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Z * CO 2 CO 2 * CO 2- I s% q 1 g | - 00 \v3«l3f|} CO y&OjW CO ^fc|] 5 Mat CO X 2 vyjffi'' jE I F X if# 2 _ _ „ _ > co ■** z co 2 co z 55 N0SH1IIAIS S3 iyvaan_ LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION N0I1 LSNI_ NVINOSHIIIMS S3 THSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI NVINOSH1IIMS SaiUVUail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INS' NOSH1IINS S3IHVyan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinilJLSNI NVINOSH1IINS S3 „ . > I " "V I W I I ^ CO CO * 2 CO THSONIAN _ INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI NVINOSH1IWS S 3 I B V H 3 1 1 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INS1 2 . . 60 ^ — co — co — !2 If w ^ « w O " _ Xj'ins^z o \CJJ0C2 “ ■cjjgp’-' o 'JOSHiiws S3 lavaan libraries Smithsonian-1 institution ^NouniiisNi^NviNOSHiitMs^ss S f- Z r- 2 r~ v 2 r & * m ^ x_ivas^2 rn — CO ± CO _ co _ THSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3iaVHail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INST z », CO 2 CO 2 CO -r < A S 2 ^55*v < S z£?R7D>\ < Krffmlv i CO — vW'*7 o t '(My > 2 X^osv'AZ > 5 sioshjli iajs saiavaan lirrarifr rm ITHQDM I fi N IWCTITIITiriM M D I I D I I I o Q cr o Ampyxina, Robergia, CryptoUthoides cr UJ CL CL z> Orthograptus truncatus var abbreviates, Climacograptus supernus, Dicellograptus, etc. Shafe Calcareous Limestone shale Shaley limestone text-fig. 2. Section of part of Road River Formation, showing the relative occurrence of the graptolites and trilobites. 44 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 from R. yukonensis in the same way. In addition R. yukonensis has a faint axial farrow on its glabella that seems to be absent in other species of Robergia. Because of these differences the Yukon species is perhaps a derivative of Robergia as suggested by H. B. Whittington (personal communication) and could be considered a new genus. In the thorax of R. yukonensis the pleural furrows, beginning at the inner posterior corners of each pleuron, intersect the longer diagonal furrows about two-thirds of the distance from the axial furrow, more than twice as far out on the pleuron from the axial furrow as in R. decked. Thus in R. decked the two sets of pleural furrows form small triangular nodes next to the axis, whereas in R. yukonensis most of the area of each pleuron is bounded by the same furrows. In rare specimens possessing free cheeks the angle between the genal spine and the posterior border in R. yukonensis is more acute than that in the Appalachian species. Occurrence. Robergia is a widespread genus that has been reported from North America, Europe, and Asia (see fig. 3). Fortunately, graptolites found in most of the Robergia-beaxing sequences can accurately date each occurrence. In the United States Robergia has only been recorded from Middle Ordovician rocks, and the National Research Council Ordovician Correlation Chart for North America (Twenhofel 1954) shows it as an important index fossil for the Black River and lower Trenton Stages (approximate equivalents to the lower half of the Caradoc Series in Great Britain). The oldest reported occurrence of Robergia is from the upper part of the middle Table Head Forma- tion of Newfoundland that is considered by Whittington and Kindle (1963) as lower Llanvirnian. In Yukon Territory the genus occurs directly above Ashgillian graptolites possibly equivalent to the zone of Dicellograptus anceps and thus extends the range of Robergia to include highest Ordovician. Family trinucleidae Hawle and Corda Genus cryptolithoides Whittington Cryptolithoides sp. indet. Plate 5, figs. 6-8 Material. Three fragmentary cephala. Description. Cephalon subrectangular in outline and characterized by antero-lateral angulation of cephalic margin. Glabella strongly convex, clavate, and smooth. Genae (cheek lobes) without ornamentation. Fringe narrows anteriorly, increasing in width EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Figs. 1-5. Robergia yukonensis sp.x\ov.,paxatypes. l,cranidium x4,G.S.C. no. 19867; 2,cranidium x4, G.S.C. no. 19868; 3, a nearly complete cephalon lying on a thorax with the pygidium attached X2, G.S.C. no. 19869; 4, cranidium with part of the thorax attached x2, G.S.C. no. 19870; 5, small cranidium x4, G.S.C. no. 19871. Figs. 6-8, Cryptolithoides sp. indet. 6, half of a cranidium showing the pattern of pits X 5, G.S.C. no. 19872; 7, incomplete cranidium x4, G.S.C. no. 19873; 8, external mould of cranidium showing strongly convex and clavate glabella x4, G.S.C. no. 19874. Figs. 9-12, Ampyxina salmoni Churkin. 9, nearly complete specimen with long genal spines and small glabellar spine x4, G.S.C. no. 19875; 10, incomplete specimen with thorax and pygidium attached to cephalon x4, G.S.C. no. 19876; 11, pygidium x2, G.S.C. no. 19877; 12, cranidium x4, G.S.C. no. 19878. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 5 LENZ and CHURKIN, Ordovician trilobites LENZ AND CHURKIN: UPPER ORDOVICIAN TRILOBITES 45 antero-laterally and postero-laterally. Pits in the fringe numerous. One row of pits external to girder. The outermost row of pits (Ex) in concentric and radial arrangement with the second row (Ij) except at the posterior lateral margin where the pits of the second row (lx) decrease in size and are not paired with the outer pits. Anteriorly, SYSTEM SERIES STAGES NORTHEASTERN U.S.S.R.-Kharkin- dzhin and Darpir Fms . (Chugaeva et al. 1964, p. 18, 29, tables 3 and 8) EUROPE-Ogygio- caris shales (Whittington, 1950, p. 543) NEWFOUNDLAND- Table Head Fm. (Whittington and Kindle , 1963) SOUTHEASTERN U.S. A. -Edinburg Fm. and equiv- alents (Cooper, 1953) SOUTH-CENTRAL U.S. A. -Viola Ls. (Decker, 1933) WESTERN U.S.A.- Caesar Canyon Ls. (Churkin , 1963a) YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA- Road River Fm. (this paper) ORDOVICIAN a CO Cm Cm G O O' CO 3 s ASHGILL CARA DOC 1 LLANDEILO LLANVIRN 1 ARENIG text-fig. 3. Range of Robergia based on the ages of associated graptolites. well-defined radial ridges separate the radially paired outer two rows of pits. Anterior of the glabella two more rows of pits (I2 and I3) in radial arrangement with the outer two pits but postero-laterally the pits inside the outer two rows irregularly arranged. Discussion. Only fragmentary specimens were collected, but no significant differences could be found between the Yukon material and C. ulrichi (Whittington, 1941). The size of the Yukon specimens, length (sag.) 3-4 mm., width (trans.) 7 mm., falls within the range of the smaller cephala described by Whittington. Occurrence. C. ulrichi occurs in the Viola Limestone of Trenton age (equivalent to part of the upper half of the Caradocian) in Oklahoma, and the genus is reported from Ordovician rocks in Texas (Whittington 1941). More recently, Cryptolithoicies has been reported from the western U.S. where it occurs in the Caesar Canyon Limestone of the Toquima Range, Nevada, (Kay 1960) and in the Middle (?) and Upper Ordovician Hanson Creek Formation of the Seetoya Mountains, Nevada (Kerr 1962). In the Caesar Canyon Limestone, Crypt oiithoides is associated with Ampyxina salmoni, Robergia cf. major, Toernquistia ? idahoensis, Primaspis sp. and Flexicalymene sp., a trilobite fauna much like that from graptolitic shale of Trenton age in central Idaho that is correlated (Churkin 1963a) with the Caradocian graptolite Zones (11) of Climacograptus wilsoni and (12) of Dicranograptus clingani. Crypto lit hoides thus ranges from Trentonian (Caradocian) in the southern United States, its type area, into Ashgillian in Yukon and may have a range of Caradocian through Ashgillian in the western United States. 46 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Family raphiophoridea Angelin Genus ampyxina Ulrich Ampyxina salmoni Churkin Plate 5, figs. 9-12 1963a Ampyxina salmoni Churkin, pp. 424-5, pi. 51, figs. 1-10. Material. Four complete specimens, six cranidia, and seven pygidia. Description. The specimens under study agree in all essential respects with A. salmoni originally described from Ordovician graptolitic shale in central Idaho (Churkin 1963u). The Idaho collection consists of several hundred specimens, none of them as complete as those from Yukon, and the new material makes possible the following additions to the original descriptions. Free cheeks apparently very narrow, lying along steeply flexed lateral margins of fixigenae. The long genal spines extend smoothly backward as continuations of curved cephalic margins. The spines gently curve inward, taper slightly, and extend well past the pygidium. Thorax with five segments. Axis about one-fifth total width. Pleurae extend out horizontally but flexed downward at distal ends. Interpleural furrows extend from anterior edges of pleurae next to axial furrows and cross pleurae obliquely toward lateral margins. Furrows become deeper and broader distally. Pleural furrow of first segment curved convexly forward, on succeeding segments less curved and nearly straight across fifth segment. Distal ends of pleurae separated from each other by small notches that produce a serrated margin. Dimensions. G.S.C. no. 19875: total length (sag.) 7-7 mm., length (sag.) of cephalon 2-9 mm., length of thorax (sag.) 2-4 mm., length of pygidium (sag.) 2-4 mm., width of cranidium at posterior margin 6-9 mm., maximum width of glabella 2-3 mm., width (trans.) of pygidium at anterior end 6-6 mm., length of genal spine 5-3 mm. + . Discussion. The Yukon specimens possess the straight pygidial ribs characteristic of Ampyxina salmoni instead of backward flexed ribs as in the very similar A. bellatula (Savage) illustrated by Whittington (1950, 1959) and A. powe/li (Raymond) described by Cooper (1953) and Whittington (1959). In addition, the first interpleural furrow in the Yukon specimens appears less curved forward than in A. bellatula or A. powelli. Occurrence. Type Ampyxina salmoni is from the type locality of the Saturday Mountain Formation of central Idaho where it is associated with graptolites equivalent in age to the Caradocian Zones 1 1 and 12 of Elies and Wood (Churkin 1963a). The writer has identified A. salmoni from the Caesar Canyon Limestone of the Toquima Range, central Nevada (Kay 1960; Kay and Crawford 1964) where it is found with Robergia cf. R. major and Cryptolithoides sp., an association similar to that in Yukon. A. salmoni occurs in Middle Ordovician (Caradocian) rocks in both Idaho and Nevada and is found in considerably younger Upper Ordovician (Ashgillian) rocks in Yukon. Ampyxina is a widely ranging genus as it has been reported from the early Middle Ordovician (Porterfield-Wilderness Stages) of Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee (Cooper 1953; Whittington 1959), and the Upper Ordovician of Missouri and Illinois (Rowley 1909; Savage 1917). LENZ AND CHURKIN: UPPER ORDOVICIAN TRILOBITES 47 REFERENCES chugaeva, m. N., rozman, k. s., and ivanova, v. a. 1964. Comparative biostratigraphy of Ordovician deposits in the North-East of the USSR (in Russian). Trav. Inst. geol. U.R.S.S. 106, 236 pp. churkin, michael, jr. 1963o. Ordovician trilobites from graptolitic shale in central Idaho. J. Paleont. 37, 421-8, pi. 51. 19636. Graptolite beds in thrust plates of central Idaho and their correlation with sequences in Nevada. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 47, 1611-23. cooper, b. n. 1953. Trilobites from the lower Champlainian formations of the Appalachian Valley. Mem. geol. Soc. Amer. 55, 69 pp., 19 pi. decker, c. e. 1933. Viola limestone, primarily of Arbuckle and Wichita Mountain regions, Oklahoma. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 17, 1405-35. jackson, d. E. and lenz, a. c. 1962. Zonation of Ordovician and Silurian Graptolites of northern Yukon, Canada. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 46, 30-45. kay, marshall. 1960. Paleozoic continental margin in central Nevada, western United States. Int. Geol. Cong., 21st sess., pt. xii, 94-103. and crawford, j. p. 1964. Lower Paleozoic facies from the miogeosynclinal belt to the eugeo- synclinal in thrust slices in central Nevada. Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. 75, 425-54. kerr, j. w. 1962. Paleozoic sequences in thrust slices of the Seetoya Mountains, Independence Range, Elko County, Nevada. Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. 13, 439-60. lenz, a. c. and jackson, d. e. 1964. New occurrences of graptolites from the South Nahanni Region, Northwest Territories and Yukon. Bull. Canad. Petrol. Geol. 12, 892-900. ross, R. j. and berry, w. b. n. 1963. Ordovician Graptolites of the Basin Ranges in California, Nevada, Utah, and Idaho. Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. 1134, 177 pp., 13 pi. rowley, r. R. 1909. Geology of Pike County. Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, 2nd ser., 8, 122 pp., 20 pi. savage, t. e. 1917. The Thebes Sandstone and Orchard Creek Shale and their faunas in Illinois. Trans. Illinois Acad. Sci. 10, 261-75, 2 pi. twenhofel, w. h. 1954. Correlation of the Ordovician formations of North America. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 65, 247-98, chart 2. Whittington, h. b. 1941. The Trinucleidae — with special reference to North American genera and species. J. Paleont. 15, 21-41, pi. 5, 6. 1950. Sixteen Ordovician genotype trilobites. J. Paleont. 24, 531-65, pi. 68-75. 1959. Silicified Middle Ordovician trilobites, Remopleurididae, Trinucleidae, Raphiophoridae, Endymioniidae. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 121, 371^196, 36 pi. and kindle, c. h. 1963. Middle Ordovician Table Head Formation, western Newfoundland. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 74, 745-58. A. c. LENZ Department of Geology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada MICHAEL CHURKIN, JR. U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, U.S. A. Manuscript received 9 November 1964 SILURIAN GIRVANELLA FROM THE WELSH BORDERLAND by HAZEL M. JOHNSON Abstract. A general survey of the calcareous algae from Silurian limestones of the Welsh Border has yielded many algal remains particularly of the genus Girvanella. Nine species of this genus are here described, eight of which are new; and they are grouped according to their size and mode of growth. The Sarmenta group includes three new species, G. sarmenta, G. fragila, and G. prolixa ; the Problematica group two new species, G. pusilla, G. incompta as well as G. problematica and its var. lumbricalis; the Media group with one new species G. media, and the Ramosa group two new species G. ramosa and G. effitsa. The basis for subdividing the genus is given and the distribution of the specific forms in the varied lithology of the limestones are recorded. A general survey of the calcareous algae present in the Silurian limestones of the Welsh Border has shown that algae are more abundant and widespread than has hither- to been recorded. Specimens were collected from numerous localities within the area demarked approximately by Wenlock Edge to May Hill and Dudley to Old Radnor (text-fig. 1). Previous records of algae in this area are few and the belief that algae contributed to the formation of reef limestones was largely unproved. From the Woolhope Limestone, Garwood and Goodyear (1918) described algal limestones at Old Radnor and Nash Scar; also Garwood (1931) mentioned an undescribed Solenopora at Woolhope. Girvanella is not recorded by Squirrel and Tucker (1960) in an account of the geology of the Woolhope Inlier. For the Wenlock Limestone, Wethered (1890, 1893) described algae at May Hill, Ledbury, and Purley (West Malverns). Chapman (1907) and Crosfield and Johnston (1914) recorded algae or algal fragments at Dudley. Several authors have indicated the presence of algal limestones as opposed to brachiopod, crinoid, or other facies at Wen- lock Edge but no details of localities were given. Furthermore they supposed that masses of algae together with corals and stromatoporoids were engaged in the building of the Ballstones (Hill 1936, Butler and Oakley 1936, Whittard 1952). Likewise the Crog Balls (found at Dudley) were believed by these authors to be the result of algal decompo- sition. As far as is known there have been no published records of calcareous algae obtained from the Bringewood Beds (Aymestry Limestone) of this area. Only a very few of the published accounts mention the genus Girvanella. G. proble- matica recorded by Wethered (1890, 1893) was asserted by Garwood (1931) to be ‘ Sphaerococlium ’ munthei which is now recognized as an association of Rothpletzella and Wetheredella (Wood 1948). G. conferta (Chapman) appears to belong to the genus Rothpletzella as it possesses dichotomous branching. The only other record was by Crosfield and Johnston (1941) who noted the presence of algal fragments in the Crog Balls of the Wren’s Nest, Dudley, but gave no evidence to show whether they belong to the genus Girvanella. When the present research began, there was little known about Silurian calcareous algae of the Welsh Border and no Girvanella records were identified to the species. The [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 1, 1966, pp. 48-63, pis. 6-12.] H. M. JOHNSON: SILURIAN GIRVANELLA 49 commonest algal genus, Girvanella, was found to vary so much that it did not appear valid to retain all variants at generic level, or to regard them as related to the Ordo- vician type, G. problematica. It seems possible that the species of Silurian filamentous algae were numerous and also similar forms could associate together as do living text-fig. 1. Reference map of the Welsh Border showing the important areas for Girvanella. ca, Craven Arms; du, Dudley; h, Hereford ; gm, Great Malvern ; lb, Ledbury ; lh, Longhope ; lu, Ludlow; mf, Mordiford; mw, Much Wenlock; ns, Nash Scar; o, Onibury; or, Old Radnor; p, Presteign; wh, Woolhope. forms today. Slight dissimilarities in filament character would not necessarily be re- flected in the fossils although several different types of filamentous algae have been proved. The genus Girvanella is subdivided here on filament size and mode of growth which includes branching habit, encrusting and non-encrusting, attached and free forms, the constancy of tube diameter, curvature of tubes, and the amount of adherence between tubes. Several species have similar modes of growth and are grouped together. They can be distinguished by their filament size. A full account of these and other algae can be found in Green (1955, 1959). B 6612 E 50 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND EXAMINATION The presence of Girvanella was rarely found to be indicated by macroscopic structures in the limestones investigated so a suite of specimens from each exposure was examined. Specimens were also taken at intervals along bedding planes. Particular attention was directed to beds in the neighbourhood of reef or reef-like structures where changes in the character of the limestone were likely to be rapid. Thin sections were found to be the most satisfactory for the study of the algae. Measurements on algal material were made by using camera lucida drawings mostly at magnifications of x 350 and x 600. The accuracy of this method was checked by measurements from photographs and also by direct measurements using an eyepiece micrometer scale. The method used to determine the diameter of algal filaments was to measure the internal diameters of five tubes per specimen to give the range of variation and probable mean. With indistinct groups, the variation is greater, due to increased error in measure- ment. Longitudinal sections of the tubes were found to be more satisfactory in giving the true diameter. These were compared with tubes seen in cross-section as in the method used by Wood (1957, 1963), but Wood’s method was found to be less accurate when measuring finer filaments of 5 ^ or less in diameter. Furthermore it was difficult to distinguish transverse and oblique sections especially in fine tubes with thick walls or curving filaments when applying Wood’s technique. In many sections the position of the original wall is marked by the greatest concentration of calcite dust (Wood 1941) against the clear calcite of the lumen, and, except in indistinct groups, this darker concentration of dust can be used to determine the original diameter of a filament. This criterion has to be used with caution however, for the calcite dust of the wall may partly obscure the clear lumen in some longitudinal sections. Crushing of an algal filament is unlikely to occur before death owing to its internal pressure. Flattening only appears to occur when tubes are adherent to each other and nearly always in encrusting forms where the filaments are in a felted mass. Where crush- ing has occurred, the clarity of the wall disappears and this gives a good indication of the doubtful value of any measurements taken. The number of each species of GirvaneUa examined by the above method is as follows : 3 specimens of G. problematica var. lumbricalis, 40 G. effusa, 60 G. ramosa, 70 G.fragila, 85 G. media, 95 each G. sarmenta and G. prolixa, 115 G. pusil/a, 125 G. incomp ta, and 160 G. problematica. MORPHOLOGY AND SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF THE GENUS Class porostromata Pia 1927 ex Harlan Johnson 1959 Genus girvanella Nicholson and Etheridge 1878 Type species. Girvanella problematica Nicholson and Etheridge. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Figs. 1, 2. Girvanella cf. prolixa sp. nov., showing septation and possible heterocyst. MF 1, Woolhope Limestone, GSM. PF 2838/1. 1, X220. 2, enlarged view X 1000. Fig. 3. G. prolixa sp. nov. with septate filaments. MF 1, Woolhope Limestone, GSM. PF 2837/5; x220. Fig. 4. G. sarmenta sp. nov. Tubes seen in cross-section. WE 1 1, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2845/2; X 180. Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 6 JOHNSON, Silurian Girvanella H. M. JOHNSON: SILURIAN GIRVANELLA 51 Original Diagnosis. ‘Nodules composed of microscopic tubuli, with arenaceous or calcareous (?) walls, flexuous or contorted, circular in section, forming loosely com- pacted masses. The tubes apparently simple cylinders, without perforations in their sides, and destitute of internal partitions of a similar kind.’ Wood (1957) in his re- description of the type species of Girvanella does not give a formal emended diagnosis of the genus. Description. The original diagnosis gave the tube diameters as 10 p and 18 p but later descriptions have considerably extended this range of diameter (Wethered 1889-93, Hoeg 1932, Wood 1957, Johnson et al. 1959). During this investigation Silurian members of the genus Girvanella were observed to have a range in diameter from 2 to 31 p. All the filaments examined had the fine granular calcite ‘dust’ wall (Wood 1941), which was occasionally iron stained, and enclosed a lumen of clear calcite crystals. Aggregations of opaque iron ores including pyrite were found within the lumen in some specimens. The mode of growth was found to be variable. The specimens investigated ranged from parallel sets of filaments having each tube of even diameter throughout to highly contorted filaments with variable diameters ; from a loose non-adherent arrange- ment of tubes to tubes in contact or adherent to each other; from no branching to highly branched forms; and from free living, possibly floating plants to attached forms, en- crusting or associating in composite growth with other algal genera. Another feature not recognized in the original diagnosis is one of possible septation (PI. 6, figs. 1-3). Definite reproductive organs are unknown within the genus and this may also be the result of indifferent preservation or that the main method of reproduction was by frag- mentation of the filaments. A possible ‘ heterocyst ’ has been found in one instance with a general rounding of a septate filament which did not appear to be a cut branch as no fracturing of the clear lumen was visible. The ‘ heterocyst ’ was oval in shape (PI. 6, figs. 1, 2) and appeared to be an integral part of the filament rather than a protuberance from it. From the evidence stated in the foregoing paragraphs it would appear that the formal diagnosis of the genus Girvanella requires some revision. Since, however, it is the purpose of this contribution to describe the Silurian species of Girvanella, a discussion of the Ordovician type material is not included. The genus Girvanella is used in this work in agreement with previous workers though it is suggested that later studies may well lead to subdivision of the genus. Lower Palaeozoic species and varieties. Hoeg (1932), in describing the Ordovician algae from the Trondheim area, subdivided Girvanella problematica into three varieties by differences in size and habit, viz. vars. typical is, moniliformis, and lumbricalis. In 1942 Lewis reviewed the various Ordovician Girvanella and concluded that they were all varieties of G. problematica including his new variety G. spiralis from the Levis group, Quebec, and G. ocellata which had been described by Seely (1885) under the genus Strephochetus. Silurian Girvanella have not been similarly subdivided and the present work has shown that they have a different range of form from their Ordovician counter- parts. Girvanella from the Welsh Borderland was found to be divisible into eight distinct growth types as follows : 1. Sets of parallel or sub-parallel filaments of apparently unlimited growth, at least 52 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 partly adhering to each other as in the G. problematica var. moniliformis Hoeg (1932) or as faggot-like bundles. 2. A loose coiling of filaments as in G. problematica (redefined by Wood 1957), or more specifically in a coil (as in G. problematica var. typicalis Hoeg 1932). Branch- ing here is infrequent, absent, or in limited portions only. 3. Short curved loose filaments, sparsely branched, sometimes encrusting, correspond- ing in form to G. problematica var. lumbricalis (Hoeg). 4. A spiral development of a single filament (or a few filaments) as in var. spiralis (Lewis). 5. Tight coiling of the filaments within a group. This is usually the result of adhering, much branching, curving filaments. 6. Highly branched, curved filaments with uneven diameter, not strictly in a coil but matted together. 7. A ‘raft ’-like development, probably a variety of the parallel tubes growth form (1) but where the filaments are of approximately equal length and appear to be of limited growth. Tubes are adherent. 8. Encrusting forms which may be one or more of the above growth forms. The tube diameter of these growth forms were also compared and from this data subdivision into district species was found to be possible. Four species groups have been erected for the Silurian Girvanella. Group A sarmenta (growth form 1 and rarely 7) Description. Groups of parallel filaments mostly adherent to each other. In longitudinal section appearing as long tubes (tubes of indefinite length), mainly in contact, un- branched or with scarcely any branching. In transverse view the circular cross-sections are arranged in clusters. Remarks. Normally, no indications of any attachment to substratum are visible. Only in a few specimens do the tubes appear to arise from one end. Raft-like forms are at present included as smaller specimens of this group. Division into species within the group is on the internal diameter of the tube, which varies from 2 to 31 fx. Species. Girvanella sarmenta sp. nov., G. prolixa sp. nov., G. fragila sp. nov. Group B problematica (growth forms 2, 3, 4, sometimes 8) Description. Loosely coiling or tangled groups. Tubes mostly not in contact with each other. Branching infrequent or none. Tubes do not lie parallel or if they attain a sub- parallel direction they are mostly not adherent to each other. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Figs. 1, 2. Girvanella sarmenta sp. nov. 1, Holotype; only part of specimen figured. Length of specimen 2-6 mm. Tubes elongate and of even diameter. WE 1 5, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF2846/4; X 160. 2, Paratype; WE 15, GSM. PF 2846/3; X 140. Figs. 3-5. G. fragila sp. nov.; MF 1, Woolhope Limestone. 3, 4, Holotype; different sections of the same specimen (figs, not in alignment); GSM. PF 2839/1. Length of specimen 2-5 mm.; X 140. 5, Paratype; specimen with slightly larger tubes, GSM. PF 2837/1 ; x 180. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 7 JOHNSON, Silurian Girvanella H. M. JOHNSON: SILURIAN GIRVANELLA 53 Remarks. Internal diameter of tubes ranges between 2 and 28 p . Branching occurs more frequently in the larger forms. Also in the larger forms, the tubes tend to be more adherent to each other than in the finer-tubed specimens. A variation of this is a tight coiling of filaments of even diameter over each other. The extreme variety of this is the production of a spiral form usually by one filament. Species. G. problematica, G. pusiUa sp. nov., G. incompta sp. nov. (probably including G. problematica var. spiralis Lewis). G. problematica var. lumbricalis may represent a distinct species (growth form 3). Group C media (growth form 5, sometimes 8) Description. Groups of filaments tightly coiling and adhering branching clusters. Branching fairly frequent. Tubes even diameter throughout with apparently no con- strictions. Internal diameter 8-18 p. Species. G. media sp. nov. Group D ramosa (growth form 6, sometimes 8) Description. Forms characterized by highly branched adherent tubes usually in clusters. Branching irregular. Tubes uneven in diameter and length between branches short. Remarks. Constrictions are often visible. Groups are sometimes encrusting. The internal diameter range is usually between 1 1 and 27 p, rarely more. The group is distinguished from G. media by its irregular diameter and more frequent branching and by its irregular type of branching from the dichotomous branching of a Rothpletzella. Species. G. ramosa sp. nov., G. effusa sp. nov. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONS Group SARMENTA Girvanella sarmenta sp. nov. Plate 6, fig. 4; Plate 7, figs. 1,2; text-fig. 3 g Diagnosis. A non-encrusting Girvanella with bundles of parallel, even diameter tubes with no constrictions. Tubes seldom branch and are mostly adherent to each other. Filament, or internal tube diameter 18-31 p, the majority having diameter between 19 and 22 p. Holotype. GSM. PF 2846/4; Plate 7, fig. 1. Wenlock Limestone, Silurian. Wenlock Edge, WE 15(5), SO 856455. Paratype. GSM. PF 2846/3 ; Plate 7, fig. 2. Same locality and horizon. Description. This species is one of the largest Girvanella found in these Silurian lime- stones. Within the Sarmenta group, the narrowest diameter tubes of this species just overlap the range for G. prolixa, but the mean value for the filaments is 5 p greater. It also appears to correspond to the Ordovician G. problematica var. moniliformis (Hoeg) in size and longitudinal view but differs from it in transverse section in having tubes arranged in clusters and not in a single row. 54 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 There does not appear to be any marked tapering to one end of a cluster so there is no evidence of this form being attached to a substrate. Distribution. Woolhope and Wenlock Limestones of the Woolhope Inlier and Wenlock Edge. It is infrequent in the Woolhope Limestone. Most specimens have been found at the south-west end of Wenlock Edge although it has been found at the other localities in the Wenlock Limestone on the Edge and at Fownhope. Girvanella prolixa sp. nov. Plate 6, fig. 3; Plate 8, figs. 2-4; text -fig. 3d Diagnosis. Girvanella occurring in small groups of parallel tubes, mostly adhering, sometimes free. Filaments long, with circular cross-section, even diameter and nearly straight. Range of filament diameter 12-18 /x, occasionally more. Most filaments are between 14 and 16 p. wide. Holotype. GSM. PF 2840/2; Plate 8, fig. 2. Grey Measures, Wenlock Limestone. Silurian. Farley Quarry, north of Much Wenlock, Wenlock Edge, Shropshire WE 3(7), SJO 15629. Remarks. Specimens examined from the Wenlock Limestone at Fownhope were found to have tube diameters mostly between 17 and 18 /x wide, which is slightly larger than aver- age. The Fownhope district appears to have been favourable for calcareous algae so it is possible that some algal growths may have been better developed than elsewhere. Some specimens from Fownhope show possible septation in the tubes (PI. 6, figs. 1-3). In a very few cases, the filaments partly converge at one end, which could indicate that some of these plants may have been attached during life. Another indication of this may be the ‘rafts’, shorter length groups which may have formed either part of a larger group or an early stage. In some, the adherent tubes converge to a narrow region and end either by the tubes joining or overlapping. Distribution. The Woolhope and Wenlock Limestones of the Woolhope Inlier and the Wenlock Limestone of Wenlock Edge. It is occasional in the Woolhope Limestone at Mordiford, but is more common in the Wenlock Limestone. It is abundant in the Grey Measures of Wenlock Edge near Much Wenlock and to the north-east although it has been obtained from most of the exposures examined along the Edge. Girvanella fragila sp. nov. Plate 7, figs. 3-5; text-fig. 3 a Diagnosis. Girvanella in which the tubes are parallel, of even diameter in bundles, mostly adherent, occasionally partly free. Tubes long, straight or slightly undulating. Branching EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 Fig. 1. Girvanella media sp. nov. Small cluster branching tubes mostly adjoining tubes in contact. FH 2, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2841/3; X250. Figs. 2-4. G. prolixa sp. nov. 2, Holotype showing sub-parallel tubes, slight branching; WE 3, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2843/1 ; X 200. 3, Specimen with sub-parallel tubes slightly larger than average; FH 2, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2840/2; X 250. 4, Transverse section of tubes; MF 1, Woolhope Limestone, GSM. PF 2837/6; x260. Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 8 JOHNSON, Silurian Girvanella H. M. JOHNSON: SILURIAN GIRVANELLA 55 700-i text-fig. 2. Range of diameter of Girvanella tubes from Mordiford, Fownhope, and Wenlock Edge. Five measurements were taken from each Girvanella specimen, thus giving the variation for each group and also more overlap of sizes than if the mean only is used, a, Mordiford, 148 specimens measured; b, Fownhope and c, Wenlock Edge, 1 62 and 1 64 specimens respectively. rare. Internal diameter of tubes range from 2 to 9 p, mostly 5-7 p, very occasionally to 10 and 11 p. Holotype. GSM. PF 2839/1; Plate 7, figs. 3, 4. Woolhope Limestone, Silurian small exposure at junction Littlehope Lane and Mordiford Road, Haugh Wood, Mordiford MF 1(2), SO 373578. Paratype. GSM. PF 2837/1 ; Plate 2, fig. 5; same locality and horizon. Description. The mean value of filament diameters (or the internal diameters of tubes) was found to be 6 p for the Woolhope specimens but the only Wenlock Limestone text-fig. 3. Comparative drawings of Silurian Girvanella all at magnification X 125, showing the size and growth forms of the different species. (Opaque inclusions also indicated in g; tube diameter slightly above average in d and i.) a, G. fragila sp. nov. b, G. pusilla sp. nov. c, G. media sp. nov. d, G. prolixa sp. nov. from Fownhope. e, G. problematica Nich. and Eth. f G. problematica var. lumbricalis Hoeg. g, G. sarmenta sp. nov. h, G. incompta sp. nov. i, G. ramosa sp. nov. j, G. ejfusa sp. nov. H. M. JOHNSON: SILURIAN GIRVANELLA 57 specimen had a tube range of 2-4 p. The tubes mainly have very dark grey granular calcite walls, ‘algal dust’ (Wood 1941). Branching may occasionally occur but is not readily visible. Remarks. No processes of attachment were seen and as these forms were abundant in bedded limestones away from reef structures, it is possible that this species may have been a floating form. G.fragila and G. pusilla constitute the finest tubed Silurian species found. G.fragila can be distinguished readily from G. pusilla by its different growth habit, the latter being loosely coiled. Distribution. This species has been found in the Woolhope Limestone around Mordiford where it is abundant at various horizons from just above the Petalocrinus Limestone to nearly the top of the Woolhope Limestone. It is extremely plentiful in the Scutterdine Quarries (Pocock 1930), sometimes appearing to be the dominant fossil in thin section. In the Wenlock Limestone the only specimen was found at Fownhope. No specimens were found in the limestones above this horizon. Group PROBLEMATICA Girvanella problematica Nicholson and Etheridge 1878 Plate 9, fig. 1 ; text-fig. he Neotype. Figured by Wood (1957), Plate 5, fig. 2. Slide BM(NH) V34566. Stinchar Limestone, Ordo- vician, Tormitchell, Girvan, Ayrshire. Description. Loosely coiling filament clusters with internal tube diameters 12-18 p, occasionally more but mostly 15-16 p, from the Silurian have been included in this species. This corresponds with Wood’s redescription of the type species having average external tube diameters 21-22 ft ranging from 18 to 25 ft (rarely 30 ft) and internal diameter average 15-16 ft ranging from 13 to 20 ft (rarely 22 ft). Girvanella having ad- herent or tight branching or faggot-like groups are not here included. G. problematica has been found both as loose non-encrusting coils and encrusting brachiopods, crinoid ossicles, bryozoa, and tabulate corals. Distribution. Woolhope, Wenlock Limestones, and the Bringewood Beds. This species is fairly common in the bedded Woolhope Limestone at Mordiford and a few specimens have been obtained from Old Radnor and Woolhope. It is fairly common to abundant in the Wenlock Limestone of Dudley, Fownhope, and Wenlock Edge, especially near Much Wenlock. It has been found also at May Hill, Ledbury, West Malverns, and Sollers’ Hope, and is present in the Bringewood Beds (Aymestry Limestone) of Ledbury, View Edge (Craven Arms), and the Whitcliffe Beds, Ludlow. Girvanella problematica var. lumbricalis Hoeg Plate 9, fig. 2; text-fig. 3/ 1932 Girvanella problematica var. lumbricalis Heeg, pi. 1, fig. 6. Description. Short strongly curving tubes, sometimes encrusting, but if so, only a small area of tube is in contact with the substrate (PI. 9, fig. 2). Tubes non-adherent, 58 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 loosely interlaced or isolate, rarely branched, and do not taper. Diameter of the fila- ments varies from 12 to 18 p, occasionally to 20 average diameter 14-17 p. Distribution. G. problematica var. lumbricalis has been found in the Wenlock Limestone of Dudley, Fownhope, and Wenlock Edge. Girvanella pusilla sp. nov. Plate 10, figs. 1-2; text-fig. 3b Diagnosis. A loosely coiled Girvanella with fine thread-like tubes. Tubes long, even diameter, mostly unbranched, not usually in contact with each other except when encrusting other organisms. Diameter of tubes varies from 2 to 9 p, very rarely to 1 1 p, average 4-7 p. Holotype. GSM. PF 2838/2; Plate 10, fig. 1. Woolhope Limestone, Haugh Wood exposure, junction of Littlehope Lane and Mordiford Road, MF 1(2), SO 373578. Remarks. Specimens obtained from the Woolhope Limestone were found to have a slightly larger tube diameter (mostly 5-7 p), than those from the Wenlock Limestone (2-7 ix, mostly 4-5 p). Specimens from the Wenlock Limestone of Fownhope and Dudley sometimes show filaments encrusting, sometimes with Wetheredella, different organisms including Coenites and crinoid ossicles. Filaments have also been seen in small growth forms in association with RothpletzeJla and Girvanella problematica. Distribution. G. pusilla occurs in the Woolhope and Wenlock Limestones of the Wool- hope District; Woolhope, Mordiford, Fownhope, and Soller’s Hope; the Woolhope Limestone of Old Radnor and the Wenlock Limestone of Wenlock Edge, Dudley, Ledbury, May Hill, and the west flank of the Malverns. This species was less abundant in the thin sections examined than G. fragila in the Woolhope Limestone, but more abundant in the Wenlock Limestone. Owing to the lack of clarity of most specimens for photographic purposes, the type specimen was selected from the Woolhope Limestone material. Girvanella incompta sp. nov. Plate 9, figs. 3, 4; Plate 10, fig. 1; Plate 11, fig. 1; text-fig. 3/i Diagnosis. Loosely coiled clusters of algal tubes. Tubes even diameter throughout and EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 Figs. 1, 2. DU 6, Wenlock Limestone. 1, Girvanella problematica Nich. and Eth., loosely coiled tubes, X 160. GSM. PF 2842/1. 2, G. problematica var. lumbricalis FToeg, with short curving tubes encrusting trilobite pleura, X 160. GSM. PF 2842/2. Figs. 3, 4. G. incompta sp. nov. WE 11, Wenlock Limestone. 3, Holotype; large loosely coiled tubes, some branching, X 140. GSM. PF 2844/1. 4, Paratype; branching and curved tubes, x250. GSM. PF 2844/2. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10 Figs. 1, 2. Girvanella pusilla sp. nov. 1, Holotype; short coiling branched filaments; MF 1, Woolhope Limestone, GSM. PF 2838/2; x250. 2, Paratype; loosely encrusting specimen, x250; Woolhope Limestone MF 2(7); Author’s coll. Fig. 3. G. media sp. nov. Holotype; curved coiling, branched filaments; FH 2, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2840/1 ; X 145. Fig. 4. G. incompta sp. nov.; a few coiled tubes; WE 11, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2845/3; x 250. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 9 JOHNSON, Silurian, Girvanella Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 10 JOHNSON, Silurian Girvane/la H. M. JOHNSON: SILURIAN GIRVANELLA 59 usually branched. Tubes slightly to completely adherent with each other. Internal diameter of tube 18-28 p, mostly 19-21 p . Holotype. GSM. PF 2844/1; Plate 9, fig. 3. Wenlock Limestone, Silurian. Wenlock Edge, WE 11(1), SO 844447. Paratype. GSM. PF 2844/2; Plate 9, fig. 4. Same locality and horizon. Description and Remarks. This species is variable in form. The variation extends from the typical very loose cluster of branching tubes to the occasional tight coiling of tubes or rarely one or two tubes arranged in a spiral form. The frequent occurrence of branching, the larger tube diameter, and the tendency of tubes to adhere to each other are the main features which separate this form from G. problematica. It has been found occasionally encrusting organisms such as brachiopods and bryozoa. Distribution. Wenlock and Aymestry Limestones (Bringewood Beds). G. incompta was found to be abundant in the Wenlock Limestone at the south-west end of Wenlock Edge, but less common elsewhere. It also was found in thin sections taken from the Wenlock Limestone at Fownhope and Wren’s Nest, Dudley and the Bringewood Beds of Aymestry Limestone of View Edge, Craven Arms. Group MEDIA Girvanella media sp. nov. Plate 8, fig. 1; Plate 10, fig. 3; Plate 11, figs. 2-4; text-fig. 3c Diagnosis. Tubes of even diameter adhering together, branching frequently and some- times tightly coiled. Diameter range 8-18 p, very rarely more, mostly 13-14 p. Holotype. GSM. PF 2840/1 ; Plate 10, fig. 3. Wenlock Limestone, Silurian. The Old Quarries, Common Hill, Fownhope FH 2(3), SO 348586. Remarks. G. media differs from G. problematica in its adherent nature and frequent branching and from G. incompta by mode of branching and filament size. Occasionally it is found to have encrusted other organisms such as brachiopods and an ostracod. Distribution. Woolhope, Wenlock, and Aymestry Limestones. G. media has been found at Woolhope and more at Mordiford (Woolhope Limestones). It occurs at Wenlock Edge, one specimen was found from Dudley but it is most abundant in the Wenlock Limestone at Fownhope. It has also been obtained from the Bringewood Beds (Aymestry Limestone) of View Edge, Craven Arms. Group RAMOSA Girvanella ramosa sp. nov. Plate 12, figs. 1, 3, 5; text-fig. 3 i Diagnosis. Highly branched, uneven diameter tubes grouped together. Tubes are com- pletely adherent to each other and branching is irregular. Diameters at internodes vary between 11 and 20 p, average 15-16 p. 60 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Holotype. GSM. PF 2846/2; Plate 12, fig. 1. Wenlock Limestone, Silurian. Wenlock Edge WE 15(5) SO 856455. Pciratype. GSM. PF 2846/1; Plate 12, fig. 5. Same locality and horizon. Description and Remarks. Most groups examined were small in size. The uneven diameter of the tubes of this species is due to the mode of branching and constrictions and in this they can be distinguished from the slightly smaller, branching even diameter tubes of G. media. In both this and the subsequent species G. ejfusa , the apparent constrictions might be related to either branching and/or cell length, if the original filaments were septate. No direct evidence has so far been found to support septation. Both these species are distinguished from Rotlipletzella spp. by their irregular modes of branching and lack of the characteristic type of beading of a Rothpletzella (beading here represent- ing cut branches). Distribution. Woolhope and Wenlock Limestones. G. ramosa has been found in the Woolhope Limestone at Mordiford and the Wenlock Limestone of Fownhope and also Wenlock Edge where it is fairly common. Girvanella ejfusa sp. nov. Plate 12, figs. 2, 4; text-fig. 3 j Diagnosis. Tubes uneven in diameter, with some constrictions and highly branched. Branching is irregular and tubes are in contact with each other. Diameter of filaments at internodes 18 to 27 p, mostly 22-23 p wide. Holotype. GSM. PF 2840/3; Plate 12, fig. 2. Wenlock Limestone, Silurian. The Old Quarries, Common Hill, Fownhope, Herefordshire, FH 2(3), SO 348586. Description and Remarks. This species, like G. ramosa, has only short internodal lengths of filaments. The filaments curve and have a high branching frequency. The ‘true’ diameter is more difficult to find in this and the last species because of this high branch- ing frequency, constrictions, and adhering tubes, so single measurements may read slightly lower than the limits shown for these forms. Graphs or histograms showing the range of diameters for each group are valuable and the ‘peaks’ on the graphs give better results than random measurements of odd filaments. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 11 Fig. 1. Girvanella incompta sp. nov., coiled group. WE 11, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2844/3; X 270. Figs. 2-4. G. media sp. nov. 2, 3, branched specimens, tubes in contact; FH 2, Wenlock Limestone. 2, GSM. PF 2841/2; x 180. 3, GSM. PF 2841/1 ; X 100. 4, Less branched specimen, tubes short in length; MF 1, Woolhope Limestone, GSM. PF 2837/3, x225. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 Figs. 1, 3, 5. Girvanella ramosa sp. nov.; specimens with branched tubes of uneven diameter. 1, Holo- type; WE 15, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2846/2; x 145. 3, WE 11, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2844/4; X 180. 5, Paratype; WE 15, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2846/1 ; X 145. Figs. 2, 4. G. effusa sp. nov. (larger diameter species than G. ramosa). 2, Holotype; FH 2, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2840/3; X 160. 4, WE 1 1, Wenlock Limestone, GSM. PF 2845/1 ; X 160. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 11 JOHNSON, Silurian Girvanella Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 12 JOHNSON, Silurian Girvanella H. M. JOHNSON: SILURIAN GIRVANELLA 61 Distribution. Woolhope and Wenlock Limestones. Very few specimens have been ob- tained from the Woolhope Limestone (Mordiford). This species is found in the Wenlock Limestone at Fownhope and in the bedded sediments at Farley and south-western end of Wenlock Edge. Acknowledgements. The author acknowledges assistance from many quarters during the progress of the work, in particular from Dr. F. W. Anderson, Dr. M. G. Calder, Professor P. W. Richards, and Professor P. W. Wardlaw. The final stages have been completed in the Durham University Geology Department thanks to the facilities kindly placed at my disposal by Professor K. C. Dunham; the plates have been prepared by Mr. C. Chaplin and Mr. G. Dresser, and text-figure 1 by Miss M. Lumley. A Durham University Research Fund grant towards the cost of preparing the paper is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES butler, a. j. and oakley, k. p. 1936. The Dudley District. Proc. Geol. Assoc. Lond. 47, 133-6. chapman, f. 1907. On the relationship of the genus Girvanella and its occurrence in the Silurian Lime- stones of Victoria. Australasian Ass. Adv. Sci. Sec. 2, 377-86. crosfield, m. c. and johnston, m. s. 1914. A study of Ballstone and Associated beds in the Wenlock Limestone of Shropshire. Proc. Geol. Lond. 25, 193-228. garwood, e. j. 1931. Important additions to our knowledge of the fossils Calcareous algae since 1913, with specific reference to the Pre-Cambrian and Palaeozoic Rocks. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 87, lxxiv-c. and Goodyear, e. 1918. On the geology of the Old Radnor district with special reference to an algal development in the Woolhope Limestone. Ibid. 74, 1-30. green, h. m. 1955. The Calcareous Algae of the Woolhope and Wenlock Limestones from certain localities in the Welsh Borderland. M.Sc. Thesis; University of Manchester. 1959. Calcareous Algae of the Silurian of the Welsh Border. Ph.D. Thesis; University of Wales. hill, p., butler, a. j., oakley, k. p., and arkell, w. j., 1936. ‘Coral Reef Meeting.’ Proc. geol. Ass. Lond. 47, 130-2. HiNDE, g. j. 1887. Review of Dr. J. G. Bornemann — The fossils of the Cambrian strata of the Island of Sardinia. Geol. Mag., 34, 226. hoeg, o. A., 1932. Ordovician algae from the Trondheim area. Skr. Norske Vidensk. Akad. i. Oslo, Math.-Nat. 4, 63-96. Johnson, j. h., konisht, k., and rezak, r. 1959. Studies of Silurian (Gotlandian) Algae. Quart. Colorado School Mines, 54, 1-173. lewis, h. p. 1942. On Girvanella in the ‘Shumardia Limestone’ of Levis, Quebec. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11), 9, 49-55, pi. 1. Nicholson, h. a. and etheridge, r. 1878. A Monograph of the Silurian Fossils of the Girvan District in Ayrshire, vol. 1, fasc. 1. Edinburgh and London. seely, h. m. 1885. A new genus of Chazy sponges, Strephochetus. Amer. Journ. Sci. 30, 355-7. squirrel, h. c. and tucker, e. 1960. The geology of the Woolhope Inlier, Herefordshire. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 116, 139-86. wethered, e. 1889. On the microscopic structure of the Jurassic pisolite. Geol. Mag. 36, 196-220. 1 890. On the occurrence of the genus Girvanella in Oolitic rocks and remarks on oolitic structure. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 46, 270-82. 1891. The Inferior Oolite of the Cotteswold Hills with special reference to its microscopical structure. Ibid. 47, 550-70. — — 1892. On the microscopic structure and residues insoluble in hydrochloric acid in the Devonian Limestones of South Devon. Ibid. 48, 377-89. 1893. On the Microscopic structure of the Wenlock Limestone. Ibid. 49, 236-48. whittard, w. f. 1952. A Geology of South Shropshire. Proc. Geol. Am. Lond. 63, 169-75. wood, a. 1941. ‘Algal Dust’ and the fine grained varieties of Carboniferous Limestone. Geol. Mag. 78, 192-200. 62 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 wood, A. 1948. ‘ Sphaerocodium' a misinterpreted fossil from the Wenlock Limestone. Proc. Geol. Ass. Loud. 59, 9-22. 1957. The type species of the genus Girvanella (Calcareous Algae). Palaeontology, 1, 22-28. 1963. The British Carboniferous species of Girvanella (Calcareous Algae). Ibid. 6, 264-73. HAZEL M. JOHNSON Department of Geology, The University, Manuscript received 12 November 1964 Durham APPENDIX A A Key to the Silurian species of Girvanella 1. Algal tubes less than 10 /a (rarely 11 p) in internal diameter; tubes even in width. {a) Tubes straight or slightly undulating; indefinite length with a moderate contact between adjoin- ing tubes; arranged in bundles, diameters mostly 5-7 ^ G.fragila (text-fig. 3 a) lb) Tubes short, of a finite length; branching variable; tubes in loose coils or encrusting, with adjoining tubes in contact; diameters 2-9 /u. mostly between 4 and Ip G. pusilla (text-fig. 3 b) 2. Algal tubes between 12 and 18 p (rarely 20 p). (a) Tube diameter range (8) 12-18 p, average 13-14 p\ even in diameter. (i) Tubes with frequent branching; adjoining tubes in contact; may or may not encrust; found in small groups G. media (text-fig. 3c) lb) Tube with average diameter over 15 p and under 18 p; even in diameter. (i) Tube average diameter 15-16 p\ long, slightly curved, with occasional branching; loosely coiling or meandering over a substrate; sometimes small amount of contact between tubes G. problematica (text-fig. 3c) (ii) Tube average diameter 15-16 p; very short, many strongly curved ; occasional contact between adjoining tubes. Found encrusting G. problematica var. lumbricalis (text-fig. 3/) (iii) Tube average diameter 15-16 p (in one locality recorded tubes average between 14 and 18 ^i); indefinite length, straight or slightly undulating; adjoining tubes in contact and arranged in faggot-like bundles G. prolixa (text-fig. 3 d) (c) Tube diameter at internodes 11—18 /a. (20 p), average 15-16 /a; diameter variable. (i) Tubes irregular, curved; adjoining tubes in contact; branching frequent and possible con- strictions G. ramosa (text-fig. 3/) 3. Algal tubes over 18 p in diameter. (a) Even diameter tubes in loose coils mostly not in close contact; branching occasional to frequent; non-encrusting; diameter range 18-28 p, mostly 19-21 p G. incompta (text-fig. 3 It) ( b ) Tubes even, long, straight or slightly undulating, arranged in bundles. Few tubes in close contact, branching rare; diameter range 18-31 p, mostly 19—22 /x G. sarmenta (text-fig. 3g) (c) Tubes large, uneven in diameter; branching frequent; also possible constrictions; adjoining tubes in contact; diameter at internodes 18-27 p, mostly 22-23 p G. effusa (text-fig. 3 j) APPENDIX B List of Girvanella localities to which reference has been made in the text and plates. Woolhope Limestone 1. Old Radnor, Radnorshire; Dolyhir Quarries and Yat Farm exposures (quarries b, c,j, k, Gar- wood and Goodyear 1918) OR 1 + 2, grid refs. SO 242582 and SO 246585. 2. Woolhope Village, Herefordshire; WH Exposure by road south of church, SO 357613. 3. Mordiford, Herefordshire; a, MF 1 Haugh Wood, several exposures; and junction with Littlehope Lane (beds just above Petalocrinus Limestone); SO 372578. b, MF 2 Scutterdine Quarries, Littlehope, SO 367581. H. M. JOHNSON: SILURIAN GIRVANELLA 63 Wenlock Limestone 4. Wenlock Edge, Shropshire; WE 1-15, Various localities along its length from Farley; SO 015629 to SO 844447 and SO 856455 further south. 5. Dudley, Worcestershire; the Wren’s Nest (DU), various exposures, SO 917935. 6. Fownhope, Herefordshire; FH, The Old Quarries, Common Hill, SO 348586. 7. Soller’s Hope, Herefordshire; Lindell’s Farm, SO 330522. 8. Woolhope area, Herefordshire; a small roadside exposure, SO 340622. 9. Longhope, Gloucestershire; Hobb’s Quarry, SO 195695. 10. Ledbury, Herefordshire; Old Quarries by main Ledbury to Worcester road, SO 376715. 11. West Malverns; Disused quarry, Park Wood, SO 445763. Bringewood Beds (Aymestry Limestone and the more calcareous Ludlovian facies) 12. View Edge, Craven Arms, Shropshire; SO 806426. 13. Ludlow, Whitcliffe; Old Quarry by River Teme, SO 742509. LATE PERMIAN TRILOBITES FROM THE SALT RANGE, WEST PAKISTAN by RICHARD E. GRANT Abstract. Three enrolled trilobites are the first reported from the Permian of the Salt Range. Two are assigned to Ditomopyge fatmii sp. nov., the third to Kathwaia capitorosa gen. et sp. nov. Correlations point to a Late Permian age (late Guadalupian or early Dzhulfian) making these among the youngest trilobites known. Fossils have been known from the Productus Limestone of the Salt Range for more than 110 years. The first were collected in 1848 by Dr. A. Fleming, and described by Davidson (1862, p. 25). Since then the unusual abundance and excellent preservation of invertebrates in this region has attracted the attention of several palaeontologists who made large and detailed collections. The outstanding major work on invertebrates of the Productus Limestone is a series of monographs by W. Waagen, published between 1879 and 1891, based on collections made by Waagen and by several geologists of the Geological Survey of India. This was supplemented by several papers and a large mono- graph by Reed (1944), based on collections by Reed and others, especially E. R. Gee who spent several years mapping the geology of the Salt Range. Despite the extensive search for fossils in these strata, however, no trilobites were reported from the Productus Limestone. Waagen (1883, p. 402) does mention that ‘trilobites’ were reported from the Productus Limestone by Theobald, but that these turned out to be fragments of lep- totid brachiopods. During the winter of 1963-4 the writer and A. N. Fatmi of the Geological Survey of Pakistan had the opportunity to collect fossils from the Productus Limestone, and were fortunate enough to find three well-preserved enrolled trilobites. These are described here because of the importance of the Productus Limestone fauna to the Permian of the world, and because their extreme rarity makes it unlikely that additional trilobite specimens will be available soon. Acknowledgements. It is a pleasure to express appreciation to the Smithsonian Institution which, through G. A. Cooper, made possible the expedition to the Salt Range; to A. N. Fatmi, Geological Survey of Pakistan, who collected the two specimens of Ditomopyge described; to C. Teichert (now University of Kansas), M. G. White, and A. Davis (U.S. Geological Survey) all of whose help, both geological and logistical, made the stay in Pakistan most pleasant; and to C. Teichert and A. R. Palmer (U.S. Geological Survey) for criticism of the manuscript. The photographs are by D. H. Massie, and the text-figure is by E. Stromberg (U.S. Geological Survey). This publication is authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey. Stratigraphy of the Productus Limestone. The Productus Limestone is composed of three units, traditionally designated the Lower, Middle, and Upper Productus Lime- stones. Teichert (in press) has recognized that these are palaeontological units as cur- rently defined, following usage by Waagen (1889) and subsequent workers. Flowever, they also approximate the actual lithic breakdown of the Productus Limestone, and, in fact, have been mapped as rock units by E. R. Gee (unpublished data). [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 1, 1966, pp. 64-73, pi. 13.] R. E. GRANT: LATE PERMIAN TRILOBITES FROM THE SALT RANGE 65 The Lower Productus Limestone (i.e. the lower lithostratigraphic unit) is 200-500 ft. thick, mostly sandstone, with the proportion of calcareous cement increasing upward. Near the top it is sandy or silty, and in places argillaceous. It contains fusulinids, pre- dominantly Parafusulina kattaensis (Schwager), in the lower three-fourths; these forms are especially abundant in two rusty brown calcareous sandstone ledges that normally occur about 40-80 ft. below the top. These fusulinids are considered by Dunbar (1933) and Dunbar et al. (1960) to be Artinskian in age, near the middle of the Lower Permian of the present classification (Sarycheva, ed. 1960, p. 10; Cohee 1960, p. 1578; Dunbar et al. 1 960). The Middle Productus Limestone is the only unit of the group that actually is pre- dominantly limestone. It is a thick-bedded biosparite that forms a prominent cliff ranging from about 200 ft. to more than 500 ft. in height. The lower beds are somewhat clayey or silty, with bedding planes 3-6 ins. apart; the middle beds are much thicker, up to 5 or 6 ft. ; the upper beds of the cliff-forming limestone are thinner, like those near the base. At the top of the cliff a very fossiliferous unit of shaly limestone and cal- careous shale or siltstone that normally weathers back from the cliff into irregular nodular beds is included in the Middle Productus Limestone. Above the nodular beds are about 40 ft. of weakly resistant green shale, or less commonly fine-grained sandstone, forming the base of the Upper Productus Limestone. This is followed by beds of sandstone, varying in grain size, amount of calcareous cement, and abundance of fossils, which bring the aggregate thickness of the Upper Productus Limestone to about 200 ft. The ammonoid Cyclolobus occurs in the upper third of this unit, indicating a Late Permian (Dzhulfian) age (Glenister and Furnish 1961, p. 684). Occurrence and age of the trilobites. All three specimens are from the uppermost beds of the Middle Productus Limestone, weathered out of the unit of alternating calcareous shale and nodular argillaceous limestone. This upper unit is 43 ft. thick at Zaluch Nala where Ditomopyge was found (fig. 1, loc. 2) and 23 ft. thick in the vicinity of Kathwai where Kathwaia was collected (fig. 1, loc. 1). The uppermost beds of the Middle Productus Limestone are faunally similar to the Upper Productus Limestone, and faunally distinct from the Lower Productus Lime- stone (for faunal lists see Waagen 1889, pp. 180-242). Therefore the trilobites can be considered late Guadalupian or early Dzhulfian, depending upon the range of Cyclolobus and the significance attached to the faunal similarity of the uppermost Middle and the Upper Productus Limestone. If this assignment is correct, the Salt Range trilobites are among the latest known (Harrington et al. 1959, pp. O 399-0 403). Two fragmentary pygidia from the Chitichun Limestone of Tibet (Diener, 1897, pp. 3-6) were found with brachiopods that closely resemble many from the top of the Middle Productus Limestone, and therefore may be the same age as the Salt Range trilobites. However, Diener (1903) found the ammonoid Cyclolobus in the same unit as his trilo- bites, which suggests that they may be slightly younger than the Salt Range specimens. Classification. Meaningful classification of the few genera of Permian trilobites neces- sarily depends upon correct understanding of the systematic affinities of their Carboni- ferous forebears. Hessler (1963, p. 543) has undertaken such a study in conjunction with his work on Mississippian Proetidae, and has indicated that he will offer a classification F B 6612 66 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 of this group in a forthcoming paper. Therefore, no suprageneric breakdown of proe- tids or phillipsiids is attempted here. Genus ditomopyge Newell 1931 1931 Diotomopyge Newell, p. 267, emend. 1935, Weller, J. M., p. 505. 1933 Cyphinium Weber, pp. 45, 81. 1937 Neophillipsia Gheyselinck, p. 56. Type species. D. lansingensis Newell 1931, p. 268, pi. 31, figs. 31-32. Diagnosis. Cephalon subtrigonal in outline, genal spines short. Glabella anteriorly expanding, but not strongly inflated; three preoccipital lobes at posterior. Eyes promi- nent, reniform, not elongate, located beside posterior third of glabella. Thorax with nine segments. Pygidium nearly the same as cephalon in size and outline. Axis with 12-18 segments, pleural regions with somewhat fewer. Border distinct but without border furrow; flat or concave, downsloping. Ornamentation weak, consisting of striations on cephalic border and underside of pygidial border, and a transverse row of low pustules or slightly elongated tubercles on each axial ring. Other ornamentation, such as low granules or shallow pits on cephalon, may be present. Discussion. The generic position of Cyphinium Weber has been discussed fully by Weller (1935, p. 504; 1936, p. 711); it is to be regarded as a junior synonym of Ditomopyge. The genus Neophillipsia Gheyselinck was established on a supposedly Upper Car- boniferous specimen from Kansas, and Weller (1944, p. 320, pi. 49, fig. 3) demonstrated beyond doubt that it belongs to Ditomopyge. In addition, he offered convincing evi- dence that it was collected from beds in southern Kansas that now are considered to be Lower Permian. Mudge and Yochelson (1962, p. 96) report a specimen from the Lower Permian of Kansas which they identify as Ditomopyge! decurtata (Gheyselinck). Their specimen was collected from slightly higher in the section than where Weller surmised Gheyselinck’s was obtained. They mention that the border continues around the anterior of the glabella and thus differs from Weller’s (1936, p. 711) diagnosis. The Salt Range specimens also differ in this feature, and perhaps are more closely related to the stratigraphically slightly higher form described by Mudge and Yochelson; other characters resemble closely those of D. scitula (Meek and Worthen) and D. decurtata (see PI. 13, figs. 4, 5). Comparisons. Only Pseudophi/lipsia Gemmellaro (1890, p. 14) resembles Ditomopyge sufficiently to warrant comparison here. To judge from reconstructions of Pseudo- phiUipsia by Gemmellaro (1890, pi. 2, fig. 4) and Weller (1944, pi. 49, fig. 10; also in Harrington et al. 1959, fig. 307, no. 4) and a systematic analysis by Goldring (1957), it differs from Ditomopyge in its more anteriorly divergent facial sutures, smaller and sharper basal pre-occipital lobes, strong granular ornamentation of the posterior of the glabella, and its great number of pygidial segments. Presence of a distinct cephalic border on the Salt Range species, and the Kansas Permian specimens called Ditomopyge ? decurtata by Mudge and Yochelson (1962) may be another indication of the close relationship of Ditomopyge with Pseudophillipsia that was emphasized by Goldring (1957, pp. 197 et seq.). Goldring suggested that Dito- mopyge as now constituted may involve two subgenera, one with a border, presumably R. E. GRANT: LATE PERMIAN TRILOBITES FROM THE SALT RANGE 67 more closely related to Pseudophillipsia, and one lacking a border. Ditomopyge is dis- tinguished from Pseudophillipsia by other features, important among which is its smaller number of pygidial segments (Goldring 1957, p. 199). Ditomopyge fatmii sp. nov. Plate 13, figs. 2 a-cl, 3 Diagnosis. Cephalon with distinct border, slightly raised to form short flange; shallow border furrow continuing around anterior of cranidium; genal spines short; pygidium with seventeen axial segments and broad border. Description. Carapace essentially smooth, ornamented only by few granules on posterior part of glabella, weak striations on cephalic border and underside of pygidial border, and by transverse row of low sagittally elongate tubercules on crest of each axial ring of thorax and pygidium. Cephalon subtrigonal in outline, somewhat flattened on top, then sloping steeply toward border, thus producing strong curvature of anterior end of glabella, and of librigenae. Glabella elongate, anteriorly expanding but not inflated, with three distinct pre-occipital lobes; lateral pair slightly longer than median one. Glabellar furrows other than those outlining pre-occipital lobes, absent. Occipital ring without median tubercle. Palpebral lobes small, crescentic, located posterior to mid- length of glabella. Facial sutures strongly divergent anterior to eyes, then convergent across border; posterior course cutting diagonally postero-laterally across posterior border. Eyes prominent, outline nearly semicircular, not elongate. Librigenae trapezoidal, posterior border furrow flexed posteriorly, distal edge of cheek produced to form short genal spine. Thorax composed of nine segments; distal ends of pleurae bent gently down- ward. Pygidium proportionately large: size and outline conforming to that of cephalon. Axis with seventeen segments and terminal axial piece, crest flattened and nodular; pleural regions with twelve slightly sigmoidal segments; interpleural furrows shallow, pleural furrows indistinct. Border distinct, rather broad, gently concave, without border furrow. Measurements (in mm.) Cephalon Length Width Thorax Length Width Pygidium Length Width Holotype, G.S.P.B. no. 88 Plate 13, figs. 2 a-d 8-8 11-5 10 8 10-2 8-8 10-7 Paratype, G.S.P.B. no. 89 Plate 13, fig. 3 7-9 c. 10 9-5 Locality. Both specimens were collected from the Middle Productus Limestone, on the divide between Kala Wahan and Zaluch Nala, east of Pai Khel, Survey of Pakistan map 38 P/9 (text-fig. 1, loc. 2). These beds can be traced along this divide between the two valleys, about one mile upstream from their mouths. The holotype was found nearer Zaluch Nala, and the paratype nearer Kala Wahan. Repository. The specimens are deposited in the collections of the Geological Survey of Pakistan, where they have been assigned catalogue numbers G.S.P.B. 88 and 89. Comparisons. Ditomopyge fatmii differs from D. scitula (Meek and Worthen) in its more distinct cephalic border marked by a border furrow that continues around the 68 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 anterior of the glabella, its smaller eyes which are distinctly less than half as long as the glabella, its greater number of pygidial segments, and probably also in its much shorter genal spines. The spines are broken from both of the available specimens, but the shape of the librigenae and the posteriorly directed course of the posterior border furrow are text-fig. 1. Map of part of Salt Range, showing localities from which trilobites were obtained. similar to those of D. decurtota (Gheyselinck), which has only short genal spines (PI. 13, figs. 4, 5). The Salt Range species differs from D. decurtata in its complete cephalic border and border furrow, somewhat greater number of pygidial segments, and its wider and more concave pygidial border. Ditomopyge meridionalis Teichert (1944, p. 458) was described from the Wandagee Formation of Western Australia, considered to be of Artinskian age (Teichert 1944, p. 456; Glenister and Furnish 1961, p. 679). This species differs from D.fatmii in its pro- portionately shorter and more bulbous glabella, less prominent pre-occipital lobes, and by the much smaller number of axial and pleural segments on the pygidium. In addition Teichert (1944, p. 460) remarks on the unusual length, for a Permian species, of the genal spines of D. meridionalis. R. E. GRANT: LATE PERMIAN TRILOBITES FROM THE SALT RANGE 69 Among Lower Carboniferous species described by Weber (1933) none seem closely similar to D. fatmii. The cephalic border of D. acanthicaudum (Weber) is very narrow, according to Weber (1933, p. 84), and the pygidium has somewhat fewer axial and pleural segments. The eyes seem to be proportionately larger than in D. fatmii, and the pre- occipital lobe more prominent. Ditomopyge kumpani (Weber) is ornamented by con- spicuous granules, and although the variety crassicrusta appears smooth, Weber (1933, p. 85) says that it is exfoliated. The Artinskian species D. artinskiense (Weber) differs from D. fatmii in its more anteriorly expanding glabella, distinctly fewer pygidial segments, and more or less transverse, rather than subcircular, median pre-occipital lobe. According to Weber (1933, p. 89) the genal spines extended posteriorly nearly to the pygidium, much further than in D. fatmii, and more like the Australian species D. meridionalis Teichert. The trend toward decreasing length of genal spines in stratigraphically younger species of Ditomopyge has been noted by Weller (1937, p. 346, text-fig. 4). The short spines of D. fatmii argue further for its Late Permian age. Genus kathwaia gen. nov. Type species. Kathwaia capitorosa sp. nov. Diagnosis. Cephalon semicircular in outline, genal spines absent. Glabella inflated, protruding anterior to border, with two small but prominent lateral pre-occipital lobes. Eyes small, near mid-length of cephalon. Thorax with nine segments. Pygidium short, with border but no border furrow. Ornamentation granular, present on all parts but strongest on cephalon. Description. The genus is monospecific at present; therefore its characters are given below in the description of the type species. Comparisons. This genus shares features with several genera of phillipsioid trilobites. It resembles Phillipsia Portlock in its general shape, granular ornamentation, and in- distinctly delimited pygidial border. It differs from that Lower Carboniferous genus in its lack of genal spines, its non-continuous cephalic border, smaller eyes located farther anterior, absence of glabellar furrows (other than those outlining pre-occipital lobes) and in its fewer pygidial segments. It is similar to Griffithides Portlock in its granular ornament and lack of genal spines, but differs in its swollen glabella, non-continuous cephalic border, semicircular rather than semi-oval or subtrigonal outline of the cephalon, more prominent lateral pre-occipital lobes, and fewer pygidial segments. Despite the Early Carboniferous age of Griffithides, it is the genus most similar to Kath- waia. Humilogriffthoides Inai, recently discussed by Endo and Matsumoto (1962, p. 159), resembles Kathwaia in its swollen glabella and lack of genal spines. It differs from the Salt Range genus in its smooth carapace, sharp genal angle, larger eyes, short lateral glabellar furrows, and its well-defined pygidial border. Among Permian genera only Neoproetus Tesch resembles Kathwaia in more than gen- eral aspect. The glabella of Neoproetus is bulbous and overhangs the anterior margin as in Kathwaia, similarly the ornamentation of the cephalon is granular, although Neo- proetus also has some wrinkles on the anterior part of the glabella (Weller 1944, p. 325). 70 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Kathwaia differs from Neoproetus in its semicircular rather than subtrigonal cephalon, its proportionately longer glabella, more inflated lateral pre-occipital lobes, smaller eyes, more rounded genal angle, divergent anterior course of the facial sutures, and in the granular ornamentation that is present over the whole carapace, not confined to the cephalon as in Neoproetus. The number of pygidial axial segments is 9 or 10 in both species of Neoproetus, N. indicus Tesch and N. verrucosus (Gemmellaro) ; it is 8 on the one known specimen of Kathwaia. In addition, the pygidium of Neoproetus is described by Gheyselinck (1937, p. 76) and Weller (1944, p. 325) as having a slightly segmented or crenulated border. This feature is not present in Kathwaia. The Middle Permian genus Paraphillipsia Toumansky (1935) from the Crimea and Himalaya differs from Kathwaia in its broader glabella, wider and more inflated pre- occipital lobes, small eyes, and its proportionately short pygidium with laterally short pleurae and very broad, granular, convex border. Other Permian genera such as Pseudophillipsia Gemmellaro, Ameura Weller, and Auisopyge Girty seem to belong to the group of trilobites containing Ditomopyge, and do not strongly resemble Kathwaia or Neoproetus. Neogriffithides Toumansky from the Permian of the Crimea has rounded genal angles similar to those of Kathwaia, although according to Weller (1944, p. 326) these were reconstructed from disassociated libri- genae, and may not belong to Neogriffithides. This doubt is reflected by Weller in his reconstruction of that genus in the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Harrington et al. 1959, fig. 306, no. 6). The multi-segmented pygidium of Neogriffithides, with its flattened distinct border, is the chief distinction from Kathwaia. Additional species. The granular species Proetus ? girty i Toumansky, from Crimean rocks considered by Toumansky (1935, p. 38) to be Guadalupian in age, may belong to Kath- waia. It differs rather strongly from the type species, K. capitorosa, in features that may be considered generic. It has a proportionately broader axis, 10 rather than 9 thoracic segments, stronger granular ornament, and differs markedly by possession of a cephalic EXPLANATION OF PLATE 13 All figures x 3. Figs. 1 a-d, Kathwaia capitorosa gen. et sp. nov., enrolled holotype from upper part of Middle Pro- ductus Limestone, south of Kathwai (text-fig. 1, loc. 1), USNM 145320. a, dorsal view of cephalon and part of thorax; b, dorsal view of pygidium and part of thorax; c, left lateral view of enrolled specimen ; d, anterior view. Figs. 2 a-d, Ditomopyge fatmii sp. nov., enrolled holotype from upper part of Middle Productus Lime- stone at Zaluch Nala (text-fig. 1, loc. 2). GSPB 88. a, dorsal view of cephalon and part of thorax; b, dorsal view of pygidium and part of thorax; c, right lateral view of enrolled specimen; d, anterior view. Fig. 3, D. fatmii sp. nov., incomplete enrolled paratype from locality 2 (text-fig. 1), GSPB 89. Dorsal view of cephalon and part of thorax. Figs. Aa-c. Ditomopyge decurtata (Gheyselinck), enrolled topotype from Permian Beattie Limestone near Wichita, Kansas, for comparison with D. fatmii, USNM no. 145322. a, dorsal view of cephalon and part of thorax; b, dorsal view of pygidium and part of thorax; c, left lateral view of enrolled specimen. Figs. 5 a-b, D. decurtata (Gheyselinck), enrolled specimen from Florena Shale Member of Beattie Limestone, East of Grand Summit, Kansas, for comparison with D. fatmii, USNM no. 145321 ; a, dorsal view of cephalon and part of thorax; b, dorsal view of pygidium and part of thorax. Palaeontology, Vo I. 9 PLATE 13 GRANT, Permian trilobiles R. E. GRANT: LATE PERMIAN TRILOBITES FROM THE SALT RANGE 71 border, which is said to be longitudinally striated. Aside from this possible additional species, no species other than the type is known to belong to Kathwaia. Kathwaia capitorosa sp. nov. Plate 13, figs. 1 a-d Diagnosis. Glabella strongly inflated, projecting anteriorly beyond cephalic border. Occipital ring rather broad sagittally, with small median node. Pygidium with eight axial segments plus terminal piece, length about two-thirds that of cephalon, border flat to slightly convex, broad but indistinctly delimited from pleural areas, lacking border furrow. Description. Carapace with relatively strong granules randomly and rather densely distributed on cephalon, and in apparent rows on axial rings; weaker granules on pleural regions of thorax and pygidium. Edge of border to cephalon and pygidium weakly striated. Cephalon approximately semicircular in outline, strongly convex. Glabella (exclusive of lateral preoccipital lobes) strongly inflated to tear-drop shape, extending anteriorly beyond border, interrupting anterior course of border except at very margin. Lateral pre-occipital lobes proportionately large, inflated, each subtrigonal in outline. Eyes small, hemispherical (not elongate); midlines located at furrows mark- ing anterior ends of lateral pre-occipital lobes, about midlength of cephalon (exclusive of anterior glabellar protrusion). Facial sutures nearly parallel to axis between eyes and posterior border furrow, then strongly divergent posteriorly across border; anterior course moderately divergent anterior to eyes, then convergent around glabella. Libri- genae strongly convex laterally; sides nearly vertical; genal angle gently and evenly curved, without genal spines. Occipital ring somewhat constricted laterally by posterior edges of lateral pre-occipital lobes; low node on crest. Thorax with 9 segments; pleural segments strongly flexed and sloping steeply to lateral margins. Pygidium about two- thirds actual length of cephalon (excluding protrusion of glabella). Axis with 8 rings and terminal axial piece; pleural regions with 7 pleurae, each subdivided by shallow furrow increasing in depth laterally. Border broad, border furrow absent, proximal edge marked only by terminations of pleural and inter-pleural furrows. Margin weakly striated, outline conforming exactly to that of cephalon, forming tight seal during enrolment. Measurements (in mm.) Cephalon Thorax Pygidium Length Width Length Width Length Width Holotype, USNM no. 145320 Length of cephalon including protruding 8-5 120 16-7 12-0 6-5 10-7 glabella 90 Locality. Kathwaia capitorosa was collected from beds at the top of the cliff of Middle Productus Lime- stone, 5-5 miles road-distance south of Kathwai, on the road to Kushab, Survey of Pakistan map 43 D/3 (fig. 1, loc. 1). The Middle Productus Limestone is faulted in such a manner that part of the cliff and the uppermost beds are repeated three times. The road passes over the lowermost fault block ; the trilobite was collected from the uppermost one, two fault ‘steps’ above the east side of the road, about 250 ft. above road level. 72 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Discussion. With only one specimen available, it is uncertain which characters are diag- nostic of the species. The diagnosis was composed with reference to species of the seemingly most nearly related genus, Neoproetus, with the assumption that species characters in Kathwaia are analogous. Repository. The specimen is deposited in the United States National Museum. REFERENCES cohee, g. f. 1960. Series subdivisions of Permian System. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 44, 1578-9. davidson, t. 1862. On some Carboniferous Brachiopoda collected in India by A. Fleming, M. D. and W. Purdon, Esq., F.G.S. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Loud. 18, 25-35, pi. 1-2. diener, c. 1897. The Permocarboniferous fauna of Chitichun No. 1 .Palaeont. Indica, ser. 15, 1, pt. 3, 1-105, p. 1-13. 1903. Permian fossils from the central Himalayas. Ibid., pt. 5, 1-204, 10 pi. dunbar, c. o. 1933. Stratigraphic significance of the fusulinids of the Lower Productus Limestone of the Salt Range. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 66, 405-13, pi. 22. et al. 1960. Correlation of the Permian formations of North America. Bull. Geol. Soc. 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Paleont. 37, 543-63, pi. 59-62. mudge, m. r. and yochelson, e. l. 1962. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the uppermost Pennsyl- vanian and lowermost Permian rocks in Kansas. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Surv. 323, 1-213, pi. 1-17. Newell, n. d. 1931. New Schizophoriidae and a trilobite from the Kansas Pennsylvanian. J. Paleont. 5, 260-9, pi. 31. reed, f. r. c. 1944. Brachiopoda and Mollusca from the Productus Limestones of the Salt Range. Palaeont. Indica, n.s. 23, Mem. 2, 1-678, pi. 1-65. sarycheva, t. g. ed. 1960. Osnovi Paleont ologii. Izdatelstvo Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R., Moscow. 3, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda, 1-343, pi. 1-7, 1-75. teichert, c. 1944. Permian trilobites from Western Australia. J. Paleont. 18, 455-63, pi. 77. — — in press. Nomenclature and correlation of the Permian ‘Productus Limestone’, Salt Range, West Pakistan. Mem. Geol. Surv. Pakistan. toumansky, o. g. 1935. The Permo-Carboniferous beds of the Crimea, Part 2, The Permo-Carboni- ferous trilobites of the Crimea. Trans, cent. geol. Inst., Leningr., pp. 1-63, pi. 1-12. (Russ, with Eng. summary). waagen, w. 1883. Salt Range fossils. Productus-Limestone fossils, pt. 1, fasc. 2. Palaeont. Indica, ser. 13, 1, 391-546, pi. 29-49. 1889. Salt Range fossils. Geological results. Palaeont. Indica, ser. 13, 4, 1-242, pi. 1-8. weber, v. n. 1933. Trilobites of the Donetz Basin (Russian with Eng. summary). Trans, geol. Prosp. Serv., U.S.S.R. 255, 1-95, pi. 1-3. 1937. Trilobites of the Carboniferous and Permian system of U.S.S.R. (Russian with Eng. sum- mary). Monogr. Palaeont. S.S.S.R. 71, 1-59, pi. 1-11. R. E. GRANT: LATE PERMIAN TRILOBITES FROM THE SALT RANGE 73 weller, j. m. 1935. Adolescent development of Ditoinopyge. J. Paleont. 9, 503-13. — 1936. Carboniferous trilobite genera. Ibid. 10, 704-14, pi. 95. 1937. Evolutionary trends in American Carboniferous trilobites. Ibid. 11, 337-46, figs. 1-4. 