. II VICULTUHE VOL . II . Tree Seeds, fores tat ion on the National Forests. Part 1. Collection of Seed. Part !!• Direct Seeding. By 7m. T. Cox, 1. o. F. S. Bullet in98. 18 Vitality and Germination Bf Seeds. By J. 7. T. Duvel, 1904. U. S. Dept . of r., Bureau of Plant Indue try- -Bulletlaa Ho . 58 . Insect Damage to the. Cones and Seeds of Pacific Coast Conifers. By John ] . 'Her, B. S. De^t. of Agriculture, Bulletin ^o . 95. Llethod of Fumigating Seed. By Ji. R. ^ass- cer. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin Ho. 186. ;>ed Production of Western Thite pine. By Raphael Zon. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bulletin -jo. 210. ^ Germination of Seeu as affected "by bulfuric Acid. Treatment. By Harry H. Love and Clyde E. Leighty. Agr. Ex. Station of the College o: ., Cornell Univ. tin 312. 191E. aetv v-^' x / i experimental Study of the Rest Period in Plants. Seeds. Univ. of Missouri, Agr. Experiment Station, Research Bulletin No. 17, 1915. ^Testing Seeds at Home. By A. «7. Pieters. Reprinted from the Yearbook of the U.S.Dept. of Agr., for 1995. Rules and Apparatus for Seed Testing. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Circular ifo. 34. t) Some Methods in the Germination Tests of Coniferous Tree Seeds. By J.S.Boyce, Reprinted from the Forest Club Ann- ua^yniversity of llebraska, 1915. N Cooperative Experiment with Forest Tree o^^t *& Seeds. By Geo. C. Butz. The Penn- • sylvania St^te College. v^.3"3 \^The Influence of Age and Condition of the Tree upon Seed Production in Western Yellow Pine. By G. A. Pearson. U. S. F. S., Circular Ho. 196. The Vitality of Seed Treated with Carbon Bisulphid. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Botany, Circular Ho . 11 • 338447 Seed-Eating Mammals in Relation to Reforestation. By ITed Dearborn. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey—Circular ifo . 78. v Extracting andCleaning Forest Tree Seed. Compiled by the branch of Silviculture U. S. F. S., Circular 208, 1912. Jul. 98, Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE I. AREA IN NEED OF REFORESTATION, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST. Issued November 18, 1911. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE— BULLETIN 98. HENRY S. GRAVES, Forester. REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. PART I.— COLLECTION OF SEED. PART II.— DIRECT SEEDING. BY WILLIAM T. COX, ASSISTANT FORESTER. OCT29 1914 Division of Forestry University of California WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1911. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE, Washington, D. C., March 24, 1911. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith a manuscript entitled " Kef orestation on the National Forests : Part I — Collection of Seed ; Part II — Direct Seeding," by William T. Cox, Assistant Forester, and to recommend its publication as Bulletin 98 of the Forest Service. Respectfully, HENRY S. GRAVES} Forester. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. CONTENTS. Page. Waste land which will produce timber 7 Present conditions on the National Forests 7 Natural reproduction Artificial reproduction 9 Experiments 12 PART I. — COLLECTION or SEED. Seed crops 13 Gathering the seed ' — 16 Cost of seed gathering 18 Extracting the seed 19 Testing the seed 23 Seed-testing laboratory .- 23 Yield from cones 23 Number of seeds per pound 24 Percentage of germination 24 Methods of storage 25 PART II. — DIRECT SEEDING. Direct seeding versus planting 29 Past work on the National Forests 29 Selection of the site 30 Time of year for seeding 30 Broadcasting .' 32 Sowing in strips and blocks 33 Seed spots 34 Quantity of seed per acre 35 Protection from rodents 36 Protection from stock and fire 39 Cost of sowing 39 Instances of successful direct seeding 42 Olympic National Forest 42 Oregon National Forest 43 Siuslaw National Forest 44 Manzano National Forest '. 46 Minidoka National Forest 46 Uinta National Forest 46 Bitterroot National Forest 47 White River National Forest 47 Black Hills National Forest 48 Sequoia National Forest 48 Trinity National Forest 48 APPENDIX — Notes on individual species 51 Austrian pine 51 Bigtree 51 Black walnut.. 52 3 4 CONTENTS. APPENDIX — Notes on individual species — Continued. Page- Cork oak 52 Douglas fir 52 Engelmann spruce 53 Eucalypts 53 European larch 53 The hickories 53 Lodgepole pine 54 Norway spruce 54 Red oak 54 Red pine 55 Scotch pine 55 Sitka spruce 55 Sugar pine 55 Western larch 56 Western white pine 56 Western red cedar 56 Western yellow pine 57 White oak 57 White pine 57 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. PLATE I. Burned area in need of reforestation Frontispiece. II. Fig. 1 — Site of forest ruined by destructive lumbering and fire. Fig. 2 — Five-year-old stand of western yellow pine, result of direct seeding 8 III. Fig. 1 — Drying and opening western yellow-pine cones. Fig. 2 — Interior of drying room 16 IV. Fig. 1 — Cone shaker. Fig. 2 — Shaking cones a second time and burn- ing them 24 V. Fig. 1 — Seed-fanning mill. Fig. 2 — Cones of western yellow pine being run through a steam grain separator 24 VI. Fig. 1 — Direct seeding of Douglas fir. Fig. 2 — Seed-spot sowing 32 VII. Four common rodents destructive to tree seed 36 TEXT FIGURES. FIG. 1. Range of Douglas fir, and areas of seed crop, 1909 and 1910 14 2. Range of western yellow pine, and areas of seed crop, 1909 and 1910. . . 15 3. Plan of seed-drying house 21 4. Mount Hebo, showing area sown, Siuslaw National Forest 45 5. Custer Peak Experimental Area No. 1, Black Hills National Forest. ... 49 5 QCT29 1914 Division of Forest University of Calif or REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. WASTE LAND WHICH WILL PRODUCE TIMBER. It is assumed that the American people do not want to see land lying idle. There are many millions of acres of untillable mountain land and dry, sandy tracts, now utterly unproductive, which can and should be made to produce timber. Much of this area consists of cut- over and burned-over land in the South and in the eastern mountains, while much more is logged-off land in the Lake States. A consider- able part, however, lies in the National Forests of the West. Next in importance to protecting the National Forests from fire and disposing of the mature timber in a way to secure good, natural reproduction is the task of starting forest growth upon the vast areas of untillable mountain lands which have been rendered unproductive by fires, insects, and other agencies. The Forest Service has taken up in earnest this enormous task. The subject of artificial reforestation on the National Forests divides itself naturally into three parts — collection of seed, direct seeding, and planting of seedlings. The two first are discussed in this bulletin ; the third will be treated separately in a later bulletin of the Forest Service. Before describing the actual work of reforestation, however, it is necessary to present a general view of the present conditions on the National Forests and of the policy of the Forest Service with regard to the reforestation of denuded areas. PRESENT CONDITIONS ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. The National Forests embrace an area of 191,548,000 acres, scat- tered from Alaska to Porto Rico. Within their boundaries are found portions of the jack-pine barrens of Michigan, the sandhills of Ne- braska, the western yellow pine of the Southwest, the stunted chapar- ral forests of southern California, the subtropical hardwoods of the West Indies, the great lodgepole pine and spruce protective forests of the Eocky Mountains, and the splendid fir and cedar of the north Pacific coast. They contain every grade of timber from stands NOTE. — The writer desires to make acknowledgment of valuable assistance given him by Mr. Raphael Zon, Mr. J. M. Fetherolf, Mr. Fred Ames, and other members of the Forest Service in the preparation of this bulletin. 5274°— Bull. 98—11 2 7 8 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. which will produce only cordwood to some of the finest and most valuable forests in ihe world. Hundreds of species of trees grow under the conditions presented by almost every kind of soil and climate. From the best information available an effort has been made to classify the lands within the National Forests. The figures given, though necessarily approximate, fairly represent existing conditions. Of utterly barren land there are within the National Forests approxi- mately 15,000,000 acres. This consists of 4:000,000 acres of rocks, cliffs, and arroyos, and 11,000,000 acres of unproductive land above timber line. Of open grass land, there are 16,000,000 acres ; of mature timber, 60,000,000 acres ; and of young tree growth, 40,000,000 acres. But of chief interest is the denuded and otherwise unproductive land capable of growing trees, which at present is either bare or covered with brush or other worthless growth. This aggregates about 15,000,000 acres, of which approximately one-half will, under proper management, reforest naturally within a reasonable time, leaving 7,500,000 acres which must be artificially sown or planted. This is not all. When natural regeneration fails, as in blanks, or where a forest not yet producing seed needs to be increased in density, or where some species is to be replaced by a better one, and this can not be done by natural reproduction, artificial reforestation must step in. The task of reforesting this enormous area is rendered still more difficult by the complexity of the problem. Much of the experience gained in tree planting in the East or on the prairies of the Middle West has proved useless or misleading in establishing tree growth in the high watersheds of the Rocky Mountains, the semiarid ranges of the Great Basin, • and the parched foothills of California. The greater portion of the area which it seems advisable to reforest con- sists of old burns, where recurring fires have completely ruined the former forest, leaving a scanty, sterile, and dried-out soil, often lit- tered with charred down timber and stumps. Some of these areas have grown up to brush, some to fern, and some to grass and fire- weed. Many have been eroded to such an extent that it is doubtful if they can ever be made to bear trees again, while there are large areas where all the vegetable soil has been burned. Among the easiest to reforest are those which have recently suffered from light fires, so that the mineral soil is exposed, but which are not so badly eroded or grown up to brush as to prevent tree seed from germinating. NATURAL REPRODUCTION. Approximately 90,000 acres within the National Forests are being- cut over each year in the course of timber sales. Some of this is cut clean, but much is only partly cleared. Practically all of this Bui. 98, Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE FIG. 1.— FOREST RUINED BY DESTRUCTIVE LUMBERING AND FIRE. Artificial reforestation necessary to bring the tract into productive condition within a reasonable time. FIG. 2.— FIVE-YEAR-OLD STAND OF WESTERN YELLOW PINE, RESULT OF DIRECT SEEDING, BLACK HILLS NATIONAL FOREST. Average height of trees, 12 inches. Soil unprepared before sowing: cover consisted of small scrub aspen and weeds; area severely burned several years previous. OCT29 1914 Division of Forestry University of California ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION. 9 area reforests naturally, because of the manner in which the cutting is required to be done. Under ordinary methods of logging this 90,000 acres a year would be added to the area of waste land. Under the system of cutting prescribed for the National Forests the charac- ter of the forest is improved and an increased yield per acre is gotten from the next crop. The possibilities in this respect are almost startling. It is seldom that nature unaided produces a full-stocked stand of timber, just as it is rare to find a volunteer crop of grain equal to that of a well-tended field. There are thin spots and blanks all through the untended forest. At present the average yield per acre of timber on the National Forests is in the neighborhood of 4,000 feet. This undoubtedly can be increased four or five times, perhaps more. Before the lands constituting the National Forests were put under administration, fires ran through the woods uncontrolled, burning over large areas each year. Sometimes great belts of virgin timber were killed; more often the young growth was destroyed. The system of fire patrol, inaugurated by the Forest Service, while ad- mittedly inadequate through lack of funds, has nevertheless gone far toward stopping this heavy annual loss and has given much of the old burned-over land the opportunity to come up to young trees again. From observation and from data collected upon the National Forests, it is safe to assume that by keeping out forest fires, even to the extent that has been possible with one patrolman to 100,000 acres, natural reforestation is taking place in the small treeless openings at the rate of at least 150,000 acres a year. Overgrazing, especially by close-herded sheep, formerly prevented natural reproduction of tim- ber upon large areas in certain types of forests. Not only did the sheep injure the young seedlings directly by grazing and trampling, but they did even greater damage through destroying the ground cover, exposing the soil to erosion, and subjecting it to the drying effects of wind and sun. The same effect has followed the excessive grazing of cattle, horses, and goats, where these were allowed to con- centrate around watering places or salting grounds. Under such conditions it is difficult for tree seed to germinate, and still more difficult for the tiny seedlings to grow. Grazing of all kinds of stock within the National Forests is, under certain condi- tions, both desirable and beneficial, but careful regulation of the grazing and temporary exclusion of stock from certain overgrazed districts has done much toward making it possible to obtain both natural and artificial reproduction. 10 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION. The policy of the Forest Service in artificial reforestation on the National Forests is, first, to conduct experiments to find out what can be done and what is the best way to do it ; second, to reforest by direct seeding wherever this is feasible; and, third, to plant nursery seedlings where direct seeding is too uncertain. In selecting sites for artificial reforestation preference is usually given in the follow- ing order : First, watersheds of streams important for irrigation and municipal water supply; second, lands which produce heavy stands of quick-growing trees; third, lands suitable for the production of especially valuable species, and where conditions are favorable for improving the character of the forest ; fourth, sites which offer good opportunities for object lessons to the public in the practice of for- estry ; fifth, denuded lands which have no special claim for attention, except that they will grow some kind of trees. Some areas offer combinations of advantages. For instance, a burned-over tract may be suitable for sowing to some rapid-growing species which is also valuable for timber, and may be so situated that it will serve as an object lesson as well. It is upon such areas in general that reforestation is being concentrated. In the work more attention should be given to mountain forests of spruce, fir, and lodgepole pine than to the lower arid more open for- ests of yellow pine, because yellow pine is not as valuable for pro- tective purposes as some of the other species, nor does it yield so heavily per acre. Moreover, the yellow-pine belt usually occupies the lower, drier portions of the mountains, where conditions are compara- tively unfavorable for sowing or planting. Reforestation should be undertaken on a much larger scale in the Northwest than elsewhere, because conditions are favorable not only for reestablishing forests where they have been destroyed, but also for rapid growth after they are established. A given amount of money will reforest a larger area in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho than in the Rocky Moun- tains, and the resulting forest will produce valuable timber more quickly. That under certain conditions it is highly profitable to reforest waste lands in the National Forests is not to be questioned. In cal- culating returns through a long period of years, however, as it is necessary to do in forestry, several unknown quantities enter, which at the present time can only be estimated. The chief of these is stumpage values; that is, what prices can be obtained for timber in 50, 60, or TO years, when it is ready to be cut. From present indi- cations and the records of past years it is safe to assume that as long as timber prices rise stumpage prices are certain to increase, and that after timber prices have reached their maximum stumpage will continue to increase up to the cost of production, the lumberman ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION. 11 operating at a less percentage of profit' than at present. It is neces- sary, therefore, in figuring on the probable returns from forest plan- tations, to assume higher stumpage prices than are now being paid, particularly in the far West. Second-growth white pine, for instance, now sells for from $6 to $10 per thousand board feet on the stump, while old virgin growth readily commands a price of $14 per thousand. On the National Forests it is not necessary to figure the value of the land or taxes into the investment, since the land already belongs to the Government and remains its property after the timber is cut. The cost of establishing forest growth, and its subsequent care and protection, are all that need to be reckoned with. From actual experiments made it is estimated that a white-pine forest artificially established on second-class forest soil, in Minnesota, will yield 46,500 board feet per acre in 50 years, wrorth at least $10 per thousand, or $465 per acre. Figuring the cost of planting at $7 per acre and the cost of care and protection at 3 cents per acre per year, and reckoning both at 3 per cent compound interest, gives a total cost of $34.07 per acre at the time the timber is cut and a net profit per acre at the end of 50 years of $430.93. From red pine, which is native to Minnesota and the Lake region, approximately similar returns may be expected. This tree, moreover, can be planted on poorer soil than white pine, though it is probable that where this was done the yield would be slightly less. With Douglas fir in the Northwest it is conservative to assume that the timber will be worth $6 per thousand feet on the stump 50 years from now, and that it will increase in price 50 cents every decade thereafter for perhaps 50 years, making its stumpage value a hun- dred years from now $8.50 per thousand. Douglas fir, if as closely utilized as the white pine cited, namely, to a top diameter of 4 inches, should yield per acre in 50 years 47,000 board feet; in 60 years, 58,000 board feet; in 70 years, 70,000 board feet; in 80 years, 81,000 board feet; in 90 years, 91,000 board feet; and in 100 years, 103,000 board feet. These yields are somewhat higher than at present are obtained, but it is reasonable to assume that within the next 50 years Douglas fir will be as closely utilized as white pine is now. Using the above figures for stumpage and yield gives gross profits of $282, $377, $490, $607.50, $728, and $875.50, respectively. Douglas fir can be sown direct at a less cost than if seedlings were planted. Placing the cost of seeding at $4 per acre and protection at 3 cents per acre per year, and figuring both at 3 per cent compound interest, gives a net profit at the end of 50 years of $261.08 ; at the end of 60 years of $348.54 ; at the end of 70 years of $451.41 ; and at the end of 80 years of $555.30. It must be remembered in all these calculations that the money invested is earning interest at 3 per cent, and that the net profits given are earnings in excess of this 3 per cent interest. 12 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. Sitka spruce is another species especially adapted to the humid coast regions of Washington and Oregon. It is more exacting in its soil and moisture conditions than Douglas fir, but grows almost as rapidly and does well both in pure stands and in mixture with other species. The tree attains large size and produces heavy stands of good timber, but probably will yield slightly less than Douglas fir. The cost of establishing Sitka spruce artificially, however, is compara- tively small, and the money returns will almost equal those from Douglas fir. EXPERIMENTS. Experiments in reforestation are being conducted by the Forest Service in the field by the regular Forest force and at well-equipped forest experiment stations by specially trained men. The experi- ments are always conducted with the definite object of proving at least one thing conclusively. During the fiscal year 1910 over 800 experiments in artificial reforestation were conducted upon the Na- tional Forests, in which 60 species were used. Such questions as how is the vitality of seed influenced by the locality in which col- lected, by altitude, exposure, age, and health of seed trees; under what conditions is the preparation of the ground advantageous in direct seeding ; what is the best method of preparation ; what is the best method of sowing ; how much seed is required ; what is the best method of protecting seed from rodents and birds; and what is the best season of the year for sowing, were wholly or in part solved. PART I.— COLLECTION OF SEED. SEED CROPS. All planting and sowing on the National Forests must begin with the collection of seed. Trees, unlike some other plants, do not bear a good crop of seed every year. Conifers in particular are very irregu- lar in the matter of seed production. A few cones are produced every year, but it is only at intervals of from two to five years, or more, varying with the species and the climatic conditions, that a heavy crop occurs. Years when seed of any species is produced in abundance are known for that species as " seed years," while the intervening years are called " off years." During " off years " not only is seed produced in small quantities, but because of the concen- trated demand for it by rodents and birds it is difficult to obtain. Insect damage to the cones and to the seed itself is also concentrated, so that a small crop is likely to be one of low quality as well. Usually a " seed year " for any species means an abundant crop of seed throughout most of its range, though much better in some places than in others. Even during an " off year," however, a species may produce somewhere within its range a fair crop over a limited territory. Studies made to determine what constitutes a good crop for differ- ent species have given the following interesting figures : TABLE 1. — Amount of seed per acre produced by different species. Trees per Pounds acre bear- Bushels of seed Pounds Species. ing seed in of cones per of seed appreciable quantities. per tree. bushel of cones. per acre. Douglas fir . . . . 10 3.50 1.25 43.75 Yellow pine 5 4.00 1.50 30.00 Lodgepole pine White pine 40 7 .50 1.00 .25 1.10 4.00 7.70 Red pine... 5 .80 1.00 4.00 Engelmann spruce 12 1.25 .80 12.00 Sugar pine 8 7.00 1.60 *89.60 1 The sugar pine is a largo-seeded species, so that this weight of seed does not indicate a greater number of seed per acre than is produced by some of the other species. The season of 1910 was an " off year " for both Douglas fir and western yellow pine, the two most important trees of the West, yet cones of sufficient quantity were collected in widely separated locali- ties to furnish 30 tons of clean seeds of these species. The year was 13 14 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. RANGE OF OOUOLA8 FIR (P8EUOOT8U8A TAX I FOLIA) AREAS OF SEED CROP 1909 FIG. 1 A.— Range of Douglas fir, and areas of seed crop, 1900. RANGE OF DOUOLA8 FIR (P8EUDOT9UGA TAX I FOLIA) AREAS OF 8EED CROP 1910 FIG. IB. — Range of Douglas fir, and areas of seed crop, 1910. COLLECTION OF SEED. 15 RAN6E OF WESTERN YELLO* PINE (PINU8 PONDER08A) ARCA8 OF SEED CROP 1909 FIG. 2A. — Range of western yellow pine, and areas of seed crop, 1909. AREAS OF SEED CROP 1910 FIG. 2B. — Range of western yellow pine, and areas of seed crop, 1910. 5274°— Bull. 98—11 3 16 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. also an " off " one for Engelmann spruce, western white pine, and white pine, and comparatively small quantities of these seeds could be obtained. The accompanying maps (figs. 1 and 2) show for west- ern yellow pine and Douglas fir the seed-crop areas in 1909 and 1910. The influences which cause a " seed year " for the various species are very widespread in their effect. Climatic conditions during the growing season appear to exert an influence upon the crop of seed produced the next year. A severe drought one year means appar- ently a good seed crop the next. In studying the question of seed crops it is impossible not to be impressed with the relationship which exists between the production of tree seed and rodent life in the forest. If western yellow pine, for instance, bore a uniform crop of seed each year, the animals which feed upon this seed might soon become so numerous as to seriously endanger the existence of the tree as a part of the forest. It is only by the production of occasional or periodic crops of seed that conditions are made favorable for the natural reproduction of the tree species. There is reason to believe that the persistent trap- ping of the pine marten, which feeds upon squirrels, has, by permit ting an abnormal increase in the squirrel population, had an appre- ciable effect upon tree reproduction in certain places. GATHERING THE SEED. The Forest Service itself collects most of the seed of native species needed for the National Forests. This can be done usually for con- siderably less than the seed would cost if purchased from regular collectors or seed dealers. Before beginning the actual work of collecting the seed of any species, information regarding the seed crop in various portions of the tree's range is obtained. Knowledge of the relative abundance of cones and the possibility of economically collecting seed in the different localities make it possible to concentrate the work where the best results can be had at the least expense. Small, scattered operations, of course, add greatly to the cost. Cones of most of the pines take two years to mature, and a few require three years, so that a crop can often be predicted in ad- vance. The spruces and firs, including Douglas fir, ripen their cones in one season, as do western larch and western red cedar. Cones ripen at different times not only in different parts of the tree's range, but even at different altitudes and in different localities in the same region. A careful examination of the cones is necessary in order to determine when collecting should begin. The external appearance of the cone is not a sufficient indication of the condition of the seed, but a number of cones should be cut open and the seeds themselves examined. This can readily be done by cutting off the Bui. 98, Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE FIG. 1.— DRYING AND OPENING WESTERN YELLOW PINE CONES. BLACK HILLS NATIONAL FOREST. FIG. 2.— INTERIOR OF DRYING ROOM, SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF TRAYS. COLLECTION OF SEED. 17 scales with a sharp knife in the direction of the apex of the cone. As long as the seed is soft and milky it is immature. When the squirrels begin to cut off cones for storing collecting should begin at once. For most species the period for collecting the cones is short if they are taken directly from the trees. Hard frosts, followed by warm days, hasten the ripening and opening of cones, and when once begun, collection should be prosecuted with all possible haste. There are three methods of collecting cones — from felled trees, from standing trees, and from squirrel hoards. Where logging is going on it is often possible to pick the cones from the felled trees and from the ground after the brush is piled. This is a very eco- nomical method for some of the hard-coned species, provided the log- o-ing operations are extensive and a large number of trees are felled each day. In collecting from standing trees it may or may not be necessary to climb. Cones can often be stripped from short-limbed trees by cone hooks fastened to poles, or can even be picked off by hand. When climbing is necessary the cones are stripped or picked off by hand or by means of short hooks. It is best to begin work at the top of the tree, since then the cones can more easily be seen. Occasionally it is advisable to cut down heavily fruited trees, but this should be done only when the tree itself can be utilized. Squirrels' caches are often excellent places from which to get cones. Pine squirrels collect and store large quantities, while chip- munks, and even mice, lay by stores. These rodents do not put by seed for the winter only, but continue to collect as long as the sup- ply lasts and the weather permits. In consequence, they frequently lay by quantities out of proportion to their need. The small red squirrels are the greatest collectors of all, and it is not uncommon to find in a single one of their caches from 8 to 12 bushels of good cones, though the average quantity is about 2 bushels. These caches are located by old rotten logs, in springy places and muck, and in duff, sometimes "at a considerable depth, as well as under bushes and felled tree tops, along streams, and beneath overhanging stream banks. Their presence is evidenced by heaps of cone scales and chips where the squirrels have been feeding. Sometimes the caches are carefully covered with leaves and humus, making it difficult to locate them, though the squirrels' well-beaten trails often guide the collector. The squirrels do not confine their collecting to a few species, but appear to relish a large number. Among the species of cones which are often obtained from caches are Douglas fir, Engel- mann spruce, western yellow pine, lodgepole pine, and western white pine. Usually, however, the cones of but one species are found in a single cache. In collecting from squirrels' hoards it is well to have a pack horse along for immediate transportation, since if cones are dug out and left on the ground for any length of time 18 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. they will be carried away and cached again by the industrious animals. Collecting from squirrel hoards has two important advantages over the other methods, in that it can be carried on after the cones on the trees are open, while at the same time a high grade of cones is obtained. In one instance 610 bushels of lodgepole pine cones were collected from squirrel caches on the Targhee National Forest, at an average cost of 18 cents a bushel, one man collecting 16 J bushels a day. During the fall of 1908, 1,137 bushels of yellow-pine cones were collected from caches on the Boise National Forest after the cones on the trees had opened. During the early part of Octo- ber, 1910, a collection of lodgepole pine cones was made from squirrel caches on the North Fork of the Shoshone River, Wyo. The average quantity of cones found in each hoard was 2 bushels, and the maximum in one hoard 7 bushels. Ranger labor was used entirely, and pack horses brought the cones to camp as soon as gathered. The cost per bushel for gathering and hauling to head- quarters, a distance of 23 miles, was 60 cents. With those cones which open rapidly, care must be taken to put them in a damp place as soon as picked, so that they will not open and allow the seed to escape before the work of extraction begins. COST OF SEED GATHERING. During the autumn of 1910 the Forest Service collected 107,780 pounds of native tree seed and purchased 54,100 pounds of the seed of European species, a total of 161,880 pounds. The average cost per pound of that gathered by the Forest Service in 1909 and 1910 is shown by species in the following list: Douglas fir $1.20 Yellow pine .80 Lodgepole pine 4.00 Engelmann spruce 3.00 Western white pine 1. 25 Jeffrey pine $0. 50 Sugar pine .85 Coulter pine 1. §0 Incense cedar 1.20 Western red cedar __ 2. 00 Yellow-pine seed has been collected by the Forest Service for much less than 80 cents a pound during good seed years for the species. With the improved methods employed in seed collection, it is rea- sonable to expect that the cost of collecting tree seed of all kinds will be greatly reduced within the next year or two. Table 2 shows the average price per pound asked by seed dealers. COLLECTION OF SEED. TABLE 2. — Kind of seed and price per pound. 19 Species. Price per pound. Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) $1.85 to $3.25 1.00 to 2.25 2.75 to 4.25 1.25 to 2.25 1.25 to 3.00 3.55 to 7.00 3.00 to 3.50 3 50 to 4-00 Western yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa) Engelmann spruce (Picea engeJmanni) Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) Jeffrey pine ( Pinus jeffreyi) Dodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) Western red cedar ( Thuja plicata) Western white pine (Pinus monticola) 3.00 to 5.00 1.10 to 2.25 6.00 to 8.00 White pine (Pinus strobus) Red pine (Pinus resinosa) Mexican white pine (Pinus strobiformis) ... Arizona cypress ( Cypressus arizonica) 2.50 to 4.50 6.00 to 0.50 3.0040 3.50 1.50 to 4.00 3.50 to 4.00 2.00 to 4.50 1.50 to 2.50 .50 to 1.00 .30 to .50 .07 to .25 Bigtree (Sequoia washing toniana) Noble fir (A bies nobilis) Grand fir (Abies grandis) Amabilis fir (Abies amabilis) California red fir (Abies magnifica) Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) Austrian pine (Pinus austriaca) Norway spruce (Picea excelsa) Maritime pine (Pinus maritima) EXTRACTING THE SEED. It is exceedingly important that the cones be dried and the seed extracted promptty after collection. An even better plan is to do this while the collection of the cones is in progress. Promptness is necessary because good drying weather does not continue in most parts of the West very long after the cones are ripe, and there is also need for having the fresh seed available for fall sowing. The plan usually followed in extracting yellow pine, Douglas fir, and spruce seed is to spread the cones thinly on canvas sheets to dry in the sun (PL III, fig. 1). This is usually much cheaper than transporting the cones to the drying house and opening them by artificial heat. The rate of drying in the sun depends upon the weather and the species. If the drying is likely to continue until the ground becomes cold and wet, it is well to keep the canvas off the ground by means of brush, or a slightly raised platform of some kind. At night and during damp weather the canvas sheet should be drawn up by <:he corners and either tied in bundles or one side thrown over the cones. In this way the cones retain to some extent the heat absorbed during the hours of sunlight, while the first plan serves the added purpose of protection against nocturnal rodents. Cones of lodgepole pine are very difficult to open, and it is often necessary to resort to artificial heat. Even with this species, how- ever, it is best to utilize the sun's heat in opening the cones, since collecting can be done in the summer, owing to the fact that lodge- pole cones are persistent and remain on the trees for years. If the weather has been unfavorable for sun drying, or if collection has been unduly delayed, artificial drying may become necessary even for species usually dried in the open. It can not be too strongly 20 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. emphasized, however, that the sun and wind excel any drying house ever constructed. Where artificial drying is necessary the drying house should be roomy and fitted with tiers of trays arranged around the walls from 8 to 10 inches apart (PI. Ill, fig. 2). The trays should be constructed with screen bottoms, with a mesh of suitable size to permit the seed to drop through upon the canvas sheet. After the trays are filled with cones the room is heated to and kept at a tem- perature of from 120° to 140° F. until the cones have opened. Thor- ough ventilation is necessary in order to carry off the moist air. Stirring the cones with an iron rake results in more even drying. As soon as the cones have opened they should be removed and threshed out and a fresh supply put into the trays. A temperature of 140° F. or more, if continued for any length of time, reduces the vitality of the seed. Twelve square feet of tray space will accom- modate a bushel of cones. Soaking the cones of lodgepole pine for a short time before heating them in the drying house aids in the extraction of seed. Figure 3 shows the plan of the cone-drying house on the Sno- qualmie National Forest, Washington. This is roughly similar to the prune-drying houses of the Pacific coast, and is designed es- pecially for Douglas fir cones. It has proved very satisfactory, though some slight improvements have been suggested since it has been in operation. One is to insert two or three stove-pipe radiators in the horizontal part of the pipe, in order to utilize the heat more fully. If the width of the floor upon which the trays are handled were increased about 1 foot it would probably add to the convenience in operation. It might be well, also, to make the ventilator, or oblong section, as long as the width of the drying compartment. A number of sacks of cones are kept on a rough platform of boards, spaced a few inches apart, near the ceiling of the drying compartment. Cones stored here are dried to a considerable extent before they are placed on the trays. Cones in the lower trays nearest the stove pipe dry most rapidly, and when these are removed the upper trays are dropped down and the empty trays inserted above and filled from the sacks of cones stored overhead. In this way the freshly heated air from the pipe always strikes the driest cones before it has become partly moisture laden, thus insuring that cones which have become partly dried will not have an opportunity to absorb moisture again. All the trays of the drying compartment are shaken at intervals of two or three hours, beginning with the top trays and shaking toward the bottom. Probably 75 per cent of the seed is removed from the cones in this way before they are taken from the trays. The floor of the drying compartment is tight and smooth, and all of the seeds are swept together with a floor brush immediately after the trays are COLLECTION OF SEED. 21 shaken, since they should not be subjected to high temperature after being released from the cones. The seed thus obtained is very clean and has few impurities, except the wings, and some sand and leaves. The capacity of the drying house on the Snoqualmie Forest is 50 bushels of cones or 62^ pounds of clean seed per day. Several other cone-drying houses have been constructed on the National Forests, of which one of the largest is located at Ouster, S. Dak., where during the four weeks from November 26 to Decem- ber 24, 1910, a total of 3,894 pounds of clean seed were produced. To FIG. 3.— Plan of seed-drying house. do this meant to handle 1,000 bushels per week, including drying and opening, shaking out the seed, removing the wings, treating the seed and putting it through a fanning mill, and weighing and sacking it for shipment. Some species, such as yellow pine, in most cases need only a thorough raking of the dried and opened cones to dislodge the seed, while other species need severe and continued jarring. A variety of cone shakers have been devised by members of the Forest Service. 22 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. One in common use is made from a large dry-goods box, about 4 by 3 by 3 feet, provided at one end with a door made of slats so spaced as to permit only the closed cones to fall through (PI. IV, fig. 2). This door should be fitted also with a removable wire screen of such sized mesh as to permit only the seed to escape. The box should be built on a pole as an axis and swung between two trees, or else mounted on a windlass. By a crank attached to one end of the axis the apparatus may be revolved and the seed loosened. Slats nailed lengthwise inside the box, or loose blocks of wood placed in the box with the cones, increase the jarring effect. After the seed has escaped the screen should be removed and shaking continued to separate the still closed cones from the larger sized open ones. The closed cones can even be returned to the house for further drying. The cone shaker shown in Plate IV, figure 1, is a modification of the common potato sorter, and has been used extensively for yellow- pine cones, and, with slight modifications, for. lodgepole-pine cones. The shaker is composed of a cylinder 16 feet long and about 4 feet in diameter, constructed on a shaft of 2-inch pipe long enough to pro- vide for the supports at either end and for a crank with which to revolve the cylinder. Poultry net of }-inch mesh for yellow-pine cones and hardware cloth of J-inch square mesh for lodgepole cones is stretched over the cylinder frame. The whole apparatus is made with a fall of about 6 inches, the end of the hopper being elevated that much to cause the cones to travel automatically through the shaker to the other end, where they fall out. The contrivance may either be operated by hand or by a gasoline engine. Cone shakers of this type may be made to " take down," so that they can readily be transported from place to place in the woods. Even after cones have been shaken in the ordinary way considerable quantities of seeds still adhere to them. To obtain this additional seed the cones ma}^ be run through the regular grain separator of a steam thrashing machine. (PL V, fig. 2.) The quantity of seed ob- tainecl in this way will in most cases fully justify the expense. Even after the seed is separated from the cones it has mixed with it much foreign matter, such as small twigs, pieces of cone scales, and membranous wrings. Much of this foreign material can be screened out to some extent, but to loosen the wings from the seed requires further treatment. Sometimes the seeds may be forced through a wire screen, which will scrape off the wings. A good plan is to sack the seed loosely and then knead it, after which it should be run through a fanning mill fitted with screens of the proper mesh. (PL V, fig. 1.) In small operations the seed may be cleaned by pouring it from one receptacle to another in a current of air. COLLECTION OP SEED. 23 TESTING THE SEED. SEED- TESTING LABORATORY. The Forest Service has in Washington a seed-testing laboratory, in which germination and purity tests are made and the number of seed per pound determined of all species collected on the National For- ests. As each lot of seed is received it is passed through a seed- sampling machine, which divides it into two approximately equal quantities. This process is continued until one of the portions con- sists of a few more than 1,000 seeds, with the usual amount of rub- bish. This portion is weighed, then cleaned of all rubbish, and re- weighed. In this way the percentage of purity of the seed by weight is determined. From the same portion 1,000 seeds are counted out, weighed, and the number of seed per pound determined by pro- portion. Germination per cent is determined in two ways — first, by a cutting test on 200 seeds, and, second, by planting 200 seeds in a sand-filled flat and subjecting them to a hothouse temperature of about 60° F. The cutting test is, of course, only approximate, but it serves as a good basis for comparison with the actual germination secured by the planting of the seed. In addition to these tests, the seed laboratory is conducting experi- ments to determine the relative merits of a number of methods of storing coniferous-tree seeds. YIELD FROM CONES. The yield of seeds depends upon the quality of the cones, the thor- oughness of drying and extracting, and the manner of cleaning. There is a great variation in the yield of seed from a bushel of cones. The cones of any species fill better during a " seed year " than during " off years," so that in the former there is greater bulk, and especially greater weight of seed. Table 3 shows by species the average quan- tity of seed per bushel of cones or fruits. TABLE 3. — Quantity of seed per bushel of cones or fruits of different species. Species. Number of pounds. Species. Number of pounds. Douglas fir 1.25 Western red cedar 0 75 Western yellow pine 1.50 Black walnut (husked) 40 00 Engelmann spruce . 80 Butternut (husked) 40 oo Lodgepole pine 25 30 00 Sugar pine 1 00 Bitternut hickory 40 00 Western larch .50 Pignut hickory 40 00 Sitka spruce 1 25 Red oak acorns (clean) 50 00 Western white pine 1 00 White-oak acorns (clean) 70 00 Red pine 1 00 Chestnut (clean) 50 00 White pine 1 10 5274°— Bull. 98—11- 24 [REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. NUMBER OF SEEDS PER POUND. In Table 4 is given by species the approximate number of seeds per pound. TABLE 4. — Number of seeds per pound. Species. Number of seeds. Species. Number of seeds. Douglas fir 43 000 Red pine . . 55 000 Western yellow pine: Mexican white pine 2 700 Pacific coast* 9,100 Arizona cypress 100 000 New Mexico 16 000 Bigtree 75 000 Black Hills 13,500 Noble fir i 15 400 Engelmann sf 'ice 175 000 Grand fir i 20 000 Sugar pine ...., 2,400 Amabilis fir i 13 700 Jeffrey pine 3 100 California red fir i 67 000 Lodgepole pine 120,000 Scotch pine 69 000 Sitka spruce 400 000 Austrian pine 24 000 Western red cedar 400,000 Norway pine 54 000 Western white pine 28 000 Maritime pine 9 450 White pine (New York) 26,000 i Not Forest Service tests. PERCENTAGE OF GERMINATION. In Tables 5 and 6 is given the average percentage of germination for seeds of different species, and the real value of the seed based upon relative percentages of germination and of clean seed. TABLE 5. — Percentage of germination of seeds of different species. Species. Germi- nation. Species. Germi- nation. Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) Western yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa).. Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmanni)... Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) Per cent. 55 75 60 51 86 83 51 67 57 55 89 Mexican white pine (Pinus strobiformis). Arizona cypress ( Cupressus arizonica) Bigtree (Sequoia washingtonia) Per cent. 47 22 15 123 134 142 165 48 44 67 Noble fir (Abies nobilis) Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) Grand fir (Abies grandis) Lodgepole pine (Pinus murrayana) Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) Amabilis fir (A bies amabilis) California red fir (Abies magnifica)... Western red cedar ( Thuja plicata) Western white pine (Pinus monticola)... White pine (Pinus strobus) Norway spruce (Picea excelsa) Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestTis) Austrian pine (Pinus austriaca) Red pine (Pinus resinosa). i Tests not made by the Forest Service. TABLE 6. — Practical germination per cent and real value of seed. Species. Practical germination. Purity. Real value' (per cent). Days.i Per cent.i Percentage of clean seed by weight. 40 / »21 { a 45 76 79+ 55 } 60 65 55 57 89 95 81 83 93 86 49 71.3 48.6 54 51.2 49 Western yellow pine Engelmann spruce Lodgepole pine . White pine Western white pine 1 These figures represent the number of days when germination was practically complete and the percentage of germination within that time, rather than the absolute final germi- nation record. 2 Per cent germination X per cent clean seed. 100 8 Western yellow pine seed germinates more slowly on proceeding from the Rocky Moun- tains to the Pacific coast. Averages from both regions show that Rocky Mountain seed germinates in about one-third of the time required for seed from the Pacific coast. Bui. 98, Forest Service, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. PLATE IV. FIG. 1.— CONE SHAKER, COLORADO NATIONAL FOREST. FIG. 2.— SHAKING CONES A SECOND TIME AND BURNING THEM. Bui. 98, Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agricultur PLATE V. I ~ • , * FIG. 1.— SEED FANNING MILL, BLACK HILLS NATIONAL FOREST. FIG. 2.— CONES OF WESTERN YELLOW PINE BEING RUN THROUGH A STEAM GRAIN SEPARATOR. COLLECTION OF SEED. 25 METHODS OF STORAGE. The necessity of storing seed, which sometimes arises, and the de- sirability of doing so in years of abundant crops, led the Forest Service to undertake experiments to ascertain the best method of storing seed of some of the most important of the coniferous trees. The species chosen for the test were Picea engelmanni, Pinus con- torta, Pinus monticola, Pinus ponder osa, Pinm strobus, and Pseudo- tsuga taxifolia. The seed of these species were obtained in the follow- ing amounts from the sources indicated : Species. Quantity of seed. Source of seed. Picea engelmanni (Engelmann spruce) Pounds. 10 San Isabel National Forest, Colo. Pinus contorta (scrub pine) .. 12 Deerlodge National Forest, Mont Pinus monticola (western white pine) 55 Coeur d'Alene National Forest Idaho Pinus ponderosa (western yellow pine). 70 Boise National Forest, Idaho. Pinus strobus (white pine). 30 New York State forester Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Douglas fir) 25 San Isabel National Forest, Colo The seed were spread out in a thin layer and fanned with an electric fan for two days in order to dry thoroughly the outside without affecting the interior. They were then divided into portions of about 600 to 800 each, and the total number of portions equally distributed among the following containers : 1. Ordinary manila paper bags. 2. Similar bags soaked in paraffin. 3. Cloth bags. 4. Cloth bags soaked in boiled linseed oil and dried. 5. Air-tight glass bottles sealed with paraffin. To determine the effect of temperature and geographical location upon the seed, 13 points of storage, widely scattered over the United States, were selected, at which the seed was to be kept under different temperatures. The points of storage were : Ann Arbor, Mich. New Haven, Conn. Dundee, 111. Pikes Peak, Colo. Fort Bayard, N. Mex. Pocatello, Idaho. Halsey, Nebr. State College, Pa. Ithaca, N. Y. Warsaw, Ky. Lake Clear Junction, N. Y. Waukegan, 111. Lawrence, Kans. In general, the different conditions of temperature under which the seeds were placed were : (1) Ordinary indoor temperature, such as office shelf, always above freezing. (2) Fluctuating temperature, as in barn or other outbuilding, where thermometer follows actual variations. (3) Uniform low temperature, as in a basement or cellar. 26 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. Since the experiments were planned to cover a period of five years, 12 sets of samples were sent to the storage points, of which 4 samples would be placed under each condition of temperature indicated. At the end of one, two. and five years one container of seed stored under each condition of temperature, or three containers in all, were to be shipped to Washington in order that germination tests might be made. One set of containers was sent in during the year of 1909-10, and the tests were made. The results obtained are, in all probability, fairly conclusive for seed stored for one year in the manner indicated in Table 7. TABLE 7. — Germination per cent of seed stored under different temperatures. Temperature and container. Picea engel- manni. Pinus contorta. Pinus monti- cola. Pinus ponde- rosa. Pinus strobus. Pseudot- suga taxi- folia. Average. Average of all contain- ers except oiled- cloth bag. Fluctuating tempera- ture: Paper bag Per cent. 47 Per cent. 66 Per cent. 36 Per cent. 75 Per cent. 41 Per cent. 23 Per cent. 48 Per cent. Paper bag paraf- fined 40 74 37 76 44 26 49 5 Cloth bag 38 54 30 75 31 14 40 33 55.5 Cloth bag oiled... Bottle 27 67 18 75 19 41 54 78 25 56 4 44 24.5 60 16 Indoor temperature: Paper bag 52 69 36 75 46 29 51 16 Paper bag paraf- fined 55 77 39 77 50 34 55 33 Cloth bag 51 42 32 77 35 25 43 66 57.7 Cloth bag oiled... Bottle 34 68 18 72 22 40 56 76 23 59 11 49 28.16 60.66 Low temperature: Paper bag 30 64 33 72 32 14 40.84 Paper bag paraf- fined 41 71 35 72 38 20 46.16 Cloth bag... Cloth bag oiled... Bottle 24 16 68 49 13 73 27 19 44 74 51 78 27 16 59 8 6 50 34.84 20.16 62 33 46 A glance at the table shows that for all species the average germi- nation is greater for seed stored in bottles than for that stored in any other container. If each species is considered separately it will be seen that with Pseudotsuga taxifolia germination of seed stored in the bottle exceeded that stored in any other container by from 15 to 30 per cent; with Pinus strobus, by from 9 to 21 per cent; and with Picea engelmanni, by from 13 to 27 per cent. In the case of the three other species the difference is in no way marked. The germi- nation of Pinus ponderosa seed stored in bottles averages only 3 per cent more than that stored in the paraffined envelopes; and that of Pinus monticola only 5 per cent more; while the seed of Pinus con- torta averages 1 per cent less than that stored in the paraffined envelopes. The uniformly high rate of germination shown by all seeds stored in bottles in the three temperatures, however, makes this method of storage seem in general the most desirable one. COLLECTION OF SEED. 27 The undesirability of storing seed in oiled cloth bags is very plainly brought out by the table. The low percentage of germination of seed so stored is probably due to the absorption of oil by the seed coats. In attempting to determine the effect upon germination of the different temperatures under which the seed was stored, the germina- tion percentage of those stored in the oiled bags was not considered, since its low figure was manifestly due to the container and not to the temperature. With the figures for the oiled bags eliminated, the following were the average percentages of germination under the different temperatures : Fluctuating, 55.5 ; indoor, 52.7 ; low, 46. Seed stored in bottles showed, under the different temperatures, the following average percentages of germination : Fluctuating, 60.2 ; indoor, 60.6 ; low, 62.3. It will be seen that the greatest difference in the percentage of germination under the three temperatures is only 2.1 per cent, and this might easily be due to a slight variation in the quality of the seed. It would seem, therefore, that differences in temperature have little or no effect upon seed stored in sealed glass bottles for one year. Another experiment discussed later tends to prove that the best tem- perature for storing seed is one ranging a little above 0° F. The object of storing seed in so many different places was to determine whether geographical situation has any effect upon germination. Table 8 seems to indicate that some locations should be given preference. TABLE 8. — Germination per cent of seed stored at different places. Location. Picea engel- manni. Pinus contorta. Pinus monti- cola. Pinus ponde- rosa. Pinus strobus. Pseudot- suga taxifolia. Average of all species. Ann Arbor Per cent i 61.9 Per cent* 67.0 Per cent.1 36.9 Per cent! 76.6 Per cent.1 39.0 Per cent.1 23.7 Per cent. 50 9 Dundee . . 32 1 66 9 37 6 75 4 35 6 16 3 44 o Fort Bayard 65.5 79.8 42.2 79.6 52.0 37 0 59 4 Halsey . 52 0 60 0 34 8 74 1 42 7 30 0 48 9 Ithaca 47.8 66.1 35 2 70.6 44.0 34 8 49 g Lake Clear Junction 57 4 63 4 32 0 77 2 55 0 41 4 54 4 Lawrence ". 27.4 69.1 28 8 72.6 25.8 17 0 40 1 New Haven 47 0 67 1 40 7 74 4 40 8 22 7 48 8 Pikes Peak 63.9 73.6 37 0 75.7 51 3 33 2 55 8 Pocatello . . . 51 5 65 6 38 3 76 8 56 0 34 i 53 7 State College 47 g 57 6 34 9 71 9 43 3 27 8 47 2 Warsaw 36 8 58 0 33 8 76 1 31 6 17 2 42 3 Waukegan 46 1 58 5 33 4 76 1 43 9 25 5 47 3 1 Average of all containers, except oiled bag, at all three temperatures. The relatively high germination of seed stored at high altitudes, such as at Fort Bayard, Pikes Peak, and Pocatello, all in the Far West, is in striking contrast to that of seed stored at low altitudes in the Middle West, at Lawrence, Kans. ; Warsaw, Ky. ; and Dundee, 111. The seed stored at Lake Clear Junction, N. Y., showed a relatively high percentage of germination, while that stored at the remaining points germinated moderately well. If conclusions can be drawn 28 EEFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. from a storage period of one year only, it would seem that prefer- ence should be given to storage points in the dry eastern Rocky Mountain region, and that the Middle West should be avoided. One set of experiments, in which the seed was stored in Washington only, was begun in 1906. With a single exception of one sealed jar, all the seed was stored in cloth bags, since the object of the experi- ment was primarily to determine the effect of temperature upon the stored seed. Pinus torreyana, Pinus divaricata, Abies concolor, and Pseudotsuga taxifolia were the species used. The seed were stored under the following conditions: (1) Office shelf, seed laboratory, temperature never below 32° F. (2) Unheated room in seed store, in which temperature follows natural changes. (3) Seed laboratory, in sealed jars, temperature never below 32° F. (4) Chill room, storage warehouse, temperature 6° to 10° F. Tests made on the seed during the winter of 1909-10 gave the results shown in Table 9. TABLE 9. — Germination per cent of seed stored under different temperatures, Washington, D. C. Unheated Species. Office shelf, seed laboratory. room, Bol- giano's, fluctuating tempera- Sealed jar, seed labo- ratory. Chill room, tempera- ture 34° to 36° F. Freezing room, tem- perature 6° to 10° F* ture. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Pinus ponderosa 51.0 43.5 48.0 48.5 67.5 Pinus attenuata 52 5 54 5 62 0 53 5 Pinus divaricata 33.0 23.0 74.0 90 0 Abies concolor 28 0 Pseudotsuga taxifolia 5.5 21.0 Although these tests are rather meager ones upon which to base conclusions, the results at least indicate that more attention might profitably be given to storing seed at low temperature. PART II.— DIRECT SEEDING. DIRECT SEEDING VERSUS PLANTING. Of the two methods of artificial reforestation — direct seeding and planting — the first offers for certain species on many of the Na- tional Forests by far the greater promise of success. By it the slow, complicated, and expensive process of raising plants in a nursery is eliminated. The seeding itself is a much more simple operation than field planting and can be done with less experienced labor. The seeding is limited mainly by the quantity and kind of seed avail- able and its cost. In general, hardy trees, the seed of which is easily and cheaply obtained, can be reproduced satisfactorily by direct seeding, while species like red pine, which bear small crops of seed that are difficult to collect even under the most favorable conditions, can be reproduced more cheaply b}^ planting. In Russia reforestation by direct seeding has been practiced for years. Over 65,000 acres a year are reforested artificially by this method in the northern and northeastern Provinces. In India and in southern France, also, direct seeding has been carried on extensively. The maritime pine forests of southern France were established almost entirely in this way. PAST WORK ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. Direct seeding was first tried on the National Forests in 1901, when seed was broadcasted or dropped into holes made with a stick on the San Bernardino Forest Eeserve, in California. The site selected was in the dry foothills, and the experiment was, as might have been expected, a total failure. In 1902 red cedar, western yellow pine, jack pine, and blue spruce were sown on the snow in the Nebraska National Forest, and in the spring of 1903 an area of 25 acres was seeded to yellow pine. Corn planters were used, and the seed was placed part in furrows and part in sod. Both of these experiments, however, resulted in failure; few seedlings, except those of red cedar, survived. In 1902 some direct seeding was done on the San Gabriel National Forest, in California. The seed was of sumac, Rhus lau- rina, and about 1,000 pounds were used. The seeding was done on a rocky cliff, several hundred feet high, facing the east, below the astronomical observatory on Mount Wilson, and was very successful. 29 30 KEFOBESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. The first successful work in direct seeding on a large scale was done in 1905, at the request of the Secretary of Agriculture, on the Black Hills National Forest. Here approximately 28 acres were broadcasted and 12 acres seeded with corn planters to western yellow pine of the crop of 1903, from the Pecos National Forest, New Mexico. The results were excellent, the best being upon areas where corn planters had been used. The sowing was continued in the Black Hills in 1906, 1907, and 1908, with Black Hills seed of the crop of 1905. The results in 1906 were poor, in 1907 good, and in 1908 rather poor again. Additional sowing in 1908 with some old western yellow-pine seed collected in Nebraska gave very poor re- sults, as did other experiments that year with Douglas fir. In 1909 approximately 650 acres in the Black Hills were broadcasted with local yellow-pine seed of the crop of 1908. The results were fair, but by no means entirely satisfactory. In view of what has been learned since, it seems probable that rodents were largely responsible for these poor results, since the weather conditions that year appeared perfect. It is probable that the success of the 1905 planting was due to the fact that it was done on an extensive burn, where there was no cover for rodents. Possibly the fact that plenty of seed was pro- duced in the forest that year, furnishing the rodents an ample sup- ply of food, had a direct bearing upon the success of the sowing. Direct seeding has since been carried on in hundreds of different places throughout the National Forests of the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast States. In the calendar year 1910 approximately 14,000 acres were sown by this method. SELECTION OF THE SITE. In the work of direct seeding too great emphasis can not be laid on the importance of selecting the right site for sowing. Large burns without grass cover which are not restocking, or are coming up to aspen, offer good sites for reforestation. Aspen lands and natural brush lands, not chaparral, are also excellent. Parks, grassy woodlands, alpine meadows, and sagebrush lands are less favorable. Some species demand one situation, some another. Even the chemical composition of the soil should be considered. Some- species, like Douglas fir in the Rocky Mountains, prefer limestone formations, while others, like yellow pine and lodgepole pine, prefer soils con- taining little or no lime. In general, the seed of any species should be sown in a place and under conditions as like as possible to the site and conditions of its natural habitat. TIME OF YEAR FOR SEEDING. The time of year when seeding should be done varies with the climate, and to a less degree with the species. The important thing is to vary the time of sowing with climatic conditions, so that the DIRECT SEEDING. 31 seedlings will get the greatest possible supply of moisture. Fall sowing has been successful more often than either spring or summer sowing, and appears to be advisable in Colorado, Utah, southern Idaho, California, western Montana, Washington, and Oregon. Ex- cept in the high mountains, the climate of Utah and southern Idaho, where considerable sowing has been done, is semiarid. The major part of the precipitation comes in the winter in the form of snow, while after its disappearance in the spring a hot, dry period of sev- eral months usually follows. In this region seed sown in the spring has often failed to germinate, or if it has germinated, the seedlings have soon dried up. Except in a few localities, therefore, and with species the seeds of which germinate quickly, spring sowing in Utah and southern Idaho offers little prospect of success. With fall sowing the chances are better, since the seed germinate early in the spring, enabling the plants to become more firmly established before drought begins. Early spring sowing has given good results in South Dakota, Wyoming, eastern Montana, and the Lake States. Summer sowing, just before the short rainy season, may be successful in Arizona and New Mexico, though spring sowing has also given good results. In Florida sowing should probably be done in the late winter. Sowing on the snow in late winter and early spring gives satis- factory results under certain conditions. The seed is washed down into the mineral soil by the melting snow and is ready for germina- tion when the snow disappears. This enables the young seedlings to take advantage of the spring rains, except in regions where spring is a season of severe drought, in which case spring germination may be a positive disadvantage. With seeds that need considerable soak- ing before germination will take place winter sowing is an advantage, while with seeds that are easily perishable it is a disadvantage. Seeds when first sown on snow are very conspicuous and are likely to be eaten by birds, though after a day or two of sunshine they disappear. Broadcasting is, of course, the only method of sowing practicable during winter. Spring sowing has the advantage of not exposing the seed to un- favorable weather conditions or to destruction by birds and rodents longer than is necessary. Unlike winter sowing, it does not restrict the choice of methods, and the seed can be sown either broadcast or in seed spots, on either prepared or unprepared soil. The seed of certain species like white oak, the cedars, and spruces is difficult to keep over winter, so that for them the time of sowing is in most cases restricted to the fall. Red oak acorns sown in the spring require from five to six weeks for germination. White oak and chestnut oak acorns sown in the fall often sprout before Christ- mas. White oak acorns are eaten greedily by squirrels, mice, turkeys, and hogs, and spring planting would be profitable if it were not so 32 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL, FORESTS. difficult to start them. Where the danger of loss during the winter, however, is especially great, spring sowing may be tried. Red and black oak sprout only in the spring, but since they are bitter and in consequence are little molested by rodents, can be planted in safety in the fall. In general, tree seed should be sown immediately preceding or at the beginning of the characteristic period of precipitation in the region. Exception to this rule may be necessary on account of local climatic conditions, peculiarities of certain tree species, or local abundance of rodents. BROADCASTING. Under favorable conditions tree seed may be scattered on unpre- pared ground with a fair prospect of success, though in most cases some preparation of the ground is necessary. In deciding upon the best method of preparing the ground for sowing, the surface, slope, and character of the ground cover, as well as the species to be sown, must be considered. Some of the methods used with good results are burning, harrowing with an ordinary spring-tooth or disk har- row, dragging tree tops or stumps over the ground, and plowing. An area thoroughly trampled by sheep, or which has been used as a sheep driveway, the soil of which is naturally loose, is usually in good condition for sowing. Certain tracts on the National Forests, each with a different kind of soil, are being purposely overgrazed in order to prepare the ground for the reception of seed. Broadcast sowing may be expected to be successful where the soil is loose and moist at the surface, where some protection is afforded to seedlings against heat and drought, and where rodents can be con- trolled. Since rodents are much more numerous on the edge of green timber than in the open, sowing, to be most successful, should be a half a mile or more from the thickest growth. Burned areas covered with down timber, aspen, or brush of not too dense a character, but without much leaf litter, offer good sites for broadcast sowing without preparing the ground or covering the seed. As a matter of fact, harrowing or otherwise wounding the soil preparatory to broadcast- ing is almost impossible on mountain sides covered with a mass of down timber. On areas broadcasted seedlings are likely to come up in groups, due to erosion and to destruction by rodents. In sowing broadcast the seed should be weighed out with care, and one-half of the amount sown over the whole area. The sower should then travel back and forth at right angles to his previous course and sow the other half. In this way a more even distribution of the seed is assured. It is much more difficult to sow evenly 2 quarts of small tree seed than 2 bushels of corn. Large or medium-sized seed, such as that of yellow pine or Douglas fir, can be sown by hand, while Bui. 98, Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VI. FIG. 1.— DIRECT SEEDING OF DOUGLAS FIR, SOLEDUCK BURN, OLYMPIC NATIONAL F.OREST. FIG. 2.— SEED-SPOT SOWING, WENATCHEE NATIONAL FOREST, WASH. DIRECT SEEDING. 33 small seed, such as that of lodgepole pine, larch, and spruce, should be scattered with a mechanical seed sower. When very small seeds are used they can sometimes be scattered more uniformly by mixing them with fine, dry earth. Covering seed that has been broadcasted by harrowing or otherwise has not yet given good results, though further experiments along this line will be undertaken. Damage from rodents is usually less, or at least less noticeable, in the case of broadcast sowing than with other methods, since the seed is dis- tributed over a wider area, there is more of it, and it is more difficult to find. SOWING IN STRIPS AND BLOCKS. Strip sowing and block sowing are modifications of the broad- cast method. Sowing in strips has the advantage that it does not require the preparation of the entire area, thus reducing the cost. Narrow strips, 3 feet wide or less, are prepared in -various ways, frequently by plowing. On hillsides the strips should run along contour lines, not up and down. Strips so run catch and retain the precipitation, and also prevent the soil and seed from being washed down by rain. In a flat country they should run east and west, and when a plow is used the furrows should be turned toward the south. In this way seedlings are given some protection from drought dur- ing the first year. Less seed per acre is required in strip sowing, but the seed is sown more thickly on the strip seeded than on the area broadcasted. Seed may be sown even without preparing the ground. It is a method particularly adapted to quick-growing species. In sowing by both the broadcasting and strip methods machinery can sometimes be used to advantage. Where the slope is not too steep, and where down timber, brush, and rocks do not prevent, corn planters drawn by horses can be used. Hand planters of several kinds have been used extensively and have proven satisfactory. On an average one man can sow a little more than 2 acres a day with a hand corn planter. Before using hand planters the " shoe " should be modified so that it will not push the seed deeper than is desired. The edges of the shallow holes made by the corn planter crumble in and cover a part or all of the seed to about the right depth. The chief objection to all of the hand planters now on the market is that both hands are required to operate them. The Forest Service is now preparing plans for a machine which will be possible to operate with only one hand, and which in other respects is better adapted to the small, light seeds of coniferous trees. The seed of broadleaf trees, nuts, acorns, etc., are easily dibbled in. A pointed staff is thrust sharply into the ground and pried about so as to slightly loosen the soil. It is then withdrawn so as 34 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. to leave an open hole, into which the acorn or nut is dropped. Merely stepping on the spot is sufficient to cover the seed. During rainy weather or after severe forest fires the ground is sometimes soft enough to permit of satisfactory sowing by dropping the nuts or acorns on the surface and crushing them in by stepping on them. More seed and closer spacing should be used when this is done. SEED SPOTS. The seed-spot method has some decided advantages over broad- casting or sowing in strips. Less seed per acre is required, the pre- pared spot gives the seed a better chance to germinate, and the seed- lings have a better chance to grow, because the prepared spots are usually made in the most favorable places. Moreover, the result of the sowing can be more readily determined. The spots are usually prepared with a mattock, a heavy hoe, or an iron rake (PI. VI, fig. 2). The size of the spot and the depth to which the soil is loosened depend upon the character of the ground cover and the species to be sown. The spots are usually made square, with a side of from 12 to 20 inches. In locating them advantage is, of course, taken of any suitable shelter available. On level ground the turf is thrown upon the southern side of the spot to avoid the reflec- tion from the sun's rays and the consequent baking of the young plants. On slopes the soil is thrown upon the lower edge of the spot in order to aid in holding moisture and to preclude the burying of the young seedlings by washing from above. The distance be- tween the seed spots varies with the species and the character of the ground, in the case of slow-growing species usually about 2 feet apart, while with more rapid-growing trees the distance between them may be 8 or 9 feet. In some cases loosening the ground to a depth of more than 2 or 3 inches seems inadvisable, since the loosened soil dries out rapidly and the seedling is injured be-fore its roots have had a chance to penetrate the unloosened moist soil beneath. The chief function of the spot is to make sure that the seed reaches the mineral soil, and partially to eliminate, for a time at least, competi- tion with grass and other plants. Where the ground cover consists of strong-growing plants and plants which produce heavy shade dur- ing the growing season spots should be even more than a foot wide. Where a shade-enduring species is being sown on a moist situation the spots may even be less than a foot wide. In seed-spot sowing three men constitute a good crew, two selecting and making the spots, and one sowing the seed. In practice it is found that the man dropping the seed can also cover it, whenever this is advisable, and yet keep up with the men preparing the spots. Coniferous seed, except that of the largest, like sugar pine, should in no case be covered to a depth of more than one-half inch. DIRECT SEEDING. 35 Areas sown by the seed-spot method suffer more damage from birds than do those sown by other methods. A thicker sowing in seed spots is therefore necessary. Where, however, too many seed are used per spot, and these are unmolested, the resulting growth is much too thick, and the tree trunks do not develop normally. The interior trees are too slender, and the competition for light and moist- ure during the early stages of growth is too great. Moreover, the completion of a fully stocked stand is retarded, and soil protection is in consequence postponed for a long time. The so-called hole or pit method of direct seeding is the same as the spot method. The prepared spot is smaller and somewhat deeper. It is used on very dry, barren, stony ground, in sunny, hot, or windy situations. QUANTITY OF SEED PER ACHE. In the forest during most years nature produces seed abundantly, depending upon quantity to offset possible adverse conditions. In artificial sowing it is not practicable to be so lavish, and conditions that will permit the germination of the seed and enable the tiny plants to grow must be insured. One of the chief problems is to get the. seed into direct contact with the soil. An old grove of Douglas fir trees may shed 25 pounds of seed to the acre, or 1,250,000 indi- vidual seeds, yet because of needles and litter covering the ground probably less than one seed in ten thousand reaches the mineral soil, germinates, and grows. With Douglas fir direct light is, of course, an important factor also. By removing the heavy shade, by burning the litter and exposing the mineral soil, and by poisoning destructive rodents, conditions may be so improved that 3 pounds of seed to the acre, sown broadcast, or 1 pound sown in seed spots, will produce a full stand of young trees. With a suitable area well prepared, the amount of seed of the more important species required per acre is about that shown in Table 10. The amounts are based on the average germination per cents given in Table 9. The Forest Service seed testing laboratory annually de- termines the germination per cents of the seed collected on different forests, and the amount sown per acre should be varied in accordance with these tests. 36 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. TABLE 10. — Number of seed required per acre. BROADCAST SOWING OVER THE WHOLE AREA. Species. Pounds of seed per acre. Species. Pounds of seed per acre. Douglas fir 4-5 Red pine. 4 Western yellow pine 6-8 Mexican white pine 8 10 Engelmann spruce 2-4 Noble fir 8 10 Sugar pine 10 -20 Grand fir 8 10 Jeffrey pine 18 -24 Amabilis fir 8 10 Lodgepole pine 2-3 California red fir. . 8 10 Sitka spruce 2-3 Scotch pine 7- 8 Western red cedar 1J- 2i Austrian pine 8-10 Western white pine 8 -10 Norway spruce 5 7 White pine.. 8 -10 Maritime pine 10 20 SEED-SPOT SOWING. [Spots 6 by G ; approximately 12 good 1 seed per spot.] Douglas fir j Mexican white pine 3 Western yellow pine 2$ Arizona cypress 3 Engelmann spruce Bietree 2 Sugar pine 6 Noble fir 3 Jeffrey pine - . 8 Grand fir '3 Lodgepole pine 1 Amabilis fir 3 Sitka spruce 1 California red fir 3 Western red cedar 1 Scotch pine . 2i Western white pine 2i Austrian pine 35 White pine . 2J Norway spruce 2 Red pine 1£ Maritime pine 4 1 For example, if the germination tests showed 50 per cent germination, 24 seed would have to be sown to have 12 good seed. The germination period varies with weather conditions and with the quality and kind of seed. The approximate number of days of " growing " weather after sowing required by different species varies from 14 to 22 days. The temperatures at which tree seeds sprout in the shortest time lie between 66° and 68° F. PROTECTION FROM RODENTS.1 In some parts of the West farmers suffer heavy loss from rodents. Toll is taken of seed grain by mice, squirrels, and pocket gophers, and this in spite of the fact that the farmer sows as much as 100 pounds of wheat to the acre and by annual plowing and further cultivation renders conditions inimical to the domestic life of the rodents. When under such conditions these little animals cause serious injury to seed grain and to growing crops, it is but natural to expect much greater damage when tree seed is sown. A rodent population suffi- cient to eat or store 10 out of 100 pounds of wheat sown on an acre could make away with all of the necessarily few pounds of tree seed sown. The actual rodent population on wild land in or near the woods is probably greater, and is certainly more varied, than in culti- vated fields. Tree seed is very attractive to rodents and is more 1 This subject is treated in Circular 78 of the Biological Survey, " Seed Eating Mammals in Relation to Reforestation," from which the formulas given here are taken. Jul. 98, Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VII. FOUR COMMON RODENTS DESTRUCTIVE TO TREE SEED. (a) Say ground squirrel (CaSospermophHue latcnili*); (b) Pale-striped ground squirrel (Citcllus tr/ilccf ni/iiintfiix i>tt//i/ roimjucusman'iculat'Ufni/tntui), (From Circular 78, Bureau of Biological Survey. ) DIRECT SEEDING. 