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One of the first theories on the subject was, that fossils were a lusus nattirce, or play of nature — that is, an effort of nature to pro- duce organic forms, a moulding of life shape from inanimate mate- rial, without fully accomplishing the task to the final act of the in- spiration of life. The Mosaic account of creation is in full accord with such views, and it is not at all improbable that Moses, or whoever was the writer of the biblical accounts of creation, de- rived his first thoughts upon the process of creation from the ob- servation of fossils and meditation concerning their origin. It no doubt appeared to him more reasonable to accept them rather as half-iinished work than as the remains of once living bodies, whose position within the rock was inexplicable to him ; and in analogy with this conception, he imagines man created by the double pro- cess, first, of moulding his form from earth, and then of the divine inspiration of life. During the fourteenth century the hypothesis of the origin of iossWshy lusus natures heg2in\.o lose credit, and it became generally recognized that they were the veritable remains of once living or- ganisms. This being acknowledged, the thought of ascribing the origin of fossils to the scriptural deluge recommended itself as plausible, and they were at once, without critical examination of 4 LOWER PENINSULA. the correctness of this view, universally believed to be the remains of the animals which perished during this catastrophe, which belief was obstinately held up to the end of the eighteenth century. At that time, with the progress made in natural history, so many facts contradicting this theory had accumulated, that it could no longer be held. It was clearly recognized that the deluge could not account for fossils generally ; that there existed an immense difference in the age of fossils, and that a large number of animal and vegetable creations came and disappeared again, in ^long-continued succes- sion, involving the lapse of spaces of time far exceeding former conceptions of the age of the globe. The study of the fossils and of the conditions under which they were found threw an entirely new light on the earth's history. Formerly the fossils were mere objects of curiosity ; now^ they be- came important witnesses to a long series of progressive changes which the earth must have undergone ages and ages before man was created, and before the scriptural deluge could have occurred ; of changes which were rarely sudden reversals of the existing condi- tions, but which were from the beginning and are now in constant quiet action — an endless, shifting motion; destroying here and build- ing up there, with a slowness almost imperceptible, but, in the long lapse of time, astounding in its effects. The attentive study of fos- sils led to the discovery that, in the series of rock beds composing the earth's crust, certain animal forms were confined to a certain definite group of strata, which, in ascending to higher beds, disap- peared gradually or abruptly, and were replaced by new forms ; the same changes were noticed to occur frequently in ascending higher and higher. It was further ascertained, on examination of far remote localities, but built up by an equivalent succession of rock beds, that, in the distribution of fossils throughout the strata, the same order is found to exist — that is to say, the equivalent strata contain in different places the same, or at least very similar fossils. By deduction from this rule, we may infer that strata con- taining the same fossils have the same relative age ; we have in the fossils a standard criterion for the determination of a certain geolog- ical horizon, irrespective of the character of the rock, which may be widely different in remote equivalent beds, and independent of direct observation of the succession of the beds, which may be hidden from view, or be complicated by irregularities, either through P ALTEON TOLOG V. 5 the absence of certain layers, or through the intercalation of new ones not observ^ed in other localities under comparison. In the fossils we have always an infallible guide, in cases where lithologi- cal and stratigraphical characters would leave us in an inextricable perplexity, regarding the position of certain strata. The value of palaeontology, as fundamental to all our geologi- cal knowledge, is at present generally understood. Such of the States as have instituted a geological survey of their territory have shown their appreciation of its importance by making liberal provisions by law for a careful collection of fossils, and for the sub- sequent description and delineation in their report of all new and interesting forms. During the progress of the geological survey of Michigan, a rich harvest of fossils has been made, the class of corals in particular being well represented in the collections. Our law provides that due attention shall be paid to the description and figuring of new or imperfectly known specimens. The number falling within this cat- egory is so great that the limited compass allowed for the present report will not admit of their being all described. Being compelled, therefore, to make a selection out of the mass of material, I proposed to the Geological Board to give a more elab- orate treatise on the indigenous fossil corals, omitting all descrip- tion of mollusks and other fossil remains treated of and so amply illustrated in the repjorts of other States, while the corals have re- ceived comparatively little attention, notwithstanding that they be- long to the forms most significant of the age of strata. The Board consented to this plan, and I hope the general reader as well as the scientist will not be displeased at being offered a carefully elaborated monograph of this class, instead of a superficial descrip- tion of a great variety of species from all classes. These were the alternatives, as the fixed limits of the volume, as already stated, would not permit my entering upon a critical examination of the whole field of palaeontology. The species descriptions are illustrated by photographic figures, printed by the new Albertotype process. The figures are necessa- rily somewhat imperfect, because their convexity would not allow their entire surface to be within the proper focus of the instrument. Their absolute correctness in other respects, however, compensates fully for these unavoidable imperfections. 6 LOWER PENINSULA. The figures of the plates could not be numbered without great inconvenience to the printer, on which account I have adopted a rule applying to all, which I think will serve the purpose. In all the text references the upper right-hand figure is i ; the upper left-hand figure is 2 ; the lower left-hand figure is 3, and the lower right-hand, 4. Some plates have several figures on each of their two or four principal divisions. In these cases, to save the reader from mistakes and confusion, I have been very explicit in my descriptions, in indicating the particular figure referred to. CORALS. Corals are sea animals of low organization. The general struc- ture of their body, in the simpler forms, is that of a membranaceous bag, frequently plicated into radially arranged folds. This bag has only one central opening, which serves both as mouth and anus, and is surrounded by a variable number of retractile hollow ten- tacles. In the compound forms the individuals are frequently so intimately united, that the exact demarkation of one body from the other is lost. Circulation imperfect, not propelled by a heart. Nervous system very rudimentary ; no special organs of senses. Propagation part- Iv by eggs, forming in the plications within the bag, and ejected at maturity through the central opening, partly by buds sprouting from the surface, or by division and individualization of single parts of the body. Some corals are entirely soft and fleshy ; others se- crete a horny or stony basal skeleton or domjcil, into which the fleshy parts can be partially retracted. All the fossil corals belong to this latter tribe, and this stony Polyparium is the only portion of them preserved. Soft corals, not capable of preservation, have left no traces within the rocks, although, from analogy of present conditions with former, we have a right to assume that they were not missing in the ancient fauna. The systematic arrangements under which corals have been de- scribed by various naturalists are very different. Milne-Edwards is one of the writers who has paid special atten- tion to the fossil forms of corals. I consider it, therefore, for the PAL.-EONTOLOG V. present purpose, most appropriate to adopt his system as a basis. It requires, however, important rectifications, which I will make as I proceed with my descriptions. CLASSIFICATION OF POLYPES. 1!V MILNE-EDWARDS. I. Corallia. 11. Hydroida : soft, not represented in fossil condition. The Corallia are divided into three orders: 1. Zoantharia. 2. Alcyonaria. 3. Podactinai'ia. Of these, the first order includes the principal part of all the fossil corals; the second is only represented by Graptolites, and the third has no palaeozoic representative. The Zoantharia are divided into seven sub-orders : 1. Malacodernia : soft, not fossil. 2. Apora : recent coralline forms. Milne-Edwards placed the genus Palceocyclus with this sub-order, but its afifinities are decidedly nearer to forms placed in another sub- order, the Z. rugosa. 3. Perforata. — Abundantly represented in the mesozoic and re- cent coralline fauna, but not in the palaeozoic. The genus Protaraea, placed here by Milne-Edwards, belongs to the next following order, the tabttlata, and the genus Plcurodictiiini, likewise enumerated among the Zoanth. perforata, is created by simply mistaking the casts of a Michelinia for a particular type of organization, very ap- propriately connected with the specific by-name of ^'' problcmatiaiviy 4. Tabulata. 5. Rugosa. These last two orders comprise nearly all palaeozoic corals, and will form the special object of consideration in subsequent pages, 6. Tubjilosa. — An order formed to include the genus Aulopora and Pyrgia, both of which genera are in intimate relationship with certain types placed under the Zoanth. tabulata, with which I am going to describe them. 8 LOWER PENINSULA. 7. ZoantJi. caiiliatla. — These have no representatives of paljeozoic date. ZoantJiaria tabiilata. — The corals comprehended under this sub- order are composed of tubular polyp cells, septate by transverse diaphragms, and radiated by vertical crests, which in some forms are very well developed, in others remain in rudimentary condi- tion, or are entirely obsolete in individuals. Two principal groups of tabulata are distinguished : I. Millcporida;. — Compound polyparia built up by two structural elements ; of larger radiated tubes, forming the visceral cavities for the animal, and of a ccenenchymatose tissue surrounding the tubes, likewise either of tubular structure, or of a cellulose vesiculous nature. II. Favositid1 the large circular tubes are in great contrast with the smaller sub- angular ones. The right-hand lower figures are single branches from the usual variety occurring in the corniferous limestone of Michigan, Canada, New York, and in the Western States. The specimens selected are also from the Falls of the Ohio. FAVOSITES INTERTEXTUS, N. Spec. Irregularly reticulated masses of cylindrical or compressed elliptical stems, from one to two centimeters in thickness. Tubes quite unequal, stout-walled, the larger ones circular, the smaller subangular, filling the interstitial space between the larger tubes. Size of the larger tubes not much over half a millimeter. In the centre of the stems the tube channels are regularly formed, with moderately thick walls, and intersected by complete or incom- plete squamiform diaphragms, and connected by distant pores. In the peripheral portions of the stems, the tube channels, by habitual thickening of the walls, have shrunk to filiform thin- ness, while the lateral pores have become more profusely de- veloped and equal in width to the shrunken tube channels. Here- by a network of anastomosing ducts is formed, which can not be properly observed in fully-preserved specimens ; in the drift, however, weathered specimens frequently occur in which the casts only of these reticulated ducts are preserved in silicified con- dition, the wall substance having all decayed. No one would likely recognize in these networks the casts of a Favosites if parts of the fully-preserved coral were not found in immediate contiguity to such networks. The contracted tube channels usually expand again to their normal diameter in close proximity to the surface. Found in the upper limestones of Mackinac and in the drift of the Lower Peninsula. Plate XV. — Fig. i represents reticulated tube casts with the central portions of the stems formed by normally shaped tube channels. The object is too minute in the specimen. On Plate X., Fig. 4, similar casts of somewhat coarser stems are represented. On Plate XV. the upper left-hand figure is a palmate branch found in the drift of Ann Arbor ; some specimens have much stouter stems, while others are only of the thickness of a lead-pencil, forming retic- ulated clusters. 38 LOWER PEXIXSULA. FAVOSITES DIGITATUS. X. Sp. Cespitose masses of subparallel anastomosing stems of the thick- ness of a finger, or single stems with more straddling branches. Tube walls stout, joining under polygonal outlines, lined by a cycle of vertical rows of horizontal squamae, usually fewer in num- ber than the normal twelve. Diaphragms sometimes regular, fre- quently incomplete, replaced by the lateral squamse. Pores large. Tubes in different specimens variable, from one to one and a half millimeter in diameter. The polygonal form of the orifices and the generally well-developed squamae within the tube channels render this form at once recognizable from other branching forms of Favosites. which have their orifices always more rounded, nearly circular. It occurs in large clustered masses in the black, shaly lime- stones of the Hamilton group, on the shore of Lake Huron, from Thunder Bay Island, northward : similar masses are inclosed within the limestones of Little Traverse Bay, in beds of various horizons, and preser\'ed in calcified condition. On Thunder Bay River it is found in silicified condition in the lower beds near Trowbridge's mills ; in the drift of the Lower Peninsula, also, silicified specimens associated with other characteristic Hamilton fossils can often be picked up. On Plate XV.. the six right-hand figures of the lower row are silicified specimens, of various tube size. The two outer figures and the lower central branch are from the drift of Ann Arbor : the other three branches are from the north fork of Thunder Bay River : the lower small branch has considerably thickened tube walls, forming within the polygonal, truncate, disciform tube ends a central proboscis-like prolongation. The cespitose specimens from the dark limestones, from the shore of Lake Huron and from Little Traverse Bay, can not be successfully represented by photog- raphy on account of their sombre color. ALVEOLITES, Lamark. Massive convex or expanded laminar, rarely ramose, polyparia, composed of intimately united, compressed tubules, intersected by transverse diaphragms, connected by lateral pores, and longi- PALAEONTOLOGY. 39 tudinally crested on the inside. The tubes in the massive or laminar forms are prostrate, diverging from a central point, and open obhquely to the surface ; in the ramose forms the tubes are ascending and arching outward from an imaginary central axis, as in branching forms of Favosites. Tube walls moderately stout and not expanded at the orifices, the inner margin of which is appressed to the body of the polyparium and lost in a common interstitial surface ; the outer margin projects as a sharp lip. Cav- ities of tubes lined with longitudinal crests or rows of spinulose projections, which normally should be twelve in number, but it is rarely the case that all of them are found developed. Usually two or three of the crests, or crested rows of spinules, grow large and conspicuous ; the others have a more rudimentar}' development. or have sometimes become obsolete. Diaphragms comparatively more distant and irregular than in Favosites. Pores x&ry large, sit- uated on the two lateral edges of the compressed tubes, or at least in close proximity to them. The genus Alveolites appears contem- poraneously with Favosites, for the first time, in the upper Silurian strata. ALVEOLITES XL\GARENSIS, X. Sp. Convex hemispherical masses of concentrically laminated structure, covered by an epithecal crust on the lower concave side, or undose, discoid expansions composed of superimposed layers of prostrate tubes, diverging with a slight spiral twist from a central vertex, sev- eral of which are sometimes observed on an expansion. The com- pressed tubes are always more convex on the upper sides, with a corresponding concavity of the lower sides, which rest on the con- vexities of the subjacent tubes. The compression is sometimes only moderate, and the outside of the oblique orifices is formed by a projecting arched lip ; in other specimens the compression is stronger, the orifices become narrow, lanceolate, or fissure-like, with an appressed subplane lip on the outer side. The orifices of the majority of specimens are surrounded by a cycle of denticules, corresponding to longitudinal rows of spinules along the inner sur- face of the tube walls. The rows are rarely fully twelve in num- ber, and some of them are always more strongly developed than others. In some specimens no denticulation of the orifices can be 40 LOWER PENINSULA. observed, and the tube channels are found to be almost smooth ; this is not in all cases owing to a want of development of the crests or spinules ; these seem often to have been obliterated by im- perfect preservation in the process of petrification. Diaphragms somewhat distant and oblique. Pores large, margi- nal, causing a pouch-like dilatation of the tube wall at the spot •where situated. Diameter of tubes in the wider transverse direction varies in different specimens, from a half to one millimeter, which difference in size greatly alters their aspect. The degree of com- pression of the tubes, their more erect or more prostrate position in various specimens also cause numerous variations in their appear- ance, but no tangible line between one and another of the forms exists. I have, for this reason, considered all of them as repre- senting the modifications of one and the same species. It occurs in great abundance in the Niagara group of Drummond's Island, at Point Detour, and in other localities. It is often found also in the drift of the Lower Peninsula. The specimens are all silicified, and in but few of them are the more delicate structural characters well preserved. Certain specimens found in the drift exhibit prin- cipally the silicified casts of the tube channels, which have the form of flattened bands with rounded mamiform protrusions and inter- mediate indentations of the lateral margins ; on the summit of each protrusion a pore channel or its cast is situated. Plate XVI. — Fig. i represents a silicified specimen from the drift of Ann Arbor, Fig. 2 is found at Drummond's Island. The latter specimen exhibits the longitudinal rows of spinules very distinctly, but the object is too small to be properly seen in the not magni- fied figure. PALjEONTOLOG Y. 4 1 ALVEOLITES SQUAMOSUS, Billing?. Convex masses of irregular growth, covered by an epithecal crust on the partially free, centrally attached under side, or sometimes incrusting other marine bodies. Tubes in the broader, transverse direction from one half to one millimeter in diameter, and in the other direction quite variable, in accordance with the degree of depression of the tubes, which are convex on the upper side and concave on the lower. Orifices very oblique, with a sharp lip on the outer margin. Tube channels longitudinally crested by twelve well-developed rows of spinules, of which generally some are larger than the others. Diaphragms not very close, and irregularly oblique. Pores large, marginal, but not causing a pouch-like dilata- tion of the tubes as in the Niagara species. Found in the upper Helderberg limestones of Michigan, and in the drift ; common also in the Helderberg limestones of Canada, New York, Ohio, Louisville, etc. On Plate XVL, Fig. 3 is a silicified specimen found in the drift, giving a surface view ; Fig. 4, likewise found in the drift, is com- posed of casts of the tubes. They are delicately punctured by im- pressions of the longitudinal rows of spinules. They exhibit the laterally situated pores and the distant, irregular diaphragms. The figures are of natural size. ALVEOLITES VALLORUM, Meek. (Palaeontology of Mackenzie River.) Specimens resembling the forms described by Mr. Meek, from Mackenzie River, are frequently found among the drift pebbles of Lake Superior. In some of them the tube walls are preserved ; in others only the casts of the tube channels, which have the form of narrow, flat bands, connected with each other by short marginal bridges, representing the pore channels. The bands are longitudi- nally striate by fine, punctiform impressions, and transversely inter- sected by numerous closely approximated diaphragms. The width of the tube casts is about one millimeter, and their thickness one fourth of a millimeter. 42 LOWER PENINSULA. Plate XVII. — Fig. 3 is a silicified specimen split in two, formed of tube casts. Found on the shore of Lake Superior, at White- fish Point. Among the pebbles of the same locality other speci- mens of Alveolites are found, which agree with Alveolites squa- mosus, Billings. ALVEOLITES SUBRAMOSUS, N. Sp. Incrusting expansions of irregular form, dependent from the in- crusted object in the first stages of growth, subsequently of mamil- late or digitato-ramose form. Orifices not over half a millimeter wide, margined on the outer side with a convex projecting or a flattened appressed lip ; denticulated by crests, one of which in the median line of the inner body side of the tubes is much more promi- nent than the others. Pores large, rather remote. Diaphragms distant. Found in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay, at Stony Point, and other localities. In mode of growth it perfectly resem- bles the branchlets from the Devonian strata of the Eifel, described by Milne-Edwards under the name of Alveolites subequalis, but its tubes are more minute and more strongly compressed than in that form. Plate XVIII. — Fig. 4 represents calcified specimens from Stony Point, Thunder Bay, etc. ALVEOLITES GOLDFUSSII, Billings. Undose, discoid expansions, with an imperfectly developed epi- theca on the lower side, exhibiting the prostrate tube walls diverg- ing from a central point of attachment. Orifices oblique to the surface, rarely denticulated at the margins, but interiorly, spinulose longitudinal crests are found well developed in polished sections. The tubes are seen in various degrees of compression in the same specimens ; usually their transverse diameter is twice larger than their height, but sometimes tubes nearly as wide in one direction as in the other, and almost erect, as in an ordinary Favosites, can be observed. The size of the. tubes is larger than in Alveolites squa- mosus, measuring in the larger diameter from one and a half to two millimeters. PAL.^ONTOLOG V. 43 Pores large, situated on the lateral edges of the tubes. Diaphragms well developed, irregularly oblique or straight transverse. Found in the Hamilton strata, of Thunder Bay region, near Sunken Lake ; more common in the Hamilton group of Widder, C. W., and in the Hamilton strata of Iowa. Plate XVn. — Fig. 2 gives a surface view of part of a specimen from Widder, C. W. LIMARIA STEININGER. Synon,, Ccenites Eichwald. « Small branching stems or laminar expansions, composed of thick- walled, conico-cylindrical tubules, with transversely compressed orifices, opening obliquely to the surface, surrounded on the outer side by an exsinuated lip, bearing two teeth projecting into the cavity. From the median line of the inner side of the walls, another tooth-like crest projects between the two outer ones. The tubes are connected by lateral pores, and intersected by transverse diaphragms. The diaphragms are regularly found in the thin- walled tube portions, but are rarely developed in tubes with thickened walls. From Alveolitestiimaria iiss-differs only by more conical, stout- walled tubes, of less compressed and more rounded form in the central or basal parts of the polyparia. The number of longi- tudinal crests is in Limaria more restricted than in Alveolites, and rarely exceeds three. The three dentiform projections at the orifices of Limaria are the only structural difference separating it from the genus Cladopora, which has smooth, not crested tube channels ; there are also, however, in species of Cladopora indi- cations of crests, and the generic arrangement of many of the spe- cies in question is more a matter of individual arbitration than based upon any obvious typical difference. LIMARIA RAMULOSA, Hall. Found in the Niagara group of Lockport, etc. I have not been able to find it in Michigan. Another form of ramulets, which, accord- ing to the denticulated structure of their tube orifices, belong to the 44 LOWER PENINSULA. genus Limaria, is Cladopo7'a vcrticillata of Winchell and Marcy. It is of common occurrence in the Niagara group of Indiana, Wis- consin, and Kentucky, but has not been met with in Michigan. LIMARIA LAMINATA, Hall. Thin, undose, laminar expansions covered by an epithecal crust on the lower side. Tubes stout-walled, forming a massive inter- stitial surface between the orifices, which is sometimes larger than a tube diameter, other times less. Orifices, if well formed, crescent- shaped and less than half a millimeter in diameter. The convex side of the crescent forms a more or less projecting lip, with two rather obscure, dentiform crests ; on the concave side of the cres- cent another more conspicuous crest occupies the median line. The specimens exhibit on their surface at various intervals certain centres, around which the orifices are disposed in spirally twisted rows ; the concave sides of the orifices are always directed toward these imaginary central points. Of common occurrence in the Ni- agara group of Drummond's Island, and at Point Detour, but many of the specimens have by silicification lost the finer details of structure. Plate XVIII. — Fig. 2 lepresents a specimen from Point Detour, of natural size. LIMARIA CRASSA, N. Sp. Grows in thick, laminar expansions, of undose surface, covered on the lower side by an epitheca. Often several such laminae are su- perimposed, and sometimes two leaves stick together at the epithe- cal side, and a lamina with orifices on both sides is the result. Orifices variable in the same specimens. If normally formed they are kidney-shaped, separated by massive interstitial spaces formed by the thick tube walls. They open obliquely to the surface, with a lip on the outer margin. In other tubes the lip scarcely projects, and the orifices appear as an unsymmetrically oval opening sur- rounded by a massive interstitial surface. Often, also, the tubes are joined, with nearly erect, subangular, less thick-walled orifices. On the inner side of the walls a conspicuous crest projects from the median line, and on the outer walls two others of smaller size fork PALJEON TO LOG Y. 45 over the opposite one; by a great thickening of the walls, the crests become obsolete. Pores are large and numerous. Diaphragms developed in the thinner-walled tubes. Found in the Niagara limestone of Point Detour, Drummond's Island, and in the expo- sures of the Niagara group along the shore of Lake Michigan, in the west part of the Upper Peninsula. Plate XVIII. — Fig. i represents fragments from Point of Barques, on Lake Michigan (southwest of the mouth of Manistic River). CLADOPORA, Hall. Ramose and anastomosing stems or laminar expansions, witli orifices on one or both sides, composed of thick-walled, elongate, conical tubules, opening obliquely to the surface, with dilated orifices. Tubules laterally connected by pores. Diaphragms have originally been denied by the author in his genus Cladopora, but their occasional development is proved by many actual observa- tions, although usually the tube channels, in specimens, are found open throughout all their length. The tube cavity of Cladopora is said to be destitute of longitu- dinal furrows or crests, in distinction from Limaria and Striatopora, but this is merely through habitual obsolescence of a character which properly belongs to the entire Favositoid family, and which in some of the most characteristic species of Cladopora has been recognized in rudimentary development. CLADOPORA LAOUEATA, N. Sp. Large, reticulated, horizontal expansions, formed of round or com- pressed elliptical stems, from two to four millimeters in diameter, with narrow, intervening loops of elongate, lanceolate form. Tubes very thick-walled. Orifices separated by broad interstitial spaces, transversely oval, somewhat dilated, nearly one millimeter wide in transverse direction, with a stout lip on the exterior margin ; the in- terior margin impressed and confluent with the massive interstitial surface. Pores plainly discernible. Diaphragms sometimes notice- able, closing off the peripheral tube ends. By silicification the finer surface details of the specimens are generally much impaired. 