1944. Permian trilobite genera. Ibid. 18, 320-7, pi. 49. RICHARD E. GRANT U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Manuscript received 21 December 1964 THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROMATOPOROIDS by COLIN W. STEARN Abstract. Fourteen microstructures are recognized in stromatoporoid tissue, but not all are features of the tissue laid down by the organism and much fibrous, transversely porous, flocculent, pseudotubular, and melano- spheric tissue has developed from other microstructures during the process of preservation. Irregular specks of opaque matter less than 5 p across are present in the tissue of most stromatoporoids but some have uniformly coloured tissue. During preservation these specks have moved, diffusing out into the galleries and concentrating into spheres. Fibrosity caused by intercrystalline boundaries and by the alignment of the specks transverse to the structural elements or in a water jet pattern is both an original microstructure and developed during pre- servation. Compact tissue in which the specks are evenly distributed passes through stages of alteration due to the concretionary tendency of the specks, in which it is successively flocculent, pseudotubular, and finally characterized by dark spherules (melanospheres). Tissue of the family Stromatoporidae is marked by subspherical voids or dark spherules. Originally the tissue was cellular, filled with subspherical voids. The tissue marked by dark spherules is here called melanospheric tissue and has been altered by the breakdown of the walls between the cellules and the concentration of the dark specks in the regions between. A puzzling feature is the occurrence of other microstructures such as micro- laminae, tubules, tripartite laminae, etc., in both black-on-white and white-on-black states interchangeably. The microstructures of 22 common genera and of the family Labechiidae are reviewed and emended diagnoses of genera provided. Clathrodictyon cannot be defined in terms of cysts placed side to side, as the holotype has regular continuous laminae. The laminae of Stictostroma and Stromatoporella contain a single line of cellules opening to the galleries on either side by a pore. Clathrocoilona has compact tissue and is closely allied to Stictostroma. Actinodictyon and Pseudoactinodictyon have compact tissue and are similar to Clathrodictyon and Anostylostroma respectively. Trupetostroma has vacuolate tissue but the vacuoles are not concentrated at the peripheries of the pillars. The median light zone of its laminae is probably the result of the merging of a plane of cellules during preservation. Most species of ldiostroma should be assigned to other genera as they have in common little but external form and do not have the microstructure of the type species. Hennatostroma is polyphyletic and includes species with compact and cellular tissue. It is characterized by marginally cellular or vesicular pillars. The tissue of Stachyodes contains fine dark or light rods. Parallelopora may be distinguished from other members of the family Stromatoporidae by its large cellules arranged in vertical series. The cysts of the Labechiidae are a single thin layer of compact tissue and the enclosing layers of flocculent or striated tissue are due to diffusion of specks into the galleries during preservation. Palaeontologists of the early and middle parts of the nineteenth century described stromatoporoids in terms of their external form and surface. Rosen (1867), Nicholson (1886-92), and others discovered the internal structure of these fossils by examining them in thin sections cut tangentially and perpendicular to the banding. The coenosteum was revealed as composed mainly of laminae, pillars, cysts (or dissepiments), and amalgamate tissue in various combinations. These, and a few others that occur rarely, may be referred to as the structural elements of the stromatoporoid coenosteum and their arrangement defines a structure. Nicholson showed that the stromatoporoids could be divided into species, genera, and families on the basis of their structure. He also described the microstructures of the tissue which is the substance of the structural elements and distinguished non-porous, porous, and tubulated tissue. Heinrich (1914) based a classification of the stromatoporoids on the microstructure of the tissue and since that time students of this group have taken various stands on the nature of the microstructures of various genera, the significance of microstructures for classification, and the extent to which different microstructures are the result of the processes of preservation. In one of the two recently published classifications (Galloway 1957) the [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 1, 1966, pp. 74-124, pis. 14-19.] C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROMATOPOROIDS 75 microstructure of the tissue is important in separating familes and genera; in the other (Lecompte 1951-2) differences in microstructure are considered to be largely secondary. The lack of agreement on the interpretation of the microstructure of the order is well illustrated by a review of opinions on the tissue of the genus Stromatopora and the family Stromatoporoidae. The tissue of the genus occurs in two states: either marked by light dots on a darker background or by dark dots on a lighter background. Nicholson (1886-92) described the tissue as porous and recognized the light dots as vacuities that may be filled with bituminous matter in some states of preservation so that they appear to be darker than the surrounding tissue. His concept of the nature of the tissue is better expressed by the term cellular. Parks (1936) did not consider the Stromato- poridae extensively but believed that their structure was like that of Actinostroma on a much smaller scale; that is, the light tissue contained an open, three-dimensional lattice of dark tissue. Yavorsky, in his extensive writings on this group, well summarized in 1963, followed Nicholson in describing the tissues as porous. Lecompte (1951-2, 1956) described the tissue as ‘cellulaire’ or ‘alveolaire’ with the cells arranged in a reticulate pattern. He believed that the fundamental microstructure of stromatoporoids whose tissue others would describe as maculate, vacuolate, porous, or striated is microreticu- late. He also believed that the study of microstructures is not far enough advanced to provide a basis for classification. Against the writers noted above Galloway (1957), and Galloway and St. Jean (1957) maintained that the microstructure of Stromatopora is not porous or cellular. They described it as marked by maculae which are typically dark dots with a light centre but may appear as solid dark or light dots. They would also distinguish other types of microstructure in the stromatoporoids, such as microreticulate, porous, vacuolate, etc., which are not accepted as distinct from cellular by Lecompte. St. Jean (1963) has recently reviewed the concept of maculate microstructure. Such opposing views require reconciliation before a classification can be based on the microstructure of this group. Such a reconciliation is attempted in this paper but no new classification is presented. Faced with difficulty in applying the schemes of classification based on microstructure to the determination of stromatoporoids from western Canada, I tried to seek the basis for the conflicts by studying the major collections during 1964. Those examined were: parts of the Galloway and St. Jean collection at the University of North Carolina; the Nicholson collection at the British Museum (Natural History); the type materials of Bargatzky, Maurer, and Heinrich, assembled by E. Fliigel, attheTechnischeHochschule, Darmstadt ; the Ripper collections of Australian stromatoporoids at the British Museum and at the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge ; and type specimens of Parks’s genera at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. Unfortunately the collections of Lecompte at Brussels were unavailable for study. The Mesozoic sphaeractinoids were not considered as stromatoporoids for the pur- poses of this paper and their structure was reviewed by examination of the Hudson collection at the British Museum (Natural History) only for purposes of comparison. Thin sections in the Nicholson collection at the British Museum (Natural History) are referred to by Nicholson’s number with the prefix ‘Nich. Thin sections at the University of North Carolina are referred to with the prefix UNC and those at the Royal Ontario Museum with the prefix ROM. 76 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Acknowledgements. I am indebted to the following for grants in support of this research work: the British Council, the Royal Society, the Committee on Research of McGill University, the National Research Council of Canada, Imperial Oil Ltd., and the British American Oil Co. Ltd. For hospitality while visiting universities and museums and for profitable discussion of the prob- lems of the stromatoporoids I am deeply grateful to Dr. Joseph St. Jean (University of North Carolina), Dr. H. Dighton Thomas and Dr. W. J. Rees (British Museum (Natural History)), Dr. Erik Fliigel (Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt), and Dr. Colin Forbes (Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge). I am doubly indebted to Drs. St. Jean, Fliigel, and Thomas for critically reading the manuscript and offering suggestions for its improvement. CLASSIFICATION OF MICROSTRUCTURES The Scale of Microstructures. The structural elements are composed of tissue that is commonly several hundreds of microns thick (wide as it appears in thin section). To see microstructures which have dimensions in the range 0-5-50 /x this tissue must be examined in suitably thin sections at magnifications of 50-100 times. Photographs at magnifications less than 20 times do not show microstructures clearly. Very few papers describing stromatoporoids present photographs of magnifications suitable for the study of microstructures (exceptions are St. Jean 1960, 1962). In thick sections which may show gross structures well, fine structures are obscured by the overlapping of features in depth. Rarely even in thinner sections can particles less than 1 /x in diameter be related to the microstructural pattern, for where the section is thin enough to allow such particles to be clearly resolved, it is too thin to show the structure in which these particles participate. Although sections of uniform thickness are generally considered desirable, sections which taper to a feather-edge in at least one direction are more suitable for the study of microstructures. A magnification of 50-100 times has been adopted in this study as suitable for showing microstructures clearly. None of the photomicrographs illustrating this paper is retouched. Crystallinity and Preservation. Most Palaeozoic stromatoporoids have been preserved by the infiltration of the highly porous galleries by calcite-depositing water. Coenostea are infiltrated in whole or part by calcareous mud but these are very rare. Specimens in which the galleries are now empty have commonly been silicified or dolomitized and have in the process lost all but their grossest structure. In those stromatoporoids that are preserved in the greatest detail the crystal boundaries of the calcite mosaic show no relationship to the tissue of the fossil. Crystals are usually large and their boundaries cross pillars and laminae indiscriminately. The orientation of the crystals in this mosaic is random and therefore growth did not take place in optical continuity with the calcite laid down by the organism. The whole coenostea of these specimens must have been faithfully replaced and filled as a unit by infiltrating lime-rich waters, probably soon after burial when the passage of water through the sediment was at a maximum. St. Jean (1962) drew attention to this form of preservation in Stictostroina from Ontario. In other specimens crystallization of the calcite filling the galleries has been controlled by the structure of the fossil. First a coating of small crystals was laid down on the edges of the galleries. Later the central areas of the galleries were filled in with coarser, clearer crystals of calcite. In still other states of preservation the galleries seem to have been filled with a single generation of coarse crystals and the tissue replaced by a finer C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROMATOPOROIDS 77 crystal mosaic. The galleries of many Mesozoic sphaeractinoids are filled with a single generation of calcite crystals and the edge of their fibrous tissue is the sharp boundary of these crystals. Some of the specimens, however, seem to have a thin, clear line of crystals between the fibres and the coarse crystals of the galleries. This thin zone is optically related to the fibres of the tissue. The calcite in stromatoporoids from structurally disturbed rocks is commonly a coarse mosaic of crystals with twin lamellae on which the outline of the tissue is super- posed. The microstructure in such specimens is almost always obliterated and the tissue may be so diffused that even the gross structure is lost. Yet some such recrystallized specimens retain the structure clearly outlined in even, very finely dusty, tissue. The stromatoporoids from Devon show a great variation in this respect; some are com- pletely obscured, others retain the structure and rarely traces of the microstructure. rsiii'.n r COMPACT M TRANSVERSELY FI BROUS FLOCCULENT jyp fsrfts- vU TUBULATE CELLULAR VACUOLATE TRANSVERSELY POROUS MICRO- RETICULATE Jill /i§\ w~ ■tiariggg / •’ - /■ MELANO- SPHERIC PERIPHERALLY VESICULAR STRIATED TRIPARTITE LAMINA text-fig. 1. Stromatoporoid microstructures. Summary of Microstructures. Descriptions of the microstructures of stromatoporoids have generally been interpretive and not objective. Detailed description of the highly magnified tissue is uncommon in papers on this group. The small size and indifferent preservation of these microstructures seem to have discouraged objectivity and en- couraged idealization so that they have been described in terms of what they might have been rather than what they are now. The several types of microstructure that have been recognized are listed below and are briefly described. They are considered in more detail in following sections or under the appropriate genera. The smallest elements of microstructure are dark particles of irregular shape and unknown composition from 1 to 5 /x in diameter. These particles are called ‘specks’ (after Nicholson 1886) and considered in more detail below. Through the co-operation of Drs. Erik Fliigel, Heldur Nestor, and D. Le Maitre the equivalent terms in German, Russian and French are included in this summation. These equivalent terms were requested by circulating to these palaeontologists a sheet illustrating the various microstructures in photographs and drawings, and briefly describing them in English. French equivalents were also extracted by the writer from Fecompte’s (1951-2) monograph. Most of these microstructures are illustrated diagrammatically in text-fig. 1. 78 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 1. Compact (German — kompakt; Russian — nAomaa ; French — compacte). Tissue composed of evenly distributed specks or evenly coloured calcite. 2. Transversely fibrous (German — quer-fibros ; Russian — noncpcmioBOAOKHi-icxax ; French — fibreuse). Tissue traversed by vague lines caused by the alignment of specks or by crystal boun- daries. 3. Water jet (German — wasserstrahlartig or radialstruktur; Russian — nepucroBOAOKHiioTaH ; French — en jet d'eau). Tissue marked by fibres that spray outwards and upwards from a central zone. 4. Flocculent (German — flockig; Russian — xAonbe3iinHaa ; French — spongieuse). Tissue composed of unevenly distributed specks or colouring. 5. Transversely porous (German — quer-poros; Russian — rionepemionopiicTaa ; French — poreuse). Tissue traversed by pores which open into the galleries. 6. Tubulate (German — mit Rohren; Russian — Tpy6naTaa; French — tubuleuse [Le Maitre], tubulee [Lecompte]). Tissue contains curved and branching tubes, commonly horizontal. 7. Cellular (German — zellig; Russian — aneiicTan or ueAAK>AflpHaa ; French — celluleuse [Le Maitre] cellulaire, alveolaire [Lecompte]). Tissue filled with closely spaced subspherical voids. This term has also been translated in German as ‘makulat’, equivalent to Galloway’s (1957) ‘maculate’. 8. Vacuolate (German — mit Vacuolen; Russian — KaBepH03Haa; French — vacuolaire). Tissue con- tains subspherical voids, larger and more distinctly spaced than cellules. 9. Microreticulate (German — mikroretikulat; Russian — xoHKopemcxxaxax ; French — microreticulee). Tissue contains cellules arranged in vertical and horizontal series. 10. Melanospheric (German — melanospharisch; Russian — iraxmicxaH or KparraaTas). Tissue filled with dark subspherical groups of specks. 1 1 . Peripherally vesicular (German — randlich vesikular ; Russian — KpaeBony3Mpncxas ; French — a zone externe vesiculaire [Le Maitre], caniculo-cellulaire marginale [Lecompte]). Structural elements bordered by a layer of vesicles or a continuous membrane. 12. Striated (German — gestreift; Russian — noAocaxaa ; French — striee). Tissue filled with dark or light, thin, rod-like bodies. 13. Tripartite laminae (German — dreigeteilte Lamina; Russian — TpexcAoimaji AaMnna; French — trilaminaire [Le Maitre], Lamelle bipartite [Lecompte]). Lamina has a central light zone that may break up into a line of cellules. I propose to call the microstructure of laminae which are occupied by a single plane of cellules ‘ordinicellular’ (Latin: row of small chambers). 14. Meshed fibre (French — ? fibrillaire [Lecompte]). Lamina longitudinally fibrous, composed of intermeshed fibres and dissepiments. (Used only by Lecompte (1956) for Synthetostroma). In a recent letter Yavorsky indicated that he uses translations of Nicholson’s terms to describe the microstructure of the stromatoporoids. He believes that the word ‘com- pact’ adequately describes the microstructure of all the genera in Nicholson’s hydro- actinoid group. For the microstructure of Stromatoporella he uses ‘thread-like’ or ‘stream-like’. Yavorsky (1962) recently illustrated his concept of the microstructure of many stromatoporoid genera. Specks and Speckled Tissue. When appropriately thin sections of many stromatoporoids are magnified about 100 times the tissue can be seen to be crowded with dark irregular particles which Nicholson (1886) referred to as specks. Nicholson believed these to be fillings of minute pores or tubules and Lecompte (1951, p. 16) also favoured this inter- pretation. Galloway (1957, p. 361) noted that their composition is unknown, that they are probably deposited by infiltrating water and may consist of iron oxide, sulphide, or organic carbon. St. Jean (1962) described the specks in Stictostroma in detail but referred to them as flecks. He noted their movement and their tendency to clump into what he called pseudomaculae. Lecompte (1951) believed them to be centres of carbonaceous pigment. C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROMATOPOROIDS 79 The specks are highly irregular in shape but rarely do they seem to be tubular (PI. 14, fig. 1). As they are only 0-5-5 p in diameter determination of their composition is difficult. The electron probe may offer a hope for a solution of this problem. St. Jean (1962) reported the probable presence of an amino acid in a Palaeozoic stromatoporoid. Such a compound was probably located in the dark specks of the tissue but its position remains conjectural as the analysis was made by dissolving the whole coenosteum. The specks seem to be bodies of carbonaceous matter that have been concentrated from the diffuse organic matter originally present throughout the calcite crystals secreted by the organism. The aragonite hard parts of recent hydrozoans do not con- tain much organic matter. However, Moseley (1891) quoted analyses of skeletal tissue of Millepora showing several per cent, of organic matter and perhaps the stromato- poroids incorporated more within their tissue than their modern representatives. Many modern hydrozoans have plant parasites in their hard parts but the specks of stromato- poroid tissue are too evenly and universally present to be the remains of such parasites. Some well-preserved specimens show no specks but the tissue is distinguished from the clear gallery fillings by its darker, usually brownish, colour or by a milkiness that cannot be resolved into particles. Such tissue is common in Devonian stromatoporoids from Germany and Canada. This darker tissue may have specks superposed upon it or more commonly the concentration of specks alone distinguishes the tissue from the galleries. The coloured, speckless tissue is believed to be close to the form in which it was secreted before the specks emerged. In different stratigraphic units the stromatoporoids are preserved differently. The stromatoporoids from Devon are recrystallized ; those from the Silurian of Shropshire have widely spaced dark specks and crystal mosaics independent of the structure; those from the Devonian of the central United States are coarsely speckled and few show clear cellular structures; those from the Devonian of western Canada either have very fine specks closely set or brown coloured speckless tissue. In well-preserved stromatoporoids the edge of the speckled tissue is sharply defined. The specks, however, are capable of movement during such processes of preservation as the lining of cavities, infiltration of voids, replacement, and recrystallization. Whether the specks themselves move or whether the diffuse organic matter from which they eventually emerge does so is difficult to determine now, but the latter seems more likely. The end result is that the specks seem to have moved (PI. 15, fig. 2). As St. Jean (1962) has shown they move out into the galleries, making the boundary of the tissue gradational and diffuse. They also show concretionary tendencies and clump into what St. Jean (1962) has called pseudo- maculae, but which are here called melanospheres and are discussed below. Transverse Fibrosity and Water Jet Microstructure. Fibrous microstructure is widespread in a wide variety of genera of stromatoporoids. This fibrosity locally seems to be caused by the alignment of the specks across the elements of structure and locally by the de- velopment of transverse intercrystalline boundaries. Although transverse fibrosity is more marked in some genera such as Anostylostroma (PI. 14, fig. 4), Amphipora, and Stictostroma, it may develop under appropriate conditions in almost any tissue. In tangential section such fibrosity may seem to be radial in the pillars, or patches of tissue may show a direction of fibrosity unrelated to neighbouring patches. In some states of preservation the alignment of specks into a fibrous microstructure develops 80 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 over relatively large areas of tangential sections either regionally aligned in a certain direction or in swirls. Tangential sections of Syringostroma from the central United States commonly show this type of fibrosity. The long rod-like pillars of some genera show fibres radiating upwards and outwards from their axes. This produces a water jet or feather structure in longitudinal section and a radial structure in tangential section. Such a fibrosity is particularly characteristic of Mesozoic sphaeractinoids (Steiner 1932, Hudson 1958) but occurs in certain states of preservation in many Palaeozoic genera and seems in the latter to be a microstructure formed during preservation. It occurs in two positions: ( a ) within the tissue, and ( b ) within the gallery space. If it occurs in the tissue of the pillars it may be accompanied by an axial dark line as in those specimens identified by Nicholson as Stromatopora beuthii (not Hermatostroma beuthii (Bargatzky) of Lecompte, with which only one or two of Nicholson’s specimens agree) or in Actinostroma clathratum Nicholson. I have also observed water jet microstructure in some species of Taleastroma and Actinostroma. One of Nicholson’s specimens of Stromatopora bucheliensis (Bargatzky) (Nich. 97) shows (PL 14, fig. 2) that water jet fibrosity may form in cellular tissue completely unrelated to the position of the cellules. A water jet structure has also been described by Stearn (1961, 1962) in Taleastromal confertwn Stearn, Syringostroma bifurcum Stearn, and Trupetostroma pycnostylotum Stearn, and may be seen in several poorly preserved stromatoporoids in the Nicholson collection with thick, closely set pillars. In all these species the fibrosity appears to be caused by the outward growth of fibrous crystals from an axis. Galloway (1957, p. 464, pi. 31, fig. 15) illustrated a microstructure like a water jet in Syringostroma densum Nicholson caused by the spray-like arrange- ment of melanospheres in the pillars. This micro structure is not comparable with that shown by specimens described above. Water jet fibrosity in the galleries is well illustrated by specimens of Parallelopora dartingtonensis (Carter) from Devon which Nicholson (1886) described as ‘reversed’. In these the tissue is light coloured or clear and the calcite of the galleries and astro- EXPLANATION OF PLATE 14 Fig. 1. Syringostroma subfuscum Galloway and St. Jean (UNC 294-88). Vertical section of paratype, X 250, showing the specks made of irregularly distributed dark matter. Middle Devonian, 5 miles E. of Logansport, Indiana. Fig. 2. Stromatopora bucheliensis (Bargatzky) (Nich. 97). Vertical section of holotype, X 100, showing cellular microstructure and suggestion of water jet fibrosity in the pillars. Middle Devonian, Btichel, Germany. Fig. 3. Anostylostroma arvense Parks (UNC 272-16). Vertical section, X 100, showing lack of fibrosity in tissue surrounded by sediment. Middle Devonian, Marblehead, Ohio. Fig. 4. Anostylostroma laxum (Nicholson) (UNC 282-52). Vertical section, X 100, showing transversely fibrous laminae and darker pillars. Middle Devonian, 5 miles NW. of Columbus, Ohio. Fig. 5. Stromatopora mononensis Galloway and St. Jean (UNC 278-21). Vertical section of holotype, X 100, showing clear microlaminae traversing speckled tissue. Middle Devonian, 2 miles W. of Monon, Indiana. Fig. 6. Clathrodictyon vesiculosum Nicholson (Nich. 2184). Vertical section, X 100, showing compact, speckled tissue. Middle Silurian, Much Wenlock, Shropshire. Fig. 7. Stromatopora tvpica Rosen (Nich. 51a). Tangential section, X 100, showing transitional stage from cellular to melanospheric tissue. Middle Silurian, Kaugatoma, Oesel Island. Fig. 8. Stictostroma damnoniensis (Nicholson) (Nich. 355). Vertical section, X 100, showing flocculent tissue with slight development of fibrosity. Middle Devonian, Teignmouth, Devon. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 14 STEARN, Stromatoporoid microstructures C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROM ATOPOROIDS 81 rhizal canals, which is normally clear, is darkly stained apparently by bituminous matter. Nicholson’s suggestion that the filling is a recrystallized calcareous mud does not seem likely. This dark filling shows a fibrous crystallinity in which the crystal boundaries curve outwards from the axis of the galleries or canals and the margins of the tissue are irregular. This kind of preservation is uncommon but its existence confuses the inter- pretation of specimens common in the Devonian of Alberta (Stearn 1963, p. 667) whose whole structure consists of contiguous water jets. The examples given above establish that fibrosity due to crystalline boundaries occurs in a variety of otherwise unrelated genera and may develop during the preser- vation of the specimen. In some genera such as Anostylostroma, Stictostroma, and Amphipora, transverse fibrosity is almost universally present and in such genera may be of systematic importance. In some specimens of Anostylostroma in which the galleries have been locally filled with calcareous mud rather than crystalline calcite (PL 14, fig. 3), the transverse porosity common in the genus has not developed and the tissue is crypto- crystalline and without specks. This suggests that transverse porosity even in these genera may be a feature of preservation and should be used with care in taxonomy. Further research may show that transverse porosity due to crystalline boundaries is a phenomenon of preservation and transverse porosity due to alignment of specks is a primary microstructure. In Mesozoic sphaeractinoids the fibres curve outwards from an axial strand (that may or may not be darker) to meet the border of the tissue perpendicularly (clinogonal of Hudson 1958) or extend straight out from the axial strand (orthogonal of Hudson 1958). This fibrosity is invisible in plane light in certain states of preservation but under crossed nicols it is revealed as due to the alignment of fibrous crystals. In places dark specks may also be aligned with the fibrosity but it is fundamentally crystalline. Flocculent Microstructure. In many stromatoporoids the speckled tissue is neither fibrous nor homogeneous but the density of the specks and colour is not uniform. Such tissue looks blotchy and has the texture of curdled cream (PI. 14, fig. 8). Galloway and St. Jean (1957) referred to it as flocculent tissue. It is common in thick stromatoporoid tissue such as occurs in Stromatoporella and is further discussed under that genus. Cellular, Melanospheric, Maculate, and Microreticulate Microstructure. The tissue of Stromatopora and related genera contains spherical clear areas or dark areas (PI. 18, figs. 2, 4). Galloway (1957, p. 355) listed ten terms which writers have used to describe the microstructure of these genera and all of them imply that the tissue encloses vacuities. Nicholson (1886, p. 36) referred to the microstructure as ‘dotted or porous’ but leaves no doubt elsewhere in his monograph that he understood that the tissue contained sub- spherical voids. Galloway (1957), and Galloway and St. Jean (1957) substituted for Nicholson’s word ‘dotted’ the term ‘maculate’, and described the tissue as not porous or cellular but dotted either with light maculae on a dark field or vice versa. Galloway wrote (1957, p. 363) ‘The maculae are not pores but dots: e.g. light or dark’, yet (p. 358) he referred to the tissue of Stromatopora as ‘spongy’, which seems to imply pores. Galloway conceived the maculae as spheres in which dark matter is concentrated at the periphery so that in thin section they typically have a light centre. He believed that the expansion of the clear centres gave rise to clear maculae, that is, dark tissue with lighter dots. None of the specimens of Stromatopora examined by me show distinct annular G B 6612 82 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 structures. In uncommon states of recrystallization specks have moved towards the peripheries of crystals making them light in the centre and dark at the edge but this is not the microstructure referred to by Galloway. Galloway (1957, p. 363) described the maculae as being 02-0-3 mm. in diameter but this must be a misprint for 0-02-0-03 mm. for below he stated that larger ones may be 0 03-0 06 mm. He described, however, struc- tures as large as 0-13 mm. as maculae (1960, p. 634). The maculate concept of microstructure seems to be based on examination of the stromatoporoids from the central United States which commonly show the maculae as dark dots against a light background. Well-preserved specimens from Europe of Stromatopora and related genera show spherical vacuities or cellules in darker tissue. However, spherical clusters of dark specks in lighter tissue do occur in the tissue of many European specimens. Galloway has used the term maculate to apply to tissue containing light and dark spheres but these are two different microstructures and each needs a descriptive term. The dark spheres in lighter tissue are called melanospheres (Stearn 1965) and the microstructure they define is melanospheric. The tissue with spherical vacuities (the light maculae of Galloway and St. Jean) is called ‘cellular’ as suggested by Lecompte (1952, 1956) and others. That melanospheric and cellular microstructures can be different states of preser- vation of the same original tissue is indicated by the following: 1. Different specimens of the same gross structure may be cellular or melanospheric. 2. Within the same coenosteum or thin section melanospheric and cellular tissue may coexist. 3. In some states of preservation a single field under the microscope may be inter- preted as either melanospheric or cellular. Such fields present an optical illusion. If the observer concentrates on the light areas, they seem to be holes in the dark background; if he concentrates on the dark areas, they seem to be dots on a light field. How then are the two microstructures related? Examination of the transition from one to the other in the same specimen shows that the filling of the cellules by organic matter does not produce melanospheric tissue. The tissue of the best preserved specimens which approaches the microstructure of the tissue secreted by the organism contains closely set subspherical vacuities (cellules). In such tissue the largest masses of dark matter would be between four closely packed cellules and would be connected around .the cellules by tenuous films of dark matter to adjacent large masses. In the process of preservation the films of dark matter connecting the larger masses are either diffused as the cellules enlarge or else their dark matter migrates to the larger intercellular masses leaving a light tissue with subspherical dark masses of specks, the melanospheres. Specimens in intermediate stages of this process can be found showing melanospheres with small extensions towards neighbouring melanospheres (PI. 14, fig. 7). The result- ing melanospheres do not occupy the positions of the cellules but intercellular positions (text-fig. 2). The dark matter may be either structureless or resolved into specks. The proportions of light and dark tissue in cellular and melanospheric microstructures in a given section will depend on several factors, such as: 1 . The position of the plane of the section with respect to the microstructure. Different sections of the same random microstructure will give different proportions. C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROM ATOPOROIDS 83 2. The original size of the cellules. 3. The amount of their secondary enlargement. 4. The relationship of the thickness of the section to the size of the cellules or melano- spheres. 5. The arrangement of the cellules, whether random or regular. The appearance of tissue that originally had a cellular microstructure may for these reasons differ widely within sections, between specimens, and between different species. ^4$ 'Wi •& Ms .wVi':. -lah- In y ij:-' *.v r 4 ’s KUv &/■*: •ifcS* Wr- ■ text-fig. 2. Transition from cellular to melanospheric tissue. Unfortunately, melanospheres develop in tissue that was not cellular and are not an infallible sign of originally cellular tissue (PI. 16, fig. 8). Melanospheric tissue is not rare in such genera as Stromatoporella and Stictostroma and has been interpreted as cellular tissue by some investigators. Even such compact genera as Anostylostroma may show isolated areas of melanospheric tissue. These subspherical masses of specks in ‘non- maculate’ genera have been called pseudomaculae by St. Jean (1962) but are regarded as melanospheres in this paper (PI. 1 5, fig. 3). The only fallible index to cellular tissue is the appearance of closely spaced spherical voids in well-preserved specimens but stroma- toporoids whose tissue is evenly and extensively melanospheric are likely to have had cellular tissue. Melanospheric tissue seems to develop in compact genera through the concretionary tendencies of the specks. Flocculent tissue may be an intermediate stage in the transition from compact to melanospheric tissue. The tendency for the dark matter to gather into balls, which is evident in the progressive changes taking place in both cellular and com- pact tissue, has no obvious explanation. In one type of cellular tissue the cellules are arranged in vertical and horizontal series and the dark or speckled tissue between the cellules forms a crude three-dimensional lattice. This microstructure is called microreticulate (PI. 18, fig. 3). Nicholson (1886) used the term ‘continuously reticulate’ to refer to tissue in which pillars and laminae blend to form a network but the term microreticulate refers to a feature of much smaller scale. Microreticulate tissue gives rise to melanospheric tissue and may also give rise to tissue containing rod-like bodies of dark matter as in Parallelopora. The various manifestations of this tissue and its relationship to microlaminae are discussed below under Stromatopora, Syringo stroma, and Parallelopora. Other Microstructures. Other microstructures which are not as widespread as those dis- cussed above are considered further under appropriate genera below, as follows: Transversely porous — Stromatoporella and Stictostroma (PI. 16, fig. 5) Tubulate — Stromatoporella (PI. 16, fig. 3) Vacuolate — Trupetostroma (PI. 17, fig. 1) 84 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Tripartite lamina and ordinicellular tissue — Stromatoporella, Stictostroma, Trupe- tostroma (PI. 16, fig. 4) Striated — St achy odes (PI. 18, fig. 8) Peripherally vesicular — Hermatostroma (PI. 17, fig. 4). TISSUE REVERSAL In some specimens the galleries have been filled with dark sediment and the tissue therefore is lighter than the galleries instead of the galleries being clear and the tissue dark. Such tissue reversal is not difficult to understand. A more puzzling phenomenon is the occurrence of certain microstructures in either a ‘white-on-black’ or a ‘ black-on- white ’ form. Genera that are characterized by tripartite laminae include Stictostroma, Trupetostroma, Stromatoporella, and Clathrocoilona. The central layer of the laminae is normally light and the outer layers darker. Well-preserved specimens of Stictostroma and Stromatoporella suggest that the central light zone is the result of the joining during preservation of a line of cellules along the axis of the lamina. In all these genera the central zone may also appear to be darker than the lateral ones. In some specimens of Stromatoporella kirki (Galloway and St. Jean) different laminae in the same section may show a dark or light axial fine. In Clathrocoilona restricta (Galloway and St. Jean) laminae with a light central zone may have this replaced laterally by a dark line which looks like bituminous matter filling a crack. In these specimens the dark axial line may be explained as an organic filling of a porous zone but when one group of specimens consistently has dark axial zones and another group light axial zones, doubts arise as to whether these were the same structures originally. In several species of Stromatopora and Syringostroma fine microlaminae are repre- sented by dark lines in the tissue (PI. 17, fig. 7). In the species Stromatopora mononensis (Galloway and St. Jean) (PL 14, fig. 5) and Syringostroma bicrenulata (Galloway and St. Jean) the microlaminae are clear zones traversing a generally dense, speckled and melanospheric tissue. Are the clear zones the same microstructure as the dark micro- laminae in a different state of preservation? How were they formed when the tissue was secreted? In one specimen of Labechia conferta from the Nicholson collection (Nich. 266 a) most of the cysts are black lines which have a zone into which the specks have migrated on either side. In one group, however, the zones enclose clear tissue as if after the specks had spread into the galleries the cyst itself had been replaced by clear calcite. In some specimens that have regular laminae crossing pillars, the laminae between the pillars are a dark speckled layer but where they cross the pillars they are represented by a clear zone in the tissue. More work is needed on these phenomena before an explanation can be offered. Related to these unsolved problems of tissue reversal are problems of secondary and primary tissue and the superposition or continuity of pillars. Galloway (1957) distin- guished primary tissue which forms the darker, finer, core structures of laminae and pillars from secondary tissue which is lighter in colour, less dense in texture, commonly porous and coats the primary tissue, tending to fill in the galleries. For example, he pictures the structure of Stromatopora as made up of primary microlaminae coated with secondary maculate tissue which fills most of the galleries. Although the distinction between two types of tissue may be valuable, the assumption that one type of tissue was C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROMATOPOROIDS 85 laid down first and the other followed perhaps at a later stage is unjustified. In addition, the adjective ‘ secondary ’ carries the suggestion of tissues deposited by inorganic agencies after the organism was dead. Where a microlamina is covered with lighter tissue it is referred to as clothing or coating tissue in this paper. In genera with distinct long pillars and laminae, systematic importance has been placed on whether the pillars are interrupted by the passage of the laminae and composed of superposed segments (e.g. Trupetostroma , Gerrono stroma) or whether they are continuous through the laminae (e.g. Actinostroma). Doubt is thrown on the validity of this distinc- tion by many thin sections in which pillars seem to be continuous through laminae in parts and broken into segments by laminae in other parts. Although poor preservation may obscure the interruption of the pillars by the laminae, variations in preservation alone cannot explain the differences in the expression of this feature. In certain parts of coenostea growth of pillars seems to have been interrupted by the deposition of a lamina. In other parts the pillars seem to have grown continuously, perhaps secreted by cells elevated above the general level of the sheet of living matter, while periodically a lamina was deposited below and around them. DISCUSSION OF GENERA In the following section the microstructures of the major genera of stromatoporoids are described and the definitions of the genera reviewed. Holotypes of the type species of the following genera were examined in the course of this study: Actinodictyon, Actinostroma, Anostylostroma, Clcithrodictyon, Cystostroma, Dendrostroma, Hammato- stroma, Hermatostroma, Idiostroma, Labechia, LabechieUa , Lophiostroma, Parallelopora, Pseudoactinodictyon , Rosenella, Stachyodes, Stictostroma , Stromatoporella, Stylodictyon, Syringostroma, Taleastroma, Trupetostroma. Types of lesser value of the type species of the following genera were examined as indicated: Amphipora (topotype), Aulacera (topotype), Clathrocoilona (hypotype), Cryptophragmus (topotype), Gerronostroma ( para- type), Stromatopora (topotype). Holotypes of the type species of the following genera have not been seen by the writer and most of these genera are not included except briefly in the following discussion: Atelodictyon Lecompte, Cambrostroma Vlasov, Clathro- stroma Yavorsky, Clavidictyon Sugiyama, Ferestromatopora Yavorsky, Intexodictyon Yavorsky, Korovine/la Khalfina, Paramphipora Yavorsky, Praeactinostroma Khalfina, Synthetostroma Lecompte, Vicunostcichyodes Yavorsky, some recently described Russian genera, and several Labechioids. No attempt is made to review synonymies of genera or the history of their usage as both have been done by Galloway (1957) and Lecompte (1951-2). Structures such as dissepiments, astrorhizal canals, and surface features which are not generic characters have been eliminated from the diagnoses and discussions. Only a few of the critical species of each genus are mentioned. The highly idealized three-dimensional drawings of the structure and microstructure of many of the genera (text-figs. 3, 4, 6-10, 12-15) represent my interpretation of the patterns shown by the unretouched photographs at a magnification of x50. In genera with well-defined laminae only a single lamina and interlaminar space is illustrated by the stripping of adjacent laminae and their associated pillars. Where the continuity of pillars is important in the structure, these are illustrated on both sides of the lamina. The front and side surfaces are vertical sections. The top surface is a tangential section 86 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 which intersects the pillars near their tops at the front and converges on the lamina toward the back, cutting it tangentially at the back of the diagram. Problems of classification are outside the scope of this paper. The genera have been arranged in an order which places related genera as close together as possible. actinostroma Nicholson Text-fig. 3 Type species'. A. clathratum Nicholson Coenosteum composed of long continuous pillars which at intervals give off horizontal rod-like radial processes. Processes join neighbouring pillars forming net-like laminae. Tissue compact, in a single layer in the pillars, processes, and laminae. This genus is narrowly defined and was fully revised by Fliigel (1959). In general the tissue is evenly speckled throughout both pillars and laminae but the specks of Silurian species seem to be larger (approx. 1-5 p) than the Devonian ones (less than 1 p). The specks in the tissue move out into the galleries and tend to become aligned perpendicular to the edge of the tissue to produce a fibrous microstructure. When the fibrosity is well developed the pillars may show fibres bending upwards and outwards from the axes (water jet microstructure). Such a microstructure is shown by the type specimen of A. clathratum Nicholson in which the fibrosity is outlined not only by the position of specks but also by fibrous crystals following the same pattern (PL 1 5, fig. 1). The pillars in this specimen, and not uncommonly in others of the genus, are lighter in colour than the laminae. Pillars with water jet microstructure are radially fibrous in tangential section. In parts of the type vertical sections the laminae appear to be continuous; in other parts they appear as a series of dark granules depending on the direction in which the network laminae are cut. Specimens of A. bifarium Nicholson and A. verrucosum (Gold- fuss) also show water jet microstructure. The pillars of A. bifarium , A. clathratum, A. expansum (Hall and Whitfield), and A. verrucosum show an axial dark zone where specks are concentrated, or more rarely a light zone. Whether the axial zone is light or dark does not seem to be significant, for some specimens of A. clathratum from the North- west Territories of Canada show both patterns. Undoubtedly this axial concentration C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROM ATOPOROIDS 87 of dark matter is related to the water jet microstructure, a relationship that is evident also in the Mesozoic sphaeractinoids. The tissue of Actinostroma may also be flocculent. Ripper (1938) suggested that species of one group of Actinostroma (that of A. ste/lu- latum ) may have porous pillars. One of her new varieties, A. stellulatum distans, does show pores in the tissue of the pillars. However, these specimens do not belong to the genus Actinostroma but are here placed in the genus Gerronostroma discussed below. Radial arms are given off by the pillars to form a network which in tangential section has been referred to as the ‘hexactinellid network’. This network is the sine qua non of Actinostroma (and Ate/odictyon ) but unfortunately in many specimens it is destroyed or modified during the process of fossilization. When the network is poorly preserved the genus Actinostroma is easily confused with Gerronostroma, but the latter has continuous laminae pierced by transverse pores and pillars that are commonly interrupted by the laminae. Several species described as Actinostroma should be assigned to this genus and several specimens in the Nicholson collection belong in it (see below under Gerrono- stroma). Actinostroma resembles Ate/odictyon closely and differs only in the continuity of its pillars through more than one interlaminar space. Actinostroma stellulatum (Nicholson) is not typical of the genus. The lectotype (Nich. 170) shows pillars with radial arms in tangential section; however, they do not unite regularly to form a con- tinous network, but rather become very numerous in the laminae, forming a fibrous mat. The laminae in vertical section are persistent and appear to be solid. The pillars are generally confined to a single interlaminar space, but locally they seem to be either superposed or pass through several laminae. The type specimen has a compact tissue which is somewhat flocculent and shows a tendency to break down into melanospheres in the pillars. The species is closely related to Ate/odictyon but its superposed pillars make its retention in Actinostroma possible. Fliigel (1958) placed Actinostroma astroites (Rosen) in a separate subgenus of Actino- stroma called Densastroma. The structure of this species is so unlike that of other species of Actinostroma and superficially like that of Stromatopora that its separation from the rest of the species of Actinostroma is desirable. The laminae and pillars of topotypes in the Nicholson collection are very thin and the tissue is finely speckled like that of many Silurian stromatoporoids. The grid of pillars and laminae is so fine that the slightest diffusion obliterates the structure entirely. Nestor (1964) separated the group of Actinostroma intertextum Nicholson from the rest of the genus on the basis of the lack of regularity in the giving off of the radial pro- cesses. The microstructure of the new genus, Plectostroma Nestor, determined on the basis of the type of A. intertextum (Nich. 188) is compact, with speckling of the tissue well developed. atelodictyon Lecompte Type species: A. fallax Lecompte Coenosteum composed of well-defined pillars and laminae. Pillars confined to a single interlaminar space, commonly incomplete and branching, giving off at the top horizontal processes which join as a network, or in chain-like groups to form the laminae. Laminae fundamentally net-like, typically discontinuous in vertical section. Horizontal processes may be thickened so that laminae appear to be a sheet of tissue with round closely spaced foramina. Tissue compact. 88 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 In proposing this genus Lecompte (1951) included in it a group of Silurian and Devonian species formerly described as Clathrodictyon and described three new Devonian species. Both he and Galloway (1957) emphasized its relationship to Clathro- dictyon, yet in the way the laminae are formed it is fundamentally different from the whole of the Clathrodictyonidae and similar to the Actinostromatidae. I was unable to see the type specimens of A.fallax but they are figured and described by Lecompte (1951) and by Galloway and St. Jean (1957). In the type species the pillars are simple short columns and commonly superposed but in other species, particularly those from North America (A. inter calare Galloway and St. Jean, A. stelliferum Stearn, A. ordination Stearn), the pillars tend to divide and branch, to be oblique and incomplete. The laminae of A.fallax are apparently a single layer of tissue with bordering darker zones in places. The laminae in vertical section appear to be solid, but such a structure could result from the cutting of the net-like laminae shown in tangential section only if the vertical sections pictured are thick. In A. intercalare , A. stelliferum , and A. ordination the laminae break up in vertical section into a series of granules — the cut ends of the radial processes which form the laminar network. In A. intercalare the aligned granules form a single layer but in A. stelliferum they are coated on either side with lighter coloured continuous tissue. The pillars of Atelodictyon are compact and, in vertical section at least, not porous. However, in tangential sections of several species, including the type species, an open space appears in the centre of each pillar where it splits into horizontal processes. Apparently the pillar has a slight closed depression where the pro- cesses diverge. Galloway (1957) restricted this genus to the Middle Devonian but Lecompte (1951) included several Silurian specimens in it. The species of Atelodictyon described as pos- sibly Silurian by Ripper (1933), such as Clathrodictyon chapmani (Ripper) and Clathro- dictyon regulare distans (Ripper) (probably = Atelodictyon distans ), are of Devonian age (Ripper 1938). Several species of Clathrodictyon described by Boehnke (1915) from the Silurian drift of northern Germany (such as C. alternans Boehnke, C. spatiosum EXPLANATION OF PLATE 15 Fig. 1. Actinostroma clathratum Nicholson (Nich. 141). Vertical section of lectotype, X 100, showing compact pillars and laminae; water jet fibrosity is present but does not show well on the photo- graph. Middle Devonian, Gerolstein, Germany. Fig. 2. Clathrodictyon striatellum (d'Orbigny) (Nich. 246). Vertical section, X 100, showing clear zone separating the specks of the laminae from those migrating out into the galleries. Middle Silurian, Dorrington, Shropshire. Fig. 3. Anostylostroma hamiltonensis Parks (ROM 16536). Vertical section of holotype, X 100, showing flocculent (approaching melanospheric) pillar and transversely porous lamina. Middle Devonian, Alpena, Michigan. Fig. 4. Pseudoactinodictyon vagans (Parks) (ROM 9376). Vertical section of lectotype, X 50, showing compact pillars and cysts. Middle Devonian, Kelly’s Island, Ohio. Fig. 5. Hammatostroma albertense Stearn (McGill Univ. 38-12). Vertical section of holotype, x 50, showing transversely fibrous laminae and pillar tissue. Upper Devonian, Isaac Creek, Alberta. Fig. 6. Stromatoporella granulata Nicholson (Nich. 329c). Vertical section of holotype, X 100, showing ordinicellular laminae. Middle Devonian, Arkona, Ontario. Fig. 7. Stromatoporella granulata Nicholson (Nich. 329a). Tangential section of holotype, X 100, showing pattern of cellules in a ring pillar and lamina. Middle Devonian, Arkona, Ontario. Fig. 8. Stromatoporella selwyni Nicholson (Nich. 330). Vertical section of holotype, X 100, showing microreticulate character of laminae and pillars. Middle Devonian, Port Colbourne, Ontario. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 15 STEARN, Stromatoporoid microstructures C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROM ATOPOROIDS 89 Boehnke, C. dirschkeimiense Boehnke) have laminae which are net-like in cross-section and seem to belong in Atelodictyon. Their Silurian age is open to doubt. I do not agree with Lecompte’s suggestion that C. linarssoni Nicholson and C. camicum Charlesworth should be assigned to Atelodictyon. As C. linarssoni has solid laminae and no suggestion of a network structure there is little justification for assigning it to Atelodictyon (Lecompte 1951, p. 127). C. camicum is closer to Hammatostroma (see also Fliigel 1956, p. 145 footnote). Better preserved specimens of C. ostiolatum Nicholson than are in the Nicholson collection from the Silurian of Ontario will probably show that this species is an early representative of Atelodictyon. The extension of the range of the genus into the Silurian needs confirmation. clathrodictyon Nicholson and Murie Text-fig. 4 Type species: C. vesiculosum Nicholson and Murie Coenosteum composed of imperforate, continuous laminae, commonly undulant or crumpled, and short pillars that are confined to an interlaminar space. The pillars and laminae are a single uniform layer of compact, commonly speckled, tissue. Where the laminae are bent, the pillars extend from their downward inflexions and are cylindrical in form. Although the definition of the genus Clathrodictyon on the basis of its gross structure is controversial, its microstructure is unequivocal. The type species (C. vesiculosum ) and all those close to it in structure are composed of tissues with evenly distributed specks in both laminae and pillars. The tissue shows no sign of porosity or cellular micro- structure. Fibrosity is not typical but may develop under certain conditions of preserva- tion. In well-preserved specimens the boundaries of the tissue are sharp, but movement of the specks out into the galleries, particularly from the pillars, is common (PI. 14, fig. 6). Some specimens show fine dark lines in the laminae. One of Nicholson’s specimens (Nich. 449) of C. linarssoni Nicholson, and one of C. regulare Rosen (Nich. 250) show such a dark concentration of particles in the laminae, but it is apparently produced during preservation as neither is well preserved. Boehnke (1915) described C. spatiosum as having central dark lines but from his illustrations this species might better be referred to Atelodictyon. 90 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Lecompte (1951) reviewed early work on this genus and recorded the divisions into groups that each investigator had made among the species without recognizing the groups taxonomically. The heterogeneity of the genus may have begun with Nicholson, who first (Nicholson and Murie 1878) defined the genus in terms of undulant laminae giving rise to vesicules, and later (1886) in terms of distinct pillars producing the laminae by giving off radial arms like those of Actinostromci. Lecompte recognized two groups, one with vesicular tissue and one with distinct pillars and laminae but he hesitated to divide these groups into different genera. How- ever, Galloway (1957) restricted Clathrodictyon to those species in which the horizontal elements are not laminae but a series of cysts placed end to end and in which the pillars have no separate existence but are the downward continuations of the edges of the cysts. His statement that the tops of the cysts are atypically in straight lines cannot be sup- ported from the type specimens of C. vesiculosum from Ohio in which the tops of almost all the convex parts of the laminae are in line and almost uninflected laminae occur locally. Galloway would place those species in which the pillars and laminae are distinct in Anostylostroma. However, he restricted this latter genus to the Middle Devonian species with upwardly branching pillars and made no provision for Silurian species such as C. regulare Rosen, C. striatellum (d’Orbigny) (PI. 15, fig. 2), and C. linarssoni Nichol- son, which have well-defined laminae. Nestor (1964) agreed with Galloway’s diagnosis of the genus but retained the species listed above within it. As these species are transi- tional into C. vesiculosum they cannot be excluded from the genus and therefore the generic diagnosis of Clathrodictyon proposed by Galloway cannot be accepted. Neither is his diagnosis consistent with the dot-like appearance of the pillars in tangential sections of the type and related species. Such dots cannot be derived from cutting a series of cysts. Nevertheless, the genus Anostylostroma is a convenient one for Devonian species such as those that Lecompte (1951) referred to his second group of Clathrodictyon. The Silurian species described by Nicholson are all (with the possible exception of C. ostiolatum) regarded here as belonging to the genus Clathrodictyon as defined above. I cannot agree with Lecompte (1951, p. 167) that C. crassum is a Stromatoporel/a as it has neither ring pillars, an axial line of cellules, nor cellular tissue. It is a Clathrodictyon with thick, single-layered tissue in which melanospheres have developed locally. The Devonian species described by Nicholson can be assigned to Anostylo- stroma (C. retiforme, C. laxum), to Stromatoporclla (C. cellulosum), or are indeterminate structures (C. confertum). Tangential sections of some specimens of Clathrodictyon in which the laminae bend down to the pillars in a ‘V’, such as C. striatellum and C. regulare, show a rectilinear network of light lines in the darker speckled tissue of the laminae. Each polygon so formed represents the head of a pillar and commonly encloses a central clear area. As the pillars of such species spread upwards to meet the lamina they become hollow and encounter adjacent spreading pillars. The interference of these pillars forms a hexagonal network much like that of a honey- comb, for at a level just below the top of the lamina they do not blend but their integrity is maintained by a thin clear line between them. Each pillar is shaped as illustrated in text-fig. 5. Nestor (1964) established the genus Ecclimadictyon for those species of Clathrodictyon, text-fig. 5. Dia- grammatic sketch of a pillar of Clath- rodictyon striatel- lum showing the expanded end and central depression, X 50 approx. C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STRO M ATOPOROIDS 91 typified by C. fastigiatum Nicholson, in which the laminae are bent into chevron-like folds. He described the microstructure of the type species as being compact but marked by small dark dots that are conspicuous in tangential section. Nicholson’s specimen (Nich. 240) from Estonia shows this texture well but the specimens of the same species from Shropshire show only compact, evenly speckled tissue. The dark dots are here inter- preted as melanospheres developing out of originally compact tissue. anostylostroma Parks Text-fig. 6 Type species: A. hamiltonense Parks Coenosteum of regular, persistent laminae and short pillars. Laminae composed of a single layer of compact tissue that in some states of preservation appears to be transversely fibrous and in some to be transversely porous. Compact pillars confined to an interlaminar space and divide at the top either simply or into a network of tissue that spreads on to the underside of the laminae. branched tops of The holotype of A. hamiltonense (PI. 15, fig. 3) in the Royal Ontario Museum has very dark tissue which stands out against the empty galleries lined with calcite crystals. The specimen shows some silicification. The specks in the tissue have not migrated into the galleries to any great extent. The laminae are a single layer of tissue which locally breaks up into a series of granules. At x50 the laminae seem to have fine, closely spaced canals running transversely through them but are not fibrous. The tissue of the paratype also lacks fibrosity. Anostylostroma papillatum Parks has tissue which is much the same but is locally flocculent and locally melanospheric. In tangential section the laminae seem to be penetrated by fine transverse pores. The pillars of species of Anostylostroma from the central United States are commonly darker in colour than the laminae and locally their ends are embedded a short distance in the lighter laminar tissue (PI. 14, fig. 4). In tangential section they appear as fibrous dots or vermiform bars that look like hairy caterpillars. Complexly branching pillars cut tangentially near the top form a network or irregular tangle of fibres. The fibrosity of the tissue is largely due to the alignment of specks but may also have a crystalline 92 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 basis. In A. meshbergerense (Galloway and St. Jean) the pillars have a dark axis from which the fibres spread out like those of a Mesozoic sphaeractinoid, but such micro- structure is rare in Anostylostroma. Many specimens of Anostylostroma show compact tissue only but the diverse develop- ment of transversely fibrous and porous microstructures is difficult to interpret. Some fibrosity seems to be secondary but the possibility that some reflects a primary micro- structure cannot be eliminated. Transversely porous laminae, such as those of the type species, are not common in other species of the genus. Rarely a specimen of Anostylostroma shows an axial light or dark zone in the laminae but these specimens are atypical and may be transitional to Stictostroma. The upwardly branching pillars and single-layered laminae distinguish Anostylostroma from Sticto- stroma. hammatostroma Stearn Type species: H. cilbertense Stearn Coenosteum composed of persistent laminae and incomplete pillars confined to a single interlaminar space. The laminae are a single layer of transversely fibrous speckled tissue. The pillars arise from the laminae and form a tangled irregular mass of strands between the laminae. The tissue of the pillars is speckled, not cellular. In the original description of this genus (Stearn 1961) the laminae were described as transversely porous. Although variations in the density of the specks in the tissue suggest transverse porosity, the tissue in all the specimens I have seen is fibrous (PI. 15, fig. 5). This fibrosity is not obvious in the tangled pillar tissue although it seems to be derived from the laminae. Yavorsky (1963, and personal communication) believes the tissue of both the laminae and the pillars of Hammatostroma to be porous. He points out that species assigned by Stearn to Hammatostroma largely on the basis of gross structure include some with compact tissue (Clathrodictyon katavense Yavorsky, and C. tschusso- vense Yavorsky) and one with porous tissue ( Stromatoporella undata Yavorsky). He established the genus Intexodictyon to include largely Silurian but some Devonian species with compact tissue and irregular, incomplete, and almost cystose pillars. I have been unable to examine Yavorsky’s material but have seen specimens of Intexodictyon from the Silurian of Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. In structure these specimens are similar to Hammatostroma but their microstructure is not fibrous but compact and like that of Clathrodictyon. Nestor (1964) examined the original material of C. katavense and C. tschussovense and believed, as I do, that on the basis of micro- structure they are best placed in Hammatostroma. He also believed that more evidence is needed before the range of Intexodictyon can be extended into the Devonian. These relationships suggest that similar gross structures were developed at different times in the history of the stromatoporoids, Intexodictyon from the compact Clathrodictyon in Silurian times, and Hammatostroma from the fibrous Anostylostroma in Devonian times. dendrostroma Lecompte Type species: D. occulatum (Nicholson) Coenosteum dendroid, columnar or branching, typically with an axial tabulated C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STRO M ATOPOROIDS 93 tube. Other large tubes radiate from the axial one. Laminae thick, clearly differen- tiated from the pillars forming paraboloids around the axis of the coenosteum. Pillars confined to an interlaminar space, not superposed. Microstructure of both pillars and laminae compact, commonly transversely fibrous. The Nicholson collection contains only one fasciculate specimen of Dendrostroma occulatum from which 31 sections were made. The other two specimens from Devon which were referred to this species are not conspecific. The tissue of Nicholson’s type is speckled and much diffusion of specks into the galleries has taken place. The micro- structure of the tissue is fibrous but like that of many compact stromatoporoids this fibrosity may be secondary. In a few places an axial light line appears in the tissue but this also seems to be secondary. In thicker parts of the sections the tissue appears to have tubules in it and is distinctly flocculent, not unlike that of StromatoporeUa in some states of preservation. Lecompte (1951) suggested that the internal structure of this genus is comparable to that of StromatoporeUa. Galloway (Galloway and Ehlers 1960) described two species of Dendrostroma from Michigan. Of these I have seen only D. fibrosum, which as its name implies has a very fibrous tissue. Minute tubes parallel to the fibres seem to penetrate the tissue. Where not fibrous the tissue is flocculent. Ripper (1937u) described some specimens of D. occulatum as being hemispherical rather than cylindrical. Such a coenosteum would be difficult to distinguish from that of Stictostroma. STROMATOPORELLA Nicholson Text-fig. 7 Type species: S. granulata Nicholson Coenosteum composed of well-defined laminae and short pillars confined to one interlaminar space. The laminae typically enclose a single series of subspherical cellules but one species at least shows more than one series. In some states of preservation the cellules may be expressed as a continuous axial clear zone in the lamina, in others as a series of pores crossing the lamina transversely. Some pillars are spool-shaped, others are formed by the upward inflection of the laminae into hollow cylinders which are cut as rings in tangential sections (ring pillars). Two concepts of the structure of StromatoporeUa can be found in descriptions of the genus. One concept set forth by Nicholson (1886) and followed by Lecompte (1951) emphasizes the relationship of the genus to Stromatopora and ignores or denies the existence of the distinctive ring pillars (but Nicholson in 1892 noted the distinctiveness of the ring pillars). The other, set forth by Parks (1936) and followed by Galloway and St. Jean (1957), emphasizes the relation of the genus to Clathrodictyon and recognizes the ring pillars as its essential feature. Yavorsky ’s views (1963) seem to fall between these extremes. Since the revision of Parks is based on the type species, it is accepted in this paper, as the diagnosis above indicates. Nicholson (1886) described the microstructure of StromatoporeUa as ‘porous or finely tubulate’. Lecompte (1951) reviewed opinions on the microstructure and concluded that 94 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 it is no different from that of Stromatopora, that is, cellular or filled with small vacuities. Lecompte believed that the tubules which Nicholson described were not part of the original tissue but developed during preservation. He also stated (1951, p. 157) that a line of cellules in the laminae is not typical of the genus nor found in its type species. However, vertical sections of the holotype of the type species (Nich. 329) show a line of cellules in the axis of the laminae, i.e. the laminae are ordinicellular (PL 15, figs. 6, 7). These chambers are not tubular but are equidimensional and appear in both tangential TEXT-FIG. 7. X 50. and vertical sections as subcircular clear areas. The tissue in tangential section shows very fine specks (less than 1 p) which have diffused only slightly into the galleries, and small round clear cellules throughout. Where a ring pillar is formed by the upbending of a lamina, the cellules may be streaked out into radially directed short unbranched tubes. In parts of vertical sections of the tissue the microstructure of the laminae is preserved as a line of subspherical cellules, but locally the boundaries between the chambers break down and they merge into a central light zone. The spool-shaped pillars generally have a clotted or locally melanospheric texture and may contain some obscure cellules which are more prominent in tangential than in vertical sections. Several other species in the Nicholson collection show ordinicellular structure. Stromatoporella tuberculata (Nicholson) shows an axial line of cellules which are replaced locally by transverse pores. The tissue of S. selwyni (Nicholson) approaches the microstructure of Stromatopora , for several zones of cellules forming a micro- reticulate structure are longitudinally aligned in the laminae and pillars (PL 15, fig. 8). In tangential section the laminae are also microreticulate. A specimen from the Eifel identified only as Stromatoporella sp. in the Nicholson collection (Nich. 371) also shows the cellules in the laminae and their blending locally into an axial light line. Several specimens of Stromatoporella in the St. Jean collection from Ontario which have not yet been described have the typical microstructure. In S. columbusensis Galloway and St. Jean the cellules are beautifully preserved, particularly where the galleries have been filled with sediment. The type specimen of S. columbusensis and others of S. selwyni sug- gest that the cellules opened into the gallery by a narrow pore on either side. Ordinicellular microstructure is not preserved in many specimens or species (I have seen it in S. granulata, S. selwyni, S. solitaria (Nicholson), S. tuberculata, S. columbusen- sis, and S. cellulosum (Nicholson) [Clathrodictyon cellulosum auct.]). In the process of C. W. STEARN: THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF STROM ATOPOROIDS 95 preservation the microstructure has been changed by the destruction of the wall between the cellules so that they merge into a continuous axial light zone, or by the destruction of the wall between the cellule and the gallery producing transverse pores. Species which show such an axial light line (rarely dark by tissue reversal) include S. eifeliensis Nichol- son, S. kirki Galloway and St. Jean, S. eriensis (Parks), and S. percmnulcita Galloway and St. Jean. The first of these has been assigned to Clathrocoilona and is discussed under that genus. The conversion of the cellules to transverse pores is particularly common in American species and can be seen in specimens of S. cryptoannulata Galloway and St. Jean, S. huronesis Parks, S. paraso/itaria Galloway and St. Jean, and a manuscript species of St. Jean’s. Unfortunately many species which in their thick tissue and ring pillars seem to belong to StromatoporeUa do not show any of these microstructures but may develop two others. In S. arachnoidea Nicholson the tissue of the pillars and laminae is thick and seems to be penetrated by fine light tubules about 5 ^ in diameter (PI. 16, fig. 2). In vertical section they seem to pass transversely through the laminae and in tangential section they wander irregularly in the tissue. They occur also in S. morelandensis Galloway and St. Jean, in S. damnoniensis Nicholson (which is here referred to Stictostroma ), and to a lesser degree in S. granulata. The occurrence of these fine tubules in the tissue of some of these species (and S. eifeliensis) was the basis for Nicholson’s conclusion that the tissue of the genus was typically finely tubulate. Nicholson (1886, pi. 1, fig. 5) illustrated a set of branching tubules in the tissue of S. granulata. Neither Nicholson’s catalogue nor the notations on the slides indicate specifically from which of the seven thin sections of this species the illustration was drawn. Slide 329- < z LlI O Warrene/la oc ci dental is Zone Unzoned beds with Schizophoria mcfar/anei Stringocepha/us, Ladjia , / Subrensse/andia, "Atrypa cf. insquamosa, 8 Hadrorhynchia sandersom Warrene lla kirki Zone Leptathy ris circula Zone a Pentamere/ /a Subzone CT < CL cr LlI Q. CL =) < o < > LlI Z CD o CD Cl TD O O Bay State Dolomite with S tring o cep ha /us Beds with Stringocepha- /us and " Rensse/andia" Beds with Schizophoria mcfarianei 8 large Airypa Beds with Warrene/la kirki 8 Leiorhynchus nevadensis Bedswith small W cf. kirki 8 small L. cf. nevadensis Sentinel Mountain Dolomite Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone text-fig. 2. Suggested local correlation between the brachiopod-rich Denay Limestone on the north side of the Roberts Mountains and the sequence of mainly dolomite members of the Middle Devonian part of the Nevada Formation in the Eureka district (Nolan et al. 1956). ‘ Rensselandia ’ in the Eureka district was examined on loan from Dr. C. W. Merriam after this paper went to press. Merriam’s specimens are large and well preserved and upon preparation prove to belong to Subrensse/andia. central Nevada studied by Johnson (in preparation). More adequate comparisons of correlative faunas must await description and illustration of more of the oldest Middle Devonian species in Canada. The stratigraphic position of the L. circula zone and Pentamerella subzone is depicted in text-fig. 2 which shows the relations of the assemblage zones and undefined faunal units of the Denay Limestone on the north side of the Roberts Mountains in comparison with the faunal sequence of the upper part of the Nevada Formation of the Eureka District as reported by Nolan, Merriam, and Williams (1956, p. 47). 158 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Phylum BRACHIOPODA Suborder orthoidea Superfamily enteletacea Waagen 1884 [nom. transl. Alikhova 1960 (pa Enteletinae Waagen 1884)] Family schizophoriidae Schuchert and LeVene 1929 Genus vallomyonia gen. nov. Type species. Skenidium devonicum Walcott 1884, p. 116, pi. 13, fig. 4, 4a. Discussion. The new genus is represented only by minute or small shells with a shallow dorsal sulcus. Internally very small pedicle valves bear minute dental lamellae, but larger specimens with the width of about a centimetre completely lack them. In the brachial valve the structures are for the most part delicate. The cardinalia consist of thin, widely divergent brachiophores to which are attached long rod-like brachiophore processes. The brachiophores of very small specimens are supported by short, thin, brachiophore supporting plates that are continuous anteriorly with ridges bounding the muscle field laterally and short, thin, fulcral plates serve as the bases of the sockets. Larger specimens, with a maximum width of about a centimetre, have more strongly differentiated muscle bounding ridges that have become separate from the brachiophore bases and lie outside of them — giving a greater relative width to the posterior adductor muscle scars. Larger specimens also show the anterior adductor scars enclosed anteriorly and the whole of the antero-lateral margin of the muscle field is slightly elevated by the well-developed muscle bounding ridges. Both minute and small specimens bear a high, triangular median septum that extends from near the base of the cardinal process to the anterior margin of the shell. The genus Prokopia Havlicek 1 953 was considered by the writer as a possible receptacle for Walcott’s species and specimens of Prokopia bouskai from the Eifelian Trebotov limestones kindly sent by Dr. Vladimir Havlicek have a relatively strongly convex pedicle valve and appear to lack dental lamellae, however, the hinge teeth are relatively ponderous and are supported postero-laterally by shell material deposited in the um- bonal cavities, thus short dental lamellae, if present, could have been made obsolescent. The ventral muscle field of Prokopia is broadly transverse and approximately semi- circular in outline, separated from the interior of the valve along its anterior edge by a small step or elevated platform similar to that developed in small specimens of Levenea. The median septum of Prokopia is very high and triangular and apparently reaches nearly to the anterior edge of the valve. Its adductor muscle field is bounded antero- laterally by relatively strongly impressed margins that define a pair of triangular muscle impressions much the shape as are present in Hypsomyonia, however, the anterior edges of the muscle bounding ridges are not elevated above the floor of the valve as in the latter genus. On the specimen of Prokopia at hand it is not possible to detect fulcral plates. The sockets apparently are defined by shell material connecting the bases of the brachio- phores laterally with the floor of the valve. Vallomyonia resembles Monelasmina Cooper 1955 (see also Pedder 1959) in some respects, but Cooper’s genus bears strong dental lamellae in the ventral valve and a J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 159 relatively long pair of diductor muscle impressions. The cardinalia of Monelasmina, in addition, are of the Schizophoria type, that is, with well-developed brachiophore sup- porting plates in contrast to the relatively minute ones seen only on very small specimens of Vallomyonia. Vallomyonia seems closest to Cooper’s genus Hypsomyonia (1955) from the Frasnian Independence Shale of Iowa and so far as their differences can be evaluated the two genera can be distinguished by only slight elevation of the muscle bounding ridges in the brachial valve of Vallomyonia in contrast to Hypsomyonia in which the whole adductor muscle field is elevated above the floor of the valve. Vallomyonia is the most logical ancestor to Hypsomyonia that has come to the writer’s attention. Vallomyonia devonica (Walcott 1884) Plate 23, figs. 1-17 Material. The holotype, USNM no. 13827, was borrowed from the U.S. National Museum. It is a silicified specimen attached to a small slab of limestone and is from the same locality of Walcott’s at Lone Mountain (553) as are the types of Leptathyris circula. There are several other specimens of L. circula on the type slab. Figured specimens. USNM nos. 145478-83, 145538, 145538A, 145538B. Exterior. The shells are minute to small, transversely suboval to subquadrate in outline, and unequally biconvex in lateral profile. The pedicle valve is relatively low and not strongly convex and is faintly carinate. The brachial valve is nearly flat or gently convex and markedly sulcate. The interarea of the pedicle valve is steeply apsacline to nearly catacline, low, triangular, and nearly flat. The delthyrium is triangular and open, enclosing an angle of about 40°. Among the larger specimens, approaching a centimetre in maximum width, there is commonly a small concave plate inside the apex of the delthyrium. The ventral beak is short. The interarea of the brachial valve is long, flat, and anacline. The ornament consists of numerous subangular costellae of several sizes which increase in number anteriorly by bifurcation and by implantation. The shell substance is rela- tively thin and delicate, and is endopunctate. Interior of pedicle valve. The hinge teeth are small, stubby, and triangular with their long edges parallel to the interarea of the valve. They are supported basally by very short, thin, widely divergent dental lamellae which define a transverse, apically situated, ven- tral muscle field. Larger specimens have the dental lamellae almost completely obsole- scent. The muscle field is transverse and smooth, unfaceted, and undivided medially by a myophragm. Its anterior edge is at the same level as the interior of the valve or is slightly elevated in larger specimens. The interior is crenulated in the anterior half of the shell or peripherally by the impress of the costellae. Interior of brachial valve. The cardinal process is bilobate, short, and triangular with its myophore face approximately parallel to the plane of the interarea. It is supported basally by the posterior end of the median septum and postero-laterally by a pair of ancillary struts (Williams and Wright 1963, p. 9). The latter structures, however, join laterally to the brachiophores and not to brachiophore supports. The brachiophores are slender and suboval in cross-section and are extended as long slender brachial processes toward the 160 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 ventral valve and with a slight anterior inclination. The sockets are defined between the interarea and the brachiophores in very small shells by minute fulcral plates that are elevated well above the floor of the valve. Brachiophore supporting plates on very small specimens diverge moderately antero-laterally and recurve to become subparallel to the midline and continue as ridges bounding the lateral edges of the unpartitioned adductor muscle field. On larger specimens brachiophore supporting plates are obsolescent and the muscle-bounding ridges become more widely set apart and distinct from the brachio- phore bases. Also the posterior adductors become relatively wider and the whole adductor muscle field becomes elevated along its margin. A high triangular median septum is present from the base of the cardinal process almost to the anterior edge of the valve. The interior is moderately to strongly crenulated by the impress of the costellae. Occurrence. Vallomyonia devonica is a relatively common species in the Leptatliyris circula zone in the exposures of the Denay Limestone at the north-eastern tip of the Simpson Park Range, on the north side of the Roberts Mountains at Willow Creek, and on the west side of the Roberts Mountains south of Hanson Creek and east of Red Canyon. It is also present in the Pentamerella subzone at Birch Creek. Suborder pentameroidea Superfamily pentameracea M‘Coy 1844 [nom. transl. Schuchert 1896 (ex Pentameridae M‘Coy 1844)] Family pentameridae M‘Coy 1844 Subfamily gypidulinae Schuchert and LeVene 1929 Genus gypidula Hall 1867 Type species. Pentamerus comis Owen 1852, p. 583, pi. 3a, fig. 4. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 23 Figs. 1-17. Vallomyonia devonica (Walcott). 1-3, Pentamerella subzone, locality 4744, northern Roberts Mountains. 4-17, lower Leptathyris circula zone, locality 4739. 1, Interior of pedicle valve X 6, USNM 145538. 2, Interior of brachial valve X4, USNM 145538b. 3, Interior of brachial valve x4, USNM 145538a. 4, Interior of pedicle valve X 5, USNM 145479. Note very short dental lamellae. 5, Oblique view of interior of fragment of brachial valve x4, USNM 145480. Note high triangular median septum. 6-10, Ventral, dorsal, anterior, posterior, and side views X 5, USNM 145482. 11-15, Ventral, dorsal, anterior, posterior, and side views X4,USNM 145483. 16, Interior of brachial valve X 8, USNM 145478. Note high triangular median septum. 17, Interior of brachial valve X 8, USNM 145481. Note long slender brachial processes. Figs. 18-22. ‘ Schuchertella' sp. 18-20, Exterior, interior, and posterior views of pedicle valve x2, USNM 145485, Pentamerella subzone, loc. 4744. 21, 22, Interior and exterior views of brachial valve X 3, USNM 145484, upper Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4737. Figs. 23-35. Pentamerella wintereri Johnson sp. nov. Pentamerella subzone, lower Leptathyris circula zone, northern Roberts Mountains. 23, Exterior of pedicle valve X 3, USNM 145496, loc. 4741. 24, Exterior of pedicle valve x3,USNM 145497, loc. 4741. 25, Interior of pedicle valve X4,USNM 145494, loc. 4740. 26, Exterior of pedicle valve X 3, USNM 145495, loc. 4741. 27, Exterior of brachial valve x2, paratype, USNM 145488, loc. 4744. 28, Exterior of brachial valve X2, paratype, USNM 145487, loc. 4744. 29, Exterior of pedicle valve X 2, holotype, USNM 145486, loc. 4744. 30, Interior of brachial valve x4, USNM 145491, loc. 4740. 31, Interior of brachial valve x4, USNM 145492, loc. 4740. 32, Exterior of brachial valve X3, USNM 145493, loc. 4741. 33, Exterior of brachial valve X2, paratype, USNM 145490, loc. 4744. 34, 35, Interior and exterior of pedicle valve X 3, paratype, USNM 145489, loc. 4744. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 23 JOHNSON, Devonian brachiopods from Nevada J G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 161 Gypidula cf. recur rens (Meyer 1913) Plate 24, figs. 1-7 1913 Pentamerus pseudogaletus Hall, mut. nov. recurrens Meyer p. 34, pi. 7, figs. 5a-c. Material figured. USNM nos. 145498-500. Exterior. The shells are elongate subpyriform in outline and strongly unequally biconvex in lateral profile. The pedicle valve bears a relatively broad and very strongly curved umbo and the valve, along its midline, commonly curves through an arc of 180° or slightly more. The brachial valve is subquadrate in outline and is only moderately convex and cap-like. There is a low, poorly defined, elongate, narrow fold on the pedicle valve. The brachial valve bears a shallow, broad, subrectangular sulcus at its anterior and commonly projects as a short to relatively long tongue on the largest specimens. There commonly are two or three low rounded plications, strongest at the fold and sulcus near the anterior commissure, but extending along approximately the anterior two-thirds of the length of the pedicle valve. The largest specimens bear a pair of shallow furrows bordering the sulcus on the brachial valve and affecting only the posterior fourth or fifth of the length of the brachial valve. Larger specimens bear a relatively strongly de- veloped, moderately incurved, interarea on the pedicle valve. The pedicle valve does not flare broadly toward the anterior, but maintains almost subparallel lateral extremities. Interior of pedicle valve. There is an elongate, V-shaped, rhomboidal spondylium originating beneath the delthyrium and projecting slightly more than half its length anterior to the hinge line. It is supported along its entire length by a thin median septum, but the septum retreats slightly basally, not attaining as great a distance anterior as the distal end of the spondylium. Interior of brachial valve. The brachial valve bears a short, flat, orthocline interarea medially that equals slightly less than half the maximum width of the valve. It consists of two long, low, flat, triangular areas with their bases at the posterior edge of the valve and the two medial basal angles meeting at the beak. The sockets are defined by the inner edges of the interarea and the postero-lateral edges of the inner plates. The inner plates are triangular in outline, diverge antero-laterally, and converge slightly basely toward the midline. The outer plates curve outward and then recurve medially in a cylindroidal fashion, then join the interior of the valve along two discrete, slightly divergent tracks. Occurrence. The writer has collected specimens from the west flank of the Willow Creek on the north side of the Roberts Mountains and has examined several other collections made by Winterer and his students from other places in the Roberts Mountains including the southern Roberts Mountains. Genus pentamerella Hall 1867 Type species. Atrypa arata Conrad 1841, p. 55. Pentamerella wintereri sp. nov. Plate 23, figs. 23-35 Material. The specimen, USNM no. 145486, in fig. 29 of Plate 23 is the holotype. It is a free pedicle valve, no articulated specimens being available among several hundred studied. The holotype measures 10-8 mm. in width, 7-6 mm. in length, and 4-7 mm. in thickness. The specimens in figs. 27, 28 and 33-35 of Plate 23 are paratypes. These include USNM nos. 145587-97. M B 6612 162 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Diagnosis. Small, strongly biconvex Pentamerella, with strong, rounded plications. Exterior. The shells are transversely suboval in outline and unequally biconvex in lateral profile. Pedicle valves are about twice as strongly convex as brachial valves and are very strongly incurved at the beak which, however, is short and stubby. No interarea is developed on any of the specimens examined, the palintrope curves smoothly to join the sides of the valves. The delthyrium is open and triangular. Many of the well-preserved pedicle valves bear an apical plate filling a quarter or a third of the delthyrium and covering, but not filling, the posterior end of the spondylium. The pedicle valve bears a shallow sulcus extended anteriorly as an elongate projecting tongue and the brachial valve bears a relatively well-defined median fold that accommodates the projecting anterior tongue of the pedicle valve. The exterior bears a few strong rounded plications on each valve. Commonly there are three plications on the fold of the brachial valve and two plications in the sulcus of the pedicle valve. However, on some specimens, the pedicle valve bears a single median plication within the sulcus. On some larger specimens that bear a single medium plication in the early growth stage, a second plication may be intercalated toward the anterior. There commonly are two or three plications on each flank of the brachial valve and from two to four plications on each flank of the pedicle valve. Interior of pedicle valve. There is an elongate spondylium of rhomboidal outline situated beneath the delthyrium and projecting anteriorly beyond the hinge line. It is supported apically by a median septum, but the length of the septum appears to be subject to some variability in its length along the base of the valve (compare figs. 25 and 34 of PI. 23). The surface is crenulated by the impress of the plications. Interior of brachial valve. The sockets are rudimentary, being formed by the edge of the shell on the postero-lateral edge above the inner plates. The inner plates diverge antero- laterally and converge toward the midline. The outer plates are elongate and subparallel, in some shells meeting along a line medially and in others joining the surface of the valve along a pair of discrete subparallel tracks. A number of variations may be seen between structures which are easy to classify as one type or the other. The interior is crenulated by the impress of the plications. Occurrence. The new species is extremely abundant at some horizons within a few feet to 50 or 60 ft. above the base of the Denay Limestone on the north side of the Roberts Mountains. The writer has EXPLANATION OF PLATE 24 Figs. 1-7. Gypidula cf. recurrens (Meyer). Lower Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4739, northern Roberts Mountains. 1-5, Dorsal, anterior, posterior, side, and ventral views X 1, USNM 145498. 6, Interior of brachial valve X2, USNM 145499. 7, Interior of pedicle valve x2, USNM 145500. Figs. 8-23. Leiorhynchus sp. Lower Leptathyris circula zone and Pentamerella subzone, northern Roberts Mountains. 8, Side view of interior of both valves x3, USNM 145503, loc. 4739, lower Leptathyris circula zone. Note long crus, high triangular median septum, and short dental lamella. 9-13, Side, dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior views X 2, USNM 145501, loc. 4740, Pentamerella subzone. 14-18, Dorsal, ventral, side, posterior, and anterior views x3, USNM 145502, loc. 4739, lower Leptathyris circula zone. 19-23, Dorsal, ventral, posterior, anterior, and side views X 2, USNM 145504, Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4743, west slope of Roberts Mountains. Figs. 24-28. Dubarial cf. thetis (Barrande). Lower Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4739, northern Roberts Mountains. 24-28, Ventral, dorsal, side, anterior, and posterior views x2, USNM 145520. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 24 JOHNSON, Devonian brachiopods from Nevada J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 163 collected slabs with abundant disarticulated specimens in both Willow Creek and Birch Creek Canyons and in the small canyon immediately east of the mouth of Willow Creek along the front of the range. Other collections have been made by E. L. Winterer in the southern Roberts Mountains in the vicinity of Roberts Creek. Cooper (1942, p. 1773) mentions the presence of small Pentamerella at Lone Moun- tain indicating that the species may be present there also. Another species of small Pentamerella is pre- sent in a silicifled collection containing Stringocephalus and Subrensselandia in Red Canyon on the west flank of the Roberts Mountains. However, the Stringocephalus zone specimens bear more and finer plications. The species has not been recognized in the Denay Limestone exposures in the northern Simpson Park Range. Comparison. The new species most closely resembles P. suspecta Khodalevich (1951, pi. 7, fig. 7 d-d) and P. sosvaensis Khodalevich (1951, pi. 7, fig. 1 \a-d) from the Eifelian of the Ural Mountains. P. sosvaensis may be distinguished by being more elongate and plicate only on the anterior half of the shell. P. suspecta is very similar to the new species in size, relative convexity, and in the size and number of the plications. However, the illustrated specimen is somewhat more strongly rhomboidal in outline than P. wintered. P. arata Conrad, P. pavilionensis Hall, and P. dubia Hall (Hall and Clarke 1895, pi. 71) are all much larger than the new species and thus cannot be closely compared. All appear, how- ever, to have relatively smooth umbonal regions on both valves so that specimens the size of those typical of the Nevada fauna would be much less strongly plicate. P. obsole- scens Hall (1867, pi. 58, figs. 24, 25) is a small species, but almost completely lacks plications. P. thusnelda Nettelroth (1889, p. 51, pi. 31, figs. 26-28) is a much larger and elongate species than is wintered. Branson (1923) named two new species from the Middle Devonian of Missouri. P. wintered contrasts strongly with one of these, P. missouriensis, in having a much shorter ventral beak and less prominent ventral umbo. P. wintered differs from Branson’s second species, P. fidtonensis, in having plications (Branson 1923, pi. 16, figs. 21-23; pi. 24, figs. 1-4). The new species differs from P. liorhyncha Cooper and Cloud (1938, p. 447, pi. 54, figs. 12-16, 31-34) which is deci- dedly more elongate and pyriform in outline. P. athyroides (Winchell) as illustrated by Imbrie (1959, pi. 51, figs. 6-10) is a larger species with plications not developed on the umbones. The same may be said of P. peto- skeyensis (Imlay) and P. papilla Imbrie (Imbrie 1959, pi. 51, figs. 25-30, 18-24). P. aulax Imbrie (1959, pi. 51, figs. 1 1-17) has much finer plications than does P. wintered. Other named species of Imbrie, P. pericosta, P. lingua, P. aftonensis, P. tumida, and P. alpe- nensis all differ from P. wintereri in being relatively large forms that lack plications on the umbones. P. proteus Imbrie (1959, pi. 53, figs. 1-8), a small species with a few plica- tions that originate close to the posterior, differs in having a transverse subrhomboidal outline and a much smaller apical angle than do specimens of P. wintereri. The species Spirifer davidsoni Schnur (1853, pi. 35, fig. 7 ; pi. 44, fig. 3), a Pentamerella according to Havlicek (1952, p. 2, pi. 1, figs. 7, 9), is very similar to P. wintereri but has a consider- ably more prominent beak in the pedicle valve. P. sclavus Norris from the Middle Devonian Horn Plateau Formation of the Mackenzie District of north-west Canada (McLaren and Norris 1964, p. 37, pi. 13, figs. 9-13) is larger and has a narrower and more elongate ventral beak than does P. wintereri. The Canadian species Pentamerus borealis Meek was assigned to Pentamerella by Schuchert (1897, p. 302), but it appears that exception should be taken to the assignment since ‘iV borealis bears a ventral fold and dorsal sulcus (Meek 1868, pi. 13, fig. 1 la, b, d). In any event ‘TV borealis bears little similarity to Pentamerella wintereri. 