Spirotectina and in the case of Queraltina , described as ‘distinctly trochoid’. The Pullenia group is included in the family Nonionidae although they have primarily closed umbilicus and lack the distinct perforation of Nonion and its allies. Melonis , although it is described as having ten to twelve chambers in the final whorl, is included in the subfamily Pulleniinae, defined as possessing ‘few chambers per whorl'. The Almaenidae are also included in this superfamily although the general form, peripheral apertures and coarse perforation suggest closer links with the Planorbulinacea. The definition of the superfamily Chilostomellacea as trochoid and hyaline-oblique (‘granular’) is defective because the family Chilostomellidae is then defined as trochospiral to planispiral and hyaline-radial genera are included in the family Trichohyalidae. It also fails to cover the families included with the deep folds in the apertural face (Alabaminidae), supplementary apertures (Oridorsalidae) and toothplate (Coleitidae). Although the superfamily is defined as with ventral (‘umbilical’) aperture, the family Heterolepidae in which the aperture runs on to the dorsal side, as in Cibicides, is also included. This is largely because of wall structure, revealed by the authors’ statement that ‘optically granular’ species of Cibicidoides should be transferred to Gemellides , a hang-over from their attempted splitting of the Anomalinidae on these grounds in 1964, shown to be unsound (Wood and Haynes 1957; Bellemo 1974; Haynes 1981). This family is better included in the Planorbulinacea. The family Gavelinellidae differs from the Chilostomellidae in that the ventral aperture runs into the umbilicus which tends to become closed with umbilical flaps and is nearer to the Discorbacea. Genera with primarily closed umbilicus such as Hollandina and Paralabamina belong elsewhere. Hanzawaia, with flaps (lappets) on the dorsal side, is another anomalinid. Discanomalina as illustrated appears to include disparate forms and 520 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 requires restudy; the inclusion of Irene McCullock’s figures of Pseudorosalinoides chatamensis being possibly a lapsus calami. Unrelated forms also appear to be included in the family Trichohyalidae. Trichohyalus appears to be a highly ornamented discorbid, near to Neoglabratella , whereas Aubignya lacks radial costae and has umbilical lobes. The type of Aubignya , A. mariei, is closely similar to Ammonia perlucida and should probably be transferred to the Rotaliacea. The treatment of the superfamily Orbitoidacea is confused. The family Orbitoididae is split into two subfamilies according to whether lateral chamberlets are differentiated or not but Schlumbergeria is synonymized with Orbitoides , although it is without lateral chamberlets and appears to be its undifferentiated ancestor. The superfamily is diagnosed as without canals and this is repeated in the definition of the family Lepidorbitoididae. However, the subfamily Lepidorbitoidinae is taken to include Arnaudiella which has radial canals. The subfamily is also taken to include the non-orbitoidal, canaliculate Daviesina , Praesiderolites, Pseudosiderolites and Sulcoperculina. These genera belong elsewhere but this treatment supports the idea of Van Gorsel that the Lepidorbitoididae originated from Pseudosiderolites (see Haynes 1981) and its inclusion in the Rotaliacea. The superfamily Rotaliacea is inadequately defined because it does not cover the orbitoidal families. Pseudorbitoididae and Miogypsinidae which are included, or the conical Chapmaninidae. The Rotaliidae are defined as trochoid but include the subfamily Cuvillierininae defined as trochospiral to nearly planispiral. On examination this subfamily is found to include both trochoid forms, Pseudowoodella and fully planispiral forms, Fissoelphidium. These should be excluded, with the Cuvillierina group recognized as a full family. It is not clear what is meant by the distinction drawn between the subfamilies Rotaliinae and the Ammoniinae on the basis that the umbilical area is 'primarily closed' by an umbilical flap in Rotalia , while it is 'secondarily closed’ by a foraminal plate in Ammonia. A scroll-like toothplate is attached below the areal foramen in Ammonia , whereas a partial umbilical partition is formed in Rotalia and the foramen remains a basal opening, like the primary aperture. Both appear to be built at the same time as the chamber. In both genera communication into the umbilical area below the umbilical ends of the chambers is initially open. In Ammonia the umbilical area tends to be filled with a plug or plugs. In Rotalia , the umbilical (astral) lobes coalesce and fuse as an umbilical coverplate similar to that in Discorbis. Together with the presence of the umbilical partitions ('toothplate') this prompted the suggestion by Levy et al. (1984, 1986), that the Rotaliidae should be subsumed within the Discorbidae. However, in the adult this coverplate is broken up by growth of pillars and development of open sutural canals by resorption (Haynes and Whittaker, in press) which clearly distinguish the genus from Discorbis. The authors also include the Elphidiidae, a primarily planispiral group in this superfamily. However, I believe a more natural place for this group is within the Nomonacea, as early forms grade with the Nonionidae both in wall structure and gross morphology. The appearance of the septal flap seems to have been an independent development in this superfamily (Haynes 1973). The Nummulitacea are defined as planispiral but include the family Pellatispiridae described as planispiral to low trochoid. This family, without marginal cord and showing development of fissures, would more naturally find a place in the Rotaliacea. Incidentally, although the authors state 'vertical canals or fissures may be well developed’, in the Pellatispiridae, they are not mentioned in any of the genera described, e.g. Miscellanea. The orbitoidal nummulitaceans are split into two families according to whether the annular chambers of the equatorial layer are divided or not. However, Aster ophragmina is included in the Discocyclinidae, defined as subdivided, although the adult annular rings of this genus are clearly undivided (pi. 819), and in the genera included in the Asterocycylinidae, defined as undivided, the annular rings are clearly divided (Pis. 824 and 825). The reason for this apparent anomaly, is that the authors regard the annular rings of the Asterocychmdae as consisting of cycles of small, spatulate to rectangular, primary chambers, whereas in the Discocyclinidae each adult equatorial chamber is a ring, that may or may not be subdivided into small secondary chamberlets. This should have been made clear. If it is actually the case, it indicates that these two families are of quite separate origin and probably belong to different superfamilies, other superfamilies in the scheme have been separated on features of rather less weight. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Understandably, considering the complexity of the problem and the present state of knowledge, the authors have only been partially successful in producing a more natural (genetic) classification. Despite a brave attempt to 'untie the knot’, they would almost certainly be the first to admit that large elements remain clearly artificial. Also, as pointed out by the reviewers, in many cases the diagnoses are vague and even contradictory and they have not been able to push through a HAYNES: FO R A M I N I FE R AN CLASSIFICATION 521 thorough-going, logical hierarchical scheme. As might be expected, the large amount of new material and information that has become available (and is still in full flood) has produced more problems than it has solved. It has forced them to abandon their 1964 attempt to make a clearcut division on the basis of wall structure, aperture form and coiling mode and to raise other characters to suborder and superfamily rank. In so far as this is a measure of the real complexity of relationships it is to be welcomed, because there can be no return to past simplicities, however beguiling. A positive attempt is made to solve the problem of Carpenter’s perforate ‘arenaceous’ group by recognizing them as a separate superfamily. Although it is still not clear whether the diverse canaliculi, passages, pseudopores and tubuli in other agglutinated genera all represent separate lines, this move is supported by work on wall structure by Bronniman and Whittaker (1988) and by Bender (1989). Other changes, such as the use of surface texture at superfamily rank, are likely to be more controversial. Certain weaknesses also persist from their former classification. Despite the demonstration that hyaline-radial and hyaline-oblique (‘granular’) wall structure are close to each other, so that one is easily derived from the other, and the consequent abandonment of hyaline-oblique structure as a basis for recognition of the Cassidulinacea, this distinction is still a major factor in regrouping of genera in other superfamilies. The tendency to discount ontogeny as an indication of evolution is also inherited from the Treatise and also leads, I believe, to horizontal groupings, particularly in the case of the Textulariina and the Lagenina. It is evident from this historical account, down to the latest and most ambitious attempt, that a stable, i.e. natural, classification of the Foraminifera is still a distant goal. The lesson for stratigraphers and, particularly, macro-evolutionists, is that they must treat suprageneric taxa and even genera with great caution. In the circumstances, workers not primarily interested in classification and evolution can be forgiven for thinking they should be abandoned. For instance. Culver et al. (1987, p. 1 69) suggest that, ideally, species-level data should be employed, because they doubt ‘the significance of evolutionary generalisations based on the entirely human constructs of higher taxonomic categories’. But the horizontal limits we draw between species are also artificial, and as viewed in time, species are human artifacts, whether recognized as part of a phyletic line or as an allopatric branch (in both space and time) where the connecting cline is known. The objective biological reality of living species viewed as interbreeding population groups, separated from their closest relatives by morphological discontinuities, must not be confused with the subjective limits we are bound to draw between these species and their ancestors. For instance, even where we know the ancestry in a clear cut case of allopatric speciation, we still have the problem of deciding the limits between parent species (type subspecies), the peripheral subspecies (possible founder populations) and the new species (type subspecies). Most species are cryptogenes (the ancestry is not known) and we can only estimate the possible number of ancestral taxa and intermediate forms lost in the stratigraphical gaps or not preserved. We have to be careful not to confuse the species, as preserved, with the ‘natural species’ and appearance in the stratigraphical record with ‘origination’. It is precisely these confusions which vitiate recent attempts to replace ‘traditional intuitive’ taxonomy, by the methods of numerical taxonomy, or those of cladistics, with which it is hoped to draw hard and fast lines between species. In the case of numerical taxonomy, there will be no quarrel with the introduction of more refined measurements. It is the attempt to place reliance entirely upon numerical values, given equal weight, that cannot be sustained. Of course, if weighting is applied, the supposed ‘objective’ nature of the enterprise is destroyed. Numerical methodology cannot be more than the handmaid of taxonomy and in this role provides a very useful adjunct, as is shown by the work of Barnett (1974), Malmgren (1974) and Scott (1974). In the case of cladistics we have to separate the extraordinary claims made for it as ‘scientifically rigorous and operational’ compared with traditional taxonomy, and its results in practice. Like numerical taxonomy, it pretends to objectivity in replying on morphological characters given equal weight to establish the degree of genetic difference. It is supposed that ‘ real ’ species, as distinct from ‘hypothetical’ species, can be defined on the basis of ‘splitting events’, i.e. ‘discontinuities’, and further, that these ‘speciation events’ are the only objective (‘ non-intuitive ') boundaries, apart from 522 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 terminal extinction, available for definition of species taxa. Genera are taken to include daughter species and ancestral species back to the next available name. The most ambitious attempt to apply cladistics to foraminifera is that by Fordham (1986), on the Cenozoic planktonic fauna of the Pacific, reviewed by Banner (1987), Chaproniere (1987) and Adams (1987). These authors are as one in dismissing it as neither objective, nor operational or practical. The discontinuities between species-clusters are distinguished by the first and last appearances of constituent subspecies (phena), some by only one, although it is admitted they are arbitrary. The fossil record is presumed to be complete and no account is taken of discontinuities caused by variations in sedimentation rate, sedimentary breaks, ocean'ographical changes and inclusion in the death assemblage of species and subspecies adapted to different levels of the stratified water column. A further serious objection is that the method relies on a severely restricted model of allopatric speciation in which the dichotomous appearance of two daughter species leads to elimination of the ancestral species. As Adams points out, most biostratigraphical work proceeds on the ‘ well-justified ' assumption that ancestral species do not necessarily die out as a consequence of speciation. Not only are geological events confused with originations of palaeontological species but also with biological ‘speciation events’. Clearly, cladistics is a metaphysical system imposed upon the facts rather than arising from them. It is unlikely to lead to more soundly based species or supraspecific categories. The bold claim that ‘Histories, terminations and the reproductive nexus are easy’ (Kitcher 1989) will, therefore, ring hollowly in the ear of the practising taxonomist. The central place occupied in cladistics by an extreme model of allopatric speciation reflects recent fashion, particularly in America (one does not have to be a marxist to see the connection). However, although Haldane ( 1 959) prophesied that allopatric speciation would come to be accepted as the norm, and Ruse (1982) decided that ‘totally sympatric speciation is rare’, the stratigraphical record of the Foraminifera suggests that both rapid allopatric branching and relatively slower, sympatric transformation take place. Well known evolutionary trends in larger foraminifera interpreted as examples of phyletic evolution are shown by Lepidolina (Ozawa 1975), the Orbitoides lineage (Gorsel 1978), Cycloclypeus (MacGillavry 1978) and in planktonics by the Globorotalia menardii / tumida lineage (Malmgren et al. 1983). The gradual trend in Lepidolina was dismissed as ‘pseudogradualism' by Gould and Eldredge (1977) and a possible result of ‘clone selection’. However, these larger foraminifera show both sexual and asexual generations. One of the reasons for the popularity of exclusively, allopatric solutions may be that formerly, average selection pressure was thought to be quite low; Fisher (1930) considered I % selection for advantageous qualities was a reasonable average throughout geological time. As a consequence, emphasis was put on the isolation of small populations (even reduction to a biblical pair) with only a fraction of the parental gene-pool, to account for rapid change. However, it is now known (Ford in Huxley 1974) that selective forces are up to thirty times greater in nature than had been realized, and therefore more effective on larger populations than previously admitted. After all, although the Galapogos finches are a remarkable example of rapid differentiation from small, immigrant, founder populations, the case of the medium ground finch (Geospiza fords), which was permanently reduced to the large beaked form by a major drought (Boag and Grant 1981), represents rapid sympatric evolution through operation of an environmental ‘bottleneck’ on a relatively large population. The many convergent lines of evolution towards complex orbitoidal structure in the large rotaliids appear to be related to the development of low fertility, reefal environments, perhaps with initial ‘bottleneck’ reduction to the most effective symbiotic species, amongst small rotaliids, followed by gradual acquisition of a more efficient algal-greenhouse structure. All the stages can be seen particularly well in the Miogypsinidae, Orbitoididae and Lepidocyclinidae. There is, of course, no occasion for the use of the ‘morphological gap', but genera can be distinguished on the basis of important structural changes and innovations (‘novelties’ of Adams 1983), e.g. the appearance of lateral chamberlets which distinguish Miogypsina from Miogypsinoides, and Orbitoides from Schlumbergeria. Generic and suprageneric categories are natural as far as they represent clusters of species that HAYNES: FORAMINIFERAN CLASSIFICATION 523 have evolved from ancestral groups by changes at the species (subspecies) level. Again, as far as they are natural, they will be 'real entities’ that reflect major evolutionary responses to the challenge of global physiographic change and the opportunities provided by extinction of groups that formerly dominated a particular environmental range. Loeblich and Tappan’s new classification, despite its imperfections, reveals even more dramatically than formerly how replacement has been a constant theme in the evolution of the Foraminifera (for ranges of the suprageneric groups see Ross and Hainan 1989). Generic ranges are given by Danielle Decrouez (1989). However, it is sobering to realize that in no case is there direct proof of the evolutionary origin of any of the twelve suborders recognized and the ancestral groups remain speculative. PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION After the historical study it will be helpful to provide a brief statement of what appear to be the prerequisites of a more natural classification. 1 . Foraminifera are the largest and most varied invertebrate group, have the most complex shells and include some of the largest protozoans. Although acellular, life histories are complex, there may be multinucleate phases and chromosome numbers are high. Even Class status may provide too narrow a framework for the complexity of relationships to be expressed. 2. A simple ordinal/subordinal scheme based on wall structure is not possible. There are at least two calcitic Palaeozoic groups, one microgranular, one largely 'vitreous'; both perforate and imperforate groups of agglutinated forms, plus a group secondarily derived from the miliolids; two groups of porcelaneous forms, one with perforate ancestry; four groups of microcrystalline calcitic, hyaline forms, the buliminids possibly derived from perforate agglutinated forms, the nodosariids from 'vitreous' ancestors, and the globigerinids and rotaliids of unknown origin. The relationship of the calcitic groups to the poorly known aragonitic group is obscure. 3. Coiling modes are not ' isomorphous’ in the different wall structure groups but adaptive radiation at different times into broadly similar environments and ecological niches has led to heterochronous homoeomorphy with the constant repetition of certain styles. There are trends in test architecture towards both increased complexity and simplification and both coiling-up and uncoiling (even recoiling and uncoiling) occur. In general, groups adapted to vagrant surface feeding in high energy environments remain close-coiled; groups secondarily adapted to infaunal environments often show uncoiling and simplification with growth and attendant serial, apertural modifications; groups adapted to symbiotic life show increased size and complication of structure. Contrasting modes within the larger Foraminifera illustrate the 'developmental constraints’ of the non-lamellar test, i.e. only the Somalina line in the porcelaneous group achieves 'orbitoidal' structure. New features tend to occur in the adult and proterogenesis is less common, but especially in symbiotic forms there is often striking differentiation of the juvenile (possibly connected with dispersal). Multiform genera probably adopt different life habits at different stages. Neotony may be a factor in the rise of certain groups, such as the planktonics. Ontogeny, therefore, has to be used with great care as a guide to phylogeny. 4. Only detailed stratigraphical and evolutionary studies can solve the problems of iterative evolution, parallel development and convergence peculiar to Foraminifera. In these circumstances, numerical taxonomy and cladistics (which in its 'transformed' manifestation excludes these problems from consideration) cannot be substituted for traditional taxonomy, i.e. the careful comparison of test architecture and wall structure, apertural and internal features, taking gross similarities and differences into account, with the evidence of ontogeny and the stratigraphical record, to establish phylogeny. 5. Although it is not true that traditional taxonomy relies exclusively on unique rather than shared characters, as supposed by Fortey ( 1989), care must be taken not to employ any one feature as a single 'key'. As Carpenter put it, ‘a natural system depends on the whole aggregate of ascertainable characters’. In this aggregate we must include coiling-mode; banished by Carpenter but continuing to haunt classification like Banquo's ghost. The supposition that features established 524 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 at one level in one order can be applied with equal weight in another order, with a different evolutionary history, must also be avoided. 6. 'Species are made by isolation,’ as Darwin put it, but populations can be ‘islanded’ in time as well as space and evolutionary patterns are complex in Foraminifera, suggesting that both allopatric branching and sympatric phylogenesis have taken place. As is to be expected, rates are variable, though sympatric phylogenesis appears generally to be relatively slow, perhaps because selection is working on larger populations. Attempts to arrive at an ‘objective’, supraspecific classification by application of a stereotyped model of dichotomous allopatric speciation should be avoided. Darwin’s famous model of the irregularly branching tree of life (the only diagram in the Origin) is more appropriate. Also, as pointed out by Adams (1983) the relatively rapid appearance of ‘novelties’ which then become stable, together with the slower modification of existing characters can give the appearance of punctuated equilibrium and gradualistic evolution in the same family. 7. The contribution of biological studies, although important, is so far limited. Paradoxically, despite their stratigraphical importance, less is known about living Foraminifera than about the living representatives of any other major group. Further studies of life history, functional morphology, genetics and cytology are a sine qua non of an improved classification. The study of living, naked forms (Allogromiida) is also a particular need. Acknowledgements . I am indebted to the two referees who commented on the original draft of this paper, intended as an essay review of Loeblich and Tappan’s book, and who encouraged me to examine it in historical context, especially in regard to problems that can be traced back to the work of the English School. In particular. Dr C. G. Adams and Dr J. E. Whittaker provided references and copies of reviews of earlier classifications, including the attempt to use cladistics by Fordham. Unfortunately, I was unable to borrow a copy of the doctoral thesis on foraminiferal classification by Martin Janal for copyright reasons. The paper was typed by Mrs Janice Evans. REFERENCES adams, c. G. 1983. Speciation, phylogenesis, tectonism, climate and eustacy: Factors in the evolution of Cenozoic larger foraminiferal bioprovinces. 255-289. In sims, r. w., price, j. h. and whalley, p. e. s. (eds.). Evolution , time and space. The emergence of the biosphere. Systematics Association Special Volume 23. - 1987u. 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Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, California, xvii + 356 pp. 528 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Schubert, r. J. 1908. Beitrage zu einer natiirlichen Systematik der Foraminiferen. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Geologie und Paldontologie , Beilage-Band, 25, 232-260. — 1921. Palaontologische Daten zur Stammesgeschichte der Protozoen. Palaontologische Zeitschrift, 3, 129-188. scott, G. h. 1974. Biometry of the foraminiferal shell. 55-151. In hedley, r. h. and adams, c. g. (eds.). Foraminifera 1. Academic Press, London and New York. sleigh, M. 1989. Protozoa and other Protists. Edward Arnold, London, New York, x + 342 pp. SMOUT, a. h. 1954. Lower Tertiary Foraminifera of the Qatar Peninsular. Monograph of the British Museum ( Natural History ), London, viii + 96 pp. spath, l. f. 1933. Evolution of the Cephalopoda. Biological Reviews , 8, 418-462. Thompson, d’arcy w. 1942. On growth and form. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1116 pp. towe, k. m. and cifelli, r. 1967. Wall ultrastructure in the calcareous foraminifera: crystallographic aspects and a model for calcification. Journal of Paleontology , 43, 742-762. valen, l, van. 1973. Are categories in different phyla comparable? Taxon , 22, 333-373. walker, G. and boys, w. 1774. Testacea minuta rariora. G. Walker, London, 25 pp. Williamson, w. c. 1852. On the minute structure of the calcareous shells of some Recent species of foraminifera. Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London , 3, 105-128. 1858. On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. Ray Society of London Publications, xx, London, 107 pp. wood, a. 1947. The supposed Cambrian Foraminifera from the Malverns. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 102, 447 460. 1949. The structure of the wall of the test in the Foraminifera; its value in classification. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 104, 229-255. and haynes, J. r. 1957. Certain smaller British Paleocenc Foraminifera. Part 2, Cibicides and its allies. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research , 8, 45-53. young, r. M. 1985. Darwin’s metaphor. Nature's place in Victorian culture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, xvii + 341 pp. JOHN R. HAYNES Department of Geology, Institute of Earth Studies Typescript received 5 April 1989 University College of Wales, Llandinam Building Revised typescript received 4 December 1989 Penglais, Aberystwyth Dyfed, SY23 3DB NOTE ADDED IN PROOF Since the publication of Loeblich and Tappan’s book in 1988 the following modifications have been made to their subordinal scheme. First, Loeblich and Tappan (1989) have recognized the new suborder Trochamminina of Bronniman and Whittaker (1988) and in addition they have reinstated the suborders Haplophragmiina and Astrorhizina. This gives the following four-fold breakdown for the agglutinated group: Astrorhizina - unilocular with organic cement Trochamminina - multilocular, cement organic, wall simple Flaplophragmiina - multilocular, cement organic wall simple to alveolar Textulariina - multilocular, cement calcareous, typically canaliculate Secondly, Revets (1989) has erected the new suborder Delosinina to accommodate the genus Delosina , considered to have a unique monolamellar, irregular microgranular, calcitic wall. The addition of this last would bring the number of suborders in Loeblich and Tappan’s scheme to sixteen. Further to the above it can now also be stated that the International Committee on Zoological Nomenclature has decided to take no action in the case of Anomalina and the Anomalinidae and their status therefore remains unchanged (Whittaker, pers. comm.). REFERENCES loeblich, a. r. and tappan, h. 1989. Implications of wall composition and structure in agglutinated foraminifers. Journal of Paleontology, 63, 769-777. revets, S. A. 1989. Structure and taxonomy of the genus Delosina Wiesner, 1931 (Protozoa: Foraminiferida). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Zoology), 55, 1-9. ONTOGENY, HYPOSTOME ATTACHMENT AND TRILOBSTE CLASSIFICATION by R. A. FORTEY Abstract. The high level classification of trilobites has proved particularly difficult. This paper discusses the classification of those trilobites which have been placed in the Order Ptychopariida, together with other relevant groups, including Agnostida. Although often considered 'generalized’, the ptychoparioids have a distinctive derived character: the hypostome is not exoskeletally connected to the cephalic doublure (natant hypostomal condition). The polarity of the natant hypostome as a derived character is supported both by known ontogenies, and by comparison with other trilobites, and is unusual in primitive arthropods as a whole. The wide distribution within the Trilobita of the natant hypostomal condition is established. The primitive state, found in redlichiids, is conterminant, in which (he hypostome is attached to the cephalic doublure and closely corresponds ventrally with the frontal glabellar lobe. Several trilobite groups which primitively had natant hypostomal condition became secondarily conterminant, e.g. among Asaphida and Proetida. All trilobites having natant hypostomal condition, together with those which were primitively natant and only secondarily conterminant or impendent, are believed to constitute a new monophyletic group termed the Subclass Libristoma. This group includes the majority of the trilobites. A number of major monophyletic groups within the Libristoma are recognized, and one or more autapomorphy for each group is described. The Ptychopariida can be reduced in scope to a paraphyletic group of primitive libristomates which cannot yet be assigned to a clade. The other major groups of Libristoma include: Asaphida, Proetida, Olenina, Harpina. There is slim evidence that the Phacopida also had libristomate ancestry. Some groups included in Ptychopariida in the 1959 Treatise can now be assigned to different higher taxa. Illaenacea (= Scutelluina) and Leiostegiacea probably belong within a large corynexochoid clade; Damesellacea are regarded as the primitive sister group of Odontopleurida. Agnostida are not libristomates, but they are trilobites; they are more advanced than olenellids, and comprise the sister taxon of Redlichiida + all other trilobites. An important autapomorphy defining Agnostida is the loss of calcification of an olenelloid-like rostral plate. Natant hypostomes are conservative in morphology, and it is often difficult to assign the hypostome among natant families. Specialized hypostomes are associated with the conterminant or impendent hypostomal condition. The natant condition is lost polyphyletically, and there is some evidence that secondarily conterminant trilobites arose when primarily conterminant groups became extinct. The relationships of subgroups within the Libristoma, and the relationships of other major conterminant taxa (corynexochoids, Odontopleurida, Lichida, Phacopida) to one another and to the Libristoma remain to be explored before the taxonomic status of major groups can be decided. The Redlichiida is probably another paraphyletic group having the same relationship to all higher trilobites as does the Ptychopariida within the Libristoma. Trilobites are one of the most morphologically diverse invertebrate groups with a good fossil record. Their long stratigraphical history and abundance has meant that students of the group have specialized in faunas of a particular age, or upon particular groups. It is possible to spend a productive working life studying one or two families through one or two systems, and no single worker has a detailed knowledge of the whole Class. Most specialists are concerned with classification and relationships of trilobites at subfamily, genus or species level, for which there is now an overwhelming literature. There is no uniformity of taxonomic usage throughout the group, and it is probably true that taxonomic practice tends to change, with the specialists, at system boundaries. Cambrian workers tend to be much more influenced by palaeogeography and stratigraphy than are Ordovician specialists; Devonian and Carboniferous workers tend to employ more taxonomic categories (subgenera and subspecies) than do workers lower in the column. Generally these disparities in approach cause little difficulty. However, a more important | Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 529-576, 1 pl.| © The Palaeontological Association 530 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 consequence of specialization concerns classification at the taxonomic level above the family, and the relationships between families. Changeover between families often coincides with stratigraphical boundaries, and falls between the provinces of different specialists. The latter may take the higher categories as 'given' and concentrate instead upon the kind of within-group evolution that can be revealed by detailed stratigraphic studies. The problem is compounded by the fact that families often appear to be good, clear categories, with distinctive autapomorphies characterizing them, but the synapomorphies which can relate one family to another are far less clear. Nor have stratigraphical 'transformation series’ of species connecting one higher taxonomic category with another been discovered in many cases - the families appear, as it were, ready made. Many of these natural groups were recognized already by Salter (1864, p. 2). No trilobite taxon is more intractable than the Order Ptychopariida with regard to the groups that should, or should not be included within it. Nor is it clear from the literature whether the Ptychopariida is a natural group. This paper is an attempt to approach some of these problems by discussing characters which are of service in characterizing ptychoparioid trilobites. In this endeavour I am acutely aware of the limits of my own detailed knowledge, particularly of Cambrian trilobites. But new insights into high-level classification are needed before the publication of the revision of the volume on trilobites of the Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. HIGH LEVEL TRILOBITE CLASSIFICATION The few trilobite workers who have attempted to discuss higher level trilobite classification, for example, Stubblefield (1936), Henningsmoen (1951), Harrington (in Moore 1959), Bergstrom (1973) and Fortey and Owens (1975), have stressed the need for a natural classification, by which is meant a classification that reflects phylogeny. Even so, it is apparent that higher level taxa claimed 'natural' by one worker may be disputed by another - see, for example, Bergstrom’s (1977) discussion of Fortey and Owens’ (1975) Order Proetida, and Fortey and Owens’ (1979) reply. In dispute in such discussions is the meaning of particular characters: the claimed synapomorphies of one authority are disputed as homoplasies by another. Trilobites are not simple subjects for phylogenetic analysis. Cladistic analyses of character distributions offer a new approach to the problems of classification. A pioneering attempt in this direction was made by Eldredge (1977). But the cladogram he produced was based on few characters, was replete with unresolved polychotomies, and many of the groups indicated would now be in dispute. Eldredge admitted that his analysis was not satisfactory, referring to 'the chaotic and rudimentary state of our understanding of trilobite relationships’ (p. 326). A very detailed account of one group, the Suborder Asaphina, which included a cladistic analysis based on a large matrix of characters, was published by Fortey and Chatterton (1988). This analysis depended on the recognition of at least one character (the ventral median suture) which served to define the whole asaphine group. Although reasons were advanced why this character was likely to be a good synapomorphy there may be workers who disagree (i.e. who claim that the median suture was polyphyletically derived). Higher Asaphina also have a distinctive kind of protaspis, and this, too, was regarded as important in recognizing the relationships of some very disparate adults. The foundation of Fortey and Chatterton’s analysis was the recognition of at least one apomorphic character uniting the Asaphina. Cladistic classifications also attempt to resolve taxonomic units into monophyletic groups (Wiley 1981). In this respect they may part company with more traditional approaches used by trilobite taxonomists in which the status of a higher taxonomic unit may be determined by some assessment of its morphological difference compared with other trilobites, rather than its common ancestry. The formal recognition of paraphyletic groups (that is, groups descended from a common ancestor, but not including all its descendants) is also common practice in existing classifications. The writer regards the definition of groups by common ancestry as a desirable goal in producing a classification which is truly 'natural’. This is not the place to develop the theoretical basis for this approach, but I broadly follow the reasoning set out previously (Fortey and Chatterton 1988) and by such authors as Jefferies (1986). However, for reasons which will become clear below, it is not always possible. FORTEY: TRILOBITE CLASSIFICATION 531 even if it is desirable, to eliminate paraphyletic taxa completely from groups with a good fossil record. When Fortey and Chatterton (1988) treated the Asaphina, they left aside the question of the relationships of that suborder within the more inclusive Order Ptychopariida. In the Treatise (Moore 1959) the Ptychopariida occupies well over half the systematic section - as conceived there it is a vast assemblage of trilobites. Bergstrom (1973) reduced its scope, largely by elevating previous subgroups of Ptychopariida into separate orders. Of the relationships between these orders there was little discussion. Moreover, even the constituent families of Asaphina sensu Fortey and Chatterton (1988) were distributed among three different orders and several different suborders in Bergstrom’s tabular classification. Nor were the characters on which the classification was based discussed in a way which is helpful for a phylogenetic classification. For these reasons a more inclusive view of Ptychopariida is the one adopted here. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the problems in a phylogenetic definition of ‘ptychoparioid ’ trilobites: do they constitute a monophyletic group, and if so which higher taxa may be eligible for inclusion within it? I employ the informal term ‘ptychoparioid’ for all the trilobites that have been considered in this context. My original intention was to tackle the problem using a computer-based cladistic analysis of probable constituent taxa, based on as many characters as possible. However, the characters that appear to be important as potential synapomorphies have either not been recognized, or not discussed in a phylogenetic context, and it is necessary to make a start by examining these characters. It is the characters which define the scope of the problem by indicating which taxa should be included in any more detailed review in the future. Although this paper concerns trilobites which have been regarded, or might prove to be Ptychopariida, it is hardly possible to avoid mentioning some of the other trilobite orders (Redlichiida, Phacopida, Corynexochida, etc.). There are problems in these groups also, but to keep the discussion within sensible bounds the discussion of such problems is briefer than it should be. A sceptic might contend that, given the difficulties in producing a satisfactory high level trilobite classification, it might be better to adopt the 1959 Treatise classification (Harrington in Moore 1959) as a convention and forego attempts to produce a phylogenetic classification, or, like Zhang and Jell (1987), abandon all categories above family. One could at least ‘pigeon hole' trilobites in this case. Such a view would quickly become self-defeating because there would be no criteria to decide the status (family? genus? superfamily?) of the various groups, and would result in a proliferation of names as more trilobites with intermediate combinations of characters were discovered. Also, broader palaeobiological theories which may be of interest to the non-specialist require a taxonomic base of ‘natural’ units. To cite one example, extinction patterns are a current concern, but if the ‘extinction’ is merely one of the disappearance of an arbitrary unit at a boundary between separate specialists it becomes meaningless (a ‘taxonomic pseudoextinction’ in the usage of Briggs et al. 1988). Conversely, it is of some interest that the extinction event at the Ordovician-Silurian boundary affects the suborder Asaphina more than any other group - a fact that was not known until the Asaphina were phylogenetically defined. I firmly believe that the recognition of natural groups is a priority in trilobite classification, even if the process is likely to prove contentious. HYPOSTOME ATTACHMENT CONDITIONS Fortey and Chatterton (1988, text-fig. 5) briefly introduced three terms to describe the relationship of the hypostome to the cephalic doublure on the venter, and the glabella on the dorsal surface (text- fig. 1). This character is of importance to the arguments in this paper. Whittington (1988u, h) has provided timely reviews of hypostomal attachment in the trilobites. He claimed that the anterior wings of the hypostome correspond with and were connected to the anterior pits in the glabellar axial furrows (or, if the pits are not clearly developed, to the appropriate point in the axial furrows); these structures are homologous in all trilobites. There are some differences in terminology between Whittington (1988r/, h) and Fortey and Chatterton (1988) but only minor discrepancies in 532 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 33 text-fig. I . The three conditions of hypostome attachment illustrated by cephalic shields viewed from the underside. The explanatory cartoons below show cephalic doublure as coarse stipple, the outline of the glabella in fine stipple, and the hypostomal outline transparent to make clear the relationship between the hypostomal anterior margin and the preglabellar furrow, a, natant hypostomal condition, with ‘detached’ hypostome, illustrated by Elrathia kingi , Middle Cambrian, x5; b , conterminant hypostomal condition, hypostome attached and closely correspondent with glabella outline, illustrated by Gog catillus , early Ordovician (after Fortey 1975), x 1 ; c, impendent hypostomal condition, with no close relationship between anterior margin of glabella and that of the hypostome (see also text-fig. 5 a-c), Raymondaspis reticulata , mid Ordovician (after Whittington 1965), x 3. interpretation. However, a greater emphasis is placed here on the relationships of the hypostome to other dorsal structures. Natant hypostomal condition This term (text-fig. la) was applied by Fortey and Chatterton ( 1988) to those trilobites in which the hypostome was not attached to the cephalic doublure, but lay beneath the front of the glabella, separated from the doublure by a gap. Whittington (1988a) used the term ‘detached’ to describe the same condition. Because of this absence of firm connection it is unusual to find trilobites with natant hypostomal condition with the hypostome in place. One relies upon individuals that died on their backs, the hypostome falling down into the forward part of the glabella (Rasetti 1952a) upon the decay of the soft tissue (text-fig. 2). Despite this, hypostomes of a wide range of families are known or inferred to have had natant hypostomal condition, as listed below. The existence of the same hypostomal condition can be inferred for many more trilobites of which complete remains are unknown. This is when the genal doublure (or by extension the rostral plate) corresponded in width text-fig. 2. Natant hypostome in life position (a), and as it falls down into the glabella on death in those trilobites which died on their backs ( b ) illustrated by generalized ptychoparioid. Compare with Plate 1. Note how glabellar furrows occupy area to each side of the hypostome. FORTEY: TRILOBITE CLASSIFICATION 533 with the marginal rim (PI. 1, fig. 2). If the marginal rim was separated from the front of the glabella by a preglabellar field, and given that the hypostome lay beneath the frontal part of the glabella (in the position consistent with the anterior wing/anterior pit correspondance), then the hypostomal condition was natant. Those hypostomes which were not natant were rigidly attached to the cephalic doublure (Whittington 1988m b). It is more difficult to assess the degree to which the natant hypostome was fixed in place by the anterior hypostomal wings. The fact that the hypostomes in life position are so readily displaced implies that the connection was not likely to have been particularly rigid. Also I have seen numerous examples of entire cephalic shields which should retain a natant hypostome. but of which there is now no trace (PI. 1, fig. 2), implying that it was easily separated. Dr R. M. Owens informs me (pers. comm. 1987) that of the many proetide exoskeletons he has studied with natant hypostomal condition when the hypostome is found at all it is invariably slumped to one side in the forward part of the glabella, in the manner of text-fig. 2b, implying that its support was not rigid (a similar conclusion was reached by Whittington and Campbell 1967). For these reasons it is likely that the connection between anterior wings and anterior fossulae was ligamental. and that, in life, there was probably a degree of freedom for movement of the hypostome. For example, up and down movement of the adoral margin might have been possible by means of muscles attached to the middle furrows on the hypostomal middle body, using the ligamental attachment of the anterior wings as ‘rockers'. Natant (swimming) is an appropriate term to describe this hypostomal condition, even though the labral plate was probably tethered or anchored in at least some cases rather than truly free-lying and supported only by the ventral membrane. But some ptychoparioid hypostomes have such reduced anterior wings (e.g. Bienvillia tetragonalis broeggeri , see Henningsmoen 1957, pi. 1 1, fig. 7) that it is possible to be sceptical whether they were attached at all. The term natant is preferred to Whittington’s ‘detached' for two reasons: (a) ‘detached’ has a vernacular use which can apply to fortuitously separated hypostomes with other kinds of attachment modes; (b) if the natant hypostome is homologous in various trilobites, and is an unusual character in arthropods as a whole (below) then it requires a diagnostic epithet to describe it. Note that there is no direct connection between a trilobite having natant hypostomal condition and the configuration of the ventral sutures, so that natant hypostomes can be found with rostral plate (Ptychopariacea), median suture (e.g. Pterocephaliidae) or fused cheeks (most Olenidae). Orientation. The connection between hypostomal anterior wings and anterior fossulae or pits in the axial furrows (Whittington 1988«) positions the hypostome in a way which corresponds with the anterior part of the glabella on the dorsal surface. This conforms with the position in which ‘in place' natant hypostomes are found (see text-fig. 2 and PI. 1). The anterior pits are in the axial furrows in front of the eye ridges, which in ptychoparioids are directed towards the anterolateral corners of the glabella. Because the anterior outline of the hypostome curves forwards, in the life orientation this profile approximates closely to the front glabellar margin, i.e. the outline of the preglabellar furrow. The outline of the anterior margin of the hypostome closely corresponds with that of the glabella, and lies a short distance ventrally below it. If Whittington’s view of the upward projection of the anterior wings is correct (e.g. PI. 1, fig. 5) there are some forms in which the front margin of the hypostome cannot have been far removed from the preglabellar furrow. The close correspondence dorso-ventrally between hypostome and glabella is an important point because it is retained in all trilobites except those in which the hypostomal condition is impendent. With the hypostome restored in this position, in the typical ptychoparioid ( Ptychoparia , Elrathia and the like) it is probable that the distribution of the glabellar furrows is related to the position of the hypostome (text-fig. 2a). The longest, posterior IS furrows are posterior to the hypostome; the progressively shorter three anterior pairs of furrows occupy the gap between the hypostome and the edge of the glabella. 534 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Conterminant hypostomal condition In the conterminant hypostomal condition (text-figs. 1 b, 3) the hypostome is in the same relative position with regard to the glabella as in the natant condition, i.e. the front margin of the hypostome and that of the glabella closely correspond. However, the hypostome is suturally joined to the inner edge of the doublure, and in all the described cases (Fortey and Chatterton 1988; Whittington 1988a, b ) this attachment was rigid. Even in the absence of articulated material the conterminant text-fig. 3. Conterminant hypostomal condition of various types, illustrated by ventral views of cephalic shields with hypostomes in place, a, the primitive calymenid Neseuretus (early Ordovician), in which conterminant condition is maintained by a broad anterior flange on the hypostome (mostly after Henry 1980), x 2; b, secondary conterminant hypostomal condition with backward curvature of doublure in Proceratopyge (Asaphida; Ceratopygidae : late Cambrian; after Jago, 1987), x 3; c, primary conterminant hypostomal condition in which rostral plate and hypostome are fused together as a single unit in Fieldaspis (Corynexochida : mid Cambrian; mostly after Whittington 1988a) x3; rf, primary conterminant hypostomal condition with narrow, transverse rostral plate, in the odontopleurid Leonaspis (Silurian; after Chatterton and Perry 1983), x8; e, secondary conterminant hypostomal condition with hypostome recessed in doublure and occupying large part of venter, Isotelus (Asaphidae: middle Ordovician) x 1. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Natant hypostomal condition, including entire exoskeletons with hypostome more-or-less in life position (see text-fig. 2). Figs. 1, 5, Olenidae: Hypermecaspis. 1, dorsal exoskeleton lying on its back within nodule, early Ordovician, Bolivia, USNM 380856, x 1 -5. 5, hypostome from lateral view to show upward-directed anterior wings, early Ordovician, Spitsbergen, Sedgwick Museum (SM) A84079 (see also Fortey 1974, pi. 14, fig. 10), x4. Figs. 2, 8. Asaphiscidae : Blainia , two exoskeletons from same block, mid Cambrian, Alabama, USNM 62801, one showing narrow (sag.) rostral plate but lacking hypostome, the other showing hypostome in usual position in natant forms, x4. Fig. 3, Cedariinae: Cedaria, showing rostral plate and position of hypostome, U. Cambrian, Utah, USNM 300, x 4. Fig. 4, late olenid hypostome, Balnibarbi, early Ordovician, Spitsbergen, SM A84021, x 5. Fig. 6, Alokistocaridae : Elrathia, mid Cambrian, Utah, preserved dorsal side up but clearly showing rostral plate and position of hypostome, BM (NH) It 1734, x 2. Fig. 7, Proetidae; Proetus , Silurian, Wenlock, SM A28263 (Owens 1973, pi. 3, fig. 9), x 5. PLATE 1 FORTEY, natant hypostomes 536 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 hypostomal condition can be inferred if the inner margin of the doublure extends as far as the front of the glabella, but no further (text-fig. 1 b). Conterminant hypostomal condition can be found in trilobites with rostral plate, median suture, or with the cheeks conjoined ventrally. The hypostomal suture may become obsolete in trilobites with conterminant hypostomal condition, so that the hypostome and rostral plate form a single unit, as in Corynexochida (text-fig. 3c) and some Paradoxididae. Conterminant hypostomal condition is found in numerous trilobite families, of which several examples were described by Whittington (1988a, b) or by Fortey and Chatterton (1988): Dalmanitidae, Asaphidae, Remopleurididae, Ceratopygidae, Cheiruridae, Calymenidae, Corynexochidae, Lichidae, Odontopleuridae, Encrinuridae. 1 . Secondary conterminant hypostomal condition. Conterminant hypostomal condition may develop secondarily from the natant condition. This is shown by examples within accepted monophyletic groups: Anomocaridae-Asaphacea; Remopleuridacea and Proetida. This secondary development is proved from stratigraphic evidence which shows that early and primitive members of the group are natant, and that later, more derived members are conterminant; and from comparison with the respective out-groups, in which the natant condition also pertains. These examples are important because they show: (a) that the conterminant condition is certainly not primitive for some Trilobita, and (b) that the conterminant condition can be attained from the natant by two different mechanisms (text-fig. 4). There is no known case where the conterminant condition returns to the natant condition - and hence it becomes a good derived character in classification. Anomocaridae-Asaphacea. The relationships between the families included in the Asaphacea were reviewed by Fortey and Chatterton (1988). Most Asaphacea, in which Fortey and Chatterton included Ceratopygidae as well as Asaphidae, had a conterminant hypostomal condition. The primitive sister group, which probably included the common ancestor of both families, was the paraphyletic group Anomocaridae. Anomocarids certainly included some genera, such as Anomocarioides , which had natant hypostomal condition, the inner margin of the cephalic doublure falling well short of the front of the glabella. In fact, Fortey and Chatterton could find no member of the Anomocaracea which was convincingly conterminant. However, some species placed within this group had relatively wide cephalic doublure, so that the 'gap' between its anteromedian margin and the front of the hypostome was reduced. In early Ceratopygidae (Proceratopyge spp.) it was shown that the hypostome was attached to the doublure, and this was achieved by a median widening of the doublure (Jago 1987). This widening was indicated on the dorsal surface by adaxial backward curvature of the paradoublural line(s). In Asaphidae the doublure is wide both beneath free cheeks, and under the (usually wide) preglabellar area, before terminating on a line coincident with the preglabellar furrow (text-fig. 1 b). The relatively great width of the cephalic doublure possible in this group suggests that the preglabellar field was ‘lost’ by backward extension of the doublure beyond the marginal rim at which it terminated in the ptychoparioids. In some conterminant asaphids doublure and frontal area are again narrow, but stratigraphic evidence suggests that this narrowness may be secondary. In any case the anomocarid-asaphacean transition (text-fig. 4a) involves secondary docking of the hypostome with the doublure - which may become very wide in the process - and attendant loss of the natant hypostomal condition. A few advanced asaphaceans attain the impendent hypostomal condition. Remopleuridacea and Dikelocephalacea. These two superfamilies were regarded as closely related within the Asaphina by Fortey and Chatterton (1988), and Dikelocephalacea is used in the sense of Fudvigsen and Westrop (1983) to include Ptychaspidacea of authors. Early Remopleuridacea, such as kainellids and Elkanaspis Fudvigsen, 1982 have a narrow marginal cephalic rim, and the doublure ventrally corresponds with the rim. Species having a wide preglabellar field are therefore likely to have had natant hypostomal condition (Fortey and Chatterton 1988, text-fig. 14). In later and more advanced Remopleuridacea, especially Apatokephalus and its allies, the glabella extends forwards as far as the border, and the width of the cephalic doublure medially (e.g. Ross 1951, pi. FORTEY: TRILOBITE CLASSIFICATION 537 backward extension of doublure CONTERMINANT loss of preglabellar field text-fig. 4. Two possible mechanisms (above) for attaining secondary conterminant hypostomal condition from natant hypostomal condition illustrated by generalized ptychoparioid of elrathiid type. Two examples (below) of secondary conterminant condition, primitive natant morphology to left and position of hypostome shown as dotted outline: a, anomocaracean Litocephalus (after Palmer 1960) (left) and primitive asaphid Promegalaspides (right); b, remopleuridaceans Elkanaspis (left) and Menoparia (right) (after Fortey and Chatterton 1988). 20, fig. 30) indicates that the hypostome had docked at this stage to become conterminant (text-fig. 4b). In the most advanced members of the family Remopleurididae the glabella has encroached forwards still further so that the hypostomal condition becomes impendent, and the rigid hypostomal attachment of such forms has been familiar for some time through the work of Whittington (1959). Remopleuridacea thus afford a second example of secondary conterminant condition having been attained from a natant condition. Unlike at least some of the Asaphacea, the achievement of conterminant hypostomal condition was made by elimination of the preglabellar field by forward encroachment of the glabella the cephalic doublure remains coincident with the 538 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 33 cephalic rim as it is in ptychoparioids. Even though the conterminant hypostomal condition is functionally the same as it is in asaphaceans it seems possible that the means of achieving it may be different. Less is known of ventral structures in Dikelocephalacea. Conterminant hypostomal condition certainly pertained in saukiids such as Saukia , and also in ptychaspids with a narrow tube-like cephalic doublure, and in dikelocephalids, such as Dikelocephalus , with a wide and flat doublure. Idahoiidae may prove to be the sister group of Dikelocephalacea, and idahoiid genera such as Wilbernia and Idahoia show wide borders, but which do not reach the front of the glabella; these were in all probability still natant. Proetido. The Order Proetida Fortey and Owens, 1975 includes numerous post-Cambrian families, and was the only trilobite group to survive the Devonian. I shall return to the characters defining it below. Early Proetida, and perhaps the majority of the Order, have natant hypostomal condition. The cephalic doublure closely corresponds with the cephalic rim, the two together forming a tube- like structure in many proetides. Natant hypostomal condition is accordingly obvious for Proetacea having narrow borders and wide preglabellar fields, such as the primitive genus Decoroproetus (Owens 1973, pi. 7, fig. 15), and the majority of Aulacopleuridae. On more advanced genera with reduced preglabellar field, such as Proetus itself, it is not immediately clear whether the hypostome is or is not attached to the doublure, but specimens preserved ‘on their backs’ (e.g. Proetus concinnus (Dalman), see Owens 1973, pi. 3, fig. 9; PI. 1, fig. 6 herein) show the hypostome in the fallen position typical of other taxa with natant hypostomal condition. The same lack of attachment of the hypostome probably persisted into the Carboniferous in such genera as Namuropyge , which has a preglabellar field, and certain Cummingella species (e.g. Woodward 1883, pi. 1, fig. 4a). Elowever, some Proetida did attain secondary hypostomal attachment, as shown in text-figure 5. For example, the Carboniferous genus Paladin (Whittington 1 988/?, text-fig. 12) has the glabella encroaching on the cephalic border, and the hypostome is attached to the doublure in the typical conterminant fashion (also text-fig. 5 <7); the same probably applied to many other Carboniferous phillipsiids. Campbell (1977; also Whittington 1988/?) showed that the cephalic doublure on the Devonian brachymetopid genus Cordania was relatively wide - wider than the ‘border’ -and terminated precisely on a line around the front of the preglabellar furrow. If it was in its usual position co-incident with the glabellar frontal lobe it is not unreasonable to assume that the hypostome was conterminant in this case also, although there are no examples known to me of brachymetopids with hypostome in situ. Campbell (1977, p. 20) thought that the ‘border’ furrow in this case was not homologous with that in other Proetida (the contrary opinion was held, for example, by Owens and Thomas 1975), which he regarded as really coincident with the inner doublural margin. If this view is correct then loss of the natant hypostomal condition would be the result of encroachment of the glabella on the border as in Paladin and remopleuridids. However, if the other view is held - that the doublure has ‘grown beyond' the true border - then the loss of the natant condition was the result of the doublure growing out to meet the hypostomal margin, a case like the Asaphacea described above (and text-fig. 3, top). Whatever the correct interpretation of border homology, these proetaceans evidently show the secondary acquisition of conterminant hypostomal condition by analogous mechanisms to those operating in Asaphina. Non-proetacean Proetida include several families in Fortey and Owens’ (1975) concept. Their original scenario was that these were ultimately derived from the subfamily Hystricurinae, a typically ‘ptychoparioid ’ group with narrow cephalic rims and doublures (e.g. Ross 1951, pi. 8, figs. 7 and 8) and wide enough preglabellar fields to be likely to have had natant hypostomal condition. Early Bathyuridae ( Peltabellia , see Ross 1951) were generally like hystricurids in these features and there is no reason to suppose that they were other than natant. However, some advanced forms with reduced preglabellar fields, such as Bathyurus itself, have been claimed as having rostrum and hypostome in contact (Ludvigsen 1979); Whittington (1988/?) also considered that the hypostome was firmly braced in Bathyurus. Whittington (1963, pi. 11, fig. 6) figured the cephalic doublure of the bathyurelline Punka nitida (Billings) which is wider than in hystricurids but does not extend FORTEY: TRILOBITE CLASSIFICATION 539 c d text-fig. 5. Secondarily attached hypostonres in Proetida. a , b , d, impendent hypostomal condition in Griffithides acanlhiceps Woodward; Dinantian, Treak Cliff, Castleton, Derbyshire: a , dorsal, and b , ventral views, x 6; d, oblique ventral view, x 5. Note anterior pits in axial furrows well posterior to usual position in natant forms. National Museum of Wales (NMW) 86.25G.2332. d , Secondary conterminant hypostomal condition in Archegone ( Phillibole ) aff. aprathensis Richter and Richter, Dinantian, slopes of Pendle Hill, Lancashire, x 3, NMW 88.36G.10. Photographs kindly supplied by R. M. Owens. across the preglabellar field. Ross ( 1953) described the silicified hypostome of another bathyurelline, Licnocephala cavigladia Hintze, which shows remarkably long prong-like anterior wings and a poor match between anterior profile of hypostome and posterior margin of cephalic doublure. It seems then, that in Bathyuridae secondary conterminant condition occurred only rarely, and only in the stratigraphically youngest members of the family. Nor are there any described examples of Dimeropygidae or Glaphuridae in which conterminant hypostomal condition is suspected. To summarize, Proetida primitively have natant hypostomal condition, and some families remain so. Several other proetide families include advanced members in which the hypostome is secondarily conterminant; this happens by the loss of the preglabellar field by encroachment of the glabella on the border, or, possibly, by widening of the doublure to cover the preglabellar field. The former happens also in the Remopleuridacea; the latter in the anomocarid asaphid - ceratopygid transition. In no case is there a reversal from conterminant back to natant. 2. Primary conterminant hypostomal condition. In the cases just described the conterminant hypostomal condition is derived, within accepted monophyletic groups, from the natant condition. Although these trilobites provide the theme of this paper, it is important to recognize that there are 540 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 other trilobite groups with conterminant hypostomal condition in which it is not derived from the natant condition; indeed, it is considered to be the primitive mode of hypostomal attachment for the Trilobita as a whole. The primitive state: Redlichiida. The Redlichiida are regarded as the sister taxon of all ‘higher’ trilobites, which excludes only the Agnostida and olenelloids (see text-fig. 14), and includes all ptychoparioids. Redlichiids have functional dorsal ecdysial sutures and have a rostral plate bounded by connective sutures. Following Bergstrom (1973) and Fortey and Whittington (1989), olenelloids are regarded as primitive trilobites lacking dorsal ecdysial sutures, a view different from that of Lauterbach (1980), who regarded certain olenelloids as more closely related to chelicerates. Ax (1987) summarized Lauterbach's views in English. Here it may be stated that the greater number of derived characters favour the trilobite hypothesis of olenelloid relationships, if the characters identified as synapomorphies by Fortey and Whittington ( 1989) are correct. The systematic position of the Agnostida is discussed below. If the Redlichiida is correctly identified as the sister group of higher trilobites the redlichiid mode of hypostomal attachment (text-fig. 6) is the primitive one for such trilobites. text-fig. 6. Conterminant condition as the primitive hypostomal attachment mode as exemplified in Redlichiida, the sister taxon of1 higher’ trilobites. Redlichia longtangensis Zhang and Lin (see Zhang et at. 1980, text-fig. 53), late Lower Cambrian, Longtang, E. Guizhou, China, showing extension of cephalic doublure and position of hypostome, x 15. Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology 7057. Photograph kindly supplied by W. T. Chang (Zhang Wentang). Lauterbach (1980) regarded the Emuellidae as the primitive sister group of redlichiids. Pocock (1970, text-fig. 4) clearly described the nature of the attachment of the hypostome in Emuella. It is conterminant, the anterior edge corresponding both with the front of the glabella dorsally, and the back end of the relatively narrow (tr.) rostral plate. In Redlichia (Opik 1958; Zhang et al. 1980; Whittington 1988c/) the hypostomal attachment is similar, that is, conterminant (also Resserops , see Hupe 1953, fig. 39). Opik (1958) showed that the rostral plate and hypostome are fused together in R. idoneci Whitehouse, whereas in Emuella ‘the hypostomal suture is functional’ (Pocock 1970, p. 528). Of numerous Redlichia species figured by Zhang et al. (1980) some (e.g. pi. 20, fig. 5) have FORTEY: TRILOBITE CLASSIFICATION 541 hypostomes without attached rostrum, as does Sardoredlichia (Rasetti 1972, pi. 9, fig. 19), and it seems likely that the fusion of rostrum and hypostome was an advanced, not a primitive character. Additional evidence for this can be cited in that such secondary fusion happens again, later, in some species only of Paradoxides (Whittington 1988a), and in the Corynexochida. The important point is that the primitive mode of attachment in the group Redlichiida + all other non-olenellid trilobites is conterminant. This can be referred to as primary conterminant hypostomal condition. This is not homologous with the secondary conterminant hypostomal condition, described above, in which it is derived from the natant hypostomal condition. Certain redlichiids develop a short preglabellar field: see, for example, Redlichia yichangensis Zhang and Lin (in Zhang et cd. 1980) and R. ( Pteroredlichia ) chinensis Walcott (Zhang et al. 1980, pi. 25, fig. 5). This does not mean however, that the hypostome became detached from the rostrum and natant. Zhang et a/.'s pi. 20, fig. 9 and pi. 25, fig. 25 clearly show the hypostome in place beneath the frontal glabellar lobe, and the cephalon in the latter also shows that the posterior part of the rostral plate extends backwards (see text-figure 6) across the ‘gap’ between marginal rim and preglabellar furrow. Conterminant hypostomal condition is retained. Many redlichiids for which ventral structures are not known show a median plectrum in the preglabellar field (e.g. Zhang et cd. 1980, pi. 21, fig. 7), and it is my contention that this is the dorsal expression of such a backward extension from the rostral plate. A plectrum is a median backward projection of the border, and usually distinctly defined; however, other redlichiids show a vaguer median depression in the same region, which may still represent the same ventral structure. Incidentally, whether or not olenellids were trilobites, they do appear to show some comparable ventral structures to redlichiines. Some, such as Holmia , were clearly conterminant, with close connection between doublure and hypostome (Whittington 1988a). Others, such as Olenellus , show narrow spine-like connections across the preglabellar field, and median plectra dorsally. Other probable examples of primary conterminant hypostomal condition. If the conterminant hypostomal condition is primitive for the higher trilobites as a whole it is not surprising that it is retained in many families. Some of these were reviewed by Whittington (1988a, b). In some groups the conterminant condition intergrades with the impendent condition discussed in the following section. In many trilobite families the conterminant condition is constant, and retained during modifications to the border. For example, in the calymenid Neseuretus (text-fig. 3a) the cephalic border is exceptionally extended for the family and the conterminant hypostomal condition is retained by virtue of an anterior plate-like extension of the hypostomal margin which extends beneath the area between the front of the glabella and the anterior cephalic rim. There is no a priori reason why Neseuretus should not have become natant - i.e. the hypostome simply ‘drifted away’ from the rostrum as the border extended - but the fact that this does not happen proves the conservatism of the hypostomal attachment mode. A list of non-redlichiid higher taxa having primary conterminant hypostomal condition includes the following, most of which I have confirmed through examination of specimens in the British Museum (Natural History) collections. This list is not hierarchically arranged, and those taxa discussed above under secondary conterminant hypostomal attachment are not included. Order Corynexochida: Most of this group are conterminant (text-fig. 3c); a few advanced forms may possibly have been impendent. Loss of hypostomal suture by ankylosis may make the anterior limits of the hypostome difficult to see in some cases. Superfamily Leiostegiacea : Apparently all are conterminant, but there are no described examples with hypostome in place. The doublure-hypostome relationship is fairly obvious in those genera, like Leiostegium itself (text-fig. 17a, p. 564), with distinct anterior pits far forwards in the axial furrows with which the anterior wings of the hypostome would have engaged. Broad-bordered genera like Palocorona Shergold, 1980 develop a ‘false border furrow’ but the course of the inner margin of the doublure is still revealed by the paradoublural line extending to the front of the glabella. Superfamily Damesellacea : These have not been fully described from the ventral side, but examination of Stephanocare and Blackwelderia specimens in the B.M. (N.H.) shows that the cephalic doublure is closely 542 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 coincident with the cephalic border, which is narrow and ledge-like in front of the glabella, a structure very like that of the Leiostegiacea. The hypostomes of several genera are known, and assuming the correspondence of anterior wings with the anteriorly placed pits in the axial furrows, it seems likely that the Damesellacea were also conterminant. Superfamily Cheiruracea: Many entire specimens of cheiruraceans have been described (Lane 1971; Whittington 1988/?; Jell 1985, pi. 13, fig. 10); all Pliomeridae and Cheiruridae are conterminant, except where the frontal lobe of the glabella has expanded forwards (especially Encrinuridae; some Cheiruridae) and incorporated the border within it, and these may perhaps be better described as impendent. Superfamily Calymenacea : Advanced calymenids are consistently conterminant, even when, as in Neseuretus (above), the preglabellar area is long. The extended preglabellar area in this case is ‘covered’ by an extension of the hypostome, but this is unusual. Homalonotids with extended (sag.) borders, and such calymenids as Calymenesun (Derek J. Siveter pers. comm. 1986) cover the extended area by growth of the rostral plate and the adjacent genal doublure. The hypostome remains in its usual position. So far as can be ascertained primitive calymenaceans with preglabellar field were also conterminant. For example Prionocheilus (= Pharostoma) appears to show a backward extension of the rostral plate sufficient to bridge the distance between anterior border and the front of glabella and hypostome (Whittard 1960, pi. 18, fig. 4). Suborder Phacopina: Jaanusson (1975) discussed the morphological steps leading to the suborder Phacopina, and described Gyrometopus as a primitive representative. This genus had a rather narrow cephalic doublure, but the hypostome is not known and it is difficult to say whether it was or was not conterminant. The more primitive Phacopina are classified within the Dalmanitidae. Many of the stratigraphically early dalmanitids described by Henry (1980) show details of the ventral cephalic surface, including hypostomes in place (Henry 1980, pi. 28, fig. 4; pi. 29, fig. 4). These were probably conterminant. Early Pterygometopidae, such as Calyptaulax (e.g. Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976, pi. 16) are apparently slightly impendent. Phacopidae are impendent, even early genera such as Morgatia (Henry 1980, pi. 43, fig. 6). Order Odontopleurida : Odontopleurids (text-fig. 3d) are known from numerous silicified species; they are all conterminant (see, for example, cephalic shields of several species figured by Chatterton and Perry 1983). Both cephalic border and doublure are narrow, and the hypostome is rigidly attached (Whittington 1988/?). Order Lichida. Thomas and Holloway’s (1988) recent review of this group shows conterminant condition to be the rule. This brief review shows that, although the conterminant condition is primitive for the higher Trilobita, it is present, and consistently so, within a variety of higher taxa extending to the later history of the group. While it is likely that in mid-Cambrian groups this is a retained plesiomorphic character, there is at least the possibility among later groups such as the Calymenacea that it is secondarily derived from the natant condition, as in Asaphina and Proetida, and if so this would have considerable taxonomic implications. I return to this topic below. Impendent hypostomal condition In the impendent hypostomal condition (text-figs, lc, 5 a-c) the close relationship between the position of the hypostome and the front of the glabella which pertains in natant or conterminant hypostomal condition is lost. The term was coined by Fortey and Chatterton (1988) with reference to Cyclopygacea, but applies to many other groups. Its taxonomic importance is proved by the fact that there is no known example where impendent hypostomal condition reverts to conterminant or natant. The impendent condition results from the relative forward growth and often inflation of the glabella to engulf the cranidial border; in the process the anterior glabellar margin more nearly coincides with the cephalic margin, and the hypostomal suture occupies a relatively posterior position. The relationship between the anterior wing of the hypostome and its connection in the axial furrow is not lost. This is shown by the hypostomes of Nileus and Remopleurides , for example, in which the anterior hypostomal wings become elongated in the dorsal direction (e.g. Whittington 1965, pi. 31, figs. 2 and 3; 1988/?, text-figs. 5 and 6). Impendent hypostomal condition can characterize higher level taxa (Cyclopygacea, Illaenina, Phacopidae), and is independent of the development of the ventral sutures, occurring with rostral plate ( IUaenus ), median suture ( Amphytrion ) or fused cheeks ( Symphysurus , Phacops). In those groups which attained secondary conterminant hypostomal attachment a number of subgroups went further to become impendent (Cyclopygacea, some Asaphinae, some phillipsiids FORTEY: TRILOBITE CLASSIFICATION 543 such as Griffithides and Hentigia, see Whittington 1988/)). It is clear in these that there is a morphological and phylogenetic progression running natant secondary conterminant impend- ent. Impendent hypostomal condition may have been capable of developing directly from primary conterminant condition. But in, for example, Corynexochida ( Corynexochus ) having the glabella extending far forwards it is likely that the rostral plate became extremely narrow (sag.) and impendent attachment was not attained. A detailed discussion of the impendent condition is not as important to the phylogenetics of Ptychopariida as is the conterminant condition, but it is important in the wider context of trilobite classification. In addition to those Asaphina mentioned already several large groups are typified by having impendent hypostomal condition : Superfamily Illaenacea: as restricted to Illaenidae plus Scutelluidae, and excluding groups placed in Proetida by Fortey and Owens (1975). Even early members of this group such as Raymondaspis (Whittington 1965, pi. 57, fig. 9) appear to have the glabella extending well beyond the inner doublural margin. Advanced Phacopida: The Phacopidae, Calmoniidae and Monorakidae are all impendent. The first two of these groups had their origins in the Ordovician, and presumably had sister groups within what would at present be classified as dalmanitaceans having conterminant hypostomal condition. Late Proetida: A number of stratigraphically late genera of Proetida have glabellas that expand forwards to the cephalic margin - much in the manner of Nileidae in the Asaphina. Examples would include the Permian genus Paraphillipsia (see Owens 1983), and Griffithides (text-fig. 5 a-c). Because such forms had cephalic doublures of normal width they would have had impendent hypostomal condition also. They must have been derived from one of the secondarily conterminant proetides. One example will suffice to show that the discrimination of the different modes of hypostomal attachment can be of immediate taxonomic use (text-fig. 7). Bornemann (1883) described the trilobite Illaenus meneghinii from Sardinia, which subsecpiently became the type species of text-fig. 7. Hypostomal attachment condition as a key to revealing homoeomorphy. a and b, dorsal cephalic and pygidial morphology of the early Ordovician genus Platypeltoides , and the early Cambrian genus Giordanella (after Rasetti 1972) showing general similarity, c. x 3. Below, inferred ventral views of the same. c, cartoons illustrating hypostomal attachment mode using same conventions as in text-figure 1, Giordanella above, probably conterminant, Platypeltoides below, impendent. 544 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Giordanella. Because of the general resemblance of Giordanella to early Ordovician Nileidae, the beds yielding it came to be regarded as transitional between Cambrian and Ordovician. Later it became apparent that the horizon was, in fact. Lower Cambrian, and the time gap between this horizon and the early Ordovician was so considerable that Nicosia and Rasetti (1971) rejected nileid affities in favour of incertae familiae . Rasetti (1972, p. 44) went further in using Giordanella as a good example of how homoeomorphy confuses and, by implication, as part of his argument on how misleading the morphology of Cambrian trilobites can be ‘without taking into consideration the age and geographic province’. In the present context, it is clear that, effaced dorsally though it is, the cranidium of Giordanella can show the anterior outline of the glabella (e.g. Rasetti 1972, pi. 10, figs. 3, 9) well inside the cranidial margin. The Family Nileidae, and the superfamily Cyclopygacea to which it belongs, are characterized as having impendent hypostomal condition, and as a consequence the glabella dorsally extends to the cephalic margin. There is thus an easy way to show that Giordanella and, for example, the nileid Platypeltoides , a genus it generally resembles dorsally (text-fig. 7), are not related. If one adds to this the fact that Giordanella has a wide rostral plate (Rasetti 1972, pi. 10, fig. 22) whereas the Nileidae either have a median suture or fused cheeks, then the likelihood of a close taxonomic relationship between nileids and Giordanella becomes remote. Giordanella probably had primary conterminant hypostomal condition, if we are to judge from the width of the doublure and the indication of a paradoublural line running to the front of the glabella. This suggests a comparison with the family Ellipsocephalidae, which is widespread and familiar in the Lower Cambrian. Giordanella would then become just another example of a relatively macropygous and effaced trilobite, which is known to be one of the most iterative (and therefore of least taxonomic moment) trends in trilobite evolution (Lane and Thomas 1983). One might perhaps turn Rasetti’s argument on its head and use this example to demonstrate that it is necessary to look at characters critically first before jumping to stratigraphical conclusions based on general resemblance. NATANT HYPOSTOMAL CONDITION AS A SHARED DERIVED CHARACTER It was concluded above that the primitive hypostomal attachment mode is conterminant. If so, the natant condition is a derived character and hence a synapomorphy of potential use in defining a monophyletic group. Opik (1963, p. 77) has already stated that the natant hypostomal condition is of importance in higher level trilobite classification. There are a few criteria which can be used to establish the polarity of a character shift (Schoch 1986, pp. 1 34-142) - in this case, that the natant condition is a derived character. The comparison with Redlichia described above exemplifies the criterion of comparison with the out-group. There is also the criterion of ontogeny: during morphogenesis the developmental sequence should parallel the inferred polarity (conterminant to natant in this case). The stratigraphic criterion suggests that the primitive condition will also be stratigraphically earlier. Whittington ( 1 988 Siltstone Member Grey to black, thin-bedded, fine-grained siltstone with few thin shale lenses. > CEDARBERG FORMATION Black fine-grained thinly laminated micaceous shale with Invertebrate fossils, microfossils, spore tetrads, Promlssum and Eohostimella . Soom ■ Shale Member Dlamictites, varvites and poorly stratified pelitic units; polished, striated and faceted clasts present. Fold zone and dlamictite. PAKHUIS FORMATION Light grey, medium to coarse-grained massively bedded quartzitic sandstone with thin lenses of quartz pebbles; trough cross-bedding well developed. PENINSULA FORMATION text fig. 2. Schematic stratigraphic profile. Brunton, Eostropheodonta discumbata Cocks and Brunton and Plectothyrella haughtoni Cocks and Brunton, that it is Hirnantian. Thus we regard Promissum pulchrum as more likely to be oflate Rawtheyan to Hirnantian age, rather than Silurian. PALAEONTOLOGY Introduction Our examination of the specimens of Promissum pulchrum has shown that they are bedding-plane assemblages and isolated elements of conodonts. They are remarkable in several ways, not least in their spectacular size. The ramiform elements in the largest assemblage are more than 14 mm long, with the whole assemblage having a length of 17 mm. The elements are robust with peg-like denticles, between some of which finer denticles are apparent. Preservation of the original apatite is poor, with several of the elements represented only by internal and external moulds. In others the phosphate has been leached or replaced by clay minerals to give a pale greenish appearance. On analysis, this material gave peaks in aluminium, silicon and potassium. Peaks in calcium and phosphorus were obtained from some relatively unaltered amber-coloured areas of one of the ramiform elements (text-fig. 4). The anterior and posterior ends of the assemblages can be determined from the anterior cusps and posterior processes of the ramiform elements. Beyond this, orientation is problematical, as almost all the elements have their ‘upper’ surfaces directed inwards and it is impossible to tell whether the THE RON ET AL. : SOUTH AFRICAN ASHGILL CONODONT 581 text-fig. 3. Geological map of the Clanwilliam area, showing the sample site. 582 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 assemblages are being viewed from above or below. The only guide is provided by the Pa and Pb elements in the central area of the holotype. On the counterpart (C.2b-I, text-fig. 5), these are preserved as deep external moulds, showing that their oral (conventionally ‘upper’) surfaces were directed into the bedding plane; they are thus being viewed from below, which indicates that they are situated on the sinistral side of the assemblage. This designation has been adopted in the description and discussion of specimens in this paper, but it should be emphasized that this is based dextral text-fig. 5. Camera lucida drawing of the counterpart of the holotype of Promissum pulchrum , specimen C.2b- I, for comparison with PI. 1, fig. 2. The anterior of the apparatus is to the right. THERON ET AL.\ SOUTH AFRICAN ASHGILL CONODONT 583 on conventional orientation of the Pa and Pb elements alone and does not necessarily relate to actual left and right sides of the Promissum animal. Systematic palaeontology Genus promissum Kovacs-Endrody, 1986 Type species. Promissum pulchrum Kovacs-Endrody, 1986, from the basal Soom Shale Member, Cedarberg Formation, of Keurbos, near Clanwilliam, South Africa; by monotypy. Diagnosis (emend.). Apparatus octomembrate, with 2Pa, 2Pb, 2Pc, 2M, ISa, 4Sb, 2Sc and 2Sd elements. Pa and Pb elements pastinate with deep basal cavities, M element arched, S elements with long processes. Remarks. The apparatus is unlike that of any other known genus in possessing three pairs of P elements in conjunction with a fully developed Sa-Sd symmetry transition series. Promissum pulchrum Kovacs-Endrody, 1986 Plates 1-3; text-figs. 5-8 1986 Promissum pulchrum Kovacs-Endrody in Theron and Kovacs-Endrody, p. 102, figs. 4 and 5. 1987 Promissum pulchrum Kovacs-Endrody; Kovacs-Endrody, p. 99, pis. 3.1-3.22. Holotype. Specimen C.2a, Geological Survey of South Africa, Pretoria. Material. We have examined most of the specimens figured by Kovacs-Endrody (1987): the holotype C.2a (PI. 2, text-fig. 6), its counterpart, C.2b-I (PI. 1, fig. 2, text-figs. 5, 7, 8), assemblages C.l (PI. 3, figs. 1 and 4) and sinistral text-fig. 6. Camera lucida drawing of the part of the holotype of Promissum pulchrum , specimen C.2a. The anterior is to the left. 584 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 7. Scanning electron micrograph of latex cast of portion of counterpart of holotype, specimen C.2b- I, showing Pa element (above, centre), Pb element (below, centre) and portions of the processes of ramiform elements; posterior towards top, x35. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs. 1 and 2. Promissum pulchrum Kovacs-Endrody. 1, latex cast of specimen C.2b-II. Anterior to the right, x 13.5. 2, specimen C.2b-I, counterpart of holotype. Anterior to the right, x 7.5. For annotation of the elements see text-fig. 5. PLATE 1 THERON, RICKARDS and ALDRIDGE, Promissum 586 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 C.2b-II (PI. 1, fig. 1), and isolated element C.6 (PI. 3, fig. 2). The poorly preserved specimen numbered C.81 (Kovacs-Endrody 1987, pi. 3.6) and the unfigured specimen C.3 have not been included in our study. Diagnosis. As for genus. Description. Pa element: pastinate, high, with deep basal cavity; probably thin-walled. Cusp apical, stout; anterior, posterior and primary lateral processes with discrete nodose median denticles. Primary lateral process long, secondary lateral process short and apparently adenticulate. Pb element: pastinate, high, with deep basal cavity; probably thin- walled. Anterior, posterior and primary lateral processes with discrete nodose median denticles. Primary lateral process long; distribution of secondary lateral processes unclear, but process disposition appears to differ from that shown by Pa element. Pc element: indistinct, but with at least two denticulate processes diverging widely from a prominent triangular cusp. M element: symmetrically arched, with a prominent cusp and discrete, erect, robust denticles on each process. Basal cavity at apex of arch, with lip on outer side. Sa element : alate, probably with long posterior process. Lateral processes diverge at 40-50° to form an anterior arch ; very long, but broken about I mm from apex on all specimens, distal portions extend posteriorly for several millimetres. Proximal denticles stout, widely-spaced with u-shaped separations and no evidence of mtercalatory smaller denticles; denticulation beyond 1 mm indistinct. Basal cavity apparently conical with small lips. Sb element: tertiopedate, with very long posterior process bearing regular, stout, erect, large denticles between which smaller, slender denticles are irregularly recognizable. Antero-lateral process also long, curved proximally to become sub-parallel to posterior process, with widely-spaced, stout, conical denticles of subequal size. Outer lateral process not clearly preserved on any specimens, may be short and adenticulate or perhaps broken. Basal cavity small and conical beneath small erect cusp. Sc element : bipennate, with very long posterior process displaying similar denticulation to that of the Sb element (text-fig. 8). Antero-lateral process strongly curved proximally to become nearly parallel to posterior process; very long and bearing widely-spaced conical denticles that are directed inwards and somewhat downwards. Basal cavity conical beneath a relatively small, erect cusp. Sd element: quadriramate, with all four processes probably very long. Posterior process with similar denticulation to that of the Sb and Sc elements; other processes may have widely-spaced conical denticles, but they are difficult to distinguish. Cusp small and erect. text-fig. 8. Camera lucida drawing of dextral Sc element of specimen C.2b-I, showing details of denticulation; scale bar 1 mm. Remarks. Since Kovacs-Endrody (1987) considered Promissum to be a plant, she provided interpretations of various features of the specimens on that basis. These features are highlighted on the twenty-two illustrations of Promissum in her paper. Our recognition of the specimens as conodonts necessitates a re-interpretation, and we would caption her figures as follows: EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Promissum pulchrum Kovacs-Endrody, specimen C.2a, holotype, photographed under alcohol. Anterior at the top, x 9. PLATE 2 THERON, RICKARDS and ALDRIDGE, Promissum 588 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 pi. 3.1 pi. 3.2 pi. 3.3 pi. 3.4 pi. 3.5 pi. 3.6 pi. 3.7 pi. 3.8 pi. 3.9 pi. 3.10 pi- 3.11 pi- 3.12 n'. 3.13 Pi 3.14 pl- 3.15 P'- 3.16 pi. 3.17 pi. 3.18 pi. 3.19 pi- 3.20 pi- 3.21 n'- 3.22 holotype of P. pulchrum, C.2a; complete octomembrate bedding-plane assemblage (see PI. 2 herein), dextral portion of counterpart of holotype, C.2b-I; elements mostly preserved as external moulds. To the left are the P elements, the arrow points to the M element and the long processes of the S elements are evident in the centre and right of the picture. The displaced dextral Sc element is at top left, faintly preserved complete assemblage, C2b-II; (a) cusps of ramiform S elements, (b) P element, (c) distal portion of S elements (see PI. 1, fig. 1 herein), complete assemblage, C.l (see PI. 3, fig. 1 herein). isolated quadriramate Sd element, only proximal portion preserved (see PI. 3, fig. 2 herein), poorly preserved processes of an S element. anterior portion of assemblage C.l, arched Sa element at the top of the picture (see PI. 4 herein), cusps and proximal parts of two dextral S elements, C.2a. holotype, C.2a; (1) sinistral Pb element, (2) sinistral Pa element, (3) dextral Pa element, (4) dextral Pb element, (a) dextral Sb element, (b) axial portion of ramiform element group, (c) displaced dextral Sc element. dextral Pa element, C.2a. dextral Pb element, C.2a. portion of specimen C.2a, to show process disposition on Pa elements, sinistral Pa element, C.2a. Pa element, C.l. Pc element, C.l. central portion of complete assemblage, C.l. proximal portion of dextral Sb element, C.2a; the process on the right side of the photograph is part of the lateral process of the displaced dextral Sc element and shows robust denticles in lateral view, axial portion of the ramiform element group, showing opposition of denticulate surfaces, C.2a. proximal portion of dextral Sc element and dextral Pc element, C.2a. part of a process on the quadriramate Sd element C.6, showing robust denticles in apical view. enlargement of processes on S elements of C.l, showing robust denticles in apical view. cusp of dextral Sb element and portion of lateral process of displaced dextral Sc element, C.2b-I. Arrangement of the assemblages and the architecture of the Promissum apparatus The arrangement of the elements is most clearly displayed by the counterpart and part of the holotype (text-figs. 5 and 6), in which two integrated sets are evident: (1) The elements of the first symmetry transition series ( sensu Barnes et al. 1979). The Sb, Sc and Sd elements are orientated with their posterior processes parallel; other processes of these elements diverge at the cusp, but become parallel to the posterior processes distally. On the sinistral side of the assemblage these elements are piled on each other, with the cusps and denticulate surfaces of the posterior processes directed inwards. On the dextral side the elements are more widely separated. One of the dextral Sb elements and the probable Sd element are orientated in opposition to the sinistral elements, whereas the second Sb element has become overturned to face outwards. The dextral Sc element is also overturned and the proximal portion is displaced so that the long processes are directed inwards and somewhat anteriorly. The Sa element is positioned to the anterior of the other elements, displaced dextrally from the axis with the cusp pointing dextrally; the lateral processes are broken, with the distal portions parallel or subparallel to the processes of the other S elements. (ii) the elements of the second transition series ( sensu Barnes et ah 1979). The P elements are arranged in two parallel rows, aligned along an axis at 30° to that of the S elements. Those of the sinistral side are superposed on the processes of the S elements, but those on the dextral side are EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs. 1 and 2. Promissum pulchrum Kovacs-Endrody. 1, specimen Cl. Anterior at the top of the picture, x9. Specimens of ‘ Eohostimella ’ are apparent around and across the apparatus. 2, specimen C.6. Single, isolated quadriramate Sd element. Anterior at the top, x22. PLATE 3 THERON, RICKARDS and ALDRIDGE, Promissum 590 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 positioned largely outside the members of the first transition series. On the dextral side the Pa and Pb elements are in lateral aspect, whereas on the sinistral side of the part they are in upper view. The M element on each side is immediately to the left of its companion Pb element, with the cusp directed dextrally. As with the M elements, the Pc elements are in similar positions but apparently in opposing orientation on the two sides of the assemblage. The dextral Pc element on the counterpart has its denticulate posterior process directed away from the bedding surface while the equivalent process on the sinistral member is preserved as an external mould. The revealed face of the sinistral M element has a clear lip to the basal cavity that is not apparent on that of the dextral element. The bilateral symmetry retained by the two sets of elements shows that the assemblage has been compacted in close to a dorso-ventral configuration. The displacement of the outer Sb and Sc elements on the dextral side, together with the apparent dextral shift of the axial Sa element, indicate that the apparatus was tilted a little to that side before it collapsed onto the bedding plane. This tilting has also displaced the P and M elements towards the right and may account for the different orientations of the Pa and Pb elements on the two sides. The other two assemblages we have examined add little information about the relative dispositions of the elements in the apparatus. The second, less well preserved, assemblage (C.2b-II, PI. 1, fig. 1) on the same slab as the counterpart of the holotype displays a similar arrangement of the two sets of elements, except that the upper surfaces of the Pa and Pb elements face inwards. The elements of the third assemblage (C.l, PI. 3, fig. 1) are superposed on each other, giving a much more crowded arrangement in which the P and M elements cannot all be clearly distinguished; the anterior portion of the Sa element is separated from the others at the front of the apparatus in exactly the same manner as in the holotype (PI. 4). The fact that all three specimens are preserved in close to dorso-ventral compaction may suggest that the Promissum animal was dorso-ventrally flattened in life, in contrast to the lateral flattening deduced for Carboniferous polygnathaceans (Aldridge et al. 1987). In the absence of an assemblage compacted in lateral aspect, it is impossible to produce a reconstruction of the three-dimensional architecture of the Promissum apparatus. However, the evidence from these three specimens does place constraints on that architecture and reveals several important differences from the structure of polygnathacean apparatuses, as deduced from the study of several Carboniferous bedding-plane assemblages preserved in different orientations by Aldridge et al. (1987). In the polygnathaceans, the elongate, ramiform S elements were aligned at a steep angle to the long axis of the conodont animal, with their cusps to the anterior and an M element flanking them on each side; to the posterior of this group were one pair each of Pb and Pa elements, lying nearly vertically and nearly normal to the trunk. In Promissum , the M elements are clearly associated geometrically with the P elements, rather than with the S elements. In addition, unless the head of the Promissum animal has collapsed anteriorly on to the bedding-plane in all three known specimens, it appears that the P and M elements may not have been positioned posterior to the S elements in this apparatus. The superposition of the P and S elements suggests that the former were situated above or below the denticulate processes of the latter, although with the currently limited material it cannot be discounted that the two sets of elements may have been brought into juxtaposition by muscular contraction. Whether the cusps of the P elements were directed inwards or towards the S elements cannot be determined, but their position at least suggests that an analogy with the palatal tooth of the myxinoids is worthy of investigation. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Promissum pulchrum Kovacs-Endrddy, specimen Cl. Anterior area of apparatus, showing proximal portions of ramiform S elements. Anterior at the top, x 30. PLATE 4 THERON, RICKARDS and ALDRIDGE, Promissum 592 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 RELATIONSHIPS OF PROMISSUM AND EVOLUTIONARY IMPLICATIONS One of the striking features of Promissum is its extremely large size. Gigantism is not uncommon in cold-water taxa, although the controls in this case are uncertain. In other features, Promissum differs less spectacularly from other coeval conodont taxa. The apparatus structure broadly conforms to a prioniodontacean plan, although differing somewhat from all other genera whose apparatuses are known. The Sa-Sd elements compare in general pattern with those of the Ordovician genera Prioniodus Pander and Amorphognathus Branson and Mehl (Bergstrom 1971, 1983; see text-fig. 9), but the very long processes are distinctive. The M element is totally unlike that of Prioniodus , which is falodiform, or that of Amorphognathus , which is holodontiform. The Pa and Pb elements do resemble specimens that have been assigned to Prioniodus , but are most similar to the Pa element of Sagittodontina Kniipfer. The apparatus of Sagittodontina has been reconstructed by Bergstrom (1983), who included ramiform elements with very short processes, dissimilar from those displayed by the South African specimens. The material illustrated by Kniipfer (1967) from the same collections as the original specimens of Sagittodontina does include some broken specimens that may be comparable with some of the ramiform elements in Promissum , but nothing resembling the arched M element is reported. There have been no suggestions that Sagittodontina , Prioniodus or any other Ordovician genus possessed three pairs of P elements. Some Silurian genera may well have had Pa, Pb and Pc elements homologous with those of Promissum. A quinquemembrate apparatus with three pairs of P elements has been reconstructed for Pterospathodus Walliser by Mannik and Aldridge (1989), who also recognized Pa, Pb and Pc elements in their new genus, Pranognathus. Three P elements, termed Par Pa., and Pb were described in Apsidognathus Walliser by Uyeno and Barnes (1983), and comparable elements occur in text-fig. 9. Element types in the apparatus of Amorphognathus tvaerensis Bergstrom for comparison with Promissum pulchrum; redrawn after Bergstrom (1983). a. Pa element, upper view; b, Pb element, lateral view; c, M element, lateral view; d. Sc element, lateral view; e, Sb element, lateral view; f, Sa element, lateral view; G, Sd element, lateral view. THERON ET AL.: SOUTH AFRICAN ASHG1LL CONODONT 593 Astropentagnathus Mostler. None of these genera have first transition series comparable with that of Promisswn and quadriramate Sd elements, in particular, are unknown in Silurian taxa. Only in Astropentagnathus does the M element have a symmetrically arched morphology. Pterospathodus . Astropentagnathus and Apsidognathus were all included by Klapper (1981 ) in the family Pterospathodontidae, which appears cryptically in the mid- Llandovery (Mannik and Aldridge 1989). The earliest representatives are currently assigned to Pranognathus , which possesses thin-walled Pa, Pb and Pc elements, a dolabrate M element and a first transition series of Sa, Sb, Sc and Sc., elements; related later Llandovery genera have more robust P elements, and in Pterospathodus the first transition series comprises only an Sa/Sb element. It is possible that Promissum represents a stock from which this group of genera descended by reduction of the first transition series. The radiation of the Pterospathodontidae may thereby reflect a spreading into warm Llandovery seas of a cold-water Gondwanan lineage that survived the late Ordovician extinction event. Acknowledgements. This reappraisal of very exciting fossils would not have been possible without the very open and friendly cooperation of the original authors and the Geological Survey of South Africa. We especially wish to thank Dr C. MacRae for all his help. Dr A. Buckley carried out the probe analysis at Cambridge and Dr S. Conway Morris gave helpful advice on the fossils in the Soom Shale Member. Part of this work was funded by NERC Research Grant GR3/5105 to RJA. REFERENCES aldridge, r. j., smith, m. p., norby, r. d. and briggs, d. e. g. 1987. The architecture and function of Carboniferous polyngnathacean conodont apparatuses. 