46 LOWER PENINSULA. Occurs in the Niagara group of Point Detour, and all along the exposures of the south shore of the Upper Peninsula. Plate XVIII. — Fig. 3 represents a fragment of a large expansion in silicified condition. Found near Seul Choix, on shore of Lake Michigan. In mode of growth this species bears much resemblance to Cladopora reticulata, Hall ; but the latter is a more delicately- built species, with smaller, nearly circular tube orifices. In the drift deposits of Michigan, specimens of Cladopora uiultipora, Hall, are often met with. CLADOPORA LICHENOIDES, N. Sp. Irregularly undose, laminar expansions, covered by an epithecal crust on the lower side, which is formed by prostrate, flattened tubes, coalesced intimately and diverging horizontally from a cen- tral apex. Toward their peripheral ends the tubes bend into a suberect position and lose their flattened form, becoming rounded and dilated near the orifices. These are sometimes nearly upright, and join with acute margins, resembling an ordinary Favosites ; at other times the obliquity of the orifices is more pronounced, and the outer tube margins form an arched projecting lip, while the inner margin merges into a narrow, common, interstitial surface. The flattened tubes, forming the base of the expansions, connect by nu- merous lateral pores situated on both edges ; the erect, more rounded portions of the tubes have the pores irregularly dispersed over their circumference. Diaphragms sparingly developed at irregular, remote intervals, often closing the peripheral tube ends, under the form of opercula. The tube cavity is generally smooth, without crests or longitudinal furrows, which induced me to place this species with Cladopora, and not with Alveolites, under which it might otherwise be classed with propriety. Found frequently in the drift of Michigan. It occurs in place in the corniferous limestone of the Falls of the Ohio, in Canada and New York, etc. Plate XVII. — Fig. 1 gives a surface view of silicified specimens from the Falls of the Ohio. P^ig. 4 is a specimen found in the drift of Ann Arbor, exhibiting the casts of tubes seen from the basal side of an expansion. The flattened form of the prostrate channels, with numerous short marginal pore connections, the gemmation of PAL.^EONTOLOG Y. 47 young tubes from older ones, the disposition of distant diaphragms, the more rounded and dilating peripheral tube ends, bent into sub- erect position — all can be studied in such casts to much better ad- vantage than in the most perfectly preserved specimens. CLADOPORA FISHERI, Billings. Synon., ALVEOLITES Fisheri, Billings. Palmate, laminar expansions, attached by a clumsy, massive root portion to other bodies. Orifices on both sides of the leaves, open- ing obliquely to the surface, with a sharp lip on the exterior side ; the inner tube margin merges into a common interstitial surface, of variably broader or narrower extent. The thickness of the tube walls and the obliquity of the orifices vary much in different parts of the specimens, and accordingly the surface characters are quite changeable. On the terminal edges of the fronds the tubes are thin-walled and the orifices join with sharp, crested outlines. In the central and basal portions of the expansions, the walls are thickened, and the oblique orifices separated by intervening solid interstitial spaces, margined on the exterior side by a lip, which surrounds a transversely oval, or often a nearly circular mouth. Sometimes the orifices are not lipped, and form shallow, undefined depressions in the massive wall substance, at the bot- tom of which the narrower part of the tube channels begins. Again, these superficial pits are circumscribed by polygonal, carinated out- lines. A difference also exists in the upper and lower surfaces of the fronds, v/hich seem to have grown in horizontally spreading direction. The upper side is always marked by sharper, more pro- jecting contour lines, while on the lower surface all the contours are dull and rounded. The orifices are about one half a millimeter wide, or somewhat larger, oval or kidney-shaped on the external margin ; the inner tube portions are round or subangular. Pore channels are large and numerous. Diaphragms frequently developed under the form of superficial opercula, frequently noticed also in the inner portions of the tube channels, but in specimens with very stout-walled tubes rarely observed. The original specimens described by Billings were found in the Hamilton group of Widder, C. W., in calcified con- 48 LOWER PENINSULA, dition ; identical, but silicified specimens occur in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay, and in boulders of the drift which inclose other characteristic Hamilton fossils. Entirely similar specimens are found in the corniferous limestone of the Falls of the Ohio, and at Charleston Landing, Indiana. Plate XIX. — Fig. i represents a silicified specimen from the drift of Ann Arbor. Fig. 4 is a specimen from the Hamilton group of Widder, C. W., the typical locality for Mr. Billings' specimens. CLADOPORA CANADENSIS, N. Sp. Palmate, laminar expansions, like the former species, with which it is found associated and agreeing in general structure. Tubes much smaller. Orifices at the ends of the fronds subrotund or trian- gular, with a convex, centrally indented lip on the outer side. On the stouter central and basal parts of the expansions, the lips are appressed, opening, transversal, fissure-like, or the lips have, besides the central indentation, two lateral ones, giving the orifices an arched, semi-lunar form. On the under side of the fronds the orifices are impressed into the massive interstitial wall substance, with a shal- low depressed space surrounding them, which is defined by very obtuse rounded, subpolygonal outlines. On the upper surface, all is raised into stronger relief. Found in the Hamilton group of Wid- der, C. W. Plate XIX. — Fig. 3 is a representation of one of these speci- mens. CLADOPORA TURGIDA, N. Sp. Stout laminar expansions, with orifices on both sides. Tubes thick-walled, with a narrow cylindrical channel, which dilates near the surface into transversely oval or kidney-shaped oblique orifices, spreading, with the inner part of the margins, into a common inter- stitial surface, on which, by slightly raised carinas, the polygonal out- lines of each tube are defined. The outer margin projects as a short lip sinuated on both sides, or simply straight. In well-pre- served specimens, on the expanded part of the orifices, longitudinal furrows are faintly developed, as in the genus Striatopora. A differ- ence is noticeable between the upper and under side of the fronds. PALAEONTOLOGY, 49 Pores well developed. Diaphragms rarely observed excepting as opercula. Diameter of orifice a little over one millimeter ; internal tube portions half a millimeter. Found in the Helderberg group of Mackinac Island, at Port Colborne, C. W., and likewise in the drift of Ann Arbor. Plate XIX. — Fig. 2js a silicified fragment found in the drift Ot Ann Arbor. CLADOPORA CRYPTODENS, Billings. Alveolites cryptodens, Billings. Cylindrical polyp stems, from five to ten millimeters in diameter, with distant, dichotomous, straddling ramification. Tubes opening with oblique dilated orifices, w'hich either join with acute edges, each of them being a circumscribed pit, or have the inner part of the walls spread into an indefined, common interstitial surface, from which the convex lips forming the front margin of the orifices pro- ject like the teeth of a rasp. Tube size variable in different speci- mens ; in the variety with larger tubes the transverse diameter of the dilated orifices is about one and a half millimeter, the interior cavity of the channels measuring about a half of one millimeter. In the variety with smaller tubes the orifices measure about one millimeter externally, and the internal channels one third of a milli- meter. The tube cavities usually appear to be smooth, but in well- preserved silicified specimens, cleared by acids of the surrounding limestone, the tube channels exhibit three crests, two projecting from the exterior side of the wall, and one intermediate between the two, from the opposite inner wall side. These crests are not noticeable on the dilated orificial part of the tubes, but are distinctly seen in the neck of the channel, where .the narrower part begins. Transverse diaphragms are rarely found developed. Pores arc large and irregularly dispersed. The crested condition of the tube channels would bring this species under the genus Limaria, or perhaps under Alveolites, where Billings placed it, but, consider- ing the general habitus of the specimens, I have placed them under Cladopora, as being nearest related to the forms composing this genus, which is only deprived of crests through the incomplete dc- 4 50 LOWER PENINSULA, velopment of a character typical for the whole family to which it belongs. Found in the upper Helderberg limestones of Michigan, New York, Canada, and in the Western States ; also common in the drift deposits of Michigan. Plate XX. — Fig. i represents several fragments of branches with the larger tubes. Orifices somewhat variable in different branches. Fig. 2 is the variety with smaller tubes, corresponding in all partic- ulars with the larger tubed form. All the specimens figured are selected from the Falls of the Ohio, as being better preserved than those from any other locality. CLADOPORA ROEMERI, Billings, i Alveolites Roemeri, Billings. Cylindrical or compressed branching stems of about five millime- ters diameter. Orifices comparatively large, oblique to the surface, and joining with their expanded margins in an indefined interstitial surface, or under subangular, obtusely crested outlines, inclosing shallow, obliquely funnel-shaped pits, the outer margins of which project as arched lips ; the inner walls of the pits spread insensibly, merging into the lips of the adjoining pits. External diameter of orifices about one millimeter; interior tube channel one third of a millimeter. The orifices are frequently closed by opercula situated below the external margins. Diaphragms in most of the specimens sparingly developed. Pores large and irregularly disposed. Occurs in the Hamilton strata of Widder, Canada West, in cal- cified condition. Silicified specimens are found in the corniferous limestone and in boulders of that formation, mingled with the drift of the Southern Peninsula. Plate XX. — Fig. 3 represents specimens from the typical locality of Widder, Canada West. CLADOPORA ALPENENSIS, N. Sp. Branching cylindrical stems, from five to ten millimeters in diameter. Orifices slightly oblique, dilated, joining under [linear polygonal outlines on an even, narrow, interstitial surface ; external PAL^ONTOLOG V. 5 1 margins not projecting as a lip, excepting a small nodular projec- tion in the centre of the outer margin, which gives the transversely- widened, elliptical mouths a faint kidney shape. The inner expanded margin of the orifices is very delicately striate in radial direction. Diameter of orifices externally about one millimeter ; internal tube cavity about half a millimeter wide. Diaphragms rarely noticed. Pores large and irregularly dispersed. Found in silicified condition in the upper strata of the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay. Plate XX. — Fig. 4 represents a few of the branchlets. The linear polygonal outlines of the tubes are recognizable in the figures ; the striation of the margins is too delicate to be seen on them. CLADOPORA LABIOSA, Billings. Alveolites labiosa, Billings. Small, branching, reticulated stems, from two to five millimeters, in diameter, growing from an attached, massive root portion in hori- zontally spreading direction. Orifices oblique to the surface, sub-- circular, surrounded on the exterior side by a prominent convex lip ; the interior part of the orificial tube walls spreads into an un- defined, flat, interstitial surface. By wearing of the surface the lips, often become deeply sinuated in the [centre, and then the orifices are acutely triangular. In certain specimens considered to be a variety of this species, the' closely crowded small orifices are sur- rounded by small pits impressed in the thick wall substance and open on the surface with less obliquity than in other specimens,, and with only a small lip developed^ on the exterior margin. The size of the tubes differs somewhat in the specimens, but a mioreob- vious difference in appearance is caused by the variations in the width of the interstitial spaces. In some specimens the orifices are separated by interstices less than the diameter of a tube,, while in others the interstitial space is two or three times as large. In adult parts of stems the intervals between the orifices are always greater than they are near the terminal branchlets. The diameter of tubules at the orifices is about half of one millimeter ; internally the channels are narrower. Within the cavity of some tubes, on the outer side of the walls, two crests can be noticed by looking into 52 LOWER PENINSULA. the orifices, but in others of equally well-preserved specimens no crests are recognizable. Lateral pores well developed. Transverse diaphragms have not been observed. The casts of tubes often found in drift specimens are always uninterrupted, thread-like, lat- erally connected by short transverse bars representing the pores, and exhibiting the intercalation of new young tubules, connecting by a perforation at the apex with their mother-tubes. Found abundantly in the drift of Michigan, in a porous cherty rock containing many other corniferous limestone fossils. In Canada and New York it is common in the corniferous limestone ; occurs also at the Falls of the Ohio. Plate XXI. — Fig. 2 represents a number of branchlets of variable form. The two lower figures on the left side are excepted ; they are described under the name of Cladopora rimosa ; but in the lower tier of this plate the smaller central specimen is considered as a variety of Cladopoi'a labiosa. CLADOPORA RIMOSA, N. Sp. Reticulated expansions of small teretiform or elliptically com- pressed stems, much resembling the former species. Orifice openings very oblique to the surface, transversely compressed, fissure-like, margined by a sharp closely-appressed lip on the outer side. Di- ameter of orifices in transverse direction from one half to two thirds of a millimeter ; interior tube channels cylindrical and much nar- rower. Interstitial spaces large and flat. This form is the usual associate of Cladopora labiosa, and may perhaps be only a variety of that species ; but the two forms are so constant, not merging into one another through transition forms, that I believe them to be dis- tinct. Found in the drift of the Lower Peninsula. Plate XXI. — Fig. 2, the two lower left-hand stems. The larger forked specimen is broken off from a disciform basal expan- sion incrusting the stem of a Cyathophyllum Hallii. CLADOPORA PINGUIS, N. Sp. Horizontally expanded, branching and anastomosing stems of usually compressed elliptical form, but sometimes cylindrical. Di- ameter of stems from five to ten millimeters. Orifices in the older PAL.'EONTOLOG \\ 53 stems subreniform shallow pits, impressed into a massive common wall substance, composing broad interstitial spaces. The actual tube opening, commencing at the bottom of these pits, is narrow, fissure- like, and margined by a small lip which does not project above the pit. In the ends of the branches the tube walls are less thickened, and the orifices not surrounded by pits, subcircular, margined by a moder- ately projecting convex lip. These terminal parts of the ramifica- tions resemble the specimens figured as Clad, labiosa. The three right-hand branchlets and future ^collections may demonstrate the three last-described species to be only modifications of one ; but for the present this direct affinity between them is not proved, where- fore I point them out as specifically distinct. Found associated with the other forms in the drift of the Lower Peninsula. Plate XXI., Lower tier. — The two larger specimens were found in the drift of Ann Arbor, in a porous cherty rock, originating from decomposition of a siliceous limestone, of which sometimes an unaltered nucleus forms the centre of the boulders. The specimen in the centre below the two figures represents a variety of Clado- pora labiosa. CLADOPORA PULCHRA, N. Sp. Small cylindrical stems, from three to five millimeters in thick- ness, growing in reticulated ramifications, composed of thick-walled conical tubules, diverging in a curve from an imaginary longitudi- nal axis, opening almost at a rectangle to the surface, with circular orifices separated by interstitial walls wider than a tube diameter. The end of each tube either projects as a small monticulose protu- berance above the general surface, and is defined from the adjoining tubes by delicate linear furrows circumscribing polygons, or the lower half only of each tube wall projects under the form of a low semicircular lip. In other specimens the single ends of the tubes do not project, and are not defined in their circumference, their orifices opening on the massive surface as simple circular perfora- tions, surrounded at the outside by a shallow'depressed area. Tube diameter at the orifices one third to one half millimeter, near the centre of the stems much narrower. Lateral pores numerous, in un- equally dispersed position. Diaphragms sparingly developed. On the casts of the tubes which frequently occur in weathered drift 54 LOWER PENINSULA. specimens, a cycle of longitudinal carinations is faintly visible. In its structure this elegant small species approaches Favosites limi- taris, which could likewise be not inappropriately arranged under the genus Cladopora. The thick-walled conical tubes, the greater obliquity of the orifices to the surface, with a sometimes well-de- veloped prominent lip, bring this form nearer to the Cladopora type than to Favosites. Very common in the drift boulders of the cor- niferous formation in Michigan ; it occurs in place in the Helderberg limestones of Canada, and at the Falls of the Ohio, near Louisville. Plate XXI. — Fig. i represents a number of variations, amongst which are found stems with smaller tubes and with larger tubes, with projecting monticulose orifices and with lipped mouths, or with massive surface of the stems, with the orifices impressed as shallow pits. Some of the stems represented exhibit also sharp, linear, polygonal furrows circumscribing the tubes. CLADOPORA ROBUSTA, N. Sp. Palmato-ramose, occasionally reticulated stems, of round or com- pressed elliptical form, growing in horizontal expansions, spreading sometimes over the space of several square feet. Stems attaining a thickness of from one to two centimeters. Tube openings oblique to the surface, with gently dilating orifices, joining under subacute margins, by which the surface is divided into a network of rhom- boidal spaces with rounded corners. The lower angle of the rhom- boids is formed by the projecting semicircular lips of the orifices, which, by wearing off, become emarginated and acutely triangular in shape. Transverse diameter of orifices about one millimeter, in other varieties smaller. Diameter of tube channels below the pe- ripheral surface one quarter to one half of a millimeter. Tube walls stout, thickening near the periphery. Lateral pores distant. Dia- phragms sometimes observed, but not developed in the majority of the specimens. Several varieties, in manner of growth and size of tubes, can be distinguished. Found in the corniferous limestone and in the Hamilton group. The Hamilton specimens occur in the vicinity of Alpena, on Thun- der Bay ; the specimens of the corniferous strata are frequently found in the drift of Michigan, but the P^alls of the Ohio is the lo- cality where this species can be found in greatest perfection and in PALAEONTOLOGY. 55 greatest abundance. The represented specimens are from that locality. Plate XXII. — Fig. i represents two silicified branches with larger tubes. Fig. 2 is a branch of smaller tube size. CLADOPORA IMBRICATA, N. Sp. Cylindrical ramified stems, attaining a diameter of two centime- ters, attached by a massive basal expansion. Tubes opening very obliquely to the surface, with narrow, transversely compressed ori- fices, joining under rhomboidal outlines. The sharp subarcuate lips forming the exterior margin of the orifices are closely appressed to the body of the stems, and arranged in an imbricating order like the scales of a fish. Transverse diameter of orifices two millimeters by a width of only half a millimeter across the centre of the lanceolate mouths. Inter- nally the tube cavity becomes nearly circular and much narrower, not over half a millimeter in diameter. Pores distant. Dia- phragms have not been observed. Some specimens found in the drift of Michigan seem to belong to this species, which is not un- common in the Helderberg limestones at the Falls of the Ohio. On Plate XXII., lower row, the two outer stems on the right- hand side are figures of silicified specimens found at the Falls of the Ohio. The next two species described, found in the Helderberg lime- stones at the Falls of the Ohio, have not been recognized in the stra- ta of Michigan, but in order to give the description of this tribe of corals more completeness, I have allowed myself, in behalf of sci- ence, to transgress a step beyond the prescribed limits. It is very probable, however, that future collectors will find these forms in Michigan. 'is*^ CLADOPORA ASPERA, N. Sp. Cylindrical stems, from one to two centimeters in thickness, grow- ing in horizontally spreading, reticulated ramifications, which are at- tached by a massive basal expansion. The tubes composing the basal part are prostrate, diverging toward the circumference of the disk ; the orifices are compressed, fissure-like, covered by a scaly, fiat 56 LOWER PENINSULA. lip, while the inner part of the walls forms an undefined, common interstitial surface. The orifices of the stems are of quite different shape ; their tubes diverge from an imaginary axal line in an ascending curve toward the periphery of the stems, opening there in various degrees of obliquity, under crested polygonal outlines which inclose shallow conical pits, at the bottom of which the tube channels open as narrow, transverse, more or less curved fissures, about one millimeter wide in the longer direction, and one quarter of a millimeter in the shorter. The body side of these pits is formed of spreading walls, which help to form the front part of the orifices next above. The outer half of the pits is formed by the obliquely truncated ends of the extremely massive tube walls, and projects under the form of a clumsy lip, giving the stems a very rough appearance. The outer transverse diameter of the orificial pits is nearly two millimeters ; the compressed, band-like tube chan- nels become circular at short distance in from the peripheral ends, and are about one third of a millimeter in width. Pore channels distant. Diaphragms have not been noticed. Plate XXII., Lower tier. — Upper third figure from the right side represents a silicified fragment of a reticulated expansion, from the Falls of the Ohio. CLADOPORA EXPATIATA, N. Sp. Reticulated expansions of cylindrical or compressed palmate stems, of a diameter from one to two centimeters, attached by a massive basal expansion. Tubes of the basal part diverging out- ward, prostrate, and more compressed than those of the stems, with a sharp scaly lip at the outer margin. Tube walls generally very stout. Orifices of the stems variable in the same specimens. Usually they open with no great obliquity to the surface, and join under irregular, polygonal crested outlines inclosing deep conical cell pits, narrowing into cylindrical tube channels. The dilated margins are not converted on the outer side into a lip, but form a uniform network, as in a Favosites. Often also, by incrassation of the tube walls, the cell pits become partly filled, and shallower in the expanded marginal portion, while the crests of their circumfer- ence are rounded off. In other specimens the tubes open with great- er obliquity to the surface, and do not join with crested margins encir- PAL.