37 palatable than grain. In many cases it is their natural food, and they are wonderfully diligent and expert in searching it out. Many ex- periments in the direct seeding of hardwoods and conifers have failed because nearly all of the seed was eaten by mice, chipmunks, and other animals. Where tree seed attractive to rodents is to be sown it is neces- sary, therefore, to consider the systematic poisoning of the area as an essential operation. In the experiment conducted at the Coconino Experiment Station seed spots were sown to yellow pine and then covered with small portable screens which effectively protected them from rodents and birds. The successful germination in these spots and the absolute failure in similar unprotected spots adjacent showed how important an adverse factor animals are in reforestation. In the spring of 1910, in cooperation with the Biological Survey, intensive studies of the damage from rodents were conducted at a number of places where direct seeding was in progress, while on many other sowing areas observations were made by Forest officers. In nearly every case a different species of animal was found to be the chief cause of damage. There are, of course, a great many species of mice, chipmunks, and ground squirrels, and a number of different kinds of tree squirrels. Each species appears to have distinctive habits, while the food and activities of the same species differ greatly with the time of year. The kind of poison bait and the manner of applying it must, therefore, be adapted not only to the species of animal to be destroyed, but to the taste and activities at the time the poisoning is done. In a certain locality on the Black Hills Forest, in the spring of 1910, where 600 acres were to be sown to Austrian pine, yellow pine, and Scotch pine, it was found that white-footed mice of the genus Peromyscus were gathering and eating from 20 to 25 per cent of the seed, while in another locality on the same Forest chipmunks (Euta- mais quadrivittatus} proved to be the important factor in the seed- ing operations. With the assistance of experts from the Biological Survey these pests were greatly reduced in numbers and their depre- dations practically stopped by means of poisoning. Chipmunks of one species or another are abundant in most of the National Forests, ground squirrels are common arid troublesome, and mice, especially, of the genus Peromyscus, constitute a widespread pest. With the systematic use of poison, however, these pests can be so reduced as to be practically harmless. A good formula for poisoning chipmunks and ground squirrels is the following, which was recommended by the Biological Survey and has been used with good results : Strychnia sulphate 1 ounce. Saccharin 1 teaspoonful. Gloss, or laundry starch I cupful. Water 1 quart. Barley " 20 pounds. 38 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. The strychnia and saccharin are dissolved in the water by boiling, after which the starch, previously softened with cold water, is poured in and the boiling continued until the solution thickens. This solu- tion is then mixed with the grain until the kernels are coated. The treated bait may be used at once, or it may be dried and kept for future use. In distributing the poisoned grain or other bait the places selected should be numerous, though the quantity left at each may be small, since only a few kernels are required to kill an animal. Poisoning works best when ordinary rodent food is scarce. The poi- son just given for chipmunks and ground squirrels is most effective in spring or early summer. Planting the poisoned seed itself is apt to be unsatisfactory, since the poison is all on the shell and is not eaten by the rodents, which merely extract the kernel and leave the shell. This method may, however, be effective in the fall when the rodents are storing seed and the poison is absorbed as the seed is carried in the cheek pouches of the animals. Where mice as well as chipmunks are destructive, the following formula has proven effective : Wheat 16 quarts. Strychnin 1 ounce. Saccharin 1 teaspoonful. Melted tallow__. — 1 pint. Either the alkaloid or the sulphate of strychnin may be used, though the alkaloid on account of its less bitter taste seems prefer- able. The wheat should be warmed in a metal saucepan or small receptacle, and the saccharin and strychnin pulverized and sprinkled over it. The melted tallow should then be poured in and the mixture stirred until every wheat kernel is coated. Tallow is more satisfac- tory than starch as a coating in wet weather, and wheat is more effective than barley, especially for mice. In distributing any kind of poisoned grain it is important to put it out of the reach of birds. Ordinarily this is not difficult, Cavities among small piles of stones or under roots or logs, or burrows of animals, will be entered by rodents and ignored by birds. Lacking these, cover made from pieces of bark, boards, or flat stones, with a low runway left beneath, will fill the purpose. Barley is usually at- tractive to rodents and is the grain least relished by birds. In some of the National Forests rabbits have damaged plantations of young trees. Where damage of this kind is serious the rabbits should be poisoned in early spring by baiting with twigs cut from fruit trees or native brush. The twigs should be scattered a few hours before sundown along the rabbit trails, or in openings on the plantations. The bait should be prepared according to the formula given for chipmunks and ground squirrels, with the substitution for the barley of 15 pounds of twigs cut into 2 or 3 inch lengths. DIRECT SEEDING. 39 In the poisoning work done on the National Forests in 1910, it was found that to cover an area thoroughly requires 1 bushel of poisoned wheat to every 40 acres, a pinch of the grain being dropped at intervals of 15 feet, in rows 40 feet apart. Petroleum should not be used to protect seed from animals, since it destroys the vitality of the seed. Red lead has proven useful in protecting acorns and nuts from rodents. Its use delays germination only slightly, but the protection it gives is not thorough. Some- times it appears even to attract birds and certain rodents. It is applied by placing the wet nuts or acorns in a bag containing red lead and shaking thoroughly. It should not be used if there is danger of domestic stock, such as hogs, getting at the plantation. Carbolic acid solutions injure seed, and are of doubtful value as protection from animals. PROTECTION FROM STOCK AND FIRE. The grazing of live stock is prohibited upon areas within the National Forests seeded to either coniferous or broadleaf species. The small areas where experiments are being conducted require fencing, and upon tracts where sowing is being done on a large scale notices are posted closing the area to grazing. This, with proper supervision, will prevent damage from herded stock. Where walnuts, hickory nuts, acorns, and even maritime pine seed are being sown, there is a fence to keep out hogs. Since the lightest kind of grass or ground fire will destroy young seedlings, it is necessary to keep out fire absolutely. Every precau- tion justified by the importance of the experiment and the value of the plantation is taken to prevent fire. This, of course, applies to planted as well as to seeded areas. COST OF SOWING. There are many elements which have a material bearing upon the cost of sowing. The more important of these are the character of the land to be sown, the method of sowing, and the species of seed used. Seed of the same species may be sown by the same method on two sites of equal area, yet the cost of sowing one of them will be much less than that of sowing the other, because of the different character of the land. Again, where land of two sites and equal area is similar in character, and the same method of sowing is followed, the cost may vary, because on one site the species of seed sown cost more than that sown on the other. Other things being equal, the method of sowing is the element which most influences the cost. The following discus- sion of costs under various methods and on different kinds of sites is based on actual experiments conducted on the National Forests. In 40 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. general, the sites upon which the sowing was done may be divided into three classes. Class I : Level or open country, with little or no ground cover to be removed, no down timber to obstruct the movements of the planters, and with soil light and easily worked. Class II : New burns on fairly level or gently sloping ground, with no ground cover, but with large quantities of dead timber; the soil of clayey loam, but easily worked with a grub hoe. Class III: Steep slopes with considerable ground cover, and with much down timber; the soil often containing much loose rock. The species of seed sown and the cost per pound were as follows : Norway spruce, $0.55 per pound; yellow pine, $1 per pound; Douglas fir, $1.50 per pound. In all classifications a uniform cost of 46 per cent per acre is made for expenses, exclusive of the cost of preparing the ground or sowing the seed, and of the seed itself. These expenses consist chiefly of surveying and staking out the sites, transporting camp equipment and supplies, and the general expenses of Forest officers. This mis- cellaneous expense will, of course, vary, but the estimate of 46 cents per acre is an average of seven representative projects. In calculat- ing the cost of labor the wage used was 32£ cents per hour per man, exclusive of subsistence, and 75 cents per hour for a man and a team working on an eight-hour basis. CLASS I SITE. Method A. Seed spots 10 to 12 inches in diameter; the soil stirred only from 1 to 2 inches; the seed covered, and the soil lightly tamped. By spacing 6 by 6 feet and sowing from 10 to 15 seeds per spot, it cost per acre for Norway spruce $2.10, for yellow pine $3.70, and for Douglas fir $2.49. With the same spacing, but with from 20 to 30 seed per spot, it cost per acre for Norway spruce $2.21, for yellow pine $5.59, and for Douglas fir $2.99. By spacing 5 .by 5 feet, with from 10 to 15 seed per spot, it cost per acre for Norway spruce $2.59, for yellow pine $5.01, and for Douglas fir $3.16. With a spacing of 5 by 5 feet, but with from 20 to 30 seed per spot, it cost per acre for Norway spruce $2.77, for yellow pine $7.61, and for Douglas fir $3.91. Method B. Large seed spots 2 feet in diameter; soil cultivated to a depth of 6 inches and seed covered. By spacing 9 by 9 feet and sowing from 10 to 15 seed per spot, it cost per acre for Norway spruce $1.57, for yellow pine $2.26, and for Douglas fir $1.71. With the same spacing, but with from 20 to 30 seed per spot, it cost per acre for Norway spruce $1.64, for yellow pine $3.02, and for Douglas fir $1.92. Method C : Double furrows plowed 8 feet apart and harrowed ; 8 seed used per square foot of furrow, and furrows harrowed again. DIRECT SEEDING. 41 By this method it cost per acre for Norway spruce $3.75, for yel- low pine $13.03, and for Douglas fir $5.79. Method D : Harrowing in strips 8 feet apart twice before and once after sowing. Eight seed sown per square foot. By this method it cost per acre for Norway spruce $2.92, for yellow pine $12.20, and for Douglas fir $4.96. Method E : Complete broadcasting without any preparation of the ground ; area traversed once. By sowing 100,000 seed to the acre, the cost (per acre) for Norway spruce was $1.52, for yellow pine $12.62, and for Douglas fir $4.22. With 150,000 seed to the acre, the cost for Norway spruce was $1.97, for yellow pine $18.62, and for Douglas fir $6.02. With 200,000 seed to the acre, the cost (per acre) for Norway spruce was $2.42, for yel- low pine $24.62, and for Douglas fir $7.82. With 250,000 seed per acre, the cost for Norway spruce was $2.87, for yellow pine $30.62, and for Douglas fir $9.62. If the area had been traversed twice in- stead of once, the cost in each instance would have increased approxi- mately 16 cents an acre. CLASS II SITE. Method A: Seed spots 12 inches in diameter, spaced 9 by 9 feet; the soil stirred to a depth of from 1 to 2 inches ; seed covered. With from 10 to 15 seed per spot, the cost per acre for Norway spruce was $1.86. for yellow pine $2.55, and Douglas fir $2. With from 20 to 30 seed per spot, the cost per acre for Norway spruce was $1.93, for yellow pine $3.31, and for Douglas fir $2.21. Method B : Broadcasting over entire area with no preparation of the soil ; area traversed only once. By sowing 100,000 seed to the acre, the cost for Norway spruce was $1.65, for yellow pine $12.75, and for Douglas fir $4.35. With 150,000 seed to the acre, the cost for Norway spruce was $2.10, for yellow pine $18.75, and for Douglas fir $6.15. With 200,000 seed to the acre, the cost for Norway spruce was $2.55, for yellow pine $24.75, and for Douglas fir $7.95. With 250,000 seed to the acre, the cost for Norway spruce was $3, for yellow pine $30.75, and for Douglas fir $9.75. If the area had been traversed twice instead of once, the cost in each instance would have been increased approxi- mately 29 cents per acre. CLASS III SITE. Method A: Seed spots 12 inches in diameter, spaced 6 by 6 feet; ground loos- ened from 3 to 4 inches in depth ; seed covered ; soil not tamped. With from 10 to 15 seed per spot, it cost per acre for Norway spruce $2.20, for yellow pine $3.89, and for Douglas fir $2.59. With 42 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. from 20 to 30 seed per spot, it cost per acre for Norway spruce $2.31, for yellow pine $4.69, and for Douglas fir $3.09. Method B : Complete broadcasting with no preparation of the ground. By sowing 100,000 seed to the acre the cost for Norway spruce was $1.85, for yellow pine $12.95, and for Douglas fir $4.55. With 150,000 seed to the acre the cost for Norway spruce was $2.30, for yellow pine $18.95, and for Douglas fir $6.35. With 200,000 seed to the acre the cost for Norway spruce was $2.75, for yellow pine $24.95, and for Douglas fir $8.15. With 250,000 seed to the acre the cost for Norway spruce was $3.20, for yellow pine $30.95, and for Douglas fir $9.95. An estimate is here given of the cost of sowing western white pine and red pine by Method A on Class III site, and by Method B on Class II site. The figures given are exclusive of the cost of the seed and are based upon the same cost given in the preceding examples for the same methods and sites. The cost of western white pine seed is placed at $4.50 per pound and that of red pine at $9 per pound, figures which are conservative for the calendar year 1910. If the cost of sowing yellow pine, the most expensive of the three species previously mentioned, is compared with that for sowing western white pine and red pine, it will be seen that on an average it costs approximately one-third more to broadcast the two last species than the first, and a fraction over one-fifth more if the sowing is done according to Method A in the Class III site. By sowing from 10 to 15 seed per spot in accordance with Method A, Class III site, it would cost per acre for western white pine $4.62 and for red pine $4.66. By the same method, but with from 20 to 30 seed per spot, it would cost per acre for western white pine $6.95 and for red pine $7.04. By broadcasting 100,000 seed per acre in accordance with Method B, Class II site, it would cost for western white pine $16.82 and for red pine $17.13. With 150,000 seed to the acre it would cost for western white pine $24.87 and for red pine $25.32. With 200,000 seed to the acre it would. cost for western white pine $32.88 and for red pine $33.51. With 250,000 seed to the acre it would cost for Avestern white pine $40.94 and for red pine $41.70. The above esti- mates are based upon the assumption that the area was traversed only once. If it was traversed twice the cost would be increased approximately 29 cents per acre. INSTANCES OF SUCCESSFUL DIRECT SEEDING. OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST. WASHINGTON. An area, known as the Soleduck Burn, comprising 6,000 acres within the Olympic National Forest, was burned over in the summer of 1907 by a very severe fire, which destroyed the entire original DIRECT SEEDING. 43 stand of old Douglas fir and hemlock, as well as the humus, and badly baked the soil. The area is largely high bench land, at an alti- tude of approximately 1,000 feet. In December, 1909, the burned area was sown broadcast to Douglas fir. While two years had elasped since the fire, the brush cover was not excessively heavy. It was lightest on the steep slopes. On more level land there was a con- siderable quantity of dead fern which had grown up during the pre- ceding summer, while moss was beginning to forrii a layer over the ground. The soil is a dry, gravelly clay, which dries out rapidly in the summer on account of southern exposure, but the site is an excel- lent one for Douglas fir, as indicated by the down and fire-killed timber. Rains are heavy between September and May, but there is little precipitation during the summer. Sowing was done with Douglas fir seed collected in the fall in the region immediately south of Tacoma, Wash., and coated with red lead. Seed was broadcasted over the entire area, 4 pounds, or 170,000 seed, to the acre. Sowing was done by hand, each man casting a distance of 22 feet — 11 to the right and 11 to the left. The cost in labor of sowing the seed was 47 cents per acre, which, together with 4 pounds of seed at $1.50 per pound, made a total cost per acre of $6.47. The germination per cent of the seed sown, according to the test made in the Forest Service laboratory at Washington, was 77 per cent. In August, 1910, sample areas laid off in representative portions of the seeded area showed a stand of seedlings ranging from 4,000 to 5,000 to the acre. These had withstood the dry season fairly well, though some were a little yellowish. On an average they were about an inch high. The thickest stand was found on fine, loose soil, somewhat sandy in character, near the stream bed, where other vege- tation was not thick. Here on 1 square rod were counted as many as 35 seedlings. On the bench land seedlings ran about 30 to the square rod, while on the steep slopes the results were as good if not a little better. OREGON NATIONAL .FOREST, OREGON. What is known as the Latrourelle Prairie tract is situated at the headwaters of the Bull Run River, in the Oregon National Forest. The area was formerly occupied by a rather heavy stand of Douglas fir and western white pine. A severe fire occurred several years ago, killing off the entire stand and burning off the humus completely. Some of the fire-killed trees still stand and others have fallen and lie scattered over the area. The tract sown is a portion of the bench land on the southwest slope of Shell Rock Mountain. At the north- ern end it slopes gently downward to a second bench 15 feet below, and at the southern end it descends abruptly with a slope of over 60 per cent. The soil is a clayey loam mixed with large quantities of 44 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. loose rock. On all but the steep slopes, where erosion has taken place, exposing the rocks, a light soil with some humus covers the area. At the time of sowing the ground cover which had come in since the fire, consisting chiefly of dead fern and fireweed of the previous season's growth, was rather dense in the northern end of the tract, while elsewhere were patches of moss. The ground cover was thick- est, of course, on the steep south slope. The region is one of heavy precipitation, except during July, August, and September. The tract was sown to Douglas fir on Novem- ber 10, 1909, and sowing was done in three strips, in one of which the seed was sown broadcast, 5 J pounds per acre ; in the second, 3J pounds per acre ; while in the third the seed-spot method was used. In this last the spots were spaced 7 by 7 feet and from 15 to 20 seeds sown per spot, or at the rate of four-ninths of a pound per acre. There was about a foot of fresh snow on the unfrozen ground, and in pre- paring the spots this was dug away so as to expose the mineral soil on a spot of about 1 foot in diameter. The seed was covered to a depth of about one-quarter of an inch. In August, 1910, after the dry season was practically over, four sample areas, each about 6 feet square, were measured in the first strip. In one 12 seedlings were found, in another 13, in a third 19, and in a fourth 32. The average number of seedlings per acre was therefore 22,990. No count was made on the second strip, but on the third strip, which was sown with the seed-spot method, 25 spots were examined. The maximum num- ber of seedlings in any one spot was 4, while in 7 of the 25 spots ex- amined no seedlings had come up. For all 25 spots the average num- ber of seedlings was 1.72, making an average per acre of 1,527. In comparing these results with those from the strip broadcasted, it should be remembered that only four-fifths of a pound, or 19,000 seed, were sown to the acre. Its per cent of germination, as determined in the Forest Service testing laboratory, was 77. SIUSLAW NATIONAL FOREST, OREGON. In the fall of 1909 and the spring of 1910 a tract of over 1,300 acres on the Siuslaw National Forest was sown to Douglas fir. This tract, which is a part of a large burned district, was once heavily timbered with Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and western red cedar. The topography is typical of the entire Coast Range, being moderately rough, but not excessively rugged. The soil, except in numerous spots where shale predominates, is a reddish loam. The severe fires of the past have apparently removed much of the original plant food contained in the soil, since numerous attempts to farm the land have proved unsuccessful. The tract, which is known as the Mount Hebo sowing area, has an altitude of about 1,500 feet. DIRECT SEEDING. 45 The fall sowing in 1909 was done in several different ways. After the dead fern which covered most of the area had been burned off, a portion of the tract was sown broadcast. Another portion was broadcasted in strips, some of which had been previously harrowed ; while in others seed was forced into the soil by tree tops hauled over 20 21 23 24- 30 29 28 27 25 31 32 33 34- 35 36 FO//- /9O9. F.Kf>enmenra I sowing Spring /3/O. Doug /as F/r Seecfs/yots 6" diameter; J-/Oseecf per spot. Area 67O acres. Spr/ng /9/O Doug /as F/rSeeasoots /Z'tf/amefer. /O-/5seecfperspaf Area '64Oacres Spring /9/O. Doug/as F/r. Doug /as F/r ana 5/t/ra Sfiruce.Se&aspots tn a /Demote raws. Soots /2'-/d"cftameter;2Sfo3Oseccf oerspor. <4O acres . ~| W'nter /9/O-//, Area 25OO acres. Doug/as F/r 5/T/ra Sonic e.. Norway Spruce . I 1 Some 0/ac# WalnuT, Shagdar* WtJrory one/ ffeti Ou* FIG. 4. — Mount Hebo, showing areas of Siuslaw National Forest, T. 4 S., R. 0 W., Wil- amette meridian, Oregon. them. Still another portion of the tract was sown by the seed-spot method. An inspection made during August, 1910, showed that the best results were obtained where the seed was sown in seed spots. There the seed came up uniformly and there was scarcely a spot which 46 , REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. did not contain at least one seedling, while on areas which had been harrowed or brushed the seedlings came up in groups and not uni- formly. Twenty-five hundred additional acres of the Mount Hebo area were sown during the winter of 1910-11 to Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and Norway spruce, while some small tracts were seeded to walnut, shell- bark hickory, and red oak. MANZANO NATIONAL FOREST, NEW MEXICO. On April 7 and 8, 1910, an area situated on the east slope of the northern portion of the Manzano National Forest was sown to Douglas fir. This area was formerly covered with a heavy stand of Douglas fir and white fir, but repeated fires had reduced it to a waste of scrub oak, brush, and worthless aspen thickets. Its altitude is approximately 7,500 feet. The sowing was done by the seed-spot method. An inspection made late in the summer showed from 1 to 6 seedlings in a spot. In fact, there was hardly a blank spot in the whole tract sown. MINIDOKA NATIONAL FOREST, IDAHO. In the fall of 1909 a tract on the Minidoka National Forest, at an altitude of 6,250 feet, the natural cover of which is aspen, sagebrush, and patches of grass, was sown to Douglas fir. The soil is gravelly loam, with some lime, and the vicinity is not one in which Douglas fir grows naturally. Sowing was done by the seed-spot method, with the spots spaced 5 feet apart, and prepared by means of rakes. Two and one-half pounds of seed per acre were used. The tract was pro- tected against stock by a four-wire fence, but since rodents were not numerous no poison was used. An excellent stand of seedlings ap- peared early in the spring, both under cover of vegetation and on open grassy areas. On July 12, 1910, however, after a drought of approximately four months, an inspection showed that the seedlings not protected by cover of vegetation had disappeared. Under the aspen and chaparral, however, the effect of the drought was not so marked, and the seedlings there made a good showing. On October 14, 1910, another inspection showed an average of 7 or 8 living plants on each spot protected by aspen. UINTA NATIONAL FOREST, UTAH. On this Forest most of the burned areas originally occupied by coniferous stands come up to scrubby stands of aspen. The site selected for direct seeding was at an altitude of 7,500 feet on a south- ern slope within the lodgepole.-pine belt. The soil was a clayey loam, DIRECT SEEDING. 47 with a clay subsoil. Douglas fir and lodgepole pine in equal quanti- ties were the species sown. The sowing was done on July 7, 1909, by the seed-spot method, with the spots prepared by raking and spaced 5 by 5 feet apart. The ground cover, aside from the aspen, consisted of a moderately dense growth of weeds. At the time the sowing was done the area was fairly moist. On September 28, 1909, inspection showed that there were from 5 to 20 seedlings on prac- tically every spot, all in good condition. No poison was used, since the tract is some distance from heavy timber, and the seed in only six or eight spots had been eaten by mice or chipmunks. BrrTEKROOT NATIONAL FOREST, MONTANA. The area seeded on the Forest consisted of logged-over land, for- merly bearing a stand of yellow pine on the knolls and Douglas fir and grand fir and Engelmann spruce in three gulches, which were prominent features of the sowing area. Skidding out the logs had left the soil well broken, especially in the bottoms. The object in sowing this area was to ascertain whether broadcast sowing would give practical results, if done directly after logging operations. White pine and Engelmann spruce seed were sown in mixture on the area in October, 1909. It had been the intention to sow as much as possible on the area by means of corn planters, but the brush and duff on the ground prevented their use, and it was therefore necessary to broadcast. Three and two-fifths pounds of seed were used to the acre, about four-fifths of which was white pine and one-fifth Engel- mann spruce. Inspection of the tract in July and October, 1910, showed large numbers of thrifty trees. The spruce had done better than the white pine, especially in moist situations where the soil had been protected by brush, logs, etc. On some of these areas an average of 12 spruce seedlings per square foot was found. White-pine seed- lings were scattered over the area, but were most numerous on the higher land. The fact that these white-pine seedlings were living and thrifty in October, after one of the driest summers in years, is significant of the possibilities for direct seeding in similar situations. WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST, COLORADO. On May 8, 1908, a tract within the White Kiver National Forest, having a northern exposure, and at an altitude of about 8,100 feet, was sown to Engelmann spruce and lodgepole pine at the rate of 1 pound of the former and 1J pounds of the latter per acre. The soil was a moist, mineralized clay overlying sandstone. The ground cover was made up of buck brush and bunch grass, with some ashes and humus. The fire which destroyed the original timber occurred about 35 years ago. 48 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. The seed was sown broadcast, one-half on the snow and the other half on bare ground, without in any way preparing the soil. The weather at the time of sowing was clear, warm, and dry. Inspection made July 17, 1909, showed an average of 43,000 Engelmann spruce and 10,000 lodgepole pine seedlings per acre. A recent inspection showed that the drought during the summer of 1910, combined with winter killing, had killed a large number of the seedlings, but there still remained per acre an average of 10,000 Engelmann spruce and 4,000 lodgepole pine. BLACK HILLS NATIONAL FOREST, SOUTH DAKOTA. On July 2, 1905, 38 pounds of yellow-pine seed, collected in 1903 on the Pecos National Forest, New Mexico, were broadcasted on bare ground in the center of what is known as the Elk Creek burn of 1893. The area is on nearly level ground, sloping gently to the south, and the soil is a shallow loam with schist outcropping. At the time of the sowing there was a scanty ground cover and a scattering growth of aepen. About 30 per cent of the area, however, was bare. On October 30, 1909, an inspection showed an average of 24,700 seedlings per acre, all of which were making a good growth. SEQUOIA NATIONAL FOREST, CALIFORNIA. In November, 1909, a tract within the Sequoia National Forest, known as the Shake Camp experimental area, situated in Tulare County, in the west slope of the Sierra Nevadas, was sown to Doug- las fir. The tract was near the top of a low ridge, with north and east exposures, at an altitude of approximately 4,100 feet. The soil was dark, sandy loam. An open stand of black oak (Quercus emoryi) covered the area and the ground cover was of grass and filaree. Sowing was done by the seed-spot method, the spots being from 12 to 16 inches square, and spaced 8 by 8 feet. Each spot was cleared and the soil stirred to a depth of from 4 to 6 inches. The seed was covered one-half inch deep. Six pounds of seed were used per acre, some of the seed being coated with red lead. An examina- tion on May 29, 1910, showed that rodents had taken most of the •untreated seed. In that portion of the area sown with treated seed the majority of the seed spots contained seedlings, some as many as 10, but with an average of 4 or 5. TRINITY NATIONAL FOREST, CALIFORNIA. An area on this Forest burned over many years ago, and since then rather heavily grazed, was sown in December, 1909, and in March, 1910. The tract has a hot southern exposure and an eleva- DIRECT SEEDING. 49 tion between 1,000 and 1,300 feet. The soil is light and dry, but suitable for the production of yellow pine, as evidenced by scatter- ing thrifty trees of this species growing on the hillside. The lower part of this area is partially covered with scrub oak and madroiia, while the upper end extends into a small, open park. It is an oak- 50 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL, FORESTS. brush area, typical of extensive stretches of country in the Coast Range. Small grass-grown openings are common. The sowing was done both in the fall and in the spring, and the seed-spot method was used. The sowing in spots was rather heavy, 6 pounds of seed being used per acre. On September 3, 1910, an examination of the tract showed that in the greater number of the seed spots which had been sown in the fall seedlings had come up very well. The germination, in fact, had been good in practically all of the spots then sown, but the condition of those partially shaded by brush was much better than those exposed to the full heat of the sun. No seedlings were found in any of the spots sown in the spring. APPENDI X. NOTES ON INDIVIDUAL SPECIES. AUSTRIAN PINE (Pinus laricis austriaca). This species has been planted in the United States, chiefly for ornamental purposes and shelter belts, from Massachusetts to California. It yields strong, coarse-grained, resinous wood, useful principally for all sorts of rough con- struction. It is hardy and rapid growing when young, but in the United States seems to be short lived.1 It is able to thrive on very poor, thin, dry soils, but it requires warm and sunny situations and will not grow where the atmosphere is misty and damp. In Europe it is considered the best tree for planting in shallow, hot, limestone soils. It has been used extensively for planting in the Karst region. Austria, where the climate is similar to the southwestern United States, much of the planting being on nearly bare, calcareous rock. It is reproduced abroad by using 2-year-old nursery stock planted in pure stands. Experiments in direct seeding with this species in the yellow-pine region of the Rocky Mountains suggest the possibility of its being successfully established by this method. BIGTREE (Sequoia washingtoma) . The bigtree is remarkable in that it reaches the largest dimensions and attains the greatest age of any tree in the United States. Its natural range is limited to a stretch of about 2(50 miles along the west slope of the Sierra Nevadas in central California. It is found usually at an elevation of about 6,500 feet, though it sometimes grows as low as 4,800 feet and as high as 8,400 feet above the sea. The climate in which it grows indicates that it may be extensively used in reforestation work outside of its natural range, where the precipitation exceeds 20 inches annually and the temperature does not fall below 12° F. It can stand long winters with abundant snow, provided they are comparatively mild. It requires a moist, well-drained soil, plenty of light, and grows rapidly and persistently. In its natural range it is practically free from fungi. Bigtree bears some seed every year, but years of abundant seeding occur only at intervals of from four to five years. The cones are mature and the seed ripe by the latter part of July and fall in October and November. The seed is much eaten by squirrels, which begin to cut off the cones in August as soon as ripe — a point to be considered in seed collecting. It is believed that the bigtree will do well in certain of the coast forests of both California and Oregon. 1 For information concerning liability to insect attack of this and other trees mentioned in the Appendix, see Bureau of Entomology Bulletin 80, Part 1, and other publications of that bureau dealing with forest insects. Further information may be obtained upon appli- cation to the Bureau of Entomology. 51 52 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. BLACK WALNUT (Juglans nigra). This tree produces valuable lumber. The growth is rapid, but satisfactory results could hardly be expected on any but rather good soils. The species is comparatively free from attacks by insects and fungi. The nuts are produced abundantly and are easily gathered and stored. It is usually advisable to plant the nuts directly in the field in seed spots, because of the long taproot de- veloped by the seedlings. Being an intolerant tree, it should be grown in mix- ture with other hardwoods, such as red oak. Black walnut seeding should be confined to the more protected situations, where the soil is deep and fresh. It is native to the National Forests of Arkansas, and is apparently adapted to certain parts of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. CORK OAK (Quercus suber). Cork oak is of considerable commercial importance, especially near the Mediterranean Sea in France, Spain, and Algiers. It is from this tree that all the cork of commerce is made. None is produced in the United States. It can be safely said, judging from its distribution in Europe and elsewhere, that cork oak is adapted for planting in the United States wherever the climate meets approximately the following conditions: Minimum temperature, 21° to 25° F. ; maximum temperature, 104° F. ; minimum precipitation, 20 inches. The climate of some of the Southern States, especially Florida, Texas, and portions of California, meet the above requirements. Calcareous soils are believed to be favorable to the best growth of cork oak. There are a number of specimens of the tree growing in the South from seed imported and dis- tributed by the United States Department of Agriculture about 1860. At Chico, Cal., the tree has done well. In reforestation work the acorns may be dibbled in where the trees are to grow, or may be sown in a nursery and the seedlings set out when 1 year old. The acorns of the best variety are difficult to secure, as the cork industry is jealously guarded. Experiments indicate that the Choc- tawhatchee, Ocala, Monterey, Cleveland, Santa Barbara, Angeles, Sierra, and Sequoia National Forests are suitable for the production of cork oak. DOUGLAS FIE (Pseudotsuga taxifolia). Douglas fir, next to western yellow pine, has the widest range of any of the important commercial trees. of the United States, and more lumber is cut from it than from any other species. Its very rapid growth, ease of reproduction, adaptability to a wide range of sites, and the commercial value of its wood assure it a permanent place as the leading timber tree of the West and as one well adapted for reforestation work. Silviculturally there are two distinct forms of Douglas fir, one of which inhabits the regions west of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada Mountains, while the other grows throughout the Rocky Mountain region. For planting, the coast form is superior to the mountain form in every respect and should always be used where the climate is favorable. Douglas fir generally bears seed abundantly every two years, and good seed can be collected at reasonable cost. Broadcast or seed-spot sowing will prob- ably be the best method of artificially propagating the species, but in certain regions, particularly in the Rocky Mountains, planting of 1 or 2 year old nur- sery stock, spaced 4 to 6 feet apart each way, is advisable. The seed must come into immediate contact with the mineral soil, otherwise germination can not be expected. The tree is not exacting in regard to depth or quality of the soil, provided the subsoil is deep and porous and the drainage is good. APPENDIX. 53 Douglas fir should be used even more extensively than at present In the • forestation work of the Service and its seed should be gathered in greater quantity than that of any other species. ENGELMANN SPRUCE (Picea engclmanni). This is a characteristic tree of the Rocky Mountains, usually growing at high altitudes. It is of secondary importance as a lumber tree, but produces fairly heavy stands, and, like most trees of the Rockies, grows rather slowly. It is of great importance in the protection of watersheds, and for that reason is one of the trees which should be used in reforestation throughout the Rocky Mountain States. Seed of Engelmann spruce, while not easily obtained, can be secured in moderate quantities, and since the seeds are very small and of fair fertility, only a small quantity is needed per acre in sowing. Much larger quantities of Engelmann spruce seed should be gathered by the Forest Service in the future than has been done in the past, and sowing should be conducted in the numerous Engelmann spruce burns, particularly in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and along the main range in Montana. EUCALYPTS. This genus is valuable because of its rapid growth and consequent early pro- duction of firewood and more valuable products. The trees, however, grow only in regions free from severe frosts, such as parts of California, Arizona, and Florida. They do well on a great variety of soils, and they are practically free from attack from fungi. Eucalyptus seedlings, when young, are very tender, and require care in the nursery. They are set out in pure stands when a few months old. Natural reproduction, noted even in young plantations, suggests the desirability of thorough experiments in direct seeding. Trees of this genus are recommended for planting in the limited areas suit- able for their growth in the Cleveland, Angeles, Santa Barbara, Monterey, and Ocala National Forests. EUROPEAN LARCH (Lariat europaea). European larch is a desirable tree for commercial planting in the United States. It is a rapid grower and produces heavy, hard, strong, flexible, and very durable wood. It has been successfully grown in the United States from New England to South Dakota, and south to Kansas and Virginia, to which general region it is adapted for commercial planting. It does well in eastern Washington also. European larch is rather fastidious in regard to soil, requir- ing one that is deep, light, fresh, and well drained, and does not flourish in swamps as does the American larch. It may be established by direct seeding, or by planting 2-year-old seedlings or transplants from the nursery. It should be, sown or planted in mixture with other species rather than pure, in a propor- tion of one larch to three or more trees of other species, the trees being spaced 4 to 6 feet apart each way. European larch should be used in a limited way in reforestation work in the Superior National Forest and in the Forests of central Idaho. THE HICKORIES. The hickories are very valuable because of the great strength and toaghness of the wood. For vehicle manufacture and tool and implement handles the wood is unequaled. The planting of the better species is therefore highly de- 54 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FOKESTS. sirable. Their growth is moderately rapid, and they do well on a variety of soils. They are subject to insect attacks,1 and for this reason it is well to plant them in mixture with other species. If they are to grow to a considerable age they should be underplanted with a tolerant species, such as sugar maple or beech. The nuts are borne abundantly and are easy to collect. The young seedlings develop a long taproot, so that except where there is great danger from rodents the nuts should be field planted direct in seed spots. LODGEPOLE PINE (Pinus murrayana). This is the most typical tree of the Rocky Mountains. It reaches only a small size, but grows rather rapidly, considering the climate, and produces dense stands of straight trees admirably adapted for many purposes. Lodge- pole pine forms a valuable protection forest at moderate and high elevations from southern California to the Canadian boundary. It bears moderate quanti- ties of seed, and the cones are persistent, often remaining unopened, with the seed fertile, for years. It is possible, therefore, to obtain the cones in large quantities. Opening the cones and extracting the seed has so far proved very difficult and expensive, bringing the cost of the seed up to about $4 a pound. Individual seeds are very small, running about 100,000 to the pound. The germination per cent is fairly high, so that but 2 or 3 pounds of seed per acre is required even in broadcast sowing; where the seed-spot method is used less will suffice. Sowing has proved successful in freshly burned-over areas, and it is believed that the species can be reproduced extensively by direct seeding where conditions are favorable. Lodgepole pine seed should be obtained in much greater quantities in the future than in the past. NORWAY SPRUCE (Picea excelsa), This tree should be a very valuable substitute for red spruce in. the making of pulp, since it grows much faster and produces equally good fiber. It is adapted to the northern United States. Its growth is rapid, and it produces dense stands, which can be used either for lumber or for pulp. It is also useful for reforesting watersheds. It grows on a great variety of soils, and does best where there is plenty of rainfall. Fungi are not a serious menace. Norway spruce may be propagated by sowing in seed spots or by planting young trees. It grows well in pure stands, but may be used in mixture with white pine or other similar species. It is recommended for reforestation on fresh soils throughout the northern United States, and especially in the Supe- rior National Forest, Minnesota, and the northern Rocky Mountains. RED OAK (Quercus rubra). Red oak is one of the most desirable species of hardwoods for reforestation purposes. It is a rapid grower, long-lived, attains large dimensions, and pro- duces a heavy, hard, coarse-grained, strong, and moderately durable wood. Its natural range is from Nova Scotia to eastern Kansas and south to northern Georgia. In this general region it can be successfully planted, preferably on porous, sandy, or gravelly clay soils. It can be grown in pure stands, but will also do well in mixture with sugar maple, white elm, chestnut, white pine, hickories, and with other oaks. Red oak can best be propagated by sowing the acorns directly on the area to be planted, since nursery-grown seedlings develop a large taproot and are difficult to transplant. The acorns should be planted in well -prepared seed 1 Yearbook, Department of Agriculture, 1903, p. 314. APPENDIX. 55 spots, spaced 4 to 6 feet each way, three or four acorns in each spot, and covered with about 1 to 1£ inches of earth. Red oak is a fairly prolific seeder, and the acorns can be easily collected from the ground and by shaking the tree after several severe frosts in the fall. They are quite bitter and are not as a rule relished by squirrels. Like most other oaks, red oak is not subject to disease, and plantations require little or no care after establishment. Red oak is being used quite extensively in reforestation work in the Arkansas and Ozark National Forests, and merits thorough trial in a number of the Forests of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. RED PINE (Pinus resinosa). Red pine appoaches the white pine in value, the wood of the two species being somewhat alike. Its growth, too, is rapid. It produces fairly dense stands of timber of good quality, even on soils too poor for white pine. The seed is borne very sparingly and is difficult to collect, so that it is too expensive to use for direct seeding. As a rule, however, it will not be necessary to raise the seedlings in a nursery, since where the tree occurs naturally there is a plentiful supply of wild seedlings which it is easy to collect. Red pine is very resistant to fire after it has reached the sapling stage. It should be planted extensively in the Lake States, especially on the Michigan, Marquette, and Minnesota National Forests. SCOTCH PINE (Pinus sylvestris). This species is one of the most important commercial trees abroad, and has been found of some value in the northern United States. Its growth is rapid, especially during the first 20 years. It produces moderately dense stands of good lumber, and will grow on a variety of soils. Fungi do not damage it to any considerable extent. Seed should be obtained from Scandinavia or Russia. Seedlings are easy to raise, though seed may be sown in seed spots. The species may be planted pure or in mixture with red pine, white pine, or European larch. Scotch pine will grow in the Lake States and throughout the yellow-pine region of the West. Its great hardiness and the low cost of the seed suggest its use in reforestation. SITKA SPRUCE (Picea sitchensts). Sitka spruce is a large and important tree of the Pacific coast. Its range extends from northwestern California to Alaska, but it is not found very far inland. It occurs upon only a few of the National Forests, but within its range is an exceedingly important species. It grows very rapidly, produces good material, and is almost free from damage by insects and fungus.1 Because of the dense shade produced and the heavy rainfall in the region of its range, it is unusually free from fire. The seed of Sitka spruce is easily obtained during seed years. Direct seed- ing appears, therefore, to be the logical method for its artificial production. The National Forests upon which it should be used extensively are the Siuslaw, the Olympic, the Washington, and the Snoqualmie. SUGAR PINE (Pinus lambertiana) . Sugar pine attains the largest dimensions of any of the white-pine species. It is a rapid growrer, and produces wood of the same character and high value as eastern white pine. It does not often grow in pure stands and forms usually about 20 per cent of the stand in which it occurs. As long as there is !The tree may be attacked by the Sitka spruce weevil and by defoliating insects. (See Bureau of Entomology Bui. 21, p. 918.)^ 56 REFORESTATION ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS. sufficient atmospheric moisture, sugar pine is not exacting in its soil require- ments. It is found mostly on well-drained slopes, especially north and east ones. Sugar pine produces seed in moderate abundance about every five years, but produces some seed every year. The seeds are large, have a rather low ger- minating per cent, and are greedily eaten by birds and squirrels. Broadcasting is not feasible, since at least 80,000 seeds should be sown pel- acre, and as there are but 2,400 seeds per pound and a pound costs 85 cents, the cost per acre of sowing broadcast, including labor, would be in excess of $30. Seed-spot sowing is more promising. The planting of nursery-grown stock rather than direct seeding seems advisable in propagating the species. It should be grown in mixture with other species rather than pure. In reforesta- tion work on the National Forests in California and southern Oregon this desirable tree should be extensively used. WESTERN LABCH (Larix occidentalis). Western larch is an important timber tree of the Northwest, from western Montana to the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Wash- ington. The seed is small and rather difficult to obtain, but on account of the great number of seeds per pound, even though they are not particularly vigorous, seeding is believed to be practicable. It should be sown on fairly good forest soil where there is little or no shade. The tree does well in mixture with Douglas fir. Western larch should be used to a moderate degree in reforestation work in appropriate localities on the National Forests within its natural range. WESTERN WHITE PINE (Pinus monticola). This is a very valuable timber tree in certain portions of the Northwest. It grows rapidly, produces heavy stands of valuable timber, and may be grown on rough, steep mountain sides. Seed of this species is not easily obtained as a general rule, so that it is necessary to do some planting. In nurseries the seed comes up unevenly, and therefore requires treatment, such as stratifica- tion every winter, or soaking before being sown. Western white pine should be used extensively in reforestation work on the National Forests of northwestern Montana at altitudes of from 3,800 to 5,500 feet, throughout northern Idaho at similar altitudes, and in western Washington below 4,500 feet. Every effort should be made to obtain large quantities of seed. WESTERN RED CEDAR (Thuja plicata). This is an important commercial tree of the Northwest, contributing as it does 60 per cent of all the shingles annually produced in the United States. It is highly prized for posts, poles, and for cooperage, being very light and durable. It is a tree of comparatively slow but persistent growth, is long lived, and attains very large dimensions. The tree is much affected by a fungus caus- ing heart rot. It requires abundant soil moisture and grows best in a humid climate. It grows in dense stands, sometimes pure, but generally in mixture with other species. Seed is produced abundantly nearly every year, and may be collected at a cost of $2 per pound. The seed ripens in the summer, has a high rate of germination, and usually germinates the same fall. The vitality of the seed is greatly reduced by storing even for one year. Because of its slow growth, western red cedar should be used only to a limited extent in reforesta- tion work in the Northwest. It may be propagated by broadcasting the seed on moist situations, otherwise seedlings should be grown in the nursery and transplanted. APPENDIX. , 57 WESTERN YELLOW PINE (Pinus ponderosa). Western yellow pine is one of the largest and most valuable of the pines. Its range is the widest of any of the commercial trees of the western United States, and includes the dry foothills and lower slopes of the Rocky Mountains, the high plateaus of Arizona and New Mexico, the east slope of the Cascades, and appropriate situations throughout California. Yellow pine is not a fast- growing tree, except in favorable situations in the Pacific Coast States. It produces rather open stands of good timber, is hardy, and will grow on a wide diversity of soils. Since the seed is produced in abundance and the long taproot makes seed- lings somewhat difficult to transplant, it is often advisable to sow the seed direct. Yellow pine, as a rule, produces light stands of timber, grows in places where it is relatively of small importance for stream regulation, and where, owing to lack of moisture, artificial forestation is difficult. It is felt, therefore, that the species should be used less extensively than at present in planting and sowing work, at least until the unproductive areas capable of supporting rapid- growing trees producing heavy stands, and which are of importance in stream protection, have been forested. WHITE OAK (Quercus alba). White oak produces very valuable lumber. So great is the economic value of this wood that the available supply is being rapidly exhausted. Its growth is slow but persistent, and trees attain great age. White oak grows best on rich, moist, well-drained loam, or clay loam, and prefers protected situations, but can also maintain itself fairly well on poor soils and in exposed situations. In starting a plantation of white oak it usually will be advisable to sow the acorns directly on the area to be planted rather than to use nursery stock, because of the taproot and the difficulty and expense involved in transplanting the seedlings. The acorns should preferably be sown in well-cultivated seed spots, 4 to 6 feet apart each way, with three or four acorns in each spot, cov- ered with about 1 inch of earth. The planting should be done in the fall, un- less there is danger of the acorns being eaten by squirrels and other rodents, in which case the acorns should be stored for winter by stratifying them in a box of moist sand and planted the following spring. White oak seeds prolifically nearly every year, and the acorns can be gathered from the ground without much difficulty in the fall. Plantations after being made require little or no care. This species is well adapted to the Ozark and Arkansas National Forests. WHITE PINE (Pinus strobus). The value of white pine is universally recognized. It grows rapidly and pro- duces heavy stands on a great variety of soils, though it is in some danger from attack by insects and fungi. Seed crops occur at intervals of from three to five years, when seed may be gathered at a cost of from $1.50 to $4 per pound. Seedlings are easily raised and planted in the field. This method of reforesta- tion has so far been more satisfactory than broadcasting or sowing in seed spots, but direct seeding has also been successful. It can be grown in pure stands or mixed with other trees, such as red oak or red pine, depending upon soil and situation. White pine should be used extensively in reforestation work in the Lake States and possibly in western Montana and northern Idaho. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 58. B. T. (iALLOWAY, <'/ii/ Jinmiii. THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. BY J. W. T. DUVEL, ASSISTANT IN THE SEED LABORATORY. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS. ISSUEL> MAY 28, 1904. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1904. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. BEVERLY T. GALLOWAY, Chief. J. E. ROCKWELL, Editor. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. FREDERICK V. COVILLE, Botanist. O. F. COOK, Botanist in Charge of Investigations in Tropical Agriculture. RODNEY H. TRUE, Physiologist, Drug and Medicinal Plant Investigations. LYSTER H. DEWEY, Botanist in Cfiarge of Investigations of Fiber Plants. EDGAR BROWN, Botanist in Charge of Seed Laboratory. CARL S. SCOFIELD, Botanist in Charge of Grain Grade Investigations. G. N. COLLINS, Assistant Botanist, Tropical Agriculture. A. C. CRAWFORD, Pharmacologist, Poisonous Plant Investigations. WILLIAM E. SAFFORD, Assistant Curator, Tropical Agriculture. F. H. HILLMAN, Assistant Botanist, Seed Herbarium. J. W. T. DUVEL, Assistant, Seed Laboratory. W. W. TRACY, Jr., Assistant, Variety Trials. W. F. WIGHT, Assistant, Geographic Botany. W. O. RICHTMANN, Pharmacognostical Expert. ALICE HENKEL, Assistant, Drug and Medicinal Plant Investigations. W. W. STOCKBERGER, Expert, Drug and Medicinal Plant Investigations. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. €., March 26, 1904. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 58 of the series of this Bureau the accom- panying technical paper entitled "The Vitality and Germination of Seeds." This paper was prepared by J. W. T. Duvel, Assistant in the Seed Laboratory, and has been submitted by the Botanist with a view to publication. Respectfully, B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. PREFACE. Because of variation in the amount and qualitj- of each year's crop it is frequently necessary for seedsmen to carry over large quantities of seeds from one year to another. Such seeds often lose their ability to germinate, and either are a loss to the seedsman or, if they are marketed, cause still more serious losses to those who plant them. Since 1899 Mr. Duvel has been engaged in a general investigation of the causes affecting the vitality of seeds, with special reference to the conditions under which they are stored commercially. This investiga- tion was begun in 1899 under the Dexter M. Ferry Botanical Fellow- ship at the University of Michigan, and since September 1, 1902, it has been continued by the United States Department of Agriculture. An account of the whole study is presented herewith. The general method pursued has been to store seeds experimentally under all sorts of conditions, and afterward to ascertain the exact per- centage of germination. It is now possible to speak with precision of the extent of damage caused b}^ careless methods of storage, to express in actual figures the greater liability of seeds to loss of vitality under the warm humid conditions existing in the South Atlantic and Gulf States than under colder and drier conditions, and to demonstrate the utility of storing seeds, when they must be kept in a humid climate, in moisture-proof packages. A further investigation, i. e., of the extent to which vitality may be preserved by means of commercial cold stor- age, is now in progress. FREDERICK V. COVILLE, Bota/nist. OFFICE OF BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS, Washington, D. C., December 5, 1903. 5 CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 9 Materials and methods 10 Seeds 10 Germination tests and apparatus .- 11 Effect of climatic conditions on the vitality of seeds 13 Causes of the losses in vitality in different climates 22 Effect of moisture and temperature upon vitality 24 Seeds packed in ice 26 Effect of moisture on vitality at higher temperatures 29 Summary 35 Effect of definite quantities of moisture on the vitality of seeds when they are kept within certain known limits of temperature 36 A comparison of methods of storing and shipping seeds in order to protect them from moisture, and consequently to insure a better preservation of vitality 44 Suggestions of earlier investigators 44 The necessity for thoroughly curing and drying seeds 45 Character of the seed warehouse or storage room 46 The value of good seed to the market gardener 46 Shipping seeds in charcoal, moss, etc 47 Nature of the experiments 47 I >isposition of the samples 48 Results of the germination tests 50 Experiments in keeping and shipping seeds in special packages 65 Respiration of seeds 74 Summary 81 Enzymes in seeds and the part they play in the preservation of vitality 82 Summary 87 Literature cited 90 7 ILLUSTRATIONS. TEXT FIGURES. Page. FIG. 1. Apparatus used to determine the effect of moisture and temperature on the vitality of seeds in communication with free air 30 2. Apparatus used to determine the effect of moisture and temperature on the vitality of seeds not in communication with free air 30 8 B. P. I.— 94. B. I. E.— 56. THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. INTRODUCTION. It has long been known that the conditions under which plants are grown and the degree of maturity at the time of harvesting are fac- tors which play an important part in the life of seeds. But, granting that seeds are of strong vitality at the time of harvesting, there remain to be considered the methods of gathering and curing, the water content of the seed at the time of storing, the methods of stor- age, the humidity and temperature of the surrounding atmosphere, the composition of the seed, the nature of the seed coats, activities within the cells, and numerous other factors which play important parts in the life of the seed. The conditions necessary for the successful germination of a seed of good vitality and the chemical transformations accompanying these early stages of development have received considerable attention from numerous investigators. These changes and conditions are fairly well understood for many of our common seeds. However, several impor- tant facts still remain unexplained, and our knowledge will not be complete until each and every species has been carefully studied. . On the other hand, the conditions influencing the vitality of seeds as commercially handled are but little understood and have been almost wholly neglected in research work. Likewise, but little attention has been given to the complex chemical and physical changes which take place in mature seed during the slow process of devitalization. It was in order to determine some of these factors that the work described in these pages was begun, and the results are thus of considerable practi- cal value as well as of scientific importance. The present paper treats chiefly of the conditions influencing the vitality and germination of seeds when subjected to such methods of treatment as are generally met with in the ordinary handling of seed. Particular attention has IHMMI given to the effect of climate, moisture, and temperature on vitality, supplemented with a discussion of the changes taking place in mature seeds, especially the respiratory activities and the part played by enzymes. 9 10 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. The results of the above experiments have suggested improved methods of storing and shipping seeds so as to prolong their vitality and also to secure the production of more vigorous seedlings. The work for the present paper was begun in 1899 at the University of Michigan and was continued for three consecutive years while the writer held the Dexter M. Ferry Botanical Fellowship in that institu- tion. During this time the investigation was under the direction of Prof. V. M. Spalding, Ph.D., and Dr. F. C. Newcombe, who showed great interest in it and gave valuable suggestions as the work pro- gressed, at the same time placing the facilities of the laboratory and of the library at the disposal of the writer. Since September 1, 1902, the work has been continued in the Seed Laboratory of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Valuable assistance in storing seeds was rendered by Prof. C. W. Burkett, at Durham, N. H. ; Mr. E. E. Smith, Wagoner, Ind. T. ; Prof. W. R. Dodson, Baton Rouge, La. ; Prof. F. S. Earle, Auburn, Ala.; Zimmer Brothers, Mobile, Ala.; Prof. H. H. Hume, Lake City, Fla., and Prof. Charles B. Scott, San Juan, Porto Rico. MATERIALS AND METHODS. SEEDS. For these experiments thirteen different samples of seeds were used, being so selected as to include representatives of ten different families and twelve genera and species, as follows: Poacese, — Zea mays, sweet corn (two samples). Liliacedd — Allium cepa L., onion. Brassicaceae — Brassica oleracea L., cabbage; RapJianus sativus L., radish. Apiacese — Daucus carota L., carrot. Fabacede, — Pisum sativum L., pea; Pliaseolus vulgaris L., bean. Violacese — Viola tricolor L. , pansy. Polemoniacedd — Phlox d/rummondii Hook, phlox. Solanacedd — Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karst., tomato. Ciicurbitaceae — Citrullm cilrullus (L.) Karst., watermelon. Aster acede — Lactuca sativa L., lettuce. It will thus be seen that the seeds used cover a wide range as to family characteristics, as well as size, structure, and composition of seed. Likewise they are all from plants of the garden or field that have undergone a high degree of cultivation, thus enabling the seeds to withstand more or less variation as to conditions of vitality and growth. All seeds used throughout these experiments were provided by D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit, Mich., and the seed furnished was of strong vitality and of known age and origin. The corn "A" (Minne- sota Sweet), onion (Yellow Danvers), pea (D. M. Ferry Extra Early), bean (Yellow Kidney, Six Weeks), tomato (Dwarf Champion), and the MATERIALS AND METHODS. 11 watermelon (Sweet Mountain) were grown in Michigan. The corn "B" (Minnesota Sweet), was grown in Nebraska, the cabbage (Win- ningstedt), in Washington, and the lettuce (Black-Seeded Simpson), in California, while the radish (Early Scarlet Turnip-Rooted), carrot (Chantenay), pansy (mixed), and Phlox drummondii (mixed) were grown in France. The seed was all of the harvest of 1899 and was received at the botanical laboratory of the University of Michigan on January 27, 1900. On January 30, 1900, germination tests were made, showing the vitality of the seeds to be as follows: Vitality of seeds tested January SO, 1900. Kind of seed. Percent- age of germina- tion. Kind of seed. Percent- age of germina- tion. Bean 100 Pansy .... 69 5 Cabbage 93 Pea 97 Carrot 00 ft Phlox 78 Corn sweet, "A"... . 94 Radish 81 Corn, sweet, " B " 88 Tomato 98 Lettuce 87.5 Watermelon 99 Onion 98 GERMINATION TESTS AND APPARATUS. In the preliminary work several methods of testing were tried, but as none proved as serviceable as the "Geneva tester," this apparatus was adopted for all subsequent tests as recorded in the following pages. The detailed construction of this tester need not be described, for it is simple and quite familiar to all. However, some modifications were made in the preparation of the apparatus, and some precautions taken in the manipulation, which have proved to be of much value. The brass wires originally and ordinarily used to support the folds of cloth were replaced by glass rods of 6 to 7 mm. diameter. Rods of this size are much heavier than is necessary to support the folds of cloth, but the chief advantage in having rods of large diameter is that in case of the germination of large seeds the folds can be drawn near together at the top and still have sufficient space within the fold for the seeds. On the other hand, in the germination of small seeds that require considerable quantities of air, the folds can be closed at the top by bringing the rods together, thus insuring more uniform condi- tions throughout the fold and at the same time leaving sufficient space above the seeds for an abundant supply of air. The chief advantage in substituting glass rods for brass wires is in removing the possible source of injuiy resulting from the poisonous action of the dissolved copper. Another error frequently, if not always, made in using such a tester is in allowing the ends of the cloths, or sometimes the bottoms of the 12 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. folds, to dip into water in the pan. This should never be permitted, for in that way seeds are kept too moist, especially near the ends of the folds. Likewise such methods give an opportunity for the trans- mission of dissolved copper and a resulting injury to the seeds. For this same reason the strips of cloth should be made sufficiently narrow not to come into contact with the sides of the pan. Much better results are obtained if the seeds, before being placed in the germinator, are soaked in water for several hours, the length of time depending on the power of absorption of the seeds. In these experiments the seeds were always soaked in distilled water for twelve or fifteen hours before transferring them to the germinator. This preliminary soaking gives a more speedy germination, which is always advantageous, especially in making comparative germination tests. In order to supply the requisite amount of moisture for subsequent growth, the cloths were first uniformly and completely wet with dis- tilled water; moreover much care was taken to see that there was only a very small quantity of water in the bottom of the pan. In case of seeds that germinate readily, such as cabbage, lettuce, and onion, it is necessary that all surface water be removed from the bottom of the germinator if good results are desired. The pan then being covered with a glass plate, it is seldom necessary to increase the amount of moisture, for seeds when once soaked need only to be kept slightly moist and not wet, as must necessarily be true if the ends of the cloths or bottoms of the folds dip into the water. After soaking, the water in the seeds and cloths is ample for the completion of most germina- tion tests. However, in an occasional test the seeds may become slightly dry, which happens when the cover is kept off the pan for a considerable time while counting germinated seeds. In such cases the remedy is to pour a small quantity of water in the bottom of the pan, or in extreme cases to moisten the folds with a fine spray. If the above modifications be adopted and the necessary precautions taken, many of the objections frequently made to the Geneva tester will be removed and the difficulties will be overcome; at least it is a most excellent method of testing seeds where comparative results are especially desired. It must also be borne in mind that the Canton flan- nel (which is generally used in making the pockets) should always be of the best grade and should never be used a second time without being thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. In selecting samples for germination the impurities and the imma- ture seeds were first removed. The samples for test were then made up of the remaining large and small seed. For the most part 200 seeds were taken for a test, but with the larger seeds-^-corn, pea, bean, and watermelon — 100 seeds were usually used. In all cases where any irregularity was apparent, tests were repeated. The controls are based on the results of several duplicate tests. EFFECT OF CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. 13 All germination tests were made in a dark room where the temper- ature could be comparatively well regulated and was maintained nearly constant throughout most tests. Germinated seeds were removed daily during early stages of the tests and a complete record of the number germinating each day was kept. This is of value in seed testing, because the germinative energy of a seed tells much as to its vitality. If seeds have a high vitality, the germinative energy will be very strong, i. e. , germination will take place rapidly, giving rise to strong and vigorous seedlings; but if the seeds are of very low vitality, there will be a corresponding retardation in germination, giving rise to weak seedlings, i. e., showing a low germinative energy. In most cases throughout this work only the final percentages of germination are tabulated. EFFECT OF CLIMATIC CONDITIONS ON THE VITALITY OF SEEDS. It has long since been known that seeds under ordinary conditions lose their power of germination after the lapse of a few years, or in some cases within a few weeks or months. Many investigators have also learned that the rapidity with which seeds lose their vitality, when stored under ordinary conditions, varies greatly with the section of the country in which such seeds are kept. This loss in vitality is espe- cially marked in the case of seeds stored in places of relatively high humidity. The rapid deterioration of seeds in localities having a humid atmosphere has become a source of much embarrassment to seedsmen, for they have experienced many difficulties in shipping seed to such places. This is especially marked in the case of seeds sent to growers or dealers in the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico. Gardeners and planters in that part of the United States are continually com- plaining about the nonviable seeds sent out by seedsmen. Some grow- ers have learned how to guard against this difficulty to a certain extent. Zimmer Brothers, of Mobile, Ala. , wrote, on February 28, 1900, con- cerning this matter, as follows: During thirty years' experience in market gardening, we have learned that seeds of many hardy plants will not keep in our climate, and when ordering we -so time our order that we can plant the seeds as soon as received. If such be impossible, we are very careful to keep the original package unopened until conditions are favorable for planting. If we find it necessary to keep seeds of hardy plants for some months, we put them up on arrival in dry bottles, put on top a bit of cotton saturated with chloroform and cork tightly. We have kept, in that way, cauliflower seed satisfac- torily for twelve months. At the shore seeds keep very badly; one-half mile back they do much better. As a rule seeds of tender plants give but little trouble. As far as has been ascertained, no definite experiments have been made with these points in view, and especially with the idea of deter- mining the cause or causes of this deterioration of vital energy. In order to obtain reliable data on these points, a series of experiments was undertaken in February, 1900, to determine how seeds are affected 14 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. when distributed to different parts of the United States and .submitted to the free influence of various climates. Likewise at the various points where tests were made the seeds were subjected to different treatments. The places selected for these tests were San Juan, P. R., Lake City, Fla. , Mobile, Ala. , Auburn, Ala. , Baton Rouge, La. , Wagoner, Ind. T. , Durham, N. H., and Ann Arbor, Mich. A sample of each species of seed w.as put up separately in double manila coin envelopes and in closely corked bottles. Duplicate sets of each series were then subjected at each of the above-named places to the following conditions: Trade conditions. — Conditions similar to those in which seeds are kept when offered for sale by retail dealers, the seed being more or less exposed to meteorological changes and subjected to natural varia- tions in temperature and humidity. For the most part the seeds were in rooms that were never heated. Dry rooms. — Rooms in the interior of buildings which were artifi- cially heated during cold weather, and where the quantity of moisture was relatively small and the temperature comparatively constant. Basements. — Rooms where the temperature was comparatively low and uniform, and the relative humidity of the surrounding air was much higher than in "trade conditions" and "dry rooms." These conditions varied in the different places at which tests were made, and a more detailed description will be given when the results of the germination tests are discussed. For the first part of this paper, treating of the influence of climate on vitality, none of the seeds need to be considered save those pre- pared in paper packages and kept under trade conditions, these coming more nearly under the direct action of the surrounding atmosphere. A sample of each kind of seed was put up in a manila (No. 2) coin envelope, and each of these packages was then inserted in a second (No. 3) coin envelope. Duplicate samples of every kind of seed were sent to the various testing places, where they were subjected to trade conditions. At San Juan the packages of seeds were kept in an open room, being subjected to the full action of the atmosphere but pro- tected from the direct rays of the sun and from rain. At Lake City the packages were kept in a one-story frame building which was not artificially heated and the doors of which were open the greater portion of the time. At Mobile the packages of seeds were stored in a comparatively open attic of a private dwelling. At Auburn the seeds were stored in a greenhouse office, with the doors frequently standing open. At Baton Rouge the packages were kept on a shelf in a grocery store, the doors of which were closed only during the night. At Wagoner the conditions were very similar to those of Baton Rouge, save that the packages of seeds were kept in a drug store. At Dur- ham the seeds were kept over a door at the entrance of one of the KFKKCT OK CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. 15 college buildings. This door opens into a hall which communicates with the offices, chemical laboratory, and the basement. At Ann Arbor the seeds were stored in the botanical laboratory, with slightly varying conditions, they being near a window which was frequently open during the summer, and at irregular intervals during the early part of the summer the packages were placed in the window so as to receive the direct rays of the sun. The seeds stored at Ann Arbor served partially as controls for those sent to the various other places, and, in addition to the last-named series, seeds from the original packages, as received from D. M. Ferry & Co., were kept in a dry and comparatively cool closet on the fourth floor of the botanical lab- orator}7. These seeds served as checks for the complete set of exper- iments, and are designated throughout this paper as u Control." The samples were sent out to the above-named places in February, 1900. The first complete set was returned in June, or early July, of that year. The second complete set was allowed to remain throughout the entire summer, and was returned in October and earl}7 November of the same year. The average time of treatment for the two series of experiments was 128 and 251 days respectively. When the seeds were returned, germination tests were made as soon as possible. The length of time that the seeds were in the various places and the vitality as shown by the germination tests are given in Tables I and II. In both tables the columns from left to right, beginning with Mobile, Ala., are in the order of the degree to which the seeds were injured. TABLE I. — Effect of climate on vitality, as shown by percentage of germination — -first test. Kind of seed. Con- trol. Mobile, Ala., Feb. 17 to July 7. 