63-75. In aldridge, r. j. (ed. ). Palaeobiology of conodonts. Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, 180 pp. barnes, c. R., Kennedy, d. j., McCracken, a. d., nowlan, G. s. and tarrant, G. a. 1979. The structure and evolution of Ordovician conodont apparatuses. Lethaia , 12, 125-151. bergstrom, s. M. 1971. 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Annals of the Geological Survey of South Africa , 20, 93-118. mannik, p. and aldridge, r. j. 1989. Evolution, taxonomy and relationships of the Silurian conodont genus Pterospathodus. Palaeontology. 32, 893-906. rayner, R. j. 1986. Promissum pulchrum : the unfulfilled promise? South African Journal of Science. 82, 106-107. 594 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 rust, i. c. 1967. On the sedimentation of the Table Mountain Group in the western Cape Province. Unpublished D.Sc. thesis. University of Stellenbosch. - 1981. Lower Palaeozoic rocks of southern Africa. 165-187. In Holland, c. h. (ed.). Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the world , volume 3. Wiley Interscience, New York, 331 pp. schoch, a. e., laygonie, F. E. and burger, a. j. 1975. U-Pb ages for Cape granites from the Saldanha batholith: a preliminary report. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, 78, 97-100. theron, j. N. and kovacs-endrody, E. 1986. Preliminary note and description of the earliest known vascular plant, or an ancestor of vascular plants, in the flora of the Lower Silurian Cedarberg Formation, Table Mountain Group, South Africa. South African Journal of Science , 82, 102-105. uyeno, t. t. and barnes, c. r. 1983. Conodonts of the Jupiter and Chicotte Formations (Lower Silurian), Anticosti Island, Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada , Bulletin 355, viii + 49 pp. wright, a. E. and moseley, f. (eds). 1975. Ice ages : ancient and modern. Geological Journal Special Issue 6. Seel House Press, Liverpool, 320 pp. j. N. theron Geological Survey P.O. Box 572 Bellville 7535 South Africa R. B. RICKARDS Sedgwick Museum Department of Earth Sciences University of Cambridge Cambridge CB2 3EQ Typescript received 5 July 1989 Revised typescript received 7 December 1989 R. }. ALDRIDGE Department of Geology University of Leicester Leicester LEI 7RH DRILLING AND PEELING OF TURRITELLINE GASTROPODS SINCE THE LATE CRETACEOUS by WARREN D. ALLMON, JAMES C. NIEH and RICHARD D. NORRIS Abstract. Frequencies of predation on turritelline gastropods by drilling and peeling predators have not changed significantly during the course of the Cenozoic. Rates of drilling in the Cretaceous are lower than Cenozoic rates, but not significantly so. Conversely, rates of peeling and repair in the Late Cretaceous reach or exceed Cenozoic values. Turritelline shell form is not correlated with predation intensity. Highly sculptured species are not more immune to drilling and peeling predation than are less sculptured taxa. Shell geometry in these gastropods does not show progressive trends during the Cenozoic. Sculpture strength and most aspects of shell form and sculpture strength are evidently not adaptations to resisting peeling and drilling predation in turritellines. Turritellines have not evolved during the Cenozoic in an arms race to build more predation-resistant shells, although behavioural or other non-shell characteristics may have changed over time. Thus, in this group, any ‘marine revolution’ and adaptive response of prey to the evolution of durophagous predators must have occurred prior to the Late Cretaceous. the notion that predation influences the evolution of prey has been widely discussed (e.g. Vermeij 1977, 1978, 1982 b, 1983, 1987; Hughes 1980; Bayne 1981 ; Kitchell et al. 1981; Bakker 1983; Taylor 1984) but has seldom been tested within a single prey clade. Turritelline gastropods (i.e. members of the family Turritellidae, subfamilies Turritellinae and Protominae, sensu Marwick [1957]) are common to abundant fossils in many Cretaceous and Cenozoic horizons, and many bear the marks of attack by drilling and shell-peeling (i.e. aperture-breaking) predators. Previous studies (e.g. Dudley and Vermeij 1978; Vermeij and Dudley 1982) have discussed trends in predation in this group, at least as represented by these traces. In this paper we expand this earlier work by ( 1 ) considering a much larger data set, (2) making use of more adequate views of both turritelline ecology (Allmon 1988c/) and of the stratigraphic and systematic relationships of species from the southeastern United States (Toulmin 1977; Allmon 1988//), which have figured prominently in previous work, and (3) exploring possible evolutionary consequences of predation on turritelline shell form. Vermeij (1987, and references therein) has long argued that durophagous predation has been at least partly responsible for some trends in gastropod shell morphology. Whether this has been the case for turritellines is of particular interest since almost nothing is known about the functional significance of most features of their shells. Correlation or lack of correlation between predation intensity and shell form over the history of this group may indicate evolutionary origins of particular features. Although their origin is obscure, turritellines appear to have arisen in the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous (Merriam 1941), a time of rapid morphological and taxonomic diversification among gastropods (Vermeij 1977; Taylor et al. 1980, 1983). An understanding of the factors controlling the occurrence and significance of predation in turritellines may thus also contribute to a better understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of this interval. MATERIALS AND METHODS New data presented here are derived from examination of specimens in the collection of the Department of Invertebrate Paleontology of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University. All are from IPalaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 595-611. | © The Palaeontological Association 596 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 1. Traces of drilling and peeling predation in fossil turritellines. All specimens from the Pliocene Pinecrest Beds of southern Florida, a. Turritella cf. T. apicalis Heilprin, showing naticid drill hole in the middle of the whorl, b. Turritella cf. T. apicalis Heilprin, showing the less common positioning of a drill hole astride a suture between whorls. Peeling/repair scar indicated by arrow, c. Turritella pontoni Mansfield, showing peehng/repair scar, indicated by arrow. Scale bar = 1 cm. text-fig. 2. Longitudinal distribution of drill holes on intact turritelline shells of all species in our data set (Appendix 1). Figure in upper right shows the base of a turritelline shell looking toward the apex parallel to the axis of coiling, indicating division into quadrants for recording the longitudinal position of drill holes. Intact bases and apertures are distinguished from broken and incomplete specimens by the presence of parietal callus on outside of last whorl. Cenozoic deposits of the New World and most were personally collected by one of us (WDA). A total of 1097 specimens representing 27 species were examined. For each specimen the following observations or measurements were made: length (or estimated length if broken), maximum whorl diameter, presence/absence of drill holes (text-fig. 1a, b), hole diameter, position of the hole vertically on the whorl and relative to the aperture if this could be determined (text-fig. 2), diameter or drilled whorl, presence/absence and number of repaired shell breaks (text-fig. lc), and diameter of broken-and-repaired whorl. All measurements were made with digital calipers to the nearest 0-1 mm. Frequency of drilling in each species is the number of drilled shells divided by the total number of shells of that species examined, expressed as a percentage. Frequency of peeling/repair is the total number of scars divided by the number of shells examined, expressed as a decimal ALLMON ET A L.: DRILLING OF GASTROPODS 597 value. These data (Appendix 1), together with additional observations from the literature (Appendix 2) represent a total of 10,387 specimens of 68 species, ranging in age from Early Cretaceous to Recent. As noted by Dudley and Vermeij (1978), the generic and subgeneric taxonomy of turritellines is unresolved, particularly for fossil species (Marwick 1957; Allmon 1988b). Consequently we refer all species to Turritella sensu lato. Despite this remaining uncertainty, however, it is reasonable to make use of recent and relatively uncontroversial opinions on the position of some taxa, and we have therefore excluded from consideration three Recent species included in the genus by Dudley and Vermeij (1978). 1 T. erosa Couthouy’ and 'T. reticulata Mighels’ belong to the genus Tachyrhynchus Morch (e.g. Abbott 1974), which Marwick (1957) places in the subfamily Pareorinae. "T. duplicata Linnaeus’ is the type species for the genus Zaria Gray (Marwick 1957). We have also excluded fossil and living species assigned to the genus Mesalia Gray, including the Eocene species M. regularis Deshayes and M. amekiensis Eames, both of which were considered by Dudley and Vermeij. Mesalia and Zaria are placed in Pareorinae by Marwick. Whatever the generic place- ment of species within Turritellinae, these taxa are almost certainly only distantly related to the other species considered here. In their study of turritelline specimens in the collection of the U.S. National Museum, Dudley and Vermeij (1978) assigned several strictly Palaeocene species (e.g. T. mortoni , T. praecincta) to the Eocene (see Toulmin [1977] and Allmon [1988b] for further discussion of stratigraphic relations of early Tertiary species). Reassignment of these species and examination of others provide the first estimates of drilling frequencies in turritellines from the Palaeocene of the southeastern U.S. Drilled and undrilled shells may exhibit differential preservation potential (Dudley and Vermeij 1978 ; Taylor et al. 1983), but biases may operate in both directions. Drilled shells may be more easily fragmented or transported or, because many naticid predators pull their prey into the sediment to feed, they may increase the probability of preservation of drilled shells (Edwards 1974). Here we assume that all shells have equal preservation potential. Most of the holes observed in these turritelline shells resemble the ‘truncated spherical paraboloid’ typically produced by naticacean gastropods (text-figs. 1a, b), rather than the usually more straight-sided holes characteristic of muricaceans (e.g. Sohl 1969; Carriker 1981). The great majority of holes examined here fall into types C, E and F of Arua and Hoque (1989), which these authors suggest as belonging to naticids. Specification of an exact percentage is difficult since many holes are eroded and cannot be assigned to one type over the other. Probably no more than 5-10% of the holes we examined are attributable to muricids, and we assume that the majority of drilling predators were naticids. We have also assumed that most of the observed breakage/repair scars were produced by shell-peelmg predators, such as calappid crabs (cf. Vermeij 1982«, 1983), rather than accidentical breakage not associated with predation (cf. Vermeij 1987, p. 227). RESULTS Temporal patterns Early and Late Cretaceous drilling frequencies are not significantly different (/-test, P = 0-32), although both are well below almost all Cenozoic values (text-fig. 3a). Drilling frequency for all Cretaceous species taken together is significantly lower than that for Palaeocene, Miocene or Plio- Pleistocene species (Mann-Whitney C-tests, 0-025 > P < 0 05), but not significantly different from Recent Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Palaeocene Late Cretaceous Early Cretaceous B 23.5 20.7 (17) 27.6 19.3 (9) 24.1 17.6 (11) 1.5 2.1 (2) 22.8 18.5 (12) 20.3 18.2 (8) 4.5 7.0 (5) 1.9 3.7 (2) Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Palaeocene Late Cret. 0.39 0.25 (6) 0.1 1 0.14 (5) 0.05 0.03 (2) 0.28 0.34 (5) 0.19 0.22 (9) 0.52 0.15 (3) text-fig. 3. Distribution of rates of a, drilling, and b, peeling predation in turritelline gastropods in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic. First of three numbers on right is mean frequency (in % for drilling) of all samples for each time interval; second number is one standard deviation; third number is number of species sampled. Figures derived from all data presented in Appendices 1 and 2. 598 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 that for Eocene species (P = 0-25). Drilling frequency for the Oligocene is lower than that for either the Eocene or the Miocene (probably a result of small sample size), but the differences are not significant. In fact, no epoch of the Cenozoic shows a drilling frequency significantly different from any other (Mann-Whitney (7-tests, 010 < P > 0-05). Late Cretaceous values for peeling/repair frequency, are higher, but not significantly so, than those of any epoch of the Cenozoic (text-fig. 3b). As is the case for drilling, peeling/repair values for each Cenozoic epoch are not significantly different from any other (Mann-Whitney (7-tests, 0-10 > P > 0-05). Geographic patterns Dudley and Vermeij (1978) stated that their data showed ‘a distinct latitudinal trend in drilling predation for Recent species of Turritella with tropical and subtropical shells showing drilling frequencies roughly three times those of temperature shells. Exclusion of the temperate Tachvrhvnchus species from the group in our data set does not greatly alter this pattern. Of 212 shells collected above 30° latitude, 33 (15-6%) were drilled; of 766 shells collected below 30°, 226 (29-5%) were drilled. Among fossil species only limited latitudinal comparisons are possible because of a paucity of text-fig. 4. Whorl profiles of the 27 species examined in the present study (Appendix 1). a. T. abrupta, b. 7. alabamiensis , C. T. aldrichi , d. T. altilira , e. T. alveata , F. T. apicalis , G. T. carinata , h. T. cumberlandia , i. T. rina , J. T. rubicollis , K. T. eurynome , l. T. femina , M. T. gilberti , N. T. gladeensis, o. T. humerosa , p. T. indent a, q. T. larensis , R. T. postmortoni, s. T. praecincta, t. T. mississippiensis , u. T. mortoni, v. T. multilira , w. T. perattenuata , x T. perdita, Y. T. plebeia, z. T. pontoni, aa. T. wagneriana. ALLMON ET AL .: DRILLING OF GASTROPODS 599 approximately isochronous and geographically widespread samples. Turritella mortoni, T. praecincta and T. humerosa from the Palaeocene Aquia Formation of Maryland and Virginia lived at approximately the same time as T. praecincta, T. postmortoni, T. multilira and T. eurynome from the Palaeocene Tuscahoma and Nanafalia Formations of Alabama (e.g. Hazel et al. 1984; Ward 1985). All of these species are relatively large forms with moderate to well-developed spiral sculpture (text-fig. 4). Of 137 shells of the four lower latitude Alabama species, 11 (8-0%) were drilled and the peeling/repair frequency was 0-299. Of 179 shells of the three higher latitude Aquia species, 33 (18-4%) were drilled and the peeling/repair frequency was 0 078. The single species in common to the two areas, T. praecincta, showed a lower frequency of drilling (17% vs. 38%) and higher frequency of peeling/repair (0-36 vs. 0-035) in Alabama than in Virginia. Predation and shell form When ranked on a subjective scale of strength of sculpture, highly and moderately sculptured species show relatively low frequencies of drilling (text-fig. 5a). Sculpture and drilling frequency are significantly negatively correlated (Me st, 0 025 > P < 0 05). Despite this relationship, the nine most highly sculptured species as a group are not significantly less frequently drilled than all other species Most sculptured Least sculptured Most sculptured Least sculptured 60 # 60 >, o c e or 40 ® o» c ® ® 20 Q. 0 0 20 40 0Oq 10 20 30 n*52 y=9.02*0.382X FT0.34 # 60 DO ■ » n- 24 y.18,76*0,64x R.0.18 0 B a l H Q Hi IV a ® o a O Q 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 i o j OO 0 Species Species text-fig. 5. a. Drilling frequency vs. development of external spiral sculpture in 52 of the 67 turriteliine species listed in Appendices 1 and 2. Species are arranged subjectively from least to most sculpture development along the horizontal axis as follows: 1. T. praecincta , 2. T. postmortoni , 3. T. mauryana , 4. T. mortoni, 5. T. larensis, 6. T. abrupta, 7. T. rina, 8. T. berjadinensis, 9. ‘ T. carinifera Lamarck’ (Recent, South Africa), 10. T. gatunensis, 11. T. bicarinata , 12. T. altilira, 13. T. exoleta, 14. T. pagoda, 15. T. apicalis, 16. T. mariana, 17. T. eurynome , 18. T. multilira, 19. T. leucostoma, 20. T. variegata, 21. T. carinata, 22. T. trilira, 23. T. symmetrica, 24. T. femina, 25. T. vertebroides, 26. T. badensis, 27. T. cumberlandia, 28. T. nodulosa, 29. T. perattenuata, 30. 7. pontoni, 31. T. gladeensis, 32. T. variabilis , 33. T. mississippiensis , 34. T. humerosa, 35. T. rubricollis, 36. T. aldrichi, 37. T. subangulata , 38. T. imbricataria , 39. T. bcinksi, 40. T. alabamiensis, 41. T. gilberti, 42. T. wagneriana , 43. T. howelli, 44. T. alveata, 45. T. bieniaszi , 46. T. indenta, 47. T. gonostoma, 48. T. perdita, 49. T. acropora, 50. T. annulata, 51. T. communis, 52. T. plebeia. Open squares represent our observations (Appendix 1); solid squares represent previously published data (Appendix 2). b. Peeling frequency vs. development of external spiral sculpture in the 27 turriteliine species we have examined. Species are arranged subjectively along the horizontal axis, and numbered as follows: 1. T. praecincta, 2. T. postmortoni, 3. T. mortoni, 4. T. abrupta, 5. T. larensis , 6. T. rina, 7. T. altilira, 8. T. apicalis, 9. T. eury- nome, 10. T. multilira, 11.7’. carinata, 12. T. femina, 13. T. cumberlandia, 14. T. perattenuata, 15. T. pontoni, 16, T. gladeensis, 17. 7. mississippiensis, 18. T. humerosa , 19 .7. rubricollis, 20. T. aldrichi, 21. 7. alabamiensis, 22. 7. gilberti, 23. 7. wagneriana, 24. 7. alveata, 25. 7. indenta, 26. 7. perdita , 27. 7. plebeia. In an attempt to increase interpretability, groups of species indicated by Roman numerals were designated a priori on the basis of general similarity of degree of sculpture development; I = highly sculptured, II = moderately sculptured, III = weakly sculptured, IV = unsculptured. 600 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 together (Mann-Whitney U- test, P = 048). Similarly, the five most highly sculptured species as a group show lower peeling/repair frequency, although not significantly so (Mann-Whitney (7-test, /> = 045; text-fig. 5b). Peeling/repair frequency declines with increased sculpture, but not significantly so (t- test, P = 0-135). Frequencies of peeling/repair and drilling among less sculptured species range from very high to very low. (WDA and RDN independently arranged the 27 species in text-figure 5b according to their own judgments of ‘strength of sculpture'; results for peeling/repair and drilling frequencies were essentially identical for both arrangements, suggesting confidence in the patterns despite subjectivity of the method.) To assess the influence of spire height on peeling/repair frequency we computed length: width ratios for each shell and compared the distribution of peeled shells with the total sample. The two distributions are not significantly different (G-test, P = 0-15). Drilling frequency and peeling/repair frequency decline with increasing size of the largest whorl (text-fig. 6). drilling frequency (%) peeling/repair frequency text-fig. 6. Mean size of largest whorl measured for each species plotted against frequency of a, drilling and b, peeling/repair. Size is negatively correlated with predation frequency in both cases, but not significantly so with peeling/repair. The five most strongly sculptured species are represented by solid squares. Elimination of these species does not change the correlation between size and drilling (P = 0-027), but does further reduce the significance between size and peeling/repair {P = 0-48). A a o pt £1# 4 tip 4 6 a a& H &P& RECENT- PLEISTOCENE PLIOCENE MIOCENE OLIGOCENE EOCENE PALAEOCENE CRETACEOUS text-fig. 7. a. Classification of 197 Cenozoic and 43 Cretaceous turritelline species from North, South and Central America and the Caribbean into nine whorl profile types proposed by Ida (1952) and used by Marwick (1971). This figure includes approximately 75% of the described species of Turritella from the New World, b. Predation frequencies (drilling in dark shading, peeling/repair in lighter shading) for turritelline species according to whorl classification used in text-fig. 4. Text-figure based on only those species in common between the compilation used in text-fig. 4 and Appendices 1 and 2. ALLMON ET A L.. DRILLING OF GASTROPODS 601 In turritellines, whorl profile can be examined separately from the external, mostly spiral sculpture (Marwick 1971 ; Allmon 1988/?). In a sample of New World species, both the distribution of whorl profile types (text-fig. 7a) and the distribution of predation frequencies (text-fig. 7b), show little or no temporal pattern in drilling and peeling/repair data. Size Size distributions of drilled and undrilled shells in our data set are basically similar (text-fig. 8). For the 27 species we examined (although not for turritellines as a whole) size and sculpture development are significantly positively correlated (Mest, P < 0-001) (text-fig. 9). text-fig. 8. Comparison of size distribution of drilled and undrilled shells in 1097 shells examined in the present study. text-fig. 9. Plot of size (represented by maximum whorl diameter on Y axis) against the subjective ranking of sculpture development used in text-fig. 5b. Incomplete drill holes Only nine incomplete drill holes were observed in our sample: three each on specimens of T. ahrupta and T. eurynome , and one each on specimens of T. praecincta , T. larensis and T. humerosa. Predator and prey behaviour Data on position of the drill hole relative to intact apertures indicate a high degree of selectivity on the part of the predators (text-fig. 2). Most holes are located on the half of the shell just behind the aperture (quadrants numbered II and III). This pattern is significantly different from the null hypothesis of a uniform distribution of holes around the circumference of the shell (G-test, TcO-Ol). Drill holes vary in their vertical position on the whorl, but most (54%, N = 170) are located near the centre, rather than closer to either upper or lower sutures. Occasional holes are observed straddling a suture (text-fig. 1 b). Diameter of the drill hole (a measure of predator size [e.g. Wiltse 1980]) plotted against maximum whorl diameter (a measure of prey size) shows that size of predator and prey are highly correlated (text-fig. 10). 602 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-hg. 10. Plot of drill hole diameter against diameter of drilled whorl. DISCUSSION Problems of pattern recognition Studies of predation in the fossil record are potentially biased by a large number of factors. In any ecosystem, predation frequency on a given species will vary with abundance of predators, number of alternative prey, and the ranked preference relative to other prey. Only some of these factors can be assessed in the fossil record (e.g. Stanton and Nelson 1980; Stanton et al. 1981); for those that can be studied (e.g. abundance of naticids vs. potential prey species), few data are so far available from the coastal plain. Preservable traces of predation may represent only a small fraction of actual predation on preservable prey species (Signor 1985; Vermeij 1987). Ansell and Morton (1987) have shown, for example, that some bivalves may be suffocated by naticid predators, leaving an incomplete borehole or no trace at all. Naticids are also known to attack gastropods through the aperture (Edwards 1969; Hughes 1985). Bottom-feeding fishes and asteroid echinoderms may be locally important predators of Recent turritellines (Allmon 1988a, and references therein), and will leave little or no record of such behaviour in the fossil record. Interpreting possible evolutionary consequences of predation can be complicated in turritellines by the potential importance of non-shell characters in resisting predation. These include: (1) deep withdrawal into the high-spired shell (Vermeij et al. 1980; Vermeij 19826, p. 708; 1987, pp. 1950'.; Allmon 1988a), (2) active escape by burrowing or crawling (Allmon 1988a), (3) seeking shelter among rocks (e.g. T. banksi - Dudley and Vermeij 1978) or in sponges (e.g. ‘ T. carinifera Lamarck’ - Kilburn and Rippey 1982), and (4) predator avoidance by small, patchily distributed populations or predator saturation by very large populations (Allmon 1988a). Sample size must also be considered. Although our total data set is large, the sample of Oligocene and Cretaceous species is small. Both of these time periods are characterized by the lowest drilling frequencies we observe. Clearly one must wonder if these periods of reduced drilling intensity are real or are sampling artefacts. Some or all of these factors may be responsible for the high variability in most of our results. Variability occurs within single species from the same area (e.g. T. plebeia from the Miocene of Maryland and Virginia, which shows drilling frequencies of 0-30%), within single species from different areas (e.g. T. badensis is 17% drilled in a Polish sample and 40-4% in a Bulgarian sample), among species within single time periods (e.g. high standard deviations in text-fig. 3), and among species within the group as a whole (text-fig. 5). Substantial variability also exists between species occurring in the same formation, and even the same outcrop. Traces of drilling and peeling can represent two different phenomena (Vermeij 19826, 1987). Frequency of incomplete drill holes (on shells without complete holes; see Kitchell et al. 1986; Vermeij et al. 1989) and frequency of peeling/repair represent frequency of unsuccessful predation. ALLMON ET AL.. DRILLING OF GASTROPODS 603 On the other hand, frequency of complete drill holes represents the frequency of successful predation. High frequency of unsuccessful predation indicates that predators are exerting strong selection pressure on prey, and that prey are successfully resisting most attacks (Vermeij 1 982c/, b). Low frequency of unsuccessful predation indicates either that few prey are being attacked (either because there are few predators or because by hiding or escape the prey avoid even the initiation of attack), or that most attacks are lethal. Low frequency of successful predation could indicate either that predators are rare or that prey avoid detection and capture. It is important to add that high frequency of successful predation may be evidence of intense demographic pressure (high predation-induced mortality) on a prey population, but not necessarily intense selective pressure for antipredatory adaptations (Vermeij 1 982/?). Predator and prey behaviour Although much is known about how naticids attack other molluscs (e.g. Ziegelmeier 1954; Sorensen et al. 1955; Fretter and Graham 1962; Gonor 1965; Edwards 1969; Taylor 1970; Berry 1982; Hughes 1985) naticid predation behaviour on turritellines is unknown. Observations of living turritellines (Allmon 1 988c/) show that the half of the shell comprising the two most-drilled quadrants in this study (II and III, text-fig. 2) is normally uppermost when the animal is actively crawling (aperture parallel to the substrate); quadrants I and II are normally uppermost when the animal is in a sedentary feeding position (aperture perpendicular to the substrate). Studies with living naticids and turritellines are required to determine whether naticids prefer the dorsal side of the turritelline shell, and actively manipulate them to this end, or whether the dorsal side is drilled because turritellines are frequently active crawlers. The vertical distribution of holes over the whorls suggests that predators actively select the thinnest part of the shell for drilling. The correlation between size of drilled whorl and maximum whorl size of the drilled shell (text-fig. 1 1 ) suggests that for prey of any size, drilling predators tended to choose a whorl that was in the same relative position, usually two to three whorls behind the aperture (text-fig. 1a). text-fig. 1 1 . Plot of diameter of drilled whorl against maximum shell diameter of the drilled shell. Maximum shell diameter (mm) Geographic patterns Geographic patterns in predation are more difficult to study in the fossil record than in Recent assemblages (e.g. Dudley and Vermeij 1978; Vermeij et al. 1989). In the case of the Palaeocene species from Virginia and Alabama discussed above, the situation is exactly the reverse from that seen among living species, with lower latitude species showing lower rates of drilling. Other factors may be involved in this case, including a relatively small latitudinal difference between the two areas (< 10°), a weaker latitudinal temperature (and predation?) gradient during the early Tertiary compared to today (cf. Vermeij et ai 1980), and the small number of species considered. 604 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Evolutionary significance The idea that predation intensity in some way affects gastropod shell morphology has been considered by many authors (e.g. Vermeij 1978, 1982a, c, 1987; Raffaelli 1978; Hughes and Elner 1979; Palmer 1979; Hughes 1980; Bertness and Cunningham 1981 ; Johannesson 1986; Thomas and Himmelman 1988), but we know little about the actual involvement of predation in the morphological evolution of a single prey clade. In the case of turritellines, Dudley and Vermeij (1978) have suggested that extreme development of carinae in T. postmortoni and T. praecincta from the Palaeocene of Alabama conferred protection from predation, since these species showed low drilling frequencies in their data. Our results show that well-developed sculpture confers only slight, if any, protection from either drilling or peeling attacks. While a significant negative relationship exists between sculpture and drilling frequency overall (text-fig. 5a), the most highly sculptured species are not significantly less drilled as a group than are less sculptured species as a group. Furthermore, the weak relationship that is observed between sculpture and drilling intensity can be explained as an effect of prey size. The most sculptured species are larger than less sculptured species (text-fig. 9). The larger size of strongly sculptured taxa contributes to their lower frequencies of drilling and peeling (text-fig. 6). Since large size is correlated with reduced predation intensity, any correlations between sculpture development and predation are confounded by size effects (A. R. Palmer, pers. comm.). The size effect, however, should strengthen the correlation between highly sculptured, large species and low levels of predation. In fact, this correlation is quite poor, and shows that despite the help size effects proved to boost the fit, sculpture development is very poorly related to predation frequency. Anecdotal indications of a relationship between sculpture and predation come from examination of co-occurring species. T. mortoni and T. humerosa , for example, occur in the Upper Palaeocene Aquia Formation of Maryland and Virginia. T. mortoni has more pronounced sculpture, consisting of several carinae, the largest of which is very strong and occurs near the base of the whorl. T. humerosa has fainter sculpture, consisting of fine spiral lines over the entire whorl and a pronounced but rounded subsutural collar. T. humerosa shows a drilling frequency of 25% and a peeling/repair frequency of 0 03, while T. mortoni shows 5-5% drilling and a peeling/repair frequency of 0 115. In the Matthews Fanding Member of the Upper Palaeocene Porters Creek Formation in Alabama, T. alabamiensis shows a drilling frequency of 10% and a peeling/repair frequency of 0-03, while T. aldrichi is 59 % drilled and has a peeling/repair frequency of 0-78. These two species are of similar size, but late whorls of T. alabamiensis are basally convex while those of T. aldrichi are more straight-sided and usually bear a weak adapical carina. Neither species shows pronounced spiral sculpture. These individual examples (all of which need more detailed study) notwithstanding, there is little convincing evidence that sculpture yields any consistent advantages in resisting predation on turritellines. Shell geometry is also uncorrelated with peeling and repair frequencies in turritellines; slender and robust species suffer statistically equivalent frequencies. This finding is contrary to Signor’s (1985) results for Recent terebrid species in Guam, where robust forms sustained not only much higher rates of both successful and unsuccessful predation than did slender forms, but also higher rates of repair. Slender species are somehow better able to avoid detection or capture by peeling predators. Signor tentatively concludes that smaller aperture size in slender forms is responsible, by preventing access to a crab’s cheliped. It is possible that the turritellid shell shape itself is an adaptation against peeling predation (since it allows deep withdrawal of the body mass); this might help explain its recurrence in a variety of gastropod groups since the Devonian (e.g. Signor 1984). Two temporal patterns stand out in our results. The first is the Cenozoic and apparent Fate Cretaceous stability in predation frequencies. The second is the timing of establishment of this stability. While frequencies of drilling and peeling/repair do fluctuate from the Late Cretaceous to the Recent, none of these changes is significant at the five percent level of confidence. Late ALLMON ET AL. : DRILLING OF GASTROPODS 605 Palaeocene drilling frequencies are approximately as high as those at any other time in the Cenozoic, and modern peeling frequencies are no different from those in the Late Cretaceous. If predation on turritellines did substantially increase, as suggested by previous workers, this increase must have happened prior to the Late Cretaceous. The low incidence of incomplete drill holes in our total sample (9 of 1097 specimens) is consistent with previous findings (e.g. Vermeij and Dudley 1982), and suggests that, as in most other gastropods, turritellines are not very successful at resisting drilling once subjugated (cf. Vermeij 19826, 1987, p. 210). Late Cretaceous peeling/repair values (text-fig. 3b) are higher than mean values for any epoch in the Cenozoic. This agrees with earlier findings for turritellines and other Cretaceous gastropod groups (Vermeij and Dudley 1982; Vermeij 1987, p. 229). The overall temporal patterns we see in turritellines agree with patterns observed in some gastropod groups but not in others. As in turritellines, Terebridae show little or no temporal trend in predation frequency during the Cenozoic (Vermeij et al. 1980). On the other hand, Conidae display increased incidence of peeling and repair from the Eocene to the Miocene (Vermeij 1987, p. 231). Neither Conidae nor Terebridae have a Cretaceous record (Taylor et al. 1980), so if predation significantly affected the evolution of these groups, it did so at varying rates and times. Vermeij (1977) proposed the ‘Mesozoic marine revolution’ as an arms race between newly evolved durophagous predators and their prey, and an explanation for the largely Mesozoic appearance of anti-predatory shell structures in many groups of marine invertebrates. Our results for turritellines (and Vermeij’s own findings for terebrids) suggest that after the appearance and initial diversification of a prey group, there may be few long-term trends in shell form or structure aimed at resisting drilling or peeling predators. The evolution of anti-predatory shell structures may have occurred relatively rapidly in some prey groups and then advanced no further. In the case of turritellines, any gradual evolution of anti-predatory shell structures, or increase in predation intensity, must have been a completely Mesozoic phenomenon because long-term trends in shell form, sculpture, and predation intensity are absent in the Cenozoic. Any ‘arms race’ appears to be at a standstill in so far as turritelline shell design is concerned. These conclusions are consistent with previous results (Vermeij et al. 1981; Vermeij 1987, pp. 227ff.) that suggested that predation intensities attained essentially modern levels near the end of the Mesozoic, and remained essentially unchanged thereafter. None of these results contradicts the basic notion of the marine revolution. The history of drilling and peeling/repair in turritellines may suggest that they switched from shell-based defence to behavioural or soft-anatomy defences against predators. Alternatively, both predators and prey may have reached an impasse early on, with neither group able to achieve a morphological breakthrough that might permit a renewal of the race. Although the ‘marine revolution' has resulted in many highly armoured prey species, not all of these species have gradually evolved greater predation resistance after their initial appearance. CONCLUSIONS We find remarkable stasis in the overall spectrum of shell design in turritellines, a situation mirrored in the absence of temporal trends in the frequency of drilling and peeling attacks on these gastropods. Frequencies of drilling and peeling/repair have not changed significantly since the Late Cretaceous. Unfortunately, low sample sizes in the Cretaceous prevent us from determining exactly when these frequencies reached Cenozoic levels. The strength of shell sculpture is uncorrelated with drilling and peeling/repair frequencies, suggesting that sculpture itself is currently of little value as a predator defence. The lack of correlations between shell form and predation, and the absence of temporal trends in predation intensity, suggest that turritelline shell structure has not evolved continuously in response to predation, at least not during the Cenozoic. Any gradual evolutionary trends in turritelline shell evolution that may have occurred could only have taken place in the Mesozoic. 606 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Acknowledgements. We are grateful to R. L. A. Allmon, M. J. Benton, A. R. Palmer, P. W. Signor, J. D. Taylor, R. D. Turner, G. J. Vermeij and an anonymous reviewer for comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript. This research was supported by grants from the Geological Society of America, Sigma Xi, and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences of Harvard University, funds from the Department of Invertebrate Paleontology of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship to WDA. Order of authorship is alphabetical. APPENDIX I Frequencies of drilling and peeling in 27 fossil species of Cenozoic turritellines. All specimens are in the collection of the Department of Invertebrate Paleontology of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Frequency Species Drilling Peeling/ (Age) Locality Formation N (%) repair T. abrupta Spieker Miocene T. alabamiensis Whitfield Venezuela ? 23 4 000 Palaeocene T. aldrichi Bowles Alabama Porters Creek 30 10 0-03 Palaeocene Alabama Porters Creek 32 59 0-31 T. altilira Conrad Pliocene T. a Iveat a Conrad Panama Gatun 20 25 0-30 Eocene Mississippi Moodys Branch 15 13 0-93 Eocene Louisiana Moodys Branch 30 60 0-37 T. apicalis Heilprin Pliocene T. carinata I. Fea Florida Pinecrest 58 17 0-21 Eocene T. cumberlandia Conrad Alabama Gosport 30 13 0-23 Miocene Maryland Calvert 15 13 0-33 T. eurynome Whitfield Palaeocene T. femina Stenzel Alabama Nanafalia 30 10 0-60 Eocene T. gilberti Bowles Texas Weches 30 3 000 Palaeocene T. gladeensis Mansfield Alabama Bashi 45 29 002 Pliocene Florida Pinecrest 22 27 0-00 22 23 0-41 T. humerosa Conrad Palaeocene T. indenta Conrad Virginia Aquia 32 25 003 Miocene T. larensis Hodson Maryland Calvert 18 67 0T7 Miocene Venezuela ? 50 6 006 T. mississippiensis Conrad Oligocene T. mortoni Conrad Mississippi Byram 30 3 0-03 Palaeocene Virginia Aquia 80 4 0-03 15 17 0-20 ALLMON ET A L.: DRILLING OF GASTROPODS 607 APPENDIX I (com.) Frequency Species Drilling Peeling/ (Age) Locality Formation N (%) repair T. multilira Whitfield Palaeocene Alabama T uscahoma 30 7 0-30 Palaeocene Alabama Nanafalia 16 0 0-25 18 6 0-22 T. perattenuata Heilprin Pliocene Florida Pinecrest 48 2 0-51 T. perdita Conrad Eocene Mississippi Moodys Branch 30 7 013 T. plebeia Conrad Miocene Maryland Calvert 30 0 000 T. pontoni Mansfield Pliocene Florida Pinecrest 49 31 0-25 27 37 0-70 T. postmortoni Harris Palaeocene Alabama Nanafalia 15 0 0-20 T. praecincta Conrad Palaeocene Virginia Aquia 30 40 007 22 36 000 Palaeocene Alabama Tuscahoma 7 0 0-29 4 50 0-75 19 0 005 T. rina Palmer Eocene Alabama Lisbon 38 13 0-05 T. rubricollis MacNeil Oligocene Mississippi Mint Spring 15 0 0-07 T. wagneriana Olsson & Harbison Pliocene Florida Pinecrest 72 19 0-74 APPENDIX 2 Data from previously published sources on drilling and peeling frequencies in fossil and living turritellines. Species Age Locality N Drilling (%) T. acropora Dali Recent Bermuda1 41 12 T. annulata Kiener Recent Ghana2 436 62-6 T. badensis Sacco Miocene Poland3 1229 17-0 Miocene Bulgaria1 1921 40-4 T. banksi Reeve Recent Panama1 12 16-7 Recent Ecuador1 9 0 T. berjadinensis Hodson Miocene Venezuela1 35 90 T. bicar inata (Eichwald) Miocene Poland3 112 28-0 T. bieniaszi Friedberger Miocene Bulgaria4 532 36-6 ‘ T. carinifera Lamarck ’ Eocene France5 51 141 608 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 APPENDIX 2 (cont.) Species Age Locality N Drilling (%) ' T. carinifera Lamarck ’ Recent South Africa1 6 0 T. communis Risso Recent Shetlands1 107 110 T. erronea Cossmann Miocene Poland3 120 25-0 T. exoleta (Linnaeus) Recent Tobago1 48 4-3 T. funiculosa Deshayes Eocene France5 77 58-4 T. gatunensis Conrad Pliocene Panama1 70 640 T. gonostoma Valenciennes Recent Mexico1 70 40-0 T. gramdata Sowerby Cretaceous (Albian) England6 704 3-7 T. howelli Harbison Cretaceous (Campanian) Mississippi1 83 10 (0)* Cretaceous (Campanian) Mississippi7 16 6-3 (0-47)* T. imbricataria Lamarck Eocene France5 45 17-8 T. leucostoma Valenciennes Recent Mexico1 35 260 T. mariana Dali Recent Mexico1 36 360 T. mauryana Newton Eocene Nigeria8 6 16-7 T. mortoni Conrad Palaeocene Virginia1 14 7-0 T. nodulosa King & Broderip Recent Panama1 151 260 T. pagoda Reeve Recent New Zealand1 50 2-0 T. perdita Conrad Eocene Mississippi1 70 210 T. plebeia Conrad Miocene Maryland1 101 27-7 Miocene Maryland9 416 210 T. postmortem i Harris Palaeocene Alabama1 12 0 T. praecincta Conrad Palaeocene Alabama1 27 0 T. subangulata d’Orbigny Miocene Bulgaria4 189 21-7 T. symmetrica Hutton Recent New Zealand1 57 19 3 T. tricarinata Pliocene Italy10 19 52-6 T. trilira Conrad Cretaceous (Campanian) Alabama1 13 0 T. triplicata (Brocchi) Recent Libya1 34 47 1 T. unisulcata Lamarck Eocene France5 14 500 T. variabilis Conrad Pliocene Florida1 40 200 T. variegata (Linnaeus) Recent Gulf of Mexico1 53 120 T. vertebroides Morton Cretaceous (Campanian) Mississippi1 1 1 90 T. sp. Recent Mozambique1 47 19-0 T. sp. Recent Philippines1 138 68-0 T. sp. Recent India1 61 10-0 T. sp. Cretaceous (Campanian) Mississippi7 17 120 (0-41)* T. sp. Cretaceous (Campanian) Mississippi7 13 7-8 (0 69)* T. sp. Cretaceous England6 2 0 Key. ‘Dudley and Vermeij (1978); 2Buchanan (1958); 3Hoffman et al. (1974); ‘Kojumdjieva (1974); 3Fischer (1966) 'Taylor et al. (1983); 7 Vermeij and Dudley (1982); 8Arua (1982); “Kelley (1982); 10Robba and Ostinelli (1975); * Percent peeling. ALLMON ET AL.: DRILLING OF GASTROPODS 609 REFERENCES abbott, r. r. 1974. American seashells. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 663 pp. a decoke, o. s. and tevesz, M. J. s. 1974. Gastropod predation patterns in the Eocene of Nigeria. Lethaia , 7, 1 7-24. allmon, w. d. 1987. Multiple modes of homeomorphy in Cenozoic turritelline gastropods and their evolutionary implications. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs , 19, 570. — 1988a. 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Recent advances in database management systems indicate that in future such systems will have a range of increased facilities, including deductive capabilities and natural language interfaces for casual enquiries. In order to explore some of the consequences of these developments for museum catalogues, a prototype system has been written and examples of its use demonstrated. These show that such systems will have significant research potential in a number of areas in geology in addition to taxonomy. Our museums contain a wealth of information which can be used in taxonomic, stratigraphic, palaeoecological and other geological studies. If these valuable resources are to be fully exploited, a sophisticated catalogue system is necessary. The first catalogues of fossils, or registers of specimens, were usually impressive books containing a list of specimens numbered according to some local system, together with information concerning geographic, stratigraphic and collection details. The entries were made in beautiful copperplate writing but there was little attempt at ordering the entries. To obtain information from such registers is almost impossible unless the registration number of the required material is known. The register might be supplemented by card-index systems, one based on genus, one on stratigraphic horizon, one of type and figured specimens and so on. Such indexes increase the usefulness of museum material, but they are onerous to produce and bulky to store. During the past twenty years progress has been made towards storing museum catalogue information on computer databases. Price (1984) described how a hierarchical database manage- ment system was designed by Cutbill et al. (1971) for material in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. Several museums now use improved versions of this early system, such as GOS (Porter 1982, 1983), which was released by the Museums Documentation Association, or a more sophisticated version MUSCAT. Other museums, including Bristol University Museum, use commercially available database management systems, for example the relational databases dBASE III or Oracle. International progress in this field was reviewed by Roberts and Light (1980), and Brunton et al. (1985) discuss computing procedures in their Guidelines for the curation of geological material. These systems have enormously increased the availability of information stored in our museums because explicit queries can be made on any attribute recorded in the database, and lists are easily prepared in which specimens are ordered alphamerically on a particular attribute such as name, collector, geographic location or stratigraphic horizon. Research into database management systems has continued at a high level, and during the past few years advances have been made in several areas including database query languages, user interfaces, deductive databases and recursive query processing. At the same time there has been an increase in the use of remote databases and distributed databases, and many of these developments will be incorporated into the next generation of commercial systems. Much of this work has been done using logic programming languages, in particular Prolog, which have greatly facilitated the construction of prototype systems incorporating some or all of these developments. Thus it is possible to explore the consequences of these advances before commercial systems become widely (Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Pari 3, 1990, pp. 613-622.| © The Palaeontological Association 614 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 available. The relevance of some of these developments has already been recognised in a wide range of disciplines; Rawlings (1988) gives a discussion of applications to molecular biology. Here we investigate the consequences of applying these concepts to the cataloguing of museum material. We describe our experience in designing a prototype system for the large Jurassic ammonites in the University Museum, Bristol, and give some illustrations of the power of such a system in other fields of geology, not just as a museum tool. PROLOG AND DATABASES In this section we give a brief explanation of why Prolog is particularly suitable as a research tool in this area; for a full description of the language the reader is referred to one of the many excellent books on the subject, for example Sterling and Shapiro (1986). The recent book edited by Gray and Lucas (1988) gives a good account of recent developments in the use of Prolog in conjunction with databases. Prolog (programming in logic) is a programming language based on logic and was developed by Colmerauer and his colleagues at Marseille in 1970 (Colmerauer et al. 1973). The use of the language has grown rapidly, especially when it became clear in 1981 that logic programming would play a fundamental role in the Japanese Fifth Generation Project. Prolog is now used in a wide variety of applications including expert systems, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, deductive databases and general problem solvers. An example in palaeontology is described by Brough and Alexander (1986) who use Prolog to construct an expert system which provides computer assisted identification of fossils. It has become clear that there is a close relationship between Prolog and relational databases (Gallaire et al. 1984), and more generally between Prolog and database query languages. As an example the Prolog predicate f(X,Z): - g(X,Y),h(Y,Z) has the declarative meaning that f(X, Z) is true for particular values of X and Z if g is true for X and some value Y, and h is true for Y and Z. But in a relational database language this clause has the interpretation that the relation f is the join of relations g and h. Nevertheless, there are major differences between these two approaches. For example, Prolog possesses great flexibility in the data structures it can handle, and allows recursion in both rules and facts. Relational database management systems, on the other hand, have advantages in such areas as updating, efficient handling of transactions, and concurrency. There is currently a considerable amount of interest in combining these facilities in order to produce a new generation of database query systems. One approach is to use Prolog to construct a ‘front end’ which transforms a query into a standard form for execution on an existing database management system (DBMS), and an example of this is given in Ghosh et al. (1988). Clearly, developments along these lines which allow queries to be formulated in restricted natural language will be of great benefit for casual enquiries to existing databases. Another approach has been to establish deductive database systems containing predicates (or rules) which can be used to produce facts (or tuples) which are not stored explicitly in the database. In the present work we are examining a prototype system written in Prolog, where the data have come partly from an existing relational database system containing the University of Bristol collection of large ammonites, while the remaining data, the knowledge base, consisting of appropriate chronostratigraphic and ammonite classification schemes and other relevant data, have been entered ab initio. The aim is to illustrate, by means of a few examples, the type of query which can be handled and to indicate some of its potential uses. No attempt has been made in this work to produce a natural language front end; as explained above there is intense commercial activity in this area and such products will undoubtedly become widely available in the future. ROGERS ET AL : DEDUCTIVE ENQUIRY SYSTEM 615 THE KNOWLEDGE BASE: PROLOG DATA STRUCTURES FOR GEOLOGICAL DATA General The particular aspects of geology which are discussed here are chronostratigraphy, palaeontological classification, lithological horizon and locality. These aspects are of two main types. Chrono- stratigraphic and palaeontologic classifications are both attempts to impose order on imperfectly understood phenomena and are of a hierarchical form. They can be represented by a tree structure in Prolog, but the quadtree, a particular form of tree used in geographic information systems (Williams 1988), is too inflexible for the present purpose. The data structures defined in this paper are more general as is necessary to accommodate the complexities of a chronostratigraphic and palaeontologic information system. Both classifications have been modified over the years - and will no doubt continue to be modified in the light of future research. In consequence, both types of classification contain many obsolete terms. In contrast, lithological horizon and locality are observed facts. Again, the same stratum or the same outcrop may be known by more than one name, but in each case a name is associated with an observation, not an abstraction. In the case of the classification schemes, not only is it necessary to define the structures, but also the data must be internally consistent. As noted above, these schemes are continuously evolving. However, in order to maintain internal consistency, it is necessary to choose a scheme and adhere to it. The choice of a classification for a particular taxon or stratigraphic system is a task for a specialist who should ensure that it is modern, widely accepted and readily available in the literature. The Special Reports published by the Geological Society could be an appropriate source for British chronostratigraphy and the Jurassic volumes (Cope, Getty et al. 1980; Cope, Duff el al. 1980) are selected here for the Jurassic system. The recent revision of the Treatise on invertebrate paleontology is used for the ammonite classification (Donovan et al. 1981). Because the lithological horizon and location are factual records, there is not the same problem of internal consistency. In this prototype only one set of lithostratigraphic terms is used at each locality, and no attempt has been made to incorporate a hierarchical classification for lithostratigraphy. Data structures for chronostratigraphic classification The chronostratigraphic classification is a tree structure with two additional properties: 1 . The sub-trees (which can contain an arbitrary number of elements) are ordered in a time sense, where the latest appears first in the list and the earliest (oldest) last. 2. Each level of the tree is referred to by a descriptor, which is used by geologists as a chronostratigraphic division. Thus, for example, a small subset of the scheme can be represented as: Division Descriptor cainozoic erathem quaternary tertiary system (LATE< EARLY) series At the system level. Quaternary is later than Tertiary. The actual representation used in this report has the following chronostratigraphic divisions (the descriptors) : erathem - system - series - stage - substage - zone - subzone Each division is not always used. For example, the Aalenian Stage is divided into zones, whereas the Bajocian Stage has two substages, the Upper Bajocian and Lower Bajocian, both of which are divided into zones. The Prolog representation has been chosen so that it can accommodate such 616 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 variations of the basic data structure, and accordingly contains three arguments. The first is the name of the node and will be a particular system or series etc. The second is the name (descriptor) of its subdivisions, and the third is a list of those subdivisions with the convention that the elements in the list are ordered, with the latest first and the earliest last. Thus, the general definition is of the form tree(Node, Subdivision, List) and the particular example illustrated above is written as tree(cainozoic,system,[quaternary,tertiary]). A chronostratigraphic scheme based on this representation has been written down to the level of subzone divisions for the Jurassic, using data given in Cope, Getty et al. (1980) and Cope, Duff et al. (1980). A further complication in chronostratigraphy is that obsolete terms are met when studying specimens from old collections, or in older literature. The following simple structure is used to incorporate such terms. obsolete(Name, Division, Youngest_di vision, 01dest_division) where Name is the obsolete name. Division is the chronostratigraphic level in the structure ‘tree’ of the terms YoungesUdivision and 01dest_division which are the upper and lower boundaries of Name according to Cope, Getty et al. (1980) and Cope, Duff et al. (1980). For example, the Prolog fact defining the Charmouthian is written as obsolete(charmouthian,zone,davoei,jamesoni) Using this representation we can now formulate in Prolog several rules of varying complexity which can be used in a query system. Some examples are given below. 1. stratum(Y,X). This states that Y is a division of X so that for example stratum(quaternary, cainozoic) means that Quaternary is a division of the Cainozoic. The Prolog rule for this is: stratum(Y,X) : - tree(X,_L),member(Y,L). The query ?-stratum(Y, cainozoic). will, if asked repeatedly, generate all the divisions of the Cainozoic, while the query ?-stratum(tertiary,X). will produce the single answer X = cainozoic 2. substratum(Y,X). This is similar to stratum(Y,X) defined above except that it spans an arbitrary number of ‘generations’. The Prolog definition for this involves two rules: substratum(Y.X) : - stratum(Y,X). substratum(Y,X) : - stratum(Y,Z), substratum(Z,X). The query ?-substratum(Y, cainozoic). will, if asked repeatedly, generate all the divisions down to, and including, the level of subzones which are in the Cainozoic Erathem. These rules are useful building blocks to which other rules can be added to formulate powerful queries. For example ?-list xDo_y(X,Y,Lr). lists all the elements, including X and Y, between X and Y, irrespective of the division to which they belong, or their order. Thus ?-list_x„to_y(obtusum, bucklandi,L),list(L). ROGERS ET AL.\ DEDUCTIVE ENQUIRY SYSTEM 617 will yield the following result obtusum turned semicostatum bucklandi even though the obtusum Zone is in the Upper Sinemurian and the remaining zones are in the Lower Sinemurian. Data structures and Prolog representation for palaeontological classification The palaeontological classification is a tree structure which is similar to that adopted for the chronostratigraphic scheme. The main difference is that the subtrees at each stage are unordered, whereas in the chronostratigraphic case there is a temporal ordering, with the latest first and the earliest last in each subtree. Each level of the tree is referred to by a descriptor, for example order, family, genus etc. A small example of the scheme is given by: Division Descriptor arietitidae family arietitinae agassiceratinae sub-family coroniceras arnioceras genus The hierarchical ordering of the levels or taxa is: suborder - superfamily - family - sub-family - genus - subgenus Some of these levels are absent in particular cases, so that, for example, a family could be composed of a set of genera. The general Prolog representation is of the form ammclass(Node, Subdivision, List) where Node is the name of a particular palaeontological category and Subdivision is the classificatory level of the items in the list. The small example above is accordingly represented as ammclass(arietitidae,subfamily, [arietitinae, agassiceratinae ...]). Using this representation, a query pedigree(X) has been written which will list all the ancestors of the argument X. The Prolog definition of pedigree is pedigree(ammonitina) : - ! pedigree(X): - division(X,D),write(X),tab(3),write(D),nl,stratum(X,Y),pedigree(Y). and the query ?-pedigree(arietites). yields the result arietites subgenus coroniceras genus arietitinae subfamily psilocerataceae superfamily An additional complication in the palaeontological classification scheme arises through the 618 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 widespread occurrence of synonyms. To deal with this, a further Prolog representation has been introduced of the form synonym(Name,Level,List_of_synonyms) so that for example synonym(schlotheimia,genus,[anguliferites,scamnoceras]). indicates that Anguliferites and Scamnoceras are all synonyms of the genus Schlotheimia. This structure is used when dealing with specimens which were identified according to earlier classifications. Link between the chrono stratigraphic and palaeontologic classification The two schemes described are independent, and indeed each is independent of any classification scheme. However, the link between the two is of paramount importance and accordingly a further Prolog structure has been designed to represent this link. This is of the form pal_range(Name,' Taxon, Division, Upper_occurrence,Lower_occurrence) As an example of this pal_range(caloceras,genus,zone,liasicus,planorbis). represents the fact that the genus Caloceras occurs in the zone range liasicus to planorbis. It should be noted here that it is only necessary for entries in this category to be made at the generic or subgeneric level; the range for higher categories can easily be derived using simple Prolog constructs. A query gen_range has been written which, by searching both the chronostratigraphic and classificatory trees, lists all genera found in the chronostratigraphic range R1 to R2. The program is as follows gen_range( R 1 , R2 ) : - list_x_to_y( R 1 ,R2,L), !,pal_range(N,genus,_,X, Y), member(X,L),member(Y,L), nl,tab( 1 5),write(N),fail. so that for example the query ?-gen^range(obtusum,bucklandi). gives the result sulciferites coroniceras arnioceras metarnioceras tmaegoceras agassiceras euagassiceras asteroceras aegasteroceras caenisites epophioceras xiphcroceras microderoceras promicroceras ROGERS ET AL DEDUCTIVE ENQUIRY SYSTEM 619 Prolog representation for observed data The observed data of lithological horizon and location are intimately related, so the two types of information are combined in one data structure. The general form is place(Grid_easting,Grid_northing,Locality_name,List) List elements are of the form correlation(Lithologic„horizon,Thickness,Chronostratigraphic_division,Upper_occurrence, Lower occurrence) The fact place(368300, 165000,corston_field_quarry,[correlation(blueJias,2-4,zone,angulata,angulata)]). records the fact that the outcrop at Corston Field Quarry (368300,165000), consists of 2-4 metres of Blue Lias, all in the angulata Zone. In this Prolog structure, the observed data of the lithological horizons recorded at a section is linked to the chronostratigraphy according to the current interpretation. A revision of this correlation in the light of new evidence can easily be incorporated by a simple modification of the data relating to that section. Many queries can be asked using the data structures so far described which are of use to geologists in many fields and not only the taxonomist or museum curator. One such is a query which lists the locations and ranges of a lithostratigraphic unit and its thickness in metres in the overall chronostratigraphic range R1 to R2. ?-thick(obtusum,bucklandi,blue Jias). yields saltford_midland_railway_cutting 3 semicostatum bucklandi kelston_park_quarry 3-93 semicostatum bucklandi This information is essential for the construction of palaeogeographic maps, geologic cross-sections and other visual representations of stratigraphy, and indeed the answers could be transferred directly as data to an appropriate graphics program. THE DATABASE: DATA STRUCTURE FOR MUSEUM SPECIMENS The data recorded about each specimen in a catalogue should be a list of facts including horizon, locality and collector and also the subsequent history of the material. A specimen may be moved from one collector or collection to another and it may be identified and cited or figured by several different workers at different times. Each of these events should be noted because they are often important in identifying type material. In practice it is rare for all these facts to be known about a specimen, particularly if it was collected many years ago and has been moved from collection to collection, but it is often possible to make inferences about its origin and history. For example, if the handwriting on a specimen is recognised as that of a well known collector, it may be assumed that it was collected by that person. These inferences should be clearly noted in the catalogue. In the prototype described here we make no attempt to create structures to accommodate all the complexities which should be recorded in a museum catalogue. Instead we have selected a few facts, which we assume to be correct, about each specimen so that we can indicate how the museum data can be used in conjunction with the knowledge base. Initially, these facts formed the columns in a 620 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 table of a relational database. This information has been transferred into a file and edited into a series of Prolog facts of the form ammonite(V 1 ,V2,V3,V4,V 5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V 1 0,V 1 1 ,V 1 2,V 13) where VI and V2 are identifying numbers, V3,V4 are the generic and specific name, V5 = number of specimens, V6 = matrix, V7 = biological class or order, V8 = size in cm, V9 = stratigraphic system, V10 = horizon, VI I = locality, VI 2 = geographic region, and VI 3 = quality of specimen. The relational database was designed and the ammonite data recorded before the current research was started. No attempt has been made so far to test its Prolog representation for internal consistency, or to ensure that all the terms in the ammonite file are present in the knowledge base. However, with very little editing, it has been possible to search for all specimens belonging to a particular taxon. In this query, the knowledge base is searched and all the members of the same taxon and their synonyms are listed, followed by all such specimens recorded in the database. In the example, the genus Schlotheimia belongs to the family Schlotheimiidae and all the genera in this family and their synonyms are listed. Thus ?-taxon(schlotheimia). yields schlotheimia synonyms are: anguliferites scamnoceras angulaticeras synonyms are: argoceras boucaulticeras etc. {the museum specimens belonging to the family Schlotheimiidae are:} 28 5001 schlotheimia 9 5001 schlotheimia etc. The answer to such a query is invaluable to the taxonomist. Further queries should be constructed which use the horizon and location data from the ammonite structure in conjunction with the knowledge base. The palaeobiologist could easily use these results to test hypotheses which would be very onerous to test by conventional means. It is pertinent to ask whether the information contained in a computerized museum catalogue is of a quality suitable for research purposes. When using any secondhand material, whether from a museum collection or from published information, the researcher always has to balance the accuracy of the information about a specimen against the availability of alternative specimens and the time and expense of collecting and investigating fresh material. In a museum catalogue the identification may be wrong, the identifier unknown and the locality and the horizon may have been inferred because of the lithology or some other characteristic feature of the specimen. The computer catalogue should contain all available evidence to enable a researcher to assess the quality of the information about a specimen. Also, if necessary, the specimen itself can be examined. In the case of published information, it is not always possible to find the source material, particularly referenced material, and in such circumstances future researchers depend entirely upon the professional skill and integrity of the author(s). ROGERS ET AL.\ DEDUCTIVE ENQUIRY SYSTEM 621 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS The deductive database described in this paper could form the basis of a powerful information retrieval/on-line query system, but it will need to be extended and developed in several main areas. The knowledge base should be extended to include, for example, all stratigraphic systems and biological phyla. Facilities should be provided so that stratigraphic classifications appropriate to other parts of the world can be incorporated. The structures described in this paper are sufficiently general to achieve this, but the linkage between data from different provinces must be designed with care so that new evidence on correlation can easily be included. The source of lithostratigraphic information should be added to the description of sections and research, and collection details should be included in the database of museum specimens. A data entry facility should be provided which checks all new data for consistency and accuracy, as far as this is possible. A ‘user-friendly’ interface is essential for the casual user and this can be achieved either by a menu-driven query system or a limited natural language processor. The full power of the system described here can only be realized if it is integrated with geologically orientated program packages. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The primary aim of this paper is to show that the valuable information contained in geological museum catalogues can be made readily available for a wide range of investigations. This can be achieved by constructing a knowledge base of geological information and using it in conjunction with a conventional database of museum specimens. The knowledge base itself is an important reference source for many geological investigations. The information in the knowledge base is held in a series of simple Prolog structures which are linked at only a few essential points. Consequently, any modifications which may arise through the availability of new evidence or new interpretations can be made easily, and additional facts can be added without corrupting the existing information. The geological information included in the conventional museum database can be restricted to observed facts, while the presence of checking routines, although not included in this prototype, would ensure that the internal consistency and accuracy of the database is maintained. This is particularly important when data are entered by relatively unskilled personnel and allows the specialist to concentrate on the complex problems. The deductive capabilities which are available in the knowledge base allow a more general class of queries to be made than is possible with a conventional database management system. The results presented in this paper are based on the use of local databases, but it is already clear from the experience currently being gained with remote access to library catalogues that the techniques described here can be extended to include remote databases, both at national and international sites. REFERENCES brough, D. r. and Alexander, I. F. 1986. The fossil expert system. Expert Systems , 3, 76-83. brunton, c. h. c., besterman, t. p. and cooper, j. a. 1985. Guidelines for the curation of geological materials. Miscellaneous Papers of the Geological Society , 17, 1-174. colmerauer, a., kanoui, h., pasero, r. and roussel, p. 1973. Un systeme de communication homme-machine en frangais. Rapport de recherche sur le contract CRI , 72-81. 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The relationships of the Phthanonco- ceratidae to the Oncocerida and Ellesmerocerida are discussed. Collections of Ordovician cephalopods from the lower Kundan of Oland, Sweden (held in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm) and from the Cassinian of Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen (made available by Dr R. A. Fortey) contain two genera showing features intermediate between the Ellesmerocerida and the Oncocerida. These genera, Phthanoncoceras gen. nov. and Valhalloceras gen. nov., possess thick, layered connecting rings and primary siphonal diaphragms, features considered to be characteristic of the predominantly endogastric Ellesmerocerida. However, both these new genera are exogastric, have relatively narrow, marginal to submarginal siphuncles and conch cross-sections which strongly support an affinity with the Oncocerida. Since it is clear that these genera exhibit mixed characters, the presence of an exogastric curvature is here deemed sufficient to assign Phthanoncoceras and Valhalloceras to the Oncocerida. The Graciloceratidae were previously thought to represent the most primitive oncocerids. They have thin connecting rings and lack diaphragms. Phthanoncoceras and Valhalloceras clearly are not graciloceratids, and the family Phthanoncoceratidae fam. nov. is proposed for these two genera. This new family includes the earliest known oncocerids, and exhibits the retention of primitive features more typical of the Ellesmerocerida. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Order oncocerida Flower in Flower and Kummel, 1950 Family phthanoncoceratidae nov. Diagnosis. Exogastric cyrtocones with depressed to compressed section and a narrow marginal to sub-marginal tubular siphuncle with thickened and layered connecting rings; septal necks orthochoanitic. Siphonal diaphragms present. Type genus. Phthanoncoceras gen. nov. Remarks. The Phthanoncoceratidae possess primary siphonal diaphragms and thickened, differentiated connecting rings. They therefore should be assigned to the Ellesmerocerida, themselves diagnosed partly on the possession of such structures (Furnish and Glenister 1964, p. K140). However, in their exogastric curvature, combined with the narrow marginal to sub-marginal siphuncle, the two new genera Phthanoncoceras and Valhalloceras differ from all other ellesmerocerids. Because of these differences, these two genera are placed in the Oncocerida rather [Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 623-630, 1 pi. | © The Palaeontological Association 624 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 than the Ellesmerocerida. The origin of the Oncocerida is unclear and two possibilities require consideration. Thickened and differentiated connecting rings are a persistent feature throughout most of the Ellesmerocerida. They are also present in the Proterocameroceratidae of the Endocerida and many tarphycerids, including the Bassleroceratidae. Primary siphonal diaphragms are almost entirely associated with late Cambrian cephalopods as well as the Ellesmeroceratidae and Cyclostomi- ceratidae of the Ellesmerocerida. The possession of thickened connecting rings combined with the presence of primary siphonal diaphragms may indicate that the Phthanoncoceratidae are related to the Ellesmeroceratidae or Cyclostomiceratidae. Flower ( 1964, 1968, 1976) and Sweet et al. (1964) considered that the Oncocerida originated from the Bassleroceratidae, but the systematic position of the Bassleroceratidae has been disputed. Flower (in Flower and Teichert 1957) and Flower (1964) placed the Bassleroceratidae in the Tarphycerida, but Furnish and Glenister (1964) and Balashov (1962) assigned the family to the Ellesmerocerida. Later Flower (1968) argued that placing the Bassleroceratidae in the Ellesmero- cerida broadened that order beyond definition. The present authors agree with this latter view, as the Ellesmerocerida already form a large and diverse order. The Phthanoncoceratidae are similar to the Bassleroceratidae in possessing thick differentiated connecting rings and an exogastrically curved conch. However, to date, it is unknown whether or not the Bassleroceratidae possess primary siphonal diaphragms. The Phthanoncoceratidae differ from the Bassleroceratidae in their narrower siphuncles and more breviconic, rapidly expanding conchs. In the latter feature the Phthanoncoceratidae are thought to have more in common with the Ellesmeroceratidae and Cyclostomiceratidae. The Phthanoncoceratidae extend the stratigraphical range of the Oncocerida and also modify the way in which the early evolution of the Oncocerida is viewed (see text-fig. 1). Since there is stratigraphical overlap between the Phthanoncoceratidae, Graciloceratidae and Oncoceratidae, it is not clear when the last originated and this family may have a longer history than currently recognized. The existence of thick-ringed oncocerids in strata as young as the early Kundan may also bring into question the relationship of the Graciloceratidae to later oncocerid families. While it is simpler to derive the Oncoceratidae from the Graciloceratidae (e.g. Flower 1976), the same may not be true for the Valcouroceratidae which possess thick, actinosiphonate connecting rings. If the Valcouroceratidae were derived from the Graciloceratidae the connecting rings would have been secondarily thickened, but, if descended from the Phthanoncoceratidae, a thickened connecting ring was already present. Thus it is possible that the Phthanoncoceratidae may, at different times have given rise to more than one oncocerid lineage. In conclusion, the initial development of the Oncocerida may be the reverse of that which is currently accepted (i.e. derivation from the Bassleroceratidae, e.g. Flower 1976, text-fig. 9) and instead they may have originated from the Ellesmerocerida (quite possibly the Ellesmeroceratidae) through the appearance of exogastric curvature. The Bassleroceratidae and the Tarphycerida formed a lineage derived early in the history of the Phthanoncoceratidae. The Phthanoncoceratidae may themselves have given rise to many of the older oncocerid families through several independent branches (text-fig. 1 ). Genus phthanoncoceras gen. nov. Type species. Phthanoncoceras oelandense sp. nov. Diagnosis. Moderately expanding exogastric cyrtocones; body-chamber slightly inflated adapically with shallow constriction near aperture. Conch section laterally compressed with broadly rounded venter and obtusely rounded dorsum. Siphuncle narrow, tubular and sub-ventral. Septal necks orthochoanitic, connecting rings thick and layered; siphonal diaphragms present apically. External shell smooth, growth lines forming a weak ventral sinus. Derivation of name. From Greek, phthanein = to come before. EVANS AND KING: ORDOVICIAN NAUTILOIDS 625 text-fig. 1. Stratigraphical and phylogenetic relationships of the Phthanoncoceratidae. Chronostratigraphical data based upon Fortey and Bruton (1973), and Jaanusson (1982). Stratigraphical distributions: a, possible range of Phthanoncoceras oelandense; b, range of the Graciloceratidae in Oland; c, occurrence of Graciloceratidae (Leonardoceras and Ikesoceras ) in Nevada (Flower 1968); d, occurrence of Leonardoceras in Spitsbergen (pers. comm. Dr R. H. Flower to Dr R. A. Fortey 1975); e, occurrence of Valhalloceras floweri in Spitsbergen. Synapomorphies : 1, loss of siphonal diaphragms leading to the Bassleroceratidae; 2, loss of siphonal diaphragms and the appearance of thin connecting rings leading to the Graciloceratidae; 3, loss of siphonal diaphragms; appearance of thin connecting rings and development of suborthochoanitic and cyrtochoanitic septal necks (leading to the Oncoceratidae?); 4, appearance of suborthochoanitic and cyrtochoanitic septal necks (leading to the Oncoceratidae?); 5, development of cyrtochoanitic septal necks combined with an actinosiphonate connecting ring leading to the Valcouroceratidae. Remarks. Phthanoncoceras is a monotypic genus, presently recorded only from Sweden. Oncoceras , Beloitoceras , Miamoceras and Neumatoceras (all Oncoceratidae) resemble Phthanoncoceras in exhibiting similar conch forms and possessing a constriction on the body-chamber. They differ in having suborthochoanitic to cyrtochoanitic septal necks combined with thin connecting rings. Valhalloceras differs from Phthanoncoceras only with respect to conch section, which in the former is depressed and subtriangular. Occurrence. Ordovician, Hunderumian (uppermost Arenig to lowermost Llanvirn) of Oland, Sweden. Phthanoncoceras oelandense sp. nov. Plate 1, figs. \-^. ; text-fig. 2 626 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 2. Phthanoncoceras oelandense gen. et sp. nov. Camera lucida drawing of adapical portion of preserved phragmocone of Mol 58453 showing details of siphuncle and development of diaphragms, a, septal neck; b, spicular layer of connecting ring; c, nacreous layer of connecting ring; d, diaphragm; e, phragmocone wall, x 25. Diagnosis. As for genus. Holotype. Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Mol58453, collected by G. Holm in 1894 from the 'glaukomt. gra vaginatumkalk ’ (lower Kundan) at Halludden. The species is only known from the holotype. Derivation of name. From Latin, oelandense = from Oland. Description. The type consists of an exogastric, weakly cyrtocomc conch with a moderate expansion rate of 20°. The total length preserved is 53 mm, representing the body-chamber and a portion of phragmocone. Adorally the conch section is compressed with a broadly rounded venter and narrowly rounded dorsum; apically the section is less compressed. External shell ornament consists only of very fine growth lines which form a faint ventral sinus. The body-chamber has a length of 26 mm with adoral and dorsoventral diameters of 16-9 mm and 14-6 mm respectively. A shallow but broad constriction is present on the internal mould 8 mm from the aperture. The body-chamber is slightly inflated adapically. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs. 1^1, Phthanoncoceras oelandense gen. et sp. nov. Hunderumian Substage, lower Kundan at Halludden, northern Oland, Sweden. 1-3, dorsal, left lateral, and ventral aspects of Mol58453, whitened, x 15. 4, sagittal section of Mol58453 showing ventral siphuncle, x3-75. Figs. 5 11, Valhalloceras floweri gen. et sp. nov. Olenidsletta Member of the Valhallfonna Formation. Adjacent to Hinlopenstretcd, North Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. 5-7, dorsal, right-lateral and ventral aspects of PMO NF2276 and 2285, whitened, x 1 4. 8, 1 thick ’ section of NF2276, right-hand side viewed under reflected light showing submarginal ventral siphuncle, x 3-5. 9, apical surface of NF2285 showing depressed subtriangular section and submarginal septal foramen, venter up, x4-4. 10, details of siphuncle of NF2276 showing short septal necks and thickened connecting rings represented by dark bands, x 1 1-7. I I . left-hand side of NF2276, apical camerae with siphonal diaphragms crowded into the siphuncle, x 11-7. PLATE 1 EVANS and KING, Phthanoncoceras, Valhalloceras 628 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 The phragmocone consists of fifteen camerae and has an apicad dorsoventral diameter of 6-9 mm. Sutures exhibit weak dorsal and ventral lobes with corresponding lateral saddles. Cameral depth is 20% of the dorsoventral diameter adapically and 12% adorally where septa are approximated. The siphuncle is narrow (about 1 5 % of the phragmocone diameter) and submarginal (0-5 mm to 1 0 mm from the venter). Septal necks are orthochoanitic and 0-3-04 mm long. Connecting rings are tubular and layered. Nine closely spaced diaphragms are present in the siphuncle adjacent to the most adapical camerae (see text-fig. 2). Occurrence. Hunderumian Substage, lower Kundan (uppermost Arenig to lowermost Llanvirn) at Halludden, northern Oland, Sweden. Genus valhalloceras gen. nov. Type species. Valhalloceras floweri sp. nov. Diagnosis. Small exogastric conch with suhtriangular section, venter obtusely rounded, lateral sides more acutely curved and dorsum broadly rounded. Siphuncle narrow, subventral, orthochoanitic; connecting rings thickened and differentiated ; siphonal diaphragms present. Sutures consist of weak dorsal and ventral lobes with lateral saddles. Shell smooth, weak sinus over venter. Derivation of name. After the Valhallfonna Formation, from which the type species was collected. Remarks and occurrence. Valhalloceras is at present known only from Spitsbergen in facies belonging to the Nileid Association of Fortey (1975). Valhalloceras shows many similarities to Ikesoceras Flower in terms of gross conch morphology; however, it is unknown whether the latter possesses siphonal diaphragms. The holotype of Ikesoceras (Flower 1968, p. 25, pi. 25, figs. 1-5) consists of a body-chamber and the four most adoral camerae, too far adoral to exhibit siphonal diaphragms. The paratype (Flower 1968, pi. 26, figs. 6 and 7) is partly crushed and silicified and represents an adapical portion of phragmocone which, on the basis of Valhalloceras floweri, might contain siphonal diaphragms. None have so far been demonstrated. Valhalloceras came from a horizon near the top of the Olenidsletta Member of the Valhallfonna Formation, dated as Cassinian J Zone (Cooper and Fortey 1982, fig. 2) and is older than Ikesoceras (early Whiterockian zone L sensu Cooper and Fortey 1982; Fortey and Owens 1987). Ikesoceras appears to occur in a similar facies to Valhalloceras, considered to represent the outer lip of the shelf of Ross (1975) and equivalent to the upper slope of Shaw and Fortey (1977), or the Nileid Association of Fortey (1975). Until Ikesoceras is better known its systematic position will remain uncertain. Flowever, should Ikesoceras prove to possess siphonal diaphragms good reason will exist for regarding it as a senior synonym of Valhalloceras. Valhalloceras floweri sp. nov. Plate 1, figs. 5-1 1 ; text-fig. 3. Diagnosis. As for genus. Holotype. Palaeontological Museum. Oslo NF2276, 2285. These represent complementary fragments of the same specimen. NF2276 was prepared as a thin section, but has been left thick as the siphuncle was displaced in the most apical portion. It was this portion which contained siphonal diaphragms, further preparation of the section would have destroyed these structures. The species is only known from the holotype. Derivation of name. In honour of the late Dr R. H. Flower. Description. PMO NF2276 and 2285 represent a portion of phragmocone 44 mm long, slightly crushed adorally. Adapically the cross-section of the conch is almost elliptical with lateral and dorsoventral diameters of 6-4 mm and 5-0 mm respectively. At a position 17-5 mm adorally the cross-section is subtriangular, with the maximum lateral diameter (lit) mm) 40% of the distance from venter to dorsum (dorso-ventral diameter EVANS AND KING: ORDOVICIAN NAUTILOIDS 629 text-fig. 3. Valhalloceras floweri gen. et sp. nov. Camera lucida drawing of adapical portion of phragmocone of NF2276 showing details of siphuncle and development of diaphragms, a, septal neck; b, connecting ring; c, diaphragm. x9. 91 mm). A further 15 mm adorally the lateral diameter is estimated to be 16 0 mm. Cameral depth is 17% of the dorsoventral diameter adapically and 13% adorally. The suture comprises weak dorsal and ventral lobes and lateral saddles. Where the conch wall is preserved, it is smooth, consisting of very fine growth lines which trace out a shallow ventral sinus. The siphuncle is submarginal, its centre being positioned 1 5 % of the distance from the venter to the dorsum ; it is 9% of the dorso-ventral diameter. Septal necks are orthochoanitic and about 0-3 mm long. Connecting rings are tubular and consist of two layers; a very thin light coloured dense layer lining the siphonal cavity and a thicker, darker, more diffuse layer forming the cameral side of the connecting ring. In the four most adapical camerae eleven closely spaced diaphragms are present in the siphuncle. Occurrence. From the outcrop of the Olenidsletta Member between Lundehuken and Papegoyneset, adjacent to Hinlopenstreted, North Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. The stratigraphical horizon is c. 100 m above the base of the Olenidsletta Member of the Vallhalfonna Formation at the top of V2 in the terminology of Fortey (1980) and Arenig Series Ca 1 in terms of graptolites ( = North American D. bifidus Zone, see Cooper and Fortey 1982, fig. 2). Acknowledgements. The authors thank Professor C. H. Holland and Dr J. C. W. Cope for reading early versions of the manuscript. Thanks go to Dr R. A. Fortey for making the Spitsbergen material available and to Professor V. Jaanusson and Dr H. Mutvei for providing the material from Oland. This work was carried out partly under NERC grants GT4/83/GS/135 and GT4/86/GS/ 1 37 which are gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES balashov, z. G. 1962. Podtip Ellesmeroceratida. 73-77. In orlov, yu. a. (ed.). Osnovy paleontologii : Nautiloidei. Endoseratoidei. Aktinoseratoidei, Baktritoidei, Ammonoidei. Nedra Press, Moscow, 438 pp. [In Russian] cooper, r. a. and fortey, r. a. 1982. The Ordovician graptolites of Spitsbergen. Bulletin of the British Museum ( Natural History) (Geology), 36, 157-302, pis. 1-6. flower, R. H. 1964. The Nautiloid Order Ellesmerocerida (Cephalopoda). New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources , Memoir, 12, 243 pp. — 1968. Some additional Whiterock cephalopods. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources , Memoir, 19, 17-55. — 1976. Ordovician cephalopod faunas and their role in correlation. 523-552. In bassett, m. g. (ed.). The Ordovician System. University of Wales Press and National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 696 pp. — and kummel, b. 1950. A classification of the Nautiloidea, Journal of Paleontology , 24, 604-616. — and teichert, c. 1957. The cephalopod order Discosorida. University of Kansas, Paleontological Contributions. Mollusca, 6, 1-114. 630 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 furnish, w. m. and glenister, b. f. 1964. Nautiloidea-Ellesmerocerida. K129-K159. In moore, r. c. (ed.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part K. Mollusca 3. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas, 519 pp. fortey, r. a. 1975. Early Ordovician trilobite communities. Fossils and Strata , 4, 339-360. 1980. Trilobites of Spitsbergen III. Remaining trilobites of the Vallhalfonna Formation. Skrifter om norsk Polarinstitutt , 171, 113 pp., 25 pis. — and bruton, d. l. 1973. Cambrian-Ordovician rocks adjacent to Hinlopenstretet, north Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America , 84, 2227-2242. jaanusson, v. 1982. Introduction to the Ordovician of Sweden. Palaeontological Contributions of the University of Oslo. 279, 1-9. ross, r. j. 1975. Early Palaeozoic trilobites, sedimentary facies, lithospheric plates, and ocean currents. Fossils and Strata , 4, 307-329. shaw, f. c. and fortey, r. a. 1977. Middle Ordovician facies and trilobite faunas in North America. Geological Magazine , 114, 409 496. sweet, w. c., teichert, c. and kummel, b. 1964. Phylogeny and evolution. K106-K1 14. In moore, r. c. (ed.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part K. Mollusca 3. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas, 519 pp. DAVID H. EVANS Department of Earth Sciences University College Swansea SA2 8PP Present address: 7 Gentian Court Braiswick Colchester C04 5UF ANDREW H. KING Department of Earth Sciences University College Swansea SA2 8PP Present address: Typescript received 2 May 1989 Revised typescript received 14 July 1989 Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program West Building Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0DJ THE SOLUTE D EN D ROC YSTO 1 D ES SCOTICUS FROM THE UPPER ORDOVICIAN OF SCOTLAND AND THE ANCESTRY OF CHORDATES AND ECHINODERMS by R. P. S. JEFFERIES Abstract. A study of the solute Dendrocystoides scoticus (Bather), from the Upper Ordovician Ashgill Series, near Girvan, Scotland produces much new anatomical information. The positions of head, tail, the tube feet in the feeding arm, hydropore, gonopore, gonad, pharynx, stomach, anus, brain, left trigeminal ganglion, gill slit (at posterior left in the head), notochord, and tail muscles are deduced. In their basic structure, solutes resemble cornutes, especially the primitive cornute Ceratocystis , but differ in retaining a water vascular system, and in other ways. They can be compared in detail with the inferred latest common ancestor of chordates and echinoderms, visualized as resembling the hemichordate Cephalodiscus lying on its right side. The tail of solutes is almost certainly homologous with that of cornutes, and therefore with the tail of chordates in general. It is also probably homologous with the locomotory stalk of Cephalodiscus. If so, the tail ( = stalk) was lost early in the evolution of the Echinodermata, while the water vascular system was lost in the early evolution of the Chordata. The Soluta, if characterized as retaining both a tail and a water vascular system, would therefore have included the latest common ancestor of chordates and echinoderms. Dendrocystoides scoticus probably belonged to the stem group of the Chordata, on the basis of several advanced features shared with Cornuta including, especially, the posterior left position of the gill slit. The ‘carpoids’ placed in the group Cincta, on the other hand, probably belonged to the echinoderm stem group but were primitive for echinoderms in possessing a gill slit, located in an anterior, presumably primitive, position like the left gill slit of Cephalodiscus. If the tail of solutes is homologous with the tail of cornutes, then the latter organ, contrary to the ‘aulacophore’ interpretation of Ubaghs, cannot be a feeding arm. The aim of this paper is to determine the phylogenetic, and therefore systematic, position of the Soluta. These are a group of strange fossils which are characterized by a feeding arm at one end of the animal and a different appendage (in my view a locomotory tail) at the other end. They have a calcite skeleton of echinoderm type but lack any trace of radial symmetry and for this reason are traditionally placed in the ‘carpoid echinoderms’. They are found in marine rocks of Lower Cambrian to Devonian age and comprise 15 described species placed in 13 genera. I approach the problem of the systematic position of the solutes by a detailed anatomical study of one species, the late Ordovician Dendrocystoides scoticus (Bather), chosen because it is abundant in accessible collections. It is the only species in its genus but is very similar to Dendrocystites Barrande 1887 from the Ordovician of Czechoslovakia, differing mainly in having a better developed anti-brachial process. My studies convince me that the solutes are built on the same basic plan as the stem-group chordates known as Cornuta. I also believe, however, that the latest common ancestor of the echinoderms and chordates, if it were ever found, would be regarded as a solute. This means that the Soluta, characterized by the possession of a locomotory tail and a feeding arm, straddle the phylogenetic separation between chordates and echinoderms, which gives them the status of an invalid stem group of the Dexiothetica (Tmechte Stammgruppe’ to use the expression of Hennig 1969). Further work will be needed to decide which of them belong to the true stem group of the Dexiothetica, which of them can be assigned to the stem group of the chordates or of the echinoderms, and which of them, being close in systematic position to the latest common ancestor of chordates and echinoderms, should remain in the nodal group of the Dexiothetica. IPalaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 631-679, 7 pls.| © The Palaeontological Association 632 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 The conclusion, presented in this paper, that the solute tail is homologous with the cornute tail, is important to the general morphological interpretation of cornutes, since the solutes possess, in addition to this tail, an appendage clearly homologous with an echinoderm feeding arm. In such case, as Paul (1977, p. 126) pointed out, the cornute tail, contrary to the view of Ubaghs (1968) and Parsley (1988), cannot itself be a feeding arm. In a different direction, I shall argue that the tail of solutes is homologous with the locomotory and prehensile stalk of hemichordates such as Cephalodiscus. If so, and if the hemichordates include, or else constitute, the extant sister group of the Dexiothetica, then the latest common ancestor of echinoderms and chordates would have had such a tail. And the echinoderms, as an autapomorphy of the group Echinodermata, would have lost this organ (contrary to the view expressed in Jefferies 1988, p. 11). It follows that the mere possession of a stalk or tail does not characterize an animal as a chordate. Which way up the solutes lay in life is a matter of dispute. Bather (1913, p. 505) and Caster (1968) oriented the animal with the arm on the left, if the tail is towards the observer, and accordingly spoke of an obverse face (presumably upper) and a reverse face (presumably lower). Kolata, Strimple and Levorson (1977), however, considered it more likely, on functional grounds, that the solutes lay the other way up and used ‘aboral’ for the presumed upper and ‘oral’ for the presumed lower surface. I agree with Kolata's orientation of the solutes, partly on functional grounds and partly because it agrees with the likely orientation, accepted by all workers, of the cornutes. I use ‘dorsal' for the presumed upper and ‘ventral’ for the presumed lower surface. These terms, for me, are intended to imply homology with ‘dorsal' and ‘ventral’ in chordates, but not with ‘dorsal’ and ‘ventral’ in echinoderms where the terms mean the exact opposite to what they do in chordates (Jefferies, Lewis and Donovan 1 987, p. 474). For me, therefore, ‘ left ’ and ‘ right ' in solutes mean the opposite of what they did for Caster (1968). I studied Dendrocystoides scoticus by reconstructing it on a drawing board, as with previous studies done in the British Museum (Natural History) (Jefferies 1968, 1969, 1973; Jefferies and Lewis 1978; Jefferies and Prokop 1972; Jefferies et al. 1987; Craske and Jefferies 1989; Cripps 1988, 1989 a, b, in press). Six different projections (dorsal, ventral, right, left, posterior, anterior) were drawn simultaneously, firstly of the outside and then of the superficial internal anatomy of the animal. The reconstruction was difficult since the fossils, although numerous, are all incomplete. Moreover D. scoticus changed shape as it grew and the plating was largely irregular. The reconstruction of the external shape was largely based on latex casts, but silicone rubber casts were sometimes taken by pressing part and counterpart together against silicone rubber (Wacker RTV-M531 with catalyst T461). The superficial internal anatomy was reconstructed on the basis of internal moulds which, being negatives of the skeleton, can be regarded as positives of the soft parts. The in vivo shape of certain parts of the skeleton was reconstructed using large cardboard replicas of the plates and fixing them together with masking tape. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Superphylum deuterostomia Grobben, 1908 Subsuperphylum dexiothetica Jefferies, 1979 ?Phylum chordata Bateson, 1886 (If a chordate, then stem group of the Chordata) soluta Jaekel, 1900 (invalid stem group of the Dexiothetica) Genus Dendrocystoides Jaekel 1918 Species Dendrocystoides scoticus (Bather 1913) Remarks. Dendrocystoides scoticus is probably a stem-group chordate, as argued below, though at present this conclusion is tentative. It is certain, on the other hand, that D. scoticus is a solute, if the Soluta are characterized as a group retaining both a feeding arm and a tail. On the other hand, JEFFERIES: DENDROCYSTOIDES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 633 the position of the Soluta, straddled across the phylogenetic separation of the Echinodermata and Chordata, makes them an invalid stem group of the Dexiothetica which further research will probably break down. These uncertainties explain the disorderliness of the above systematic ‘address’. Ax (1984, 1987) has argued that Linnaean categorial ranks above the species level are arbitrary and ought to be discontinued, except for the genus which is necessary for nomenclatorial reasons. I agree with Ax on this (Craske and Jefferies 1989) and the ranks assigned above are purely traditional (superphylum, phylum) or got by interpolation (subsuperphylum). The group Soluta, set up by Jaekel (1900) as a suborder, is exactly coextensive with the Homoistelea, set up by Gill and Caster (1960) as a subclass and raised by Caster (1968) to the rank of class. Since Linnaean categorial ranks are arbitrary, not real, the difference between Homoiostelea and Soluta is purely conventional and the term ‘Homoiostelea’, being younger than ‘Soluta’, ought to be abandoned. Dendrocystoides scoticus (Bather 1913) Plates 1-7; text-figures 2-11, 21 1913 Dendrocystis scotica Bather; Bather, p. 391. 1913 Dendrocystis scotica ; Woodward, p. 421, 423 1918 Dendrocystoides scoticus Bather sp.; Jaekel, p. 123. 1920 Dendrocystis scotica \ Hawkins, p. 134. 1925 Dendrocystis scotica ; Bather, p. 5. 1928 Dendrocystis scotica ; Bather, p. 5. 1929 Dendrocystis scotica ; Bather, p. 34. 1932 Dendrocystis scotica ; Hennig, p. 170. 1934 Dendrocystoides scotica (Bather); Dehm, p. 39. 1937 Dendrocystis scotica; Woods, p. 175. 1938 Dendrocystis scotica ; Bassler, p. 85, as type species of Dendrocystoides Jaekel 1918. 1941 Dendrocystis scotica Bather; Chauvel, p. 241. 1943 Dendrocystoides scoticus (Bather); Bassler and Moody, p. 150. 1947 Dendrocystis scotica Bather; Begg, p. 30. 1948 Dendrocystis scotica., Cuenot, p. 14. 1960 Dendrocystis scotica ; Spinar, p. 668. 1960 Dendrocystis scotica ; Termier and Termier, p. 87. 1965 Dendrocystoides scotica ; Parsley and Caster, p. 162. 1968 Dendrocystoides scoticus (Bather); Caster, p. S587. 1982 Dendrocystoides scoticus (Bather); Melendez, p. 688. Comments on synonymy. Dendrocystoides scoticus is the only known species of its genus and is also the type species by original designation (Jaekel 1918, p. 123). Dendrocystis Bather 1889 is an objective junior synonym of Dendrocystites Barrande 1887, of which the type species is Cystidea sedgwicki Barrande 1867. D. scoticus is a famous animal and Bather’s reconstruction of it (1913, text-fig. 8, p. 374) has been quoted in many text books and general works without mentioning the trivial name. Such citations are not included in the above list. History of study. The anatomy of D. scoticus has previously been dealt with in two important works: Bather (1913) and Caster (1968). Bather’s most notable contribution was to discover the anus for the first time in solutes. Caster was responsible for a number of striking advances: he was the first to discover the pore nodes (hydropore node and gonopore node) in this species and he noted prominences which he called ‘horns’, though he gave no clear account of their position and relations. He also greatly clarified the systematic situation by distinguishing between D. scoticus Bather and the very different solute Girvanicystis batheri Caster which occurs in the same bed. Material. The material examined is as follows: British Museum (Natural History): Gray Collection, El 66220-El 6223, E23195-E23200, E23202-E2321 5 (including holotype E23207), E23217-E23231, E23233- E23244, E23246-E23247, E23249-E23255, E23257-E23259, E23289, E23339, E23346-E23348, E23351, E23459, E23461, E23466, E23472, E23700, E23714, E23718, E23759, E23762, E23764, E23765, E23768, 634 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 E23769, E28410-E28416, E28418, E28422, E28423, E28426, E28428, E28432-E28435, E28438-E28450, E28452-E28456, E28459, E28460, E28463-E28478, E28481, E28483-E28507, E2851 1, E28513-E28515, E28517, E28519, E28521-E28529, E28531-E28538, E28540-E28550, E28556, E28557, E28576-E28583, E28585-E28589, E28592-E28596, E28598-E28602, E28760-E28821, E28823, E28825-E28830, E28832- E28836, E28838-E28851, E28853, E28854, E28856-E28860, E28863-E28872, E28874-E28880, E29602- E29609, E52763, E52765, E52870, E62619, E62620, E62622-E62626, E62754, E62755; L. R. M. Cocks Collection, E29365; A. B. Smith Collection, E62521-E62533, E62537; R. P. Tripp Collection, E62778- E62779. Hunterian Museum, Glasgow: E5718, E5719, E5722-E5725, E5729-E5732, E5734-E5736, E5738, E5777, E5778, E5782, E5789, E5792, E5794, E5795, E5797, E5798, E5801-E5803, E5820-E5823, E5826, E5827, E5842, E5856, E5890, E5892, E5893, E5914, E5915, E5947. The total number of specimens examined was 399 and the number of individuals was rather greater than this. Horizon and locality. All of the specimens examined were from the famous Starfish Bed of the Upper Ordovician Ashgill Series, near Girvan, Scotland. The locality is S6 of Harper (1982, p. 265) which is at National Grid reference NS 2503 0379 on the south bank of the stream called Ladyburn. The valley in which the Ladyburn flows is sometimes called Threave (or Thraive) Glen. For details see Harper (1981, p. 28) and text-fig. 1 herein. This locality is about 8-5 km NE of the church at Girvan (formerly in Ayrshire, now in Stratchclyde Region, Scotland). 