-EONTOLOG Y. 57 cling orificial pits, but the body portion of the orificial walls spreads into a common interstitial surface, and the front walls project as sharp semicircular lips. Transitions from one of the surface characters described into the other can be followed out in nearly every larger specimen. The end branches generally differ somewhat from the older stems, and the orifices of the upper surface of the prostrate expansions are not quite alike to those of the under side. The di- lated orificial pits are nearly always wider in the transverse direc- tion of the stems than in the vertical ; their diameter is about one and a half millimeter ; that of the inner tube channels about one third to one half millimeter. Pores distant. Diaphragms sparingly developed. From the former species, this one differs in having smaller tubes, and less compressed, nearly circular orificial open- ings ; but great similarity exists between them, and by reason of the great variability in the surface structure of both, it is sometimes hard to tell to which class certain specimens belong. Plate XXII., Lower row. — The three left-hand figures are silici- fied fragments from the Falls of the Ohio, representing a few of the modifications in which the species occurs. STRIATOPORA, Hall. Ramose stems, composed of thick-walled conical tubes, opening on the surface with oblique dilated orifices, in all particulars cor- responding with the structure of Cladopora, from which they mainly differ by a cycle of longitudinal furrows radiating across the ex- panded tube margins, a difference which, as previously remarked, is not at all peculiar to Striatopora, but belongs to the essential family characters of all Favositoids, and happens to be more obviously developed in the forms called Striatopora than in the next related Cladopora. In addition to the longitudinal furrows, the inter- mediate band-like spaces also sometimes bear rows of spinules ; and as another peculiarity in Striatopora, the abundant develop- ment of lateral pores may be mentioned. STRIATOPORA HURONENSIS, N. Sp. A single fragment of a stem eight millimeters in diameter is the only specimen I have seen ; but as being one of the first representa- 58 LOWER PENINSULA. lives of the genus, and positively differing from Striatopora flexuosa, Hall, found in the same geological horizon, I thought it proper to describe even a fragment when well characterized. Orifices obliquely funnel-shaped, joining with edged margins. The body side of the orificial walls is spreading and forms part of the exterior walls of the orifices above ; the outer side of the oblique orificial funnels is margined by an erect semicircular lip. Diameter of orifices in transverse direction two millimeters ; in longitudinal three millimeters. Twelve deep longitudinal furrows, with intermediate obtuse crests, give the cells a star form. The tubes are distinctly intersected by diaphragms with marginal de- pressions. Pores are somewhat obscured by the rough silicified sur- face of the specimen, but are recognizable. Found in the Niagara group of Point Detour, Lake Huron. Plate XXIV. — Fig.*!^ upper fragment, natural size. Striatopora flexuosa, Hall, has not been observed among the fossils of the Ni- agara group in Michigan. STRIATOPORA RUGOSA, Hall. Synon., CvATHOPHORA lowENSiS, Owen. Stems with dichotomous branches, from five to ten millimeters in diameter, composed of very thick-walled tubes opening obliquely to the surface, with dilated mouths, bounded on the exterior side by a prominent semicircular lip. The inner body side of the walls of the orifices is flattened, spreading into a common, broad, interstitial mass. Diameter of orifices two millimeters ; of interior channels one millimeter. Pores large, distant. Diaphragms not observed. The radial striai are, in all the numerous specimens which I have exam- ined, totally obsolete, for which reason this form would have a more appropriate place under the genus Cladopora. Occurs frequently in the Hamilton strata of Thunder Bay, and is found in the drift. L^J^/ Plate XXIV., Fig. -2*-^ — The sunt ml figure represents a stem from Thunder Bay. PALAEONTOLOGY. 59 STRIATOPORA CAVERNOSA, N. Si>. Stunted ramifications of cylindrical or compressed stems, from one to two centimeters in diameter. Tubes large, in comparison with the size of the stems, and very unequal through the frequent inter- calation of young tubes. Orifices oblique to the surface, rounded, or of irregular shape, joining with obtusely edged stout walls. They form gradually dilating, spacious, deep funnels, which are longitudi- nally grooved by a cycle of twelve well-marked striae. A remarkable abundance of large irregularly dispersed pores perforates the tube walls within the orificial funnels, and even close to their external edges. Diaphragms flat, well developed. Diameter of full-grown tubes at the orificial ends from two to three millimeters ; internal tube cavities one millimeter wide. Occurs in the drift of Michigan, associated with corniferous limestone fossils, and is found in place in the corniferous limestones of Port Colborne, Canada West ; rarely also at the Falls of the Ohio. On Plate XXIII., Fig. 3, are small silicified fragments found in the drift of Ann Arbor. STRIATOPORA LINN^ANA, Billings. Dichotomously branching stems, from a few millimeters to one centimeter in diameter. Orifices moderately oblique to the sur- face, joining under acute polygonal margins, which inclose funnel- shaped orifices, and project on their outer margin as prominent lips. Tubes very unequal in size, through the frequent intercalation of young tubes. Orificial margins grooved by a cycle of twelve deep furrows, and the interstitial, band-like spaces are decorated with longitudinal rows of spinules, which in the narrower neck portion of the tube channels project as stelliform radii. Pores large and very abundant, perforating also the expanded parts of the orificial walls. Diaphragms well developed in some of the specimens. Diameter of the peripheral tube margins about two millimeters ; of interior parts one millimeter or less. Occurs in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay in silicified condi- tion, and at Widder, in Canada West, in calcified form. 6o LOWER PENINSULA. Plate XXIII., Fig. 5.— The three upper specimens were found at Thunder Bay, near Alpena ; the three lower specimens are from Widder, Canada West. Fig. 6 of the same plate represents a larger form, found in the corniferous limestone of the Falls of the Ohio, which does not seem to differ much from the Hamilton form, except by a more robust growth, and by less definitely circumscribed orifices. DENDROPORA, Michelin. The corals, one of [which is described by Michelin under the name of Dendropora, have been placed by Milne-Edwards with the sub-order Seriatoporinae, through misapprehension of their struc- ture, attributing to them a central columella which does not exist. Their structure is in all essential points identical with the Favo- sitinae. Milne-Edwards divides these forms into three genera : Dendropora, Rhabdopora, and Trachypora, according to certain surface characters which I have not considered important enough to justify the separation. In the following pages, therefore, I use the name Dendropora for all of them, and give the subjoined defi- nition of the term Dendropora : Branching and frequently reticulated stems, variable in diame- ter from one millimeter to more than one inch. The stems are at- tached to other bodies by an incrusting basal expansion ; they are composed of very thick-walled, intimately united conical tubules, diverging from an imaginary axal centre in ascending curves. The tube channels are laterally connected by pore channels and trans- versely septate by diaphragms. The interior tube ends' are only moderately thick-walled, but in approaching the periphery the walls thicken very much by the addition of concentric layers within the expanding channels, and constitute by their intimate union a broad interstitial surface separating the orifices. In some forms this interstitial surface is covered by spinulose ridges and granula- tions ; in others by flexuose longitudinal rugae, or by a combination of both granules and rugae, with intermediate punctiform or short fissure-like porosities, which are not cell spaces of an independent tissue element, but are merely superficial punctations and engrav- ings of the substance of the tube walls. The orifices usually pro- ject with their margins above j^the general surface, but sometimes PA L.EONTOLOG V. 6 1 they appear as impressed pits, or have at least no projecting rim. Their form is either circular or elongate elliptical. Sometimes they are disposed in regular longitudinal rows on the stems, but are also often irregularly dispersed. The obliquity of the tube mouths to the surface is variable, and in some species they open almost rectangularly to it. In a part of the species the tube chan- nels are [^longitudinally striate, as in Striatopora, but usually this striation is obscure. DENDROPORA ORNATA, N. Sp. Circular stems, from one to two centimeters in diameter, with dichotomous ramification. Orifices circular or oval, rising above the surface by a monticulose circumvallation, or nearly even with it, of unequal size and irregularly dispersed over the massive inter- stitial surface of the stems, which is usually wider than a tube diam- eter, with exception of the ends of the stems, where the orifices are separated by comparatively narrow intermediate walls. The inter- stitial surface is decorated by granules and short ridges disposed in loose radial order around the circumference of the orifices. Periph- eral diameter of orifices about one and a half millimeter ; within they gradually contract to a diameter of not more than half a milli- meter. The terminal ends of the branches have somewhat larger orifices with thinner walls, greater obliquity to the surface, and are surrounded by a more or less projecting lip on the exterior side, as in the case of specimens of Cladopora or Striatopora, from which these parts differ only by the granulated edges of the interstitial walls. In polished vertical sections, through calcified stems, the tubes are found to be decorated with a cycle of longitudinal rows of spinules, and the development of distant transverse diaphragms and of large connecting pores can likewise be ascertained. Found rarely in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay, but very common in the Hamil- ton strata of New York, at Darien, Eighteen-Mile Creek, Seneca Lake, etc. ; at Widder, in Canada, italso sparingly occurs. Plate XXIII. — Fig. i represents specimens from Darien, in calci- fied condition. /^a-i«j.-e* Plate XXIV., Fig. 2.-7'TMgure to the right is a young silicified branchlet found at Alpena, Mich. It exhibits a scar of attach- ment at the lower end. The ends of the branches are formed 62 LOWER PENINSULA. of thin-walled tubes with nearly contiguous orifices. The granu- losa decorations of the interstitial surface are obscure in this spec- imen. DENDROPORA NEGLECTA, N. Sp. (Compare Farwsiies polymorp/ia, Billings, Canad. Journ., 1859, p. in, Fig. 12, with exclusion of the other figures.) Stems from five millimeters to two centimeters in diameter, with irregularly straddling branches. Orifices very unequal, circular or oval, narrow, funnel-shaped, oblique, or almost rectangular to the surface, surrounded by a prominent rim, or nearly even with the interstitial surface, which is quite spacious and decorated with ridges and granulations as in the former species. Many of the stems, however, are nearly smooth on the surface, either through the wearing off of the decorations or through original want of their development. Older stems are sometimes found with nearly solid surface, the orifices having become narrowed to minute punctiform openings by excessive incrassation of the tube walls. The central portions of the stems are always formed by thinner- walled tubes or tube ends, with subangular outlines and of regu- lar Favosites structure, having connecting pores, transverse dia- phragms, and being longitudinally striate by faint spinulose ridges. Found in the drift of Michigan, associated with other fossils of the corniferous limestone formation. It is found in place at Port Col- borne, Canada, at Caledonia, N. Y., and at the F'alls of the Ohio. At the latter place some large stems, over one inch in diameter, are found, which are usually much altered by silicification ; but most of these specimens have, on small circumscribed spots of the stems, the surface characters finely preserved, and exhibit longitudinally oval, funnel-shaped orifices of equal size, two millimeters in length and one and a half in transverse direction. The broad interstitial surface is cither smooth or decorated with obtuse papilli. Lateral pores and transverse diaphragms distinctly observable. These may constitute a different species from the former. Plate XXIII. — Fig. 4 represents silicified stems of the usual form found in the drift in Michigan, and in the corniferous limestone of Port Colborne ; the outer stem on the right side is altered by thick- PALA£ON TO LOG Y. 63 ening of the tube walls, but in other specimens the alteration reaches a still higher degree. DENDROPORA ELEGANTULA, Billings. Synon., Trachypora Elegantula, Billings. Small ramified stems, from two to five millimeters in diameter. Orifices longitudinally oval, oblique, effuse above, the remainder of the circumference being edged by a projecting rim ; they are arranged in four longitudinal rows on the stems, but often the regularity of the rows is disturbed by interposition of single orifices in the intervals between. Interstitial spaces broad, decorated with flexuose and interlacing rugae, covered by delicate granules, and rendered minutely porous by a superficial punctiform and fis- sure-like perforation "of the wall substance. On the surface the walls of the single tubes are quite undefined, while in the centre of the stems the walls are much thinner, and are well defined from one another, exhibiting lateral connecting pores and transverse diaphragms. The bottom of the conically dilating orifices is gener- ally formed of a stout obliquely situated diaphragm. Diameter of orifices in transverse direction one millimeter ; in longitudinal one and a half millimeter ; internal tube cavity much narrower. Occurs rarely in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay, near Broadwell's mills, where it is associated with several other species of Dendropora. The specimens represented on Plate XXIII., Fig. 2, are from the Hamilton group of Widder, C. W., the locality from which Billings described his original specimens. DENDROPORA ALTERNANS. Stems of about four millimeters in diameter, with remote oval orifices in quincuncial position, forming about five loose, alternating, longitudinal rows in the circumference of a stem. Diameter of orifices lengthwise from one and a half to two millimeters, and one milli- meter in transverse direction. Margins raised into an obtuse cir- cumvallation. Surface minutely punctate by acutely pointed gran- ules, but not ornamented with longitudinal rugae. Occurs associated 64 LOWER PENINSULA. with the former species in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay River, near Broadwell's mills. Plate XXIV., Fig. i. — The two larger stems on the upper rock- piece are representations of this form in natural size. In the upper right-hand corner of the same piece a small, flat, basal expansion and a stem of another smaller species of Dendropora are represented. The tubes of these are arranged in distant, irregularly quincuncial order ; the interstitial surface exhibits the same orna- mentations by rugae as Dendropora elegantula, but the species is, on the whole, smaller, and the arrangement of the tubes is different. The material at my command is not sufficient to enable me to give full characteristics of the latter kind, but I think it is specifi- cally a distinct form. DENDROPORA PROBOSCIDALIS, N. Sp. Small reticulated branchlets, not much over one millimeter in diameter. Orifices forming proboscidal, spoon-like projections, disposed in five or six longitudinal alternating rows on the circum- ference of the stems, or of more irregularly dispersed position. Interstitial surface longitudinally rugose, and dotted by punctiform and fissure-like porosities. Diameter of orifices about one third of a millimeter. Occurs with the former at Broadwell's mills ; rarely also at Partridge Point, Thunder Bay, in the highest beds of the formation. / ^„ Plate XXIV., Fig. 4. — The wpp»r group of stems, oncopt the trrn nn *^^" ^""^f ^-'^^ gives a magnified view of the branchlets. Enlargement two diameters. DENDROPORA (?) RETICULATA, N. Sr. With doubt I arranged, under the genus Dcndropora,the coral of which a description follows : Reticulated horizontal expansions of small cylindrical stems about two millimeters in diameter, composed of moderately thick-walled conical tubules, the outlines of which in their longitudinal extension can be distinctly seen. Orifices erect, circular, with free margins. Stems similar to Aulopora spicata (;f PAL.'EONTOLOG V. 6 5 Goldfuss, in external structure, but more minute, the diameter of the tubes being only one third to one half millimeter. Interstitial surface smooth, neither rugose nor granulose. Found in the upper strata of the Hamilton group at Partridge Point, and in the lower beds on Thunder Bay River, at Broadwell's mills. Plate XXIV., Fig. i. — The lower piece represents a reticulated expansion from Partridge Point, Thunder Bay. On the same plate, Fig. 4, the lewcr row of stems nnnl fl^" two atemj on l^ft .'jiek uJ ^10 uppor rmw aro magnified fragments (two diameters) of the same kind, found at Broadwell's mills, on Thunder Bay River. THECIA, Milne-Edwards. Massive or rarely dendroid polyparia with the general structure of Favosites. Tube walls very thick, forming, by their junction under defined polygonal outlines, solid interstitial spaces as wide or even wider than a tube diameter ; sometimes, however, the walls do not exceed in thickness those of an ordinary Favosites, and the dilated tube margins join with edged polygonal margins. Tubes radiated by twelve spinulose, longitudinal crests almost extending to the centre, with intermediate, narrow, linear furrows. The internal crests of the orifices are sometimes prolongated externally, and extend as low radial rugse across the surface of the interstitial spaces from one tube into the other ; or the interstices, if large, are irregularly granu. lose on the surface. Transverse diaphragms well developed, flat or convex, projecting within the orifices as a central boss and covered with spinules or granules like the other surface of the tube cavity. Lateral pores large and abundant. Tubes frequently subject to in- crassation at the expense of the lumen of the tube cavities, while the pore channels retain their original diameter and become longer. The external appearance of such specimens becomes thereby con- siderably altered, and in silicified specimens, in which the silex is deposited in the peculiar concentric, annular dots so often noticed, the structure becomes so much obscured that it would be impos- sible to recognize their true nature if it were not that other, better preserved specimens, only partially altered in this way, can be found amongst them. The genus Protaraea of Mihie-Edwards, 5 66 LOWER PENINSULA, placed by him with the Zoantharia perforata, is intimately related to Thecia. It is composed of short conical tubules, communicat- ing by lateral pores, radiated by twelve granuloso-spinulose crests, and intersected by convex diaphragms of spinulose surface. The tubules are incrusting and never attain any great length. THECIA MAJOR, N. Sp. (Compare Favosites Forbesii. Roemer, Silur. Fauna of Tennessee.) Discoid, lenticular expansions, covered on the lower side by a con- centrically wrinkled epitheca, with diverging striae, indicating the outlines of procumbent tubes, which bend into an erect position before they open on the upper surface of the disks. Diameter of tubes two millimeters, joining under well-marked, obtusely crested, polygonal margins, which inclose dilated orificial pits. Walls stout, but variable in thickness in different portions of the same specimens. Twelve radial crests extend half way to the centre ; their edges are decorated with two rows of granulose spinules. Di- aphragms numerous, partially flat, partially convex, forming a mon- ticulose projection with spinulose or granulose surface. Pores large and abundant. Occurs in the Niagara group of Drummond's Island, Point Detour, and in many other localities on the south shore of the Upper Peninsula. Found also in abundance at Charleston Landing, Indiana ; at Louisville, Ky., and in many Niagara out- crops of the West. Plate XXV. — Fig. i, specimens in calcified condition seen from the upper and lower side, both from Charleston Landing, Indiana. Fig. 2 represents a silicified specimen found at Point of Barques, on Lake Michigan. The upper end of the specimen exhibits well- preserved tube orifices with radial crests, convex diaphragms, spinu- lose surface decorations, etc. ; the lower portion is formed of tube casts with flat diaphragms, crcnulated at the circumference by the indentations made by the radial crests of the walls ; the perfect correspondence of the structure of Thecia with Favosites is most beautifully to be seen in the represented specimen. PALAEONTOLOGY, 67 THECIA MINOR, N. Sp. {Vule Roemer, Silur. Fauna of Tennessee, Tb. 2, Fig. 4.) Thecia Swinderiana, General structure perfectly conformable with the former species. Discoid expansions covered on the lower side by an epitheca, con- centrically wrinkled, and exhibiting the prostrate tube channels diverging from the centre. The main difference between the two forms lies only in the size of their tubes, which in this latter form is only one millimeter instead of two, as in the former. The speci- mens vary considerably in their surface characters. Some have only moderately stout tube walls, and join with gently dilating mouths under edged polygonal margins. With the increase of the thickness of the walls the orifices lose their circumscribed form, and the thickened walls combine into a common, broad,. interstitial sur- face impressed with small, circular, radiated cell pits. The radial crests often extend across the interstitial spaces from one orifice into the other as superficial rugae, mingling with additional irregu- lar rugae and granulations by which the interstitial surface is deco- rated. By a still greater degree of incrassation of the tube walls the orifices become almost closed, punctiform, while the lateral pore channels remain as large as ever, and prolongate in proportion to the thickening of the wall substance. Such specimens appear as massive expansions, perforated by horizontal vermicular channels, of stelliform arrangement around the narrow, punctiform, central tube channels in vertical position, and their identity with the other well-formed specimens would scarcely be supposed, if all possible gradations from normally formed ones to the disfigured altered; specimenswerenotplentifully found associated with them. Found • at Point Detour, Drummond's Island, and in other Niagara out. crops, in association with the former species ; occurs also in the drift of the Lower Peninsula, and in the Niagara group of Indiana and Kentucky. Plate XXV. — Fig. 3 represents a calcified specimen found at Louisville, Ky. ; the Michigan specimens are all silicified, with not nearly so well-preserved surface characters. 68 LOWER PENINSULA. THECIA RAMOSA, N. Sr. Stout, branching, and sometimes reticulated, anastomosing stems, from half an inch to two inches in diameter, composed of thick- walled, conico-cylindrical tubes ascending and diverging from a central imaginary axis. Orifices unequal, of polygonal form, from one to two millimeters wide at the edges of the dilating margins, radiated by twelve prominent spinulose crests, extending through the Avhole length of the channels. Transverse diaphragms partly simple and complete, partly incomplete, represented by lateral squamiform, horizontal leaflets. Pores large and very numerous. Older stems are often much altered in appearance by excessive thickening of their tube walls, and contraction of the tube channels, with obliteration of the radial crests. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish them from similarly altered stems of Favosites radici- formis, with which they are found associated. Occurs in the upper Helderberg strata of Mackinac Island, and is not uncommon in drift boulders on the Southern Peninsula of Michigan. It is found in great perfection and frequency in the Helderberg limestones of the Falls of the Ohio. The silicified specimens represented on Plate XXV., Pig. 4, are from the latter mentioned locality. VERMIPORA, Hall. (Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the State Cabinet.) Ramified twigs, composed of contiguous, subparallel cylindrical tubules, multiplying by lateral gemmation, slowly diverging in their parallel ascending course from a central imaginary axis, and be- coming disjunct near their peripheral ends, which project on the surface as single proboscidal siphuncules. Tubes intersected by remote transverse diaphragms, and connected by lateral pores. Vertical radiating crests not observed. Mr. Hall places these forms with the Bryozoa, and gives of their structure a description different from mine. He has overlooked 'PALAEONTOLOGY.. 