140 days. San Juan, P. R., Feb. 9 to June 20. 129 days. Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 17 to JunelS. 121 days. Wagon- er, Ind.T., Feb. 17 to June23. 126 days. Lake City, Fla., Feb. 9 to JunelS. 129 days. Dur- ham, N.H., Feb. 17 to July 14. 147 days. Au- burn, Ala., Feb. 17 to May 30. 102 days. Ann Arbor, Mich. Corn, sweet, "A" 95.9 89.3 95.8 92.7 83.6 83.3 95.3 98.7 63.0 69.0 95.5 98.3 81.6 80.0 48.0 7.0 64.5 58.5 59.0 69.2 58.0 3.0 0.5 90.0 98.0 63.0 96.0 72.0 84.5 82.0 64.0 71.5 94.0 100.0 20.0 23.5 94.0 96.0 79.0 96.0 80.0 90.0 88.5 77.5 74.3 94.0 96.0 28.5 47.5 91.5 100.0 82.5 96.0 70.0 93.5 83.5 77.5 81.5 98.0 96.0 48.5 50.5 96.5 98.0 78.0 94.0 86.0 95.0 89.5 79.0 76.5 96.0 98.0 44.5 41.5 94.0 98.0 87.0 100.0 89.3 96.5 93.0 80.6 78.0 98.0 100.0 55.5 67.0 94.5 98.0 82.0 96.0 88.0 96.0 91.0 75.5 84.5 93.3 98.0 57.5 61.5 95.0 94.0 86.5 100.0 92.0 95.0 96.0 82.5 76.0 90.0 98.0 53.5 67.0 89.0 100.0 82.0 Corn, sweet, "B" Onion Cabbage Radish Carrot Pea Bean Pansy Phlox drummondii Tomato.. Watermelon Lettuce Average of all seeds . 87.79 53.59 75.12 80.48 82.12 83.00 85.57 85.70 86.23 From Table I it will be seen that the loss of vitality in the case of seeds stored at Mobile was much greater than in those stored at any of the other places. The greatest loss in the samples tested was in the 16 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. phlox, where the germination was only 0.5 per cent, or a loss in vitality of 99.3 per cent as compared with the control. These results were closely followed by a loss in vitality of 95.9 and 92.7 per cent for the pans}r and onion seed, respectively. The percentages of germination in the other cases, except the UB" sweet corn, pea, and bean, were sufficient to have produced a fair stand, i. e. , if we consider that fur too many seeds are usually sown. But a decrease in the percentage, of germination means seeds of a low germinative energy. Even though the final percentage of germination be up to standard, the retardation may be of vital importance. A very good example of the retardation in germination is shown in the tests of the watermelon seeds. In the control sample 94 per cent of the seed germinated in 47J hours, while the seed returned from Mobile showed, during the same time, a germination of only 12 per cent; yet the difference in the final germination was only 0.3 per cent in favor of the control. Like- wise the seed returned from San Juan germinated only 20 per cent in 47£ hours, the final germination being 96 per cent or only 2. 3 per cent lower than the control. Many similar cases might be mentioned in which the final per- centages of germination, as shown by the first set of tests given in Table I, represent a loss such as might be justly considered well within the limits of normal variation. However, that all of the samples of seed were injured as a result of the unfavorable climatic conditions is shown in the second set of tests set forth in Table II. In the letter case the seeds remained in the various places nearly twice as long as those used for the first test. TABLE II. — Effect of climate on vitality as shown by percentage of germination — second test. Kind of seed. Con- trol. Mobile, Ala., Feb. 17 to Nov. 6. 262 days. Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 17 to Oct. 22. 247 days. Dur- ham, N.H., Feb. 17 to Oct. 26. 251 days. Au- burn, Ala., Feb. 17 to Nov. 19. 275 days. Lake City, Fla, Feb. 9 to Oct. 1. 234 days. Wag- oner, Ind. T., Feb. 17 to Oct. 13. 238 days. San Juan, P.R., Feb. 9 to June 20. 129 days. Ann Arbor, Mich. Corn, sweet, "A" 94.5 20.0 88.0 96.0 88.0 92.0 90.0 92.0 98.0 Corn sweet "B" 88 5 12 0 54 2 82 0 62 0 77.0 78 0 78 0 80 0 Onion 97.0 0 0 0 5 0.0 12.0 16.5 24 5 50.0 97.5 Cabbage 92.4 17.0 25.5 12.0 61.5 63.5 , 70.5 76.2 91.0 Radish 78 8 51 0 55 5 59 5 63.0 58 5 60 5 62 0 77 5 Carrot 82.0 8.5 25 0 2.0 36.0 43.6 49 0 48. 5 86.0 Pea 95.7 44.0 80.0 94.0 97.9 86.5 80.0 98.0 98.0 Bean 98.7 0.0 60.0 78.0 56.0 84.0 82.0 96.0 100.0 Pansy 53.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 1.5 7.5 6.5 46.5 Phlox drummondii 53.9 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.5 11.5 40.0 Tomato 97.5 79.5 96.0 87.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 96.5 98.0 Watermelon 99.0 64 0 92 0 82.0 86.0 92.0 94.0 88.0 96.0 Lettuce 92.3 20.0 84.5 88.5 86.0 85.0 82.0 83.5 92.5 Average of all seeds . 86.77 24.31 50.86 52.42 57.34 61.27 62.11 68.21 84.58 KFFK(T OF CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. 17 KVIMI though the columns in both Tables I and II arc arranged in the order of the loss in vitality as shown by the averages of the various places, it will at once be seen that the relative degree of injury did not remain the same throughout the experiment. This is probably best explained by a variation in the climatic influences. It is evident that in some of the places where seeds were stored the effects were more deleterious during the time between the first and second tests than they were during the first period of storage of 128 days. The results given in Table II are of the greater value in showing the relative merits of the different localities as places for storing seeds, extending as they do over a longer period of time. As a result of the second series of tests it was found that the average percentage of germination of all of the samples of seed that were stored in trade conditions at Mobile for 262 days was only 24. 31 per cent. This is equivalent to a loss in vitality of 71.98 per cent as compared with the average percentage of germination of the control samples, the average germination of the controls being 86.77 per cent. The pansy, phlox, onion, and beans stored at Mobile wholly lost their power of germination. The tomato seed, which proved to be the most resistant to unfavorable conditions, gave a germination of 79.5 per cent, or a loss in vitality of 18.46 per cent, as compared with the control sample, which germinated 97.5 per cent. The degree of deterioration in the seeds stored at the other places was much less marked than for those stored at Mobile. The loss in vitality was only 41.39 per cent in the si>eds returned from Baton Rouge. The results from the seeds which were stored at Durham, Auburn, Lake City, Wagoner, and San Juan di tiered but little from those from Baton Rouge. The relative losses in vitality are in the order given. The seeds kept in the packages which were stored under trade conditions in the laboratory at the University of Michigan showed a loss in vitality of only 2.52 per cent as compared with the control, the seeds of which were stored in a cool, dry closet on the fourth floor of the botanical laboratoiy. Ordinarily a loss of 2.52 per cent would be considered as a normal variation due to sampling and testing, and such was probably true in these two sets, with the exception of the greater deterioration of the phlox, pansy, and UB" sweet corn, which were undoubtedly injured by 'the unfa- vorable trade conditions, as repeated tests have shown. From Table II it will also be seen that the "A" sweet corn, peas, tomato, and watermelon, with the exception of those returned from Mobile, show a fair percentage of germination. In some cases the final percentages of germination were even higher than the controls; but, as previously stated, the final germination is not always a good criterion for the determination of vitality, it being necessary to consider the germinative energy as a basis for comparison. In order to show this more fully some of the detailed results are herewith given in Table III. These results show to a good advantage the degree to which germina- tion has been retarded. 25037— No. 58—04 2 18 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. TABLE III. — Retardation in germination due to injury caused by unfavorable climatic conditions. Place where seeds were kept. Corn "A." Peas. Watermelon. Tomato. Germi- nation at end of 64 hours. Final germi- nation. Germi- nation at end of 40 hours. Final germi- nation. Germi- nation at end of 84 hours. Final germi- nation. Germi- nation at end of 83 hours. Germi- nation at end of 107 hours. Final germi- nation. Control Per cent. 81.3 4.0 Per cent. 94.5 20.0 Per cent. 79.6 a 24.0 Per cent. 95.7 44.0 Per cent. 98.0 0.0 Per cent. 99.0 64. 0 Per cent. . 78.0 1.5 Per cent. 92.7 12.5 Per cent. 97. 5 79.5 Mobile, Ala San Juan, P. R 64.0 92.0 60.0 98.0 12.0 88.0 38.5 78.0 96.5 Baton Rouge, La . . 50.0 88.0 36.0 80.0 0.0 92.0 9.0 56.0 %. 0 Wagoner, Ind. T . . 64.0 90.0 36.0 80.0 2.0 94.0 40.0 81.5 94.0 Lake City, Fla 68.0 92.0 50.0 86.0 0.0 92.0 16.5 65.0 94.0 Durham, N. H Auburn, Ala. 86.0 80.0 82.0 96.0 88.0 98.0 54.0 "93.7 82.0 94.0 97.9 98.0 0.0 22.0 94.0 82.0 86.0 96.0 0.5 59.0 75.5 5.5 75.5 91.0 87.0 94.0 98.5 Ann Arbor, Mich.. a After 62 hours. in order that the results of Tables I and II may be more readily and f ully comprehended, it has been deemed advisable to summarize them in another table. For this purpose the average percentages of germi- nation of all of the different samples of seed have been determined for each of the different places. From these average percentages of ger- mination the deterioration in vitality, as shown by both the first and second tests as given in Tables I and II, have been calculated, the ger- mination of the controls serving as a basis for comparison. These results furnish more trustworthv data as to the relative merits of the different localities as places for storing seeds. Likewise the per- centages of deterioration between the time of the first and the second tests are shown in Table IV. TABLE IV. — Average percentages of germination of all seeds kept at the various places, their deviations from the controls, and the increased percentages of loss in the second series of tests. Place of storage. Average germina- tion of all seeds used in experi- ments. Deterioration in vitality as com- pared with con- trols. Deterio- ration in vitality between first and second tests. First test. Second test. First test. Second test. Control Per cent. 87.79 53.59 75. 12 80.48 85.57 85.70 83.00 82.12 86.23 Per cent. 86.77 24.31 68.21 a 45. 18 50.86 52.42 57. 34 61.27 62.11 84.58 Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 1.16 54.64 9. 20 a 39. 86 36.81 38.74 33.10 26.18 24.37 1.91 Mobile, Ala 38.95 } 14'31{ 8.32 2.52 2.38 5.45 6.45 1.77 71.98 21.39 a 47. 93 41.39 39.58 33.91 29.38 28.41 2.52 San Juan P. R Baton Rouge, La Durham N. H Auburn, Ala Lake City, Fla Wagoner, Ind. T Ann Arbor, Mich a Calculated results. EFFECT OF CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. 19 In Table IV the results are arranged in the order of the loss in vital- ity as shown by the second tests. However, a few words of explana- tion will be necessary, especially concerning the loss at San Juan. In the first place, the seeds were kept at San Juan only 131 daysa during the early part of the summer, while during the most critical period, June 20 to November 6, they were in the botanical laboratory of the University of Michigan. Those marked Mobile, Ala., were, during the entire time, 262 days, under the influence of the warm, moist cli- m;ite of the Gulf of Mexico. The seeds kept at other places can well be compared with those from Mobile, the time being approximately the same. The average loss as shown by the second tests was 3.35 times greater than the loss in the first test, which by calculation would bring San Juan next below Mobile, with a loss of vital energy in the seeds equal to 47.93 per cent. But more data are necessary before such a gradation of injurious climatic influences can be established. Table IV, however, brings out another interesting point, as shown by comparing the results of the first and second tests at San Juan and Mobile. In the first test the loss in vitality of the seeds from Mobile was 38.95 per cent, while the seeds returned from San Juan showed a loss of only 14.31 per cent as compared with 71.98 and 21.39 per cent, respectively, as shown in Table II. The degree to which the seeds were injured while they were stored in San Juan was such that they continued to deteriorate much more rapidly than the control sample. This deterioration was most marked in the case of the pansy seed, the germination of the first test being 20 per cent and that of the second test only 6.5 per cent, showing a loss in vitality of 68.2 per cent and 87.7 per cent, respectively. Thus when seeds are once placed in con- ditions unfavorable for the preservation of their vitality for a sufficient length of time to cause some injury, this injury will always be mani- fest and cause a premature death of the seeds even though they after- wards be removed to more favorable conditions. Seeds of strong vitality can withstand greater changes in conditions than seeds of low vitality without any marked deterioration. Through- out these experiments a wide difference has been observed between the "A" sweet corn and the "B" sweet corn. The original tests made January 30, 1900, at the time the seeds were received, showed a germination of 94 per cent for the " A" sample and 88 per cent for the "B" sample of corn. The control tests, made in November, 1900, showed a germination 0.5 per cent higher in each case; but the average loss in vitality of the two samples of seed kept at the various places was 12. 17 per cent for the "A" sample and 26. 10 per cent for the "B" sample. As with the pansy and the phlox these samples showed that « The number of days here given for San Juan is not absolutely correct. The time was reckoned from the date the seeds were sent from the laboratory until they were received in return. 20 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. the stronger the vitality of the original sample of seed the more harsh treatment can be undergone without being injured. Strong vitality implies long life as well as vigorous seedlings. Another very important factor to be considered in the handling of seeds is the relative resistance of seeds of various species to adverse conditions. Certain seeds under one set of conditions may retain their vitality exceedingly well, while seeds of other species of plants under identical conditions may be killed in a comparatively short time. For this reason no general rule can be laid down for the preservation of seeds. Table V shows the varying degrees of deterioration of the different species of seeds used in the experiments. TABLE V. —Different degrees of deterioration of various kinds of seeds. Kind of seed. First test. Second test. Germi- nation of control. Average germi- nation from the various places. Deterio- ration in vitality as com- pared with the control samples. Germi- nation of control. Average germi- nation from the various places. Deterio- ration in vitality as com- pared with the control samples. Tomato Per cent. 95.5 95.3 95.9 98.3 81.6 83.6 89.3 98.7 92.7 83.3 95.8 63.0 69.0. Per cent. 93.06 91.56 94.75 97.75 80.00 74.38 78.16 93.00 86.00 75.16 82.18 38.87 44.87 Per cent. 2.55 3.92 1.20 .57 1.96 11.02 12.47 5.76 7.22 9.77 15.26 38.33 34.97 Per cent. 97.5 95.7 94.5 99.0 92.3 78.8 88.5 98.7 92.4 82.0 97.0 53.0 53.9 Per cent. 92.43 84.80 83.00 86.62 77.75 60.93 65.40 69.50 62.15 37.81 25.12 8.00 '7.62 Per cent. 5.20 11.39 12.17 12.51 15.77 22.67 26. 10 29.58 43.56 53. 89 74.10 84.90 85.85 Pea Corn, sweet, "A" Watermelon Lettuce .' Radish Corn sweet "B" Bean Cabbage Carrot Onion . ... Pansy Phlox drummoiidii In the above table the list of seeds is arranged in the order of their power to withstand the action of diverse climatic conditions, as shown by the results of the second test, given in Table II. Tomato seeds were found to be the most resistant, the control sample germinating 97. 5 per cent. The average germination of the samples of tomato seed kept at the various places was 92.43 per cent, or a loss in vitality of only 5.20 per cent. The seed showing the next least injury was the peas, with a deterioration of 11.39 per cent. The phlox, which was the most affected by the unfavorable conditions, germinated only 7.62 per cent, thus showing a loss in vitality of 85.85 per cent. It is also interesting to note that the order, as shown by the second series of tests, is quite different from that of the first. This lack of uniformity increases the difficulties that must be overcome before the causes of the loss of vitality in seeds can be fully comprehended. Were all seeds affected in the same way when subjected to identical con- EFFECT OF CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. 21 ditions, the order should have remained the same, throughout, but the wide variation in atmospheric changed affects different seeds so very differently that no uniformity of results can be secured. For example, the conditions prevailing from February until June were much more disastrous to the vitality of the tomato and pea than to the "A" sweet corn, watermelon, and lettuce, while the conditions existing from June to November were more injurious to the "A" sweet corn, watermelon, and lettuce. An examination of the table will show other results of a similar nature. During the earlier stages of devitalization seeds undergo a gradual deterioration in vitality, but after reaching a cer- tain stage in their decline there is a comparatively sudden falling off, and seeds, except perhaps a few of the most persistent, soon cease to show any power of germination. Such factors as these must be taken into account in determining the relative length of time that different kinds of seed will retain their vitality. But as yet sufficient informa- tion is lacking in order to make any trustworthy attempt to classify seeds in respect to their viable periods when subjected to different con- ditions. Numerous experiments are now under way, with the hope of furnishing a basis for such a classification. In order to obtain more data as to the influence of climate upon vital ity^ additional samples of seed were sent to Mobile and Baton Rouge, where they were stored under the same trade conditions as for the former experiment. For these tests only cabbage, lettuce, and onion seeds, put up in envelopes, as for the previous tests, were used. The different packages of seed, placed in paper boxes from which they were not removed, were sent from the laboratory on May 20, 1901, and were returned November 26, 1901, the total time of storage being 190 days. The results of these tests are shown in Table VI, and are even more striking than those of the former tests shown in Tables 1 and II. TABLE VI. — Relative merits of Mobile, Ala., Baton Rouge, La., and Ann Arbor, Mich., as places for storing seeds. [Period, 190 days.] Seeds subjected to "Trade condi- tions." Cabbage. Lettuce. Onion. Percentage of seeds germinated at the end of— Percentage of seeds germinated at the end of— Percentage of seeds germinated at the end of— 86 hours. 60 hours. 14 days. 36 hours. 60 hours. 11 days. 60 hours. 84 hours. 108 hours. 14 days. Mobile Ala 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 64.5 8.5 22.5 86.5 0.0 2.5 67.0 14.0 35. 5 82.5 64.0 74.0 96.5 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 43.0 0.0 0.0 93.0 Baton Ronge, La . . Ann Arbor, Mich.. Table VI shows quite clearly the deleterious action of the warm, moist climate of the Gulf of Mexico on the life of seeds. The onion seed which was stored at Mobile and Baton Rouge did not germinate, 22 THE VITALITY AND GEKMINATION OF SEEDS. while seed from the same lot stored at Ann Arbor germinated 93 per- cent. The cabbage seed was injured nearly as much as the onion, the sample from Mobile germinating only 8.5 per cent. The conditions at Baton Rouge were slightly more favorable to the preservation of vitality. The cabbage seed stored at the latter place germinated 22.5 per cent, while a like sample of seed stored at Ann Arbor germinated 86.5 per cent. The lettuce was much more resistant than either the cabbage or the onion seed, but here, too, the injury was quite marked, especially as shown by the retardation in germination. The conditions at Mobile were also the most disastrous for the lettuce seed. During the first 36 hours that the tests were in the germinating chamber none of the lettuce seed from Mobile germinated, while the seed from the corresponding sample from Ann Arbor germinated 67 per cent. The final percentages of germination were 64 and 96.5 per cent, respectively, for the seed from Mobile and Ann Arbor, showing a loss in vitality of 33.68 per cent in the seed stored at Mobile. Here it will be seen, as in Table V, that the onion seed was most sensitive and the lettuce seed most resistant to the unfavorable conditions. In the first tests shown in Table V the average loss in vitality of the lettuce, cabbage, and onion was 15.77, 43.56, and 74.10 per cent, respectively, while for the last tests, as shown in the foregoing table, the losses in vitality of similar samples of seed kept at Mobile were 33.68, 91.29, and 100 per cent, respectively. The ratio is practically the same in both cases, the loss in the cabbage seed being 2.7 times greater than that of the lettuce. The foregoing data are sufficient to indicate that climatic influences play a very important part in the life of seeds, and that the degree of injury varies greatly in different places and likewise in different seeds. Some seeds were practically worthless after an exposure of four or five months in such places as Mobile, Baton Rouge, or San Juan, as shown in Table I. After longer exposures, six or nine months, similar results were obtained from all of the places to which seeds were sent. Many of the seeds were killed, as shown in Table II. The conditions at Mobile were fatal to all of the seeds; that is, the seeds were worthless so far as the gardener is concerned. CAUSES OF THE LOSSES IN VITALITY IN DIFFERENT CLIMATES. Having shown that seeds lose their vitality much sooner in some localities than in others, the question naturally arises, "Why this loss in vitality?" Unfortunately only two of the places where seeds were stored, Mobile and San Juan, have Weather Bureau stations which are equipped for making complete observations of the meteorological conditions. It has been observed, however, that there is a very close relationship between the precipitation and the loss in vitality in seeds; that is to say, in a measure the loss in vitality is directly proportional to the amount of rainfall. This deterioration is more apparent as the CAUSES OF LOSSES IN VITALITY. 23 temperature increases, but the injury due to the increase in tempera- ture is dependent on the amount of moisture present. The following table lias been compiled in order to show the ratio between the loss in vitality and the precipitation and temperature. The loss in vitality, as given in the second column of Table VII, rep- resents the average losses in percentages, calculated from the results of the germination tests of the 13 different samples of seeds, as shown in Table II." The third column shows the annual precipitation in inches. The annual precipitation has been taken, because in some instances heavy rainfalls occurred just previous to the time that the seeds were put into storage. Then, too, the annual precipitation furnishes more accu- rate data for a basis of comparison. The mean temperatures, as given in column 4, are not the mean annual temperatures, but the averages covering the time during which the seeds were stored. The mean annual temperatures were not taken, chiefly for the reason that the critical period, in so far as temperature is concerned, is during the summer months. TABLE VII. — Ratio between vitality, precipitation, and temperature. & Place where seeds were stored. Average loss in vi- tality of the 13 dif- ferent sam- ples of seeds. Annual precipita- tion. Temperature. Mean Fahr. Maximum Fahr. Mobile, Ala Per cent. 71.98 41.39 39.58 33.91 29.38 28.41 2.52 Inches. 91.18 66.37 48.20 62.61 49.76 42.40 28.58 Degrees. 71.4 72.2 52.3 64.4 73.3 67.1 49.12 Degrees. 96.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 103.0 107.0 98.0 Baton Rouge La Durham N. H Auburn Ala Lake City Fla Wagoner Ind T Ann Arbor, Mich "These seeds were sent out in February, 1900, and were returned to the botanical laboratory and tested in October and November, 1900. The average time that the seeds were kept at the various places was 252 days. ?> The results of the San Juan tests have been omitted from this table because, as has been previously stated, all of the seeds were returned from San Juan on June 20, 1900, when the first tests were made. The second series of tests was made in October, 1900. During the time intervening between the first and second tests the San Juan samples were kept in the botanical laboratory at the University of Michigan. According to the table the seeds kept at Mobile suffered the greatest loss in vitality. However, it is quite probable that the greatest loss would have been from the seeds stored at San Juan had the time of storage been the same for the two places, so that the results of the San Juan tests could have been included in the table. This conclusion is based on the following facts: Normally, the number of rainy days at San Juan far exceeds those at Mobile. In 1900 there were 211 days on which rain fell in San Juan, while the records for Mobile show only 146. Likewise the average temperature of the dew-point Tor San Juan was 71° F. and only 59° F. for Mobile, which, when expressed in terms of absolute moisture, gives s.iMO and 5.555 grains of water per cubic foot at the time of saturation. On the other hand, the relative humidity of San Juan was 78.5 per cent, or slightly lower than that of Mobile, the latter having a relative humidity of 80.5 per cent. However, the mean annual temperatures were 77.G0 and 71.4° F., respectively, hence a mean absolute humidity of 7.099 grains of aqueous vapor for San Juan and only 6.718 grains per cubic foot for Mobile. 24 THE VITALITY AND GEKMINATION OB' SEEDS. From the foregoing table it will be seen that precipitation is a factor of much greater importance than temperature. In order to show the real value which the amount of precipitation furnishes as a basis for judging the length of time that seeds will retain their vitality when stored in localities having a marked difference in the amount of rain- fall, the results set forth in the above table are represented diagram- matically as follows: Effect of precipitation on vitality. Place. Percentage of loss in vitality. Inches of precipitation. Mobile 71.98 91.18 Baton Rouge 41.39 (if!. 37 Durham 39.58 48. 20 Auburn 83. 91 62. 61 Lake City 29.38 49.76 Wagoner 28.41 42. 40 Ann Arbor 2 52 28. 58 A discrepancy is very marked for Durham, N. H., which may be partially explained by considering again the conditions under which the seeds were stored. It will be remembered that these samples of seeds were stored in a hall which opened directly into a chemical labora- tory. It is quite probable that the low percentages of germination were due to the injurious action of gases emanating from the labora- tory. Of these gases, ammonia probably played a very important part, as it is well known that seeds are very readily injured when subjected to the action of ammonia. It is to be understood that the above comparisons are somewhat indefinite. If the amount of rainfall were equally distributed through- out the year a definite ratio could, in all probability, be established; but in the majority of places there are alternating wet and dry seasons, which make such a comparison very difficult and unsatisfactory. Yet for ordinary considerations it is sufficient to say that seeds will retain their vitalit}T much better in places having a small amount of rainfall. For more exact comparison other factors must be taken into account, especially the relative humidity, mean temperature, and temperature of the dew-point, which ultimately resolves itself into the absolute amount of moisture present in the atmosphere. EFFECT OF MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE UPON VITALITY. From the foregoing experiments it is quite evident that moisture plays an important part in bringing about the premature death of seeds and that the detrimental action of moisture is more marked as EFFECT OF MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE. 25 (h<> tcmjH'nitmv increases. Formerly the j»-(Mieral consensus of opinion lias been to make this statement in the reverse order — that is, that temperature exerts a veiy harmful action on seeds if much moisture be present. For comparatively high temperatures the latter statement would probably suffice — at least it is not misleading, and in a certain measure it is true; but at the lowest known temperatures, as well as at ordinary temperatures, moisture is the controlling factor, and in order to be consistent it should likewise be so considered for higher temperatures — that is, within reasonable limits. That temperature is only of secondary importance is brought out in the results obtained bj^ a number of investigators. It has been well established by Sachs, a Haberlandt,^ Just,c Krasau/ Isidore-Pierre/ Jodin/, Dixon,*7 and others that most seeds, if dry, are capable of germination after being subjected to relatively high temperatures for periods of short duration. The maximum for most seeds is a tempera- ture of 100Q C. for one hour; but if the seeds contain comparatively large quantities of moisture they are killed at much lower tempera- tures. It has been reported that lettuce seed will lose its vitality in two weeks in some of the tropical climates where moisture is abundant. Dixon has shown that if lettuce seed be dry it will not all be killed until the temperature has been raised to 114° C. In case of low temperatures the factor of moisture is of less impor- tance, yet even under such conditions the moisture must not be exces- sive or the injury will be quite apparent. But if seeds are well dried it can safely be said that they will not be killed as a result of short exposures to the lowest temperatures which have thus far been produced. Our knowledge of the resistance of seeds to extremely low temperatures is based on the experiments of Edwards and Colin/* Wartmann,* C. De Candolle and Pictet/ Dewar and McKendrick,* Pictet,' C. De Candolle,™ Brown and Escombe,w Selby,0 and Thiselton- « Handbuch d. Exp. Phys. d. Pflanzen, Leipzig, 1865, p. 66. '>Pflanzenbau I, 1875, pp. 109-117; Abs. in Bot. Jahresbr., 1875, p. 777. 'Bot. Zeit., 33, Jahrg. 1875, p. 52; Cohn's Beitrage zur Biol. der Pflanzen, 1877, 2: 311-348. rfSitzungsbr. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss., 1873, 48: 195-208. I. Abth. <• 'Ann. Agron., 1876, 2: 177-181; Abs. in Bot. Jahresbr., 1876, II. Abth., 4: 880. /Compt. Rend., 1899, 129: 893-894. (/Nature, 1901, 64: 256-257; notes from the Botanical School of Trinity College, Dublin, August, 1902, pp. 176-186. /' Ann. sci. nat. bot., ser. 2, 1834, 1: 257-270. * Arch. d. sci. phys. etnat., Geneve, 1860, 8: 277-279; ibid., ser. 3, 1881, 5: 340-344. JIbid., ser. 3, 1879, 2: 629-632; ibid., ser. 3, 1884, 11: 325-327. *Proc. Roy. Inst., 1892, 12: 699. 'Arch. d. sci. phys. etnat., Geneve, ser. 4, 1893, 30: 293-314. '"Ibid., ser. 4, 1895, 33: 497-512. «Proc. Roy. Soc., 1897-8, 62: 160-165. ofiul. Torr. Bot. Club., 1901, 28: 675-679. 26 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. Dyer/' In the experiments of the last-named investigator seeds were subjected to the temperature of liquid hydrogen (—250° to — 252°C.) for six hours, and when tested for vitality the germination was perfect and complete. b Much more might be said on the effect of high and low temperatures on vitality. But for the commercial handling of seeds the extremes of temperature are of secondary importance and need not be further discussed at this time. In the present work the purpose has been to show the effect of moisture on the vitality of seeds when subjected to such temperatures as are usually met with in the storing of seeds. SEEDS PACKED IN ICE. On February 6, 1900, samples of each of thirteen kinds of seed were put up in duplicate, both in manila coin envelopes and in small bottles. The bottles were closed with carefully selected cork stoppers. These two sets of duplicate samples were then divided into two lots. Each lot contained one of each of the packages and one of each of the bottles of seeds. The samples thus prepared were carefully packed with excelsior in wooden boxes, the boxes being then wrapped with heavy manila paper. In one of the boxes was also placed a Sixes' self-registering thermometer, so that the minimum temperature could be ascertained. These boxes were stored in a large ice house near Ann Arbor, being securely packed in with the ice at the time the house was being filled. The first box was taken out with the ice on June 12, 1900, after a lapse of 126 days. The thermometer in this box registered a minimum of —3.6° C. It is safe to assume that this temperature was uniform, at least up to within a few days of the time when the seeds were taken out. Unfortunately, absence from the university at this particular time delayed an examination of the seeds until June 20. During the eight intervening days the box of seeds was kept in the laboratory and there many of the seeds in the packages molded, so that they were unfit for germination tests. In fact, the results of the tests from the packages are of little value within themselves; but in comparison with the vitality tests of the seeds kept in the bottles some important facts are brought out, and it has been deemed advisable to tabulate these results with those of the second series. The second box of seeds was packed approximately in the center of a large ice house (100 by 60 by 20 feet) and was taken out with the ice on July 21, 1900, after having been 167 days in cold storage. The «Proc. Roy. Soc., 1899, 65: 361-368. & Brassica alba (oily), Pimm sativum (nitrogenous), Cucurlnta pepo (oily), Triticum sativum (farinaceous), and Hordeum vulgar e (farinaceous). EFFECT OF MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE. 27 box was brought directly to the laboratory and tlie seeds were exam- ined at once. Those contained in the paper packages had absorbed a considerable quantity of moisture and were much softened. In all of the packages except those containing the onion and watermelon seeds some mold had developed; but in the seeds used for the germination tests care was taken to avoid using those that showed any trace of a mycelium, thereby reducing the injury due to fungous growth to a minimum, even though subsequent experiments have shown that such injury is practically negligible. An interesting point concerning the germination of some of the seeds at this low temperature may be stated in this connection. Eight of the peas, or 4 per cent, had already germinated, the radicles vary- ing in length from 1 to 2.5 cm., thus corroborating Cloth's results in germinating peas at or slightly below the temperature of melting ice.a TABLE VIII. — The vitality of seeds kept in an ice house in envelope wise the vitality of the controls. and bottles, and like- Kind of seed. First test, after 126 days. Second test, after 167 days. Germination. Differ- ence be- tween envel- ope and control sam- ples. Differ- encebe- tween envel- ope and bottled sam- ples. Germination. Differ- ence be- tween envel- ope and control sam- ples. Differ- ence be- tween envel- ope and bottled sam- ples. Con- trol. Envel- ope. Bottle. Con- trol. Envel- ope. Bottle. Corn "A" Per ct. 96.0 90.0 95.0 93.5 88.5 79.5 Perct. 36.0 60.0 92.5 89.0 Per ct. 94.0 96.0 96.5 94.0 81.5 Perct. 60.0 30.0 2.5 4.5 Perct. 58.0 36.0 4.0 5.0 Perct. 92.0 92.0 95.0 92.0 80.5 73.5 94.7 100.0 52.0 54.0 96.5 100.0 81.5 Perct. 86.0 74.0 94.5 90.0 74.0 52.0 90.0 0.0 2.6 11.0 51.5 96.0 66.0 Perct. 96.0 94.0 95. 0 94.0 89.0 75.5 96.0 98.0 65.5 68.5 96.0 100.0 71.0 Per ct. 6.0 18.0 0.5 2.0 6.5 21.6 4.7 100.0 49.5 43.0 45.0 4.0 15.5 Perct. 10.0 20.0 0.5 4.0 15.0 23.5 6.0 98.0 63.0 57.6 44.5 4.0 5.0 Corn " B " Onion Cabbage Radish Carrot 80.0 Pea 92.0 100.0 52. 5 74.0 i-H. 0 80.0 88.0 100.0 65.5 « 16. 5 93.5 100.0 66.0 Bean Pansy 5.0 73.0 90.0 47.5 22.5 8.0 60.5 20.5 10.0 Phlox Tomato Watermelon . Lettuce Average 87.3 63.6 87.9 25.0 27.7 84.9 62.1 87.6 24.3 27.0 •« In making up the averages the result of the germination of the phlox was omitted because a sub- srqut'iit examination showed that the bottle containing this sample of seed was broken at the bottom, thus admitting sufficient moisture to destroy vitality, as is borne out by the second test. The above table shows, as previously stated, that the results of the first tests are incomplete and not very satisfactory, owing to the fact, that the germination tests were unavoidably delayed for eight days after the seeds were taken from the ice house; but with the second set a Flora, 1875, pp. 266-268. 28 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. of samples the counts for the vitality tests were begun within an hour from the time the seeds were removed from the ice house. Thus, the conclusions for these experiments must be drawn chiefly from the sec- ond series of tests. However, comparisons will be made with the first where such seem justifiable. It will at once be seen that the seeds which were in paper packages gave a much lower percentage of germination than either the control samples or those kept in bottles. The average germination of the controls was 84.9 per cent, and the average germination of the seeds kept in bottles was 87.6 per cent, while only 62.1 percent of the seeds kept in paper packages germinated. This is equivalent to a loss in vitality of 24.3 and 27 per cent, respectively, as compared with the vitality of the control samples and the samples from the bottles. The results of the first tests are practically the same, save that the differ- ences between the control and the bottle samples are less marked. In the second case the average vitality of the seeds kept in envelopes was much reduced by the complete failure to germinate in the case of the beans, which are most susceptible to the deleterious action of moisture at the given low temperature. One of the most important points brought out by these experiments is the result obtained with onion, cabbage, and watermelon seeds. In both the first and the second tests the germination varied but little throughout. However, in all cases the seeds in the paper packages were slight!}7 injured by the action of the moisture. .This factor is of much importance, especially in the case of the onion seed, which, when kept in a moist atmosphere at normal temperatures, soon loses its vitality, but when maintained at temperatures slightly below freezing it becomes very resistant to the action of moisture. The beans, on the other hand, were all killed, although they are ordinarily much more hardy than onion seed. It is quite probable, however, that the death of the beans may be attributed to the reduction in tem- perature. Containing as they do large quantities of starch, they absorb more water than less starchy or more oily seeds. This factor, together with the large embryo, renders them much more susceptible to the injurious action of freezing temperatures. Another important feature brought out by these experiments was the better germination of the seeds which had been stored in bottles in the ice house. The average germination of these samples was 2.7 per cent higher than that of the control. In a measure this may be included within the limits of variation; but when it is considered that all of the bottle samples except the beans, tomato, and lettuce showed a vitality equal to or greater than the control, it can hardly be considered as a normal variation, especially since only the lettuce gave any marked variation in favor of the control. Likewise, the average percentages EFFECT OF MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE. 29 of the first series of tests show a slight increase in favor of the seeds kept in the bottles, though the increase is not so well marked and is less uniform than in those of the second series. Aside from the final germination there is still another factor that must be taken into consideration as bearing evidence of the advantage of keeping seeds at low temperatures, provided that they are kept dry. All of the samples that were stored in the ice house in bottles showed a marked acceleration in germination. It is quite evident that the res- pi ratory activities and accompanying chemical transformations were much reduced by the reduction in temperature, and the vital energy was thus conserved; but when the conditions were favorable for germination the greater amount of reserve energy in these seeds gave rise to a more vigorous activity within the cells and a corresponding* acceleration in germination. Numerous other experiments showing the effect of moisture on the vitality of seeds were made. In contrast to those just given, the injurious action of moisture at higher temperatures, yet temperatures well within the limits of those ordinarily met with in the handling of seeds, will be next considered. EFFECT OF MOISTURE ON VITALITY AT HIGHER TEMPERATURES. This set of experiments was undertaken particularly to furnish con- ditions somewhat similar to those existing in the States bordering on the Gulf of Mexico, or, in fact, all places having a relatively high degree of humidity and a temperature ranging from 30° to 37° C. (86° to 98.6° F.) during the summer months. In order to secure the desired degrees of temperature two incubators were utilized, one being maintained at a temperature varying from 30° to 32° C., the other from 36° to 37° C. The thermo-regulators were so adjusted as to admit of a possible variation of nearly two degrees in each case. Beans, cabbage, carrot, lettuce, and onion were used for these tests. In each of the incubators the seeds were subjected to four different methods of treatment: 1. In a moist atmosphere, in free communica- tion with the outside air. 2. In a moist atmosphere, but not in con- tact with fresh air, the seeds being in sealed bottles of 250 cc. capacity. 3. In a dry atmosphere, in free communication with the outside air. 4. Air-dried seeds in sealed bottles. In order to obtain the conditions requisite for the first method of treatment, an apparatus was used as shown in figure 1. The seeds were put up in small packages and then placed in a 250 cc. bottle. The bottle containing the packages of seeds was placed withki a specimen jar which was partially filled with water. This jar was then closed with a large cork stopper which carried two glass tubes, each of 1 cm. bore. These tubes extended 25 cm. above the top of the jar and out through 30 THE VITALITY AND GEKMINATION OF SEEDS. the opening in the top of the incubator. The primary object of the tubes was to prevent any water vapor from escaping within the incu- bator and thereby doing damage to the seeds that were to be kept dry in the same incubator. For the same reason the cork in the jar was well coated with paraf- fin. Approximately the same volume of water was maintained in the jar throughout the ex- periment, more water being added through tube a, as occasion demanded, to replace the loss by evaporation. The chief advantage in having two tubes was the comparative ease with which the air within could be displaced by a fresh supply by forcing a current of fresh air through one or the other of the tubes. Two such preparations were made, one being left in the oven maintained at a temperature varying from 30° to 32° C. , the other in the oven maintained at a tempera ture varying from 36° to 37° C. In both cases the bottles contained five packages of each of the five samples of seed, thus making provisions for testing at different intervals. In order to supply the conditions for the second method of treatment, similar packages from the same samples of seeds were put into 8-ounce bottles, which were then kept for five days in a moist chamber. The in- crease in weight due to the absorption of water within the five days was as follows: Beans, 3.03 per cent; cabbage, 8.09 per cent; carrot, 8.26 per cent; lettuce, 7.45 per cent, and onion 8.43 per cent. This increase, with the water already present in the air-dried seeds, gave a water con- tent of 13.23 per cent for the beans, 13.99 per cent for the cabbage, 13.60 per cent for the carrot, 12.45 per cent for the lettuce, and 14.84 per cent for the onion. The bottles were then corked and sealed with paraffin, but were so FIG. 1.— Apparatus used to de- termine the effect of moisture and temperature on the vitality of seeds in communication with free air. FIG. 2.— Apparatus used to determine the effect of mois- ture and temperature on the vitality of seeds not in com- munication with free air. EFFECT OF MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE. 31 constructed that the. relative humidity of the inclosed air could be inn-eased without the admission of more free air. The detailed con- struction of this apparatus is shown in fig. -2." The seeds continued to absorb moisture to a limited extent. In order that the inclosed air might be maintained at approximately the same degree of saturation, a crude hygroscope was attached on the inside of eacb bottle. These h}Tgroscopes were • made from awns of Stipa capillata L., the tip of the awns being removed and a short piece of fine copper wire used as an indicator. These hygroscopes were suspended from the under side of the cork, as shown at A, and by the side of each was suspended a fine fiber of silk, which, being carried around by the indicator, recorded the number of turns made by the awn. Five such preparations were made for each of the two sets, so as to furnish seeds for a series of tests. One set was kept at a temperature of 30° to 32° C., the other at 36° to 37° C. The seed from one of the bottles, at each of the temperatures, was weighed after eighty-one days, at the time the germination tests were made. These weighings showed that at the lower temperatures the average increase in weight for all the seeds was 8.6 per cent, and at the higher temperatures, 6.3 per cent. The increase in the case of the beans was quite marked at this time, being 13.3 per cent for those maintained at a temperature ranging from 30° to 32° C., and 9.8 per cent for those maintained at 36° to 37° C. The third set of conditions consisted simply of packages of the air- dried seeds kept in open boxes in each of the incubators. This series of tests was made especially for the purpose of determining the effect of dry heat on the vitality of seeds when maintained at the tempera- tures above given for some considerable time. For the fourth series small packages of the seeds were put into 2-ounce bottles, which were then corked and sealed with paraffin. Five of these bottles were kept in each of the ovens and germination tests were made at irregular intervals. The results of these tests furnish a « The wide-mouth bottle (b) contains the packages of seed (s). Through an open- ing in the cork is inserted a short piece of soft glass tubing, being first fused at the lower end and having a slight constriction drawn at c. At a distance of 1 cm. above the constriction is blown a small opening, as shown at o. A short piece of heavy rubber tubing (0, cemented on a piece of heavy brass wire (10), serves as a stopper. This stopper, which must fit closely within the glass tube, is operated by means of the heavy wire. When drawn up, the water in the tube may give off aqueous vapor, which can escape through the small opening (o) into the bottle. When sufficient moisture is present the supply is shut off by pushing the stopper down firmly against the constriction. The stopper must be well coated with vas- eline to prevent its sticking to the sides of the glass tube. To make the apparatus more secure against the entrance of fresh air, a second piece of rubber tubing (r) is placed in the upper part of the glass tube, the top of which is then filled with oil. 32 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. basis for comparing the relative merits of keeping seeds in open vessels and in sealed bottles. Table IX will show the eifect of the various methods of treatment on the vitality of the seeds. TABLE IX. — Vitality of seeds when subjected to the action of a dry and a moist atmosphere^ both when exposed to free air and when confined in glass bottles, at rdatlrely hitjh temperatures. a Kind of seed. Begin- ning of experi- ment. End of experi- ment and date of germina- tion tests. Dura- tion of ex- peri- ment. Vitality of seeds when kept in a moist at- mosphere. Vitality of seeds when kept in a dry atmos- phere. Ger- mina- tion of con- trol sam- ples. In open bot- tles, at tem- peratures varying from — In sealed bottles, at tempera- tures vary- ing from — In open boxes, at tern pera- tures vary- ing from — In sealed bottles, at tempera- tures vary- ing from — 30° to 32°. 36° to 37°. 30° to 32°. 36° to 37°. 30° to 32°. 36° to 37°. 30° to 32°. 36° to 37°. Bean Mar. 4 do Apr. 4 May 12 May 24 July 22 Apr. 4 May 12 May 24 July 22 Apr. 4 May 12 May 24 July 22 Apr. 4 May 12 May 24 July 22 Apr. 4 May 12 May 24 July 22 Days. P. d. P. ct. P. ct. P. ct. P.ct. P. ct. P. ct. P. ct. P. ct. 31 69 81 140 31 69 81 140 31 69 81 140 31 69 81 140 31 69 81 140 100.0 97.5 94.0 2.3 87.8 71.6 80.0 0.0 83.5 69.5 48.0 0.5 92.5 38.0 55.5 0.0 95.5 68.0 59.5 0.0 100.0 0.0 78.0 75.0 0.0 0.0 73.0 30.0 1.0 0.0 54.5 22.5 2.5 0.5 78.0 44.5 1.0 1.5 64.5 2.5 0.0 0.0 44.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 72.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 58.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 45.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 86.0 100.0 98.0 100.0 86.5 67.5 89.0 84.0 84.5 82.0 44.5 81 .'0 91.0 42.0 65.0 82.0 95.5 97.0 95.5 90.0 84.0 90.0 90.0 94.0 84.0 87.9 92.0 83.0 88.0 85. 0 50.0 81.2 86.5 38.5 58.5 87.0 93.0 95.0 94.0 92.0 98.0 92.5 98.0 98.0 83.5 79.0 92.5 88.5 89.5 83.5 50.0 78.5 91.5 38.5 62.5 81.5 96.0 97.5 99.0 97.5 98.0 95.0 100.0 96.0 86.9 78.5 92.0 86.7 89.0 82. 5 48.0 83.1 90.0 51.5 67.0 88.0 97.5 93.0 95.0 94.7 94.0 1)8.7 98. 0 99.4 91. 0 83.0 92. 5 (.)3. 1 92. 5 78.0 <;i.5 88. 1 90.0 31.5 53.5 79.9 96.0 98.5 96.5 95.4 Do Do ...... ...do.... Do do 90.5 0.0 Cabbage ...do.... Do do .. Do ...do Do do 77.5 0.0 90.5 0.0 89.0 0.0 1 Carrot ' do Do .- ..do.... Do do Do do Lettuce . .do Do ...do.... Do do Do ..do Onion ...do.... Do Do ...do.... do Do ...do.... a A study of the table will show that the lettuce and carrot seed germinated very poorly at the end of 69 and 81 days. This, however, was not due to any inherent quality of the seed, but to an excess- ive temperature at the time the tests were made. Both of these seeds require a comparatively low temperature for their successful germination, lettuce germinating best at 20° C., and carrot at an alternating temperature of from 20° to 30° C. The amount of moisture absorbed or expelled under the different methods of treatment has an important bearing on the duration of vitality and will be considered briefly at this time. Only the general results will be discussed in this connection, inasmuch as later experi- ments, carried out in a similar manner, show the detailed results to much better advantage. Nevertheless, it requires only a glance at the above table to show the marked difference in the germinative power of seeds which have been stored in moist and in dry conditions. The seeds which were exposed in a moist atmosphere to the higher KKFECT OF MO1STUKE AND TEMPERATl' KK. 33 temperatures (36° to 37° C.) were killed much earlier than those subjected to the moist atmosphere at the lower temperatures — 30° to 32° C. — in both the open and the closed bottles. A weighing at the end of 31 days showed that the average increase in weight of the seeds kept in the open, moist chamber, due to the absorption of moisture, was 6 per cent at a temperature of 30° to 32° C., and 5 per cent at a temperature of 36° to 37° C. For the seeds kept in the oven, maintained at the temperature of 30° to 32° C., another weighing was made at the end of 13-i days, at which time the average increase in the water content had risen to 8.67 per cent. Unfortunately the seeds from the second oven, maintained at the higher temperature, had become badly molded in 69 days, so that only the one weighing was made. Vitality tests made at this time, 69 days, showed that all of the seeds from the open, moist chamber, at the higher temperatures, had been previously killed as a result of the drastic treatment; conse- quently no future germination tests were made. Those maintained at the lower temperatures were almost entirely free from mold at the expiration of the experiment, only an occasional seed showing any trace of fungous growth. Nevertheless, germination tests showed that the vitality had been destroyed in the cabbage, lettuce, and onion. Beans and carrot were most resistant, the former having germinated 2.3 per cent and the latter 0.5 per cent. All of the seeds had become very much softened. The beans and the lettuce had changed very materially in color, the beans (Early Kidney Wax Six Weeks) having become much darker and the lettuce (Black-Seeded Simpson) almost a lemon color. With the seeds constituting the second series, i. e. , in a moist atmos- l>/t< r< //t/t In scaled bottles, the injury was much more severe. Here, as \vilh the open chambers, the seeds subjected to the higher temperatures were killed first, even though the amount of moisture actually absorbed was less, as was also true with the other series. A weighing made at the end of 81 days gave an increase of 8.6 per cent for those from the oven maintained at a temperature of 30° to 32° C. , and 6.3 per cent at the higher temperature. Likewise, in this series, the seeds had become very much softened and a very disagreeable odor had developed as a result of the putrefaction of their nitrogenous constituents. A close examination made at the end of 81 days revealed slight traces of fun- gous growth, but there is no reason to believe that these played any part in the destruction of vitality. However, in making counts for germination tests all molded seeds were carefully discarded. The results of the germination tests showed that the vitality of the seeds kept at the lower temperatures had been practically destroyed at this time. The beans and onions failed to germinate, while the 25037— No. 58—04 3 34 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. cabbage, carrot, and lettuce germinated only 1, 2.5, arid 1 per cent, respectively. During the succeeding 60 days much mold had developed, and at the expiration of the experiment, 140 days, only the carrot and the lettuce gave any indications of vitality. It is especially interesting to note with what rapidity the deterioration took place between the sixty- ninth and the eighty-first days, showing that when vitality reaches a certain point in its decline there follows a comparatively sudden death. This same fact is also shown in the case of those seeds in this same series kept at the higher temperature. After 31 days' treatment they all failed to germinate, except 0.5 per cent in carrot and 2 per cent in lettuce seeds. Jn the two series of experiments just considered there was an increase in water content as a result of the humidity of the air in which the seeds were kept. But the third series, open and dry, presents quite another factor. A weighing made at the end of 30 days showed that there had been an average loss of 2.5 per cent for the lower tempera- tures and 3.5 per cent for higher temperatures. After this time the weight remained nearly constant. Subsequent experiments, which will be considered later, also show that the water capable of being expelled at any given atmospheric temperature is driven off in a com- paratively short time. In case of seeds this condition is practically completed in eight or ten days when maintained at temperatures as above given. This extra drying of the seed causes a greater contrac- tion of the seed coats, and in a number of cases a corresponding retardation in the rapidity with which germination takes place. The retardation in the germinative activity is dependent on the increased difficulty with which the seeds absorb water, and in many cases has an important bearing on the vitality tests. The fourth and last series, in which the air-dried seeds were sealed in bottles and subjected to the temperatures at which the two ovens were maintained, gave still another very different set of conditions. Here there was also an increase in weight, due probably to some process of oxidation, but the increase was very slight. The average increase from those kept at either of the temperatures was less than one-half of one per cent. Seeds, if well matured and thoroughly air-dried, are not injured when kept at temperatures below 37° C., whether they be kept in free communication with fresh air, or in sealed bottles, or tubes. In the experiments under discussion the average percentage of germination was slightly higher in the case of the seeds which had been stored in the sealed bottles. The mean percentage of germination for the seeds which had been exposed to the open air at a temperature of 30° to 32° C. was 83.05 per cent. Those from the sealed bottles kept at the same temperature germinated 84.82 per cent. At the higher temper- atures— 36° to 37° C. — the mean germination of the seeds from the open EFFECT OF MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE. 35 and the closed bottles was is^.us and sf>.<;^ percent, respectively. The control sample germinated 85.45 per cent. That 37° C. is about the maximum temperature at which air-dried seeds can be stored without injury is shown by the following experiments. Preparations similar to those above mentioned were used, and after being subjected to a temperature of 37° C. for 219 days, there was no appreciable loss in vitality, except the deterioration of 4 per cent in the case of the cabbage seed that was kept in an open bottle, and 6.3 per cent in the seed from a closed bottle/' But by increasing the tem- perature, during an additional period of 68 days, from 37° C. to a maximum of 14° C., the injury was much more marked, especially in the closed bottles. In the open bottles the vitality of the cabbage was lowered from 91.3 per cent to 77 per cent, representing a loss in vital- ity of 15.66 per cent. The onion seed fell from 95.7 per cent to 87 per cent when kept in an open bottle, and to 61 per cent wThen kept in a closed bottle. The beans showed no apparent injury in either case, except that they became very dry; consequently there was a retarda- tion in germination as a result of the slow absorption of water. The greater loss in vitality of the seeds kept in the bottles was the direct result of the higher humidity of the air immediately surrounding the seed, and not because there was a deficiency in the supply of fresh air, as might be readily assumed. In the open receptacles the additional amount of free water expelled, as a result of the increase in tempera- ture, was allowed to escape, while in the sealed bottles it only gave rise to a relatively moist atmosphere, and consequently to a premature death of some of the seeds. If seeds are to be so confined, they should be previously dried at a temperature at which they are to be stored. All of these seeds had become very dry and brittle. The odor of the air confined within the sealed bottles had become very unpleasant; likewise there was a marked change in the color of the seed coats of the inclosed seeds. SUMMARY. Most seeds if kept dry are not injured by prolonged exposures to temperatures below 37° C. (98.6° F.), it being immaterial whether they are in open or in sealed bottles. If the temperature be increased above 37° C., vitality is seriously reduced. If seeds are kept in a moist atmosphere, a temperature even as high as 30° C. (86° F.) works much injury in a comparatively short period. The degree of injury rapidly increases as the temperature rises. Provided the degree of saturation is the same, the deleterious effect of moisture is fully as great in open as in closed bottles. «Only cabbage, onion, and beans were used for this experiment, the carrot and the lettuce seed being omitted. 36 THE VITALITY AND GEKMLNATION OF SEEDS. THE EFFECT OF DEFINITE QUANTITIES OF MOISTURE ON THE VITALITY OF SEEDS WHEN THEY ABE KEPT WITHIN CERTAIN KNOWN LIMITS OF TEMPERATURE. The results of the experiments just discussed furnish a fair criterion by which to judge the vitality of seeds when influenced by tempera- ture and moisture. It was still necessary to determine the effect of definite quantities of moisture on the vitality of seeds when they are submitted to temperatures well within the limits of that which may be encountered in commercial transactions. On December 19, 1900, preparations were made to determine these factors. Seeds of cabbage, lettuce, onion, tomato, and peas were used for these experiments, which continued for 70 or 72 days. All of this seed was of the harvest of 1899 and had been in the laboratory during the eleven months immediately preceding the setting up of the experi- ments, being thus thoroughly air-dried. The amount of moisture present in the seeds at this time, as indicated by drying at 100° C., was as follows: Cabbage, 5.90 per cent; lettuce, 5 per cent; onion, 6.41 per cent; tomato, 4.71 per cent, and peas, 8.44 per cent. The preparations were made as follows: (a) Air-dried seeds were placed in bottles of 125 cc. capacity. The bottles were closed with cotton plugs in order to protect the seeds from dust while permitting a free circulation of air. This set served largely as a check. (b) Air-dried seeds were carefully weighed and then put into 125 cc. bottles, closed with firm corks, and sealed with paraffin. (cj, d, e, and f) These samples were also carefully weighed and sealed in bottles as £, but in the different series of bottles there was first introduced 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 cc. of water which had been previously absorbed by small strips of filter paper. (g) The seeds constituting this series were first dried for 30 days at a temperature of from 30° to 32° C. and then put up in bottles which were sealed with paraffin. The loss in weight as a result of the dry- ing was as follows: Cabbage, 2.41 per cent; lettuce, 2.59 per cent; tomato, 2.71 per cent, and onion, 3.47 per cent, leaving a water con- tent of only 3.49 per cent, 2.41 per cent, 2 per cent, and 2.94 per cent, respectively. (Peas were not included in this series.) One of each of the above preparations was then subjected to different degrees of temperature as follows: (1) Outdoor conditions, protected from rain and snow, but freely subject to all changes in temperature and humidity. The temperature during the time of the experiment, December 19, 1900, to February 28, 1901, varied from a minimum of —21.6° C. to a maximum of 8.9° C. (2) In a fruit cellar having a comparatively low and uniform temperature ranging from 10° to 13° C. EFFECT OF DEFINITE QUANTITIES OF MOISTURE. 37 (3) In the "dark room" of the botanical laboratory, which was quite dry and maintained at a temperature of 20° to 22° C. (4) In the herbarium room on the fourth floor of the botanical labo- ratory. The air here was very dry and the mean temperature about the same as for No. 3, but with a much wider variation, reaching at times a maximum of 30° and a minumum of 10° C. (5) In an incubator maintained at 30° to 32° C. (6) In an incubator maintained at 37° to 40° C. It will be observed that all of the preparations, except Nos. 1 and 4, were kept at temperatures which were quite uniform. The increase or decrease in the weight was determined at the expiration of 70 or 72 days by again carefully weighing the seed, after which germination tests were made. The results of the germination tests and the gain or loss in weight are given in Table X. 38 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. 0000.-IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO •sjnoq 09 jo puo oin i v in posopui OJOAV spoos o[iqAV}q#pAV UIOSTCOJO -op ao osvojotii jo o' o -° «o i< o «c '.6 co co -f o co o -i< od '^5 -i5 -^ oo o o 06 o-i o o o5o5o5F.aoF.«oo»«5358>ooe'>cSoo35cboo25a>CftS5ooo55o>358l O fl " -2 ^ 'a 0) S PL, « 1^- O iC O O O 1C id 1C iO i.C 1C O O iC O O O O 1C O O iC O iC O > O iC »C iO iO O iC O O ift iO iC O iO >C iO iO O O O O O iC O O O i Hi posopui OJOAV iq£ -Op JO OStJOJOUt COOiOOOiOiCiCOOiOiOOiOOOiOpOiOOOOOOiCOO i-I r-" ~o co «o t-- o 06 oi co r-! •» co t-^ -t< co o i ososoio 0?.i jo puo •sjnoq /,/, jo puo oq; ^v cocorf S •sjnoq gg jo puo oqi ^v ui posopui OJOAV spoos ojiqAV ^qSiOAV Ul OSBOJOUl JO OSBJUOOJOJ «4_, § c a ' COOiO 0000 >C 00000000 iC>COO»OiCOiOOOiOiC •sjnoq og jo puo oq; ;v i poso[oui OJOAV spoos ojiqAV ui OSBOJOUI jo •000000. o;ui and JOITCAV jo iCiOiOiCiCiCOOOOOOOOO O O O O O O rH rH rH iH rH rH d c4 C^ **H Q) sllll •* o -i— lOOooi^rHOOOot^-rH 53 rH S S « CO 53 rH S5 r5 « » S I I I !bl ;aa g :::::::::: EFFECT OF DEFINITE QUANTITIES OF MOISTURE. 39 ooooooooo rH i—< OOOOOOOOO V. »T iC O O O O >C iO O iC O O >O »O iO *O iC iC O iO iO iO iC O O >O O iO O iO iO O 3 £ 17^ s^ OOOOOOiOOO'OiCOiCiOOO d lOOOOOiOiOOOOOiCOOiCO c> §5 OOOOOiOOOOiO>COiCOiOiO O I 3 g ^lO^t^toddc^-^od ^odd ^d Q OiCOOOiCiOOOiCOOiCOOO I "? idiot"i>i>?oi>i.^coo'ddo55c> -S -^ ooooooooo _^_ ^vx_s__vx^^- ~^"trtrirtr'SN I * l^5 fl a • - ; : ;g : • • i -i i ;i ^ A a 3^3 O S O O S3 o> 1 I I V CO-*lOOt^CCCT>O!-IO!-iiMCO-fos i ncreased T-j ^ of their original weight. A corresponding sample kept in the open air increased TV of its original weight. Nos. 154:0 to 1545 in Table X show an increased weight in seeds when sealed in bottles for TO days. These seeds were previously dried for 30 days at a temperature of 30° to 32° C. Disregarding the increase in weights as above given and the factors to which such increase may be attributed, it is quite evident that in all cases where water was added the increase in weight was due chiefly to the absorp- tion of the water. The absolute increase was approximately the same as the weight of the water added. The amount of water absorbed by different seeds varies greatly under identical conditions, depending largely upon the nature of the seed coats and the composition of the seed. The average increase in weight of the seeds used in these experiments was as follows: Onion, 6.27 per cent; pea, 5.51 per cent; cabbage, 4.12 percent; lettuce, 3.99 per cent; tomato, 3.99 per cent. The loss in vitality of the corre- sponding samples was 28, 12, 23.7, 18.5, and 14.7 per cent, respec- tively. The relationship here is quite close, the amount of water absorbed being roughly proportional to the loss in vitality. The peas, however, afford an exception to this general statement. But it must be remembered that peas require a much larger percentage of moisture to start germination and are likewise capable of undergoing much wider variations than the other seeds in question. However, before a definite ratio can be established between the absorption of water and the loss in vitality, many other factors must be taken into consideration, such as the composition, water content, and duration of vitality of the seed under natural conditions. Another interesting factor is shown in No. 1546 of Table X. These soods were dried for 30 days at a temperature of 30° to 32° C., after which they were kept in an open bottle in the laboratory for 40 days. During the 30 days' drying the cabbage lost 2.41 percent, lettuce 2.59 per cent, tomato 2.71 per cent, and the onion 3.47 per cent of moisture. These same seeds when exposed to the free air of the laboratory for 40 days never regained their original weight, the increase being as follows: Cabbage, 0.6 per cent; lettuce, 0.58 per cent; tomato, 1.56 per cent; onion, 0.89 per cent. The average quantity of water expelled was 2.79 «Bul. S.x-. hot. I<>:in<-<«, 29: 25-29, 149-153, 1882. 42 THE VITALITY AND TERMINATION OF SEEDS. per cent in 30 days, while the average increase in weight during the 40 days was only 0.91 per cent. These results show that if seeds are once carefully and thoroughly dried, they will remain so; that is, if kept in a comparatively dry room. This is an important factor in the preser- vation of vitality, as is borne out in the results of the germination tests. Later experiments were made with very similar results, and an analogous method of treatment promises to be of much value as a preliminary handling of seeds. It is not definitely known to what this stronger vitality is due, whether it be simply to the effect of the dry- ing or to some process of chemical transformation which makes the seeds more viable. These results are now under consideration and will be reported at some future time. The table also shows in a very striking degree the decrease in the number of germinable seeds with an increase in the moisture and temperature. The amount of moisture absorbed by the seeds, with a limited amount present in the bottles, was inversely proportional to the temperature. At the higher temperatures the inclosed air held a larger portion as water vapor; however, there was a greater deterioration in vitality. Where the seeds were kept outdoors at the low temperatures (—21.6° to 8.9° C.) of the winter months, no injury was apparent except where 3 cc. of water was added, and then only the onion seed was affected. This sample of seed had absorbed a quantity of water equal to 10.38 per cent of the original weight, which together with the original water content (6.41 per cent of the original sample) made 17.88 per cent of moisture in the seed. Practically the same results were obtained with the seeds kept in a fruit cellar at a temperature of 10° to 13° C. The samples of this series, in the open bottles, were also injured, as has been pointed out. With the samples that were stored in the dark room and in the herbarium room, the injury was more marked as a result of the higher temperature; but even here the seeds in the bottles which contained 0.5 cc. of free water deteriorated very little. The injury was confined to the onion seed, which showed a slight retardation in germination. Where 1 cc. , 2 cc. , and 3 cc. of water were added, vitality in some instances was likewise remarkably well preserved. The lettuce, tomato, and peas gave no indications of any deterioration save in the bottles containing 3 cc. of water. Here the lettuce and peas were permanently injured, while the tomato seeds suffered only sufficiently to cause a delay in the rapidity with which they germinated. The cabbage seed was retarded with 2 cc. and a lowering of the final percentage of germination with 3 cc. of water. The onion seed, being very sensitive to these unfavorable conditions, deteriorated very greatly, being practically worthless where 3 cc. of water were added. A brief study of the table will readily show that many seeds were killed at the still higher temperatures of 30° to 32° C. and 37° to 40° C. The onion seed was slightly injured even where EFFECT OF DEFINITE QUANTITIES OF MOISTURE. 43 no water was added. However, a temperature of 40° C. is sufficient to injure many seeds, even though the liberated water be permitted to escape, as is shown in the tests of the onion, No. 1539 of the table. The greatest injury when air-dried seeds are sealed in bottles and then subjected to a higher temperature is due to the increased humidity of the confined air, as a result of the water liberated from the seeds. At first glance some of the conditions given ih the above table may seem to be extreme and far beyond any normal conditions that would be encountered in the ordinary handling of seeds. This may seem to be especially true with the seeds kept in the bottles with 3 cc. of water where the additional amount of moisture absorbed gave rise, in some of the seeds, to a water content of approximate!}7 20 per cent. Yet this need not be thought of as an exception, for such extreme cases are often encountered in the commercial handling of seeds. During the process of curing even more drastic treatment is not infrequently met with. Pieters and Brown05 have shown that the common methods emplo}^ed in the harvesting and curing of Poapra- tensis L. were such that the interior of the ricks reached a tempera- ture of 130° to 140° F. (54.4° to 60° C.) in less than sixteen hours, at which temperature the vitality of the seed is greatly damaged and frequently entirely destroyed. The interior of one rick reached a temperature of 148° F. (64.4° C.) in twenty hours, and the vitality had decreased from 91 per cent to 3 per cent, as shown by the ger- mination of samples taken simultaneously from the top and from the inside of the same rick. On the other hand, the extreme cases need not be considered. Take, for example, the onion seed that was sealed in a bottle with 1 cc. of water and maintained at a temperature of 37° to 40° C. The increase in weight due to the water absorbed was 3.91 per cent, thus giving a moisture content of 11.2 per cent and a complete destruction of vitality. The cabbage seed, kept in the same bottle, had absorbed a quantity of water equivalent to 2.35 per cent of its original weight, which, with the 5.90 per cent contained in the original sample, gave 8.25 per cent of water. This sample of seed germinated only 11 per cent, having thus no economic value. In neither of these samples was the amount of water present in the seeds greater than that ordi- narily found in commercial samples. Moreover, the temperature was much below that frequently met with in -places where seeds are offered for sale and likewise well within the limits of the maximum temperature of our summer months, especially in the Southern States. Take, by way of comparison, the maximum temperatures of some of the places at which seeds were stored to determine the effect of climate on vitality, as shown in another part of this paper. During "Bulletin 19, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1902. 44 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. the summer of 1900 the maximum temperature at Wagoner, Ind. T., was 107° F. (41.1° C.), while that of Lake City, Fla., was 103° F. (39.5° C.). If these points are kept in mind, it is not at all surpris- ing to find that seeds lose their vitality within a few weeks or months in warm, moist climates. In order to make the above facts more clear the preceding table has been summarized and is presented in the following condensed form, showing the relation of the water content of the seed to vitality: TABLE XI. — Marked deterioration in vitality ivith an increase in the quantity of the content of seeds. How preparations were made. Amount of water introduced into the bottles. Average in- crease in weight as a result of the greater water content. Average moisture in seeds at the time germi- nation tests were made. Average germina- tion. Control sample cc. Per cent. Per cent. 6 07 /VT cent. 93.3 Closed bottles, sealed with paraffin Water expelled. 0.06 o2.77 a 93. 9 Do None 08 6 55 94 0 Do 0.5 • 1.75 8 31 91 7 Do 1 0 3 24 9 91 83 3 Do 2 0 5 91 12 75 f>7 5 Do 3.0 8.13 15.10 58.6 « Peas not included in this set. Numerous other results of a similar character might be cited, but it hardly seems necessary at this time, since there can be no doubt that moisture is the prime factor in causing the premature destruction of vitality in seeds in the usual conditions of storage. Why they lose their vitality as a result of the unfavorable conditions is quite a differ- ent question, and has to do with the very complex composition of the seed. A COMPARISON OF METHODS OF STORING AND SHIPPING SEEDS IN ORDER TO PROTECT THEM FROM MOISTURE AND CONSE- QUENTLY TO INSURE A BETTER PRESERVATION OF VITALITY. SUGGESTIONS OF EARLIER INVESTIGATORS. As early as 1832, Aug. Pyr. De Candollert wrote a chapter on the conservation of seeds, in which he said that if seeds be protected from moisture, heat, and oxygen, which are necessary for germination, their vitality will be much prolonged; moreover, that if seeds are buried sufficiently deep in the soil, so that they are protected at all times from the very great influence of oxygen and moisture, their vitality will be preserved for a much longer period. «Physiologie V^getale, Paris, 1832, Tome II, p. 618. COMPARISON OF METHODS OF STORING AND SHIPPING. 45 Giglioli" goes so far as to say: There is no reason for denying the possibility of the retention of vitality in seeds preserved during many centuries, such as the Mummy wheat and seeds from Pompeii and Ilerculaneum, provided that these seeds have been preserved from the begin- ning in conditions unfavorable to chemical change. * * The original dryness of the seeds and their preservation from moisture or monst air must be the very first conditions for a latent secular vitality. Some of the earliest suggestions for storing seeds in quantity were made by Clement and Fazy-Pasteur, and were reported by Aug. Pyr. De Candolle in his Physiologic Vegetale. Clement suggested the use of large cast-iron receptacles, made impervious to air and water, the well-dried seeds to be poured in through an opening at the top, after which the opening should be hermetically sealed and the seeds with- drawn through an iron pipe and stopcock at the bottom of the tank. The scheme of Fazy-Pasteur was to store seeds in wooden boxes well covered with tar. This method was especially applicable to small quantities of seeds, and was used to a limited extent at that time, but, so far as has been ascertained, it has long since been discarded. The keeping of seeds in large iron tanks, as suggested by Clement, has never been practiced to any extent. It seems quite possible, however, that the present "tank" grain elevator, now so universally used, might readily be modified in such a way as to make the method suggested by Clement quite practicable. THE NECESSITY FOR THOROUGHLY CURING AND DRYING SEEDS. In addition to being well matured and carefully harvested, seeds should be thoroughly cured and dried before being put into the stor- age bins. Much better results would be obtained if such seeds were artificial ly dried for several days in a current of dry air at a tempera- ture not to exceed 35° C. With this method of drying, from 2 to 4 per cent of the moisture usually present in air-dried seeds is expelled. The accompanying contraction of the seed coats makes them more impervious to the action of moisture, and consequently the seeds are better prepared for storing and shipping. Experiments made with cabbage, lettuce, onion, and tomato seeds gave results as follows: The average loss in weight of the air-dried seeds, after an additional dry- ing of 30 days at a temperature of 30° to 32° C. was 2. 79 per cent. Yet these same seeds, when kept for 40 days in the laboratory, reab- sorbed only an average of 0.91 per cent of moisture. Like quantities from the original sample gave only the slight variations ordinarily met with, due to the humidity of the atmosphere. Thus seeds, when once carefully and thoroughly dried, will not regain their original weight, provided they be kept in a dry room. « Nature, 1895, 52: 544-545. 