The PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 111 _ Volume 72 January 1996 Number 1 Published by the PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY in cooperation with THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (ISSN 0031-0603) The Pan-Pacific Entomologist EDITORIAL BOARD R. V. Dowell, Editor R. M. Bohart R. L. Penrose, Associate Editor J. T. Doyen R. E. Somerby, Book Review Editor J. E. Hafemik, Jr. Julieta F. Parinas, Treasurer Warren E. Savary Published quarterly in January, April, July, and October with Society Proceed¬ ings usually appearing in the October issue. All communications regarding non¬ receipt of numbers should be addressed to: Vincent F. Lee, Managing Secretary; and financial communications should be addressed to: Julieta F. Parinas, Trea¬ surer; at: Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Dept, of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Application for membership in the Society and changes of address should be addressed to: William Hamersky, Membership Committee chair, Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Dept, of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Manuscripts, proofs, and all correspondence concerning editorial matters (but not aspects of publication charges or costs) should be sent to: Dr. Robert V. Dowell, Editor, Pan-Pacific Entomologist, California Dept, of Food & Agriculture, 1220 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814. See the back cover for Information-to-Con- tributors, and volume 66(1): 1-8, January 1990, for more detailed information. Information on format for taxonomic manuscripts can be found in volume 69(2): 194-198. Refer inquiries for publication charges and costs to the Treasurer. The annual dues, paid in advance, are $25.00 for regular members of the Society, $26.00 for family memberships, $12.50 for student members, or $40.00 for in¬ stitutional subscriptions or sponsoring members. Members of the Society receive The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. Single copies of recent numbers or entire volumes are available; see 67(1): 80 for current prices. Make checks payable to the Pacific Coast Entomological Society. Pacific Coast Entomological Society OFFICERS FOR 1996 Wojciech J. Pulawski, President Vincent F. Lee, Managing Secretary Julieta F. Parinas, Treasurer Stanley E. Vaughn, Recording Secretary THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST (ISSN 0031-0603) is published quarterly for $40.00 per year by the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, % California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Second-class postage is paid at San Francisco, CA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, % Califomia Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. This issue mailed 12 February 1996 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (ISSN 0031-0603) PRINTED BY THE ALLEN PRESS, INC., LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66044, U.S.A. © The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 1^1, (1996) PHENOLOGY OF PANDORA MOTH (LEPIDOPTERA: SATURNIIDAE) ADULT EMERGENCE AND EGG ECLOSION IN CENTRAL OREGON Darrell W. Ross Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Abstract. — Pandora moth, Coloradia pandora Blake, adult emergence and egg eclosion were monitored at three sites in central Oregon. Accumulated degree-days above a threshold of 5° C from the beginning of adult emergence to the end of adult emergence were between 386.0 ± 7.8 and 459.3 ± 10.8, and from the beginning of adult emergence to the end of egg eclosion were between 648.7 ± 17.9 and 685.3 ± 21.1. Key Words. — Insecta, Color adia pandora, phenology, degree-days, adult emergence, egg eclosion The pandora moth, Coloradia pandora Blake, is a defoliator of ponderosa, lodgepole, and Jeffrey pines (Pinus ponderosa Dough ex Laws., Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud., and Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf., respectively) in the western United States (Carolin & Knopf 1968, Fumiss & Carolin 1977). Most pandora moths have a two-year life cycle. Adults emerge, mate, and oviposit in mid¬ summer. Eggs hatch in late-summer and the young larvae feed in groups on needles near branch tips. The larvae overwinter on the branches and continue feeding the following spring. Most defoliation occurs in the spring prior to host shoot elon¬ gation. The mature larvae crawl down the bole in early-summer to pupate in the soil and litter. The pupal stage typically lasts about 12 months, although a small percentage of the population remains in the pupal stage for two to five years (Carolin 1971). The pandora moth is normally inconspicuous, but periodic outbreaks have severely defoliated pines in parts of Oregon, Colorado, and Arizona (Patterson 1929, Wygant 1941, Schmid & Bennett 1988). Because defoliation occurs in alternate years and the larvae do not feed on the current years needles, tree mortality is minimal and usually associated with stressed trees (Wagner & Ma- thiasen 1985, Bennett et al. 1987). However, defoliation can cause significant growth loss and may predispose trees to bark beetle infestations (Patterson 1929, Miller & Wagner 1989). The large number and size of caterpillars and moths and the dramatic appearance of completely defoliated stands can be a considerable nuisance to property owners and recreationists within infested areas. The collapse of outbreak populations after three or four generations has usually been attributed to a naturally occurring virus. Knowledge of pandora moth phenology is potentially useful for research and management applications. Published records of pandora moth phenology are based upon calendar dates that can vary considerably among generations de¬ pending upon weather conditions. This paper reports phenological observations of pandora moth adult emergence and egg eclosion based upon heat accumulations from the beginning of moth flight. 2 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Methods and Materials Pandora moth phenology was monitored at three sites on the Fort Rock Ranger District of the Deschutes National Forest about 20 km S of Bend, Oregon. The three sites were within 2.5 km of one another. Plant associations for the study sites were ponderosa pine/bitterbrush/fescue and ponderosa pine/bitter brush- manzanita/fescue (Volland 1985). Elevations were 1400-1440 m, aspects were S to SW, and slopes were 0-5%. Ponderosa pine was the only tree species present on the plots. At the time of the study, tree age (mean ± SE) was 62 ± 2 years, diameter at breast height was 18.4 ± 2.0 cm, height was 11.7 ± 1.9 m, and basal area was 37.4 ± 6.2 m 2 /ha. These stands were moderately to heavily defoliated by the pandora moth in 1990 (USDA Forest Service 1990). Between 28 May and 5 Jun 1991, 25 cages (34 x 47 cm) were staked to the ground at 5 x 5 m spacings at each site to monitor adult emergence. The cages were inspected on 16, 17, 22, and 30 Jul; 4, 8, 13, 19, and 27 Aug; and 9 Sep 1990. The number and sex of moths present on each visit were recorded. For each date, adult emergence was calculated as a percentage of the total seasonal emergence. Pandora moth eggs and larvae were sampled on 14 and 29 Aug and 10, 17, and 24 Sep 1991. On each date, 10 randomly selected dominant or codominant trees were sampled at each site. One 30-45 cm long branch tip was removed with a pole pruner from the mid-crown on both the N and S sides of each tree. The branches were taken to the laboratory and eggs and larvae present were counted. Percent egg hatch was calculated as the number of larvae divided by the number of larvae plus the number of unhatched eggs. At the time that emergence cages were installed, an electronic data recorder with two temperature sensors (Omnidata Datapod® model DP-212, Logan, Utah) was placed at each site. The temperature sensors were placed in partially shaded locations within the crowns of understory trees about 1-2 m above the ground. The instrument scanned temperatures at 5 min intervals and recorded daily max¬ imum and minimum temperatures. Degree-days were calculated from the tem¬ perature data by the modified sine wave method (Allen 1976) beginning on 17 Jul when the first adults emerged in the plots. A lower threshold of 5° C was arbitrarily chosen for degree-day calculations because developmental thresholds for the pandora moth were unknown. However, temperatures below 5° C interrupt incubation of pupae and eggs of closely related bombycid and satumid moths (Rivnay & Sobrio 1967, Wang 1989), and the lower developmental thresholds for eggs of other North American forest defoliators are near 5° C (Wickman 1976). Results and Discussion The first adult moths were observed in Bend, Oregon on 12 Jul (R. G. Mitchell, personal communication) and in La Pine, Oregon (about 20 km S of the study sites) on 16 Jul (unpublished data). Emergence holes in the soil surface and adult moths were first observed on the plots on 17 Jul, although no adults were captured in emergence traps until 4 Aug. The last adult moths were collected from the emergence traps on 27 Aug when the mean degree-day accumulation (± SE) was 459.3 ± 10.8 (Fig. 1). Those moths could have emerged on or after 20 Aug, the day following the previous collection, when the mean degree-day accumulation was 386.0 ± 7.8 degree-days. The last 1996 ROSS: PANDORA MOTH PHENOLOGY 3 Degree-days Figure 1. Percent pandora moth adult emergence and egg eclosion as a function of degree-days accumulated since the beginning of adult emergence in central Oregon, 1991. Bars indicate standard errors. male moths were collected on 19 Aug when the mean degree-day accumulation was 373.0 ± 7.8 degree-days. Those moths could have emerged on or after 14 Aug, when the mean degree-day accumulation was 309.0 ± 6.1 degree-days. Egg eclosion reached 96.2 ± 3.8% by 24 Sep when the mean degree-day ac¬ cumulation was 685.3 ± 21.1 degree-days (Fig. 1). The last eggs could have hatched on 18 Sep, the day after the previous sample date, when the mean degree- day accumulation was 648.7 ± 17.9 degree-days. The few eggs that remained unhatched on the last sample date were likely infertile or unhealthy. Degree-day accumulations can be used to estimate the end of adult emergence, egg eclosion, or to time control activities. For example, a fall application of a non-persistent insecticide will be most effective if it is applied soon after all eggs have hatched (Ragenovich et al. 1986). This date could be determined by re¬ peatedly sampling foliage for the presence of eggs and larvae. Alternatively, the date could be estimated by accumulating degree-days from the date adult emer¬ gence begins until a total of649 is reached. These degree-day accumulations should 4 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) be used only in central Oregon until they are verified in other parts of the geo¬ graphic range of the pandora moth. Acknowledgment I thank the staff of the Fort Rock Ranger District of the Deschutes National Forest for providing maps and records, and permitting access to the study sites. This research was supported, in part, by funds provided by the Research Council, Oregon State University. Literature Cited Allen, J. C. 1976. A modified sine wave method for calculating degree-days. Environ. Entomol., 5: 388-396. Bennett, D. D., J. M. Schmid, S. A. Mata & C. B. Edminster. 1987. Growth impact of the North Kaibab pandora moth outbreak. U.S. Dept. Agric, For. Serv. Res. Note, RM-474. Carolin, V. M., Jr. 1971. Extended diapause in Coloradia pandora Blake (Lepidoptera: Satumiidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol., 47: 19-23. Carolin, V. M., Jr. & J. A. E. Knopf. 1968. The pandora moth. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv. For. Pest Leaflet, 114. Furniss, R. L. & V. M. Carolin. 1977. Western forest insects. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv. Miscell. Publ., 1339. Miller, K. K. & M. R. Wagner. 1989. Effect of pandora moth (Lepidoptera: Satumiidae) defoliation on growth of ponderosa pine in Arizona. J. Econ. Entomol., 82: 1682-1686. Patterson, J. E. 1929. The pandora moth, a periodic pest of western pine forests. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv. Tech. Bull., 137. Ragenovich, I. R., J. M. Schmid, D. D. Bennett, J. W. Barry & C. E. Richmond. 1986. Field evaluations of four insecticides against the pandora moth, 1982. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests, 11: 426. Rivnay, E. & G. Sobrio. 1967. The phenology and diapause of Saturnia pyri Schiff. in temperate and subtropic climates. Z. Angew. Entomol., 59: 59-63. Schmid, J. M. & D. D. Bennett. 1988. The North Kaibab pandora moth outbreak, 1978-1984. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep., RM-153. USDA Forest Service. 1990. Aerial survey map of the Deschutes National Forest. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv., Forest Pest Management, Region 6, Portland, OR. Volland, L. A. 1985. Plant associations of the central Oregon pumice zone. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv., R6-ECOL-104-1985. PNW Region, Portland, OR. Wagner, M. R. & R. L. Mathiasen. 1985. Dwarf mistletoe-pandora moth interaction and its con¬ tribution to ponderosa pine mortality in Arizona. Great Basin Naturalist 45: 423-426. Wang, S. 1989. Silkworm egg production: volume III. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 73/3. Wickman, B. E. 1976. Phenology of white fir and Douglas-fir tussock moth egg hatch and larval development in California. Environ. Entomol., 5: 316-322. Wygant, N. D. 1941. An infestation of the pandora moth, Coloradia pandora Blake, in lodgepole pine in Colorado. J. Econ. Entomol., 34: 697-702. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 5-12, (1996) DISCOVERY OF COLPOCLYPEUS FLORUS (WALKER) (HYMENOPTERA: EULOPHIDAE) IN APPLE ORCHARDS OF WASHINGTON Jay F. Brunner Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center, Washington State University, 1100 North Western Avenue, Wenatchee, Washington 98801 Abstract. — Routine collections ofleafroller larvae in Washington apple orchards for the purposes of assessing the kinds of parasites and levels of parasitism revealed the presence of an unknown species. Specimens sent to the USDA-ARS Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Beltsville, were identified as Colpoclypens florus (Walker). This report represents an extension of its geographic range, the first record in the U.S., as well as a new host record. Colpoclypeusflorus is a gregarious ectoparasitic eulophid which is widely distributed in Europe where it is the most common natural enemy of tortricids in orchards and other crops. It was introduced into Canada and released in small numbers in 1966 and 1967. No recovery was reported until 1992 when it was reared from larvae of obliquebanded leafroller and eyespotted bud moth in Ontario. In that same year the level of parasitism by C. florus in two unsprayed apple orchards in Washington was 66% and 75%. The parasite’s behavior and key characters that indicate its possible presence in an orchard are discussed. Notes on the distribution in Washington and methods of rearing C. florus on pandemis leaf roller larvae are described, along with its potential as a biological control agent in Washington. Key Words. — Insecta, Colpoclypeus florus, Eulophidae, leafroller parasite, new host record Two species ofleafroller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), Pandemispyrusana Kear- fott, the pandemis leafroller (PLR), and Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), the obliquebanded leafroller (OBLR), are the most common pests of pome fruit in Washington State (Beers et al. 1993; Brunner 1984, 1991). Both species overwinter as a second or third instar larva and complete two generations per year (Brunner & Beers 1990). Insecticides are the primary tactics used to control these pests (Brunner 1988). Natural enemies have been reported attacking leafrollers in the western United States. In Washington, however, the natural suppression of leaf- rollers has generally not been sufficient to provide commercially acceptable con¬ trol. This is probably due to the use of broad-spectrum insecticides used to control codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), that are toxic natural enemies of leafrollers. This is the first report of the parasite, Colpoclypeus florus (Walker), attacking PLR in Washington apple orchards. It represents an extension of the geographic distribution of C. florus, as well as a new host record. Materials and Methods Third through fifth instar PLR and OBLR were collected from several apple orchards near Wenatchee, Washington, and Milton-Freewater, Oregon, in the spring of 1992 (Table 1). Potential leafroller feeding sites, one or more leaves or flower parts held together with webbing, were collected, placed in plastic food storage bags and returned to the laboratory. Feeding sites were examined and healthy larvae were placed individually in one-ounce plastic portion cups (Prairie Packaging, S-100), along with a cube of modified pinto bean diet (Shorey & Hale 1965). If parasite larvae or pupae were found, they were placed into a cup along with the remains of the host and leaf. Cups were kept at a constant temperature 6 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) (23° C) and a long photoperiod (16:8, light: dark) until larvae died or adult leaf- rollers or parasites emerged. In late July PLR larvae of a second summer generation were collected from orchards in Wenatchee (Table 1). Some PLR larvae were attacked by an unknown ectoparasite. The webbing of the rolled leaf shelter of larvae attacked by this parasite was uncharacteristically tough. When such sites were found, the entire leaf, or the portion containing the parasitized leafroller larva, was placed in a small tight-sealing plastic petri dish (Falcon 1006 — 50 x 9 mm) which was then placed in a food storage container. When an apparently healthy larva was found, it was placed in a one-ounce plastic portion cup with a cube of the modified pinto bean diet. All cups were held in the conditions described above and were examined two times per week until a parasite or an adult leafroller emerged. Any parasites emerging from leafroller larvae or pupae were placed in glass vials with alcohol and labeled as to host-collection site and date. Adults of the ectoparasitic eulophid not previously reared from PLR were sent to the USDA-ARS Systematic Ento¬ mology Laboratory, Beltsville, for identification. In late August, several unsprayed orchards were sampled for the density of leafroller larvae. Twenty shoots, on 40 to 60 trees, were examined for presence of larval feeding sites. Feeding sites were opened and a record was kept of those which were parasitized by the eulophid. Adults of the ectoparasite which emerged from field-collected PLR larvae were counted and sexed. One male and one female were placed inside a one-ounce cup along with a fourth instar PLR larva. Each cup contained a cube of bean diet as a food source for the leafroller, and honey was streaked on the top or side of the cup as a carbohydrate source for the parasites. Cups were placed inside a food storage container and kept at constant temperature 23.9° C and long photoperiod (16:8, light:dark). Cups were examined three times per week to determine the status of leafroller and parasites. The number of leaffollers which emerged as adults and the number of parasites emerging from each leafroller larva were counted and sexed. The size of each life stage of C. florus was determined by measuring the length and width of 30 individuals of each stage, randomly selected from the parasite colony maintained in the laboratory, using a ocular micrometer and dissecting microscope. Results and Discussion The ectoparasitic eulophid reared from PLR larvae was identified as C. florus (M. E. Schauff, Systematic Entomology laboratory, USDA, Beltsville). The dis¬ covery of C. florus attacking larvae of PLR in Washington represents the first record of the species in the United States, as well as a new host record. Colpoclypeus florus was transported to Ontario, Canada, from France and Italy and released against the strawberry leafroller, Ancylis comptana fragariae (Walsh & Riley), in 1966 and the redbanded leafroller, Argyrotaema velutinana (Walker), in 1967. However, no record of its recovery was ever noted (Williamson 1966, Hikichi 1971). Hagley & Barber (1991) reported rearing C. florus from OBLR and Spi- lonota ocellana (Dennis & Schiffermueller), the eyespotted bud moth. This report represented the first official recovery of C. florus in Canada. Colpoclypeus florus is a gregarious ectoparasite of tortricids and is often the most common and important natural control in European orchards and other 1996 BRUNNER: COLPOCLYPEUS FLORUS IN WASHINGTON 7 Table 1. Site descriptions where leafroller larvae were collected for determining parasitism levels. Site Location Crop Management type TFREC Wenatchee apple unsprayed Birchmont Wenatchee apple soft pesticide/unsprayed Marley Yakima apple conventional WSU Pullman apple feral trees Davis Milton-Freewater apple conventional/non-bearing BF Milton-Freewater apple semi-abandoned Baneck Milton-Freewater apple conventional Wondra Milton-Freewater apple abandoned crops (Evenhuis 1974a, Evenhuis & Vlug 1983, Gruys & Vaal 1984, Limon & Blasco 1973, Monta & Gambaro 1973, Scaramozzino & Ugolino 1978, van Veen and & van Wijk 1987, Vives 1980). Colpoclypeus florus parasitizes larvae of several tortricid species in Dutch apple orchards and survives control programs based on insect growth regulators (Gruys & Vaal 1984, de Reede et al. 1984, Helsen & Blommers 1989). In Germany C. Jloms, along with Meteoms ictericus (Nees) and Apanteles ater (Ratzburg), parasitized up to 80% of Adoxophyes orana (Fisher von Roslerstamm) in apple orchards treated with the insect growth regulator fenoxycarb (Harzer 1990). In Italian orchards, C. florus was responsible for 95% parasitism of Argyrotaenia pulchellana Haworth (Monta & Gambaro 1973). Colpoclypeus florus is not well synchronized with most tortricid species found in European apple orchards. It is most common in mid- to late summer when it parasitizes a high percentage of tortricid larvae (Gruys & Vaal 1984). However, it is present in low levels in the spring and does not appear to overwinter on A. orana, its most common host in apple orchards (Evenhuis 1974b). European orchard fruit tortricid pests overwinter as young larvae or eggs (Alford 1984), unsuitable host stages for C. florus. Colpoclypeus florus probably uses overwinter hosts that occur outside the orchard, such as Syndemis musculana (Hiibner) which overwinters as full-grown larvae and may provide an important overwintering reservoir for C florus (Blommers et al. 1988). The most important leafroller pests of pome fruit in Washington overwinter as eggs or young instar larvae (Beers et al. 1993). As in Europe, a lack of suitable overwintering hosts may represent a barrier to the survival and consistency of C. florus populations in the Pacific Northwest. How C. florus was transported to the western U.S. and why it was not detected until 1992 are unknown. Colpoclypeus florus was probably established in British Columbia by the mid-1970s, based on the inclusion of Colpoclypeus sp. in a list of parasites reared from leafroller larvae as part of a research project under the direction of Dr. H. F. Madsen (Jerry Vakenti, pers. comm.). Unfortunately this information has not been published. Because the genus Colpoclypeus was not known from North America until it was introduced into Canada (Williamson 1966, Hikichi 1971), it is likely that this unpublished report represents the first indication of the presence of C. florus in western North America. Leafroller Parasitism. — Low levels of leafroller parasitism, 0 to 13%, were found in all orchards in spring (Table 2) and no C. florus were detected. Summer par¬ asitism levels were higher, especially in two unsprayed apple blocks, TF-5 and 8 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Table 2. Leafroller larvae collected from different sites in 1992 and the results of rearing to de¬ termine levels of parasitism. Number of parasites reared Locations: Spring 1992 PLR/OBLR - % total Site ID # larvae adults C. florus Apanteles Tachinidae Other parasitism PLR sites WSU-TFREC-21 86 75 0 0 0 0 0.0 WSU-TFREC-5 100 74 0 0 0 1 1.3 WSU-TFREC-24 87 75 0 0 0 0 0.0 Birchmont-4F east 92 89 0 1 0 0 1.1 Birchmont-4F west 51 47 0 0 0 0 0.0 Birchmont-IA 73 64 0 1 0 0 1.5 Marley 63 48 0 0 0 4 7.7 OBLR sites WSU-Pullman 100 72 0 0 0 0 0.0 Davis 100 84 0 0 0 0 0.0 BF 31 22 0 0 0 3 12.0 Baneck 3 100 41 0 0 0 0 0.0 Wondra 37 17 0 0 0 2 10.5 Locations: Summer 1992 PLR Number of parasites reared % total Sites ID # larvae adults C. florus Apanteles Tachinidae Other parasitism PLR sites WSU-TFREC-5 52 11 38 0 0 2 78.4 WSU -TFREC-24a 59 9 40 0 2 0 82.3 WSU-TFREC-24b 109 32 67 0 2 0 68.3 Birchmont-4F west 78 63 0 0 12 0 16.0 Birchmont-lDl 81 46 3 4 11 1 29.2 Birchmont-lD2 71 42 6 6 12 1 37.3 a Low survival level of leafroller larvae probably due to use of Bt products in the orchard prior to larval collections. TF-24, located at the Washington State University Tree Fruit Research and Ex¬ tension Center, Wenatchee (WSU-TFREC). In these blocks, C. florus was re¬ sponsible for 75% and 78% of the total leafroller parasitism (Table 2). Two col¬ lections of PLR larvae were made in block TF-24 three days apart. The first indication that a different parasite was present in the WSU-TFREC blocks was the discovery of abnormally dense and much tougher webbing than is typically formed by PLR larvae. The webbing made by parasitized leafroller larvae was similar in density to spider webbing, though not of the same consistency. An average of 13.5 C. florus adults was reared from parasitized PLR larvae (Table 3). The sex ratio favored females, 71.8%, as found in Europe (Evenhuis 1974b, Gruys & Vaal 1984, van Veen & van Wijk 1987). Colpoclypeusflorus was also reared on PLR larvae originating from a laboratory colony reared on artificial diet. The average number of C. florus progeny produced from laboratory-reared PLR larvae and their sex ratio were no different from field collected, parasitized PLR larvae (Table 3). Colpoclypeus florus is easy to rear on PLR or OBLR larvae in the laboratory, and thus it may be a promising agent for mass rearing and augmentative release for biological control of leafroller pests in Washington or¬ chards. 1996 BRUNNER: COLPOCLYPEUS FLORUS IN WASHINGTON 9 Table 3. Data on C. florus reared from PLR larvae collected from two unsprayed apple orchards in Wenatchee and produced in the laboratory using PLR larvae from a colony. Colpoclypeus florus Year Source No. of leaf roller larvae % male % female Avg. no. progeny (adults ± SE) 1992 Field 85 28.2 71.8 13.5 ± 1.02 1992/3 Lab (PLR) 53 27.0 73.0 12.1 ± 1.27 Distribution. — Colpoclypeus florus was detected parasitizing PLR larvae at low levels in two commercial orchards, Birchmont-lDl and 1D2, located 5 km north of the WSU-TFREC orchards. These orchards were treated with conventional insecticides in the pre-bloom period but did not receive additional insecticide treatments during the summer. Colpoclypeus florus was also found in an organic orchard in East Wenatchee, 10 km east of the WSU-TFREC location, and in an unsprayed apple orchard 16 km north of Wenatchee along the Columbia River. The abundance of C. florus at these sites was very low; only one or two parasitized PLR larvae were found, but the finds indicate a rather widespread distribution of C. florus in north-central Washington. Additionally, C. florus was observed by an agricultural consultant (Steve Harris, pers. comm.) in an organic orchard near Brewster, Washington, 100 km north of Wenatchee. Leaves containing pupae from which C. florus had already emerged were submitted to the WSU-TFREC for identification. Although this report does not confirm C. florus presence in the Brewster orchard, no other ectoparasitic eulophids attack leafrollers in Washington. The OBLR population in the Brewster organic orchard had been very high in the spring, and control measures were planned against the summer generation. However, when searches of growing shoots in July and August revealed high levels of parasitism the grower decided not to apply control sprays. Parasite Description. —The adult parasite has a shiny black head and thorax (sometimes appearing greenish under reflected light) with a lighter-colored ab¬ domen (Fig. 1 A). The average length (head to tip of abdomen) of the female is 1.82 ± 0.01 mm (mean ± SEM). The ventral side of the abdomen is a light cream to golden-brown color. There are two small dark spots in the center and about one-third of the way in from the tip of the abdomen that denote the base of the ovipositor (Fig. 1C). The legs are golden brown. The male C. florus is slightly smaller than the female, 1.46 ± 0.02 mm, and has a darker and less ovate abdomen. Eggs are translucent when first laid but later turn a creamy white. They are elongate, slightly curved and average 0.32 ± 0.003 mm in length and 0.08 ± 0.001 mm in width (Fig. IB). Neonate larvae migrate to the host larva and begin feeding. Colpoclypeus florus larvae are a bright green when young, turning to a pale green or cream color as they near maturity (Fig. ID). Mature larvae average 1.90 ± 0.04 mm in length and 0.67 ± 0.01 mm in width. When mature, C. florus larvae leave the host larva but remain within the host’s webbed shelter to pupate. Pupae are naked and a light brown color which soon darkens. Female pupae are slightly more ovate than males, averaging 1.94 ± 0.03 mm in length and 0.78 ± 0.01 mm in width (Fig. IE). Male pupae average 1.60 ± 0.02 mm in length and 0.62 ± 0.01 mm in width. 1996 BRUNNER: COLPOCLYPEUS FLORUS IN WASHINGTON 11 Parasite Behavior. — My observations confirm that C. florus does not paralyze its host (van Veen & van Wijk 1987). Males typically emerge first and mate with females as they emerge. In my laboratory, adults usually remained within the host’s webbed shelter for two to three days until all had emerged, and then they all departed over a short period. I observed female C. florus make rapid thrusting movements with the ovipositor in the direction of the head capsule of a leaf roller larva. However, I have never observed the ovipositor penetrate the caterpillar’s head capsule. After the attack there was significant change in the behavior of the leafroller. It stopped feeding, began spinning a dense webbed shelter, and often voided fluids. The C. florus female remained with the leafroller larva within the densely webbed shelter and deposited eggs. The presence of C. florus in Washington provides another natural enemy to combat leafrollers. It has been reared on both PLR and OBLR in my laboratory and may be a parasite that could be mass reared for timely releases. The unusually high levels of leafroller parasitism noted in unsprayed orchards suggests that C. florus is well adapted to the eastern Washington climate. The susceptibility of C. florus to conventional insecticides in Europe suggests that it may be most useful as a biological control of leafrollers in fruit orchards using alternative controls for key pests, such as insect growth regulators, pheromones or bacterial insecticides. Acknowledgment I thank M. E. Schauff, Systematic Entomology laboratory, USD A, Beltsville for the rapid identification of specimens submitted and Drs. Bill Turner, Elizabeth Beers and Rich Zack for critical reviews and suggestions which helped improve the manuscript. I am especially grateful to the able assistance of Mike Doerr and Lisa Mill for their technical skills in rearing leafrollers and parasites in my lab¬ oratory. I acknowledge the invaluable contribution of Washington’s fruit growers who partially funded this research through the Tree Fruit Research Commission. Literature Cited Alford, D. C. 1984. A colour atlas of fruit pests their recognition, biology and control. Wolfe House Ltd. Beers, E. H., J. F. Brunner, M. Willett & G. Warner. 1993. Orchard pest management: a resource book for the Pacific Northwest. Good Fruit Grower, Yakima, Washington. Brunner, J. F. 1984. Pandemis leafroller, a pest of increasing concern to Washington apple growers. Proc. Wash. State Hort. Assoc., 79: 119-125. Brunner, J. F. 1988. Apple pandemis in Washington apple orchards. Down to Earth, 44: 5-9. Brunner, J. F. 1991. Leafroller pests of fruit crops in Washington state, pp. 185-197. In Williams, K. (ed.). New directions in tree fruit pest management. Good Fruit Grower, Yakima, Wash¬ ington. Brunner, J. F. & E. H. Beers. 1990. Apple pandemis and obliquebanded leafroller. Cooperative Extension, Washington State University EB1582. Blommers, L., H. Helsen & F. Vaal. 1988. The autumn leafroller: phenology, damage and parasites in a Dutch apple orchard. Netherlands J. of Plant Path., 94: 95-103. de Reede, R. H., R. F. Groendijk & A. K. H. Wit. 1984. Field tests with the insect growth regulators, epofenonane and fenoxycarb, in apple orchards against leafrollers and side-effects on some leafroller parasites. Entomol. Exp. Appl., 35: 275-281. Evenhuis, H. H. 1974a. The enemies of apple tortricids. Les organismes auxiliaires en verger de pommiers. OILB/SROP, Brochuer, 3: 29-30. 12 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Evenhuis, H. H. 1974b. Colpoclypeus florus (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), an important potential parasite of Adoxophyes orana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in apple orchards. Mededelinger van de Faculteit van de Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 39: 769-775. Evenhuis, H. H. & H. J. Vlug. 1983. The hymenopterous parasites of leaf-feeding apple tortricids (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in The Netherlands. Tijdschr. Entomol., 126: 109-135. Gruys, P. &F. Vaal. 1984. Colpoclypeus floms, a eulophid parasite of tortricids in orchards: rearing, biology and use in biological control. Entomol. Exp. Appl., 36: 31-35. Hagley, E. A. C. & D. R. Barber. 1991. Fohage-fceding lepidoptera and their parasites recovered from unmanaged apple orchards in southern Ontario. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Ontario, 122: 1-7. Harzer, W. 1990. Preliminary findings on the control of the fruit peel tortricid with Insegar. Obstbau (Bonn), 15: 146-150. Helsen, H. & L. Blommers. 1989. On the natural control of the summer fruit tortrix in a mildly sprayed apple orchard. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuni¬ versiteit Gent., 54: 905-909. Hikichi, A. 1971. Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker), red-banded leaf roller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). In Kelleher, J. S. (ed.). Biological control programmes against insects and weeds in Canada 1959-1968. Commonwealth Institute of Biol. Control. Tech. Comm. No. 4, 10-11. Limon, de la Oliva F. & P. J. Blasco. 1973. Measures to use against pests of Citrus in the northern part of the Levante region, with a view to the establishment of a programme of integrated control. Boletin Informativo de Plagas, 109: 69-86. Monta, L.P. dalla &P. I. Gambaro. 1973. Observations on the biology and ethology of Colpoclypeus florus Wlk. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eulophidae) in the laboratory and in the open field. Redia, 54: 243-259. Scaramozzino, P. L. & A. Ugolino. 1978. Pandemis heparana (Den. & Schiff.), a tortricid injurious to peach in Piedmont. Informatore Fitopatologico, 29: 3-6. Shorey, H. & R. L. Hale. 1965. Mass-reanng of the larvae of nine noctuid species on a simple artificial medium. J. Econ. Entomol., 58: 522-524. van Veen, J. C. &M. L. E. vanWijk. 1987. Parasitization strategy in the non-paralyzingectoparasitoid Colpoclypeus florus (Hym., Eulophidae) towards its common summer host Adoxophyes orana (Lep., Tortricidae). 1. Host finding, acceptance and utilization. J. Appl. Entomol., 104: 402- 417. Vives, J. M. 1980. An important pest of Spanish carnations, the South African carnation miner, Epichoristodes acerbella Walk. Agricultura, Spain, 49 (580): 688-691. Williamson, G. D. 1966. Summary of parasite and predator liberations in Canada and of insect shipments from Canada in 1966. Canada Dept, of Agric. Report, Research Institute-Belleville, Ontario. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 13-16, (1996) APHIDIUS UZBEKISTANICUS (HYMENOPTERA: APHIDIIDAE) ESTABLISHED IN IDAHO Susan E. Halbert, 12 James B. Johnson, 3 Peggy L. Graves, 1 Paul M. Marsh 4 and Deborah Nelson 5 ‘Aberdeen Research and Extension Center, University of Idaho, Post Office Box AA, Aberdeen, Idaho, 83210 department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844-2339 4 Post Office Box 384, North Newton, Kansas 67117; 5 United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, Niles Biological Control Laboratory, 2534 South Eleventh Street, Niles, Michigan 49120 Abstract.— Exotic parasites of Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were re¬ leased in Canyon Co. Idaho in 1988. A survey in 1994 indicated that Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki had become established; however, the parasites were found attacking two other cereal aphids, Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), but not D. noxia. The establishment was achieved by releasing wasps into small, shaded cages for 2-5 days. Key Words. — Insecta, Sitobion avenae, Diuraphis noxia, Schizaphis graminum, Aphididae, bi¬ ological control, Aphidius uzbekistanicus, Aphidiidae Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Russian wheat aphid) is a recently introduced pest that has caused considerable damage to small grains in the western United States (Webster & Amosson 1994). It is under good natural control in its native range (SEH, unpublished observation), suggesting that classical biological control could minimize the impact of D. noxia, as well as reducing the need for pesticides. A national effort was initiated under the auspices of the Western Regional Co¬ ordinating Committee—66 (WRCC—66) to procure and establish exotic natural enemies of D. noxia. This paper documents the release and establishment in Idaho of one of the natural enemies (. Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki) obtained through WRCC—66. Materials and Methods Origin of Released Natural Enemies. —The strain of A. uzbekistanicus released in Parma (Canyon County) Idaho came from Turkey. It was collected by Tadeusz Poprawski and Francis Gruber in the spring of 1988. The culture went through quarantine at the European Parasite Laboratory near Paris, France (USDA-ARS) and at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. In August, 1988, a shipment of this culture was received for propagation and release in Idaho. Propagation of A. uzbekistanicus in Idaho. —The culture of A. uzbekistanicus was maintained on D. noxia, which in turn, were raised on spring wheat, cv. TDO-232,’ courtesy of the Idaho wheat breeding program. Wheat plants were 2 Present Address: Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Post Office Box 147100, Gainesville, Florida 32614-7100. 14 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) seeded at a rate of about eight per 15 cm diameter pot. They were at least 6 wk old (but not heading) when infested with D. noxia. Cultures were kept in 41 x 46 cm cages that had slanted glass tops installed about 40 cm above the floors. Cultures were maintained by transferring 50-100 parasites into a cage with fresh aphids rather than by adding aphid-infested plants to existing cultures. Parasites were harvested in groups of about 100 for release. Release Procedure. —Parasites were released throughout the late summer and autumn of 1988 in cages about 1 m long, Vi m wide and Vs m high covered with white chiffon material. A-frame tents of cotton percale cloth were used to shade the cages in hot weather. Releases were made in the late afternoon or evening into naturally occurring D. noxia infestations in mixed perennial grasses inter- seeded with winter wheat and into volunteer wheat in the fall. Release locations were 1-5 km north of Parma, Idaho. Cages and tents remained in place 2-5 d, until they were needed for more releases. Recovery Surveys. — An attempt was made to recover A. uzbekistanicus in the same fields where it had been released by collecting mummified aphids and al¬ lowing the parasites to emerge in a 95% humidity chamber; however, we were unable to recover any A. uzbekistanicus in 1988. Limited collections in 1989— 1991 also failed to find any A. uzbekistanicus. A more extensive survey was conducted at the University of Idaho Parma Research & Extension Center during the 1994 growing season. Spring wheat, cv. ’Penawawa’ was planted on 15 Mar, 12 Apr and 10 May 1994. The last planting was planted extremely late for the Parma area in order to ensure high populations of aphids. Each planting occupied about Vs of the entire 0.4 ha. field. Sampling began in the first two plantings on 11 May, and samples were taken in all plantings every two weeks thereafter until the wheat matured past the point where it would support aphid populations on 18 July. Fall samples were taken in volunteer wheat at the Parma Research & Extension Center on 15 October. Mum¬ mies were collected directly from the field and isolated by aphid species in Va dram shell vials with cotton stoppers. Randomly selected tillers (n = 150-600) (Feng et al. 1992) were inspected biweekly from each planting date until wheat matured. Additionally, living aphids were collected each sampling period and established singly on wheat leaf sections in 50 mm petri dishes. On each sampling period, 100 D. noxia and 50 of each other species present in sufficient quantities were collected (Feng et al. 1992). Results and Discussion Parasites Reared from Mummies on Spring Wheat. — A total of 327 mummies were collected from spring wheat during the sampling season. Rearing 25 D. noxia mummies yielded 14 Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh) and 10 hyperparasites (Table 1). The most abundant aphid species for which mummies were collected was Sitobion avenae( Fabr.). The 167 5*. avenae mummies yielded 35 A uzbekistanicus, 15 Aphidius cm Haliday, four Aphidius sp., one D. rapae and 112 hyperparasites. Samples of 12 Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) and 13 Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) yielded two and zero A. uzbekistanicus, respectively. Parasites Reared from Living Aphids Established in Petri Dishes.— Thirty D. noxia mummies were reared from which parasites eventually emerged (Table 2). An additional 55 parasites were obtained from 5. avenae. Diaeretiella rapae was Table 1. Parasites collected from cereal aphid mummies on spring wheat, Parma, ID, 1994. Aphid host Primary parasites Hyperparasites Aphidius uzbekistanicus Aphidius ervi Aphidius spp. Diaeretiella rapae Unknown Alloxysta spp. Pteromalidae Dendrocerus spp. Total Diuraphis noxia 0 0 1 14 0 2 8 0 25 Sitobion avenae 35 15 4 1 0 0 109 3 167 Metopolophium dirhodwn 0 4 1 0 0 0 8 0 13 Schizaphis graminum 2 2 3 1 1 0 3 0 12 Unknown host 3 21 53 9 24 0 1 2 0 110 Total 58 74 18 40 1 3 130 3 327 Parasites emerged during field collection and transport to the laboratory, thus they could not be isolated by host. 1996 HALBERT ET AL.: APHIDIUS UZBEKISTANICUS IN IDAHO 16 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Table 2. Parasites that emerged from live aphids collected on spring wheat, Parma, ID, 1994. Primary parasites Hyperparasites Aphidius Aphidius Aphidius Diaeretiella Pteromalidae Aphid host uzbekistanicus ervi spp. rapae spp. Total Diuraphis noxia 0 2 0 27 1 30 Sitobion avenae 11 18 5 1 20 55 by far the most common parasite of D. noxia, while Aphidius spp. were more common parasites of S. avenae. Hyperparasites were more common in S. avenae mummies than in D. noxia mummies. Eleven A . uzbekistanicus were recovered from S. avenae reared in petri dishes. Aphidius uzbekista nicus accounted for 21 and 20% of total parasitism of S. avenae in field collections and rearing of live specimens, respectively. The percentage contributed by A. ervi was higher among five collected 5. avenae than among parasites reared from field collected S. avenae mummies (33% and 9% respec¬ tively). The reverse was true for hyperparasites (36% for live collected; 65% for mummies), suggesting that hyperparasites may prefer A. ervi mummies over A. uzbekistanicus mummies; however, we could not associate specific hyperparasites with A. uzbekistanicus because all Aphidius mummies are similar. Our results are similar to the extensive pre-release baseline surveys of Feng et al. (1992) in that D. rapae was more commonly found in D. noxia mummies than in mummies of other aphid species. Hyperparasites were also much more common in S’, avenae mummies in both surveys. The collections of A. uzbekistanicus represent a recovery of parasites released in 1988; however, so far, none have been found parasitizing D. noxia. Acknowledgment We thank June Thomas, Debra Stansell and Irene Shackelford for field and laboratory assistance. We are grateful to J. P. McCaffrey, E. J. Bechinski, and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. The work was made possible through USDA-APHIS cooperative agreement Number 94-8100-0254 (CA) and support from the Idaho Wheat Commission. This is Idaho Agricultural Experi¬ ment Station Scientific Paper No. 95723. Literature Cited Feng, M.-g., J. B. Johnson & S. E. Halbert. 1992. Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae and Aphel- inidae) and their effect on aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) populations in Irrigated Grain in Southwestern Idaho. Environ. Entomol., 21: 1433-1440. Webster, J. A. 8c S. Amosson. 1994. Economic impact of the Russian wheat aphid in the western United States: 1992-1993. Great Plains Agricultural Council Publication No. 152. Stillwater, OK. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 17-26, (1996) GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN ARBOREAL SPIDER (ARANEAE) COMMUNITIES ON DOUGLAS-FIR IN WESTERN OREGON J. Halaj, 1 D. W. Ross, R. R. Mason, 2 T. R. Torgersen, 2 and A. R. Moldenke 1 Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331; 'Department of Entomology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331; 2 Pacific Northwest Research Station, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, La Grande, Oregon 97850 Abstract.— Relative abundance and community structure of arboreal spiders were estimated in sapling stands of Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco. Samples were collected on two dates between June and August 1992 in three geographic provinces in western Oregon. A total of 7693 spiders of 15 families, 46 genera and at least 62 species were collected from lower crown branches. On both dates, mean spider density was significantly different among the prov¬ inces (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.01). Overall web-spinning spiders dominated in both collections, comprising 63 and 58% of the total spider fauna. The principal web-spinners were the Linyphiidae and Erigonidae, followed by the Araneidae, Theridiidae and Tetragnathidae. The spectrum of hunting families was dominated by the Salticidae and Philodromidae. Both families combined represented 79 and 78% of spiders in this guild for the two sampling dates. On both dates, the proportions of web-spinning to hunting spiders were significantly different among the provinces (p < 0.001 and P < 0.0001). Web-spinners were dominant in coastal areas, whereas hunters were a major group further inland. On both collecting dates, all geographic provinces were similar in terms of their species composition. A slightly greater similarity was detected between the two Coast Range provinces. Key Words. —Arachnida, Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii, spider community structure, geo¬ graphic variation, western Oregon The abundance, polyphagous habit, and widespread distribution of spiders make these predators well suited as potential natural controls of insect populations (Riechert 1974, Riechert & Lockley 1984). In forest ecosystems, spiders have been reported preying on various life stages of important forest insect pests including the Nantucket pine moth, Rhyacionia frustrana (Comstock), Douglas-fir tussock moth, Orgyda pseudotsugata (McDunnough), and eastern spruce budworm, Chor- istoneura furniferana (Clemens) (Turnbull 1956, Loughton et al. 1963, Eikenbary & Fox 1968, Dahlsten et al. 1977, Jennings & Houseweart 1978, Fichter 1984, Mason & Paul 1988, Jennings & Houseweart 1989). Spiders in Pacific Northwest forests are poorly studied despite their abundance and potential roles in regulating insect pest populations. Turnbull (1956) studied spider predation on C. furniferana in British Columbia, Canada. Moldenke et al. (1987) provide a list of species, key, and estimates of relative abundance for arboreal spiders in Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco, and true fir, Abies spp., forests of the Pacific Northwest. Fichter (1984) documented the densities of arboreal spiders associated with early instar Douglas-fir tussock moth in Abies concolor (Gordon & Glendinning) Hildebrand, in central California. Mason (1992) studied spider populations on Douglas-fir and true firs in eastern Oregon and Washington. He found a similar familial structure of spider com- 18 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) munities across the region, with the spectrum largely dominated by two families of hunting spiders. We hypothesized that spider abundance and community struc¬ ture in the more mesic forests of western Oregon would differ from that in the dry eastern portions of the state. This study quantifies spider abundance and community structure on Douglas-fir canopies in three distinct geographic regions in western Oregon. Materials and Methods Geographic Provinces and Study Sites. — The study was conducted in three geo¬ graphic provinces along an east-west transect in western Oregon. The provinces were the western Coast Range, the eastern Coast Range, and the western Cascade Range. Sites in the western Coast Range were located on the Siuslaw National Forest about 10 km east of Waldport, in Lincoln County, Oregon. Sites in the eastern Coast Range were located on the McDonald and Paul M. Dunn State Forests about 10 km northwest of Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon. Sites in the western Cascade Range were located on the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest within the Willamette National Forest about 15 km northeast of Blue River, in Lane and Linn Counties, Oregon. Mean elevations for sites within the three provinces were 228, 270, and 845 m, respectively. All three provinces are char¬ acterized by wet winters, warm dry summers and mild temperatures throughout the year. The annual precipitation values for the provinces moving from west to east are 228, 178 and 230 cm, respectively, with the majority of precipitation occurring between November and March. Mean annual temperatures for the provinces moving from west to east are 10.4, 9.8 and 7.9° C, respectively (Taylor & Bartlett 1993, 1994, 1995). Study sites were mostly pure sapling stands of Douglas-fir (< 15-years-old) with occasional sparse components of western hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla (Rafin- esque) Sargent, and western redcedar, Thuja plicata D. Don. The ground vege¬ tation included dense patches of bracken fern, Pteridium aquilinurn (Linnaeus) Kuhn in Decken, salmonberry, Rubus spectabilis Pursh, Gaultheria, Gaultheria shallon Pursh, fireweed, Epilobium angustifolium Linnaeus, and Pacific rhodo¬ dendron, Rhododendron macrophyllum D. Don ex G. Don. Sampling Methods.— Sampling procedures used in this study were similar to those of Mason (1992). A total of eight sites in each of the geographic provinces were sampled on two dates between Jun and Aug 1992 approximately one month apart. The timing of sampling was selected to coincide with the period of maxi¬ mum density and diversity of spider populations (Uetz 1979, Hatley & MacMahon 1980, Dobel et al. 1990). On each collecting date, all provinces were sampled within a two-week period. A total of fifty sapling Douglas-fir trees were randomly selected for sampling at each of the sites. On each tree, 45-cm-long tips of three branches selected from the lower third of the canopy were sampled by beating over a hand-held drop cloth (Paul 1979). Sampling of the lower canopy was assumed to provide a good estimate of the structure of the spider community throughout the whole canopy. It has been shown that the relative abundance and density of spiders in Douglas-fir remains fairly constant in relation to the height of the canopy (Fichter 1984, Voegtlin 1982, Moldenke, unpublished data). Spiders dislodged onto the drop cloth were collected using a portable vacuum (Paul & Mason 1985) and preserved in 75% ethanol. Ten trees were sampled 1996 HALAJ ET AL.: ARBORAL SPIDERS ON DOUGLAS-FIR 19 before emptying the vacuum, resulting in five 30-branch samples from each site. In the laboratory, spiders were sorted and identified. The identifications of spec¬ imens were based mostly on taxonomic keys in Roth (1985) and Moldenke et al. (1987). The densities of spiders were calculated as numbers of individuals per m 2 of branch area (Mason 1992). Data Analyses. — Mean arthropod densities and ratios of web-spinning to hunt¬ ing spider densities were compared among the three provinces by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Differences in spider densities and diversity be¬ tween the two sampling dates were tested using a paired Z-test. In order to satisfy the assumption of equal variance in ANOVA, mean arthropod densities and ratios of spider guilds were transformed to their natural logarithms (In) before analyses. Back-transformed values and 95% Cl are reported here. Means were compared and separated by Fisher’s protected least significant difference (LSD) test (Steel & Torrie 1980). Diversity of spider populations was determined individually for each of the sites using the Shannon diversity index (H') (Pielou 1975). The pa¬ rameter of evenness (J') of this index which measures the equitability of abundance of individual taxa in the sample was calculated. J' ranges between 0 and 1 with the value of 1 charact eristic of hypothet ical communities with an equal abundance of all taxa. Similarity of spider populations among the provinces was determined using the Sorensen similarity index (C s ) (Southwood 1992). Differences in spider diversity and evenness among the provinces were tested by ANOVA and means were compared and separated by Fisher’s protected LSD. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS computer programs (SAS In¬ stitute 1985). Results and Discussion Absolute Densities of Spiders .—Statistical analyses revealed significant differ¬ ences in mean spider densities (total) among the three provinces on both sampling dates (F= 28.59; df = 2, 21; P < 0.0001; and F = 5.02; df = 2, 21; P < 0.01). In June, mean spider densities were significantly higher in the eastern Coast Range compared with the other two regions which had similar densities (Fig. 1). In late July-early August, mean spider densities in both Coast Range regions were not significantly different and spider densities in the eastern Coast Range were sig¬ nificantly higher than those in the western Cascade Range (Fig. 1). Mean spider densities ranged from 4.6 to 16.7 individuals per m 2 of branch area similar to those found by Mason (1992) on true fir and Douglas-fir in eastern Oregon and by Jennings & Dimond (1988) on balsam fir, Abies balsamea (Linnaeus) Miller, and spruces, Picea spp., in east-central Maine. Some factors that may influence spider abundance include tree density, type and abundance of associated vege¬ tation, abundance of potential prey organisms, patterns of air movement, and climate. Significant differences in spider densities among the provinces may have been caused by natural variation in the structure of branches and foliage (Gun- narsson 1988, 1990). In addition, we observed an increased abundance of her¬ baceous and shrub vegetation at the Coast Range sites in comparison with the Cascade Range sites. Further, the ground cover communities in the Coast Range sites were dominated by dense, structurally more complex, patches of salmonberry and Gaultheria, whereas the sites in the Cascade Range were mostly covered with patches of architecturally simpler bracken fern and rhododendron. 20 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) 25 ° 20 CD L. o x; o 2 15 x CN E i io © x E 0 W-Coast E —Coast W—Cascade Ranges Range Range Figure 1. Mean spider densities (± 95% Cl) per m 2 of Douglas-fir branch area in three geographic provinces in western Oregon. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different (P = 0.05). There was a significant increase in spider densities between the first and second sampling dates (t = 7.53; df =23; P < 0.0001) (Fig. 1). Although the small number of collecting dates in our study limits temporal analysis of trends in the spider populations, we suspect that the increase in spider densities can be attributed to the hatch of eggs laid in the early summer by individuals overwintering as im- matures (Loughton et al. 1963). This assumption is supported by an increased number of immature individuals (over 70% of total spiders) in the later samples. Spider Diversity and Guild Composition. — A total of 7693 spiders of 15 families, 46 genera, and at least 62 species were collected from the foliage of Douglas-fir in western Oregon. Our data are comparable to those of Turnbull (1956) who collected 75 species of spiders representing 15 families from Douglas-fir foliage in British Columbia, Canada. Mason (1992) collected spiders from 11 families on Douglas-fir and true fir branches in interior Pacific Northwest forests. We recorded about twice the number of genera and species collected on balsam fir and spruces from east-central Maine (Jennings & Dimond 1988). Analyses of variance indicated significant differences in spider diversity (H') among the provinces in June reflecting a higher diversity in the western Coast Range and western Cascade Range provinces compared with the eastern Coast Range province (F= 9.32; df =2,21 ;P< 0.01) (Table 1). No significant differences were detected in late July-early August (F = 0.20; df = 2,21; P > 0.80). There were significant differences in the evenness component of diversity (J') among the provinces in June (F = 9.86; df = 2,21; P < 0.01), but not in late July-early August (F = 0.06; df = 2,21, P > 0.90) (Table 1). 1996 HALAJ ET AL.: ARBORAL SPIDERS ON DOUGLAS-FIR 21 Table 1. Mean values (SEM) of the Shannon diversity index (H') and evenness (J') for spider samples collected in western Oregon, 1992. Province n June Late July-early August H' a J' H' J' W—Coast Range 8 2.43 (0.02)a 0.86 (0.01)a 2.28 (0.08)a 0.74 (0.02)a* E—Coast Range 8 2.19 (0.10)b 0.71 (0.03)b 2.41 (0.04)a 0.77 (0.01)a W—Cascade Range 8 2.32 (0.05)ab 0.83 (0.0l)a 2.25 (0.06)a 0.75 (0.02)a* a Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05). * Denotes a significant difference between two collecting dates (P = 0.05). Significant differences in the evenness (J') and diversity (H') among the prov¬ inces in June reflected a build up in the relative abundance of the Erigonidae detected in the eastern Coast Range. In addition, a significant drop in the evenness between June and late July-early August in the western Coast and Cascade Ranges (/ = 5.87; df = 7; P < 0.001 and t = 3.58; df = 7; P = 0.009, respectively) can be attributed to an increase in the relative abundance of the Linyphiidae and Salticidae, respectively, in samples from these provinces. All three families were dominated by only a few species comprising over 95% of individuals (see below). Overall, relatively low values of evenness in our samples indicate an unequal abundance of species reflecting the presence of a few dominant species. These results are generally consistent with those of Mason (1992) who compared spider community structure at the family level among geographic regions of the interior Pacific Northwest. He found that a few families were dominant in each region, but individuals of most families were present in low numbers. Similarly, Turnbull (1966) recorded only a few spider species represented by a large number of in¬ dividuals and the majority of species represented by a few individuals in a pasture community in Ontario, Canada. On both collecting dates, all three provinces were similar in terms of their species composition. A slightly greater similarity was detected between both Coast Range provinces in June and late July-early August (0.70 and 0.80, respectively) (Table 2). In addition, relatively low values of C s between the two collecting dates in each of the provinces (0.67,0.75 and 0.69) indicate substantial temporal changes in the species composition of spider populations (Table 2). Spiders were divided into two functional guilds based on their foraging strat¬ egies; web-spinners and hunters. Relative abundance of these two functional cat¬ egories of spiders is often used to describe spider communities (Loughton et al. 1963, Fichter 1984, Jennings & Dimond 1988, Mason 1992). On both sampling dates, the ratios of web-spinning to hunting spiders differed significantly among the provinces (F = 13.23; df = 2,21; P < 0.001 and F = 23.24; df = 2,21; P < 0.0001, respectively). In general, the abundance of web-spinning spiders relative to hunting spiders declined with distance from the coast (Fig. 2). On both sampling dates, web-spinners were 1.4 to 2.3 times more abundant than hunters in both regions of the Coast Range. In contrast, hunters were more abundant than web- spinners in the western Cascade Range. Mason (1992) and Turnbull (1956) both reported a higher abundance of hunting spiders relative to web-spinners on Doug- las-fir in interior Pacific Northwest forests. to to Table 2. Values of the Sorensen similarity index (C s ) for spider samples collected in western Oregon, 1992. Province June Late July-early August W —Coast Range E—Coast Range W—Cascade Range W—Coast Range E—( 3oast Range W— Cascade Range June W— Coast Range 1.00 E— Coast Range 0.70 1.00 W— Cascade Range 0.63 0.63 1.00 July-August W—Coast Range 0.67 0.74 0.63 1.00 E—Coast Range 0.63 0.75 0.65 0.80 1.00 W— Cascade Range 0.55 0.69 0.69 0.74 0.78 1.00 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72 1996 HALAJ ET AL.: ARBORAL SPIDERS ON DOUGLAS-FIR 23 W-Coast E-Coast W-Cascade Range Range Range Figure 2. Average ratios (± 95% Cl) of web-spinning to hunting spiders in three geographic provinces in western Oregon. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different (P = 0.05). Spider Families and Dominant Species. —Among the web-spinners, the Liny- phiidae, Erigonidae and Araneidae combined were the principal families in all three provinces comprising over 74% of the spiders in this guild (Fig. 3). These were followed in abundance by the Theridiidae and Tetragnathidae. The Dictyn- idae and Uloboridae comprised <1% of all spiders collected in this guild. Com¬ pared with similar data from the interior Pacific Northwest (Mason 1992) the Linyphiidae and Erigonidae were much more abundant and the Dictynidae were much less abundant in our samples. The Linyphiidae in all three provinces were dominated by Pityohyphantes rub- rofasciatus Keyserling and Pityohyphantes costatus (Hentz); less abundant but fairly common was Gnathantes ferosa Chamberlin & Ivie. Among the erigonids, Ceraticelus atriceps (O. P.-Cambridge) and Ceraticelus vesperus Chamberlin & Ivie were the most common species. In addition, Spirembolus mundus Chamberlin & Ivie and Erigone denticulata Chamberlin & Ivie were frequently collected in the western Coast Range. The theridiids were dominated by Dipoena nigra (Emer- ton), Theridion simile C. L. Koch, Theridion neomexicanum Banks, Theridion sexpunctatum Emberton, and Theridion differens Emerton. Araniella displicata (Hentz) and Cyclosa conica (Pallas) were the most common araneid species. The guild of hunting spiders was similar to that described by Turnbull (1956) and Mason (1992). The Salticidae and Philodromidae were dominant hunters composing over 75% of the spiders in this guild (Fig. 3). The salticids alone represented about 50% of hunting spiders (Fig. 3). Metaphidippus aeneolus Curtis, a species common throughout coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest (Mol- 24 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Range Range Range UL Dl TE TR ER AR LI W-Coast E-Coast W-Cascade Range Range Range LY GN OX TO CL AN PH 5L Figure 3. Relative abundance of individual spider families in the guild of web-spinners (A) and hunters (B) in combined samples from both collection dates in three geographic provinces. Family abbreviations are: ER, Erigonidae; SL, Salticidae; LI, Linyphiidae; AR, Araneidae; PH, Philodromidae; TR, Theridiidae; TE, Tetragnathidae; CL, Clubionidae; AN, Anyphaenidae; TO, Thomisidae; OX, Oxyopidae; DI, Dictynidae; GN, Gnaphosidae; UL, Uloboridae; LY, Lycosidae. denke et aL 1987), was the most common jumping spider in our samples. The Philodromidae was dominated by Philodromus rufus pacificus Banks and Phil- odromus spectabilis Keyserling. In contrast to the previous studies in interior forests, our samples from western Oregon contained higher numbers of nocturnal hunters like the Clubionidae and Anyphaenidae. This was particularly true in the western Coast Range where clubionids alone comprised about 20% of the hunting spiders (Fig. 3). Both families include hunting spiders that forage at night, mostly on grasses and deciduous shrubs but which stray to tree canopies. The higher abundance of these spiders in western Oregon may reflect more diverse habitats with a rich layer of ground vegetation. The Oxyopidae, classified together with salticids as agile hunters, were primarily limited to the Cascade Range, almost completely lacking in samples from the Coast Range (Fig. 3). The abundance of web-spinners in the Coast Range may be attributed to several factors. For sit-and-wait predators, such as web-spinning spiders, the location of a suitable site is critical to their success (Turnbull 1973, Riechert and Gillespie 1986). Robinson (1981) demonstrated experimentally that web-spinning spiders prefer more complex substrates that provide a greater number of points of at¬ tachment for web construction. Similarly, Chew (1961) postulated that a low density of shrubs providing less opportunities for web construction was among the factors responsible for under-representation of web-spinning spiders in a desert community. The abundance of a more diverse vegetation at the coast sites would add structural complexity to young conifer plantations possibly improving the habitat for web-spinning spiders. Further, Scheidler (1990) observed in Germany that about 70% of spiders inhabiting herbaceous vegetation in forest clearings were web-spinning spiders dominated by linyphiids. This might explain the dom¬ inance of this group in our samples. 1996 HALAJ ET AL.: ARBORAL SPIDERS ON DOUGLAS-FIR 25 In addition, the more consistent air movement near the coast may facilitate dispersal of these spiders and thus their movement from the herbaceous and shrub layers to tree canopies. Because of the sit-and-wait foraging strategy of these spiders, numbers of prey coming into contact with the web is a limiting factor. The regular air movements in coastal areas may increase the prey supply and, consequently, affect the suitability of the site. In summary, our data show that spider communities of western Oregon are similar in terms of their species composition but significant differences exist in the absolute density and relative abundance of individual species and families. There is an increase in web-spinning spiders relative to hunters in forests closer to the coast. Climatically, all three provinces are very similar, with slightly lower annual temperatures in the western Cascades reflecting the higher elevation of the study sites in this province. Our assessment of the habitat quality indicates that both coast provinces were characterized by denser and structurally more complex patches of ground vege¬ tation which may be partly responsible for the observed differences. In addition, microclimate conditions at the site or local abundance of prey organisms may be equally important in determining the structure of spider communities. More re¬ search is needed to describe the composition and temporal changes of spider communities in this region and to experimentally assess the relative importance of the habitat structure, prey availability and climatic factors in the biology of these predators. Acknowledgment We thank D. T. Jennings (University of Maine, Orono) for identification of spider taxa collected in June 1992 and John D. Lattin and David A. Perry (Oregon State University, Corvallis) for their constructive comments on an early draft of the manuscript. This research was supported, in part, by funds provided by the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Re¬ search Station. Literature Cited Chew, R. M. 1961. Ecology of the spiders of a desert community. J. New York Entomol. Soc., 69: 5-41. Dahlsten, D. L., R. F. Luck, E. I. Schlinger, J. M. Wenz & W. A. Copper. 1977. Parasitoids and predators of the Douglas-fir tussock moth, Or gym pseudotsugata (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), in low to moderate populations in central California. Can. Ent,, 109: 727-746. Dobel, H. G., R. F. Denno & J. A. Coddington. 1990. Spider (Araneae) community structure in an intertidal salt marsh: effects of vegetation structure and tidal flooding. Environ. Entomol. 19: 1356-1370. Eikenbary, R. D. & R. C. Fox. 1968. Arthropod predators ofthe Nantucket pine tip moth, Rhyacionia frustrana. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 61: 1218-1221. Fichter, B. L. 1984. Arboreal arthropod predation on early instar Douglas-fir tussock moth. Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Gunnarsson, B. 1988. Spruce-living spiders and forest decline: the importance of needle-loss. Biol. Conserv., 43: 309-319. Gunnarsson, B. 1990. Vegetation structure and the abundance and size distribution of spruce-living spiders. J. Anim. Ecol., 59: 743-752. Hatley, C. L. & J. A. MacMahon. 1980. Spider community organization: seasonal variation and the role of vegetation architecture. Environ. Entomol., 9: 632-639. 26 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Jennings, D. T. & J. B. Dimond. 1988. Arboreal spiders (Araneae) on balsam fir and spruces in east- central Maine. J. Arachnol., 16: 223-235. Jennings, D. T. & M. W. Houseweart. 1978. Spider preys on spruce budworm egg mass. Ent. News, 89: 183-186. Jennings, D. T. & M. W. Houseweart. 1989. Sex-biased predation by web-spinning spiders (Araneae) on spruce budworm moths. J. Arachnol., 17: 179-194. Loughton, B. G., C. Derry & A. S. West. 1963. Spiders and the spruce budworm. pp. 249-268. In Morris, R. F. (ed.). The dynamics of epidemic spruce budworm populations. Mem. Entomol. Soc. Canada 31. Mason, R. R. 1992. Populations of arboreal spiders (Araneae) on Douglas-firs and true firs in the interior Pacific Northwest. Environ. Entomol., 21: 75-80. Mason, R. R. & H. G. Paul. 1988. Predation on larvae of Douglas-fir tussock moth, Orgyia pseu- dotsugata (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), by Metaphidippus aeneolus (Araneae: Salticidae). Pan- Pac. Entomol., 64: 258-260. Moldenke, A. R., B. L. Fichter, W. P. Stephen & C. E. Griswold. 1987. A key to arboreal spiders of Douglas-fir and true fir forests of the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Dept. Agric., Forest Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep., PNW-GTR-207. Paul, H. G. 1979. Howto construct larval sampling equipment. U.S. Dept. Agric., Agric. Handb., 545. Paul, H. G. & R. R. Mason. 1985. A portable vacuum for collecting arthropods from drop cloths. U.S. Dept. Agric., Forest Serv. Res. Note, PNW-421. Pielou, E. C. 1975. Ecological diversity. Wiley, New York. Riechert, S. E. 1974. Thoughts on the ecological significance of spiders. BioScience, 24: 352-356. Riechert, S. E. & R. G. Gillespie. 1986. Habitat choice and utilization in web-building spiders, pp. 23-48. In Shear, W. A. (ed.). Webs, behavior and evolution. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford. Riechert, S. E. & T. Lockley. 1984. Spiders as biological control agents. Ann. Rev. Entomol., 29: 299-320. Robinson, J. V. 1981. The effect of architectural variation in habitat on a spider community: an experimental field study. Ecology, 62: 73-80. Roth, V. D. 1985. Spider genera of North America. (Distributed by the American Arachnological Society). University of Florida, Gainesville. SAS Institute. 1985. SAS user’s guide: statistics. SAS Institute, Cary, NC. Scheidler, M. 1990. Influence of habitat structure and vegetation architecture on spiders. Zool. Anz., 225: 333-340. Southwood, T. R. E. 1992. Ecological methods (2nd ed). Chapman and Hall, London. Steel, R. G. D. & J. H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics: a biometrical approach (2nd ed). McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York. Taylor, G. H. & A. Bartlett. 1993. The climate of Oregon; climate zone 4 Northern Cascades. Oreg. St. Univ. Spec. Rep. No. 916. Taylor, G. H. & A. Bartlett. 1994. The climate of Oregon; climate zone 2 Willamette Valley. Oreg. St. Univ. Spec. Rep. No. 914. Taylor, G. H. & A. Bartlett. 1995. The climate of Oregon; climate zone 1 Coastal Area. Oreg. St. Univ. Spec. Rep. No. 913. Turnbull, A. L. 1956. Spider predators of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.), at Lillooet, B. C., Canada, pp. 1579-1593. In Proc. 8th Pac. Sci. Congr. vol. 3a. Turnbull, A. L. 1966. A population of spiders and their potential prey in an overgrazed pasture in eastern Ontario. Can. J. Zool., 44: 557-583. Turnbull, A. L. 1973. Ecology of the true spiders (Araneomorphae). Ann. Rev. Entomol., 18: 305- 345. Uetz, G. W. 1979. The influence of variation in litter habitats on spider communities. Oecologia 40: 29-42. Voegtlin, D. J. 1982. Invertebrates of the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, western Cascade Mountains, Oregon: a survey of arthropods associated with the canopy of old-growth Pseu- dotsuga menziesii. Oreg. St. Univ. Spec. Publ. No. 4. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 27-30, (1996) HYMENOPTERA REARED FROM PLAGIOTROCHUS SUBERI (HYMENOPTERA: CYNIPIDAE) GALLS IN CALIFORNIA Robert L. Zuparko Laboratory of Biological Control, University of California, Berkeley, 1050 San Pablo Avenue, Albany, California 94706 Abstract.— Nine species of Hymenoptera were reared from stem galls induced by Plagiotrochus suberi Weld on Quercus saber L. in Albany, California. The most numerous species reared was P. suberi, but Euderus crawfordi Peck was the most common parasitoid reared. Other species reared were: Aprostocetus pattersonae (Fullaway), A. sp. nr. verrucarii (Balduf), Acaenacis taciti (Girault), Sycophila wiltzae (Balduf), Sycophila sp. possibly foliatae (Ashmead), Braserna sp. and Ceraphron sp. The rearings of all parasitoids (except E. crawfordi and S. wiltzae) constitute new host records. All described parasitoid species are native to North America and represent new associations with the introduced P. suberi. Key Words. — Insecta, Plagiotrochus suberi, Quercus suber, Euderus crawfordi, new associations, parasitoids Plagiotrochus suberi Weld (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) was first described by Weld (1926) from specimens collected in California. It is restricted to cork oak (Quercus suber L.) and it produces intrinsic stem galls on the twigs, occasionally resulting in economic damage (Essig 1943). Weld (1926) suggested the cynipid was a native Nearctic species that shifted hosts when cork oaks were introduced from Europe, but Kinsey (1935) disagreed and considered it to be the agamic form of some unspecified European species. The latter view was confirmed when P. suberi was found in Switzerland in 1957 and in Portugal in 1963 (Bailey & Stange 1966). It has since been reported from Argentina (Diaz 1972). The biology of P. suberi was reported by Bailey & Stange (1966) based on studies in Davis, California. The only parasitoid they found associated with P. suberi was Euderus crawfordi Peck (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). The presence of P. suberi on cork oaks at our experiment station provided an opportunity to study the guild of Hymenoptera associated with the galls. This paper reports the species of Hymenoptera reared, and their relative abundance and chronology of emergence. Materials and Methods Two Q. suber trees located at the University of California, Berkeley’s Gill Tract in Albany, California were sampled from 1992-1994. All samples were randomly chosen from the distal ends of branches accessible from the ground or a 3 m stepladder. Twigs with swellings or emergence holes were broken into pieces about 7.5 cm long and placed in shell vials stoppered with cotton. These twigs ranged from 1.5-8 mm in width, and emergence holes were noted in twigs that were 2- 8 mm wide. In 1992 about 100 twigs were collected on 5 May; these were held inside at room temperature until 9 May 1993. The trees were sampled eight times (every 1-2 weeks) between 24 Feb and 14 May 1993. Approximately 10-20 twigs were 28 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Table 1. Number of adult Hymenoptera emerging from Quercus suber twigs, collected in Albany, California, 1992-1994. Year Species Date of emergence Total 27 Mar- 30 Apr 1 May- 7 May 8 May- 14 May 15 May- 21 May 22 May- 28 May 29 May- 16 Jul 1992 a P. suberi _d _ + + + + + + + 0 ca. 150 E. crawfordi — — 33 9 5 2 49 Other species — — 0 0 3 10 13 1993 b P. suberi 0 7 24 53 29 2 115 E. crawfordi 8 1 3 3 3 3 21 Other species 9 0 0 0 1 1 11 1994 c P. suberi 0 1 10 10 49 96 166 E. crawfordi 59 13 15 5 5 15 112 Other species 29 1 7 0 3 8 48 a From 100 twigs, collected on 5 May, 1992. b From ca. 120 twigs, collected 24 Feb-14 May, 1993. c From 1809 twigs, collected 27 Jan-26 May, 1994. d — = not sampled; + + + = many; + = few. collected each time. In 1994, 10 twigs were collected once per week from 27 Jan to 26 May (18 total samples). The 1993 and 1994 samples were held outside, shaded from direct sunlight, until 30 July of each year. The number, sex and dates of emergence of adults were recorded for all species (except in 1992, when numbers of P. suberi were only estimated). Results In all years P. suberi was the most common species reared, its 400+ adults accounting for about 63% of all emergents (Table 1). The chronology of P. suberi emergence was similar each year, peaking in May. No cynipids emerged from samples collected in February or March. The earliest emergence in any season was on 2 May 1994, and the latest on 16 Jun 1994. Only females were found. The exact number of adults emerging from each twig was not recorded, but samples collected in April or May produced an approximate mean number of 1.5 adults per twig in 1992, 1.53 in 1993, and 2.08 in 1994. The highest rate was 8.2 adults per twig, from a sample collected in mid-May 1994. Euderus craw fordi was the most common parasitoid reared, representing 23% of all emergents in 1992, 14% in 1993 and 34% in 1994. In 1992, emergence by this species peaked in the first half of May. In 1993, low numbers emerged steadily throughout the spring with no distinct peak, and in 1994, emergence peaked in mid-April. This was the only species reared from twigs collected during all 26 sampling periods in 1993 and 1994. One female emerged from a twig over 5 months after collection (27 Jan to 6 Jun 1994), and one male emerged over 4 months later (3 Feb to 14 Jun 1994). Nine Aprostocetus pattersonae (Fullaway) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) emerged in June 1992 and two in July 1994. This species emerged only from twigs collected in May. Eight A. sp. nr. verrucarii (Balduf) were reared in April 1993 (twigs collected from March-April) and 31 from April-May 1994 (collected January- April). 1996 ZUPARKO: PLAGIOTROCHUS SUBERI PARASILOIDS 29 Three females and one male Acaenacis taciti (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Pter- omalidae) were reared in May 1992, and a single male in June 1993 (collected in May). A male Brasema sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) emerged in May 1993 (collected in May), and two females and nine males in May-June 1994 (collected from January-May). In 1994, two female and one male Sycophila wiltzae ( Balduf), and a female Sycophila sp. possibly foliatae (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Eurytom- idae) were reared in May (all collected in May). A single Ceraphron sp. female (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae) emerged in April 1993. Discussion The emergence pattern of P. suberi reported here agrees with that reported by Bailey & Stange (1966). The absence of cynipid emergence from the samples collected in February and March is probably due to larval mortality brought about by the removal of the twigs from the trees. This species pupates in April, after which any change in its substrate would have a decreased impact. Bailey & Stange (1966) calculated that the average number of twig wasp exit holes over 7 years ranged from 0.4 to 3.0 per linear cm of twig. From twigs collected in April or May, I reared approximately 0.2 to 0.3 P. suberi adults per cm. Two factors help explain this discrepancy. First, Bailey & Stange may have overestimated P. suberi numbers if they did not distinguish exit holes made by E. crawfordi. Second, my methods underestimate P. suberi, because additional adults might have emerged prior to collection, or died without emerging due to trauma caused by the breaking of the twig. The density of exit holes I observed in this study appeared similar to that pictured in Figure 4 of Bailey & Stange (1966). Albany may also have a higher parasitoid population than Davis. Bailey & Stange (1966) noted that E. crawfordi reached “high numbers” in one tree, but appeared to be of little importance in limiting the cynipid’s populations. In the present study, the ratio of emergent E. crawfordi to P. suberi reached 1:3 in 1992, and 2:3 in 1994. Euderus crawfordi is known only from California and Arizona, and its only other recorded host is Dryocosmus coxii (Bassett) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) (Yoshimoto 1971). Dry’ocosmus coxii is closely related to P. suberi and produces stem galls on Quercus emoryi Torrey and Q. hypoleuca Engelmann in Arizona and New Mexico (Burks 1979). The parasitoid may have moved over onto P. suberi when the latter was introduced through the planting of Q. suber in the southwestern United States. Although I made no direct observations of parasit- ization, the emergence pattern and relatively high numbers of E. crawfordi support its characterization as a primary parasitoid. Both Aprostocetus species belong to the subgenus Quercastichus LaSalle, which is known only from cynipid galls on oaks in North America (LaSalle 1994). Sycophila wiltzae was reared from undetermined galls on Q. suber in San Jose in 1918 (Balduf 1932). The cynipids issuing from this material (= Hopkins U.S. No. 15608a) were eventually determined to be P. suberi (Weld 1926). Sycophila wiltzae has also been reared from Andricus wiltzae Fullaway galls on Q. lobata Nee (Balduf 1932). The second Sycophila species resembles S. foliatae, which has been reared from four genera of gall-forming cynipids on oaks in the eastern United States (Burks 1979). 30 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) The rearings reported here represent new host associations for both Aprostocetus species, A. taciti, Sycophila sp., Braesma sp. and Ceraphron sp. Plagiotrochus suberi is uncommon in Europe: although its sole known host is native there, the cynipid was unknown there until 39 years after its description in the New World (Bailey & Stange 1966). In contrast, the cynipid is common throughout California (Essig 1943). This is a relatively recent introduction, with the first collection made in 1918 (Weld 1926). In 1966, Bailey & Stange noted that Q. suber in Davis had appeared to be pest-free since about 1930, but “in recent years” had begun to deteriorate due to the cynipid’s activity. They con¬ cluded that E. crawfordi does not provide control of P. suberi. Although the endemic natural enemy complex appears to be better-developed in Albany than in Davis, the cynipid is still very numerous here. There are also no records of natural enemies of P. suberi from Europe. This does not necessarily indicate an absence of such organisms, but more likely is a reflection of the relative scarceness of the cynipid itself. Acknowledgment Determinations were made by Kathy Schick (. Plagiotrochus ) and Dr. Steve Heydon (Acaenacis), University of California, Davis, Dr. Michael Schauff ( Eu- derus) and Dr. Eric Grissell {Sycophila), Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Ag¬ ricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dr. John LaSalle {Aprostocetus), International Institute of Entomology (London), and Dr. Gary Gibson {Braesma), Agriculture Canada (Ottawa). I am also grateful to Dr. Leo Caltagirone and Dr. Ken Hagen of U.C. Berkeley for their comments on and insights into this study, and to the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments improving the ms. Literature Cited Bailey, S. F. & L. A. Stange. 1966. The twig wasp of cork oak—its biology and control. J. Econ. Entomol., 59: 663-668. Balduf, W. V. 1932. Revision of the chalcid flies of the tribe Decatomini (Eurytomidae) in America north of Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 79: 1-95. Burks, B. D. 1979. Families Eurytomidae and Cynipidae. pp. 835-860; 1060-1107. /nKrombein, K. V., P. D. Hurd Jr., D. R. Smith & B. D. Burks (eds.). 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America north of Mexico, vol. 1. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Diaz, N. B. 1972. Una nueva plaga del alcomoque en la Republica Argentina. Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argentina, 34: 85-88. Essig, E. O. 1943. The cork oak cynipid in California. J. Econ. Entomol., 36: 123-24. Kinsey, A. C. 1935. The economic importance of the Cynipidae. J. Econ. Entomol., 28: 86-91. LaSalle, J. 1994. North American genera of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). J. Nat. Hist., 28: 109-236. Weld, L. H. 1926. Field notes on gall-inhabiting cynipid wasps with descriptions of new species. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 68: 1-131. Yoshimoto, C. M. 1971. Revision of the genus Euderus of America north of Mexico (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Can. Entomol. 103: 541-578. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 31-36, (1996) SUITABILITY OF A NON-HOST PALO VERDE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF STATOR LIMBATUS (HORN) (COLEOPTERA; BRUCHIDAE) LARVAE Charles W. Fox, Amy D. Harbin, and Timothy A. Mousseau Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208 Abstract.— In the southwestern United States, there are five species of palo verdes ( Cercidium and Parkinsonia sp.; Fabaceae). Stator limbatus (Horn), a seed beetle, has been reared from four of these: Cercidium floridum (Benth.), C. microphyllum (Torr.) Rose & Johnst., Parkinsonia aculeata Linnaeus, and P. macra (Johnst.)- However, despite extensive collections in North and Central America, S. limbatus has never been reared from P. texana (A. Gray) S. Watson. We tested the suitability of P. texana as a host for a Texas population of S. limbatus. Survivorship of S. limbatus on P. texana was high relative to the other palo verde species (except for C. microphyllum, on which survivorship was also high). Development time and body weight of emerging adults on P. texanawere each approximately intermediate between those on C.floridum and P. aculeata (on which beetles developed slowly and emerged small) and C. microphyllum (on which beetles developed rapidly and became large adults). These data indicate that P. texana is a suitable host for S. limbatus and that, relative to other species of palo verde (except C. microphyllum ), P. texana is a high-quality host. However, our study examines only the suitability of these palo verdes as hosts for S. limbatus in a controlled laboratory experiment. We discuss other hypotheses that may explain why P. texana is not used by S. limbatus in nature. Key Words. —Cercidium, diet breadth, Fabaceae, host range, Parkinsonia Most herbivorous insects feed on few of the plant taxa available to them (Fox & Morrow 1981). It is often observed, however, that herbivores develop very well, or even better, on plants they will not oviposit or feed upon than on plants they regularly use (Dethier 1954, Waldbauer 1962). Stator limbatus (Horn) (Co- leoptera: Bruchidae) is a generalist seed beetle that uses >50 host plants in its large geographic range (from northern South America to the southwestern United States; Johnson & Kingsolver 1976, Johnson et al. 1989). In the southwestern United States, there are five species of palo verdes (Isley 1975), and S. limbatus has been reared from four of these: Cercidium floridum (Benth.), C microphyllum (Torr.) Rose & Johnst. Parkinsonia aculeata Linnaeus, and P. macra (Johnst.) (Johnson & Kingsolver 1976, Nilsson & Johnson 1993). However, despite exten¬ sive collections in North and Central America, S. limbatus has never been collected on or reared from Parkinsonia texana (A. Gray) S. Watson (Nilsson & Johnson 1993, C. W. Fox, unpublished observation), although other insects, such as Mi- mosestes amicus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) have been reared from both P. texana and other palo verde species (Nilsson & Johnson 1993). Here, we test the suitability of P. texana as a host for a Texas population of S. limbatus. We find that P. texana is indeed a suitable host for S. limbatus . We speculate on numerous hypotheses to explain the failure of S. limbatus to use P. texana as a host plant, and also speculate whether, despite an inability to collect S. limbatus on this plant, P. texana is actually a host for this beetle. 32 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Materials and Methods Stator limbatus for these experiments were collected from >50 Acacia greggii A. Gray (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) plants along a ~ 30 km stretch of Hwy 90, just south of Van Horn, Texas. Beetles were collected by picking mature pods from A. greggii. These pods were transferred to the lab, and seeds containing beetles were separated from uninfested seeds. We estimate that the laboratory population was initiated with > 200 field collected individuals. Before initiating the laboratory experiments, beetles were reared in the lab for one generation at 27° C, 24 h fight, on A. greggii. Virgin female S. limbatus, collected from isolated seeds <24 h after emergence, were weighed and paired with a virgin male (also < 24 h post-emergence). Each pair was confined in a 30 mm plastic dish with 12 seeds of one of the following species; C. floridum, C. microphyllum, P. aculeata, P. texana, or A. greggii. Al¬ though A. greggii is not a palo verde (and is even in a different subfamily of the Fabaceae), it was included here so that these data can be compared with previous and future projects (e.g. Siemens & Johnson 1990; Siemens et al. 1991, 1992; Fox etal. 1994, 1995). Dishes were checked at 24 h intervals, and seeds bearing eggs were transferred to clean dishes, until a female had laid an egg on each of > 10 seeds. All eggs were reared to adult at densities of one beetle per seed (additional eggs were scraped from each seed), 27° C, constant light. Development time, body weight, and survivorship were recorded for all offspring. Development time was estimated as the time between egg-laying and adult emergence, and thus includes embryonic, larval, and pupal development time. Emerging adults were weighed individually on an electronic balance within 24 h of adult emergence. Results and Discussion As in other experiments examining S. limbatus life history (Siemens & Johnson 1990; Siemens et al. 1991, 1992; Fox et al. 1994, 199 5), survivorship on A. greggii was very high relative to survivorship on the palo verde species (Table 1). Sur¬ vivorship on P. texana, which has not been documented as a host for this beetle, was also high compared to the other palo verdes (except for C. microphyllum, on which survivorship was also high); beetles reared on C. floridum and P. aculeata had much lower survivorship than beetles reared on P. texana. This is a surprising result because C. floridum is heavily attacked by 5. limbatus in southern California and Arizona (Mitchell 1977, Siemens & Johnson 1990), and females regularly lay eggs on P. aculeata in California (where it has escaped from cultivation), Arizona (where it is likely native in Yuma Co. and escaped from cultivation elsewhere) and in Texas (where it is native throughout most of the state; Isley 1975), but S. limbatus has never been reared from P. texana. As previously demonstrated for C. floridum (Siemens et al. 1993; Fox et al. 1994, 1995), most of the mortality on each palo verde species occurred as larvae penetrated the seed coat (except for mortality on C. microphyllum-, Table 1). For example, although egg-to-adult survivorship on P. aculeata was only 4.6 ± 6.9%, survivorship oflarvae that successfully penetrated the seed coat was 77.3 ± 34.4%. Extractions from the seed coat applied to other host species suggest that mortality on C. floridum is due largely to allelochemicals in the seed coat (Siemens et al. 1992). The high mortality oflarvae entering P. acideata and P. texana, relative 1996 FOX ET AL.: STATOR LIMBAT US HOST PLANTS 33 Table 1. Survivorship o f Stator limbatus reared o n five host plants. Males and females are lumped because dead larvae could not be sexed. Values sharing the same letter (within columns) are not statistically different (Mann-Whitney [/-tests). Host species n Survivorship Egg-adult Entering seed Within seed Acacia greggii 28 0.93 ± 0.14a 0.99 ± 0.03a 0.94 ± 0.14a Cercidium floridum 31 0.25 ± 0.21 0.35 ± 0.23 0.67 ± 0.31b Cercidium microphyllum 29 0.89 ± 0.18a 0.99 ± 0.03a 0.89 ± 0.18a Parkinsonia aculeata 31 0.05 ± 0.07 0.06 ± 0.09 0.77 ± 0.34ab Parkinsonia texana 32 0.70 ± 0.28 0.75 ± 0.28 0.93 ± 0.11a to mortality within these seeds and mortality entering other seed species, suggests that P. aculeata and P. texana have similar seed defense mechanisms to those of C. floridum, although those of P. texana are clearly less effective at preventing damage to seeds than the defenses of C. floridum and P. aculeata. The observed patterns of development time and body weight (Table 2) of emerging beetles closely resembled those for survivorship: C. floridum and P. aculeata were generally poor hosts for S', limbatus, while A. greggii and C. mi- crophyllum were generally good hosts for S. limbatus. Development time and body weight on P. texana were each approximately intermediate between those on the poor and good hosts. Our data thus indicate that P. texana is a suitable host for S. limbatus, and that, relative to other species of palo verde, including C. floridum, which is heavily attacked by S. limbatus in Arizona, P. texana is a high-quality host. Nonetheless, there is no evidence that this host is used by S. limbatus in nature (Johnson & Kingsolver 1976, Nilsson & Johnson 1993). However, our study examines only the suitability of these palo verdes as hosts for S. limbatus in a controlled labo¬ ratory experiment. It is often observed that many herbivores develop very well in the laboratory on plants that they will not use in nature (Dethier 1954; Wald- bauer 1962; Wiklund 1974, 1975,1982; Hsiao 1982; Thompson 1988), suggesting that the selective environment influencing diet breadth evolution includes nu- Table 2. Development time and body weight of Stator limbatus reared on five host plants. The low sample sizes on Parkinsonia aculeata reflect very high mortality on this host, and thus few emerging adults. Values sharing the same letter, with sexes, are not statistically different from each other (Mann- Whitney [/-tests). Host species Sex n Development time (days) Body weight (mg) Acacia greggii f 28 28.5 ± 0.3a 3.13 ± 0.04a m 27 28.8 ± 0.3a 3.45 ± 0.07a Cercidium floridum f 18 36.3 ± 0.7b 2.74 ± 0.08b m 17 36.9 ± 0.6b 3.03 ± 0.14b Cercidium microphyllum f 27 29.8 ± 0.3c 3.64 ± 0.05c m 29 29.8 ± 0.3c 3.80 ± 0.06c Parkinsonia aculeata f 7 36.0 ± 1.3b 2.74 ± 0.20a,b,d m 3 36.7 ± 2.2b 3.00 ± 0.32a,b,d Parkinsonia texana f 30 31.0 ± 0.3d 3.00 ± 0.06d m 27 31.1 ± 0.3d 3.09 ± 0.07b,d 34 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Table 3. The mean size of seeds of Acacia greggii and the four palo verde species used in this experiment (± 1 SE). Host species n Seed weight (mg) Acacia greggii 150 187 ± 5 Cercidium floridum 300 229 ± 2 Cercidium microphyllum 201 156 ± 2 Parkinsonia acideata 150 99 ± 2 Parkinsonia texana 100 84 ± 1 merous factors other than host suitability. Hypotheses proposed to explain this imperfect relationship between host use and host suitability variously implicate predators and parasitoids (Lawton & McNeill 1979, Bemays & Graham 1988), plant apparency (Feeny 1976, Rhoades & Cates 1976), phenology (Tahvanainen 1983), abundance (Wiklund 1982), or reliability (predictability) (Futuyma 1976, Cates 1981), and the interaction between plant chemistry and the neuro-physi- ological capabilities of insects (Ehrlich & Raven 1964, Smiley 1978, Jermy 1984, Fox Sc Lalonde 1993). Currently, there is insufficient data available to reject any of the above hypotheses as explanations for S. limbatus' s failure to use P. texana. The small size of P. texana seeds relative to the other palo verde species (Table 3) does not likely prevent S. limbatus from using this host. Although survivorship was lower and surviving adults were slightly smaller when reared on P. texana than when reared on either A. greggii or C. microphyllum (Table 2), beetles reared on P. texana survived better and were of similar size to beetles reared on C. floridum. Also, Mimosestes amicus (Horn), a seed beetle that is substantially larger than S. limbatus throughout most of its distribution (M. amicus biomass >2 x S. limbatus biomass), successfully uses P. texana in nature (Nilsson & Johnson 1993), although surviving M. amicus adults reared from P. texana are generally much smaller than those reared from other hosts. Possibly, beetles may ignore P. texana in favor of Acacia berlanderii Bentham, which is interspersed with P. texana throughout southern Texas and is heavily attacked by S. limbatus. Acacia berlanderii is closely related to A. greggii, and thus survivorship on seeds of this host is likely high, such that it is a physiologically more suitable host than P. texana. However, A. berlanderii pods dehisce early in the year relative to P. texana, such that its seeds are not available after July, whereas P. texana is available into late autumn. Our data suggest that S. limbatus should use P. texana when A. berlanderii is not available. However, in field collections we have found S. limbatus eggs on A. berlanderii seeds, but not on P. texana seeds, even when the two species are within meters of each other (C. W. Fox, personal observation). Predation and parasitism may significantly influence the patterns of host use by S. limbatus. For example, the parasitoid Uscana semifumipennis Girault (Hy- menoptera: Trichogrammatidae) attacks eggs of S. limbatus on C. floridum in Arizona (Siemens & Johnson 1992). Rates of parasitism may be affected by host plant species, such that eggs laid on P. texana may have lower success than eggs laid on alternative hosts due to parasitism of eggs and larvae, selecting for females that avoid P. texana. However, mortality due to parasitism is density-dependant on C. floridum (Siemens & Johnson 1992). If mortality due to parasitism on hosts 1996 FOX ET AL.: STATOR LIMBATUS HOST PLANTS 35 in southern Texas is also density-dependant, then P. texana would represent an ecological escape from parasitoids (and possibly predators) because other S. lim- batus are not currently using it. Alternatively, we must acknowledge that, although S. limbatus has not yet been collected from P. texana, this shrub may actually be a host for S. limbatus and that more extensive collections may detect its use of this plant. However, even if S. limbatus uses P. texana, the frequency of use is clearly very low; S. limbatus is easily collected on Acacia species in southern Texas but, despite extensive collections, has not been collected from P. texana. The above hypotheses proposed to explain the absence of S. limbatus on P. texana need also be considered to explain the low frequency of use of this host, if indeed future surveys should detect S. limbatus on P. texana. Acknowledgment We thank C. D. Johnson, L. A. McLennan, and K. J. Waddell for helpful comments on this manuscript. G. Zigler provided housing while collecting beetles. L. A. McLennan collected seed size data. Financial support was provided in part by USDA/CSRS Grant no, 9301887 to T. A. Mousseau and an NSF post-doctoral fellowship in environmental biology (DEB-9403244) to C. W. Fox. Literature Cited Bemays, E. A. & M. Graham. 1988. On the evolution of host specificity in phytophagous arthropods. Ecology, 69: 886-892. Cates, R. G. 1981. 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Generalist vs. specialist utilization ofhost plants among butterflies, pp. 181-191. In Visser, J. H. & A. K. Minks (eds.). Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Plant-Insect Relationships. Wageningen, the Netherlands. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 37-38, (1996) Scientific Note GNATHAMITERMES PERPLEXUS (BANKS) (ISOPTERA: TERMITIDAE): A NUISANCE STRUCTURAL TERMITE PEST IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The genus Gnathamitermes Light consists of four species (Weesner, F. M. 1970. Biology of termites. Academic Press, New York. Vol. 2). These termites are primarily of a southern Nearctic distribution and they occur largely in the south¬ western United States and portions of Mexico. Two species, Gnathamitermes perplexus (Light) and Gnathamitermes nigriceps (Light) were described from spec¬ imens taken in western Mexico (Light, S. F. 1930. Univ. Cal. Pub. Ent., 5: 175- 214). Gnathamitermes tubiformans (Buckley) occurs in the arid and semiarid regions of New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and northern Mexico (Snyder, T. E. 1949, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 112; Allen, C. T., D. E. Foster & D. N. Ueckert. 1980. Environ. Entomol., 9: 461-466). Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks) occurs in southern California, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas. In southern California, it occurs Figure 1. Surface scarification of wood caused by Gnathamitermes perplexus. 38 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) in the coastal areas of San Diego County and inland in the arid and semiarid desert regions of the southern portions of the state. Gnathamitermes tubiformans has received attention because of its supposed conflict with man in rangeland management for cattle production (Bodine, M. C. & D. N. Ueckert. 1975. J. Range. Mgmt., 28: 353-358; Ueckert, D. N., M. C. Bodine & B. M. Spears. 1976. Ecology, 57: 1273-1280; Allen, C. T., D. E. Foster & D. N. Ueckert. 1980; Schaefer, D. A. & W. G. Whitford. 1981. Oecologia, 48: 277-283). Ecologists have attempted to assess its role in energy flow, nutrient turnover, and nutrient cycling in desert ecosystems (Johnson, K. A. & W. G. Whitford. 1975. Environ. Ent., 4: 66-70; Schaefer, D. A. & W. G. Whitford. 1979. Bull. Ecol. Soc, Amer., 60: 128; Schaefer & Whitford 1981). Ecological data on the distribution, foraging behavior, and food preference of G. perplexus are presented elsewhere (Light 1930; Light, S. F. 1934. Termites and termite control. Univ. Cal. Press, Berkeley, CA; Weesner 1970; Haverty, M. I. & W. L. Nutting. 1975. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 68: 533-536; Haverty, M. I. & W. L. Nutting. 1975. Environ. Ent., 4: 480-486). Gnathamitermes spp. were not known to attack structures and they were considered to have no structural eco¬ nomic significance (Light 1930, 1934). On 26 Oct 1990, G. perplexus was found within a structure on Kalmia Street, Murrieta, California where it created a nuisance problem and caused superficial aesthetic damage. On 27 Sep 1994, it was discovered within a structure on west Franklin Street, Lake Elsinore, California. At this location, G. perplexus caused appreciable superficial scarification and aesthetic damage to baseboards, wall¬ paper, dry wall, ceiling tiles, and door frame moldings (Fig. 1). Both of these infestations were of such intensity and persistence that it took one complete subterranean termite treatment and several retreatments per prop¬ erty to control them. Gnathamitermes spp. were not previously reported to cause aesthetic damage within structures. The two incidences reported here involving G. perplexus rep¬ resent the first cases of a species of this genus entering structures and causing nuisance problems and aesthetic damage. Acknowledgment. — I thank John Chapman, Stoy Hedges, Rusty Bracho, and Ken Hobbs for reading the manuscript and offering suggestions for improvement. Hanif Gulmahamad, Terminix International, 9559 Center Avenue, Suite N. Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91730. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 39-40, (1996) Scientific Note THE DISTRIBUTION OF AQUATIC HETEROPTERA (NOTONECTIDAE) IN HAWAII Lentic habitats on the main Hawaiian islands were sampled for hemipterans, particularly backswimmers (Heteroptera: Notonectidae), during Jul and Aug 1991 and Aug 1992. The primary habitats were ponds, stock troughs (concrete and metal), and cisterns associated with stock troughs. Sampling was conducted on Hawaii, Oahu, and Maui in 1991 and 1992, and on Kauai in 1992. During the course of the sampling elfort, three species of notonectids were collected, two previously known in Hawaii and a single specimen of a genus that had not been reported for the State and the Western Hemisphere. This latter specimen has since been reported in the literature (Polhemus, D. A. 1995. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 42: 42-43). Of the two species of notonectids that had been recorded from the state, Buenoa pallipes (Fabr.) was recorded around the turn of the century (Zimmerman, E. C. 1948. Insects of Hawaii. Volume 3: Heteroptera. University of Hawaii), whereas Notonecta indica L. is far more recent. This was the first collection of the third species, Anisops kuroiwae Matsumura, in the Hawaiian Islands. It is entirely possible that these species have colonized the islands as the result of human activities, perhaps as eggs in aquatic plants used in the aquarium trade. Even so, all butT. kuroiwae have successfully exploited available still-water habitats on all major islands surveyed. In their successful colonization of various islands after the initial event, man-aided or not, they owe no small debt to the presence of five stock. Most of the localities where notonectids were found in 1991 and 1992 were either ponds that had been augmented to hold more water for cattle or metal/ concrete/plastic stock troughs. The single male specimen of A. kuroiwae was collected on Maui in 1991 (Pol¬ hemus 1995) and is notable as it is the first confirmed record for the Western Hemispere. The recorded distribution of this species extends from India through Burma, mainland China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Iriomote Island, and Okinawa Island (Brooks, G. T. 1951. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 34: 301-519). Brooks (1951) reports that this genus is restricted to the Eastern Hemisphere, with one “some¬ what questionable” record from Unalaska, the only previous record from the Western Hemisphere. It is impossible to tell if this record of Anisops from Hawaii represents a colonization or a human mediated introduction. In either event, a single male specimen was found and preserved in alcohol. Since this specimen was collected, others have collected additional specimens of Anisops in two hab¬ itats on the island of Lanai (D. A. Polhemus, personal communication). Notonecta indica was collected on the islands of Hawaii, Oahu, and Maui in 1991 and 1992 (Polhemus 1995). None was found on Kauai in 1992. This species was found in natural ponds and man-made habitats (metal or concrete stock troughs). This species was abundant on the island of Hawaii in 1991 as hundreds were observed in several ponds. These ponds were dry in 1992, but 8 adults and 40 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) numerous nymphs were collected from another pond not observed in 1991. Five adults and 50 nymphs were taken from two stock troughs on Oahu in 1991. One of the troughs remained in 1992 and numerous adults were observed. Numerous stock troughs were sampled on Maui, west and south of Haleakala National Park, each with adults and nymphs in both 1991 and 1992. Buenoa pallipes was collected on the islands of Hawaii in 1991, Oahu and Maui in 1991 and 1992, and Kauai in 1992 (Polhemus 1995). On the island of Hawaii, this species was found with N. indie a in only one pond. Even though numerous Notonecta were found in the stock troughs on this island, no Buenoa were found in this habitat. This species was found in two locations on Oahu, near Puu O Mahukona Heian State Monument, and Makakilo. The solitary specimen near the Monument was collected in a shallow muddy pool just below the road from the Monument. On Maui, specimens were collected from numerous stock tanks. Aquatic habitats on Kauai were sampled only in 1992, and only Buenoa specimens were found. The solitary specimen of A kuroiwae was collected in a concrete stock trough on Maui along with 10 specimens of N. indica. The head and pronotum are deposited in the entomological collection of the Bishop Museum, Honolulu as a voucher specimen. The remainder of the specimen was used to obtain DNA for molecular systematic studies of the Notonectidae. Acknowledgment. — Two anonymous reviewers made helpful corrections to this manuscript. Dan Polhemus assisted with the initial identification of the Anisops specimen, and an anonymous reviewer clarified a synonomy. Eric Larsen, Biology Department, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085-1699. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 41-42, (1996) Scientific Note NORTHERN RANGE EXTENSION FOR HAEMATOSIPHONINODORUS (DUGES) (HEMIPTERA: CIMICIDAE) Herein we report the occurrence of a hematophagous ectoparasite, Haemato- siphon inodorus (Duges), in raptor nests and on nestlings at the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (NCA), near Kuna, Idaho. Commonly known as the Mexican chicken bug, H. inodorus was previously reported south of 37° latitude from western Oklahoma to southern California and south to central Mexico (Usinger R. L. 1966. Monograph of Cimicidae. Horn Shafer Co., Balti¬ more, Maryland). The presence of H. inodorus in southwestern Idaho (c. 43° 10' N, 116°30' W) represents a new northern latitudinal distribution and a range extension of over 800 km from the nearest previously identified population (Red Mountain, California). We conducted reproductive surveys of prairie falcons ( Falco mexicanus Schle- gel) and golden eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos L.) from 1991-1994. We noticed an increase from 1991 to 1992 in the number of ectoparasitized nests and in the degree of infestation. Because we suspected that the bugs contributed to prairie falcon nest failure in 1992 and 1993, we collected specimens for identification from prairie falcon nestlings, from cavities in basalt cliffs used by nesting prairie falcons, and from an active golden eagle nest. Cimicid bugs collected from seven nests during the 1992-94 breeding seasons were subsequently identified as H. inodorus and are in the possession of M. E. McFadzen. Prairie falcons, golden eagles, and other raptor species, as well as California condors ( Gymnogyps californianus Shaw), turkey vultures ( Cathartes aura Weid), and domestic fowl, are known hosts of this ectoparasite (Grubb, T. G., W. L. Eakle & B. N. Tuggle. 1986. J. Wild. Dis. 22: 125-127). Since 1967, biologists have noted the presence of ‘bedbugs’ in raptor nests at the NCA (M. Kochert, personal communication). More recently, cimicid bugs collected from prairie falcon nests at the NCA were reported as Oeciacus vicarius (Horvath), the cliff swallow bug (Sitter, G. 1983. M.S. Thesis. Univ. Idaho. Mos¬ cow). Although active cliff swallow {Hirundo pyrrhonota Vieillot) colonies were near some of the prairie falcon nests from which we obtained bug specimens, O. vicarius was not found in any of our samples. Little is known about the ecological impact of H. inodorus on raptors. However, these parasites appear to have detrimentally influenced reproductive success. High levels of H. inodorus in raptor nests have been blamed for nestling mortality (Platt, S. W f 1975. Wilson Bull. 87: 557; Grubb et al. 1986; McFadzen, M, E. & J. M. Marzluff, unpublished data) and for low nestling mass and hematocrit (McFadzen, M. E. & J. M. Marzluff, unpublished data). Additionally, hemato¬ phagous ectoparasites significantly increase costs associated with reproduction (Moller, A. P. 1993. J. Anim. Ecol. 62: 309-322), which may consequently de¬ crease fitness. 42 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Record.— USA. Idaho. ADA CO.', nr Kuna, June/July 1992-94, M. E. McFadzen and M. S. Vekasy, ex. prairie falcon and golden eagle nestlings and nests. Acknowledgment. — Thanks are extended to Greenfalk Consultants and the Rap¬ tor Research and Technical Assistance Center, U.S. National Biological Service, Boise, Idaho, for providing field support, and to W. Hansen and A. Roe, Utah State University, Logan, and D. Baker, University of California, Davis, for iden¬ tification of some cimicid specimens. C. Schaefer, University of Connecticut, Storrs, and J. M. Marzluff, Sustainable Ecosystems Institute, Boise, Idaho, pro¬ vided helpful comments on the manuscript. This note is a result of a cooperative research project between the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and the Idaho Army National Guard. Funding for the work was provided by the Idaho Army National Guard through the U.S. Army Chemical Research, Development, and Engineering Center to Greenfalk Consultants, contract # DAAD 05-90-C-0135. Mary E. McFadzen, 1 ’ 2 Mark S. Vekasy, 1 ' 2 Theresa Y. Morishita, 3 and John H. Greve, 4 1 Greenfalk Consultants, 8300 Gantz Ave., Boise, Idaho, 83709. 2 Present address: 441 Thatcher St., Boise, Idaho, 83702. department of Preventive Med¬ icine, Ohio State University, 1900 Coffey Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43210-1092. department of Veterinary Pathology. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 50011- 1250. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 43-47,(1996) PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1990 Four Hundred and Seventy-Fouth Meeting The 474th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held 19 January 1990 in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences with President Robert Dowell presiding. The meeting was called to order and minutes of the 473rd meeting were read and accepted. Five new members were proposed and accepted, 3 regular, 1 student and 1 sponsoring; Barbara Wilson, Shawn O’Kief, Dr. Spangler, Glen Connor, and Bob Sautter. Several announcement were made. Barbara Wilson announced that the California Department of Health Services will have 2 vacancies to fill in their vector surveillance and control program, one in Santa Rosa and one in Berkeley. She noted that an examination for the positions will be given no later than June 1990, and that the state of California is an affirmative action employer. Dr. Dowell announced that the next meeting will be on 23 February, at U.C. Berkeley. A map will appear in the next Bits & PC-ES. The March meeting will be held on 16 March at U.C. Davis. The April meeting will be held on 21 April at U.C. Berkeley and the program will be an “Old Timers Day.” Kirby Brown showed several slides of a very attractive stellate scale, family Coccidae which arrived in a shipment in Florida. President Dowell introduced the speaker f or the evening. Dr. Jeffrey Granett., chairman of the Department of Entomology at U.C. Davis. Dr. Granett’s presented an excellent slide lecture titled “Grape Phylloxera in California: No Sex in the Vineyard.” Dr. Granett’s talk covered the pest status, biology, research and consequences of Phylloxera. Interestingly there are only females present in California, no males. Howe ver, there are males present in other parts of the world such as the eastern U.S. and Europe. Dr. Granett outlined two types of reproductive behavior, asexual if living in the soil and sexual if living only on the leaves. Phylloxera is restricted to species of grapes. Under stress the nymphs develops into the winged form and lay male and female eggs. The species native to the eastern U.S, infects several species and forms galls on the leaves but the roots are fairly resistant. In the European strain, the root is not resistant but the leaves are. A club shaped formation on the roots near a feeding site is very characteristic. Galls on leaves form all over the plant and harm the plant but do not kill it, but if the population size is large enough on the roots it will kill the plant. Dr. Granett gave a detailed history of phylloxera’s arrival in Europe and North America and discussed the ocurrance of two biotypes and several host races. Dr. Granett’s talk gave a interesting and ento¬ mological glimpse of the trials and tribulations of the wine industry. The meeting was adjomed at 9:10 PM. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department of the Academy.—L. S. Saul, Recording Secretary. The following 36 persons were present. 29 members: K. W. Brown, F. E. Cave, D. K. Dabney, R. V. Dowell, J. T. Doyen, J. G. Edwards, S. V. Fend, C. W. Fox, C. D. Franklin, N. E. Gershenz, D. W. Gray, D. F. Gross, J. E. Hafemik Jr., K. S. Hagen, P. S. Johnson, B. Keh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, D. L. Mead, W. W. Middlekauff, R. L. Penrose, J. A. Powell, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, J. T. Sorensen, R. E. Stecker, P. H. Sullivan, C. Y. Takahashi, R. L. Zuparko. 7 guests: E. Arndt, V. M. Barlow, J. Carter, M. D. Hagen, K. Hobson, S. Renkes, 1 illegible signature. Four Hundred Seventy-Fifth Meeting The 475th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on Friday, 23 February 1990, in room 159, Mulford Hall at University of California Berkeley. The meeting was called to order at 8:02 PM with President Robert Dowell presiding. The minutes of the 474th meeting were read and accepted. David M. Pollack was proposed and accepted for student membership. A motion to support the movement to designate the Monarch butterfly as the national insect of the United States was proposed and accepted. Several announcements were made. Dr. Dowell announced that the upcoming meeting will be on 16 March at U.C. Davis. A map will appear in the next Bits & PCES. The speaker will be Dr. David Kistner giving a talk titled “Biological Glimpses of Australia.” An unofficial announcement was made that there will be an Acarologist position opening at CDF A 44 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Rex Dufore, member of PCES and officer ofthe United Nations in Thailand says hello. Warren Savary announced that Dr. Martin Muma, author of 195 papers passed away 1 December 1989. Harriet Reinhard, long time butterfly enthusiast, is convalescing after surgery at Fairfield Convalescent Hos¬ pital. The Xerces Society is looking for donations to publish a 45 page article by Harriet Reinhard on “San Francisco Butterflies, Urban Survivors.” Historical records, food plants and current status will be included. Anyone interested in making a donation should contact Melody Mackey Allen, 1050 SW Ash Street, Portland, Oregon 97204. At 8:20 PM, Dr. Dowell introduced the speaker for the evening, Dr. John Hafemik, Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University and past President of the Society. Dr. Hafemik gave a fascinating slide lecture titled “Mating Behavior of Ischnura Damselflies.” After a brief overview of sexual selection theory was given. Dr. Hafemik discussed the natural history of five species of Ischnura damselflies that occur in the Bay Area, Ischnura erratica, I. perparva, I. cervula, I. denticollis, and /. gemina. Dr. Hafemik presented his research spanning the past 10 years on the mating behavior of Ischnura gemina. His research concerned the variability of mating success of males versus females, the effects of coloration on mortality and mating success and the ecological interactions that affect mating systems in this genus. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Museum in Wellman Hall, U.C. Berkeley.—L. S. Saul, Recording Secretary. The following 32 persons were present. 23 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, H. K. Court, R. V. Dowell, C. D. Franklin, D. W. Gray, D. F. Gross, A. Horn, N. N. Hrebtov, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, G. J. Mallick, N. D. Penny, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, H. I. Scudder, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, B. A. Wilson. 9 guests: M. M. Amaud, J. E. Court, J. Granett, C. Hrebtov, D. Maffei, A. M. L. Penny, W. C. Rauscher, J. M. Ribardo, J. Robertson. Four Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Meeting The 476th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 16 March 1990 in Room 122, Briggs Hall at the University of California, Davis. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM with President Robert Dowell presiding. The minutes of the 475th meeting were read and accepted. 22 members and 11 guests attended. No new members were proposed. Several announcements were made. Dr. Dowell announced that the position open at the California Department of Food and Agriculture will be filled with someone with experience in biosystematics. No new business was discussed. The next PCES meeting will be held on 21 April 1990 at the University of California at Berkeley. The program will be “Old Timers Day”: Changes in Entomology. Retired entomologists will relate their early experiences as entomologists. The program portion will run from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. and there will be a picnic lunch on the lawn. A map will appear in Bits & PCES. The Insect Zoo’s 11th Annual Open House will be held on Sunday, 24 June 1990 from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and will be an opportunity to reach thousands of people and let them know how wonderful, interesting and important insects are. Dr. Dowell introduced Dr. David Kistner professor at California State University at Chico. Dr. Kistner presented an interesting slide lecture titled “Biological Glimpses of Australia.” Dr. Kistner’s primary research interest is insects associated with ants and termites and has focused his attention on the army ant genus Inictus and its myrmecophiles. This expedition to Australia spanned four and a half months, 18,000 kilometers and was funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Geographic Society. The nest structure and biology of several species of termites and their associated termitophiles was discussed. Beetles from the families Staphylinidae, Histeridae, and Adaridae can be found in termite mounds. Dr. Kistner discussed many interesting features of termite and termi- tophile behavior and ecology including phoresy, the use of special glands and termite mimicing larvae. The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 PM. Refreshments were served in the Bohart Museum.—L. S. Saul, Recording Secretary. The following 34 persons were present. 23 members: R. M. Bohart, R. M. Brown, D. A. Carmean, R. V. Dowell, J. G. Edwards, C. D. Franklin, D. M. Gordon, D. W. Gray, D. F. Gross, L. S. Kimsey, D. H. Kistner, V. F. Lee, J. M. Leong, D. L. Mead, N. D. Penny, J. A. Powell, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, R. E. Somerby, J. T. Sorensen, C. Y. Takahashi, R. W. Thorp, T. L. Tyler. 11 guests: V. M. Barlow, M. Bohart, J. Garcia, J. Granett, S. Granett, R. Longair, D. P. Muth Jr., R. D. Oliver, A. M. L. Penny, J. Robertson, G. Spaulding. PROCEEDINGS 1996 45 Four Hundred and Seventy-Seventh Meeting The 477th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 19 October 1990 in Room 122, Briggs Hall at the University of California, Davis. The meeting was called to order at 8:05 PM with President Robert Dowell presiding. The minutes of the 476th meeting were read and accepted. Six new regular members including David Mills, Alan Robinson, and Dr. Robert Pemberton and 2 new student members were proposed and accepted. Dr. Dowell announced that “Old Timer’s Day” was held on 21 April 1990 at Morgan Hall on the U. C. Berkeley campus. The event was attended by 24 people and included the following speakers: Louie Blanc, Dr. Edwards, Dr. Dean Furhman, Dr. Harry Laidlaw, Dr. Harry Lange, Dr. Mittlecolf, Dr. Edward Ross, Dr. Harvey Scudder, and Dr. Arthur Smith. All the speakers gave some very interesting and entertaining insights into what it was like working in the field of entomology during the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s to the present. The PCES sponsored a symposium at the AAAS Pacific Division meeting held at U.C. Davis in June 1990 entitled “The Ecology, Taxonomy, Evolution and Importance of Insect Biotypes, Host- plant Races and Sibling Species”; the symposium was very well received. Daniel Gross has accepted a position with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in Los Angeles, hence he will be resigning as membership chairman. Vincent Lee will become acting chairman of membership. It was announced that several other positions were still open: recording secretary, managing secretary, and president¬ elect. Harvey Scudder announced that the africanized bee was discovered in Texas. Dr. Dowell announced that the medfly program was being wrapped up in southern California, however that mexican, oriental, and melon fruit flies have been caught and they will be treating for gypsy moth in San Diego and Santa Barbara Countries. Cornell style cabinets and drawers are available for purchase from the Entomology Department of the California Academy of Sciences. Dr. Dowell introduced the speaker for the evening, Dr. Larry Orsak. Dr. Orsak presented an interesting slide lecture entitled “How to Keep from Being Eaten in Papau New Guinea—From an Insect’s Point of View,” After a giving an overview of some of the cultural aspects of New Guinea, Dr. Orsak described some of the biological flora and fauna of New Guinea. Using the WAU Institute as a base and funding and volunteers from Earthwatch a reference moth collection was established. The defenses of moths are being studied as possible biological indicators. Dr. Orsak discussed the concept of apparency and the multiple defenses strategies used by moths. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM. Refreshments were served in the Bohart Museum.—L. S. Saul, Recording Secretary. The following 39 persons were present. 22 members: R. L. Aalbu, F. G. Andrews, T. D. Cuneo, D. C. Dailey, R. V. Dowell, J. G. Edwards, E. M. Fisher, D. W. Gray, L. S. Kimsey, C. Y. Kitayama, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, L. J. Orsak, N. D. Penny, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, H. I. Scudder, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, G. W. Ulrich, B. M. Wilk. 17 guests: V. M. Barlow, C. Greene, D. Kitaya, D. Limburg, C. Lupcho, D. Maffei, J. C. Marston, A. M. L. Penny, J. M. Ribardo, C. Sala, K. Schwarz, D. R. Shaffer, B. Trimble, M. Williams, R. Worth, 2 illegible signatures. Four Hundred and Seventy-Eighth Meeting The 478th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 16 November 1990 in Room 101, Morgan Hall at U.C. Berkeley. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 PM with President Robert Dowell presiding. The minutes of the 477th meeting were read and accepted. One new regular member Dr. William Tolzer and one new student member, Mr. Stephen J. Sulatycki were proposed and accepted. Several announcements were made. Curtis Takahashi announced that Hugh B. Leach died on Thursday, 15 November 1990 of Parkinson disease. He was bom on 10 May 1910 and came to work at the Academy in 1947. He area of specialty was water beetles. He retired in 1974. President Dowell announced that the December meeting will be held on the 14th and that he will speak on western tiger swallowtails. Vincent Lee will be acting membership chairman. Dr. Gordon Frank and Dr. Howell Daly offered to help recruit new members to PCES. Dr. Dowell announced that the Peach fly Dacus zonatus was found recently in California. President Dowell introduced the evening’s speaker Dr. Richard Karban from U.C. Davis. His talk was titled “Local Adaptation of Thrips to Individual Plants and the Role of Sexuality.” Dr. Karban discussed two questions: 1. Is a natural population of herbivores structured according to the genotype 46 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) of their host; and 2. Does sexual reproduction allow plants to escape the evolutionary tracking of their adapted herbivores. The thrip populations studied were found on the long lived host plants Erigeron glaucus in the Bodega Bay area. These plants can live up to eighteen years and stay green throughout the entire season but most of the biomass is underground. They are also easy to manipulate and can be grown from cuttings. Thnps are active year round but do not move very much from plant to plant or from rosette to rosette. They have a winged and apterous form and have a short generation time going from adult to adult in three weeks. Males are rare in the population and there is both sexual and asexual reproduction. The number of thrips supported by different plants varied greatly from 10- 100-1000 thrips per plant. The same population levels were found experimentally as well. It was determined that the host clone is very important in explaining abundance of thrips rather than interspecific competition and climatic conditions. Morphological differences seem to environmentally produced (i.e. height, leaf size). It was concluded that the population of thrips are adapted to individuals. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM Refreshments were served in the entomology museum.— L. S. Saul, Recording Secretary. The following 28 persons were present. 17 members: K. W. Brown, H. V. Daly, R. V. Dowell, J. T. Doyen, J. G. Edwards, G. W. Frankie, C. D. Franklin, D. W. Gray, V. F. Lee, S. B. Opp, N. D. Penny, A. B. Rackett, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, C. Y. Takahashi, B. A. Wilson. 11 guests: D. Corey, L. Culp, R. Dake, S. Griffin, R. Karban, J. Knipe, A. M. L. Penny, J. M. Ribardo, J. Robertson, S. Spisak, T. Williamson. Four Hundred and Seventy-Ninth Meeting The 479th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 14 December 1990 in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 PM with President Robert Dowell presiding. The minutes of the 478 th meeting were read, corrected and accepted. Two new regular members Dr. Brian J. Armitage and Dr. Chad M. Murvosh were proposed and accepted. Annual reports were given by the following committees. Acting Membership Chairman Vincent Lee reported that in 1990 there was a total of 461 members: 343 regular, five family, two retired, 56 student, 42 sponsoring, 4 honored and 9 life members. A total of 18 new members joined the Society in 1990; 12 regular, 5 student and 1 sponsoring. The Publication Com¬ mittee discussed new guidelines for publications. Dr. Paul Amaud reported that the Historical Com¬ mittee received material containing correspondence of Dr. E. Gorton Linsley and Dr. Donald G. Denning’s Trichoptera correspondence. This has now been stored in 35 archival boxes. Dr. Amaud, chairman of the Historical Committee was asked to confirm that there were 264 shares of stock and while doing so discovered correspondence from William Seymour Edwards to butterfly specialist, W. G. Wright from 1894. Dr. Amaud on behalf of Treasurer Sandra Shanks reported that all accounts were in order. The Society as of 30 September 1990 had $112,000 in assets, $45,000 in the C. P. Alexander Fund and $30,000 in the Fall Memoir Fund. Dr. Norman Penny reported for Vannoy Davis, Chairman of the Audit Committee, that all the accounts were in order. The Nominating Committee proposed the following candidates: President-elect, Dr Norman Penny; recording Secretary, Larry Bezark; Managing Secretary, Mr. Wesley Maffei: Membership Chairman, Mr. Curtis Takahashi; and there were two replacements to the Publication Committee, Dr. Susan Opp and Dr. Alice Hunter. All candidates were elected. President Dowell reported the highlights of the Executive Board Meeting held on 14 December 1990. Seventeen years of changes have now been incorporated into the by-laws and will be published in the January 1991 issue (Vol. 67: number 1) of The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. The Society will support efforts to obtain additional budgetary resources through Congress for the USDA Lab. A motion to approve moneys for exceptional speakers was accepted. It was decided that PCES would not sponsor a symposium at the 1991 AAAS meeting in Utah but would sponsor one at the 1992 AAAS meeting in Santa Barbara. Several announcements were made. The Society has started a journal exchange with Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia and it. will be available for study in the Academy Library. Ron Stecker and Keve Ribardo will be traveling in April to Copper Canyon in Mexico and requested information on the area from any members. Several notes were given. Dr. Donald Burdick from Cal. State Fresno demonstrated the Mideo microscopy system and showed how the system could be used to store images of type and holotype specimens. By putting this information onto video tapes, this information can be shared without having to send out the type specimens. Leslie Saul showed a group slide of the “Old Timers Day” participants. Dr. Edward Smith gave a note on new discoveries of 1996 PROCEEDINGS 47 fossils in the Gilboa area of New York which were extracted by acid maceration of rock dated at 414 million years. Large arachnoid predators were found. Dr. Dowell announced the upcoming meetings and speakers: 18 January, Dr. Robert Page; 15 February, Dr. John Alcock; and 15 March, Dr. Jerry Powell. President-elect Leslie Saul introduced the evening’s speaker Dr. Robert Dowell of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Dr. Dowell gave a fascinating presidential address titled “Host Plant Relations in the Western Tiger Swallowtail.” The natural history of Papilio rutulus was sum¬ marized. Data on larval food preference was collected and growth and survival rates of larvae reared on over 20 different native and exotic food plants was analyzed and reported. It was determined that the highest survival rate was achieved when reared on Lombardy poplar. A relationship between survivorship, developmental time and pupal weight was discovered. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM. Refreshments were served in the entomology museum.— L. S. Saul, Recording Secretary. The following 38 persons were present. 28 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, D. J. Burdick, J. S. Chinn, H. K. Court, P. R. Craig, D. K. Dabney, R. V. Dowell, J. T. Doyen, J. G. Edwards, N. E. Gershenz, D. W. Gray, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, G. J. Mallick, D. L. Mead, N. D. Penny, K. J. Ribardo, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, J. T. Sorensen, G. S. Spicer, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, T. J. Zavortink. 10 guests: M. M. Amaud, L. Baker, D. Bohmann, J. E. Court, T. F. Hlavac, L. Lubin, A. M. L. Penny, W. C. Rauscher, J. M. Ribardo, R. Saint John. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 47-54, (1996) PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1991 Four Hundred and Eightieth Meeting The 480th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 18 January 1991 in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Leslie Saul presiding, and 26 members and 11 guests in attendance. The minutes of the meeting held 14 December 1990 were read and corrected. The following members were elected to membership in the Society: Student Members; James E. Baxter and Wayne R. Owen; Regular Members; John A. DeBenedictis, Andre Macedo and Thomas O. Robbins. Vince Lee announced an upcoming showing of insect drawings done by Debbie S. Brennan of the Academy. President Saul gave a pitch for membership renewals and announced a job opening for a production supervisor for a butterfly facility, and enticed the membership to participate in an upcoming San Francisco Zoo run by extolling the virtues of the walking stick T-shirt given away to participants. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Robert Page of the University of California at Davis, who summarized his research on the influence of genetics on honeybee worker behavior and organization within the hive, with a talk entitled “Self Organization and Adaptation in Insect Societies.” Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room.—Larry G. Bezark, Recording Secretary. The following 37 persons were present. (26 members): P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, S. V. Fend, N. E. Gershenz, J. E. Hafemik Jr., A. Horn, B. Keh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, G. J. Mallick, N. D. Penny, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, H. I. Scudder, E. L. Smith, R. E. Stecker, P. H. Sullivan, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, and S. P. Welles Jr.; (11 guests) M. M. Amaud, D. Maffei, B. Page, M. Page, R. Page, A. M. L. Penny, W. C. Rauscher, S. Renkes, J. Robertson, A. Stemfeld-Dunn, and D. Stemfeld-Dunn. 48 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Four Hundred and Eighty-First Meeting The 481st meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 15 February 1991 in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Leslie Saul presiding, and 36 members and 37 guests in attendance. The minutes of the meeting held 18 January 1991 were read and approved. The following members were elected to membership in the Society: Student Members; Paul da Silva and Richard A. Worth; Regular Members; Rodney L. Crawford and Kingston Leong. Ron Stecker introduced Elias Castillo of the National Geographic Society who will be leading an upcoming expedition into Northern Mexico’s Copper Canyon. Leslie Saul asked for recommendations for future Spring or Fall programs and workshops. Vince Lee announced two seasonal positions with the San Mateo Mosquito Abatement District that will be available from May through September. He also announced a journal exchange for the Japanese “Elytra” which is not to be confused with the Spanish “Elytron” which we already receive as part of another exchange. President Saul described a macrovideo system, similar to the one that Don Burdick exhibited recently, that is available at the San Francisco Zoo for various projects. She also mentioned the need for a new recording secretary for next year and the immediate need for a refreshment chairperson. The speaker of the evening was Dr. John Alcock of Arizona State University, who presented us with a fascinating overview of insect mating strategies, illustrated with carpenter bee and pompilid wasp examples in a talk entitled: “Hilltopping Mating Systems of Insects: A Continuing Puzzle.” John’s refreshing style, coupled with misleading audience participation brought everyone into the subject. After the talk, many good questions were posed and Dr. Alcock tied up the loose ends. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room.—Larry G. Bezark, Recording Secretary. The following 73 persons were present. (36 members): J. R. Anderson, P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, D. K. Dabney, P. G. da Silva, L. H. Davis, H. E. M. Dobson, J. G. Edwards, C. W. Fox, N. E. Gershenz, J. E. Hafemik Jr., R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, J. Leong, D. L. Mead, J. A. Powell, B. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, H. I. Scudder, S. S. Shanks, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, R. W. Thorp, D. Ubick, S. C. Williams, R. A. Worth, T. J. Zavortink, and R. L. Zuparko; (37 guests) J. Alcock, S. E. Alcock, M. M. Amaud, E. Arndt, V. M. Barlow, L. Bergey, V. H. P. Bueno, H. Chilstrom, D. Corey, L. Culp, J. R. Cure, R. Dake, M. A. Garcia, J. Hauptman, K. Hobson, A. Johnson, K. Jones, J. Knipe, C. Lijo, L. MacTague, L. McPheron, D. Miller, D. Nebenyahl, M. J. O’Dowell, J. O’Keeffe, E. Pearson, B. Peterson, W. C. Rauscher, J. Robertson, D. Schmidt, K. Schwarz, M. Seyeh, S. Spisak, A. L. Symors, K. Verhousek, U. L. Yee, and M. Zavortink. Four Hundred and Eighty-Second Meeting The 482nd meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 15 March 1991 in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Leslie Saul presiding, and 46 members and 14 guests in attendance. The minutes of the meeting held 15 February 1991 were read and approved as amended. The following members were elected to membership in the Society: Student Members; Ms. Elizabeth Amdt, John M. Collier and William A. Titherington; Regular Members; Mr. David J. Bohmann, Dr. John D. Lattin, Dr. Gerhard Ringel, Dr. Thomas R. Unruh, and Mr. Josef O. C. Wiley. Vince Lee had copies of the meeting report of the recent International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature gathering in Maryland. A number of radical code changes have been proposed. Paul Amaud mentioned that a series of insect drawings done by D. Brennan of the Academy were upstairs for observation. Larry Bezark showed the 3rd edition of the Young Entomologists Society, Resource Guide, which lists entomological equipment, books and novelties. He also announced the availability of a newsletter on scarabs, called (suprisingly enough) Scarabs. President Saul discussed the upcoming 4th annual Lepidopterists’ Society meeting 1-4 August in Tucson. She also mentioned a call for papers for the Xerces Society meeting being held 18-22 June at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, in conjunction with the Conservation Biology Society. The Tropical Lepidopterology Society is still going strong with a beautifully illustrated full-color journal and many field activities including collecting expeditions to Brazil and Africa. A field course on the 1996 PROCEEDINGS 49 Biology of Butterflies, is being held 29 June-5 July near Pike’s Peak through the Colorado Outdoor Education Center. Also mentioned was the California Native Plant Society meeting for March (which you obviously missed, if you are hearing about it now!), and the one year moratorium on mining in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Jerry A. Powell, of the University of California at Berkeley, who summarized many years of field studies and taxonomic work on a wide variety of insects as they related to the Antioch Dunes system, in a talk entitled “Changes in the Insect Fauna at the Antioch Dunes During 60 Years of Human Exploitation.” Due to habitat destruction and over 50 years of human intervention, this area has undergone catastrophic alterations and as a result more than 40% of the insects known from these dunes have not been collected in recent times. In 1980, this area was afforded wildlife refuge status and as a result the endangered riodinid butterfly that lives there has increased its population. This very well organized and extensively researched presentation by Dr. Powell, generated a lot of questions about endangered species and habitat management. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room.—Larry G. Bezark, Recording Secretary. The following 60 persons were present. (46 members): R. L. Aalbu, F. G. Andrews, P. H. Amaud Jr., J. F. Barthell, L. G. Bezark, F. L. Blanc, D. J. Bohmann, D. S. Brennan, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, J. R. Clopton, J. M. Collier, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, P. G. da Silva, J. A. DeBenedictis, T. D. Eichlin, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, E. M. Fisher, N. E. Gershenz, D. M. Gordon, J. E. Hafemik Jr., A. Horn, D. H. Kavanaugh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, D. L. Mead, J. A. Powell, W. J. Pulawski, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, P. H. Sullivan, C. Y. Takahashi, W. A. Titherington, D. Ubick, S. C. Williams, and R. L. Zuparko; (14 guests) M. M. Amaud, R. Berlin, F. Blanc, J. E. Court, K. Davey, B. Deutsch, M. Hannaford, K. Hobson, A. K. Johnson, D. Kammerer, D. Miller, F. Ratmelis, W. C. Rauscher, and J. Robertson. Four Hundred and Eighty-Third Meeting The 483rd meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 19 April 1991 in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Leslie Saul presiding, and 19 members and 9 guests in attendance. The minutes of the meeting held 15 March 1991 were read and approved. The following members were elected to membership in the Society: Student Member; David S. Guertin; Regular Members; Carl D. Barrentine, William Chapco, Barbara Deutsch, David A. Guinn, Ian D. Hodkinson and John Lane. Susan Opp from Cal State Hayward, introduced several students that accompanied her from the University, Larry Bezark exhibited photographs from the Museum Dedication at San Jose State University (8 April 1991). The Entomology Museum was dedicated to J. Gordon Edwards. Warren Savary showed a newsletter from the Oakland Museum Nature Sound Society which de¬ scribed their many recordings including those of stoneflies drumming, as well as upcoming Society events. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Susan Opp of Hayward State University, who presented us with an interesting look into the mating behavior and strategies of the apple maggot fly in a talk entitled “Polygamy in the Apple Maggot Fly: Influence on Male and Female Reproductive Success.” This research focused on the variance in mating success for each sex relative to multiple matings. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room.—Larry G. Bezark, Recording Secretary. The following 28 persons were present. (19 members): P. H. Amaud Jr., B. T. Berke, L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, D. K. Dabney, N. E. Gershenz, A. Horn, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, S. B. Opp, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, E. L. Smith, C. Y. Takahashi, and D. Ubick; (9 guests) M. M. Amaud, L. Culp, R. Dake, S. Griffin, J. Knipe, R. Pelleter Jr., A. M. L. Penny, K. Reynolds, and S. Spisak. Four Hundred and Eighty-Fourth Meeting The 484th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 17 May 1991 in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Leslie Saul presiding, and 33 members and 9 guests in attendance. 50 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) The minutes of the meeting held 19 April 1991 were read and approved, as amended. The following persons were elected to membership in the Society: Student Member; Douglas E. Kain; Regular Members; Harry Brailovsky, Luis M. Chong L., Daniel L. Gustafson, Thomas M. Mo wry, and Robert M. Nowierski. Warren Savary introduced Luis Salzamo from the Food and Drug Administration in San Francisco. A report from the publication committee indicated that the cost to publish volume 66 (1990) of the Pan-Pacific Entomologist exceeded the revenue from dues, and as a result a dues increase will be forthcoming in January 1992. Ed Smith announced the new “Life Through Time,” exhibit at the Academy, and recommended a visit. Vince Lee announced the sale of Schmitt boxes and half-unit trays, available in the Entomology Department. He also announced that the second issue of volume 67 of the journal would soon be delivered, and that the third issue will contain the annual dues envelope; prompt payment is always appreciated. Warren Savary told the members about positions with the Food and Drug Administration in San Francisco. President Saul announced a Unified School District open house; mentioned the San Francisco Zoo 12th Annual open house and that WTN in London was to do a piece on the Zoo. Also discussed was a Japanese Insectorium outside Tokyo. Tom Briggs showed slides of Banksula harvestmen; cave dwellers which have recently been found on talus slopes on San Bruno Mountain by Darryl Ubick. Ed Smith discussed recent articles by Jarmila Kukalova-Peck and showed drawings of an early hemipteroid insect; and several drawings from his atlas of insect anatomy showing many structures of primitive insects. He also showed slides of Bittacus chlorostigma and the grassy oak-woodland habitat in which it fives in Chico’s Bidwell Park. Although the adults are numerous and commonly collected in the Spring, no one has yet discovered the whereabouts of the larvae. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Norman Penny of the California Academy of Sciences, who spoke on the “Insects of the La Amistad Biosphere Reserve in Costa Rica.” In his illustrated talk, Norm discussed field stations and diversity studies on insects and plants in the tropics, often showing trails that simply end somewhere in the middle of the jungle at property boundaries. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room.—Larry G. Bezark, Recording Secretary. The following 42 persons were present. (33 members): R. L. Aalbu, B. T. Berke, L. G. Bezark, R. L. Brett, T. S. Briggs, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, J. S. Chinn, J. M. Collier, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, J. G. Edwards, F. Ennik, S. V. Fend, E. M. Fisher, N. E. Gershenz, J. E. Hafemik Jr., V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, G. J. Mallick, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, H. I. Scudder, E. L. Smith, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, and S. P. Welles Jr.; (9 guests) J. Arciniega, L. W. Berke, J. E. Court, S. Hauguee, A. M. L. Penny, S. Renkes, J. Robertson, L. Solerzano, and C. Stewart Four Hundred and Eighty-Fifth Meeting The 485th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 20 September 1991 in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Leslie Saul presiding, with a whopping 57 members and 53 guests in attendance. The minutes of the meeting held 17 May 1991 were read and approved. The following persons were elected to membership in the Society: Student Members; Darren A. Pollack, Carolyn E. Warren, Vonny (sometimes also known as Chaz) Barlow, Kerri A. Schwarz, and Steve Toarmmo. Regular Members; Marian J. Barksdale, Stephen H. Bullock, Leland M. Humble, C. Don MacNeill, Michael J. Martinez, Fred Punzo and Nobuyo Yoshida. Bob Dowell announced that the Society will sponsor a symposium entitled “The Status of Native California Arthropods,” at the AAAS meeting in Santa Barbara in June of 1992. Leslie Saul told the members about the availability o f unit trays and Cornell cabinets at the Academy; of course for a price. She also mentioned that a butterfly book, “Butterflies of Southeast Arizona,” is now available. Larry Bezark announced an open house and unveiling of exhibits at the Bohart Museum of Ento¬ mology, at UC Davis, on 11 October 1991, at 4:30-7:30 pm in rooms 381 & 394 of Briggs Hall. 1996 PROCEEDINGS 51 Larry Bezark gave a note on an interesting population of the primitive tabanid, Stonemyia californica (Bigot), collected in El Dorado county, in Summer 1991. These files are not haematophagous, but are pollen feeders. Males are dominant in collections and most specimens have a spur vein. Each of the seven flies collected from this location lacked the spur vein, and three of the individuals were females. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Daniel Janzen, of the University of Pennsylvania, who presented the lecture “How to Inventory a Tropical Country’s Entomofanua with Local Human Resources.” He discussed preserving the biodiversity of Costa Rica by developinghuman resources, the ongoing process of maintenance of the country’s national parks and an inventory of insects and other groups, and the integration of the entomological data into a form that is available to and used by society. He stressed that the collection of insects itself, is not really the end product as seen by funding agencies, but is merely the extension of the human resource development, that made the collection possible. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room.—Larry G. Bezark, Recording Secretary. The following 110 persons were present. (57 members): R. L. Aalbu, F. G. Andrews, P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, J. S. Chinn, J. R. Clopton, P. R. Craig, T. D. Cuneo, D. K. Dabney, J. A. DeBenedictis, W. A. Doolin, R. V. Dowell, J. G. Edwards, S. V. Fend, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, E. M. Fisher, J. Garcia, N. E. Gershenz, J. E. Hafemik Jr., L. P. Kite, J. Lane, V. F. Lee, J. M. Leong, W. A. Maffei, J. D. McCarty, D. L. Mead, S. B. Opp, J. A. Powell, N. D. Penny, R. L. Penrose, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, K. A. Schwarz, W. D. Shepard, E. L. Smith, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. P. Taormino, R. W. Thorp, W. A. Titherington, D. Ubick, C. E. Warren, J. S. Wasbauer, M. S. Wasbauer, S. C. Williams, B. A. Wilson, and R. A. Worth; (53 guests) M. M. Amaud, J. D. Barackman, M. M. Barackman, C. B. Barr, M. Barzman, C. Benesh, M. H. Chapman, L. Culp, G. Enfiajian, C. Geiger, S. Griffin, J. Guardi, J. J. Hafemik, W. Hallwachs, D. Janzen, L. Jasinskyj, J. Y. Kim, J. Knipe, N. Lewin, D. Limburg, D. Maffei, W. May, D. Miller, R. Myatt, M. O’Malley, B. Orr, V. T. Parker, E. Pearson, A. M. L. Penny, L. Randall, H. G. Real, S. Renkes, K. Reynolds, J. Robertson, N. E. Robinson, R. Roche, A. Royer, R. Saint John, D. Schmidt, A. R. Seaborg, D. M. Seaborg, A. Smyth, L. Solerzano, G. Spaulding, S. Spisak, D. Stark, A. Stroganoff, D. Ugles, M. Vasey, N. Wamock, B. A. Zlotnick, and 2 illegible signatures. Four Hundred and Eighty-Sixth Meeting The 486th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 18 October 1991 in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with Leslie Saul presiding, and 39 members and 24 guests in attendance. The minutes of the meeting held 20 September 1991 were read and approved. The following persons were elected to membership in the Society: Student Member; Ms. Gail M. Getty, and Regular Members; Mr. Donald Mahoney, and Ms. Robin K. Roche Norm Penny of the Academy, introduced Dr. Brett Ratcliffe of the University of Nebraska, who was visiting the Academy and working on the scarab collection. Dr. Bill Ferguson will be collecting in Chiapas, Mexico next year and solicited information from members who had recently been to the area. He also had in the coffee room after the meeting, an initiave sponsored by the Audubon Society and the Sierra Club, which dealt with Forest Trees. President Saul appointed an auditing committee, chaired by Vannoy Davis and including Paul Amaud. They will give their report at the annual meeting in December. Warren Savary of the Food and Drug Administration told about a job in the Los Angeles area at the GS 5, 7, or 9 level for an entomologist to deal with insects in stored products. Curtis Takahashi announced that H. T. Harvey & Associates in San Jose will need a part time worker to sort insects to family. This job is to be in Concord. Paul Amaud read a brief obituary about Herman Real who died on 15 October 1991. Ron Stecker showed a couple of slides of Herman and others taken at the September 1991 meeting and mentioned that he had a video of Herman also from the September meeting. Leslie Saul announced that the Academy still was selling off some schmidt boxes and unit trays. Curtis Takahashi showed a Cybister (Dytiscid beetle) from the Tar Pits in Southern California. The specimen was purchased in a curio shop. 52 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) The speaker of the evening was Dr. Edward S. Ross, of the California Academy of Sciences, who presented a lecture entitled “Close Encounters Along Amazon Forest Trails.” He showed many insect slides from recent and past field trips to Ecuador. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room.—Larry G. Bezark, Recording Secretary. The following 63 persons were present. (39 members): P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, R. M. Brown, J. A. Chemsak, J. R. Clopton, D. K. Dabney, J. G. Edwards, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, E. M. Fisher, M. Garcia-Vidal, N. E. Gershenz, P. S. Johnson, D. H. Kavanaugh, B. Keh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, C. D. MacNeill, T. C. MacRae, J. D. McCarty, D. L. Mead, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, H. I. Scudder, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. P. Taormino, C. E. Warren, J. S. Wasbauer, M. S. Wasbauer, and S. P. Welles Jr.; (24 guests) M. M. Amaud, L. J. Boutin, A. S. Brick, J. Cruz, L. Cruz, B. Deutsch, D. D. Giuliani, K. S. Horn, J. Johnston, A. Jung, J. Jung, J. Jung, T. Kipping, L. B. Mak, R. Morgan, N. Nealley, B. Ng-Jung, A. M. L. Penny, W. A. Rauscher, B. Rice, J. Robertson, S. Simmons, L. Solerzano, and L. M. Wolcott. Four Hundred and Eighty-Seventh Meeting The 487th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 22 November 1991 in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Leslie Saul presiding, and 23 members and 15 guests in attendance. The minutes of the meeting held 20 September 1991 were read and approved, with the following amendments: 1) Dr. Edward S. Ross’ presentation was dedicated to the memory of Herman Real, and 2) Helen Court was also a member of the auditing committee. The following persons were elected to membership in the Society: Student Member; Ms. Mary H. Chapman, Mr. Yu-Feng Hsu and Mr. Michael Prentice, and Regular Members; Mr. Jeff B. Knight and Dr. Phillip S. McNally. Vince Lee of the Academy, presented an Entomation flier he had received from Mark F. O’Brien. This flier described several Macintosh programs of an entomological nature that were available for purchase. Copies of the flier were made available to those interested, in the Entomology Conference room. President Saul made the following announcements: First—she announced the receipt of a letter from the Entomological Society of America about endorsing the Monarch Butterfly as the National insect. This letter was soliciting letters of support and also had attached with it, a joint resolution listing those organizations that already endorsed it. The letter and resolution were available for viewing in the Entomology Conference room. Second—President Saul briefly talked about her visit to the butterfly sanctuary at Cairns, Australia and brought a packet of information which was available for inspection during the social hour. Third—President Saul presented information about the Entomological Collections Network meet¬ ings that were to be held in Reno, Nevada on December 7th and 8th preceding the National ESA meetings. A program of information was also available for inspection during the social hour. Dr. Ed Smith showed an unusual fruit (possibly a cucumber relative?) which he had found in the street earlier in the day and asked members for assistance in its identification before presenting it to the Botany Department. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Robert Full, of U. C. Berkeley, who presented a lecture entitled “Inspirations From Insects: The Design of Legged Robots.” Dr. Full showed slides and a video tape about some robots that had been developed by various researchers and himself. He also discussed the basic principles of motion and presented information that compared and modeled the walking motion of various animals, arthropods and robots. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room following the main speakers’ presentation.—Wesley A. Maffei, Acting Recording Secretary. The following 38 persons were present. (23 members): R. L. Aalbu, P. H. Amaud Jr., T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, D. J. Burdick, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, J. Garcia, P. S. Johnson, B. Keh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, G. J. Mallick, S. B. Opp, N. D. Penny, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, H. I. Scudder, and E. L. Smith; (15 guests) M. M. Amaud, H. Barter, L. J. Boutin, L. Culp, M. Fish, R. J. Full, W. Hamersky, D. A. O’Leary, A. M. L. Penny, W. A. Rauscher, J. Rogers, A. Shinnick, G. Spaulding, S. Spisak, and 1 illegible signature. 1996 PROCEEDINGS 53 Four Hundred and Eighty-Eighth Meeting The 488th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 20 December 1991 in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Leslie Saul presiding, and 29 members and 9 guests in attendance. The minutes of the meeting held 22 November 1991 were read and approved. The following persons were elected to membership in the Society: Regular Members; Dr. J. A. Slater, and Mr. Matthew Fish. Norm Penny of the Academy introduced Margaret Thayer and A1 Newton from the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. Both are currently doing work on staphylinid beetles. The following committee reports were given: Curtis Takahashi reported for the Membership Com¬ mittee, that for 1991 there were 327 Regular, 45 Student, 22 Regular Retired, 6 Regular Family, 25 Sponsoring, 9 Life and 1 Honored members. The total for 1991 is 435 members. Curtis mentioned that the Committee was soliciting additional names for Honored Member status. Paul Amaud reported for the Historical Committee that correspondence or photos of Hugh B. Leech, Herman G. Real, James W. Tilden, and Thomas W. Davies. In the last few years several hundred archival boxes of historical materials have been transferred to the archives section of the Academy. It would be desirable to prepare a list of the entomologists’ who are represented in the archives. Larry Bezark reported for the Nominating Committee, the following slate of candidates for 1992: President, Norman Penny, President-Elect, Susan B. Opp, Recording Secretary, Keith Dabney, Man¬ aging Secretary, Wes Maffei, Treasurer, Roberta Brett. There were no additional nominations from the floor, and subsequently, these candidates were unanimously approved for office in the Society for 1992. Larry Bezark reported that the Treasurer’s report was in the mail. H. Vannoy Davis had prepared the Society’s report which would be read at the next meeting. Helen Court gave the Auditing Committee report, stating that Mr. Davis had completed his audit and the Society’s tax forms and that everything was in order. Dr. Smith suggested that the Society formally thank Mr. Davis for his excellent service to the Society. President Saul reported that the Executive Board met and that an Assistant Treasurer position was. created. This will be an appointed not an elected position. Julie Parinas has been doing a great deal of the bookkeeping work and the Society wishes to thank her. Julie will continue to serve the Society in this official capacity. How the California sales tax affects the Society, and the fact that the Society needs to upgrade it computer technology were also discussed at the Board meeting. The Society would also like to thank Vince Lee of the Academy for his tremendous contributions throughout the year. Although Vince currently does not hold an official position, he still performs quite a few services for the Society. Norm Penny announced that the Academy still had drawers and units for sale. Vince Lee made the following announcements: A new CAS publication on Neuroptera, by Norm Penny is now available for purchase. Order forms were available for a Macintosh program called CLADOS version 1.0. He also announced a summer class at Sagehen Creek given by Phil Ward of UC Davis. Entitled “Insect Diversity and Natural History in the Sierra Nevada, this field course runs from 21 June to 26 July of 1992. A position for an aquatic insect systematist working with Trichoptera is available at the Royal Ontario Museum; the position starts in July of 1992. Leslie Saul announced that Art Evans of the Los Angeles County Museum will be leading an expedition from 1-6 February to Monarch butterfly overwintering sites. Notes and Exhibits: Ed Smith of the Academy showed slides of primitive insects from his Atlas and slides of the Life Through Time exhibit at CAS and briefly discussed the entire phylogeny of insects as seen by Kukalova-Peck and others. Larry Bezark talked briefly about a collecting trip to the rain forests of Rondonia, Brazil and had two cases of insects from that trip. He discussed mimetic assemblages which included endomychid and cerambycid beetles and scutellarid bugs. President Saul then handed off the gavel to incoming President Norm Penny who introduced Leslie, of the San Francisco Zoological Society, as the speaker of the evening. Her talk was entitled “In Search of Insect Emissaries and Some Thoughts on Their Conservation.” Leslie discussed the need to educate the public about the good that can be found in insects and arthropods, the features that make insects 54 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) good emissaries and the role we can play in conserving their habitats. She showed slides of a few recent collecting expeditions, to Borneo and Papua New Guinea. Refreshments were served in the Entomology Department Conference room following the meeting. — Larry G. Bezark, Recording Secretary. The following 38 persons were present. (29 members): R. L. Aalbu, P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, J. G. Edwards, N. E. Gershenz, J. E. Hafemik Jr., A Horn, P. S. Johnson, B. Keh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A Maffei, G. J. Mallick, N. D. Penny, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, E. S. Ross, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, E. L. Smith, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. P. Taormino, R. W. Thorp, and C. E. Warren; (9 guests) M. M. Amaud, J. E. Court, M. Fish, C. Greene, A. F. Newton Jr., A. M. L. Penny, W. A. Rauscher, J. Sigg, and M. K. Thayer. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 55-56, (1996) PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Method Income and expenses are recorded by using the cash basis of accounting. Capital Expenditures Annual capital expenditures of $5000 or less are charged to expense. Marketable Securities American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and Pacific Telesis Group common stocks are carried at market value. Increases and decreases in value are reflected in income. Income Tax The Society is exempt from Federal Income and California franchise tax. As Chairman of the Auditing Committee, and in accordance with the Society’s bylaws, I have reviewed the financial records of the Society but have not made an audit of them. During the course of this review, nothing was noted which indicated any material inaccuracy in the financial statements. H. Vannoy Davis Chairman of the Auditing Committee PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 AND 1990 1991 1990 Income Dues and subscriptions . $ 17,375 $ 11,689 Reprints and miscellaneous . 18,159 12,539 Interest . 5,407 6,117 Dividends. 722 616 Increase (Decrease) in value of capital stock: American Telephone & Telegraph Company . 530 (1,120) Pacific Telesis Group. (627) (231) Total Income . $ 41,566 $ 29,610 56 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Expenditures Publication costs—Pan-Pacific Entomologist . $ 41,561 $ 16,818 Postage, newsletter and miscellaneous expenses . 1,462 1,652 Total Expenditures . $ 43,023 $ 18,470 Increase (Decrease) in fund balances . $ (1,457) $ 11,140 Fund balances October 1, 1990 and 1989. 112,001 100,861 Fund balances September 30, 1991 and 1990 . $110,544 $112,001 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 AND 1990 1991 1990 Cash in bank Commercial account . $ 5,144 $ 6,379 Undeposited dividend checks . 183 319 Certificates of Deposit and Money Fund: General Fund—Wells Fargo Bank. 9,219 13,656 C. P. Alexander Fund—Capital Preservation Fund. 47,630 44,990 Fall Memoir Fund—Wells Fargo Bank . 34,313 32,505 Total cash in bank . $ 96,489 $ 97,849 Capital Stock (at market value) American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 80 shs. 3,000 2,470 Pacific Telesis Group, 264 shs. 11,055 11,682 14,055 14,152 $110,544 $112,001 See accompanying notes to the financial statements PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 57-58, (1996) 1990 SPONSORING MEMBERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Phillip A. Adams Robert P. Allen William F. Barr Richard M. Bohart Paula & Robert Buickerood Donald J. Burdick Leopoldo E. Caltagirone Arthur L. Chan Kenneth W. Cooper J. Gordon & Alice Edwards William E. & Stephenie S. Ferguson George R. Ferguson Wayne C. Fields Jr. John G. Franclemont E. Eric Grissell John E. Hafernik Jr. Kenneth S. Hagen Alice S. Hunter Benjamin Keh Robert J. Lyon Lowe B. Mak Robert L. Mangan David G. Marqua Gordon A. Marsh Woodrow W. Middlekauff Calvert E. Norland Harry W. Oswald Richard L. Penrose Robert W. L. Potts Jacqueline L. Robertson Norman E. Gershenz & Leslie S. Saul Evert I. & Marion E. Schlinger Harvey I. Scudder Terry N. Seeno Frank E. Skinner Edward L. Smith Roy R. Snelling Patrick H. Sullivan Marius S. & Joanne S. Wasbauer David B. Weissman Barbara A. Wilson Sandra S. Shanks & Thomas J. Zavortink 1991 SPONSORING MEMBERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Robert P. Allen Paula & Robert Buickerood Arthur L. Chan Steve H. Dreistadt J. Gordon & Alice Edwards John G. Franclemont E. Eric Grissell John E. Hafernik Jr. Kenneth S. Hagen Franklin T. Hovore IV Robert L. Mangan David G. Marqua Gordon A. Marsh Calvert E. Norland Harry W. Oswald Richard L. Penrose Robert W. L. Potts Norman E. Gershenz & Leslie S. Saul Evert I. & Marion E. Schlinger Harvey I. Scudder Frank E. Skinner Edward L. Smith Roy R. Snelling David B. Weissman Sandra S. Shanks & Thomas J. Zavortink 58 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) 1992 SPONSORING MEMBERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Robert P. Allen Paula & Robert Buickerood Steve H. Dreistadt J. Gordon & Alice Edwards John G. Franclemont E. Eric Grissell John E. Hafemik Jr. Kenneth S. Hagen Franklin T. Hovore IV David G. Marqua Gordon A. Marsh Calvert E. Norland Richard L. Penrose Norman E. Gershenz & Leslie S. Saul Warren E. Savary Evert I. & Marion E. Schlinger Harvey I. Scudder Frank E. Skinner Edward L. Smith Roy R. Snelling David B. Weissman Sandra S. Shanks & Thomas J. Zavortink 1993 SPONSORING MEMBERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Robert P. Allen Ernest Anderson Fred G. Andrews Paul Belluomini Paula & Robert Buickerood Barbara Deutach Steve H. Dreistadt E. Eric Grissell Charles E. & Teresa Meikle Griswold John E. Hafernik Jr. Franklin T. Hovore IV Gordon A. Marsh Calvert E. Norland Harry W. Oswald Richard L. Penrose Norman E. Gershenz & Leslie S. Saul Warren E. Savary Harvey I. Scudder Frank E. Skinner Edward L. Smith David B. Weissman Thomas J. Zavortink 1994 SPONSORING MEMBERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Robert P. Allen Ernest Anderson Paula & Robert Buickerood Bryan K. Eya E. Eric Grissell Charles E. & Teresa Meikle Griswold John E. Hafemik Jr. Franklin T. Hovore IV Calvert E. Norland Harry W. Oswald Richard L. Penrose J. Michael Poellot Albert E. Rackett Norman E. Gershenz & Leslie S. Saul Warren E. Savary Harvey I. Scudder Frank E. Skinner Edward L. Smith David B. Weissman Thomas J. Zavortink PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(1): 59-60, (1996) The Pan-Pacific Entomologist Reviewers Volumes 70 and 71 Aide, M. Feminella, J. McCafferty, W. Akre, R. Fisher, E. Michener, C. Alarie, Y. Foottit, R. Neff, J. Alcock, J. Froeschner, R. Nishida, T. Alexander, B. Gagne, R. O’Brien, C. Allred, D. Garrison, R. Opp, S. Andrews, F. Gaulet, H. Ordway, E. Atkinson, T. Gibson, G. Page, R. Amaud, P. Giesbert, E. Peck, S. Asquith, A. Gill, R. Penny, N. Asquith, M. Goeden, R. Penrose, R. Bari, A. Griswold, T. Perring, T. Baumann, R. Hagen, K. Peters, W. Beers, E. Hall, R. Powell, J. R. Bellinger, P. Halstead, J. Pratt, H. Berlocher, S. Hamilton, K. Prokopy, R. Berner, L. Helms, K. Purcell, A. Bert, T. Henneberry, T. Rees, N. Bezark, L. Henry, T. Resh, V. Black, W. Heyden, S. Rice, R. Bohart, R. Holldobler, B. Robbins, R. Borkent, A. Horn, D. Rust, M. Brower L Hovore F Rust R Cane, J. Huber, J. Sasakawa, M. Chemsak, J. Hunter, A. Saul, L. Cheng, L. Joern, A. Schaeffer, C. Christiansen, K. Johnson, K. Schmid, J. Clement, S. Jones, V. Schoenly, K. Cole, B. Kaneshiro, K. Schuh, R. Dahlsten, D. Kaspari, M. Schwartz, M. Daly, H. Krombein, K. Shapiro, A. Danforth, B. Krysan, J. Sheppard, W. Deitrich, C. Lattin, J. Smetana, A. DeVries, P. Lange, H. Smith, D. Dingle, H. Lawrence, J. Sorensen, J. Dobel, H. Leong, K. Spangler, J. Dowell, R. Lewis, V. Starmer, W. Doyen, J. Liquido, N. Summers, C. Ehler, L. Lockwood, J. Tassano, T. Erwin, T. Mackauer, M. Tauber, M. Evanhuis, N. Markov, T. Thorpe, R. Faulkner, D. Masner, L. Torchio, P. 60 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(1) Triplehom, C. Voegtlin, D. Wood, D. Trumbo, S. Walker, G. Wood, T. Turner, C. Wagner, M. Woodley, N. Unnithan, G. Wasbauer, M. Woolley, J. van den Berg, N. Wharton, R. Wrubel, R. Vaughn, C. Wheeler, Q. Zavortink, J. Vargas, R. Whitfield, J. Zedler, P. Vocheroth, J. Williams, S. Zoller, B. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Information for Contributors See volume 66(1): 1-8, January 1990, for detailed general format information and the issues thereafter for examples; see below for discussion of this journal’s specific formats for taxonomic manuscripts and locality data for specimens. Manuscripts must be in English, but foreign language summaries are permitted. Manuscripts not meeting the format guidelines may be returned. Please maintain a copy of the article on a word-processor because revisions are usually necessary before acceptance, pending review and copy-editing. Format. — Type manuscripts in a legible serif font IN DOUBLE OR TRIPLE SPACE with 1.5 in margins on one side of 8.5 x 11 in, nonerasable, high quality paper. THREE (3) COPIES of each manuscript must be submitted, EACH INCLUDING REDUCTIONS OF ANY FIGURES TO THE 8,5 x 11 IN PAGE. Number pages as: title page (page 1), abstract and key words page (page 2), text pages (pages 3-t-), acknowledgment page, literature cited pages, footnote page, tables, figure caption page; place original figures last. List the corresponding author’s name, address including ZIP code, and phone number on the title page in the upper right corner. The title must include the taxon’s designation, where appropriate, as: (Order: Family). The ABSTRACT must not exceed 250 words; use five to seven words or concise phrases as KEY WORDS. 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These requirements include SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS FOR DIAGNOSES, TYPES AND MATERIAL EXAMINED (INCLUDING A SPECIFIC FORMAT), and a specific order for paragraphs in descriptions. List the unabbreviated taxonomic author of each species after its fi rst mention. Data Formats. — All specimen data must be cited in the journal’s locality data format See volume 69(2), pages 196-198 for these format requirements; if you do not have access to that volume, request a copy of the taxonomy/data format from the editor before submitting manuscripts for which these formats are applicable. Literature Cited. — Format examples are: Anderson, T. W. 1984. An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis (2nd ed). John Wiley & Sons, New York. Blackman, R. L., P. A. Brown & V. F. Eastop. 1987. Problems in pest aphid taxonomy: can chromosomes plus morphometries provide some answers? pp. 233-238. In Holman, J., J. Pelikan, A. G. F. Dixon & L. Weismann (eds.). Population structure, genetics and taxonomy of aphids and Thysanoptera. Proc. international symposium held at Smolenice Czechoslovakia, Sept. 9-14, 1985. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, The Netherlands. Ferrari, J. A. & K. S. Rai. 1989. Phenotypic correlates of genome size variation in Aedesalbopictus. Evolution, 42: 895-899. Sorensen, J T (in press). Three new species of Essigella (Homoptera Aphididae), Pan-Pacif Entomol. Illustrations. — Illustrations must be of high quality and large enough to ultimately reduce to 117 x 181 mm while maintaining label letter sizes of at least I mm; this reduction must also allow for space below the illustrations for the typeset figure captions. Authors are strongly encouraged to provide illustrations no larger than 8.5 x 11 in for easy handling. Number figures in the order presented. Mount all illustrations, Label illustrations on the back noting: (1) figure number, (2) direction of top, (3) author’s name, (4) title of the manuscript, and (5) journal. FIGURE CAPTIONS must be on a. separate, numbered page; do not attach captions to the figures. Tables. — Keep tables to a minimum and do not reduce them. Table must be DOUBLE-SPACED THROUGHOUT and continued on additional sheets of paper as necessary. Designate footnotes within tables by alphabetic letter. Scientific Notes. — Notes use an abbreviated format and lack: an abstract, key words, footnotes, section headings and a Literature Cited section. Minimal references are listed in the text in the format: (Bohart, R. M. 1989. Pan-Pacific. Entomol., 65: 156-161.). A short acknowledgment is permitted as a minor headed paragraph. Authors and affiliations are listed in the last, left indented paragraph of the note with the affiliation underscored. Page Charges, — PCES members are charged $35.00 per page, for the first 20 (cumulative) pages per volume and full galley costs for pages thereafter. Nonmembers should contact the Treasurer for current nonmember page charge rates. Page charges do not include reprint costs, or charges for author changes to manuscripts after they are sent to the printer. Contributing authors will be sent a page charge fee notice with acknowledgment of initial receipt of manuscripts. Volume 72 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST January 1996 Number 1 Contents ROSS, D. W.—Phenology of pandora moth (Lepidoptera: Satumiidae) adult emergence and egg eclosion in central Oregon.. 1 BRUNNER, J. F. —Discovery of Colpoclypeus florus (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in apple orchards of Washington ____ 5 HALBERT, S. E„ J. B. JOHNSON, P. L. GRAVES, P. M. MARSH & D. NELSON —Aphidius uzbekistanicus (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) established in Idaho... 13 HALAJ, J., D. W. ROSS, R. R. MASON, T. R. TORGERSEN & A. R. MOLDENKE- Geographic variation in arboreal spider (Araneae) communities on Douglas-fir in western Oregon_______ 17 ZUPARKO, R. L.—Hymenoptera reared from Plagiotrochus suberi (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) galls in California____ 27 FOX, C. W., A. D. HARBIN & T. A. MOUSSEAU—Suitability of a non-host palo verde for development of Stator limbatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) larvae. 31 SCIENTIFIC NOTES GLILM AHAMAD, H. — Gnathamitermes per plexus (Banks) (Isoptera: Termitidae): A nuisance structural termite pest in southern California.... 37 LARSEN, E.—The distribution of aquatic Heteroptera (Notonectidae) in Hawaii.. 39 McFADZEN, M. E., M. S. VEKASY, T. Y. MORIS HIT A & J. H. GREVE-Northern range extension for Haematosiphon inodorus(DUges) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae). 41 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Proceeding for 1990... 43 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Proceeding for 1991. 47 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, financial statement for 1990, 1991 . 55 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Sponsoring Members 1990-1994 . 57 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST REVIEWERS, Volumes 70 and 71.. 59 The PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Volume 72 April 1996 Number 2 Published by the PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY in cooperation with THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (ISSN 0031-0603) The Pan-Pacific Entomologist EDITORIAL BOARD R. V. Dowell, Editor R. M. Bohart R. L. Penrose, Associate Editor J. T. Doyen R. E. Somerby, Book Review Editor J. E. Hafernik, Jr. Julieta F. Parinas, Treasurer Warren E. Savary Published quarterly in January, April, July, and October with Society Proceed¬ ings usually appearing in the October issue. All communications regarding non¬ receipt of numbers should be addressed to: Vincent F. Lee, Managing Secretary; and financial communications should be addressed to: Julieta F. Parinas, Treasurer; at: Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Dept, of Entomology, California Acad¬ emy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Application for membership in the Society and changes of address should be addressed to: William Hamersky, Membership Committee chair. Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Dept, of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Manuscripts, proofs, and all correspondence concerning editorial matters (but not aspects of publication charges or costs) should be sent to: Dr. Robert V. Dowell, Editor, Pan-Pacific Entomologist, California Dept, of Food & Agriculture, 1220 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814. See the back cover for Information-to-Con- tributors, and volume 66(1): 1-8, January 1990, for more detailed information. Information on format for taxonomic manuscripts can be found in volume 69(2): 194-198. Refer inquiries for publication charges and costs to the Treasurer. The annual dues, paid in advance, are $25.00 for regular members of the So¬ ciety, $26.00 for family memberships, $12.50 for student members, or $40.00 for institutional subscriptions or sponsoring members. Members of the Society receive The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. Single copies of recent numbers or entire volumes are available; see 67(1): 80 for current prices. Make checks payable to the Pacific Coast Entomological Society. Pacific Coast Entomological Society OFFICERS FOR 1996 Wojciech J. Pulawski, President Vincent F. Lee, Managing Secretary Julieta F. Parinas, Treasurer Stanley E. Vaughn, Recording Secretary THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST (ISSN 0031-0603) is published quarterly for $40.00 per year by the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, % California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Second-class postage is paid at San Francisco, CA, and addi¬ tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, % California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. This issue mailed 8 May 1996 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (ISSN 0031-0603) PRINTED BY THE ALLEN PRESS, INC., LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66044, U.S.A. © The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(2): 61-69, (1996) GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF BRACHYSTOMELLINAE (COLLEMBOLA: NEANURIDAE) Judith Najt 1 and Wanda M. Weiner 2 1 Laboratoire d’Entomologie et EP go du CNRS, MNHN, 45, rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France; institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences, Slawkowska 17, Pl-31106 Krakow, Poland. Abstract. — The subfamily Brachystomellinae, Collembola, currently includes 14 genera occurring mostly on the Southern Hemisphere with the sole exception of Brachystomella, which is dis¬ tributed worldwide. The genera Bonetella, Salvarella and Subclavontella are endemic for Aus¬ tralia. Rapoportella occurs primarily in the Neotropical region, with a single species known from the Australian region, although Cassagnella, reported also from the southern part of South America, is well developed in Australia. Brachystomellides and Setanodosa are represented in the Neotropical and the Australian regions. The other five genera: Micronella, Parastomella, Raponella, Winterella and Folsomiella occur exclusively in the Neotropical region. Probrachys- tomellides is distributed in the Ethiopian region. Thus, both the greatest number of genera (as many as 10), and maximum species diversity (57 species), are to be found in the Neotropical regions. Key Words.— Insecta, Collembola, Brachystomellinae, biogeography, zoogeographic regions Taxonomic Considerations The subfamily Brachystomellinae is distributed on all continents and includes 15 genera: Bonetella Stach, 1949; Brachystomella Agren, 1903; Brachystomellides Arle, 1959; Cassagnella Najt & Massoud, 1974; Folsomiella Bonet, 1930; Mas- soudella (= Australella, Stach, 1949), Ellis & Bellinger, 1973; Micronella Arle, 1959; Parastomella Rapoport & Rubio, 1968; Probrachystomellides, Weiner & Najt, 1991; Raponella Najt, 1988; Rapoportella (= Probrachystomella Rapoport, 1962) Ellis & Bellinger, 1973; Salvarella Greenslade & Najt, 1987; Setanodosa Salmon, 1942; Subclavontella Stach, 1949; and Winterella Massoud, 1967. A dubious genus, Guacharia Jackson, 1927, similar to Brachystomella with seven ocelli was distinguished on the basis of immature specimens (Type species: G. trinitata = B. septemoculata Denis, 1931?). We examined types of brachystomelline species from the collection of the Na¬ tional Museum of Natural History in Paris, and concluded that some of the genera contain species which are either transitional or difficult to classify as belonging to one of the closely related genera. Thus, within one population of Brachystomella surendrai Goto, 1961, specimens may have normal or reduced mucro. Brachys¬ tomella minimucronata Palacios-Vargas & Najt, 1981 has its mucro strongly reduced and Brachystomella cyanea (Rapoport, 1962) has the whole furca reduced to two mamelons. Brachystomella emder Greenslade & Najt, 1987 possesses all characters of the genus but it is the only species known so far with spiniform setae on dens, which is typical of the genus Brachystomellides. 62 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Among the species of the genus Brachystomellides, only B. neuquensis Cassag- nau & Rapoport, 1962, has globular maxillae with numerous teeth, as found in the genus Brachystomella', the remaining three species have a globular maxilla with only one or two teeth. Winterella arlesiana Massoud, 1967, has a pair of reduced mandibles, without a molar plate. This is a primitive character, which also occurs in Probrachystomellides nicolaii Weiner & Najt, 1991. In all other genera the mandibles are absent. As regards chaetotaxy, most of the genera demonstrate a distinct paurochaetosis. Plurichaetosis is developed only in three genera: less conspicuously in Cassagnella, abundantly in Bonetella and Salvarella. Massoudella and Brachystomellides are identical in all generic characters, in¬ cluding the presence of crosier-like structures on labium, as described by Massoud, 1967. For this reason we propose the following synonymy: Brachystomellides = Massoudella syn. nov. Consequently, the subfamily Brachystomellinae should contain 14 genera. To better understand the geographical distribution of this group we have per¬ formed a phylogenetic analysis based on morphological characters (to be published separately), the results of which were applied in this work. The analysis enabled us to distinguish two sister lineages: brachystomellian and rapoportellian groups, each descended from a common ancestor. Geographic Distribution. — In 1967 Massoud presented an outline of the geo¬ graphic distribution for ten genera of Brachystomellinae. The principal lineage includes five genera, Brachystomella, Folsomiella, Setanodosa, Micronella and Winterella, and gives rise to two Neotropical lineages: one with Rapoportella, the other with Brachystomellides. The fourth lineage, exclusively Australian, includes three genera: Subclavontella, Bonetella and Massoudella. Rapoport (1971) published a study of the geographical distribution of Neo¬ tropical and Antarctic Collembola, considering only a few representatives of Bra¬ chystomellinae. The author postulated that Folsomiella, Micronella, Parasto- mella, Brachystomellides, Winterella and Rapoportella were endemic to the Neo¬ tropical region. The occurrence of Brachystomellides neuquensis in Argentina and Chile and the discovery of a new (although not described) species from this genus in Peru (Winter 1962) gave evidence of the existence of contacts between the two major stocks: Paleantarctic (relegated to the Araucanian subregion) and Neotrop¬ ical (probably Afro-Brazilian or Holotropical). The genus Brachystomella was reported to occur commonly in two regions: Palaearctic and Neotropical, but Rapoport apparently overlooked its occurrence in the Australian region. Setan¬ odosa is distributed in two regions: Australian and Neotropical. Rapoport con¬ sidered the Holotropical region as the whole space between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, claiming that Brachystomella contorta Denis, 1931 was widely distributed over this vast area. More than twenty years have passed since the publication of the two papers, which discussed, among other things, the distribution of Brachystomellinae. New genera and new species have since been described and the way in which their characters are analyzed has changed and with more attention paid to chaetotaxy. We re-examine the geographical distribution of genera and of species using the zoogeographic division of continents by Mroczkowski (1968). However, we note that, even today, the available data are fragmentary. 1996 NAJT & WEINER: BRACHYSTOMELLINAE DISTRIBUTION 63 Table 1. Geographic distribution of the genera Brachystomellinae. Zoogeographic regions: Nea— Nearctic; Pal—Palearctic; Neo—Neotropical; Eth—Ethiopian; Ori—Oriental; Aus—Australian. Genus Nea Pal Neo Eth Ori Aus Bonetella Stach, 1949 BrachystomeUa Agren, 1903 + + Brachystomellides Arle, 1959 Cassagnella Najt & Massoud, 1974 Folsomiella Bonet, 1930 Micronella Arle, 1959 Parastomella Rapoport & Rubio, 1968 Probrachystomellides Weiner & Najt, 1991 Raponella Najt, 1988 Rapoportella Ellis & Bellinger, 1973 Salvarella Greenslade & Najt, 1987 Setanodosa Salmon, 1942 Subclavontella Stach, 1949 Winterella Massoud, 1967 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Zoogeography of Brachystomellinae Distribution of Genera. —The distribution of the brachystomelline genera by geographic regions is presented in Table 1. Only BrachystomeUa occurs in all regions. Folsomiella, Micronella, Parastomella, Raponella and Winterella are known only from the Neotropical region. One genus: Probrachystomellides belongs to the South-African subregion in the Ethiopian domain. Three genera: Bonetella, Salvarella, and Subclavontella are Australian. The distribution of Brachystomel¬ lides and Cassagnella covers two regions: the Australian and the Neotropical. Rapoportella is principally a Neotropical genus, but it is found in the southern part of the Nearctic region. This is probably the result of a neotropical expansion to the north (Sonoran province, see map 1: Mroczkowski 1968) prior to the rise of the Mexican neovolcanic chain. Rapoportella is also represented in Australia. Setanodosa occurs in the Neotropical and the Australian. BrachystomeUa is the only genus with a wide distribution; all other genera are found only south of the Tropic of Cancer. Distribution of Species.— The distribution of species is presented according to two sister groups (to be published separately). The brachystomellian group contains ten genera: BrachystomeUa, Setanodosa, Micronella, Probrachystomellides, Brachystomellides, Parastomella, Bonetella, Winterella, Subclavontella and Folsomiella. BrachystomeUa includes 52 know species (Table 2). BrachystomeUa parvula is a typically Palaearctic species, which is found in the Nearctic region. It is our opinion that all specimens from other parts of the world that have been identified as belonging to this species should be re-examined. BrachystomeUa contorta is dispersed in the Neotropical, the Ethiopian, the Oriental regions and in the Ha¬ waiian subregion (Australian region). The distribution of BrachystomeUa platensis is rather peculiar: originally de- 64 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Table 2. Geographic distribution of species of the genus Brachystomella. Zoogeographic regions: Nea—Nearctic; Pal—Palearctic; Neo—Neotropical; Eth—Ethiopian; Ori—Oriental; Aus—Australian. Species Brachystomella Agren, 1903 agrosa Wray, 1953 baconaoensis Gruia, 1983 barrerai Palacios-Vargas &Najt, 1981 chilensis Rapoport & Rubio, 1965 christianseni Massoud, 1965 coatesi Weiner & Najt, 1991 contorta Denis, 1931 curvula Gisin, 1948 cyanea (Rapoport, 1962) dianae Greenslade & Najt, 1987 disputa Greenslade & Najt, 1987 emder Greenslade & Najt, 1987 fungicola Womersley, 1933 gabrielae Najt & Palacios-Vargas, 1986 georgensis Weiner & Najt, 1991 globulosa Cassagnau & Rapoport, 1962 grootaerti Najt, Thibaud & Jacquemart, 1991 hawaiiensis Yosii, 1965 heo Christiansen & Bellinger, 1992 hiemalis Yosii, 1956 honda Christiansen & Bellinger, 1988 insulae Najt Sc Thibaud, 1988 kahakai Christiansen & Bellinger, 1992 kiko Christiansen & Bellinger, 1992 koreana Weiner & Najt, 1985 mauriesi Thibaud & Massoud, 1983 micromucronata Palacios- Vargas & Najt, 1981 momona Christiansen & Bellinger, 1992 montebella Najt & Palacios-Vargas, 1986 nana Rubio & Najt, 1979 neomexicana (Scott, 1960) nubila Gisin, 1957 parvula (Schaeffer, 1896) pastoralis Greenslade & Najt, 1987 perraulti Thibaud & Najt, 1993 1996 NAJT & WEINER: BRACHYSTOMELLINAE DISTRIBUTION 65 Table 2. Continued. Species Nea Pal Neo platensis Najt & Massoud, 1974 + quadrituberculata Stach, 1964 + ronderosi Najt, 1973 + septemoculata Denis, 1931 + sexoculata Massoud, 1967 + solidaria. Greenslade & Najt, 1987 stachi Mills, 1934 + + subandinensis Massoud, 1967 + surendrai Goto, 1961 taxcoana Palacios-Vargas & Najt, 1981 + terrafolia Salmon, 1944 tuberculata (Wahlgren, 1906) + ultima Greenslade & Najt, 1987 unguilonga Najt & Thibaud, 1988 victoriensis Izarra, 1972 + villalobosi Cassagnau & Rapoport, 1962 + zapatai Najt & Palacios-Vargas, 1986 + Eth Ori Aus + + + + + scribed from an eucalyptus grove in Argentina, and never found anywhere else in South America, this species appears to be widely distributed in Australia (Greenslade & Najt 1987). Originating from the Australian region, it has been most probably, introduced into the Neotropics. Brachystomella. stachi is known from the Nearctic and the Neotropical regions. Brachystomella surendrai is an Oriental species. Brachystomella curvula, B. nubila, B. hiemalis, B. koreana and B. quadrituberculata are known only from the Palaearctic region. Brachystomella honda is marine littoral and occurs in the south Nearctic and the north Neotropical regions. Sixteen species originate from the Australian region: seven from Australian, five from the Hawaiian ( Brachystomella hawaiiensis, B. heo, B. kahakai, B. kiko and B. momona), and three from the Polynesian (B. perraulti, B. insulae, B. unguilonga ) subregions. Among these 16 species Brachystomella fungicola may represent another, probably new genus. Brachystomella terrafolia described from the New Zelandian subregion was reported also from India (Prabhoo 1971), but the specimens belong perhaps to a new species. Of the remaining 24 species, 22 are exclusively Neotropical and two are Ethiopian (from the South-African sub- region). The genus Setanodosa has 14 species (Table 3), eight belong to the Neotropical fauna, five to the Australian and one occurs in the Ethiopian and the Australian. 66 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Table 3. Geographic distribution of species belonging to brachystomellian group (except Brachy- stomella sp.—see Table 2). Zoogeographic regions: Nea—Nearctic; Pal—Palearctic; Neo—Neotropical; Eth—Ethiopian; Ori—Oriental; A us—Australian. Species Nea Setanodosa Salmon, 1942 afurcata (Womersley, 1933) capitata (Womersley, 1930) clavata (Schaeffer, 1897) decemoculata (Cassagnau & Rapoport, 1962) fueguensis Najt, 1973 granulata (Womersley, 1935) kanalua Christiansen & Bellinger, 1992 occidentalis (Arle, 1959) peruensis Massoud, 1967 quinseta Salmon, 1944 rosasi (Bonet, 1934) serrata Massoud, 1967 steineni (SchaefFer, 1891) tetrabrachta Salmon, 1942 Micronella Arle, 1959 porcus (Denis, 1933) checayensis Massoud, 1967 Probrachystomellides Weiner & Najt, 1991 nicolaii Weiner & Najt, 1991 Brachystomellides Arle, 1959 compositus Arle, 1959 geniculatus (Womersley, 1934) micropilosus Cassagnau & Rapoport, 1962 neuquensis Cassagnau & Rapoport, 1962 Parastomella Rapoport & Rubio, 1968 mylodontis Rapoport & Rubio, 1968 Bonetella Stach, 1949 terricola (Womersley, 1933) Winterella Massoud, 1967 arlesiana Massoud, 1967 Subclavontella Stach, 1949 acantha (Womersley, 1933) subacantha Massoud, 1967 Folsomiella Bonet, 1930 caeca (Folsom, 1927) albida( Arle, 1959) intermedia { Arle, 1939) nothofagutalis (Rapoport & Rubio, 1963) polylepiana Massoud, 1967 1996 NAJT & WEINER: BRACHYSTOMELLINAE DISTRIBUTION 67 Table 4. Geographic distribution of species belonging to rapoportelian group. Zoogeographic regions: Nea—Nearctic; Pal—Palearctic; Neo—Neotropical; Eth—Ethiopian; Ori—Oriental; Aus—Australian. Species Nea Pal Rapoportella Ellis & Bellinger, 1973 bonarietisis (Rapoport, 1962) boneti Massoud, 1963 karta Greenslade & Najt, 1987 lowriei Najt, 1984 mar gar it ae Najt & Palacios-Vargas, 1986 mucronata Najt & Massoud, 1974 punillensis Izarra, 1973 rapoporti (Massoud, 1963) sergioi (Najt, 1973) sigwalti Najt & Palacios-Vargas, 1986 yolandae (Rapoport & Maho, 1969) Raponella Najt, 1988 dodecophthalma (Rapoport & Rubio, 1963) Cassagnella Najt & Massoud, 1974 alba Najt & Massoud, 1974 anomala (Womersley, 1933) Salvarella Greenslade &Najt, 1987 wallacei Greenslade & Najt, 1987 Neo Eth + + + + + + + + + + + + Ori Aus + + + The only species of Micronella are exclusively Neotropical. Probrachystomellides nicolai is monotypic, at present known only from South Africa, and thus belonging to the Ethiopian region. Brachystomellides includes four species, three in the Neotropical region and one in Australia. Parastomella mylodontis, described from Mylodon Cave in Chile, is monotypic and limited to the Neotropical region (Patagono-Andean subregion). Bonetella terricola, also a monotypic genus, is known only from the Australian region, and Winterella arlesiana from the Neotropics. Subclavonlella is represented by two species in the Australian region. Folsomiella, with five species, is characteristic for the Central and South-American continent: the Neotropical region. Within the brachystomellian group, only three species of Brachystomella are distributed over two and one in four geographical regions. Each of the remaining 77 species has its distribution restricted to a single biogeographic realm. The rapoportellian group includes four genera: Rapoportella, Raponella, Cas¬ sagnella and Salvarella (Table 4). Ten species of the genus Rapoportella are Neo¬ tropical and one is Australian. Raponella dodecophtalma is monotypic in the Neotropical region. Cassagnella contains two species, the Patagono-Andean C. alba and the Australian C. anomala. This latter species, characterized by elongated maxillae with lamellae, was orig- 68 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) inally described as belonging to the genus Brachystomella but according to Wom- ersley (1939) this classification was incorrect. Salvarella wallacei is monotypic and known only from the Australian region. The rapoportellian group has no representatives in the Holarctic region. Discussion and Conclusions Only one of the 14 brachystomelline genera, Brachystomella, has a worldwide distribution; the occurrence of five genera is limited to the Neotropical region, three to the Australian region, and one to the Ethiopian region. Four genera occur in the Neotropical and the Australian regions. Of the 98 known species of Brachystomellinae, three are from two and one from four regions. Among the remaining 94 species, 55 are characteristic of the Neotropical, 28 of the Australian, five of the Palaearctic, one of the Nearctic, three of the Ethiopian, one of the Ethiopian and Australian and one of the Oriental regions. Thus, both the greatest number of genera (as many as 10) and maximum of species diversity (57 species) are to be found in the Neotropical region. Collembola, a sister group of insects, are known from the mid Devonian, from about 400 millions y .b.p. This panchronic group has survived all geological epochs without undergoing any basic change of its initial form. Their center of origin was doubtlessly located in Pangaea. Collembola have developed a variety of adap¬ tations that allowed them not only to conquer all habitats but also invade various continents. We postulate that the Brachystomellinae began with a Pangaean ancestor, and that the strongest diversification and the most intense speciation took place on Gondwana Land beginning from an ancestor of Brachystomella type. The original group: Brachystomella, survived unchanged on the continent of Laurasia, but Gondwana Land, isolated and drifting away, developed a variety of climates and habitats which allowed for an evolutionary explosion in situ. As we have shown above, Brachystomellinae are represented by a few species in the Holarctic region and only the genus Brachystomella. The same genus occurs throughout the Southern Hemisphere, where it has diversified into many species and also given origin to the proliferation of genera endemic to the Southern Hemisphere. Acknowledgment We express our sincere gratitude to Dr. J. Casevitz-Weulersse for the critical reading of the manuscript. The work was partly supported by the grant KBN 1828/4/91 from the Polish Committee for Scientific Research to W. M. Weiner. Literature Cited Ellis, W. N. & P. F. Bellinger. 1973. An annotated list of the generic names of Collembola (Insecta) and their type species. Monogm. Ned. Entomol. Veren., 7: 1-74. Greenslade, P. & J. Najt. 1987. Collemboles Brachystomellinae de l’Australie I. Les genres Bra¬ chystomella et Rapoportella. Ann. Soc. Entomol. France (N.S.), 23: 435^453. Massoud, Z. 1967. Monographie des Neanuridae, Collemboles Poduromorphes a pieces buccales modifiees. Biol. Am. Austr. CNRS, 3: 1-399. Mroczkowki, M. 1968. Distribution of the Dermestidae (Coleoptera) of the world with a catalogue of all known species. Ann. Zool., 26: 15-190. Prabhoo, N. R. 1971. Soil and litter Collembola of South India. I—Arthropleona. Oriental Insects, 5: 1-46. 1996 NAJT & WEINER: BRACHYSTOMELLINAE DISTRIBUTION 69 Rapoport, E. H. 1971. The geographical distribution of Neotropical and Antarctic Collembola. Pacific Insects Monogr., 25: 99-118. Winter, C. 1962. Zur okologie und Taxonomie der neotropischen Bodentiere. (II). Zur Collembolen- Fauna Perus. Zool. Jb. Syst., 90: 393-520. Womersley, H. 1939. Primitive insects of South Australia, silverfish, springtails and their allies. Government Printer, Adelaide. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(2): 70-81, (1996) THE NATURAL HISTORY OF NICROPHORUS NIGRITA, A WESTERN NEARCTIC SPECIES (COLEOPTERA: SILPHIDAE) Derek S. Sikes 1 Department of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 Abstract. —Nicrophorus nigrita Mannerheim is an atypical Nearctic burying beetle due to its lack of dorsal, elytral maculations. Aspects of this species’ natural history were investigated and compared to those of Nearctic congeners. Adults from a central Californian coastal population were found to be crepuscular and active year-round, with minimal activity during winter. The sex ratio of wild-trapped N. nigrita was female-biased while laboratory-raised broods were slightly male-biased. Adult male pronotal width was greater than that of females (mean ± SD) (5.84 ± 0.74 vs. 5.67 ± 0.66). A minimum population size of 4565 individuals was calculated for Big Creek Canyon. Analysis of mouse carcass transect data indicated that N. nigrita adults located dead mice more successfully in moist, cool, redwood-forested canyons than in six other habitat- types. Vertebrate scavengers, flies and ants were the most common competitors of N. nigrita for mouse carcasses. The reproductive biology of this species differed only slightly from known Nicrophorus biology. Carcass mass strongly predicted the mean pronotal width of the offspring in a brood. Nicrophorus nigrita differs from Nearctic congeners in the lack of elytral maculations, the greater length of time required to complete development from larva to adult and an apparent lack of reproductive diapause. It only shares year-round activity with Nicrophorus mexicanus Matthews. Key Words.— Insecta, Nicrophorus nigrita, Silphidae, Nicrophorinae, burying beetle, carrion, Acari, Parasitidae, Poecilochirus carabi, P. subterraneus, Histiostomatidae, Pelzneria Approximately 85 species of Nicrophorus are described, 20 of which are found in the New World and 15 of these are found north of Mexico (Peck & Anderson 1985). Ecological aspects of six old world and 11 new world Nicrophorus species have been investigated (Pukowski 1933, Anderson & Peck 1985, Kozol et al. 1988, Scott Sc Traniello 1990, Robertson 1992, Trumbo 1994 and citations there¬ in), but the bionomics of western and southern Nearctic species remains poorly known. All the well-studied Nicrophorus species occur in regions that experience harsh winters and the biology of species from environments lacking harsh winters, such as the central coast of California, is poorly understood. Nicrophorus biology, particularly reproductive behavior, is well described (Pu¬ kowski 1933, Trumbo 1994, and citations therein). In brief, interspecific and intrasexual competition occur for dominance of small (< 100 g) carcasses. Car¬ casses dominated by Nicrophorus adults are buried by a male-female pair and used as a food resource for developing offspring. The larvae develop within a brood chamber which also houses the parents and the carcass. Both parents tend the larvae by regurgitating food, maintaining the brood chamber and defending the brood against predators or competing congeners. Numerous aspects of burying beetle behavior, such as biparental care, communal breeding, brood parasitism, 1 Present Address: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269. 1996 SIKES: NATURAL HISTORY OF NICROPHORUS NIGRITA 71 etc. have been recently explored from a behavioral ecology perspective (Bartlett 1988; Bartlett & Ashworth 1988; Muller et al. 1990; Scott 1990; Trumbo 1990a, 1991, 1994; Trumbo & Wilson 1993; Trumbo & Fiore 1994; Eggert & Muller 1992; Scott & Gladstein 1993). Nicrophorus nigrita Mannerheim, occurs along the Pacific coast, from British Columbia to Baja California and inland to Nevada, (Anderson & Peck 1985, Peck & Anderson 1985). It is the most common silphid in California (Miller & Peck 1979). These large, black beetles are present in most Californian ecosystems, yet current knowledge is limited to data gathered from museum specimens. The lack of dorsal, elytral maculations on N. nigrita adults is a species-level trait unique among Nearctic Nicrophorus. Anderson & Peck (1986) suggest a thermoregulatory hypothesis, supported by the evidence that melanic morphs of Nicrophorus guttula Motschulsky, Nicrophorus defodiens Mannerheim and Nicro¬ phorus investigator Zetterstedt are found in regions of reduced levels of solar radiation, where N. nigrita is common. If N. nigrita is adapted to environmental conditions unique for Nearctic burying beetles, as suggested by its dark coloration, then other traits associated with this adaptation should exist. This investigation, in addition to providing new natural history information, attempts to test this prediction. I investigated the hypothesis that N. nigrita displays additional traits associated with its lack of elytral maculations, and documented this species’ life history. During 1991 and 1992, I collected information on abundance, phenology, sex ratio, morphology, diel periodicity, population size, carrion community species composition, habitat preference and reproductive biology from a central Califor¬ nian, coastal population of N. nigrita. Materials and Methods Study Site. — Research was conducted from 19 Apr 1991 to 7 Mar 1992 at the University of California Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve. The reserve is located within the Santa Lucia coastal mountain range, Monterey County, California (36°4' N, 121°36' W). The topography is convoluted with mountain ridges reaching elevations above 600 m. Extreme climatic variation and steep elevational gra¬ dients in the reserve are associated with many diverse communities. Twelve plant communities exist within the reserve, with redwood {Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endlicher), oak ( Quercus spp.), bay {Umbellularia californica (Hooker & Amott) Nuttall), and coastal sage scrub {Artemisia spp., Baccharis sp., Ceanothus sp. et al.) being members of the more common communities (Bickford & Rich 1985). Live Trapping. —Traps were positioned throughout the reserve to sample beetle abundance over time and to obtain sex ratio and body size data. Eight 1 m 2 hanging live-catch pitfall traps (Wilson et al. 1984), were modified by adding a funnel inside the collecting entrance, fashioned from a 12 oz. plastic Solo (R) cup minus its bottom, to prevent beetles from escaping. Traps were opened on 19 Apr 1991 and were rebaited at ten day intervals with 250 g of rotten chicken that had been contained for 2-5 days at ambient temperature. Starting in mid October, traps were rebaited at monthly intervals and trapping ceased 7 Mar 1992. Population abundance and phenology were evaluated by recording trap catches at ten day intervals and by marking, releasing and recapturing beetles. Captured 72 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) N. nigrita were marked by cutting a triangular piece, approximately 1 mm 2 in size, from the posterior margin of an elytron (Wilson & Knollenberg 1987, Trumbo 1990b, Goldwasser et al. 1993) before releasing them at the trap site. I also obtained phenology information from museum specimens of the California Acad¬ emy of Sciences Entomology Collection in San Francisco and the Entomology Collection of the University of California at Davis. Sex ratio and morphology were evaluated by sexing trapped individuals and by measuring their pronotal widths (to 0.05 mm). Sex determinations were based on this species’ sexual dimorphism: the male’s foretarsi are wider and have more pubescence than the female’s and the male has larger ridges above the eyes and a larger clypeus than the female. Dried beetles obtained from the traps were weighed to evaluate the relationship between pronotal width and mass (Bartlett & Ashworth 1988, Scott 1990, Robertson 1992). Diel periodicity was investigated by using a single trap located in a redwood- forested canyon bottom, that was checked once for beetles an hour before and once an hour after sun-up and sun-set. The data represent thirty days of obser¬ vations, spanning 16 Jul to 30 Aug 1991. Insect specimens of species not previously seen in the hanging traps were col¬ lected and identified (Table 3). Only presence/absence data were recorded for species other than N. nigrita. Voucher specimens of these species were deposited in the Montana Entomology Collection, Montana State University. A long series of adult N. nigrita specimens was deposited in the research collection at the Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve. A minimum population size for this species within Big Creek Canyon (one of four canyons sampled) was estimated using a sequential, Bayesian algorithm (Ga- zey & Staley 1986, Kozol et al. 1988). To help meet assumptions of the algorithm, data from a single trap run from 22 May to 21 Oct 1991 in Big Creek Canyon were used. Mouse Carcass Transect Studies. — Habitat preference was assessed by moni¬ toring mouse carcass transects. Dead laboratory mice, ( Mus musculus L.), thawed 10-15 h before use and weighing 15-35 g, were spaced on transects at 20 m intervals in seven habitats (Table 4). Each mouse was attached to a flag marker by 0.5 m of copper wire that prevented their removal by invertebrates, yet allowed burial by beetles and subsequent carcass location. The mice were observed daily for the first three days and every other day thereafter. I eventually recorded all mice as being dominated, displaced or consumed. During these observations, I hand collected representatives of the Coleoptera and Hymenoptera found on the mouse carcasses (Table 3). Voucher specimens of these species were deposited in the Montana Entomology Collection, Montana State University. Laboratory Reproduction Studies.— Wild pairs of beetles obtained from hanging traps were placed with freshly thawed mouse carcasses in plastic 2 liter repro¬ duction chambers (RC). Each RC had a perforated lid, was filled with soil from a redwood-forested, canyon-bottom floor and contained one pair of beetles and a mouse carcass. The RCs were kept in a well aerated room within the reserve, where the photoperiod and temperature fluctuated with external conditions. Lab¬ oratory temperatures ranged from 13 to 20 °C. To test for seasonal reproductive activity, wild-caught adults were placed in RCs on the following dates: 3 May, 5 Jul, 28 Jul, 24 Sep and 5 Nov 1991. Abundance of Beetles /trap 1996 SIKES: NATURAL HISTORY OF NICROPHORUS NIGRITA 73 Julian Day Figure 1. Abundance of adult Nicrophorus nigrita captured in hanging pitf all traps; day 120 (19 91) = first trap capture = (30 Apr 1991); day 67 (1992) = last trap capture = (7 Mar 1992). Quantitative data on the duration of parental care, duration of larval feeding and the number of emerging progeny were obtained by observing activity within the RCs daily. Fecundity data were obtained by counting the number of larvae per brood on day 12. Sex ratios and pronotal widths of the emerging adults from 40 RCs were recorded. Other aspects of Nicrophorus reproductive biology, such as the creation of a brood ball and biparental care, were noted during the course of the study, but no quantitative data were gathered. Phoretic mites were collected and identified for comparative purposes. Mite specimens were deposited in the private collection of B. M. O’Connor. Reproductive Success.— I investigated the following three variables as possible predictors of reproductive success: paternal pronotal width, maternal pronotal width and mouse carcass size. Reproductive success was measured by two vari¬ ables: the number of offspring, and the mean pronotal width of the offspring in a brood. I also determined the relationship between offspring size and days from burial to eclosion. Results Live-trapping. — The abundance of N. nigrita adults steadily increased through¬ out the summer but decreased sharply with the onset of cooler weather and greater precipitation in early November (Fig. 1). However, N. nigrita adults were captured 74 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Table 1. Pronotal width of Nicrophorus nigrita (mm) captured in hanging-pitfall traps. Sex n Mean (SD) Min. Median Max. Var. & 862 5.84 (0.74) 3.90 5.85 a 7.85 0.55 £ 1022 5.67 (0.66) 3.70 5.70 a 7.52 0.44 Males significantly larger than females, Mann-Whitney test, H = 24.27, df = 1, P = 0.000001. throughout the winter. Specimens of N. nigrita in the California Academy of Sciences Entomology Collection and the UC Davis Entomology Collection had been collected during each month of the year (n = 611). In 313 days of trapping, 2349 N. nigrita adults were caught. I marked and released 1497 N. nigrita adults, of which 123 (8.2%), were later recaptured. The sampled, wild population of N. nigrita had a female-biased sex ratio (0.84: 1.0, n = 1884; differs significantly from 1:1 x 2 = 13.58, df = 1, P < 0.05). The combined Fj sex ratio of 32 laboratory reared broods was male-biased (1.08:1.0, n = 354; differs significantly from 1:1 x 2 = 7.59, df = 1, P < 0.05). The mean pronotal width of males was greater than that of females (Table 1). Pronotal width was found to be a positive predictor of dried beetle mass (n = 214, linear correlation r = 0.65, P < 0.001, Kendall’s Tau = 0.461, P = 1.47 x 10 - 23 ). Nicrophorus nigrita adults were most often caught at dusk, with some catches recorded at dawn and fewer recorded during the night (Table 2). No beetles were caught during the day (Table 2). The agyrtid, Necrophilus hydrophiloides Guerin-Meneville, was commonly cap¬ tured in the hanging pitfall traps during the winter months when silphids were rare (Table 3). Within Big Creek Canyon a total of 623 beetles were marked during 23 capture- mark-release events and 83 (13%) were recaptured. I calculated a minimum pop¬ ulation size of 4565 beetles (95% confidence intervals of 1832 and 5866 individ¬ uals). Mouse Carcass Transect Studies. -Fifty-eight of 90 dead mice placed on tran¬ sects were displaced by vertebrate scavengers (64%). Two transects placed over 100 m from a trail or road were the least disturbed by vertebrates (Table 4). Table 3 lists Coleoptera and Hymenoptera species found associated with mouse car¬ casses. Table 2. Diel Periodicity of Nicrophorus nigrita adults caught in a hanging pitfall trap. Time intervals # Days Total hrs. obs“ # Beetles observed b Daytime >06:30 h <20:00 h 6 81 0 PM crepuscular >20:00 h <21:00 h 8 8 18 Night >21:00 h <05:30 h 10 85 5 C AM crepuscular >05:30 h <06:30 h 6 6 3 a Total hrs. obs. is the total number of hours during the specified time intervals that were sampled for beetle presence. b Beetles were most often caught at sundown (X 2 = 405.4, df = 3, P < 0.0001). 0 Four beetles trapped on a cloudless night of full moon, 29 Aug 1991. 1996 SIKES: NATURAL HISTORY OF NICROPHORUS NIGRITA 75 Table 3. Coleoptera and Hymenoptera species caught in hanging pitfall traps baited with 280 g rotten chicken, and on mouse carcasses in a variety of habitats (see Table 4), May through Oct 1991. Mouse Order, family Species carcasses Traps COLEOPTERA Silphidae Nicrophorus nigrita Mannerheim X X Nicrophorus guttula Motschulsky X Agyrtidae Necrophilus hydrophiloides Guerin-Meneville X Staphylinidae Creophilus maxillosus (L.) X Dermestidae Dermestes marmoratus Say X X Dermestes talpinus Mannerheim X Megatoma sp. X Leiodidae Catops simplex Say X Histeridae Saprinus prob. lugens Erichson X Melyridae Collops sp. X Cleridae Necrobia rufipes (De Geer) X HYMENOPTERA Vespidae Vespula vulgaris (L.) X Braconidae Mysia nr. alticola (Ashmead) X Formicidae Solenopsis xyloni McCook X Solenopsis molesta (Say) X Crematogaster (mormonum Emery or coarctata Mayr) X Monomorium ergatogyna Wheeler X Formica moki Wheeler X Camponotus nr. vicinus Mayr X Nicrophorus nigrita only buried mice in cool, mesic, redwood habitats (Table 4). Temperature fluctuations within these habitats were less severe than habitats found near or on ridge tops (unpubl. weather station data). Laboratory> Reproductive Studies.— Wild N. nigrita adults were reproductively active in the laboratory from 3 May to 5 Nov 1991. The means of the number of offspring produced from three independent rearing attempts were 15.6 (SD = 11.7, n = 3 broods), 15.3 (SD = 6, n = 8 broods) and 12.6 (SD = 5.6, n = 40 broods). Male parents remained with the brood for a mean of 11.1 days (SD = 1.2, n = 6 broods) whereas females remained with the brood for a mean of 13.1 days (SD = 2.3, n = 7 broods). Paternal residence time was not significantly shorter than maternal (/ = —1.98, df = 9.5, P = 0.076). Together, parents tended offspring for a mean of 10.9 days (SD = 1.5, n = 8 broods). Larvae began pupation a mean of 12.3 days (SD = 1.2, n = 3 broods) after the adults had been placed with a dead mouse (initiated 3 May 1991). Approximately 80 days elapsed between placement of adults with a dead mouse and the emergence of offspring from their pupal chambers (mean = 79.9, SD = 6.6, n = 10 broods, initiated 28 Jul 1991). Features of N. nigrita biology consistent with other known Nicrophorus spp. include: construction of a brood chamber and a brood “ball”; deposition of anal compounds onto the carcass purported to inhibit growth of bacteria and fungi (Pukowski 1933, Halffter et al. 1983); departure of the male parent prior to the female parent; regurgitation of food to the larvae by the parents; stridulation by the parents while tending the young; three instars of larval development; and the 76 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Table 4. The proportion of mouse carcasses displaced, dominated or consumed by vertebrates or saprophagous arthropods in 10 locations, over 10 days, Aug and Sep 1991. Habitat Approx. elevation N. n nigrita Vertebrates Flies Ants Vespula vulgaris Other rwd a /mesic W sl b 90 m 10 0.10 0.10 C 0.80 rwd/mesic N si 90 m 10 0.10 0.90 rwd/mesic N si 90 m 10 0.90 0.10 rwd/mesic N si 90 m 5 1.00 rwd/mesic N si 150 m 11 0.40 c 0.60 rwd/xeric S si 90 m 10 0.70 0.10 0.20 d grass/xeric hltp 300 m 10 0.40 0.40 e 0.20 oak/xeric hltp f 480 m 5 1.00 Pinus/xeric S si 678 m 9 0.89 0.11 coast scrub N si 330 m 10 1.00 mean %: 6 69 16 6 1 2 a rwd = redwood. b si = slope. c Transect laid > 100 m from trail or road. d Solenopsis xyloni. e Solenopsis rnolesta. f hltp = hilltop. presence of phoretic mites and nematodes. The nematodes occasionally bred to enormous population levels on carcasses in the laboratory causing the beetles to abandon the carcasses—a previously unreported competitive interaction. Three species of phoretic mites taken from N. nigrila adults were identified as Poecilochirus carabi Canestrini (Parasitidae), Poecilochirus subterraneus (Mueller) (Parasitidae) and Pelzneria sp. (Histiostomatidae). These mites were all removed from adult beetles and were deutonymphs. Reproductive Success. —No adult olf spring were produced by 8 (20%) of 40 RCs begun on 28 Jul 1991. Within the 32 remaining broods, a total of 465 larvae were counted on day 12 after initiation. In the predator-free, laboratory environment, 354 (76%) of these larvae survived to eclosion. A significant, positive relationship was found between days to eclosion and pronotal width of emerging adults (n = 354, r 2 = 0.17, P < 0.01). Mouse carcass mass predicted the pronotal widths of emerging adults but pa¬ ternal and maternal size did not. Mouse carcass mass (using mouse tissue parcels weighing 2.75-42 g) was significantly related to mean pronotal width of the off- spring in a brood ( n = 37 broods, r 2 = 0.419, P < 0.0001; Fig. 2). Carcass mass was a weak positive predictor of the number of larvae found on day 12 (n = 37 broods, r 2 = 0.104, P = 0.052) but not a predictor of the number of emerging adult offspring ( n = 37 broods, r 2 = 0.0039, P = 0.71). Discussion Live-trapping & Mouse Carcass Transect Studies.— The phenologies of N. ni- grita and its hypothesized sister species, Nicrophorus mexicanus Matthews (Peck & Anderson 1985), are unique among the documented phenologies of Nearctic Nicrophorus because adults of these species remain active in low numbers during 1996 SIKES: NATURAL HISTORY OF NICROPHORUS NIGRITA 77 Mouse Carcass Mass (g) Figure 2. Relationship between mouse carcass mass and the mean pronotal width of the offspring in a brood for Nicrophorus nigrita, (n = 37 broods, Kendall’s Tau = 0.42, P = 0.000265; linear correlation: r = 0.648, P < 0.001, pronotal width = 0.0407 (carcass mass) ± 5.29). winter months (Terron et al. 1991). These two species are found in regions that generally lack cold winters, a factor related to their year-round activity. Species in the southern United States, such as Nicrophorus carolinus Linnaeus, may also remain active during the winter months due to the mild winters of those regions. Peck & Anderson (1985) and Anderson & Peck (1985) state that N. mexicanus and N. nigrita adults are most active during fall, winter and spring—a finding not corroborated by this investigation. Terron et al. (1991) document N. mexicanus as being most active during the summer, and least active during the winter, which is consistent with my observations of N. nigrita. Terron et al. (1991), studying A. mexicanus, Trumbo (1990a), studying Nicro¬ phorus orbicollis Say and Wilson & Knollenberg (1984), studying N. orbicollis and N. defodiens found female-biased sex ratios at pitfall traps. Trumbo (1990a) found 1:1 sex ratios for Nicrophorus pustulatus Herschel and Nicrophorus tomemtosus Weber, whereas male-biased sex ratios were found in Palearctic Nicrophorus spp. studied by Easton (1979) and Springett (1967). Wilson & Knollenberg (1984) and Trumbo (1990a) both reported laboratory raised broods were non-biased sug¬ gesting intrinsic and/or extrinsic factors skew the sex ratios in N. mexicanus, N. orbicollis, N. tomentosus and N. nigrita. This study indicates N. nigrita adults are crepuscular (Table 2), whereas N. nigrita had been reported to be a nocturnal species based on data from black light captures (Peck & Kaulbars 1987). The method used here, provides data more 78 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) representative of natural behavior than black-light data (Wilson et al. 1984). However, I recorded activity during a brightly moon-lit night (Table 2), suggesting these beetles may prolong their period of activity under such conditions. Nicrophorus defodiens is active crepuscularly in Michigan (Wilson et al. 1984), whereas N. tomentosus is diurnal and two other species, N. orbicollts and Nicro¬ phorus sayi LaPorte, were documented to be strictly nocturnal. My data support the nocturnal and crepuscular activity pattern more commonly found in this genus. The low proportion of transect mouse carcasses dominated by N. nigrita adults (Table 4) may result from a number of causes. Vertebrate scavengers, most likely foxes, consumed the majority of dead mice placed in the field. Similar results, with vertebrate scavengers removing from 60% to 100% of small carcasses, are not uncommon (Putman 1976, 1983). Nicrophorus nigrita adults were more suc¬ cessful in using carrion in areas where vertebrate scavengers have less impact as seen in the two transects located more than 100 m from a trail or road (Table 4). Other arthropod species may outcompete N. nigrita for carrion within the study region (Table 3). It is unclear whether N. nigrita prefers to breed on large carcasses, as some congeners have been shown to do (e.g. N. pustulatus ; Peck 1986, Rob¬ ertson 1992, Trumbo & Wilson 1993). If shown to occur, this would help explain the scarcity of adults on small carcasses in the field. Laboratory Reproductive Studies.— The reproductive biology of N. nigrita is similar to other Nicrophorus. The greatest difference found, in addition to the apparent lack of reproductive diapause, involved the time required to complete development. Robertson (1992) reports that Canadian N. pustulatus complete development from larva to adult in 22-27 d. Scott & Traniello (1990) report N. orbicollis from New Hampshire require approximately 44 d from burial of a carcass to eclosion. Halffter et al. (1983), studying A r . mexicanus, found development was completed from larva to adult in 39 days. These records are significantly shorter than the corresponding 73-85 d development time required for TV. nigrita. How¬ ever, these traits may be population-level adaptations, or simple plastic (non- fixed) responses to the temperature of the environments or laboratories in which the species were studied, rather than fixed, species-level traits. Robertson (1992), Scott & Traniello (1990), and Halffter et al. (1983) did not state at what temper¬ ature the larvae developed, but all three of these studies were conducted within laboratories, which generally range from 15 to 25° C. The reproductive phenologies of many Nearctic Nicrophorus are known (Wilson et al. 1984, Scott & Traniello 1990, Anderson & Peck 1985). Nicrophorus nigrita displays a less constrained reproductive schedule than those of congeners that are tightly associated with the seasonal changes present in the eastern and northern Nearctic. Nicrophorus nigrita females are able to reproduce within a month of eclosion (unpublished data) and no evidence of reproductive diapause was found, although reproduction in the field during the months of December to April has yet to be demonstrated. The reproductive success of N. nigrita is consistent with that of other congeners. Nicrophorus orbicollis shows no correlation between female size and offspring number (Scott & Traniello 1990), but does show a strong correlation between carcass size and total brood mass (Scott & Traniello 1990, Robertson 1992, Trumbo 1994). I found similar relationships for N. nigrita. Scott & Traniello (1990) found a significant negative correlation between brood 1996 SIKES: NATURAL HISTORY OF NICROPHORUS NIGRITA 79 size and days to eclosion for N. orbicollis. This is consistent with my findings showing offspring size to be positively correlated with days to eclosion; brood size and offspring size have been shown to be inversely related (Scott & Traniello 1990). The departure of the male parent prior to the female has been reported from other Nicrophorus (Bartlett 1988; Muller & Eggert 1989; Scott 1990; Scott & Traniello 1990; Trumbo 1991). I did not establish that male N. nigrita adults abandon their offspring prior to females, however, this is most likely a result of small sample sizes rather than strong evidence against the pattern of early male departure. Scott & Gladstein (1993) present a predictive model and analysis of the sociobiological ramifications of the duration of paternal care in burying beetles. The geographic and phylogenetic distance (Peck & Anderson 1985) between N. nigrita and the more well-known eastern species predicted differences were likely to be found in the phoretic mite fauna of N. nigrita. Of the three mite species found on N. nigrita, P. carabi is Holarctically distributed and the most commonly reported phoretic associate of Nicrophorus spp. (Brown & Wilson 1992). Poe- cilochirus subterraneus is not documented to occur in the Nearctic but is wide¬ spread in the Palearctic (B. M. O’Connor, personal communication). There are no described Nearctic species within the genus Pelzneria (B. M. O’Connor, per¬ sonal communication). The presence of a Palearctic species of phoretic mite (P. subterraneus) on N. nigrita indicates a possible biogeographic Asian connection. The diversity and complexity of the phoretic fauna found on Nicrophorus spp. has attracted attention (Wilson 1983, Wilson & Knollenberg 1987, Schwarz & Muller 1992, Richter 1993) but many avenues of ecological and systematic re¬ search remain open (Brown & Wilson 1992). In conclusion, I suggest that the autapomorphic aspects of N. nigrita's biology are associated with this species’ thermoregulatory adaptation to survival in regions of cool but relatively constant temperatures. This hypothesis was first proposed by Anderson & Peck (1986) for the melanic forms of N. guttula, N. investigator and N. defodiens found predominantly along the pacific coast. The autapomorphic aspects of N. nigrita are the continual activity throughout the winter months (possible synapomorphy with N. mexicanus), the prolonged time span to complete development from larva to adult, the apparent lack of seasonally-fixed reproduc¬ tive activity and the absence of bright elytral maculations. Future studies inves¬ tigating behavioral and ecological correlates of Nicrophorus thermoregulation are needed to test this hypothesis. Acknowledgment I am grateful to J. T. Smiley for providing advice, supplies and help throughout this study. I thank M. E. Sikes for her assistance in the field and encouragement, D. S. Wilson, S. T. Trumbo and S. B. Peck for sharing information regarding Nicrophorus, the collection managers N. Penny (CAS) and S. Heydon (UCDC) for their assistance, reviewers R. S. Miller, M. A. Ivie, J. T. Smiley, D. K. Le- tourneau, C. Seibert, and two anonymous reviewers whose input improved the manuscript, P. Ward (Formicidae), S. Heydon (Braconidae), D. Carmean (Ves- pidae), B. O’Connor (Acari) and M. A. Ivie (Coleoptera) for their identifications and S. V. and A. Sikes and F. Arias for their technical support. Financial support 80 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) was provided by F. F. Bliss, J. T. Smiley, S. V. and S. B. Sikes and The Department of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz. This research was carried out as part of a Senior Thesis in Biology at UCSC. This is contribution J-3007 of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Literature Cited Anderson, R. S. & S. B. Peck. 1985. 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Mills Laboratory of Biological Control, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Abstract.— Adults of the predatory Pterostichus beetles were trapped in a commercial orchard for two consecutive apple-growing seasons. Pterostichus {Dysidius) lustrous LeConte, Pterostichus (Poecilus ) cursitor LeConte, and two Pterostichus (Hypherpes ) species, were occasionally more active on the soil surface in plots under organic management of insect pests of apple, than in plots under conventional management. But, the mean number of individuals captured in rep¬ licated plots, between the two management schemes, was not significantly different on any collection date. Adults of P. lustrans, the predominant species of Pterostichus inhabiting the orchard, were most active on the soil surface during May, June, and July 1991. In the 1992 season, P. lustrans were most active during June and July, P. (Hypherpes ) spp. were most active during June, and P. cursitor were most active during July. The activity of Pterostichus beetles may coincide with the time interval in which fifth-instar Cydia pomonella (L.) (codling moth) larvae wander on the ground prior to pupation. Key Words. — Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichus, predators Carabid beetles are major components of the predator assemblages in managed and unmanaged ecosystems (Kulman 1974, Luff 1987). Many species are predators of insect pests in agroecosystems (Allen 1979, Clark et al. 1994). For example, in apple orchards, adult carabids are important predators of apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Allen Sc Hagley 1990) and codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Hagley et al. 1982, Hagley & Allen 1988). Several Pterostichus species are the most effective carabid predators of the codling moth (Riddick & Mills 1994), However, carabid predation alone cannot reduce codling moth populations to a level sufficient to prevent economic damage to fruit and eliminate the use of insecticides. Previous research has determined the effect of organophosphate insecticides on carabid populations in orchards. Phosmet sprays reduced the numbers of Amara spp. and Harpalus affinis (Schrank) adults captured in pitfall traps in an apple orchard in Ontario, Canada; but not the number of Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) adults captured (Hagley et al 1980). In the laboratory, phosmet killed Amara spp. and H. affinis, but not P. melanarius (Hagley et al. 1980). The use of a formulation of codling moth granulosis virus, a microbial insec¬ ticide, was correlated with enhanced surface activity of Harpalus pensylvanicus DeGeer adults in July, but not with the activity of Pterostichus {Hypherpes) sp. adults in an apple orchard in Contra Costa County, California (Riddick & Mills 1 Current Address: Department of Entomology, 1300 Symons Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA. 1996 RIDDICK & MILLS: CARABID SEASONAL ACTIVITY 83 1995). This suggests that some carabid species can become more useful in orchards that are treated with microbial insecticides for the suppresion of insect pests. The objective of this research was to compare the seasonal activity of Pteros- tichus beetles in replicated plots of a commercial apple orchard under conventional or organic apple production. It is essential to determine the activity patterns of the Pterostichus species so that their potential as control agents of insects pests can be evaluated. Materials and Methods The study site was a commercial apple orchard (Jewell Ranch) located in the coastal region of northern California (Sonoma County), near Sebastopol, a major apple growing district. The orchard was dry-farmed and contained standard trees of Gravenstein, Red, and Golden Delicious varieties. The 6.5 ha experimental section of this « 20 ha orchard was surrounded by non-experimental sections of trees, which were treated with organophosphate insecticides, on three sides and a residence on the remaining side. The experimental section was subdivided into eight plots, which were originally designated in 1989 to monitor the effect of various insecticides on the codling moth. Each 0.81 ha (2 acre) plot was comprised of 9 rows of trees and each containing ~20 trees. The average distance between trees in a row was 7.3 m, and the average distance from the adjacent row was 6.4 m. Details of the pest management practices in the commercial orchard have been reported elsewhere (Vossen et al. 1994). During the 1991 and 1992 apple growing seasons, synthetic organophosphate or granulosis virus insecticides (designed to suppress the neonate stage of C. pomonella), were sprayed onto trees in replicated plots. Conventional plots contained trees that were sprayed with organophosphate insecticides and herbicides, whereas organic plots contained trees that were sprayed with microbial insecticides and in which mating disruption pheromones (in dis¬ pensers) were used. Each treatment (conventional or organic) plot was replicated four times for a total of eight 0.81 ha plots. Both treatments were systematically alternated within the experimental section of the orchard such that the first replicate plot of the conventional treatment was proceeded by the first replicate plot of the organic treatment. Thus, four replicate plots of the conventional treatment were alternated, spatially, with four replicate plots of the organic treatment. Although this design lacked control plots, it provided a realistic method of comparing the activity of carabid beetles in a commercial setting. Insecticide treatments were applied during C. pomonella egg-hatch periods, predicted from degree-day models (Pickel et al. 1986). Two to three generations of C. pomonella per season have been common in northern California. In the 1991 season, chlorpyrifos (Lorsban®) was sprayed in the conventional plots on 14 May at a rate of 2.8 kg/ha and on 7 June at a rate of 3.4 kg/ha, and phosmet (Imidan®) was sprayed on 9 July at a rate of 5.75 kg/ha. In the organic plots, codling moth granulosis virus (CMGV/UCB.87) was sprayed on 11, 29 May; 13, 20, 27 July; and on 3, 10, 17, 24 August in applications of 1.5 x 10 14 granular inclusion bodies per ha, plus 0.45 liters/ha of NuFilmP sunscreen, and 5.7 kg/ha of DriFlo molasses. Each formulation was combined with 378.5 liters of tap water, then applied with a fan air-blast sprayer. In the 1992 season, chlorpyrifos was sprayed again in the identical conventional plots of the previous season on 23 84 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) April (rate of 3.4 kg/ha) and phosmet on 2 June (rate of 5.75 kg/ha). Codling moth granulosis virus was sprayed in the identical organic plots on 28 April and 15 May as described above. Early in the season 1991-1992, the herbicide paraquat was used to suppress weed growth at the base of the tree trunks in the conventional plots, but a hand hoe was used to remove the weeds in the organic plots. Mating disruption pher¬ omones in dispensers (Isomate C) were positioned on trees in the organic and conventional plots on 23 Mar 1992 and again on 8 Jun 1992 at a rate of 1000 per ha. The soil type in the commercial orchard is a Goldridge fine sandy-loam. The soil was disked, and the remaining resident vegetation was removed at the be¬ ginning of the apple growing season, in mid- to late April. After the end of the season in October or November, the soil was cultivated and a cover crop of bell beans (Vida faba L.) and vetch ( Vida spp.) was seeded in all plots. The seasonal activity of adult Pterostichus beetles inhabiting the commercial orchard was compared between the treatment plots, with pitfall traps. Pitfall trapping has become a standard technique for sampling carabids (Morrill 1975, Halsall & Wratten 1988). Trap catch may estimate the activity of adult carabids on the soil surface as well as reflect the density of carabid populations (Hokkanen & Holopainen 1986). Traps were plastic cups (473 ml), with a 9 cm diameter opening, which were sunk into the ground so that the rim was flush with the soil surface. Leaf litter within 20 cm of the perimeter of each trap was removed and the soil smoothed to prevent the litter from impeding the movement of carabids around the traps (Greenslade 1964, Powell et al. 1985). Traps were filled to the one-quarter mark with a solution of water and liquid detergent, which reduced the surface tension of the water causing captured beetles to sink to the bottom of the trap. A preservative was not used in the traps because of the risk that it would alter the catch and sex ratio of the trapped species (Holopainen 1992). Six pitfall traps were positioned in the central row of trees in each of the eight plots in the 1991 season. The distance between traps was not recorded, but traps were two to three trees apart within the same row. Traps were in place for con¬ secutive days during each of five sampling periods in 1991, 30 April-7 May, 4- 11 June, 3-9 July, 30 July-9 August, and 4-11 September. In the 1992 season, three traps were positioned in the identical tree rows of the previous season. Traps were in place for consecutive days during each of five sampling periods, 11-14 May, 5-8 June, 7-10 July, 28-31 July, and 18-21 August. Samples were collected on the last day of each sampling period. Trapped beetles of the genus Pterostichus were sorted to species or species groups in the laboratory. Pterostichus beetles were selected because of their potential as effective predators of codling moth (Riddick & Mills 1994). The species counted were Pterostichus (Dysidius) lustrans LeConte, Pterostichus (Poecilus) cursitor LeConte, and two Pterostichus (Hypherpes ) species, namely, Pterostichus calif or - nicus (Dejean) and Pterostichus castanipes (Menetries) which are morphologically similar, and not readily distinguishable at the time that this research was under¬ taken. Pterostichus calif or nicus and P. castanipes adults have been collected in California only. Pterostichus cursitor adults have been collected in California and Oregon, and P. lustrans adults have been collected in British Columbia, south to California and east to New Mexico and Colorado (Bousquet & Larochelle 1993). 1996 RIDDICK & MILLS: CARABID SEASONAL ACTIVITY 85 Trap data were converted to mean number of Pterostichus species per tree row per trap per day in each treatment plot. All means were log-transformed before subjection to the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Treatment means were consid¬ ered significant if P < 0.05. All statistical analyses were performed with Stat- graphics (STSC) software. Voucher specimens are located at the Laboratory of Biological Control, University of California, Berkeley, and the Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park. Results A total of 577 adult carabids were captured in pitfall traps in the 1991 apple growing season. Pterostichus lustrans represented 22.2%, Pterostichus cursitor rep¬ resented 11.8%, and the two Pterostichus (Hypherpes) species represented a com¬ bined 11.3% of the total adult carabids. In the 1992 season, a total of 638 adult carabids were captured, and P. lustrans represented 10.3%, P. cursitor, 6.0%; and P. {Hypherpes ) spp., 2.3%. The seasonal activity of all adult Pterostichus species was compared between the conventional and organic treatment plots. There was no significant difference in total beetle activity on the soil surface on any collection date between treatments in the 1991 or 1992 season (Tables 1 and 2). Individually, P. lustrans was most active during early May, June, and July, but no clear pattern was discemable for P. cursitor or P. (.Hypherpes) spp. (Table 1). In 1992, P. lustrans adults were most active during early June and early July, whereas P. cursitor adults were most active during early July, and P. (.Hypherpes ) spp. adults were most active during early June (Table 2). Discussion During the first two sampling periods (7 May, 11 June) in the 1991 season, P. lustrans adults were almost significantly more active in the organic plots than in the convent ional plots of the commercial orchard. Apparently, a number of these beetles avoided contact with chlorpyrifos, phosmet or paraquat on the ground in the conventional plots. Chlorpyrifos has been shown to have no significant effect on the activity of Pterostichus spp. adults in treated fields of grass in comparison to untreated fields (Asteraki et al. 1992) but it is toxic to P. melanarius and Pterostichus chalcites Say adults (Bale et al. 1992, Reed et al. 1992). Phosmet did not reduce the activity of P. melanarius in an apple orchard, nor did it kill P. melanarius in the laboratory (Hagley et al. 1980). Paraquat was applied in the conventional plots, but not in the organic plots. Brust (1990) found that the activity of Pterostichus sp. adults was reduced for up to 28 d after paraquat had been sprayed. Codling moth granulosis virus and mating disruption pheromone did not appear to affect Pterostichus beetle activity. The seasonal activity of P. (Hypherpes ) spp. adults in an organic managed section of a commercial apple orchard in Contra Costa County was not altered by these alternative methods of suppressing codling moth (Riddick & Mills 1995). In this study a complete randomized design was used and each treatment (formulations of granulosis virus, Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner plus oil, oil alone, no-spray control) was replicated three times. In the present study, a no-spray treatment was not allowable. Consequently, these data 86 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Table 1. Seasonal activity of Pterostichus beetles in organic and conventional plots on collection dates in the commercial orchard, 1991 season. Mean (± SEM) no. of beetles per tree row per trap per day Treatment 7 May 11 June 9 July 9 Aug. 11 Sept. P. lustrans Organic 0.24 (0.09) 0.17 (0.07) 0.12(0.04) 0.02 (0.02) 0.01 (0.01) Conven. 0.06 (0.03) 0.01 (0.01) 0.07(0.05) 0.02(0.01) 0.01 (0.01) F \P* 4.20; 0.09 4.99; 0.77 0.87; 0.40 0.48; 0.52 0.00; 1.00 P. cursitor Organic 0.10(0.04) 0.03 (0.02) 0.06 (0.03) 0.08 (0.03) 0.00 (0.00) Conven. 0.02(0.01) 0.01 (0.01) 0.03(0.01) 0.05 (0.05) 0.00 (0.00) F; P 3.71; 0.10 0.48; 0.52 0.90; 0.39 0.40; 0.55 P. ( Hypherpes ) spp. Organic 0.01 (0.01) 0.09 (0.07) 0.10(0.04) 0.03(0.01) 0.05 (0.01) Conven. 0.00 (0.00) 0.03 (0.01) 0.03(0.03) 0.01 (0.01) 0.03 (0.02) F; P 3.00; 0.13 0.74; 0.43 2.32; 0.18 2.07; 0.20 0.82; 0.41 a Degrees of freedom =1,6; and 8 plots were sampled on each collection date. —; — = F and P values not reported because no beetles were captured. cannot reveal whether Pterostichus activity in unsprayed plots differed from that observed in the conventional or organic managed plots. Pterostichus lustrans adults were the most numerous of the Pterostichus beetles in the orchard. The adults were most active on the soil surface during May, June, and July 1991, and during June and July of 1992. Similar activity was observed for P. lustrans in a nearby orchard that was not sprayed with pesticides (Riddick, unpublished data). This pronounced activity may correlate with an increased availability of suitable prey. The activity of Pterostichus beetles may coincide with the time that C. pomonella larvae are wandering on the ground in search of pupation sites. First generation larvae leave fruit during May or June in orchards in California (Pickel et al. 1986), and thereafter become vulnerable to predation by Pterostichus beetles on the ground. The nightly rate of predation of tethered C. pomonella fifth-instar larvae by carabids was 60% in early June in an organic managed block of an apple orchard of semi-dwarf trees in Brentwood, California (Riddick & Mills 1994). Pterostichus (Hypherpes ) sp. (possibly P. californicus) adults were one of the most active carabid species on the soil surface during this time interval. (Note that P. lustrans and P. cur sit or were very rare in this Brentwood orchard.) When Pterostichus beetles are active and abundant, their predation may help reduce the density of the upcoming second generation of C. pomonella in modem orchards. But this assumption is valid only when Pterostichus adults readily locate and capture unrestricted fifth- instars on the ground. The reduced activity of P. lustrans in August in the Sebastopol orchard may have resulted from inadequate moisture and intolerable temperatures at the soil surface. The climate in the Sebastopol region is Mediterranean, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters (Altieri & Schmidt 1986). The lack of ideal conditions for activity may have influenced the adults to remain beneath the surface. In contrast, the reduced activity in August could have resulted from 1996 RIDDICK & MILLS: CARABID SEASONAL ACTIVITY 87 Table 2. Seasonal activity of Pterostichus beetles in organic and conventional plots on collection dates in the commercial orchard, 1992 season. Mean (±SEM) no. of beetles per tree row per trap per day Treatment 14 May 8 June 10 July 31 July 21 Aug. P. lustrans Organic 0.03 (0.03) 0.64 (0.39) 0.47(0.11) 0.05 (0.03) 0.00 (0.00) Conven. 0.14(0.05) 0.00 (0.00) 0.22 (0.08) 0.03 (0.03) 0.00 (0.00) F; P* 3.38; 0.12 3.77; 0.10 3.44; 0.11 0.43; 0.54 ? P. cursitor Organic 0.00 (0.00) 0.03 (0.03) 0.58 (0.19) 0.05 (0.03) 0.00 (0.00) Conven. 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.25 (0.08) 0.03 (0.03) 0.08 (0.05) F ■ P —• — 1 ? J 5 P. (. Hypherpes ) spp. 1.00; 0.36 2.27; 0.18 0.43; 0.54 2.51; 0.16 Organic 0.05 (0.05) 0.25 (0.08) 0.03 (0.03) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) Conven. 0.00 (0.00) 0.08 (0.05) 0.05 (0.05) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) F; P 1.00; 0.36 2.63; 0.16 0.18; 0.69 5 a Degrees of freedom =1,6; and 8 plots were sampled on each collection date. —; — = F and P values not reported because no beetles were captured. increased growth of native vegetation in the commercial orchard. Although the vegetation was sparse in all plots, its presence could have obstructed or altered the speed of movement of P. lustrans, especially if these beetles investigated the base of plants when searching for potential prey. In conclusion, although the activity of Pterostichus beetles was not significantly different between the conventional and organic treatments at any sampling period, the spraying of conventional pesticides must be minimized in the spring, the season of heightened activity of these carabids. Acknowledgment We thank Sue Blodgett, former IPM Advisor, North Coast Counties, and Lucia Varela, current IPM Advisor, North Coast Counties (University of California Cooperative Extension, Santa Rosa, California) for providing information on the spray schedules in the orchard; David Kavanaugh (Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco) for his assistance with the carabid identifications; and George Jewell, Jr. for allowing us to collect insects on his farm. This research was supported in part by a Mentored Research Fellowship (from the Graduate Division, University of California at Berkeley) awarded to EWR. Literature Cited Allen, R. T. 1979. The occurrence and importance of ground beetles in agricultural and surrounding habitats, pp. 485-505. In Erwin, T. L., G. E. Ball & D. R. Whitehead (eds.). Carabid beetles: their evolution, natural history, and classification. Junk Publ. Allen, W. R. & E. A. C. Hagley. 1990. Epigeal arthropods as predators of mature larvae and pupae of the apple maggot (Diptera: Tephritidae). Environ. Entomol., 19: 309-312. Altieri, M. A. & L. L. Schmidt. 1986. The dynamics of colonizing arthropod communities at the interface of abandoned, organic and commercial apple orchards and adjacent woodland habitats. Agric. Ecosys. Environ., 16: 29-43. 88 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Asteraki, E. J., C. B. Hanks & R. O. Clements. 1992. The impact of two insecticides on predatory ground beetles (Carabidae) in newly-sown grass. Ann. Appl. Biol., 120: 25-39. Bale, J. S., M. Ekebuisi & C. Wright. 1992. Effect of seed bed preparation, soil structure and release time on the toxicity of a range of grassland pesticides to the carabid beetle Pterostichus melan- arius (Ill.) (Col., Carabidae) using a microplot technique. J. Appl. Entomol., 1 13: 175-182. Bousquet, Y. & A. Larochelle. 1993. Catalogue of the Geadephaga (Coleoptera: Trachypachidae, Rhysodidae, Carabidae including Cicindelini) of America north of Mexico. Mem. Entomol. Soc. Canada, no. 167. Brust, G. E. 1990. Direct and indirect effects of four herbicides on the activity of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Pestic. Sci., 30: 309-320. Clark, M. S., J. M. Luna, N. D. Stone, & R. R. Youngman. 1994. Generalist predator consumption of army worm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and effect of predator removal on damage in no-till com. Environ. Entomol., 23: 617-622. Greenslade, P. J. M. 1964. Pitfall trapping as a method for studying populations of Carabidae (Coleoptera). J. Anim. Ecol., 33: 301-310. Hagley, E. A. C. & W. R. Allen. 1988. Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as predators of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Can. Entomol., 120: 917-925. Hagley, E. A. C., D. J. Pree & N. J. Holliday. 1980. Toxicity of insecticides to some orchard carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Can. Entomol., 112: 457-462. Hagley, E. A. C., N. J. Holliday & D. R. Barber. 1982. Laboratory studies of the food preferences of some orchard carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Can. Entomol., 114: 431—437. Halsall, N. B. & S. D. Wratten. 1988. The efficiency of pitfall trapping for polyphagous predatory Carabidae. Ecol. Entomol., 13: 293-299. Hokkanen, H. & J. K. Holopainen. 1986. Carabid species and activity densities in biologically and conventionally managed cabbage fields. J. Appl. Entomol., 102: 353-363. Holopainen, J. K. 1992. Catch and sex ratio of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in pitfall traps filled with ethylene glycol or water. Pedobiologia 36: 257-261. Kulman, H. M. 1974. Comparative ecology of North American Carabidae with special reference to biological control. Entomophaga Mem. Hors. Ser., 7: 61-70. Luff, M. L. 1987. Biology of polyphagous ground beetles in agriculture. Agric. Zool. Rev., 2: 237- 278. Morrill, W. L. 1975. Plastic pitfall trap. Environ. Entomol., 4: 596. Pickel, C., R. S. Bethell & W. W. Coates. 1986. Codling moth management using degree days. Univ. Calif. Pest Manag. Publ., 4. Powell, W., G. J. Dean & A. Dewar. 1985. The influence of weeds o n polyphagous arthropod predators in winter wheat. Crop Prot., 4: 298-312. Reed, J. P., F. R. Hall & H. R. Krueger. 1992. Contact and volatile toxicity of insecticides to black cutworm larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in soil. J. Econ. Entomol., 85: 256-261. Riddick, E. W. & N. J. Mills. 1994. Potential of adult carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as predators of fifth-instar codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in apple orchards in California. Environ. Entomol., 23: 1338-1345. Riddick, E. W. & N. J. Mills. 1995. Seasonal activity of carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae) affected by microbial and oil insecticides in an apple orchard in California. Environ. Entomol., 24: 361- 366. Vossen, P., D. Jolly, R. Meyer, L. Varela, & S. Blodgett. 1994. Disease, insect pressures make organic production risky in Sonoma County. Calif. Agric., 48: 29-36. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(2): 89-91, (1996) EUBRANCHIPUS BUNDYI FORBES (ANOSTRACA; CRUSTACEA), A NEW RECORD FROM CALIFORNIA D. Christopher Rogers Jones and Stokes Associates, Incorporated, 2600 “V” Street, Sacramento California 95818-1914 Abstract. — A new distributional record for Eubranchipus bundyi Forbes, (Anostraca), from Cal¬ ifornia is reported along with a review of the previously known distribution. The two other Eubranchipus species found in California are discussed. Key Words. — Crustacea, fairy shrimp, Anostraca, Eubranchipus. disjunct, Eubranchipus bundyi Belk & Brtek (1995) report nine species of the anostracan genus Eubranchipus from North America. Eng et al. (1990) reported the first records of Eubranchipus in California when they detailed the occurrence in the state of two species. This report adds a third species of this genus, Eubranchipus bundyi Forbes to the list of fairy shrimps known to occur in California. In May 1990, I was sampling vernal pools in Siskiyou County in northern California and on 8 May 1990, collected Eubranchipus bundyi from Grass Lake, (T.44N, R.3W, S.22 and 23), on the north side of Highway 97, approximately 35 km northeast of the community of Weed. Grass Lake lies in the extreme end of an eastern arm of the Shasta Valley. Grass Lake covers approximately 3 square km, is nearly 3 km long and 1.5 km wide. In places, the pool is 0.5 m deep. The pool is at an altitude of 1370 m and is surrounded by coniferous forest. The pool contained sedges and perennial grasses at the time I collected E. bundyi. Grass Lake is formed in Esro Silt loam. This soil has very poor drainage. Water levels in this pool are seasonally astatic, and fed by snow-melt runoff. The pool is surrounded by soils containing high amounts of granite and lava rock. Water quality data gathered by the California Department of Water Resources for the central part of Siskiyou County in the 1950s (unpublished) showed the surface water in Shasta Valley annual lakes with pH values greater than 9.0 and electrical conductivity reaching a maximum extreme of 12,420 umhos/cm. So¬ dium and chloride ion concentrations were greater than 2700 mg/L, and these small basins had greatly elevated aluminum and boron levels. Additionally, due to concentration through evaporation, basins such as Grass Lake have a high mineral salt content. Grass Lake is also noted for having a tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) Green population. Eubranchipus bundyi occurred in areas of the pool that were sparsely vegetated, and 30+ cm deep. They swam actively, but always several cm below the surface. Clasping pairs were observed. No temperature data were taken. Mature adults were taken with an aquarium dip net and fixed in 100% ethyl alcohol before being transferred to a 70% ethanol solution. The specimens were identified using Belk (1975) and Pennak (1978), and were 90 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) verified by Dr. Belk. Specimens are deposited at the California Academy of Science (CASIZ #103358). Eubranchipus bundyi is known from New Hampshire, Vermont, Illinois, Min¬ nesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska in the central and eastern United States, with unspecified reports from New York, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Wiscon¬ sin. In Canada, collections have been made in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Al¬ berta, and Yukon, with unspecified reports from Saskatchewan. In the western United States, collections were made from Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Washington, and Alaska (Belk, personal communication, Belk 1975, Donald 1983, Hartland- Rowe 1967, Dabom 1976, Forbes 1876, Maynard and Ross 1975). Further in¬ vestigation may reveal populations in Oregon. Eubranchipus bundyi is generally found in snow-melt-filled pools in coniferous areas and appears to be more abundant in years when higher-than-average rain occurs during the preceding year (Donald 1983). Dabom (1976) and Broch (1965) report that upon hatching, the first free- swimming stage of E. bundyi has the rudiments of the first nine or 10 swimming legs. Dabom believes the first instar stages pass in the cyst. After eclosion, the metanauplius undergoes a period of rapid development, completing the juvenile stages in 12 days. Belk (1977) reports temperature tolerances for E. bundyi ; after acclimating adults at 13.5° C for 19-27 hours, he found an LD50 for males at 29° C and an LD50 for females at 32° C. Eubranchipus bundyi is reported to co-occur on occasion with Eubranchipus intricatus Hartland-Rowe, E. ornatus Holmes, Branchinecta lindahli Packard, B. mackini Dexter, and B. paludosa Muller (Donald 1983, Hartland-Rowe 1967, Maynard & Ross 1975). Eubranchipus bundyi can be seperated from the other two recorded Californian Eubranchipus by the apex of the distal segment of the second antennae of the males, which in E. bundyi is trifid (whereas in E. serratus and E. oregonus it is bifid or truncate). Eubranchipus bundyi can be distinguished from all other North American Eubranchipus by the labrum, which has a large anteriorly produced boss or knob between the bases of the second antennae (Belk 1975, Hartland- Rowe 1967, Forbes 1876). Eng et al. (1990) first reported the occurrence of Eubranchipus species (E. oregonus Creaser and E. serratus Forbes) from the northern extremes of California. Eubranchipus oregonus was recorded from a single locality along Deetz Road, 1.7 km, west of Interstate 5, nearly 8 km south of the community of Weed in Siskiyou County. This is approximately 44 km southwest of the E. bundyi locality at Grass Lake. The Deetz Road locale is at an altitude of 1770 m in the Cascade Mountain Range. Like Grass Lake, this pool is surrounded by coniferous forest, but the soils are clays in a wet meadow. The vernal pool is seasonally and annually astatic. Other populations occur in western Oregon through Washington to British Columbia, with disjunct populations in Oklahoma (Belk 1975, Eng et al. 1990, Creaser 1930). Eubranchipus serratus is also known from a single California locality, at McCoy Flat, in Lassen County (Eng et al. 1990). This site is nearly 20 km from Susanville, and nearly 6 km from Eagle Lake. McCoy flat is situated on the south side of Highway 44 between Lassen Park and Susanville at an elevation of 1650 m, in 1996 ROGERS: EUBRANCHIPUS BUNDYI IN CALIFORNIA 91 the southeastern end of the Cascade Mountain Range. This pool is also fed by snow melt and is ringed with conifers. I attempted to collect E. serratus from this site in July 1990 (the previous E. serratus collections from this site were made in December), and I found only Streptocephalus sealii Ryder. Belk (1977) measured temperature LD50s for Arizona E. serratus of 30° C for males and 32° C for females, and had eggs hatched at 5° C. Outside California, E. serratus is known from British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Maryland, and Virginia (Belk 1975 and 1977, Eng et al. 1990). Eubranchipus bundyi is the twenty-third anostracan species recorded from Cal¬ ifornia. This is one of ten species discovered in California in the last four years (Eng et al. 1990, Fugate 1993, Thiery & Fugate 1994; one species has yet to be described). The northern extremes are the least explored areas of California for anostracans, and other locales, if not species, will certainly be found. Acknowledgments The author would like to thank Denton Belk for all his help in reviewing both this paper and the specimens, Clyde Eriksen for review and trouble shooting and Cynthia Casanova for editing, reediting and patience. Literature Cited Belk, D. 1975. Key to the Anostraca (Fairy Shrimps) of North America. Southwest. Natural., 20: 91-103. Belk, D. 1977. Zoogeography of the Arizona fairy shrimps, (Crustacea: Anostraca). Ariz. Acad, of Sci, 12: 70-78. Belk, D. & J. Brtek. 1995. Checklist of the Anostraca. pp. 315-354. In Belk, D., H. J. Dumont & G. Maier (eds.). Hydrobiologia; studies on large branchiopod biology and aquaculture, II. Vol. 298: 1-5. Broch, E, S. 1965. Mechanism of adaption of the fairy shrimp Chirocephalus bundyi Forbes to the temporary pond. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn., Memoir 392. Creaser, E. P. 1930. Revision of the phyllopod genus Eubranchipus, with the description of a new species. Occas. Papers Mus. of Zool., Univ. Mich., No. 208. Dabom, G. R. 1976. The life cycle of Eubranchipus bundyi Forbes (Crustacea: Anostraca) in a temporary vernal pond of Alberta. Can. J. of Zool., 54: 193-201. Donald, D. B. 1983. Erratic occurrences of anostracans in a temporary pond: colonization and extinction, or adaption to variations in annual weather? Can. J. Zool., 61: 1492-1498. Eng, L., D. Belk, and C. H. Eriksen. 1990. Californian Anostraca: distribution, habitat, and status. J. Crust Biol., 10: 247-277. Forbes, S. A. 1876. List of Illinois Crustacea, with descriptions of new species. Bull. Ill. Muse. Natur. Hist., 1: 25. Fugate, M. 1993. Branchinecta sandiegonensis, a new species of fairy shrimp (Crustacea: Anostraca) from western North America. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 106: 296-304. Hartland-Rowe, R. 1967. Eubranchipus intricatus N. SP., a widely distributed North American fairy shrimp with a note on its ecology. Can. J. Zool., 45: 663-666. Maynard, S. S. & S. V. Romney. 1975. The occurrence of four new anostracan (Crustacaea) phyllopods in Utah, multispecies records, and some notes on their ecology. Utah Acad. Proc., Vol. 52, Part 2: 7-11. Pennak, R. W. 1978. Eubranchiopoda (fairy, tadpole and clam shrimps). In Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States, 2nd ed., No. 44-368. Wiley, New York. Thiery, A. & M. Fugate. 1994. A new American fairy shrimp, Linderiella santarosae (Crustacea: Anostraca: Linderiellidae), from vernal pools of California, U.S.A. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 107: 641-656. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(2): 92-101, (1996) THE MEXICAN AND CENTRAL AMERICAN SPECIES OF LOPHOST1GMA MICKEL, INCLUDING A NEW SPECIES, NEW DISTRIBUTION RECORDS, AND TAXONOMIC NOTES FOR THE GENUS (HYMENOPTERA: MUTILLIDAE) Roberto A. Cambra T. and Diomedes Quintero A. Museo de Invertebrados “G. B. Fairchild,” Estafeta Universitaria, Universidad de Panama, Republica de Panama; (DQA) Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Unit 0948, APO AA 34002-0948 Abstract .—We present taxonomic comments on the genus Lophostigma Mickel, and a key for the species from Mexico and Central America, including the new species, L. grisselli Cambra & Quintero from Mexico, the northernmost distribution record for this Neotropical genus. Lo¬ phostigma lebasi (Mickel), is synonymized with L. cincta (du Buysson). New distribution records are given for: L. cincta (du Buysson), Costa Rica and Ecuador; L. subgracilis (Cameron), Mex¬ ico, Guatemala and Costa Rica; L. acanthophora (Dalla Torre), Peru; L. caenodonta (Cameron), Brazil; and L. cayennensis (Andre), Venezuela and Brazil. Key Words. —Insecta, Mutillidae, Lophostigma, key, Lophomutilla, Mexico, Central and South America, synonymy, taxonomy The genus Lophostigma Mickel (1952) was established for nine sphaeropthal- mine species, known only from females, distributed from the Province of Chiriquf (8°50' N), in the Republic of Panama, to the northern half of South America (above 10° S). Casal (1963) described an additional species, L. seabrai Casal, from Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina, Brazil (27°03' S), disjunct from the rest. Females of Lophostigma range from 6 to 12 mm in length and are relatively rare in collections. Casal (1963) confirmed this when he remarked that he had seen only two specimens of Lophostigma out of some ten thousand specimens of Neo¬ tropical Sphaeropthalminae studied. During a recent visit to the Natural History Museum, London, R.A.C. examined three specimens of Lophostigma from Mexico, and recognized two of them as belonging to an undescribed species. The new species, with the northernmost distributional record (21°15' N) for the genus, is here described and illustrated. In addition, we recently examined seven additional specimens of Lophostigma from Costa Rica and one from Mexico. The Costa Rican specimens helped us to understand and unravel the marked integumental color variations of L. subgracilis and L. lebasi. We have diligently amassed 53 specimens of Lophostigma that permit us to present new distribution records for five species, discuss the affinities of the genus, intraspecific variation, and to provide a key to the three species known from Mexico and Central America: grisselli, cincta and subgracilis. We suspect syn¬ onymies of the following species: L. seabrai Casal, 1963 with L. alopha Mickel, 1952; L. cayennensis (Andre), 1906, with L. iracunda (Cresson), 1902 (see Tax¬ onomic Notes). Format for the description of the new species follows Mickel (1952). Two new 1996 CAMBRA & QUINTERO: MEXICAN AND C. AMER. LOPHOSTIGMA 93 specific characters are used here: the outline of the thorax in lateral view (Figs. 3, 5), and the ratio of the distance from the hind margin of the eye to the posterior angle of genal carina (EMGC) to the greatest diameter of the eye (EGD), or EMGC/EGD (Fig. 6). Scanning electron microscopy was done with a JEOL model JSM-5300LV SEM. Depository Abbreviations. —British Museum of Natural History BM (NH); U.S. Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (USNM); Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay (IZAUCV); Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas (SMUK); Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Ama¬ zonia, Manaus, Brazil (INPA); Museo de Insectos, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro (MIUCR); Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Heredia, Costa Rica (INBio); Museo de Invertebrados “G.B. Fairchild”, Universidad de Panama (MIUP). Lophostigma grisselli Cambra and Quintero, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-3, 7) Types. —Holotype, female: MEXICO. Afiorth] YUCATAN [State]: Temax, Gau- mer col., BM (NH) [P. Cameron Coll. 1914-110 / 43 / Lophostigma sp. CEM 1955]. The latter is C. E. Mickel’s hand written det. label. Paratypes: same data as holotype, one female; deposited: MIUP; 8 mi E[ast] of Merida, 28 Jun 1966, U. Kansas Mex. Exped., one female; deposited: Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas. Description.—Holotype female .—Vertex with large yellow integumental spot; antennal tubercles, mandible and clypeus light brown-red, scape dark red, rest of head black. Thorax black, except for yellow propodeal spiracles. Abdomen black except sternum I and two distal segments red-brown; tergum II with two suboval-transverse postmedian yellow integumental spots, separated by a distance equal to one-third the width of a spot. Front, vertex and gena with deep, close punctures, not confluent. Antennal scrobes strongly carinate dorsally. Antennal tubercles smooth, set distinctly apart. Anterior margin of clypeus bituberculate in front of antennal sockets; mandible slender, edentate at tip and not toothed within. Distance from posterior eye margin to posterior angle of genal carina 0.93 times greatest diameter of eye. Gena carinate, carina not forming a tooth anteriorly, not extending to vertex posteriorly. Front, vertex and gena with sparse, pale pubescence; scape and clypeal fringe with sparse, fine pale pubescence. Thoracic dorsum distinctly convex in lateral view, with moderate, dense, but not confluent punctures. Propodeum with short anterodorsal mesal longitudinal carina, distinctly higher in middle. Anterolateral angles of pronotum defined by short, transverse carina; sides of pronotum with moderate, close punctures. Lateral margins of mesonotum with pair of small teeth; propodeum laterally with four sharp teeth. Sides of propodeum glabrous on anterior third, with strong, distinct, deep punctures on posterior two-thirds. Meso- and metapleura glabrous, micropunctate. Dorsum of thorax with sparse pale pubescence, and scattered long, erect pale hairs. Dorsum of propodeum with pale micropubescence and scattered, long erect pale hairs. Mesopleura, metapleura and sides of pro¬ podeum with sparse, inconspicuous, decumbent pale pubescence; posterior margin of mesopleura with row of long, erect pale hairs. Legs dark red, almost black, clothed with pale pubescence, Tibial spine on posterodistal internal angle slightly longer than the cylindrical process. Calcaria pale. Anterior face of tergum I with small, sparse punctures; dorsal face with moderate, dense punctures. Tergum II with anterolateral areas only slightly elevated, leaving a shallow depression in between, and crested with short, parallel, interrupted carinae; with moderate, dense contiguous punctures throughout. Terga III— V with fine, close punctures. Pygidial area glabrous. Sternum I with a short, longitudinal, median carina, higher anteriorly. Sternum II with moderate, close punctures. Sterna III—VI throughout with fine, close punctures. Tergum I with sparse, erect, appressed pale pubescence. Tergum II with a short anteromedian, longitudinal stripe of pale pubescence; posterior margin with short, dense, black pu¬ bescence, except for small subtriangular spot of pale pubescence at middle; remainder of tergum II Vol. 72(2) 94 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Figure 1. Lophostigma grisselli, NEW SPECIES. Dorsal habitus. with sparse, erect and semierect pale hairs. Terga III-V clothed with dense, pale pubescence. Sterna covered with sparse pale hairs. Length: 8.6 mm. Variation .—The paratype deposited at MIUP has the frons, gena, thorax, ab¬ dominal sterna II—IV, and legs dark red. These structures are black in the holotype and the other paratype. 1996 CAMBRA & QUINTERO: MEXICAN AND C. AMER. LOPHOSTIGMA 95 Figures 2-3. Lophostigma grisselli, NEW SPECIES. Figure 2. Propodeum, lateral view. Figure 3. Thorax, lateral outline. Figures 4-5. Lophostigma cincta (du Buysson). Figure 4. Propodeum, lateral view. Figure 5. Thorax, lateral outline. Abbreviations: ep = endophragmal pit; lpp = lateral propodeal punctures; mp = mesopleural punctures; pc = propodeal carina; pst = propodeal spiracle, tubercle. Diagnosis .—This species runs to L. simoni, from Venezuela, in the second part of couplet 4 of Mickel’s key (1952). Both species have the dorsum and posterior face of propodeum with a pair of broad, lateral stripes of appressed pale pubes¬ cence. They can be separated as follows: L. grisselli has the propodeal side smooth on the anterior third while in L. simoni the side is deeply punctate; L. grisselli has an EMGC/EGD ratio of 0.92 ± 0.03 {n = 3), largest in the genus (0.81 in L. acanthophora, 0.59 in L. simoni)', in lateral view the thorax of L. grisselli is convex dorsally while that ofL. simoni, as other species of Lophostigma we have examined (specimens of L. seabrai and L. iracunda have not been seen) presents a flat dorsal thoracic surface. In addition, L. grisselli has a large yellow integu- mental spot on the vertex; in L. simoni the head is uniformly dark red but col¬ oration is not a reliable character to separate species (see Taxonomic Notes). Etymology. —Named in honor of our colleague and friend, Dr. E. Eric Grissell, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, USNM. Lophostigma cincta (du Buysson), 1892 (Figs. 4-6) Mutilla cincta du Buysson 1892: 58: Type locality: VENEZUELA. CARABOBO STATE: San Esteban (Parque Nacional Miguel J. Sanz), M. E. Simon col. 96 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Figure 6. Lophostigma cincta (du Buysson). Head, lateral view. Abbreviations: af = antennal foramen left, egd = eye greatest diameter; emgc = distance from eye posterior margin to genal carina. Holotype female deposited MNHN, Paris, examined; Lophostigma cincta : Mickel, 1952: 147 (in key). Pseudomethoca lebasi Mickel 1937: 179—180. Type locality: COLOMBIA (no additional data). D. Lebas col. Holotype female deposited Spinola Collection No. 114, Torino, Italy; Lophostigma lebasi'. Mickel 1952: 146—7 (in key. Pan- 1996 CAMBRA & QUINTERO: MEXICAN AND C. AMER. LOPHOSTIGMA 97 Figure 7. Distribution of species of Lophostigma. Solid symbols: L. grisselli (square), L. cincta (triangle), and L. subgrcicilis (circle). Open symbols: L. cayennensis (triangle), L. acanthophora (square), L. caenodonta (circle). ama and Colombia); Cambra and Quintero 1992: 473 (six females, records for Panama). NEW SYNONYMY. Notes on Synonymy. —The only recognized difference between L. lebasi and L. cincta was coloration of the vertex. In lebasi a large, yellow integumental spot is present, while in cincta this spot is entirely ferruginous (“tete jaune” of du Buys- son’s original description changes to “vertex entirely ferruginous” in MickeTs 1952 key). As indicated in Taxonomic Notes, color is not a reliable character to separate species in Lophostigma because of the large intraspecific variation. The 30 females examined from Panama have a yellow spot on the vertex but its size is quite variable. No specimens have been seen from Colombia, and the type remains the only specimen reported for that country. At the latitudinal extremes of the distributional range of L. cincta we found a marked reduction or absence of yellow spots on the vertex in six of the eight females examined outside of Panama. Of five specimens from Costa Rica, two have the vertex solid black, and one solid red. The Ecuadorian specimen has two very small yellow spots on the vertex. Distribution .—Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador (Fig. 7). Material Examined. —Specimens from Costa Rica and Ecuador represent new distribution records. COSTA RICA. GUANACASTE PROVINCE: Estacion Maritza, 600 m, lado oeste Volcan Orosi, 27 Feb-10 Mar 1992, R. Vargas, 1 female (MIUP); Refugio Nacional Fauna Silvestre Rafael Lucas Rodriguez, Palo Verde, 10 m, Mar 1991, U. Chavarria, 1 female (INBio); PUNTARENAS PROVINCE: 98 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Tres Rios, 18 Apr 1940, A. Bierig, 1 female (MIUCR); Osa Peninsula, 2.5 mi SW of Rincon (08°42' N, 83°29' W), 26 Feb 1967, C. Rettenmmeyer, 1 female (SMUK); SAN JOSE PROVINCE: 3 km S of San Antonio de Escazu, 10-25 Dec 1987, W. Wcislo, 1 female (MIUP). ECUADOR. NAPO PROVINCE: Yuturi, 27 Feb 1990, S. Sandoval, 1 female (MIUP). PANAMA. COCLE PROVINCE: Valle de Anton, 13 Jul 1991, 27 Dec 1991, R. Contreras, 2 females (MIUP); DARIEN PROVINCE: El Real, 4 Feb 1993, R. Cambra, 1 female (MIUP); Cruce de Mono, Estacion INRENARE, Parque Nacional Darien, 9-23 Feb 1993, R. Cambra, 8 females (MIUP); PANAMA PROVINCE: Summit Gardens, 9 Jan 1989, J. Bernal, 1 female (MIUP); Summit Gardens, 18 Dec 1994, D. Osorio, lfemale (MIUP); Capira, 17 May 1991, 18 May 1991, 17 Jan 1992, R. Contreras, 3 females (MIUP); Capira, La Julianita, Ollas Arriba, M. Castro, 31 Dec 1994, 2 females (MIUP); Potrero Rio Perequete, Chorrera Dist., 17 Jan 1992, R. Contreras, 2 females (MIUP); same loc, 7 Aug 1991, R. Contreras, 1 female (MIUP); same loc, 27 Feb 1991, R. Cambra, 1 female (MIUP); Llano Largo, Chorrera Dist., 8 Apr 1990, A. Mena, 1 female (MIUP). VENEZUELA. FALCON STATE: Yaracal, 30 Apr 1989, L. J. Joly, 1 female (IZAUCV); BARINAS STATE: Calderas, 1000 m, 8 May 1972, J. & B. Bechyne, 1 female (MIUP). Lophostigma subgracilis (Cameron), 1895 Sphaerophthalma subgracilis Cameron 1895: 339—340. Type locality: PANAMA. Volcan de Chiriquf, 1220 m. Syntype females deposited BM (NH), examined; Lophostigma subgracilis : Mickel 1952: 146—147 (in key); Cambra & Quintero 1992: 473. Color variation. —The Teapa female has a black head with a small yellow integumental spot on the vertex and a very thin, elongated spot of same color at base of second tergite, and the thorax black. Two females from El Cope, Panama, have the anteromedian part of the second tergite and the head integument uni¬ formly black ferruginous, one with ferruginous thorax and the other with thorax mostly black, except for lateral propodeum ferruginous. Two females from Costa Rica: one with head mostly yellow-ferruginous, thorax black-ferruginous; other female, yellow spot on vertex and rest of head black, thorax black. Distribution. —Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama (Fig. 7). Five of the eight specimens studied (including the syntype) were collected on or near the Cordillera Central, at elevations between 800 to 1200 m (personal observation). On this evidence we recognize that L. subgracilis is the only species in the genus that occurs primarily at altitudes higher than 800 m. Material Examined. —Specimens from Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica represent new distribu¬ tion records. MEXICO. TABASCO STATE: Teapa, Feb (H.H.S.), 1 female BM (NH). GUATEMALA. ALTA V[ERA] PAZ DEPARTMENT: Cacao, Trece Aguas, Schearz and Barber, 1 female (USNM). COSTA RICA. PUNTARENAS PROVINCE: Golfo Dulce, 24 km west of Piedras Blancas, 200 m, Apr-May 1991, C. Hanson, 1 female (MIUCR); CARTAGO PROVINCE: Chitaria [alt. approx. 769 m], 17-20 Feb 1943, 1 female (MIUP). PANAMA. COCLE PROVINCE: El Cope, Div. Continental, 900 m, 21 Feb 1990, R. Cambra, 1 female (MIUP); same loc., 1-2 Sep. 1990, R. Cambra, 1 female (MIUP). Lophostigma acanthophora (Dalla Torre), 1897 Mutilla spinifera Smith 1879: 213, nec Olivier 1811: 59. Type locality: BRAZIL. Para. Holotype female deposited BM (NH), London, examined. Mutilla acanthophora Dalla Tone 1897: 6, new name for spinifera Smith; Lo¬ phostigma acanthophora : Mickel 1952: 146 (in key). Distribution. —This species was known previously only from the holotype from Brazil; Peru (Fig. 7). 1996 CAMBRA & QUINTERO: MEXICAN AND C. AMER. LOPHOSTIGMA 99 Material Examined .—The specimen from Peru represents a new distribution record. PERU. MADRE DE DIOS DEPARTMENT: Reserva de Manu, Cocha Cashu, 27 Feb 1992, I. Bohorquez, 1 female (MIUP). Lophostigma caenodonta (Cameron), 1912 Ephuta ? caenodonta Cameron 1912: 415. Type locality: GUYANA (no additional data). Holotype female deposited BM (NH), London, examined; Lophostigma caenodonta : Mickel 1952: 146-148 (in key, redescription of type). Distribution. —Guyana and Brazil (Fig. 7). Material Examined .—Specimens from Brazil represent new distribution records. BRAZIL. MA- RANHAO STATE: Isla Sao Luis, Foresta Sacavem, 1 Oct 1992, R. Cambra, 1 female (MIUP); Isla Sao Luis, Foresta Sacavem, 1 Oct 1992, R. Cambra, 1 female (MIUP); Isla Sao Luis, Vila Maranhao, 29 Sep 1992, D. Quintero, 1 female (MIUP). Lophostigma cayennensis (Andre), 1906 Ephuta cayennensis Andre 1906: 70—72. Type locality: FRENCH GUIANA. Cay¬ enne. Holotype female deposited MNHN, Paris; Lophostigma cayennensis : Mickel 1952: 146 (in key). Distribution .—French Guiana, Venezuela and Brazil (Fig. 7). Material Examined .—The specimens from Venezuela and Brazil represent new distribution records. VENEZUELA. TERR1TORIO FEDERAL AMAZONAS: Yavita, Pimichin, Apr 1952, Buchel, 1 female (MIUP). BRAZIL. AMAZONAS STATE: Manaus, 24 Jun 1977, A. P. Luna Dias, 1 female (INPA); same loc., 20 Jun 1977, 2 females (MIUP). Three species of Lophostigma are now known from Venezuela: L. cayennensis, L. simoni and L. cincta. Taxonomic Notes on Lophostigma The genus Lophostigma is closest to Lophomutilla Mickel, presenting a re¬ markable resemblance in most characters, except for the shape of the mandibles (distally tridentate in Lophomutilla, edentate in Lophostigma ) and the first abdom¬ inal segment (nodose in Lophomutilla, disciform in Lophostigma). In addition, the following combination of characters, although not autapomorphies, permits the recognition of specimens of Lophostigma : a median longitudinal low carina on the propodeum; an anteromedian elongated short pale pubescent spot on the second abdominal tergum; and distinct parallel, longitudinal, interrupted carinae on each side of the anteromedian area of pale pubescence on the second abdominal tergum. The generic description by Mickel (1952) is quite thorough, but of the above generic characters, the first two were not mentioned by Mickel. We have recently reported the sex association of Paramutilla Mickel, 1973 as the males of Lophomutilla Mickel, 1952 (Quintero & Cambra 1996). In this work, we expanded our previous generic key (Cambra & Quintero 1992) to include the mutillid taxa from South America. We expect that comparison of the males of Lophostigma, with those of Lophomutilla will provide additional characters valu¬ able to separate both genera. The two groups of species in Mickel’s key (1952), were based on the degree of elevation of the anterolateral areas of the abdomen (strongly or inconspicuously elevated). We now recognize that L. grisselli and L. seabrai, which are found at the distributional limits of the genus, north and south respectively, are interme- 100 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) diate with respect to the elevation of the anterolateral areas, thus the two groups are not clearly defined. The size of the integumental spots (one anteromedian and two transverse, post¬ median) on the second abdominal tergum, and the coloration of the thorax are variable in L. cciyennensis, L. grisselli, L. subgracilis and L. cincta, and thus, cannot be used to separate species. Lophostigma cciyennensis is probably a junior synonym of L. iracunda (Cresson), 1902 (species known only from the holotype from Santarerm, Brazil), because it has been separated only by differences in thoracic coloration and the size of the integumental spots on abdominal tergum two. Casal (1963) erroneously considered the presence of the median longitudinal propodeal carina as the main difference between L. seabrai Casal and L. alopha Mickel (present in the former, from Brazil, and absent in the latter, from Guyana). However, the type of L. alopha has a faint carina, and the two species are oth¬ erwise indistinguishable. Thus, L. seabrai probably is a junior synonym of L. alopha. Key to the Mexican and Central American Species of Lophostigma (Females Only) 1. Anterolateral area of second abdominal tergum slightly swollen, leaving a dis¬ tinct, shallow medial depression (Fig. 1); median longitudinal carina on pro- podeum highest in the middle; in lateral view, outline of thoracic dorsum convex (Fig. 3); EMGC/EGD ratio: 0.92 (0.88 to 0.95) . . grisselli NEW SPECIES - Second abdominal tergum uniformly convex anteriorly, not swollen anterolat- erally; median longitudinal carina on propodeum uniformly elevated along its entire length; in lateral view, outline of thoracic dorsum flat (Fig. 5); EMGC/ EGD ratio: 0.7 or less .2 2. Mesopleura and sides of propodeum densely punctate (Fig. 4); propodeal dor¬ sum with a median longitudinal black pubescent band (Costa Rica through Venezuela, Ecuador) . cincta (du Buysson) - A few scattered punctures on posterior margins of mesopleura and sides of propodeum; propodeum covered with dense short white pubescence (Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama) . subgracilis (Cameron) Acknowledgment We are grateful to the British Embassy in Panama, in particular to Ambassador Thomas H. Malcomson, for securing transportation funds to England for R.A.C.; to the Entomology Department personnel of the British Museum (Natural Histo¬ ry), London, for providing R.A.C. with working facilities and assistance during his visit. Our thanks to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), in particular to Ira Rubinoff, for providing research facilities. We highly appreciate STRI Research Opportunities Fund No. 1234F20A-3400 to D.Q.A., that helped us carry out field work in Brazil, and the great hospitality and facilities provided by Patricia Albuquerque, Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil. We appreciate the loan of unidentified mutillid specimens from John E. Lattke, Institute Zoologfa Agrfcola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Robert Brooks, Snow Entomological 1996 CAMBRA & QUINTERO: MEXICAN AND C. AMER. LOPHOSTIGMA 101 Museum, University of Kansas, and Professor Giovanni Onnore, Universidad Pon- tificia Catolica del Ecuador, Quito. We also thank Jose Albertino Rafael, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Manaus, Brazil, Roger D. Hutchings H., INPA-Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project-Smithsonian Institution, Paul Hanson, Museo de Insectos, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, Jesus Armando Ugalde Gomez, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Heredia, and Philip J. Clausen, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, for hospitality and loan of specimens. Recent collections of L. cincta from Darien Province were made possible by funds Nos. 1-4500-91-12 & 04-05-94-01 from Vicerrectoria de Investigacion y Postgrado, Universidad de Panama. Our thanks to Arnold S. Menke, Karl V. Krombein, USNM, E. E. Grissell, U.S. Department of Agriculture—USNM, and Annette Aiello, STRI, for reviewing the manuscript and for their helpful suggestions. Special thanks to Isabelita Bohorquez, Univer¬ sidad Nacional de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, for collecting and donating to us the very rare female of L. acanthophora. Literature Cited Andre, E. 1906. Nouvelles especes de Mutillides d’Amerique (Hym.). Zeit. Hym. and Dipt., 6: 65-80. Cambra T., R. & D. Quintero A. 1992. Velvet ants of Panama: distribution and systematics (Hyme- noptera: Mutillidae). pp. 459-478. In Quintero A., D. & A. Aiello (eds.). Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: selected studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Cambra T, R. & D. Quintero A. 1993. Timulla Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae): new distribution records and synonymies, and descriptions of previously unknown allotypes. Pan-Pacific Ento- mol., 69(4): 296-310. Cameron, P. 1894-96. Mutillidae. pp, 259-395. In Biologia Centrali Americana, Hymenoptera 2. Cameron, P. 1912. The Hymenoptera of the Georgetown Museum. Part IV. The fossorial Hymenop¬ tera. Timehri J Royal Agri. Com. Soc. Brit. Guiana, 2: 413-416. Casal, O. H. 1963 (1961). Mutillidae Neotropicales. 18. (Hymenoptera). Dos nuevas especies de Argentina y Brasil. Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argentina, 24; 71-76. Dalla Torre, C. G. 1897. Catalogus Hymenopterorum, 8 (Fossores): 1-749. du Buysson, R. 1892. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela, Dec. 1887-April 1888. Hymenopteres. Ann. Soc. Entomol. France., 61: 55-59. Mickel, C. E. 1937. New World Mutillidae in the Spinola collection at Torino, Italy (Hymenoptera). Rev. Entomol. (Rio de Janeiro), 7: 165-207. Mickel, C. E. 1952. The Mutillidae (wasps) of British Guiana. Zoologica, 37(3): 105-150. Olivier, A. G. 1811. Encyclopedic methodique, Histoire naturelle. Insectes, 8: 51-66. Quintero, D. & R. A. Cambra. 1996. Contribution a la sistematica de las mutflidas (Hymenoptera) del Peru, en especial las de la Estacion Biologica BIOLAT, Rio Manu, Pakitza. pp. 263-293. In Wilson, D. E. & Sandoval, A. (eds.). La Biodiversidad del Sureste del Peru: Manu. Office of Biodiversity Programs, Smithsonian Institution. Editorial Horizonte, Lima, Peru. Smith, F. 1879. Descriptions of new species of Hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum. London, pp. 189-227. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(2): 102-103, (1996) Scientific Note RECENT CALIFORNIA RECORDS FOR THE SAWFLY XIPHYDRIA MELLIPES HARRIS (HYMENOPTERA: XIPHYDRIIDAE) The Xiphydriidae, with 22 genera and 90 species, is a small family of wood¬ boring sawflies that are found in most of the world except Africa (Smith, D. R. 1976. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc., 102: 101-131). The only North American genus is Xiphydria, with 10 species now occurring in the U.S. and Canada (Smith, D. R. 1983. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash., 85: 860-861). In his revision of Xiphydria, Smith (1976) states thatX. mellipes Harris is the most widespread North American species in the genus occurring across Canada and the northern U.S. Although (especially southern) British Columbia has several records, his distribution map (Fig. 1) and text show the only western U.S. records to be from NW Montana and NE Oregon. In the last decade X. mellipes has been recorded from non-quarantine situations from several California locations (Fig. 1) in Fresno, Sacramento, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties; therefore, its listed nearctic distribution warrants expansion. Xiphydria mellipes is apparently restricted to Betula spp., although other ques¬ tionable host records exist (Smith 1976: 118—119). It occurs in dead or decaying logs, and commonly emerges from firewood brought into buildings (Smith 1976). It bores galleries about 2.5 mm dia. in the partly decaying heartwood of standing trees (Yuasa, H. 1922. Illinois Biol. Monographs, 7[4]: 1-172). It is uncertain if the California records represent a recent range expansion, either naturally or by movement of wood (e.g., firewood), or reflect a more accurate sampling of the state’s fauna. Several Betula spp. have been planted in California urban settings as ornamentals, but two native species do exist in the state: Betula glandulosa Michaux [north California] and Betula occidentalis Hook [north Cal¬ ifornia, south through the Sierra Nevada to desert mountain ranges and the Great Basin] (Hickman, J. C. [ed.] 1993. The Jepson manual, higher plants of California. Univ. California Press, Berkeley; Griffin, J. R. & W. B. Critchfield. 1972. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Paper, PSW-82/1972: map 13.). It seems most probable that X. mellipes occurs indigenously in California but was undetected until recently. It may have moved into urban settings naturally infesting aging ornamental Betula, and/or with the movement of firewood from the northern or Sierran parts of the state. Xiphydria mellipes represents the second, but most confirmed, species of Xiph¬ ydria occurring in California. A single (questionable) record for X. maculata Say, an otherwise eastern species primarily associated with Acer spp., exists for Cal¬ ifornia (Smith 1976: fig. 3); that record is **. . . considerably out of the range of maculata and is based on a single specimen labeled ‘Cal.’, ‘Collection T. Per- gande.’ ” (Smith 1976: 115). Records. —CALIFORNIA. FRESNO Co.: Fresno, 11 Apr 1991, N. Smith, “ex birch,” 3 males, 4 females. NAPA Co.: Napa, 6 Jan 1982, “Whitmer” collr., 1 male, 1 female. SACRAMENTO Co.: no locality given, 16 Dec 1991, L. Allen, “reared Betula sp.,” 1 male, 1 female. SAN MATEO Co.: 1996 SCIENTIFIC NOTE 103 Figure 1. Distribution of Xiphydria mellipes, modified from Smith (1976: fig. 4). Black dots are records in Smith (1976), white triangles are added California records. Redwood City, 27 Feb 1992, “Eaton” collr., “in house,” 1 female. SANTA CLARA Co.: no locality given, late Mar or early Apr 1994, A. Clark, “found inside [residence] near/on window,” 1 female. John T. Sorensen, Plant Pest Diagnostics Center, California Dept, of Food & Agriculture, 3294 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, California 95832-1448. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(2): 104-109, (1996) PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1992 Four Hundred and Eighty-Ninth Meeting The 489th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 17 January 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the meeting held 20 December 1991 were read and accepted. Six persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Eric W. Riddick, Ms. Katherine M. Schick, Mr. Steven J. Seybold, and Ms. Diane M. Stark as student members; Dr. James F. Cornell Jr. and Dr. Conley K. McMullen as regular members. Dr. Penny announced that a meeting of the Association of Biologists in Computing will be held 18 January 1992 at California State University, Hayward. He also announced that the Northern California Lepidopterists will meet on 15 February 1992 and that the location will be listed in the February Bits and PCES. Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi presented a book titled T he Illustrated Book of Insects which he had purchased at a retail bookstore. Dr. Penny presented slides of many of the California species of Mecoptera and briefly described the distributions and habits of each California species. The featured speaker Dr. Wojciech J. Pulawski, California Academy of Sciences, presented a lecture entitled “Wasp Collecting in Africa.” He showed slides and discussed his study of the wasp genus Gastrosericus (Sphecidae) and his discovery of range extensions for certain species. He stressed the importance of field work by systematists and taxonomists as a means of discovering life history traits of the taxa which they are studying. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room. — D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 41 persons were present. 32 members: P. H. Araaud Jr., T. S. Briggs, R. M. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, J. S. Chinn, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, B. K. Eya, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A. MaflTei, G. J. Mallick, D. L. Mead, N. D. Penny, M. Prentice, W. J. Pulawski, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. P. Taormino, D. Ubick, C. E. Warren, and S. P. Wells; (9 guests) M. M. Amaud, R. Bandar, J. E. Court, N. Doolin, S. Haugues, A. M. L. Penny, C. Prentice, W. A. Rauscher, and J. Robertson. Four Hundred and Ninetieth Meeting The 490th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 21 February 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the meeting held 17 January 1992 were read and accepted. Six persons were proposed and elected as new members: Ms. Caroline M. Crenshaw, Mr. William Hamersky, Ms. Stacie T. Kawaguchi, and Ms. Barbara M. Rice as student members; Ms. Lisa J. Boutin and Mr. Luis A. Solorzano as regular members. Dr. Penny announced that there had been a business meeting and that the Society will buy a new computer. Dr. Penny announced that the Society’s old computer is now for sale, and that he and Vincent Lee will entertain offers. Dr. Ronald E. Stecker announced that Dr. Edgar Smith had died on 2 February 1992, read brief details concerning Dr. Smith’s career, and mentioned that Dr. Paul H. Amaud, Jr. will be publishing a more complete account of Dr. Smith’s career in the Society’s journal. Dr. Penny announced that Dr. David H. Kavanaugh, California Academy of Sciences, has recently published a study of the carabid beetles of the Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, and that this monograph is available from Scientific Publications at the Academy. Dr. Penny presented a note concerning Oliarces clara Banks (Neuroptera: Ithonidae), and mentioned that it is the only New World species in this family. The featured speaker Dr. J. Gordon Edwards, San Jose State University, presented a lecture entitled “Insect Collecting in Australia and New Zealand.” His slides and discussion of his travels in these 1996 PROCEEDINGS 105 countries included accounts of insects, numerous other animals, and plants. Dr. Edwards also described a brief trip to Tasmania. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 60 persons were present 46 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, L. G. Bezark, F. L. Blanc, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, J. R. Clopton, J. S. Cope, H. K. Court, C. M. Crenshaw, T. D. Cuneo, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, B. K. Eya, S. V. Fend, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, M. P. Fish, P. S. Johnson, D. H. Kavanaugh, S. T. Kawaguchi, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, P. S. McNally, D. L. Mead, S. B. Opp, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, S. Renkes, K. J. Ribardo, B. M. Rice, R. G. Robertson, R. K. Roche, W. E. Savary, H. I. Scudder, S. J. Seybold, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. P. Taormino, R. W. Thorp, and C. E. Warren; (14 guests) A. Bandar, R. Bandar, C. Benesh, F. Blanc, J. E. Court, N. Doolin, B. Kavanaugh, P. Krauny, D. Limberg, C. Miller, A. M. L. Penny, W. A. Rauscher, K. Reynolds, and J. Robertson. Four Hundred and Ninety-First Meeting The 491st meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 20 March 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the meeting held 21 February 1992 were read and accepted. Two persons were proposed and elected as new regular members: Mr. Floyd C. Baptista and Mr. Fred J. Moitoza. Ms. Leslie S. Saul announced an open house of the San Francisco Zoological Society’s Insect Zoo scheduled for 17 May 1992 and invited PCES members to attend or participate. Ms. Saul also mentioned that the Insect Zoo was displaying Scolopendra giganlea (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae), a 26 cm (IOV 2 ") centipede from Trinidad, and the Sexton Beetle Nicrophorus carinata (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Dr. Penny announced the “Mariposa Butterfly Bonanza,” a short course scheduled for 8-9 May 1992 with John Lane of the Santa Cruz City Museum. He also mentioned “Bugfairan insect exhibit scheduled for 6 June 1992 by the Sulphur Creek Nature Center in Hayward. Dr. Penny also reported that the Entomology Department of the California Academy of Sciences was giving away surplus large insect trays, and that on 5 April 1992 he and others would be driving to Tulare Co. to collect insects from a flume trap with Dr. Donald J. Burdick and invited any interested members to join the group. The featured speaker Mr. Wesley A. Maffei of the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District presented a lecture entitled “Insect Iridescence and Morpho Colors.” He discussed insect colors in general and his research on iridescence in Morpho butterflies. The meeting adjourned at 9:12 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 24 persons were present. 19 members: V. M. Barlow, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, B. K. Eya, W. Hamersky, S. T. Kawaguchi, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, D. L. Mead, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, K. N. Schick, C. Y. Takahashi, S. P. Taormino, D. Ubick, and R. A. Worth; (5 guests) N. Doolin, D. Maffei, A. M. L. Penny, J. Robertson, and J. Schick. Four Hundred and Ninety-Second Meeting The 492nd meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 24 April 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the 20 March 1992 meeting were read and accepted. Two persons were proposed and elected as new regular members: Mr. J. Scott Cox and Mr. Andrew P. Jarman. Ms. Leslie S. Saul announced a full-time permanent position at the San Francisco Zoological Society’s Insect Zoo. Dr. Penny noted three full-time seasonal positions with the San Mateo Mosquito Abatement District. He also mentioned that the organizers of “Bugfair,” an insect exhibit scheduled for 6 June 1992 by the Sulphur Creek Nature Center in Hayward, are interested in having people display their 106 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) insect collections. Dr. Penny also announced a collecting trip to a flume site in Tulare County, and the Xerces Society’s annual butterfly count scheduled for July. Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi announced insect-related exhibits scheduled for the Sanborn Youth Science Institute in Saratoga on 9 May 1992. Dr. Harvey I. Scudder mentioned that he has seen large groups of migrating Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) butterflies and that some local media had mistakenly called them Red Admirals ( V. atalantd). Dr. William E. Ferguson noted having seen Painted Lady butterflies moving from the Wawona area in the southern Sierra, contrary to what he knew of their migration patterns. Mr. Robert L. Zuparko requested information about collecting sites in the New Orleans area. Ms. Saul showed slides of a spring trip to the deserts of Southern California and Arizona, including those of desert wildflower bloom and the Sonoran Arthropod Studies center and remarked on the center’s education and research projects. The featured speaker Dr. Steven L. Heydon presented a slide lecture entitled “Summer Camp for Professionals—Collecting in Rondonia, Brazil.” He discussed tour details, field stations, and some of the insects he collected. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 38 persons were present 30 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, L. J. Boutin, T. S. Briggs, K, W. Brown, J. S. Chinn, D. K. Dabney, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, W. Hamersky, A. Horn, A. S. Hunter, A. P. Jarman, D. H. Kavanaugh, V. F. Lee, G. J. Mallick, J. D. McCarty, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, K. N. Schick, H. I. Scudder, R. E. Somerby, C. Y. Takahashi, R. W. Thorp, D. Ubick, and R. L. Zuparko; (8 guests) M. M. Amaud, R. Bandar, S. L, Heydon, R. Johnson IV, A. M. L. Penny, J. C. Rackett, J. Robertson, and W. C. Rauscher. Four Hundred and Ninety-Third Meeting The 493rd meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 15 May 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the 24 April 1992 meeting were read, corrected, and accepted. There were no new members proposed. Dr. Penny mentioned the AAAS Pacific Division annual meeting sceduled for 21-25 June 1992 in Santa Barbara. Dr. Paul H. Amaud, Jr. presented a note concerning Achias rothschildi (Diptera: Platystomatidae) and displayed three specimens. He noted that with a head width of up to 52 mm, this species might be the widest-headed fly known and that most of the 98 species of the genus occur in New Guinea. The featured speaker Dr. Edward S. Ross of the California Academy of Sciences presented a slide lecture entitled “Recent Encounters with Insects in South America.” He discussed his photographic and observational examples of numerous evolutionary phenomena including camouflage and mimicry. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 53 persons were present. 31 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, B. T. Berke, L. G. Bezark, L. J. Boutin, T. S. Briggs, R. M. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, J. G. Edwards, S. V. Fend, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, M. A. Garcia-Vidal, A. Horn, D. H. Kavanaugh, V. F. Lee, G. J. Mallick, J. D. McCarty, D. L. Mead, N. D. Penny, W. J. Pulawski, E. S. Ross, H. I. Scudder, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. P. Taormino, W. A. Titherington, and D. Ubick; (22 guests) V. Ahrens-Pulawski, M. M. Amaud, A. Bandar, R. Bandar, L. Berke, L. Bezark, J. E. Court, H. V. Davis, J. M. Donald, K. S. Horn, J. Johnston, A. Jung, N. Kostek, G. Y. Leung, P. Myers, A. M. L. Penny, M. Porter, W. C. Rauscher, S. Renkes, S. Ross, and 2 unsigned guests. Four Hundred and Ninety-Fourth Meeting The 494th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 18 September 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the 15 May 1992 meeting were read and accepted. Ten persons were proposed and elected as new members: Ms. Aljona Andrejelf, Mr. Charles M. Brandau, Mr. Ronald L. Cauble, Mr. Larry V. Desmond, Dr. Judith Najt, Mr. Martin G. Rigby, and Mr. Ron Wilson as regular members; and Mr. DamianS. Bruss, Ms. Paula M. Hartgraves, and Ms. MozelleM. Langford as student members. 1996 PROCEEDINGS 107 Dr. Edward L. Smith introduced Dr. Helmut Stum of Universitat Hildesheim and mentioned that Dr. Stum has described several new local species of archaeognathans. Dr. Penny announced that agricultural inspectors had recently found a Mediterranean fruit fly in Pasadena, CA. Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi added that authorities had confirmed seven medflies in Pasadena, as well as a Mexican fruit fly. Dr. Penny also mentioned a report which appeared in newspapers during the summer involving a brown recluse spider bite in southern California. Dr. Smith presented a note concerning winglessness in primitive insects in relation to other arthopods and discussed phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological and other evidence from fossil and extant species. The featured speaker Dr. David H. Kavanaugh of the California Academy of Sciences presented a slide lecture entitled “Collecting Undisturbed Hawaii.” He discussed his collecting and biogeographic study of the carabid genus Bembidion (Coleoptera: Carabidae). The meeting adjomed at 9:30 pm, followed by a social hour in the Entomology Department con¬ ference room.—D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 49 persons were present. 29 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, T. S. Briggs, R. M. Brown, R. L. Cauble, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, W. Hamersky, D. H. Kavanaugh, S. T. Kawaguchi, B. Keh, V. F. Lee, N. D. Penny, J. A. Powell, M. Prentice, W. J. Pulawski, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, W. E. Savary, H. I. Scudder, E. L. Smith, L. A. Solorzano, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, and S. P. Taormino; (20 guests) V. Ahrens-Pulawski, M. M. Amaud, S. Amaud, M. Caterino, J. E. Court, E. Goflf, P. M. Hartgraves, M. Hannaford, M. M. Langford, T. Meikle, R. Morgan, J. M. Parinas, A. M. L. Penny, C. Prentice, J. Robertson, N. Kukich, H. Sturm, D. Tom, and 2 unsigned guests. Four Hundred and Ninety-Fifth Meeting The 495th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 16 October 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the Calif omia Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the 18 September 1992 meeting were read and accepted. Three persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Keith F. Dobry and Mr. Joseph Martin as regular members, and Mr. Morgan J. Hannaford as student member. Dr. C. Don MacNeill introduced Mr. Mike Collins. Mr. W. E. Savary introduced Mr. A1 Olsen of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Penny introduced Ms. Julieta Parinas and welcomed Mr. Derham Giuliani of Big Pine, California. Dr. Paul H. Amaud announced that the Entomology Department at the Academy had received a children’s pop-up book about spiders and had the book available for viewing during the social hour following the meeting. Dr. Penny announced the publication and availability of the book Life in Amber by G. Poinar. The featured speaker Mr. K. J. Ribardo of the California Academy of Sciences presented a slide lecture entitled “Natural History Travels in Panama.” He discussed his recent collecting trip to Panama, giving details on traveling and collecting in the area. The meeting adjomed at 9 pm, followed by a social hour in the Entomology Department conference room.—D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 49 persons were present. 32 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, J. S. Cope, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, M. J. Hannaford, Y.-F. Hsu, M. M. Langford, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, C. D. MacNeill, W. A. Maffei, M. J. O’Halloran, S. T. O’Keefe, A. R. Olsen, S. B. Opp, N. D. Penny, A. B. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, K. A. Schwarz, H. I. Scudder, L. A. Solorzano, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, and R. A. Worth; (17 guests) M. M. Amaud, D. Carbon, M. Caterino, M. Collins, S. Cope, J. E. Court, D. Giuliani, N. Kukich, T. Meikle, R. Morgan, D. O’Halloran, A. Olsen, J. M. Parinas, A. M. L. Penny, J. Schweikert, D. Sear, and C. Tom. Four Hundred and Ninety-Sixth Meeting The 496th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 20 November 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the 16 October 1992 meeting were read and accepted. Seven persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Paul Belluomini as a sponsoring member; Dr. Mary Carver, Dr. 108 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Maria Luisa Castillo, Dr. Walter H. Sakai, and Mr. Jere Schweikert as regular members; and Ms. Lee A. Norton and Mr. Stanley E. Vaughn as student members. Dr. Wojciech J. Pulawski introduced Dr. Eduardas Budrys from Lithuania. Dr. Ronald E. Stecker introduced Mr. Lawrence Garibaldi, Ms. Lee A. Norton, Mr. Stanley E. Vaughn, and Mr. Dan Wolfe, from San Jose State University. Mr. D. Keith Dabney introduced Mr. Jose Manuel Pino Moreno from Mexico and announced that Mr. Pino would be offering two books about edible insects for sale during the social hour. Dr. Edward L. Smith announced the formation of a new entomological society The International Society ofHymenopterists, and showed a copy of their journal with articles on Hymenoptera phylogeny and on the use of SEM in entomology. Mr. Jose M. Pino Moreno presented a note with slides describing the study of edible insects in Mexico. Dr. Norman D. Penny announced that the society has an IBM PC for sale. Dr. Penny also announced that the society was seeking members to serve as officers in the positions of President, President Elect, Treasurer, ManagingSecretary, and Recording Secretary for 1993, andthathe had formed a nominating committee composed of Drs. Paul H. Amaud Jr., John T. Doyen, and Marius S. Wasbauer. The featured speaker Dr. Wojciech J. Pulawski of the California Academy of Sciences presented a slide lecture entitled “A Study of World Gastrosericus .” He discussed his approach to studying the systematics of these wasps and included information on the use of natural history and biogeography in systematics. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM, followed by a social hour in the Entomology Department conference room.—D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 46 persons were present. 35 members: V. M. Barlow, L. G. Bezark, D. L. J. Boutin, T. S. Briggs, R. M. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, J. S. Chinn, D. K. Dabney, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, C. E. Franklin III, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, A. P. Jarman, S. T. Kawaguchi, M. M. Langford, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, G. J. Mallick, S. B. Opp, N. D. Penny, M. Prentice, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, J. Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, E. L. Smith, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, S. E. Vaughn, J. S. Wasbauer, and M. S. Wasbauer; (11 guests) V. Ahrens- Pulawski, E. Budrys, L. Garibaldi, T. Meikle, L. A. Norton, J. M. Parinas, A. M. L. Penny, J. M. Pino Moreno, W. Rauscher, K. Reynolds, and D. Wolfe. Four Hundred and Ninety-Seventh Meeting The 497th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 11 December 1992, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the Calif omia Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Norman D. Penny presiding. The minutes of the 20 November 1992 meeting were read and accepted. Five persons were proposed and elected as new members: Ms. Virginia L. Scott and Prof. Dr. Helmut Sturm as regular members; and Mr. Mikael Niehoff, Ms. Kathy Reynolds, and Mr. Daniel Wolfe as student members. Committee members read reports from the auditing, historical, membership, nominating, and publication committees. Mrs. Helen K. Court read the auditing committee report, announcing that the auditing committee, under the chairmanship of Mr. H. Vannoy Davis, CPA, examined the financial records of the society and found everything in order. A statement of Income Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances will be published in the proceedings. Dr. Paul H. Amaud Jr. read the historical committee report, announcing that Dr. Kenneth E. Frick had posthumously donated his correspondence files, and that Dr. Frick had had previously donated his agromyzid collection to CAS in 1960. Mr. Curtis Y Takahashi read the membership committee report, announcing that the society added 23 new regular members, 17 new student members, and 1 new sponsoring member, for a total of 41 new members, which is the lowest number in recent years. D. K. Dabney read the 1992 slate of officers for Dr. J. T. Doyen, chairman of the nominating committee, and proposed Dr. Susan B. Opp as President, Dr. Kirby W. Brown as President-elect, Dr. Paul H. Amaud Jr., as Treasurer, Mr. Vincent F. Lee as Managing Secretary, and Mr. Keve J. Ribardo as Recording Secretary. All members present unanimously approved the slate. Dr. Penny read an¬ nounced that the fourth number of The Pan-Pacific Entomologist for 1992 had been mailed and that Dr. John E. Hafemik Jr. is the new chair of the publication committee. Dr. Robbin W. Thorp announced that the 1993 Bohart Museum calendars featuring SEM photo¬ graphs by the late Mr. Robert O. Schuster are available for sale. 1996 PROCEEDINGS 109 Dr. K, W. Brown presented a slide illustrated note about the varroa mite ( Varroa ), a pest of the honey bee. The featured speaker Dr. Norman D. Penny of the California Academy of Sciences presented the presidential lecture entitled “Use of Computers in Systematic Research and Collection Management.” He discussed the use of computers in the Academy’s collection and in insect systematics, and then opened the meeting to discussion of the topic. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM, followed by a social hour in the Entomology Department conference room.—D. K. Dabney, Recording Secretary. The following 30 persons were present. 27 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, W. E. Ferguson, J. E. Hafemik Jr., A. Horn, M. M. Langford, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, W. A. Maffei, L. A. Norton, S. B. Opp, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, K. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, W. E. Savary, L. E. Serpa, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, R. E. Thorp, and S. E. Vaughn; (3 guests) M. M. Amaud, J. E. Court, and A. M. L. Penny. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(2): 109-114, (1996) PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1993 Four Hundred and Ninety-Eighth Meeting The 498th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 15 January 1993, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Susan B. Opp presiding. The minutes of the 11 December 1992 meeting were read and accepted. Two persons were proposed and elected as new members: Dr. Diomedes Quintero Arias as a regular member, and Ms. Maria Elena Resendiz Ruiz as a student member. Dr. Opp thanked Dr. Norman D. Penny and congratulated him on a job well done as president of PCES for 1992. She announced that the program committee consists of Ms. Leslie S. Saul and Dr. Ronald E. Stecker. The historical committee will be chaired by Dr. David H. Kavanaugh. Dr. Penny introduced Dr. Paul J. Johnson from the University ofWisconsin and Dr. Paul H. Amaud Jr. introduced Mr. Gary L. Peters from Oregon. Dr. Penny announced that the entomology department of the California Academy of Sciences has insect drawers, unit trays, schmitt boxes, and envelope boxes for sale. Mr. Warren E. Savary of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration presented a note on the erotylid beetle Dacne picta Crotch, a recently introduced pest of stored, dried shiitake mushrooms. The speaker Dr. Carol Boggs of Stanford University presented a slide lecture entitled “Resources, Reproduction, and Male Nutrient Donations in Insects.” Dr. Boggs described interconnections among foraging, allocation, and life history strategies. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology department conference room.—K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 33 persons were present, (25 members), P. H. Amaud, Jr., L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, R. M. Brown, J. S. Chinn, C. D. Franklin II, C. E. Griswold, J. E. Hafemik, Jr., W. Hamersky, P. J. Johnson, M. M. Langford, V. F. Lee, S. B. Opp, N. D. Penny, G. L. Peters, K. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, L. A. Solorzano, C. Y. Takahashi, and S. E. Vaughn; (8 guests) M. M. Amaud, W. Baumgantl, C. Boggs, T. Meikle, J. F. Parinas, A. M. L. Penny, W. E. Rauscher, and C. Tom. 110 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Four Hundred And Ninety-Ninth Meeting The 499th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 19 February 1993, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room ofthe California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Susan B. Opp presiding. The minutes of the 15 January 1993 meeting were read and accepted. Four persons were proposed and elected as new members: Ms. Hariana Chilstrom as a regular member; Ms. Ana Maria Lira Penny as a family member; and Mr. Leo T. Margolf and Mr. Mohammed A. Noor as student members. Dr. Opp announced that Ms. Sandy S. Shanks needs live bumble bee queens. She also mentioned that in March 1993, the Pacific Coast Entomological Society will hold its 500th meeting. She suggested the Society celebrate this event by having a catered dinner at the California Academy of Sciences, possibly in the Steinhart Aquarium. Mr. Michael S. Caterino announced that Dr. Jarmila Kukalova-Peck would be speaking at the University of California, Berkeley, on Monday, 22 February 1993, at 4:00 PM on fossil Paleozoic insects and their contribution to understanding insect evolution. A flyer will be available in the conference room after the meeting. Dr. Norman D. Penny announced that a new preserve was being created near the Jatun Sacha Biological Station in eastern Ecuador. Interested parties should contact Dr. Edward S. Ross of the Entomology Department of the California Academy of Sciences for more information and about contributions to help save this vanishing rainforest. Ms. Leslie S. Saul announced that the San Francisco Insect Zoo had acquired and is displaying a five Malaysian Flower Mantis, she encouraged everyone to see it. Mr. Vincent F. Lee announced that Mr. Dexter Sear started an organization called IO Vision to promote cultural entomology. Dr. Ronald E. Stecker introduced Mr. Pyon Cho from Rangoon, Burma. Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi of the California State Department of Food and Agriculture presented a note on the Sweet Potato Weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius), which is an “A” rated pest that has recently been reported from Merced County where sweet potatoes are a 35 million dollar industry. The speaker Dr. Douglas Whitman of Illinois State University presented a slide lecture entitled “How Insects Defend Themselves Against Predators.” Dr. Whitman explained that because so many other organisms eat insects, including insects themselves, they have evolved many kinds of strategies to avoid being eaten, including chemical defense, mimicry, crypsis, and unpalatability. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology department conference room.—K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 49 persons were present. (34 members): P. H. Amaud, Jr., L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, M. S. Caterino, J. G. Edwards, E. M. Fisher, C. D. Franklin II, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, A. Horn, B. Keh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, G. J. Mallick, S. T. O’Keefe, S. B. Opp, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. B. Rackett, K. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, K. A. Schwarz, J. Schweikert, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. E. Vaughn, C. E. Warren, D. W. Whitman, D. Wolfe, R. A. Worth and R. L. Zuparko; (15 guests) M. M. Amaud, A. M. Castellanos, P. Cho, R. Kawin, T. Meikle, R. Pelletier, Jr., W. E. Rauscher, M. Slawinski, D. Whitman, K. S. Whitman, L. S. Whitman, R. Whitman, T. Zaviezo, and 2 illegible signatures. Five Hundredth Meeting The 500th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 19 March 1993, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Susan B. Opp presiding. The minutes of the 19 February 1993 meeting were read and accepted. Three persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Andreas Crameri and Dr. Robert D. Waltz as regular members, and Mr. Robert Pelletier Jr. as a student member. Dr. Sandy Ross announced that a new preserve at and near Cabanas Alinahui, Tena, Ecuador was being created. Members and friends of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society were encouraged to donate or pledge towards preserving rainforest habitat at this species-rich site. Dr. Opp proposed that the Society lend its moral support for the formation of the Alinahui preserve. The motion was approved by the majority of members present. For the occasion of the 500th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Dr. Paul H. 1996 PROCEEDINGS 111 Araaud, Jr. presented a series of slides and discussions on most of the 22 persons and the one Society that were the founding Charter members of the Society. This included Mr. Carl Fuchs (1839-1914), Prof. Vernon L. Kellogg (1867-1937), Dr. Frank E. Blaisdell (1862-1946), Dr. Edwin C. Van Dyke (1869-1952), Prof. Henry C. Fall (1862-1939), Mr. Lucius E. Ricksecker (1841-1913), Dr. Hans Herman Behr (1818-1904), Mr. W. G. W. Harford (1825-191 1), Mr. Beverly Letcher (1865-1905), Mr. Frederick W. Nunenmacher (1870-1946), Dr. William H. Ashmead (1855-1908), Mr. Edwin M. Ehrhom (1862-1941), Mr. James E. Cottle (1861-1935), Mr. Julius G. Grundel (1857-1933), Prof. James J. Rivers (1824-1913), Dr. Leland O. Howard (1857-1950), the Grattum Naturalists Club of Eldorado, California. Pictures and information were not available for C. A. Whiting, Newton B. Pierce, C. W. Herr, George W. Harney, F. C. Clark, and L. Dustein. Mr. Carl Fuchs had issued a call for the organization of an Entomological Society on August 7, 1901, and the first meeting was held at the California Academy of Sciences, on Market Street, in San Francisco, on August 15, 1901, at 2 o’clock. The Society was first named the “California Entomology Club” but the name was changed to the “Pacific Coast Entomological Society” at the society’s 5th meeting held on August 16, 1902. The speaker Dr. Edward S. Ross of the California Academy of Sciences presented a slide lecture entitled “Surprise Insect Encounters in South America.” Dr. Ross showed a selection of slides dem¬ onstrating the great beauty and almost infinite variety of plants and animals of the neotropical rain¬ forest. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology department conference room. —K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 106 persons were present. (58 members): F. G. Andrews, P. H. Amaud Jr., R. L. Brett, T. S. Briggs, R. M. Bohart, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, M. S. Caterino, H. Chilstrom, J. R. Clopton, H. K. Court, A. Crameri, J. G. Edwards, T. D. Eichlin, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, E. M. Fisher, C. D. Franklin II, C. E. Griswold, K. S. Hagen, W. Hamersky, M. J. Hannaford, A. Horn, D. H. Kavanaugh, M. M. Langford, C. D. MacNeill, G. J. Mallick, L. A. Norton, S. T. O’Keefe, S. B. Opp, R. Pelletier Jr., A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. B. Rackett, V. H. Resh, K. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, W. E. Savary, K. A. Schwarz, J. Schweikert, W. D. Shepard, E. L. Smith, R. E. Somerby, J. T. Sorensen, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, S. E. Vaughn, J. S. Wasbauer, M. S. Wasbauer, D. Wolfe, R. A. Worth, and R. L. Zuparko; (48 guests) J. Adams, M. M. Amaud, A. Bandar, R. Bandar, C. B. Barr, M. E. R. Bohart, S. Brown, K. Bunnell, J. E. Court, M. FL Crameri, H. V. Davis, J. Edwards, R. Ferguson, E. Goff, T. Guenette, M. D. Hagen, C. Haigh, K. Kipping, T. Kipping, V. Kipping, S. Marino, D. McGinnis, D. S. Mclnnes, T. C. Meikle, H. Nevins, C. Nufio, J. F. Parinas, G. Prlain, W. E. Rauscher, J. Robertson, S. M. Ross, M. Rutherford, R. Schryrer, D. Smith, S. Smith, K. H. Sorensen, K. Sprague, P. E. Stecker, B. Stewart, P. Svensson, R. Takumi, P. Thompson, C. Vaughn, R. Wilson, R. J. Worth, B. Yew, T. Zaviezo, and C. Zuparko. Five Hundred First Meeting The 501st meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 16 April 1993, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Susan B. Opp presiding. The minutes of the 19 March 1993 meeting were read and accepted. Two persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Glenn K. Goodwin as a regular member and Ms. Teresa C. Meikle as a family member. The speaker Dr. Deborah Letoumeau of the University of California, Santa Cruz, presented a slide lecture entitled “Trophic Cascades: Ant-Plants and Their Associates in Tropical Forests.” Dr. Le¬ toumeau showed the important interrelationships between certain plants and their ants, in Costa Rica. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology department conference room.—K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 32 persons were present. (21 members): P. H. Amaud Jr., V. M. Barlow, T. S. Briggs, N. E. Gershenz, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, L. A. Norton, S. B. Opp, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. B. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, and S. E. Vaughn; (11 guests) M. M. Amaud, P. Cho, C. Craig, D. Farison, B. Gottlieb, L. Hamish, D. Letoumeau, T. C. Meikle, W. E. Rauscher, M. Tokar- zewski, and W. Wood. 112 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Five Hundred Second Meeting The 502nd meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 17 September 1993, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Susan B. Opp presiding. The minutes of the 16 April 1993 meeting were read and accepted. Sixteen persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Ernest Anderson as a sponsoring member; Dr. Harry E. Andersen, Mr. Robert P. Apsey, Mr. Terry L. Bishop, Dr. Michael W. J. Crosland, Dr. Bryan N. Danforth, Dr. William G. Eberhard, Dr. Hanif Gulmahamad, Mr. Donald G. Harrington, Mr. Katsuya Ichinose, Mr. Richard G. Little, Dr. Robert E. Roughley, Dr. Deborah A. Waller, and Dr. Jiri Zidek as regular members; and Mr. Darin B. Allred and Mr. John C. Herr as student members. Dr. Opp introduced and welcomed Dr. Richard M. Bohart, Dr. J. Gordon Edwards, Dr. Kenneth S. Hagen, Dr. Harry W. Lange, Dr. Edward S. Ross, and Dr. Elwood C. Zimmerman as honorary members of the Society. She presented Mr. Vincent F. Lee with a special award in recognition of his many years of service to the society. Dr. Opp announced that the executive board voted in favor of raising member dues and publication fees in the journal for the coming year. Mr. Lee announced that duplicate reprints will be available for sale in the entomology department conference room, following the meeting. Dr. Opp called for members and interested students to consider sponsoring a symposium, workshop, or contributed paper section at the 1994 American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division meeting which will be held 19-23 June at San Francisco State University. Dr. Norman D. Penny circulated a container with several giant lacewings (Polystoechotidae) which were recently collected in the Sierra Nevada. The speaker Dr. Jenella Loye of the University of California, Davis, presented a slide lecture entitled “Blood Feeding Maggots That Live With Birds.” Dr. Loye observed that birds avoid highly parasitized nests and described how parasites utilize their food source and, in turn, the host adaptive response to parasitism. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology department conference room.—K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 49 persons were present. (38 members): P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, R. M. Bohart, K. W. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, M. S. Caterino, H. K. Court, P. G. da Silva, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, C. D. Franklin II, P. H. Freytag, M. J. Hannaford, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, L. A. Norton, S. B. Opp, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, W. J. Pulawski, A. B. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, W. E. Savary, H. I. Scudder, W. D. Shepard, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, J. E. Tobler I, S. E. Vaughn, J. S. Wasbauer, M. S. Wasbauer, and R. L. Zuparko; (11 guests) C. Barr, S. Carroll, S. A. Casari Chen, J. E. Court, K. Graham, S. Hammond, J. Loye, J. J. McNicol, J. Robertston, A. Telang, and S. Wamock. Five Hundred Third Meeting The 503rd meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 15 October 1993, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Susan B. Opp presiding. The minutes of the 17 September 1993 meeting were read and accepted. Seven persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. J. Michael Poellot as a sponsoring member; Dr. Nicholas J. Mills and Mr. Shawn A. Steffan as regular members; and Mr. Richard J. Adams, Ms. Sha Hammond, Ms. Jeanette J. McNicol, and Ms. Apama Telang as student members. Dr. Norman D. Penny introduced Dr. Derrick Blocker, Mr. Armando Equihua, and Dr. Bradley Sinclair, who were visiting scientists at the California Academy of Sciences Entomology Department. It was announced that the Entomology Club at the University of California, Berkeley, is selling T-shirts for 12 dollars each. Ms. Leslie S. Saul announced that the Center for the Arts at Yerba Buena Gardens had put in new plants to specifically attract butterflies. Dr. Penny announced that the Department of Entomology at the California Academy of Sciences had two curatorial assistant positions available. The speaker Dr. Scott Carroll of UC Davis presented a slide lecture entitled “Adaptive Radiation in Soapberry Bugs, the New Darwin’s Finches: Evolution in Action!” Dr. Carroll studied the beak 1996 PROCEEDINGS 113 lengths of soapberry bugs on balloon-vines, golden raintree and silkberrys and discussed other host race adaptations to fitness. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology department conference room.—K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 43 persons were present. (30 members): T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, M. S. Caterino, P. G. da Silva, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, N. E. Gershenz, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, S. Hammond, V. F. Lee, G. J. Mallick, T. E. Meikle, L. A. Norton, S. B. Opp, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, J. A. Powell, A. B. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, R. E. Somerby, C. Y. Takahashi, A. Telang, J. E. Tobler I, D. Ubick, and S. E. Vaughn; (13 guests) H. D. Blocker, S. M. Carroll, A. Equihua, D. D. Giuliani, K. Graham, K. Kocurek, M. McIntosh, S. S. Mead, M. Orr, W. E. Rauscher, J. Robertson, B. J. Sinclair, and W. Veder. Five Hundred Fourth Meeting The 504th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 19 November 1993, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Susan B. Opp presiding. The minutes of the 15 October 1993 meeting were read and accepted. One person was proposed and elected as a student member: Ms. Tunyalee Morisawa. Dr. Norman D. Penny announced that the Department of Entomology at the California Academy of Sciences had filled the two full-time curatorial assistant positions. Dr. Ronald E. Stecker presented a slide-illustrated note on the egg masses of Sialidae or alderflies encountered in Alum Rock Park in the spring. The speaker Dr. Deborah Gordon of Stanford University presented a slide lecture entitled “The Population Consequences of the Development of Ant Colony Behavior.” Dr. Gordon studied the dynamic nature of ant colonies and the elfect on their population as it relates to the division of labor in seed harvesting desert ants. Dr. Gordon showed how behavioral changes occur as these ant colonies age and grow. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology department conference room.—K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 48 persons were present (38 members): L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, B. Deutsch, J. G. Edwards, S. V. Fend, C. D. Franklin II, J. E. Hafnemik Jr., W. Hamersky, S. Hammond, C. Y. Kitayama, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, G. J. Mallick, L. A. Norton, S. T. O’Keefe, S. B. Opp, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. B. Rackett, S. Renkes, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, A. Telang, J. E. Tobler I, D. Ubick, S. E. Vaughn, and S. P. Welles Jr.; (10 guests) I. Brown, S. M. Carroll, J. E. Court, L. Culp, D. Gordon, C. Hironymous, J. Loye, W. E. Rauscher, J. Robertston, and T. Vich. Five Hundred Fifth Meeting The 505th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 10 December 1993, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Susan B. Opp presiding. The minutes of the 19 November 1993 meeting were read and accepted. Four persons were proposed and elected as new members: Dr. James A. Bethke, Mr. John A Calderwood, and Mr. Dick Fagerlund as regular members; and Mr. Stanley A. Wright as a student member. Mrs. Helen K. Court gave the auditing committee report announcing that the Mr. H. Vannoy Davis, CPA, was still reviewing the societies finances. Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi read the membership committee report, announcing that the Society added 23 new regular members, 2 new family members, 12 new student members, and 2 new sponsoring members, for a total 49 new members in 1993. President Opp gave the nominating committee report, and the following persons were proposed and accepted as officers for 1994: Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi as President-elect, Dr. Paul H. Amaud, Jr. as Treasurer, Mr. Vincent F. Lee as Managing Secretary, and Mr. Keve J. Ribardo as Recording Secretary. Dr. Opp passed the gavel over to incoming president Dr. Kirby W. Brown. 114 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) Mr. Vincent F. Lee announced that the fourth number of the Pan Pacific Entomologist would be mailed shortly and reminded members to pay their dues for 1994. Mr. D. Keith Dabney presented a slide-illustrated note on some habitats and insects of east Maui, Hawaii. The speaker Dr. Susan B. Opp of California State University, Hayward, presented a slide lecture entitled “Control of Walnut Husk Fly in California: What Have We Learned from the Apple Maggot Fly.” Dr. Opp compared control programs of these two pest species and discussed plans for future control of Walnut Husk Fly. Dr. Opps student, Mr. William Hamersky then took the podium to discuss tests of Walnut Husk Fly’s attraction to volatile compounds of the walnut. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology department conference room.—K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 40 persons were present. (28 members): R. L. Aalbu, P. H. Amaud Jr., F. L. Blanc, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, M. S. Caterino, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, P. G. da Silva, E. M. Fisher, W. Hamersky, S. Hammond, J. C. Herr, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, J. J. McNicol, L. A. Norton, S. T. O’Keefe, S. B. Opp, K. A. Reynolds, R. G. Robertson, L. S. Saul, H. I. Scudder, N. J. Smith, C. Y. Takahashi, A. Telang, D. Ubick, and S. E. Vaughn; (12 guests) M. M. Amaud, M. Baiznon, F. Blanc, P. Coogan, J. E. Court, L. Culp, R. Derasary, K. Graham, W. E. Rauscher, J. Robertson, J. A. Tarralba, and W. L. Yee. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(2): 114-120, (1996) PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1994 Five Hundred Sixth Meeting The 506th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 21 January 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Kirby W. Brown presiding. The minutes of the 10 December 1993 meeting were read and accepted. Five persons were proposed and elected as new members: Dr. Richard J. Bell, Mr. Walter J. Bentley, Dr. John G. O’Reilly, and Ms. Jody McWilliams as regular members: and Mr. Derek S. Sikes as a student member. Dr. Brown encouraged members to bring in notes and exhibits. Two guests were introduced: Mr. Scott E. Haskins and Dr. Yu-hua Yan. The featured speaker Dr. Rolf L. Aalbu of the California Department of Food and Agriculture presented a slide lecture entitled “Environmental Assessment and IPM Consulting In Africa: A Maur¬ itanian Adventure.” He discussed Project Oasis and showed how crops have to contend with not only lack of water, but insect pests, plant diseases, and sand dune encroachment. Mesquite trees are now being grown to help in stabilizing sand dunes. Dr. Aalbu observed that scale insects are a very serious pest and that palm scale infests all palms. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 37 persons were present. 29 members: F. G. Andrews, P. FL Amaud Jr., T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, M. S. Caterino, J. S. Chinn, D. K. Dabney, P. G. da Silva, W. A. Doolin, E. M. Fisher, C. E. Griswold, S. Hammond, R. L. Langston, J. D. McCarty, T. C. Meikle, L. A. Norton, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, W. E. Savary, K. N. Schick, C. Y. Takahashi, A. Telang, D. Ubick, and S. E. Vaughn; (8 guests) M. M. Amaud, C. B. Barr, S. E. Haskins, J. F. Parinas, W. E. Rauscher, J. Schick, Y.-h. Yan, and T. Zaviezo. 1996 PROCEEDINGS 115 Five Hundred Seventh Meeting The 507th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 18 February 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Kirby W. Brown presiding. The minutes of the 21 January 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Four persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Donald W. Darling and Ms. Dana C. Russell as regular members; and Mr. Mark A. Isaak and Mr. Steven E. Jungers as student members. Dr. Brown encouraged members to bring in notes and exhibits. Dr. Susan B. Opp announced that the Pacific Coast Entomological Society is sponsoring an Ento¬ mology section at the Pacific Division of AAAS. Dr. Opp especially encouraged students to give talks or poster sessions. The featured speaker Mr. Raymond J. Gill of the California Department of Food and Agriculture presented a slide lecture entitled “New Homopterans in California.” He noted that homopterans have accounted for three times as many new introductions as all other insects combined. The 27 introduced homopterans included such agriculturally important pests as the sweet potato whitefly, ash whitefly, and silverleaf whitefly. Mr. Gill explained that pesticide spraying was not usually effective and that problem infestations are usually turned over to biological control officers. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room. — K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 52 persons were present. 33 members: R. L. Aalbu, P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, M. S. Caterino, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, P. G. da Silva, B. Deutsch, B. K. Eya, C. E. Griswold, S. Hammond, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, T. C. Meikle, L. A. Norton, S. T. O’Keefe, S. B. Opp, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, L. A. Solorzano, R. E. Somerby, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, and S. E. Vaughn; (19 guests) M. M. Amaud, J. Brown, S. Brown, J. E. Court, J. W. Dale, R. F. Gill, R. J. Gill, C. Hirschener, M. A. Isaak, S. Johnson, S. E. Jungers, T. Kipping, A. L. LeMon, K. D. Levy, J. F. Parinas, J. Pretare, W. E. Rauscher, D. C. Russell, and R. Takumi. Five Hundred Eighth Meeting The 508th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 18 March 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Kirby W. Brown presiding. The minutes of the 18 February 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Mr. Ricardo Ayala was proposed and elected as a new regular member. Mr. Steven E. Jungers exhibited an introduced sow bug and its introduced spider predator. Dr. Brown announced that the Robert T. Wallace undergraduate research internship is being offered by the California Academy of Sciences. Applications are being accepted until 1 April 1994. Dr. Norman D. Penny announced that the Department of Entomology at the California Academy of Sciences will not accept donations of specimens unless any necessary permits and accompanying documentation are included. He also announced that the Academy will have a new exhibit this coming summer called Monarca highlighted with five monarch butterflies. Dr. Brown announced that the Nature Conservancy is conducting a biological inventory of California. They would like help from specialists on species lists and determinations. The featured speaker Mr. James E. Tobler I of Santa Rosa, California, presented a slide lecture entitled “Adventures of an Amateur Entomologist.” Mr. Tobler talked about his interest in entomology as early as the 5th grade and reminisced about being hired by Dr. Edward S. Ross to pin insects for the entomology department of the California Academy of Sciences during a summer vacation for $1.50 per hour. After high school Mr. Tobler served in the United States Navy aboard an aircraft carrier and visited 29 ports in the eastern Mediterranean and western Pacific, collecting insects when¬ ever he could. When his enlistment was up, Mr. Tobler took a year-long collecting trip to the South Pacific and shipped specimens home, later to be prepared and donated to the Academy. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 58 persons were present. 41 members: R. L. Aalbu, P. H. Amaud Jr., C. M. Brandau, 116 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, B. Buickerood, P. Buickerood, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, J. A. DeBenedictis, W. A. Doolin, E. M. Fisher, N. E. Gershenz, C. E. Griswold, M. A. Isaak, S. E. Jungers, R. L. Langston, G. J. Mallick, J. D. McCarty, J. J. McNicol, T. C. Meikle, S. T. O’Keefe, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, C. Y. Takahashi, J. E. Tobler I, D. Ubick, S. E. Vaughn, R. Wilson, R. J. Worth, and R. L. Zuparko; (17 guests) M. M. Amaud, V. Avery, T. Aweeka, A. Baier, J. Baier, C. B. Barr, S. Brown, J. E. Court, K. Doi, S. E. Haskins, S. Johnson, D. J. Leprince, J. F. Parinas, A. Prather, W. E. Rauscher, and 2 persons with illegible signatures. Five Hundred Ninth Meeting The 509th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 15 April 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Kirby W. Brown presiding. The minutes of the 18 March 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Five persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Raymond J. Gill as a regular mem ber; and Mr. Michael R. Carbiener, Ms. Emily J. Friess, Ms. Leslie Goldberg, and Mr. Jeffrey Honda as student members. Mr. Darrell Ubick exhibited an adult and pupa of the acrocerid genus Turbopsebius, a family of flies which parasitizes spiders, Mr. Warren E. Savary presented a note on Saltonia incerta (Banks), a previously very rare spider known from only a few specimens. Mr. Savary was able to collect approximately one hundred specimens using pitfall traps placed in the salt flats of Soda Lake, a dry lake bed, near Baker, California. Mr. Vincent F. Lee announced that the first issue of the Pan Pacific Entomologist for 1994 will be mailed in a few weeks. Dr. Brown announced that the newsletter of the Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science was sent out for distribution. He announced that the 8th annual Insect Fair will be held 14 and 15 May at the Los Angeles County Arboretum. The featured speakers Dr. James Carey, University of California, Davis, and Dr. Robert V. Dowell, California Department of Food and Agriculture, presented a slide-illustrated discussion entitled “The Medfly in California: Two Perspectives.” Dr. Dowell proposed that the medfly is not a permanent member of the California fauna. It can be eradicated, and reinfestation occurs when infested host material enters the state. Dr. Carey proposed that the medfly is established (at least since 1987), and it can’t be eradicated. He believes unaffected areas should be kept free from invasion by containing the flies where they are now. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room .— K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 51 persons were present. 32 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, F. L. Blanc, T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, D. K. Dabney, R. V. Dowell, E. M. Fisher, C. D. Franklin II, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, S. Hammond, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, J. D. McCarty, T. C. Meikle, S. B. Opp, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, W. E Savary, J. Schweikert, L. A. Solorzano, J. T. Sorensen, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, A. Telang, D. Ubick, and S. E. Vaughn; (19 guests) F. Blanc, I. Brown, M. R. Carbiener, J. R. Carey, G. Flohr, M. Gilkey, S. E. Haskins, S. L. Holt, A. L. LeMon, D. J. Leprince, S. S. Mead, J. F. Parinas, D. A. Piechnik, W. E. Rauscher, D. C. Russell, M. J. Sawyer, K. Sorensen, K. Sorensen, and D. Vorous. Five Hundred Tenth Meeting The 510th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 20 May 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President Dr. Kirby W. Brown presiding. The minutes of the 15 April 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Three persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Mentor F. Huebner and Dr. Stephen W. Taber as regular members; and Ms. Gretchen Flohr as a student member. Dr. Brown announced that the annual butterfly count will be held in mid- to late June. Areas to be surveyed include Marin, Sonoma, Mt. Diablo, South San Francisco Bay Lands, and San Joaquin. Mr. Vincent F. Lee announced that copies of the newsletter of the Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science are available in the entomology conference room. Dr. Brown announced that the 8th annual Insect Fair was held 14 and 15 May at the Los Angeles 1996 PROCEEDINGS 117 County Arboretum. He observed that there were a lot of insects for sale, good attendance by the public, and of special interest, an atlas of insects on stamps of the world for sale. Mr. Keve J. Ribardo announced that the Entomology Club of San Jose State University held an overnight collecting trip on 14-15 May at the Arroyo Seco campground in the Los Padres National Forest. A good time was had by all, and everyone is welcome to participate in future trips. Mr. Paul G. da Silva announced that there was a job opening for someone interested in insect pests of fruit and nut crops in the San Joaquin Valley. Flyers would be available after the meeting. Dr. Norman D. Penny presented a note on Nothochrysinae, a subfamily of the Chrysopidae (Neu- roptera). California seems to be a center of endemism with two genera and six species represented in the state. Slides of Pimachrysa nigra Adams and Nothochrysa californica Banks were shown. The featured speaker Dr. Edward S. Ross of the California Academy of Sciences presented a slide lecture entitled “More Surprises Along Amazon Forest Trails,” with an update on the research facility on the Upper Rio Napo in Ecuador. Dr. Ross showed examples of mimicry complexes of tropical insects with many slides of both models and their mimics. Facilities and trails of Cabanas Alihahui were featured, showing the high species diversity and endemism of this biotically rich zone. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 91 persons were present. 52 members: R. L. Aalbu, E. Anderson, P. H. Amaud Jr., T. S. Briggs, K. W. Brown, R. M. Brown, P. Buickerood, R. Buickerood, M. R. Carbiener, J. R. Clopton, P. G. da Silva, D. K. Dabney, B. Deutsch, J. T. Doyen, B. K. Eya, S. S. Ferguson, W. E. Ferguson, E. M. Fisher, E. J. Friess, M. Garcia-Vidal, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, A. Horn, M. A. Isaak, B. Keh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, J. J. McNicol, T. C. Meikle, W. D. Murray, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, R. W. Rust, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, L. A. Solorzano, R. E. Somerby, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, A. Telang, D. Ubick, S. E. Vaughn, S. P. Welles Jr., T. J. Zavortink, and 1 illegible signature; (39 guests) M. M. Amaud, T. Aweeka, R. Bandar, B. Bell, D. Bell, I. Biagi, C. Cripps, H. V. Davis, S. Haugue, K. S. Horn, G. C. Howard, A. Jesse, D. Judd, A. Jung, P. Knykl, D. J. Leprince, G. Y. Leung, W. A. Maffei, S. S. Mead, J. Mendeleyev, L. Merrell, F. Murray, J. F. Parinas, J. Robertson, S. M. Ross, J. C. Rust, J. Shackelfold, K. Simms, T. E. Simms, V. Simms, D. Truax, M. Truax, and 7 illegible signatures. Five Hundred Eleventh Meeting The 511th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 16 September 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President-elect Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 20 May 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Eight persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Robert W. Duncan, Mr. Richard E. Hill, and Mr. Daniel J. Leprince as regular members; Mr. Luis E. Rivera-Cervantes and Ms. Edith Garcia-Real as family members; and Mr. Matthew D. Dean, Mr. Juraj Halaj, and Mr. Michael J. Stout as student members. Mr. Takahashi announced that Dr. Kirby W. Brown had retired after 20 years as economic ento¬ mologist for San Joaquin County and was taking a part-time teaching position at Northland Pioneer College in Holbrook, Arizona. Dr. Brown will not be able to attend the last 4 meetings of 1994, but plans to present a lecture at the January 1995 meeting. Mr. Jere Schweikert presented a note on Terellia fuscicornis (Loew), a tephritid fly that infests seed heads of artichokes, artichoke thistle, and cardoon. It has been found in most counties in the Bay Area and Central Valley. This is a new record for this fly in North America. Slides of the adults, host plants, and damage were shown. The featured speaker Dr. Charles E. Griswold of the California Academy of Sciences presented a slide lecture entitled “Rapid Assessment of Arthropod Species Richness in the Tropics.” Dr. Griswold described sampling protocols used to estimate biodiversity in tropical ecosystems. Three sites in Bolivia, two in Cameroon, and two in Madagascar were sampled. Four main factors effecting sampling were compared: site, collector, time of day, and method. Little overlap in species of arthropods between sites was found. Dr. Griswold noted three types of information in conservation biology that systematic biologists should be able to provide based on sampling: total species richness, degree of endemism, and phylogenetic importance of species found. He believes that museum collecting methods can be modified to provide statistically analyzable samples while still maximizing the collecting effort for traditional use of specimens. 118 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(2) The meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room. — K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 51 persons were present. 33 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., J. E. BrandrifF, T. S. Briggs, J. S. Chinn, H. K. Court, P. G. da Silva, D. K. Dabney, J. G. Edwards, S. V. Fend, C. E. Griswold, M. A. Isaak, D. H. Kavanaugh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, J. J. McNicol, T. C. Meikle, L. A. Norton, S. T. O’Keefe, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, J. A. Powell, W. J. Pulawski, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, D. C. Russell, J. Schweikert, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. E. Vaughn, and S. C. Williams; (18 guests) V. Ahrens-Pulawski, M. M. Amaud, T. Aweeka, G. E. Ball, L. H. Carroll, J. E. Court, A. Elinor, D. F. Field, J. B. Fraser, M. H. Fraser, B. R. Manchester, R. Morgan, J. F. Parinas, W. E. Rauscher, S. Renkes, A. Sebastian, L. Sebastian, and J. Urzykowski. Five Hundred Twelfth Meeting The 512th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 21 October 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President-elect Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 16 September 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Seven persons were proposed and elected as new members: Mr. Lawrence W. Currie Jr., Dr. Manfredo Fritz, Dr. William T. Starmer, Dr. Patrick M. Sugg, and Dr. Charles E. Turner as regular members; Ms. Johanna E. Brandriff and Mr. Blane R. Manchester as student members. Mr. Vincent F. Lee announced that copies of the Entomology Collection Network registration form would be available in the entomology conference room after the meeting. Mr. Ijee reminded members that dues envelopes were included with the third issue of the Society’s journal, which was mailed a couple of days ago, and issue number four would be out by the end of the month. Dr. Norman D. Penny presented a note on an ant lion he collected in the Ciervo Hills of Fresno County. This specimen is the first new species of ant lion to be discovered since the family was revised in 1970. Dr. Penny also displayed a neuropteran with a four-inch wingspan from Honduras, which appears to be intermediate between ithomds and rapismatids. Mr. Larry G. Bezark presented a note on Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), a coccinellid from Asia, released for suppression of pecan aphids. He collected two adult specimens on fennel in May, near downtown Sacramento. This represents the first recovery of this species in California. The featured speaker Mr. Robert L. Allen of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County presented a slide lecture entitled “Arthropods of Special Concern in California.” Mr. Allen discussed the decline of diversity in California due to habitat destruction. Mr. Allen gave some scenarios of how very localized populations could be wiped out when fields are disked or when sheep or goats are put on a piece of land to mow down plants before Environmental Impact Reports are completed. He explained that arthropods are poorly surveyed, and information is not widely available so they are not usually included in habitat management or mitigation. There is a lack of available specialists, and with no information and no requirements to gather any, no surveys are done. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 37 persons were present. 30 members: R. L. Allen, L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, R. M. Brown, D. C. Carlson, M. S. Caterino, H. K. Court, L. W. Currie Jr., B. Deutsch, W. Hamersky, A. Horn, V. F. Lee, D. J. Leprince, B. R. Manchester, J. J. McNicol, L. A. Norton, S. T. O’Keefe, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, D. C. Russell, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, S. E. Vaughn, and S. A. Wright; (7 guests) C. B. Barr, J. E. Court, D. D. Giuliani, W. E. Rauscher, H. Stigler, R. Takumi, and G. Yoshimura. Five Hundred Thirteenth Meeting The 513th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 18 November 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President-elect Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 21 October 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Two persons were proposed and elected as new regular members: Dr. William J. Roltsch and Dr. Felix A. H. Sperling. Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi announced that this year’s auditing committee would consist of Mr. H. Vannoy Davis, CPA, Mrs. Helen K. Court, and Dr. Norman D. Penny; and that the nominating 1996 PROCEEDINGS 119 committee members are Mr. Larry G. Bezark, Dr. John E. Hafemik Jr., Dr. Ronald E. Stecker, and chaired by Dr. Susan B. Opp. Mr. Takahashi announced that the 29th Annual Conference of the Association of Applied Insect Ecologists will be held on 5-7 February 1995 in Santa Barbara, California. He also noted that a member of the Society, Mr. Robert L. Langston, was presented the John A. Comstock Award by the Lepidopterists’ Society on 22 October 1994. Dr. Charles E. Griswold announced that Mrs. Stella E. Tatro, a curatorial assistant of the Department of Entomology at the California Academy of Sciences, passed away on 12 November, and a memorial service would be held in the Trustees Room at the Academy on Monday, 5 December at 4:00 PM. All were welcome to attend. Dr. J. Gordon Edwards announced that Dr. William E. Hazeltine passed away on 5 November 1994, at the age of 68. He suffered a fatal heart attack while collecting scarab beetles in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. Ms. Cheryl B. Barr announced that the U. C. Berkeley insect museum was looking for a part-time insect preparator. Interested persons were encouraged to apply. Mr. Stanley E. Vaughn presented a note on collecting the “rain beetle” Pleocoma at Calero Reservoir in Santa Clara County, California. The featured speaker Dr. David B. Weissman presented a slide lecture entitled “Biotaxonomy of the Jerusalem Crickets: An Uncircumscribed Group.” Dr. Weissman discussed the status of Jerusalem cricket genera in North America, all of which will be included in the genus Stenopelmatus. Their size ranges from 8 to 70 mm, and they go through ten molts in the two years to reach maturity. The crickets communicate with each other and attract mates by drumming. The cadence of the drumming is species specific. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room.— K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 43 persons were present. 34 members: R. L. Aalbu, P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, T. S. Briggs, M. R. Carbiener, H. K. Court, L. W. Currie Jr., B. Deutsch, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, C. E. Griswold, A. Horn, S. E. Jungers, V. F. Lee, T. C. Meikle, S. T. O’Keefe, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, D. C. Russell, W. E. Savary, J. S. Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, F. Sperling, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, S. E. Vaughn, D. B. Weissman, R. R. White, and R. L. Zuparko; (9 guests) M M. Amaud, C. B. Barr, J. E. Court, B. Deutsch, J. Floh, L. Garibaldi, R. Morgan, W. E. Rauscher, and D. W. Weissman. Five Hundred Fourteenth Meeting The 514th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 9 December 1994, at 8:00 PM, in the Redwood Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, with President-elect Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 18 November 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Ms. Julieta F. Parinas was proposed and elected as a new regular member. Mr. Vincent F. Lee announced that Mr. George J. Mallick passed away on the 28 November 1994. Mr. Mallick was a member of the Society for 20 years and a strong supporter of the California Academy of Sciences. Mr. Lee reported that the Pacific Coast Entomological Society exchanged the Pan-Pacific Entomologist for 71 publications from 53 organizations. Dr. Norman D. Penny announced that an old alcohol case was available for the taking and that duplicate reprints would be given away to those who wished them. Dr. Paul H. Amaud Jr. presented a slide-illustrated note on Mrs. Stella E. Tatro, curatorial assistant of the Department of Entomology at the California Academy of Sciences for 30 years, who passed away on 12 November 1994. Mr. Paul G. da Silva presented a note on the abundance of the “rain beetle” Pleocoma tularensis Leach this year. The featured speaker Mr. Patrick A. Luft presented a slide lecture entitled “Adaptive Biology and Behavior of Trioza eugeniae (Froggatt) (Homoptera: Triozidae) in Response to Biotic and Abiotic Factors.” Mr. Luft discussed the biology of psyllids and described a detailed study of T. eugeniae including spatial distribution patterns. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM, followed by a social hour in the entomology conference room. — K. Ribardo, Recording Secretary. The following 32 persons were present. 23 members: P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Bezark, H. K. Court, T. D. Cuneo, D. K. Dabney, P. G. daSilva, W. Hamersky, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, D. J. Leprince, 120 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Yol. 72(2) A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, W. E. Savary, J. S. Schweikert, C. Y. Takahashi, S. E. Vaughn, R. R. White, S. C. Williams, and R. L. Zuparko; (9 guests) M. M. Amaud, M. Benoit, J. E. Court, E. Goff, P. A. Luft, W. A. Maffei, J. F. Parinas, J. Pretare, and J. Robertson. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Information for Contributors See volume 66(1): 1-8, January 1990, for detailed general format information and the issues thereafter for examples; see below for discussion of this journal’s specific formats for taxonomic manuscripts and locality data for specimens. Manuscripts must be in English, but foreign language summaries are permitted. Manuscripts not meeting the format guidelines may be returned. Please maintain a copy of the article on a word-processor because revisions are usually necessary before acceptance, pending review and copy-editing. Format.—Type manuscripts in a legible serif font IN DOUBLE OR TRIPLE SPACE with 1.5 in margins on one side of 8.5 X 11 in, nonerasable, high quality paper. THREE (3) COPIES of each manuscript must be submitted, EACH INCLUDING REDUCTIONS OF ANY FIGURES TO THE 8.5 X I I IN PAGE. Number pages as: title page (page I), abstract and key words page (page 2), text pages (pages 3T), acknowledgment page, literature cited pages, footnote page, tables, figure caption page; place original figures last. List the corresponding author's name, address including ZIP code, and phone number on the title page in the upper right corner. The title must include the taxon's designation, where appropriate, as: (Order: Family). The ABSTRACT niusi not exceed 250 words; use five to seven words or concise phrases as KEY WORDS. Number FOOTNOTES sequentially and list on a separate page. Text. — Demarcate MAJOR HEADINGS as centered headings and MINOR HEADINGS as left indented paragraphs with lead phrases underlined and followed by a period and two hypens, CITATION FORMATS arc: Coswcll (1986), (Asher 1987a Franks & Ebbet 1988, Dorly et al. 1989), (Burton in press) and (R. E Tray, personal communication). For multiple papers by the same author use: (Weber 1932, 1936, 1941. Sebb 1950, 1952). For more detailed reference use: (Smith 1983: 149-153, Price 1985: fig. 7a, Nothwith 1987: table 3). Taxonomy. — Systematics manuscripts have special requirements outlined in volume 69(2): 194-198; if you do not have access to that volume, request a copy of the taxonomy/data format from the editor before submitting manuscripts for which these formats are applicable. These requirements include SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS FOR DIAGNOSES, TYPES AND MATERIAL EXAMINED (INCLUDING A SPECIFIC FORMAT), and a specific order for paragraphs in descriptions. List the unabbreviated taxonomic author of each species after its first mention. Data Formats. — All specimen data must be cited in the journal's locality data format. See volume 69(2), pages 196-198 for these format requirements; if you do not have access to that volume, request a copy of the taxonomy/data format from the editor before submitting manuscripts for which these formats are applicable. Literature Cited. — Format examples are: Anderson, T. W. 1984. An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis (2nd ed). John Wiley & Sons, New York. Blackman, R. L., P. A. Brown 0.05). The proportion of short sperm found in SSOs also decreased over time (F = 6.355, df = 2, 31; P = 0.005). However, only the comparison between 6 and 24 h was significant (P = 0.005). The number of sperm found in SSOs 2 h after mating is reported in Fig. 1 to indicate that the maximum number of short sperm is stored at 6 h postcopulation. Comparing the number of long sperm found in SSOs between 6 to 24 h postmating indicated that long sperm do not continue to significantly increase (F = 2.933, df = 2, 31, P = 0.07; Fig. 1). If short sperm serve as a nutrient contribution, then the increase in incorporation of radiolabel in female tissues is predicted to occur subsequent to 6 h postcopu¬ lation, when short sperm are maximally stored. We found that significant amounts of radiolabel were incorporated in the somatic tissue (F = 9.284; df = 3, 8; P = 0.006; Fig. 2), but not the oocytes (F = 3.115; df = 3, 8; P = 0.09), of starved D. pseudoobscura females. Contrary to our prediction, however, Tukey’s a pos¬ teriori tests indicated that significant radiolabel incorporation occurred between 0 h and 6 h (P — 0.035) after mating, but there was no significant increase after 6 h (Fig. 2). Discussion The evidence presented here indicates that short sperm do not function as a nutrient resource for D. pseudoobscura females. If short nonfertilizing sperm in D. pseudoobscura break down and function as a nutrient source, the surge in the amount of radiolabel detected in female tissues should have occurred when the short sperm begin to disappear from the SSOs, between 6 h and 12 h after cop¬ ulation (Fig. 1; Snook et al. 1994). The increase in radiolabel in somatic tissues that we observed was prior to 6 h, when the number of short sperm was the largest within SSOs. Short sperm in the uterus are also unlikely to serve as nu¬ trient donations because the proportion of short sperm does not change from the —> Figure 1. Mean (±SE) of the proportion of short sperm present in the uterus and the total number of short and long sperm in the sperm storage organs (SSOs-ventral receptacle and spermathecae) of D. pseudoobscura at various times after mating. Values at 0 h indicate sperm in the uterus immediately after copulation and thus, represent male sperm transfer. Females do not have sperm in SSOs at 0 h TOTAL NUMBER OF SPERM PROPORTION OF SPERM SNOOK & MARKOW: ROLE OF NONFERTILIZING SPERM iijv HH 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 400 “| SSO-Short sperm 300 200 100 0 HOURS AFTER MATING postmating. Sample sizes are 11 for 0 h, 15 for 2 h uterus, 13 for 2 h SSOs, 15 for 6 h, 13 for 12 h, 7 for 24 h. Values for 24 h are for females that have not oviposited. Letters a-d denote significantly different means detected by Tukey’s a posteriori multiple comparison tests; comparisons for the uterus (letter a), short sperm in the sperm storage organs (SSO-Short sperm) (letters b and c), and long sperm in the sperm storage organs (SSO-Long sperm) (letter d) were tested separately. 126 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) SOMATIC OOCYTES TISSUE Figure 2. Mean (±SE) disintegrations per minute of radiolabel found in female somatic and ovar¬ ian tissue 6, 12, and 24 h after mating to radiolabelled males compared to nonradiolabelled controls. Numbers within bars represent the number of short sperm ± SE found in sperm storage organs at these times after copulation (from Snook et al. 1994; see also text). Letters a-c denote significantly different means detected by Tukey’s a posteriori multiple comparison tests; comparisons for somatic tissue (letters a and b) were tested separately from oocytes (letter c). time of transfer until more than 24 h after copulation when oviposition begins. The numbers of sperm in the uterus were not determined due to the large amount of sperm transferred by males to females. Thus, our data indicate that although nonfertilizing sperm have been suggested to perform an adaptive role as nutrient resources to fertilizing sperm, the female mate or the zygote (Hanson et al. 1952, Healy & Jamieson 1981, Sivinski 1980, Silberglied et al. 1984), in D. pseudoob- scura nonfertilizing short sperm do not function in this manner. Rather than prod¬ ucts from the potential breakdown of short sperm, the origin of ejaculatory con¬ tributions to females are nonsperm accessory gland materials. One assumption in arriving at the above conclusion is that active transport or exocytosis of labelled materials occurs across the intact sperm cell. To our knowl¬ edge no evidence in Drosophila exists for or against specific transport mechansims on sperm membranes. Movement of materials across short sperm could occur prior to our detecting their “disappearance” as a result of breaking down. How- 1996 SNOOK & MARKOW: ROLE OF NONFERTILIZING SPERM 127 ever, the mechanism contributing to the disappearance of short sperm from SSOs in D. pseudoobscura is unknown. The decrease in short sperm found in SSOs may not be a result of these sperm types breaking down but of being pushed out from storage by long fertilizing sperm, a mechanism currently being tested. The location of radiolabel incorporation that we found differs from two earlier reports in that we found significant incorporation into somatic rather than ovarian tissues (Bownes & Partridge 1987, Markow & Ankney 1988). The “ovarian” tissues examined by Bownes & Partridge (1987) may have included other portions of the female reproductive tract (uterus, ventral receptacle and spermathecae) that contained radiolabelled sperm and accessory gland secretions. This discrepancy in protocol between studies prevents any direct comparison of the differences in results. Markow & Ankney (1988) used the same dissection procedures as in this report, but utilized females that were well-fed, not starved. The nutritionally stressed females in this report had few mature oocytes in comparison to well-fed females (Snook, personal observation). Nutritional stress may cause competition for the same resource between reproduction and survival, resulting in trade-offs between these functions (Stearns 1992). Females in poor condition may allocate energy into somatic maintenance, rather than reproduction, because oogenesis requires substantial resources (Robertson & Sang 1944, Sang & King 1961). This tradeoff may explain the difference between prior results (Markow & Ankney 1988) and ours. We conclude that patterns of utilization of male-derived sub¬ stances appear to be influenced by the physiological condition of the female. That tradeoffs occur are supported by the observation that females regulate oviposition behavior based on their nutritional status with increased oviposition rates associated with better nutritional status (Sang & King 1961, Chapman et al. 1994) . Moreover, Bownes & Partridge (1987) demonstrated that nutritionally stressed females incorporated a greater percentage of radiolabel in somatic tissues compared to well-fed females (somatic tissues examined were not affected by potential contamination of radiolabelled sperm or accessory gland material). Other obscura group species also show nutrient limitations on female reproduction. Male D. subobscura Collin present an oral drop of liquid to females as part of courtship behavior (Brown 1956a, b; Spieth 1966, 1978) and females denied access to male drops have reduced fecundity (Steele 1986). Males of D. pseudoobscura also present drops to females (Steele 1986) but only if other courtship behaviors have failed (Brown 1956a, b). The effect of these drops on the reproductive fitness of D. pseudoobscura females is unknown. However, Turner & Anderson (1983) found that nutritionally stressed D. pseudoobscura females given continual access to males had a relatively greater increase in productivity compared to nutritionally stressed females only briefly exposed to males. Males could have improved the productivity of these females through either oral drops or ejaculatory secretions. Whether uptake of such substances by Drosophila females increases fecundity or survival is debated (Markow et al. 1990, Chapman et al. 1994) but is likely to be a species specific response based on ecology and other reproductive behaviors of a particular species. Seminal products have increasingly been found to influence female behavior and mortality (Chen 1984, Kalb et al. 1993, Chapman et al. 1994, 1995) , sperm storage (Perotti 1971), and the outcome of sperm competition (Harshman & Prout 1994, Clark et al. 1995) suggesting their importance irre¬ spective of use as nutrient contributions. 128 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) The obscura group has evolved several mechanisms of male donation to fe¬ males, including ejaculatory contributions (through accessory gland secretions) and courtship feeding. However, the production and transfer of short nonfertilizing sperm, at least measured by l4 C, is not among them. The role of nonfertilizing sperm may be to function in sperm competition by giving first or second males a fertilization advantage (Sivinski 1980, Silberglied et al. 1984, Snook 1995). These alternatives are currently being tested. Acknowledgment We thank Scott Pitnick for help with the radiolabel dissections and John Alcock, Christine Boake, Kathy Church, Thomas Dowling, and Michael Moore and two anonymous reviewers for comments on prior versions of the manuscript. Research presented was supported by a NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant (DEB- 9224263) to R.R.S. Literature Cited Beatty, R. A. & N. S. Sidhu. 1970. Polymegaly of spermatozoan length and its genetic control in Drosophila species. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 71B: 14-28. Boggs, C. L. & L. E. Gilbert. 1979. Male contribution to egg production in butterflies: Evidence for transfer of nutrients at mating. Science, 206: 83-84. Bownes, M. & L. Partridge. 1987. 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Functional nonequivalence of sperm in Drosophila pseudoobscura. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 91: 11222-11226. Snook, R. R. 1995. The evolution of sperm polymorphism in the Drosophila obscura group. Ph.D. Dissertation, Arizona State University. Spieth, H. T. 1966. Courtship behaviour of endemic Hawaiian Drosophila. Univ. of Texas Publ., 6615: 245-313. Spieth, H. T. 1978. Courtships patterns and evolution of the Drosophila adiastola and planitibia species subgroups. Evolution, 32: 435-451. Stearns, S. C. 1992. The evolution of life histories. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Steele, R. H. 1986. Courtship feeding in Drosophila subobscura. I. The nutritional significance of courtship feeding. Anim. Behav., 34: 1087-1098. Thornhill, R. & J. Alcock. 1983. The evolution of insect mating systems. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Turner, M. E. & W. W. Anderson. 1983. Multiple mating and female fitness in Drosophila pseu¬ doobscura. Evolution, 37: 714-723. Wilkinson, L. 1990. Systat: the system for statistics, SYSTAT, Inc. Evanston, Illinois. Received 1 Nov 1995: Accepted 14 Feb 1996 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 130-137, (1996) OBSERVATIONS ON THE FORAGING PREFERENCES OF LEIOPROCTUS C FILIGLOSSA ) RAYMENT (HYMENOPTERA: COLLETIDAE) IN EASTERN AUSTRALIA Peter Bernhardt 1 and K. Walker 2 department of Biology, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 63103; division of Natural Sciences, Museum of Victoria, 71 Victoria Crescent, Abbotsford, Victoria 3067, Australia Abstract .—Fifty three bees representing three species in subgenus Filiglossa [(Leioproctus davisi Maynard (16 specimens), L. filamentosa (Rayment) Michener (36 specimens) and L. hamatus Maynard (one specimen)] were collected on nine Persoonia species (Proteaceae) distributed through New South Wales and Victoria. These records extend the foraging range of L. ( Fili¬ glossa ) to ten Persoonia Sm. species; P. arborea F. Mueller, P. asperula L. Johnson & P. Weston, P. champaepeuce Lhotsky ex Meissner, P. isophylla K. Johnson & P. Weston, P. lanceolata Andrews, P. mollis subsp. nectans Krauss & L. Johnson, P. pinifolia L. Johnson & P. Weston, P. silvatica L. Johnson, P. subvellutina L. Johnson and P. virgata R. Br.. Female bees outnum¬ bered males by 70%. Fifty five per cent of female bees and 43% of males carried significant loads of Persoonia pollen. One, female, L. filamentosa carried pollen from more than one Per¬ soonia species when Persoonia species were sympatric and had overlapping flowering periods. Pollen analyses indicated that some females of L. davisi and males of L filamentosa also foraged on coblooming Asteraceae and Myrtaceae. The poor collections of L. ( Filiglossa ) bees between 1946 and 1991 were possibly due to the failure to identify a single grain of Persoonia pollen carried by the holotype of L. filamentosa. Key Words. —Insecta, Leioproctus, Colletidae, Australia Until 1991 the Leioproctus ( Filiglossa) filamentosa (Rayment) Michener (Col¬ letidae) was known from only two specimens (Rayment 1959, Maynard 1994). One was collected in New South Wales by N. Rodd in 1947 and the second was collected in Queensland by J. Cardale in 1967. Neither collector appears to have kept field notes which flowers were visited by these bees. Rayment (1959) erected the subgenus Leioproctus {Filiglossa) for three new species collected by Rodd {filamentosa, stnatula, proximo). Rayment emphasized the excessive length of the mouthparts of these species suggesting “that the bees are associated with an equally remarkable flower.” Michener (1965) moved both striatula and promixma to Leioproctus ( Euryglossidia ). Rayment’s prediction of a remarkable flower has never come true. All Leio- proctus {Filiglossa ) spp. have subsequently been collected on flowers of Per¬ soonia Sm. since 1991 (Maynard 1994, Bernhardt & Weston in press). Persoonia remains one of the most common genera of shrubby Proteaceae in Australia con¬ sisting of approximately 90 species distributed through most coastal habitats (Wes¬ ton 1991). The genus is treated as basal to the Proteaceae as Persoonia species lack such characters as proteioid root systems and floral protostigmas, considered apomorphic for most of the genera in the family (Johnson & Briggs 1975). The extraordinary mouthparts of L. {Filiglossa) do not even appear to be evi¬ dence of a mutualistic coadaptation with Persoonia flowers as L. {Filiglossa) bees are not important pollinators of Persoonia species. To the contrary, the majority 1996 BERNHARDT & WALKER: LEIOPROCTUS FORAGING 131 of bees that pollinate Persoonia flowers belong to Leioproctus ( Cladocerapis ) species (Rayment 1950, Maynard 1992, Bernhardt and Weston in press). Leioproctus (Cladocerapis ) species appear to be facultative oligoleges on Per¬ soonia flowers. The Persoonia pollen carried on their bodies is most likely to contact the stigma of the flower while the female bee rakes pollen from the anther slits or males and females probe the base of a flower for nectar. The Persoonia species native to eastern Australia produce radially symmetrical and tubular flow¬ ers. Each tepal is hinged at its base. When bees >6 mm long probe for nectar they depress one of the four tepals on each flower and insert their heads down the floral tube to collect nectar secreted by each of the four glands surrounding the stalked ovary (Rayment 1950, Bernhardt & Weston in press). Bernhardt & Weston (in press) observed L. (Filiglossa) species collecting pol¬ len from the anthers of Persoonia flowers but noted that these female bees rarely contacted the receptive stigma surrounded by the bases of the four anthers. Leio¬ proctus (Filiglossa ) species are less than 6 mm long and did not or could not depress the Persoonia tepals. These bees were observed inserting their elongated mouthparts between the seams of interlocking tepals at the apex of the floral tube. Walker (unpublished) observed similar feeding behaviour of L. davisi Maynard on Persoonia arborea F. Mueller. Males of L. (Filiglossa ) species observed on P. silvatica often avoided the tube’s apex. They would insert their mouthparts at the base of the tube gaining direct access to the nectar chamber but avoiding the sexual organs of the flower. These observations suggest that the mouthparts of L. ( Filiglossa ) bees express a trend towards nectar robbing. To help elucidate the zoogeography and foraging preferences of L. ( Filiglossa ) we present the following information. An updated list of Persoonia species on which L. (Filiglossa ) species have been observed and captured; a cross-reference of bee species against the identifiable pollen they carried, and a re-examination of the literature to suggest why these insects may have been so under collected for over forty years. Materials and Methods Study Sites. —Gungulla Flat, SE of Waterfall, Royal National Park, New South Wales (NSW), 34°09'00" S 151°00'30" E alt. 150 m; dry sclerophyll forest; un¬ derstory with P. pinifolia R. Br. (Plant Voucher, R. G. Coveny 15180) (Insect collections, 7 Feb 1991, 20 Feb 1992, 12 Mar 1992, 20 Mar 1992). One km South of Pikes Saddle, NSW, 36°59'40" S 149°34'00" E, alt. 1280 m; dry sclerophyll woodland; understory with P. silvatica L. Johnson, P. chamae- peuce Lhotsky ex Meissner (Plant Voucher, P. H. Weston 1762), P. asperula. L. Johnson & P. Weston (P. H. Weston 1763), (Insect collections, 19-20 Jan 1994). Two km South of Pikes Saddle, NSW, 36W10" S 149°34'00" E, alt. 1280 m; dry sclerophyll forest; open understory with P. silvatica (Insect collection, 19— 20 Jan 1994). Approximately 0.3 km N of Banksia Street, on West Road Fire Trail, Hill Top, NSW, 34°20'30" S 150°29'00" E, alt. 560m; dry sclerophyll forest; shrubby un¬ derstory with P. mollis subsp. nectens Krauss & L. Johnson (PHW 1775), P. lanceolata Andrews (Plant voucher, P. H. Weston 1776), (Insect collection, 2 Feb 1994, 19 Feb 1994). 132 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Table 1. The collection record of Leioproctus (.Filiglossa ) species on Persoonia species in Queens¬ land, New South Wales and Victoria since February 1991 (includes Maynard 1994). Persoonia species Filiglossa species davisi filamentosa hamatus prolatus P. arborea + + — — — P. asperula — + — — P. chamaepeuce — + — — P. isophylla — + — — P. lanceolata — + — — P. mollis subsp. nectens — + — — P. pinifolia — + + + — P 10 specimens captured, + = 1-6 specimens captured, - = no specimens captured. * The reference by Maynard (1994) recording L. filamentosa collected on P. pinifolia at Hastings Point on 7/ii/91 is corrected here. Persoonia virgata grows at the Hastings Point site not P. pinifolia. Island Bend—Guthega road, 1.5 km WSW of Island Bend rest area, NSW, 36°20'00" S 148°27'30" E, alt. 1280 m; dry sclerophyll forest; shrubby, grass understory with P. subvellutina L. Johnson (Plant Voucher, P. H. Weston 1764) (Insect collection, 24 Feb 1994). Greta Road, 1.0 km W of junction with Bumble Hill Road, Bumble Hill, NSW, 33°14'30" S 151°14'45" E, alt. 340 m; dry sclerophyll forest; shrubby understory with P. isophylla L. Johnson & P. Weston (Plant voucher, P. H. Weston 1781) (Insect collection, 15 Mar 1994). About 9-15 km W of Mt. Baw Baw, Victoria, 37°50' S 146'17" E, alt. 930 m; wet sclerophyll forest; shrubby understory and subcanopy of P. arborea F. Muell. (Insect collection, K. Walker 7 Feb 1996). Collection Methods and Pollen Analyses. Bees were netted and killed in jars with ethyl acetate fumes. Insect vouchers have been deposited in the Museum of Victoria, Melbourne. The single specimen of L. hamatus Maynard represents the holotype (Maynard 1994). Flowering plant vouchers were deposited in the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney. Methods for the removal and identification of pollen taxa from freshly killed bees follows Bernhardt & Walker (1984). As L. (Filiglossa ) bees were killed in the same jar as other specimens of Hymenoptera that were taken while visiting Persoonia flowers the smaller bodies of the L. (Filiglossa ) bees could have be¬ come contaminated with pollen dropped by the bodies of larger bees in the same jar. Therefore a pollen taxon was not recorded as present on the body of a bee unless >25 individual grains could be counted in each stained sample. Calberla’s fluid was used to stain pollen and provide a semi-permanent mount (Ogden et. al. 1974). Results and Discussion The flowers of 20 Persoonia species were examined for the presence of L. (Filiglossa ) species. Ten Persoonia species attracted four L. ( Filiglossa. ) species (Table 1). Persoonia pinifolia and P. virgata R. Br. were the only shrubs studied 1996 BERNHARDT & WALKER: LEIOPROCTUS FORAGING 133 Table 2. Pollen load analyses of Leioproctus (subgenus Filiglossa ) species collected on flowers of Persoonia species. Pollen load Taxon and gender Persoonia only Persoonia + other spp. Other spp. only No pollen L. davisi female male 1 0 0 0 5 0 5 e- 0 L. hamatus female 1 0 0 0 L. filamentosa female 18 1 0 6 male 5 2 0 4 Totals 26 3 5 20 Grand Total = 54 on which more than one L. (Filiglossa ) species was captured. Leioproctus fila- mentosa (Rayment) visited the greatest number of Persoonia species and appears to have the widest distribution within the subgenus. Leioproctus davisi appeared to be restricted to subalpine, arborescent populations of P. arborea in Victoria and L. hamatus Maynard is still known from a single capture on P. pinifolia in New South Wales. The captures of L. filamentosa on Persoonia species (Table 1) suggested that these bees may forage selectively on some Persoonia flowers. Persoonia mollis R. Br. is one of the most broadly distributed species in New South Wales (Weston 1991, Krauss & Johnson 1991). Bernhardt & Weston (in press) collected bees on five subspecies (ledifolia Cunn. ex Meissner) Kruss & Johnson, leptophylla Krauss & L. Johnson, livens Krauss & L. Johnson, nectans, revoluta Krauss & Johnson) of P. mollis, over three years at nine sites in New South Wales. Only a single specimen of L. filamentosa was collected on P. mollis subspecies nectens (Table 1). Leioproctus filamentosa was collected on different Persoonia species in flower at the same site (e.g., on P. asperula and P. chamaepeuce at Pike’s Saddle and on P. lanceolata and P. mollis subsp. nectans at the Hilltop site). Due to the difference in size and grain morphology of the pollens of P. asperula and P. chamaepeuce, it was possible to determine that one female of L. filamentosa had visited the flowers of P. champaepeuce before it was netted on P. asperula. Leioproctus (Filiglossa ) species were collected on Persoonia flowers from 0900 h until 1500 h with peaks in floral visitation from 1000 until 1300 h. The greatest number of bees were collected on Peroonia species in shady sites. The individual shrubs or small trees that seemed to be most likely to be visited by L. ( Filiglossa ) grew directly under the canopy (eg. P. asperula, P. chamaepeuce, P. silvatica ) or stood in light gaps adjacent to dense, shadier sections of eucalypt woodland (eg. P. lanceolata, P. pinifolia). Of the 53 specimens collected on Persoonia flower 54% carried significant loads (>25 grains/specimen) of Peroonia pollen (Table 2; Fig. 1). Over 16% also carried significant loads of pollen that did not belong to Persoonia flowers. These 134 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Figure 1. Hydrated pollen of Persoonia chamaepeuce carried by female L. filamentosa collected on P. chamaepeuce. A, regular, triporate grain; B, irregular, tetraporate grains (X511). Figure 2. Head of female L. filamentosa collected on P. silvatica with pollen grains clinging to elongated palps (X40). grains were identified most often on bees collected on P. arborea and P. subvel- lutina and belonged primarily to coblooming Asteraceae and Myrtaceae (Table 3). The presence of grains of Asteraceae on L. davisi suggest that the distribution of this species may be limited by topography and altitude and not by any spe¬ cialization on P. arborea for pollen or nectar. Females (55%) carried Persoonia pollen more often than males (43%; Table 2). Males of L. filamentosa were observed to either circle the shrubs in flower or Table 3. Pollen load analyses of L. davisi and L. filamentosa carrying Persoonia pollen mixed with pollen of other species or no Persoonia pollen at all. Pollen taxon Bee taxon and gender Ast Myrt Persoonia Irid-Type UD* L. davisi female 5 0 0 0 0 L. filamentosa female 0 0 1 1 0 male 0 2 2 0 1 * Ast = Asteraceae (Brachy come and Hypochaeris types); Myrt = Myrtaceae {Eucalyptus type); Irid-Type (unidentified monocot, similar to Iridaceae); UD = unidentified dicot (tricolporate). 1996 BERNHARDT & WALKER: LEIOPROCTUS FORAGING 135 Figure 3. Illustrations of Persoonia -type pollen grains as drawn by T. Rayment. A = pollen grains from Rayment (1950) showing regular, hydrated grains (arrows) outnumbered by irregular and/or nonhydra ted grains from flowers of P. lanceolata :; B = pollen grain from Rayment (1959) showing an operculum over each pore. Rayment never included a scale in either publication and drawings here are reproduced twice the size of the originals. hovered six to eight cm down wind of flowering branches. Males were not ob¬ served to forage actively for pollen, but they did contact dehiscent, anthers when perching on the flowers or while inserting their elongated mouthparts between the tepals at the apex of the floral tube. Pollen washes showed that only one male captured carried more than 90 grains of Persoonia pollen. In contrast, one female of L. davisi, one female of L. hamatus and fifteen females of L. filamentosa carried >100 grains of Persoonia each distributed in their scopae. Persoonia grains are often visible clinging to the elongated mouthparts of pinned specimens (Fig. 2). Why has this bizarre colletid evaded entomologists for so many decades? One reason may be that Rayment (1959) was unable to identify the pollen grain found on the holotype of the male, L. ( Filiglosa ) filamentosa. In reviewing the original paper Rayment’s drawing (Figure 3) shows a triangular-trilobate grain with three, large, operculate, pores produced by most of the Proteaceae in Australia (Johnson & Briggs 1975, Feuer 1986). Rayment’s stippling of the grain suggests his mi¬ croscope was sufficiently powerful to detect the scabrous ornamentations on the outer, pollen wall that are found throughout the genus, Persoonia (Feuer 1986). Within the same paper, Rayment (1959) also suggested that large loads of pollen found on L. ( Euryglossidia ) proximo had also come from a member of the Myr- taceae (e.g., Leptospermum). Although the pollen of Leptospermum is triangular it lacks operculate pores and a scabrous pollen wall. Rayment’s drawing of the pollen grain found on L. ( Ewyglossidia) proximo is almost identical to his draw¬ ing of the grain found on L. ( Filiglossa ) filamentosa (Fig. 3). If entomologists ever followed Rayment’s suggestion and looked for L. filamentosa on myrtaceous flowers they would have attempted to collect this bee on blossoms it does not appear to visit with any great frequency (Table 3). Rayment’s difficulties with Persoonia pollen is most surprising considering his strong commitment to illustrating pollen grains found on bees and/or stored in their nests. A most self-consistent and dependable aspect of his fieldwork was that he identified the flower on which the bee was caught and then compared the pollen grains in the flower to grains removed from the bee’s body and/or its pollen loaf (Rayment 1935). In fact, toward the end of his life Rayment completed a manuscript on the biology of the Australian heaths (Epacridaceae) containing 136 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) dozens of meticulous illustrations of pollen morphology, wall sculpture and ger¬ mination (Rayment 1961). Genera within the Epacridaceae release their pollen grains in united packets of four known as tetrads. Rayment clearly discriminated between four, distinct modes of tetrad configuration. In addition, Rayment (1950) also published a paper describing the pollination of Persoonia mollis by Leioproctus (Cladocerapis ) species only nine years before his description of Leioproctus (Filiglos sa) filament os a (Rayment 1959). In this earlier paper Rayment emphasized the foraging behavior of Leioproctus (Clado¬ cerapis) species on Persoonia flowers. As usual, he carefully drew Persoonia grains Norman Rodd provided from flowers of Persoonia lanceolata. The drawing of Persoonia pollen in Rayment (1950) is based on a wet mount and shows that the author was familiar with the shape of hydrated, abortive and irregular-tetraporate grains (fig. 3). Compared to a modern photomicrograph (Fig. 1) all of Rayment’s illustrations show the broad variation in the shape of Per¬ soonia pollen. In the case of Leioproctus (Filiglossa) species only two specimens, representing a single species, were collected for over forty years (Maynard 1994). Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned when sampling certain taxa that are obligate, floral foragers. When new species are caught in random sweeps, or lack fieldnotes as to foraging preferences, the success of future collections may be delayed. It may be easier to relocate these insects when distinctive pollens can be removed from the original specimens and identified using both standard palynological references and a back up collection of mounted grains or their photomicrographs. Acknowledgment Research was funded by a Fellowship provided by the Trust of the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney. We thank Dr. P. H. Weston (RBG Sydney) for his iden¬ tification of Persoonia species and for showing us the pertinent sites in New South Wales and particular thanks to Ms. Natasha Baczocha and Ms. Catriona McPhee who assisted in the collection of bees and helped record data and prepare speci¬ mens over two seasons. Literature Cited Bernhardt P. & K. Walker. 1984. Bee foraging on three species of Australian Acacia. Int. J. Entomol., 26: 322-30. Bernhardt, P. & P. Weston. In press. The pollination ecology of Persoonia in Eastern Australia. Telopea. Feuer, S. 1986. Pollen morphology and evolution in the Persoonioideae, Sphalmioideae and Carnar- vonoioideae (Proteaceae). Pollen et Spores, 28: 123-156. Johnson, L. A. S. & B. G. Briggs. 1975. On the Proteaceae—the evolution and classification of a southern family. Bot. J. Linn. Soc.: 83-182. Krauss, S. L. & L. A. S. Johnson. 1991. A revision of the complex species Persoonia mollis (Pro¬ teaceae). Telopea, 4: 185-200. Maynard, G. 1992. Revision of Leioproctus (Cladocerapis) Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). J. Aust. ent. Soc., 31: 1-11. Maynard, G. 1994. Revision of Leioproctus ( Filiglossa ) Rayment (Hymentoptera; Colletidae). J. Aust. ent. Soc., 33: 299-304. Michener, C. D. 1965. A classification of the bees of the Australian and South Pacific regions. Bull. Amer. Mus. Natur. Hist., 130: 1-362. 1996 BERNHARDT & WALKER: LEIOPROCTUS FORAGING 137 Ogden, E. C., G. S. Raynor, J. V. Haynes, D. M. Lewis & J. H. Haines. 1974. Manual of Sampling Airborne Pollen. Hafner Press, Collier Macmillan, New York. Rayment, T. 1935. A cluster of bees. The Endeavour Press, Australia. Rayment T. 1950. New bees and wasps-part XV. The Victorian Naturalist, 67: 101-111. Rayment T. 1959. A new genus of bees in the family Colletidae. Aust. Zool., 12: 324-329. Rayment, T. 1961. Heaths of Australia; Their flower structure, pollination and evolutionary sequence with a census of the family. Parts 1 & 2. Royal Society of Victoria’s papers. Manuscript Collection, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. Weston, P. 1991. Persoonia. In, Flora of New South Wales, Vol. 2, pp. 4-19. In Garden, G. W. (ed.). New South Wales U. Press, Kensington, N.S.W. Australia. Received 18 Aug 1995: Accepted 1 Mar 1996 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 138-141, (1996) EFFECTS OF SEX RATIO AND FEMALE DENSITY ON PROGENY SURVIVAL OF THE ALFALFA LEAFCUTTER BEE (HYMENOPTERA: MEGACHILIDAE) D. F. Mayer Department of Entomology, Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Washington State University, Prosser, Washington 99350 Abstract .—This paper reports the results of two 3-year studies on the effects of: 1) sex ratio in the parental generation on percent live larvae and immature mortality in the progeny; and 2) the density of females on percent live larvae and immature mortality in the progeny. In both studies there were no consistent significant differences between treatments in percent live larvae or immature mortality in the progeny. Key Words. —Insecta, alfalfa leafcutter bee. Megachile rotundata, alfalfa seed The alfalfa leafcutter bee, Megachile rotundata (Fabr.), is the primary pollinator of commercial alfalfa seed in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and southwestern Canada (Richards 1984, Mayer et al. 1990). U.S. alfalfa seed grow¬ ers in the U.S. often purchase leafcutter bees in 3.79 liter units (gallon) (about 10,000 cells) from producers in Canada because, in many cases, these bees do not reproduce well when used for alfalfa pollination in the U.S. A major problem with the alfalfa leafcutter bees bred in the U.S., other than chalkbrood, is the high death rate of eggs and young bee larvae (immature mor¬ tality) which has reached 60% or more (Bohart 1972). Larval mortality has been attributed to a variety of factors including insecticide residues (Waller 1969), nutrition (Bohart 1972) and parasitism, bee senility, unidentified diseases, over¬ crowding in domiciles resulting in bee confusion, type of nesting media, lack of food resources and excessive competition for these resources (Arnett 1981). Goesk et al. (1988) found the ratio of males to females had an effect on percent females and I thought there may be some other effects on progeny. This paper reports the results of two 3-year studies on the effect of the sex ratio in the parental generation and female density on percent live larvae and immature mortality. Methods and Materials New sterilized nest blocks were prepared annually by taping laminate wood pieces (1 cm X 13 cm X 12 cm) together with strapping tape to form small blocks with 104 nesting tunnels, and covering the back of each block with aluminum foil. Tunnels were 5 mm in diameter and 12 cm deep. One nest block was placed in each cage. Loose bee cells were obtained annually from Mr. Pollination Services in Canada during the winter and stored at 3° C for about 36 weeks. These bees contained no chalkbrood. In the spring, the cells were removed from storage and incubated at 28-29° C. Adults that emerged after about 19-21 days were allowed to fly in the laboratory and males and females were counted and collected into separate vials. The adults were then released into the cages containing blooming alfalfa and the nest blocks. 1996 MAYER: MEGACHILE LARVAL SURVIVAL 139 Table 1. Effect of number of male leaf cutting bees on percent live larvae (LL), immature mortality (IM), dead mature larvae (DL) and pollen masses (PM). Prosser, WA. Females _ 1990 1991 1992 to males LL IM DL PM LL IM DL PM LL IM DL PM 1:6 89a 6a 5a 0a 59a 26ab 3a 12a 65a 25a 2a 8a 1:3 77a 15a 7a la 66a 23a la 10a 60a 28ab 4a 8a 1:2 86a 8a 4a 0a 56ab 31ab 5a 8a 58a 35b 3a 4a 5:1 86a 8a 6a 0a 47b 42b 5a 6a 61a 32ab la 6a Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the P - 0.05 level, Newman-Keuls studentized range test. For the sex ratio study, 16 cages (6 X 6 X 1.8 m) and for the female density study, 12 similar cages were erected over different plots of blooming alfalfa at Prosser, WA. For sex ratio studies, 80 females were put in each cage and then males were added to obtain a 6:1 male to female ratio in each of 4 cages, 3:1 ratio in each of 4 cages, 2:1 ratio in each of 4 cages, and 1:5 ratio in each of 4 cages. This method led to differences in male density between treatments. How¬ ever, males feed only on nectar and nectar is constantly produced by alfalfa flow¬ ers until the flower is tripped. For female density studies 52 females were put in each of 4 cages (1 female:2 tunnels), 104 females were put in each of 4 cages (1 female: 1 tunnel) and 208 females in each of 4 cages (2 females: 1 tunnel). Males were put in the cages at the same time and in equal number to females (1: 1). Thus both nesting density effects and provisioning resources were limitations. Bees were put in the cages on 30 Jul 1990; 5 Jul 1991; and 15 Jul 1992. The bees foraged and constructed cells in the nest blocks during each season. At the end of the nesting season (August) all the bee cells were extracted from the laminate boards and put into cold storage at 3° C. During each winter the cells were cut open, inspected and the number of live prepupae, dead eggs or young larvae (instars 1—3), dead older larvae and pollen masses (no visible egg or larva) recorded. I examined all the cells produced each year. The data were analyzed as a randomized complete block design after transfor¬ mation by analysis of variance, with Newman-Keuls studentized range test for mean separations (Lund 1989). Results and Discussion The total number of cells produced for the sex ratio studies were 1849 (6:1 ratio), 2008 (3:1 ratio), 2080 (2:1 ratio), and 2061 (1:5 ratio). The total number of cells produced for the female density studies were 1492 (1 female: 2 tunnels), 1282 (1 female: 1 tunnel) and 767 (2 females: 1 tunnel). There were no consistent significant differences among sex ratio treatments in the percent live larvae, mortality of immature stages, dead mature larvae or pollen masses (Table 1). In 1990, there were no significant differences between treat¬ ments in live larvae (F = 1.37, P - 0.314, SE = 3.64), immature mortality (F - 1.85, P = 0.195, SE — 1.86) dead mature larvae (F = 0.47, P = 0.709, SE - 2.54) or pollen masses (F = 2.08), P — 0.173, SE = 0.364). In 1991, there were no significant differences between treatments in immature mortality (F = 2.45, P = 0.131, SE = 5.27), dead larvae (F = 2.35, P = 0.141, SE = 1.84) or pollen 140 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Table 2. Effect of number of female leafcutting bees per tunnel on percent live larvae (LL), im¬ mature mortality (IM), dead mature larvae (DL) and pollen masses (PM). Prosser, WA. Females 1990 1991 1992 tunnel LL IM DL PM LL IM DL PM LL IM DL PM 1:2 82a 7a 8a 3a 54a 33a 7a 6a 60a 25a 7a 7a 1:1 82a 9a 6a 3a 50a 37a 4a 9a 54a 32a 5a 9a 2:1 87a 6a 5a 2a 52a 32a 6a 9a 56a 36a 5a 3a masses (F = 1.61, P = 0.254, SE = 1.91). However, there were significantly fewer live larvae (F = 0.49, P — 0.700, SE = 3.5) in the 1:5 sex ratio as compared to the other treatments. Though not significant there appeared to be more im¬ mature mortality in this treatment. In 1992, there were no significant differences between treatments in live larvae (F = 1.98, P = 0.296, SE = 4.32), dead mature larvae (F = 2.04, P = 0.149, SE = 0.48) or pollen masses (F = 2.12, P = 0.135, SE = 1.85). However, there were significant differences between treatments in immature mortality (F = 12.5, P = 0.018, SE = 4.73) although there were no apparent correlations with the other two years of the study. It appears that im¬ mature mortality is the major variable factor and dead mature larvae and pollen masses are of lesser importance. Mortality of immature stages appeared to be somewhat higher in 1991 and 1992 as compared to 1990. The sex ratio in a population appears to have little or no effect on mortality of the immature stages of their progeny. Female density had no significant effect among treatments in 1990 in the per¬ cent live larvae (F = 0.81, P = 0.818, SE = 2.74), immature mortality (F = 2.46, P = 0.432, SE = 1.26), dead mature larvae (F = 3.03, P = 0.123, SE = 1.24) or pollen masses (F = 0.47, P = 0.646, SE = 0.76) (Table 2). Female density had no significant effect among treatments in 1991 in the percent live larvae (F = 0.21, P = 0.818, SE = 3.65), immature mortality (F = 0.09, P = 0.911, SE = 3.55), dead mature larvae (F = 1.45, P = 0.307, SE = 1.25), or pollen masses (F = 3.47, P = 0.10, SE = 1.36). Female density had no significant effect among treatments in 1992 in the percent live larvae (F = 0.62, P = 0.561, SE = 2.85), immature mortality (F = 3.05, P = 0.185, SE = 3.21), dead mature larvae (F = 1.26, P = 0.285, SE = 1.020, or pollen masses (F = 2.48, P = 0.408, SE = 3.4). Mortality of immature stages does not appear to be affected by different sex ratios or the female density and the results were fairly consistent over three years. Acknowledgment I thank J. D. Lunden and M. R. Jasso for their help and the Washington Alfalfa Seed Commission and the USDA/ARS for partial funding of this research. Literature Cited Arnett, W. H. 1981. Factors influencing egg and early larval leaf cutting bee mortality (pollen mass). Proc. Ann. Interstate Alfalfa Seed Growers School, 12: 1-3. Bohart, G. E. 1972. Management of wild bees for the pollination of crops. Ann. Rev. Entomol., 17: 287-312. Gosek, J., A. Ruszkowsi, M. Bilinski & K. Kaczmarska. 1988. The percentage of females in the 1996 MAYER: MEGACHILE LARVAL SURVIVAL 141 progeny of the lucerne leafcutter bee (Megachile rotundata ) in relation to the percentage of females in the parent generation and to the breeding line and population density. Pszczelnicze Zeszty Naukowe, 32: 99-110. (In Polish.) Lund, R. E. 1989. MSUSTAT statistical analysis package 4.12. Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. Mayer, D. F., J. D. Lunden & E. R. Miliczky. 1990. Effects of fungicides on chalkbrood disease of alfalfa leaf cutting bee. Appl. Agr. Res., 5: 223-226. Richards, K. W. 1984. Alfalfa leafcutter bee management in Western Canada. Agr. Canada Publ. 1495/E. 53 pp. Waller, G. D. 1969. Susceptibility of an alfalfa leafcutting bee to residues of insecticides on foliage. J. Econ. Entomol., 62: 189-92. Received 18 Aug 1995: Accepted 14 Feb 1996 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 142-144, (1996) A NEW MICROBEMBEX ENDEMIC TO THE ALGODONES DUNES, CALIFORNIA (HYMENOPTERA: SPHECIDAE) Terry L. Griswold USDA-ARS Bee Biology & Systematics Lab, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-5310 Abstract.—Microbembex elegans, NEW SPECIES, a sand wasp endemic to the Algodones Dunes, California, is described. This species appears to be restricted to areas of the dunes with a combination of active slip faces and perennial vegetation. Known populations are in areas subject to off-road vehicle activity, which may endanger the future of this wasp. Key Words. —Insecta, Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, endemic, endangered, sand wasp, sand dunes Microbembex Patton is a small genus of New World bembicine wasps which frequent sandy environments, making shallow nests in the soil which are provi¬ sioned with dead and moribund arthropods (Evans 1966). In contrast to South American Microbembex where there are four distinct species groups (Bohart & Willink 1989), known North American species are frustratingly uniform morpho¬ logically, with species discrimination often dependent on rather variable color and punctation. Bohart & Homing (1971) revised the genus for the continental United States. Study of over 2000 specimens demonstrated that all but one of the seven included species are widespread. (The only exception is M. rufiventris Bohart, known only from two sites in the southern San Joaquin Valley.) Collections were from throughout the deserts of California. The presence of a new species of Microbembex endemic to the Algodones Dunes (or Glamis Dunes) is, therefore, surprising. This new species, Microbembex elegans, appears to be restricted even within the dune system to areas with active slip faces. The wasp was found only around the bases of shrubs where detritus collects. Microbembex elegans is like¬ wise remarkable for the distinctive morphological characters separating it from all other species. Microbembex elegans may be threatened by off-road vehicle activity. The two known populations were in areas open to such activity but not currently receiving a high level of disturbance. At the time the type material was collected search of stabilized dunes and areas of high vehicular use devoid of vegetation failed to yield M. elegans. In the description which follows, terga are numbered Tl, T2, . . ., sterna, SI, S2, etc. Microbembex elegans Griswold, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-5) Types. —Holotype, male; CALIFORNIA. IMPERIAL Co.: Glamis Dunes, 1.6 km (1 mi) W of Glamis, 9 Oct 1988, T. Griswold; deposited: USDA Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan, Utah. Paratypes: same data as holotype, 3 males, 4 females; same except 7 Oct 1988, 1 male; same except 29 Sep 1987, 1 male; 6.4 km (4 mi) S Ogilby, 10 Oct 1988, T. Griswold, 1 male; deposited: USDA Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan, Utah. 1996 GRISWOLD: NEW MICROBEMBEX SPECIES 143 Figures 1-6. Microbembex elegans. Figure 1. Male genitalia, dorsal view. Figure 2. Abdomen in ventral view, S2-8. Figure 3. Male S7. Figure 4. Male S8, lateral view. Figure 5. Male midleg, posterior view. Figure 6. Male midcoxa, posterior view. Male .—Length 12 mm; forewing length 8 mm. Head and thorax black marked with pale yellow on scape, pedicel, first flagellar segment, narrow line around eye interrupted dorsally, most of pronotum, lateral margin of scutum, scutellum except for anterior triangle, metanotum, transverse band on pos¬ terior face of propodeum and most of lateral face, dorsal mesopleural spot, legs except bases of coxae; mandible except apically, clypeus, labrum white. Abdomen yellow with amber basal marks on terga and sterna except S2. Wings clear, veins in basal half of wing except radial vein white, apical veins brown. Pubescence silvery, dense, appressed, obscuring sculpture on pronotal lobe, dorsum of meso- soma, mesopleuron. Punctation of entire body dense. Flagellar segments 6-11 with shiny raised inner welts; length of segment 11 less than 2 X width. Forecoxa with small apical spine. Foretarsi slender, unmodified, basitarsus with 5 rake setae. Midcoxa with inner longitudinal carina ending in distinct spine (Fig. 6). Ventral surface of midfemur concave basally, thickened and ridged apically (Fig. 5). Midbasitarsus with carinate ventral lobe (Fig. 5). Hindfemur concave basoventrally. Hindbasitarsus with carinate ventral lobe, T7 with apical margin broadly rounded, not emarginate medially. S2 without projection; S3 with pronounced rounded lateral lobe; S4 with similar but smaller lobe (Fig. 2). Apical margin of S7 emarginate laterally, fringed with long hair (Fig. 3). S8 with apical spine bearing very long hair, with slender dorsal basal spine (Fig. 4). Genitalia as in Fig. 1. Female .—Length 9-10 mm; forewing length 7-7.5 mm. Markings as in male except mesosomal markings more nearly white; amber markings of sterna present only on S4-5; wide apical white bands on Tl-5. Foretarsal rake setae pale. Clypeus evenly arched, not strongly projecting medially. Labrum densely punctate. Mouthparts not exceeding labrum. Forecoxa with projecting obtuse apical angle. Midcoxa with weak inner longitudinal carina. T6 densely punctate throughout, apical notch weak, very narrow. Diagnosis.—Microbembex elegans differs from all other North American Mi¬ crobembex by the carina on the midcoxa which, though strongest in the male, is present in both sexes. Males are unique among Microbembex in the modified mid- and hind legs, the lateral humps of S3-4, the shape of S7, and the dorsal spine of S8. Females differ from all other North American species by the densely punc¬ tate clypeus, the shape of the clypeus, the presence of an apical process on the 144 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) forecoxa, and the densely punctate and narrowly notched T6. They further differ from those in the continental United States by the all white rake setae on the foretarsi. Discussion.—Microbembex elegans differs from the generic diagnosis of Mi- crobembex (Bohart & Menke 1976) in several characters. The clypeus is evenly convex, the male midleg is modified, the apical spine of male S8 is not down- curved and a basal dorsal spine is present. Despite these differences, M. elegans clearly belongs in Microbembex. The midocellus is reduced to a transverse scar, the marginal cell is bent away from the margin of the forewing, the propodeum is not armed with lateral angles, and male T7 lacks spiracular lobes. Variation. —A small male (8 mm long) has the mesosomal markings reduced, the amber abdominal markings replaced by more extensive dark brown markings and the light abdominal markings pale yellow. Material Examined .—See Types. Acknowledgment Thanks to Marianne Cha Filbert and Greg Frehner for producing the illustra¬ tions. R. M. Bohart and B. A. Alexander kindly reviewed the manuscript. This is a contribution from Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-4810, Journal Paper No. 4545, and USDA-ARS Bee Biology and Sy sterna tics Laboratory, USU, Logan, UT 84322-5310. Literature Cited Bohart, R. M. & D. S. Horning, Jr. 1971. California Bembicine sand wasps. Bull. Calif. Insect Surv., 13: 1-49. Bohart, R. M. & A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid wasps of the world, a generic revision. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley. Bohart, R. M. & A. Willink. 1989. The genus Microbembex in Argentina. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc., 114: 295-310. Evans, H. E. 1966. The comparative ethology and evolution of the sand wasps. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 145-151, (1996) TAXONOMIC CHANGES IN CHINESE LOPHOPIDAE WITH A CHECK LIST OF CHINESE SPECIES (HOMOPTERA: FULGOROIDEA) Ai-Ping Liang 1 Department of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024-5192 Abstract .—The monotypic genus Boresinia Chou is removed from Lophopidae and synonymized with Asiraca Latreille of the subfamily Asiracinae of Delphacidae, and Boresinia choui Yuan & Wang becomes Asiraca choui (Yuan & Wang), NEW COMBINATION. Lacusa yunnanensis Chou & Huang is synonymized with L. fuscofasciata (Stal). Bisma elasmoscelis Jacobi is trans¬ ferred to Serida and new distributional data for this species is given. The sugarcane and rice pest Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) and the species Pitambara dawnana Distant are reported for the first time in southern China. A check list of the Chinese species of Lophopidae is provided. Key Words. —Insecta, Fulgoroidea, Lophopidae, Delphacidae, China, new synonymies, new com¬ binations, new records, check list The Lophopidae is a very small family of Fulgoroidea with 44 genera and 137 species known. The world fauna is confined to the tropics and warm temperate regions. Four genera and four species were reported from China (Chou et al. 1985). The family can be recognized by the following combination of characters: head narrower than pronotum; vertex much narrower than its length, sometimes protuberant, lateral margins strongly elevated; frons longer than wide, with carinae in addition to angulate margins; clypeus with lateral carinae; rostrum short, stout, with the apical joint short; pronotum and mesonotum short and broad, tricarinate; tegulae large; forewings with apical margin narrower, much shorter than anal margin, clavus not extending to apical part of fore wing; fore and middle tibiae usually compressed and expanded, second hind tarsomere very small and without apical row of spines; male aedeagus robust with a complicated set of apical spines; and female genitalia incomplete. During the preparation of a checklist of Fulgoroidea found in China and a review of the genera of Chinese Delphacidae, it became evident that several tax¬ onomic changes in the Lophopidae were necessary. This paper indicates these changes. These include one generic synonym, one new specific synonym, one species transferred to the correct genus and another species to Delphacidae, There are also additions of one newly detected sugarcane and rice pest and another species. A check list summarizing the nomenclatural and distributional knowledge about Chinese species of Lophopidae is also provided. Depositories .—Specimens studied here are deposited in the following institu¬ tions: American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA (AMNH); Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China (IZAS); Department of Entomology Insect Collection, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA (NCSU); Entomological Museum, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yang- 1 Present address: Department of Entomology, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 19 Zhong- guancun Lu, Beijing 100080, People’s Republic of China. 146 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) ling, Shaanxi, China (NWAU); and Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Academia Sinica, Shanghai, China (SIE). New Generic Synonymy, and Species Excluded from Lophopidae Asiraca Latreille Cercopis Latreille 1796: 91. Type species: Cicada clavicornis Fabr. 1794: 41, by subsequent designation of Latreille 1810: 434. [Homonym of Cercopis Fabr. 1775.] Asiraca Latreille 1796: 12, 202. [Replacement name for Cercopis Latreille.] Manchookhonia Kato 1933: 10. Type species: Manchookhonia granulipennis Kato 1933: 11, fig. 13, by original designation and monotypy. [Synonymized by Asche 1985: 116, 374.] Boresinia Chou in Chou et al. 1983: 60, 66. [Replacement name for Manchoo¬ khonia Kato.] [Synonymized with Manchookhonia Kato, 1933: 10 by Dessart 1983: 318.] NEW SYNONYMY. Discussion .—The generic name Boresinia was proposed by Chou (see Chou et al. 1983) to replace Manchookhonia, which was described by Kato (1933) in Lophopidae for the Manchurian species M. granulipennis Kato (see Metcalf 1955). Dessart (1983: 318) refused Chou’s (1983) action and treated Boresinia as a new synonymy of Manchookhonia Kato. Asche (1985: 116, 374) synonymized Manchookhonia Kato with the delphacid genus Asiraca Latreille. Thus, Boresinia Chou is a junior subjective synonym of Asiraca Latreille. Asiraca choui (Yuan & Wang), NEW COMBINATION Boresinia choui Yuan & Wang 1992: 179 (Chinese), 182 (English), fig. 1-A-D. Holotype, male, China ‘Shaanxi’ (NWAU) [examined]. Transferred to Asiraca Latreille of the Asiracinae of Delphacidae. Discussion.—Boresinia choui was described by Yuan & Wang (1992) in Lo¬ phopidae on the basis of four specimens, two males and two females, from Shaanxi Province, China. I have examined the holotype of Boresinia choui and believe that it is not a lophopid, and that it is clearly a member of Asiraca Latreille of the Asiracinae of Delphacidae. Asiraca, with two known species, occurs in the Palaearctic region. The transfer of B. choui to Asiraca brings the total number of known species in the genus to three and represents the far southern range of this primitive delphacid genus (Asche 1985, 1990). Distribution .—China (Shaanxi Province). Type Material Examined. —Holotype, male, CHINA. SHAANXI: Mt. Qinling, 8 May 1980, L.-C. Xiang & N. Ma (NWAU). Paratypes: CHINA. SHAANXI: same data as holotype, 1 male, 2 females (NWAU). New Specific Synonymy and New Combination Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stal) Elasmoscelis fuscofasciata Stal 1854: 248. Cixius eminens Walker 1858: 42. [Synonymized by Atkinson, 1886: 42.] 1996 LIANG: CHINESE LOPHOPIDAE 147 Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stal); Stal 1862: 309. Lacusa yunnanensis Chou & Huang in Chou etal. 1985: 128 (Chinese), 137 (English), fig. 119a, b. Holotype, female, China ‘Yunnan’ (NWAU) [examined]. NEW SYNONYMY. Discussion.—Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stal) is common and widely distributed in northeastern India, northern Myanmar (Burma) and southwestern China. Chou & Huang (see Chou et al., 1985) described Lacusa yunnanensis on the basis of a single female from Yunnan Province in southwestern China. They noted that L. yunnanensis was closely related to L. fuscofasciata, but that it could be distin¬ guished from it by the fuscous transverse band near outer margin on forewing branched and the fuscous meso- and metathorax. My examination of specimens of L. fuscofasciata from Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, and Hainan Provinces in southern and southwestern China, and Chou & Huang’s female holotype of L. yunnanensis shows that the latter represents part of a range of variation in color morph within L. fuscofasciata (Stal). I, therefore, propose L. yunnanensis as a new synonym of L. fuscofasciata. Distribution. —India, Myanmar (Burma), China (Guangdong, Guizhou, Hainan, and Yunnan Provinces). Type Material Examined. —Holotype, female (of Lacusa yunnanensis Chou & Huang 1985), CHINA. YUNNAN: Xishuangbanna, Menglun, 21-30 Apr 1974, I. Chou, F. Yuan & Y.-Y. Hu (NWAU). Other Specimens Examined. —CHINA. E. GUANGDONG [KWANTUNG]: Yim Na San, 17 Jun 1936, J. L. Gressitt, 1 female (NCSU). GUIZHOU: Huangguoshu, 24 Jul 1958, D.-Y. Bi & Ren, 2 males (SIE). HAINAN: Ta Hau, 7 Jul 1935, J. L. Gressitt, 1 male (NCSU); Yinggen, 200 m, 8 Jul 1960, C.-Q. Li, 1 female (IZAS). YUNNAN: Cheli, 620 m, 8 Apr 1957, L.-C. Zang, 1 male; Hekou, Xiaon- anxi, 200 m, 8 Jun 1956, K.-R. Huang et al., 1 male; 765 km S of Kunluo hwy, 1000 m, 26 Apr 1957, F.-J. Pu, 1 male; same loc., but 1050 m, 26 Apr 1957, Q.- Z. Liang, 1 female; Mangshi City, 900 m, 18 May 1955, V. Popov, 1 male; Xiaomengyang, 850 m, 2 Apr & 4 May 1957, S.-Y. Wang, 1 male, 1 female; same loc., but 3 Apr 1957, L.-C. Zang, 2 males; Xishuangbanna, Menga, 1050— 1080 m, 17, 20 Aug 1958, F.-J. Pu, 2 males; same loc., but 7 Aug 1958, S.-Y. Wang, 1 female; Xishuangbanna, Menghun, 750 m, 9 Jun 1958, Y.-R. Zhang, 1 male; Xishuangbanna, Yunjinghong, 850 m, 26 Jun 1958, L.-Y. Zheng, 1 male (all in IZAS). PROVINCE UNKNOWN: Yen-ping, 13 Sep 1917, Ac. 5148, 1 female (AMNH). Serida elasmoscelis (Jacobi), NEW COMBINATION Bisma elasmoscelis Jacobi 1944: 17; Metcalf 1955: 48. Discussion .—Jacobi (1944) described elasmoscelis in Bisma from one male and two females collected at Kwangtseh of Fujian Province in southeastern China. I am here transferring E. elasmoscelis into Serida on the basis of the shape of head, veins of forewings and hind wings, metatibial spines and the structure of male genitalia. Distribution .—China (Fujian, Hainan, and Jiangxi Provinces). This is the first report of S. elasmoscelis in Hainan and Jiangxi Provinces. 148 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Specimens Examined. —CHINA. HAINAN: Ta Han, 23 Jun 1935, J. L. Gressitt, 2 females (NCSU). SE JIANGXI [KIANGSI]: Hong San, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30 Jun 1936, J. L. Gressitt, 5 males, 3 females (NCSU; IZAS). Specific Additions Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) Pyrops perpusilla Walker 1851: 269. Zamila lycoides Walker 1862: 305, pi. 15, fig. 3. [Synonymized by Fennah 1963: 720.] Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker); Distant 1907: 220. Pyrilla pusana Distant 1914: 326. [Synonymized by Fennah 1963: 720.] Discussion. —This species has been reported from India, Sri Lanka, and Thai¬ land. It is a major pest of sugarcane and rice in India (Rahman & Nath 1940, Brar & Bains 1979). I recently discovered 42 examples (17 males and 25 females) of this species from southern China among unidentified lophopid material in the IZAS, SIE, and AMNH. This species may become a significant pest of sugarcane in southern China, especially where the crop is grown for sugar production. This is also the first report of the genus Pyrilla in China. Distribution. —China (Fujian, Guangxi, Hainan, Jiangxi, and Yunnan Prov¬ inces). At present, P. perpusilla (Walker) has been found in five southern Chinese Provinces, from Yunnan Province in the west through to Fujian Province in the east; however, its apparent absence in several other southern Chinese Provinces (e.g., Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangdong, and Hunan Provinces) may be an artifact of lack of collecting. The distribution of this species likely will expand because sugarcane and rice are cultivated widely across southern China. Host Plants. —This species not only attacks sugarcane and rice, but also may attack maize, wheat, barley, oats, guinea grass and other gramineous crops (Rah¬ man & Nath 1940, Kalode 1983, O’Brien et al. 1987, Wilson & O’Brien 1987). Wilson & Claridge (1985) noted that P. perpusilla only attacks rice under favor¬ able conditions. Specimens Examined. —CHINA. FUJIAN: Chongan, Chengguan, 250—300 m, 8 Jun 1962, G.-T. Jin & Y.-M. Lin, 1 female; Chongan, Xingcun, 230-250 m, 1, 4 Jun 1960, G.-T. Jin & Y.-M. Lin, 6 males, 1 female (all in SIE); same loc., but 210 m, 6 Jun & 13 Sep 1960, Y.-R. Zhang, 2 females; Chongan, Xingcun, Longdu, 580 m, 27 Jun 1960, Y. Zuo, 1 female; same loc., but 580-640 m, 19 Jun 1960, Y.-R. Zhang, 1 female (all in IZAS); Jianning, 28, 31 May & 5, 6 Jun 1959, G.-T. Jin & Y.-M. Lin, 5 females; Jianning, Mt. Jinraoshan, 14 Jun 1959, G.-T. Jin & Y.-M. Lin, 1 male (head missing); Jianyang, Aotou, 970 m, 2 Jul 1960, G.-T. Jin, 1 male; Jianyang, Huangkeng, 350 m, 5 Jul 1960, G.-T, Jin & Y.-M. Lin, 1 female (all in SIE); Jianyang, Huangkeng, Changba, 340-440 m, 22 Aug 1960, Y. Zuo, 1 male; Jianyang, Huangkeng, Tangtou, 310-350 m, 24 Aug 1960, Y. Zuo, 4 males, 3 females (all in IZAS); Ninghua, 19 May 1959, G.-T. Jin & Y.-M. Lin, 1 female (SEE); Wuyi, 30 Aug 1953, 1 male (IZAS); Tongmuguan, 970 m, 3 Jun 1960, G.-T. Jin & Y.-M. Lin, 1 male; Yongan, Xiyang, 25 Apr 1962, G.-T. Jin, 1 female (both in SIE). GUANGXI: Jinxiu, Zhongliang, Linzucun, 600 m, 21 Nov 1981, G.-T. Jin & F.-L. Li, 1 female (SIE). HAINAN: Qiongzhong, 6 Mar 1959, G.-T. Jin & Y.-M. Lin, 1 female (SIE); Shuiman, 640 m, 25 May 1960, X.-Z. Zhang, 1 male; Tongshi, 340 m, 27 May 1960, C.-Q. Li, 1 female; Yinggen, 200 m, 6 Jul 1960, C.-Q. Li, 2 females (all in IZAS). JIANGXI: Ml Jiulian, Hualu, 16 Sep 1986, R-Y. Zheng & G.-P. Gan, 1 female (SIE). YUNNAN: Xishuangbanna, Ganmanta, 580 m, 22 Apr 1957, F.-J. Pu, 1 female; Jinping, Changpotou, 700 m, 24 May 1956, K.-C. Huang et al., 1 female (both in IZAS). PROVINCE UNKNOWN: Yen¬ ping, 8 Feb 1917, Ac. 5148, 1 male (AMNH). 1996 LIANG: CHINESE LOPHOPIDAE 149 Pitambara dawnana Distant Pitambara dawnana Distant 1912: 189; 1916: 83, fig. 63. Discussion. —Distant (1912) described P. dawnana from a single specimen col¬ lected in Dawna Hills, Burma and later (1916) redescribed and illustrated the holotype. No host has been reported. Among undetermined Lophopidae material (IZAS), I discovered five male examples of P. dawnana Distant from Yunnan Province, southwestern China; this is the first record of the genus and species in China. Distribution. —Lower Myanmar (Burma), China (Yunnan Province). Specimens Examined. —CHINA. YUNNAN: Cheli to Menghai, 720 m, 23 Apr 1957, D.-H. Liu, 1 male; Menghai, Ml Nannuoshan, 1300 m, 24 Apr 1957, D.-H. Liu, 1 male; Menglong, Banna, Meng- song, 1600 m, 24 Apr 1958, F.-J. Pu, 1 male; Xishuangbanna, Menghun, 1200-1400 m, 19 May 1958, Y.-R. Zhang, 1 male; Xishuangbanna, Yunjinghong, 850-2040 m, 30 Jun 1958, Y.-R. Zhang, 1 male (all in IZAS). Check List of Chinese Species of Lophopidae Fennah (1956) provided a key to five genera and briefly discussed three species of Lophopidae from China. Chou et al. (1985) recorded four genera and four species. I here list seven genera and eight species and expect further collecting will undoubtedly reveal more species. Elasmoscelis perforata (Walker 1862: 309).—Guangdong and Hainan Provinces, Taiwan. Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stal 1854: 248). (= L. yunnanensis Chou & Huang in Chou et al. 1985: 128, 137, fig. 119a, b. NEW SYNONYMY.—Guizhou, Guangdong, Hainan, and Yunnan Provinces. Lophops carinata (Kirby 1891: 140, pi. 5, fig. 9).—Hainan Province, Taiwan. Paracorethrura iocnemis (Jacobi 1905: 437, pi. 21, figs. 6, 6a).—Guangxi Prov¬ ince. Pitambara dawnana Distant 1912: 189.—Yunnan Province. New Record. Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker 1851: 269).—Fujian, Guangxi, Hainan, Jiangxi, and Yunnan Provinces. New Record. Serida elasmoscelis (Jacobi 1944: 17), NEW COMBINATION.