69 the principal Favositoid characters of the tubes, diaphragms, and lateral pores, but I think these organs can be found in his speci- mens as well as in those I have under consideration. VERMIPORA NIAGARENSIS, N. Sp. Short club-shaped branchlets about one centimeter in thickness. Tubules half a millimeter wide, slowly diverging from an imagi- nary central axis in a curve. The outer free end of the tubes is more abruptly bent, and opens rectangularly to the surface of the stems. In the interior of the stems the tubes are polygonal by mutual pressure ; the free ends are perfectly circular, annulated by delicate wrinkles of growth, and in some a faint longitudinal stria- tion is observable. Transverse diaphragms flat and distant. Pores large, irregularly dispersed. Found in the Niagara group of Point Detour, Lake Huron, and in Iowa, near Masonville. Plate XXIV., Fig. 3. — Lower figures are specimens from the Niagara group of Masonville, Iowa, magnified about two diameters. VERMIPORA FASCICULATA, N. Sp. Small branching stems, from two to five millimeters in diameter; tubules one half millimeter wide, ascending in almost parallel fasci- cules in the stems, until their ends, with an abrupt bend outward, become free. Diaphragms, intersecting the tubes and connecting pores, are plainly observable, as well as the intercalation of new tubes by lateral gemmation. Found in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay, and frequently in boulders of the drift, which, according to the rock character and associated fossils, belong to the corniferous limestone formation. Plate XXIV., Fig. 3. — The upper specimens artificially crowded together. A part of them represents specimens of the corniferous limestone found in the drift ; the outer specimen on the right-hand side and the slender central stem are from the Hamilton group of Alpena. Magnified two diameters. /O LOWER PENINSULA. QUENSTEDTIA, N. Gen. Single cylindrical tubules, multiplying by lateral gemmation of either single tubes, or many at once, surrounding the mother-tube in a verticil, and remaining for a while in close contact with it, and amongst themselves. After some distance the young tubes bend outward with their ends, which separate and become free diverg- ing branches, which, in their turn, again become mother-tubes by renewed gemmation. The tubes are intersected by remote trans- verse diaphragms. In places of contiguity they connect by lateral pore channels, and in well-preserved specimens longitudinal rows of spinulose crests project from the inner side of the tube walls. QUENSTEDTIA UMBELLIFERA. Synon,, Aulopora umbellifera, Billings. AULOPORA CORXUTA, Billings. Tubules about two millimeters in diameter, delicately annulated by wrinkles of growth. At variable intervals, single tubes, or from six to twelve in a verticil, sprout from their sides and remain closely attached to them and to one another for the length of about five millimeters, when they bend outward and separate, radially diverg- ing as free branches, which themselves soon throw out new verticils. The central tube always grows straight on, at intervals, continuing to gemmate. Loose stems with a verticil of branches at the end have remote resemblance to a small Crinoid head on its stem. Within the circle of branch tubes the central tube is generally dilated by a bulbi- form inflation. The basal apices of the young tubes do not communi- cate with the older tube by simply opening into it, but by a narrow circular pore, narrower than the entire width of the channels. Besides these connections with the basis, the young tubes connect by lateral pore channels with the old tube, and laterally also among them- selves. Diaphragms are quite distant, and not always observable ; the longitudinal rows of spinules also are only noticed in very favorably preserved specimens but are sometimes very well developed. By PAL^ONTOLOG V. 71 examination of larger clusters it can be ascertained that the same stems which usually send forth verticillate branches often also give off single or only two or three branches. Mr. Billings considers these as a different species, and names them Aulopora cornuta, but frequently both forms are often seen as parts of one and the same colony of stems. Found in the drift of Michigan, associated with fossils of the corniferous limestone. It is common in the corniferous limestone of Port Colborne, C. W. I also discovered several specimens fully identical with the form of the corniferous limestone, in the Hamil- ton group of Thunder Bay. Plate XXXIII., Fig. 3. — The upper figures grouped together are specimens from the drift, natural size. QUENSTEDTIA NIAGARENSIS. Tubes fully two millimeters in diameter, branching from a mother- tube in irregular clusters, and diverging after a short space of con- tiguity with production of new lateral tubes. Lateral pores are large and surrounded by a projecting rim. Longitudinal crests, or rather rows of spinules, distinctly seen. Diaphragms are not preserved in the specimens from Michigan ; others found in Iowa exhibit them. Found in the Niagara group of Point Detour, Lake Huron, and at Masonville, Iowa. Plate XXXIII., Fig. 3, — Lower solitary specimen, found at Point Detour. MICHELINIA, De Koninck. Including Chonostegites, Milne-Edwards. Compound polyparia formed of elongate, conical tubes, intimate- ly connected in their whole length, or in rare instances with the con- tiguity interrupted at intervals by constrictions. The tube channels are in places of contiguity connected by lateral pores ; their cavity is intersected by a succession of diaphragms of compound, irregularly vesiculose structure, and the sides of the tubes are longitudinally striate by numerous linear furrows, with intermediate rows of spinu- 72 LOWER PENINSULA. lose prominences. This structure is in general conformity with the structure of Favosites, from which it differs in the vesiculose nature of the diaphragms, and in having a much greater number of longi- tudinal furrows. In Favosites these never exceed the number 12, but in Michelinia they are more than double that number. The tubes of Michelinia are usually also of much larger size than in Favosites. The genus Michelinia appears nearly contemporaneous with Favo- sites in the upper Silurian strata. A small nummiform species, which to my knowledge has not yet been described, occurs in the Niagara group of Tennessee. Another somewhat larger but very similar form is found in the lower Helderberg strata of Schoharie County, N. Y., which is described by Mr. Hall under the name of Michelinia lenticularis. None of these have been found in Michi- gan. The Devonian formation contains a variety of forms, nearly all of which are represented in Michigan. Formerly the casts of small specimens of Michelinia were through misapprehension classed under the name of Pleurodictyum problematicum, as being a fossil of peculiar organization. I have exposed this error in an article published in 1862 in Silliviaii s Joiirnal. MICHELINIA CONVEXA, D'Orbignv. Hemispherical masses, with a depressed, turbinate, discoid under side, covered by a concentrically wrinkled epitheca, formed of di- verging, large, conical tubes of unequal size and of rounded-poly- gonal outlines, the larger ones attaining a diameter of one centi- meter ; walls stout. Transverse diaphragms globoso-convex, com- posed of larger and smaller irregularly interlacing vesiculose plates. Vertical furrows in the circumference of a tube about forty, with intermediate rows of short, spinulose projections. The surface of the diaphragms is generally smooth ; in rare instances they are cov- ered with granular prominences. Pore openings small, surrounded by a projecting rim, irregularly dispersed, and in some parts much more crowded than in others. Found in the drift, associated with corniferous limestone fossils in silicificd condition. Very common in the corniferous limestone of Port Colborne, C. W. Plate XXVI. — P^ig. i, view from above ; P^ig. 2, view of the lower side of silicified specimens from Port Colborne. PA L.EONTOLOG Y. 73 MICHELINIA CYLINDRICA, Milne-Edwards. Synon., Emmonsia CYLINDRICA, Milne-Edwards. MiCHELlNIA INTERMITTENS, Billings in parte. Synon., Favosites Maximus, Troost. Large, convex masses, formed of slowly diverging, subparallel, obtusely polygonal, sometimes circular tubes of unequal size, from five to seven millimeters in diameter. The tubes have either straight walls, or are at regular, short intervals constricted by ring- like carinas projecting into the tube cavity. The carinse, caused by constriction of the walls, correspond with each other in the adja- cent tubes, but the contiguity of the tubes is usually not inter- rupted by them. The tubes with straight walls are polygonal in outlines; those with constrictions are circular ; transitions from one form into the other are noticeable, sometimes in the same speci- mens. Inner surface of tubes longitudinally striate and densely covered with irregularly dispersed, spinulose projections, which also spread over the surface of the diaphragms. Diaphragms com- pound, of interlaced, vesiculose plates, not near so convex as in the former species, and in close approximation. Lateral pores very irregular, and of different sizes ; in the specimens with constricted tubes they are confined to the dilated parts, interstitial between the annular, projecting carinse. Occurs with the other species in the drift deposits of Michigan ; it is the most common species of the genus at the Falls of the Ohio, and is found in many localities of Ohio and Indiana, Plate XXVI. — Fig. 3 gives a side view of a silicified specimen from the Falls of the Ohio. Fig. 4 is a surface view of a large, con- vex mass from the same locality. MICHELINIA FAVOSITOIDEA, Billings. Convex masses of diverging, intimately united, polygonal tubes, of unequal size, from three to five millimeters in diameter. Basal part 74 LOWER PENINSULA. broadly attached with the centre ; marginal parts free and covered by an epitheca. Diaphragms nearly flat, often simple, and scarcely vesiculose, closely approximated ; other times the vesiculose char- acter is more pronounced. Pores small, irregularly distributed. Longitudinal stri?e and spinulose rows much more delicate and minute than in the other species. Found in the drift of Michigan, and in the corniferous lime- stone of Canada and New York. Plate XXVII. — Fig. 4 represents a silicified specimen found in the drift of Ann Arbor. MICHELINIA INSIGNIS, N. Sp. Lenticular convex disks of large size, formed of diverging tubes, prostrate on the lower side, and composing by their united walls an epithecal crust with diverging, radial ruga^, and with annular, con- centric wrinkles of growth. Diameter of tubes from two to three millimeters. Tubes sometimes moderately stout-walled and join- ing with acute margins of polygonal outlines ; at other times the walls are thickened, somewhat dilated at the orifices, with obtuse rounded interstitial margins. In the same specimens elsewhere, the orifices of the tubes may be projecting, with raised circular mar- gins, and the sides of the tubes may be found only in loose lateral contiguity with teretiform walls, and annulated by fine wrinkles of growth, with faintly indicated longitudinal striation. The tube cavity is lined by from thirty to forty longitudinal rows of spinules or spinulose ridges, which project nearly to the centre of the tubes as radiations. Diaphragms closely set, concave, simple or com- pound, of vesiculose plates. Pores numerous, small, irregularly dispersed. Found silicified in the Hamilton group near Alpena, also in the Hamilton group of Darien, N. Y., in calcified condition; likewise in the Helderberg group of the Falls of the Ohio, and in several other localities of Kentucky, Crab Orchard, etc. Plate XXVII. — Fig. i is a fragment of a large mass in calcified condition, found at the P'alls of the Ohio, presenting a vertical sec- tion. Fig. 2 is a silicified specimen from Alpena, Thunder Bay, seen from the under side. Fig. 3 is the same, seen from above. PALEONTOLOGY. 75 MICHELINIA TROCHISCUS, N. Sp. Synon., AsTR.'EA stylophora, Eaton. Small hemispherical masses, not often exceeding the diameter of two inches, usually smaller. The depressed conical or flat basal side is covered by a concentrically wrinkled epitheca, and is attached by a broad central scar to other marine bodies, to Gasteropod shells, Crinoid stems, and very frequently to the surface of Fistulipora. (See Worth. Geol. of Illin., Vol. III., PL 9, Fig. i/;.) Tubes very un- equal, rounded-polygonal, from four to seven millimeters wide. Cavity longitudinally striate by numerous spinulose crests. Dia- phragms irregular and not much crowded. Pores dispersed without order. Occurs in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay, and is very common in the Hamilton group of New York. The small specimens found in the upper Helderberg limestones of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, which are the forms to which Pleurodictyum problema- ticum has principally to be referred, are almost the same, if not an identical form, with Michelinia trochiscus. I have not figured this species. MICHELINIA CLAPPII. Synon., Chonostegites Clappii, Milne-Edwards. Michelinia intermittens, pars, Billings. Convex or discoid masses, formed of tubular, closely aggregated, subparallel or diverging polyp stems, from five to eight millimeters diameter, multiplying by marginal buds. Tubes annulated by alternate constrictions and dilatations into an urn shape of the in- termediate segments, having horizontally spreading margins, which unite with those of the adjoining tubes, forming continuous laminar floors, whereby the otherwise free tubes are held together and com- municate with each other by transverse channels crossing the laminae. 76 LOWER PENINSULA. In some specimens the constrictions are not so deep as in others, and the tubes then come in more intimate contact with their sides, which in such case communicate by lateral pores, and fully resemble the tubes of an ordinary form of Michelinia. The tubes are transversely intersected by interlacing vesiculose diaphragms of compound structure ; the channel walls longitudinally striate by furrows and rows of spinules, conformable with the structure of Michelinia. Occurs frequently in the drift of Michigan, and is common in the corniferous limestone of Canada and New York ; it is rarely seen at the Falls of the Ohio, where Michelinia cylindrica, a closely related form., is abundant. Plate XXVIII. — Figs. 3 and 4 represent aside view and a surface view of silicified specimens. HALYSITIN.E. Colonies of tubular polyp cells, multiplying by lateral gemmation, radiated by a cycle of twelve longitudinal crests or rows of spinules, and transversely septate by diaphragms of variable form, straight or funnel-shaped. The tubes are either free, loosely attached to each other, or laterally connected into laminar rows, or again dis- tant and connected by short transverse branches, sometimes in- discriminately anchylosed into irregular conglomerated masses. The subordinate genera are Halysites, Syringopora, Cannapora, and Aulopora. HALYSITES, Fischer. Catenipora, Lamark. Elliptical tubes, intimately connected at their lateral edges into chain-like single rows, which form erect laminar expansions, bent into tortuous curves, and composing, by the mutual junction and intersection of the laminae, a network of irregular loops. Tubes radiated by twelve longitudinal crests, and transversely septate by closely set flat diaphragms. No lateral connection between the tubes by pores. PAL^ONTOLOG V. 77 HALYSITES CATENULATA, Linn. Synon., Halysites esharoides. Catenipora labyrinthica, Goldfuss, etc. A great variety of forms of the chain coral are found which in gen- eral structure are perfectly alike, but differ widely in the size of the tubes, in the shape of the orifices, and in the mode of reticulated connection between the catenate laminae. Some specimens have elongate, lanceolate orifices, in others the form is oval, and in others still nearly circular. In those with large elliptical orifices the longer diameter is often fiv^e millimeters, and the shorter in the transverse direction three millimeters ; in others the proportions of the diameters of the orifices are two and a half millimeters by two millimeters. In the smallest built specimens they measure one millimeter only in the long direction, and one half in the shorter. The loops of the laminae are in some forms narrow, in one direction nearly as wide as in the other ; in other specimens the loops are large, or the flexuose laminre may for long distances run in close proximity, parallel with each other, before they make occasional connection by short transverse branches. The contrast between these various forms is very great, and it is evident that various specific forms exist ; but while attempting to define them, I found so endless a series of transitory connecting forms that I desist from making a distinction, and use here the collective name of H. cate- nulata for all. Found in the Niagara group of Michigan, as one of the most widely distributed characteristic fossils ; likewise common in the Niagara group of other States east and west. The first speci- mens of the chain coral are found in the upper beds of the Hudson River group, in the west portion of the Upper Peninsula of Michi- gan, but their preservation is so imperfect that it is impossible to determine whether these oldest specimens represent another species or not. Plate XXIX, — Figs, i, 2 and 4 represent three of the many varie- ties in which the coral is found associated in the strata of Drum- 78 LOWER PENINSULA. mond's Island and of Point Detour, all in silicified condition- Fig. 3 of the safne plate I considered sufificiently characteristic to be described as a distinct species. HALYSITES COMPACTUS, N. Sp. Tubes oval, in chain-like, lateral conjunction, but these laminae are so closely approximated, that no retiform loops are formed by them ; they come in contiguity with each other from all sides, and leave only small, angular, lacunose interstices in the corners of their inter- section, which are not larger than the tube orifices themselves. By this close approximation of the tubes on all sides many of them become pressed into a polygonal form and resemble a Favosites, from which they differ, however, in the absence of lateral pores. The diaphragms of the tubes are closely approximated, flat, con- cave or convex in the same specimens. Their diameter is about one and a half millimeter. Found in the Niagara group along the outcrops of the Upper Peninsula, at the shore of Lake Michigan. Plate XXIX. — Fig. 3 represents a lateral section and a surface view of a specimen found at Epoufette Point. In a stratum of an outcrop at the mouth of Manistique River this species is quite common. SYRINGOPORA, Goldfuss. Synon., Thecostegites, Milne-Edwards. Aggregated, sub-parallel, tubular polyp'stems, multiplying by lat- eral budding, and at irregular intervals connected with each other by short, transverse, tubular branchlets. The tubes are intersected by numerous irregularly funnel-shaped diaphragms, and radiated by twelve longitudinal rows of spinules, which arc sometimes obsolete. The colonies of erect stems are at the base formed of horizontally prostrate and attached ends, very much resembling the creeping expansions of Aulopora, from which the young colonies are often hard to be distinguished. PALAEONTOLOGY 79 SYRINGOPORA VERTICILLATA, GOLDFUSS. Large aggregations of parallel or diverging tubular stems, from two to three millimeters in diameter, keeping a distance of from two to five millimeters apart, across which they connect at various not very close intervals by narrow, transverse, branch tubules, of which two or three are always sent off at nearly the same height, but not in true verticillate position. The tubes are filled by invaginated, irregularly funnel-shaped diaphragms, attenuated at the lower ends into long siphons. The longitudinal rows of spinules are rarely well preserved in the tubes of the specimens, which are all found in silicified condition. The colonies of stems are often large, several feet in diameter ; their basal portions, composed of prostrate, irregu- larly reticulated expansions of stems, differ considerably from the erect parts, and among the specimens of colonies a great many variations occur as regards the size of the tubes or their mode of growth. In some the stems are distant, in others near ; in some perfectly straight, in others flexuose or geniculated, with regular, verticillate side connections, or with dispersed side arms branching off at remote intervals or in closer proximity. These associated forms, sufficiently contrasting in the extreme, I have not attempted to divide into several species, but consider as variations of Syringo- pora verticillata, whose enumerated specific characters can not of course retain the limited form, applying only to a single variety, which accidentally fell into the hands of Goldfuss, the first de- scriber of this species. Found abundantly in the Niagara limestone of Drummond's Island, Point Detour, and in nearly all other fossil- iferous outcrops of the formation in the western part of the Upper Peninsula. Plate XXX. — Fig. i represents a silicified specimen from Drum- mond's Island, closely similar to the specimen figured by Goldfuss. Fig. 2 has somewhat smaller tubes, with less regularly disposed, transverse branch channels and more flexuose stems than the other. With the above-described specimens others are found, which seem to agree with Syringopora canccllata of Milne-Edwards. They are composed of flexuose tubes about one and a half millimeter wide, 8o LOWER PENINSULA. in loose, irregularly reticulated colonies, with the curved stems alter- nately contiguous and diverging. Transverse connecting channels remote, short, and clumsy. Longitudinal rows of spinules and fun- nel-shaped diaphragms, quite plainly exhibited in some of the specimens. I have not figured this form for want of space. SYRINGOPORA ANNULATA, N. Sp. Small colonies of closely approximated, tubular stems of jointed aspect, with sharply projecting rings of growth, and with numerous verticillate, transverse tubules connecting the stems at short inter- vals. Diameter of tubes about one and a half millimeter. Dia- phragms of the elongated, funnel-shaped form peculiar to the genus. Found at Point Detour in the Niagara limestone, and in the drift deposits of the Lower Peninsula. Plate XXXIL, Lower tier. — The two left figures represent silici- fied specimens found in the drift of Ann Arbor. SYRINGOPORA TENELLA, N. Sr. Irregularly reticulated colonies of tubules, one millimeter in width, or less. The tubules branch in the same manner as Aulopora, and directly connect with each other by approximation, without the in- tervention of narrower, transverse channels, as in other species of Syringopora. The tubules exhibit a faint longitudinal striation on the outside wall, and the cavity is lined by a cycle of twelve spinu- lose crests. Diaphragms funnel-shaped, but not always developed ; the channels are often found open throughout. Eound in the Niagara group of Point Detour, Drummond's Island, and in the drift. Occurs also in Indiana and Kentucky. Plate XXX. — Fig. 4 represents a small specimen found in the drift, seen from the basal side, with creeping, prostrate tubules. On the upper side of the s])ecimcn the tubules are bent into an erect position. PALEONTOLOGY. gl SYRINGOPORA FIBRATA, N. Sp. Large convex colonies, with closely approximated subparallel or diverging tubules half a millimeter in diameter, laterally con- nected by numerous short transverse channels, branching off at close intervals from the circumference of the thread-like stems. The distance separating the stems is variable — sometimes less, some- times more than one tube diameter. Radial crests long, very distinct, twelve in number. Diaphragms direct transverse, not funnel-shaped. This species very frequently grows up in intimate connection with expansions of Stromatopora. The tissue of the Stromatopora fills out all the interstices left between the tubules, which in such speci- mens are usually further apart than in those growing solitary. Both hold in their growth an equal passus, and the addition of new layers to the Stromatopora coincides with the growth of the tubules. It resembles Syringopora compacta, Billings, found in the strata of Anticosti, but in that species the tubules are in almost perfe'ct contiguity, and their diaphragms are distinctly funnel- shaped. Common in the Niagara group of Point Detour, Drummond's Island, and frequently found in the drift. It occurs also in the Niagara group of Indiana, Kentucky, and Iowa. Plate XXX. — Fig, 3 gives a surface view of a silicified specimen from Drummond's Island. SYRINGOPORA PERELEGANS, Billings. Colonies of tubular stems, from one and a half to two millimeters in diameter, formed at the base of prostrate tubes, multiplying by bi- or tri-partite ramification, in the same manner as Aulopora, by production of one or two young tubes sprouting from the basal por- tion of their flanks, which creep on for some distance, while the mother-tube bends its orifice into an erect position, after having given off the branches. The spreading, prostrate, basal tubes, flat- tened on the lower side, come in multiple contact with their sides 6 S2 LOWER PENINSULA. and grow together [into an open, reticulated expansion, or are so densely crowded as to form an uninterrupted basal leaf, from which the tubes singly ascend into a vertical, subparallel position, and then grow up with remarkably straight stems, if not disturbed by accidental impediments. The stems in the erect growing parts of the colonies are remote from each other about the width of a tube diameter, or more, and are connected by slender, transverse tubules at intervals of from one half to one centimeter. The tubes are annulated by delicate wrinkles of growth, with periodical, sharper offsets, causing an ar- ticulated appearance. Internal structure longitudinally striate by spinulose crests, and intersected by funnel-shaped, irregular dia- phragms prolongated with the lower apex into long siphons. Occurs in the upper Helderberg limestones of Mackinac ; fre- quently also in the drift, associated with corniferous limestone fossils, and in the corniferous limestones of Canada, New York, and of the Falls of the Ohio. Plate XXXI., Fig. 2. — The small specimen attached to the lower left-hand corner of the other specimen represents a fragment of a laminar, basal expansion with erect, circular orifices found in the drift. Figs. 3 and 4 are silicified specimens from the Falls of the Ohio — the one with larger sub-flexuose tubes, the other with more slender and straighter tubes. SYRINGOPORA MACLUREI, Billings. Tubes