164 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Suborder strophomenoidea Superfamily orthotetacea Waagen 1884 [nom. transl. Williams 1953 (ex Orthotetinae Waagen 1884)] Family schuchertellidae Williams 1953 [nom. transl. Stehli 1954 (ex Schuchertellinae Williams 1953)] Subfamily schuchertellinae Williams 1953 Genus schuchertella Girty 1904 Type species. Streptorhynchus lens White 1862, p. 28. ‘ Schuchertella ’ sp. Plate 23, figs. 18-22 Material figured. USNM nos. 145484-5. Discussion. Assignment to Schuchertella is not firm since pseudopunctae were not observed. Exterior. The species is small, averaging about a centimetre in width and is transversely subsemicircular to shield-shaped in outline. The valves are unequally biconvex in lateral profile with the pedicle valve more strongly convex than the brachial valve and com- monly somewhat elevated with a moderately twisted beak. The ventral interarea is apsacline, flat, and triangular. Its height varies and the delthyrium is covered by a gently convex pseudodeltidium. The ornament consists of fine, rounded, slightly parvicostellae costellae that increase in number anteriorly, principally by intercalation. The costellae are crossed by a few irregularly spaced growth lines. A shallow sulcus may be developed on the brachial valve. The maximum width of the valves is attained near midlength. Interior of pedicle valve. The hinge teeth are relatively large and triangular in horizontal section. They leave stout tracks on the inner edges of the delthyrium, but there are no supporting dental lamellae. The interior of the valve is not crenulated by the impress of the costellae. Interior of brachial valve. The socket ridges are widely divergent antero-laterally and are unsupported on their divergent inner edges. Two short prongs of shell material are attached to the posteromedial edges of the socket ridges and project posteriorly. It was not determined whether a chilidium was present or not. The interior is not crenulated by the impress of the costellae. Occurrence. This small species of ‘ Schuchertella ’ is present in one collection from high in the Lepta- thyris circula zone in the southern Roberts Mountains and from the Pentamerella subzone on Birch Creek in the northern Roberts Mountains. Suborder rhynchonelloidea Superfamily rhynchonellacea Gray 1848 [nom. transl. Schuchert 1896 (ex Rhynchonellidae Gray 1848)] Family trigoniphynchiidae Schmidt 1965 Genus hadrorhynchia McLaren 1961 Type species. Pugnoides sandersoni Warren 1944, p. 115, pi. 2, figs. 5, 6. J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 165 Hadrorhynchia eurekaensis sp. nov. Plate 25, figs. 1-23 Material. The specimen in figs. 6-10 of Plate 25, USNM no. 145511, is designated the holotype. It measures 10-8 mm. in width, 9-8 mm. in length, and 8 0 mm. in thickness. The other illustrated speci- mens are paratypes. They include USNM nos. 145505-10. Diagnosis. Multicostate Hadrorhynchia, costae relatively strong on the umbonal regions. Shape lenticular to subcuboidal, not reflexed. Exterior. Most of the available specimens of this species are small or medium sized and bear a pyriform to subpentagonal outline. Commonly, smaller specimens are somewhat elongate and pyriform while the large ones develop slight irregularities in the shape resulting in the subpentagonal outline. The valves are strongly biconvex in lateral profile with the brachial valve about a quarter to a third more strongly convex than the pedicle valve. Smaller specimens are more commonly somewhat lenticular, but a lesser number of even very small specimens attain the subcuboidal outline more common to medium- sized specimens. The beak of the pedicle valve is moderately incurved and projects somewhat strongly anterior to the umbo of the brachial valve. There is a triangular del- thyrium and low, apsacline, incurved interarea. The beak angle is commonly between 90° and 100° and is relatively constant for a distance equal to about a third of the length of small shells and a fourth or fifth of the length of larger shells and then decreases anteriorly to the place of maximum width which is anterior to midlength. On most specimens the pedicle valve has a relatively flattened outline along the lateral flanks as viewed from the side, then curves abruptly in a nearly geniculate fashion at the anterior commissure. The sulcus, however, attains a more uniform curvature from the beak to the anterior commissure. The pedicle valve bears a shallow median sulcus that originates in the posterior portion of the valve and becomes relatively well marked anteriorly where it is accentuated by the development of a tongue-like projection that is accommodated by a subrectangular fold in the anterior portion of the brachial valve. The ornament consists of numerous subangular costae which have smoothly rounded crests. The costae expand in size anteriorly and do not bifurcate. Commonly, the median costae on the brachial valve become relatively broad anteriorly and appear notably broader than the adjoining lateral costae at the same distance from the beak which continue strongly curving adjacent to the projecting tongue of the sulcus. Most commonly there are three costae in the ventral sulcus and four costae on the dorsal fold, but specimens with lesser and greater numbers are also encountered. Interior of pedicle valve. The hinge teeth are small and delicate. They are supported basally by thin dental lamellae of triangular outline which are situated relatively close to the postero-lateral walls of the valve. The interior is crenulated by the impress of the costellae. Interior of brachial valve. The sockets are long and narrow and are cylindroidal in shape, being defined postero-laterally by the inner edge of the shell and basely and ventrally by the curved hinge plates. A pair of triangular horizontal plates connects the inner edges of the outer hinge plates with the crura which arise medially on either side of a narrow V-shaped septalium that is supported by a long high median septum. The crura 166 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 are T-shaped in cross-section and curve strongly ventrally, recurving with their convex edges facing antero-laterally. The interior is fairly strongly crenulated over much of the length of the valve by the costellae. Occurrence. This species is the most common rhynchonellid in the Leptathyris circula zone on the north and south sides of the Roberts Mountains. The species is also present in the Warrenella kirki zone over- lying the L. circula zone in the J-D window of the northern Simpson Park Range. It appears that Rhynchonella transversa of Meyer (1913, pi. 7, fig. la-e\ not Hall) from the Blue Fiord Formation of Ellesmere Island could belong to H. eurekaensis. Unfortunately the Arctic species is unknown internally. Comparison. H. sandersoni (Warren) has much more poorly developed costae on the posterior portion of the valve. In addition, the anterior sulcus appears to be deeper on sandersoni and the shells are commonly relatively more transverse. Furthermore, maxi- mum width of H. eurekaensis appears on almost all the shells to be developed at a some- what greater distance anterior to the beak (McLaren 1962, pi. 7). H. eurekaensis appears to be distinguishable from H. intermissa and H. vailorum Crickmay (1963, pi. 7) on the same grounds that it may be distinguished from sandersoni. Family leiorhynchidae Stainbrook 1945 [nom. transl. Crickmay 1952 (ex Leiorhynchinae Stainbrook 1945)] Genus leiorhynchus Hall 1 860 Type species. Orthis quadricostata Vanuxem 1842, p. 168, fig. 2. Leiorhynchus sp. Plate 24, figs. 8-23, text-fig. 3 Material figured. USNM nos. 145502-4, 145521. Exterior. The shells are variable in outline and convexity, commonly subpyriform to somewhat pentagonal in outline. Most specimens are strongly biconvex with the brachial valve more convex than the pedicle valve. A few specimens are relatively lenticular. The beak angle is about 90° or a little more and the postero-lateral margins are relatively EXPLANATION OF PLATE 25 Figs. 1-23. Hadrorhynchia eurekaensis Johnson sp. nov. Lower Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4739, northern Roberts Mountains. 1-5, Ventral, dorsal, side, posterior, and anterior views X2, paratype, USNM 145509. 6-10, Ventral, dorsal, side, posterior, and anterior views X2, holotype, USNM 145511. 11-15, Ventral, dorsal, side, posterior, and anterior views X3, paratype, USNM 145510. 16, 17, Interior of fragment of pedicle valve and posterior of brachial valve x4, paratype, USNM 145505. The two valves belong to the same individual. In fig. 16 note shape of the dental lamella. 18, 19, Dorsal and ventral views X 3, paratype, USNM 145506. 20, 21, Dorsal and ventral views x 3, paratype, USNM 145508. 22, 23, Ventral and dorsal views of small specimen X 3, paratype, USNM 145507. Figs. 24-28. Spinatrypa aff. lata (Warren 1944). Near base of Telegraph Canyon Member of Nevada Formation, loc. 3536, Union Mountain, Sulphur Spring Range. Horizon probably should be assigned to Warrenella kirki zone. 24-28, Anterior, posterior, side, ventral, and dorsal views X 2, USNM 145514. Figs. 29-35. Spinatrypa sp. B. 29, 30, Dorsal and ventral views X 3, USNM 145512, loc. 4738, Penta- merella subzone, southern Roberts Mountains. 31-35, Ventral, dorsal, side, posterior, and anterior views x2, USNM 145513, loc. 4741, Pentamerella subzone, northern Roberts Mountains. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 25 JOHNSON, Devonian brachiopods from Nevada J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 167 straight in the posterior third of the shell. Maximum width is commonly anterior to mid- length. The beak of the pedicle valve is strongly incurved and bears a small apical fora- men. The pedicle valve bears a broad flat-bottomed sulcus in its anterior half and the brachial valve bears a corresponding subrectangular fold. In most specimens, the fold is divided medially by a shallow narrow furrow and anteriorly may bear two to four low rounded plications. Most larger specimens bear a few very short plications adjoining the fold and sulcus, but affect only a small portion of the length of the shell. Interior of pedicle valve. The hinge teeth are small and delicate and are attached along the inner edge of the postero-lateral shell margin. They are supported by a pair of short thin dental lamellae that converge medially to join, forming a sessile spondy- lium. No median septum is present. The dental lamellae converge at an angle of about 75-80°. Interior of brachial valve. The dental sockets are exceedingly narrow and diverge antero- laterally, nearly parallel to the valve margin. The crura originate at the beak and diverge at a very small angle as they project antero- ventrally. They are circular in cross-section with fluted lateral flanges that are roughly parallel to the plane of commissure along their posterior portions, but which become depressed below the level of the crura and extend anteriorly along planes nearly parallel to the median plane (text-fig. 3). Anteriorly the bases of the crura and their lateral flanges are connected to the inner edges of the hinge plates by a pair of thin, narrow, tri- angular plates. Medially the dorsal edges of the crura are attached to a high median septum. No septalium is present. The median septum is long and blade-like, reaching about half way or slightly less to the anterior of the shell. Occurrence. Leiorhynchus sp. is a relatively uncommon species in the Leptathyris circula zone on the north side of the Roberts Mountains. A number of specimens have also been collected from the Denay Limestone in the northern Simpson Park Range. Suborder atrypoidea Superfamily atrypacea Gill 1871 [no/n. transl. Schuchert and LeVene 1929 (ex Atrypidae Gill 1871)] Family atrypidae Gill 1871 Subfamily atrypinae Gill 1871 Genus spinatrypa Stainbrook 1951 Type species. Atrypa hystrix var. occidentals Hall 1858 ( errore pro A. aspera var. occidentals Hall 1858, p. 515). text-fig. 3. Interior of posterior portion of articulated shell of Leiorhynchus sp., USNM 145521. Sketch of articulating apparatus on the right side is generalized because of poor pre- servation. Note circular cross-section of the crura and the prominent flanges that extend ventrally from them. 168 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Spinatrypa aflf. lata (Warren 1944) Plate 25, fig. 24-28 1944 Atrypa borealis var. lata Warren, p. 122, pi. 3, figs. 7-9. 1962 Spinatrypa iota McLaren and Norris, pi. 8, figs. 25-27. Materia l figured. USNM no. 145514. Exterior. The shells are transversely suboval to subpentagonal in outline and subequally biconvex in lateral profile. The valves are more or less lenticular and none are strongly convex. A few of the smaller specimens are elongate with the maximum width near mid- length or posterior to it, however, the relatively larger specimens are all transverse and have their maximum width posterior to midlength at a distance approximately one-third of the distance from the ventral beak. The ventral beak is small, pointed, and nearly straight and is pierced apically by a small circular foramen. The foramen joins anteriorly and dorsally with a broad, low, triangular delthyrium enclosing an angle greater than 90°, which is completely covered by deltidial plates that lie adjacent to the umbo of the brachial valve that has its beak incurved beneath them. On most specimens the brachial valves are of relatively even convexity across the midline, but pedicle valves are mildly carinate, except anteriorly where a faint ventral sulcus appears or is suggested by dorsal deflection of the anterior commissure. The ornament consists of numerous, well-developed, rounded costae that increase in number most commonly by bifurcation on the pedicle valve and by intercalation on the brachial valve. They are crossed by numerous well-developed concentric growth lamellae that occur at regular intervals from the posterior to the anterior margin of the valves. The number and size of the radial costellae is variable, but in general the costae are relatively fine for the genus. Occurrence. This species comes from just above the Union Mountain Sandstone in the northern part of the Sulphur Spring Range in beds that were incorrectly assigned to the Heliolites horizon by Carlisle and others (1957, loc. 3536). Present in the same collec- tion are numerous small ambocoeliids and some small athyroids close to Lcptathyris circula. Species of this type from the Sulphur Spring Range are regarded as a possible link between finely costellate Spinatrypa of the L. circula zone in the Roberts Mountains as well as in the northern Simpson Park Range and with Spinatrypa cf. andersonensis which is common in the typical Warrenella kirki zone. Spinatrypa sp. B Plate 25, figs. 29-35 Diagnosis. Transverse lenticular Spinatrypa with fine costellae and growth lamellae. Material figured. USNM nos. 145512, 145513. Discussion. This species has a size, outline, and convexity similar to Spinatrypa cf. lata described above, however, it may be distinguished by its finer ornament. The radial costellae are exceptionally fine for the genus and appear commonly to be somewhat irregular and subject to numerous bifurcations and intercalations posteriorly. Costellae remain essentially fine and narrow anteriorly. In some cases their width is less than some J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 169 of the main costellae posteriorly. They are crossed by numerous, very fine, imbricating, concentric growth lamellae. This appears to be a new species insofar as the writer has been able to find no closely comparable form in the literature. However, the specimens available are relatively few in number and are not exceptionally well preserved. Thus, pending a more extensive collection of more adequately preserved specimens, this form will be referred to as Spinatrypa sp. B. This is Spinatrypa sp. B of Johnson {\962a, p. 166). Occurrence. Spinatrypa sp. B is a common atrypoid of the Leptathyris circula zone and Pentamerella subzone in the northern Roberts Mountains and in the L. circula zone in the northern Simpson Park Range. Subfamily carinatininae Rzhonsnitskaya 1960 Genus vagrania Alekseeva 1959 Type species. Atrypa kolymensis Nalivkin 1936, p. 17, pi. 2, fig. 8. Vagrania ? sp. Plate 26, figs. 1-12 Material figured. USNM nos. 145515-19. Discussion. Vagrania is a strongly costate or plicate atrypoid that lacks concentric growth lamellae. Instead, as shown by Alekseeva (I960, pi. 10, fig. 3), the genus bears a fine ornament consisting of numerous, very fine pustules scattered over the surface in a quincunx pattern. Internally, large specimens carry diagnostic and unusual structures (Boucot, Johnson, and Staton 1964, pi. 128, figs. 10-12). The specimens described below from central Nevada are very small and do not develop the structures which are known to be present in larger specimens of the genus, however, as yet we have no knowledge of the development of these same structures in small specimens of the Russian types. The exterior of the specimens, in addition, is a bit too roughly preserved to ascertain the original presence or absence of the peculiar fine ornament of the genus. In the absence of these features questionable assignment is made on the basis of the coarse ribbing and lack of concentric ornament on the specimens from the Roberts Mountains. Exterior. The shells are elongate suboval to somewhat pyriform or subtrigonal in outline and subequally biconvex in lateral profile. The beak of the pedicle valve is short and pointed and projects posteriorly, straight or nearly straight. The hinge line is short and strongly curved and the pedicle valve bears a relatively flat palintrope consisting of two triangular flat surfaces on either side of the circular or suboval foramen present antero- dorsally to the beak of the pedicle valve. The anterior commissure is rectimarginate. The ornament consists of well-defined, rounded, radial costae that increase in number anteriorly by bifurcation and by implantation ; the latter most commonly on the brachial valve and the former on the pedicle valve (see figs. 5 and 6 of PI. 26). Interior of pedicle valve. The hinge teeth are thin and plate-like and are approximately perpendicular to the median line. They are attached directly to the inner edges of the valve and are not supported by dental lamellae. The interior is moderately strongly crenulated by the impress of the costae. 170 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Interior of brachial valve. The sockets are relatively narrow and broadly divergent antero- laterally. They bear a pair of crural lobes on their inner edges. The inner edges of the crural lobes border the notothyrial cavity and diverge antero-laterally. Occurrence. This small species of Vagrania ? sp. is relatively common in the Pentamerella subzone on the north side of the Roberts Mountains at Willow Creek and in the small canyon immediately east of Willow Creek along the north face of the Roberts Mountains. The species is also present with Pentamerella in the southern Roberts Mountains east of Roberts Creek. Family lissatrypidae Twenhofel 1914 [nom. transl. Boucot, Johnson, and Staton 1964 (ex Lissatrypinae Twenhofel 1914)] Subfamily septatrypinae Kozlowski 1929 Genus dubaria Termier 1936 Type species. D. lantenoisi Termier 1936, p. 1266, pi. 17, 17 bis. Dubaria? cf. thetis (Barrande 1847) Plate 24, figs. 24-28 1847 Terebratula thetis Barrande, p. 349, pi. 14, fig. 5. 1879 Atrypa thetis Barrande, p. 54, pi. 86, case iv, figs. 1-11. 1951 Septatrypa{ ?) thetis Khodalevich, p. 84, pi. 21, figs. 6 a-d. 1962 Rhynchatrypa thetis Siehl, p. 200, pi. 28, figs. 1, 2; pi. 37, fig. 11 ; pi. 38, figs. 1, 2. Material figured. USNM no. 145520. Exterior. The shell is subtrigonal in outline and lenticular in lateral profile with the pedicle valve nearly flat or reflexed and the brachial valve moderately convex. In the pedicle valve, approximately the first centimetre of shell is low convex, but antero- laterally the flanks flatten out on larger shells and the median portion becomes deflected into a deep flat-bottomed sulcus. The brachial valve is evenly rounded from the umbo to the antero-lateral flanks, but the median section is only faintly curved, nearly flat, due to the elevation anteriorly of a well-developed, rounded to nearly flat fold. The hinge line is short and moderately curved. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 26 Figs. 1-12. Vagrania ? sp. Pentamerella subzone; figs. 1-4, 8-12 northern Roberts Mountains; figs. 5-7 southern Roberts Mountains. 1, 2, Interior and exterior of pedicle valve X3, USNM 145516, loc. 4740. 3, Dorsal view X 3, USNM 145518, loc. 4740. 4, Ventral view X 3, USNM 145519, loc. 4740. 5-7, Dorsal, ventral, and posterior views X3, USNM 145517, loc. 4738. 8-12, Anterior, posterior, side, dorsal, and ventral views x2, USNM 145515, loc. 4741. Figs. 13-22. Leptathyris circula (Walcott 1884). Lower Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4739, northern Roberts Mountains. 13-17, Dorsal, ventral, anterior, posterior, and side views X2, USNM 145522. 18-22, Posterior, anterior, dorsal, ventral, and side views X 2, USNM 145523. Figs. 23-30. Echinocoeliadenayensis Johnson sp.nov. 23, Interior of brachial valve X 3, USNM 145524, loc. 4743, Leptathyris circula zone, west slope of Roberts Mountains. 24, Interior of brachial valve X 3, paratype, USNM 145525, loc. 4739, lower Leptathyris circula zone, northern Roberts Moun- tains. 25, Exterior of brachial valve X 3, paratype, USNM 145526, loc. 4739, lower Leptathyris circula zone, northern Roberts Mountains. 26-30, Ventral, anterior, posterior, side, and dorsal views x3, holotype, USNM 145527, loc. 4739, lower Leptathyris circula zone, northern Roberts Moun- tains. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 26 JOHNSON, Devonian brachiopods from Nevada J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 171 The ornament consists of a few poorly defined concentric growth lines developed in the anterior two-thirds of the valves. No radial ornament is present. Discussion. Unfortunately, only two specimens of this form are available and neither show the internal structures, however, the external form and lack of radial ornament are so distinctive it appears that these shells merit a provisional assignment to Duboria and particularly to the broad lenticular form Dubaria thetis. So far as the writer knows, this form is restricted to the Emsian and Eifelian in central Europe and in the Ural Moun- tains, however, the genus is most common in latest Silurian and early Devonian rocks in Bohemia, the Carnic Alps, and in European and Central Asian Russia. Occurrence. Dubaria ? cf. thetis is present in a single collection in the northern Roberts Mountains on the west flank of Willow Creek in the lower Leptathyris circula zone. Suborder athyridoidea Superfamily athyridacea M‘Coy 1844 [noin. transl. Williams 1956 (ex Athyridae M‘Coy 1844)] Family athyrididae M‘Coy 1844 Subfamily athyridinae M‘Coy 1844 [nom. transl. Waagen 1883 (ex Athyridae M‘Coy, 1844)] Genus leptathyris Siehl 1962 Type species. L. gryphis Siehl 1962, p. 212, pi. 36, fig. 1 , pi. 39, figs. 2, 3. Leptathyris circula (Walcott 1884) Plate 26, figs. 13-22; text-fig. 4 1884 Cryptonellal circula Walcott n. sp., p. 163, pi. 15, figs. 2, a, b. 1940 ICryptonella circula Merriam, pi. 11, fig. 8. 1962 Athyris circula Johnson 1962c;, p. 166. Material. The holotype, USNM no. 13861, was borrowed from the U.S. National Museum and was accompanied by twenty-four paratypes. They are small silicified shells with the valves tightly welded together. However, one of the paratypes has the ventral beak broken away revealing the cardinalia in the brachial valve. They exactly duplicate the structure described above from specimens collected by the writer from the Roberts Mountains. The structure of this paratype is shown in text-fig. 4. The label with the types indicates that they are from the ‘ Lower Devonian ’ at Lone Mountain. Figured specimens. USNM nos. 145522, 145523. Discussion. Siehl (1962, p. 212) proposed Leptathyris for small non-lamellose athyridids with a thin, depressed, medially-crested, cardinal plate. These are diagnostic features of ‘ Athyris ’ circula, which is therefore assigned to Leptathyris. Exterior. The species is small and subcircular to elongate suboval or short pyriform in outline. In lateral profile the valves are unequally biconvex with the pedicle valve slightly more convex than the brachial valve. The ventral beak is sub-erect. The palintrope is only faintly rounded, nearly flat, but beak ridges are absent. The hinge line is short and curved. There is a triangular delthyrium commonly enclosing about 70°. It is unmodified by deltidial plates and in all the specimens examined there invariably is a minute ragged opening at the apex of the delthyrium. Its ubiquitous presence suggests that it is in fact 172 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 a mesothyrid or permesothyrid foramen. Both valves curve evenly anteriorly and antero- laterally with slightly more gentle curvature than at the umbos. There is no fold, but some specimens develop a flattened area on the anteromedial part of the pedicle valve or a faintly indented sulcus and the anterior commissure is gently deflected toward the brachial valve. The ornament consists of a few widely spaced, faint, concentric growth lamellae. No radial ornament was observed. Interior of pedicle valve. The hinge teeth are supported by a pair of thin dental lamellae that are situated close to the inner postero-lateral walls of the valve. The anterior edges of the dental lamellae converge slightly towards the midline and are continued for a short text-fig. 4. Leptathyris circula. a. Interior of pedicle valve from the Roberts Mountains with fragment of brachial valve retaining cardinal plate attached, b, Cardinalia of brachial valve of a paratype from Lone Mountain showing the shape of the cardinal plate and the apical foramen. distance as ridges that bound the muscle impression. These ridges terminate anteriorly at about the place of constriction between the pedicle cavity and the diductor muscle scars. The diductors are faintly impressed, elongate, and slightly divergent. Medially there is a faintly elevated myophragm dividing the diductors into two more or less separate tracks that blend anteriorly with the interior of the valve (text-fig. 4). Figs. 1-5. Cyrtina sp. Lower Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4739, northern Roberts Mountains. 1-5, Anterior, posterior, side, ventral, and dorsal views x2, USNM 145528. Figs. 6-9. Warrenella cf. columbina columbina (Flavlicek 1959). Lower Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4739, northern Roberts Mountains. 6-9, Anterior, side, dorsal, and ventral views x 3, USNM 145529. Figs. 10-25. Warrenella kirki praekirki Johnson subsp. nov. Figs. 10-24, lower Leptathyris circula zone, loc. 4739, northern Roberts Mountains; fig. 25, zone unknown, loc. 4742, northern Roberts Mountains. 10-14, Anterior, posterior, side, dorsal, and ventral views Xl-5, holotype, USNM 145530. 15-19, Posterior, anterior, side, dorsal, and ventral views X2, paratype, USNM 145531. 20, Interior of brachial valve x4, paratype, USNM 145532. 21, Interior of posterior portions of articulated fragments of both valves x 5, paratype, USNM 145533. 22, Interior of fragment of pedicle valve X3, paratype, USNM 145534. 23, Interior of brachial valve x4, paratype, USNM 145535. 24, Exterior of fragment X 5, paratype, USNM 145536. 25, Interior of fragment of pedicle valve X 2, USNM 145537. a b EXPLANATION OF PLATE 27 Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 27 JOHNSON, Devonian brachiopods from Nevada J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 173 Interior of brachial valve. The sockets diverge antero-laterally and are unsupported by crural plates. Their inner edges are joined by an apically perforate cardinal plate which is slightly depressed dorsally across its width, but which is crested along the median line with its crest ventrally directed. In plan view the anterior edge of the cardinal plate is two sided, converging anteromedially. Neither median septum nor myophragm are present. The spiralia have their apices directed laterally and appear to consist commonly of six or eight turns. Occurrence. Leptathyris circula is very common in the lower two or three hundred feet of the Denay Limestone at a number of places in the Roberts Mountains and in the northern Simpson Park Range. As reported previously (Johnson 1962a, p. 167) Merriam states that forms assignable to this species are present at the north end of the Antelope Range. Suborder spiriferoidea Superfamily delthyriacea Phillips 1841 [nom. transl. Ivanova 1960 (ex Delthyridae Phillips 1841)] Family reticulariidae Waagen 1883 [nom. transl. Ivanova 1960 (ex Reticulariinae Waagen 1883)] Genus warrenella Crickmay 1953 Type species. W. eclectea Crickmay 1953, p. 596, figs. 1-5, 16-19. Warrenella kirki praekirki subsp. nov. Plate 27, figs. 10-25 Material. The holotype is USNM no. 145530, illustrated in figs. 10-14 of Plate 27 and measures 19-2 mm. in width, 18-2 mm. in length, and 11-4 mm. in thickness. It was collected at locality 4739 on the west slope of Willow Creek Canyon in the northern Roberts Mountains. The remainder of the speci- mens illustrated on Plate 27 are paratypes excepting fig. 25 which originates from another locality. These include USNM nos. 145531-7. Diagnosis. Includes relatively transverse, less strongly convex specimens of W. kirki in populations lacking elongate individuals. Exterior. The shells are transversely suboval in outline and unequally biconvex in lateral profile with the pedicle valve about twice as strongly convex as the brachial valve. The hinge line is equal to about two-thirds the maximum width of the valves which is attained near midlength. The cardinal angles are rounded and obtuse. The pedicle valve bears a low apsacline triangular interarea with a relatively strongly incurved beak. The inter- area is divided medially by a triangular open delthyrium enclosing an angle of about 70°. The interarea of the brachial valve is long, narrow, and anacline. The pedicle valve commonly bears an indistinct medial sulcus which may extend from the umbo or may develop anterior to it. The sulcus of all the specimens examined is relatively shallow and rounded, not angular. A fold is not developed on the brachial valve. There are no radial plications. The concentric ornament consists of numerous very fine, concentric growth lines and a few more strongly accentuated ones, more commonly on the anterior of larger shells. The fine ornament consists of concentric rows of fine radial striae along the anterior edge of the growth lamellae, but not continuing back to the anterior edge of the previous growth lamellae. 174 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Interior of pedicle valve. The hinge teeth are strong knob-like projections, directed dorsally and converging slightly postero-medially. They are supported basely by stout dental lamellae that initially converge slightly toward the midline and diverge slightly from it along their anterior edges. The dental lamellae are very closely set together at the umbo and constrict that space in most specimens making the pedicle cavity obsole- scent. The ventral muscle scar is deeply impressed, triangular, and elongate with slightly divergent sides laterally and a semicircular outline anteriorly where it blends with the interior of the shell. The adductor muscle scars compose a pair of elongate raised ridge- like tracks medially which are separated by a subangular myophragm. On some speci- mens the adductor tracks appear to extend slightly anterior to the anterior edge of the elongate oval anterior portion of the diductor impressions. Interior of brachial valve. The hinge plates define relatively strong, deep, subconical, and broadly divergent sockets that are attached beneath the inner edges of the dorsal inter- area. Commonly, there is a small rim of shell material extending laterally from the distal end of the socket beneath the interarea and parallel to it. Medially the hinge plates bear a pair of triangular crural plates that are attached to the inner surface of the posterior end of the valve, but which are free of the floor of the valve along most of their length. The crural plates are relatively strongly concave on their inner (medial) faces and with their dorsal sides thus attaining a position subparallel to the interior of the umbo of the valve. Medially in the notothyrial cavity, the site of diductor attachment is composed of a deeply striate, transverse, comb-like process. The adductor muscle scars comprise two pairs of very elongate subelliptical impressions with the medial pair more deeply impressed and separated from the lateral pair by thin rounded ridges. The medial pair are divided by a thin low myophragm throughout most of their length. Comparison. The new subspecies is distinguished from Warrenella kirki kirki by a more transverse outline and a less well-developed median sulcus in the pedicle valve of the former. A typical population of W. kirki kirki includes transverse specimens, but these commonly bear a relatively strong subangular sulcus. Included with these are an almost equal number of elongate suboval specimens. W. kirki praekirki appears to be the initial subspecies in Nevada, subject to a trend from transverse to elongate specimens. Some collections above W. kirki kirki contain an abundance of markedly elongate forms and lack of any of the transverse ones typical of the early forms or which are also found in the middle stratigraphic horizons. W. occidentalis is a very large transverse species with a relatively deep median sulcus which may be relatively flat-bottomed in some forms. In the writer’s opinion, the Canadian species W. franklini is very close to the transverse forms of kirki kirki and may prove to be a senior synonym of that species. W. occidentalis may have been derived from the later form at a time when the typical kirki kirki gave rise to two species out of its diverse population. Crickmay (1962, p. 10) has recently assigned his species W. timetea to the genus Tingella Grabau, because of the presence of crural plates. Timetea is very close to occi- dentalis of Nevada and may be conspecific, however, the writer has not studied large collections of the Canadian species. Specimens of occidentalis from Nevada also bear relatively large crural plates as do all the specimens assigned to kirki and its various subspecies discussed here. However, the writer is not convinced that the information on the structural details and external ornament of Tingella are well enough known to bring J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 175 that name into widespread usage in western North America. All of the reticulariid genera in the Devonian that the writer has studied from Nevada and including a number of species from both the Lower and Middle Devonian, bear crural plates that are attached to the base of the valve along varying percentages of their total length. It seems appropriate that the type species of Warrenellci be much more closely studied with regard to the structure of the cardinalia to determine whether crural plates are present and buried in secondary shell material, or present and not in contact with the base of the valve, or are completely absent. Grabau’s only figured internal mould of Tingella (1933, pi. 43, fig. 7), in addition to showing long slots for the crural plates, also shows thin, discrete, widely spaced, dental lamellae in the pedicle valve and a muscle field that is not impressed. W. kirki typically bears dental lamellae that are closely set and adjoin umbonal cavities that bear con- siderable secondary shell material. This suggests to the writer that W. kirki , despite its well-developed crural plates, is not closely related to Tingella. Warrenel/a appears to be a senior subjective synonym of Minatothyris Vandercammen 1957, which is based on a species from the Frasnian of western Europe ( Spirifer eury- glossus Schnur), a species which is in fact very close to the type of Warrenel/a. The latter genus, as viewed by the writer and discussed above, is also a senior subjective synonym of Sinothyris Minato 1953, which is based on the west European Givetian species S. maureri Holzapfel. This, on exterior considerations at least, appears to be a species relatively close to the group of franklini, occidentalism and timetea. Vandercammen (1957) has already included maureri in Minatothyris and it is evident that Minato’s conception of Sinothyris based on Grabau’s illustration and description was erroneous since the type species lacks a ventral median septum. Occurrence. W. kirki praekirki is at present known only from the Leptathyris circula zone in Eureka County, Nevada. Warrenel/a cf. colwnbina colwnbina (Havlicek 1959) Plate 27, figs. 6-9 1959 Eomartiniopsis colwnbina colwnbina Havlicek, p. 190, pi. 28, figs. 3-5. Material figured. USNM no. 145529. Exterior. The shells are transversely subquadrate in outline and strongly biconvex in lateral profile with the pedicle valve more strongly so than the brachial valve. The beak on the pedicle valve is relatively short and stubby. The hinge line is short and straight medially and there is a narrow triangular apsacline interarea, slightly incurved near the beak, and equal to a little less than half the maximum width of the valves. The interarea is cleft medially by a triangular open delthyrium enclosing an angle 55-60°. The umbo on the brachial valve is relatively prominent, strongly convex, and the beak is strongly incurved. The cardinal angles are obtuse and strongly rounded. The maximum width is posterior to the midlength and the antero-lateral margins slope forward and converge slightly toward the midline. There is a deep subangular sulcus on the pedicle valve, originating near the umbo and becoming decidedly stronger and flaring in width toward the anterior commissure. The brachial valve bears a rounded fold that is faintly marked off from the lateral portions of the valve. 176 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 The ornament consists of numerous fine concentric growth lines. The fine radial orna- ment, if present, was not detected due to inadequate preservation. Interior of pedicle valve. There are a pair of short thick dental lamellae in the apex of the valve that diverge only slightly from one another and which are situated very close together at the beak. The diductor scar consists of a triangular, faintly impressed area which blends anteriorly with the interior of the valve. The umbonal cavities are free of infilling secondary shell material. Occurrence. The species appears at two localities in the Leptathyris circula zone on the north side of the Roberts Mountains and in a single collection from Lone Mountain which also contains specimens of Warrenella kirki praekirki. Family ambocoeliidae George 1931 [nom. transl. Ivanova 1960 {ex Ambocoeliinae George 1931)] Genus echinocoelia Cooper and Williams 1935 Type species. E. ambocoelioides Cooper and Williams 1935, p. 844, pi. 59, figs. 9, 13, 17, 21, 23. Echinocoelia denayensis sp. nov. Plate 26, figs. 23-30 Material. The specimen, USNM no. 145527, illustrated in figs. 26-30 of Plate 26 is the holotype. It measures 9 0 mm. in width, 8 0 mm. in length, and 7-6 mm. in thickness. Other figured specimens in- clude USNM nos. 145524-6. Diagnosis. Echinocoelia with typical form, but with rudimentary, anteriorly free, crural plates. Exterior. The shells are subtrigonal in outline and strongly unequally biconvex, pyra- midal in lateral profile. The brachial valve is only gently curved, nearly flat and cap-like. The pedicle valve is deeply convex and strongly arched with a high, steeply apsacline to nearly catacline, only slightly incurved interarea which is equal to about three- quarters of the maximum width of the valves. It is cleft medially by a high, triangular, open delthyrium that encompasses an angle of about 30°. The interarea on the brachial valve is long, low, and anacline. Most specimens are transverse, but become less so with an increase in size. The outline of larger specimens, especially brachial valves, is some- what pentagonal with the maximum width well posterior to midlength and with the sides sloping antero-medially and truncated by a short anterior commissure at right angles to the median plane. No fold or sulcus is developed on the pedicle valve but a very faint flattening or depression of the interior edge of the brachial valve causes the anterior commissure to be deflected slightly ventrally. The valves are without plication but develop a fairly strongly lamellose ornament of concentric growth lines that are very numerous and closely set and which are more pro- nounced at a few irregular intervals. Preservation of the fine ornament is imperfect, but on the best preserved specimens it appears to consist of extremely fine radial striae situated in concentric rows on the growth lamellae. Interior of pedicle valve. The hinge teeth are small, thin, elliptical processes which project dorsally from the base of the hinge line and have their long axes approximately midway J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 177 between the hinge line and the median plane. The hinge teeth leave small ridge-like tracks on the inner edges of the delthyrium. There are no dental lamellae. The apex of the delthyrium is closed by a small plate. Interior of brachial valve. The sockets are broad, shallow, and widely divergent antero- laterally. They are attached on their medial edges to relatively large triangular crural plates which contact the interior surface of the valve posteriorly, but which are free anteriorly. Medially there is a small knob-like cardinal process in the apex of the noto- thyrium. Commonly there is a long, low, narrow myophragm running most of the length of the valve. The adductor muscle scars, however, are not impressed. Commonly, on the more lamellose brachial valves, the interior is strongly crenulated in the anterior half of the shell by the concentric undulations of the more prominent growth lamellae. Occurrence. Echinocoelia denayensis is a common species in the Leptathyris circula zone on the north side of the Roberts Mountains as well as on the west slope, east of Red Canyon. This species is also present in the L. circula zone in the northern Simpson Park Range. Comparison. Echinocoelia ambocoelioides Cooper and Williams (1935, p. 844, pi. 59) has a more pyriform outline than E. denayensis and long crural plates, lacking in the latter species. The new species is very close to E. incurva Cooper and Williams (1935, p. 845, pi. 59, figs. 20, 24, 25) but has a more nearly catacline palintrope and intermittantly coarse concentric growth lines. The interior of E. incurva is unfortunately not known. E. denayensis very closely resembles Ambocoelia rogeri Drot (1955, p. 565, pi. 27, fig. 3 a-d). Drot (p. 566) mentions the presence of a septum (= fmyophragm) in the brachial valve, but excludes her new species from Echinocoelia which it resembles in most characters. E. denayensis differs from E. ? rogeri in having a relatively flatter brachial valve that bears a less well pronounced ventral deflection of its anterior commissure. The palintrope of E. ? rogeri is less incurved at the beak and there are some minor differences in surface ornament as a comparison of the illustrated specimens will indicate, but it is not certain what value these may have. Superfamily cyrtinacea Fredericks 1912 [nom. transl. Johnson herein] Discussion. Inclusion of the cyrtinids in the Spirifereinacea has been suggested (Ivanova 1960, p. 278), however, such an assignment should not be taken to indicate more than a morphologic grouping of the punctate Spiriferoidea. If phylogenetic implications were assumed, this procedure would require Spiriferina and its allies to have been derived from Cyrtina, a connexion regarded as improbable by the writer since Cyrtina possessed a more specialized morphology, exemplified by its tichorhinum and stout apically per- forate deltidium, long before the appearance of the more generalized spiriferinaceids. Cyrtina appeared at or near the beginning of the Early Devonian and represented a major new stock contrasting markedly with the then existing Cyrtiidae (the eospiriferids) and the Delthyridae (principally Delthyris and Howellella). Family cyrtinidae Fredericks 1912 [nom. transl. Stehli 1954 {ex Cyrtininae Fredericks 1912)] Genus cyrtina Davidson 1858 Type species. Calceole heteroclite Defrance 1824, p. 306, pi. 80, figs. 3, 3 a. N B 6612 178 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Cyrtina sp. Plate 27, figs. 1-5 Material figured. USNM no. 145528. Exterior. The shells are transversely subtrigonal to sub-semicircular in outline and strongly unequally biconvex in lateral profile. The pedicle valve is strongly convex, sub- pyramidal, and the brachial valve is gently convex and cap-like. The pedicle valve bears a high, nearly flat, catacline, triangular interarea cleft medially by a long delthyrium enclosing an angle of about 20°. The deltidium is not preserved. There is a shallow sub- angular sulcus on the pedicle valve and a corresponding strong rounded fold on the brachial valve and three or four rounded plications on each flank of the valves separated by shallow U-shaped interspaces. Occurrence. Cyrtina sp. is present, but not common in the Leptathyris circula zone on the north side of the Roberts Mountains. APPENDIX OF LOCALITIES The numbers listed below are those of the locality register of the Department of Geology, University of California, Los Angeles. 3536 North-east slope of Union Mtn., north-east of McColley Canyon, elev. 6,825, 900 ft. W., 3,350 ft. N. of SE. cor. of sec. 20, T. 27N., R. 53E., Mineral Hill quad., Sulphur Spring Range, Elko Co., Nevada. Telegraph Canyon Member of Nevada Fm. (Carlisle et al. 1957). 4737 Approx. 4,500 ft. due E. of Roberts Creek on small spur on south slope of hill 7964, elev. 7,420, sec. 1 (unsurveyed) T. 22N., R. 50E., Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., Roberts Mts., Eureka Co., Nevada. Denay Ls., M. Dev., 20-50 ft. above top of McColley Canyon Fm. Collector: E. L. Winterer, 1959. 4738 Approx. 3,300 ft. due E. of Roberts Creek, elev. 6,920, eastward across canyon from hill 6963, 7,400 ft. almost due N. of NE. cor. sec. 24, T. 22N., R. 50E. Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., Roberts Mts., Eureka Co., Nevada. Denay Ls., M. Dev., about 300 ft. above top of McColley Canyon Fm. Collector: E. L. Winterer, 1959. 4739 Approx. 3,200 ft. due W. of Willow Creek, elev. 7,520, at crest of ridge between Willow Creek and Birch Creek, 4,200 ft. south of SE. cor. of sec. 22, T. 24N., R. 50E., Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., northern Roberts Mts., Eureka Co., Nevada. Denay Ls., M. Dev., approx. 170 ft. above top of McCol- ley Canyon Fm. Collectors: Student group 11, 1958 and J. G. Johnson, 1959. 4740 East of Willow Creek, elev. 6,900 ft., 2,800 ft. E., 3,700 ft. S. of SE. cor. of sec. 15, T. 24N., R. 50E., Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., northern Roberts Mts., Eureka Co., Nevada. Lower Denay Ls., M. Dev. Collector: J. G. Johnson, 1959. 4741 Elev. approx. 6,800 ft., on east flank of Willow Creek, approx. 6,500 ft. upstream from Willow Creek Ranch, 1,900 ft. S., 2,300 ft. E. of SE. cor. of sec. 22, T. 24N., R. 50E., Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., northern Roberts Mts., Eureka Co., Nevada. Denay Ls., M. Dev. Collector: J. G. Johnson, 1959. 4742 South flank of Hanson Creek, north of Red Canyon, elev. 7,320 ft., 7,900 ft. due E. of SE. cor. of sec. 1, T. 23N., R. 49E., west slope of Roberts Creek Mtn., Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., Eureka Co., Nevada. Denay Limestone, M. Dev. Collectors: Student group 14, 1958. 4743 South-west slope of hill 8919, east of Red Canyon, elev. 8,040 ft., 10,400 ft. E., approx. 1,200 ft. S. of SE. cor. of sec. 12, T. 23N., R. 49E., Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., Eureka Co., Nevada. Denay Limestone. M. Dev. Collector: unknown. 4744 Elev. 7,880 ft., head of Birch Creek, crest of ridge c. 5,500 ft. NNW. of Cooper Peak, and c. 9,100 ft. ESE. of Western Peak, T. 23N., R. 50E., northern Roberts Mts., Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., Eureka Co., Nevada. Denay Limestone, M. Dev. Collector: M. A. Murphy, 1957. J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 179 4745 Elev. 8,640 ft. east slope of saddle 500 ft. N. of hill 8788, approx. 3 miles W. and 3 miles N. of Roberts Creek Ranch, T. 22N., R. 50E., southern Roberts Mts. west of Roberts Creek, Roberts Creek Mtn. quad., Eureka Co., Nevada. Denay Limestone, M. Dev. Collector: E. L. Winterer, 1959. Acknowledgements. The writer wishes to thank Dr. G. Arthur Cooper of the U.S. National Museum, Washington, who kindly loaned the types of Walcott’s species Cryptonella ? circula, Skenidium devonicum, and Leiorhynchus nevadensis for comparative purposes. Dr. Vladimir Havlicek, Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia, generously made available specimens of Prokopia bouskai and these have been deposited with the U.S. National Museum. The writer's work at Pasadena has been supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. GP 2290. REFERENCES alekseeva, r. e. 1960. Devonian Atrypida of the Kuznetsk and Minusinsk Bassins and the east slope of the north Ural. Akad. nauk. SSSR, Siberian Div., Inst. Geol. Geophy. 1-196, pi. 1-12, Moscow. barrande, j. 1847. Uber die Brachiopoden der Silurischen Schichten von Bohmen, I. Naturwissen- schaftliche Abhandlungen ( Haidingers ), 1, Wien. 1879. Systeme Silurian du centre de la Boheme, 5, Brachiopodes. 1-226, pi. 1-153, Prague, Paris. boucot, a. j., Johnson, j. g., and staton, r. d. 1964. On some atrypoid, retzioid, and athyridoid Brachiopoda. J. Paleont. 38, 805-22, pi. 125-8. branson, e. b. 1923. General account of Missouri Devonian in The Devonian of Missouri. Missouri Bur. Geol., Mines , 17, 2nd ser. 1-279, pi. 1-71. Carlisle, d., murphy, m. a., nelson, c. A., and winterer, e. l. 1957. Devonian stratigraphy of Sulphur Springs and Pinyon Ranges, Nevada. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 41, 2175-91. conrad, t. A. 1841. Fifth annual report on the paleontology of the state of New York. N.Y. St. Geol. Surv. Ann. Rept. 5, 25-57. cooper, g. A. 1955. New Genera of Middle Paleozoic Brachiopods. J. Paleont. 29, 45-63, pis. 11-14. et al. 1942. 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Palaeontology of New York, 8, pt. 2, 1-317 (1893), 319-94, pi. 21-84 (1895). 180 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 havucek, v. 1952. A Paleontological study of the Devonian of Celechovice-Brachiopods (Penta- meracea, Rhynchonellacea, Spiriferacea). Shorn, ustr. Ust. geol. 18, 1-20, pi. 1-4. - 1953. O nekolika novych ramenonozcich ceskeho a moravskeho stredniho devonu. Vestn. ustr. Ust. geol. 28, 4-9, pi. 1, 2. 1959. Spiriferidae v ceskem siluru a devonu. Czechoslovakia , Rozpr. ustr. Ust. geol. 25, 1-275. pi. 1-28. house, m. r. 1962. Observations on the ammonoid succession of the North American Devonian. J. Paleont. 36, 247-84, pi. 43-48. 1965. Devonian goniatites from Nevada. Neues Jb. Geol Paldont., Abh., 122, 337-42, pi. 32. imbrie, j. 1959. Brachiopods of the Traverse Group (Devonian) of Michigan. Part 1. Dalmanellacea, Pentameracea, Strophomenacea, Orthotetacea, Chonetacea, and Productacea. Bull. Anter. Mus. nat. Hist. 116, 345-410, pi. 48-67. ivanova, e. a. 1960. Order Spiriferida in sarycheva, t. g., Osnovi Pa/eonto/ogii , Bryozoa, Brachiopoda. 264-80, pi. 57-64. Johnson, j. g. 1962n. Brachiopod faunas of the Nevada Formation (Devonian) in central Nevada. J. Paleont. 36, 165-9. 19626. Lower Devonian-Middle Devonian boundary in central Nevada. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 46, 542-6. (in prep.). Great Basin Lower Devonian Brachiopoda. khodalevich, a. n. 1951. Lower Devonian and Eifelian brachiopods of the Ivdel and Serov districts of the Sverdlovsk region. Trud. Sverdlovsk min. Inst. 18, 1-169, pi. 1-30. mclaren, D. j. 1962. Middle and early Upper Devonian rhynchonelloid brachiopods from western Canada. Bull. Can. geol. Surv. 86, 1-122, pi. 1-18. and norris, a. w. 1964. Fauna of the Devonian Horn Plateau Formation, District of Mackenzie. Ibid. 114, 1-74, pi. 1-17. norris, A. w., and mcgregor, d. c. 1962. Illustration of Canadian fossils — Devonian of Western Canada. Pap. Can. geol. Surv. 62-4, 1-34, pi. 1-16. meek, F. b. 1 868. Remarks of the Geology of the valley of Mackenzie River, with figures and descriptions of fossils from that region, in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, chiefly collected by the late Robert Kennicott, Esq. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., 1, 61-114, pi. 12-14. merriam, c. w., 1940. Devonian stratigraphy and paleontology of the Roberts Mountains region, Nevada. Spec. Pap. geol. Soc. Amer. 25, 1-114, pi. 1-16. 1963. Paleozoic rocks of Antelope Valley, Eureka and Nye Counties, Nevada. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Surv. 423, 1-67, 2 pi. and anderson, c. a. 1942. Reconnaissance survey of the Roberts Mountains, Nevada. Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. 53, 1675-728. meyer, oskar-erich. 1913. Die Devonischen Brachiopoden von Ellesmereland. Videnskabs-Selskabet i Kristiania , Rept. 2nd Norwegian Arctic Exped. in the ‘ From ’ 1898-1902, 29, 1-43, pi. 1-8. minato, m. 1953. On some reticulate Spiriferidae. Trans. Proc. Japan Palaeont. Soc., N.s., 11, 65-73. nalivkin, d. v. 1936. The Middle Paleozoic faunas of the head parts of the Kolyma and Kandyga rivers in The Paleozoic faunas of the Kolyma. Contr. to Knowledge of Okhotsk-Kolyma Land, ser. 1 , fasc. 4, State Trust Dalstroy, 1-28, pi. 1, 2. nettleroth, h. 1889. Kentucky fossil shells; a monograph of the fossil shells of the Silurian and Devonian rocks of Kentucky. Kentucky Geol. Surv. 1-245. nolan, t. b., merriam, c. w., and williams, j. s. 1956. The stratigraphic section in the vicinity of Eureka, Nevada. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Surv. 276, 1-77, 2 pi. owen, D. D. 1852. Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory. 1-638, Philadelphia. pedder, a. e. h. 1959. Monelasmina besti, a new schizophoriid brachiopod from the Upper Devonian of western Canada. Geol. Mag. 96, 470-2, pi. 16. schnur, j. 1853. Zusammenstellung und Beschreibung sammtlicher im Uebergangsgebirge der Eifel vorkommenden Brachiopoden. Palaeontographica , 3, 169-247, pi. 22-45. schuchert, c. 1 897. A Synopsis of American fossil Brachiopoda including bibliography and synonymy. Bull. U.S. geol. Surv. 87, 1-464. siehl, a. 1962. Der Greifensteiner Kalk (Eifelium, Rhenisches Schiefergebirge) und seine Brachiopoden J. G. JOHNSON: MIDDLE DEVONIAN BRACHIOPODS 181 fauna 1. Geologie; Atrypacea und Rostrospiracea. Palaeontographica, 119, pt. A., 173-221, pi. 23-40. termier, H. 1936. Etudes Geologiques sur le Maroc central et le rnoyan Atlas septentrional. Notes Serv. Min. geol. Maroc , 3, no. 33, Cinquieme partie (Paleontologie), 1088-421, pi. 1-23. vandercammen, a. 1957. Revision de Spirifer euryglossus Schnur 1851, = Minatothyris nov. gen. euryglossa (Schnur) (Brachiopoda, Devonien superieur). Senckenbergiana letli. 38, 177-93, pi. 1-3. vanuxem, L. 1842. Geology of New York, Part III, comprising the survey of the third geological district. 1-306, Albany. walcott, c. d. 1884. Paleontology of the Eureka District. Mon. U.S. geol. Surv. 8, 1-298, pi. 1-24. warren, p. s. 1944. Index brachiopods of the Mackenzie River Devonian. Trans, roy Soc. Can. sec. 4, 105-30, pi. 1, 2. and stelck, c. R. 1962. Western Canadian Givetian. Jour. Alberta Soc. Petrol, geol. 10, 273-91. white, c. A. 1862. Description of new species of fossils from the Devonian and Carboniferous rocks of the Mississippi Valley. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 9, 8-33. williams, A. and wright, a. d. 1963. The classification of the ‘ Orthis testudinaria Dalman’ group of brachiopods. /. Paleont. 37, 1-32, pi. 1, 2. J. G. JOHNSON Div. Geological Sciences, California Inst. Technology, Manuscript received 21 December 1964 Pasadena, California THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION COUNCIL 1965-6 President +Dr. L. R. Cox, British Museum (Natural History), London Vice-Presidents Dr. W. S. McKerrow, University Museum, Oxford Professor F. H. T. Rhodes, University College, Swansea Treasurer Dr. C. Downie, Department of Geology, The University, Mappin Street, Sheffield 1 Secretary Dr. C. H. Holland, Department of Geology, Bedford College, London, N.W.l Editors Mr. N. F. Hughes, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge Dr. Gwyn Thomas, Department of Geology, Imperial College of Science, London, S.W.7 Dr. I. Strachan, Department of Geology, The University, Birmingham, 15 Dr. M. R. House, University Museum, Oxford Other members of Council Dr. C. G. Adams, British Museum (Natural History), London Professor P. M. Butler, Royal Holloway College, Surrey Dr. W. J. Clarke, British Petroleum Company, Sunbury-on-Thames Dr. G. Y. Craig, The University, Edinburgh Dr. T. D. Ford, The University, Leicester Dr. B. M. Funnell, The University, Cambridge Dr. J. M. Hancock, King’s College, London Dr. G. A. L. Johnson, The University, Durham Dr. F. A. Middlemiss, Queen Mary College, London Mr. M. Mitchell, Geological Survey and Museum, London Dr. W. D. I. Rolfe, Hunterian Museum, The University, Glasgow Dr. A. J. Rowell, The University, Nottingham Professor Scott Simpson, The University, Exeter Dr. L. B. H. Tarlo, The University, Reading Dr. H. Dighton Thomas, British Museum (Natural History), London Overseas Representatives Australia: Professor Dorothy Hill, Department of Geology, University of Queensland, Brisbane Canada : Dr. D. J. McLaren, Geological Survey of Canada, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Ont. India: Professor M. R. Sahni, 98, The Mall, Lucknow (U.P.), India New Zealand : Dr. C. A. Fleming, New Zealand Geological Survey, P.O. Box 368, Lower Hutt West Indies and Central America-. Mr. John B. Saunders, Geological Laboratory, Texaco Trinidad, Inc., Point k Pierre, Trinidad, West Indies Eastern U.S.A. : Professor H. B. Whittington, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge 38, Mass. Western U.S.A. : Professor J. Wyatt Durham, Department of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif. f Dr. Cox died in August. PALAEONTOLOGY VOLUME 9 ' PART 1 CONTENTS Schizochroal eyes and vision of some Silurian acastid trilobites. By e. n. k. CLARKSON 1 Marine benthos, substrate and palaeoecology. By G. Y. craig and N. s. jones 30 Upper Ordovician trilobites from northern Yukon. By a. c. lenz and m. CHURKIN 39 Silurian Girvanella from the Welsh borderland. By h. m. Johnson 48 Late Permian trilobites from the Salt Range, West Pakistan. By r. e. grant 64 The microstructure of stromatoporoids. By c. w. stearn 74 An improved method of analysing distortion in fossils. By k. sdzuy 125 On Birgeria acuminata and the absence of labyrinthodonts from the Rhaetic. By r. j. g. savage and n. f. large 135 The Upper Devonian gastropod Orecopia in western Canada. By a. e. h. pedder 142 The Silurian rugose coral Microplasma lovenianum Dybowski from Monmouthshire. By D. e. white 148 Middle Devonian brachiopods from the Roberts Mountains, central Nevada. By j. g. Johnson 152 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD BY VIVIAN RIDLER, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY VOLUME 9 * PART 2 Palaeontology JULY 1966 PUBLISHED BY THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION LONDON Price £3 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION The Association was founded in 1957 to further the study of palaeontology. It holds meetings and demonstrations, and publishes the quarterly journal Palaeontology. Membership is open to individuals, institutions, libraries, etc., on payment of the appropriate annual subscription: Institute membership .... £7 (U.S. $20.00) Ordinary membership . . . £3. 3s. (U.S. $9.50) Student membership . . . £2. 2s. (U.S. $6.50) There is no admission fee. Student members will be regarded as persons receiving full-time instruction at educational institutions recognized by the Council; on first applying for membership, they should obtain an application form from the Secretary or the Treasurer. Subscriptions are due each January, and should be sent to the Treasurer, Dr. C. Downie, Department of Geology, The University, Mappin Street, Sheffield 1, England. Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers (preferably illustrated) on all aspects of palaeontology and stratigraphical palaeontology. Four parts are published each year and are sent free to all members of the Association. Members who join for 1966 will receive Volume 9, Parts 1 to 4. All back numbers are still in print and may be ordered from B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England, at the prices shown below (post free): Vol. 1 (for 1957-8) in 4 parts at £2 or U.S. $6.00 per part. Vol. 2 (for 1959) in 2 parts at £2 or U.S. $6.00 per part. Vol. 3 (for 1960) in 4 parts at £2 or U.S. $6.00 per part. Vol. 4 (for 1961) in 4 parts at £2 or U.S. $6.00 per part. Vol. 5 (for 1962) in 4 parts at £3 or U.S. $9.00 per part. Vol. 6 (for 1963) in 4 parts at £3 or U.S. $9.00 per part. Vol. 7 (for 1964) in 4 parts at £3 or U.S. $9.00 per part. Vol. 8 (for 1965) in 4 parts at £3 or U.S. $9.00 per part. A complete set. Volumes 1-8, consists of 30 parts and costs £76 or U.S. $228. Manuscripts on all aspects of palaeontology and stratigraphical palaeontology are invited. They should conform in style to those already published in this journal, and should be sent to Mr. N. F. Hughes, Department of Geology, Sedgwick Museum, Downing Street, Cambridge, England. A sheet of detailed instructions for authors will be supplied on request. The Palaeontological Association, 1966 A REVISION OF ACASTE DOWNING IAE (MURCHISON) AND RELATED TRILOBITES by J. H. SHERGOLD Abstract. Three species of Acaste, A. clowningiae (Murchison),/!, inflat a (Salter), and A. subcaudata ( M urchison) ; two species of Acastocepliala gen. nov., A. macrops (Salter) and A. dudleyensis sp. nov. ; and Acastoides constrieta (Salter) are described from rocks of Wenlockian age from the West Midlands, Welsh Borderlands, and South Wales. Their relationships to later Silurian and early Devonian acastomorph genera are discussed. The species Calymenel downingiae was first recognized by Murchison ( 1 839) who divided it from Calymene macrophthalma Brongniart on account of its smaller eyes and well- developed glabellar furrows. The species was subsequently placed in the genus Phacops by Emmerich (1845) and by Salter (1848, 1853), M’Coy (1851), and Murchison (1859). Goldfuss (1843) established the genus Acaste, which was regarded as a subgenus of Phacops by Salter (1864). Acaste downingiae was the first of a group of eight species listed by Goldfuss (1843, p. 563) and has been regarded by subsequent authors as the type species although this was not definitely established until 1959 (Struve in Moore, 1959, p. 0488). R. Richter (1909) and R. and E. Richter (1939, 1952, 1954) discussed the mor- phology, relationships, and successions of acastomorph trilobites but concentrated their attention mainly on Devonian genera. Salter (1864) divided the species into six varieties which he distinguished by Greek letters. At the present time these are assigned to the following taxa. After the revision of R. and E. Richter (1954, p. 16) var. a, vulgaris becomes Acaste downingiae (Murchison) s.s. and var. e, constrictus is assigned to the genus Acastoides Delo 1935, becoming A. constrieta (Salter). Var. 8, spinosus was chosen by Reed in 1925 as the type species of Acaste/la. Two further varieties are revised below. Var. y, inflatus has been retained in the genus Acaste as A. inflata (Salter). For trilobites previously referred to var. /?, macrops a new genus, Acastocepha/a, has been erected to include two species, A. macrops (Salter), the type species and A. dudleyensis sp. nov. Salter’s var. £, cuneatus, based on a poorly preserved cephalon from the Denbigh Grits of Llanrwst, is the only specimen known from that area and until further material becomes available cannot be adequately described. The present paper is based mainly on materials from the Wenlockian of the West Midlands, Welsh Border- lands, and South Wales in the following collections: the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge (SM); Oxford Univer- sity Museum (OUM); Birmingham University Museum (BU); the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) (BM); the Geological Survey Museum (GSM); the Geological Society Collection (GSC); and the National Museum of Wales (NMW). Additional material has been used from the Bristol City Museum; the Ludlow Museum; the Hancock Museum, Newcastle upon Tyne; the Departmental Collections, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UNT), and from collections made by the author in South Wales. Relationships of considered genera. Struve (19586) has used the term ‘acastomorphen’ for Phacopacea with dalmanitid tendencies as distinct from those with calmoniid ten- dencies. The writer has here used the term in a somewhat different sense to include [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 183-207, pis. 28-32.] C 3803 o 184 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 the genera Acaste, Acastoides, Acastella, AcasteUina R. and E. Richter 1954, Acastava R. and E. Richter 1954, and Acastocephala gen. nov., feeling that these genera form a closely related Siluro-Devonian complex. In Struve’s (19586, 1959) current classifica- tion these genera are grouped into two subfamilies, Acastinae Delo 1935 and Acas- tavinae Struve 1958. The former is included in the family Calmoniidae and the latter in the Dalmanitidae. The Acastavinae ( Acastava , Acastella, and AcasteUina) are thought by Struve to show an asteropyginid trend in certain characters, namely the shape of the cephalon, the construction of the genal spines and the poorly segmented pygidium with its marked tendency to develop denticulations along the lateral margins. The Acastinae, while including such genera as Acaste and Acastoides, embraces also Scotiella and Phacopina, subgenera in which the glabellar segmentation has become faint or obsolete. The mucronations possessed by members of the Acastinae are thought by Struve to be essentially similar in construction to the Calmoniidae rather than the Dalmanitidae. During the early holaspid ontogeny of Acaste downingiae and A. subcaudata, short but distinct genal projections are observed on the posterolateral fixigenal margins. These projections, in effect miniature spines, are rapidly resorbed in succeeding moults. In their construction these spines differ from those produced by the Dalmanitinae and Asteropyginae which are massive continuations of the cephalic margins but are more similar to the small, elegant mucronations shown by such typical calmoniid genera as Bainella, Schizostylus, and Paracalmonia or to those of the acastavinid genus, Acastella. In their orientation these small acastid spines contrast with those of the Calmoniidae which are deflected prominently outwards from the line of the cephalic margin, but compare well with those of the Acastavinae, being most closely comparable with the mucronations displayed by the adult of Acastella prima Tomczykowa (1962a, pp. 261-2, pi. 1, figs. 2, 4, 5). If the early holaspid mucronations of Acaste downingiae were to be continued into the adult stage the condition of Acastella prima would be closely approxi- mated (text-fig. 3). The derivation of Acastella from Acaste through an intermediate form such as Acastella prima becomes a strong probability (Tomczykowa 19626, p. 202). Acastocephala dudleyensis sp. nov. also possesses small genal mucronations in its early holaspid ontogeny. In the adult condition these are again resorbed and the genae become posterolaterally angled or rounded. The construction and orientation of these spines are essentially similar to the condition shown by the adult of Acastava atava (W. E. Schmidt 1907). Further similarities are shown between Acastocephala and Acastava, for the lateral pygidial margins of young holaspides in both Acastocephala macrops and A. dudleyensis are provided with three or four pairs of denticulations on the external surface of the shell, similar to those found on the internal mould of the adult Acastava atava (text-fig. 5). As with the genal spines, these denticulations are resorbed in the adult which possesses a typically entire margin. Young holaspides, therefore, show the asteropyginid trend of Struve, while the adults with rounded genae and entire pygidial margins do not. In other characters, notably the size and position of the eye and the poorly segmented pygidium, adults of Acastocephala macrops are closely comparable to Acastava atava. It appears, therefore, that the conditions shown by the early holaspides of Acastocephala are retained into the adult stages of Acastava. Accordingly Acastocephala is thought to be ancestral to Acastava and is classified with the Acastavinae. J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 185 Two lines of development may thus be postulated among the acastomorph genera. Acastava (Siegenian-Emsian) may be derived from Acastocephala (Wenlockian) and Acastella (Middle Ludlow-?Siegenian) from Acaste (Wenlockian-L. Gedinnian). The various Silurian and Devonian species of Acastoides (Wenlockian-U. Emsian) appear to be a closely related and distinct group, isolated from other lines of development from Wenlockian times onwards. text-fig. 1. Parameters recorded on a typical acastomorph cephalon. Measurements. Measurements based on the lengths and widths of the cephalon, thorax and pygidium have been found to be extremely variable and to be largely dependent on preservation. Selected measurements connected with the eye, on the other hand, have shown constancy both intra-generically and intra-specifically. The position of the eye on the cheek with relation to the cephalic margins, posterior border furrow and glabella and the differing relationships between eye length and glabellar length are important in this respect. The measurements recorded are basically those of Struve (text-fig. 1). They are essen- tially the eye length, A ; glabellar length, G ; occipital glabellar length, Gn ; and a measure- ment, H, across the posterior fixigena between the back of the eye and the posterior border furrow. In addition to Struve’s parameters, the maximum width. Pa, and the posterior width, Pb, across the palpebral area have been recorded. Of these latter measurements. Pa has been found to depend upon the definition of the palpebral furrow and to be more variable than Pb (see text-fig. 1). After Struve (1958a), several ratios have been considered important. A/G, the larger eye index; A/Gn, the smaller eye index, and H/A have been used to give some idea of the eye length in relation to glabellar length and the distance of the eye from the pos- terior border furrow. Values of H/A have shown that in some species the eye remains in a more or less constant position during holaspid ontogeny, while in others it appears to migrate in a posterior direction (see section under Acastocephala dudley easts'). 186 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 111 the text the following glabellar notation is used; preoccipital lobe, 1L; median lateral lobe, 2L; anterior lateral lobe, 3L; IS, 2S, and 3S are the equivalent glabellar side furrows. Generic and Specific Differentiation. Characters considered to be of generic importance are as follows: the shapes of both cephalon and pygidium, i.e. the geometry of outline; the segmentation of the pygidium, both in axial and pleural elements, and the size of the eye and its position on the cheek. To illustrate the position of the eye and its relative size the proportionate relationships between A, H, and Pb have been plotted on tii- angular-based graph paper (text-fig. 2). Further, the development during ontogeny of eenal mucronations and pygidial denticulations is of fundamental importance. Of importance specifically are the convexities (tr. and sag.) of the frontal lobe, 1L and the occipital ring; the height to which the occipital ring is raised above the glabellar side lobes; the shape, in plan view, of the glabella; the number of facets at the maximum height of the visual surface; the convexity (tr.) of the pygidium, both pleural and axial elements; and the width of the pygidial border. J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 187 SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Family calmoniidae Delo 1935 Subfamily acastinae Delo 1935 Genus acaste Goldfuss 1843 Acaste downingiae (Murchison 1839) Plate 28, figs. 1-18; Plate 29, figs. 1-8 1839 Calymene ? Downingiae (n.s.) Murchison, p. 655, pi. 14, figs. 3n(BU 54) and 3 b (specimen untraced). 1851 Phacops Downingiae (Murchison sp.); M'Coy, p. 160 (SM A28766). 1853 Phacops Downingiae Murchison; Salter, pp. 1-12, pi. 1, figs. 1 (BM 44252), 2 (untraced), 4 (GSM 19305), 5-13 (untraced), 15 (untraced). 1864 Phacops ( Acaste ) Downingiae Murchison, var. a, vulgaris Salter, p. 26, pi. 2, figs. 17 (BM 44407), 18 (BU 54), 19-22 (untraced), 23 (BM 44409), 25 (BU 129), also an un- numbered ventral surface between figs. 25 and 34 (BM 44410). 1864 Phacops (Acaste) Downingiae Murchison, var. y, inflatus Salter, p. 27, pi. 2, figs. 31 (GSM 19305) and 33 (GSM 19306). 1954 Acaste (Acaste) downingiae (Murchison 1839); R. and E. Richter, pp. 16-17, pi. 3, figs. 36 (BM In36153), 37-41. 1965 Acaste downingiae (Murchison 1839); Clarkson, p. 1 1, pis. 1, 2, pi. 3, figs. 1-3. Lectotype (here designated). Murchison 1839, pi. 14, fig. 3 a, BU 54, figured here, pi. 28, fig. 1. Wenlock Limestone, Wren’s Nest, Dudley, Worcs. Diagnosis. A species of Acaste with frontal lobe anteriorly depressed and glabellar lobes in general with low convexity (both tr. and sag.). Fixigenae of young holaspides with short, stout mucronate projections which are rapidly resorbed in the succeeding moults to give prominent angulations, these becoming less apparent with further in- crease in size. Visual surface of eye carrying columns of 8 (rarely 9) lenses alternating with 7 (rarely 8) at the maximum height. Pygidium with 7-9 axial segments, 6-7 pleural segments. In young, pleural field and border area more or less continuous, becoming separated in adult specimens by a shallow furrow or flattening. Description. Cephalon subtriangular in outline, with narrow, triangular area of librigena projecting in front of the glabella. Surface of test with fine granules. Length of cephalon approximately -|— § width. Glabella anteriorly rounded, laterally sub-parallel, transverse width decreasing grad- ually and evenly to posterior; the axial furrows curving very gently round 2L and 3L. Glabella apparently more parallel-sided in large adults than in younger stages. Frontal lobe rounded both anteriorly and antero-laterally, with low to moderate convexity when viewed in lateral profile, large adult specimens having a somewhat greater convexity than immature specimens. 2L and 3L approximately equal in size, with slightly less convexity (trans.) than frontal lobe; abaxially fused. 1L about half as wide (exsag.) as 2L, with little greater convexity (tr.). 3S long, shallow, sigmoidal even in smallest specimens, with a marked posterior median deflection becoming gradually less distinct during ontogeny. 2S shorter than 3S, impressed to a similar depth, transverse or gently curved, with a faint posterior median deflection most pronounced in young forms; failing laterally to reach the axial furrows. IS wider and deeper than 2S, of similar 188 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 length, deflected both medianly and abaxially to the anterior, becoming more transverse, less wide (exsag.) and less deep in later ontogenetic stages. All furrows reaching to within approximately equal distance of the sagittal line. Short median furrow on sagittal line typically present, extending from median extremities of 3S to about one quarter of the length of the frontal lobe. Occipital furrow abaxially deeper than IS, becoming shallow but remaining well defined sagittally. Occipital ring narrow (sag.), with slightly less transverse width but greater transverse convexity than 1L; in lateral profile raised slightly above glabellar side lobes at all stages of growth. Genae gently sloping to a poorly defined border which passes antero-laterally into a narrow (sag.) triangular area of librigena forming the anterior margin of the cephalon. Preglabellar furrow narrow (sag.), shallow. Postocular section of facial suture cutting lateral cephalic margin opposite IS or mid 2L; preocular section dorsal intramarginal, separating preglabellar furrow from anterior cephalic margin. Fixigenae in smallest holaspides produced postero-laterally into short, stout mucronate projections which in EXPLANATION OF PLATE 28 Figs. 1-18. Acciste downingiae (Murchison 1839). 1, 2. BU 54; figured Murchison 1839, pi. 14, fig. 3a; Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 18. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 1, General view, lectotype arrowed, X 1. 2, Lectotype, cranidium, x2. 3. BU 129; cephalon possibly figured Murchison 1839, pi. 14, fig. 3 a (discussed R. and E. Richter 1954, pp. 16-17); Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 25. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. Dorsal view of cephalon, x3. 4-8. BM 44407; figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 17. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 4, General view, X 1. 5, Detail, dorsal view of cephalon, x2. 6, Dorsal view of pygidium and thorax, x 2. 7, Lateral view of cephalon, X 2. 8, Eye showing lens cavities, x8. 9. BU 129; Eye, x8. 10-12. GSM 19306; figured Salter 1853, pi. 1, fig. 15 and 1864, pi. 2, fig. 33. Wenlock Limestone, Eastnor, nr. Ledbury, Herefordshire. 10, Lateral view, x3. 1 1 , Adult pygidium showing border furrow, dorsal view, x 3. 12, View from posterior, X 3. 1 3-14. GSM 19313; Adult pygidium, Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 13, Dorsal view showing border furrow, x2. 14, View from posterior, x2. 15-17. BM 44410; ventral surface figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, no figure number given. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 15, General view, x2. 16, Hypostome, x6. 17, Articulation of posterior five thoracic segments and pygidium (on left), x8. 18. BM 44252; dorsal exoskeleton, figured Salter 1853, pi. 7, fig. 1. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. x2. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 29 Figs. 1-8. Acaste downingiae (Murchison 1839). 1. BM 44409; cephalo-thorax figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 23. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. x 2. 2-3. SM A28717; Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 2, Dorsal view of juvenile pygidium without border furrow, x 3. 3, View from posterior, X 3. 4-6. SM A28744; Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 4, Dorsal view of young holaspid showing genal projection, x4. 5, Lateral view, x4. 6, Genal angle, x8. 7, NMW G.391.2; Wenlock Lime- stone, Dudley, Worcs. Enlargement of genal angle showing resorption of genal projection, the stage succeeding that of fig. 6, X 8. Fig. 8. Acastel downingiae (Murchison 1839). GSM 19305; glabella figured Salter 1853, pi. 1, fig. 4, and 1864, pi. 2, fig. 31. Wenlock Limestone, Ledbury, Herefordshire. Dorsal view, X2. Figs. 9-16. Acaste inflata (Salter 1864). 9-14, OUM C9; Lectotype; figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 30. Wenlock Limestone, Ledbury, Herefordshire. 9, Dorsal view of cephalon, x3. 10, Lateral view, x3. 11, Dorsal view of pygidium, X3. 12, Posterior view of glabella showing convexities of 2L, 1L, and the occipital ring, x 4. 13, Eye, X 8. 14, Posterior view of pygidium, x 3. 15-16, BM In36154; Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 15, Dorsal view of pygidium, x3. 16, Posterior view of pygidium, x3. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 28 SHERGOLD, Acaste Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 29 15 16 14 SHERGOLD, Acaste J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 189 the succeeding stages become gradually resorbed to give the angled adult condition (see below). Posterior border furrow transverse, deep but narrow (exsag.). Eyes crescentic in plan, situated centrally between cephalic margin and glabella, on low ocular platform; extending from middle of 1L to anterior edge of 3L or to 3S; A/G, 46-67 per cent.; A/Gn, 37-54 per cent. Postocular area of fixigena relatively large, H/A 12-30 per cent. In lateral profile top of eye sloping gently to anterior; in anterior profile, well below surface of glabella. Palpebral lobes high; palpebral furrows generally well defined; palpebral areas relatively wide, with low inclination to axial furrows. Visual surface overhanging slightly the ocular platform; gently convex or plane outwards; sloping more steeply outward-backwards than outward-forwards. Up to 168 lenses arranged in roughly alternating vertical columns containing at the maximum height of the surface 7 (8) or 8 (9) individual lenses, typically rounded or polygonal in outline and with a diameter of 0-2-0-255 mm. Interspaces granular, the granules arranged in a rough hexagonal network. Hypostome subquadrate, anteriorly rounded, antero-laterally extended into short wings. Posterior margin straight, postero-lateral corners truncated. Lateral borders narrow, flat; posterior border more extensive. Median body adventrally convex, without distinct median furrow. Maculae forming small indistinct patches in anterior half of median body, close to lateral borders. Surface granulose. Pygidium subtriangular in outline, margin entire at all growth stages; in posterior profile slightly vaulted; in lateral profile posterior margin curving gently addorsally. Axis raised above axial furrows and pleurae, moderately convex; composed of 8 axial segments in young, 8 (rarely 9) in adults, tapering to posterior and with a rounded, unsegmented terminal piece; segments 1-3 well defined, with strong transverse furrows; remaining segments becoming gradually less distinct to posterior. Pleurae moderately convex; 5 or 6 in young, 6 (rarely a trace of a seventh) in adults. Pleural furrows strong, interpleural furrows apart from the first, much weaker. Border wide at all growth stages. In young and juvenile forms the border is a smooth, unfurrowed extension of the pleural area but specimens with a pygidial length of 7-50 mm. and greater rapidly develop a flattening or shallow furrow at the junction of border and furrowed zones. Length: width of pygidium approximately f-f. Remarks. Although restricted to the variety a, vulgaris of Salter, there remains con- siderable variation within the species. This is mostly accounted for by changes taking place during the ontogeny. These changes may be summarized as follows. The glabella becomes apparently more parallel-sided; the frontal lobe slightly more convex; the furrows straighter; the strong posterior median deflections of the younger stages of both 3S and 2S gradually disappear; IS becomes more transverse, less deep and less wide. In the pygidium 5 (6) pleurae are recognized in young holaspides; 6 (7) in large adults; a ninth axial segment may sometimes be discerned in large individuals. While in young and juvenile holaspid stages the border of the pygidium is merely an unfurrowed continuation of the pleural zone, the two become separated in adults with a cephalic length in excess of 7-50 mm. by a flattening or shallow furrow. Linally, and of importance phylogenetically, is the presence of short genal mucronations in very young holaspides with a cephalic length of up to 4-40 mm. Six specimens ranging in cephalic length between 2-72 and 4-40 mm. have been observed to possess these characters. The 190 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 mucronations are short and stout and are thrown off from the genal angle in a similar manner to the genal spines of Acastella prima Tomczykowa and A. spinosa (Salter) (text-fig. 3). They are not continuations of the cephalic outline as in the Dalmanitinae. Specimens with cephalic lengths within the range 4-50-7-50 mm. have very acutely angled genae with points in place of projections (text-fig. 3c), i.e. ‘a tubercle only in text-fig. 3. The development of the genal angle in Acaste downingiae (Murchison), compared to the genal condition of Acastella prima Tomczykowa and Acastella spinosa (Salter), a. Small holaspid of Acaste downingiae (cephalic length 3-2 mm.) showing genal projections; UN T5034. x4. b. Small hol- aspid of A. downingiae (cephalic length 4-3 mm.) SM A28744. X 4. c, A. downingiae , juvenile holaspid, projection resorbed but genae remaining distinctly angled (cephalic length 8-8 mm.); NMW G.391.2. x4. d, Acastella prima Tomczykowa. Drawing after Tomczykowa 1962a (text-fig. lc, p. 262). x4. e, Acastella spinosa (Salter), holotype, GSM 19412. x4. place of a spine' (Salter 1864, p. 25). The specimen figured by R. and E. Richter (1954, pi. 3, fig. 39 a) shows this stage in the development of its genal angles. Specimens with cephalic lengths greater than 7-50 mm. have less acutely angled genae, ‘rounded off’ (Salter, op. cit., p. 25), but still clearly show the positions from which the original pro- jections were resorbed. Apart from ontogenetic changes, further variation is observed in Acaste downingiae. Rarely, specimens are encountered in which 2S actually reaches and joins with the axial furrows in the adult stages. Equally rare are specimens in which not only 2S but also IS fails abaxially to reach the axial furrow. When values of A and H are plotted for 93 specimens of A. downingiae, the points are found to fall into five distinct groupings lying on a gentle curve (text-fig. 4). The possibility of a sixth is indicated by the solitary point at the extreme end of the graph. These groupings are interpreted as instars. Each group overlaps the preceding in values of eye length. Further, within each group, with the exception of the first, there appears to be a division into two fields, which is tentatively suggested as being the result of dimorphism. Relationships. The relationships of A. downingiae (Murchison) to A. inflata (Salter) are dealt with under comments on the latter. R. and E. Richter (1954, p. 17) have made comparisons with their species, A. dayiana. The convexity and degree of tapering of the glabella and the number and distribution of the facets of the visual surface serve to differentiate the two species. No details of the ontogeny of A. dayiana are given. R. and E. Richter (1954, pi. 4, figs. 52-56) show, however, that when preserved with the shell. 191 J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE the border of the pygidium and the furrowed pleural area are continuous, but in the internal mould a flattening separates the two areas. As mentioned above, the adult of AcasteUa prima Tomczykowa possesses the mucro- nate projections characteristic of the smallest preserved holaspid stage of A. downingiae (text-fig. 3). The close relationships of the genus AcasteUa to members of the Acastinae 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 l.l 1.2 1.3 Back of Eye Posterior Border Furrow.. H mm. text-fig. 4. The eye length plotted against the distance of the eye from the posterior border furrow for 93 specimens of Acaste downingiae (Murchison). The graph shows groupings into five instars, with the possibility of a sixth. are demonstrated further by Tomczykowa (19626, p. 202) who derives Scotie/la from it during the Upper Silurian, both genera occurring together in the Rzepin Beds (Upper Ludlow). H. Hollard (1963, pp. 21-22, text-fig. 1 a-c) has recently described, from the internal moulds of two pygidia, Acaste talebensis, a species of Acaste found near the junction of the Monograptus uniformis and M. hercynicus zones in Morocco. Both pleurae and axis of this species are more strongly convex (tr.) than the condition shown by A. downingiae. As a result the pleurae curve more sharply to the posterior. The interpleural furrows are more deeply incised than those shown on the internal moulds of A. downingiae and there are traces of segmentation, shown by slight swellings, on the border. The axial termination ends more abruptly and closer to the posterior margin. The two species share a similar outline and segmentation. Range and Distribution. Acaste downingiae (Murchison) s.s. appears to be confined to the Wenlock Limestone of the Welsh Borderlands and West Midlands. Though it occurs typically in a calcareous environment, specimens similar to A. downingiae, from the Buckover Section, near Tortworth, Glou- cestershire (Curtis and Cave 1964) occur in purplish-red and brownish weathering siltstones and yellow-brown fine-grained calcareous sandstone. Again, forms similar to A. downingiae occur in the grey-green calcareous siltstones of the highest Black Cock Beds (Lower Bringewood Beds) in the Golden 192 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Grove, Llandeilo, and may even pass into the lowest Middle Bringewood Beds in the Llandovery area (J. F. Potter, personal communication). At Freshwater East, Pembs., A. downingiae is replaced by A. subcaudata (Murchison). The species has not been recorded from the Pen-y-lan inlier. A. downingiae s.s. is definitely recorded from the following localities; Walsall, Staffs. ; Dudley (Wren's Nest and Castle Hill), Worcs.; Benthall Edge, Salop; Wenlock Edge, Salop (rare); Malvern, Worcs. ; Ledbury, Herefordshire. Acaste inflat a (Salter 1864) Plate 29, figs. 9-16 1864 Phacops ( Acaste ) Downingiae Murchison, var. y, inflatus Salter, p. 27, pi. 2, fig. 30 (OUM C 9), not figs. 31 (GSM 19305), 32 (GSM 19314) or 33 (GSM 19306). Lectotype {here designated). Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 30; OUM C9, figured here, pi. 29, figs. 9-14. Wenlock Limestone, Ledbury Railway Tunnel, Ledbury, Herefordshire. Diagnosis. A species of Acaste characterized by its strongly convex (sag.) frontal lobe and by the high convexity (tr.) of 1L which causes it to slope abaxially well below the level of 2L; 2L and 3L are also more convex (tr. and sag.) than in A. downingiae, the convexity of the lobes causing the furrows to appear more closely spaced than in that species. Visual surface at maximum height with rows of 7 lenses alternating with 6. Pygidium with 7-8 axial segments, 5 pleural segments. Description. Cephalon subtriangular in outline. Narrow, triangular area of librigena prominently projecting in front of glabella. Surface of test finely granular. Length of cephalon approximately |— § width. Glabellar plan as in A. downingiae. Axial furrows gently curving round 2L and 3L. Frontal lobe rounded both anteriorly and antero-laterally, moderately to strongly convex (tr. and sag.). 2L and 3L abaxially fused, roughly equal in size, with slightly less convexity (tr.) than frontal lobe. 1L about half as wide (exsag.) as 2L, with much stronger convexity (tr.) than 2L in posterior profile, sloping abaxially well below the dorsal level of 2L. Side furrows 3S long, shallow, fairly wide, curving backwards with posterior median deflection. 2S shorter than 3S, impressed to similar depth, transverse, abaxially linear, medianly with marked deflection to posterior; failing laterally to join with axial furrows. IS of similar length to 2S, wider and deeper, deflected both abaxially and medianly to anterior. Short sagittal furrow between median extremities of 3S. Side furrows appear closer together than in A. downingiae due to the greater convexity of the lobes (the ‘crowded’ condition of Salter 1864, p. 27). Occipital furrow abaxially a little deeper than IS, becoming shallow but still well defined sagittally. Occipital ring narrow (sag.), as wide (tr.) as 1L and with similar convexity (tr.); in lateral profile raised higher above the side lobes than in A. dow- ningiae. Genae strongly sloping to narrow flattened border. Preglabellar furrow shallow, very narrow (sag.). Postocular section of facial suture cutting lateral cephalic margin opposite middle of 2L; preocular section dorsal intramarginal, becoming marginal at antero- lateral edges of frontal lobe. Fixigenae postero-laterally angled in adults; with deep but narrow (exsag.) posterior border furrow. Eye crescentic in plan, rather small; situated centrally between cephalic margin and J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 193 glabella, on high ocular platform which falls steeply to antero-lateral and lateral margins of cephalon. In lateral profile top of eye sloping gently to anterior; in anterior profile, well below level of glabellar surface. Eye extending from posterior margin of 1L to anterior margin of 3L; closer to posterior border furrow than in A. downingiae’, H/A, 5-18 per cent.; A/G, 47-56 per cent.; A/Gn, 40-48 per cent. Palpebral lobes high; pal- pebral areas relatively wide, with low inclination to axial furrows. Visual surface overhanging ocular platform; gently convex outwards. Up to 130 closely packed lenses arranged in roughly alternating vertical columns containing at maximum height 6 or 7 individual lenses, with a typical diameter of up to 0-2 mm. and rounded or polygonal in outline. Interspaces with similar texture to surrounding genae. Pygidium subtriangular in outline, margin entire; in posterior profile slightly vaulted. Axis raised above axial furrows and pleurae; moderately to strongly convex; composed of 7-8 segments and a rounded, unsegmented terminal piece, tapering gradually to posterior; segments 1-3 well defined. Pleurae moderately convex; 5 in number. Pleural furrows strongly impressed, interpleural furrows weak. Border wide, as in adult A. downingiae , with a pronounced flattening separating the segmented and unsegmented pleural areas. Length of pygidium §— f width. Comments on figured material. All the specimens used by Salter were derived from the Malvern-Ledbury area. His fig. 30 was obtained by Dr. R. B. Grindrod from the Ledbury railway tunnel. Pigs. 31 and 32 were merely stated in 1864 to be from Ledbury, no stratigraphic horizon being given. In 1853, however, Salter (p. 9) recorded the same specimens from ‘the Wenlock limestones of the Malverns’ and from ‘the Wenlock Limestone, Ledbury’ respectively. Pig. 33 is said to be from Eastnor, near Ledbury. In the text (1864, p. 27), it is implied that only fig. 30 represents the variety with any certainty. The diagnosis is given from this specimen as follows: ‘The glabella is greatly swollen, so as to be very convex, instead of flattened, in front. All the furrows are indeed distinct and in their proper situations, but from the inflation of the glabella they appear crowded. The eyes are small.’ Accordingly this specimen is here selected as lectotype for the species. Of the other specimens figured Salter appears to have been less certain. Pig. 31, he states, ‘probably . . . belongs to var. /3’. This specimen has a similar furrow pattern to A. inflat a but differs from it in the rather depressed frontal lobe more typical of A. downin- giae: the low convexity of the glabellar lobes; the width (trans.) and convexity of the occipital ring and its failure to rise, in lateral profile, significantly above the glabellar side lobes. As such its characteristics are more compatible with A. downingiae, with which it is here included. Pig. 32 is a cephalon of exceptional size (occipital glabellar length 20 mm., cephalic width 32 mm.). The eyes are missing. Although the frontal lobe is strongly convex (sag.), the side lobes lack the convexity typical of A. inflata. Purthermore, side furrows 3S and 2S are relatively shorter and the transverse convexity of 1L and the occipital ring are not nearly so pronounced as in that species. No other specimens referable to A. inflata approach anywhere near this specimen in size. Large specimens of A. downingiae have, however, been observed from the Ledbury area and of Acastocephala macrops from Pen-y-lan quarry, Cardiff. Due to its highly convex frontal lobe and deep side furrows this specimen has been refigured here with the latter species. 194 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Fig. 33, a large pygidium (length 1 1 mm., width 15 mm.), is here certainly referred to the downingiae group. It has in common with that species 8 axial segments, 5 pleural segments, and the typical convexity when viewed in posterior profile. It is also wider than the typical pygidium of A. inflata. Relationships. A. inflata appears to be closely related to A. dayiana R. and E. Richter from the Kobbinghauser Dayia-Schichten (see R. and E. Richter 1954, pp. 14—16, pi. 4, figs. 45-56). The frontal lobe of their species has a slightly greater convexity (sag.), and there is a higher degree of tapering of the glabella. The general glabellar plan and convexity of the lobes is very similar. At its maximum height the visual surface of A. dayiana carries rows of 5 lenses alternating with 6, and the total number of lenses borne by the surface is only 94. Although the two species have essentially similar cephalic outlines, the pygidium of A. dayiana is more subsemicircular than subtriangular in outline and is also apparently wider. A. inflata is well differentiated from A. downingiae (Murchison) by virtue of its highly convex glabellar lobation. The visual surface of inflata carries 6 lenses alternating with 7, while that of downingiae has 8 alternating with 9. The eye of inflata is also a little closer to the posterior border furrow, H/A, 5-18 per cent, compared with 12-30 per cent, for downingiae (see text-fig. 2). Both cephalon and pygidium of inflata are slightly narrower than those of downingiae, the ranges of length/width for the cephala being 51-68 per cent, and 46-62 per cent, respectively and for the pygidia, 65-85 per cent, and 60-80 per cent. In general it may be said that the pygidia are too closely related to be differentiated further. Compared with downingiae, the sample of inflata studied is small and the detailed ontogenetic changes have not been set out as for the former as the smallest holaspid stages have not yet been seen. Range and Distribution. From the available material Acaste inflata appears to be confined, like Acaste downingiae, to the Wenlock Limestone of the Welsh Borderlands and West Midlands. Specimens close to A. inflata , however, occur in the siltstones and calcareous sandstones of the Buckover Section, near Tortworth, Gloucestershire (Curtis and Cave 1964). A further similar species with strongly convex glabellar lobes has been collected by the author from Lower Elton Beds outcropping near Upper Millichope, Shropshire. The species has been identified with certainty from the following localities: Dudley (Wren's Nest), Worcs. ; Malvern (railway tunnel), Worcs.; Ledbury (railway tunnel), Herefordshire. Additional Material. A. inflata is not a common trilobite. The writer has seen to date but 19 specimens, the bulk of which are to be found in the Grindrod Collection, Oxford University Museum. From the Wenlock Limestone of Ledbury; OUM C 559; specimens undocumented but probably also from this locality and horizon; OUM C597, C610, C612-20. From the Wenlock Limestone, Malvern; GSM 19301-3. From the Wenlock Limestone of Dudley; BM In36154, In36156; NMW 27.1 10.G.998.3. Acaste subcandata (Murchison 1839) Plate 30, figs. 1-16 1839 Asaphus subcaudatus (n.s.) Murchison, p. 655, pi. 7, fig. 10. 1839 Asaphus Cawdori (n.s.) Murchison, p. 655, pi. 7, fig. 9. 1848 Phacops Downingiae Murchison; Salter, p. 336, pi. 5, figs. 2 (untraced), 3 (GSM 19377) and 4 (untraced). 1853 Phacops Downingiae Murchison; Salter, p. 1 (both Asaphus Cawdori and A. subcaudatus classed as junior synonyms of P. Downingiae). 1921 Phacops Downingiae (Murchison); Dixon, p. 21, footnote 6. J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DOWNINGIAE 195 Holotype. Murchison 1839, pi. 7, fig. 10; GSC 6591. The holotype is ‘possibly from the Wenlock Series’ (Dixon 1921, p. 21), Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Diagnosis. A species of Acaste with frontal lobe more strongly convex (sag.) than that of A. downingiae but less so than A. inflata; 3S more faintly impressed than in A. downingiae. Fixigenae of young holaspides with postero-lateral projections, resorbed in later moults, as in A. downingiae. Eyes small; visual surface narrow, similar to A. dayiana , with fewer lenses than A. downingiae, bearing at the maximum height rows of 5 lenses alternating with 6. Pygidium rather long; 7 (8) axial segments; 5 (6) pleurae; more strongly convex (tr.) than A. downingiae', border narrow, separated by marked flattening from furrowed pleural area at all holaspid stages. Margin entire throughout holaspid ontogeny. Description (based on internal moulds). Cephalic outline subtriangular to ogival as in A. downingiae. The narrow, triangular area of librigena anterior to the frontal lobe which is common to other species of Acaste is also present in A. subcaudata. Glabella anteriorly rounded, laterally more or less subparallel-sided, transverse width decreasing evenly to posterior. Axial furrows linear, without the gentle curve round 2L and 3L which characterizes A. downingiae, diverging at a slightly greater rate than A. downingiae in small specimens, appreciably less in large individuals. Frontal lobe anteriorly rounded, antero-laterally more parallel-sided than in A. downingiae. In lateral profile frontal lobe has a moderate convexity (sag.) which is greater than that of A. downingiae but less than A. inflata. Small individuals have a sagittal convexity similar to or greater than the adult of A. downingiae. 2L and 3L of roughly equal size, abaxially fused. 1L about half as wide as 2L; in young holaspides transverse convexity of 1L is slightly greater than that of 2L but in adults is less apparently so. 3S sigmoidal, long, more faintly impressed on the internal mould than in specimens of A. downingiae pre- served with the shell, with a distinct median deflection to the posterior which appears to be present at all holaspid ontogenetic stages. 2S shorter than 3S, impressed to a similar depth, linear, transverse or with very faint posterior median deflection in some individuals; failing laterally to reach the axial furrows. IS much wider and deeper but also shorter than 2S or 3S, curving both medianly and abaxially to the anterior. Occipital furrow as wide and deep abaxially as IS. Occipital ring narrow (sag.), with similar transverse width and convexity to 1L; in lateral profile barely rising above the level of the glabellar side lobes. Fixigenae in young holaspides produced postero-laterally into short, stout projections which appear to be longer than in specimens of A. downingiae of corresponding size. In larger specimens the projection is resorbed but there remains a distinct point. Genal projections have been observed in specimens with a cephalic length of up to 2-9 mm. but a full range of sizes has yet to be collected. Adult genae are completely unknown, but those of intermediate stages are distinctly angled. Eyes rather small, similar in plan to those of A. inflata, situated centrally on the genae on low ocular platform, as in A. downingiae', extending roughly from IS to confluence of 3S and axial furrows; A/G, 45-63 per cent.; A/Gn, 37-46 per cent. In lateral profile the top of the eye slopes gently to the anterior and fails to reach the level of the glabella surface. Palpebral areas with low inclination to axial furrows. Fixigenal area between 196 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 back of eye and posterior border furrow similar in extent to A. downingiae, H/A, 12-27 per cent. Visual surface known only from one juvenile specimen; rather narrow bearing fewer lenses than in A. downingiae , at the maximum height of the surface arranged in alter- nating columns of 5 or 6 (as in A. dayiana). Outline of hypostome subrectangular; anterior margin rounded and antero-laterally produced into short wings; lateral margins very gently curved abaxially; posterior margin gently curved backwards; postero-lateral corners truncate, curved. Posterior border narrow, separated from median body by wide, well-defined furrow; lateral borders extremely narrow. Median body moderately convex adventrally. Maculae situated halfway along body, close to lateral borders. Pygidium subtriangular in outline; in posterior profile rather strongly convex (tr.). Axis strongly convex (tr.), raised well above axial furrows and pleurae; typically with 7 (8) segments, the eighth being discernible only in cases of exceptional preserva- tion; narrow postaxial border; axial segments 1-3 are most distinct, separated by well- defined transverse furrows; succeeding segments rather poorly defined towards the posterior. Pleurae generally more strongly convex (tr.) than in A. downingiae, falling off rapidly in postero-lateral direction; 5 (6) in number. Pleural furrows strongly defined, wide and deep; interpleural furrows, with the exception of the first, rarely preserved on internal moulds. Border narrow, separated from furrowed pleural area by a marked flattening at all holaspid growth stages. Margin entire throughout holaspid ontogeny. Type Material. Specimens, GSC 6591 and 6592 are labelled as having been used by Murchison (1839) for his illustrations of Asaphus subcaudatus and A. cawdori. GSC 6591 is here selected as the holotype EXPLANATION OF PLATE 30 Figs. 1-16. Acaste subcaudata (Murchison 1839). 1-2. GSC 6591 ; Holotype; figured Murchison 1839, pi. 7, fig. 10. Probably Wenlock Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. 1, Dorsal view, internal mould of pygidium, X3. 2, View from posterior, x3. 3-4. GSM 19377; figured Salter 1848, pi. 5, fig. 3. Probably Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. 3, Dorsal view, internal mould of pygidium, x3. 4, View from posterior, x3. 5-6. GSM 102597; Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. 5, Internal mould of young holaspid cephalon with genal projection, x 4. 6, Oblique view, X 4. 7. GSM 102605 ; Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Internal mould of pygi- dium, X 3. 8. GSM 102604; Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Internal mould of eye, x8. 9. GSC 6592; figured Murchison 1839, pi. 7, fig. 9 as Asaphus cawdori. Probably Wenlock Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Internal mould of pygidium, x 3. 10. GSM 102603 ; Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Latex cast from internal mould of pygidium, X 3. 11. GSM 102602; Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Internal mould of cranidium, x3. 12. GSM 102606; Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Internal mould of glabella, x3. 13-14. GSM 102600-1; Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. 13, Internal mould of cranidium, X3. 14, Latex cast from external mould showing side furrows 2S and 3S more deeply incised, x3. 15. GSM 102599, Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Internal mould of cranidium, X 3. 16. GSM 102598; Ludlow Series, Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire. Latex cast from external mould of cranidium, x3. Figs. 17-23. Acastoides constricta (Salter 1864). 17-20. BU 58; figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 15 a-c. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 17, Dorsal view of cephalon, x3. 18, Lateral view, x3. 19, Eye, X 8. 20, View from anterior, x 3. 21. BM 58897; Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. Hypo- stome, X 6. 22. OUM C8; figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 14. Wenlock Shale, Malvern Tunnel, Worcs. Dorsal view, x2. 23. OUM C7; Lectotype; figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 13, 13a. Wenlock Shale, Malvern Tunnel, Malvern, Worcs. Dorsal view, X 2. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 30 SHERGOLD, Acaste, Acastoides J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 197 for Acaste subcaudata (Murchison). In its segmentation, its degree of convexity and in the nature of its border, it is indistinguishable from the specimen (GSM 19377) figured by Salter (1848, pi. 5, fig. 3) and from others collected by the author from Freshwater East. GSC 6592, the holotype of Asaphus cawdori, is a specimen most difficult to evaluate, largely due to its distortion and indifferent preserva- tion. There is also difficulty in equating it with Murchison’s figures. Murchison (1839, pi. 7, fig. 9) originally figured a block showing two small pygidia but in 1872 (pi. 18, fig. 3) only one pygidium is depicted. In both illustrations the specimens are complete and undistorted. GSC 6592, therefore, can only doubtfully be identified with A. cawdori. Essentially similar to Acaste subcaudata in construction it is here included with reserve in the synonymy of that species. Stubblefield (1938, p. 31) states that Salter’s fig. 2 (pi. 5) has been possibly compounded from two specimens in the Geological Survey Collections, GSM 19376 and 19378, both being incomplete cranidia and neither showing the full out- line or extent of the cephalon as depicted by Salter. The specimen used for fig. 3 is thought to be GSM 19377. That used for fig. 4 is untraced. Relationships. A. subcaudata differs from A. downingiae, to which it is closely related, by its more convex (sag.) frontal lobe; by the tapering of the glabella; the depth of impression of the side furrows, which would normally be expected to be deeper on the internal mould (the furrows must be quite faint on the shell); the number of facets of the eye and their distribution; the general shape of the hypostome and the convexity and segmentation of the pygidium. From A. inflata, A. subcaudata differs by the lower convexity (sag.) of the frontal lobe; the lower convexity (tr.) of the preoccipital glabellar lobe; by the number and distribution of eye facets and by the same pygidial characters as stated above for A. downingiae. A. dayiana has a more strongly convex (sag.) frontal lobe and a greater degree of glabellar tapering. The convexity (tr.) of the side lobes would also appear to be stronger. Pygidial segmentation and the presence of a border flattening on the internal moulds are common to both species, as is the content of the visual surface. A common environmental control may account for these similarities. Range and Distribution. A. subcaudata is at present only known from strata occurring at Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire, attributed by Dixon (1921) to the Wenlock and Ludlow Series. GSM 102597-606 were collected by the author from the Ludlow Series of the South side of Freshwater East Bay, from rottenstone bands in group (4) of Dixon (1921, p. 14). These beds are accessible where the High Water Mark shown on Dixon’s sketch map (1921, p. 23) is marked as meeting the cliff. Approximate Grid Ref., SS 0168/9739. Additional Material-. GSM 19376-8, 102597-606. Genus acastoides Delo 1935 Acastoides constrict a (Salter 1864) Plate 30, figs. 17-23 1864 Phacops ( Acaste ) Downingiae Murchison, variety or subspecies e, constrictus. Phacops constrictus. Salter, pp. 27-28, pi. 2, figs. 13 (OUM C7), 14 (OUM C8), 15 (BU 58). 1954 Acaste ( Acastoides ) constricta (Salter 1864). R. and E. Richter, pp. 17-18, pi. 3, figs. 42, 43. 1965 Acastoides constricta (Salter 1864); Clarkson, p. 22, pi. 3, figs. 10-12. Lectotype ( here designated). Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 13; OUM C7. Wenlock Shale, Malvern Tunnel Malvern, Worcs. 198 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Remarks. R. and E. Richter (1954, pp. 17-18) have given an account of this species but have omitted to consider the hypostome. Accordingly no detailed description will be given here. Instead, an extended diagnosis is given together with an account of the hypostome and notes on the relationship of Acastoides constricta with other species of the genus. Extended diagnosis. A species of Acastoides characterized by a strongly convex (sag.) frontal lobe which frequently extends to the anterior margin of the cephalon; 1L with a greater transverse convexity than 2L, sloping abaxially below the level of 2L; 3S shallow, wide, sigmoidal, with strong posterior median deflection; 2S long, transverse, just reaching the axial furrow; IS and 3S tending to converge adaxially. Occipital ring raised high above level of glabella, with axial node. Genae postero-laterally rounded off. Preocular section of facial suture marginal or just dorsal intramarginal. Eyes small, dose to glabella, extending from occipital furrow to anterior edge of 3L, raised on high ocular platform nearly to the level of the glabella. Palpebral lobes high; palpebral areas narrow, with high inclination to the axial furrows. Visual surface with 104+ lenses, at maximum height bearing columns of 6 alternating with 7. Pygidium subsemicircular in outline, posteriorly truncate, scarcely vaulted in posterior profile; margin entire. Axis short, with low convexity (trans.), composed of 5 (6) segments and wide axial terminal piece. Pleurae weakly convex (trans.), 4 in number; furrows weakly impressed, pleural furrows being slightly stronger than interpleural furrows. Border flat and broad. Elypostome outline subquadrate; anterior margin arcuate, antero-laterally extended into short wings; lateral margins curving very gently abaxially; posterior margin short, gently curved backwards; postero-lateral margins truncate. Lateral borders narrow; posterior border wide (sag.). Median body strongly convex adventrally, without trace of median furrow. Maculae large, ovoid and prominent, situated on lateral margins of median body just inside the anterior half of the structure. Surface coarsely granular. The hypostome of A. constricta (Salter) differs from that of Acaste downingiae in its more highly convex median body with prominent maculae; in the arcuate outline of the anterior margin and the wide (sag.) posterior border. Though similar in structure to the hypostome of Acastocepha/a macrops (Salter), that of Acastoides constricta contrasts strongly by its distinctive coarse ornament. Relationships. In construction the cephalon of Acastoides constricta appears to be closely related to A. henni henni R. and E. Richter 1952 described from the Wiltzer Schichten, Upper Emsian. A. constricta may be differentiated by its more marginal frontal lobe; greater degree of glabellar tapering; eyes larger and more extensive; visual surface with a greater number of lenses and a maximum of 7 in any column compared with 4 in A. henni henni ; the pygidial margin is entire and non-denticulate. A. constricta is similarly distinct from A. henni posthuma R. and E. Richter 1952 from the Heisdorfer Schichten, high Upper Emsian, and from A. paeckelmanni R. and E. Richter 1939, from the Pendik Schichten, Pendik, Bosphorus, high Upper Emsian in age. Range and Distribution. Acastoides constricta is recorded from the Wenlock Shale and Wenlock Limestone of Dudley, Walsall and the Malvern Tunnel, Malvern, Worcs. It appears to be restricted to the Wenlockian of the Welsh Borderlands. J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 199 Additional Material. In addition to the lectotype and paratypes the following material has been located. From the Wenlock Shale of the Malvern Railway Tunnel: OUM C561-7, C576, C609, C611; BM 59040, 59048; GSM 19242-3. From the Wenlock Limestone, Malvern; BM 44251; GSM 19304; labelled Wenlock? Limestone, Malvern; BM 58897, 59048; labelled simply Malvern; GSM 49836. From the Wenlock Limestone, Walsall; GSM 22450. Unlocalized specimen; GSM 49838. Family dalmanitidae Vogdes 1890 Subfamily acastavinae Struve 1958 acastocephala gen. nov. Derivation of name. Trilobites with cephalon constructed in a similar manner to that of Acaste Goldfuss. Type species. Acastocephala macrops (Salter 1864). Other species. Acastocephala dudleyensis sp. nov. Diagnosis. Cephalon typically acastid in construction but with larger eye; visual surface containing, at maximum height, rows of 10 lenses in A. macrops (Salter), 9 in A. dud- leyensis sp. nov. Pygidium wide, weakly furrowed; 4-5 pleural segments; 7 axial seg- ments. During ontogeny of both known species smallest holaspides have a denticulate lateral pygidial margin; denticulations resorbed in succeeding growth stages to give adult with typically entire margin. Range and Distribution. Wenlock Shale, Malvern, Worcs; ? Wenlock Shale, Pen-y-lan, near Cardiff; Wenlock Limestone, Malvern and Dudley, Worcs. Relationships. Acastocephala differs from Acaste Goldfuss in the following character- istics. The eye is larger, carries a greater number of facets and is relatively closer to the posterior border furrow. The pygidium has a lower convexity (tr.) and is more poorly segmented. Both pleural and interpleural furrows are weaker. As in Acaste , the fixigenae of the smallest holaspides are provided postero-laterally with short projections but these are not nearly so long or distinct and appear to be more rapidly resorbed. In addition, young holaspides of Acastocephala have a denticulate lateral pygidial margin which contrasts with the entire margin of the adults, while the margin of Acaste is entire in holaspides of all sizes. Posteriorly the margin is without trace of a caudal projection. The hypostome is larger and more convex (tr. and sag.) than in Acaste and the maculae are larger and more clearly defined. Though closely related to Acaste , Acastocephala is equally close to Acastava R. and E. Richter 1954. The glabellae are essentially similar in construction. Schmidt’s text-figure of Acastava atava (1907, p. 10) shows side furrows 3S to be obliquely directed, without a posterior median deflection and very similar to the condition of Acastocephala macrops. Similarly, 2S is linear, transverse and only just failing abaxially to reach the axial furrows. In Acastava atava the eyes are large but the visual surface at its maximum height con- tains columns with only 6 lenses. A. atava also differs in retaining genal spines into adult holaspid stages. When preserved with the shell the pygidial margin of A. atava is entire but the internal mould possesses 5 pairs of lateral denticulations (see Schmidt 1907, p. 10, text-fig. 1 and R. and E. Richter 1954, pi. 6, figs. 81 and 82) formed in exactly the same manner as those produced in young holaspides of Acastocephala (text-fig. 5). Pygidial C 3803 P 200 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 segmentation is also similar. Acastaval schmidti (R. Richter), like Acastocephala dud- leyensis, possesses large eyes situated both close to the glabella and to the posterior border furrow. Acastocephala is confined, in the British Isles, to the Wenlockian while Acastava ranges in the Lower Devonian from Siegenian to Emsian. The affinities between these two genera may prove to be significant phylogenetically. a b c text-fig. 5. A comparison of Acastocephala macrops (Salter) and Acastava atava (W. E. Schmidt). a. Young holaspid of A. macrops showing lateral denticulations on pygidial margin of shell; EU 862. X 2-f. b . Adult of A. macrops showing entire pygidial margin; BU 861. X 2. c. Adult of Acastava atava showing denticulations along lateral pygidial margin on the internal mould. Drawing after Struve 1959, p. 0476, fig. 377, 1 a, lb. x2f. Acastocephala is quite distinct from Acastella Reed 1925. Acastella is characterized by slender genal spines and by a caudal mucronation throughout its ontogeny. Pygidial segmentation and the size and position of the eyes in Acastella are essentially similar to Acaste. Some species of Acastella have a smooth pygidial margin when preserved with the shell or as internal moulds as, for example, in A. heberti heberti (Gossellet), A. patula Hollard, and A. jacquemonti Hollard. Others, A. tiro R. and E. Richter and A. heberti elsana R. and E. Richter, produce lateral denticulations on the internal mould but not on the shell. The genus Acastoides Delo 1935, is characterized by a subpentangular cephalic out- line and eyes set high up on the genae. The shape, convexity and segmentation of the pygidium differ considerably from Acastocephala. In some species, Acastoides henni henni (R. Richter) and A. paeckelmatwi R. and E. Richter, there is a tendency to develop spine-like denticulations along the pygidial margin but they differ from those of Acastella , Acastava, and Acastocephala in that they are directed ventrally. Acastoides constricta (Salter) and Acastocephala macrops (Salter) occur together in the Wenlock Shale of Malvern. The decision to erect a new genus to cover trilobites referred to Salter’s variety macrops is based largely on the differences of these species from both Acaste and Acastava. The larger number of eye facets and the lack of genal spines in the adult prevent inclusion of these trilobites in the genus Acastava, while the pygidial margins of the young and J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DOWNINGIAE 201 weaker pygidial furrowing preclude their inclusion in the genus Acaste. A further con- sideration has been the possibility of a phylogenetic link between Acastocepha/a and Acastava. Acastocepha/a macrops (Salter 1864) Plate 31, figs. 1-15, Plate 32, figs. 1-2 1864 Phacops ( Acaste ) Downingiae Murchison, var. /3, macrops, Salter, pp. 26-27, pi. 2, figs. 27 (BU 861), 29 (GSM 19319), 32 (GSM 19314), not figs. 26 and 28 (specimens untraced). Lectotype ( here designated). Salter, 1864, pi. 2, fig. 27; BU 861. Wenlock Shale, Malvern, Worcs. Diagnosis. A species of Acastocepha/a gen. nov., with moderately convex (sag.) frontal lobe; 3S wide and deep, opening out abaxially, 2S short, linear, sloping gently abaxially to posterior. Eyes large, situated centrally on the genae; extending anteriorly past the confluence of 3S and the axial furrows. Visual surface at maximum height bearing 9 lenses alternating with 10. Pygidium with low convexity; 4 (5) pleurae, 7 axial segments. Border undifferentiated from furrowed pleural area. Margin in small holaspides denti- culate, entire in adults. Description. Cephalic outline ogival, subtriangular or in large individuals, more rarely, subsemicircular. In common with species of Acaste and Acastel/a there projects, anterior to the glabella, a narrow triangular area of librigena, in this species not as extensive as in Acaste downingiae or Acaste inflata. Surface of test finely granular. Length; width of cephalon Glabella anteriorly rounded, laterally subparallel. Angle of divergence of axial furrows similar to A. downingiae. Degree of tapering in transverse width rather irregular, giving, in some specimens, a distinctly waisted appearance (cf. the lectotype), which is less apparent in specimens which have either lost the greater part of their shell thickness or are preserved as internal moulds. Frontal lobe both anteriorly and antero-laterally rounded, with moderate to strong convexity (sag.) in young holaspides and adults. 2L and 3L laterally fused, more or less equal in size, slightly less convex (tr.) than the frontal lobe. 1L narrow (exsag.), about half the size of 2L. Convexity (tr.) of 1L insig- nificantly greater than 2L in specimens with shell but slightly greater in internal moulds. 3S long, sigmoidal, wide and deep, opening out and becoming deeper abaxially; with distinct posterior median deflection in the majority of specimens. 2S shorter, less deep than 3S, linear, transverse, sloping gently to the posterior abaxially, generally failing laterally to join with axial furrows but in some examples very nearly attaining this condition. IS only a little deeper than 3S, longer than 2S, deflected both medianly and abaxially to anterior. Occipital furrow impressed to similar depth as IS. Occipital ring typically a little wider (trans.) than 1L and with similar convexity (tr.). In lateral profile failing to rise significantly above level of glabellar side lobes. Genae restricted in area due to size and position of eyes. Postocular section of facial suture cutting lateral cephalic margin opposite the posterior edge of 2L; preocular section dorsal intramarginal but may become almost marginal at antero-lateral margins of glabella as in Acaste inflata. Genae postero-laterally angled in young holaspides, rounded in adults. 202 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Eyes large, subcrescentic in plan, occupying a large area of the gena, situated a little closer to the cephalic margin than to glabella, especially in young specimens; ocular platform low. In lateral profile top of eye sloping gently to anterior and failing to reach the level of the top of the glabella. Extending from occipital furrow or mid 1 L to posterior edge of frontal lobe. Palpebral lobes low but clearly defined; palpebral areas with low inclination to axial furrows. Area of fixigena between back of eye and posterior border furrow narrow; H/A, 6-17 per cent.; A/G, 53-70 per cent.; A/Gn, 45-65 per cent. Visual surface overhanging slightly the ocular platform, gently convex outwards; sloping more strongly outward-backwards than outward-forwards. Surface bearing a greater number of lenses (in excess of 170) than in species of Acaste and Acastella. Columns arranged in rows containing at maximum height of surface 9 or 10 lenses. Interspaces non granular. Hypostome subrectangular in outline; anterior margin rounded, produced antero- laterally into rather long wings, behind which lie shallow notches; posterior margin gently curved to anterior; postero-lateral corners truncated. Lateral borders of un- determined extent; posterior border wide (sag.), bearing a transverse ridge. Median body strongly convex adventrally, with faint median furrow. Maculae large, ovoid tubercles situated laterally and in anterior half of median body. Fine granular ornament overall. Pygidium subtriangular or subsemicircular in outline; in posterior profile with low convexity (trans.). Axis with low or moderate convexity (tr.), barely raised above axial furrows and pleurae; composed of at least 7 segments of which the anterior 3 are most distinct and separated by well-defined transverse furrows, segmentation becoming less distinct thereafter towards the posterior. Pleurae with low convexity (tr.) in posterior profile; 4 (more rarely 5) in number. Furrows weakly impressed, pleural furrows stronger than interpleural furrows, the latter being well defined only on the first pleura or adaxially on the succeeding pleurae. Border wide, separated both in adults and young by a very shallow flattening, more obvious in the former than the latter and in internal moulds. Margin in young holaspides (with cephalic lengths of up to 5-45 mm. and pygidial lengths up to 4-40 mm.) provided laterally with 3 pairs of short denticulations associated with the first 3 posterior pleural bands. In the adult these denticulations are resorbed to give an entire margin. No trace has been seen at any holaspid stage of a caudal spine or projection. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 31 Figs. 1-15. Acastocephala macrops (Salter 1864). 1-5. BU 861; Leototype; figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 27. Wenlock Shale, Malvern, Worcs. 1, Dorsal view of cephalon, x2. 2, Lateral view, x2. 3, Dorsal view of pygidium, X 2. 4, Posterior view of pygidium, X 2. 5, Eye, X 8. 6-7. GSM 19314; figured Salter 1853, pi. 1, fig. 14; 1864, pi. 2, fig. 32. Wenlock Limestone, Ledbury, Herefordshire. 6, Lateral view of cephalon, x 2. 7, Dorsal view of cephalon, X 2. 8-9. BM 44319; Wenlock ?Shale, Pen-y-lan, nr. Cardiff'. 8, Lateral view of complete specimen, x 2. 9, Dorsal view of cephalo-thorax, x2. 10. BM 44323; Wenlock ?Shale, Pen-y-lan, nr. Cardiff. Internal mould of pygidium, x2. 11. GSM 19319; figured Salter 1864, pi. 2, fig. 29. Wenlock ?Shale, Pen-y-lan, nr. Cardiff. Internal mould of cephalo-thorax, x2. 12-15. BU 862; Wenlock Shale, Malvern, Worcs. Enrolled dorsal exoskeleton of young holaspid. 12, Dorsal view of cephalon, x4. 13, Lateral view, x4. 14, Dorsal view of pygidium, with denticulate margin, x4. 15, Anterior view of cephalon, x4. Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 31 SHERGOLD, Acastocephala J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 203 Type Material. Salter (1853, pi. 1, fig. 3) included among his illustrations of Phacops downingiae a large- eyed variety from the Wenlock Limestone of Dudley. This specimen, unfortunately, remains untraced but from the figure, the rather bull-nosed frontal lobe and the high occipital ring indicate that it should now be classified as Acastocephala dudleyensis sp. nov. rather than A. macrops (Salter). In 1864, how- ever, Salter separated the large-eyed Phacops downingiae under the variety macrops (pi. 2, figs. 26-29). Figs. 26 and 28, from Dudley, again appear to belong to A. dudleyensis but these specimens also remain untraced. Of the remaining specimens, fig. 27, from the Wenlock Shale of Malvern, is in the type col- lection, Birmingham University Museum, No. BU 861, originally from the Ketley Collection. It has been selected here as the lectotype for A. macrops on account of its superior preservation to fig. 29 (GSM 19319), an internal mould with damaged pygidium from Pen-y-lan, near Cardiff. Fig. 32 (GSM 19314), was formerly classified by Salter as var. y, inflatus but it seems more probably to be a large specimen of A. macrops. Range and Distribution. Specimens of A. macrops collected by Dr. R. B. Grindrod were derived from the Malvern Railway Tunnel. The exact horizon is, therefore, uncertain. However, Symonds and Lambert (1861, p. 158) and Salter (1861, p. 161, appendix to former paper) state that Grindrod’s material is from the Woolhope Shales. The possibility of them coming from the Wenlock Limestone or Lower Ludlovian is diminished in the light of further statements by Salter (op. cit.). ‘The Wenlock Limestone of this section’, he states, ‘is not well developed and is cut out in many places by faulting.’ When comparing the faunas of the Woolhope Shales and those of the Lower Ludlovian Salter is impressed by the fact that ‘In the fewness of Trilobites this shale differs materially from the Woolhope Shale . . .’. It seems most probable, therefore, that all of Grindrod’s material is from the Woolhope Shale, Lower Wenlockian. A. macrops is also recorded from beds of Wenlockian age at Pen-y-lan, Cardiff, and more rarely from the Wenlock Limestone of Dudley. Again the exact horizons at Pen-y-lan are uncertain. Sollas (1879, p. 480) refers the strata of Pen-y-lan quarry to the lowest Wenlockian. The Dudley specimens are generally associated with a blue-grey, calcareous siltstone matrix and are rarely if ever found in the purer limestone bands. They may have been derived either from silty bands within the Wenlock Limestone or from the uppermost Wenlock Shale. Additional Material. From the Wenlock Shale, Malvern Tunnel; OUM C568, C574, C575, C577, C578, C586, C593, C594, C596, C605, C606, C608; BU 862. From the Wenlock Limestone, Malvern; BM 4441 1, 58918. From the Wenlock Limestone, Dudley; BM In36155; GSM 19317, 19353; BU (Holcroft) 250. Labelled Wenlock Limestone, Pen-y-lan, Cardiff; BM 44319, 44232. Labelled Wenlock, Pen-y-lan, Cardiff; NMW 14.281.G.14, 40.199.G.7.7. Labelled? Ludlow, Ledbury; NMW 00.312. Acastocephala dudleyensis sp. nov. Plate 32, figs. 3-16 Derivation of name. From the type locality of Wren’s Nest, Dudley, Worcs. 71853 Phacops Downingiae Murchison; Salter, p. 4, pi. 1, fig. 3 (untraced). 71864 Phacops ( Acaste ) Downingiae Murchison, var. /3, macrops, Salter, pi. 2, figs. 26 and 28 (specimens untraced). 1965 Acaste downingiae macrops (Salter 1864); Clarkson, p. 19, pi. 3, figs. 4-9. Holotype. BU 863. Wenlock Limestone, Wren’s Nest, Dudley, Worcs. (ex Holcroft Collection). Diagnosis. A species of Acastocephala with rather strongly convex (sag.) frontal lobe; 3S sigmoidal, similar to Acaste inflat a (Salter), much more faintly impressed than in Acastocephala macrops (Salter); 2S curved both medianly and abaxially to the posterior, longer than in A. macrops. Eyes large, situated close to the glabella in adult holaspides, impinging on the posterior border furrows causing them to bulge posteriorly. Visual sur- face as in A. macrops but with one less facet at the maximum height of the surface. 204 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Genae in smallest holaspides with minute postero-lateral projections, rapidly resorbed in succeeding stages. Pygidium as in A. macrops but the lateral denticulations are more rapidly resorbed. Description. Cephalic outline subtriangular, as in Acaste. Anterior librigenal projection limited, as in Acastocephala macrops (Salter). Surface of test finely granular. Length of cephalon -|-§ width. Glabella anteriorly rounded, more or less laterally subparallel-sided. Degree of taper- ing in transverse width irregular due to the laterally extensive frontal lobe and the con- vexity (tr.) of 1L. Frontal lobe both anteriorly and antero-laterally rounded but spreading out laterally; width in relation to 2L and 3L greater than in A. macrops ; axial furrows deflected abaxially a little at their confluence with 3S instead of running normally round the frontal lobe as a continuation of the line defining 2L and 3L, as is the case in A. macrops', rather strongly convex (sag.) in all holaspid stages, bull-nosed, the lateral profile falling steeply to the preglabellar furrow from a point on the sagittal line halfway along the length of the frontal lobe. Outline of frontal lobe in young holas- pides more similar to that of the adult macrops. 2L and 3L subequal in size, laterally fused in adults but frequently separated in young holaspides. 1 L narrow (exsag.), about half the size of 2L, with a greater transverse convexity than that of 2L so that the lateral margins slope below those of 2L, this convexity becoming less in adults. 3S shallow, long sigmoidal, with distinct posterior median deflection, similar to Acaste but contrast- ing with A. macrops. 2S shorter, impressed to a similar depth, abaxially linear but with strong median deflection to the posterior; in young holaspides reaching the axial furrows but in adults just failing to do so. IS wider and deeper than either 2S or 3S, curving both medianly and abaxially to the anterior. Occipital furrow impressed to similar depth as IS. Occipital ring narrow (sag.) with similar width and convexity (tr.) to 1L; in lateral profile raised strongly above glabellar side lobes; in young holaspides often with axial node. Genae, as in A. macrops, rather restricted in area due to size and position of eyes. Postocular section of facial suture cutting lateral cephalic margin opposite mid 2L; preocular section dorsal intramarginal, becoming marginal when skirting the antero- lateral margins of the glabella. Genae postero-laterally provided with short projections in small holaspides (with cephalic lengths observed up to about 4-00 mm.); adults with rounded off genal angles. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 32 Figs. 1-2. Acastocephala macrops (Salter 1864). BM 58918; Wenlock Limestone, Malvern, Worcs. 1, Dorsal view of cephalon, X 2. 2, Hypostome, X 6. Figs. 3-16. Acastocephala chuUey easts sp. nov. 3-7. BU 863; Holotype; Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 3, Dorsal view of cephalon, x4. 4, Lateral view, X4. 5, Dorsal view of pygidium, x4. 6, Posterior view of pygidium, x 4. 7, Eye, X 8. 8-10. BU 864; young holaspid. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 8, Dorsal view, X 5. 9, Genal angle with short projection, x 15. 10, Lateral view, x5. 11. BU 865; young holaspid. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. Dorsal view, X 5. 12-13. BU 866; young holaspid. Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. 12, Dorsal view, x5. 13, Pygidial margin showing denticulations, X 15. 14. GSM 19311; Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. Dorsal view, X 3. 15. BU 867; Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. Dorsal view, X 3. 16. BU 868; Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Worcs. Dorsal view, x3. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 32 SHERGOLD, Acastocephala J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 205 Eyes large, crescentic in plan, situated closer to the glabella than to the cephalic margins, on low ocular platform. In lateral profile sloping gently to anterior and rising to the level of the glabella. Extending in adults from occipital furrow or mid 1L to posterior edge of frontal lobe; in young holaspides extending from mid 1L or 1 S to con- fluence of 3S and axial furrows. Palpebral lobe well defined, high; palpebral areas with high inclination to axial furrows. Fixigenal area, between back of eye and posterior border furrow, varying with length of eye; in smallest holaspides H/A is relatively large, 11-27 per cent., but during subsequent growth the eye appears to extend backwards towards the posterior border furrow, H/A decreasing in value, varying in the largest individuals between 3-7 per cent. At this condition the eye abuts against the posterior border furrow and causes it to bulge outwards to the posterior. Table 1 shows the range interval of H/A for arbitrary growth stages, relative age being approximately equated with cephalic length. Variation in A also affects the eye index ratios giving a larger range than would normally be expected; A/G, 52-79 per cent.; A/Gn, 42-62 per cent. table 1. The range interval for the ratio H/A showing the interval decreasing during the holaspid growth of Acastocephala dudleyensis sp. nov., cephalic length being used as a standard. CLASS RANGE mm. Acaste downinqiae Acastocephala macrops A. dudleyensis Acastoides consfricta No h/a RANGE No H/A RANGE No h/a RANGE No H/a RANGE 1-6- 2-6 1 23-20 2- 6-3-6 3 24-14 — 24-81 3 II- II — 27-44 3-6-4-6 5 15-38 — 25-10 IO 6-40 — 13-66 4-6 -5-6 5 13-33 — 22-56 2 1 Id 1— 15-28 3 5-55 — 1 1-76 1 7-31 5-6 -6-6 7 15-57 —2057 2 8-10— 12-50 3 4-76— 8-59 5 7-31 -12-50 6- 6 - 7-6 10 12-59 —29-43 1 13-04 1 1 4-57—10-75 7- 6 -8-6 1 6 13-57 —24-92 1 1 1-72 -2 5-31 — 6-39 6 2-96—10-00 8-6 -9-6 ii 12-50 — 24-84 6 7-45—16-66 3 3-22 — 6-45 2 4-00 — 8-69 9-6-10-6 12 13-14 -28-57 7 5-66— 17-18 1 6 • 60 IO-6-1 1-6 IO 17-85 — 2 5-00 4 8-33— 12-98 1 5-50 II -6-12-6 9 12-20 — 29-62 4 8-11 —17-15 12-6-13-6 1 8-11 Visual surface overhanging slightly the ocular platform; gently convex outwards; bearing a similar number of lenses to A. macrops ; at maximum height of the surface, columns of 9 lenses alternate with 8. Pygidium subtriangular in outline; in posterior profile gently arched. Axis with low or moderate convexity, raised above both axial furrows and pleurae; composed of 7 segments, of which 1-3 are clearly defined, separated by deep transverse furrows and the remainder becoming less distinct posteriorly; postaxial ridge short. Pleurae with rather low convexity (tr.); 4 in number, with frequently a trace of a fifth. Pleural furrows more strongly defined than interpleural furrows but typically weaker than in Acaste. Border wide, more extensive in adult holaspides, without appreciable flattening 206 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 or furrow. Margin in very small holaspides (observed to a cephalic length of 3-50 mm., and a pygidial length of 1-50 mm.) showing up to 4 pairs of lateral denticulations asso- ciated with the posterior bands of pleurae 1-4. These denticulations are rapidly resorbed to give the typically smooth margin of the adult. No traces have been observed of a caudal termination. Relationships. Adult specimens of A. dudleyensis and A. macrops may be differentiated by the following characteristics. The frontal lobe of dudleyensis is more convex (sag.) than that of macrops and appears more laterally extensive ; the axial furrows in the former do not diverge evenly; the side furrows of dudleyensis are more similar to species of Acaste than to macrops , the latter has 3S wide and deep and opening out abaxially and 2S short and linear while those of dudleyensis are gently curved, reaching, in the adult, nearly to the axial furrows. The eye of dudleyensis is closer to the glabella; the posterior border furrow bulges outwards behind the eye; the palpebral areas are less wide and more steeply inclined to the axial furrows; the occipital ring stands higher. Young specimens are more difficult to separate. The occipital ring of dudleyensis often bears a median node in the young. A comparison of the rates of resorption of the genal pro- jections and lateral pygidial denticulations shows that these features persist in A. macrops to a later ontogenetic stage. Range and Distribution. A. dudleyensis is recorded only from Dudley, Worcs. All the specimens seen by the author are labelled Wenlock Limestone. The matrix associated with all, except enrolled speci- mens, is, however, always a smooth, bluish or greenish-grey calcareous siltstone, a lithology which may occur as siltstone interleavings within the Wenlock Limestone or in the upper members of the Wenlock Shale. Little can be said, therefore, on the range of this trilobite until the detailed palaeon- tology and stratigraphy of Dudley is known. Additional Material. The bulk of the available material is to be found in the Ketley and Holcroft Collections deposited in the Birmingham University Museum. All specimens are from the Wenlock Limestone of Dudley. BU (Holcroft) 48, 50, 102, 295, 440, 474, 541, 548; BU (Ketley) 243, 244, 251 ; BU (Keeping) 19; also BU 864-8; SM A28693, A 28771; BM In36158-61, 1560; GSM 19311, 19312, 19316. Acknowledgements. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. J. Shirley for his interest and en- couragement at all stages of this work and for his critical reading of the manuscript. I wish also to thank Professor T. S. Westoll for making available the facilities which enabled the work to be completed. I am most grateful to the following for allowing me to borrow specimens in their care and for providing facilities to study their collections; Mr. A. G. Brighton of the Sedgwick Museum, Mr. J. M. Edmonds of the Oxford University Museum, Dr. W. T. Dean and Mr. S. E. Morris of the British Museum (N.H.), Mr. D. E. White of the Geological Survey Museum, Dr. I. Strachan of Birmingham Univer- sity, Mr. J. Norton of the Ludlow Museum, Dr. M. L. K. Curtis of the Bristol City Museum, and Dr. D. A. Bassett of the National Museum of Wales. I would also like to thank Dr. J. F. Potter of Norwood Technical College for making available specimens from his personal collection. The work has been made possible by a grant from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. REFERENCES Clarkson, e. n. K. 1965. Schizochroal eyes and vision of some Silurian acastid trilobites. Palaeontology, 9, 1-29, pi. 1-3. curtis, m. l. k. and cave, R. 1964. The Silurian-Old Red Sandstone Unconformity at Buckover, near Tortworth, Gloucestershire. Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc. 30, 427-42, pi. VII. delo, d. m. 1935. A revision of the Phacopid trilobites. J. Paleont. 9, 402-20. 1940. Phacopid Trilobites of North America. Spec. Pap. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29, 1-135, 13 pi. J. H. SHERGOLD: A REVISION OF ACASTE DO WNINGIAE 207 dixon, e. E. l. 1921. The Geology of the South Wales Coalfield. Pt. xm. The Country around Pem- broke and Tenby. Mem. geo!. Surv. Engld & Wales. emmerich, H. f. 1845. Ueber die Trilobiten. Neues Jb. Min. Geol. Paldont. 18-52. goldfuss, a. 1843. Systematische Uebersicht der Trilobiten und Beschreibung einiger neuen Arten derselben. Neues Jb. Min. Geol. Paldont. 537-67. hollard, H. 1963. Les Acastella et quelques autres Dalmanitacea du Maroc presaharien, leur dis- tribution verticale et ses consequences pour 1'etude de la limite Silurien-Devonien. Notes Serv. geol. Maroc, 176, 1-66, 6 pi. m’coy, f. 1851. A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palaeozoic Rocks, with a Systematic Description of the British Palaeozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge. Fasc. I, 1-184. murchison, R. i. 1839. The Silurian System. London. 1859. Siluria. 3rd ed. London. 1872. Siluria. 5th ed. London. reed, f. r. c. 1925. Some New Silurian Trilobites. Geol. Mag. 62, 61-16, p\. ll. richter, r. 1909. Beitrdge zur Kenntnis devonischer Trilobiten aus dem Rheinischen Schiefergebirge. 1-96. Inaugural-Dissertation. Marburg. and richter, e. 1939. Trilobiten aus dem Bosphorus-Gebiet. Abh. preuss. geol. Landesanst., n.f. 190, 1-49, pi. 16-19. 1952. Phacopacea von der Grenze Emsium/Eiflium (Tril.). Senckenbergiana leth. 33, 79- 108, pi. 1-4. 1954. Die Trilobiten des Ebbe-Sattels und zu vergleichende Arten (Ordovizium, Got- landium/Devon). Abh. senckenb. naturf. Ges. 488, 1-76, pi. 1-6. salter, J. w. 1848. in Palaeontological Appendix to Prof. John Phillips’s Memoir on the Malvern Hills compared with the Palaeozoic Districts of Abberley etc. Mem. geol. Surv. U.K., 2, Pt. 1. 1853. Figures and Descriptions Illustrative of British Organic Remains, Decade VII. Mem. geol. Surv. U.K. 1861. Note on the Fossils found in the Worcester and Hereford Railway Cuttings. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 17, 161-2. 1864. Monograph of the British Trilobites from the Cambrian, Silurian and Devonian Forma- tions. Palaeontogr. Soc. (Monogr.), 1-80, pi. I-VI (issued Aug. 1864). schmidt, w. e. 1907. Uber Cryphaeus in dem Siegener Schichten. Z. dtsch. geol. Ges. 59, Monatsber., 9-12. sollas, w. J. 1879. On the Silurian District of Rhymney and Pen-y-lan, Cardiff. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 35, 475-507, pi. XXIV. struve, w. 1958c/. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Phacopacea (Trilobita). 1. Die Zeliszkellinae. Sen- ckenbergiana leth. 39, 165-220, pi. 4. 19586. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Phacopacea (Trilobita). 2. Acastavinae n. subfam. Sen- ckenbergiana leth. 39, 221-6. 1959. (in Moore, R. C.). Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Pt. O, Arthropoda 1. Stubblefield, c. J. 1938. The Types and Figured Specimens in Phillips and Salter’s Palaeontological Appendix to John Phillips’s Memoir on The Malvern Hills compared with the Palaeozoic Districts of Abberley, etc.’ Summ. Progr. geol. Surv. U.K. for 1936, Pt. II, 27-51. symonds, w. s. and Lambert, a. 1861. On the Sections of the Malvern and Ledbury Tunnels (Wor- cester and Hereford Railway) and the intervening Line of Railroad. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 17, 152-60. tomczykowa, e. 1962a. O trylobicie Acastella prima n. sp. Instytut Geologiczny. Kwart. Geol., Warszawa, 6, 260-6, pi. 1 (Polish, English Summary). 19626. O rodzaju Scotiella Delo z warstw rzepinskich Gor Swictokrzyskich (On the Genus Scotiella Delo (Trilobita) from the Rzepin Beds of the Holy Cross Mts.). Acta geol. pol., Ksi^ga Pam. J. Samsonowicza, 187-205, 2 pi. (Polish, English Summary). J. H. SHERGOLD Department of Geology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1 Manuscript received 17 February 1965 OSTRACODA FROM THE UPPER TEALBY CLAY (LOWER BAR REM I AN) OF SOUTH LINCOLNSHIRE by p. kaye and d. barker Abstract. Thirty-two species and subspecies of Ostracoda are recorded from the Upper Tealby Clay (Lower Barremian) at Dalby Hill, South Lincolnshire. Three species, Cytherelloidea dalbyensis, Amphicytherura barten- steini and Orthonotacythere problematica are considered new; two species are left under open nomenclature. Abundance data are given, and the ranges of the species in other British Lower Cretaceous formations are shown. Since the latter part of last century the Tealby Series of the Wolds of Lincolnshire has been divisible into three on a lithological basis (Judd 1867, 1870; Lamplugh 1896). However, the relationship to the beds above and below is uncertain due to a paucity of fossils and exposures. The three lithologic divisions of the Tealby Series are from the base, the Lower Tealby Clay followed by the Tealby Limestone, and at the top the Upper Tealby Clay. In this account we deal only with the ostracods from the Upper Tealby Clay, the major exposure of which in the South Wolds at the present time is the road cutting at Dalby Hill (G.R. TF/409696). In the course of field mapping during the period 1963-4, J. Newton-Smith of Leicester University brought the roadside section at Dalby Hill to our notice. The ostracods found in the washings of his samples prompted the authors to collect further samples during April 1964. The Upper Tealby Clay is generally a dark clay very rich in limonite ooliths; locally it is glauconitic and there are occasional horizons rich in pyrite. Macrofossils obtained from this clay include Liostrea, Oxyteuthis , and Aulacoteuthis. The Ostracoda obtained from this horizon are of Lower Barremian age. The specimens described are all deposited in the collections of the British Museum of Natural History (BMNH), London. Acknowledgements. The authors thank Mr. J. Newton-Smith for his assistance, and are grateful to other members of Reading and Leicester Universities for help during collection of the samples, and to Mr. J. L. Watkins of Reading University for the photographs. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Order podocopida Muller 1894 Suborder platycopina Sars 1866 Family cytherellidae Sars 1866 Genus cytherelloidea Alexander 1929 Cytherelloidea ovata Weber 1934 1934 Cytherelloidea ovata Weber, 145, pi. 8, fig. 4. 1950 Cytherelloidea ovata Weber; Wolburg, 162. 1963n Cytherelloidea ovata Weber; Kaye, 115, pi. 20, figs. 18-21. Material. A left valve BMNH Io.3048, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. [Palaeontology, Yol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 208-19, pi. 33.] KAYE AND BARKER: OSTRACODA FROM THE UPPER TEALBY CLAY 209 Cytherelloidea dalbyensis sp. nov. Plate 33, figs 1, 2 Holotype. A right valve BMNH Io.3068, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Pctratype. A right valve BMNH Io.3069, from the same horizon and locality. Diagnosis. Large Cytherelloidea, strongly compressed laterally. Dorsal rib complex, joined both anteriorly and posteriorly to the median rib. Shell surface strongly pitted, almost reticulate. Measurements. R.V. Holotype Io.3068; length 0-80 mm., height 0-30 mm. Description. Valves elongate, rather thin and strongly compressed laterally. The dorsal and ventral margins are subparallel but both show a weak concavity centrally in the larger right valves. Anterior margin semicircular, posterior margin rather subquadrate. The lateral surface bears a series of low ribs with shallow depressions between them. Posteriorly the valve is more inflated having a swollen area from which the longitudinal ribs run. Anteriorly there is a crescentic weakly-inflated marginal area equal in width to about one-sixth of the length. This anterior marginal ‘strip’ merges with the long margins, antero-dorsally and antero-ventrally. Three longitudinal ribs cross the lateral surface, the ventral one being most prominent. This rib runs in a weakly arcuate path a short distance above the ventral margin for the bulk of the length of the valve; posteriorly it is joined to the inflated posterior area but anteriorly it is separated from the marginal strip by a shallow groove. Ventrally from this rib there is a wide marginal shelf. The median rib starts posteriorly at J height running horizontally for a short dis- tance and then bifurcates at f length. A long ventrally convex portion runs below the muscle pit terminating at \ length whilst a short upper portion runs dorsally to join the dorsal rib at the mid-length of the valve. The dorsal rib is weak and short; it runs from a position on the dorsal margin at mid-length of the valve obliquely to join the anterior end of the lower branch of the median rib; it is entirely separate from the anterior marginal strip. Between the ribs the valve surface is strongly pitted. Remarks. Cytherelloidea dalbyensis shows strong affinities to C. elongata Kaye 1963a from the Middle Barremian of East Yorkshire but is distinct in the pattern of the ribs from any other described Mesozoic species of the genus. From C. elongata, C. dalbyensis differs in shape and in being much less inflated with the ribs and depressions much less well differentiated; there are also differences in the arrangement of the ribs. In C. elongata the ventral rib runs along the margin and is joined anteriorly to a much broader anterior marginal ‘strip’. The dorsal rib also runs to join this marginal strip and not the anterior end of the median rib. Suborder podocopina Sars 1866 Superfamily cytheracea Baird 1850 Family cytherideidae Sars 1925 Genus dolocytheridea Triebel 1938 210 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Dolocytheridea intermedia Oertli 1958 1958 Dolocytheridea intermedia Oertli, 1505, pi. 3, figs. 63-74, pi. 4, figs. 75-82. 1963c Dolocytheridea intermedia Oertli; Kaye, 33, pi. 3, figs. 10-14. Material. A right valve BMNH Io.3051, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Genus clithrocytheridea Stephenson 1936 Clithrocytheridea brevis (Cornuel) 1846 1846 Cy there amygdaloides var. brevis Cornuel, 199, pi. 7, fig. 12. 1956 Clithrocytheridea brevis (Cornuel) Deroo, 1510, pi. 11, figs. 15-21. Material. Five valves BMNH Io.3052, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Genus schuleridea Swartz and Swain Schuleridea cf. bernouilensis Grosdidier 1964 Plate 33, figs. 9, 10 71964 Schuleridea bernouilensis Grosdidier, 225, pi. 1, figs. 2 a-g. Material. Two valves and one carapace BMNH Io. 3053-5, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill Lines. Remarks. Abundant specimens of a species very closely akin to the French Lower Barremian form S. bernouilensis Grosdidier are found at Dalby Hill. Apart from a much poorer development of the eye node in the British material the two forms seem to be identical. Schuleridea rhomboidalis Neale 1960 1960 Schuleridea rhomboidalis Neale, 210, pi. 2, figs. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8. 1963c Schuleridea rhomboidalis Neale; Kaye, 32, pi. 3, figs. 1-4. Material. A right valve BMNH Io.3058, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 33 All figs. X 60; all specimens from the Upper Barremian of Dalby Hill, Lines. Figs. 1, 2. Cytherelloidea dalbyensis sp. nov. 1, R.V. (Holotype), lateral view; Io.3068. 2, R.V. (Para- type), lateral view; Io.3069. Figs. 3, 4. Orthonotacythere problematica sp. nov. 3, L.V. (Holotype), lateral view; Io.3060. 4, Cara- pace (Paratype), dorsal view; Io.3061. Figs. 5-8. Amphicytherura bartensteini sp. nov. 5, Female L.V. (Holotype), lateral view; Io.3071. 6, Male R.V. (Paratype), lateral view; Io.3073. 7, Male L.V. (Paratype); lateral view; Io.3072. 8, Female R.V. (Paratype), lateral view; Io.3074. Figs. 9, 10. Schuleridea cf. bernouilensis Grosdidier. 9, L.V., lateral view; Io.3053. 10, R.V., lateral view; Io.3054. Figs. 11, 12. Amphicytherura roemeri (Bartenstein). 11, Male L.V., lateral view; Io.3034. 12, Female R.V., lateral view; Io.3035. Fig. 13. Ranocythereis caistorensis Kaye. R.V. lateral view; Io.3033. Fig. 14. Acrocythere hauteriviana laeva Neale. Male L.V., lateral view; Io.3046. Fig. 15. Acrocythere hauteriviana hauteriviana (Bartenstein). Female R.V., lateral view; Io.3044. Figs. 16, 17. Cythereis cf. geometrica Damotte and Grosdidier. 16, Male L.V., lateral view; Io.3063. 17, Male R.V., lateral view; Io.3064. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 33 KAYE and BARKER, Lower Cretaceous ostracods KAYE AND BARKER: OSTRACODA FROM THE UPPER TEALBY CLAY 211 Genus apatocythere Triebel 1940 Apatocythere ellipsoidea Triebel 1940 1940 Apatocythere ellipsoidea Triebel, 171, pi. 2, figs. 20-26, pi. 9, figs. 104. 1956 Apatocythere ellipsoidea Triebel; Deroo, 1510. 1963c Apatocythere ellipsoidea Triebel; Kaye, 32, pi. 3, figs. 5-7. Material. A left valve BMNH Io.3056, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Apatocythere simulans Triebel 1940 1940 Apatocythere simulans Triebel, 170, pi. 1, figs. 14-19, pi. 9, fig. 103. 1960 Apatocythere simulans Triebel; Neale, 210, pi. 2, figs. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8. 1963c Apatocythere simulans Triebel; Kaye, 32, pi. 3, figs. 1-4. Material. A right valve BMNH Io.3057, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Genus euryitycythere Oertli 1959 Euryitycythere sp. B Material. A carapace BMNH Io.3070, from the Lower Barremian, Dalby Hill. Measurements. Carapace Io.3070; length 0-60 mm., height 0-32 mm. Remarks. This extremely rare species is represented by a single closed carapace from Dalby Hill. It is closely related to the Hauterivian species E. parisiorum Oertli 1959 but differs in having a crest-like ridge running along the dorsal margin of the larger left valve. This crest also partially overlaps the dorsal margin of the right valve. A further difference is the stronger flattening of the lateral expansion ventrally forming a short blade-like longitudinal rib. This occurrence is the first record of the genus in the Barremian though a worn but distinctly different specimen has been recorded (Kaye 1965c) from the Upper Aptian of the Isle of Wight. Holotype. A female left valve BMNH Io.3071, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Paratypes. Six valves BMNH Io. 3072-5, from the same horizon and locality. Diagnosis. Amphicytherura with strongly reticulate lateral surface and marked keel-like ventral longitudinal rib. Family cytheruridae Midler 1894 Genus amphicytherura Butler and Jones 1957 Amphicytherura hartensteini sp. nov. Plate 33, figs. 5-8 Measurements. Female L.V. Holotype Io.3071 Female R.V. Paratype Io.3074 Male L.V. Paratype Io.3072 Length Height 0-57 mm. 0-30 mm. 0-57 mm. 0-30 mm. 0-60 mm. 0-30 mm. 212 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Description. Valves subquadrate in outline, strongly laterally compressed. Dorsal and ventral margins straight and subparallel in the left valves. Anterior margin bluntly rounded, slightly asymmetrical ventrally; posterior drawn out into an acute point at f height. Lateral surface bearing a series of ribs. The most prominent is high keel-like, ventrally arcuate, ventral longitudinal; this rib runs from the anterior margin at \ height across the lateral surface to terminate on the postero-lateral surface at mid- height. A further longitudinal rib runs below this one on the ventral undersurface following a ventrally identical path but reaching the margin postero-ventrally as well as antero-ventrally. A low smooth eye tubercle occurs antero-dorsally bearing a series of weak ribs on its upper surface. These ribs run weakly ventrally and antero-ventrally for a short distance across the lateral surface. A short rib runs from the dorsal margin at mid-length curving towards the posterior margin and terminating at mid-height. A weak node or rudimentary median rib occurs postero-laterally in certain specimens. The whole of the lateral surface is strongly reticulate. Duplicature narrow crossed by few straight radial pore canals. Hinge strongly amphidont, with boss-like divided ter- minal teeth and strongly divided median furrow in the right valve. Muscle group a row of four oval scars slightly inclined posteriorly with a single small oval scar anteriorly to them opposite the centre of the row. Remarks. The strong reticulate ornamentation of this species and weak dorsal and median ribbing make it distinct from other members of the genus. It is one of the most abundant ostracods in the Upper Tealby Clay (Lower Barremian) of South Lines, and is one of the few abundant ostracods from this formation not found in the Lower Tealby Clay and Tealby Limestone (U. Hauterivian) of North Lines. Amphicytherura roemeri (Bartenstein) 1956 Plate 33, figs. 11, 12 1956 Orthonotacy there roemeri Bartenstein, 531, pi. 3, figs. 76-77. 1965n Amphicytherura roemeri (Bartenstein), Kaye, 79, pi. 5, figs. 5-7. Material. Two valves BMNH Io. 3034-5, from the Upper Tealby Clay (Lower Barremian), Dalby Hill, Lines. Remarks. This species, characteristic of the Upper Hauterivian in N. Lines, occurs fairly abundantly in the Lower Barremian of S. Lines. Genus eucytherura M tiller 1894 Eucytherura nettletonensis Kaye 1 9646 19646 Eucytherura nettletonensis Kaye, 321, pi. 55, figs. 5, 6, 8. Material. Four valves BMNH Io.3040, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Genus cytherura Sars 1866 Cytherura reticulosa (Chapman) 1894 1894 Cytheropteron reticulosum Chapman, 692, pi. 33, figs. 6 a-c. 1964 b Cytherura reticulosa (Chapman); Kaye, 318, pi. 55, figs. 7, 9. Material. A left valve BMNH Io.3038, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. KAYE AND BARKER: OSTRACODA FROM THE UPPER TEALBY CLAY 213 Genus cytheropteron Sars 1866 Subgenus cytheropteron Sars 1866 Cytheropteron ( Cytheropteron ) reightonensis Kaye 1964# 1964a Cytheropteron (C.) reightonensis Kaye, 102, pi. 5, figs. 1-5. Material. A left valve BMNH Io.3039, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Cytheropteron (C.) rugosa Kaye 1965a 1965c Cytheropteron (C.) rugosa Kaye, 38, pi. 8, figs. 4-5. 1965 d Cytheropteron (C.) rugosa Kaye, Kaye and Barker, 379, pi. 48, fig. 6. Material. A left valve BMNH Io.3037, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Subgenus eocytheropteron Alexander 1933 Cytheropteron ( Eocytheropteron ) nova Kaye 1964a 1964a Cytheropteron ( Eocytheropteron ) nova, Kaye, 104, pi. 5, fig. 6. 1965a Cytheropteron ( Eo .) nova Kaye; Kaye, 75, pi. 5. figs. 18-20. Material. Two valves BMNH Io.3062, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Subgenus infra cytheropteron Kaye 1964a Cytheropteron ( Infracytheropteron ) exquisita Kaye 1964a 1964a Cytheropteron ( Infracytheropteron ) exquisita Kaye, 105, pi. 5, figs. 9-10. 1965 Cytheropteron (/.) exquisita Kaye; Kaye and Barker, 380. Material. A right valve BMNH Io.3036, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Genus orthonotacythere Alexander 1934 Or thonotacy there blanda Kaye 1 963e 1963c Orthonotacythere blanda Kaye, 437, pi. 61, figs. 17, 18. Material. A left valve BMNH Io.3043, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Orthonotacythere inversa inversa (Cornuel) 1848 1848 Cythere inversa Cornuel, 244, pi. 1, figs. 12-14. 1963c Orthonotacythere inversa inversa (Cornuel); Kaye, 435, pi. 61, figs. 1-8, 12, 13. Material. A left valve BMNH Io.3042, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Orthonotacythere problematiea sp. nov. Plate 33, figs. 3, 4 1965c Orthonotacythere sp. A. Kaye. Holotype. A left valve BMNH Io.3060 from the Lower Barremian at Dalby Hill, Lines. Paratypes. One valve and one carapace BMNH Io.3061, from the Lower Barremian at Dalby Hill; 4 valves and 1 carapace BMNH lo. 2070-74, from the basal Atherfield Clay (Lower Aptian) Ather- field, Isle of Wight. 214 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Diagnosis. Small Orthonotacy there with tuberculate lateral surface and ventral ridge increasing in height posteriorly. The ventral ridge is drawn out into an alaeform spine posteriorly. Measurements. Holotype, L.V. Io.3060; length 0-47 mm., height 0-25 mm. Remarks. This species originally described from the Lower Aptian of the Isle of Wight is here named. The Upper Tealby specimens are a little larger than the Aptian ones and have the ventral row of tubercles fused to form a prominent ridge. Genus acrocythere Neale 1960 Acrocythere hauteriviana hauteriviana (Bartenstein) 1956 Plate 33, fig. 15 1956 Orthonotacy there hauteriviana Bartenstein, 532, pi. 3, fig. 81. 1965a Acrocythere hauteriviana hauteriviana (Bartenstein); Kaye, 78, pi. 5, figs. 12-13. Material. Two valves BMNH Io. 3044-5, from the Lower Barremian, Dalby Hill, Lines. Remarks. This characteristic Hauterivian and Lower Barremian subspecies is fairly common at Dalby Hill. The most abundant member of this group in this formation being A. hauteriviana laeva Neale, the reverse of the situation at Speeton. Acrocythere hauteriviana laeva (Neale) 1960 Plate 33, fig. 14 1960 Orthonotacythere ( Acrocythere ) hauteriviana laeva Neale, 213, pi. 3, figs. 10 a-b, pi. 4, fig. 13. 1965a Acrocythere hauteriviana laeva (Neale); Kaye 78, pi. 5, fig. 17. Material Two valves BMNH Io. 3046-7, from the Upper Tealby Clay (L. Barremian), Dalby Hill, Lines. Remarks. This species is extremely abundant at Dalby Hill but is rare at Speeton. Genus pseudobythocythere Mertens 1956 Pseudobythocythere ornata Kaye 1965# Material Three valves BMNH Io.3067, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Pseudobythocythere vellicata (Chapman) 1894 1894 Cvtheridea vellicata Chapman, 690, pi. 33, figs. 3 a-c. 1964 b Pseudobythocythere vellicata (Chapman); Kaye, 323, pi. 54, figs. 14, 17, 18, pi. 55, figs. 10, 11. 1965c Pseudobythocythere vellicata (Chapman); Kaye, 42, pi. 8, figs. 14, 15. Material Four valves BMNH Io.3066, from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. KAYE AND BARKER: OSTRACODA FROM THE UPPER TEALBY CLAY 215 Family progonocytheridae Sylvester-Bradley 1948 Subfamily progonocytherinae Sylvester-Bradley 1948 Genus neocythere Mertens 1956 Neocy there (N.) protovanveeni Kaye 19636 Material. Four valves BMNH Io.3050 from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill. Subfamily protocytherinae Mandelstam 1960 Genus protocythere Triebel 1938 Protocythere inornata Kaye 19646 Material. A right valve BMNH Io.3049 from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill. Protocythere hechti Triebel 1938 1938 Protocythere hechti Triebel, 189, pi. l.figs. 11-16. 1956 Protocythere hechti Triebel; Deroo, 1513. 1956 Protocythere hechti Triebel; Bartenstein, 530, pi. 3. figs. 73-75. 1962 Protocythere hechti Triebel; Neale, 446, pi. 9. figs. 5-7. Material. A left valve BMNH Io.3059 from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill. Family trachyleberididae Sylvester-Bradley 1948 Genus cythereis Jones 1849 Cythereis blanda Kaye 1 963t/ Material. Two valves BMNH Io.3041 from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill. Cythereis cf. geometrica Damotte and Grosdidier 1963 Plate 33, figs. 16, 17 Material. Five valves and one carapace BMNH Io. 3063-5 from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill. Remarks. Specimens related to C. geometrica Damotte and Grosdidier 1963 occur abundantly in the Upper Tealby Clay. The major difference between the two species is the stronger development of the median longitudinal ridge in the Lower Barremian forms. This feature shows similarities to C. geometrica fittoni Kaye 1965c from the Upper Aptian of the Isle of Wight but the Lincolnshire specimens lack the strong surface reticulation of the latter species. It is possible that the Lower Barremian forms are ancestral to the Aptian species. Genus ranocythereis Kaye 19656 Ranocythereis caistorensis Kaye 19656 Plate 33, fig. 13 Material. A right valve BMNH Io.3033 from the Upper Tealby Clay, Dalby Hill, Lines. Q C 3803 216 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Remarks. This species, previously recorded from the Lower Tealby Clay and Tealby Limestone (Hauterivian) of Nettleton,N. Lines., occurs moderately rarely at Dalby Hill. CONCLUSIONS The Upper Tealby Clay at Dalby Hill is rich in ostracoda, both in numbers of in- dividuals, and in number of species. The relative abundances of the thirty-two species and subspecies recorded are summarized as follows: Abundant Clithrocytheridea brevis (Cornuel); Eucytherura nettletonensis Kaye; Schuleridea cf. bernouilensis Grosdidier; Amphicytherura bartensteini sp. nov. ; Acroeythere hauteriviana laeva Neale; Pseudobythocy there ornata Kaye; Pseudobythoey there vellicata (Chapman); Neocythere (N.) protovanveeni Kaye ; Protocythere hechti Triebel ; Cythereis blanda Kaye ; Cythereis cf. geometrica Damotte and Grosdidier. Common Schuleridea rhomboidalis Neale; Apatocythere ellipsoidea Triebel; Amphicytherura roemeri (Bartenstein); Cytheropteron ( Eo .) nova Kaye; Acroeythere hauteriviana hauteri- viana (Bartenstein). Frequent Cytherelloidea ovata Weber; Apatocythere sinudans Triebel; Dolocytheridea intermedia Oertli; Orthonotacythere inversa inversa (Cornuel); Protocythere triplicata (Roemer); Ranocythereis caistorensis Kaye. Rare Cytherelloidea dalbyensis sp. nov.; Bairdia sp.; Cytherura reticulosa (Chapman); Cytheropteron (C.) reightonensis Kaye; Euryitycy there sp. B.; Cytheropteron (C.) rugosa Kaye; Cytheropteron [Infra.) exquisita Kaye; Orthonotacythere blanda Kaye; Orthono- tacythere problematica; Protocythere inornata Kaye. The known range of the Upper Tealby Ostracoda and their geographical occurrence in England are shown in text-fig. 1 . The Upper Tealby fauna is Lower Barremian in age; with such species as Orthono- tacythere blanda , O. inversa inversa and, Pseudobythocy there ornata being only known previously from beds at this horizon at Speeton, E. Yorks. The fauna as a whole shows strong affinities to the lithologically similar Upper Hauterivian at Nettleton in N. Lines., seventeen of the species recorded at Dalby Hill being also known from Nettleton; Lower Barremian strata are absent in N. Lines. The clays of Upper Hauterivian and Lower Barremian age at Speeton differ markedly from those at Dalby, lacking the glauconite and iron carbonate ooliths. Nine species found at Dalby Hill occur in higher Barremian horizons at Speeton; the known range of one ( Cythereis blanda) being ex- tended down into the Lower Barremian. Four Hauterivian species: Eucytherura nettle- tonensis, Amphicytherura roemeri, Acroeythere hauteriviana laeva, and Ranocythereis caistorensis have their known ranges extended up into the Lower Barremian whilst KAYE AND BARKER: OSTRACODA FROM THE UPPER TEALBY CLAY 217 S PECI ES UPPER HAUTERI VIAN BARREMIAN APTIAN UPPER LOWER M & U L&u UPPER Nettleton N . Lines. Speeton E. Yorks. Dalby Hill S . Lines. Speeton E . Yorks Speeton E .Yorks South East England Suttersby S. Lines. Cytherelloidea dalbyensis nov. X Cytherelloidea ovata Weber. X X X X X X X Bairdia sp. X Clithrocytheridea brevis (Cornuel). X Dolocytheridea intermedia Oertli. X X X X X Schuleridea cf. bernouilensis Grosdidier. X 1 Schuleridea rhomboidalis Neale. X X X X Apatocythere ellipsoidea Triebel. X X X X X Apatocythere simulans Triebel. X X X X Euryitycythere sp. B. X Cytherura reticulosa (Chapman). X X X X Eucytherura netllefonensis Kaye. X X Amphicytherura bartenstelni nov. X Amphicytherura roemeri ( Bartenstein ). X X Cytheropteron (C.) reightonensis Kaye. X X X Cytheropteron (C.)rugosa Kaye. X X X X Cytheropteron (Eo)nova Kaye. X X X X X Cytheropteron (Infra) exquisite Kaye. X X X X X Orthonotacythere inversa inversa (Cornvel). X X Orthonotacythere blanda Kaye. X X Orthonotacythere problematica nov. X Pseudobythocythere ornata Kaye. X X X Pseudobythocythere vellicata (Chapman). X X Acrocythere hauteriviana hautenviana(Bartenstein). X X X X X Acrocythere hauteriviana laeva Neale. X X X Neocythere (N) protovanveeni Kaye X X X X Protocythere inornata Kaye. X X Protocythere hechti Triebel. X X X X Protocythere triplicato ( Roem er ). X X X X X Cythereis blanda Kaye. X X X Cythereis cf. geometica D&G . X X Ronocyth ereis caistorensis Kaye. X X text-fig. 1. Known distribution of Ostracoda found in the Upper Tealby Clay at Dalby Hill. 218 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 the ranges of Pseudobythocythere vellicata and Protocythere inornata are extended down into the Lower Barremian. Two already described species, Clithrocytheridea brevis and Scluderidea bernouilensis are recorded from England for the first time. There is surprisingly little relationship between the fauna of the Upper Tealby Clay and the Upper Aptian Sutterby Marl formation. Only five species are common to the two, none of which are abundant at Sutterby. Stronger ties are found with the Aptian of South-east England, eight species occurring there and at Dalby Hill. None of the species extend into post-Aptian sediments. REFERENCES bartenstein, H. 1956. Zur Mikrofauna des englischen Elauterive. Senck. leth. 37, 509-33, 3 pi. chapman, F. 1 894. The Bargate beds of Surrey and their microscopic contents. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Loud. 50, 677-92, pi. 33-34. cornuel, J. 1846. Description des Entomostraces fossiles du terrain Cretace Inferieur du Departe- ment de la Haute-Marne. Bull. Soc. geol. Fr. 1, 193-205, pi. 7. 1848. Description des nouveaux fossiles microscopiques du terrain Cretace Inferieur du Departe- ment de la Haute-Marne. Bull. Soc. geol. Fr. 3, 241-6, pi. 1. damotte, R. and grosdidier, e. 1963. Quelques Ostracodes du Cretace Inferieur de la Champagne Humide. 2 — Aptien. Rev. Micropaleont. 6, 153-68, 3 pi. deroo, g. 1956. Etude critique au sujet des Ostracodes marins du Cretace Inferieur de la Champagne Humide et du Bas-Boulonnais. Rev. Inst. Frang. Petr. 11, 1499-539, pi. 1-5. grosdidier, e. 1964. Quelques Ostracodes nouveaux du Cretace Inferieur de Champagne Humide. Ill Barremian- — Hauterivian. Rev. Micropaleont. 6, 223-36, pi. 1-3. kaye, p. 1963c. Species of the ostracod Family Cytherellidae from the British Lower Cretaceous. Senck. leth. 44, 109-25, pi. 18-20. 19636. The ostracod genus Neocy there in the Speeton Clay. Palaeontology, 6, 274-81, pi. 41. 1963c. The interpretation of the Mesozoic ostracod genera of the family Cytherideidae Sars 1925. Rev. Micropaleont. 6, 23—40, pi. 1-3. 1963 d. Ostracoda of the subfamilies Protocytherinae and Trachyleberidinae from the British Lower Cretaceous. Paldont. Z. 37, 225-38, pi. 18, 19. - 1963c. The ostracod species Orthonotacythere inversa (Cornuel) and its allies in the Speeton Clay of Yorkshire. Palaeontology, 6, 430-9, pi. 61. 1964c. Ostracoda of the genera Eucytherura and Cytheropteron from the Speeton Clay. Geol. Mag. 101, 97-107, pi. 4, 5. 19646. Revision of the Ostracoda from the Bargate Beds in Surrey Palaeontology, 7, 317-30, pi. 54-55. — — 1965c. Further Ostracoda from the British Lower Cretaceous. Senck. leth. 46, 73-81, pi. 5. 19656. Ranocythereis, a new Ostracod genus from the British Lower Cretaceous. Senck. leth. 46, 83-87, pi. 6. 1965c. Ostracoda from the Aptian of the Isle of Wight, England. Paldont. Z. 39, 33-50, pis. 6-8. and barker, d. 1965. Ostracoda from the type Sutterby Marl (U. Aptian) of Lincolnshire. Palaeontology, 8, 375-90, pis. 48-50. neale, J. w. 1960. Marine Lower Cretaceous Ostracoda from Yorkshire, England. Micropaleon- tology, 6, 203-24, pi. 1-4. oertli, h. J. 1958. Les Ostracodes de l’albien-aptien d'apt. Rev. Inst, frang. petrole, 13, 1499-1537, pi. 1-9. 1959. Euryitycythere und Parexophthalmocy there, zwei neue Ostrakoden-Gattungen aus der Unterkreide Westeuropas. Paldont. Z. 33, 241-6, pi. 32. swinnerton, H. h. 1935. The Rocks below the Red Chalk of Lincolnshire and their Cephalopod faunas. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 91, 1-46. 1936. A monograph of British Lower Cretaceous Belemnites. Palaeontogr. Soc. [Monogr.\, 1-86. KAYE AND BARKER: OSTRACODA FROM THE UPPER TEALBY CLAY 219 triebel, e. 1938. Ostracoden Untersuchungen. 1. Protocythere und Exophthalmocy there, Zwei neue Ostracoden-Gattungen aus der Deutschen Kreide. Senckenbergiana , 20, 178-200, pi. 1-3. 1940. Die Ostracoden der Deutschen Kreide III Cytherideinae und Cytherinae aus der Unteren Kreide. Ibid. 22, 160-227, pi. 1-10. weber, h. 1934. Ostracoden aus dem Hauterive von Wenden am Mittelland-Kanal. Niedersdchs. geol. Ver. 26, 139-49, pi. 8, 9. P. KAYE Burmah Oil Exploration Co., 20 Esplanade, Scarborough, Yorks. D. BARKER Paleoservices Ltd., 162 High Street, Manuscript received 8 January 1965 Watford, Herts. THE FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOL1VINOIDES FROM THE UPPER CRETACEOUS OF THE BRITISH ISLES by F. T. BARR Abstract. Nine species of Bolivinoides are described from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian to Lower Maestrich- tian) strata of the British Isles, and their stratigraphical ranges are recorded in relation to the classical mega- fossil zonation. Three of these species, Bolivinoides hiltermanni, B. praelaevigata, and B. sidestrandensis, are described as new and a lectotype is proposed for B. decorata (Jones). The phylogeny of various lineages of the genus Bolivinoides is discussed. During the last fifteen years, a series of important studies has been published on the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary foraminiferal genus Bolivinoides Cushman. In Ger- many, Hiltermann (1952, 1963) and Hiltermann and Koch (1950, 1955, 1960, 1962) have published a number of valuable works demonstrating the stratigraphical value of Boli- vinoides in strata of Santonian to Danian age. The usefulness of this group has been shown by Edgell (1954) in Australia, Reiss (1954) in the Middle East, Pozaryska (1954) in Poland, and Vassilenko (1961) in the Soviet Union. The stratigraphical ranges of many species of this rapidly evolving group appear to be almost identical over much of the world. Consequently, some lineages of Bolivinoides have proved to be extremely useful in intercontinental correlations within the upper part of the Upper Cretaceous. The Upper Cretaceous Chalk of the British Isles usually contains abundant and diverse foraminiferal faunas. In strata of Santonian to Maestrichtian age, various species of Bolivinoides are often an important element of this fauna. A number of short publica- tions mentioned the presence of one or more of these species in the British Upper Cretaceous, but no attempt had been made to monograph this group or to establish their usefulness in the precise dating of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk in the British Isles. Wright (1886) originally described Bolivinoides decorata from the Upper Campanian of Keady Hill, Northern Ireland. In a short note, Chapman (1892) described B. strigillata for the first time from the Santonian phosphatic chalk at Taplow in Buckinghamshire. B. decorata was recorded by Heron-Alien and Earland (1910) from the interior of a flint nodule found on the beach at Selsey Bill, Sussex. Williams-Mitchell (1948, p. 106, pi. 9, fig. 3, pi. 10) illustrated a specimen of B. decorata from southern England which he misidentified as B. strigillata (Chapman). In an important work on the Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from Northern Ireland, McGugan (1957) recorded and illustrated specimens identified as B. decorata and B. draco (Marsson) from the Bally- castle Pellet Chalk. Curry (1962) recorded several species of Bolivinoides from sub- marine cores taken from the English Channel, but none of the specimens were illustrated or described. Recently, Barr and Cordey (1964) re-examined Chapman’s (1892) material and proposed a lectotype for B. strigillata. The purpose of the present paper is to describe the various species of Bolivinoides found in the British Isles and to record their stratigraphical ranges, which can be Palaeontology, Yol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 220-43, pis. 34-38.] F. T. BARR: FOR A M INIFER AL GENUS BOLIVINOIDES 221 compared with the classical Upper Cretaceous megafossil zonation recognized in western Europe. It is hoped that this study will aid in the precise dating and correla- tion of the Upper Cretaceous strata of the British Isles and further our understanding of the evolution of certain lineages of the genus Bolivinoides. Deposition of types. The lectotype and syntypes of Bolivinoides decorata (Jones) are housed in the Joseph Wright Collection in the Department of Zoology, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Illustrated topotype specimens of Bolivinoides decorata australis Edgell are located in the Common- wealth Paleontological Collection, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, Australia. All other holotypes, paratypes and hypotypes illustrated in this paper are deposited in the British Museum (Natural History), London. Additional paratypes of B. hiltermanni, B. praelaevigata, and B. side- strandensis will be deposited in the foraminiferal collections of the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. Acknowledgements. 