24 25 26 text-fig. 1. General position and detailed map of the Starfish Bed locality (S6 of Harper 1982). Locality map traced from Ordnance Survey 1 : 25 000, sheet NS20, Dailly. The dotted lines are field boundaries (stone walls). According to Harper (1981), the Ladyburn Starfish Bed at this locality is 48 cm thick and divided into three beds (a, b, and c). The lowest of these (Bed a) is 22 cm thick, the famous Starfish Bed of the Gray family and it probably yielded most of the known fossils. Bed b is about 10 cm thick and relatively unfossiliferous, while Bed c is 15 cm thick and contains abundant fossils, though it is not so productive as Bed a. Stratigraphically, the Starfish Bed is near the top of the Farden Member of the South Threave Formation of the Drummuck Group and belongs to the topmost part of the Rawtheyan Stage of the Ashgill Series (Harper 1984, p. 3). The matrix of the fossils is a greenish silty sandstone. A considerable clay-grade admixture accounts for the good histological detail of the preserved fossils. The calcite of the skeleton of D. scoticus has nearly always been dissolved so that the plates are now represented by rust-lined cavities in the rock. As to conditions of deposition, the beautifully articulated condition of many of the fossils of the Starfish Bed JEFFERIES: D E N D RO C YSTO I D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 635 suggests that they were killed by burial (obrution in Seilacher’s terminology; see Goldring and Stephenson 1972, p. 612) or perhaps were buried immediately after death. Goldring and Stephenson considered that the Starfish Bed was laid down in shallow water, but Harper (1981) believed that the fossils did not normally live where they are now found, and that the rocks of the Ashgill Series near Girvan were deposited as a turbidite fan at the foot of the continental slope of a continent which lay NW of the lapetus Ocean. This implies that the fossils of the Starfish Bed normally lived on the continental shelf north-west of where they are now found and died when they were carried south-eastwards, downslope and out to sea by turbidity currents. It seems quite possible that the animals of the Ladyburn Starfish Bed were transported by turbidity currents, as Harper believes, shortly before they died. It seems unlikely that they were usually dead before burial, however. A particular reason for believing that they were killed by burial, as Goldring and Stephenson proposed, is seen in the cornute Cothurnocystis elizae (Jefferies 1968, p. 255), where the dorsal and ventral integuments are often separated from each other by a thin layer of rock behind the mouth and right of the strut in the head, but are in contact with each other farther away from the mouth, left of the strut. This suggests that the animal ingested a last mouthful of mud, before being killed. If after death it had then been tumbled about by turbidity currents on the sea floor, it seems almost certain that the mud inside the animal would have become evenly distributed, instead of being preferentially right of the strut as observed. I therefore believe that the articulated fossils of the Starfish Bed, such as C. elizae and D. scoticus , lived, at least for a few seconds, where they are now found, even if they had been transported downslope by a turbidity current just before death. ANATOMICAL DESCRIPTION General morphology Dendrocystoid.es scoticus consists of a head, an arm and a tail. In the following description, I shall deal with the external anatomy first and the internal soft-part anatomy later. The main features of D. scoticus , in my view, can readily be compared with those of cornutes, as will gradually become clear from what follows. So far as possible, I therefore apply the cornute terminology which I have used in my previous work (see e.g. Jefferies 1986, Chap. 7). In this sense, for example, I use ‘right’, ‘left’, ‘dorsal’, ‘ventral’, ‘anterior’, ‘posterior’ and ‘fore tail’, ‘mid tail’ and ‘hind tail’. When naming particular plates I use an objective notation, similar to that formerly applied to cornutes and mitrates (e.g. Jefferies 1968). In this notation: CP = cover plate of arm; D = dorsal plate of arm; M = marginal plate (of tail insertion); P = proximal plate of arm base; suffixes i 2 3 etc. refer to position in a proximo-distal sequence; suffix L = left; suffix R = right; suffix M = median; suffix A = anterior; suffix P = posterior; suffix D = dorsal; suffix v = ventral. The head is trapezium-shaped in dorsal aspect (text-fig. 2). The trapezium is widest near the posterior end of the head and becomes narrower anteriorly. The tail is inserted somewhat left of the middle of the posterior edge. The size of D. scoticus can never be precisely measured in all aspects, partly because the specimens are incomplete and partly because the head was not rigid. One of the best-preserved individuals is E28768 in the BM(NH) (pi. 6, fig. 2). The total length was about 128 mm as preserved (the tail is incomplete), the head width was about 32 mm (the left side is missing), the arm was about 28 mm long, the head length was about 36 mm, and the tail length, so far as preserved, was 76 mm. External features of the head. The head is approximately, but not accurately, bilaterally symmetrical. The most obvious departures from symmetry are that the arm is at anterior right, an antibrachial process is at anterior left, the right posterior lobe of the head (bearing the anus) is larger and more rounded than the left posterior lobe (the latter bearing, as I believe, a gill slit), and the left side of the head in dorsal aspect shows an obtuse lateral prominence, while no such prominence exists on the right. The dorsal surface of the head is less flat than the ventral surface, though, in this respect, the difference between the two surfaces is less obvious in very large specimens (on which the reconstruction in text-fig. 2 is based; cf. pi. 1, figs. 1-3, text-fig. 4) than in smaller ones (pi. 1, figs. 4-8, text-fig. 4). On the dorsal surface there are an anterior and a posterior dorsal prominence. The anterior dorsal prominence is situated in the mid line between the base of the arm (on the right) and 636 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 2. Dendrocystoides scoticus Bather. Reconstruction of external features: (a) right lateral aspect; (b) dorsal aspect and transverse section of hind tail; ( c ) ventral; (d) posterior (omitting tail); (e) anterior (omitting arm); (/) left lateral. the antibrachial process (on the left). In middle-sized individuals it is thimble-shaped and slopes equally in all directions (pi. 1, fig. 5, text-fig. 4). In large individuals, however, it projects strongly forwards, so that its anterior face is actually an overhang and visible in ventral aspect (text-fig. 2; pi. 1, fig. 3, text-fig. 4; pi. 6, figs. 2, 6, text-fig. 9), (text-fig. 2; pi. 1, fig. 3, text-fig. 4; pi. 6, figs 2, 6, text-fig. 9). The posterior dorsal prominence is situated somewhat right of the mid line. It is capped by a hemispherical plate (pi. 3, fig. 9; text-fig. 6) and usually slopes away from this plate in all directions at about 40°. Like the anterior prominence, the posterior prominence is most obvious in large individuals. On the ventral surface, there are likewise anterior and posterior prominences. Especially in small and medium-sized individuals, however, these protrude much less than the dorsal prominences (pi. 1, fig. 5, text-fig. 4; pi. 6, fig. 4, text-fig. 9). Their summits approximately underlie the positions of the corresponding dorsal prominences, but are somewhat more posterior. Caster (1968, p. S591) JEFFERIES: D E N D ROC YSTO I D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 637 referred to the anterior and posterior ventral prominences respectively as the distal and proximal obverse tumescences. In transverse section through the head, dorsal and ventral surfaces meet at a sharp angle on the left, posterior to the obtuse lateral prominence already mentioned, and the plates of the respective surfaces meet at this edge along a rather straight line (text-fig. 2; pi. 7, figs. 1 5, text-fig. 10). This line probably functioned as a hinge, allowing the roof of the head to be raised and lowered slightly in this region. On the right side of the head, dorsal and ventral surfaces meet at a rounded contact in transverse section, with no sign of such a hinge. The plates of the head skeleton are in general unspecialized and irregular. There are, however, some specialized and nameable plates, particularly at the arm base, at the tail insertion, in the anal region right of the tail and in the region of the gill slit left of the tail. These specialized plates will be described below when the respective parts are discussed. The arm. The arm projects forwards and somewhat downwards from the anterior right extremity of the head (text-fig. 2; pi. 2, fig. 1, text-fig. 5; pi. 6, fig. 2, text-fig. 9). Its skeleton consists of four series of plates - two series of cover plates ventrally and two series of larger ‘flooring’ plates dorsally which, to avoid ambiguity, I shall refer to as dorsal plates. The exact length of the arm cannot be determined because it is never complete in the available specimens. The cover plates are shorter and more numerous than the dorsal plates, except in the proximal part of the arm, and there is no numerical correspondence between dorsal-plate and cover-plate series. The right and left cover plates exactly alternate with each other, whereas the right and left dorsal plates do not. The right and left cover-plate series meet at a smooth curve externally, without interdigitating, though the two series do interdigitate internally where the plates are complexly sculptured. Analogy with echinoderms suggest that the cover plates could open in life so that tube feet could emerge. The right and left dorsal series of plates, on the other hand, would have been flexibly but permanently held together at the dorsal edge of the arm. In transverse section (text-fig. lie) the arm was not symmetrical for its dorsal edge was consistently leftward of the line of contact of right and left cover plates. The cover plates abut against each other, whereas the dorsal plates imbricate, each one being overlapped posteriorly by its more proximal neighbour. This imbrication would allow the arm to bend in life, especially upwards, rightwards and leftwards. The plates of the arm-base region, as already mentioned, are specialized (text-fig. 3; pi. 2, fig. 2; pi. 5, figs. 3, 5, 6, text-fig. 8; pi. 6, figs. 5-7, text-fig. 9). The most proximal pair of cover plates, given the notation CPlL and CP1R, are much larger than more distal cover plates, some of which they strongly overlap. Right and left proximal cover plates meet each other at a flat suture and it is fairly certain that they could not open in life. This is shown by a pathological specimen (pi. 6, fig. 7, text- fig. 9) in which an extra plate is inserted distally between the two first cover plates and has formed with them a typical triple junction where the sutures meet at 120°. Such a junction shows that all three plates had always grown in mutual contact, without relative movement. The most proximal pair of dorsal plates (Dn , D1R) make broad contact with the most proximal cover plates, and differ from more distal dorsal plates in not meeting at the dorsal edge of the arm. Indeed, they stop dorsally far short of this edge, since the right one abuts dorsally against the right dorsal proximal plate of the arm base (PRD) and the left one against the left dorsal proximal plate (PLD). A third proximal plate, ventral and somewhat right of median in position with respect to the arm, is named the median ventral proximal plate (PVM). It makes contact anteriorly with the two most proximal cover plates (CP1L, CP1R) and D1R, while dorsally on the right it abuts against Pl{n. On the left of the arm base, the gap between PVM and PLD is filled, behind D1L, with two or three irregular plates. The right dorsal proximal plate ( P RD) carries a boss penetrated by small holes. The histological nature of this boss suggests that it is a node for hydropores (Caster 1968, fig. 372, p. S584) since its porosity resembles the madreporic plate of an echinoid. This suggestion is confirmed by the position of the boss near the mouth, since the latter presumably lay at the base of the arm, and the hydropore is the opening nearest the mouth in cystoids such as Glyptosphaerites (Jefferies 1986, fig. 7.18). 638 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 gonopore node 2 L L D 1 Omm text-fig. 3. Dendrocystoides scoticus. External anatomy of arm-base region: ( a ) anterior aspect (arm omitted distal to D2R); (b) dorsal; (c) ventral; (d) right lateral. JEFFERIES: D EN D RO C YSTO 1 D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 639 Anterior part of the head. Another set of openings is situated slightly above and left of the hydropore node, at the right base of the anterior dorsal prominence. These openings are variable. Each one is located at the summit of a small paraboloidal calcitic process. The number of these processes ranges from one to about six or seven and they are joined at their bases. The processes, with their pores, are sometimes grouped around the suture between two plates, but sometimes are situated in the middle of a plate. When best developed, the openings are obvious, circular and about 150 //m in diameter (pi. 5, fig. 3, text-fig. 8). Sometimes, however, a circular slight concavity of the same diameter is present at the distal end of a process but is not penetrated by a hole (pi. 5, figs 5, 6, text- fig. 8; pi. 6, fig. 5, text-fig. 9). Such blind processes give the impression that an opening which previously existed had been occluded with skeletal calcite during life. If the mouth was situated at the base of the arm, as seems likely on echinoderm analogies, then the pores now being discussed would be farther from the mouth than the hydropore is, since they do not penetrate one of the standardized plates of the arm base but are situated on, or between, the irregular plates just behind and above these. The openings at the ends of the paraboloidal processes are probably gonopores. This is suggested by their position, since in cystoids such as Glyptosphaerites (Jefferies 1986, fig. 7-18, p. 217) the gonopore is consistently farther away from the mouth than is the hydropore. Also, if the openings were gonopores, their frequent occlusion could represent closure when not reproducing. If these openings were gonopores, then the anterior dorsal prominence of the head, at the base of which their canals emerge, probably represents the position of a gonad. As discussed later, the limits of the gonad seem to show on the surface of the natural internal mould. Despite special search, no feature was observed in these presumed gonopores which might have suggested separate sexes. I therefore cannot say whether this solute was dioecious or hermaphrodite. The antibrachial process, situated at the left anterior extremity of the head, is, like the dorsal prominences, variable in shape and relative size. It is best developed in the largest specimens as shown in the reconstructions (text-figs. 2, 1 1) and in pi. 1, fig. 1 (text-fig. 4), and in these specimens it projects downwards, leftwards and forwards from the head. In some smaller specimens it is relatively small and projects leftwards (pi. 1, fig. 7, text-fig. 4). It is more prominent in D. scoticus than in any other known species of solute, although Bather (1889) records its presence, more weakly developed, in Dendrocystites sedgwicki (Barrande 1867) from the Upper Llandeilo Letna Formation of Czechoslovakia. By projecting downwards and forwards in Dendrocystoides scoticus, its shape and orientation are: (1) grossly the same as the arm, but on the opposite side of the head; and (2) reminiscent of the anterior appendages of cornutes, which probably functioned in locomotion to hinder forward movement and facilitate rearward movement (Jefferies 1986, p. 193). During locomotion, the arm and the antibrachial process of D. scoticus may well have functioned in a similar way to these cornute appendages, preventing the head from moving forwards during locomotion and helping it to slide rearwards. The position of the antibrachial process on the left side of the head suggests that it counterbalanced the arm in locomotion, resisting forces acting leftwards and forwards, whereas the arm would resist those acting rightwards and forwards. The teal. The tail consists of three parts, the fore, the mid and the hind tail, and I believe that these regions are probably homologous with the like-named parts of the cornute tail. The skeleton of the hind tail (text-fig. 2; pi. 6, figs. 2, 6, text-fig. 9; pi. 7, figs. 1, 2, text-fig. 10) consists of a dorsal and a ventral series of plates which between them enclose a distally tapering canal, circular in transverse section (text-fig. 2b). Except anteriorly towards the mid tail, the plates of the ventral series are thicker walled than those of the dorsal series and occupy much more of the external surface. Because of this, the canal is not central in a transverse section of the hind tail but located entirely dorsal to the centre. Dorsal and ventral plates tend to alternate in position and therefore would have interlocked. Consequently it seems almost certain that, in life, the hind tail was rigid in all directions. At the posterior end of the hind tail there seems to have been a ventrally-directed rigid hook, ending abruptly, and the axis of the hook is at about 70° to the axis of the rest of the hind tail (text- 640 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 fig. 2a, f; pi. 1, fig. 4). In the hook, the dorsal and ventral series of plates are more equally massive than anteriorly and the canal more nearly central in transverse section. A reason for doubt is that the hook as reconstructed is based on a single specimen only and this, as preserved, is not now connected to the rest of the tail. All the other specimens of the hind tail either end abruptly (pi. 6, fig. 6) or else, much more commonly, the tail runs over the edge of the block and is not seen. I believe, however, that the hook probably belongs to D. scoticus since it clearly is part of a solute and since Caster (1968, p. S709, fig. 382/4) has published a photograph of a similar terminal hook in Dendrocystites barrandei (Bather 1913), a species which in most respects is very similar to Dendrocystoides scoticus. Also Ubaghs (in Ubaghs and Robison 1985, figs. 1, 2, 8, 9; text-fig. 16a herein) has recorded a specialized terminal hook, in my view directed ventrally, in the tail of the American Middle Cambrian solute Castericystis vali Ubaghs and Robison 1985. Anteriorly in the hind tail of D. scoticus the ossicles shorten, both in the dorsal and the ventral series. In the fore tail (text-fig. 2) the skeleton consisted of major and intercalary plates surrounding a large lumen. The major plates are in four series - right, dorsal and ventral, and left, dorsal and ventral. Each dorsal major plate is united at a suture (pi. 3, fig. 9, text-fig. 6; pi. 7, fig. 7, text-fig. 10) with a ventral major plate on the same side to form a C-shaped element built of two plates. Successive C-shaped elements have curved edges where they meet the dorsal and ventral mid-line of the tail, and these edges overlap, or are overlapped by, those of the C-shaped elements of the opposite side (pi. 3, fig. 9, text-fig. 6; pi. 6, figs. 2, 4, text-fig. 9). The number of C-shaped elements is about nine on both sides. The intercalary plates of the fore tail (pi. 1, fig. 9; pi. 6, fig. 2, text-fig. 9) are small and irregular and were evidently carried in a pliable, small-plated integument which connected the major plates together. They are most obvious near the anterior end of the fore tail, especially at the dorsal and ventral mid-lines. The exact shape of the major plates suggests that the foretail was able to flex, particularly rightwards and leftwards, but also up and down. The lumen of the fore tail was presumably largely filled with muscle and some anticompresional structure, probably a notochord, would be needed to allow flexion without telescoping. The quadriserial skeleton of the fore tail is comparable with that in most cornutes, particularly with the two least crownward of known cornutes Ceratocystis perneri and Protocystites menevensis , in which right and left ventral plates strongly overlap each other in the ventral mid line (text-fig. 14b; Jefferies 1986, p. 214; Jefferies et al. 1987, fig. 10b, p. 442). The mid tail of D. scoticus has a complicated and rather irregular skeleton, transitional between the fore tail and hind tail (text-fig. 2). The dorsal hind-tail series of ossicles can be followed continuously forward into the right dorsal series of major plates in the fore tail (pi. 6, fig. 2, text- fig. 9). And the ventral hind-tail series of ossicles can likewise be followed forward into the right ventral series of major fore-tail plates (pi. 6, fig. 3, text-fig. 9; pi. 7, fig. 1, text-fig. 10). The left side of the mid tail is not comparable for it begins posteriorly with a single half-cone-shaped plate (the posterior left mid-tail plate; pi. 6, fig. 3, text-fig. 9; pi. 7, fig. 1, text-fig. 10) which is neither dorsal nor ventral in position, but left lateral. A dorsal and a ventral plate abut against this anteriorly, and are the posterior members of series leading respectively into the dorsal left and ventral left major plates of the fore tail. This description of the transition between hind tail and fore tail differs from that of Caster (1968, pp. S583ff.) who considered that, in all solutes, the left ventral hind-tail series passed forward into either the left or right ventral fore-tail series, while the dorsal hind-tail series would pass forward into the diagonally opposite dorsal fore-tail series. In other words, if the ventral hind-tail series passed into the left ventral fore-tail series, then the dorsal hind-tail series would pass forward into the right dorsal fore-tail series and vice versa. Perhaps Caster's description is true for some solutes. It does not hold for D. scoticus. Ubaghs (1981) has argued that the tails of solutes are not homologous with those of cornutes and mitrates or, as he would say, the solute stele is not homologous with the cornute and mitrate aulacophore. This assertion reflects his view that the ‘aulacophores’ of cornutes and mitrates were feeding arms. In accordance with this view, he believes that what he calls the cover plates of cornutes could open to reveal a water-vascular system inside the appendage. (The Ubaghs school JEFFERIES: D END RO C Y STO I D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 641 formerly asserted the same of the mitrate ‘cover plates’ but have since decided that such opening in the mid-line could not happen [Parsley 1982, 1988].) In support of his opinion that the tails of solutes are not homologous with those of cornutes, Ubaghs (1981, p.3flf.) has cited some genuine differences between them: (1) the hind-tail skeleton of solutes consists of an upper and lower series of ossicles, rather than a lower series of ossicles with paired ‘cover plates’; (2) the mid-tail skeleton of solutes is made of many somewhat irregular plates whereas the mid tail of cornutes is dominated by a single element, the stylocone, with ‘cover plates’ above it; and, (3) the canal of the hind tail of solutes expands gradually into the funnel-shaped lumen of the mid tail which passes gradually, in turn, into the broad lumen of the fore tail, whereas in cornutes the lumen of the stylocone is sharply distinct from the canal of the more distal parts of the tail (although continuous with it). In my view these real differences do not show that the tails of solutes, cornutes and mitrates are not basically homologous. They merely show, as might be expected, that these organs are not in all ways the same. The plates of the tail insertion (text-fig. 2; pi. 7, figs. 6, 7, text-fig. 10) do not seem to be completely standardised and the region was difficult to reconstruct since very few specimens show it in both ventral and dorsal aspect - most of the known specimens of D. scoticus are not preserved as part and counterpart. Normally there seem to have been seven plates: two large dorsal plates, which I classify as left and right first dorsal marginals with the notation M1LD and M1RD, one large posterior median ventral plate (Mpv), and sometimes two smaller marginal plates on the left and the right, dorsal and ventral to each other - M2RD and MRV on the right and M2LD and MLV on the left. I am doubtful whether these smaller marginal plates always number two on each side, or whether there may not sometimes be one less or one more. The internal structure of the plates of the tail insertion will be discussed below. Caster (1968, p. S592) referred to the plates of the tail insertion as the adsteleal girdle. Posterior part of the head. As to the head openings, the gonopores and hydropores have been described already and the position of the mouth, at the base of the arm, has been implied. Two openings remain to be discussed, the anus on the posterior face of the posterior right lobe of the head, and a gill slit, as I believe, at the end of the posterior left lobe of the head. I describe the anus first. As already mentioned, it was discovered by Bather (1913, p. 393) in D. scoticus for the first time in solutes. It is surrounded by an anal pyramid of long spike-shaped plates and this pyramid is set in a horizontally elongate periproct which was evidently flexible in life, and is armoured with numerous small plates (pi. 5, figs. 2, 4, text-fig. 8). The periproctal plates left of the anus are markedly elongate in a horizontal direction which suggests that the periproct here would sometimes bow outwards as part of a horizontal cylinder, which probably implies that the roof of the head could be pulled here towards the floor. Right of the anal pyramid, the periproctal plates are also horizontally elongate, but not to the same extent, which suggests that the roof here could be depressed, but not so much as left of the pyramid. The frame of the periproct is not well defined, since the integument plates tend to decrease in size towards the periproct. These framing plates tend to be imbricate, whereby the large ones outside the periproct overlap the peripheral plates of the periproct itself. Just to the right of the anus, both dorsally and ventrally, an individualised framing plate larger than its neighbours is present, which Bather called the sugar-loaf plate because of its outline. Hence there are a dorsal and a ventral sugar-loaf plate (pi. 5, figs. 2, 4, text-fig. 8; pi. 6, figs. 2, 3, 6, text-fig. 9; pi. 7, figs. 6, 7, text-fig. 10). At the sugar-loaf plates the frame of the periproct projects posteriorly. Perhaps these two plates helped the anus to protrude posteriorly during defaecation. If a gill slit existed in D. scoticus we would expect, on cornute analogies, that it would be located near the left posterior angle of the head. As it happens, this region is difficult to reconstruct because few specimens show both part and counterpart and the region has usually been crushed on burial. Some specimens, however, show that there was an area of small plates in this region surrounded by a frame of larger plates (pi. 3, figs. 1, 2, text-fig. 6; pi. 7, fig. 5, text-fig. 10). The frame was made up ventrally of two or three rather thick, ventrally convex plates (subbranchial plates, pi. 3, fig. 2, 642 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 4. Dendrocystoides scoticus. Half-scale outline drawings of figs. 1-3 and 5-8 of pi. 1. Each drawing has the same number as the corresponding photograph on the plate; a.-br. pr. = antibrachial process; a. d. pr. = anterior dorsal prominence; a. lim. per. m. = anterior limit of peripheral muscle; a. v. pr. = anterior ventral prominence; lim. g. = limit of gonad; lim. ph. = limit of pharynx; p. d. pr. = posterior dorsal process; p. lim. ph. = posterior limit of pharynx; p. v. pr. = posterior ventral process; r. lim. per. m. = right limit of peripheral muscle; st. a.-br. = stump of antibrachial process. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I Figs. 1 13. Dendrocystoides scoticus. 1-3, Hunterian Museum, E5890; x L2. Internal mould of head and external mould of part of fore tail; 1, ventral aspect; 2, dorsal aspect; 3, left lateral aspect; see also text- figs. 4/1, 2, 3.4, BM(NH), E29609; x 1-2. Latex of terminal hook of hind tail in left lateral aspect (determination as D. scoticus not certain); th = terminal hook; cr = crinoid stem on same block. 5-8, BM(NH) E23339, x 2. Natural internal mould of head (figs. 5-7) and latex of anterior left portion of head (fig. 8). See text-fig. 4 (5-8). The presence of an antibrachial process and the anterior dorsal prominence on one and the same specimen shows that these structures are different. 9, BM(NH) E28529, x 5. Natural internal and external mould of posterior part of head and adjacent fore-tail region in ventral aspect to show, especially, the left pyriform body in ventral aspect (lpb). 10, BM(NH) E28470, x 5. Natural internal mould of posterior part of head and adjacent fore-tail region in ventral aspect to show, especially the brain (br) in undissected condition. 1 1, BM(NH) E28494, x 5. Natural internal mould of posterior part of head (plate Mpv) to show cast of brain in contact with Mpv, so far as it can be revealed by dissection. 12,13, BM(NH) E284 16; 12 x 2 ; 13, detail, x 5. Natural mould, mainly external, of posterior part of head, fore tail and mid tail in dorsal aspect, to show especially the left pyriform body (lpb) as an internal mould. PLATE I JEFFERIES, Dendrocystoides scoticus 644 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 5. Two-thirds-scale outline drawings of figs. I and 3-6 of pi. 2. Each drawing has the same number as the corresponding photograph on the plate; br. = brain; d. pi. = dorsal plate of arm; d. r. = dorsal ridge in infilling of arm; f. t. = fore tail; gonop. d. = gonopore duct; gr. = groove of unknown significance; hyd. d. = hydropore duct; hyd. n. = hydropore node; inf. DL = infilling of left dorsal arm plates; lim. gon. = limit of gonad; lim. stom. = limit of stomach; Ig. = long tube foot of a triad; med. = medium-length tube foot of a triad; or. part. = oral partition; p. d. pr. = posterior dorsal prominence; sh. = short tube foot of a triad; t. w. v. = terminal water vessel; CPR, PID, D, etc. = plates of arm and arm-base region; cf. text-fig. 3. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figs. 1-6. Dendrocystoides scoticus. All specimens in BM(NH). Compare text-fig. 5. 1,2, E28803. 1, Dorsal aspect of natural internal mould of head, arm and fore tail, x 2. 2, arm-base region x 5. 3, E28507, x 5. Natural internal mould of arm-base region in antero-ventral aspect x 5. 4, 5, E28787. Latexes of arm-base region, x 5; 4, ventral aspect. 5, dorsal aspect. 6, 7, E28790. Natural internal mould of arm in ventral aspect to show especially the terminal water vessel and the triads of lube feet. 6, x 10; 7, x 40, to show detail. PLATE 2 JEFFERIES, Dendrocystoides scoticus 646 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 6. Reduced-scale outline drawings ( x 0.6) of pi. 3, figs. 1-14. Each drawing has the same number as the corresponding photograph on the plate; br. = brain; br. op. = branchial opening; br. pi. = branchial plate; curv. med. e. = curved median edge of dorsal plate of fore tail; interc. = intercalary plate of fore tail; 1. perip. = left region of periproct; p. lim. ph. = posterior limit of pharynx; r. p. lim. st. = right posterior limit of stomach; subbr. pi. = subbranchial plate; sut. d./v. = suture between dorsal and ventral plate of fore tail; Mild’ M1rd, M2rd = plates of tail insertion; cf. text-fig. 2. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs. 1-14. Dendrocystoides scoticus . to show the gill slit (branchial opening) and associated structures. Compare text-fig. 6. Specimens in BM(NH). 1-7, E28454. 1 , 2 latexes of dorsal and ventral aspects; x2;3-7, cardboard model based on the latexes in figs. 1,2; x 036 of model, c. x4-9 of specimen. 3, Posterior aspect. 4, Anterior aspect. 5, Dorsal aspect. 6, Ventral aspect. 7, Left lateral aspect. 8-14, E23239. 8, General view of natural mould in dorsal aspect ( x 2) and the brachiopod shell which the Dendrocystoides scoticus was squashed upon at death - this brachiopod probably explains the inflation with mud of the posterior parts of the head and therefore the good preservation of the branchial region. 9, General view of latex of dorsal surface of head and fore tail ( x 2). Figs. 10-14, details of branchial region ( x 5). 10, Posterior aspect. 11, Lateral aspect. 12, Dorsal aspect. 13, Ventral aspect. 14, Left antero-lateral aspect. PLATE 3 JEFFERIES, Dendrocystoides scot ic us 648 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 7. Half-scale outline drawings of pi. 4, figs. 1-6. Each drawing has the same number as the corresponding photograph on the plate; a. lim. ph. = anterior limit of pharynx; ant. d. pr. = anterior dorsal prominence; ap. a. d. pr. = apex of anterior dorsal prominence; ap. p. d. pr. = apex of posterior dorsal prominence; br. = brain; f. t. = fore tail; gon. d. = gonadial duct; gon. str. = gonadial striae on surface of gonad; hyd. d. = hydropore duct; lim. gon. = limit of gonad; 1. fac. f. t. = lateral facet of dorsal plate of fore tail (making suture with corresponding ventral plate); or. part. = oral partition; p. lim. ph. = posterior limit of pharynx; p. lim. st. = posterior limit of stomach; r. p. lim. st. = right posterior limit of stomach; st. = stomach. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Figs. 1-6. Dendrocystoides scoticus. Natural internal moulds in dorsal aspect. Compare text-fig. 7. Specimens in BM(NH). 1, E28434, x 5. 2, E28769, Head and foretail x 2. 3, E28532, Left anterior part of head to show gonadial striae x 5. 4, E28601, Right anterior part of head x2. 5, E23199, Posterior left part of head x 2. 6, E28439, Posterior part of head and fore tail x 3. PLATE 4 JEFFERIES, Dendrocystoides scoticus 650 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 8. Reduced-scale outline drawings ( x0.6) of pi. 5, figs. 1-6. Each drawing has the same number as the corresponding photographs on the plate; a. d. pr. = anterior dorsal prominence; anus = anus; d. sug. If. = dorsal sugar-loaf plate; f. t. = fore tail; hyd. d. = hydropore duct; hyd. n. = hydropore node; lat. pr. = lateral prominence; lim. gon. = limit of gonad; 1. perip. = left region of periproct; occ. gon. = occluded gonopore; op. gon. = open gonopore; op. part. = oral partition; r. perip. = right region of periproct; v. sug. If. = ventral sugar loaf; CP1L, M1RD etc. = plates of arm, arm base and tail base as shown in text-figs. 2, 3. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Figs. 1-6. Dendrocystoides scoticus. Compare text-fig. 8. Specimens in BM(NH). 1, E28439, x 3. Natural internal mould of head and fore tail in dorsal aspect. 2, E23229, x 2. Latex of dorsal surface, to show especially the anus, periproct and dorsal sugar-loaf plate. 3, E23219, x 5. Latex of arm-base region with gonopore node and hydropore mode; one of the gonopores is occluded. 4, E23237, x 5. Latex of anal region in postero-ventral aspect. 5, E28592, x 5. Latex of arm-base region with gonopore node, hydropore node and the first cover plates in dorsal aspect. The gonopores are all occluded. 6, E23718, x 5. Latex of arm-base region with gonopore node and hydropore node. Some of the gonopores are occluded. PLATE 5 JEFFERIES, Dendrocystoides scoticus 652 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 9. Half-scale outline drawings of pi. 6, figs. 1-7. Each drawing has the same number as the corresponding photograph on the plate; a-br. pr. = antibrachial process; a. d. pr. = anterior dorsal prominence; adven. = adventitious plate between CP1L and CP1R; as. tr. = asymmetrical transition between mid tail and fore tail; a. v. pr. = anterior ventral prominence; curv. med. e. = curved median edge of dorsal plates of fore tail; d. sug. If. = dorsal sugar-loaf plate; d. pi. = dorsal plate of hind tail; gon. n. = gonopore node; hyd. n. = hydropore node; int. CPL, int. CPR = interior of left and right cover plates; interc. intercalary plate of fore tail; lat. pr. = lateral prominence; 1. d. pi. = left dorsal plate of fore tail; I. v. pi. = left ventral plate of fore tail; 1. perip. = left region of periproct; occ. gon. = occluded gonopore; op. gon. = open gonopore; p. 1. mid. t. = posterior left plate of mid tail; p. d. pr. = posterior dorsal prominence; r. perip. = right region of periproct; subbr. pi. = subbranchial plate; tr. end. = truncated end of tail; v. pi. = ventral plate of hind tail; v. sug. If. = ventral sugar-loaf plate; CPU, D1R, PLD etc. = plates of arm and arm base (see text- fig. 3); M1LD, Mpv etc. = plates of tail insertion (see text-fig. 2). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Figs. 1-7. Dendrocystoides scoticus. Latexes of BM(NH) specimens. Compare text-fig. 9. 1,2, 3, E28768. 1, Arm-base region, x 5. in dorsal aspect, with the hydropore node and gonopore node; one of the gonopores is occluded. 2, General view in dorsal aspect, x 1-2. 3, ventral aspect, with the asymmetries of the mid tail. 4, E28776, x 2, ventral aspect. 5, 6, E23700, dorsal aspect. 5, Detail of arm-base region, x 5. 6, General view note truncated tail and overhanging dorsal prominence. 7, E28794, x 10. Arm-base region in ventral aspect to show pathological adventitious plate between CP1R and CP1L. PLATE 6 JEFFERIES, Dendrocystoides scoticus 654 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 10. Reduced-scale outline drawings ( x 0.6) of pi. 7, figs. 1-7. Each drawing has the same number as the corresponding photograph on the plate: a-br. pr. = antibrachial process; as. tr. = asymmetrical transition between mid tail and fore tail; br. op. = branchial opening (gill slit); hr. pi. = branchial plate; curv. med. e. = curved median edge of ventral plate of fore tail; d. pi. = dorsal plate of hind tail; d. sug. If. = dosal sugar- loaf plate; interc. = intercalary plate of fore tail; lat. pr. = lateral prominence; I. h. 1. = left hinge line; 1. perip. = left region of periproct; p. 1. mid. t. = posterior left plate of mid tail; r. perip. = right region of periproct; subbr. pi. = subbranclnal plate; v. pi. = ventral plate of hind tail; v. sug. If. = ventral sugar-loaf plate; CPR, PRD etc. = plates of arm and arm insertion (see text-fig. 3); M1LD, Mpv etc. = plates of tail insertion (see text- fig. 2). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Figs. I 7. Dendrocystoides scoticus. BM(NH) specimens. Compare text-fig. 10. 1, 2, 3. E23198. To show structure of presumed left hinge line. I, Latex of ventral aspect, x 2. 2, Latex of dorsal aspect, x2. 3, Cardboard model (x 0-5 = c. x 8 for specimen) of the plates stippled in text-fig. 21/1, 2 to show how the dorsal and ventral plates met at a straight edge - the left hinge line. 4, 5, E23207, holotype, x 1-2. 4, Ventral aspect. 5, Dorsal aspect 42a, b. 6, 7, E28781. Latex ( x 2) of posterior part of head and fore tail, to show especially the plates of the tail insertion. 6, Dorsal aspect. 7, Ventral aspect. PLATE 7 JEFFERIES, Dendrocystoides scoticus 656 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 6; pi. 6, fig. 4, text-fig. 9; pi. 7, fig. 4, text-fig. 10). These would probably have raised the posterior left angle above the sea floor. Dorsally, the frame consisted of two or three large, rather irregular plates. In one specimen (pi. 3, figs. 8-12, text-fig. 6) the small plates of the posterior left angle of the head seem to be preserved in their proper articulation and form a cone pointing leftwards and rearwards. (Under the anterior part of the head of this specimen there is a large brachiopod perhaps the mud inside the head was squashed rearwards when the D. scoticus fell on top of this shell so that the posterior part of the head was preserved in an unusually inflated condition.) There is no single plate capping the cone. Indeed, the arrangement of the plates seems to be such that a small hole in the skeleton could open between the plates at the tip of the cone (pi. 3, fig. 11, text- fig. 6). I suggest that this small hole represents an outlet opening and, on cornute analogies, that it was a gill slit. Internal anatomy A number of grooves and other details can be seen on the internal moulds (text-fig. 11). Such grooves would correspond to ridges on the internal surface of the skeleton but it is more illuminating to consider them as indicating grooves in the surface of the soft parts and thus to use them directly in reconstructing the soft anatomy. Once again, I am influenced, at the outset, by the thought that, in basic plan, D. scoticus seems to be similar to the cornute Ceratocystis. None of the available specimens showed a complete internal mould. The diagrams of such a mould shown in text-figure I I are highly composite. One of the most obvious features in the internal mould is in the arm-base region. Dorsally this feature, called the oral partition (pi. 2, figs. 2, 3, text-fig. 5; pi. 4, fig. 1, text-fig. 7; pi. 5, fig. 1, text- fig. 8), is expressed as a deep groove in the natural internal mould, obliquely transverse to the arm and situated on the inner face of the dorsal arm-base plates P1D and PRD. Ventrally it passes into a shallow groove or break in slope, where it crosses the inner face of plate PVM. In the skeleton, it would correspond to a thin, sharp-topped wall on PRD and PLD which would partly separate the cavity of the arm form the rest of the head. On echinoderm analogies, the arm would contain a radial water vessel and tube feet and was probably used to pick food particles from the mud. Probably the arm would graze food from the mud by sweeping left and right through or over the superficial layer of the sea bottom. If so, the food particles would be passed back towards the base of the arm and there enter the head, through the mouth. The oral partition would delimit the brachial cavity posteriorly and would arch over the mouth. A probable indication of the tube feet is preserved on the ventral surface of the internal mould of the arm (text-fig. Ilf; pi. 2, figs. 6, 7, text-fig. 8): such moulds reveal, namely, a series of approximately sausage-shaped structures equal in number to the cover plates. In the terminology which I shall adopt, the proximal end of the sausage is situated where the latter makes contact with the dorsal plate, at right or left of the arm, while the distal end is near the median line of the arm. Each sausage is obliquely disposed so that its distal end is anterior to its proximal end. The long axis of the sausage runs diagonally across the relevant cover plate. The sausage itself overlaps distally on to the next cover plate anterior, near to the median line of the arm, while proximally it overlaps on to the next cover plate posterior, away from the median line of the arm. The distal part of each sausage is divided into three lobes by two grooves which run transverse to the length of the arm. Because of these grooves, each sausage is clearly divided into three lobes towards its distal end. A comparison of these structures with the tube feet of some crinoids is suggestive. Thus in many crinoids, such as Antedon (Nichols 1960), the tube feet are arranged in groups of three (text-fig. 12), each group arising from a terminal water vessel which itself branches from the radial water vessel. The three tube feet of a group differ in length, there being a long one distally, a short one proximally, and a medium-length one between the two others (‘distally’ and ‘proximally’ here refer to the position in the pinnule of the crinoid). The short and medium tube feet are in contact externally with a fold of soft tissue which is called a lappet and contains an ambulacral plate (a cover plate), whereas the long tube feet emerge between successive lappets. The lappets open when the tube feet in contact with them expand and they close when these tube feet contract. Because of their contained JEFFERIES: D EN D ROC Y STO I D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 657 text-fig. 1 1. Dendrocystoides scoticus. Reconstructed internal mould representing the superficial anatomy of the soft parts: (a) left lateral aspect of head; ( b ) dorsal; ( c ) ventral; (d) right lateral; (e) transverse section, seen from in front, of an arm near, but not at. its base; (/) soft parts of arm in ventral aspect. text-fig. 12. The tube feet of the crinoid Antedon bifida in oral aspect (after Nichols 1960, text fig. 1, modified), corresponding to the ventral aspect of Dendrocystoides. Note the arrangement of the tube feet (black) in triads, each with a long, a medium and a short tube foot, and the relation of the triads to the cover plates (dotted) and to the radial and terminal water vessels. 1 00 micrometres 658 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 musculature, the long tube feet can contract suddenly towards the ambulacral groove, the medium tube feet can contract suddenly towards or away from the groove, and the short tube feet can move m any direction. Paul and Smith (1984) have suggested that primitive echinoderms such as edrioasteroids could open the ambulacral plates or plating by pushing with their tube feet against the adradial faces of these plates, very much as crinoids do. The surfaces of the tube feet of crinoids are provided with sensitive outgrowths called papillae which, when stimulated, squirt out a stream of mucus to entangle microscopic prey. Such prey particles will normally bump first into the papillae of the long tube feet and, when once entangled, will then be passed to the medium tube feet, and from there to the short tube feet which will hand them, still wrapped in mucus, onto the ciliated tract of the ambulacral groove. By the beat of cilia in this groove, they will then be carried to the mouth. The sausage-shaped structures observed in D. scoticus may each correspond to the terminal water tube of a crinoid, together with the three attached tube feet. The three terminal lobes of the sausage would, in such case, correspond to the three tube feet of a group - short, medium and long. If this suggestion is correct, then the long tube foot, as in crinoids, will be the most distal member of its group (distal with respect to the arm), the medium tube foot will be in the middle of the group, and the short tube foot will be the most proximal. Moreover, as in crinoids, the longest tube foot will coincide in position with the contact between successive cover plates (lappets) whereas the short and medium tube foot will be in contact with the inner surface of the main part of a cover plate. Presumably the cover plate would open when the contiguous terminal water tube distended. These various correspondences seem too complex to be accidental and suggest that we are dealing here with genuine homologues. If so, then the grouping of tube feet into triads, and their observed relationship to cover plates, would probably be primitive for echinoderms, and this is true whether D. scoticus is a stem-group chordate (as is likely) or a stem-group dexiothete or even a stem-group echinoderm. This supports Nichols’ (1972, p. 536) assumption that the tube feet of eleutherozoans, which are always single rather than arranged in triads, were derived from triadic tube feet of crinoid type. There was no previous clear evidence for this assumption, however, since in hemichordates, which are the closest living relatives of the dexiothetes, the ciliated outgrowths on each arm of the mesocoel (which are perhaps homologous to tube feet and function in producing a feeding current [Lester 1985]) are never arranged in triads. The position of the radial water vessel in D. scoticus is uncertain. It presumably ran the length of the arm, giving rise to branches connected with the terminal water vessels. It may be represented by a dorsal ridge on the internal mould which follows the dorsal edge of the arm (text-fig. lie; pi. 2, fig. 1, text-fig. 5), or it may have been more ventral than this, somewhere inside the arm. The obvious flexibility of the arm suggests that there would have been large longitudinal muscles in it in life, probably filling much of its volume. Beneath the hydropore, immediately behind the oral partition, a small upwardly pointed projection is present on the internal mould (hydropore duct; pi. 2, figs. 2, 3, text-fig. 5; pi. 4, fig. 1, text-fig. 7; pi. 5, fig. 1, text-fig. 8). This presumably represents the dorsal end of the axial sinus which opens into the hydropore in echinoderms (Fedotov 1924). By analogy with extant echinoderms, the water vascular system would have joined the axial sinus inside the animal and would thus have been connected, indirectly, with the outside world. However, any such internal connection in D. scoticus does not show in the internal mould. The heart of D. scoticus, or in echinoderm terms the dorsal sac ( = madreporic vesicle), would also probably have been situated near the hydropore, but its position cannot be identified in the fossils. The position of the gonad, inside the anterior dorsal prominence of the head, has been suggested already. Its likely boundary on the internal mould is indicated by a slight groove which almost encircles the dorsal anterior prominence and passes at the left from the dorsal to the ventral surface (text-fig. 1 1 ; pi. 1, fig. 2, text-fig. 4; pi. 2, fig. 1, text-fig. 5; pi. 4, figs. 1, 3, 5, text-fig. 7). Corrugations on the surface of the internal mould (pi. 4, figs. 1, 3) run forwards from this groove, in some specimens, and suggest that the surface of the gonad was plicated in life. How the gonad terminated in a ventro-posterior direction is unclear: it may, in the largest individuals, have projected rearwards and downwards into the pharynx behind it (whose disposition will be explained below) so as to fill JEFFERIES: D EN D ROC Y STO 1 D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 659 a large part of the ventral anterior prominence. Such a morphology would explain why this prominence is relatively large in the biggest of all observed individuals (pi. 1, fig. 1, text-fig. 4). On the other hand, it may be that the ventral anterior prominence corresponded to some other organ which expanded disproportionately in old age, perhaps part of the pharnyx. It is clear, from the inferred position of the gonad in the internal mould, that the most anterior part of it, at least, was dorsal to the pharynx. The pharynx would be expected to run, as in cornutes, from the gill slit at posterior left, to the velar mouth, and the buccal cavity would run from the velar mouth to the true mouth. The likely position of the pharynx in D. scoticus , or of the pharynx posteriorly and the buccal cavity anteriorly, in indicated by a sinuous tract with this oblique disposition, limited at anterior left and posterior right by grooves on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the internal mould. There is no way of saying whether D. scoticus had a buccal cavity or, if it did have one, where the boundary between this cavity and the pharynx may have lain. On the dorsal surface of the internal mould, the anterior limiting groove of the presumed pharynx plus buccal cavity coincided in its most anterior and rightmost part with the posterior limit of the probable gonad, as proposed above (pi. 1, fig. 2, text-fig. 4; pi. 4, fig. 5, text-fig. 7). More leftward, the anterior dorsal pharyngeal groove departs from the groove bounding the gonad, and bends to pass leftward and posteriorly, parallel to the posterior left margin of the head (pi. 4, figs. 2, 5, text- fig. 7). Perhaps the groove in this region separated the pharynx from muscles which pulled the roof downwards about the left peripheral hinge line (already mentioned) and which thus squirted water through the gill slit. The groove bounding the pharynx plus buccal cavity to the right and behind on the dorsal surface (pi. I, fig. 2, text-fig. 4; pi. 2, fig. 1, text-fig. 5; pi. 3, fig. 8, text-fig. 6; pi. 4, figs. 2, 5, text-fig. 7) has a sinuous course parallel to the left anterior pharyngeal groove. Its exact course gives the strong impression of being deflected by an inflated, approximately spherical organ occupying the posterior prominence, possibly the stomach. This interpretation is suggested by comparing D. scoticus in dorsal aspect with the recent hemichordate Cephalodiscus in left aspect (text-fig. 13), on the assumption, already several times presented (e.g. Jefferies 1986, pp. 50fT, 22 Iff., and herein below) that the Dexiothetica are descended from a Cephalodiscus- like ancestor which lay down on its right side. For the stomach is the largest organ in the viscera in the trunk region of Cephalodiscus and, like the organ filling the posterior prominence of D. scoticus , is situated behind the pharynx and obliquely right of it in chordate terms (behind and dorsal to it in hemichordate terms). The posterior boundary of the stomach on the dorsal surface of the internal mould may be indicated by two grooves, approximately concentric to the highest point of the posterior dorsal prominence (pi. 2, fig. 1, text-fig. 5; pi. 3, fig. 8, text-fig. 6; pi. 4, figs. 2, 4, 6, text-fig. 7; pi. 5, fig. 1, text-fig. 8). One of these grooves runs leftward and forward from the left anterior margin of the likely position of the brain, while the other one runs rightwards and forwards from the right anterior part of the brain. The rest of the non-pharyngeal gut, probably an intestine ending in a rectum, presumably ran from the stomach to the anus but there is no indication of it in the internal moulds. On the ventral surface of the internal mould (pi. 1, fig. 1, text-fig. 4), the likely position of the pharynx plus buccal cavity is, once again, indicated by two weak sinuous grooves. The more posterior of these, limiting the presumed pharynx posteriorly, runs around the front of the suggested position of the stomach and then passes leftward and rearward to the region of the gill slit (‘left’ and ‘right’ here refer always to the animal, not to the reader). The groove bounding the pharynx left anteriorly is very weak in its anterior part, but becomes stronger as it approaches the left border of the head, and then turns to run leftward and posteriorly parallel to that border. Perhaps this groove represents the right edge of muscles associated with the left hinge line. A somewhat similar weak groove runs parallel to the right border of the head and possibly delimits muscle which could lower the roof of the head on the right - as already explained, the elongate shape of the periproctal plates, especially left of the anus, suggests, although there was no right hinge line, that the right part of the head roof could be depressed, presumably by the action of muscles beneath it. The distinction between buccal cavity and pharynx, as already implied, is uncertain in D. scoticus. In embryological terms, this distinction ought to coincide with that between endoderm and 660 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 tentacle arm terminal knob protocoel pore heart protocoel buccal diverticulum right mesocoel right metacoel attachment sucker bud stalk nerve stalk coelom 1 mm mesocoel pore right gonad branchial slit rectum stomach protocoel pore mouth food groove text-fig. 13. Cephalodiscus after SchepotiefT (1907) and Andersson (1907); (a) sagittal section with the organs of the right side; (b) external features. ectoderm. It is fairly certain that the epithelium lining the food groove of D. scoticus would be ectodermal, on echinoderm analogies, and also almost certain that the gill slit would emerge from endoderm, and therefore from pharynx. Moreover, in cornutes the distinction between buccal cavity and pharynx can usually be plausibly recognised (e.g. Jefferies 1986, in Cothurnocystis p. 198; Scotiaecystis p. 211 ; Ceratocystis p. 217; Nevadaecystis p. 227; Reticulocarpos p. 225; Galliaecystis p. 235) and the same is sometimes true in mitrates (Jetfferies 1986, Plcicocystites p. 269; Lagynocystis p. 295). In D. scoticus , however, there is no such visible distinction in the internal moulds. At one extreme, it seems possible that the mouth identified above was, in fact, the velar mouth, all gut inside it being endodermal. At the other extreme, it may be that the velar mouth was situated some distance internal to the identified mouth, but has left no trace on the internal moulds. The difficulty JEFFERIES: D E N D ROC Y STO 1 D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 661 is compounded by ambiguities in the hemichordate situation, for Lester ( 1988, p. 116) has recorded that the region usually called pharynx in Rhabdopleura is ectodermal in origin. It would be interesting to know whether the same is true in Cephalodiscus where, unlike Rhabdopleura , the walls of the ‘pharynx' are penetrated by gill slits. As for the brain of D. scoticus , on cornute and mitrate analogies this would be expected to lie at the anterior end of the tail. (In mitrates the identification of the brain as being located here is confirmed by detailed anatomical resemblances with the brain of fishes.) The internal moulds of plates M1LD and M1RU dorsally and of M,,v ventrally in D. scoticus carry strong grooves which seem to delimit the anterior border of the brain (pi. 1, figs. 10, 11; pi. 2, fig. 1, text-fig. 5; pi. 4, figs. 2, 4, text-fig. 7 ; pi. 5, fig. I , text-fig. 8). These moulds suggest that the brain would be an approximately hemispherical structure which made contact with the skeleton on the inside of these plates. It would be directly comparable, in these respects, with the brain of the most anticrownward cornute Ceratocystis perneri. The actual anterior border of the brain on the internal moulds, if it has not been exposed by dissection, appears asymmetrical, on the right projecting farther forward than on the left. Dissection of the internal moulds reveals, however, that this asymmetry is largely illusory, at least ventrally (pi. 1, figs. 10, 11) and is due to the way in which an approximately symmetrical brain intersects the asymmetrical surface of the posterior part of the internal mould of the head. The presumed brain does not occupy the whole extent of the tail insertion, being confined to the central part of the latter. Thus the natural mould of the tail insertion is strongly bipartite in appearance. In this way it resembles the tail insertion of mitrates which, in natural moulds, shows a positive replica of the bipartite brain, the two portions there corresponding to prosencephalon and deuterencephalon (Jefferies 1986, Chap. 8). It is unlikely, however, that the bipartition of the tail insertion has this meaning in D. scoticus for three reasons: (1) in mitrates and cornutes the stereom in contact with the nervous tissue is characteristically smooth whereas, in D. scoticus , only the central anterior portion of the tail insertion has a similar smoothness; (2) the left pyriform body of D. scoticus (no right one, if it existed, has been observed) seems to emerge medially just anterior to the presumed brain (text-fig. 11 ; pi. 1, figs. 9, 12, 13) and the pyriform body, being the trigeminal ganglion, would be related to nerves coming from the deuterencephalon, not from the prosencephalon; and (3) as shown by Cripps (1989b) the highly visible bipartition of the mitrate brain seems to have been evolved in the crownward parts of the chordate stem lineage since it is incipient in crownward cornutes and is not developed in anticrownward cornutes such as Ceratocystis. The features of the internal mould of the tail have been discussed already. They are simple, however, and can conveniently be repeated here. In the hind tail of the fossils, there is a strand of rock, circular in cross section, corresponding to a canal in the skeleton, and situated dorsal to the centre of the hind tail in transverse section. This strand expands forwards conically in the mid-tail region, to join the approximately cylindrical infilling of the fore tail. As previously suggested, the infilling of the fore tail probably represents the position of muscles, presumably segmentally divided like the skeleton, and of a notochord. The muscles of the fore tail would end posteriorly by insertion into the conical skeleton of the mid tail. The notochord would continue rearwards into the hind tail and would correspond in position and shape to the central canal of the hind tail i.e. to the longitudinal strand of rock preserved in this region in the fossils between upper and lower hind-tail plates. I have argued elsewhere (Jefferies 1986, p. 202) that the notochord of cornutes and mitrates probably had a blood vessel along its central axis. The same conclusion applies to the presumed notochord in the hind tail of D. scoticus , since some blood supply to the posterior end of the hind tail would be needed and it could only have been delivered along the central canal between dorsal and ventral series of plates. The pyriform body of D. scoticus has already been mentioned. It has been observed only on the left side of the brain and only in two specimens. One of these (pi. 1, figs. 12, 13) reveals it plainly in dorsal aspect inside plate M2LD and the other, less clearly, in ventral aspect (pi. 1, fig. 9) inside plate Mlv. I have argued elsewhere that the left and right pyriform bodies of cornutes and mitrates are homologous respectively with the left and right trigeminal ganglia of vertebrates (Jefferies 1986, 662 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 p. 252, etc.) and the same would be true of this left pyriform body in a solute. It could easily be that a pyriform body existed also on the right in D. scoticus but has not been observed because it was never coated with calcite in life, i.e. it was never in contact with the nearest plates - in most specimens of D. scoticus the left pyriform body is as invisible as the possible right one. ANATOMICAL COMPARISONS Comparison of Dendrocystoides scoticus with cornutes Ceratocystis perneri (text-fig. 14) is the only species of cornute known to have a hydropore (Jefferies 1969; 1986, p. 21 3ff ). For this reason it is assigned to the least crownward plesion of the cornutes and is therefore the most suitable species for comparison with D. scoticus. (In the species Ceratocystis vizainoi , described by Ubaghs [1987], a hydropore may perhaps exist but has not been observed.) ventral prominence keel ^7 incipient hinge line I J I U V, UIIC ventral ossicle text-fig. 14. Ceratocystis perneri , external anatomy, to show especially the tail, the head openings and the hinge lines at right and left of the head; (u) dorsal aspect; ( b ) ventral; (c) posterior; (ci) right lateral. JEFFERIES: D EN D ROCYSTO 1 D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 663 D. scoticus resembles Ceratocystis perneri in the following respects: (1) it is divided into a head and a tail; (2) the ventral surface of the head is flatter than the dorsal surface; (3) the mouth is at anterior right of the head; (4) the anus is at right of the tail on the posterior surface of the head; (5) the gonopore and hydropore are right of the mid line and the gonopore is farther from the mouth than is the hydropore (against this, the hydropore and gonopore are anterior in position in D. scoticus , while the hydropore, if considered with respect to the centre of the head, is clockwise of the gonopore in D. scoticus , but anticlockwise of it in C. perneri ); (6) there was an opening of the pharynx at posterior left of the head (in D. scoticus this seems to have been a single branchial opening or gill slit, whereas in C. perneri there are regularly seven gill slits); (7) the pharynx runs from anterior right towards the posterior left angle of the head - the extent of the buccal cavity, if there was one, is unknown in D. scoticus ; (8) the non-pharyngeal gut would have lain posterior to, and right of, the pharynx, as indicated by the position of the anus in D. scoticus; (9) there was a brain at the tail insertion with a pyriform body (so far as observed on the left only in D. scoticus , but left and right of the brain in C. perneri) ; (10) there are indications that the roof of the head could be lowered in life - in D. scoticus these indications are the seeming hinge line on the left of the head and the horizontal elongation of the periproctal plates, while in C. perneri (Jefferies et al. 1987, p. 443) they are a probable hinge line on the right side of the head and accessory gaps, probably filled with muscle, on the left side of the head (text-fig. 14); ( 1 1) the tail is divided into fore, mid and hind regions; (12) the more massive skeletal elements of the hind tail are ventral, while the less massive are dorsal; (13) the skeleton of the fore tail is quadriserial and surrounds a large lumen, and the fore tail seems to be adapted to wave the mid and hind tail mainly from side to side. These resemblances are enough to show that Dendrocystoides scoticus can be regarded as built on the same basic plan as Ceratocystis perneri and other cornutes in general. Moreover, the distal part of the hind tail was probably permanently and rigidly curved ventralwards in D. scoticus. Similarly, the distal part of the hind tail was able to curve ventrally in the cornute Cothurnocystis elizae (Jefferies 1986, p. 202). The same was probably true of the cornute Protocystites (Jefferies et al. 1987, p. 470). (Concerning C. perneri there is no evidence.) Both in primitive cornutes and in solutes, the downturned end of the hind tail probably served to grip the sea bottom during locomotion. It was probably used much like a punt pole in pulling the head rearwards. However, there are obvious differences between Dendrocystoides scoticus and cornutes, especially Ceratocystis perneri. These have partly been mentioned already, but for clarity I here list them all, even when this involves repetition: (1) D. scoticus, like all other solutes, had a feeding arm which seems to have been constructed on a standard echinoderm pattern with cover plates and triadic groups of tube feet - there is no such arm in the cornutes; (2) D. scoticus had an antibrachial process which is not represented in any cornute (though it is also absent in nearly all other solutes); (3) there was an anterior prominence, probably containing a gonad, near the anterior end of the head in D. scoticus - there was no such prominence in any cornute and the gonad in all cornutes was probably situated near the posterior right corner of the head; (4) the hydropores, on the hydropore node, were anterior in position and just right of and behind the mouth in D. scoticus where they penetrated the skeleton to form a madreporic plate - in cornutes the hydropore is only known to exist in C. perneri where it is slit-shaped and situated near the posterior right of the head; (5) the gonopores in D. scoticus are anterior, just left of the mouth, multiple and sometimes occluded in C. perneri, which probably represents the primitive condition for cornutes, it is a single circular hole across a suture, is never occluded and is situated posteriorly in the head, just right of the anus; (6) D. scoticus had presumably only one gill slit (unless the gill slits were internal and the external branchial opening was an atrial opening) whereas C. perneri had seven such slits and other cornutes, except the most crownward ones where the number is irregular, had more than seven; (7) the head skeleton of D. scoticus consisted of a large number of plates, mostly irregular, whereas that of C. perneri was constructed of a smaller number of regular plates (none of the plates can reliably be homologized between the two species); (8) the brain of D. scoticus did not occupy the whole of the tail insertion, had no auditory groove or median eye, and was linked, so far as known, to a single pyriform body 664 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 (trigeminal ganglion) on the left, whereas the brain of C. perneri occupied the whole tail insertion, was associated with a pair of pyriform bodies and with an auditory groove and a median eye; (9) as to head chambers, there is no sign of a posterior coelom (left epicardium) in D. scoticus , whereas such seems to have existed in C. perneri and probably in all other cornutes; also it is uncertain whether or not D. scoticus had a buccal cavity; (10) the alternation of fore-tail plates on right and left is more irregular in D. scoticus than in C. perneri and the ventral overlap of right and left ventral plates is less extensive; (11) the mid-tail region of D. scoticus is altogether more irregular than that of C. perneri or any other cornute - in particular in D. scoticus there is no massive ossicle corresponding to the stylocone, while in cornutes nothing corresponds to the serial continuity of hind-tail plates with the right dorsal and right ventral plates of the fore tail in D. scoticus ; (12) the hind tail of D. scoticus was rigid and its dorsal skeleton was constructed of a single unpaired series of rather long approximately hemicylindrical plates, not the right and left series of short imbricating plates seen in C. perneri and other cornutes. The phylogenetic meaning of these differences from cornutes will be discussed below. Here I shall only repeat that, despite some differences, the fundamental identity of plan between solutes and cornutes seems obvious. Comparison of Dendrocystoides scoticus with Cephalodiscus The latest common ancestor of echinoderms and chordates, in my opinion, resembled the recent hemichordate Cephalodiscus but had become dexiothetic, i.e. had been modified to lie on its right side (Jefferies 1969, 1979, 1986, Chaps. 2 and 9; text-fig. 15 herein). In this respect, a comparison Cephalodiscus-like ancestor text-fig. 15. The dexiothetic rotation. In the origin of the Dexiothetica, it is likely that a Cephalodiscus-Y\ke ancestor fell right-side downwards onto the mud of the sea floor and lost the openings and arms of the primitive right side in consequence. The stalk was retained and became the chordate tail; an = anus; ax = axocoel (protocoel); bs = branchial slit; g = gonopore; h = hydropore (left and right mesocoel pores); 1. hyd, r. hyd = left and right hydrocoels (mesocoels); 1. som, r. som = left and right somatocoels (metacoels). JEFFERIES: D E N D ROC YSTO I D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 665 between Dendrocystoides scoticus and Cephalodiscus is illuminating. I discuss the tail first, and then the head, beginning at the front and working rearwards. An evolutionary change of orientation, such as dexiothetism, brings great danger of muddle in the description. I find it necessary to use two equivalent sets of terms. Thus, with reference to Cephalodiscus , I write of hemichordate-ventral, hemichordate-dorsal, etc., and with reference to D. scoticus I write of chordate-ventral, etc. The reader will understand this most easily by remembering that: hemichordate-left = chordate-dorsal; hemichordate-right = chordate-ventral; hemichordate- dorsal = chordate-right; hemichordate-ventral = chordate-left. Posterior and anterior mean approximately the same in hemichordates and chordates. In using these terms, I do not imply that D. scoticus was a chordate, though this was probably true as discussed later. I merely intend to assert that, for example, the dorsal surface of D. scoticus was homologous with the dorsal surface of Man. The hemichordate terminology for orientation is the same as that traditionally used in describing echinoderm larvae. The tail is the first noteworthy point of comparison. D. scoticus , like all other solutes and also the cornutes and mitrates, was divided into a tail and a head. In like manner, Cephalodiscus is divided into a stalk and the rest of the body. This stalk can be markedly lengthened or shortened and is used, in prehensile fashion, in collaboration with the head shield, for climbing up and down a horny skeletal process which projects upwards from the coenoecial cup. (In the tubeless hemichordate Atuharia the stalk is similarly used for clambering over hydroids [Sato 1936].) It is likely that the tail of D. scoticus was likewise locomotory, serving to pull the head rearwards over the sea floor like the tail of cornutes and mitrates, probably by side-to-side motion as in primitive cornutes. The stalk of Cephalodiscus would differ from the tail of D. scoticus in its mode of action, however, since the latter could bend proximally but was probably in all parts constant in length - this constancy of length certainly held for the rigid mid- and hind-tail regions but, in addition, the plates of the fore tail, because of their dorsal and ventral overlaps and sutures at right and left, suggest that the fore tail could bend right and left but not shorten or lengthen. This in turn suggests that the fore tail contained an incompressible but flexible notochord, as was probably true in cornutes and mitrates also. The notochord probably continued rearwards from the fore tail of D. scoticus to fill the canal between the dorsal and ventral plates of the hind tail, just as the notochord of the cornutes probably continued posteriorly into the median groove of the ventral hind-tail ossicles. There is no notochord in the stalk of Cephalodiscus , and its very absence allows the stalk to stretch and shorten. An attachment sucker exists at the distal end of the stalk of Cephalodiscus (text-fig. 13). By means of this sucker, the animal fixes itself, at will, to the surface of the horny coenoecium - usually to the inner face of the coenoecial cup. There is no sign of such a sucker on the end of the tail of D. scoticus , though this may be due to ignorance, since the end of the tail has seldom been seen. It is fascinating to note, however, that Ubaghs (in Ubaghs and Robison 1985) observed in the Middle Cambrian solute Castericystis vali Ubaghs and Robison 1985 (text-fig. 16) that the adults often carry on their surface small, and therefore presumably young, individuals of the same species. These small animals are attached to the adult by distal ends of their tails. This strongly suggests that, at least in juveniles, the tail of G. vali had an attachment sucker at its distal end, perhaps followed in time by temporary cementation. (An alternative hypothesis, that the juveniles arose by budding from the associated adult, is unlikely because the juveniles are disposed seemingly at random on the adult body, whether on the head or the tail, with no orderly relationship between the size of the juvenile and its position on the adult.) If the tail of C. vali had a sucker on its end in the juvenile, a comparison with the stalk of Cephalodiscus is reinforced. I therefore propose that the stalk of hemichordates is homologous with the tail of solutes, and also with the tail of chordates in general. I first implied that the stalk of Cephalodiscus was homologous with the tail of cornutes (then called by me the stem) in Jefferies (1969). Gradually I abandoned this view for lack of evidence and in my book of 1986 I did not even mention it as a possibility. Ubaghs’ interesting observations now make it likely again. I therefore now agree with the percipient remark of Eaton (1970, p. 977) when he said that: '...it is highly probable that the tail [of cornutes and mitrates] is a specialized version of the pterobranch peduncle.’ Henceforth I shall stress this presumed homology by referring to the stalk of 666 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 arm text-fig. 16. Castericystis vali Ubaghs and Rob- ison 1985 -a solute from the Middle Cambrian Marjum Formation of Utah (USA), (a) Recon- struction redrawn after fig. 1 of Ubaghs and Robison (1985) -the reconstruction is in an ana- tomically possible position for a corpse, but the hind tail is in right aspect, the head in ventral aspect and the arm in left aspect; ( b ) drawing traced from a photograph (Ubaghs and Robison 1985, fig. 11/5) to show the presence of young individuals of the species fixed to a presumed adult by the ends of their tails ( x 3 5). hemichordates as the tail. In this 1 follow the usage of Burdon-Jones (1952) when he described the homologous organ of post-larval enteropneusts. The planes of bilateral symmetry in the tails of D. scoticus and Cephalodiscus do not correspond to each other, if D. scoticus is supposed to have undergone a dexiothetic rotation : in Cephalodiscus the plane of symmetry in the tail is sagittal, which ought to correspond to chordate-horizontal, but the plane of symmetry in the tail of D. scoticus, admittedly imperfect in the mid and fore tail, is vertical. The position of the plane of symmetry has therefore rotated through 90°, either clockwise or anticlockwise when seen from behind, from hemichordate-sagittal to chordate-sagittal, thus counteracting the dexiothetic rotation. The feeding arm of D. scoticus , with its ventrally-opening cover plates and its presumed ambulacral groove, water vascular canal and tube feet in probable triads, projects from the head at the opposite pole to the tail. The obviously comparable structure in Cephalodiscus would be part of the arm apparatus. More exactly, the best comparison would be with a single arm of the left side of Cephalodiscus. For the feeding arm of D. scoticus is presumably homologous with part of the water vascular system of echinoderms, and this system, in turn, is homologous with the left arm apparatus (left mesocoel = left hydrocoel) of Cephalodiscus (Jefferies 1986, p. 318). There are difficulties in this comparison, however. For in a Cephalodiscus seen from the left side, the left arms present their food grooves toward the observer, whereas the food groove of D. scoticus in dorsal aspect faced away from the observer. If Cephalodiscus represents the primitive condition, therefore, the feeding arm of D. scoticus has rotated through 180° so that the food groove opens not towards chordate-dorsal but towards chordate-ventral. The right and left mesocoels of JEFFERIES: D EN D ROC Y STO I D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 667 Cephalodiscus open to the outside each by a mesocoel pore. In common with echinoderms, D. scoticus had no trace of any such pore so perhaps, as in echinoderms, the left mesocoel communicated with the axocoel ( = protocoel) by a stone canal while the right mesocoel, together with its pore, had disappeared. Rehkamper and Welsch (1988) have stressed the fine-structural similarities between the stone canal of echinoderms and the mesocoel pores of Cephalodiscus. These resemblances suggest to me that perhaps the stone canal is homologous with the left mesocoel pore of hemichordates but has come to open into the protocoel ( = axocoel) instead of direct to the outside. The mouth of Cephalodiscus opens, in a hemichordate-ventral position, behind the head shield and faces posteriorly, toward the tail. The mouth of D. scoticus , on the other hand, is anterior and at chordate-right. In passing from the Cephalodiscus condition to the D. scoticus condition, therefore, the mouth would have rotated through some 160°, clockwise in chordate-dorsal aspect, about a vertical axis. Such a rotation would shift the left protocoel pore (equivalent to the hydropore of D. scoticus and the echinoderms) from a position anterior to the mouth to one where it lay, as actually observed in D. scoticus , chordate-right of the mouth. This suggests that, in addition to the dexiothetic rotation, D. scoticus differs from Cephalodiscus in having undergone a clockwise rotation of the anterior part of the head about a chordate-vertical axis. I shall refer to this additional rotation as anteriorisation of the mouth. The same rotation would perhaps explain another difference between Cephalodiscus and D. scoticus , namely the absence from the latter of any externally distinguishable part of the body corresponding to the head shield (protosome). Presumably, D. scoticus had an equivalent of the protosome, in that it would have possessed a protocoel (axocoel) buried inside the head and opening upwards at the hydropore. The burial of the protosome in the head might easily result from anteriorization of the mouth since the mouth, in moving chordate-rightwards and anteriorly, would press on the protosome. Such burial of the protosome is presumably a derived feature which D. scoticus shared with echinoderms and also with definite chordates, since the cornute Ceratocystis had a hydropore but no externally distinct protosomal body region. The heart and pericardium of D. scoticus would probably be near the hydropore, like the equivalent head process of the axial organ and dorsal sac of echinoderms. These structures are equivalent to the heart and pericardium in the protocoel of hemichordates, which lie anterior to the mouth in Cephalodiscus. The rotation involved in anteriorizing the mouth of C. scoticus would have shifted the heart and pericardium to their presumed new positions also. As for the gonad, I have argued above that the anterior prominence of D. scoticus contained a gonad which issued by a group of gonopores at the chordate-anterior-right of the prominence. The gonad, being chordate-dorsal in position, presumably corresponds to the left gonad of Cephalodiscus and the gonopores to the left gonopore. In general position at the anterior end of the body farthest from the tail, the gonad of D. scoticus is comparable with the left gonad of Cephalodiscus and contrasts in both these animals with the cornute situation where the gonad was at chordate-right and posterior in the head. However, there are also differences between Cephalodiscus and D. scoticus since in the latter the gonad and gonopore lay chordate-left of the arm whereas in Cephalodiscus they were at chordate-right of the arms (dorsal to them in hemichordate terms). In passing from Cephalodiscus to D. scoticus , therefore, the gonopore and gonad would move chordate-leftwards. I cannot decide whether this was part of the clockwise rotation of the anterior part of the head implied by the anteriorization of the mouth, or whether it was an independent process. The embryological origin of the gonad of echinoderms is interesting here: the primordial germ cells are said to arise from the wall of the left somatocoel in crinoids (MacBride 1914, p. 552), in asteroids (Gemmill 1914) in crinoids (Hyman 1955, p. 502) and in ophiuroids (Hyman 1955, p. 636). (No comparable statement can be made for the holothuroids, perhaps because the distinction between left and right somatocoels breaks down at an early stage.) It seems likely, therefore, that the gonad or gonads of echinoderms, like that of D. scoticus , correspond to the left gonad of Cephalodiscus. The pharynx of D. scoticus seems to have been elongate, stretching from the mouth or velar mouth at anterior chordate-right to the gill slit at posterior chordate-left, with presumably an 668 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 oesophageal opening posterior and right of it somewhere along its course. (A dubious point, as already mentioned, is whether D. scoticus had a buccal cavity.) The position of the pharynx in D. scoticus is broadly the same as in Cephalodiscus seen from the left, but the two pharynges differ in shape. The differences correspond to extension of the pharynx chordate-leftwards and rearwards and chordate-rightwards and forwards in D. scoticus, with the loss of a gill slit (the hemichordate right gill slit) and the migration of the remaining gill slit to a chordate-left-posterior position. In these respects, the pharynx of D. scoticus was more cornute-like than that of Cephalodiscus. Concerning the non-pharyngeal gut, the stomach of D. scoticus probably coincided in position with the posterior dorsal and ventral prominences. This position, near the centre of the head, is comparable with the stomach of Cephalodiscus as seen from the left. The position of the anus in Cephalodiscus and D. scoticus is comparable in being, in both animals, chordate-right of the tail, but it differs in being more posterior in D. scoticus, nearer to the proximal end of the tail. This difference in the position of the anus implies that the intestine and rectum must also have been differently disposed, but nothing precise can be said about this since there is no evidence in D. scoticus of the course of the gut between stomach and anus. Not much can be said about the positions of the coeloms in D. scoticus, compared with Cephalodiscus. If D. scoticus has undergone a dexiothetic rotation with respect to Cephalodiscus, then the right somatocoel ( = right metacoel) would be downward and the left somatocoel upward, as is primitively the case in echinoderms (Jefferies 1986, p. 51) and as seems also to have been true in cornutes and mitrates (Jefferies 1986, p. 198ff. in discussing left and right anterior coeloms = left and right somatocoels). The mesentery between the two somatocoels would thus be horizontal. The left hydrocoel (= left mesocoel) would be located in the feeding arm while the right hydrocoel (= right mesocoel) would have disappeared. And the axocoel (= protocoel), buried inside the head but single and unpaired as in hemichordates, would open upwards at the hydropore, just right of the mouth and right of the arm base, the hemichordate right protocoel pore having disappeared. Finally as for size, D. scoticus, like all other solutes, was about 30 mm in head length and therefore much bigger than Cephalodiscus, whose greatest head length is about 5 mm. To summarize, if D. scoticus is compared with a Cephalodiscus lying on its right side, and if the latter is assumed, in all respects, to represent the primitive condition, then the following changes would have occurred in passing from Cephalodiscus to D. scoticus. (1) The evolution of a calcite skeleton and the formation of specialized plates in some regions, especially in the tail, the tail insertion, the arm and the arm insertion. (2) The evolution of a vertical plane of symmetry in the tail and probably the origin of the notochord so that locomotion took place by lateral bending of the tail, rather than by shortening and lengthening of it; loss of the power of budding, which had been located in Cephalodiscus at the distal end of the tail. (3) Loss of all the hemichordate-right arm apparatus and all but one arm of the hemichordate- left arm apparatus; rotation of the remaining left arm through 180° so that the food groove opened chordate-downwards; development of a triadic arrangement of tube feet regularly related to the cover plates; loss of the hemichordate-left and hemichordate-right mesocoel pores. (Perhaps the hemichordate left mesocoel pore became the stone canal of dexiothetes, which in extant forms is retained in echinoderms but absent in chordates.) (4) Anteriorization of the mouth, involving some degree of rotation of the anterior part of the body clockwise about a chordate-vertical axis, so that the hydropore came to lie chordate-right of the mouth rather than anterior to it; loss of the head shield (protosome) as an externally distinct body region, by burial of the protocoel (axocoel) in the body chordate-right of the mouth (this burial may have resulted from the anteriorization of the mouth, that is from the clockwise rotation of the anterior part of the head which such movement of the mouth implies); loss of the hemichordate-right, chordate- ventral protocoel pore; perhaps the evolution of a stone canal linking the hemichordate-left hydrocoel (= left mesocoel) with the axocoel (= protocoel). (5) Loss of the hemichordate-right gonad and right gonopore; migration of the hemichordate-left JEFFERIES: D EN D ROC Y STO I D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 669 gonad and left gonopore chordate-leftwards, so as to lie left of the arm when D. scoticus is viewed in dorsal aspect. (6) Movement of the hemichordate-left gill slit from a chordate-anterior-central to a chordate- left-posterior position, with corresponding elongation of the pharynx. (7) Migration of the anus from chordate-anterior-right to chordate-posterior-right in the head. (8) Evolution of a brain and a left trigeminal ganglion at the anterior end of the tail. (9) Loss of the hemichordate-right hydrocoel (= right mesocoel); repositioning of the hemichordate-right and -left metacoels, as a result of dexiothetic rotation of the animal, to become respectively chordate-ventral and chordate-dorsal. (10) Increase in size. Not all these changes would actually have happened since Cephalodiscus is probably not in all ways more primitive than D. scoticus. Comparison of Cephalodiscus with Kinzercystis The ‘eocrinoid’ Kinzercystis (text-fig. 17), from the Lower Cambrian Kinzers Formation of Pennsylvania in the U.S.A., has been well described and reconstructed by Sprinkle (1973) and Paul and Smith (1984). The latter authors regard it as belonging to the crown group of the echinoderms, seeing it as a primitive member of the Pelmatozoa. I choose it for comparison here for three reasons : because it is well studied; because, unlike most primitive echinoderms, the hydropore is separate from the gonopore; and because I wish to simplify the phylogenetic argument by concentrating on one quinqueradiate echinoderm only. Kinzercystis was a small animal about 30 mm in height and 25 mm in greatest width. It was an inverted truncated cone in shape and plated all over with calcite plates. The wide end of the cone, which would have faced upward in life, was the oral surface while the truncation of the cone, downward in life, was developed as a circular attachment area by which the animal could fix itself to objects on the sea floor. The oral surface was approximately circular with an elongate mouth near the centre, roofed over by cover plates. Three ambulacral grooves radiate from the mouth, and two of these split into two not far from the mouth. This produces five food grooves in all, with a 2 + 1+2 arrangement suggesting a vestigial triradiality. The undivided food groove is conventionally labelled A and the text-fig. 17. The eocrinoid Kinzercystis durhami Sprinkle 1973 from the Lower Cambrian Kinzers Formation of Pennsylvania (USA). Copied from Paul and Smith (1984, fig. 8) and relabelled. 670 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 others, in clockwise direction seen from above, are numbered B, C, D and E. Conventionally the A food groove is taken as anterior and the C-D interradius as posterior. In the CD interradius, just behind and to the right of the mouth when seen from above, there are two openings very close to each other. The opening nearer to the mouth is spout-shaped and is identified by Paul and Smith as the hydropore while the other opening, guarded by a pyramid of small spike-shaped plates and therefore intermittently closable in life, is identified by them as the gonopore. (Sprinkle [1973, p. 74] labelled hydropore and gonopore conversely, but Paul and Smith’s view is preferable because it agrees with the situation in cystoids and because it is reasonable to suppose that a gonopore could be closed intermittently.) Also in the C-D interradius, near the edge of the oral surface and left of the mouth as seen from above, was the anus guarded by an anal pyramid. Each ambulacral groove rested on two series of flooring plates and was covered on each side by a plated lip the plates of these lips are called cover plates. On either side of each ambulacral groove, alternating in position, was a series of flexible plated appendages called brachioles which Paul and Smith interpret, for good reasons, as plated tube feet. The interambulacra were covered with large plates which, at their sutures, carried openings called epispires. These may have had a respiratory function, each one marking the position of a thin-called external gill or papula. The aboral suface of Kinzercystis was in two parts - the distal attachment area and the rest. The attachment area was approximately circular and plated with polygonal plates, whereas the remainder of the aboral surface, vaguely divided into an upper wider theca and a lower almost cylindrical holdfast, is covered with imbricating plates (Sprinkle, 1973, p.70, fig. 22). The imbrication is such that, seen from outside, lower plates overlap the lower parts of higher ones. This imbrication suggests that the aboral surface was able to elongate and shorten. Kinzercystis can be interpreted, in its main anatomical features, by comparison with crinoids (for references see Jefferies 1986, pp. 47ff.). It is highly probable that, at least in the juvenile stages, a right and left somatocoel would have been present, with the right somatocoel located toward the attachment and the left somatocoel lying orally. Much of the gut would have been situated between the two somatocoels. The ambulacral grooves would have been occupied by radial water vessels with brachioles representing the tube feet, and this water vascular system would correspond to the left hydrocoel of the larva. The hydropore would be the opening of the axocoel and would communicate with the water vascular system by a stone canal. The attachment area would be homologous with the axocoel attachment area of the larva and thus with the ventral suface of the head shield of Cephalodiscus. The gonad, opening at the gonopore, would probably be homologous with the left gonad of Cephalodiscus as suggested above. In comparing Kinzercystis with Cephalodiscus I shall assume, as when discussing Dendrocystoides scoticus , that Cephalodiscus in most ways represents the primitive condition. Some of the differences between Cephalodiscus and Kinzercystis are shared by the latter with D. scoticus and can be seen as synapomorphies of D. scoticus and Kinzercystis in a three-taxon comparison. Such include: (1) The dexiothetic rotation, with the oral surface of Kinzercystis corresponding to the dorsal surface of D. scoticus and to the left side of Cephalodiscus - other results of dexiothetism include the absence of the hemichordate-right arm system and right mesocoel pore and of the hemichordate- right gill slit, gonad and gonopore. (2) The calcitic skeleton. (3) The disappearance of the protosome as an externally distinct body region, presumably by becoming buried in the body though still opening outwards by the hydropore. (4) The disappearance of the right mesocoel pore, presumably because the water vascular system communicated with the protosome by a stone canal inside the body. All four of these advanced resemblances between Kinzercystis and D. scoticus can be seen as autapomorphies of the Dexiothetica. Some features which differentiate Kinzercystis from Cephalodiscus are not shared with D. scoticus. These include: (1) The absence of a tail. (2) Attachment by the middle of the aboral (chordate-ventral) surface to some external object. JEFFERIES: D E N D RO C YSTO / D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 671 (3) The position of the mouth at the centre of the oral surface. (4) The recumbent position of the water vascular system on the surface of the body and its division into five branches with a distinct 2+1+2 arrangment. (5) The absence of any gill slit. All five of these distinguishing features of Kinzercystis in the three-taxon comparison can be seen as autapomorphies of the crown echinoderms, except for attachment by the aboral surface to an outside object which is perhaps an autapomorphy of the pelmatozoans. THE SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF D E N D RO C Y STO I D ES The analysis so far shows that D. scoticus was a member of the Dexiothetica, that it did not belong to the echinoderm crown group, nor to the chordate crown group, nor to the crownward members of the chordate stem group known as Cornuta. The methodology for placing it more exactly within the Dexiothetica is clear: if it lacked some autapomorphy of the Dexiothetica, it belongs in the stem group of that group; if it shared a synapomorphy with the chordates, particularly with the stem- group chordates of the Cornuta, it belongs in the chordate stem group; if it shared a synapomorphy with the echinoderms, it would belong in the stem group of the echinoderms; and if none of these conditions applied, it would have to remain in the nodal group of the Dexiothetica along with the latest common ancestor of chordates and echinoderms. There are, in fact, many advanced features connecting D. scoticus with cornutes, which are not present in such a primitive echinoderm as Kinzercystis for example. In the tail these comprise: (1) the division into fore, mid and hind tail; (2) the quadriserial plating of the fore tail; and (3) the large lumen of the fore tail and its adaptation for bending from side to side, suggesting the presence of a notochord. Just anterior to the tail, D. scoticus shows advanced resemblances to cornutes, and to chordates in general, in having a brain and at least one pyriform body. Elsewhere in the head, advanced resemblances to cornutes include the position of the gill slit at posterior left and the corresponding leftward and posterior elongation of the pharynx. Unfortunately, all these features relate either to the tail or to the gill slit, and both these organs are absent in echinoderms, probably having been lost. Loss of complex structures is intrinsically more likely than their origin. All these advanced resemblances are therefore dubious as synapomorphies between cornutes and D. scoticus , because of the possibility that the latest common ancestor of chordates and echinoderms may have had them but that they were then lost in the echinoderm stem lineage when the tail and the gill slit were lost. To eliminate this possibility, or perhaps to confirm it, will require study of the echinoderm stem group, to which, up till now, only one group of fossils has been assigned. These are the Helicoplacoidea (text-fig. 18) which Paul and Smith (1984) place as stem-group echinoderms on account of their triradial ambulacral system incorporated in the wall of the body, the mouth being, as Derstler (1981) suggested, at the junction of three ambulacral rays. The helicoplacoids, so far as text-fig. 18. The helicoplacoid Helicoplacus curtisi Durham and Caster 1963. Recon- struction copied from Durham and Caster (1966, fig. 109a). The presence of spikes over the whole surface of the body suggests that the animal was totally buried in normal life, presumably with the long axis horizontal. About x 2. 672 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 known, probably constitute a monophyletic group because of their strongly spiral skeleton. They have no gill slit or tail and these absences confirm their position as echinoderms. Unlike Paul and Smith, I believe that helicoplacoids probably lived entirely buried in the sea bottom, burrowing earthworm-fashion with the long axis horizontal, by dilating or extending different parts of the obviously flexible body. Their spiral structure suggests that they rotated about their long axis as they moved. My reason for suggesting that they lived entirely buried is the presence of low spikes on all parts of the external surface in Helicoplacus curtisi (text-fig. 18), H. gilberti (Durham and Caster 1966, fig. 107), Waucobella nelsoni (Durham 1967, pi. 14, fig. 5), and Polyplacus kilmeri (Durham 1967, pi. 14, fig. 1). These spikes look like sediment-gripping structures which could only have functioned when the whole surface of the animal made contact with mud. The helicoplacoids suggest that a triradiate ambulacral system recumbent on the body surface, rather than borne on arms, was evolved in the echinoderm stem lineage and that later this triradiate system gave rise to the quinqueradiate system with a 2+1+2 structure. An important conclusion is that the recumbency of the ambulacral system represents an autapomorphy of echinoderms, not shared by Cephalodiscus with its many arms nor by solutes with their single arm. The Cincta may also belong to the echinoderm stem group. These fossils need restudy since Ubaghs’ (1968) comprehensive treatment of them is now rather old. They can be exemplified by Trochocystites (text-fig. 19) which is shaped much like a tennis racquet with a theca and an appendage (stele). The animal lay with one face of the theca on the sea bottom and the other upwards. The theca is surrounded by a frame of marginal plates. The appendage or stele, at least proximally, would be stiff in a right-left direction, but perhaps able to bend up and down. In its plate arrangement it resembles an extension of the frame - the major series of plates, at right and operculum text-fig. 19. Thecinctan Trochocystites bohemicus Barrande 1887. Reconstruction redrawn and modified from Ubaghs (1968, fig. 363): (a) dorsal aspect, to show anus at anterior left; ( b ) ventral aspect. x2-5. JEFFERIES: D EN D ROC Y STO 1 D ES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 673 left, resemble and pass into frame plates, whereas intercalated dorsal and ventral plates in the stele resemble dorsal and ventral integument plates in the theca, and probably represent serial homologues of these integument plates. Opposite the stele, two openings have so far been recorded in the literature. The opening more to the right, when the stele is towards the observer, had a pair of ambulacral grooves converging upon it, these grooves coming to it along the marginal frame from right and left. This opening was therefore the mouth which was thus at the centre of a biradial recumbent water vascular system. The two rays presumably correspond to the rays B/C and D/E of Kinzercystis and other quinqueradiate echinoderms. The other opening recorded in the literature was covered by a plate, the operculum, hinged at the top. This opening is conventionally interpreted as the anus. However, there is a third opening, not yet recorded in the literature, just to the left of the operculum (Prof. K. Sdzuy, personal communication). This third opening, which is visible in Ubaghs (1968, fig. 367/1), is guarded by a pyramid of plates and is likely to be the true anus. And, in that case, the operculate opening, which in its structure suggests an outlet valve, is probably a gill slit. The recumbency of the water vascular system of cinctans, if interpreted as a synapomorphy with the recumbent water vascular system of helicoplacoids, suggests that Cincta are stem-group echinoderms. This is confirmed by the biradiality of the water vascular system in Cincta, since the 2+1+2 pattern of water vascular system, can be construed as fundamentally biradial. However, the Cincta are probably less crownward than helicoplacoids in the echinoderm stem group. This is for several reasons: (1) they retain a gill slit; (2) they have a biradial, rather than a triradial water vascular system; and (3) the mouth is in the hemichordate-sagittal plane, as in Cephalodiscus - noj in the centre of the chordate-dorsal surface as in crown-group echinoderms and, probably, in helicoplacoids. The position of the gill slit, anterior in the body and near to the mouth, resembles that of the left gill slit in Cephalodiscus and is therefore probably primitive for echinoderms. This means that the gill slit of the latest common ancestor of chordates and echinoderms would also probably have been anterior in position. And in that case, the left posterior position of the gill slit of D. scoticus is probably a synapomorphy with cornutes. If so, then D. scoticus is a stem-group chordate, less crownward than any cornute. The stele of Cincta is difficult to interpret and there are two main possibilities: (1) its position in the animal, as far as possible away from the mouth and therefore posterior, and the fact that it is biserial in its major plating, might suggest that it is homologous with the tail of hemichordates, solutes and chordates; but, (2) the fact that the two series of plates are at right and left, not as in solutes dorsal and ventral, and the fact that in some cinctans the two series are continuous with the marginal plates of the frame (e.g. Trochocystites , Gyrocystis), might suggest that the stele arose within the Cincta, after the evolution of a marginal frame, as an extension of that frame, and that therefore it is not homologous with a tail. Further work is needed to establish which of these two alternatives is nearer the truth. If the appendage of Cincta is genuinely a tail, then the chordate nature of D. scoticus is almost certain since the species, would then share a large number of advanced tail features with the Cornuta which are absent in the Cincta. Such include: the brain; the left pyriform body; the fore, mid and hind regions of the tail; the large lumen of the fore tail, adapted for right-left bending and probably containing muscles and a notochord; and the ventral series of plates in the hind tail, corresponding to the ventral hind-tail ossicles of cornutes. At the moment, however, I am inclined to think that the stele of cincta is an autapomorphy of that group. If so, then the chordate nature of D. scoticus remains doubtful, based, as it is, on nothing but the posterior left position of the gill slit. Whether or not D. scoticus is a chordate, it is almost certainly more closely related to the chordate crown group than is Castericystis. The conclusion is based on resemblances to Ceratocystis (a definite stem-group chordate) which Castericystis does not share: i.e., the distinctly tripartite tail of D. scoticus , with its stylocone-like mid tail and quadriserial fore tail. Moreover, some solutes resemble Ceratocystis still more closely. Thus Iowacystis (Caster 1968, p. S620) has the fore tail sharply distinct from the rest of the tail and the dorsal surface of the head is formed of large plates, in both respects like Ceratocystis. And Belemnocystites is still more like Ceratocystis in having a big- 674 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 plated ventral (as well as dorsal) surface to the head and a very short arm (Caster 1968, p. S623) whereas cornutes have no arm at all. All this suggests that these four solutes are successively closer related to the chordate crown group in the sequence: Castericystis , Dendrocystoides, Iowacystis, Belemnocystites. I summarize the results of these arguments in a cladogram (text-fig. 20). text-fig. 20. Cladogram of the deuterostomes, to show the phylogenetic position of the solutes within the Dexiothetica : Be = Belemnocystites \ Ca = Castericystis; Cc = Ceratocystis\ Dc = Dendrocystoides ; He = Helicoplacus ; Io = Iowacystis ; Ki = Kinzercystis ; Tr = Trochocystites. As to the timing of the phylogenetic split between echinoderms and chordates, I formerly believed that this happened in the earliest Cambrian (Jefferies 1979, p. 475). This view was based on the assumption that the calcitic skeleton is homologous between echinoderms and chordates and on the further assumption that skeletons in general arose at the base of the Cambrian. The latter belief now seems to be mistaken, however, since Gehling (1987) has described an edrioasteroid-like fossil (Arkarua adami ) from the late Precambrian Pound Quartzite of Australia. This form has a 2+ 1 +2 symmetry and probably possessed a lightly built skeleton, since it seems to show a marginal ring of plates. If Arkarua is correctly regarded as a quinqueradiate echinoderm, as seems likely, then the split between echinoderms and chordates must be older than it. Perhaps the separation occurred in the late Precambrian. This raises the interesting possibility that solutes will be found in the late Precambrian. CONCLUSIONS The main conclusions of this paper are as follows. (1) Dexiothetism. Text-figure 21 summarizes the evidence for dexiothetism on the basis of the five animals particularly discussed above. In the diagrams all five are shown in chordate-dorsal aspect, meaning that Cephalodiscus is seen from the left while the other animals are seen from above. The view from above is called the dorsal aspect in Dendrocystoides and Ceratocystis , the upper surface in Trochocystites and the oral, or sometimes ‘ventral’ surface in quinqueradiate echinoderms such as Kinzercystis. (duu) JEFFERIES: DENDROCYSTOIDES AND CHORDATE ANCESTRY 675 text-fig. 21. The topological evidence for dexiothetism as shown by five deuterostomes in chordate-dorsal aspect, i.e. Cephalodiscus seen from the left and four dexiothetes seen from above. Tabulated below are the sequences of body openings and appendage passed in moving clockwise around each sketch, beginning at the mouth, m = mouth; h = hydropore (left protocoel pore of Cephalodiscus ; mp = mesocoel pore (of Cephalodiscus only); g = gonopore; an = anus; t = tail (stalk of Cephalodiscus) ; bs = branchial slit; st = cinctan stele. 