about three millimeters wide, flexuose, occasionally touch- ing each other, and then diverging again, or at other times of more regular, subparallel growth, with interstitial intervals usually larger than a tube diameter, and with remote, slender, transverse tubules of connection. This coral resembles the former species, differing from it only in having a larger tube size, and a more irregular mode of growth, but in many instances it becomes difficult to decide whether a specimen belongs to one or the other form. Plate XXXI. — Fig. i represents a fragment found in the drift of Ann Arbor, exhibiting the terminal portion of a colony. In Fig. 2 the large specimen is another drift specimen, seen from the basal PAL^ONTOLOG V. S^ side, with the prostrate, creeping, reticulated tube portions. The basal expansions of the former species, represented in the same figure, do not always grow in uninterrupted leaves, as in the frag- ment represented, but often in an open network like that in the larger figure. In some specimens the tubules are more nearly ap- proximated than they are seen to be in Fig. i. SYRINGOPORA TABULATA, Milne-Edwards. Synon., Thecostegites BOUCHARDI, Milne-Edwards. Large, convex colonies of diverging, subparallel, straight tubules, forming incrustations of other marine bodies, with their creeping, Aulopora-like, basal ends, which subsequently continue to grow in an erect position. Tubules about one millimeter wide, closely approximated, with intervals narrower than a tube diameter ; the transverse connecting tubules branch off in subregular, verticillate position, and correspond in all tubes in certain levels, by the lateral anchylosis of which almost uninterrupted laminar floors are formed ; this is, however, not an invariable structure. The same specimens often exhibit portions in which the trans- verse branchlets are not verticillate, but in irregularly dispersed position, and in which no laminar floors intersecting the colonies are perceptible. The tubules are distinctly radiated by twelve spinulose crests, and on the surface of the tubules a dull, longitu- dinal striation is usually noticed. Diaphragms funnel-shaped, with tubular invaginated ends. The floors of connecting processes are in some specimens moderately distant, as in the specimen represented on Plate XXXIL, upper specimen to the right. These are the typical form of Milne-Edwards' Syr. tabulata. In other specimens, particularly those of smaller size, forming incrustations of shells, etc., these floors are in close approximation, and form a series of superimposed laminse, separated by small vesiculose interstices. Milne-Edwards, misapprehending their structure, described them as the type form of a new genus, Thecostegites ; but a little more careful examination would necessarily have shown him the specific identity of tiis Syringopora tabulata with his Thecostegites Bou- chardi, both described as occurring at the Falls of the Ohio, from 84 LOWER PENINSULA. which locality the specimens represented on Plate XXXII. come. The upper convex specimen on the left side of the plate is the form corresponding with Milne-Edwards' Thecostegites. He has described similar other forms under the names of Syringopora Vernaiilli, Syr. Clcviana, and Mr. Billings describes a form under the name of Syringopora Hisingcri, all of which arc distinguished from one another by trifling modifications in their manner of o-rowth. I consider them as mere varieties of one and the same species for which I retain Billings' name. SYRINGOPORA HISINGERI. It differs from Syringopora tabulata by its more distant, some- what flexuose tubules, with side connections in dispersed position, and not in verticils. The tubules vary in size from half a milli- meter to one millimeter. The three lower specimens in the upper row of Plate XXXII. represent various fragments of this form, found in the drift. Other specimens are found in which the tubules are still further apart. The last-mentioned forms are all found asso- ciated in the corniferous limestone of Michigan, Canada, Ohio, New York, Indiana, Kentucky, etc. SYRINGOPORA NOBILIS, Billings. Colonies of large tubes, from five to eight millimeters in diameter. In some the tubes are quite remote from each other, and connected by distant, transverse branch channels ; others have the tubes more closely clustered and of smaller size. I am not positive of the specific identity of these forms, but provisionally arranged them under Billings' name, intended for the form with large, remote stems. Found in the corniferous limestone, and in the Hamilton group of Michigan and Canada ; similar forms occur in the Hamilton group of Iowa. On Plate XXXII., lower row, right-side figure, is represented a specimen found in the drift of Ann Arbor, associated with cornifer- ous limestone fossils ; the adjoining central specimen is a young PALEONTOLOGY. 85 specimen with closely clustered tubes, found in the Hamilton group of Alpena. CANNAPORA, Hall. {Compare Fletcheria, Mihie-Edivards.) Colonies of closely approximated, erect tubules with stout walls, sprouting from an incrusting basal expansion formed of prostrate tubules growing and multiplying in the same manner as an Au- lopora. The erect ends of the tubules are annulated by wrinkles of growth and by sharp-edged, periodical offsets marking an inter- ruption and renewed growth from the inner circumference of the old orifices. The sides of the tubes are partly connected by hori- zontal expansions of the walls, partly in direct contiguity, in which latter case the otherwise circular tubes are pressed into a polygonal shape, and connect in the contiguous parts by lateral pores. The orifices are slightly dilated at the margins, radiated by twelve spinulose projections, rows of which extend through the whole length of the tubes. Diaphragms are not often developed, direct transverse, and not funnel-shaped as in Syringopora. Consider- able affinity exists between Cannapora and Aulopora. CANNAPORA JUNCIFORMIS, Hall. Tubules from one to one and a half millimeters in diameter, forming large colonies of convex growth, with regular, subparallel stems in the larger masses ; but in smaller specimens, representing incrusting basal portions, the tubes are sometimes agglomerated in irregular manner. Structure in conformity with the above given general generic description. Found in the Niagara group of Drum- mond's Island, and sometimes in the drift. In New York State it is found in somewhat lower position in calcareous layers of the Clinton group. The tubes of the New York specimens are some- what smaller than those of the specimens from Drummond's Island. Plate XXXIII., F'ig. 4. — Lower specimen on left-hand side is a silicified young colony from Drummond's Island ; the lower figure on the right-hand side is a fragment of a specimen from the Clinton group of Brockport, N. Y. 86 LOWER PENINSULA. AULOPORA, GOLDFUSS. Colonies of prostrate, stout-walled tubes, attached with their lower flattened side, multiplying by latero-basal gemmation. One or two young tubes sprout from the lateral edges of the base of the creeping tubes near the orifices, which then rise from the prostrate into an erect position, while the new branches creep on, until they again send off branches in the same manner, which latter, by coming in contact in their spreading growth, adhere together and form retic- ulated loops, or, if closely crowded, continuous laminar expansions. Other species grow, by union of their tubes, into compact, thicker masses. It; is rarely the case that they compose ramified branches. The tubes nearly always exhibit a faint, longitudinal striation and longitudinal rows of spinules encircling the inner cavity in more or less rudimentary development. Remote, isolated diaphragms are sometimes observed, but usually the tube cavities are open through- out their entire length. Lateral pores connecting the contiguous tubes channels do not seem to exist. The orifices project with free circular margins ; occasionally, through being closely crowded, the orifices of a limited spot may become polygonal from mutual pressure. Certain minute Bryozoa, in manner of growth resembling an Aulopora, have been confounded with this genus ; one of them is Aulopora araclinoidca, Hall ; these have no affinity with Aulo- pora, their structure being the same as in the Jurassic and cretaceous genera Proboscina, Berenicea, or Stromatopora, whose utriculous walls are perforated by numerous microscopical pores, comparable to the minute punctations of the shell of a Terebratula. These punctations can be distinctly seen in well-preserved specimens of Aulopora arachnoidea, collected at Richmond, Indiana. AULOPORA SERPENS (?) Goldfuss. Prostrate expansions of conical tubules, one sprouting in a linear row from the basal part of the orificial end of the other ; or at ti mcs two of them fork off, and meeting others in the course of their PALyEON TO LOG V. 8 7 growth, unite laterally with them and inclose irregular loop^-. All the tube ends, after the departure of a branch tube, bend into an erect position and usually grow no further. The width of the tubes of different specimens varies from one to two millimeters. The identification of this species with the European form, described by Goldfuss, is made with some hesitation, and is intended rather to express their great resemblance than a full identity. Found in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay and Little Traverse Bay, incrust- ing other corals. Plate XXXIII. — Fig. 2 represents a specimen from Little Trav- erse Bay incrusting a Stromatopora. AULOPORA CONFERTA, Winchell. Incrusting, reticulated, or continuous laminar expansions formed of laterally anchylosed conical tubules, arranged in fan-like, spread- ing order by emanation from the prolific gemmation of a single mother-tube according to the bilateral, forking mode of growth ex- hibited in the generic description. The club-shaped tubules are about one millimeter wide across the thickest part ; the channels of the erect, circular orifices measure about half of a millimeter. Found abundantly as incrustation of other corals in the blue fos- siliferous shales of Little Traverse Bay. Plate XXXIII. — Fig. i represents a solid incrustation of the sur- face of a Stromatopora by this species of Aulopora. AULOPORA ERECTA, N. Sp. Massive, incrusting expansions formed of very stout-walled tubes, about two or two and a half millimeters in diameter. On the basal side of the expansions, broke loose from the incrusted body, the prostrate, flattened tubes are noticeable,- grown into a dense agglo- meration by repeated rapid gemmation. From this basal sheet the tubules bend into a vertical position, and continue to grow in this direction for some length parallel with each other, and producing no more side branches at the rapid rate of the prostrate portions- 88 LOWER PENINSULA. These erect tubes are circular, closelyjapproximated, or sometimes in intimate, mutual contiguity, pressing each other into a sub- polygonal shape. The orifices exhibit a cycle of longitudinal fur- rows and intermediate rows of spinulose projections in rudimentary development. Diaphragms are generally not developed. Occurs in the Hamilton group at Stony Point, Thunder Bay. Plate XXXIII. — Fig. ^upper specimen. COLUMNAR!^. Consisting of the single genus Columnaria. COLUMNARIA, Goldfuss. Goldfuss at first included within this genus several corals which have a different structure ; he acknowledges, in the appendix to his work, however, that the coral called by him Columnaria sulcata is only a weathered specimen of Cyathophyllum quadrigeminum. Columnaria Isevis is also, in all probability, generically different from his Columnaria alveolaris, which alone is at present considered the typical representative of the genus. In Goldfuss's characteristics is expressly stated the absence of transverse diaphragms in the tubes, although in his figures]the diaphragms of the tubes are so distinctly delineated that I can not conceive how they escaped his observa- tion. I define 'the genus as follows : Convex colonies of contiguous, polygonal, or rarely of free circu- lar tubes, growing from a few attached mother-tubes by rapidly multiplying lateral gemmation. Tubes radiated by vertical lamella; of alternately larger and smaller size, the larger ones in some soecies reaching- to the centre, or not. Number of lamellae from twenty to forty. Transverse diaphragms simple, flat, moderately close in position. Walls not perforated by pores, thin, and inseparably united in the forms with polygonal tubes, appearing to be formed of simple lam- inae dividing the adjoining cavities, but in favorably preserved speci- mens the duplicity of the walls is positively observed. FALCON TOLOG Y. COLUMNARIA ALVEOLATA, Goldfuss. 89 Convex, large colonies, sometimes attaining a diameter of several feet, composed of intimately connected tubes diverging from a basal centre. Lower side covered by a concentrically wrinkled epitheca ; central part attached. Tubes quite unequal in the same specimens and in different specimens. In some they vary from two to five millimeters ; in others, tubes one centimeter in width, and smaller ones of only two and three millimeters, are intermingled. Radial lamellae from twenty to forty, according to the size of the tubes, not reaching to the centre. Transverse diaphragms flat, close- ly set, usually smooth in the centre, and only at the outer circumfer- ence intersected by the radial crests. It is rarely the case that the lamellae extend as low carinations over the surface of the diaphragms to the centre. The figures of Goldfuss exhibit the radii as alter- nately reaching the centre ; this is, as already stated, very unusual with specimens from the Trenton group, while it is regularly seen in the specimens from the Hudson River group and Niagara group. Milne-Edwards considers both forms as one species, but I think they differ sufficiently to be set down as two species. To the Trenton form Goldfuss's name, Alveolata, is applied by most of the palaeontologists ; for the Hudson River group species, Hall's name, Columnaria (Favistella) stellata, is adopted, although it is not per- fectly certain whether Goldfuss had not also a Hudson River group specimen under consideration. The Trenton strata of the Escanaba River and of St. Joseph Island, in Lake Huron, contain an abundance of this coral, but the specimens are not very well preserved, being transformed into dolomite spar, which is a very unfavorable material for the pres- ervation of the finer structural details. This cora) is also fre- quently found in the Trenton group of Illinois, at Dixon, and in the lead-bearing strata of Wisconsin and Iowa, where it is often found in silicified condition, and finely preserved. Plate XXXIV. — Fig. i is the surface view of a specimen from the Trenton group of St. Joseph Island. Fig. 2 is a fractured surface exhibiting a vertical section of a specimen from Escanaba River. Fig. 4 is a specimen with very large and unequal tubes, found in the Trentoa group, at Dixon, Illinois. go [LOWER PENINSULA. COLUMNARIA STELLATA, Hall. Synon., Favistella stellata, Hall. Convex masses of similar structure with the former species ; the tubes are somewhat less unequal in the same specimens, varying in size between three and six millimeters. Radial lamellae from twenty to thirty, alternately larger and smaller, the larger ones extending to the centre. Diaphragms flat, closely set, intersected by the radial lamellae, which only in the peripheral circumference form continuous vertical leaves. The crests continued to the centre of the diaphragms are merely superficial. Found abundantly on the north side of Drummond's Island, in the shales of the Hudson River group. The equivalent exposures in Bay de Noquets, oppo- site Escanaba, do not contain any. It is likewise found in the up- per part of the Hudson River, or Cincinnati group, near Madison, Indiana, and in other localities along the Ohio River. During the 'progress of the surv^ey, I found specimens which I consider as identical with this species in the Niagara group of Point Detour, in which formation it was not' known to occur. Plate XXXIV. — Fig. 3 gives a surface view of a specimen from Drummond's Island (Hudson River group). Plate XXVIII. — Fig. i is a silicified specimen from the Niagara group of Point Detour. COLUMNARIA HERZERI, N. Sp. Colonies of tubes, partially in close contiguity, of polygonal form, and intimately united with their walls ; partially free, circular, laterally joining into chain-like rows, not unlike Halysites, or open- ing singly on the surface. Diameter of tubes three millimeters. Structure otherwise entirely corresponding with the associated form, Columnaria stellata. The specimens were found by Mr. Herzer, of Louisville, in the Cincinnati group of Kentucky. It may only be a modification in the growth of the usual form C. stellata. Not figured. The specimens are too imperfect for photographic delineation. PALEONTOLOGY. 9 1 ZOANTHARIA RUGOSA, Milne-Edwards. So called in allusion to the radial rugae or plications of the stony, calcareous polyp cells, which are the only part of these animals that has been preserved. The Zoantharia apora of a similar structure are distinguished from these by a difference in the arrangement of the radial plications. Milne-Edwards assumes four primary plica- tions in the cycle of radii in the Zoantharia rugosa, and six primary plications in the Zoantharia apora, and deduces therefrom, in an elaborate essay, a law of symmetry, according to which the mul- tiplication of the radii in the cycles takes place, and by which he endeavors to demonstrate that in case a new plication or lamella is formed in the interstice between two older plications of a certain value in the cyclical order, in all interstices, limited by plications of the same value, the intercalation of a new lamella takes place simultaneously, and this law he supposed to be governing the growth of Zoantharia rugosa, as well as of the Zoantharia apora. In the latter order this rule seems to be in force, but it does not apply to the growth of the Zoantharia rugosa. The radial plications of the Zoantharia rugosa are arranged in four primary fascicles, separated from each other by more or less conspicuous gaps. These fascicles, apparently segments of a cycle of rays, are in reality bilaterally situated in symmetrical position on an axal line, dividing the apparent cycle in two halves. The two fascicles on one side are equivalent to those of the opposite side, but differ from one another. For better illustration, we may compare the circumference of a polyp cell to a horseshoe with nar- row, almost closed aperture. Opposite this aperture, in the centre of the curve, two fascicles meet with their equivalent sides, leaving an obscure, narrow gap between them, the centre of which often exhibits a solitary, independent plication. This gap may, in distinc- tion from the other gaps, be designated by the name of central gap. At the ends of these fascicles, remote from the central gap, and directed toward the aperture of the horseshoe, the plications be- come gradually shorter, and, seen from the peripheral surface of the polyp cells, do not extend to the apex of the conical polyparium, but terminate above, nearer the calycinal margins. Another gap 92 LOWER PENINSULA. separates these shorter plications on each side from the joining fascicles of plications, which extend to the ends of the arms of the horseshoe. This pair of gaps are the lateral gaps. The further ends of this second pair of fascicles approach each other again, in the aperture of the horseshoe, leaving another larger gap between themselves than the other fascicles, which may be termed apcrtural gap ; its centre is, like the opposite obscure gap, occupied by a solitary plication. The plications of this second pair of fascicles are longest and extend to the apex of the polyparium on their end joining the lateral gaps, and shortest at the apertural gap. This is the order in the structure of all the polyp cells of the Zoantharia rugosa. If, during the progress of growth, new'plications are added to the cycle of existing ones, the new ones are only inserted at those ends of the four fascicles which are directed toward the apertural gap, while the already existing plications are never dis- turbed by interposition of new ones, excepting, as indicated at the four ends of the fascicles, directed to the apertural gap ; further- more, the addition of new plications at the four ends of the fascicles ^snot always contemporaneous in all, or in the opposite correspond- ing ones, for otherwise the lamellae in each equivalent bundle should be equal in number, which is not always the case. This bilateral structure of the polyp cells of the Zoantharia rugosa has been observed by several palaeontologists, and been mentioned by them as a peculiarity of certain species ; but the late Dr. Kunth, of Berlin, was the first to demonstrate this bilaterality to be an essential char- acter of all the Zoantharia rugosa, and to exhibit with clearness the peculiar mode of multiplication of the lamellae in this order. If we examine a Streptelasma or a Zaphrentis, we find the outer surface of the polyp cells longitudinally striate, by broad, convex bands or ribs, and by intermediate, narrow, linear furrows. The furrows cor- respond to the crest-like plications on the inside of the calyces, the ribs to the interstitial spaces between them. Three of such longi- tudinal furrows are, on each of the polyp cells, more conspicuous than the others ; they correspond to the gaps between the bundles of lamellae. In the furrow corresponding to the apertural gap, the other furrows from both sides converge at acute angles, like the barbs of a plume, to its keel, gradually becoming shorter as they approach the margins of the calyx. The two other obvious fur- rows, corresponding with the lateral gaps, arc, on the side nearest PALJ£ONTOLOG V. 93 to the apertural gap, joined by similar parallel furrows extending into the apex ; on the other side the furrows abut against it at an acute angle, and decrease in length as they ascend. The central gap is not indicated on the outside, because the furrows on both its sides are parallel with it, as new plications are never intercalated in this place. The annexed sketches will cause the descriptions to be under- stood at a glance. We perceive, by looking at the figures, that APERTURAL GAP. CENTRAL GAP. LATERAL GAP. in the apertural gap the striae must have a pinnate position, because on both of its sides new plications are constantly added to the ends of the fascicles ; for the same reason we see them on the lateral gap on one side pinnate and on the other parallel, because no new plications are ever inserted there, and in the cen- tral they are all parallel because no implantation occurs on any of its sides. All Zoantharia rugosa have this structure, but the four principal septal divisions do not present themselves in all with equal con- spicuousness. In some the cycle of plications in the calyces is almost uninterrupted, and they appear as if of truly radial structure j in others the division lines between the fascicles are well marked by gaps, which on the bottom of the end-cells dilate into depres- sions called septal fovcce. The apertural fovea is always the largest, and an indication of it is noticeable in all forms of this order, while the two lateral gaps rarely become so distinct as to dilate into septal foveae. The central'gap is almost in every instance obscure, scarcely noticeable. Mr. Kunth, in speaking of the position and the 94 LOWER PENINSULA. development of these foveae, justly remarks that if only one of the four foveae is well developed, it is always the apertural fovea which he QaWs principal fovea ; but he is in error when he adds, " only in rare instances the opposite fovea is best developed." This case never happens ; in symmetrically curved, horn-shaped polyp cells the aper- tural fovea is either in the median line of the convexity of the curve or on the concave side. Not unfrequently the largest fovea is found in a lateral position with respect to the curvature of the polyp cells. But even if we find the largest fovea in such lateral position, it does not follow that one of the lateral fovese has been developed in preference to the others ; on close examination, it will always be found that the septal striae on the surface converge from both sides toward the median line of that fovea, which un- mistakably proves it to be the apertural fovea ; if it were the late- ral fovea the striae would converge toward it only from one side, or if the central, they would be all parallel, which is never observed. Milne-Edwards divides the Zoantharia rugosa into four families: the Stauridae, Cyathaxonidae, Cyathophyllidae, and Cystiphyllidae. These sub-divisions, however, are artificial, not being based on important differences in the plan of structure, StaiiridcB are described as polyp cells with well-developed, radial lamellae, which intersect the whole length of the corallum as unin- terrupted, vertical leaves, which are at intervals connected by short, interstitial, transverse leaflets. The lamellae are grouped in four fascicles, which have their limits'marked by very obvious septal gaps visible within the'cells under the form of a four-armed cross. The enumerated genera of Stauridae are : Stauria, a Silurian coral ; Metriophyllum, a Devonian form ; Polyccelia, of Permian age. No coral which could be identified as belonging to one of these genera has been found in Michigan. Cyathaxonidce are described as single polyp cells, with well-de- veloped radial lamellae, extending as uninterrupted leaves through the whole length of the corallum, and uniting in the centre into a cristiform columella. The interstices between the lamellae are said to be open throughout without diaphragms or transverse, inter- stitial leaflets. This family characteristic is based on imperfect observation. The lamellae do not unite in the centre into a cristi- form columella, and their interstices are not open all their length, but have transverse leaves intersecting them, the conically protrud- PAL^ONTOLOG Y. 95 ing centres of which leaves, one invaginated into the other, form the cristiform cokimella, and not the united central ends of the vertical lamella?, which do not perfectly reach the centre under the form of uninterrupted vertical leaves ; their inner termination is only a superficial carination on the conical centres of the dia- phragms. This structure does not materially differ from the