1 would like to thank Dr. Tom Barnard for his help in many aspects of this study; Drs. H. Hiltermann and Z. Reiss for their helpful suggestions; Miss Anne Cameron, for the loan of material from the Joseph Wright Collection; Dr. N. H. Fisher, for sending type material from Edgell’s Collection; Dr. R. E. H. Reid, who furnished material from the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk and gave helpful information concerning Irish stratigraphy and the location of old foraminiferal collections in Northern Ireland; Dr. A. McGugan, who sent material from Northern Ireland; Mr. S. V. Bell for help in collecting the Norwich and Sidestrand localities; Dr. W. A. Berggren, who drew my attention to several important Russian studies; and also my wife Melza, for preparing the illustrations of fora- minifera used in this paper. STRATIGRAPHY The Upper Cretaceous Chalk forms many prominent outcrops in southern England and the excellently exposed sea cliff sections often represent continuous deposition from Cenomanian to Upper Campanian times. Chalk of Maestrichtian age is present only in a few small outcrops along the Norfolk coast (i.e. Trimingham, Sidestrand). Over much of southern England, Upper Campanian strata have been truncated by a Lower Tertiary unconformity. Samples used in the present study were collected from various localities in southern England, Northern Ireland and Eire. Stratigraphic sections were measured and collected at Culver Cliff, on the east coast of the Isle of Wight (see text-figs. 2, 3), and at Alum Bay, on the opposite side of the island. The stratigraphy of the Culver Cliff section has already been described (Barr 1962). Most of the sample localities had been previously dated by megafossils and placed in the classical zonation that has been used in England and parts of western continental Europe for over half a century (see text-fig. 1). One of the earliest successful attempts to zone the Upper Cretaceous rocks of the British Isles was made by Barrois (1876). He completed a comprehensive study of the Upper Cretaceous rocks of England and Ireland and showed that it was possible to recognize the same megafossil zones in the British Isles as were established in the Upper Cretaceous of France, and that these zones could be grouped into the Ceno- manian, Turonian and Senonian Stages proposed by d’Orbigny (1842, 1852). This zonation has since been modified and refined by Jukes-Browne (1904, 1912), Rowe (1908), Brydone (1914), Jeletzsky (1951), and others, but still forms the basis for the present megafossil zonation of the British Upper Cretaceous. Maestrichtian Stage. The Maestrichtian Stage was originally proposed by Dumont (1849). Its type is section located in the E.N.C.I. Quarry at St. Pietersburg on the 222 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 outskirts of Maastricht, Netherlands. In recent years the literature on the type section and correlation of the Maestrichtian Stage has been voluminous and sometimes contra- dictory. However, it is now generally accepted that the Maestrichtian Stage should be text-fig. 1. Chart showing megafossil zonation of the Upper Cretaceous strata of the British Isles. regarded as the uppermost Cretaceous stage, underlying the Danian Stage of Desor (1846), which is now regarded as lowermost Tertiary, and overlying either the Senonian Stage of d’Orbigny (1842, 1852) or the Campanian Stage of Coquand (1857). The Maestrichtian Stage can be subdivided on the basis of belemnites into four or more zones which can be recognized in its type area and over much of western Europe. F. T. BARR: FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOLIVINOIDES 223 The only chalk of Maestrichtian age found in England is in a few small outcrops exposed along the Norfolk coast, including some large erratic blocks. Jukes-Browne (1904) and Brydone (1906, 1908) published a series of papers on these exposures in which they recognized a different fauna from that found in the Norwich Chalk or the youngest chalk found along the south coast of England. They concluded that these outcrops represented the youngest known Upper Cretaceous strata found in England. Jukes-Browne (1904) proposed the Zone of Ostrea lunata to include the chalk at Trim- ingham. Jeletzsky (1951) made a study of the belemnites from the Trimingham and text-fig. 2. Location map of Culver Cliff on the east-central coast of the Isle of Wight showing position of samples. Zones after Rowe (1908). Norwich Chalk and concluded that the Trimingham Chalk was Lower Maestrichtian in age and should be assigned to the Belemnitella lanceolata (sa.) and Belemnitella lanceolata swnensis Zones (which are also recognized in the type area of the Maestrich- tian Stage), whereas the Norwich Chalk contained Belemnitella mucronata and was Upper Campanian. Jukes-Browne’s Zone of Ostrea lunata was found to be equivalent to the combined zones of B. lanceolata (s.s.) and B. lanceolata sumensis. Campanian Stage. Coquand (1857, 1858), in a study of the Cretaceous stratigraphy of the northern Aquitaine Basin, proposed the erection of three stages, the Campanian, Santonian and Coniacian, which are equivalent to the Senonian Stage of d’Orbigny. The type locality of the Campanian Stage is in south-west France near Aubeterre, while the type locality of the Senonian Stage is in the Paris Basin (d’Orbigny 1842, 1852). Through the years the Campanian, Santonian, and Coniacian have been regarded as substages of the Senonian; however, over the last one or two decades, there has been a tendency to use Coquand’s units as stages and to drop the broader term Senonian. Unfortunately, the type sections of these stages are not well known and the exact posi- tion of the boundaries between these stages is not always certain. This is partially 224 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 responsible for Coquand’s stages not being accepted in the Gulf Coast area of the U.S.A., where the local stage names Navarro, Taylor, and Austin are in use. The Campanian Stage is subdivided into two belemnite zones, the Belemnitella mucro- nata Zone and the Actinoeamcix quadratus Zone, which are regarded as equivalent to the if) y oc LU O < LU §_ = *0 (O CO LU 2 LITHOLOGY LU CO _J cc £ 5 INSCRIPTION LU if) h- C/) N£- 3 O X I- < 3 CO 2 1 r o c <3» CO k_ o 9 -C 10 z 3 £ — -C II Chalk, white thick-bedded; 165' r 3 o 100 - &> 12 common thin - i - — C 13 dark grey flint O C. nodule layers, — — C 17 spaced every bJ — C 21 3 200 — C22 < i i — C23 -C24 < TD O <£> 7 Q_ 3 cr 1- X73 <9 _ 9 E : l — C26 LU 2 o o o — O h- . 300 — C27 rr < E c o ® < m © in 9 - 10 \ r — C28 O O 9 — C29 0.1 9 «3» 400 t r ? 01 O i r U z o 9 < <«» m> CL — 500 i z m • Q_ o © k- «*- O Chalk; nodular, almost flintless; 3 h- 2 Cl 3 no ® 3 135' common marl seams. < ° « <3* • in 25 o OJ o OJ 04 o ro OJ o sj- CVJ O C26 b- cvl (_) CO CXI (_> a> OJ o B . laevigata o o B . decorate o B. praelaevigata o 0 © B. pustulata o o o O 8. hiltermanni m ° O I COMMON ® FEW O RARE text-fig. 4. Chart showing distribution of Bolivinoides in the Campanian chalk at Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight. strata. However, there is not complete agreement as to the phylogeny of all Bolivinoides lineages and it has been suggested (Hiltermann 1963) that subspecific differences may exist within some evolutionary lineages in different geographic provinces. The Upper Cretaceous Chalk of the British Isles provides an excellent opportunity to observe the development of some lineages of Bolivinoides and it is hoped that these observations will help clarify some of the phylogenetic relationships of this group. Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman) appears to be restricted to the Marsupites testudi- narius Zone (Lower or Middle Santonian) and possibly the basal part of the Offaster pilula Zone. It is the oldest species of Bolivinoides recognized in the British Isles or elsewhere in the world, and from this species evolved the various lineages that are so common higher in the Upper Cretaceous strata. B. strigillata (va.) is usually quite rare, but the many forms which rapidly evolved from this ancestral species became increas- ingly abundant and diversified later in the Upper Cretaceous. The genus Bolivinoides 226 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 reached its acme in the Maestrichtian and survived into the Danian, but with progres- sively fewer individuals. SANTONIAN CAMPANIAN MAESTRICHTIAN LOWER!?) or MIDI?) UPPER LOWER UPPER LOWER UPPER Marsupites testudl narius Of faster pilula Actinocamax quadratus Belemnitella mucronata Belemnitella lanceolata ( si) B . junior B. casi - mirovensls B draco B strigillata B hitter manni \ B . a us trot is B pustutata 8 gig ant ea B. praetoevigata B laevigata B peter ssoni text-fig. 5. Diagram showing the stratigraphic ranges and suggested phylogeny of various species of Bolivinoides. The most common lineage of Bolivinoides observed in the British Isles commences with B. strigillata and evolves through B. hiltermanni sp. nov., B. deeorata (Jones) to B. miliaris Hiltermann and Koch. The end member of this lineage, B. draco (Marsson), was not found, as the Upper Maestrichtian is not present in Britain, nor was the B. australis-B. gigantea offshoot observed. The B. strigillata-B. gigantea lineage shows several progressive changes in morphology: an increase in overall size; smaller length/ breadth ratios; and an increase in the number of ‘ornamental’ lobes on the final cham- bers. The evolution of B. deeorata to B. miliaris to B. draco produces a progressively more rhomboidal or kite-shaped test and the development of medial ribs. B. deeorata has often been regarded as evolving directly from B. strigillata (Hiltermann and Koch 1950; Vassilenko 1961; Hiltermann 1963). However, in the well-developed Lower Campanian section in southern England a transitional species, B. hiltermanni sp. nov., is found in considerable abundance. This species is intermediate in size and in strength of ornamentation between B. strigillata and B. deeorata. There is also an indication that B. hiltermanni is probably the ancestral species to the B. pustulata Reiss-5, praelaevigata sp. nov. -5. laevigata Marie-5, peterssoni Brotzen F. T. BARR: FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOLIVINOIDES 227 lineage. B. hiltermanni has a thicker, less compressed test than species of the B.pustulata - B. peter ssoni lineage; however, variants of this species found in the upper part of the Actinocamax quadratus Zone may represent an intermediate form between B. hiltermanni (5.5.) and B. pustulata, although the complete transition of forms was not observed. The B. pnstnlata-praelaevigata-laevigata-peterssoni lineage is charac- terized by a small compressed test with rather weakly developed ornamentation chiefly restricted to the medial part of the test. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Order foraminiferida Superfamily buliminacea Jones 1875 Family bolivinitidae Cushman 1927 Genus bolivinoides Cushman 1927 Type Species. Bolivinoides draco (Marsson). Description. Test completely biserial, gradually tapering to flaring, with greatest breadth usually near apertural end, and circular or elliptical in cross section. Proloculus globular, smooth. Chambers inflated, curved, uniformly and fairly rapidly increasing in size with greatest height and thickness near longitudinal axis. Sutures often obscure, slightly curved. Aperture a slit-like or loop-shaped opening near centre of apertural face, often bordered by weakly developed lip and with internal tooth plate structure. Ornamentation usually strongly developed, consisting of lobes and knobs running perpendicular to sutures. Internal wall surface also contains semi-conical bulges. Wall calcareous, finely perforate. Remarks. Numerous specimens of Bolivinoides were serially sectioned and their internal structure examined. The present study confirms many of Montanaro Gallitelli’s (1957, pp. 145, 146) observations. She examined the internal structure of acid treated specimens of Bolivinoides draco (Marsson) and observed that the internal surface of the test had a tuberculate sculpture. The internal surface of the tests of all species sectioned in the present study contained semi-conical bulges along the base of the chambers. In species such as B. draco with strongly developed, but fine external ornamentation, the internal circular bulges occupy most of the chamber walls in the earliest chambers and occupy somewhat less in the final chambers. In most of the other species, however, the internal bulges are restricted to about the lower quarter of the chamber surface. The maximum breadth of the bulge is along the lower suture. These internal knobs correspond to the depressed areas between lobes on the external surface. In fact, almost all of the external ‘ornamental’ lobes and knobs are reflected interiorly, producing a partially corrugated test wall (see text-figs. 7, 8). These observations do not agree exactly with those of Rey- ment (1959, p. 13) who stated that the tuberculated wall structure seen by Montanaro Gallitelli was derived from cameral overlaps. The external sculpture, and concomitantly the internal sculpture, of Bolivinoides therefore appears to represent structure more fundamental than the more usual surface ornamentation of many genera, which is some- times quite superficial. An internal bolivine tooth plate structure was observed in Bolivinoides , similar to that described by Hofker (1957) and Reyment (1959). 228 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman) Plate 34, figs. 8, 9; Plate 37, figs. 7-9 Bolivina strigillata Chapman 1892, p. 515, pi. 15, fig. 10. Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman); Hiltermann and Koch 1950, pp. 614-23, text-figs. 2 (1-19), 3 (1-9), 5 (10). Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman); Edgell 1954, pp. 70, 71, pi. 13, fig. 8; pi. 14, fig. 9. Bolivinoides strigillatus (Chapman); Bykova 1959, table 1, fig. 1. Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman); Vassilenko 1961, pp. 186-8, pi. 39, figs. la-c. Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman); Hiltermann 1963, pp. 209, 210, pi. 1, figs. 12-14, 16, 18, 19, 24. Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman); Barr and Cordey 1964, pp. 308, 309, pi. 49, figs. 1-3. Description. Test biserial, elongate, sides gradually tapering, subelliptical to oval in cross section; proloculus globular, followed by 6 to 8 pairs of indistinct, slightly inflated chambers uniformly and gradually increasing in size; sutures slightly oblique, indistinct, obscured by ornamentation; 2 or 3 weakly raised lobes on final chambers running per- pendicular to sutures, ornamentation on earliest chambers less distinct, sometimes surface of early part of test smooth; aperture a slit-like opening between lobes on final chamber; wall calcareous, finely perforate; length/breadth ratio 1-7 to 2-2; breadth/ thickness ratio 1-4 to 1-9; approximate average length of adult specimen 0-40 mm. Remarks. Bolivinoides strigillata is the most primitive species known of the genus Bolivinoides, and the only species found in strata as old as the Marsupites testudinarius Zone in the British Isles. It is one of the smallest species of Bolivinoides and appears to be the ancestral species of several of the most common and stratigraphically im- portant lineages of this genus (see text-fig. 5). Chapman (1892, p. 515) originally described B. strigillata from the phosphatic chalk at Taplow, Buckinghamshire. Barr and Cordey (1964, p. 308) collected additional material from Taplow and re-examined Chapman’s original specimens, which are deposited in the British Museum (Natural History). They redescribed B. strigillata and proposed a lectotype for this species from syntypic specimens in the Chapman Collec- tion (BM P44968). A single specimen referred to Bolivina strigillata Chapman by Williams-Mitchell EXPLANATION OF PLATE 34 All illustrations unretouched photographs. Fig. 1. Bolivinoides australis Edgell. X 1 18. Topotype. C. Y. Creek, near Cardabia, on the west flank of Giralia Anticline, north-west Australia; Edgell’s (1954) locality GC/304. Figs. 2-6, 12. Bolivinoides decorata (Jones). X 1 18. Showing variation in test shape and ornamentation. Upper Campanian, Belemnitella mucronata Zone. 2, Meudon, Paris Basin; BM P45711. 3-5, 12, Alum Bay, Isle of Wight, Sample A2, 405 ft. above base of B. mucronata Zone. 3, BM P45712; 4, BM P45713; 5, BM P45714; 12, BM P45716. 6, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight, Sample CIO; BM P45715. Fig. 7. Bolivinoides laevigata Marie. X 118. Upper Campanian, Belemnitella mucronata Zone, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight; Sample CIO, BM P45740. Figs. 8, 9. Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman). X 140. Topotypes. Santonian, Marsupites testudinarius Zone, Phosphatic Chalk, Taplow, Buckinghamshire. 8, BM P45730; 9, BM P45731. Figs. 10, 11. Bolivinoides sidestrandensis sp. nov. X 118. Lower Maestrichtian, Belemnitella lanceolata Zone, Sidestrand, Norfolk. 10, Paratype, BM P45745; 11, Holotype, BM P45743. *x Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 34 BARR, Upper Cretaceous Bolivinoides F. T. BARR: FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOL1VINOIDES 229 (1948, p. 106, pi. 9, fig. 3) is located in the British Museum (Natural History). Barr and Cordey (1964, p. 308) examined the Williams-Mitchell collection and found this speci- men to be clearly conspecific with Bolivinoides decorata (Jones). Williams-Mitchell (op. cit., pi. 10) lists the stratigraphical range of ‘ Bolivina strigdlata ’ (the only species in his paper referable to the genus Bolivinoides ) as Marsupites testudinarius Zone to the top of the Belemnitella mucronata Zone in the Upper Cretaceous strata of England. This range undoubtedly represents the combined stratigraphical occurrence of several species of Bolivinoides. Occurrence. The type locality of Bolivinoides strigdlata is a small chalk pit, Lodge Pit, on the outskirts of Taplow, Buckinghamshire. Chapman obtained his specimens from about the middle of the phosphatic band in this pit. Osborne White and Treacher (1905) placed this part of the section in the M. testudinarius Zone (Santonian). B. strigdlata appears to be restricted to the M. testudinarius Zone in England, but may possibly occur also in the Offaster pilula Zone. Edgell (1954, pp. 70, 71) recorded B. strigdlata from the Santonian of north-western Australia. Vassilenko (1961, p. 188, 297) reported this species from the Santonian and basal Campanian of the Soviet Union. Hiltermann (1963, p. 205) and Hiltermann and Koch (1960, p. 71) listed the strati- graphic range of B. strigdlata in north-western Europe as Upper Santonian to Lower Campanian. This range does not agree exactly with the range observed by me for this species in England. The apparent difference in range for this species between Germany and England may be due to the following reasons: 1. The M. testudinarius Zone is usually considered by British stratigraphers as Lower Santonian (Barnard and Banner 1953; Curry 1962), whereas many continental strati- graphers (Gignoux 1955, p. 392) place this zone in the Middle or Upper Santonian and regard the underlying Micraster cor-anguinum Zone as the Lower Santonian. 2. Many specimens which were once grouped with B. strigdlata , or considered to be transition forms between B. strigdlata and B. decorata , are now placed in the newly erected species B. hiltermanni. Probably most of the specimens referred to B. strigdlata from the Lower Campanian ( Actinocaniax cpiadratus Zone) should now be considered as B. hiltermanni. Bolivinoides hiltermanni sp. nov. Plate 36, figs. 7, 8; Plate 37, figs. 1-3 Bolivinoides decorata (Jones) cf. delicatula Cushman; Edgell 1954, p. 71, pi. 13, fig. 7; pi. 14, fig. 7. Bolivinoides sp. [transition form between B. strigdlata (Chapman) and B. decorata (Jones)]; Hiltermann 1963, p. 209, pi. 1, figs. 2, 3, 7-9. Description. Test completely biserial, elongate, tapering, greatest breadth and thickness near apertural end, initial end acutely rounded, apertural end more broadly rounded, elliptical in cross section; proloculus globular, succeeded by 7 to 8 pairs of tapering chambers uniformly and fairly rapidly increasing in size; sutures oblique, slightly curved, partially obscured by ornamentation; aperture a slit-like or loop-shaped opening located near centre of apertural face, sometimes bordered by weakly raised indistinct 230 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 lip, and with internal bolivine tooth plate structure; 2 to 4, usually 3 distinct lobes on final 2 or 3 pairs of chambers running perpendicular to sutures, less distinct lobes and knobs present on earlier chambers and usually surface of earliest 1 to 3 pairs of chambers BREADTH / THICKNESS text-fig. 6. Diagrams showing comparison of length/breadth and breadth/thickness ratios of 100 specimens of Bolivinoides decomta (Jones) and 100 specimens of B. hiltermanni sp. nov. All specimens of B. deco rata are from sample CIO, Belemnitella mucronata Zone, Culver Cliff. All specimens of B. hiltermanni are from sample C29, Actinocamax quadratus Zone, Culver Cliff. smooth; internal surface of chamber walls contains semi-conical knobs along top of suture, corresponding to depressed areas between lobes on external surface ; proloculus smooth; wall very finely perforate; length/breadth ratio 1-7 to 2-5, most commonly EXPLANATION OF PLATE 35 All illustrations shaded camera lucida drawings, a = side view; b = terminal view. Figs. 1-3. Bolivinoides australis Edgell. x90. Topotypes. C. Y. Creek, near Cardabia, on the west flank of Giralia Anticline, north-west Australia; Edgell's (1954) locality GC/304. Figs. 4, 5. Bolivinoides miliaris Fliltermann and Koch, x 95. Ballycastle Pellet Chalk, west side Bally- castle Harbour, Northern Ireland. 4, BM P45722; 5, BM P45723. Figs. 6-9. Bolivinoides decorata (Jones). X 95. Upper Campanian, Belemnitella mucronata Zone. 6, 7, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight, Sample CIO; BM P45718, P45719. 8, Leicester Lime Co. Quarry, Drayton, Norfolk; BM P45717. 9, Alum Bay, Isle of Wight, 405 ft. above base of B. mucronata Zone, Sample A2; BM P45720. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 35 BARR, Upper Cretaceous Bolivinoides F. T. BARR: FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOLIV1NOIDES 231 1-9 to 2-3; breadth/thickness ratio 1-7 to 2-2; approximate average length of adult specimen 0-50 mm. Dimensions of holotype (BM P45724). Length 0-55 mm.; maximum breadth 0-25 mm.; maximum thickness 0-14 mm. Remarks. B. hiltermanni represents the transition form between B. strigil/ata (Chapman) and B. decorata (Jones). Nevertheless, B. hiltermanni is quite distinct from both of these species; its lower boundary with B. strigil/ata and its upper boundary with B. decorata are usually sharply defined, and the transition between species takes place over a rela- tively short stratigraphic interval. B. hiltermanni is distinguished from B. strigil/ata by its: (1) larger size; (2) more elliptical cross section; (3) more rapidly tapering test; (4) more broadly rounded apertural end; and (5) usually having more ornamental lobes on its final chambers. B. hiltermanni differs from B. decorata by its: (1) smaller size; (2) less flaring test; (3) larger length/breadth ratio (usually 1-9 to 2-3 compared with 1-5 to 1-8 most usual for B. decorata, see text-fig. 6); (4) less distinct ornamentation, especially on the early part of the test; and (5) fewer ornamental lobes on the final chambers (most often 3 compared with the usual 4 or 5 for B. decorata). B. hiltermanni is also closely related to B. pustulata Reiss, but is usually larger and has a more elliptical, less compressed end view. Furthermore, the ornamentation of B. pustulata is not as strongly developed and tends to be restricted to the medial part of the test. In the upper part of the Actinocamax quadratus Zone (upper part of the Lower Campanian) variants of B. hiltermanni become quite similar to Reiss’s species. It is suggested that B. hiltermanni gave rise to B. pustulata during the middle part of the A. quadratus Zone. B. hiltermanni continued until the base of the B. mucronata Zone, at which time it gave rise to B. decorata , whereas B. pustulata gave rise to the B. prae- laevigata-laevigata lineage near the beginning of the Upper Campanian. B. hiltermanni is named in honour of Dr. Heinrich Hiltermann of Hannover, in recognition of his work on the genus Bolivinoides. Occurrence. B. hiltermanni occurs in abundance throughout the A . quadratus Zone and more rarely in the O. pilula Zone in southern England. Although this species is found in abundance in the uppermost A. quadratus Zone, it does not survive into the B. mucronata Zone. The A. quadratus Zone-5, mucronata Zone (Lower Campanian-Upper Cam- panian) contact in southern England can be located with some accuracy at the strati- graphic position where B. hiltermanni is replaced by B. decorata ( s.s .). Bolivinoides decorata (Jones) Plate 34, figs. 2-6, 12; Plate 35, figs. 6-9; Plate 36, figs. 1-5 Bolivina decorata Jones (in Wright 1875), pp. 87, 96, 97 (list only). Bolivina decorata Jones (in Wright 1886), p. 330, pi. 27, figs. 7, 8. Bolivina decorata Jones; Heron-Alien and Earland 1910, pi. 7, figs. 1, 2. Bolivina decorata Jones; Macfadyen 1932, pi. 35, fig. 20. Bolivinoides decorata (Jones); Dain 1934, pp. 33, 34, pi. 3, fig. 34. Bolivinoides decorata (Jones); Marie 1941, p. 188, pi. 29, fig. 279. Bolivina strigil/ata Chapman (partim); Williams-Mitchell 1948, p. 106, pi. 9, figs. 3 a, b. Bolivinoides decorata decorata (Jones); Hiltermann and Koch 1950, pp. 606-10, text-figs. 2-4, nos. 17-25, 27-31, 35-38, 42^45. C 3803 R 232 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 BoJivinoides decorata decorata (Jones); Hagn 1953, p. 74, pi. 6, fig. 22. Bolivinoides decorata decorata (Jones); Reiss 1954, p. 155, pi. 28, figs. 5-8. Bolivinoides decorata decorata (Jones); Hiltermann and Koch 1955, p. 365, pi. 28, fig. 4. Bolivinoides decoratus decoratus (Jones); McGugan 1957, p. 339, pi. 32, figs. 10-13, 15 ( non fig. 14). Bolivinoides decorata decorata (Jones); Bieda 1958, pp. 32, 33, text-figs. 6 o-c. Bolivinoides regidaris Reiss; Bieda 1958, pp. 36-38, text-figs. 9 a-c. Bolivinoides decorata decorata (Jones); Witwicka 1958, pp. 198, 199, pi. 9, figs. 9a, b. Bolivinoides decoratus decorata (Jones); Bykova 1959, table 1, fig. 2. Bolivinoides decoratus (Jones); Akimets 1961, pp. 188, 189, pi. 18, figs. 17, 18. Bolivinoides decoratus decorata (Jones); Vassilenko 1961, pp. 189-90, pi. 39, figs. 8-10. Bolivinoides decoratus decoratus (Jones); Hiltermann and Koch 1962, p. 315, table 19, pi. 46, fig. 7. Bolivinoides decoratus (Jones); Kaptarenko-Chernousova et al. 1963, p. Ill, pi. 25, fig. 4. Description. Test biserial, pear-shaped in outline, elliptical in cross section; proloculus globular, succeeded by 8 to 9 pairs of slightly inflated, tapering chambers uniformly and rapidly increasing in size; sutures oblique, slightly curved, mostly obscured by orna- mentation; aperture a slit-like or loop-shaped opening located near centre of apertural face, sometimes bordered by slightly raised lip and with internal tooth plate structure; 3 to 6 thick distinct lobes on final chamber running perpendicular to sutures, lobes on inner portion of chambers slightly thicker and more distinct than outer lobes, sometimes giving suggestion of 2 weakly defined medial ribs, ornamentation on earliest 1 to 3 pairs of chambers less distinct consisting of weakly raised lobes or knobs, often surface of earliest chambers smooth; proloculus smooth; wall calcareous, finely perforate; length/breadth ratio 1-4 to 2-2, most commonly T5 to T8; breadth/thickness ratio T4 to 2-0, most commonly 1-6 to T9; approximate average length of adult specimen 0-58 mm. Dimensions of lectotype. Length 053 mm.; maximum breadth 0-34 mm. ; maximum thickness 01 7 mm. Remarks. In a short paper on some Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera collected from the chalk at Keady Hill, County Derry, Northern Ireland, Wright (1886, p. 330, pi. 27, figs. 7, 8) published the original description and illustrations of Bolivina decorata. How- ever, this name had been used previously by T. Rupert Jones in unpublished work, and therefore Wright credited Jones with authorship of Bolivina decorata, even though this species was originally described in Wright’s paper from material collected by Wright. In Wright’s collection of Foraminifera located in the museum of the Zoology Depart- ment, The Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, there is a small circular pillbox. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 36 All illustrations shaded camera lucida drawings, a = side view; b = terminal view. Figs. 1-3, 5. Bolivinoides decorata (Jones). X 100. Syntypic specimens from Joseph Wright Collection. 1, Lectotype. 3, 5, Specimens with badly worn surface. Upper Campanian, Belemnitella mucronata Zone, Keady Hill, County Derry, Northern Ireland. Fig. 4. Bolivinoides decorata (Jones). X 90. Upper Campanian, B. mucronata Zone, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight, Sample CIO; BM P45721. Figs. 6, 9. Bolivinoides sidestrandensis sp. nov. X 95. Paratypes. Lower Maestrichtian, Belemnitella lanceolata Zone, Sidestrand, Norfolk. 6, BM P45744; 9, BM P45746. Figs. 7, 8. Bolivinoides hiltermanni sp. nov. X 95. Paratypes. Lower Campanian, Actinocamax quadratus Zone, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight. 7, Sample C28, BM P45727; 8, Sample C29, BM P45726. Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 36 BARR, Upper Cretaceous Bolivinoides F. T. BARR: FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOLIVINOIDES 233 with celluloid cover, containing nine specimens of Bolivinoides, and is labelled as follows: Bolivina decorata, Chalk powder, Keady Hill, Co. Derry 109. No other specimens of Bolivinoides decorata have been found which might be regarded as primary type material for this species. These specimens from the Wright Collection are probably those originally described as Bolivina decorata Jones and are here regarded as syntypes. Six of these specimens are broken or badly damaged and the remaining three specimens are worn to varying degrees. Nevertheless, several of these specimens are well enough preserved to show the morphology necessary in understanding the species. A single specimen which appears to be very similar to Wright’s original illustra- tion has been isolated from the syntypic series and is designated the lectotype of Bolivina decorata (here figured PI. 36, figs. 1 a, b ). Three other specimens from this syntypic series are also illustrated (PI. 36, figs. 2, 3, 5). Edgell (1954, pp. 71, 72) described a new subspecies of Bolivinoides from Australia which he named B. decorata (Jones) australis. It is distinguished from B. decorata ( s.s .) by: (1) having a smaller length/breadth ratio; (2) having more ornamental lobes on the final chambers (5-7 on the final chamber compared with 3-6 for B. decorata s.s.); (3) possibly being more commonly orna- mented near its initial end; and (4) sometimes having a more rhomboidal outline. Ten topotypic specimens of B. decorata australis from C. Y. Creek, west flank of Giralia Anticline, north-west Australia, have been kindly loaned to me for examination by N. H. Fischer, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, Australia. Four of these specimens are here illustrated for comparison with B. decorata s.s. (PI. 34, fig. 1 ; PI. 35, figs. 1-3). These specimens show B. decorata australis to be quite distinct from B. decorata s.s. and to be closer morphologically to B. gigantea Hiltermann and Koch. Possibly B. australis might best be considered a subspecies of B. gigantea or even synonymous with this species. Nevertheless, although it may be difficult to consistently distinguish B. decorata australis from B. gigantea, it appears to represent a transitional form between B. decorata and B. gigantea. The evolution of B. decorata to B. australis takes place in Western Europe and North Africa in the earliest Maestrichtian(at the beginning of the Belenmitella lanceolata Zone). Specimens of B. decorata become increasingly similar to B. australis in latest Campanian times. The type specimens of B. decorata from Keady Hill are probably from the upper part of the B. mucronata Zone and, consequently, two or three of the specimens of B. decorata from the Wright Collection represent rather advanced forms of this species. Specimens referred to Bolivina decorata Jones by Heron-Alien and Earland (1910, p. 409, pi. 7, figs. 1, 2) are located in the British Museum (Natural History). These specimens have been re-examined and were found to be clearly conspecific with the type for Bolivinoides decorata. These specimens are from chalk meal from the interior of a cavernous flint nodule found on the beach at Selsey Bill, Sussex. The presence of B. decorata in the fauna from this flint nodule would strongly suggest that the nodule was originally from the B. mucronata Zone. text-fig. 7. Terminal view of small specimen of Bolivinoides decorata (Jones) with final cham- ber mostly broken away exposing corrugated nature of lower part of chamber wall. This view shows that the external ‘ornamental’ lobes are formed by folds in the chamber wall rather than by a thickening of the test wall. 234 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Occurrence. B. decorata occurs in abundance throughout the B. mucronata Zone in southern England and appears to be restricted to this zone. The type locality for B. decorata is at Keady Hill, County Derry, Northern Ireland, which is probably in the upper part of the B. mucronata Zone. Wright (1875, pp. 96, 97) also recorded this species from a number of other Upper Cretaceous localities in Northern Ireland. McGugan (1957, p. 339, pi. 32, figs. 10-15) recorded B. decorata from the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk of Northern Ireland. R. E. H. Reid, Queen’s University, Belfast, has kindly sent me material from the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk from the main exposure on the west side of Ballycastle Harbour. This material contained a number of specimens of B. decorata along with rarer specimens of B. sidestrandensis sp. nov. and B. miliaris Hiltermann and Koch. All specimens of Bolivinoides from this material were worn to varying degrees. The benthonic fauna contained a mixture of Campanian and Maestrich- tian species and represents largely, if not entirely, a derived fauna. McGugan (op. cit., p. 33) stated that the character of the exposures of the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk suggested deposition of this formation in some kind of channel in the top of the underlying Upper Cretaceous Chalk. R. E. H. Reid informs me that the principal exposure of the Bally- castle Pellet Chalk contains blocks of Tertiary basalt. It appears that the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk was derived by Tertiary erosion of an Upper Cretaceous surface (cf. Charlesworth 1963, p. 369) and the specimens of Bolivinoides found in this formation have also been derived from this nearby Upper Cretaceous Chalk. I have found B. decorata in the newly discovered Ballydeenlea Chalk of County Kerry, Ireland (Walsh 1960). The presence of this species along with the rest of the fauna indicates that the Ballydeenlea Chalk is Campanian in age, not Middle Chalk (Turonian), as had previously been suggested (Walsh 1960, p. 113). A description of the foraminiferal fauna from this formation will soon be published. Marie (1941, p. 188) recorded B. decorata from the B. mucronata Zone of the Paris Basin. I have also found abundant specimens of B. decorata in the upper B. mucronata Zone at Meudon, on the outskirts of Paris. These specimens are 10 to 15 per cent larger than the average from England, but are very similar in all other characteristics. I have found specimens of B. decorata in an advanced stage of development in material from R. K. Olsson’s (1964, p. 160) locality NJK 134 in the Marshalltown Formation of New Jersey. Olsson (op. cit., p. 163) recorded Globotruncana calcarata Cushman, usually regarded as a reliable index fossil to the Upper Campanian, from this same locality. Bolivinoides miliaris Hiltermann and Koch Plate 35, figs. 4, 5 Bolivinoides draco (Marsson) miliaris Hiltermann and Koch 1950, pp. 604-6, text-figs. 2-4, nos. 32-34 (?), 39-41, 46-48; text-fig. 5, nos. 39 a-c. Bolivinoides draco miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; Reiss 1954, p. 155, pi. 28, figs. 9-12, 14. Bolivinoides draco miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; Pozaryska 1954, p. 254, text-fig. 4. Bolivinoides miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; Hofker 1957, p. 267, text-fig. 3226. Bolivinoides draco miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; Bieda 1958, pp. 44, 45, figs. 14 a-c. Bolivinoides draco miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; Hiltermann and Koch 1960, p. 72. Bolivinoides miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; Vassilenko 1961, pp. 200, 201, pi. 40, figs. 4 a-c, pi. 41 , figs. 1 a-c. Bolivinoides draco miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; Hiltermann and Koch 1962, p. 317, table 19, pi. 46, fig. 9. F. T. BARR: FORA MINI FERAL GENUS BOLIVINOIDES 235 Bolivinoides draco miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; Hiltermann 1963, p. 222, pi. 4, figs. 21-23. Bolivinoides draco miliaris Hiltermann and Koch; van Hinte 1963, pp. 106, 107, pi. 13, figs. 7, 8. Remarks. B. miliaris is morphologically similar to B. decorata (Jones) in many respects and appears to have been derived from the latter during the late B. mucronata Zone (uppermost Campanian). B. miliaris can be distinguished from B. decorata by having a smaller length/breadth ratio. Its lateral outline is more rhomboidal than the more elongate, pear-shaped outline of B. decorata ; the maximum breadth of B. miliaris is nearer the mid point of test, whereas the maximum breadth of B. decorata is closer to the apertural end. The ornamentation on B. miliaris is usually less regular than that of B. decorata and often, on the earliest 30 to 50 per cent of the test, the ornamentation consists of small knobs. The earliest 1 to 3 pairs of chambers of B. decorata are ornamented by less distinct lobes or knobs, or more often, these early chambers have a smooth surface. B. miliaris differs from B. australis Edgell by having fewer orna- mental lobes on its final chambers. B. miliaris usually has 4 and sometimes 5, whereas B. australis has 5 to 7 on its latest chambers. B. miliaris has a smaller size and usually has a more rhomboidal outline, although variants of B. australis sometimes possess a similar rhom- boidal outline. B. miliaris gave rise to B. draco ( Marsson) during the upper part of the Lower Maestrichtian. The earliest 50 to 60 per cent of the test of B. draco is more flaring than that of B. miliaris , which has a less angular outline. B. draco also has two very distinctive, well-developed, parallel medial ribs, which are produced by the fusing of the inner ‘ornamental’ lobes. Hiltermann and Koch (1960, p. 73) listed the stratigraphic range of B. draco in north-west Europe as the upper part of the Lower Maestrichtian to the top of the Maestrichtian. I have observed the same range for this species in western Europe and North Africa; however, I have not found B. draco in the British Isles. McGugan (1957, pi. 32, fig. 17) illustrated a specimen from the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk of Northern Ireland which he referred to B. draco draco Hiltermann and Koch. It is poorly preserved and there is some doubt as to whether this specimen should be considered B. draco (s.s). Curry (1962, p. 180) also recorded a single specimen which he referred to Bolivinoides cf. draco from a submarine core from the English Channel. Occurrence. Rare specimens of B. miliaris were found in the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk along the west side of Ballycastle Harbour, Northern Ireland. Curry (1962, p. 182, 184) recorded B. miliaris from two submarine cores which were obtained from an area in the English Channel halfway between the Isle of Wight and Cherbourg. The Upper Cretaceous fauna of the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk, which consists of a mixture of late Cam- panian and early Maestrichtian foraminifera, appears to be a derived fauna (see remarks under B. decorata ) and therefore the age of these specimens is not precisely known. The holotype of B. miliaris is from a bore hole near Niemburg, north-west Germany, and is from the B. mucronata Zone. Hiltermann (1963, p. 205) and Hiltermann and Koch (1960, p. 72) listed the range of B. miliaris in north-west Europe as uppermost Cam- panian and Lower Maestrichtian. text-fig. 8. Bisected specimen of Bolivi- noides draco (Mars- son) showing tooth plate structure and internalsemi-conical bulges along base of chambers, corre- sponding to depres- sed areas between lobes on external surface. 236 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Bolivinoides pustulata Reiss Plate 37, figs. 4 a, b Bolivinoides pustulata Reiss 1954, p. 156, pi. 29, figs. 9, 10. Bolivinoides granulata Hofker 1957, pp. 250, 251, text-figs. 303, 310. Bolivinoides pustulata Reiss; Hiltermann 1963, p. 214, pi. 2, fig. 17. Bolivinoides granulata Hofker; Hiltermann 1963, p. 213, pi. 2, figs. 5, 11, 12. Remarks. Topotypic specimens of B. pustulata have been compared with specimens from southern England and they appear to be conspecific. B. pustulata is closely related to B. hiltermanni (see p. 231) and it is suggested that the latter is the ancestral species. It has a much greater stratigraphic range than B. pustulata , which is restricted to the upper part of the A. quadratus Zone. B. pustulata appears to be the direct ancestor of B. praelaevigata sp. nov., which is distinguished from it by its smaller, more compressed, more gradually tapering test. The ornamentation of B. praelaevigata is also more weakly developed and even more restricted to the medial portion of the test than that of B. pustulata. B. pustulata is morphologically very similar to B. granulata Hofker and the latter is tentatively regarded as a junior synonym of B. pustulata. Unfortunately, however, the original illustrations given by Hofker (1957, text-figs. 303-10) do not allow a very exact comparison of all features and I have been unable to examine type material of B. granulata. Final judgement on this point must be withheld until type material can be studied. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 37 All illustrations shaded camera lucida drawings, X 140. a = side view; b = terminal view. Figs. 1-3. Bolivinoides hiltermanni sp. nov. Lower Campanian, Actinocamax quadratus Zone, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight. 1, Holotype, Sample C29, BM P45724. 2, Paratype, Sample C24. 3, Paratype, Sample C29, BM P45725. Fig. 4. Bolivinoides pustulata Reiss. Lower Campanian, A. quadratus Zone, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight; Sample 23, BM P45741. Fig. 5. Bolivinoides aff. B. hiltermanni sp. nov. Transitional form between B. pustulata and B. hilter- manni. Lower Campanian, A. quadratus Zone, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight ; Sample C23, BM P45728. Fig. 6. Bolivinoides sidestrandensis sp. nov. Paratype, BM P45745. Lower Maestrichtian, Belemnitella lanceolata Zone, Sidestrand, Norfolk. Figs. 7-9. Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman). Topotypes. Santonian, M. testudinarius Zone, Phos- phatic Chalk, Taplow, Buckinghamshire. Specimens 7 and 8 are also illustrated by unretouched photographs on Plate 34. 7, BM P45729; 8, BM P45730; 9, BM P45731. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 38 All illustrations shaded camera lucida drawings, X 140. a = side view; b — terminal view. Figs. 1-5. Bolivinoides laevigata Marie. Series of specimens showing variation in test shape and ornamentation. 1, 5, Lower Maestrichtian, B. lanceolata Zone, Sidestrand, Norfolk. 2-4, Upper Campanian, B. mucronata Zone, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight, Sample CIO. 1, BM P45735; 2, BM P45736; 3, BM P45737; 4, BM P45738; 5, BM P45739. Fig. 6. Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen. Final chamber broken. Lower Maestrichtian, B. lanceolata Zone, Sidestrand, Norfolk; BM P45742. Figs. 7-9. Bolivinoides praelaevigata sp. nov. Lower part of Upper Campanian, B. mucronata Zone, Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight. 7, Holotype, Sample C13, BM P45732; 8, Paratype, Sample C13, BM P45734; 9, Paratype, Sample Cl 8, BM P45733. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 37 BARR, Upper Cretaceous Bolivinoides Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 38 BARR, Upper Cretaceous Bolivinoides F. T. BARR: FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOLIVINOIDES 237 Occurrence. B. pustulata is restricted to the upper part of the A. quadratus Zone (upper part of the Lower Campanian). Reiss (1954, text-fig. 1) listed an identical range for this species. Bolivinoides praelaevigata sp. nov. Plate 38, figs. 7-9 Description. Test biserial, elongate, very gradually tapering, greatest breadth near aper- tural end, flatly elliptical in cross section; proloculus smooth, globular, succeeded by 7 or 8 pairs of slightly inflated, tapering chambers, uniformly and fairly rapidly increasing in size; sutures oblique, slightly curved, apparent in peripheral portion of test, obscured by ornamentation in medial area; aperture a slit-like or small loop-shaped opening located near centre of apertural face, bordered by weakly raised lip and with internal tooth plate structure; 2 or 3 weakly raised lobes on final chambers running perpen- dicular to sutures, ornamentation on earlier chambers less distinct consisting of 1 or 2 weakly raised lobes; lobes on inner portion of chambers slightly thicker and more apparent than outer lobes, sometimes giving appearance of 2 very weakly defined medial ribs; wall calcareous, finely perforate; length/breadth ratio T9 to 2-5, most commonly 2-0 to 2-3; breadth/thickness ratio 2-0 to 2-6; approximate average length of adult specimen 0-35 mm. Dimensions of holotype (BM P45732). Length 0-36 mm.; breadth 0-17 mm.; thickness 0 07 mm. Remarks. B. praelaevigata is the direct ancestral species of B. laevigata Marie. It occurs in the lower B. mucronata Zone and gives rise to B. laevigata in about the middle part of this zone. No specimens of B. laevigata were found in the basal B. mucronata Zone although B. praelaevigata was common. In the middle part of this zone, however, a complete gradation was observed between B. praelaevigata and B. laevigata. The length/breadth ratio of B. praelaevigata is most commonly 2-0 to 2-3, whereas that of B. laevigata is usually T8 to 2-0. Furthermore, the test of B. praelaevigata has a smaller breadth, is more compressed and often slightly smaller. The ornamentation of both species, however, is quite similar. Occurrence. B. praelaevigata is restricted to the lower part of the B. mucronata Zone and appears to be a useful index fossil for this part of the Campanian. B. laevigata, on the other hand, has a much greater stratigraphic range, extending into the Maestrich- tian. Bolivinoides laevigata Marie Plate, 34, fig. 7; Plate 38, figs. 1-5 Bolivinoides decorata (Jones) laevigata Marie 1941, p. 189, pi. 29, fig. 281. Bolivinoides decorata laevigata Marie; Hiltermann 1952, p. 63, text-figs. 4, 5. Bolivinoides praecursor Reiss 1954, pp. 156, 157, pi. 30, figs. 4-8. Bolivinoides sp., Reiss 1954, p. 157, pi. 29, fig. 11. Bolivinoides laevigata Marie; Hiltermann and Koch 1955, pp. 367, 368, pi. 27, figs. 13-15. Bolivinoides praecursor Reiss; Bieda 1958, pp. 41, 42, text-fig. 12. Bolivinoides laevigata Marie; Hiltermann and Koch 1960, p. 72, table 3. Bolivinoides laevigatus Marie, Hiltermann and Koch 1962, p. 316, table 19, pi. 51, fig. 10. Bolivinoides laevigatus Marie; Hiltermann 1963, p. 213, pi. 2, figs. 6-10. 238 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Description. Test biserial, gradually tapering, flatly elliptical cross section; proloculus smooth, globular, succeeded by 7 to 9 pairs of slightly inflated, tapering chambers uniformly and rapidly increasing in size; sutures oblique, slightly curved, apparent in peripheral portion of test, obscured by ornamentation in medial area; aperture a slit- like or small loop-shaped opening located near centre of apertural face bordered by weakly raised lip and with internal tooth plate structure; 2 to 4 weakly raised lobes present on final chambers near medial position of test, 1 or 2 lobes present on earlier chambers near medial part of test, lobes become progressively weaker toward periphery; wall calcareous, finely perforate; length/breadth ratio 1-5 to 2T, most commonly 1-8 to 2-0; breadth/thickness ratio 1-8 to 2-4; approximate average length of adult specimen 0-40 mm. Remarks. B. laevigata was originally described as a subspecies of B. decorata (Jones) (Marie 1941, p. 189). These species are quite distinct, however, and are not directly related. I agree with Reiss (1954, p. 157) and subsequent authors who have regarded these forms as separate species. B. laevigata is smaller, more compressed, and has much more weakly developed ornamentation than B. decorata. Reiss (loc. cit.) did not recognize B. laevigata in the Middle East, but described a form which he believed closely related to this species and which he named B. praecursor. This species has a similar length/breadth ratio to that of B. laevigata, and the stratigraphic ranges of these two forms are identical. However, Reiss considered them distinct because of ornamental differences. Unfortunately, when Marie (1941, p. 189) originally described B. laevigata he illustrated only a single specimen and did not show or describe the variation in ornamentation for this species. After examination of numerous specimens of B. laevigata from the B. mucronata Zone of the Paris Basin and southern England, I believe that B. praecursor falls within the range of variation of B. laevigata and should be regarded as a junior synonym of that species. B. laevigata is the direct ancestor of B. peterssoni Brotzen, giving rise to the latter during the early part of the Maestrichtian. Consequently, these species are very similar morphologically and are often difficult to distinguish consistently. B. peterssoni has more distinct sutures, shorter and sometimes fewer ‘ornamental’ lobes and is often less compressed than B. laevigata. Occurrence. B. laevigata occurs in the B. mucronata Zone (Upper Campanian) of southern England and in the Lower Maestrichtian chalk at Sidestrand, Norfolk. This species was originally described from the B. mucronata Zone of the Paris Basin. Hilter- mann and Koch (1960, p. 72) and Hiltermann (1963, p. 205) recorded the range of B. laevigata in north-west Europe as Upper Campanian and Lower Maestrichtian. Reiss (1954, p. 160) recorded a similar range for B. praecursor. Bolivinoides peterssoni Plate 38, fig. 6 Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen 1945, p. 49, pi. 1, fig. 10. Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen; Pozaryska 1954, p. 256, text-fig. 8. Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen; Reiss 1954, p. 157, pi. 30, figs. 12-14. Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen; Hiltermann and Koch 1955, pp. 366, 367, pi. 28, figs. 7, 8. Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen; Hiltermann and Koch 1960, p. 72, chart 3. F. T. BARR: FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOL1VINOIDES 239 Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen; Vassilenko 1961, pp. 198, 199, pi. 40, figs. 8o, b. Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen; Hiltermann and Koch 1962, p. 317, pi. 50, fig. 16. Bolivinoides peterssoni Brotzen; Hiltermann 1963, p. 213, pi. 2, figs. 1-3. Occurrence. A few specimens of B. peterssoni were found in the Lower Maestrichtian chalk at Sidestrand, Norfolk. Numerous specimens of this species were also found in the Upper Maestrichtian chalk at Stevns Klint, Denmark. This species ranges through- out almost the entire Maestrichtian, but appears to be most abundant in the upper part of this stage. The type specimens of B. peterssoni were originally described by Brotzen (1945, p. 49) from Upper Maestrichtian strata penetrated by a bore hole at Hollviken, Scania, Sweden. Bolivinoides sidestrandensis sp. nov. Plate 34, figs. 10, 1 1 ; Plate 36, figs. 6, 9; Plate 37, fig. 6 Bolivinoides decora ta delicatula Cushman; Hiltermann and Koch 1950 (non Cushman 1927), p. 612, fig. 5, nos. 65-67. Bolivinoides decorata delicatula Cushman; Hiltermann 1952, pp. 61, 63, text-figs. 4, 5. Bolivinoides decorata delicatula Cushman; Pozaryska 1954, pp. 255, 256, text-fig. 7. Bolivinoides decorata delicatula Cushman; Witwicka 1958, p. 199, pi. 9, figs. 10o, b. Bolivinoides delicatula Cushman; Bieda 1958, pp. 38, 39, text-figs. 10 a-c. Bolivinoides decorata delicatula Cushman; Hiltermann 1960, p. 72, table 3. Bolivinoides delicatulus Cushman; Vassilenko 1961, pp. 193-5, pi. 40, figs, la, b. Bolivinoides decoratus delicatulus Cushman; Hiltermann and Koch 1962, p. 315, table 19, pi. 47, fig. 5. Bolivinoides delicatulus regularis Reiss; Hiltermann 1963 (non Reiss 1954), p. 205, pi. 3, figs. 7, 11, 12. Description. Test biserial, elongate, gradually tapering with greatest breadth near apertural end, flatly elliptical in cross section; proloculus smooth, globular, followed by 7 or 8 pairs of slightly inflated, tapering chambers uniformly and rapidly increasing in size; sutures oblique, slightly curved, usually obscured by ornamentation but some- times fairly distinct in latest part of test; aperture a slit-like or small looped-shaped opening located near centre of apertural face, bordered by weakly raised lip and with internal tooth plate structure; 5 or 6 well-defined but small, uniformly arranged, ornamental lobes on final chambers running perpendicular to sutures, ornamentation on earlier chambers less distinct but arranged in same uniform manner; wall calcareous, finely perforate; length/breadth ratio 1-8 to 2-5; breadth/thickness ratio 2T to 2-8; approximate average length of adult specimen 0-45 mm. Dimensions of bolotype (BM P45743). Length 0-48 mm. ; maximum breadth 0-20 mm. ; maximum thick- ness 0 08 mm. Remarks. Specimens which are now included in the species B. sidestrandensis have been commonly recorded from various parts of Europe. However, they have usually been considered to belong to either B. delicatula Cushman or B. regularis Reiss. Cush- man (1927, p. 90) originally described B. decorata (Jones) var. delicatula from the Lower Tertiary Velasco Shale near Vera Cruz, Mexico. Later Cushman (1946, p. 1 13, pi. 48, figs. 10-14) recorded B. decorata delicatula from various formations of Navarro and Taylor ages from the Gulf Coastal Area of the U.S.A. Reiss (1954, p. 158) elevated Cushman’s variety to specific rank as he found no evidence to support the contention 240 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 that B. decorata delicatula was derived from B. decorata (Jones) or even from the ‘decorated group. Furthermore, Reiss regarded the specimens identified by Cushman (loc. cit.) as B. decorata delicatula from formations of lower Navarro and Taylor ages as being distinct from the typical form. He therefore proposed the name Bolivinoides regularis for the Navarro-Taylor form, with a specimen figured by Cushman (1931, pi. 35, fig. 13; 1946, pi. 48, figs. 12a, b) from the Saratoga Chalk of Howard County, Arkansas, as the holotype. Reiss also concluded that the specimens figured as B. decorata delicatula Cushman by Hiltermann and Koch (1950) and Hiltermann (1952), although differing in some detail, were conspecific with his new species B. regularis. I agree with Reiss that the specimens figured by Cushman (1946, pi. 48, figs. 10-14) as B. decorata delicatula represent two distinct species. Cushman’s (op. cit., pi. 48, figs. 11, 12) specimens which Reiss placed in his species B. regularis are indeed very different from the Danian-Paleocene specimens of B. delicatula ; however, they are quite similar to B. decorata (Jones). The holotype of B. regularis , which is located in the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., has been examined and was found to have a greater relative thickness than was shown by Cushman’s illustrations. The ornamentation has a somewhat more uniform or regular appearance than is usually exhibited by B. decorata , but in most respects it is very similar to this species. Only by the examination of additional topotypic specimens will one be able to decide with assurance whether B. decorata (Jones) and B. regularis Reiss are distinct or conspecific. It may be that B. regularis would best be considered a geographic subspecies of B. decorata ; however, final judgement on this taxonomic problem must be withheld until additional material becomes available. On the other hand, I do not concur with Reiss’s contention that the specimens illus- trated by Hiltermann and Koch (1950, p. 612, fig. 5, nos. 65-67) and Hiltermann (1952, pp. 61, 63, text-figs. 4, 5) from north-west Germany are conspecific with the holotype of B. regularis from the Saratoga Chalk of Arkansas. The specimens from Germany appear to be almost identical with the specimens from England which are placed in the new species B. sidestrandensis. The latter differs from B. regularis by having a smaller size, being more compressed, and having a less flaring test with a greater length/ breadth ratio. B. sidestrandensis has the same general shape as B. delicatula ( s.s .), but is distinguished by its characteristic ornamentation, which is much more distinct and uniform than that of B. delicatula. Occurrence. B. sidestrandensis occurs in abundance in the Lower Maestrichtian chalk exposed in the seacliff section at Sidestrand, Norfolk. Black (1964) described some of the fossil nannoplankton from this locality. B. sidestrandensis was also found in the Ballycastle Pellet Chalk from the main exposure along the west side of Ballycastle Harbour, Northern Ireland. No specimens of this species were recovered from the B. mucronata Zone of southern England. However, Hiltermann (1963, p. 205) recorded the stratigraphic range of B. delicatula regularis (= B. sidestrandensis) as upper Upper Campanian to lower Upper Maestrichtian. Dr. Max Meijer kindly provided me with material from the Lower Maestrichtian (B. lanceolata Zone) of Grindaal, north-east Belgium. This glauconitic chalk contained numerous specimens of B. sidestrandensis associated with rare specimens of B. peter ssoni Brotzen and B. australis Edgell. F. T. BARR: FORAMINIFERAL GENUS BOLIVINOIDES 241 Hiltermann (1963, p. 217, pi. 3, fig. 11) illustrated a specimen identified as B. delica- tulus regularis (Reiss) (= B. sidestrandensis ) from the Marshalltown Formation of New Jersey. I have also found specimens of B. sidestrandensis in material from Olsson’s (1964, p. 160) locality NKJ 134 in the Marshalltown Formation of New Jersey. This locality is probably uppermost Campanian in age. REFERENCES akimets, v. s. 1961. Stratigrafiya i foraminifery verkhnemolovykh otlozhenii Belorussii. Paleontolo- giya i Stratigrafiya BSSR , Izv. Akad. Nauk. beloruss. SSR, 1-245, pi. 1-19. barnard, t. 1963. The morphology and development of species of Marssonella and Pseudotextulariella from the Chalk of England. Palaeontology , 6, 41-55, pi. 7. and banner, f. t. 1953. Arenaceous Foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of England. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Load. 109, 173-216, pi. 7-9. barr, f. t. 1962. 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Geol. 121, 177-267, pi. 8-19. Warsaw (Russian and English summaries). wright, J. 1875. A list of the Cretaceous Microzoa of the north of Ireland. Proc. Belf. Nat. Fid Club, ser. 2, 1, 73-99. 1886. A list of the Cretaceous Foraminifera of Keady Hill, County Derry. Ibid. 2, 327-32, pi. 27. F. T. BARR Oasis Oil Company of Libya, Inc., Oasis Oil Building, P.O. Box 395 Manuscript received 3 February 1965 Tripoli, Libya THE DEVONIAN BLASTOID BELOCRINUS FROM FRANCE by DONALD B. MACURDA, JR. Abstract. The nature and validity of the Lower Devonian blastoid genus Belocrinus Munier-Chalmas from north-western France has been in doubt since its original description. A complete specimen of the type species, B. cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas) is described and illustrated. The genus Belocrinus is redefined; it is similar to, but not synonymous with, the genus Cordyloblastus Fay. The number of anal deltoids and hydrospires in Belocrinus could not be determined. The ontogenetic development of the plates of the calyx is also described. In 1876, Munier-Chalmas briefly described a peculiar fossil from the Lower Devonian of north-western France which he named Belemnocrinus cottaldi. He believed that it was a crinoid, composed of five longitudinal pieces. Finding his generic name to be preoccupied, he proposed the name Belocrinus for it in 1881. The description was repeated by Oehlert (1882) and specimens were illustrated for the first time; in his plate legend (p. 363) he described the calyx as being composed of three pieces. Etheridge and Carpenter (1883) were the first workers to attribute this fossil to the Blastoidea. They called attention to Oehlert’s figures and stated that they appeared to represent the elongated basal cup of a Troosticrinus or Pentremitidea (p. 245). Munier-Chalmas furnished them with a specimen which they described and illustrated in 1886; they diagnosed the material as the large basal plates of a Metablastus. No additional material other than the basals was known until Phillipot (1957) described a complete specimen which was in the H. de Keravel collection at the Universite de Rennes. His description furnished the first detailed information about the radials, deltoids, and ambulacra. Unfortunately, the summit was obscured by matrix. On the basis of the available evidence, he continued Etheridge and Carpenter's assignment of the species to Meta- blastus. Recent developments in preparatory techniques have made it possible to expose hitherto obscured structures. A. Phillipot and M. Y. Milon kindly allowed the writer to further develop the specimen described by Phillipot with an air abrasive machine. By this means, it has been possible to determine that it has four spiracles and an anispiracle, thus separating it from Metablastus , which has paired spiracles. It appears to represent a valid genus, for which the name Belocrinus has priority. The writer studied the basal plate in the British Museum (Natural History) which was figured by Etheridge and Carpenter (E166). It is an isolated basal plate of the same type as is illustrated in Plate 39, fig. 7, and as are found in the complete specimen. These are all from Bois-Roux in France and belong to the same species. No type specimen was ever designated for this species; the complete specimen described and figured herein is designated the hypotype for nomenclatural purposes. It is described below and the ontogenetic development of the principal plates determined. Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Andre Phillipot and M. Y. Milon (Institut de Geologie, Universite de Rennes, Rennes) for allowing me to examine and prepare the specimen described in [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 244-51, pi. 39.] D. B. MACURDA JR.: DEVONIAN BLASTOID BELOCRINUS FROM FRANCE 245 this paper; and R. P. S. Jefferies and Hugh Owen (British Museum (Natural History), London), for their help while studying the museum’s blastoid collection. My studies in Europe were made possible by grants from the Museum of Paleontology, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, and H. H. Power Education Trust for Faculty Travel, University of Michigan. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION ClaSS BLASTOIDEA Order spiraculata Genus belocrinus Munier-Chalmas 1881 Type species. Belemnocrinus cottaldi Munier-Chalmas. 1876 Belemnocrinus Munier-Chalmas, p. 105 (junior synonym of White 1862). 1881 Belocrinus Munier-Chalmas, p. 503. 1938 Belocrinus Munier-Chalmas; Bassler, p. 52. 1943 Belocrinus Munier-Chalmas; Bassler and Moodey, p. 212. Generic diagnosis. Spiraculate blastoids with five spiracles, one of which is an anispiracle located between an epideltoid (?) and hypodeltoid (?), all deltoids quite visible in side view, a single pore occurring between adjacent side plates along radial and deltoid margins, lancet covered by side plates, calyx elongate club-shaped; large, massive basals; ten hydrospire groups; number in each unknown. Age. Lower Devonian, north-west France. Remarks. The generic characters of this form are similar to those of the genus Cordylo- blastus (see Fay 1964, p. 86) but present information indicates that they are separate genera. They each have five spiracles; the number of anal deltoids in Belocrinus is not clear, however, and they could be the same as in Cordyloblastus. The deltoids of these two forms apparently differ, there being an extensive external aboral growth sector in the former (see later). There also appear to be ambulacral pores along both the radials and deltoids of Belocrinus ; Fay (1961, p. 54) described these as being absent along the deltoids in Cordyloblastus (see PI. 39, figs. 9, 10). The basals of the former are also unusually pronounced, giving the calyx an extremely elongate appearance. In view of the uncertainty as to the configuration of the anal deltoids, however, it is recommended that the generic name Belocrinus should not be extended beyond B. cottaldi until the nature of the anal deltoids can be determined. Belocrinus cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas) Plate 39, figs. 1-8, 11 1876 Belemnocrinus cottaldi Munier-Chalmas, p. 105. 1877 Belemnocrinus cottcddi Munier-Chalmas; Delage, p. 81 (non vide). 1881 Belocrinus cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas); Munier-Chalmas, p. 503. 1882 Belocrinus cottaldi , (Munier-Chalmas); Oehlert, p. 362, pi. 9, figs. 3 a-e. 1883 Troosticrinus cottaldi ? (Munier-Chalmas); Etheridge and Carpenter, p. 245. 1883 Pentremitidea cottaldil (Munier-Chalmas); Etheridge and Carpenter, p. 245. 1886 Metablastus cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas); Etheridge and Carpenter, pp. 201-3, pi. 5, fig. 22. 1899 Metablastus cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas); Bather, pp. 18, 19. 246 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 1938 Belocrinus cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas); Bassler, p. 52. 1943 Belocrinus cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas); Bassler and Moodey, p. 212. 1957 Metablastus cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas); Phillipot, pp. 64—68, text-figs. 1-5. Description. Calyx elongate club-shaped in side view, pentagonal in oral view. Length 44-0 mm.; width 14-5 mm. Pelvis extremely long for a blastoid, massive, conical, flaring out gradually beneath ambulacra. Vault parabolic. Vault 13-7 mm., pelvis 30-3 mm.; pelvic angle 30°. Greatest width at ambulacral tips; cross-section pentagonal with slightly concave interambulacral areas. Basalia three, azygous basal in ab interambulacral area (for terminology see Fay 1961), extremely massive, narrow, elongate. Azygous basal quadrate, slightly asymmetric; lower edges very narrow V shape, distal edges broader V; length 24-2 mm., width 5-7 mm. Point of origin located very near proximal tip. Growth has occurred on both distal and lateral edges. Plate has grown 20-3 mm. distally, 2-2 mm. laterally. When br (distal) growth axis of azygous basal (see PI. 39, fig. 8) reached 5-0 mm. from origin, interbasal (bb) 0-8 mm.; at 11-2 mm., bb 1-4 mm. If br+bb = 100% total growth at a given increment, then br at 5-0 = 86% total growth, at 11-2= 88%, at 20-3 = 90%; thus br accelerating relative to bb during ontogeny. Well-developed interbasal growth axis; sharp, elevated sides to azygous basal which become reduced distally. Upper surface very slightly convex. Fine growth-lines parallel to plate edges; 9 per mm. on br axis. Larger basals hexagonal; distal edges double V shape; lateral edges very narrow V shape. Sides sharply elevated due to interbasal growth axis. Upper surface very slightly convex. Length (to centre) 22-0 mm. ; to one of points 24-3 mm. ; width 9-3 mm. ; distal (br) growth axis 21-4 mm., growth front 5-1 mm. Fine growth-lines parallel sutures. Three basalia together have a trigonal rounded cross section, slightly concave along sutures (PI. 39, fig. 2). They taper abruptly proximally near base to form a small round facet for attachment of column (now chipped); attachment area 1-0 mm. in diameter; no crenellar facets preserved. Each large basal has a crack extending proximally from EXPLANATION OF PLATE 39 Figs. 1, 2. Oral and basal views of only complete specimen of Belocrinus cottaldi Munier-Chalmas; anispiracle at 6 o’clock. Figs. 3-6, 8, and 1 1 of same specimen. X 2. Fig. 3. Inclined oral view of B. cottaldi at bc interambulacral area, showing reflected radiodeltoid suture and internal septum dividing spiracles. X 8. Fig. 4. Lateral a ambulacral view of B. cottaldi. X 2. Fig. 5. Enlarged oral view of B. cottaldi showing the four spiracles and the anispiracle (latter at 6 o'clock). Peristome in centre. X 8. Fig. 6. Aboral end of b ambulacrum, showing brachiolar facets, pore furrows, side and main food grooves, and cover plate lobes and furrows. X 8. Fig. 7. Isolated basal plate of B. cottaldi, UMMP 51144. x2. Fig. 8. Enlarged view of basal plates of B. cottaldi, showing growth lines of interbasal (bb — vertical) and basal-radial (br — inclined) sectors. Origins at lower corners of figure. X 4. Figs. 9, 10. Inclined b ambulacral and oral views of Cordyloblastus eifelensis (Roemer), USNM S5086, showing four spiracles and anispiracle (at 6 o’clock in fig. 10). Note presence of pores only along radials and presence of small deltoid body aboral to spiracles, x 8. Fig. 11. ab interambulacral view of B. cottaldi, showing growth-lines of radiodeltoid (rd — upper inclined), inter-radial (rr — vertical), and radial-basal (rb — lower inclined) sectors of radials. x4. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 39 MACURDA, Devonian blastoid Belocrinus D. B. MACURDA JR.: DEVONIAN BLASTOID BELOCRINUS FROM FRANCE 247 the top centre. Each dies out before reaching origin of plate; growth-lines appear to cross without interruption. Apparently not a primary suture; significance unknown. Radials five, narrow, elongate (aboral portion V shaped; lateral sides almost parallel), with deep narrow V for ambulacra (see PI. 39, fig. 4). Height 3-1 mm.; width at base 5-3 mm., at ambulacral tip 6-5 mm., at deltoids 4-9 mm. Radial grew outwards in three directions from origin at aboral tip of ambulacrum (PI. 39, fig. 11); 12-3 mm. towards radiodeltoid suture (rd axis), rd front (area along which calcite added) =1-5 mm.; 5-3 mm. towards interradial suture (rr axis), rr front 17-1 mm.; 8-9 mm. towards radial-basal suture (rb axis), rb front 5-0 mm. Earlier ontogenetic stages: when rr = 3-7 mm., rd = 8-2 mm. and rb = 5-1 mm. respectively; when rr = 2-0 mm., rd = 3-5 mm., rb = 2-7 mm. If rd+rr+rb = 100% of total growth at a given instance then following percentages found : RD RR RB rr = 2 0 mm. 43% 24% 33% = 3-7 mm. 48% 22% 30% = 5-3 mm. 46% 20% 34% Only rr shows a continuous trend, apparently slowing down ; rate of growth of rd and rb appears to increase. Fine growth-lines parallel interradial and radial-basal sutures; those parallel to radiodeltoid not as evident. Interradial growth area ornamented by low, slightly irregular ridges parallel to interradial suture (PI. 39, fig. 11). Calcite of plates an endoskeleton, secreted by mesoderm. Layer of tissue between radial and basal plates secreted calcite on both edges simultaneously; rate of secretion by tissue between radials and basals 2-3 times faster on basal br axis than on radial rb axis. Rate of growth of br axis 3-8 times that of rr, 1-7 times that of rd. Deltoids four, surround peristome (four regular plus anal deltoids). Length 3-8 mm. Adoral edge 0-7 mm. wide, forms border of peristome. Large single spiracle divides adoral portion from body (PI. 39, fig. 5). Spiracle ovoid, diameter 1-1 mm. Septum arises 0-5 mm. below adoral edge of spiracle, divides it internally, and connects adoral and aboral portions of deltoid. Adoral edge of spiracle formed by adoral edge of deltoid, adoral lateral edges by adjacent lancet plates, aboral lateral edges by side plates, and aboral edge by adoral edge of aboral portion of deltoid. Latter part of plate is triangular, 3-0 mm. long; greatest aboral width at radiodeltoid suture 2-5 mm.; width just aboral to spiracle 0-5 mm. Radiodeltoid suture peculiar shape (PI. 39, fig. 3). Portion adjacent to interradial suture junction straight; half-way along radiodeltoid suture sharp bend adorally. Each leg 0-8 mm.; base of triangle 1-5 mm. Significance of shape unknown. Ornamentation of deltoids obscure; apparently faint growth lines parallel to radio- deltoid suture. Entire growth of deltoid 3-8 mm.; rate of growth of br 5-3 times this, and rd 3-2, rr 1-4, rb 2-3 times respectively. Anal spiracle an anispiracle, length 1-4 mm., width 1-3 mm. Number of anal deltoids uncertain, apparently an epi- and hypodeltoid (see below). Epideltoid forms part of edge of spiracle, width 1-0 mm. Internally, two prongs can be seen extending aborally to divide anal hydrospire areas from anus but aboral ends obscured by matrix. Junction with aboral part of anal deltoids not visible. Portion of anal deltoids aboral to anispiracle presumably a hypodeltoid. Borders of anispiracle as for spiracles, except epideltoid C 3803 s 248 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 adoral edge, hypodeltoid aboral edge. Latter 0-9 mm. wide here (greater width than other deltoids to accommodate anus); greatest width at radiodeltoid suture 3-5 mm. Configuration of hyporadial suture as for regular radiodeltoid suture; inner leg of suture 1-2 mm., outer 0-5 mm.; length of base of triangle 1-6 mm. Length of hypodeltoid 3-7 mm. Full length of anal deltoids 4-7 mm. Ornamentation of hypodeltoid apparently as for regular deltoids. Ambulacra five, linear, narrow, tapering gradually; slightly convex lengthwise. Length 13-7 mm., greatest width 2-2 mm. Lancet does not reach peristome except in one ambulacrum (weathering); normally begin 0-3 mm. from peristome. Lancet exposed only at most adoral end of ambulacrum. Two side plates per mm., 27 on one side of an ambulacrum. Side plates elongate, obliquely disposed to centre of ambulacrum (PI. 39, fig. 6). Outer edge embayed by an elongate outer side plate which reaches outer edge of ambulacrum, and a pore which is formed by a notch on the adoral edge of the outer side plate and aboral edge of the side plate. Abmedial edge of pore formed by radial or deltoid. Cross-section of ambulacrum from main food groove to abmedial edge convex. Side plates slope upwards from food groove for one third of distance, then slope downwards remaining two-thirds. Abmedial edge about three times lower in cross-section than main food groove. Brachioles were attached to large, elongate, elliptical brachiolar facet, which was on the downward sloping outer edge of the side plates; axis of facet inclined adorally, upper edge being closer to oral area. Brachiolar facet located on side and outer side plates. Brachiolar food groove descended to am- bulacrum at high point on cross-section of side plate, becoming a short side food groove which joins the main food groove. Latter ascended adorally. Cover plate lobes and furrows can be seen along main food groove; suggestion of presence along side food grooves as well. A long, narrow, adorally directed arcuate pore furrow originates near main food groove (but separate from it) admedially to crest of side plate, descends to the pore via a depression between adjacent high points where the brachiolar food groove meets the side food groove (PI. 39, fig. 6). After passing through the depression it rests on the suture between the side plate and outer side plate. Judging from the brachiolar facet, brachioles were relatively large and elongate in cross-section but no trace now preserved. Spiracles four plus an anispiracle; apparently ten hydrospire groups, but number in each unknown. Peristome pentagonal; width 1-5 mm. Remarks. The above description is based on the only known complete specimen which is in the collections of the Institut de Geologie, Universite de Rennes, Rennes (Ille-et- Yilaine), France. The only other known material are basal plates. The growth lines preserved on the plates of blastoids render them ideally suited for ontogenetic study. Ontogenetic data are presented above for the principal plates but the data are biased as there is no reflection of specific variation. However, ontogenetic studies in the Mississippian blastoid Orophocrinus (Macurda 1966) appear to indicate that ontogenetic curves derived from an individual or a series of individuals generally reflect the ontogenetic development of the species under study. The growth of the principal plates of blastoids proceeds by small increments which are added to the lateral edges of the plate. If there are simultaneous additions on all plates, the number of growth D. B. MACURDA JR.: DEVONIAN BLASTOID BELOCRINUS FROM FRANCE 249 lines along various growth axes should correspond with one another. This was analysed in this specimen but the results were inconclusive. The size of the basal plates relative to the other plates is very unusual. Normally these are quite small, being confined to a relatively small area at the base of the calyx. It is also unusual for a measurable interbasal axis to be developed in blastoids. -RD text-fig. 1. Schematic diagrams of two blastoids showing differences in growth patterns in radials and deltoids in such genera as Belocrinus and Orophocrinus (fig. a) and Phaenoblastus and Phaenoschisma (fig. b). Ambulacral sinus (those parts of radials and deltoids which lie beneath ambulacra or slope steeply in toward them) indicated by as. Ambulacra (a) proper have been removed; position indicated by dashed lines. Fig. a shows the configuration of growth-lines (g) in genera in which there is growth along the radiodeltoid suture external to the ambulacral sinus (rd). Note reflexed growth-lines by ambulacral sinus and presence on aboral portion of deltoid (d). Fig. b illustrates the case in which there is no growth external to the ambulacral sinus. Note lack of reflexed growth-lines by sinus and absence on aboral portion of deltoid, which is now a deltoid crest (dc). Basals indicated by b. Belocrinus appears to be very similar to Cordyloblaslus. In the latter genus, the deltoid is not exposed in side view (but there is a small edge of the deltoid body exposed aboral to the spiracle), while the deltoids of Belocrinus cottaldi are prominently developed in side view. The exposure or non-exposure of the deltoid is controlled by the develop- mental pattern of the plate; this is a reflection of the genetic make-up of the organism. In blastoid genera such as Phaenoschisma and Phaenoblastus (text-fig. 1), the aboral portion of the deltoid never grows outside the ambulacral sinus. Thus there are never any growth lines of the radiodeltoid front of the radial exposed outside the ambulacral sinus, growth occurring entirely within it. The growth-lines of the interradial front extend up to the sinus and are never reflected as they are in genera such as Orophocrinus (text-fig. 1), where the deltoid grows external to the ambulacral sinus. The growth-lines in the radiodeltoid sectors of the radials in the ab interambulacral area of Belocrinus cottaldi (PI. 39, fig. 11) appear to indicate that the deltoid has grown outside the am- bulacral sinus throughout most, if not all, of its ontogeny, resulting in its exposure in side view. The growth-lines in the radiodeltoid sectors are not as evident as those of the 250 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 interradial, but can be seen perpendicular to the ambulacrum for most of the length of the radials which border the ambulacra. They are not evident near the aboral tip of the ambulacra as on the e side of the a radial ; here the interradial growth-lines closely approach the ambulacra. The lack of radiodeltoid growth-lines in this sector may be a result of secondary secretions of calcite which have covered them, or of non-preserva- tion. The growth of the deltoid aboral to the spiracle appears to differ in Belocrinus and Cordyloblastus. The aboral body of the latter is little developed. However, the specimen of B. cottaldi described above is much larger than the average specimen of Cordyloblastus. It is possible that the deltoids of the species in the latter genus may develop a more prominent deltoid body later in their ontogeny. The number of the anal deltoids in Belocrinus is unclear. A part of an anal deltoid plate borders the adoral side of the anispiracle. Two prongs can be seen arising from the aboral side of the plate. They are soon obscured by matrix and could not be developed further. They may possibly lead to cryptodeltoids or continue as prongs of an epideltoid. A large plate lies aboral to the anispiracle; its relation to the plate(s) described above is unclear. These are tentatively interpreted as an epideltoid and hypodeltoid re- spectively; further material is needed to determine the exact configuration of the anal deltoids. If there are two cryptodeltoids, it would indicate a close similarity to Cor- dyloblastus. The ambulacral food grooves of Belocrinus were probably roofed over by cover plates which are known in genera such as Pentremites and Orophocrinus. The peristome is the highest topographic point on the calyx. There would have to have been some propulsive mechanism to force currents up the main food grooves to the peristome. This may have been accomplished by ciliary action. It should also be noted that the side food grooves are offset from one another and enter the main food groove at an angle of approximately 45 degrees (directed adorally) (PI. 39, fig. 6). This inclination would seem to be the optimal hydraulic configuration. If they entered at a right angle, there would be a decrease in current velocity ; additional energy would have to be expended to over- come this. If they are inclined, water from the side food grooves would merge with the currents in the main food groove with a minimum loss of energy. In addition, by having each one offset from the preceding one, increases in the volume of water are distributed over a greater area, rather than being concentrated at half as many points. Since the side food grooves are obliquely oriented, the brachiolar facets are as well. Thus the brachioles and brachiolar food grooves were obliquely oriented to the calyx. Whether this conferred any physiological advantage upon the blastoid is unclear at present. Phillipot (1957, pp. 66, 67) recorded isolated basal cones in the collections at Rennes which reached a length of 35 to 40 mm. and noted that the complete specimens probably reached a length of about 70 mm., a large size for blastoids. Plaster casts of the complete specimen have been deposited in the British Museum (Natural History), U.S. National Museum, and Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. Occurrence. The specimen described above was collected by H. de Keravel from the limestones in the quarry at Bois-Roux, Gahard (Ille-et-Vilaine), to the north-east of Rennes, France (Phillipot 1957). Isolated basal cones have also been found at this D. B. MACURDA JR.: DEVONIAN BLASTOID BELOCRINUS FROM FRANCE 251 locality; it is now under water (Phillipot 1957, p. 64). Phillipot also recorded them from Joue’-en-Charnie and Brulon in the department of the Sarthe (p. 64) and gave the horizon for all these localities as middle Siegenien (Lower Devonian) (p. 67). He stated that the Gres de Gahard horizon given by Etheridge and Carpenter (1886, pp. 200, 203) was incorrect. REFERENCES bassler, r. s. 1938. Pelmatozoa palaeozoica: (Generum et Genotyporum Index et Bibliographic). Fossilium Catcilogus, 1, Animalia, Pars 83. and moodey, m. w. 1943. Bibliographic and faunal index of Paleozoic Pelmatozoan echinoderms. Spec. Pap. geol. Soc. Am. 45. bather, f. a. 1899. The genera and species of Blastoidea, with a list of specimens in the British Museum ( Natural History): London. delage, M. 1877. Stratigraphic des terrains primairies d'llle et Vilaine. Rennes. etheridge, r., jr., and carpenter, p. h. 1883. Further remarks on the morphology of the Blastoidea, with descriptions of a British Carboniferous genus and some new Devonian species from Spain. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 5th ser., 11, 225-46. 1886. Catalogue of the Blastoidea. Brit. Mus. Cat., 322 p., 20 pi. London. fay, R. o. 1961. Blastoid studies. Paleont. Contr. Univ. Kansas, Echinodermata, Art. 3, 147 p., 54 pi. 1964. An outline classification of the Blastoidea. Okla. Geol. Notes, 24, no. 4, 81-90. macurda, d. b., jr. 1966. The ontogeny of the Mississippian blastoid Orophocrinus. J. Paleont. 40, 92-124, pi. 11-13. munier-chalmas, e. 1876. Mollusques nouveaux des terrains paleozoiques des environs de Rennes. J. Conch., Paris, 3rd ser., 16, 102-9. 1881. Bull. Soc. geol. Fr., 3rd ser., 9, 503. oehlert, d. 1882. Crinoides nouveaux du Devonien de la Sarthe et de la Mayenne. Ibid. 10, 352-63, pi. 8, 9. phillipot, a. 1957. Contribution a l'etude de Metablastus cottaldi (M. Ch.) Eth. et. Carp. Bull. Soc. geol. miner. Bretagne, 1, 64-68. white, c. a. 1862. Description of new species of fossils from the Devonian and Carboniferous rocks of the Mississippi Valley. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. 9, 8-33. DONALD B. MACURDA, JR. Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Manuscript received 8 February 1965 POPULATION STUDIES IN THE BALLYSHANNON LIMESTONE, BALLINA LIMESTONE, AND RINN POINT BEDS (VISEAN) OF N.W. IRELAND by J. A. E. B. HUBBARD Abstract. A numerical comparison of the populations of the outcrops formerly ascribed to the Ballyshannon Limestone and its lateral equivalents at Easky, Aughris, Serpent Rock, Streedagh, Kiln Port and Shalwy is presented. The localities define the limits of a subtrapezoidal area some 300 square miles in extent, in which the maximum distance between stations is 33 miles (Easky to Kiln Port) and the minimum 6-5 miles (Kiln Port to Shalwy). The four first named Sligo stations bear close similarities representing coral colonies, thickets, and even local coppices. The last two named Donegal stations have a different fauna which is not as dense and may be argued to represent either a different faunal province or, more probably, a different stratigraphical horizon. Aughrus (Co. Donegal), near the type area of the Ballyshannon Limestone, is alluded to. It shows a distinctive fauna with affinities to the other Donegal stations though proportionally the assemblage is unique. Stratigraphically the Donegal stations are regarded as belonging to the Ballyshannon Limestone (C2 Sx), while the Sligo stations are tentatively ascribed to the Benbulben Shale — Glencar Limestone (S2DP transitional phase. Palaeoecologically all the faunas are regarded as having developed marginally between the dysphotic tropical belt and shallow warm waters of the open shelf. Of the Sligo stations Aughris is regarded as the most seaward facies of a coral biostrome. A niche biota faunal replacement of syringoporids by fasciculate lithostrotiontids, michelininiids by cerioid lithostrotiontids, narrow caniniids by giganteid forms, and davisiellids by linoproduc- tids is postulated. The Ballyshannon Limestone was first named and described by Oswald (1955, p. 168). He mentions that at Streedagh Point its thickly bedded argillaceous limestones and shales are extremely fossiliferous (p. 170). He continues by quoting Wynne (1864, p. 38) who describes the caniniids as \ . . like stumps in a cabbage garden, and one is almost disappointed to find that one can not pull them up; some of them are from 18 inches to 2 foot long and 2 to 3 inches in diameter’. Oswald adds that the description is apposite but corals are more numerous than it suggests. He mentions (p. 170) that similar beds are found at Serpent Rock; and cites another conspicuously fossiliferous outcrop between Fairies Bridge and Aughrus (Co. Donegal). Bowes (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, 1957, p. 52) compares the Ballina Limestone with the Ballyshannon Limestone on lithological and faunal similarities, adding that their outcrops are virtually contiguous. He further describes the prolific faunas of the Ballina Limestone at Easky and Aughris. George (in George and Oswald 1957, p. 143) places the Rinn Point Beds of Donegal high in the Ballyshannon Limestone, mentioning that they are better exposed in the Largymore syncline than on St. John’s peninsula. Both outcrops are regarded as repre- sentatives of a mud-zone environment (p. 152). In the highest part of these beds, described in the eastern flank of the Largymore syncline, he draws attention to the very rich coral layers with large caniniids in a profusion comparable with that of Streedagh Point and Serpent Rock in the Lissadell Peninsula (Oswald 1955, p. 170). To each of the above descriptions a fossil list giving generic and specific details is appended. [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 252-69, pis. 40-41.] J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES, VISEAN, N. W. IRELAND 253 METHOD Seven stations have been selected from extensive coastal exposures, chiefly in the intertidal zone, in which the partially silicified fauna is particularly well preserved. These localities are constituent of the previously designated Ballyshannon Limestone outcrop and its lateral equivalents. At each location, excluding Aughrus (Co. Donegal), 100 one-metre quadrants measured with a piece of string anchored by four pebbles were text-fig. 1 . Outline map of the Sligo-Donegal coast to show the location of the stations from which the population of the Ballyshannon Limestone has been sampled. sampled. In each quadrant the total fauna, including entire and fragmental forms, above the size of comminuted crinoid debris, was counted. In order to obtain a representative sample bedding planes were studied at each locality. At Aughrus (Co. Donegal), which is alluded to on account of its proximity to the type area of the Ballyshannon Limestone, it was found impracticable to sample more than 50 one-metre quadrants all of which are derived from the same bedding plane. Thus restricted, with only entire forms counted, no direct correlation may be drawn with this area though its significance is evident. In the analysis of the fauna a specific identification has not been attempted. The 254 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 table 1. Field counts on 100 one-metre quadrants SOLITARY CORALS caniniids EASKY AUGHRIS SERPENT ROCK STREEDAGH KILN PORT SHAWY a b a b a b a b a b a b 355 29 323 19 748 82 1050 82 91 8 329 49 zaphrentids 1 4 3 11 4 5 clisiophy Ilids 6 7 28 COMPOUND CORALS lithostroti ontids ^ 25 30 31 26 29 144 5 87 lithostrotiontids ^ 740 550 861 375 lithostrotiontids “t 11 19 3 25 2 1 syringoporids^ J 3 58 syringoporids 16 4 syringoporids. 