46 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. CHARACTER OF THE SEED WAREHOUSE OR STORAGE ROOM. Another important factor in the storing of seeds is the character of the seed warehouse or storage room. The first point to be considered is dryness. Such houses should be kept as dry as possible, which can be accomplished either by means of artificial heat or by the use of strong drying agents, or better still, by both. True, if the seed ware- house be located in a section having a dry climate, this difficulty is at once largely overcome. But in many cases such a location is imprac- ticable or even impossible, and other means must be resorted to. As a matter of fact, most large seed warehouses are not heated and a great loss in vitality inevitably follows; but each seedsman must determine for himself whether or not this loss is sufficiently great to justify the expense of heating such a storage room. Experiments carried on during the progress of this work have shown some very marked differences in favor of seeds stored in rooms artificially heated. The averages of the thirteen samples of seeds from the eight places at which they were stored show a difference in the loss of vitality of 9.87 per cent. Those kept in rooms that were arti- ficially heated during a greater portion of the time deteriorated 25.91 per cent, while those stored in rooms not so heated deteriorated 35.78 per cent. The loss here given for seeds stored in dry rooms is greater than such conditions warrant, owing to the very unfavorable condi- tions at Mobile, Ala., and Baton Rouge, La. At Lake City, Fla., the relative percentages of deterioration were 29.42 and 16.27 for the unheated and heated rooms, respectively; at Auburn, Ala., 38.90 and 10.34 per cent, and at Durham, N. H., 39.58 and 3.57 per cent, respec- tively. Unfortunately these experiments were not made with this definite point in view, and the results are not entirely satisfactory, as no records were made of the temperatures and humidities. THE VALUE OF GOOD SEED TO THE MARKET GARDENER. This work was undertaken chiefly for the purpose of finding some improved methods of shipping and storing seeds in small packages, wherein their vitality might be better preserved. The rapid deterio- ration in vitality causes great losses to gardeners living in districts where the climatic conditions bring about the premature destruction of vitality in seeds. In many cases the seeds are practically worthless or altogether fail to germinate after a few weeks' exposure. The loss in such cases is not in the greater quantity of seed required, but the retardation or complete failure of the germination often means delay, making the difference between success arid failure in the desired crop. Seed of low vitality is even worse than dead seed. With the latter the difficulty is soon discovered, while with the former, although the seed will germinate, the seedlings are not sufficiently vigorous to develop COMPARISON OF METHODS OF STORING AND SHIPPING. 47 into strong and healthy plants. True, most enterprising gardeners usually have vitality tests made immediately preparatory to planting, but this is not always convenient, and they rely on the results of tests made at some earlier date. In such cases it quite frequently happens that they accept the results of tests made several weeks earlier. With many seeds this will suffice, yet there are many others that will dete- riorate very materially within a few weeks or even within a few days in such unfavorable climates as exist, for example, near the Gulf of Mexico. In a letter dated January 15, 1903, Mr. J. Steckler, of New Orleans, La., wrote as follows concerning the vitality of seeds: Some seeds are not worth being planted after being here three months. This is especially true of cauliflower seed. We have made repeated tests and this seed after remaining here 90 days was worthless and had to be thrown away. SHIPPING SEEDS IN CHARCOAL, MOSS, ETC. Bornemann a made some experiments with seeds of Victoria regia and Earyale ferox, in which he found that when packed in powdered charcoal they soon lost their vitality, but when packed in powdered chalk slightly better results were obtained. On the other hand, Dammer6 recommends powdered charcoal as a method of packing for seeds that lose their vitality during shipment, especially the seeds of palms and a number of the conifers. Charcoal is undoubtedly much better than moist earth or moss, which are frequently used, the latter affording abundant opportunities for the development of molds and bacteria during transit. Some such method as moist charcoal is necessary in case of seeds which lose their vitality on becoming dry. Numerous other reports have been published from time to time concerning the shipping of seeds of aquatic plants, as well as those of low vitality, but they need not be discussed further at this time. NATURE OF THE EXPERIMENTS. Aside from some popular accounts and miscellaneous suggestions, but little has been done toward finding improved methods of shipping and storing seeds of our common plants of the garden and field. Accordingly, in February, 1900, a series of experiments was under- taken to determine some of these factors, in which three questions were considered: (1) How may small quantities of seeds be put up so as to retain a maximum germinative energy for the greatest length of time ? (2) What immediate external conditions are best suited for the longevity of seeds? (3) What part do climatic conditions play in affecting the life of seeds ? « Gartenflora, 35. Jahrg., 1886, pp. 532-534. &Ztschr. trop. Landw., Bd. I, 1897, No. 2. 48 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. In order to answer the first question, duplicate samples of the various kinds of seeds were put up in double manila coin envelopes, as described on page 14. Likewise, duplicate samples were put up in small bottles, the bottles being closed with good cork stoppers. Some of the bottles were filled with seed, while others were only partly full. In some cases there was a surplus air space five times as great as the volume of the inclosed seeds. This space, however, had no bearing on the vitality of the seeds as far as could be determined. In order to determine what immediate external conditions play an important part in the destruction of vitality, samples of seed, prepared as above described, were stored in different places. a At each place they were subjected to three different conditions of storage, which, for convenience, have been designated as "trade conditions," "dry room," and " basement," as described on page 14. In addition to these three methods of storage, numerous other conditions were tried in and near the laboratory; such as in incubators at increased temperatures and with varying degrees of moisture, in cold storage, in greenhouses, and in various gases, in vacuo, in liquids, etc. The third question, " What part do climatic conditions play in affect- ing the life of seeds?" has been answered for the most part in a dis- cussion on the effect of climate on vitality, page 13. In fact, the seeds in the envelopes kept under trade conditions were the same in both cases, being used here simply as a means for comparing the vitality of seeds when stored in paper packages and in bottles, as well as to show the relative merits of trade conditions, dry rooms, and basements as storage places for seeds. DISPOSITION OF THE SAMPLES. b A more definite description of the treatment given the seeds in the various places may be summed up as follows: San Juan, P. 7?.— The seeds were sent to San Juan on February 9, 1900, and were returned on June 20, 1900, after a lapse of 131 days/ At San Juan the seeds were stored under trade conditions only, and the various packages were not removed from the original box in which they were sent. While in San Juan the box containing the seeds was kept in a room well exposed to climatic influences, being protected only from the direct rays of the sun and from rain. « San Juan, P. R. ; Lake City, Fla. ; Mobile, Ala. ; Auburn, Ala. ; Baton Rouge, La. ; Wagoner, Ind. T. ; Durham, N. H., and Ann Arbor, Mich. & The places of storage represented by trade conditions have already been described for each of the localities, but it seems advisable to rewrite the descriptions here so that they may be more readily compared with the dry room and basement conditions. cThe exact time that the seeds remained at San Juan was much less than 131 days, the time of transportation being included, as has been done for the other places. COMPARISON OF METHODS OF STORING AND SHIPPING. 49 L7 Tables XVII and XVIII have been considered together, since both have to do with the same variety of sweet corn. The difference in the quality of these two samples was quite marked when the seed was received. Germination tests were made January 30, 1900, and showed 94 per cent for the "A" and 88 per cent for the "B" corn. In November, 1900, samples of seed from the same original packages were tested, giving a germination of 92.4 per cent and 88.5 per cent for the " A " and " B " samples, respectively, as shown in the controls of the above tables. Thus, when two grades of corn are subjected to favorable conditions of storage, both are well preserved; but when subjected to unfavorable conditions, the one of poorer quality is much more susceptible to injury. The "A" sample which was stored in envelopes in trade conditions lost 10.11 per cent, as compared with 20.9 per cent for the "B" sample. The "A" sample which was stored in dry rooms lost only 9.81 per cent, while the "B" sample lost 25.00 per cent. In basements, the " A " sample lost 23 per cent and the u B" sample 31.74 per cent. In both samples the corn in the packages stored in the basement at Mobile was so badly molded at the time the second tests were made that they have been omitted from the table. The most interesting feature in comparing the results of these two samples is found in the seed which was stored in the bottles. The average results of the "A" samples show a much higher percentage of germination for those from the bottles than the control, while the averages for the " B" sample were much lower than the correspond- ing controls. The average germination of the "B" sample from the bottles was 59.7 per cent for the trade conditions, 48 per cent for dry rooms, and 68.4 per cent for basements, or a loss in vitality of 32.55, 45.70, and 22.71 per cent, respectively. This difference was due to two causes, first, a difference in the quality of the seed at the begin- ning of the experiment, and, secondly, the larger amount of water in the second sample, "B." The greater quantity of water present in the seed gave rise to a more humid atmosphere after the seeds were put into the bottles, especially when subjected to higher -temperatures than those in which the seeds had been previously stored. This is an important factor always to be borne in mind when seeds are put up in closed receptacles; they must be well dried if vitality is to be preserved. 58 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OP^ REEDS. TABLE XIX. — Percentage of germination of lettuce subjected to various conditions of storage in different localities. [Germination of control sample: First test, 81.6 per cent; second test, 92.3 per cent.] Place of storage. Order of tests. Num- ber of days in storage. Percentage of germination. Trade conditions. Dry rooms. Basements. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Luke City, Fla First.... 129 234 102 275 140 262 121 247 131 87 85 86.5 86 63 20 82.5 84.5 79 83.5 78 82 82.5 88.5 82 92.5 84 92 85.5 90.6 78 88.5 81.5 93.5 87.5 89 76 92.6 80.25 93 68.5 90 81 92.5 88.5 90.5 58 31 79 74.5 76.5 90 84.5 91 87.5 90.5 78.5 87.6 68 43.5 84.5 83.5 1.5 77 '.).->. 5 ss. r, (.K) 83 91.5 76 92.5 Do Second . First Auburn Ala Do Second . First Second . First Mobile Ala Do Baton Rouge La 70.5 .5 Do Second . First.... Second . First San Juan, P. R Do Wagoner, Ind. T 126 238 147 251 80 82 94 77. 5 93 81.5 90.5 81 87.5 80 90.5 78.5 88 • 76.5 S9 75. 2 90. 5 72 91.5 Do Second . First Durham, N. H 83.25 92 84.5 89.5 Do Second . First Ann Arbor, Mich Do Second . JFirst.... {Second . JFirst.... [Second . Average percentage of ger- mination. Average percentage of loss in vitality. 128 251 80.06 77.75 80.15 91.12 79.18 78.33 81.14 90.93 66. 28 65.58 78.31 90.78 128 251 1.89 15.76 1.77 1.29 2.97 • 15.14 .56 1.49 18.78 28.95 4.03 1.65 The lettuce has shown no very marked deviation from the controls, save the seeds from the packages kept at Mobile, and those which were stored in basements in envelopes at Baton Rouge and Lake City. The average results of the second series of tests show a similar loss in vitality of all of the seeds from the envelopes. The samples of seed from the bottles germinated practically as well as the controls. The results of the first series of tests are not entirely satisfactory, none of the tests having gone to standard. The low germination of the lettuce in this series was due to inability to properly control the temperature in the germinating pans. The proper temperature for the successful germination of lettuce seed is 20° C., while in this first series the ger- mination tests were unavoidably made at 26° to 27.5° C. Neverthe- less, this seeming objection is of little consequence, since all of the results are directly comparable with the control. COMPARISON OF METHODS OF STORING AND SHIPPING. TABLE XX. — Percentage of genii i nation of onion subjected to various conditions o in different localities. [Germination of control sample: First test, 95.8 per cent; second test, 97 per cent.] Place of storage. Order of tests. Num- ber of days in storage. Percentage of germination. Trade condi- tions. Dry rooms. Basements. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Lake City, Fla . . . First.... 129 234 102 275 140 262 121 247 131 95 16.5 96 12 7 0 90 0.5 84.5 50 93.5 24.5 96.5 0 95 97.5 95 95. 5 96. 5 96 94.5 94.5 93 97.5 98 96.5 97.5 95 96 97. 5 96 97. 5 95.5 79 96 96 11.5 0 94 0 95 96 98. 5 98 96. 5 96.5 93.5 65 80 0 97 23.5 75.5 «0 35 0 97.5 97.0 97.5 99 99 97.5 96.5 48.5 Do Second . First.... Second . First..'.. Second . First Auburn Ala Do Mobile Ala Do Raton Rouge La ... Do Second . First ^•u i Juan P R Do Second Wagoner Ind T First . 126 238 147 251 95. 5 97 97.5 96 97 97 96.5 96 34 93 94 93 47 94.5 97.5 94.5 98 97 98 Do Second . First.... Second . First Durham, N. II Do 94.5 96 99.5 95 Ann Arbor Mich Do Second . f First.... (Second . 1 First.... [Second . Average percentage of ger- mination. Average percentage of gain or loss in vitality. 128 251 82.19 25.12 95.81 96. 25 83.79 61 96.21 92.36 81.36 33.08 96.64 90.86 128 251 14.20 74.11 +0.01 1.20 12.53 37.12 + 0.43 4.80 15.07 65.90 +0.87 6.33 "This test has not been included in making up the averages inasmuch as the seeds were badly molded when put in test. The onion seeds which were stored in the envelopes were very seri- ously affected in many of the places. Those from the basement at Lake City, from all of the conditions at Mobile, and from the dry room and basement at Baton Rouge were entirely killed. The seed from trade conditions at Baton Rouge germinated only 0.5 per cent. In man}7 other cases the samples from the envelopes had become practically worthless. In only two instances was there any loss in vitality where the seeds were stored in bottles, viz, the second tests from the dry rooms and basement at Baton Rouge. These two tests have lowered the average results quite materially. If they were not included the averages would be raised to 96.91 and 97.90 per cent, respectively, instead of 92.36 and 90.86 per cent, as given in the table. The average percentages of germination of the seeds from the envelopes were very low in the second test, and were as follows: Trade conditions, 25.12 per cent; dry rooms, 61 per cent, and basements, 33.8 per cent. This represents a loss in vitality of 74.11, 37.12, and 65.9 per cent, respec- tively. Onion seed is relatively short lived, and very easiry affected by unfavorable external conditions. For this reason onion seed should be handled with the greatest care if vitality is to be preserved for a maximum period. This may be done successfully by keeping the dry seed in well-corked bottles, or in any good moisture-proof package. 60 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. TABLE XXI. — Percentage, of germination of pansy subjected to various conditions of storage in different localities. [Germination of control sample: First test, 63 per cent; second test, 53 per cent.] Place of storage. Order of tests. Num- ber of days in storage. Percentage of germination. Trade conditions. Dry rooms. Basements. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Lake City Fla First 129 234 102 276 140 262 121 247 131 44.5 1.5 57.5 2» 3 0 28.5 0 20 6.5 48.5 7.5 55.5 0 53.5 46.5 63 54 68 20.5 57.6 20.5 53 34 60.5 58.5 61.5 65 66.5 60.5 51 45 45 22.5 66.5 28 2 0 38 0 58.5 47 62 27.5 61 25.5 44 17 10. 5 0 60 0 1 4.5 0 (W. 5 57. 5 59.5 33.5 59 2.5 54 2.5 Do Second . First Do Second . First Mobile Ala Do Second . First Do Second . First.... Second . First San Juan , P. R Do Wagoner Ind.T 126 238 147 251 50.5 62.5 59.5 63.5 60.5 40 48.5 46 8.5 49 36.5 50 3.5 59 52.5 63.5 60 53 60.5 Do Second . First.... Second . First Durham N H 49.5 44 69.5 62 Do Ann Arbor Mich Do Second . f First.... {second . f First.... [Second . Average percentage of ger- mination. Average percentage of loss in vitality. 128 251 38.87 8 60. 12 44.75 44.43 24.41 55.93 40.80 31.57 8.08 58.64 38.43 128 251 38.3 84.91 4.67 15.60 29. 48 53.97 11.23 23. 02 49.89 84.76 6.92 27.49 TABLE XXII. — Percentage of germination of phlox drummondii subjected to various con- ditions of storage in different localities. [Germination of control sample: First test, 69 per cent; second test, 53.9 per cent.] Place of storage. Order of tests. Num- ber of days in storage. Percentage of germination. Trade condi- tions. Dry rooms. Basements. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Lake City Fla First 129 234 102 275 140 262 121 247 131 41.6 2.5 61.5 1 0.5 0 47.5 0 23.5 11.6 50.5 5.5 67 0.5 67 40 78 57 72.5 56.5 55 51.5 62.5 58 65 61.5 73.5 66 74 62.5 66 64 62 6 62 13.5 0.5 0 43.5 0 62 25.5 63 59 74.5 68.5 58.5 68.5 20.5 0 65.6 1 0.5 77.5 63 67.5 65 58.5 48.5 70.5 61.5 Do Second . First Auburn Ala Do Second . First . Mobile Ala Do Second . First.... Second . First.... Second . Baton Rouge, La 2 0 Do San Juan, P. R Do Wagoner Ind. T . . First.... 126 238 147 251 61 70 57 45.5 30.5 69.5 58.5 65 9.5 69.5 45.5 64.6 10.5 75 47.5 71.5 70 72 61 Do Second . First.... Durham N H 62.5 33 75.5 55 Do Second . First.... Second . JFirst.... [Second . [First.... 1 Second . Ann Arbor, Mich .. Do Average percentage of ger- mination. Average percentage of gain or loss in vitality. 128 ' 251 44.87 7.62 68.31 58.37 52.76 17.91 23.54 66.78 63.28 49.64 41.07 11.08 70.35 59.5 128 251 34.97 85.86 1 +8.27 8.29 7.91 40.49 79.45 + 2.01 + 10.39 COMPARISON OF METHODS OF STORING AND SHIPPING. 61 Pansy and phlox have been considered together, since their behav- ior was almost the same. Both of the controls deteriorated to a con- siderable degree during the 123 days which elapsed between the time of the first and the second test, pansy losing 15.87 per cent and phlox 21.88 per cent. In both cases the mean loss in vitality of the seeds in the envelopes was very great. The results of the second tests show a loss of 81.91 per cent for pansy, and 85.86 per cent for phlox where stored under trade conditions. In dry rooms there was a mean loss of 53.57 per cent for pansy and 66.78 per cent for phlox, and in base- ments a loss of 81.76 per cent for the pansy and 79.45 per cent for the phlox. These results are obtained by considering the second test of the control as a standard, the depreciation of the control being dis- regarded. Some samples were dead and many more were of no eco- nomic value. It is especially interesting to note how quickly the seeds died at Mobile, Ala., there being only a few germinable seeds at the end of 110 days. The behavior of the seeds in the bottles was more or less variable. Some of the pansy seeds showed a higher vitality than the control, but the averages were somewhat lower, the mean loss ranging from 15.60 per cent under trade conditions to 27.49 per cent in basements, while with the phlox the means for trade conditions and for basements were higher than the control by 8.27 and 10.39 per cent, respectively. TABLE XXIII. — Percentages of germination of tomato subjected to various conditions of storage in different localities. [Germination of control sample: First test, 95.5 per cent; second test, 97.5 per cent.] Place of storage. Order of tests. Num- ber of days in storage. Percentage of germination. Trade condi- tions. Dry rooms. Basements. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Lake City, Fla . . First.... 129 234 102 275 140 262 121 247 131 94 94 95 94 90 79.5 91.5 96 94 96.5 96.5 94 94.5 87 89 98.5 94 98 94.5 98.5 94.5 97.5 95 96.5 94.5 94.5 97 98 95 98 94 98 94 94 93.5 97 91.5 87 91 93 95.5 97.5 97.5 94.5 96.5 95.5 95 98 88.5 77 96 98 64.5 19.5 83.5 39.5 94 97.5 94.5 96.5 93.5 98 95 96 Do Second . First.... Second . First Auburn, Ala Do Mobile Ala Do Second . First.... Second . First.... Second Baton Rouge, La Do San Juan, P. R... Do Warmer, Ind. T... First.... 126 147 147 251 98 96. ft 97.5 94 99 91.5 97.5 98.5 98.5 97.5 97.5 89 95 96 93.5 96.5 97 92.5 98 Do Second . First Durham, N. H 97 97 93 98 Do ... Second . First Ann Arbor, Mich , . Do... . Second . (First.... [Second . JFirst.... [Second . Average percentage of ger- mination. Average percentage of loss in vitality. 128 251 93.06 92.44 94.81 97.31 84 94.33 95.21 97.07 88.21 84.25 94.57 97.21 128 251 2.56 5.20 0.72 0.20 • 1.57 3.29 0.30 0.44 7.64 13.63 0.98 0.30 62 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. The tomato weed, as shown in Tables V and XXV, was the most resistant to the unfavorable conditions of storage. The seed in the bottles was not injured at any of the places. The lowest germination was 91.5 per cent from the seed kept in a dry room at Ann Arbor, Mich. The seed in the envelopes gave a much wider variation, falling quite low in some of the samples which were stored in the basements. The average losses in vitality for the entire series of the second set of seeds which were kept in envelopes were as follows: Trade conditions, 5.20 per cent; dry rooms, 3.29 per cent; basements, 13.68 per cent. The average percentage of germination of the seed which was kept in the bottles differed from the control less than one-half of 1 per cent. TABLE XXIV. — Percentage of germination of watermelon subjected to various conditions of storage in different localities. [Germination of control sample: First test, 95.5 per cent; second test, 99 per cent.] Place of storage. Order of tests. Num- ber of days in storage. Percentage of germination. Trade condi- tions. Dry rooms. Basements. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Envel- opes. Bottles. Lake City Fla First. 129 234 102 275 140 262 121 247 131 98 92 94 86 98 64 100 92 96 88 98 94 98 82 100 96 98 96.2 94 100 98 96 98 98 100 100 98 98 98 96 100 100 96 86 96 98 98 68 96 86 98 98 98 98 100 96 100 100 98 70 99 94 80 0 98 20 100 94 100 96 100 100 98 100 Do Second . First Auburn Ala Do Second . First.... Second . First.... Second . First.... Mobile Ala... Do Baton Rouge, La Do San Juan, P. R Do Second Wagoner Ind. T First 126 238 147 251 98 100 96 98 92 94 92 '96 88 98 94.1 98 100 98 98 96 98 96 96 Do Second . First.... Second . First.... Second Durham, N. H . . Do 100 98 94 96 Ann Arbor, Mich Do Average percentage of ger- mination. Average pecentage of loss in vitality. f First.... [Second . JFirst.... [Second . 128 251 97.75 86.75 98 98.02 96.86 88.67 98.29 96 95.29 77.70 98. 29 97.43 128 251 0.56 12.37 0.31 0.99 1.47 10.44 0.01 3.03 3.06 21. 52 0.01 1.59 What has been said of the tomato seed is practically true for the watermelon, save that there was a greater loss in vitality in the latter, when seeds were kept in envelopes. The average percentage of ger- mination of the second tests was 86.75 per cent for trade conditions; 88.67 per cent for dry rooms; and 77.7 per cent for basements, or a loss in vitality of 12.37, 10.44 and 21.52 percent, respectively, as com- pared with the vitality of the control sample, which germinated 99 per cent. An examination of the foregoing set of tables will show that in most cases the deterioration was comparatively slight during the first 128 days. Yet even during this short period the losses in vitality were very marked in some of the more critical localities, particularly COMPAK1SON MKTJIOJ)S OF STORING AND SHIPPING. 63 lit Mobile. However, the greatest loss, as shown by the germination tests, was during the I$i3 days immediately following. While seeds, like other living things, are capable of withstanding quite unfavorable conditions for a considerable time without showing any appreciable deterioration in vitality, still the forces destroying vitality are at work. When the turning point is once reached and can be detected by germination tests, the decline is more noticeable and death soon follows. The preceding tables show that the loss in vitality was very differ- ent in the different places. The conditions at Mobile, Ala., proved to be the most injurious, while those at Ann Arbor, Mich., were the most conducive to longevity. These results, however, are given in another part of this paper dealing with the effect of climate on the vitality of seeds. The results are tabulated on pages 18 and 23 and represented diagrammatical ly on page 24, so that any further discus- sion at this time is unnecessary. Likewise each table has been summarized, giving the average per- centages of germination and the average percentages of the loss in vitality of each sample of seed for both the first and second tests. These averages include those of the three conditions of storage — trade conditions, dry rooms, and basements— in both envelopes and bottles. Naturally, the results of the second tests are of the greater impor- tance, and, in order that the- results may be readily compared and more critically examined, they have been collected and tabulated herewith: TAHLE XXV. — Arcr«(/<: percentage of germination and average percentages of loss in rltd/il;/ of tin' di/crcid kinds of seeds when kept under different conditions. Kind of seed. Germination of control sample. Trade conditions. Dry rooms. Basements. Envelopes. Bottles. Envelopes. Bottles. Envelopes. Bottles. Germination. Loss in vitality. Germination. Loss in vitality. Germination. 1 '£ a Germination. Loss in vitality. Germination. Loss in vitality. Germination. Loss in vitality. Tomato 97.5 92. 4 95.7 99 92. 3 78.8 88.5 98.7 92.4 82 97 53 53.9 92.44 83 84.74 86.75 77. 75 60.94 65.41 69.50 52.15 37.31 25.12 8 7.62 5.20 10.11 11.45 12.37 15.76 22.67 26.09 29. 59 43. 56 54. 50 74.11 84.91 85. XT, 97.31 96.75 yft. 2f> 98.02 91.12 73.56 59.70 97 90.56 80.87 96.25 44.75 58. 37 0.20 +4.71 .47 .99 1.29 6.65 32. 55 1.72 1.94 1.38 1.20 15. 60 +8.27 94.33 83.33 80.45 88.67 78.33 64.33 66.33 69.33 61.50 63.83 61 24. 41 17.91 3.29 9.81 15.94 10.44 15.14 18.37 25.06 29.76 33. 44 34.35 37.12 53. 97 66.78 97.07 94.86 95.14 96 90.93 72.71 48 97.36 89.93 74.71 92.36 40.80 49.64 0.44 +2.66 .58 3.03 1.49 7.73 45. 76 1.36 2.67 8.89 4.80 23.02 7.91 84.25 73.08 60.66 77.70 65.58 59 60.41 55.66 53.33 37.75 38.08 8.08 11.08 13.63 22 36.62 21. 52 28. 95 25.13 31.74 43.61 42. 29 53. 90 65. 90 84.76 79.45 97.21 98 96. 28 97. 43 90.78 74. 07 68.40 98.86 92.21 75. 21 90.86 38.43 59.50 0.30 + 6.06 + .60 1.59 1.65 6 22. 71 + .10 9.50 6.33 27.49 +10.39 Sweet corn, "A" .. 1 Vus Watermelon Lettuce Radish Sweet corn, "B" .. Bean Cabbage Carrot .. Onion Pansy Phlox Average loss in vitality . 86.69 ...... ;;. 92 •ji. r.< 6.08 42. 2S 4.6] 64 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. In comparing the average results shown in Table XXV, it will be seen that different seeds behave very differently under practically iden- tical conditions. The list of seeds has been arranged according to their loss of vitality as represented by those kept in envelopes under trade conditions, as shown in the fourth column. The tomato seed gave a loss in vitality of 5.20 per cent, being the most resistant to the unfavorable climatic conditions. Phlox, on the other hand, germinated only 7.62 per cent, representing a loss in vitality of 85.86 per cent. Likewise the same seeds behave very differently under slightly different conditions, as will be seen by comparing the percentages of deterioration in the case of seeds kept in envelopes under trade condi- tions, in dry rooms, and in basements. In dry rooms the order, except the peas, is the same as for trade conditions. The loss of vitality in the seeds stored in the dry rooms was uniformly less than for those stored under trade conditions, excepting for the peas and beans; but in the series from the basements there was great irregularity. The loss in vitality for the most part was uniformly greater than under trade conditions or in dry rooms save in the last five — cabbage, carrot, onion, pansy, and phlox — where the loss was less in the case of those kept in the basements. This indicates that these five species of seed are less susceptible to the evil effects of a moist atmosphere when the temperature is relatively low. The relative value of these three conditions for storing seeds in paper packets is best obtained by a comparison of the general averages. The average losses in vital iy for the thirteen different samples of seed which were kept at the eight different stations were as follows: Trade conditions, 36.63 per cent; dry rooms, 2*1.19 per cent; basements, 42.28 per cent. From these results it is quite clear that seeds put up in paper packages will retain their vitality much better if kept in dry, artificially heated rooms than if they are subjected to trade conditions or stored in basements. But another comparison needs yet to be made, and is the most impor- tant of the series, i. e., the vitality of seeds when kept in closely corked bottles. In the majority of cases there was but little deviation from the control samples, and many of the samples germinated even better where the seeds were kept in bottles. The " A" sweet corn offers the best illustration of the increased germination. At the same time the " B" sample of sweet corn was very much injured. Here are two samples of the same variety of corn behaving very different^ when kept in bottles. This difference in vitality is directly attributed to the greater quantity of water in sample " B," showing the necessity of thoroughly drying seeds if they are to be put up in closed vessels. A comparison of the general averages of the bottle samples and of those kept in envelopes indicates that the former is far superior to the latter as a method for preserving the vitality of seeds. Under trade conditions the loss in vitalitv was 36.63 per cent in envelopes and EXPERIMENTS IN KEEPING AND SHIPPING. 65 3.03 per cent in bottles; in dry rooms, 21.19 per cent in envelopes and 8. OS per cent in bottles; in basements, 42.28 per cent in envelopes and 4.51 per cent in bottles. The necessary precautions to be taken, if seeds are to be stored in bottles, are (1) a well-dried sample, preferably artificially dried seed, and (2) a cool place for storing, at least a place in which the tempera- ture will not be higher than the temperature at which the seeds were originally dried. If the above precautions are taken at least two beneficial results will follow: First, protection against moisture, which is of considerable importance, as many seeds are soon destroyed in that way when kept in paper packages. Secondly, vitality will be preserved for a longer period and consequently there will be a more vigorous germination, a better growth of seedlings, and a greater uniformity in the resulting crop. Having thus shown that seeds retain their vitality in warm, moist climates much better when kept in bottles than when kept in paper packages, the necessity of finding a more suitable method for sending small quantities of seed to such places at once presents itself. EXPERIMENTS IN KEEPING AND SHIPPING SEEDS IN SPECIAL PACKAGES. At present the greatest disadvantages in sending out seeds in bottles are the inconvenience and expense involved by this method of putting up seeds. The increased cost of bottles, as compared with the paper packets now so universally employed, the additional labor and expense necessary to put up the seeds, the greater cost in handling and pack- ing the bottles to insure against losses by breakage, and the increased cost of transportation, are all matters of vital importance. Seedsmen claim that the existing conditions of the trade will not admit of their raising the price of seeds sufficiently high to justify the increased expense of glass containers. Although to the seedsmen the preserva- tion or the prolongation of vitality is an important factor, yet the demand is for an inexpensive and at the same time a neat and service- able package. Accordingly, duplicate samples of the following-named seeds were put up in special packages, one set being sent to Mobile, Ala. , and the other kept at Ann Arbor, Mich. The seeds used for these experi- ments were beans, peas, cabbage, lettuce, onion, pansy, and phlox.a "The lettuce, onion, pansy, and phlox were from the same bulk samples of seeds as those used in the earlier experiments; but the beans, peas, and cabbage used for these tests were from samples received at the laboratory on February 4, 1901. How- ever, the latter three were from the same general stock of seed, differing from those used in experiments already given only in that they were stored during the interval in the warehouse of D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Mich., instead of in the botanical laboratory at the university. 25037— No. 58—04 5 66 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. All of these samples were first dried for ten days in an incubator main- tained at a temperature of from 30° to 32° C. The amount of mois- ture in the samples before and after drying, as well as the moisture expelled during the drying process, was as follows: Moisture test of seeds in special packages. Kind of seed. Moisture in air-dried samples. Moisture remaining. Moisture liberated. Beans Per cent. 10 32 Per cent. 4 90 Per cent. 5 42 Peas . 9.70 6.00 3.70 Cabbage 4.89 3.47 1.42 Lettuce 5.33 3 80 1 53 Onion .. 6.48 4.47 2.01 Pansy 4 82 3 13 1 69 Phlox 5.82 4 30 1 52 These well -dried seeds were then put up in seven different kinds of packages: (1) Double coin envelopes, of much the same quality as those in which seeds are commonly sold. (2) Bottles of 120 cc. capacity, closed with firm cork stoppers. (3) Bottles of 120 cc. capacity, corked and sealed with paraffin. (4) Tin cans having closely fitting lids, the whole being then care- fully dipped in paraffin. (5) Double coin envelopes, as for No. 1, the packets being then dipped in melted paraffin. (6) Double coin envelopes, the inner one paraffined, the outer envel- ope being used simply to protect the paraffin and to facilitate ease of handling. (7) Double coin envelopes, with both the inner and the outer coated with paraffin. On February 15, 1901, one of each of the above preparations was sent to Mobile, Ala., and stored in a cellar approximately 400 feet back from the bay. After the lapse of 108 days, i. e. , on June 3, these samples were received in return, at which time germination tests were made. The other complete set, retained in the botanical laboratory at Ann Arbor, was subjected to a very moist atmosphere. The samples were kept in a damp chamber made by taking two battery jars of different sizes, the smaller containing the seeds being placed within the larger, which was lined with filter paper and then partially filled with water. The whole was covered with a glass plate, and the atmosphere within was always on the verge of saturation. A third and an extreme set of conditions was established by- keeping some of the paraffined packages immersed in water for twenty-seven EXPERIMENTS IN KEEPING AND SHIPPING. 67 days. At the end of that time (March 14-) the seeds wore tested for germination, as were also those from the unprotected envelopes in the moist chamber. The seeds that were kept under water in the paraffined packages germinated readily and normally, showing no deterioration in vitality ; but the seeds from the packages not paraffined, which were kept in the moist chamber, had been injured to an appre- ciable extent, there being a marked retardation in the germination of all of the species of seed. The cabbage at the end of thirty -six hours had germinated only 11 per cent, as compared Avith 57.5 per cent for seed from the immersed paraffined package. The relative merits of the two conditions as affecting onion seed may be expressed by a germination of 13.5 per cent and 39 per cent, respectively, after sixty- one and one-half hours. Not only was there a marked retardation, but likewise a reduction in the final percentage of germination, with the single exception of the cabbage. These results can be more care- fully studied in Table XXVI. Germination tests were made of all of the other samples on June 3, 1901, the date when the seeds were returned from Mobile. At this time the seeds in the unprotected envelopes in the moist chamber were so badly molded that no germination tests were made. The samples from Mobile, which were directly comparable with the above, except that they had been stored in a basement, were greatly injured. The beans had deteriorated to 88 per cent, the onion to 27 per cent, the pansy to 8 per cent, while the phlox was dead. However, seed of the other species — cabbage, lettuce, and peas — gave final percentages of germi- nation varying but little from the control, but the slowing down in the rapidity of germination was sufficiently marked to show a corre- sponding loss in vitality. With the samples which were put up in bottles, tin cans, and paraffined packages the results were quite different f rom those given above. In no case was there any marked deviation beyond that which might be justly attributed to ordinary variation, except in the phlox from a tin can which had been stored in the moist chamber in the laboratory. This sample of phlox germinated only 3.5 per cent. Unfortunately, both the pansy and the phlox seeds used for these experiments were not very satisfactory. These samples were at this time nearly two years old and consequently of a low vitality. The tabulated results of the foregoing experiment follow. 68 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. TAHLK XXVI. — Vitality of seeds preserved in different kinds of packages. Treatment of samples. Dura- tion of experi- ment. Percentage of germination. Beans. Cab- bage. Let- tuce. On- ions. Peas. Pan- sy. Phlox. Aver- ages. Control Days. 94.0 80.0 98.0 97.5 96.0 98.0 90.2 91.0 91.5 93.5 87.0 91.5 89.5 76.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 91.5 97.5 90.0 93.5 95.5 93.0 97.0 90.0 88.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 92.0 37.7 25.0 36. 0 39.5 35.0 33.5 42.5 0.0 31.0 39.0 3.5 27.5 77.34 64.35 76.43 77.93 70.63 75.85 Ann Arbor, Mich., moist chamber: Envelopes 27 108 108 108 108 Bottle corked Bottle paraffined Tin can paraffined Two envelopes, outer paraffined Two envelopes, inner paraffined 108 98.0 94.0 89.0 93.0 88.0 24.0 47.0 76.14 Two envelopes, both paraffined 108 96.0 90.5 86.5 95.5 92.0 23.0 38.5 74.57 Two envelopes, both paraffined and immersed in water 27 108 108 108 108 108 100.0 88.0 98.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 88.5 86.0 91.0 90.5 88.0 90.5 88.5 88. Q 90.5 92.5 95.0 89.0 94.5 27.0 95.5 95.5 96.0 95.5 90.0 96. 0 84.0 92. 0 88.0 92.0 34.5 8.0 34.5 34.5 26.0 29.5 30.5 0.0 32.5 44.5 23.0 34.0 75.21 56.14 75. 14 78.21 73.14 74.73 Mobile, Ala., basement: Envelopes Bottle, corked Bottle paraffined Tin can paraffined Two envelopes, outer paraffined Two envelopes, inner paraffined 108 96.0 92.0 88.0 90.0 98.0 33.0 38.0 76.43 Two envelopes, both paraffined 108 100.0 92.0 89.5 88.5 90.0 25.5 33.5 74.14 Subsequent experiments were made, using envelopes of different qualities, as well as varying the treatment of the packages. Samples of cabbage, lettuce, and onion seed were put up as follows: (a) The regular seedsmen's envelope, made of a heavy grade of manila paper. (b) Envelopes made of a medium quality of waterproof paper. (c) Envelopes made of a thin parchment paper. (d) Envelopes made of the same quality of parchment paper as for the preceding series, but paraffined previous to being filled with seed. The packages were then sealed by redipping the open ends. (e) Envelopes of parchment paper, as for the two preceding series, except that the envelopes were first filled with seed, sealed, and then the entire package was dipped in paraffin at a temperature of from 55° to 60° C. Samples of all of these packages were then stored under trade con- ditions and in dry rooms in Ann Arbor, Baton Rouge, and Mobile. The exact conditions of storage in the different places were the same as described on pages 49 and 50. The samples were put up on May 20, 1901. The period of storage ended on November 26, having continued 190 days. Unfortunately, no special precautions were taken to dry the seeds. They were simply air-dried samples; hence they contained a quantity of moisture suffi- ciently large to give rise to an increased relative humidity of the confined air in the paraffined packages. This increased humidity was EXPERIMENTS IN KEEPING AND SHIPPING. 69 accompanied by a greater activity within the cells, and consequently by a greater deterioration of vital force. For this reason the results are not as definite as the conditions warrant. Nevertheless, some important facts were brought out by the experiments which justify their being discussed and tabulated (in part) at this time. TABLE XXVII. — Vitality of seed preserved in paraffined packages. Kind of seed. Trade conditions, seeds put up in- Dry room, seeds put up in — Paraffined envelopes. Parchment envelopes, then dip- ped in par- affin, at 50° to 60° C. Seedsmen's packages. Paraffined envelopes. Parchment envelopes, then dip- ped in par- affin, at 50° to 60° C. Seedsmen's packages. Cabbage: Ann Arbor, Mich Per cent. 91 30. 5 70 89.5 80 81. 5 91 0 1 Per cent. 90 57.5 63 89.5 75 77.5 90 4 20 Per cent. 86.5 8.5 22.5 96.5 64 74 93 0 0 Per cent. 90.5 38 73.5 91.5 78 82 91.5 0 5 Per cent. 85.5 50.5 79.5 90 78.5 73.5 89 4.5 40 Per cent. 86.5 5 35.5 93 61.5 72.5 89 0 0 Mobile, Ala . Baton Rouge La Lettiice: Ann Arbor, Mich Mobile, Ala Baton Rouge La Onion: Ann Arbor, Mich Mobile Ala Baton Rouge, La Average 59.39 62.94 49.44 61.11 65.66 49.22 In the first place, the injury resulting from the effect of the climatic influences is quite well marked in the above table. The conditions at Mobile and Baton Rouge were much more detrimental to the life of the seeds than were the conditions at Ann Arbor. Secondly, the dif- ferences in the preservation of vitality of those seeds stored under trade conditions and of those kept in dry rooms were much less marked than they were in earlier experiments. This is probably accounted for by the marked difference in the two seasons. The summer of 1900 was extremely wet in the South, especially at Mobile, while the sum- mer of 1901 was exceptionally dry. Concerning the conditions Ziru- mer Brothers wrote on November 26, 1901, as follows: We do not think you will find much difference in the two packages. The season this year has been very dry, with no rain since the big August storm; in fact, we do not remember such a dry season in thirty years. Although the season was exceptionally dry at Baton Rouge and Mobile, the loss in vitalit}^ was very great in comparison with the loss at Ann Arbor, demonstrating very clearly that climatic influences play a very important part in the storage of seeds. This table shows the relative resisting powers of lettuce, cabbage, and onion seed, the lettuce being most resistant and the onion least resistant, as shown in a preceding table. However, the chief purpose 70 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. of this series of experiments was to demonstrate the relative value of different packages as a means of putting up seeds. In Table XXVII it will be observed that the results obtained from the waterproof and parchment paper envelopes have been omitted. These omissions have been made because the results were practically identical with those of the ordinary seedsmen's packets; but the com- parisons to be made between the ordinary paper packets and the paraffined packages are worthy of consideration. The envelopes that were paraffined after being filled with seed gave the best results. This difference, however, was due not to the special treatment but to the higher melting point of the paraffin. The average percentages of germination of the three samples of seed kept under trade con- ditions in the three localities were 59.39 per cent for the envelopes previously paraffined, 62.94 per cent for the envelopes dipped in paraffin after being filled with seed, and 49.44 per cent for the seeds- men's envelopes. In dry rooms the results were 61.11, 65.66, and 49.22 per cent, respectively. These averages were somewhat higher than the true conditions of Baton Rouge and Mobile warrant, as the results of the germination tests from all of the packages retained at Ann Arbor showed but little variation. Taking the three samples of seed which were stored under trade conditions in Mobile, the average percentage of germination was 24.2 for the seed from the nonparaffined package and 45. 5 percent for the seed from the paraffined package, show- ing a loss in vitality of 77.3 and 49.5 per cent, respectively, considering the germination of the Ann Arbor sample as a standard. At Baton Rouge the results were slightly better; the average percentages of germination were 32.2 for the seeds from the nonparaffined and 53.5 per cent for the seeds from the paraffined packages, representing a loss in vitality of 65 and 40.5 per cent, respectively. While in either case the loss was very great, still the advantages of the paraffined packages are worthy of consideration for the reason that a prolongation of life for only a few weeks is frequently of the greatest importance, particularly in districts where much fall planting is done. In this connection may be given the results of some other tests, which really were a part of this same experiment, but included only onion seed. This seed was put up in seedsmen's envelopes and in paraffined envelopes like those previously described. In addition, seed was also put up in small bottles, which were corked. These packages were kept in a small box within a suit case carried on two trips across the Atlantic and on a tour through Central Europe, thus subjecting them to very variable conditions. Germination tests gave the following results: Seed from the ordinary packages, 77 per cent; paraffined envelopes, 90 per cent; bottles, 91 per cent. To test more thoroughly the keeping qualities of seeds in paraffined packages and in bottles, another series of experiments was begun on December 20, 1901. For these tests only cabbage and onion seeds EXPERIMENTS IN KEEPING AND SHIPPING. 71 were used, but each with three different degrees of moisture: (1) Seed from the original packages, i. e., air-dried samples, the cabbage hav- ing a water content of 5.80 per cent, and the onion 6.48 per cent. (2) Air-dried samples were exposed in a moist atmosphere under a bell jar for two da}7s, during which time the cabbage absorbe'd 1.83 per cent of water and the onion 2.41 per cent, thus raising the water con- tent to 7.63 and 8.89 per cent, respectively. (3) Air-dried seeds which were dried in an incubator for eight days at a temperature vary- ing from 27° C. to 39° C. During this interval 2.05 per cent of water was expelled from the cabbage and 3.11 per cent from the onion seed, leaving a water content of only 3.75 per cent in the former and 3.37 per cent in the latter. Each of the samples, treated as just described, was put up in three different kinds of packages: (1) Seedsmen's regular seed envelopes. (2) Similar envelopes which were paraffined, after being filled with seed, at a temperature of from 70° to 75° C. The melting point of the paraffin was 53° C. (3) In bottles which were closed with firm cork stoppers. One of each of the above packages was then stored at Mobile under trade conditions and in a basement; likewise at Ann Arbor in the herbarium room of the botanical laboratory, in a greenhouse, and in an incubator maintained at 40° C. The duration of this experiment was 131 days, from December 20, 1901, to April 30, 1902. There-suits of the germination tests are given in Table XXVIII. Two percentages have been given for the control sample, one for Ann Arbor and the other for Mobile. This was necessary since the two series were tested at different times and comparisons can not be made interchangeably between the two. TABLE XXVIII. — Vitality of cabbage and onion seed as preserved in various kinds of packages and mbjected to different conditions of storage. [Germination of control samples— Ann Arbor: Cabbage, 81.7 per cent; onion, 74 per cent. Mobile: Cabbage, 88 per cent; onion, 84.5 per cent.] Kind of seed and package. Special treat- ment of package. Percent- age of water content of seed. Percentage of germination. Ann Arbor, Mich. Mobile, Ala. Botan- ical labo- ratory. Trade condi- tions. Green- house. Incuba- tor at 40° C. Trade condi- tions. .Base- ment. Cabbage: Envelope None 5.80 5.80 5.80 7.63 7.63 7.63 3.75 3.75 3.75 81.0 80.0 79.5 85.5 80.5 80.5 76.0 86.0 83.0 81.0 79.0 85.0 80.5 82.0 85.0 85.5 84.0 84.0 68.0 85.5 85.0 65.5 83.5 86.5 67.0 76.0 74.0 72.5 62.0 68.5 74.5 69.5 48.0 73.0 71.0 64.5 60.0 87.5 84.0 64.5 86.5 82.0 64.0 82.5 82.5 10.0 52.5 84.0 15.5 46.5 91.5 9.0 78.0 85.0 Do Paraffin Corked Bottle Envelope None Do Paraffin Corked Bottle Envelope None Do Punilfm Corked . . Bottle . . . 72 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. TABLE XXVIII. — Vitality of cabbage, and onion seed as preserved in various kinds of packages and subjected to different kinds of storage — Continued. Kind of seed and package. Special treat- ment of package. Percent- age of water content of seed. Percentage of germinatien. Ann Arbor, Mich. Mobile, Ala. Botan- ical labo- ratory. Trade condi- tions. Green- house. Incuba- tor at 40° C. Trade condi- tions. Base- ment. Onion: Envelope None 6.48 6.48 6.48 8.89 8.89 8.89 3.37 3.37 3.37 78.5 76.5 73.5 74.5 74.5 78.0 61.5 75.5 76.5 69.5 66.5 71.5 60.0 66.0 68.0 63.5 72.5 71.0 3.5 67.0 60.0 11.5 56.0 67.5 8.5 58.0 77.0 47.0 4.5 64.0 28.0 9.0 3.0 ? 6.0 ? 9.0 59.5 19.5 83.0 86.0 21.0 74.5 77.5 17.0 77.0 84.5 10.0 27.0 82.5 2.5 21.0 78.5 6.0 60.5 81.5 Do Paraffin Bottle Corked Envelope .... None Do Paraffin Bottle Corked Envelope None Do Paraffin Bottle Corked Many of the points brought out by this table are very similar to those of the preceding one, yet the differences are sufficiently marked to justify its being given in this connection. The seeds stored in the botanical laboratory and those subjected to trade conditions at Ann Arbor have germinated practically the same, the cabbage slightly favoring trade conditions and the onion being better preserved in the laboratory. But a comparison of the trade conditions at Ann Arbor and Mobile in the unprotected packages shows the same wide variation that has been already pointed out. The advantage of drying is not very clearly brought out in this table; in many cases there seems to have been a slight injury as a result of the high temperature at which the drying was done. Una- voidably the temperature at that time reached 39° C., which, as has already been stated, is slightly above the maximum to which seeds can be subjected for any considerable time without injury. The injury due to heat is very evident in the samples stored in the incu- bator maintained at 40° C., this injury being more apparent with the increased moisture, especially in the paraffined package and in the bottle. However, on the whole the percentages of germination are higher for the dried seed than for the seed which had absorbed an additional quantity of moisture; and, indeed, the comparison should properly be made with these two, for seeds as they are usually stored contain even higher percentages of moisture than either the cabbage or lettuce after they had absorbed the additional amount of water. But the chief purpose of the present experiments was to determine the relative advantages of envelopes, paraffined packages, and bottles as methods of putting up seed in order that vitality might be pre- served for a longer time. This comparison is best made by consider- EXPERIMENTS IN KEEPING AND SHIPPING. ing the vitality of the seed stored in the greenhouse at Ann Arbor and under trade conditions at Mobile. It will be readily seen that the vitality of the seed from the unprotected packages was greatly reduced, while those from the paraffined envelopes and from the bottles germi- nated nearly as well as the controls. These differences are better rep- resented diagrammatically, as follows: ])itit/ram representing the percentages of germination of cabbage seed when treated as described. Kind of package. Special treat- ment of package. Percent- age of water content of seeds. Ann Arbor, Mich., green- house. Mobile, Ala., trade conditions. Envelope 5.80 73.3 60 Do Paraffined 5.80 87.5 Bottle Corked 5.80 84 Envelope 7.63 70.5 64.5 Do Paraffined 7.63 89.9 86. 5 Bottle Corked 7.63 93.1 82 Envelope 3.75 72.1 64 Do Paraffined 3.75 81.8 82. 5 Bottle Corked 3.75 79.7 82.5 Control sample . Original pack- 5. 80 88 88 age. Diagram representing the percentages of germination of onion seed when treated as described. Kind of package. Special treat- ment of package. Percent- age of water content of seeds. Ann Arbor, Mich., green- house. Mobile, Ala., trade conditions. Envelope . . ' 6.48 4 19.5 Do Paraffined 6.48 • 76.6 83 Bottle Corked 6.48 86 Envelope 8.89- 13.2 21 Do Paraffined 8.89 64 74.5 Bottle Corked 8.89 77.3 77. 5 Envelope 3 37 9 7 17 Do Paraffined 3.37 <;<;. :? 77 Bottle Corked 3.37 84.5 Control sample.. Original pack- 6.48 84.5 84.5 age. The percentages for Ann Arbor shown in the graphic representations are not the same as those given in the foregoing table. In the diagram they are directly comparable with the results from the Mobile series, 74 THE VITALITY AND GEKM1NATION OF SEEDS. all being based on the vitality of the controls, as shown by the tests made at that time, the standard being 88 per cent for the" cabbage mid 84.5 per cent for the onion. A discussion here hardly seems necessary, as there can be no doubt that seeds retain their vitality much better in moist climates if pro- tected from the action of the atmosphere. This may be accomplished by dipping the packages in paraffin or b}r putting the seed in bottles. Disregarding the expense, bottles surpass paraffined envelopes as a means for the preservation of vitality, and also in the ease with which the seed can be put up. The results are more certain if care is exer- cised in selecting good corks. RESPIRATION OF SEEDS. From a practical point of view it has been conclusive^ shown that moisture is the controlling factor in seed life. Seeds stored in a humid atmosphere soon lose their vitality, but if carefully dried and protected from moisture life is greatly prolonged. The question at once presents itself: In what way does the presence of increased quantities of moisture cause a premature death of the seed, or why is vitality prolonged if the water content of the seed be reduced? In a measure, the answer to this question is respiration. Seeds as we commonly know them absorb oxygen and give off carbon dioxid; that is, respire./* During their respiratory activities the energy stored within the seed is readily evolved, the vital processes are destroyed, and life becomes extinct. The intensity with which respi- ration takes place is largely dependent upon the humidity of the sur- rounding atmosphere, which ultimately resolves itself into the amount of water in the seed. The respiratory activity is directly propor- tional to the quantity of moisture absorbed by the seed up to a certain point, attaining its maximum during the process of germination. It has been fbund that a decrease in the water content results in a cor- responding\diminution in the intensity of respiration and consequently in a prolongation of the life of the seed as such. Bonnier an. 7, 2: 365-380, 1885. BORNEMANN, G. Versuche iiber Erhaltung der Keimfiihigkeit bei importirten Samen von Wasserpflanzen wahrend des Transportes. Gartenflora, 35: 532-534, 1886. Also abstract in Bot. Jahresber., Jahrg. XIV, Abt. I, p. 132, 1886. BROWN, HORACE T., and ESCOMBE, F. Note on the influence of very low tempera- tures on the germinative power of seeds. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 62: 160-165, 1897-98. — On the depletion of the endosperm of Hordeum vulgare during germination. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 63: 3-25, 1898. and MORRIS, M. Germination of some of the Graminess. Jour. Chem. Soc. London, 57: 458-528, 1890. DAMMER, U. Verpackung und Versandt von Samen, welche ihre Keimkraft schnell verlieren. Zeitschr. f. trop. Landw., Bd. 1, No. 2, 1897. Abstract in Bot. Centralbl., 70: 196-197, 1897. DE CANDOLLE, AUG. PYR. Physiologic ve"g£tale (Conservation des graines), v. 2, p. 618, Paris, 1832. DE CANDOLLE, C. Sur la vie latente des graines. Arch, des sci. phys. et nat., ser. 4, 33: 497-512, 1895. Abstract in Amer. Gard., 18: 339, 1897. - La vie latente des graines. 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De 1' influence de la temperature sur la germination. Ann. dea sci. nat. bot., ser. 2, 1: 257-270,1834. GK-.LIOLI, ITALIO. Sulla resistenza di alcuni semi all' azione prolungata di agenti rhimici gassosi e liquid. Annuario della R. Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura in Portici, v. 2, 1880, Napoli, 1881, 51 p. Abstract in Nature, 25: 328, 1882. - Latent vitality in seeds. Nature, 52: 544-545, 1895. ( i KAY, A. Latent vitality of seeds. Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., 24: 297, 1882. GRUSS, J. Beitrugezur Physiologic derKeimung. Landw. Jahrbiicher, p. 385,1896. HABERLANDT, F. Ueber die untere Grenze der Keimungstemperature der Samen unserer Getreidepflanzen. Pflanzenbau I, pp. 109-117, 1875. Abstract in Bot. Jahresber., p. 777, 1875. HANSTEEN, B. Ueber die TJrsachen der Entleerung der Reservestoffe aus Samen. Flora, 79: 419, 1894. ISIDORE-PIERRE, J. Ueber den Einfluss der Wilrme und des Beizens mit Kalk und Kupfervitriol auf die Keiinfiihigkeit des Weizens. Ann. Agron., 2: 177-181, 1876. Abstract in Bot. Jahresber., 4, Abt. 2, p. 880, 1876. JODIN, VICTOR. Recherches sur la germination. Ann. Agron., 23: 433-471, 1897. — Sur le resistance des graines aux temperatures e"leve"es. Compt. Rend., 129: 893-894, 1899. — et GANTIER, A. La vie latente des graines. Compt. Rend., 122: 1349-1352, 1896. JrsT, L. Ueber die Wirkung hoherer Temperaturen auf die Keimfahigkeit der Samen von Trifolium pratense. Bot. Zeit., 33 Jahrg., p. 52, 1875. — Ueber die Einwirkung hoherer Temperaturen auf die Erhaltung der Keim- fiihigkeit der Samen. Cohn's Beitriige zur Biol. der Pflanzen, 2: 311-348, 1877. KOCHS, W. Kann die Kontinuitat der Lebensvorgiinge zeitweilig vollig unterbrochen werden? Biol. Centralbl., 10: 673-686, 1890. KOLKWITZ, R. Ueber die Athmung ruhenden Samen. Ber.d.deut.bot. Ges., 19: 285-287, 1901. KRASAU, F. Welche Warmegrade kann der Weizensame ertragen, ohne die Keim- fahigkeit zu verlieren? Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss., Abt. I., 48: 195- 208, 1873. MAQUENNE, L. Sur 1'hygrometricite" des graines. Compt. Rend., 129: 773-775, 1899. — Recherches sur la germination. Ann. agron., 26: 321-332, 1900. — Contributions a Pe"tude de la vie ralentie chez les graines. Compt. Rend., 134: 1243-1246, 1902. PICTET, R. De 1'emploi m£thodique des basses temperatures en biologie. Arch, sci phys. et nat., Geneve, 30: 293-314, 1893. PIETERS, A. J., and BROWN, E. Kentucky Bluegrass seed — harvesting, curing, and cleaning. Bui. 19, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1902. ROMANES, C. J. Experiments in germination. Proc. Roy. Soc., 54: 335-337, 1893. SACHS, JULIUS. Beschiidigung und TOdtung durch zu hone Temperatur. Handbuch d. exp. Phys. d. Pflanzen, Leipzig, 1865, p. 63. SAMEK, J. Duration of the vitality of some agricultural seeds. Tirol, landw. Blatter, 13: 161-162, 1894. Abstract in Exp. Sta. Rec., 6: 429, 1894-95. SCHMID, B. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloroformdiimpfen auf ruhende Samen. Ber. d. deut. bot. Ges., 19: 71-76, 1901. SELBY, A. D. Germination of the seeds of some common cultivated plants after pro- longed immersion in liquid air. Bui. Torr. Bot. Club, 28: 675-679, 1901. E. H. Influence of chemical solutions upon the germination of seeds. Thirteenth Annual Report, Mass. Hatch Agr. Exp. Sta., pp. 74-83, 1901. 92 THE VITALITY AND GERMINATION OF SEEDS. THISELTON-DYER, WM. T. Influence of the temperature of liquid hydrogen on the germinative power of seeds. Proc. Eoy. Soc., 65: 361-368, 1899. THOMPSON, A. Zum Verhalten alter Samen gegen Fermentlosungen. Gartenflora, Jahrg. 45, p. 344, 1896. TOWNSEND, C. O. The effect of ether upon the germination of seeds and spores. Bot. Gaz., 27: 458-466, 1899. TREVIRANUS, LUDOLPH C. Physiologic der Gewiichse. Vol. II, p. 578, section 637, 1838. [Vitality of seeds as affected by age, heat, and moisture.] ULOTH, W. Ueber die Keimung von Pflanzensamen in Eis. Flora, n. s., Jahrg. 33, pp. 266-268, 1875. VAN TIEGHEM et BONNIER, G. Recherches sur la vie latente des graines. Bui. Soc. Bot. France, 29: 25-29, 149-153, 1882. WARTMANN, E. L' influence de froids excessifs sur les graines. Arch, des sci. phys. etnat., Geneve, 8: 277-279, 1860. Recherches sur la ve*ge"tation (section 3 — Role de froids excessifs). Arch, des sci. phys. etnat., Geneve, se>. 3, 5: 340-344, 1881. WAUGH, FRANK A. The enzymic ferments in plant physiology. Science, n. s., 6: 950-952, 1897. Also Tenth Annual Report Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta., 1896-97. INDEX. Page. Agriculture, Department, Seed Laboratory, relation to present work 10 A lubama, Auburn, seed-storing experiment 49 Allium cepa, selection for experiment 10 Amyliferous cells, relation to germination of seeds, note 82 Angaria citrullus, selection for experiment 10 Ann Arbor, Mich. , seed-storing experiment 50 testing experiment 14-22 Apiacex, Daucus carota, selection for experiment 10 Apparatus for tests of effect of moisture on vitality of seed 30, 31 seed testing, description and use 11-12 Asteracese, Lactuca saliva, selection for experiment 10 Auburn, Ala. , place for seed-testing experiments 14-22 Baton Rouge, La., comparison with Ann Arbor and Mobile for seed storing .. 21-22 seed-storing experiment 49 testing experiments 14-22 Bean seed, ice-house storage, effect 28 selection for experiment 10 Beans, germination tests, results for various storage conditions 51, 63-65 seed, respiration experiment, results 76 "Valentine," tests 83 Bluegrass, Kentucky, Poa pratemis, heating in curing, effect on seed 43 Bonnier and Mangin, plant respiration, conclusion 74 Van Tieghem, tests of respiration of seeds, results 75 Bragsicacfse, Brassica oleracea and Raphanus sativus, selection for experiment. . 10 Brown and Escombe, seed germination experiment 80 views as to chemical action at liquid-air temperature 79 Brown and Morris, and Escombe, experiments as to enzymes in germination. 82 Cabbage, germination tests, results for various storage conditions 53, 63-65 seed, comparison of storage in three climates 21-22 ice-house storage, effect 28 moisture and temperature tests of vitality 36 respiration experiment, results 76 vitality in different packages in varying storage 71-74 selection for experiment 10 Carbon dioxid, result of respiration of beans, etc 76, 77, 78 Carrot seed, germination tests, results for various storage conditions ...... 55, 63-65 respiration experiments, results 77 selection for experiment 10 Cauliflower seeds, keeping in moist climate, note 13 Charcoal, moss, etc. , shipping seed in packing 47 Chemical activity, relation to latent life 80 Clement, suggestion for storage of seed 45 Climates, different, causes of loss of vitality in seeds, discussion 22-24 Climatic conditions, effect on vitality of seeds, discussion 13-22 Corn, sweet, germination tests, results for various storage conditions 56-57, 63-65 selection for experiment 10 Coville, Frederick V., preface on purpose and scope of present study 5 Cucvrbitacese, Anguria cilrullus, selection for experiment 10 Curing and drying of seeds, necessity for thoroughness 45 of seed, importance 87 De Candolle, Aug. Pyr. , remarks on conservation of seeds 44 suggestion regarding vitality of seeds 75 C., views on respiration of seeds 78 Diastase, use in experiments on vitality of seeds ., 85 Dry atmosphere in open bottles, effect on vitality of seeds sealed bottles, effect on vitality of seed 34 heat, effect on vitality of seed, note 31 Drying and curing of seeds, necessity of thoroughness 45 94 INDEX. Page. Dryness, most important factor in prolonged vitality of seed 90 relation to preservation of vitality of seed 87, 88, 89, 90 Endosperm of grasses, relation to germination, notes 82 Enzymes in seeds, part in preserving vitality 82-87 Escombe and Brown, experiments as to enzymes in germination 82 seed-germination experiment 80 views as to chemical action at liquid-air temperature. . . 79 Fabacex, Pisum sativum and Phaseolus vulgaris, selection for experiment. ..... 10 Fazy-Pasteur, suggestion for storage of seed 45 Ferments, relation to vitality of seeds 90 unorganized, relation to vitality of seeds 82-87 Ferry Botanical Fellowship, seed study, relation to present work 10 Ferry, D. M. , & Co. , seed for experiments 10, 15 Florida, Lake City, seed-storing experiment 49 testing experiment 14-22 Gardener, market, value of good seed 46-47 Gardeners, complaints of seeds, note 13 "Geneva tester" for germination of seeds, modifications and use 11-12 Germination and vitality of seeds, conclusion from present study 87-90 of seeds at low temperatures 26-27 in ice house, effect of package 27, 28 various seeds, percentage under differing storage 63-65 part of enzymes 82 tests and apparatus, discussion 11-13 results 50-65 Germinator, seed testing, method of use 12 Giglioli, conclusion as to chemical activity in latent life 80 experiments with seed of Medicago saliva 79 remarks on vitality of seeds 45 Grasses, endosperm, relation to germination 82 Gray, contention as to suffocation of seeds 79 Griiss, citation as to grass endosperm •_ 82 Gulf of Mexico, effect of moisture on seeds 13 Hansteen, citation as to grass endosperm 82 Harvesting, relation to vitality of seeds 87 Heating, excessive, danger in curing seed 87 Hygroscope, crude, improvisation from awns in seed testing 31 Hydrolysis, presence in experiments on enzymes in seeds, notes 83, 84, 85, 86 Ice, packing of seeds, effect on vitality, remarks 26-29 Incubator, seed, test for effect of moisture on vitality 29 Indian Territory, Wagoner, place for seed-testing experiments 14-22 seed-storing experiment 50 Jodin, seed-germination experiment, note 80 statement as to respiration of seeds 75 Keeping seeds, discussion (see also Storage) 65-74 Kochs, seed-respiration experiment 79 Lactuca sativa, selection for experiment 10' Latent life, relation of chemical activity 80 Lettuce, comparison of storage in three climates 21-22 germination tests, results for various storage conditions 58, 63-65 seed, ice-house storage, effect 28 loss of vitality in tropical climate, note 25 moisture and temperature test of vitality 36 respiration experiment, results 77 selection for experiment 10 Liliacefc, Allium cepa, selection for experiment 10 Longevity of seed, dry ness most important factor 90 Lycopersicon tycopersicum, selection for experiment 10 Maquenne, statement as to seeds in low temperatures, note 81 suggestion as to respiration of seeds 74 suggestions as to vitality of seeds 83 INDKX. 95 Page. Market gardener, value of good seed, remarks 46-47 Mat urity, relation to vitality of seeds 87 Mangin and Bonnier, plant"respiration, conclusion 74 Mcdlcago saliva, seed, experiments of Giglioli 79 Giglioli and Sainek 80 Michigan, Ann Arbor, seed-storing experiments 50 University, seed study, relation to present work 10 Mobile, Ala., comparison with Baton Rouge and Ann Arbor for storing seed. . 21-22 place for seed-testing experiments 14-22 seed-storing experiment 49 Moist atmosphere in sealed bottles, severe injury to seeds 33 Moisture and temperature, effect upon vitality of seeds, discussion 24-36 summary of results . . 35 relation to vitality of seed, tables and comment. . . 38-44 effect on vitality of seeds at high temperatures, remarks 29 in fixed temperatures, discussion 36-44 hindrance in keeping seeds, provision 13 relation to endurance of heat by seed 25 longevity of seed 87, 88, 89, 90 test of seeds in special packages 66 Morris and Brown, experiments as to enzymes in germination 82 Moss, charcoal, etc. , shipping seed 47 New Hampshire, Durham, place for seed-testing experiments 14-22 seed-storing experiment 50 New Orleans, rapidity of deterioration of seed 47 Newcombe, Dr. F. C., direction of present study 10 Nobbe, seed germination experiment, note 80 Oily seed, resistance of low temperatures, note 28 Onion, germination tests, results for various storage conditions 59, 63-65 seed, comparison of storage in three climates 21-22 ice-house storage, effect 28 moisture and temperature test of vitality 36 respiration experiments, results 77-78 vitality in different packages in varying storage 71-74 selection for experiment 10 Packages, seed, different kinds for moisture test 66 relation to preservation of vitality of seeds 89 special, experiments in shipping and keeping seeds 65-74 Packing seed for shipping experiments 47 Pansy, germination tests, results for various storage conditions 60, 63-65 selection for experiment 10 Paraffined packages, vitality of seeds in storage 69-71 Pea, selection for experiment 10 Peas, germination at temperature of ice water, remarks 27 tests, results for various storage conditions 52, 63-65 seed, moisture and temperature, test of vitality 36 Phaseolus vulgaris, selection for study 10 Phlox, germination tests, results for various storage conditions 60, 63-65 Pisum salivum, selection for experiment 10 Planters, complaints of seeds, note 13 Poa pralensis, heating in curing, effect on seed 43 Poacete, Zea mays, selection for experiment, note 10 Poison, danger from brass and copper in seed testing, notes 11, 12 Polemoniacess, Phlox drummondii, selection for study 10 Porto Kico, San Juan, seed storing experiment ..." 48 testing experiments 14-22 Precipitation and temperature, relation to vitality of seeds, percentages effect on vitality of seeds, graphic representation 24 Protoplasm, changes in respiration of seed 78 Protoplasts, changes in respiration experiments 79 Puriewitsch, citation as to grass endosperm 82 Radish, germination tests, results for various storage conditions 54, 63-65 selection for experiment •_ 10 Respiration, necessity to life of seeds, remarks 79 of seeds, discussion 74-82 96 INDEX. Page. Respiration of seeds, summary of conclusions 81-82 relation to vitality of seeds 89, 90 Romanes, seed respiration experiment 79 Samek, seed germination experiment, note 80 Sharpe, citation as to enzymes 83 Shipping and keeping of seeds in special packages, discussion 65-74 storing seeds, method for preservation of vitality 44-65 seed in charcoal, moss, etc., remarks 47 Soaking seeds for germination tests, advantage. Solanacex, Lycopersicon lycopersicum, selection for experiment 10 Spalding, Prof. V. M., direction of present study 10 Starch in seed, relation to germination in ice-house storage 28 Storage (keeping) and shipping of seeds in special packages, discussion 65-74 room, warehouse, character for seeds, remarks 46 seed, relation to preservation of vitality 88, 89 Storing and shipping seeds, methods for preservation of vitality 44-65 seeds, relative merits of Mobile, Baton Rouge, and Ann Arbor 21-22 Temperature and moisture, effect on vitality of seed, discussion 24-36 summary of results 35 relation to vitality of seed, tables and comment 38-44 precipitation, relation to vitality of seed, percentages 23 maximum limit of endurance by seed, variation 25 relation to vitality of seeds 87, 88, 89-90 Temperatures, fixed, effect of definite moisture on vitality of seed, discussion. . 36-44 high, vitality of seeds, effect of moisture 29 Test, germination, first, for climate, results, table and comment 15-16, 18-21 second, for climate, results, table and comment . 16-17, 18-21 Tester, Geneva, germination of seeds, modification and use 11-12 Testing seeds, conditions of experiments 14, 29-31, 36 Tests, germination, results 50-65 various vegetable seeds 11 seed, for effect of moisture on vitality at high temperatures 29 vitality, importance of nearness to planting time 47 Thompson, citation as to enzymes . . 83 Tomato, germination tests, results for various storage conditions 61, 63-65 seed, ice-house storage, effect 28 moisture and temperature test of vitality 36 selection for experiment 10 Tropical climate, loss of vitality of lettuce seed 25 Vacuum, seed respiration experiments 79 Van Tieghem and Bonnier, tests of respiration of seeds, results 75 Violacete, Viola tricolor, selection for experiment 10 Vitality and germination of seeds, conclusions from present study, summary. . 87-90 cabbage and onion seed, relation to storage and package 71-74 seed, effect of climatic conditions, discussion 13-22 definite moisture in fixed temperatures, discussion 36-44 temperature and moisture, discussion 24-36 enzymes in preservation 82-87 loss" for various seeds under different storage conditions 63-65 in different climates, causes 22-24 with varying moisture at ordinary temperature 85 low, worse than dead seed, note 46 preservation by methods of storing arid shipping 44-65 relation of moisture and temperature, tables and comment 38-44 storage in different kinds of packages, results 68 Warehouse, seed, storage, character, remarks 46 Water content of seeds, increase, effect on vitality 44 Watermelon, gemination tests, results for various storage conditions 62, 63-65 seed, ice-house storage, effect 28 selection for experiment 10 Waugh, citation as to enzymes 83 Zea mays, selection for experiment, note 10 o BULLETIN OF THE No. 95. Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard July 9, 1914. INSECT DAMAGE TO THE CONES AND COAST CONIFERS.1 By JOHN M. MILLER, Entomological Assistant, Forest Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. Recent damage by insects to the cones and seeds of conifers has been brought to notice by the collectors of forest seeds. Com- pared with other commercial seeds the market price of forest seeds is high, owing to the limited demand, the special knowledge required for their collection, and the irregular production of conifer crops. A heavy percentage of damage materially decreases the profits of seed collection and may result in time and money fruitlessly spent. Seed that is badly infested or damaged by insects can not be sold to reliable dealers when its character is recognized. It has been found that insects sometimes destroy practically all of the seed crop of a tree species in one locality in a season. In this respect insects have a certain relation to the future supply of timber, as the natural reproduction of forests is assured only by the produc- tion of a prolific supply of uninjured seed. (PL I, fig. a.) The artificial reforestation of denuded areas must also depend upon the collection of sound forest seed. An example of how insects may interfere with reforestation by a desired species has been furnished by the white fir on western national forests. Much of the seed of this species collected recently has been worthless for planting, a great percentage of this loss being due to insect damage in the cones and seeds. Some information regarding insects that affect forest seeds and reproduction has been given in previous publications of the Bureau 1 The names of the insects are not mentioned in this preliminary contribution because many of them are not yet named or described. When this has been done it is intended that a special bulletin on the subject shall be prepared by the same author.— A. D. HOPKINS, in Charge of Forest Insect Investigations. NOTE. — Information regarding insects that seriously affect forest seeds, especially in the coniferous forests of the Pacific coast. A practical paper, of interest to seed collectors, dealers in forest seeds, and planters of forest areas; of particular application to Pacific coast regions. 38961°— 14 2 BULLETIN 95, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of Entomology.1 This bulletin gives further facts regarding the character and extent of damage to the seed of coniferous forests of the Pacific slope. It also furnishes preliminary information on the more important groups of insects causing this damage, and their habits, that it may be available to seed collectors during the present spring and summer. CHARACTER AND CAUSE OF DAMAGE. Damage to the seed of conifers is caused by various species of insects which feed upon the buds, flowers, immature cones and seed, and mature seed. Great damage is accomplished while the cones are immature and before the seed ripens. Cones which are infested, or " wormy," are often found when the areas for seed collection are being located. Wormy cones and seeds are caused by the adults and grubs of small beetles, the " worms" or caterpillars of moths, the maggots of gnats, and the larvae of tiny wasps known as seed chal- cidids. In his work the seed collector usually encounters these im- mature stages of insects which depend upon the cone scales and seeds as their principal source of food supply. With the exception of the cone beetles the adult insect is seldom found in the immature cone. The insects may be found in almost any part of the cone or seed, the feeding habits varying much with the different species. In many cases the presence of these insects in the cone is evident and may be recognized by the peculiar type or class of injury. Where this is the case the damage may be approximately estimated during the summer. With the more important seed-infesting insects the damage will be recognized in one or more of the following classes : BLIGHTED CONES.2 The cones are sometimes killed when small and immature. As a result they wither and dry, and none of the seeds fill. Cones so affected are often described as blighted. Most of the injury of this character occurs in the cones of pine and is caused by the cone beetles. The attack is usually on the second-year cones, although the small first-year cones are sometimes killed. Some of the cone worms, also, bore into the cones in such a manner as to kill them and cause the same blighted condition. Sugar-pine cones attacked by the beetle nearly always fall to the ground during July and August. The cones of other species usually adhere to the tree for a winter or two. Damage of this type is easily recognized and can be estimated after the middle of July. i Hopkins, A. D., Catalogue of exhibits of insect enemies of forests and forest products at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Bui. 48, p. 13-14, 33, 1904. Hopkins, A. D., Insect enemies of forest reproduction. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 1905, p. 250-251, 1906. ( Yearbook Separate 381. ) Rohwer, S. A., VI, Chalcidids injurious to forest-tree seeds. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bureau of Entomology, Tech. Ser. 20, Pt. VI, p. 157-163, Feb. 10, 1913. » PI. I, figs, cl, d; PI. II, figs, o, 6. INSECT DAMAGE TO SEEDS OF PACIFIC COAST CONIFERS. 3 WORMY AND ABORTED CONES.' In some forms of injury the cone is not killed, but may show masses of resin on the surface, castings caused by the feeding of larvae, or little burrows through the scales, seed, and pith which contain small larvse. In rare cases the cone may be aborted or deformed, forming a peculiar growth or shape. The cone, however, continues to grow and matures at the close of the season very much like a normal one. The seeds which are not mined or eaten by the insects fill and mature. Damage of this character may be found in practically all species of conifers. Much of it is caused by the caterpillars of different species of moths, some of which show nothing on the surface of the cone to indicate their work in the interior. The amount of damage to the seed of western yellow pine and Jeffrey pine throughout northern California and southern Oregon in 1912 was estimated by the writer to vary from 50 to 90 per cent of the crop. WORMY SEED.2 This class of injury is found only in the seeds. The cone is not affected and shows no indication of the insect. Practically all of the reported damage of this type is caused by the larvse of tiny wasps called seed chalcidids. A certain percentage of the seeds will be infested by a small, white, headless larva. The infested seeds are of normal size and appearance. The larvse feed entirely within the inner lining of the seed. Damage of this type can be found only by cutting the seed open. Seeds which have been attacked are hollow and usually contain the small headless larvse of the chalcidid. After the seed has been stored over winter some of the adults emerge, boring small clean-cut holes through the outer shell of the seed. This is the first external indication of these insects. Quite often seed infested by the seed chalcidid is collected and sold before the infesta- tion is detected. Injury of this type is very common in certain species of fir, in which the damage has sometimes been found to run as high as 75 to 90 per cent of the cleaned seed. Species of seed chalcidids have also been found in the seed of western yellow pine and Engelmann spruce. MAGGOTY CONES. Many cones are injured by the maggots of flies and midges, some of which cause no appreciable damage to the seed. Small whitish or pink-colored maggots are found in the cones of nearly all conifers. They are the larvse of tiny gnats, or midges. The pinkish maggots cause little masses of resin among the scales but do not seriously affect the seeds. The whitish maggots in fir cones cause considerable damage to both cone and seeds. (See PI. Ill, figs, a, c.) They are often present in vast numbers and leave the cones when these are i PI. I, fig. b 2 PI. HI, figs. 6, d. 4 BULLETIN 95, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. spread to dry. They are among the most common insects noted in the work of seed collecting. IMPORTANT GROUPS OF SEED-INFESTING INSECTS. There are four important groups of insects which cause practically all of the serious damage under the four classes described. CONE BEETLES. Cone beetles are small, dark, cylindrical beetles which attack the cones of pines. The cones are killed by the attack of the adult, which bores a small tunnel into the axis to deposit its eggs. (PI. II, fig. 1 1.) The larvse (PL I, fig. d) feed on the seeds and scales of the withering cone and develop to the beetle stage within the dead cone, where the beetles usually remain over winter. The attacks of several species of these beetles are very common in western yellow pine and sugar pine. The damage to crops of sugar pine is considerable, as these beetles have been noted in some seasons to kill from 25 to 75 per cent of the cones over large areas. CONE WORMS. Cone worms are most frequently met with in the cones in the caterpillar stage. They represent several species of moths which infest the cones of pines, firs, hemlocks, and spruces, and even the seed of incense cedar has been found to be attacked by the tiny larvse. The moths are small and in most species dull colored and inconspicu- ous. The small white larvse of one species are very common in the cones of western yellow pine and Jeffrey pine. They feed upon the seeds and scales without killing the cone and overwinter as larvse and pupae in galleries in the pith of the cone axis. (PI. I, fig. 5.) Another species is a very common enemy of Douglas fir seed on the Pacific slope. The larvse mine a gallery through the scales, leaving an opening at the surface through which resin and larval castings exude. The pupse overwinter near the axis in resinous cocoons among the scales. Nearly all species feed without killing the cone, but a large caterpillar feeding on western yellow pine sometimes kills the immature cone, the damage resembling that of the cone beetle. SEED CHALCIDIDS. The adults of seed chalcidids are tiny wasps (PL III, fig. d). The larvse (PL III, figs. 6, d) live within the seeds, apparently developing as the seeds grow, so that the infested seeds reach normal size and EXPLANATION OF PLATE I.— a, Photograph near Bray, Cal., showing cones of western yellow pine on ground, but poor reproduction; 6, mature western yellow pine cone, showing pith occupied by the cone worm and seeds destroyed by it; cl, blighted western yellow pine cone caused by the cone beetle; cS, normal cone; d, young living western yellow pine cone, greatly enlarged, to show character of damage . by the cone beetle and its larvse. (Original.) Bui. 95, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE I. INSECT DAMAGE TO REPRODUCTION OF WESTERN YELLOW PINE. [For explanation of plate see note at foot of page 4.] Bui. 95, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE II. a FIG. A.— SUGAR-PINE CONES ATTACKED BY THE CONE BEETLE AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF GROWTH OF THE CONE. (ORIGINAL.) [The longer cone, which is about 14 inches long, resisted attack, while the others were killed.] 6t K FIG. B.— LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF SUGAR-PINE CONES, NATURAL SIZE, SHOWING PRIMARY EGG GALLERIES, B1, MADE BY THE CONE BEETLE. (ORIGINAL.) WORK OF THE CONE BEETLE IN SUGAR PINE. Bui. 95, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE WORK OF A CHALCIDID IN SEEDS OF PACIFIC COAST CONIFERS. a, Cross section of sound, mature white fir cone with unaffected seed; 6, yellow pine seed, enlarged, infested by larvae and newly transformed adults of a seed chalcidid; two un- opened seeds show exit holes made by these insects; c, cross sections of two maggoty white fir cones; d, male and female adults of seed chalcidid, larva in opened seed of red fir (Abies magnified) , and exit holes in two other seeds of same. (Original.) DIVISION OF FORESTRY COLLEGE OF A AGRtCULTURC UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA INSECT DAMAGE TO SEEDS OF PACIFIC COAST CONIFERS. 5 form. There are several species, one of which is very destructive to the seed of Douglas fir, white fir, and red fir. FIR-CONE MAGGOTS. Fir-cone maggots are the larvae of small gnats which have been found in the cones of white fir, red fir, and alpine fir. They mine through the scales and seeds, causing great damage. The larvae do not winter in the cones but burrow into the ground as soon as the cones fall. They form small puparia within an inch or so of the surface, and there they overwinter. ADAPTATION OF THE INSECTS TO THE INTERMITTENT CONE- PRODUCING HABITS OF THE HOST TREES. There is a general life cycle for most of the cone-infesting insects corresponding to the period required by the host tree to develop the seed crop. The adult insect, whether beetle, moth, fly, or seed chalcidid, deposits the eggs in the spring or early summer while the cones are small and undeveloped. With some species the attack is such that the cone is killed ; with others the attack and f eeding of the larvae do not interfere with the growth of the cone, which matures at the normal time, although much of the seed may be destroyed. The feeding of the larvae ceases, however, when the cone matures, usually during September. The insects then undergo a long dormant period either as larvae, pupae, or new adults. This dormant period continues until there is another crop of cones in a proper condition for attack; that is, the soft, immature cones which are found in the spring or early summer. Some insects pass this dormant period in the pith of the cones or in resinous masses among the scales. Other species leave the cones and form the pupae in the ground or in debris on the surface. The intermittent character of the seed production of conifers is a well-established fact.1 A few cones are produced every year, but a good crop occurs at intervals of from two to five years. The years of total failure are known as "off years." It is evident that if the entire brood of any of these species of cone-infesting insects emerges annually, it will sooner or later encounter an off year of the host tree. This would mean the complete failure of the food supply for one generation and would result in the almost complete extinction of the species within the forest area affected by the crop failure. As a matter of fact, observations show that this seldom happens. All the individuals of a brood of overwintered insects do not emerge the following spring. Many of them do emerge after the first winter, but a large percentage of the brood, in some species 50 per cent or more, i U. S. Dept. Agr., Forest Service, Bui. 98, p. 13, Nov. 18, 1911. 6 BULLETIN 95, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. continues for another year in the same condition in which the first winter was passed. Usually this retarded part of the brood emerges at the end of the second whiter or spring.1 This is an adaptation which to a certain extent accounts for the continued infestation of certain species of insects hi the seed of forest trees. In the case of a species of gnat which infests the cones of white fir it was found that the entire brood of insects which destroyed the 1911 crop of seed on an area in northern California did not emerge at all in the spring of 1912, but remained in the pupal state through the summer of 1912 and the f ollowing winter. The adult flies finally emerged hi the spring of 1913. Under this adaptation it would appear that only a con- tinued failure of the crop through a series of years would result in the reduction of the numbers of the infesting species on a forest area. Undoubtedly other agencies are responsible for the uninfested con- dition of the seeds of certain trees during some seasons. INDICATIONS OF INSECT DAMAGE. Attack of the cone beetle in the seed crop is indicated by a small entrance hole at the base of the cone, with castings or small pitch tubes, during the early summer; later, by the brown, withered appear- ance of the cone. The attack of the cone moth may sometimes be recognized by little masses of pitch and larval castings on the surface of the cone and sometimes by withered cones, but it is best to look for the cater- pillar among the scales and in the seed and pith. It is always best to cut the cone open, sectioning it several different ways, in making the examination. The attack of the fir-cone maggot can also be found by cutting or breaking the cone open. The larval mines will be found in the scales and seeds, in which will usually be found the small, white, active larvae. The seed chalcidids show no external evidence, and the seeds must be sectioned or otherwise opened to find the larvae of these insects. Unless test is made the amount of damage can not be determined, and seed that is badly infested may be taken as sound. METHODS OF PREVENTING LOSSES. There are areas of light infestation by these insects in certain species of trees, and there are areas where the damage is very heavy. The amount of infestation in the seed may also vary with succeeding seasons. A careful examination of the cones before the seed matures, during July and August, will usually reveal immature stages of the seed-infesting insects. If cones of the past season are examined during the winter and spring, they will indicate whether or not the i This retarded emergence has not been observed !n the case of the cone beetles, but it has been observed in the more important cone worms, fir-cone maggots, and seed chalcidids. INSECT DAMAGE TO SEEDS OF PACIFIC COAST CONIFERS. 7 area is infested by these insects. In the collection and cleaning of forest seeds there is opportunity for use of the information which is now being gathered on this subject. An intelligent selection of the seed-collecting areas will prevent much of the loss due to gathering seed which is afterwards found to be infested or worthless. A count of the number of infested cones and of damaged seeds will give a clue to the percentage of damage in the crop. Whether or not the damage is sufficient to make collection of the seed unprofitable on the area will have to be determined by the collector. o WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 BULLETIN OF THE !HIOFA«I No. 186 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Bureau of Plant Industry, Wm. A. Taylor, C February 27, 1915. A METHOD OF FUMIGATING SEED. AG«lCULT:jf?| CALIFORNIA By E. R. SASSCER, Chief Inspector, Federal Horticultural Board, and LON A. HAWKINS, Plant Physiologist, Plant Physiological and Fermentation Investigations. INTRODUCTION. A perfectly reliable method of destroying insects present in seeds imported into this country, without injury to the seed, is much needed. The exclusion of insects by a careful selection of apparently uninfested seeds at the port of export is impracticable, because many injurious insects pass their larval and pupal stages and a portion of the adult stage inclosed within the seed and on this account might easily escape notice when the seeds were inspected. Furthermore, seeds are frequently received from localities where injurious insects are not well recognized, and, also, insects which are only slightly injurious in their native habitats occasionally become destructive pests when estab- lished in this country. The ordinary methods of destroying insects in stored seeds, such as subjecting them to heat (with or without moisture), carbon bisulphid, and hydrocyanic acid in the presence of air, have been tried and found unsatisfactory for this purpose. It occurred to the writers to create a partial vacuum in the con- tainer in which the seeds had been placed and fill the chamber with some gaseous insecticide, such as carbon bisulphid or hydrocyanic acid, in the belief that a much larger amount of gas might thus be forced into the crevices of the seeds and into the insect galleries than would be possible if the entrance of the gas were dependent upon diffusion under normal atmospheric pressure. This method was suc- cessfully used with a number of different kinds of seeds and insects, and a convenient chamber, described later, was devised for fumigation under reduced pressure. 1 This work was carried on in cooperation between the Federal Horticultural Board and the Office of Plant Physiological and Fermentation Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 75871°— Bull. 186—15 BULLETIN 186. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FUMIGATION CHAMBER. The fumigation chamber (fig. 1 and fig. 2, 6) is of iron tubing, 36 inches long by 12 inches in diameter. One end of this cylinder is per- manently closed with a heavy iron cap (fig. 1, a). The other end is fitted with a flange and can be closed with a brass plate (fig. 1, 6), which is held in place by clamps. One face of the plate is ground to fit the flange, which is also ground. A wide rubber gasket is placed between the two faces when the plate is clamped in position. The chamber is designed to lie with its longest axis in a horizontal position. On the side of the chamber intended to lie uppermost three openings are made, one being in the center and one at each end. The opening ct CsSNSH ML FIG. 1.— Diagram of fumigation chamber: a. Iron cap; b, brass plate clamped on end of chamber; c, gas cock for attaching suction hose; d, vacuum gauge; e, dropping funnel, by means of which the sulphuric acid is introduced into the chamber; /, beaker to contain cyanid. near the capped end is fitted with a gas cock (fig. 1, c), so that the suction hose of a vacuum pump can be readily attached. A vacuum gauge, registering the decrease in pressure in units equivalent to inches of mercury, is placed in the center opening (fig. 1, cZ), while a tubula- ture is placed in the opening near the flange. The tubulature is closed with a perforated rubber stopper bearing a dropping funnel (fig. I, e) so arranged that the bulb and stopcock are outside the chamber, while the tube extends down inside the chamber nearly to the bottom. The rubber stopper and dropping funnel can be readily removed when seeds or other material to be fumigated are placed in the chamber. An air pump, driven by a motor and capable of reducing tho air pressure to the equivalent of about 0.05 of a millimeter of mer- cury, is used to secure an almost complete vacuum (fig. 2, a). A METHOD OF FUMIGATING SEED. 3 When this apparatus is used for fumigation, the seeds, contained in either a cloth bag or an open vessel, are placed in the chamber, and the requisite amount of sodium or potassium cyanid in a small beaker is so arranged that the neck of the dropping funnel extends down into the beaker (fig. I,/). The cover is then clamped on and the chamber exhausted. In extracting the air from the chamber, the suction is continued until the gauge registers 30 inches or more — that is, the air in the chamber is exhausted until the pressure is the equivalent of some fraction of an inch of mercury. The suction is then cut off by means of the gas cock, and the required quantity of diluted acid, which has been previously placed in the bulb of the FIG. 2.— Air pump (a) and fumigation chamber (6) used in the experiments described in this bulletin. dropping funnel, is allowed to flow slowly upon the cyanid in the beaker within the chamber. The hydrocyanic acid is thus prepared in the chamber and no trace can get out. After the seeds are exposed to the gas for the required time, the stopcock of the dropping fun- nel is opened to let the air into the chamber. As the discharge pipe of the air pump extends outside the building, the mixture of hydrocyanic acid and air can not escape into the room. As soon as convenient, the stopper and funnel are removed and, by means of the air pump, air is sucked through the chamber, thus washing the hydrocyanic acid out of the chamber .before the cover is taken off and the seeds removed. In the experiments described BULLETIN 186, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. here the seeds were examined carefully at several different times to see whether all insects were killed. The viability of the seeds was then tested. Part of the germination tests recorded in this paper were made by Mr. W. R. Lucas, of the Office of Foreign Seed and Plant Intro- duction, but in most cases tests with treated and untreated seeds were carried out by Mr. W. L. Goss, of the Seed Laboratory of the Bureau of Plant Industry. In these experiments the duration of the exposure and the con- centration of hydrocyanic acid were varied in order to determine the minimum exposure and concentration of hydrocyanic acid which would insure the death of all the infesting insects. It was also con- sidered of interest to determine whether the seeds would be unin- jured if exposed longer and with a higher concentration of the hydro- cyanic acid than that necessary to kill the insects. The duration of the exposure and the amounts of sodium or potassium cyanid are given in the description of the experiments. The 1-1-2 formula was used for potassium cyanid and the 1— H— 2 formula for sodium cyanid. The iron fumigation chamber already described was used in most of the experiments. In some of the preliminary work, however, desiccators or bell jars were used instead. The essentials of the method were the same in either case, and no description of these pieces of apparatus seems necessary. EXPERIMENTS. The summarized results of these experiments are here given in tabular form for comparison (Table I) . TABLE I. — Summary of experiments in fumigating against insects. Material. Infested with— Kind of cyan id and amount used. Time of expo- sure. Result. (termination test. Avocado: 26 seeds •One adult avocado Sodium cyanid, Hrs. 1 Insect dead 22 out of 26 seeds gemi- 29 seeds. weevil ( Heilipus lauri). \ gm., in des- iccator. do i nated. 20 out of 29 seeds germi- 5 seeds. . Larvae of avocado wee- do i. All stages dead nated; 21 out of 25 germinated in con- trol test. Seed cut up to deter- 20 seeds vil (inclosed in a cot- ton - plugged vial) and broad - nosed grain weevil (Caul- opmlus latinasus). do 6 do... mine mortality of in- sects and not plant- ed. No germination. Do do 12 do Do 6 seeds.. Larvae of Conotrache- Sodium cyanid, \ do All seeds germinated. 10 seeds. lus sp. and broad- nosod grain weevil, all stages. do 4gms. do i No insects alive out of 50 exam- ined of all stages. Do. A METHOD OF FUMIGATING SEED. 5 TABLE I. — Summary of experiments in fumigating against insects — Continued. Material. i Infested with— Kind of cyanid and amount used. Time of j expo-, sure. Result. (Termination test. Avocado: 7 seeds. . (i seed^ Larvae of Conot nu-he- lus sp. and broad- nosed grain weevil, all stages. 4 with all stages of Sodium cyanid, 2 gms. do tfr.v. i | 1 grain-weevil lar- va alive. All stages dead Not planted. 3 seeds planted and all 10 seeds broad-nosed grain weevil; 2 uninfested. Scolvtid do | Out of several hun- germinated. Not planted. Do do Sodium cyan id, | dred specimens 1 live adult was found. All stages dead Do. S o Fg h urn Sodium Cyanid i Insects alive . 75.5 per cent germina- seed. Do Bruchus sp and rice 2 gms. Sodium cyanid, | All stages dead tion; seed badly in- fested. 71 per cent germina- Do weevil (Calandra oryza). do 4 gms. do . 1 do t ion; seed badly eaten. 83 per cent germina- Do Rice weevil and ca- Sodium cyanid, i do tion. Of four grades fumi- Do delle ( Tenebroides mauritanicus) . do Jgm., in des- iccator. do 1 do gated, the percentage of germination was as follows: 78.5; 86.5; 88; 83. Germination of fumi- Do R ice weevil Potassium cy- 30 do gated seed superior to that of untreated seed. Seed thoroughly in- Bulbs Cottonseed. (Ueditsiasi- nensis in seed pods. Do Bulb mite (Rhizogly- phus hyacinthi). Adults of the red grain beetle (Cathartus ge- mellatus). Bruchus sp. (adults) . . do anid, 2 gms. Sodium cyanid, i gm., in des- iccator. Sodium cyanid, li gms. Sodium cvanid, 2 gms. Sodium cyanid 1 1 i i All mites dead All insects dead... All insects dead, both in and out of seed pods. do . fested with insects previous to fumigat- ing and only 15 per cent germinated. Bulbs thoroughly in- fested and unfit for planting. Not planted. Percentage of germina- tion approximately the same with both fumigated and un- treated seed. Do. Phase o lu s Bruchus sp . .' 4 gms. Sodium cyanid, 1 All insects dead . . Germination of fumi- vulgaris. J gm., in des- iccator. do . £ .do gated seed superior to that of untreated seed. Not planted. Tussock moth (Hemero- campa leu- costigma): 500 egg Sodium cyanid, i Some 1 a r v ae masses. 250 egg 2 gms. Sodium cyanid, j, hatched several days after expo- sure. No hatching masses. 4 gms. The results given in Table I indicate that the fumigation of seeds by the introduction of hydrocyanic acid into an air-tight chamber, from which the air has been practically exhausted, is effective, provided the exposure is not less than half an hour. An exposure of one-fourth hour is effective with the apparatus employed in these experiments if four or more grams of cyanid are used. 6 BULLETIN 186, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SUMMARY. Fumigation by the method described in this bulletin was found to kill insects without injury to the seed and with a considerably shorter exposure than is necessary in the usual method of seed fumigation. Further experiments will be conducted with special reference to the use of carbon bisulphid, which is not considered in this paper. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1915 BULLETIN OF TH MPfflflOFA No. 210 Contribution from the Forest Service, Henry S. Graves, Forester. April 17, 1915. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE.1 By RAPHAEL ZON, Chief of Forest Investigations. PROBLEMS INVOLVED IN DETERMINING SEED PRODUCTION. When, several years ago, an attempt was made by the Forest Serv- ice to collect seed on a large scale for forestation purposes, it was keenly realized for the first time how little knowledge exists in this country regarding the seed production of our trees and the factors which influence it. One should be able to foretell with a reasonable degree of certainty the amount of seed which different species will produce at definite intervals. Aside from the practical value of such knowledge, it is of the greatest scientific interest. Our knowl- edge of the life history of forest trees will be incomplete until the mysterious occurrence of seed years and the factors that influence them are fully understood. Of all the forest problems, seed pro- duction is the most difficult one to solve. This may be readily inferred from the fact that although seed production excited great interest on the part of European foresters even in the early days, and several attempts were made to penetrate into the mystery of it, little as yet is known regarding the factors which influence the seed production of even the few European species. The investigation of seed production of forest trees consists of four distinct problems: (1) The determination of the amount of the seed crop, (2) the determination of the periodicity of seed production, (3) the determination of the various external and internal factors which affect the amount and the periodicity of seed production, and (4) the solution of the biological problem of seed production. Each of these problems must be solved in the order indicated, since the solution of one furnishes the basis for the solution of those which follow. The first and immediate problem is to determine the amount of seed produced by each species. This may not be as simple an under- 1 Pinus monticola Dougl. NOTE. — This bulletin contains a report upon an investigation of the seed production of western white pine and a discussion of the method of measuring the seed crop. 85754°— Bull. 210—15 2 .$ BULLETIN 210, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. taking ij^^tJJB^ns. Should the seed crop be estimated ocularly or actually measured on representative trees or sample plots ? If it is to be measui^d, what is to be taken as the unit of measure — the number of cones produced by a few individual trees, the number of cones produced per unit of area, or the quantity of germinable seed produced by individual trees on a given area ? When a method is agreed upon, the problem of the periodicity of seed crops can be attacked. To solve this problem, repeated com- parable investigations of the first problem carried on for years is necessary. In the solution of the third problem there enters the determination, first, of the external factors such as climate, soil, exposure, light, injury, and destruction of seed by animals and fungi, and, second, of internal factors, such as composition, age, density, and health of the stand. The solution of this complicated question, or rather of this series of complicated questions, requires systematic, parallel, and uninterrupted series of investigations, which can not be undertaken by one individual, but must be carried on by permanently organized forest experiment stations. The fourth problem, the solution of which is the final aim of the whole investigation, is the most difficult of all, and requires, in addi- tion to the other lines of work, a series of chemical, physiological, and anatomical investigations. In this paper an attempt will be made to discuss merely the method of measuring seed crops. METHOD EMPLOYED IN MEASURING THE SEED CROP. The production of seed in forest trees is not a function of an indi- vidual tree, but really of the whole stand, since the development of the life processes of each tree is determined by the density, composi- tion, and age of the stand, and by the position of the tree in the stand. Therefore, in determining the amount of the seed crop, the quantity of seed produced per unit of area, and not the amount produced by individual trees, should be made the basis of measurement. Further, the cone production can not alone serve as a basis for measuring the seed crop. The seed production must be measured not by the quan- tity of cones but by the amount of seed produced, because the final aim in the study of seed crops is not the cones but the seed. The quality of seed, therefore, viz, its viability, must be taken into account. Two stands may produce different quantities of cones per tree, yet the stand with the smaller average number of cones per tree may furnish more germinable seed than the stand with the larger number of cones. Barren seed are biologically nothing but impuri- ties, and it would therefore be a mistake not to leave them out of con- SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE. 3 sideration in determining the amount of seed production. Thus, in measuring the seed crop, three things must be determined: (1) The seed production for the stand per unit of area (not for individual trees), (2) the quantity of seed, and (3) viability of the seed. The weight of germinable seed per unit of area must be accepted as the standard for measuring seed crops. If a is the weight of clean air- dried seed obtained from 1 acre, and p is their germination per cent, then the seed crop, or x, may be expressed by the formula x = ap. Since the aim is to determine the amount of seed produced per unit of area, the best method of studying seed production is by means of sample areas. These areas may be from one-quarter of an acre to one-half of an acre in extent, in accordance with the density of the stand. Each sample area, however, should include at least 100 trees of the principal species composing the stand. It would, of course, be more accurate to gather cones and obtain the seed from all of the trees on the sample area. This, however, would necessitate the cutting down of the trees, which is not always practicable or possible. Moreover, this operation would require a great deal of time, which would make such an investigation difficult. For this reason it is preferable to collect the cones and extract the seed only from sample trees. It is a well-established fact that light is a necessary condition for seed production, and observations show that the greater the amount of light received by the tree the greater is its crown development and the amount of seed produced. It may be already accepted a priori that individual trees in a stand do not produce equal amounts of seed, but vary in accordance with their crown development. In the selection of the sample trees, therefore, one must be guided by the form and blevelopment of the crown of the individual tree. In the different species the different parts of the crown have varying im- portance; thus in Douglas fir the upper part of the crown is of the most importance, since it is there that the largest number of cones are developed; in other species it may be the extremities of the largest lower branches. In order that the amount of seed obtained from the sample trees should, when multiplied by the total number of trees on the sample plot, actually represent the amount of seed produced on the plot, the sample trees must include representatives of all groups of trees which differ in any way in their crown development. With this end in view, all the trees on the sample plot are divided into groups in accordance with their crown development, and their diameters tallied. From these groups the sample trees are selected. As a basis for dividing the trees into groups in accordance with their crown de- velopment, the ordinary classification into dominant (I), codominant BULLETIN 210, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (II), intermediate (III), oppressed (IV), and suppressed (V) may be followed. Since, however, the crown development of trees in the codominant and intermediate classes may not be uniform, these two classes may be subdivided and designated by the letters a, Z>, c, and d. In this way there may be from seven to ten classes or groups of trees. At the time the trees are measured and divided into groups a note is made for each tree as to whether or not it is bearing cones. These data, which are very interesting in themselves, become absolutely essential in case of partial seed production, when not all of the trees bear cones. In the work of dividing the trees into groups, the investigator must carefully examine each crown from all sides, observing its habitus. Experience has taught that in order to avoid errors of crown classifica- tion the total number of trees on a sample plot must not exceed 100. The size of the sample plot will depend, therefore, upon the age, density, and composition of the stand. The enumeration of the trees may be made by marking each tree with white paper tags, and the record kept on a form similar to the one given below: Number. Diameter. Class. Cones pres- ent (+) or absent (— ). 1 Inches. 25 Ilia -if. 1 13 V Aspen 27 When in a mixed stand a tree of secondary species occurs, its name should be given in the first column, but columns 3 and 4 left blank. After the number of trees in each class is computed, a certain number of sample trees are selected from the various classes. For ordinary investigations, 10 per cent of the total number of trees on the sample plot may be sufficient. For more intensive investigations, however? a larger percentage should be taken. The more carefully the division into classes is done and the more uniform the crowns of each class, the easier it is to select the sample trees. It is advisable to select sample trees separately for each class — that is, first select the trees of Class I, then take up the next class, and so on. When not all trees in the stand are bearing cones, the sample trees should be selected from the cone-bearing ones, and, in determining the amount of seed production, the percentage of seed-bearing trees for each group must be taken into account. The sample trees are felled, care being taken in falling that they do not touch the crowns of other trees and thus knock off their own SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE. 5 cones or those of their neighbors. From the felled sample trees all the cones are gathered very carefully, those which still hang on the branches as well as those which were knocked off in felling the tree. It is necessary to avoid collecting cones which were knocked off from other trees. This can often be very readily accomplished, since the cones of each tree differ from those of others in size and form, espe- cially in the case of western white pine. The cones gathered from each sample tree are put in- separate sacks, properly labeled, and after being slightly dried at ordinary room temperature are subjected to further investigation. The total height and age and health of each of the sample trees are determined, the number of cones from each counted, their lengths measured, and their volumes and green weights determined. The cones are then dried and the seed extracted. Coniferous tree seeds are separated from their wings, cleaned, and weighed. If there is any foreign matter present its percentage is determined by weighing several grams of the sample, then cleaning it of all foreign matter and re weighing. After the seeds are cleaned, 200 are taken, their weights determined to one one-hundredth of a gram, and these are then germinated. After the germination percentage is determined, the amount of seed per unit of area — for instance, an acre — can be ascertained by means of the formula, x = ap. SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE. The method of investigation described was applied in 1911 to the study of seed-bearing characteristics of the western white pine in Idaho on the Kaniksu and Coeur d'Alene National Forests, where this pine reaches its optimum development. In all there were located four sample plots, three on the Kaniksu and one on the Coeur d'Alene Forest. About 10 per cent of the white-pine trees of the different crown classes which bore cones were felled, the cones carefully gath- ered, and kept separately for each tree. The seed from each tree was extracted by hand and its purity and germinability determined. The results for each sample plot follow. FORSTRY A6R V BULLETIN 210, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE 1. — Classification of trees according to character of crown and presence or absence of cones; number of cones and amount of seed produced by sample trees, and total seed production on plot No. 1, KaniTcsu National Forest (area, one-half acre} . CROWN CLASSIFICATION OF TREES AND NUMBER BEARING CONES. Diameter breast high (inches). Number of trees, by crown class. Trees with cones. Trees without cones. Class I. Class II. Class III. Class IV. Class V. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Ito5... 4 4 5 8 5 3 100 100 100 100 60 6 to 8 2 5 3 2 3 1 9 to 10 2 2 2 11 to 12. 13 to 14 1 2 40 15 to 16 17 to 18 1 5 5 6 2 1 2 1 6 7 6 8 4 1 3 50 75 87 86 89 100 50 100 1 2 1 1 1 50 25 13 14 11 19 to 20 1 3 1 7 4 1 3 21 to 22. 23 to 24 25 to 26 27 to 28 29 to 30 1 1 50 31 to 32. . 33 to 34 35 to 36 1 1 100 Total. 21 30 100 21 30 83 9 12 18 12 17 0 8 11 0 38 54 154 33 46 146 Per cent : Per cent of each class with cones NUMBER OF CONES AND AMOUNT OF SEED PRODUCED BY SAMPLE TREES. Tree No. Crown class. Diameter. Age. Height. Cones open or closed. Number of cones by inch lengths. 3to4 inches. 5 to 6 inches. 7to8 inches. Total. 1 I Inches. 28 28 21 24 21 21 14 Years. 230 230 223 215 200+ 200+ «200 Feet. 166 152 147 154 146 152 104 Closed ...do /..do 9 2 139 26 4 4 14 5 4 55 77 24 17 37 6 225 52 21 41 20 9 5 69 7 2 I 3 I II \Op (1 /..d en sed o U o 4 1 5 3 II \Open Closed do 9 7 1 III Total (7 trees) 21 251 177 449 Tree No. Average length of cone. Total weight of cones. Total volume of cones. Weight of clean seed. Number of clean seed per pound. Per cent of germi- nation. Per cent germinating in first 144 days of test. 1... Inches. 5.8 6.2 r 7.0 [ 7.3 6.1 r 4.4 5.0 5.3 7.2 Pounds. 23.3 4.5 1.5 3.5 2.1 .2 .15 4.1 .7 Bushels. 1.215 .325 .204 .478 .137 .027 .045 .341 .090 Grams. 330. 27 58.58 8.79 17.10 40.21 .82 4.02 94.32 13.06 38,069 30, 362 31,680 29, 813 26.880 35,200 56,960 33,876 24,320 22 45 18 19.0 31.0 13.5 2 3 \ 1 . 52.5 26 33.5 25.0 2 \ 3 67.5 56 34.0 33.0 1 Total 7 trees). i 5. 8 1 40. 1 | 2. 862 567.19 ! i Per cent of total. » Rotten. SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE. TABLE 1. — Classification of trees according to character of crown and presence or absence of cones; number of cones and amount of seed produced by sample trees, and total seed production on plot No. 1, Kaniksu National Forest (area, one-half acre) — Continued. TOTAL SEED PRODUCTION. Crown class. Total trees. Total sample trees. Yield from sample trees. Yield of germinable seed. Cones. Cleaned seed. Germi- nable seed.i Per plot. Per acre. I No. 21 21 9 12 8 Per ct. 30 30 12 17 11 No. 3 3 1 Per ct. 14 14 11 Bush. 2.22 .55 .09 Grams. 414.75 139. 38 13.06 Grams. 103. 68 86.04 7.31 Grams. 725. 78 4S7. 54 14.63 Grams. 1.451.56 975. 086 29.26 No. 114.408 68,680 1,704 II Ill IV v Total 71 100 7 10 2.86 567.19 1,227.95 2 2,455. 906 184, 792 i Weight of pure seed multiplied by their percentage of germination. 2 Equivalent to 5.4 pounds. TABLE 2. — Classification of trees according to character of crown and presence or absence of cones; number of cones and amount of seed produced by sample trees, and total seed production on plot No. 2, Kaniksu National Forest (area, one-half acre) . CROWN CLASSIFICATION OF TREES AND NUMBER BEARING CONES. Diameter breast high (inches). Number of trees, by crown class. Trees with cones. Trees without cones. Class I. Class II. Class III. Class IV. Class V. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 1 to 5 3 18 2 3 20 10 9 8 2 1 1 100 100 100 100 80 34 13 11 6 to 8 2 8 6 5 9 to 10 11 to 12 3 5 3 1 1 13 to 14 2 4 7 8 6 5 1 20 66 87 89 100 100 100 15 to 16 3 7 6 1 17 to 18 19 to 20 2 5 5 1 21 to 22 23 to 24 25 to 27 Total ....!.. 13 15 100 17 20 94 13 15 30 21 24 0 23 26 0 33 38 38 54 62 62 Per cent Per cent of each class with cones * NUMBER OF CONES AND AMOUNT OF SEED PRODUCED BY SAMPLE TREES. Tree No. Crown class. Diam- eter. Age. Height. Cones open or closed. Number of cones, by inch lengths. 3 to 4 inches. 5 to 6 inches. 7 to 8 inches. 9 to 10 inches. Total. 1 I Inches. 20 22 20 16 18 14 16 17 Years. 144 145 145 147 146 134 145 144 Feet. 150 164 160 141 144 133 134 138 Closed 4 17 39 6 6 5 19 8 12 3 14 20 1 1 11 23 60 15 17 8 17 26 4 2 13 2 I /Open \Closed (Open 1 2 1 II 1 5 ""3" 3 1 2 II \Closed. Open 5 f..do 1... 2... III III... \Closed Open... 1 2 2 2 11 do 3 Ill . Closed 1 1 Total (8 trees). 4 88 89 15 196 8 BULLETIN 210, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE 2. —Classification of trees according to character of crown and presence or absence of cones; number of cones and amount of seed produced by sample trees, and total seed production on plot No. 2, Kaniksu National Forest (area, one-half acre) — Continued. NUMBER OF CONES AND AMOUNT OF SEED PRODUCED BY SAMPLE TREES— Contd' Tree No. Average length of cone. Total weight of cones. Total volume of cones. Weight of clean seed. Number of clean seed per pound. Per cent of germi- nation. Per cent germinating in first 144 days of test. Inches. 6 6 Pounds. 1.0 Bushels. 0.077 Grams. 14.910 31,200 63.5 25.0 2 / 5.7 1.5 .171 12.861 24,352 \ 56.5 37.5 1 I 5.8 / 6.0 4.8 1.2 .410 .171 63.659 8.670 26, 458 27,520 1 } 37 6.0 2 1 7.8 5 9 1.9 .5 . 189 .080 53. 421 .555 37,600 J (i) 3 / 7.7 1.6 .273 18.283 31,467 V 40 10.0 ' ?:? 2.6 .2 .273 .060 25.035 2.364 26, 187 31,520 / 15.5 13.0 2 5.5 .1 .015 1.196 38,800 0) 3 6 0 1.0 .070 33. 522 26,920 34.5 24.5 Total (8 trees) 6 4 16 4 1 789 234 476 TOTAL SEED PRODUCTION. Crown class. Total trees. Total sample trees. Yield from sample trees. Yield of germinable seed. Cones. Cleaned seed. Germi- nable seed .2 Per plot. Per acre. I No. 13 17 13 2i Per ct. 15 20 15 24 26 No. 2 3 3 Per ct. 15 18 23 Bush. 0.66 .99 .14 Grams. 91.43 105. 96 37.08 Grams. 52. 702 40.523 12. 344 Grams. 342. 563 216. 128 16.460 Grams. 685. 126 432. 256 32. 920 No. 40.352 26, 016 2,032 II Ill IV v Total 87 100 8 11 1.79 234. 47 575. 151 31,150.302 68,400 1 Not tested. 2 Weight of pure seed multiplied by their percentage of germination, a Equivalent to 2.5 pounds. -'-SLE 3. — Classification of trees according to character of crown and presence or absence of cones; number of cones and amount of seed produced by sample trees, and total seed production on plot No. 3, Kaniksu National Forest (area, one-half acre). CROWN CLASSIFICATION OF TREES AND NUMBER BEARING CONES. • Diameter breast high (niches). Number of trees, by crown class. Trees with cones. Trees without cones. Class I. Class II. Class III. Class IV. Class V. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 1 to5 2 10 2 2 18 24 12 9 4 1 100 100 100 85 50 36 10 6 to 8 8 20 6 9 to 10 2 6 8 2 11 to 12. • 2 9 8 3 2 9 7 9 1 15 50 64 90 100 13 to 14 1 1 7 1 15 to 16. 17 to 18 19 to 20 21 to 22 24 29 Total 10 10 100 22 23 66 18 18 17 34 35 0 14 14 0 28 28.5 28.5 70 71.5 71.5 Percent Per cent of each class with cones. . . SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE. TABLE 3. — Classification of trees according to character of crown and presence or absence of cones; number of cones and amount of seed produced by sample trees, and total seed production on plot No. 3, Kaniksu National Forest (area, one-half acre) — Continued. NUMBER OF CONES AND AMOUNT OF SEED PRODUCED BY SAMPLE TREES. Tree No. Crown class. Diameter. Age. Height. Cones, open or closed. Number of cones, by inch lengths. 3 to 4 inches. 5 to 6 inches. 7 to 8 inches. 9 to 10 inches. Total. j Inches. 18 18 17 13 15 Years. 150 130 145 153 145 Feet. 151 139 136 129 134 /Closed 3 3 8 2 3 8 9 11 12 2 5 1 2 7 13 17 16 17 6 10 2 I \Open Closed 1 II r..do 3 5 2 II \Open Closed . 4 5 3 II ...do (i) Ill Total (5 t roes) 25 50 11 86 Tree No. Average length of cone. Total weight of cones. Total volume of cones. Weight of clean seed. Number of clean seed per pound. Per cent of germi- nation. Per cent germinating in first 144 days of test. 1 Inches. ( 6.9 Pounds. 0.8 Bushels. 0.056 Grams. 14.180 31,744 \ 19.5 13 5 2 \ 6.9 6.3 1.1 1.4 .183 .255 8.106 10.183 32,000 26,960 / 36.5 22 5 1 f 7.4 1.6 .255 9.280 28, 267 46 5 42 0 2 \ 7.7 5.5 1.7 .5 .292 .045 13.855 6.130 25,472 34 560 22 18 5 3 6.5 1.0 .073 14.385 29,312 35.5 23.0 (i) 6.130 34,560 Total (5 trees) 6.9 8 1 1.159 82. 249 TOTAL SEED PRODUCTION. Crown class. Total trees. Total sample trees. Yield from sample trees. Yield of germinable seed. Cones. Cleaned seed. g Germi- nable seed. 2 Per plot. Per acre. I No. 10 22 18 34 14 Perct. 10 23 18 35 14 No. 2 3 Perct. 20 14 Bush. 0.49 .66 Grams. 32.47 43.65 6.13 Grams. 8.064 17.214 1.349 Grams. 40.320 86. 070 4.047 Grams. 80.640 172. 140 8.094 No. 5,560 10,380 570 II... Ill IV... V... Total 98 100 5 5 1.15 82.25 130. 437 3 260. 874 16, 510 1 Results of tree No. 2, Crown Class II, used for this tree. 2 Weight of pure seed multiplied by their percentage of germination. 8 Equivalent to 0.6 pound. 10 BULLETIN 210, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE 4. — Classification of trees according to diameter of crown and presence or absence of cones; number of cones and amount of seed produced by sample trees, and total seed production on plot No. 4, Coeur d'Alene National Forest (area, 0. 9 acre}. CROWN CLASSIFICATION OF TREES AND NUMBER BEARING CONES. Diameter breast high (inches). Number of trees, by crown class. Trees with cones. Trees without cones. Class I. Class II. Class Ila. Class III. Class Ilia. Class IV. Class V. Num- ber. Per cent. Num- ber. Per cent. 4to6 4 7 1 7 2 11 15 15 9 5 4 1 100 100 100 70 50 25 11 7 to8 6 10 9 to 10 4 10 3 11 to 12 1 4 9 5 3 1 2 3 6 3 4 5 12 8 4 3 3 2 30 50 75 89 100 100 100 100 13 to 14 15 to 16 1 17 to 18 1 1 2 2 19 to 20 . - 21 to 22 23 to 24 1 25 to 26 2 Total 8 8 100 23 22 91 15 15 73 17 17 6 17 17 0 12 12 0 9 9 0 41 41 41 60 59 59 Per cent Per cent of each class with cones... . NUMBER OF CONES AND AMOUNT OF SEED PRODUCED BY SAMPLE TREES. Tree No. Crown class. Diameter Age. Height. Cones open or closed. Number of cones, by inch lengths. 5 to 6 inches. 7to8 inches. 9 to 10 inches. 11 to 12 inches. Total. 1 I . Inches. 19.8 16.0 14.5 12.2 8.5 7.2 6.0 Years. 107 84 92 72 80 72 83 Feet. 127 108 100 78 77 67 47 2 7 1 19 25 3 1 17 1 6 1 39 33 11 1 1 11 Ho 1 1 i III Ilia 1 1 Total IV V (7 trees) . 10 48 24 2 84 Tree No. Average length of cone. Total- weight of cones. Total volume of cones. Weight of clean seed. Number of clean seed per pound. Per cent of germi- nation. Per cent germinating in first 144 days of test. Inches. 7.97 6.93 8.45 8 Pounds. 6.0 3.8 1.9 .1 Bushels. 0.295 .215 .102 .008 Grams. 118. 901 62. 773 38.667 2.805 23,840 29,840 21,771 21,920 61 33 37.5 90 39 24: 19 60 Total (7 trees). 7.6 11.8 .620 223. 146 SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE. 11 TABLE 4. — Classification of trees according to character of crown and presence or absence of cones; number of cones and amount of seed produced by sample trees, and total seed production on plot No. 4, Cceur d'Alene National Forest (area, 0.9 acre) — Continued. TOTAL SEED PRODUCTION. Crown class. Total trees. Total sample trees. Yield from sample trees. Yield of germinable seed. Cones. Cleaned seed. Germi- nable seed.i Per plot. Per acre. I No. 8 23 15 17 17 12 9 Perct. 8 22 15 17 17 12 9 No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Per ct. 12 4 6 5 5 8 11 Bush. 0.295 .215 .102 .008 Grams. US. 90 62.77 38.67 2.80 Grams. 72. 530 20. 715 14.500 2.525 Grams. 580. 240 435. 015 159. 500 2.525 Grams. 644. 711 483. 350 177. 222 2.806 No. 33,929 31,593 8,727 137 II Ha Ill Ilia IV v Total 101 100 7 7 .620 223. 14 110,270 1, 177. 280 21,308.089 74,38& 1 Weight of pure seed multiplied by their percentage of germination. 2 Equivalent to 2.9 pounds. CONCLUSIONS. The material collected so far is not sufficient to allow of final con- clusions. Those here presented are offered chiefly to point out the still unknown factors into which the problem of seed production resolves itself and of demonstrating the suitability of the proposed method for solving them. 1. Perhaps the most striking fact brought out by this investiga- tion is that the different crown classes do not participate equally in the production of seed. Thus 98.8 per cent of all the seed in 1911 was produced by the first two crown classes, while the third contrib- uted only 1.2 per cent. It is interesting to note that though 1911 was a year of a moderately good seed crop, the crown classes IV and V did not bear any seed at all. If we divide the average percentage of seed production of each crown class by the average percentage of trees in each class, we secure, roughly, the ratios in which the different crown classes of western white pine bear seed. 12 BULLETIN 210, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE 5. — Distribution of the seed crop of western white pine, by crown classes. % Ratios of seed production of crown classes.1 Class I. Class II. Class III. Class IV. Class V. Total. Plot No. L Total yield per cent. . 59.1 30 59.5 ir 30.9 10 49.3 8 39.7 30 37.6 20 66.0 23 50.5 37 1.2 12 2.9 15 3.1 18 0.2 34 0 17 0 24 0 35 0 12 0 n 0 26 0 14 0 9 100 Number of trees do 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Plot No. *. Total yield do Number of trees do Plot No. S. Totalyield do Number of t-mfts . - . do Plot No. 4. Totalyield do. Number of trees do Average 54.3 44.5 ~W 1.2 21 0 22 0 15 100 100 15 i Expressed in percentage of seed produced in each crown class of the plot divided by percentage of trees in the crown class. The ratios of productivity of trees of different crown classes in round figures are 3.5, 1.5, 0.05, 0.0. Thus a tree of crown Class I bears 70 tunes and a tree of crown Class II 30 times more seed than a tree of Class III. The participation of the different crown classes in the production of seed may serve as an index of the seed crop. In exceptionally good seed years not only the dominant classes bear seed, but even the oppressed trees have occasional cones, while in poor seed years cones are to be found only in the dominant class (I), and even then not on all trees or parts of their crowns. Between these two ex- tremes range seed crops of various abundance. The abundance of the seed crop can, therefore, be prognosticated very early in the summer by observing in the forest the kind of trees that bear cones. In. order to establish a regular yield for the seed production of western white pine, it would be necessary accurately to measure the crop by the method described over several seed years of various intensity. After the seed production for the poorest, moderate, and excep- tionally good seed years is ascertained, the determination of whether the crop of a given year is good, fair, or poor can then be forecasted easily and early by merely observing the different crown classes of trees that are bearing cones. An attempt to penetrate deeper into the causes that determine the average amount of seed produced by an individual tree of each crown class meets with difficulties because of the many counteracting factors, some of which still remain unexplained. Aside from the SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE. 13 length and width of the crown, which has been accepted as a most decisive influence in seed production, there are other factors that affect the amount of viable seed produced by a tree, such as the size of the cones, average number of seed in a cone, size of the seed, its germinability, the age of the tree, and the still little understood individual energy of each tree in producing seed. 2. The largest amount of germinable seed was invariably produced by trees chiefly of the first and also of the second crown class. The largest amount of germinable seed recorded (2J ounces) belonged to two trees of crown Class I, and in only one case has this amount been closely reached by a tree of crown Class II. Crown development thus seems to be the most important factor in the seed production of trees. 3. The age of the trees evidently has an effect upon the amount and quality of see'd produced. Thus the younger trees (in plot No. 4), ranging from 72 to a little over 100 years in age, have produced practically in all three crown classes a larger quantity of germinable seed than the older trees. Apparently the age has also something to do with the average length of the cones, since the younger trees possessed, on an average, longer cones which yielded a larger number of pure seeds per cone than the older trees. The germination per- centage was also greater in the younger trees than in the old ones; the highest germination percentage reached (90) was found in a tree 72 years old, while the highest found in the older trees was 67.5. 4. The relation between the length of the cone and the size of the seed (the number of seed per pound) is clearly shown. Thus the longest cones, 8 inches and over, yielded about 22,000 seed to the pound, while cones 5 inches long occasionally yielded as many as 57,000 seed to the pound. 5. The vigor of growth apparently influences favorably the amount and quality of seed produced. Thus trees which grew at the rate of 0.19 of an inch in diameter and about 1.25 feet in height annually produced a larger amount of germinable seed than trees which grew at a slower rate. This, however, may be indirectly the effect of the age of the tree, since the younger trees have not yet passed the period of most rapid growth. 6. While a relation between the size of the seed and its gennina- tive vigor l is not clearly brought out, yet there seems to be a tendency for the larger seeds to have the highest germinative vigor. This ten- dency is shown in Table 6. 1 The germinative vigor is gauged by the percentage of seed which germinated within 144 days after being sown. 14 BULLETIN 210, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TABLE 6. — Size of seed and period of rest. Seed that Seed that Number of seeds per pound. germinated within 144 Number of seeds per pound. germinated within 144 days. >* *- days. Per cent. Per cent. 22.000 34 5 31 000 17 5 24,000 36.5 32.000 13 4 25,000 42 0 34 000 26 3 26.000 23 8 35 000 25 0 27,000 21.6 36,000 28.000 24.0 37,000 29,000 23.0 38,000... . 19 0 30,000. 22.8 The failure of such relationship to be clearly apparent is probably due more to deficient field data than to the actual absence of any such relationship. The size of the seed and the germination percentage are closely connected, as shown by Table 7. TABLE 7. — Relation of size of seed to germination. Number of seeds per pound. Average germina- tion. 25,000... Per cent. 60 30,000 39 35,000 31 40,000 22 55,000 26 The percentage of germination decreases with the increase in the number of seed per pound — with the decrease in size of the seed. 8. Similarly, the length of cone has a perceptible effect upon the quality of the seed, as shown in Table 8. TABLE 8. — Relation between length of cones and germination. Average Length of cones. germina- tion. Per cent. 4 to 5 inches 26 5 to 6 inches 41 6 to 7 inches 40 7 to 8 inches 43 Thus it is fairly evident that seed from shorter cones possess a lower germination percentage than seed from longer cones. 9. Since the size of the cones goes hand in hand with the weight, the following generalization may be made: The larger or heavier the cones the larger is the seed, and the larger the seed the greater is the SEED PRODUCTION OF WESTERN WHITE PINE. 15 germination percentage; therefore, the larger the cones the better is the quality of the seed. This is of importance in seed collection. 10. An idea of the reproductive capacity of a single tree may be gained from the record of the largest yield by an individual white- pine tree, which was 2J ounces, or 6,000 germinable seed. 1 1. If from individual trees we turn to stands, we find that normally stocked stands bear from 2J to 5 pounds of germinable seed per acre, or, assuming an average of 30,000 seed to the pound, from 75,000 to 150,000 germinable seed. The apparently small yield of plot No. 3 (a little over one-half pound) is explained by the overcrowded condi- tion of the stand. The average of 3 pounds, or 90,000 germinable seed, per acre for a moderately good seed year may therefore be accepted as the average seed crop for the white pine on the Kaniksu and Coeur d'Alene National Forests. Applying this average figure to the different forest types found on the Kaniksu and Coeur d'Alene Forests, and assuming that there are 45,000 acres of white-pine land of which plot No. 1 is representative, 20,000 acres of which plot No. 2 is a sample, and 15,000 acres which may be represented by plot No. 3, the total amount of germinable seed produced in 1911 on the Kaniksu Forest would be in the neighborhood of 300,000 pounds. This amount is for a moderately good seed year. In exceptionally abundant seed years it would be much larger. These estimates, of course, do not take into consideration any possible destruction of seed by insects or disease, either in the cone or flower. 12. It is interesting to compare the total yield of germinable seed with the amount of seed actually collected by the Forest Service. In 1911 the collection of seed was conducted on an extremely large scale, 6,700 pounds being gathered on 20,676 acres. The total amount of clean seed produced during this same year on that area, as ascertained by the study, was 225,368 pounds. The amount collected by the Forest Service constituted, therefore, about 3 per cent of the total amount of seed produced that year. This conveys some idea of the portion of seed which man is able to collect out of the total amount produced by the forest. The remainder is either left on the ground for future natural reproduction or is destroyed by squirrels and other animals. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT FEINTING OFFICE : 1915 MARCH, 1912 BULLETIN 312 CORNELL UNIVERSITY • AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Department of Plant-Breeding GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT r — i n Untreated, Treated, BY HARRY H. LOVE AND CLYDE E. LEIGHTY r\j ITHACA, N. Y. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY CORNELL UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION EXPERIMENTING STAFF LIBERTY H. BAILEY. M.S., LL.D., Director. ALBERT R. MANN. B.S.A., Secretary. JOHN H. COMSTOCK, B.S., Entomology. HENRY H. WING. M.S. in Agr., Animal Husbandry. JOHN CRAIG, M.S. in Agr.. Horticulture. T. LYTTLETON LYON. Ph.D., Soil Technology. HERBERT J. WEBBER, M.A., Ph.D.. Plant-Breeding. JOHN L. STONE. B. Agr., Farm Practice and Farm Crops. JAMES E. RICE. B.S.A., Poultry Husbandry. BENJAMIN M. DUGGAR, M.S., Ph.D., Plant Physiology. GEORGE W. CAVANAUGH. B.S., Chemistry. . HERBERT H. WHETZEL. A.B., M.A., Plant Pathology. ELMER O. FIPPIN. B.S.A., Soil Technology. GEORGE F. WARREN, Ph.D., Farm Management. WILLIAM A. STOCKING. JR., M.S.A., Dairy Industry. CHARLES S. WILSON, A.B.. M.S.A., Pomology. WALTER MULFORD, B.S.A., F.E., Forestry. HARRY H. LOVE. Ph.D., Plant-Breeding Investigations. ARTHUR W. GILBERT, Ph.D., Plant-Breeding. DONALD REDDICK. A.B., Ph.D., Plant Pathology. WILLIAM A. RILEY, Ph.D., Entomology. MERRITT W. HARPER, M.S., Animal Husbandry. J. A. BIZZELL, Ph.D., Soil Technology. CLARENCE A. ROGERS, M.S.A., Poultry Husbandry. GLENN W. HERRICK, B.S.A., Economic Entomology. HOWARD W. RILEY, M.E., Farm Mechanics. CYRUS R. CROSBY, A.B., Entomological Investigations. HAROLD E. ROSS, M.S.A., Dairy Industry. ELMER S. SAVAGE. M.S.A., Ph.D., Animal Husbandry. LEWIS KNUDSON, B.S.A., Ph.D., Plant Physiology. KENNETH C. LIVERMORE, B.S. in Agr., Farm Management. ALVIN C. BEAL. Ph.D., Floriculture. MORTIER F. BARRUS, A.B., Plant Pathology. C. C. HEDGES, A. B., Agricultural Chemistry. GEORGE W. TAILBY, JR., B.S.A., Superintendent of Live Stock. EDWARD S. GUTHRIE. M.S. in Agr., Dairy Industry. PAUL WORK, B.S.. A.B., Olericulture. EDWARD R. MINNS, B.S.A., Farm Practice and Farm Crops. LEE B. COOK. M.S. in Agr., Dairy Industry. MORRIS M. McCOOL, M.S. in Agr., Ph.D., Plant Physiology. HARVEY L. AYRES, Superintendent of Dairy Manufactures. CLARA NIXON, Assistant in Poultry Husbandry. LOIS W. WING, A.M., Dairy Industry. EMMONS W. LELAND, B.S.A., Soil Technology. CHARLES T. GREGORY. B.S. in Agr., Plant Pathology. WALTER W. FISK. B.S. in Agr., Dairy Industry. R. D. ANTHONY, B.S.. B.S. in Agr., Pomology. CLYDE E LEIGHTY, B.A., Plant-Breeding. The regular bulletins of the Station are sent free to persons residing in New York State who request them. 294 GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT * HARRY H. LOVE AND CLYDE E. LEIGHTY The seed of many species of leguminous plants usually contains a considerable amount of seed that germinates slowly or not at all. Such seed is often referred to as " hard seed." Very frequently there is so much of this hard seed present that germination tests, even when con- tinued for three weeks, give results entirely misleading as to the viability of the sample or lot of seed. When such seed is sown in the ordinary way, a very poor stand of plants is usually secured. This is especially true in dry seasons or in regions of light rainfall. In experimental work, where the growth of every seed is important, the presence of hard seed often brings the experiment to an untimely end. Some method, there- fore, of obviating this difficulty should be of value both to farmers and to those engaged in experimental work. It is the purpose of this paper to set forth a method of treatment for hard, leguminous seed that will practically do away with delayed' germina- tion. This method was first discovered by one of the writers in 1906. Some breeding work on red clover was being done, but it was found that much of the seed germinated poorly. Examination of the seed and further tests proved that the poor germination was due, without doubt, to the presence of hard seed in the lines being used. Experiments were insti- tuted in which the seed coat was pricked with a needle or burned with a hot needle. It was found that when the seed coat was thus broken immediate germination usually ensued. The seed was also treated with many different chemical solutions in an effort to find one that would bring about the result desired. Among these was sulfuric acid of various strengths. As a result of these tests, the only chemical treatment that hastened and increased germination to any marked degree was immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) for a few minutes. The results obtained by this treatment were so uniformly good that, for the benefit of others who were experiencing the same difficulty with hard seed, it was decided to bring together some results for publication. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writers desire at this time to acknowledge the kindness of Dr. L. H. Smith and J. B. Park, of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment * Paper No. 24, Department of Plant-Breeding, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 295 296 BULLETIN 312 Station, and of E. Brown and H. N. Vinall, of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, who furnished some seed for certain of the tests. They also wish to acknowledge the kindness of E. T. Coker, of Society Hill, S. C., who made a field test of some treated cotton seed. The pre- liminary tests that led to the use of the method were made in the laboratory of Dr. C. F. Hottes, of the University of Illinois. REVIEW OF LITERATURE That others have experienced difficulty from hard seed and have devised means of overcoming it, is shown by the following extract from a letter by Professor C. G. Williams, of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station : " Regarding our trouble in getting clover seed, which we are using for plant-breeding purposes, to germinate, we find a great degree of variation in- this particular with different plants. With some few 80 to 90 per cent of the seed germinates promptly; with others only 5 to 10 per cent. While I do not have any accurate data for you on this subject, I feel reasonably safe in saying that fully three fourths of our plants show 20 per cent germination or below. We are getting very good results from rubbing the seed lightly between sheets of a very fine sandpaper. We line a small box with this sandpaper, then rub the seed gently. This is giving us very good germination. This treatment, of course, would be impossible on a large scale." Many experiments have been conducted by different investigators in order to determine methods of treatment for hard seed, looking toward increased germination. In such experiments a large number of different chemicals and enzymes have been used with varied success. Immersing the seed in hot water or pricking it with a needle, as well as ; other mechanical treatments, have been used and often have shown in- creased germination. Certain German seed laboratories have used some of these different methods for scratching or breaking the seed coats in order to increase germination. Rostrup1 was one of the first investigators to use sulfuric acid on hard seed. A sample of Lathy rus sylvestrus was placed in concentrated sulfuric acid for one minute, and then, with an untreated sample of the same, was placed to ger- minate. At the end of 320 days the untreated seed showed a ger- mination of 76 per cent, while the treated seed gave a germination of 100 per cent. Rostrup treated a sample of flat pea seed with acid and obtained a germination, at the end of 60 days, of 28 per cent for the untreated seed and 84 per cent for the treated. Red clover seed 1 See " Literature," page 336, for reference. GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 297 left in concentrated sulfuric acid for 24 hours still contained 9 per cent viable seed. Following the work of Rostrup came that of Todaro,1 who, working independently, found that concentrated sulfuric acid of a density of 1.84 acted upon hard seeds of many leguminous plants, rendering them capable of prompt germination. Hard seeds of various leguminous species were found to withstand immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid without any injury to their viability, for about one hour at a temperature of 25 to 28° C., or a somewhat longer period at a lower temperature. In all the experiments with leguminous seeds treated with concentrated sulfuric acid, the germination of the hard seeds was effected and a more rapid and more uniform sprouting was secured. Upon such seed as sulla, bird's-foot clover, Melilolus, black medick, and others, it was shown that concentrated sulfuric acid not only secured the greater total germination but appreciably hastened it. Cuscuta seeds showed that they were not only resistant to the action of sulfuric acid, but their germination was in many cases favored by the treatment. The seeds of Plantago lanceolata, verbena, Rumex, spurry, foxtail, and some other seeds that frequently occur as impurities in red clover seed, were all destroyed by a brief immer- sion in the sulfuric acid, without any detriment whatever to the red clover seed. Todaro concluded that were the seeds left to dry after treatment they would not show the effect of the immersion in acid. This conclusion, however, is at variance with the results obtained by the authors of this bulletin. Later Thornber2 used sulfuric acid and found that in connection with the germination experiments the seed of acacia, mesquite, honey locust, locust, and Kentucky coffee trees were made to germinate readily when immersed for a short time in concentrated sulfuric acid in which chromic acid had been dissolved, and then neutralized in a dilute solution of potassium hydrate. Schneider-Orelli3 conducted experiments with a number of species of Medicago and found that when the seed was cut or filed so that the seed coat was punctured, a good germination was effected. Sulfuric acid treatment also gave good germination. More than three fourths of the treated seed germinated, while only 3 out of 20 of the check lot sprouted. Sulfuric acid was tried by Bolley4 on several samples containing hard seed, and it was found that the germination was markedly increased. 1 See " Literature," page 336, for reference. » Ibid. • Ibid. • Ibid. 2Q8 BULLETIN 312 Bolley found the following amounts of hard seed in samples of different agricultural seeds : TABLE i Record number of sample and kind of seed Number germinated after lo-day test Number hard at end of 10 days Alfalfa No 464 .... 22 45 Alfalfa No 474 4. -i so Alfalfa No. 1165 72 12 Alfalfa No. 1210 56 40 Alfalfa No. 1420 Alfalfa No. 1434 90 7O 9 25 Alfalfa No 1590 80 18 Alfalfa No 1594 71 18 Red clover No. 1156. . 74. 15 Red clover No. 1 1 59 4.4 ci Red clover No. 1 191 84 18 Red clover No. 1 192 . . 71 16 Alsike No. 1435 86 15 MATERIAL AND METHODS The seeds used in the following experiments were obtained from many sources. Some, as stated above, were furnished by the Illinois Experi- ment Station and some by the Bureau of Plant Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture; other seeds were gathered in and about Ithaca; while still other lots were obtained from seedsmen and from laboratory stock. The acid used was either C. P. sulfuric or commercial sulfuric of about 1.84 specific gravity. The concentrated acid was used for all the tests. The other apparatus used was such as is found in any ordinary laboratory. When there is only a small amount of seed to be treated, such as the seed from a single head of clover or from a single clover plant, amounting to not more than a few hundred seeds, the following method may be employed: Place the seed in a small homeopathic vial or test tube. Pour on the seed a quantity of concentrated sulfuric acid equal to about five or six times the volume of the seed. Stir the mixture thoroughly with a stirring rod until all seeds are completely covered with the acid. Allow to stand for the time desired at ordinary room temperature. (See tables and conclusions for the length of time.) At the end of this time allow water from a faucet to run into the vial or test tube until it is nearly full, then quickly pour the entire contents into a strainer (an ordinary tea strainer is used for this purpose) and wash quickly with water. (If this method GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 299 is used the work should be done over a porcelain or other acid-resistant sink, and the waste acid washed away with water.) Wash for five minutes in running water or until the seed is entirely free from acid. The seed may be planted immediately or it may be allowed to dry before planting, the former process being preferable for small lots of seed. RED CLOVER SEED The preliminary work on the treatment of clover seed was conducted by treating it with acid for only 10 minutes. This treatment, as is shown later, did not give so good results as a longer treatment would have given. The earlier work was on the treatment of some seed obtained from the Illinois Experiment Station. This seed was from some of the different strains which that station was breeding. Part of the seed from each sample had been sown in the field and some of it had given very poor germination. This seed was from individual heads from different plants, and shows the great variation relative to germination that exists in dif- ferent plants. The results of the field trials with these lines are shown in Table 2. TABLE 2. RED CLOVER SEED Tests of germination in field, between blotters, and in sand pots, untreated and treated with concentrated sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) for 10 minutes Lot no. Per cent germination In field Between blotters In sand pots Untreated Untreated Treated Untreated Treated IOI 23 90 27 20 27 13 10 20 17 30 16 48 H 10 8 16 12 22 26 22 76 72 80 84 26 88 92 50 46 74 28 63 12 4 13 20 3 32 29 18 68 69 68 70 23 70 94 67 47 85 127 . 157 162 172 182 184....- 189 192 . 197 Average per cent 27.7 19.4 68.8 22 .2 66.1 This table shows that seed No. 127 gave a very good germination of 90 per cent in the field test, while No. 184 gave only 10 per cent. Thus we see that seed from some plants gives a very high percentage of germi- nation, while that from others has a very small amount of seed that 300 BULLETIN 312 germinates readily. The seed from the different plants was handled alike in curing and in planting. One of the questions arising in this work is whether similar results from treated seed would obtain when the test is made in the soil rather than between blotting papers. So when this work was undertaken, one lot of seed from each of several samples was treated with acid for 10 minutes and placed between moist blotting papers, while another lot was treated with acid in the same manner and then "planted in sand in pots. At the same time checks for each lot were run. This check seed was soaked in water, then placed between moist blotting paper; or, for the soil test, it was planted in sand. Since, as stated above, some of this seed had been planted in the field at the Illinois Experiment Station, the results obtained there will be given also. These results are shown in Table 2, under the heading " Per cent germination in field." 1234 FIG. 78. — Soil tests of treated and untreated clover seed. Seed in pots I and j untreated. Seed in pots 2 and 4 treated On examining this table one sees that most of the seed gave a very poor germination in the field and also in the checks, whether planted in sand or germinated between blotting paper. In several instances the check seed gave a lower germination than did the field test. This may be explained in part by the fact that the checks were run two years after the field test was made. In the case of seed Nos. 127 and 172, a lower germination was obtained for the treated seed than the field test gave. This is very likely due to the age of the seed. In all cases, with the ex- ception of the two mentioned, the acid treatment gave a higher rate of germination than did the untreated seed in the field test. Several of the lots showed a great increase after acid treatment. Later work showed that a longer acid treatment than 10 minutes was better for most clover seed, so it is possible that had these samples been treated for a longer time a much higher rate of germination would have been obtained. The averages for the different kinds of treatment are 27.7 for the field test, 20.8 for the checks, and 67.45 for the treated seed. The seeds that were germinated between blotting papers gave a germination per cent of 68.8, while those planted in sand germinated at the rate of 66.1 per cent. GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 301 These results agree so closely that it is evident the treated seeds would germinate as well when planted in the soil as they show in the laboratory tests. The lots of clover seed dealt with in Table 3 were from selected lines that were being propagated by an experiment station* in its breeding work. The seed of the different lots was grown in 1910 and was threshed from the plants after these were thoroughly and carefully cured. After threshing, the seed was kept for a time in the laboratory, in ordinary homeopathic vials, and later in paper envelopes. The action of sulfuric acid on all of these lots of seed experimented with is shown; it cannot be said, therefore, that only those lots showing beneficial results from acid treatment have been singled out and presented. TABLE 3. RED CLOVER SEED Effect of concentrated sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.83) on germination. in each test) (100 seeds used Number of seeds germinated after Average TVp£i tmpnt r»f Lot no. j. red L 1 1 icii u Soaked in OI duplicate 5 9 21 tests days days days I-i-i Water 120 min 19 22 23 2 Water 120 min 74 15 \6 29. 5 3 Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min ot 98 O\J 98 98 7 * *J 4 Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min 95 95 95 96.5 5 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 99 99 99 6 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 07 97 97 98 -7/ -7/ s t s^ I-2-I Water 120 min 20 22 23 2 Water 120 min 17 19 19 21 3 Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min 91 92 93 4 c Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 94 98 94 98 S3 94 \J 6 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 98 98 98 98 I-V-i Cone, sulfuric acid 15 min.(#) 64 66 67 o 2 Cone, sulfuric acid 15 min T" 57 64 v I 65 66 -I Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min . . . . O t 77 **"f 85 \J 85 o 4 Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min / / 78 78, v\y 78 81.5 5 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 74 77 77 6 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 73 77 77 77 I-4-i Water 120 min 22 28 28 2 Water 120 min 21 28 28 28 3" Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min 76 76 76 4 Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min / 89 / v 89 / v 90 83 5 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 96 96 96 6 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 97 97 97 96-5 (a) Unfortunately no check without acid treatment was run on this lot. * This seed was obtained from the University of Illinois. 302 BULLETIN 312 TABLE 3. RED CLOVER SEED — (Continued.) Number of seeds germinated after Average TYf>a t m £»« f r>f Lot no. Soaked in duplicate 5 9 21 tests days days days I-s-i Water 120 min 27 2Q 2Q 2 Water 120 min 28 28 28 28 5 3 Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min 90 92 4 Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min 92 93 95 93 5 5 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 9i 91 6 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min .'. /. 