structure of many genera of the Cyathophylloids, particularly of some forms of Zaphrentis and Trochophyllum. The latter genus may be said to differ from Cyathaxonia only in the inverted direc- tion of their invaginated diaphragms. In Trochophyllum the dia- phragms form deep, funnel-shaped depressions in the centre of the cells, which, in their invaginated condition, likewise compose a solid central axis, tuined inward instead of projecting. Cyathaxonia is not found in the strata of Michigan. The specimens described from the upper coal measures as Lophophyllum proliferum, Mc- Chesney, is a genuine form of Cyathaxonia, entirely corresponding in structure with the forms of Cyathaxonia, described by Milne- Edwards, from the sub-carboniferous strata of Kentucky. Palaeon- tologists examining these well-preserved specimens observed at once the existence of transverse leaves across the radiated inter- stices of the calyces, and hesitated on that account to identify them with Cyathaxonia ; had Milne-Edwards examined his type specimens somewhat more carefully, he would have noticed in them the same transversal leaves. CYATHOPHYLLID^. Simple or compound polyparia formed of cell cups margined by a cycle of plications of an apparently "radial position toward the centre of the cells, but actually disposed according to the bilateral plan peculiar to the whole order of the Zoantharia rugosa. The polyparia are built up by a successive series of such cups, one invaginated into the other, with'gradually increased size. In some forms the cups are clearly defined in their superposition by a more or less distinct lamination in the structure of the poly- paria ; in others the union of the cups is more intimate. The pli- cations of the incased cups corresponding, and clasped over one another, grow together and form continuous vertical lamina;, while ge LOWER PENINSULA. the side walls of the cups unite into a common external wall of more massive structure ; only the bottoms of the cups escape the general agglutination of the parts and remain free laminae separated by an interstice from the adjacent cup bottoms. These laminar cup bottoms are, in the description of Cyathophylloid corals, considered under the name of diaphragms. In a portion of the Cyathophylloid family the interstices between the crest-like plications of the end cups are free and op?fi ; in other generic groups the interstices are up to the margins of the calyces traversed and filled with vesic- ulose plates, which divide them into small cell spaces. The family of Cyathophylloids is represented by numerous modifications of its type, which will be specially considered [in the generic descriptions. Milne-Edwards has adopted thirty-five genera of Cyathophylloids, and a large number of additional gen- eric names, partly synonymous with the above, are used in the works of palaeontologists. A careful study of the various forms has con- vinced me that a large proportion of the promulgated genera have been negligently established upon an examination of insuf^cient material and with incorrect appreciation of structural characters, individual peculiarities being often mistaken for important generic differences. In passing the genera in review, I will have frequent occasion for rectifications and changes in the arrangement by which the number of the genera will be greatly reduced. CystipJiyllidcE are pointed out as the fourth family of the Zoan- tharia rugosa, composed of the single genus Cystiphyllum. These corals differ from the true Cyathophyllum merely in having but a rudimentary development of the plications, which never compose continuous vertical leaves. The plications of Cystiphyllum are low crests much obscured by the blistered surface of the calycinal walls, which are entirely composed of vesiculose plates. In vertical sections the polyparia appear to be built up by a superiniposed succession of layers of vesicles, disposed in accordance with the shape of the end cups. An uninterrupted chain of transition forms between Cystiphyllum and the corals of the Cyathophylloid family exists, and the rela- tions of Cyathophyllum proper and Cystiphyllum are so close that I think it unnatural to separate this genus from it as representing a different family type. The formations of Michigan inclose a great many corals of the PALEONTOLOGY. 97 Cyathophylloid family. The frequent fragmentary condition of the specimens and the altering effects of petrification prevent, in many instances, an exact identification of all the collected speci- mens, for which reason I have restricted myself to the description of those forms only of which I had satisfactory material for exami- nation. The genus Cyathophyllum, which gave the name to the entire large family, is not the primitive type fornTj which its first rep- resentatives appeared ; the oldest forms of the Cyathophyllides Avere of the less complicated structure of Streptelasma and of . Zaphrentis, which existed already in the lowest strata of the Trenton period. Cyathophyllum and many other diversifications of the type commence to appear in the upper Silurian beds. The Devonian period was the time of their greatest development, and after the carboniferous period we find the whole family extermi- nated, leaving no representative in the periods subsequent to the Permian strata. CYATHOPHYLLUM, Goldfuss. Simple or compound polyparia, each polyp cell surrounded by its own perfect wall. Vertical lamellae well developed, forming con- tinuous leaves through the whole length of the corallum, and ex- tending to the centre, or near to it. The interstices between the lamella; in the peripheral area (formed by the ascending walls of the calyces) are divided into small vesiculose cell spaces by short, transverse leaflets extending from one lamella to the other, and filling the calycinal interstices up to the outer margins. The cen- tral area (formed by the bottoms of the cell cups) is transversely sep- tate by continuous simple diaphragms, or by compound plates formed of several convex, anchylosed pieces ; these diaphragms are also intersected by the radial lamellae reaching to the centre, or gradually vanishing in the middle. Surface of vertical lamellae either smooth or granulose, with entire or with denticulated edges. Many species of Cyathophyllum have the side faces of their lamellae decorated by low, equidistant carinae, ascending in a curve from below and outward to the upper and inner edges, where they terminate as acute denticulations, or have the form of transverse trabeculae, the carinae of both sides of the leaves being coincident. 7 q8 lower peninsula. This carination is very obvious in a certain species first described in the geological reports of New York under the name of Strom- bodes helianthoides, which subsequently has been selected as the type form of the genus HcliopJiylluin (Heliophyllum Hallii), whose only distinguishing character from Cyathophyllum rests in the carinated surface of its lamellae. If this distinction had been carried out strictly, and had all the forms agreeing in structure with Cyathophyllum, and at the same time having the surface of the lamellae decorated by carinae, been placed under the genus Heliophyllum, little objection could be urged against the arrange- ment, but no attempt has been made to do so. Milne-Edwards, the founder of the genus, while he describes one form as Helio- phyllum Hallii, comes out with another equally characteristic Helio- phyllum under the designation Zaphrentis cornicula, simply be- cause that species has a somewhat large septal fovea, its only structural similarity to Zaphrentis. Other forms with the Helio- phyllum character well developed he continues to consider as Cya- thophylla, as, for instance, Cyathophyllum helianthoides, Cyath. hexagonum, Cyath. rugosum, etc. Carinated lamellae are also regularly observed in the genera Diphy- phyllum, Acervularia, Phillipsastraea, and in others. Another con- sideration depreciating the value of the carinations of the lamellae as a generic mark is their frequent total obsolescence in specimens which by all other characters belong to a certain carinated species. Having the alternative before me then, either to adopt Heliophyllum and to substitute that name for a great man}' others well established, or to restore a few species now named so to their nearest relatives, the Cyathophylla, many of which participate in the same character of carination, I felt inclined to take the latter course as the simplest and most satisfactory. CYATHOPHYLLUM HALLH, Milne-Edwards. Synon., HELiorHVLLUM Hallii, Milne-Edwards. Simple turbinate polyp cells, attached by the small basal apex, and frequently by additional root-like prolongations from a part of the side-walls. The conical shape of the cells varies considerably in PALEONTOLOGY, 99 different specimens, and changes during the progress of growth. A specimen may begin with a narrow cylindrical base, and then sud- denly spread its end cell into an expanded dish form, or another may very regularly and gradually dilate into curved, horn-shaped cells, or the conical calyces of the base, after attaining a certain diameter, may stop to dilate and continue to grow on, maintain- ing the same size, into long, cylindrical stems, straight, or curved, or geniculated by interruptions in the growth, with constrictions and deflexions. In regularly formed specimens the calyces are shallow, bell-shaped, with broadly spread margins ; other speci- mens have deeper calyces, with nearly erect margins. The radial lamellae are alternately shorter and longer, but equal in size near the calyx margins, forming a uniform, uninterrupted cycle, with ex- ception always of a faintly indicated apertural gap and septal fovea. The longer lamellae extend as somewhat flexuose crests to the centre. Often a lamella continues across the calyx from the centre of the apertural gap to the opposite side, and the other lamellae abut against it from both sides in symmetrical order. The bottoms of the end cells are usually raised into obtusely rounded monticulose protrusions, on which the lamellae unite with interlaced!,, twisted ends ; or sometimes the lamellar crests fade away befQire- reaching the centre, which then is formed by a smooth, naked spQfc of narrow extent. The most obvious character of this species are- the arched carinas extending across the lateral faces of the lamellae from the outer peripheral side and below, to the upper and inner edges of the lamellae ; the carinations correspond on both- faces, and project on the edges of the lamellae as obtuse, transverse bars; or as acute dentations. The carinas of different specimens vary considerably in degree of approximation ; in some about eight carinae are in the space of one centimeter, while others may have as many as fifteen within the same space. The radiallamellae are acute, linear, and the interstices between them are completely filled by vesiculose, transverse plates arranged in imbricated superposi- tion, in arched rows, ascending from within and below, upward and outward, diagonally to the direction of the carinae. In the central area the polyparia are intersected by diaphragmatic, transverse plates, usually compound, of several pieces, inclosing larger vesicu- lose, interstitial cavities, which, by intersection with the vertical lamellae, are divided into cellulose spaces of a much coarser kind lOO LOWER PENINSULA. than the interstitial cell spaces of the peripheral area. Associated with the specimens exhibiting plainly the carinated character of the lamellce, others entirely similar to them are found with very obscure carinations. The calyces of the largest specimens attain a diameter of about six centimeters. The average number of lamellae, in the circumference of calyces four centimeters wide, is from seventy-five to eighty-five. The external mode of growth is subject to a great many variations, from the short, broadly turbinate cell to long, cylin- drical stems, with all sorts of irregularities by constrictions, flex- ions, etc. Occurs in the upper Helderberg group, and in the Hamilton group of Michigan, Canada, New York, Ohio, and in the Western States. The specimens of different localities and of differ- ent strata show some differences, but not in a degree to justify their separation into several species. Plate XXXV., Upper row. — The three left-hand figures are medium-sized specimens, found in the Hamilton group of Widder, C. W. ; the two outer calyces are short, turbinate ; the adjoining specimen exhibits an irregularly distorted cylindrical growth. The third upper figure from the left is found in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay ; the lamellae on one side of the calyx are plainly carinated, while on the other side scarcely any traces of carination can be observed. CYATHOPHYLLUM JUVENIS, N. Sp. A very constant form found in association with the preceding species, resembling it in all particulars, but in all proportions smaller. The arched carinae are closely approximated, twenty-four on the space of a centimeter. Number of lamellae from sixty to seventy in the circumference of calyces two and one quarter centi- meters wide, which is about the largest size observed. Found in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay, Little Traverse Bay, at Wid- der, C. W. ; also in the upper Helderberg strata of New York, Ohio, Kentucky, etc. Plate XXXV., Upper row. — The three smaller specimens on the right side of the plate ; the longer cylindrical specimen is of larger size than usual. PAL^ON TOL OGY. i o I CYATHOPHYLLUM CORNICULA. Zaphrentis CORNICULA, Miliie-Edwards. Single, conical, symmetrically curved polyparia, annulated by fine wrinkles of growth, and by distant, shallow, rounded constric- tions ; delicately striate in longitudinal direction by septal furrows ; apex pointed ; calyx deep, with suberect margins gently spreading near the edges. Bottom of calyces variable ; there are specimens in which the calyx gradually narrows into an obtuse pit ; in others the bottom is reflected into a moderately convex protrusion, on which the lamellar crests unite ; or this protrusion of the reflected bottom is of annular form, with a depression in the centre, which is confluent with a well-developed septal fovea situated on the convex side of the curvature of the horn-shaped polyp cells. The lamellae are alternately large and small, denticulated on the edges and carinated on the side faces ; from sixteen to eighteen carinae on the space of one centimeter's length. Number of lamellae in calyces of two centimeters diameter, from seventy to eighty. Lamellar interstices of the peripheral area filled with vesiculose, transverse plates up. to the margins of the end cups, but the edges of the lamellae remain free to some extent, more so than in the former species. The central area is intersected by well-developed trans- verse diaphragms, of somewhat irregular compound structure, join- ing the outer vesiculose area with depressed margins. The largest sized specimen sare about six centimeters long, by a diameter of four centimeters at the calycinal margins ; but the majority of specimens are much smaller. It occurs in the upper Helderberg strata of Michigan, Ohio, Canada, New York, and in the Western States, a5 one of the most abundant and characteristic fossils of that horizon. Plate XXXV., Lower row. — The t^-Iiand group of specimens represents different variations of the kind found in the drift of Ann Arbor, all in silicified condition, with exception of the upper largest specimen, which is calcified ; the other specimens are from the Falls of the Ohio, and from Columbus, Ohio. I02 LOWER PENINSULA. CYATHOPHYLLUM SCYPHUS, N. Sp. Conical polyp cells, symmetrically curved, or irregularly constrict- ed and geniculated, pointed, or with a broad scar of attachment. Calyx deep, spacious, with erect margins ; bottom narrowing into an obtuse point, or somewhat flattened. Lamellae linear, equal near the margins, but unequal in length, the larger ones uniting in the centre. The two lateral and the apertural gaps always plainly indicated ; particularly distinct is the apertural gap, which has no determined position with regard to the curvature of the polyp cells. The surface of the lamellae is smooth ; their interstices filled with vesiculose plates. The central area is transversely septate, by compound vesiculose diaphragms. Number of lamellae in calyces three and a half centimeters wide, 125 to 130. Polyp cells of larger size, measuring about two inches across the calyx and about three inches in length. Surface longitudinally ribbed by septal furrows, and intermediate rounded carinae. Found in great numbers in silicified condition in the lower beds of the Hamilton group, at Long Lake, north of Alpena. LtU—^ Plate XXXV., Lower row. — The two fight-hand specimens. One exhibits a view of the calyx, with distinctly visible indication of the apertural and the two lateral gaps ; the other gives a side view of a polyp cell. CYATHOPHYLLUM GENICULATUM, N. Sr. Large conical polyp cells of much interrupted growth by smaller constrictions and by deeper abrupt truncations of the old calyces, and renewed growth from their centre of a new calyx in consider- ably deflected direction, often making a perfect right angle with the old cell, which interruptions, frequently repeated, result in the production of distorted, geniculated, conico-cylindrical polyp stems. The basal portion of these stems exhibits sometimes a small scar of attachment at the pointed end ; at other times broad scars, ex- tending some distance upward along the sides, are noticed on the lowest cell with truncate base. The latter more permanently at- tached stems are usually of a more regular, straight, conico-cylin- PAL.-EONTOLOGY. lox drical form ; the others, feebly attached stems, by breaking loose and falling into any accidental position, were obliged to alter the direction of their calyces, and if by subsequent currents or other causes their position was changed, they had to accommodate them- selves again to the new position, and this, I suppose, is the true reason of their distorted growth. The calyces of the polyp cells are deep, gradually tapering, with inclined suberect margins. Lamellre delicate, linear, subequal near the margin, crenulated at the edges, and obtusely carinated on the side faces. Apertural gap well marked. Interlamellar interstices of the peripheral area filled with vesiculose plates. Central area traversed by compound vesiculose diaphragms, which are much intersected by the vertical lamellae. Diameter of large calyces from five to six centimeters. Number of lamellae in calyces four centimeters wide, 112. Found in the upper shaly strata of the Hamilton group, at Partridge Point, Thunder Bay. Plate XXXVI. — Lower figure represents the peculiar mode of growth of the polyp cells. Some specimens found at Widder, C. W., in the Hamilton group, are of entirely similar growth, but these evidently are only a modified form of Cyathophyllum Hallii, with obscure lateral carinae. CYATHOPHYLLUM HOUGHTONI, N. Sp. Erect, conico-cylindrical polyp cells, with a strong latero-basal at- tachment. Surface obtusely wrinkled, rarely interrupted by acute annulations. Calyx deep, with steep side walls, and erect, slightly dilating edges. Bottom of cells about one third as wide as their outer margin, subplane or gently convex, with depressed circum- ference, crossed by the lamellae, of which three or four are always much stouter than the others and coalesce in the centre. Some- times the centre of the cell bottoms is depressed, with a ring-like elevation surrounding the depression, of smooth surface. Lamellae alternately larger and smaller, linear near the bottom of the calyces, roof-shaped on the ascending walls, and frequently explanate into a blistered plicated membrane near the margins. The surface and the I04 LOWER PENINSULA. edges of the lamellae within the calyces are covered with granula- tions and by short, interrupted, transverse carinations or rugosities. The transformation of the linear radial crests into roof-shaped plica- tions on the ascending side walls of the calyces alters the structure of the peripheral area considerably. There are no small, vesiculose, interstitial plates developed in the interstices between the radial crests, as in the outer area of other Cyathophylla ; the lamellae themselves open in two diverging leaves,which join in the interstices into a continuous calycinal membrane of a blistered structure. The calycinal surface represents a complete laminar bag folded into plications, with the acute edges of the folds directed inward, and the rounded curve turned outward. The coral is formed by invagination of a series of such bags, which have elongated, blister- like intervals between them, but are in intimate connection by the edges of their crested plications, which correspond to each other and combine into vertical laminar dissepiments extending through the whole length of the corallum. In the marginal portions of the calyces, however, the crests are often interrupted in their vertical continuity by the extension of the blister-like interstices between the calycinal bags across several of the plications which have lost their edged crest form through spreading into a tent-shape. This struc- ture frequently causes an exfoliation of the surface of the speci- mens, with exposure of the outer blistered surface of the bags, by which even small fragments can be identified as belonging to this species. The central area is septate by transverse diaphragmatic plates of much regularity. The vertical lamellae intersect them as continuous leaves nearly to the centre. Occurs as the prevailing species in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay and of Little Tra- verse Bay. A coral described by Hall under the name of Chono- phyllum ellipticum, from the Hamilton group of Iowa, agrees in structure with the described form, but not with Chonophyllum. A similarly built species is found in the upper Helderberg strata of Kentucky, but both of these, according to their mode of growth, seem to differ specifically from our form. Plate XXXVI. — In the upper row of figures are views of dif- ferent specimens found at Little Traverse Bay. The central larger specimen presents a polished section. PALEONTOLOGY. 105 CYATHOPHYLLUM RUGOSUM, Milne-Edwards. Synon., AstR/EA RUGOSA, Hall. Astraeiform colonies of polygonal, intimately united stems of a diameter from one to one and .a half centimeter, which in some specimens of a certain state of preservation are separable, and present longitudinally ribbed polygonal stems, annulated by trans- verse wrinkles of growth. Calyces joining, with gradually ascend- ing side walls, inclosing conical cell pits ; or the end cells are formed by an abrupt, narrow, central pit, with horizontally expanded, dis- coid margins. The bottom of the cells is sometimes formed by dia- phragms with a smooth central spot ; usually the lamellae reach to the centre and intermingle there, forming a twisted knot. Number of lamellae in the circumference of the calyces from 35 to 45 ; their edges are crenulated, the side faces traversed by arched carinae,which in some specimens are almost obsolete, in others very distinct. In- terlamellar interstices traversed by small vesicles filling them to the margins of the calyces. The centre of the stems is transversely septate by diaphragms, intersected in their outer circumference by continuous vertical lamellae ; centrally their continuity is inter- rupted, and the ends are merely carinations on the upper face of the diaphragms. Milne-Edwards describes paliform lobes and the development of a rudimentary columella in this species, but neither one nor the other structure can be recognized. The centre of the calyces in some weathered specimens protrudes with a degree of convexity exhibit- ing the twisted ends of the radial lamellae, but no paliform lobes, much less a columella. Found in the Helderberg limestones of Mackinac Island, and in the drift of the Lower Peninsula. It is also common at the Falls of the Ohio, at Sandusky, and in many other localities. Plate XXXVII. — The upper row represents a polished, horizontal section, and a lateral view of another specimen with stems separable from each other. I06 LOWER PENINSULA. CYATHOPHYLLUM DAVIDSONI. Synon., AcERVULARiA DAVIDSONI, Milne-Edwards. ACERVULARIA PROFUNDA, Hall. The corals described under the name Acervularia Davidson! and Acerv. profunda, which latter I consider merely as a variety of the former, are in structure identical with Cyathoph. rugosum. The genus Acervularia is represented as having its central portion of the polyp cells surrounded by an internal wall, but neither the above- mentioned corals nor the typical forms of the genus Acervularia (Cyath. pentagonum and Cyath. ananas of Goldfuss) exhibit an in- ternal wall. In the circumference of the abrupt inner cell-pits of all these forms a sort of annular demarkation is conspicuous in transverse sections, because the shorter ones of the alternately larger and smaller radial lamellae terminate there with somewhat thickened edges, but they never combine into a closed, ring-like wall. The specimens described by Milne-Edwards are from the Helder- berg limestones of the Falls of the Ohio ; the Michigan forms identified with it in the subsequent description are found in the Hamilton group. Growth in large, convex masses, or in lenticular, discoid expan- sions, covered in the lower depressed, conical, and centrally at- tached side with a concentrically wrinkled epithecal crust. Stems multiplying by marginal and central gemmation from the calyces ; sometimes single stems are free and circular ; usually the growth is astra^iform, with intimately connected polygonal calyces, sur- rounded by acute linear crested edges. The margins of the calyces are usually broadly explanate, discoid, rarely gradually descending into the more abrupt, bell-shaped, central excavation proper to all forms, on the rounded bottom of which the lamelhi; unite, or which, in rarer instances, exhibits a narrow diaphragm sparsely intersected by lamellar crests. Diameter of calyces about one centimeter, but quite variable. Lamellae long and short, in alter- nation, but equal in size near the calyx margins, crenulated at the PAL^ONTOLOG V. I O 7 edges, and decorated by arched carinse crossing their flanks ; from thirty-six to forty lamelLx in the circumference of a calyx. In- terlamellar interstices filled with delicate, transverse, vesiculose plates. The central area is distinctly septate by diaphragms, which are not much intersected by vertical