—Fujian, Hainan, and Jiangxi Provinces. Serida latens Walker 1857: 158.—Fujian Province. Acknowledgment I express my appreciation to Robert L. Blinn and Lewis L. Deitz (NCSU), Hong-Xing Li and Hong-Guo Sun (IZAS), Zhi-Yi Luo and Biao Jin (SIE), and Jing-Ruo Zhou (NWAU) for the loan of specimens, Lois B. O’Brien of the De¬ partment of Entomology, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Florida, Norman D. Penny of the Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, and A. F. Emeljanov and I. M. Kerzhner of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, for reviewing the manu¬ script and for their valuable comments in improving the contents of the paper. The work on which this paper is based was supported by the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund, Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, American Museum of Natural History, with Randall T. Schuh. 150 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Literature Cited Anufriev, G. A. & A. F. Emeljanov. 1988. Delphacidae. pp. 322-441. In Lera, P. A. (ed.). Key to insects of Soviet Far East 2. Leningrad. [In Russian.] Asche, M. 1985. Zur Phylogenie der Delphacidae Leach, 1815 (Homoptera Cicadina Fulgoromorpha). Marburger Entomol. Publ., 2: 1-912. Asche, M. 1990. Vizcayinae, a new subfamily of Delphacidae with revision of Vizcaya Muir (Ho¬ moptera: Fulgoroidea)—a significant phylogenetic link. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 30: 154-187. Atkinson, E. T. 1886. Notes on Indian Rhynchota, No. 5. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 55: 12-83. Brar, R. S. & S. S. Bains. 1979. Population dynamics of Pyrilia perpusilla Walker. Mortality factors. Indian J. Ecol., 6: 110-121. Chan, M. L. & C. T. Yang. 1989. Lophopidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). In An, J. K. & S.-F. Huang (eds.). Collected papers on homoptera of Taiwan, Taiwan Mus. Spec. Publ., Ser. 8: 153-160. (Chinese abstract p. 154). Chou, I., H. F. Chao & S. N. Chiang. 1983. Modification of insect scientific names connected with “Manchukuo.” Entomotax., 5(1): 60, 66. [In Chinese, English abstract p. 66.] Chou, I., J. S. Lu, J. Huang & S. Z. Wang. 1985. Economic insect fauna of China. Fasc. 36. Ho¬ moptera: Fulgoroidea. Science Press, Beijing. [In Chinese, English abstract p. 137.] Dessart, P. 1983. Abus politico-nomenclaturaux. Bull. Ann. Soc. r. Belg. Entomol., 119: 318-319. [In French.] Distant, W. L. 1907. A replay to some recent comments on some species of the Fam. Fulgoridae. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Belg., 51: 220-222. Distant, W. L. 1912. Descriptions of new genera and species of Oriental Homoptera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8)9: 181-194. Distant, W. L. 1914. Rhynchotal notes—lv. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8)14: 323-333. Distant, W. L. 1916. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota 6 (Ho¬ moptera: Appendix), pp. 17-145. Taylor & Francis, London. Fabricius, J. C. 1775. Systema entomologiae, sistens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. xxviii + 832 pp. Flensburgi et Lip- siae, Korte. Fabricius, J. C. 1794. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Vol. 4. 472 pp. Halfniae, Proft. Fennah, R. 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Catalogue of the described Hemiptera Heteroptera and Homoptera of Ceylon, based on the collection formed (chiefly at Pundaloya) by Mr. E. Ernest Green. J. Linnean Soc. Zool., 24: 72-176. Latreille, P. A. 1796. Precis des caracteres generiques des insectes, disposees dans un ordre naturel. xiii 4 208 pp. Prevot, Paris, and Brive, Bordeaux. Latreille, P. A. 1810. Considerations generates sur l’ordre naturel des animaux composant les classes des crustaces, des arachnides, et des insectes, avec un tableau methodique de leurs genres, disposes en families. 444 pp. Schoell, Paris. Melichar, L. 1915. Monographie der Lophopinen. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 13: 337-384. 1996 LIANG: CHINESE LOPHOPIDAE 151 Metcalf, Z. P. 1943. Fulgoroidea, Araeopidae (Delphacidae). General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fasc. 4, Part 3. Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts. Metcalf, Z. P. 1955. Fulgoroidea, Lophopidae. General catalogue of the Homoptera. Fasc. 4, Part 17. North Carolina State College, Raleigh, North Carolina. O’Brien, L. B., N. D. Penny & J. R. Arias. 1987 [1986/1987]. Lophopidae of the Amazon Basin with keys to New World genera and species (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Acta Amazonica, 16/ 17: 617-626. Rahman, K. A. & R. Nath. 1940. Bionomics and control of the Indian sugar-cane leafhopper, Pyrilla perpusilla Walk. (Rhynchota, Fulg.) in the Punjab. Bull. Entomol. Res., 31: 179-190. Stal, C. 1854. Nya Hemiptera. Sven. Vetensk. Akad. Ofvers. Forh., 11: 231-255. Stal, C. 1862. Novae vel minus cognitae Homopterorum formae et species. Berl. Entomol. Ztg., 6: 303-315. Walker, F. 1851. List o f the specimens o f Homopterous insects i n the collection of the British Museum, Part 2, pp. 261-636. Edward Newman, London. Walker, E 1857. Catalogue of the Homopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. J. Proc. Linn. Soc., 1: 141-175. Walker, F. 1858. List of the specimens of Homopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, Supplement. 307 pp. Edw'ard Newman, London. Walker, F. 1862. Characters of undescribed species of Homoptera in the collection of F. P. Pascoe, F. L. S. J. Entomol. (London), 1: 303-319. Wilson, M. R. & M. F. Claridge. 1985. The leafhopper and planthopper faunas of rice fields, pp. 381-404. In Nault, L. R. & J. G. Rodriguez (eds.). The leafhoppers and planthoppers. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Wilson, S. W. & L. B. O’Brien. 1987. A survey of planthopper pests of economically important plants (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). pp. 343-360. In Wilson, M. R. & L. R. Nault (eds.). Proc. 2nd int. workshop on leafhoppers and planthoppers of economic importance, held Provo, Utah, USA, 28th July-lst Aug. 1986. CIE, London. Yuan, F. & Y. L. Wang. 1992. A new species of Boresinia Chou (Homoptera: Lophopidae) from China. Entomotax., 14: 179-182. [In Chinese, English abstract p. 182.] PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 152-159, (1996) CAVE-ASSOCIATED TROPICAL AMERICAN NEODITOMYIA (DIPTERA: MYCETOPHILIDAE) Edward I. Coher Division of Natural Sciences, Southampton College, Long Island University, Southampton, New York 11968 Abstract .—With the addition of the adults of two new species of Neoditomyia, as well as the larva of one, seven species are now known for this cave-associated genus. Flies of this genus are Neotropical in distribution. The first detailed figures of the male terminalia of N. aeropiscator (Jackson) and the larval head of N. farri NEW SPECIES are given. Key Words. —Insecta, Diptera, Mycetophilidae, Caves, Tropical America The genus Neoditomyia Lane & Sturm, 1958 was proposed for two Neotropical species of mycetophilids whose larvae spin webs bearing droplets, possibly of oxalic acid (Buston 1933), to catch and kill prey. The web-spinning habit is well known for other genera of keroplatine fungus gnats with predaceous larvae, such as Macrocera (Matile 1975) and Arachnocampa (Hudson 1950). Since that time three Circumcaribbean species have been described, one each from Honduras, Trinidad and Cuba. In this study, the adults of two new species are described, one from Jamaica, West Indies and one from Brazil, the latter known only from adult males taken in a Malaise trap, but with no data on whether in or outside of a cave. In January, 1961, I visited the Institute of Jamaica, West Indies, and Thomas Larr of the Institute and I climbed the Blue Mts. and visited the Windsor Great Cave. Entrance into the cave with nothing but flashlights was a bit overly bold. However, we persisted on penetrating the inner cave, our only mishap being a “Nantucket sleighride” down a large slanting boulder covered with bat guano. At its bottom, in a large chamber, we were soon enveloped in clouds of cerato- pogonids that were attracted to the lights. The most striking thing about the upper chamber walls of the cave was the presence of a covering of webs, sticky to the touch, with dangling ‘fishing lines’. Slim, worm-like, cream-colored larvae with a prominent head capsule were resting in the webs. On the lines were tiny drop¬ lets. A brief search for pupae and adults of the larva, recognized to be a kero¬ platine, was of no avail. Some years later Thomas Larr sent me males and females of this fly taken in Windsor Great Cave. They proved to be a new species of Neoditomyia, a known Neotropical cave-dwelling orfeliine genus. Neoditomyia was originally described as a ditomyiine; it encompassed two new cave inhabiting species from Colombia with N. colombiana designated as the generotype. Coher (1963) suggested that they were platyurines and more properly belonged in Platyura (Taidyrpa ) Edwards, 1929. Nicholas (1968) reported the presence of luminescent dipterous larvae in two caves in Guatemala. The larval web that he illustrated is similar to that of Neoditomyia, but it would be the only luminescent species of that genus if that is its affinity. Sturm (1973) reviewed the biology of the two Colombian species in detail. Orfelia aeropiscator Jackson, 1974 was described from adults reared from pu- 1996 COHER: CAVE-ASSOCIATED MYCETOPHILIDS 153 pae taken in a Honduran cave. Larvae that he found outdoors living in webs on the underside of leaves in Costa Rica were ascribed to O. aeropiscator; confir¬ mation of this observation is needed, Jackson made valuable observations on the biology of these larvae, but apparently did not rear any. Matile (1975) described adults and larvae of a new species N. troglophila from caves in Cuba, and correctly placed O. aeropiscator in Neoditomyia. In 1982, he described the male and female of N. spinosa and reviewed the bionomics and phylogeny of the genus. A slight modification is discussed below. A report on cave and roadside webs by Cook (1913) is rather limited. The webs that he and Barber (in Cook 1913) noted could mean that his fly and that of Nicholas represent a rather widespread species of as yet uncertain affinities. Neoditomyia Lane & Sturm, 1958 Neoditomyia Lane & Sturm 1958:199. Platyura (Taulyrpa ): Coher 1963:23. Orfelia (Neoditomyia): Matile 1972:113. Neoditomyia: Matile 1975:369. Type Species. — N. colombiana Lane & Sturm, 1958:199 (original designation). Description. —Head: antenna compressed, 2+ 14 segmented, length subequal to mesonotum, scape with apical ring of short setae; flagellar segments broader than long, penultimate segment nearly square, apical segment longer than wide, apex rounded; palpus with 4 segments, basal segment greatly reduced, segment 2 slightly inflated, segments 2 and 3 strongly setiferous, length of apical segment equal to combined length of segments 2 and 3; posterior clypeus setifereous, frons bare; vertex and occiput with abundant, short setae, occipital area with shortened seta ventrally, a tuft of long setae at lower posterior corner of compound eye; ocellar prominence black with 2 large ocelli separated by less than their diameter, separated from eye margin by more than ocellar diameter. Thorax: with patch of precoxal setae; mesonotum with variable pattern, heavily clothed with short, dark setae and longer lateral setae, either with short posteromedian stripe that continues onto scutellum, or with distinct V- shaped stripe with apex at mid-posterior margin continued onto scutellum, arms of ‘V’ broadly con¬ nected to a wide, heavily setose anterolateral area, a narrow median stripe also present or appearing as broad median stripe that is wider anteriorly; humeri lightly pigmented; area of median pattern appearing somewhat raised from remainder of the mesonotum; anterior and posterior margin of both spiracles bearing row of strong, dark setae; anterior and posterior pronotum setose; proepisternum with patch of setae; anterodorsal anepistemite with wide, linear patch of strong, dark setae; katepi- sternite at an angle to anepistemite; mesopleuron bare; pleurotergite heavily setose; scutellum and median postnotum densely setose; metepimeron bare. Wing 6.0 mm long; costa ending well beyond apex of R 5 , Sc short, ending free; Rs, Sc, M, Cu and their branches bare, M 3+4 not quite reaching wing margin, Cu 2 reaching or not; halter with knob setose, base dark, widened apically with bare membranous area occupying most of apex. Legs: forecoxa with heavy anterior setae, group of 2-7 large posterolateral apical setae; femora setose; tibiae and tarsi with setae in rows; tibial spur formula 1-1-1, ratio of tibial spurs 1/2/4, apex of midtibia with an internal comb, apex of hind tibia expanded, combs on both internal and external surfaces. Abdomen: unicolorous, heavily setose. Terminalia: male; all dististyles with a median internal compressed process (= median plate). Larva. —Apneustic. Head with typical elongate, forward-projecting, subtriangular maxillae of ker- oplatine larvae (Fig. 1); mandibles subrectangular with apical edge toothed in a roughly double row (Fig. 1); stemma large, below posterior antenna (Fig. 1); anterior head capsule with epicranial plates separated by membranous area; V-shaped submentum heavily sclerotized and pigmented, connected to premental sclerite; with scimitar-shaped submaxillary sclerites; abdomen with 6 pigmented creeping welts, widest medially, first and last as single row, others in double row (Fig. 1), all welts under high magnification appearing as rows of fine hairs; terminally with 2 soft lateral papilla as in Macrocera (Mansbridge 1933). 154 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Neoditomyia Larva head capsule-ventral Figure 1. Neoditomyia larvae. Maxilla, welt, mentum—submentum, mandible, ventral view of head capsule. Neoditomyia farri Coher, NEW SPECIES Types .—Holotype male: JAMAICA. TRELAWNY: Windsor Cave, 25 Aug 1955, T. H. Farr; deposited: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Al¬ lotype: With the same data as the holotype; deposited: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Paratypes: Same date as holotype, 2 males deposited: Institute of Jamaica and Coher collection; same data as holotype, but 14 May 1956, T. H. Farr (deposited: Institute of Jamaica), females; Dromilly Cave, 4 Nov 1992, reared from pupa collected 24 Oct 1992, I. Stringer (deposited: Institute of Jamaica). 17 Jan 1961, E. I. Coher and T. H. Farr 1 larva (deposited: California Academy of Sciences). Male. —Head: antenna with scape and pedicel slightly yellow, flagellar segments brown or yellow- brown; palpus yellow; clypeus and frons slightly yellow; vertex and occiput appearing brown due to presence of abundant, short setae, occipital area appearing slightly yellow laterally; ocellar prominence black, attenuated posteriorly; eyes sparsely setiferous, narrowed dorsally above level of antennal base. Thorax: mesonotum (Windsor form) with variable pattern, heavily clothed with short, dark setae and longer lateral setae, either yellow-brown with short posteromedian stripe that continues onto scutellum, or with distinct pattern of V-shaped brow'n stripe with apex at mid-posterior margin continued onto scutellum and arms of ‘V’ broadly connected to wide, heavily setose anterolateral brown area, narrow median brown stripe also present or appearing as broad median brown stripe that is wider anteriorly; humeri lightly pigmented; area of median pattern appearing somewhat raised from remainder of meso¬ notum. Alternatively mesonotum (Dromilly form) lighter with distinct pattern of V-shaped brown stripe with apex at mid-posterior margin continued onto scutellum, apical arms of ‘V’ with distinct broad patch of setae; pleura nearly yellow. Wing 5.0 mm long; suffused, darker apically in cell R 5 , slightly lighter in anal cells; R 4 slightly sinuous or not. Legs: coxae and tibiae yellow, forecoxa with heavy 1996 COHER: CAVE-ASSOCIATED MYCETOPHILIDS 155 anterior setae and a group of 2-7 large posterolateral apical setae; tibiae and tarsi brown. Abdomen: yellow-brown. Temiinalia: (Fig. 2). Setation less (Dromilly male) to strongly developed (Windsor males). Female .—Similar to male; mesonotum (Windsor form) with pattern of broad median stripe that is wider anteriorly or may be obsolete along its middle so that there are pair of brown spots anteriorly and single median one posteriorly. Alternatively, mesonotum (Dromilly female) similar to Dromilly male; wing 5.0-6.5 mm long. Larva. —(Fig. 1). With characteristics given for the genus. Diagnosis. —The males of N. farri, and its sibling N. spinosa Matile, are easily differentiated on the basis of the shape of the dististyle, which is strongly trian¬ gulate in N. spinosa and bluntly triangulate in N. farri. The setal tuft at the base of the dististyle of N. spinosa is attenuated basally and is broad in N. farri. Discussion .—The flies from Dromilly Cave in Jamaica were furnished by I. A. N. Stringer. He is involved in studies of the bionomics of this fly, which he has succeeded in rearing. This is undoubtedly the species noted by Matile (1982) as having been collected by A. S. Peck (1975); I have not been able to determine where those specimens have been deposited. A comparative study of the anatomy and bionomics of the larvae of these apparently troglobitic sibling species is needed. Entomology .—This species is named for Thomas H. Farr whose contribution to this study was invaluable. Material Examined .—See types. Neoditomyia para Coher, NEW SPECIES Types. —Holotype male: BRAZIL. PARA: Santo Antonio de Taua, April 1980, M. Boulard, Malaise trap; deposited: Museum National d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. Paratypes: Males (4). Same data as the holotype but, October 1979 (1 male), February 1980 (1 male), March 1980 (2 males), M. Boulard, all taken in a Malaise trap (1 deposited: Museum National d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; others retained by Coher). Male. —Head: antenna with scape and pedicel slightly yellow; flagellar segments brown or yellow- brown, apical 5 segments variably darkened or not; palpus yellow or yellow-brown; clypeus and frons light yellow-brown; vertex and occiput appearing light brown due to presence of abundant, short setae, occipital area light yellow-brown laterally. Thorax: mesonotum heavily clothed with short, dark setae, longer lateral setae, nearly yellow-brown with distinct V-shaped brown stripe with apex at mid pos¬ terior margin, arms of ‘V’ broadly connected to wide, heavily setose anterolateral brown area, narrow median brown stripe of variable length present; pleura light yellow-brown. Wing 4.5-5.0 mm long; entirely suffused, or cells R 3 , R 4 , R 5 and M 2 darker (1979 paratype); costa ending well beyond apex of R 5 , Sc short, Sc, M and its branches and Cuj bare, M 3+4 not reaching wing margin, Cu 2 reaching or not; halter with brown stem, knob setose, slightly white, base dark. Legs: coxae and femora yellow, forecoxa with heavy anterior setae and group of 5-7 large posterolateral apical setae; tibiae, tarsi brown, setae arranged in rows. Abdomen: yellow-brown. Terminalia: (Fig. 2). Female and Larva .—Not known. Diagnosis. — -N. para is most closely related to N. farri. The Brazilian species has a distinctive bifid median internal compressed process. Discussion. —The presence of N. para in Brazil extends the range of the Neo¬ ditomyia from several Caribbean Islands, Central America and northwestern South America to the eastern Neotropical Region. Roughly the range of the genus is now between 16° N and 4° S latitude. This will correct data presented by Matile 1996 COHER: CAVE-ASSOCIATED MYCETOPHILIDS 157 (1982) because my examination of the species reported by him from southern Brazil as Neoditomyia is not that, but actually represents a new genus. There are no data on the collection labels to indicate whether the adults were taken in or near a cave. Neoditomyia aeropiscator (Jackson), 1974 Orfelia aeropiscator Jackson 1974: 240. Neoditomyia aeropiscator : Matile 1975: 369. Neoditomyia aeropiscator. Matile 1982: 229. Remarks .—British Honduras, Cayo District. The original drawings of the male terminalia and larva of this species were not in detail; the male terminalia are re¬ drawn here (Fig. 2). There are no further records of this species. Although Pa- pavero (1978) indicated that he was erecting a new combination for this species, it had already been done by Matile (1975). Neoditomyia andina Lane & Sturm, 1958 Neoditomyia andina Lane & Sturm 1958: 201. Platyura (Taulyrpa ): Coher 1963: 23. Neoditomyia andina : Sturm 1973: 61. Neoditomyia andina : Matile 1982: 229. Remarks. —Colombia, Sierra de la Macarena, 400 to 500 m. No further collec¬ tion data. The larva and pupa and their bionomics were well described in the original study and in further studies by Sturm (1973). Neoditomyia colombiana Lane & Sturm, 1958 Neoditomyia colombiana Lane & Sturm 1958: 204. Platyura (Taulyrpa): Coher 1963: 23. Neoditomyia colombiana: Sturm 1973: 61. Neoditomyia colombiana: Matile 1982: 229. Remarks. —Colombia, Resina, 1600 to 2000 m altitude. No further collection data. The larva and pupa are described by Lane & Sturm (1958) with amplification by Sturm (1973). I have borrowed the holotype of N. colombiana. The specimen is intact, therefore the original drawings must have been made from a paratype. Neoditomyia spinosa Matile, 1982 Neoditomyia spinosa Matile 1982: 205, 229. Remarks .—Dominica, in several locales, no further collection data. Only the holotype male was taken in a cave, the allotype and a paratype male are not noted as being found in caves. The larva and pupa are unknown. Neoditomyia troglophila Matile, 1975 Neoditomyia troglophila Matile 1975: 369. Neoditomyia troglophila: Matile 1982: 229. Remarks. —Cuba, but no further collection data. Described from both sexes and larvae taken in seven caves. 158 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Bionomics The presence of eyes in both the adult and larva and of pigmentation in adult N eoditomyia indicates that cave habitation is probably not a geologically ancient development for the genus. The vicariant distribution in caves supports Matile’s (1982) contention that the cave habitat resulted after loss of a more widespread habitat. Although I consider that several species may be troglobites, the retention of eyes and pigment may indicate that there are extra-cave populations that in¬ terbreed with the cave-inhabiting forms and thus maintain anatomical and color¬ ation characteristics expected from populations outside the cave. The terminalia of male Neoditomyia vary around modifications of the shape of the dististyle and its median plate, the shape of the setal tuft at the base of the dististyle and the shape of the central gonostyle. Except for genitalia, I can discern no sexual dimorphism of any species. Adult coloration characteristics await a larger sampling before they can be considered to be useful. Larval differences apparently center around the shape of the mentum-submentum. Comparison of the structure of the larval webs would be of value, but cannot be evaluated based on data that is available. Larval and/or pupal collections indicate that N. aeropiscator, N. farri, N. spi- nosa and N. troglophila may be troglobitic, but N. andina and N. colombiana are troglophilic at best. The larvae of N. andifia, and N. colombiana were found in humid conditions on rocks or hanging from vegetation (leaves, fallen tree trunks). The immatures of N. para are unknown and the exact provenance of the adults is not known. As yet there is no detailed anatomical description of N. aeropiscator larvae. Larvae from Costa Rica ascribed to N. aeropiscator by Jackson (1974) have not been reared, and because adults and larvae from Honduras were taken only in caves and the larvae from Costa Rica were found outside on foliage, their rela¬ tionship to N. aeropiscator needs further examination. The larval web of Neoditomyia farri is similar to that described by Lane & Sturm (1958), Sturm (1973) and Jackson (1974). It provides a larval habitat and functions with its sticky droplets to capture or kill prey Buston (1933). In Jamaica, I found numerous ceratopogonids entangled on the ‘fishing lines’. These flies, easily captured in large numbers, have been identified by W. Wirth as a yet un¬ described species of Dasyhelea (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). They have been de¬ posited in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences. In addition, a single small empid was taken. In Windsor Great Cave, webs on the wall surface appeared as threads of silk with larvae apparently enclosed in their own mucus and stretched out on hori¬ zontal lines. The long, slim larvae were able to slide back and forth on these lines. It could not be determined at that time whether the larvae could glide backwards or whether they performed a ‘U-turn’ to reverse direction. Sturm (1973) reported that they can perform either function. Other orfeliines such as Platyura fultoni move in their webs in a similar manner (Fulton 1941). Vertical fishing lines were noted to be roughly up to 12 cm long with droplets of a sticky substance. The distribution of these droplets was not noted. A sample of the larvae, which occurred isolated from each other, was taken. The form of the web 1996 COHER: CAVE-ASSOCIATED MYCETOPHILIDS 159 almost certainly seems to have evolved in caves and rock shelters where air turbulence would not interfere with development and dessication. Unfortunately, Lane & Sturm (1958) give a dorsal view of the head capsule of N. colombiana and a ventral view of the head capsule of N. andina, so that they cannot be fully compared. The submentum in N. farri is labelled hypopharynx by Lane & Sturm (1958). I have not been able to examine larvae other than those of N. farri. Acknowledgment I thank Thomas Farr (Institute of Jamaica) for helping to obtain material of the species dedicated to him; Ian Stringer (Massey University, New Zealand), who kindly allowed me to study his flies from the Dromilly Cave in Jamaica; Loic Matile, who has allowed me to include a new Brazilian Neoditomyia sent to him for study; R. J. Gagne (U.S, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.), who arranged a loan of N. aeropiscator paratypes gave valuable recom¬ mendations on the development of this study; and Annette Vollers, for her extreme patience and good humor in joining me to develop all the rough pencil and final inked drawings. Literature Cited Bertrem, J. G. 1928. Monographic der Indo-australischen Scoliidae (Hym. Acul.) mit zoogeogra- phischen Betrachtungen. Treubia 9 (Suppl.): 3. Buston, H. W. 1933. Note on the chemical nature of the fluid from the webs of larvae of Platyura and Ceroplatus. Trans. R. Soc. London, 81: 90-92. Coher, E. I. 1963. Asian Macrocera Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), with some remarks on the status of the genus and related genera. Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc., 58: 23-36. Cook, O. F. 1913. Web-spinning fly larvae in Guatemalan caves. J. Washington Acad. Sci., 3: 190- 193. Fulton, B. B. 1941. A luminous fly larva with spider traits. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 34: 289-302. Hudson, G. V. 1950. The natural history of the New Zealand glow-worm. pp. 15-37. Fragments of New Zealand entomology. Ferguson and Osborn Ltd., Wellington, New Zealand. Jackson, J. F 1974. Goldschmidt’s Dilemma resolved: notes on the larval behavior of a new Neo¬ tropical web-spinning mycetophilid (Diptera). American Midland Nat., 92: 240-245, figs. 1-4. Lane, J. & H. Sturm. 1958. A new genus of “Ditomyiinae”. Description of two new species with bionomical notes (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Rev. Brasil. Biol., 18: 199-207. Mansbridge, G. H. 1933. On the biology of some Ceroplatinae and Macrocerinae (Diptera, Myceto¬ philidae). Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. London, 80: 75-90. Matile, L. 1972. Keroplatinae des lies del’Ocean Indien Occidental (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Biol. no. 16: 105-123. Matile, L. 1975. Un Keroplatinae cavernicole nouveau de Cuba (Diptera: Mycetophilidae). In T. Orghidau et al. Resultats des expeditions biospeologiques cubana-roumaines a Cuba. Acad. Rep. Soc. Roum. Bucharest: 369-371. Matile, L. 1982. Systematique, phylogenie et biogeographie des Dipteres Keroplatidae des Petites Antilles et de Trinidad. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., Paris. 4 ser., sect. A, 4(1-2): 189-235. Nicholas, G. 1968. Fauna in Mayan caves. Explorers J., 46: 168-171. Papavero, N. 1978. A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas, south of the United States. Family Keroplatidae, 19C: 1-22. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Peck, S. B. 1975. The invertebrate fauna of Tropical American caves, Part III: Jamaica, an introduc¬ tion. J. Speleol., 7: 303-326. Sturm, H. 1973. Fanggespinste und Verhalten der Larven von Neoditomyia andina and N. colombiana Lane (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Zool. Anzeiger, 191: 61-85, figs. 1-13. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 160-161, (1996) Scientific Note A RANGE EXTENSION OF HOMALODISCA COAGULATA (SAY) (HEMIPTERA: CLYPEORRHYNCHA: CICADELLIDAE) TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Although there are 13 species of Homalodisca in the western hemisphere (Young, D. A. 1968. U.S. National Museum Bull., 261), there are only four in the U.S.: H. coagulata (Say) [eastern, especially southeastern, U.S.], H. lacerta (Fowler) [Arizona, California], H. insolita (Walker) [southeastern U.S.], and H, elongatci Ball [Texas, Arizona] (Young, D.A. 1958. Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc., 53: 7-13). Of these, H. coagulata has been previously referred to under the syn¬ onym H. triquetra Fabr. by many American authors (Young 1958), and H. lacerta similarly has been referred to under the synonym H. liturata Ball (Nielson, M.W. 1968. USDA Tech. Bull., 1382); see Nielson (1968) or Young (1968) for the synonymies of these species. Homalodisca coagulata has become established recently in southern California, making it the second Homalodisca sp., along with the native H. lacerta, to occur in the state. Specimens of H. coagulata have been taken in Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, on Citrus, Pinus, Eucalyptus, Platanus, Primus, and Ficus with collections dating back to 1990. We suspect that this leafhopper probably entered California in nursery stock, as eggs, which are difficult to detect but are frequently intercepted during agricultural quarantine inspections. Homalodisca coagulata is a vector of phony peach disease (Turner W. F. & H. N. Pollard. 1955. J. Econ. Entomol., 48: 771-772; Young 1958; Nielson 1968) and Pierce’s disease of grape (Nielson 1968) in the southern U.S. It feeds broadly, and has been reported from 73 plant species in 35 families (Turner W. F. & H. N. Pollard. 1959. USDA, Tech. Bull., 57; Nielson 1968). In southern California, new circumstances suggest that it may be implicated as a vector of a bacterium (MLO) causing dieback to Oleanders planted along freeways (A. Purcell, personal communication). Eggs are laid in clusters in the lower epidermis of leaves of, usually herbaceous, plants (Turner & Pollard 1959, Nielson 1968). First and sec¬ ond instar nymphs, which do not survive well on woody plants, prefer herbaceous hosts, especially com, cotton, cowpeas, hollyhock, okra, lambsquarter, and sun¬ flower (Turner & Pollard 1959, Nielson 1968). After summer hosts become se¬ nescent, older nymphs and adults move to the stems and twigs of woody plants, and feed preferentially on ash, crapemyrtle, oak, peach, and silktree (Turner & Pollard 1959, Nielson 1968). Adults usually feed solitarily, but can sometimes congregate in large numbers on single plants (Turner & Pollard 1959, Nielson 1968). In southern California, they have been observed to line up along terminal twigs of leafless, dormant peaches (N. Nisson, personal communication). In Geor¬ gia, overwintering adults on oak have been known to drop to the ground during cold (freezing) nights and return to the tree when temperatures rose during the day (Pollard, H. N. & G. H. Kaloostian. 1961. J. Econ. Entomol., 54: 810—811). Young (1958) provides a key to the Homalodisca of the U.S. Homalodisca 1996 SCIENTIFIC NOTE 161 Table 1. Diagnostic traits for Homalodisca sp. in California. 3 Character H. coagulata H. lacerta Male size b 10.8-13.0 mm 8.5-10.2 mm Female size b 12.3-13.8 mm 10 .0-11.2 mm Head markings b discontinuous continuous white/creme white/creme flecks sinuous lines Aedeagal processes 15 2 pair c 1 pair d well developed greatly reduced 3 U.S. species with transparent anterior area of forewing. b Young (1958: couplet 2). c Young (1958: fig. 1 c-g). d Young (1958: fig. 2 a-g). coagulata and H. lacerta, as the only California Homalodisca, together, separate from H. insolita and H. elongata, by having an anterior area on their forewing that is transparent (vs. forewing completely opaque) (Young 1958: key couplet 1). Homalodisca coagulata can be separated from H. lacerta by its slightly larger size, the development of the markings on its cephalic dorsum, and the number and development of aedeagal processes (Table 1). Acknowledgment. —Jerry Davidson, Nick Nisson, Rosser Garrison and Eldon Reeves (Departments of Agriculture in Santa Barbara, Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties, respectively) were instrumental in delimiting the occurrence and distribution in California. Information on possible involvement of H. co¬ agulata as a vector associated with Oleander dieback was provided by A. H. Purcell (U.C. Berkeley), who is researching the problem. Records. —CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES Co.: Rosemead, 12 Sep 1995, D. Papilli, Ficus benja- maua. ORANGE Co.: Irvine, 19 Jan 1990, S. Quintana, Citrus sp., Pinus sp. RIVERSIDE Co.: Corona, 1 Sep 1994, E. Reeves. SAN BERNARDINO Co.: Fontana, 28 Feb 1994, S. Langford. VENTURA Co.: Ventura, 7 Mar 1994, R Phillips, Eucalyptus sp. John T. Sorensen and Raymond J. Gill, Plant Pest Diagnostics Center, Cali¬ fornia Dept, of Food & Agriculture, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, Cal¬ ifornia 95832-1448. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 162-163, (1996) Scientific Note NEW GENERIC ASSIGNMENT, NEW SYNONYMY, AND NEW DISTRIBUTION RECORDS FOR THE NEOPTROPICAL GENUS ICTERALARIA RAZOWSKI (LEPIDOPTERA: TORTRICIDAE) Razowski (1991. Misc. Zool., 14: 105-114) proposed the genus Icteralaria (Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Euliini) to accomodate two new species, I. idiochroma Razowski and I. ichnobursa Razowski. The description of I. idiochroma was based on a single male from Costa Rica; that of 7. ichnobursa on a single female from Colombia. Through the examination of material in the collections of the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), United States National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. (USNM), Institute Nacional de Biodiversidad, San Jose, Costa Rica (INBio), Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (LACM), and The Natural History Museum, London (BMNH), I discovered ad¬ ditional representatives of Icteralaria idiochroma, including both sexes. This pa¬ per provides additional data on the morphology and distribution of Icteralaria, rectifies a spelling error in the original description, and proposes a new synonymy and new combination in the genus. Icteralaria belongs to a group of genera within the Euliini characterized by a long, slender, strongly curved uncus, long-scaled socii, and a transtilla that bears spines or teeth (e.g., Paraptild). These male genitalic characters typically are associated with Sparganothini; assignment of these genera to Euliini is based on the possession of a foreleg hairpencil in the male (Brown, J, W. 1990. Entomol. News, 101: 109-116) and/or other plesiomorphic characteristics of the male and female genitalia, such as the distally joined gnathos arms in the male (Brown, J. & J. Powell 1991. Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol., Ill: 1-87). In his description of Icteralaria, Razowski (1991) designated Icteralaria “diochroma ” as the type species. However, this is certainly a misspelling of the species name idiochroma, which is used in three other places in the paper, in¬ cluding the abstract. Icteralaria idiochroma is a small moth with a narrow, yellow-gold fore wing that bears a broad, rhomboidal, gray-brown patch extending from the costa to the hind margin across the middle of the wing. The male genitalia are essentially as described and illustrated by Razowski (1991). The female genitalia are charac¬ terized by a simple sterigma; narrow papillae anales; long apophyses; a slender ductus bursa; a broad, round-ovoid corpus bursa with a large, curved signum; and a frail membranous accessory bursa that originates from near the middle of the corpus bursa. They are similar to those illustrated by Razowski (1991) for /. ichnobursa. Icteralaria idiochroma appears to be restricted to Central America; it has been recorded from Honduras and several localities in Costa Rica. Adults have been collected in May, July, August, and September. Specimens Examined .—COSTA RICA. ALAJUELA PROVINCE: 10.4 rd km (8 rd mi) N of Vera 1996 SCIENTIFIC NOTE 163 Blanca, Volcan Poas, 1500 m, holotype male, 26 May 1985 (J. Powell, UCB); Mount Poas, no date, 1 male (USNM). CARTAGO PROVINCE: Orosi, no date, 1 male (Coll. Wm. Schaus, USNM). CAR- TEGENA PROVINCE: Ref. Fauna Silv. Tapanti, 1250 m, Aug 1991, 2 males, 1 female (G. Mora, INBio). GUANACASTE PROVINCE: Est. Pitilla, 9 km S of Santa Cecilia, 700 m, Sep 1990, 1 male (C. Moraga & P Rice, INBio), 4-14 Sep 1991, 1 male (A. Guadamuz, INBio). SAN JOSE PROVINCE: Estac. Carrillo, Parque Nacional Braulio Carillo, 600 m, 28-30 Jul 1990, at lights, 1 female (J. Powell, UCB). HONDURAS: DEPT. YORO: 45 km S of Tela, 800 m, 25-27 May 1978, 1 male (E. Giesbert, LACM). Icteralaria ichnobursa was described from a single female that is superficially identical to the holotype male of Cnephasia incusa Meyrick, 1917. The type locality of I. ichnobursa is 4 km NW of San Antonio, Colombia; that of C. incusa is La Crumble, Colombia. Based on the similarity in facies and the geographic proximity of the type localities, I. ichnobursa, NEW SYNONYM, is synonymized with 7. incusa, NEW COMBINATION. The species incusa was transferred to Eulia by Clarke (1958, Cat. Microlepid. Brit. Mus. Descr. Meyrick, Volume 3: 131), who illustrated the adult and male genitalia; the female genitalia are illus¬ trated (as ichnobursa ) by Razowski (1991). Specimens Examined. —COLOMBIA: La Crumbre, 2130 m (6600'), holotype male {incusa). May 1914 (Parish, BMNH); Villa de Cauca, 4 km NW of San Antonio, 2000 m (6500'), holotype female 0 ichnobursa ), 19 Sep 1958 (A. H. Miller, UCB). Adults of 7. incusa are superficially indistinguishable from 7. idiochroma. The male genitalia of 7. incusa lack the narrow, spine-like sacculus of 7. idiochroma, and have the dense patch of fine setae of the aedeagus much reduced. The female genitalia of 7. incusa are similar to 7. idiochroma, but the ductus bursa is broader and the signum is apparently more extensive. Acknowledgment. —I thank J. A. Powell, Essig Museum of Entomology, Uni¬ versity of California, Berkeley; R. W. Hodges, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, % National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.; E. Phillips R., Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, San Jose, Costa Rica; J. P. Donahue, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; and K. Tuck, The Natural History Museum, London, for allowing me to examine material in their care. John W. Brown, Department of Entomology, San Diego Natural History Mu¬ seum, San Diego, California 92112. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 164-167, (1996) Scientific Note LEAF AGE PREFERENCE FOR OVIPOSITION BY THE MONOPHAGOUS WHITEFLY, ALE UR OTITHIUS TIMBERLAKEI (HOMOPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE) Virtually all studies of white fly-host plant interactions have utilized polypha- gous species of whitefly (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), primarily because the major economic pests in the family Aleyrodidae are polyphagous species. Although this focus on polyphagous species is understandable from an economic perspective, it may provide a very skewed perspective of the family Aleyrodidae from an evo¬ lutionary viewpoint because the majority of whitefly species appear to be mo- nophagous or oligophagous (Mound & Halsey 1978. Whitefly of the world, Wiley & Sons, New York). Of the approximately 1000 named species that have host plant records listed in Mound & Halsey’s (1978) catalogue, approximately 70% have been recorded from only a single plant family and approximately 62% have been recorded from only a single plant genus. Determination of a whitefly’s leaf age preference for oviposition is an important step in understanding its host selection. Immature whiteflies are sessile except for the early first instar “crawler stage.” However, even though whitefly crawlers are mobile, their mobility is very limited and they rarely disperse from the leaf on which they hatched (Lloyd 1922. Ann. Appl. Biol., 9: 1-32, Dowell et al. 1978. J. New York Entomol. Soc., 86: 121-122, Mound & Halsey 1978). Thus, the ovipositing female not only determines the host plant individual that her offspring will have to contend with, but she also determines the particular leaf on which her offspring will be forced to live (or die). The age of the leaf on which immature whiteflies occur can be a critical factor in their survival. For example, survival of newly hatched crawlers of bayberry whitefly, Porabemisia myticae (Kuwana) was 49% on young leaves in contrast to 0% on mature leaves of lemon, Citrus limon (L.) (Walker & Aitken 1985. Environ. Entomol., 14: 254-257). Conse¬ quently, a female whitefly’s choice of leaf age for oviposition can have a profound effect on her fitness. Leaf age selection for oviposition by whiteflies has been noted for only a few species (Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby, Aleurothrixus floccosus [Maskell], A/e«- rotrachelus jelinekii [Frauenfeld], Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, Be- misia tabaci [Gennadius], Dialeurodes citri [Ashmead], Porabemisia myricae [Kuwana], Trialeurodes rara Singh, and Trialeurodes vaporariorum [West- wood]), and all but A. jelinekii are very polyphagous (Hargreaves 1915. Ann. Appl. Biol., 1: 303-334, Husain & Trehan 1933. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 3: 701— 753, Avidov 1956. Ktavim, 7: 25-41, Khalifa & El-Khidir 1964. Bull. Soc. En¬ tomol. Egypte, 48: 115-129, Mound 1965. Empire Cotton Growing Review, 42: 33—40, Gameel 1974. Rev. Zool. Afr., 88: 784-788, Southwood & Reader 1976. J. Anim. Ecol., 45: 313-325, Yamada et al. 1979. Bull. Veg. & Ornamental Crop Res. Sta. Series A, 5: 191-199, Ohnesorge et al. 1980. Z. Ang. Entomol., 90: 226-232, Swirski et al. 1980. Alon Ha-notea, 34: 627-635, Xu et al. 1984. Z. Ang. Entomol., 97: 305-313, Walker & Aitken 1985. Environ. Entomol., 14: 254- 1996 SCIENTIFIC NOTE 165 257, Noldus et al. 1985. Z. Ang. Entomol., 100: 494—503, Noldus et al. 1986. J. Appl. Entomol., 101: 492-507, Southwood et al. 1989. J. Anim. Ecol., 58: 921- 942, Dowell 1990. Pan-Pacif. Entomol., 66: 212-216, Walker & Zareh 1990. Entomol. Exp. appl., 56: 31-45, Tonhasca et al. 1994. Environ. Entomol., 23: 949-954). In the present study, the leaf age preference for oviposition by the monophagous whitefly, Aleurotithius timberlakei Quaintance & Baker was ex¬ amined. The known geographic range of A. timberlakei is restricted to California (USA), and it is known to occur only on plants in the genus Eriodictyon (Hydro- phyllaceae) (Mound & Halsey 1978). The site of this study was an area of natural vegetation adjacent to California Highway 243, about 1.7 km N (following the highway) of the Poppet Flats road junction. The plants used were E. crassifolium Bentham that were occurring nat¬ urally and in abundance at the study site. Feral A. timberlakei adults collected from the study site were used in the tests. Adult whiteflies that were alighted on the foliage were collected by capturing them in transparent drinking straws (5 mm inside diameter, ca. 3.5-5 cm long) which were then sealed with corks at both ends. One whitefly was captured per straw. Whiteflies were collected in this manner from both young and old leaves. This collection method is much gentler than aspiration where the whiteflies collide at great speed with the sides of the aspirator vial. Within 2 h of capturing the whitefly adults in drinking straws, the whiteflies were placed in preference test cages (one whitefly per cage) that provided them access to the abaxial surface of a young and an old E. crassifolium leaf. Leaves were classified as young if they were on new apical or lateral shoots that were clearly separated by a distinct node from the older stem from which they arose. The new shoots were easy to distinguish from the older stems because they were densely hirsute, whereas the older stems were not. The new shoots were obviously recent growth, as they had at their apex either an actively growing apical meri- stem, or very young unexpanded leaves, or a new flower cluster. Leaves on the older stems were classified as old leaves. Young leaves were softer and more pliable than old leaves. At the time of year that the tests were conducted (late May-mid June), the distinction between young and old leaves at this site was obvious. The preference test cages were transparent plastic cylinders (12 mm inside diameter, 12.5 mm length) that were secured between two leaves (one young and one old), with the abaxial surface of one leaf covering one of the open ends of the cylinder and the abaxial surface of the other leaf covering the other open end of the cylinder. Thus, whiteflies placed in a cage had access to the abaxial surface of either leaf. The test cage was held between the two leaves using a hair clip, and a foam plastic gasket at each end of the cylinder made the seal between the leaf surfaces and the open ends of the cylinder escape-proof. An illustration and a more detailed description of the preference test cages were given by Walker & Zareh (1990). The two leaves that were connected together by a preference test cage were left intact on the plant and were positioned so that the plane of each leaf was vertical (i.e., neither leaf was “above” or “below” the other, thus minimizing geotactic or phototactic cues that the whiteflies might use in selecting one leaf over the other). A single whitefly adult was placed in each preference test cage by removing the corks from both ends of the drinking straw in which the whitefly was origi- 166 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Table 1. Numbers of eggs present on young and old E. crassifolium leaves in areas enclosed by the preference test cages. Paired t-test Fisher’s distribution-free test Leaf age Mean number of eggs ± S.E. N t Prob. wins 3 (young > old) Prob. b Young Old 21.05 ± 3.40 0.35 ± 0.12 37 37 6.10 <0.0001 35/36 <0.0002 a The ratio in the column “wins” is the number of replicates where more eggs were laid on the young leaf than on the old leaf over the total number of replicates (excluding one replicate where an equal number of eggs was laid on each leaf) (Hollander & Wolfe 1973). b Two-tailed probability. nally captured, placing one end of the straw in the cage’s entry hole (see Walker & Zareh 1990), and gently blowing through the other end of the straw until the whitefly entered the cage. The entry hole of the cage then was sealed with a cork. Preference tests were set up in this manner on three dates, 31 May, 7 Jun, and 13 Jun, 1991. Over five different individual E. crassifolium plants were used in the tests. Six to seven days after the preference tests were set up in the field, the test leaves were excised from the plants and were brought back to the laboratory for examination with a stereomicroscope. The numbers of whitefly eggs present within the area enclosed by the preference test cage on each leaf was recorded. For the purpose of statistical analysis, the young and old leaf connected by the same preference test cage were considered a pair. The number of eggs present on the examined areas of the young and old leaves were compared using a paired t- test and the conservative non-parametric Fisher Distribution-Free Sign Test (Hol¬ lander & Wolfe 1973. Nonparametric statistical methods, Wiley & Sons, New York). The Fisher test compares the observed proportion of replicates where more eggs were laid on the young versus the old leaf to the expected proportion of replicates where more eggs were laid on the young leaf if neither leaf age was preferred (i.e., 0.50). Pairs of leaves where no eggs were laid on either leaf were excluded prior to analysis. The results from the three dates were similar; therefore, the data were pooled over all dates. The results clearly indicate that A. timberlakei has a very strong oviposition preference for young leaves over old leaves of E. crassifolium (Table 1). Over 98% of the eggs were laid on the young leaves. The preference for young leaves occurred regardless of whether the adults in the tests were collected from young or old leaves. A review of the literature (cited earlier) on leave age preference for whitefly oviposition indicates that all of the other whitefly species that have been studied (all but one of which are very polyphagous with >14 host plant families recorded by Mound & Halsey 1978) generally prefer the younger leaves of their host plants, although this preference can be influenced by the age of the plant, the season, or other factors (Husain & Trehan 1933, Mound 1965, Ohnesorge et al. 1980). In some cases, the very young, unexpanded leaves are less preferred than slightly older, but still young, fully expanded leaves, although in these cases, the young, fully expanded leaves still are preferred over fully expanded mature leaves (Dow¬ ell 1990, Walker & Zareh 1990). Nonetheless, by preferring young leaves, the 1996 SCIENTIFIC NOTE 167 monophagous A. timberlakei has a leaf age preference similar to those of its polyphagous counterparts. G. P. Walker, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, California 92521. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 168-170, (1996) Scientific Note DESCRIPTION OF THE MALE OF CERANISUS AMERICENSIS (GIRAULT) (HYMENOPTERA: EULOPHIDAE) Members of the genus Ceranisus Walker (Eulophidae, subfamily Entedoninae) are solitary, internal parasitoids of immature stages of thrips (Thysanoptera). The Nearctic species of Ceranisus have been recently revised (Triapitsyn, S. V. & D. H. Headrick. 1995. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc., 121(4): 227-248). However, this revision lacks a description of the male of Ceranisus americensis (Girault), a common parasitoid of flower thrips, Frankliniella spp., in North America. The importance of C. americensis as a biological control agent against western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Greene, I. & M. Parrella. Green¬ house Grower, Dec 1992: 69—72, as Ceranisus sp.), warrants complete taxonomic knowledge of this parasitoid species. Ceranisus americensis, originally described as a Thripoctenus (Girault, A. A. 1917. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 53(2213): 445-450), was known only from females until recently, when Robert Zuparko sent several Ceranisus specimens to us for a possible species identification. This material, collected in California in 1964, contained females of C. americensis along with two males that we consider as being conspecific. Despite sexual dimorphism in some antennal structures com¬ mon among Ceranisus spp. (i.e., a swollen scape and a 3-segmented club in males and a slender scape and a 2-segmented club in females), both female and male C. americensis share similar funicular characters: FI is small and usually lacking sensilla whereas F2 is much larger than FI and bears several sensilla (Fig. 1). i Figures 1-3. Ceranisus americensis (Girault), male. 1. Antenna; 2. Forewing; 3. Genitalia. 170 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) This combination of characters appears to be unique relative to other known males of this genus. A description of the male of C. americensis follows. Male .—(n = 2) Length: 0.73-0.81 mm. Color: Body coloration black; antennal flagellum, legs, and wing venation dark brown or brown. Head: About as wide as mesosoma, smooth, except occiput, frontovertex and malar space with very fine sculpturing. Antenna (Fig. 1) inserted above level of middle of eye; radicle small and slightly transverse; scape swollen, about 2.OX as long as wide, with reticulate sculpturing (Fig. 1); pedicel markedly strigate and relatively narrow, about 2X longer than wide, as wide as F2; FI slightly elongate or otherwise globular, without sensilla; F2 oval, much larger than FI, with 2 sensory ridges which extend beyond apex of segment; each of three segments of club with several large sensory ridges, distal segment with distinct apical spicula. Scape and pedicel sparse¬ ly setose, flagellum more densely covered by longer setae. Mesosoma: Forewing (Fig. 2) slightly narrower than in female. Metasoma: Gaster slightly longer and markedly narrower than mesosoma. Genitalia as shown in Fig. 3. Length: 0.15-0.16 mm. Material examined [slide mounted except those indicated],—USA. CALIFORNIA. VENTURA CO.: 10 mi N of Ojai, Sespe Gorge, 26 Jun 1964, E. F. Riek and G. I. Stage, 18 females and 2 males (including 13 females on points); 6 mi N of Ojai, Wheeler Gorge, same date and collectors, 5 females (including 2 on points) [all in Essig Museum, University of California, Berkeley (CISC)]. Acknowledgment. —We thank Robert L. Zuparko (University of California, Berkeley) for the loan of material and John T. Huber (Biological Resources Di¬ vision, CLBRR, Agriculture Canada) for the initial identification of the specimens to genus. Serguei V. Triapitsyn and David H. Headrick, Department of Entomology, Uni¬ versity of California, Riverside, California 92521-0314. Received 1 Dec 1995: Accepted 7 Mar 1996. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 171-172, (1996) Scientific Note THE FIRST NORTH AMERICAN RECORD FOR THE ANT PHEIDOLE FEEVENS FR. SMITH (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) Pheidole fervens (Fr. Smith) is a small myrmicine ant whose distribution is: Japan (southern part of Kyushu, Ryukyus), Sri Lanka, Burma, Singapore, China, Java, Borneo, Taiwan, and Oceania (Ogata, K. 1982. Kontyu, 50: 189-197.) It is spottily distributed in the Pacific region, including Hawaii where it has apparently been spread by human commerce (Westview Press, Reimer, N. et al 1990. Chap. 5 in Applied myrmecology: A world perspective). On 24 Aug 1995, I discovered several colonies of these ants nesting outdoors in downtown Los Angeles (The Bradbury Building 304 N. Broadway, northwest corner of Third and Broadway south to 364 N. Broadway and also around the corner on third street to the northeast side of Spring Street). On a subsequent return trip to the site on 27 Dec 1995 the ants were also nesting on the northeast side of Broadway from Third and Broadway to 315 N. Broadway. At these sites the nests were established in the sidewalk and the pavement in cracks and along the sides of buildings. The workers forage in columns from nest to nest indicating that they are possibly polydomous (occupy multiple nests). My observations represent the first intro¬ duction of this ant in North America (E.O. Wilson pers. comm.) From my observations, it appears that P. fervens is primarily a scavenger be¬ cause the workers were observed carrying the remains of dead insects and scraps from human foodstuffs. They probably will prey on any live insects they can overcome, and they possibly also feed on seeds. Like our native Pheidole (Gregg, R. E. 1958. J.N.Y. Entomol. Soc., 66: 7-48.) this species has a dimorphic worker caste; a light brown minor worker 2-2.25 mm in length, and a larger, darker major, or soldier caste about 3.5 mm long that is more robust with a disproportionately larger and more massive head. The pest potential of this ant is probably slight, although it appears to be opportunistic and adaptable to disturbed habitats. I suspect competition from the two most common ants in the urban areas of the Los Angeles basin, the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) and the native Southern fire ant Solenopsis xyloni (McCook), will most likely hinder the spread of P. fervens. I suspect the infes¬ tation of this new exotic ant is fairly recent because their populations are only in a two-block area. Material examined —USA. CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CO.: Downtown Los Angeles: on 24 Aug 1995 and 27 Dec 1995. M. J. Martinez. Acknowledgment. —I thank my wife Charlean for her support; Dr. Rosser W. Garrison, Los Angeles County Entomologist, for his assistance; my fellow myr- mecologist Robert J. Hamton for identifying this ant as Pheidole fervens and for reviewing the manuscript; Roy R. Snelling, Los Angeles Co. Museum of Natural History and Stefan Cover of Harvard University for confirming the identification of this ant; and my nephew Eric for typing the manuscript. 172 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(3) Michael J. Martinez, City of Long Beach, Dept, of Parks, Recreation and Ma¬ rine, 2760 Studebaker Road, Long Beach, California 90815. Received 15 Nov 1995: Accepted 14 Feb 1996. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 173, (1996) Book Review Emmel, T. C., M. C. Minno, andB. A. Drummond. 1992. Florissant Butterflies: A Guide to the Fossil and Present-Day Species of Central Colorado. Stanford University Press. 118 pp. + I-IX. This book has two sections. The first describes the 12 fossil butterfly species discovered in the Florissant fossil beds including a full citation of the original description and speculation on the relationship of the fossil butterfly to extant species. The second covers the region’s extant butterflies and lists adult size, larval hosts, overwintering stage, and an evaluation of their commonness in the region. Nine color plates show pinned specimens of the region’s butterflies. Fifty-three black and white figures cover habitat types and selected larvae, pupae, and adult butterflies. A butterfly checklist, glossary, and indices of host plants and general terms are provided. The butterflies are numbered as they are presented in the text. The numbers are used on the plates, black and white pictures, and checklist to provide continuity. There are color photographs of 16 five but¬ terflies, four habitats and two fossil butterflies. The text is easily read but suffers from numerous inconsistencies and poor editing. There is inconsistent conversion of English measurements into metric equivalents. Some pages have both, others have some (pgs. 5, 15) and others lack them completely (pgs. 13, 57, 67, 76, 77, 78, 81). English measurements are used for temperatures, elevation, etc., but only metric measurements are given for adult butterfly sizes. On page 5, 80° F is 26.7° C, not the 18° C listed. There are numerous incorrect text references to color figures on the plates. For butterfly 23 it should be Figs. 23a-d not 23a-c; butterfly 26—Fig. 26a-b not Fig. a-b; butterfly 70—Fig. 70a-c not 70c-c; butterfly 97—Fig. 97a not 97a-b; and butterfly 29 is on Plate III not Plate II. Plate IX seems to have been added late. The text for butterfly 27 doesn’t refer to Plate IX Figs. 27a-b although they are much better than the black and white Fig. 33. There are no text references to the color photographs of live butterflies, habitats, or fossil butterflies. The paper quality gives poor reproduction of black and white photographs which appear dull, flat, and lifeless. Many are so poor that they are useless (Figs. 4,9,10,21,27,33,37,40,47). The authors extensively cite sources for most of their information yet conclude that 100 butterfly species existed in the region 35 million years ago, about the same number as today, without any indication of how 12 fossil species suddenly increased eight-fold. These and other problems, including inconsistent citations, detract from the book which is a must for anyone interested in fossil butterflies, the Florissant region, or Colorado butterflies but a marginal reference otherwise. Robert V. Dowell, California Department of Food and Agriculture, 1220 N Street, Sacramento, California, 95814. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 174-175, (1996) PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Method Income and expenses are recorded by using the cash basis of accounting. Note from the Treasurer The Pan Pacific Entomologist, the journal of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, is published quarterly. However, due to editorial delays, the issues are often not published and charged to the Society on schedule. This explains the abnormal fluctuation in publishing costs seen between FY 90-91 and FY 91-92. In FY 90-91 six issues were paid for at a cost of $41,561. In FY 91-92 only 3 issues were paid for at a cost of $23,366. Estimated cost for publishing Vol. 68, Nos. 3 and 4, which should have been published and charged in FY 91-92 but have been delayed until FY 92-93, will be about $11,000. Capital Expenditures Annual capital expenditures of $5,000 or less are charged to expense. Marketable Securities American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and Pacific Telesis Group common stocks are carried at market value. Increases and decreases in value are reflected in income. Income Tax The Society is exempt from Federal Income and California franchise tax. As Chairman of the Auditing Committee, and in accordance with the Society’s bylaws, I have reviewed the financial records of the Society but have not made an audit of them. During the course of this review, nothing was noted which indicated any material inaccuracy in the financial statements. H. Vannoy Davis Chairman of the Auditing Committee 1996 1991 & 1992 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 175 PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 AND 1991 Income Dues and subscriptions . Reprints and miscellaneous . Interest . Dividends. Increase (Decrease) in value of capital stock: American Telephone & Telegraph Company Pacific Telesis Group. Total Income . Expenditures Publication costs—Pan-Pacific Entomologist .. Postage, newsletter and miscellaneous expenses 1992 1991 $ 12,585 $ 17,375 10,894 18,159 3,657 5,407 676 722 490 530 726 _(627) $ 29,028 $ 41,566 $ 23,366 $ 41,561 830 1,462 Total Expenditures $ 24,196 $ 43,023 Increase (Decrease) in fund balances . $ 4,832 $ (1,457) Fund balances October 1, 1991 and 1990 . 110,544 112,001 Fund balances September 30, 1992 and 1991 $115,376 $110,544 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 AND 1991 Cash in bank Commercial account . Undeposited dividend checks . Certificates of Deposit and Money Fund: General Fund—Wells Fargo Bank. C. P. Alexander Fund—Capital Preservation Fund Fall Memoir Fund—Wells Fargo Bank . Total cash in bank . Capital Stock (at market value) American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 80 shs. Pacific Telesis Group, 264 shs. See accompanying notes to the financial statements PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 176-177, (1996) PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Method Income and expenses are recorded by using the cash basis of accounting. Capital Expenditures Annual capital expenditures of $5000 or less are charged to expense. Marketable Securities American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and Pacific Telesis Group common stocks are carried at market value. Increases and decreases in value are reflected in income. Income Tax The Society is exempt from Federal Income and California franchise tax. As Chairman of the Auditing Committee, and in accordance with the Society’s bylaws, I have reviewed the financial records of the Society but have not made an audit of them. During the course of this review, nothing was noted which indicated any material inaccuracy in the financial statements. H. Vannoy Davis Chairman of the Auditing Committee PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 AND 1992 1993 1992 Income Dues and subscriptions . $ 14,682 $ 12,585 Reprints and miscellaneous . 15,322 10,894 Interest . 2,308 3,657 Dividends.... 681 676 Increase (Decrease) in value of capital stock: American Telephone & Telegraph Company 1,200 490 Pacific Telesis Group. 2,178 726 Total Income . $ 36,371 $ 29,028 1996 1992 & 1993 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 177 Expenditures Publication costs—Pan-Pacific Entomologist . $ 28,076 $ 23,366 Reprint costs . 2,050 Postage, newsletter and miscellaneous expenses . 2,457 830 Total Expenditures. $ 32,583 $ 24,196 Increase (Decrease) in fund balances . $ 3,788 $ 4,832 Fund balances October 1, 1991 and 1990 . 115,376 110,544 Fund balances September 30, 1993 and 1992 . $119,164 $115,376 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 AND 1992 1993 1992 Cash in bank Commercial account . $ 9,011 $ 5,823 Undeposited dividend checks . Certificates of Deposit and Money Fund: General Fund—Wells Fargo Bank. 4,731 9,538 C. P. Alexander Fund—Capital Preservation Fund. 50,426 49,247 Fall Memoir Fund— Wells Fargo Bank . 36,347 35,497 Total cash in bank . $100,515 $100,105 Capital Stock (at market value) American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 80 shs. 4,690 3,490 Pacific Telesis Group, 264 shs. 13,959 11,781 18,649 15,271 $119,164 $115,376 See accompanying notes to the financial statements PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 178-179, (1996) PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Method Income and expenses are recorded by using the cash basis of accounting. Note from the Treasurer The Pan Pacific Entomologist, the journal of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, is published quarterly. However, due to editorial delays, the issues are often not published and charged to the Society on schedule. This explains the abnormal fluctuation in publishing costs. Capital Expenditures Annual capital expenditures of $5000 or less are charged to expense. Marketable Securities American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Pacific Telesis Group and Air Touch Communications common stocks are carried at market value. Increases and de¬ creases in value are reflected in income. Air Touch Communications was spun off from Pacific Telesis Group during the year. Income Tax The Society is exempt from Federal Income and California franchise tax. As Chairman of the Accounting and Tax Committee, and in accordance with the Society’s bylaws, I have reviewed the financial records of the Society but have not made an audit of them. During the course of this review, nothing was noted which indicated any material inaccuracy in the financial statements. H. Vannoy Davis Chairman of the Accounting and Tax Committee 1996 1993 & 1994 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 179 PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 AND 1993 1994 1993 Income Dues and subscriptions . $ 17,504 $ 14,682 Reprints and miscellaneous . 11,010 15,322 Interest . 2,604 2,308 Dividends ... 681 681 Increase in value of capital stock: American Telephone & Telegraph Company . (370) 1,200 Pacific Telesis Group and Air Touch Communications (see note) ... 1,716 2,178 Total Income . $ 33,145 $ 36,371 Expenditures Publication costs—Pan-Pacific Entomologist . $ 19,448 $ 28,076 Reprint costs . 2,138 2,050 Postage, newsletter and miscellaneous expenses . 1,353 2,457 Total Expenditures. $ 22,939 $ 32,583 Increase (Decrease) in fund balances . $ 10,206 $ 3,788 Fund balances October 1, 1993 and 1992 . 119,164 115,376 Fund balances September 30, 1994 and 1993 . $129,370 $119,164 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 AND 1993 1994 1993 Cash in bank Commercial account . $ 15,386 $ 9,011 Certificates of Deposit and Money Fund: General Fund—Wells Fargo Bank. 4,832 4,731 C. P. Alexander Fund—Capital Preservation Fund. 52,015 50,426 Fall Memoir Fund— Wells Fargo Bank . 37,142 36,347 Total cash in bank . $109,375 $100,515 Capital Stock (at market value) American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 80 shs. 4,320 4,690 Pacific Telesis Group, 264 shs. 8,118 13,959 Air Touch Communications, 264 shs. 7,557 — 19,995 18,649 $129,370 $119,164 See accompanying notes to the financial statements PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(3): 180, (1996) ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 1 (16 numbers, 179 pages) and vol. 2 (9 numbers, 131 pages). 1901-1930. Price $5.00 per volume. THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST. Vol. 1 (1924) to vol. 51 (1975), price $10.00 per volume of 4 numbers, or $2.50 per single issue. Vol. 52 (1976) to vol. 57 (1981), price $15.00 per volume or $3.75 per single issue, except for vol. 57, no. 1, $10.00. Vol. 58 (1982) to vol. 66 (1990), $20.00 per volume or $5.00 per single issue. Vol. 67 (1991) to vol. 69 (1993), $30.00 per volume or $7.50 per single issue. Vol. 70 (1994) and subsequent issues, $40.00 per volume or $10.00 per single issue. MEMOIRS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Volume 1 .The Sucking Lice by G. F. Ferris. 320 pages. Published October 1951. Price $10.00* (plus $1.00 postage and handling). Volume 2. A Revision of the Spider Mite Family Tetranychidae by A. Earl Pritchard and Edward W. Baker. 472 pages. Published July 1955. OUT-OF- PRINT. Volume 3. Revisionary Studies in the Nearctic Decticinae by David C. Rentz and James D. Birchim. 173 pages. Published July 1968. Price. $4.00* (plus $0.75 postage and handling). Volume 4. Autobiography of an Entomologist by Robert L. Usinger. 343 pages. Published August 1972. SPECIAL PRICE $5.00 (plus $1.00 tax, postage, and handling for California orders, $0.70 postage and handling for non-California U.S. orders, or $1.70 for foreign orders). No members discount at this special price. Volume 5. Revision of the Millipede Family Andrognathidae in the Nearctic Region by Michael R. Gardner. 61 pages. Published January 21, 1975. Price $3.00* (plus $0.75 postage and handling). *For California orders only, add appropriate sales tax currently in effect in your county. If requested, members of the Society can receive a 20% discount on the price of the memoirs, except vol. 4. Send orders to: Pacific Coast Entomological Society % California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park San Francisco, California 94118-4599 U.S.A. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Information for Contributors See volume 66(1): 1-8, January 1990, for detailed general format information and the issues thereafter for examples; see below for discussion of this journal’s specific formats for taxonomic manuscripts and locality data for specimens. Manuscripts must be in English, but foreign language summaries are permitted. Manuscripts not meeting the format guidelines may be returned. Please maintain a copy of the article on a word-processor because revisions are usually necessary before acceptance, pending review and copy-editing. Format. —Type manuscripts in a legible serif font IN DOUBLE OR TRIPLE SPACE with 1 5 in margins on one side of 8.5 x I I in, nonerasable, high quality paper. T HREE (3) COPIES of each manuscript must be submitted, EACH INCLUDING REDUCTIONS OF ANY FIGURES TO THE 8.5 x 11 IN PAGE. Number pages as: title page (page I), abstract and key words page (page 2), text pages (pages 3+), acknowledgment page, literature cited pages, footnote page, tables, figure caption page; place original figures last. List the corresponding author’s name, address including ZIP code, and phone number on the title page in the upper right corner. The title must include the taxon’s designation, where appropriate, as: (Order: Family). The ABSTRACT must not exceed 250 words; use five to seven words or concise phrases as KEY WORDS. Number FOOTNOTES sequentially and list on a separate page. Text. — Demarcate MAJOR HEADINGS as centered headings and MINOR HEADINGS as left indented paragraphs with lead phrases underlined and followed by a period and two hypens. CITATION FORMATS are: Coswell (1986), (Asher 1987a, Franks & Ebbet 1988, Dorly et al. 1989), (Burton in press) and (R. F. Tray, personal communication). For multiple papers by the same author use: (Weber 1932, 1936, 1941; Sebb 1950, 1952). For more detailed reference use: (Smith 1983: 149-153, Price 1985: fig. 7a, Nothwith 1987: table 3). Taxonomy. — Systematics manuscripts have special requirements outlined in volume 69(2): 194-198; if you do not have access to that volume, request a copy of the taxonomy/data format from the editor before submitting manuscripts for which these formats are applicable. These requirements include SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS FOR DIAGNOSES, TYPES AND MATERIAL EXAMINED (INCLUDING A SPECIFIC FORMAT), and a specific order for paragraphs in descriptions. List the unabbreviated taxonomic author of each species after its first mention. Data Formats. — All specimen data must be cited in the journal’s locality data format. See volume 69(2), pages 196-198 for these format requirements; if you do not have access to that volume, request a copy of the taxonomy/data format from the editor before submitting manuscripts for which these formats are applicable. Literature Cited. — Format examples are: Anderson, T. W. 1984. An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis (2nd ed). John Wiley & Sons, New York. Blackman, R. L., P. A. Brown & V. F. Eastop. 1987. Problems in pest aphid taxonomy: can chromosomes plus morphometries provide some answers? pp. 233—238. In Holman, J., J. Pelikan, A. G. F. Dixon & L. Weismann (eds.). Population structure, genetics and taxonomy of aphids and Thysanoptera. Proc. international symposium held at Smolenice Czechoslovakia, Sept. 9-14, 1985. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, The Netherlands. Ferrari, J. A. & K. S. Rai. 1989. Phenotypic correlates of genome size variation in Aedes albopictus. Evolution, 42: 895-899. Sorensen, J. T. (in press). Three new species of Essigellci (Homoptera: Aphididae). Pan-Pacif. Entomol. Illustrations. — Illustrations must be of high quality and large enough to ultimately reduce to 117 X 181 mm while maintaining label letter sizes of at least I mm; this reduction must also allow for space below the illustrations for the typeset figure captions. Authors are strongly encouraged to provide illustrations no larger than 8.5 X 11 in for easy handling. Number figures in the order presented. Mount all illustrations. Label illustrations on the back noting: (I) figure number, (2) direction of top, (3) author's name, (4) title of the manuscript, and (5) journal FIGURE CAPTIONS must be on a separate, numbered page; do not attach captions to the figures. Tables. — Keep tables to a minimum and do not reduce them. Table must be DOUBLE-SPACED THROUGHOUT and continued on additional sheets of paper as necessary. Designate footnotes within tables by alphabetic letter. Scientific Notes. — Notes use an abbreviated format and lack: an abstract, key words, footnotes, section headings and a Literature Cited section. Minimal references are listed in the text in the format: (Bohart, R. M. 1989. Pan-Pacific. Entomol., 65: 156-161.). A short acknowledgment is permitted as a minor headed paragraph. Authors and affiliations are listed in the last, left indented paragraph of the note with the affiliation underscored. Page Charges. — PCES members are charged $35.00 per page, for the first 20 (cumulative) pages per volume and full galley costs for pages thereafter. Nonmembers should contact the Treasurer for current nonmember page charge rates. Page charges do not include reprint costs, or charges for author changes to manuscripts after they are sent to the printer. Contributing authors will be sent a page charge fee notice with acknowledgment of initial receipt of manuscripts. Volume 72 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST July 1996 Number 3 Contents SNOOK, R. R. & T. A. MARKOW—Possible role of nonfertilizing sperm as a nutrient source for female Drosophila pseudoobscura Frolova (Diptera: Drosophilidae) _ 121 BERNHARDT, P. & K. WALKER—Observations on the foraging preferences of Leioproctus (. Filiglossa ) Rayment (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) in eastern Australia _ 130 MAYER, D. F—Effects of sex ratio and female density on progeny survival of the alfalfa leafcutter bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) ______ 138 GRISWOLD, T. L.—A new Microbembex endemic to the Algodones Dunes, California (Hy¬ menoptera: Sphecidae) _ 142 LIANG, A.-R—Taxonomic changes in Chinese Lophopidae with a check list of Chinese species (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) _ 145 COHER, E. I.—Cave-associated tropical American Neoditomyia (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) _ 152 SCIENTIFIC NOTES SORENSEN, J. T. & R. J. GILL—A range extension of Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (He- miptera: Clypeorrhyncha: Cicadellidae) to southern California _ 160 BROWN, J. W.—New generic assignment, new synonymy, and new distribution records for the neotropical genus Icteralaria Razowski (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) _ 162 WALKER, G. P.—Leaf age preference for oviposition by the monophagous whitefly, Aleuro- tithius timberlakei (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) _ 164 TRIAPITSYN, S. V. & D. H. HEADRICK—Description of the male of Ceranisus americensis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)_ 168 MARTINEZ, M. J.—The first North American record for the ant Pheidole fervens Fr. Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) _ 171 BOOK REVIEW DOWELL, R. V.—Emmel, T. C., M. C. Minno & B. A. Drummond. 1992. Florissant Butter¬ flies: A Guide to the Fossil and Present-Day Species of Central Colorado. Stanford University Press. 118 pp. + I-IX_ 173 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, financial statement for 1991, 1992 _ 174 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, financial statement for 1992, 1993 _ 176 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, financial statement for 1993, 1994 _ 178 Announcement—publications of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society _ 180 The PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Volume 72 October 1996 Number 4 Published by the PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY in cooperation with THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (ISSN 0031-0603) The Pan-Pacific Entomologist EDITORIAL BOARD R. V. Dowell, Editor R. M. Bohart R. L. Penrose, Associate Editor J. T. Doyen R. E. Somerby, Book Review Editor J. E. Hafemik, Jr. Julieta F. Parinas, Treasurer Warren E. Savary Published quarterly in January, April, July, and October with Society Proceed¬ ings usually appearing in the October issue. All communications regarding non¬ receipt of numbers should be addressed to: Vincent F. Lee, Managing Secretary; and financial communications should be addressed to: Julieta F. Parinas, Treasurer; at: Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Dept, of Entomology, California Acad¬ emy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Application for membership in the Society and changes of address should be addressed to: William Hamersky, Membership Committee chair. Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Dept, of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Manuscripts, proofs, and all correspondence concerning editorial matters (but not aspects of publication charges or costs) should be sent to: Dr. Robert V. Dowell, Editor, Pan-Pacific Entomologist, California Dept, of Food & Agriculture, 1220 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814. See the back cover for Information-to-Con- tributors, and volume 66(1): 1-8, January 1990, for more detailed information. Information on format for taxonomic manuscripts can be found in volume 69(2): 194—198. Refer inquiries for publication charges and costs to the Treasurer. The annual dues, paid in advance, are $25.00 for regular members of the So¬ ciety, $26.00 for family memberships, $12.50 for student members, or $40.00 for institutional subscriptions or sponsoring members. Members of the Society receive The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. Single copies of recent numbers or entire volumes are available; see 67(1): 80 for current prices. Make checks payable to the Pacific Coast Entomological Society. Pacific Coast Entomological Society OFFICERS FOR 1996 Wojciech J. Pulawski, President Vincent F. Lee, Managing Secretary Julieta F. Parinas, Treasurer Stanley E. Vaughn, Recording Secretary THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST (ISSN 0031-0603) is published quarterly for $40.00 per year by the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, % California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Periodicals postage is paid at San Francisco, CA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, % California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. This issue mailed 18 September 1996 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (ISSN 0031-0603) PRINTED BY THE ALLEN PRESS, INC., LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66044, U.S.A. © The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.4B-1992 (Permanence of Paper). PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 181-192, (1996) NEW CYNIPID WASPS FROM THE SOUTHWESTERN UNITED STATES (HYMENOPTERA: CYNIPIDAE) Robert J. Lyon 2120 Bristow Dr., La Canada, California 91011 Abstract. —Seven new cynipid species are described from Arizona and western Texas: Ceropteres snellingi, Xanthoteras pungens, X. tuckeri, Antron daileyi, A. franklinensis, A. madera, and An- dricus flocculentus. Appropriate morphological features of the species are illustrated. Included is a key to the described United States species of Antron. Key Words. —Insecta, Cynipidae, inquiline, unisexual female, monothalamous gall, Quercus ar- izonica, Q. pungens, Q. toumeyi, southwestern U.S. (Arizona and western Texas). The phytophagous cynipid fauna of the southwestern United States (Arizona, New Mexico, and western Texas) and adjacent Mexico needs additional study. Weld (1960) listed 130 species of Cynipidae from this area but in addition illus¬ trated 117 galls from which no gall wasps were ever reared, thus there is still collecting and rearing to be done. No life cycle, i.e., no linking of alternating unisexual and bisexual generations of any species, has ever been achieved through experimental rearings in the region. Knowledge of such alternating generations, which are frequently morphologically very dissimilar, would prove useful in un¬ derstanding the taxonomic status of these wasps at both specific and generic lev¬ els. Of particular interest are the cynipids that induce galls on the shrub oak, Quer¬ cus pungens Liebmann, which until recently (Lyon 1993) was not known to be a cynipid host. Since it is a white oak (Subgenus Lepidobalanus ) it was found to be “galled” by several described cynipids that form galls on other white oaks in this area. The following are New Host Records for species that form galls on Q. pungens: Neuroterus howertoni Bassett, Disholcaspis rubens Gillette, Atrusca brevipennata (Gillette), Callirhytis juvenca Weld, C. frequens (Gillette). The two new Xanthoteras species described below show some most unusual morphological variations, particularly in the reduction of the wings and their peculiar venation. Other undescribed galls were collected during this study, but I was unable to rear adult wasps. Andricus flocculentus Lyon, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 18, 19) Holotype female; TEXAS. EL PASO CO.: Franklin Mountains, El Paso, 15 Feb 1969, R. J. Lyon, from galls on Quercus pungens Liebmann; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Paratypes: same data as holotype, except collected 16 Feb-16 Mar 1962, 15 Feb 1969; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. (3), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA (3), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA (3), R. J. Lyon collection (5). Description. —Female. Black, except legs, antennal segments and ventral spine of metasoma light- brown. Length: 1.5-1.75 mm (Jc = 1.6 mm, n = 17). Head transverse in dorsal view, as broad as mesosoma, occiput concave; gena not broadened or visible behind eye in frontal view; interocular 182 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) area 2X as broad as high; malar space striate, 0.20X eye length (EL); ocellar area, frons and other parts of head, coriaceous. Antenna 13-segmented, segments 3 and 4 equal in length, terminal segment 2X as long as 12. Scutum coriaceous, marginate, subcircular and only slightly longer than broad, bare; notauli incomplete. Scutellum round behind, sparsely pubescent; surface entirely rugose or rugose only posteriorly; foveal pits replaced by a transverse groove with smooth, shining bottom. Propodeal carinae arcuate, enclosure smooth and shining. Mesopleuron aciculate and protuberant. Legs pubescent; tarsal claws toothed. Forewing hyaline and pubescent, margins ciliate; veins brown; areolet well-developed, reaching one-fifth distance to Basal Vein (Rs+M); M 1 not reaching Basal Vein; Rs, angled; Rs 2 arcuate; Radial Cell 3X as long as broad. Metasoma higher than long, three terga visible along dorsal curvature; terga smooth and shining; tergite 2 with basal pubescent patch; ovipositor sheaths protruding, tip of ovipositor curved. Ventral spine sparsely pubescent, length 4X width. Diagnosis. —Distinguished from other members of the genus by its striate malar area, completely aciculate mesopleuron, and nearly circular mesoscutum. Gall. —(Figs. 18, 19).—Clustered, individual cells forming a woolly mass on the underside of the leaf midrib. Similar galls occur on other white oaks in the area, but no adults of A. flocculentus were reared from them. Host.