32 auloporids 2 7 17 25 47 14 18 75 13 2 micheliniids 30 1 BRACHIOPODS davisiellids 1 580 57 chonetids 2 linoproductoids 521 6 110 24 81 19 pustulids 10 1 2 1 productids 2 128 49 5 4 orthotetids 3 19 3 32 5 12 leptaemds 10 4 spiriferids 1 14 29 7 1 rhynchonellids 2 1 brachiopods+ 6 28 117 69 174 39 70 3 2 BRYOZOA fenestellids 2 22 17 32 23 5 5 1 trepostomes 3 10 7 51 1 TRILOBiTES 5 2 1 MOLLUSCS gastropods^ 2 6 8 gastropods-, 3 3 23 25 orthocones 1 1 ECHINODERMS echinoids 1 1 27 crinoid debris GEN ERAL LY PRES ENT THR OUGH OUT worm burrows GEN ERAL LY PRES ENT THR OUGH OUT The total population recorded in the field at Easky, Aughris, Serpent Rock, Streedagh, Kiln Port and Shalwy is tabulated. Column (a) represents entire forms, column ( b ) fragmental forms. Lithostrotiontids! fasciculate with corallites approximately 5 mm. in diameter. Lithostrotiontids2 fasciculate with corallites approximately 12 mm. in diameter. This lithostrotiontid form was at first mistaken for fragmental material. The figures employed are the results of extrapolation. The majority of coralla were noticed to be composed of fewer than half a dozen corallites, often only two or four. To approximate the fragmental quota 10 per cent was J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES, VISfiAN, N. W. IRELAND 255 material involved, though prolific, is somewhat intractably set in a massive matrix which precludes detailed laboratory studies. Specimens are often only partially visible (Plate 41, fig. 2) and sometimes crushed by compaction. Thus brachiopod hinges are often buried or removed by erosion which would not allow for accuracy even at generic level though the profile available is adequate for the family or subfamily level of classifi- cation. Likewise it is argued that the selective sampling of corals would add no greater accuracy to this study when it is borne in mind that no less than 6,562 corals have been enumerated. The faunal lists made available during the last decade by Bowes (1957, pp. 45-48), George and Oswald (1957, pp. 172-4), and Oswald (1955, p. 172) present the generic and specific details which are grouped in the present account. Of these Bowes’ is the most localized, specifying Aughris as a collecting locality. Oswald (1955) unfortunately does not localize his material, of which much appears to have been collected from Streedagh Point and Serpent Rock, thus detracting from the significance of the Bally- shannon Limestone fauna quoted. The Sligo outcrops, mentioned hereafter, consist of relatively thick, irregularly bedded, light grey biomicrite (Folk 1959) with a prolific coral-brachiopod fauna, and occasional thin shale partings. The fauna, which is scattered throughout, is particularly rich along certain planes. There is a tendency for one form to predominate in each stratum notably caniniids (Plate 40, fig. 1), lithostrotiontids (cerioid: Plates 40, figs. 2, 3, or fasciculate: Plate 41, fig. 1), or brachiopods; though a certain amount of mixing is to be found (Plate 41, fig. 2). The Donegal outcrops, by contrast, appear to be less fossiliferous, darker, more regularly bedded, somewhat impure biomicrites with a less silicified fauna. The location of the stations (Easky, Aughris, Serpent Rock, Streedagh, Kiln Port, Shalwy, and Aughrus (Co. Donegal)) is indicated in text-fig. 1, with the total population as tabulated in the field in Table 1 and text-fig. 2. To simplify interpretation the genera were subsequently subdivided into five groups which seemed to have ecological sig- nificance: solitary corals, compound corals, brachiopods, bryozoa, and others which are plotted on histograms to show the varying proportions of entire to fragmental forms as a measure of turbulence. Text-fig. 3 which represents the total numerical population shows a distinctly greater density of fragmental forms at Streedagh and Serpent Rock; these are closely followed by Easky in fragmental forms suggesting that these were the more turbulent areas. Kiln Port and Shalwy have a decidedly less dense fragmental population than the Sligo discounted (a sum to which no statistical significance should be attached). The remaining 90 per cent, was divided by three to produce an approximate ‘entire’ quota. Thus in subsequent calculations the following numbers are used: Easky 222a 74b, Aughris 166a 55b, Serpent Rock 268a 86b, Streedagh 1 13u 37b. Lithostrotiontids3 cerioid forms. SyringoporidSi with corallites approximately 2 mm. in diameter. Syringoporids2 with corallites approximately 3 mm. in diameter. Syringoporids3 with corallites approximately 4 mm. in diameter. Brachiopods, unidentified short hinged. Gastropods! fusiform. Gastropods2 helicoid. 256 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 stations and in ‘entire’ density are also comparatively sparse, indicating an indigenous fauna in less favourable though calm seas. In text-fig. 4 the total population is expressed in a percentage histogram in which a similarity of distribution in forms is just discernible though less evident than in text- fig. 3. It is also to be noted that most specimens are entire, and of the fragmental fossils brachiopods and compound corals are generally dominant. FIELD COUNTS AUGHRUS (Co. Donegal ) SOLITARY CORALS zaphrentids 287 COMPOUND CORALS auloporids 3 micheliniids 2 BRACHIOPODS davisiellids 1 chonetids 2 pustulids 339 productids 69 rhipidomeltids 319 worm burrows, crinoid. echinoid and fenestellid debris ubiquitous. TOTAL POPULATION PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION PERCENTAGE OF INVERTED BRACHIOPODS 100 1 ■■upright C I INVERTED text-fig. 2. The population of Aughrus (Co. Donegal). Field counts record the entire forms counted in 50 one-metre quadrats restricted to one bedding plane. Histogram of the total numerical population showing an anomalously high population which can be related to the selector bias of sampling only one bedding plane. Percentage histogram of total population resembling Kiln Port (text-fig. 5). 1, solitary corals. 2, compound corals. 3, brachiopods. 4, bryozoa. 5, others. In text-fig. 5 a similarity in proportions of fragmental population is seen at Easky and Streedagh, while Shalwy and Serpent Rock show similar proportions for entire forms as also seen in text-fig. 4. In text-fig. 6 the percentage of fragmental material within each group illustrates the abundance of fenestellid debris at Aughris, Serpent Rock, Streedagh, and Kiln Port. Aughris and Serpent Rock show a similar general population reflecting similar con- ditions of turbulence affecting the area despite initial differences in the faunal pro- portions seen in text-fig. 4. Shalwy, as in text-fig. 3, appears to have a comparatively small fragmental population in which the chief constituent is gastropods. Inversion ratios shown in text-figs. 7 and 8 suggest mild turbulence in all areas, as more than 75 per cent, of brachiopods are inverted at all stations; while the corals are dominantly upright. Among the brachiopods no subfamily is present in all areas. In order to approximate similar hydrodynamic properties the larger forms of comparable profile were selected. Of necessity this resulted in the following forms being studied: linoproductids at the four Sligo stations, davisiellids at Kiln Port and Shalwy, and J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES, VISfiAN, N.W. IRELAND 257 pustulids at Aughrus (Co. Donegal). The state of preservation did not allow for the determination of whether or not the valves were joined, but since adductor muscles TOTAL FRAGMENTAL POPULATION EASKY AUGHRIS SERPENT ROCK STREEDAGH KILN PORT SHALWY TOTAL ENTIRE POPULATION 1100 -| 1000- 900- 800 - ENTIRE FRAGMENTAL EASKY AUGHRIS SERPENT ROCK STREEDAGH KILN PORT SHALWY text-fig. 3. Histograms of the total numerical population, showing the dominance of entire over fragmental forms. On the fragmental population histogram Streedagh, Serpent Rock and Easky, in order of declining importance, show the greatest density. A similarity of proportions for the entire population is to be seen at Shalwy and Serpent Rock. 1, solitary corals. 2, compound corals. 3, brachiopods. 4, bryozoa. 5, others. contract on death it is unlikely that this would be of great significance. In relation to the shell profile the brachiopods are described as upright when the pedicle valve is convex downwards on the bedding plane. Aughrus (Co. Donegal) would appear to be unique 258 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 in this study (text-fig. 7). The significance of the data would seem to be related to the number of sturdy spines for anchorage present. These are well developed only in the pustulids, while the linoproductids and davisiellids are unattached forms more suscep- tible to current traction. Of the compound corals the cerioid lithostrotiontid with the PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL POPULATION EASKY AUGHRIS SERPENT ROCK STREEDAGH KILN PORT SHALWY 100 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 text-fig. 4. Percentage histogram for the total population showing the dominance of entire over fragmental forms. In comparison to the data expressed in fig. 2 the significance of given forms is accentuated. 1, solitary corals. 2, compound corals. 3, brachiopods. 4, bryozoa. 5, others. wider apical angle and generally more massive corallum is more stable than the fascicu- late lithostrotiontid. Similarly the syringoporids of Shalwy are seen to be comparable with the fasciculate lithostrotiontids as a measure of stability. The proportion of geniculate to straight caniniids shown in text-fig. 9 suggests that attachment of these forms to a soft lime substratum would not be sufficient to support the giganteid forms, which, while sinking, would tend to grow upwards towards the light. Three horizons are given for comparison at Streedagh (text-fig. 9) showing a uniformity which is not seen in the coral inversion ratios (text-fig. 8) for the same J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES, VISfiAN, N. W. IRELAND 259 area. The relationship between the straight and geniculate caniniids would appear to have no direct correlation with the size of the corallum or the species present. The details of the Aughrus (Co. Donegal) (text-fig. 2) fauna show closest similarity with those of Kiln Port (text-fig. 3). Though the faunal list makes a striking contrast PERCENTAGE OF FRAGMENTAL POPULATION PERCENTAGE OF ENTIRE POPULATION 1 2 3 A 5 1234 5 12345 12345 12345 12345 EASKY AUGHRI5 SERPENT ROCK STREEDAGH KILN PORT SHALWY text-fig. 5. Percentage histograms of fragmental and entire populations. The reverse order of im- portance of fragmental material is to be seen at Serpent Rock and Streedagh, and of entire material at Streedagh and Kiln Port. Similar distribution for entire material is seen at Serpent Rock and Shalwy. 1, solitary corals. 2, compound corals. 3, brachiopods. 4, bryozoa. 5, others. this can, in part, be attributed to the selector bias involved in sampling only one bedding plane. Caniniids and syringoporids, though not abundant, are to be found at this locality. Likewise euomphallids and Conocardium, which are not listed, also occur at the Donegal stations, though the latter is absent from the Sligo stations. To attempt current analysis, orientations of crinoid stems from localities near the stations were recorded as well as umbonal orientations in inverted productoid 260 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 FRAGMENTAL PERCENTAGE OF EACH GROUP text-fig. 6. Percentage histogram of fragmental material expressed in terms of each group. A notable abundance of fragmental bryozoan material is to be seen at all stations except Shalwy. Aughris and Serpent Rock show similar population distributions. 1 , solitary corals. 2, compound corals. 3, brachiopods. 4, bryozoa. 5, others. BRACHI0P0D INVERSION PERCENTAGES INVERTED □ UPRIGHT 1007.1 90 - 80 - 70 - 60 4 EASKY AUGHRIS SERPENT STREEDAGH KILN SHALWY AUGHRUS ROCK PORT (DONEGAL) text-fig. 7. Inversion ratios of productoid brachiopods (linoproductids at Easky, Aughris, Serpent Rock and Streedagh; davisiellids at Kiln Port and Shalwy; pustulids at Aughrus (Co. Donegal)) expressed in terms of percentage histograms. A dominance of inverted forms is to be noted at all stations except Aughrus (Co. Donegal). J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES VISfiAN, N. W. IRELAND 261 brachiopods, and the orientation of geniculate caniniids. The results are variable and inconclusive but never suggest transport from the south, thus generally supporting the palaeogeographical reconstruction presented by George (1958). This pattern is one which might be expected in an area with such a uniform population density and lack of evidence of channeling. text-fig. 8. Inversion ratios of compound corals expressed as percentage histograms. Cerioid litho- strotiontids shown for Easky, Aughris, and Serpent Rock are dominantly upright. Fasciculate litho- strotiontids at Easky, Aughris, Serpent Rock and two horizons at Streedagh, and syringoporids of Shalwy show a less pronounced dominance of upright forms. ENVIRONMENT The fauna outlined above may be described in terms of Hill’s (1948, p. 121) three coral associations. She showed these to have different morphological characters which varied according to the environment. Thus by analogy with present day faunas she reaches the conclusions tabulated (Table 2). In text-fig. 10 the populations of this account are plotted on a triangular diagram 262 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 whose apices represent Hill’s coral associations. This diagram supports her statement that solitary Rugosa with dissepiments are found associated with the compound Rugosa, but rarely with the Cyathaxonia fauna. In generalized terms the total fauna may be ascribed to her intermediate fauna of solitary Rugosa. However, when the beds are studied more closely, it would appear that there are alternations of the compound and PERCENTAGE OF GENICULATE CANINIIDS 100 n EASKY AUGHRIS SERPENT ROCK a b STREEDAGH text-fig. 9. Ratio of straight to geniculate caniniids expressed in terms of a percentage histogram for Easky, Aughris, Serpent Rock, and three horizons at Streedagh. At all stations except Easky geniculate forms are dominant, notably at Streedagh. solitary Rugosa faunas within a few feet as illustrated in text-fig. 11, and Plates 40 and 41. table 2. Hill’s (1948) three coral associations tabulated to show the relationship between the faunal characteristics and the modern analogy and environment. FAUNAL CHARACTERISTICS MODERN ANALOGY AND ENVIRONMENT I Cvathaxonia Fauna small, solitary, non-dissepimented forms. small, solitary, corals cold, deep or murky sea. II Compound Ruaosa & Chaetetida reef corals. warm, shallow, pellucid sea III Solitary Rugosa with dissepiments (chiefly caniniids & clisiophyllids.) intermediate between 1 & 11. The palaeoecological conclusions quoted by Wells (in 1957, p. 774) have, until recently, been accepted widely for the limitation of rugosan habitats. Thus by analogy to present day, non-surface, essentially lagoonal reef corals he states that the ecological J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES, VISEAN, N. W. IRELAND 263 niche has the following parameters: (1) a maximum depth of about 50 metres; (2) well within the pellucid zone; (3) annual minimum temperature of 16-21° C; (4) well oxygen- ated, gently circulating waters ; (5) on a substratum clear or relatively free from rapid sedimentation, but not necessarily in clear non-turbid waters. T • entire text-fig. 10. The coral populations of Easky, Aughris, Serpent Rock, Streedagh, Kiln Port, Shalwy, and Aughrus (Co. Donegal) are expressed in terms of Hill’s three coral associations showing that the entire forms belong to the solitary Rugosa association. I. Cyathaxonia fauna: small, solitary, non-dissepimented forms. II. Compound Rugosa and Chaeteticla. III. Solitary Rugosa with dissepiments (chiefly caniniids and clisiophyllids). Teichert (1958, p. 1064), however, reminds us of Dons’s (1933) and Shott’s (1926) works in giving an account of cold deep water coral banks which are alive today off the coast of Norway. Thus he divides the modern scleractinian corals into two major ecological groups: the first of these, the Hermatypic, are dependent on the symbiotic flagellates, the zooxanthellae, and consequently restricted to an annual minimum water temperature of 18-5° C, and 300 ft. depth. Teichert’s second group of Ahermatypic scleractinian corals are not dependent on zooxanthellae, and therefore are not restricted to the pellucid zones. These Hermatypic conditions would appear to be similar to those outlined by Wells (op. cit.). The degree of tolerance of the Ahermatypic group is wide, members having been recorded at depths of up to 20,000 feet, and temperatures as low as — 1T° C, though the majority occur at depths of 600 900 ft. Teichert (1958, p. 1075) concludes that the best measure of depth is the presence of calcareous algae which are not found below 150 ft. From comparison with the C 3803 T 264 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 environments and biota tabulated (p. 1076) it would appear that the fauna described herein probably belongs to Teichert’s category number 1. In this few species of frame building coelenterates with rich invertebrate association and absence of calcareous algae are recorded. This category is found in deep and cool waters, shelf or bay environments, within the temperature range of the dysphotic zone of the tropical belt to the polar regions. This contrasts with his category number 4, in which a rich assemblage of frame building coelenterates, in association with a rich invertebrate fauna, with the addition of abundant calcareous algae, is attributed to shallow warm waters in open shelf to near shore environments of the tropical belt. Calcareous algae are not obvious in the Irish coral limestone populations described here, though their presence has been noted else- where in the succession both above and below this horizon. This would suggest that the environment was probably marginal to the tropical dysphotic belt. The development of conspicuously fossiliferous bedding planes alternating with less fossiliferous bands has been attributed by Broadhurst (1964, pp. 866 and 867) to the rate of sedimentation and the associated amount of bottom turbulence in the non-marine Coal Measures. On this view each fossiliferous plane represents a phase of restricted sedimentation. Teichert (1958, p. 1073) states that bioherms may show signs of sudden extinction, in which the destruction of the coral frame results from the attack of boring organisms, yet evidence of wave destruction is absent. He continues by saying that though this might be regarded as evidence of subsidence and consequent ‘drowning’ of the reef, it might equally well result from the elevation of the sea floor above the level of tolerance of the corals. In these beds there is evidence of extensive burrowing in both horizontal and vertical directions. From the infill of the burrows it is apparent that there was a variation in the nature of the sediment supplied. There is also abundant evidence of auloporids encrusting brachiopods, caniniids, and even occasional syringo- porids, not infrequently in the position of growth, at Shalwy, Kiln Port, and Easky. This might be interpreted as a sign of a decline in sedimentational rate. The fasciculate lithostrotiontid associations may chiefly be described as thickets, though occasionally there is evidence of coppice (Plate 41, fig. 1) development (Squires 1964, pp. 904-6). An unusual relationship is seen in one place at Serpent Rock where caniniids have been observed penetrating a fasciculate lithostrotiontid colony (Plate 41, fig. 3); this appears to be a commensal association. A similar relationship between two lithostrotiontids is seen high in the succession at Streedagh (text-fig. 1 1). The cerioid lithostrotiontids, by contrast, seem to have an unsociable habit, commonly occurring on separate bedding planes from the other faunas where there is a distinct paucity of other fossils save trace fossils. The individuals thus appear as well separated colonies (Plate 40, figs. 2 and 3) in bioturbated biomicrites. An exception to this rule is seen near Easky pier where the coral brachiopod fauna is notably mixed, containing lithostrotiontids (fasciculate and cerioid), pustulids, chonetids, productids, and even rare caniniids which would suggest that the fauna may in part be transported. The population is summarized in terms of the dominant ecologically significant groups in text-fig. 12. In entire population close similarities are seen at Shalwy, Stree- dagh, Serpent Rock characterized by a dominance of solitary corals, and few compound corals and brachiopods, indicating calm well aerated shallow seas. Aughris and Easky have fewer solitary corals but have more compound corals and brachiopods respectively, suggesting that more stable forms were tolerant of a somewhat greater turbulence. Kiln J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES, VISEAN, N. W. IRELAND 265 -g-L^f-ea-L T 1 ( i <321 I ithostrotiontid thicket (TOP) linoproductoids dominant zaphrentids, auloporids, trepostomes, lithostrotiontids (inverted), lithostrotiontids, caniniids, linoproductoids, spiriferids, trepostomes, phillipsiid. occasional linoproductoid , leptaenid. caniniid clusters, productids, ortho- auloporids, spiriferids, tetids. orthotetids, linoproductoids, \lithostrotiontids (some inverted), lit host ro t ion t id dominant phillipsid. occasional zaphrentid, micheliniid, auloporid trepostome spiriferid 8. lithostrotiontid] productid. thicket, rare, inverted coralla. occasional inverted caniniids. commensal association of lithos- trotiontids j 'n thicket, rare caniniid, linoproductoid, spiriferid inoproductoids & trepostoitie, prolific, auloporid encrusting \caniniids, linoproductoid, leptaenids, dense caniniid clusters, prolific caniniids subsidiary lithos- trotiontid2. linoproductoids, pustulids, orthotetids, spiriferids, ^rhynchonellids & trepostomes. caniniids, occasional ostracod, linoproductoid, inverted lithos- trotiontid], rare lithostrotiontid2- caniniids dominant, ostracods, crinoid ossicles, linoproductoids. lithostrotiontid] thicket. caniniids abundant , subsidiary inverted lithostrontid j coralla. caniniids dominant occasional inverted lithostrotiontids coralla "A> caniniids dominant occasional inverted lithostrostrotiontid. "biostrome of actinoconchids \lithostrotiontids, trepostomes fusiform gastropods, euomphalid linoproductoids & caniniids. r72" -60" -48" caniniids dominant 36" 24" j/ J< %, f ^ -J? sparse fauna: (ithostrotiontid, auloporid, euomphalid, zaphrentid, productid, phillipsiid. caniniids & lithostrotiontids. linoproductoids & caniniids. (BASE) .ffitelto,* s^n fendiS;o^hPo°lhdTC^^^ fasciculate lithostrotiontids. ... , . . . phillipsiid linoproductoids, ortho- fasciculate li thostro t ion t id .tetids, pustulids, £Plrif?dri^stlha||||'°P^-^ ^ cerioid lithostrotiontid. cerioid lithostrotiontids, rare &= £ caninioid. ^ ? 9 zaphrentoid, £ ^ <3 <3 <2 productids & chonetids. © & 3 gastropods. 2- pustulid & lithostrotiontid. caniniids. calcareous shale shaly biomicrite wavy bedded biomicrite with J shaly partings. wavy bedded biomicrite text-fig. 1 1 . Diagrammatic representation of the lithology of the coral limestone horizon within the Ballyshannon Limestone of Streedagh to illustrate the rapid alternation of Hill’s coral associations. 266 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Port and Aughrus (Co. Donegal) are anomalous in showing a marked preponderance of brachiopods over all other forms. The fragmental populations at Easky, Streedagh and Serpent Rock have marked similarity with a decrease in the number of solitary BRACHIOPODS text-fig. 12. The population of the Ballyshannon Limestone summarized in terms of the three dominant ecologically significant groups: brachiopods, compound corals and solitary corals. A close similarity is seen between the entire forms of Shalwy, Aughris, Streedagh, and Serpent Rock, while a secondary, less conspicuous group is formed by Easky, Kiln Port, and Aughrus (Co. Donegal). Of the frag- mental population Streedagh, Easky, and Serpent Rock are particularly similar, with Kiln Port and Aughris showing a certain amount of similarity while Shalwy remains anomalous. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 40 Fig. 1. Portion of a bedding plane at Streedagh showing prolific partially silicified caniniids with variable degree of geniculation, set in a biomicrite matrix. Scale: hammer measures 13 inches. Fig. 2. Bedding plane at Serpent Rock showing well spaced cerioid lithostrotiontid colonies appearing as lighter coloured patches in the jointed biomicrite matrix. Scale: hammer 13 inches long. Fig. 3. Close-up of a cerioid lithostrotiontid colony in situ with horizontal burrow to the left of it, from the same bedding plane as fig. 2 at Serpent Rock. Scale: coin measures one inch in diameter. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 41 Fig. 1 . Fasciculate lithostrotiontid coppice showing fragmental lithostrotiontid corallites in the lower portion of the stratum from which one large upright fasciculate lithostrotiontid corallunr pro- trudes. Scale: hammer measures 13 inches. Fig. 2. Mixed caniniid, fasciculate lithostrotiontids x & 2 and brachiopod fauna, worn smooth by wave action; illustrating the impracticability of detailed identification of many intractable forms. Scale: half the magnification of fig. 1 . Fig. 3. Apparently commensal association of caniniids and lithostrotiontid thicket at Serpent Rock. Scale : coin measures one inch in diameter. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 40 HUBBARD, Ballyshannon Limestone Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 41 HUBBARD, Ballyshannon Limestone J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES, VISEAN, N. W. IRELAND 267 corals present, possibly indicating that the solitary corals are more resistant on account of their thicker skeletons. Aughris likewise shows a proportional decrease in solitary corals. Kiln Port is once more anomalous in showing an increase in the number of both compound and solitary corals present. This may represent a fauna which has been trans- ported further from the source of coralline material. It may be suggested that Streedagh, Serpent Rock, and Shalwy represent solitary coral biostromes in quiet seas while Aughris was on the rougher seaward side sustaining a greater proportion of hydro- dynamically more stable forms. Kiln Port may represent more muddy seas with a vagrant benthonic fauna of brachiopods which developed on the landward side of the coral biostrome where a more restricted circulation would not favour coral growth. Easky, Serpent Rock, and Streedagh may thus be regarded as an inshore, and Aughris a further seaward facies of a coral biostrome. These conclusions support the palaeo- geography postulated by George (1958). CONCLUSIONS Variations in environment are clearly not the sole factor since there are faunal dif- ferences between the Donegal stations and those of Sligo. Thus in general the Donegal fauna consists of syringoporids, micheliniids, a relatively narrow caniniid and davisiel- lids which are replaced by fasciculate and cerioid lithostrotiontids, giganteid caniniids and linoproductids in Sligo. It is not yet known whether these represent niche biotas of different faunal provinces or whether they are at different horizons, though the latter is suspected. In Sligo the former association can be traced low in the succession. Additional support for the latter argument has been reached independently on gross lithological grounds by W. F. Hubbard and D. J. R. Sheridan (personal communication) and on detailed foraminiferal studies by R. W. L. Oldroyd (personal communication). However, until further detailed macropalaeontological and micropalaeontological dating elucidates this problem, it could be argued that this faunal replacement results from the diachronous northward migration of faunas. It would appear highly probable that the Sligo outcrops are of approximately the same age but of a different age to the Donegal outcrops. In support of this hypothesis the dating of the underlying Carrowmoran Sandstone found in the ground between Easky and Aughris is crucial. The Carrowmoran Sandstone has been shown by the author (1966, in press) to correlate with the Mullaghmore Sandstone of Sligo, to which an age between Sa-D! has been ascribed by Oswald (1955, pp. 173, 174, and 180) on the basis of lithological comparison and ostracod dating. Furthermore the Ballyshannon Limestone of the coastal regions of Sligo from which these population studies are derived is shown to contrast strongly with that of the type area, yet it resembles higher stratigraphical horizons only six miles away. In the type area about Ballyshannon the Ballyshannon Limestone consists of massive crinoidal biomicrites, biosparites, and oomicrites containing mainly fragmental or transported fossils among which cerioid lithostrotiontids are not recorded. The lowest record of cerioid lithostrotiontids outside Oswald’s (1955) area is in S2 beds of Garwood (1913, p. 547). The second lithological comparison concerns Oswald’s (1955) transitional Benbulben Shale-Glencar Lime- stone (SoDx) exposed on the south-western flanks of Benbulben Mountain, where four recognizable units, one of which is the coral-brachiopod limestone mentioned, can be 268 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 correlated with similar units at Streedagh and Serpent Rock. Similarly material of com- parable lithology to the type section of the Ballyshannon Limestone has been recorded on bore-hole cores which penetrate the basement to the south of the outcrops herein described. Thus it would appear that the Sligo outcrops under discussion are referable to Oswald's (1955) Benbulben Shale-Glencar Limestone (SoD^. Reference to the faunal lists of Bowes (1957), George and Oswald (1957) and Oswald (1955) shows that the following corals are not present in the south-eastern flank of the Donegal syncline but are to be found in Sligo. At Aughris: Caninia benburbensis Lewis and Lithostrotion pauciradiale (McCoy). In Oswald’s (1955) Ballyshannon Limestone list derived from the total outcrop: Zaphrentis ( Hapsiphyllum ) konincki (Edwards and Haime), Lithostrotion affine Fleming, Lithostrotion martini Edwards and Haime, and Lithostrotion portlocki (Bronn). To the south of this area Caldwell (1959, pp. 168, 180) does not record these species below the Ballymore Beds which he correlates with the Benbulben Shale. In contrast to the situation in Sligo the Donegal outcrops are known to be relatively close to the base of the Carboniferous succession and do not contain cerioid lithostro- tiontids, even fasciculate lithostrotiontids being extremely scarce. Environmentally it would appear that the Sligo fauna represents a similar ecological niche to that of Donegal; having developed marginally between the dysphotic tropical belt and shallow warm waters of the open shelf. The Sligo fauna is not present in the Donegal assemblage, yet occasionally Donegal members are still present in the Sligo fauna indicating that the dominant incoming fauna had not entirely excluded the earlier forms. It is suggested that there is a general replacement of syringoporids by fasciculate lithostrotiontids, narrow by giganteid caniniids, and davisiellids by linoproductids. Each of these pairs, being analogous forms, would appear to occupy the same ecological niche. The greater density and diversity of the Sligo fauna would suggest the attainment of more favourable conditions during the later Visean, by which time the Carboniferous marine transgression had become established. Acknowledgements. The author is indebted to Dr. G. M. Dunlop and Professor T. Neville George for the interest and encouragement shown during the course of the work; to Mr. J. W. Keith for technical assistance; and to Dr. C. H. Holland and Professor B. C. King for critically reading the manuscript, and the latter for supervision of the work which was carried out under the tenure of a D.S.I.R. Studentship at Bedford College (University of London). REFERENCES bowes, g. 1957. Geology of the Ballina Syncline. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Glasgow. broadhurst, f. m. 1964. Some aspects of the palaeoecology of non-marine faunas and rates of sedi- mentation in the Lancashire Coal Measures. Amer. J. Sci. 262, 858-69. caldwell, w. g. e. 1959. The Lower Carboniferous rocks of the Carrick-on-Shannon syncline. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 115, 163-88, pi. Vi. dons, c. 1933. ‘Zoologiske Notisser XVII. Om Breitstadtfjordens korallrev’. Kong. Norske Viden- skab. Selsk. Forhandl. 5, 143-6. folk, r. l. 1959. Practical petrographic classification of limestones. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 43, 1-38. garwood, e. J. 1913. Lower Carboniferous succession in the North-West of England. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 68, 449-572. J. A. E. B. HUBBARD: POPULATION STUDIES, VISEAN, N.W. IRELAND 269 george, t. n. and Oswald, d. h. 1957. The Carboniferous Rocks of the Donegal Syncline. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Loud. 1 13, 137-79, pi. xiv-xvi. 1958. Lower Carboniferous Palaeogeography of the British Isles. Proc. Yorks, geol. Soc. 31, 227-318. hill, d. 1948. The distribution and sequence of Carboniferous coral faunas. Geol. Mag. 85, 121-48. hubbard, j. a. e. b. 1966. Facies patterns in the Garrowmoran Sandstone tVisean) of western County Sligo, Ireland. Proc. geol. Assoc, (in press). Oswald, d. h. 1955. The Carboniferous Rocks between the Ox Mountains and Donegal Bay. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Loud. Ill, 167-86, pi. xi. shott, g. 1926. Geographic des Atlantischen Ozeans. 2nd ed. xiv, 368 pp. 5 pi. C. Boysen, Hamburg. squires, d. f. 1964. Fossil coral thickets in Wairarapa, New Zealand. J. Paleont. 38,904-15. teichert, c. 1958. Cold and deep water coral banks. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 42, 1064-82. wells, j. w. 1957. In Treatise on Marine Ecology and Palaeoecology, edited by H. S. Ladd, Mem. Geol. Soc. Amer. 67 (2), ‘Corals’, 773-4. Wynne, a. b. 1864. On the geology of parts of Sligo, etc. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, 33-41. JULIA A. E. B. HUBBARD, King’s College (University of London), Strand, Manuscript received 16 February 1965 London, W.C.2 OCCURRENCE OF AUSTRALO SUTURA (TRILOBITA) IN THE MISSISSIPPIAN OF OKLAHOMA, U.S.A. by ALLEN R. ORMISTON Abstract. A species of Australosutura is described from Mississippian rocks of Oklahoma regarded as being Visean in age. It is most like the earlier-described Australian species, less like that from Argentina. A trilobite collected by Dr. Kenneth W. Ciriacks in the course of his investigation of the Mooreheld Formation of Oklahoma was identified by me as Australosutura. In the company of Dr. Ciriacks I visited the locality from which the original specimen came and was able to collect additional material. These Oklahoma specimens are the first of the genus in North America. So far as the writer is aware, Australosutura has previously been known to occur only in Australia and Argentina. Amos, Campbell, and Goldring (1960, p. 229) erected the genus for the single species Cordania gardneri Mitchell 1922, originally described from the Carboniferous of Australia. A. gardneri was recognized by them in collections from Argentina as well as from Australia. Another Australian occurrence of the genus was reported by Campbell and Engel (1963, p. 110). Acknowledgements. 1 am indebted to Pan American Petroleum Corporation for permission to publish this paper. I thank Dr. K. W. Ciriacks of the Research Center of Pan American Petroleum Corporation for making available to me the first Oklahoma specimen of Australosutura and for his help in collecting more material. Dr. Gilbert Klapper, also of the Research Center, kindly provided age information based on his studies of selected conodont faunas from the Moorefield Formation. My wife, Eleanor, collected the only pygidium of Australosutura we have been able to find. Stratigraphy. The north-eastern Oklahoma exposures of the Mississippian Moorefield Formation were divided by Huffman (1958, p. 49) into four members which are in ascending order: the Tahlequah, Bayou Manard, Lindsey Bridge, and Ordnance Plant Members. All the specimens of Australosutura described in this paper come from a 6-in. bed 8-7 to 9-2 ft. below the top of the Bayou Manard Member exposed in the bed of a dry stream 0-5 miles south of Welling, Oklahoma (exact locality information below). At this locality the Moorefield Formation is incompletely exposed ; the lowest beds being within the Bayou Manard Member. Approximately 30 miles north-west of the Welling locality there is a complete exposure of the Moorefield Formation at Lindsey Bridge. There the entire formation is 107 ft. thick and the Bayou Manard Member 53 ft. thick. Although the Welling exposure is incomplete, the Bayou Manard Member appears to be considerably thinner there than at Lindsey Bridge. At Welling the Bayou Manard Member consists of dark gray to black, argillaceous, micritic limestones, and calcareous shales. Bayou Manard Fauna. The bed from which Australosutura was collected yields a fairly diverse fauna including brachiopods, pelecypods, and trilobites. By far the most {Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 270-3, pi. 42.] A. R. ORMISTON: OCCURRENCE OF AUSTRALO SUTU RA (TRILOBITA) 271 abundant elements are Cleiothyridina sp. and the trilobite, Griffithides pustulosus Snider 1915. Less common are: Spirifer arkansanum Girty 1911 ; Neoehonetes sp.; two genera of productids ; and ?Sphenotus sp. Age. According to Dr. Gilbert Klapper (personal communication) the conodont fauna present in the Australosutura- bearing bed of the Bayou Manard Member belongs to the Gnathodus bilineatus-Cavusgnathus characta Zone of Collinson et al. (1962). This bed of the Bayou Manard Member is thus Visean in terms of the European chronology (see Collinson et al. 1962, p. 13, chart 5). The Argentinian occurrence of A. gardneri (Mitchell) has also been suggested to be Visean in age, whereas the Australian occurrences are considered Westphalian (Amos, Campbell, and Goldring 1960, p. 229). The disparity in age between the Argentine and Australian material of A. gardneri led Campbell and Engel (1963, p. 112) to suggest that those occurrences represent separate species. Elsewhere in this paper are noted mor- phologic differences which support this suggestion, but considering the Visean Okla- homa Australosutura to be closely related to the Westphalian A. gardneri from Australia implies that the species really is long ranging. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Family brachymetopidae Prantl and Pribyl 1951 Genus australosutura Campbell and Goldring 1960 Type species. Cordania gardneri Mitchell 1922. Australosutura aff. A. gardneri (Mitchell 1922) Plate 42, figs. 1-9 Material. USNM No. 145307, an incomplete cephalon lacking the left free cheek; USNM No. 145308, a small partly exfoliated cranidium; USNM No. 145309, a fragmentary cephalon preserving the left genal spine; and USNM No. 145310, a pygidium preserved as an internal mold. Locality and Horizon. A bed 8-7 to 9-2 feet below the top of the Bayou Manard Member, Moorefield Formation, bank of a dry stream which runs generally north-south through the pasture of Mrs. S. Bracket’s farm, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, section 7, T. 16 N., R. 23 E., Cherokee County, Oklahoma. Description. There are no consistent differences in the cephalon between the Oklahoma and Australian specimens (Amos, Campbell, and Goldring 1960, p. 234, pi. 40) of Australosutura with the possible exception of one minor character. The tubercles present along the posterior slope of the anterior and lateral cephalic borders appear to be more prominent on the Oklahoma specimens. The Argentinian specimens assigned to A. gardneri by Amos, Campbell, and Goldring (1960, p. 230) do, however, differ importantly from the Oklahoma material. They are distinguished in having: (1) the cephalon more strongly inflated, (2) the anterior part of glabella rising vertically in lateral profile, (3) the frontal area distinctly shorter (sag.), and (4) the glabellar tuberculation finer than that elsewhere on the cephalon. The single available pygidium is preserved as an internal mould. The description is 272 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 partly based on a latex cast of a fragmentary counterpart external mould of the same specimen. Pygidium wider than long. Axis with 15 rings, the last two of which are represented by aligned tubercles. Each ring with 9 to 11 tubercles arranged in longitudinal rows, median tubercles the most prominent. Ring furrows deep. In lateral profile axis gently declining to position of sixth ring, more steeply declining thereafter. Axis stops short of posterior margin and overhangs post-axial area. Anterior axial rings inclined forward, posterior ones become progressively more backwardly in- clined posteriorly. In posterior profile axis rises high above pleural regions, semi-octagonal in cross section. Pleural field rises gently from axial furrow but is flexed strongly downward at about f total width of field from axial furrow. The fulcrum is marked by a longitudinal (exs.) row of prominent tubercles. Pleural region subdivided by ten prominent posterior pleural bands (Whittington, 1960, p. 406), the posteriormost two of which are nearly parallel to the axis. The posterior bands persist to the pygidial margin where each is represented by a marginal tubercle. The anterior pleural bands are visible only on the first five segments of the internal mould. Posterior pleural bands about twice as long (exs.) as anterior bands and more strongly convex. There are 5 to 8 evenly spaced tubercles on posterior bands 1 through 8. Interpleural furrows very faint on internal mould. There is no border furrow, the border being set off by a change in slope. Dimensions (in mm.) USNM 145307 USNM 145308 USNM 145309 cranidial length 80 6-9 — glabellar length plus occip. ring 5-5 4-9 — glabellar length to occip. furrow 4-7 41 — max. glabellar width 5-0 40 6-3 beta-beta width of facial sutures 9-4 6-3 — length of frontal area 2-6 20 — cephalic width (15-1) — (17-4) USNM 145310 max. axial width 4-6 pygidial width 12-5 pygidial length 10-2 Discussion. Because of the widely different ages of the Australian and Argentinian occurrences of A. gardneri, Campbell has proposed (Campbell and Engel 1963, p. 112) that the Argentine specimens now be assigned to a separate species. I agree with this EXPLANATION OF PLATE 42 Australosutura aff. A. gardneri (Mitchell). Figs. 1-5. Cephalon lacking the left free cheek. 1, Dorsal view (x4-4). 2, Latex cast of fragmentary counterpart mould of this specimen showing anterior branch of facial suture (x6). 3, Oblique exterior view (x4 4). 4, Lateral view (x4-4). 5, Anterior view (x4-4). USNM No. 145307. Fig. 6. Fragmentary cephalon showing genal spine, dorsal view (x4). USNM No. 145309. Fig. 7. Cranidium, dorsal view (x5). USNM No. 145308. Figs. 8-9. Exfoliated pygidium. 8, Dorsal view. 9, Lateral view (both x 3). USNM No. 145310. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 42 ORMISTON, Australosutura A. R. ORMISTON: OCCURRENCE OF AUSTRALO SUTU RA (TRILOBITA) 273 suggestion but for morphologic rather than stratigraphic reasons. Several major charac- ters which distinguish the Argentine specimens from the Australian topotypes as well as from the Oklahoma material are discussed in the foregoing section on description. Although the Oklahoma specimens appear to differ in no important respects from the topotypes of A. gardneri, it is considered advisable to identify them for now as A. aft'. A. gardneri because of their imperfectness and the fact that 1 have not examined the topotype specimens. A Tournaisian species of Australosutura from the Tulcumba sandstone of Australia has been described as Australosutura sp. (Campbell and Engel 1963, p. 1 10). This species differs in many respects from the Oklahoma specimens. It has: (1) a distinctly longer and narrower glabella; (2) the glabella more strongly convex in transverse cross section; (3) no enlarged tubercle opposite the 2p glabellar furrow; (4) a relatively shorter, broader pygidium; and (5) the inner part of the pygidial pleural fields much flatter in cross section. The similarities between Australosutura and Cordania have already been pointed out (Amos, Campbell, and Goldring 1960, p. 229), and Cordania has been suggested by those authors (op. cit. p. 230) as a possible ancestor of Australosutura. 1 would suggest that Mystrocephala Whittington (1960, p. 413) in having a broad, concave preglabellar field; no broad, convex cephalic border; and the posterior pygidial segmentation represented by posterior pleural bands is even closer to Australosutura than is Cordania. Mystrocephala is also closer in age to Australosutura. The youngest representatives of Mystrocephala are Givetian in age (Whittington 1960, p. 414), whereas Cordania does not occur in beds younger than Lower Devonian (op. cit. p. 409). Thus Mystrocephala is better qualified than Cordania as a possible ancestor of Australosutura. REFERENCES amos, a. J., Campbell, k. s. w., and goldring, r. 1960. Australosutura gen. nov. (Trilobita) from the Carboniferous of Australia and Argentina. Palaeontology, 3, 227-36, pi. 39, 40. Campbell, k. s. w. and engel, b. a. 1963. The faunas of the Tournaisian Tulcumba Sandstone and its members in the Werrie and Belvue Synclines, New South Wales. J.geol. Soc. Aust. 10, 55-122, pi. 1-9. collinson, c., scott, a. j., and rexroad, c. b. 1962. Six charts showing biostratigraphic zones and correlation based on conodonts from the Devonian and Mississippian rocks of the Upper Mississippi Valley. Circ. III. geol. Surv. 328, 32. Huffman, g. g. 1958. Geology of the flanks of the Ozark Uplift. Bull.Okla.Geol.Surv.il. mitchell, J. 1922. Description of two new trilobites, and note on Griffithides convexicaudatus Mitchell. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 47, 535-40, pi. 54. Whittington, h. b. 1960. Cordania and other trilobites from the Lower and Middle Devonian. J. Paleont. 34, 405-20, pi. 51-54. A. R. ORMISTON, Research Department, Pan American Petroleum Corporation, P.O. Box 501, Tulsa 2, Oklahoma Manuscript received 18 February 1965 DESCRIPTIONS OF SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES TAKEN FROM EARLY CRETACEOUS MACROFOSSILS by N. F. HUGHES and JUDITH MOODY-STUART Abstract. Full descriptions are given of spores taken from the original macrofossil material of Ruffordia goepperti (Dunk. ), Pelletieria valdensis Seward, and Schizaeopsis americana Berry. All three plants are of Early Cretaceous age, the first two from the Lower Wealden of England, and the last from the Patuxent Formation of the Potomac Group of Virginia, U.S.A. The use of measurements in the erection of species in the dispersed spore genus Cicatricosisporites is discussed in the light of these observations. Dispersed spore palynological studies show that the spore type usually classified as Cicatricosisporites Pot. and Gell. first appears in the Early Cretaceous or latest Jurassic, and then diversifies rapidly. Unfortunately these spores have not yet proved to be of great stratigraphical value in the Cretaceous period, and we think this is almost entirely due to the effects of poor typification and description, and of uncoordinated nomen- clature. Bolkhovitina (1961) has brought together most of the fossil records of this group in a very useful paper, although her system of nomenclature is unfortunate and many of the figures of other authors which she was obliged to reproduce were inadequate in their original form. It so happens that three separate fertile plant organ species, believed to belong to the Schizaeaceae, were described with their spores in the period 1911-13. The illustrations of the spores were generalized sketches, with in two cases rather inadequate photographs ; and the descriptions do little more than allude to the probable fern family affinity, a treatment which was no doubt considered adequate at the time. Couper (1958) pub- lished some photographs of spores of Ruffordia goepperti which had been known previously only from Seward’s (1913) sketch, but Couper regarded these spores as comparable with his dispersed spore material which he placed in the Eocene species Cicatricosisporites dorogensis. As far as we know neither the spores of Pelletieria valdensis nor of Schizaeopsis americana have been adequately described. All the material of Ruffordia and Pelletieria has been kindly loaned for the purpose by the Department of Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History). The necessary pull from the Schizaeopsis specimen was taken during a visit (N.F.H. July 1959) to the United States National Museum, Washington, and permission to figure the material was kindly given later by Dr. F. M. Hueber of that institution. The relevant slide prepara- tions will be sent to the institutions concerned. Potonie (1965, pp. 45-46) refers to this same material which he examined when in Cambridge. Preparations were made by brief oxidation (approx, two hours) in concentrated nitric acid only, clearance in approx. 5 per cent, ammonia, and mounting unstained in glycerine jelly. In each case all of the material removed from the plant was mounted; it was handled only by pipette and was not centrifuged. Specimens recorded were all [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 274-89, pis. 43-47.] 275 HUGHES AND MOODY-STUART: SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES those present on certain selected traverses on the slide preparation. Stage co-ordinates refer to Ortholux microscope no. 491249, Department of Geology, Cambridge. 30 A KEY Squares represent one specimen each in orientation indicated □ Oblique □ Polar IS Equatorial text-fig. 1. Frequency distribution histograms of maximum diameter in microns of spores of Ruf- fordici goepperti. a, New preparation (V2192b-f), 200 specimens; standard deviation 5-2 p, coefficient of variation 10 per cent, b, Five point moving average from the data of A. c, Seward s preparation (V2192a), 58 specimens (all available); standard deviation 6-1 /x, coefficient of variation 13 per cent. DESCRIPTIONS Family schizaeaceae Genus ruffordia Seward 1894 Type species. Sphenopteris goepperti Dunker 1846 (Dunker's earlier reference not effective). 276 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Remarks. Although the genus Ruffordia was well conceived, Seward should have erected a new species for his relatively good fertile material, instead of relying on the inadequately described holotype (sterile frond) of Dunker. In view of the remarks of Michael (1936, p. 34) a new species may still be necessary, as she could not find in the German specimens the variability which Seward reported. Nomenclatural difficulties would result from any such change now. Ruffordia goepperti (Dunk.) Seward 1894 (spores) Plate 43, figs. 1-12 1913 Seward, p. 91, text-fig. 2a. non 1921 Halle, p. 11, pi. 2, fig. 8. 1958 Couper, p. 109, pi. 17, figs. 4-6. 1962 Potonie, p. 104, pi. 10, fig. 268. Holotype. We have located and figured (PI. 43, fig. 10) a spore on Seward’s slide V2192a which by elimination appears to be the original of his text-fig. 2a (1913); we are considering this spore to be the holotype. Seward’s preparation and mounting methods for this material are not known, and the spore is now very pale in colour. The size range and mean of the fifty-eight specimens on his slide differ from those of our preparation (see text-fig. lc). The spore figured by Couper (1958, pi. 17, figs. 4, 5) is probably another specimen nearby on the slide (OR 48.1 126.1). Locality. The specimen V2192a is clearly marked Rufford Collection, Ecclesbourne, nr. Hastings, in spite of Seward’s (1913, p. 91) record of Fairlight. The rock is a hard red-brown sideritic siltstone of maximum grain size 50 p. It is likely to have come from the base of the Ashdown Sands or from the top of Fairlight Clay division e. Material. Spores were taken by needle and by ‘puli' from what appeared to be sporangia on the middle section of the frond of specimen V2192a, which according to Museum labels in Seward’s handwriting was the specimen he used but did not specifically cite (1913) in making his slide (now V2192a). Emended spore diagnosis. Spores trilete tetrahedral with strongly convex distal surface, but with rounded triangular amb. Contact faces smooth (PI. 43, figs. 1-2). The lips are simple membraneous 2-3 p high extensions of the exine (PI. 43, fig. 6) which has a constant thickness of T5 p excluding sculpture. The inter-radial equatorial and distal regions bear three sets of sub-parallel muri which occasionally join to form a partial reticulum (PI. 43, figs. 4, 5, 8). The three sets of muri leave a triangle (PI. 43, fig. 10) of varying size centred on the distal pole, with variable sub-parallel sculpture within the triangle. Muri, of rounded profile, 1 -5-2-0 p high and wide, spaced on average EXPLANATION OF PLATE 43 Figs. 1-12. Ruffordia goepperti (Dunk.) Seward; spores taken from specimen V2192a BMNH, X 1000. 1-3, Proximal aspect, high, mid and low focus respectively; prep. V2192c, OR 33.5 108.5. 4-5, Equatorial aspect, mid and low focus; prep. V2192d OR 30.9 120.6. 6-7, Oblique proximal aspect, mid and high focus; Prep. V2192d, OR 32.2 120.3. 8, Oblique aspect pattern of distal muri; prep. V2192c, OR 46.4 117.9. 9, Proximal aspect, showing radial rib profile formerly diagnostic; prep. V2192c, OR 46.4 112.4. 10, Holotype, proximal aspect, low focus (distal); Seward's prep. V2192a, OR 48.2, 127.2. 11, Section perpendicular to polar axis, triplan, distal; prep. V2192g, OR 54 112.4. 12, Adjacent section, showing laesura with compressed lips and proximal face; prep. V2192g, OR 60.1 115.6. 13, Section parallel to polar axis, laesura open; prep. V2192h, OR 40.1 125.1. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 43 12 HUGHES and MOODY-STUART, Lower Cretaceous spores HUGHES AND MOOD Y-STU ART: SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES 277 2-3 p apart (PI. 43, fig. 8). Muri of adjacent sets do not coalesce (see text-fig. 2a-c) in equatorial radial regions which are flexible and not thickened. Dimensions. Diameter (200 specimens) 35— (51)— 63 /x (preparations V2192b-f); 80 per cent, of speci- mens fall between 44 and 58 p. Percentage of specimens in polar view 28, equatorial view 13, and oblique 59 as plotted in text-fig. 1a. Similar observations for Seward’s slide V2192a are given in text-fig. lc; the lower values for diameter (58 specimens) 32-(46)-58 /x, 80 per cent, between 39 and 55 /x, may be due to difference in maceration procedure. text-fig. 2. Rujfordia goepperti (spores), diagrams x 1000; muri shown in black. A-c, from Seward’s preparation (V2192a) to illustrate the configuration of the muri. a, Distal; b, Proximal faces of holo- type, Plate 43, fig. 10, OR 48.2 127.2. c, Distal face of specimen figured by Couper (1958), OR 48.1 126.1. d. Section normal to laesura, half radial distance from pole, showing concave proximal face and false margo. e, Specimen of Plate 43, fig. 12, showing folded proximal face and false margo. Description. All spores are strongly compressed and usually folded. Possibly because they were dried out before burial and became concave proximally, there is a tendency for the parts of the exine adjacent to the laesurae to be pressed together; this raises the lips, simulates a margo in some specimens, and causes some proximal rigidity (text-fig. 2a; PI. 43, figs. 6, 12, 13). The arrangement of muri in the radial region is comparable with that shown by Dettmann (1963, text-fig. 4 p); the mode of preservation however, always causes difficulty in observing details of the radial areas. Comparison. The spores obtained from R. goepperti (Halle 1921) from an unspecified horizon in Ussuri appear from poor illustrations to be of a different type. Remarks. Groot and Penny (1960) combined the spores of Seward and Couper in the dispersed spore genus Cicatricosisporites. Bolkhovitina (1961) erected Ruffordia araliea 278 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 for dispersed spores which have widely spaced high muri but differ from spores of R. goepperti in overall smaller numbers of muri. Brenner (1963) placed all these spores in synonymy in Cicatricosisporites aralica comb, nov., but none of this procedure is admissible. Genus pelletieria Seward 1913 Remarks. The available material of the single macrofossil species P. valdensis is more extensive than that figured by Seward, but the necessary re-description cannot be included in this paper. We assume that Seward intended the specimen V2329 (pi. xn, fig. 12a) to be the holotype and herewith designate it as such in case there is any doubt. The specimen of plate xn, fig. 12 b is on V2329 but has been partly destroyed in extracting spores, presumably by Seward; on the same rock specimen are the originals of Seward’s text-fig. 4a and g but 4b-e have not been located. The specimen of text-fig. 4f (now damaged) is on slide V2329b; that of text-fig. 3b is on V2368, text-fig. 3a on V51843, and text-fig. 3c on V51840. Pelletieria valdensis Seward 1913 (spores) Plate 44, figs. 1-8; Plate 45, figs. 1-7 1913 Seward, p. 91, pi. 14 fig. 5, text-fig. 2b. Holotype. Although Seward's wording (191 3, p. 92, para. 2) may be taken to suggest that the specimen of his text-fig. 3b (V2368 — Ruflord Coll.) provided the spores, it seems certain from all other evidence that they came from V2329. We have found the original of Seward’s photograph (1913, pi. 14, fig. 5) on slide V2329a and we re-figure it as the holotype (PI. 44, fig. 4). It has not been possible to identify the obliquely viewed specimen of Seward’s text-fig. 3b. Locus typicus. V2329 and V2368 are both labelled Ecclesbourne, nr. Hastings; V2329 is a coarse grey siltstone, unbedded, with maximum grain size 150 p. These specimens must again come from the lowest Ashdown sand or Fairlight clay e. Material. Additional spores were taken from V2329 from an isolated spore mass very close to the original of plate xii, fig. 12 b (Seward 1913). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 44 Figs. 1-8. Pelletieria valdensis Seward; spores taken from specimen V2329 BMNH, X 1000. 1-2, Sections parallel to polar axis, through laesura (2, near outer termination of laesura); prep. V2329j, OR 33.3 119.9 and 31.5 114. 3, Distal aspect, high focus; prep. V2329i, OR 37.8 117.6. 4, Holotype, proximal aspect; Seward's prep. V2329a, OR 28.7 118.9. 5-6, Equatorial aspects, prep. V2329f. 5, Showing profile of muri; OR 42.6 117.9. 6, Laesura open; OR 35.3 115.3. 7, Small specimen, equa- torial aspect with optical section of proximal exine; prep. V2329a, OR 38.7 125.8. 8, Equatorial aspect; prep. V2329h, OR 35.7 117.8. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 45 Figs. 1-7. Pelletieria valdensis Seward; spores taken from specimen, V2329 BMNH, X 1000. 1-2, Sections perpendicular to polar axis; prep. V2329j, OR 29.4 113.9 and OR 51.5 107.7 1, Distal (slightly oblique). 2, Proximal face showing depression bordering laesurae. 3, Proximal aspect, high focus; prep. V2329g, OR 47.8 118.7. 4, Distal aspect; prep. V2329g, OR 40.7 121.7. 5-7, Sections parallel to polar axis; prep. V23291, OR 50 111.8, OR 45 112.5, OR 42.3 112.3. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 44 HUGHES and MOODY-STUART, Lower Cretaceous spores Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 45 HUGHES and MOODY-STUART, Lower Cretaceous spores HUGHES AND MOOD Y-STUART: SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES 279 Emended diagnosis. Trilete spores with rounded triangular amb. Laesurae simple and with thin lips, of medium length flanked by variably deep and narrow areas of nega- tive sculpture. Proximal and distal surfaces bear a regular canaliculate sculpture, best A 90 .rJL 100 Mean! 73'9 S.D. 50 C 100 text-fig. 3. Frequency distribution histograms of maximum diameters in microns, of spores of Pelle- tieria valdensis. A, New preparation (V2329f), 200 specimens; standard deviation 8-5 /x, coefficient of variation 12 per cent, b, Five point moving average from the data of a. c, Seward’s preparation (V2329a), 100 specimens; standard deviation 7-7 /x, coefficient of variation 12 per cent. described as of lumina 0-5 to 1-0 ju. wide and 4/z apart. The lumina, in three parallel inter-radial sets, do not coalesce but merely inter-finger in the radial regions, maintain- ing the latter as more rigid areas which affect the shape of the spore. Inter-radial exine thickness 6-5 /x. C 3803 u 280 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Dimensions. Diameter (200 specimens) 52— (74)— 98 /z. (new preparation V2329f); 80 per cent, of specimens have maximum diameter between 63 and 84 ^ (text-fig. 3a). Specimens in polar aspect 25 per cent., equatorial aspect 30 per cent. Similar observations on 100 specimens from Seward’s slide V2329a give diameter 53-(66)-84 ^ (text-fig. 3c); 80 per cent, of values fall between 56 and 78 fi. Specimens in polar aspect 26 per cent., equatorial aspect 23 per cent. Values for Seward's specimens are again lower (see under Ruffordia). text-fig. 4. Spores of Pelletieria valdensis; distribution histograms of measurements in microns with one square per specimen. Total numbers of specimens differ as not all characters are observable on every spore, a, Observed thickness of exine in radial equatorial region, 69 specimens, b. Inter-radial exine thickness, 73 specimens, c, Span covered by four lumina (and four muri), 123 specimens. Description. The symmetry of the distal sculpture varies from the extreme seen in 24 per cent, of the specimens in which the triangle is centred on the distal pole (PI. 45, fig. 4), through various intermediates to the sub-parallel lumina of Plate 44, fig. 3 ; it is doubtful whether this feature can have the taxonomic significance implied by Deak (1963). The span covered by four lumina (the same as the usual four muri) is recorded on text-fig. 4c, and plotted on text-fig. 5c. The resulting muri can be described as typically 3-(4)-5 p wide, 3-4 ^ high and flat-topped. The inter-radial exine thickness is recorded (text-fig. 4b) and plotted (text-fig. 5); such variability is of course much more easily observed in a thick exine such as in Pelletienia, than in one near the limit of optical resolution. The measured radial and inter-radial variable exine thickness depends on the degree to which the lumina are ‘open’ and this is affected by; 1. The directions of the lumina with respect to the amb (contrast PI. 44, fig. 5, with a section, P). 45, fig. 7). HUGHES AND MOOD Y-STUART: SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES 281 g “O o 5 10 Radial equatorial exine thftkness A io. g “D O 60 70 80 Maximum diameter O E ~D c O o c 'E D ^r o c o a. co 60 T70 ' So Maximum diameter B 90 100 C "*90 ' ’ 100 text-fig. 5a-c. Pelletieria valdensis ; linear plots showing the possible relationships between some of the characters recorded in text-figs. 3 and 4, scales in microns. 2. The distance of the measurement from the radial areas where the lumina close; thus the diameter of the spore will affect this especially in small specimens. 3. The degree of inflation (in life?), and the compression of the specimen (in dia- genesis). On average (text-figs. 4, 5a) the radial thickness is fifty per cent, greater than the inter- radial. The opening of lumina up to an observed maximum of 90° is calculated to reduce 282 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 to two-thirds the depth of a lumen (text-fig. 6a, c), but this reduction will not explain the observed differences in exine measurements on many specimens. The simplest assumption is that the exine suffers some distortion but no change of volume when it is folded; the scale diagrams of text-fig. 6b-c show observed extremes of exine profile and measurements; compare with Plate 45, fig. 4. Text-fig. 6a compares with exine seen unfolded in Plate 45, fig. 7. By drawing on graph paper it was shown that all three A B C text-fig. 6. Pelletieria valdensis; diagrams of sections (x2000) of spore exine to explain variable exine thickness, bars show exine thickness as would be measured by optical section in polar view, a, Inter-radial exine, not folded; sections normal to direction of lumina. b-c, Exine folded at amb; plane of section containing polar axis, b, Radial, c, Inter-radial. diagrams have the same cross-sectional area. Since this area is taken normal to the plane of folding (in text-fig. 6b, c), it will be proportional to the volume of a parallel element of exine. The observed differential exine thickness may be explained thus with- out postulating a taxonomically significant radial thickening. Since the orientation of the lumina affects the spatial properties of the spore, any asymmetry in the distal sculp- ture (76 per cent, of the specimens) often causes irregularity in the amb and in the exine measurements. The tapering lips project above normal exine level near the proximal pole only; they are flanked by a variable negative area which closes or coalesces with a lumen when the lip membrane merges into the exine at the apparent limit of a laesura. We suggest that the negative sculpture, often deeper than a lumen, gives flexibility to an otherwise rigid proximal face. From Plate 45, figs. 2 and 5, and Plate 44, fig. 2, it can be seen that the laesurae extend lipless almost to the equator, well beyond what appears to be the limit in proximal surface view. Comparison. Couper (1958) suggested that these spores were similar to his dispersed spore species Cicatricosisporites dorogensis but the size range and other features are HUGHES AND MOODY-STUART: SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES 283 entirely different. A distinction is more necessary between this spore and C. brevi- laesuratus Couper (type from Barremian/Aptian) which is even larger (90 p) and is de- scribed as having an unsculptured contact face. Bolkhovitina (1961 ), perhaps on account of Couper’s comparison, has inadvisedly (and wrongly) placed a number of unrelated dispersed spore species in this macrofossil genus. The spores described from the Hastings Beds by Boodle (1895) were similar to those of P. va/densis ; they occurred in a large spore mass but their provenance was not dis- covered. Botanical Affinity. Neither the macrofossil remains nor the spores of Pelletieria are very close in detail to species of Ceratopteris, although the suggestion that the macrofossil may have been a water plant and not necessarily related to normal Schizaeaceae is worth exploring. Genus schizaeopsis Berry 19116 Remarks. The genus is only valid from Berry’s second paper (19116), when he erected the necessary new species for the single specimen concerned (now USNM 3209). Schizaeopsis americana Berry 1911 (spores) Plate 46, figs. 1-8; Plate 47, figs. 1-10 1911 a Berry, p. 193, pi. 12, figs. 2-6. 191 1 b Berry, p. 216, pi. 22, figs. 4-9. Holotype. The original single photograph (Berry 191 1 b, pi. 22, fig. 4) is not recognizable; the drawings (pi. 22, figs. 5-9) are too generalized to be used further. Locus typicus. Patuxent formation, Frederiksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. Material. The rock specimen (USNM 3209) is a medium brown non-calcareous siltstone with plant fragments and the fairly large fertile frond described by Berry (191 1Z?, pi. 22, figs. 1-3). A small part of the spore mass was taken from the tip of one of the central leaf lobes of the specimen; preparations USNM 3209 g-j. Emended diagnosis. Spores almost spherical; amb convex rounded triangular. Laesurae trilete, short, simple, with raised thin (0-5 p) lips. Whole surface covered by uniform narrow muri \k p wide, 1 p high, flat-topped; lumina 1 p wide. The whole proximal face is covered by three inter-radial sets of muri; the equatorial region bears a single set of five or six circular muri parallel with the outer members of the proximal inter- radial sets. The distal surface is covered by a single set of parallel muri which converge abruptly opposite two radial areas and swing round parallel to the equatorial set in the third. Exine thickness 3-4 p in distal and equatorial regions, thicker immediately round laesurae as a margo ( sensu Harris 1955, p. 26). Dimensions. Diameter (200 specimens) 44-(71)-87 p (preparations USNM 3209 g-j); 80 per cent, of specimens have maximum diameter between 61 p and 80 p. Specimens in polar aspect 16 per cent., equatorial 28 per cent. The records on text-fig. 7a, which are plotted on text-fig. 8a-c, show a numerically small but statistically significant group of small spores in this preparation. The group was distinguishable by eye, and proves to consist of small spores with thicker distal exines and narrower muri and lumina which had never opened at the laesurae (PI. 46, figs. 5, 6). 284 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 ' 1 ‘ 1 2 1 Mean | 713 1 2 t text-fig. 7. Frequency distribution histograms of maximum diameters in microns of spores of Schizaeopsis americcma. A, New preparations (USNM 3209 g-j), 200 specimens; standard deviation 7-4 p, coefficient of variation 10 per cent, b, Five point moving average from data of a. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 46 Figs. 1-6 Schizaeopsis americcma Berry; spores (xlOOO) taken from specimen USNM 3209; each preparation bears this number with the suffix here indicated. 1-2, Proximal aspect, mid and low focus respectively; prep, g, OR 36.9 118. 3, Section parallel to polar axis, at end of laesura; prep. /, OR 22.2 1 19.5. 4, Similar section, just beyond laesura; prep, k, OR 39.6 109.2. 5-6, Proximal aspect, small specimen, mid and low focus; prep, j, OR 34.3 118.5. 7-8, Oblique aspect, high focus and optical section through laesura ; prep. /;, OR 34.6 125.5. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 47 Figs. 1-10. Schizaeopsis americana Berry; spores (x 1000) taken from specimen USNM 3209; each preparation bears this number with the suffix here indicated. 1-2, Proximal aspect, low and mid focus; prep, h, OR 34.9 120.7. 3-4, Proximal aspect, spore expanded showing lips (see text-fig. 10d), mid and high focus; prep. OR 36.2 123.6. 5-6, Sections parallel to polar axis, open laesura; prep. /, OR 40.4 119.6 and OR 27.5 120.4. 7-10, Successive sections parallel to polar axis, across laesura; prep, m, OR 24.2 109.7, OR 37.3 108.9, OR 28.6 109.5, and OR 31.0 109.8. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 46 HUGHES and MOODY-STUART, Lower Cretaceous spores Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 47 HUGHES and MOODY-STUART, Lower Cretaceous spores HUGHES AND MOOD Y-STUART: SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES 285 Description. Text-fig. 9a-c shows in diagrammatic section various states of the laesura and margo as seen in normal spores (PI. 46, fig. 8; PI. 47, figs. 7-8). These observed conditions may be understood as successive states on the model of an inelastic inner layer of exine bound to an outer flexible sculptured layer, the whole spore gradually -£ 5. .3 ~o o 5 10 Span of 4 muri and lumina o a to Maximum diameter o T3 0 1 £> c : ; Maximum diameter text-fig. 8a-c. Schizaeopsis americana ; linear plots showing the possible relationships between the characters indicated, on 38, 45, and 55 specimens respectively, scales in microns. inflating. First the lower exine pulls apart at the laesura, then the upper exine parts, and finally only the lips remain in contact. The specimen in Plate 47, figs. 3-4, which is apparently dehisced, shows on fuller examination closed laesurae at the bottom of a 10 p wide infolding of the proximal exine. Our explanation is that text-fig. 9d shows the effect of deflation, perhaps on drying out, on a spore which on the plant had reached the condition of text-fig. 9c. In surface view this may give the appearance of muri truncated at high angles by the laesurae. 286 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 In these spores, as in Pelletieria, the laesurae and margo extend beyond the apparent limit as seen in polar view (PI. 46, fig. 4; PI. 47, figs. 9-10). Comparison. Berry's (1911) figures (drawings) were inadequate, and Potonie (1962, pi. 10, fig. 270) unfortunately increased the confusion with a bad re-drawing. The dia- meter was imprecisely quoted by Berry as 100 p, and this perhaps led Couper (1958, p. 110) into comparing these spores with his large but quite different (wide muri) text-fig. 9. Diagrammatic sections (x 1000) of Schizaeopsis spores, parallel to a polar axis, normal to a laesura. a-c, Successive states during inflation of the spore, d. Probable effect of subsequent deflation of a mature spore (as in drying out). Cicatricosisporites brevi/aesuratus. Brenner (1963) perpetuates this error, while his C. polomacensis (pi. 9, figs. 4, 5) probably is very close to Schizaeopsis americana. Groot and Penny (1960) do not record such a spore, but Stover (1964) figures (pi. 1, fig. 20) as C. dorogensis , a spore from the Arundel formation which again appears to be very close to S. americana. Remarks. Although the true nature of this spore was concealed by the early description, the spore-masses and leaf were well illustrated by Berry (1911 a, b). Validity of name. Berry (19116, p. 219) made taxonomic and nomenclatural changes in erecting Schizaeopsis americana which may be suspect. We have followed his usage because (n) Berry’s description is valuable while in this case Fontaine’s is not, (b) Berry’s work has not been challenged and has been much quoted, and ( c ) Berry did amplify the description of Acrostichopteris expansa (Fontaine), the material of which is not fertile. We feel that it is just about possible to justify Berry’s procedure because no type specimens were designated by Fontaine or by others before 1911, and that therefore on balance it is simpler and more helpful to allow it to stand. GENERAL MORPHOLOGY OF SCHIZ AEACEOUS SPORES Detailed observation of (a) the pattern of junction of muri or lumina in the radial areas, (6) the margin of the laesurae, and (c) the shape, spacing, and orientation of the muri, together provide more characters than are available in other fossil trilete fern spores. The sculptural configuration has diagnostic qualities at a species level, but the distal pattern of muri can vary if one adjacent set is under- or over-'developed’ in num- ber, and we do not believe that patterns 2 and 3 of Deak (1963, pi. 1) are fundamentally different. The features mentioned in the first sentence of this paragraph determine the flexibility of a specimen; the three spore species illustrated in this paper must differ strikingly in this original property and thus in their tendency to fold in diagenesis. Their attitude, however, under the partial compression in the sporangia or attached spore- masses will have been random, and not subject to sedimentation factors as are dispersed spores. HUGHES AND MOOD Y-STU ART: SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES 287 MEASUREMENT Since the wavelength of light makes diffraction effects dominant below one micron, we have omitted the possible inner layering of the Schizaeopsis exine from diagnosis pending examination by electron micrographs. We have chosen ‘maximum diameter’ as a principal measurement because it was obtainable from all specimens, and in equatorial views it was measured along the equator. It can be seen from text-fig. 1a that equatorial views of Ruffordia give lower values; these will weight the lower end of the frequency histogram according to the relative proportion of spores in equatorial aspect on a slide, but since this proportion and any distinct size differences of the maximum diameter in equatorial view depend on the structure of the spore it will enhance the diagnostic value of the histogram. Variability is expected and is much more easily observed in a thick exine such as that of Pelletieria than in a thin one, and for this reason the ranges of the minor Ruffordia measurements have not been given. Similarly a dimensionless coefficient of variation has been calculated (ratio: standard deviation/mean maximum diameter, expressed as a percentage) for the distributions of maximum diameters, to make clearer comparison between species. We accept an estimated observation error of 2\ per cent for reasonable speed of working, and thus validly submerge human partiality for round numbers in a five point moving average (text-fig. 7a, b). The span of four muri should be measured in a distal inter-radial area, and the shape of muri in optical sections where the plane containing the murus is perpendicular to the slide. Exine thickness should be measured inter-radially. It is likely that spore ‘populations’ of varying preservational states, extracted from diagenetically different rock samples may give different measurements; maceration treatment may also cause differences. In these cases the difference from the holotype and type-range (from the type locality) will be systematic and open to experimental investigation and rationalization. Knowledge of these differences will widen the scope of the taxon description, contributing information about the chemical and physical behaviour of exines in different species. Similarly it will make specimens which are other than ‘well preserved’ more precisely identifiable for stratigraphical use. PURPOSE OF THIS STUDY It is hoped that the straightforward presentation of measurements and of plots of possible linear proportionality between pairs of characters for a large number of speci- mens of these in situ spores may provide sufficient ground for confidence in subsequent erection of stratigraphically useful dispersed spore species of Cicatricosisporites s.l. in the Early Cretaceous. Extreme ‘lumping’ by Couper (1958) and others into the irrelevant Eocene species C. dorogensis, and very imperfect original typification of that and of many other dispersed spore species still being erected has led to a situation in which virtually no stratigraphic use can now be made of spores of this type within the Lower Cretaceous. With the small number of characters available successive species will clearly overlap in morphography, but if a species is typified from one precise source or sample with analysis of variation given on an adequate number of specimens it is hoped that some further progress will be possible. 288 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 As it is clear that few characters can be observed in all (or even most) of the specimens, an overall number of 200 is considered necessary for in situ spores, and 100 specimens is a minimum for dispersed spores even when comparable observations for in situ spores are available. THE DISPERSED SPORE GENUS IC AT RICO S I S PO RITES Range. Dettmann (1963, p. 74) has shown that Contignisporites may be separated in morphography and in possible affinities from Cicatricosisporites. As Corrugatisporites (Early Jurassic) may also be easily distinguished, it is not necessary to extend the range of Cicatricosisporites down through the Jurassic as is done by Kedves and Sole de Porta (1963) and others; the true range begins in the latest Jurassic (at about the top Kim- meridge Clay of England), and the spores are only at all common from the earliest Cretaceous onwards. Comparison. We believe that in the earliest Cretaceous there is no distinct genus Plica- tella , although by Barremian and Aptian times radial equatorial exine thickening may well be diagnostic of distinct taxa. Study of Pelletieria has shown that occasional thicken- ings occur in radial and proximal regions but that they are within the species ‘popula- tion’. As none of the earliest Cretaceous records of Plicatclla ( Appendicisporites tri- cornitatus etc.) are supported by more than a very few specimens (Couper 1958, Lantz 1958a, Hughes 1958), there is not yet any contrary evidence; the material of Lantz 19586, Pocock 1962, Brenner 1963, Singh 1964 is probably of Barremian or later age. The establishment of a definite range beginning for Plicatella , and its separation from the later Appendicisporites, must await the erection of properly based species, as in- dicated above. The separation of such spores from Cicatricosisporites appears to be a more complex matter than measurement of the thickness of part of the wall (Pocock 1964, p. 162), apart from the difficulty that the ‘wall layers’ do not appear in our sections (PI. 44, 45) which thus fail to support the diagrams of Pocock (1962, p. 162, figs. 16, 17). Use of the genus. We reject as undesirable and unworkable the proposal of Pocock (1964, p. 156) to use Cicatricosisporities ‘as an organ genus of the ( extant ) genus Moliria and morphologically related fossil species’. We believe that it should remain as a form genus at least until the Cretaceous and Tertiary history of the plant groups involved has been worked out with macrofossils or until the diagnoses of the extant genera ( Mohria etc.) have been properly emended to include the fossils, as suggested by Hughes (1963). Acknowledgement. The first-named author is indebted to the Science Research Council for a special research grant (SR/447). REFERENCES berry, e. w. 191 In. A Lower Cretaceous species of Schizaeaceae from Eastern North America, Ann. Bot., London, 25, 193-8, 1 pi. 19116. In lull, Clark, and berry. Systematic paleontology of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Maryland. Maryland Geol. Surv., Baltimore. bolkhovitina, n. a. 1961. (Fossil and Recent spores of the family Schizaeaceae.) Trad. Geol. Inst., Acad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Moscow, 40, 1-176, 41 pi. (in Russian). HUGHES AND MOODY-STUART: SCHIZAEACEOUS SPORES 289 boodle, L. A. 1895. Spores in a speciman of Tempskya. Ann. Bot., London, 9, 137-41. brenner, g. J. 1963. The spores and pollen of the Potomac Group of Maryland. Bull. Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Resources, Baltimore, 27, 1-215, 43 pi. chandler, m. E. J. 1955. The Schizaeceae of the South of England in Early Tertiary times. Bull. Brit. Mas. Nat. Hist. Geol., London, 2, 7, 291-314, 7 pi. couper, r. a. 1958. British Mesozoic microspores and pollen grains. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 103b, 75-179, 17 pi. dear, m. 1963. Quelques spores striees de l’etage Aptien. Rev. Micropaleont., Paris, 5 (4), 251-6, 2 pi. dettmann, mary E. 1963. Upper Mesozoic microfloras from South-Eastern Australia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Melbourne, 77, 1-148, 27 pi. groot, J. J. and penny, j. s. 1960. Plant microfossils and age of non marine Cretaceous sediments of Maryland and Delaware. Micropaleontology, New York, 6, 225-36, 2 pi. halle, t. G. 1921. On the sporangia of some of Mesozoic ferns. Ark. Botanik, Uppsala, 17, 1-28, 2 pi. Harris, w. f. 1955. A manual of the spores of New Zealand Pteridophyta. Bull. N.Z. Dept. Sci. Ind. Res., Wellington, 166, 186 pp. hughes, n. F. 1963. The assignment of species of fossils to genera. Taxon, Utrecht, 12 (9), 336-7. kedves, m. and sole de porta, n. 1963. Comparacion de las esporas del genero Cicatricosisporites R. Pot. y Gell. 1933 de Hungria y Colombia. Bol. geol. Univ. Industr. Santander, 12, 51-76. lantz, J. 1958a. Etude des spores et pollens d’un echantillon purbeckien de File d’Oleron. Rev. Micropaleont, Paris, 1, 33-37. 19586. Etude palynologique de quelques echantillons Mesozolquesdu Dorset (Grande-Bretagne). Rev. Inst. Fr. Petrole, Paris, 13, 917-43. Michael, F. 1936. Palaobotanische und kohlen petrographische Studien in der nordwestdeutschen Wealdenformation. Ab/t. Preufi. geol. Landesanst. Berlin, NF 166, 79 pp., 4 pi. pocock, s. a. j. 1962. Microfloral analysis and age determination of strata at the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary in the Western Canada plains. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 111B, 1-95, 15 pi. 1964. Pollen and spores of the Chlamydospermiidae and Schizaeaceae from Upper Mannville Strata of the Saskatoon area of Saskatchewan. Grana Palyn., Stockholm, 5, 2, 129-209, 7 pi. potonie, r. 1962. Synopsis der Sporae in situ. Beih. Geol. Jb., Hannover, 52, 1-204, 19 pi. 1965. Fossile Sporae in situ. Forsch Ber. Landes NRhein-Westf, Koln, 1483, 1-74. seward, a. c. 1894. Catalogue of Mesozoic plants in the Dept, of Geology, British Museum: The Wealden flora. Part I. London. 1913. Contribution to our knowledge of Wealden floras. Quart. J. geol. Soc., London, 69, 85- 116, 4 pi. singh, chaitanya. 1964. Microflora of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, East-Central Alberta. Bull. Res. Council Alberta, Edmonton, 15, 1-239, 29 pi. stover, l. e. 1964. Comparison of three Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen assemblages from Maryland and England. In Symposium: ‘Palynology in Oil Exploration’. Spec. Publ. Soc. Econ. Palaeont. Min., Tulsa, 11, 143-52, 2 pi. N. F. HUGHES, J. C. MOODY-STUART Department of Geology, Sedgwick Museum, Manuscript received 2 March 1965 Cambridge VARIATION AND ONTOGENY OF SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES: TARAMELLICERAS RICH El (DE LORIOL) AND CRENIC ERAS RENGGERI (OPPEL), FROM WOODHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE by D. F. B. PALFRAMAN Abstract. Statistical and ontogenetic studies of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) and Creniceras renggeri (Oppel) have shown identity in their early stages. Variation in protoconch size is consistent and small, as is the diameter of the nepionic constriction. Divergence in shell form occurs only at the onset of maturity, which in C. renggeri begins at about 8 4 mm. and in T. richei at about 18-8 mm. It is concluded that the two ‘species’ are a sexually dimorphic pair. The name C. renggeri has priority. A collection of Lower Oxfordian ammonites was made from the Woodham Brick Company’s Pit, with the objective of studying the variation and ontogeny of selected species. The pit is situated almost midway between Bicester and Aylesbury, near Ake- man Street Station, Buckinghamshire (Grid. Ref. 707186), and exposes some seventy feet of Oxford Clay (Arkell 1939). A lithological unit ‘The Lamberti Limestone’, a bed one foot thick, separates the lowermost forty feet of clay (Athleta Zone) from the upper- most thirty feet (Mariae Zone). The Mariae Clays, as the beds of the Mariae Zone are here named, furnished the material studied. Both ‘species’ examined in this paper occur, together, throughout the Mariae Clays at Woodham; they are commonest in the lower ten feet of the Mariae Zone (generally pyritized), becoming rare in the upper twenty feet of beds (generally limonitized). They are both found together at all levels at Woodham. There is no evidence to suggest that either Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) or Creniceras renggeri (Oppel) occurs outside the Mariae Zone in this country. However, both species appear to have arisen in the Upper Lamberti Zone, being found in Haute-Saone (Maire 1908). They are both found together in the Renggeri Marls (Mariae and Cordatum Zones) of the Jura Mountains, where they are fairly common (de Loriol 1 898-9, 1 900 and Arkell 1939). As far as the author is aware they are not recorded above the Cordatum Zone; though, as Arkell (1939) says ‘. . . exact details of range [are] usually not available’. All the specimens collected are preserved as internal moulds, pyritic near the base of the zone becoming limonitic towards the top. No original shell material has been found among the collection of several thousand ammonites. In a few individuals the innermost whorls are calcified, but rarely to a diameter of more than 3-4 mm. Some, which are otherwise completely pyritized or limonitized, were found to have a calcareous proto- conch. Very few specimens were found preserved as pyrite or limonite moulds above a maxi- mum diameter of 2 or 3 cm. and it seems that there is a maximum size above which am- monites were not pyritized or limonitized. Internal moulds composed of clay, seen in [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 290-311, pis. 48-52.] D.F.B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 291 situ, showed that some ammonites must have had a diameter of not less than forty centimetres (see PI. 48, fig. 1); often in the centre of such moulds were to be seen pyritized or limonitized nuclei of familiar dimensions. Nearly five hundred specimens of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) and over two hun- dred specimens of Creniceras renggeri (Oppel) have been examined in this work. All specimens collected by, or given to, the author are in the University Museum, Oxford and are prefixed by OUM, those borrowed from the British Museum (Natural History) by BM. The following abbreviations are also used throughout the text: D = diameter, W = whorl width, HH = whorl height, U = umbilical diameter. VARIATION AND ONTOGENY OF TARAMELLICERAS RICHEI (DE loriol) Due to the conditions of preservation, the most frequently occurring form in which Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) was found at Woodham, was as internal moulds of the phragmocone. The type material of T. richei is based largely on internal moulds of phragmocones (de Loriol 1898). In the author’s collection of nearly five hundred speci- mens less than 10 per cent, have any part of the body chamber preserved, and in none of these is it complete. The species is a typical oppelid, being compressed and involute with a small umbilicus. Whorl height is approximately half the diameter, whorl width is approximately quarter the diameter. Coiling is regular in the phragmocone, but on the body chamber of adults the umbilical seam begins to uncoil. Protoconch. Less than 5 per cent, of the specimens of T. richei available were found to have protoconchs preserved; in all some eight protoconchs were dissected out. These are beautifully preserved as smooth pyritic moulds, showing details of the prosuture (text-fig. 1 and PI. 48, fig. 4). In all cases the protoconchs are barrel-shaped with a width greater than the diameter. The largest recorded diameter of a protoconch of T. richei is 0-30 mm., the smallest 0-25 mm. (see Table 1). In one specimen (OUM J25230) the caecal mould is visible (text-fig. 1a, c). Phragmocone. Just as the surface of the protoconch internal mould is smooth, so also is the first whorl of growth. The nepionic constriction occurs after one complete whorl of growth from the proseptum, at a diameter of about 0-53 mm., or roughly twice that of the protoconch (Table 1). The nepionic constriction is well-defined, especially in the ventral and ventro-lateral regions, fading on the flanks and almost imperceptible near the umbilicus (text-fig. 2a, b; PI. 48, fig. 6). In T. richei there is no ornamental difference, on the internal mould, between the whorl preceding the nepionic constriction and that immediately succeeding. In some ammonites, Kosmoceras and Garantiana, Makowski (1962) noted that the ornamentation characteristics of the full-grown shell appeared after the nepionic constriction. Ontogenetic features of note are: a decrease in the W/D ratio from the protoconch to a diameter of 0-8-1 -0 mm. and a similar decrease in the U/D ratio to about the same diameter. From a diameter of 0-8-1 -0 mm. onwards, growth is almost isometric until the onset of maturity which occurs at a diameter of about 18-20 mm. This is graphically represented here (text-figs. 3 and 4). From a diameter of 0-8-1 -0 mm. until the onset of maturity the HH/D ratio shows almost isometric growth (text-fig. 5). D E F text-fig. 1. Protoconchs of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol); Mariae Zone, Woodham, Bucks., Eng- land. a and d, ventral view; b, inclined apertural view; c and f, apertural view; e, side view, a and c based on OUM J25230; b, d, e, and F based on OUM J25228. All X 100. text-fig. 2. Diagram of the innermost whorls of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol); Mariae Zone, Woodham, Bucks., England, a and b, showing the position of the nepionic constriction; e, protoconch. a, b, c, and D, drawn from OUM J25038; e, drawn from OUM J25234. All X 50. Ribbing is completely absent until a diameter of about 4 mm. ; at this diameter radial umbilical swellings begin, strongly near the umbilicus but fading on the flanks. The ribs are shallow and distant and are initially eight to ten per whorl. It is not until a diameter of about 8-10 mm. that ribbing is differentiated into primaries and inter- calatories (PI. 50, fig. 1 a, c). D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 293 table I. Measurements in millimetres of the dimensions of protoconchs and the diameter of the nepionic constriction in specimens of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol). All specimens from University Museum, Oxford (OUM). All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. Specimen Nepionic Number Protoconch Constriction D W D J25024 0-53 J25038 0-54 J25040 0-28 0-40 0-54 J25042 0-54 J25045 0-27 0-38 J25046 025 0-40 0-56 J25228 0-30 0-42 0-53 J25230 030 0-42 0-53 J25231 0-28 0-41 0-52 J25232 0-27 041 0-52 J25234 0-28 0-38 0-53 Differentiated ribbing is undoubtedly a characteristic of T. richei , all specimens showing this feature to some degree, with a variation from relatively coarse ribbing to fine (PI. 49, figs. 1 a, b, 2a, c). On the final whorl of all adult specimens there are two series of ribs; primaries and intercalatories. The primary ribs generally number ten to twelve per whorl, developing initially as radial umbilical swellings then fading on the flanks and finally becoming relatively sharp and distinct on the ventro-lateral area. They are slightly sinuous with marked ventro-lateral prorsiradiation (PI. 48, fig. 2a; PI. 49, figs, la, 2a, 4a; PI. 50, fig. la). Ribs always fade on the venter of internal moulds, but may not do so on the actual surface of the shell. In some cases the venter is smooth (see PI. 49, fig. lb), whereas in most instances the ribbing simply becomes weaker in the ventral region (PI. 49, fig. 2b). On the last quarter of the adult phragmocone whorl, nearly all specimens develop feeble ventral tubercles, which become stronger adorally (PI. 49, fig. 4a, b; PI. 50, fig. la, b). The tubercles coincide at the point at which opposing ribs, on either side of the venter, both primaries and intercalatories, would meet had they continued uninterrupted across the venter. The intercalatory ribs, on the final whorl of adult specimens, generally number about forty. They are restricted to the ventro-lateral area and are identical in form with the primary ribs in this region, by way of amplitude, sharpness and direction, for each particular specimen. Between each primary rib are three to four intercalatories (PI. 48, fig. 2a; PI. 49, figs. 2a, 4a; PI. 50, fig. la). The mean maximum diameter of the phragmocone, of more than two hundred adult specimens, was found to be 18-8 mm., with a standard deviation (a) of T51. The coefficient of variation (V = lOOcr/m, where m is the mean maximum diameter, ds, of the adult phragmocones) is 8-02. The greatest diameter at which the septa are approximated was found to be 27 mm., the smallest 14 mm. (text-fig. 6). The phrag- mocone generally comprised 6^-7 whorls from the proseptum. Variation in the whorl- shape is here shown diagrammatically (text-fig. 7 and PI. 48, fig. 2d). The sutural ontogeny of T. richei develops in a way which, in Jurassic ammonites, is beginning to appear fundamental (Schindewolf 1954). The prosuture is significantly 294 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 100 100 B B DIAMETER (mm) — text-fig. 3. Graphs showing the relationship between diameter and whorl width of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol), and of Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). The two graphs are superimposed: the diameter axis is common, the width axis is divided into A and B scales, the B scale being one log cycle behind the A scale. Graph A (W/D for T. richei) is controlled by the A scale, graph B (W/D for C. renggeri) is controlled by the B scale. The fine dashed line on graph B is that superimposed from graph A (approxi- mate best-fit line). The areas denoted by P (coarse dashed line) enclose measurements made on the protoconchs : M is the mean of these measurements. Encircled dots represent measurements made at the maximum diameter of complete adults: asterisks — measurements made on adult body-chambers: crosses — measurements made at the adoral end of adult phragmocones: dots — measurements made on immature phragmocones. Inset. The same graphs plotted on a linear scale and havjng both axes common, a . W/D for T. richei ; b, W/D for C. renggeri. The arrowed points, ds ? and ds 3, mark the position of the mean septate diameter of mature specimens of supposed female and male respectively. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 295 text-fig. 4. Graphs showing the relationship between diameter and umbilical diameter of Taramel- liceras richei (de Loriol), and of Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). The two graphs are superimposed: the diameter axis is common, the umbilical diameter axis is divided into A and B scales, the B scale being one log cycle behind the A scale. Graph A (U/D for T. richei) is controlled by the A scale, graph B (U/D for C. renggeri ) is controlled by the B scale. The fine dashed line on graph B is that super- imposed from graph A (approximate best-fit line). Conventions as for text-fig. 3. Inset. The same graphs plotted on a linear scale and having both axes common, a, U/D for T. richei; b, U/D for C. renggeri. The arrowed points, as 9 and ds 3, mark the position of the mean septate diameter of mature specimens of supposed female and male respectively. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. X C 3803 296 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 text-fig. 5. Graphs showing the relationship between diameter and whorl height of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol), and of Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). The two graphs are superimposed : the diameter axis is common, the height axis is divided into A and B scales, the B scale being one log cycle behind the A scale. Graph A (HH/D for T. richei ) is controlled by the A scale, graph B (HH/D for C. renggeri) is controlled by the B scale. The fine dashed line on graph B is that superimposed from graph A (approximate best-fit line). Conventions as for text-fig. 3. Inset. The same graphs plotted on a linear scale and having both axes common, a, HH/D for T. richei ; b, HH/D for C. renggeri. The arrowed points, ds $ and ds <$, mark the position of the mean septate diameter of mature specimens of supposed female and male respectively. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 297 different from the primary suture, having a very large ventral saddle. The primary suture (text-figs. 1 and 8) is divided into : external (or ventral), lateral, U2, Ul5 and dorsal lobes, with corresponding saddles between. These first-formed lobes have been called ‘protolobes’ by Schindewolf (1954): subsequent works (Schindewolf 1960, 1962, and 1963) have shown that these basic protolobes are common to all Jurassic ammonites so far investigated. Addition of successive sutural elements in T. richei occurs at the text-fig. 6. Histogram showing the variation in the diameter at which septation ceases (ds) in mature specimens of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) and in Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). The T. richei range is from 14-28 mm., the C. renggeri range from 5-13 mm. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. umbilical seam; this is the ‘U-type’ ontogeny of Schindewolf (1954). The final sutures of adult specimens are greatly differentiated into several complex saddles and lobes (text-fig. 8a). Sutural approximation, generally regarded as a feature of maturity, is commonly to be seen in most specimens with a phragmocone diameter of 18-19 mm. (PI. 48, fig. 2a; PI. 49, figs. 2a, 4a, 4b; PI. 50, fig. 1 a). In the adult sutures the largest saddles are the first and second lateral and the largest lobes the ventral and lateral. These major sutural elements show the greatest range of variation and have been compared on either side of the venter in the same specimen, and on the same side of the venter at similar diameters, in different specimens. Comparing the same sutural elements, on either side of the venter for any single specimen, shows remarkably little variation (text-fig. 9). The greatest difference recorded is in the frilling of the most adapical accessory lobe: even so this difference is somewhat subtle and does not compare with the wide intraspecific sutural variation shown by Morrisiceras morrisi (Oppel) and Clydoniceras discus (Sow.) mentioned by Arkell (1957). E F G H text-fig. 7. Cross-sections through the phragmocone of Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol). A, OUM J25041 ; b, OUM J25021; c, OUM J25010; d, OUM J25239; e, OUM J25241; F, OUM J25236; G, OUM J25005; h, OUM J25238. All x4. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 299 text-fig. 8. Sutural ontogeny of TarameUiceras richei (de Loriol). A, OUM J25013, X 9 (D = 15 mm.); B, OUM J25036, X 15 (D = 8-7 mm.); c, OUM J25036, X 18 (D = 6-4 mm.); d, OUM J25036, X 20 (D = 4-6 mm.); e, OUM J25036, x25 (D 3-13 mm.); f, OUM J25036, X 30 (D = 2-13 mm.); g, OUM J25036, X 35 (D = 1-53 mm.); H, OUM J25036, X 50 (D = 0-85 mm.); i, OUM J25040, X 50 (D = 0-32 mm.); j, OUM J25040, x 50 (D 0-28 mm.), i, primary suture. J, prosuture. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. 300 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 text-fig. 9. Sutural variation in Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol). a, OUM J25230 (D = 12-2 mm.); B, OUM J25228 (D = 12 0 mm.); c, OUM J25229 (D = 12-1 mm.). All X 7-5. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. text-fig. 10. Sutural variation in Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol). A, OUM J25029 (D = 12 mm.); B, OUM J25028 (D = 12-4 mm.); c, OUM J25009 (D = 11-8 mm); d, OUM J25035 (D = 12 mm.); E, OUM J25024 (D = 12 mm.); f, OUM J25026 (D = 12 mm.). All X'7-5. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. Variation between the same sutural elements of different specimens, at approximately the same diameter, shows relatively marked differences (text-fig. 10). These differences are generally of size, however, the disposition of the elements being essentially the same. The most marked differences are between the specimens OUM J25029 and OUM EXPLANATION OF PLATE 48 Fig. 1. Internal clay mould of a large Peltoceras{ ?) sp. ; basal Mariae Zone (about 5 ft. above the Lamberti Limestone), Woodham, Bucks. X -fg-. Fig. 2. Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol, OUM J25571. Adult phragmocone. a, side view; b, aper- tural view. Bothx 3. ' . - Fig. 3. T. richei, BM C. 39588; Oxford Clay, Scarborough, Yorkshire. X 1. Fig. 4. T. richei, OUM J25234 (lost); Mariae Zone, Woodham, Bucks. Protoconch. X 50. Fig. 5. T. richei, OUM J25672. Adult specimen, a, side view; b, ventral view. The body-chamber occupies about | of the final whorl. Both X 3. , Fig. 6. T. richei, OUM J25038. Innermost whorls showing the nepionic constriction. X40. Fig. 7. T. richei, BM 39642; Oxford Clay, Scarborough, Yorkshire. Stereopair of adult specimen showing the nature of the peristome and ventro-lateral spines, x 1 . Fig. 1 — unwhitened; Figs. 2a, b, 3, 5a, b, and 7 — whitened with ammonium chloride; Figs. 4 and 6 — whitened with magnesium oxide. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham, Bucks., unless otherwise stated. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 48 PALFRAMAN, Oxford Clay ammonites D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 301 J25024 (text-fig. 10a, e). Generally speaking it seems fairly safe to say that the intra- specific sutural variation in T. richei is extremely small. Body-chamber. The body-chamber of adult specimens of T. richei is quite different from thephragmocone. The most marked change is in the development of ventral and ventro- lateral spines. In some specimens spines develop quite suddenly after the last septum in both positions. Specimen OUM J25676 shows the ventral spines beginning first, the ventro-lateral spines developing later (PI. 49, fig. 3a, b). The ventro-lateral spines are paired and alternate with those on the venter, relative to the median plane. Not all body-chambers, of specimens which are otherwise identical, become spinose: they merely retain the ventral tubercles of the adult phragmocone (PI. 48, fig. 5a, b). How- ever, there is probably a whole range between tuberculate venters only, and spinose venters and ventro-lateral regions: this is supported by a collection of specimens from the Oxford Clay of Warboys, Hunts. (BM C.4333, C.10651, C.15960, C.16009, C.16010, C. 19286, and C. 19296), which shows precisely this range. Ribbing on the body-chamber appears to be weaker than on the phragmocone, but the very poor preservation of the body-chambers of Woodham specimens may affect this feature. Some of the better preserved specimens from Warboys show well-defined ribs, both primaries and intercalatories, even on the flanks of the body-chamber (BM C.4333 and C.15960). The phragmocones of these specimens are otherwise identical with those from Woodham. As would be expected in the final stages of adult specimens, the body-chamber uncoils at the umbilical seam (PI. 49, fig. 3b and text-fig. 4). Among the Woodham specimens the author was unable to find an adult which showed the nature of the peristome. However, among three specimens from the Oxford Clay of Scarborough, Yorkshire (BM 39642, C. 39588, and C. 39589), labelled Proscaphites oculatus (Phillips), is one specimen (BM 39642) which shows the nature of the peristome (PI. 48, fig. 7). These specimens are almost certainly conspecific with T. richei, developing ventral and ventro-lateral spines (PI. 48, figs. 3 and 7): unfortunately the phragmocone is not preserved and the body- chamber of the specimens is crushed. The peristome of BM 39642 is fairly simple, its outline coinciding with the course of the primary ribs. The diameter of the almost complete specimen (45 mm.), which has a body-chamber of three-quarters of a whorl, is in agreement with the predicted size of complete adults from Woodham, assuming that the Woodham specimens have a body-chamber of about three-quarters of a whorl. If this is so, the total number of whorls from the proseptum is from 7-7§ in T. richei. Among the better preserved specimens from Woodham, the phragmocone is a dull black colour, whereas that of the body-chamber is a golden reflective (if pyritic) mould. The dull black colour extends just on to the body-chamber, and in many cases a well- defined line can be traced between the black and golden parts of the body-chamber. The line is almost co-incidental with the course of the primary ribs but with slightly greater ventral prorsiradiation. This line may represent the annulus (Crick 1898): however, no muscle-scars were recorded from any specimen of T. richei from Woodham. VARIATION AND ONTOGENY OF CRENICERAS RENGGERI (OPPEL) Creniceras renggeri is a smaller ‘species’ than Taramelliceras richei, complete adults rarely attaining a diameter of more than 20 mm. It appears that because of its small 302 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 size C. renggeri is generally to be found complete, or nearly so, as it rarely exceeds the optimum size for complete preservation as a pyritic or limonitic mould in the Oxford Clay of Woodham. text-fig. 11. Cross-sections through Creniceras renggeri (Oppel) A, OUM J25294; B, OUM J25378; c, OUM J25378 (inner whorls of b); d, OUM J25298; e, OUM J25305; F, OUM J25322; g, OUM J25272. All except fig. c are x 4; fig. c x 30. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. table 2. Measurements in millimetres of the dimensions of protoconchs and the diameter of the nepionic constriction in specimens of Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). All specimens from the University Museum, Oxford (OUM). All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. Specimen Number Protoconch Nepionic Constriction D W D J25305 0-29 0-40 J25308 0-30 0-42 J25347 029 0-42 J25364 0-28 0-41 0-54 J25368 0-28 042 0-53 J25378 0-29 041 0-56 Protoconch. Ontogenetically C. renggeri goes through identical stages as T. richei until the onset of maturity. Protoconchs are identical in shape to, and vary within almost the same limits as, those of T. richei (Table 2, cf. Table 1). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 49 Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol). All specimens are from the Mariae Zone of Woodham, Bucks. and have been whitened with ammonium chloride. All X 3. Fig. 1. OUM J25482. Adult phragmocone. a, side view; b, ventral view. Fig. 2. OUM J25617. Adult phragmocone. a, side view; b, ventral view. Fig. 3. OUM J25676. Adult specimen; the body- chamber occupies the last half-whorl; ventral and ventro-lateral spines are developed, a, ventral view; b, side view. Fig. 4. OUM J25455. Adult phragmocone. a, side view; b, ventral view. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 49 PALFRAMAN, Oxford Clay ammonites D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 303 text-fig. 12. Sutural ontogeny of Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). A, OUM J25244, X 12 (D]='10-61 mm.); b, OUM J25364, X 15 (D = 8 03 mm.); c, OUM J25364, X 16 (D = 6-08 mm.); d,OUM J25364, X 25 (D = 3-18 mm.); E, OUM J25364 x 50 (D = 1-43 mm.); F, OUM J25364, X 50 (D = 0-99 mm.); G, OUM J25364, X 50 (D = 0-38 mm.); h, OUM J25364, X 50 (D 0-33 mm.); i, OUM J25364, X 50 (D = 0-28 mm.), h, primary suture, i, prosuture. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. 304 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Phragmocone. The nepionic constriction occurs at a diameter of between 0-53 mm. and 0-56 mm., compared with 0-52-0-56 mm. in T. richei. However, only three measure- ments of the nepionic constriction were available for C. renggeri, compared with ten for T. richei. The whorl shape (text-fig. 11) and sutural ontogeny (text-fig. 12) of C. renggeri vary within very similar limits to those of T. richei (text-figs. 7 and 8). A complete lack of ornament occurs until a diameter of about 4 mm., where shallow, distant, radial, umbilical swellings develop. These swellings fade on the flanks and do not re-form on either the venter or ventro-lateral regions. These features are con- sistent with those recorded in T. richei at comparable diameters. The W/D, U/D, and HH/D ratios are identical to those of T. richei at similar growth stages (text-figs. 3, 4, and 5). The final whorl of the phragmocone is, in most cases, seen only on removal of the body-chamber. Septation generally ceases at a diameter of 8-9 mm. The mean diameter at which septation ceases, in over two hundred adults, is 8-4 mm.: standard deviation (a) is 1-1: coefficient of variation (V) is 12-8 (text-fig. 6). Specimen OUM J 25246, with a maximum septate diameter of 17 mm., is almost certainly a very large adult C. renggeri (PI. 50, fig. 5). However, variation in over two hundred specimens of C. renggeri is not continuous to such a large diameter, the range of continuous variation being 5-13 mm. (text-fig. 6), and it seems that the specimen in question is an extreme form. The final whorl of the mature phragmocone is typically oppelid in character, being compressed and involute and with a narrow umbilicus. There are 4 J — 5 T complete whorls from the proseptum to the end of the phragmocone in adult specimens. Radial umbilical swellings are developed, which fade on the flanks. These generally number about ten per whorl and are comparable with those, in number, direction, and nature, of T. richei at a similar diameter (PI. 50, fig. 2a, c and cf. PI. 50, fig. lc). The ventro-lateral area is smooth, as is the venter, except on the final quarter whorl of adults, where feeble ventral tubercles are almost always developed. The tubercles become well- defined immediately before the beginning of the body-chamber (PI. 50, figs. 2a, 3; PI. 51, figs. \a, 2a, b). Uncoiling of the umbilical seam in adults begins before the final septa are deposited (PL 50, figs. 2, 4, 5; and PL 52, figs. 2b, 3, 5), becoming markedly so on the body-chamber (PL 50, figs. 2a, 3; PL 51, figs. 2a, 3; PL 52, figs. 1, 3, and text-fig. 13). Sutures were drawn at a diameter of approximately 8 mm. from nine specimens, showing the first and second lateral saddles and the ventral and lateral lobes. Differences in the same suture on either side of the venter are decidedly small (text-fig. 14); whereas EXPLANATION OF PLATE 50 , Fig. 1. Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol), OUM J25430. a, side view of adult phragmocone; b, ventral view of adult phragmocone; c, preparation of the inner whorls. Figs. 2-4. Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). Fig. 2. OUM J25244. a, side view of adult specimen; b, ventral view of adult body-chamber; c, preparation of the inner whorls. Fig. 3. OUM J25360. Rostrate adult specimen. Fig. 4. OUM J25282. Body-chamber with almost complete peristome, a, side view; b, ventral view; c, apertural view. Fig. 5. C. renggeri (?), OUM J25246. Giant adult male? Specimens have been whitened with ammonium chloride. All from the Mariae Zone, Woodham, Bucks. All figs. X 3. Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 50 PALFRAMAN, Oxford Clay ammonites D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 305 differences between sutures of different specimens, drawn at approximately the same diameter, are more marked (text-fig. 15). The range of variation, qualitatively assessed, appears to be similar to that shown by T. richei (cf. text-figs. 9 and 10). Sutural approxi- mation can clearly be seen in a large number of specimens (PI. 50, figs. 2a, 3; PI. 51, figs. 1 a, 3 a, 12; PI. 52, figs. 2a, b, 3, 4, 5, 6)(. text-fig. 13. Diagrams of the umbilical seam of Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). The positions of the last two sutures are indicated, c, position of venter and lappet indicated, a, OUM J20662; b, OUM J20673; c, OUM J25364; d, OUM J20675; e, OUM J25377. All X 10. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. Body-Chamber. In nearly all specimens of C. renggeri a large proportion of the final whorl is body-chamber: in complete specipiens the body-chamber occupies two-thirds to three-quarters of a volution (PI. 51, figs. 2a, 4; PI. 52, figs. 1-3, 5, 6). In complete adult specimens the total number of whorls, counting from the proseptum, is from 5L-6L. Morphology apart, the most striking difference between the body-chamber and phragmocone is that of colour. When pyritized the body-chamber is preserved as a golden reflective internal mould, whereas the phragmocone is a dull black colour. The body-chamber is frequently well preserved and some specimens have almost com- plete apertures. ( J f Spiral striae are developed on the body-chamber of all adult specimens: this feature is particularly well seen on specimens OUM J25248, J25265 and J25392 (PL 51, fig. 3a; PI. 52, figs. 2a, 6). The striation is only feebly developed on the phragmocone (PI. 51, fig. 3a), if at all. f i The ventral tubercles of the phraigmocone give rise to large truncated spines on the venter of the adult body-chamber. A great deal of variation is to be seen between speci- mens concerning the spines. At one extreme a few specimens have perfectly smooth venters (PI. 52, figs. 2, 4), while others develop enormous spines (PI. 52, figs. 1, 5). Among the Woodham population, however, a complete range from smooth venters to coarsely spined ones is to be seen (PI. 51, figs. 5-12 and Arkell 1939, pi. 9, figs. 15-27). The majority of specimens have spines similar to those of OUM J25392 (PI. 52, fig. 6). In complete adults there are generally nine to twelve spines on the body-chamber; however, the total number depends largely on the size of the spines: specimens with finely denticulate venters having as many as twenty-four (PI. 51, fig. 1 1). 306 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 text-fig. 14. Sutural variation in Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). A, OUM J25335 (D = 8-5 mm.); b, OUM J25327 (D = 8 0 mm.); c, OUM J25329 (D = 8-3 mm.). All x 15. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. text-fig. 15. Sutural variation in Creniceras renggeri (Oppel). A, OUM J25367 (D = 7-8 mm.); b, OUM J25366 (D = 7-6 mm.); c, OUM J25326 (D = 7-8 mm.); d, OUM J25341 (D = 8-2 mm.); e, OUM J25345 (D = 8-2 mm.); F, OUM J25355 (D = 81 mm.). All X 15. All specimens from the Mariae Zone, Woodham. D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 307 The general inclination of the spines is slightly rursiradial (PL 51, fig. 1 a; PI. 52, fig. 6); rectiradial direction is fairly common (PI. 51, fig. 2a) and prorsiradial direction rare and, at best, very slight. In all adult specimens which have a complete body-chamber the ventral spines fade out completely just before the aperture (PI. 50, figs. 2 a, 3, 4a; PI. 51, figs. 2a, 4 and PL 52, figs. 3, 6). Spines may not develop near the aperture, or, if they do, they are formed as solid shell, a mould of which would not reflect their original shape. The final spine of OUM J20695, an incomplete adult, is truncated near the base (PL 51, fig. 5); obviously not broken, the spine may have formed as solid shell with only the lowermost part hollow. On well-preserved spines, fine ridges can be seen parallel to the edge of the spine (PL 51, figs, la, d). Arising from the ventral spines in many individuals are sinuous ventro-lateral ribs, which often fade on the flanks and may, or may not, reappear weakly in the umbilical region (PL 51, fig. la). In specimens with a denticulate venter, these shallow ribs are better defined in the ventro-lateral region, weakening on the flanks and umbilical region (PL 51, fig. 11). Individuals with no spines rarely develop ribs; at best they are very feeble and atypically weakest in the ventro-lateral position (PL 52, figs. 2a, b, 4). Because of the shallowness and large width of the ribs, they are only seen in well-preserved specimens. The peristome of adult specimens of C. renggeri develops constrictions, flares, lappets and rostra and is considerably more ornate than that of T. richei. Constrictions in adults vary from feebly developed to quite strongly so (PL 51, fig. 2a; PL 50, fig. 4a). In the case of well-developed constrictions the peristome is flared (PL 50, fig. 4a, c): however, the conditions of preservation may have been unfavourable for faithfully recording the true shape of both lappets and rostra in this species. Lappets are generally short, close to the umbilical seam and triangular to elongate in shape (PL 51, figs. 2a, 4; PL 52, figs. 2b, 3). Flattened specimens labelled Ammonites cristatus Sowerby, from the Oxford Clay of Scarborough, Yorkshire, though poorly preserved, show the lappets to be considerably more elongate than shown by the Woodham specimens (PL 52, figs. 7, 8). The preserved part of the lappet of OUM J25325 (PL 51, fig. 4) is identical to the early part of the lappet of BM C. 27545 (PL 52, fig. 8): the lappet of the former is obviously broken and may well have been the same shape and size as that of the latter. The two forms (A. cristatus and C. renggeri ) are probably conspecific, the Yorkshire individuals giving a truer outline of the lappet. In some cases the Woodham specimens have lappets which, in cross-section, are concave relative to the median plane (PL 50, fig. 4c; PL 51, fig. 2b). The rostra of Woodham specimens (PL 50, figs. 3, 4a; PL 51, figs. 2a, 4; PL 52, fig. 3) are almost identical with those of the Yorkshire specimens (PL 52, figs. 7, 8) in both size and inclination. As on T. richei a line appears on the body-chamber of C. renggeri immediately after the last septum on adult specimens, possibly representing the position of the annulus (Crick 1898). The course of this line is almost identical with that recorded for T. richei (PL 51, figs. 10, 12). Faint muscle scars were seen on the venter of several individuals: they are particularly prominent in a smooth-ventered specimen, OUM J25376, where they occur immediately either side of the mid-ventral line in the earliest part of the body-chamber and extend adorally for about 50° of a volution (PL 52, fig. 4a, b). 308 PALAEONTOLOGY VOLUME 9 DISCUSSION ON SEXUAL DIMORPHISM De Blainville (1840) was the first author to point out the possibility of separate sexes in the ammonites. More recent work (Callomon 1955 and 1963; Makowski 1962) has shown that among synchronous large and small forms of initially identical ammonites, there is sound reason for accepting de Blainville’s claim. By analogy with living cephalo- pods, the large form is thought to be the female and the small form the male: these are the macroconchs (M) and microconchs (m), respectively, of Callomon (1955 and 1963). The present author accepts the criteria of Makowski (1962) relating to sexual dimor- phism in ammonites : (1) identical initial stages of ontogeny in both (large and small) forms, and identity of their phylogeny, (2) lack of intermediate forms in adult (gerontic) stages, (3) presence of both forms in the same strata, (4) numerical ratio of the supposed sexes (sex ratio), comparable to that observed in living forms. In the foregoing account it has been shown that T. richei and C. renggeri agree in early ontogenetic stages but it has yet to be shown that they can be ‘phylogenetically identified’. As Callomon (1963) has pointed out; "[Taramelliceras and Creniceras ] both commence together at the base of the Oxfordian, basal Mariae Zone (Renggeri Marls); both are there already very variable (see Arkell 1939), and I [Callomon] have the feeling that they are merely dimorphic companions thence throughout the rest of EXPLANATION OF PLATE 51 Creniceras renggeri (Oppel) from the Mariae Zone, Woodham, Bucks. Fig. 1. OUM J25245. Adult specimen, a, side view; b, apertural view; c, ventral view; d, ridges on ventral spines (x 10). Fig. 2. OUM J25249. Adult with almost complete peristome, a, side view; b, apertural view. Fig. 3. OUM J25248. Adult specimen, a, side view; b, apertural view; c, ventral view. Fig. 4. OUM J25325. Adult specimen with almost complete peristome. Fig. 5. OUM J20695. Adult specimen showing truncated spine. Fig. 6. OUM J25252. Adult specimen. Fig. 7. OUM J25254. Adult specimen. Fig. 8. OUM J20662. Adult specimen. Fig. 9. OUM J25250. Adult specimen. Fig. 10. OUM J25250. Unwhitened adult specimen showing the course of the annulus (?). Fig. 11. OUM J25253. Adult specimen. Fig. 12. OUM J25255. Unwhitened adult specimen showing the course of the annulus (?). Specimens have been whitened with ammonium chloride, except figs. 10 and 12. Photographs by the author. All x 3, except Id which is x 10. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 52 Figs. 1-8. Creniceras renggeri (Oppel), from the Mariae Zone, Woodham, Bucks. Fig. 1. OUM J25247. Adult specimen. Fig. 2. OUM J25265. Adult specimen with almost complete peristome, a, side view, showing spiral striae; b, side view, showing lappet. Fig. 3. OUM J25364. Complete adult specimen showing lappet and rostrum. Fig. 4. OUM J25376. Incomplete adult showing muscle scars, a, side view; b, ventral view. Fig. 5. OUM J25356. Almost complete adult specimen. Fig. 6. OUM J25392. Almost complete adult specimen. Fig. 7. BM 39644; Oxford Clay, Yorkshire. Complete specimen, probably an adult. Fig. 8. BM C.27545; Oxford Clay, Yorkshire. Complete specimen, probably an adult. Fig. 9. C. renggeri <3 and ?. Reconstruction: S based on OUM J25392 and BM C.27545 (see figs. 6 and 8); $ based on OUM J25660 and BM 39642 (see PI. 48, fig. 7). x 1. Specimens have been whitened with ammonium chloride. Photographs by the author. All X 3, except fig. 9 which is natural size. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 51 I a I b Ic la lb 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 PALFRAMAN, Oxford Clay ammonites Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 52 PALFRAMAN, Oxford Clay ammonites D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 309 the Upper Jurassic.’ Both Taramelliceras and Creniceras extend into the Kimmeridgian (Arkell 1957, p. L125; see Arkell, Kummel and Wright 1957; Holder 1955 and Ziegler 1957 and 1959). As far as the author is able to determine, neither genus is found at higher levels than the Kimmeridgian. Among the Woodham oppelids there are certainly no intermediates between T. richei and C. renggeri', there is a ‘morphological hiatus’ (Makowski 1962) of about one whorl of growth and the largest adult C. renggeri is not as large as the smallest T. richei (text-fig. 6). The two ‘species’ occupy the same strata, and, as far as can be determined, both begin at the same level, basal Mariae Zone, at Woodham. The ratio of the large to small forms, T. richei to C. renggeri , is two to one. This can only be an approximate ratio as specimens from Woodham with a diameter of less than 8-9 mm. cannot reliably be differentiated into large and small forms. By analogy with living cephalopods, which show sexual dimorphism (Sweet 1964, p. K9; Makowski 1962, pp. 56—58), it is not unreasonable to contend that the two forms, T. richei and C. renggeri, are sexual dimorphs: they show sexual differences, both size and sex ratio, comparable with those displayed by living cephalopods. A reconstruction of the di- morphic pair has been produced (PI. 52, fig. 9). It is to be inferred that the larger is the female. TAXONOMY The taxonomic problems, which acceptance of the sexual dimorphism theory bring, have been discussed at length by Callomon (1955 and 1963) and Makowski (1962). The present author is of the opinion that sexual dimorphs of the same species should have the same specific name (Makowski 1962), being differentiated by the zoological symbols S and ?. The specific name accepted for a dimorphic pair should be that of the first named ‘species’ (following the law of priority) and, as far as the author can assess, there should be no more complication in ammonite taxonomy than in, say, ostracod taxonomy where sexual dimorphs of the same species are given the same specific name. Jeannet (1951) does not include the genus Creniceras Munier-Chalmas in the family Taramelliceratinae Spath 1928. The genus, along with Bukowskites nov. and Popanites Rollier, is classified by Jeannet as: Tncertae Sedis’, family Oppeliidae Bonarelli 1894. As the present results show, C. renggeri and T. richei are sexual dimorphs of the same species (= C. renggeri ) and on this basis the author agrees with Arkell, Kummel and Wright’s (1957) classification in which the genus Creniceras is included in the subfamily Taramelliceratinae. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Creniceras renggeri (Oppel) and Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) from Woodham are identical in every feature up to a diameter of about 8 mm. In the late stages of the adult phrogmocone, both ‘species’ develop feeble ventral tubercles which become ventral spines on the body-chamber. T. richei differs from C. renggeri in that ventro- lateral spines may be developed on the body-chamber. The variation shown by the sutures at diameters of 8 mm. and 12 mm., in C. renggeri and T. richei respectively, is small and qualitatively similar. Sutural ontogeny is identical throughout : the sutures of T. richei become more complex in the adult stages, but always at larger diameters than are recorded for adult phragmocones of C. renggeri. 310 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 In adults the body-chamber of both ‘species’ uncoils at the umbilical seam. The peri- stome of T. richei is relatively simple ; that of C. renggeri is ornate, developing flares, constrictions, rostra, and lappets. Recent work has added substance to de Blainville’s theory of sexual dimorphism in ammonites. By analogy with living cephalopods it seems probable that the large form is the female and the small form the male. It is concluded that Creniceras renggeri (Oppel) and Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) are really male and female respectively of the same species, and that the specific name of the dimorphic pair should be that of the earliest named form. It is finally considered that the inclusion of the genus Creniceras in the subfamily Taramelliceratinae is correct. Acknowledgements. For advice and discussion the author is very grateful to Dr. M. R. House. The author is also indebted to Dr. J. H. Callomon for the gift of a large number of ammonites from Woodham and to Mr. J. M. Edmonds of the University Museum, Oxford, and Dr. M. K. Howarth of the British Museum (Natural History) for the loan of specimens in their care. The work has been done during the tenure of a S.R.C. research studentship. REFERENCES arkell, w. j. 1939. The ammonite succession at the Woodham Brick Company's pit, Akeman Street Station, Buckinghamshire, and its bearing on the classification of the Oxford Clay. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 95, 135-222. 1957. Sutures and Septa in Jurassic Ammonite Systematics. Geol. Mag. 94, 235-48. kummel, b., and wright, c. w. 1957. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, ed. R. C. Moore. (L) Mollusca 4, Mesozoic Ammonoidea. L80-L437. Kansas Univ. Press. blainville, m. h. d. de. 1840. Prodrome d’une monographie des ammonites. Extrait du Supplement du Dictionaire des Sciences naturelles, 1-34, Paris, Bertrand. callomon, J. h. 1955. The ammonite succession in the Lower Oxford Clay and Kellaways beds at Kidlington, Oxfordshire, and the zones of the Callovian Stage. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B 239, 215-64. 1963. Sexual dimorphism in Jurassic ammonites. Trans. Leic. Lit. & Phil. Soc. 57, 21-56. crick, g. c. 1898. On the muscular attachment of the animal to its shell in some fossil Cephalopoda (Ammonoidea). Linn. Soc. London Trans., ser. 2, Zoology, 7, 71-113. holder, h. 1955. Die Ammoniten-Gattung Taramelliceras im Sudwestdeutschen Unter- und Mittel- malm. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 106 A, 37-153. jeannet, a. 1951. Die Eisen- und Manganerze der Schweiz. Stratigraphie und Palaeontologie des oolithischen Eisenerzlagers von Herznach und seiner Umgebung. Beitr. Geol. Schweiz, ser. 13, 5, 1-240. loriol, p. de. 1898-9. Etudes sur les mollusques et brachiopodes de l’Oxfordien inferieur ou Zone a Ammonites renggeri du Jura bernois. Soc. Palaeont. Suisse Mem. 25-26, 1-197. 1900. Etudes sur les mollusques et brachiopodes de l’Oxfordien inferieur ou Zone a Ammonites renggeri du Jura ledonien. Ibid. 27, 1-196. maire, v. 1908. Contribution a la connaissance de la Faune des Marnes a Creniceras renggeri dans la Franche-Compte septentrionale. 1 , Le Callovien et l’Oxfordien inferieur a Authoison (Haute-Saone). Bull. Soc. Grayloise d'Emul. 11, 143-63. makowski, h. 1962. Problem of sexual dimorphism in ammonites. Palaeontologia Polonica, 12, 1-92. schindewolf, o. h. 1954. On development, evolution and terminology of the ammonoid suture line. Harvard Univ. Mus. Comp. Zool., Bulk 112, no. 3, 217-37. 1960. Studien zur Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten. Lief. I, Abh. math.-naturw. Kk Akad. Wiss. Mainz, NR. 10, 635-745. 1962. Studien zur Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten. Lief. II, Ibid. 8, 425-572. 1963. Studien zur Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten. Lief. Ill, Ibid. 6, 285-432. sweet, w. c. 1964. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, ed. R. C. Moore. (K) Mollusca 3, Cephalopoda — General Features. K4-K13. Univ. of Kansas Press. D. F. B. PALFRAMAN: SOME OXFORDIAN AMMONITES 311 zieglhr, b. 1957. Creniceras dentatum [Ammonitacea] im Mittel-Malm Siidwestdeutschlands. Neues Jb. Geol. Palaontol., Mh. 1956, 533-75. Stuttgart. 1959. Evolution in Upper Jurassic Ammonites. Evolution, 13, 229-35. D. F. B. PALFRAMAN Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University Museum, Manuscript received 21 April 1965 Oxford. C 3803 Y THE LOWER LIASSIC AMMONITES NEOMICROCERAS GEN. NOV. AND PARACYMBITES by D. T. DONOVAN Abstract. Neomicroceras commune gen. et sp. nov., family Eoderoceratidae, is described and figured from the Raricostatum Zone of the British Lower Lias. The genus Paracymbites Trueman and Williams 1927, from the same zone, is revised from the original types and other material, and placed in the family Oxynoticeratidae. Study of the Lower Liassic ammonites from the Geological Survey borehole at Witney (Apley Barn), Oxfordshire, has led to the recognition of a new genus, here named Neomicroceras , and to the revision of another, Paracymbites Trueman and Williams, which was previously known only from a figure of the inner whorls. Both, genera are now fully described and figured. The following abbreviations are used: BM = Palaeontology Department, British Museum (Natural History). GSM = Geological Survey and Museum, London. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Order ammonoidea Family eoderoceratidae Spath 1929 Subfamily eoderoceratinae Spath 1929 Genus neomicroceras gen. nov. Type species. Neomicroceras commune sp. nov. Diagnosis. Evolute ammonites of the family Eoderoceratidae with simple, radial ribs on the whorl-side. The ribs may bear small tubercles at their ventral ends. The suture- line is very simple: the saddles are broad, rounded, and never constricted at their bases; the external saddle is bifid or trifid, the other saddles are not normally divided. The genus is a homeomorph of Crucilobiceras but is distinguished from it by the different, much simpler suture-line and by the shorter smooth stage, up to 0-35 cm. diameter compared with about 0-5 cm. in Crucilobiceras. The single known species is small, never exceeding 20 mm. diameter. Remarks. Neomicroceras is placed in the Eoderoceratinae on account of its similarity to the inner whorls of the less strongly ornamented species of Crucilobiceras. Its range, as at present known, lies entirely above that of Crucilobiceras and it could have evolved from that genus. No intermediate forms are known. The suture-line of Crucilobiceras passes through a stage similar to that of Neomicroceras during its ontogeny, as shown by Schindewolf (1962, text-figs. 1076, c). By a diameter of about TO cm., however, the Crucilobiceras suture-line has many more indentations than that of Neomicroceras and [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 312-18, pi. 53.] D. T. DONOVAN: LOWER LIASS1C AMMONITES 313 the external and sometimes other saddles have constricted bases, a feature never observed in the new genus. Other genera of Eoderoceratinae in the British Raricostatum Zone ( Eoderoceras , Bifericeras ) show sutural development and complexity very like that of Crucilobiceras. Neomicroceras commune sp. nov. Plate 53, figs. 1-4, text-fig. 1 Holotype. GSM 87550 from the Lower Lias of the Apley Bam Borehole, near Witney, Oxfordshire. Pcuatypes. GSM 87551, 87553-6, from the same borehole as the holotype. Other material. GSM 87557-60 from the Witney (Apley Barn) Borehole. Three specimens from the Dundry Borehole, Somerset, GSM 87561-3. Three specimens from Ballintoy, Co. Antrim, in the Ulster Museum and Art Gallery, Belfast, on a tablet numbered 674-1931. Geological horizon: In the Witney (Apley Barn) Borehole the genus ranges from 464 to 486J ft. and lies entirely within the range of the ammonite Leptechioceras. It therefore occurs in the Macdonnelli Subzone of the Raricostatum Zone as currently defined (Dean, Donovan, and Howarth 1961, p. 460). The specimens from the Dundry Borehole are from the same subzone. The Irish specimens are not dated. Description. The shell is evolute, with very little overlap between successive whorls. The largest individuals, around 16 mm. in diameter, consist of five and a half whorls. The first three whorls increase rapidly in size and the umbilicus is about 40 per cent, of the diameter at a size of 5 mm. On the last two and a half whorls the increase is more gradual and the umbilicus widens to about 52 per cent, at full size. The whorl height is about 27 per cent, of the diameter, and the whorl thickness 25 per cent, at full size. The whorl side is smooth or faintly undulating to a diameter of about 35 mm. when regular ribbing begins. The rib-frequency rises from about 25 to the whorl at a diameter of 6 mm. to from 33 (holotype) to 40 (paratype no. 87554) at full size in the Witney (Apley Barn) material. Two of the Ballintoy examples have closer ribbing. They are provisionally regarded as individual variants as there is not enough material available to demonstrate the existence of a distinct, more closely ribbed species. The variation in rib-frequency within the Witney assemblage is normal for a Liassic ammonite species. The ribs are very slightly convex forwards and bear small tubercles at the ventral ends. All the Witney specimens are pyritized internal moulds but the Ballintoy examples retain the shell and show that the tubercles, blunt on the internal mould, are sharp on the shell. The Irish material also shows that the shell is striate between the ribs. In some individuals the ribs continue very faintly across the arched venter. The body-chamber is about three-quarters of a whorl. Individuals retaining the body- chamber have the last two or three suture-lines approximated and are assumed to have been adult. Examples of the external suture-line, which is the distinguishing feature of Neomi- croceras, are shown in text-fig. 1. The external saddle is divided into two or three folioles. The other two saddles are normally broadly rounded but the larger sometimes shows incipient, and occasionally more distinct subdivision. This feature varies between successive suture-lines of the same individual (text-fig. la, c). 314 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Family oxynoticeratidae Hyatt 1875 Genus paracymbites Trueman and Williams 1927 Type species. Paracymbites obsoletus Trueman and Williams by original designation. The holotype of the type species (GSM 51464) is from the Lower Lias of Stanton Fields cutting, about 1 0 miles north-east of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire (see Richardson, 1918, p. 17). The other fossils recorded from the cutting by Richardson indicate that the Oxynotum, Raricostatum, and Jamesoni Zones were exposed in the cutting, but there is no more precise information as to the horizon of the holotype. text-fig. 1 . External suture-lines of Neomicroceras commune gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Lias, Raricostatum Zone, of the Witney (Apley Barn) Borehole, Oxfordshire ( a-c ) and from Ballintoy, Co. Antrim (d). a, Paratype, GSM 87553; b , Paratype, GSM 87554; c, Holotype, GSM 87550, last three suture-lines; d, Ulster Museum and Art Gallery, 674-1931. Arrows mark mid-ventral lines. All X 8. Diagnosis. Small involute ammonites rarely exceeding 15 mm. in diameter. The earliest whorls have a roughly semicircular section; on the last whorl the whorl-section becomes parallel-sided with arched venter. Each whorl almost completely covers the preceding one. The umbilicus is about one-quarter of the diameter, and may open out slightly with the last whorl, ill-defined simple folds or ribs are present on the whorl-side of some individuals. A very faintly marked keel may be present on the earlier part of the last whorl. The aperture is plain with a blunt ventral rostrum. The body-chamber is probably about three-quarters of a whorl. The external suture-line consists of three saddles each of broadly arched form with slight indentations. Paracymbites differs from other Lower Jurassic ammonites of broadly similar aspect as follows: Protocymbites (Hettangian) is distinguished by its stronger and more regular ribbing; Cymbites (Sinemurian) by its much more excentric coiling, the adult whorl-height being about 35 per cent, of the diameter compared with 45 per cent, in Paracymbites ; Metacymbites (Pliensbachian) EXPLANATION OF PLATE 53 Pigs. 1-4. Neomicroceras commune gen. et sp. nov., Lower Lias, Raricostatum Zone, of the Witney (Apley Barn) Borehole, Oxfordshire. 1, 2, Holotype, GSM 87550, X 4; 3, Paratype, GSM 87555, x6; 4, GSM 87559, x4. Figs. 5-12. Paracymbites dennyi (Simpson), Lower Lias, Raricostatum Zone. 5-7, GSM 51464, the holotype of P. obsoletus Trueman and Williams, Stanton Fields cutting, Glos., x4; 8, GSM 87552, Witney (Apley Barn) Borehole, Oxfordshire, X 4; 9, 10, GSM Zd 3034, Folly LaneBrickpit, Chelten- ham, Glos., x 4; 11, 12, GSM Zd 3035, the holotype of P. undulatus Trueman and Williams, Folly Lane Brickpit, Cheltenham, Glos., X 4. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 53 DONOVAN, Lias ammonites D. T. DONOVAN: LOWER LIASSIC AMMONITES 315 by more excentric coiling, more depressed body-chamber, and suture-line with con- stricted bases to the saddles; and Onychoceras (Upper Toarcian) by more excentric coiling and stronger ornament, and more deeply incised suture-line. Pavacymbites dennyi (Simpson) Plate 53, figs. 5-12, text-fig. 2 Ammonites Dennyi Simpson 1843, p. 9. Ammonites Dennyi Simpson 1855, p. 38. Phylloceras Loscombi, Sowerby (pars)', Blake 1876, p. 296. Ammonites Dennyi Simpson 1884, p. 66. Oxynoticeras dennyi, Simpson sp. ; Buckman 1909, pp. lb, c, pi. 7, figs. 1, 1 a, 2, 3. Cymbites sp. Richardson 1918, p. 17, pi. 2, fig. 31. Oxynoticeras dennyi (Simpson) Buckman; Spath 1925, p. 111. Paracymbites obsoletus Trueman and Williams 1927, p. 247, pi. 27, fig. 8 a-c. Paracymbites undulatus Trueman and Williams 1927, p. 248. Cymbites ? dennyi (Simpson); Howarth 1962, p. 104. non Cymbites cf. obsoletus (Trueman and Williams); Schindewolf 1961, p. 214, pi. 30, figs. 14-16, text-figs. 18, 19. Types. Syntypes are four pyritized internal moulds in Whitby Museum on a tablet numbered 470. Three were figured for the first time by Buckman (1909). The fourth, a nucleus 4 mm. in diameter still attached to matrix, is probably conspecific with the others. It has not been figured. Buckman wrote ‘1 and 2 agree with simpson’s measurement; but fig. 1 seems to agree best with his description: there- fore it is presumably the holotype’. The present writer disagrees; for example, Simpson wrote ‘[height of the] outer whorl about ^ the diameter’, a statement which applies to Buckman's fig. 2 but not to his fig. 1. Howarth (1962) accepts the original of Buckman’s fig. 1 as holotype or lectotype, and the present writer prefers to regard it as lectotype designated by Buckman. The holotype of Paracymbites obsoletus Trueman and Williams (1927), is in the Geological Survey Museum, no. 51464. It is refigured in the present paper, Plate 53, figs. 5-7. The holotype of Paracym- bites undulatus Trueman and Williams is GSM Zd 3035. It has not been previously figured and is now shown in Plate 53, figs. 11, 12. Other material. The species appears to be fairly common in the Lower Lias clays of Gloucestershire and Worcestershire and examples from various localities are preserved in the British Museum (Natural History) (nos. C6111o, C16666-9, C67060, and C67061) and in the Geological Survey Museum (nos. 24629, Zd 2954 (figured by Richardson, 1918, pi. 2, fig. 31), Zd 3034, Zd 3048, Zd 3072-4. The Witney (Apley Barn) Borehole yielded GSM 87552. The species does not appear to have been found on the Dorset coast. Geological age. The horizon of Paracymbites dennyi in Yorkshire, as recorded by Simpson, would fall within the lower part of the Raricostatum Zone ; Mr. L. Bairstow kindly informs me that he has not re-found the species during his work at Robin Hood’s Bay. The Gloucestershire and Worcestershire specimens are not usually well dated, being finds from clay banks and spoil heaps. The Witney (Apley Barn) Borehole specimen comes from the Raricostatum Zone. Description. The shell form has been described in the generic diagnosis. The coiling of the last whorl is excentric and variable; in some individuals, including the lectotype, the umbilicus opens out suddenly at the beginning of the last half-whorl, but in others, such as Buckman’s fig. 2, this opening out is more gradual. The lectotype represents one extreme of variation in this character. The adult umbilicus varies between about 23 and 28 per cent, of the diameter (25 per cent, in the lectotype), and the whorl height just 316 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 behind the adult aperture is around 45 per cent, of the diameter. The shell maybe almost smooth but is usually plicate, the folds— they are hardly ribs — having a slightly sigmoidal course following that of the growth-lines, and dying out half to two-thirds of the way from the umbilical suture to the mid-ventral line. The number of these folds varies text-fig. 2. External suture-lines of Paracymbites dennyi (Simpson) from the Lower Lias, Raricostatum Zone, from the north end of the Hunting Butts tunnel, Cheltenham, Glos. (a), Folly Lane brick pit, Cheltenham ( b , c), and the Witney (Apley Barn) Borehole, Oxfordshire (d). a, GSM Zd 3048; b, GSM Zd 3035, the holotype of P. undulatus Trueman and Williams; c , GSM Zd 3034; d, GSM 87552. Arrows mark mid-ventral lines. Straight lines are guide lines. All X 8. widely, from a few irregularly developed ones to over twenty to the whorl. The venter is obtusely angular for the first half of the last whorl but usually becomes rounded on the second half. On account of the frequency of specimens complete with body chamber about 15 mm. in diameter, the change in coiling which precedes the attainment of this size, and the absence of any larger specimens, a size of about 15 mm. was probably adult. Suture-lines are often irregularly spaced so that it is difficult to judge whether or not they are approximated before the body-chamber. The external suture-line (text-fig. 2) has three saddles on each side of the venter. The external one is roughly parallel-sided, and moderately indented; this character varies among individuals, and sometimes between the two sides of the same individual (text-fig. 2d). The other two saddles vary from being smooth (text-fig. 2d) to slightly indented (text-fig. 2b, c). The suture-line ascends towards the umbilical suture so that the lateral lobes lie well above the guide- line. Synonymy. The holotype of P. obsoletus is wholly septate and only 8 mm. in diameter. The shell-form, ornament, and suture-line are sufficiently close to P. dennyi for P. obsoletus to be regarded as synonymous with Simpson’s prior species. The other species placed in the genus by Trueman and Williams in 1927, P. undulatus, was not illustrated by them at the time. The holotype is now figured (pi. 53, figs. 11, 12) and is regarded as inseparable specifically from P. dennyi. Trueman and Williams did not say what they considered to be the differences between their two species. Relationships and systematic position. The present writer is impressed by the similarity between Paracymbites and Cheltonia, an oxynoticeratid genus of the late Oxynotum Zone. Cheltonia is small (usually 25 mm. or less) and its affinities are beyond doubt, for it is almost indistinguishable from the inner whorls of Oxynoticeras except for slightly excentric coiling and a modified body chamber. Cheltonia has in common with Para- cymbites: change of whorl-section with growth, ornament on whorl side, aperture, and angular venter giving place to rounded on the last half-whorl. The main differences lie n a b c d D. T. DONOVAN: LOWER LIASSIC AMMONITES 317 in the greater whorl thickness of Paracymbites, and the absence of the corrugated venter which precedes the aperture in Cheltonia. On account of this close resemblance Para- cymbites is placed in the family Oxynoticeratidae. The similar genus Cymbites has been the subject of an exhaustive study by Schinde- wolf (1961), who regards Paracymbites as a synonym of Cymbites. The present writer disagrees with this view. In fairness it should be noted that Paracymbites is almost impossible to interpret from Trueman and Williams’s original figures, and that the body-chamber, which provides the clearest difference from Cymbites, was not figured by them. Schindewolf figured three ammonites (1961, pi. 30, figs. 14, 15, 16 a, b) as Cymbites cf. obsoletus (Trueman and Williams), but the present writer believes that they are not related to that species. The reasons for this are the coiling, which closely re- sembles that of Cymbites proper, and the ornament which passes undiminished in strength across the whorl-side on to the venter, a character of Cymbites (cf. Schinde- wolf's other figures of the genus) but not of Paracymbites. Trueman and Williams did not place Paracymbites in a family, but suggested that it might be ‘a dwarfed member of the Deroceratidae’ [recte Eoderoceratidae] (1927, p. 248). In the Treatise (Arkell, 1957, p. L240) it was placed, as a subgenus of Cymbites, in the subfamily Cymbitinae Buckman 1919 of the family Arietitidae. Schindewolf (1961, p. 229) recognized a separate family Cymbitidae, Paracymbites being regarded as a synonym of Cymbites. I have remarked above that I disagree with Schindewolf on this point, and believe that his relegation of Paracymbites to the synonymy resulted from misidentification with that genus of German fossils which really belong to Cym- bites. The present revision has shown that the closest similarities of Paracymbites are with Cheltonia and it is accordingly placed in the family Oxynoticeratidae and regarded as a homeomorph of Cymbites. I support Schindewolf in regarding the Cymbitidae as an independent lineage having its origin early in the Lower Lias; my earlier view (1957, p. 416) that Cymbites was evolved from Eucigassiceras is not supported by evidence from recent boreholes. Acknowledgements. I wish to thank Dr. H. Ivimey-Cook of the Palaeontological Department, Geo- logical Survey, for help in various ways. Dr. M. K. Howarth looked out material for me at the British Museum (Natural History). The photographs are by Messrs M. Holliday and B. Nettleton. The paper is published by permission of the Director of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. REFERENCES arkell, w. J. 1957. In R. C. Moore (ed.). Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part L: Mollusca 4. Cephalopoda: Ammonoidea. New York: Geol. Soc. Amer. blake, J. f. 1876. Cephalopoda, tate, r. and blake, j. f. The Yorkshire Lias. London, 261-330. buckman, s. s. 1909. Yorkshire type ammonites. 1, (1). London. dean, w. t., donovan, d. t., and howarth, m. k. 1961. The Liassic ammonite zones and subzones of the north-west European province. Bull. Brit. Mas. (Nat. Hist.) (Geol.), 4 (10), 435-505, pis. 63-75. donovan, D. T. 1957. Notes on the species Cymbites laevigatas (J. de C. Sowerby) and on the genus Cymbites Neumayr. Geol. Mag. 94, 413-20. howarth, m. k. 1962. The Yorkshire type ammonites and nautiloids of Young and Bird, Phillips, and Martin Simpson. Palaeontology, 5, 93-136, pis. 13-19. Richardson, l. 1918. The geology (Lias and superficial deposits) of the Cheltenham-Stratford-on- Avon Railway (G.W.R.). Trans. Woolhope Nat. Fid. CL, vol. for 1914-17, 137-57, pis. 1-3. 318 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 schindewolf, o. h. 1961. Die Ammoniten-Gattung Cymbites im Deutschen Lias. Palaeontographica, 117, Abt. A, 193-232, pis. 29-31. 1962. Studien zur Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten. Lieferung II. Ab/t. Akad. Wiss. Lit. Mainz (Math.-naturw. Kl.) Jhrg. 1962, nr. 8, pp. 1 11-257. simpson, m. 1843. A monograph of the ammonites of the Yorkshire Lias. London. 1855. The fossils of the Yorkshire Lias; described from nature. London and Whitby. 1884. The fossils of the Yorkshire Lias; described from nature. 2nd ed. London and Whitby. spath, L. F. 1925. Notes on Yorkshire ammonites. I. — On the genus Oxynoticeras Hyatt. Naturalist, Lond. April 1925 (no. 819), 107-12. trueman, A. e. and williams, d. M. 1927. Notes on some Lias ammonites from the Cheltenham district. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl. 22 (3), 239-53, pis. 27, 28. D. T. DONOVAN Department of Geology, The University, Manuscript received 5 March 1965 Hull. RADIOLARIA FROM THE NAM U RIAN OF DERBYSHIRE by B. K. HOLDSWORTH Abstract. Albaillella pennata sp. nov. and Popofskyellum undulatum Deflandre are described from calcareous concretions at the horizon of the goniatite Reticuloceras paucicrenulatum Bisat and Hudson. The diagnosis of the genus Albaillella is emended. It is suggested that A. pennata and P. undulatum may possibly have been favoured by depths of water greater than those necessary for the proliferation of Namurian spumelline Radiolaria, and that depths favouring these two forms may have been attained only rarely during the deposition of Namurian goniatite bands in Derbyshire and Staffordshire. The occurrence of well-preserved Radiolaria associated with Namurian goniatites in North Staffordshire and South-west Derbyshire has been reported (Holdsworth 1964). The goniatites and Radiolaria are found in syndepositional calcite concretions — - ‘bullions’ — enclosed in shale, these bullions being closely comparable with the cal- careous concretions of the Ohio Shale (Devonian) from which Foreman (1959, 1963) described rich radiolarian faunas. The Namurian bullions appear to contain some of the best-preserved Carboniferous Radiolaria yet known, and other than the Ohio Shale occurrence, the faunas of some lower Visean phosphatic nodules described by Deflandre (1946, 1952, 1958) and of some upper Visean nodules (Demanet 1938), there are no records of Palaeozoic Radiolaria which can be studied in comparable detail. Palaeozoic Radiolaria are most commonly found in siliceous sediments and the faunas described only from thin-section studies (cf. Hinde 1899, Aberdeen 1940). Though the problem of separating the Namurian Radiolaria completely from the carbonate matrix has not been solved, nevertheless it has been possible to study many hundreds of excellent specimens on limestone surfaces etched with hydrochloric acid. In such preparations both external and internal struc- tures can be determined more conveniently and with greater certainty than in thin- section. Radiolarian faunas at sixteen successive goniatite horizons have been examined (cf. Floldsworth 1964), the zonal range being from low E2b.l to low R,b, Arnsbergian Stage to mid-Marsdenian Stage, some two-thirds of the Namurian Series. The very great majority of the faunas are largely composed of spumelline forms belonging to the genera Entactinia, Entactinosphaera, and Polyentactinia. The detailed taxonomic work on these spumellines is still incomplete, but it seems clear that there is no obvious, regular change in species present from horizon to horizon comparable with the marked and irreversible trend of the successive goniatite faunas. Differences which are seen between radiolarian faunas at different horizons, and between different collections from essentially the same horizon, are mainly ones of population density and of relative abundance of a few rather well-marked species. The form with the most notably fluctuating abundance, however, is the new species of the genus Albaillella (suborder Albaillellina) described below. [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 319-29, pi. 54.] 320 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Non-spumelline Radiolaria are usually rare members of the Namurian faunas. Albaillella pennata sp. nov. has been found only at the horizon of Reticuloceras pand- er emulation Bisat and Hudson, being abundant in two collections from a single locality but absent in two other collections from different localities. A closely related form, Albaillella aff. pennata, occurs at the lower horizon of Homoceras subglobosum Bisat. Popofskyellmn undulatum Deflandre is very sparsely associated with A. pennata at the horizon of R. paucicrenulatum but has not been seen elsewhere. Both the genera Albaillella and Popofskyellum were first described from the Visean of the Montagne Noire and Cabriere. Neither genus has previously been described from other levels, nor from any British rocks. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Subclass radiolaria Muller 1858 Order porulosida Haeckel 1887 Suborder albaillellina Deflandre 1953 Diagnosis. Fossil Radiolaria with bilaterally symmetrical, elongate, siliceous shells, having a thin and usually imperforate wall and possessing internally non-axial rays — - ‘columelles’ (columellae) of Deflandre — eventually merging with the shell wall. Outside the shell is developed a skeleton, variable in detail. Remarks. Deflandre (1952) suggested that a new order should probably be created for the genus Albaillella , but did not erect the order Albaillellidea until the following year (1953n). The order was defined fully by Deflandre in 1958 (p. 2278) and his diagnosis is quoted above. The Albaillellids are omitted by Campbell and Moore (1954) from the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part D (cf. Deflandre 1960, p. 214), but in the framework of the Treatise classification it appears that the group should be considered as constituting a suborder rather than an order. In relegating the Albaillellidea to a sub- order the present writer follows Foreman (1963, p. 285). (In Foreman (loc. cit.) the words ‘Suborder Albaillellina ? Deflandre 1953’ should appear immediately above the line ‘Family Albaillellidae ? Deflandre 1952’ (Foreman in litt. 1964).) Two families, Albaillellidae and Lapidopiscidae (Deflandre 1958), are included in the Albaillellina. Whilst recognizing a very broad similarity of form and structure between the Albaillellidae, type family of the Albaillellina, and the Cyrtoidea, Deflandre (1952) considered the bilateral symmetry of the Albaillellidae to exclude them from the Cyrtoidea and from the Nassellina as a whole. This total separation of Albaillellina and Nassellina is accepted here, but it may be noted that rudimentary bilateral symmetry is expressed in the sagittal ring and spicule arrangement of some simple members of the Nassellina (cf. Campbell, in Campbell and Moore 1954, fig. 8) and that there is at least some analogy, possibly even homology, between the H-frame of Albaillella (cf. De- flandre 1952, fig. 5) and the spicuiar structures of simple members of the Nassellina with complete, unisegmental lattice shells. In the absence of demonstrable homologies, how- ever, the Albaillellids are best considered as a separate suborder. Family albaillellidae Deflandre 1952 Diagnosis. Fossil Radiolaria with thin, conical, bilaterally symmetrical, lamellar shells. Shells built on a framework of which the principal part, formed by two longitudinal B. K. HOLDSWORTH: RADIOLARIA FROM DERBYSHIRE 321 rods of dissimilar strength joined by a curved transverse bar (the H-frame), is exterior to the shell and opposite the basal aperture. Remarks. The most characteristic feature of the family is the externally developed H-frame. The only known genus is AlbailleUa, though Foreman (1963) tentatively referred Ceratoikiscum Deflandre and Holoeciscus Foreman to the family. Genus albaillella Deflandre 1952 Type species. AlbailleUa paradoxci Deflandre. Emended diagnosis. Albaillellina in which the conical lattice shell may or may not be flattened bilaterally in the plane of the H-frame. Lattice shell may bear one or two hollow wings in the plane of the H-frame or may lack wings. Lattice shell sometimes shows a transverse segmentation or sometimes an oblique banding. Both rods of the external H-frame are produced into the interior of the lattice shell as longitudinal rays (columellae of Deflandre). They are of dissimilar strength, the stronger being developed from the stronger ray of the H-frame. The weaker (ventral) columella is sometimes indistinct. The stronger (dorsal) columella is usually attached to the inner surface of the lattice by paired lateral apophyses — ‘trabecules’ (trabeculae) of Deflandre — and in some cases both rays are thus attached. Remarks. Deflandre’s several published accounts of forms attributed to AlbailleUa are not sufficiently detailed to establish the full variation encountered within the Visean material with which he deals, or to decide how closely individual species agree with the original generic diagnosis. In the first publication on AlbailleUa (1952) a generic diagnosis is given, but no species names are mentioned in the text. Three species, A. paradoxa, A. cornuata, and A. undulata, and one variety, A. paradoxa var. gibbosa , are described only by drawings and named only in captions. The specific descriptions have not subsequently been amplified, though var. gibbosa was later given the status of a species (1960, p. 216, caption to pi. 1, fig. 23). It is unclear from the published descriptions whether Visean species of AlbailleUa invariably possess only a single columella — as appears to be the case in A. paradoxa , the type species (Deflandre 1952, p. 872, and fig. 4) — or whether both rods of the H- frame continue into the shell in the form of columellae, as is suggested by Deflandre (19536, p. 408, fig. 307a, b). According to Deflandre (in lift. 1965) Visean forms of the genus always, in fact, possess two columellae [as does the new Namurian species pennata] but the weaker (ventral) columella ‘often shows a tendency to become effaced by inclusion in the shell wall’. Deflandre (in litt.) states that in Visean species the stronger (dorsal) columella is ‘often’ attached to the shell wall by trabeculae, and that in ‘some individuals’ both dorsal and ventral columellae are so attached, the condition found in A. pennata. It should be noted that the columellae are simple continuations of the H-frame rods, not ‘branches’ from them as is suggested by the original description (Deflandre 1952, p. 872). Clearly, the organization of the Namurian species is sufficiently similar to that of the Visean forms for all to be included in a single genus. Apertural spines and an obliquely banded shell (cf. Deflandre 19536, pp. 431-2) should not be considered as generic 322 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 features since they are not invariably present in Visean species and are absent from the Namurian species. text-fig. 1. Albaillella pennata sp. nov. a. Diagrammatic representation of longitudinally bisected specimen to show the main architectural elements. a\, a2, dorsal and ventral rods of H-frame; b, cross-bar of H-frame; cl, c2, dorsal and ven- tral internal columellae; d, d, trabeculae; e, segment;/, constriction; g, pore; hi, h2, dorsal and ventral wings; /, wing rib; j, wing spine; k, apical spine; /, wall of lattice shell. b, H-frame. Drawing from specimen, X 375. Anatomical nomenclature of Albaillella. The main architectural elements of frame and shell are illustrated diagrammatically in text-fig. 1. The side of the shell bearing the stronger columella is termed ‘dorsal’, as in the bicolumellate Lapidopiscidae (Deflandre 1958) which lack the H-frame. In Albaillella pennata the lattice shell is divided by trans- verse constrictions into a number of units and a similar, though less marked, partition of the lattice appears to be present in A. undulata. Each unit is here termed a ‘segment’, but the segmentation of the Albaillella lattice is not homologous with the segmentation in the Nassellina. In the Nassellina the first segment contains the spicular structures, if present, and these structures are thus isolated from all subsequent segments. There- fore, if the internal skeletal elements of the Albaillellina are considered homologous with the spicular structures and sagittal ring of the Nassellina (see above), then the entire shell of Albaillella must be considered homologous with a single nasselline segment, comparable with the unisegmental lattice of the Archipiliicae. The segmented lattice of A. pennata differs from the banded lattices (Deflandre 1952, p. 873; 19536, p. 432) of A. paradoxa and A. cornuata in that the bands of these latter species are obliquely, not transversely, arranged. Thus portions of more than one band B. K. HOLDSWORTH: RADIOLARIA FROM DERBYSHIRE 323 are present at the periphery of the basal aperture in banded shells. In segmented shells the aperture is in a single segment. The ‘wings’ of A. pennata are hollow portions of the lattice developed dorsally and ventrally, similar to the single outgrowth of the shell in A. cornuata, and differing from the ‘horns’ of Lapidopiscum (Deflandre 1958, p. 2279) in that they contain no portions of the columellae. It should be noted that Deflandre uses ‘horn’ in a quite different sense with respect to Popofskyellwn (see below). In this case the horns are slender, solid, or hollow spines developed from the cephalis, not containing or continuous with columellae or spicules. These structures in Popofskyellwn are therefore better termed simply ‘cephalic spines’. The outer margins of the wings in A. pennata are usually thickened to form longi- tudinal ‘wing ribs’ which may be produced beyond the tip of the wings as ‘wing spines’. In his ‘hypothetical reconstruction’ of the A. cornuata frame Deflandre (19536, fig. 307a) shows a lateral branch from the ventral columella in a position corresponding to the wing of A. cornuata. It is now known that there is no such connection between out- growth and columella (Deflandre, in litt. 1965). The A. cornuata wing is comparable to the wings of A. pennata in that it is developed solely from the shell. AlbaiUella pennata sp. nov. Plate 54, figs. 1-3, 5-7 Winged nassellinid, Holdsworth 1964, p. 698. Locality. Upper Dove Valley, South-west Derbyshire, England. Horizon. Faunal band of Reticuloceras paucicrennlatum, Reticuloceras circumplicatile Zone (Ria), Kinderscoutian Stage (Rff, Namurian Series, Carboniferous. Diagnosis. The shell bears prominent dorsal and ventral wings developed in a single plane, is conical from apex to the level of emergence of the wings, and tubular there- after. In the most typical form the tubular portion of the shell constitutes about one- third of the total length, the overall outline being essentially triangular, but elongate variants occur in which the tubular portion may constitute half the length of the shell. Slightly oblique transverse constrictions divide the shell into segments and nine seg- ments can be detected in complete specimens, though the first three are small and indistinct. A slender, slightly curved apical spine, hollow at the base, is developed from the first segment and there is generally a sudden increase in width of the lattice shell at the fourth segment. The wings arise most commonly at or about the level of the sixth segment and usually bear weak, longitudinal wing ribs, sometimes produced into wing spines. There is a general tendency for the dorsal wing to be developed slightly nearer the apex than the ventral wing. Both longitudinal rods of the H-frame continue into the shell interior as columellae, lying in the plane of the wings. The columellae are of markedly dissimilar strength, the stronger (dorsal) arising from the stronger rod of the H-frame. The columellae converge towards the apex of the shell, extending at least to the third segment and possibly to the apical segment. Along their entire length both columellae are attached to the adjacent lattice wall by pairs of small lateral branches (trabeculae), members of a pair being slightly offset vertically. The branches contact 324 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 the lattice shell at the constrictions (text-fig. 2a), and commonly there is indication of slight thickening of the shell along the apical sides of constrictions. The lattice shell is imperforate except for the final segment, where a girdle of irregular pores may be developed close to the constriction (text-fig. 2b). The transverse bar of the H-frame, only very rarely preserved completely in the available material, is slightly curved and ornamented with short spines (text-fig. 1 b). text-fig. 2. Albaillella pennata sp. nov. a , Diagram showing relationship between constrictions of lattice shell (dashed lines) and trabeculae of the internal columellae. b, Final and penultimate segments with portion of dorsal rod of H-frame, showing girdle of irregular pores in final segment. Drawing from specimen, X 250. Variation. Specimens assigned to A. pennata are somewhat variable. The most distinct variant is an elongate form in which the tubular portion of the shell is up to half the total shell length and the wing spines are very long, extending to or beyond the level of the mouth. In the typical triangular form there is variation in the degree to which the segments are defined, in the development of wing ribs and wing spines, and in the size and position of the wings. In an extremely rare variant the development of the ventral EXPLANATION OF PLATE 54 All figures X 250. Figs. 1-3, 5-7. Albaillella pennata sp. nov. 1, Holotype, LZ 3651. 2, Topotype, LZ 4740, showing segmentation and incomplete apical spine. 3, Topotype, LZ 4739, showing marked inequality in strength of rods of H-frame and difference in level of the wings. 5, Paratype, LZ 3652, showing very well-marked segmentation. 6, Topotype, LZ 4737, elongate form showing segmentation and portion of wing spine. 7, Paratype, LZ 3653, elongate form with wing rib produced into long wing spine. Figs. 4, 8. Popofskyellum undulatum Deflandre. 4, Very incomplete specimen showing one lateral cephalic spine and the stronger of the two longitudinal ribs, LZ 4738. 8, Specimen showing the widely conical, segmented lattice of undulose outline, one lateral cephalic spine, and the stronger of the two longitudinal ribs, LZ 4736. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 54 HOLDS WORTH, Namurian radiolaria B. K. HOLDSWORTH: R ADIOLARI A FROM DERBYSHIRE 325 wing is delayed until the final segment. Occasionally pores are present in both final and penultimate segments, and some specimens lack pores completely. Material. Deposited at the Geological Survey, Leeds. Holotype, LZ 3651 (PI. 54, fig. 1), typical trian- gular form, but with segmentation rather weakly developed; length from tip of apical spine (probably broken) to base of dorsal rod of H-frame 0-24 mm. LZ 3658 is closely comparable with the holotype. Paratype, LZ 3652 (PI. 54, fig. 5) and LZ 3654 show typical triangular shape with well-developed segmentation. LZ 3657, typical form, laterally broken, showing columellae internally. LZ 3655, triangular form with ventral wing weak, delicately spined and developed closer than usual to mouth. Paratype, LZ 3653 (PI. 54, fig. 7), extreme elongate form with long wing spine; length from tip of apical spine (probably broken) to damaged aperture 0-31 mm. LZ 3656, specimen with shape intermediate between typical and elongate forms, having very weak ventral wing with strong, curved spine. Specimens cited are on the etched surfaces of two small slabs of limestone, and detailed instructions for locating speci- mens are deposited with the material. Figured specimens not cited above also have Geological Survey, Leeds, registration numbers. text-fig. 3. Albaillella aff. pennata sp. nov. Drawings from specimens, a. Broken specimen showing apex of lattice shell with wings and one internal columella with remnants of trabeculae, X 203. b, Broken specimen showing complete H-frame, two internal columellae and wings, X 180. c. Broken specimen with only fragments of lattice shell, showing part of H-frame, and two internal columellae bearing remnants of trabeculae, x 164. Remarks. A. pennata differs from the four Visean species of Albaillella so far de- scribed in possessing two wings and a rather markedly segmented shell. It differs also in that specimens invariably show a well-differentiated ventral columella bearing trabeculae. A. pennata has been seen only at the horizon of R. paucicrenulatwn, but poorly pre- served specimens of a closely related form, determined as A. aff. pennata , are present at the lower horizon of Homoceras subglobosum Bisat. In A. aff. pennata (text-fig. 3 a-c), as in A. pennata, there are two columellae, both bearing trabeculae, but the shell is more slender and less obviously segmented, and the two wings are smaller and set more closely to the apex. 326 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Suborder ? nassellina Family popofskyellidae Deflandre 1964 Diagnosis. Fossil Radiolaria with a perforated, bell-shaped shell in which two opposed, longitudinal, lateral rods are incorporated. Cephalis simple. Podome with two branches. Remarks. Though the greater part of the shell has a bilateral symmetry Deflandre (1964) excluded the family from the Albaillellina on the grounds that the arrangement of cephalic spines lacks this symmetry. The family differs also in having a perforate shell and lacking internal columellae, the longitudinal ribs being integral parts of the shell, homologous with the wing ribs of A. pennata. In the Namurian examples seen these longitudinal ribs or rods are of unequal strength. Genus popofskyellum Deflandre 1964 Type species. Popofskyellum pulchrum Deflandre (1960, pi. 1, fig. 26). Diagnosis. Shell perforated, bell-shaped or conical, with two opposed lateral ribs or rods, usually projecting at the base. Podome with two branches. Cephalis with un- branched spines, frequently with a short, conical, tricostate spine. Poorly known, asymmetrical trabecular system basally. Popofskyellum undulatum Deflandre Plate 54; figs. 4, 8 Popofskyellum undulatum Deflandre 1964, pp. 3055-8; figs. 3, 4, 13, 14. Remarks. All five incomplete Namurian specimens of the genus so far seen agree closely in size and architecture with P. undulatum, described by Deflandre from the Visean. The most complete specimen (PL 54; fig. 8) has a cephalis and five other rather well- marked segments as in the holotype (cf. Deflandre 1964, fig. 14), giving the characteristic undulose outline to the shell, which is finely perforated overall and of muslin-like texture. The longitudinal rods of unequal strength arise in the region of the second extra-cephalic segment and extend beyond the periphery of the mouth. The total number of lateral cephalic spines cannot be determined, but there is at least one per specimen, and also a slender apical spine. Popofskyellum is very rare in the Namurian faunas studied, being seen only at the horizon of R. paucicrenulatum, where it is associated with abundant specimens of A. pennata. The genus also appears to be rare in the Visean faunas, for Deflandre’s four species are based on a total of only about twenty specimens (Deflandre 1964, p. 3055). ECOLOGY OF ALBAILLELLA PENNATA Foreman (1963, p. 267) noted marked differences in relative abundance and mor- phology of radiolarian species between three concretions studied, all collected at ‘approximately the same horizon’ and separated by a total horizontal distance of only some four miles. The radiolarian faunas of the R. paucicrenulatum faunal band provide an even more striking example of apparent lateral variation at a single horizon. B. K. HOLDSWORTH: R ADIOLARI A FROM DERBYSHIRE 327 The band was studied at three localities. At locality 1 in the Upper Dove Valley (loc. 179 of Holdsworth 1963) two bullions with R. paucicrenulatum, at exactly the same level, 1 foot apart horizontally, contained rich spumelline faunas abundantly associated with A. pennata and with very rare P. undulatum. Both these forms were completely absent from a bullion with the same goniatite at locality 2, 20 yards away and also from a fourth bullion with the goniatite at locality 3, 1 mile away in the Upper Manifold Valley (loc. 177 of Holdsworth 1963), which contained a rich but exclusively spumelline fauna. The possibility that the bullions at the three different localities are parts of three, vertically separated goniatite bands is remote. The goniatites present in all four collec- tions are typical forms of R. paucicrenulatum (Holdsworth 1963, pp. 142-4) and in no known succession is this species seen to occur more than once. It must be accepted that the four bullions consist of sediment deposited during the single relatively brief time span marked by the existence in the area of R. paucicrenulatum. This is not to say, however, that the two bullions from locality 1 and those from localities 2 and 3 constitute precisely contemporaneous sediment samples, even though the majority of faunal bands in this portion of the succession average only a foot or so in thickness. From the perfect three-dimensional preservation of goniatites in bullions it is clear that these concretions grew very early in diagenesis, before the oozes and muds had suffered any appreciable compaction. To judge by the total crushing of many globose goniatites in Namurian shale bands, an inch of shale must represent many inches of original sediment, and at the time the bullion concretions formed it seems probable that many inches, even feet, of highly water-charged mud and ooze were present below the sediment-water interface. As the R. paucicrenulatum bullions are relatively small, approximately seven inches deep at maximum, it is possible that the two bullions of locality 1 and those of localities 2 and 3 developed at three slightly different levels in the single sheet of sediment containing R. paucicrenulatum. Thus there is a high probability that the variation between faunas at the three localities is a vertical, not a true lateral, variation. During the single time span marked by the existence of R. paucicrenulatum there were probably at least two distinct periods, one in which A. pennata coexisted abundantly with the goniatite and spumelline Radiolaria, and one in which only the goniatite and spumellines were present in the area. To suppose that this indicates an extremely brief stratigraphical range for A. pennata is unrealistic in view of the evidently long ranges of the spumelline species and the presence of the closely comparable A. aff. pennata at a single lower horizon. The most reasonable explanation is that the occurrence of A. pennata was controlled by environ- ment, and it is significant that Popofskyellum occurs only in association with A. pennata. Though probably not closely related phylogenetically, there are obvious similarities between the conical, bilaterally symmetrical genera Albaillella and Popofskyellum , and Deflandre (1964, p. 3057) suggested an evolutionary convergence in morphology. If the appearance of A. pennata was due to environmental change, then we must suppose, in view of the rarity of faunas including Albaillella , that the change taking place during 'R. paucicrenulatum time’ was somewhat unusual in the histories of the goniatite bands of Derbyshire and Staffordshire. In considering the nature of this change it is significant that whilst A. pennata is extremely abundant in the bullions of locality 1, all the common spumellines of other horizons are also present in considerable numbers. The change in environment had no C 3803 z 328 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 effect upon the spumellines or the goniatites. The appearance of the two non-spumelline species could have been the result of several kinds of influence, of a minor change in salinity or temperature, or possibly a slight alteration in the speed of water movement. Such explanations presuppose that the spumellines were less sensitive to their immediate environment than A. pennata and P. undulatum. A rather more satisfactory explanation is that the two non-spumellines are relatively deep-water forms and were favoured by depths only seldom attained during the deposition of the Namurian goniatite bands studied. During the brief period of deeper water conditions favouring these two forms the free-swimming goniatite and the spumellines floating at relatively shallow depth could also flourish. Potts (1960) adduced geochemical arguments for fluctuating sedimentation rates in at least one Namurian goniatite band, and it is possible that such changes in rate of sedimentation were linked to depth fluctuations of the kind now suggested for the R. paucicrenulatum band. The suggestion that A. pennata and P. undulatum are indicators of relatively deep-water conditions is at least in accord with the little yet known concern- ing modern radiolarian ecology and functional morphology. Both Albadlella and Popofskyelluni possess shells superficially similar to those of many members of the Nassellina, and Haeckel (1887, p. cliv) believed nassellines to increase in abundance with depth in modern oceans and to predominate in the abyssal zone. Delicate lattice shells and elaborate spines amongst the Spumellina are probably adaptations to pelagic existence (cf. Aberdeen 1940), and whilst the Namurian spumellines show many examples of such structures (Holdsworth 1964), neither A. pennata with its dense, only slightly perforate shell, nor P. undulatum have any features which might suggest that they are highly adapted to a free-floating life in surface or immediately sub-surface currents. Both may even have been benthonic forms. The possibility of deep-water control is also in accord with the presence of Albadlella and Popofskyelluni in the phosphatic Visean nodules studied by Deflandre, sediments likely to have formed at considerable depth under conditions of reduced sediment accumulation. Acknowledgements. I am indebted to Mrs. Helen P. Foreman (Oberlin College, Ohio) and Miss Catherine Clark (Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla) for helpful discussion, and to Prof. G. Deflandre (Laboratoire de Micropaleontologie, Paris) for unpublished information regarding Albaillella in the Visean. REFERENCES Aberdeen, e. 1940. Radiolarian fauna of the Caballos formation, Marathon Basin, Texas. J. Paleont. 