crests ; on the circum- ference of the central area, in polished transverse sections, a more compact ring is visible, formed by a thickening of the longer lamellae, and by the abrupt termination of the alternating shorter ones within this circle, but not a trace of an actual inner wall is developed. By comparing specimens from different strata and different localities, a number of minor variations may be observed, but I do not consider them important enough to make specific dis- tinctions. This form approaches also so near to Cyathophyllum rugosum of the upper Helderberg group, that a strict distinction between them is almost impossible. Occurs abundantly in the Hamilton strata of Thunder Bay, and of Little Traverse Bay ; is also a common form in the Hamilton strata of Iowa. Plate XXXVH., Fig. 4. CYATHOPHYLLUM CRISTATUM, N. Sp. Astraeiform calyces, bell-shaped, joining with polygonal, suberect margins ; diameter of cells about two centimeters ; about thirty-six alternately large and small stout lamella in the circumference, with crenulated edges and lateral carinations ; the larger lamellae ex- tend over the bottom of the cells to the centre ; interlamellar inter- stices large, filled with coarse, transverse, vesiculose plates. Central area irregularly septate by vesiculose compound diaphragms. Oc- curs rarely in the Hamilton strata of Little Traverse Bay ; its structure is much coarser than in Cyathophyllum Davidsoni, with which it is associated. The specimens were not sufficiently perfect for photographic delineation. CYATHOPHYLLUM COALITUM, N. Sp. Astraeiform masses of very large, polygonal polyp cells measuring about four centimeters in diameter, each one surrounded by its I08 LOWER PENINSULA. own complete wall. Surface of calyces expanded, discoid, with an abrupt but shallow central pit, the reversed bottom of which con- ically projects, covered by the central ends of the radial crests. Lamellae linear, subequal, from sixty to seventy in the circum- ference of a calyx, crenulated by transverse trabeculae (bars), which are the ends of lateral, arched carinae decorating the side faces ; about fourteen carinae on the length of one centimeter. Inter- stitial spaces filled with vesicles arranged in arched rows run- ning diagonally across the carinations. Central area traversed by transverse, larger plates, which are much intersected by the ver- tical lamellae. The structure of this coral is identical with Cyatho- phyllum Hallii, from which it differs principally in its cespitose, compound growth. Found frequently in silicified condition in the drift, connected with fossils of the corniferous limestone. Plate XXXVIII.' — Fig. 4 represents a fragmentary specimen from the drift of Ann Arbor. CYATHOPHYLLUM RADICULA, N. Sp. Small single polyp stems, about one centimeter in diameter, coni- cal at the base, cylindrical in their prolongation, annulated by numerous sharp constrictions caused by periodical interruptions in the growth of the cells, which commences again with contracted base from the centre of the old cells. The bases of the stems are strongly attached to other bodies, and the attachment is often strengthened by excrescences from the sides of the stems. Calyces not as deep as wide, with erect, ascending sides, slightly expanded near the margins, and. surrounded by about sixty alternately larger and smaller crenulated lamellae. Bottom of cells flat, formed of a smooth or faintly carinated or granulose transverse diaphragm ; in some other specimens the lamellae extend to the centre, and the bottoms of the cells are more rounded, concave. A septal fovea is rarely indicated. Found in the Niagara group of Drummond's Island, at Point Detour, and in the Niagara group of Iowa. Plate XXXIX., Fig. 3. — The left-hand, outer vertical row of specimens is from Point Detour ; the central row represents speci- mens from Masonville, Iowa ; the right-hand row may be a different species. It occurs in the Niagara group of Louisville, and of Charles- PALAEONTOLOGY. IO9 ton, Indiana ; the stems are of longer cylindrical growth, often curved and geniculated ; their calyces rarely exhibit a naked dia- phragm in the bottom, and the crenulated lamellae generally reach to the centre. The surface of the stems is in both kinds longitu- dinally ribbed by septal striae. CLISIOPHYLLUM, Dana. Simple conical polyp cells with the general structure of Cyatho- phyllum, differing from it in the shape of the calycinal bottom. Radial lamellae linear, with prominent free edges within the end cells ; the interstices between the lamellae are traversed by trans- verse, vesiculose plates, but these do not fill the interstices up to the margins of the lamellae, as is usual in Cyathophyllum, and the inclosed vesiculose spaces are somewhat larger. The broad central area of the polyp cells is formed of high, projecting, conical dia- phragms, one incasing the other, and crested on the surface by the central ends of the radial lamellae. The apertural septal fovea well developed, CLISIOPHYLLUM ONEIDAENSE, Billings. Conico-cylindrical, sometimes elliptically compressed polyparia, annulated by numerous transverse wrinkles and intermediate linear constrictions. The stems are frequently flexuose ; their width is from three to five centimeters, by a length of sometimes over one foot in cylindrical specimens ; the conical cells are shorter, by a diameter equal to that of the former. The basal ends of the larger stems often, for some length, grow in the form of narrow cylindrical pedicles, the surface of which is ornamented with numerous stout spinulose projections, which also extend, but rarely, for some dis- tance higher over the upper, more dilating portions of the stems. The calyces are spacious, with steep side walls, terminating with erect or only slightly expatiated margins. Lamellae near the calycinal margins of alternately larger and smaller size ; further down the sides the lamellae are all of one size ; the smaller inter- calated ones remain confined to the outer margin. A conspicuous septal fovea interrupts the cycle of the lamellar crests, causing a no LOWER PENINSULA. deep, siphonal depression in the peripheral circumference of the cell bottoms, which are broad, rising into a strong cone carinated by the radial lamellae uniting on its apex in somewhat twisted manner. Number of lamellae in specimens of four centimeters calyx diameter, from 85 to 90, and at the margins of the calyces an equal number of small rudimentary folds are intercalated. Found in the upper Helderberg strata of Mackinac, at the Falls of the Ohio, at Port Colborne, in Canada, and frequently in the drift deposits. Plate XL. — The upper row represents various silicified specimens found in the drift, left-hand and lower central specimen ; the other two are from the Falls of the Ohio. The right-hand specimen exhib- its the invaginated, conical diaphragms almost extending across the whole width of the stems, surrounded only by a narrow peripheral area. LITHOSTROTION, Flemming. Compound polyparia, formed of cylindrical stems, enveloped by a perfect epithecal wall, and either loosely approximated, with cir- cular orifices, or intimately united, and joining under polygonal outlines by mutual pressure. Structure very similar to Clisio- phyllum. The outer area is divided into small cellulose spaces by the interposition of vesiculose, transverse plates between the vertical lamellae ; the inner area, which is not defined from the outer area by an intervening wall, is formed by diaphragms reflected into large protruding cones, carinated by the radial crests uniting on them and invaginating into one another. The laterally compressed, crest-like apices of the invaginated cones grow together and form a continuous, thin axal lamina pervading the whole length of the corallum. LITHOSTROTION MAMILLARE, Edwards & Haime. LITHOSTROTION PROLIFERUM, Hall. Large colonies of remote, cylindrical stems, from one to two and a half centimeters in diameter, multiplying by gemmation from the margins of the cal)xinal disks, or astraeiform masses of inti- PAL^ONTOLOG V. Ill mately united, polygonal stems of similarly variable sizes, and unequal in the same specimens through the intermixture of fre- quent young cells. Calyces moderately deep, obliquely spreading in the margins, and more abruptly excavated in the inner circumfer- ence. Bottom of cups reflected into a large, conical protuberance, carinated on the sides by the converging ends of the radial lamellne, and terminating with a laterally compressed cristiform edge. From thirty to forty lamella in the circumference of a calyx ; and sometimes indications of rudimentary, intermediate plications are noticeable. The clusters of singly growing stems cover sometimes spaces of large extent, and not a specimen with astraeiform, poly- gonal calyces is found among them ; in other localities the astrsei- form colonies are the prevailing form ; this seems to indicate a difference between the two forms, but specimens are found, and that not rarely, in which one part of the stems is free, circular, and another intimately united, pressing each other into the polygonal form. As no difference in the structure can be observed in the two forms, I am inclined to consider them modifications of one species, whose difference in mode of growth is perhaps only de pendent upon local conditions existing at one and another place. Occurs in the carboniferous limestone of Wildfowl Bay, and at Bellevue and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Plate LV.^ — The upper row represents two specimens from the carboniferous limestone of Wildfowl Bay — one with astraeiform, polygonal calyces, the other with partial free circular stems. The specimen lying across the bottom of the lower row in the same plate is a singly grown stem of the same species. BLOTHROPHYLLUM, Billings. Conico-cylindrical polyparia, single, or in cespitose clusters, pro- duced by prolific calycinal gemmation of a few parent cells. The structure of the stems, as being built of a series of invaginated cups, is particularly obvious. The bottom of these cups has the shape of transverse diaphragms, smooth in the centre, or super- ficially carinated by the central ends of the radial, crest-like folds, into which the side walls of the cups are plicated. These crests of the superimposed cups unite into continuous vertical laminae within 112 LOWER PENINSULA. a narrow circle intermediate between the central and the peripheral areas, but are interrupted in their continuity outside or inside of it. Inside, on the diaphragms, the plications fade away as superficial, low carinations ; in the outer peripheral area their continuity is in- terrupted for other reasons ; the margins of the incased plicated cell cups dissolve connection and begin to diverge ; gradually widen- ing gaps open between the laminar cup margins, which at first continue to repose on each other's crests, but finally also these become disjunct, and they remain so until at the periphera surface the edges of the cup membranes join again into a com- mon epithecal wall, which closes off from the outside the cavern- ous gaps between them. Some of the forms have a well-developed septal fovea ; in others it is not very distinct. BLOTHROPHYLLUM DECORTICATUM, Billings. Large polyp stems, conical at the base, cylindrical and flexuose above, attaining a diameter of over two inches and a length exceed- ing one foot. Surface, if perfect, covered by a continuous epithecal crust, longitudinally striate by septal furrows and annulated by deep wrinkles and constrictions. The conical basal part is deco- rated with strong nodular spinulosities, as the polyp cells of the associated Clisiophyllum, with which it stands in structural rela- tionship. Calyces moderately deep, with steep sides, explanate margins, and broad bottoms, in the form of irregularly concave diaphragms, smooth in the centre, and on one side depressed into a deep septal fovea. The lamelhc are acute, very prominent linear crests on the ascending side walls of the calyces, but become lower and almost obsolete near the expanded peripheral margins ; in the broad marginal interstices between them smaller plications are regularly intercalated. The peripheral part of the polyparia formed by the expanded laminar cup margins, with large gaps between them, and supported only by their ends, united in an epithecal cuticle, is very fragile and rarely found in good preservation. The plurality of speci- mens have lost their epitheca, and the laminar margins stand out free, surrounding the stems like broad collars ; or they have been destroyed, and only the central cores arc found, presenting an ex- PAL.-EONTOLOG V. I I 3 foliated surface, and consisting of a cycle of stout vertical lamella,*, which incloses the central series of diaphragms. Occurs in the drift of Michigan, and is found in place at the Falls of the Ohio, and in the corniferous strata of Canada. Plate XLI. — Silicified specimens from the Falls of the Ohio. The right-hand weathered specimen exhibits the centre of a polyp stem intersected by diaphragms. The left-hand specimen has at the conical base preserved its continuous epithecal wall ; above it the surface is exfoliated and shows the coarse, blister-like cavi- ties intermediate between the invaginated series of renewed cell cups. BLOTHROPHYLLUM C^SPITOSUM, N. Sp. Aggregated, conico-cylindrical polyp cells of a much interrupted, articulated growth, by constantly repeating constrictions and dilata- tions of the cell cups. The constrictions of the stems are acute angular, without interruption of the continuity of the surface walls ; in other instances the continuity is interrupted, and a more or less broad, expanded rim of the older cell cup projects with free edge at the places of constriction. The polyparia multiply by gemm.ation of many young cells at once from the end cups of the older stems, The clustered stems become attached to each other by their acute, annular edges ; the joints of the obliquely diverging stems are gen- erally oblique to each other in proportion to the inclination of the stems — one joint, so to say, being pushed sideways over the other in this direction. The calyces are shallow, with obliquely spreading side walls. Radial crests not very high, linear, and projecting most on the more vertical portions of the cup walls, dilating into tent form on the marginal, expanded portions of the calyces. Edges of the pli- cations denticulate and surface granulose. At the margins of the calyces smaller, rudimentary plications are alternately interposed between the larger ones. Diaphragm.s forming the bottom of the cups flat, w^ith several siphonal depressions in their circumference, but with no distinct septal fovea ; their centre usually smooth, sometimes carinated by the ends of the lamelL-e. By the united linear, crest-like portion of the plications a cycle of vertical lamella; is formed around the central diaphragms ; the area exterior to this cycle is formed by superimposed, plicate, sometimes blistered, 8 114 LOWER PENINSULA. laminar cup-walls, partially connected by the edges of the lamelL-e, otherwise separated by irregular, blister-like cavities, but uniting again in the peripheral wall. Diameter of stems from two to three centimeters. Found in the Niagara group of Drummond's Island, at Point Detour, etc., in silicified, generally much decayed and altered condition. Plate XLII. — Surface view and lateral view of specimens from Point Detour. CHONOPHYLLUM, Milne-Edwards. Single turbinate polyparia, composed of invaginated, radially plicated cell cups, which are intimately united within the central area, and form with their linear plications continuous vertical crests, extending through the whole length of the corallum, and uniting in the centre into a somewhat twisted fascicle, but without composing a solid central axis. The interlamellar interstices of this central fascicle or core are traversed by transverse vesiculose plates, but no larger transverse diaphragmatic septa are observable. In the peripheral area the structure is entirely different. The con- nection between the invaginated cups becomes more loose, the linear plications open themselves and spread horizontally, forming gradually widening and moderately convex, band-like folds of the expanded laminar cup walls, which are superimposed in well-defined, membraniform layers, one reposing on the granulose prominences of the surface of another, and more intimately connecting in the linear furrows between the plications, which correspond to the interlamellar spaces of other Zoantharia rugosa, but were confused by Billings with the lamella;. In his description of Chonophyllum magnificum, Mr. Billings remarks : " The grooves on the floor of the cup indicate the position of the septa, and the ridges are the equiv- alent of the interseptal spaces." This is an evident error. It can be directly observed in the specimens how the linear vertical crests of the central area gradually open in two diverging leaves, spread- ing horizontally into flattened, band-like folds, and at the same time how the spacious interlamellar interstices of the central circle become outwardly angustated in the same measure as the plications widen. In the median line of these linear interstitial spaces, con- founded with the lamclLx, the rows of vesiculose transverse plates, P ALTEON TO LOG V. I I 5 characterizing them as true interstitial spaces, are, in all the well preserved specimens, plainly demonstrable, anatomical facts. CHONOPHYLLUM MAGNIFICUM, Billings. Conical polyparia, attaining a calyx diameter of nine inches in larger specimens ; some grow in short, broadly expanded polypdoms, increasing but little in length ; others proportionately elongate their stems with the widening of their calyces. The pointed ends of the polyparia are attached by a small scar. The outer wall is annulated by concentric wrinkles of growth and longitudinally ribbed by septal striae. Calyces broad, explanate, dish-shaped. Plications equal, linear, crest-like in the central parts of the calyces, but changing into tent-shape on the spreading neck part, and open- ing into broad bands near their peripheral circumference. The surface of the plications is densely covered with decorative granu- lations or papilli, visible as well on the horizontal, band-like surface as on the side faces of the linear, crest-like portions. In calyces of three inches diameter about ninety plications are counted in the circumference. In the bottom of the calyces the lamellae become very delicately linear and twisted, or irregularly interlacing into a central fascicle. No indication of a septal fovea. Occurs in the upper strata of Mackinac Island and in the drift of the Lower Pen- insula, and is common at the Falls of the Ohio, at Charleston Landing, Indiana, and in other exposures of the upper Helderberg group. Plate XLIIL, Upper row. — The right-hand specimen is a silicified fragment of a large calyx exhibiting the band-like form of the lamellae toward the outer margin, and their crested linear form near the central cavity ; the papillose surface is likewise well seen in the figure. The other specimen gives a side view of a specimen showing the general mode of growth, and the laminated structure of the polyparia. The right-hand figure in the lower row is a calyx seen from above. All the specimens represented are from the Falls of the Ohio ; the Michigan specimens were not so well adapted for delineation. Il6 LOWER PENINSULA. CHONOPHYLLUM PONDEROSUM, N. Sp. Patellate, depressed, conical polyparia of irregular, unsymmetrical, clumsy growth, with gemmation from the centre of the calyces, of single new cells, or, in rare instances, of from two to four confluent or imperfectly defined calyces. End cells shallow, explanate at the margins, more abruptly depressed in the centre, which is surrounded by a cycle of low linear crests uniting in it with twisted ends. Expanded marginal part radiated by flat, broad, band-like plica- tions of papillose Kurfa ce. The' specimens are all formed of a heavy, compact mass of amorphous, white, ivory-like carbonate of lime, or partially silicified, and with scarcely a trace of the organic structure preserved ; only in a few specimens could enough of it be seen by which to recognize the generic relations of the specimens and their correspondence with Chonophyllum. It does not seem to be the mode of petrification which obscures the structure, as we find this coral in many different localities associated with other corals ex- hibiting the finest details of structure, while they everywhere pre- sent the same massive, compact condition. The coral appears to have, during the progress of its growth, filled out all its cellulose cavities as soon as the fleshy parts of the animal abandoned them. It occurs rarely in the upper Helderberg limestones, but is abun- dant in certain layers of the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay, and is also found in Little Traverse Bay. Plate XLIII., Lower row. — The left-hand figure is a specimen found in the lower limestones of Phelps' quarries, near Alpena. OMPHYMA RAFINESOUE, PTYCHOPHYLLUM IN PART E, M I LNE-El ) WA R I )S. Single conical polyp cells of Cyathophylloid structure, composed of invaginated calycinal cups, the bottoms of which have the form of spacious diaphragms, either smooth or crested by the radial lamella," uniting in the centre. The ascending side walls of the cups are encircled by linear, crest-like plications, Avhich connect into uninterrupted vertical laminae, within this intermediate area. At the peripheral cup margins the plications become tent-shaped, cm- I PAL^ONTOLOG Y. I i 7 bracing one another in their superposition, but not always com- bining with their edges into uninterrupted vertical leaves. The interlamellar interstices are traversed by transverse plates, and divided into cellulose spaces, but the dissepiments are not inde- pendent vesiculose leaflets ; they make part of the tent-shaped folds of the invaginatcd series of cell cups, and represent the rounded, outwardly directed flexion of the plicated cup walls, while the in- wardly turned folds are sharply crested. Root-like, cylindrical ex- crescences from the side walls of the polyparia, by which they are attached to other bodies, are a peculiarity of the different species of Omphyma, which, however, are not exclusively so to them, but are also noticed in other forms of the Cyathophylloid family. As another distinctive character of Omphyma, the development of four septal foveae is mentioned by Milne-Edwards, but they are generally not all equally distinct, while very frequently only one of them is obvious, the others being almost obsolete. The genus Ptycho- phyllum, described by Milne-Edwards as being organized like Chonophyllum, differing from it in the twisted converging ends of the radial lamellae, forming a central false columella, is likewise in close structural relationship with Omphyma, and in the special case of Ptychophyllum Stockesii. I found its afifinity with Om- phyma verrucosa so great that I altered the name of the first from Ptychophyllum to Omphyma. OMPHYMA VERRUCOSA, Milne-Edwards. Conical polyparia, attaining in larger specimens the length of one decimeter by a calyx diameter of from seven to eight centi- meters. Surface of the silicified specimens generally exfoliated ; if perfect, it is covered by an epithecal wall with annular wrinkles of growth, and longitudinally striate by septal furrows. From the sides of the conical walls numerous cylindrical, root-like prolon- gations grow out, serving for attachment of the coral to other bodies ; these appendices were not distributed equally over the sur- face, but seemed to form only on those sides where a chance for attachment was offered by close proximity of an object. Calyces spacious, with steeply ascending sides and a gently expanded mar- gin ; bottom broad, convex, with depressed circumference, flat or somewhat concave in the centre, which may be almost smooth, or Il8 LOWER PENINSULA. the lamellae may extend over it as carinations, becoming twisted in the centre. On the ascending sides of the calyx the lamellae have the form of acute linear laminae alternating in size, a smaller and a larger one near the bottom of the calyx always vmited into pairs. In the marginal portions of the calyces, the two plates forming the linear crests diverge at the base, and open into a tent-shape. The four septal foveaeare scarcely ever distinct — two of them, or it may be only one, being plainly developed. The centre of the polyparia is, in vertical sections, seen regularly intersected by large transverse plates, and the continuity of the vertical crests is interrupted. Number of lamellae in calyces of six or seven centimeters diameter from one hundred to one hundred and ten. Associated with the elongated type form already de- scribed, which is represented on Plate XLIV., lower row, right- and left-hand specimens, are shorter conical specimens, w^ith broad, ex- panded calyx margins, and generally with a very prominent bot- tom, covered by twisted radial crests, seeming to be a mere variety of the former kind. The central figure between the two repre- sents one of them. Occurs in the Niagara group of Drummond's Island, etc. OMPHYMA STOCKESII. Synon., Ptychophyllum Stockesii, Milne-Edwards. Conical polyp cells very similar to the former species, in structure and mode of growth. Calyces spacious, rather shallow, with ex- panded margins ; bottom of cells always raised into a monticule, on vv'hich the lamellae unite in twisted manner. Two of the septal foveae distinct, the other two obscure. Lamellae united into pairs of a larger and a smaller one ; of more delicate structure than in the former kind, and with narrower interstices. Their vertical con- tinuity is complete in an inner intermediate cycle ; interrupted in the central part, occupied by transverse diaphragms, and in the marginal parts, in which the horizontally expanded cup membranes are bent into zigzag lines, and superimposed in layers. Number of lamelljE somewhat larger than in the former species in specimens of the same size. External surface covered with root-like ex- crescences as in the other. The description given by Edwards of PAL^EONTOLOG V. 119 Ptychophyllum Stockesii says nothing about such excrescences, but otherwise it applies exactly to the specimens now considered, which were found in the same locality as his, at Drummond's Island, associated with the other form. Other forms of Ptycho- phyllum, found at Louisville, in the Niagara group, and resembling PtycJwpJiylhun patcllatiun from