676 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 A clockwise journey around each of the five sketches, beginning at the mouth, produces the tabular statements below the sketches, in which the body openings and the tail are listed in sequence. Cephalodiseus and Ceratocystis have identical sequences, except for the absence of the mesocoel pore in Ceratocystis. Dendrocystoides is the same as Ceratocystis except that the gonopore is out of sequence. Trochocystites agrees in sequence with Ceratocystis , although with no hydropore, gonopore or tail the sequence has only three members and the random probability of agreement is, in any case, an unimpressive 05. With Kinzercystis , without tail or gill slit, the random probability for four items is 1 / !3 = 0-17. This in itself is no more than suggestive of dexiothetism, but for quinqueradiate echinoderms in general the evidence for dexiothetism does not depend on the topology of the adults, being firmly based on embryology. The major conclusion from text-figure 21 and from embryology is that all the five animals except Cephalodiseus have undergone the dexiothetic rotation in their ancestry. (2) Failure of the aulacophore theory. The homology of the tail of Dendrocystoides with that of cornutes is confirmed by evidence of the brain and left trigeminal ganglion (see especially pi. 1, figs. 12, 13) at the proximal end of the tail in Dendrocystoides , as well as by the division of its tail into fore, mid and hind tail and the quadriserial arrangement of the fore-tail plates. If the tail of solutes is homologous with that of cornutes, then Ubaghs’ interpretation of the tail as an aulacophore or feeding-arm cannot be correct. This conclusion is confirmed by difficulties in interpreting the mitrate tail as a feeding arm since one of the leading advocates of the aulacophore theory now accepts that the hind-tail plates of mitrates could not open at the mid line in life (Parsley 1988). (3) Homology of the hemichordate stalk and the chordate tail. Evidence that the early solute Castericystis could attach when young to hard surfaces by the distal end of its tail strongly suggests that this tail was homologous with the stalk of Cephalodiseus (which has a sucker at the distal end). If the pterobranch stalk is homologous with the chordate tail, and if echinoderms are the extant sister group of chordates, then the echinoderms must have lost the tail in their early phylogeny. (4) Similarity of body plan in cornutes and solutes. If the solutes are orientated as here suggested with the arm at anterior right, then their basic body plan is seen to resemble that of cornutes with the mouth at anterior right, the anus posterior in the head and right of the tail, the gill slit at posterior left in the head, and the flatter surface of the head ventral. (5) The phvlogenetic position of the solutes. Solutes had a branchial slit (at least in Dendrocystoides), a water vascular system and a tail and in all these respects resembled hemichordates (in which the water vascular system is referred to as the left mesocoel). They were, however, dexiothetes, since they show signs of dexiothetism and had a calcite skeleton. They differed from the stem-group chordates called cornutes by retaining the water vascular system. And they differed from recognized stem-group echinoderms (except possibly the cinctans) in retaining the tail. The latest common ancestor of echinoderms and chordates would have had a tail, a branchial slit and an arm and therefore, if it were ever found, would be placed in the Soluta. The solutes, therefore, straddled the phylogenetic separation between echinoderms and chordates and so, to use Hennig’s term, were an invalid stem group of the Dexiothetica. Further work will be needed to put the known solutes in their correct stem groups. Acknowledgements. I am grateful to my colleague Andrew Smith for telling me, forcibly, that Dendrocystoides scoticus was the next animal to study. I am also grateful to a small group of devoted Scottish collectors - Mrs Eliza Gray and her daughters Alice, Agnes and Edith Gray, and Dr Archie Lamont and Mr James Begg - who, between 1880 and about 1940, accumulated the material on which this study is based (Cleevely, Tripp and Howells, 1989). Dr Keith Ingham kindly gave me access to the collections of the Hunterian Museum. 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JEFFERIES Department of Palaeontology Typescript received 10 April 1989 British Museum (Natural History) Revised typescript received 20 August 1989 Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD STROM ATOPOROID PA LA EO B I O LOG Y AND TAPHONOMY IN A SILURIAN BIOSTROM E ON GOTLAND, SWEDEN by STEPHEN KERSHAW Abstract. A well-exposed stromatoporoid biostrome in the Hemse Group (middle Ludlow) of Gotland, Sweden, displays a wide range of stromatoporoid morphologies distributed amongst 16 species. The most abundant species, Clathrodictyon mohicanum Nestor has a laminar to low domical form, often of large size, distributed throughout the biostrome. Fast lateral growth is suggested to account for its abundance and commonly large size, its profile being suited to the normally low to moderate energy environment envisaged for the biostrome. Several other species adopted a similar growth style but were less successful; yet others, such as Plectostroma intermedium Yavorskyi, show a range of growth form from low to high domical shape, suggesting a phenotypic plasticity of growth form of each of these species. However, the range simply reflects the fact that individuals grew taller with age. Most laminar to low domical stromatoporoids at Kuppen are intact, but taller forms were frequently damaged and overturned by periodic storm action, indicating that a lower profile was clearly an advantage. Some species show variations in distribution of undamaged forms horizontally between, and vertically within, localities; there is evidence that some responded to environmental gradients, notably turbulence and sedimentation. Most grew on a stable substrate provided by dead skeletons of other stromatoporoids. Under cathodoluminescence stromatoporoid skeletons show speckled dull and bright luminescence, an identical signal to the pelmatozoan debris found in the biostrome, circumstantial evidence for an original mineralogy of high Mg calcite in both. Recent advances in studies of stromatoporoid palaeoecology have focused attention on the importance of recognizing the degree to which genetics controlled growth form (Cornet 1975; Kershaw 1981 ; Stearn 1984) and this study examines these features in an excellent example of a stromatoporoid biostrome at Kuppen on southeast Gotland, Sweden (text-fig. I). The biostrome was the subject of an earlier paper (Kershaw 1981) which demonstrated that low profile and high profile forms were created by different stromatoporoid species. However, that study was biased in its collecting, by selecting particular morphologies and at only one site on a biostrome which is exposed continuously for nearly one km laterally. Thus it was not possible to determine whether species were truly limited to particular growth forms or instead were capable of producing a range of morphologies. In this study, a total sample of approximately 400 stromatoporoids collected from several points along the length of the biostrome provides comprehensive information on the distribution of stromatoporoids and the relationship between species and their morphotypes. Morphotypic variation is shown to be greater than that discovered in the earlier study, but is related to growth histories of individual stromatoporoids, and the interpretation of a genetic control on growth form is confirmed. Also, as the biostrome accumulated, storms selectively damaged some growth forms and certain species, and allow useful observations on the palaeoenvironment and palaeobiology of the stromatoporoids to be made. Lithification history of the biostrome and cementation of stromatoporoid skeletons are briefly examined to enhance the taphonomic interpretations. The information obtained from the study provides an insight into growth styles of different stromatoporoid species, controls on their forms, and indicates the use of stromatoporoids in determining features of the palaeoenvironment, particularly with regard to sedimentation and turbulence. jPalaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 681-705. | © The Palaeontological Association 682 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 1 . Location of the Kuppen biostrome within the Hemse Beds (stippled) on Gotland. Sampling localities are shown, details of which are filed at the Allekvia Field Station on Gotland and based on the locality system devised by Laufeld ( 1 974or). Material used for this study is deposited with the Swedish Geological Survey, Uppsala. GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Silurian sediments of Gotland have been viewed as deposited in a carbonate platform setting (Kaljo 1970, Laufeld and Bassett 1981), but with evidence of a carbonate ramp (Frykman 1989) in the Baltic area, and record several transgressive and regressive sequences in which argillaceous limestone formations alternate with biohermal and biostromal limestones (Riding 1981). The Hemse Beds (middle Ludlow) of Hede (1960) comprise calcareous mudstones towards the west, the Hemse Marl, and stromatoporoid-dominated biostromal and biohermal limestones in the east. The precise stratigraphic relationship between the muds and limestones is unclear. A generally southwest dipping palaeoslope has been envisaged by Martinsson (1967, p. 383) for much of the Gotland sequence, and the Hemse Marl facies are estimated to have been deposited in deeper water than the limestones (Laufeld 19746). However, work with orthoconic nautiloids has shown conflicting probable shoreline trends in the Hemse Beds. Laufeld (19746) interpreted current flow in their southwestern outcrops to be perpendicular to the Ludlovian shoreline which he interpreted to have an ENE-WSW trend, with open sea generally to the south. However, Sundquist (1982u) presented rose diagrams of bipolar nautiloid orientations for the Grogarnshuvud localities, 3 km NW of Kuppen, which show orientations at approximately 90° to Laufeld’s. This suggests an approximate NW-SE shoreline in this area. These results are not necessarily incompatible because there may have been local variations in shoreline trends or current flow directions. Shallow water facies are common in the eastern outcrops of the Hemse Beds. Ripple marks at KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPOROID PALAEOBIOLOGY 683 Gannes, 5 km west of Kuppen (Sundquist 19826) are interpreted to have formed in water of about 10m depth; Manten (1971, pp. 353, 379) reported erosion surfaces at Gannes. Cherns (1982) identified palaeokarsts, erosion surfaces and stromatolites in the overlying Eke Formation, and Cherns (1983) indicated shallow water facies at the Hemse-Eke boundary. Biostromes 0-5 - c. 10 m thick are widespread in the southeast Hemse Beds, interbedded with shales, skeletal grainstones and rudstones. Such thinly bedded deposits, with shallow water associations, exhibit common vertical facies changes illustrative of a sea level fluctuating relative to sea bed. Lateral facies changes occur also, clearly demonstrable at Kuppen; there a facies mosaic is developed, termed here the Kuppen facies complex. A brief description of the complex follows, providing a background to interpretation of the stromatoporoid distributions and growth forms. THE KUPPEN FACIES COMPLEX The complex consists of several biostromes interbedded with argillaceous limestones, stromato- poroid conglomerates and crinoidal grainstones (text-fig. 2); the lowest biostrome is studied here. Stromatoporoid biostromes crop out in neighbouring areas, but only those at Kuppen were examined. Riding (1981, p. 65) recognized the biostromes as distinct from other organic build-ups on Gotland and applied the term ‘Kuppen reef type’. He provided a log of the vertical facies changes at locality Kuppen 2 (see text-fig. 2), and noted lateral variations in the complex. Text-fig. 3 illustrates important selected features of the facies and displays the general character of the stromatoporoid morphologies. As shown in text-fig. 2, the sequence begins with a poorly exposed argillaceous limestone containing a sparse stromatoporoid fauna. The overlying biostrome (from which the sample was collected) has, in most places, a crinoidal limestone basal bed, 30-50 cm thick, with stromatoporoid debris and some large stromatoporoids in situ. Pressure solution has extensively affected the stromatoporoids in places, such that in many the original morphology is unrecognizable. Biostrome sediment is most micritic fill between stromatoporoids, with lesser amounts of bioclastic material. The biostrome varies in thickness from 2-5 4 m and is everywhere terminated by an erosion surface, much of which is prominent and planar (text-fig. 3a and c; Munthe 1910, fig. 28); stromatoporoids are truncated, indicating that they were cemented into the matrix prior to erosion. An indeterminate amount of the upper section of the biostrome has been removed, and the erosion surface becomes more irregular towards the ESE, (text-fig. 3a). Minor sea level fluctuations could account for the vertical facies changes. The sequence is similar to the model provided by James (1984, p. 220) of shallowing-upwards carbonate units and to the example studied by Wilson (1967) in Devonian limestones of the Williston Basin of N. Dakota. Gypsum crystals in the upper part of the biostrome suggest the possibility of hypersaline conditions during a stage in the development of the biostrome (Kershaw 1987c/), but no corroborative sedimentological evidence exists due to erosion of the top of the biostrome. Dipping beds at Kuppen 1 are attributed to deposition on a slope associated with the palaeocliff (text-fig. 2), while undulation of bedding in the remainder of the complex is probably due to settling of the sediments on the shale at the base of the complex. There is only a slight tectonic dip across Gotland and the complex evidently formed on an approximately flat-lying sea bed. Lack of siliciclastics suggests a low hinterland, and consequently little terrigenous sediment transport into the area during the development of the complex. The SE area contains coarse skeletal limestones, whereas the NW areas with thin, interbedded, finer-grained limestone facies were quieter. The current energy affecting the complex clearly varied. Most tall domical stromatoporoids are now on their sides, indicating that energy was relatively low to moderate while they were alive, but periodically sufficient to topple them. Substantial amounts of stromatoporoid debris also indicate higher energy events. The biostrome has the appearance of a mixed fauna (text-fig. 3), with many large stromatoporoids not disturbed from growth position, while debris was piled around them. Further thin biostromes interleaved with bedded limestones overlie the lower biostrome (text-fig. 2), but were not studied in detail. However, there are some differences in fauna; for example, the 684 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPO ROI D PALAEOBIOLOGY 685 biostrome overlying that studied here has a greater abundance of tabulate corals, particularly favositids. Diagenesis A full description of diagenesis of the biostrome is inappropriate here, but some aspects pertain to a taphonomic assessment of the stromatoporoids, so an outline of the important events is given. Three cement stages are recognized in both bioclastic fill and stromatoporoid galleries (text-fig. 4). First stage cement forms non-luminescent (under cathodoluminescence - CL), non-ferroan syntaxial calcite on pelmatozoan debris. It is also present sporadically in stromatoporoid skeletal galleries (text-fig. 4b, d) and is most likely to be meteoric cement formed during uplift. Syntaxial cement on pelmatozoans is commonly regarded as meteoric because high Mg levels in sea water prevent its growth there; meteoric water is low in Mg. In the present sample, such cement fills most of the pore space of pelmatozoan grainstones, and leaves little doubt that it is of meteoric origin. There was apparently little marine cement, and this is corroborated by the common occurrence of toppled tall stromatoporoids. As noted by Kershaw (1981) some were toppled during life and show reorientated growth directions. Second stage cement comprises very thin alternating bright and non-luminescent bands suggestive of subsequent burial near the redox boundary, with cyclic recharge of oxygenated water, a common situation in limestones (Scoffin 1987, p. 129). Staining of the same thin sections that were used for CL examination shows that these areas of the sections are also non-ferroan, which is consistent with the interpretation of such banded cement (under CL) being generated by the presence (bright) and absence (dark) of manganese, but with no iron present. The absence of iron is usually regarded as being due to its combination with sulphides liberated by action of sulphate- reducing processes on porewater sulphates in shallow burial, so that it is unavailable for inclusion into calcite lattices (Scoffin 1987, p. 129). This cement is again best developed in the porous pelmatozoan grainstone deposits and to a lesser extent in stromatoporoid skeletal galleries. The final cement is dull luminescent and ferroan, where iron, now incorporated into the calcite cement following depletion of sulphides in pore waters, partially counteracts the bright CL effect of manganese (referred to as quenching). This cement, which probably indicates deeper burial, occupies the small remaining pore space in grainstones. However, most of the pore space of stromatoporoid galleries is usually filled with dull luminescent, ferroan cement, suggesting that it grew slowly at depth, after the biostrome had been buried. Since they represent largely closed porosity, stromatoporoid galleries are likely to have been less accessible to earlier pore waters. Comparable luminescent zones were observed by Dorobek (1987) in late Silurian - early Devonian carbonates in the Appalachians. Stromatoporoid skeletons show a similar CL response to the pelmatozoan debris in the biostrome (text-fig. 4b, d). Also, all stromatoporoids in the assemblage are partially recrystallized. General observations by myself and other authors (Stearn, pers. comm. 1988; Watts 1981; Wood 1987) indicate that many stromatoporoids did not recrystallize as completely as aragonitic shells of molluscs, yet are consistently more recrystallized than the low Mg calcite of brachiopods. The inference that these stromatoporoids were therefore high Mg calcite originally is supported by a) the similarity of response in CL to pelmatozoans (high Mg calcite) and b) the widespread occurrence of microdolomite rhombs in stromatoporoid skeletons at Kuppen. Lohmann and Meyers (1977) discussed a burial diagenetic process whereby Mg expelled from high Mg calcite skeletons form localized dolomite. CL response and dolomite occurrence may of course be due to other diagenetic processes, but the partial recrystallization widespread amongst Silurian and Devonian stromato- poroids argues against low Mg calcite or aragonite original compositions. There is a wider issue of variation of stromatoporoid skeletal mineralogy through geological time and in relation to taxonomy, which requires investigation. 686 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 3. For legend see opposite KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPOROI D PALAEOBIOLOGY 687 text-fig. 4. Thin section views of typical material from the lower biostrome. a. Plane polarized light view of crinoidal grainstone from Kuppen 3A. b. Cathodoluminescence response of the same area, showing three zones of cement growth: 1. non-luminescent syntaxial cement on crinoids; 2. alternating bright and non-luminescent cements; 3. dull cement. Note the bright, dull and dark-speckled appearance of the crinoid fragments, c. Plane polarized light view of recrystallized stromatoporoid skeletal material of Stromatopora venukovi with crystal boundaries of neomorphic cement cutting across the stromatoporoid structure. The preserved laminae and pillar structure are difficult to recognize at this magnification, but galleries are discernible as sparry patches. d. Cathodoluminescence response of the same area shows the three cement zones in the galleries, plus a speckled luminescent character of bright, dull, and dark areas in the stromatoporoid skeleton. See text for discussion. All photos x 35. FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGE OF THE LOWER BIOSTROME Three accessible localities selected for intensive sampling are Kuppen 3, 4 and 5 ( text-figs. 1 and 2), where the biostrome is 3-4, 3 and 2-5 m thick, respectively. At each locality a grid was drawn on the vertical cliff face, 10 m long and of variable height depending on the thickness of the biostrome at that place. Each was divided into three parts parallel text-fig. 3. Photographs of selected parts of the Kuppen biostrome. a. Cliff face at Kuppen 5 showing basal bioclastic bed and densely packed stromatoporoids in the biostrome; length of view 8 m. b. Interbedded shales and limestones overlain by thin biostromes and limestone bands at the northwestern end of Kuppen; length of view 3-5 m. c. Biostrome at Kuppen 1, undercut by the sea where shale underlies the biostrome, and sharp erosion surface overlain by crinoidal gravel. Note the large, low domical stromatoporoid centre left in biostrome; length of view 5 m. d. Eroded stack (top left in hollow) at the biostrome top at Snabben 1, surrounded by stromatoporoid conglomerate and crinoidal gravel ; length of view 3 m. e. Vertical section of central part of biostrome at Kuppen 4 (see text-fig. 5), showing laminar, low to high domical, broken and stylolitized stromatoporoids; length of view 0-95 m. 688 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 A KUPPEN 4 sample grid Kuppen 4 reference point T ^erosion surface .CM PS .CM .CM ’CM .CM >T . CM CM PI *LL CM., SB CC* •CM CM. CM* PT SC CM l • CM • CC PT SB CC .CM .CM Level B PT SBo* ,PT CM SC. PI #.CM P|r..CM CM CC SBo.. p| •SB .CC CM PT. PT •LS SC CC CM. • LS c^.SBo CM. PI CM. CM * CM* CC •CM CC- PI. CC Level C CM .CM CM- CM. .SC *SV .SC biostrome base B KUPPEN 4 STROM AT0P0R0IDS text-fig. 5. Schematic vertical section of the lower biostrome at Kuppen 4 to demonstrate sampling method. a. Sample locations of identified species, determined by vertical and lateral coordinates derived from random number tables, b. Morphology of the stromatoporoids sampled, illustrated in their preserved attitudes and positions. Three categories of preservation of growth form are recognized: c = complete specimens; b = broken skeletons, including small fragments; 5 = specimens so badly affected by pressure solution (stylolites) to make impossible any distinction between originally complete or broken. Specimens not identified are omitted from the diagram. Text-fig. 3e (inset) shows the general character of the outcrop. Stromatoporoid species are abbreviated in this and other diagrams, as follows. LL = Labechia lepida. CC = Clathrodictyon convictum, CM = C. mohicanum , EM = Ecclimadictyon macro tuberculatum, PK = Plexodictyon katriense , DY = Diplostroma yavorskyi, PS = Plectostroma scaniense , PI = P. intermedium , SB = Stromatopora bekkeri , SC = 5. carteri , SL = S. lamellosa, SV = 5. venukovi , SBo = Syringostromella borealis , PT = Parallelo stroma typicum , LS = Lophiostroma schmidti. to bedding, here termed levels, of approximately equal thickness and labelled a, b, c, respectively from top to bottom (text-fig. 5). Bedding planes do not exist within the biostrome and so the level boundaries are artificial. Therefore levels are not necessarily time equivalent between localities. Within each level, stromatoporoids were collected using random number tables to determine the precise collecting point and to obtain a representative sample of the assemblage (text-fig. 5). The KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPOROI D PALAEOBIOLOGY 689 intention to collect 50 samples from each level at every locality was not possible and the final sample consisted of 404 specimens. Kuppen 5A was the worst affected with only 18 pieces retrieved. Of the total, 60 were unidentifiable, but these were evenly spread across sample sites (average of five in each) except in the case of Kuppen 3B, where 13 of 48 collected could not be classified. Thus the overall distribution of identified stromatoporoids is not unduly affected by the presence of unidentified samples. Almost all samples collected are stromatoporoids, with few corals. Heliolitids, however, are common in places, whereas favositids are rare. Kershaw (19876) showed that 10% of stromatoporoids in this biostrome contain symbiotic corals; further samples revealed that in fact 20% of the stromatoporoid assemblage contains a variety of rugose corals and syringoporids, although this is unevenly distributed within the biostrome. Various other taxa, particularly echinoderins, are present as debris. Since collecting was random, the data set provides a representative sample of the assemblage, and allows comparison within and between localities to furnish information on vertical and horizontal variation. Stromatoporoid assemblage Sixteen species distributed amongst several orders of stromatoporoids were found. Taxonomic revision by Stearn (1980) produces differences from the scheme applied by Mori (1969, 1970) to Gotland stromatoporoids which was used also by Kershaw (1981). Steam’s division into several orders is adopted here, giving the following list for the biostrome: Order Lophiostromatida ; Lophiostroma schmidti (Nicholson) Order Labechiida; Labechia lepida Mori Order Actinostromatida : Plectostroma scaniense Mori, P. intermedium Nestor, Pseudolabechia granulata Yabe and Sugiyama Order Clathrodictyida : Clathrodictyon mohicanum Nestor, C. convictum Yavorsky, Ecclimadictyon macro tuberculatum (Riabinin), Plexodictyon katriense Nestor, Diplostroma yavorsky i Nestor Order Stromatoporida : Stromatopora bekkeri Nestor, S. carteri Nicholson, S. lamellosa Yavorsky, S. venukovi Yavorsky, Syringostromella borealis (Nicholson), Parallelostroma typicum (Rosen). These species are all well-known Palaeozoic forms and since they are fully described by Nestor ( 1966), Mori (1969, 1970), Stock (1979) and Stock and Holmes (1986), there is no need to illustrate them here. However, worth noting is that stromatoporoid classification is based on microscopic characters of laminae and pillar structure and arrangement. Two thin sections (vertical and horizontal) are required per specimen. The shape of the entire skeleton is not a diagnostic character, although some species are limited to certain shapes. Most species in the present sample are distinctive, but some raise taxonomic problems that are briefly discussed below. Most specimens.of Stromatopora bekkeri and Parallelostroma typicum are distinct, but some show such variability of structure of skeletal elements that occasional difficulty was faced in deciding into which species they should be grouped. Fagerstrom and Saxena (1973) recognized that variations of stromatoporoid structure within single thin sections can be high, but all within a single distinct species. Stock (1979), Stock and Holmes (1986) distinguished several species of Parallelostroma in the Upper Silurian of eastern America, with minor, but consistent, differences in skeletal structure defining the species. This is not possible in the present specimens, where variation, often in different parts of the same thin section, produces laminae and pillar arrangements resembling both species. The taxonomic uncertainty generated by these observations means that the distinction between these two species is unreliable. The possibility that they represent phenotypic variants of a single species cannot be discounted, although they could represent two species with overlapping skeletal morphology, clearly causing havoc with the morphospecies concept as applied to these species. The validity of other species at Kuppen is not questioned since they show consistent differences of skeletal structure. For the present purposes, P. typicum and S. bekkeri have been distinguished as separate species in text-figs. 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10, and the uncertain examples omitted, pending a separate analysis of this problem. table 1. Distribution of numbers of specimens of all identified stromatoporoids from Kuppen, arranged according to locality and level, with the 690 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 "O G "O X T3 G a o a 6 o o bO a D- O H U 00 c aj a a g U CG u CQ a a — (N a C/3 Tf I ^ ro M D — I rn rn ON OO (N | Tf -C» be • ^ ~C) 2 J(' ? J ^ 12 ^ s ~ a 'r h ^Q^cbcocbcdcb^^ c cd q od kj '"dd^ . lepida KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPOROI D PALAEOBIOLOGY 691 Plectostroma scaniense is distinguished from P. intermedium only by possessing astrorhizae (Nestor 1966, pi. XI; Mori 1970, pi. X). Many authors have discussed the taxonomic significance of these structures, and there is disagreement about their importance (see Stearn 1980, Wood 1987 for reviews). Both species exhibit the same growth form characteristics. 1 would accept that they could be the same species, but have left them separate in case future work should show them to be distinct. Stromatoporoid growth form Table 1 shows the total identified sample, in each locality. Text-fig. 6 and Table 2 summarize the data into localities and levels for visual comparison. Division into three categories of preservation of the growth form (c, b, s; see Table 1) is important for morphological analysis. The most useful for morphological study are complete specimens (category c). Fragmented specimens (category b) are useful for studying biostratinomy, and specimens affected so badly by pressure solution that their shape cannot be determined (category s), were included to provide full information on specific distribution. Pressure solution effects are more pronounced at Kuppen 5 than at the more southerly localities. Dimensions of broken and stylolitized specimens were not recorded in the field; both are generally small, of the order of 10 cm in size, although larger specimens occur. Growth forms fall into a relatively simple range from laminar to extended domical and bulbous of Kershaw and Riding (1978, 1980), illustrated in text-fig. 7. Most stromatoporoids have smooth outlines and rarely show ragged edges (where sediment periodically covered the flanks of skeletons). Within smooth outlines, laminae show different growth patterns. Some are completely enveloping , in which successive laminae cover all earlier laminae; others are non-enveloping , where growth produced additions at the apex and extended only a short distance down the flanks. Others have a combination of the two, and in these, lower stages of growth were enveloping while later growth was table 2. Distribution of numbers and percentages of complete specimens at Kuppen; note the large decrease of Clathrodictyon mohicanum, and increase of Plectostroma intermedium from Kuppen 4 to 5. Numbers of com plete specimens Kuppen 3 Kuppen 4 Kuppen 5 Total Species No. % No. % No. % No. % L. schmidti 4 51 5 6-8 6 10 15 7-1 P. typicum 1 1-3 6 8-2 4 6-7 1 1 5-2 S. borealis 8 10-3 3 41 1 1 5-2 S. venukovi 3 3-8 2 2-7 1 1-7 6 2-8 S. lamellosa 1 1-3 — — 1 0-5 S. carteri 2 2-6 2 2-7 — 4 1-9 S. bekkeri 13 16-7 2 2-7 7 1 16 22 10 4 P. granulata — — — — P. inter- 3 3-8 2 2-7 15 25 20 9-5 medium P. scaniense 1 1-3 i 1-4 2 3-3 4 1-9 D. yavorskyi 2 2-6 — — 2 0-9 P. katriense 1 1-3 — — 1 0-5 E. macrotuber- — i 1-4 — 1 0-5 culatum C. mohicanum 33 42-2 41 56 3 15 25 89 42-3 C. convict um — 8 1 1 10 16-7 18 8-5 L. lepida 6 7-7 — — 6 2-8 78 73 60 211 692 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 KUPPEi STR0SV1AT0P0R01D DISTRIBUTION A. levels B. localities 6 3 LEVEL A 100 S BOREALIS S VENUKOVI S LAMEILOSA S.CARTERI S BEKKERI PGRANUIATA P INTERMEDIUM PSCANIENSE D YAVORSKYI P KATRIENSE E. MACROTUBER- CULATUM 14 10 1 9 38 1 69 10 2 2 1 KUPPEN 4 125 C.MOHICANUM 107 C CON VICTUM 31 1 KUPPEN 5 101 L.LEPIDA 9 344 text-fig. 6. For legend see opposite. KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPOROI D PALAEOBIOLOGY 693 Kuppen stromatoporoid morphotypes EXTENDED DOMICAL BULBOUS morphotype classes: LAMINAR- V/B UP TO 0-1 LOW DOMICAL- V/B 01-05 HIGH DOMICAL- V/B 0-5-1 EXTENDED DOMICAL -V/B>1 L NON- ENVELOPING SMOOTH ENVELOPING NON -ENVELOPING text-fig. 7. Stromatoporoid morphotypes in the lower biostrome, showing a range from laminar to extended domical and bulbous, together with morphotype classification and terminology applied to the forms. These shapes are typical, simple, Silurian forms, shown in vertical section except where indicated. All growth forms can possess either enveloping or non-enveloping laminae. Very few are ragged and some show well developed mamelons. non-enveloping. All three variations of smooth outlines are found in each of the more abundant species. Attempts to quantify these features proved unrewarding; to determine the extent of enveloping and non-enveloping laminae in individual stromatoporoids requires medial vertical sections through skeletons. Only some specimens are suitably broken open in outcrop, and many individuals are displayed entire, obscuring the internal patterns. Therefore it has not been possible to determine the degree to which each style is developed at Kuppen, and graphical representations of morphology in the present study necessarily ignore these patterns in smooth stromatoporoids. Because of the range of simple morphologies at Kuppen, the use of the parameterization scheme devised by Kershaw and Riding for graphically displaying stromatoporoid morphotypes is text-fig. 6. Graphical representation of the distribution of specimens of identified stromatoporoid species in the lower biostrome. The same data are arranged in two ways to illustrate vertical and horizontal variations. a. All specimens in each level, b. All specimens in each locality. Specimens are grouped into categories c, b and s according to the preservation of their growth form; see caption of text-fig. 5. Note abundance of Clathrodictyon mohicanum , and lesser amounts of Plectostroma intermedium , Stromatopora bekkeri , Parallelostroma typicum , Clathrodictyon conviction , Syringostromella borealis and Lophiostroma schmidti. 694 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 8. Triangular displays of morphology of all complete stromatoporoids in the lower biostrome, plotted using the Kershaw and Riding (1978) scheme. Morphology varies little between localities and levels in the biostrome, so species are illustrated grouped together. Inset shows measurements of basal diameter (B), vertical height (V) and diagonal length (D), and the morphological fields generated by the display. Partial rose diagrams of attitudes of skeletons are provided. KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPOROID PALAEOBIOLOGY 695 appropriate. Text-fig. 8 shows the plotted forms of all complete specimens; fragmented and stylolitized examples cannot be represented. Text-fig. 8 shows that while many species, such as the ubiquitous C. mohicanum , are restricted to the lower profile fields, other species show a range of form from low to extended domical and bulbous. This suggests a phenotypic plasticity of the growth form of these species. S. bekkeri also seems not to be restricted to tall growth form as suggested by Kershaw (1981). However, these displays take no account of the overall dimensions of skeletons. Since most growth forms plot on a line emanating from the basal corner, the most important components of the stromatoporoid morphology at Kuppen are B and V, with D having less effect. Therefore the V/B ratio in these specimens provides a crude measure of shape, and when plotted against B (text- figs. 9, 10), two clear trends are revealed in the more abundant species. For low profile forms, low B values are usually accompanied by low V/B ratios; but at higher B values, V/B stays low. For those species which can have taller forms, the graphs show that low B values are also accompanied by low V/B ratios, but at higher V/B ratios, B is still low (text-fig. 9). Furthermore, examination of early growth stages in the stromatoporoids shows those of tall forms to be low profile. Thus Plectostroma intermedium , Clathrodictyon convictum Parallelostroma typicum and Stromatopora bekkeri have a range of growth form from low to extended domical (text-fig. 9). Such ranges are present in most places sampled, and there is no evidence that they are restricted to low profile forms in particular sites on the biostrome. They are interpreted here as merely younger individuals. Therefore within these specimens, the early stages of growth are low domical, and the V/B ratio increased as the specimen grew, so that its morphology changed from lower to higher domical. Since ragged forms are rare at Kuppen, the taller morphologies are not an artifact generated by sedimentation, as can be the case in stromatoporoids in other environments. Graphs in text-fig. 9 consequently indicate that species adopted either lateral or vertical growth styles, giving low or high profile forms, respectively. These features are summarized in text-fig. 1 1 . Although the two-fold growth response pattern is clear, there is not as sharp a dichotomy of growth style as this discussion may imply. In text-figs. 9 and 10 a few specimens of Clathrodictyon convictum , Parallelostroma typicum , Stromatopora bekkeri and Plectostroma intermedium are large low profile stromatoporoids, which therefore do not fit the pattern. In the field, these stromatoporoids were shown to have more than one growth centre, so that these forms can be accounted for by coalescence of several specimens of one species which happened to grow near each other, and merged as they grew. Coalescence is common amongst conspecifics in stromatoporoids, so presumably there was no immune system response of individuals to members of the same species. Not all coalesced examples became large, low domical forms; cases of extended domical coalesced specimens were found at Kuppen, and the final growth form appears to have been controlled by the number and spatial distribution of conspecifics involved in its generation (text-fig. 1 1). The same process probably accounts for the larger specimens of C. mohicanum , but cannot be recognized satisfactorily in the field because laminae are usually undulose and identification of separate early growth stages is difficult. Little information is available on morphologies of these stromatoporoids in other localities. Combining information from reports on Silurian stromatoporoids from elsewhere on Gotland, Estonia (Mon 1970; Nestor 1966), Canada (Savelle 1979) and New York (Stock 1979), it is clear that morphologies of Labechia lepida, Clathrodictyon convictum , C. mohicanum , Stromatopora carteri , S. bekkeri , Lophiostroma schmidti , and Syringostromella borealis are broadly similar to these species at Kuppen, but several species have also been found with other growth forms. Ecclimadictyon macrotuber culatum can be high domical and bulbous in addition to the low domical specimen at Kuppen; Plexodictyon katriense is laminar at Kuppen, but domical elsewhere; Diplostroma yavorskyi is extended domical as well as the low domical form found at Kuppen; Plectostroma scaniense and Parallelostroma typicum can be laminar as well as the domical forms at Kuppen. Stromatopora venukovi has been reported as domical elsewhere, but at Kuppen there are also laminar forms. These descriptions are not based on comprehensive data, but imply differences in response of these species in other environments. LEVEL C LEVEL B LEVEL 696 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 33 KUPPEN STR0MAT0P0R0IDS morphology & size O S.BEKKERI 22 a P. INTERMEDIUM 20 . C. MOHICA NUM 89 A C. CON VIC TUM 18 i 2q .1- V/B B T— | ! 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 T“ 50 100 cm -i — i — i — i — | — i — i — i — i — j — i — i — i — r am A 1 -i — i — I — i — | — i — i — I — i — | — i — i — i — r- 4a o . t KUPPEi 3 KUPPEN 4 1 — i — r- 1 — l — l — i — rnr KUPPEN 5 text-fig. 9. Graphical representation of stromatoporoid morphology, using V/B ratio in relation to basal diameter for the four most common species at Kuppen, arranged according to levels and localities to illustrate abundance and variation in size and morphology. Inset shows scales and morphologies represented by the graphs. Two distinct trends are present, vertical and lateral. See text for discussion. LEVEL C LEVEL B LEVEL KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPOROID PALAEOBIOLOGY 697 KUPRIN STR0MAT0P0R0IDS morphology • L. LEPIDA 6 © E MACROTUBER- H CULATUM » ePKA TRIENSE 1 ® D.YAVORSKYI 2 □ P SCANIENSE 4 0 S.CARTERI 4 m size a S.LAMELLOSA 1 * S. BOREALIS 11 ^ S.VENUKOVI 0 o P TYPICUM 1 1 ▼ L. SCHMIDT! 15 B 1 — j — J — b — i — ! — i — i — » — i — r 50 100 cm KUPPEN 3 KUPPEi 4 KUPPEN 5 text-fig. 10. Graphical representation of stromatoporoid morphology, using V/B ratio in relation to basal diameter for the less common species at Kuppen, to illustrate abundance and variation in size and morphology. Inset shows scales and morphologies represented by the graphs. 698 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Kuppen stromatoporoid growth styles C COALESCENCE text-fig. 1 1 . Stromatoporoid growth styles in the lower biostrome, interpreted from text-fig. 9. a. lateral style, developed in low profile forms, such as Clathrodictyon mohicanum. b. Vertical style, formed by high profile forms, such as Plectostroma intermedium. Many develop enveloping laminae, but others are non- enveloping, while retaining the smooth outline. See text for discussion, c. Forms produced by coalescence of several specimens of the same species which grew near each other, (i) some large low domical forms may be due to this; (ii) high and extended domical forms may contain a small number of early growth stages; (iii) many specimens coalescing may mask the vertical growth style and produce large, low to high domical forms of species which would otherwise be extended domical. Some examples of Stromatopora bekkeri and Plectostroma intermedium in text-fig. 9 are due to this feature. Morphology of Plectostroma scaniense and Parallelo stroma typicum was examined in more detail by Mori ( 1970, figs, 23 and 28). His graphs of height plotted against diameter for specimens of these species, in several stratigraphic units on Gotland, reveal considerable variety of morphology and size. Using Mori's data, V/B was calculated, and plotted against B, as in text-figs. 9 and 10. The results are not presented here, but show that, in the Hemse Beds, both species have a range of form from laminar to high domical. Some low profile skeletons are large and may be due to coalescence, although this is not determinable from Mori's data. In the Sundre Beds (upper Ludlow), however, Mori’s data show that almost all specimens of both species fall into the low domical field (V/B = 01 0 5), and some large forms are laminar, including a specimen of Plectostroma scaniense c. 70 cm in diameter ( = B). Although Mori’s graphs combine data from reef and non-reef localities, Mori (1970, p. 45) noted that stromatoporoid reefs in the Hamra and Sundre Beds are dominated KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPO ROI D PALAEOBIOLOGY 699 by low profile forms, and my own field examination revealed a remarkable lack of tall stromatoporoids. Therefore coalescence cannot be responsible for the low profiles, and there is clearly a lateral growth style in these specimens from the Sundre Beds. STROMATOPOROID DISTRIBUTION AND BIOSTR ATINOM Y Stromatoporoid morphology is not uniformly distributed in the biostrome. Visual examination along the length of the outcrop shows that large, low profile forms are most abundant between Snabben 1 and Kuppen 4, but from Kuppen 4 towards Herrvik Harbour such forms decrease in abundance and taller stromatoporoids are more common. Also, the number of stromatoporoids with symbiotic (in the broad sense of the term) syringoporids and rugosans dramatically increases just north of Kuppen 4, and in places is much greater than the 20% average for the biostrome quoted earlier. Sampling the entire length of the biostrome was impractical because of access to the cliff, but the sample sites chosen are clearly representative of the variations present. The only obvious vertical change in the biostrome is that the upper 0 5 m between Kuppen 2 and Kuppen 4 contains stromatoporoids commonly of smaller size, with a more rubbly general appearance than the lower portions. Text-fig. 6 shows heterogeneity in the vertical and lateral abundance of several species in the biostrome, and analysis of this variation is important to determine palaeoecological characters of the stromatoporoids. The more abundant species show variations as follows. Lophiostroma schmidti and Stromatopora venukovi are present only in the basal part of the biostrome, but in all localities; Parallelostroma typicum and Stromatopora bekkeri occur throughout (including Kuppen 2; Kershaw 1981) but rarely in the upper portion of the unit; Syringostromella borealis occurs only at Kuppen 3 and 4 with more specimens in the upper part; Stromatopora carteri also occurs only at Kuppen 3 and 4, but rarely in the upper part; Plectostroma intermedium is widespread throughout the biostrome with a lot of fragments at Kuppen 3, and was also found at Kuppen 2 (Kershaw 1981); Clathrodictyon mohicanum is abundant everywhere (including Kuppen 2: Kershaw 1981), but diminishes slightly at Kuppen 5; C. conviction is more abundant in the lower part, but is missing in Kuppen 3 (one specimen at Kuppen 2: Kershaw 1981); and lastly Labechia lepida is uncommon, but is missing from the lower level, and rare at Kuppen 5. Most laminar to low domical stromatoporoids (e.g. C. mohicanum , Lophiostroma schmidti and Syringostromella borealis ) are complete, upright and probably did not suffer much damage (effects of abrasion have not been recognized because of pressure solution on the stromatoporoid margins). Laminar to low domical forms of all species are usually upright, irrespective of basal diameter. All the species with these morphologies comprise a well developed calcite skeletal structure, with robust laminae and pillars, expected to provide considerable strength to their skeletons. Most of the higher profile species, including Parallelostroma typicum , Stromatopora bekkeri and Clathrodictyon conviction , are also complete, but are commonly overturned (text-fig. 8), and in some cases more damaged than stromatoporoids of lower domical shapes (text-fig. 6). Plectostroma intermedium suffered considerable damage in places. The lack of open reef framework and early cementation permitted ready movement of debris across the biostrome, and this has clearly happened to a substantial number of stromatoporoid fragments. Comparisons of stromatoporoid abundance and growth form between localities can be usefully studied only using complete specimens. Distribution of fragments, however, provides information on severity of damage to stromatoporoids and is a necessary part of ecological study. Since fragments are generally small, around 10 cm across, a large number can be derived from a single stromatoporoid. However, assessment of the number of missing whole stromatoporoids represented by the fragmented material is unrealistic because of the variation in size of complete specimens and of the unknown degree of transport into, and out of, the Kuppen area. Nevertheless, in many species the degree of damage is small, especially in Clathrodictyon mohicanum , giving the impression that only a small number of these were broken up during high energy. In the case of Plectostroma intermedium, although no broken specimens were recorded in the sampling grid at 700 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Kuppen 5, half the sample there is affected by pressure solution. Its effects distort the relative numbers of complete and broken samples, because most specimens in category s were of small dimensions, and are likely to be fragments; consequently damage to P. intermedium is most probably even greater than text-fig. 6 implies. The difference in damage between C. mohicanum and P. intermedium can be partly attributed to the more easily damaged taller form of the latter, but P. intermedium is the most damaged of all the stromatoporoids in the suite and especially so in the upper part of Kuppen 3. The skeleton of this species consists of a network of thin pillars and processes instead of the strong skeleton characteristic of other species with tall forms at Kuppen. Its skeleton appears delicate in thin section and, as has been shown earlier, the majority of cement filling stromatoporoid galleries is dull luminescent, suggesting late (burial) cement. Thus the observed degree of damage is consistent with interpretation of an easily damaged, brittle structure whilst on the sea bed. Consequently the growth forms and skeletal structures of the stromatoporoids possess different preservation potentials. Although most showed non-significant results when using chi-squared tests, comparisons between numbers of specimens of P. intermedium and C. mohicanum show clearly than the former is significantly more damaged at Kuppen 3 at the 5% level. Chi- squared tests between P. intermedium and combined numbers of Parallelostroma typicum and Stromatopora hekkeri showed the same result. This confirms the impression of a delicate structure to Plectostroma intermedium compared to the more robust skeletons of Parallelostroma typicum- Stromatopora hekkeri. All these species have similar morphologies (text-fig. 8). Statistical comparisons are also instructive to assess the general character of the distribution of complete stromatoporoids. Statistical tests were used to compare stromatoporoids between localities, and between levels within localities, but not between levels combined from different localities since level boundaries are arbitrary and no reliable correlation can be made between them. Tests on the distribution of specimens, and of growth forms, show a variety of results. Chi-squared tests were used to compare numbers of complete specimens of pairs of species between localities to determine distributional relationships, and therefore lateral variation. Importantly, Plectostroma intermedium increased significantly from Kuppen 4 to Kuppen 5, and over the larger distance from Kuppen 3 to Kuppen 5 when compared with C. mohicanum (1 % level). C. conviction increases significantly from Kuppen 3 to Kuppen 4 in contrast to C. mohicanum , and also from Kuppen 3 to Kuppen 5 when tested with C. mohicanum and Syringostromella borealis at the 5% level. Tests involving Parallelostroma typicum and Stromatopora hekkeri were considered unreliable in view of taxonomic problems and were omitted. Tests using other species were not particularly informative in view of the small numbers, although much variation in distribution is evident from Table 1 and text-fig. 6. The above tests illustrate large scale lateral changes, but variations can be recognized between levels within localities. Thus each level is considered to be time-averaged and compared as a unit with other levels to illustrate temporal changes in the development of the stromatoporoids at any site. With use of the Fisher exact probability test, the visual decrease in basal diameter (a measure of size) of C. mohicanum from Kuppen 3B to 3A (text-fig. 9) is significant only at the 13% level, and the increase from 4B to 4A at the 9% level. With levels combined to compare localities, the visual reduction in size from Kuppen 4 to 5 reveals significance at the I 1 % level. These results are therefore not regarded as significantly different. The Fisher test also reveals a non-significant result when the V/B ratio (a measure of shape) in Plectostroma intermedium is compared between Kuppen 4 and 5 (P = 0-48) and when Kuppen 5 is compared to both Kuppen 3 and 4 combined (P = 0-24). Thus specimens of this species are not significantly taller at Kuppen 5 than at Kuppen 4 or Kuppen 3, as might be expected in the quieter environment of Kuppen 5. To summarize important features of the tests: C. mohicanum (a low profile form) is significantly less abundant at Kuppen 5 compared with Plectostroma intermedium (a tall profile form), which increases sharply at Kuppen 5; C. mohicanum varies in size between levels and localities, but not significantly, and some less abundant species show fluctuations in abundance laterally in the biostrome. It can be argued that the striking dilference in distribution of numbers of whole samples of C. mohicanum and P. intermedium is an artifact caused by extensive damage to P. intermedium KERSHAW: SILURIAN ST RO M ATOPO RO I D PALAEOBIOLOGY 701 at Kuppen 3A. However, it should be noted that the number of whole specimens of P. intermedium which would need to have been destroyed to generate the fragments is relatively small, because debris is much smaller than whole specimens, even if the stylolitized samples (most of which were probably originally fragments) are included. Also, no fragments of C. mohicanum were collected from Kuppen 3A, and the complete specimens were of smaller size than in most other sites (text- fig. 9). Other species with a variety of growth profiles are represented largely by complete specimens in Kuppen 3A (Table I), and the overall impression is of localized movement of debris. Variations in distribution of stromatoporoid species vertically and laterally throughout the biostrome support this (text-fig. 6 and Tabic 1) and reflect the life distribution of the stromatoporoids, thus broadly relating to their palaeobiology. Lastly, a curious feature of the Kuppen stromatoporoids is a notable lack of bioerosion. Stromatoporoids from the Upper Visby Beds (lower Wenlock, Gotland), for example, are heavily bored by Trypanites , but not at Kuppen. Thus the damage to stromatoporoids at Kuppen can be safely attributed to physical processes. CONTROLS ON STROMATOPOROID GROWTH The very high abundance of stromatoporoids in the biostrome was an important aid to the development of its fauna, because of the provision by taphonomic processes of a substrate of dead skeletons of earlier individuals. Particularly significant is the dominance of low profile stromatoporoids. C. mohicanum must have acted as a key substrate stabilizer, and Lophiostroma schmidti , with its characteristic encrusting habit, would have assisted in immobilizing areas of substrate. Some specimens of this latter species are large (text-fig. 10), and occur in the lower portion of the biostrome as well as in the marl beneath. In the absence of a cemented frame, the stability of laminar and low domical stromatoporoids in a regime of low sedimentation, allowed repeated colonization of the surface. Encrusting crinoids, bryozoans, and rugose and tabulate corals have also made use of this facility. L. schmidti was also commonly found encrusting, and was encrusted by, other stromatoporoid species, a feature noted by Mori (1970). Distributions of species in the lower biostrome are clearly heterogeneous. The south end of the Kuppen complex shows coarser grained sediments overlying the biostrome, and deep palaeo- erosion into it. The northwestern end (at Kuppen 5) shows a thinning of the unit and frequent interfingering of sediment in the area between Kuppen 5 and Herrvik. Lower energy water permitting a higher sedimentation rate in the Kuppen 5 area would have selected taller forms, and prejudiced survival of low profile stromatoporoids because of greater chance of them being buried. This could account for the distributional differences between P. intermedium and C. mohicanum, but paucity of ragged forms implies an overall low depositional rate. Most specimens of Clathrodictyon conviction show a smooth non-enveloping form, suited to a lower energy situation with an increased sedimentation rate at Kuppen 5, so that growth was concentrated at the apex of individual stromatoporoids. The small numbers and size of C. mohicanum at Kuppen 5 could be taken to indicate inhibition of growth by slow continuous sedimentation, rather than periodic deposition which would have led to development of ragged forms. Species-morphology relationships in the Kuppen suite show a pronounced taxonomic control on growth form (text-figs. 8-10), and illustrate ontogenetic patterns in growth form development (text- fig. 11). The reasons why different species developed different growth forms, however, remain undiscovered. While sedimentation rate is invoked here to play a part in controlling distribution, the abundance of low profile forms and rarity of ragged shapes indicates an overall low rate of deposition for the biostrome, and therefore sedimentation cannot be inherently responsible for the differences in form. In conditions of low energy, some species may have grown upwards to create local turbulence as suggested by Kershaw ( 1981 ). This speculative point could be invoked to explain why tall forms grew in the NW area, but since high and low profile forms occur upright and in close proximity in the southern area at Kuppen 2 (Kershaw 1981) and can be satisfactorily regarded as being in situ , such an interpretation cannot be generally applied. Also, apart from those at the base 702 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 of the biostrome, there was no need for low profile forms to develop as a response to avoid sinking in soft sediment, because their substrate was mostly dead skeletons of stromatoporoids, suitable also for taller forms because of the stability of a hard surface. Work on Devonian stromatoporoids illustrates the importance of lateral growth as a competitive feature (Meyer 1981), which would account for the abundance of C. mohicanum. However, competition for space between stromatoporoids at Kuppen, whereby fast growing, low profile forms would have commanded large areas of substrate, forcing others to grow upwards, cannot explain the dichotomy of form because of the different distributions of Plectostroma intermedium and Clathrodicyon mohicanum (text-fig. 6). Abundance of low profile shapes could be related to a competitive feature, but also to adaptation to an occasionally turbulent environment with storm action selectivity removing taller forms periodically. Since energy was lower most of the time, a low profile shape would only be necessary for that purpose in times of high energy. Recent work on other stromatoporoid assemblages also indicates the selective advantage of lateral growth. Harrington (1987) describes the usefulness of a lateral growth habit for colonizing unstable substrates in Devonian stromatoporoids. Bjerstedt and Feldmann (1985) show how stromatoporoid morphology varies from stabilizing, low profile forms in the lower parts of a Middle Devonian reef to more erect shapes once stabilization has been achieved. Therefore the development of a low profile form can be explained in a number of ways, with difficulty in distinguishing between them. Thus at Kuppen the presence of higher profile forms could be attributed to fluctuations of environmental energy, allowing periodic colonization by stromatoporoids with high profile shapes which were selectively damaged during storms. Stromatoporoids which normally formed tall shapes are occasionally large, low domical morphologies (text-fig. 9). These are demonstrably due to coalescence of several individuals, and the simultaneous growth of a number of stromatoporoids near each other is circumstantial evidence for growth on dead areas of substrate since closely packed fossils were not necessarily alive simultaneously. In the case of Stromatopora hekkeri (text-fig. 9), the location of these particular specimens at the base of the biostrome at Kuppen 3 is also notable, their substrate being the underlying bedded marls (text-fig. 2) poorly populated by stromatoporoids. Development of a low profile form in this situation would also help to spread weight on a soft substrate. Kershaw (1984) suggested substrate control for low profile forms in the Upper Visby Beds (Wenlock) on Gotland. Data presented by Mori (1970), noted earlier, show that stromatoporoid reefs in the Sundre Beds are dominated by low profile stromatoporoids. This reinforces the importance of a low profile in reef-builders. The principal species in these Sundre reefs, Plectostroma scaniense and Parallelostroma typicum , are tall forms at Kuppen, while the dominant stromatoporoid at Kuppen. Clathrodictyon mohicanum , is missing from the Sundre Beds (upper Ludlow, younger than the Hemse Beds). There is clearly a need to investigate the reasons for these differences, which may involve environmental changes, selecting for some species and excluding others. However, the possibility of adaptive evolution towards a more efficient growth form in some species also needs to be considered. Stromatoporoid growth irregularities Some stromatoporoids at Kuppen exhibit small protrusions, called mamelons, 0-5 - 2 cm in height, and not associated with astrorhizae as mamelons sometimes are. They occur rarely in Stromatopora hekkeri , Parallelostroma typicum , Plectostroma scaniense, and P. intermedium , but they covered the upper surface of the skeleton in 7 of the 107 specimens of C. mohicanum. They were vertically orientated in specimens which lay with their basal dimension horizontally on the substrate, but one specimen lying at an angle of c. 30° from horizontal in the upper part of Kuppen 3 still had vertically orientated protrusions (text-fig. 7). This latter feature was also found in several unidentified stromatoporoids from other parts of the biostrome and a recrystallized stromatoporoid from a biostrome in the Klinteberg Beds at locality Vivungs 1 of Laufeld (1974u), and lead to speculation as to their cause. Boyajian and La Barbera (1987) investigated mamelons experimentally in conjunction with astrorhizae in model stromatoporoids and Ceratoporella nicholsoni and showed their importance in KERSHAW: SILURIAN STROM ATOPOROI D PALAEOBIOLOGY 703 directing water currents through the structure to maximize feeding. This work is based on the well established Bernoulli’s principle of water flow from high pressure, slow moving water near the stromatoporoid skeleton to low pressure faster moving water around the tips of protrusions (Vogel 1978). Mamelons in the present specimens could have had a similar function, or as Kershaw (1981) suggested, caused turbulence close to the skeleton surface to assist feeding. The absence of astrorhizae on surfaces of many stromatoporoids does not necessarily negate a relationship with water flow, because in many modern calcified sponges the astrorhizal system exists entirely in the soft tissue coat and makes no impression on the skeleton. Nevertheless, in many stromatoporoids at Kuppen, and elsewhere in Silurian and Devonian rocks, there is a calcified astrorhizal system that is not associated with mamelons, and so the importance of mamelons in controlling water currents is questionable. Also, the presence of vertically orientated mamelons on sloping stromatoporoids suggest that other factors are responsible for mamelon development. Suggestions have been made that stromatoporoids were photoresponsive. Kazmierczak (1969) proposed symbiotic ?algae, and also that stromatoporoids are themselves cyanobacteria (e.g. Kazmierczak and Krumbein 1983). Since only a few specimens of C. mohicanum have such protrusions, they are unlikely to represent a photoresponse in this case. Surface morphology of the biostrome was suggested by Kershaw ( 1 98 1 ) to cause mamelon growth in hollows. Although surface depressions on the biostrome are not identifiable due to biostratinomic effects, their inferred presence could explain the specimens with mamelons. They are present in several localities and levels and consequently not limited to particular parts of the biostrome. They could therefore be a response to low energy causing an increase in stromatoporoid surface area and enhanced eddy formation for feeding in quiet spots. However, they cannot reflect increased sedimentation where they occur since the 'valleys’ between mamelons only rarely contain sediment, and laminae of the stromatoporoid are continuous over the tops of mamelons and the valleys between them. CONCLUSIONS This study reveals two major growth styles in stromatoporoids in a low diversity assemblage, favoured by one species, in a low to moderately turbulent environment with a low sedimentation rate. Environmental gradients involving water turbulence and sedimentation appear to have played an important role in controlling distributions of species and growth forms. The abundance of low text-fig. 12. Reconstruction of a small part of the lower biostrome, showing many stromatoporoids in life attitude, and taller forms overturned, plus fragments. Large, low profile shapes are based on Clathrodictyon mohicanum , and taller forms on Plecto- stroma intermedium. One specimen contains rugose corals, while an extended domical form on its side has continued to grow following overturning. A large domical form has developed by coalescence. Matrix is micrite, with skeletal debris. 704 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 profile stromatoporoids, in particular Clathrodictyon mohicanum, can be attributed to a number of factors including substrate colonization, stability of the substrate during times of higher energy, competitive ability, and coalescence, and is favoured by a low sedimentation rate. Most stromatoporoids in the suite grew on dead skeletal material, providing an important feedback to the living assemblage. Biostratinomic movement of skeletons, selective removal of taller growth forms and the pervasive effects of pressure solution, have distorted the life assemblage. A composite reconstruction of a small area of typical biostrome surface is shown in text-fig. 12, to illustrate the biostrome surface at an unspecified point in its development. Acknowledgements . I gratefully acknowledge funding from the West London Institute, with additional support from the Swedish Geological Survey, and access to the Allekvia Field Station on Gotland. I thank Robert Riding (Cardiff, U.K.). Michael Keeling, Julian Harrigan and Nicholas Palaus (West London Institute) for discussions on the Kuppen Complex, and Peter Sutcliffe (Kingston Polytechnic, U.K.) for assistance with cathodoluminescence. 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Special Papers in Palaeontology, 37, 89 pp. STEPHEN KERSHAW Palaeobiology Research Unit West London Institute Borough Road Isleworth Middx. TW7 5DU U.K. Typescript received 7 March 1989 Revised typescript received 20 December 1989 REVIEW OF THE CAENOZOIC HETERODONT BIVALVE SUPERFAMILY DREISSENACEA by C. P. NUTTALL Abstract. The Dreissenacea consists of one family, the Dreissenidae, with subfamilies Dreisseninae for Dreissenci (with three subgenera), Congeria and Mytilopsis ; and Dreissenomyinae for Dreissenomya (two subgenera). Poorly preserved Prodreissensia is provisionally placed in the Dreisseninae, but may be wrongly assigned to the superfamily. Dreissenids live in fresh and brackish water. Most are epifaunal and byssally attached but Dreissenomya was infaunal and unattached. Mytilopsis first appeared in the European Eocene and invaded the Western Hemisphere in the late Oligocene. Dreissena , Congeria and Dreissenomya arose in the late Miocene of the Paratethys. Two genera survive: Mytilopsis occurs naturally only in the Western Hemisphere and Dreissena in Europe and Western Asia. European Mio-Pliocene boundary extinctions coincide with the break up of Paratethys and the Messinian salinity crisis. Often anomalous increases in the distribution of both Recent genera are attributed to human activity, but some records from eastern Asia are due to confusion with Sinomytilus (Mytilacea). The largely freshwater, eulamellibranchiate, anisomyarian superfamily Dreissenacea first appears in the Eocene and is still living. It was placed in the Veneroida (Heterodonta) in the classification of Newell (1965) which was adopted by McCormick and Moore in Moore (1969). Confirmation of this position was provided by Taylor, Kennedy and Hall ( 1973) who stressed the strong resemblance between the shell structures of Dreissena itself and the Corbiculacea, another largely freshwater superfamily which dates back into the Mesozoic. Examination of the fossil record and the Recent distribution of the Dreissenacea shows that the generic ranges, geographical distribution and arrangement of the genera given by Keen in Moore (1969) (see Table 1) in the Treatise and by Eames in Morley Davies (1971) are in need of modification. The Treatise classification (Moore 1969) had some influence on the views of both Morton (1970) and Marelli and Gray (1985) on evolution the superfamily: in consequence, several of their conclusions also need re-examination. It is understandable how much of the confusion arose. Firstly for generic determination it is necessary to examine internal features of the shell: one such feature is the presence or absence (pi. 1, figs. 6, 14, 16) of the apophysis which may be hidden under the septum and can easily be overlooked except in good specimens and good illustrations. Secondly, many species were originally described either as Mytilus or Dreissena. In addition, this situation is further complicated by the almost universal practice of European workers of placing all species possessing an apophysis in Congeria , regardless of the fact that most resemble the type species of Mytilopsis (pi. 1, figs. 11 14) rather than that of Congeria (pi. 3). Thirdly, it is becoming clear that many Recent occurrences of both Dreissena and Mytilopsis are the result of human introduction. Oppenheim (1891, pi. 51) gave excellent illustrations of the internal details of several European Eocene species, showing that all whose internal features were known possessed an apophysis (pi. 2, figs. 12-18). These species had been originally described as Dreissena and have subsequently been assigned to various subgenera of Congeria , but are here regarded as belonging to Mytilopsis. Most subsequent European studies, however, have concentrated on the varied dreissenid faunas of the Neogene of the Paratethys, stretching from Austria eastwards through the southern USSR as far as the Aral Sea. The basis of the more recent Russian classifications (Starabogatov 1970; Babak 1983) is the work of Andrussov (1897-8; 1900) whose very comprehensive monograph of fossil and | Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 707-737, 6 pls.| © The Palaeontological Association 708 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 table 1 . Summary of modern classifications of the Dreissenacea Keen in Moore (1969) Fam. DREISSENIDAE Babak (1983) Fam. DREISSENIDAE Subfam. dreisseninae Herein Fam. dreissenidae Subfam. dreisseninae Dreissena Dreissena Dreissena ( Dreissena ) ( Dreissena ) ( Dreissena ) — ( Pontodreissena) ( Pontodreissena ) — ( M odiolodreissena) ( M odiolodreissena) ( Prodreissensia ) — Prodreissensia Dreissenomya) — ( Sinucongeria ) Congeria Congeria Congeria ( Congeria ) (= Congeria) ( Rhombocongeria ) ( = Congeria) (Eocongeria) ( = Mytilopsis) ( Trigonipraxis ) ( = Mytilopsis) (Andrusoviconcha) ( = Mytilopsis) Mytilopsis ( Mytilopsis ) Mytilopsis Subfam. dreissenomyinae Subfam. dreissenomyinae Dreissenomya Dreissenomya ( Dreissenomya ) ( Dreissenomya ) ( Sinucongeria ) (Sinucongeria) table 2. Relationship between informal groups of the genus Congeria proposed by Andrussov (1897-8) and the subgeneric arrangements adopted by Starabogatov (1970) and Marinescu (1973) Andrussov, 1897-8* Starabogatov, 1970 Marinescu, 1973 eocenae Eocongeria nov. subgen. — eocena (sic) = eocenica Oppenheim mytiliform.es Mytilopsis Conrad Mytilia nov. subgen. basteroti Deshayes modioliformes Andrusoviconcha nov. subgen. Modiola nov. subgen. amygdaloides Dunker subglobosae Congeria Partsch Congeria Partsch no type species rhomboidea Rhombocongeria nov. subgen. Rhomboidea nov. subgen. no type species triangulares Trigonipraxis nov. subgen. Triangularia nov. subgen. triangularis Partsch * Andrussov’s informal groups and their ‘type species’ are shown in this column. living Dreissenidae of Eurasia also dealt with species from the rest of the world. Andrussov (1898) divided both Congeria and Dreissena into a number of non-binomial ‘groups’, and gave ‘type species ’ for some but not all of them (see Table 2). Later authors have subsequently formalized these groups as nomenclatorially valid subgenera, sometimes with type species different to those originally suggested by Andrussov. In the present work all such subgenera of Congeria are NUTTALL REVIEW OF DREISSENACEA 709 synonymized either with Congeria or Mytilopsis (Table 1). The aim of the present study is to revise the stratigraphic and geographic distributions of the various genera and to suggest improvements to the classification adopted by earlier authors. Text-fig. I shows the correlation adopted herein for the European post-Lower Miocene. m.y 0 1.8 6.3 12.0 16.5 W. EUROPE PARATETHYS Central Eastern RECENT PLEISTOCENE PLIOCENE yy x UJ o o Piacenzian ( Astian) Zanclian Messinian I ortonian Serravillian Langhiart Rumanian Akchagylian Dacian Kimmerian Pont i a m Pannonian Meotian (Malvensian) Sarmatian Sarmatian (sensu Barbot) (sensu Suess ) Konkian Badeniam Karaganian Tchokrakian text-fig. 1. European post-lower Miocene correlation and generic ranges. Mytilopsis first occurs in the Eocene. Key, asterisk, Mytilopsis reintroduced after becoming extinct in eastern Hemisphere. Based on Steininger et a! ., 1985. The generic synonymies given herein concentrate on names proposed in modern taxonomic works. They omit the numerous variations in the spelling of Dreissena. Also omitted are the many nineteenth-century names which have long since fallen into disuse. This information is readily available elsewhere (Keen in Moore, 1969; Vokes 1980). The scope of this study is somewhat limited by the comparatively small collections in the Palaeontology and Zoology departments, British Museum (Natural History) (BMPD; BMZD) and is therefore largely based on reinterpretation of the literature. Probably the most useful source of reliable specific identifications and natural groupings is Andrussov (1897-8). Other important works consulted include the following concerned with classification: Orlov (1960); Keen in Moore (1969); Starabogatov (1970); Babak 1983. Works summarizing regional distribution and containing illustrations and references sufficiently adequate for reinterpretation include: for Europe:- Archambault-Guezou (1976u, b): Iljina et al. (1976); Locard (1893); Marinescu (1973, 1975); Oppenheim (1891, 1892); Papp (1953, 1954); Rozanov (1986); Zelinskaya et al. (1968): for the Western Hemisphere:- Keen (1971); Marelli and Gray (1983); Olsson (1961); Nuttall (1990, pp. 275-287): for West Africa:- Pilsbry and Becquaert (1927). Anatomy and other aspects of the biology of living Dreissena are dealt with by Morton (1970) and by Yonge and Campbell (1968). Escarbassiere and Almeida (1976) and Morton (1981) 710 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 dealt similarly with living Mvtilopsis. Several, mainly early, papers have been largely ignored because it is not possible to interpret the sparse stratigraphical information they contain. For example, among those that have proved too difficult to use is the important study of Yugoslav Miocene dreissenids by Kochansky-Devide and Sliskovic (1978). They figured many apparently rather crushed species and introduced (pp. 35, 60) a new informal group, the Tuciniformes’. Their range chart (p. 76) differs from current views in correlating the Tortonian with the Badenian, regarding both as pre-Sarmatian. They placed both the Otnangian and Karpathian within the Helvetian, which they regarded as pre-Badenian. Nowadays the general concensus is to consider the Helvetian as equivalent to the Tortonian. MORPHOLOGY AND MODE OF LIFE Inequivalvity Slight inequivalvity in the Dreissenacea arises from two factors. In all genera except Dreissenomya , some articulation, or rather means of relative location between the two valves, is achieved by differences in the ventral shell margin or commissure immediately posterior to the umbones (pi. I, figs. 2, 3). In the left valve a sinus followed by a broader upswelling is developed just posterior to the umbo. In Dreissena ( Pontodreissena ) rostriformis (Deshayes 1838) upswelling is very pronounced, forming a strong beak (pi. 1, figs. 8 10). In the right valve, an upward angular projection is present immediately posterior to the umbo. The sinus developed behind this projection is rather weaker than the upswelling in the left view. These structures, which are purely modifications of the commissure, are not true hinge teeth, even though they are concerned with articulation. The other cause of inequivalvity is that the byssal notch is not always developed evenly in both valves. Yonge and Campbell (1968, p. 5) stated that in Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) the umbo of one valve overlaps that of the other ventrally, and this one alone bears the byssal notch. They did not state which valve is which and their observation on the byssal notch cannot be confirmed. This species lives in clusters with the result that both shell shape and also the orientation of the byssal anchorage could well be influenced by crowding against adjacent shells. This habit of living in tight clumps adopted by most dreissenids (text-figs 2a, e) can cause considerable morphological variation due to pressure from adjacent individuals. This has led to the description of numerous unnecessary nominal species, as witnessed by the lengthy synonymies in Marelli and Gray (1983) and in Nuttall (1990, pp. 280, 285) of, respectively. Recent and Neogene Mvtilopsis. Similar reservations must be expressed about the large number of other fossil species described as occurring either together or at particular horizons. Internal inequivalvity may occur in the septal region. The septa of the two valves are often not mirror-images of each other. Variations occur in the size and shape of the muscle attachments on the septa and also the way in which the septa may, or may not be, supported or buttressed from below. Anterior muscle attachments The form of the septum and its muscle attachments have provided the basis not only of generic separation but also much of the evidence of the evolution of the family. The anterior adductor muscle is always attached to the septum. In Dreissena (pi. I , fig. 6) and Dreissenomya (pis. 5, 6; text- fig. 3) the pedal/byssal retractor scar occurs on the dorsal part of the septum. In Mvtilopsis (pi. 1, figs. 14, 16) the pedal/byssal retractor scar is situated on a myophore placed sometimes slightly underneath, sometimes posterior to, the dorsal part of the septum. In Congeria (s.s.) this myophore tends to be fused to the dorsal margin of the septum (pi. 3). This fusion may be interpreted as resulting from massive thickening of the septum rather than a fundamental difference between Congeria and Mvtilopsis. The taxonomic usefulness of the septum and apophysis has been questioned (Archambault-Guezou 1982, with further references). Previously (1976a, pi. 9, figs. 16, 17) she had illustrated juvenile valves of the southern French ‘infra-Pliocene’ (= Messinian) ‘ Congeria ' rhodanica (Fontannes 1882) (here transferred to Mvtilopsis). In the right valve the NUTTALL: REVIEW OF DREISSEN ACEA 711 apophysis is fused to the septum and the pedal/byssal scar is deep and oval. In the left valve the apophysis is mounted behind and below the septum. Archambault-Guezou (1976/?) was clearly of the opinion that ‘C’. rhodanica was extremely closely related to ‘C’. subcarinata (Deshayes 1838) originally described from the Pliocene of the Crimea. Morton (1970) figured a left valve (BMPD LL18540) of ‘C’. subcarinata botenica Andrussov, 1897 from the Middle Pontian of Rumania in which the apophysis is fused to the septum. Examination of a further sample (BMPD LL9022-4) from another Rumanian locality of Upper Pontian age (pi. 6, figs. 8-10) confirms his observation on the left valve, but also shows that the apophysis in two accompanying right valves is in the normal position for Mytilopsis. This is a mirror image of the situation in M. rhodanica. Unfortunately, lack of material makes it impossible to discover how constant the difference between valves is in these two species or subspecies. The possibility that the difference is random, caused by the shells living at different attitudes in clumps, cannot be dismissed. Examples of reduction of the apophysis in apparently different lineages during the late Miocene are illustrated by Papp (1950) and Pana (1962). This suggests that Dreissena may be polyphyletic and is, perhaps, some justification for the recognition of its three described subgenera. All these aberrations in the arrangement of the septum and apophysis are perhaps to be expected at a period during which the Dreissenacea were evolving rapidly. If Mytilopsis gave rise to Congeria and Dreissena , it seems highly likely that the quite good fossil record should reveal fossils, such as those discussed above, which may be interpreted as intermediate forms. I will accept, therefore, the presence of the apophysis, or lack of it, as being a useful taxonomic distinction in most instances. Morton (1981, p. 39), in discussing the anterior pedal retractor in Dreissena , Congeria and Mytilopsis , inferred that the introduction of the apophysis was a progressive improvement, and his fig. 1 1 certainly supports his view that there is an increase in the mechanical efficiency of the pedal/byssal retractor muscle. It is, however, a reverse of the evolutionary sequence. Mytilopsis , with an apophysis, appeared some 40 million years before Dreissena dispensed with this structure, and is still successful. Articulation The family appears to be edentulous. Morton (1970) described and figured the interiors of left valves of Dreissenomya ( Sinucongeria ) aperta (Deshayes 1838) (BMPD LL18541) and Congeria (C.) subglobosa Partsch (BMPD LL22134), stating that the former has two rudimentary cardinal teeth and the latter a poorly developed cardinal covered in life by the anterior adductor. In fact, both valves of LL18541 possess a single irregular rugose ridge crossing the hinge plate (pi. 6, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6). These ridges, however, are not only far too low to articulate as teeth, but are also in the wrong position to do so. They are situated more or less opposite each other rather than being offset like true teeth which fit into corresponding sockets in the other valve. Another specimen (BMPD LI 9502; pi. 6, figs. 3, 4, 7) and numerous illustrations (Archambault-Guezou 1976u, pis. 4, 5; Marinescu 1975, pis. 6-8) show wide variation in both size and position of these ridges on the septum of D. ( S .) aperta. Similar ridges occur in other species of Sinucongeria. Examination of LL22134 and other specimens of Congeria subglobosa (PI. 3) shows that no cardinal tooth, however poorly developed, exists. The ridge is not always present, and, as in Sinucongeria , cannot have acted as a tooth. These ridges are here interpreted, therefore, as some modification to the adductor muscle attachment area rather than as rudimentary dentition. It is possible that they mark the boundary between the 'catch' and 'quick' components of the anterior adductor muscle. Yonge and Campbell (1968), however, in rather briefly discussing the musculature of Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), do not mention finding these two separate components of the adductor muscle. An alternative explanation is that ridges or corrugations might help to make a more secure anchorage between the muscle and shell. Marinescu (1975, p. 78, text-figs. 4, 5, 6, 8) stated that there was a rudimentary cardinal tooth in the right valve of Dreissenomya (s.s.), in contrast to D. ( Sinucongeria ), which he described as edentulous. His text-fig. 5 illustrates a series of juvenile shells (0-6-1 -3 mm long). The structure. 712 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 situated on the commissure just below the umbo, is in the correct position for a tooth, but (his text- fig. 5e) also occurs in the left valve. In adult shells (BMPD L19501, L71745) (pi. 5, figs. 1-5) it appears to match a slight indentation of the commissure below the umbo, and is unlikely to have been an effective form of articulation. This structure could be equivalent to the flexures of the commissure in the umbonal region of more typical members of the family, rather than a cardinal tooth. The umbones are terminal in the majority of Dreissenacea, including the earliest known. It is only in the late Tertiary Dreissenomya (s.s.) that they are situated some distance behind the anterior of the shell, but still well forward. The change in umbonal position can be regarded as a secondary modification connected with adaptation to an epifaunal mode of life (text-fig. 2b, c). text-fig. 2. Mode of life of Dreissenacea. Arrows indicate inhalent and exhalent siphons, a. Recent Dreissena and Mytilopsis , epifaunal, byssally attached to hard object such as pebble or piece of wood. Dead shells at bases of cluster shown without siphons, b, extinct Dreissenomya (Sinucongeria) and c, D. ( Dreissenomya ), both infaunal, powerful burrowers, with foot extended. D, extinct Congeria subglobosa Partsch, epifaunal, attached to hard object by massive byssus. E, extinct Mytilopsis spathulata (Partsch) epifaunal, bysally attached cluster on dead valve of Congeria subglobosa , dead shells shown without siphons, or with valves not closed. Based on LL 28243. Upper Miocene, Pannonian, Hennersdorf Brick Pit, 10 km S. of Vienna. All extinct examples from late Miocene and Pliocene of Paratethys. b and c modified from Marinescu, 1975. All figures approximately x 0-5. Mode of life All known Recent species of both Dreissena and Mytilopsis are epifaunal, living in clusters attached to each other by the byssus (text-fig. 2a). The cluster or colony (text-fig. 2e, BMPD LL28243) of the Austrian Pannonian Mytilopsis spathulata (Partsch) on a single valve of Congeria subglobosa Partsch is evidence that some fossil dreissenids were adapted to a similar mode of life. NUTTALL REVIEW OF DREISSEN ACEA 713 The habit of forming clusters is probably a reflection of the fact that byssally attached epifaunal bivalves, such as many Dreissenacea and Mytilacea, often need to exploit every suitable piece of hard substrate. The pallial line in Dreissena (s.l.), Mytilopsis and Congeria is normally described as being entire, and the siphons of D. polymorpha (Pallas) were described as short (Yonge and Campbell 1968; Morton 1969). Such features are indicative of an epifaunal existence. Morton (1970, p. 567, text-fig. 7) described the pallial line of Mytilopsis sallei (Recluz 1849) as not being indented by a sinus. Later, on studying living material of the same species, he described it ( 1981, p. 30) as having a slight pallial sinus, an unusual feature in an epifaunal species (p. 37), and (p. 39) mentioned that its extensible siphons helped it cope with a high sediment load. However, Morton did not state how far the siphons could extend. These interesting observations led him (1981, p. 30) to reconsider his views on Congeria zsigmondyi Halavats, from the Pontian of Hungary (1970, p. 565, text-fig. 4), which he had previously described as lacking a pallial sinus and which he had interpreted as being a byssally attached, infaunal species like the quadrate and globose Congeria subglobosa Partsch from the Pannonian of the Vienna Basin (1970, p. 565, text-fig. 3). Morton had argued (1970, p. 569) that, in moving water, the size of the latter species would put a great strain on the byssal apparatus. It seems unlikely that Congeria was completely infaunal. It has no pallial sinus, so it may be inferred that the siphons were short as in Dreissena. It would almost certainly prefer not to be buried sufficiently for the siphons to be permanently covered by sediment, even though Yonge and Campbell (1968) had described the normally epifaunal D. polymorpha as being singularly oblivious to the presence of silt because of its ability to expel massive collections of pseudofaeces. The large size of the byssal notch in C. subglobosa (pi. 3, fig. 4) and other large species suggests that the byssus may have been extremely well developed and able to cope with bottom currents, which in the muddy clay facies of the Pannonian were probably not strong. It is difficult to imagine that these large, heavy Congeria lived in clumps: they were almost certainly solitary and byssally attached to hard objects such as dead shells (text-fig. 2f). The pallial sinus which Morton (1981) described in M. sallei (pi. 1, fig. 19, herein) and in C. zsigmondyi is barely noticeable, consisting of a slight truncation of the posterior portion of the pallial line. These pallial lines are not indented, and it is difficult to justify Morton’s comparison (1981, pp. 30, 37) between them and the fully sinupalliate Dreissenomya ( Sinucongeria ) aperta (Deshayes) (pi. 6, figs. 2, 4). By no means all species assigned to Mytilopsis possess this weak pallial sinus. Species in which it may be detected include M. leucophaetus (Conrad 1831) (pi. 1, fig. 1 1), the living type species, and M. basteroti (Deshayes in Lamarck, 1836) from the Lower Miocene of Aquitaine (pi. 5, fig. 9). It is almost certain that all species of Mytilopsis , whether or not this weak pallial sinus is detectable, were basically epifaunal and byssally attached. Dreissenomya (s.l ), in which a definite pallial sinus is present, is thought to have been infaunal. Morton (1970, pp. 564, 568, text-fig. 2) suggested that D. (S.) aperta was infaunal and byssally attached as it possessed a byssal notch. However, the commissure in this species is so irregular and variable that it is impossible positively to identify a byssal notch as indicated in Morton’s figure. Marinescu (1975, p. 90) stated that the gapes in D. (Sinucongeria) were either less important than in Dreissenomya (s.s.) or absent altogether. He made no mention of the presence of a byssal notch in either subgenus. Dreissenomya (D.) schroeckingeri (Fuchs 1870c/), on the other hand, possesses pronounced anterior (pedal) and posterior (siphonal) gapes (Marinescu 1975, p. 78, text-fig. 3). Marinescu also (pp. 105-107) discussed the mode of life of these subgenera. Single valves were less common than specimens with both valves together, found nearly perpendicular to the bedding plane, presumably in life position. The indications are that the Pontian D. (D.) schroeckingeri lived at depths of up to 30cms below the sediment surface and that D. ( S .) aperta at about 5-7 cm (text-fig. 1b, c). He considered that the earlier, Meotian, species of both subgenera were barely covered, as they often occur as isolated valves, and that juveniles, lacking the posterior gape were also surface dwellers. According to Prof. W. Russell-Hunter ( pers . comm, in Yonge and Campbell, 1968), juveniles of living Dreissena use the foot to move about from time to time and produce a weak byssus with only a few threads for temporary attachment. With growth, the foot becomes less important as an organ of locomotion and a much stronger, more permanent byssus is formed. It seems likely that juvenile 714 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 fossil dreissenids had similar habits. It is reasonable to suppose that the earlier species of Dreissenomya (s.l.) followed this pattern, but the later, more deeply buried species differed in not being byssally attached as adults. They were possibly strong and rapid burrowers, in a manner comparable to members of the Tellinacea. Other characters The opisthodetic ligament and soft parts of D. polymorpha (Pallas) are described in detail (Yonge and Campbell 1968; Morton 1969). Mytilopsis sallei (Recluz 1849), a member of the only other living genus, is similarly dealt with (Escarbassiere and Almeida 1976; Morton 1981). The shell structure of D. polymorpha was studied by Taylor, Kennedy and Hall, (1973) who noted its strong resemblance to that found in the Corbiculacea, a predominantly freshwater superfamily, whilst Archambault-Guezou (1982) noted cylindrical perforations which she considered to be tubules in two other living species, which she placed in Congeria , but are here assigned to Mytilopsis as M. leucophaetus (Conrad) and M. coch/eatus (Kickx in Nyst, 1835). Planktotrophic larvae are reported in both living genera (Morton 1969, with further references) for D. polymorpha (Pallas), and by Escarbassiere and Almeida (1976, p. 167, fig. 14) for Mytilopsis sallei (Recluz). As Morton pointed out, the retention of a free-swimming larva is unique among freshwater bivalves. Morton (1969) showed that D. polymorpha possessed a very efficient filtering system that enabled it to live in both fast-running and in relatively static freshwaters. M. sallei is similar in this respect and, additionally, is extremely tolerant to salinity changes between 0-50 %G (Escarbassiere and Almeida 1976; Morton 1981). This must be an important factor in its ability to be transported across oceans and also in its survival in tropical estuaries and harbours where salinity can vary enormously between wet and dry seasons. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Repositories. With the exception of figures reproduced from other works, all figures are of specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). Fossils are in the Palaeontology Department (BMPD) and their registration numbers are prefixed by either L or LL. Recent specimens are in the Zoology Department (BMZD), whose registration numbers frequently refer to a whole sample rather than a single specimen. Subclass HETERODONTA Order veneroida Superfamily dreissenacea Gray in Turton, 1840 Diagnosis. Normally mytiliform to modioliform; umbones terminal or nearly so; umbonal septum or shelf present, but sometimes vestigial ; edentulous; heteromyarian with anterior adductor muscle attached to septum; gills eulamellibranchiate ; shell aragonitic, outer layer of simple and crossed lamellae; inner layer of complex crossed lamellae. Distribution. Lower Eocene to Recent, Europe, Asia Minor and as far east as Kazakhstan (Aral Sea region). Late Oligocene, Central and tropical South America, spreading northwards into southern and Atlantic seaboard areas of United States during the Neogene. Introduced to India, Hong Kong and Japan. Probably introduced to Fiji and West Africa. Remarks. The characters mentioned in this diagnosis are discussed in the section on morphology and mode of life, whilst the distribution of the family is dealt with under each genus in turn and in the discussion. Family dreissenidae Gray in Turton, 1840 Diagnosis. As for superfamily. NUTTALL: REVIEW OF DREISSENACEA 715 Subfamily dreisseninae. Gray in Turton, 1840 Diagnosis. Umbones terminal; pallia I sinus absent or weak; byssal gape usually marked. Remarks. Living Dreisseninae are usually mytiliform, sometimes triangular or quadrate, and have short, separate, siphons. They are epifaunal, byssally attached in clusters. Distinctions between them and the Dreissenomyinae are discussed under the latter. Distribution. As for superfamily. Genus dreissena van Beneden, 1835u (text-fig. 2a). Type species. Mytulus (sic) polymorphus Pallas, 1771, by monotypy. Recent, Europe, (pi. 1, figs. 1-6). Diagnosis. Mytiliform, smooth except for growth lines, with simple septum on which anterior adductor and pedal-byssal retractor muscles are mounted; apophysis lacking; pallial line entire. Distribution. Late Miocene (Meotian)-Recent, Europe, northern Asia Minor and as far east as the Aral Sea, and the River Euphrates. Remarks. Numerous fossil species have been recognized particularly in the Paratethys. Many have very restricted distributions both geographically and stratigraphically and the suspicion remains that some are of little more than local significance. Carinate mytiliform Dreissena (s.s.) may be easily distinguished from the non-carinate, more modioliform D. ( Pontodreissena ) and D. ( Modio - lodreissena ), but the differences between these do not seem great. Subgenus dreissena van Beneden, 1835a Plate I, figs. 1-6. Diagnosis. Dreissena with straight dorsal margin and markedly angular diagonal carina. Distribution. As for genus (s.l.) Remarks. Dreissena (s.s.) corresponds to the carinatae- group of Andrussov (1897-8). The living type species, D. polymorpha is long ranging, first occurring in the Meotian of the eastern Paratethys (Iljina et al. 1976). Archambault-Guezou (19766) and Locard (1893) gave useful summaries of its spread from its apparent area of origin. Much of its dispersal through the rivers and canals of western Europe has occurred very recently, being recorded from the Danube in 1769, England in 1824 and the south of France by 1865-6. This rapid spread probably coincided with increasing trade and the interconnections of inland waterways by canals and locks. Locard (1883) described two species from the upper reaches of the Euphrates river system in northern Syria, and later (1893) recorded the genus from above Baghdad. The Elolotype (BMZD 1984243) of Mytilus tenebrosus Reeve, 1858, described from the Mississippi, is a damaged D. polymorpha. It is the only record of the genus from the Western Hemisphere and may be discounted, having either been mislocalized or transported as ballast. Subgenus pontodreissena Logvinenko and Starabogatov, 1966 Plate 1, figs. 7-10. plate 2, figs. 6-8. Type species. Mytilus rostriformis Deshayes, 1838, by original designation. Pliocene, Crimea, (pi. 1, figs. 7-10, pi. 2, figs. 6-8). 716 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Diagnosis. Dorsal margin convex; ventral margin slightly concave behind umbone; not tumid, diagonal ridge much weaker than in D. ( Dreissena ) and mainly confined to umbonal region; septum broad. Distribution. Late Miocene (Meotian) to Recent. Paratethys and bordering Mediterranean (see below). Remarks. The work in which this subgenus was erected has not been seen. Pontodreissena is used by Starabogatov (1970), Babak (1983) and Rozanov (1986). Pontodreissena corresponds to part of the modioliformes- group of Andrussov (1897-8): other members of this group were assigned to D. (Modiolodreissena) by Babak (1983). D. (P.) rostriformis is first recorded from the Meotian of the eastern Paratethys (Rozanov 1986) though other authors do not recognize it before the Pontian. Archambault-Guezou (19766) summarizes its distribution. In her opinion, it originated in the Dacian Basin during the Lower Pontian and persisted there through the Dacian, invading the eastern Paratethys during the Middle Pontian, continuing there throughout the Pliocene and into the Quaternary, and living now in the Caspian. It invaded the Mediterranean, being found in strata of probable Messinian age from Greece, Italy, Sicily, southern France and southern Spain. Other species are shorter ranging, mainly confined to the eastern Paratethys, and all extinct (Babak 1983). Subgenus modiolodreissena Babak, 1983 Plate 2, figs. 3, 4. Type species. Dreissensia theodori Andrussov, 1893, by original designation. Pliocene, Crimea, (pi. 2, figs. 3, 4). Diagnosis. Like D. (Pontodreissena) but amygdaloidal with both dorsal and ventral margins convexly curved ; diagonal ridge lacking. Distribution. Late Miocene (Meotian) - Late Pliocene (Akchagylian), Paratethys only. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs. 1-6. Dreissena (D.) polymorpha (Pallas), sample BMZD 1984242, Recent, Commercial Docks, London, G.B. Sowerby Colin. 