14, 127-39. Campbell, a. s. and moore, r. c. 1954. Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part D, Protista 3. Univ. Kansas Press and Geol. Soc. Amer. deflandre, g. 1946. Radiolaires et Hystrichosphaerides du Carbonifere de la Montagne Noire. C.r. Acad. Sci., Paris, 223, 515-17. 1952. Albaillella nov. gen., Radiolaire fossile du Carbonifere inferieur, type d’une lignee aberrante eteinte. Ibid. 234, 872-4. 1953 a. Titres et Travaux Scientifiques de Georges Deflandre (Supplement 1949-53). Paris. — 19536. Radiolaires fossiles. In Trade de Zoologie, ed. grasse, p. p., 1, (2), 389-436. Paris. 1958. Lapidopiscum nov. gen., type nouveau de Radiolaire viseen, famille des Lapidopiscidae fam. nov., de l’ordre des Albaillellidae (sic). C.r. Acad. Sci., Paris, 246, 2278-80. 1960. A propos du developpement des recherches sur les Radiolaires fossiles. Revue Micro- paleont. 2, 212-18. B. K. HOLDSWORTH: RADIOLARIA FROM DERBYSHIRE 329 deflandre, g. 1964. La famille des Popofskyellidae fam. nov. et le genre Popofskyellum Defl., Radiolaires viseens de la Montagne Noire. C.r. Acad. Sci., Paris, 259, 3055-8. demanet, f. 1938. La fauna des couches de passage du Dinantien au Namurien dans le synclinorium de Dinant. Mem. Mas. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 84. foreman, H. p. 1959. A new occurrence of Devonian Radiolaria in calcareous concretions of the Huron member of the Ohio shale. J. Paleont. 33, 76-80. 1963. Upper Devonian Radiolaria from the Huron member of the Ohio shale. Micropaleon- tology, 9, 267-304. Haeckel, e. 1887. Report on the Radiolaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Kept. Voy. Challenger, Zool. 18, i-clxxxviii, 1-1803. hinde, G. J. 1899. On the Radiolaria in the Devonian rocks of New South Wales. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lond. 55, 38-64. holdsworth, b. k. 1963. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Manchester. 1964. Radiolarian nature of the thicker-shelled goniatite faunal phase in some Namurian lime- stone ‘bullions’. Nature, Lond. 201, 697-9. potts, J. G. 1960. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Manchester. B. K. HOLDSWORTH Department of Geology, The University, Keele, Staffs. Manuscript received 1 March 1965 A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS FROM THE DEVONIAN OF BOHEMIA by DAVID L. BRUTON Abstract. A new odontopleurid genus Isoprusia (type I. mydlakia sp. nov.) is described and assigned to the subfamily Miraspidinae R. and E. Richter, 1917. The new genus includes Odontopleura laportei Hawle and Corda, Acidaspis Ursula Barrande, ? A. sperata Barrande, A. ( Ceratocephala ) sandbergeri R. and E. Richter, Orphanaspis cornuticauda Erben, and Koneprusia pennata Liitke. Features of the pygidium of the new genus enable it to be distinguished from Koneprusia Prantl and Pribyl 1 949, the type material of which cannot be traced. Odontopleura subterarmata Barrande, is tentatively retained in the genus Koneprusia. The type, and where possible, topotype material of these species is redescribed and figured. Evidence from the thorax of Isoprusia indicates that, in the pleural field and spines, considerable morphological modification can exist between the first formed (anterior) and last formed (posterior) segments. The relationship of the new genus to one or both of the Miraspis-Ceratocephala root stocks has been briefly discussed. A reconstruction of Isoprusia mydlakia is given. During a visit in 1963 to the Geological-Paleontological Museum at the University of Marburg, West Germany, I found amongst the collections some well-documented odontopleurid material collected by the late Professor J. Jahn, from the Devonian Limestones of Bohemia. It seems likely that the material came to Marburg to be identified by the late Dr. Fr. Drevermann, who examined specimens for Professor Jahn on other occasions (see Jahn, 1903, p. 23, footnote). Preparation of the soft, yellow, argillaceous limestone, revealed numerous well- preserved cranidia, pygidia, thoracic segments and hypostomata, either retaining the entire exoskeleton, or partly exfoliated. All the exoskeletal parts are thought to repre- sent one new species, Isoprusia mydlakia, the type selected for the new odontopleurid genus Isoprusia. The excellent preservation and abundance of the material has allowed a fairly full diagnosis to be given, and because of this, it has been found that some of the species formerly assigned to Koneprusia by Prantl and Pribyl (1949), are best placed in the new genus as here defined. Visits to Museums in Czechoslovakia (1962), West Germany (1963), and the United States of America (1964) have allowed me to study types and additional material of all these species. Acknowledgements. I am indebted to the following persons for so kindly allowing me to study the odontopleurid material in their care: Dr. Ronald Huckriede, Geological-Paleontological Institute, Marburg University (Mbg.), Dr. VI. Zazvorka and Dr. Radvan Horny, National Museum, Prague (N.M.P.), Professor O. H. Schindewolf, Geological-Paleontological Institute, Tubingen University (T.U.), Dr. R. Heineck, Paleontological Department, Natural History Museum, Wiesbaden, and Professor Harry B. Whittington, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (M.C.Z.). At Bonn in 1963, Dr. F. Liitke generously made available to me all of his recent collections from the Harz region along with types on loan from the Geological-Paleontological Museum, Humboldt Uni- versity, East Berlin (H.U.). Mr. Jin Vanek and Dr. Ivo Chlupac (Prague) have been most helpful in personal correspondence with regard to stratigraphic problems, and both have sent casts of their material. It gives me great pleasure in thanking Professors Whittington and P. C. Sylvester-Bradley f Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 330-45, pis. 55-57.] D. L. BRUTON: A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS 331 for reading the manuscript and for all their help and encouragement during its preparation. Mrs. E. K. Harris (Leicester) kindly prepared the text-figure from my original reconstruction. This work has been made possible with the help of a D.S.I.R. studentship which I gratefully acknow- ledge. Terminology and techniques. The terminology used is that recommended by Whitting- ton (1956 a), but I have followed Jaanusson (1956, pp. 36-37) in using the terms rachis (= axis) and dorsal furrow (= axial furrow); and in numbering and lettering the glabellar lobes (L) and furrows (S), from the posterior forwards. Before making the photographs, each specimen was coated with a dilute ‘Opaque’, and then lightly coated with ammonium chloride in the manner described by Whittington (1963, ‘Explanation of Plates’ following p. 118). The orientation of the specimens is that used by Whittington. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Family odontopleuridae Burmeister 1843 Subfamily miraspidinae R. and E. Richter 1917 Genus isoprusia gen. nov. Derivation of name. Greek Isos, equal: prusia, suffix from Koneprusy, a small village in Bohemia. Type species. Isoprusia mydlakia gen. et sp. nov. Diagnosis. Cephalon rectangular in outline, cranidium trapezoidal; frontal glabellar lobe expanded laterally. Two pairs of lateral glabellar lobes well defined. Occipital ring strongly convex medially, with median spine which may rise straight upwards or curve backwards distally. Posterior band may or may not be obviously separated by weak furrow from remainder of ring. Eye ridge weakly convex, positioned on outer part of inflated fixed cheeks. Palpebral lobe short, with well-defined palpebral furrow; eye ovoid, non-stalked. Anterior suture gently curved forward outside and almost parallel to eye ridge. Posterior suture directed outwards and backwards approximately in line with anterior suture, and crossing posterior border so as to produce ear-like projection of the latter which is widest at the suture. Free cheek as in Ceratocephala, with straight anterior and sigmoidal lateral outline; lateral margin considerably widened. Border with short peg-like spines directed out- wards and downwards. Librigenal spine with origin inside posterior margin. Hypostoma subquadrate, anterior margin gently curved convexly outwards; posterior margin with deep narrow median notch and lateral ears. Median body shield-shaped, gently convex; border furrow running from inside antero-lateral margins. Deepened notches may be present at antero-lateral parts of median body. Small anterior wings, lateral shoulder, and lateral notch. Thorax of ? ten segments. Pleurae with flattened central ridge which may be weakly furrowed or smooth. Band produced into two spines, the terminal downwardly directed spine blade-like with secondary spines from edges, and the principal pleural spines apparently directed outwards and upwards on anterior segments, becoming pro- gressively curved upwards and backwards on posterior segments. Pygidium semicircular in outline. Rachis not reaching posterior border, composed of two obvious rings and sometimes a lower terminal portion. Principal border spine 332 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 connected to weakly raised ridge which curves backwards from first ring. Secondary border spines lacking or numerous, small downwardly directed from postero-lateral margin. Exoskeleton granulate or finely spinose. Discussion. The following species are now assigned to the new genus. Acidaspis Ursula Barrande 1872, Odontopleura laportei Hawle and Corda 1847, Orphanaspis cornuticauda Erben 1952, Acidaspis ( Ceratocephala ) sandbergeri R. and E. Richter 1917, ? Acidaspis sperata Barrande 1872, and Koneprusia pennata Lutke 1965. Geological range. The genus is known from the Lower Devonian (Pragian-Emsian) and Middle Devonian (Eifelian) in Bohemia; Lower Devonian (lower-upper Emsian) and Middle Devonian (Eifelian-Givetian) in Germany; Middle Devonian (Couvinian) in Poland, and Middle Devonian of Kazakhstan, U.S.S.R. Isoprusia mydlakia sp. nov. Plate 55, figs. 1-20; Plate 56, figs. 1-16; Plate 57, fig. 13 Derivation of name. From the word mydlak, a Bohemian quarry term for soap-stone. Hoiotype. Mbg. 398, Plate 1, figs. 1, 3, 4, 10, 11. Geological-Paleontological Institute, Marburg University. Paratypes. Mbg. 399, Plate 55, figs. 2, 5, 7; Mbg. 400, Plate 55, fig. 8, Plate 57, fig. 13; Mbg. 401, Plate 55, figs. 6, 14, 18; Mbg. 402, Plate 55, figs. 12, 13; Mbg. 403, Plate 55, fig. 19; Mbg. 404, Plate 55, figs. 15, 20; Mbg. 405, Plate 55, fig. 16; Mbg. 406, Plate 55, fig. 17; Mbg. 407, Plate 55, fig. 9; Mbg. 408-16, Plate 56, figs. 1-16. Material. In addition to the types, several cranidia, pygidia, one free cheek, and many thoracic seg- ments. Type locality and Horizon. The label accompanying the material reads, ‘Menanian Kalk (zone 9 mydlak), Zlaty Kun; Professor Jahn 1904’. This information and the profile given by Jahn (1903, p. 21, fig. 4; see also Chlupac, 1959, fig. 7, pp. 475-6), allows the material to be accurately placed in the Devonian succession exposed at Zlaty Kun ; the zone 9 corresponding to a local lens of soft limestone near the base of the Acanthopyge Limestone, i.e. at the base of the Upper Eifelian (Chlupac, personal com- munication). The occurrence in the material of Phacops cf. breviceps also supports this conclusion. Associated fauna listed by Chlupac (1957, p. 473; 1959, pp. 490-5). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 55 Figs. 1-20. Isoprusia mydlakia gen. et sp. nov., Acanthopyge Limestone (Upper Eifelian), Zlaty Kun, Bohemia. 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, Mbg. 398, hoiotype, cranidium; dorsal, right lateral, oblique side, oblique posterior, and posterior views; x4. 2, 5, 7, dorsal view, posterior view showing posterior occipital band and anterior view of Mbg. 399, cranidium with exoskeleton partly exfoliated ; X 4. 8, Mbg. 400, slightly damaged cranidium with exoskeleton complete; anterior view; x5. 6, 14, 18, Mbg. 401, free cheek and eye lobe; 6, left lateral view; x6. 14, anterior view; x4-5. 18, external surface of eye lobe, oblique view; X 18. 12, 13, anterior and dorsal views of Mbg. 402, pygidium; x4. 19, Mbg. 403, postero-lateral margin of pygidium showing secondary border spines; dorsal view; X 18. 15, 20, oblique left lateral and dorsal views of Mbg. 404, internal mould of incomplete hypostoma; x 7-5. 16, Mbg. 405, internal mould of incomplete hypostoma showing small depression on antero- lateral part of median body; dorsal view; x6. 17, Mbg. 406, small hypostoma, dorsal view; X 12. 9, Mbg. 407, complete eye lobe, oblique lateral view; x 18. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 55 BRUTON, Devonian odontopleurid trilobites D. L. BRUTON: A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS 333 Description. Cranidium (PL 55, figs. 1,2; PI. 57, fig. 13) trapezoidal in outline, gently convex (sag., tr.). Glabella ( PI. 55, figs. 3, 8, 11), gently convex (sag., tr.) maximum width (tr.) at occipital ring tapering forward to slightly more than half this width at frontal lobe; length (sag.) approximately equal to maximum width. Occipital ring of length (sag.) slightly less than half total glabellar length, becoming narrower (exs.) where its lateral parts fuse with inner area of fixed cheek. Outline of posterior margin of ring strongly curved posteriorly; median part rather strongly convex (tr.) and bearing a slim occipital spine (length unknown), which arises from inside posterior margin (PI. 55, figs. 3, 10, 11). Spine inclined backwards at approximately 70-80°. Occipital furrow broad, shallow and transverse medially, deepened as it becomes directed backwards and outwards around base of Lx. Occipital lobes lacking. Posterior occipital band (PI. 55, figs. 5, 10, 11) indistinctly separated from remainder of ring; widest and vertically sloping beneath base of spine, becoming slightly narrower and turned inwards and forwards laterally. Two pairs lateral glabellar lobes, Lx the larger; both weakly convex and elongated (exs.). Si shallow, directed obliquely outwards and forwards, deepest between lobes becoming very shallow adjacent to dorsal furrow. S2 shorter, very deep and slot-like (PI. 57, fig. 13). Median lobe (PI. 55, figs. 8, 11) gently convex (tr.) almost fiat longitudinally (PI. 55, fig. 3); frontal lobe sloping steeply downwards to anterior border furrow. Median lobe parallel-sided and separated from lateral lobes by broad, shallow longitudinal furrows which run into the curved S2 furrow thus delimiting the broad lateral expansion of frontal lobe. Immediately in front of S2 a small prominent swelling (PI. 55, figs. 2, 8; PI. 3, fig. 13), which may represent a third lateral lobe. Dorsal furrow deepest between adjacent parts of fixed cheek and lateral lobes, elsewhere, weakly defined and marked only by change in slope. Fixed cheek subtriangular, taper- ing forward from maximum width (tr.) just posterior to palpebral lobe; moderately to strongly convex (tr.), highest point on transverse line drawn midway through palpe- bral lobe. Such a line passes just posterior to outer extremity of Si furrow and crosses median glabellarlobe at approximately half length (sag.). When cranidium is viewed from anterior (PI. 55, fig. 8), highest point of cheek above the level of median lobe. From highest point, cheek slopes gently forwards and then more steeply downwards to eye ridge; posteriorly cheek more steeply inclined and posterior part drops vertically down to posterior margin. Palpebral lobe gently curved and sloping slightly outwards from side of and below highest point of fixed cheek; lobe separated from cheek by broad shallow palpebral furrow which runs into shallower furrow along inner side of eye ridge (PI. 55, fig. 1). Eye ridge broad, weakly defined, and directed forward before curving around outer anterior part of cheek to merge with smooth depressed area at lateral expansion of frontal lobe (PI. 55, fig. 8). Anterior branch of facial suture curves forwards outside and sub-parallel to eye ridge and crosses anterior border (PI. 55, fig. 8). Latter straight, gently arched (tr.) narrow (sag.) separated from frontal lobe by narrow, deep border furrow which becomes wider (exs.) and deepened just inside suture (PI. 55, fig. 2). Posterior branch of suture continued outwards and downwards at some 45° to run out and over posterior margin. Posterior border furrow shallow to lacking at inner corner where fixed cheek and occipital ring fuse; laterally, furrow deepens and curves forwards around base of fixed cheek separating it from gently convex border widest (exs.) at the suture. Posterior margin (PI. 55, fig. 11) gently swept upwards at suture, curved under with short downwardly projecting edge to doublure. External surface of cheeks. 334 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 fronto-median lobe, and lateral glabellar lobes covered with evenly, but widely spaced spine bases; furrows, occipital ring, and posterior border smooth. Free cheek (PL 55, figs. 6, 14) wider (tr.) than long (exs.), with approximately straight anterior and sigmoidal lateral margins. Anterior border area near suture narrow and convex, becoming flatter and broader (exs.) laterally, here occupying half cheek length. A broad, smooth concave area separates lateral margin from convex part of cheek; area becoming deeper and narrower (exs.) near anterior suture. Librigenal spine arising from just inside border, its base merging with the lateral border and convex part of the cheek. Spine present on one specimen (Mbg. 407) but incomplete; apparently slim and directed straight upwards and backwards. One isolated spine curves distally at its tip. Lateral margin deep and ventrally directed immediately beneath librigenal spine (PI. 55, fig. 6) becoming lower and rolled under towards fronto-lateral margin. At this point, six small, short peg-like border spines (PL 55, fig. 14), directed outwards and downwards from upper edge. Spines extend around outer lateral area as indicated by broken spine bases, but they do not extend along the whole length of anterior margin. Eye (PL 55, fig. 18) ovoid in plan, situated on highest point of cheek and sloping gently outwards and downwards; non-stalked and arising directly off cheek surface. Eye surface (PL 55, fig. 9) covered in small, closely packed hexagonal lenses each facet convex externally. Convex part of cheek and flattened border with regularly spaced spine bases which extend on to and down the length of librigenal spine. Elypostoma (PL 55, figs. 15-17, 20) subquadrate, slightly wider (tr.) than long (sag.). Anterior margin gently curved convex forwards; posterior margin with deep, narrow notch. Median body shield-shaped, gently convex (sag. and tr.), delimited by deep narrow border furrow which runs from antero-lateral margin convergently backwards to circumscribe posterior margin of body. Short dorsally directed anterior wings; lateral EXPLANATION OF PLATE 56 Figs. 1-16, Isoprusia mydlakia gen. et sp. nov. Thoracic segments; all specimens paratypes. I, Mbg. 408, dorsal view of assumed first segment, showing broken base of median rachial spine, pleural area with faint furrow, and articulating flanges and sockets; x5. 3, 5, 11, Mbg. 409; first thoracic seg- ment; 3, 5, dorsal and anterior views; X 6. 11, oblique left lateral view showing articulating flanges, tubercle-like pleural spine and short barbed terminal spine; X 9. 2, 4, 9, 14, lateral, dorsal, oblique lateral and anterior views of Mbg. 410; ? second thoracic segment; note absence of median rachial spine, unfurrowed pleural area, tubercle-like pleural spine and short, downwardly directed terminal spine; x4. 8, Mbg. 411; dorsal view of incomplete segment with upwardly directed pleural spine; note well-developed pleural furrow; x4. 6, Mbg. 412; dorsal view of more posterior segment with lengthened pleural spine curved backwards; note longer and curved terminal spine, also pleural furrow; x4. 7, Mbg. 413; similar segment; oblique lateral view; x4. 10, 15 Mbg. 414; dorsal and right lateral view of incomplete posterior segment; X4. 12, 13, Mbg. 415; assumed tenth thoracic segment 13, dorsal view; X 4. 12, left lateral view of distal end showing the blade-like pleural spine and the long, backwardly curved, barbed terminal spine; note also articulating flanges and presence of articulating process only; X 9. 16, Mbg. 416; left lateral view of long terminal spine of a posterior segment; x 9. Fig. 17, Isoprusia sandbergeri (R. and E. Richter), Stringocephalus Limestone (Lower Givetian), Villmar-Lahn, West Germany. Dorsal view of holotype (Nat. Hist. Museum, Wiesbaden); X 10. The incomplete cranidium, an internal mould, has been compressed from the left-hand side along the line of the longitudinal furrow so that the glabella has become partly pushed under. Fig. 18, Isoprusia cornuticauda (Erben), Greifensteiner Kalk (Eifelian), Wiege near Greifenstein, Harz, West Germany. Dorsal view of holotype T.U. Ar. 1010/40, a pygidium with damaged left pleural region; X 10. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 56 BRUTON, Devonian odontopleurid trilobites D. L. BRUTON: A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS 335 margin convex and narrow anteriorly with small pointed shoulder and shallow lateral notch. Posteriorly, margin becoming wider, outwardly sloping and produced into flattened ear-like projections separated by the posterior notch. Latter does not reach border furrow. On largest hypostoma (PI. 55, fig. 16) a short ovoid depression occurs on edge of median body opposite shoulder. Depression absent on the smallest specimen text-fig. 1. Isoprusia mydlakia gen. et sp. nov. Reconstruction, a, dorsal view; b, anterior view of cephalon; c, left lateral view. Number of thoracic segments unknown. Approximately X 2. (PI. 55, fig. 17), slightly impressed on the next largest one (PI. 55, fig. 20). Median body smooth to slightly granulated; lateral margin and posterior ears very finely granulated. Number of thoracic segments not known but the reconstruction (text-fig. 1) has been made assuming the number to have been ten. From the attitude of the pleural spines, it has been assumed that those segments which have spines directed laterally outwards or upwards and forwards belong anteriorly, and those on which the spines are directed progressively more backwards, belong posteriorly. Such an assumption seems a valid one since this is always the case in the Miraspidinae and Apianurinae Whittington (1956a), two subfamilies with genera possessing similarly shaped thoracic pleurae. Numerous fairly complete and some broken segments allow the following descriptions and observations to be made. Rachis (PL 56, figs. 1, 2, 5, 14) moderately to strongly convex and wide (tr.) occupying almost half entire width of segment. Posterior margin gently curved convex forward (sag.); articulating halfring approximately half as long (sag.) as rachial ring; anterior margin convex forward like articulating furrow, sloping backwards and becoming narrower at dorsal furrow. Pleurae horizontal and flattened; anterior segments (PI. 56, figs. 1, 3, 4) smooth or very weakly furrowed; posterior seg- ments (PI. 56, figs. 6-8, 10, 13) with shallow but obvious pleural furrow. Anterior and posterior margins straight with very narrow (exs.) flattened flanges. Small fulcral 336 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 articulating (anterior) and socket (posterior) processes developed (PI. 56, figs. 3, 11, 16). Principal pleural spine on at least the first two anterior segments in the form of a small upwardly and outwardly directed tubercle (PL 56, figs. 1-5, 9, 11, 14) from the pleural surface. Immediately beneath tubercle (PI. 56, figs. 2, 9, 11), short, tapering terminal spine. Latter downwardly directed, flattened dorso-ventrally and bearing row of small spines along edges. Two pleural segments (PI. 56, figs. 1, 3, 5, 11) with a similar pleural spine, have a rachis like the occipital ring of the cranidium including the median spine (unfortunately this was broken during preparation, but the base can be seen). In these segments, the rachis is slightly greater than twice the width (tr.) of the very short pleural area and such proportions fit those of the occipital ring and posterior margin of the larger cranidia. For these reasons, it is thought most likely that this type of segment is the first. Segments (PI. 56, figs. 6-8, 10, 13, 15) from positions more posterior have a rachis of the same configuration as those described for pleurae without median rachial spine but in addition, the tubercle-like pleural spine is produced into long, slim pleural spines, the lengths, curvature, and directions of which are indicated on the reconstruc- tion. Articulating flanges and processes visible on pleurae with upwardly directed pleural spine (PI. 56, fig. 8) while only flanges and anterior process visible on segments in which pleural spine is directed backwards (PI. 56, figs. 7, 10, 15). Terminal spines as on anterior pleurae but much longer (PI. 56, fig. 16) and curved backwards distally. Pleural spines circular in cross section. Pleurae of type shown (PI. 56, fig. 13) regarded as representing the tenth segment. Pleural area, rachis, and halfring identical to other posterior segments, but pleural and terminal spine (PI. 56, fig. 12) differ in, (1) pleural spine flattened in cross-section and blade-like; spine produced backwards and slightly upwards from fulcrum, becoming incurved distally; (2) terminal spine similar to those on other segments, but inclined backwards and almost horizontal. On all segments, pleural area smooth or with odd spine bases; rachis with transverse row of small spine bases which extend diagonally down the lateral parts. Terminal and pleural spines apparently finely spined. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 57 Figs. 1, 4, 6, 7. Isoprusia laportei (Hawle and Corda), ? Suchomasty Limestones (Upper Emsian- Lower Eifelian), Menany near Koneprusy, Bohemia. Plaster cast of lectotype, N.M.P. CF639; cranidium, part internal mould ; 1 , 6, dorsal and oblique views ; 4, posterior view showing posterior occipital band; 7, anterior view; X 3. Figs. 2, 3, 5, 8-12, 14, 16. Isoprusia Ursula (Barrande), Upper Koneprusy Limestone, Koneprusy area, Bohemia. 2, 3, 9, plaster cast of holotype, N.M.P. CF635, incomplete cephalon, internal mould; 2, 3, oblique and dorsal views showing posterior position of eye and long anterior facial suture; 9, anterior view; x3. 5, 16, M.C.Z. 4215, incomplete cranidium; 5, posterior view showing narrow posterior occipital band; 16, anterior view; X 6. 8, 10, M.C.Z. 4216, incomplete cranidium, anterior and dorsal view showing narrow (sag.) occipital ring and backwardly directed spine; X4-5. 11, 12, 14, M.C.Z. 4217, incomplete and partly exfoliated cephalon, anterior, dorsal, and oblique views showing position of free cheek and librigenal spine; x3. Schary Collection. Fig. 13. Isoprusia mydlakia gen. et sp. nov. Mbg. 400, incomplete cranidium, dorsal stereograph; x4. Figs. 15, 17, 18. ? Koneprusia subterarmata (Barrande), Suchomasty Limestones (Upper Emsian- Lower Eifelian), Menany near Koneprusy, Bohemia. 17, 18, plaster cast of lectotype N.M.P. CF644a, incomplete pygidium, internal mould; 18, dorsal view; 19, posterior view; X 5. 15, plaster cast of paralectotype, N.M.P. CF664b, incomplete pygidium, internal mould, dorsal view; x5. Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 57 BRUTON, Devonian odontopleurid trilobites D. L. BRUTON: A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS 337 Discussion of Pleural Modification Accepting the theory that during ontogeny new segments are formed by growth to the anterior border of the hind-most somite and then released forward (Stubblefield 1926), it follows that the most anterior segments are the first formed, and the posterior, the last. Thus it is possible that the posterior segments resemble in character more closely the original pleural condition, the anterior showing some modification. In Iso- prusia mydlakia , the anterior segments either lack the pleural furrow or have it very faintly defined, while on the posterior segments it is still obviously present. On segments with an upwardly directed spine (PI. 56, fig. 8), a pleural furrow with point of origin at the antero-lateral part of the rachis, is directed straight outwards towards the base of the spine where it becomes obliterated. Thus the pleura is divided into two bands of equal length (sag.), the spine base straddling both bands. In more posterior segments (PI. 56, figs. 6, 10, 13), a pleural furrow runs diagonally across the pleural area and distally follows the inner posterior part of the pleural spine base. Hence the pleura is divided into two bands as before, but here the principal pleural and terminal spine both belong to the anterior band. The degree of modification is taken further in the most anterior segments (PI. 56, figs. 1, 2, 4, 9) where the terminal spine is a downward con- tinuation of the full pleural width, and the pleural spine is reduced to a small tubercle. Transverse sections of the segments suggest that the doublure does not extend beneath the pleura, and only the curled-down edge of the pleura forms the articulating process and socket. Such an arrangement is similar to that found in Ceratocephala laciniata Whittington and Evitt (1954, p. 59, pi. 6, figs. 5, 6). It seems reasonable to suppose that on the anterior segments, the reduction to a tubercle of the pleural spine, is an accom- modation to ease of articulation and possibly enrolment, since an upwardly directed spine would interfere with the librigenal spine. In view of the obvious presence of a pleural furrow on the posterior segments, it seems unlikely that the anterior segments represent the original pleural type from which the posterior segments have become secondarily modified by the extreme elongation of the tubercle in the form of a spine. To homologize the pleural spines in Isoprusia with those found on the pleurae of other odontopleurid genera is more difficult. In genera ( Primaspis , Diacanthaspis, Leonaspis, and others; see Whittington 1956n) with a recognizable pleural furrow, the principal pleural spine, without exception, belongs to the posterior band, and a second spine, if developed, to the anterior band. Even in Ceratocephala laciniata Whittington and Evitt, the second spine (= barbed spine), belongs to the posterior part of the seg- ment. In Isoprusia , it forms as a continuation of the full pleural width, or belongs to the anterior band. For this reason I have called this spine in Isoprusia mydlakia terminal (not terminal in the sense of Reed 1925; Prantl and Pribyl 1949; = anterior spine of Whittington 1956n, p. 161). It has been shown that the pleural spines can belong to either band and thus it is difficult to use them for comparative morphology. Isoprusia laportei (Hawle and Corda, 1847) Plate 57, figs. 1, 4, 6-7 1847 Odontopleura Laportii Hawle and Corda, p. 156. 1852 Acidaspis Laportei : Barrande, p. 750, pi. 39, fig. 22 only. 1926 Acidaspis ( Leonapis ) laportei: Kegel, p. 20, pi. 2, fig. 15. 338 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 1949 Acanthaloma ( Acanthalomci ) Iciportei: Prantl and Pribyl, p. 162, pi. 3, fig. 3 only. 1950 Ceratocephaln ( Leonaspis ) laportei : Erben, p. 281. 1952a Acanthaloma ( Acanthaloma ) laportei : Erben, p. 289, pi. 20, figs. 11-12. 1965 Koneprusia laportei laportei : Liitke, p. 223, pi. 22, figs. 9-11; text-fig. 35a; not Kone- prusia laportei n. subsp. A. non 1957 Leonaspis {Leonaspis) laportei : Osmolska, p. 69, pi. 3, fig. 8. Lectotype (Prantl and Pfibyl 1949, p. 162). N.M.P. CF639, Plate 57, figs. 1, 4, 6-7, Cranidium in limestone and still retaining part of exoskeleton. Material. Several paralectotypes, N.M.P. CF640; the specimen of Kegel, H.U. T292; the original cranidia of Erben, H.U. T343-4; plus topotype material from the Schary Collection. M.C.Z. 4213-14. Locality. Menany near Koneprusy, Bohemia. Horizon. Not known with certainty, but most probably from the Suchomasty Limestones (Upper Emsian-Lower Eifelian). Description. The species Isoprusia laportei (PI. 57, fig. 1), is closest to I. mydlakia (PL 57, fig. 13), but differs in the following features: (1) More strongly inflated fronto- median glabellar lobe and lateral lobes. (2) The less strongly inflated fixed cheek which is flatter and narrower (tr.) and slopes less steeply down to the posterior margin (PI. 57, figs. 6, 7). (3) Highest part of cheek and that of median lobe at approximately the same level (PL 57, fig. 7), when specimen is viewed from the anterior. In this respect I. laportei resembles I. Ursula (PL 57, fig. 9), but in this species the position of the eyes (PL 57, figs. 3, 10) and the configuration of occipital ring and posterior band (PL 57, figs. 5, 10) are different. In I. mydlakia (PL 55, fig. 8), the median glabellar lobe is lower than the adjacent fixed cheeks. The hypostoma which Liitke (1965, pi. 22, fig. 10) figured as belonging to laportei , differs from that of I. mydlakia in having a narrower posterior notch and deeper middle furrows. The free cheek, thorax, and pygidium of I. laportei are not known. Discussion. New collections made by Barrande (1852, p. 751, pi. 39, fig. 25) enabled amplification of the original description, and the description of a pygidium considered to belong to the species. Prantl and Pribyl (1949, pi. 3, fig. 4) also thought that the pygidium belonged to the species, but it is quite unlike any known for the genus Iso- prusia and is more likely to belong to a species of Leonaspis. Vanek (1961, p. 85, foot- note) has noted the similarity to Leonaspis pigra (Barrande, 1872). Prantl and Pribyl (1949, p. 162) assigned this species to Acanthaloma (= Leonaspis ). In their remarks, they noted that the specimen figured by Barrande does not show dis- tinctly The subtrigonal areas on both sides of the frontal lobe, nor the course of the anterior branch of the facial suture, which deviates distinctly from the ocular ridge’. Study of the type (PL 57, figs. 1, 6, 7) does not confirm this observation. The anterior suture is curved convergently towards the anterior border and runs sub-parallel and just outside the weakly defined eye ridge. In other respects, the glabella, frontal lobe with lateral swellings, and shape of occipital rings are like those of the other species now placed in the genus Isoprusia. Examination of the second cranidium figured by Prantl and Pfibyl (1949, pi. 10, fig. 9), leads me to believe that this belongs to the genus Leonaspis. D. L. BRUTON: A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS 339 Horizon. The exact horizon in which the lectotype was found is still not known, and it seems likely that Prantl and Pribyl were wrong in referring all of the reddish limestone material from Menany to the Vinarice Limestone. At Menany, beds from the lowest Pragian to Upper Eifelian are exposed in which the lithologies are very much alike, but careful collecting has shown the distinctiveness of faunas from the Vinarice, Suchomasty, and Acanthopyge Limestones (see Chlupac and Vanek 1957; Chlupac 1959). The specimen of Kegal from the Steinberger Kalk of Lindener Mark is exceedingly small, but it is like those figured by Erben (1952#) and Liitke (1965, pi. 22, figs. 9, 1 1) from the Upper Emsian of the Harz, and all seem to be indistinguishable from the Bohemian material of I. laportei (for remarks cf. Liitke 1965, pp. 223-4). Isoprusia Ursula (Barrande, 1872) Plate 57, figs. 2, 3, 5, 8-12, 14, 16 1872 Acidaspis ursula Barrande, p. 84, pi. 16, fig. 28. 1949 Koneprusia ursula: Prantl and Pribyl, p. 201, pi. 3, fig. 25. 1957 Leonaspis (L) laportei: Osmolska, p. 69, fig. 4; pi. 3, fig. 8. Holotype. N.M.P. CF635, PI. 57, figs. 2-3, 9. An incomplete cephalon with damaged occipital ring and fronto-median lobe as internal mould. Material In addition to the type, two cranidia and an incomplete cephalon from the Schary Collection, M.C.Z. 4215-17. Locality and Horizon. The type specimen was collected from the general area of Koneprusy, most probably from the Upper Koneprusy Limestones. Description. Cranidium (PI. 57, figs. 9, 1 1, 16) flat to gently convex (tr.) ; when specimen is viewed from anterior, highest point of median glabellar lobe and fixed cheeks at approximately the same level. Median glabellar lobe widest at occipital furrow, tapering forwards (PI. 57, figs. 10, 12); dorsal furrow shallow. Lateral lobes suboval, and inflated to same level as adjacent cheek. Occipital ring (PI. 57, figs. 5, 10) broad (tr.) very short (sag.) and gently convex. Occipital furrow shallow and only change of slope marks off ring from median lobe. Narrow posterior band (PI. 57, fig. 5) separated from lateral part of anterior band by shallow furrow; medially, furrow shallow to lacking and separation of two bands indistinct. Ring with stout spine which curves backwards in almost horizontal plane from posterior margin. Eye ridge narrow (tr.) and disposed on highest outer part of fixed cheek. Latter very narrow (tr.). Palpebral lobe far back and directed upwards and slightly backwards (PI. 57, figs. 5, 16), so that mid-point lies on transverse line through middle of Lj. Anterior facial suture very long (exs.), runs straight forward to point opposite outer end of Si furrow, and then curves inwards to anterior margin parallel to and outside eye ridge (PI. 57, figs. 2, 9, 14). Posterior suture (PI. 57, fig. 12) at approximate right-angle to anterior suture at base of eye; from here, directed outwards and downwards across cheek to border furrow before curving around base of librigenal spine. Free cheek as in I. mydlakia, but more convex and swollen around eye. On the holo- type (PI. 57, fig. 3) only this part of the cheek is visible, the lateral margins being obscured by matrix. The material from the Schary Collection at Harvard (PI. 57, figs. 11, 14) shows the sigmoidal outline and the lateral margin with at least five short fringing spines. Librigenal spine directed upwards and backwards. Fronto-median glabellar lobe with sub-symmetrical rows (both tr. and exs.), of coarse 340 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 granules or spine bases. Remainder of cephalon with granules or spine bases more unevenly distributed. Thorax, pygidium, and hypostoma not known. Discussion. The species resembles Isoprusia laportei, but the narrow fixed cheeks, eye position, shape of occipital ring, and nature of posterior band and spine in I. Ursula are distinguishing features. Osmolska (1957) noted that the glabellar proportions of the Couvinian specimens from the Holy Cross Mountain area of Poland were different to those specimens from Bohemia and Germany. Dr. Osmolska has kindly supplied additional photographs of her material and study of these suggests a closer relationship to I. Ursula than I. laportei, on account of the transverse profile and shape of occipital ring and spine. She notes (p. 70) that the eye ridge and palpebral lobe is not discernible on the material, but study of her figure (pi. 3, fig. 8) clearly shows a well-defined eye ridge and base of the palpebral lobe; the latter positioned far back. The Polish material comes from a higher horizon than Barrande’s type, but Osmolska (1957, p. 54) has shown that some of the species associated with the Polish Couvinian fauna are known from the Lower Devonian of both Bohemia and the Harz regions. During a recent visit to the Central Geological Museum at Leningrad, I had the opportunity of examining the specimen described from the Middle Devonian of Kazakh- stan (Turkestan) by Weber (1932, p. 134, pi. 1, fig. 20 a-c) as Acidaspis cornuta. I have no doubt that this is a species of Isoprusia which is closely related to I. Ursula. Acidaspis cornuta Weber 1932 is a junior primary homonym of Acidaspis cornuta Beyrich 1846, a species of Miraspis from the Upper Ordovician of Sweden. However, I do not intend to designate a new name here, but leave this until the specimen is redescribed by one of my Russian colleagues. Isoprusia cornuticauda (Erben, 1952) Plate 56, fig. 18 1952a Orphanaspis cornuticauda Erben, p. 314, pi. 20, fig. 13. Holotype. T.U. Ar.1010/40, Plate 56, fig. 18. Incomplete pygidium. Locality. ‘Wiege’ near Greifenstein, Harz, West Germany. Horizon. Greifensteiner Kalk (Eifelian). For full description, see Erben (1952a). Discussion. The similarity between this species and the pygidium of I. mydlakia, indicates that cornuticauda should be transferred to the genus Isoprusia. This specimen of cornuticauda is very similar to the pygidium described and figured by Liitke (1965, p. 226, text-fig. 36c) under the name pennata. Further material may prove that there is no distinction. These pygidia differ from I. mydlakia in not having the numerous secondary border spines. The cranidium of I. pennata and I. mydlakia are quite distinct. It should be pointed out that the free cheek of I. pennata has been reconstructed by Liitke (op. cit., p. 226, text-fig. 36a) from broken material (cf. Liitke, pi. 22, fig. 13a, b ), and I am not satisfied that the reconstructed outline is reliable. A free cheek with D. L. BRUTON: A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS 341 a sigmoidal outline like that of I. mydlakia (PI. 55, figs, 6, 14) and I. Ursula (PI. 57, fig. 14) is more likely to be the correct one. Isoprusia sandbergeri (R. and E. Richter, 1917) Plate 56, fig. 17 1850 ‘Odontopleura fragmenta, speciei incertae (? novae)’ G. and F. Sandberger, p. 56, pi. 2, fig. 5a, b. 1917 Acidaspis ( Ceratocephala ?) sandbergeri R. and E. Richter, p. 467, fig. 8 <7, b. Holotype. Plate 56, fig. 17. Incomplete and distorted cephalon. Type deposited in the Natural History Museum, Wiesbaden, West Germany. Locality. Villmar-Lahn, West Germany. Horizon. Stringocephalus Limestone (Lower Givetian). Description. Despite the compression and distortion, the free cheek and eye lobe (PI. 56, fig. 17) does not appear to have been displaced to any great extent (cf. R. and E. Richter 1917, p. 467). The posterior position of the eye and the long, gently curved eye ridge, is reminiscent of Isoprusia Ursula. The free cheek, although damaged along the anterior margin is more like that of I. mydlakia , in so far as the cheek area is less convex than in I. ursula. The lateral swelling of the frontal glabellar lobe is typical of the genus Isoprusia. The con- vexity and outline of the glabella and lobes, and the depths of furrows have no doubt been exaggerated owing to the distortion of the specimen. Discussion. R. and E. Richter, assigned this species with some reservation to Ceratoce- phala, and remarked on the unusually high stratigraphic position of the genus. Isoprusia sandbergeri is, to date, the youngest known for the genus, and one of the youngest species of the family Odontopleuridae Burmeister. ? Isoprusia sperata (Barrande, 1872) 1872 Acidaspis sperata Barrande, p. 423, pi. 32, figs. 20-21. 1 872 Acidaspis sparsa Barrande, p. 82. 1949 Koneprusia (?) sperata : Prantl and Pfibyl, p. 202. Discussion. The type of Acidaspis sperata illustrated by Barrande is extremely misleading and inaccurate when one compares the figure and actual specimen, a poorly preserved internal mould of a pygidium. The rachis seems to have three rings; the small median outgrowth at the posterior margin and the small secondary border spines are just discernible (it is impossible to count the actual number; cf. Prantl and Pfibyl 1949, p. 202). In addition, details of the pleural region, ornamentation and general outline are not apparent. The holotype is the only known specimen and its preservation makes it an inadequate basis for the species. Barrande (1872, p. 424) gave the locality of Branik which most likely refers to the former ‘Podolska cementarna’ (= cement works). Only the lowermost Dvorce-Prokop Limestone (Pragian) is exposed at this locality (Chlupac, personal communication). 342 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 Barrande described both Acidaspis sperata and A. sparsa from the same locality and horizon, and their respective descriptions seem remarkably similar. Further confusion is caused by the fact that both species were said to be figured (Barrande 1872, pi. 32), but only the figure of Acidaspis sperata appears on this plate. To my knowledge, no specimens labelled A. sparsa have been found amongst the Barrande collections at the National Museum, Prague. Vanek (1961, p. 85) notes that former references to the occurrence of laportei (pre- sumably of cranidia) from the Dvorce-Prokop Limestone, should in fact relate to sperata, but this cannot be proved with the material available. Genus koneprusia Prantl and Pribyl 1949 Type species (by monotypy). Acidaspis fuscina Novak 1883 (not traced). Diagnosis. Pygidium differing from that of Isoprusia gen. nov., in being more triangular with the development of a stout median border spine. In the type species, the remainder of the border is apparently smooth, but one species tentatively assigned to this genus shows the development of numerous small secondary border spines. Details of thorax and cephalon not known. Discussion. In erecting the genus Koneprusia, Prantl and Pribyl (1949, pi. 3, fig. 26; pi. 5, fig. 2) reproduced Novak’s (1883, pi. 10, fig. 19 a) two figures of the type species, an incomplete thorax and pygidium with very damaged cephalon attached. The type specimen was not rephotographed nor was any documentary evidence published of additional material. During my stay in Prague (Autumn, 1962) I was unable to trace the holotype among the collections in the National Museum and both previous and subsequent searches have also failed (Vanek, personal communication, 9 March 1964). The type species of Koneprusia is thus only known from Novak’s (1883, pi. 10, fig. 19 a) illustration. I have regarded the type of pygidium Novak portrays, with a well-developed stout median border spine, as sufficiently distinct to enable the separation of Koneprusia from Isoprusia. The species K. fuscina (Novak) is very rare and the pygidium has not been found during recent collections made by Dr. Chlupac and Mr. Vanek from the Acan- thopyge Limestone. Thus, until an exoskeleton bearing the characteristic pygidium figured by Novak for Acidaspis fuscina is known, it is not possible to define the characters of thorax and cephalon in Koneprusia. The description of the horizon and associated fauna listed by Novak (1883, p. 38; Prantl and Pribyl 1949, p. 200) would seem to indicate that the type species of Kone- prusia, like that of Isoprusia, was collected from the Acanthopyge Limestone near Koneprusy. Mr. Vanek (personal communication) has recently collected two incomplete cranidia from this horizon (I have seen casts of both specimens which have the strongly inflated fixed cheek characteristic of Isoprusia mydlakia ) which he considers to be topo- type material of Koneprusia fuscina. This cannot be proved because of the loss of the holotype of this species and the inadequate illustration of it given by Novak. For the same reasons, K. fuscina cannot be compared with the cranidium of Isoprusia mydlakia , but as outlined above, the pygidia are considered to be generically different. D. L. BRUTON: A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS 343 ? Koneprusia subterarmata (Barrande, 1846) Plate 57, figs. 15, 17-18 1846 Odontopleura subterarmata Barrande, p. 18. 1847 Odontopleura impar Hawle and Corda, p. 157. 1852 Acidaspis subterarmata: Barrande, p. 749, pi. 39, figs. 16-17. 1949 Koneprusia subterarmata: Prantl and Pfibyl, p. 200, pi. 3, figs. 27. 1961 Koneprusia subterarmata: Vanek, p. 85 (footnote). 1965 Koneprusia subterarmata: Liitke, p. 222, text-fig. 34. Lectotype (wrongly designated as holotype by Prantl and Pfibyl), N.M.P. CF644a, PI. 57, figs. 17-18, one of Barrade’s two syntypes. An incomplete pygidium; internal mould. Paralectotype. N.M.P. CF644b, Plate 57, fig. 15. Pygidium, internal mould. Horizon. Not known with certainty, but most likely from the Suchomasty Limestone. Locality. Menany near Koneprusy, Bohemia. Description. Pygidium (PI. 57, figs. 15, 17-18), triangular, approximately three times as wide (tr.) as long (sag.). Rachis of two obvious rings and a low, very narrow (sag.) terminal portion marked off by weakly impressed transverse furrow. First ring broad (tr.) moderately convex; second ring lower and narrower (sag.); rachis not reaching posterior border. Articulating half ring as wide as first ring, very narrow (sag.); articulat- ing furrow broad and shallow, curved forward medially. Dorsal furrow shallow along- side first ring, deepened around second, but becoming shallow and lacking posteriorly. Pleural ridge broad, weakly convex, runs outwards and curves backwards to be produced into stout, slightly outwardly and upwardly directed major border spine (length un- known). Stout median border spine (PI. 57, fig. 15), directed from posterior margin; spine apparently of equal strength to major border spine. Secondary border spine bases visible beneath the major border spines and at least eight short, downwardly directed secondary spines (PI. 57, figs. 17-18) from lateral margin. Pleural area flat to gently depressed between rolled lateral, and straight and flattened anterior margin. At least four prominent spine bases along lateral margin and a pair each side of median spine. Rachis with pair of spine bases on each ring. Discussion. This species is tentatively assigned to Koneprusia on account of the triangular outline of the pygidium and the presence of the stout median border spine. Both Barrande and Hawle and Corda collected their material from the general area of Menany, but the exact stratigraphic horizon remains uncertain. Prantl and Pfibyl (1949, p. 120) recorded the species as having come from the Vinafice Limestone (Pragian), but since then revision of the stratigraphy indicates that it may well have come from the Suchomasty Limestone (Upper Emsian-Lower Eifelian). To date, the remainder of the exoskeleton of this species is unknown. ORIGINS AND RELATIONS OF ISOPRUSIA The relationship of Isoprusia to other members of the Miraspidinae R. and E. Richter, 1917; emend. Whittington 1956« (= Ceratocephalidae of Prantl and Pfibyl 1949; Erben 19526) is still obscure, but certain exoskeletal features found in Isoprusia also a a C 3803 344 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 occur in Dicranurus (Lower-Middle Devonian), Ceratocephala (Llanvirn-Lower Middle Devonian; see Whittington 1963, p. 103, pi. 31, figs. 18, 21; pi. 32, figs. 1-3; Prantl and Pribyl 1949, p. 183), and Miraspis ( ?Arenig-Llanvirn-Lower Devonian; see Whittington and Bohlin 1958; Whittington 1956 b, p. 515, pi. 60, figs. 1, 4). Dicranurus (see Whittington 1956a, p. 248, text-fig. 18), like Isoprusia, has a cranidium which is trapezoidal in outline and the frontal glabellar lobe is expanded laterally. The eye position and sutural directions are also alike, but Dicranurus has a conical eye raised well off the cheek surface. The lengthened (sag.) and less convex (tr.) occipital ring of Dicranurus is an important difference, although the configuration of the occipital spines (paired and strongly curved in Dicranurus) is not considered of great taxonomic importance. The pleural regions of Dicranurus, with well-marked pleural furrow and ridge, points to a closer connexion with Miraspis, while the smooth or weakly furrowed pleural band of Isoprusia resembles those found in Ceratocephala. The hypostoma of Isoprusia, although having the shoulder and lateral notch (a family characteristic, Whittington 1956a, p. 170), has a deep posterior median notch and posterolateral ears quite unlike any odontopleurid hypostomata previously known. A shallow, median notch is found in both Miraspis (see Barrande 1852, pi. 39, fig. 8) and Ceratocephala (see Whittington 1956a, pi. 14, fig. 11; pi. 15, fig. 23) and may indicate a relationship. The pygidium of Isoprusia bears no resemblance to those known for Ceratocephala (see Barrande 1852, pi. 38, figs. 5, 18; Whittington and Evitt 1954, pi. 6, fig. 8), and its semicircular outline sets it aside from the subtrigonal shape of Dicranurus. The development or loss of secondary border spines or median spine, and the disposition of the pleural ridge in pygidia of Isoprusia suggests a modification of a Miraspis- like pygidium. The shortened (sag.) rachis is a characteristic of Miraspis. The discovery of a Miraspis species in the early Ordovician of Sweden (Whittington and Bohlin 1958, p. 42, pi. 3, figs. 1-4) now shows that at this time, Miraspis was distinct from Ceratocephala (cf. Whittington 1956a, pp. 188-90, fig. 3). However, the fact that Isoprusia has features of the exoskeleton which are shared by both Miraspis and Cerato- cephala indicates that this genus must be either derived from one or other of these stocks, or be derived independently from an unknown Cambrian root stock which also gave rise to Miraspis and Ceratocephala. A similar origin for Dicranurus seems likely, but whether this genus lies on the same branch which gave rise to Isoprusia is not known. REFERENCES barrande, J. 1 846. Notice preliminaire sur le Systeme Silurien et les Trilobites de Boheme. Leipzic. 1852. Systeme Silurien du centre de la Boheme, I. Prague and Paris. 1872. Systeme Silurien du centre de la Boheme, Suppl. to I. Prague and Paris. beyrich, E. 1846. Untersuchungen iiber Trilobiten. Berlin. burmeister, H. 1843. Die Organisation der Trilobiten. Berlin. chlupac, i. 1957. Facial development and biostratigraphy of the Lower Devonian of Central Bohemia. Sbor. listr. Ust. geol. — Odd. geol, 23 (for 1956), 369-485, pis. 1-7. (In Czech with English summary.) 1959. Facial development and biostratigraphy of Daleje Shales and Hlubocepy Limestones (Eifelian) in the Devonian of Central Bohemia. Sbor. listr. Ust. geol. — Odd. geol. 25 (for 1958), 445-511, pis. 1-5. (In Czech with English summary.) and vanek, J. 1957. Nove nalezy fauny ve vrstvach Konepruskeho devonu. Sjezd cs Spol. Mineral. Geol. 3, (2), 349-51. D. L. BRUTON: A NEW ODONTOPLEURID TRILOBITE GENUS 345 erben, h. k. 1950. £lber die stratigraphischen Beziehungen zwischen bohmischem und rheinischem Devon. Neues Jb. Geol. Pal. Mh. 9, 278-86, pi. 1. 1952n. Trilobiten aus dem Alteren Hercyn (Unterdevon) des Unterharzes. Neues. Jb. Geol. Pal. Abh. 94, 150-362, pis. 17-64. 19526. Zur Gliederung der Ceratocephalidae Rud. und E. Richter, 1925, emend. Prantl and Pfibyl, 1949 (Tril). Neues. Jb. Geol. Pal Mh. 7, 304-17. hawle, I. and corda, A. J. c. 1847. Prodrom einer monographic der bohmischen trilobiten. Prague. jaanusson, v. 1956. On the trilobite genus Cehnus Angelin, 1854. Bull. geol. Instn. Univ. Uppsala, 36, 35-49, pi. 1. jahn, J. J. 1903. Geologische Exkursionen in alteren Palaeozoikum Mittelbohmens. Guide geologique, 9e Congr. geol. intern, de Vienne, 1-45. kegel, w. 1926. Unterdevon von bohmischer Fazies (Steinberger Kalk) in der Lindener Mark bei Giessen. Abh. preuft. geol. Landesanst. 100, 1-77, pis. 1-4. lutke, F. 1965. Zur Kenntnis Herzynischer Trilobiten aus dem Unter- und Mitteldevon des Harzes. Palaeontograpliica , A, 124, 151-236, pis. 17-22. novak, o. 1883. Zur Kenntnis der Bohmischen Trilobiten. Wien. osmolska, h. 1957. Trilobites from the Couvinian of Wydryszow (Holy Cross Mts., Poland). Ada palaeont. polon. 2, 53-79, pis. 1-3. prantl, f. and pribyl, a. 1949. A study of the superfamily Odontopleuracea nov. superfam. (trilo- bites). Rozpr. listf. Ust. geol. 12, 1-221 , pis. 1-1 1 . (In Czech and English, with Russian summary.) reed, f. r. c. 1925. The classification of the Acidaspidae. Geol. Mag. 62, 416-30. richter, r. and richter, e. 1917. fiber die Einteilung der Familie Acidaspidae und tiber einige ihrer devonischen Vertreter. Zbl. Mineral. Geol. Pal. Jahrg. 1917, 462-72. sandberger, g. and sandberger, f. 1850-6. Die Versteinerungen des Rheinischen Schichtensystem in Nassau. Wiesbaden. Plates separate (1850-5). Stubblefield, c. J. 1926. Notes on the development of a trilobite Shumardia pusilla (Sars). J Linn. Soc. Lond., Zool. 36, 345-72, pis. 14—16. vanek, j. 1961. Predbezna zprava o paleontologickych vyzkumech nekolika lokalit v siluru a devonu Velke Prahy. Zpr. geol. vyzk. v Race, 81-85. weber, v. 1932. Trilobites of the Turkestan. Trudy geol. Kom. New series, 178, Leningrad, 1-157, pis. 1-4. (In Russian with English summary.) Whittington, H. b. 1956u. Silicified Middle Ordovician trilobites: the Odontopleuridae. Bull Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 114, 155-288, pis. 1-24. 19566. Type and other species of Odontopleuridae (Trilobita). J. Paleont. 30, 504-20, pis. 57-60. 1963. Middle Ordovician trilobites from Lower Head, Western Newfoundland. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 129, 1-118, pis. 1-36. and bohlin, b. 1958. New Lower Ordovician Odontopleuridae (Trilobita) from Oland. Bull. geol. Instn. Univ. Uppsala, 38, 37-45, pis. 1-3. and evitt, w. r. 1954. Silicified Middle Ordovician trilobites. Mem. geol. Soc. Amer. 59, 1-137, pis. 1-33. Manuscript received 27 March 1965 DAVID L. BRUTON, Department of Geology, University of Leicester UNUSUAL ST RICK LAN DUD BRACHIOPODS FROM THE UPPER LLANDOVERY BEDS NEAR PRESTEIGNE, RADNORSHIRE by A. M. ZIEGLER Abstract. Both smooth and strongly ribbed stricklandiid brachiopods occur together in early Upper Llandovery bedstQ-Gpat Presteigne. Aenigmastricklandia contortci gen. et sp. nov. is proposed for the ribbed species, while the smooth species is assigned to Stricklandia lens aft', progressa Williams. Aenigmastricklandia appears to be an early ribbed offshoot of the main stricklandiid line; a parallel development is seen in Costistricklandia, which appeared toward the end of Upper Llandovery time (C5-C6). One of the specimens which Davidson included on his plate illustrating the species Stricklandia lirata was ‘An internal cast of a small, exceptionally shaped or malformed specimen’ collected from Nash Scar, near Presteigne (Davidson 1864-71, pi. 20, fig. 13). The specimen is preserved in the Geological Survey Museum and is unlike other stricklandiids in having very irregular, coarse, contorted costae. It might be considered an aberrant Costistricklandia lirata , but it was not a contemporary of C. lirata ; this is indicated by the presence on the same block as the original specimen of several speci- mens of Eocoelia identical with Williams’s subspecies Eocoelia (= Coelospira ) hemi- sphaerica sefinensis (Williams 1951, p. 113). This Eocoelia occurs in Q beds at Llandovery and evolved into another form which occurs in C4 beds at Llandovery (op. cit., p. 129). An upper time limit of C3 may thus be established for Davidson’s specimen, whereas Costistricklandia lirata with costae of equivalent strength did not appear until C6 of the Upper Llandovery (op. cit., p. 129; St. Joseph 1935, p. 421). To resolve this problem, bulk collections were made from all the fossil localities at present exposed in the Upper Llandovery beds of the inlier near Presteigne (see Table 1). Stricklandiids are nowhere abundant at Presteigne, but a few specimens were discovered in five of the six samples collected; one of these samples (No. 10247) came from a sand- stone outcrop above the limestone quarries at Nash Scar and is probably close to Davidson’s locality. The Nash Scar collection yielded two pedicle valves similar to Davidson’s specimen and two pedicle valves of the ordinary smooth Stricklandia lens. Specimens like Davidson’s were also found at locality 10245, a mile to the east-north- east. Thus, several specimens of Davidson’s peculiar stricklandiid are now known from two, possibly three, localities. At locality 10247 they occur together with the distinctly different smooth Stricklandia lens. A new name, Aenigmastricklandia contorta, is here proposed for the peculiarly ribbed and distorted species. A second, but possibly related, problem is posed by the other three collections. They contain smooth specimens referred to Stricklandia lens aff. progressa, but the specimens are small for this species (2-5 cm. long at the most) and some have asymmetric indenta- tions (PI. 58, fig. 6). These specimens are thus similar in some respects to the new species, Aenigmastricklandia contorta, but they do not have costae of any sort, and they have very short hinge-lines in contrast to specimens of A. contorta which have hinge-lines [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 346-50, pi. 58.] A. M. ZIEGLER: UNUSUAL STRICKLANDIID BRACHIOPODS 347 table 1. Localities of the Presteigne stricklandiid collections VSNM No. Field No. Grid Ref. Exposure Location Stricklandiids 10242 P-R-A SO/3177 6343 loose blocks beside secon- dary road 125 yds. north of The Folly’ and 275 yds. NW of Corton House. Strieklandia lens aff. progressa 10243 P-Q-A SO/3197 6334 very large dis- used quarry North of the B4362 road across from Corton House and 170 yds. WSW of railway bridge. Strieklandia lens aff. progressa 10244 P-N-C SO/3160 6320 small disused quarry North of the B4362 road about 1 mile ENE of Nash Scar and 690 yds. WSW of railway bridge. Strieklandia lens aff. progressa 10245 P-N-D SO/3153 6316 roadside expo- sure North of the B4362 road about 1 mile ENE of Nash Scar and 690 yds. WSW of railway bridge. Aenigmastrieklandia contorta 10247 P-S-A SO/3018 6234 slumped out- crop Above the large limestone quarries at Nash Scar. Aenigmastrieklandia contorta Strieklandia lens that form, in some cases, the maximum width of the shell. The cardinalia are also different ; the specimens referred to S. lens. aff. progressa possess outer plates, but these are absent in the one brachial valve available of A. contorta. Thus, the specimens referred to * S', lens aff. progressa are quite distinct from A. contorta despite some superficial similarities. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Genus Aenigmastrieklandia nov. Type species. Aenigmastrieklandia contorta gen. et sp. nov. Diagnosis. Aenigmastrieklandia is a small stricklandiid characterized by very coarse irregularly branching costae and by a deep fold in the brachial valve with corresponding sulcus in the pedicle valve. Comparison. Aenigmastrieklandia differs from its contemporary, Strieklandia, in having costae and in having the ‘outer plates’ of the cardinalia atrophied; and from Costi- stricklandia in the irregularity of its costae, the prominence of its fold and sulcus, and the width of its hinge-line. Aenigmastrieklandia contorta gen. et sp. nov. Plate 58, figs. 8-16 Holotype. Strieklandia lirata pars. Davidson 1864-71, 159-61, pi. 20, fig. 13, but not figs. 1-12. Description. Exterior. The pedicle valve is quite convex and the brachial valve less so. The length-width dimensions are about equal, the greatest width being at the hinge-line 348 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 or just anterior to it. A prominent, rather narrow fold is present in the brachial valve with a corresponding sulcus in the pedicle valve. Commonly, there are irregular folds on other parts of the valves. Coarse uneven costae cross the valves and branch irregularly. Interior of brachial valve. Only one specimen is known. It possesses cardinalia of a type reminiscent of Stricklandia lens ultima and Costistricklandia lirata; that is, the ‘outer plates’ are atrophied, and the ‘inner plates’ occur laterally to the brachial pro- cesses (Williams 1951, p. 103). Interior of the pedicle valve. A spondylium is present but the median septum is atrophied. Distribution. This species is known only from two localities (10245 and 10247) from the early Upper Llandovery beds of the small inlier to the south of Presteigne, Radnorshire. Genus Stricklandia Stricklandia lens aff. progressa Williams 1951 Plate 58, figs. 1-7 Description. Exterior. The pedicle valve is more convex than the brachial valve. The valves are often pear-shaped; the hinge-line is very short and the valve expands anteriorly. A fold is usually developed in the brachial valve with a corresponding sulcus in the pedicle valve. Some valves are not symmetrical and may have irregular folds or indentations. Interior of brachial valve. The cardinalia are as figured by Williams (1951, pi. 5, figs. 1-3); outer plates, inner plates, and brachial processes are developed. Interior of pedicle valve. The spondylium is present as usual and is supported by a short median septum. Comparison. Stricklandia lens aff. progressa from Presteigne is similar to specimens from the type locality of S. lens progressa at Mandinam, Llandovery district (Williams EXPLANATION OF PLATE 58 All figures x2. USNM — United States National Museum; GSM — Geological Survey and Museum. Figs. 1-7. Stricklandia lens a ft. progressa Williams. 1,2, USNM Collection No. 10244, spec. 140421; 1, Posterior view of internal mould of brachial valve; 2, Internal mould of brachial valve. 3, 4, USNM Collection No. 10244, spec. 140422; 3, Posterior view of internal mould of brachial valve; 4, Internal mould of brachial valve. 5, 6, USNM Collection No. 10244, spec. 140423; 5, Posterior view of internal mould of brachial valve; 6, Internal mould of brachial valve. 7, USNM Collection No. 10243, spec. 140424; Internal mould of pedicle valve. Figs. 8-16. Aenigmastricklandia contorta gen. et sp. nov. 8, 9, USNM Collection No. 10245, spec. 140425; 8, Posterior view of internal mould of brachial valve; 9, Internal mould of brachial valve. 10-13, USNM Collection No. 10245, spec. 140426; 10, Posterior view of rubber replica of exterior of pedicle valve; 11, Rubber replica of exterior of pedicle valve; 12, Internal mould of pedicle valve; 13, Anterior view of internal mould of pedicle valve. 14, USNM Collection No. 10247, spec. 140427; Posterior view of rubber replica of exterior of pedicle valve. 15, 16, Holotype, GSM 13783, Nash Scar, Presteigne; 15, Internal mould of pedicle valve; 16, An- terior view of internal mould of pedicle valve. Palaeontology, Vol. 9 PLATE 58 ZIEGLER, Stricklandiid brachiopods A. M. ZIEGLER: UNUSUAL STRICKLANDIID BRACHIOPODS 349 1951, p. 102), but the specimens are only about half as long, with irregularities in the growth of the valves, and the hinge-line is unusually short. Distribution. At Presteigne, S. lens aff. progressa occurs at localities 10242, 10243, and 10244 and possibly at locality 10247. Conclusions There are at least three ways to account for one or both of the unusual stricklandiids at Presteigne: (1) the individuals may have been diseased; (2) they may have been the victims of particularly harsh environmental conditions; or (3) they may have become genetically distinct from the parent stock, Stricklandia. The rocks are not deformed in any way, so the possibility that the specimens were contorted after they were buried may be ruled out. The first possibility is considered the least likely; a disease probably could not have produced the strong ribs of Aenigmastricklandia, and though it might have caused the deformities common among the stricklandiids described, it would be necessary to assume that this disease was peculiar to Presteigne, and persisted for some time (Collection 10245 came from at least 25 ft. stratigraphically above Collection 10244). The second possibility, that of harsh environmental conditions, must be examined carefully. The fact that the stricklandiids of Presteigne are rare, small, and usually deformed suggests that environmental conditions unfavourable to stricklandiids per- sisted. The situation at Presteigne is particularly marked when compared with some surrounding areas, where large individuals of Stricklandia occur in profusion and characteristically dominate the faunal assemblage. An example of an environmental condition that might have caused the deformities in the stricklandiids of Presteigne is fast current action; there is, in fact, a suggestion in the conglomeratic nature of the sandstones that strong current action persisted at Presteigne. Under such conditions the mantles of the stricklandiids might very well have become damaged, resulting in the asymmetric, irregular form of the valves. Environmental extremes are sufficient to account for many of the features of the Presteigne stricklandiids, but Aenigmastricklandia possesses a variety of characters, such as a prominent fold and sulcus, a wide hinge-line, and coarse costae, which easily distinguish it from contemporary stricklandiids and point to an evolutionary history separate from the main Stricklandia lens community. Alternatively, Aenigmastricklandia may have been a sport, but it was clearly viable since several specimens are known. In either case, Aenigmastricklandia would have been genetically distinct from Stricklandia. In conclusion, the Upper Llandovery rocks of Presteigne are thought to represent a difficult environment for stricklandiid brachiopods. Two distinct genera, Stricklandia and Aenigmastricklandia , did, however, survive there, though specimens of each show deformities. Probably the individuals referred to S. lens aff. progressa drifted, as larvae, into the area from neighbouring S. lens progressa communities and either died in their youth or became stunted. Aenigmastricklandia, on the other hand, may have been endemic to the environment represented at Presteigne where it may very well have had an evolutionary history separate from the common S. lens community. In any case, the presence of coarsely ribbed stricklandiids in deposits which may be confidently dated as early Upper Llandovery (Q-C3) on the basis of Eocoelia hemi- sphaerica sefinensis and S. lens aff. progressa must induce a measure of caution in those 350 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 concerned with correlating Silurian deposits. Up to now it has been assumed that the occurrence of strongly ribbed stricklandiids indicated a late Upper Llandovery age (C6), particularly as Costistricklcindia lirata typica St. Joseph (C6) may be linked with Striek- lanciia lens ultima Williams (C4) by a series of forms showing intermediate grades of rib strength; these intermediates find taxonomic expression in the subspecies Costistrick- landia lirata alpha St. Joseph. The development of ribbing in stricklandiids evidently occurred more than once. REFERENCES davidson, T. 1864-71. Silurian Brachiopoda. Palaeontogr. Soc. [ Monogr .], 3, pt. 7. st. Joseph, J. K. s. 1935. A critical examination of Stricklandia (= Stricklandinia) lirata (J. de C. Sowerby) 1839 forma typica. Geol. Mag. 72, 401-22. williams, a. 1951. Llandovery brachiopods from Wales with special reference to the Llandovery District. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Loud. 107, 85-136. A. M. ZIEGLER Division of Geological Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Manuscript received 5 April 1965 California, U.S.A. THE FINE STRUCTURE OF SOME LOWER TRIASSIC ACRITARCHS by ALAN WILLIAM MEDD Abstract. Acritarchs from the Lower Triassic of Western Australia are examined with an electron microscope. As they are almost opaque to the electron beam, a modified replication technique is used to elucidate the fine structure of their tests. This examination is shown to be of taxonomic value, and a new variant is described. The electron microscope has proved a very useful tool in the study of foraminifera (Hyde and Krinsley 1964), pollen (Pettit and Chaloner 1964), and coccoliths (Black and Barnes 1961 ; Black 1963). The present paper describes its application to the acritarchs. Examination of their replicas shows the presence or absence of even the smallest structure on the surface of the acritarch test. Such an examination, together with one using an optical microscope, has led the writer to revise several species of Triassic acritarchs. Material. This paper is based on a sample (No. 43305) of Lower Triassic (Scythian), prepared by Balme (1963), from the Kockatea Creek No. 19 Bore, over 300 miles north of Perth, Western Australia. The sample is rich in excellently preserved microfossils, particularly the acritarchs. All the specimens and photographs described are now in the Archive Collection of the Department of Geology, University of Reading. Methods. Some of the material was mounted in glycerin jelly on glass slides and then examined with an optical microscope. A dilute suspension of this sample was dried on a Formvar membrane, which rested on a 200 mesh- to-the-inch copper grid. The sample was then examined with a Philips EM75C electron microscope. As the acritarchs are almost opaque to electrons, a satisfactory transmission-electron image of their surface detail can only be obtained when the condenser lens is set for maximum intensity. Unfor- tunately, the heat generated by the electron bombardment of the Formvar membrane at this intensity is such as to break the membrane. Therefore, a lower electron intensity must be used and this is seldom found to produce satisfactory micrographs because of the loss of most of the surface detail (PI. 59, fig. 1). Replica techniques overcome this problem as the carbon film, which has been deposited on the specimen, exactly reproduces the surface detail and is stable under electron bombardment. The method, adopted by Bradley and Williams (1957) for the study of spore morphology in the genus Bacillus, is followed here with some refinements of their technique. The carbon film may break when the specimen is dissolved, as there is a slight swelling of the specimen and also because the solvent slowly attacks both carbon and copper. Other replica techniques have been developed to overcome these problems (Bradley 1958; Takeoku and Stix 1963), but repeated attempts to use these techniques on the acritarchs failed to obtain more than a few satisfactory replicas of the commonest species in the assemblage. If the specimen is coated with a single thickness of carbon of 250-400 A, instead of 100-200 A as recommended by Bradley, the extra thickness of film renders it more resilient to the later chemical processes. It should not be so thick, however, as to mask the finer surface detail. The solvent used is a freshly made 20% solution of potassium dichromate and potassium permanganate mixture in con- centrated sulphuric acid, instead of the 10% solution as used by Bradley. The grid is slowly immersed in this solution and held there in a vertical position for only a few seconds. The grid is then removed and washed first in dilute sulphuric acid, and then in concentrated hydrochloric acid, 50% hydro- chloric acid, 10% hydrochloric acid respectively, and finally twice in distilled water. After drying it is [Palaeontology, Vol. 9, Part 2, 1966, pp. 351-4, pi. 59.] 352 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 ready for shadowing with platinum/palladium metal. With this series of washings after the solvent treatment, there is usually a high percentage of the grid still covered by the film, and so every species in the assemblage can be examined with the electron microscope. Electron micrographs were taken on Ilford N60 plates and developed in Kodak D76. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Group Incertae sedis acritarcha Evitt 1963 Sub-group sphaeromorphitae Downie, Evitt and Sarjeant 1963 Genus micrhystridium Deflandre 1937 emend. Downie and Sarjeant 1963 Micrhystridium cf. breve Jansonius 1962 Plate 59, fig. 6 Remarks. Electron micrographs of the specimens referred to this species show that the thin-walled test possesses large, irregularly arranged granules; the processes are short (length about 2 ft) and are easily broken, when they leave bosses (diameter 0-5/x) on the surface of the test. Although the specimens examined have a smaller test diameter (about 1 1 p.) than that considered to be typical by Jansonius, they are otherwise similar to one of his figured specimens: Imp. 3010-2-1 13-5 x 28-6. Micrhystridium cf. fragile Deflandre 1 947 Plate 59, figs. 1 and 2a, b Remarks. The electron micrographs show that the test and processes are thin-walled and are covered by a regular arrangement of small granules (diameter about 500 A). The long processes of this species are robust but flexible and occasionally develop from expanded bases on the surface of the test. Wall and Downie (1963) suggest that the only valid criteria for distinguishing M. fragile Deflandre from M. stellatum Deflandre are that the former has delicate processes without expanded bases, and that the latter possesses relatively rigid processes whose bases are expanded. The Triassic specimens examined have some of the diagnostic elements of both species: they have a test diameter of about 13 ft (about 25-29 /x includ- ing processes), which is comparable to the range of measurements of M. stellatum as given by Wall and Downie. The occasional basal expansion of the processes is also characteristic of M. stellatum , whereas the dominantly spherical nature of the text and the flexible processes are diagnostic of M. fragile. Wall and Downie also stated that : ‘Separation of the two species becomes artificial to some extent, especially in some EXPLANATION OF PLATE 59 Figs. 1, la, b. Micrhystridium cf. fragile Deflandre. 1, E.M. 213, X3500. la, E.M. 291, X3000. lb, E.M. 291, showing the granular test surface, X 10,000. Figs. 3-5. Veryhachium reduction (Deunff) Jekhowsky. 3, Forma breve, E.M. 250, X 3300. 4, Forma trispinoides, E.M. 204, x2500. 6, Form with a coarsely granular test, E.M. Ill, X 3200. Fig. 6. Micrhystridium cf. breve Jansonius, E.M. 260, X 5000. Figs. 1 and 4 are electron micrographs of the specimens; figs, la, b, 3, 5, and 6 are carbon replicas, shadowed at 45° with platinum/palladium. Palaeontology , Vol. 9 PLATE 59 MEDD, Triassic acritarchs A. W. MEDD: FINE STRUCTURE OF SOME LOWER TRIASSIC ACRITARCHS 353 Jurassic strata, but on this basis the Permian forms must be regarded as belonging to M. stellatum since their spine bases are always expanded even if the spines are not always rigid.’ Agreeing with these remarks, the writer by contrasted reasoning considers the Triassic specimens to belong to M. fragile', forms comparable with the holotype of M. stellatum are not found in this sample. text-fig. 1. Veryhachium reduction Deunff, forms possessing a fourth process. a, S.A.M. 1-67 X 152. b, S.A.M. 2-54 X 1 19. c, S.A.M. 3-210 x 151. Sub-group polygonomorphitae Downie, Evitt and Sarjeant 1963 Genus veryhachium Deunff 1954, emend. Downie and Sarjeant 1963 Veryhachium reduction Deunff 1954 Plate 59, figs. 3-5; text-fig. 1 Remarks. All of the morphological variants described by Jekhowsky (1961) can be recognized in the sample, and there is no dominance of any of his types. Electron micro- graphs show the test to be thin-walled and to have a surface irregularly covered by fine granules. A further morphological variant which is occasionally found in the sample has a coarsely granular test with convex sides, together with three short processes. This is differentiated from V. reduction forma breve Jekhowsky by the more granulose nature of the test. Although this is suggested by the optical microscope investigation, it is clearly shown by the electron micrographs. During an optical examination of several hundreds of specimens of this species, four were found to possess four processes instead of the typical three. One of the corner processes is bifid in two examples (text-fig. lc), and they are probably similar to the type mentioned by Brosius and Bitterli (1961) for a specimen from the Trochitenkalk (Upper Muschelkalk). The other two have a fourth process on a separate part of the test, and all four processes are approximately of the same size. Examination with an optical microscope of the tests of many specimens shows that their surface is often irregular. The electron micrographs indicate that there is some irregular folding of the test wall in about 40 per cent, of the specimens. This folding can occur anywhere on the test, perhaps with breakage of the test wall. Such folding and tearing occurs in other species in this sample, and could be interpreted as being collapse structures, caused by the compaction of the sediment. Jansonius (1962) stated that: ‘In Australian samples of Lower Triassic age forms assignable to Wilsonastrum occur abundantly; these have in part a modest but dis- tinctive ornamentation, and show the tiny bristle very clearly. These include specimens 354 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 9 of W. colonicum n. sp.’ None of the specimens of this sample, examined with either the optical or the electron microscope, reveals the presence of this bristle, and so forms of the genus Wilsonastrum Jekhowsky are absent from this sample. Acknowledgements. The writer thanks Mr. B. E. Balme for his help and for the opportunity to examine sample No. 43305 from the collection of the Department of Geology, University of Western Australia, and to Mr. D. B. Williams for helpful discussion during the preparation of the manuscript. The work was made possible by the award of a B.P. research grant. REFERENCES balme, b. e. 1963. Plant microfossils from the Lower Triassic of Western Australia. Palaeontology, 6, 12-40. black, m. 1963. The fine structure of the mineral parts of Coccolithophoridae. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 174, 1, 41-46. ■ and barnes, b. 1961. Coccoliths and Discoasters from the floor of the South Atlantic Ocean. Jl. R. microsc. Soc. 80, 137-47. Bradley, d. e. 1958. A ‘double-evaporation’ carbon replica technique for the electron microscope. Mikroskopie, 13, 5/6, 180-6. and williams, d. j. 1957. An electron microscope study of the spores of some species of the genus Bacillus using carbon replicas. J. gen. Microbiol. 17, 75-79. brosius, m. and bitterli, p. 1961. Middle Triassic Elystrichosphaerids from salt-wells Riburg-15 and -17, Switzerland. Bull. Verein. schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. -Ing. 28, 74, 33-49. deflandre, g. 1937. Microfossiles des silex cretaces. Part 2. Annl. Paleont. 26, 1-55. 1947. Sur quelques microorganismes planctoniques des silex Jurassiques. Bulk Inst, oceanogr. Monaco, 921, 1-12. deunff, J. 1954. Veryhachium, genre nouveau d'hystrichospheres du Primaire. C.R. Soc. geol. France, 305-6. downie, c. and sarjeant, w. a. s. 1963. On the interpretation and status of some hystrichosphere genera. Palaeontology, 6, 83-96. evitt, w. r. 1963. A discussion and proposals concerning fossil dinoflagellates, hystrichospheres and acritarchs. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 49, 158-64, and 298-302. hyde, p. and krinsley, d. 1964. An improved technique for electron microscopic examination of foraminifera. Micropaleontology , 10, 491-3. jansonius, J. 1962. Palynology of Permian and Triassic sediments. Peace River Area, Western Canada. Palaeontographica, 110B, 35-98. jekhowsky, b. de. 1961. Sur quelques hystrichospheres Permo-Triasiques d’Europe et d’Afrique. Rev. de Micropal. 3, 207-12. pettit, J. m. and chaloner, w. g. 1964. The ultrastructure of the Mesozoic pollen Classopollis. Pollen et Spores, 6, 611-20. takeoku, m. and stix, e. 1963. On the fine structure of the pollen walls in some Scandinavian Betu- lacea. Gran, palynol. 4, 2, 161-88. wall, d. and downie, c. 1963. Permian hystrichospheres from Britain. Palaeontology, 5, 770-84. a. w. medd Sedimentology Research Laboratory, University of Reading Manuscript received 8 April 1965 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION COUNCIL 1966-7 President Professor T. S. Westoll, The University, Newcastle upon Tyne Vice-Presidents Dr. W. S. McKerrow, University Museum, Oxford Professor F. H. T. Rhodes, University College, Swansea Treasurer Dr. C. Downie, Department of Geology, The University, Mappin Street, Sheffield 1 Secretary Dr. C. H. Holland, Department of Geology, Bedford College, London, N.W.l Assistant Secretary Dr. J. M. Hancock, Department of Geology, King’s College, London Editors Mr. N. F. Hughes, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge Dr. Gwyn Thomas, Department of Geology, Imperial College of Science, London, S.W.7 Dr. I. Strachan, Department of Geology, The University, Birmingham, 15 Dr. M. R. House, University Museum, Oxford Other members of Council Professor P. M. Butler, Royal Holloway College, Surrey Mr. M. A. Calver, Geological Survey Office, Leeds Dr. G. Y. Craig, Grant Institute of Geology, Edinburgh Miss Grace Dunlop, Bedford College, London Dr. T. D. Ford, The University, Leicester Dr. B. M. Funnell, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge Dr. R. P. S. Jefferies, British Museum (Natural History), London Dr. G. A. L. Johnson, The University, Durham City Dr. F. A. Middlemiss, Queen Mary College, London Dr. W. D. I. Rolfe, Hunterian Museum, Glasgow Professor Scott Simpson, The University, Exeter Dr. A. H. Smout, British Petroleum Company, Sunbury-on-Thames Dr, L. B. H. Tarlo, The University, Reading Overseas Representatives Australia : Professor Dorothy Hill, Department of Geology, University of Queensland, Brisbane Canada: Dr. D. J. McLaren, Geological Survey of Canada, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Ont. India: Professor M. R. Sahni, 98, The Mall, Lucknow (U.P.), India New Zealand: Dr. C. A. Fleming, New Zealand Geological Survey, P.O. Box 368, Lower Hutt West Indies and Central America: Mr. John B. Saunders, Geological Laboratory, Texaco Trinidad, Inc., Point k Pierre, Trinidad, West Indies Eastern U.S.A.: Professor H. B. Whittington, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge 38, Mass. Western U.S.A. : Professor J. Wyatt Durham, Department of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif. PALAEONTOLOGY VOLUME 9 • PART 2 CONTENTS A revision of Acaste downingiae (Murchison) and related trilobites. By J. H. SHERGOLD 183 Ostracoda from the Upper Tealby Clay (Lower Barremian) of South Lincolnshire. By p. kaye and D. barker 208 The foraminiferal genus Bolivinoides from the Upper Cretaceous of the British Isles. By F. T. barr 220 The Devonian blastoid Belocrinus from France. By D. b. macurda, jr. 244 Population studies in the Ballyshannon Limestone, Ballina Limestone, and Rinn Point Beds (Visean) of N.W. Ireland. By julia a. e. b. hubbard 252 Occurrence of Australosutura (Trilobita) in the Mississippian of Oklahoma, U.S.A. By A. R. ORMISTON 270 Descriptions of schizaeaceous spores taken from early Cretaceous macro- fossils. By N. f. hughes and judith moody-stuart 274 Variation and Ontogeny of some Oxfordian ammonites: Taramelliceras richei (de Loriol) and Creniceras renggeri (Oppel), from Woodham, Buckinghamshire. By d. f. b. palframan 290 The Lower Liassic ammonites Neomicroceras gen. nov. and Paracymbites. By D. T. DONOVAN 312 Radiolaria from the Namurian of Derbyshire. By B. K. holdsworth 319 A new odontopleurid trilobite genus from the Devonian of Bohemia. By D. L. BRUTON 330 Unusual stricklandiid brachiopods from the Upper Llandovery Beds near Presteigne, Radnorshire. By a. m. ziegler 346 The fine structure of some Lower Triassic acritarchs. By A. w. medd 351 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD BY VIVIAN RIDLER, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY * 72* &7ac c $ i v i * Z to * z , , „ CO Z CO _ JLSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3IBVaan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSHil — CO 2 00 2 CO — - -I - .w A- “ -c Att&tVtefX ~ /2kY»* vvxa^y - v^-“^y “ S 2 _ z _ _ _ ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3iaVH0ll L I B R A R I E s”~ SMITHSON nvinoshiiws S3iavaan l CO z 5 /CTz^qX — /fiffi'// ~ m CO — CO _ BRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSHil Z CO 2: I Jp#- O ° ‘0>'' x z / V > ^2^- 5 ^ >' 5 z co “ Z CO ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI _ NVINOSHil WS S3ldVaan LIBRARIES SMITHSON co r; co -? \ co — to 1SN I NVIN0SH1IIAIS S3l0VHan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSHil m S&Zo&x O -n 2 ~ 'if /yjf va h&c t Avtf’fAk-'A 33 3- co m Xo/v ocjy'' W co t: co _ co ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3ldVaa C£ Z ,v CO z CO < 2 < 03 33 > ^ 33 iii.V$S m CO BRARIES SMITHSON CO > XL'uustii' z _ 1SNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3iaVdaiT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1 5 ,v co ^ 5 ^ co - co co ^ co X?S^X ^ .co ^ ^ 5 tier 'fl© ^ tie" '4^ <^'4 ’ ~ ‘ c c?c ~ -/VssSM, c o o ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3iavaail LIBRARIES SMITHSON z f~ z r- , z r- z isni NVINOSHil ws saiavaan libraries Smithsonian institution NouniiiSNi nvinoshi z co z , w z co z < S x^y. < S < v. 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