Gothland, have these root-like ap pendices also well developed. It is sometimes difificult to draw a line of distinction between specimens of these two species. Plate XLIV., upper row, gives various silicified specimens from the Niagara group of Drummond's Island. A very common species in the Niagara group of Iowa, described by D. Dale Owen, under the name of CyatJiophyUiini iindnlatiivi ct midtiplicatuni, has a structure entirely conformable with the two species of Omphyma of Drummond's Island, and must therefore be arranged with them in the same generic group* DIPHYPHYLLUM, Lonsdale. Synon., Eridophvllum, Milne-Edwards. DiPLOPHVLLUM, Hall. ' Colonies of aggregated cylindrical polyp cells, multiplying by caly- cinal gemmation, but not by fissiparous mode of propagation, as Lonsdale asserts. The stems are rarely in intimate contact so as to form astraeiform masses ; usually some interval remains between them, and they are mutually connected by rugose or radiciform lateral prolongations of the walls, or by floors formed by periodical horizontal expansions of the calyx margins until they join at their edges. Structure of cells biareal. The outer area is formed by the external epithecal wall with a cycle of stout vertical lamellae having crenulated edges and arched carinre decorating their flanks. The interlamellar interstices are filled with small transverse plates, divid- ing them into narrow cellulose spaces. These transverse plates are disposed in arched rows, crossing the arched carinae diagonally from within and below, upwardly and outwardly. The inner area is principally composed of flat, transverse diaphragms, which are only in their circumference intersected by the radial lamellae ; their centre is free of the crests, or the crests extend only on their upper 120 LOWER PENINSULA. surface to the centre. There are three different modifications in the structure. In one the demarkation of an inner and an outer area is very obscure ; the vertical lamellae reach to the centre of the diaphragms as superficial carinae. These are exclusively Silurian forms, which might be distinguished as a peculiar generic type, but as their general mode of growth is so similar to the other biareal forms of Diphyphyllum, I prefer to leave them together. A second modification has a very broad central area, formed almost exclusively by transverse diaphragms, while the vertical lamellae are confined to a narrow peripheral cycle ; but the inner and outer cycle is not defined by an intermediate internal vertical wall. The third modification, which is generally of stouter growth than the second form, has the inner area defined from the outer by a dis- tinct vertical wall of horseshoe shape, open on the side of the apertural fovea. The lamellae in this latter form never transgress the inner wall, and the central part within is exclusively formed by a superimposed series of transverse diaphragmatic plates. DIPHYPHYLLUM HURONICUM, N. Sp. Aggregated, cylindrical, flexuose stems of a diameter of from one to two centimeters, annulated by delicate striae of growth, and by deeper wrinkles and constrictions ; longitudinally ribbed by septal furrows. The stems are laterally connected by stout rugose prolong- ations from their walls, which in all the stems of a colony are uni- formly directed to one side. Calyces moderately deep, dish-shaped, with explanate margins, radiated by about sixty linear lamella:, which unite in a central fascicle ; their margins are faintly cren- ulated, or not so at all. Interstices filled with vesiculose plates, which in the central part are larger and inclose somewhat coarser cell spaces, but no distinct large plates, properly deserving the name of diaphragms, are developed, and the outer and inner area are not well defined. The stems multipl}' by gemmation from the centre and the margins of the end cells, the marginal gemma; re- maining for a good while of a more slender, smaller size than the contemporaneous new cells sprouting from the centre. Found in the Niagara group of Drummond's Island and Point Detour. Plate XLV. — P'ig. i represents a side view of a cluster of stems found at Point Detour. PALJZONTOLOG V. i 2 1 DIPHYPHYLLUM RUGOSUM, Milne-Edwards. Eridophyllum RUGOSUM, Milne-Edwards. Of v^ery similar sructure to the former, but its stems are smaller, less than one centimeter in thickness ; the g-emmation from the calyces is very prolific ; from four to six gemma; grow at once from an end cup ; the stems are tortuous, geniculated, annulated by sub-regularly repeating constrictions, and by delicate linear strise of growth ; the lateral processes, for mutual attachment of the stems, are acanthiform, quite numerous. Calyces forming rounded, moderately deep excavations with slanting sides and erect margins. Lamellae crenulated, from forty to fifty in the circumference of a calyx, and extending nearly to its centre, which is generally formed by a very narrow diaphragm, not transgressed by the lamellae, but not separated from the outer area hy an internal wall. This species is not found in Michigan, but is a very common form in the Niagara group of Indiana and Kentucky, and because of its close afifinity to the former species, I have considered it of interest to describe and represent it in this place. Plate XLV. — Fig. 2 gives a side view of a silicified specimen from the vicinity of Louisville ; the stems are of somewhat larger size than the specimens usually have. DIPHYPHYLLUM MULTICAULE, Hall. Syringopora multicaulis, Hall. Flexuose cylindrical stems, from three to four millimeters in di- meter, distant from each other about one tube diameter, connected by narrow, remote spurs resembling the transverse tubules of a Syringopora. Surface faintly ribbed by septal striae, and encircled by wrinkles of growth. Calyces deep, with almost vertically erect walls, radiated by about thirty crenulated lamellae, of which half the number are marginal ; the others reach to the centre. Interstitial spaces filled with vesiculose plates. Diaphragms generally obscured by frequent intersection with the lamellae ; more rarely the central 122 LOWER PENINSULA. area is occupied by a flat diaphragm free of crests. I was at first inclined to consider the latter form "as a separate species, but I found later that these differences constitute only individual vari- ations of the same form. Found in the Niagara group of Point Detour, Scul Choix, on Lake Michigan, and in the drift boulders of the Lower Peninsula. Plate XLV. —Fig. 3 is a specimen with plainly developed trans- verse diaphragms ; in Fig. 4 the lamellae extend to the centre, and the diaphragms are obscure. Both specimens are found in the drift of Ann Arbor. DIPHYPHYLLUM SIMCOENSE, Billings. Synon., Eridophyllum Simcoense, Billings. DIPHYPHYLLUM STRAMINEUM, Billings. Colonies of cylindrical, subparallel, straight or flexuose stems, closely aggregated or more distant from each other, varying in different specimens in diameter from three to six millimeters. Surface longitudinally ribbed and annulated by wrinkles of growth. The stems laterally connect by slender transverse processes, similar to the transverse tubules of Syringopora— not, however, making communication between the visceral cavities, as in those, but merely fastening externally to the walls for mutual support, ac- cording to the necessity ; in some places these are numerous and crowded, in others considerably distant. Calyces deep, with erect sides and slightly dilating margins, surrounded by about forty crenulated lamellae of equal size near the margins, but alter- nately longer and shorter in the bottom part of the calyces. In some specimens these are almost totally restricted to a narrow marginal cycle, and the centre is occupied by flat, broad dia- phragms with depressed circumference ; in other specimens the larger lamellre extend nearly or completely to the centre, and in- tersect the diaphragms as continuous vertical leaves. The same specimens often exhibit tubes with both variations of structure, plainly demonstrating how little importance can be placed in some cases on the degree in development and extension of the vertical PALEONTOLOGY. 1 23 crests. The intcrlamellar interstices of the peripheral area arc traversed by vesiculose plates ; the central area, principally formed by transverse diaphragms, is not defined from the peripheral cycle by an internal wall. Gemmation calycinal, producing single forked branches or a number of young calyces sprouting at once from the end cells. Occurs in the upper Helderberg limestone of Mackinac, and in the corniferous strata of Canada, New York, Ohio, and in the Western States ; likewise found frequently in the drift of the Lower Peninsula. Plate XLVI., Upper row. — The left-hand figure represents a specimen found in the drift, with tubes smaller than usual ; it is in all probability identical \N\ih. Diphyphylluni stra7nincuin, Billings. The two lower figures are different views of one specimen with larger tubes, agreeing with the type form of Eridophyllum Simcoense, described by Billings. It was found in the corniferous limestone of Caledonia, N. Y. DIPHYPHYLLUM RECTISEPTATUM, N. Sp. Cylindrical, closely aggregated, subflexuose stems, from five to seven millimeters in diameter. Calyces with erect, vertically ascend- ing side walls, and a broad bottom formed by flat diaphragms de- pressed in their circumference and smooth in the centre. Lamellae stout, alternating in size, not crenulated, about thirty-six in the circumference of a calyx ; the larger ones extend over the marginal parts of the diaphragms. Diaphragms remarkably regular, extend- ing nearly across the entire width of the stems, meeting near the outer walls with a very narrow peripheral cycle of more minutely cellulose structure, formed by intersection of the intcrlamellar spaces with ascending rows of small, transverse, vesiculose plates. The species has much resemblance to Diphyphyllum latiseptatum of McCoy. Occurs in the lowest horizon of the Hamilton group, near Craford's quarry, at Middle Island, Presque Isle Lighthouse, etc. Not figured. 124 LOWER PENINSULA. DIPHYPHYLLUM PANICUM. Synon,, Cvathophyllum panicum, Winchell. Large colonies of diverging, partially contiguous cylindrical stems of about one centimeter in diameter, multiplying by prolific caly- cinal gemmation. Stems longitudinally striate and transversely wrinkled by lines of growth, and, periodically, by deeper incid- ing constrictions. Calyces deep, with steep side walls and slightly expanded margins. Bottom of calyces occupying about one third of the diameter of the stems, formed of vesiculose compound dia- phragms, which are only in their peripheral circumference intersect- ed by vertical lamellae. Lamellae crenulated at the edges and deco- rated on the sides with arched carinas, from forty to fifty in the circumference of a calyx. Peripheral area filled with small inter- lamellar vesicles ; the two areas are not defined from each other by an intervening wall. Found in the upper part of the Hamilton group, in the lime quarries near Petosky, and on Little Traverse Bay. Plate XLVIL, Fig. 3. — Two fragments, one exhibiting a vertical section through the stems, the other giving the exterior surface of the stems. DIPHYPHYLLUM GIGAS, N. Sp. Large cylindrical stems, sometimes over one inch in diameter, growing in cespitose colonies, and multiplying by prolific calycinal gemmation of the stems. Surface covered with annular wrinkles, by which the stems attach themselves to one another. Longitudinal septal strirc very distinct. Calyces deep, with steep side walls and gently expanded margins, surrounded by about eighty subequal lamellae crenulated at the edges by the development of arched lateral carinae. Interlamellar interstices of the outer area filled with small, transverse, vesiculose plates. Bottom of calyces formed by flat diaphragms, smooth in the centre, and intersected in the circumference by the vertical lamellae ; no defining walls between PALyEONTOLOG V. 125 the outer and inner area. Found [in association with fossils of the corniferous limestone, in the drift 'deposits of Michigan. Plate XLVL, Upper row, right-hand figure. — Diphyphyllum (Eridophyllum) Verneuilli, a species with stems intermediate in size between this form and Diphyphyllum Simcoense, is likewise not uncommon in the drift boulders belonging to the corniferous limestone formation. Its central area, formed of smooth transverse diaphragms, is defined from the peripheral cycle by an internal wall, more or less distinctly developed. Not figured. DIPHYPHYLLUM ARCHIACI, Billings. Synon., Eridophyllum strictum (?) Milne-Edwards. Cylindrical stems, multiplying by calycinal gemmation, with a diameter of from one to two centimeters, transversely wrinkled by fine striae of growth and longitudinally ribbed by septal rugse ; in some specimens the stems are articulated by abrupt constrictions, and moderately distant ; in others the growth is more uniform and the stems are in closer approximation, partly touching with their sides. Calyces generally bell-shaped, with steep sides and gently dilating margins ; sometimes more shallow and of ex- panded form. Lamellae crenulated by the ends of the arched carinas decorating their sides, fifty to sixty in the circumference of a calyx, subequal near the margins, but alternately longer and shorter ; the longer ones abut against a narrow inner wall formed like a horseshoe, which incloses fiat transverse diaphragms ; the aperture of' the horseshoe is coincident with the principal septal gap. The interstices of the peripheral cycle of lamellae are divided into small cellulose spaces by transverse vesiculose plates. Occurs in the upper Helderberg limestones of Michigan and Ohio, and in the Hamilton group of Thunder Bay ; likewise in Bosanquet town- ship, Canada. The specimens from different localities vary some- what, but agree in general so well that a specific distinction can not be made with propriety. The Helderberg form, which I have identi- fied with this species, is probably the same with Eridophyllum strictum, Milne-Edwards. Plate XLVIL, Upper row. — The left-hand figure is a polished 126 LOWER PENINSULA. transverse section through a specimen from the upper Helderberg group, exhibiting the narrow horseshoe-shaped inner walls. The right-hand specimen, found in the same locality, exhibits a side view of the stems, interrupted by constrictions. The vertically intersected central stems have the narrow central area and the lateral carinations of the lamellse well exposed. The right-hand figure in the lower row of the same plate represents a cluster of stems found in the Hamilton group of Alpena, with well-preserved end cells. DIPHYPHYLLUM COLLIGATUM. HELIOPHYLLUM COLLIGATUM, Billings. Colonies of subparallel stems of the structure of Diphyphyllum, with an internal narrow wall separating the outer finely cellulose from an inner transversely septate area. The growth of these colonies is entirely peculiar; the stems are regularly articulated by deep constrictions, in which constricted parts they are free. In alternation with these constrictions, the calyces become broadly expanded at certain levels, coincident in all the tubes of the colony, and join ^^■ith their margins under polygonal outlines in a contin- uous floor of astraeiform aspect. At a subsequent period the sur- face of the expanded calyces becomes covered up by an epithecal crust, and from the centre of each of the old calyces a new calyx grows with a contracted base, rapidly dilating above, in order to meet the others again in a common floor, which contractions and expansions follow each other in constant succession. The calyces are radiated by about fifty crenulated lamellae, equal near the margins, but alternately longer and shorter on the sides of the calyces ; the longer ones abut against the narrow inner wall. Found in the upper Helderberg limestones of Michigan, Canada, and at the Falls of the Ohio. Plate XXXVIU — P^ig. 3 represents a side view of two silicificd fragments from the drift of Ann Arbor. PAL.^ONTOLOG V. 127 PHILLIPSASTR/EA, D'Orbignv. Synon., Smithia, Milne-Edwards. Compound astraeiform polyparia, with confluent calyces, destitute of intervening walls, but enveloped at the base of the colony by a common epithecal crust. Calyces horizontally expanded in their margins, excavated by an abrupt central pit, which is usually sur- rounded by an elevated monticulose rim. Radial lamellae linear, carinated on the sides, and crenulated at the edges by the ends of the same carinations. Cycle of the lamellae composed of alternately longer and shorter ones ; the longer lamellae unite in the centre, and form a pseudo-columellar, nodular protuberance, but do not connect into a continuous vertical axis. The shorter lamellae ter- minate on the monticulose rim surrounding the central crateriform cell pit. Interlamellar interstices filled with transverse vesiculose plates, arranged in the peripheral area in arched rows crossing diagonally the direction of the lateral carinas. The transverse septa of the centre are so much intersected by the centrally converging vertical lamellae that the contrast in the structure of the outer area from that of the inner is very much weakened ; the inclosed vesi- culose interstitial cell spaces of the centre are somewhat coarser than the peripheral ones, but it is seldom that larger plates, com- parable with continuous diaphragms, can be noticed. By the greater conspicuousness of these transverse plates in the centre, the genus Pachyphyllum is distinguished from Phillipsastr^ ZAPIIRENTLS COMPRESSA, N. Sp. Conical compressed polyp cells, straight, or cur\ed in the direc- tion of the narrow side. Large specimens have a calyx diameter of about eight centimeters in one direction, and four in the other, PALAZONTOLOG Y. I 5 I by a length of one decimeter. Calyces of that size are surrounded by 170 or 180 alternately small and large lamellae, which are, within the cups, sharp linear crests, but become lower rounded rug^ on the margins of the cup walls. End cups deep, with erect, acute margins, of the shape of elongated troughs, gradually diminishing into a narrow bottom, one side of which is deeply depressed by a septal fovea situated on the median line of the longer diameter of the compressed calyces. The degree of compression is not in all specimens equally strong ; some are very nearly flattened on the compressed sides, while others have a convex oval circumference. The surface of the polyparia is annulated by irregular rounded rugae. Found in the upper Helderberg limestones of the Falls of the Ohio. It resembles the former species, but is much larger, and is easily distinguished by the position of its septal fovea, which is on the narrow side, while that of the previous form is in the centre of the broader side. Plate LI 1 1., Lower row. — The upper second figure from the right-hand side. I consider it desirable to give a figure and descrip- tion of this form, not found in Michigan up to the present date, but in all probability to be discovered some day by industrious collectors. Various other species of Zaphrentis, partly already known and described (Zaphrentis Rafinesqut, Milne-Edwards), partly new forms, are omitted from this report, as not found within the bound- aries of the State of Michigan. ZAPHRENTIS SPINULOSA (?) Milne-Edwards. Symmetrically curved, conical polyp cells, attaining a length of six centimeters by a calyx diameter of three centimeters. Calyces deep, with erect margins, surrounded by about forty-five stout lamellse, and as many rudimentary intermediate folds near the margins of the calyces. A large septal fovea is developed on the concave side of the horn-shaped cells, and besides the two lateral sep- tal gaps, are generally well marked in the specimens. The surface of the polyp cells is annulated by rings of growth, and the basal portion is decorated by stout spinules similar to those of Zaphr. spinulosa, Milne-Edwards. I have not seen any of the Western specimens with sufficiently well-preserved open calyces to enable 15: LOWER PENINSULA. me to establish their exact identification with the Michigan speci- mens. Occurs in the carboniferous limestones of Saginaw Bay, on Point aux Grees, and on Charity Islands ; likewise in the limestones of Bellevue, Eaton Co. Plate LV., Lower row. — The upper four central figures and the larger calyx to the left of them represent specimens found at Bellevue, Michigan. AMPLEXUS, SowERBY. I can not find an appreciable difference between the genera Amplexus and Zaphrentis ; both have the same general structure. The radial plications in Amplexus are said to be confined to the marginal parts of the polyp stems, and not to extend far across the central area, principally built up of transverse diaphragms. But it is not uncommon to see, in so-called specimens of Amplexus, the radial crests extending to the centre of the diaphragms, under the form of low superficial carina. On the other hand, it is equally common to notice genuine Zaphrentis forms in which the radial crests are confined to a peripheral c>'cle, and do not reach to the centre. Amplexus generally grows in elongate cylindrical stems, while Zaphrentis has more of a conical mode of growth, but this is also a very vague difference ; Zaphrentis frequently grows likewise in cylindrical stems, and among the associated forms of Zaphrentis gigantea, Zaphr. Rafinesque, and Amplexus Yandelli, such a simi- larity in stj^ucture exists that fragments of stems of the three species are never distinguishable from each other with perfect security from mistakes. In some forms of Amplexus the septal fovea becomes obsolete, and in polyp stems where a septal fovea exists it is not as well marked in one part as in another. The genus Calophyllum, Dana, has been created to include these forms de- prived of a septal fov^ea, but I consider such distinction superfluous. AMPLEXUS SHUMARDI. Synon., CvATHOi'ii, Siiumardi, Milne-Edwards. Articulated cylindrical pol)'p stems, composed of a succession of PAL^ONTOLOG V. 1 5 3 subconical segments, formed by periodical interruptions in i^ the growth of the calyces, resulting in the closure of the marginal parts of the old cells by a continuation of the epithecal wall, and a re- newed growth of a cell, having a narrower basis, from the inner circumference of the old one, until after a wdiile a new contraction occurs. The surface of the stems is delicately cancellated by the intersection of the longitudinal septal rug^e with annular striae of growth. The basal joint of the stems is of conical growth and ex- hibits a strong scar for attachment at the apex. The stems are composed of a cycle of vertical crests projecting from the wall into the cavity, and of a series of superimposed diaphragms intersecting the cavity of the stems and extending from wall to wall, joining it with strongly deflected margins, and only intersected by the vertical crests in the outer circumference. The end cells, which are gen- erally only preserved in small young specimens, are of a dilated fun- nel shape, surrounded by from sixty to seventy alternately large and small lamellae, with granulose surface and denticulated edges. The bottom of the calyces is generally formed by a smooth dia- phragm, but sometimes the crests of the circumference extend over their surface to the centre as low superficial carinas. The lamellse lose their linear crested form on the edges of the calyces, where they expand into low rounded rugse. On one side of the calyx the diaphragms are deeply depressed by a septal fovea, but the latter is not in all parts of the stems equally distinct, and becomes not unfrequently obsolete for a while. The average diameter of the stems is from two to three centimeters ; the length of the joints varies from one to two centimeters. Found in the Niagara group of Point Detour and Drummond's Island ; at Masonville, Iowa ; in Perry Co., Tennessee, etc. Plate LIV., Upper row. — The outer figure on the right-hand side of the plate is a stem from the original locality, from which the species was first described (Perry Co., Tennessee) ; the three next fragments to the left of it are from the Niagara group of Drum- mond's Island ; the other figures on the left are specimens from Masonville, Iowa. I find it strange that Milne-Edwards should connect this form with the genus Cyathophyllum, which has the most characteristic structure of an Amplexus. 154 LOWER PENINSULA. AMPLEXUS YANDELLI, Milne-Edwards. Conico-cylindrical flexuose stems, from two to four centimeters in diameter, annulated by fine wrinkles of growth with intermediate coarser rugce, and frequently of a jointed structure through peri- odical constrictions of the calyces and continued growth of the stem without interruption of the continuity of the epithecal wall. Calyces deep, with erect margins, surrounded by about sixty alter- nately large and small vertical crests. The bottom of the calyces is formed by flat or warped diaphragms, depressed on one side by a deep septal fovea. The lamellas are restricted to the outer circum- ference of the diaphragms, but sometimes they extend to the centre as superficial ridges. Occurs in the corniferous limestone of Indiana, Kentucky, Canada, and is found in the drift deposits of Michigan. Some cylindrical stems, which evidently belong to the juvenile specimens of Za- phrentis gigantea, are so closely resembling Ampl. Yandelli, that I always find difficulty in distinguishing them. Plate LIV., Lower row. — The right-hand specimen is found in the drift of Ann Arbor; the others are from the Falls of the Ohio. The outer specimen on the left-hand side of the plate resembles considerably the basal portion of Zaphrentis gigantea. See Plate LIL, base of large specimen. PLATE I I 7— -"•^ '-"T"^ -5 -«i*^ PLATE II . v.*. $ 1^ .:>,, 1 "5«i' PLATE XVII ^ ■ „'-,'>.;'j;.:«;.;.ii>:^:: ,. M >», PLATE XX k ^m PLATE XXI «f^ PLATE XXII ^-i;-?ir^Jr^:;^'r^- k. PLATE XXIII I ^^S^^^scr^-LV :»-j?^^<8S *i PLATE XXIV PLATE XXV PLATE XXVI HM* PLATE XXVII PLATE XXVIIl .,•/.>>■: ■.■'j:iia PLATE XXIX .■.^J"--«.*!^ PLATE XXX I. PLATE XXXI ^■. PLATE XXXII ^ .te;^^ PLATE XXXIII A-^. PLATE XXXIV -V»v,.-^,^V ^^l*i^&{^ •v^^.^S??J ■:^'. ' i^ ■- ^ - * - ^" " *v . ■1-7', .ri^- <•-' v.^>*«t -r^'t»P'f.-">4H! •■o.- % PLATE XXXV m k PLATE XXXVI • 4 ~*. ^. PLATE XXXVll PLATE XXXVIII PLATE XXXIX ""V»* *^> ^^ ^ ^^ '||r '(ill/ w I PLATE XL PLATE XLI ^' Hi--'- ^T M PLATE XLII PLATE XLIII A^^'^ '• PLATE XLIV PLATE XLV PLATE XLVI •V-*. PLATE XLVII .^.^ PLATE XLVIII PLATE XLIX "'7''S '■■■.. r7 •^ "/ ^'# PLATE L i PLATE LI ■^aum^ / ^c'^ 'Hw^ 4; PLATE LII PLATE LIII 1 . isny PLATE LIV H >#