1 , right valve. 2, 3, ventral views (left valve on right of figures) to show different profiles of commissures in beak region (compare with fig. 8, below), and also byssal notch in fig. 3. 4, left valve. 5, 6, right valve, internal view showing septum, x 2, except 2, 6, both x 5. Figs. 7-10. Dreissena ( Pontodreissena ) rostriformis (Deshayes 1838), LL 28238/1 left valve. Pliocene, exact horizon unknown, Kamych-Burun. Kerch Peninsula, Crimea, U.S.S.R. 7, internal, x 1-5, 8, 10, details of septum and rostrate process from different angles, both x 4. 9, ventral view, showing rostrate process (compare with fig. 2 above), x L5. Figs. II 14. Mytilopsis leucophaetus (Conrad 1831) sample BMZD 1984239. Recent, Green Cove Springs, Black Creek (tributary of St John’s River), Florida, attached to submerged wood, collected live by Messrs D. C. Marelli and M. J. Greenberg. 11. 12, left valve internal, showing slight pallial sinus, x 5, external view x 3. 13, right valve internal, x 3. 14, umbonal area of another right valve, tilted to show apophysis, x 10. (N.B. The umbones of this species invariably seem to be eroded). Figs. 15, 16, 18, 19. Mytilopsis sal/ei (Recluz 1849). 15, sample BMZD 1984230, left valve of shell figured as Mytilus sallei by Reeve, 1858, pi. 10, fig. 44, Central America, Cuming Colin, x2-5. 16, left valve of shell from same sample, detail of septum and apophysis, x 10. 18, sample 1984236, left valve of shell figured as Mytilus domingensis Recluz (1852) by Reeve, 1858, pi. 100, fig. 44, Dominican Republic, Cuming Colin, x 2. 19, right valve of shell from same sample showing extremely weak pallial sinus, x2-5. Fig. 17. Mytilopsis africanus (van Beneden 18356), sample BMZD 1984238. left valve of shell figured as Mytilus africanus by Reeve, 1858, pi. 10, fig. 47, Senegal, Cuming Colin, x F5, cf. figs. 18 and 19. PLATE I NUTT ALL, Dreissena, D. (. Pontodreissena ) and Mytilopsis 718 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Remarks. The broad septum often extends some distance along the dorsal margin. The modioliformes- group of Andrussov ( 1897-8) is split between this subgenus and D. ( Pontodreissena ): the distinctions between them do not seem great, but may be useful in the context of Paratethys geology. Rozanov (1986) records D. rimestiensis (Fontannes 1887) from the Meotian, the species survives to the top of the Pontian in Rumania. The type species first occurs in the late Pontian (Kamyschburun, Kertsch Peninsula) and persists into the Akchagylian. Genus congeria Partsch, 1835 Plate 2, figs 1-3, Plate 3, figs. 1-6, text-fig. 2d. Type species. Congeria subglobosa Partsch, 1835, subsequent designation by Pilsbry, 1911, Upper Miocene, Pannonian, Vienna Basin, (pi. 3, figs. 1-6). = Globocongeria Taktakishvili, 1973, p. 14, (objective synonym), type species Congeria subglobosa Partsch, 1835, by original designation, — Rhombocongeria Starabogatov, 1970, type species Congeria rhomboidea M. Hornes, 1870, by original designation, Upper Miocene, Pontian, Hungary, (pi. 2, figs. 1-3) = Rhomboidea Marinescu, 1973, (objective synonym of Rhombocongeria ), type species Congeria rhomboidea Hornes, 1870, by original designation. Diagnosis. Quadrate to rhomboidal; smooth except for growth lines; apophysis fused to septum; pallial line entire. Distribution. Late Miocene (Pannonian to Lower and Middle Pontian), western Paratethys only. Remarks. There is more than one approach to the classification of dreissenids possessing an apophysis as well as a septum. The first, with variations, adopted by most Eastern Hemisphere authors (Andrussov 1897-8; Orlov 1960; Starabogatov 1970; Taktakishvili 1973 ; Marinescu 1973; EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figs. 1, 2, 5. Congeria rhomboidea M. Hornes, presumed Upper Miocene, Pontian, 1, left valve internal, Arpad, S.E. of Fiinfkirchen, southern Hungary, from M. Hornes, 1867, pi. 48, fig. 4a. 2, 5, right valve and anterior view, from Andrussov, 1897, pi. 10, figs. 8, 10. 2, Ogrugliak, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 5, Arpad, Hungary, all xl. Figs. 3, 4. Dreissena ( Modiolodreissena ) theodori Andrussov (1893), Pliocene, late Kimmerian or early Akchagylian, Eisenerzschichton, Kamych-Burun, Kerch Peninsula, Crimea, U.S.S.R., from Andrussov, 1897, pi. 13, figs. 16, 15. 3, right valve internal. 4, left valve, both x 2. Figs. 6-8. Dreissena ( Pontodreissena ) rostriformis (Deshayes 1838), presumed Pliocene, exact horizon and locality unknown, Crimea, U.S.S.R. from Deshayes, 1838, pi. 4, figs. 14—16. 6, left valve. 7, ventral view, with left valve on right of drawing. 8, right valve internal, all x 1 . Fig. 9. Prodreissensia perrandoi Rovereto, Lower Oligocene, Tongrian, Mioglia, Liguria, Italy, left valve of the figured syntype, from Rovereto, 1990, pi. 4, fig. 14, x 1-5. Figs. 10, 11. ‘I Prodreissensia euchroma (Oppenheim 1891), Lower Eocene, Mt. Pulli, near Valdagno, Vicentin, Italy, figured syntypes, from Oppenheim, 1891, pi. 51, figs. 5a, 6a. 10, x4; 11, x 2. Figs. 12, 13. Mytilopsis chonioides (Cossmann), Upper Eocene, Priabonian, Le Ruel, Seine-et-Oise, France, right valve of Cossmann’s (1887, pi. 6, figs. 32, 33) figured syntype, as refigured by Oppenheim, 1891, pi. 51, figs. 1, la, approx, x 6, xl. Figs. 14, 15. Mytilopsis curvirostris (Cossmann), Eocene, Priabonian, Marines, Seine-et-Oise, France, right valve of Cossmann’s (1887, pi. 6, figs. 29, 30) figured syntype, as refigured by Oppenheim, 1891, pi. 51, figs. 2, 2a, approx, x 5, x L67. Figs. 16, 17, 18. Mytilopsis eocenica (Oppenheim, 1891), Lower Eocene, Dorogh, near Gran, northern Hungary, from Oppenheim, 1891, pi. 51, figs. 8b, d, f, 16 internal view of right valve umbonal region; 17, left valve; 18, right valve, magnifications unknown. Figs. 19, 20. Mytilopsis modiolopsis (Andrussov, 1897-8), Upper Miocene, Meotian, Akmanajsky, Crimea, U.S.S.R., left valve, internal, external, from Andrussov; 1897, pi. 9, figs. 10, 9, x 3. PLATE 2 NUTT ALL, Dreissenidae 720 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Archambault-Guezou 1976a, 6, 1982; Babak 1983) is to place them all in a varying number of subgenera or ‘groups’ of Congeria Partsch, the first valid name available. The second view is that adopted by Keen (in Moore 1969) who recognized Mytilopsis as a separate genus with a basically Western Hemisphere distribution. A modification of these two views, along with, in some cases radical, revision of the stratigraphic and geographic ranges of the subgenera concerned is adopted herein. The basic argument for this decision relies on the fact that mytiliform species resembling living Mytilopsis are the first dreissenids to appear in the Eocene, being recorded from all provinces in which dreissenids are found at that time. In contrast, the large, heavy and often quadrate rather than mytiliform species, typified by C. subglobosa , occur only at about the Miocene-Pliocene boundary in the western Paratethys. Congeria is here regarded as a short-lived offshoot of Mytilopsis. Andrussov’s (1897-8) divisions of Congeria into various non-binomial ‘groups’, for some of which he designated ‘type-species’ have been validated subsequently, and some have junior synonyms (see Table 2). Comparatively few species remain in Congeria. Most are illustrated and listed as members of the subglobosae and rhomboidea groups by Andrussov (1897-8). They are recorded from the Vienna Basin, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Rumania. C. subglobosa Partsch was first described from the Plattensee (Lake Balaton) district of Hungary and is common in the Pannonian of the Vienna Basin. C. rhomboidea M. Hornes, was first described from Hungary and, in common with other species assigned to C. ( Rhomboidea ) by Marinescu (1973), is confined to the Lower and Middle Pontian (Odessian and Portaferrian). Some confusion may exist about the status of Globocongeria. Taktakishvili (1973, p. 14) designated C. subglobosa Partsch as type species, thus making it an objective synonym of Congeria (s.s.) itself. Taktakishvili’s interpretation of Congeria (s.s.) was that it corresponded to the mytiliformes and eocenae groups of Andrussov, both of which are here placed in Mytilopsis. Unfortunately the Zoological Record ( Mollusca ) for 1978, p. 425 quoted the type species of Globocongeria as being Congeria digitifera Andrussov, 1897-8. This, in fact, was merely the first species dealt with by Taktakishvili (1973, p. 36) in his formal descriptions of the Pliocene dreissenids of western Georgia. All the species assigned by Taktakishvili to Globocongeria belong to Andrussov’s subglobosae group, and thus to Congeria (s.s.). Genus mytilopsis Conrad, 1858 Plate 1, figs. 11-19; Plate 2, figs. 12-20; Plate 4, figs. 1-16; Plate 5, figs. 6-13; Plate 6, figs. 8-10; text-figs. 2a, e. Type species. Mytilus leucophaetus Conrad, 1831, subsequent designation by Dali, 1898, Recent, eastern U.S.A., (pi. 1, figs. 11-14). = Andrusoviconcha Starabogatov, 1970, type species Congeria modiolopsis Andrussov, 1897-8, by original designation. Upper Miocene, Meotian, Crimea, (pi. 2, figs. 19, 20). = Eocongeria Starabogatov, 1970, type species Tichogonia ( Congeria ) eocenica Oppenheim, 1891 (see remarks), by original designation. Lower Eocene, Hungary, (pi. 2, figs. 16-18). = Mytilia Marinescu, 1973, type species Congeria neumayri Andrussov, 1897-8, by original designation (preoccupied by Mytilia Gray, 1858, Reptilia and by Mytilia Gosse in Hudson and Gosse, 1886, Rotifera), = Modiola Marinescu, 1973, type species Congeria czizeki Hornes, 1867, by original designation (preoccupied by Modiola Lamarck, 1801, Mollusca), = EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs. 1-6. Congeria subglobosa Partsch, Upper Miocene, Pannonian, Austria. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. LL 28239., Brunn, near Vienna, (ex K.K. Mineralien-Kabinet), 1, left valve, x 1. 2, right valve, internal, x 1. 3, left valve internal, x 1. 5, left valve, tilted, to show apophysis, x L5. 6, right valve, tilted to show apophysis, x L5. 4, LL 28240/1. Hennersdorf Brick Pit, 10 km S. of Vienna, F. Rogl, B. R. Rosen and J. G. Darrell Colin, front view showing byssal notch, x 1. PLATE 3 NUTT ALL, Congo ia subglobosa 722 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Trigonipraxis Starabogatov, 1970, type species Congeria triangularis Partsch, 1835, by original designation. Upper Miocene, Pannonian, Hungary, (pi. 4, figs. I -5). = Triangularia Marinescu, 1973, type species Congeria ornithopsis Brusina, 1892, by original designation, (preoccupied by Triangularia Freeh, 1894, Mollusca). Diagnosis. Like Dreissena , but possessing an apophysis, usually behind, but sometimes partly underneath and partially fused to the septum; pallial sinus, if present, very weak. Distribution. Lower Eocene - Pliocene, Europe; late Oligocene - Recent, central and northern South America and Caribbean, spreading to North America bordering Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic. Introduced (Recent), southern India, Japan and Hong Kong, probably introduced, Fiji, West Africa and Rhine - Scheldt Delta. Remarks. The generic synonymy and its relationship to Andrussov’s (1897-8) ‘groups’ is best explained by reference to Table 2, whilst the main reasons for placing these taxa in Mytilopsis rather than Congeria are given in the remarks on the latter genus. Andrussov (1897-8) placed all the living Western Hemisphere nominal species of Mytilopsis , including the type species M. leucophaetus and M. sallei (Recluz 1849) (pi. 1, figs. 15, 16, 18, 19), into his ' mytiliformes ’-group, whilst he placed the living European M. cochleata (Kickx in Nyst, 1835) and the West African M. africanus (van Beneden 18356) (pi. 1, fig. 17) into his ‘ modioliforntes ’. It would appear, however, (Nuttall 1990, pp. 282, 284, fig. 335) that M. africanus is synonymous with the form of M. sallei originally described as M. domingensis (Recluz 1852) (pi. 1, fig. 19) from the Dominican Republic. It is suggested (S. Morris, BMZD, pers. comm.) that this African occurrence may well be the result of introduction by man, perhaps during the period of the slave trade between West Africa and the West Indies. M. cochleata is also likely to have been introduced to the Rhine-Scheldt Delta from the Western Hemisphere. Variation within species is such that there is no apparent reason for the separation of Recent ‘ mytiliformes ’ from ‘ modioliformes'. Starabogatov (1970, p. 83) designated, as type species of Eocongeria , a new subgenus of Congeria , Drevssensia (Congeria) eocenica Munier-Chalmas in Hebert and Munier-Chalmas (1877, p. 126), even though the name appears only in a faunal list and is clearly a nomen nudum. Oppenheim (1891, p. 953) was the first to describe the species and is here credited with its authorship. Members of the ' eocenae ’-group of Andrussov, upon which Eocongeria is based, are all of Eocene age and exhibit a wide variation in shell shape, but most are typical of Mytilopsis. D. eocenica from the Lower Eocene (Eames in Morley Davies, 1975, p. 146) of Dorogh, Hungary, possesses a low angular fold not normally seen in Mytilopsis , but the form of its septum and apophysis is indistinguishable from that of modern Mytilopsis. Oppenheim (1891, pi. 51) gave excellent illustrations, including the internal characters, of this and three other Eocene species, C. chonioides (pi. 2, figs. 12, 13) and C. curvirostris (pi. 2, figs. 14, 15) both described by Cossmann (1887) from the French upper Eocene, EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Figs. 1-5. Mytilopsis triangularis (Partsch), Upper Miocene, Pontian, Radmanest, Banate, Hungary. 1, 4, 5, LI 9499/1, left valve, 1, interior, tilted, showing typical Mytilopsis apophysis, x4. A, 4 interior, x 1-5. 5, exterior, x 1-5. 2, 3, L19499/2, right valve. 2, interior, x 1-5. 3, interior, tilted, x4. Figs. 6-1 1. All from Miocene, Pebasian, Peru. Fig. 6. Mytilopsis sallei Recluz (1849), LL 27195, left valve, Canama, x3. Fig. 7. Mytilopsis scripta (Conrad 1874), LL 27956, left valve, Pichana, x 2-5. Figs. 8-1 I. Mytilopsis cf. scripta (Conrad 1874), LL 27914, right valve, Canama. 8, external; 9, anterior; 10, internal, all x 5. 1 1, internal, showing apophysis, x20. Figs. 12-16. Mytilopsis sowerbyi d’Orbigny (1850), Upper Eocene, Priabonian, Lower Headon Beds, all Hordwell (except 15, Mead End) Hampshire. 12, LL 28131, Edwards Colin, right valve, x4. 13, LL 28130. left valve internal x 4. 14, 16, LL 28242/1, 2, Hastings Colin, internal views of umbonal region, tilted to show apophysis lying under septum. 14, left valve; 16, right valve, both x 10. 15, LL 28244, Edwards Colin, left valve, x 2. PLATE 4 NUTT ALL, Mytilopsis 724 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 and of C. euchroma Oppenheim, 1891, (pi. 2, figs. 10, 11) from the northern Italian Eocene. Andrussov (1897) recorded C. curvirostris as the basal member of his 1 mytiliformes'- group ( = Mytilia ) and C. euchroma along with the British Priabonian D. sowerbyi (d'Orbigny 1850) (pi. 4, figs. 12-16) as one of the earliest 1 modioliformes' . In the present work C. euchroma is provisionally placed in Prodreissensia because it possesses radiating ribbing whilst the other species mentioned above are considered to be typical of Mytilopsis. Thus, there seems as little reason for either generic or subgeneric separation of these early members of the family, as there is for separating the living species discussed in the preceeding paragraph. During the Eocene Mytilopsis is represented by several species (Oppenheim 1891; Andrussov 1 897-8) including M. eocenica (Oppenheim 1891), Lower Eocene, Dorogh, Hungary ; M. curvirostris and M. chonioides (both Cossmann 1887) rare in the Sables Moyen (Bartonian = Priabonian) of the Paris Basin (Cossmann and Pissarro 1904-6) and M. sowerbyi (d’Orbigny 1850) from the Lower Headon Beds (Priabonian), of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, England (BMPD). Oligocene species include M. nystiana (d’Orbigny 1852), Tongrian (= Lattorfian), Belgium (Glibert and de Heinzelin 1954 as Congeria nysti ) and M. aralensis (Merklin 1974), Middle Oligocene, Aral Sea Region, USSR. M. brardi (Brongniart 1823) was recorded (Wenz 1921) from the Cerithien-schichten of the Mainz Basin, now dated as Chattian (Martini in Steininger et at. 1985, p. 334). This species persists into the Miocene, occurring in the Aquitanian Corbicula- Schichten and overlaying Hydrobien-Schichten (Wenz 1921). Widespread Miocene occurrences include M. amygdaloides (Dunker 1848), (pi. 5, figs. II 13) probably late Lower Miocene, Wurttemburg, Germany (BMPD); M. alta (Sandberger 1874), Middle Miocene (Pontilevian), Faluns of Touraine, France (Glibert and van de Poel 1967); several species from the Aquitanian to Helvetian of the Aquitaine Basin, France, including (pi. 5, figs. 8-10) M. basteroti (Deshayes in Lamarck, 1836) (see Cossmann and Peyrot 1914; BMPD); M. sandbergeri (Andrussov 1897-8), Miocene, Poland (Friedberg 1936); M. sandbergeri , Miocene (Konkian and Tortonian), and several species up to the Meotian, of the Ukraine (Zelinskaya et al. 1968); M. soceni and M. moesia (both Jekelius, 1944) Sarmatian, Rumania and also Vienna Basin (Papp 1954; Sieber 1955); M. spathulata (Partsch 1835) (pi. 5, figs. 6, 7, text-fig. 2e) and several other species, Pannonian, Vienna Basin (Papp 1951, 1953; Sieber 1955); several species, Meotian, Paratethys (Rozanov 1986); M. subcarinatus (Deshayes 1838), Pontian and Lower Kimmerian, Paratethys, and other species of which the last surviving were M. mirabilis (Seninsky 1905) and M. caucasica (Seninsky 1905) (see Babak 1983, p. 87), both of which died out in the late Kimmerian. In Western Europe, the last surviving, naturally occurring Mytilopsis appears to be M. rhodanica (Fontannes 1882) from the ‘Infra-Pliocene’ (Messinian) of the Rhone Valley. According to Archambault-Guezou (1976/5) this species was derived from M. subcarinatus (Deshayes 1838) of the Paratethys, having migrated into the Mediterranean in the same way as Dreissena (Pontodreissena) rostriformis (Deshayes 1838) (see above). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Figs. 1-5. Dreissenomya (D.) schroeckingeri , (Fuchs, I870«), Upper Miocene, Pontian, Radmanest, Banate, Hungary. 1, 2, L71745, left valve interior, 1, x4; 2, x 15. 3-5, LI 9501. right valve, 3, 4, x 15; 5, x 4. Figs. 6, 7. Mytilopsis spathulata (Partsch), L23908/1, left valve. Upper Miocene, Pannonian, Brunn, near Vienna, Austria. 6, detail of internal umbonal region, tilted, apophysis attached to posterior of septum (right valve has similar arrangement), x 10. 7, x 2. Figs. 8-10. Mytilopsis basteroti (Deshayes 1836), Lower Miocene, Aquitanian or Burdigalian, Dax, Landes, France, Deshayes Colin. 8, 9, LL 28240/1, left valve, 8, internal view of worn umbonal region, x 10. 9, to show weak pallial sinus, x2-5. 10, LL 28240/2, left valve, x 2. Figs. 1 1-13. Mytilopsis amygdaloides (Dunker, 1848), probably late Lower Miocene, Unterkirchberg, Bavaria, L1266/1, left valve, II, 12, x2-5. 13, tilted to show apophysis, x 10. PLATE 5 NUTT ALL, Dreissenomya and Mytilopsis 726 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 The Western Hemisphere distribution of Mytilopsis , the only dreissenid to reach the New World, is discussed in detail by Nuttall (1990, pp. 278-280, figs. 319-325). The first occurrences, some thirty million years later than the appearance of the genus in Europe, are of M. trigalensis (Olsson 1931) from the late Oligocene of the Pacific coastal region of Peru and of M. dalli (Clerc in Joukowsky, 1906) from rocks of similar age in Western Panama. M. trigalensis may well be conspecific with the later (Miocene, but now extinct) M. scripta (Conrad 1874) (pi. 4, fig. 7) from the Pebas Beds of the Upper Amazon Valley. Until the appearance of the Panama landbridge in the Pliocene, South America was an island with the result that the Caribbean and tropical eastern Pacific areas formed one faunal province. The presence of the living Caribbean M. sallei (Recluz 1849) (pi. 4, fig. 6) in the Pebas Beds and other Miocene occurrences of M. scripta in the Magdalena Valley and at La Tagua in the Oriente of Colombia suggest that Mytilopsis invaded the Upper Amazon Valley from the Caribbean. M. dalli is very similar to M. sallei and may be synonymous. M. sallei also occurs in the Miocene of the Dominican Republic. The living type species of Mytilopsis , M. leucophaetus (Conrad) is not known before the Pliocene. It is recorded as M . jamaicensis (Woodring 1925) from the Bowden Beds (now known to be Pliocene) of Jamaica. A series of shells (LL28 109-29) from the Plio-Pleistocene Caloosahatchee Formation of Florida originally identified as Congeria lamellata Dali (1898) appears to be a mixture of M. sallei and M. leucophaetus. Detailed distribution maps of the two species at the present day are given by Marelli and Gray (1983). They show that they overlap in this region nowadays and that M. leucophaetus now occurs as far north as the Hudson River. The apparent lack of fossil records from the eastern seaboard of the United States points to this northward extension of its distribution being the result of introduction. A distribution map given by Starabogatov (1970, fig. 12) erroneously shows Mytilopsis as occurring over much of north-eastern South America including the Amazon Basin and the northern Brazilian coastal strip as far south-east as Recife (Pernambuco). Dunker (1853), who described Tichogonia rossmaessleri (a junior synonym of M sallei ) from Pernambuco, was himself very dubious about the locality information, and this record can safely be discounted. Although M. sallei is widespread on Caribbean islands (Marelli and Gray 1983), it is not encountered further eastward and its presence is not mentioned in the very thorough review of the Surinam fauna (Altena 1971). On the Pacific coast, Mytilopsis is known only from northern South America (Olsson 1961 ; Keen 1971) at the present day. It is probable that Fijian occurrences (Dali 1898; Hertlein and Hanna 1949) are the result of introduction, though clearly not primarily as a result of the opening of the Panama canal (in 1914) as suggested by Morton (1981). Morton’s suggestion that M. sallei has been more recently introduced to southern India is supported. The species has subsequently been reported in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong (Huang and Morton 1983) and in Shimizu Harbour, Honshu, Japan (T. Habe, pers. comm, in Huang and Morton), and in Tokyo Bay (Furuse and Hasegawa 1984). There is the possibility, however, that more than one species of Mytilopsis has been introduced westwards across the Pacific from the Americas. Marelli and Gray (1985) placed the Fijian M. alleyniana Hertlein and Hanna ( 1949) in the synonymy of M. adamsi Morrison ( 1946), originally described from the Pearl Islands, Panama. The occurrences of M. cochleatus (Kickx in Nyst, 1835) in the Rhine-Scheldt Delta (Adam 1960; Wolff 1969) and of several nominal West African species (Pilsbry and Bequaert 1927, Congo; Binder 1958, 1968, Ivory Coast; Reeve 1857-8, Senegal) are also thought to be the result of introduction. Records of Mytilopsis from the East Indies (Keen in Moore, 1969) and Indonesia (Eames in Morley Davies, 1971) are probably based on the septate Sinomytilus Thiele ( 1 934, p. 80 1 ), described as a section of Mytilus whose type species is Dreissenci crosseana L. Morlet (1884). Specimens (BMZD 1906.9.19.76-77) of this species and of D. massiei L. Morlet (1892) (BMZD 1902.3.22.55), both from Cambodia, confirm Thiele’s assignment to the Mytilidae. Their inner shell layer appears to be nacreous. Trigonipraxis , (pi. 4, figs. 1 -5) (the ’ triangulares ’ group of Andrussov 1897-8) is well covered in other literature (Brusina 1892; Jekelius 1944; Papp 1953; Sieber 1955; Marinescu 1973). It is confined to the Pannonian and Pontian of the Pannonian and Dacic Basins. Differences between NUTTALL: REVIEW OF DREISSENACEA 727 nominal species assigned by these authors to this group are mostly slight and there seems to be no compelling reason for subgeneric separation from Mytilopsis. This view is supported by the occurrence of rather similar trigonal-shaped Mytilopsis (pi. 4, figs. 8- 1 1 ) in Miocene brackish-water deposits in South America (Nuttall 1990, pp. 285-6, figs. 347, 348). Genus prodreissensia Rovereto, 1898 Plate 2, fig. 9. Types species. Dreissensia ( Prodreissensia ) perrandoi Rovereto, 1898, by original designation. Lower Oligocene, Tongrian, northern Italy, (pi. 2, fig. 9). Diagnosis. Resembling Dreissena but with sculpture of radiating costules; septum present, shell interior otherwise unknown. Distribution. ?Lower Eocene and Lower Oligocene (Tongrian), northern Italy only. Remarks. Rovereto (1898, pp. 159, 174) described his single, poorly preserved species from the Tongrian of Mioglia (Liguria) as the type of a new ‘section' of Dreissena characterized by longitudinal ribbing. The only known illustration is Rovereto’s later (1900, pi. 4, fig. 14) external view of his type specimen. Both this and the original description were copied by Sacco (1904, p. 152, pi. 29, fig. 12) who was unable to add any new information about this taxon. The illustration clearly shows both the faint traces of radiating ribs and a strong carinate diagonal ridge. The original specific description mentioned the presence of an area (septum), but gave no other details of the interior. Rovereto (1898, p. 159), presumably because of its strong carination, had compared his species with the much younger Dreissena gnezdai Brusina, 1884, which was described from near Zagreb and placed by Andrussov (1897-8) in his Congeria ‘ triangulares ’ group. All other members of Rovereto’s rich bivalve fauna are undoubtedly marine, raising the suspicion that this species might be a septate member of the Mytilacea. Tiehogonia (Congeria) euchroma Oppenheim (1891) (pi. 2, figs. 10, 11) from the Lower Eocene, Lignite Marls of Mount Pulli (Vicentin, North Italy) seems to be the only definite species of the Dreissenidae with similar radiating ribbing. Oppenheim's description mentioned the presence of a septum but stated that the Schloss (hinge) and apophysis were as yet unknown. Andrussov (1900, pi. 3, figs. 23, 24) provided photographic illustrations of the exterior of two of Oppenheim’s original specimens. The ribs are faint and the diagonal ridge is low and definitely not carinate. The outline is mytiliform as in typical Mytilopsis and Dreissena. It is possible that T. ( C .) euchroma and P. perrandoi may be related in spite of the differences in shape. The systematic position of Prodreissensia perrandoi cannot be properly assessed because of lack of knowledge of internal details of its shell. Its Palaeogene age, however, would suggest that it is more likely to be an offshoot of Mytilopsis rather than Dreissena , if it is, in fact, a member of the family. T. (C.) euchroma , on the other hand, is definitely a dreissenid. Subfamily dreissenomyinae Babak, 1983 Diagnosis. Shell modioliform, compressed; umbones not terminal; apophysis lacking; sinupalliate; posterior siphonal gape present. Distribution. Late Miocene-early Pliocene (Meotian-late Pannonian) to top Pliocene (Rumanian), Paratethys only. Remarks. In comparison with nearly all Dreisseninae the shell is modioliform rather than mytiliform and is laterally compressed. Exceptions include species such as Mytilopsis amygda/oides (Dunker) (pi. 5, figs. II 13), which is slightly modioliform but not compressed, whilst Dreissena 728 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 (Pontodreissena) (pi. 1, figs. 7-10) and D. ( Modiolodreissena ) (pi. 2, figs. 3, 4), though fairly compressed, are basically mytiliform with terminal umbones. In Dreissenomyinae a byssal notch is lacking and an antero-ventral pedal gape may sometimes be observed. The commissure, however, is so irregular that these features, interpreted as adaptations to an infaunal mode of life, are not always readily apparent in most specimens, particularly separated valves. They are therefore omitted from the subfamilial diagnosis. Babak (1983, p. 60) referred to Dreissenomyinae Taktakishvili, 1973. I have been unable to find any reference to this new subfamilial name either in Taktakishvili's work, or in the 1978 Zoological Record which covers his paper. Authorship is therefore tentatively ascribed to Babak (1983). Genus dreissenomya Fuchs, 18706 Types species. Congeria schroeckingeri Fuchs, 1870a, by original designation. Upper Miocene, Pontian, Hungary, (pi. 5, figs. 1-5, text-figs. 2b, c; 3a, b, d, e). Diagnosis. As for subfamily. Distribution. As for subfamily. Subgenus dreissenomya Fuchs, 18706 Plate 5, figs. 1-5, text-figs. 2c, 3a, b, d, e. Diagnosis. Umbones well back from anterior of shell; thin-shelled; both antero-ventral and posterior gapes marked; septum reduced to strong ridge, with anterior adductor and pedal/byssal scars lying partly on and partly anterior to ridge; pallial sinus deep. Distribution. Late Miocene - early Pliocene (Meotian - late Pannonian) to late Pontian, Paratethys. Remarks. See under D. ( Sinucongeria ). Subgenus sinucongeria Lorenthey, 1894 Plate 6, figs. 1-7, text-fig. 2b. 3c, f. Type species. Congeria arcuata Fuchs, 1870a, by monotypy. Upper Miocene, Pontian, Hungary, (text-fig 3c, f). Diagnosis. Similar to Dreissenomya s.s. but thicker shelled; umbones almost terminal; valves more tumid; true septum present, usually bearing irregular ridges; pallial sinus not very deep. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Figs. 1-7. Dreissensomya (Sinucongeria) aperta (Deshayes 1838). 1, 2, 5, 6, LL 18451. Upper Miocene, Upper Pontian ( Bosphorian), Stoichitza Valley, Cocorova-Mehedintzi, Rumania, F. Marinescu Colin, (left valve figured Morton 1970. text-fig. 2). 1, 2, left valve interior, x4, x F5. 5, 6, right valve interior, x 4, x L5. 3, 4, 7, L19502, probably Pliocene (Kimmerian or Akchagylian), Crimea, U.S.S.R., right valve. 3, 4, interior x 4, x F5. 7, exterior, x F5. Figs. 8-10. Mytilopsis subcarinata botenica Andrussov (1897-8), ?Top Miocene-basal Pliocene, Upper Pontian, Basinul Govorei, Rumania, ex Muzuel Istoria Naturala “Gr. Antipa”, Bucharest, 8, 9, LL 9023, 8, left valve internal, tilted, with anterior pedal/byssal attachment fused to posterior wall of septum as in Congeria , x 3. 9, same external, x I -5. 10, LL 9022, right valve internal, tilted, with 'normal' Mytilopsis apophysis, x 3. PLATE 6 NUTTALL, Dreissenomya (Sinucongeria) and Mytilopsis text-fig. 3. All from Upper Miocene, Pontian, Radmanest, Banate, Hungary, a, b, d, e. Dreissenomya (D.) schroeckingeri (Fuchs), from Fuchs, 1870/5, pi. 16, figs. 5-8, x 1. c, f. Dreissenomya ( Simtcongeria ) arcuata (Fuchs), from Fuchs. 1870c/, pi. 16, figs. 12, 13, x2. Distribution. Late Miocene (Meotian - late Pannonian) to top Pliocene (Rumanian), Paratethys. Remarks. Dreissenomya (s.s.) barely penetrates into the Euxinic Basin, the eastern limit of its distribution being the western Black Sea Coast. Simtcongeria , however, is represented there by the long-lived (Pontian-Rumanian), and comparatively widely distributed, D. (S'.) aperta (Deshayes 1838) (pi. 6, figs. 1-7) which occurs in the Crimea, Kerch Peninsula and as far east as western Georgia, as well as in the Dacian and Pannonian Basins. Marinescu (1975) assigned eight species to Dreissenomya (s.s.) and seven to Simtcongeria. Although Dreissenomya (s.s.) with its markedly non-terminal umbo, greatly reduced septum and deeper pallial sinus, would appear to be further removed from the standard dreissenid pattern than Simtcongeria , both subgenera first appear in the Meotian. Marinescu postulated descent from Congeria (Andrnssoviconcha) novorossica Sinsow (1877). Archambault-Guezou (1976/7, pis. 4, 5) provided numerous illustrations of D. (S.) aperta (Deshayes) including syntypes, and of D. (D.) shroeckingeri. DISCUSSION The classifications set out by Keen in Moore (1969), by Babak (1983, p. 60) and that proposed herein may be compared in Table 1. So little is known about Prodreissensia, based on poorly preserved material, that it is idle to speculate on its relationship with the other genera. Its Palaeogene age, however, does suggest that it is either synonymous with, or an early offshoot from, Mytilopsis, if indeed it is a member of the Dreissenidae. Keen’s placement of Dreissenomya and Simtcongeria as subgenera of Dreissena , on the grounds that they lack the apophysis, is not accepted. It is, however, worth remembering that all three were probably derived from species of Mvtilopsis living at more or less the same time and place: the late Miocene ot the Paratethys. Babak’s classification is an emended version of that proposed by Starabogatov (1970). The stratigraphic ranges of genera are summarized in Text-fig. 1. Only the two surviving genera, Mvtilopsis and Dreissena are comparatively long-ranging. The remainder are confined to the Paratethys during the Neogene and have short ranges: it is estimated that none survived beyond 5 million years, and that Dreissenomya (s.s.) may have existed for as little as 2 million years. NUTTALL REVIEW OF DREISSENACEA 731 Similarities in shell structures (Taylor, Kennedy and Hall 1973) provide strong evidence that the Corbiculacea and Dreissenacea shared common ancestry. No early Tertiary fossils showing intermediate characters have been found. There are two possible and inter-related explanations. First, the changes from a shallow infaunal to byssally attached epifaunal mode of life could have occurred quite rapidly. The later sudden radiation shown by the superfamily in the late Miocene of the Paratethys, including re-adaptation to an infaunal mode of life by Dreissenomya , suggests that such an explanation is plausible. Although Mytilus has small, crenulate, dysodont teeth (Nuttall, fig. 46, 5 in Moore, 1969) situated at the anterior extremity of the shell, loss of dentition in dreissenids may well be connected to the adoption of a heteromyarian, mytiliform shell suitable for epifaunal life. The narrow, pointed, umbonal region allows little space for hinge teeth, whose efficiency would be likely to be very limited in such an anterior position. In addition, the possession of a ligament analogous to that of Mytilus , which Trueman (p. N64 in Moore, 1969) described as being among the most powerful known, may also reduce the need for dentition. The second possible explanation is that, as a general rule, the fossil record of freshwater and marginal marine faunas is far less continuous than those of shelf seas. In the late Cretaceous and Palaeogene of Europe, there were no extensive freshwater basins of comparable extent to the Neogene Paratethys. text-fig. 4. a. Palaeogene distribution of Mytiiopsis. Key: circles. Eocene, squares, Oligocene. b. Lower and Middle Miocene distribution of Mytiiopsis in Europe and western Asia. Key: circles, western Europe; stipple, throughout Paratethys. c. Late Miocene (Messinian) distribution of Dreissenacea in Europe and western Asia. Key: circles, Dreissena ; triangles, Mytiiopsis ; stipple, Paratethys with Mytiiopsis and Dreissena throughout; Dreissenomya and Dreissenomya ( Sinucongeria ) mainly in western and central areas. D. Recent world distribution of Dreissena , shown stippled. 732 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Mytilopsis sowerbyi (d'Orbigny) the only known English Caenozoic species of Dreissenidae occurs quite commonly in freshwater horizons of the English Priabonian Headon Beds, but these beds are confined to comparatively small areas in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. This sporadic distribution pattern is repeated elsewhere throughout most of the Tertiary (text-fig. 4). Mytilopsis brardi (Brongniart), accompanied by small hydrobiid snails, crowd some bedding planes in freshwater Oligo-Miocene deposits of the Mainz Basin of Germany. Glibert and de Heinzelin ( 1954, pp. 388-9) found only 54 individuals of M. nystiana (d’Orbigny) among 90,000 specimens from two marine horizons in the Belgian Lower Oligocene. Most of the other rarities were also non-marine species. Similarly, M. basteroti (Deshayes) is a comparatively rare constituent of the rich marine inshore faunas of the Lower Miocene in the Aquitaine Basin, occurring at localities thought to have been situated only a few kilometres from the then shoreline. All the specimens of this species that I have examined are more worn than those of marine species in these faunas, suggesting transport after death (pi. 5, figs. 8-10). The genus occurs in much the same way in the Middle Miocene Faluns of Touraine. Recognition of chance invasions and local extinctions is of importance in interpreting the history of the superfamily. Such events include: 1. The invasion by Mytilopsis of tropical America by the late Oligocene (text-fig. 5), some thirty million years after its first appearance in Europe, probably as adult shells attached to logs, rather then as veliger larvae. text-fig. 5. Fossil occurrences of Mytilopsis in western Hemisphere. Key: stars, late Oligocene; circles, Miocene; squares. Pliocene. 2. The local extinction of Mytilopsis in western Europe during the Middle Miocene, preceding its eventual disappearance from the Paratethys. 3. The short-lived invasion, during the Messinian, of the Mediterranean region from the Black Sea, by Paratethyan species of both Mytilopsis and Dreissena ( Pontodreissena ). Although Mytilopsis survived well into the Kimmerian (Lower Pliocene) in the eastern Paratethys and D. (P.) rostriformis is still living there, neither is represented by descendants in the western European Pliocene and Pleistocene. As neither genus survived along the borders of the Mediterranean, their disappearance is unlikely to have been due to competition between them. It seems far more likely that their local extinction was due to the removal of suitable fresh and brackish-water habitats. 4. The Recent considerable extension of the geographical distribution of dreissenids as a result of human activity. The industrial revolution, linking of waterways and increase in water-born trade appears to be responsible for the invasion of much of Europe, via the Danube, since the mid- eighteenth century. It is suggested that Mytilopsis probably increased its range from Florida northwards along the United States eastern seaboard in similar fashion, whilst shipping has led to its appearances in Fiji, India, Hong-Kong, Japan, West Africa and the Rhine-Scheldt delta (text- fig. 6). Offshore marine molluscs occupy an extremely stable environment in comparison to the habitats of freshwater molluscs. The history of the Dreissenidae illustrates the success of the highly NUTTALL: REVIEW OF DREISSEN ACEA 733 text-fig. 6. Recent distribution of Mytilopsis. Key: stipple, naturally occurring; black circles, presumed introduced. conservative but, most importantly, salinity-tolerant Mytilopsis which has survived since the early Tertiary. Nevertheless, its invasion of the Western Hemisphere during the Oligocene appears to have been chance, whilst its disappearance from Europe (except by re-introduction) shows its vulnerability to changed conditions. The rapid diversification of the family in the Paratethys during the late Miocene when Dreissena , Congeria and infaunal Dreissenomya all appeared, is a startling example of fast evolution. The equally rapid extinction of all but Dreissena as conditions changed with the break-up of Paratethys shows how vulnerable freshwater molluscs can be when their habitats are altered. Both Mytilopsis and Dreissena appeared to colonize new regions very slowly unless influenced by man. This inability to spread quickly in natural freshwater conditions is another source of long-term vulnerability. The veliger larva, which allows rapid dispersal in the sea, and even in estuarine conditions successfully exploited by Mytilopsis , is still of some advantage in lakes. However, in stretches of river unaffected by tides, veligers are unlikely to be nearly as successful in migrating upstream as the unionacean glochidian larvae attached to the gills of fish. Acknowledgements . I am indebted to Dr D. Kadolsky (Texaco, London) for first drawing my attention to the work of Andrussov (1897-8). I would like to thank my colleagues at BM(NH), in particular Dr N. J. Morris (Palaeontology) and Dr J. D. Taylor (Zoology) for helpful discussions, Mr R. Croucher, Palaeontology Laboratory for his dissections of very fragile Dreissenomya and Sinucongeria , and members of the photographic studio who were responsible for all the illustrations other than S.E.M. pictures, taken by myself. Finally, I would like to acknowledge my appreciation of the late Dr Myra Keen, one of the group of major contributors to the bivalve volume of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology , without whose efforts that work would never have been completed. REFERENCES adam, w. 1960. 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On the heteromyarian condition in the Bivalvia with special reference to Dreissena polymorpha and certain Mytilacea. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 68, 21^13. ZELINSKAYA, V. A., KULICHENKO, V. G., MAKARENKO, D. E., and SOROCHAN, E. A. 1968. PaleontologicheskH spravochnik. I. Bivalvia. Mollusca, Palaeogene and Miocene, Ukraine. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 297 pp. [In Russian]. C. P. NUTTALL Department of Palaeontology The Natural History Museum Cromwell Road London SW7 5BD Typescript received 16 January 1989 Revised typescript received 24 November 1989 PREDATION ON KOSMOCERAS BY SEMIONOTID FISH IN THE MIDDLE JURASSIC LOWER OXFORD CLAY OF ENGLAND by DAVID M. MARTILL Abstract. Broken ammonite debris is common in the Lower Oxford Clay and is thought to be attributable in part to the activities of predators. A new specimen of Kosmoceras (Zugokosmoceras) cf. obductum (Buckman) displays a series of bite marks in the region of the peristome suggestive of the dentition of the fishes Lepidotes, Heterostrophus (Semionotidae) and Mesturus (Pycnodontidae). The ammonite fauna of the Lower Oxford Clay (Middle Callovian, Middle Jurassic) of Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK, is remarkable for its exceptional preservation. Although specimens are usually crushed flat, most are preserved in original iridescent white aragonite (Callomon 1968). Species of Kosmoceras are most abundant, and include both macroconch and microconch morphs. Many are intact to the peristome, and specimens with extended and complete lappets are numerous. Besides numerous species of Kosmoceras , there are also Erymnoceras spp., Binatasphinctes spp., Choffatia sp., Reineckia sp., Hecticoceras spp. Sigaloceras sp. and Pseudocadoceras sp. Many of the ammonites are complete, but broken ammonite shell material also occurs in quantity. Shells of the various species of Kosmoceras are thin and delicate, and could easily be broken by continued current or storm activity. However, ammonite tests found in storm generated shell beds are often intact and have suffered little from abrasion, suggesting that they are more robust than would at first appear. Much of the broken ammonite debris found must therefore be attributable to the activities of predators rather than to non-biological processes. DESCRIPTION The new specimen is a small, laterally compressed phragmacone of Kosmoceras cf. obductum (Buckman) (text-fig. 1), with the major portion of the body chamber, and a scallop-shaped margin on a slightly damaged peristome. The shell is well preserved, consisting of iridescent white aragonite with a purple sheen. The maximum diameter at the aperture is 50 mm. The specimen was discovered in olive brown bituminous shales at the base of the K. obductum Subzone of the E. coronation Zone, at the Dogsthorpe Brick Pit, near Peterborough (Grid reference TF 219019). The specimen has now been protected by a coating of polyvinyl butyral, and is deposited in the collection of the Department of Geology, University of Leicester, accession number LEIUG 99163. The damaged peristome displays five arcuate incisions, arranged in a semicircle. Each incision is separated by an arc of 3-5 mm from its neighbours. The margin of one incision flaked away after the specimen was collected, reducing the visual impact of the specimen. The incisions have an estimated average diameter of approximately 3 mm, but the shape if complete would have been oval, rather than circular. The arrangement of these incisions is similar to the distribution of teeth (text-fig. \e) on the dentary of the ganoid fishes Lepidotes and Heterostrophus (Semionotidae) and possibly the maxilla of Mesturus (Pycnodontidae). |Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 739-742. | © The Palaeontological Association 740 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 1. a-d, Kosmoceras cf. obductum from the Lower Oxford Clay, Peterborough, with bitten peristome. LEIUG 99163. a , phragmacone and body chamber with predator damaged peristome; arrow indicates end of phragmacone, x L5. b , detail of peristome, approximately x 3-5. c, outline of bitten peristome with position of teeth incisions indicated, x 3-5. d , position of five teeth which made contact with the ammonite test, x 3-5. e, occlusal surface of right lower jaw (here reversed to simulate left jaw) of Lepidotes macrocheirus , BM(NH) P6839, Lower Oxford Clay, Peterborough, x 3. MARTILL: FISH PREDATION ON AMMONITES 741 AMMONITE PREDATION Predation on ammonites has been described by a number of authors (see Lehmann 1976 for a review). Ample evidence that ammonites were victims of predators exists in the form of broken, bitten and damaged tests, but it is often difficult to identify the predators with certainty. Arthropods have been considered to be predators on some Lower Jurassic ammonites, while Kauffman and Kesling (1960) have demonstrated predation by the marine reptile Mosasaurus. Small ammonites have been recorded from coprolitic material attributed to plesiosaurs (Wetzel 1960). Potential predators of ammonites in the Lower Oxford Clay can be found amongst both vertebrates and invertebrates. The large number of belemnites of considerable size (guards up to 30 cm) might be candidates for ammonite predators, as may some of the arthropods. The vertebrate fauna of the Lower Oxford Clay includes a rich diversity of marine reptiles and fishes, but it is only the fishes which have dentitions modified to any degree for coping with hard shell material. The fish fauna of the Lower Oxford Clay formed the subject of numerous papers by Woodward (1888, 1892 a, 6, 1893, 1896, 1928, 1929), but has received little attention since. Fortunately the dentitions of many of the numerous taxa are available for analysis, most housed in the British Museum (Natural History). Among the fish with durophagous dentitions are the ganoid fishes Lepidotes and Heterostrophus [ = Dapedium ?] (Semionotidae), Mesturus leedsi Woodward (Pycnodontidae), the hybodont shark Asteracanthus ornatissimus Agassiz (Hybodontidae), and the chimaeroids Brachymylus , Pachymylus and Ischyodus. The dentition of the chimaeroids is robust, and incorporates large tritoral areas designed to crush shell material. Their sharp mandibular dental plates may have been used to dig for shelled prey. These teeth are unlikely to leave scallop-shaped incisions on any invertebrate test. The dentition of Asteracanthus is complex, and comprises a highly heterodont assemblage, although most teeth comprise a broad tritoral area with a well developed central ridge. It is unlikely that Asteracanthus would have been capable of producing a crescentic series of incisions. The dentition of the pycnodont Mesturus consists of robust, rounded teeth, often with tritoral cusps. Teeth on the splenial and vomer of Mesturus are arranged in straight rows (Woodward 1896), and would not produce a crescent-shaped bite. There are four teeth on each premaxilla and dentary of Mesturus. They are directed forward and have expanded occlusal surfaces ideal for nibbling small shelly organisms. This dental pattern could produce the pattern of bites seen in the ammonite if all premaxillary teeth from one side, plus one of the premaxillary teeth from the other side of the jaw had made contact with the ammonite test. The dentitions of Heterostrophus phillipsi Woodward. 1928, and the three species of Lower Oxford Clay Lepidotes ( L . leedsi Woodward, 1895, L. macrocheirus Egerton, 1845 and L. latifrons Woodward, 1893) are robust, sometimes peg-like with slightly expanded tips, and well-spaced along the jaw. The dentary is crescentic in occlusal view. Any of these four species could have produced the crescentic bite seen in the ammonite (text-fig. \e). Alternatives to fish predators are difficult to find preserved as macrofossils in the Lower Oxford Clay. Two arthropods, Mecochirus and Goniochirus , are common in the same bed from which the ammonite was collected, but both have rather small claws, and those of Mecochirus are extremely elongate and delicate, and appear somewhat specialized. Other cephalopods, especially the various naked forms, were possible predators on ammonites, but details of the jaw apparatus in these are poorly known. DISCUSSION Lepidotes spp. and Heterostrophus phillipsi are the most likely candidates for producing the damaged peristome of the ammonite, but Mesturus leedsi cannot be ruled out. Lepidotes and Heterostrophus are common in the Lower Oxford Clay, but Mesturus appears to be rare. Complete specimens are not common, but isolated scales are very abundant. Lepidotes is possibly the most abundant large fish in the Lower Oxford Clay, but this is difficult to assess as the robust enamel scales are easy to detect, and have a relatively high preservation potential. No information is available on the level at which Lepidotes spp. or Heterostrophus lived in the water column, but their 742 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 general robust fusiform shape, and the massive form of the skull might suggest that they were part of the near benthos biota rather than a part of the surface living community. Perhaps ammonites were also part of the benthic community. The trophic status of a number of vertebrates from the Lower Oxford Clay has been discussed by Martill (1985, 1987, 1988), but as yet no single account of the interrelationships of the biota is available. This stems mainly from a lack of reliable data. The top of the food chain was dominated by the giant carnivorous reptiles Liopleurodon and Pliosaurus. There were a number of opportunistic feeders, including the marine crocodilian Metriorhynchus which fed on giant fish and hookleted cephalopods (Martill 1987). Many of the vertebrates were highly specialized feeders; the ichthyosaur Ophthalmosaurus is thought to have fed exclusively on naked cephalopods, while the marine crocodile Steneosaurus and the long necked plesiosaurs were probably mainly fish and naked cephalopod feeders. The fish fauna displays similar trophic niche partitioning. The giant pachycormid Leedsichthys was a plankton feeder (Martill 1988), while the other pachycormids Hypsocormus and Asthenocormus were active predators on smaller fish. Clearly the Lower Oxford Clay food web was highly complex. Acknowledgments. Thanks go to the London Brick Company for permission to visit the Dogsthorpe Brick Pit, to Alan Dawn for help in excavating the site, and to Colin Patterson (BMNH) for permission to examine material in his care. REFERENCES callomon, j. h. 1968. The Kellaways Beds and the Oxford Clay. 264—290. In Sylvester Bradley, p. c. and ford, t. d. (eds. ). The Geology of the East Midlands. University of Leicester Press, Leicester, 400 pp. egerton, p. G. 1845. On some new species offish from the Oxford Clay at Christian Malford. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London , 4, 446-449. rauffman, e. G. and kesling, R. 1960. An Upper Cretaceous ammonite bitten by a mosasaur. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology , the University of Michigan , 15, 193-248. lehmann, u. 1976. The ammonites: their life and their world. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 245 pp. martill, d. m. 1985. The preservation of marine vertebrates in the Lower Oxford Clay (Jurassic) of central England. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 311, 155-165. — 1987. The diet of Metriorhynchus , a Mesozoic marine crocodile. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie , Monatshefte, 1987. 621-625. 1988. Leedsichthys problematicus , a giant filter-feeding teleost from the Jurassic of England and France, Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Abhandlungen, 171, 670-680. wetzel, w. 1960. Nachtrag zum Fossilarchiv der Fuiriquina-Schichten. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Monatshefte, 1960, 46-53. woodward, a. s. 1888. On some remains of the extinct selachian Aster acanthus from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough, preserved in the collection of Alfred Leeds esq., of Eyebury. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2, 336-342. 1892a. On the skeleton of a chimaeroid fish (Ischyodus) from the Oxford Clay of Christian Malford, Wiltshire. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9, 94-96. 1 8926. On some teeth of new chimaeroid fishes of the Oxford and Kimmeridge Clays of England. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 10, 13-16. 1893. On the cranial osteology of the Mesozoic ganoid fishes Lepidotes and Dapedius. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 38, 559-565. 1895. Catalogue of fossil fishes in the British Museum (Natural History ), pt. Ill, Actinopterygia, Teleostomi. British Museum (Natural Elistory), London, xxxix + 544 pp., 18 pis. 1896. On the remains of the pycnodont fish Mesturus, discovered by Alfred N. Leeds, Esq., in the Oxford Clay of Peterborough. Annals and Magazine of Natural History , 17, 1-15. — 1928. A new ganoid fish. 56th Annual Report of the Peterborough Natural History Society, 59-60, pis. 1-5. 1929. The Upper Jurassic ganoid fish Heterostrophus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 99, 561-566. DAVID M. MARTILL Department of Earth Sciences The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK Typescript received 12 June 1989 Revised typescript received 31 July 1989 NON-PREDATORY DRILLING OL M I SS I SS I PP I AN CRINOIDS BY PLATYCERATID GASTROPODS by TOMASZ K. BAUMILLER Abstract. The conical hole in the tegmen of a Mississippian crinoid (Macrocrinus mundulus ) directly underneath the shell of a platyceratid gastropod, Platyceras ( Ortlionychia ) sp., and similar holes in other Mississippian crinoids ( Batocrinus irregularis and B. icosidactylus) demonstrate the drilling abilities of platyceratids. This is the first case of drilling by an archaeogastropod. Drilling on the crinoid host by the gastropod was non-predatory ; the relationship was probably parasitic. This study, the first to identify unequivocally a Palaeozoic borer, supports the notion that gastropod drilling has evolved several times. Evidence implying predation on Palaeozoic invertebrates is well documented (Fenton and Fenton 1931; Brunton 1966; Rohr 1976; Ausich and Gurrola 1979). Examples include conical holes, mostly in brachiopods, which have been attributed to Palaeozoic gastropods because of their similarity to drillholes produced by Recent predatory gastropods (Cameron 1967; Sheehan and Lesperance 1978; Smith el a/. 1985). This interpretation is not universally accepted, since the Palaeozoic taxon responsible for them has not been conclusively identified (Carriker and Yochelson 1968; Sohl 1969). The discovery of a borehole in a Mississippian crinoid, directly beneath an attached platyceratid gastropod, is the first definitive demonstration of drilling activity by a Palaeozoic gastropod. PLATYCERATI D-CRINOID INTERACTION The archaeogastropod family Platyceratidae (Knight et al. 1960) is well known for its association with crinoids (Meyer and Ausich 1983). Generally, the gastropod is firmly attached to the crinoid calyx usually above the base of the arms. Its position, commonly covering the crinoid anus, and the close conformity of its margin to the morphology of the calyx, has suggested commensalism and that platyceratids were coprophages on crinoid wastes (Keyes 1890; Bowsher 1955). Recently it has been argued that platyceratids were parasites feeding on crinoid gametes (Lane 1984). The parasitic interpretation is supported by the smaller size of gastropod-infested crinoids as compared to uninfested ones (Rollins and Brezinski 1988). Commonly, the gastropod sits directly over the crinoid anus, which is flush with the tegmen, or upper portion of the calyx. However, several platyceratids have been found situated on the crinoid tegmen but well away from the anus (Lane 1978). In such instances the infested crinoids have a long stout anal tube, with the anus at its apex, while the platyceratid rests at the base of the tube. In this position the gastropod could not extract anything from the crinoid without drilling into the host. Therefore, to test the hypothesis that platyceratids were capable of boring their tube-bearing hosts, I serially ground a crinoid with Platyceras ( Ortlionychia ) sp. at the base of its long tube. PLATYCERATID DRILLHOLES In the collections of the Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH) I found a well-preserved specimen of Macrocrinus mundulus (Batocrinidae) with a species of Platyceras ( Ortlionychia ) at the base of the anal tube. Specimen P. 19426, which was collected at Canton, Indiana, USA, from rocks of Tournaisian age, was ground perpendicular to the oral-aboral axis (long axis of the anal tube) I Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 3, 1990, pp. 743-748.| © The Palaeontological Association PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 1. Specimen of Macrocrinus mundulus (FMNH P.19426) with a long anal tube and Platyceras on its tegmen. (a) Lateral view of specimen with lines B, C, D, and E indicating positions at which photographs B, C, D, E of ground sections were taken. Ground surfaces are perpendicular to the plane of the page and the long axis of the specimen, x 1-4. (b) Section through the arms, anal tube and the anterior of the Platyceras. Note that the anal tube plate directly beneath the platyceratid appears intact, x 3-0. (c) Section 1-0 mm below b. Arrow points to a small concavity in the anal tube plate beneath the platyceratid, x 3 0. (d) Section 10 mm below C. Arrow points to drill hole. Note contrast between hole filled with dark matrix and light colour of anal tube plates, x 3-0. (e) Section through centre of drill hole. Note that hole penetrates to centre of anal tube and the tight fit between the test of gastropod and the anal tube, x 2-9. BA UMILLER: GASTROPOD DRILLING OF CRINOIDS 745 at 0-5 to 10 mm intervals, starting at the apex of the tube (text-fig. 1). The serial sections revealed a circular, conical hole (3 mm outer diameter) beneath the central, anterior portion of the gastropod shell. The hole is easily recognized from the colour contrast between the white plates of the anal tube and the red matrix filling the body cavity of the gastropod and the hole underneath it. In addition, 27 specimens of Visean Batocrinus icosidactylus and B. irregularis from the collections of the Field Museum and Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, also possessing a long anal tube, were found with previously undescribed holes in their tegmina. The location of these holes is highly stereotyped: they are either just below or at the base of the anal tube (text-figs. 2 and 3). The holes also exhibit little variation in morphology; they are round in plan view, cylindrical to conical in cross-section, with a mean outer diameter of 2-2 mm (range from T4 to 3-2 mm) (text-fig. 2h). The morphology and position of these holes match those of the hole in Macrocrinus beneath Platyceras (text-figs. 1e, 2h). Platyceratids occur with the aforementioned batocrinids in localities of the Salem Limestone (Cummings et al. 1905), a fact consistent with the interpretation that these gastropods were responsible for the drillholes. The lack of an association between Platyceras and Bcitocrimts in these localities may be a taphonomic artifact. When platyceratids are associated with crinoid tegmina, articulated crinoid arms are also preserved. This implies either that the arms prevented the post- mortem separation of the two organisms or that the process leading to the disarticulation of the arms from the crown also led to the detachment of the gastropod from the crinoid. Batocrinus with preserved arms have not been described. The absence of platyceratids on Batocrinus is thus not inconsistent with this mode of preservation. Thesq results establish the boring abilities of the Mississippian Platyceras ( Orthonychia ), the first unequivocal example of a drilling Palaeozoic gastropod. DISCUSSION N on-predatory nature of drillholes The boring by Platyceras does not necessarily imply predation on the crinoid. Several lines of evidence suggest that the relationship was non-predatory. The tight fit between the margin of Platyceras and the tegmen of Macrocrinus (text-figs. I d, 1 e), U-shaped attachment scars surrounding the boreholes (text-fig. 2g), instances of multiple boreholes, and healed (or incomplete) boreholes on Batocrinus all indicate that the association was long term and that drilling was not fatal to the crinoid. Furthermore, Recent parasitic capulid gastropods, which have a shell morphology very like the platyceratids, also drill their host (Orr 1962; Kosuge and Hayashi 1967). Whether this relationship was beneficial, neutral, or detrimental to the crinoid cannot be determined conclusively. Although drilling itself was probably detrimental, the feeding strategy of platyceratids is most relevant in distinguishing between the three alternatives. If the gastropods fed exclusively on crinoid wastes, then their position at the apex of the anal tube, directly over the crinoid anus, would have sufficed. It is possible, however, that these relatively large gastropods would have been unstable in this position due to the small size of the distal end of the tube. Drilling at the base of the tube would have permitted feeding in a more stable orientation. More probably the gastropod extracted from the crinoid more than just waste matter. Camerate crinoid food grooves converge subtegminally and carry within them food particles collected by the dense filtration fans. By inserting its snout into the tegmen the gastropod could have extracted food from these grooves. This would have involved penetrating the crinoid gut wall, since in camerates the subtegminal food grooves form closed tubular conduits leading directly to the fore-gut (Haugh 1975); a similar situation has been described for the parasitic prosobranch, Echineulima , whose proboscis was found to pierce the intestinal wall of its host echinoid (Liitzen and Nielsen 1975). In crinoids without an anal tube this could have been accomplished without drilling, simply by using the existing anal opening through which to insert the snout beneath the tegmen. Such a strategy would not have worked with crinoids possessing a long tube, due to the greater distance of the anus from the food grooves lying deep below the tegmen. Drilling would be essential. This may be an 746 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 2. Drillholes in bactocrinids from the Salem Limestone, (a) Batocrinus icosidactylus (FMNH P.19393), x 1-9. (B) Anal tube of B. icosidactylus (FMNH P.19392), x 2-5. (c) B. icosidactylus (FMNH P.19394), x 2 2. (D) Anal tube of B. icosidactylus (FMNH 19394), x 1-4. (e) B. icosidactylus (FMNH P.21506), x 2 0. (f) B. irregularis (FMNH P.19402), x2-l. (G) SEM of B. icosidactylus (FMNH P.19402). Arrows point to U-shaped scar around hole, x 8 8. (h) A latex cast of drillhole in B. icosidactylus (FMNH PE. 1957). Orientation of cast is with the top corresponding to the outer surface of the anal tube and the bottom to the inner surface, x 2-3. BAUMILLER: GASTROPOD DRILLING OF CRINOIDS 747 text-fig. 3. A reconstruction of the calyx of Batocrinus with part of the anal tube. Actual drillholes projected onto reconstruction. Note stereotypic position of holes, ‘arms-race’ (Vermeij 1987) in which crinoids evolved an anal tube in response to gastropod parasitism, which in turn led to the evolution of platyceratid drilling. Though highly conjectural, this hypothesis may be tested by determining whether anal tubes evolved preferentially in gastropod-infested lineages, and whether platyceratid drillholes are found in crinoids without anal tubes. The drilling habit and ‘ evolutionary radiations ’ Other evolutionary implications of the drilling habit of Platyceras hinge upon our knowledge of the systematics of this group. Although archaeogastropods are probably not a true clade (Hickman 1988), if the taxortomic scheme proposed by Knight et al. (1960) is correct with regard to platyceratids, Platyceras represents an example of independent evolution of drilling in gastropods that did not lead to a major diversification (Smith et al. 1985; Fiirsich and Jablonski 1984). Platyceratid generic diversity did not undergo major changes during or after the Mississippian (Bowsher 1955), and their extinction at the end of the Permian (Bowsher 1955, but see Bandel 1988) coincides with the extinction of other invertebrates, including most of their crinoid hosts. A pre-Mississippian origin of the platyceratid drilling habit is possible, for platyceratids as well as bored echinoderms are found in rocks of Ordovician to Permian age (Bowsher 1955; Brett 1978; Paul 1971). In most instances, however, these borings are in the form of pits which do not penetrate the skeletal plates of the host echinoderm, and their origin has been attributed to various epizoans. Whether platyceratids were responsible for any of these pits remain to be examined. It has been argued that evolutionary ‘failures’ of taxa with drilling abilities resulted either from deterministic causes related to the adaptive value of this innovation (e.g. inability to drill rapidly) or from factors unrelated to the innovation itself but affecting rates of speciation and extinction (Smith et al. 1985; Fiirsich and Jablonski 1984). The identification of the innovation-bearing taxon provides an excellent opportunity for testing these ideas. Thus the suggestion that the lack of a hard skeleton (Smith et al. 1985) contributed to the evolutionary failure of Palaeozoic drillers must be rejected for the shelled Platyceras. Furthermore, the non-predatory nature of these drillholes forces us to make a distinction between predatory and parasitic drilling, as well as between their evolutionary implications. Acknowledgements . I thank M. Foote, D. Jablonski, M. LaBarbera, M. Listokin, D. Miller, M. Nitecki, and an anonymous reviewer for comments on the manuscript, and D. Miller for technical assistance. Partial funding for this project was provided by the Gurley Fund of the University of Chicago. REFERENCES ausich, w. i. and gurolla, r. a. 1979. Two boring organisms in a Lower Mississippian community of southern Indiana. Journal of Paleontology, 53, 335-344. bandel, k. 1988. Early ontogenetic shell and shell structure as aids to unravel gastropod phylogeny and evolution. Malacological Review Supplement , 4, 267-272. bowsher, a. l. 1955. Origin and adaptation of platyceratid gastropods. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions , Mollusca Article 5, 1-11. 748 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 brett, c. E. 1978. Host-specific pit-forming epizoans on Silurian crinoids. Lethaia , 11, 217-232. brunton, H. 1966. Predation and shell damage in a Visean brachiopod fauna. Palaeontology 9, 355-359. cameron, b. 1967. Oldest carnivorous gastropod borings found in Trentonian (Middle Ordovician) brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology , 41, 147-150. carriker, m. r. and yochelson, e. t. 1968. Recent gastropod boreholes and Ordovician cylindrical borings. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper , 593- B, 1-26. Cummings, E. r., beede, J. w., branson, e. b. and smith, e. a. 1905. The fauna of the Salem Limestone of Indiana. 30th Annual Report of the Department of Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana, 1187-1486. fenton, c. L. and fenton, M. A. 1931. Some small borings of Paleozoic age. American Midland Naturalist, 12, 522-528. fursich, f. t. and jablonski, d. 1984. Late Triassic naticid drillholes: carnivorous gastropods gain a major adaptation but fail to radiate. Science, 224, 78-80. haugh, b. n. 1975. Digestive and coelomic systems of Mississippian camerate crinoids. Journal of Paleontology, 49, 472-493. hickman, c. s. 1988. Archaeogastropod evolution, phylogeny and systematics: a re-evaluation. Malacological Review Supplement, 4, 17-34. keyes, c. r. 1890. Synopsis of American Carbonic Calyptraeidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, (1890) 150-181. KNIGHT, J. B., COX, L. R., KEEN, M. A., BATTEN, R. L., YOCHELSON, E. L. and ROBERTSON, R. 1960. Systematic descriptions. In MOORE, R. c. (ed.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part I. Mollusca, 1169-1310. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas. 351 pp. kosuge, s. and hayashi, s. 1967. Notes on the feeding habits of Capulus dilatatus A. Adams, 1860 (Gastropoda). Science Report of the Yokosuka City Museum, 13, 45-54. lane, n. g. 1978. Mutualistic relations of fossil crinoids. In moore, r. c. and teichert, c. (eds.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part T. Ecliinodermata 2(1), T345-T347. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas, 1027 pp. 1984. Predation and survival among inadunate crinoids. Paleobiology, 10, 453-458. lutzen, j. and nielsen, k. 1975. Contributions to the anatomy and biology of Echineulima n.g. (Prosobranchia : Eulimidae), parasitic on sea urchins. Videnskabelige Meddele/ser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening , 138, 171-199. meyer, d. l. and ausich, w. i. 1983. Biotic interactions among Recent and fossil crinoids. In tevesz, m. j. s. and McCall, p. L. (eds.). Biotic interactions in Recent and fossil benthic communities, 378-427. Plenum, New York. 837 pp. orr, v. 1962. The drilling habit of Capulus danieli (Crosse) (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Veliger , 5, 63-67. paul, c. R. c. 1971. Revision of the Ho/ocystites fauna (Diploporita) of North America. Fieldiana: Geology, 24, 166 pp. rohr, p. m. 1976. Silurian predator borings in the brachiopod Dicoelosia from the Canadian Arctic. Journal of Paleontology 50, 1 175-1 179. rollins. h. b. and brezinski, d. k. 1988. Reinterpretation of crinoid-platyceratid interaction. Lethaia, 21, 207-217. sheehan, p. m. and lesperance, p. j. 1978. Effect of predation on the population dynamics of a Devonian brachiopod. Journal of Paleontology, 52, 812-817. smith, s. a., thayer, c. w. and brett, c. e. 1985. Predation in the Palaeozoic: gastropod-like drillholes in Devonian brachiopods. Science, 230, 1033-1037. sohl, n. f. 1969. The fossil record of shell borings by snails. American Zoologist, 9, 725-734. vermeij, g. j. 1987. Evolution and escalation, xv + 527 pp. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. tomasz k. baumiller Department of Geophysical Sciences University of Chicago 5734 S. Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637 USA Typescript received 19 June 1989 Revised typescript received 18 August 1989 NOTES FOR AUTHORS The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers on all aspects of palaeontology. Review articles are particularly welcome, and short papers can often be published rapidly. A high standard of illustration is a feature of the journal. 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Published by Longman in collaboration with the Palaeontological Association, xiii + 241 pp. Price £13-95. Available in the USA from Halsted Press at U.S. $24-95. © The Palaeontological Association, 1990 Palaeontology VOLUME 33 • PART 3 CONTENTS The classification of the Foraminifera - a review of historical and philosophical perspectives J. R. HAYNES 503 Ontogeny, hypostome attachment and trilobite classification R. A. FORTEY 529 Bedding plane assemblages of Promissum pulchrum, a new giant Ashgill conodont from the Table Mountain Group, South Africa J. N. THERON, R. B. RICKARDS and R. J. ALDRIDGE 577 Drilling and peeling of turritelline gastropods since the Late Cretaceous W. D. ALLMON, J. C. NIEH and R. D. NORRIS 595 A deductive enquiry system for a palaeontological database of museum material M. J. ROGERS, D. T. DONOVAN and M. H. ROGERS 613 The affinities of early oncocerid nautiloids from the Lower Ordovician of Spitsbergen and Sweden D. H. EVANS and A. H. 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BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXQ SKELETONS ns by NADINE V. WILMOT 0 Abstract. Most skeletal materials, such as bone and insect cuticle, are viscoelastic;. but heavily mine/alized structures such as mollusc shell, are linearly elastic. The type of microstructure used in making a,sk€leton is related to required mechanical strength and to the metabolic cost involved in construction. The effects of composition, microstructure, and architecture on mechanical properties are discussed, and then related to trilobite exoskeletons. Due to their composition and internal organization, trilobite cuticles can be regarded as ceramics that behaved in a linearly elastic manner. The small size of the calcite crystals and the presence of an organic framework reduced the risk of crack formation and slowed the progress of fractures. As a result of its crystal arrangement, the thin outer prismatic layer would have had good compressive strength, but only poor crack-stopping abilities, whereas the underlying principal layer added bulk to the cuticle and deflected cracks. Structurally, trilobite exoskeletons are analogous to monocoque shells, that is, they are strong ‘thin shells’ with the same composition throughout and behave as a ‘stressed skin’. The overall architecture of the cephalon and pygidium is of a series of modified domes, strengthened by the presence of the doublure, whereas thoracic segments are compromise structures which allow articulation as well as conferring mechanical strength. The ways in which materials respond to forces acting upon them are determined by their mechanical properties. Accommodation of the resulting stresses is a function of the composition, microstructural organization, and overall form (or architecture) of the specimen. The study of the mechanical characteristics of biological materials is part of the discipline known as biomechanics, a relatively new field with most research occurring from the 1970s onwards. Such research has concentrated on investigating the biomechanics of Recent skeletal materials such as bone (Currey 1969, 1975, 1979), insect cuticle (Hepburn et al. 1975; Vincent 1980), and mollusc shell (Taylor and Layman 1972; Currey and Taylor 1974; Currey 1976, 1980; Jackson et al. 1988) in order to compare their competencies. Various mechanical tests have been developed to measure the tensile, compressive, bending, and hardness characteristics of these materials by modification of standard engineering procedures. However, although the tests were basically the same, authors each followed their own individual techniques. Currey (1980) argued that sample preparation, size, and shape, would all have a bearing on the results obtained, and so demonstrated the desirability of a standard methodology. These studies have demonstrated that not only do materials with the same composition have different mechanical properties, but also that biomechanics may not be the most important factor in their design ; the metabolic cost involved in constructing a skeleton is also very important (Currey 1980). Some of the common terms used in biomechanical studies are explained at the end of this section. The mechanical properties of biological materials have generally been related to composition and microstructure. The significance of the form of the organism has only been studied in depth for the Ostracoda (Benson 1974, 1975, 1981, 1982). Most testing of arthropod exoskeletons has been on insect cuticle, mainly because they are the most common arthropods today (see Vincent 1980 for review). However, such cuticles are uncalcified and behave as viscoelastic materials, in contrast to heavily mineralized exoskeletons which behave as ceramics and are linearly elastic. Consequently the biomechanics of trilobite exoskeletons, which were strongly calcified, are better compared with other mineralized skeletons such as mollusc shells, rather than insect cuticle. In the following sections the effects of composition, ultrastructure, and architecture on mechanical properties are discussed in turn, and the principles involved then related to trilobite cuticles. © The Palaeontological Association IPalaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 4, 1990, pp. 749-768.| 750 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Terminology Stress (a): force per unit area. Strain (e): a ratio to express the deformation created within a specimen when subjected to stress. It is the ratio of the change in size to the basic size. Stiffness is a measure of the resistance of a material to deformation. It is measured by performing tensile tests (Currey and Taylor 1974; Joff'e et al. 1975; Ker 1980), or compression tests (Taylor and Layman 1972; Currey 1976); both types of test have to be repeatable, that is, not incurring permanent damage to the specimen such as fracture. Hardness measures the ease with which a material flows under a stress, and is related to the stiffness of the material and its plasticity. For details of tests see Taylor and Layman (1972) and Hillerton et al. (1982). It is useful for comparing viscoelastic materials, or ceramics with grain sizes of about 100 /mi (Craig and Vaughan 1981). Linearly elastic materials, such as ceramics, react immediately to the application of a stress, for as long as it is present, and on its removal immediately revert back to their pre-stressed state (Text- fig. 1a (i)). In a linearly elastic material, strain is directly proportional to stress and the stress/strain plot is linear: £ = o/E, where E is a constant (Young’s modulus) and is a measure of the stiffness of the material. Viscoelastic materials, such as insect cuticle, increasingly deform the longer a force is applied. Once the stress is removed, recovery is also gradual, so that any measurement of strain is time-dependent (Text-fig. 1a (ii)). See Wainwright et al. (1976), Dorrington (1980), Gordon (1980), and Vincent (1980, 1982) for more details about linear elastic and viscoelastic materials. COMPOSITION Every material has a unique response to both tension and compression, which is largely due to its composition and the strength of the bonds that maintain its atomic structure. For example, ceramics, characterized by ionic or covalent bonding, have great compressive strength. Organisms are subject to both tensile and compressive forces, and their skeletons usually comprise a mixture of components, that is, they are composites. Tensile forces usually occur within the structure of the skeleton, or are created by support of the viscera, whereas compressive forces can be induced by walking, the surrounding water pressure, or predation. Insect cuticle is one of the most efficiently constructed naturally occurring composites, being composed of chitin fibrils weakly bonded to a protein matrix. Chitin is very strong when subject to tensile forces, whereas the type of protein matrix determines stiffness (Hillerton 1984). The arrangement of these two components is also important (see below). Stiff and pliant insect cuticles owe their differences to their protein matrix compositions; the properties of the chitin fibrils are always the same (Hillerton 1984). Additional hardening can be generated by sclerotization, for example in locust incisors (Hillerton 1980). This involves the incorporation of phenols which become tightly bound within the cuticle, coupled with some loss of water (Vincent and Hillerton 1979). Some marine arthropods harden their exoskeletons by reducing the amount of protein present (compared with terrestrial forms) and mineralizing their exoskeletons with calcium salts. It has been demonstrated for crustaceans that the greater the proportion of calcium salts, the harder the cuticle becomes (Welinder 1974; Abby-Kalio 1982). The type of mineralization is also important, for example the cuticle of the mantid shrimp Gonodactylus is mainly composed of calcium carbonate, but the harder outer surface of the smashing limb is predominantly calcium phosphate (Currey et al. 1982). Sometimes organic matter is incorporated within the crystal lattice and alters the way in which WILMOT: BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS 751 A (i) YAVAYAYA I (iii) * (ii) text-fig. I . Responses of different materials to stress, based on Wainwright et al. ( 1976, fig. 2 . 12), and Gordon (1980, figs 6 and 7). a (i), linearly elastic materials ; a (ii), viscoelastic materials. B (i), continuous material is weak in tension, as cracks can advance unimpeded; b (ii), isolated elements are stronger in tension as cracks are unable to spread once the first element has broken, c, weak interfaces prevent the spread of cracks (Cook-Gordon mechanism): (i), crack formation begins; (ii), weak interface opens out in advance of the crack; (iii), progression of the crack is stopped, d, lateral bonds increase compressive strength: (i), isolated elements bend under compression; (ii), weak lateral bonds restrict movement. 752 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 the mineral fractures. This is exemplified by proteins within the calcite crystals of echinoderm plates (Berman et al. 1988). Although the concentration of protein is very small (only approximately ten molecules per 1 x 1 0‘5 unit cells) these crystals are less brittle than inorganic calcite. MICROSTRUCTURE The size and arrangement of skeletal materials are of fundamental importance to the mechanical behaviour of the structure as a whole. In general, composites are stronger than pure materials. Cracks, generated in tensile conditions, are unable to propagate between isolated elements (Text- fig. 1b), hence chitin fibrils are extremely strong as they are composed of individual long chains of chitin molecules. If one chain is broken, the fracture does not spread to the others. Weak interfaces within a material can also give strength due to the Cook-Gordon mechanism (Cook and Gordon 1964). As a crack propagates through a material, the weak interface opens up in advance. When the crack reaches the hole, its energy is dissipated and so is unable to continue (Text-fig. lc). Wood behaves in this manner. Bonding between components can also increase compressive strength by creating greater resistance to bending (Text-fig. Id). Arthropod cuticle is a very efficient composite as it contains tension- and compression-resistant members. The chitin/protein fibrils are arranged in sheets parallel to the cuticle surface. Each sheet contains fibrils orientated in the same direction, but successive layers are rotated by a few degrees to produce a helicoidal structure. The typical laminated appearance of arthropod cuticle is due to this internal arrangement; each unit of 180° rotation of the helicoid corresponding to a single lamina (Bouligand 1965; Neville and Luke 1969; Neville 1970; Livolant et al. 1978). Consequently the cuticle is strong in tension along any plane parallel to the surface. Sometimes the sheets show preferred orientation along the direction of greatest stress (Wainwright et al. 1976), for example in the walking legs of spiders (Barth 1973), the hind limbs of coleopterans (Dennell 1978), the pedipalps of scorpions (Mutvei 1977; Dalingwater 1980), in Limulus cuticle (Mutvei 1977; Dalingwater 1980), and the legs of the Carboniferous eurypterid Mvcterops (Dalingwater 1985). In such cases the cuticle is very strong along the plane of preferred fibre orientation but much weaker in other directions (Harris 1980). The organic matrix of heavily mineralized skeletons is one of the most important factors in determining its mechanical properties. Most biomineralization is an ‘organic matrix-mediated’ process (Lowenstam 1981) where the organic matter forms a framework not only to control the nucleation, size, and orientation of the inorganic crystals, but also the physical behaviour of the shell (Krampitz et al. 1983). The organic matrix of crustaceans is a chitin-protein complex, and the proteins can be subdivided into water insoluble, and soluble fractions (Richards 1951) which are species-specific (Hackman 1974). This is also true in other marine invertebrates such as molluscs. Weiner et al. (1983) demonstrated that molluscan insoluble matrix (including chitin fibrils) forms a framework to limit the size and orientation of the crystals, which is very important mechanically, and also supports the soluble matrix that controls nucleation sites (see also the review by Mann 1988 concerning organic matrices). The quantity and mechanical characteristics of the organic framework compared with the crystalline component can greatly influence the strength of a ‘stony’ (Wainwright et al. 1976) skeleton. As the matrix is much less brittle than the crystals it encloses, when sufficiently thick it can absorb some of the energy involved in crack propagation by plastic flow. If the organic matrix is thin, fractures are prevented from developing mainly by deflecting cracks as they reach crystal boundaries. The size of the crystalline component of a stony skeleton (as controlled by the organic framework) is also very important. The larger the component, the more likely it is to contain flaws such as internal deformation or cracks. For linearly elastic solids at a given stress level, there is a ‘critical crack length’ or defect size at which fracture occurs. Hence it is advantageous for a ceramic to be constructed from small components to reduce the chances of containing defects. For calcium carbonate minerals in tension at 50 MN m“2 and 100 MN itT2, the critical crack length is 2-8 pm WILMOT: BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS 753 (Wainwright et aL 1976). In general, heavily mineralized skeletal materials have grain sizes with one dimension smaller than 3 //m which minimizes fracture occurrence. Uniformity in size is also advantageous, to prevent weak links generated by larger components. The less organic matrix present, the more important it is for the crystal sizes to be small, so that if cracks do form, they frequently have to change direction at crystal boundaries: a process that requires additional energy. Hence fine-grained ceramic skeletons that contain only a small amount of organic matrix, are much stronger than a large inorganic crystal. This has been demonstrated for mollusc shells, which contain only 01-5% matrix (Currey 1980) and yet are stronger than inorganically precipitated calcite (Taylor and Layman 1972). Currey (1980, fig. 5) has illustrated the extremely good crack- stopping capabilities of molluscan nacre, which is composed of many thin sheets of aragonite separated by thin organic layers. A crack has to proceed along a very tortuous path in order to cross this type of microstructure. Therefore it is not surprising that most ceramic skeletons are fine grained and contain very few voids. When voids do occur, such as ducts, their function outweighs the structural weaknesses they induce (Wainwright et al. 1976). It can therefore be seen that the type of microstructure used to construct a skeleton will influence its mechanical characteristics. Mollusc microstructural types (described by Watabe 1984) have been found to exhibit different mechanical properties despite all being constructed from calcium carbonate. For example, nacre is the strongest, and crossed lamellar structure the hardest. However, mechanical strength may not be the most important factor involved in the design of a skeleton. Although nacre is the strongest of all types of molluscan microstructure and occurred first in the fossil record, weaker structural units are more commonly used today (Currey and Taylor 1974). There is a general correspondence between molluscan microstructure and mode of life (Taylor and Layman 1972; Currey and Taylor 1974; Currey 1976; Gabriel 1981). The development of other shell types may have been due to a necessity to protect against abrasion or chemical attack prevalent in some habitats, at which nacre is relatively poor (Gabriel 1981). The metabolic cost involved in secreting the material may also be more important than its overall strength (Currey 1980). It has been demonstrated that microstructures with a relatively high organic content are more ‘expensive’ to generate (Palmer 1983). A metabolically cheaper type of microstructure to construct, although of inferior quality to nacre, may be adequate for a particular lifestyle. Oyster shells, for example, are constructed from relatively weak microstructures (foliated structure and chalky deposits) and are prone to attacks from boring organisms; however, they can grow very quickly, which suits these animals’ particular mode of life (Currey 1980). ARCHITECTURE The general shape of a structure will also influence the way in which it responds to stresses. Structural mechanics have only been applied in any depth to the design of ostracode carapaces, where exoskeletal features have been discussed in relation to common engineering or architectural structures (Benson 1974, 1975, 1981, 1982). Impact and compression testing of ostracode carapaces (Whatley et al. 1982) did not reveal any one factor that had overriding importance in conferring strength, though it has been demonstrated that the architecture of cirripede exoskeletons is more important than microstructure (Murdock and Currey 1978). The importance of shape to the overall mechanical strength of a structure is best explained with reference to common architectural structures. The concept of ‘strength through form’ (Nervi 1951) has been successfully exploited in architecture from the 1950s. The various man-made constructional forms which have been developed follow well-understood engineering principles, and have many analogies with biological designs. (For an introduction to structural mechanics see Buckle (1977) and Cowan ( 1 980). ) Although buildings are many times larger in scale than biological constructions, the forces acting on skeletons generate stresses acting in similar directions. The type of material to be used usually determines the type of structure that is produced. Due to their different mechanical properties, materials lend themselves to be used in certain ways: for example, stone is relatively weak in tension but possesses great compressive strength. 754 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 compression boom tension boom text-fig. 2. Space-spanning structures, a, hemisphere, b, dome, c, stone vault; thick walls counteract outward thrusts from the arch and ensure that the forces are deflected to the ground within the structural form (or else the building would collapse), d, portal frames (pf) and purlins (p); portal frames always have a shallow pitch, and the knee is strengthened by increased thickness or reinforcement; the weight and outward thrusts are absorbed by the foundations. E, truss: the girders of the truss act either in tension (T) or compression (C) to take up the load, and have flexible joints (based on Buckle 1977, fig. 8.1). f, space frames: (i), geodesic dome, based on triangular or diamond-shaped grids with flexible joints (from Buckle 1977, fig. 15.3); (ii), lamellar roofs of various shapes are based on horizontal or diagonal grids with rigid joints. Some of the more common three-dimensional architectural structures are illustrated in Text- figure 2. A catenary is the shape a cable takes when suspended equally at both ends, and can be expressed mathematically as: y = a/2(ex + e x) WILMOT: BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS 755 where x and y are coordinates, e = exponential constant, a = variable. When inverted, this form is a catenary arch, on which vertical loads are directed evenly over the whole length. Its three- dimensional extension is the catenary dome (Text-fig. 2b). Although a hemisphere (Text-fig. 2a) encloses a given volume with less surface area than a catenary-shaped dome, the dome is structurally superior at resisting forces directed horizontally, and normally, to the crown. In both structures, the weight of the material is directed downwards, generating horizontal thrusts at the margins. These have to be counteracted either by ring beams, or some other sort of reinforcement such as increased thickness, which confines outward movement of the base. A vault is another three-dimensional version of an arch, and also has outward thrusts at its base. For stone vaults (Text-fig. 2c), thick adjoining walls are necessary to counteract these horizontal moments and ensure that the thrusts are directed to the foundations within the building structure. This buttressing is essential to prevent collapse. Portal frames are space-spanning structures composed of straight members (Text-fig. 2d). The greatest shear and bending moments occur at the joint between the beam and the column, so the ‘knee’ is usually strengthened, either by thickening or adding reinforcing material. As with arches, shallower frames are subject to greater horizontal thrusts, and ties can be introduced between the supports to attain equilibrium. Purlins are beams that span between portal frames, and on which additional material can be placed such as roofing tiles. The load acts on the joints between the purlins and the portal frames. Folded plates and corrugated sheets (Text-fig. 3) are more economical in material than flat plates spanning the same area, as their shape imparts strength and so they can be thinner. A vertical load acting on corrugations is divided into two components: a force R acting at right-angles to the slab surface, and a force P acting parallel to it. P forces are resisted by ‘skin stresses’ within the slab, so only force R will cause bending. Consequently, much greater forces can be withstood than by a horizontal slab of the same thickness, on which all the force is directed perpendicularly to the surface. A corrugated sheet can withstand up to a hundred times its own weight in load (Cowan 1980): its strength is a function of its sinusoidal cross-section and its overall depth. As a method of spanning space, a truss (Text-fig. 2e) is more economical in material than a solid beam, and there are many different types. Simply, the stresses from a vertically acting load are taken up by a series of members which act either in tension or compression. Space frames (Text-fig. 2f) can be likened to three-dimensional trusses. Variously shaped, strong but lightweight lattices provide the necessary support for thin coverings. As in trusses, the members of the grid act either in tension or compression to transmit the stresses acting on the structure. The covering ‘membrane’ or ‘skin’ lies passively between the struts. An alternative type of space frame is the monocoque shell (Benson 1974, 1975), which does not have an internal grid. It is composed of the same material throughout to produce a strong thin shell, and all the load is transmitted through this thin ‘stressed skin '. INFLUENCES OF TRILOBITE CUTICLE COMPOSITION AND MICROSTRUCTURE ON MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR Since the organic matrix has so much influence on the mechanical behaviour of heavily mineralized exoskeletons, no mechanical tests were performed in this study on fossil material, as any remaining organic matter will have been degraded. This has been proved for ostracodes by compression and impact tests on fossil and Recent specimens of the same species (Whatley et al. 1982), which were found to have different strengths. However, knowledge of trilobite microstructure (Wilmot 1988) can still provide much information on the likely mechanical properties of the exoskeleton. Trilobite exoskeletons were heavily calcified, composed predominantly of low-magnesian calcite (Wilmot and Fallick 1989) with only a small proportion of organic matter. In this respect they can be categorized with other stony skeletons as behaving as ceramics. Remnants of the organic matrix have been obtained by decalcifying the cuticles in EDTA (Dalingwater 1969, 1973; Teigler and Towe 1975; Miller 1976; Dalingwater and Miller 1977). Although the composition remains uncertain, it may well have consisted of proteins and chitin fibrils as in all other arthropods. 756 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 A text-fig. 3. Corrugations, a, folded sheet: there is only a small local span (Is) so only thin slabs are necessary to resist the R and P forces; thin, end diaphragms (d) resist the thrusts (T) from the whole roof (based on Buckle 1977, fig. 14.7). b, the more folds in the folded sheet, the less local bending, enabling thinner slabs to be used, therefore sinusoidal corrugations are the strongest, c, examples of various profiles of corrugations used in buildings: (i), sinusoidal; (ii), trapezoidal (symmetrical and asymmetrical); (iii), stiffened trapezoidal. Like all exoskeletons, trilobite cuticles were used both for protecting and supporting the viscera, and would have been subject to both tensile and compressive forces. Tensile forces parallel to the surface would have been present within the domed structure of the skeleton, and to a lesser extent generated by the suspension of the viscera. Compressive stresses would have been imposed by water currents and predators. To resist these, the exoskeleton contained tension elements, probably long chitin fibrils orientated parallel to the cuticle surface, and short calcite crystals strong under compression. Unmineralized insect cuticle is stronger and stiffer than calcified crustacean cuticle; crustacean exoskeletons have to be thicker to compensate (Wainwright et al. 1976). However, calcification is very common in the marine environment as calcium ions are readily available. Hence it is much more economical for a marine invertebrate to construct an exoskeleton consisting of less protein and more calcium carbonate in comparison with its terrestrial counterpart (Wainwright et al. 1976). This probably explains why trilobite exoskeletons were heavily calcified. Apart from agnostid exoskeletons which may have been constructed of only a thin, prismatic layer (Wilmot 1990o), most calcified trilobite cuticles comprise an outer prismatic layer with a thicker principal layer below. Sometimes the thin outer layer is finely laminated (Mutvei 1981; J. E. Dalingwater pers. comm.). Prismatic layer is a relatively thin layer of calcite crystals, approximately I /mi in diameter, orientated with their longer c-axes perpendicular to the outer WILMOT: BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS 757 surface (Text-fig. 4a). It is not analogous to the molluscan prismatic layer which can have crystals up to several millimetres long, with each surrounded by a thick (5 /mi) layer of organic matrix (Currey 1980). Trilobite principal layer forms 85-95% of the total cuticle thickness. It is finer grained, and has a much less regular crystal arrangement than the prismatic layer (Text-fig. 4b). Parallel laminations are sometimes preserved within this layer which may mark the former positions of organic material. The amount of organic matrix was low, with much less than 1 pm thickness between crystals. As in molluscan nacre (Currey 1980), fracture of trilobite exoskeletons mainly occurred through the thin layers of organic matter rather than through individual calcite crystals (unpublished observation, see Text-fig. 4). Except for eye lenses which were necessarily always of extremely high quality calcite, none of the cuticular crystals have two axes more than 3 /mi long, so minimizing the risk of dangerously large internal defects. text-fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of trilobite cuticular structure, exposed on a vertical fracture surface. Phacops rana crassituberculata Stumm, NMW.88.22G.41, Silica Shale, Silica, Ohio (Middle Devonian), x 1 500. a, prismatic layer with calcite crystals (1x10 //m) orientated with their c-axes perpendicular to the surface; note that fracture has occurred between crystals, not through them, b, principal layer, with calcite crystals aligned parallel to the surface. It has been argued above that the type of microstructure used is a compromise between the mechanical properties necessary for a particular mode of life, and the metabolic price that has to be paid in order to construct it. Trilobites, like other arthropods, regularly had to shed their exoskeletons in order to grow. Immediately after moulting, the organism would have been unable to move or feed properly, as well as being very vulnerable to predation, and so it would have been advantageous to mineralize the cuticle as soon as possible. It is therefore likely that rapidity of calcification was one of the main priorities involved in the selection of microstructure. Modern mollusc shells are stronger than crustacean cuticles (Wainwright et al. 1976), but such shells are gradually secreted throughout life. When trilobite cuticle was secreted, the prismatic layer formed first, with only a very thin principal layer present; as secretion continued, cuticle thickness increased by addition to the principal layer (Miller and Clarkson 1980). This suggests that the prismatic layer was relatively easy to generate, being calcified rapidly after ecdysis to give some degree of hardening to the cuticle. Bulk was added later to the exoskeleton to give greater strength. Prismatic layer may also have been effective against shell-boring organisms, as with molluscs (Gabriel 1981). Trilobite prismatic layer with its regular crystal arrangement was probably quite strong under compressive forces acting normal to the cuticle surface, but would have had poor crack-stopping capabilities. A 758 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 crack would have been able to travel unimpeded between crystals, and would only have been deflected on reaching the principal layer: hence the need for a thin principal layer even in newly secreted cuticle. The crack-stopping abilities of the principal layer can still be effective after millions of years: prismatic layer is often lost from trilobite cuticles when they are extracted from the rock matrix, whereas the principal layer remains intact (Miller 1976). Unlike molluscs, trilobites only developed two kinds of exoskeletal microstructure. However, the overall thickness of the cuticles and the relative proportions of the different layers do vary considerably, which would have been of mechanical significance. Different types of cuticular ultrastructure may have been related to mode of life, or may just have been a phylogenetic trait, e.g. proetides have relatively thin prismatic layers. EFFECTS OF TRILOBITE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ON MECHANICAL STRENGTH When assessing the design of an exoskeleton, it is important to consider the main function it provides for the animal. In trilobites, it seems likely that the exoskeleton developed primarily as a means of protection against predators, rather than just for muscle support. The high degree of calcification of the cuticle compared with other arthropods suggests an evolutionary bias for thicker exoskeletons and hence increased protection. Indeed, in low-oxygenated environments such as those existing in the ‘Olenid Sea’, predation was rare and the predominant trilobites only had very thin cuticles (Fortey 1985). Other evidence suggesting a defensive function for the cuticle is the development of sophisticated enrolment mechanisms. This was a great advantage to trilobites, as they were able to curl up into ‘balls’ that enclosed vulnerable soft parts within the calcified exoskeleton. The cuticle then effectively formed a hard, protective outer casing with a much greater diameter than before, and the animal was therefore more difficult to attack. As cuticle thickness was fairly uniform throughout (increasing at muscle insertion areas), there were no major weak points in the ‘ball’ that could be exploited by predators. The margins of the exoskeleton, such as the borders of the cephalon and pygidium were often locked tightly together and, due to the doublure, were also thicker and stronger regions. Pleurae overlapping articulating facets greatly increased ‘ball’ thickness laterally. Detailed methods of trilobite articulation and enrolment are well known and will not be discussed further here: see Harrington (1959, pp. 070-073, figs 49-51), Bergstrom (1973), and Fortey and Owens (1979) for further information. Although it can be seen that the trilobite exoskeleton was well developed for enrolment, the general shape was also mechanically strong for ‘normal’ life situations, and it is this aspect which will be discussed further below. For example, although the doublure may sometimes be involved in enrolment, incorporating coaptative devices (Clarkson and Henry 1973), this alone cannot explain its function for all trilobites. Schmalfuss (1981) suggested that doublures with terrace ridges supported a respiratory and feeding chamber below the animal, but this is unlikely to be true of pelagic species, or groups with long pygidial doublures (Fortey 1985). It is proposed here that the doublure acted primarily as a structural strengthening device, necessary for a dome-shaped exoskeleton. Like most ostracode carapaces, the trilobite exoskeleton structurally most resembles a series of modified domes based on catenary arches (Text-fig. 5). The cephalon and pygidium can be regarded simply as half-domes. The horizontal thrusts at the margins of the domes are resisted by the doublure, which confers strength by increased thickness and a change of direction. The inner edge of the doublure marks the point of attachment of the ventral membrane, but although the latter was probably tough, its flexibility ( Muller and Walossek 1987) would have given it negligible structural strengthening properties. Its main function would have been to constrain the positions of the body organs. As with the knee of a portal frame constructed of the same material throughout, the exoskeleton also had to be thicker at the doublure to resist shear forces acting at the change ot direction. On average, cuticle thickness at least doubles at the doublure (Text-fig. 6). As slightly WILMOT: BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS 759 text-fig. 5. General form of cephala and pygidia. a (i), trilobite cephala and pygidia can be regarded simply as half-domes; a (ii), generalized transverse section through a cranidium; the basic shape of a half-dome has been modified by addition of extra domes, b (i), the doublure gives strength to the domed structure by increasing thickness at the base, and a change of direction; b (ii), the shape of the doublure is also important; cylindrical doublures such as those of certain proetids are very strong, c, flatter domes exert greater thrusts at the margins and therefore need longer doublures; (i), (ii), diagrammatic representation of the relationship between convexity and doublure length; (iii), transverse section through the pygidium of Proetus ( Proetus ) concinnus (Dalman) (based on specimen NMW . 