91 9i 9i I-6-I Water 120 min 78 7Q 7Q 2 Water 120 min 25 25 25 70 7 Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min 81 82 82 A Cone, sulfuric acid 30 min OS 96 07 89 5 5 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 90 91 6 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 92 92 91 5 I-I4-I Water 120 min 49 77 82 2 5 Water 120 min % 77 88 79 88 80.5 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 6 Cone, sulfuric acid 60 min 84 86 87 87-5 Two checks were run on each lot, excepting Lot 1-3. In order to compensate for the washing with water which acid-treated seeds received to remove all free acid, these check lots were soaked in water at a tem- perature of about 20° C. for two hours before being placed in the ger- rninator. Other lots of the same seed were soaked in concentrated sul- furic acid (sp. gr. 1.83) for 15, 30, or 60 minutes as indicated in the table above, and thoroughly washed in running water so as to remove all traces of acid. All the lots of seed, both checks and acid-treated, were germi- nated under similar conditions at the same time, between moist blotters in the germinator. It is seen in Table 3 that sulfuric acid treatment has been of benefit in causing germination in every case in these lots of clover seed. The differences in germination between the checks and the treated seed are remarkably large in nearly every case. In Lot 1-2, where the greatest benefit is observed, the checks after 21 days showed an average germina- tion of 21 per cent, while the samples treated with concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes showed an average germination of 94 per cent and those samples treated with concent-rated sulfuric acid for 60 minutes showed an average germination of 98 per cent. Other lots tested show about the same differences between the untreated and the treated seed. The least difference is observed in Lot 1-14. The checks here showed GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 303 an average germination of 80.5 per cent after 21 days, while the samples treated with concentrated sulfuric acid for 60 minutes showed an average FlG. 79. — Red clover seed 1-5-2. One hundred seeds of red clover not treated with sul- furic acid; twenty-eight per cent germinated after 5 days in germinator germination of 87.5 per cent. But even in this case the germination was much more uniform in the treated seed, for an average of 85 per cent had germinated in these samples at the end of the first five days, while the FlG. 80. — Red clover seed 1-5-2. Sixty-seven seeds of red clover, shown in Fig. 79, which had not germinated after 21 days. These were then treated with concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes and placed in the germinator for 4 days. Sixty-five seeds were then germinated 304 BULLETIN 312 untreated seed after the same time showed an average of only 48 per cent. In all other lots, both treated and untreated, the total percentages germi- nated after 2 1 days are not much larger than after the first five days. As is seen in Table 3, many of the seeds that did not receive acid treat- ment failed to germinate after 21 days between moist blotters. On examination, a few of these non-germinated seeds were found to be dead, being soft and somewhat decayed. Most of the non-germinated seeds, however, were bright in color, and the seed coats were hard and firm. Practically all of these bright-colored seeds were really alive, as was FIG. 81 — Red clover seed 1-5-5. One hundred seeds of red clover treated -with concen- trated sulfuric acid for 60 minutes. Ninety-one per cent germinated after 5 days. Nine " hard seeds " remain shown by the subsequent tests given them. In order to further test these hard, bright-colored seeds, they were taken from between the moist blotters and treated at once with concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 or 60 minutes, after which they were thoroughly washed and again placed in the germinator between moist blotters. The number of seeds from each lot thus treated is shown in Table 4, in the column " Number of seeds." Thus, from the lot in Table 3 marked I-i-i, 72 seeds were taken for the further treatment shown in Table 4. These 72 seeds, as indicated in Table 4, had received the " previous treatment " of being soaked in water 2 hours and remaining between moist blotters in the germinator for 21 days. After treatment with concen- GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 305 v£> 00 00 Th vO»O»O 00 Q C W •- W oo g S D aj f! I— J hfl ^ fe£ ~3 ? .2 a a a a a § o'e'e 'e 'g'e CO CO CO CO CO gee o o o ass .s.s.s.s S MM G ^ ^ " • fN c^ fe «- o i fa b O O «*-i O O J +J ^J . • .(_> ^J 2±3Sroro 2 crJaJ c 'roaJ B e E.§.| 'a || -B||| C C C CJ -H t— I ' S2 toioio ^ £ o 'o'o'o C C 'a o a o o '§'§'§ z z 'c M W) c c C C I II II . »-, V_ . Ofl U. W. CJ ^^ CJ 306 BULLETIN 312 trated sulfuric acid for 60 minutes these seeds were again placed in the germinator, with the result that 68 of them had germinated at the end of 4 days, and 71, or 98.6 per cent, at the end of 7 days. From 87 to 100 per cent of the seeds in most lots, treated as shown in Table 4, had germinated after 4 days. All ungerminated seeds, however, were left longer in the germinator and counts were again made at the end of 7 and 14 days, with the results shown. From an inspection of this table it is seen that Lots 1-3-1 and 1-3-2 had been previously treated with concentrated sulfuric acid for 1 5 minutes ; and that Lots I-s~(3, 4, and 5) had received such treatment fpr 30 or 60 minutes. These seeds after being again treated with acid (with the exception of those marked " D," which were soft, decayed, and doubt- less dead when put into acid) gave 100 per cent germination. This would seem to show quite conclusively that treatment of clover seed with concentrated sulfuric acid will often hasten germination, or will even make germination possible when otherwise it would be much delayed or would never occur. After these lots of clover seed had been in the germinator 14 days, as shown in Table 4, final counts were taken. It was seen that there still remained a few ungerminated seeds, which were bright, hard, and appar- ently alive. In order to test these few seeds further, a number of them were treated again with concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes, after which they were thoroughly washed in water and again placed in the germinator. The results are shown in Table 5. It is seen that every seed except 5 had germinated at the end of 3. .days. The five not germinated were apparently alive, but were not tested longer. These tests, besides showing that sulfuric acid treatment of clover seed is often beneficial to hasten and produce germination, show that some seeds require acid treatment for a considerable length of time: 15 or 30 minutes is sometimes not long enough. They also show the great resistance that some clover seeds have to the action of water on their seed coats. Some of the seeds experimented with were between moist blotters for 21 days without germinating; then they withstood the action of concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 to 60 minutes and were 14 days between moist blotters without germinating. On further treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes (as shown in Table 5), practically all of these most resistant seeds germinated. Effect of treatment for different lengths of time In order to determine the length of time during which clover seed could be left in concentrated sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.83) without injury, several experiments were tried, the results of which are given in Tables 6 and 7. GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 307 3 3 3 § I H ^ »d I . .;=; oi .as ^-566 S oS i& C8. § i: *::j| 1 ^"^ a, 'd w III s §1 O rO >-i \O 3o8 BULLETIN 312 Q O W M — _rl w -& w I, o ^ s S 1 -41 ^ 3 'd -I m 10 10 to o t-* c« 00 ON 00 ON 00 >-i vO O rt-vO >O O (N fO ON ONVO O OO f« lOCO OO t^.OO CO CO CO 00 ONOO CO ON ON ONOO OO ON ON ON ONOO CO vO t^ ID CO O vO O ro lO "000 W to ON ONV£> O OO M »OOO CO OO OO OO OO ONOO OO OO ON ONOO OO ON ON ON ONOO OO vO NO O vO O fO *O fiOO CS fO ON ON\O O OO t-i lOOO OO r^OO CO CO CO 00 ONCO 00 00 ON ONCO CO ON ON ON ONOO OO vO t^ lO xO OvO O fO>OrOt^r» fO ONCO \O O t^ •-< «OOO 00 CO CO 00 00 ONOO CO 00 ON ONOO OO ON ON ON ONOO 00 vO vO OvO O fO^tN t^»n rOOO t>« »O O t1" •"• ^ t^vO >OOO 00 00 00 00 ONOO 00 00 ON ONOO 00 ON ON ON ONOO OO >O t^« »O GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 309 1 VL duplicate tests IO ON ON TJ- IO IO rO ON ON ON ON r<^ 10 ON •'i' ON ON 00 ON "f ON ONOO ON ON ON OO £*"* N^ rOvO r^ ro fO t^\O O ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 4 ON ON ON. ONOO ON ON ON ^ >^ ON ** ON *~< T^OO OO ONOO ON ON ON »l rfjior^rOfOr^NO O *f ON ON ON ONOO ON ON ON <£H cu f/1 rS^ osr^^ rT\ ^7\ o\ £^S ^"TS OS OS OS OS OS OS s fO >> si ON UN.O> ^ i^3 ffl cd c . fs| fs) t^. lOOO M lOi-i fOt^.r-'.n rj-rf- ON ON ON ONOO ON ON ON imber of s C/3 ".I ON f> ON O Tl-00 00 ONOO ON ON ON -1 s-ssaasss 4 ON ON ON ONOO ON ON ON P ?* t>- IH OO ON ^00 OO ONOO OO ON ON eo *asaa*8S «i ON ON ON ONOO ON ON ON "i t-N. O « ^t" "-" ^ (NJ t^. t^OO ON ON •9 t>.\O lOOO vO ON *O fi *i f} O M * N rt ^ ^^^•^ ^^ 6 c d ad4^ 3io BULLETIN 312 Two lots of seed were purchased on the open market from seed dealers. These lots were grown in 1910 and the tests on them were made in Decem- ber, 1910. The lot marked "n" retailed at $11 a bushel, and the lot marked "12" at $12 a bushel. Samples of 100 seeds each were counted out from these two lots, which samples were soaked in water or in acid for varying lengths of time, as shown in Tables 6 and 7. (In no case does temperature enter as a factor in the treatment accorded seed. All were treated with water and with acid at about the same temperature, which was near 70° F. Acid-treated seeds and their checks were handled at the same time and placed in the germinator together, except as noted.) It is seen in Tables 6 and 7 that the seed experimented with is not noticeably injured by treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.83) for lengths of time up to 120 minutes. When the seed is left in longer, however, injury results to the seed coats and to the radicles of many seeds. This is especially true for seed left in the acid for 230 to 240 minutes. The maximum germination was secured in Lot 12 after acid treatment for 10 minutes, but the maximum was only i per cent higher than for 30, 40, or 80 minutes treatment, and 2 per cent higher than for the 120 minutes treatment. The maximum germination in Lot u was secured from the samples treated with acid 100 minutes, but this per- centage is but little larger than for lots treated with acid for a shorter time. It is seen that these tests were made with lots of seed that germinated well when no acid treatment was given. The acid-treated seed, however, germinated, on the average, better than the untreated seed, as is shown in Table 8; in Lot n the difference in favor of the treated being 6.6 per cent, and in Lot 12, 3.4 per cent: TABLE 8. RED CLOVER SEED (Summary of Tables 6 and 7) Lot no. Percentage of untreated seeds (checks) germinated during test (27-29 days) Percentage of seeds treated with concentrated sulfuric acid for 10 to 120 minutes, germinating during test (27- 29 days) Dif- ference ii 8-1 8 QO 4. 6 6 12 QO.5 Q-i a 3 A The lots of seed Nos. n and 12 had been handled in a commercial way, which is necessarily somewhat different from the method used for seed that is kept in the laboratory for experimental purposes. Effect of laboratory storage Samples of these lots were stored in envelopes in a drawer of a laboratory desk for four months , or from December, 1 9 1 o , t o April ,1911. These samples were then treated as shown in Table 9, and a germination test was made: GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 311 d OJ F < duplicate tests 00 10 tr> o to MD oo 00 ON ON 00 iO IO ! • .g < 1 J3 "^ *d IO OO ON ON ^O ON ON ON iO ' c T3 -> ^^ fi-S-S&as : : : lOOO IO r^-oo rO • ONOO ON ONOO ON w T3 8 w 8 6 C/3 ^ ''O 0.) W) 00 OC O^QC O^ O^f-o »^ i>O ONOO ON ONOO ON»^ ,*^ ^^ ^ « § -2 CO d ~. c 35^ ! ^ ^ t/3 00 00 O^OO ON ON "OVO •-• lOOO iO ^00 ro O ON »O ONOO ON ONOO ON Tj-vO W 3 1 I ° I *§ | ^ -1 00 00 ONOO ON Ov ^- iO looo 10 ^t-x 10 r^ HH CNOO ON ONOO ON CN TJ- n 3 5 ON ^ WM ::::::: >J CX HH v_x H 1 | 3 id 3 w § .£ "d C 'd *\^ ro ^~c- V o 2 !Jj 1 •o -(J O ^ « N ^^ ^ ^ -5 cJcJ'S'^'S'S'S'S'^ ^^ ^^ C3 03 CO Cu Cu Cu 03 o ^ ooooooo '• sssslll 111™ |Js cjo'S'S'S'S'S'S'S Cj C3 Cu CO 03 Q Cu 1 W s jl'i'i^'i'i'i j jn^m^ iisgggggg ^ ^ . IIJ^«§JI«§ 5 § ' <«6a^6«« n 3ia BULLETIN 312 The results obtained, as shown in this table, are practically the same as those that were obtained in the first test, except, possibly, that the seeds treated for the longer times were more injured in the second test. The germination of the checks was about the same in each case, which would indicate that " hard seeds " are not due altogether to conditions of storage, but are probably due to inherent differences. Professor Williams recog- nizes this in his letter quoted above, in which he states that 80 to 90 per cent of the seed of some plants germinates promptly, while others give only 5 to 10 per cent. Treatment of old seed The question arises, will the sulfuric acid treatment induce better germination in old seeds of red clover? In order to test this, some lots of old seed were procured and samples from these were treated with con- centrated sulfuric acid for different lengths of time, after which their germination was compared with untreated check samples from the same lots. All the seed, owing to age, conditions of storage, or otherwise, had lost largely in viability. The average germination of twenty samples from these lots, receiving no treatment, was 4.05 per cent; for twenty samples receiving sulfuric acid treatment for 10 minutes the average germination was 4.45 per cent. Effect of drying after treatment When small lots of seed are being dealt with, as is often the case in experimental work in which the yield of individual plants or of different lines is kept separate, it is possible to plant, immediately after washing, the seed that has been treated with acid. With larger lots, when the seed is to be sown broadcast or in a seeder, the moist seed must be dried before sowing. The question then arises, will the beneficial effects of acid treatment of hard seed still be manifest after drying has taken place? In order to determine this point, parts of several lots of seed were treated with concentrated sulfuric acid for one hour. After thorough washing the seeds were dried near a radiator for several days, as shown in Table 10, and then germinated between blotters without further treatment. The results obtained from these tests are shown in Table 10. Lot 1-2 showed a germination of 98.5 per cent after 5 days drying, as compared with 96 per cent secured without drying and with 21 per cent in the check. In a similar manner, all the other lots reported on in this table, after drying four to six days (i. e., becoming thoroughly dry), germinated practically as well as, or better than, the same lots did when drying out did not intervene between acid treatment and the germination test. The same is true for samples I-4-A and I~5-(A and B), in which cases 34 days intervened between the treatment and the test. In every case GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 313 8oj2 Cj t/2 t fc^'c M 00 n ON oo 00 lO -« ON O 00 00 00 vO -3-10 0< (S ON ON ON ON ONOO (N vO 0< rs ON ON ssa M ON I-H M OO t>« ON ON t>. ON M -rj- ON ON &) M— I 0) o3 •si 81 C/2 •i (S ON ^ ON (S w ON ON 00 00 00 vO -rJ-tO CNJ (\j ON ON ON ON O^OO (S \O d rs ON ON ON »O ON fC CS 00 t^. t^ 1-1 M t^ t^ ON ON £ r< -3- ON ON f 1 3 2 CA> -1 O r^ r^oo M M ON ON W •-< t^vO rt-iO W C< ON ON ON ON t^OO M v£) C4 Cl ON ON 00 iO ON ron 00 ^^^0\ & 0\0^ 1 c JS J'w' if • m 10 - 10 10 Tj- Tf lO IO • • to • • v£> vO Tj- CO ^^ • 1 i.g 1 3 I 1 . . e c/5 t-i w. ^^3 • '33 • -'u'o • • o3 oj ^^o a QJ CU 'C 'fj 32 3 3 C$ CJ vt^ T^H ^Hgg ^^ . • • V_i V-i l_ l-i ; ; A & A A '• '-3333 • -'o'a'o'G • c3 rt c^ ctf ^^0000 v aj'C'C'C'C •§•§55^^ HHgggg .^^ . . . . • • ^ t-i ; :^3^ • •33 ' *0 *o ^o S C C ^!^1 O O oouo 1 a c 0 0 UU >> 1 3 16 «3 t-i M 03 XI 1 c» 1 t— ( "i d 03 ,Q ro •«!*• 4 Ji "i (S OJXJ Jb 1 »— 1 HH N 03 J, I HH •-i C« CO r|- 4 T >— ( < 1 T^- | 0) •4J 4J CvJ Cj t^oo I '§'§ 'C'C O O CJO Ov O I 12 12 52 J2 33 03 03 *C'C O O C C 66 oc 0 0 SB 'o'o oJ rt O O •C'C 66 316 BULLETIN 312 1-= < 1 "0 -5 1 p g |:* 10 00 O^ OO ir "1 t^ > to x— • x- — • »-Ct • GO CO OO GO QO OO O*^ O^ Is** sl <* >X> S \O •- CO 00 H« Q t^ i^co co co v5 •3 I i h ^c . I/ oc > r oc \- J- OC "f O O 10 .00 GO !>• O r^oo oo « ?s 00 OO 00 O^ O^ Is* "1 " ° IOIOCO 00 00 vS still alive. | ^ •f ^c oc r> r- hh ^ ^ vO IN. «-" rh j^ t^-oo O \O Is** l^OO O^ O^ *O -1 c > Q co O >O rhoo O « C4 t>. t^vO »O apparently * 1 ff s . . p H 'v? 0 > ^^ •j3 to ^ 1 s fe- 1 s ll i >> rt *^ ^ c Hrt 1 ^ v ^— ^ • H X" •^ — :sss ; ; ; ;ss : ! :^3 • d c3 S j: c c C C G • • c c c c .S.S.S.S'i'S ^j i i/ *•• £ } I/ E ^ as e : :6 6 g £ i» 81 1 'i i | loo * " O O O O 0 0 U 0 0 0 oS co c^ rt rt rt 000000 1 x z 1 1 i^ja^J t/3 10 tfl * C/3 t/5 X/3 W to CO t/3 W3 t/3 W — 1 Z 1 i i O O O «§<§<§ nun 4 2 c 1 O O O O O O UOOOUO i coats ii . 8 Q 0 .tJ ^ i w »3 c g " A i ^ 1- i C f ^r hi/ ^vO t^oo 7 H4 Cl CO ^ IO\O *"* rt x: yd « , cOfT • N rO rO • .-SB ^ll" : 1 B* ro n IO tO cOt^ • • lOOO ON ONOO ON »O IO ON ON O» ON •^•lO M 00 IO t^ CN C4 CO N 1-1 >H 1 =1 f j§ asswffM* I-H vO ONOO OO ON O CO co co CN oo 10 r^ CNJ M CO C< i-" HH w w £ "1 1 »O ^ ONOO 00 l^ 3ft»«»g | CO CO CS 00 IO t^ M tN fO CN) H4 HH g -i ^ 00 O CN ^- w t^.^-,,^. •^- rj- ONOO 00 r^"^ -^ GO O OO 00 t^ OVx-^x— > cO Tt" O\ G^ C^ CN*^ "tj CO CO n 00 IO t>» N CNJ rOM 1-1 i-* * c £ o> Slu i| \ \ \ ;33Se ; ; ; ; ; ;ss : eS : : c c c- jj.s.s • g_g :dc---§ ; iff f|f| : :^^352^ • 'O T3 T3 T3 T3 'd IO »O O O H 1-1 VO VO HH HH ! III!! • • o O U O O O ^J^Joooooa ^J +j CJ O O O C C'C'C'C'C'C'C 1 §111111 g g-C'C'C'C ll'i'S'ills rt rt wj t/3 w w Illillll ZZCJOCJOCJO H H cj o o o O O o O O O ££0000 • • • • • • • o o » . 00 Oi' vii- «3- -^ Oi >3- J3 c | r? ^i n <• , n-i /n .. ! ^/i r! 1-1 n CO rf- lOvO O O O O O O GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 319 hastening and increasing germination of this seed should be of great importance to certain sections of the country. The results obtained by treating sweet clover seed (Mclilotus alba) with concentrated sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) are given in Table 14. This seed was grown in central Illinois in 1910 and was handled in small quantity in an experiment, having, therefore, the most favorable conditions for curing and for drying out thoroughly. The check tests gave an average germi- nation of only 4.5 per cent. Treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid for 25, 60, and 120 minutes resulted in germinations of 98 per cent, 99 per cent, and 99 per cent, respectively. These percentages were raised to 100 per cent, 99 per cent, and 100 per cent, respectively, by treating the six seeds not germinating after 22 days, in tests 3, 4, and 8, with acid for 30 minutes more and again placing them in the germinator for 4 days. The seeds not germinated in the checks, Nos. i and 2, after 22 days were taken from between the moist blotters and treated immediately with concentrated sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) for 30 minutes. At the end of 4 days after these were again placed in the germinator, 182 of the 1 88 seeds treated were germinated, and at the end of 17 days 183 were germinated, while 5 yet remained ungerminated but apparently alive. • No further tests were made with these. The seed coats of this lot of seed were somewhat injured by the 1 2o-minute treatment, being eaten through in places. Perfect germination took place, however, in these cases. In this connection, H. N. Vinall, of the Office of Forage Crop Investigations of the United States Department of Agriculture, writes concerning some other lots of seed: " You will notice that above 30 minutes the seed is pretty badly injured, and our germi- nations show that the 15 -minute treatment gave the strongest germinations in most cases. I am running a duplicate set of seed in which the seed treated 30 minutes is giving the best results. The seed used had close to 50 per cent of hard seed in it. The results indicate that farmers will have to be cautioned very strongly against handling the sulfuric acid treatment loosely, as it appears the seed can be very readily injured by so doing." In order to test the effect of drying out of the seed after treatment with sulfuric acid and washing with water, two samples treated with acid for one hour were allowed to dry out thoroughly in a warm place for several days before they were placed in the germinator. In Table 14 it is seen that at the end of 4 days 98 per cent had germinated in one case and 96 per cent in the other, and after 6 days 99 per cent of the first sample had germinated. This result is in accord with those obtained for red clover, where the beneficial effects of acid treatment of hard seed still obtain after the drying of the seed subsequent to treatment with acid and washing with water. 320 BULLETIN 312 Average duplicate 00 ON ON ON ' ON ON t^-t^oo r^o ON ON OA ON O OA ON O ON llll-g ^^ o 5 o 6 o ^^OOCJOOO 3 V-i II 0> 0) 0) II 1 >>>, d? § § *a Q, 5 • H O> to o3 nj 1 v^x!5 1 4 O> ON w O^ ON *t3 5_, rf) 10 ON ON 1 a 1 •g o 3 GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 321 With the foregoing results in mind, it is evident that for many samples of leguminous seed good results are obtained by the acid treatment. It seems possible to devise a method for the treatment of seed on a large scale : that is, seed which shows on testing that there is present a large amount of hard seed, may be treated by the bushel without any great difficulty and thus the germination may be increased. WEED SEEDS Various kinds of weed seeds are usually found mixed with the clover and alfalfa seeds of commerce. Some kinds of these seeds are similar in appearance to the commercial seeds, being thus difficult to distinguish or separate from them. Black medick and yellow trefoil are of this class. Other kinds can be easily distinguished in appearance but are difficult to remove. Of this class are the seeds of the dodders, plantains, docks, wild carrot, old- witch grass, daisies, and the like. It was thought to be of interest and perhaps of value to determine the effect of concentrated sulfuric acid on these various weed seeds. In case they were killed by such treatment, those difficult to separate could then be done away with by this means. Accordingly tests were made, the results of which are shown in Table 15. It is there seen that the seeds of black medick and of yellow trefoil are slightly injured by acid treatment, but even a treatment of two hours was not sufficient to kill more than three fourths of the seeds in any case. The acid treatment, then, is of no value in removing these seeds from commercial seed. It is further seen in Table 15 that the germination of the seed of field dodder was hastened and increased by the acid treatment, the best ger- minations being here obtained after two hours in concentrated sulfuric acid. It is rather disappointing to find this to be true, since dodder is a very noxious weed. The seed of daisy, wild carrot, and bracted plantain were all killed by a 15 -minute treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid. The seed of sorrel, curled dock, and old-witch grass, were all killed by a 6o-minute treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid. These facts may be of some commercial importance. COTTON SEED While the effect of concentrated sulfuric acid on the seeds of legumes was being studied, the question arose of using acid for delinting cotton seed and then testing the germination. It was thought that if the seeds were not injured by the acid treatment they might be delinted in this way, so that they could be more readily separated into light and heavy seed and handled much more easily in planting. 322 BULLETIN 312 w "§ w s »0 W W H ir> <^ 10 O o 10 ^-v 0 fC^O NvO i >-> C< N CO N -" •"S'q'8'8 S'Q ; oj oS n3 03 o3 ctS '§'§'§'§'§'§ n : S o c3 a OOOOOOOO * c3 cd cj c3 rt c3 j ^^ 00000 ^00000 GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 323 o CO c3 •> co rt -t co O O O O O H* 1-1 co O O co r^. O O O «O CO CO "cow " ° ° tf) V-i T3 % -1 1000 O O O O O <-> co -" (N CN CO coO O O CO CM HH ri-vO -CO o) £ <4-l t/J oo W O O O O r^ co (N d o O 00 ONO 0 0 t-.COHH 0 0 | -3 00 fN O O O O 10 ^t* r>- HH o O rj- fO CO O O ,,.„ * G G • G G . oJ B C ' M C G C H 'o'o'o'o Cu Cu CO CJ °, a ° o ; 'o'o'o'o TO* TO CO CO ! O O O O lOiOw M '§'§'§§ i 0 0 0 0 10 «0 O I'll o o o Illlll ; 'C'C'C'C i M Ol t/J W5 •'C'C'C'C •33'd'3 ' w in tn in w W*C'C'C ™ ™£££ ^* " W W M _o> ^j 6 o 6 d o o § o o o 2ZOOOO v 6 6 6 6 C c G C G o o o o o ZUOUO CU O cj O O ^CJCJCJ £ r >- fN CO -^-O 00 1 I lO t^ i-" M co -^-vO 00 r» co T)-O oo 1 | -i N cOTj-\O 10 8 3 Plantago lanceolata (Rib grass) Rumex acetosella (Sorrel) 55 *£ ^ |3 S -j} 324 BULLETIN 312 \o »o rt- 10 o C^ \5 oo O O oo H« O O -a \O JO Tf ID O Cv vO O O 00 HN O O 00000 cscsOOooOOO o o o o o 000000000 00 o o o o o d d 6^ e a e IO 10 O _ w vo •S : .£ '- IO IO O O > >> P-H 03 i/J (2 PO M »-" N 00 00 O^ ON -• O M 0 00 ON ON 00 00 O 00 t^ t>. ONOO lOvO 00 00 M O c c a'a oJ cJ GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 327 or an increase of 9 per cent for the treatment. Nor was this the only advantage attained. The germination of the treated seed was acceler- ated very materially. At the end of 7 days, the time of the first count, an average of 55 per cent of the treated seeds had germinated, while in the check the average was 10.5 per cent. At the end of 9 days, the s o K L JJ ^o OIL J FIG. 82. — The solid line represents the germination of cotton seed treated with concen- trated sulfuric acid for 75 minutes; the broken line, the germination of the untreated seed. (Table 16} germinations were 70.5 per cent and 31 per cent, respectively; at n days, 83.5 per cent and 57 per cent, respectively. This acceleration of germination is illustrated in the accompanying curve, Fig. 82. It is seen in Table 17 that Lot C 09 gave in the check tests 90 per cent and 97.5 per cent germination, the samples that were soaked in water for 24 hours previous to being placed in the germinator giving the lower germination. The acid-treated samples vary from 98 per cent to 87.5 328 BULLETIN 312 g ? 8 "3 6 | srl 3 1 M 0) PQ M £ § & v g 2«~.3 (15 O '*3 sl n 00 Ov£> O^OO ON ^ ON ON ONOO ON ON ON ON ON ON ONOO ts>» ON oo r^iON coc^-^-w I^(N\ONO w »ooo t^ 00 OO ON ON ONOO ON ON ON ON ON ON ONOO t^ ON ONCN) HH iOi-i t>» v-i OO O IOHH cO*-* ^J~vO ^t- t>.00 00 00 00 1^ ONOO ONOO ON ON ONOO t^. ON Z&& 00 rr>vO t^OO » CS \O fO OO 00 OO t^OO ONOO OO l^* ON NO HH O fO ID -^-00 vo t^.o \o \o NO t^ ONCNJ ON r<5 O »O »O t^ O rj-00 O «O 00 O O *f) O « ^D ^^ oooo o'o *o ' o'o 'o 'o'o 'o __ " 0000000 "0 ^^^^CJOCJOCJCJOOO vO t>-00 ON O 1-1 M i i i T e r r i CJ GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 329 w w W c CO O pq M < c S ° J, cu C 4 i1 IO IO »O >O co Oi-'Q»OrJ-O'-iiOiOOr>.ONON -^-00 CO **§**§ asa&&S*S* « •s to -t >-i 00 t^OO O 00 »-i c<5 O ON l^ »OOO N l^ GO GO ONOO ON ON ON ON ONOO ON ON ON ON ON ; germinat =1 \O NO O t^» O ^" r*^ t^* cONO ^^ (N (S ON t^ t^^ t'** ON r^OO ONOO OO OO OO ON ON ONOO ON u to "o to _ _ HH rj- rj-00 »O (N O ^300 N O t^NO 'OO'OvO^OoOOOOO t>.QO OO ON ONOO ON | co iO r*5 HH t^. *D **5 HH lOvO t>» »O rh t^OO rO •^- re ^- Tt- »ooo oo vo »o*o r^oo oo r^ ON I c •t >O W5vO rhiOOO CCO ON fO O NO »O t^NO «*5 HI rO f5 t>.vO rt" to >O »O l~^ t>- >OOO put to soak 1 to lo^occnoo^jo^opO-5 n time first 0 | •a 4) ^c ^^'wccieieicccccccc b 4 I < 4. c :.S 1 3^ £££ asaaaaeeaeae germinate 2 nC/2 i i p'l'l'l'l'l'l'S'l'I'5'g'l " c I ^^ ggggggggggg-g '| I^OCJOOCJCJCJCJOOCJO 1 c*5 »OvO l">»00 ON O "-1 W <*5 "^t" *ONO l^CC | ( H O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o PH 330 BULLETIN 312 per cent, increasing from 90.5 per cent for the i5-minute treatment, through 94.5 per cent and 95 per cent for the 3o-minute and 4 5 -minute treatments respectively, to 98 per cent for the 6o-minute treatment, and falling to 90 per cent and 87.5 per cent for the i2o-minute and i So- minute treatments respectively. It is not believed, however, that the graduated increase and decrease in germination is of much significance. It is seen in Table 18 that lot C 10 gave in the check tests 90 per cent and 95.5 per cent germination, the samples that were soaked in water tru _. -— -96 ^ =- K— •* •^ * Of ^ •^ / •* (^ uL / v 3 ~T{\ / / f n lu / , c^ (?( / /'. p / / / 0^ Cf / / ( T$ Ou / / if / / b 4u I 1 7Y / 1 1 b UL / 1 ft "If / 1 * zx /; 1 ^ o 1^ 1 ( r j.^ I „,* 1 *~ C 4 6 6 A -) A • J\ p ^ 3 a r ^~7 rx }/ j <\ • - / FIG. 83. — The solid line represents the germination of cotton seed treated with concen- trated sulfuric acid for 30 to 180 minutes; the broken line, the germination of the untreated seed. ( Tables 17 and IQ) for 24 hours previous to being placed in the germinator giving the lower germination. The acid-treated samples vary from 93.5 per cent to 99 per cent germination, the highest germination in this case being for the i2o-minute treatment and the lowest for the 6o-minute treatment. Germinations of 96 per cent, 95 . 5 per cent, 95 per cent, and 94. 5 per cent, were secured for the 180-, 30-, 45-, and is-minute treatments, respectively. In the tests with these lots the total germination of the acid-treated seed was about the same as that of the checks. The germination was markedly accelerated, however, by the acid treatment. The acceleration is represented graphically in Figs. 83 and 84, where the average germina- GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 331 tion of the check lots, or those germinated after being soaked in water for 2 hours, is shown in comparison with the treated lots. The treated lots include all acid treatments of 30 minutes or over, those treated 15 minutes not being included, since that time of treatment was considered insufficient. The acceleration of germination is quite marked in each lot. C V FIG. 84. — The solid line represents the germination of cotton seed treated with concen- trated sulfuric acid for jo to 180 minutes; the broken line, the germination of the untreated seed. ( Tables 18 and ip) TABLE 19. COTTON SEED Number of seeds germinated after 4 days 6 days 8 days 10 days 12 days 17 days days 27 days Lot C 09 treated Lot C 09 untreated 47-7 7 5 69.7 4.1 81. 61 =; 85-2 72 e; 88.3 8^ 91.9 Q-Z C 92.9 QC C 93- Q7 ^ VO • O y/ • j Difference in favor of treated 40.2 28.7 19-5 12.7 5-3 —1.6 —2.6 —4-5 Lot C 10 treated Lot C 10 untreated 28.8 . 5 61.7 10. s 76.9 17 86.1 61 90.1 81 94- Q2 5 95-4 QC, C 95-8 QC c Difference in favor of treated 28.3 51 2 39-9 25-1 7-i i-5 .1 •3 332 BULLETIN 312 The data given in Table 19 show the increased number germinated in the treated lots over the untreated lots. This is shown graphically by Figs. 83 and 84. Effect of drying after acid treatment The effect of drying the seed after it is treated with acid, and washed with water so as to remove the sulfuric acid, is shown in Table 20. It is seen that there is a considerable acceleration still manifest in the ger- mination 28 days after treatment has taken place. In order to secure further evidence on this point, some of the C 10 seed that had been treated for i hour with sulfuric acid and then washed with water was tested after FIG. 85. — Cotton seed, acid for 60 minutes, after 4 days The lower twenty seeds were treated with concentrated sulfuric The twenty seeds above received no treatment. Germination being kept in the laboratory for about 8 months. A check test of the untreated seed from the same lot, which had been kept in the meantime in the same room with the treated, was made for comparison. Of the untreated seeds 176 were used; of the treated, 116 seeds. The germina- tions after 4 days were: untreated, 42, or 23.9 per cent; treated, 112, or 96.6 per cent. Some of these seeds are shown in Fig. 85. It is believed that cotton seed can thus be delinted and allowed to dry out, and that the factors which cause acceleration of germination will still remain. It seems evident that the advantages to be gained from delinting cotton seed are: the acceleration of germination secured; the increased facility with which the seed may be separated into light and heavy; the possi- GERMINATION OF SEED AS AFFECTED BY SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT 333 f •8 8 • 3 w >$ « rff* bJD ^ feb OT t^ <•*— cu c duplicate tests to GO CO 10 ON ON •f 00 00 OO GO ON ON ON ON CM g» R R & £ rs. '^ ' •* M 00 oo ON ON $ 3 CO xO Is** CO to Is>* f^ vQ *O l^- 1^^ OO OO d .9 •a 0) tuo sj R 5 R R O CO 00 O •g to R 3 *"* £. ON ^ t-t rf- 10 ^o r^* Is* j 9 B< "1 £ 5> ^ vS O rt- -rf 00 -1 J^ S" co ro 10 •«*• 10 ON CO CO rh 10 "d u R 00 00 00 00 CM (M CM CM OO OO GO CO CM CM CM CM Q' 9 fe ' > ' _ ' rt rt rt rt d r : r : .| : d d d d § .S :.S : S : § § 1 § Treatment d 2 1 o ° I ° I ic ! co o • in • t^ • cO " t^^* o3 y • o • oS TO - o3 o .. • • 0 a Z 3 rt S X -t_» C 0 0) a o -O 0) g CD |_ 3 O 43 PO HD jg §« en u rfg c-13 O a> J3~ •M a 0 0) §£ II a a 0) N 1 JS +J a o £ e 0 'J C 03 °^ ll Q* Liliaceae Smilax rotundifolia, L. ^ 1 0 1 3 6 46 0 0 0 0 0 56 1.5 0 7 34 1 0 11 (2) 9 0 0 0 5 13 2 2 0 0 0 0 17 4 0 22 24 52 13 47 (3) 0 2 0 5 11.5 26 1 1 1 0 0 12 5 1 27 31 37 27 65 (4) 12 0 0 0 2 10 22 1 0 0 0 0 11 3 1 13 25 51 16 54 (5) 51.4 3.1 0 1 1 2.6 0 0 0 76.6 15.7 2.2 0 49 72 57.3 70 11.7 0 69 (6) 45.7 3.1 0 0 0 5.2 5.5 0 0 80 0 0 9 68 80 78.6 72.5 17.6 2 86 (7) 48.5 3.1 0 0 0 5.2 0 1 0 83.3 21 0 0 52 62.6 56 72.5 0 0 77 Rosaceae Pyrus Malus, L Crataegus Marshallii, Eggleston Rosa Carolina, L Leguminosae Cercis canadensis L Gleditsia triacanthos L Gymnocladus dioica, (L.) Koch. . . . Anacardaceae Rhus glabra L Celastraceae Celastrus scandens L Aceraceae Acer Negundo L Acer saccharum Marsh . . . Acer platanoides, L Rhamnaceae Rhamnus cathartica L Vitaceae Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx... Ampelopsis tricuspidata, S, & Z. . . Vitis riparia, Michx !Menispermum canadense L Ebenaceae Diospyros virginiana L Oleaceae Ligustrum vulgare L.. . . . Bignonaceae Tecoma radicans, (L.) Juss 0 No germination REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 29 Results of Forcing Seeds of Woody Plants. Seeds of woody plants were treated in various ways for three general purposes : first, to find what species seem to have a rest period; second, to test the various treatments used for breaking the rest (Table 11) ; and, third, for testing effects of treatments on total percentage of germination (Table 12). The results shown in the two tables were then summarized in Table 13. A review of the experiments and summary will be of in- terest. TABLE 13. SUMMARY OF TABLE 11, EFFECTS OF TREATMENTS ON THE REST PERIOD, AND TABLE 12, EFFECTS OF TREATMENTS ON TOTAL GERMINATION Treatment Average length of dormant period in days Percentage of Germination (1) Planted at maturity, no treatment. . (2) Dried one month 50.1 56.5 14.5 17.5 (3) Dried one month, soaked 3 hrs., eth- erized 12 hrs 60.0 16.2 (4) Dried one month, etherized 24 hrs.. . (5) Dried one month, frozen in stratifi- cation 58.1 22.1 17.0 34.4 (6) Dried one month, frozen in stratifi- cation etherized 12 hrs 26.8 42.5 (7) Dried one month, frozen in stratifi- cation etherized 24 hrs. 22.6 43.8 Of the 31 species tested (Tables 11 and 12), the following 11 failed to make any germination whatever: Betulaceae Ostrya virginiana, L. Carpinus caroliniana, L. Rosaceae Prunus Persica, (L.) Stokes. Crataegus coccinea, L. Pyrus Scheideckeri, Hort. Pyrus fastigiata bifers, Hort. Leguminosae Robinia Pseudo-acacia, L. Rutaceae Ptelea trifoliata, L. Celastraceae Euonymus atropurpureus, Jacq. Cornaceae Cornus asperifolia, Michx. Caprifoliaceae Symphoricarpos vulgaris, Michx. Those species requiring more than two weeks for germination, or which made no growth, where planted at maturity (Table 11, col- umn 1), evidently have a rest period. Also those that showed no growth at all (see list following Table 12) may be counted as having a period of rest. Apparently, then, 93.5 per cent of the list of species tested have a rest period. The treatment that produced the earliest growth in seeds was the freezing in stratification followed by etherizing twenty-four hours. 30 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 This treatment shortened the dormant period (as compared with seeds planted at maturity without treatment) in five species out of the eleven that grew. The average shortening of the rest period by this treatment was nearly twenty-eight days. The other two treatments making use of stratification did almost as well. The highest germina- tion followed drying, freezing in stratification and etherizing for twenty-four hours, which was nearly 30 per cent better than seeds planted at maturity without treatment. Drying seeds for a month seemed to greatly retard germina- tion, as compared with seeds planted immediately after ripening (Ta- ble 13, lines 1 and 2). Etherizing the dried seeds for twenty-four hours or soaking for three hours followed by twelve hours of ether gave about the same results. The average retardation in all dried seeds (except those that were stratified) was from 6.4 to 9.9 days. However, the drying appeared to increase the total germination by from 1.7 to 3 per cent. (Table 13, lines 1 to 4). Comparing the seeds that were dried one month with those that were planted immediately after maturity, Table 13 shows that about 3 per cent more of the latter grew. However, on the average the dried seeds required 56.5 days for germination to begin, while those planted at maturity on the average began to germinate in 50.1 days. Evidently the rest period, or the length of time required for germina- tion after planting, is somewhat increased by the drying process; or perhaps the rest period does not set in until a few days after seeds are ripe or until after they have undergone a few days of drying. This change that takes place in seeds corresponds to what is popu- larly known among gardeners and others as the "curing process/' thru which they say seeds must pass before they will do to plant, if best results are to be expected. Comparing dried seeds with similar species that were soaked three hours in water and then etherized for twelve hours, it is seen by ref- erence to columns 2 and 3 in Table 11 that the ether treatment short- ened the dormant period in nine species out of twelve that grew, or where there was any difference. The average shortening of the rest period amounted to 3.5 days. The ether treatment brought about germination in six species where the checks (the dried seeds) refused to germinate, but in no case was germination prevented by the treat- ment. In six species out of twelve, however, the percentage of germi- nation was decreased by the ether treatment. An average of all per- centages shows that there was a decrease of 1.3 per cent in germina- tion in seeds that were etherized twelve hours. A comparison of the results obtained from treating dried seeds with ether for twenty-four hours, and similar species of dried seeds REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 31 with no other treatment (columns 4 and 2, Table 11) shows that the ether apparently had no influence of any consequence on either the time required for growth to begin, or total germination (lines 2 and 4, Table 13). Comparing dried seeds that were stratified and frozen with simi- lar species of dried seeds untreated, it will be seen from columns 5 and 2 in Table 11, that fourteen of the former grew while only eleven of the latter germinated. Twenty species of each were planted. The stratified seeds, however, made a much earlier growth than the dried ones, the average length of time required for growth to begin being 22.1 days, while the dried seeds on the average required 56.5 days. Comparing the extent of germination in the two it is seen that 34.4 per cent of the stratified seeds germinated while only 17.5 per cent of the dried seeds grew. (Table 13, lines 2 and 5). It is evident from this that the custom of stratifying seeds after they have once been allowed to dry out, is a very necessary practice. One lot of seeds of all species was etherized for twelve hours after being dried, and then frozen while stratified. Comparing these with similarly stratified seeds receiving no ether treatment (columns 6 and 5, Table 11), we learn that the ether treatment caused varying results. In some cases the dormant period apparently was shortened, while in other cases it was seemingly lengthened. In other words the ether seemed to force certain species into an early growth, while it hindered the growth in others. However, the percentage of germina- tion was very markedly increased by the ether treatment, the average increase being 8.1 per cent. The average time required for germination to begin in the etherized seeds was 26.8 days, which was, on the aver- age, 4.7 days longer than required for growth to begin in similarly stratified and frozen seeds that received no ether. The ether treat- ment seemed to cause germination to take place in three species that did not germinate where similar seeds were stratified only, and in four species the treatment apparently prevented germination, because the same species without treatment grew. However, the ether increased the total germination, as stated above, to the extent of 8.1 per cent. (Table 13, lines 5 to 7). The final comparison is between seeds stratified and frozen and then etherized for twenty-four hours, and similar stratified seeds re- ceiving no ether treatments. (Columns 7 and 5, Table 11.) The ether treatment increased the total germination by 9.4 per cent, but did not shorten the rest period. It is interesting to compare all of the treatments as regards the average length of time required for germination to take place. The shortest time required for growth to begin (Table 13, line 5) was 32 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 22.1 days from those that were frozen in stratification. The next quickest growth took place in those seeds that were dried, frozen in stratification and etherized twenty-four hours — 22.6 days. (Table 13, line 7.) Those that were dried, frozen in stratification and ether- ized for twelve hours, made the third quickest growth — that is, in 26.8 days on the average. (Table 13, line 6.) Seeds planted at ma- turity without treatment were the fourth to grow, the average time of germination being 50.1 days. Those that were dried one month before planting ; dried and etherized for twenty-four hours ; and dried, soaked three hours and etherized for twelve hours grew in 56.5, 58.1 and 60 days, respectively. (Table 13, lines 2, 4 and 3.) The highest percentage of germination secured — 43.8 per cent on the average — was from seeds that were dried one month, frozen in stratification and etherized for twenty-four hours. The other strati- fication treatment, where twelve hours of ether was given, did almost as well, the total being 42.5 per cent, while those stratified but not etherized, showed only 34.4 per cent. The total germination from the remaining four plantings ranged from 14.5 to 17.5 per cent. (Table 13.) The influence of the stratification alone, wherever used, more than doubled the total percentage of germination. Apparently then, it would be good practice to stratify seeds of woody plants when har- vested, or shortly afterward. At first sight it might seem that seeds planted as soon as ripe and given no chance to dry out ought to have germinated on the aver- age in less than fifty days, and made a higher germination than 14 per cent. However, it should be remembered that these seeds were planted in September and practically all germinated before freez- ing weather came, while the stratified seeds were severely frozen be- fore being planted. The following general conclusions may be drawn from the ex- periments in treating seeds during the winter of 1912-13 : Seeds that are planted after being kept in stratification, germinate much more readily and produce a much higher percentage of germination than similar seeds that are kept in dry storage before planting. The effects of treating seeds with ether are much more marked on the subse- quent growth of stratified seeds than on unstratified seeds. In gen- eral the ether treatments shortened the dormant period of seeds and increased the percentage of germination, but the different species re- acted quite differently to this kind of treatment. Twenty-four hours of ether seemed to be more effective than the 12-hour dose, both as regards reducing the length of the dormant period, and increasing the percentage of germination, altho here again the species were found to vary considerably. In several instances the 24-hour ether treatment REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 33 was apparently too severe, and this tended to reduce the total per- centage of germination so that it was only slightly greater than that following the 12-hour treatment. This principle holds good in ether- izing both woody and herbaceous plants. If the dose is severe enough to be injurious, growth is quick but the percentage is apt to be low. Treatment of Seeds of Herbaceous Plants. During the winter of 1912-13, while working with seeds of woody plants, some additional experiments were carried out with seeds of herbaceous plants. The seeds used were mostly those of common vegetables which had been purchased from a commercial seed house and kept in ordinary storage until January. The treatments were made during the months of January and February. Since a large number of treatments were to be given, only a comparatively few species could be used. The species employed were: Indian corn (Zea Mays, L.), Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus, L. var. Macrocarpus, Benth.), kidney bean (Phaseolus vul- garis, L.), watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris, Schrad.), squash (Cucur- bita maxima, Duchesne), spinach (Spinacia Oleracea, L.), radish (Raphanus sativus, L.), okra (Hibiscus esculentus, L.), and onion (Allium Cepa, L.). The agents used for forcing growth were ether, freezing, soaking, and combinations of these treatments. Whenever ether was used in a combination treatment, it was always the last treatment preceding planting. The quantity of ether used per unit of space and the methods of making the treatments were the same as described under the head of "seeds of woody plants," (page 26.) The freezing was done with a salt and ice mixture, the temperature being lowered to — 5° to — 10° Centigrade, and the seeds exposed to this temperature for twenty-four hours. The soaking was done in tap water at room temperature. All germination tests in this series of experiments were carried out by spreading the seeds between sheets of filter paper in wooden plates. These plates were kept in an enclosed space (moist chamber) over a sand bench in the greenhouse. The approximate temperature was 22° C altrio the actual temperature at times varied considerably from this figure. The object of the test was not only to find out the general effects of ether and frost on different kinds of vegetable seeds and to what extent germination is hastened by them, but by means of combinations of the treatments to find out to what extent germination may be in- fluenced by varying the conditions under which the ether and frost are applied. The following review shows in detail the exact treatments to which each set of seeds of the different species was subjected. 34 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 1. Dry seeds. Untreated. (To check treatments 2 to 12 in- clusive.) 2. Dry, etherized 12 hours. 3. Dry, etherized 24 hours. 4. Dry, frozen 24 hours. (To check 5 and 6.) 5. Dry, frozen 24 hours, then etherized 12 hours. 6. Dry, frozen 24 hours, then etherized 24 hours. 7. Dry, frozen 24 hours, then soaked in water 3 hours. (To check 8 and 9.) 8. Dry, frozen 24 hours, soaked 3 hours, then etherized 12 hours. 9. Dry, frozen 24 hours, soaked 3 hours, then etherized 24 hours. 10. Dry, frozen 24 hours, soaked 6 hours. (To check 11 and 12.) 11. Dry, frozen 24 hours, soaked 6 hours, then etherized 12 hours. 12. Dry, frozen 24 hours, soaked 6 hours, then etherized 24 hours. 13. Soaked 3 hours. (To check treatments 14 to 18 inclusive). 14. Soaked 3 hours, then etherized 12 hours. 15. Soaked 3 hours, then etherized 24 hours. 16. Soaked 3 hours, then frozen 24 hours. (To check 17 and 18.) 17. Soaked 3 hours, frozen 24 hours, then etherized 12 hours. 18. Soaked 3 hours, frozen 24 hours, then etherized 24 hours. 19. Soaked 6 hours. (To check treatments 20 to 24 inclusive), 20. Soaked 6 hours, then etherized 12 hours. 21. Soaked 6 hours, then etherized 24 hours. 22. Soaked 6 hours, then frozen 24 hours. (To check 23 and 24.) 23. Soaked 6 hours, frozen 24 hours, then etherized 12 hours. 24. Soaked 6 hours, frozen 24 hours, then etherized 24 hours. The seeds were examined each day and notes taken showing the percentage of germination. The tables show the extent of the growth following each of the treatments by days for one week. As a rule all of the seeds that were capable of germinating had sprouted at the end of 7 days. Occasionally later germination occurred. In the last column of each table is shown the total germination that resulted from each treatment. Table 14 shows the results secured from treat- ing Indian corn (Zea Mays L.) REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 35 An analysis of Tables 14 to 22 inclusive brings out the fact that •etherizing old, dry seeds has but little effect on their germination. The ether treatment with such seeds certainly did not hasten the germina- tion very much, and in some cases there were indications that the ether had exerted a detrimental effect on the total germination that occurred. TABLE 14. EFFECTS OF VARIOUS TREATMENTS ON GERMINATION OF SEEDS KEPT IN COMMON STORAGE UNTIL MID- WINTER. TREATMENTS MADE IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1913. SPECIES, Zea Mays, L. Treatments Percentage of germination by days Total percentage of germina- tion 4J efl E •M * ^£ -si 2 • §§ l~ d.g N"rt £ m M ft 3 O 43 T3 •^ bfl s.S P £» t o A "O 0) N *C 0) 43 4-> u 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day i 8 10 12 4 2 4 40 14 12 67 16 50 18 80 16 12 36 8 4 4 18 41 58 74 48 78 50 95 80 48 92 78 50 90 18 22 22 48 74 32 12 12 4 60 78 94 100 92 96 60 98 96 74 98 98 60 98 46 22 30 28 74 88 84 12 20 6 68 91 97 100 92 98 60 98 97 74 98 98 60 100 70 24 38 30 74 88 98 14 22 6 68 91 97 100 92 98 60 98 97 78 98 100 60 100 90 30 40 30 78 88 100 16 22 10 68 97 100 100 92 98 64 99 97 80 98 100 64 100 94 30 40 30 80 88 100 16 22 10 2 12 24 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. . 24 24 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 3 3.. 3.. 6 12 24 6.. 6.. 3 12 24 14. . 3 12 24 "l2 24 ii 24 "\i 24 15. . 3 16 17.. 18.. 19. . . . . 3.. 3 3 6.. 6 24 24 24 20. . 21. 6 22. 6.. 6 6 .24 24 24 23. . 24 *See page 34 for detailed treatments. Freezing dry seeds apparently had but little effect on either the time or the percentage of germination. However, etherizing for twelve hours seeds that had been previously frozen quite materially hastened the germination in some species, while others were uninfluenced in this respect. In the main, the 12-hour ether treatment was more effective in hastening germination than the 24-hour dose. 36 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 One surprising result noticed was that Indian corn (Table 14), made 100 per cent of germination in five days where dry seeds had been frozen for twenty-four hours, while similar dry seeds, not frozen, made only 68 per cent germination. Just why freezing should appar- ently have been beneficial to germination is not clear. Seeds that TABLE 15. EFFECTS OF VARIOUS TREATMENTS ON GERMINATION OF SEEDS KEPT IN COMMON STORAGE UNTIL MID- WINTER. TREATMENTS MADE IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1913. SPECIES, Phaseolus Lunatus, L. VAR, Macrocarpus, BE NTH. Percentage of germination Treatments by days Total rtl \. ,-* CO c «H 3 u fed >- 3 3 percentage § VOJ43 3 O I-8 O of -M °S ^-^'fcJO £-s i ^"bio C G T3 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day germina- tion J g I8 i 11 43 w 1 4 18 38 42 54 84. 2 12 10 70 C2 54. «j^ cc o*t 3 1 — 24 A 7 oe. O ^ CO OO CO O^r 62 OO 66 7 s; 4 24 Z.T: 2 £O 10 3 & 14 Oo 22 oz 22 DO 22 /a 4.2 5 24. . 1 2 1 2 28 -29 ftft 4.0 rrZ /^O 6 24i! 1 — 24 x LM 12 £O 22 OA« 42 56 tu 58 ou 84 7 24 3 10 24 40 48 48 50 «8 8 24 ..3.. 12 2 6 14 36 58 62 70 OO 82 9 24 3 24 18 36 50 62 72 90 10 24 6 20 28 54 58 62 62 70 11 24 6.. 12 12 24 38 52 56 \J £* 56 uz. 58 / \j 74 12 24 6. . 24 2 4 20 36 56 66 78 96 13 3 44 52 56 6? 70 14 3 12 c. Q OC 4.C o LI f.A *j\j fiQ UA 71 / o QC 15 3 X Z< 24 O O 7 4uw oc *±O 4-0 O^ cc ov 50 / i 6"? VO 09 16 3.. 24 ZfT! o 2 £3 4 ^xV 22 oo 24 ov 30 Oo 38 OA 50 17.. 3 24 12 12 24 34 38 40 18.. 3 24 24 2 14 24 36 46 54 19. . 6 12 40 S4 56 66 82 20 6 12 A Q 20 •29 \Jrr 4.4. V/U 56 uu 66 o« 86 2li! 6. . 24 ^ O ^U 12 oz 44 TTT1 54 oo 58 OO 60 oO 86 22.. 6. . .24 2 8 14 20 22 24 26 23.. 6 24 ii 2 4 20 28 40 46 24 6 24 24 12 16 20 24 30 *See page 34 for detailed treatments. were frozen, soaked six hours and etherized twenty-four hours also made 100 per cent germination, while only 80 per cent grew where similarly frozen and soaked but not etherized. Others that had the same preliminary treatment but etherized for only twelve hours, showed 98 per cent of germination. Thus it would seem that the ether treatment increased the amount of germination, and a study REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 37 of these treatments in Table 14 would seem to indicate that germina- tion also was hastened by the ether treatment. It is interesting to note in the same table that it makes quite a difference on the germination of the seeds as to whether they are frozen when dry or after being soaked. In treatments 8 to 12 the seeds were frozen while dry, then soaked and etherized. In the main, TABLE 16. EFFECTS OF VARIOUS TREATMENTS ON GERMINATION OF SEEDS KEPT IN COMMON STORAGE UNTIL MID-WINTER. TREATMENTS MADE IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1913. SPECIES, Phaseolus Vulgaris, L. Treatments Percentage of germination by days Total percentage of germina- tion -M rt a c G 1 "a"0 1 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day of germina- tion •2 P ! Q^ 1 l| 1 2 £ w c/5 £ w W i 12 16 28 40 2 12 4 20 29 29 62 3 24 4 11 19 28 53 4 24 6 20 26 46 68 5 24 12 30 50 64 66 6 24 24 10 30 50 70 74 7 24 3 4 14 28 54 72 8 24 3.. 12 20 38 52 52 54 9 24 3.. 24 6 20 48 66 70 76 10 24 6 10 22 38 56 62 74 11 24 6.. 12 6 32 54 68 74 12 24 6.. 24 1 18 38 50 52 58 13 3 4 8 22 88 14 3 12 5 20 47 64 66 96 15 3 24 2 10 27 44 49 54 77 16 3.. 24 4 16 28 36 38 40 17.. 3 24 12 14 36 36 38 54 18.. 3 24 24 10 24 30 36 40 42 19 6 12 22 60 20 6 12 2 6 28 54 64 66 21 6 24 12 22 34 66 22 6 24 4 10 14 14 14 23.. 6 24 12 8 16 20 20 24 24.. . . 6 24 24 10 10 18 18 20 22 *See page 34 for detailed treatments. per cent respectively. Treatments 14 and 15 consisted of etherizing soaked seeds (three hours) for twelve and twenty-four hours. The total percentage of germination was 52 and 25 respectively, while in treatments 20 and 21, seeds soaked six hours received the same ether treatments, and the germination in both cases was 82 per cent. It thus appears that if seeds are thoroly moist (as they were when soaked 40 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 six hours), that the ether is able to exert its full effects. However, the highest total percentage of germination in even thoroly moist seeds that were etherized, was only equal to the total germination in the same kind of seeds which were planted when dry, receiving no treat- ment whatever. Apparently, then, freezing is injurious to watermelon seeds, and ether also is detrimental except when used on seeds that are thoroly moist. TABLE 19. EFFECTS OF VARIOUS TREATMENTS ON GERMINATION OF SEEDS KEPT IN COMMON STORAGE UNTIL MID- WINTER. TREATMENTS MADE IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1913. SPECIES, Spinacia Oleracea, L Treatments Percentage of germination by days Total percentage of germina- tion -i_> rt 0) IM "3^ •o c .si £s j3 W 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day 1.. 2.. 3.. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 13 2 6 4 2 2 8 2 24 33 10 4 22 2 8 6 17 23 2 12 18 6 10 24 10 20 24 24 50 49 4 14 8 4 38 18 6 16 4 6 29 43 20 44 44 22 50 50 20 56 42 26 60 68 10 36 24 14 58 36 10 34 12 22 39 51 48 66 66 54 60 58 42 66 48 54 68 71 12 46 40 36 66 54 16 34 28 46 54 51 66 70 66 62 64 62 44 74 54 66 74 77 12 48 40 46 70 70 16 34 34 58 54 56 66 72 70 64 72 62 50 74 58 74 74 79 14 48 50 60 74 80 18 46 34 88 74 69 76 90 82 66 78 74 60 80 66 84 95 89 18 54 66 72 86 86 22 56 52 12 24 24. . 24. . 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 3. . 3.. 3.. 6. . 12 24 6.. 6.. 3 12 24 14 3 12 24 "n 24 15 3.. 3.. 3 3 6 . '24 24 24 16 17.. 18.. 19. . . . . 20. . 6. . 6. . 12 24 "u •24 21.. 22. . 6 6 6 24 24 24 23.. 24.. *See page 34 for detailed treatments. The most striking results from treatments of okra seed were from soaking. (In Table 21, treatments 13 and 19, soaking three and six hours.) The first made only 4 per cent of germination while the second made only 6 per cent. Freezing the dry seed apparently had no effect on the germination. In treatment 7 where seeds were frozen REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 41 and then soaked for three hours, the germination was only 2 per cent. Evidently the injury was from the soaking as was shown in treat- ments 13 and 19. The highest percentages of germination followed the 12-hour ether treatments — viz., where seeds were dry, where they had been soaked three hours, and soaked six hours, the percentages being 25, 29 and 26 respectively. These were from 7 to 9 per cent TABLE 20. EFFECTS OF VARIOUS TREATMENTS ON GERMINATION OF SEEDS KEPT IN COMMON STORAGE UNTIL MID-WINTER. TREATMENTS MADE IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1913. SPECIES, Raphanus Sativus, L Treatments Percentage of germination by days Total percentage of germina- tion d c3 0) IH -M *8.M •n C |i_ 0) §1 s~ a. 5 §1 VH rf) b 2 0 .13 T3 cd I "8.*! T3 C Is M S CO o u sg Si ^— ' bfl C.S 8g £ s CO ft 3 O .13 T3 £ 8 c/S 2 fc§ £.c -5-55 d.S N-* >J & O o £w VH 3 0 ~c T3 .§ °C o3 s *o ^ T3 C Is * S en Z$ 0 0 oS-c J3<^. ^ bfl (3.S H 2 3 o 1 03 £ en bi cs-13 &'* si N 03 £° 1 o x T3 > 03 03 o> N Table 9 en .5 w ll PL, Table 10 3.9 P j> Table 11 en. 2 3 n zz os 3 bfl a~> Table 12 03 -M 03 -£ § 3*3 §S Table 13 oj 2 "G y 03 £ .2 « a"o C/J Table 14 en §3 .a! o, •£ o3 o3 (2 w Table 15 en 3 5* 3^ en 3 £ % £*> Table 16 e 2 .gl §u Table 17 1 68 92 97 100 92 98 64 99 97 80 98 100 64 100 94 30 40 30 80 88 100 16 22 10 84 71 75 42 60 84 88 82 90 70 74 96 78 95 82 50 40 54 82 86 86 26 46 10 10 4 11 8 6 6 6 26 12 18 12 12 12 15 11 8 18 22 16 12 12 16 14 10 82 77 66 62 84 72 82 74 86 78 78 82 76 52 25 0 2 0 48 82 82 0 0 0 40 62 53 68 66 74 72 54 76 74 74 58 88 96 77 40 54 42 60 66 66 14 24 22 88 74 69 76 90 82 66 78 74 60 80 66 84 95 89 18 54 66 72 86 86 22 56 52 80 82 56 76 86 86 88 80 82 86 80 88 88 92 86 44 90 44 96 88 78 50 88 44 18 25 20 18 18 12 2 6 10 2 12 16 4 29 41 14 24 14 6 26 20 10 26 10 62 40 62 66 40 38 30 52 40 40 52 26 50 63 63 18 26 22 46 56 46 38 32 24 59.1 58.5 56.5 57.3 60.2 61.3 55.3 61.2 63.0 56.4 62.2 60.4 60.4 70.7 63.1 24.6 38.6 32.6 56.2 65.4 64.0 21.3 34.2 20.2 2 12 24 3.. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 24 24 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 3 3.. 3.. 6.. 6.. 6.. 3 . 12 24 'ii 24 14. . 3.. 3 12 24 ii 24 15 16 17.. 18.. 19 . . . 3.. 3 3 6. . 24 24 24 20 . 6. . 12 24 'ii 24 21. . 6. . 22. . 6 6 6 24 24 24 23. . 24 Average of a ings Average of al treatmen Average of al treatmen 1 check plant- 62.7 78.8 78.2 65.0 69.2 74.6 11.7 13.3 12.0 53.5 56.1 51.6 57.0 62.0 58.5 60.7 76.6 73.0 73.5 85.7 70.2 9.2 20.7 17.8 37.5 44.8 37.6 47.8 56.3 52.6 l 12 hour ether ts I 24 hour ether ts *See page 34 for detailed treatments. Seeds soaked six hours did not show much advantage in either the time or amount of germination over those soaked for three hours. However, etherizing such seeds tends to hasten the germination and also to increase the total percentage that grow. The 12-hour treat- ment was more effective than the longer exposure. REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 45 Seeds soaked six hours and then frozen, were badly damaged by such treatment, but etherizing, especially for the 12-hour period, seemed to have the power of causing a greatly increased percentage of germination. A summary of all of the treatments in each table shows that the average percentage of germination for all check seeds was 47.8; for all plantings after 12-hour ether treatment, was 56.3 ; and for all the 24-hour etherization treatments, 52.6 per cent. Comparing the checks with the ether treatments it is seen that former germinated in twenty- nine cases on the first day on which germination was recorded for that series; the 12-hour ether exposure in forty-seven cases; and the 24- hour ether treatments in only thirty cases. The 12-hour treatment, when compared with the check, shows a hastening of germination in thirty-six cases, and a retardation in only eighteen instances, while the 24-hour exposure hastened the germination in twenty-five instances, and retarded it in twenty-four. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Seed studies carried on at the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station were begun in 1907 and continued for seven years. Primarily these studies were conducted for the purpose of investigating the rest period. Preliminary tests in 1907 and 1908 showed, first, that seeds of many annual plants are able to germinate while quite immature; and, second, that seeds of more than half of the species grown in Missouri have a pronounced rest period. Also that of the species having a rest period, by far the greater percentage are woody forms. The chief purpose of the seed investigations carried on during the years 1911, 1912, and 1913, was to confirm the existence of a rest period in seeds, and to find to what extent the species are in- fluenced by this phenomenon. Other objects sought thru these later investigations were: If seeds have a rest period, when does the resting phase set in and can it be broken by treatments ; what agents are most effective for break- ing the rest ; to what extent do seeds respond to treatments in general while dry and while moist ; effects of treatments on germination aside from hastening or hindering the growth ; and, a comparison of all of the foregoing with regard to the different species and orders. Special efforts were put forth to secure as many different kinds of seeds as possible. Altogether, during the two seasons of 1912 and 1913, nearly 200 species, representing fifty-one orders, were collected. Each planting usually consisted of 100 seeds and there were more 46 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 than 900 separate plantings so that these investigations alone repre- sented a total planting and study of nearly 100,000 seeds. EXPERIMENT 1 During the summer of 1911 the collection of seeds from wild and cultivated plants amounted to 122 species. These were harvested as nearly as possible immediately after ripening. From each species 200 seeds were counted out. One-half of each sample was planted at once in moist sand, and the other half dried at room tem- perature for one month before planting. Results from Experiment 1. Up to October 15, when observations ceased, 23.1 per cent of the species had germinated in less than two weeks, 19.8 per cent after two weeks, and 57.1 per cent did not grow at all. The seeds planted at maturity, on the average, germinated in 22.2 days while the dried seeds required only 17.8 days. The total germination in the mature seeds was 33.3 per cent, dried seeds 40.9 per cent. Conclusions. If two weeks is sufficient time to allow seeds for making "immediate" germination, then it must be concluded that fully 75 per cent of the species in the experiment have a rest period. Also the usual assumption that seeds which fail to grow immediately after maturity are possessed of a rest period apparently is incorrect, as the rest period may not set in at any time during several days after ripen- ing. Finally, seeds dried for a month germinate quicker and better than when planted immediately after maturity, thus showing that the majority of seeds are greatly benefited by being allowed to pass thru a period of dormancy before being planted. EXPERIMENT 2 The seed collection of 1912 was intended to be quite complete for the entire season. However, the plans could not be carried out on account of illness. Collecting stopped July 20. Seeds were again gathered as near maturity as possible. One lot was planted at once, while a similar lot (set not complete) was dried out before planting. Results from Experiment 2. The dried seeds gave approximately the same results as in the previous years' test, viz., that they germinated more quickly and better than those that were planted at once after maturity. The set of seeds planted immediately after ripening con- sisted of seventy-six species, representing thirty-two orders. Of these, 23.6 per cent grew in less than three weeks, 39.4 per cent in fall or the following spring, and 37 per cent did not grow at all. REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 47 Conclusions. These results are almost identical with those secured the previous year as regards the number of species that have a rest period, viz., a little more than 76 per cent. The species of a single order are much alike as regards whether they have a rest period. Also in addition to exhibiting similar require- ments for growth, they are apt to show about the same percentage of germination. EXPERIMENT 3 The seeds of fifteen species of woody plants, repre- senting eleven orders, were gathered before maturity, that is, in the "dough" stage. Half of each was planted at once and the other half air-dried before planting. A set of freshly gathered, mature seeds was planted immediately after harvesting in order to check the results. Results from Experiment 3. Only two species (13.3 per cent) of the freshly gathered, green seeds grew, while none of the immature dried seeds germinated. Forty per cent of the ripe seeds sprouted. Conclusions. While the number of seeds in the experiment was small, it would appear for the most part, that immature seeds, par- ticularly of woody plants, are unable to germinate. However, if they do grow, germination takes place much more quickly than in mature seeds. Finally, immature seeds of woody plants are easily killed if allowed to become air-dry. EXPERIMENT 4 In the fall of 1912, thirty-one species of woody plants, representing fifteen orders, were tested to find what species have a rest period, value of treatments for breaking the rest — that is, for producing quick germination — and also the effects of the treat- ments on total percentage of germination. The treatments consisted of drying, soaking in water, etherizing, stratifying, and combinations of these treatments. The seeds that were stratified were frozen in stratification. Results from Experiment 4. Of the species planted at maturity, 6.5 per cent germinated within two weeks, 58 per cent grew after two weeks while 35.4 per cent did not grow at all. The quickest germination resulted from freezing the seeds in stratification, then treating them with ether for twenty-four hours. These grew, on the average, in 22.6 days, while dry untreated seeds required, on the average 50.1 days. This treatment also gave the most complete germination, 43.8 per cent, as compared with 14.5 per cent for dry untreated seeds. 48 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 Drying seeds for one month had but little effect on the number that germinated, but they grew 6.4 days earlier on the average, appar- ently as a result of the drying. Etherizing dried seeds did not cause them to grow any earlier and neither did the treatment increase the percentage of germination. Stratifying seeds and allowing them to freeze hastened the time of germination by 34.4 days, and increased the percentage of those that grew by 16.9 per cent. Etherizing after stratification gave vary- ing results on the whole greatly increased the percentage of germina- tion, but this treatment did not materially reduce the length of the rest period. Conclusions. Of thirty-one species of woody plants tested, 93.5 per cent apparently have a pronounced rest period. Stratifying seeds of woody plants and letting them freeze while mixed with the moist sand proved to be the best treatment tried for hastening the sprouting and bringing about the highest percentage of germination. This shows that the common practice of stratifying forest tree seeds, after they have become dry, is a very necessary treatment. Etherizing dried, and also moist seeds (soaked 3 hours) has some beneficial effects on germination. Etherizing seeds that have been stratified (frozen in stratification), hastens the sprouting and increases the per cent of germination. In both tests the good effects of the treatment were very marked. EXPERIMENT 5 In January and February, 1913, seeds of corn and eight common vegetables (all having been kept in house storage), were subjected to twenty different treatments before planting. Results from Experiment 5. Corn frozen while dry made 100 per cent germination, while similar untreated seeds germinated only 68 per cent. Another lot of corn was frozen, soaked six hours and etherized, and the germination was 100 per cent, while others with the ether treatment omitted showed only 80 per cent. Freezing wet corn twenty-four hours reduced the germination from 60 to 84 per cent. Lima beans, untreated, showed 84 per cent germination; frozen while dry, 42 per cent; frozen while moist (soaked three hours), 40 per cent; while wet (soaked six hours), 26 per cent. Etherizing the seeds, either dry or wet, had little effect upon the germination in any way. Freezing watermelon seeds, even when dry, injured them slightly while if wet they were killed. The effects of ether were variable, altno more favorable on dry than on wet seeds. REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 49 The following are a few of the more striking results secured with okra seeds : Untreated showed 18 per cent germination ; soaked three hours, 4 per cent ; soaked six hours, 6 per cent ; soaked three hours and etherized 24 hours, 41 per cent ; soaked six hours and etherized twenty- four hours, 20 per cent. Conclusions. Etherizing old, dry seeds of herbaceous plants has but little effect upon their germination, and this mostly detrimental. Corn seed etherized when dry seemed to be benefited, and after being soaked the ether treatments very materially increased the per- centage of germination. Corn seed will stand being severely frozen when dry, but is severely injured if frozen when in a moist or wet condition. Lima beans are bady injured if frozen even when dry; if moist or wet the injury is proportionately greater. Freezing is injurious to watermelon seed and ether is also detri- mental if the seeds are dry, but they are not hurt, and may even be benefited by freezing, if the seeds are quite moist. Soaking okra seeds has a very bad effect on the germination. Ether treatments have little or no effect on dry seeds, but are very beneficial to moist or wet seeds. 50 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 HISTORICAL Existence of a Rest Period in Seeds. The fact of a rest period or resting phase in seeds has been recognized by practically ever> author of textbooks on plant physiology. Pfeffer 1 says : "Certain seeds are capable of immediate germination, whereas others must first rest for a few weeks, months or even years, even when they are not dry, but are kept under conditions that are favorable for germination." Jost2 says, in explanation of the foregoing paragraph: "It is now definitely known that these variations [in germination] depend on varying degrees of permeability of the testa for water, but we know nothing further as to why seeds which have imbibed water are prevented from germinating. At most we may draw analogous con- clusions from the behavior of resting buds. . . . Undoubtedly internal factors play the chief part in determining the initiation and cessation of the resting period in seeds . . /' Rest period experiments with seeds were carried on at the Mis- souri Agricultural Experiment Station in 1907-8.3 In all, 93 species wer studied. These included annuals, biennials, and both herbaceous and woody perennials. It was found that 50 per cent or more of the species tested had a pronounced rest period. Mechanical Stimulation of Seeds. In addition to the effects of the rest period which may prevent the germination of seeds, some have a very hard seed coat after becoming dry, and it is almost impossible for the embryo to force its way out. Also such seeds are almost impervious to water. Such seeds are sometimes treated by cracking them open or filing or boring openings thru the testa. Other methods, such as pricking with a needle, or burning with a hot wire, have been devised, and in many cases satisfactory results secured from their use. Leguminous plants are perhaps more conspicuous than any other group in possessing what are generally known as "hard" seeds. These are seeds which do not germinate readily and, because of this fact, breeding work with such plants, especially red clover, has often been seriously hindered. For rendering the seed coat permeable to water, Williams4 devised the method of shaking the 1. Pfeffer, Plant Physiology, Vol. II, pp. 207 and 208. 2. Jost, Plant Physiology, pp. 341-42. 3. Howard, W. L., Rest Period Studies with Bulbs and Herbaceous Peren- nial Plants. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bui., No. 15. 4. Williams, N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 312, p. 296. REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 51 seeds in a box lined with sand paper. This treatment caused the seeds to make a much better germination. Crocker1 (1907) made germination tests of seeds of aquatic plants. Seeds collected while still green germinated quite readily, but in many instances the dried seeds refused to germinate. This dif- ficulty was overcome by cracking the seed coat. If allowed to become dry, the seeds of many water plants are unable to germinate because the seed coat becomes so hard that it cannot absorb moisture. While such seeds may have a rest period, the chief failure to germinate is due to the hardness of the seed coat. To secure germination this mechanical hindrance must be removed. An injury to the seed embryo itself, such as mutilating a coty- ledon, sometimes hastens germination.2 While the effects of freezing and stratification may in some instances be mechanical in their nature, it is very probable that other changes are also induced by such treat- ments. Stratification is employed for softening the seed coat, and freezing generally assists in this process. Nurserymen find it neces- sary to treat many seeds, particularly of woody plants, by stratifying. Soaking under special conditions will sometimes produce the same results. Chemical Stimulation, Various chemical or enzymic solutions have been used to hasten or retard germination. Rostrup3 used sulphuric acid on seeds of Lathyrus sylvestris securing 100 per cent germination, as compared with 76 per cent in seeds not treated by the acid. Todaro4 also found that sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) acted upon the hard seeds of many leguminous plants, rendering them capable of prompt germination. He immersed the seeds in the acid for one hour at a temperature of 25° to 28° C. Not only was growth hastened, but also a higher percentage of germination was secured. Thornber 5 treated seeds of several species with sulphuric acid in which chomic acid had been dissolved and then neutralized with potassium hydrate. Seeds of acacia, mesquite, locust and others germinated readily. Quick germination was brought about in seeds that were almost impervious to moisture by soaking in water at a temperature of 85° to 88° C. for 2-6 minutes. 1. Crocker, Botanical Gazette, Vol. 44, pp. 375-380. 2. Experiment Station Record, Vol. 22, p. 326. 3. Rostrup, Exp. Station Record, Vol. 10, pp. 53-4. 4. Todaro, Experiment Station Record, Vol. 12, pp. 754-5. 5. Thornber, An. Report Arizona Agr. Exp. Sta. 1904, pp. 489-93. 52 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 Schneider-Orelli J treated refractory seeds with sulphuric acidr thereby increasing the germination from 15 to 75 per cent. Love and Leighty 2 tested the effects of concentrated sulphuric acid upon the seeds of red clover, white clover, alfalfa and cotton. The acid treatment caused increased germination, and at the same time destroyed obnoxious weed seeds. Increased germination was brought about chiefly through the softening of the testa of the so- called "hard" seeds. The favorable effects of acid on the seeds con- tinued even after they were allowed to become dry. The acid treat- ment caused old seeds to germinate quicker and better. However, it was found that thin coated seeds might be injured by the treat- ment.3 Organic acids have been found to increase and accelerate the germination process in seeds. It was believed that these treatments contributed to the nutrition of the growing embryo.4 Stone and Smith 5 (1895) attempted to stimulate the germination of seeds by subjecting them to various enzymic solutions. Asparagin and leucin increased the percentage of germination, and sometimes accelerated germination. Pepsin solutions gave fair results with some seeds, but negative results with others. Diastase, one of the most widely distributed enzymes, gave beneficial results with some seeds, but with others did not. The tests seemed to show that no one enzyme is beneficial to all seeds. Waugh,6 confirming the early works of Thomsen, reports that the percentage of germination of some seeds may be greatly increased by soaking for several hours in a solution containing some active enzyme. Tomato seeds seemed to respond exceptionally well to the action of diastase. Pickering 7 found that heating a soil seems to have the effect of retarding the germination of seeds planted in it. This was supposed to be due to an inhibitory substance formed by the alteration of the bacterial content of the soil. The fact that heating a soil increases the soluble organic and nitrogenous matter present and also that these materials form a large proportion of the inhibitory substance, lends 1. Schneider-Orelli, Exp. Station Record, Vol. 24, p. 231. 2. Love and Leighty, N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 312. 3. Experiment Station Record, Vol. 37, p. 132. 4. Experiment Station Record, Vol. 25, p. 222. 5. Stone and Smith, An. Rpt. Mass. (Hatch) Exp. Sta. 1901, pp. 74-79 6. Waugh, An. Rpt. Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. 1898, pp. 290-5. 