—Quercus pungens Material Examined .—See types. Ceropteres snellingi Lyon, NEW SPECIES Holotype female; TEXAS. El PASO CO.: Franklin Mountains, El Paso, 15 Feb 1969, R. J. Lyon, from galls of Andricus flocculentus Lyon on Quercus pungens', deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Para- types: same data as holotype; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural His¬ tory, Washington, D.C. (3), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (3), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles (3), R. J. Lyon collection (8). Description. —Female. Head and body red-brown; legs, antennae and ventral spine amber, with darker infuscations. Length 1.25-1.75 mm (x = 1.47 mm; n = 15). Head transverse in dorsal view, microcoriaceous; occiput concave; vertex flattened, median ocellar area depressed; interocular area wider than high; malar space with prominent, divergent striae; gena not broadened behind eye; a parallel ridge on each side extends between antennal socket and clypeus. Antenna 12-segmented, segment 3 equal to 4 in length, segment 12 longer than 11. Scutum slightly broader than long, somewhat truncate anteriorly, microcoriaceous and with numerous white bristles; notauli incomplete, extending one-half the distance to pronotum; lateral lines faint and median line represented by a short notch. Mesopleuron smooth, shining, not striate, Scutellum rounded behind, rugose, with long white bristles; foveal pits small, oval, separated, almost hiden by coarse sculpture in some specimens. Tarsal claws edentate. Forewing hyaline, pubescent, margins ciliate; veins pale; areolet well-developed, ex¬ tending one-fourth distance to Basal Vein; M t not reaching Basal Vein; radial cell closed, about 2X as long as broad; Rsj arcuate; Rs 2 almost straight. Metasoma slightly higher than long, petiole ridged as in Synergus ; tergite 2 bristly, saddle-shaped, 0.4X as long as 3 and separated from it by a connate suture; ovipositor sheaths long, projecting almost vertically above terga. Ventral spine short. Male .—Slightly smaller than female, length 1.0-1.5 mm; color similar. Antenna 14-segmented; notauli extending three-fourths distance to pronotum; tergite 2 sparsely pubescent. Diagnosis. —This species can be separated from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: small, separated foveal pits; promi¬ nent, long, vertically-projecting ovipositor sheaths; incomplete notauli; female an¬ tenna 12-segmented. Host. —This species is an inquiline in the galls of Andricus flocculentus on Quercus pungens. Etymology. —This species is named for Roy R. Snelling, Natural History Mu- 1996 LYON: NEW SOUTHWESTERN CYNIPID WASPS 183 4 Figures 1-6. Xanthoteras tuckeri, Lyon, NEW SPECIES. Figure 1. Metasoma, lateral view show¬ ing shape of terga. Figure 2. Head, dorsal view (massive: more than 0.5 X as long as broad). Figure 3. Head, frontal view, showing malar furrows. Figure 4. Mesosoma, dorsal view, showing configuration and unusual wing venation. Figure 5. Monothalamous gall showing position of larval cell. Figure 6. Leaf of Q. pungens showing gall on margin of upper surface. seum of Los Angeles County, who has been of great assistance and encourage¬ ment in the writing of this paper. Material Examined .—See types. Xanthoteras tuckeri Lyon, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-6) Holotype female; TEXAS. EL PASO CO.: Franklin Mountains, El Paso, 15 Feb 1969, R. J. Lyon, from galls on Quercus pungens ; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Paratypes: same data as holotype, deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. (2), Cal- 184 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) if omia Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (2), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles (2), R. J. Lyon collection (9). Description .—Unisexual female. Uniformly red-brown, except metasomal segments dark brown apically. Length 1.2-1.9 mm (x - 1.4 mm; n - 16). Head more than 0.5X as long as broad, massive in dorsal view, broader than mesosoma; surface granulose; gena not broadened behind eye in frontal view; ocellar area depressed; malar space almost as long as eye, malar furrow present; interocular area nearly 2X as broad as high. Antenna 14-segmented, moniliform, segment 3 2X as long as 4, segment 14 longer than 13. Scutum as wide as long, smooth and shining; notauli complete in some specimens, replaced by a row of pits in others. Mesopleuron smooth and shining, slightly bulging in center. Forewing greatly reduced, venation modified from that of typical, phytophagous cynipids (Fig. 4): Sc+R well-developed, heavy; M, heavy, extending toward base of wing; R, claviform; Rs 2 very short; M 2 short, heavy, terminating in a rounded club; other veins, including areolet, absent. Legs pubescent; tarsal claws dentate. Metasoma longer than high, all terga visible along dorsal curvature; terga smooth, except punctate last segment; ovipositor sheaths punctate. Ventral spine bristly, 2.5 X as long as broad in lateral view. Diagnosis. —Separable from other species in this genus by the massive head and the reduced wing with unique venation described above (Fig. 4). Gall. —(Figs. 5, 6).—Monothalamous, tiny (2.5 mm diameter), spherical, on upper leaf surface; larval cell occupying lower portion of gall; appears in late summer, maturing in late December through January and February. Host.—Quercus pungens. Etymology. —Named for Professor John Tucker, University of California, Davis, who located the stands of Q. pungens used in this study. Material Examined. —See types. Xanthoteras pungens Lyon, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 7-12) Holotype female; TEXAS. El PASO CO.: Franklin Mountains, El Paso, 13 Jan 1969, R. J. Lyon, from galls on Quercus pungens deposited: U.S. National Mu¬ seum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Paratypes: same data as holotype except collected 15-30 Dec 1972; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. (2), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (2), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles (2), R. J. Lyon collection (9). Description .—Unisexual female. Uniformly red-brown, posterior metasomal terga darker. Length 2.3-2.7 mm (x = 2.5 mm; n = 20). Head transverse, broader than mesosoma; surface coriaceous; mandibles with prominent teeth; gena not broadened behind eyes in frontal view; malar space less than .75 X eye length, furrow present; interocular area 2X as wide as high; ocelli amber, each ocellus in surrounding depression. Antenna stoutly moniliform, 13-segmented, segment 3 longer than 4, seg¬ ment 13 nearly 2X as long as 12. Pronotal side smooth, lightly striate along borders. Scutum smooth and polished; notauli visible only posteriorly, but extending forward as a row of punctures and a few bristles. Scutellum longer than broad, margined and longitudinally ridged; fovae represented by an arcuate groove, Propodeum with arcuate carinae, enclosure rugose. Mesopleuron smooth and polished, with striate area below wing. Legs pubescent, claws dentate. Forewing (Fig. 7) short, not quite reaching tip of mesosoma, pubescent, short-ciliate along posterior margin. Veins thick and heavy; areolet absent; Radial Cell short; Rs 2 swollen and curved upward; Cubital Cell 3 with dark, irregular patch extending into radial cell; slight darkening in Discoidal Cell and along M[, Rs+M and Median Veins. Metasomal terga smooth and polished, tergum 2 with pubescent patch. Ventral spine slightly more than 2X as long as thick in lateral view, tapering to blunt point. Diagnosis. —This species can be separated from the other species in the genus 1996 LYON: NEW SOUTHWESTERN CYNIPID WASPS 185 Figures 7-12. Xanthoteras pungens, Lyon, NEW SPECIES. Figure 7. Forewing. Figure 8. Me- sosomal configuration, dorsal view. Figure 9. Metasoma, lateral view. Figure 10. Monothalamous gall, sagittal section, showing structure and position of larval cell. Figure 11. Leaf of Q. pungens, showing gall on margin of upper leaf surface. Figure 12. Head, frontal view. by its shortened forewing with distinctive venation, stout, moniliform antenna and by the posterior incomplete notauli, represented by a row of punctures in the anterior region of scutum. Gall .—Monothalamous and dome-shaped (Figs. 10, 11), projecting 3-5 mm from upper leaf surface; larval cells basal, with radiating filaments to wall. Adults mature and emerge from late December to mid-January. Host.—Quercus pungens. 186 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Etymology. —This species is named for its host. Material Examined. —See types. Antron madera Lyon, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 13, 14) Holotype female; ARIZONA. PIMA CO.: Santa Rita Moutains, Tucson, 1 Apr 1972, R. J. Lyon, from galls on Quercus arizonica Sargent; deposited: U.S. Na¬ tional Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Paratypes: same data as holotype except collected 10-15 Apr 1972 on Q. toumeyi Sargent; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. (1), R. J. Lyon collection (3). Description. —Unisexual female. Light yellow-brown; eyes, ocelli, tips of tarsi, terminal antennal segments and ovipositor sheaths darker brown. Length 2.5-2.1 mm (jc = 2.65 mm; n = 5). Head transverse, as broad as inesosoma; gena slightly broadened behind eyes; interocular space wider than high; malar space less than one-third as long as eye, groove absent; antenna 13-segmented, segment 3 longer than 4 and succeeding segments, segment 13 longer than 12. Scutum longer than broad, surface coriaceous, pubescent laterally; notauli complete, curving laterally. Scutellum elongate, longer than broad, rugose along margins, rounded behind; pits represented by a shallow, arcuate groove. Mesopleuron slightly bulging, smooth, shining, with white setae along anterior and ventral edges. Propodeal carinae arcuate, enclosure smooth. Legs pubescent; claw dentate. Forewing pubescent; veins brown; margin ciliate; M, reaching Basal Vein; areolet small; Radial Cell 3.5X as long as broad; faint, darkened, translucent patches in Radial, Cubital, and Discoidal Cells. Metasoma as long as high, smooth and shining; three terga visible along dorsal curvature; tergum 2 with small pubescent patch. Ventral spine stout, bristly, 3X as long as broad in lateral view. Diagnosis. —Separable from other species in this genus by the following com¬ bination of characteristics: tergite 2 not foliiform, antenna 13 segmented, foveal pits replaced by a shallow, arcuate groove, and faint, translucent, dark patches in the Radial, Cubital and Discoidal Cells. Gall. —Monothalamous, spherical (Figs. 13, 14), small (3 mm diameter); at¬ tached to midrib on undersurface of leaf, flattened at point of attachment. Mature galls are slightly wrinkled and have scattered red and white microstellate hairs. The larval cell is centrally located and surrounded by thick nutritive layer that becomes spongy in older galls. Hosts.—Quercus arizonica and Q. toumeyi. Etymology. —This species is named for its site of occurrence; Madera Canyon, Santa Rita Mts., Arizona. Material Examined. —See types. Antron daileyi Lyon, NEW SPECIES (Fig. 17) Holotype female; TEXAS. EL PASO CO.: Franklin Mountains, El Paso, 23 Mar 1970, R. J. Lyon, from galls on Quercus pungens deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Paratypes: same data as holotype except collected 23-26 Mar 1970; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. (8), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (8), Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis (6), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles (6), R J. Lyon collection (30). Description. —Unisexual female. Black, with red tinges; basal five antennal segments, tibiae and LYON: NEW SOUTHWESTERN CYNIPID WASPS 1996 187 Figures 13-19. Galls. Figures 13-14. Antron madera, Lyon, NEW SPECIES. Figure 13. Gall attached to upper surface midrib. Figure 14. sagittal section of gall showing detail of larval cell and thickened cell wall. Figures 15-16. Antron franklinensis, Lyon, NEW SPECIES. Figure 15. Position of twig gall on Q. turbinella. Figure 16. Sagittal section of gall showing detail of larval cell and thickened cell wall. Figure 17. Antron daileyi, Lyon, NEW SPECIES. Galls on twigs of Q. pungens. Figures 18-19. Andricus flocculentus, Lyon, NEW SPECIES. Figure 18. Cluster of woolly galls on midrib of Q. pungens. Figure 19. Sagittal sectons of galls showing detail of individual galls. 188 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) tarsi light brown. Length 1.7-2.6 mm ( x = 2.2 mm; n = 54). Head transverse, as broad as mesosoma; slightly broadened behind eyes; occiput concave; median ridge extending from median ocellus nearly to level of antennal sockets; interocular space almost 3X as broad as high; malar space one-third eye length, striate; ocellar area and frons rugose, frons with white bristles. Antenna 14-segmented, segment 3 longer than 4, segment 14 2X as long as 13. Scutum slightly broader than long, prominently high- arched in side view, coriaceous, shining and with white bristles near posterior and lateral margins; notauli complete; anterior lines appear as a pair of smooth, shining, parallel streaks extending poste¬ riorly from the anterior margin of the scutum, some specimens with very short median line. Scutellum marginate, coarsely rugose and with white bristles; foveal pits deep, separated, with smooth, shining bottoms. Propodeum slightly rugose, but without distinct carinae. Mesopleuron bulging, partly acic- ulate. Legs pubescent; tarsal claws prominently dentate. Forewing hyaline, veins dark brown, pubes¬ cent, and with ciliate margins; areolet well-developed, extending one-fourth distance to Rs+M; Mj not reaching Basal Vein, Rs, angled; Rs, not enlarged at wing margin; Rs+M with distinct “knobs” in some specimens; Radial Cell 3X as long as broad. Metasoma longer than high, only three terga visible along dorsal curvature; tergum 2 smooth and shining, remaining terga punctate; ovipositor sheaths protruding, punctate and bristly. Ventral spine bristly, 3X as long as broad in lateral view, triangular in ventral view (Fig. 28). Diagnosis. —This species can be separated from the other species in the genus by the following combination of characteristics: gena, in frontal view, broadened behind eyes; tergite 2 not foliiform; antenna with 14 segments; scutum high- arched in side view. Gall. —(Fig. 17) - Monothalamous, thin-walled blisters that burst from cracks in the bark of twigs; galls are smooth, tan, 5-7 mm long. Adult females emerged 23-26 Mar and oviposited in unopened, dormant buds. Host. — Quercus pungens. Galls of this type were also seen on Q. arizonica, Q. grisea Liebmann and Q. oblongifolia Torrey but no wasps were reared from them. Etymology. —This species is named for Charles Dailey, Sierra College, Rocklin, California, who has made many contributions to our knowledge of the Cynipidae. Material Examined. —See types. Antron frankunensis Lyon, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 15, 16) Holotype female; TEXAS. EL PASO CO.: Franklin Mountains, El Paso, 29 Dec 1962, R. J. Lyon, from galls on Quercus turbinella Greene; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Paratypes: same data as holotype; deposited: U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. (1), R. J. Lyon collection (3). Description. —Unisexual female. Uniformly light brown; terminal antennal segments and tarsi darker brown. Length 2.9-3.1 mm (x = 3.0 mm; n = 5). Head transverse, as broad as mesosoma; gena broadened behind eyes; occiput strongly concave; interocular space 2X as wide as high; malar space shorter than eye length and without groove. Antenna 13-segmented, segment 3 longer than 4, segment 13 equal to 12 in length. Scutum coriaceous, with white bristles, strongly convex in profile, slightly broader than long; notauli incomplete, lateral area smooth and shining; anterior lines barely visible as smooth streaks. Scutellum with microscopic, longitudinal ridges partially obscured by long, white bristles; foveal pits replaced by an arcuate groove. Mesopleuron smooth and polished, slightly pro¬ tuberant beneath wing base. Propodeal carinae short, arcuate. Legs pubescent; tarsal claws with long tooth. Forewing hyaline and pubescent, margins ciliate; veins dark chocolate-brown; areolet small, extending one-fifth of distance to Basal Vein; M, reaching Rs+M; Rs+M with distinct spur at junction with M+Cu; Rs 2 arcuate, terminating in a flattened club; Radial Cell 2X as long as broad. Metasoma longer than high, three terga visible along dorsal curvature, tergite 2 foliiform; tergites impunctate. Ventral spine bristly, broad and tapering to point, 3 X as long as wide in profile. 1996 LYON: NEW SOUTHWESTERN CYNIPID WASPS 189 Diagnosis. —This species can be separated from the other species in the genus by a combination of the following characteristics: tergite 2 foliiform; notauli in¬ complete; distinctive wing venation; Rs 2 arcuate, terminating in a flattened club; gena distinctly broadened behind eyes. Gall. —(Figs. 15, 16).—A small monothalamous gall, 7 mm long, thorn-shaped; appears on twigs in late fall; mature adults collected in December. Host.—Quercus turbinella. Etymology. —This species is named for the Franklin Mountains where the host species of oak occurs. Material Examined. —See types. Key to the Described Species of Antron Kinsey in the United States 1. Tergites 2-7 abundantly pubescent; tergite 2 foliiform (Fig. 20) .... 2 1\ Tergite 2 with pubescent patch only, other terga bare; tergite 2 fo¬ liiform or not (Fig. 21) .. .. 3 2(1). Head, in frontal view, with gena visible and broadened behind eyes (Fig. 22); Cubital Cell clear or with very faint darkened patches in some specimens; apex of ventral spine rounded in ventral view (Fig. 26). Light red-brown species from rounded, lead-colored galls on Quercus arizonica, Q. toumeyi, and Q. oblongifolia in Arizona . A. plumbeum (Weld) 2'. Head, in frontal view, with gena not visible or broadened behind eyes (Fig. 23); Cubital Cell with two distinct dark, translucent patches sometimes fused; apex of ventral spine acute in ventral view (Fig. 28). Dark brown or red-brown species from red, woolly clusters on midribs beneath leaves of Q. arizonica, Q. toumeyi, and Q. oblongifolia in Arizona . A. quercusnubila (Bassett) 3(U). Notauli incomplete; tergite 2 foliiform; forewing clear, with small, dark patch around Rs,. Light brown species from small, thorn¬ shaped twig galls on Q. turbinella in western Texas (Fig. 15). . .. . A. franklinensis Lyon 3'. Notauli complete; tergite 2 foliiform or not . 4 4(3'). Gena in frontal view visible and broadened behind eyes. 5 4'. Gena in frontal view not visible or broadened behind eyes . 10 5(4). Tergite 2 not foliiform . 6 5'. Tergite 2 foliiform . 7 6(5). Antenna 14-segmented; all terga beyond second punctate; scutellum rugose, foveal pits deep, separated, with shining bottoms; scutellar tip broadly rounded; wing hyaline, clear, M, not reaching Basal Vein; ventral spine bristly with triangular tip (Fig. 28); dark spe¬ cies from thin-walled blisters that burst from cracks on the twigs of Q. pungens in Arizona, New Mexico and western Texas. . A. daileyi Lyon 6'. Antenna 13-segmented; terga smooth, impunctate; scutellum rugose only on the side; foveal pits replaced by a shallow, arcuate groove; scutellar tip sloping to a narrow but rounded point; wing with faint darkened patches in the Radial, Cubital and Discoidal Cells; M, reaching Basal Vein; ventral spine bristly with rounded, notched 190 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) 26 27 Figures 20-29. Key characters in Antron taxonomy. Figure 20. Foliiform metasomal tergum 2. Figure 21. Non-foliiform metasomal tergum 2. Figure 22. Frontal view of head to show gena broadened behind eyes. Figure 23. Frontal view of head to show gena not broadened. Figure 24. Oval-shaped head in frontal view. Figure 25. Deltoid-shaped head in frontal view. Figure 26. Ventral spine of metasoma, ventral view, showing rounded apex. Figure 27. Ventral spine, curving to blunt point. Figure 28. Ventral spine with triangular tip. Figure 29. Ventral spine, with blunt, notched tip. 1996 LYON: NEW SOUTHWESTERN CYNIPID WASPS 191 tip (Fig. 29). Light yellow-brown species from small, spherical, thick-walled galls on midrib of the undersurfaces of leaves of Q. arizonica, Q. oblongifolia and Q. toumeyi in Arizona (Fig. 13) . A. madera Lyon 7(5'). Antenna 13-segmented . 8 7'. Antenna 14-segmented . 9 8(7). Head oval in frontal view (height about 0.66 X width, (Fig. 24); scutum micropunctate and somewhat roughened; scutellum finely rugose. Dark, almost black species from spiny spring galls on mid¬ rib of undersurface of leaves of Q. gambelii, Q. toumeyi, and Q. undulata Torn in Arizona. A. acraspiformis Weld 8'. Head deltoid in frontal view (almost as high as wide) (Fig. 25); scutum smooth, shining; scutellum microscopically coriaceous. Brown species from globular (3 mm diameter), thin-walled galls on undersurfaces of leaves of Q. turbinella in Arizona. . A. magdalenae Weld 9(7'). Arcuate foveal furrow, at base of scutellum, narrow, shining and almost smooth at bottom; scutellum margined, ridges extending onto sides of disc. Red-brown species from, distinctive, spiny, club-shaped leaf galls on Q. dumosa Nutt, and Q. lobata Nee in California.A. douglasii (Ashmead) 9'. Foveal furrow broad, ridged on bottom; scutellum margined on sides, but ridges not extending onto disc. Darkly infuscated species from spiny leaf galls resembling miniature “sea urchins” on Q. doug¬ lasii Hook. & Am. in California.A. echinus (Ashmead) 10(4'). Antenna 15-segmented; wings hyaline, clear; scutum smooth, shin¬ ing. Amber yellow species from terminal, cap-shaped bud galls on Q. turbinella in New Mexico .A. pileus Weld 10'. Antenna 14-segmented; wings with dark patches in Cubital Cell; scutum coriaceous . 11 11(10'). Disc of scutellum longer than broad and coarsely rugose; Rs 2 of forewing only slightly enlarged at wing margin; outline of head deltoid in frontal view (Fig. 25). Dark species from globular bud galls on Q. dumosa and Q. douglasii in California (possible bi¬ sexual generation of A. echinus) .A. ribes (Kinsey) 11'. Disc of scutellum as broad as long and finely rugose; Rs 2 forming a distinct club at wing margin; outline of head, oval in frontal view (Fig. 25). Light brown species from thin-walled bud galls on Q. douglasii and Q. lobata in California (possible bisexual generation of A. douglasii ) .A. lobata (McCracken & Egbert) Acknowledgment I thank John M. Tucker (University of California, Davis) for identifying spec¬ imens of Quercus pungens ; Arnold Menke (U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C.) for assistance with the Antron key; Roy Snelling (Los 192 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles) for his continual en¬ couragement and constructive comments during the writing of this paper. Literature Cited Lyon, R. J. 1993. Synonymy of two genera of cynipid gall wasps and description of a new genus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Pan-Pacific Entomol. 69(2): 133-140. Weld, L. H. 1960. Cynipid galls of the Southwest. Edwards Bros., Ann Arbor, Michigan (51 pp.) Received 12 Mar 1995; Accepted 7 Mar 1996. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 193-201, (1996) BIOGEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS OF THE ANT FAUNA OF CORSICA (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) Janine Casevitz-Weulersse E.P. 90 du CNRS and Laboratoire d’Entomologie, MNHN, 45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France Abstract .—Corsican myrmecofauna (26 genera, 83 species) is mostly European in characteristics and shows very low endemism (only 3 endemic species). A comparison with 15 neighboring countries shows its particular similarity with the faunas of Sardinia and Provence. Of the 83 species, 26 are widely distributed in most of these 15 countries. The origins of Corsican ant populations are discussed. The development of a modern fauna in Corsica before the island became isolated from the continent, human activity, distinctive conquering capacities of ants, their strong ability to settle in many habitats, interspecific competition and the great diversity of landscapes of the island explain the present composition of the myrmecofauna of Corsica. Key Words. —Insecta, Corsica, Formicidae, biogeography, neighboring countries, competition. Corsica is an island located in the western part of the Mediterranean, not far from the coast of Provence (160 km) and Italy (82 km), about 50 km from the island of Elba, only 12 km from Sardinia, and more than 450 km from North Africa and Spain. It is the smallest, but the most mountainous of the three Tyr¬ rhenian islands and it has been inhabited by Man for at least 10,000 years. Fau- nistic and systematic data on ants of Corsica obtained in the last twenty years (Casevitz-Weulersse 1974, 1986a, b, 1990a, b) demonstrate the large diversity and wealth of the Corsican myrmecofauna, which is composed of 26 genera and 83 species. An ecological study of these 83 species and their distribution in the island had been presented in a previous paper (Casevitz-Weulersse 1990c). We present here the principal results of the biogeographical analysis of the Corsican ant fauna and compare it to neighboring countries. General Characters of the Corsican Myrmecofauna Holldobler & Wilson (1990) list eleven and Bolton, more recently (1994), six¬ teen extant subfamilies in the family Formicidae. The four with the greatest world¬ wide distribution (Ponerinae, Myrmicinae, Dolichoderinae, Formicinae) are pres¬ ent in Corsica, together with a fifth subfamily (Leptanillinae) (Table 1). Most Corsican species generally belong to the European Region and their dis¬ tribution is either cosmopolitan (2.41%), holoarctic (8.43%) or palaearctic (21.69%), or European (36.15%) only. The strictly Mediterranean species are less common (27.71%). Endemism is very low in the Corsican myrmecofauna; only three of the 83 species present on the island can be qualified as endemic today, with the caveat that endemism is a very relative and variable concept. For ex¬ ample, several species which had long been considered as strictly cymo-sardinian were shown by enlarged faunistic surveys and taxonomic revisions to be much more widely distributed, e.g., Leptanilla revelierei Emery, Messor wasmanni Krausse, (Casevitz-Weulersse 1992) or Epimyrma Corsica (Emery) (Buschinger & Winters 1985). Two of the three endemic Corsican species have been recently described: Leptothorax melas by Espadaler et al. (1984b) and Stenamma orousseti by Casevitz-Weulersse (1990a); the third species, Tetramorium sp., is under study. 194 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Table 1. Formicidae of Corsica: subfamilies, genera and number of species for each genus. Sub-families Genera Number of species ( 5 ) ( 26 ) ( 83 ) Leptanillinae Leptanilla 1 Ponerinae Cryptopone 1 Hypoponera 2 Ponera 1 Myrmicinae Smithistruma 2 Epitritus 1 Myrmica 4 Stenamma 2 Aphaenogaster 4 Messor 4 Pheidole 1 Crematogaster 1 Solenopsis 2 Monomorium 1 Myrmecina 1 Leptothorax 15 Epimyrma 3 T etramorium 7 Strongylognathus 1 Dolichoderinae Tapinoma 3 Bothriomyrmex 1 Linepithema 1 Formicinae Plagiolepis 2 Lasius 9 Camponotus 1 Formica 6 Comparison with Other Regions French Mainland. —The island shares 69 of its 83 species with continental France, which includes 44 genera and about 180 species (Bernard 1968). How¬ ever, 14 Corsican species, including Aphaenogaster spinosa Emery and Messor minor (Andre) which are among the most common ants on the island, are not found on mainland France. However, a dozen genera included in the mainland fauna are absent in Corsica. In particular, Manica (Myrmicinae), Dolichoderus (Dolichoderinae), Cataglyphis, Proformica and Polyergus (Formicinae) are prob¬ ably really absent, because they are immediately noticed when they are present in a biotope. Other genera which have not been found on the island include parasitic and very rare species; it is possible that they will be discovered therein the future. Other Mediterranean Regions. —The myrmecofaunas of fifteen Mediterranean regions where reliable faunistic surveys have been published in recent decades were compared to that of Corsica (Table 2). At the genus level, these regions have a high number of genera in common with Corsica. At the species level, their degree of similarity with Corsica was estimated using the Jaccard’s coefficient (JC) according to the following formula : JC = (Cab X 100)/(A + B — Cab), with Cab = number of species in common in regions A and B; A and B = total number of species in region A and region B. By con- 1996 CASEVITZ-WEULERSSE: ANT FAUNA OF CORSICA 195 Table 2. Comparison between the myrmecofaunas of fifteen Mediterranean regions and Corsica (8720 km 2 , 26 genera, 83 species). Regions Surface (km 2 ) Total no. of genera (no. of genera common with Corsica) Total no. of species (no. of species common with Corsica) Jaccard’s coefficient Sardinia 1 24,100 24 (24) 64 (52) 54.74 Provence 2 26,135 34 (25) 116 (60) 43.17 Tuscan Archipelago 3 1000 22 (21) 45 (35) 37.63 Liguria 4 5415 29 (24) 78 (42) 35.29 Mt Ventoux 5 ? 21 (16) 63 (38) 35.19 Sicily 6 25,500 29 (23) 79 (41) 33.88 North of Spain 7 252,370 34 (25) 136 (54) 32.74 Latium 8 17,200 22 (19) 53 (33) 32.04 Tuscany 9 29,000 26 (21) 63 (35) 31.53 All of Spain 10 504,748 44 (26) 214 (63) 26.92 Yugoslavia 11 225,800 38 (25) 161 (51) 26.42 Portugal 12 90,000 20 (17) 73 (30) 23.81 Baleoric Islands 13 4980 19 (19) 42 (24) 23.76 Greece 14 131,944 39 (25) 222 (46) 17.76 Algerian Forests 15 ? 114 (24) 13.87 1 Baroni-Urbani 1971, Casevitz-Weulersse 1974. 2 Soyer 1951, Ovazza 1954, Bernard 1968, 1983, Gaspard 1968. 3 Baroni-Urbani 1971. 4 Baroni-Urbani 1971. 5 Du Merle 1978. 6 Baroni-Urbani 1971. 7 Collingwood 1978, Collingwood & Yarrow 1969, Espadaler 1979, 1980, 1981, 1986a, b, Espadaler & Collingwood 1982, Espadaler & Restrepo 1983, Espadaler & Riasol 1983, Espadaler & Roda 1984, Espadaler et al. 1984, Martinez-Ibanez & Espadaler Gelabert 1986, Tinaut 1985, 1987a, b, 1988. 8 Baroni-Urbani 1971. 9 Baroni-Urbani 1971. 10 (see 7). 11 Agosti & Collingwood 1987. 12 Collingwood 1978. 13 Collingwood & Yarrow 1969, Comin del Rio & De Haro Vera 1980, Comin del Rio & Espalader Gelabert 1984. 14 Agosti & Collingwood 1987. 15 Cagniant 1968, 1973. vention, A = number of species in Corsica (83) and B = total number of species in the country being compared (Table 2). The distribution of all the species in¬ cluded in the Corsican myrmecofauna and their presence in these 15 Mediterra¬ nean regions had been listed in a preceding paper (Casevitz-Weulersse 1992). Note that Corsica (with an area of 8720 km 2 ) has 83 species, but Sardinia (area 2.8 times larger) has only 64 species and Sicily has 79. Several large continental regions also have a smaller number of species in relation to their area when compared to Corsica. On contrast, Mount Ventoux, the Tuscan archipelago, and the Balearic islands have a diversified and rather rich myrmecofauna. These ob¬ servations are partly due to a lack of faunistic surveys and taxonomic studies in many southern European countries. In spite of missing or incomplete data, comparisons are still interesting. As expected, considering the palaeogeographical history of the Mediterranean region, Sardinia (JC: 54.74) has the highest biocoenotic similarity with Corsica, followed by Provence (JC: 43.17). Similarity with western Mediterranean regions, conti¬ nental or insular, is very low (all of Spain, Balearic islands, Portugal), as it is for more distant regions (Greece and Algerian forests). Table 3 indicates that 26 species of the Corsican myrmecofauna have a wide geographical distribution in the Mediterranean region. Most of them also have a large worldwide distribution. Only two species are strictly Mediterranean, the rest belong to the European, palaearctic, or holoarctic domains. Table 3. 26 Corsican species with a wide geographical range in 15 Species No. of Mediterranean regions inhabited 1 Ponera coarctata (Latreille) 15 2 Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille) 13 3 Messor capitatus (Latreille) 14 4 Messor structor (Latreille) 14 5 Pheidole pallidula (Nylander) 15 6 Crematogaster scutellaris (Olivier) 15 7 Solenopsis fugax (Latreille) 12 8 Myrmecina graminicola (Latreille) 15 9 Leptothorax nylanderi (Forster) 13 10 Leptothorax recedens (Nylander) 12 11 Leptothorax tuberum (Fab.) 12 12 Tetramorium caespitum (L.) 14 13 Tetramorium semilaeve Andre 12 14 Tapinoma nigerrimum (Nylander) 12 15 Plagiolepis pygmaea (Latreille) 15 16 Lasius alienus (Forster) 15 17 Lasius emarginatus (Olivier) 13 18 Lasius flavus (Fab.) 14 19 Lasius mger (L.) 15 20 Camponotus aethiops (Latreille) 12 21 Camponotus lateralis (Olivier) 15 22 Camponotus piceus (Leach) 14 23 Camponotus truncatus (Spinola) 13 24 Camponotus vagus (Scopoli) 13 25 Formica cunicularia Latreille 13 26 Formica fusca (L.) 12 196 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4 1996 CASEVITZ-WEULERSSE: ANT FAUNA OF CORSICA 197 As is the case for the Corsican populations, the myrmecofaunas of the entire Mediterranean region are primarily European. To sum, Corsica has a diversified myrmecofauna with a rather high number of species, considering its area. However, this fauna is not original and it is consti¬ tuted mostly of generalist, ubiquitous species with a wide distribution. Origin of the Corsican Ant Populations Ants are social insects. Reproduction of their colonies and propagation of their species follow particular rules. The creation of new colonies and their implanta¬ tion at a given location differ depending on the species and can occur from the aerial arrival of winged, impregnated females; along or in groups, from the move¬ ment of portions of colonies including one or several egg-laying wingless females and workers, or from the isolation of workers with larvae of future queens and males. In some cases, groups of isolated workers without brood (eggs, larvae, pupae) can also originate new colonies by various ways (inseminated workers or parthenogenesis). Species can reach an island either by active (flight of winged sexual individuals) or passive transportation. However, the queens of many ant species are unable to cover long distances by air, unless they are small enough to be carried by air currents. As with ants, an European or a palaearctic component of the fauna is often demonstrated for other insects and invertebrates from Corsica. However, endem¬ ism rates vary considerably among the groups, depending on their age and mode of dispersal. For many groups, endemism is rather high and occurs at the species, or more often subspecies level but rarely at the generic level. Corsican populations of Coleoptera (Sainte-Claire Deville 1906/1914, 1926; Jeannel 1942, 1961a, b), Plecoptera, Trichoptera, blepharocerid Diptera (Giudicelli 1975, Cianficconi & Moretti 1990), Araneae (Canard 1989), Diplopoda (Mauries 1969) and terrestrial Oligochaeta (Omodeo 1961, Omodeo & Rota 1987) are largely composed of species which have evolved locally from a Tertiary fauna that found a refuge on the island, particularly on its high mountains. The situation is different with the ants. The last link between Corsica and the continent seems to have occurred between 6 and 5 million years ago during the Messinian episode, and also during the early ice ages. Corsica has been a true island only in the last 100,000 years (Gauthier & Vigne 1987). When links existed with the continent, at the time of the early ice ages at the beginning of the Quaternary era, the myrmecofauna probably already included genera and species identical to those that can be observed today (Casevitz-Weulersse 1992). The intermittent indirect links between Corsica and continental Europe at the time of the first ice ages allowed, on several occasions, the passage of various species which were already modem. If the low endemism seen here is true, it would demonstrate that there has been almost no local ant evolution. Recent studies in Corsica and Sardinia on vertebrate, particularly mammalian faunas, have shown that the current situation is essentially due to voluntary and involuntary human action (Vigne & Alcover 1985). All present day taxa in Cor¬ sica were absent before the Holocene (Vigne 1987, 1992) and their endemism is low, at the level of a few subspecies. In the same manner as the mammals, it is quite possible that ant populations were constituted in part from species introduced 198 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) by Man to this island, which was one of the first to be colonized in the Mediter¬ ranean. Finally, it should be noted that our conclusions on the Mediterranean Basin myrmecofauna are very close to those of Blondel (1982, 1984) concerning the biogeographical origin of avifaunas. Blondel observed the same European aspect of the populations and low endemism in birds nesting in Corsica and in the rest of the Mediterranean region that is also observed in ants. The introduction of ants in Corsica probably occurred before the final separa¬ tion of the island from the continent. The paleogeographical history of the island and the paleontology of the Formicidae explain why this distribution of subfam¬ ilies is similar to that of most temperate countries (Casevitz-Weulersse 1992). However, the present composition of this fauna can also be explained by taking into account the early arrival of Man, whose essential role in the modem com¬ position of the Corsican faunas we are only now beginning to understand. In addition to human exchanges between the island and the continent during the post-Pliocene, several factors came into play for the creation of the myrme¬ cofauna as we can observe it today. As emphasized by Bernard (1968) and La- motte (1986), chance plays a large role in the installation of diverse species on an island. The early comers occupy all the habitats and leave no room for others. The lack of success in Corsica of a species as conquering as Linepithema humile, the “Argentine ant” (Casevitz-Weulersse 1986b, 1992) and the cohabi¬ tation in the same biotope of several species on the same genus, which seem to exploit the same food sources, e.g., Messor wasmanni, M. minor, and M. capitatus on backshores (Casevitz-Weulersse 1990c) or Lasius niger and L. emarginatus in citrus orchards (Casevitz-Weulersse 1993) are a few of many examples that dem¬ onstrate competition and association phenomena. They will have to be analyzed in detail if we want to understand how the ant populations in Corsica were con¬ stituted and how they operate. Competition, intrinsic capacity of species to occupy new territories, high col¬ onizing power are characteristics which have allowed certain species to become established at the expense of others. The particular diversity of Corsican environ¬ ments has certainly also contributed to the persistence or the implantation of widely varied species. All of these factors have contributed in the present char¬ acteristics of ant populations in Corsica. Acknowledgment I am specially grateful to Dr Judith Najt for the critical reading of the manu¬ script and her helpful comments. Literature Cited Agosti, D. & C. A. Collingwood. 1987. A provisional list of the Balkans ants (Hym. Formicidae) and a key to the worker caste. I. Synonymic list. Bull. Soc. entom. suisse, 60: 51-62. Baroni-Urbani, C. 1971. Catalogo delle specie di Formicidae d’ltalia. Mem. Soc. entom. ital., 50: 5- 287. Bernard, F. 1968. Les Fourmis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) d’Europe occidentale et septentrionale. Faune de l’Europe et du Bassin mediterraneen, n° 3. Masson & Cie, ed., Paris: 1-411. Bernard, F. 1983. Les fourmis et leur milieu en France mediterraneenne. Encyclopedic Entomologique XLV. Ed. Lechevalier, Paris: 1-146. 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Sci.: llOeme Congres Montpellier, 79-91. Received 6 Jun 1995; Accepted 14 Feb 1996 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 202-208, (1996) GENETIC VARIATION IN BOMB US APPOSITUS CRESSON (HYMENOPTERA: APIDAE) Richard W. Rust and Jennifer L. Porter Biology Department, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557 Abstract .—Genetic variation was measured in five populations of Botnbus appositus Cresson. Scoring of 29 loci in 18 enzyme systems resulted in polymorphic loci in all populations and a low estimated mean heterozygosity of 0.028 ± 0.004 (SE). Neighbor-joining analysis did not resolve the geographic pattern of the populations. Key Words. —Insecta, Hymenoptera, Apidae, population genetics, allozymes, Bombus appositus Low levels of genetic variation have been reported in most Hymenoptera when compared to other insects (Graur 1985, Crespi 1991, Yik-Yuen et al. 1991). The exceptions are in Argidae and Tenthredinidae (Sheppard & Haydon 1986). This low level of variation is especially true for the bees (Apoidea) (Graur 1985; Pamilo et al. 1978, 1984; Owen 1985; Packer & Owen 1989; Scholl et al. 1990; Owen et al. 1992; Mullen & Rust 1994). Within the bumble bees ( Bombus spe¬ cies) significantly low levels have been reported for 27 species (Pamilo et al. 1984, Owen et al. 1992) or about 10% of all Bombus species (Thorp et al. 1983). Heterozygosity estimates range from zero (0.0) in several species, Bombus nev- adensis Cresson, B. californicus F. Smith, B. rufocinctus Cresson, B. mixtus Cres¬ son, B. perplexus Cresson (Owen et al. 1992), to 0.044 in Bombus balteatus Dahlbom (Pamilo et al. 1984). Owen et al. (1992) found the mean expected heterozygosity for 16 Bombus species from North America to be low (0.008 ± 0.007 (SE)). Mullen & Rust (1994) found low (0.008 ± 0.004) but similar levels of heterozygosity in commercially reared and natural populations of B. occiden¬ talis Greene. There are several explanations for the low levels of genetic variation in Bombus (Pamilo & Crozier 1981; Graur 1985; Owen 1985, 1988; Owen et al. 1992). The degree of social evolution in Hymenoptera appears to be negatively correlated with genetic variability with the eusocial species having the lowest levels (Packer & Owen 1989). This study examines the genetic variation within and between five populations of the bumble bee Bombus appositus Cresson. Bombus appositus was selected for study because it is member of the subgenus Subterraneobombus (Thorp et al. 1983). This subgenus contains only two species in North America B. appositus and B. borealis (Kriby) and has received no genetic study. Populations were sampled from the southern limits of the species range in the isolated mountain ranges of Great Basin Desert and the Rocky Mountain regions of western North America (Thorp et al. 1983). Materials and Methods Female B. appositus were collected from three sites in northern Nevada and two sites in northern Utah (Table 1). Individual workers were collected from flowers while hiking (approximately 5 km distance) in the collection area over two or more days. 1996 RUST & PORTER: GENETIC VARIATION IN BOM BUS APPO SITUS 203 Table 1. Bombus appositus population sample sites (State, County, mountain range, latitude and longitude, and average elevation) and number of female individuals examined. Population sites County Location Latitude & Longitude (meters) Number Utah Cache Wasatch Mountains White Pine Lake 111 °40' X 41°55' 2500 21 Salt Lake Wasatch Mountains Mill Creek Canyon 111°40' X 40°41' 2400 16 Nevada Elko Independence Mountains Mill Creek 116°00' X 41°31' 2500 28 Elko Ruby Mountains Thomas Creek Canyon 115°25' X 40°38' 2500 22 Elko East Humboldt Range Angle Lake 115°05' X 41°02' 2500 20 All field captured individuals were placed in individual plastic vials with cotton plugs and transported to the laboratory on ice and stored at —80° C. Individuals were prepared for electrophoresis by separating the head and thorax from the abdomen and homogenizing each in 0.05 ml of cold extraction buffer (Tris HC1 0.05 M, pH 7.0; May 1992). After 20 min of cold incubation and low-speed centrifugation, the supernatant was pipetted into 1.5 ml eppendorf tubes and stored at —80° C until used for electrophoresis. Supernatant was applied to 14% hori¬ zontal starch gels (50% Connaught and 50% Sigma) using filter-paper wicks (Whatman #3). Gels ran approximately five hours. All individuals were analyzed within two weeks of preparation. We used the methods and staining procedures described by May (1992). Twenty-eight enzyme systems were initially surveyed and 18 were used for population analysis. Genotype frequencies were obtained by direct count from the phenotypes ob¬ served on the gels, and electromorph (allozyme) frequencies were calculated from genotype frequencies. All polymorphisms were photographed. The most common electromorph at each locus was designated as “C”, with relatively faster migrating allozymes scored as “B” and relatively slower migrating allozymes scored as “D”. Expected genotypic frequencies, expected fit to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Nei’s unbiased expected heterozygosity and unbiased genetic identity (Nei 1978), and Wright’s F-statistics (Wright 1978) were calculated using BIOSYS-1 (Swof- ford & Selander 1981). Neighbor-Joining unrooted tree construction (Saitou & Nei 1987) was produced with NJTREE (Jin & Ferguson 1990). Results Seven of the 28 enzyme systems (AAT, AC, ADH, LDH, ODH, SDH, XDH) yielded weak or no bands on the gels (Table 2). Two (GDH and G6PDH) were inconsistent or too smeared to score. CK was determined to yield the same band¬ ing pattern as AK and was dropped from scoring. The remaining 18 enzyme systems yielded 29 scorable loci (Table 2). Seven of the 18 enzyme systems 204 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Table 2. Enzyme systems, loci, and electrophoretic conditions used to assay Bombus appositus, tagged enzymes (*) were used in the genetic analysis. Enzyme (loci) Symbol E.C. Number 1 Buffer 2 Tissue 3 Aconitase AC TC-1 A Alcohol dehydrogenase ADH TC-1 A * Adenylate kinase (1) AK TC-1 A Aspartate aminotransferase AAT R A Creatine kinase CK 2.13.2 4 T *Diaphorase (NADH) (2) DIA 4 T *Diaphorase (NADPH) (1) DIAP R A *Esterase (2) EST 3.1.1.- 4 T *Galactosaminidase (1) GAM ******* C A *Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (1) GAPDH C T, A Glucose dehydrogenase GDH TC-1 A *a-Glycerophosphate (3) dehydrogenase G3P R T, A Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase G6PDH TC-1 A *Glucokinase (1) GK 4 T *General Protein (1) GP nonspecific R T *Glucosephosphate (2) isomerase GPI R T, A *Hydroxybuteric (1) dehydrogenase HBDH TC-1 A *lsocitrate dehydrogenase (2) IDH R T Lactate dehydrogenase LDH 4 A *Leucine aminopeptidase (2) LAP R T, A *Malic enzyme (2) ME 4 T, A *Malate dehydrogenase (1) MDH 4 T, A Octanol dehydrogenase ODH R A *Peptidase Leu-Ala (2) PEP-LA 3.4.11 R T, A *Phosphoglucomutase (3) PGM 4 T, A Succinate dehydrogenase SDH TC-1 A *Superoxide dismutase (1) SOD R T, A Xanthine dehydrogenase XDH R A 1 Nomenclature Committee International Union of Biochemistry 1984. 2 Gel and tray buffer systems (May 1992). 3 T = head and thorax, A = abdomen. (DIAP, GAM, GAPDH, GP, IDH, LAP, MDH, and SOD) were fixed for the same allele in all individuals. Table 3 contains the allele frequencies in the B. appositus populations sampled. The two Wasatch Mountains populations had both the fewest and most polymor¬ phic loci, White Pine contained two (EST-2, PGM-2) and Mill Creek contained six (AK-1, GK-1, GPI-2, ME-1, PGM-1, PGM-2). In the Great Basin mountain populations, Ruby contained three (GK-1, GPI-2, PEP-1), Humboldt four (DIA- 1, DIA-2, GPI-2, G3P-3), and Independence six (DIA-1, DIA-2, EST-2, GPI-2, PGM-2, PGM-3). All of the Humboldt and Ruby loci conformed to Hardy-Wein- berg expectations. One locus each in the Independence (GPI-2, x 2 = 19.06, df = 1, P = 0.000) and White Pine (EST-2, x 2 = 5.33, df = 1, P = 0.02) samples and five loci in the Mill Creek samples (AK-1, x 2 = 27.04, df = 1, P = 0.000; GPI- 2, x 2 = 31.03, df = 1, P = 0.000; ME-1, x 2 = 31.03, df = 1, P = 0.000; PGM- 1, x 2 = 31.03, df = 1, P = 0.000; PGM-2, x 2 = 31.03, df = 1, P = 0.000) did not conform to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. All deviations were heterozygote deficiencies. Genetic variability was estimated within each sample with three mea- 1996 RUST & PORTER: GENETIC VARIATION IN BOM BUS APPOSITUS 205 Table 3. Allele frequencies at polymorphic loci and number of individual females analyzed in Bombus appositus. Locus and alleles n Utah Nevada White Pine 21 Mill Creek 16 Humboldt 20 Ruby 22 Independence 28 AK-1 B 0.062 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.938 1.000 1.000 1.000 DIA-1 B 0.000 0.000 0.036 C 0.975 1.000 0.964 D 0.025 0.000 0.000 DIA-2 B 0.125 0.000 0.035 C 0.875 1.000 0.965 EST-2 B 0.333 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.667 1.000 1.000 0.938 D 0.000 0.000 0.072 GK-1 B 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.969 1.000 0.864 1.000 D 0.000 0.136 0.000 GPI-2 B 0.062 ■m mm 0.000 C 0.938 0.955 0.893 D BTmi 0.045 0.107 G3P-3 B WtiMm 0.000 C 0.975 1.000 ME-1 C 0.938 1.000 D 0.062 0.000 PEP-1 B 0.045 0.000 C 1.000 PGM-1 C 0.062 ■fjpM 1.000 D 0.938 0.000 PGM-2 B 0.188 0.000 C 0.812 0.938 0.965 D 0.062 0.035 B 0.143 C 0.857 sures: mean expected heterozygosity, percentage of polymorphic loci, and mean number of alleles per locus (Table 4). Mean expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.014 (Humboldt) to 0.03 (Independence). Percentage of polymorphic loci was low and ranged from 6.9% (White Pine) to 20.7% (Mill Creek and Independence). Mean number of alleles per locus was 1.1 or 1.2, in all populations. A Neighbor-Joining phenogram (Saitou & Nei 1987) based on Nei’s (1978) unbiased genetic identity (Table 5) was unresolved and did not represent the geographical relationships of the surveyed populations of B. appositus (Fig. 1). First, there was almost no separation of the populations (patristic values 0.0002) and branch length were identical (0.49). Second, the two Wasatch Mountain and three Great Basin mountain populations did not nest together; White Pine was associated with Humboldt (cycle 1), Mill Creek with Independence (cycle 3), and Ruby was placed between the two groups (cycle 2). Hierarchical F-statistics for the 12 polymorphic loci indicate a high inbreeding coefficient within the populations (F is = 0.382) and a moderate level (Hartl & Clark 1989) of differentiation among the populations (F st = 0.105). The combined 206 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Table 4. Genetic variability at 29 loci in all populations of Bombus appositus. Values in parentheses are standard errors. Population Mean number of alleles per locus Percentage of polymorphic loci' Mean expected heterozygosity 2 Utah White Pine 1.1 (0.0) 6.9 0.030 (0.021) Mill Creek 1.2 (0.1) 20.7 0.024 (0.009) Nevada Humboldt 1.1 (0.1) 13.8 0.014 (0.008) Ruby 1.1 (0.1) 10.3 0.015 (0.009) Independence 1.2 (0.1) 20.7 0.025 (0.011) 1 A locus is considered polymorphic if the frequency of the most common allele does not exceed 0.99. 2 Unbiased estimate (Nei 1978). effects of nonrandom breeding and random genetic drift in the populations is also high (F it - 0.447). Discussion The mean heterozygosity (H exp 0.021 ± 0.011) in B. appositus is very low in relation to other Hymenoptera and insects (Graur 1985, Owen 1985, Crespi 1991). However, it is relatively high with respect to other species in the genus Bombus. Of the 27 species analyzed, only B. balteatus (0.044), B. sylvicola Kirby (0.042), B. melanopygus Nylander (0.037), B. terrestris (L.) (0.037), and B. hypnorum (L.) (0.025) have reported higher heterozygosity measures (Pamolo et al. 1984, Owen et al. 1992). The observed variation did not however provide any information on the genetic relatedness of the populations. High levels of inbreeding (F js = 0.382) and the combined effects of inbreeding and random genetic drift were apparent in the populations (F it = 0.447). These results reflect the primitive eusocial be¬ havior of Bombus (Michener 1974, Brian 1983). They also suggest that the in¬ dividual females sampled may have been sisters from the same colony, even though an attempt was made to obtain a broad sample of individuals from “many” colonies. The Neighbor-Joining tree provided no information on the origin of the Great Basin mountain range populations with respect to the Rocky Mountains (Wasatch Mountains). The unresolved tree results from the lack of variation in the popu¬ lations sampled. Table 5. Matrix of genetic similarity of Bombus appositus Cresson populations as measured by Nei’s (1978) unbiased genetic identity. Population Utah Nevada White Pine Mill Creek Humboldt Ruby Independence White Pine ***** 0 99g 0.997 0.997 0.998 Mill Creek ***** 0.999 0.999 0.999 Humboldt ***** 0.999 0.999 Ruby ***** 0.999 Independence ***** 1996 RUST & PORTER: GENETIC VARIATION IN BOM BUS APPO SITUS 207 Figure 1. Neighbor-Joining tree of five populations of Bombus appositus Cresson based on Nei’s (1978) unbiased genetic identities. Numbers along branches are branch lengths (patristic values) and numbers in parentheses are the analysis cycles. The tree is unresolved with basal branch lengths of essentially 0.0 (0.0002). Acknowledgment We thank H. Britten, Biology, University of Nevada and A. Scholl, Zoologisch- es Institut, Universitat Bern for reviewing the manuscript; T. Rust for figure prep¬ aration; and P. Brussard and the Nevada Biodiversity Initiative for partial funding of this research. Literature Cited Brian, M. V. 1983. Social insects. Chapman and Hall, New York, New York. Crespi, B. J. 1991. Heterozygosity in the haplodiploid Thysanoptera. Evolution, 45: 458-462. Graur, D. 1985. Gene diversity in Hymenoptera. Evolution, 39: 190-199. Hard, D. L. & A. G. Clark. 1989. Principles of population genetics. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. Jin, L. & J. W. H. Ferguson. 1990. Neighbor-joining tree and UPGMA tree software. Univ. Texas Healt. Sci. Cen., Houston, Texas. May, B. 1992. 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PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 209-212, (1996) ESTABLISHMENT OF LARINUS MINUTUS GYLLENHAL (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE) FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF DIFFUSE AND SPOTTED KNAPWEED IN THE WESTERN UNITED STATES R. F. Lang , 1 J. M. Story , 2 and G. L. Piper 3 'United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717; 2 Western Agricultural Research Center, Montana State University, 580 Quast Lane, Corvallis, Montana 59828; department of Entomology, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164 Abstract.—Larinus minutus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a capitulum-infesting nat¬ ural enemy of diffuse and spotted knapweed ( Centaurea diffusa Lamarck and C. maculosa Lamarck) (Asteraceae). United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health In¬ spection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine personnel and research collaborators released 13,791 adults from 1991 to 1993 for the biological control of these knapweeds. Weevil estab¬ lishment was confirmed in Montana in 1992, and in Washington and Wyoming in 1993. Redis¬ tribution began in 1994 from one site each in Montana, Washington, and Wyoming. As of 1994, L. minutus had also been released in Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon, and Utah for a total of seven states and 24 counties. Key Words. —Insecta, biological control, weed, Larinus, Centaurea Diffuse and spotted knapweeds ( Centaurea diffusa Lamarck and C. maculosa Lamarck) (Asteraceae) are European plants accidentally introduced into North America that have become serious weeds of rangelands, pastures, and waste areas. Spotted knapweed, initially reported from Montana in 1927, now infests 1,912,181 ha in the state (Roche 1994b). In 1984, the estimated loss of forage in Montana attributable to C. maculosa was $4.5 million (French & Lacey 1983). Washington, in 1993, was estimated to have 851,700 ha of diffuse and spotted knapweed- infested rangeland (Roche 1994a). Knapweeds are aggressive, invasive competi¬ tors that rapidly displace desirable forage grasses and forbs, including native plants. Diffuse knapweed is a biennial and spotted knapweed is a short-lived perennial, and both species reproduce exclusively by seed. In order to reduce seed production and spread, various European capitulum-feeding insects have been introduced into North America for the classical biological control of these Cen¬ taurea spp. (Piper & Rosenthal 1995, Story 1995). These insects include Metz- neria paucipunctella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Chaetorellia acrolophi White and Marquardt, Terellia virens Loew, Urophora ajftnis (Frauenfeld), U. quadrifasciata (Meigen) (Diptera: Tephritidae), Bangasternusfausti (Reitter), Lar¬ inus obtusus Gyllenhal, and L. minutus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Larinus minutus feeds only on diffuse and spotted knapweed. Overwintered adults begin emerging in mid-May and feed upon stems, foliage, flower buds, and flowers (Groppe 1990). Females deposit eggs among the florets of opened capit- ula. Upon hatching, larvae feed within the capitula upon the developing seeds. 210 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Table 1. Larinus minutus releases, recoveries and establishments, 1991-1993. State County Year(s) released No. released No. recovered Establishment Montana Gallatin 1991-1993 1693 4 Yes Lewis & Clark 1991-1992 2592 55 Yes Park 1992 217 0 No Powell 1991 50 0 No Sweet Grass 1992-1993 1572 6 Yes Nebraska Holt 1992 200 0 Destroyed Oregon Deschutes 1992 200 — Yes Hood River 1992 200 — Yes Washington Spokane 1991-1993 1045 210 Yes Stevens 1991-1993 406 44 Yes Whitman 1992-1993 400 180 Yes Wyoming Natrona 1991 175 4 Yes Teton 1992 1500 — Yes —, Not recorded. One larva can destroy all the seeds in a diffuse knapweed capitulum; one or more larvae reduce seed production by 25 to 100% in the larger capitula of spotted knapweed. Pupation occurs within the damaged capitula (Groppe 1990). Adults emerge during late summer and feed upon the foliage of knapweed rosettes for a short period of time before seeking overwintering sites in the soil or debris in the vicinity of their host plants. The weevil has one generation per year. This paper documents the establishment and redistribution of L. minutus in the western Unit¬ ed States. Materials and Methods Larinus minutus was approved for release in the United States on 26 June 1991 by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ). Adult wee¬ vils were collected in Europe (Greece and Romania) by personnel from the Com¬ monwealth Agricultural Bureaux International Institute of Biological Control, De¬ le mont, Switzerland. The beetles were received and held in quarantine at the USDA-APHIS-PPQ Mission Biological Control Laboratory, Mission, Texas, prior to field release. Uncaged releases of L. minutus adults on diffuse and spotted knapweed were made by cooperators in Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming between 1991 and 1993 (Table 1). To document establishment, sites were sampled the year following release. As¬ sessments were conducted in early May, late June, or early July, and September through October. The undersides of rosette leaves were examined for feeding adults in early May. The adults were found feeding on the leaves and flower buds of bolted plants in late June and early July. If no adults were observed during the summer months, sweep samples were taken by walking in an expanding circle from the release point to approximately 6 m out from the center. Visual and sweep sampling were undertaken during mid-morning (1000 h) and late afternoon (1400 h) on warm, sunny days. The knapweed stands were also checked for the occur- 1996 LANG ET AL.: LARINUS MINUTUS ESTABLISHED 211 rence of adult emergence holes in late September through October as another method to confirm establishment. The large emergence holes, positioned in the centers of mature capitula, can readily be seen while walking through a knapweed infestation. Weevil establishment was considered to be achieved when adults were recov¬ ered the year after the initial release. Collection of L. minutus adults for redistri¬ bution from field insectary sites occurred when it was determined that 25% of the capitula within 30 m of the release point contained emergence holes. Results and Discussion In 1992, L. minutus larvae or adults from the 1991 releases were recovered from two sites in Montana: East Gate in Lewis & Clark County (24 Jul, n = 11) and Droulliard Fishing Access in Gallatin County (12 Aug, n = 4) (Table 1). No other recoveries were reported from the 1991 releases. By 1994, Montana had five established L. minutus field insectaries. In 1994, the East Gate release location provided 2685 adults which were released in Montana [Gallatin (n = 1166) and Sweet Grass (n = 84) County], Minnesota (Becker County) (n = 400), and Ne¬ braska (Pierce County) (n = 1035). In 1993, Washington reported recoveries of the weevil in three of four counties and from all four counties in 1994. Washington redistributed 4195 adults from Whitman County in 1994 to Columbia, Franklin, Grant, Okanogan, Stevens, Walla Walla, and Whitman Counties. Wyoming re¬ covered L. minutus adults in 1993, and in 1994 was able to redistribute 562 adults from Natrona County to two other sites within the county. Oregon reported re¬ covery from Deschutes and Hood River Counties in 1994. The Nebraska (Holt County) 1992 release site was destroyed in 1994, with no weevil recovery being recorded (Table 1). A release of 375 L. minutus from Greece was made in Utah (Weber County) in 1994. Larinus minutus is well-established in Oregon, Montana, Washington, and Wy¬ oming (Table 1). The Montana weevil populations increased rapidly despite an unseasonably cold summer in 1993. By summer’s end in 1994, this beetle had been released in 24 counties in seven states, with release material originating from both European and domestic sources. It appears that collections from most field insectaries will be possible within three years of the initial establishment. Popu¬ lations of L. minutus now established in Oregon, Montana, Washington, and Wy¬ oming should continue to expand and provide additional weevils for redistribution purposes in these and other western states with diffuse and spotted knapweed infestations. Literature Cited French, R. A. & J. R. Lacey. 1983. Knapweed: its cause, effect and spread in Montana. Montana Coop. Ext. Serv. Circ., 307. Groppe, K. 1990. Larinus minutus Gyll. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a suitable candidate for the biological control of diffuse and spotted knapweed in North America. CAB International In¬ stitute of Biological Control, European Station, Delemont, Switzerland. Report. Piper, G. L. & S. S. Rosenthal. 1995. Diffuse knapweed, Centaurea diffusa Lamarck (Asteraceae), Chapter 64. pp. 237-241. In Nechols, J. R., L. A. Andres, J. W. Beardsley, R. D. Goeden & C. G. Jackson (eds.). Biological control in the western United States: accomplishments and benefits of regional research project W-84, 1964-1989. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3361. Oakland, California. 212 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Story, J. M. 1995. Spotted knapweed, Centaurea maculosa Lamarck (Asteraceae), Chapter 70. pp. 258-263. In Nechols, J. R., L. A. Andres, J. W. Beardsley, R. D. Goeden & C. G. Jackson (eds.). Biological control in the western United States: accomplishments and benefits of regional research project W-84, 1964-1989. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3361. Oakland, California. Roche, B. F., Jr. 1994a. Status of knapweeds in Washington. Wash. State Univ. Coop. Ext. Serv. Knapweed Newsletter 8(1): 2-4. Roche, B. F., Jr. 1994b. Some thoughts about weeds. Wash. State Univ. Coop. Ext. Serv. Knapweed Newsletter 8(3): 1-2. Received 23 Feb 1996; Accepted 11 Apr 1996. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 213-219, (1996) PTEROSTICHUS BEETLES DOMINATE THE CARABID ASSEMBLAGE IN AN UNSPRAYED ORCHARD IN SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Eric W. Riddick 1 and Nick J. Mills Laboratory of Biological Control, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Abstract. —The seasonal activity of predatory carabids on the soil surface was examined in an unsprayed apple orchard in Sonoma County. Pterostichus beetles were the most active carabids in this orchard, comprising from 71-83% of the total number of individuals trapped during two consecutive growing seasons. Pterostichus ( Dysidius) lustrans LeConte and Pterostichus ( Hy- pherpes ) spp. were most active in June 1991 and June 1992, whereas Pterostichus ( Poecilus ) cursitor LeConte were most active in July and August 1991 and in July 1992. Key Words. —Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichus, seasonal activity, orchards Adults of the carabid genus Pterostichus are important predators of insect pests in agroecosystems (Hagley & Allen 1988, Allen & Hagley 1990, Carcamo & Spence 1994, Clark et al. 1994, Riddick & Mills 1994, Wallin & Ekbom 1994). In apple orchards, especially those containing semidwarf trees, Pterostichus bee¬ tles help suppress codling moth ( Cydia pomonella (L.)) populations by attacking fifth-instar larvae wandering on the soil surface prior to pupation (Riddick & Mills 1994). Determining the seasonal activity of these carabids in relation to when C. pomonella larvae are wandering on the ground is important. If the surface activity of Pterostichus species coincide with the time that codling moth larvae are seeking pupation sites, these carabids can contribute significantly to the sup¬ pression of this pest. First generation C. pomonella larvae leave fruit during May or June in orchards in California (Pickel et al. 1986), and thereafter become vulnerable to predation by Pterostichus adults on the ground. Pesticide sprays have been shown to alter the surface activity of adult carabids in apple orchards. For example, Harpalus pensylvanicus DeGeer were signifi¬ cantly more active in plots sprayed with granulosis virus in early July, than in plots sprayed with Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Dipel) plus oil, or controls (no¬ spray); Chlaenius tricolor Dejean were significantly more active in plots sprayed with oil alone, in early June, than in plots sprayed with granulosis virus, B. thuringiensis plus oil, or controls (Riddick & Mills 1995). In unsprayed apple orchards, an accurate assessment of the seasonal pattern of activity for Pterosti¬ chus species can be made. Materials and Methods The study site was an unsprayed apple orchard located in the coastal region of northern California (Sonoma County), near Sebastopol, a major apple-growing district. The orchard contained trees of Golden Delicious and Rome Beauty apple varieties. This ~2 ha orchard was bordered by a woodlot, meadow, and residence 1 Current Address: Department of Entomology, 1300 Symons Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742. 214 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) on three sides. The fourth side bordered a paved roadway that separated it from an =20 ha sprayed, commercial orchard. The number of trees in this orchard was not determined, but an estimate is that it contained =20 tree rows, each with an average of 20 trees. The soil was disked (as a means of retaining soil moisture) in late April to early May, and the natural grasses and herbs that were uprooted were left on the soil surface. Pesticides were not sprayed in this orchard between April 1991 and September 1992. The carabid assemblage was sampled during two consecutive seasons using pitfall traps, the standard technique for sampling carabids (Greenslade 1964, Ri¬ vard 1965, Luff 1975, Morrill 1975, Adis 1979, Baars 1979a, Halsall & Wratten 1988). Trap catch estimates the activity of adult carabids on the soil surface and whole season trapping reflects the density of carabid populations (Ericson 1979, Hokkanen & Holopainen 1986). Traps were plastic cups (473 ml), with a 9 cm diameter opening, sunk into the ground with the rim flush with the soil surface. Leaf litter within 20 cm of the perimeter of each trap was removed and the soil smoothed to facilitate the movement of carabids around the traps (Greenslade 1964, Powell et al. 1985). (However, this procedure could have introduced sam¬ pling bias against species that avoid crawling onto smoothed soil.) Traps were filled to the one-quarter mark with a solution of water and liquid detergent, so that captured beetles sank to the bottom of the trap. A preservative was not used because it might alter the catch and sex ratio of the trapped species (Holopainen 1992). Six pitfall traps were positioned, one tree apart, in a single row of trees at the center of the orchard in 1991. Traps were in place for 6-10 consecutive days during each of four sampling periods in 1991, 4-11 June, 3-9 July, 30 July—9 August, and 4-11 September. In 1992, sampling effort was increased, such that five traps were positioned, one tree apart, in each of three rows of trees. The three sample rows were equidistant within the orchard; five tree rows apart. Traps were in place for three consecutive days during each of six sampling periods, 20-23 April, 11-14 May, 5-8 June, 7—10 July, 28-31 July, and 18-21 August. Samples were collected on the last day of each sampling period. Trapped carabids were sorted to species or species groups in the laboratory. Voucher specimens are deposited at the Laboratory of Biological Control, Uni¬ versity of California, Berkeley, and the Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park. Results Adults of Pterostichus species were the most active carabids in the unsprayed orchard, representing 71-83% of the total number of individuals trapped over the two seasons. Adult Trechus, Amara, and Anisodactylus species were less active. In 1991, a total of 511 carabids were captured on four collection dates (Table 1). The species that represented 3% or more of the carabids include Pterostichus ( Dysidius) lustrans LeConte, Pterostichus (Hypherpes ) spp., Pterostichus ( Poe- cilus) cursitor LeConte, Trechus obtusus Erichson, Amara spp., and Anisodactylus californicus Dejean. Pterostichus (Hypherpes) spp. represents two species, Pter¬ ostichus californicus (Dejean) and Pterostichus castanipes (Menetries) which are morphologically similar, and not readily distinguishable at the time that this re¬ search was undertaken. Subsequent identifications of pinned specimens (collected 1996 RIDDICK & MILLS: PTERO STIC HUS IN ORCHARDS 215 Table 1. Percentage and number of carabid beetles active during two consecutive growing seasons. Carabid species 1991 collection 1992 collection % [No.] % [No.] Pterostichus lustrans LeConte 35.62 [182] 44.04 [340] Pterostichus cursitor LeConte 13.31 [68] 26.29 [203] Pterostichus californicus (Dejean) & Pterostichus castanipes Menetries 22.11 [113] 12.30 [95] Trechus obtusus Eriehson 10.76 [55] 3.11 [24] Amara spp. (2+ species) 8.02 [41] 5.83 [45] Anisodactylus californicus Dejean 4.89 [25] 4.40 [34] Anisodactylus similis LeConte 2.93 [15] 0.39 [3] Bradycellus spp. (2 species) 0.78 [4] 1.68 [13] Calathus ruficollis Dejean 0.39 [2] 0.39 [3] Dicheirus piceus Menetries 0.19 [1] 0.52 [4] Loricera foveata LeConte 0.19 [1] 0.91 [7] Microlestes sp. 0.19 [1] _ _ Agonum fossigerum Dejean 0.19 [1] — — Tanystoma maculicolle (Dejean) 0.19 [1] — — Scaphinotus sp. — — 0.13 [1] during the 1991 and 1992 seasons) indicated that P. californicus comprised —91% and P. castanipes comprised —9% of the P. (Hypherpes ) spp. group in this or¬ chard. At least two species of Amara were included in the catch; however, I was unable to identify them to species. In the 1992 season, 772 carabids were collected on six collection dates (Table 1). The species that represented 3% or more of the carabids include: P. lustrans, P. cursitor, P. (Hypherpes ) spp., Amara spp., A. californicus, and T. obtusus. The seasonal activity of Pterostichus beetles was determined in both seasons. In 1991, P. lustrans adults were the most active carabids in early June and their activity sharply declined through July and August (Fig. 1). Pterostichus cursitor were less active, but their activity remained constant from early June to August. Although P. (Hypherpes ) spp. were most active in early June, their activity con¬ tinued into early September. In 1992, adults of P. lustrans were again the most active carabids early in the season from late April through June. Adults of P. cursitor appeared more active in late April and early July, and their activity was more variable than in 1991. Adults of P. (Hypherpes ) spp. were again most active in early June. All Pterostichus beetles were active on each collection date in the 1992 season. Discussion Pterostichus species comprised from 71-83% of the carabid assemblage in the unsprayed orchard. In a nearby sprayed, commercial orchard (which was located 91 m from the unsprayed one), Pterostichus species represented 45% of the total carabids trapped in the 1991 season, but only 19% of the total in 1992 (Riddick & Mills 1996). The greater percentage of trap captures of Pterostichus species in the unsprayed orchard may, in part, result from a lack of insecticide applications against codling moth and the presence of suitable alternative prey for these de¬ cidedly carnivorous carabids to feed on. 216 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) 11 Jun 9Jul 9 Aug 11 Sept Collection Dates -1991 Season 5 23 Apr 14 May 8 Jun lOJul 31 Jul 21 Aug Collection Dates -1992 Season Figure 1. Number of Pterostichus adults per trap per day in a single tree row in the 1991 season, and the mean (±SEM) number of Pterostichus adults per tree row per trap per day in the 1992 season. Three tree rows were sampled in 1992. *, represents two morphologically similar species, P. califor- nicus (~91% of the Hypherpes group in sample) and P. castanipes (—9%). 1996 RIDDICK & MILLS: PTERO STIC HUS IN ORCHARDS 217 The most active carabids in the sprayed orchard were Amara species; they comprised 31% of the carabids in 1991 and 63% in 1992. Amara species were significantly less active on at least one collection date, in both seasons, in plots managed with conventional insecticides (Riddick 1993). The Amara species be¬ came dominant in a sprayed orchard despite some individuals being affected by the insecticides. The presence of woodlot and meadow adjacent to the unsprayed orchard may have contributed to the greater activity of Pterostichus beetles, as well. It is un¬ clear why other species, such as Amara spp. did not experience increased activity, but Amara are infrequently captured in woodlands, possibly due to the lack of grass seeds, a preferred food source for adults (see Niemela et al. 1992). Exchange of carabids and spiders between cultivated fields (or orchards) and semi-natural habitats has been documented (Altieri & Schmidt 1986, Coombes & Sotherton 1986, Duelli 1990, Dennis & Fry 1992, Kajak & Lukasiewicz 1994). Pterostichus beetles overwintering in the adjacent woodlot or meadow, might have dispersed into the unsprayed orchard in the spring (perhaps in early April). In contrast, movement from the woodlot or meadow into the sprayed, commercial orchard would have been limited, because both natural areas were located on the opposite side of the roadway. Roadways can become a barrier to adult carabids that dis¬ perse primarily by crawling (Mader 1984, Mader et al. 1990). Adult Pterostichus species were never seen flying at the margins of either orchard. Both P. californicus and P. castanipes are flightless. Pterostichus lus- trans and P. cursitor are fully-winged (macropterous) and probably disperse by flight, to some extent, from overwintering sites. The seasonal activity of the four Pterostichus species was similar in the un¬ sprayed orchard. Pterostichus lustrans adults were the most active, especially in June or July. But the reduced activity of P. lustrans in August in both orchards may have resulted from inadequate moisture and high temperatures at the soil surface. The climate in the Sebastopol region is Mediterranean, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters (Altieri & Schmidt 1986). The lack of ideal conditions for activity may have influenced the adults to remain beneath the soils surface, late in the season. The high June activity of P. lustrans adults suggests that they have the greatest potential for searching for and consuming fifth-instar larvae of the codling moth on the soil surface. First generation C. pomonella larvae drop from fruit and search for pupation sites in early June (Pickel et al. 1986). The ability of these carabids to locate the wandering larvae may depend on the hunger level of the individuals. Hungry carabids may forage for prey more effectively than satiated individuals (Baars 1979b, Mols 1987, Wallin & Ekbom 1994). The seasonal ac¬ tivity and feeding behavior of P. lustrans larvae is unknown, but it is conceivable that these predatory larvae could attack and kill C. pomonella larvae that enter the soil to pupate. The conservation of Pterostichus populations in apple orchards is necessary if these natural enemies are to become components of an integrated pest manage¬ ment program. This current research suggests that the conservation of the more predatory carabids in California orchards may involve a reduction in pesticide usage. Maintaining natural areas (meadow, woodlot or hedgerows) in the imme¬ diate vicinity of orchards, or non-crop plants within orchards, might help conserve 218 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) and enhance Pterostichus species populations during the season (see Altieri & Schmidt 1985, Altieri 1991, Thomas et al. 1991, Lys & Nentwig 1992). Acknowledgment We thank David Kavanaugh (Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco) for his assistance with some carabid identifications, and Sue Blodgett (former IPM Advisor, North Coast Counties (University of California Cooperative Extension, Santa Rosa, California)) for directing us to the unsprayed orchard. Literature Cited Adis, J. 1979. Problems of interpreting arthropod sampling with pitfall traps. Zool. Anz., 202: 177- 184. Allen, W. R. & E. A. C. Hagley. 1990. Epigeal arthropods as predators of mature larvae and pupae of the apple maggot (Diptera: Tephritidae). Environ. Entomol., 19: 309-312. Altieri, M. A. 1991. Increasing biodiversity to improve insect pest management in agro-ecosystems, pp. 165-182. In Hawksworth, D. L. (ed.). The biodiversity of microorganisms and invertebrates: its role in sustainable agriculture. CAB Inti. Altieri, M. A. & L. L. Schmidt. 1985. Cover crop manipulation in northern California apple orchards and vineyards: effects on arthropod communities. Biol. Agric. Hortic., 3: 1-24. Altieri, M. A. & L. L. Schmidt. 1986. The dynamics of colonizing arthropod communities at the interface of abandoned, organic and commercial apple orchards and adjacent woodland habitats. Agric. Ecosys. Environ., 16: 29-43. Baars, M. A. 1979a. Catches in pitfall traps in relation to mean densities of carabid beetles. Oecologia, 41: 25-46. Baars, M. A. 1979b. Patterns of movement of radioactive carabid beetles. Oecologia, 44: 125-140. Carcamo, H. A. & J. R. Spence. 1994. Crop type effects on the activity and distribution of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Environ. Entomol., 23: 684-692. Clark, M. S., J. M. Luna, N. D. Stone, & R. R. Youngman. 1994. Generalist predator consumption of armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and effect of predator removal on damage in no-till com. Environ. Entomol., 23: 617-622. Coombes, D. S. & N. W. Sotherton. 1986. The dispersal and distribution of polyphagous predatory Coleoptera in cereals. Ann. Appl. Biol., 108: 461-474. Dennis, P. & G. L. A. Fry. 1992. Field margins: can they enhance natural enemy population densities and general arthropod diversity on farmland? Agric. Ecosys. Environ., 40: 95-115. Duelli, P. 1990. Population movements of arthropods between natural and cultivated areas. Biol. Conserv., 54: 193-207. Ericson, D. 1979. The interpretation of pitfall catches of Pterostichus cupreus and P. melanarius (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in cereal fields. Pedobiologia, 19: 320-328. Greenslade, P. J. M. 1964. Pitfall trapping as a method for studying populations of Carabidae (Co¬ leoptera). J. Anim. Ecol. s 33: 301-310. Hagley, E. A. C. & W. R. Allen. 1988. Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as predators of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Can. Entomol., 120: 917-925. Halsall, N. B. & S. D. Wratten. 1988. The efficiency of pitfall trapping for polyphagous predatory Carabidae. Ecol. Entomol., 13: 293-299. Hokkanen, H. & J. K. Holopainen. 1986. Carabid species and activity densities in biologically and conventionally managed cabbage fields. J. Appl. Entomol., 102: 353-363. Holopainen, J. K. 1992. Catch and sex ratio of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in pitfall traps filled with ethylene glycol or water. Pedobiologia, 36: 257-261. Kajak, A. & J. Lukasiewicz. 1994. Do semi-natural patches enrich crop fields with predatory epigean arthropods. Agric. Ecosys. Environ., 49: 149-161. Luff, M. L. 1975. Some features influencing the efficiency of pitfall traps. Oecologia, 19: 345-357. Lys, J.-A. & W. Nentwig. 1992. Augmentation of beneficial arthropods by strip-management. 4. Surface activity, movements and activity density of abundant carabid beetles in a cereal field. Oecologia, 92: 373-382. 1996 RIDDICK & MILLS: PTEROSTICHUS IN ORCHARDS 219 Mader, H.-J. 1984. Animal habitat isolation by roads and agricultural fields. Biol. Conserv., 29: 81- 96. Mader, H.-J., C. Schell & P. Kornacker. 1990. Linear barriers to arthropod movements in the land¬ scape. Biol. Conserv., 54: 209-222. Mols, P. J. M. 1987. Hunger in relation to searching behavior, predation and egg production of the carabid beetle Pterostichus coerulescens L.: results of simulation. Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hung., 22: 187-205. Morrill, W. L. 1975. Plastic pitfall trap. Environ. Entomol., 4: 596. Niemela, J., J. R. Spence & D. H. Spence. 1992. Habitat associations and seasonal activity of ground- beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in central Alberta. Can. Entomol., 124: 521-540. Pickel, C., R. S. Bethell & W. W. Coates. 1986. Codling moth management using degree days. Univ. Calif. Pest Manag. Publ., 4. Powell, W., G. J. Dean & A. Dewar. 1985. The influence of weeds on polyphagous arthropod predators in winter wheat. Crop Prot., 4: 298-312. Riddick, E. W. 1993. Carabid beetles in orchard ecosystems. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Cali¬ fornia, Berkeley. Riddick, E. W. & N. J. Mills. 1994. Potential of adult carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as predators of fifth-instar codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in apple orchards in California. Environ. Entomol., 23: 1338-1345. Riddick, E. W. & N. J. Mills. 1995. Seasonal activity of carabids affected by microbial and oil insecticides in an apple orchard in California. Environ. Entomol., 24: 361-366. Riddick, E. W. & N. J. Mills. 1996. A comparison of the seasonal activity of Pterostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) beetles in a commercial apple orchard in Sonoma County, California. Pan-Pacific Entomol., 72: 82-88. Rivard, I. 1965. Dispersal of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on soil surface. Can. J. Zool., 43: 465-473. Thomas, M. B., N. W. Wratten & W. Sotherton. 1991. Creation of island habitats in farmland to manipulate populations of beneficial arthropods; predator densities and emigration. J. Appl. Ecol., 28: 906-917. Wallin, H. & B. Ekbom. 1994. Influence of hunger level and prey densities on movement patterns in three species of Pterostichus beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Environ. Entomol., 23: 1171— 1181. Received 20 Nov 1995; Accepted 16 Apr 1996. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 220-226, (1996) ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SQUASH BUG PARASITOID, TRICHOPODA PENNIPES FABR. (DIPTERA: TACHNIDAE), IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA C. H. Pickett 1 , S. E. Schoenig 1 , and M. P. Hoffmann 2 biological Control Program California Department of Food & Agriculture 3288 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, California 95832; department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Abstract. —The squash bug, Anasa tristis (De Geer) (Hemiptera: Coreidae), is an important pest of squash and pumpkin plants in California. Its pest status is partially due to a lack of specific nymphal or adult natural enemies in California. A nymphal-adult parasitic fly, Trichopoda pen- nipes Fabr. (Diptera: Tachnidae), commonly associated with squash bugs in eastern United States, was imported and released beginning in 1992 at several locations in Yolo, Solano, and Sacra¬ mento counties in northern California. This fly has successfully overwintered at four locations and has been recovered at two locations three years after initial releases. Key Words. —Insecta, Trichopoda pennipes, biological control, squash bug, Anasa tristis The squash bug, Anasa tristis (De Geer) (Hemiptera: Coreidae), is distributed from South America north to Canada, where it is one of the most important pests of cucurbits (e.g., squash, melons, cucumbers) (Beard 1940, Johannsen 1957, Nechols 1987). It is a frequent and particularly serious problem in California for producers and home growers of organically grown squash (personal observation, Flint 1990). Cultivars derived from Pepo maxima L. such as kabocha, red kuri, and hubbard cannot be grown in some areas without pesticides. The squash bug attacks all stages of the plant with the seedling stage being most susceptible to damage (Beard 1940). It reportedly injects a toxin during feeding and may trans¬ mit plant diseases (Eichmann 1945). During 1993 pesticide usage was reported on 8300 acres of California squash and pumpkins, of which some portion was used for control of squash bug (State of California 1993). Trichopoda pennipes Fabr. is a nymphal-adult parasitoid that attacks squash bug infesting cucurbits in northeastern United States. It is the most widely dis¬ tributed member of Trichopoda , found throughout North America south to Ar¬ gentina and from the West Indies to California (Beard 1940). In the United States it reportedly has three geographically isolated strains (Dietrich & van den Bosch 1957). Only the strain from northcentral and northeastern United States attacks the squash bug. In Connecticut, it has been reported parasitizing up to 84% of overwintering adults (Beard 1940). A second strain occurs in the southern United States where it attacks pentatomids (stink bugs), and a third exists in California where it attacks the bordered plant bug, EutyopthaLmus cinctus californicus Van Duzee, a largid which is sometimes found in cucurbits (van Driesche 1970, Die¬ trich & van den Bosch 1957). Dietrich & van den Bosch (1957) tried unsuccess¬ fully to cross flies from southern California with those from Connecticut. They also observed that flies from Connecticut did not attack the bordered plant bug. Trichopoda pennipes collected in southern California readily attacked the bor¬ dered plant bug but did not attack squash bugs. It is possible that the different 1996 PICKETT ET AL.: TRICHOPODA PENNIPES ESTABLISHED 221 strains are sibling species, morphologically identical but incapable of interbreed¬ ing and biologically distinct. The absence of squash bug natural enemies in the Pacific Northwest prompted the state of Washington to import T. pennipes from northeastern United States during 1943-1944 (Clausen 1978). Observations in 1951 found ca. 50% parasit¬ ism over a large area of the state in late summer and autumn. Dietrick & van den Bosch (1957) imported T. pennipes from Connecticut in the 1950s but failed to established permanent populations in southern California. The lack of squash plants the following spring near their release site depleted the local squash bug population, and thus hosts for the parasitoid (Dietrick personal communication). The successful importation of T. pennipes in Washington and limited efforts at establishment during the 50s in Califomia warranted a second effort at importing this fly into this state. Furthermore, our surveys have recovered only small num¬ bers of the egg parasitoid Ooencyrtus californicus Girault (Hymenoptera: Sce- lionidae) in late season when densities of squash bug are at their highest levels. Specific natural enemies of the nymph or adult squash bug stage have never been observed in our surveys or by others (Dietrick & van den Bosch 1957). We report on the importation, rearing, release, initial distribution, and colonization of T. pennipes for control of squash bug. Materials and Methods Field collection and shipment of parasitoids. —From June through August, 1992 and 1993, parasitized bugs were collected by one of the authors (MPH) from plantings of cucurbits (primarily zucchini) from four organic farms in Schuy¬ ler, Cayuga, and Seneca Counties of New York, one to eight collections per farm per summer. Bugs were considered parasitized if found with one or more tachinid egg(s) attached to their body (Fig. 1). The bugs were placed in 3.8 liter paper cartons, ca. 40 bugs per carton, with screen tops and with fresh sections of cu¬ cumbers or squash every two days. Environmental conditions were ca. 21° C (room temperature) and natural day length. Parasitoids were sent to the California Department of Food & Agriculture’s Biological Control Program facility in Sac¬ ramento as puparia or as larvae inside of adult bugs, using overnight express mail. Rearing and release of parasitoids. —In 1992 and 1993, 335 and 151 adult flies, respectively, emerged and were either directly released into squash fields or, under laboratory conditions, used to parasitize locally collected bugs that were subsequently released. These bugs were held inside standard sleeved cages (DeBach 1964) in rooms set at 20 to 27° C (14L:10D) and fed zucchini squash. No evidence of pathogens or hyperparasitoids were observed among the imported flies and bugs. In 1992, parasitoids were released at three locations in northern California with high squash bug populations: an organic private home garden in Davis (Yolo Co.), and two organic farms, one near Guinda (Yolo Co.), and a second near Winters (Solano Co.). None of these growers used insecticides. A total of 243 adult flies and 947 parasitized adult bugs were released among these three locations. In late summer 1993, 2440 parasitized bugs were released at the Student Experimental Farm of the University of California (UC), Davis and an¬ other 260 at an organic farm in Sacramento County. In 1994 and 1995 an outdoor insectary or nursery site was established at the UC Davis Student Experimental Farm to provide a large number of squash bugs 222 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Figure 1. T. pennipes eggs on squash bug: (A) close-up view of single egg identified by arrow (photo by Jack Kelly Clark), and (B) cluster of eggs. 1996 PICKETT ET AL.: TRICHOPODA PENNIPES ESTABLISHED 223 LEGEND Released and established O Released and not yet established Recovery away + from release site Figure 2. Release, recovery, and establishment locations for T. pennipes. Establishment implies T. pennipes has been recovered for at least one year since its release. as hosts for overwintering flies from the 1993 releases. Crops planted at the Student Experimental Farm tolerate pest populations far above the economic threshold of commercial growers. A mixture of zucchini and kabocha squash were planted to a 0.8 ha site on three dates beginning in late spring. Twenty thousand squash bugs were collected from surrounding farms and released to augment the local population. Every 5th row in the field contained a strip of annual buckwheat to provide with-in field nectar sources for T. pennipes , Honey and sugar water have been shown to increase the longevity and fecundity of T. pennipes in the lab (Shahjahan 1968), and during 1994 many flies were observed feeding atop the buckwheat flower heads. In 1994 and 1995 ca. 2100 flies were transported from this site and released at new release sites, including a former site located in Guinda. Recovery \—Years following releases, adult squash bugs were collected from squash plants located within several hundred meters of original release sites. Adult bugs were collected two to three times at each location during summer months. Ten to twenty adult T. pennipes per site per summer were reared from field collected bugs with fly eggs (Fig. 1) to confirm identity of the parasitoid. Results and Discussion In 1993, T. pennipes was recovered at all three 1992 release sites (Fig. 2). However, we were unable to recover parasitoids at the Guinda site in late summer. We recovered parasitized squash bugs from the UC Davis site in 1994, 1995, and 1996, representing a fourth site in which the parasitoids successfully overwin- 224 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) tered. In 1995 we observed squash bugs with tachinid eggs in Winters (Everything Under the Sun Farm), and the following spring we recovered the same at Terra Firma showing that the fly population persisted at these two sites through three winters, producing multiple generations. The same parasitoid in northeastern Unit¬ ed States produces three generations during summer months while the squash bug produces one (Beard 1940). Populations of introduced natural enemies that have persisted for at least three generations or three years are most likely permanently established (DeBach 1964). Trichopoda pennipes dispersed long distances from release sites. In 1994, T. pennipes was found 8.0 km from the original release site in the Winters area (Terra Firma Farm) and in a residential garden 2.5 km distant from the UC Davis student farm insect nursery site. The percentage of bugs with parasitoid eggs varied from 1.3 to 92.2 at release sites (Table 1) and no other species of Tachinidae were reared from these indi¬ viduals. These values underestimate the full potential of this parasitoid because we were adding unparasitized bugs and/or removing parasitized ones while these data were being recorded. Furthermore, sufficient generations have not yet passed for this parasitoid to have become established over a large area. Releases of T. pennipes have persisted for three years at two locations in north¬ ern California and the parasitoids have dispersed up to 8.0 km from original release sites. This is the first specific natural enemy successfully established against the squash bug in California. Observations in New York and Washington suggest that this parasitoid could become widely established and have a major impact on squash bug. Although squash bug can be considered a problem to some growers of cucurbits in New York, most of the bugs collected there for shipment to California were parasitized. The squash bug in Washington was rated as only a minor pest in the mid 1970s (Clausen 1978). Plantings of tachinid insectary plants in and around fields of squash could increase the impact of flies on squash bug (Pickett & Bugg in press). For organic farmers of specialty crops in Califor¬ nia, the presence of T. pennipes may help reduce control costs and allow for the production of highly susceptible varieties of squash that command a higher profit margin. Similarly, home gardeners may not have to use pesticides or other control measures for the squash bug helping to reduce widespread urban use of chemical pesticides for this pest. Acknowledgment We thank Mark van Horn of the UC Davis Student Experimental Farm for providing space and services for the cultivation of our T. pennipes nursery site, and Full Belly Farm, Sky High Farm, Everything Under the Sun Farms, Marv Kinsey, Francis and Jan Thompson, Brook and Jennifer Murphy for providing release sites or squash bugs, and the organic farmers in New York for use of their farms to collect squash bugs. We are grateful to anonymous reviewers for their advice and review of this manuscript. The following individuals participated in the rearing, establishment or data collection of this project: Giang Lam, Jorge Lopez, Pauline Pao, Caroline Garcia, Dion Onizuka, Tunya Morizawa, Jason Pal- omares, Debra Kress and Robin Wall. Robert L. Bugg of the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program brought to our attention the potential importance of Trichopoda pennipes to organic growers in California. vd \D 0 \ Table 1. The number and percentage of adult squash bugs sampled with one or more parasitoid eggs attached to their bodies, 1993-1996. Years followin; release g Site location (year recovered) Total number of parasitoids released (as immatures or adults) 1 Total number of adult bugs examined Number with parasitoid eggs Percentage of adults with parasitoid eggs One Davis—UCD Student Farm (1994) 2440 1300 205 15.8% Davis—private homeowner (1993) 192 100 20 20.0% Davis—Village Homes Community Garden (1994) immigrated 141 130 92.2% Winters—Everything Under the Sun Farm (1993) 564 300 60 20.0% Winters—Terra Firma Farm (1994) immigrated 906 350 38.6% Gumda—Full Belly Farm (1993) 432 1350 18 1.3% Guinda—Full Bellv Farm (1996) 4434 68 14 20.5% Two Davis—UCD Student Farm (1996) 2000 683 516 75.5% Winters—Terra Firma Farm (1995) resident 2622 1476 56.3% Three Winters—Everything Under the Sun (1995) resident 30 15 50.0% Winters—Terra Firma Farm (1996) resident 65 51 78.5% 1 “immigrated” implies that recovered parasitoids had dispersed to a site, and “resident” implies that no additional parasitoids had been released the previous year(s). PICKETT ET AL.: TRICHOPODA PENNIPES ESTABLISHED 225 226 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Literature Cited Beard, R. L. 1940. The Biology of Anas a tristis DeGeer, with Particular Reference to the Tachinid Parasite, Trichopoda pennipes Fabr. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven. Bull., 440. Clausen, C. P. 1978. Introduced Parasites and Predators of Arthropod Pests and Weeds: a World Review. Agriculture Handbook No. 480. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. DeBach, P. 1964. Biological control of insect pests and weeds. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, NY. Dietrick, E J. & R. van den Bosch. 1957. Insectary propagation of the squash bug and its parasite Trichopoda pennipes Fabr. J. Econ. Entomol., 50: 627-629. Eichmann, R. D. 1945. Squash bug depredations in Washington. J. Econ. Entomol., 38: 110-112. Flint, M. L. 1990. Pests of the Garden and Small Farm: A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide. Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project, University of California. Publication 3332. Johannsen, C. A. 1957. History of biological control of insects in Washington. Northwest Sci., 31: 57-92. Nechols, J. R. 1987. Voltinism, seasonal reproduction, and diapause in the squash bug (Heteroptera: Coreidae) in Kansas. Environ. Entomol., 16: 269-273. Pickett, C. H. & R. L. Bugg. (in press). Enhancing Biological Control: Habitat Management to Promote Natural Enemies of Agricultural Pests. AgAccess, Davis, California. Shahjahan, M. 1968. Effect of diet on the longevity and fecundity of the adults of the tachinid parasite Trichopoda pennipes pilipes. J. Econ. Entomol., 61: 1102-1103. State of California. 1993. Pesticide Use Report, California Department of Pesticide Regulation, van Driesche, R. 1970. Aspects of the Biology of the Common Bordered Plant Bug Largus cinctus H.-S. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Largidae) and its Parasite Trichopoda pennipes (F.) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Senior Thesis, Oregon State University. Received 14 Feb 1996; Accepted 17 May 1996. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 227-234, (1996) THERMAL-SHOCK TOLERANCE OF THREE SPECIES OF AQUATIC INSECTS IN A NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, GEOTHERMALLY INFLUENCED STREAM John R. Wood 1 , Eric P. McElravy, and Vincent H. Resh Division of Entomology and Parasitology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Abstract. —This study assessed the response of aquatic insects to short-term thermal shocks, such as those encountered upon drifting into heated areas of geothermally influenced streams. The upper incipient lethal temperature (UILT) thresholds were determined for three common species in Big Sulphur Creek, Sonoma County, California, and the effect of acclimation temperature on the UILT was determined for two caddisflies, both of which overwinter in the stream as larvae. When acclimated at 28° C, the LT 50 of Centroptilum convexum (Ide) ranged from 36.3° to 38.5°, that of Gumaga nigricula (McLachlan) from 37.8° to 41.0°, and that of Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen) from 38.5° to 41.4°. When acclimated at 5.5°, the LT 50 for G. nigricula ranged from 35.7° to 38.9° and that of H. borealis from 36.6° to 41.1°. Helicopsyche borealis has the highest UILT of any caddisfly, 39.0° for 30 min. The most important factors determining the UILTs in these insects are acclimation temperature, shock duration, and the maximum temper¬ ature of exposure. Key Words. —Insecta, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, thermal-shock, geothermal, bioassay, thermal tolerance Aquatic insects inhabiting streams in geothermal areas are often subject to high water temperatures. Insects that drift in these streams may encounter elevated temperatures for brief periods, whereas those in benthic communities downstream from thermal inputs (e.g., hot springs) generally experience longer exposures, particularly during periods of reduced streamflow. The severity of stress on an insect in such conditions depends upon several variables, including: 1) duration and magnitude of temperature change; 2) the maximum temperature experienced; 3) acclimation temperature; and 4) body size, life stage, and physiological con¬ dition of the organism (Hutchison 1976). Most studies of thermal tolerance of aquatic insects have examined either short¬ term (i.e., exposures of up to several days) or chronic (i.e., exposure throughout the immature stages) effects of heated discharges. Short-term effects are typically determined by a standard bioassay using either 24 to 96 h exposure times (e.g., Nebeker & Lemke 1968, Gaufin & Hem 1971, deKozlowski & Bunting 1981) or the Critical Thermal Maximum (CTM) procedure (e.g., Moulton et al. 1993). For CTM the animals are heated at a constant rate (usually 0.5° C per min) until locomotory activities become disorganized (Ernst et al. 1984). Chronic effects have been studied using a number of methods (e.g., Cairns 1976, Gartman & Lake 1979). The effect of rapid immersion, called short-term thermal shock, has received much less attention (Sherberger et al. 1977, Salmela & Anderson 1978). A short-term bioassay is more appropriate than the 24 or 96 h or CTM test in some cases, such as determining the tolerance of insects drifting into heated dis¬ charges. Exposure times during entrainment in power plant cooling systems, for 1 Present Address: The King’s University College, 9125 50th St., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6B 2H3. 228 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) example, seldom exceed 1 h (Schubel et al. 1978). These authors argue that when exposure times are brief, rapid exposure to test temperatures is better than the gradual increases of the critical thermal maximum (CTM) method. Naturally heated waters present a unique opportunity for investigating the in¬ fluence of thermal gradients on structural and functional aspects of benthic com¬ munities. Consequently, biological communities in geothermal waters have been well studied (e.g., Lamberti & Resh 1985, Resh & Bamby 1987 and references therein). The potential that such waters offer for field experiments has been noted by Brock (1970, 1975) but only a few investigators have used these habitats for this purpose (e.g., Pritchard & Pelchat 1977, Schott & Brusven 1980, Lamberti & Resh 1983). Although lethal temperature limits have been established for some aquatic insects exposed to power plant discharges (e.g., Garten & Gentry 1976, Tennessen & Miller 1983), little is known about thermal tolerance of insects that typically occur in geothermal waters. This study assessed the response of three stream insects to short-term thermal shocks in the geothermal waters of Big Sulphur Creek, The Geysers, Sonoma County, California. Specifically we ask: 1) What are the Upper Incipient Lethal Temperature (UILT) thresholds for these insects? 2) What effect does acclimation temperature have on the UILT? and 3) Does the magnitude of the temperature change (AT, i.e., the difference between the acclimation temperature and the low¬ est LT 50 observed) during a thermal shock alter the UILT? Materials and Methods Study area. —We conducted this research in Big Sulphur Creek (BSC), Sonoma County, California, USA (38° 46' N, 122° 45' W, elevation 680 m), a third-order stream that flows northwesterly through The Geysers Known Geothermal Re¬ sources Area. The Geysers is the largest geothermal electric power-producing facility in the world, but natural surface expressions are confined to hot springs and a few steam vents. Our experiments were conducted approximately 250 m below the confluence of BSC and its tributary Little Geysers Creek (LGC). The lower portion of LGC is heated by a series of hot springs. The waters of LGC cool rapidly when they mix into BSC, which is not affected by geothermal inputs upstream of LGC. The thermal influence of LGC is not detectable after the first 200 m of mixing in BSC (Lamberti & Resh 1985). For a more detailed description of this site including water chemistry, thermal, and geological conditions see Lamberti & Resh (1983), McColl et al. (1978), McMillan (1985) and McElravy et al. (1989). Thermal-shock bioassays were conducted in BSC on 17 Jul 1982 (28° C ac¬ climation temperature) and 14 Jan 1983 (5.5° C acclimation temperature). Im¬ mature stages of three species of aquatic insects common in BSC, the caddisflies Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen) and Gumaga nigricula (McLachlan) and the may¬ fly Centroptilum convexum (Ide) were tested in July; C. convexum, however, was not present in sufficient numbers for winter testing. Design of heat shock experiment. —All tests were conducted at streamside, eliminating the need for the 1-3 week pre-test holding period usually required in laboratory-based bioassays, and reducing many non-thermal stresses (e.g., han¬ dling, transportation). Additionally, this procedure allowed the test-cell environ- 1996 WOOD ET AL.: THERMAL SHOCK TOLERANCE 229 Figure 1. Floating racks used to hold test cells and monitor effects of thermal-shock on stream macroinvertebrates in Big Sulphur Creek, The Geysers, Sonoma Co., California. ment to fluctuate with ambient conditions during holding periods and provided a more realistic bioassay. Test insects were collected at the study site and placed in groups of ten into each of 42 PVC test cells (5 cm diameter with screened bottoms) supported in the stream by a floating platform. Test cells were arranged in a 6 X 7 time- temperature matrix described below. Three replicates of cells were prepared and supported in BSC by a floating platform (Fig. 1) for <12 h prior to testing. For each species a total of 1260 insects were tested in the three replicate experiments. Seven controlled-temperature water baths in portable ice chests (20 X 50 X 20 cm) were set up next to the stream. Submersible aquarium heaters were used in each bath to maintain constant temperature, and an air pump provided aeration and mixing. Water temperatures were monitored manually and fluctuations in the baths were kept to <0.5° C by hand additions of warm water when necessary. Results of preliminary tests were used to establish a site-specific time-temperature matrix that would bracket from 0 to 100% mortality. In setting time levels for this matrix, we considered the minimum possible drift times (determined with a dye tracer) through thermal portions of LGC to the confluence with the cooler waters of BSC. The six test-temperature baths were 33°, 36°, 39°, 41°, 43° and 45° C; the control bath was held at ambient stream temperature. Six exposure times were used (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 min) at each temperature. Experimental procedure .—The thermal shocks were administered by quickly transferring the test cells from the platform in BSC to the pre-heated water baths on shore, and immediately immersing them. After the appropriate time interval 230 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) the cells were removed from the bath, returned to the platform, and percent mor¬ tality determined after 24 h. Individuals were considered dead when they failed to respond to repeated probing. The median resistance temperature (LT 50 ) for each exposure time was determined graphically following the method of Litchfield & Wilcoxon (1949). The upper incipient lethal temperature (UILT) was computed for each time-temperature combination from the replicate LT 50 values (Hutchison 1976, Schubel et al. 1978). Exposure times (min) were log-transformed [Log 10 (X; + 1)] to correct for non-linearity (Zar 1974). Simple linear regression of median LT 50 temperature against exposure time was used to determine the UILT equations. Two-way ANOVA (Zar 1974) was used to compare the median LT 50 ’s among species and acclimation temperatures. Results and Discussion Helicopsyche borealis. —When acclimated at 28° C, this caddisfly has the high¬ est 1 h resistance to thermal shock among the three species tested (LT 50 = 38.5° C). It endured a 1 h exposure at 36° C in both summer and winter with no mortality. The UILT equations of H. borealis for July and January were signifi¬ cantly different (ANOVA, P < 0.0005). The 5 and 60 min LT 50 temperatures estimated by the UILT equations ranged from 41.4 to 38.5° C in summer and 41.1 to 36.6° C in winter (Fig. 2). This species’ resistance to thermal shock is slightly lower in winter (1-2° C) than in summer, as indicated by the greater negative slope of the winter UILT equation, especially at the longer durations tested. Pre¬ vious reports have set the maximum thermal tolerance for H. borealis at 34° C, but these were based on field observations (Wiggins 1977), not bioassays. If the exposure time is limited to less than 30 min, H. borealis can survive temperatures as high as 39° C. This is a higher temperature tolerance than that reported for any other caddisfly (Moulton et al. 1993). It is not surprising then that H. borealis is widespread across North America (Resh et al. 1984) and that it tolerates rela¬ tively low oxygen levels (Williams et al. 1983). The AT experienced by H. borealis during these tests was 9.7° C in summer and more than three times as large (31.4° C) in winter. Thus, the total temperature change experienced by this species appears to have little effect on its survival threshold. Gumaga nigricula. —When acclimated at 28° C, this caddisfly had a 1 h LT 50 of 37.8° C. It was able to survive a temperature of 36° C for 1 h during the summer with no mortality, but could not do so in winter. Gumaga nigricula has a lower UILT during winter than in summer (ANOVA, P < 0.0005). The 5 and 60 min LT 50 temperatures from the UILT equations ranged from 41 to 37.8° C in summer and 38.9 to 35.7° C in winter (Fig. 3). The AT in summer was 8.9° C and it was 29.3° C in winter. Centroptilum convexum. —The 1 h LT 50 for C. convexum was 36.3° C. However, this mayfly had some mortality at all test conditions, compared with no mortality at 36° C for the two caddisflies when acclimated to 28° C. The summer UILT for this species was significantly different (ANOVA, P < 0.01) from either caddisfly, indicating that this mayfly was less tolerant of high temperatures for all durations tested. The LT 50 temperature for 5 and 60 min ranged from 38.5 to 36.3° C in summer. Mayflies have consistently been shown to be less tolerant of temperature 1996 WOOD ET AL.: THERMAL SHOCK TOLERANCE 231 HELICOPSYCHE BOREALIS GUMAGA NIGRICULA CENTROPTILUM CONVEXUM o o LlI ce 3 cr ui Q. LU o in EXPOSURE TIME (MIN) Figure 2-4. Li's, thermal-shock values and the associated UILT regression lines at two acclimation temperatures. Designations, summer (28° C)-•-•-; winter (5.5° C)-□-□-. Fig¬ ure 2. Helicopsyche borealis. Summer UILT equation is Y = -2.87* + 43.65; r 2 = 0.84, P < 0.0001. Winter UILT equation is Y = -4.47* + 44.59; r 2 = 0.88, P < 0.0001. Figure 3. Gumaga nigricula. Summer UILT equation is Y = —3.24x + 43.53; r 2 = 0.76, P < 0.0001. Winter UILT equation is Y = ~3.2x + 41.36; r 2 = 0.62, P = 0.0001. Figure 4. Centroptilum convexum. Summer UILT equation is Y = -2.11* + 40.1; r 2 = 0.61, P = 0.0001. 232 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) increases than caddisflies (e.g., Gaufin & Hem 1971, deKozlowski & Bunting 1981, Tennessen & Miller 1983). The UILT for aquatic insects can be expected to vary with respect to accli¬ mation temperature in three ways (Precht et al. 1973): 1) UILT may be unaffected by acclimation temperature and show no variation; 2) UILT may be positively related to acclimation temperature, thus increasing and decreasing with seasonal temperature fluctuations (this is the most commonly observed relationship in aquatic organisms); or 3) UILT may be negatively related to the acclimation temperature. We found that the UILTs of H. borealis and G. nigricula are lower in the winter than in the summer and that this seasonal affect is greater for H. borealis. This diminished thermal tolerance may be due to the physiological state of this caddisfly. It overwinters in a quiescent state, attached at the base of boul¬ ders (Williams et al. 1983, Resh et al. 1984b). Moulton et al. (1993) found a similar positive correlation with acclimation temperature in Hydropsyche simulans Ross, Ceratopsyche morosa (Hagen), Chi- marra obscura (Walker), and Chimarra aterrima Hagen. However, their results and ours contrast with those for two other caddisflies, Hydropsyche sp. (Sherber- ger et al. 1977) and Brachycentrus americanus (Banks) (Salmela & Anderson 1978), both of which were unaffected by acclimation temperature. The differences may be due, in part, to variations in the experimental protocols. Salmela & An¬ derson (1978) used fewer time-temperature combinations than in our matrix. Sher- berger et al. (1977) lowered the post-shock temperature slowly, whereas we used an instantaneous decrease. We held the insects in the field for a period of only 24 h for post-shock evaluation. During this study the maximum temperature at the study site in BSC was 30.5° C. In summer, the aquatic insects in this portion of the stream are living near their UILT and a relatively small increase in stream temperature (i.e., a AT of 6- 9° C) would exceed the UILT determined for all three test species. This was illustrated in a related study of the thermally influenced portion of LGC upstream from our study site. Resh et al. (1984a) found that very large numbers of ma¬ croinvertebrates (primarily Chironomidae and Oligochaeta) occurred in the after¬ noon drift These animals were probably induced to drift catastrophically as the substrate temperature exceeded their UILTs. In winter, there is a small reduction in the UILT for the two caddisflies. However, since ambient water temperatures are low, and both insects can withstand a AT > 30° C, these species would thus be less susceptible to the effect of thermal discharges at this time of year. An insect drifting into a thermal hot spring discharge would not be killed by rapid heating, provided the temperature did not exceed its UILT. We conclude, as did Sherberger et al. (1977), that the magnitude of the thermal shock is not con¬ sequential in inducing mortality unless it approaches the UILT. The most impor¬ tant factors determining the UILTs in H. borealis, G. nigricula, and C. convexum appear to be acclimation temperature, shock duration, and the maximum temper¬ ature of exposure. Acknowledgment We thank R. W. Flowers, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, for confirming the identification of Centroptilum convexum (Ide). The research lead¬ ing to this report was supported by the Office of Water Research and Technology, 1996 WOOD ET AL.: THERMAL SHOCK TOLERANCE 233 USDI, under the Annual Cooperative Program of Public Law 95-467, and by the University of California Water Resources Center, as part of Office of Water Re¬ search and Technology Project A-084-CAL and Water Resources Center Project UCAL-WRC-W-612. Literature Cited Brock, T. D. 1970. High temperature systems. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 1: 191-220. Brock, T. D. 1975. Predicting the ecological consequences of thermal pollution from observations on geothermal habitats, pp. 599-622. In Environmental effects of cooling systems at nuclear power plants. Proceedings Series, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. STI/Pub/378. Cairns, J., Jr. 1976. Heated waste-water effects on aquatic ecosystems, pp. 32-38. In G. W. Esch & R. W. McFarlane (eds.). Thermal Ecology II. ERDA Symposium series, CONE 750425. deKozlowski, S. J. & D. J. Bunting II. 1981. 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California Water Resources Center, University of Califor¬ nia, Contribution 190, ISSN 0575-4941. Resh, V. H., G. A. Lamberti & J. R. Wood. 1984b. Biology of the caddisfly Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen): a comparison of North American populations. Freshwat. Invert. Biol., 3: 172-180. Resh, V. H. & M. A. Barnby. 1987. Distribution of the Wilbur Springs Shore Bug (Hemiptera: 234 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Saldidae): a product of abiotic tolerances and biotic constraints. Environ. Entomol., 16: 1087- 1091. Salmela, J. A. & R. L. Anderson. 1978. Thermal shock effects on larvae of caddis fly Brachycentrus americanus. J. Minn. Acad. Sci., 44: 25-27. Schott, R. J. & M. A. Brusven. 1980. The ecology and electrophoretic analysis of the damselfly, Argia vivida Hagen, living in a geothermal gradient. Hydrobiologia, 69: 261-265. Schubel, J. R., C. C. Coutant & P. M. J. Woodhead. 1978. Thermal effects of entrainment, pp. 19- 93. In J. R. Schubel & B. C. Marcy, Jr. (eds.). Power plant entrainment: a biological assessment. Academic Press, New York. Sherberger, F. E, E. F. Benfield, K. L. Dickson & J. Cairns, Jr. 1977. Effects of thermal shocks on drifting aquatic insects: a laboratory simulation. J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 34: 529-536. Tennessen, K. J. & J. L. Miller. 1983. Thermal tolerance of aquatic insects inhabiting the Tennessee River-Reservoir system. TVA/ONR/WRF-83/lO. Office of Environmental Processes and Effects Research, Office of Research and Development, U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Wash¬ ington, D.C. Wiggins, G. B. 1977. Larvae of the North American caddisfly genera. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. Williams, D. D., A. T. Read & K. A. Moore. 1983. The biology and zoogeography of Helicopsyche borealis (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae): a Nearctic representative of a tropical genus. Can. J. Zool., 61: 2288-2299. Zar, J. H. 1974. Biostatistical analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Received 24 Jun 1994; Accepted 23 Apr 1996. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 235-237, (1996) Scientific Note EFFECTS OF COPULATION FREQUENCY ON EGG-LAYING AND EGG HATCH IN THE WALNUT HUSK FLY, RHAGOLETIS COMPLETA CRESSON The mating system of Rhagoletis completa Cresson (WHF) has been charac¬ terized as a resource-based polygamous system (Opp, S. B. et al. 1996. In: Steck, G. J. and B. A. McPheron (eds.), Fruit Fly Pests: A World Assessment of Their Biology and Management. St. Lucie Press, Fla.), in which males actively defend walnuts to gain exclusive mating opportunities with females seeking oviposition sites. Post-copulatory mate guarding and multiple matings by males and females have been observed in field studies (Opp, et al. 1996) but nothing is known about the effects, negative or positive, of multiple mating behavior on female fertility and fecundity. This study determined the effects of copulation frequency (single vs. multiple with each of two mates) on WF1F egg-laying propensity and egg hatch in the laboratory. WHF adults developed from larvae that were collected from infested walnuts from Ardenwood Historic Farm (East Bay Regional Parks, Newark, Calif.). The larvae pupariated, overwintered, and adults eclosed in the lab. Flies were sepa¬ rated by sex at eclosion to insure virginity and were held at least two weeks under laboratory temperatures of 24 ± 2° C to insure that both sexes had reached re¬ productive maturity (Boyce, A. M. 1934. Hilgardia, 8: 363-579) prior to use in mating experiments. Adult flies were fed a mixture of sugar and hydrolyzed yeast, and given water. Matings were conducted in the lab by placing virgin males and females in a 25 cm 3 Plexiglas and screen communal cage which was observed continuously during the mating trial for any copulating pairs. Copulating pairs were carefully removed in copula from the communal cage using a small, clear plastic cup and then were held separately in 470 ml plastic cages where they were supplied with food and water. All initial copulations were timed and only pairs which remained in copula for at least 5 min were used in the trials (average copulation duration = 9 min in this study and previous field studies (Opp, et al. 1996). During a particular mating session, we separated the total number of copulating pairs equal¬ ly into two mating treatments (single copulation vs. multiple copulations with each of two mates). The single copulation treatment consisted of a male and female pair allowed to copulate once, and, after the pair disengaged, the male was removed from the cage and the female was allowed to oviposit for a period of one week. After one week, a mated female was placed in another container with five virgin males and continually observed for any new matings. The second male was also removed after the pair naturally disengaged, and the female was again allowed to oviposit freely for several weeks. Thus, the single copulation treatment consisted of female flies which had copulated once with each of two males. In the multiple copulation treatment, the male was not removed after the first copulation but rather was transferred along with the female to a cage where 236 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) DU Laid Eggs EH Produced Larvae Figure 1. Effect of numbers of matings on egg-laying and larval hatch in the walnut husk fly. (N = number of females in each mating treatment.) they remained together for 48 h with food and water and an oviposition substrate. The pair was allowed to copulate at will, however the exact duration and fre¬ quency of subsequent copulations were not recorded. Most pairs were observed to mate frequently although pairs were not observed continuously beyond the first copulation. After 48 h, the male was removed and the female was allowed to continue ovipositing for the remainder of the week. The following week she was placed in the company of five new virgin males and observed for any matings. A resulting pair was again removed and transferred to a separate cage and allowed to copulate at will for 48 h. The second male was also removed after 48 h, and the female was allowed to oviposit freely for several weeks. Thus, the multiple copulation treatment consisted of females allowed to copulate many times with each of two males. Females in both treatments received artificial substrates which mimicked the green walnut husks and allowed easy penetration for oviposition (Telang, A. 1995. M.S. Thesis). The artificial walnuts were constructed of 1.8% agar in distilled water colored with green food dye which was poured and allowed to set in plastic snap-together Easter egg molds before being covered with a thin layer of Paraf- ilm®. Fly eggs were collected intact from the agar walnuts and placed on black moistened construction paper stacked on top of layers of moistened filter paper and kept in petri dishes in the dark. Petri dishes were checked daily and egg hatch recorded. Mean numbers of eggs laid per female and mean numbers of hatching larvae per female were compared between treatments with Mann-Whitney U-tests (Sokal & Rohlf. 1981. Biometry. Freeman and Co.). Propensities of females of each mating treatment to lay eggs and to produce fertile eggs were compared with G-tests of independence (Sokal & Rohlf. 1981). Singly-copulated females were both less likely to lay eggs and less likely to produce larvae than multiply-copulated females (Fig. 1) though these differences were not statistically significant (G = 0.36, df = 1, P > 0.05). Among females 1996 SCIENTIFIC NOTE 237 laying eggs, multiply-copulated females laid more eggs (i.e., showed greater fe¬ cundity) than singly-copulated females (multiply-copulated = 49.1 eggs/female; singly-copulated = 17.2 eggs/female) even though these differences were not statistically significant (W = 126.5, P = 0.38). Multiply-copulated females also demonstrated greater fertility than singly-copulated females (multiply-copulated = 37.2 hatching eggs/female; singly-copulated = 5.0 hatching eggs/female) though, again, no statistically significant difference was detected (W = 5.0, P = 0.33). We concluded that females allowed multiple copulations had higher levels of egg-laying and egg hatch than females only allowed a single copulation with each mate. The lack of statistically significant differences likely resulted from low sample sizes and high variability but does not detract from the biological signif¬ icance of these findings. Repeated copulations may grant females a nutritional, stimulatory or sperm replenishment benefit as reported for a congener, R. pomo- nella (Walsh) (Opp & Prokopy. 1986. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 79: 705-710). Our study, however, was not designed to test any of the above mentioned hypo¬ thetical benefits of multiple copulations in the WHF but to determine the optimal mating conditions for collection of WHF offspring for laboratory paternity anal¬ ysis. Based on our study, we recommend that WHF females be allowed to mate multiply (i.e., at least twice) with each mate to increase laboratory offspring pro¬ duction. These results correlate well with field studies which have reported that female WHF on average mate approximately twice a day, often with the same male, and may mate as many as nine times a day with one or more males (Opp et al. 1996). Acknowledgment. —We thank the East Bay Regional Parks for permission to collect and study walnut husk flies in Ardenwood Historic Farm. This paper is in partial fulfillment of the M.S. Degree of A. Telang and was funded by U.S.D.A. grant #9204321 to S. B. Opp. Aparna Telang, 1 Sha S. Hammond, Susan B. Opp, DepartmefU of Biological Sciences, California State University, Hayward, California 94542. 1 Current mail¬ ing address: University> of Arizona, 1DP in Insect Science, 410 Forbes Bldg., Tucson, Arizona 85721. Received 1 Sep 1995; Accepted 14 Feb 1996 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 238-242, (1996) Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, 1995 FIVE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH MEETING The 515th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 20 January 1995 at 8:00 PM in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco with President Curtis Y. Takahashi Presiding. The minutes of the 9 December 1994 meeting were read and accepted. Ms. Cheryl Barr of the University of California was proposed and accepted as a new regular member. President Curtis Y. Takahashi announced that the California Department of Food and Agriculture would be conducting the State Entomologist examination, and also announced an opening for an Agricultural Biologist position in Contra Costa County as well as several seasonal employment op¬ portunities with the CDF A. Ms. Cheryl Barr presented a unique exhibition of silphid beetles. The featured speaker, Dr. Rollin Coville presented a slide lecture entitled “Photographing Insects and Spiders in Costa Rica”. Dr. Coville discussed some of the techniques he utilized in photographing various arthropods, as well as sharing an entertaining account of his experiences in Costa Rica. The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 PM, and was followed by a social hour in the Department of Ento¬ mology conference room.—Stan Vaughn, Recording Secretary. The following 45 persons were present. (32 members): P. H. Arnaud Jr., C. B. Barr, L. G. Besark, J. E. Brandriff, T. S. Briggs, H. K. Court, R. E Coville, L. W. Currie, D. K. Dabney, J. G. Edwards, B. K. Eya, S. V. Fend, C. E. Griswold, J. E. Hafernik Jr., W. Hammersky, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, T. Meikle, L. A. Norton, N. D. Penny, A. E. Rackett, K. Reynolds, R. G. Robertson, W. E. Savary, J. S. Schweikert, W. D. Shepard, F. A. H. Sperling, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, S. E, Vaughn, and R. R. White; (13 guests) M. M. Arnaud, D. Bromberger, J. E. Court, P. Coville, J. P. Dorard, K. M Hallit, S. Meehl, J. Pretare, W. E. Rauscher, S. Renkes, J. Robertson, N. E. Robinson, and P. Stecker. FIVE HUNDRED SIXTEENTH MEETING The 516th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 17 February 1995 at 8:00 PM in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco with President Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 20 January 1995 meeting were read, amended and adopted. Dr. Norman Penny announced that the Academy has CAS drawers available for sale and also mentioned that he will be offering a course in curation on 12 April 1995, to be held at the Academy. Drs. J. Gordon Edwards and Ron Stecker of San Jose State University announced the donation of unit trays to be given away to interested members and guests of the Society. Leslie Saul of the San Francisco Insect Zoo announced the need for volunteers at the San Francisco County Butterfly Count before 4 July 1995, and reported on the Butterfly Houses in Denver, Colorado; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Moody Gardens in Galveston and Houston, Texas. Dr. Jerry Powell of the University of California announced the retirement celebration honoring Dr. John Chemsak. The featured speaker, Dr. Norman Penny of the California Academy of Sciences, presented a slide lecture entitled “Specimen-Level Databases”. Dr. Penny discussed how the management of specimen- level databases can increase information availability and accessibility to entomologists and people beyond the systematic community. Dr. Penny also shared many insights into the future potential of database information integration utilizing existing software such as mapping, delta keys, data matrix, and image fields. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 PM and was followed by a social hour in the Department of Entomology conference room.—Stan Vaughn, Recording Secretary. The following 37 persons were present: (29 members) C. M. Brandau, T. S. Briggs, M. S. Caterino, H. K. Court, P. G. da Silva, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, C. E. Griswold, A. Horn, M. A. Isaak, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, T. C. Meikle, L. A. Norton, A. R. Olsen, J. F. Parinas, A. M. L. Penny, N. D. Penny, J. A. Powell, K. Reynolds, K. J. Ribardo, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, H. I. Scudder, F. A. H. Sperling, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, S. E. Vaughn, and S. C. Williams; (8 guests) T. Aweeka, K. Chester, J. E. Court, H. Millspaugh, L. Randal, W. E. Rauscher, R. Takumi, and T. Sidebottom. 1996 PROCEEDINGS 239 FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTEENTH MEETING The 517th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 17 March 1995 at 8:00 PM in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco with President Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. Due to President Takahashi’s tardiness, the meeting was called to order by the Recording Secretary, Mr. Stanley E. Vaughn, under the insistence of Dr. Norman Penny and Mr Vincent F. Lee. The minutes of the 17 February 1995 meeting were read and accepted. Proposed and accepted as new student members were Mrs. Laura Irons, Ms. Melanie Preston, and Mr. Mathew Gigliotti, all from San Jose State University. Mr. Vincent F. Lee, of the California Academy of Sciences, announced a symposium on the Bio¬ diversity of the Sierra-Nevada to be held on the 29th and 30th of April 1995. The featured speaker, Mr. A1 Horn, presented a graphic slide presentation entitled “Forensic Ento¬ mology: An Enchanted Evening with Maggots and Dead Meat”. Mr. Horn discussed the roles of forensic entomologists in the investigations of human deaths and how faunal succession in insects can be used in determining the times of death. The meeting was adjourned at 10:18 PM and was followed by a social hour in the Department of Entomology conference room.—Stan Vaughn, Recording Sec¬ retary. The following 35 persons were present: (24 members) J. E. Brandriff, T. S. Briggs, J. G. Edwards, C. D. Franklin II, J. Garcia, M. J. Gigliotti, W. Hamersky, A. Horn, L. A. Irons, M. A. Isaak, S. E. lungers, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, B. R. Manchester, L. A. Norton, N. D. Penny, M. A. Preston, A. E. Rackett, K. Reynolds, L. S. Saul, H. I. Scudder, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, and S. E. Vaughn; (11 guests) R. Bander, G. Gee, S. Gee, D. H. Ludwig, M. Mann, W. E. Rauscher, J. Scheiman, T. H. Sidebottom, G. Spaulding, E. Yorkey, and 1 illegible signature. FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTEENTH MEETING The 518th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 21 April 1995 at 8:00 PM in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco with President Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 17 March 1995 meeting were read and accepted. Proposed and accepted as new regular members were Ms. Dana H. Ludwig and Mr. Thomas H. Sidebottom, both of the Food and Drug Administration. Mr. Bill Hamersky, of CSU Hayward, announced that on the 30th of April 1995 CSUH would be hosting a Science Festival. Mrs. Laura Irons, of San Jose State University announced that the annual SJSU Entomology Club overnighter to Arroyo Seco will be conducted on the 6th and 7th of May 1995, and Ms. Jeanette McNicol also from San Jose State University reported that SJSU Ent Club T-shirts would be available for purchase after the meeting. The featured speaker, Mr Cliff Ramos of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, pre¬ sented a slide lecture entitled “The Africanized Bee; General Biology and California Update”. Mr. Ramos discussed the general biology of the AHB and detailed the identification methods; range, distribution, and progression models; and described strategies for those who are attacked and at risk. The meeting adjourned at 9:01 and was followed by a social hour in the Department of Entomology conference room.—Stan Vaughn, Recording Secretary. The following 30 persons were present: (24 members) P. H. Arnaud Jr., T. S. Briggs, M. R. Carbiener, H. K. Court, L. W. Currie Jr., D. K. Dabney, W. Hamersky, A. Horn, L. A. Irons, B. Keh, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, J. J. McNicol. L. A. Norton, N. D. Penny, M. A. Preston, K. A. Reynolds, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, and S. E. Vaughn; (6 guests) T. Aweeka, J. E. Court, J. Myatt, R. Myatt, C. Ramos, and W. E. Rauscher. FIVE HUNDRED NINETEENTH MEETING The 519th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held 15 September 1995 at 8:00 PM in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco with Present Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 21 April 1995 meeting were not read and approved, due to theaibsence of the Recording Secretary. Proposed and accepted as new regular members were Dr. Janine Casevitz-Weulersse of the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, France; Dr. David R. Horton of the USDA-ARS Yakima Ag¬ ricultural Research Laboratory; Mr. D. Christopher Rogers of Sacramento; Dr. Darrel W. Ross of 240 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) Oregon State University; Dr. Charles G. Summers of the University of California; and Mr. John Urzykowski-Orzel of Salinas. Proposed and accepted as new regular family members were Dr. David R. Parks and Ms. Margaret Sharp of San Francisco. Ms. Denise A. Piechnik of San Francisco State University was proposed and accepted as a new student member. Dr. Ron Stecker introduced Mr. Bob Clement as a guest, as did Dr. Felix Sperling who introduced Mr. Anthony Cognato and Mr. John Ascher. Dr. Charles Griswold presented a note on onlyatholipid spiders and Affican/Madagascan bio¬ geography and Dr. Edward Smith gave a detailed note on Salix galls. The featured speaker Dr. Steve Heydon, of the University of California at Davis, presented a slide lecture entitled “Desparately Seeking Salix". Dr. Heydon described, in detail, the interactions between Hexomyza salicis and its parasite, Sphegegaster. H. salicis is widely distributed but rarely found in collections. Dr. Heydon also noted that an undescribed eurytomid has been discovered that also par¬ asitizes Hexomyza. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM and was followed by a social hour in the Department of Entomology conference room.—Stan Vaughn, Recording Secretary. The following 45 persons were present: (29 members) R. L. Aalbu, P. H. Amaud Jr., L. G. Besark, H. K. Court, B. Deutsch, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, J. Garcia, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, A. Horn, V. F. Lee, J. J. McNicol, T. Meikle, L. A. Norton, D. A. Piechnik, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, K. N. Schick, J, Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, E. L. Esith, F. A. H. Sperling, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, J. Urzykowski-Ozel, and R. L. Zuparko; (16 guests) M. M. Amaud, J. Ascher, T. Aweeka, R. Clement, A. I. Cognato, J. E. Court, Mrs. A. Doolin, S. L. Heydon, E. Lacabanne, D. Maffei, W. Maffei, J. Myatt, R. Myatt, N. Pickard, J. Robertson, and G. Spaulding. FIVE HUNDRED TWENTIETH MEETING The 520th meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 20 October 1995 at 8:00 PM in the Goethe Room of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco with President Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 15 September 1995 meeting were read and accepted. Proposed and accepted as new regular members were Dr. Kee-Jeong Ahn of the University of Kansas, Dr. Mohammed T. Aliniazee of Oregon State University, Dr. Jeng-di Lee of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan, and Dr. Richard S. Vetter of the University of California at Riverside. Proposed and elected as new student members were Mr. Anthony Cognato of UC Berkeley, and Ms. Elizabeth Lacabanne of San Francisco State University. Mr. Michael Carbiener of San Jose State University announced that the SJSU Entomology Club Christmas party will be held on the 15th of December 1995 at the home of Dr. J. Gordon Edwards in San Jose. Mr. Vincent F. Lee of the California Academy of Sciences reported the status of the ongoing publication of the Pan-Pacific Entomologist. Dr. Robert Dowell of the California Department of Food and Agriculture has taken over as the new editor. Mr. Lee also announced the arrival of a new exhibit, a flea circus, at the Exploratorium called “About the Size of It”. Ms. Jean M. Ribardo exhibited several scarab beetle larvae that were unearthed from the front flower beds at Sandoz Corporation. Dr. Ron Stecker of San Jose State LTniversity exhibited some Cuban Laural thrips that were collected from the Federal Building in San Jose, and Mr. Warren Savary of the Food and Drug Administration presented a note on a beetle parasite of Shitake mushrooms. The featured speaker. Dr. Simon Pollard of the LIniversity of Canterbury, presented an engaging slide lecture entitled “Spiders: Lifestyles of the Small and Hairy”. Dr. Pollard discussed the techniques and mechanisms of feeding in crab spiders, demonstrating how the spider’s prey acts as an extension of the spider’s digestive system. The prey is not only a source of food, but aids in the mechanics of feeding. Truly outstanding photography! The meeting adjourned at 9:23 PM and was followed by a social hour in the Department of Entomology conference room.—Stan Vaughn, Recording Secretary. The following 57 persons were present: (38 members) P. H. Amaud Jr., C. B. Barr, L. G. Bezark, J. E. Brandriff, T. S. Briggs, J. S. Chinn, H. K. Court, P. R. Craig, B. Deutsch, N. E. Gershenz, C. E. Griswold, W. Hamersky, A. Horn, L. A. Irons, E. Lacabanne, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, T. Meikle, M. H. Niehoff, A. R. Olsen, N. D. Penny, W. J. Pulawski, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, R. G. Robertson, E. S. Ross, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, K. N. Schick, H. I. Scudder, T. H. Sidebottom, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, D. Ubick, S. E. Vaughn, S. P. Welles, and R. L. Zuparko; (19 guests) M. M. Arnaud, T. Aweeka, R. Bandar, D. Banks, M. R. Carbiener, J. E. Court, F. Crosby, D. D. Giuliani, S. Haugues, M. Imberski, K. Kyle, J. Myatt, R. Myatt, W. A. Rauscher, J. Schick, S. Schopen, P. Stecker, M. Stekanski, and C. Zuparko. 1996 PROCEEDINGS 241 FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIRST MEETING The 521st meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society was held on 17 November 1995 at 8:00 PM in the Morrison Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco with President Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 20 October 1995 meeting were read and accepted. Prior to the meeting, a reception was held in the Goethe Room honoring Dr. Paul H. Arnaud Jr. Dr. Arnaud served as Curator of Diptera at the Academy for 37 years before retiring. Mr. Warren Savary of the FDA announced the death of Mont Cazier. Proposed and accepted as new regular members were Dr. Byron A. Alexander of the University of Kansas, and Dr. Serguei V. Triapitsyn of the University of California at Riverside. One student member was accepted, Mr. John A. Rumph of Washington State University. The featured speaker, Mr. Warren Savary of the Food and Drug Administration, presented a com¬ puter-projected lecture entitled “There’s More on the Web than Spiders: A World Overview of World Wide Web Resources for Entomology”. Mr. Savary introduced techniques for accessing entomological information on the Internet, as well as detailing strategies for information retrieval. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 and was followed by a social hour in the Department of Entomology conference room.—Stan Vaughn, Recording Secretary. The following persons were present: (29 members) P. H. Arnaud Jr., C. B. Barr, L. G. Besark, T. S. Briggs, J. S. Chin, H. K. Court, D. K. Dabney, W. A. Doolin, J. G. Edwards, E. M. Fisher, N. E. Gershenz, W. Hammersky, A. Horn, L. A. Irons, R. L. Langston, V. F. Lee, J. J. McNicol., T. Meikle, W. J. Pulawski, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, K. J. Ribardo, L. S. Saul, W. E. Savary, J. Schweikert, H. I. Scudder, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, and S. E. Vaughn; (6 guests) M. M. Arnaud, J. E. Court, E. Dunbar, W. A. Rauscher, N. M. Schiff, and S. Udayagini. FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-SECOND MEETING The 522nd meeting was held on 8 December 1995 at 8:00 PM in Room 135 in the Carl D. Duncan Hall of Science at San Jose State University, San Jose with President Curtis Y. Takahashi presiding. The minutes of the 17 November 1995 meeting were read and accepted. There was one candidate that was proposed and accepted as a new regular member, Dr. Miguel A. Moron from the Instituto de Ecologia in Veracruz, Mexico. Membership Chair William Hamersky reported that the total membership for 1995 fell by 21 from 1994, for a total of 385. Ms. Katherine Reynolds, on behalf of the Nominating Committee announced the nominations of officers for 1996; President: Dr. Wojciech J. Pulawski, President-Elect: Mr. Warren Savary, Treasurer: Ms. Julieta Parinas, Managing Secretary: Mr. Vincent F. Lee, and Recording Sec¬ retary: Mr. Stanley E. Vaughn. All nominees accepted and were voted in by the membership. Dr. Norman Penny of the California Academy of Sciences announced that the Audit Committee has met, and that details would be forthcoming. Mr. Vincent F. Lee announced that the Society ex¬ changed the Pan-Pacific Entomologist with 52 organizations and received 71 serials in 1995. Mr. Lee also reported the following new PCES exchanges in 1995: The Boletin del Museo de Entomologia de la Universidad del Valle; Cali, Colombia; European Journal of Entomology (continuation of Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca and Casopis) Czech Academy of Sciences, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; Folia Heyrovskyana, Prague, Czech Republic; Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology (continuation of Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society ) Matsuyama, Japan; and Mittei- lungen des Thuringer Entomologenverbandes e, V., Kranichfeld, Germany. Dr. Penny announced the Academy has unit trays available. Mr. Warren Savary exhibited a number of arthropods that were seized by the FDA. These arthropods were imported to provide questionable health and recreational benefits common in some cultures. The featured speaker, Mr. Curtis Y. Takahashi presented a slide lecture entitled “A Brief Introduction to Cultural Entomology”. Mr. Takahashi illustrated the unique roles that insects have and continue to play in all societies. From ancient cultures to present times, arthropods have been influential in dis¬ ciplines as diverse as religion to entertainment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 and was followed by a social hour in the San Jose State Entomology Department Laboratories.—Stan Vaughn, Recording Secretary. The following 28 persons were present: (22 members) R. M. Brown, M. R. Carbiener, T. D. Cuneo, 242 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Vol. 72(4) J. G. Edwards, C. D. Franklin II, W. Hammersky, L. A. Irons, M. A. Isaak, V. F. Lee, J. J. McNicol, L. A. Norton, N. D. Penny, M. A. Preston, A. E. Rackett, K. A. Reynolds, J. M. Ribardo, W. E. Savary, N. M. Schiff, R. E. Stecker, C. Y. Takahashi, and S. E. Vaughn; (6 guests) N. S. Darby, M. Imberski, D. Irons, J. Myatt, R. Myatt, and E. Takahashi. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 243-244, (1996) PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Method Income and expenses are recorded by using the cash basis of accounting. Note from the Treasurer The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, the journal of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, is published quarterly. However, due to editorial delays, the issues are often not published and charged to the Society on schedule. This explains the abnormal fluctuation in publishing costs. Capital Expenditures Annual capital expenditures of $5,000 or less are charged to expense. Marketable Securities American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Pacific Telesis Group and Air Touch Com¬ munications common stocks are carried at market value. Increases and decreases in value are reflected in income. Income Tax The Society is exempt from Federal Income and California franchise tax. As Chairman of the Accounting and Tax Committee, and in accordance with the Society’s bylaws, I have reviewed the financial records of the Society but have not made an audit of them. During the course of this review, nothing was noted which indicated any material inaccuracy in the financial statements. H. Vannoy Davis Chairman of the Accounting and Tax Committee THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 AND 1994 1995 Income Dues and subscriptions . $ 17,066 Reprints and miscellaneous . 10,421 Interest .. 3,730 Dividends. 681 Increase (Decrease) in value of capital stock: American Telephone & Telegraph Company. 940 Pacific Telesis Group and Air Touch Communications (see note). . 528 Total Income . $ 33,366 Expenditures Publication costs—Pan-Pacific Entomologist . $ 25,590 Reprint costs . 2,614 Postage, newsletter and miscellaneous expenses . 1,274 Total Expenditures ... $ 29,478 Increase in fund balances . $ 3,888 Fund balances October 1, 1995 and 1994 . 129,370 Fund balances September 30, 1995 and 1994 .. $133,258 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 AND 1994 1995 Cash in bank Commercial account . $ 17,914 Special Funds: General Fund—Wells Fargo Bank. 4,942 C. P. Alexander Fund—Capital Preservation Fund. 54,711 Fall Memoir Fund—Wells Fargo Bank . 34,228 Total cash in bank and special funds . $111,795 Capital Stock (at market value) American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 80 shs. 5,260 Pacific Telesis Group, 264 shs. 8,118 Air Touch Communications, 264 shs. 8,085 21,463 Total Assets See accompanying notes to the financial statements Vol. 72(4) 1994 $ 17,504 11,010 2,604 681 (370) 1,716 $ 33,145 $ 19,448 2,138 1,353 $ 22,939 $ 10,206 119,164 $129,370 1994 $ 15,386 4,832 52,015 37,142 $109,375 4,320 8,118 7,557 19,995 $129,370 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 245, (1996) 1995 SPONSORING MEMBERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Robert R Allen Ernest Anderson Paula & Robert Buickerood Kent M. Daane Bryan K. Eya E. Eric Grissell Charles E. & Teresa Meikle Griswold John E. Hafemik Jr. Frank T. Hovore Calvert E. Norland Harry W. Oswald Richard L. Penrose Albert E. Rackett Norman E. Gershenz & Leslie S. Saul Warren E. Savary Harvey I. Scudder Frank E. Skinner Edward L. Smith David B. Weissman Thomas J. Zavortink PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 246, (1996) The Pan-Pacific Entomologist Reviewers Volume 72 Altieri, M. Andres, L. Baranowski, R. Beardsley, J. Belk, D. Bezark, L. Bohart, R. Bragg, D. Brown, J. Brown, R. Brust, G. Byrne, D. Daly, H. Eng, L. Evans, A. Ferguson, W. Garrison, R. Gill, R. Goeden, R. Griswold, T. Headrick, D. Henneberry, T. Heyden, S. Huber, J. Hunter, A. Kavanaugh, D. Kimsey, L. Kulman, H. Leong, J. MacRae, T. Menke, A. Merickel, F. Moreno, D. Murphy, B. Nechols, J. Noor, M. O’Brien, L. Polehmus, J. Powell, J. Reimer, N. Rust, M. Shapiro, A. Slater, J. Snelling, P. Sorensen, J. Spence, J. Summers, C. Thoenes, S. Thorp, R. Wasbauer, M. Westcott, R. Wilson, S. Yoshimoto, V. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 247, (1996) ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 1(16 numbers, 179 pages) and vol. 2 (9 numbers, 131 pages). 1901-1930. Price $5.00 per volume. THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST. Vol. 1 (1924) to vol. 51 (1975), price $10.00 per volume of 4 numbers, or $2.50 per single issue. Vol. 52 (1976) to vol. 57 (1981), price $15.00 per volume or $3.75 per single issue, except for vol. 57, no. 1, $10.00. Vol. 58 (1982) to vol. 66 (1990), $20.00 per volume or $5.00 per single issue. Vol. 67 (1991) to vol. 69 (1993), $30.00 per volume or $7.50 per single issue. Vol. 70 (1994) and subsequent issues, $40.00 per volume or $10.00 per single issue. MEMOIRS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Volume 1. The Sucking Lice by G. F. Ferris. 320 pages. Published October 1951. Price $10.00* (plus $1.00 postage and handling). Volume 2. A Revision of the Spider Mite Family Tetranychidae by A. Earl Pritchard and Edward W. Baker. 472 pages. Published July 1955. OUT-OF- PRINT. Volume 3. Revisionary Studies in the Nearctic Decticinae by David C. Rentz and James D. Birchim. 173 pages. Published July 1968. Price. $4.00* (plus $0.75 postage and handling). Volume 4. Autobiography of an Entomologist by Robert L. Usinger. 343 pages. Published August 1972. SPECIAL PRICE $5.00 (plus $1.00 tax, postage, and handling for California orders, $0.70 postage and handling for non-California U.S. orders, or $1.70 for foreign orders). No members discount at this special price. Volume 5. Revision of the Millipede Family Andrognathidae in the Nearctic Region by Michael R. Gardner. 61 pages. Published January 21, 1975. Price $3.00* (plus $0.75 postage and handling). *For California orders only, add appropriate sales tax currently in effect in your county. If requested, members of the Society can receive a 20% discount on the price of the memoirs, except vol. 4. Send orders to: Pacific Coast Entomological Society % California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park San Francisco, California 94118-4599 U.S.A. PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 248-249, (1996) The Pan-Pacific Entomologist Contents for Volume 72 Announcement—Publications of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society ... 180, 247 Bernhardt, P. & K. Walker— Observations on the foraging preferences of Leioproctus (Filiglossa) Rayment (Hymenoptera: Col- letidae) in eastern Australia. 130 Brown, J. W.—New generic assignment, new synonymy, and new distribution records for the neotropical genus Icteralaria Razowski (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). 162 Brunner, J. F.—Discovery of Colpoclypeus florus (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in apple orchards of Washington.5 Cambra, R. A. & D. Quintero A.—The Mexican and Central American species of Lopho- stigma Mickel, including a new species, new distribution records, and taxonomic notes for the genus (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae)... 92 Casevitz-Weulersse, J.—Biogeographic aspects of the ant fauna of Corsica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) .. 193 Coher, E. I.—Cave-associated tropical American Neoditomyia (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) 152 Dowell, R. V.—Emmel, T. C., M. C. Minno & B. A. Drummond. 1992. Florissant Butterflies: A Guide to the Fossil and Present-day Species of Central Colorado. Stanford University Press. 118pp. + I-IX . 173 Fox, C. W., A. D. Harbin & T. A. Mousseau— Suitability of a non-host palo verde for development of Stator limbatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) larvae. 31 Gill, R. J., see Sorensen, J. T.. 160 Graves, P. L., see Halbert, S. E. 13 Greve, J. H., see McFadzen, M. E. 41 Griswold, T. L.—A new Microbembex endemic to the Algodones Dunes, California (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). 142 Gulmahamad, H. — Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks) (Isoptera: Termitidae): A nuisance structural termite pest in southern California . 37 Halaj, J., D. W. Ross, R. R. Mason, T. R. Torgersen & A. R. Moldenke— Geographic variation in aboreal spider (Araneae) communities on Douglas-fir in western Oregon .. 17 Halbert, S. E., J. B. Johnson, P. L. Graves, P. M. Marsh & D. Nelson— Aphidius uzbekistanicus (Hymenoptera: Aphididae) established in Idaho. 13 Hammond, S. S., see Telang, A. 235 Harbin, A. D., see Fox, C. W. . 31 Headricks, D H., see Triapitsyn, S. V. . . 168 Hoffman, M. P., see Pickett, C. H. 220 Johnson, J. B., see Halbert, S. E. 13 Lang, R. E, J. M. Story & G. L. Piper— Establishment of Larinus minutus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) for biological control of diffuse and spotted knapweed in the western United States. 209 Larsen, E.—The distribution of aquatic Heteroptera (Notonectidae) in Hawaii 39 Liang, A.-P.—Taxonomic changes in Chinese Lophopidae with a check list of Chinese species (Homoptera: Fulgoroidae) . . . 145 Lyon, R. J.—New cynipid wasps from the southwestern United States (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). 181 Markow, T. A. see Snook, R.R. 121 Marsh, P. M., see Halbert, S.E. 13 Martinez, M. J.—The first North American record for the ant Pheidole fervenas Fr. Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) . . 171 Mason, R. R., see Halaj, J. . 17 Mayer, D. F.—Effects of sex ratio and female density on progeny survival of the alfalfa leafcutter bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) . 138 McElravy, E. R, see Wood, J. R. 227 McFadzen, M. E., M. S. Veksay, T. Y. Morishita & J. H. Graves—N orthern range extension for Haematosiphon inodorus (Duges) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae).41 Mills, N. J., see Riddick, E. W. . 213 Moldenke, A. R., see Halaj, J. 17 Morishita, T. Y., see McFadzen, M. E. ... 41 Mousseau, T. A., see Fox, C. W.. 31 Najt, J. & W. M. Weiner—G eographical distribution of Brachystomellinae (Collem- bola: Neanuridae). 61 Nelson, D., see Halbert, S. E. 13 Opp, S. B., see Telang, A. 235 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Financial statement for 1991, 1992 . . 174 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Financial statement for 1992, 1993 . . 176 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Financial statement for 1993, 1994 . . 178 1996 CONTENTS FOR VOLUME 72 249 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Financial statement for 1994, 1995 . . 243 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Financial statement for 1990, 1991 ... 55 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Proceedings for 1990 . 43 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Proceedings for 1991. 47 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Proceedings for 1992 . 104 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Proceedings for 1993 . 109 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Proceedings for 1994 . 114 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Proceedings for 1995 . 238 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Sponsoring members 1990-1994 .... 57 Pacific Coast Entomological Society— Sponsoring members 1995 . 245 Pickett, C. H., S. E. Schoenig & M. P. Hoffmann —Establishment of the squash bug parasitoid, Trichopoda pennipes Fabr. (Diptera: Tachinidae), in northern California . 220 Piper, G. L., see Lang, R. F.. 209 Quintero- A., D., see Cambra, R. A. 92 Resh, V. H., see Wood, J. R. 227 Riddick, E. W. & N. J. Mills — Pterostichus beetles dominate the carabid assemblage in an unsprayed orchard in Sonoma County, California. 213 Riddick, E. W. & N. J. Mills —A comparison of the seasonal activity of Pterostichus beetles (Coleoptera; Carabidae) in a commercial apple orchard in Sonoma County, California . 82 Rogers, D. C.— Eubranchipus bundyi Forbes (Anostraca: Crustacea), a new record from California. 89 Ross, D. W.—Phenology of pandora moth (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) adult emergence and egg eclosion in central Oregon .... 1 Ross, D. W., see Halaj, J. 17 Rust, R. W. & J. L. Porter —Genetic variation in Bombus appositus Cresson (Hymenop- tera: Apidae) . 202 Schoenig, S. E., see Pickett, C. H. 220 Sikes, D. S.—The natural history of Nicrophorus nigrita, a western neartic species (Cole¬ optera: Silphidae) . 70 Snook, R. R. & T. A. Markow—P ossible role of nonfertilizing sperm as a nutrient source for female Drosophila pseudoobscura Frolova (Diptera: Drosophilidae) . 121 Sorensen, J. T. & R. J. Gill—A range extension of Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (Hern- iptera: Clypeorrhyncha: Cicadellidae) to southern California. 160 Sorensen, J. T.—Recent California records for the sawfly Xiphydria mellipes Harris (Hymenoptera: Xiphydriidae). 102 Story, J. M., see Lang, R. F. . 209 Telang, A., S. S. Hammond & S. B. Opp— Effects of copulation frequency on egg- laying and egg hatch in the walnut husk fly, Rhagoletis completa Cresson . 235 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist —Index for Volume 72 . 250 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist —Reviewers for Volume 72 . 246 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist —Reviewers for Volumes 70 and 71. 59 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist —Table of Contents for Volume 72 . 248 Torgersen, T. R., see Halaj, J. 17 Triapitsyn, S. V. & D. H. Headricks— Description of the male of Ceranisus americensis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Eu- lophidae) . 168 Veksay, M. S., see McFadzen, M. E.41 Walker, G. P.—Leaf age preference for oviposition by the monophagous whitefly, Aleurotithius timberlakei (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). 164 Walker, K., see Bernhardt, P.. 130 Weiner, W„ M. see Najt, J.61 Wood, J. R., E. P McElravy & V. H. Resh— Thermal-shock tolerance of three species of aquatic insects in a northern California geothermally influenced stream. 227 Zuparko, R. L.—Hymenoptera reared from Plagiotrochus suberi (Hymenoptera: Cyni- pidae) galls in California. 27 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST 72(4): 250-251, (1996) The Pan-Pacific Entomologist Index to Volume 72 (title and key words) aboreal spiders 17 adult pandora moth emergence 1 Aleurotithius timberlakei 164 Aleyrodidae 164 alfalfa leaf cutter bee 138 alfalfa leafcutter bee progeny survival 138 alfalfa seed 138 Algodones Dunes 142 allozymes 202 Anasa tristis 220 Andricus jiocculentus NEW SPECIES 181 Anisops kuroiwae 39 Anostraca 89 ant fauna 193 Antron daileyi NEW SPECIES 181 Antron franklinensis NEW SPECIES 181 Antron madera NEW SPECIES 181 Aphidiidae 13 Aphidius uzbekistcinicus 13 Apidae 202 apple orchard 5 aquatic Heteroptera 39 Arachnida 17 Aranae 17 Asiraca choui NEW COMBINATION 145 Australian Colletidae 130 biogeography 61, 193 biological control 13, 209, 220 Bombus appositus 202 Brachystomellinae 61 Bruchidae 31 Buenoa pallipes 39 burying beetle 70 California records for Xiphydria mellipes 102 California, Gnathamitermes perplexus in 37 California, Plagiotrochus suberi in 27 California, Trichopoda established in 220 carabid seasonal activity 82, 213 Carabidae 82, 213 carabids in apple orchard 213 carrion 70 caves 152 Centaurea 209 Cercinisus americensis 168 Cercidium 31 Ceropteres snellingi NEW SPECIES 181 check list of Chinese Lophopidae 145 Cicadellidae 160 Cimicidae 41 Coleoptera 31, 70, 82, 209, 213 Collembola 61 Collembola distribution 61 Colletidae 130 Coloradia pandora 1 Colpoclypeiis florus 5 copulation frequency 235 cork oak galls 27 Corsica 193 Crustacea 89 Curculionidae 209 Cynipidae 27, 181 degree-days 1 diffuse knapweed 209 Diptera 121, 152, 220, 235 Diuraphis noxia 13 Drosophila pseudoobscura 121 Drosophilidae 121 egg eclosion 1 egg hatch 235 egg-laying 235 ejaculate 121 endemic sphecid in California 142 Ephemeroptera 227 Eubranclupus bundyi 89 Euderus crawfordii 27 Eulophidae 5, 168 Fabaceae 31 fairy shrimp 89 Faleo mexicanus 41 female density 138 foraging preferences 130 Formicidae 171, 193 Fulgoroidea 145 genetic variation 202 geographic variation 17 geothermal 227 Gnathamitermes perplexus 37 Haematosiphon indorus 41 Hawaii 39 Hemiptera 41, 160 Heteroptera 39 Histiostomidae 70 Homalodisca coagulata 160 INDEX FOR VOLUME 71 1996 Homoptera 145 host range 31 Hymenoptera 5, 13, 27, 92, 102, 130, 138, 142, 168, 171, 181, 193, 202 Icteralaria 162 Icteralaria incusa NEW COMBINATION 162 Idaho, Aphidius uzbekistanicus in 13 Idaho, Haematosiphon inodor us in 41 inquiline 181 Larinus minutus 209 leaf age preference 164 leaf roller parasite 5 Leioproctus 130 Lepidoptera 1, 162 Lophomutilla 92 Lophopidae of China 145 Lophostigma 92 Lophostigma distribution records 92 Lophostigma grisselli NEW SPECIES 92 male of Ceranisus americensis 168 male-derived nutrient donation 121 Megachile rotundata 138 Megachilidae 138 Microbembex elegans NEW SPECIES 142 monothalamous gall 181 Mutillidae 92 Mycetophilidae 152 Neanuridae 61 Neoditomyia 152 Neoditomyia farri NEW SPECIES 152 Neoditomyia para NEW SPECIES 152 new California ant record 171 new California fairy shrimp 89 new host record 5 new host-parasitoid associations 27 new North American ant record 171 Nicrophorinae 70 Nicrophorus nigrita 70 nonfertilizing sperm 121 Notonecta indica 39 Notonectidae 39 251 Poecilochirus carabi 70 Poecilochirus subterraneus 70 population genetics 202 predators 82 Pseudotsuga menziesii 17 Pterostrichus 82 Pterostrichus cur sit or 213 Pterostrichus lustrans 213 Pterostrichus species 213 Quercus arizonica 181 Quercus pungens 181 Quercus suber 27 Quercus toumeyi 181 range extension of Haematosiphon inodorus 41 range extension of Homalodisca coagulata 160 raptor nests 41 Rhagoletis completa 235 Saturn idae 1 Schizaphis graminum 13 sex ratio 138 Silphid natural history 70 Silphidae 70 Sitobion avenae 13 Sonoma County, California 82 sperm polymorphism 121 Sphecidae 142 spider community structure 17 spotted knapweed 209 squash bug parasitoid 220 Stator limbatus 31 structural pest 37 Tachinidae 220 Tephritidae 235 termite 37 Termitidae 37 thermal tolerance 227 thermal-shock 227 Tortricidae 162 Trichopoda pennipes 220 Trichoptera 227 tropical America 152 walnut husk fly 235 Oregon, moth phenology in 1 Washington, new Eulophidae in 5 whitefly oviposition preferences 164 palo verde 31 Parkinsonia 31 Xanthoteras pungens NEW SPECIES 181 Pelzneria 70 Xanthoteras tuckeri NEW SPECIES 181 Persoonia 130 Xiphydria mellipes 102 Pheidole fervens 171 Xiphydriidae 102 phenology 1 Plagiotrochus suberi 27 zoographic regions 61 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST Information for Contributors See volume 66(1): 1-8, January 1990, for detailed general format information and the issues thereafter for examples; see below for discussion of this journal’s specific formats for taxonomic manuscripts and locality data for specimens. Manuscripts must be in English, but foreign language summaries arc permitted. Manuscripts not meeting the format guidelines may be returned. Please maintain a copy of the article on a word-processor because revisions are usually necessary before acceptance, pending review and copy-editing. Format. —Type manuscripts in a legible serif font IN DOUBLE OR TRIPLE SPACE with 1.5 in margins on one side of 8.5 X 11 in, nonerasable, high quality paper. THREE (3) COPIES of each manuscript must be submitted, EACH INCLUDING REDUCTIONS OF ANY FIGURES TO THE 8.5 x 11 IN PAGE. Number pages as; title page (page 1). abstract and key words page (page 2). text pages (pages 3+), acknowledgment page, literature cited pages, footnote page, tables, figure caption page; place original figures last. List the corresponding author's name, address including ZIP code, and phone number on the title page in the upper right corner. The title must include the taxon’s designation, where appropriate, as: (Order: Family). The ABSTRACT must not exceed 250 words; use five to seven words or concise phrases as KEY WORDS. Number FOOTNOTES sequentially and list on a separate page. Text. — Demarcate MAJOR HEADINGS as centered headings and MINOR HEADINGS as left indented paragraphs with lead phrases underlined and followed by a period and two hypens. CITATION FORMATS are: Coswell (1986), (Asher 1987a, Franks & Ebbet 1988, Dorly et al. 1989), (Burton in press) and (R. F. Tray, personal communication). For multiple papers by the same author use: (Weber 1932, 1936, 1941; Sebb 1950, 1952). For more detailed reference use: (Smith 1983: 149-153, Price 1985: fig. 7a, Nolhwith 1987: table 3). Taxonomy. — Systematics manuscripts have special requirements outlined in volume 69(2): 194-198: if you do not have access to that volume, request a copy of the taxonomy/data format from the editor before submitting manuscripts for which these formats are applicable. These requirements include SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS FOR DIAGNOSES, TYPES AND MATERIAL EXAMINED (INCLUDING A SPECIFIC FORMAT), and a specific order for paragraphs in descriptions. List the unabbreviated taxonomic author of each species after its first mention. Data Formats. — All specimen data must be cited in the journal's locality data format. See volume 69(2), pages 196-198 for these format requirements; if you do not have access to that volume, request a copy of the taxonomy/data format from the editor before submitting manuscripts for which these formats are applicable. Literature Cited. — Format examples are: Anderson, T. W. 1984. An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis (2nd ed). John Wiley & Sons, New York. Blackman, R. L., P. A. Brown & V F. Eastop. 1987. Problems in pest aphid taxonomy: can chromosomes plus morphometries provide some answers? pp. 233-238. In Holman, J., J. Pelikan, A. G. F. Dixon & L. Weismann (eds.). Population structure, genetics and taxonomy of aphids and Thysanoptera. Proc. international symposium held at Smolenice Czechoslovakia, Sept. 9-14, 1985. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, The Netherlands. Ferrari, I. A. & K. S. Rai. 1989. Phenotypic correlates of genome size variation in Aedes albopictus. Evolution, 42: 895-899. Sorensen, J T, (in press). Three new species of Essigella (Homoptera: Aphididae). Pan-Pacif. Entomol. Illustrations. — Illustrations must be of high quality and large enough to ultimately reduce to 117 X 181 mm while maintaining label letter sizes of at least I mm; this reduction must also allow for space below the illustrations for the typeset figure captions. Authors are strongly encouraged to provide illustrations no larger than 8.5 x 11 in for easy handling. Number figures in the order presented. Mount all illustrations. Label illustrations on the back noting: (1) figure number, (2) direction of top, (3) author's name, (4) title of the manuscript, and (5) journal. FIGURE CAPTIONS must be on a separate, numbered page; do not attach captions to the figures. Tables. — Keep tables to a minimum and do not reduce them Table must be DOUBLE-SPACED THROUGHOUT and continued on additional sheets of paper as necessary. Designate footnotes within tables by alphabetic letter. Scientific Notes. — Notes use an abbreviated format and lack: an abstract, key words, footnotes, section headings and a Literature Cited section. Minimal references are listed in the text in the format: (Bohart, R. M. 1989. Pan-Pacific. Entomol., 65: 156-161.). A short acknowledgment is permitted as a minor headed paragraph. Authors and affiliations are listed in the last, left indented paragraph of the note with the affiliation underscored. Page Charges. — PCES members are charged $35.00 per page, for the first 20 (cumulative) pages per volume and full galley costs for pages thereafter. Nonmembers should contact the Treasurer for current nonmember page charge rates. Page charges do not include reprint costs, or charges for author changes to manuscripts after they are sent to the printer. Contributing authors will be sent a page charge fee notice with acknowledgment of initial receipt of manuscripts. Volume 72 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST October 1996 Number 4 Contents LYON, R. J.—New cynipid wasps from the southwestern United States (Hymenoptera: Cynip- idae)_ 181 CASEVITZ-WEULERSSE, J.—Biogeographical aspects of the ant fauna of Corsica (Hyme¬ noptera: Formicidae) _ 193 RUST, R. W. & J. L. PORTER—Genetic variation in Bornbus appositus Cresson (Hymenoptera: Apidae) _c_ 202 LANG, R. F., J. M. STORY & G. L. PIPER—Establishment of Larinus minutus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) for biological control of diffuse and spotted knapweed in the western United States _ 209 RIDDICK, E. W. & N. J. MILLS —Pterostichus beetles dominate the carabid assemblage in an unsprayed orchard in Sonoma County, California _ 213 PICKETT, C. H„ S. E. SCHOENIG & M. P. HOFFMANN—Establishment of the squash bug parasitoid, Trichopoda pennipes Fabr. (Diptera: Tachnidae), in northern California _ 220 WOOD, J. R., E. P. McELRAVY & V. H. RESH—Thermal-shock tolerance of three species of aquatic insects in a northern California, geothermally influenced stream_ 227 SCIENTIFIC NOTES TELANG, A., S. S. HAMMOND, & S. B. OPP—Effects of copulation frequency on egg-laying and egg hatch in the walnut husk fly, Rhagoletis completa Cresson_ 235 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Proceedings for 1995 _ 238 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, financial statements for 1994, 1995 _ 243 Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Sponsoring Members 1995 _ 245 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST REVIEWERS, Volume 72 _ 246 Announcement: publications of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society_ 247 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist : Table of Contents for Volume 72 _ 248 The Pan-Pacific Entomologist : Index for Volume 72 _ 250