88 . 22G .42); (iv), transverse section through the pygidium of Warburgella ( Warburgella ) stokesii (Murchison) (based on specimen NM W . 88 . 22G .43); both these trilobites belong to the Proetacea yet have slightly different convexities, and hence dissimilar doublure lengths. oblique sections through the doublure would give the impression of increased cuticle thickness, the minimum values recorded are the most significant. The width of the doublure is proportional to its strength (longer doublures affording more resistance to thrusts), therefore flatter domes which exert greater horizontal thrusts have to have longer doublures (Text-fig. 5c). However this general relationship is not necessarily valid for all trilobites, as factors such as doublure shape, ultrastructure, and overall cuticle thickness also exert an effect. Different types of trilobite doublure are illustrated in Text-figure 7. The addition of extra domes to parts of the exoskeleton such as the glabella (Text-fig. 5a (ii)) is also a recognized practice in architecture. 760 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 400 i w w a) c o 300 200 - 100 - X X X X V X X x^ * X X 0 100 200 300 400 500 Cuticle thickness ( pm) text-fig. 6. Increase in cuticle thickness across the doublure. Although, in sagittal section, a trilobite is much more elongated and therefore resembles a shallower dome than in transverse section, the thorax is well jointed, and dorso-ventral forces could have been taken up by flexure (Text-fig. 7a (iv)). However, the main purpose of the jointed thorax was for locomotion and enrolment. Trilobite thoracic segments are a compromise in structure between the necessary mechanical strength to protect and support the underlying organs, and permitting articulation. Some trilobites, such as certain illaenimorphs and homalonotids are characterized by their high convexity and effacement. Their thoracic segments resemble single arches (Text-fig. 8b) and are therefore structurally strong, and articulate only at the two fulcra (Lane and Thomas in Thomas 1978; Thomas and Lane 1984). The segments are arranged in an imbricate manner, and articulation is achieved by them sliding underneath one another (Thomas and Lane 1984, Text-fig. 2d). However, this is not common for trilobites as a whole. Most trilobites have various structures on the anterior and posterior margins of the thoracic segments which enable them to articulate. These may include an articulating half-ring anterior to the axial ring, flanges from the proximal parts of the pleurae to the fulcra, fulcral processes with corresponding sockets, and articulating facets on the distal parts of the pleurae (Harrington 1959). Additionally, coaptative structures may exist on the cephalon and pygidium (Clarkson and Henry 1973; Henry and Clarkson 1975). Many thoracic segments have the proximal parts of the pleurae extending horizontally from the axial furrows (Text-fig. 9). Although this is not very strong structurally, it is of great importance in articulation as the pleurae form a hinge plane. Strengthening of these thoracic segments is generated by the axial and pleural furrows (Bergstrom 1973; Miiller and Walossek 1987) which are expressed ventrally as ridges (Text-fig. 9g), thus turning the cuticle into a folded sheet. Additional thickening of the exoskeleton in these areas also increases the strength of the structure, especially in areas of muscle attachment such as the axial furrows. Other thoracic segments are intermediate in form between these two end members and resemble arches on arches, but with several articulating processes (Text-fig. 10). Therefore, although the cephalon and pygidium of a trilobite are well designed for mechanical strength, the shape of thoracic segments are also a function of their role in articulation. Occasionally a network of polygonal structures can be seen on the surface of trilobite cuticles, for WILMOT: BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS 761 text-fig. 7. Different types of doublure, a, Illaenus sp. (JED) 2 Feb. 1966, pygidial doublure, Boda Limestone, Dalarna, Oland (Ordovician), xl5. b, Cybantyx anaglyptos Lane and Thomas, NMW.88.22G.21, longitudinal section through pygidium. Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wren’s Nest, Dudley (Wenlock), x 7. c, Dalmanites myops (Konig), NMW . 88 . 22G . 20, longitudinal section through pygidium. Hill End Farm Borehole, Walsall (Wenlock), x 10. d, Warburgella ( Warburgella ) stokesii (Murchison), NMW . 88 . 22G . 5, transverse section through the lateral border of a free cheek (note the canals opening out at the crests of the terrace ridges), Coalbrookdale formation. Daw End railway cutting, Walsall (Wenlock), x 70. example Homagnostus obesus (Wilmot 1990r/) which gives the appearance of space frames, such as geodesic domes. However, as trilobite exoskeletons were constructed predominantly from low- magnesian calcite, their space-enclosing structure is more analogous to the monocoque shell, which resists forces throughout its ‘skin’, not just in members of a grid system. The polygonal structures may simply be the external expression of epidermal cells which generated the cuticle (Wilmot 1990h), but the network of ridges they create can give the ‘thin shell’ some additional strength. When examined in detail, the cell polygons are essentially curved plates with reinforced ridges on their edges (Text-fig. I I a, b). In section, the ridges are acting as T-beams 762 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 8. Trilobite thoracic segments, a, generalized forms of trilobite thoracic segments : (i), single arch ; (ii), arch on arches; (iii), horizontal pleurae; (iv), simplified sagittal section through a trilobite, emphasizing the relatively low convexity compared with transverse sections, and the jointed nature of the thorax, b, single arch thoracic segments: (i), (ii), Bumastus ( Bumastoides ) lenzi Chatterton and Ludvigsen (Illaenidae), anterior and posterior views of thoracic segments, x 3-8 (based on Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976, pi. 5, figs 27 and 31). (iii)-(vii), Failleana calva Chatterton and Ludvigsen (Styginidae), thoracic segments (based on Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976, pi. 6): (iii), anterior view, x 3 (fig. 18); (iv), posterior view, x 4-3 (fig. 21 ); (v), posterior view, x 2-9 (fig. 24); (vi), posterior view, x4-3 (fig. 22); (vii), anterior view, x 3-5 (fig. 27). (Text-fig. 1 lc), which are much stronger than ordinary beams with columns since there are no joints. Although in architecture these are normally inverted, the principles involved remain valid for trilobites. Altogether, a strengthening meshwork has been produced over the external surface, the structural significance of which is most marked in thin cuticles such as those of agnostid trilobites, where the ridges can form as much as 15% of the total cuticle thickness. Such grids are rarely used in man-made structures as external meshes are subject to corrosion; as a compromise, they have to be placed within the structure. In this respect therefore, trilobite exoskeletons are better designed than most buildings, although an external mesh was applied to the Philips Pavilion, designed by Le WILMOT: BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS 763 A text-fig. 9. Thoracic segments with horizontal pleurae, a, Ceratocephala lacinata Whittington and Evitt (Odontopleuridae), posterior view of thoracic segment, x 10 (based on Whittington and Evitt 1954, pi. 8, fig. 8). B, c, Acidaspis ( Acidaspis ) lesperancei Chatterton and Perry (Odontopleuridae), posterior and anterior views of thoracic segment, x 10 (based on Chatterton and Perry 1983, pi. 21, figs 15 and 16). d, Nanillaenus mackenziensis Chatterton and Ludvigsen (Illaenidae), anterior view of thoracic segment, x 2-9 (based on Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976, pi. 4, fig. 15). E, Dolichoharpes aff. D. reticulata Whittington (Harpedidae), posterior view of thoracic segment. x7 (based on Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976, pi. 7, fig. 24). f-h, Ceraurinella typa Cooper (Cheiruridae), anterior, ventral and posterior views of thoracic segment, x 2 (based on Whittington and Evitt 1954, pi. 11, figs 1, 4, 5). Corbusier at the Brussels Exhibition in 1958. As the building was a temporary exhibit, corrosional effects were unimportant. Additional structures on trilobite exoskeletons acting as T-beams occur on the ventral surfaces of some effaced cuticles (Text-fig. 1 1e). For example, the pygidium of Leiolichas is strengthened by a series of radiating ribs (Thomas and Holloway 1988, pi. 9, fig. 208). As mentioned previously, ridges on the ventral surface are generally more prominent than the corresponding dorsal furrows, although this is probably primarily for muscle attachment rather than for strengthening purposes. Other larger-scale features such as terrace ridges will have strengthened the exosksleton by increasing the thickness of the cuticle. As most terrace ridges only have relief on the external surface of the exoskeleton, they acted mechanically as reinforcing ridges to the ‘sheet’, and often occur on the margins or doublure where strains were greatest. Those that have relief on both dorsal and ventral surfaces of the cuticle (Wilmot 1988) will have acted as folded plates. 764 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 10. Arch-on-arch thoracic segments, a-d, Dimeropyge virginensis Whittington and Evitt (Dimeropygidae). thoracic segments, x 15 (based on Whittington and Evitt 1954, pi. 3, figs 8, 11, 1, 5). e, Dimeropyge clintonensis Shaw (Dimeropygidae), posterior view of thoracic segment, x 15 (based on Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976, pi. 18, fig. II). f, g, Isotelus parvirugosus Chatterton and Ludvigsen (Asaphidae), posterior and dorsal views of thoracic segment, x 2-9 (based on Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976, pi. 2, figs 19 and 20). H, Acanthoparypha chiropyga Whittington and Evitt (Cheiruridae), posterior view of thoracic segment, x 3-2 (based on Whittington and Evitt 1954, pi. 29, fig. 25). I, J, Encrinuroides rams (Walcott) (Encrinuridae), posterior and dorsal views of thoracic segments, x 5-5 (based on Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976, pi. 15, figs 40 and 41). CONCLUSIONS 1 . For the first time, the mechanical characteristics of a trilobite exoskeleton have been related to its composition, microstructure, and architecture. 2. Trilobite cuticles are best regarded as ceramics which are linearly elastic, as they were predominantly composed of low-magnesian calcite with only a small proportion of organic matter. 3. Calcification was probably the most economical method of strengthening the cuticle in the marine environment, due to the abundance of the relevant ions. 4. Trilobite exoskeletons were composites that could resist both tensile and compressive forces. 5. The small size of the calcite crystals reduced the risk of crack formation, and the progression of fractures was slowed by the changes of direction at each crystal boundary. 6. Prismatic layer was probably the easiest microstructure to generate, being rapidly calcified after ecdysis, and would have been strong under compressive forces acting normal to the cuticle surface. The underlying principal layer functioned as a crack-stopper and added bulk to the exoskeleton. 7. The relative proportions of prismatic layer to principal layer would have been of mechanical significance. 8. Structurally, the trilobite exoskeleton is a monocoque shell in the form of a series of modified WILMOT: BIOMECHANICS OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS 765 B plate principal layer TTTTTtTrrTTTT 1 1 1 1 1 II llTTTTi i iTurunTTm . wait I 1 g 1 rticu(atum E. fasciculatum E. [quense — E. hamraense — E. sp. !A — F. £ot(andica to £ m a m z / m h i fz f O r_ > Te. Cos seni • • • 2 . articufatum ' E . "pseudodia thus ••••• \E. pseudc dianthus ! E. cf. fast icuCatum | • • « • ••■£. pseudodianthus transiens ; •••• E. prosperum • ••••■£. prosperum crassum BOHEMIA text-fig. 3. Stratigraphic distribution of species of Entelophyllum and related genera in northern Europe. Bold solid lines indicate confirmed identifications and stratigraphic ranges; bold dashed lines indicate confirmed identifications but stratigraphic ranges doubtful; dotted lines indicate identifications and stratigraphic ranges not confirmed by the authors. dissepimentarium appears in the early Homerian in Gotland. It continues through the Gorstian and is thought to give rise to E. fasciculatum in the early Ludfordian, with the withdrawal of the septa from the axis, a reduction in the width of the dissepimentarium, an increase in the size of dissepiments, and a less well defined separation of axial and periaxial tabellae. The middle to late Ludfordian E. lauense and E. hamraense , with heavily carinate septa, possibly evolved from this stock. In England, E. articulation anglicum , with light carination of some septa, occurs later in the Homerian than E. articulation articulation in Gotland. The English subspecies also dies out earlier 774 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 and again this may be related to changes in facies. In England, forms with different colony shapes and with strongly carinate septa, referred to E. pseudodianthus occur throughout the range of E. articulation anglicum. Similar variation is found in the Bohemian forms of the E. articulation - E. pseudodianthus transiens - E. prosperum - E. prosperum crassum group. Here they have a range slightly longer than the English forms but within the range of E. articulation in Gotland. In contrast, the latter species is recorded in Estonia in Telychian as well as late Ludfordian and Pridoli intervals (Text-fig. 3). These presumed occurrences and others from elsewhere in the world may have had the name E. articulation loosely applied. Cerioid species with typical entelophylloid internal features ( Prohexagonaria favia and P. gotlandica ) occur at widely separated horizons on Gotland (Text-fig. 3). Whether these represent iterative evolution from the Baltic entelophylloid stock or successive migrations from an evolving Prohexagonaria lineage elsewhere, must await detailed study of Prohexagonaria. Two new species of Donacophyllum in Gotland (Text-fig. 3) have similar internal features to E. articulation but show non-parricidal rather than parricidal increase and commonly have well developed lonsdaleoid dissepiments. This generic similarity suggests affinities between Entelo- phyllidae and Kyphophyllidae. PALAEOBIOGEOGRAPHY The first occurrences of entelophylloid forms are from opposite sides of the Iapetus Ocean. In Llandovery times Petrozium dewari , from Girvan, Scotland, would have been on the southeastern seaboard of the North American Continent, and P. losseni , from Estonia, on the Anglo-Baltic Plate (Text-fig. 1b; Cocks and Fortey 1982). In later Llandovery times as the Iapetus Ocean closed P. dewari is known from England and the first species of Entelophyllum occurs in Gotland. Although on the same plate, England and Gotland were separated by a broad sea on the site of the earlier deep Tornquist’s Sea. This probably led to differentiation of subspecies in E. articulation , earlier development of carinate forms in Britain, and evolution of E. fasciculatum in Gotland. Bohemian and English forms show a similar development, reflecting the closer proximity of England to the northern Gondwanan Continent in the Llandovery as the Rheic Ocean opened. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Terminology and suprageneric classification follow Hill (1981 ). Measurements are standard, with the diameters of corallites being the mean of the diameters of the circumscribed and inscribed circles in transverse section. Septal microstructure is similar in all species described. Septa are monacanthate with the monacanths arranged in broad half fans over the dissepimentarial floors and inclined upwards and inwards towards the axis in the tabularium. Monacanths vary from 0-01 to 0 02 mm in diameter and the fibres appear to diverge only slightly from the axis of the trabeculae. Thus axes of trabeculae and junctions between trabeculae are not obvious so that in median longitudinal section septa have a fibrous appearance (PI. 1, fig. 2; PI. 5, fig. 20). Variation and taxci discrimination Large samples of E. articulation anglicum subsp. nov. and of E. yassensis (Etheridge) from Australia, to be described in a future paper, indicate considerable intra-colony and intra-specific variation. Previously, characters showing intra-colony variation have been used to differentiate species and even genera by some authors. In E. articulatum anglicum , variation in colony form appears to be dependent on environmental conditions. Flattened colonies are most common in bedded limestones and marls, whereas tall globular heads are found in more massive biohermal limestones. Ranges of variation in corallite diameter and septal number are almost as great for the holotype (10-19 mm, 21-32 major septa) as for the populations from Dudley (twenty-four specimens: 8-19 mm, 21 32 major septa) and Wenlock Edge (forty specimens: 9-20 mm, 20-32 major septa). Mean colony corallite diameters are likewise variable but mean colony tabularium diameters remain fairly constant. There seems to be no relationship between corallite diameter or septal number and corallum form. Major septa are generally long, straight, smooth and extend to the axis, but within one corallum they may tend JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 775 to withdraw from the axis, become discontinuous at the periphery, and carry zigzag carinae. Discontinuity in the dissepimentarium appears to be connected with widening of the dissepimentarium associated with connecting processes. In several sections of one corallum, septal carination is confined to the oldest part of the corallite just before budding. However, in other specimens development of carinae is spasmodic throughout the corallite. In contrast, septal microstructure, tabularial characters, and dissepimentarium apart from its width, all show little variation. E. pseudo dianthus (Weissermel), which occurs with and resembles E. articulation anglicum typically but not invariably has heavily carinate septa. Similarly, on Gotland, most specimens of E. fasciculatum are readily distinguished from E. articulation but in some colonies a few corallites show characters typical of the other species. The ranges of variation of these stratigraphically separated forms also show considerable overlap. It is tempting, after admitting such considerable variation, to lump together all the above mentioned forms into one species. This would obscure the biostratigraphic and palaeogeographic usefulness of these groups of corals in northern Europe. Assignments are subjective and may well need future modification but they will provide a basis for the careful description of forms from elsewhere. Diagnoses formulated are for typical coralla and corallites within coralla, and the exceptions are noted but not included. At generic level, the fasciculate and cerioid forms are differentiated, as are those with parricidal and nonparricidal colony increase. But even at this level intracolony variation has produced exceptions with some cerioid forms becoming locally fasciculate and some colonies with typical parricidal increase having one or two corallites that produced lateral nonparricidal offsets. Petrozium is retained for the simpler early forms without well-developed biserial tabularia and dissepimentaria, since it appears to have stratigraphic significance. Synonymy We have used many of the symbols proposed by Matthews (1973) to indicate degree of confidence in synonymy listings. These lists include only the most important previous citations, all of which we have examined and evaluated. Collections The repositories in which the material described herein is housed are indicated by the following prefixes: BMNH, British Museum (Natural History), London; BU, University of Bristol, Bristol; EGM, Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeenna, Geoloogia Instituudi, Tallinn; GSM, Institute of Geological Sciences, Keyworth; NM, Narodni Museum, Prague; OU, University of Oklahoma, Norman; RM, Paleozoologiska sectionen, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm; SM, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge; SMF, Natur-Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt-am-Main; UB, University of Birmingham, Birmingham; UO, University of Oxford, Oxford; UQ, University of Queensland, Brisbane. Subclass rugosa Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850 Order stauriida Verrill, 1865 Suborder arachnophyllina Zhavoronkova, 1972 Family entelophyllidae Hill, 1940 Genus entelophyllum Wedekind, 1927 1927 Entelophyllum Wedekind, p. 11. 1927 Xylodes Lang and Smith, p. 461 (pre-occupied by Xylodes Waterhouse, 1876, a Recent coleopteran). 1944 Stereoxylodes Wang, p. 25. 1964 Carinophyllum Strelnikov, p. 59. Type species. Chosen by subsequent designation of Lang et al. 1940, p. 57, Entelophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg, 1821) from the Slite, Mulde, Klinteberg, and lower Hemse Beds of Gotland; Homerian to early Ludfordian Stages, late Wenlock to early Ludlow. Diagnosis. Phaceloid or dendroid rugosans with peripheral parricidal increase; septa long, generally radially arranged, counter-cardinal septa rarely distinguishable, smooth or asymmetrically carinate; major septa slightly withdrawn from axis; minor septa contraclined or contratigent in some; tabularium wide, broadly domed commonly with depressed axial area and marginal periaxial 776 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 trough formed by small subhorizontal or concave tabellae; dissepiments numerous, small, globose with lonsdaleoid dissepiments in some. Remarks. Wedekind placed eight species in Entelophyllum , but named no type species. Among these was E. articulation , cited without any author’s name or statement that it was new. Lang et a/. (1940) considered that Madreporites articulatus Wahlenberg was implied, and with this we would agree. By selecting E. articulation (Wahlenberg) as type, the invalid homonym Xylodes Lang and Smith became an objective synonym of Entelophyllum. Soshkina and Dobrolyubova (1962, p. 333) listed Evenkiella Soshkina, 1955, as having Madreporites articulatus Wahlenberg as the type species, and gave Xylodes as a synonym. Soshkina (1955) had, however, named as type species of Evenkiella nom. nov., Evenkiella helenae Soshkina, 1955 (p. 126, pi. 13, fig. 1) from the Wenlock of the Stony Tunguska River, Siberia. In a footnote she explained ‘name Evenkiella for the genus given instead of Xylodes Smith and Tremberth, previously used for an insect'. In our opinion the designation of E. helenae as type species is of stronger force than the citation ‘nom. nov. ’ instead of ‘gen. nov. ’ and the explanatory footnote, and we uphold E. helenae as type in spite of Soshkina and Dobrolyubova’s later reference to M. articulatus as the type. We consider the cerioid Evenkiella distinct from Entelophyllum in that it has lonsdaleoid dissepiments, flat complete tabulae, septa composed of fine trabeculae, and we agree with its placement in the Kyphophyllidae by McLean and Pedder (1984, p. 18). Stereoxylodes was proposed by Wang (1944) as a subgenus of Entelophyllum , with type Cyathophyllum pseudodianthus Weissermel, 1894, for entelophyllids with dilated and carinate septa. The type specimen of C. pseudodianthus chosen by Lang and Smith (1927, p. 473) as the original of Weissermel (1894, pi. 47, fig. 3) from the glacial drift of Lauth, Germany, is lost. Ivanovskii (1976, p. 165) invalidly proposed as a neotype of E. pseudodianthus , the holotype of Stereoxylodes pseudodianthus var. sinensis Wang, 1944 from the ‘middle’ Silurian of Malung, eastern Yunnan, China. To stabilize this species, we have selected a lectotype from Weissermel’s syntypes, see discussion of E. pseudodianthus. In England, E. pseudodianthus commonly occurs as small loose clumps of ceratoid corallites formed by peripheral parricidal budding and with strongly carinate and commonly thickened septa, quite distinct from the typical phaceloid coralla of E. articulation anglicum with cylindrical corallites and typically little or only light carination of the septa. As described in detail later, some specimens of both species show variation that liken individual corallites or whole coralla to those of the other. Prantl (1940) also recognized a similar tendency and proposed E. pseudodianthus transiens for forms showing smooth, slightly carinate, dilated and asymmetrical carinate septa combining characters of E. articulation and E. pseudodianthus. Similarly, Strelnikov (1964, p. 59) erected Carinophyllum for species that have septa thickened in the inner dissepimentarium and are heavily carinate, and designated E. confusion (Pocta, 1902) as type species. Like Schouppe (1951), we believe that there is a continuum of variation in the thickening and carination of the septa in the dissepimentarium of such entelophylloid corals and that they all belong to the one group. They may be arbitrarily divided into subgenera but there does not appear to be any biogeographic or stratigraphic significance to such divisions. If such a subdivision was practical, then Nanshanophyllum Yu (1956; type N. typicum Yu, Middle Silurian, China) might be EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs 1-10. Entelophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg). 1-6, RM Cn54823 (neotype), unknown horizon and locality on Gotland ; I , lateral view showing tall corallites, x 1 ; 2 and 3, longitudinal sections showing typical biserial tabularium and small globose dissepiments, x4, x 2, respectively; 4-6, transverse sections showing long smooth septa, x 2, x 2, x4 respectively. 7-10, Slite Beds, Bogeklint 1, 2 km SE of Boge church, Gotland; 7 and 8, UQ F34300; 7, longitudinal section, x 2; 8, transverse section, x 2; 9 and 10, UQ F34298; 9, longitudinal section, x2; 10, transverse section, x2. PLATE I JELL and SUTEIERLAND, Entelophyllum 778 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 regarded as another subgenus of the group for solitary forms with thickened and carinate septa, in the same way as Pedder (1976) used it as a subgenus of Stereoxylodes. Although some species contain both cerioid and fasciculate forms (such as E. polymorphum Shurygina, 1977, pi. 6, figs 1-3 [= E. articulation of Sytova 1952, p. 140, pi. 4, figs 1-5] from the ‘upper’ Silurian of the Urals), we refer typical cerioid species to Prohexagonaria Merriam, 1973 (see discussion of that genus). We include in Entelophyllum only species that show parricidal budding. One apparent exception is E. articulation anglicum. It almost invariably has obvious parricidal budding but we have observed one corallum, which, in addition to common parricidal budding, includes a single example of lateral budding. Similarly, lonsdaleoid dissepiments are uncommon in most species of Entelophyllum but do occur in some corallites in coralla of various species especially in areas of lateral outgrowths and in the late growth stages. Forms showing lateral budding and well-developed lonsdaleoid dissepiments are included in Donacophyllion Dybowski, 1874. The two species here included in it are similar to Entelophyllum in their septa and tabularia. Entelophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg, 1821) Plate 1, figs I 10; Plate 2, figs 1-11 (1821) v*1837 1874 1927 vl929 vl933 1940 ( ?) 1 940 Madreporites articulatus Wahlenberg, p. 97. Cyathophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg); Hisinger, p. 102, pi. 29, fig. 4. Cyathophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg); Dybowski, p. 435, pi. 3, fig. 1, 1 a, 1 b. Entelophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg); Wedekind, p. 22. Xylodes articulatus (Wahlenberg); Smith and Tremberth, p. 363, text-figs 1 and 2; pi. 7, fig. 5 [non figs 1-4, 6]. Xylodes articulatus (Wahlenberg); Smith, p. 513, pi. I, figs 4 and 5 [ non figs 1-3], Entelophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg); Lang et al., p. 57. Xylodes articulatus (Wahlenberg); Prantl, p. 6, pi. 1, figs 1-3; pi. 2, figs 1, 3, 4. Neotype. Chosen by Smith and Tremberth (1929, p. 363), one of the original specimens of Hisinger labelled 'Cyathophyllum articulation e Gottlandia’; RM Cn54823, from an unknown locality and horizon on Gotland. The exterior side view of the neotype was figured at half size by Smith and Tremberth (1929, p. 365, text- fig. 1 ). Three thin sections cut from the neotype with the numbers R49348a, 6, and c are in the British Museum (Natural History). The two transverse sections, apparently cut from the base of the specimen, include two corallites each and there is a longitudinal cut from a single corallite, apparently from high on the side of the specimen. Smith and Tremberth (1929, p. 365, text-fig. 1 ) figured one of the four transverse corallites and Smith (1933, pi. 1, figs 4 and 5) refigured that picture and also figured the longitudinal section. At a later time two additional transverse sections were taken from the base of the neotype, which include two corallites each, and a longitudinal section was taken from one of these corallites. These sections carry the same number as the neotype, Cn54823, in the Riksmuseet, Stockholm (PI. 1. figs 3-6). Material studied. The neotype; similar material occurring in the Slite Beds at Bogeklint 1, northeast coast of Gotland (6 specimens; figured: UQ F34298, F34300). Other Gotland occurrences; upper Mulde Beds, from Blahall 1, on west coast of Gotland (one specimen; figured: RM Cn66044); Klinteberg Beds, from EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figs 1-11. Entelophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg), showing variation in Gotland material. 1 and 2, RM Cn66040, Klinteberg Beds, Klinleberget 1, cliff exposure at Klinte, west coast of Gotland; 1, transverse section, x2; 2, longitudinal section, x 2. 3-9, lower Hemse Beds, Snoder 1, 2 5 km NW of Slite Church, southwest Gotland; 3-5, RM Cn66041 ; 3, longitudinal section, x2; 4, transverse section showing lateral expansions of corallites, x2; 5. lateral view showing parricidal increase, x 1; 6 and 7, RM Cn66042; 6, transverse section, x2; 7, longitudinal section, x2; 8 and 9, RM Cn66043; 8, transverse section, x2; 9, longitudinal section, x 2. 10 and II, RM Cn66044, upper Mulde Beds, Blahall 1, 0 5 km NE of Djupviks fislage, west coast of Gotland; 10, transverse section, x2; 11. longitudinal section, x 2. PLATE 2 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Entelophyllum 780 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Klinteberget 1, central western Gotland (seven specimens; figured: RM Cn66040); Lower Hemse Beds, from Snoder 1, southwest Gotland (four specimens: figured RM Cn66041, Cn66042, Cn66043). Distribution. Gotland: Homerian and Gorstian; Estonia: ?Telychian to Pridoli; Bohemia: ?late Homerian to early Gorstian. Diagnosis. Phaceloid, increase peripheral, parricidal; corallite diameter 10-15 mm. Major septa typically 23-28, long, thin, extending to or almost to axis, rarely irregularly zigzag to flexuose in outer dissepimentarium, rarely carinate; minor septa two-thirds the length of major, may be irregularly contratigent, Tabularium one-third to one-half diameter of corallite, distinctly biserial with well developed periaxial trough. Dissepiments small, globose, to medium and irregular in size. Description. Coralla are typically large, tall and phaceloid. Corallites are subcylindrical, closely packed, sub- parallel and up to 16 mm in diameter with irregular growth contractions and expansions (PI. 1, fig. 1). The neotype is a fragment about 130 mm in length and 50 mm in diameter (PI. 1, fig. 1). It includes parts of four corallites that represent one generation, approximately 100 mm in length. At the top of the fragment ten corallites are to be seen. Increase is peripheral and parricidal with buds extending almost straight up from the dissepimental zone of the parent corallite. Commonly, budding is more frequent than in the neotype and the corallites are less than 100 mm in length. In transverse section major septa are typically long and thin but are highly variable even in the neotype. Major septa number 23-32 at diameters of 12-16 mm. Septa typically extend to the axial region but do not form an axial structure. A small open axial area about 1 mm in diameter occurs in some corallites. Most septa are thickened in the outer dissepimentarium and taper evenly towards the axis but in some corallites they thin in the tabularium to about half their thickness in the dissepimentarium. Some are irregularly zigzag to sinuous in the dissepimental area and are locally carinate. Some corallites show no carinae at all. Minor septa are about two-thirds the length of the major septa and commonly extend just past the inner margin of the dissepimental zone. However, in two specimens they are four-filths the length of the major septa and extend into or across that part of the tabularium that forms the outer trough. Some minor septa are irregularly contratingent but they form no pattern. In some corallites, minor septa are discontinuous. In such cases, herringbone dissepiments are generally present. Locally, a few major and minor septa become discontinuous near the periphery and lonsdaleoid dissepiments are developed (PI. 1, fig. 10). These discontinuous septa coincide with a lateral extension of the margin of the corallite that may represent a lateral outgrowth of attachment and the two developments are presumably related. The tabularium is typically 4-5 mm in diameter. Longitudinal sections show two series tabellae (PI. 1, figs 2 and 3; PI. 2, fig. 1 1). Those in the axial region are generally flat but sag axially in those corallites with the septa slightly withdrawn from the axis, and have sharply downturned marginal edges. Between this zone and the dissepiments lies a narrow zone occupied by flat, sagging or inclined tabellae that number 5-8 in 5 mm vertical spacing, and form a periaxial trough. Small arched tabellae may be situated at the margins of the flat central region, forming levy-like margins to the central platform (PI. 1, fig. 9). Dissepiments are small, globose, and form a wide peripheral zone that varies considerably in relative width as a result of rejuvenescence, from about one half to two-thirds the corallite radius. The number of rows of dissepiments varies from 3 to 12 and dissepiments are uniform in size and distribution and number 13-14 in 5 mm vertically. Remarks. In Gotland, E. articulatum occurs in the Slite, Mulde, Klinteberg and Lower Hemse Beds. Even in the Slite, in comparison with the neotype, some specimens have a comparatively narrower EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs 1-10. Entelophyllum articulatum anglicum subsp. nov., showing variation in holotype, SM A5143, Much Wenlock (Dudley) Limestone, Dudley, Worcestershire. 1, transverse section of typical corallites, x 2. 2 and 3, longitudinal sections, x 4, x 2 respectively. 4, transverse section showing corallite expansion, x 4. 5, transverse section showing some septa slightly thickened and zigzag, x 4. 6, transverse section of an early growth stage, x 4. 7, lateral view of corallum, x 1 8, transverse section, showing lightly carinate septa, x 4. 9, lateral view showing parricidal increase, x 2. 10, transverse section in the distal part of corallum showing lonsdaleoid dissepiments, x 4. ma w PLATE 3 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Entelophyllum 782 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 33 dissepimental zone that includes some larger dissepiments (PI. 1, fig. 9). Stratigraphically higher, budding patterns are more irregular, offsets are shorter, dissepiments are comparatively larger and more irregular in size, and septa tend to withdraw slightly from the axial region leaving a small open axial area. Beginning in the lower Hemse (PI. 2, figs 2-4) there is an apparent shift in growth form in that there is a more frequent development of new parricidal offsets but adult corallites remain typical. Carinae are lacking in most specimens from Gotland. Where present they occur in the dissepimental zones of only a few septa. None of the specimens from Gotland develops complex vacuolar septa as occur in some corallites of the English subspecies E. articulation anglicum. In Estonia, Kaljo (1970) listed but did not describe or illustrate E. articulation in coral faunas from the Adavere (Telychian), Kuressaare (late Ludfordian), Kaugatuma (early Pridoli) and Ohesaare (late Pridoli) Horizons (Text-fig. 2). Smith and Tremberth (1929, p. 366) cited E. articulation in the Upper Silurian of the Island of Bjerkoy, Christiania Fjord, Norway, but B. Neuman (pers. comm.) has been unable to find additional specimens in that area. Smith and Tremberth (1929, p. 363) suggested that many Bohemian specimens (Pocta 1902) figured as Cyathophyllum prosperum might be synonymous with E. articulation. Prantl (1940) did not include any of Pocta’s figured material in E. articulation but described E. articulation from the 'Amerika’ quarries, near Morina (Budnany). Dr A. Galle (pers. comm., 1989) considers these to be from the Kopanina Formation (Text-fig. 2). Occurrences in the Motol Formation (Prantl 1940) need to be confirmed. The septa are smooth, straight, extending almost to the axis and the tabularium and dissepimentarium are very similar to the Gotland material. Material from the USSR, China, and Middle East, in Flandovery to Early Devonian strata, previously referred to E. articulation , will now have to be reinterpreted. Entelophyllum articulation anglicum subsp. nov. Plate 3, tigs 1-10; Plate 4, figs 1-1 1 v*1855 Cyathophyllum articulation (Wahlenberg); Milne-Edwards and Haime, p. 282, pi. 67, fig. 1, la. vl929 Xylodes articulatus (Wahlenberg); Smith and Tremberth, 1929, p. 363, pi. 7, figs 1M, 6; pi. 8, fig. 2 ( non pi. 7, fig. 5). Holotype. Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1855, pi. 62, fig. 1, la; SM A5134a and thin sections SM A51346-y from the Fletcher Collection, Much Wenlock (Dudley) Limestone, Dudley, Worcestershire; Homerian Stage. Material studied. We examined sixty-four sectioned specimens from the collections of the BMNH, SM, UO, UB, and UQ from the Much Wenlock Limestone at Dudley, Worcestershire, and along Wenlock Edge, Shropshire; figured; SM A5134 (holotype), UQ F3531 1, F35315, F35319, F36966. Other English occurrences: Farley Member, Coalbrookdale Formation, Wenlock Edge (figured: UQ F41347); lower Elton Beds, Leintwardine, Shropshire; several specimens labelled lower Elton Beds, Wenlock Edge; several specimens labelled lower Ludlow (presumably Elton Beds), Ledbury Quarry, Malverns, Herefordshire. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Figs 1-11. Entelophyllum articulation anglicum subsp. nov. showing variation in English material. 1-4, UQ F55311, Much Wenlock (Dudley) Limestone, Dudley, Worcestershire; 1-3, transverse sections, x2, x4, x4, respectively; 4, longitudinal section, x 2. 5 and 6, UQ F41347, Farley Member, Coalbrookdale Formation, Presthope tunnel cutting, Wenlock Edge, Shropshire; 5, transverse section showing lateral dissepiments, x2; 6, longitudinal section, x2. 7 and 8, UQ F35315, Much Wenlock Limestone, Wenlock Edge, Shropshire; 7, transverse section, x4; 8, longitudinal section, x4. 9-11, Much Wenlock Limestone, Lilleshall Quarry, Wenlock Edge, Shropshire; 9 and 10, UQ F36966; 9, transverse section, x2; 10, longitudinal section, x2; 11, UQ F35319, transverse section showing thickened and carinate septa, x 4. PLATE 4 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Entelophyllum 784 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Distribution. England: middle Homerian to early Gorstian. Diagnosis. Coralla tall phaceloid to squat fasciculate; increase typically peripheral parricidal; corallite diameter typically 10-12 mm, maximum 20 mm; major septa 21-24, maximum 30, straight to flexuose, smooth in tabularium, commonly reaching axis but not confluent; septa vary from straight, smooth or slightly thickened to zigzag and distinctly carinate, becoming very ragged and interrupted by lonsdaleoid dissepiments in the lateral expansions; minor septa commonly contraclined to contratigent around an obscure cardinal-counter plane. Tabularium biserial with well developed periaxial trough; dissepiments small, globose, regularly arranged in 5-8 vertical rows. Description. Colony form varies from small clump-shaped coralla, 60 mm high and 40^45 mm in diameter showing two generations of budding, to squat or flat cake-shaped coralla several times greater in diameter than in height, up to 300 mm diameter, to tall large globular heads up to 1 m diameter. The holotype is a fragment of a tall, phaceloid colony 160 x 80 mm in cross section and 130 mm in height (PI. 3, fig. 7). Protocorallites, where preserved, vary from low petalate, up to 35 mm in diameter, to tall ceratoid corallites, 15 mm in diameter and 80 mm tall. Six to ten buds are generally produced at the first generation. In most coralla, budding occurs at the same level throughout the colony with the corallites in each generation being of the one length. In flattened colonies divergence of daughter corallites from the axis of the parent is rapid. In several flattened colonies growth increases on one side of the corallum. Budding is parricidal but in two cases, UB 42 of Holcroft Collection and UQ F36996, it is nonparricidal. Corallum increase appears to be peripheral, with one to six daughter corallites originating in the peripheral parts of the parent corallite generally at an expansion. The buds abruptly expand so as to occupy most of the calyx of the parent. Thin sections show buds originating at or just axial to the dissepimentarium/tabularium boundary. Corallites are long, slender, cylindrical, and closely spaced, up to 10 mm. Corallites show regular contractions and expansions (PI. 3, fig. 11). At intervals, a corallite may expand laterally to abut onto an adjacent corallite forming a connecting process 5-10 mm high. This pattern of outgrowths is not regularly spaced or level specific within a colony. Thus in transverse section the corallites show considerable variation in diameter (8-20 mm) but are commonly 10-13 mm. In the holotype first generation corallites are 20-30 mm long, those of the second 50-60 mm, and of the third 50-80 mm. Septa are typically long and radially arranged in two orders (PI. 3, fig. 1); one order commonly has 21-24 septa in adult stages at diameters 10-13 mm. At diameters 1 7-20 mm, major septa number 28-32. Major septa typically almost reach the axis; in some corallites an open axial area may be 1-2 mm in diameter (PI. 3, figs 4-6). In a few corallites axial ends of the major septa deflect towards the cardinal-counter plane and the counter-cardinal septa may bisect the axial space. In others axial ends may be irregularly twisted. Minor septa are 0-6-0-8 of major septa and extend a short distance into the tabularium. Some minor septa may be contraclined and even contratigent. Septa are smooth and straight, curved or flexuose in the tabularium but are rather variable in the dissepimentarium even within one corallite. They may be straight or flexuose with smooth, rough or ragged sides (PI. 3, fig. 8); slightly thickened at the junction of the septa with the curved dissepimental plates and carrying irregular zigzag carinae (PI. 3, fig. 5); thickened in the inner dissepimentarium and outer tabularium so that they are fusiform (PI. 4, fig. 11); or uncommonly discontinuous with irregular segments being interrupted by lonsdaleoid dissepiments (PI. 3, fig. 10). Discontinuity of septa in the peripheral parts occurs in areas of broad expansion of the dissepimentarium (i.e. in a connecting process or just before budding). Septa may become more ragged or carinate in the expansions (PI. 4, fig. 2). The tabularium is relatively constant in diameter in adult stages, being 0-6 the corallite diameter. It shows an irregular separation into an axial series and a periaxial series of tabellae (PI. 3, fig. 2). The axial series forms tabularial floors that are flat or slightly sagged axially and with steep downturned marginal slopes. Between this zone and the dissepimentarium is a periaxial series of flat, slightly sagging, or inclined tabellae (up to 30 per 10 mm vertically) forming a periaxial trough of the tabularial floors. The dissepimentarium varies in width as a result of the contractions and expansions of the corallite. Dissepiments are small, globose, and uniform in size and distribution (20-28 in 10 mm vertically and 6-8 total rows horizontally). New offsets arise (BMNH R267) from the outer half of the periaxial series of tabellae and the axial edge of the dissepimentarium. The buds arise within the mterseptal loculii between major and minor septa and thus budding is marginal and not truly tabularial. Having developed in the inner part of the marginarium they diverge towards the periphery and increase rapidly occupying the total dissepimentarium. The twenty-five peels from UQ F36996 show close relationship between carinae and stages of parricidal JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 785 increase. In this corallum, growth of a coralhte stops when offsets develop. The septa are simple during growth but, near the base of the calice, just before budding occurs, septa become thickened, develop rough margins, become zigzag, and develop rudimentary, short carinae. New offsets almost invariably have simple thin septa in their early stages of growth. Earlier development of carinae is seen in some corallites in other coralla where they are not related to the development of offsets. In UQ F8388B, an individual coralhte 50 mm in length has simple septa in the earliest stage, then carinate septa in a section 10 mm higher, then simple septa still higher, followed in the highest growth stages by the development of carinate and complex septa with vacuoles. Most of the other corallites in this same corallum have simple septa throughout their growth. Remarks. Entelophyllum articulatum anglicum subsp. nov. is close to E. articulation (Wahlenberg, 1821) from Gotland and many corallites cannot be differentiated. With sufficient material anglicum is seen to have more commonly carinate septa. Both subspecies show parricidal budding but in anglicum tabularia of the offsets may originate from the peripheral trough of the parent as illustrated by Smith and Tremberth (1929, text-fig. 2a), whereas in articulatum the indications are that offsets arise from wholly within the dissepimentarium. Minor differences are the more frequent occurrence among the English specimens of contratigent minor septa, development of an obscure cardinal-counter plane and less frequent development of discontinuous minor septa and lonsdaleoid dissepiments. Sections of E. articulatum anglicum showing more carinate septa resemble E. pseudodianthus (Weissermel, 1894). Entelophyllum fasciculatum Wedekind, 1927 Plate 5, figs 1-21 vl927 vl927 vl927 vl927 non 1927 vpl927 71927 71927 71973 Entelophyllum fasciculatum Wedekind, p. 24, pi. 2, figs 1 1 and 12; pi. 29, figs 30, 31, 50; ?pl. 29, figs 34-49, 51 [not sectioned]; ?pl. 30, figs 1-8 [not sectioned], Entelophyllum proliferum typus Wedekind, p. 23, pi. 29, figs 21 and 22 [ non Cyathophyllum proliferum Dybowski, 1874, p. 445, pi. 3, fig 2a, b], Entelophyllum proliferum var. elongata Wedekind, p. 23, pi. 29, fig. 23; ?pl. 29, figs 24, 25, 33 [not sectioned]. Entelophyllum proliferum var. brevis Wedekind, p. 23, pi. 29, figs 27 and 728; ?pl. 29, figs 26 and 29 [not sectioned], Entelophyllum culmiforme Wedekind, p. 23, pi. 29, fig. 32 [= tryplasmid coral], Entelophyllum roemeri Wedekind, p. 23, pi. 30, fig. 15; ?pl. 30, figs 9-12, 16 [not sectioned] [non pi. 30, figs 13 (= holotype of E. roemeri) or 14 (both specimens = tryplasmid corals)]. Entelophyllum rhizophorum Wedekind, p. 23, pi. 30, fig. 17. Entelophyllum confer rhizophorum Wedekind, p. 23, pi. 29, figs 18-20 [not sectioned], Entelophyllum articulatum (Wahlenberg); Fedorowski and Gorianov, p. 19, pi. 4, figs 1-4. Lectotype. Here chosen, original of Wedekind, 1927, pi. 29, fig. 30; RM Cn54855, Rhizophyllum limestone, lower Eke Beds, Lau Backar 1, southeast Gotland; middle Ludfordian Stage. Material studied. All of Wedekind’s (1927) original specimens of E. fasciculatum were from Eau Backar 1, southeast Gotland. Additional material examined by us from this locality are in the RM, UQ, OU, and Dr B. Neuman’s collections. Sectioned specimens examined from Lau Backar number about thirty-five (figured specimens; RM Cn54855 (lectotype); RM Cn54847, Cn54849, Cn54850, Cn54852, Cn54856, Cn54880, Cn54881). The species also occurs at the same approximate horizon at Hallsarve 1, 0 4 km east of Lau Backar (figured RM Cn66045); Kauparvegard I, inland cliff north of Kauparve farmhouse, southern Gotland; and possibly from an unknown locality, Ostergarn parish, central east coast of Gotland. Distribution. Gotland: middle Ludfordian. Diagnosis. Phaceloid, increase peripheral, parricidal; coralhte diameters 10-12 mm. Major septa typically 20-22, extending into tabularium but not reaching axis, leaving distinct open area in axial region. Septa typically straight throughout, not zigzag or carinate. Tabularium about one-half diameter, flat axially, sharply downturned to margin of dissepimentarium producing irregular periaxial trough. Dissepiments variable in size, width of zone medium. 786 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Description. Specimens available include fragments of loosely dendroid to phaceloid coralla and numerous loose broken offsets. The latter are 30-70 mm long and ceratoid to cylindrical. Narrow distal ends of some loose offsets are turned abruptly laterally representing areas of attachment to parent. Increase is peripheral and parricidal with 4-6 offsets in each generation but 7 have been observed. Calices are shallow consisting primarily of a flat-bottomed axial pit coinciding with the tabularium and a marginal platform. Septa typically number 20-22 of each order at diameters of 1 0— 11-5 mm. Septa are relatively thin being thicker in the dissepimentanum compared to the tabularium. Septa are variable in the dissepimentarium. Most are straight and smooth, others are zigzag to sinuose. Isolated carinae are rarely developed in the zigzag septa of some specimens. Septa become discontinuous in the dissepimental zone only near a lateral extension (PI. 5, fig. 5). Major septa are irregular in length and are 0- 7-0-8 corallite radius in length leaving an open axial space up to 2 mm in diameter. Protosepta are not distinguishable and fossulae are not present. Minor septa are irregular in length and extend past the inner margin of the dissepimental zone. The tabularium occupies half the corallite diameter. It consists of a broad axial region in which the tabulae are flat or with a wide, shallow median depression and a narrow periaxial region where edges of the tabulae are irregularly turned sharply down and in some cases back up again. Thus, an irregular periaxial trough may be developed that may contain a few horizontal tabellae (PI. 5, fig. 20). Axial tabulae are irregularly spaced (12-16 vertically in 5 mm). The dissepimentarium is irregular due to variation in size and convexity of medium to large globose dissepiments that develop between the septa. There are 4-6 rows of dissepiments in a zone typically 3-4 mm in diameter and there are 8-10 in 5 mm vertically. Remarks. E. fasciculatum apparently evolved in the Gotland area from E. articulation. The former, in its common occurrences in the Upper Hemse/Lower Eke differs from forms similar to the neotype of E. articulation in the Slite Beds in having a distinctly narrower dissepimental zone of relatively larger and more irregular globose dissepiments, in having septa withdrawn from the axial region, and in having a poorly defined separation of the tabularium into two zones with a less distinctly developed periaxial trough. However, E. articulation in the Klinteberg and lower Hemse is similar to E. fasciculatum with which it could be considered to be gradational, but it has distinctly more open axial area and less well defined periaxial tabular trough. Wedekind ( 1927) confused his definition of E. fasciculatum by basing the species primarily on the growth form of unsectioned broken offsets. He illustrated only two transverse sections. Also, he named as new (from the same locality, Lau Backar 1) an additional five species and varieties, all based on unsectioned broken offsets. The holotype or at least one syntype of each of these has been subsequently sectioned. Each of the following specimens is here named lectotype of the listed subspecies or variety of Wedekind (1927) and placed in the synonomy of E. fasciculatum : EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Figs 1-21. Entelophyllum fasciculatum Wedekind. 1 19, Rhizophyllum limestone. Eke Beds, Lau Backar 1, 10 km NE of Lau, southeast Gotland; 1-3, RM Cn54855 (lectotype), original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 29, fig. 30); 1, lateral view; 2, transverse section; 3, longitudinal section; 4 and 5, RM Cn54852, original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 29, fig. 50); 4, longitudinal section; 5, transverse section; 6 and 7, RM Cn54857, original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 30, fig. 17), holotype of E. rkizophorum Wedekind; 6, transverse section; 7, longitudinal section; 8 and 9, RM Cn54853, original of E. roemeri Wedekind (1927, pi. 30, fig. 15); 8, transverse section; 9, longitudinal section; 10 and 11, RM Cn54856, original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 29, fig. 3); 10, transverse section; 1 1, longitudinal section; 12 and 13, RM Cn54849, original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 29, fig. 23), lectotype of E. proliferum elongata Wedekind; 12, longitudinal section; 13, transverse section; 14, RM Cn54881, original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 2, fig. 12), transverse section; 15, RM Cn54880, original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 2, fig. 1 1), transverse section; 16 and 17, RM Cn54850, original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 29, fig. 27), lectotype of E. proliferum brevis Wedekind; 16, longitudinal section; 17, transverse section; 18 and 19, RM Cn54847, original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 29, fig. 21), lectotype of E. proliferum typus Wedekind; 18. longitudinal section; 19, transverse section. 20 and 21, RM Cn66045, Eke Beds, Hallsarve I, 1 -35 km NE of Lau, Gotland; 20, longitudinal section; 21, transverse section. All x 4, except Fig. 1 which is x 1 . PLATE 5 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Entelophyllum 788 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 1. Entelophyllum proliferum typus Wedekind, 1927, pi. 29, fig. 21 (RM Cn54847) (= PI. 5, figs 18 and 17). 2. E. proliferum var. elongata Wedekind, 1927, pi. 29, fig. 23 (RM Cn54849) (= PI. 5, figs 12 and 13). 3. E. proliferum var. brevis Wedekind, 1927, pi. 29, fig. 27 (RM Cn54850, = PI. 5, figs 16 and 1 7). The following specimens are tryplasmid corals and they must be transferred from Entelophyllum : 1. Entelophyllum culmiforme Wedekind, 1927, pi. 29, fig. 32 (RM Cn54854, holotype). 2. E. roemeri Wedekind, 1927, pi. 30, fig. 13 (RM Cn54858, holotype), fig. 14 (RM Cn54859). Specimen RM Cn54853, the original of E. roemeri Wedekind, 1927, pi. 30, fig. 15, is referable to E. fasciculatum (= PI. 5, figs 8 and 9). The holotype of E. rhizophorum Wedekind (1927, pi. 30, fig. 17; RM Cn54857, = PI. 5, figs 6 and 7) is questionably placed in the synonomy of E. fasciculatum as it is slightly larger and has some carinae. It is from Ostergarn but the exact stratigraphic horizon is not known in the Hemse Beds and could be equivalent to or slightly older than Lau Backar 1. Wedekind (1927, pi. 29, figs 8-20) compared three specimens from Lau Backar to this species but the internal structures of these are still unknown. Eichwald (1861) described but did not illustrate specimens from Estonia that he referred to E. articulation. In their revision of Eichwald’s collection, Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973) listed twenty-two specimens as E. articulation (Wahlenberg) and figured two from the Paadla Horizon (Gorstian to early Ludfordian), one from the Kuressare Horizon (late Ludfordian) and one from the Kaugatuma Horizon (PridoK), all from the Island of Saaremaa. From their description and illustrations (Fedorowski and Gorianov 1973, pi. 4, figs 1^4) these Eichwald specimens appear to compare more closely with E. fasciculatum in the smaller corallite size, smaller average number of septa, the development of a small open axial area, and the more common development of lonsdaleoid dissepiments that are larger and more irregular in size. The two figured longitudinal sections (Federowski and Gorianov, pi. 4, figs 3 h and 4b) are not median and it is difficult to compare their tabularia with those of the Gotland material. Entelophyllum cf. fasciculatum Wedekind, 1927 Text-fig. 4a-f Material studied. Material given to us at the Geological Institute in Kiev collected from the lower part of the Malinovtsy Horizon, Grate Sloboda, Dnister River, Podolia (four specimens; figured: OU 10668-10671). Distribution. Podolia: Gorstian Stage. Description. Cylindrical corallites 6-8 mm in diameter and up to 25 mm in length. Two show peripheral parricidal increase with four and five offsets arising from the calical platform of the parent (Text-fig. 4e). Septa are radially arranged with 22-24 in each order. Major septa are irregularly withdrawn from the axis leaving a distinct axial space. In the tabularium septa are thin, smooth and typically straight. They thicken in the dissepimentarium where they may be zigzag and carry rare carinae. Minor septa are typically O6-0-8 as long as the major but may be less than 0-3 or may be discontinuous being interrupted by larger interseptal dissepiments. The tabularium is half corallite diameter. It consists of either complete tabulae that are strongly arched with flattened axial region and upturned peripheral edges, or more commonly closely spaced flat axial tabellae downturned sharply at their margins to rest on the ones below or supplemented by globose tabellae, with the space between the downturned edges and the dissepimentarium spanned by flat or concave tabellae. Dissepiments are globose, vary from small to large, and are not arranged in vertical rows (Text-fig. 4a). In longitudinal section, offsets appear to be initiated in the periaxial trough of the tabularium and then expand with the dissepimentarium of the parent being reduced and the tabularium of the offset expanding outwards (Text-fig. 4a). Remarks. Material from Podolia resembles E. fasciculatum from Gotland in having relatively simple JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 789 text-fig. 4. a-f, Entelophyllum ci.fasciculatum Wedekind, lower part of Malinovtsy Horizon, Grate Sloboda, Dnister River, Podolia; a and b, OU 10668; a, longitudinal section showing offset in top left corner, x4; b, transverse section, x4; c, OU 10669, transverse section, x4; d, OU 10670, transverse section x4; E and F, OU 10671; E, lateral view showing peripheral parricidal increase, x2; f, transverse section, x 4. G and h, Entelophyllum sp. A., Hamra Beds, Kattelviken 3, coast below the road at Kattelviken, 3-5 km N of Hoburgen, southern tip of Gotland; G, transverse section abutting a tryplasmid corallite, x 4; h, longitudinal section, x 4. i-l, Entelophyllum proliferum (Dybowski), EGM Col 352 (lectotype), Slite Beds, Stora Karlso, Gotland; i, longitudinal section showing offset, x4; j, reproduction of Dybowski (1874, pi. 3, fig. 2a), line drawing of longitudinal section, x2; k, transverse section, x4;l, reproduction of Dybowski (1874, pi. 3, fig. 2), showing corallum, x 2. septa withdrawn from the axis, a wide tabularium with a moderately developed periaxial trough, and irregular sized dissepiments. It differs in that the corallites are slightly narrower, more cylindrical, and the offsets do not diverge outwards from the lip of the parent calice as abruptly as in E. fasciculatum. Our material closely resembles material from Podolia in Dr V. A. Sytova’s collection, which we examined in Leningrad, which she had tentatively referred to E. proliferum (Dybowski). Her material showed slightly more variation with one corallite having 30 major septa, and the septa slightly more thickened. The material from Podolia is certainly like the holotype of 790 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 E. proliferum (Text-figs 4i-l) but the latter species is known only from the one specimen from the Slite Beds of Stora Karlso, Gotland and its range of variation is unknown. E. proliferum may be a senior synonym of E. fasciculatum. Material from Podolia is similar to Petrozium losseniformis Zheltonogova (1965, p. 41, pi. 8, fig. 2) from the Gorstian Chagyr Formation in northwest Altaya, central Asia. We examined six topotypes lent to Dr V. A. Sytova by Dr V. A. Zheltonogova and these are referable to Entelophvllum and may well be conspecific with the European E. fasciculatum. Entelophyllum sp. A Text-fig. 4g-h Material studied. RM Cn66046 from the Hamra Beds at Kattelviken 3, southern tip of Gotland. Distribution. Gotland: late Ludfordian Stage. Description. Small ceratoid coralhte 20 mm tall and 1 1 mm in diameter immediately below the calice. With the proximal tip broken off, it does not indicate whether it is colonial or not. Septa are radially arranged in two orders with 22 in each. Major septa are slightly withdrawn leaving an axial space 2 mm by 1 mm. Minor septa are one-half to three-fifths the length of the major. The septa of both orders are variable in the dissepimentarium, from slightly flexuose to straight. They are thickened and moderately cardinate in the cardinal quadrants only. The longitudinal section is not median but indicates that the tabularium is a third to a half the diameter of the corallite wide and has a centrally raised area and probably a periaxial trough. The tabellae are globose and moderately spaced. The dissepiments are globose, up to 1 mm across, and not arranged in regular series. Remarks. In growth form, size, septal number, open axial space, and longitudinal section, it resembles E. fasciculatum Wedekind, 1927, from the Eke Beds. It differs only in that the septa in the cardinal quadrants are thicker and more carinate than in E. fasciculatum. Entelophyllum proliferum (Dybowski, 1874) Text-fig. 4i-l 1874 Cyathophyllum proliferum Dybowski, p. 445, pi. 3, fig. 2, 2a , 2b. non 1927 Entelophyllum proliferum (Dybowski); Wedekind, p. 23, pi. 29, figs 21-29, 33. Lectotype. Chosen Wedekind (1927, p. 23), original of Dybowski, 1874, pi. 3, fig. 2 and 2 a [non 2b]\ EGM Col352, Slite Beds, Stora Karlso, Gotland; late Sheinwoodian or early Homerian. Material. Two specimens (Dybowski 1874, pi. 3, fig. 2, 2a, 2b) from Stora Karlso and that of fig. 2b are only questionably assigned to this species as thin sections are not available. Distribution. Gotland : late Sheinwoodian or early Elomerian. Diagnosis. Small bushy fasciculate corallum, increase peripheral parricidal; corallites up to 10 mm in diameter, major septa smooth, straight, number 20-22, leave an open axial space; minor septa weak; tabularium not distinctly biserial and periaxial trough not well developed; dissepiments variable in size, not regularly arranged. Description. The lectotype is a small bushy corallum with a lower ceratoid to subcylindrical corallite producing five offsets one of which has a small bud in its calice. Budding in this mode is peripheral parricidal. The longitudinal thin section (Text-fig. 4i) suggests that the tabularium of the offset commenced as an extension of the periaxial trough of the parent and the neo-wall or part of it was inserted within the tabularium of the parent. The corallites vary from 8—9-5 mm in diameter before budding and the early corallite is 1-7 cm high and those of the second generation 1 -2—1 -3 cm. The epitheca is thin and shows very fine growth lines on slightly expanded growth bands. The second specimen figured by Dybowski is a tall tapering corallite 33 mm tall and JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 791 8 mm in diameter at the calice with four offsets developed in the calice. Dybowski’s drawing shows concentric growth constrictions and low longitudinal ridges and furrows. The septa are radially arranged, straight, thin and smooth. There are 20-22 major septa that extend three- quarters of the way to the axis leaving an open axial space almost 2 mm wide. Minor septa are weakly developed or discontinuous within the dissepimentarium. The longitudinal section shows a well developed tabularium 0-6 the corallite diameter. In places it is not well delineated from the dissepimentarium. It consists of broad tabulae and supporting tabellae spanning the tabularium forming a raised flat axial area strongly downturned 1 mm from the tabularium boundary and then outturned to meet the dissepimentarium almost horizontally. There are twelve tabulae in 5 mm vertically. Dissepiments are highly variable in size and are irregularly arranged. They are globose with some three times the size of others. Some are horizontally based while others slope downward and inward. Remarks. Dybowski (1874) gave the locality of his two specimens as Stora Karlso on which is exposed the Slite Beds. In searching previous collections and in collecting from Stora Karlso and other outcrops of the Slite Beds on Gotland, we have been unable to obtain further material. The possibility must be considered that Dybowski’s specimens may not have come from Stora Karlso. Of the Gotland species Dybowski's specimens of E. proliferum most closely resemble E. fasciculatum from the much higher upper Hemse and lower Eke Beds. Both forms have a wide axial area depleted of septa, a generally similar tabularium with a poorly defined periaxial trough, and a peripheral zone of irregularly distributed medium and large dissepiments. In the longitudinal section of E. proliferum the tabularium of the otfset appears to originate as an extension of the periaxial trough of the parent (Text-fig. 4i), while in E. fasciculatum offsets originate from the dissepimental zone only. E. proliferum differs from E. articulation , which also occurs in the Slite Beds, in having larger more irregular dissepiments and a tabularium that is much less well defined into two series. Description and interpretation of this species are based on Dybowski’s description and drawings, and photographs of the longitudinal section figured by Dybowski (1874, pi. 3, fig. 2a) and a transverse section on the same slide, kindly sent to us by Dr D. Kaljo. Wedekind (1927, p. 23) designated Dybowski’s figures 2 and 2 a as the lectotype, regarding the thin section 2a as being from part of 2. The thin longitudinal section is on the same slide as the transverse section but it is not known which specimen the transverse is from (D. Kaljo pers. comm. 1972). If the thin sections are from different specimens and are different from that figured as figure 2 by Dybowski, we select the longitudinal section as the primary type. Entelophyllum dendroides sp. nov. Text-fig. 5a-f Holotype. RM Cn2560. Roda Lagret, Visby coast, Gotland; Telychian. Material studied. Holotype (RM Cn2560, including two thin sections), and a paratype of four thin sections (RM Cn55554-Cn55557); both are given as from the Roda Lagret (probably from pebbles on the beach), Visby, west coast of Gotland (both figured). Distribution. Gotland: Telychian. Diagnosis. Dendroid colonies of closely-spaced small corallites 4-7 mm in diameter; septa typically straight, noncarinate; major septa number 20-23; 1 mm axial space into which some septa may extend; tabularium biserial with prominent periaxial trough; dissepiments small, globose; increase peripheral parricidal. Description. The holotype is part of a dendroid colony and measures 30 x 40 mm in cross-section at its widest part and is 75 mm long. It is composed of small subcylindrical corallites 4-7 mm in diameter, typically separated by less than 5 mm. The corallites arise mainly in groups of four from the dissepimentarium of the parent by parricidal increase. They diverge rapidly outward soon after separation from each other and expand in diameter. They then tend to turn vertically and produce lateral extensions that abut adjacent corallites. 792 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 5. Ente/opliyllum dcndroides sp. nov.. Roda Lagrct. from pebbles on the beach at Visby, Gotland. a-d, RM Cn2560 (holotype); a-c, transverse sections, x 2, x4, x 4 respectively ; d, longitudinal section, x4. e, RM Cn55555, longitudinal section, x 4. f, RM C55556, transverse section, x4. Budding across the colony appears irregular; one corallite is 30 mm tall before budding, another is in excess of 60 mm. Lateral expansions are not produced at the same level across the corallum. The figured transverse section (Text-fig. 5f) shows the initial stages of increase where the neo-walls form as four scallops at the inner dissepimentarium, slightly expanding into the tabularium. A dissepiment is based on the neo-wall, and neo-septa project inwards from the dissepiment towards the atavo-septa. In the longitudinal section (text-fig. 5e) there is a suggestion of one offset being produced by nonparricidal increase but this cannot be definitely established. Septa are typically long, radially arranged in two orders. The major septa number 20-23 in mature corallites and leave a narrow axial space (Text-fig. 5b and c). The septal ends are typically irregularly bunched near the axis in groups of two to three but two or more septa may extend irregularly to the axis. In immature corallites many of the major septa are confluent at the axis. Minor septa are half major septa in length and variously developed. They may be straight, slightly thinner than the major septa, projecting radially a short distance into the tabularium, and discontinuous. Longitudinal sections are typically entelophylloid with the tabularium and dissepimentarium distinctly delineated and the tabularium separated into an axial and a periaxial series of tabellae (Text-fig. 5d). The tabularium is typically 0-6 the diameter of the corallite, and the axial series of tabellae 0-75 to 0 8 the diameter of the tabularium. The axial series consists of flat-topped tabellae that have steeply downturned edges and JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 793 text-fig. 6. Entelophyllum pseudodianthus (Weissermel), Much Wenlock Limestone, Wenlock Edge, Shropshire; GSM 6575 (neolectotype). A, longitudinal section, x 4. b, transverse section, x 4. number 10-15 in 5 mm vertically. The periaxial series are flat or slightly concave upwards producing a pronounced periaxial trough with 20-22 tabellae in 5 mm vertically. The dissepiments are small, globose or slightly elongated and sloping downward and inward. Remarks. This species is distinguished by its relatively small sized corallites and dendroid habit. It differs from the Llandovery Petrozium dewari Smith, 1930 and P. losseni (Dybowski 1874) by the more marked separation of the tabularium into axial and periaxial series and wider dissepi- mentarium. Entelophyllum pseudodianthus (Weissermel, 1894) Text-figs 6a, b and 7a-e vl839 Cyathophyllum dianthus Goldfuss; Lonsdale, p. 690, pi. 16, figs 12 b, 12 c, 12 d[non Cyathophyllum dianthus Goldfuss, 1826]. 1894 Cyathophyllum ( Heliophyllum ) pseudodianthus Weissermel, p. 591, pi. 47, figs 2 and 3. vl927 Xylodes pseudodianthus (Weissermel); Lang and Smith, p. 475, pi. 35, fig. 9. v!929 Xylodes pseudodianthus (Weissermel); Smith and Tremberth, p. 366, pi. 8, figs 3 and 4. 794 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Neolectotype. Here chosen, original of Lonsdale, 1839, pi. 26, fig. 126, c, d\ GSM 6575 and thin section PF 4617 from the Geological Society Collection, Much Wenlock Limestone, Wenlock Edge, Shropshire, England; Homerian. Type material. Weissermel (1894, p. 591) described Cyathophyllum ( Heliophyllum ) pseudodianthus as a new name for a species represented by the four specimens which had been figured as Cyathophyllum dianthus by Lonsdale (1839, pi. 16, fig. 12, 12 a-e). Lang and Smith (1927, p. 473) stated that one of Lonsdale’s four specimens (fig. I2e) is lost and that the other three represent three distinct species, each belonging to a different genus. They state that only Lonsdale’s figures 126-r/(all from the one specimen: GSM 6575) represents the species described by Weissermel as C. ( H .) pseudodianthus and selected as lectotype the specimen figured by Weissermel (1894, pi. 47, fig. 3) from a boulder in the glacial drift of Lauth, Germany. That specimen, in the East Prussian Provincial Museum at Konigsbcrg (now Kaliningrad), was never sectioned and was destroyed during the Second World War (Dr V. A. Sytova pers. comm.). We have thus selected one of Weissermel’s original syntypes as the neolectotype, the specimen figured by Lonsdale (1839, p. 16, fig. 12 b-d)\ GSM 6575, and herein refigured (Text-figs 6a, b and 7e). Material studied. Neolectotype (GSM 6575) and twenty-four specimens from the collections of the GSM, BMNH, UO, SM, UB, and UQ from the Much Wenlock Limestone, Wenlock Edge, Shropshire; figured: GSM 6575 (neolectotype), BMNH R2022. Farley Member, Coalbrookdale Formation; Much Wenlock Limestone of Dudley, Worcestershire, including Wren’s Nest (numerous specimens from same collections as the Wenlock Edge material above; figured: UB 124); Much Wenlock Limestone of May Hill, Gloucestershire (figured BU 8715); and lower Elton Beds, from Ledbury Quarry, Malverns, Herefordshire. Distribution. England: Homerian to early Gorstian; Estonia: Ludlow to ?PridoK; Poland: ?early Pridoli. Diagnosis. Typically small bushy coralla of turbinate to rapidly expanding subcylindrical corallites up to 25 mm in diameter; increase peripheral parricidal with up to 10 offsets. Septa 20-33 in each order, long, thickened in dissepimentarium and heavily carinate to aerolate; major septa slightly withdrawn from axis; minor septa rarely contratigent. Tabularium biserial with periaxial trough; dissepiments globose, horizontally based at periphery and steeply inclined axially. Description. The coralla are small and bushy, up to 200 mm in diameter and 150-200 mm in height, consisting of two to five generations of corallites (Text-fig. 7d). The coralla are fasciculate, generally formed of rapidly expanding corallites 60 mm in height and 15-20 mm in diameter but in some coralla they may be cylindrical and up to 100 mm in height. The neolectotype is a small bushy clump 20 mm in diameter and 40 mm high, consisting of 8-10 corallites (Text-fig. 7e). Budding is peripheral, parricidal with up to ten corallites originating at the extreme margin of the calyx. Corallites rapidly expand and quickly diverge giving the corallum a radiating appearance (Text-fig. 7d); they have strong contractions and expansions but few connecting processes. Corallite walls are thin and epithecate. Major septa number 21-33 (mean 27 at diameter 12 mm) in adult stages (Text-fig. 6b). Some major septa extend to the axis while others are withdrawn leaving an axial space up to 3 mm in diameter. Axial ends are commonly turned aside or twisted. Minor septa typically do not project into the tabularium, are commonly 0-6-0-7 the length of the major, and are only rarely contratigent. In the dissepimentarium both orders of septa are thickened, heavily carinate and commonly aerolate, but in parts of some corallites they are relatively smooth. Carinae are zigzag and parallel the trabeculae. In the outer dissepimentarium they diverge at a small angle to the vertical and are fanned over the inner dissepimentarium so that at the dissepimentarium/ tabularium boundary they are 30° to the horizontal. In longitudinal section the dissepimentarium and tabularium are distinctly delineated. The tabularium is 6-7 mm wide and differentiated into two series of tabellae. In forms with septa extending to the axis the axial series are domed and relatively high (Text-fig. 6a), while in those with the septa withdrawn from the axis they are flat or sagging and of low profile (Text-fig. 7b). A narrow series of small, flat or slightly saucered tabellae span the area between the axial series and the dissepimentarium forming a periaxial trough. Dissepiments are small, globose, occurring in almost horizontal rows at the periphery and steeply inclined inwards and downwards at the tabularium boundary. In some specimens broad zones of more globose dissepiments alternate vertically with thinner zones of smaller and slightly thicker dissepiments (Text-fig. 7b). The former correspond to expansions of the corallite diameter and the latter to the contractions. JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 795 text-fig. 7. Entelophyllum pseudo dicmthus (Weissermel). A and B, BU 8715, Much Wenlock Limestone, May Hill, Gloucestershire; a, transverse section showing typical carinate and thickened septa, x4. c and d. Much Wenlock (Dudley) Limestone, Dudley, Worcestershire; c, UB 124, calical view showing peripheral parricidal increase, x I; d, UO C 1 75 1 6, oblique view showing typical loose fasciculate corallum, x 1. e, GSM 6575 (neolectotype). Much Wenlock Limestone, Wenlock Edge, Shropshire, polished surface, x 2. Remarks. In England, Entelophyllum articulatum anglicum and E. pseudo diant hus have the same distribution and commonly occur together. We have included those forms with their septa typically thickened, highly carinate and in some cases aerolate in E. pseudodianthus, as did Smith and Tremberth (1929). These specimens generally have squatter coralla, more turbinate corallites, shorter minor septa that are rarely contratigent, and less regular biserial tabularia. However, some have corallites that are slender and cylindrical, minor septa that project into the tabularium and are contratigent, and have regular biserial tabularia. On the other hand corallites in some colonies 796 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 referred to E. articulation anglicum are turbinate or have some thickened and carinate septa. Thus some specimens seem to be gradational between the two forms and their specific designation is arbitrary. Entelophyllum pseudodiant hus transiens (Prantl, 1940) Plate 6, figs 5-7 1940 Xy lodes pseudo dianthus transiens Prantl, p. 13, pi. 1, fig. 4; pi. 3, figs 1, 2, 4. Holotype. Prantl, 1940, pi. 1, fig. 4, from the Kopanina Formation, ‘ Amerika' quarries near Morina (Budnany of Prantl 1940), Czechoslovakia; Gorstian. Material. Interpretation based on photographs of thin sections figured by Prantl (1940, pi. 3, figs 1, 2, 4). Distribution. Bohemia: ?late Homerian to ?Gorstian. Diagnosis. Small bushy coralla with ceratoid to subcylindrical corallites 11-17 mm in diameter; increase peripheral, parricidal. Major septa 31-34, withdrawn up to 1 mm from axis, cardinal septum projecting into axial space; septa thin in tabularium; continuous, some thickened and carinate in dissepimentarium. Tabularium distinctly biserial with axial tabellae flat topped; dissepiments small, globose, inclined axially. Remarks. Prantl (1940) proposed this species for forms that show both long thin smooth septa typical of E. articulation and thickened carinate septa typical of E. pseudodianthus . Considering the variation in E. articulation anglicum and E. pseudodianthus described previously, the Bohemian form could well belong to this series. The lack of heavily carinate and cavernous septa suggest similarities to E. articulation anglicum rather than E. pseudodianthus. In size and septal number, it is more like specimens of the subspecies from the Elton Beds of similar age. Entelophyllum prosperum (Pocta, 1902) Plate 6, figs 1-4 1902 Cyathophyllum prosperum Pocta, p. 105, pi. 43, figs 1, 2, 1019, 23-29, 36-41 ; pi. 44, figs 1-33; pi. 45, figs 1-5, 18-39; pi. 46, figs 8-24; pi. 103, figs 6-8; pi. 109, fig. 8. 1902 Cyathophyllum minusculum Pocta, p. 104, pi. 42, figs 1-8. 1940 Xylodes prosperus prosperus (Pocta); Prantl, p. 8, pi. 1, figs 5 and 6; pi. 2, figs 2, 5, 7. Lectotype. Chosen Prantl (1940, p. 8), original of Pocta, 1902, pi. 44, figs 1-4 from Budnaner Kalksteine, Kopanina Formation at Tachlovice, Czechoslovakia; Gorstian. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Figs 1-4. Entelophyllum prosperum (Pocta), Kopanina Formation, Tachlovice, Czechoslovakia. 1, NM No. 768, original of Pocta (1902, pi. 103, fig. 7), transverse section, x 2. 2, NM unnumbered, original of Prantl (1940, pi. 2, fig. 2), transverse section x 2. 3, NM No. 855, original of Pocta (1902, pi. 103, fig. 8), longitudinal section, x 2. 4, NM No. 473, original of Pocta (1903, pi. 103, fig. 6), longitudinal section, x 2. Figs 5-7. Entelophyllum pseudodianthus transiens (Prantl), Kopanina Formation, ‘Amerika’ quarries, near Morina, Czechoslovakia. 5, NM 26329, original of Prantl (1940, pi. 3, fig. 2), transverse section, x 2. 6, NM 26329, original of Prantl (1940, pi. 3, fig. 4), transverse section, x 2. 7, NM 26329, original of Prantl (1940, pi. 3, fig. 1), longitudinal section, x 2. Figs 8 10. Entelophyllum confusion (Pocta), Upper Liten Group [Motol Formation], ‘V Kozle' between Beroun and Srbsko, Czechoslovakia. 8 and 9, NM unnumbered, transverse sections, x 7-5, x 4, respectively. 10, NM unnumbered, longitudinal section, x4. PLATE 6 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Entelophyllum 798 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Material. Interpretation based on photographs of thin sections figured by Pocta (1902, pi. 103, figs 6—8) and Prantl (1940, pi. 2, fig. 2); all from Kopanina Formation at Tachlovice. Distribution. Bohemia: Gorstian. Diagnosis. Small bushy coralla with trochoid to subcylindrical coralhtes 18-19 mm, maximum 35 mm, in diameter; increase peripheral parricidal. Major septa 28-40, withdrawn from axis in the cardinal quadrants leaving axial space elongate in counter-cardinal plane; minor septa 06 the length of major; septa considerably thickened, heavily carinate to aerolate, continuous in dissepimentarium. Tabularium biserial; axial series varying from small tabellae forming high domes to large complete tabellae slightly sagged axially; dissepiments small, globose, horizontally based at periphery and steeply inclined axially. Remarks. Prantl (1940) in redescribing the entelophylloid corals in the collection of Pocta (1902), recognized two subspecies for the material described as Cyathophyllum prosperum and the synonymy given above is that of the nominate subspecies. E. prosperum is characterized by thickened and heavily carinate septa with the outer dissepimentarium appearing reticulate in transverse section and resembling E. pseudo dianthus from Britain. These two species are very similar, the Bohemian species only differing in its slightly greater size and more numerous septa, and the more noticeable fossula. Offsets arising right at the margin of the parent in the specimen figured by Prantl ( 1940, pi. 1, fig. 6) are identical to that figured herein for E. pseudodianthus (Text-fig. 7c). The Bohemian form might best be considered a subspecies of E. pseudodianthus. However, not enough material is available to us and the type locality ‘Tachlovice' is today unknown but thought to have been in a mine (A. Galle, pers. comm.). Entelophyllum prosperum crassum (Prantl, 1940) 1902 Cyathophyllum prosperum Pocta, p. 105, pi. 43, figs 3-9, 20-22, 30-35; pi. 44, figs 34-40; pi. 45, figs 40-42; pi. 46, figs 1-7. 1940 Xylodes prosperus crassus Prantl, p. 11, pi. 1, figs 7-9; pi. 2, fig. 6; pi. 3, fig. 3. Holotype. Pocta, 1902, pi. 44, figs 33-34, from Budnaner Kalksteine, Kopanina Formation at Tachlovice, Czechoslovakia; Gorstian. Material. No material was available for this study. Distribution. Bohemia: Gorstian. Remarks. This subspecies was described by Prantl (1940) for the larger specimens of E. prosperum from the same strata. The originals of Prantl ( 1940, pi. 2, fig. 6; pi. 3, fig. 3) have not been located. Entelophyllum confusum (Pocta, 1902) Plate 6, figs 8 10 1902 Cyathophyllum confusion Pocta, p. 103, pi. 99, figs 3-11. 1940 Xylodes confusus (Pocta); Prantl, p. 16, pi. 3, figs 5 and 6. 1981 Carinophyllum confusion (Pocta); Hill, fig. 127, 2 d, e. Lectotype. Chosen Prantl (1940, p. 16), original of Pocta, 1902, pi. 99, fig. 3, from the Budnaner Kalksteine, Kopanina Formation of Tachlovice, Czechoslovakia; Gorstian. Material. Interpretation based on photographs of the thin sections figured by Prantl ( 1940, pi. 3, figs 5 and 6) from the upper Liten Group (Motol Formation), ‘V Kozle’ between Beroun and Srbsko (Homerian). Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973) referred three specimens of the Eichwald collection from Estonia to this JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 799 species, one from the Gorstian-Ludfordian Paadla Horizon of Pilguse and two from the late Ludfordian Kurcssaare Horizon of Lode. Distribution. Bohemia: Homerian and Gorstian; Estonia: Ludlow. Diagnosis. Small dendroid to phaceloid coralla; corallites cylindrical, 8-14 mm in diameter; increase peripheral parricidal. Septa fusiform, carinate in dissepimentarium ; 22-24 major septa extend almost to axis leaving small axial space; cardinal septum projects slightly into axial space. Tabularium biserial; axial series high, flat topped; dissepimental zone broadly arched; dissepiments small, globose. Remarks. This species is distinguished by the fusiform and carinate nature of septa, characters Strelnikov (1964, p. 59) used to typify his new genus Carinophyllum with E. confusion as type species. These features and the corallite size seem to distinguish the Bohemian material as a distinct species but we do not consider the carination and thickening to be of generic significance. Entelophyllum lauense sp. nov. Plate 7, figs 1-12 Holotype. RM Cn66047, Rhizophyllum limestone, lower Eke Beds, Lau Backar I, southeast Gotland; middle Ludfordian. Material studied. E. lauense is known only from the type locality (ten specimens; figured: RM Cn66047 (holotype); UQ F35165, 35169, 35170, 35281 (paratypes)). Distribution. Gotland: middle Ludfordian. Diagnosis. Presumably fasciculate, corallites flaring after early trochoid stage, up to 25 mm in diameter and 20 mm high; major septa 30-32, cardinal fossula confluent with axial space; minor septa 0-6-0-7 length of major; septa in dissepimentarium thickened axially and heavily carinate to retiform peripherally. Tabularium biserial with axial tabellae domed typically with axial sag; dissepiments small globose; broad dissepimentarial zone peripherally domed. Description. Broken isolated corallites are trochoid initially but flare rapidly producing wide, everted calices 14-25 mm in diameter, while the corallites are less than 20 mm high. The dissepimental zone forms a broad calical platform that may show several rejuvenescenes. They surround moderately deep tabularial pits that have a shallow trough about the outside and a central depression which may be connected to the trough by a depressed cardinal fossula (PI. 7, fig. 3). Early stages of several specimens show either broken early tips or crescent-shaped broken walls that are interpreted as fragments from a parent corallite. Some corallites show a supporting buttress (PI. 7, fig. 4). One specimen, UQ F35165, shows two generations of budding with one offset arising at a rejuvenescene by peripheral non-parricidal budding and the parent has two small offsets developing in the dissepimentarium 8 mm higher. The holotype has at least three offsets beginning by the development of scalloped neo-walls near the inner margin of the dissepimentarium (PI. 7, fig. 1). There are 30-32 major septa arranged pinnately about a long cardinal septum which bisects a distinct fossula (PI. 7, fig. 11). They are slightly withdrawn abaxially leaving a narrow axial space 1-2 mm in diameter, into which the cardinal fossula opens. The septa in the tabularium are thin, straight or slightly flexuose at their axial extremities. The minor septa are well developed only slightly thinner than the major and 0-6-0-7 their length, projecting a short distance into the tabularium. In the dissepimentarium both orders are variably thickened, zigzag, irregularly carinate to retiform. The thickening is more pronounced in the inner dissepimentarium and the carination increases toward the periphery. Carinae typically alternate, arising from the angles of the zigzag septa but in places they are so numerous and the segments of the septa so short and turned away from the plane of the septum that the carinae appear opposite each other. The tabularium expands rapidly with growth and is 0-6-07 the diameter of the corallite immediately below the calice. The tabularial floors are domed centrally with a slight axial depression, and downturned in the outer tabularium producing a periaxial trough (PI. 7, fig. 2). The axial tabellae are relatively large and globose, and their downturned edges rest on tabellae below or outturn to the dissepimentarium. Periaxial tabellae are flat or concave upwards. Dissepiments are small, globose, peripherally domed, and not arranged in vertical series. 800 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Septa appear to be composed of a uniserial row of monacanthine trabeculae 0 01-0-02 mm in diameter. Extension of the fibres of the trabeculae form the carinae. Both the trabeculae and carinae show a fanning over the dissepimentarial floor, becoming flatter near the dissepimentarium/tabularium boundary and then becoming steep again axially. Remarks. All specimens are isolated but they are interpreted as being broken offsets from loosely fasciculate colonies. The colonial nature is also suggested by UQ F35165 which shows two generations of budding. E. lauense differs from other described Gotland species of Entelophyllum by its corail um form, flat flaring nature of the corallites, and heavy carination and thickening of the septa. In the latter regard, it resembles E. pseudo dianthus but differs from it in that the corallites are much flatter and have well developed fossulae. There is some reservation in referring E. lauense to Entelophyllum because it is not clearly as fasciculate, the cardinal septum and fossulae are more pronounced, and the septa more heavily carinate than in the type species. However, as discussed above, it appears to be compound with at least two generations of buds. The development of the cardinal septum is variable in other species of Entelophyllum and this is not regarded as a generic character. The carination and retiform nature of the septa are comparable with that of E. pseudo dianthus and E. prosperum which we included in Entelophyllum rather than separating out the carinate forms as Stereoxylodes Wang, 1944. There are similarities to Nanshanophyllum typicum Yu, 1956, a solitary form, heavily carinate in the dissepimentarium, showing a cardinal fossula opening into an axial space. Pedder (1976) considered Nanshanophyllum Yu to be a subgenus of Stereoxylodes. Entelophyllum hamraense sp. nov. Plate 8, figs 1-9 Holotype. RM Cn66048; Hamra Beds, Nars fyr 1, southeast Gotland; late Ludfordian. Material studied. Hamra Beds of Gotland: the type locality (one specimen; figured: RM Cn66048 - holotype); Kiittelviken 3, southern tip of Gotland (one specimen; figured: UO 10672); Hoburgen 2, southern tip of Gotland (six specimens; figured: UQ F34001); ?Hanira or Lower Sundre Beds at Juves 3, southern tip of Gotland (one specimen; figured: RM Cn66049). Distribution. Gotland: late Ludfordian. Diagnosis. Fasciculate corallites trochoid to ceratoid, maximum diameter 25 mm, height 40 mm, peripheral parricidal increase. Major septa number 27-31, withdrawn from axis, axial ends slightly thickened, septal segments and long cardinal septum common in axial space; minor septa commonly contratigent ; septa heavily carinate and thickened in inner dissepimentarium ; tabularium regularly biserial; dissepimentarium broad, dissepiments small, globose. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Figs 1-12. Entelophyllum lauense sp. nov., Rhizophyllum limestone. Eke Beds, Lau Backar 1,1-0 km NE of Lau, southeast Gotland. 1 and 2, RM Cn66047 (holotype); I, calical view showing incipient buds, x2; 2, longitudinal section, x 4. 3 and 4, UQ F35 1 70 ; 3, calical view, x 2 ; 4, lateral view, x 2. 5-8, UQ F3528 1 ; 5, lateral view, x2; 6, transverse section from base, x4; 7, transverse section from central part, x4; 8, transverse section of calice, x4. 9 and 10, UQ F35165; 9, transverse section, x4; 10, longitudinal section showing edge of second corallite, x 4. 1 1 and 12, UQ F35169; 11, transverse section x4; 12, longitudinal section, x 4. PLATE 7 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Entelophyllum 802 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Description. Corallites are trochoid to ceratoid commonly occurring as isolated broken offsets up to 25 mm in diameter and 40 mm in height. The holotype consists of three offsets, 18, 18 and 20 mm in diameter and 35 mm in height, arising from the weathered edge of a calice. One of the offsets has at least three offsets in its calice. Another specimen, UO 10672, shows three small trochoid corallites arising from the periphery of a corallite 1 7 mm in diameter. Increase is peripheral parricidal. Major septa number 27-30 and are smooth and straight in the tabularium, commonly withdrawn from the axis leaving an axial space 2-4 mm in diameter (PL 8, fig. 6). The cardinal septum and rarely the counter are longer than the others and project well into the axial space. Axial ends of septa are commonly thickened and discrete septal segments are common in the axial space based on the axial tabellae. Minor septa are 0-5-0-75 the length of the major and are commonly contratingent. In the dissepimentarium they are commonly as thick as the major and both are dilated in the inner parts and strongly carinate in the outer parts (PI. 8, fig. 4). Carinae on the thickened inner parts are short and stout, and in places appear to have short prickles coming off them as though they were extensions of secondary trabeculae. In the outer parts the carinae are longer and more numerous, coming off the angles of the zigzags of the septa. The long carinae give a rather ragged appearance to, the septa and only rarely are they retiform or aerolate. The tabularium is 0-4-0-5 the diameter of the corallite, domed centrally with the tabulae sloping steeply downward peripherally and then turning outwards giving a shallow periaxial trough (PI. 8, figs 5 and 7). The central area is composed of numerous globose tabellae. In places where the outer globose tabellae do not reach the dissepimentarium, flat periaxial tabellae span the space. Dissepiments are small, globose, not arranged in vertical series, and commonly flat peripherally but inclined axially downward near the tabularium. Remarks. Specimens from Hoburgen are mainly isolated corallites but have similar internal structures to the holotype. Some may be initial protocorallites while others may be offsets broken from loosely fasciculate colonies. E. hamraense differs from E. lauense from the Eke Beds, which also is heavily carinate, in that the corallites are taller, no fossula is developed, the septa are thicker in the inner dissepimentarium, and the septal ends commonly extend into the axial area. The occurrence of short prickles on the carinae suggests that the trabeculae may bear secondary trabeculae, which is not an entelophylloid character. This species differs from E. pseudodianthus in that its axial space is not as open, the axial ends of the septa are not grouped as in the latter species and there is not as regular a biserial tabularium. Entelophyllum1 * * * 5 * * 8. visbyense Wedekind, 1927 Plate 9, figs 1-9 v*1927 Entelophyllum visbyense Wedekind, 1927, p. 24, pi. 7, figs 9 and 10. v*1927 Entelophyllum anschutzi Wedekind, 1927, p. 24, pi. 7, figs 7 and 8. Holotype. Wedekind, 1927, pi. 7, figs 9 and 10; RM Cn54873, Hogklint Beds, Gutevagen 3 [= Cement factory], Visby, Gotland; Sheinwoodian. Material studied. Four specimens from the type locality; figured: RM Cn54873 (holotype), SMF Wdkd. 10308-10309 (holotype of E. anschutzi ), RM Cn66196, Cn66197. Neuman and Hanken (1979) recorded this EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 Figs I -9. Entelophyllum hamraense sp. nov. 1 and 2, UQ F34001, upper Hamra Beds, Hoburgen 2, southern tip of Gotland; 1, transverse section, x2; 2, longitudinal section, x2. 3-5, RM Cn66048 (holotype), lower Hamra Beds, Nars fyr 1, coast at Nar, southeast Gotland ; 3 and 4, transverse sections, x 2, x 4, respectively; 5, longitudinal section, x 4. 6 and 7, OU 10672, Hamra Beds, Kattelviken 3, coast below road, 3-5 km N of Hoburgen, southern tip of Gotland; 6, transverse section, x 4; 7, longitudinal section, x 4. 8 and 9, RM Cn66049, Sundre Beds, Juves 3, western side of road at Juves, 2 km E of Hoburgen, southern tip of Gotland; 8, transverse section, x4; 9, longitudinal section, x 4. PLATE 8 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Entelophyllum 804 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 species from the Upper Visby and lowermost Hogklint Beds in the Vattenfallsprofilen 1, near the ferry harbour of Visby. Distribution. Gotland: Sheinwoodian. Diagnosis. Phaceloid, corallites 10-12 mm in diameter, closely spaced, increase parricidal; major septa number 20-23, straight, thickened in inner tabularium, withdrawn from the axis leaving a broad axial space; minor septa very short; tabularium broad, axial tabulae flat-topped or sagging, weakly developed axial trough; dissepimentarium irregularly narrow, in one to four vertical series. Description. The hololype is of a subcylindrical corallite 1 1 mm in diameter. Other specimens are fragments of large phaceloid coralla consisting of closely packed cylindrical corallites 10-12 mm in diameter, some are crushed due to later compaction. Calices are moderately deep with inverted conical sides and a wide flat axial floor. Increase is parricidal (PI. 9, figs 8 and 9) with up to 12 offsets originating in the one calice. The neo-wall is initiated in the tabularium and it appears as though part of the tabularium of the parent is continuous with that of the offset. In transverse section major septa are prominent, thickened in the outer tabularium and taper axially and some peripherally (PI. 9, fig. 4). They are 0-6-0-8 the radius of the corallite in length and number 20-23 in mature corallites. In some the cardinal septum is shortened and may lie in a shallow fossula. The counter and counterlateral septa may be slightly extended. In the dissepimentarium major septa become irregular in places with the stereome that thickened them in the tabularium continuous onto the dissepiments. They may be thickened into triangular bases at the wall. Minor septa are short, 0-2-03 the length of the major, much thinner than the major, and in places interrupted by interseptal dissepiments. The tabularium is 0-65-0-75 the diameter of the corallite in width, composed of tabulae that are flat or axially sagged with the edges downturned initially, then turned outward to meet the dissepimentarium nearly horizontally (PI. 9, fig. 7). There are 8- 1 5 tabulae in 5 mm vertically. Dissepiments are irregular in size and vary from small globose forms to more elongate ones, arranged in one to four rows (PI. 9, fig. 8), three and rarely four in the holotype (PI. 9, fig. 2). Septa are recrystallized in the holotype but appear to be monacanthate, with the monacanths sloping in and upward toward the axis at about 45° peripherally, and steepening axially to 55°-60°. There are approximately 3 trabeculae per 0-4 mm in vertical section. Remarks. We consider E.l visbyense to belong to some genus other than Entelophyllum because of the striking differences in character in both transverse and longitudinal section when compared to E. articulation. The tabularium is not distinctly divided into two series with a well developed periaxial trough, and the septa are much more thickened and more typically withdrawn from the axis. The material at hand, however, is not considered adequate as a basis for defining a new genus. The holotypes of E.l visbyense and E.l anschutzi, both from the same locality and described by Wedekind ( 1 927), show only minor differences. In transverse section E. 1 anschutzi has thinner major septa that are more withdrawn from the axis, leaving a broader axial space, and in longitudinal section the tabularium sags compared with more flat tabulae in E.l visbyense. Sections through many corallites of the one corallum show similar variations (PI. 9, figs 8 and 9). For these reasons, we are treating them as conspecific as did Neuman and Hanken (1979, p. 89). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 Figs 1-9. Entelophylluml visbyense Wedekind, Hogklint Beds, Gutevagen 3, T54 km SW of Visby Cathedral, Gotland. 1 and 2, RM Cn54873 (holotype), original of Wedekind (1927, pi. 7, fig. 10); 1, transverse section, x4; 2, longitudinal section, x 4. 3 and 4, from holotype of E. anschutzi Wedekind, (1927, pi. 7, figs 7 and 8); 3, SMF Wdkd. 10308, longitudinal section, x4; 4, SM Wdkd. 10309, transverse section, x4. 5 and 6, RM Cn66196; 5, longitudinal section, x2; 6, transverse section, x 2. 