7. Pickering, 9th An. Rpt. Woburn Exp. Fruit Farm. REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 53 support to such a view. Fletcher2 (1910) reported the same results. Electric Stimulation. Many investigators have studied the effects of the electric current on different forms of plant life.3 Nollet was probably the first person to study the effect of electricity on seeds. Later Specnew subjected different seeds to electric treatment and found that germination was very greatly hastened. Paulin found that the electric current would seemingly awaken life in seeds which appeared to have lost their vitality. Tschinkel showed that certain seeds germinated quicker in a soil thru which an electric current had been passed, but Woolny secured only negative results from the use of this treatment on the seed of summer rye, radish, and rape. Kinney4 concludes that: "Electricity exerts an appreciable influence upon the germination of seeds and the application of certain strengths of current to seeds for short periods accelerates germination." It has also been reported that a galvanic current of high frequency gives bene- ficial results, while a continued current is detrimental to germination.5'' Contact Stimulation. Apparently seeds of certain plants, particu- larly seeds of vegetable parasites, will not germinate unless they come in contact with a particular host. Heinricher6 (1909) studied the germination of seeds of parasites. He found that seeds of Lathraea would not germinate unless they were in contact with their host, and the same was true of the seeds of Tozzia, while Bartschia, a related genus, germinated without being in contact with its host. Stimulation of Seeds by Light and Heat. Promsy and Drevon 7 found that X-rays increased or decreased the germination of seeds of lentils, wheat, beans, and lupines in varying degrees, depending upon the temperature and exposure. The greatest regularity in the effects was noticed during a rather high temperature when, with a certain exposure adopted as the best, the irradiation always favored germina- tion and accelerated the development of the resultant plants. Immaturity as a Cause of Early Germination. Altho green or im- mature seeds usually do not germinate as large a percentage as more mature seeds, yet they are sometimes used because of the earlier devlop- ment of the resultant plants.8 This is especially true of tomatoes. 2. Fletcher, Experiment Station Record, Vol. 23, p. 722. 3. Mass. (Hatch) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 43. 4. Kinney, Mass. (Hatch) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 43. 5. Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. 25, p. 26. 6. Heinricher, Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. 23, p. 628. 7. Promsy and Drevon, Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. 28, p. 128. 8. Read, Thesis 1908, University of Missouri. 54 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 Maze 2 produced early maturity in seeds by drying grains of common field corn containing 50-60 per cent of moisture for five or six days. While the seeds before drying did not sprout; they did so after drying, producting normal plants. Maze concluded that the evapora- tion of the volatile matter tends to retard the growth of the embryo and hence aids in the normal development. Stimulation of Seeds with Anesthetics. According to Hempel,3 Clemens and Marcet (1848) were the first investigators to study the effects of anesthetics on plants. Afterward many workers experi- mented with plants by treating them with various anesthetics and narcotics, the earlier ones for the purpose of studying irritation and movement, but later ones for studying the rest period. Giglioli4 appears to have been the first to study the effects of ether and other gases and liquids on the vitality of seeds. Bernard, Sirgusa (1879), Detmer (1882) and Dubois (1891) made use of ether in studying seeds and seedlings. Townsend 5 found that while a strong atmosphere of ether tends to retard germination, a weak dose appears to hasten growth. How- ever, his results following ether treatments were not always uniform. Johannsen (1893) (see reference to Hempel) diminished the rest period of seeds by etherization, but states that the rest period could be broken only at its beginning or toward its close. After the rest period had passed, no stimulation of germination was noticed. He gave it as his opinion that anesthetics act on the seeds in one of two ways ; that is, on the "power of growth" (Wachstumstatigkeit) or on the "growth suspending power" (Hemmung), or possibly on both. Coupin (1899), Schmid (1901), Behrens (1908) and Eberhard (1906) conducted experiments in etherizing dry and soaked seeds and all found that the rest period could be shortened by the treatment, but they held different opinions as to the specific results of the anes- thetic. As regards the relation of etherization to transpiration, Jumelle (1890), Lommen, Schneider (1893), and Woods and Dixon (1896), secured opposite results, the first two workers finding that transpira- tion was increased, while the others reported that it was reduced. 2. Maze, Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. 24, p. 720. 3. Hempel, Researches into the Effect of Etherization on Plant Metab- olism. Det. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Skrifter, 7. Rahkke, Naturvidensk, Og Mathem. Afd. VI, 6. Copenhagen, 1911. 4. Giglioli, Nature, Vol. 35, p. 328. 5. Townsend, Botanical Gazette, Vol. 27, pp. 458-66. REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 55 Gayon (1877) found that an ether atmosphere suspended the evolution of C O2 but Elfving reported an acceleration of respiration in P\sum seedings when exposed to the influence of ether. Lauren believed that seeds rich in carbohydrates could not have their respira- tion increased since respiration could be accelerated only in propor- tion to the amount of nitrogenous matter contained in the seed, and Abrahamson's l (1910) work showed that a high protein content in barley was correlated with a high respiration. Johannsen proved that in ripening lupines and sweet peas respiration was slightly retarded by etherization, but in young ripening barley seeds it was increased. Thus it seems that the specific effect of ether on respiration depends quite largely on the kind of seed being tested. Hempel experimented extensively concerning the effect of etheriza- tion on plant metabolism, but the only part of that work of interest here deals with the effect of ether on ripening seeds of Pisum and Lupinus. It was found that etherizing germinating seeds retarded both the germination and also the subsequent growth. The effect of small doses for short periods was to accelerate the production of C O2 but large doses retarded it. Respiration was never increased as an "after effect." The sugar forming process was not so vitally affected as the respiratory process, and because of the relation of the inversion of sugar to the other processes, it was thought that the retardation of the C O2 production might be due to a lack of hexoses. Young Pisum seeds showed a hastening of the condensation of proteids normally taking place at maturity, when small doses of ether were used. Large doses retarded the synthesis of proteids or destroyed those already formed. Ether retarded the decrease of amides at ripening time in mono-amino seeds but small doses seemed to slightly increase it in di-amino seeds. Wounded seeds were not affected by small doses of ether, but large doses tended to produce an increase in the amides during the two days' exposure. Summarizing, Hempel recognizes three phases of narcotization: (1) Exciting (small doses for short periods) during which time the normal plant activities are accelerated; (2) narcosis proper (small doses for long periods or large doses for short periods) characterized by a retardation of the normal processes; and (3) toxic (large doses for long periods) causing all the phenomena characteristic of the death of the plant. Lewis2 (1906) reported quicker germination and more uniform growth from seeds which have been etherized than from untreated 1. Abrahamson, Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. 24, p. 629. 2. Lewis, Cornell Countryman, 3 (1906), No. 8, pp. 190-91. 56 MISSOURI AGRx EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 seeds. Taubenhaus 2 reported very similar results and he also stated that ether seemingly put new life into old seeds thereby causing a higher germination. In both of these tests the seeds used were those of common vegetables and grains. Kiessling3 (1911) found that an 80 minute exposure to ether would hasten the germination of seeds but longer doses reduced both the rapidity and total per cent of germination. Alcohol, chloroform, etc., acted as stimulants to barley, wheat and oats. Injury to the seed, especially to the hulls, tended to promote increased and hastened germination. Aspit and Gain4 (1911) showed that the effect of ether was con- siderably increased at high temperatures. Miscellaneous Work. Waldron 5 ( 1904) , in making a study of the vitality of buried seed, found that green and yellow foxtail would not germinate before May 1 of the year following the production of the seed. Kinghead (Ambrosia trifida, L.) grew more abundantly the second season following planting than the one immediately follow- ing planting. The ability of some seeds to germinate seemed to depend quite largely upon the depth to which they were planted, the deeper buried ones (up to ten inches) being the better preserved. It was also shown that some seeds maintained their vitality much longer than others kept under the same conditions. Fawcett6 (1904) made a study of the viability of seeds under different conditions of treatment and also of their dormant period. Seeds stored indoors showed almost uniformly a longer dormant period than those stored outside, and the longest dormant period oc- curred in those seeds with the hardest and thickest seed coat. Some seeds showed a gradual decrease in the percentage of germination from month to month but others showed an increase. There seemed to be two natural periods for seed germination, one in the fall and the other in the spring. Exposing seed to the action of the weather tended to increase the percentage of germination and also to shorten the dormant period. Pammel and King7 (1906), in a study of delayed germination, confirmed some of the earlier work of Fawcett. It was reported that 2. Taubenhaus, Cornell Countryman 5 (1908), No. 6, p. 201. 3. Kiessling, Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. 26, pp. 130-31. 4. Aspit and Gain, Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. 27, p. 220. 5. Waldron, North Dakota Exp. Sta. Bui. 62. 6. Fawcett, Proc. Iowa Acad. of Science, Vol. 15, No. 38. 7. Pammel and King, Proc. Iowa Acad. of Science, Vol. 15, No. 45. REST PERIOD STUDIES WITH SEEDS 57 the seeds of many plants such as the willows, soft maple, etc.., germi- nated immediately, but others, such as the ash and hornbeam, did not germinate until the following year. In the case of many trees and shrubs maturing their seed early in the season, it was thought that germination must proceed immediately or the seeds would be destroyed. It has long been known that in the case of some paired seeds, such as the cocklebur, both seeds do not usually germinate the same season. Arthur,2 who made the first careful study of Xanthium, reported that generally the germination of one kernel in the bur was delayed, but that in some cases both may germinate the same season. Shull 3 (1911) in further investigations with Xanthium found that the mini- mum oxygen requirement for the germination of the seed from this plant was abnormally high, and also that the minimum for the two seeds differed. This explained the delay in germination and also the irregularities in the delayed growth. Beal 4 ( 1910) gives some interesting data concerning the vitality of buried seeds and incidentally raises some questions concerning their germinating capacities. Eight or nine species out of twenty-two germinated even after they had been buried thirty years. In speaking of his results, Beal says : "I have never felt certain that I had induced all the sound seed to germinate. I moisten the sand containing the seeds and forthwith a goodly number germinate, and then they come straggling along. I dry the soil and wait a few weeks, and after moistening, in a few days, or few months, more seed germinate. Why was I unable to induce them to start, when treated to various degrees of temperature and moisture, for several months?" 2. Arthur, Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sc., 16, p. 70. 3. Shull, Bot. Gazette, 52, pp. 453-77. 4. Beal, Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sc. 31, pp. 21-23. 58 MISSOURI AGR. EXP. STA. RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY i 1. Arthur, J. C.t Delayed Germination of Xanthium and Other Paired Seeds. Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sc., Vol. 16. 2. Beal, W. J., The Vitality of Seeds Buried in the Soil. Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sc., Vol. 31. 3. Crocker, W., Germination of the Seeds of Water Plants. Bot. Gazette, Vol. 44. 4. Fawcett, H. S., The Vitality of Weed Seeds tinder Different Conditions of Treatment and a Study of Their Dormant Periods. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc., Vol. 15, No. 38. 5. Giglioli, I., Action of Gases and Liquids on the Vitality of Seeds. Nature Vol. 35. 6. Hempel, Jenny, Researches into the Effect of Etherization on Plant Metabolism. Reprint from ' 'Det. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Skrifter, 7. Raekke Naturvidensk, Og Mathem. Afd. VI, 6." Copenhagen, 1911. 7. Howard, W. L., An Experimental Study of the Rest Period of Plants: The Winter Rest. Mo. Exp. Sta. Research Bui. No. 1, 1910. 8. Howard, W. L., Rest Period Studies with Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennial Plants. Mo. Exp. Sta. Research Bui., No. 15, 1915. 9. Howard, W. L., "Rest Period Studies with Pot-Grown Woody Plants. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bui., 16, 1915. 10. Jost, L., Plant Physiology. (Trans, by R. J. H. Gibson). Oxford, 1907. 11. Kinney, A. S., Electro-Germination. Mass. (Hatch) Exp. Sta. Bui., 43. 12. Lewis, C. I., Forcing Bulbs by Means of Ether. Cornell Countryman 3, No. 8, 1906. 13. Love, H. H. and Leighty, C. E., Germination of Seed as Effected by Sulphuric Acid Treatment. Cornell Exp. Sta. Bui., 312. 14. Pammel, L. H., and King, Charlotte M., Delayed Germination. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc., Vol. 15, No. 45. 15. Pfeffer, W., Plant Physiology, Vol. II. (Trans, by E. J. Ewart.) Oxford, 1903. 16. Pickering, S. U., Studies in Seed Germination and Plant Growth. 9th Report Woburn Exp. Fruit Farm. 17. Read, J. W., Some Factors Influencing the Germination of Corn. Thesis, University of Missouri, 1908. 18. Shull, C. A., The Oxygen Minimum and the Germination of Xanthium Seeds. Bot. Gazette, Vol. 52. 19. Stone, G. E., and Smith, R. E., Influence of Chemical Solutions Upon the Germination of Seeds. Mass. (Hatch) Exp. Sta. Report, 1901. 20. Taubenhaus, J., Ether and the Germination of Seeds. Cornell Countryman 5, No. 6, 1908. 21. Thornber, J. J., Seed Germination. Arizona Exp Sta. Report, 1904. 22. Townsend, C. O., Effect of Ether Upon the Germination of Seeds and Spores Bot. Gazette, Vol. 27. 23. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Experiment Station Record, numerous references. 24. Waldron, L. R., Weed Studies. North Dakota Exp. Sta. Bui. 62. 25. Waugh, F. A., The Artificial Use of Enzymes in Germination. Vermont Exp. Sta. Report, 1898. [Reprinted from the Yearbook of the U. S. Department of Agriculture for 18U.V | TESTING SEEDS AT HOME. By A. J. . T. .S. Department of Agrieutture. THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING GOOD SEED. The iin port ance of seed testing is recognized not only by profes- sional seedsmen, but also by intelligent fanners. The necessity for testing seed arises from the fact that not every seed contains a living germ. The absence of a living germ makes the seed useless for the reproduction of its kind. To find out what proportion of the seeds in a sample contains germs capable of growth is therefore the object of all seed testing. Good seed is essential to successful agriculture. No matter how well the farmer prepares his land; no matter how much time, labor, and money lie spends on it, if much or all of his seed fails to "come up" he will either have a poor crop or will be obliged to reseed, thus losing time and labor. .Many causes may contribute to prevent him from getting a good stand, but if he can eliminate any one of these he is by so much the gainer. Poor seed is a great cause of poor stands. The farmer and the gardener get seed from one of two sources — they either grow it themselves or buy it. If the former, there is less danger of its being poor. The chief source of poor seed is careless handling in harvesting and storing. If seed gets too damp, mold will destroy much, or the seed will begin to sprout, then dry out, and the germ will be killed. If seed is bought, the chance of getting a pooi- quality increases many fold. If all seed was bought from relia- ble dealers, there would be far less cause for complaint, but farmers too often buy seed where they can get it the cheapest. They pay their money for trash that is either full of harmful weed seeds or has a liberal admixture of old and dead seeds. Whenever large quantities of seed are purchased, they should be tested for purity and germination. The table on the following page gives the result of a few tests out of the many that were made in the Department seed laboratory last year of seeds bought from sup- posed reliable seedsmen. 175 176 YEARBOOK OF THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The old adage that a dollar saved is a dollar earned will apply to the purchase of seeds. It is an easy matter to waste a dollar on seeds, and when profits depend upon cutting down useless expenditure, the use of inferior seed can not be too strongly condemned. Germination tests of seeds. Kind of seed. Bean, Burpee's bush lima 72 Bean, Dwarf , pink -eyed wax 77 Cabbage, Drumhead 67 Cabbage, Luxembourg 67.5 Carrot, Mastodon 58 Clover, scarlet I Japan 5 Corn, Egyptian «weet . 76 Corn salad ;}<» Cucumber, White wonder 72 Eggplant, New York improved thornless 62 Grass, Kentucky blue 10 Orchard 31.3 Texas blue 1 Lettuce, Golden ball 64.5 Muskmelon, Shumway 's giant 69 Muskmelon, Surprise , 64 Onion, Early round white Dutch 58.5 Oats, Scotch white. 79.3 Parsley, Beauty of the Parterre 53 Pea, Dr. McLean 88 Pepper, Cranberry 42 Pumpkin, Winter luxury ^ 65 Radish, Chartier 63 Rape, Dwarf Essex 79.5 Salsify, Sandwich Islands 49. 5 Spinach, Mett's crumpled leaf 43.5 Tobacco, White burley .: 0.25 Tomato, Lorillard.. 72.5 Watermelon, Cole's early 88 Per cent of germina- tion was— Per cent of germi- nation should be- 95 95 96 95 85 90 76 92.5 80 92 85 50 80 50 90 » 92 85 95 75 98 85 93 95 95 The standard of germination in oats is 95. This places the normal loss from nonviable seeds at one-twentieth part. In the sample of oats reported in the table the loss was slightly more than one-fifth. There was four times as much waste in this sample as there should have been. The White Dutch onion seed germinated 58.5 per cent. The loss in this case was 1 pound in every 2£, while the normal waste should have been less than 1 pound in 7. The loss on Egyptian sweet corn reached 1£ pecks in 5. The normal loss should not exceed 1 peck in 13. A farmer sowing a meadow to Kentucky blue grass and buying such seed as that reported in the table would pay for 9 bushels of dead seed out of every 10 bushels purchased. There is always a great deal TESTING SEEDS AT HOME. 177 of loss in tliis as in most grass seeds, but. il should not exceed 5 bush- els in 10. Here is a clear loss of 4 bushels out of every 10 bought, which, at $1.65 per bushel, is worth considering. The normal waste in orchard grass seed is 1 bushel in 5, but the sample tested contained almost 3-j- bushels of worthless seed out of 5. At present orchard grass brings about $2 per bushel. This makes a net loss of about $7 on a purchase of 5 bushels of seed. It is unnecessary to give other examples of the loss which farmers suffer by purchasing poor seed. The table affords ample illustration. METHODS OF TESTING SEEDS. Many seedsmen and a few farmers test their seeds. The method generally followed is to throw a handful of seed into a box full of earth, and decide by the way it comes up whether the seed is good. This is better than no testing at all, but it is impossible to get accu- rate results in this manner if the seeds used are not counted. Another method is to make a shallow trench in sand, scatter in the seeds as thickly as is recommended for the variety, and wet with warm water. The seeds germinate rapidly, and the merit of the sample is judged by the stand in the row. When the seeds are not counted, no accuracy is possible. Besides, it is well known that the amount of seed thought necessary per running foot of drill, or per acre, is from two to four times as much as would be required if the seeds used had a high vitality. Some people think that if seeds are thrown into water the good ones will sink and the dead seeds will float, but this notion is not sup- ported by facts. When seeds float it is often because an air bubble has become attached to them or because they have not become wet all over the surface. Several experiments were made to test the germination of seeds that sink and those that float. Wheat was used in one set of experiments, and the average of all tests showed a germination of 68.3 per cent for the sunken seeds and 72 per cent for those that floated. In another set of experiments lentil was used, and it was found that 75.4 per cent of the sunken seeds and 86.7 per cent of those that floated germinated. The germination of seeds depends 011 a proper supply of heat and moisture. For accuracy in testing, darkness is also essential. Seeds will germinate through a considerable range of temperatures, but the number of germinating seeds decreases as we depart from the optimum, or most favorable, temperature. If seeds are subjected to temperatures higher or lower than the optimum, germination will proceed more slowly, and when either extreme is passed it will cease. All seeds do not have the same temperature limit. Seeds of tropical plants need more heat to germinate than those from plants growing in northern latitudes or on high altitudes. Certain seeds have been known to germinate upon ice, Nobbe records an observation by 178 YEARBOOK OF THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Uloth on the root of a maple seedling which penetrated a short dis- tance into solid ice. Wheat has been known to germinate at the freezing point. The following table, showing the effects of given temperatures upon the germination of seeds, is taken from Nobbe's Haiidbuch der Samen- kunde. The column under a indicates the number of seeds germi- nated ; that under I shows the number of hours required to germinate that number under the fixed temperature. Seed. 16° C. (60.5° F.). 25° C. (77° F.). 31° C. (88° F.). 37. 5° C. (100° F.). It C. (111° F.). a b a b a b a _b a b Barley 100 100 100 100 100 100 80 76 100 100 4 100 100 100 100 100 100 76 100 100 72 72 50 48 32 32 144 216 32 32 290 80 32 192 56 216 32 168 192 56 92 100 100 100 100 100 68 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 24 32 24 24 24 56 96 23 24 120 48 24 48 32 120 32 144 108 32 24 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 84 100 100 100 88 88 100 144 24 48 48 24 24 48 32 47 24 48 80 32 96 80 72 24 148 168 48 Buckwheat . .. 100 48 Cabbage early small Cabbage , late, large - Clover, scarlet -- 100 100 100 100 24 24 48 48 Clover red. Corn (maize) 12 60 80 120 Cucumber Flax Lucern 100 100 24 48 Muskmelon . - _. 20 96 Oats - Radish, round , white 100 48 36 96 Radish, long, white Rye - - Rye grass, English Sunflower . 100 48 Timothy Tobacco Wheat PROPER CONDITIONS FOR TESTING SEEDS. The best temperature for the germination of most seeds is shown to be 25° C. (77° F.), while for a few this optimum is 31° C. (88° F.) and 37.5° C. (100° F.). But seeds germinating under natural condi- tions seldom have the advantage of this optimum temperature. In testing seeds, therefore, since it is necessary to get as near the natural conditions as possible, the temperature should be kept at between 18° and 20° 0. (64° and 68° F.). This has been found to be the normal temperature for germination. Usually the heat of an ordinary living room will be sufficient for home testing, but if the temperature is likely to fall very low during the night it is better to provide a little heat during that time. More harm will result from a considerable decrease of temperature than from a slight increase. In the European seed-control stations seeds are tested at a constant temperature of 18° to 20° C. (64° to 08° F.). For grass seeds the temperature is forced up to 30° C. (86° F.) during six hours of the twenty-four, this variation in the heat being found advantageous. TESTING SEEDS AT HOME. 179 Moisture is as important as temperature, liei'ore a seed can sproiM it must absorb water and swell. Though the swelling of a seed is a necessary preliminary, it is not always followed by germination, for the absorption of water is a purely mechanical process and does riot imply vitality in the seed. The entrance of water into the seed is dependent upon the structure of the seed coats. When these are hard and impervious, as is often the case in leguminous seeds and in nuts, water gains admission slowly and germination is retarded. In cereals and in most garden seeds the seed coats are easily penetrated by water, the seeds swell rapidly, and germination is prompt. Experi- ments have proved that seeds will absorb moisture and swell in a damp atmosphere, but that Tor germination, contact with water is necessary. An atmosphere saturated with water vapor is not suffi- cient to induce germination. Flaxseed kept in a saturated atmos- phere for nine days, and. seed of kohl-rabi kept under the same conditions for twenty-two days, did not germinate (Nobbe, Ilaiidbuch der Samenkuiide). Too much water is equally injurious. As a gen- eral rule, seeds will not germinate well when immersed in water. It is necessary to have the seeds in contact with some medium from which they can obtain an abundant supply without allowing water to stand around them. Light exerts a harmful influence upon germination. Experiments have shown that seeds placed under colored glass did not germinate as rapidly as those which were in complete darkness. Even more important than the exclusion of light is the free access of air and the escape of the noxious gases generated by germinating seeds. When germination has commenced, carbonic acid gas is given off, which must be allowed to escape, or growth will be checked. SELECTING SAMPLES. Selecting the sample to be tested is a matter of great importance. It must be a fair sample, including both good and bad seeds. If the quantity to be tested is considerable, small amounts should be taken from different parts of the mass. These small samples, thoroughly mixed, form the larger sample out of which the proper number of seeds is to be counted. In case the quantity of seed is small, say one-half pound of clover seed, pour the seed from the package into a pan, taking a small spoonful occasionally from the stream. From the quantity thus secured a sample for testing is taken. The number of seeds used in testing depends upon the size of the seed and upon I he quantity at disposal. If the sample is large enough, 100 seeds of the larger kinds and 200 to 400 of the smaller seeds are taken. The increased number is a check upon error in counting small seeds. In counting out the seeds a fair number of small and immature ones should be selected as well as the large and plump ones. There is reason to suspect that in some 180 YEARBOOK OF THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. tests only fine-looking seeds are used. These would, of course, give a higher percentage of germination than could be sustained by the entire sample. In selecting grass seeds for testing, care must be taken to use only such as contain a grain. In some kinds of grass seeds there are many empty glumes which it is difficult to distinguish from those containing a grain. A simple way to separate them is to wet the seed, spread it out on a plate of glass, and hold the plate up to the light. The empty chaif will appear translucent, while the good seed will be opaque. KEEPING A RECORD. Although for the results usually desired in home seed testing it is not absolutely necessary to keep a record, yet such a record, if well made, will be found to contain much valuable information. A few items will always need to be recorded, in any event, such as the date of beginning the test, the name of the variety, the number of seeds, and the number of germinated seeds removed from day to day. It is dangerous to trust anything to memory. Mistakes are sure to occur, and the test will then be useless. LENGTH OF TIME REQUIRED. The length of time a -test should continue depends upon the seed. In the seed-control stations ten days has been accepted as the proper time for most seeds, but a few require a longer period, namely: Days. Esparsette, serradella, beet-seed balls, rye grasses, timothy, carrots 14 Grasses, except meadow and rye grasses, and timothy 21 Meadow grasses (Poa) , coniferse (except white pine), birches, alders, acorns, beeches, and hornbeams _ _ _ 28 White pine and stone fruits 42 The seeds should be examined each day, and those that have ger- minated should be removed and the number recorded. A seed is con- sidered as germinated as soon as the root breaks through the seed coats. Under favorable conditions more than one-half of the seeds in a good sample will germinate in a much shorter time than that given above. The rapidity with which the seeds germinate is some indica- tion of the vigor of the embryo, and determines the germinative energy. The number of days in which more than one-half of the seeds in a good sample should germinate has been fixed as follows: Days. Cereals, clovers, peas, vetches, flat peas, flax, dodder, poppy, cabbage, radish, spurry, chicory _ _ 3 Squashes and pumpkins, cucumbers, beans, spinach, lupine, buckwheat, bur- net _ 4 Beet, timothy, serradella, bird's-f oot clover, rye grasses, meadow foxtail, reed grass .--,-, r ... r ,...,. r ... T ..,.., r . . . , , 0 TESTING SEEDS AT HOME. 181 Days. Redtop, hair grass, chervil, carrots, fennel, esparsette, sorghum. C> Spruce, fox-tail grass, sweet vernal grass, canary grass, Deschampsia, Trise- fnni, Poa, crested dog's tail, velvet grass, red and sheep's fescue •__ 7 Fir, pines (except white pine), maple 10 White pine ' 14 In nearly every test, especially of leguminous seeds, there will be some that remain hard. These can not be regarded as dead seeds, because Iheir condition is due to the hardness of the seed coats. The number of such seeds should be recorded. SPECIAL CARE NEEDED IN TESTING BEET-SEED BALLS. In testing beet-seed balls special care is necessary in recording the number of germinated seeds. The balls must be left in the test FIG. 33.— Simple germinating apparatus. A, closed; B, open. during the entire period of fourteen days, but whenever a seed has sprouted it must be cut out with a sharp knife ; or the root may be allowed to grow two or three days and then broken off and counted. The roots will either not grow out again, or, if they do, can not be mistaken for fresh ones. Either operation is very simple, and can be done by any one without the least trouble. The removal of the ger- minated seed or of the young roots is the only sure way of making an accurate test of the germination of beet-seed balls. One hundred seed balls should produce at least 150 seedlings. 1 Yearbook, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1894, p. 399. 182 YEARBOOK OF THE IT. P. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. APPARATUS. The apparatus used for home seed testing should be as simple as is consistent with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Any method that complies with the conditions given above — a proper amount of heal, moisture, air, and the exclusion of light — will give good results. For- tunately, these conditions are so easily fulfilled that the most inex- pensive apparatus will answer. Perhaps the simplest and at the same time the most satisfactory is the following: Take two plates and place in one of them a folded cloth; wool or flannel is preferable, since it remains moist for a long time, but any cloth will do. The cloth should be free from dyes that will conic out in water, since they may contain chemicals that would be injurious FIG. 24. — Homemade germinating apparatus. A, complete ; B, section. to the seed. Wet the cloth, pressing out the surplus water, leaving it very damp, but not soaked. Place the seeds between the folds of cloth, put in the number of the record, marked in pencil on a piece of paper, with date and number of seeds, and cover with the second plate, inverted. Plenty of air will get in between the plates, and the upper one will prevent too rapid evaporation of moisture. If the tests are to be made during the winter, keep the apparatus in the living room, as the heat of such a room will be sufficient for most seeds. During the night the seeds should be put in a warm place. Instead of the cloth, old newspapers, well soaked, can be used. These need to be moistened more frequently, however. (See fig. 23.) Another apparatus that will give good results, especially for seeds not larger than wheat, is the one shown in fig. 24. Here the seeds are placed free on the bottom of a porous saucer and the latter put inside of a tin basin. The basin should have at least two coats of TESTING REEDS AT HOME. 183 mineral pain) In prevent rusting. Water i s poured into the "basin up to about one-hal f 1 lie height of the saucer. The water will soak through 1he saucer and supply the seeds. For larger seeds this method is slow, "since the seeds do not get water rapidly enough.1 A very simple apparatus is a glass or porcelain dish or tin pan with a little water in the bottom, and a handful of cotton batting, soaked, and placed in the dish. Put the seeds on the cotton and cover the dish with a plate of glass. If il is desired 1<> test a number of samples in the same apparatus, a convenient form is the following: Take a large dripping pan or an ordinary frying pan. Paint it to prevent rusting. Put four sup- ports in the pan (inverted porous saucers are good) and place a tin or wire frame upon them, as shown in fig. 25. The seeds are laid between folds of blotting paper or cloth, which are then placed on the frame. A flap of paper or cloth hangs dowrn into the water, which half fills the tray and keeps the folds moist. FIG. 25.— Apparatus for germinating several varieties at one time. If glass can be had to put over the pan, evaporation will not be so rapid; otherwise the water will need replenishing frequently. The tin or wire tray need not be expensive, and can be replaced by anything the operator may have. It is only necessary that a flap should dip into the water to provide moisture. In testing seed some trouble will be experienced from the growth of mold. If the cloths and dishes are used many times, this trouble will become worse unless the spores of the fungi are killed. This can easily be done by boiling all cloths and washing the dishes in boiling water after each test. In testing seeds it is necessary that there should be a standard of germination with which the germination of the sample can be com- pared. If the percentage of germination falls far below the standard, the seed is not fit for use, and its value decreases for every per cent 1 An improvement on the above is described in the Yearbook of 1894, p. 405. Here folds of blotting paper or flannel cloth are placed in the porous saucer and the seeds laid between the folds. 184 YEARBOOK OF THE U.'S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of difference between its germination and that required by the standard. The following table is offered provisionally, having been made up from original data and the most reliable outside sources. A great deal of experimenting will be necessary before a permanent table of germination standards is offered: Table of germination standards. Seed. Per- cent- age. Seed. Per- cent- age. Seed. Per- cent- age VEGETABLE AND ORAIN SEEDS. Asparagus . 90 VEGETABLE AND GRAIN - SEEDS — continued. Leek 85 VEGETABLE AND GRAIN SEEDS— continued. Turnip 95 Beet 150 Lupin, yellow 90 Wheat 95 Brussels sprouts 95 Gherkin 92 Borecole 95 Melon, musk 92 GRASSES AND FORAGE Broccoli .- 85 Melon, water 92 PLANTS. QK qc Rape 95 Sorghum 90 95 Onion 85 Spurry 90 Buckwheat 92 Okra 85 95 Oats 95 Clover, red 90 85 75 Clover, white 85 a ey " • Clover, alsike 85 Celery , 65 Parsnip 75 65 Peas * 98 Clover, scarlet 90 Corn, field. 92 5 Pepper 85 Grass: Corn, sweet : -- 92.5 Pumpkin 92 Fowl meadow 75 Cucumber , 92 Radish 95 Johnson 75 Collards 95 Rhubarb 85 Kentucky blue 50 Cauliflower . ...... . _. a5 Salsify 83 Meadow fescue 80 85 89 Orchard 80 Cress 90 92 Texas blue 50 85 92 Timothy 90 Endive . 94 Sunflower 90 Millet- Kohl-rabi.... 90 Tomato 90 85 Lettuce 90 Tobacco 88 Pearl 85 Nothing has been said in this article about testing seeds for purity. This is an important matter, but could not be properly treated in a few pages. Garden and flower seeds ought always to be nearly pure, but those of grasses and forage plants, especially clovers, frequently contain a considerable amount of foreign matter. The seeds of harm- ful weeds are often found in quantity in clover seed. Farmers should be on their guard against impure seeds. CIRCULAR No. 34. 203 United States Department of Agriculture, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. WASHINGTON, D. C., February 17, 1897. RULES AND APPARATUS FOR SEED TESTING. The testing of seeds with reference to their purity and vitality was inaugurated by Prof. F. Nobbe, of Tharand, Saxony, nearly thirty years ago. The methods which he worked out are used with more or less modification in numerous experiment stations established for seed investigation and control in Germany and other European countries. A number of the agricultural experiment stations in this country have devoted more or less attention to this line of work. The importance and value of systematic tests of seed under scientific control have been clearly demonstrated, and the necessity for the establishment of methods and regulations suited to American conditions has been more apparent as the work has developed in this country. Recently a special labora- tory for seed investigations has been established in the Division of Botany of this Department. Its investigations have already greatly contributed to the working out of American standards for seed testing. With a view to encouraging cooperation between the Department and the experiment stations in formulating methods of procedure for seed testing in different parts of the country, a memorial signed by a majority of the experiment station directors was presented to the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations at. the con- vention held in Washington in November, 1896, requesting the appoint- ment of a "committee of experts in seed testing to devise and adopt a standard form of seed- testing apparatus and method of procedure for use in all American stations." Responding to this memorial, the asso- ciation ordered the appointment of a committee to formulate rules for seed testing which might be published for the guidance of the stations during the ensuing year and reported to the association at its next annual meeting for any further action deemed advisable at that time. The committee appointed was Dr. E. II. Jenkins, vice-director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; Mr. G. H. Hicks, in. charge of pure seed investigations of the Division of Botany of this Department; Mr. Gerald McCarthy, botanist of the North Carolina 1 Agricultural Experiment Station; Prof. F. W. Card, horticulturist of the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, and Prof. W. R. Lazenby, professor of horticulture in Ohio State University. The committee met at Washington, D. C., January 20, 1897, and for- mulated the rules for seed testing given in this circular. In this work they were aided by replies to a circular of inquiry received from officers of some 25 experiment stations which had engaged in seed investiga- tions. While the rules thus adopted are regarded as tentative and may hereafter need more or less modification, it is nevertheless believed that they will greatly aid in systematizing seed investigations in this country and contribute to the establishment of methods by which pur- chasers of seeds throughout the country may be protected from fraud. The rules for seed testing as adopted by the committee, together with the accompanying blanks for reports and a description of the approved apparatus, are submitted with the recommendation that they be pub- lished as Circular No. 34 of this Office. Respectfully, A. C. TRUE, Director. Hon. CHAS. W. DABNEY, JR., Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. RULES FOR SEED TESTING. Adopted by the committee of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations January 23, 1897. (1) Sending samples.— Every sample for test should be sent to the station in a securely fastened package accompanied by a statement cer- tifying to the fairness of the sample, its source, etc. Blanks for this purpose will be furnished by the station upon application. In case of guaranteed seed, the sample must be taken in accordance with direc- tions given in the sampling blank No. 2. (2) Purity test. — All purity tests shall be made by weight from fair, average samples of seed. The minimum quantities to be used for this determination are named below and must be so drawn as to secure a thoroughly representative sample. One gram: Agrostis spp., the Poas, yellow oat grass, tobacco. Two grams: Bermuda grass, velvet grass, timothy, meadow foxtail, crested dog's tail, orchard grass, sweet vernal grass, alsike clover, white clover, Umbelliferae, and all the fescues except meadow fescue. Three grams : All grass seed not enumerated above. Five grams: Melilotus, Medicago spp., millet, lettuce, and all species of clover seed except white and alsike. Ten grams: Crucifera3, flax, and Lespedeza. Thirty grams: Buckwheat, Yicia spp., Lathyrus spp., beet'4 balls," esparsette, lentils, sunflower, teosinte, serradella, cucurbits, and all cereals except corn. Fifty grams: Peas, beans, corn, lupines, cotton, and cowpeas. Amounts to be taken of seeds not enumerated shall be the same as those required for seeds named which are of similar size. In case the sample is suspected to contain any seed of a pest, like dodder, Canada thistle, wild mustard, plantain, etc., at least 50 grams shall be examined for said impurity. (3) Germination tests — (a) Sef>. Abstract in Experiment Station Record, 7:509. working with Picea c.vcelsa, found that covering the seed to a depth of J4 inch gave the best germination per cent. In December 1910 samples of Finns ponderosa seed, col- lected at Maine, Arizona in the fall of 1909, were sown at the greenhouse at the University of Nebraska by the writer in a half and half mixture of loam and sand at various depths. The average temperature of the greenhouse was from 75 to 80 degrees F. for approximately ten hours and then 55 to 60 degrees F. for the remaining 14 hours of the 24-hour period. The table below gives the results. Forest Club Annual Depth of covering. Number of days before the first seedling appeared. Final germination per cent. Period adopted 52 days. Depth of seed !/4 inch i/2 inch ^4 inch 1 inch li/4 inch iy2 inch 10 13 14 16 Rotted in the soil Rotted in the soil Rotted in the soil 72 48 36 Rotted before completely freeing seed cap. 0 0 0 A blotter test of the same material gave a final germination of 75 per cent in 21 days. The covering of ^ inch in the experiments given above was certainly too much. In the course of the experiments it was noticed that the seedlings had considerable difficulty in releasing their seed caps from the soil, in one instance three days being required, while in another the seedling died in five days through inability to free its cap. Only three seedlings appeared at the soil surface from those seeds covered to a depth of three- fourths inch, but these could not release their seed caps and speedily died. The difference in final germination seems to be entirely too marked between those seeds covered to a depth of l/^ inch and those covered to their own depth (about l/% inch), par- ticularly in view of the results obtained by Bates and Somer- ville. A repetition of the first part of this experiment with the same seed in pure sand a year later gave a final germination of 76 per cent for seeds covered to their own depth (about l/& inch) and of 88 per cent for seeds covered to a depth of *4 inch. In this experiment the final germination decreases directly with the increase in depth of covering and the period before the first seed- ling appears increases directly. Generally, it may be stated that coniferous seed may be covered to their own depth or to y\ inch in sand tests ; the latter depth will probably be preferable, since with the deeper covering there is less danger of exposing the seed through washing off of the soil when surface watering is applied. The amount of moisture in the soil used is another important factor in the germination of seeds since either too much or too little will retard germination. Samples of Finns ponderosa seed, collected at Maine, Arizona in the fall of 1909, were sown in a half and half mixture of sand and loam at the same time and Methods in Germination Tests of Coniferous Tree Seeds under the same greenhouse conditions of temperature as stated on page 83, but were given varying amounts of water per day. No. Inches water per day Germination com- menced, days Final germination one hundred forty-six days 1 2 3 4 .064 .117 .212 .306 17 12 10 10 60% 80% 83% 80% The seeds receiving the lowest moisture daily showed a marked decrease in final germination, but there is little to choose between the three samples receiving the greater amounts, since the periods elapsing before germination commenced are very close for all three and the final germination per cents vary but slightly. The differences are not marked enough to draw any conclusions with these three, but the longer period elapsing be- fore germination commenced and the lower final germination per cent of No. 2 as compared with No. 3 and the lower final germina- tion per cent of No. 4 as compared with No. 3 suggests that the amount of moisture per day received by No. 3 was probably the optimum, \o. 2 receiving not quite enough and No. 4 slightly too much. However, these data are offered not in an attempt to establish a rule concerning the optimum moisture requirement, but merely as an illustration of the effect of moisture. Suffice it to say that in germination tests the surface soil should be kept continually moist and never permitted to dry out. The method of making germination tests of coniferous seeds given in the following is one which the writer found very satis- factory. First, from the lot of seed to be tested, just as received from the field or storage house, a representative sample is selected. Even though the seed has been cleaned at the time of extraction it is rarely, if ever, entirely free from foreign matter, which neces- sitates further cleaning at the time of testing. This will be ex- plained later. If the lot is large, several pounds are selected at random frcm various parts of the lot, while if the lot is small (a few pounds), it is included entirely. The quantity selected is thoroughly mixed by hand and then divided into two equal portions, as closely as possibly can be done by the eye. One of these portions is discarded and the other divided in the same manner. This process is repeated until two portions of about Forest Club Annual five hundred seeds each, according to estimate, are obtained. One of these portions is then discarded and from the other portion five hundred seeds in series of one hundred are counted out. This is considered to be as nearly a representative sample as can be obtained. There are various types of mechanical separators made for this purpose, but they offer nothing of real value in the way of increased accuracy, and besides, are slower than the hand method. At the same time the following data are recorded for each lot of seed, the lot being designated by a Roman numeral. Sample No. Species. Pounds of seed in the lot. Origin. Date. Place. Altitude. Exposure. Notes or remarks on mother trees. Method of drying cones. Method of storing seed. Number of uncleaned seed per pound. Number of clean seed per pound. The first sample tested from Lot I would be Number 1 and designated as 1-1. "Method of drying cones" means whether kiln dried or sun dried. This is of importance, since it may help at times to ex- plain unexpected results. Too high a temperature applied in the kiln at the time of drying the cones seriously impairs the germina- tion of the seed. The number of uncleaned seed per pound is obtained by weighing out an ounce of seed from one of the portions discarded and then counting the number of seeds, after which the number per pound can be calculated. This figure is of great value, since from it and the practical germination per cent the amount (by weight) of seed to be sown per unit area in the nursery or field is calculated. The number of clean seeds per pound is obtained by re- moving all foreign matter from the ounce of seed used above, reweighing and again calculating the number per pound. The other data are obtained from notes made by the seed collector. The seed sample is then ready for placing in the germina- tion apparatus. Methods in Germination Tests of Coniferous Tree Seeds The soil test is used, sand being the medium chosen, in movable flats with inside dimensions of 4 inches deep by 12 inches square for containers. When a new test is started in a flat, this flat is filled level to the top with finely sifted sand jus!; moisi enough to pack well, which, is then pressed down with a board just fitting inside of the flat. This board, which is l/% inch thick, has five strips nailed to it on the under side, each strip being 1 inch wide and l/% inch deep. These strips are spaced 1 inch apart and the two outer strips are \l/> inches from the edge of the board. The board also has strips nailed on the top and pro- iecting over the edge to prevent it from being pushed down more than the required depth. After being pressed down with this board the surface of the sand is just j/g inch from the top of the flat and five rows appear on the sand 1 inch wide, 1 inch apart, the outer two rows \y2 inches from sides of the flat. All the rows are l/§ inch deep. Into each row is put a series of one hundred seeds evenly distributed ; thus, each flat holds a com- plete sample of five hundred seeds. Sand is then sifted over the whole so as to more than fill the flat, the extra soil being scraped off with a straight board. This results in a uniform sand cover over the seeds to the depth of ]/\ inch, together with practically uniform soil conditions in the seed bed. The slight difference of compression of y% inch between the rows and the inter-row spaces appears negligible. The flat is then marked with the lot and sample designations and the rows are given separate numbers. Next, the flat is placed on a bench in the greenhouse, where a temperature range is kept within 25 degrees F.. with a minimum of 55 degrees F. and a maximum of 80 degrees F. The flat is watered daily or often enough to keep the top of the sand moist. The date on which the germination test is commence 1 is recorded. Daily observations are made and the date on which germination commenced in each row is recorded. Then daily counts are made of the number of seeds germinated in each row and the final germination computed for each row at the end of 75 days, (since tests have shown that very few or no seeds germinate after this period) by digging out and opening the ungerminated seeds and adding the number of those with ap- parently fertile embryos to the number already germinated. If the final germination for all five rows does not vary more than 12 per cent, the sample is assumed to be representative. However, if there is a variation of over 12 per cent, a new sample is selected and the test repeated. If the results of the test show it to be representative, the daily germinations of the five series Forest Club Annual • f seed in each 'sample are averaged, and the daily germination curve plotted. From this, the practical germination per cent and the final germination per cent for the sample is established. The advantage of testing each sample of 500 seeds in series of 100 is self-evident. There is, of course, always a possibility that even in a carefully selected sample of 500 seeds there may be a number of abnormal seeds which will influence the result markedly one way or the other. If the 500 seeds are tested as one series, there is no possible way of detecting such an abnor- mality, and the final result is likely to be misleading. But in testing the 500 seeds as series of one hundred each, considerable opportunity is offered to detect any such abnormality and, if necessary, repeat the test. Even this is open to the criticism that the abnormality may be evenly divided over the 5 series of 100 seeds each, but this is not very likely. At any rate, the chance for error is greatly reduced even if it is not entirely eradicated. XKCFSSITY OF STANDARDIZING GERMINATION TESTS. The investigator must not lose sight of the fact that, as yet, methods of testing coniferous seeds are not definitely worked out. Furthermore, seed testing is not an exact science for which a hard and fast set of rules to be invariably followed can be promulgated. The factors influencing any given seed test are too varied to be brought under exact control. Then, too, special methods must be evolved for special investigations, which still further complicates the problem. However, it is highly desirable that methods of making germination tests of coniferous tree seeds should be standardized as rapidly as is compatible with our increasing knowledge of the subject. This is absolutely essential if germination tests are to be of any but local value and if they are to be of practical use to the forest nurseries at large. For example, the relative value of the seed means nothing now if one sample of Douglas fir col- lected in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon gives a practical 'germination of 67 per cent and a final germination of 75 per cent while another collected in central Colorado gives a practical germination of 50 per cent and a final germination of 60 per cent unless the tests were made by the same establishment. Of course, it is evident that for exact experiments the comparative tests must be made at the same time, in the same place and under the same conditions ; but the results obtained from a standard method applied at all testing establishments would be sufficiently ac- curate and comparable to prove of great value in nursery and field sowing. No. 22. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. 227 CO-OPERATIVE EXPERIMENT WITH FOREST TREE SEEDS. By Geo. O. Butz. The Division of Forestry, United States Department of Agriculture, in the fall of 1896, planned an extensive experiment for the purpose of studying the climatic effects upon several widely spread species of forest tree seedlings. We were requested to co-operate in the work upon the plans adopted by the Division of Forestry and agreed to do so. All the seeds, as collected, were sent to Washington, D. C., and the distribution to each Station co-operating was made from there. The plan was to obtain seeds of certain native or introduced trees from every state that could possibly furnish them and then have each state entering the work plant portions of all the kinds under similar conditions for comparative studies. The first difficulty met with was in securing the seeds, many states failing to supply the kinds or quantities demanded for the experi- ment. We were able to obtain in Pennsylvania the complete list in the fall of 1896, but the following year forest trees very generally showed an "off year" in seed production. The species chosen for the first year's planting were as follows: Black walnut, Juglans nigra. Bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa. Hackberry, Celtis occidentalis. Honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos. Box elder, Acer negundo. Green ash, Fraxinus lanceolata. White ash, Fraxinus Americana. By referring to the plot of this experiment, it will be seen how m my omissions occurred even among the twenty-five states repre- sented. It will be seen also that Kentucky substituted for the box elder and green ash the Kentucky coffee bean (Gyrnnocladus dioicus) and the blue ash (Fraxinus quadrangulata). There was one sample of bitternut (Hicoria mimina) from Michigan which is omitted from the tables. About 40 per cent, of the seeds were received in November or early December, 1896, and were promptly planted in the ground prepared ANNUAL REPORT OF Off. Doc. for them. The remainder of the seeds were received along through the winter and were stratified to preserve them until spring planting was possible. This occurred April 14, 1897. It was not apparent that the seeds which reached the Station in the latter part of January, 1897, had been stratified, but it is apparent from the results of germ- ination that they lacked greatly in vitality as compared with the fall- planted seeds. This is particularly true of the hackberry, honey locust and green ash. The comparison is shown in the following figures: Comparing Results of Fall and Spring Planting. No. of samples. Total germinated. average, per sample. WALNUT: 11 154 14 g 352 09 BUR OAK: 6 24 4 2 38 19 HACKBERRY: Fall planted 5 358 71 6 110 18 HONEY LOCUST: Fall planted 5 718 143 Spring planted 4 95 24 BOX ELDER: 6 552 n g 458 153 GREEN ASH: Fall planted 6 651 109 3 134 45 WHITE ASH: 4 234 59 Spring planted 2 133 66 Three of the thirteen sample of box elder were absolutely worthless upon arrival, having no embryos and consequently produced no plants. These were from Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. A fourth sample from Colorado contained but 30 per cent, of embryos and subsequently yielded but sixteen plants. These four cases were omitted from the foregoing estimate. The bur oaks should also be eliminated from the table, because a few days after the fall samples were planted two full-grown hogs spent a night in search of the acorns and greatly reduced the number of them. The soil in which these seeds were planted is a stiff limestone clay loam in excellent condition for the purpose of this experiment, having been under cultivation for farm crops for at least thirty years. The plot slopes slightly to the southeast, being on elevated land, but has no protection from north or west winds. The native forest growth of the land was oak, walnut, hickory, yellow and white pine. The seeds were planted in rows three and one-half feet apart, and No. 22. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. 22ft the ground has been kept cultivated and free from weeds each growing season. In July, 1897, the seedlings were thinned out to prevent excessive crowding among the plants. Observations were recorded from time to time of the growth, vigor and maturing of the young trees, and some of these will be found in the tables of this report. The items called for by the Division of Forestry have all been noted and presented herewith. They are: the tallest tree of each sample, average height of each sample, effect of spring frosts on seedlings, date of fall of leaves. At the close of the first year instructions were received to "trans- plant ten trees of all kinds of which thirty or more seedlings grew, and five trees of those which produced a smaller number of seedlings. These should be set, if possible, where they can remain for several years." This work was not done, but at the close of growth in the second year, the seedlings were all thinned out in place, giving the entire original space to a maximum of eight black walnuts and five of every other kind. This treatment was adopted because of the unintentional neglect of transplanting seedlings at one year, and because extra ground was not available. It had the advantage of leaving the young trees undisturbed to pass through the severe winter of '98-?99, which proved so disastrous to the walnut, bur oak and white ash. It was a part of the original plan to duplicate the plantings of seeds annually for five years, but the difficulty of obtaining the seeds was greater in the second year than in the first, and instead of 80 samples, as in the first year, we received only 55 samples for the second plant- ing, of which only 33 were exact duplicates of the former. Several chestnuts and pecans were included, but the chestnuts were too dry when received to possess any vitality, therefore, no seedlings were obtained. In the tables which follow, the states are marked with as- terisks (*) to indicate that a duplicate will be found in the second years' tables. Table I. — There are twenty-one samples of walnut (Juglans nigra), gathered from regions representing as great a variety of climatic conditions as we may find in the United States. The seeds were all gathered from native trees with the exception of those from Cali- fornia, Colorado and Nebraska. The nuts from California were nota- bly small, not more than one-half the size of black walnuts ordinarily. Germination varied from May 26 to June 21, taking the record from the first appearance of the seedling through the ground. The plant- lets continued to appear in some instances until July 9. The loss of young trees on account of winter killing as indicated in the last column of Table I, is most remarkable, for these trees were well established two-year old plants with their tap roots deep in the soil. Of the 134 best trees left standing by the thinning out of Oc- 230 ANNUAL REPORT OF Off. Doc. tober, 1898, nearly 68 per cent, were dead the following spring. Death seems to have been caused through the roots rather than by the tops, for many of the killed trees stood until September with green tissue just above the surface of the ground and in a few cases running half way up the trunks, while their roots were decayed to a powder. It should be noticed here too, however, that in the thinning opera- tion referred to, the superfluous trees were cut out by severing the tap root about two inches below ground, and in very many cases these roots left in the ground sent up sprouts the present summer, strong and vigorous, even two or three sprouts from one root. It is a sur- prise that these roots were not killed. Table II. — The seeds of the bur oaks (all from native trees) showed great variation in size and shape. Those from Vermont were the smallest, being one-half inch in diameter and three-fourths inch long. Those from Oklahoma were the largest, measuring as much as one and one-half inches in diameter and two inches long. The same quantity of acorns was sown in each case, but the number of plants obtained was very small, except in the case of Vermont. It is a fact that the larger the acorns, the smaller the number of resulting plants, though this may not always be the case. The number of plants in this series of cases is too small to warrant definite conclusions. Table III. — The seeds of the eleven samples of hackberry were quite uniform in size, that is J-§ inch in diameter with the exception of those from Texas and South Carolina, which were small enough to be the seeds of the shrubby variety of the south (Celtis occidentalis var puinila). The foliage on the South Carolina plants is much smaller than that of the others, though the young trees are fully as strong. The earliest plants appeared through the ground May 5 and the last on July 9. The seed from North Carolina failed entirely. All the plants from the Texas seed, fourteen in number, were killed in their first winter, arid those from Oklahoma, originally 117, being among the most vigorous hackberry trees were thinned to five good specimens by October, 1898, and all were killed by the severe winter following. The seeds of all the hackberries were from native trees. Table IV. — The honej ..ocust seed was all alike and apparently fresh and good. They were jtxom native trees with one exception, that from Pennsylvania. One-ht»ai 41 a) 22 2222 • * *o • • « liiMjiJ oo en I -*->-(-» : 1c to t5 -M . -M . .^. . : . o • 33 O ; o O 3 ^ , . . 3 . . . > i ; o : • ; 1 i :3 : i i II II a. 41 a> : c c c >. . K : ooo : WWW o : : o . : o ; : . . i 00 >> t^ • :fc :bbb :EJ ii-iii II i xx • iS iSSS i! ill! s i|||| BW : o ::::;:::: PS : : • : • • • • :§ : :^j :,*,* xx : - : • :^ : : :O : O io ioo co :g : i io i i '• -~ '. s- • 3 • 3 • n ' m '.!-,'. '^ S~ t* t-i ; 3 : 3 3 33 • W -WW WW : :pq : : 1 33333333 33^33 5£55££S£ 555£ •333 -333 33 : & c c :£ c c c^ • d'3'3 •'3'3>3 'S'rt : : : : : : : : : : : : : i i : : : : : :.5 : : : 5 : . ; ; i i :S : ' : ' : filillfliliil! •*"g '5l>;£ ' . "EJSo|g^P ^ *£'3'5^^5ai 2^-r Illl .31. ill 2?.4 ANNUAL REPORT OF Off. Doe 11 |«s §rs s^ Tallest plants. Inches. Oct. 1,189 ou t- d 30 ^ 3 aj H oooooooocoooocooocooo i-'^-S S S . 'J HP: PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. 235 Winte killed. 1898-99. Thinned out in place to oooooooo OOOOOOCO If ll 11 1 A C r, ,— ( .^ ^ >^ k> * 236 ANNUAL REPORT OF Off. Doc 0> .0 pi* I 2-SS ££2 oo 1! OOOOOGOOU OOOCOOOOO Ot-^O o o t-coooo t- t- t- i No. 22. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. 237 238 ANNUAL REPORT OF Off. Does. No. 22. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. 239 h°a 1 31 o S *j +j .M -M -M OOOO- No. 22. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. 241 a CO CM** HI K 1 ?f - «s o g «•••• JM c 3 1-3 n ' 1 1 coce^ Tallest seedlings. Inches. 10 «D 10 00 c if1 il ooco^oo T-l a -o (1 oi R 3 E OJ V ^ 1) c c £c ' | : ; • •Vermont, Texas South Dakota, . Kansas, I o Ijj » ii 1? I IS Is «s?:ssss ||| LH <1) C EQ •»S35;J3SSS * Si*0* ' K) CO 00 000 t- ll WE«. •d \\ \\\ g c 'g : : : : : :::::: ^ £ E tS ca ctf ^ cS § oi B i 1 g •Texas, •Connecticut, .. •Kansas, •South Carolina, Missouri Tennessee 'Pennsylvania, •Duplicated ii 16—22—98 242 ANNUAL REPORT OF Off. Doc x: £§« 1I.S hcS o +j to C r°M CO S-ltfCvJ 1 £ • •.r-f-l- 00 Cq-*COOO -I ii . SS23 .1 i Ife ^ss s s^s rH 'iH eo r cj : :-M< t- t-^-*M m s — -S TS'g « Hsr s««a H H S III cc eg r- o >>>>>£•*> >»>>>.!>> rtosrtoni ctfctirtoj : : : : : ; > > _oj 8 s cti H $ * c« H £ 1 # » * c i cS CJ "S p Q * • - • d : • •5 :-S : : .5 itt^tt Hals Is ill * # » » » » * 'Duplicated •Mil'] I'KNNSYLVAMA STATH COLLEGE. 243 s§3 H &v ri rH- Q « C+j ScS JSSS in in us in in ic in oo to oo o> 05 c~ t- 10 TH iM «C t- <0 CO |!i • t-'VOO 1)<00 1 li!!- o J • CO 05 CM C 3 r ' i^ rH ,n ,0 U-. IA ' M E nO ,d QQ •rtri Average growth. Inches. O^ -4— ' s|« *«*«s ,rq ^"° C Bf 1 *"* T-T in in in oo ^> iff~l H C **fl" Q) Ij -8«S§ •d «j | 0) to jj '^xg^ : : : r> 2 tfl s 2 0) H £ • _ ci 'it! . 'c o * * C 'a i Trt p| aT~ / a . ^ o £ 'jj c g c c a 3 Q » 244 ANNUAL REPORT OF Off. Dae. a S "te G • ° S s It; -^ 10 c 10 CC -* 1 ' J ira inio r • is s ill <£>•*•••«• «R. 0>«OtP 8|| »o -S . O 000-) fff^i ^'S"^. ll OTOO c • 1 : : ! c | "M E- II! to (V I i I 00 : • • sll Issued January 13, 1912. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE— Circular 196. HENRY S. GRAVES, Forester. THE INFLUENCE OF AGE AND CONDITION OF THE TREE UPON SEED PRODUCTION IN WESTERN YELLOW PINE. BY G. A. PEARSON, In Charge, Fort Valley Experiment Station. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1912 CONTENTS. Page. Tests on western yellow pine seed 3 Germination 5 Yield Application of conclusions 10 lOr.1961 (2) THE INFLUENCE OF AGE AND CONDITION OF THE TREE UPON SEED PRODUCTION IN WESTERN YELLOW PINE, TESTS ON WESTERN YELLOW PINE SEED. The influence of the character of the mother plant upon the quality and quantity of seed produced and upon the character of the offspring is a factor which is well recognized in plant breeding. In forestry this factor should be considered not. only in collecting seed for arti- ficial propagation, but also in the selection of trees to provide for the natural regeneration of cut-over areas. In selecting seed trees the forester must ask himself: "Which trees will produce the best quality and the greatest quantity of seed ?" and finally, "Which will produce the most desirable seedlings?" Secondary, though very important, considerations which should govern the forester in his selection of trees to provide for the future stand after cutting are wind firmness and merchantable deterioration or appreciation. This circular deals primarily with the conditions affecting the germinative quality of the seed. The influence upon the quantity of seed, though of great importance, will be treated only as a second- ary topic, because the data on this phase of the subject are incomplete. The species studied was western yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa). The locality was near Maine, Ariz., on the Tusayan National Forest, elevation about 7,200 feet. In November, 1909, 100 samples, each consisting of from about one-tenth to 1 bushel of cones, according to the amount available, were collected from 100 trees representing different ages, sizes, and conditions of soundness and general health. The cones were collected in connection with a logging operation, which made it possible to determine accurately the age and soundness of the tree. In the case of young trees which were not felled the age and soundness had to be estimated; but since the number of such trees was small and nearly all of them were thrifty, the errors in these esti- mates will not be great enough materially to affect the results. In each case the sample was made up of cones from all parts of the crown. Careful data were taken on each sample, according to the outline on page 4. * 1 The seed samples and accompanying data were gathered by Forest Assistant Harold H. Greenamyre. 16333°— [Cir. 196J- 12 (3) Tree No Height (feet) Diameter breasthigh (inches) . Age (years) Clear length Condition of bole Condition of crown. Fire scar? Spike top? Other peculiarities Yield of cones (bushels) Condition of cones Number of cones in sample . Dry weight sample (pounds) . Weight seed (ounces) Site: Exposure and slope Soil Ground cover Stand.. TABLE 1. — Comparative germination of seed of western yellow pine — Coconino Experi- ment Station. Tree class. Duration of test (days). Basis. Aver- age yield of cones per tree. Basis. Aver- age amount of seed per pound of dry cones. Basis. Aver- age num- ber of seed, per pound. Basis. 15 20 25 30 40 50 Average germination (percent). "• Yellow pine 42 52 41 53 43 44 46 41 56 63 68 55 53 36 48 35 33 29 56 48 54 58 69 55 71 58 55 62 57 ! 84 68 68 50 63 74 55 42 77 56 86 61 72 57 74 65 57 65 61 78 80 86 70 70 54 69 81 58 45 78 61 86 64 74 61 76 69 59 68 65 79 82 87 71 72 58 75 82 61 47 82 66 88 67 75 63 77 70 60 70 68 79 83 87 73 74 61 77 82 64 49 83 72 88 68 76 64 78 71 61 70 69 79 84 87 73 74 62 77 82 66 50 84 74 88 Trees. 60 38 28 It . 4 73 18 9 4 2 7 6 11 4 1 8 5 2 2 1 Bush. 1.8 1.0 1.8 1.0 1.7 Trees. 55 •S 27 8 30 Ounces. 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.5 1.4 1 9 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.2 Trees. 47 36 20 13 27 2 59 16 8 3 1 5 6 7 3 12.065 12, 624 11,362 12.305 12,644 15,352 12,223 12,498 12, 294 Trees. 62 38 28 34 34 4 73 18 9 Blackjack Healthy yellow pine. . Healthy blackjack .... Unhealthy yellow pine Unhealthy blackjack . Open stand J 1.8 1.1 .7 1.2 1.1 .8 1.5 1.7 1.7 4.0 2.1 1.0 1.5 2.3 1.5 51 13 4 3 2 6 6 10 4 1 8 5 1 2 1 Medium stand 1 .... Dense stand * By decades: l 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 1.3 1.2 1.0 .9 2.0 5 5 1 2 1 220 230 i 240 250 260 270 i | 280 20 43 24 52 26 57 33 60 38 61 39 61 2 2 2.1 .6 2 2 1.2 1.5 2 2 290 300 310 36 3 38 26 70 1 79 50 80 57 8 80 55 82 62 14 81 62 83 63 22 83 70 83 63 36 83 71 83 1 1 1 3 2 .3 2.0 •2.0 1.3 3.3 1 1 1 2 2 . 320. 1.3 .9 1.4 2.0 1 1 2 1 330 340 350 360 370 380 12 61 43 52 45 37 15 70 76 71 61 52 16 72 77 73 65 54 18 74 78 77 69 58 24 75 78 78 70 62 27 75 78 81 71 63 1 2 20 • »64 16 2.5 3.0 2.0 1 2 1 1.2 1.2 .9 1 2 1 390 400 Below 140 (diameter breast-high 14 inches and below) 2 . 13,256 11,652 13,447 21 63 16 140-2501 , 1.6 2.0 49 15 1.3 1.3 39 13 260-4001 » All trees; 2 Blackjack, not cut. Age estimated. 8 Includes 10 "blackjack" 15-22 inches diameter breast-high and 1 "yellow pine" 17 inches diameter breast-high whose exact age was not determined. [Cir. 196] Table 1 gives a comparison of the different classes of trees with reference to germination and yield. The cones were air dried. Each sample was placed in a 2-bushel sack immediately after collecting and kept there through the entire process of drying. The amount placed in each sack was in no case more than 1 bushel, though by the time the cones were fuUy opened the volume had about doubled. The drying process, which involved daily turning of the sacks, required about six weeks. No rain or snow fell in the meantime. The seeds were extracted by first shaking the cones violently in an iron tub and then striking each cone separately against the side of the tub. They were cleaned by rubbing between the hands, and later allowing the wings to blow out by pouring the mass slowly from one vessel to another in a light breeze, care being exercised to prevent the light, hollow seed shells from blowing out, because obviously these should be considered in the germination tests. The germination tests l were made at Washington by planting 200 seeds from each sample in a sand flat and subjecting them to a hot- house temperature of 60° F. The duration of the test was 52 days, during which period counts were made every two or three days. The terms "blackjack" and "yellow pine" will be used in this circular to distinguish two forms of the species Pinus ponderosa. "Blackjack" is the local name applied to young, vigorous trees characterized by a dark, almost black bark. "Yellow pine" is the local name applied to the older trees characterized by a yellowish or reddish brown bark. Lumbermen generally regard the two forms as distinct species, but the only difference is that due to age. From Table 1 the following deductions may be made : GERMINATION. Seed from young trees shows a higher germination than seed from old, mature, or overmature trees. The 38 blackjacks used in this test give a germination of 76 per cent, against 68 per cent for the 60 yellow pines. A comparison of 20 trees near Cliffs on this Forest in 1908 gave a germination of 68 per cent for yellow pine, against 80 per cent for blackjack. Classifying both blackjack and yellow pine accord- ing to age, by decades, the germination per cent is found to fall with the increase in years. This decline is, however, by no means regular. For instance, 5 trees 220 years old show an average germi- nation of only 50 per cent, while 2 trees 390 years old show an aver- age of 75 per cent. Dividing all trees, both yellow pine and blackjack, into three age classes, namely, below 140 years (8 to 14 inches diam- eter breast-high), 140 to 250 years, and 260 to 400 years, the average germination per cents are found to be 81, 71, and 63, respectively. i Conducted by Mr. N. IT. Grubb. Office of Silvics. [Cir. 196] 6 Certain injuries decrease while others increase seed quality. A com- parison of healthy and unhealthy trees shows the following germina- 'tion per cents: Healthy yellow pine, 64; unhealthy yellow pine, 71; healthy blackjack, 78; unlieal thy blackjack, 61. In classifying the trees with respect to health, those affected by heart rot, insects, mistletoe, dying top, fire scars, and suppression are classed as "un- healthy," while those showing no indications of disease or injury are classed as "healthy." These terms mean but little, however, unless we inquire into the actual condition of the tree. Grouping the 34 trees classed as unhealthy according to the nature of the injury, the following interesting comparison is derived: TABLE 2. — Comparative quality of seed from healthy and unhealthy trees. Healthy. Unhealthy. Yellow pine. Black- jack. Heart rot, yel- low pine. Spike top, yel- low pine. Fire scar, yellow pine. Bark: l>eetle, yellow pine. Mistle- toe, black- jack. Germination per cent 64 28 78 34 67 10 79 7 79 15 37 3 51 3 Basis trees Yellow pine affected by heart rot shows a germination 3 per cent higher than that of sound, healthy yellow pine. This difference, based upon only 10 trees, is hardly sufficient to establish the conclusion that heart rot increases germinative quality, but at the same time tends to show that at least the seed of such trees is not inferior to that of sound trees. The smallness of the effect is probably due to the fact that the rot works upon the heartwood exclusively and does not directly attack the vegetative life of the tree. If the rot should become sufficiently advanced to reduce materially the vitality of the tree, it is probable that the quality of the seed would be im- paired and the quantity diminished. On the other hand, the fungus in its earlier stages may act as a stimulus, as in the case of "spike top" and fire scars, considered in the paragraphs following. Spike tops show a germination 15 per cent higher than that of the Jiealthy yellow pine. "Spike top " is the common term applied to trees with dead leaders, generally caused by some mechanical injury, most frequently lightning. The wound is usually followed by a fungous attack. The leader dies back from year to year, and as the upper branches drop away a straight shaft is left projecting above the living portion of the crown. The injuries causing spike top evi- dently act as a stimulus upon seed production. This peculiarity— apparently nature's provision for the perpetuation of the species — although not fully understood, is a matter of common observation. [Cir. 196] It is in accordance with the same natural law which governs sprout growth after a basal burn, and the production of adventitious shoots after an injury on the stems or branches of certain broadleaf trees. Yellow pine marked by fire scars shows a germination 15 per cent above that of healthy yellow pine. Fire scars are confined almost entirely to the base of the tree. They begin as a small burn in the bark and cambium, but increase in size and depth with recurring fires, until finally they sometimes extend 5 feet or more up, and one- half or two-thirds through the stem. Trees thus affected generally bear no marked signs of reduced vitality except in advanced stages, although possibly measurements might show a diminution in growth. The direct effects of the burn are a reduction of the water supply of the crown of the tree because of the destruction of more or less of the water-transporting elements, and at the same time a reduction of the food supply of the roots through the destruction of some of the elements bringing elaborated food material from the crown to the roots. It is evident that the food supply of the roots will suffer more than the water supply of the crown, because the elements bringing down the food, being nearer the surface, are more readily destroyed by the fire. The eventual result will be a reduction of the food supply of the entire tree, due to a reduction of the amount of water which the tree is able to absorb. In spite of this fact, burns appear to stimulate seed production, as does the injury causing spike top. Mistletoe-infected blackjack shows a germination 17 per cent below that of unaffected blackjack. Although mistletoe stimulates growth in the immediate region of the parasite, causing the abnormal devel- opment of certain branches, the excess of carbohydrates produced by the additional foliage of the mistletoe-stimulated branches is used by the parasite itself, so that the final result is a drain upon the tree. It seems highly improbable that mistletoe would ever act as a stimulus upon seed production, because its action is insidious, slowly sapping the vitality of the tree instead of causing injuries in the nature of a shock, as is the case with burns or other mechanical injuries. The effect of suppression is not clearly demonstrated. Of . the two yellow pine included in our data, one has a germination per cent of 92 and the other only 14.5, the average of the two being 53, or 11 per cent below that of normal yellow pine. The only blackjack tested shows a germination of 90.5 per cent, or 12.5 above that of the average healthy blackjack. On account of the great variation between the individual trees cited above, it is impossible to predict the result of averaging a large number of trees. One would naturally expect to find an inferior quality of seed on a suppressed tree, but this would vary with the degree and period of suppression. It will also be counterbalanced to a certain extent by those factors which [Cir. 196] 8 tend to better the quality of seed in dense stands, such as more favorable conditions for pollination and the moderating effect of close crown cover, described in the following paragraph: The highest quality of seed is produced in dense stands. The germi- nation for open, medium, and dense stands is 70 per cent, 69 per cent, and 79 per cent, respectively. The difference between the open and medium stands is too small to establish any conclusion one way or the other; but the difference in favor of the dense stand is very pronounced. At first thought one might expect to find the highest quality of seed in open stands where light conditions are most favor- able. There are, however, a number of factors which tend to explain why the contrary is true. First, it is obvious that the denser stands afford the best conditions for pollination; secondly, the moderating effect of a close crown cover upon temperature and evaporation would favor seed development, especially in the early stages. Many young cones die during the winter and spring, probably as the result of the unseasonable freezes and the drying winds which are very prevalent. Flowers suffer in the same way. Instrumental observa- tions at the Fort Valley station show that the minimum temperatures under a fairly close canopy are commonly from 3° to 17° higher, and the wind movement and evaporation from 50 to 100 per cent less than in the open. That the age and condition of the tree apparently have no mate- rial effect upon the rate of germination is evinced by the fact that the ratio between the germination per cents of different tree classes remains practically constant throughout the period of the test. YIELD. No accurate data with regard to the absolute yield in seed are available, but a rough measure of this yield is expressed by the production of cones given in the preceding table. It should be remembered that, in comparing yields with a view to determining the influence of the character of the tree; it is necessary to consider, in addition to the condition of soundness and general health, also the crown development of each tree, a feature which is determined largely by the density of the stand. Moreover, it is to be taken for granted that, other things being equal, the yield will increase with age until a certain age limit is reached. An exact study of the factors influencing both germination and yield is much more com- plicated than one in which germination alone is considered. Since this study was undertaken with the primary object of determining the conditions affecting germination, the data on yield are incom- plete; nevertheless it is worth while to make a few comparisons based upon the data available, making due allowance for the evident inac- curacies in the results. [Cir. 196] A, comparison of yellow pine and blackjack shows an average yield of 1.8 bushels of cones per tree for the former and 1 bushel for the latter. This difference is attributable mainly to a difference in the size of the trees, the yellow pines on account of their greater age being on the average much larger than the blackjacks. A comparison of the classes with respect to the amount of seed produced by a pound of dry cones gives 1.3 ounces for the yellow pine against 1.7 ounces for the blackjack. It therefore appears that, although the younger trees yield less cones, when the amount of seed produced by a given quantity of cones and the vitality of the seed are considered, these trees are better seed producers for their size than the older trees. In comparing the two age groups from 140 to 250 years and from 260 to 400 years we find, as in the case of the blackjack and yellow pine, a considerably greater yield of cones for the older trees. The amount of seed produced by a pound of cones is, however, the same for both groups. The difference of cone production is much less pronounced between these two age groups than between the black- jack and yellow pine, because many of the trees included in the lower-age class have passed beyond the blackjack stage. Practically no data are available on trees below 140 years, since the trees were not felled, and only a small number of cones were picked from each tree. A comparison of the healthy and unhealthy yellow pine shows only a slight difference in cone production. There appears a pronounced difference between the healthy and unhealthy blackjack, but, since we have accurate data for only two unhealthy blackjacks, this com- parison is not conclusive. Furthermore, as in the case of germination ; a comparison of healthy and unhealthy trees is of little significance unless we consider the nature of the injury in the unhealthy trees. A comparison of the trees classed as unhealthy, considering the nature of the disease or injury, is shown in Table 3. TABLE 3. — Comparative yield of cones from healthy and unhealthy trees. Healthy. Unhealthy. Sup- Yellow pine. Black- jack. Spike top, yellow pine. Fire scar, yellow pine. Hear trot, yellow pine. Bark beetle, yellow pine. pressed, 4 yellow pine. 1 black- jack. Yield of cones per tree, bushels. . Basis trees.. 