7-9, RM Cn66197; 7 and 8, longitudinal sections, x 4, x 2, respectively ; 9, transverse section showing parricidal increase, x 2. PLATE 9 JELL and SUTEIERLAND, Ente/ophylluml 806 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 8. Entelophyllum ? dalecarlicum (Lindstrom), RM Cn57149 (holotype), Styggforsen Limestone, Styggforsen, Siljan district, Dalecarlia, central Sweden, a, reproduction of Lindstrom (1880, pi. 2, tig. 8), x 3. B, thin section from which Lindstrom’s figure was drawn, showing accuracy of the drawing, x 2. c, reproduction of Lindstrom (1880, pi. 1, fig- 22), x 3. Entelophyllum ? dalecarlicum (Lindstrom, 1880) Text-fig. 8a-c 1880 Cyathophyllum dalecarlicum Lindstrom, p. 34, pi. 1, fig. 22; pi. 2, fig. 8. Holotype. Lindstrom, 1880, pi. 2, fig. 8; RM Cn 57149, Styggforsen Limestone, Styggforsen, Siljan district, Dalecarlia, central Sweden; Telychian. Material studied. The description is based on Lindstrom’s (1880, pi. 1, fig. 22; pi. 2, fig. 8) illustrations of the type specimen and on the longitudinal thin section of the holotype (RM Cn57149); his transverse section is presumed lost. Dr B. Neuman (pers. comm.) has searched for more material in the type area without success. Distribution. Central Sweden; Telychian. Diagnosis. Fasiculate, possibly peripheral nonparricidal increase; corallites slender, less than 10 mm in diameter containing 22-23 major septa; prominent axial space; minor septa weakly developed; tabularium regularly arranged broad, flat-topped axial series and narrow, closely spaced, sagging periaxial series of tabellae; dissepiments elongate in one or two rows. Description. The specimen from which the slide was cut is not available. The longitudinal section has the central corallite abutted on one side by the dissepimentarium of another and on the other side by the apparent margin of an offset (text-fig. 8b). This presumed offset shows the early stage of what is possibly a narrow row of flat tabellae beside the neo-wall, which is inserted on top of a dissepiment and which is not continuous with that of the parent. If these relations are correctly interpreted then the budding is peripheral nonparricidal. Immediately before the budding the corallite is 10 mm wide and at the top of the section it is 9-5 mm. The transverse section is not available. Lindstrom (1880, pi. 1, fig. 22) shows 22 or 23 major septa that are smooth, straight and extend 0-8 the corallite radius to the axis where their axial tips may be turned aside, leaving an axial space. Minor septa are poorly developed as segments on the interseptal dissepiments between some major septa. In longitudinal section the tabularium is very regularly developed and is well differentiated from the dissepimentarium. It shows axial series of broad flat tabellae with strongly downturned peripheral parts that are based on the tabellae below. There are 14-18 in 5 mm vertically. Between this zone and the dissepimentarium is a narrow periaxial series of slightly concave upward tabellae (17-19 per 5 mm) forming an exceptionally regular periaxial trough (Text-fig. 8b). Dissepiments are very irregular in size and shape, some twice as broad as others and varying from globose to elongate. The tabularia are 0-6-0-7 the corallite diameters and the axial series is 0-8 the diameter of the tabularium. JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 807 Remarks. E.l dalecarlicum cannot be adequately evaluated on the basis of the single longitudinal section of the holotype available for study. The possible occurrence of nonparricidal budding indicates a generic assignment other than Entelophyllum. Genus petrozium Smith, 1930 1930 Petrozium Smith, p. 307. Type species. By original designation, P. dewari Smith, 1930, from the Pentamerus Beds of Shropshire, England; early Telychian. Diagnosis. Phaceloid, corallites slender, cylindrical; increase presumably peripheral, nonparricidal. Septa long, grouped at axis or slightly withdrawn, thin or slightly thickened, commonly zigzag but rarely carinate in dissepimentarium. Tabularium strongly domed, tabulae complete with central area flattened or sagged and with outturned edges, or commonly incomplete with outermost tabellae forming a distinct series producing a periaxial trough. Dissepimentarium relatively narrow, dissepiments small, interseptal. Remarks. Smith (1930) introduced Petrozium for one species described from a limited number of specimens and no further material has become available (see discussion of P. dewari). The genus has been variously interpreted by subsequent revisors. In his description of the type species. Smith (1930, p. 308) recognized the similarity, in longitudinal section, of Petrozium to Entelophyllum but did not elaborate on how they were to be distinguished and some authors have considered them synonymous. Smith (1930) described the increase as marginal nonparricidal but we have not been able to confirm this in the material still available. If this is correct, then it contrasts with the typical parricidal mode of increase in Entelophyllum and resembles Donacophyllum Dybowski, 1876, but lacks the lonsdaleoid dissepiments characteristic of the latter genus. Kaljo (1958) and Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973) both recognized the similarity between P. dewari and Donacophyllum losseni Dybowski, 1874, from the Llandovery of Estonia. Kaljo referred the Estonian form to the genus Petrozium , and Fedorowski and Gorianov questionably included P. dewari in the synonymy of the Estonian species which they referred to Entelophyllum. The latter authors described six specimens of P. losseni from Eichwald’s collection and noted that increase was peripheral nonparricidal. Apart from this, P. losseni resembles other species of Entelophyllum in which the major septa are thin, straight, and somewhat withdrawn from the axis leaving a conspicuous axial space such as that found in E. fasciculatum. In its early growth stages the septa may join at the axis as shown by Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973, fig. 6). The relatively narrow dissepimentarium and the incomplete development of the periaxial series of tabellae separate both P. dewari and P. losseni from E. articulation but those features are found in varying degrees in other species of Entelophyllum. Smith (1930, p. 307) described the development of stereome between the axial ends of the longer major septa as forming with them an axial structure. Merriam (1972, 1973) considered the development of an incipient axial structure as a significant generic character of Petrozium. As seen in the Gotland species of Entelophyllum the withdrawal of the axial ends of the major septa from the axis is very variable within species as well as between species. Examination of the type material of P. dewari shows that the grouping of septa near the axis is common but the development of an incipient axial structure is rare. Until the type species is better known Petrozium is maintained for those species similar to Entelophyllum but with nonparricidal increase, relatively narrow dissepimentarium, incomplete development of the periaxial series of tabellae, and lacking lonsdaleoid dissepiments. Petrozium dewari Smith, 1930 Text-fig. 9a-m v*1930 Petrozium dewari Smith, p. 307, pi. 26, figs 20-28. 808 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 33 text-fig. 9. Petrozium dewari Smith, a-f, Pentamerus Beds, right bank Morrells Wood Brook, 275 m NNE of Morrells Wood Farm, 1-6 km NNW of Buildwas, Shropshire; a and b, GSM PF4618 (holotype); transverse sections; x 2, x 4, respectively; c, GSM PF4622u, transverse section in upper part of corallite, x4; d, GSM PF46226, transverse section, x4; e, GSM PF4622c/, transverse section, x4; f, GSM PF4622e, transverse section showing septa slightly thickened in early growth stage, x4. g, GSM PF4619. longitudinal section, x4. h, GSM PF4623, longitudinal section, x 4. i-m, Saugh Hill Group, Woodland Point, Girvan, Ayrshire; i-k, SM A15217; i, longitudinal section, x4; j and k, transverse sections, x4, x2 respectively; l and m, SM A 1 52 1 5 ; L, transverse section, x4; m, longitudinal section, x4. Holotype. Smith, 1930, pi. 26, fig. 22; GSM 48674 (thin section PF4618), Pentamerus Beds, Morrells Wood Brook, F6 km NNW of Buildwas, Shropshire, England; early Telychian. Material studied. The holotype and most of Smith’s (1930) material is from the Calostylis limestone, a thin 10-15 cm thick bed of limestone in the Pentamerus Beds, at the type locality (seven specimens; figured: GSM JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 809 PF4618 (holotype); GSM PF4619, PF4622a-a', PF4623 (paratypes)); Smith’s collection from the upper part of the Hughley Shale in the north bank of the Severn River, 366 m southeast of the church, Buildwas, Shropshire (one specimen); Saugh Hill Group, Woodland Point, Girvan, Ayrshire, Scotland (two specimens; figured: SM A 152 15, 15217). Distribution. England: Telychian; Scotland: Llandovery ( ?Rhuddanian). Diagnosis. Dendroid, almost placeloid; corallite diameter typically 8-10 mm; most of the 28-30 major septa meet at the axis or join in groups just short of the axis; minor septa 0-4—0-6 the length of major; septa slightly thickened or lightly carinate in outer dissepimentarium ; tabularium biserial, axial tabellae arched, periaxial series incompletely developed; dissepiments globose, irregular in size, in two or three vertical rows. Description. The holotype is a thin upper part of a dendroid to phaceloid corallum showing eight corallites imbedded in a coarse bioclastic limestone so that no calices are exposed. The corallites are 8-10 mm in diameter and appear to be cylindrical. Adjacent corallites are separated by as much as 5 mm but in section they are touching in places suggesting they have lateral expansions that spread out to support the corallite against adjacent ones. The mode of increase is not evident. The other specimens are all fragments of isolated cylindrical corallites. Some show slight lateral expansions of the corallite as though they were part of a phaceloid coralla. Septa are commonly thin, straight, radially arranged in two orders with 28-30 in each. Major septa extend well into the tabularium and may meet at the axis or join in groups of three or four just short of the axis (Text- fig. 9c, d). In the holotype, an axial plane is evident across which opposing septa join so that the corallite has a bilateral symmetry. Only in the largest corallite of the holotype, the axial ends of the septa are slightly thickened and in places confluent, forming a small open axial structure (Text-fig. 9b). Minor septa are 04— 0 6 the length of the major with a few contraclined. In the dissepimentarium, both orders of septa are: commonly straight and thin; rarely straight, slightly thickened and noncarinate; or rarely thin, slightly zigzag with short carinae. The tabularium and dissepimentarium are clearly differentiated with the former consisting of an axial and periaxial series of tabellae. Axial tabellae are domed with the central part flattened or depressed in some and their peripheral edges sharply downturned. A series of horizontal or slightly sagging tabellae, closely spaced with 20-26 per 5 mm vertically, span the space between the downturned peripheral edges of the axial tabellae and the dissepimentarium, forming a periaxial trough (Text-fig. 9h). The dissepimentarium is composed of irregular sized, globose dissepiments, horizontally based at the periphery and steeply declined axially, and arranged in two or three irregular rows with 8-10 in each row per 5 mm vertically. Septa are composed of fine monacanths arranged in one series. Trabeculae are directed upwards at a small angle to the vertical at the periphery and flatten axially so that at the tabularium/dissepimentarium boundary they are within 20° of the horizontal and then towards the axis they steepen considerably. Thickenings of the septa and the short carinae are only the lengthening of fibres of the trabeculae. Remarks. Description is based on the same material as described by Smith (1930), excluding specimen GSM 48721. We have twice visited the type locality without finding any additional material referable to this species. Also, we have not recognized this species in our collections from other upper Llandovery localities of Shropshire. Smith (1930) included in this species specimen GSM 48721 (PF4529-30) from the type locality. It is a fragment of a much larger corallite (20 mm in diameter) and whether or not it is a corallite from a colony or a worn solitary form is not apparent. It seems unlikely that it is conspecific with the smaller cylindrical corallites. A fragment of a phaceloid corallum (Text-fig. 9i- k) and an isolated cylindrical corallite (Text-fig. 9l and m) from the Saugh Hill Group, Woodland Point, Girvan, Ayrshire (SM A5215, A5217) are very similar to the Shropshire material. The Scottish material may be Rhuddanian in age and thus somewhat older than the type material. We have searched the Woodland Point sequence for additional material but without success. Several larger specimens are known from the same collection but whether solitary or from fasciculate coralla is not known and they are not included in the species at this time. 810 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 10. Petrozium losseni (Dybowski), EGM Col282, Tamsalu Formation, Juuru Horizon, Suurcmyiza (near Grossenkhof), Isle of Hiiumaa, Estonia, a and b, longitudinal sections, x4. c, transverse section, x4. Petrozium losseni (Dybowski, 1874) Text-fig. 10a-c 1874 Donacophyllum lossenii Dybowski, p. 464, pi. 4, fig. 6, 6a, b. 1958 Petrozium losseni (Dybowski); Kaljo, p. 114, pi. 4, figs 11-17. 1973 Entelophyllum losseni (Dybowski); Fedorowski and Gorianov, 1973, p. 20, pi. 4, fig. 5 a-c, text- figs 6 and 7. Holotvpe. Dybowski, 1874, pi. 4, fig. 6, 6a, b\ EGM Co 1282; Tamsalu Formation, Juuru Horizon, at Suuremyiza (near Grossenkhof)- Isle of Hiiumaa, Estonia; Rhuddanian. Material studied. This species is interpreted from published data and from photographs of the holotype kindly supplied by Dr D Kaljo (figured: EGM Co 1281, holotype). It is known from several localities on Hiiumaa Island. Kaljo (1970) listed it as only occurring in the Juuru Horizon (Rhuddanian) in Estonia. Two specimens in the Eichwald Collection are labelled as from Lode on Saaremaa Island and thus from the Kuressaare Horizon (Ludfordian) but Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973, p. 23) suggest this is an error. The same authors list another of Eichwald's specimens from Viljandi in southern Estonia and suggest it is probably from an erratic boulder. Distribution. Estonia: Rhuddanian. Diagnosis. Phaceloid, peripheral nonparricidal increase; corallite diameters 6-7 mm, maximum 9-5 mm; major septa number 23-26, straight, smooth, withdrawn from the axis leaving axial space or extending to or almost to axis, several adjacent septa may be grouped just short of axis; minor septa half length of major, not contratigent. Tabularium broad, biserial with narrow periaxial trough; dissepiments small, globose in one to three rows. Remarks. P. losseni is very similar to P. dewari , and Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973) suggested that the two might be synonymous. P. losseni is here distinguished from P. dewari by the thinner septa, especially in the tabularium, absence of any septal carination, thicker corallite walls, and typically a narrower dissepimentarium. Tabularia of both species are very similar but there appears to be more complete tabellae and less complete development of the periaxial series of tabellae in P. losseni. The Estonian P. losseni is from slightly older strata (Rhuddanian) than the type material of JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS P. den ari of England (early Telychian). P. losseni may be of similar age to the Scottish form referred to P. dewari and resembles it in that the major septa may be withdrawn from the axis and are similarly grouped. However, the septa of the Scottish material are thicker and more like the type material of P. dewari. P. losseni differs from the Llandovery E. dendroides from Gotland by its phaceloid habit, withdrawal of septa from the axis, more complete and less densely spaced tabulae, and narrower dissepimentarium. Genus prohexagonaria Merriam, 1973 1973 Entelophylloides (Prohexagonaria) Merriam, p. 50. Type species. By original designation, Entelophylloides ( Prohexagonaria ) occidentalis Merriam, 1973, from bottom of unit 3, Roberts Mountains Formation, northwest side Roberts Creek Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A.; ?Pridoli Series. Diagnosis. Cerioid or subcerioid ; increase peripheral nonparricidal ; septa thin with inconspicuous asymmetrical carinae, long, some reaching the axis; tabulae closely spaced, complete or typically incomplete, axially arched and outturned at their periphery; dissepiments globose, small, increasing in axial inclination away from the periphery, typically interseptal, rarely lonsdaleoid. Remarks. Merriam (1973) originally defined Prohexagonaria as a subgenus of Entelophylloides Rukhin, 1938 (type species Columnaria inequalis Hall, 1852), but that genus is a ptenophyllid coral and possibly synonymous with Xystriphyllum Hill, 1939. Prohexagonaria is generally similar to Entelophyllum in internal character but is cerioid and has nonparricidal increase. In the latter feature it shows resemblance to the phaceloid Donacophyllum but in Prohexagonaria lonsdaleoid dissepiments are rare except in the extended corners of some corallites. Until the modes of increase in all of the cerioid forms with typical entelophylloid internal structure are better known, Prohexagonaria is included in the Entelophyllidae. Prohexagonaria may be congeneric with Tenuiphyllum Soshkina, 1937 (type species T. ornatum Soshkina, 1937, from the Elkinskii Horizon, right bank of River Vya, near Elkino, eastern slopes of the Urals, USSR; see Ivanovskii and Shurygina 1975, p. 23). Pedder (1976, p. 290) indicates that the two genera may not be synonymous as T. ornatum shows significantly expanded septal bases. Prohexagonaria favia sp. nov. Plate 10, figs 1-4 vl929 IXylodes sp. Smith and Tremberth. p. 366, pi. 8, fig. I vl973 Entelophylloides (Prohexagonaria) sp., Merriam, pi. 9, fig. 5. Holotype. Original of Smith and Tremberth, 1929, pi. 8, fig. 1 ; RM Cn57005, two parts of specimen plus three thin sections; two parts of the holotype plus two thin sections are in the BMNH collection ( R26 1 68—261 71); from upper Visby Beds, Norderstrand, Visby, Gotland; early Sheinwoodian. Material. The holotype is the only known specimen. Distribution. Gotland: early Sheinwoodian. Diagnosis. Cerioid, increase peripheral nonparricidal; corallites 10-15 mm in diameter; major septa number 21-25, long, extending to or almost to axis, only rarely confluent, commonly interrupted at periphery; minor septa weakly developed, discontinuous in places; tabularium weakly biserial with incomplete periaxial trough; dissepiments irregular in shape and size. Description. The holotype is a fragment of a cerioid corallum and measures 15 x 10 cm in cross section and 5 cm high. Corallites are five- to six-sided and measure 10-15 mm in diameter. Offsets common along 812 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 boundaries between corallites especially on corners between three adjacent corallites (PI. 10, fig. 2) so that it is difficult to determine from which corallite they have arisen. In longitudinal view they appear to arise from the extreme outer edge of the dissepimentarium. Increase is nonparricidal. Septa are long, thin, radially arranged in two orders. Major septa number 22-25 and extend right to or almost to the axis (PI. 10, fig. 2). In a few cases one and even two major septa project into axial area further than the others. Major septa thin slightly towards periphery and in extended corners before budding they may be incomplete resting on larger dissepiments. Minor septa may be thin and complete, 0-3-04 the length of the major septa, but more commonly they are incomplete and represented as short segments based on herringbone dissepiments and more strongly developed in inner dissepimentarium than in outer parts. The septa are noncarinate. In small offsets some of the septa are discontinuous in the dissepimentarium. Tabularium is 0-6-0-7 diameter of corallite in width and is well marked from the dissepimentarium. It consists of small globose tabellae arranged in a domed or flattened domed axial series 0-7 diameter of tabularium, and flatter and smaller tabellae forming a periaxial series abutting dissepimentarium (PI. 10, fig. 4). Periaxial series does not form a continuous periaxial trough. There are up to 12 tabellae in both series in 5 mm vertically. Dissepimentarium is composed of irregular sized dissepiments varying from small globose, less than 0-5 mm across, to elongated moderately inclined up to 3 mm in length spanning the complete dissepimentarium. Septa are composed of one series of fine trabeculae (5-6 in 1 mm in median longitudinal section) that are inclined upwards and inwards in the dissepimentarium and steepening to near vertical in the tabularium. Remarks. This species is not similar to any known European entelophylloid ceroid coral. It is similar to the type species of the genus, which is from considerably younger strata in western North America, differing only in that P. favia has noncarinate septa and its tabularium is considerably wider. Prohexagonaria gotlandica sp. nov. Plate 10, figs 5-8 Holotype. RM Cn66198, Hamra Beds, Storburg 1, Hoburgen, southern tip of Gotland; late Ludfordian. Material. Only the holotype is known. Distribution. Gotland: late Ludfordian. Diagnosis. Cerioid, increase peripheral nonparricidal; corallites 8-12 mm diameter; major septa number 20-25, extending almost to axis, thickened in the inner dissepimentarium, zigzag and carinate in outer dissepimentarium; minor septa well developed, carinate; tabularium biserial with distinct periaxial trough; dissepiments globose, irregularly arranged with outer series horizontally based and inner ones steeply inclined axially. Description. Holotype is a fragment (8- 10 cm in section and up to 5 cm in height) of a larger corallum. Corallites are five-to six-sided and measure 8-12 mm in diameter. Offsets arise in the expanded corners of the corallites (PI. 10, fig. 6) and quickly expand so that the corallum resumes a regular cerioid form. Twenty calices are preserved and from these and the sections, all increase appears to be peripheral nonparricidal. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10 Figs 1-4. Prohexagonaria favia sp. nov. RM Cn57005 (holotype), upper Visby Beds, Nordenstrand, Visby, Gotland. 1 and 2, transverse sections, x 2, x4, respectively. 3 and 4, longitudinal sections, x 2, x4, respectively. Figs 5-8. Prohexagonaria gotlandica sp. nov. RM Cn66198 (holotype), Hamra Beds, Storburg 1, Hoburgen, southern tip of Gotland. 5 and 6, transverse sections, x 2, x 4, respectively. 7 and 8, longitudinal sections, x 2, x 4, respectively. PLATE 10 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Prolw xagonaria 814 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Major septa number 20-25 with one corallite having 30. They are slightly thickened in the inner dissepimentarium and thin in the tabularium where they are straight to flexuose and extend almost to the axis, leaving a narrow axial space (PI. 10, fig. 6). Minor septa are slightly thinner than the major, 0-7-0-8 the length of major, and project into tabularium a short distance. All septa are zigzag in outer dissepimentarium and may carry short carinae. Carination varies from absent to light in outer dissepimentarium, light to heavy in middle dissepimentarium, and light on thickened parts in the inner dissepimentarium. Only in extended corners where offsets are forming do septa become discontinuous. The longitudinal section is oblique but locally shows a typical entelophylloid tabularium half the radius of the corallite (PI. 10, fig. 8). Axial series consists of flattened tabellae strongly downturned at their margins; the downturned edges may flatten out to meet inner dissepimentarium horizontally or they are surrounded by a series of flat to sagging tabellae. A periaxial trough is well-developed. Dissepiments are globose, varying from 0-5-1 -0 mm across, not arranged in regular vertical rows. Remarks. This species differs from P. favia in having distinctly smaller corallites, better developed septa that are commonly carinate, and a narrower tabularium with a well developed periaxial trough. Family kyphophyllidae Wedekind, 1927 Genus donacophyllum Dybowski, 1874 1874 Donacophyllum Dybowski, p. 460. 1927 Kyphophyllum Wedekind, p. 19. Type species. Chosen by subsequent designation of Wedekind, 1927, p. 34, Donacophyllum schrenkii Dybowski, 1874, from Raikkiila Horizon of Estonia; Aeronian, middle Llandovery. Diagnosis. Phaceloid, typically with nonparricidal peripheral increase; periodic rejuvenescence of corallites, reflecting expansions and subsequent contractions of dissepimentarium; major septa long and thin, a little withdrawn from axis, one may be longer; tabularium wide, domed, commonly with depressed axial area and marginal periaxial trough; dissepiments commonly lonsdaleoid. Remarks. We follow Hill (1981) in placing Kyphophyllum in the synonomy of Donacophyllum. We have not made a comprehensive study of these genera. Gotland species here included in Donacophyllum are close to Entelophyllum in septal and tabularial characters but increase is lateral nonparricidal and lonsdaleoid dissepiments are much better developed. Donacophyllum neumani sp. nov. Plate 1 1, figs 1-8 Holotype. RM Cn66199, from a limestone of the Slite Beds, towards top of cliff section of Lerberget 1, Stora Karlso, Gotland; late Sheinwoodian or early Homerian. Material studied. This species is known only from the type locality (five specimens; figured: RM Cn66199 (holotype), Cn66200, Cn66201). Distribution. Gotland: late Sheinwoodian or early Homerian. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 I Figs 1-8. Donacophyllum neumani sp. nov., Slite Beds, Lerberget 1, south ot lighthouse, western shore of Stora Karlso, Gotland. 1^4, RM Cn66199 (holotype); 1 and 2, transverse sections, x4, x2 respectively; 3, longitudinal section, x 2; 4, lateral view of corallum, x I. 5 and 6, RM Cn66200; 5, transverse section, x 2; 6, longitudinal section x 2. 7 and 8, RM Cn66201; 7, transverse section, x2; 8, longitudinal section, x 2. PLATE 1 1 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Donacophyllum 816 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Diagnosis. Fasciculate, flat, laterally flaring coralla ; increase lateral nonparricidal ; corallites up to 20 mm in diameter. Major septa 25-31, long, generally straight, smooth in tabularium, extending to within 1 mm of axis; slightly thickened in outer tabularium and inner dissepimentarium ; may be carinate in dissepimentarium, interrupted by lonsdaleoid dissepiments in outer dissepimentarium; minor septa absent to weakly developed. Tabularium half diameter of corallite, biserial with well developed periaxial trough, axial part of domed tabularial floor sagged. Dissepiments medium to large sized, highly irregular, not in regular vertical rows with larger lonsdaleoid dissepiments at periphery. Description. Holotype is a flat laterally flaring corallum 100 mm in diameter and 70 mm high. Corallites are ceratoid up to 20 mm in diameter and 20-50 mm in height. Increase is lateral, nonparricidal with offsets arising from extreme peripheral rim of the calice (PI. 1 1, fig. 3). Offsets turn outwards soon after initiation and diverge up to 30° from parent (PI. 11, fig. 4). No lateral expansions between corallites have been observed. Other specimens from type locality show same corallum form and corallite shape and size. Major septa number 25-31, are moderately straight and smooth in tabularium, and extend to within 1 mm of the axis. In a few corallites, a single septum extends into axial space and in some, two or three adjacent septa are confluent giving small groupings of septal ends about the axial space. Some show a slight thickening in outer tabularium and/or inner dissepimentarium. Septa are commonly discontinuous in outer dis- sepimentarium where they are interrupted by irregular lonsdaleoid dissepiments. They may become zigzag and carry short carinae, especially along their peripheral parts. Minor septa mostly poorly developed, much thinner and more irregular than adjacent major septa and commonly lacking from parts of some corallites. They project only slightly into tabularium. In young, small corallites septa of both orders are smooth, straight and interrupted peripherally by large dissepiments. Wide tabularium, 0-4— 0-5 corallite diameter in width, is distinctly separate from dissepimentarium. It is biserial with axial tabulae centrally domed but with an axial depression, downturned steeply at margin of this central area and then flattening out or even concave peripherally to give a prominent periaxial trough. Central tabellae are flat or slightly concave upwards and number 8-10 in 5 mm vertically. They are surrounded by more globose tabellae that have steeply downturned outer edges that rest on the ones immediately below. Periaxial tabellae may span interval between domal part of tabularium and dissepimentarium. These are flat or concave upwards and number 10-12 for 5 mm vertically. Dissepiments are mostly elongated, adaxially inclined, variable in size, and not arranged in regular vertical series. Lonsdaleoid dissepiments common in peripheral parts. Septa consist of one series of monacanthine trabeculae that are directed upwards and inwards across the dissepimentarium at approximately 45°. They tend to flatten to nearly horizontal in periaxial region of tabularium but steepen to within 30° of vertical in axial region. Fibers within trabeculae diverge at only a slight angle from axis so that fibers appear to parallel trabeculae, and boundaries and axes of individual trabeculae cannot be distinguished. Carinae are lateral extensions of the fibers of the trabeculae and, where present, are 0-2-0-5 mm apart, centre to centre. Remarks. D. neumani is distinguished from E. articulatum, also from the Slite Beds, primarily by its lateral nonparricidal increase and flaring growth form of the corallum, and major development of lonsdaleoid dissepiments. It differs from D. wallstenense in the flaring growth form of the corallum and much larger size of the corallites. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 Figs 1—11. Donacophyllum wallstenense sp. nov. 1—4, RM Cnl0637, Slite Beds, Stora Karlso, Gotland; 1, transverse section, x4; 2, longitudinal section, x4; 3 and 4, lateral view of corallite; 3, showing offset arising from expansion of corallite, x 4; 4, showing series of expansions, x 1. 5-8, RM Cnl 1963 (holotype), Slite Beds, Stumra stenbrott, Wallstena Parish, Gotland; 5 and 6, lateral view of corallum showing lateral nonparricidal increase, x 1, x 2, respectively ; 7, longitudinal section, x 2; 8, transverse section, x 2. 9-11, Slite Beds, Stora Karlso, Gotland; 9, RM Cnl0643, showing lateral expansion, x4; 10 and 11, RM Cnl 0635; 10, transverse section, x4; 11, longitudinal section, x4. PLATE 12 JELL and SUTHERLAND, Donacophyllum 818 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Donacophyllum wallstenense sp. nov. Plate 12, figs 1-1 1 Holotype. RM Cnl 1963, Slite Beds, Stumra stenbrott (stone quarry), Wallstena Parish, Gotland; Slite Group; late Sheinwoodian to early Homerian. Material studied. Holotype (RM Cn 1 1963) is the only specimen from Wallstena. Additional specimens referred to this species are also apparently from the Slite Group, from an unknown locality on the island of Stora Karlso, Gotland (14 Specimens, RM Cnl0635- 10647 ; figured : RM Cnl0635, Cnl0637, Cnl0643). Some of the specimens from Stora Karlso show small remnants of gray marl and thus they may have come from the lithology of that type observed in the lower part of the Slite Group below the more greenish limestone from which were collected the type specimens of D. neumani sp. nov. An additional occurrence is questionable: 2 km southeast of ferry at Broa, Isle of Faro, Gotland. Distribution. Gotland: late Sheinwoodian to early Homerian. Diagnosis. Phaceloid, tall coralla; increase lateral nonparricidal; corallites up to 15 mm in diameter. Major septa number 23-27, typically smooth leaving a small open axial area into which a single septum may extend; may be distinctly thickened in outer tabularium and/or in dissepimentarium ; may be interrupted by lonsdaleoid dissepiments in outer dissepimentarium. Tabularium half diameter of corallite, biserial with a well developed periaxial trough. Dissepiments variable in size and distribution. Description of holotype. Holotype is a fragment of a tall, phaceloid corallunr up to 90 mm in height and 75 mm across, consisting of close to 20 corallites. Corallites are long, subcylindrical and closely packed. They show semi-regular expansions and contractions at a spacing of 10-15 mm apart (PI. 12, fig. 5). Method of increase is lateral and nonparricidal, with the offset diverging at outer lip of expansion but becoming immediately parallel to parent (PI. 12, fig. 6). Major septa number 23-27 and they extend to within I mm of axis. Commonly one long septum bisects the narrow axial space (PI. 12, fig. 8). Septa mostly smooth and straight throughout their length but a few are zigzag in dissepimentarium and a few are carinate. In some corallites they are rather markedly thickened in the outer tabularium and less commonly in dissepimentarium. Septa thickening is lacking in some corallites. Peripherally septa may be discontinuous or interrupted locally by lonsdaleoid dissepiments, especially at lateral expansions. Minor septa extend slightly into tabularium and tend to have a similar pattern in dissepimentarium to major septa or they may be more discontinuous. Tabularium is half diameter of corallite and is distinctly delineated from dissepimentarium. Central highly domed area may or may not have a central depression. Tabulae steeply downturned periaxially to form a distinct periaxial trough (PI. 12, fig. 7). Axial tabellae number about 8 in 5 mm vertically. Axial part of domal area consists of flat or slightly depressed tabellae bordered by more globose plates whose peripheral edges are steeply downturned. Flat to deeply sagging tabellae span space between central domal area and dissepimentarium. Dissepiments are variable in size and shape and range from globose to more elongate, peripherally lonsdaleoid dissepiments are common. Width of dissepimentarium varies markedly because of expansions and contractions of corallite. Microstructure is similar to that described in D. neumani. Description of other material. Specimens from the island of Stora Karlso that are referred to this species consist of 14 broken individual corallites (PI. 12, figs 1-4, 9-1 1 ). They are similar to the smaller corallites of holotype in number of septa, nature of biserial tabularium and variable dissepimentarium. They differ from holotype primarily in lack of pronounced thickening in outer tabularium in some corallites, in greater tendency of septa to extend to axis, and in more common occurrence in dissepimentarium of zigzag septa and carinae. Remarks. D. wallstenense differs from D. neumani in the upright growth form of the corallum, the distinctly smaller size of the corallites, and the greater development of thickening at the outer tabularium and dissepimentarium. JELL AND SUTHERLAND: SILURIAN RUGOSE CORALS 819 Acknowledgements . We wish to thank the many persons who have aided us in obtaining a better understanding of the entelophylloid corals. In particular, we thank Bjorn Neuman (University of Bergen) and the late Anders Martinsson (University of Uppsala) for having shown us the Silurian stratigraphy of Gotland and for having taken us to many collecting localities; Bjorn Neuman for the loan of some of his coral collections from Gotland; Dr V. A. Sytova for having shown us in Leningrad her extensive coral collections and for extensive information on the distribution of entelophylloid corals in the Soviet Union; Dr Dorothy Hill (University of Queensland) for her knowledgeable discussions on the relationships of Silurian coral genera; Dr D. L. Kaljo (Institute of Geology, Estonia) for information on Estonian coral distributions; Dr A. Galle (Ustfedni ustav geologicky) for photographs and information on the Czechoslovakian forms; and Dr Michael Bassett (National Museum of Wales) for information on the international correlations of Silurian stages. For the loan of specimens for study we are indebted to the curators of the museums listed at the beginning of the section on Systematic Palaeontology. We owe a particular debt of thanks to William W. Clopine (University of Oklahoma) who assisted us during the final preparation of the manuscript by both the preparation of critical thin sections and by photographing many of the specimens. 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SUTHERLAND School of Geology and Geophysics University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019, USA % BRACHIOPODS AND THE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE UPPER CAMPANIAN AND LOWER MAASTRICHTIAN CHALK OF NORFOLK, ENGLAND by m. b. johansen and f. surlyk Abstract. Thirty-four species of brachiopods are described from the Upper Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian Chalk of Norfolk. The Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary sequence in Norfolk is very poorly exposed and is condensed. However, the existence of a highly diverse micromorphic brachiopod fauna allows correlation with more complete and well-exposed sections elsewhere in northwest Europe, especially northwest Germany and Denmark. Most of the brachiopod zones established in continental northwest Europe can be recognized in Norfolk. These are from below: the tenuicostata-longicollis Zone (corresponding to the bulk of the Upper Campanian of Norfolk), the longicollis-jasmundi Zone (uppermost Campanian), the acutirostris- spinosa Zone (basal Maastrichtian), the spinosa-pulchellus Zone (middle part of the Lower Maastrichtian) and the pulchellus-pulchellus Zone (upper Lower Maastrichtian). The stratigraphical scheme of previous workers was essentially based on faunal and subordinate lithological criteria. This is revised within a strictly lithostratigraphical framework to avoid ambiguities. Eight members are recognized comprising, from below: Eaton Chalk, Weybourne Chalk (including Catton Sponge Bed at its top), Beeston Chalk, Paramoudra Chalk, Sidestrand Chalk, Trimingham Sponge Beds, Little Marl Point Chalk, and Beacon Hill Grey Chalk Members. High diversity faunas of micromorphic brachiopods are well known from the Upper Cretaceous chalks of Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Poland (Steinich 1965, 1967, 1968c/, b ; Surlyk 1970a, b , 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1982, 1984; Surlyk and Birkelund 1977; Surlyk and Johansen 1984; Bitner and Pisera 1979; Ernst 1984; Johansen 1986, 1987a, b , 1988), and a detailed brachiopod biozonation has been established for the Maastrichtian Stage. Washing of a large number of bulk samples collected in the Upper Campanian - Maastrichtian Chalk of Norfolk has yielded about 2200 specimens of brachiopods representing approximately thirty-five species. The occurrence of this fauna in the English Chalk makes it possible to correlate parts of the often poorly exposed Maastrichtian outcrops in Norfolk with the more completely exposed sections of continental northwest Europe, and to support previous correlations based on other faunal groups. Palaeoecological conclusions obtained by the study of the micromorphic fauna (Surlyk 1972) can also be extended to these parts of the English Chalk. METHODS Thirty-seven bulk samples were washed after boiling in a supersaturated Glauber-Salt solution following the method described by Surlyk ( 1 972). Sample dry weight varied between 1 and 5 kg. The washed residues were sieved into 0-25-0-5 mm, 0-5—10 mm, and > TO mm fractions, and the brachiopods were picked from the two latter fractions under a binocular microscope. The 0-25-0-5 mm fraction was in some instances checked for the earliest juvenile stages. All specimens including the smallest juveniles were determined to species, and the minimum number of individuals was computed for each sample by adding to the number of complete shells the highest number of either dorsal or ventral valves. Ultrasonic cleaning was necessary when the details of shell ornamentation were hidden by adherent chalk. This was particularly the case with | Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 4, 1990, pp. 823-872, 11 pls.| © The Palaeontological Association 824 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 material from the more indurated lithologies. SEM photographs were used for illustrative purposes, as normal photography is inadequate for illustrating finer details of rib sculpture and the pedicle foramen of the very small species. Preparation was done under a binocular microscope with a fine needle and brush, after attaching the specimen to a glass plate with ‘Lakeside’ cement. The catalogued material is housed at the Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Material not catalogued belongs to a private collection of the second author of this paper (F.S.). STRATIGRAPHY The Campanian-Maastrichtian part of the Chalk in Norfolk is not very well known because of its incomplete exposure (Text-fig. 1 ). For much of the succession the sections are limited to widely scattered, often abandoned, chalk pits, and larger, glacially transported masses in coastal cliff's. This chalk was subdivided into a number of units by Brydone (1906, 1908, 1909, 1930, 1938). These units form the basis for the detailed geological map of Peake and Hancock (1970, pi. 2). The nature of Brydone’s stratigraphic units is somewhat unclear. Most of the subdivisions are named after a locality, although the fossil content is normally the main defining element. According to Wood (1988) the scheme is essentially palaeontological and the units of Brydone, as revised and updated by Peake and Hancock (1961, 1970), can be mapped out as faunal belts. The units are, however, in most cases characterized by a distinct lithology, or topped by a thin horizon of different lithology such as a hardground. They are redefined as lithostratigraphic units in the present paper, but it should be noted that the units recognized here are essentially equivalent to those of earlier authors even if they are conceptually different. Our aim in this revision is thus to introduce some consistency to the stratigraphical terminology. The rank of the units is difficult to establish since the Upper Cretaceous Chalk of the North Sea and surrounding land areas has received little study from a lithostratigraphic point of view. Several formations have been recognized for the subsurface chalks of the North Sea (e.g. Deegan and Scull 1977; Svendsen 1979). These units are, however, of a very broad nature, and they are defined on the basis of petrophysical logs and relatively sparse core material from boreholes. They are difficult to correlate with exposed onshore chalk sequences. The lithological differences between the individual units of the Chalk of Norfolk are relatively small and the thickness of the individual units usually amounts to a few metres only. The units can thus conveniently be treated as having member rank. The Chalk of Norfolk is generally of a more shallow-water nature than the North Sea Chalk, as witnessed by the common occurrence of single or compound hardgrounds and richer benthic faunas. Lit ho stratigraphy All localities described in the present paper expose Chalk of Late Campanian and Maastrichtian age; older sediments, including the ‘Basal mucronata chalk’ of Norfolk (Peake and Hancock 1970), are thus not dealt with in the following account. Since the lithostratigraphic units are given member rank (Text-figs 1 and 3) they should logically be grouped in one or more formations. This we leave, however, to students of the regional geology of eastern England. The description of the individual members is mainly based on Peake and Hancock (1970), Wood (1967, 1988), and our own observations. Eaton Chalk Member Name. After underground workings at the village of Eaton (National Grid Reference TG 208063). Type section. The great part of the member is unexposed, so a satisfactory type section cannot be designated. Reference sections. Small exposures may be found in the vicinity of Cley (TG 054440) and Drayton (TG 175132). Coastal sections at Weybourne Hope show the upper boundary, which is taken at Flint Z of Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 5, p. 339D-E; Text-fig. 1 herein). Thickness. Approximately 15 m (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 3). Lithology. Soft chalk with irregularly scattered flints, sometimes forming ‘open’ bands. JOHANSEN AND SURLYK: CRETACEOUS BRACHIOPODS 825 0- J= - o U x CD O J) lu Q 5 cr t- z < < Sssy 5UJ 2 h o9it owh j — ST To- 1 I -*1 | v, wm iViAViyi1 it. i 1 1 1.« TU)!1!' IT ITMPjM j .* T i_ ^ ij 4' i ii i t 1 \i\' iHii y 8 1 > t 1 text-fig. 1. Geological sketch showing the Upper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian localities and sections of Norfolk described in this paper. The map and the letter key to individual beds are modified from Peake and Hancock (1970). EE 3WmOA ADO'lOlNOHV'lVd 938 826 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 sijb/oiubjo jje 9 eie/ndai y HiajaiiidM 7 ds pipiapoam eioejiaj Q Bsouids y opunjiq \/ ds snosjUBJQ Bioumuoo JJB S Biouniuoo v ipunuusBl 9 spisoj unos y xapuJBO o shiodiGuoi i ds sninujnos ds Binujay iisi6 9 ds piinjejqajaj uuuojq v USBlnBI ± smqou o c BaoBiajo 7 ds o $ BisqLuii o si/BuipjBoqns Q BiBpsnui \/ simqns i BiB)sooiuids y BiBinbuBiuad >/ Bieisoomuai y snoiuo/od 7 siiujopuoiiqo iv siissAjqo ± SfllOBJd ± Bptdu \\b ± ds pinauoqouAqj BIBISOO 7 CO CO C\J *— T- X 0)2 c E £ I s m O -C-CO O (0 [f) O Tt Cj) o ' = 2 I CD § i o § I I H\U\M\ \ * >. $ 2 * o S3N0Z QOdOlHOVda snnaqoind-\ snnaqoind\ sniiaqo/nd - ssouids BSOUfdS- suisojpnoB Sfnooiduoi - BiBisoomuai NVIlHOIdiSVVW HSMCH NVINVdWVO d3ddn . Range chart of brachiopod species in the Upper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian Chalk sequence of Norfolk. JOHANSEN AND SURLYK: CRETACEOUS BRACHIOPODS 827 Boundaries. The member overlies the 'Basal mucronata chalk’, but the boundary to this unit is ill-defined and possibly mainly based on palaeontological criteria. The latter unit may thus in the future be included in the Eaton Chalk Member. The member is overlain by the Weybourne Chalk Member, the base of which is taken at the top of the sponge-bed hardground above Flint Z of Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 5). Distribution. The member is presently only recognized in Norfolk (Peake and Hancock 1970, pi. 2), although probably present at Studland and the Isle of Wight (J. M. Hancock, written communication, June 1986). Geological age. The member is probably contemporaneous with the lower part of the Ballintoy Chalk Member of Northern Ireland which corresponds to the lower Upper Campanian basiplana - spiniger Zone of northwest Germany (Fletcher and Wood 1978; Schulz 1985). This level was chosen as stratotype for the neotype of Belemnitella mucronata mucronata , and falls within the Hoplitoplacenticeras ‘ vari ’ Zone of the international ammonite zonal scheme (Christensen et al. 1975). Samples. One sample was collected from an excavation for a house foundation in Cley. Weybourne Chalk Member Name. After the village of Weybourne (TG 110430), situated 700 m south of the coastal outcrops of the member. Type section. The member is exposed in an interrupted line of low chalk bluffs on the north coast of Norfolk at Weybourne Hope. A composite section is shown in Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 5; Text-fig. 1 herein). Reference sections. The lower part of the section at Catton Grove (TG 229109) (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 6), Keswick (TG 212048), and a former section at Stoke Holy Cross (TG 235016; Text-fig. 1). Thickness. Approximately 25 m (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 3). Lithology. Chalk with bands of nodular flint, strong and more or less continuous in the lower part. Fossils have a pinkish tinge in the middle 15 m of this unit. Boundaries. This member overlies Eaton Chalk, the base taken at the top of the sponge-bed hardground above Flint Z of Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 5) in the section at Weybourne Hope. The upper boundary is drawn at the top of hardground forming the top of the Catton Sponge Bed. Distribution. The member has only been recognized in Norfolk (Peake and Hancock 1970, pi. 2). Geological age. Highest part of the lower Upper Campanian, approximately corresponding to the German roemeri Zone (Schulz 1985). Samples. Four samples from Catton Grove, one from Keswick, and one from Stoke Holy Cross (Text-figs 1 and 3). Catton Sponge Bed Name. After Catton Grove (TG 229109) in the northern outskirts of Norwich. Type section. Catton Grove (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 6; Text-fig. 1 herein). Reference sections. Stoke Holy Cross. Foreshore at Sheringham, north coast of Norfolk (see Peake and Hancock 1970, p. 317). Thickness. From about 0-3 m to a few metres. Lithology. The member comprises one to three yellow-stained hardgrounds and the intervening soft chalk with bands of often huge flint nodules. The member contains a characteristic 'hardground preservation fauna’ comprising casts of originally aragonite shelled bivalves, gastropods and ammonites. Boundaries. The Catton Sponge Bed forms the top unit of the Weybourne Chalk Member. The lower boundary is placed at the base of the sponge-bed (B in Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 6) overlying the unlithified Weybourne Chalk Member, while the upper boundary is placed at the top of the hardground which is overlain by the unlithified Beeston Chalk Member. This definition conforms with that of Wood (1988). Distribution. The member is only known from Norfolk. Geological age. Boundary between lower and upper Upper Campanian, corresponding to the boundary between the German roemeri and polyplocum Zones (Schulz 1985). A contemporaneous hardground sequence has been described from the Glenarm Chalk Member of Northern Ireland as the North Antrim Hardground 828 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 (Fletcher and Wood 1978). Many of the Norfolk specimens of B. polyplocum probably come from this member (J. M. Hancock, written communication, June 1986). Samples. Two samples from Catton Grove (Text-hgs I and 3). Beeston Chalk Member Name. After Beeston Hill, east of Sheringham on the north coast of Norfolk. Type section. Caistor St Edmunds (TG 238046) (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 6; Text-fig. I herein). Reference section. Stoke Holy Cross (TG 235016). Thickness. Approximately 25 m (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 3). Lithology. White chalk characterized by irregular bands of large flints many of which appear as flint circles 0-5—3 m or more in diameter when seen on bedding planes. Sometimes two or more circles are concentric, and there may be a hollow core of the trace fossil Bathichnus paramoudrae at the centre (Peake and Hancock 1970, pp. 318, 339f; Bromley et al. 1975). Boundaries. The member overlies the highest hardground of the Catton Sponge Bed (Weybourne Chalk Member) and is overlain by the poorly exposed Paramoudra Chalk Member. The upper boundary of the member is defined at the top of a hardground which appears on the shore about 200 metres east of West Runton (Peake and Hancock 1970, p. 339f). Distribution. The Beeston Chalk Member has only been recorded from Norfolk (Peake and Hancock 1970, pi. 2). Geological age. Lower part of the upper Upper Campanian roughly equivalent to the German polyplocum and langei Zones (Schulz 1985). It correlates well with the Portrush Chalk Member of Northern Ireland (Fletcher and Wood 1978). Samples. Two samples from Caistor St Edmunds and one from Stoke Holy Cross (Text-figs 1 and 3). Paramoudra Chalk Member Name. After the name applied to the barrel-shaped flints which are characteristic of the unit (Peake and Hancock 1970, p. 318; Bromley et al. 1975). The name thus does not meet the strict demands of a lithostratigraphic term, but since it refers to the lithology and as it has no biostratigraphic connotations there is no strong reason to abandon it. Reference sections. The member is very poorly exposed and a typfe section cannot be proposed. Whitlingham (TG 267078), Frettenam (TG 246173) and Postwick (TG 270080) may serve as reference sections. The reference section at Bramerton is no longer exposed (J. M. Hancock, written communication, June 1986). Thickness. Approximately 25 m (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 3). Lithology. White chalk with repeated hardgrounds and characterized by the occurrence of ‘paramoudras’. A ‘paramoudra’ is a vertically orientated barrel-shaped or cylindrical flint with a semi-lithified core of chalk through which passes a vertical dark tube like burrow which may extend upwards and downwards for many metres. The burrow and the associated ‘paramoudra’ were described in detail by Bromley et al. (1975) who named the trace fossil Bathichnus paramoudrae . Boundaries. The base of the member is defined at the top of a hardground, which crops out on the shore about 200 m east of West Runton (Peake and Hancock 1970, p. 339f). The upper boundary cannot be precisely defined, as younger beds are only exposed in glacially disturbed masses. The overlying ‘pr e-Porosphaera Beds’ of Wood (1967) comprise relatively hard, sometimes yellowish chalk largely without ‘paramoudras’. According to J. M. Hancock (pers. comm. 1988) there is a marker bed - the Overstrand Pyramidata hardground - below the Overstrand Hotel Lower Mass and above undoubted chalk with paramoudras. The top of this hardground may serve as the upper boundary of the member. Distribution. The member is not known outside Norfolk (Peake and Hancock 1970, pi. 2). Geological age. The member represents the highest Campanian of Norfolk. It is equivalent to the Ballymagarry Chalk Member of Northern Ireland (Fletcher and Wood 1978), and corresponds to the German grimmensis- granulosus Zone and perhaps the basal lanceolata Zone of Schulz (1978, 1979, 1985). Samples. One from Whitlingham at the level of the top flint, probably of uppermost Campanian age. JOHANSEN AND SURLYK: CRETACEOUS BRACHIOPODS 829 Sidestrand Chalk Member History. The member encompasses the ‘pr e-Porosphaera Beds’ of Wood (1967) and the ' Porosphaera Beds' of Brydone (1906, 1908, 1938) (see also Peake and Hancock 1970). Name. After the village of Sidestrand on the northeast coast of Norfolk. Type section. The sequence exposed in the glacially induced anticlines at Sidestrand (TG 255404) (Text-fig. 1 ; see also Peake and Hancock 1970, figs 7 and 8). The eastern (left) anticline especially shows a good section through the main part of the member, which comprises the chalk containing flints X to P in the composite section of Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 7). Reference sections. Overstrand Hotel Upper Mass (TG 255406). Thickness. Probably about 10-12 m. Lithology. White, in places nodular chalk with grey lenticular streaks representing burrows, and about 15 bands of nodular flint. Flint band S is particularly characteristic as it comprises huge cylindrical, black nodules (up to 30 cm thick and I nr in diameter) with chalk filled holes. Boundaries. The lower boundary with the Paramoudra Chalk Member is conventionally placed at the top of the Overstrand Pyramidata hardground. The upper boundary is defined at the top of the hardground labelled O in Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 7). Distribution. The member has only been recognized along the northeast coast of Norfolk (Peake and Hancock 1970). Geological age. Lowermost Maastrichtian (Wood 1967). Schulz (1978) referred the Overstrand Hotel Upper Mass to the lanceolata Zone, and the part of the member exposed at Sidestrand to the pseudobtusa and obtusa Zones. Samples. One sample from Overstrand Hotel Lower Mass, one sample from Bramerton, six samples from Overstrand Hotel Upper Mass and six samples from Sidestrand (Text-figs 1 and 3). Trimingham Sponge Beds Member History. The member corresponds to the ‘Sponge Beds’ of Brydone (1908). Name. After the village of Trimingham on the northeast coast of Norfolk. Type section. Trimingham, where the top is occasionally exposed (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 7, beds D to G). The lower beds can also be seen at Sidestrand. Thickness. 2-9 m. Lithology. Lithified chalk with several erosion surfaces with green-coated pebbles. The chalk is yellow in outcrop, but grey on fresh surfaces. Impressions of large masses of hthistid and hexactinellid sponges are characteristic. Masses of pyrite are not infrequent (Peake and Hancock 1970). Four bands of nodular flint with thick white cortices (K, J, I, H) occur in the upper part of the member. Boundaries. The lower boundary of the Trimingham Sponge Beds Member is placed at the top of the sponge- bed labelled O in Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 7). The upper boundary is defined by the top of the thick ‘greasy’ marl band labelled G in Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 7). Distribution. Only recorded in the coastal sections of the northeast Norfolk (Peake and Hancock 1970). Geological age. Top of the lower Lower Maastrichtian. The member probably mainly belongs to the obtusa Zone of Schulz (1978, 1985). Samples. Three samples from the top of the member at Little Marl Point. Little Marl Point Chalk Member History. The member comprises the so-called ‘White Chalk without Ostrea lunata' and the overlying ‘White Chalk with Ostrea lunata' (Brydone 1906; Peake and Hancock 1970). Ostrea lunata was originally proposed as zonal index fossil for the whole of the Maastrichtian exposed at Trimingham. Brydone (1906) demonstrated that O. lunata did not occur throughout the sequence and suggested that Terebratulina gracilis should take its place as index fossil. Brydone (1906, 1938) suspected that several horizons with O. lunata were present, but Peake and Hancock (1970) demonstrated that there is only one horizon with O. lunata. 830 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 O N Q O CL O X o < cr CD 3 Q. a i CL CL => I o ac i- ff) < < Q) ■C o 3 a /. -/. < 0 1 CL < DC a < cr c— c P O X Beacon Hill Grey Chalk c. 5 m Little Marl Point Chalk 5 m Trimingham Sp. Beds 2.9 m Sidestrand Chalk 12 m Param_Ch_22_ m Beeston Chalk 22 m Catton Sp B 22 m Weybourne Chalk 22 m Eaton Chalk 15 m basal mucronata beds " Trimingham 3 2 Little Marl Point Trimingham 1 Little Marl Point 7 6 5 4 3 2 A 2 1, 1 A 1 B Sidestrand 4 3 A 3 2 1 A 1 Overstrand Hotel Upper Mass 4 3 Bramerton Overstrand Hotel Lower Mass Whitlingham Caistor 1 — ,i — 3 Stoke Holy Cross 1 Catton 6 — — 5 Stoke Holy Cross 2 Catton 4 — „ — 3A — — 3 — ii—l Keswick Cley : longicoliis-jasmundi Zone text-fig. 3. Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and brachiopod diversity and density of the Norfolk sections. JOHANSEN AND SURLYK: CRETACEOUS BRACHIOPODS 831 Name. After the bluff Little Marl Point (TG 298380) on the coast east of Trimingham (Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 9) where the member is well exposed. Type section. Little Marl Point (Text-fig. 1 ; Peake and Hancock 1970, fig. 7, sequence with beds F to B). Thickness. About 5-5-6 m (Peake and Hancock 1970). Lithology. Soft white chalk with four horizons (F, D, C, B) of nodular flint and two thin marl bands (below F, E). The top contains a horizon densely packed with the dark blue grey shells of the small oyster Ostrea lunata. Boundaries. The base of the member is placed at the top of the ‘greasy' marl band labelled G in Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 7). The upper boundary is placed at the base of the first soft grey chalk beds of the Beacon Hill Grey Chalk Member labelled A by Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 7). Distribution. The member is only known from northeast Norfolk. Geological age. Lower part of the upper Lower Maastrichtian. Schulz (1979, 1985) correlated it with the sumensis Zone of Germany. Samples. Five samples from Little Marl Point and one from Trimingham mass C of Brydone (1908) (Text-figs 1 and 3). Beacon Hill Grey Chalk Member History. The member corresponds to the ‘Grey Beds’ of Brydone (1906, 1908) and Peake and Hancock (1970). Name. After Beacon Hill (TG 289383) on top of the cliff overlooking the type locality. Type section. Trimingham Mass C (Peake and Hancock 1970, figs 7 and 9). The sequence is only occasionally exposed and the fragmentary section figured by Peake and Hancock (1961, fig. 7) was based on a fortuitous exposure opposite Beacon Hill (Peake and Hancock 1970, p. 339h) (approximately TG 292386). Their data have been integrated in the synthetic section shown in Text-figures 1 and 3. Thickness. About 5 m, but the upper limit is not known (Peake and Hancock 1970, p. 339h). Lithology. Grey chalk with five flint bands. A fawn-coloured calcarenite 01 m thick occurs below the second flint band from the top (Peake and Hancock 1970, p. 339h). Boundaries. The lower boundary of the member is defined by the base of the first soft grey chalk bed labelled A by Peake and Hancock (1970, fig. 7). The upper boundary is not known since the member comprises the youngest Cretaceous rocks exposed in England. Distribution. Only known from northeast Norfolk. Geological age. Lower part of the upper Lower Maastrichtian. The unit belongs to the upper part of the German sumensis Zone (Schulz 1978, 1985). A highly characteristic form of Echinocorys occurs above the calcarenite band and can be matched exactly in a section near ‘die Zeven Wegen' in southern Limburg (Netherlands), where it accompanies B. sumensis (N. B. Peake, written communication, June 1986). Samples. Two samples from Trimingham Mass C, and one sample from Little Marl Point (Text-figs 1 and 3). BR ACHIOPOD STRATIGRAPHY The Upper Campanian and Maastrichtian Chalk of Norfolk is exposed in small quarries, road cuts, and strongly disturbed coastal cliff sections. The majority of the sections are only a few metres thick. The succession is furthermore characterized by hardgrounds reflecting periods of non-deposition and perhaps erosion. It is thus clear that a chart showing the full range of brachiopod species through the time interval represented by the investigated sequence cannot be constructed. Exposure of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary strata are particularly fragmentary. The Chalk of Norfolk is thus here dated within the framework of the brachiopod zonation worked out for the thick continuous Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary section at Kronsmoor, northwest Germany (Surlyk 1982, 1984). Schulz (1978, 1979, 1985) presented a detailed belemnite zonation for the Kronsmoor sequence and this zonation is well integrated with the brachiopod zonation. It is thus possible to use the combined evidence from brachiopods and belemnites in the correlation of the Norfolk sequence. 832 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 The localities of Text-figure 1 were first arranged in ascending stratigraphic order on the basis of evidence from macrofossils, notably belemnites and to some extent echinoids (Schulz 1978, 1979, 1985; Peake and Hancock 1970; Wood 1967) and field mapping (Peake and Hancock 1970) supplemented by scattered information in the literature on the Cretaceous of the British Isles (Fletcher and Wood 1978). The brachiopod species were then plotted on this scheme and their vertical distributions compared with ranges in the Kronsmoor section (Surlyk 1982, 1984) and to more limited successions in Denmark (Surlyk 1984) and Poland (Bitner and Pisera 1979). Seven brachiopod zones were recognized in the Kronsmoor section within the interval represented by the langei through sumensis belemnite zones (Text-fig. 3). The Maastrichtian portion of the Norfolk and Kronsmoor sequences can be roughly correlated, while the Norfolk Campanian investigated here reaches lower than the part exposed in Kronsmoor. It is important to stress that both the brachiopod and belemnite zones are defined by first or last occurrences of species with Kronsmoor as the key locality. This means, for example, that a slightly later appearance of a brachiopod index species in Norfolk relative to a belemnite index species is reflected by an upwards shift of a brachiopod zone boundary in respect to the belemnite zone boundary. Schemes showing the correlation of the same brachiopod and belemnite zones in northwest Germany and Norfolk respectively are thus somewhat different. This is shown in Text- figure 4. The brachiopod zones are defined and named following the system proposed by Murphy (1977). The lower boundary of each zone is defined in a stratotype by a biostratigraphic event such as the first appearance or last occurrence of a species. The upper boundary is defined by the base of the next, higher zone to avoid gaps or overlap of zones. A binomial nomenclature is used to name the zone. The name of the species which defines the lower boundary is followed by the name of the species which defines the lower boundary of the following zone. Thus the longicollis-jasmundi Zone is from the first occurrence of Terebratulina longicollis to immediately below the first occurrence of Gisilina jasmundi. The following jasmundi-acutirostris Zone is defined by the first occurrences of Gisilina jasmundi and Rugia acutirostris respectively. Most of the brachiopod zones recognized in Kronsmoor are also represented in Norfolk. The tenuicostata-longicollis Zone includes the localities Cley, Stoke Holy Cross, Catton and Caistor (Text-fig. 2). This zone can undoubtedly be subdivided, when the brachiopod faunas from continuous sections through the lower Upper Campanian are investigated. The longicollis-jasmundi Zone corresponds to the highest Campanian in Kronsmoor and seems to be represented by the Whitlingham locality. The basal Maastrichtian jasmundi-acutirostris Zone in Kronsmoor is defined by the first occurrence of Gisilina jasmundi and Rugia acutirostris. G. jasmundi has its first occurrence in Kronsmoor sample F10 which was sampled 20 cm below flint band F600. The lowest Belemnella lanceolata , which defines the base of the Maastrichtian (e.g. Schulz 1978, 1979), was found at the level of F600. This means that the bases of the lanceolata Zone and the jasmundi-acutirostris Zone essentially coincide. For convenience, Schulz (1978), however, placed the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary precisely at the midpoint of F600. The jasmundi-acutirostris Zone thus seems to have its base immediately below the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary (Surlyk 1982, fig. 1), but this only reflects the greater precision of sample localization in respect to the lithological marker beds. G. jasmundi and R. acutirostris occur for the first time in the Norfolk material in Overstrand Hotel Lower Mass which is the next locality stratigraphically above Whitlingham (Text-fig. 2). It is thus highly probable that the jasmundi-acutirostris Zone is represented by unexposed strata stratigraphically between Whitlingham and Overstrand Hotel Lower Mass. The acutirostris-spinosa Zone is defined by the first occurrence of Rugia acutirostris and the last occurrence of Rugia spinosa. In Norfolk it is represented by the localities Overstrand Hotel Lower Mass, Bramerton, and Overstrand Hotel Upper Mass samples 1-2A (Text-fig. 2). The spinosa-subtilis Zone is defined by the last occurrence of Rugia spinosa and the first occurrence of Terebratulina subtilis. The latter species has a much longer vertical range in Norfolk JOHANSEN AND SURLYK: CRETACEOUS BRACHIOPODS 833 c (/) o CO O ® E STAGES 5 o t o CO Z “ UJ BRACHIOPOD ZONES .y o 2 - z LU X O o N UJ UJ QQ Kronsmoor Norfolk 50 - 40 - 30 - z < i— i o CC UJ > upper B sumensis pulchetlus - pulchellus subtil is -pulchellus pulchellus - pulchellus spmosa -pulchellus 20- OC 1 — CO < < > o —I B obtusa spmosa- subtil is 10- Q O m Beltanella Beltanelliformis Charniodiscus? Cyclomedusa Edlacaria Eoporpita Inkrylovia Kullingia ? Medusinites Nadalina Pteridinium Rugoconites? Sekwi a Spriggla Tirasiana Vendotaenia? □ O □ □ □ o □ □ CO d 00 00 o I o Aulichnites Helminthoida Helminthoidichnites Helminthopsis Lockeia Neonereites ? Palaeophycus Planolites Torrowangea □ □ □ O text-fig. 6. Regional and global correlation of the Windermere biota. Localities with less than two Windermere-type taxa are omitted. Abundance symbols for northwestern Canada: narrow bar = rare (present in < 10% of fossiliferous units); intermediate bar = common (present in 10-50% of fossiliferous units); broad bar = abundant (present in > 50% of fossiliferous units). For global comparisons, same (square) or similar (circle) forms indicated. Ichnofossils A relatively diverse assemblage of trace fossils is present in the Ediacaran strata of the Sekwi Brook area (Text-figs 4 and 6). Previously, the oldest known trace fossils in northwestern Canada were NARBONNE AND AITKEN: CANADIAN EDIACARAN FAUNA 955 from the Blueflower Formation (Hofmann 1981; Aitken 1989a) and its stratigraphic equivalent in the Wernecke Mountains (Narbonne and Hofmann 1987). The occurrence of specimens of Planolites montanus in the upper part of the Sheepbed Formation extends the stratigraphic range of trace fossils downwards by approximately 500 metres. The Blueflower Formation contains a more diverse assemblage of trace fossils, comprising at least twelve ichnospecies referable to nine ichnogenera. All taxa known from the Ediacaran of Sekwi Brook also range the Phanerozoic. Forms restricted to the Ediacaran (e.g. Harlaniella, Palaeopascichnus , Nenoxites , etc.) have not yet been documented from Sekwi Brook. Seilacher (1964, 1967) first suggested that trace fossils show a consistent ecological zonation throughout the Phanerozoic which he subdivided into several 'universal ichnofacies’. Although numerous studies have supported and refined Seilacher’s model (see Ekdale et al. 1984 and references therein), it remains uncertain when and how ichnofacies first developed. Most of the ichnotaxa at Sekwi Brook also occur in shallower water deposits in the Ediacaran of the Wernecke Mountains, eastern and northern Europe, and Australia, and in deep slope/fan deposits in the Carolina Slate Belt (Text-fig. 6). This supports the view of Crimes and Anderson (1985) that upper Precambrian-Lower Cambrian trace fossil assemblages show a lower degree of palaeo- environmental differentiation than do those in post-Cambrian strata. Basin slope deposits at Sekwi Brook also contain abundant simple burrows (e.g. Planolites and Palaeophycus ), and non-directed meanders (especially Torrowangea and Helminthoidichnites)\ patterned meanders occur rarely (Helminthoida) to commonly ( Helminthopsis ). The presence of an assemblage dominated by meandering forms and apparently lacking vertical burrows and arthropod traces is reminiscent of the Nereites ichnofacies of Seilacher (1964, 1967). The Nereites ichnofacies typifies turbiditic slope deposits of Phanerozoic age but had not previously been reported from the Precambrian. The comparatively low diversity, the apparent absence of graphoglyptids, and the dominance of unpatterned and simple patterned forms among the meandering burrows of the Blueflower (basin slope) assemblage implies that this Precambrian assemblage represents a relatively simple version of the ichnofacies, and is consistent with Seilacher’s (1974, 1977) observation that the Nereites ichnofacies exhibits a step-wise increase in all three of these features throughout the Phanerozoic. Previous evolutionary models for trace fossils (e.g. Crimes 1974; Seilacher 1974, 1977; Frey and Seilacher 1980) have generally concluded that deep-water slopes of Ediacaran/Vendian age were all but completely devoid of infaunal animal life, but the new evidence from the Carolina Slate Belt (Gibson 1989), the Avalon Zone of Newfoundland (pers. comm. M. M. Anderson 1989) and the Sekwi Brook area (this study) indicates that the initial radiation of metazoans also extended to the sediments of the deep-sea. Previous workers (e.g. Crimes and Anderson 1985) suggested that complexly meandering burrowers first evolved in shallow-water settings in the early Cambrian, and later migrated into deeper-water settings. It now appears more likely that meandering burrowers originated in the Precambrian, where they occurred in both shallow marine (Glaessner 1969; Fedonkin 1985c) and deep marine (this study) settings. The explosive diversification of shallow-water burrowers in the early Cambrian, including the first appearance of abundant complexly branching, spreiten-bearing, and deep vertical burrows (cf. Alpert 1977; Crimes 1987; Narbonne et al. 1987), gradually eliminated meandering burrowers, especially forms producing complex meanders, from shallow- water settings. However, a low diversity assemblage of meandering burrows persisted in deeper- water slope settings, and gradually increased in diversity and burrow complexity throughout the remainder of the Phanerozoic. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Although genus- and species-level identification of Ediacaran organisms are relatively stable, no classification of family and higher taxonomic levels has yet been accepted. Conway Morris (1985) has argued that attempts to relate Ediacaran organisms to extant phyla and classes may obscure the relationships among these early metazoans, and even the assignment of some Ediacaran fossils to 956 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 the Metazoa has been questioned by Seilacher (1984, 1989). Rival classification schemes are presented in Pflug (1972), Glaessner (1979), Seilacher (1989), Fedonkin (19856), Gureev (1987) and other papers. A full evaluation of these proposals is beyond the scope of this study, and the Sekwi Brook fossils are simply classified as 'body fossils’ or ‘ichnofossils’ (= trace fossils). Dubiofossils have been described by Hofmann (1981), and are not included in the present study. Acritarchs from these strata have also been discussed previously (Baudet et al. 1989). In the following section, synonymies include only Precambrian forms; the occurrence (if any) of Cambrian or younger forms is discussed under 'Remarks’. All type and figured specimens have been deposited in the National Type Collection of Invertebrates and Plants, Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) in Ottawa, Canada. BODY FOSSILS Genus beltanella Sprigg, 1947 Type species. Beltanella gilesi Sprigg, 1947. Beltanella gilesi Plate 1, fig. 1 For synonymy up to 1987, see Narbonne and Hofmann (1987). 1987 Beltanella gilesi Narbonne and Hofmann, pp. 653-654, pi. 73, fig. 6. 1987 Planomedusites grandis Gureev, pp. 40-42, fig. 16. Description. Single incomplete disc preserved in convex hyporelief. Smooth disc 40 mm in diameter with a prominent central tubercle 4-8 mm in diameter; disc surrounded by a flange 5-11 mm wide with irregularly spaced marginal indentations. Poorly preserved, tapering stalk 20 mm wide at its base extending 40 mm beyond the outer edge of the flange. Remarks. The specimen is strikingly similar to one illustrated by Narbonne and Hofmann (1987, pi. 73, fig. 6) from the Wernecke Mountains of northwestern Canada. Beltanella has traditionally been interpreted as a pelagic medusoid (e.g. Sprigg 1947; Harrington and Moore 1956), but Jenkins (1988) recently reinterpreted it as a benthic polyp attached to the sea-bottom by a short stalk. The specimen of Beltanella from Sekwi Brook exhibits a poorly preserved stalk which extends outward from the outer margin of the disc, thereby implying that it was above rather than below the disc. As this structure is known from a single specimen, it is uncertain whether or not it is accidental. Genus charniodiscus Ford, 1958 Type species. Charniodiscus concentricus Ford, 1958 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Fig. 1. Beltanella gilesi Sprigg, hyporelief. Locality 17, Sekwi Brook South. GSC 95895, x I. Figs 2 and 6. Cyclomedusa sp., hyporelief. 2, locality 3, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95896, x 1. 6, three specimens that interfered with each other during growth, locality 17, Sekwi Brook South, GSC 95898-95900 (clockwise from top right), x 1. Fig. 3. Plumose problematicum, epirelief. Locality 3, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95897, x 1-5. Fig. 4. Cyclomedusa plana Glaessner and Wade, hyporelief. Locality 3, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95902, x F5. Fig. 5. Ediacaria sp., hyporelief. Float, probably from locality 27. Sekwi Brook South, GSC 95903, x0-5. Fig. 7 Charniodiscus ? sp., hyporelief. Locality 30, Majesty Section, GSC 95904, x 1. PLATE 1 NARBONNE and AITKEN, Ediacaran fauna 958 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Chamiodiscus ? sp. Plate 1, fig. 7 Description. Five circular discs preserved in positive hyporelief (0-5— 2-5 mm relief). Central tubercle 3-8 mm in diameter surrounded by 3-5 concentric rugae. Disc diameter 26-46 mm (mean = 37-2 mm). Gently tapering stalk, 12-21 mm wide at its base, extending up to 85 mm from the outer margin of the disc. Remarks. Ford (1958) originally described Chamiodiscus on the basis of a single concentric disc with an attached stalk, and later (1963) figured the complete specimen with a frond attached to the stalk. Jenkins and Gehling (1978) and Glaessner (1979) subsequently regarded the frond as the most diagnostic part of the fossil. The absence of an attached frond in any of the Sekwi Brook specimens thus far collected precludes more specific identification. Two specimens of the frond of Chamiodiscus cf. arboreus and numerous basal discs of Chamiodiscus ? were described from the Wernecke Mountains by Narbonne and Hofmann (1987, fig. 5c). Genus cyclomedusa Sprigg, 1947 Type species. Cyclomedusa davidi Sprigg, 1947. Cyclomedusa plana Glaessner and Wade, 1966 Plate 1, fig. 4 For synonymy to 1987, see Narbonne and Hofmann (1987). 1987 Cyclomedusa plana Narbonne and Hofmann, pp. 656-658, pi. 73, fig. 3. 1987 Glaessneria plana Gureev, fig. 14. 1987 Glaessneria imperfecta Gureev, p. 40, fig. 15. Description. Two bipartite discs preserved in convex hyporelief. Central cone (5 2 mm relief) or concentrically- ringed disc (< 0-5 mm relief) 51-71 mm in diameter superimposed on a flat disc approximately 34 mm in diameter. Outer edge of the fossil exhibiting a sharp annulus 0-8-F2 mm wide and 0-5 mm high. Surface of the outer disc smooth, or marked by very fine radial grooves. Remarks. The status of C. plana is controversial. Until recently, most authors have followed Glaessner and Wade (1966), and regarded it as a species of Cyclomedusa. Sun (1986) questioned whether C. plana should be included in Cyclomedusa , as it is poorly understood and exhibits some significant differences with the type species. Gureev (1987) specifically removed C. plana from Cyclomedusa , and regarded it as the type species of his new genus Glaessneria. Alternatively, Jenkins (1988, 1989) has pointed out that Cyclomedusa and other discoid Ediacaran genera have been oversplit, and that there is evidence of intergradation among some of the species of the Cyclomedusa plexus and perhaps even among some related genera. Further systematic revision of Cyclomedusa is obviously needed, but in the interim we follow Glaessner and Wade (1966) in regarding C. plana as a valid species of Cyclomedusa. Most figured specimens of C. plana , including material from the Wernecke Mountains (Narbonne and Hofmann 1987) and from Sekwi Brook (e.g. GSC 95901), exhibit a series of concentric wrinkles near the centre of the disc; this presumably represents a conical apex that was folded flat during compaction. One specimen from Sekwi Brook (PI. 1, fig. 4) resembles two unfigured specimens from South Australia (collected in 1988 and now in the collections of R. J. F. Jenkins) in exhibiting an uncompressed cone at its apex. This implies that the cone was buried in relatively cohesive mud while the flat outer ring rested on the sea floor. Cyclomedusa plana is a cosmopolitan taxon (Wade 1972), not known from Australia, eastern Europe and western North America (see synonymy in this paper and in Narbonne and Hofmann 1987). NARBONNE AND AITKEN: CANADIAN EDIACARAN FAUNA 959 Cyclomedusa sp. Plate 1, figs 2 and 6; Plate 2, figs 3 and 5 Description. Twenty-one measured specimens and numerous field identifications, all preserved in positive hyporelief. Circular discs 13-4-58-5 mm (mean = 26-2 mm) in diameter with central tubercle, 11 7-7 mm; tubercle surrounded by irregularly-spaced concentric markings. Very fine radial ridges locally present (e.g. PI. 1, fig. 2; PI. 2, fig. 5). Relief 0-3— 3-5 mm, with maximum relief in centre. Specimens deformed laterally where in contact (PI. 1 . fig. 6). Remarks. Specimens are mostly at the small end of the size range for Cyclomedusa , which has a maximum diameter of more than 100 mm (Sun 1986). They closely resemble the specimens illustrated by Wade (1972, pi. 41, fig. 1) as C. davidi Sprigg, and like them show evidence that they were originally highly conical. Sun (1986) questioned whether these specimens should be included in C. davidi as the radial striations typical of this species are not well developed in Wade’s specimens, an objection that applies equally well to the specimens from Sekwi Brook and elsewhere in northwestern Canada (Narbonne and Hofmann 1987). However, the presence of fine radial striae on the bases of Cyclomedusa specimens has been attributed by Sun (1986) to composite molding of features on the oral and aboral surfaces. Composite molding is prevalent in the Flinders Ranges but is relatively rare in most other Ediacaran deposits, and it would seem unwise to base a generic difference on a preservational feature. Further systematic revision of Cyclomedusa is obviously needed, but in the interim we refer these specimens to Cyclomedusa sp. The interpretation of discoid Ediacaran fossils such as Cyclomedusa is uncertain, with various authors regarding them as impressions of pelagic medusae (e.g. Wade 1968; Sun 1986), benthic polyps (e.g. Fedonkin 1985«; Jenkins 1988), sea-pen attachment structures (Jenkins 1989), or burrows similar to those produced by modern actinians (Seilacher 1984). The absence of specimens preserving the oral surface among any of the specimens from northwestern Canada is not consistent with the orientations of medusae stranded at the strand line or in deeper water (cf. Wade 1968). This implies that the aboral surface permanently rested on or in the substrate, and thus that the Cyclomedusa organism was benthic. Closely-crowded specimens on the same bedding plane tend to be relatively similar in size (e.g. Hofmann el at. 1983, fig. 2a; Narbonne and Hofmann 1987, text- fig. 5a; this study, PI. 1, fig. 6), and may represent products of a single spatfall. The fact that closely- crowded specimens deform but do not cross-cut each other, and evidence of increasing mutual deformation during growth (PI. 1, fig. 6), support the interpretation of Cyclomedusa sp. as the impression of a sessile benthic organism. Most likely, the prominent central tubercle represents the point where the pelagic larva settled onto the bottom and dug a small pit for attachment to the sea floor. The organism was firm-bodied, and apparently grew out concentrically in the shape of a cone. With the possible exception of the central tubercle there is no evidence of active burrowing; however passive sedimentation of mud around the bases of some of the cones may have resulted in the relatively high relief of some specimens (e.g. PI. 1, figs 2 and 6). The organism was later buried by a sandy turbidite or storm bed, and was cast by the subsequent collapse of the sand into the space formerly occupied by the organism. This model implies that Cyclomedusa sp. and perhaps other Ediacaran discs with a prominent central tubercle, represent impressions of firm-bodied organisms that were sessile except during their larval stages. The nature of the oral surface remains uncertain, with various authors showing evidence for tentacles (Wade 1972, pi. 41, fig. 2) or stalks (Jenkins 1989, fig. 2e) in some specimens. Elucidation of this is important, as Cyclomedusa is one of the most widely recognized Ediacaran fossils. Genus ediacaria Sprigg, 1947 Type species. Ediacaria flindersi Sprigg, 1947. 960 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Ediacaria sp. Plate 1, fig. 5 Description. One nearly complete specimen and one fragment, both preserved in positive hyporelief. Complete specimen a slightly elliptical bipartite disc, 160-170 mm in diameter. Central disc 110-120 mm in diameter, with concentric grooves and discontinuous radial ridges particularly well-developed towards its periphery. Poorly preserved outer flange 25 mm wide, marked by irregular texture and discontinuous radial ridges. Maximum relief of T5 mm in the central disc. Possible central circular depression 25 mm in diameter largely covered by sediment. Remarks. The large size and bipartite to tripartite organization are typical of Ediacaria , but the relatively poor quality of preservation does not permit definite comparison with E.flindersi, the only named species of this genus. Ediacaria , the largest discoid fossil of the Ediacara assemblage, was previously interpreted as a 'medusoid' (Sprigg 1947; Glaessner and Wade 1966) but Fedonkin (1985a) and Jenkins (1988, 1989) have reinterpreted it as an attached polyp. Genus eoporpita Wade, 1972 Type species. Eoporpita medusa Wade, 1972 Eoporpita sp. Plate 2, fig. 1 ; Plate 3, fig. 4 Description. Three discoid specimens preserved in positive hyporelief. Bipartite central cup consisting of a conical knob 4-9-71 mm in diameter and 2-14-5 mm high surrounded by an upwards-flaring flange 9-2-13 0 mm in diameter and 1-3 — 1 -8 mm high; surface of the flange covered with approximately 12-24 hemispherical to radially elongate pustules 1 -5-2-5 mm wide. Flange surrounded by a radiating pattern of approximately twenty-five club-shaped tubes 2- 1^1-2 mm wide passing off the pustules and extending outwards to the margin of the fossil. Tubes predominantly straight to slightly sinuous, but locally strongly curved. Total fossil diameter 30-66 mm. Remarks. The two specimens illustrated in Plate 3, fig. 4 are approximately 25 % smaller than the smallest specimens reported by Wade (1972), but the largest specimen is well within the described range of variation of Eoporpita. The central cone, radially elongate pustules, and radiating clavate tubes are all diagnostic of Eoporpita. However, in contrast with E. medusa Wade, which exhibits overlapping whorls of tubes, the Sekwi Brook specimens exhibit only an incipient overlapping near the central zone. For this reason, we refer our material to Eoporpita sp. Wade (1972) originally interpreted Eoporpita as a primitive chondrophorian with a chambered float (pneumatophore) and whorls of radiating tentacles, a view supported by most subsequent workers (e.g. Glaessner 1979; Stanley 1986). According to this interpretation, the Sekwi Brook specimens would reflect preservation of the oral surface; the central cone, elongate pustules, and EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Fig. 1. Eoporpita sp., hyporelief. One kilometre north of locality 3, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95905, x 1. Fig. 2. Pteridinum sp., hyporelief. Locality 18, Sekwi Brook South, GSC 68463, x 1. Figs 3 and 5. Cyclomedusa sp., hyporelief. Locality 3, Sekwi Brook North. 3, GSC 95907, x 1. 5, GSC 95908, x I . Fig. 4. Kullingia? sp., hyporelief. Locality 3, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95909, x 1. Figs 6 and 7. Medusinites asteroides (Sprigg), hyporelief. 6, Locality 2, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95910, x 2. 7, Locality 3, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 959 i 1, x 2. Fig. 8. Sekwi excentrica Hofmann, hyporelief. Locality 23, Sekwi Brook South, GSC 95912, x 2. PLATE 2 NARBONNE and AITKEN, Ediacar an fauna 962 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 clavate tubes would respectively represent the gastrozoid, incipient (gonozoid) tentacles and outer (dactylozoid) tentacles. However, experimental taphonomic studies led Norris (1989) to conclude that fossil chondrophorians are very unlikely to preserve a pattern of tentacles similar to that shown by Eoporpita. Evidence that the tubes were originally pliable can be seen in GSC 95916, where three of the tubes are deflected against the margin of a large, unidentified discoid fossil, but their original function remains uncertain. Eoporpita is also known from the Flinders Ranges in Australia and from the White Sea region of the Russian Platform, but had not previously been reported from North America. Genus kullingia Glaessner in Foyn and Glaessner, 1979 Type species. Kullingia concentrica Glaessner in Foyn and Glaessner, 1979. Kullingia? sp. Plate 2, fig. 4 Description. One incomplete disc, partially overlying an indeterminate (?)stalked organism, preserved in convex hyporelief. Disc 160 mm in diameter and less than I mm in relief, marked by concentric ridges uniformly spaced 4 mm apart. Remarks. The specimen is similar in size and morphology to the type species, K. concentrica , differing mainly in the wider spacing between concentric ridges. Foyn and Glaessner (1979) pointed out the similarity between the chambered structure of Kullingia and the concentrically-chambered float (pneumatophore) of a chondrophorian cnidarian. Alternatively, Seilacher (1984, 1989) suggested that some chambered Ediacaran discs may represent sedentary, benthic ‘quasi- autotrophs’ that were segmented to facilitate metabolic processes. Close similarity in morphology between Ediacaran, Palaeozoic, and modern chondrophorians supports the view that they are related (Stanley 1986; Narbonne et al. 1990). Genus medusinites Glaessner and Wade, 1966 Type species. Medusina aster oides Sprigg, 1949. Medusinites aster oides (Sprigg), 1949 Plate 2, figs 6 and 7 For synonymy up to 1987, see Narbonne and Hofmann (1987). 1987 Medusinites asteroides Narbonne and Hofmann, p. 660, pi. 73, figs 7-9 1987 Medusinites asteroides Gureev, pp. 30-31, fig. 10. Description. Nine bipartite discs preserved in convex hyporelief. Smooth outer ring 1 3-4-24-8 mm (mean 1 8-7 mm) in diameter and less than 1-5 mm high with an incomplete outer flange 0-2-1 -2 mm wide preserved on some specimens. Smooth inner disc 4-2-12-4 mm (mean 7 0 mm) in diameter and 0-5—2- 1 mm high separated from outer ring by a sharp annulus. Diameter of the inner disc one quarter of one half of total diameter of the fossil. Fossil surface generally smooth, locally with very faint radial ridges and/or grooves on the outer ring. Remarks. Specimens closely resemble those described by Glaessner and Wade (1966, pi. 97, figs 1 and 2) from Ediacara and by Narbonne and Hofmann (1987, pi. 73, figs 7-9) from the Wernecke Mountains. Sprigg (1949) and Glaessner and Wade (1966) regarded Medusinites as the impression of a medusoid. Alternatively, Fedonkin (1985a) interpreted Paliella , a very similar form possibly synonymous with Medusinites (Narbonne and Hofmann 1987), as a benthic ‘polyp’. The absence NARBONNE AND AITKEN: CANADIAN EDIACARAN FAUNA 963 of specimens that preserve the oral surface suggests that Medusinites represents the base of a sedentary organism which lived with its mouth facing upwards. This is supported by the relatively high relief of some specimens, which implies that their bases were already buried in the mud at the time of sand deposition. Genus pteridinium Giirich, 1933 Type species. Pteridinium simplex Giirich, 1933. Pteridinium sp. Plate 2, fig. 2 Description. One specimen figured by Aitken (1989a, fig. 6a) but not previously described; the scale bar on Aitken’s figure is incorrect, and should read 3 75 cm. Specimen at least 92 mm long (incomplete at both ends), 60-62 mm wide, and with 4-5 mm of relief. Straight, smooth ribs 3-5-4 mm wide passing laterally from median furrow (V-angle = 100-120°) to the margin of the fossil. No evidence of a third vane. Remarks. Pflug (1970) interpreted Pteridinium as a three- vaned, leaf-like structure. Distortion of these flexible organisms led to the wide range in morphology evident in Pteridinium (cf. Richter 1955; Glaessner and Wade 1966; Pflug 1970; Fedonkin 1981), a problem which hinders the recognition of species and comparisons with related forms such as Inkrylovia. Pteridinium was a cosmopolitan taxon that occurred over a broad bathymetric range (Gibson et al. 1984). The specimen from Sekwi Brook South in the first Ediacaran body fossil reported from deep-water carbonates. Genus sekwia Hofmann, 1981 Type species. Sekwia excentrica Hofmann, 1981. Sekwia excentrica Hofmann, 1981 Plate 2, fig. 8 1981 Sekwia excentrica Hofmann, pp. 305-307, fig. 4a-g. Remarks. Sekwia was originally defined by Hofmann (1981) on the basis of twenty-four specimens collected from strata now assigned to the middle part of the Blueflower Formation at Sekwi Brook South. Our fieldwork in 1988 resulted in the discovery of two additional specimens from the same bed. Both specimens are well within the range of variation described by Hofmann (1981). Sekwia excentrica is similar in size and eccentricity to the laterally deformed specimens of Cyclomedusa sp. (PI. 1, fig. 7; Wade 1972, pi. 41, fig. 1) and Sekwia kaptarenkoe Gureev, 1987, but exhibits much lower relief and apparently lacks a central tubercle. One high-relief specimen questionably identified as Sekwia by Hofmann (1981, fig. 4h) was later referred to Beltanelliformis by Narbonne and Hofmann (1987). Re-examination of this specimen by the present authors suggests that it represents an indeterminate fossil that has been badly deformed by loading, and cannot definitely be ascribed to either of these genera. Sekwia probably represents the impression of a highly conical cnidarian (Hofmann 1981), most likely a ‘polyp’ similar in some respects to Cyclomedusa sp., that was flattened and deformed laterally during burial. Plumose Problematicum Plate 1, fig. 3 Description. One incomplete specimen preserved in negative hyporelief. Preserved length 51 mm, with a 964 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 maximum relief of 2-3 mm. Specimen petaloid, with a sharp outer margin. Plumose arrangement of sharp ridges 1—2-5 mm wide and up to 1-4 mm high extending the length of the specimen. Remarks. The specimen superficially resembles tectonic features such as plumose fractures, but this is ruled out by the presence of a thin carbonaceous lamella that evenly covers the entire bedding surface, including the sides and tops of the fine ridges. This indicates that they represent very sharp folds of the bedding surface (prelithification) rather than tectonic fractures of the rock surface (postlithification). The presence of a sharp outer margin is also atypical of plumose fractures. Preservation of the structure in negative hyporelief, and the occurrence of undeformed specimens of indeterminate discoid megafossils preserved in positive hyporelief elsewhere on the same slab (GSC. 95906), both imply that the structure does not represent a load mark, a pattern of rill marks, or some other inorganic sedimentary structure. The specimen resembles the oral surface of a single lobe of Inaria karli Gehling, 1988 in size, preservation in negative hyporelief, and the plumose arrangement of longitudinal ridges, but differs in exhibiting a single rather than double border and in several other respects. Broad comparisons can also be made with Lomosovis Fedonkin, which, however, is parallel-sided rather than petaloid and also differs in the pattern of ridge development. The range of morphology of the Plumose Problematicum is unknown, as it is presently known only from a single, fragmentary specimen. The Plumose Problematicum probably represents a bag-shaped organism that was folded longitudinally during burial. ICHNOFOSSILS Ichnogenus aulichnites Fenton and Fenton, 1937 Type ichnospecies. Aulichnites parkerensis Fenton and Fenton, 1937. Aulichnites ichnosp. Plate 3, figs 1 and 3 Description. Ten specimens preserved in positive relief. Unbranched, horizontal, sinuous to irregularly meandering, 10-1 1 mm wide bilobate trails; one specimen passing laterally into a trilobate trail. Smooth lobes separated by a median furrow 2-3 mm wide. Cross-sectional shape indeterminate, despite sectioning. Remarks. Specimens are approximately twice as large as those figured by Fedonkin (1980, pi. 1, figs 3-5; 1985c, pi. 26, figs 1 and 8) from the Vendian of the White Sea area, but are otherwise similar. They are similar to the type species, A. parkerensis , in size and overall morphology, but differ in the absence of curved striae on the surface of the lobes. Some of the type specimens of A. parkerensis EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs 1 and 3. Aulichnites sp., epirelief. Locality 13, Sekwi Brook North. 1, GSC 95913, x 1. 3, GSC 95914, x 1 Fig. 2. Helminthopsis abeli Ksiazkiewicz, 1977, hyporelief. Locality 26, Sekwi Brook South, GSC 95915, x 0-75. Fig. 4. Eoporpita sp., hyporelief. Locality 3, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95916 (lower left), GSC 95917 (upper right), x I . Fig. 5. Planolites montanus Richter, hyporelief. Locality 30, Majesty Section, GSC 95918, x I. Figs 6-8. Palaeophycus tubularis Hall. 6, hyporelief, locality 13, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95919, x 1. 7, hyporelief, locality 30, Majesty Section, GSC 95920, x 1. 8, cross-section of 7 showing thin clay lining and partial collapse. Fig. 9. Neonereitesl sp. and Planolites montanus. hyporelief. Locality 1 1, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95921 and 95922, x F5. PLATE 3 NARBONNE and AITKEN, Ediacaran fauna 966 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 exhibit a unilobed lower surface (Hakes 1977), a feature not determinable on the present material. These preservational features preclude identification of the Sekwi Brook specimens to the ichnospecies level. Aulichnites is generally interpreted as the grazing trail of a gastropod (Fenton and Fenton 1937; Hantzschel 1975; Howard and Frey 1984) or similar organism. Yochelson and Schindel (1978) doubted this interpretation, but did not offer specific reasons for their view. Aulichnites also ranges throughout the Phanerozoic (Hantzschel 1975). It occurs most commonly in shallow marine deposits (Hakes 1977), but is also found in deep-water turbidites (Hill 1981). Ichnogenus helminthoida Schafhautl, 1851 Type ichnospecies. Helminthoida labyrinthica Heer, 1865. Helminthoida ichnosp. Plate 4, fig. 1 Description. One specimen preserved in part and counterpart, and a second uncollectable specimen studied in the field. Unbranched, unlined, horizontal meandering burrows 2- 1-2-9 mm wide, with smooth surface and fill similar to host lithology. Meanders increasing in amplitude distally from 100-150 mm; wavelength 40-60 mm. Adjacent burrow segments parallel to sub-parallel. Remarks. Helminthoida is a regularly meandering, hemicylindrical trace that shows a strong tendency towards development of parallel meanders (Hantzschel 1975; Ksiazkiewicz 1977). As such, it can readily be distinguished from Taphr helminthoida Ksiazkiewicz (which is bilobate) and Helminthopsis Heer (which is less regularly meandering). The specimens of Helminthoida from Sekwi Brook display the meandering habit diagnostic of the ichnogenus, but are considerably larger and exhibit more open meanders than most Phanerozoic specimens (but see the Early Cambrian specimens of H. miocenica in Crimes and Anderson 1985, figs 7. 3-7. 5). Seilacher (1974, 1977) has documented similar trends in the evolution of other meandering trace fossils such as Nereites, and has related it to a gradual decline in body size and increase in behavioural complexity in deep-sea environments throughout the Phanerozoic. Helminthoida is a characteristic element of Cretaceous-Tertiary flysch deposits (e.g. Seilacher, 1964; Ksiazkiewicz 1970, 1977; Crimes 1977) and also occurs in Recent deep-sea sediments (Chamberlain 1975). It has been reported from Ordovician and Silurian flysch (Pickerill 1980, 1981 ) and from Early Cambrian storm deposits of eastern Newfoundland (Crimes and Anderson 1985). Glaessner (1969) figured complexly meandering burrows from Ediacara under the name ‘Form C’; these have been compared with Helminthoida by Crimes (1987) and are also quite similar to Yelovichnus gracilis Fedonkin, 1985c from the Vendian of the White Sea area. Fedonkin (1985c) has also figured specimens of Helminthoida ichnosp. from the same strata. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Fig. I. Helminthoida sp., hyporelief. Locality 10, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95923, xO-5. Figs 2 and 3. Helminthoidichnites tenuis Fitch, epirelief. 2, locality 6, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95924, x 0 5. 3, locality 19, Sekwi Brook South, GSC 95925, x0-5. Fig. 4. Helminthopsis ? sp., epirelief. Locality 11, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95926, xO-5. Figs 5 and 6. Helminthopsis irregularis (Schafhautl), hyporelief. Locality 26, Sekwi Brook South. 5, GSC 95927, 1. 6, GSC 95928, x 0-75. PLATE 4 NARBONNE and AITKEN, Ediacar an fauna 968 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Ichnogenus helminthoidichnites Fitch, 1850 Type ichnospecies. Helminthoidichnites tenuis Fitch, 1850 Helminthoidichnites tenuis Plate 4, figs 2 and 3 1969 ‘Form B' Glaessner, p. 381, fig. 5b. 71969 ‘Form E’ Glaessner, p. 382, fig. 5f. 1976 ‘crawling trails’ Palij, pi. 26, figs 1 and 2. 1979 ‘crawling trails, first variety’ Palij et al. , p. 77, pi. 53, figs 2 and 4. 1981 Gordia sp. Hofmann, p. 307, fig. 5b. 1981 Gordial sp. Hofmann, p. 307, fig. 5d. 1983 Gordia sp. Fritz et al., pi. 44.1, fig. 3. 1985 Gordia sp. Crimes and Anderson, p. 321, fig. 5.8. 1985c Gordia sp. Fedonkin, pi. 23, fig. 1. 1987 Gordia marina Narbonne and Hofmann, pp. 668-670, text-fig. 10a 1989a Planolites sp. Aitken, fig. 6c. 1989 Planolites beverleyensis Gibson, p. 5, figs 3.8 and 4.1. Description. Numerous specimens (47 measured) preserved in both positive and negative relief on the tops and soles of beds. Irregularly sinuous to meandering, smooth, unlined, cylindrical burrows 1 - 1—3-3 mm (mean = 21 mm) in diameter; diameter constant within a single specimen. Burrows commonly crossing adjacent specimens, and rarely (three examples) crossing previously constructed portions of the same specimen. Specimens preserved in negative epirelief with narrow levees. Specimens preserved in positive relief with fill similar to host lithology, and flanked by narrow grooves. True branching absent, but offset of crossing specimens commonly producing pseudobranches. Remarks. Helminthoidichnites is herein used in the sense of Hofmann and Patel (1989) for irregularly sinuous to meandering burrows with random crossings of the same and adjacent burrows. As such, it differs from Gordia Emmons, 1844 which exhibits long parallel limbs with numerous over- crossings, and from Helminthopsis Heer, 1877 which is irregularly meandering but avoids level crossings of the same or adjacent burrows. The Sekwi Brook specimens are most similar to material from Ediacara described by Glaessner (1969) as ‘Form B’, and to Gordia sp. from the late Precambrian of the Burin Peninsula, Newfoundland (Crimes and Anderson 1985). Specific points of similarity include the size, presence of narrow levees, development of pseudobranches, and the tendency of burrows commonly to cross adjacent burrows but only rarely to cross themselves. Helminthoidichnites is common in the Ediacaran, where it previously has been referred to Gordia or Planolites (see synonymy), and also ranges throughout the Phanerozoic (Hofmann and Patel 1989). It is eurybathic, and probably represents the crawling or feeding trail of a vermiform organism. Ichnogenus helminthopsis Heer, 1877 Type ichnospecies. Helminthopsis magna Heer, 1877 (but see Ksiazkicwicz 1977, p. 116). Helminthopsis aheli Ksi§zkiewicz, 1977 Plate 3, fig. 2 Description. Three specimens preserved in positive hyporelief. Smooth, unbranched, unlined, hemicylindrical burrows 6 0-6-3 mm in diameter, with burrow-fill similar to host lithology. Burrows loosely winding, with a tendency to meandering. NARBONNE AND AITKEN: CANADIAN EDIACARAN FAUNA 969 Remarks. The specimens closely conform in size and morphology to those illustrated by Ksiazkiewicz (1977, pi. 12, fig. 5; text-fig, 21a-/?). H. abeli ranges throughout the Phanerozoic, in rocks of both shallow-marine (e.g. Crimes and Anderson 1985) and especially deep-sea (e.g. Ksiazkiewicz 1977) aspect. It had not previously been reported from the Precambrian. Helminthopsis is an irregularly meandering burrow that avoids level-crossings (Ksiazkiewicz 1977). The ichnogenus has been reported from the Precambrian of the Cassiar Mountains, northwestern Canada (Fritz and Crimes 1985) and the Carolina Slate Belt of the southeastern USA (Gibson 1989), and also ranges throughout the Phanerozoic (Hantzschel 1975). Helminthopsis is eurybathic, but is most commonly reported from deep-water flysch deposits (Pickerill 1981). It represents the feeding or grazing burrow of a vermiform organism, most likely an annelid (Ksiazkiewicz 1977). Helminthopsis irregularis (Schafhautl), 1851 Plate 4, figs 5 and 6 Description -. Numerous specimens preserved in positive hyporelief on eleven slabs. Burrows ranging from irregularly winding to tightly meandering with parallel arms and second-order windings, even within the same specimen. Burrows unbranched and unlined, with fill similar to host lithology, predominantly smooth but with local fiansverse markings. Burrow diameter 1-4-31 mm, with diameter constant within any single specimen. Cress-overs of the same or adjacent burrows absent. Remarks. This ichnospecies was originally assigned to Helminthoida Schafhautl. Ksiazkiewicz (1977) regarded it as a very regular version of Helminthopsis rather than an irregular version of Helminthoida, a view with which we concur. Helminthopsis irregularis exhibits two behavioural approaches to avoid level-crossings (PI. 4, figs 5 and 6). The most common approach is to cross at a stratigraphically higher or lower level than the previous burrow ; this avoids crossings, but requires that the feeding organism leave the organic-rich bedding plane briefly. A less common, but more efficient method is the local development of subparallel meanders to avoid crossing over its own or an adjacent burrow. This represents a primitive version of phobo taxis (sensu Richter 1928), which characterizes meandering burrows in Phanerozoic deep-sea deposits (Seilacher 1967, 1974; Raup and Seilacher 1968). H. irregularis has previously been described only from Mesozoic and Tertiary, deep-water flysch deposits (Ksiqzkiewicz 1977). Paczesna (1988) listed, but has not yet figured or described, a possible specimen from the upper Proterozoic Lublin Formation of Poland. Helminthopsis ? ichnosp. Plate 4, fig. 4 Description. One specimen preserved in negative epirelief. Horizontal burrow 2 mm in diameter consisting of a series of connected arcuate loops. Burrow flanked by narrow levees. Remarks. The single specimen is most similar to one illustrated by Gibson (1989) from the deep- water Carolina Slate Belt of the southeastern U.S.A. Broad comparisons can also be made with Gordia arcuata Ksiqzkiewicz, 1977, but Helminthopsis sp. is considerably less arcuate with turnings confined to the horizontal plane. Ichnogenus lockeia James, 1879 Type ichnospecies. Lockeia siliquaria James, 1879. 970 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 7. a— c, Torrowangea rosei Webby, hyporelief; a, locality 29, Majesty Section, GSC 95929, x 1 ; b, locality 1 5, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95930, x 1 ; c, locality 29, Majesty Section, GSC 9593 1 , xl.D, Knotted circular burrow, hyporelief. Locality 1 1, Sekwi Brook North, GSC 95932, x 0 5. e-h, Lockeia ichnosp., locality 13, Sekwi Brook North; e-g, hyporelief, GSC 95933-95937, x2; h, photomicrograph cross-section, GSC 95938, x 5, NARBONNE AND AITKEN: CANADIAN EDIACARAN FAUNA 971 Lockeia ichnosp. Text-fig. 7e-h Description. Eight specimens preserved in positive hyporelief. Oblong bodies 4-3— 5 6 mm (mean = 5-2 mm) long and 2'4-2-9 mm (mean = 2-7 mm) wide, with a constant length/width ratio of approximately 2:1. Specimens smooth and almond-shaped, with one rounded and one pointed end. Maximum relief 2-2 mm; burrow-fill structureless, and similar in composition to the overlying quartzarenite bed. Sandstone sole sharply upturned in the immediate vicinity of the burrow. Remarks. This ichnogenus is referred to under the name Pelecypodichnus Seilacher by many workers, but we agree with Osgood (1970), Hantzschel (1975) and Maples and West (1989) that Lockeia is a valid name and the subjective senior synonym of Pelecypodichnus. The specimens from Sekwi Brook are similar to L. amygdaloides (Seilacher) in exhibiting an almond-shaped cross-section and a consistent 2:1 length/width ratio, but lack the keel present on some specimens of L. amygdaloides. Based on its symmetry and comparisons with the burrows of modern bivalves, Seilacher (1953) concluded that Lockeia (‘ Pelecypodichnus ’) represents the resting burrow of a bivalve. Seilacher’s view has been supported by virtually all subsequent workers (e.g. Osgood 1970; Eager 1974; Hakes 1976, 1977; Bromley and Asgaard 1979; Thoms and Berg 1985; Wright and Benton 1987), many of whom suggested specific bivalve genera as the originators of the Lockeia in their sections. The Sekwi Brook specimens of Lockeia exhibit typical bivalve symmetry, with a single plane of mirror symmetry that passes longitudinally through the structure. Another feature consistent with a bivalve origin is the upturning of the sole of the bed in the immediate vicinity of the burrow, and the associated upward pinch of clay drapes around the burrow (Text-fig. 7h). This feature has been described from Phanerozoic specimens of Lockeia amygdaloides (e.g. Bromley and Asgaard 1979, fig. 5b), and implies that the mode of burrowing was bivalve-like, and consisted of probing and penetration rather than excavation (Pojeta 1987). Bivalves are the only extant organisms that exhibit both a cross-sectional shape and a mode of burrowing consistent with the Sekwi Brook specimens of Lockeia. However, the oldest confirmed bivalve body fossils are Early Cambrian (Pojeta et al. 1973; Pojeta 1985; Runnegar 1985). The presence of Lockeia in the Ediacaran implies either that very thin-shelled/poorly calcified bivalves evolved in the Late Precambrian, or that Lockeia could also be constructed by a now extinct group of organisms similar to bivalves in some morphological and behavioural aspects. Lockeia is a facies-crossing ichnogenus that is known from a wide range of non-marine (e.g. Bromley and Asgaard 1979) and shallow to deep marine (e.g. Crimes 1977, table 4) settings. Ichnogenus neonereites Seilacher, 1960 Type ichnospecies. Neonereites biserialis Seilacher, 1960. Neonereites! ichnosp. Plate 3, fig. 9 Description. Two specimens preserved in positive hyporelief. Each specimen comprising a gently curved, uniserial string of hemispheres, 0-4-0-7 mm in relief and composed of fine sandstone similar to host lithology; adjacent hemispheres in contact. Hemispheres progressively increasing in size distally. Larger specimen 16-0 mm long, consisting of 7 hemispheres 1 -2—3-5 mm in diameter; smaller specimen 8T mm long, consisting of 4 hemispheres 1 -7-2-7 mm in diameter. Remarks. The specimens are most similar to Neonereites uniserialis Seilacher, but differ in that hemispheres progressively increase in size along the chain. No similar forms of Neonereites have previously been described. 972 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 Neonereites is commonly reported from Ediacaran strata (Text-fig. 6), and also ranges throughout the Phanerozoic (Hantzschel 1975). It is a facies-crossing form (Seilacher 1964; Crimes 1977) which represents the feeding burrow of a vagile vermiform organism, probably an annelid (Hakes 1976). Ichnogenus palaeophycus Hall, 1847 Type ichnospecies. Palaeophycus tubularis Hall, 1847. Palaeophycus tubularis Hall, 1847 Plate 3, figs 6-8 Description. Thirty-four specimens preserved in convex hyporelief and full relief. Straight, curved, to gently sinuous, horizontal, predominantly unbranched, hemicylindrical to cylindrical burrows, 3-7-7 T mm (mean = 5 8 mm) in diameter. Preserved length up to 140 mm. Burrows smooth-walled and very thinly lined with clay, locally partially collapsed, and with fill similar to host lithology. Remarks. The taxonomy of Palaeophycus has been reviewed by Pemberton and Frey (1982), who distinguished it from the similar ichnogenus Planolites Nicholson by the presence of a burrow-lining fill similar to the host lithology, and local evidence of partial burrow collapse. These features reflect passive filling of originally open burrow systems constructed by suspension-feeding or predaceous organisms, predominantly annelids (Pemberton and Frey 1982). Palaeophycus is common in Phanerozoic strata, where it occurs in virtually all sedimentary facies (Pemberton and Frey 1982). It is commonly reported in compilations as ranging in age from ‘Precambrian to Recent’ (e.g. Hantzschel 1975), but the only primary report of Precambrian Palaeophycus known to us is from the Risky Formation of the Wernecke Mountains (Nowlan et a/., 1985). The second variety of ‘crawling traces’ described by Palij et al. (1979, pp. 77-78, pi. 53, fig. 5; pi. 54, fig. 1) from the Vendian of Podolia is broadly similar, but further details of the nature of the burrow fill and the presence or absence of a burrow lining are necessary to determine whether it represents Palaeophycus or Planolites. Ichnogenus planolites Nicholson, 1873 Type ichnospecies. Planolites vulgaris Nicholson and Hinde, 1875. Planolites montanus Richter, 1937 Plate 3, figs 5 and 9 1970 ‘hypichnial and exichnial casts’ Banks, p. 26, pi. \b,d. 1970 ‘trails’ Webby, pp. 87-88, fig. 3b-d, ?fig. 4 a-b. 1972 a ‘threadlike trials' Germs, p. 208, pi. 26, figs 5 and 7, pi. 27, fig. 1. 19726 ‘threadlike trails’ Germs, p. 866, pi. 1, figs 5 and 7, pi. 2, fig. 1. 1973 ‘hypichnial and endichnial burrows’ Banks, p. 4, fig. 4 a. 1977 Planolites sp. Fedonkin, p. 184, pi. 2 cl. 1979 ‘crawling traces, third variety’ Palij et al ., pp. 77-78, pi. 54, fig. 2. 1979 Planolites cf. serpens Palij et al.. p. 73, pi. 42, fig. 6. 1984 Planolites sp. Glaessner, p. 70, fig. 2/7. 1985c Planolites cf. serpens Fedonkin, pi. 28, figs 3 and 6. 1987 Planolites montanus Narbonne and Hofmann, pp. 670-671, text-fig. 10 b.d. 1989 Planolites montanus Gibson, p. 5, fig. 4.1. NARBONNE AND AITKEN: CANADIAN EDIACARAN FAUNA 973 Description. Numerous specimens preserved in convex hyporelief and full relief. Burrows cyclindrical, unbranched and unlined, and with structureless fill dissimilar to host lithology. Burrows highly sinuous and undulatory, occurring on bedding surfaces as small knobs and as discontinuous burrow segments typically less than 5 mm long (but ranging up to 55 mm long). Burrow diameter 03-1-7 mm (mean = 0-8 mm; n = 120). Remarks. The taxonomy of Planolites was reviewed by Pemberton and Frey (1982), who recognized only three valid ichnospecies from among the thirty-three formally defined forms; several new ichnospecies have been named subsequently. The Mackenzie Mountain specimens fall within the diagnosis of P. montanus as ‘relatively small, curved to contorted burrows’ (Pemberton and Frey 1982, p. 870). Planolites is a eurybathic ichnogenus that could be produced by a wide variety of vermiform organisms (Alpert 1975; Pemberton and Frey 1982). Planolites ranges in age from Ediacaran to Recent (Hantzschel 1975). P. montanus occurs throughout the Phanerozoic (Pemberton and Frey 1982, pp. 869-870) and is perhaps the most widely distributed Ediacaran ichnospecies (see synonymy). Ichnogenus torrowangea Webby, 1970 Type ichnospecies. Torrowangea rosei Webby, 1970. Torrowangea rosei Webby, 1970 Text-fig. 7a-c 1981 Torrowangea sp. Hofmann, p. 309, fig. 5c. 1985 Torrowangea rosei Paczesna, pi. 1, figs 1, 2, 5. 1986 Torrowangea rosei Paczesna, p. 35, pi. I, figs 1 and 4 1987 Torrowangea sp. Narbonne et al ., fig. 6c. 1 989a Torrowangea sp. Aitken, fig. 6b. Description. Numerous specimens preserved in positive hyporelief and rarely in negative epirelief. Sinuous to irregularly meandering, horizontal burrows. Burrows unbranched and unlined; cross-overs of the same or adjacent individuals occurring commonly, in some instances forming figure-8 pattern. Burrows 0-8-2-7 mm (mean = 18 mm; n = 160), with irregularly-spaced transverse constrictions resulting in a marked ‘pinch-and- swell’ appearance. Burrow-fill slightly coarser and better sorted than host lithology. Remarks. Torrowangea sp. was described from the Sekwi Brook South section by Hofmann (1981) on the basis of relatively few specimens. Our analysis of several hundred specimens confirms Hofmann’s generic identification, and further suggests that the material can be referred to T. rosei. Irregularly meandering and crossing specimens similar to Webby’s (1970, fig. 18c) holotype occur rarely (Text-fig. 7a, c), but most specimens are sinuous (Text-fig. 7b) and are best compared with two of the paratypes figured by Webby (1970, fig. 18a, b) and with the specimens illustrated by Hofmann (1981) and Paczesna (1985, 1986). The present specimens slightly extend the range of burrow diameters for Torrowangea in both directions, but the mean is well within the range of the type material. The marked ‘pinch-and-swell’ appearance of Torrowangea was interpreted by Webby ( 1970) as a backfill structure, but this is not consistent with the apparent absence of internal structure in longitudinal thin sections of the Mackenzie Mountain specimens. Most likely, it reflects peristalsis. Torrowangea was originally described from the Lintiss Vale Formation of New South Wales, Australia (Webby 1970). The age of this unit is controversial, with some authors favouring a latest Precambrian (probably Kotlin-equivalent) age and others favouring an earliest Cambrian (probably Rovno-equivalent) age (see review in Webby 1984). Narbonne and Myrow (1988) and Walter et al. (in press) believed that the presence of Phycodesl and other complex burrows favoured the latter 974 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 view. Torrowangea has been described from undoubted Precambrian strata (e.g. Paczesna 1985, 1986), and from subtrilobite Lower Cambrian deposits (e.g. Acenolaza and Durand 1973). Pemberton and Frey (1982) tentatively referred IPlanolites octichnus Chamberlain, 1971 from the Carboniferous of Oklahoma to Torrowangea ; our examination of Chamberlain’s specimens indicated that the pattern of meandering is similar but that the irregular transverse constrictions diagnostic of Torrowangea are not present. Torrowangea represents the feeding burrow of a worm-like organism, probably an annelid. It occurs in both shallow-water and deep-water deposits, and is most common in fine-grained, muddy sandstones. In the Sekwi Brook area, specimens also occur in ribbon-bedded lime mudstone. Knotted Burrow Text-fig. 7d Description. Single specimen preserved in positive hyporelief. Unlined(?) hemicylindrical burrow 3-1 mm in diameter forming an irregular circle 59-79 mm in diameter, and forming a crude ‘knot’ at the point of overcrossing. Three arcuate burrows radiating outwards more than 100 mm. Burrow fill similar to host lithology. Remarks. The overall structure is unlike any known to us. The central circle is somewhat larger and less regular than Circulichnis montanus Vyalov, 1971, but is otherwise similar. Circulichnis ranges throughout the Phanerozoic (Fillion and Pickerill 1984), and is also figured under the name Gordia arcuatal from the late Precambrian of the Carolina Slate Belt (Gibson 1989, fig. 3.1). It is eurybathic, but is most commonly reported from deep-water settings (Fillion and Pickerill 1984). Similarity between the diameters of the circle and the branches, termination of all the branches at the circle, and the extreme scarcity of arcuate burrows of similar size elsewhere in the Blueflower Formation, implies that central circular burrow and the radiating arcuate burrows are related. The arcuate burrows may represent different activity by the same species or even organism, or (less likely) may represent branches that pass off the circular knotted burrow at a higher stratigraphic level and descend rapidly to the level of the bedding surface. CONCLUSIONS 1. Ediacaran fossils occur sporadically throughout approximately one kilometre of deep-water strata, encompassing the upper Sheepbed Formation to the top of the Blueflower Formation, in the Sekwi Brook area of northwestern Canada. At least eleven body fossil species and twelve ichnospecies are present in this interval. 2. Ediacaran megafossils at Sekwi Brook comprise mainly sessile, benthic polypoid and frond-like organisms along with a single, presumably pelagic, chondrophorian. The occurrence of a predominantly in situ benthic fauna in muddy slope deposits below storm wave-base is not consistent with the hypothesis that these taxa functioned exclusively as photoautotrophs. 3. The Sekwi Brook megafossil assemblage is broadly similar to that reported from coeval shallow shelf deposits in the Wernecke Mountains, Flinders Ranges and Russian Platform, but apparently lacks the (?)actinian impression Beltanelliformis which is abundant in Ediacaran shallow shelf deposits. Similarity of Ediacaran assemblages in shelf and slope settings implies that the organisms had broad palaeoenvironmental ranges, and enhances their correlation potential. 4. The occurrence of a relatively diverse trace fossil assemblage at Sekwi Brook implies that the initial radiation of infaunal organisms extended into slope settings. The ichnocoenoses includes irregularly and regularly meandering burrows, and may represent a primitive version of the Nereites ichnofacies, which characterizes deep-water Phanerozoic deposits. NARBONNE AND AITKEN: CANADIAN EDIACARAN FAUNA 975 Acknowledgements. We gratefully acknowledge excellent field assistance by Paul Fejer and Lascelles Gayle, and the skill of our Okanagan helicopter pilots Lois Hill, Tony Duckworth and Ray Portlock. Critical comments by M. M. Anderson, M. A. Fedonkin, H. J. Hofmann, R. J. F. Jenkins and R. K. Pickerill greatly improved the manuscript. Olga Iljewiwn translated critical articles, and Clinton Cowan, Steve Forrester, John Milne, and Ela Mazur assisted with drafting and photography. T. E. Bolton (Geological Survey of Canada), R. J. F. Jenkins (University of Adelaide), N. Pledge (South Australia Museum), and K. Westphal (University of Winsconsin, Madison) provided access to relevant type specimens. Narbonne also acknowledges financial assistance from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC Grant A2648) and the Queen’s University Advisory Research Committee. This is Geological Survey of Canada Publication No. 28089. REFERENCES acenolaza, f. G. and durand, f. 1973. 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Calgary, Alberta Canada T2L 2A7 A NEW SPECIES OF LATE CRETACEOUS WOOD- BORING BIVALVE FROM NEW ZEALAND by J. S. CRAMPTON Abstract. A new species of late Campanian or Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) pholadid bivalve, Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) wiffenae , is described from shallow marine transgressive Maungataniwha Sandstone, northwestern Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. It represents the earliest confirmed record for both genus and subgenus. The new species is known from exceptionally well-preserved material, which permits detailed knowledge of external morphology, including all accessory plates, and to a lesser degree, internal morphology. It is assigned to Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) based largely on the nature of accessory plates. In life-habit and some details of morphology, however. P. (H.) wiffenae resembles Opertochasma and Martesia , and may be an evolutionary intermediate between Cretaceous Opertochasma and early Tertiary Pholadidea and Martesia. The present record highlights the need for a comprehensive systematic review of Mesozoic pholadids. The late Cretaceous Maungataniwha Sandstone (Moore 1986), outcropping west and southwest of Lake Waikaremoana, northwestern Hawkes Bay, New Zealand (Text-fig. 1), contains the most diverse faunas of this age known from New Zealand. Included are terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates (Craw and Watt 1987; Moore et al. 1988), marine invertebrates (Glaessner 1980; Wiffen 1980; Crampton 1988; Moore et al. 1988; Crampton and Moore 1990), and terrestrial and marine vertebrates (Keyes 1977; Wiflen 1980, 1981, 1983, 1986; Molnar 1981; Scarlett and Molnar 1984; Wiffen and Moisley 1986; Wiffen and Molnar 1988). Of special note are some exceptionally well-preserved wood-boring pholadid bivalves. A recent discussion of Antarctic Cretaceous pholadids (Kelly 1988) noted the poorly documented record of these bivalves in the Southern Hemisphere, and the present paper describes the first Cretaceous species known from New Zealand. The boring bivalves were collected from a single float concretion in Mangahouanga Stream, a tributary of Te Hoe River. Fossiliferous calcareous concretions are concentrated in Mangahouanga Stream, and are derived from fine sandstone of the late Campanian-Maastrichtian Maungataniwha Sandstone which crops out in both banks of the stream. Bored fossil wood is abundant in the concretions, but to date only the single concretion has yielded shells of the bivalves responsible for the borings. The borings themselves have been identified as ichnospecies Teredolites clavatus Leymerie (PI. 3, figs 6-7; see also Kelly and Bromley 1984). Study of the fauna and sediments in the region of Te Hoe River indicate that the Maungataniwha Sandstone was deposited during a regional marine transgression in a shallow marine nearshore environment on an embayed coastline and in close proximity to a river mouth (Crampton and Moore 1990). Lower Maungataniwha Sandstone includes minor lagoonal sediments, but was deposited mainly on the shoreface or foreshore above fair-weather wave-base. The bulk of this formation was deposited on the lower shoreface to offshore-transition, between fair-weather and storm wave-bases (Crampton and Moore 1990). The stratigraphical position of the fossils described herein is unknown. Fossilized wood occurs as discrete logs and branches which may have borings that enter from all directions, indicating that the wood is probably the same age as the sediment, and was not derived from older, already lithified, lignite beds (see later discussion). The bivalves were collected from araucariacean wood (J. I. Raine, pers. comm. 1989). Morphological terminology used in this description follows that of Turner (1969) and Kennedy (1974), as modified by Kelly (1988). Major features of the shell exterior of Pholadidea (Hatasia) |Palaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 4, 1990, pp. 981-992, 3 pis. | © The Palaeontological Association 982 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig 1. Distribution of Maungataniwha Sandstone (late Campanian-Maastrichtian : shaded) in northwestern Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, showing locality of the fossils described herein (geology after Grindley 1960; Moore 1986; Moore et al. 1988). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs 1-6. Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) wiffenae sp. nov., V19/f6909u, Mangahouanga Stream, northwestern Hawkes Bay, New Zealand (late Campanian-Maastrichtian). All SEM photographs. Note that apparent variations in dimensions are due to orientation of specimen and parallax distortion of the SEM. 1^, TM 6942 (holotype), adult; 1, lateral aspect, left valve, x 51 ; 2, anterior aspect, valves in occlusion, x4-6; 3, ventral aspect, valves in occlusion, x 51 ; 4, dorsal aspect, valves in occlusion, x 51. 5, TM 6940, mesoplax showing periostracal folds, anterior up, x 8-7. 6, TM 6951, mesoplax, anterior up, x 8-2. PLATE 1 CRAMPTON, Pholadideci ( Hcitasia ) 984 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 wiffenae sp. nov. are illustrated in Text-figure 2. In the following discussion, the bivalves are described as juvenile if the anterior gape is entirely open, immature if the gape is partially closed by callum, and adult if the gape is entirely closed by callum. Two specimens of the bivalve were transversely serial sectioned (following the recommendation of Kelly 1988) at 500 pm intervals using a Leitz annular saw. These sections were ground to a thickness of 50 pm for examination. In the text individual thin sections are referred to by distance (in millimetres) from the anterior margin of the shell. Dorsal Anterior Mesoplax sulcus Posterior Ventral text-fig. 2. External morphology of Martesiinae, after Turner (1969), Kennedy (1974), and Kelly (1988). SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Family pholadidae Lamarck, 1809 Subfamily martesiinae Grant and Gale, 1931 Genus pholadidea Turton, 1819 Type species. Pholadidea loscombiana Turton, 1819 (original designation). Subgenus hatasia Gray, 1851 Type species. Pholas melanura Sowerby, 1834 (subsequent designation, Stoliczka 1870). Discussion. The genus Pholadidea is distinguished from other genera in Martesiinae by its single umbonal-ventral sulcus, complete closure of the anterior gape in the adult by a callum which is extended dorsally to cover the beaks, the presence of a mesoplax which is longitudinally divided at some growth stage, and the presence or absence of a metaplax and a hypoplax which, it present, are not separate plates, but result from the deposition of calcite in the periostracum uniting the valves posterior to the umbos (see Turner 1969, p. 716). Two subgenera have been described; P. ( Hatasia ) CRAMPTON: CRETACEOUS WOOD-BORING BIVALVE 985 is distinguished by a relatively closely appressed umbonal reflection, a comparatively large flat mesoplax in the juvenile overlain dorsally in the adult by a longitudinally divided plate, and a variable siphonoplax composed largely of periostracum (Turner 1969, p. 716). Most Pholadidea are shale, soft rock, and coral borers (Turner 1969, see discussion below). Turner (1969) stated that Pholadidea is known from the Eocene-Recent, and the subgenus P. ( Hatasia ) from the Recent only. In his review of Mesozoic pholadids, Kelly (1988) did not list any Cretaceous or older records of Pholadidea. Stephenson (1923, 1941) referred a number of Late Cretaceous species from North America to the genus, but his species are known from incomplete specimens or require reinterpretation in the light of the family taxonomy described by Turner (1969). Campbell et al. (in press) list Pholadidea n. sp., based on well-preserved material, from Palaeocene strata on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Re-examination of their material, however, suggests that this species may belong in Jouannetia ( Pholadopsis ) Conrad. P. (//.) wiffenae sp. nov., therefore, apparently represents the first fossil record for the subgenus, and probably one of the oldest records for the genus. The genus Pholadidea closely resembles both Martesia Sowerby and Opertochasma Stephenson. Martesia are wood-boring pholadids distinguished from Pholadidea by an undivided mesoplax, the absence of a dorsal extension of the callum, and by a metaplax and a hypoplax which are separate calcified plates (Turner 1969; Kennedy 1974). Many Cretaceous pholadids formerly assigned to Martesia have subsequently been referred to Opertochasma , and the earliest confirmed record of Martesia is Palaeocene (Speden 1970; Kennedy 1974; Kelly 1988). Opertochasma are also wood- borers distinguished by the presence of two umbonal-ventral sulci, periostracal flaps on the posterior slope, and incomplete closure of the anterior gape in the adult (Turner 1969; Speden 1970; Kennedy 1974; Kelly 1988). As noted by Kelly (1988), the second umbonal-ventral sulcus shows considerable intra-population variation in strength, and some specimens may be difficult to distinguish from both Martesia and Pholadidea (for example, see Speden 1970, pi. 38, figs 2, 4). The first record of Opertochasma is in the late Jurassic (Kelly 1988). Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) wiffenae sp. nov. is referred to the Martesiinae on the basis of its gross morphology, in particular the complete closure of the anterior gape by a calcareous callum in the adult, and by the absence of protoplax. It is referred to Pholadidea because of its dorsally-extended callum, longitudinally divided adult mesoplax, and weakly calcified metaplex and hypoplax within the periostracum uniting valves. The closely appressed umbonal reflection and nature of the mesoplax are consistent with placement in P. [Hatasia). One significant difference between P. (H.) wiffenae and typical Pholadidea is its wood-boring life- habit. This character, and the well-defined prora (see Turner 1969) suggest affinities with Martesia , whereas the life-habit and comparatively narrow commarginal ridges suggest affinities with Opertochasma. P. (H.) wiffenae , therefore may represent an intermediate between Cretaceous Opertochasma , and early Tertiary Pholadidea and Martesia. It should be stressed, however, that morphological similarities will be the result, in part at least, simply of convergent life habits, which may or may not indicate evolutionary relationships. The influence of substrate type, for example, on shell shape and ornament is outlined in Kennedy (1974). Conclusions about evolutionary relationships, therefore, must await a comprehensive revision of all Cretaceous pholadids, a task hampered by the poor fossil record of this group and the typically incomplete nature of the fossils and early descriptions. Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) wiffenae sp. nov. Plates 1-3; Text-figs 3 and 4 Name. Named after Mrs Joan Wiffen who discovered these bivalves, in recognition of her major contribution to our knowledge of New Zealand late Cretaceous palaeontology. Type specimens. Holotype: TM 6942, V19/f6909n, GS 14241 ; entire articulated phosphatized specimen with all accessory plates preserved. Fifteen paratypes: TM 6938-6941, TM 6943-6953, all from V19/f6909u, GS 986 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 m. text-fig. 3. Interpretive drawings of selected vertical transverse thin sections of Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) wiffenae sp. nov., specimen TM 6953. Sections drawn from photographs, all enlarged x 3-4. Individual drawings oriented dorsal up and arranged with respect to distance from the anterior margin, given below in millimetres. Note that interpretation of sections is hampered by the replacement of originally calcitic shell material by collophane, and the presence of interstitial and cavity-filling collophane. a, I -5 mm. b, 2-0 mm. c, 2-5 mm. d, 3 0 mm. E, 3-5 mm. f, 4-0 mm. g, 8 0 mm. Legend: a = apophysis; as = anterior slope; c = callum; ch = chondrophore; d = disk; h = hypoplax; m = mesoplax; mt = metaplax; p = prora; ur = unrbonal reflection ; uvr = umbonal-ventral ridge. 14241 . All specimens phosphatized. TM 6952 and TM 6953 serial sections at 0 5 mm intervals through juvenile and adult respectively. Type locality. Mangahouanga Stream, float concretion 470 m east southeast of Te Hoe forestry road bridge over stream and approximately 200 m downstream from first major true left tributary above bridge, north western Hawkes Bay, New Zealand (see Text-fig 1). New Zealand national Fossil Record locality V19/f6909a, grid reference NZMS 260 sheet V19 42134700. New Zealand Geological Survey collection GS 14241 and Wiffen collection. Collected by J. and M. Wiffen, February 1987. Description. Small, less than 20 mm long, equivalve, inequilateral. Subconical in lateral and vertical profiles, tapering evenly to posterior; subcircular in transverse profile (PI. 1, figs 1-4; PI. 2, figs 1-4). Prora well-defined, antero- ventral margin with sharp re-entrant (with sides at approximately 100°) resulting in Teredo-Wke anterior (PI. 1, fig. 1 ; PI. 2, fig. I ; PI. 3, fig. 1 ). Posterior-dorsal margin gently convex, posterior margin bluntly rounded, posterior-ventral margin straight to weakly concave. Umbo low, strongly incurved, prosogyrous, at approximately anterior fifth of shell (PI. 2, fig. 2). Unrbonal reflections lower than umbones. Prominent anterior conical cavity beneath unrbonal reflection (PI. 3, figs 1 and 3). Anterior pedal gape confined to ventral EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figs 1—4. Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) wiffenae sp. nov., V19/f6909n, Mangahouanga Stream, northwestern Hawkes Bay, New Zealand (Campanian-Maastrichtian). All SEM photographs. Note that apparent variations in dimensions are due to orientation of specimens and parallax distortion of the SEM. 1 and 3, TM 6941, adult; 1, lateral aspect, left valve, x4-9; 3, dorsal aspect, valves in occlusion, x4-9. 2 and 4, TM 6938, immature; 2, dorsal aspect, mesoplax removed, valves in occlusion, x 51 ; 4, ventral aspect, x 5T. PLATE 2 CRAMPTON, Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) 988 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 text-fig. 4. Reconstruction of Pholadidea (Hatasia) wiffenae sp. nov. Note that juvenile mesoplax (omitted here) may underlie longitudinally divided adult mesoplax shown, and may extend posteriorly well beyond adult mesoplax (see discussion in text). (Drawn by R. C. Brazier.) half of height, subtriangular, dorsal margin of gape concave, almost perpendicular to commissure. Anterior gape entirely closed in adults by a callum, the two halves of which are inferred to have been connected by periostracum medially, are slightly raised above level of anterior slope, and extend dorsally over the umbonal reflection (PI. 1, figs 2 and 3). A few prominent commarginal growth lines present on callum of all specimens examined. Protoplax lacking. Mesoplax of two pear-shaped plates which cover umbones and become fused EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs 1-7. Pholadidea (Hatasia) wiffenae sp. nov., V10/f6909a, Mangahouanga Stream, northwestern Hawkes Bay, New Zealand (Campanian-Maastrichtian). All SEM images except Fig. 6. 1 and 3, TM 6950, juvenile, anterior aspect of prora and umbonal reflection, dorsal up; 1, x 10-5; 3, x34-7. 2, TM 6940, detail of callum at commissure, showing texture resulting from incorporation of clastic grains into periostracum, x 22-4. 4, TM 6941, denticulate ornament on anterior slope immediately adjacent to umbonal-ventral sulcus, dorsal up, anterior to left, x4F6. 5, TM 6949, interior of juvenile, showing apophysis and umbonal-ventral ridge, anterior to right, x 191. 6, TM 6942 (holotype) in life position in araucariacean wood, x 1-7. 7, TM 6954, iclmospecies Teredolites clavatus Leymerie, resulting from boring by Pholadidea (Hatasia) wiffenae sp. nov., aperture to right, x 3-6. PLATE 3 CRAMPTON, Pholadidea ( Hatasia ) 990 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 posteriorly (PI. 1, figs 2, 4-6; PL 2, fig. 3). Mesoplax closely associated with, and possibly partially fused to, dorsal projections of the callum. The juvenile portion of the mesoplax characteristic of subgenus Hatasia (see above), is not clearly visible on any specimens, but may be represented by the (low flange surrounding and possibly underlying the longitudinally divided portion of the mesoplax (PI. 1, figs 4-6). In thin section, specimen TM 6953, interpreted as an adult on the basis of its complete callum, displays a single large flat plate which extends 3-O^TO mm behind the umbo, and which is interpreted as the juvenile mesoplax (Text-fig. 3). This specimen apparently lacks the divided mesoplax observed on other individuals. Metaplax and hypoplax comprising anteriorly tapering, partially calcified periostracum, uniting valves across dorsal and ventral gapes respectively (PI. 1, figs 3 and 4; PI. 2, figs 2^4). Umbonal-ventral sulcus well-defined, narrow. Matched on shell interior by narrow upstanding umbonal-ventral ridge (PI. 3, fig. 5; Text-fig. 3). Sculpture on prora and anterior slope of between 50 and 70 sharply-defined, narrow, rounded commarginal ridges and broader, flat-floored troughs. Ridges finely denticulate on anterior slope (PI. 3, fig. 4). Ridges broader and weaker on disc, fading out over posterior slope of many specimens. Periostracum present over entire shell, thicker on disc and posterior slope than elsewhere. In some specimens clastic grains incorporated into periostracum over callum (PI. 3, fig. 2) and, more commonly, over posterior slope. Siphonoplax short, composed of periostracum or partly calcified periostracum (PI. 2, fig. 1 ; PI. 3, fig. 6). Apophysis relatively short, rod-like, not markedly spatulate at distal end (PI. 3, fig. 5; Text-fig. 3). Dimensions (undistorted specimens, mm). Specimen TM 6938 (immature) TM 6941 (adult) TM 6942 (adult, holotype) TM 6943 (adult) TM 6944 (adult) TM 6945 (?) TM 6946 (adult) TM 6947 (juvenile) TM 6948 (adult) TM 6953 (adult) Length (excluding siphonoplax) Height Width (both valves) 17-6 10-8 110 17-1 9-7 10-4 17 6 1 1-3 1 1-3 17-2 + 10-7 10 6 ? 8-9 8-8 ? c. 110 111 15-5 90 8-9 14-7 + 9-8 9-7 18-9 101 110 c. 12-6 8-1 c. 8-0 Discussion. A number of late Cretaceous pholadids have been described from the Southern Hemisphere, but incomplete knowledge of these, in most cases, prevents detailed comparison with the present species. Martesia leali Stinnesbeck, 1986 (pp. 185-186, pi. 5, fig. 9) from the Maastrichtian of Chile, resembles P. (H.) wiffenae in gross form and life habit, but possesses a coarser ornament (although, as mentioned above, the nature of the substrate can have a marked effect on ornament, see Kennedy 1974). The nature of the accessory plates in M. leali is unknown. Martesia cazadoriana Wilckens, 1907 (pp. 10-1 1, pi. 8, fig. 1 1), from the Campanian-Maastrichtian (Riccardi 1988) of Patagonia, is known only from a single internal mould; and Martesial sp. of Rennie (1930, pp. 205-206, pi. 23, figs 13 and 14) from the late Cretaceous of South Africa, is known from a single incomplete and distorted specimen, and probably does not belong in Martesiinae (Kelly 1988). Many late Cretaceous pholadids have been described from the Northern Hemisphere, and although superficially some of these resemble P. (H.) wiffenae , detailed comparisons should be made within the framework of a comprehensive systematic review of the family. Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Joan and Pont Wiffen who found and extracted these bivalves, and donated them to the NZ Geological Survey. Skilled technical assistance was given by J. Simes (SEM photography), W. St George (light photography), N. Orr (thin sectioning), R. C. Brazier (drawings), and S. Nepe (typing). Earlier drafts of this paper were reviewed and greatly improved by Drs J. G. Begg (New Zealand Geological Survey, Lower Hutt), S. R. A. Kelly (British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge), P. A. Maxwell (New Zealand Geological Survey, Lower Hutt), N. J. Morris (British Museum of Natural History), and R. D. Turner (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University). CRAMPTON: CRETACEOUS WOOD-BORING BIVALVE 991 REFERENCES CAMPBELL, H. J., ANDREWS, P. B., BEU, A. G., EDWARDS, A. R., HORNIBROOK, N. DE B., LAIRD, M. G., MAXWELL, P. a., mildenhall, d. c. and watters, w. a. in press. Cretaceous-Cenozoic geology of the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey Bulletin. crampton, j. s. 1988. A Late Cretaceous near-shore rocky substrate macrofauna from northern Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey Record , 35, 21-24. - and moore, p. R. 1990. 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Paris, 2 volumes, 422 pp., 463 pp. molnar, r. e. 1981. A dinosaur from New Zealand. 91-96. In cresswell, m. m. and vella, p. (eds). Gondwana Five. Fifth International Gondwana Symposium , Wellington , New Zealand , February 1980. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, x + 339 pp. moore, p. r. 1986. Stratigraphy and structure of the Te Hoe-Waiau River area, western Hawkes Bay. New Zealand Geological Survey Record , 18, 4-12. - Isaac, m. j., crampton, j. s. and mazengarb, c. 1988. Late Cretaceous sediments west of Lake Waikaremoana, Urewera National Park. New Zealand Geological Survey Record, 35, 55-60. rennie, m. a. 1930. New Lamellibranchia and Gastropoda from the Upper Cretaceous of Pondoland (with an appendix on some species from the Cretaceous of Zululand). Annals of the South African Museum, 28, 159-260. riccardi, a. c. 1988. The Cretaceous system of southern South America. Geological Society of America Memoir, 168. 1-161. scarlett, r. j. and molnar, r. e. 1984. Terrestrial bird or dinosaur phalanx from the New Zealand Cretaceous. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 11, 271-275. sowfrby, G. b. 1834. Characters of new genera and species of Mollusca and conchifera, collected by Mr Cuming. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 2 (19), 68-72. speden, i. G. 1970. The type Fox Hills Formation, Cretaceous (Maestrichtian), South Dakota. Part 2. Systematics of the Bivalvia. Peabody Museum of Natural History , Yale University, Bulletin, 33, 1-222. Stephenson, l. w. 1923. The Cretaceous formations of North Carolina. Part 1. Invertebrate fossils of the upper Cretaceous formations. North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, 5, xi + 408 pp. - 1941. The larger invertebrate fossils of the Navarro Group of Texas. University of Texas Publication, 4101. 1-641. stinnesbeck, w. 1986. Zu den faunistischen und palokologischen verhaltnissen in der Quiriguina Formation and (Maastrichtium) zentral-Chiles. Palaeontographica, Abteilung A, 194, 99-237. stoliczka, f. 1870. Cretaceous fauna of southern India. Volume III. The Pelecypoda, with a review of all known genera of this class, fossil and Recent. Memoir of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, Series 6, 3 [for 1870-1], 1-222. 992 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 33 turner, R. D. 1969. Superfamily Pholadacea. N702-N741. In moore, r. c. (ed.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part N. Mollusca 6. Bivalvia. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas, 3 volumes, 1224 pp. turton, w. 1819. A conchological dictionary of the British Islands. John Booth, London, iii-xxvi + 272 pp. wiffen, j. 1980. Moanasaurus , a new genus of marine reptile (Family Mosasauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 23, 507-528. 1981. The first Late Cretaceous turtles from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics , 24, 293-299. 1983. The first record of Pachyrhizodus caninus Cope (Order Clupeiformes) from the Late Cretaceous of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 26, 109-119. - 1986. Flying reptiles from the Late Cretaceous. [Abstract], In Geological Society of New Zealand, 16th Annual Conference, 1-5 December 1986. Programme and abstracts. Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication , 35A, 113. — and moisley, w. 1986. Late Cretaceous reptiles (Families Elasmosauridae and Pliosauridae) from the Mangahouanga Stream, North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 29, 205-252. and molnar, r. e. 1988. First pterosaur from New Zealand. Alcheringa, 12, 53-59. wilckens, o. 1907. Die Lamellibranchiaten, Gastropoden etc. der oberen Kreide Siidpatagoniens. Bericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. Breisgau , 15, 1-70. J. S. CRAMPTON New Zealand Geological Survey Typescript received 18 September 1989 P.O. Box 30368 Revised typescript received 4 January 1990 Lower Hutt, New Zealand THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Notes for authors submitting papers for publication in PALAEONTOLOGY and SPECIAL PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY PUBLICATION POLICY AND PRACTICE Scope of publications. Typescripts on any aspect of palaeontology will be considered for publication. Papers on Recent material may be acceptable if their palaeontological relevance is clear. Preference is given to typescripts with more than local significance; those which describe only one or two new species of common genera are not usually published. Short papers and reviews are particularly welcome; publication of lengthy papers (more than 25 printed pages) may take longer. The series Special Papers in Palaeontology is for papers longer than those normally accepted for Palaeontology , or for collections of shorter papers with a theme. Palaeontology and Special Papers in Palaeontology provide opportunities for illustration using plates and text-figures. A high standard of illustration is a feature of both journals. Texts should be brief and illustrations economical. The style should be simple. Care should be taken to avoid long and complicated sentences and unusual words or phrases, so that papers may be read more easily by those whose first language is not English. Submission. Typescripts should be in English, with British rather than American spelling, and should be in final form, i.e. complete and in the style of the journal. Three complete copies of the typescript (including explanatory text for illustrations and tables) should be submitted. Originals of all illustrations must accompany the typescript. Two additional high-quality copies of all illustrations at suggested publication size are also required. Submissions should be made to the Secretary of the Publications Committee at the address given on the inside cover of the current issue of Palaeontology. The Secretary will assign each paper to an editor who will handle all subsequent communication with the author. Papers will be sent to at least two referees. The editor will inform authors of referees’ suggestions to be implemented. Editorial changes will be requested at this stage, but these can be kept to a minimum if authors follow the instructions given below. Adherence to these rules will shorten publication time. Copyright. Authors of papers that are accepted for publication will be asked to sign over the copyright to the Association. THE FORMAT OF THE TYPESCRIPT Typing. Typescripts should be submitted on good-quality paper, preferably of International A4 size (297 x 210 mm). All pages of scripts, including references and explanations of illustrations, should be numbered consecutively. Plate and text-figure explanations should be on separate sheets following the references. Double spacing is required throughout and there should be a margin of 3 cm on both sides. IPalaeontology, Vol. 33, Part 4, 1990, pp. 993-1000, I pl.| © The Palaeontological Association 994 NOTES FOR AUTHORS Style and arrangement . Authors should consult recently published issues of Palaeontology and construct their papers in accordance with the format used. The Title should be short but informative and should normally include fossil group, age, and general location. It should not include the names of new taxa or contain parentheses. A concise Abstract of not more than 200 words is required at the beginning of all papers. An abstract reaches a far wider audience than the journal and therefore it should summarize results (rather than contents) of the paper and must mention all new systematic names. The main text contains three orders of heading. In typescript these should be represented as follows: lst-order headings, upper case letters centred; 2nd-order headings, lower case underlined, flush to the left-hand margin, on a line of their own; 3rd-order headings, as 2nd-order, but followed by a full stop and with the text continuing on the same line. Nothing else should normally be underlined in the text except generic and specific names, and foreign words and phrases that are not anglicized. In the script, references should be cited by the author’s name and the date of the publication, without a comma in between. Parentheses are used as appropriate, e.g. ‘...as discussed by Dickens (1963)’; ‘as discussed previously (Dickens 1963)’. The page reference to any quotation must be given, e.g. Dickens (1963, p. 20). A work with three or more authors (Carton, Pickwick and Squeers 1964), should be shortened (Carton et al. 1964) unless ambiguity results. Consecutive references within the same parentheses should be arranged chronologically and separated by a semicolon; for those by the same author, dates should be separated by commas, e.g. (Dickens 1963, 1965; Carton et al. 1964). Wherever authority and date are cited, including those of higher-level taxa in the systematic section, a full reference must be given. Note that the ampersand (&) is never used in the text. Reference in the text to the author’s own plates should be cited as (PI. 1, fig. 3) and to those in other publications as (Bloggs 1967, pi. 2, fig. 4). References to author’s own text-figures should be cited as (Text-fig. 3a) or ‘in Text-figure 3a’. Again, the lower case should be used when text-figures from other papers are mentioned. Note that figure and plate numbers, etc. that were originally given in Roman numerals should be transliterated into arabic figures in the main text and the references. Explanations of plates , text-figures and tables should be typed (double-spaced and in journal style) and placed at the end of the typescript. Appropriate positions desired for insertion of plates, text- figures and tables should be indicated on the typescript. Explanations should be brief but adequate. Magnifications of each figure or text-figure should be stated. The museum number of the specimen should be given. For example: Fig. 1. Ammonia beccarii (Linne). Repository and catalogue number, description, locality, horizon, magnification. Figs 2-6. Ephidium crispum (Linne). 2, repository and catalogue number, description, locality, horizon, magnification. 3, repository, etc. 4, etc. 5, etc. 6, etc. Systematic work is always introduced by the lst-order heading: ‘SYSTEMATIC PALAE- ONTOLOGY’. Second-order headings are often not appropriate in this section. The conventions of the journal regarding a marginal or a central position on the page, the order of the different sections, the format for synonymies, references to illustrations, etc. can be found by reference to recent issues of Palaeontology and to the example given below. Note that accessory information such as etymology, type data, stratigraphical position (which should be detailed), curatorial information, description, etc., is set in small type. Care should be taken to ensure that diagnoses, descriptions, and discussion are kept distinct. The level of the highest taxon used is at the discretion of the author, but must always be accompanied by authority and date. All references to authorities cited in such headings should be included in the reference list. Only the most important synonymies should be given. Note that figure and plate numbers, etc. that were given in Roman numerals are always transliterated into arabic figures. NOTES FOR AUTHORS 995 Authors are encouraged to use symbols to indicate the degree of confidence with which synonymy entries are referred to the species under discussion. Such symbols are given in Matthews, s.c. 1973. Notes on open nomenclature and on synonymy lists. Palaeontology , 16, 713-719. It may also be useful to consult bengston, p. 1988. Open nomenclature. Palaeontology , 31, 223-227. Additional information at the end of synonymy entries is enclosed in square brackets. The recommended style is: Order phacopida Salter, 1864 Suborder cheirurina Harrington and Leanza, 1957 Family encrinuridae Angelin, 1854 Subfamily encrinurinae Angelin, 1854 Genus encrinurus Emmrich, 1844 Type species. Entomostracites punctatus Wahlenberg, 1818 from the Wenlock of Gotland, Sweden. Subgenus encrinurus (encrinurus) Emmrich, 1844 Type species. As for genus. Encrinurus ( Encrinurus ) macrourus Schmidt, 1859 Plate 41, figs 1-10; Plate 42, figs 1-11; Text-fig. 5 *1859 Encrinurus punctatus var. macrourus Schmidt, p. 438. .1941 Encrinurus punctatus (Wahlenberg) 1821 [a/'c ] ; Rosenstein, text-fig. 4a, pi. 2, fig. 4-4 b. v.1962 Encrinurus macrourus Schmidt; Tripp [partim], p. 469, pi. 65, figs 1, 3, 4; pi. 66, fig. 1 a-c\ pi. 67, figs 2—4: pi. 68, figs 1, 3, ?9; non pi. 65, fig. 2 [ = E. (E.) punctatus ]; pi. 67, fig. 1 ; pi. 68, fig. 2 [ = E. (E.) cf. intersitus sp. nov.]. .1972 Encrinurus (E.) cf. punctatus 2; Schrank [partim], p. 38, pi. 11, fig. 4 [figs 1, 2, 7 = paratypes of E. (E.) ruhneunsis Mannil, 1978; figs 3, 5, 6 indeterminable]. non 1972 Encrinurus (E.) cf. punctatus macrourus Schmidt, 1859; Schrank, p. 42, pi. 12, fig. 6 [? = £.(£.) ruhneunsis Mannil, 1978], fig. 7 [? = E. (E.) punctatus}. References should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order of authors’ names. Each name should be typed in capitals, with the initials after the surname. The year of publication should follow and the title of the paper should be given in full. In all titles capital letters should be used only for proper nouns and for all nouns in German. For papers the name of the journal should be cited in full and underlined; for books the title should be underlined. Volume number (part or fascicule number, in parentheses, only if really necessary) and pagination should be given in arabic figures with the items separated by commas only. Volume numbers only should be given a wavy underline to indicate bold type. Illustration numbers should be given only where these fall outside the cited pagination. For books (including volumes containing collections of papers), publisher, place of publication and number of pages (e.g. 560 pp.) should be given in that order after the title. When a title has been translated or transliterated, the original language should be stated in square brackets at the end. Examples : boucot, a. j. 1981. Principles of benthic marine paleoecology. Academic Press, New York and London, xv + 463 pp. - and Johnson, i. c. 1979. Pentamerinae (Silurian brachiopods). Palaeontographica , Abteilung A, 163, 87-129. cocks, l. r. m. and mckerrow, w. s. 1978. Silurian. 93-124. In mckerrow, w. s. (ed. ). The ecology of fossils. Duckworth, London, 383 pp. 996 NOTES FOR AUTHORS — 1984. Review of the distribution of the commoner animals in Lower Silurian marine benthic communities. Palaeontology , 27, 663-669. Holland, c. H. 1971. Some conspicuous participants in Palaeozoic symbiosis. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society , Series A , 4 (2), 15-26. jaanusson, v. 1979. Ecology and faunal dynamics. 253-294. In jaanusson, v., laufeld, s. and skoglund, r. (eds). Lower Wenlock faunal and floral dynamics - Vattenfallet section, Gotland. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning Afhandlingar och Uppsatser , Stockholm , Series C , 762, 1-294. Northrop, s. a. 1939. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Silurian rocks of the Port Daniel-Black Cape Region, Gaspe. Special Papers of the Geological Society of America , 21, i-ix, 1-302. obut, a. m. 1964. Podtip Stomochordata. 279-337. Stomokhordovye. In orlov, y. a. (ed. ). Osnovv paleontologii : Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Pogonophora, Chaetognatha. Nedra Press, Moscow, 383 pp. [In Russian], orbigny, a. c. v. d. d\ 1853. Note sur le nouveau genre Hvpotrema. Journal de Conchyliologie, 4, 432-438, pi. 10. rasmussen, H. w. 1978. Articulata. T813-T928. In moore, r. c. and teichert. c. (eds). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part T. Echinodermata 2(3). Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas, 215 pp. selden, p. a. 1979. Functional morphology of Baltoeurypterus. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Cambridge. smith, a. b. and wright, c. w. 1988. British Cretaceous echinoids. Part 1, general introduction and Cidaroidea. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society , 141 (578), 1—101, i-vi, 32 pis. stormer, L. 1934«. Merostomata from the Downtonian sandstone of Ringerike, Norway. Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. 1. Matematisk-Naturvidenskapelig Klasse. 1933 (10), 1-125. — 1934b. Downtonian Merostomata from Spitzbergen, with remarks on the suborder Synziphosura. Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. I. Matematisk-Naturvidenskapelig Klasse, 1934 (3), 1-26. whittard, w. f. 1934. A revision of the trilobite genera Deiphon and Onycopyge. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10), 14, 505-533. Whittington, h. b. 1977. The Middle Cambrian trilobite Naraoia , Burgess Shale, British Columbia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 280, 409-443. Authors’ names and addresses should be typed on the right-hand side of the page after the reference list. Footnotes are not allowed. Permission to publish, for example, should be included with the other acknowledgements. LINE ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLES Text-figures. Original drawings, in black on good-quality white card or on good-quality drawing film, should be submitted with the typescript. They should be no larger than double the final size. When reduced they must not exceed the type area of a page, 200 x 147 mm. If the caption of a full- page figure is long, allowance for its inclusion on the same page should be made by reducing the height of the figure. In composing smaller text-figures, space on the page is best used if the figure is wide rather than long, and the full width of the page should be used where possible. Individual line drawings within one text-figure should be identified by capitals (a, b, c, etc.) added by the author. All descriptive lettering should be inserted by the author and should be readable when reduced to publication size. Typewriting is not acceptable on text-figures. A linear scale may be included. Tables. Tables that cannot be typeset should be carefully drafted to the same standards as text- figures. Fold-out tables are not acceptable, because of prohibitive cost. If a table of larger than page size is essential, it should be arranged for two facing pages. NOTES FOR AUTHORS 997 PLATES AND TEXT-PHOTOGRAPHS Maintaining a high standard of plate quality is an editorial priority. Authors are reminded that the published plate cannot be of better quality than the original. Plate X shows some of the common defects noted in plates submitted for publication. If your plates show any of these defects, they should be corrected before submitting them to the journal, or they will be returned. Size. The size of plates is 200 x 147 mm. Where authors have photographs which fill less than a full page, they will be referred to as text-figures. These will be reproduced by the same process as plates. Every effort should be made to ensure that no page space is wasted, particularly in the width of text- figures composed of photographs. However, wherever possible plates rather than photographic text-figures should be submitted. Plates and photographic text-figures should be submitted at publication size. Magnifications of individual figures should be stated in the caption, and not indicated by scale-bars on the photographs. Lighting. The convention of lighting fossils from the top left should be followed. Preparation of photographic prints. Photographs should be sharply in focus and printed on glossy paper. They should be of medium contrast, using the range of shades of grey but avoiding extremes of black and white. Artefacts such as dirt or scratches should be absent from the prints. All prints on a plate should be of even tone and contrast. For this reason, it is often better to avoid mixing conventional photographs with photomicrographs. Where possible, remove labels from macro- fossils before photography. Avoid unsightly backgrounds. Mounting. Mount the prints on clean, white board of A4 size, using dry mounting tissue or a non- aqueous glue. Maximum thickness of board should be ^ inch or 1-5 mm. Use the same method for all prints. Avoid glue on the background or on the print surface. Place prints as close together as is reasonable, making full use of plate space. Rectangular prints should not only be cut rectangular but also mounted parallel to each other and to the sides of the plates. Spacing should be as uniform as possible: Plates 24-30 in Volume 32, Part 1 are good examples to follow. Leave space for figure numbers either directly below each print or by cutting off a small corner at 45° to the print edge. When it is desirable to remove the background from around a fossil, the print should be carefully trimmed to the edge of the fossil and mounted on clean white board. Black backgrounds are permitted, but the author is responsible for accurately delimiting the edge of the fossil; roughly trimmed prints can be precisely outlined using black drafting ink. Each plate should be protected by a tracing paper overlay attached along the upper edge. The author’s name, title of the paper and the number, should be written on the back of the original of each text-figure and plate. Numbering. For plates, figure numbers should normally run consecutively from left to right and from top to bottom of each plate. Numbers should be written in appropriate positions on the overlays but not on the plates. All numbers are added in required positions by the printers, although space for such numbers should be allowed when the plate is made up by the author. Lettering and arrows should be avoided, but where absolutely necessary should be added to the overlay. For photographic text-figures, lettering will also be added by the Press and should be indicated on the overlay. It should be kept to a minimum. ADMINISTRATION Preservation of types and other specimens. In accordance with recommendations of the International Codes of Botanical and Zoological Nomenclature, all illustrated and described fossils must be 998 NOTES FOR AUTHORS registered and deposited in an appropriate permanent institution, with staff and facilities capable of ensuring their conservation and availability for future reference in perpetuity. The registered numbers should be quoted. Proofs. Authors will normally receive one proof ; this proof is for the purpose of correcting printer’s errors and not for altering the wording or substance of the paper. Authors will be charged for excessive alterations. The editors will be responsible only for authors’ corrections notified by return of post. Whenever possible, photographic proofs of publication quality will also be sent to the authors. Offprints. Fifty offprints of each paper will be sent free of charge; further copies may be purchased at prices shown on the order form which will be sent with the proofs to the author (or corresponding author in the case of multi-author papers). Deposition of data. The Association makes use of the scheme run by the British Library, Lending Division, whereby tables of data and other reference material can be deposited with the British Library rather than printed. The deposited material is stored on microfiche, and either microfiche or full-size copies may be obtained from the British Library by applicants (preferably using British Library prepaid coupons) on a standard scale of charges which allows for postage, etc. The British Library will accept deposited material only through the Publications Committee of the Association; all such material will be referred to as part of a published paper. The published paper will bear a reference to deposited copy with full details of its pagination and means of acquisition, e.g. ‘...have been deposited with the British Library, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, UK, as Supplementary Publication No. SUP 14003 (26 pages)’. Prepaid coupons for such purposes are held by many technical and university libraries throughout the world. They may be purchased from the British Library, Lending Division, Boston Spa, Wetherby, Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, UK. Association policy is that neither plates nor formal taxonomic data will be considered for deposition. Authors should indicate and separate those parts of their papers that they propose for deposition; the Publications Committee may also recommend that part of a paper should be deposited rather than be printed. Preparation of copy for deposition. Copy must be prepared by the author according to the following specifications. Editors will not undertake the preparation of copy. i. Copy must be camera-ready. ii. Maximum page size for text or tables in typescript or computer printout is 330 mm high x 240 mm wide, including margins. Preferred page size is A4. iii. Tabular matter should be headed descriptively on the first page, with column heading recurring on each page. EXPLANATION OF PLATE X Figs I -9. How not to make a plate. Overall, this plate is wasteful of space, individual figures are inaccurately trimmed and spaced, and are parallel neither to each other nor to the edges of the plate; cut-offs to accommodate numbers are excessive and variable, the sequence of numbers is inconsistent, and the numbers themselves are inconsistently and, in some cases, ambiguously placed. The plate includes illustrations both of hand specimens and electron micrographs: these rarely blend harmoniously. Faults on individual figures are as follows. 1, scratches on print (possibly from negative). 2, lacks contrast, bottom left corner missing. 3, out of focus, bottom of specimen too near edge of print. 4, lacks depth of field, so that lowest portions of specimen are out of focus. 5, data zone left on, contrast too high so that some areas are completely white and show no detail, central canal clumsily retouched, right-hand canal chopped in half by insensitive cropping of print. 6, butt-edged (badly) to 5, resolution poor leading to fuzziness, scan-lines produced by poor earthing of specimen. 7, specimen edge clumsily blacked-out. 8, specimen edge clumsily trimmed. 9, poor lighting has resulted in bottom edge of specimen merging with background. PLATE X l PALAEONTOLOGY, How not to make a plate 1000 NOTES FOR AUTHORS iv, Prefatory text, which should contain the abstract from the parent paper, should be included. v, All pages must be consecutively numbered. Authors with large sections for deposition are advised to consult the Secretary of the Publications Committee for further information. SPECIAL PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY Preparation of papers for this series should be in the same style as for Palaeontology. Submission. Prospective authors should consult the Publications Secretary well in advance of submission, supplying as much information as possible. Cost of publication. The Association’s funds for this series are limited. Authors are asked to obtain grants wherever possible. Scripts should not normally exceed the equivalent of 1 10 published pages. Offprints. A small number of free offprints will be supplied, and further copies may be obtained at a special reduced charge. For multiple-author volumes such as conference proceedings, authors will receive one free copy of the volume, but no free offprints. Offprints of individual papers may be ordered at the standard charge. Details will be supplied at the time by the editor concerned. GRANTS IN AID OF PUBLICATION Palaeontology has no compulsory page or plate charges. However, authors are requested to seek grants in aid of publication from their institutions or from research funds, or to apply for publication costs in research grants. Such financial support is particularly welcome, and may be essential, for long papers. Although acceptance of a paper for publication will not depend on the receipt of such grants, authors will appreciate that the funds available to the Association for publication are limited. Every grant or donation will therefore directly help the Association's publication programme. 1990 The Editors THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNCIL FOR 1989 Membership and Subscriptions. Membership totalled 1,285 on 31 December 1989, an increase of 10 over the previous year. There were 808 Ordinary Members, an increase of 4; 83 Retired Members, an increase of 10; 1 13 Student Members, an increase of 4, and 281 Institutional Members, a decrease of 8. Total individual and institutional subscriptions to Palaeontology through Basil Blackwell’s agency numbered 438, an increase of 2. Subscriptions to Special Papers in Palaeontology numbered 100 individuals, a decrease of 9, and 114 Institutions, a decrease of 3. Orders through Basil Blackwell’s agency for Special Papers totalled 108 volumes. Sales of backparts of Palaeontology via the Membership Treasurer realized £370 05. Sales of back numbers of Special Papers in Palaeontology to individuals yielded £771 • 50, and to Institutions £219 00. Almost all sales of the Field Guides to Fossils series resulted from the activities of the Marketing Manager, Fossils of the Chalk yielding £2,381, Fossil Plants of the London Clay , £413 and Zechstein Reef Fossils and their Palaeoecology, £587. The Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils yielded £959 (£870 of which was royalties from sales), the Burgess Shale Portfolio yielded £88 and sales of the Malta Field Guide , £2-50. Finance. During 1989 the Association published Volume 32 of Palaeontology at an estimated cost of £72,208 (including postage and distribution). Special Papers 41 and 42 were published at an estimated cost of £4,600 and £9,300 respectively (including postage and distribution). The Association is grateful to all those who made donations to offset the cost of publishing Palaeontology and Special Papers. Publications. Volume 32 of Palaeontology , published in 4 parts during 1989, contained 917 pages and 107 plates. Special Papers 41 and 42 were published. Due to the sudden closure of the Oxford University Press Printing House, the Association had to appoint new printers; Cambridge University Press were chosen and Parts 2-4 of Palaeontology were printed there. Meetings. Nine meetings were held in 1989. The Association is indebted to the organizers, hosts and field leaders of these. a. Review Seminar on ‘The Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary’ held on 15 February at the University Museum, Oxford and convened by Dr R. A. Spicer. b. Lyell Meeting held jointly with the Geological Society, on ‘Palaeoclimates’ on 22 February at Burlington House and convened by Dr C. P. Summerhayes. c. Thirty-second Annual General Meeting held in the Department of Geology, Imperial College on 1 5 March. Dr Dianne Edwards delivered the Annual Address on ‘Pioneering plants’. The Sylvester-Bradley Award was made to Patrick Wyse Jackson. d. Field Meeting to Yorkshire Jurassic plant localities, led by Dr C. R. Hill on 7-9 April. 21 people participated. e. Progressive Palaeontology meeting, an open meeting for presentations by research students was held at University of Wales College of Cardiff on 17 May. It was convened by Andrew King. /. Seminar and Workshop on ‘Physical Modelling in Palaeontology’ was held at the Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge on 9 October. It was convened by Sue Rigby and Clare Milsom. g. Joint One Day Meeting with the Malacological Society on ‘The functional morphology of the mollusc shell’, held on 25 October in the British Museum (Natural History). The meeting was convened by Dr J. D. Taylor and Dr J. A. Crame. Approximately 75 people attended. h. Review Seminar on ‘ Macroevolution ’ held at the Open University on 15 November and convened by Dr P. W. Skelton. Over 180 people attended. i. Review Seminar held jointly with the Geological Society, on ‘Carbonate buildups’ on 30 November at Derbyshire College of Higher Education. The convenor was Dr P. Bridges and there were 80 participants. j. The Annual Conference , held at the University of Liverpool on 18-21 December was an open meeting, with a thematic session on ‘Functional Morphology’. The Local Secretary was Dr C. R. C. Paul and the meeting was attended by about 1 50 people. 1002 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Council. The following members served on Council following the Annual General Meeting on 15 March 1989. President , Dr J. D. Hudson; Vice-Presidents , Dr P. W. Skelton, Dr M. Romano; Treasurer , Dr M. E. Collinson; Secretary , Dr P. Wallace; Membership Secretary , Dr H. A. Armstrong; Institutional Membership Treasurer , Dr A. W. Owen; Editors , Dr M. J. Benton (also Public Relations Officer), Dr J. E. Dalingwater, Dr D. Edwards, Dr C. R. C. Paul, Dr P. A. Selden, Dr P. D. Taylor; Marketing Manager , Dr C. R. Hill; Circular Reporter , Dr D. Palmer; Other Members , Dr J. A. Crame, Dr G. B. Curry, Dr E. A. Jarzembowski, Dr R. A. Spicer. Dr D. M. Martill was co-opted in 1989. Council Activities. In conjunction with other Societies, Council lobbied the Post Office to issue a set of commemorative stamps in 1991 to mark the 150th anniversary of the first use of the term ‘dinosaur’ by Sir Richard Owen. The suggestion was accepted and four postage stamps bearing pictures of four British dinosaurs representing four major types of dinosaur will be issued in 1991. Many amateur palaeontologists make highly significant and often entirely altruistic contributions to palaeontology, ranging from the making of collections to their study, care and conservation. Council has decided to recognize this contribution by an Award for Amateur Palaeontologists: the first award will be made to Mr Alan Dawn at the AGM in March 1990. The new A5 format Palaeontology Newsletter continues to be published, although problems with printers made it necessary to combine issues 3 and 4 in one volume. It is attracting favourable comment and varied contributions are beginning to be submitted. BALANCE SHEET AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 1989 Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1989 1988 £ £ 52,359 6,596 28,966 2,476 450 6,811 Investments at Cost (see schedule) . Current Assets Sundry Debtors . Cash at bank . . . . . Sylvester- Bradley Fund . Loans ...... Stocks at valuation 45,299 Current Liabilities 3,060 Subscriptions received in advance . Provision for cost of : Palaeontology . . . . Special Papers . . . . 7,880 Sundry creditors . . . . 10,940 34,359 £ £ 55,691 . 3,213 . 56,706 . 2,587 450 4,525 67,481 3,752 16,000 13,900 1,305 34,957 32,524 86,718 88,215 Represented by: Publications Reserve Account 99,726 Balance brought forward ........ Excess of income over expenditure for the year transferred from 83,025 83,025 (16,701) from Income and Expenditure Account (1988) deficit . Sylvester- Bradley Fund 1,386 1,885 Balance brought forward ........ 2,476 86 Interest ............ 169 (200) Grant awarded .......... (200) 705 Donations ........... 142 2,476 1,217 — Meeting Reserve 86,718 88,215 1003 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31 December 1989 INCOME 1988 £ Subscriptions 1989 1988 39,833 Palaeontology Sales ....... Donations ...... 34,226 Special Papers Sales ....... Donations ...... 11,292 Burgess Shale Portfolio 53 Sales ....... Fossil Plants of the London Cla y 951 Sales ....... Fossils of the Chalk 6,340 Sales ....... Zechstein Reef Fossils 82 Sales Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils 811 Sales Palstat Income ....... Expenses ...... 82 (201) Offprints Profit on Sales of Investments 10,153 Investment Income (see schedule) 54 Sundry Income £ 38,663 717 34,024 518 5,558 2,000 £ 39,380 34,542 7,558 413 2,427 587 959 1,178 3,454 11,297 3 £103,676 £101,886 1004 1988 £ 82,420 18,038 5,029 1,366 2,499 250 3,867 6,908 £120,377 (16,701) EXPENDITURE Cost of Publication of Palaeontology Volume 32 - Part I Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (prov.) Paper purchased from OUP Cost of Publication of Special Papers No. 41 (prov.) .... No. 42 (prov.) .... Fossils of the Chalk Cost of books sold Z ec h stein Reef Fossils Cost of books sold Cost of Scientific Meetings . Advertising Field Guides Series Warehousing of Publications Grants Cost of Newsletters Preparation ..... Postage Credit ...... Administrative Costs Postage, stationery, telephone Editorial expenses .... Meeting expenses .... Audit fee .... Stockbroker fee Membership of Societies £ £ 18,272 18,336 14,316 16,000 5,284 72,208 4,600 9,300 13,900 1,889 1,889 397 397 579 449 (3,193) 50 4,860 3,259 (1,125) 6,994 3,150 965 2,155 275 564 118 7,227 £100,500 Excess of Income over Expenditure for the Year Transferred to Publications Reserve Account (1988 deficit) . . . . £1,386 1005 Schedule of Investments and Investment Income as at 31 December 1989 Gross Income Cost for Year £ £ £2,000 11% Exchequer Stock 1991 1,991 220 £1,000 9% Treasury Stock 1992/96 992 90 £10,000 9% Treasury Stock 1994 ........ 9,943 900 £4,000 8% Treasury Stock 2002/6 2,192 320 £5,357 13|% Treasury Stock 1997 5,000 710 £3,280 13|% Exchequer Stock 1996 ....... 3,000 434 5,270 M & G Charifund Units 4,073 1,945 1,872 M.E.P.C. p.l.c. 25p shares . 4,939 177 2,280 National Westminster Bank p.l.c. £1 Ordinary Shares 3,929 451 10,150 Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd. 7|% Debenture Stock 1991/93 8,251 786 10,000 New Throgmorton Trust (1983) p.l.c. 25p Income Shares . 1,706 739 1,460 Saatchi & Saatchi 6-3 % Convertible Cumulative Redeemable Preference £1 Shares ........ 1,994 123 £2,100 Hanson Trust p.l.c. 10% Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2007/12 2,974 210 £4000 Cable & Wireless 7% convertible unsecured loan stock 2008 4707 140 7,369 Bank Interest .......... 3,924 55,691 11,297 Market Value at 31 December 1989 ( 1 988— £9 1 ,93 1 ) £103,579 Report of the Auditor to the Members of The Palaeontological Association In my opinion, the Accounts as set out above give a true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the Association at 31 December 1989 and of its income and expenditure for the year ended on that date. March 1990 G. R. Powell Market Harborough, Leicestershire Chartered Accountant 1006 INDEX Pages 1-256 are contained in Part 1 ; pages 257-502 in Part 2; pages 503-748 in Part 3; pages 749-992 in Part 4. A Acanthoceras amphibolum, 98; bellense , 92 Acritarchs: Proterozoic, Norway, 287 Aemula inusitata , 864; sp., 865 Aitken, J. D. See Narbonne, G. M. and Aitken, J. D. Aldridge, R. J. SeeTheron, J. N., Rickards, R. B. and Aldridge, R. J. Allmon, W. D., Nieh, J. C. and Norris, R. D. Drilling and peeling of turritelline gastropods since the late Cretaceous, 595 Alzadites alzadensis sp. nov., 398; incomptus sp. nov., 399; westonensis sp. nov., 398; sp. A, 400 Alzadites! sp., 400 Ammonites: Cretaceous, USA, 75, 379; Kosmoceras preyed upon by fish, Jurassic, England, 739 Amphibians: frog, Jurassic, England, 299; microsaur, Permian, USA, 893; Triassic, England, 873 Anagaudrvceras involulum, 84 Anechocrinus nalbiaensis sp. nov., 67 Anisoceras cf. plicatile , 142 Arachnidium smithii, 20 Arachnoidella abusensis sp. nov., 26 Argyrotheca bronnii, 857 ; coniuncta , 857 ; hirundo , 858 Aulichnites ichnosp., 964 Australia: Permian crinoids, 49; Quaternary birds, 447 B Baker, P. G. The classification, origin and phylogeny of thecideidine brachiopods, 175 Baird, R. F. and Rowley, M. J. Preservation of avian collagen in Australian Quaternary cave deposits Baumiller, T. K. Non-predatory drilling of Missis- sippian crinoids by platycerid gastropods, 743 Beltane l la gilesi, 956 Bioimmuration, 1, 19 Biomechanics: trilobite exoskeletons, 749 Birds: Quaternary, Australia, 447 Bivalves: Caenozoic heterodont superfamily Dreis- senacea, 707 ; gryphaeate oysters, Jurassic, western Europe. 453; wood-boring, Cretaceous, New Zea- land, 981 Borissiakoceras orbiculatum , 85, 385 Brachiopods: thecideidine classification, origin and phylogeny, 175; late Cainozoic, South Africa, 313; Cretaceous, England, 823 Brunton, C. H. C. and Hiller, N. Late Cainozoic brachiopods from the coast of Namaqualand, South Africa Bryozoa: Jurassic, England and France, 19 Buccinammonites minimus sp. nov., 414 C Cainozoic: brachiopods. South Africa, 313; drilling and peeling predation of gastropods, 595; hetero- dont bivalves, 707 Calceolispongia abundans , 68 Calycoceras (Newboldiceras) sp., 106 Cambrian: eocrinoid, Spain, 249; trilobite, Wales, 429; trilobite eyes, China, 911 Canada: Cretaceous dinoflagellate, 35; Precambrian ediacaran fossils, 945 Cancellothyris platys sp. nov., 335 Capitosauridae incertae sedis , 880 Carboniferous: gastropod drilling of crinoids, USA, 743; hyoliths, USA, 343 Cardoarachnidium bantai sp. nov., 28; Cardoarach- nidium bantai sp. nov., 28; voigti sp. nov., 30 Carneithyris subcardinalis, 840 Carroll, R. L. A tiny microsaur from the Lower Permian of Texas: size constraints in Palaeozoic tetrapods, 893 Carthaginites aquilonius , 417 Cenozoic. See Cainozoic Cephalopods: orientation of shells in illustrations, 243 Cermatops discoidalis, 431 Char nio discus! sp., 958 China: Cambrian trilobite eyes, 91 1 Clarkson, E. N. K. See Zhang Xi-Guang and Clark- son, E. N. K. Classification: Foraminifera, 503; thecideidine brach- iopods, 175; trilobites, 529 Cobban, W. A. See Kennedy, W. J. and Cobban, W. A. Collagen: preservation in Quaternary birds, 447 Communities: Silurian, Welsh Borderland, 209 Computer-aided restoration, 429 Colinoceras tarrantense, 107; sp., Ill Conodont : Ordovician, South Africa, 577 Corals: Silurian, northern Europe, 769 Crampton, J. S. A new species of late Cretaceous wood-boring bivalve from New Zealand, 981 Crania afif. craniolaris , 836 Craniscus sp., 837 1008 INDEX Cretaceous: ammonites, USA, 75, 379; bivalve. New Zealand, 981; brachiopods, England, 823; dino- flagellate, Canada, 35; drilling and peeling pre- dation of gastropods, 595; spiders, Spain, 257; woods, USA, 225 Cretaraneus vilaltae sp. nov., 270 Cretirhynchia limbata , 838; sp., 838 Crinoids : drilled by gastropods. Carboniferous, USA, 743, Permian, Australia, 49 Critical point drying, 423 Cryptometoicoceras mite sp. nov., 412 Cunningtoniceras inerme, 128; johnsonanum , 124; lonsdalei , 121 ; sp. juv., 391 Cyclomedusa plana , 958, sp., 959 D Dalligas nobilis, 866 Database: deductive enquiry system for museum material, 613 Dendrocystoides scoticus , 633 Dichocrinusl gerringgongensis sp. nov., 53 Dinoflagellate: Cretaceous, Canada, 35 Dipteronotus cyphus, 874 Donacophyllum neumani sp. nov., 814; wallstenense sp. nov., 818 Donovan, D. T. See Rogers, M. J., Donovan, D. T. and Rogers, M. H. Doyle, P. Teuthid cephalopods from the Lower Jurassic of Yorkshire, 193 Dracius carnifex, 856 Dunveganoceras pondi , 403 E Ediacaran fossils: Canada, 945 Ediacaria sp., 960 England: Cretaceous brachipods, 823; Jurassic Bryo- zoa, 19; Jurassic fish preying on ammonites, 739; Jurassic frog, 299; Jurassic teuthids, 193; Silurian marine communities, 209; Triassic fish. 873 Entelophyllum articulation , 778 ; articulatum anglicum subsp. nov., 782; confusum , 798; dendroides sp. nov., 791 ; fasciculatum, 785; cf . fasciculatum, 788; hamraense sp. nov., 800; lauense sp. nov., 799; proliferum , 790; prosperum, 796; prosperum cras- sum , 798; pseudodianthus , 793; pseudodianthus transiens , 796; sp. A, 790 Entelophyllum ? dalecarlicum , 806; visbyense , 802 Eocrinoid: Cambrian, Spam, 249 Eocyclotosaurus sp., 878 Eodiscoglossus oxoniensis sp. nov., 301 Eoindocrinus praecontignatus, 64 Eoporpita sp., 960 Ericiasphaera spjeldnaesii sp. nov., 291 Escuillie, F. See Hugueney, M., Tachet, H. and Escuillie, F. Evans, D. H. and King, A. H. The affinities of early oncocerid nautiloids from the lower Ordovician of Spitsbergen and Sweden, 623 Evans, S. E., Milner, A. R. and Mussett, F. A new discoglossid frog from the Middle Jurassic of England, 299 Evolution : gryphaeate oysters, Jurassic, western Europe, 453 Eyes: Cambrian eodiscid trilobites, 911 F Fish: Triassic, Italy, 155; application of critical point drying, 423; semionotids preying on ammonites, Jurassic, England, 739; Triassic, England, 873 Foraminifera : classification, 528 Forbesiceras brundrettei, 91; conlini , 92; cf. chevillei, 91 Fortey, R. A. Ontogeny, hypostome attachment and trilobite classification, 529 France: Jurassic Bryozoa, 19; Miocene caddisfly pupae, 495 Fraser, N. C. See Milner, A. R., Gardiner, B. G., Fraser, N. C. and Taylor, M. A. Frog: Jurassic, England, 299 G Gardiner, B. G. See Milner, A. R., Gardiner, B. G., Fraser, N. C. and Taylor, M. A. Gastropods: drilling and peeling predation of turri- tellines, Cretaceous and Cainozoic, 595; drilling into crinoids, Carboniferous, USA, 743 Gerkella humboldti sp. nov., 351 Gisilina gisii , 849; jasmundi , 850 Gogia ( Alanisicvstis ) andalusiae subgen. et sp. nov., 250 Graptolites: Ordovician, Scotland, 933; Silurian, Northern Ireland, 937 H Hamites cimarronensis, 140, 414; salebrosus , 415 Harding, I. C. Palaeoperidinium cretaceum : a brack- ish-water peridiniinean dinoflagellate from the early Cretaceous, 35 Harper, L. See Martill, D. M. and Harper, L. Haynes, J. R. The classification of the Foraminifera - a review of historical and philosophical perspec- tives, 503 Helminthoida ichnosp., 966 Helminthoidichnites tenuis , 958 Helminthopsis abeli, 968 ; irregularis , 969 Helminthopsisl ichnosp., 969 Hiller, N. See Brunton, C. H. C. and Hiller, N. INDEX 1009 Hughes, N. C. and Rushton, A. W. A. Computer- aided restoration of a late Cambrian ceratopygid trilobite from Wales, and its phylogenetic impli- cations, 429 Hugueney, M., Tachet, H. and Escuillie, F. Caddisfly pupae from the Miocene Indusial Limestone of Saint-Gerard-le-Puy, France, 495 Hyolithesl aculeatus, 351; carbonaria , 352; milleri , 353; parvulus , 353; waverliensis, 354 Hyoliths: Carboniferous, USA, 343 I Idiohamites bispinosus sp. nov., 416; pulchellus sp. nov., 416 Illustration: orientation of cephalopod shells, 243 Indusia tubulosa , 496 Insects: caddisfly pupae, Miocene, France, 495 Isocrania costata , 836 Italy: Triassic fish, 155 J Jefferies, R. P. S. The solute Dendrocystoides scoticus from the Upper Ordovician of Scotland and the ancestry of chordates and echinoderms, 631 Jeletzkyteuthis agassizi, 198 Jell, J. S. and Sutherland, P. K, The Silurian rugose coral genus Entelophyllum and related genera in northern Europe, 769 Jimbacrinus minilyaensis sp. nov., 70 Johansen, M. B. and Surlyk, F. Brachiopods and the stratigraphy of the Upper Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian Chalk of Norfolk, England, 823 Johnson, A. L. A. and Lennon, C. D. Evolution of gryphaeate oysters in the mid- Jurassic of western Europe, 453 Johnsonites sp., 85 Jurassic: Bryozoa, England and France, 19; fish predation on ammonite Kosmoceras , England, 739; frog, England, 299; gryphaeate oysters, western Europe, 453; teuthid cephalopods, Yorkshire, 193 K Kastanoceras spiniger sp. nov., 394 Kennedy, W. J. and Cobban, W. A. Cenomanian ammonite faunas from the Woodbine Formation and lower part of the Eagle Ford Group, Texas, 75 Kennedy, W. J. and Cobban, W. A. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western In- terior of the USA, 379 Kershaw, S. Stromatoporoid palaeobiology and taph- onomy in a Silurian biostrome on Gotland, Sweden, 681 King, A. H. See Evans, D. H. and King, A. H. Kingena pentangulata , 862 Knotted Burrow, 974 Kraussina cnneata sp. nov., 335; laevicostata , 333; lata , 325; rotunda sp. nov., 331; rubra , 324 Kullingial sp., 952 L Lacazella ( Bifolium ) we therein, 868 Lennon, C. D. See Johnson, A. L. A. and Lennon, C. D. Leptothyrellopsis polonicus , 868 Lesperance, P. J. Cluster analysis of previously des- cribed communities from the Ludlow of the Welsh Borderland, 209 Lingula cretaceal , 834 Lockeia ichnosp., 971 Loligosepia aalensis , 196 Loydell, D. K. On the graptolites described by Baily (1871) from the Silurian of Northern Ireland and the genus Streptograptus Yin, 937 M Macryphantes cowdeni sp. nov., 275 Magas chitoniformis , 860 Malinky, J. M. and Sixt, S. Early Mississippian Hyolitha from northern Iowa, 343 Martill, D. M. Predation on Kosmoceras by semi- onotid fish in the Middle Jurassic Lower Oxford Clay of England, 739 Martill, D. M. and Harper, L. An application of critical point drying to the comparison of modern and fossilized soft tissues of fishes, 423 Mastodonsaurus lavisi , 876 Medusinites asteroides , 962 Metabrograptus scoticus gen. et sp. nov., 935 Met apty choc eras spp., 415 Metengonoceras dumbli , 90 Metoicoceras latoventor, 139; mosbyense , 408; swal- lovi, 138; aff. praecox , 408; sp. A, 404 Microsulcatoceras crassum sp. nov., 401 ; puzosiiforme sp. nov., 401 ; texanum sp. nov., 402 Microsulcatoceras sp.?, 402 Milner, A. R., Gardiner, B. G., Fraser, N. C. and Taylor, M. A. Vertebrates from the Middle Triassic Otter Sandstone Formation of Devon, 873 Milner, A. R. See Evans, S. E., Milner, A. R. and Mussett, F. Miocene: caddisfly pupae, France, 495 Moremanoceras costatum, 388; montanaense sp. nov., 390; straini , 86, 386 Museum material : deductive enquiry system for databases, 613 Mussett, F. See Evans, S. E., Milner, A. R. and Mussett, F. 1010 INDEX N Nannometoicoceras nemos , 412 Nannometoicoceras ? glabrum sp. nov., 413 Narbonne, G. Y. and Aitken, J. D. Ediacaran fossils from the Sekwi Brook area, Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada, 945 Nautiloids: Ordovician, Spitsbergen and Sweden, 623 Neocamptocrinus occidentalis sp. nov., 54; sp. nov., 57 Neonereites ? ichnosp., 971 New Zealand: Cretaceous wood-boring bivalve, 981 Nieh, J. C. See Allmon, W. D., Nieh, J. C. and Norris, R. D. Norway: Proterozoic acritarchs, 287 Norris, R. D. See Allmon, W. D., Nieh, J. C. and Norris, R. D. Northern Ireland: Silurian graptolites, 937 Nuttall, C. P. Review of the Caenozoic heterodont bivalve superfamily Dreissenacea, 707 O Occiducrinus australis sp. nov., 60 Ordovician : trilobite, Portugal, 487 ; conodont. South Africa, 577 ; nautiloids, Spitsbergen and Sweden, 623; solute, Scotland, 631; graptolite, Scotland, 933 Ostlingoceras ( Ostlingoceras ) brandi , 144; davisense , 145 P Palaeoperidinium cretaceum , 44 Palaeophycus tubular is, 972 Palaeouloborus lacasae sp. nov., 263 Papillomembrana compta, 294 Paraconlinoceras barcusi , 114; leonense, 118 Parrish, J. T. See Spicer, R. A. and Parrish, J. T. Pelagodiscus (?) sp., 322 Permian: crinoids, Australia, 49; microsaur amphib- ian, USA, 893 Petrozium dewari , 807; losseni , 810 Pholadidea (Hatasia) wiffenae sp. nov., 985 Phylogeny: gymnolaemate b'-yozoans, 19; thecidei- dine brachiopods, 175; chordate and echinoderm ancestry, 631 Phthanoncoceras oelandense sp. nov., 625 Planolites montanus , 972 Plants: Alaskan Cretaceous woods, 225 Plesiacanthoceras bellsanum , 135; cl. bellsanum , 403 Plesiacanthoceratoides vetula, 137 Plumose Problematicum, 963 Portugal: Ordovician trilobite, 487 Precambrian : acritarchs, Norway, 287 ; ediacaran fossils, Canada, 945 Procolophonidae incertae sedis, 882 Prohalecites porroi, 156 Prohexagonaria favia sp. nov., 811; gotlandica sp. nov., 812 Promissum pulchrum , 583 Protolloydolithus sp. nov., 490 Pseudoplankton, 359 Pteridinium sp., 963 Puzosia ( Pusozia ) sp., 90 Q Quasicaecilia texana gen. et sp. nov., 895 Quaternary: birds, Australia, 447 R Reptiles: Triassic, England, 873 Rhenocrinidae gen. et sp. nov., 63 Rickards, R. B. See Theron, J. N., Rickards, R. B. and Aldridge, R. J. Rogers, M. H. See Rogers, M. J., Donovan, D. T. and Rogers, M. H. Rogers, M. J., Donovan, D. T. and Rogers, M. H. A deductive enquiry system for a palaeontological database of museum material, 613 Romano, M. The trilobite Protolloydolithus from the Middle Ordovician of north Portugal, 487 Rowley, M. J. See Baird, R. F. and Rowley, M. J. Rugia acutirostris, 853; spinicostata , 856; spinosa, 854; tegulata, 853; tenuicostata , 852 Rushton, A. W. A. See Elughes, N. C. and Rushton, A. W. A. S Scaphites (Scaphites) sp., 418 Sciponocerasl sp., 144 Scotland: Ordovician solute, 631; Ordovician grap- tolite, 933 Scumulus sp., 865 Sekwia excentrica, 963 Selden, P. A. Lower Cretaceous spiders from the Sierra de Montsech, north-east Spain, 257 Silurian: communities, Welsh Borderland, 209; grap- tolites, Northern Ireland, 937; rugose corals, northern Europe, 769; stromatoporoids, Gotland, Sweden, 681 Simms, M. J. See Wignall, P. B. and Simms, M. J. Simms, M. J. See Wignall, P. B. and Simms, M. J. Sixt, S. See Malinky, J. M. and Sixt, S. Skaiocrinus granulosus gen. et sp. nov., 66 Solute: Ordovician, Scotland, 631 South Africa: Cainozoic brachiopods, 313; Ordo- vician conodont, 577 Spain: Cambrian eocrinoid, 249; Cretaceous spiders, 257 Spicer, R. A. and Parrish, J. T. Latest Cretaceous woods of the central North Slope, Alaska, 225 INDEX 1011 Spiders: Cretaceous, Spain, 257 Spitsbergen: Ordovician nautiloid, 623 Stomiocrinus ferruginus sp. nov., 58 Strachan, I. A new genus of abrograptid graptolite from the Ordovician of southern Scotland, 933 Streptograptus plumosus , 938 Stridsberg, S. Orientation of cephalopod shells in illustrations, 243 Stromatoporoids : Silurian, Gotland, Sweden, 681 Sumitomoceras spp. juv., 395 Surlyk, F, See Johansen, M. B. and Surlyk, F. Sutherland, P. K. See Jell, J. S. and Sutherland, P. K. Sweden : Ordovician nautiloid, 623 ; Silurian stromato- poroids, 681 T Tachet, FI. See Hugheney, M., Tachet, H. and Escuillie, F. cf. Tanystropheus sp., 885 Taphonomy: Silurian stromatoporoids, 681 Tapinocrinus spinosus , 65 Tarrantoceras cuspidium , 134, 392; exile, 394; multi- costatum , 134; sellar dsi, 130 Taylor, M. A. See Milner, A. R., Gardiner, B. G., Fraser, N. C. and Taylor, M. A. Taylor, P. D. Preservation of soft-bodied and other organisms by bioimmuration - a review, 1 Taylor, P. D. Bioimmured ctenostomes from the Jurassic and the origin of the cheilostome Bryozoa, 19 Terebratulina chrysalis, 841 ; faujasii, 842; gracilis, 844; longicollis, 846; subtilis, 848; cf. rigida, 848 Teudopsis schuebleri, 201 ; subcostata, 202 Teuthids: Jurassic, Yorkshire, 193 Theron, J. N„ Rickards, R. B. and Aldridge, R. J. Bedding plane assemblages of Promissum pulchrum , a new giant Ashgill conodont from the Table Mountain Group, South Africa, 577 Tintori, A. The actinopterygian fish Prohalecites from the Triassic of northern Italy, 155 Torrowangea rosei, 973 Triassic: fish, Italy, 155; vertebrates, England, 873 Trilobites: Cambrian, Wales, 429; classification, 529; exoskeleton biomechanics, 749; eyes, Cambrian, China, 91 1 ; Ordovician, Portugual, 487 Turrilites ( Turrilites ) acutus, 145; dearingi , 146 U USA: Carboniferous crinoids drilled by gastropods, 743; Carboniferous hyoliths, 343; Cretaceous am- monites, 75, 379; Cretaceous woods, 225; Permian microsaur amphibian, 893 Ubaghs, G. and Vizcaino, D. A new eocrinoid from the Lower Cambrian of Spain, 249 V Valhalloceras flower i sp. nv., 628 Vidal, G. Giant acanthomorph acritarchs from the Upper Proterozoic in southern Norway, 287 Vizcaino, D. See Ubaghs, G. and Vizcaino, D. W Wales: Cambrian trilobite, 429; Silurian marine communities, 209 Webster, G. D. New Permian crinoids from Australia, 49 Wignall, P. B. and Simms, M. J. Pseudoplankton, 359 Wilmot, N. V. Biomechanics of trilobite exoskeletons, 749 Z Zhang Xi-Guang and Clarkson, E. N. K. The eyes of Lower Cambrian eodiscid trilobites, 91 1 VOLUME 33 Palaeontology 1990 PUBLISHED BY THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION LONDON Dates of Publication of Parts of Volume 33 Part 1, pp. 1-256 Part 2, pp. 257-502 Part 3, pp. 503-748 Part 4, pp. 749-1000 21 March 1990 31 May 1990 7 August 1990 16 November 1990 THIS VOLUME EDITED BY M. J. BENTON, J. E. DALINGWATER, D. EDWARDS, P. D. LANE, C. R. C. PAUL, P. A. SELDEN AND P. D. TAYLOR Date of Publication of Special Paper in Palaeontology Special Paper No. 43. 5 April 1990 © The Palaeontological Association , 1990 Printed in Great Britain by Cambridge University Press CONTENTS Part Aitken, J. D. See Narbonne, G. Y. and Aitken, J. D. Aldridge, R, J. See Theron, J. N., Rickards, R. B. and Aldridge, R. J. Allmon, W. D., Nieh, J. C. and Norris, R. D. Drilling and peeling of turritelline gastropods since the late Cretaceous 3 Baird, R. F. and Rowley, M. J. Preservation of avian collagen in Australian Quaternary cave deposits 2 Baker, P. G. The classification, origin and phylogeny of thecideidine brachiopods 1 Baumiller, T. K. Non-predatory drilling of Mississippian crinoids by platyceratid gastropods 3 Brunton, C. H. C. and FIiller, N. Late Cainozoic brachiopods from the coast of Namaqualand, South Africa 2 Carroll, R. L. A tiny microsaur from the Lower Permian of Texas: size constraints in Palaeozoic tetrapods 4 Clarkson, E. N. K, See Zhang Xi-Guang and Clarkson, E. N. K, Cobban, W. A. See Kennedy, W. J. and Cobban, W. A. Crampton, J. S. A new species of late Cretaceous wood-boring bivalve from New Zealand 4 Donovan, D. T. See Rogers, M. J., Donovan, D. T. and Rogers, M. H. Doyle, P. Teuthid cephalopods from the Lower Jurassic of Yorkshire I Escuillie, F. See Hugueney, M., Tachet, H. and Escuillie, F. Evans, D H. and King, A. H. The affinities of early oncocerid nautiloids from the lower Ordovician of Spitsbergen and Sweden 3 Evans, S. E., Milner, A. R. and Mussett, F. A discoglossid frog from the Middle Jurassic of England 2 Fortey, R. A. Ontogeny, hypostome attachment and trilobite classification 3 Fraser, N C. See Milner, A. R., Gardiner, B. G., Fraser, N. C. and Taylor, M. E. Gardiner, B. G. See Milner, A. R., Gardiner, B. G., Fraser, N. C. and Taylor, M. E. FIarding, I. C. Palaeoperidinium cretaceum : a brackish-water peridiniinean dinoflagellate from the early Cretaceous 1 Harper, L. See Martill, D. M. and Harper, L. Haynes, J. R. The classification of the Foraminifera - a review of historical and philosophical perspectives 3 Hiller, N. See Brunton, C. H. C. and Hiller, N. Hughes, N. C. and Rushton, A. W. A. Computer-aided restoration of a late Cambrian ceratopygid trilobite from Wales, and its phylogenetic implications Hugueney, M., Tachet, H. and Escuillie, F. Caddisfly pupae from the Miocene Indusial Limestone of Saint-Gerand-le-Puy, France Jefferies, R. P. S. The solute Dendrocystoides scoticus from the upper Ordovician of Scotland and the ancestry of chordates and echinoderms 3 Jell, J. S. and Sutherland, P. K. The Silurian rugose coral genus Entelophyllum and related genera in northern Europe 4 Johansen, M. B. and Surlyk, F. Brachiopods and the stratigraphy of the Upper Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian of Norfolk, England 4 Johnson, A. L. A. and Lennon, C. D. Evolution of gryphaeate oysters in the mid-Jurassic of western Europe 2 Kennedy, W. J. and Cobban, W. A. Cenomanian ammonite faunas from the Woodbine Formation and lower part of the Eagle Ford Group, Texas I Kennedy, W, J. and Cobban, W. A. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the USA 2 Kershaw, S. Stromatoporoid palaeobiology and taphonomy in a Silurian biostrome on Gotland, Sweden 3 King, A. H. See Evans, D. H. and King, A. H. Page 595 447 175 743 313 893 981 193 623 299 529 35 503 429 495 631 769 823 453 75 379 681 Lennon, C. D. See Johnson, A. L. A. and Lennon, C. D. Lesperance, P. J. Cluster analysis of previously described communities from the Ludlow of the Welsh Borderland 1 209 Loydell, D. L. On the graptolites described by Baily (1871) from the Silurian of Northern Ireland and the genus Streptograptus Yin 4 937 Malinky, J. M. and Sixt, S. Early Mississipian Hyolitha from northern Iowa 2 343 Martill, D. M. Predation on Kosmoceras by semionotid fish in the Middle Jurassic Lower Oxford Clay of England 3 739 Martill, D. M. and Harper, L. An application of critical point drying to the comparison of modern and fossilized soft tissues of fishes 2 423 Milner, A. R., Gardiner, B. G., Fraser, N. C. and Taylor, M. E. Vertebrates from the Middle Triassic Otter Sandstone Formation of Devon 4 873 Milner, A. R. See Evans, S. E., Milner, A. R. and Mussett, F. Mussett, F. See Evans, S. E., Milner, A. R. and Mussett, F. Nieh, J. C. See Allmon, W. D., Nieh, J. C. and Norris, R. D. Narbonne, G. Y. and Aitken, J. D. Ediacaran fossils from the Sewki Brook area, Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada 4 945 Norris, R. D. See Allmon, W. D., Nieh, J. C. and Norris, R. D. Nuttall, C. P. Review of the Caenozoic heterodont bivalve superfamily Dreissenacea 3 707 Parrish, J. T. See Spicer, R. A. and Parrish, J. T. Rickards, R. B. See Theron, J. N., Rickards, R. B. and Aldridge, R. J. Rogers, M. H. See Rogers, M. J., Donovan, D. T. and Rogers, M. H. Rogers, M. J., Donovan, D. T. and Rogers, M. H. A deductive enquiry system for a palaeontological database of museum material 3 613 Romano, M. The trilobite Protolloydolithus from the middle Ordovician of north Portugal 2 487 Rowley, M. J. See Baird, R. F. and Rowley, M. J. Rushton, A. W. A. See Hughes, N. C. and Rushton, A. W. A. Selden, P. A. Lower Cretaceous spiders from the Sierra de Montsech, north-east Spain 2 257 Simms, M. J. See Wignall, P. B. and Simms, M. J. Sixt, S, See Malinky, J. M. and Sixt, S. Spicer, R. A. and Parrish, J. T. Latest Cretaceous woods of the central North Slope, Alaska 1 225 Strachan, I. A new genus of abrograptid graptolite from the Ordovician of southern Scotland 4 933 Stridsberg, S. Orientation of cephalopod shells in illustrations 1 243 Surlyk, F. See Johansen, M. B. and Surlyk, F. Sutherland, P. K. See Jell, J. S. and Sutherland, P. K. Tachet, H. See Hugueney, M., Tachet, H. and Escuillie, F. Taylor, M. E. See Milner, A. R., Gardiner, B. G., Fraser, N. C. and Taylor, M. E. Taylor, P. D. Preservation of soft-bodied and other organisms by bioimmuration - a review 1 1 Taylor, P. D. Bioimmured ctenostomes from the Jurassic and the origin of the cheilostome Bryozoa 1 19 Theron, J. N., Rickards, R. B. and Aldridge, R. J. Bedding plane assemblages of Promissum pulchrum , a new giant Ashgill conodont from the Table Mountain Group, South Africa 3 577 Tintori, A. The actinopterygian fish Prohalecites from the Triassic of northern Italy I 155 Ubaghs, G. and Vizcaino, D. A new eocrinoid from the Lower Cambrian of Spain I 249 Vidal, G. Giant acanthomorph acritarchs from the Upper Proterozoic in southern Norway 2 287 Vizcaino, D. See Ubaghs, G. and Vizcaino, D. Webster, G. G. New Permian crinoids from Australia 1 49 Wignall, P. B. and Simms, M. J. Pseudoplankton 2 359 Wilmot, N. V. Biomechanics of trilobite exoskeletons 4 749 Zhang Xi-Guang and Clarkson, E. N. K. The eyes of Lower Cambrian eodiscid trilobites 4 911 NOTES FOR AUTHORS The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers on all aspects of palaeontology. Review articles are particularly welcome, and short papers can often be published rapidly. A high standard of illustration is a feature of the journal. Four parts are published each year and are sent free to all members of the Association. 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Available in the USA from Halsted Press at U.S. $24-95. © The Palaeontological Association, 1990 Palaeontology VOLUME 33 • PART 4 CONTENTS Biomechanics of trilobite exoskeletons N. v. wilmot 749 The Silurian rugose coral genus Entelophyllum and related genera in northern Europe J. S. JELL and P. K. SUTHERLAND 769 Brachiopods and the stratigraphy of the upper Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian Chalk of Norfolk, England M. B. JOHANSEN and F. SURLYK 823 Vertebrates from the Middle Triassic Otter Sandstone Formation of Devon A. R. MILNER, B. G. GARDINER, N. C. FRASER and M. A. TAYLOR 873 A tiny microsaur from the Lower Permian of Texas: size constraints in Palaeozoic tetrapods R. L. CARROLL 893 The eyes of Lower Cambrian eodiscid trilobites ZHANG XI-GUANG and E. N. K. CLARKSON 911 A new genus of abrograptid graptolite from the Ordovician of southern Scotland I. STRACHAN 933 On the graptolites described by Baily (1871) from the Silurian of Northern Ireland and the genus Streptograptus Yin D. K. LOYDELL 937 Ediacaran fossils from the Sekwi Brook area, Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada G. M. NARBONNE and J. D. AITKEN 945 A new species of late Cretaceous wood-boring bivalve from New Zealand J. S. CRAMPTON 981 Instructions to authors THE EDITORS 993 Printed in Great Britain at the University Press , Cambridge ISSN 0031-0239 INSTITUTION S3 I H VH 8 IT INSTITUTION z o S3 1 H VH s n INSTITUTION siiavnan INSTITUTION o 'institution2 z o S3 1 u va an r m ^ xouusgx rn NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IINS S3 I U VH 8 n”LI B R AR I ES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION 2 CO Z . CO ^ & LI B RAR I ES“SMITHS0NIAN^ INSTITUTI0NW/N0lini!ISNrNVIN0SHiIWSS3 I 8 V3 8 11 MT> — CO — CO _ J ° NOlinillSNI JNVIN0SH1IW$2S3 I UVH a nJLI BRAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTSTUTION^N r“ v. z r* z r" z o LI BRAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION^NOliniLLSNI NVINOSHlIlNS^Si I HVH an L .• fn "3? 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