1.8 27 1 14 0.9 6 2.1 15 2.1 10 1.1 3 0.4 4 Although the yellow pines affected by heart rot show a yield of 0.3 bushel more than the healthy trees of this class, the difference is probably due mainly to the fact that the trees affected by heart rot [Clr. 196] 10 are usually old and consequently of large size. The average diam- eter of the healthy yellow pine in this study is only 23 inches, against 27 inches for those affected by heart rot. It is probable that, as in the case of germination, the rot ordinarily has no material effect. Spike tops show a yield only one-half as great as that given for healthy yellow pines. This is probably due to a reduction in the size of the living crown. The living branches of spike tops are frequently heavily laden with cones, and it is probable that the injury causing the death of the top acts as a stimulus upon cone production, as upon the vitality of the seeds. The influence of "basal bums upon yield is not fully demonstrated. The yellow pine bearing fire scars shows an average yield of 0.3 bushel more than the healthy yellow pine; but a comparison of diameters shows that the scarred trees have an average diameter of 25 inches against 23 inches for the healthy ones. Whether the greater yield is due entirely to the greater size of the burned trees or whether the influence of the burns is also a factor, can not be determined from the data at hand. The yield of trees suffering from suppression and attacks of bark beetle and mistletoe are all much below that of normal trees oj their class. While the number of trees in each case is too small to furnish reliable data, the results are very significant. The yield decreases as the density oj the stand increases. The aver- age yield of cones per tree for open, medium, and dense stands arc 1.8, 1.1, and 0.7 bushels, respectively. This difference is undoubtedly due mainly to a difference in crown development as influenced by growing space. Since western yellow pine is very light demanding, the trees growing in close stands have narrow, short crowns, and only those branches which are exposed to full or nearly full sunlight bear any cones whatever. Therefore, although the seed produced by a tree in a close stand is of higher quality than that produced in the open, as indicated by the germination tests, the total seed- producing capacity of a tree in a close stand is much lower. APPLICATION OF CONCLUSIONS. Blackjacks are the most desirable trees to leave for regeneration in cutting. The blackjack has the advantage over the older yellow pine in point of seed quality, and also in the rate of growth. A black- jack left for a future cutting will increase rapidly in. volume, while a yellow pine will increase but slowly or even deteriorate. In marking for cutting in the yellow-pine type it is the invariable practice to leave all healthy blackjacks, and also to leave a suili- cient number of yellow pines to insure a second cut in about 30 to 50 years. But if a second cut were the only consideration in mark- ing there would not always be sufficient provision made for seed ICir. 196J 11 trees; because the trees left for a second cut do not have to be very evenly distributed over the area. Thus, one quarter section may contain an abundance of blackjack and yellow pine suitable to leave for a second cut, whereas an adjoining quarter section may contain mostly yellow pine which can be cut now, and very few seed-bearing blackjacks. Trees below 16 inches in diameter breast- high usually bear only small quantities of seed, and hence will not figure materially in the seed crop for the next few years. Therefore, if immediate reproduction is desired, wherever there are not enough seed-bearing blackjacks the deficiency must be made up from the youngest and best developed yellow pines available, even though not needed for a second cut. The number of trees per acre needed for seed purposes varies greatly with size and condition; on the average, from 3 to 5 yellow pines and about twice as many black- jacks (over 16 inches diameter breast-high) are required. Spike tops and burned or decayed trees should always be cut, unless greatly needed for seed purposes. While such trees usually have a high seed-bearing capacity, to leave them standing until a second cut can be made involves merchantable deterioration or total loss. The risk in the case of light burns is comparatively small, but in the case of spike top and decay loss is certain. Since in extreme cases, however, it becomes necessary to leave defective trees for want of anything better, it is well to know that, unless too far gone, such trees can be expected to produce large quantities of superior seed for a number of years.1 Trees infested by mistletoe or bark beetles, even though not killed, are of little value for seed, and should be cut as being a menace to the forest. (Instructions in regard to the proper disposal of trees attacked by bark beetles are given in Bulletin 83, Part I, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology.) An exception to this rule may be permissible in the case of mistletoe, when the trees are isolated and when the attack is slight, but not in the case of bark-beetle infestation. Further investigations in regard to the effect of mistletoe and bark beetles are needed. Isolated trees are preferable to those in close stands; first, because they usually have larger crowns; and second, because they are more windfirm. For seed collecting, young trees are most desirable from a purely technical standpoint on account of the high vitality of their seed; but in practice, older trees are preferable on account of their heavier yield, and because the seed from such trees can often be collected cheaply in connection with logging operations. Such defects as spike top, burns, or heart rot are not objectionable; but trees affected by insects or mistletoe should be avoided. i Records have been established to determine how long such trees will persist. (Cir. 196J O CiKcn.AR NO. 11. United States Department of Agriculture, DIVISION OF BOTANY. THE VITALITY OF SEED TREATED WITH CARBON BISULPHID. INTRODUCTION. The ravages of weevils and other insects in seed grain are well known to every farmer, and are the cause of very serious loss in the value of the seed both for sowing and food purposes. In some of the Southern States, especially, are such ravages so severe that it is often difficult to get sound seed for sowing. The cowpea, corn, wheat, rice, and garden and field peas are the main subjects of attack, but even vegetable seeds are not exempt. Seeds of the common pea are frequently badly infested with wee- vils even when grown as far north as Canada. Some seedsmen claim that such insects never injure the embryo, hence do not lessen the sowing value of the seed. This, however, is a serious error; for not only is the embryo frequently injured, sometimes even destroyed, but a large amount of reserve material is consumed, the loss of which greatly weakens the vitality of the young seedlings. The common remedy advised by entomologists for destroying seed- infesting insects is to treat the seed for twenty-four hours with the fumes of carbon bisulphid at the rate of one pound to the hundred bushels. This chemical when pure is a colorless liquid with a pleas- ant odor. Upon exposure to the air the carbon and sulphur com- posing the liquid are separated, each uniting with oxygen, for which they have a stronger affinity than for each other. Thus are formed carbon oxid and sulphur dioxid, the latter being a very poisonous gas with a disagreeable odor. The statement is made that seed grain may be exposed to these fumes for thirty-six hours without injuring its germinating capacity. So far as we are aware no extended experiments have heretofore been made to test the truth of this statement which, however, is gen- erally accepted and which has very important bearings. For if the treatment recommended is detrimental to the germinating power of the seed, one by adopting it not only would lose his seed, but what is far more serious, would be subjected to delay in waiting for it to come up and then be under the necessity of resowing. In addition to treating seed to kill insects it is sometimes desirable, as in the case of cotton, for instance, to fumigate imported seed to avoid any risk of the introduction of disease germs. Carbon bisul- phid is also used for this purpose, and it is exceedingly important to know whether the fumigating process is likely to injure the vitality of such seed. Seeds are protected from external injury by a skin or coat which is thicker and more impermeable in some kinds than in others. Further protection is afforded to some species by the fact that their embryo or germ is surrounded by a firm mass of food material composed of starch and various proteid or oily substances. Some- times this material is deposited wholly in the thickened seed leaves or cotyledons as in the case of the pea. On the other hand the embryo or "chit" of corn, rye, wheat, barley and other grains lies upon the surface just below the coat. Such seeds are more suscep- tible to injury. Owing to these differences it is necessary to test the effect of the carbon bisulphid upon each of the kinds which for any reason require treatment. The length of time seeds must be treated with the fumes of car- bon bisulphid depends not only upon the resistant power of the insect, but also upon its method of attack. In the case of the pea weevil the larva is embedded within the immature seed, becoming entirely sur- rounded by the seed coat during its development, hence a treatment pro- longed over twenty-four hours ma}^ be necessary to destroy the weevils. COMMERCIAL METHOD OF TREATING SEED WITH CARBON BISULPHID. Seedsmen treat peas and other "buggy" seeds on a large scale by placing the bags containing the seeds in a fireproof, practically air- tight building devoted to that purpose, setting shallow pans holding carbon bisulphid in various parts of the room near the ceiling. After being thus subjected to the fumes for about twenty-four, sometimes as long as forty-eight hours, the room is opened and thoroughly aired. Some writers have advocated pouring the liquid through a pipe inserted into the center of the bulk of seeds ; others suggest the use of a ball of cotton, soaked with the chemical and plunged into the middle of the pile of seeds. Both of these methods are open to objection owing to the fact that the liquid comes in direct contact with some of the seed which takes it up readily, rendering such seed extremely liable to injury from the water which is left behind, if not from a superabundance of the gas itself. Furthermore, carbon bisulphid is a very heavy gas and the upper stratum of seeds treated in either of these ways is likely to receive too little of the fumes to destroy the insects. Our experiments were made with thirty-three different varieties of grains and vegetables, five of cotton, two of peas, three of Indian 3 corn, two of rice, two of common garden beans, two of Kafir corn, two of barley, two of wheat, one of oats, etc. In all the experiments only sound seeds were taken, being, so far as possible, from a single stock in each case. Two lots of treated seeds each containing 200 seeds of the larger species and 1 00 of the smaller kinds were used. Similar lots of untreated seeds were employed as checks. EXPERIMENTS IN A SATURATED ATMOSPHERE OF CARBON BISULPHID. In the first series of experiments the seeds were placed in shallow glass vessels, resting on a plate of ground glass covered with a» bell jar containing a saturated atmosphere of carbon bisulphid. At the end of 48 hours the seeds were transferred to the germinating cham- ber, in which were placed also the check lots of untreated seed. The following table gives in detail the result of the experiment, the figures representing the averages of the germination of the two lots of each kind, both of treated and untreated seed. PER CENT GERMINATED. NAME OF SEED. Treated 48 hours. Peas: "900 to 1"* 100 Champion of England 99 Black-eyed Marrowfat . 95 Cotton : Jeff Welborn's Pet 93 Texas Storm Proof 94 Drake's Cluster 89 Peterkin 78 Peerless 93 Beans : Golden Cluster Wax Pole 98 Carrie's Rust Proof 99 Lima, Challenger Pole 85 Kafir Corn : White i 100 Red 97 Turnip, Early White Flat Dutch 84 .Buckwheat, Japanese 98 Cauliflower, Early Snowball ' 89 .5 Pumpkin, Early Sugar 91 Cabbage, Early Jersey Wakefield j 85 Oats, Winter turf I 78 Cowpea, Black-eyed j 99 Barley, Salzer's ' 73 Rye, University of Minnesota, No. 2 13 Wheat, Wellrnan's Fife 1 j 70 Corn: Field, Waterloo Dent 54 Sweet, Egyptian. - 82 Clover, Crimson 80 Millet, Hog 67 .5 Rice: Flinty Rough 78 Chalky Rough . . 89 Untreated. 99 96 95 90 92 86 81 94 99 100 86 99 97 86.5 100 94 93 92 76 97 99 98 99 94 96 97.5 94 * Previously treated by the seedsman. The following seeds, as seen above, were uninjured by this severe test, the germinating percentages of both treated and untreated seed being practically the same: Peas, cotton, beans, Kafir corn, buckwheat, turnip, cabbage, cauliflower, pumpkin, cowpea, and oats. It is safe, therefore, to conclude that none of the ordinary methods of treating these seeds with carbon bisulphid will impair their vitality. On the other hand, the germinative ability was decreased in bar- ley, rye, wheat,, corn, crimson clover, millet, and rice, the difference between the treated and untreated seed varying from 85 per cent in the case of rye to 9 per cent in the chalky rice. With the exception of crimson clover, whose seed is much more tender than that of other clovers, all of the injured kinds belong to the grass family, oats alone of this group showing no injury. This resistant character of the oats is easily explained from the nature of its covering. This method was an extreme one and represents conditions which would probably never be attained in actual practice. Here each seed, being exposed to a thoroughly saturated atmosphere of the chemical, had ample opportunity to imbibe as much of the vapor as it was capable of retaining. It is reasonable to suppose that seeds whose vitality was not affected by a 48-hour test of this kind, would be in no danger of deterioration in this respect from any treatment given them in ordinary practice. The varieties which were damaged by the 48 hours' treatment were then subjected to another test of 24 hours' duration. As appears in the table, some of the varieties suffered no deterioration whatever in vitality with the 24-hours' treatment, while there was a marked decrease in the amount of injury in all of them. PKR CENT GERMINATED. NAME OF SEED. m,™ i reateu 24 hours. Untreated. Barley Salzer's 87 98 Rye University of Minnesota No 2 54 <>:> Wheat Wellman's Fife 99 97.5 Corn: Field, Waterloo Dent 92 93 Sweet, Egyptian . 90 95 Clover, Crimson 90.5 96. 5 Millet Hog 79 96. 5 Rice: Flinty Rough 88 ,. 88.5 Chalky Rough 94 93 Rye proved the most susceptible to injury, with a difference of 41 per cent between treated and untreated seed. Millet showed 17.5 per cent, barley 11 per cent, and crimson clover 6.5 per cent difference. All differences in germination tests amounting to 5 per cent or less may be attributed to variation in the quality of each lot of seed used, and no conclusions should be drawn from them with respect to the effect of the treatment. EXPERIMENTS ON GRAIN IN BULK. In order to ascertain whether similar injury to the seeds named in the foregoing table would result from treatment in bulk, one bushel each of wheat, rye, barley, and field corn were subjected to a second series of experiments. One bushel of each kind of grain was placed in an air-tight bin for twent}T-four hours. Upon the surface of the grain were shallow glass vessels containing carbon bisulphid in the proportion of one pound to one hundred bushels, as recommended by the Division of Entomology of this Department.* At the close of the 24 hours lots of each variety of seed, both treated and untreated, were germinated in duplicate. The averages of these tests are given in the following table. NAMK OF SKED. PER CENT GERMINATED. Treated 24 hours. Untreated. Corn (Field), Hickory King 97.5 | 98.5 Rye, Winter 91 90 Barley 97.5 • 98 Wheat, Jones' Winter Fife 98 97.5 CONCLUSIONS. It will thus be seen that no appreciable difference in the vitality of wheat, corn, barley, or rye results from treating the seed in bulk with carbon bisulphid for 24 hours at the rate of one pound of the chemical to one hundred bushels of the grain. In general, seeds of cotton, peas, beans, buckwheat, oats, the cab- bage family, and cowpeas will endure the most severe treatment with the fumes of carbon bisulphid without their germination being injured to any appreciable extent. On the other hand, seeds of corn, wheat, rye, and other crops belonging to the grass family (except Kafir corn and oats) should be treated with caution, as serious deteri- oration in vitality is likely to result from excessive exposure to the gas. *F. H. C.hittenden in the Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture, 1894, pp. 298-4. GILBERT H. HICKS, First Assistant Botanist. JOHN C. DABNEY, Assistant, Division of Botany. Approved : JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. O ° STRY oe National I - NEVADA CITY. C APR 20 1911 R B C E i V E 1 Issued April 4, 1'Jll. Answered United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— Circular No. 780 H. W. HENSHAW, Chief of Bureau. SEED-EATING MAMMALS IN RELATION TO REFOR- ESTATION. ]*»y NED DEARBORN, Expert Biologist. The demand for lumber in the United States constantly increases, while the forested area, under the ax of the lumberman, the en- croachments of agriculture, and the devastation by fire, steadily diminishes. Hence the importance of reforesting such parts of the National domain as have been denuded of their forest growth. SEED EATERS. One of the most serious problems connected with the reforestation of treeless areas within the National Forests is the protection of newly planted seeds from the attacks of mice, chipmunks, ground squirrels,. and other rodents (fig. 1), whose depredations collectively continue the year through. The extent of this damage may be under- stood by the results of a reforesting experiment in the Black Hills by the Forest Service, in which from 30 to 70 per cent of the seed was destroyed by chipmunks and mice within six days after planting. In order to get an idea of the abundance of these rodents, exhaus- tive trapping on a half acre containing 2,000 seed spots was under- taken. We secured 3 chipmunks and 11 white-footed mice, which in three days had pilfered 70 per cent of the seed. One of the chip- munks was seen to visit 38 seed spots in four minutes. It will be readily perceived that the destruction of seed on such a scale threatens the practicability of reforestation. Accordingly, the cooperation of the Biological Survey was re- quested by the Forest Service for the purpose of devising methods of protecting seeds from destructive rodents. The results of the in- vestigations to date, so far as they relate to seed protection, appear in the present circular. As they were obtained in the Rocky Mountain region, it should be understood that the methods here recommended 81596° — Cir. 78 — 11 2 SEED-EATING MAMMALS AND REFORESTATION. may not prove as effective elsewhere with other species of rodents. The investigations will be continued in other parts of the country and the results published later. PROTECTIVE COATINGS. Although frequently employed as a protection against rodents, coating seeds with distasteful substances, such as red lead, copper sulphate, and coal tar, has proved ineffective. The animals ap- parently always hull such seeds, thus removing the disagreeable coat- ing before eating the kernel. PREPARATION OF POISONED BAIT. When a tract is to be seeded, the most satisfactory way to avoid loss of seed is to exterminate the pests prior to planting. When this is to be done on a large scale, a bait prepared as follows is recommended : Wheat 1 bushel. Water 1 quart. Starch 2 tablespoonfuls. Saccharine 2 tea spoonfuls. Strychnia .(pulverized) - 2 ounces. Add the starch, saccharine, and strychnia to the water, heat to boil- ing, and stir constantly after the starch begins to thicken. When the starch is fully cooked, stir it into the wheat, every kernel of which should be coated. A galvanized-iron washtub is an excellent mixing vessel, especially as it is easily cleaned. Either the sulphate or the alkaloid of strychnia may be used. During rainy weather it is better to substitute melted tallow for the starch solution as a coating medium. In this case, the wheat should first be slightly warmed and the saccharine and strychnine added ; and then the tallow applied, in the ratio of a quart to a bushel of wheat. A much more attractive bait, and one much easier to prepare, is oat- meal, or rolled oats, the sole objection being its cost, which consider- ably exceeds that of wheat. Excellent results have been obtained with poison prepared as follows: Rolled oats 25 quarts. Strychnia (pulverized) 1 ounce. Saccharine 1 teas^oonful. Water 6 quarts. The strychnia and saccharine are first added to the water, which is then mixed with the oats to produce a thick dough. This dough may be distributed by the aid of a spoon or small wooden paddle, a piece the size of a small marble being put in each place. SEED-EATING MAMMALS AND REFORESTATION. Fi<;. 1. — The chief seed-eaters : «i) Say ground squirrel (('liiluN lutt » thirteon-linod ground s(iuirn-l (Citelln* trMet'cniUncalux paUMux) ; «•) Rocky Mountain chipmunk (En1amiafs qunrJririttntns) ; (. I>y alternately pushing and pulling the sliding measure, the operator can drop the grain without halting. Tallow-coated grain is likely to clog, especially when the weather is warm, but WIRE AGITATOR FVHVEL UPPER PLATE. WIRE AGITATOR v/U O\ SUO/fo MEASURE V NOTCH AND P/N CONTROL OF SL/O/MS MEASURE / . I O LOWER PLATE Fi,;. M. — Details of the dropping device which forms the bottom of the distributing sack. this may be prevented by crowding it down with one hand while working the sliding measure with the other. With starch-coated grain clogging rarely occurs. o Issued October 16, 1912. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE — CIRCULAR 208. HENRY S. GRAVES, EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. COMPILED BY THE BRANCH OF SILVICULTURE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1912. FOREST SERYICE. HENRY S. GRAVES, Forester. ALBERT F. POTTER, Associate Forester. HERBERT A. SMITH, Editor. BRANCH OF SILVICULTURE. W. B. GREELEY, Assistant Forester in Charge. EARLE H. CLAPP, Forest Inspector. RAPHAEL ZON, Chief. S. T. DANA, Assistant Chief. CONTENTS. Page. Storing cones before drying 5 Handling cones in transit 6 Drying cones by natural heat 6 Where natural drying is practicable 6 Equipment 6 Selection of site 7 Spreading the cones 7 Keeping cones off the ground 7 Drying racks 8 Protecting the cones 8 Space required 9 Time required 10 Number of sheets needed 10 Drying cones by artificial heat 10 Equipment needed 1 10 Cabins 10 Tents 11 Stoves 11 Drying trays 11 Fire precautions 11 Distribution of heat 12 Heating the dry room from below 12 Ideal dry house 13 .Ventilation 13 Application of moisture before drying 14 Temperature required 14 Time required 15 Extracting seed from dried cones 15 Tray shakers 15 Box shakers 16 Cylindrical shakers 17 Barrel shakers 17 Inclined shakers 17 Sorting cones 18 Seed cleaning 18 Impurities present 18 Removal of wings 19 By flails 19 Wet and dry process 20 By churns 20 By screens 20 By mechanical cleaners 21 Final cleaning of seed 21 Seed storing 22 Summary „ 22 3 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. The extraction and cleaning of seed from cone-bearing trees are essential steps in artificial forestation. Economical methods and de- vices for doing this work have not yet been fully developed or stand- ardized in the United States. Even the fundamental conditions necessary to prevent overheating, crushing, molding, and other in- juries to seed, in extracting and cleaning, are not thoroughly under- stood. This is particularly true where small quantities are handled with simple appliances. The following directions, compiled from the experience of a number of members of the Forest Service, are designed to meet the needs of Forest officers and others who extract and clean seed in small amounts, without the facilities of a fully equipped plant. STORING CONES BEFORE DRYING. It is always preferable, especially when only natural heat is to be used, to begin drying cones at the earliest possible opportunity. When artificial heat is to be used finally, preliminary drying keeps the cones in good condition and enables them to be opened more readily later. The best method of handling cones is to spread them on canvas drying sheets in the open as soon as they are received. In fair weather this should always be done. If the weather is un- favorable, cones should be spread on canvas sheets in a dry building where plenty of air is circulating. Where there is not enough space to do this, they should be dumped into bins separated from each other by slat partitions set about one-half inch apart. Ventilating pipes, through the center of each bin, will increase the air circulation. A fair makeshift for these methods is to pile the cones in heaps in the open or in a well- ventilated room. If in the open, they should be covered during wet weather in order to keep them as dry as pos- sible. In any event, the cones should be shoveled or raked frequently to provide ample ventilation and prevent molding or mildewing. They should not be left in tied sacks, but if this is not avoidable they should be stored only in. a dry, cool room. They should never be stored in dark, damp, or ill- ventilated rooms. Such conditions almost invariably cause molding and mildewing, and may lead to pre- mature germination. If mildewing starts, the cones should be spread on sheets in the sun and dried as thoroughly and rapidly as possible. 5 6 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. Every precaution should be taken to keep away squirrels, chipmunks, and other rodents. This can ordinarily be done by the use of poisoned grain. HANDLING CONES IN TRANSIT. In transporting cones to the place of extraction similar precau- tions should be taken to keep them dry and to prevent heating. Ordinarily the best method of shipping is in sound gunny or sugar sacks, closely tied to prevent loss of loose seed. When shipped in carload lots stock cars should be used if possible, since these afford the best circulation of air. If box cars must be used, the small doors or windows in the ends of the cars should be left open. The sacks should be stacked in rows with air spaces between them and between the outer rows and the sides of the car. Ample space for circulation of air should be left also between the tops of the stacks and the roof of the car. Seed which has ripened naturally and which has been extracted without having been subjected to dampness or overheating is better than that extracted from mildewed or moldy cones. Any precau- tions taken to avoid these unfavorable conditions will produce seed of higher quality. DRYING CONES BY NATURAL HEAT. WHERE NATURAL, DRYING IS PRACTICABLE. With favorable weather conditions the seed of nearly all coniferous species, except lodgepole pine, can be extracted by the heat of the sun. Where this method can be used it gives the best and cheapest, though not always the quickest, results. In the southern Rocky Mountains it is nearly always practicable because of the clear skies, slight precipitation, and drying winds usually prevalent from Oc- tober to December. In the central and northern Rockies sun drying is possible in normal seasons until about October 20. Thereafter it is uncertain and not to be depended upon as a method of extraction. Sun drying is impracticable on the west side of the Cascades in Ore- gon and Washington because of frequent rains. It can be used in the eastern parts of these States only under particularly favorable weather conditions. Sun drying can be used in southern California, but in the Sierras its success is doubtful, except in particularly dry seasons. In any locality this method may be precluded by an un- usually wet fall, or it may be stopped in the midst of the season by unfavorable weather. EQUIPMENT. To extract seed to the best advantage by sun drying the work must be thoroughly organized in detail and the necessary equipment must EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. 7 be on hand as soon as the first cones are received. The short period during which sun drying can be employed makes any delay in start- ing the work inadvisable. The first requisite is a supply of 12 by 14 feet, 8-ounce canvas dry- ing sheets. These are used both for spreading and covering the cones. If canvas sheets are not available wagon covers, tents, tent flies, burlap, and heavy muslin are substitutes. A sufficient number of drying sheets at the outset is essential, and their shortage has hereto- fore been one of the greatest drawbacks to successful work. If trays or raised platforms are to be used in drying, in connection with sheets, these should also be ready when the cones are received. One or more shovels and wooden rakes should be available. SELECTION O'f SITE. The site for open-air drying must be carefully selected. An open place on top of a low ridge or bench is usually preferable. Small openings surrounded by bodies of timber are not suitable, because the trees prevent good circulation of air. The ground should be level, or, preferably, sloping gently toward the south, and should be thor- oughly cleared of brush, weeds, stones, and other rubbish before work begins. If no favorable site can be found in the neighborhood of the collecting area or if it is anticipated that drying can not be com- pleted before wet and cold weather sets in it may be best to select a site at a lower altitude, where drying will be more rapid and can be continued until a later date. The facilities for transporting the cones must, of course, be considered. «* SPREADING THE CONES. Before spreading cones for drying it is advisable to run them over a coarse screen to separate loose sticks, twigs, stones, dirt, needles, and other debris. If this is not done such material becomes mixed with the seed and makes future cleaning more difficult. After the cones have been cleaned they should be spread on the canvas sheets in a thin layer, ordinarily not more than one cone deep, so that all are exposed to the air. They should be raked over at least once a day in order that all parts of the cones may be exposed to both sun and wind. If lack of space makes it necessary to spread to a greater depth, the cones should be raked or shoveled at least four times a day. Cones should never be piled deep. Considerable seed is usually obtained from the cones by raking while drying, especially during the hottest part of the day. but further extraction is nearly always necessary. Keeping cones off the ground. — In continued dry weather good results can be obtained by spreading the sheets directly upon the 8 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. ground. If this is done, trenching around the sheets is essential to avoid flooding if rain occurs. Drying will, however, be much more rapid and satisfactory if the sheets are spread on brush or platforms raised 8 inches or more above the ground. This allows the air to circulate beneath the sheets and prevents their drawing moisture from the ground after a storm. In unfavorable weather it is imperative that the sheets be raised above the ground. Platforms can be easily constructed from refuse lumber, unedged boards, or poles. The top of the platform can be made of boards, with or without canvas stretched over them, or of canvas alone nailed to a framework. A still better device is to make platforms of wire-mesh screens, with sheets spread on the ground below to catch the seeds as they fall through. Drying racks. — A development of this method is to build a larger frame containing wire trays and canvas sheets below them. In one case where this appliance was used successfully frames were con- structed of 2 by 4 inch material, 8 feet wide, 16 feet long, and set 4 feet off the ground. The tops of these were covered with 1-inch mesh wire netting. One foot below this was stretched a sheet of muslin or canvas to catch the seeds as they fell through. A similar but improved device consists of a 6 by 12 foot frame made with posts driven into the ground and standing from 3 to 4 feet high. This frame holds two movable trays, supported by 2 by 2 inch cross- pieces. The upper tray is 5 feet long and 12 feet wide by 4 inches deep; it has a wire-screen bottom, with f-inch or 1-inch mesh. This is to hold the cones while drying. The lower tray, which is also 4 inches deep but 8 inches wider and longer than the upper, has a cloth bottom which catches the seeds as they fall through the wire screen above. With species whose cones open readily, such as yellow pine, it is often possible to extract all of the seed in this apparatus by stirring the cones frequently as they dry. The empty cones are thrown out with a potato shovel. At the close of the season the racks can be removed readily and placed under shelter. The frames are so inexpensive, however, that they can be reconstructed each year if necessary. They are also light enough to be moved easily from place to place. Drying platforms or racks should, when possible, slope slightly to the south or southwest. This will expose them to the direct rays of the sun during the middle and latter part of the day, when the air is warmest. Protecting the cones. — Cones which are being dried out of doors must be protected from dew and rain. At night and in bad weather they may be heaped together in the center of the sheet on which they are spread, and the pile covered with the ends of the sheet. This is done most effectively by taking hold of each corner of EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. 9 the sheet successively and throwing the cones toward the center. One corner of the canvas is then thrown over, nearly covering the cones; next, the corners to the left and right of the first are folded over; and finally the remaining corner, opposite the first, is drawn over all and tucked under the farther edge of the pile. The four thicknesses of canvas help to retain the heat absorbed by the cones during the day and furnish good protection from rain. As an addi- tional precaution the canvas folds may be weighted with rocks and an extra sheet thrown over the pile. A sheet more than 14 feet square is not easily handled by one man. When cones are dried on platforms or in trays protection must be afforded by covering with sheets of canvas, which should be large enough to overhang the racks and protect the seed in the lower tray. With cones spread directly upon the ground, the use of cover sheets requires less time and labor in respreading the cones, but makes many more sheets necessary. Covering cones at night protects them from nocturnal rodents, as well as from dampness. It is usually necessary, however, where rodents are abundant, to protect the drying areas by poisoned grain. Birds may often be frightened off by cloth streamers on small stakes, or wires, around the sheets. When racks are used for drying, squir- rels may be kept out by tacking sheets of tin sloping downward on each leg of the frame. Care must also be exercised to prevent seeds which have fallen from dried cones from being blown away by high winds. This is best done by catching the seeds in a canvas-bottomed tray with 4-inch sides. Space required. — The space required for spreading cones varies so much with different species, and even with the same species in dif- ferent localities, that it is hard to give specific definite figures. The following table indicates the average number of square feet of drying surface per bushel for each of the four species most commonly col- lected, as well as the capacity of a 12 -by 14 foot canvas sheet. This applies to green cones spread thinly. As they dry their volume will expand at least 50 per cent, bringing the cones into closer contact and making more frequent raking necessary. Species. Square feet per bushel. Bushels per 12 by 14 feet drying sheet Western yellow pine . 12 to 16 14 0 to 10 5 Douglas fir 16 to 20 10 5 to 84 Eivrchnann spruce. . 22 to 28 7 6 to 60 Lodi^epole pine (seldom dried out of doors) 18 to 22 9. 3 to 7.6 For yellow pine and Douglas fir, the two chief species handled, 16 square feet per bushel 'will usually be needed, making it possible to spread 10.5 bushels on each 12 by 14 foot drying sheet. To allow r,s241°— Cir. 208—12 2 10 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. sufficient room for expansion, however, it is safer, in planning on the number of drying sheets needed, to allow only 8 or 9 bushels to each sheet. Time required. — The time required for cones to open varies greatly with climatic conditions and slightly with different species. A suc- cession of clear, sunny days and frosty nights, with good winds, will open cones very rapidly. In good weather mature yellow pine cones will open in from 3 to 5 days. Under ordinary weather conditions from 4 to 10 days are required, and in damp, stormy weather often as many as 15 days. Douglas fir and Engelmann spruce usually require a day or two longer under the same conditions. Lodgepole pine takes so much longer that sun drying is seldom attempted. Cones picked early in the season, before they are thoroughly ripe, open much more slowly than those picked later. Number of sheets needed. — An estimate of the number of drying sheets needed for 1,000 bushels of western yellow pine cones may be made as follows: Ten bushels of cones can be spread on each sheet ; if it takes 5 days to open each batch of cones and there are 20 good drying days in the fall each sheet can be used four times. In other words, 40 bushels can be handled on each sheet. Dividing 1 ,000 by this gives 25, the total number of sheets needed for the work. Bad weather or the need of additional sheets for covers may make this number insufficient. It is always well, therefore, to make the estimate liberal, since lack of a few drying sheets at a critical time may cause serious delay and even the loss of much seed. DRYING CONES BY ARTIFICIAL HEAT. With lodgepole pine, and with other species when weather condi- tions are unfavorable, artificial drying must be used. This method is quicker than drying by natural heat and is not dependent upon the weather. It is, however, more difficult, more expensive, and ordinarily does not yield as good seed; therefore it should not be used except when outdoor drying is not practicable. Mast of the artificial drying is done at permanent, fully ^ equipped extracting plants to which cones are shipped from a large area. This circular is designed for the smaller, temporary plants which must be handled by less experienced men with simple appliances. EQUIPMENT NEEDED. Cabins. — The first essential in drying by artificial heat is some sort of shelter which will protect the cones from weather and be suffi- ciently tight to make it possible to raise the temperature to at least 110° F. An empty room in a cabin may serve the purpose and often makes as satisfactory a substitute for a regular kiln as can be ob- tained. It must have tight walls and plenty of space for trays around the sides and for a stove. Often one room of a cabin is used for drying and another for storing and extracting. EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. 11. Tents. — Large tents with high walls make fair drying rooms; 12 by 16 foot or 16 by 20 foot tents with 5 or 6 foot walls may. be used, but larger tents have given the most satisfactory results. Dry- ing is more difficult in tents than in buildings, but the former have the great advantage of being readily transported from place to place where cones are collected. Ordinarily the largest tents are used for drying and smaller tents for storing and extracting. Stoves. — Small, temporary drying rooms are almost invariably heated by stoves. In buildings, box stoves equipped with drums have been generally used with satisfactory results. In tents, low, conical stoves have been more frequently used, but, as a rule, with poorer results. They are cheap and easily put up, but require constai/t attention. Empty cones will not burn well in them. These are serious drawbacks, and the use of box stoves with drums is prefareble. Drying trays. — The cones are usually spread in trays with wire bot- toms arranged in racks along the sides of the room or tent. Trays are generally made of 2 by 4 inch material, and vary in size from 2 by 3 to 3 by 4 feet. The larger trays are used only with lighter cones, since they are more difficult to handle, especially where space is limited. The bottom of the tray is wire netting, usually with a | -inch mesh for lodgepole pine and with a f-inch mesh for species with larger cones. Twelve square feet of tray space hold approxi- mately 1 bushel of cones, spread thinly. Cones may also be spread on pieces of wire netting stretched hori- zontally between the racks at intervals of 6 or 8 inches, with a vertical strip at each end to prevent them from falling on the floor when raked. Handling the cones is more difficult with this method, and the apparatus is less easily transported from one place to another. With either method a strip of canvas should be spread on the floor to catch the seeds as they fall through the netting, unless the floor is so smooth that seed can readily be swept from it without the use of canvas. It is essential that the trays be far enough apart to permit ample circulation of air. There should be a liberal supply of high registering thermometers to keep an accurate record of the temperature in different parts of the drying room. FIRE PRECAUTIONS. With the high temperature and dry air prevailing in the kiln room, extreme precaution must be taken to prevent fire. Where water pressure is available, a hose should always be connected and ready for use. Chemical fire extinguishers should be secured as additional safeguards. If neither of these measures is practicable, several buckets should be kept filled with water, to be instantly available. 12 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. One of the most difficult problems in running an improvised kiln is to maintain a constant supply of heat and distribute it evenly through all parts of the drying room. The first step should be to make the room, whether in a building or tent, as tight as possible, except for the vents required for ventilation. All chinks in a build- ing should be closed completely. The next precaution is to secure as constant temperature as possible. Wherever practicable, as hot a fire should be kept up at night as during the day. This is particu- larly necessary in a tent, where any dying down of the fire at night causes the air to cool rapidly, with consequent delay and loss of time and labor. The stove has ordinarily been placed in the center of the room and approximately level with the lowest tiers of trays. This results in much slower drying of the cones near the bottom of the room and at a distance from the stove. Attempts have been made to obviate this difficulty by dividing the stovepipe into sections and carrying it through as much of the room as possible, but without complete success. Better drying is secured in the farther ends of the room, but the bottom remains much cooler than the top. This difference is especially marked in tents, where cold air constantly passes in under the walls. With only one stove, even distribution of heat is impossible. With stoves set at opposite ends of the tent and connected by a single stovepipe, conditions are but little better. In one instance where this arrangement was used, a difference of from 20° to 30° F. was found in the temperature of the air at the highest and lowest trays in a six-tier stack One method of hastening the opening of the cones in the lower trays is to raise them as the drying proceeds and the cones in the upper trays are removed. This, however, requires additional hand- ling and loss of time. A better method wherever space is available is to place the lowest tier of trays somewhat above the stove. Room for air circulation is essential. The tiers of trays should be at least 6 inches apart vertically, preferably 8 inches, and the same distance from the walls. Heating the dry room from below, — The best method of securing even distribution of heat, although not always practicable, is to have the drying room heated from below. If conditions permit, excavate under the building and place the stove below the floor. This will mot only heat the room above more evenly, but furnishes additional space for spreading cones. The stovepipes should pass through as many parts of the dry room as possible. Still better results will be obtained if hot-air pipes can be conducted from the drum of the stove into the room above, and even more heat can be made available EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOKEST TREE SEED. 13 by inclosing the stovepipes in jackets, which need not extend farther than the openings where the pipes pierce the floor. IDEAL DRY HOUSE. An ideal dry house contains three stories, built, in the side of a hill to take advantage of gravity, and to utilize the earth which partly surrounds the building to prevent the escape of the heat. The cones are unloaded into the third story from a road on the hillside. From this storeroom, or preliminary drying room, the cones are dropped to the second floor or kiln room. The ground floor contains the extracting room, furnace, and other equipment. The furnace may consist merely of a large box stove, burning long sticks of wood, inclosed in a galvanized-iron jacket packed with mineral wool or asbestos to prevent radiation of heat. From this jacket the heat is conducted through two pipes into the drying room or kiln. The heat is thus used where it is most needed, and its escape into the space about the furnace prevented. The building can be built, if necessary, only two stories high, in which case the cones are either unloaded directly into the second story or kiln ro'om, or1 stored on the ground floor until ready for drying. VENTILATION. The proper ventilation of drying rooms, while less difficult than the even distribution of heat, is fully as important. All undried cones contain some moisture. As this is driven off the air becomes more and more saturated. Saturated air not only prevents rapid drying of the cones, but may injure the seed embryos. German ex- periments indicate that damp cold air is much more harmful to seeds than dry wrarm air. Some method of ventilation — letting in fresh, dry air and letting out moist air — is, therefore, essential. The method usually employed is to insert one or two ventilators in the roof of the building or tent and also in openings near the floor lor the entrance of fresh air. The amount of air taken in and let out can be regulated by adjustment of the ventilators. Tents are usually so open at the bottom that it is not necessary to make spe- cial provision- for fresh air. Where the drying room is heated from below, fresh air can be admitted through dampers or ventilators in the jacket surrounding the stove. Vents to maintain circulation should also be provided in the roof of the drying room. While usually the best practicable, these methods of ventilation are necessarily crude and wasteful. As the air cools and absorbs moist- ure, it becomes heavier and sinks to the floor. Vents in the roof carry off much of the hot, dry, light air which should be retained. A certain amount of heavy moist air is, however, carried out with 14 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. the current, and the circulation of air, so essential to drying the cones, is maintained. An improved method removes the saturated air directly from the floor by pipe ventilators extending from the floor through the roof. In one kiln, fresh air is admitted directly under a small box stove with a heating drum placed ne^r the center of the room. As this air becomes heated it rises to the ceiling, where it spreads to the side walls and, cooling slightly, descends in a steady stream over the trays. Each tier of trays is set a little nearer the wall than the one above. The trays thus catch the descending current of hot air, which flows over them. They are slightly tilted toward the center of the room, so that as the air cools and absorbs moisture from the cones it runs off the lower edge of the trays like water from a roof. The saturated air is sucked up by pipe ventilators passing through the roof and having inlets at the floor level. APPLICATION OF MOISTURE BEFORE DRYING. Wetting cones before drying apparently does more harm than good with any species except lodgepole pine. Lodgepole pine cones dipped in very hot water for not over one minute have in some cases been found to open more readily and to give a higher yield than unmoistened cones. This treatment, however, should be applied only to very tight cones and should not be of sufficient duration to add appreciably to their water content. Its only advantage is in loosening the sealed tips of the cone scales. Experiments have also shown that live steam applied under a pressure of one-half pound for 30 seconds assists in opening cones without impairing the fer- tility of the seed. Such treatment, however, is possible only at fully equipped extracting plants. Even with lodgepole pine, a preliminary wetting is not essential and good results are obtained without it. Continued soaking of cones has almost uniformly lessened the ease of extraction and yielded seed of poorer quality. As a general rule, the cones should be as dry as possible before they are put in the kiln. Preliminary drying in the open or in well-ventilated storerooms will hasten open- ing after artificial heat is applied. TEMPERATURE REQUIRED. The degree of heat and the length of time required to open cones vary somewhat with different species, but still more with the con- ditions under which the drying is done. In a well-equipped plant, drying may be finished in less than half the time required in a tent, even with the same temperature. It is, therefore, impossible to cite average figures of general application. Ordinarily, the higher the EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOKEST TREE SEED. 15 temperature the quicker the drying can be accomplished. Dry heat, however, is more effective than moist heat, and heat that is too in- 1 ense is very apt to impair the fertility of the seed. This is particu- larly true of intense moist heat. Often this injury to seed is not appreciated at the time, since the deterioration does not become apparent until several months later. The maximum temperature which should ordinarily be applied to all species except lodgepole pine is 120° F. This can be raised safely to 130° F. if the air is dry and good ventilation provided. Lodge- pole cones should not as a rule be subjected to a temperature of more than 140° F., although this can be raised safely to 150° F. under favorable conditions. Lodgepole pine cones are hardest to open; then come in order western wrhite pine, western yellow- pine, Engel- mann spruce, and finally Douglas fir, which can often be dried satis- factorily at a temperature of 110° F. TIME REQUIRED. At well-equipped plants lodgepole pine cones should be thoroughly dried at a constant temperature of 140° F. in from 8 to 10 hours, and other species at a constant temperature of 120° F. in 10 to 15 hours, assuming that the cones are mature and moderately dry when put into the kiln and that the room is evenly heated and well ventilated. Under less favorable conditions these periods may be greatly in- creased. In one instance, lodgepole pine cones dried in a tent at 140° F. took 44 hours to open. The difference was due mainly to loss of heat in the tent and its uneven distribution. Preliminary drying of the cones for a few hours at 80° to 100° F. has been found an advantage. Opening will also be hastened if the cones are spread thinly in the trays and stirred frequently, to make the drying more uniform. EXTRACTING SEED FROM DRIED CONES. After the cones have been thoroughly dried, the next step is to extract the seed. Merely to rake over the cones as they are drying in the sun or kiln is the simplest but least efficient method. It is most successful with western yellow pine, but even with this species better results can usually be obtained by shaking. The practice of placing cones in sacks and beating them with clubs to loosen the seed has also proved unsatisfactory. It requires too much time and yields only a little additional seed, which is apt to be of poor quality. TRAY SHAKERS. In nearly every case, therefore, to secure the maximum amount of seed some method of shaking must be used to release the seeds from the opened cones. One of the earliest and simplest devices is a tray 16 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. or frame with a wire-screen bottom, in which the cones are shaken or worked over. The framework is usually of G-inch boards, varying from 3 by 6 feet to 5 by 7 feet in size. One-half inch mesh woven wire is used for the bottom. The tray may be stationary, supported on legs; or equipped with handles at both ends, so that it can be shaken by two men; or equipped with handles at one end and sus- pended by ropes from a tree at the other, so that it can be shaken by one man. Either of the last two devices is more satisfactory than the first, since much more thorough shaking of the cones is possible. A canvas sheet should be spread beneath the shaker to catch the seeds as they fall through the screen bottom. A similar shaker, but of different size and shape, consists of a box 30 by 18 by 18 inches, with- out a top and with wire screen bottom. This, too, is hung from the limb of a tree and is shaken in the same way. It contains about a bushel of cones and has a capacity of 50 bushels a day. Wooden, blocks are often put in tray shakers to increase the jarring effect. BOX SHAKERS. All of these devices, while crude, can be used to advantage when other methods are not practicable. Better results can be obtained by the use of revolving cone shakers. These may be either box-like or cylindrical in shape and are often known as " churns " or " drums." The box shaker has been more generally used. It may be con- structed readily from a dry-goods box of proper size. It should be large enough to hold from 2 to 4 bushels of cones when half full. Four feet long by three feet square in cross section is a common size, although both larger and smaller boxes are used with good results. One or more sides of the box should be composed entirely of wire screen. A frame is needed for support, and the extracted seeds fall through to a canvas placed beneath. With most species a |-inch mesh is most satisfactory for the screen. With lodgepole pine a ^-inch mesh lets the seed through as readily and keeps out more rubbish. Half of one side of the box should be made into a hinged door through which the cones can be placed in or dumped out of the shaker. Lengthwise through the center of the box should be run an axis of 2 by 4 inch or 3 by 3 inch lumber, or 2-inch iron pipe: pro- jecting through the box and supported at both ends like a windlass. By attaching a crank to this axle the whole box can be revolved. The efficiency of the shaker may be increased by placing small cleats inside the box or by adding small wooden blocks to the cones to increase the jarring effect. The additional devices are unnecessary and undesirable, however, with species such as western yellow pine, which give up their seeds readily, since it breaks up the cone scales and makes cleaning of the seed more difficult. EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. 17 CYLINDRICAL SHAKERS. A convenient size for the cylindrical shaker is 3 feet in diameter by 4 feet long. The ends are of wood, but the sides consist of heavy wire screening, usually with J-inch mesh, supported by a wooden framework, and a hinged door. An axle is put through the center of the cylinder, a handle attached, and the entire machine set on a sawhorse or windlass. Of these types of shakers, the box is more easily constructed, and is more effective with cones from which the seeds are extracted with difficulty, since the shaking is more violent. On the other hand, this is a disadvantage in the case of easily extracted seed, since it breaks up the cones and increases the amount of rubbish to be removed. Small cones, furthermore, like those of lodgepole pine, are apt to collect in the corners of box shakers. Shakers of both types should be revolved at a rate which will just bring the cones to the top of the mass and then allow them to fall straight to the bottom. The speed necessary varies with different species, as does also the number of revolutions required to extract all of the seed. From 20 to 40 revolutions is ordinarily sufficient to get practically all of the good seed. Too much time should not be spent in trying to secure every seed, since those at the extremities of the cones, which are extracted with the most difficulty, are often imper- fect, and their presence in good seed lowers the quality of the whole. BARREL SHAKERS. A barrel may be used for seed extracting in practically the same way as the devices already described. One and a half inch iron pipe, with a crank at one end, is run through the center of the barrel. With this as an axis the barrel is mounted on a box about 4 feet long, 2J feet wide? and 3 feet high. Both ends of the barrel are screened, with one screen movable to permit filling and emptying. For con- venience in handling the seeds a tray may be fitted into the box to catch them as they fall from the barrel. The large box is useful not only as a means of support but also to keep the seed from blow- mg away. A 40-gallon barrel, filled about two-thirds full, will hold from 2J to 3 bushels of well-opened Douglas fir cones. Seed can ordinarily be extracted thoroughly by revolving the barrel about five minutes. INCLINED SHAKERS. Where seed extraction is to be conducted on a more extensive scale a shaker capable of handling a larger quantity of cones should be built. This is hardly worth while for less than 250 bushels of cones. A model which has been used successfully with yellow-pine cones consists of a wooden frame 3 feet square at the ends and 16 feet long; 18 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. over which wire screening is stretched to form a long oblong box. The frame is held rigid with four internal X-shaped cross braces about 5 feet apart, connected at the ends by horizontal slats or strips. The screening is stretched horizontally from end to end of the frame and should never be wound round the frame. The frame- work may, of course, be constructed to fit any width of screen. The ends of this long screened box or shaker are left open to allow the free passage of cones. Holes are bored through the center of the four cross braces before they are put in the frame, and when the whole box is assembled a 2-inch iron pipe, bent at the upper end so as to form a crank, is thrust through these holes and firmly fastened to the frame, the lower end projecting beyond the shaker for a short dis- tance to form a support. This pipe is then set in two wooden frames so as to allow the shaker to revolve. The lower end of the churn should be mounted from 3 to 6 inches below the upper end, where the cones are inserted. A chute should be constructed at the upper end, so that cones dumped into the chute will roll directly into the shaker. When in operation the whole machine should be set on canvas sheets to catch the seed as it falls through the wire screens. One man is required to revolve the shaker, another to pour in the cones, and a third to remove the empty cones at the lower end. The total cost of this apparatus is about $5. It has a capacity of approxi- mately 40 bushels of yellow-pine cones per hour. With other species which give up their seed less readily a modification of this design is necessary to secure a more violent shaking of the cones.1 SORTING CONES. Various appliances to separate opened from unopened cones have been devised. These consist of slats so spaced as to permit the small, unopened cones to pass through while retaining the larger, opened cones, the principle being similar to that used in machines for grading fruit by size. Such devices generally give poor results on account of the irregular size of both opened and unopened cones. It is usually preferable to sort cones by hand. The small amount of seed, however, ordinarily obtained from cones which do not open in the first drying does not justify much expenditure for sorting. SEED CLEANING. IMPURITIES PRESENT. After extraction from the cones, the seed contains impurities which must be removed. Aside from wings, these consist mainly of broken cone scales and needles, broken and empty seeds, resin, and dust. 1 Illustrations of this machine and of a box shaker are given in Plate IV of Forest Service Bulletin 98, " Reforestation on the National Forests." EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. 19 The amount of broken cone scales depends partly on the species and partly on the treatment to which the cones are subjected during extraction. Seed of species whose cones are very brittle naturally contains more extraneous matter of this character. With most spe- cies, however, it is possible to avoid breaking the cones badly if they are shaken out rather than crushed out. The common method of putting heavy blocks of wood in the shaker with the cones is excellent for species whose seed is hard to extract or wrhose cones are tough. For other species, however, this method is undesirable, since it not only increases the difficulty of cleaning the seed, but is apt to injure it. It is advisable, therefore, to use no more violence than necessary, even if this makes extraction slower. The loss of time will be more than offset by the greater ease of cleaning. Twigs and broken needles can be largely kept out by screening the cones before drying is begun. The presence of broken seeds depends chiefly on the treatment of the cones, which has been discussed. Empty seeds are also present in nearly all samples. Their proportion depends partly on the species, but mainly on the season. In a poor seed year empty seeds are usually abundant; in a good seed year comparatively rare. They can be separated from good seed only by fanning. The presence of resin in seed depends mainly upon the species. It is probable, however, that crushing or overheating the cones increases its amount. It is certain that overheating, by softening and melting the resin, makes it much harder to remove. When the cones are heated to such an extent that resin sticks to the seed, it is practically impossible to remove it. Dust is always present to a greater or less extent. REMOVAL OF WINGS. The seed of all western conifers commonly handled have wings, which are usually, though not necessarily, removed when the seed is cleaned. Removal of the wings probably decreases the germinative power of seeds to a small extent. It so greatly facilitates the ease with which they can be handled, however, that the practice is almost universal. In the pines, the entire wing may be detached from the seed with comparative ease, particularly if the seeds are first mois- tened slightly. With other species, however, the wings form part of the seed coat, and can be removed only by actually breaking them off. Moistening the seed is therefore of doubtful value. By flails. — One of the oldest and commonest methods of removing wings is to work the seed over in seamless sacks, the mouths of which are securely tied. The sacks are beaten with light flails, usually of leather, or kneaded with the hands and knees. Sometimes the sacks are tramped under foot for a few moments, but this method impairs the quality of the seed. With the pines, to which this method is particularly applicable, the wings are more readily removed if the 20 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. seed is slightly moistened with cold water. This ma}- be done readily by putting the seed in a box, adding a little cold water and stirring with a shovel. Another application of the wet process is to pile the seed 6 or 8 inches deep on a cement or plank floor, sprinkle it lightly with water, and then beat it energetically with leather flails. The wings can often be removed completely with the use of very little water. A similar method of removing the wings from pine seeds is to moisten them slightly and then churn the mass in a cylindrical drum until the wings become detached. Wet and dry process. — Whenever the wet process is used, the seed must be dried immediately so that its vitality will not be impaired. The relative merits of the dry and wet processes depend partly upon whether the seed is to be stored for some time or used within a few months. In the latter case the wet process is ordinarily safe. If the seeds are to be stored for a year or more the dry process should be used. By churns. — Another method of removing wings is to rub the seeds together with a number of small wooden blocks. This may be done by churning the seeds and wooden blocks in a box or barrel mounted on an axle so as to be rotated, or by keeping the box stationary and applying friction by rotating brooms nailed to a spindle running through the center. In the latter case, if the box is tilted at a slight angle and a hole cut in the lower end, the seeds will gradually work out with the wings broken off. By screens. — Still other methods depend wholly on the use of screens. The simplest of these is to rub the seed as it comes from the extractor over a fine screen fastened on an empty box or stout frame. The rubbing may be done with a stiff scrubbing brush, a block of wood covered with corrugated rubber, or a piece of tough carpet, or the hands covered with rough gloves. As the wings are rubbed off the seeds gradually drop through the screen, leaving a large part of the wings and all of the coarser impurities on top. One-sixth inch mesh is the best size for screening yellow pine and Douglas fir seed; with lodgepole pine and Engelmann spruce one- eighth inch mesh is preferable. The wings of the seed are more easily removed if the seeds are moistened slightly with cold water before screening. With most species the first screening ordinarily does not remove the wings completely. To secure this final removal the seeds and small chaff coming through the first screen may be churned in a small cyl- indrical drum, covered with very fine-meshed wire, together with several small pieces of wood. This process removes the remainder of the wings, which, with other small particles of dirt, fall through the screening, leaving clean seed behind. EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. 21 By mechanical cleaners. — A somewhat similar method, preferable when the work is done on a large scale, makes use of a mechanical cleaner or wing crusher. This consists of a rotating cylinder bear- ing upon the outside several scrubbing brushes with stiff bristles, which during about one-third of each revolution press firmly against a wire screen of fine mesh. The screen against which the brushes press as they revolve may be adjusted to regulate the pressure of the bristles against it. The seed is dropped into the space between the screen and the brushes, and the wings are removed as the seeds pass under the brushes; the fragments of wings and chaff drop through the wire screen. When using such an apparatus with pine seed a slight moistening of the seeds with cold water is advisable before putting them into the hopper. FINAL CLEANING OF SEED. The final cleaning of seed is done by screening and fanning. Thoroughly clean seed can not be obtained without fanning. Where no fanning mill is available, fairly clean seed can be obtained by passing the seeds through wire screens of different sized mesh to remove first the coarser particles, such as pieces of cone scales, twigs, and needles, and then the finer chaff and pieces of broken wings; and finally by winnowing the remaining seed in the wind or by bellows or other mechanical devices. A blacksmith's rotary blower has been used effectively in winnowing lodgepole pine seed. Seed may be fanned in one of the ordinary farm machines for cleaning grain. It removes practically all broken and empty seed as well as much of the resin and other impurities if the draft is properly regulated and screens with the right-sized mesh are used. It is essential that the wings be removed from seed before fanning, otherwise many good winged seeds will be lost. Not infrequently, particularly with poorly adjusted machines, the seed must be fanned more than once before it is thoroughly cleaned. Before purchasing grain-cleaning machines their adaptation to cleaning coniferous seed must be fully determined. Many of the ordinary machines have yielded but poorly cleaned seed with low fertility, even after running the seed through the mill six or seven times. This increases cost of power and labor and adds the expense of storing and handling a considerable amount of refuse with the seed. Two machines have proved satisfactory. One of the impor- tant points in selecting a fanning machine is to secure screens prop- erly perforated for the species which is to be handled. Certain impurities, such as pieces of cone scales, resin particles, and twigs of the same size and weight as seeds, can not be removed ordinarily by screening or fanning. The only way to get rid of these is to pick them out by hand, and this is seldom warranted. Such 22 EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. foreign matter usually composes a very small proportion of the total weight of seed, and its presence does little if any harm. SEED STORING. Wherever possible, clean seed should be stored in air-tight recep- tacles of glass or metal. Seed stored in such receptacles retains its vitality under any conditions of temperature and moisture much better than in any other except cold storage, which is seldom, avail- able. Where neither of these methods of storage is available, the seed should be thoroughly dried and stored in a dry and cool place. Some deterioration will take place under these conditions, but ordi- narily not sufficient within one year to be of serious consequence. The storing of seed in cement cellars with the wings attached has been found by Austrian experimenters to give better results than storage with the wings removed. It is doubtful, however, whether the slight saving in vitality offsets the advantage of handling and using clean seed. In every case the seed should be thoroughly pro- tected from rodents, either by the use of poison, by being stored in rodent-proof buildings, or by being hung in sacks out of reach. SUMMARY. STORING CONES. Make all .arrangements to begin drying the cones as soon as they are received. This is necessary on account of the short season when outdoor drying is possible. If storage is necessary, take every precaution to prevent the cones from heating or molding. Never store them in damp or ill-ventilated rooms. DRYING BY NATURAL HEAT. Use outdoor drying whenever practicable with all species except lodgepole pine. Screen the cones before drying to .remove needles and other foreign matter. Do not spread the cones too thickly on the drying sheets. Protect the cones while drying from rodents and from moisture. DRYING BY ARTIFICIAL HEAT. Make every effort to secure even distribution of heat and good ventilation. Avoid sudden or extreme fluctuations in temperature. Never let the temperature rise above 150° F. with lodgepole pine or above 130° F. with other species. Do not wet cones before drying, except lodgepole pine, and then only superficially. EXTRACTING AND CLEANING FOREST TREE SEED. 23 Do not pile the cones too thickly in the trays. Have the best available apparatus for putting out fires always ready for use. EXTRACTING SEED. Do not break the cone scales in raking or shaking more than is absolutely necessary. Extract the seed as thoroughly as possible, but do not attempt to secure every single seed. CLEANING SEED. If moisture is used in removing wings, dry the seed as thoroughly and quickly as possible. Do not use moisture in cleaning any but pine seed. Do not consider seed clean until wings, impurities, and empty and broken seeds have been removed. STORING SEED. Store clean seed whenever possible in air-tight receptacles. ADDITIONAL COPIES of this publication XJL may be procured from the SupERiNTEm>- ENT OF DOCUMENTS, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. , at 5 cents per copy . I 338447 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY