Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. BS] DEPART MEN I) -OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY—BULLETIN No. 116. L. O. HOWARD, Entomolcgist and Chief of Bureau. PAPERS ON DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. I. SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS AGAINST THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY IN 1911. By FRED JOHNSON, Agent and Expert. Il. THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. By FRED JOHNSON and A. G. HAMMAR, Entomological Assistants. Tl. THE CHERRY FRUIT SAWFLY. By S. W. FOSTER, Entomological Assistant. IV. LIME SULPHUR AS A STOMACH POISON FOR INSECTS. By E. W. SCOTT and E. H. SIEGLER, Entomological Assistants, Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations, V. THE FRUIT-TREE LEAF-ROLLER. By JOHN B. GILL, Entomological Assistant. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1915. BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. Howarp, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. C. L. Maruatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief. R. 8. Currton, Chief Clerk and Executive Assistant. F. H. CurItrenpDeEN, in charge of truck crop and stored product insect investigations. A. D. Hopxins, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. F. M. WEBSTER, 27 charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. A. L. QUAINTANCE, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. . E. F. Pururrs, in charge of bee culture. A. F. Burasss, in charge of gipsy moth and brown-tail moth investigations. Rota P. Curris£, in charge of editorial work. MABEL Co.LcorD, 1n charge of library. Decipuous Fruit Insect INVESTIGATIONS. A. L. QuatntancE, In Charge. Frep E. Brooks, JoHn B. Gini, R. L. Noucaret, A. C. BaKrr, R. A. CusHMAN, J. F. Strauss, W. F. Turner, J. H. Paine, E. H. Sreaier, W. B. Woon, F. L. Smmanton, E. B. BLaxestEE, H. B. ScamMeEt., entomological assistants. E. J. NEwcomer, W. M. Davinson, A. J. ACKERMAN, R. J. Fiske, Dwieut IsELy, E. W. Geyer, A. I. Fasis, B. R. Leacu, H. G. INcrerson, H. K. PLanK, scien- tific assistants. E. W. Scorr, W. 8. Assorr, J. E. DupLEY, JR., employed in enforcement of Insecticide Act of 1910. II CONTENTS. Spraying experiments against the grape leafhopper in the Lake Erie Valley SETI se eh en Ret eRe SNe Pet oe eM ott SAMS Lt hte Fred Johnson. . Treatment of nymphs of the grape leafhopper with contact sprays.....___. iRueld (experiments with tobacco extracts: 222.220.0522. 22s 2 Vimevardsexperimentsam Qt. 2 ee He iebeieiteae SS Use of combined contact and poison spray.............-. CE wean. Segiecd pees Effect of grape leafhopper control on quality of fruit... .. eaten Pet eee Seo Be SET CHUISTO Mets pee ee Pe ere he oot teen ee tte ee ee The grape-berry moth (Polychrosis viteana Clem.), Fred Johnson and A. G. JEU ET TIRE Rocks aot Fea ihe nen I a Spare apa kala ad A bea Cee eae HNL OCLC LAO Taare ern rc et te ee EN A is eee ane ee TOYO 9 Gy ENON S) = a cose de A as, Aude afl aaa ered ik apr Sa oh st Race sy) Be Occurrence of the grape-berry moth in destructive numbers..........._.. EO TISTOE Cra URGE OR INO LMM ce oe usr re wo ore one een Sy ee ewan ge Habiisiand eharacter oranjury of the larva: lo) WestuctivenessoMihe larvare. 5.2) ae. eee Other insects whose injury to grape berries resembles that foneed by the FOV OLGNeIOTApPe=DeIry MObM =). 2. ca. soe) aoe fos Sk ee ae WescEnpiionemey ene ne sero oe Cee sae) US ae ee es a SPASGHOMISLORY eee ae eee eee osc ena ts Se eee eee ee inie=history studies tr 1909: 2... 5228 ide el Da 2 Sheet Sprmnmenorood-or mothse <5 - 222 sce sos. se StS Acats 7B Ab ae Fe Time of emergence of spring brood of moths............-..-- Oviposition of spring-emerging moths in confinement. .....-. Weneth of lite of sprine brood-of moths: -.:22-2.--- ERs igen ea tOM ey Srey at en nae ae es Nee ede Sees Incubation period of first-brood eggs. ..-.......-..-.------- Length of feeding period of first-brood larve............-...- Length of pupal stage of first-brood pupe..........--------- Time of emergence of first-brood moths................-..-.-- Oviposition of first-brood moths. .......... Pee ee ee ee Fibernation of first-WrOOW pupiest- 2... 552.5544 oa ee Length of life cycle of first generation... .. Bie pede pie Saget of 3 SPCONGUCENCEALION 2 ect eee eee ae tees She Ret eae ee Incubation period of second-brood eggs.............-------- Length of feeding period of second-brood larve............-- Hate-second-brood larvee leave fruit... > -..-22..---2-2 59858 Miscellaneous rearing records for the seasons of 1907 and 1908......... Summary of life-history studies of the grape-berry moth. ............ BaEASHtiCPeHenmleseeyse psn. Seren Seas oc Als cial Usama a ee hc Aes Degree of vineyard infestation in Erie County, Pa.....-......--.----- Ane: Page. IV DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES, The grape-berry moth, etc.—Continued. Page. Remedial measures. Gs.- ooo 8 pone = a cape ceca ce gD TO SE A oo - my — ~ Ae a a a DOA ln OA AIEEE. SEALE IM Bul. 116, Part 1, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE III. FIG. 1.—GASOLINE-ENGINE SPRAYER SUPPLYING POWER FOR TWO “TRAILER”? LEADS OF HOSE, IN SPRAYING AGAINST THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. VINEYARD OF MR. J. E. BEATTY, NORTH EAST PA. (ORIGINAL.) Fig. 2.—GASOLINE-ENGINE SPRAYER SUPPLYING POWER FOR TWO “TRAILER”? LEADS OF HOSE IN SPRAYING AGAINST THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. VINEYARD OF THE PEACOCK- Roop COMPANY, WESTFIELD, N. Y. (ORIGINAL.) SPRAYING AGAINST THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. ace SPRAYING AGAINST GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. 9 This shows an average increase in weight of 1.7 pounds per basket for fruit from the sprayed vines. As in the case of all the other exper- iments, the foliage on the sprayed vines remained green and healthy throughout the season, and new growth of canes continued to be made for a longer period than upon the unsprayed vines. USE OF COMBINED CONTACT AND POISON SPRAY. In addition to the experiments described, in which the spray ingre- dients consisted of either tobacco extract No. I and water or tobacco extract No. IJ and water, other experiments were made, in one case adding the tobacco extract No. II to Bordeaux mixture and fish-oil soap. In this experiment about two-thirds of an acre of the infested vines was sprayed with the Bordeaux, fish-oil soap, and tobacco extract No. IJ mixture, and about one-third of an acre was sprayed with tobacco extract No. II and water. So far as could be observed the killing effect of tobacco extract No. II upon the nymphs when mixed with the Bordeaux and soap was in no way lessened; nor Was any injurious effect apparent to the leaves and fruit of the vines sprayed with this mixture. The ingredients were used in this mixture at the following dilution: Bordeaux mixture, 3 pounds lime, 3 pounds copper sulphate to 50 gallons of water, plus 2 pounds of fish- oil soap, and tobacco extract No. IT at a dilution of 1 to 1,500 parts of the Bordeaux mixture. Tobacco extract No. II at a dilution of 1 to 1,500 parts water. 7 In another experiment 5 acres of vineyards were sprayed with a mixture of Bordeaux, arsenate of Jead, and tobacco extract No. I, at the following dijution, 3 pounds of lime, 3 pounds of copper sulphate, 2 pounds arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of water plus tobacco extract No. I, 1 to 150 parts of the Bordeaux mixture. So far as could be observed the killing effect of the tobacco extract upon the nymphs was not lessened in this mixture nor were any injurious effects from this mixture observed upon the foliage and fruit of the vines. The object of adding the tobacco ingredient to the Bordeaux and the arsenate of lead mixtures is an endeavor to reduce the number of applications made necessary in some instances to control the several insect and fungous enemies attacking the foliage or the fruit of the grapevine. The advisability of applying the tobacco extracts against the grape leafhopper with Bordeaux and arsenate of lead will be a matter for the individual vineyardist to decide after he has made a thorough examination of his vineyard to determine if other insects are present in numbers sufficient to warrant their treatment. The insects which may possibly be infesting the foliage or fruit of the grape at the time of treating the nymphs of the grape leafhopper with the tobacco extracts are the grape rootworm and the grape berry moth. The second poison application against the grape rootworm to the surface of the leaves of the grape is usually made during the first two a I a et i et EES 10 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. weeks in July. At this time also larve of the grapeberry moth are hatching from eggs deposited upon the grape berries. Since it is impossible to cover thoroughly the underside of the grape leaves in spraying for the grape leafhopper without thoroughly wetting the grape clusters it is reasonable to infer that the addition of arsenate of lead would also assist in checking the injury to the grape berries by the larvee of the grape berry moth. In addition to this the Bor- deaux mixture will control the development of mildew on the stems of the grape clusters. The upper surface of the grape leaves also is covered during this process (see Pl. III, fig. 2); hence, if arsenate of lead is present with the tobacco extract this application will control the late emerging beetles of the grape rootworm. As intimated above, the advisability of making this combination of ingredients must be decided by the prevalence and abundance in the vineyard to be treated of the several insects referred to. It should also be borne in mind that this combination treatment is submitted as a suggestion. The mixing of the tobacco extracts with Bordeaux and arsenate of Jead this season was done for the sole purpose of determining if this mixture would be injurious to the grape foliage and berries. As men- tioned above, no injurious effect to the vine was observed. Arsenate of lead is the only arsenical that should be used with tobacco extracts, since both arsenite of lime and Paris green cause serious pare of the foliage when mixed with the tobacco extracts. EFFECT OF GRAPE LEAFHOPPER CONTROL ON QUALITY OF FRUIT As mentioned in foregoing paragraphs dealing with results secured in these spraying experiments with tobacco extracts, it was observed that in every case where the nymphs were successfully controlled the berries of the grape clusters from these vines were much larger, a darker purple in color, and much sweeter than the fruit from un- sprayed vines in the same vineyard. In order to ascertain if there was any marked difference in the sugar content of the grapes from vines growing in the sprayed and unsprayed plats samples represent- ing the average condition of the fruit from sprayed and unsprayed vines from experimental plats in the vineyards of Mr. J. E. Beatty and Mr. W. E. Gray, North East, Pa., were submitted for analysis. These samples of grapes taken for analysis were forwarded to Prof. Wm. B. Alwood, in charge of Enological Investigations at the labora- tory of the Bureau of Chemistry located at Sandusky, Ohio. The samples were there analyzed in connection with the extended studies that Prof. Alwood is making of the chemistry of many varieties of grapes grown in the eastern United States in relation to wine production. The report received from Prof. Alwood on these samples of grapes from these sprayed and unsprayed experimental plats is given in Table I. r SPRAYING AGAINST GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. ‘roddoyyseoy odeiz ysurese pokeids jou soutA ‘o[dures 100d ‘{[eVuls Solieq pus seyoung ‘roddoyjeoy odes ysurese poXvads sourA “od td Ayn SMOMTpUO poos ‘o8.1v] Soltog, pus sopouNng, ‘rod doyjeo edeis ysurese poXeids Jou sourA ‘odta AT[Ny ‘Aqryenb 100d ‘soti1oq UsAOUN [{VUs “Tey SopOuN, “raddoy -Jeo] odevi3 ysurese poXkeads sourA ‘oda ATiny ‘COT IpUOD Poos UI pu o31v] Sodeis “soyouNC oUI ‘roddoyjeo| odvis ysurese pokeids jou sourA “100d Uorjrpuod ‘10]00 YSIppol ‘polap JVYMOEUIOS Sold1oq “|[VUs SopoUNg ‘joddoyjeo] odei3 ysurede poAvads sour A ‘odiz Ay[ny Suorjipuood poos ‘soyounq UWintpey ‘LON ORI} xO ook qo} ‘yueutyves, Avids pue JinJj JO UoT}IpuoD POP - 69° “goqeryIie4 SB ploe OMIVIAB TL, 9E¢~ OSH ° OGL" 062° 8&6" 062 “0 “OLIVIIEY se proe R10, L611 98 °T VE 81 TAT 69 GL Ih % STAT 00°€ 198 166 SLOT 99 °G “suIONpal | “SPI[OS seaiesns | oof [eo | -aesng 2.0 OOT tod suey eg-el | recor | T°eI G0°0z | c220°T | FSI 6b | o2c0'1 | SFI 102 | 2220°r | 2°81 zo'tt | oppor | O'TT pest | 9es0'1 | 2°21 “spt[os THOU | -Kqraer8 | “9 202 oyloods | 48 xg Fe TEP OREO) RES COZ eee SS ese See wads Opies (92 II6L ‘TL “290 | 982% “Vd ‘JSP YON ‘AVIH “HM | 19ZE8 TO Ciat 0 fe eg od Seatis| eae a ane mre AE yarns 9ST TI6L ‘1% “3099 | GT “eg “seq WON ‘Ayeog “a f | SST eee tee O Dreher = VOW SE Phe rae ake ete (OER Ne vSTé “Vd 4stu TI6T ‘0% “3009 | &at YON ‘ABID “OM ‘ploouory | ESTE *10q 0 *poqoo[oo oyeq]| -unu “AYTTVOOT ‘AoMOIs ‘AVOCA. Ri x PIM Wee ‘poomppy “Gq Wy ford fo woroadip Japun hiagsvuayy fo nooing sang pau fo hsojo.sogn) yo opp sishjouy sad doy foo) adv.ib fo sydwuhu ysumbo J “ON yovajxa Oo9MqGQO) YRUN syUaUlisod aa we “og asom yon ‘hyvog a pf 4 pun hou a MW fo spanfiouna ur souradnsb potvudsun pun pafivads wodf sadnub fo sishwoup—] A1av[, 12 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES, In comparing the sugar content of the samples from the sprayed and the unsprayed plats it will be observed that the sample from the unsprayed plat under serial No. 3154 showed a sugar content of only 8.61 grams per 100 c. c. as against 16.18 grams per 100 c. c. for sample 3153 from the sprayed plat. In other words, the sample of grapes taken from the plat where the injury to the foliage of the vines by the grape leafhopper was unchecked, by withholding the tobacco- extract spray against the nymphs, contained only about one-half the sugar content that was present in the sample taken from the vines which were sprayed with the tobacco against this insect in the nymphal stage. Samples under serial No. 3156 from the unsprayed plat show a sugar content of 4.66 grams per 100 c. c. less than sample No. 3155, taken from the sprayed plat, and sample No. 3260 from unsprayed plat shows a sugar content of 6.37 grams per 100 ec. c. less than sample 3261, taken from sprayed vines in the same vineyard. In answer to an inquiry as to the approximate difference in value of the fruit from these sprayed and unsprayed plats for use in making wine or grape juice Prof. Alwood gives the following reply: In response to your question I may say that the sugar content of the three untreated plats is so low that they would have no value whatever for making pure wine or unfer- mented grape juice and could only be used for some low grade sophisticated products. Thus the analysis of these samples of fruit indicates that serious injury to the foliage of the grapevine by the grape leafhopper greatly impairs the quality of the fruit. A definite knowledge of this fact furnishes an additional reason why the vineyardist should resort to every practical means at his disposal for the control of this insect whenever it is at all numerous in his vineyard. CONCLUSION. The field experiments made during the season of 1911 against the erape leafhopper and recorded in this paper show that a single applica- tion of the tobacco extracts applied against this insect in the nymphal stage as a ccntact spray will reduce its numbers to such an extent that the infested vines will remain in good foliage throughout the season and mature a crop of high-quality fruit. As indicated by the variation in the time and rapidity in develop- ment of the nymphs in 1910 and 1911, it is evident that no definite date for making the spray application can be given. Where the winged adults are at all numerous in the early part of the season the vineyardist is urged to examine the underside of the grape leaves toward the middle and the end of June and to observe the number and size of the nymphs. The spray application to be most effective should be made at about the time the first nymphs to hatch are near the last molt. This is indicated by the length of the wing pads. SPRAYING AGAINST GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. 13 (See fig. 3.) At this time the underside of badly infested leaves will be covered by the nymphs in all stages of development. Generally speaking, this condition is likely to occur in the Lake Erie Valley from July 1 to 15. Allof the field experiments conducted in 1910 and 1911 were made between these dates and in every instance very satisfactory results were secured. Since the nymphs continue to hatch over a long period, if the spray application is made while the first nymphs to hatch are quite small large numbers are likely to hatch after the spray application has been made, thus necessitating a second applica- tion a few weeks later. On the other hand, if the application is with- held until many of the nymphs have developed wings it is doubtful if large vineyard areas can be treated before a large percentage of the nymphs have reached the winged stage. For it must be under- stood that the tobacco extracts at the dilutions recommended are effective only against the wingless nymphs infesting the underside of the grape folhage. Where it is necessary to treat large areas for this pest, observation would indicate that spray applications should commence during the first week in July. Observations on the abundance and the extent of injury wrought by this insect pest of the grapevine in the vineyard areas of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio bordering on Lake Erie, and also in the vine- yard areas of Michigan, indicate that its depredations have increased during the past few years. Progressive vineyardists are commencing to realize that the accumulated injury to the vines by this pest is responsible for curtailment in crop yield and inferiority in quality of fruit wherever it is present on grapevines in large numbers and that steps must be taken to accomplish its control. It is for this reason that the experiments presented in this paper were undertaken, and it is hoped that the results obtained are of sufficient commercial value to encourage grape growers having vineyard areas infested by the grape leafhopper to adopt this method of control. [ee Oa COPIES ofthis publication may be procured from the SUPERINTEND- ENT OF DOCUMENTS, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. ,at 5 cents per copy U.S. D. A., B. E. Bul. 116, Part I. D. F. I. I., Issued December 18, 1912. PAPERS ON DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. (Polychrosis viteana Clem.) By Frep JoHNnson and A. G. Hammar, Entomological Assistants. INTRODUCTION. The grape-berry moth, Polychrosis viteana Clem. (PI. IV), is an insect enemy of the grape of long standing in the vineyards of the Lake Erie Valley. Since the first reports of its serious injury to the grape crop near Hudson, Ohio, in 1868, it has been an almost continual menace to grape production in vineyards located along the shores of Lake Erie from Sandusky in Ohio eastward into Pennsylvania and New York. Most of the data dealing with this insect cover a series of life-history records and field experiments con- ducted during the seasons from 1907 to 1909, inclusive, in connec- tion with the investigations of the grape rootworm and other insect pests of the grapevine which have been carried on at North East, Pa., by the section of the Bureau of Entomology engaged in decid- ciduous fruit insect investigations under the direction of Mr. A. L. Quaintance. Before entering into a discussion of the detailed life-history studies and remedial measures, a brief résumé of an historical nature is given, showing the attention this insect has received from earlier entomolo- gists. In treating of its origin and distribution it is pointed out that for many years it was confused with the European grape-berry moth, Eudemis botrana Schiff., an insect which is very destructive to the berries of grapes in the vineyards of southern Kurope and to which it is closely related and bears a very close resemblance, both in appear- ance and in the manner in which it attacks the grape. Earlier entomologists credited the grape-berry moth with having a number of food plants, but the studies of the late Prof. M. V. Slinger- land in 1903 and 1904 indicate that several other species of Polychrosis have been confused with P. viteana, and that the latter feeds and repro- duces only in the berries of grapes, wild and cultivated. His conclu- sions are borne out by the observations made during this investiga- tion, for in no case has this insect been reared from anything but eee clusters and berries of the grape. 15 | | — nti 4g 16 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. ie i i i | Those regions where serious outbreaks of this pest have occurred have been recorded and the habits of the insect and the character of injury are described in detail. Since the character of injury to the grape berry by the grape curculio (Craponius inxqualis Say) coincides quite closely with that of the grape-berry moth, the work of this insect is deseribed in order that the injury done by these two insects ) may not be confused. | A description is given of the stages of the insect, those of the larval | and adult forms being quoted from the paper on ‘“‘Some new species of Polychrosis,’’ by Mr. W. D. Kearfott.1 In connection with the rearmg experiments it has been found that a large number of hymenopterous parasites prey upon this insect in its larval and pupal stages, and during this investigation 12 additional | parasites have been added to the list recorded by Prof. Slingerland in 1904. | During tne seasons of 1907 and 1908 the investigation of the grape root-worm occupied the greater part of the time of the force engaged in the study of grape pests. For this reason the life-history studies covering those seasons were rather fragmentary. During the season of 1909, however, the junior author devoted the greater share of his time to a detailed study of the life history of this pest. From the records secured by him in this relation the data covering the various stages of a large number of individuals, presented under the topic of | seasonal history for 1909, have been compiled. _ These life-history studies indicate that there is only one full brood of larvee and a partial second brood each season in this region, whereas it was previously supposed that there were two full broods and a par- tial third brood of larvee. These records also show the relation of the emergence of the spring brood of moths to the time of blooming of the grape, and the approximate percentage of first-brood larve which appear before and after the blooming period, thus indicating the pos- sible relative value of poison-spray applications made against the larve before and after the blossoming period. Field experiments with poison sprays covering several acres of badly infested vineyard were conducted for the three consecutive seasons of 1907, 1908, and 1909, in the vineyard of Mr. W.S. Wheeler, at North East, Pa. These experiments indicate that on account of the extreme variability of infestation of vineyard areas by this pest it is very difficult to lay out an arrangement of plats which will show the relative value of poison-spray applications of varying strength and time of application. Yet there is no doubt that poison-spray applications, made with thoroughness and with due regard to the manner of application, at the time that the larve of the first brood 1 Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. 30, pp. 292-293, 1904. Bul. 116, Part Il, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE IV. THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH (POLYCHROSIS VITEANA). Fias. 1, 2.—ADULT OR MoTH. Fic. 3.—FULL-GROWN LARVA. GREATLY ENLARGED. (ORIGINAL.) Fig. 4.—PUP4Z. ALL THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 17 are hatching in large numbers, will result in a considerable reduction in the injury wrought to the grape berries by this pest. Recommendations offered for the control of this sect in regard to the time and manner of making spray applications are based upon the data obtaimed in the study of the life history and habits of the grape-berry moth during this investigation, correlated with the field experiments and observations covering that period. Since these life- history studies have shown considerable deviations from those previ- ously recorded in regard to the time of appearance of certain stages of the insect and in the number of broods each season, it has been necessary to revise our ideas somewhat as to the relative importance of the spray applications formerly recommended; and since suitable opportunities have not presented themselves for a thorough trial of this revised spray schedule, some of the recommendations along this line are offered rather in the form of suggestions than as definitely demonstrated and proved methods. HISTORY. The American species, Polychrosis viteana, was first described by Clemens in 1860, in the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. In addition to a description of the adult moth Clemens makes some statements as to the habits and food plants of the larva. (See discussion under Food Plants, p. 20.) In 1869 Packard, in his ‘Guide to the Study of Insects,” has de- scribed this insect under the name of Penthina vitivorana. In a foot- note, however, he states, “It is the Lobesia botrana of southern Europe according to Prof. Zeller.” About this date Dr. C. V. Riley sent some specimens of the Ameri- can-reared species to Mr. P. C. Zeller, of Stettin, Prussia, who iden- tified them as the European species Lobesia botrana and Packard’s footnote quoted above is doubtless the result of Zeller’s identifica- tion of the American specimens sent to Europe by Dr. Riley. From 1870 until 1903 American entomologists accepted the state- ment of Zeller that the grape-berry moth found in this country was of European origin. In 1903, however, the study of this insect was taken up by Prof. M. V. Slingerland in the vineyards of Chautauqua County, N. Y. Owing chiefly to some variation in the habits of hibernation of the American species from that of the European speciles—namely, that it makes its overwintering cocoons on fallen leaves, whereas cocoons of the European species are found upon the trellis posts and the trunks of the vines—and since in addition to this the American grape-berry moth is quite common in the fruit of wild grapevines growing .at considerable distances from cultivated erapevines, Prof. Slingerland was led to surmise that the American erape-berry moth is a native American species. 60141°—Bull. 116, pt 2-122 Sn A Sh 18 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. In addition to accepting the conclusion of Dr. Riley and Mr. Zeller that the American grape-berry moth is an introduced species, Ameri- can entomologists previous to Prof. Slingerland’s investigations were under the impression that this insect fed and reproduced on sev- eral plants other than the grapevine. During his investigation of this insect Prof. Slingerland reared adult moths from many of the plants upon which the grape-berry moth was supposed to feed and in no case was this insect reared from any other plants than from the fruit and blossom clusters of the wild and the cultivated grapevines. Authentic specimens of the European species were secured by him, and these, together with moths reared from other plants and sup- posed to be the grape- berry moth, were turned over to Mr. W. D. eae for comparison with a eee number of American grape- berry moths reared from the fruit of both wild and cultivated grapes. These comparisons and rearing records made by Mr. Kearfott and Prof. Slingerland have resulted in the former separating the Poly- chrosis viteana of Clemens from the European species and consid- ering 1 a distinctly native American species feeding and reproduc- ing solely upon the blossom clusters and the fruit of wild and culti- vated grapevines. Closely related forms of Polychrosis reared from plants other than the grape have been divided by Kearfott into several new species. ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION. In regard to the origin of the grape-berry moth, as mentioned under the topic dealing with the history of this insect, American entomologists previous to the investigations of Prof. M. V. Slinger- land considered it to have been introduced from Europe. On page 56 of Bulletin No. 223 of the Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station issued during 1904, Slingerland gives several paragraphs under the heading ‘‘Comparative notes on the American and European grape- berry moths” which present his views and conclusions on this subject. These are as follows: COMPARATIVE NOTES ON THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN GRAPE-BERRY MOTHS. In 1860, Clemens (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 369) named some moths Endo- piza? viteana which he reared from caterpillars feeding on grape-berries, wild raspberry fruits, and leaves of sassafras. About eight years later, the grape-feeder attained the rank of a serious pest in vineyards, and two other names were suggested for it. Rath- von (Prac. Farmer, Nov. and Dec., 1868, p. 170 and 48) called it the grape codling- moth (Carpocapsa vitisella) and Packard gave it the name of Penthina vitivorana (Guide the Study of Insects, p. 336). In 1870, however, Riley sent specimens to Zeller in Prussia, and he said they were identical with the European grape-berry moth (Hudemis botrana Schiff.), thus relegating the American names into the syn- onymy where they have since remained undisturbed: As soon as we found that the insect infesting New York grape-berries was not following the scheduled life-history of the European pest, doubts at once arose regarding the identity of the American - THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 19 and European grape-berry moths in spite of Zeller’s dictum which had stood unques- tioned for over thirty years. Several authentic specimens of the European moths were obtained and have been critically compared by an expert, Mr. W. D. Kearfott, with dozens of the moths reared from American grapes, both wild and cultivated, and also with the type specimens of Clemens’s viteana and some of Riley’s material. Briefly stated, the conclusion is that the American grape-berry moth is Clemens’s viteana which is distinct and easily separable from the European insect. This con- clusion, based on a comparison of the moths alone, is strongly supported by our ob- servations on the difference in the life-history of the two insects, and the fact that the American insect freély infests both our wild and cultivated grapes. The general coloration of the moth of the European insect * * * isanashy gray with pale grayish hind wings, while the American moths range a trifle smaller, and are of a general purplish-brown color with smoky-brown hind wings. And the large outer marginal patch near the fringe of the front wings affords a sure and easy distin- guishing mark between the two insects. In the European botrana, the outer edge of this pale olive-green patch is rounded and not indented below, while in the American viteana this dark-brown patch is indented above the anal angle by a spur of the lighter ground color of the wing. This characteristic difference is well shown in Fig. 24. There is considerable variation in the indentation of this patch in viteana but it is always present; we have a few specimens where the indentation extends through the patch, thus making it smaller and separating off a narrow strip of it on the edge of the wing, but this usually occurs on one wing only, the other being nearly normally indented. Superficially the two insects are marked much alike, but are easily dis- tinguished by the characteristic differences in general coloration and the outer mar- ginal patch. Both species are somewhat variable in size and markings, as shown in Figs. 20 and 24. An excellent, detailed, 75-page account by G. Del Guercio of the European grape- berry moth was published in 1889 (Nouve Relazioni R. Stazione di Entomologia Agraria di Firenze, Serie Prima, No. I, p. 117-193). Ina careful comparison of speci- mens of the early stages of our American species with Guercio’s descriptions, we found — but few minor differences. The bulletin from which this quotation was made also contains descriptions, on pages 57 to 59, of several new species of Polychrosis, by Mr. W. D. Kearfott, under the title “‘ Descriptive notes of some new species of American moths that have been confused with the grape- berry moth.” The verdict of Prof. Slingerland that wteana is a native American species is now quite generally accepted and has been followed in the preparation of this paper. According to existing authentic records of its occurrence in North America its distribution is confined to those eastern and west-central States of the United States and to those eastern provinces of Canada in which the growth of wild and improvéd varieties of American species of grapes is of considerable extent (see fig. 4). For, so far as is known at the present time, this insect confines its depredations entirely to the fruit of native and improved varieties of American species of grapes. It is not known to occur in the vineyards of the “Pacific slope and of adjoining States where the grapevines grown are almost entirely of the European or vinifera type. The States from which the grape-berry moth has been recorded are given in about the order of destructive occurrence of the insect 20 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND’ INSECTICIDES. as follows: Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Michi- gan, Missouri, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Iowa, Delaware, and Arkansas. It is also reported as occurring in a num- ber of other States in which the production of grapes is very limited, namely, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Kentucky, Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. In Canada it is reported from the vicinity of London, Ontario." FOOD PLANTS. | | When Clemens described the American grape-berry moth in 1860 | he recorded it as having several food plants and made the following statements concerning the habits of the larva: The larva feeds on the fruit of the grape in September; a silken gallery is attached to the external opening of the fruit. Its head is dark brownish; shield blackish; body ! i i ‘ ! i “P<. 4 Seah : ' : \ em--\ MISS.1 ALA. \ = ' @B Fic. 4.—Map showing distribution of the grape-berry moth (Polychrosis viteana). (Original.) immaculate dark green. It may likewise be taken on the fruit of wild raspberry. The individual feeding on the grape undergoes transformation by weaving a cocoon on the surface of the ground and that from the raspberry under an excised and turned down portion of leaf. This, however, may not be its normal habit. Clemens also records it as feeding on leaves of sassafras. Since that time a number of other entomologists have added several food plants to this list. Packard, in 1868, stated that the first brood feeds on the leaves and tendrils of the grape. Slingerland gives the following list of food plants added by ento- mologists during the next thirty years: B.ackberry blossoms (Riley, 1870), roses and Vernonia or ironweed (Murtfeldt, 1880 and 1882), tulip-tree leaves and swollen stems of Amorpha (Fernald, 1882), flower-buds 1 SAUNDERS, WM.—Can. Ent., vol. 14, pp. 178-180, 1882. THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 21 of common thistle (Coquillett, 1883), berries of wild grapes (Bruner, 1895), grape tendrils and blossoms, seed bunches of sumac, leaves of magnolia, phylloxera lice and their galls (Marlatt, 1896), and moths bred from flower heads of thoroughwort or boneset and Ambrosia trifida have been classed with the grape-berry moth in collections. In all of the rearings of allied moths made by Kearfott and Slinger- land, viteana was not obtained from any plants other than the grape. This is also true of the rearings made at North East, Pa., during the investigations of grape insect pests which have been conducted there from 1907 to 1911 by the Bureau of Entomology. It is therefore reasonably safe to state that this insect confined its feeding and reproduction to the blossom clusters and berries oi the wild and the cultivated grape. Mr. Kearfott prefaces his paper’ with the following statement: The following notes are from breeding records extending over the past four years, which have convinced me that each of the species described, as well as a number of others waiting for better material, completes its entire yearly cycle of two or three broods on a single food-plant and also with little doubt each food-plant supports a separate and distinct species. This does not seem unreasonable, for in Europe there are twenty described species of the genus Polychrosis. OCCURRENCE OF THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH IN DESTRUCTIVE NUMBERS. The earliest record of serious injury by the grape-berry moth in America is from Mr. M. C. Read, of Hudson, Ohio, in 1869. Hestates that during that season and for several seasons preceding this date this insect had been very injurious to grapes in vineyards in the vicin- ity of Hudson, Ohio.? Walsh in 1869 states that several persons reported to him observa- tions of its occurrence in injurious numbers in different parts of Mis- souri and southern Illinois. Riley makes the statement that in 1868 it was common in vineyards in Missouri along the Pacific & Iron Mountain Railroad, and that it was equally common around Alton, Ill. He was also informed that it had ruined 50 per cent of the erapes around Cleveland, Ohio, during the same season. In 1870 Townend Glover reported it as occurring in large numbers on the fruit of grapevines in Maryland. In 1882 Saunders reported a serious outbreak of the pest in Canada, in vineyards in the vicinity of London, Ontario. In 1885 Dr. F. M. Goding reported it as being very injurious in vineyards near Ancona, Ill. Prof. F. M. Webster reported it as destroying 50 per cent of the grape crop in the vicinity of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1893. In this same year Prof. H. Osborn reported it as being injurious in vineyards near Des Moines, Iowa. In 1898 Prof. Webster again reported it as being very destructive in the vicinity of Cleveland and Gypsum, Ohio. In 1903 and again in 1905 Mr. A. F. Burgess found it very injurious in vineyards in the 1 Bul. 223, Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., pp. 57-59. 2 Riley, Missouri Report, 1869. 22 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. vicinity of Euclid, Ohio. He also reported it as beng very injurious in vineyards on Kelleys Island, Ohio, in 1905. In 1906 it was reported by H. A. Gossard and J. S. Houser as again being very injurious in Ohio on Kelleys Island, South and Middle Bass Islands, and also in vineyards along Lake Erie east and west of Cleveland. Prof. Slingerland (loc. cit.) reported that a correspondent informed him that the crop was entirely ruined by this insect in some vineyards at North East, Pa., in 1896. The same author makes the following statement in regard to serious infestations in the State of New York: There are doubtless more or less ‘“‘wormy” grapes each year in practically every vineyard in New York State, so that the grape-berry moth is a constant menace. But it seems seldom to have been injurious since 1873, when it was first reported as increasing in numbers in the Hudson Valley. In 1898 it was a serious pest in the vine- yard of a correspondent at Kendall, N. Y., and in 1902 reports reached us of its rav- ages all through the Chautauqua grapebelt. From portions of some vineyards near Brocton [N. Y.], a loss of from 25 to 50 per cent was reported, and in one case 90 per cent of the fruit was ruined. During the investigations of grape insects at North East, Pa., by the Bureau of Entomology, the grape-berry moth was found to be very injurious over limited vineyard areas in this township in 1906, 1907, and 1908. In 1909 and 1910 the injury was not so great. In 1911, however, the infestation was noted to be quite heavy in two or three vineyards. Serious injury was also noted in vineyards in Ohio along the lake shore east and west of Cleveland, and also near Sandusky. It is evident from these records that this is a serious enemy of the grape, of long standing and wide distribution throughout the vine- yard areas of the eastern United States. In the aggregate the crop loss due to its depredations must be very great, but owing to the irregularity with which the infestation occurs over vineyard areas it is exceedingly difficult to estimate the amount. For this reason the insect has not been subject to the persistent and painstaking efforts for its control on the part of the vineyardist that so destructive an insect pest seems to warrant. HABITS OF THE ADULT OR MOTH. The adult grape-berry moth is rarely seen in the vineyard, even in locations where it is quite abundant. It is a small slaty-brown moth with peculiar shaded brown markings on the forewings which render it quite inconspicuous upon the canes of the grapevine. When atrest with the wings folded it is about one-fourth of an inch long (see PI. IV, fig. 2) and measures less than one-half inch across the outspread wings (see PI. IV, fig. 1). In captivity in the rearing cages the moths were inactive during the day, remaining stationary upon the canes of the vine beneath the denser foliage or upon the woodwork of the THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. aes cage. Their position could be located only after an extended and careful search, so closely did their coloration harmonize with the background upon which they were at rest. Toward evening they became active, flying about the rearing cage and among the foliage of the vine, and at this time of day oviposition on the blossom clusters and berries doubtless occurs. At no time, however, were the females observed in the act of ovipositing. Practically all of the egg deposi- tion on grape berries in the rearing cages occurred at night; hence there is no doubt that the moth is largely nocturnal in its activities. It has been observed quite frequently, however, that in the vine- yards egg deposition is much heavier upon the grape clusters that are enveloped in dense foliage. This would indicate that conditions of subdued light are more favorable to oviposition than are exposed positions. HABITS AND CHARACTER OF INJURY OF THE LARVA. It is in the larval or caterpillar stage that this insect is injurious to the grape, and, as the popular name of the insect indicates, the berry or fruit is the part of the plant which it attacks. In 1868 Packard recorded the larva as feeding on the leaves, but the next year he corrected this error, and later observations by entomologists have failed to confirm this habit. The first larve to hatch are from eggs which are laid by the earliest emerging moths in spring and are doubtless deposited on the unexpanded blossom buds or on the stems of the blossom clusters. These larvee attack the blossoms and the tiny berries. In the course of its movements, which must cover the entire blossom cluster, the larva spins a silken web. This web binds to each other and to the stem the dried corollas, stamens, and partly devoured berries, forming a conspicuous mass (see fig. 5). Usually, however, these webs formed during the blossoming period of the grape are not very numerous except in those portions of vineyards where the infestation is very heavy.. In addition to attacking the blos- soms and small berries of the young grape clusters the larva some- times burrows into the stem, destroying a part of the cluster (see Pl. V, fig. 1). As the berries increase in size the small, scale-like, semitransparent eggs are readily found upon them. The portion of the berry at which the larva enters takes on a conspicuous purple color, and not infrequently the infested berries crack open as illus- trated in Plate V, figure 2. In addition to destroying the berry first attacked, the larva connects it to an adjacent berry by silken strands, forming a tunnel between the partly injured berry and the sound one. This forms an avenue of escape for the larva when the berry first attacked is so badly injured that it breaks away from the stem (see Pl. V, fig. 2). When the larve of the first brood have Sf al alll i TG i Se eS CEE ES A IR ts ne 0 2 ey |_—_ R Bir————_—-* 24 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. attained full growth they leave the web or the partly grown fruit and travel to the leaves, upon which they form pupal cases. The Fig. 5.—Injury to grape cluster by larva of grape-berry moth during and just after the blooming period. (Original.) larva makes the pupal case by cutting away a portion of the leaf and drawing the free edge down to the surface of the leaf with strands Fic. 6.—Pupal cases made on grape lear by full-grown larve ofthe first brood of the grape-berry moth. (Original.) of silk (see fig. 6). The inside of the case is lined with the same silken material. In this case the larva transforms to the pupa (see Bul. 116, Part Il, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE V. FiG. 1.—SHOWING DESTRUCTION OF PORTION OF GRAPE CLUSTER, AS A RESULT OF n| BORING OF LARVA INTO STEM; NoTeE ALSO DRAWING TOGETHER OF BERRIES BY THE WEBB. (ORIGINAL.) Fia. 2.—SHOWING CRACKING OF INFESTED BERRIES AND ALSO THE Way IN WHICH BERRIES FIRST ATTACKED ARE SECURED BY WEB TO BERRIES WHICH ARE ATTACKED LATER IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LARVA. (ORIGINAL.) INJURY TO {GRAPES BY EARVZ= OF JEIRST BROOD OF GRAPE- BERRY MOTH. PLATE VI. Bul. 116, Part Il, Bureau of Entomology, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. “HLOW Addad-sAdVY¥YS 4O GOOYd GNOOAS 4O WAYVI AG SAdVYD OL AYNENI CTVNIDIYO) “LINY4 4O ONILSIAUWH OL SNOIAZYd LSNL WAYV7] AD SANNA OL AYNPNI— G co) | (IVNIDINO) “GSAOWSY N33gG S3AVH Salyyusag G3LSS4N] HOIHM WOYS SAdVYH GYOONOD 4O SYSaLSNIQ ONIMOHS—" | “old THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 25 Pl. IV, fig. 4), and the latter emerges as an adult moth (PI. IV, fig. 1). These moths of the first brood deposit their eggs on the now nearly full-grown berries (see fig. 7). These second-brood eggs are usually more numerous than those of the first brood, if the infestation is at all serious. They are deposited upon the surface of the fruit and are quite conspicuous as white scale-like spots (see fig. 7). When the infestation is very heavy nearly all of the berries Fic. 7.—Cluster of Concord grapes on which many second-brood eggs of the grape-berry moth are present. The white spots indi- cate the appearance and position of the eggs. Eggs with black centers were parasitized. (Original.) in the cluster may be attacked and the fruit rendered worthless. The larva feeds upon the pulp of the fruit and sometimes attacks the seeds before these commence to harden. By the time the grape crop is ready to harvest it is not unusual to find large numbers of clusters injured to the extent shown in Plate VI, figure 1. In Plate VI, figure 2, full-grown larvez of the second brood are shown in the act of leaving the fruit for hibernation. 60141°—Bull. 116, pt 2—12——3 26 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. DESTRUCTIVENESS OF THE LARVA. As indicated under the caption dealing with the character of injury, a single larva of the first brood may destroy almost an entire cluster about the time the grapes are in bloom (see fig. 5). For some time after blooming a larva is capable of destroying several berries or even a large portion of the cluster by attacking the stem. When berries are attacked after they have attained the size of a pea, how- ever, rarely more than two or three are destroyed by a single larva. Yet this restriction in the number of berries injured by the indi- vidual larva is doubtless more than offset by the great increase in the number of larve of the second brood, which are not infrequently Fig. 8.—The grape curculio (Craponius inxqualis): a, Adult, or beetle, from above; 6b, head, antenna, and beak of same, from side; c, adult, from side; d, larva, from above; e, same, from below; f/f, pupa, from below. All much enlarged. (From Farmers’ Bulletin 284.) present in sufficient numbers to destroy nearly all of the berries in the cluster, as is shown in Plate VI, figure 1. From these clusters all the infested berries had been removed previous to taking the photograph. OTHER INSECTS WHOSE INJURY TO GRAPE BERRIES RESEMBLES THAT CAUSED BY THE LARVA OF THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. The only other insect attacking the berries of the grape whose injury to the fruit closely resembles that of the grape-berry moth is the grape curculio, Craponius inequalis Say. This insect, however __ (see fig. 8, a), is one of the snout-beetles or curculios. Its injury to _ the grape berry is similar to that of the plum curculio upon the plum and other tree fruits. The grape curculio punctures the skin of the THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 24 green grape and eats out a small cavity beneath the skin in which to deposit its egg. This injury causes a purple spot on the surface of the berry similar to that which occurs at the point of entrance on the berry by the larva of the grape-berry moth. Where the two insects occur in the same vineyard their work is likely to be confused. The larva hatching from the egg of the grape curculio is a small, white, legless grub which tunnels to the center of the berry, feeds on the pulp, and frequently attacks the seed in much the same manner as does the larva of the grape-berry moth (see fig. 9, d). The larva of the grape-berry moth, however, is a caterpillar of a green or pur- plish color (see Pl. IV, fig. 3), having six well-developed legs and a longer and more slender body, is very active in its movements, and when dis- turbed by cutting open the berry which it infests is likely to wriggle from its tunnel and drop to the ground. The grape curculio is not a common pest in the vine- yards of New York State and in the vicinity of the Great Lakes. During the investigation of grape insects covering the past five years only two light infestations of this in- sect have been observed in the vineyards of the Lake Fig. 9.—Work of the grape curculio in berry of grape: a, Erie Valley. It is, however, Berry from which grub or larva has emerged, b, adult or é i weevil ovipositing on berry; c, enlarged section of portion a common vineyard pest in of berry, showing egg cavity and egg; d, injured berry cut West Virginia and in many of open, showing larva at mas a,b, d, Enlarged; c, highly SG past is z magnified. (From Farmers’ Bulletin 284.) the States of the Mississippi Valley and the Middle West. Since the beetles feed on the foliage of the grapevine it is readily controlled by spraying with arsenate of lead, the applications being made at the same date as recom- mended against the larve of the grape-berry moth and the grape rootworm. ; An account of the life history and habits of the grape curculio, including methods for its control, are given in Farmers’ Bulletin 284 on “Insect and Fungous Enemies of the Grape East of the Rocky Mountains,” by Messrs. A. L. Quaintance and C. L. Shear. There is also a minute chalcis fly) Hvorysoma vitis Saunders, which caused some alarm among vineyardists in Canada when it was discovered in the vicinity of London, Ontario, by Saunders in 1Can. Farmer, October 15, 1868, p. 316. 28 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. 3 1868, infesting seeds of several varieties of cultivated grapes, namely, Clinton, Delaware, Rogers No. 4, and an unnamed seedling variety. Since that time, however, this insect has failed to materialize as a serious enemy to cultivated varieties of grapes. The adult is a minute hymenopterous fly. The female insect deposits its eggs by means of its long ovipositor through the pulp of the grape berry into the seed. The larva hatching from this egg is a minute grub, which feeds upon the pulp within the seed, in which it reaches full development. Grape berries infested by this pest shrivel and drop before the ripen- ing period. This shriveled condition of the berries infested by this grape-seed chalcis is the only evidence of its injury that is likely to be confused with that of the larva of the grape-berry moth. DESCRIPTION. THE EGG. The eggs of the grape-berry moth are oval, scale-like, semitrans- parent bodies about 1.75 mm. by 1.25 mm. in diameter. They are solidly glued to the surface of the berry and although quite flat they are somewhat more rounded and smaller than those of the codling moth, which they greatly resemble. Before the larve hatch from them the eggs are not very conspicuous, especially upon the green berries, simce on account of their transparency they become lost ia the ground color of the berry. The eggshell is finely reticulate. The development of the larva can be readily observed through the transparent shell. After the larva hatches the eggshell remains upon the surface of the berry and can be more readily seen than the egg itself and appears as a whitish spot possessing a pearly iridescence. Upon the purple background of the ripening fruit the eggs are much more conspicuous than upon the green berries, as shown in figure 7. The eggs with dark centers have been parasitized by the egg parasite Trichogramma pretiosa Riley. THE LARVA.! Larva:—9 tol0 mm. Cylindrical, rather robust, tapering from [segment] 4 to head and [segment] 8 to anal segment. Pale olivaceous-green, with a reddish or purplish tinge from food. Head flattened, slightly bilobed, luteous green on upper parts of lobes, discolored by brown in front; mouth parts and a horizontal dash on side of each lobe below middle black. Pro-thoracic shield large but narrow, luteous brown, bisected by palegreendorsalline. Thoracicfeet black, green between joints. Tuber- cles plates moderate, a slight shade darker than skin, shining. Anal plate not chitin- ous. 1 Description by W. D. Kearfott, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. 30, p. 293, 1904, THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 29 THE PUPA. The pup2 are 5 mm. (three-sixteenths inch) in length, light green- ish brown, with eyes and caudal border of abdominal segments and last two or three segments darker brown. There is a row of coarse short spines near the cephalic border, a row of finer ones along the caudal border of the dorsum of each abdominal segment, and eight bristles, with recurved tips for hooking into the silken cocoon, occur around the tip of the abdomen. On emergence of the adult from the cocoon the exuvie are drawn about halfway out of the cocoon. THE ADULT.! Endopiza viteana Clem., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 359, 1860. Carpocapsa vitisella, Rathvon, Prac. Farmer, p. 170, 1868. Penthina vitivorana Pack., Guide Study Ins., 336, 1869. Head, thorax, palpi light brown, specked with darker brown, lower and outer sides and tips of palpi and posterior thoracic tuft dark brown. Forewing:—Ground color, lilaceous-blue, middle fascia and large spots brown, over- laid with much black. Costal spots lighter brown. A dash of white about middle of outer third. Base to middle fascia lilaceous-blue, inner fascia almost obsolete, represented by a narrow band of black scales, each fringed with light brown, from dorsum but not reach- ing costa by a quarter, three small spots and two small ones between them of brown- black scales on costa before middle fascia. And in the same space on dorsum four black dots, the dorsal margin narrowly overlaid with light fuscous, brown and black scales, causing a mottled appearance. The middle fascia is evenly convex on its inner edge, and is of almost even width throughout, except at about middle of wing, the outer edge curves downward and out- ward at right angles to the band, and then turns abruptly upward to costa (in the curve thus formed rests the white oblique patch) from outer end of this branch the outer line of fascia continues inwardly oblique to costa, slightly indented, the lower half of fascia triangular. Color smoky-black on upper hali, a small patch of same at one- third above dorsum, otherwise smoky brown, lightest at dorsum. Before anal angle is a triangular brown spot. Above the angle an irregular rounded blotch of brown and black, indented at its lower outward corner by a spur of the ground color, its outline also broken by a spur of ground color on its outer upper edge. Apical spot flatly tri- angular. Ground color of costal margin between fascia and apex, whitish blue, four brown costal spots in this space, the inner a mere outwardly oblique line curving into outer lower end of second spot, latter and fourth are triangular-oblique, third spot rectangular. Below these spots and above the white patch are scattered a few brown scales. Cilia bluish grey, darker at apex and light fuscous at anal angle. Underside dark fuscous, whitish below fold, three geminated whitish spots on costa before apex, and a number of others on extreme edge of costa only, between these and base, cilia darker with narrow light subciliate line. Abdomen smoky black, with metallic reflection, anal tuft silvery-white above, yel- lowish beneath, tipped with dark fuscous; underside abdomen whitish; legs same inwardly and between joints, outwardly smoky-black. Hind wing:—Smoky fuscous, lighter towards base, darkest at apex, cilia paler; underside fuscous. : 1 Description by W. D. Kearfott, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. 30, pp. 292-293, 1904, 30 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. SEASONAL HISTORY. Observations on the life history of the grape-berry moth extend over the seasons of 1907, 1908, and 1909. During the latter year special efforts were made to obtain complete records on the develop- ment of the insect in its various stages. In many respects the seasonal conditions during 1907 and 1908 were unusual, the spring of 1907 being late and the entire season of 1908 unusually early. The season of 1909 was in most respects normal. LIFE-HISTORY STUDIES IN 1909. The emergence record of the spring brood of the grape-berry moth was secured from leaves upon which larve had made cocoons during the fall of 1908. These leaves were left out of doors in a cage all p= iaeesee* i see a LH : HTH HI [| ‘es auanaaeneeas My ace | |] ft eit side: ants co I i a = a HH HH HHH Buses ssassesedssecsstesseatese He BRGeu CaSe GeGes SUGSRSRGGS GOGeSERESESESESEEERE EEGRE BEE EEE eee ee ep : BEGHEGEE e : EEE HH eee nH neee BEE HH i i HEE Ui batiiessae”, df HEE ri Suan SSHEEES wy AG _ ie) EE S c 0) O € = Ze aaa ae uu Pepa anne Ree SgUGnnGRnenanaEr Panty BEECH p—---1— _- | 78. 1G87 AY ee ee SSS 2GRUs eases Poa BEE eH EH 4 ee ee Se ee Ee ee ' seen BES Pee ri rH en Li ti tity +4 PEE Perit ee Hg FA Ee an. ~ AEB SSSRE SSR ESSEE SERA CSRAAS CURSE SUSAR Basees SSEsees fF io 13 Ib 19 22 25 28 ut id 2225 26 ot eo June Poy Hitiizee iumoeeee eee LP —, i — Fic. 10.—Diagram showing time of emergence of spring-brood moths of the grape-berry moth in 1909, at North East, Pa. (Original.) winter so as to be subject, as nearly as possible, ‘to natural conditions. On May 17, 1909, 1,000 of these cocoons were separated from this mass of leaves and placed in jars in an outdoor rearing shelter (see Pl. VII, fig. 1) and the following emergence record was secured by a daily examination of the jars and the removal of all moths. SPRING BROOD OF MOTHS. Time of emergence of sprin g brood of moths—Table I gives the emer- gence of all the moths from these jars. The total number of moths to emerge was 507. The number of mcths that emerged from June 3 to June 14 was 28, or 5.5 per cent; from June 14 to July 14, 455, or 89.8 per cent; on July 14 to Joes 5, 24, or 4.7 per cent. The maximum emergence occurred June 21. (See fig. 10, showing time of emergence of the spring-brood moths.) THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. a) gon Z a \ 3 TasBLE I.—Time of emergence of moths of the grape-berry moth in the spring of 1909 at North East, Pa. Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- |} Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of gence. | moths. gence. | moths. gence. | moths. gence. | moths. gence. | moths. June 3 1 || June 18 18 || July 1 19 || July 14 3 || July 30 1 6 2 19 17 2 18 15 2 31 1 a 3 20 23 3 4 16 6 || Aug. 1 0 8 5 ile 32 4 antl 17 3 2 0 9 1 22 22 5 9 19 2 3 0 10 2 23 25 6 4 20 1 4 1 11 4 24 21 7 14 22 2 5 0 12 3 25 23 8 3 23 0 13 Uf 26 24 9 4 24 0 Total . 507 14 17 Dy 9 10 11 25 0 15 5 28 23 11 6 26 1 16 14 29 29 12 6 27 iL 17 26 30 6 13 12 28 0 Since the blossoming period of the grape in the Lake Erie Valley occurs usually from June 13 to June 20, this emergence record of the spring moths indicates that the maximum emergence takes place during and after the blossoming period. This record also indicates that the small percentage of webs containing larve found in the blossom clusters does not represent the full spring brood from spring- emerging moths, as has been supposed by some investigators, but merely represents the offspring of a very small percentage of the earliest appearing moths. Oviposition of spring-emerging moths in confinement.—The female grape-berry moth does not oviposit readily in confinement, which accounts for the somewhat meager oviposition records obtained. No eggs were observed in our rearing cages until the berries of the grape were formed and those found were always deposited upon the berries. TasBie IIl.—Oviposition of spring moths of the grape-berry moth in stock jars at North, East, Pa., 1909. Date of— Days— No. of | Number From stock jar. | of moths.| Emer- First Last Before | of ovi- emer- gence of Ovi- ovi- Ovi- osition. | S°@ce to moths. | position. | position. | position. eee itlastiowis position. | - 1 10 | June 17) July 11] July 5 14 5 18 2 30 | June 18 | June 24} July 2 6 9 14 3 15 | June 19 |...do-.. June 30 5 7 11 4 20 June 28 June 30 domes 10 1 10 une 21 5 46 Area a \Tune 25|July 5 4 u 14 = 30 12 | June 23 | June 27 | July 7 4 11 14 7 16 | June 24] July 1] July 1 G if 7 8 20 | June 25 | June 29] July 8 4 10 13 9 23 | June 26 | June 30 | July 12 4 13 16 10 29 | June 29! Juiy 7/| July 9 8 3 10 Average.....-. | See oll Sears ans | een ea tess ct 6.6 Coal 12.7 Migb-ahagehin aae hood esollane a6 oaee al naeeeeeece 14 13 18 I bravbastbhanoees|Oaee oon ses ace Bees elisa tem ce aoe 4 1 7 h ; ao DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. Table II gives a record of oviposition by spring-emerging moths secured during the season of 1909. This table gives the number of days between emergence of the moth and the first oviposition and also the number of days between emergence and the last oviposition. The minimum period before first oviposition was 4 days; the average 6.6 days; the maximum 13 days. The average period between the first and last ovipositions was 7.1 days. The longest period between emergence and the last oviposition was 18 days. Length of life of spring brood of moths —Records from our rearing cages show that many of the moths will live in confinement for a number of days, especially when food in the form of honey or sweet- ened water is supplied. Table III gives the length of life of 76 ‘moths, showing that the minimum life period was 4 days, the average 12.9 days, and the maximum 23 days. The average length of life of the moths recorded in this experiment very closely approximates that of the moths recorded in Table II, which was 12.7 days. Tasie III.—Length of life of moths of the spring brood of the grape-berry moth in con- finement, with food, at North East, Pa., vn 1909. Date— | Date— Number of Length | | Number of Length moths. of life. | moths. | of life. Emerged.; Dead. | Emerged.| Dead. | | Days. | | Days fe ae ns Sie June 19| July 3 DON ieee seer coms es June 23 | July 16 CE ee et £=4d0: 2 --| July. -6 Lesh | LO Sek ee Sees June 24 | July 8 Akon eGR Bitdos eet |Mtily 9117 19+||tet se Te do....| July 7 13 Depew as 5 te done =| ulyeS 1G), | elise ae ae eee ee do | July 9 15 1 eee ae ere oO saa dieihyn. © 2033) Lee ee eee ee do July 11 17 GEE Se ee June 20 | June 29 O Tass aee ee July 4] July 12 8 Dyas coe beets Pe eGOes {| uly ral Lite) | see ea eee te Ones ely dlily: 4! 10 SEs 3 ees: soa6 ess al Uibliyis 3! LSP Adee are ere dos ee lyialysels 11 7 eee a = d0s5--| July 9 dK Nes | es Lesireceebale ee es a do ....| July 16 12 Te ree ed June23 | July 8 asl | erect sac July 13 | July 17 4 | Peer ere rs Sate POO ae ubyaslO nW (gl eee rere ote GOs o | livee24 11 DE aS eo one 2= .dOsee | vuly;, £2, lie] Ee sae Soe SSO Se |) diihy W 13 Total number of moths 35 se ee ee ee ee ee 76 Length of life: IAVOTARG 22 Uo sss ece 23 SS SS a ee anes IRS 2 OR ee oie es ert nr pee ee days.. 12.9 I Kb. 10 bb 0d eee eerie it eee eed tN ae a Weta ELKO OSs ooe se ec do Minimum 2 2.25432 52 ein ns 2 se aaa ee See Seas SOS ee do 4 FIRST GENERATION. Incubation period of first-brood eggs.—Table IV gives a record of the length of the egg stage for 21 eggs of the first brood deposited on grape berries in the field rearmg cage. The minimum length of the egg stage for this number of eggs was 4 days, the average 6 days, and the maximum 8 days. } ! } | Bul. 116, Part Il, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VII. Fig. 1.—PORTION OF OUTDOOR SHELTER USED IN THE REARING OF INSECTS DURING 1909. (ORIGINAL.) Fig. 2.—CAGE BUILT OVER GRAPEVINE IN WHICH THE GENERATIONS OF THE GRAPE- BERRY MoTH WERE REARED DuRING 1909. (ORIGINAL.) OUTDOOR REARING SHELTER AND CAGE USED IN _ LIFE-HISTORY SEUDIES Ar NORGE EAST, PA. AER aa ESS EAS AT, IOLA BDO RACIAL AA, ia , 2 11 Ae | ee ce et a + OY EE rae i ARR RS ASSIA SO NRT AAT DE NAD DORE A TALE DOLL LAD OD AAT Sa es eres THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 33 TasBLe IV.—Length of incubation of first brood of eggs of the grape-berry moth at North East, Pa., in 1909. Date— Date— ) No. of obser- vast | No. of obser- peyse vation. : bation. vation. : bation. Laid. | Hatched. Laid. | Hatched. [pee ae Bey ele June 25 | June 29 AS WL 2 sere conn yena July 3] July 10 @ Pere Se 8 Sales June 26| July 1 Gy) | Puls ee ncertacersed ko Cosas |Pialyae te 8 Sasso sane June 27 | July 2 3) | Hesoppeososache Tullyee os | ea One =- 6 Ao ate Sa a June 28] July 4 Gil lbs d eee July 6] July 12| # 6 Bye ates ae a eS oe Goes eoulye 95 7A aL eh er alee Siullivaaaed dove 5 Geer eee ae June 29 |...do (ayel ACA eeeeye anes eo ® ete July 8| July 13 5 SS arta [es do.. July 6 CCS | RALNSS Se Bee ape ee July 9) |... doz. 4 Siete ae Sie June 30| July 7 Ch led een Se eres July 10] July 16 6 QE ee iain Oe July 1] July 8 Cbs PSS Ser see eee July 12} July 17 5 OER ahs eee July © July 9 (OWA a eee etal face do....| July 18 6 IIT UR CRM cf meer oe do. . July 10 8 Days of incubation: I NNORNAG > GA SOS SS GOES: GSI IR EI EES eT STORES a a 6 Miaaxc rh UTIs eee eee ee nc wk in gehen BR US ee Se et LS a ee 8 AVERT THT CL TAT Paes rere epleed aU soie be ege epaec eae Rete UTS ae SUBS A Shek EP ee 2 anda) eee ea ee 4 Length of feeding period of first-brood larve.—The records for the length of the feeding period of the first-brood larve are given in Table XI (p. 37), which shows a range from 19 to 33 days and an average of 23.2 days. The small number of observations made was due to the difficulty of securing the geposrion of a larger num- ber of eggs from the moths in captivity. Length of pupal stage of first brood.—Table V gives the time of leav- ing the fruit of 285 first-brood larvee and the date of emergence of the moths. The average time for making the cocoon was approximately 2 days. The minimum time covered from leaving of fruit to emer- gence of moths was 10 days, the average 15.2 days, and the maxi- mum 25 days. Therefore, deducting 2 days spent by the larva in making the cocoon the minimum pupal period was 8 days, the average 13.2 days, and the maximum 23 days. 60141°—Bull. 116, pt 2—12-—4 | 34 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. Taste V.—Time of cocooning and the length of the pupal stage of the first brood of the grape-berry moth at North East Pa., in 1909. Days— Days— Number of Tae Moths |————————|| Number of vary Moths ary frnit emerged. Inco- aera larvee. erat emerged. TEA ae coon. coon.| ~~? BR aenanac July 29 | Aug. 10 1@ SGil|Pporcee aces Aug. 6 | Aug. 24 18 54 Tees. Stee o...-| Aug. 14 16 WD) 2 eee See Aug. 7 | Aug. 20 13 26 DM Sie she do...-.| Aug. 13 15 SOF || ale ase e aes Aug. 21 14 14 de Seen d Aug. 23 25 PANG IW aeee See ocd ae do Aug. 22 15 105 UN eer ate. July 30 | Aug. 9 10 Os) | EER oe eee |...do Aug. 23 16 16 Dye Seer | me, do Aug. 10 11 DOAN Os aera cater |.-.do Aug. 24 17 102 Legh ere llE A do Aug. 12 13 eye Wealeee neces ee |...do Aug. 27 20 20 fe re eee [AS do Aug. 13 14 DO)|| Weaecatsene Aug.» 8 | Aug. 23 15 15 Que Safeco do Aug. 14 15 118) |]| Co seecsacos ==3d0 Aug. 24 16 96 DRA eM eee do....| Aug. 15 16 BY) Wea oan ae i= sdo Aug. 25 17 289 1 ee aetsel fect do Aug. 16 17 WN P25 eee eee |...do Aug. 26 18 36 Soo eases July 31] Aug. 14 14 0 | es Lee ae |...do Aug. 27 19 19 7, eee ees |e do Aug. 15 15 GOE| ieee ee Aug. 9 | Aug. 22 13 13 Eee ace do Aug. 16 16 1G2||R5csece- ees = |...do Aug. 25 16 80 4 ere Aug. 1] Aug. 15 14 L9G all ele |...do Aug. 26 17 204 (OS on celle do..--| Aug. 16 15 IB Ie| |) ecoscoctex Sendoou) sbi DY 18 36 Steere Aug. 2 | Aug. 15 13 39) || tise Sessa Aug. 10 | Aug. 22 12 12 Suse ee sso a|| Hs aS 14 LOR See saa eC ORe =A 20 16 160 225s eee Go Aug. 17 15 30) ||tOseer Se e5 do Aug. 27 17 153 1 ey Soe ee Aug. 3 | Aug. 13 10 NOS ccaesese.| do Aug. 28 18 144 Dee Nee Osea satu shel 6 13 265|| daa eee |...do...-.| Aug. 29 19 19 1S ae Sg |B OSs se | eu sa? 14 TESA el ee ee Aug. 11 | Aug. 22 11 11 Nee sosesenisce do...-| Aug. 18 15 705.) | RU oor ssce Pee COns aa ALICE Zo 14 14 Bae ee | ain do Aug. 19 16 ARE) BD ees eee =-2do Aug. 26 15 30 Der Sees. Aug. 4] Aug. 17 13 26h Paves: eee Ado Aug. 27 16 64 eae eee) [eee 0) Aug. 18 14 CVF | el UE se ae -:-d0...-.| Aug. 28 17 17 Dit 8 PAE aE do Aug. 19 15 SUP Pisses -2e 2200 Aug. 29 18 18 Deen hot ee ee do Aug. 20 16 ayy hee Son eace Aug. 12 | Aug. 27 15 30 Ae Aug. 5 | Aug. 19 14 Ns) || Baesseccoae =2d0 Aug. 28 16 48 DE ee tecenpae do Aug. 20 15 MO Poses oes do Aug. 29 17 51 SE Psriaes (sce do Aug. 22 lz SIG |e See do Sept. 1 20 | 20 NOLS oNs-ke Aug. 6] Aug. 19 13 247 19: S38e2 Scie do Aug. 20 14 266 || 285 4,334 Cae er IS Ses do Aug. 22 16 64 Days INV CT AGC te so ak By eek Ee Seis oe Sere sainie eee wiate wis IS Oe See Seas ae Cero oa eee 15.2 Maxima urn. oS Stee eC BS oF sh EB a ere Pe A Se Ge a eles ein he ee see SE Ce ee eee 25 Mani aan 5s Sea cra a Ue nis ae este Ste ie a een een eee eis Rees eres oie Be cae ee ee Soe eee Ee 10 Time of emergence of first-brood moths.—The material for securing this emergence record of the first-brood moths was taken in part from the large rearing cage in which the eggs had been deposited by earliest emerging moths in the spring. Infested grape berries were removed from the vine in this cage a short time before the larve had reached their full growth. The rest of the material was collected from the open vineyard on August 2, 9, and 10. Since larve were found in webbed clusters in the open vineyard several days before any larve were found in the rearing cage it is probable that a few of the earliest full-grown larvee of the first brood had escaped from the fruit before it was collected to secure this record, thus making the date of the first-emerging moth in this record a few days later than actually occurred under field conditions. Since the date of the last moth of the spring brood to emerge in our rearing jars was August 4, and the date of the first moth to appear from the first-brood rearing material was July 31, there is evidently an overlapping in the emergence of | THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 35 moths of the two broods in the field. Table VI contains a record ‘of the emergence of 403 moths, and a glance at the table will show that the maximum number of these first-brood moths emerged from August 14 to August 29. The rate of emergence is graphically shown by the curve in figure 11. Taste VI.—Time of emergence of moths of the first brood (summer moths) of the grape- berry moth at North Kast, Pa., wn 1909. Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- || Dateof | Num- |} Dateof | Num- emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of gence. |moths.|| gence. |moths.|| gence. |moths.|| gence. | moths. iz July 31 1 || Aug. 19 34 || Aug. 30 5 || Sept. 10 1 Aug. 9 1 20 32 31 13 ial 0) 10 5 21 1 Sept. 1 4 12 i 11 0 22 17 2 9 13 3 12 9 23 7 3 1 14 0 13 u 24 19 4 4 || 15 0 14 18 25 23 5 0 |————_ 15 28 26 27 6 4 Total .-. 403 16 24 27 23 Ul 2 17 18 28 27 8 1 18 10 29 18 9 1 Oviposition of first-brood moths.—The oviposition records of only a few moths of the first brood were secured and are not numerous enough to give an adequate idea of the length of this period. The » On 20 3 oO AS ~— ro) oe qj C15 Cc: Dd ne) S 23) Z 12 14 Ib corr D1 ni Oi Dy ee Sk HES P+ pagusty September Fig. 11.—Diagram showing time of emergence of the first-brood moths of the grape-berry moth in 1909, at North East, Pa. (Original.) same difficulty in getting the moths to oviposit freely in confinement was encountered as with the spring-emerging moths. Table VII gives the oviposition of a few individuals of the first brood, | = SSS SE — SSS SS 36 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. Taste VII.—Oviposition of first-brood moths of the grape-berry moth in stock jars at North East, Pa., in 1909. - Date of— Days— No. of | Number | From stock jar.| of moths.| Emer- First Last Before Ofovipo-| °™e gence of | ovipo- ovipo- ovipo- ee gence to moths. sition, sition. sition. “—* | last ovi- position. Veh ae 10 | Aug. 18 | Aug. 27 | Aug. 27 9 1 9 22 eae 21 | Aug. 19 |...do....| Sept. 8 8 | 13 20 Bee eee 21 |} Aug. 20 |..-do....| Aug. 27 | tial 1 7 Vite ee 4| Aug. 27] Sept. 5 | Sept. 5 | 9 | 1 1 JAN CTAS Cs 2 seen ro 8. cameos oe eee ae 8.2 | 4 9.2 Maxcinninigers coed oc sek See eee eee eee 9 | 13 20 Minimum: <=. './5-2 5.2.2 e as. sce See oe | 7 | 1 if Hibernation of first-brood pupx.—Toward the end of July before the eggs of the second brood had been deposited a large number of infested grape berries were collected in order to determine if all of the first brood completed the cycle and emerged as adults, or if some of them passed the winter as pupe. Tables VIII and IX give the record for 374 larve. Deducting- the dead and parasitized individuals from this number, a complete record of 321 specimens was secured. Two hundred and ninety-two adults emerged from July 29 to August 15. After the latter date no adults emerged. Twenty-nine live pupe failed to transform and hibernated. Taste VIII.—The relative number of transforming and wintering individuals of the first brood of the grape-berry moth, North East, Pa., 1909. | Number of— = Date bert | HEY veeuleveey e arvee arvee larvee. berry eons hiber- para- /|Dead. SES nating. | sitized. 19 | July 29 13 0 0 6 20 | July 30 20 0 0 0 13 | July 31 12 0 0 1 2A ATI Se SAL 21 0 0 0 16 | Aug. 2 14 0 0 2 32, | Aus. 3 30 0 1 1 13 | Aug. 4 10 0 2 1 18 | Aug. 5 12 0 9 4 50 | Aug. 6 45 0 1 a PRY | UaNEERET EY/ 19 0 eases 36 | Aug. 8 30 2 Oi 25 | Aug. 9 20 0 ieee 2! 32 Aug. 10 24 1 oe 15 Aug. 11 10 3 1 lies Ie se iste Uses 1) 11 1 it eet | some i) Aug. 15 Se 0 0 >> /0 10 | Aug. 26 0 9 ee aa 7 | Sept. 11 0 7 Os 5-70 5 | Sept. 13 0 4 OF|5 aL 3 | Sept. 12 0 1 Orn) 2 2 Sept. 18 0 1 O8 | cel THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 37 Taste I1X.—Summary of Table VIII showing number and percentage of first-brood larvx of the grape-berry moth that transform. Observations on— Number. | Per cent. ING bers Ofil aTiyce i. eresere ee epee pete pga) IN fay ste react cy te ian iceman at nee SL SR 374 100.0 Number ofmothsremen pe eyes sees Srey fo Seay es an pa ea a eee) a ope me 292 78.1 Numberonhibernatingipmpecne sce: se yee seer ee ewe Re nee Oe ay) = es) ene waa eae 29 7.8 INTIMIberioh paras itiz ecUl ayo eet gee ae ge a cps lt ee Peet nee 11 2.9 IN bh Tall Neyp OPPOleRKel mavob hb S SA OY eet ee be i is be ese eos oagn 42 11.2 Length of life cycle of first generation.—The results of the pre- ceding observations on the separate stages of the grape-berry moth have been summarized in Table X, which shows an average period of 44.2 days for the life cycle of the first generation. TaBLeE X.—ILife cycle of the first generation of the grape-berry moth as determined from observations on the separate stages; summaries from the previous tables. Stages of development. Average. | Maximum.}| Minimum. Days. Days. Days. 1 OY eFe ENS irae oo Ste SI ie nie eee he ie Ue ee Me ee ea Sees eee CeCe 6.0 8 4 engin CLEASNO WN M2 ee een SR ys RO a See eS Ane Gaeis 23.0 33 19 Ba POM COCO OT aa ee eee ena eee Ry nie ee NG) Bae de \ US Ua Beye ease cys em eA whey Re Reet A Redes 2S SIE RR NS eee as ee 25 1G Daysiauratronvotilitercy cle seers ns ee eae ie ees 44.2 66 33 Taste XI.—Life cycle of the first generation of the grape-berry moth, as observed by rearing in 1909 at North East, Pa. Dates of— Days duration— Feed- No. A Larve ‘ Egg ee Emerg- | Incu- ing Life deposi- Hatch- Leaving Pupa- | ence of | bation period mak- |; Pupal cycle ont ing. ruit. tion. moths. | of eggs. of ing stage E larvee, | Cocoon Hie | SNe veces ali yal Os heATIICA er oy I eANT Os 9 Ops (Nee ss eee 8 26 ANON Se Meee | ae he 2h Olver o. |edtliye ile pdaaliver sien =a oes oe Aug. 14 8 0) fas aloes 2 42 Bdielhys SylleaCO@se 5 SeeCs ae lbseteesens Aug. 18 6 ANG | x eee | rt ep 44 Arial Ji livateee (ail layeniln| Cl Osage epee re Aug. 16 5 AO Fie erste ay A | ae ee 40 De eOlos Se GORA ATT Ose OAT Senta ele yeees eee 5 25 1 Pes ie, elfen s S Opal edul yer Se ialiye Uae Ai ose ace Ac or Gil eeee 5 22 Dil wastes h spc oes ae (ed Sed Of Sealand Of = a) ANTE 0 do....|. Aug. 19 5 23 1 13 42 Se |pasdoue e581 OF eerays| Mo ete Sera | pee eee ...do Dy ar | eet eles) eS oe ee 42 Oia a Ulliyar Oe sl One eA Oe ON | PANT OSG) eerie Sees 4 23 al el Geese |e Sh 10 do. . ..do.. NU aia Os |e AN oD es |e epee 4 24 a Bisa eta ei Seal oa ais ilies eed One a COs |) Ae. Lo | Anion aiiie| Aue. oil 4 33 2 14 53 De diol yest Oe le itlyer Gy), Acie bi | ANT oss Sulewi is sa 6 20 Sib: | eh pee ke BAVC TINO Caren athe eater tetera ye Sopp veptnie aes aor o 5.4 23. 2 1.9 13.5 43.8 VAs UT ee ee mr ay gael ng pL et a ae 8 33 3 14 53 IMT GU aay DD OO Se pres AU ie cts Sc ey ter Gel ae yen eT 4 19 1 13 40 The average figures in Table X agree closely with the results obtained from the rearings of life-cycle series (Table XI). It will be noted under the life-cycle column that six individuals completed their life cycle the same season, while six pup wintered. The shortest Ne a a ee 38 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. life-cycle period was 40 days, the average length 43.8 days and the longest 53 days. There is a difference of less than half a day in the averages for the two separate rearings. SECOND GENERATION. Incubation period of second-brood eggs.—¥or reasons previously assigned the record of egg laying by the moths in confinement is very scanty. Table XII gives the length of this stage for nine eggs of known origin. The incubation period of these eggs is longer than in the record secured for eggs deposited by the spring-emerging moths. The number of eggs recorded, however, is far too small to admit of generalization on this topic. TasLe XII.—Length of incubation of second-brood eggs of the grape-berry moth, North East, Pa., 1909. Date— Date— No. of ae Days of || No. of e Days of observa- incuba- || observa; |~——__,... .aa..| scuba- tion. | aid. |Hatched.| %- ont | aaids 0) Eratchedsln en 1 | Aug. 27] Sept. 7 11 6. | Sept. 2| Sept. 12 10 2 | Aug. 30} Sept. 9 10 7 | Sept. 4] Sept. 13 9 3 Go0sseee Sept. 10 11 Siale= dos) septal 10 4 | Aug. 31} Sept. 11 11 9 | Sept. 5 |...do. 9 5 | Sept. 1 does: 10 Days of incubation: INE au sagan econeUsoabe Sudo aacunsn ce abocdnoedseesde daca st onSos cian socoudesuuceonbasageseseseus 10.1 IED: 0C 000 6 tay ee Ae eae atic MCE eet AU ee eet Smt ie Ch eae SP a ree Oram e Se Segoe 11 MEAT Me se Sees Sh eines sista clas ee wioee Se Sib oye Sletarointopee nis ere are eis Sol nS os = eee ae 9 Length of feeding period of second-brood larve—Tables XITI-XIV give the feeding period of second-brood larve under two entirely different conditions, namely, larve reared on green fruit in stock jars under a rearing shelter (Table XIII) and larve feeding on fruit growing on a vine (Table XIV) in a large outdoor rearing cage (see: Pl. VIE, fig. 2). Taste XIII.—Length of the feeding period of the second-brood larvx of the grape-berry moth under confinement in jars, North East, Pa., 1909. at oreke Larve | Larve | Number A oe Larve | Larve | Number act hatched. | left fruit.| of days. Aare hatched. | left fruit.| of days. 1 | Aug. 27.) Oct. ~6 40 12 | Aug. 30] Oct. 26 57 7 eecOse5ce| CXC 2) 43 IBY -|eccO Osa cal} INNS) 1 63 3 | Aug. 29} Oct. 17 49 4 | eee Of | een Oba 63 Ay) Bex Ove ese| eNO Ose ar 49 15 | Sept. 11 | Nov. 3 53 5 = G02s55-| Octs20 52 UG | oeOlcosa|} Oxon: 24) 44 6 Gossea Oca al 53 lee dOeseee NO WES 53 tol a ed Ox anes ben dOnssae 53 Spe send Osea een On-er 53 8 | Aug. 30} Oct. 22 53 19 |PeRdoseeale: sdorss3 53 Oi Esedoze 4 | Oct zo 56 AANOTARC ae Soe 52.6 10 Gosselin: doze 56 Ma xine ee sae ee oe 63 11 do do 56 WiWGATTNP ON oon Seek Soe 40° THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. | 39 TasLe XIV.—Length of the feeding period of second-brood larvx of the grape-berry moth in fruit on the vines under large outdoor rearing cages, North East, Pa., 1909. Number | Larvee Larvee | Number || Number} Larvee Larve | Number of larvee. | hatched. | left fruit.| of days. || of larvee. | hatched. | left fruit.| of days. 6 Aug. 25 | Sept. 25 31 Oy Aue 25" (Oct. 7 43 il domeee Sept. 26 32 W VeacClossess) OCR 3 44 3 Gos==ee Sept. 27 33 Bi ecsCs 555) OGis —@ 45 9 doses Sept. 28 34 U NeecOGoe Oct. 10 46 1 do Sept. 29 35 Oe eset) Octa aut 47 8 doseee: Oct .2 38 i alesdO Octawki 53 7 do =O Cts 39 IASVCTAR Oct saya seers eee 40.3 7 dosess= (OG t! 40 Wirp-ahimbhas ees eee eee 8s 53 10 does Octa aD Al Mima UI ee 31 8 do 4) Oyebs 3 42 The infested grape clusters were removed from the cage just before the larve were ready to leave the berries. These larvee hatched from eggs deposited between August 20 and 25. It was impossible to determine the exact date of hatching of all of the eggs, but only a very small number hatched previous to August 25 and this may account in a measure for the shorter average period of feeding than is recorded for the larvee from the stock jars. In addi- tion to this all but one of these larve had left the fruit previous to the occurrence of a decided drop in temperature between October 12 and 20, whereas only two of the larve had emerged from the fruit in the stock jars. Hence, since insect activities were slight during this cold wave the period spent in the fruit by those larve which had not escaped previous to its occurrence was abnormally prolonged. The minimum period spent in fruit by larve in the rearing cage was 31 days as against 40 days by those in stock jars; the average 40.3 days as against 52.6 days, and the maximum 53 days as against 63 days. Date second-brood larve leave fruit—A record was made of the period during which the larve leave the berries, with a view to ascertaining whether many of them are likely to be removed from the vineyard when the ripe grapes are being marketed. A large number of larve which infested grape clusters were collected from vineyards August 20-24. At this date few if any of the larve of the second brood had fully matured. Since the emergence of the two broods of moths overlap it is quite likely that some of the larvee in this record belong to the first brood. Daily examinations of the collected material were made and the record of the larve leaving the fruit is given in Table XV. 40 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. TaBLE XV.—Time of second-brood larve of the grape-berry moth leaving berries in 1909; from fruit collected in the field, North East, Pa. Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- | Date of Num- | Date of | Num- leaving | berof || leaving | berof | leaving | berof | leaving | ber of the fruit. | larvee. | the fruit.) larvee. || the fruit. larvee. | the fruit.) larve. Sept.22 11 || Oct. 6 53 || Oct. 20 2 || Nov. 3 6 23 21 || 7 50 21] 9 4 | 0 24 15 || 8 40 || 22, | 5 5 | 1 25 19 || 9 38 23 | 5 6 0 %| si 10 50 yet oie 7 | 1 27 11 || 11 24 | 25 | 7 8 7 28 16 12 14 | 26 | 13 Q | 3 29 21 || 13 5 | 27 | 1 10 | 0 30 12 | 14 0 28 0 rll, 2 Oct. 1 12 || 15 2 29 4 | 12| 4 2 73 16 1| - 30 1 13 1 3 I 39 17 Dy 31 4 | 14 | 2 4 38 || 18 4|| Nov. 1| 24 5 45 19 0 | 2 | 19 || Total .| . 745 In all, 745 larve emerged. The table shows that 569, or four- fifths of the larvee, left the fruit in 20 days, from September 22 to October 11, and that the remaining 149, or one-fifth, left the fruit between October 12 and November 14, a period of 34 days, making a total period of 45 days during which second-brood larve were leaving the fruit. Since the heavy shipment of Concord grapes does not | : a a oo i a 7 au) ttt iti > : iL genet i i ein ee ~ LL a | L B a © — peresiyiery S EB cq 13) = € =) 7 | ¢ ihe co 4 } i _ N { 1. 30 22 24 26 2830 2 A b SG September October November Fie. 12.—Diagram showing time of leaving the grape berries by second-brood larvee of the grape-berry moth, from fruit collected in the field, North East, Pa., 1909. Daily mean temperature Fahrenheit. ( Original.) occur until October 1, fruit in infested vineyard areas would have to’ be removed during the first week of the picking season in order to remove many of the larve from the vineyard with the crop. Figure 12 shows the correlation between the fluctuations of tem- perature and the activity of the mature larve of the second brood in leaving the grape berries in the fall of 1909. The dotted line represents the daily mean temperature, and the solid line the rate of emergence of the larve from the berries. It will be observed that \ THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. Al. there was a period of very low temperature from October 14 to 18, and that this is correlated with an almost complete cessation of emergence of the larve. There is no doubt that the abnormally low tempera- ture for this date prolonged the emergence period of the larve for the season of 1909. MISCELLANEOUS REARING RECORDS FOR THE SEASONS OF 1907 AND 1908. The rearing records for the seasons of 1907 and 1908 are less exten- sive and not so complete as those made a year later, but they agree in general with the more complete records of 1909. Table XVI gives the emergence record of 24 moths of the spring brood for the season of 1907. TaBLE XVI.—Time of emergence of moths of the grape-berry moth in the spring of 1907. Date of | Num- |} Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- |} Date of | Num- emer. ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of gence. | moths. || gence. |moths.|| gence. | moths. || gence. | moths. June 21 1 || June 25 4 || June 30 1 || July 6 it 22 1 26 3) || July® +2 1 7 1 23 1 28 3 3 it 10 1 24 3 29 1 4 1 | No record of egg deposition by the spring brood of moths was secured for the season of 1907, nor was a record made of the length of the larval stage for the first brood. The complete record of two pupe of the first brood was secured dur- ing 1907 which covered a period of 13 days for this stage, and a record of one pupa in 1908 which covered a period of 12 days. These records are shorter than the average length of this stage for a large number ‘of specimens observed in 1909 (see Table V, which shows a period of 15.2 days). ~ An emergence record of 695 moths of the first brood was secured during the season of 1907. (See Table XVII.) Unfortunately some of the earliest maturing larve had escaped from the infested fruit before it was collected. Hence some of the earliest emerging moths are not shown, since the first emergence in this record is dated August 17. Taste XVII.—Time of emergence of first-brood moths of the grape-berry moth, North East, os 1907. Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- |} Date of | Num- emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of gence. |moths.|| gence. |moths. |} gence. | moths. || gence. | moths. Aug. 17 56 || Aug. 26 105 || Sept. 1 22 || Sept. 9 39 19 5 27 33 2 13 11 19 20 29 28 36 3 a 14 | 3 21 70 29 60 4 11 22 34 30 36 5 22 Total . 695 24 57 31 28 Table XVIII gives the length of this tae for 35 ee which shows an Aveta of 6.5 es the i. DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. The most extensive record of the egg stage of the second brood Figure 13 gives a graphic representation of the rate of emergence of the moths of the first brood for the season of 1907. was secured in the season of 190 AQ mH yf re —— — STE nT EEE EE ELE EE Tr a Tae coda eu eens oo ee A © Ps a <= Asef HAGE TATE THEE aP TA go Be Sarslegs ge aomes: m N60 S eae = 1 At Hate tae = gp) . $ fs ‘ ' ' L AHA EE) | i L : ae cal Se moRe IEE oe S| ddeessécd Jaa eI] £ a pe ANAND + ' mn we ro) oy jaa ir S, | Binsseseeal 29 ay ay iS) 5 ul : Bd one Te | ¢ a A ares rag ti aed EL geo | 8 eeu dene ee bl ett TT Qa Eh DN 3 oN ey) 3 IO eo PGS EAA - HG £) 2 Bae . & ai | BE een eee iS fos n= SA he AH S DM iM D ' OO [iia a a ae 7 Hae: Petrone ect heses |e ge ag q a mitre RM | cuir cate: a aoe es aie kai i NI |S as S| = a S ayes DW ODDOOOOOOOOO a of Py ta 3 4 8 Baas HEL Meese be BEES Be. 7 ‘egftteeee Hslohad Sho bapa So Se a ai aren sah Mao eg 9 « he Th Ah aD aa ] i a OM) «= feo BB SS E cee eee a Bie fF eo epee S| desgusseseess FE fees oa Se et ee 5 | o Tepe lady Rami EES eS ce oF. lie tes gee ti GH «=f Sel SA Semen a _ o UTES Hee a le | ee La Sj fd a 2 og a POOOKPOCOCCOOOOO Ce ee aerre arr taei tit Hztit (PHETTTH eet Et A Mo aisha a | aesgaceesssse in) oon SnHGSGDELYAGHTHHTHTTHTi eee cesses Fae a Sere (CS PA UR Ne aL H AH SNE ae aera au Flee a tole ae 28 HQ OH AOM NCD 19 «0 : : “; vaazeeatrtattEEHaE EEE a ae bd rs ro c'e as SHAAN AAAAA ~ - St eres eR fie aes aS 439s : (— s t . en CS |f 2225 2 [aay | itt a a LOSUEUMEE 3 | 2 Bigye eeee io Ee a w 10 Aw) = . 7 — ETE A if a RTTTEN A ET Saee Seg cee Ree tee HEA in 4 § ov = aloe Ey CDE 9 aD a 0 Ge ae BERR. E ne Ny S | 83S acces ard & ° q “je! "ey 3 UDiaty Sp) ; © (7) | =e . a ab) I = i) | I ap] Mss st io) ND Jf) ; = = EUIGRE IO mE and F SS¢q — ra Bel eee te Teh aa Ria bb gos eS S | mooddcsddccoe A See SS eee Se Sree ee ip c) A =I (eae b et cae nly ene? 3 ~ L Nn: cq f) ee ee ape jo eatin foe Boats 8 oeee poreerore nae co) "oS & “ Aves 5 fe 7p) bY em} al 2 THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTT. 48 Table XTX gives the emergence record of 279 moths of the spring brood for the season of 1908. There is a variation of several days in the dates of the maximum emergence of the moths for the three seasons, the maximum emergence being nearly a week earlier in 1908 than in 1907 and 1909. In each instance, however, the period of maximum emergence of the moths coincided quite closely with the period of full bloom of the grape. TaBLeE XIX.—Time of emergence of moths of the grape-berry moth in the spring of 1908, North East, Pa. Date of | Num- |} Date of | Num- || Dateof | Num- || Date of | Num- emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of emer- ber of gence. |moths.|| gence. |moths. || gence. |moths. || gence. | moths. June 1 6 || June 19 15 || July 3 3 || July 15 1 June 7 5 || June 20 15 || July 5 1 || July 16 1 June 8 17 || June 21 1 || July 6 2 || July 17 1 June 9 7 || June 22 7 || July 8 1 || July 19 1 June 10 12 || June 23 8 || July 9 1 |} July 20 2 June 12 16 |} June 24 9 || July 10 1 || July 22 1 June 13 30 |) June 25 4 || July 11 1 || July 23 2 June 15 14 || June 26 3 || July 12 1 || July 25 1 June 16 22 || June 29 11 || July 13 1 June 17 17 || July 1 1 || July 14 4 Total . 279 June 18 33 1 Figure 14 gives a graphic description of the rate of emergence of the spring brood of moths for 1908, showing that the maximum number of moths emerged after June 13—about the date that grapes normally commence to blossom. 35 a So p a w o Number of Moths 3 a Oem OM ee deen OMNI GIdeL ARS 2 omete Rte) Om Ome, ede IS aS ita ai eSie25 June July Fic. 14.—Diagram showing the time of emergence of the spring-brood moths of the grape-berry moth in 1908, at North East, Pa. (Original.) The first record of oviposition in 1908 was made of eggs found in very small berries in rearing cages June 17. No record of the egg stage of the first brood was secured, on account of great diffi- culty in getting moths to oviposit in confinement. The larval period SST. Sere Ee ie eeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeEeaeaeeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeaeEeaeeaeaeaeaEeamaESEeaaamEaaeeEeaEaaaaS>SEaEeEeEeEeEEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEEEEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeOo_O_—e_e_—e—eeeeeeeee eee 44 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. of one specimen’ of the first brood in 1908 was secured. This larva hatched June 20. It emerged from fruit and started to make its pupal case July 10, and had transformed to pupa by July 12,making the larval stage 22 days in length. This period coincides quite closely with the average larval period secured for several larve of the first brood during the season of 1909, which was 21.25 days. The earliest record of emergence of first-brood moths was made on July 13 from a pupa found July 1 on a leaf in the rearing cage in 1908. This is 10 days earlier than the record for other moths from the same source (see Table XX). The emergence record in this table is doubtless somewhat abnormally early, owing to the fact that the temperature in the rearing cage was several degrees higher than outside. TaBLeE XX.—Time of emergence of first-brood moths of the grape-berry moth, North East, Pa., 1908. | Date of | Num- || Date of | Num- |) Date of | Num- |) Date of | Num- | emer- ber of | emer- ber of || emer- ber of || emer- | berof | | gence. |moths.|) gence. |moths.|; gence. | moths. gence. | moths. July 26 26 July 29 | | Aug. 1 1| July 23 3 4 July 24 4 || July 27 31 || July 30 | 2 |] July 25 8 3 July 28 9 || July 31 | Total _| 91 | SUMMARY OF LIFE-HISTORY STUDIES OF THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. Life-history studies of this pest at North East, Pa., during the seasons of 1907, 1908, and 1909 indicate that there is only one full brood of larve and a partial second brood each year in the vineyards of the Lake Erie Valley. The partial second brood of larve, however, is larger in numbers than the full first brood, probably on account of the large number of fatalities that occur among the pupe during the winter season which tends materially to lessen the number of .moths that emerge in the sprmg. The moths from overwintering pupz commence to emerge about June 1. (See fig. 15, with curve showing length of the various stages of the grape-berry moth for the season of 1909.) Less than 25 per cent of these sprimg-emerging moths appear before the grape isin full bloom. The total emergence period of the spring moths is about 60 days. As the period of maxi- mum emergence is from June 10 to July 10, it overlaps into the emer- gence period of the first brood. About 4 to 6 days elapse between the emergence of the moths and the deposition of eggs. The egg stage of the first brood covers about 6 days. The larval period covers about 23 days and the pupal stage about 13 days. A small percentage of the pup of this first brood pass the winter. The moths of the first brood commence to emerge during the latter part of July, the maxi- mum number emerging from about August 10 to September 1. The period of incubation of the second-brood eggs is a little longer than THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 45 that of the first brood. (See Tables IV and XII.) The larval stage of this brood is also longer than that of the first brood, the average being 22 days for the first brood of larvee as against 40 days for the larve of the second brood. The larve of the second brood com- mence to leave the fruit about the middle of September. The maximum number of larvz leave the fruit during the last week in September and the first 10 days in October. By October 15 the number of larve found in the fruit upon the vines is very small. By this date practically all of them have dropped to the ground and formed pupal cases on the small percentage of grape leaves that have fallen prematurely from the vines. Rarely is a pupal case of this second brood found on the leaves attached to the vines. On 5 10 io 5 10 15 2025 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 2025 5 10} TR TeeeeedAeceITGLECAMTTTAMNMMIll es mnapecsee: eed der Sere | Ire pacvestba HESS PHT UT TL eee ay CRESS TTP ACTER PPT ee PP ELH Hae Het i a Fig. 15.—Seasonal history of the grape-berry moth as observed in 1909, at North East, Pa. (Original.) the moist leaves on the ground beneath the vines the second-brood arvee and also a small percentage of the first brood make their cocoons and pass the winter as pupe. PARASITIC ENEMIES. Detailed studies of the habits and hfe history of the grape-berry moth during the past few years have shown that this insect is beset with a large number of hymenopterous parasites. Previous to the study of the habits of this pest made by Prof. M. V. Slingerland in the vineyards of Chautauqua County, N. Y., the only record of attack by parasites found in the literature on this subject is made by Dr, C. V. Riley in 1869. Two maggots were found by him destroying er 46 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. the larve of the grape-berry moth, but be failed to rear the adult parasites from them. . During his studies of this insect covermg the seasons of 1903 and 1904, Prof. Slingerland reared six different kinds of parasites of the grape-berry moth, which he considered an unusually large number. Four of these were ichneumonids and two were braconids. ‘These rearings by Prof. Slingerland are quoted as follows:! Bracon scrutator Say. (Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., I, 254). The maggot of this little Braconid parasite seems to feed externally on the nearly full-grown caterpillars of the second brood at work in the green fruit in August. Their little, white cocoons are spun in the infested berries. The adults emerged in about two weeks on the following dates: Aug. 28, Sept. 1, 4, and 10. Bathymetis sp. near terminalis Ashm. We reared two females of this comparatively large parasite from hibernated pup on May 31. The grape-berry moth caterpillar Fic. 16.— Thymaris slingerlandana, a common parasite of the grape-berry moth. Enlarged. (After Sling- erland.) had pupated and the parasite’s cocoon filled that of its host. Dr. Ashmead reports our specimens as probably undescribed, but possibly terminalis, which was described from a male only. Glypta animosa Cress. (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., III, 154). One specimen of this Ichneumon emerged from an over-wintered cocoon on June 4. It spun a very thin cocoon and had evidently killed the caterpillar, as no trace of a pupa was found. The recorded hosts of this parasite are Pxdisca scudderiana, two other Tortricids and a Pyralid. Glypta vulgaris Cress. (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., III, 157). Two specimens of this common parasite emerged on August 25 and 27 from thin, white cocoons nearly filling their host’s cocoon in a wild grape. Like Glypta animosa, this species evidently kills the caterpillar, but it works on the summer brood. It is also parasitic on a species of Gelechia and on a Pyralid ( Margaronia quadristigmalis). ' Bul, 223, Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., pp. 52-53, 1904, THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 47 Urogaster [=Apanteles] canarsix Ashm. (Ent. Soc. Wash., IV, 127, with figure). _ Found the cocoons of this probable parasite in the webbed blossoms where grape-berry moth caterpillars had worked. Two specimens emerged on July 3 and 7. Its other known host is the Pyralid (Canarsia hammond1). Thymaris slingerlandana Ashm. [fig. 16] (Can. Ent., XXXVI, Nov., p. 333). From August 15 to 27, we reared 17 specimens of this little black Ichneumon with orange- colored, light yellow-banded legs from the cocoons of the grape-berry moths working in both wild and cultivated grapes. Its cocoon occupies about half the space inside the host’s cocoon, and evidently the caterpillar was its victim. In the miscellaneous rearings of the different stages of the grape- berry moth made at the field laboratory of the Bureau of Entomology. at North Kast, Pa., from 1906 to 1911, in connection with life-history studies, together with parasitized specimens observed and collected in the vineyards, 12 additional hymenopterous parasites of different species have been recorded as preying upon this insect. This makes a total list of 17 different parasites known to prey upon this vineyard pest in the Lake Erie Valley at some stage or other of its life cycle. This is a long list of natural enemies for an insect. These parasites are doubtless an important factor in reducing the numbers of the - erape-berry moth and their occurrence may explain to some extent the fluctuations in its numbers which occur from year to year. In the rearing work conducted at North East, Pa., all of the adult parasites emerged from jars containing either larve or pupz of the grape-berry moth during the period between July 12 and September 14. No parasites were collected in the early spring from overwinter- ing cocoons, although a large amount of this material wascarried over the winter of 1908 for the purpose of making life-history studies dur- ing the season of 1909. This would indicate that parasitism is most active upon the developing first brood of larvee and pupz about the period at which this brood exists in the greatest numbers. It would seem, therefore, that the great activity of these parasites during this period must be an important factor in curtailing the second brood of grape-berry moth larvee that is so destructive to the grape berries at the approach of the ripening season. Five of the parasites reared were braconids, seven were ichneu- monids, all reared from larve and pup, and one, a chalcidid, reared from the eggs of the grape-berry moth. All of the parasites with the exception of the egg parasites were determined by Mr. H. L. Viereck, of the Bureau of Entomology. Their names are given in Table XXI, which also gives the date of their emergence, the stage of the host, the number reared, and the other host insects from which they have been previously recorded. | | He 48 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. TABLE XXI.—Parasites reared from the grape-berry moth (Polycrosis viteana) feeding upon the fruit of wild and cultivated grapes at North East, Pa., 1906-1911. | Number | : Family. | Date of emergence. Stage of gL Spee: Previously recorded hosts. | reared. | | BRACONID2. > | | Microbracon mellitor Say-.--.--- Aug. 6-19, 1909--.. | Larva-.-.-| 15 | Many species of Coleoptera | | and Lepidoptera. Microbracon dorsator Say. ------- | Aug.3-Sept.1,1911_ dosss4| 9 | Do. A panteles\Spess 2 See eee ae pasar ed 2S RM oe ee dor = 1 | Norecord. Ascogaster carpocapsee Vier. .---- } Aug. 14190 =: | Pupa-. 4 | Carpocapsa pomonella. IMGLCOFUS SP =aite sc ose te eee ee WN 5 Cea Yoel 1 eee ee Larva or 1 | No record. pupa ICHNEUMONID2. Phytodietus: spt-ss22) ens July 13,°1906.......| Larva--- 1 | Do. Epiurus indagator var. nigrifrons ! Aug. 5, 1911._-_._.).-- do-ss2- : 2 Do. Vier. | Orthizema'sp esse be see hulysts 908 edo. 1 Do. fpept. is. 180 F222 do= Be Omorgus nole Ashm. race. -.---- Aug. 16-22, 1909-__|_.- Gineses 2 | Nolasp., a pyralid Dioctes obliteratus Cress... .----- duly 13, 1906-22 2 |ePupass- 1 | Gelechia rubidella. Dioctes obliteratus Cress_.....--- | daly 215 190%. = 22 be sd0=e== 2} Do. Dioctes obliteratus Cress--...----- ) Sulyps22 1908 eee eee donee 1 Dioctes obliteratus Cress--------- Ae 2-27 L908 S| Seed Ome see | 27 Do. Dioctes obliteratus Cress. -------- |) Ags 2-27— 19122 =e dole 21 Do Ameloetonus Sposa 5 2-522 =. =) A ES OO Res ae d0=-s=. 3 | No record. Itoplectis conquisitor Say. -------| Anessa 19M sees fe dows: | 2 | Many species of tortricids, | noctuids, bombycids, and tineids. In glancing over this table it will be observed that the parasite reared in greatest numbers from the grape-berry moth was Dvioctes obliteratus Cress. Mr. Viereck states that the supposedly new species reared by Prof. Slingerland in 1904 and named by Dr. William H. Ashmead! as Thymaris slingerlandana Ashm. (see fig. 16) is the same as JDioctes obliteratus Cress. The largest number of parasite specimens reared by Prof. Slingerland belonged to this species; hence it is very probable that it is quite widely disseminated throughout the vineyards of the Chautauqua County grape belt wherever the grape- berry moth abounds, and is perhaps the most effective enemy of the grape-berry moth of all of the parasites mentioned in this list. Jn addition to the parasites previously mentioned as attacking the larve and pupe, on September 7, 1906, a large number of parasitized eggs of the grape-berry moth were found in a badly infested portion of the vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler at North East, Pa. A num- ber of adults were reared from these parasitized eggs and later identified by Dr. Howard as Trichogramma pretiosa Riley. This is the first record of parasitized eggs of this insect that has come to our notice, and it is the only instance in which this condition has been observed during this investigation. 1 Can. Ent., vol. 36, pp. 333-334, November, 1904. . ee eee THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 49 DEGREE OF VINEYARD INFESTATION IN ERIE COUNTY, PA. The infestation of vineyards by this pest is by no means general. It frequently happens that serious infestation will be confined to one or two rows along the edge of a vineyard or running in for a few vines at the end of a number of rows, or again, in an irregular patch at the corner of a vineyard. Usually such areas of very serious infestation are adjoming hedgerows, fences, or bordering rough lands which admit of the accumulation of leaves and trash. On the other hand, the worst infestation over a large area coming under our olisorvaitan was in a vineyard which was surrounded by neither hedges nor ditches, was a considerable distance from woodlots or rough land, and was subject to clean culture and excellent care. Again, it is not unusual to find a vineyard portions of which have been badly infested for a number of seasons but adjacent vineyards comparatively free from infestation. Because of this seemingly erratic infestation it is exceedingly difficult either to estimate the actual damage wrought by the pest or to secure reliable results for comparison as to the amount of benefit from remedial treatment. Another result of this erratic infestation is that the vineyardist will minimize the extent of the injury or even entirely overlook it until picking time, when he is astonished to discover the large amount of damage that has been done. When this abundant evidence of injury is brought so clearly to his attention at picking time he is likely to make a vow to take some steps toward the eradication of the pest next season, but only too often, unless the first brood is extremely abundant, the period for effective treatment is again per- mitted to slp past and the extent of injury at picking time is likely to be the same as in previous years. An additional result of this somewhat restricted and local infestation is that methods of control of the pest are not so freely discussed among the vineyardists and there is not the impetus of a general effort to effect its control that there is in the endeavor to combat an insect whose injury is more apparent and widespread, as in the case of the grape rootworm and the grape leafhopper. The statements dealing with the destructiveness of this insect in the preceding paragraphs apply to the depredations of the pest in the vineyards of the Lake Erie grape belt, where local conditions have been studied closely for several seasons. In the township of North East, Pa., there is an area stretching east of the town to the New York State line and lying south of the Lake Shore Railroad in which are located the vineyards most heavily infested by the grape- berry moth in this region. In the summer of 1906 one large vine- yard was visited in this area in which the infestation was quite gen- eral and on limited portions of it the fruit was almost unmarketable. 50 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. The infested clusters shown in Plate VI, figures 1-2, were taken from this vineyard. In not all of the vineyards in this area is serious infes- tation so general. In some of them serious infestation is quite local and in others the injury is almost neghgible. Outside of this area infestation in vineyards in Erie County, Pa., is more or less local. Yet the insect is always present in sufficient numbers to become a menace at any time that natural conditions favor its rapid increase, and at the present time the insect is responsible for a greater shrink- age in crop yield than most vineyardists are aware. REMEDIAL MEASURES. Several methods for the control of the larve of the grape-berry moth have been recommended, namely, the destruction of fallen leaves, plowing the vineyard late in the fall or very early in the spring, bagging the clusters, picking the infested berries, removal of infested berries from the vineyard during the harvesting season, and the use of poison sprays. THE DESTRUCTION OF FALLEN LEAVES. Since the larve of the second brood on leaving the ripening fruit make their cocoons upon the leaves of the grapevine, the destruction of the fallen leaves has been frequently recommended as a means of control. Until within recent years, however, it was not known that practically all of the overwintering larve, on leaving the fruit, instead of forming their cocoons upon the grape leaves attached to the vines, drop to the ground and form their hibernating cocoons on the small percentage of prematurely fallen leaves. Observations on the hiber- nation habits of this insect in infested vineyards at North East, Pa., in the fall of 1906, showed that practically all of the larve had emerged from the fruit by the end of the first week in October and that all of the larve and pupe found at that date were in the cocoons made on leaves upon the ground directly beneath the trellis. In practically all cases the leaves upon which these cocoons were made were in close contact with the soul and in a more or less sodden condition, either from moisture absorbed from the soil or as a result of the fal] rains. Many leaves bearing cocoons were plastered to the ground as a result of beating rains and even at this early date were in such a state of semidecay that in attempting to gather the leaves they some- times fell to pieces in much the same manner that a raimsoaked sheet of newspaper will do under the same conditions. Although hundreds of cocoons were found on these moist leaves upon the ground only one cocoon was found upon the leaves still attached to the vines, and this was imperfectly formed. Practically all of the fruit on the vines examined during the first week in October had been recently infested and was still hanging upon the vines in close contact with the foliage. These observations confirm those THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 51 made by Prof. H. A. Gossard in Ohio during the same season. Searches in badly infested vineyards every season since 1906 have shown a similar condition. This habit of the larve may be due to the fact that at this season the leaves upon the vines are somewhat withered and brittle. Hence it would appear to be more difficult for the larvee to fold the flap of the portion of the leaf cut out for making the cocoon, whereas, when the leaves have fallen to the ground and have absorbed moisture from the soil they are less brittle and the flap can be folded much more readily. Whether this is the true cause of the larve seeking the leaves on the ground upon which to form their overwintering cocoons or not the fact that they do so has an important bearing upon the practice of destroying fallen leaves as a means of destroying the overwintering pupe. Since most of the cocoons are made upon a small number of leaves which are stuck more or less firmly to the ground there is little likelihood that many of them will be blown into piles in the corners of vine- yards or into hedgerows as has been supposed. Unless these infested leaves are gathered carefully before the period of soaking rains during the late fall and winter they are likely to fall apart and leave the cocoons containing the pup in the vineyard. Perhaps an attempt to gather these infested leaves from the ground beneath the trellis during the middle or latter part of October, before the remainder of © the leaves have fallen from the vines, would prove more effective than to try to destroy all of the leaves at alater date. There is no doubt that large numbers of pupse can be collected in this way over limited areas where the infestation is heavy. Unfortunately, however, the vineyardist is too busily engaged in harvesting his grape crop at this time to adopt this method of control. PLOWING IN LATE FALL OR EARLY SPRING. — Since it is evident that few of the infested leaves are likely to be re- ~ moved by the winds from the ground beneath the trellis it is quite possi- ble that large numbers of them could be destroyed by plowing the badly infested portion of the vineyards immediately after the crop of grapes is harvested and before the rest of the leaves have fallen from the vines. Plowing at this time would be more likely to insure the cover- ing of the infested leaves than if all of the leaves had fallen, for then the loose leaves would be likely to drive ahead of the plow and force some of the infested leaves to the surface. Many vineyardists object to fall plowing of vineyards, and, where it is impracticable, early spring plowing is suggested. Care should be taken to throw the soil well under the trellis so that all of the leaves may be covered. Since only a small percentage of the moths emerge before June 1, plowing up to the trellis during the month of May would doubtless cover many of the pupe. SD tit tt 52 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. BAGGING THE CLUSTERS. In some parts of New York State the fruit on many acres of Niagara grapevines is protected by inclosing each cluster in a paper bag immediately after blossoming. The bagging of clusters of this variety is done primarily for protectiop against rot. This method of control, however, involves considerable expense and while very effective can not be employed as a means of protection except on choice table varieties, and hence will not appeal to the large producers of grapes for wine or grape-juice purposes. HAND PICKING INFESTED BERRIES. By hand picking the infested berries from the clusters in July and early August the size of the second brood may be greatly reduced. The infested green berries are made conspicuous by the presence of a purple spot at the point of entrance of the larvee. Sometimes the berry cracks open and again several small berries may be tied together by a silken web (see Pl. V, fig. 2). Before the berries in the cluster are large enough to touch each other the infested berries may be readily discerned, but at a later date it is necessary either to handle each cluster or to examine the fruit from both sides of the trellis. The infested berries collected in this way should be removed from the vineyard and the larve destroyed. This may be done by immersing the berries in a kettle of boiling water or burying them beneath several inches of soil. REMOVAL OF ‘‘ TRIMMINGS.’’ During the past few years it has become a common practice to pick and pack the fruit in baskets in the vineyard. In this case the “wormy”’ berries are removed from the clusters and allowed to fall to the ground and thus the larvee infesting them remain in the vine- yard to infest the crop during the next season. A better method which is practiced by some vineyardists is to have each picker carry an extra basket into which these infested ‘‘ trimmings” can be placed and be removed from the vineyard and destroyed. If the badly infested portions of vineyards are harvested at the very opening of the picking season many larve can be destroyed in this way. Ata later date in the harvesting season this removal of the worm-injured berries from the vineyard will not be very effective, for, as previously explained, practically all of the larve have then left the fruit. EXPERIMENTS WITH POISON SPRAYS. VINEYARD EXPERIMENTS WITH POISON SPRAYS IN 1907. In the spring of 1907 an experiment was undertaken in the vine- yard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler at North East, Pa. (see fig. 17). In 1906 and for several seasons previous the fruit in sections of the vineyard in which this experiment was conducted had been very badly infested by this insect. THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 53 The sections were laid off in seven plats of approximately 1 acre each. There were five rows of vines in each plat. (See plan of plat arrangement, fig. 18; dotted lines in figure indicate divisions of plats.) The insecticides in all cases were applied with Bordeaux mixture since it is desirable to use this fungicide at the time the applications Fic. 17.—Vineyard in which poison-spray experiments were conducted against larvee of the grape-berry moth during the seasons of 1907, 1908, and 1909; vineyard of Mr. W.S. Wheeler, North East, Pa. (Original.) are made against the larve of the grape-berry moth, to control fungous diseases, such as black rot and mildew. In all cases where arsenate of lead was used the Bordeaux formula was 5 pounds of lime and 5 pounds of copper sulphate to 50 gallons of water. Where arsenite of lime was used with the Bordeaux an additional pound of lime was used to counteract any free arsenic which might be present. A Y 1 a ' ' ' ' ' | 1 | ' ' | | | | | ' 1 | 1 ( ' | | | | ' ' | | | ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' | t ' ' ' ! 1 | ' | | | ' ' ' 4 \ ' ! ' ' 1 ' SSS SSS is Ww ———————————————————————————————————————— eee SSS a a'g ————————————————— MW wl Fic. 18.—Plat arrangement of poison-spraying experiments against the larvee of the grape-berry moth in the vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1907. (Original.) A gasoline-engine vineyard sprayer outfit (fig. 19) was used for making the application. The spray was applied to the vines from the machine by means of a fixed-nozzle arrangement (see fig. 19). To a vertical rod on both sides of the back end of the machine two short spurs of 4-inch pipe are attached. Each spur carries a large nozzle of the cyclone type from which the spray is discharged into the side of the vine on the trellis. =_— 54 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. A third and upper nozzle is mounted on a longer spur which projects over the trellis, This nozzle is directed downward, throwing the Fic. 19.—Gasoline-engine sprayer outfit used in vineyard experi- ments against the larve of the grape-berry moth in the vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1907, 1908, and 1909. ( Original.) spray upon the top- most growth on the trellis. Such a ma- chine carrying a pressure of 100 pounds and over will force the spray into the vines on the trellis and cover quite thoroughly all of the foliage and fruit clusters, especially during the early part of the season before the foliage has become dense and before the berries in the cluster have become so large that they touch each other. In this experiment the team was driven slowly down each row so that the vines were sprayed from both sides of the trellis, A pressure of about 100 pounds was main- tained and about 100 gallons of spray were applied per acre. Table XXII gives the spray treatment applied to each plat and also dates of application. Taste XXII.—Spray formulas and dates of application against larvx of the grape-berry moth. Vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1907. NO! Spray formula. II. | Three pounds arsenate of lead and 2 pounds resin-fish-oil soap to 50 gallons of Bordeaux mixture. III. | One quart arsenite of lime, Kedzie’s formula, and 2 pounds | __ resin-fish-oil soap to 50 gallons of Bordeaux mixture. IV. | One quart arsenite of lime, Kedzie’s formula, to 50 gallonsof | | I. |} Three pounds arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of Bordeaux mixture | Bordeaux mixture. V.{| One quart arsenite of lime, Kedzie’s formula, and 2 pounds resin-fish-oil soap to 50 gallons of Bordeaux mixture. ViIs|*Uusprayed | 3 soos eee, Fs ee ee eee ee a ; VII. | Three pounds arsenate of lead and 2 pounds resin-fish-oil soap to 50 gallons of Bordeaux mixture. | Number sae Date of application. tions. 3 | June 19, July 8,27. 3 | Do. 3 Do 34 Do. 2 |-July 9, 27 wr ea Q De. THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 5D The variations in the formulas were made to ascertain, if possible, the value of arsenate of lead as against arsenite of lime in the control of this insect. The resin-fish-oil was added on some plats and with- held on others to determine its value as an adhesive in making the spray stick to the grape berries. The variation in number of appli- cations was made to ascertain if applications made before the blossom- ing of the grape were of greater value than those made after blossom- ing. The application on June 19 was made when the blossom clusters were well developed, but a few | days before actual blossoming (see fig. 20). The application on July 8 was made after blossoming when the berries were about the size of buckshot (PI. V, fig. 1). At this stage of development the berries stand some distance apart: and the spray can be forced through the cluster, so as to cover allof the berries. The application July 27 was made for the purpose of covering the berries to protect - them from the entrance of larvee of the second brood. In all of these applications the work was quite thorough, and with the exception of the third application most of the clusters were well covered by the spray. When the third application was Fic. 20.—Stage of development of grape blossom clus- : ter at which poison-spray application should be made made the foliage had be COMe against early hatching larve of the grape-berry moth rather dens e,m akin g it more dif- wines infest the blossom clusters. ( Original.) ficult to reach the clusters, and at the same time the berries had increased in size, forming a somewhat compact cluster. These con- ditions made it increasingly difficult to force the spray in among the berries. Furthermore, too much poison forced into the clusters in this condition is undesirable, since some of it is likely to be present in the cluster when the fruit is ripe and thus render it undesirable for table use. During the season four counts were made of infested berries on 25 vines inall of the plats. Table X XIII shows the increase in infestation: aa 56 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. TaBLE X XIII.—Progress of infestation oJ Fruit by larve of the grape-berry moth in experimental plats. Vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1907. FIRST COUNT OF INFESTED BERRIES MADE JULY 24. Aver- Total Num- a Total | age | Num- number] , ze: a - Plat Date of spray ber of Groraeaformule —iAGe number|number| ber of | of ber- fb 38 No. application. appli- Bray. : exam- | 0! clus-| of ber- infested] ries ee A cations. ad ters. |ries per| berries.| count- festa an cluster. ed. 2 I. | June 19, July 8, 27. 3 | 5-5-3-50...-..----- 25 997 36 205 | 35, 892 0. 45 1B er testes Gos nseeas 3 | 5-5-38-2-50.-.....-- 25 853 36 83 | 30,708 27 TOU oe ee GOs eas 3 | 5-6-1 qt.-2-50.._.- 25 842 36 113 | 30,312 RST IV. | July 6, QT sees 3 | 5-6-1 qt.-50_.--.-: 25 835 36 131 | 30,060 - 43 Viele eed Os sens 2 | 5-6-1 qt.-2-50...-. 25 744 36 172 | 26,784 . 64 VI. Uaspraved BSA N one. INGOT ee ee 25 890 36 317 | 32,040 - 98 WARIS: diblly@y 2i/se cakes s. 2 | 5-5-3-2-50_-. 2... - 25 | 1,204 36 126 | 43,344 29 SECOND COUNT OF INFESTED BERRIES MADE AUG. 29. I. | June 19, July 8, 27. 3) |) 5=5-38-50. 222-2. 25 997 36 662 | 35,892 1.84 18 [eel ees a COS EMR SUE oni 3 | 5-5-3-2-50_-...-.-- 25 853 36 337 | 30,708 1.09 18D esac Goss ees 3 | 5-6-1.qt.-2-50-...-- 25 842 36 432 | 30,312 1.09 IQA eases GO Se aie 3 | 5-6-1 qt.-50...--.- 25 835 36 330 | 30,060 1.09 Me i dwlh7 O Aiesck sad ce 2_| 5-6-1 qt.-2-50..-..- 25 744 36 419 | 26,784 1.56 VI. Unsprayed sa a INone<| None 2eeesee- asco 25 890 36 696 | 32,040 Del VAT) | Taaliye 9), 2p ee 2 | 5-5-38-2-50.-...---- 25 | 1,204 36 340 | 43,344 78 THIRD COUNT OF INFESTED BERRIES MADE OCT. 9 | I. | June 19, July 8, 27. Bf Gap eseoaea sae 25 997 36 | 2,326 | 35, 892 6. 45 JE eee doe wees 3. | 5=-5-38-2-50. 2... 2... 25 853 36 | 1,751 | 30,708 5.70 DD oabee doses seme 3 | 5-6-1 qt.-2-50-..-- 25 842 36} 1,503 | 30,312 4.95 ING eae Se dO Ree 3 | 5-6-1 qt.-50.....-- 25 835 36 | 1,083 | 30,060 3. 60 Wis) diblhe))) igee sScec 2 | 5-6-1 qt.-2-50...-. 25 744 36 | 1,681 | 26,784 6. 27 VI. | Unsprayed....... INion esa) None amare asae 25 890 36 | 3,549 | 32,040 11. 07 Walia | edulliye9 27a ee 2 | 5-5-3-2-50._.-...-- 25 | 1,204 36 | 1,910 | 43,344 4. 40 FOURTH COUNT OF INFESTED BERRIES MADE OCT. 23 I. | June 19, July 8, 27. 3 5-5-3-502 2 oe 523 25 997 36 | 4,655 | 27,544 16.90 1s eS dos vane 3 | 5-5-3-2-50_--..-.-- 25 853 36 | 2,295 | 25, 668 9.51 MOE eeoee Ol ae aa eeis ee 3 | 5-6-1 qt.-2-50..-.-- 25 842 36 | 2,648 | 24, 552 10.78 TEV seh see dOSss tena eae 3 | 5-6-1 qt.-50......-. 25 835 36 | 2,295 | 24, 232 9. 74 Wor lidiblhyy Os Aiea ese eee 2 | 5-6-1 qt.-2-50..-... 25 744 36 | 2,288 | 23, 562 9.71 VI. | Unsprayed.....-- INiometh|NOnMe scenes 25 890 36 | 3,149 | 23,000 13. 69 WADE Tbh 2 @s P(ecaaccieee 2 | 5-5-3-2-50........- 25} 1,204 36 | 2,338 | 36,980 6. 32 In making these counts it was observed that the infestation was very irregular throughout this block of vineyard. The first two or three rows on Plat I were heavily infested. The fruit on about 20 to 30 vines, on the east end of plats I, II, and III was also quite badly infested. Passing through Plats V, VI, and VII and toward the north side and the west end of the vineyard the infestation was much lighter, and on Plat VII and the extreme west end of Plats IV, V, VI, and VII the infestation was very light. This exceedingly variable condition of infestation has made the tabulation of results very difficult, and it has been quite impossible to bring out the relative value of the different poisons used and the value of the varying number of applications. THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 57 The results of the spraying operations for this season are quite indefinite and serve only to bring out the great irregularity in infesta- tion, its progress throughout the season, and the difficulty in laying out a plat arrangement which will show accurately the effect of spray treatment against this pest. That some benefit did result from the spray application is indicated by the fact that in a comparison of infestation in Plats V, VI, and VII, where the infestation was lighter but more uniform than on the opposite side of the vineyard, there was throughout the season a greater infestation on the unsprayed plat than on the two adjacent sprayed plats. There was not sufficient difference in the weight of fruit from the different plats to indicate a commercial value resulting from the use of arsenate of lead as against arsenite of lime. VINEYARD EXPERIMENTS WITH POISON SPRAYS IN 1908. The spray work for 1908 was conducted in the same vineyard as in 1907. The plat arrangement, however, was changed. The number W W Fic. 21.—Plat arrangement of poison-spraying experiments against the grape-berry moth in the vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1908 and 1909. (Original.) of plats was reduced to four. Plat I consisted of 5 rows, Plat II of 12 rows, Plat III of 13 rows, and Plat IV of 5 rows. The position of the check or unsprayed plat was also changed. Checks were left in two places. In the west section 10 vines were left unsprayed on the east end of all the rows of the four plats; in the east section 15 vines were left unsprayed on the east end of all of the rows of the four plats. (See plan of plat arrangement, fig. 21.) The dotted line running across the plats near the east end of both sections indicates the loca- tion of the unsprayed check vines; these portions thus separated are numbered Plat Va and Plat V0, respectively. This rearrangement of plats was adopted in the hope that the infestation of the vines in these locations would more nearly represent that existing on the sprayed vines. Arsenite of lime was eliminated from the spray formulas used, on account of slight injury to foliage. The spray formula on all four plats was thesame. (See Table XXIV.) 58 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. TaBLE XXIV.—Spray formulas and dates of application against larvx of the grape-berry moth. Vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1908. Number Ne. Spray formula. ee Date of application. tions. je Three pounds arsenate of lead and 2 pounds resin-fish-oil to 50 2 | June 4, 18. gallons of Bordeaux mixture. 1 Th Geral aap es CO PERE ap a NN a Ca ERY ee BS NEDA on ae Ve a ls ayn SE 3 | June 4, 18; July 6. dG tee eee Oars Sos EE A SE EE ee Ae eS Se ee 2) June 19; July 6. PViee a eae (0 (cere es Rs ore ae Od aaa Soe Rea a eee ne bae 1} June 19. V 2b.| Unsprayed. The same spraying machine and the same nozzle arrangement were used as in 1907. The pressure maintained was from 100 to 125 pounds. About 100 gallons of spray were applied per acre. The first application was made June 4, just before the blossom buds opened. Counts of infested berries were made on 25 vines in each of the unsprayed check plats and also in each of the sprayed plats. (See Table XXVIII, showing progress of infestation for season of 1909.) TasBLeE XXVIII.—Progress of infestation ee by larvxe of the grape-berry moth in experimental plats. Vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1909. FIRST COUNT OF INFESTED BERRIES, MADE ON JULY 25. Number Numbet Number Plat No. Date of spray application. Spray formula. | of appli- ans of infested cations. | jreq. | berries. Wes ee eg Sega aan June 2 PS WUE Oeusccscecocs 5-0-3550 eee er ee re 3 25 23 HG Rees het a NE SIs ae 40 KO) Ei eee ann AC A A aly D-D=3- 00 Mae eer 3 25 14 1B pe eae ee Ie eee June 25, Jualiyi95 Hs eee 5-5-3-50..-..------ 2 25 17 1 ONS Siete eh Dias Ses aimee [ate ere (0 KO pe pes OL ss hie ae 5-5-3-50.....----.- 2 25 12 Boe eee ees 3 25 750 1d Veena a guy rs ee LAA Ec) (OV mM Oe OGRE tS ce Ot 5-5-8-50........--- 3 25 396 CNTR ES S88 oe See June vs itty O)SSe oe seen eres 5-5-3-50..-.....--- 2 25 550 Ge cerca eae eee ap ae ia fC NIE Berk SL be 5-5-3-50.. 2.5.2... 2 25 390 se $0 ehiteted sii ® he 0 Coty, O15 Anh a ies Bul. 116, Part Il, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VIII. | tO fl ed foe ae eels poy Sytateeiiy A Saertetatuctaiy va ean os aaeheit neeay LOSE TINT eee ea epegenneenreetial ewe ppd Te AS auaue~nett ’ aa ment a ae ff pce thetadlet te-neye-fr panty FP «Pane etl GR a ene se euababalt FIG. 1.—SHOWING SIZE OF GRAPE BERRIES AT SECOND SPRAY APPLICATION ABOUT THE TIME MANY OF THE FIRST-BROOD EGGS OF THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH ARE DEPOSITED ON THEM. (ORIGINAL.) a te PAD AS ytd reeryTy eT ened eee pate Lat eT EN egange Fia. 2.—TRAILER METHOD OF VINEYARD SPRAYING IN ORDER TO APPLY THE SPRAY TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE FOLIAGE OR TO THE GRAPE CLUSTERS WHERE THE FOLIAGE IS DENSE. (ORIGINAL.) Sie aa De Te ee ee Rep THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 61 TaBLE XXVIII. aipiouls of infestation of fruit by larvx of the grape-berry moth in experimental plats. Vineyard of Mr. W.S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1909—Contd. FIRST COUNT OF INFESTED BERRIES, MADE ON JULY 25. Number ue Number Plat No. Date of spray application. Spray formula. of appli- aaa ofinfested cations. < berries. ined WaeVibes. 2 2b eee. Dinsprayed Sera Sa Se eats INONeS ee ere None. 25 34 OV Se et SOR Care 0 Es cots IS renee cree aa etc OLS ar None. 25 28 DOS eee eeeas do Ae tice ifs aps Man) Se ere exc ane ees GOs eter None. 25 21 1D) Ose gg ane C0 eae ete ee et ee et ea OOS See nee None. 25 19 Wa Mibas5- 4242244 Ses Umasprayeds: 2. 1p ee | INOHC SS 365. eee None. 25 1,574 One eee [poets BO eae Se See he Si [ee et GOs ee None. 25 890 ID eles Seem ome ete meres ONS S AT a he Serger ll Se dos BF nats None. 25 468 DOss Se ee ee ene (0 YR eae pre tae rae Eisen GOe anes Sere None. 25 1,168 The counts were made July 25 and September 21 to 24. The infestation this season, as in 1907 and 1908, was heavier on the south side of Plat I and on the east end of the east section and became lighter toward the north side and west end of the vineyard, a condi- tion which existed throughout the three seasons. When the crop was harvested it was found that there was practic- ally no difference in weight of fruit per acre on the sprayed and the unsprayed vines. Taking the vineyard as a whole the infestation was very much lighter than in either of the preceding seasons. (See Table X XIX, showing percentage of infected berries on fruit from 25 vines in each of the sprayed and the unsprayed plats.) TaBLE XIX.—Percentage of grape berries infested by larvxe of the grape-berry moth on 25 vines in sprayed and unsprayed plats. Vineyard of Mr. W. S. Wheeler, North East, Pa., 1909. SPRAYED. Aver- i , age i 1 Per- Num-) Total | num- Total | cent- Plat ne _ |ber of number|ber of perio numberjage of eee No Dates sprayed. GS Formula. vines} of ber- ea of in- aA % Sasa exam-| clus- | ries | },, | ber- |fested) ..omined pray ined.| ters. | per rice ries. | ber- : lus- : | ries ter. 1909. i aunS 2. 28, 83) SS pee 20) |— 1512 | 38 | 750 | 57,456 | 1.30 | Sept. 21-24 Yi ilps apes dOye3e te 3 | 5-5-3-50_--..-.- 25 | 1,242| 38] 396 } 47,196 | .84 Do. Til ee July 9. 2 |-9-0-3-50- -- 2. =. 25 |. 1,203 38 | 504 } 49,514 | 1.12 Do. TWEE ee GOns 2555222 2 | 5-5-3-50....... 25} 1,288 38 | 390 | 48,944 | .79 Do. UNSPRAYED. ve ees | None..| None..........|° 25 | 1,102] 38 |1,574 | 42,256 | 3.72 | Sept. 21-24 Ves pg ois he do........| 25] 994} 38] 890 | 37,772 | 2:36 Do. Vb se bie eae a do..|.....do........) 25] 747 | 38 468 | 26,562 | 1.77 Do. ee ieee pea Sass dossiey: Gots ees 25 | 1,182] 38 |1,168 | 44,916 | 2.60 Do. 62 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. . In considering the results of the spray experiments presented in the foregoing paragraphs the casual reader might infer that the benefit derived does not offset the cost of the operation. Charging the total expense to this particular insect, this would probably hold true for the seasons of 1907 and 1909. The treatment for 1908 shows a cash increase in crop yield, however, which more than offsets the cost of spray treatment for that season. It should be remem- bered, too, that these spray applications serve to protect the grape- vines against the grape rootworm and the fruit and foliage against fungous diseases. For both of these infestations it is desirable to make the spray applications at about the same dates that the appli- cations are recommended to be made for the control of the larve of the grape-berry moth. Hence the additional expense involved in the increased amount of spray material used in making applications thorough enough to be effective in decreasing the infestation of the grape berries by this insect 1s not very great. The cost of spray material and labor for each application at the rate of about 100 gallons per acre was approximately $2 per acre for each application. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the poison-spray application covering the three seasons greatly reduced the infestation throughout the vineyard, for at the end of the third season’s treatment the infestation was manifestly much less than when the experiment was commenced. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONTROL. At the present state of our knowledge of the habits of this pest and of the methods that have been suggested and employed for its control it is impossible to recommend any one method which of itself has given results that are as satisfactory as could be wished. The life-history studies made during this investigation, which have been discussed under that head, indicate that we have been in error in assuming that there are three broods of this insect in the Lake Erie Valley. According to Prof. Slingerland the first brood develops in the blossom clusters and the recently set berries. The summer or second brood develops on the green grapes during July and early August and a partial third brood occurs in autumn. On the strength of these statements much emphasis has been placed upon the importance and probable efficiency of a poison spray applied to the vines just previous to blossoming to destroy the larvee of the first brood which feed upon the blossom cluster. The life-history studies made during this investigation, however, indi- cate that only about 25 per cent of the spring moths emerge pre- vious and up to the time that the blossom buds break into bloom. Hence no matter how effective this first poison application may be in the destruction of the larve actually feeding upon the blossom THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 63 clusters it is ineffective against the larger portion of the first brood of larve, since at this time only a small portion of them have hatched. On the other hand, it is of great importance to destroy as many as possible of these early appearing larve, since the adults into which they develop deposit eggs for the second brood. With our present knowledge that the majority of the larve of this first brood do not appear until after the berries have set, this first poison application previous to blossoming can no longer be emphasized as the most important spray treatment, to the extent of regarding later applica- tions as of little value or of withholding them entirely. In fact, with the knowledge that the majority of the larve hatch after the blooming period during the first two weeks in July, additional atten- tion should be given to making the spray application very thorough during this period. It is quite probable that a single poison-spray application just before the blossom buds open, followed by a heavy double application about the first week in July just after the berries have set and at a time when the maximum number of larve are hatching, will doubtless give the most satisfactory results to be secured from a spray treatment. A study of the experimental results secured in the season of 1908, when this heavy double-appli- cation method was followed, indicates that better net results were secured from these double-spray applications than in the seasons of 1907 and 1909, when the plan of making a single application at each date of spraying was followed. Where these heavy double-spray applications are resorted to it is suggested that a Bordeaux formula consisting of 3 pounds of lime and 3 pounds of copper sulphate to 50 gallons of water be employed instead of 5 pounds of lime and 5 pounds of copper sulphate as is sometimes recommended. The reason for suggesting this weakening of the Bordeaux formula is that injury to the foliage of the grape- vine has been observed to result from very heavy and frequent applications of the stronger formula. In making spray applications against this insect it is very desirable that a high pressure be maintained in order to force the poison spray into the cluster so that all of the berries may be covered. (See PI. VIII, fig. 1, showing size of grape berries at date of second spray application, at about the time many of the first-brood eggs of the grape-berry moth are deposited.) If at the second spraying this can not be done with a stationary nozzle arrangement on account of the dense foliage, the trailer method of application used against the grape leafhopper may be employed. (See Pl. VIII, fig. 2.) When the grape leafhopper is at all numerous in vineyards where spraying treatment for the grape-berry moth is necessary, a combi- nation spray may be used against both insects during the early part of July, using the “ trailer’? method of application. nt i | | : q y ny ‘a : ; h f oa r 4] ni | ' ia 64 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. Commercial tobacco extracts (blackleaf tobacco extract, contain- ing 2,4 per cent nicotine sulphate) applied at a dilution of 1 to 150 gallons of water, or a still more highly concentrated form (‘blackleaf 40,” containing 40 per cent nicotine sulphate) applied at a dilution of 1 to 1,500 gallons of water, may be used with arsenate | of lead. The tobacco extract is used on the leaf as a contact remedy against the nymphs of the grape leafhopper and the arsenate of lead on the fruit against the larve of the grape-berry moth. Paris green and arsenite of lime should not be mixed with the tobacco extracts as a substitute for arsenate of lead, for serious foliage injury results from these combinations. The combination-spray application against these two insects should be made by the ‘‘trailer’’ method, as shown in Plate VIII, figure 2. The nymphs of the grape leafhopper suck the juice from the underside of the grape leaves and are killed by the tobacco extracts coming in contact with their bodies; hence, in making this application to the underside of the grape foliage most of the grape clusters are drenched by the spray. By the addition of arsenate of lead this application may also act as a treatment against the larve of the grape-berry moth. Since no serious infections of black rot have occurred in the vine- ’ yards of the Lake Erie Valley during the past few seasons, the stronger fungicide formula does not appear to be necessary. Hence the combination spray formula recommended against this pest is as follows: fumel: 2. eae pounds. . 3 Copper sulphate} Bordeaux formula. > 21 2-2 dures 3 Water 222 gallons 50 Amsenate: of: lead (insectigide): 22-22. 22 at 41 l io + ee eee ero apples 3 Since the effectiveness of an arsenical spray treatment depends upon the presence of the poison upon the blossom clusters and upon the berries when the larve hatch from the eggs and commence to feed upon the blossom buds and berries, and since this period varies more or less each season, it is impossible to give definite dates at which the applications should be made. Hence the development of the blossom clusters and the formation of the berries will doubtless indicate more accurately the hatching period of the larve. The following spray schedule is based on the blossoming period of the grape and the development of the berries: First application just previous to the blossoming period (see fig. 20) to poison the larve which feed in the blossom cluster, from about June 8 to 14. The second application should be made immediately after blossom- ing, at which time the larve commence to feed upon the newly set berries, and the application should be doubled over those portions THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 65 of the vineyard where the infestation has been heavy during previous seasons. The time of this second application is approximately from June 20 to 30. The third application should be made when the berries are about the size of buckshot (see Pl. VIII, fig. 1). If the foliage is dense, the “trailer” method of application should be employed, and if the grape leafhopper is at all numerous the tobacco extract should be added to control the latter insect. The time of this third application is approximately from July 5 to 15. The poison-spray treatments recommended against the grape root- worm are also covered by the second and third applications against the grape-berry moth. It should be distinctly understood by the vineyardist that the arsenate of lead is the active killing agent employed against the larve of the grape-berry moth and that. it is applied with the Bor- deaux mixture, which is a fungicide, in order to avoid the duplication of applications. : Where a considerable number of infested grape berries are observed on vineyard areas that received a poison-spray application before the grape blossoms opened, and a heavy double application after the berries had formed, it may be necessary to hand pick the infested berries during the latter part of July before many of the larve of the first brood have fully developed. By removing these larve from the vineyard and destroying them by immersing the infested berries in boiling water, the amount of infestation by’ the second brood of larvee may be greatly reduced. Should only limited areas of the vineyard prove to be seriously infested at the approach of the picking season, as frequently occurs, it is suggested that the vineyardist remove the fruit from these vines as early as possible, for in doing so he may be able to remove a good many of the larve from the vineyard which would otherwise remain there to reinfest the crop of the succeeding season. In addition to the control methods suggested against the larve, special effort should be made to destroy the pupz which pass the winter in the fallen leaves, on the ground beneath the trellis. (See fig. 22.) As previously mentioned, observations made during this investigation indicate that the majority of the pupe over-winter in cocoons made upon leaves which have fallen prematurely to the ground beneath the trellis. These leaves are frequently stuck to the soll and are in a state of semidecay before the rest of the foliage has fallen from the vines. Hence there is little likelihood that many of these leaves bearing the cocoons wiil be blown out of the vineyard. For this reason it is quite probable that if 2 or 3 inches of soil are thrown under the trellis in late fall or early spring many of the pup may be destroyed by this operation. It is not known positively that — °° °~ ~~ 66 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. plowing under the pupa-infested leaves in this manner will destroy the insect In this stage, but it is highly probable that many fatalities will result from the method. It is believed that greater success will result from an endeavor to destroy the pupx which are in cocoons upon leaves that remain in the vineyard throughout the winter than in the destruction of leaves outside of the vineyard which are blown into fence rows, ditches, and adjacent rough lands. No moths of this insect have been reared from grape leaves gathered from these latter locations, although several attempts have been made to secure speci- mens from them. Fic. 22.—Overwintering cocoons of the grape-berry moth upon Jeafon ground, beneath a badly infested grapevine. (Original.) CONCLUSION. Wherever vineyards have become badly infested by the grape-berry moth serious injury to the crop has resulted and the owners of the infested vineyards have found it a very difficult pest to eradicate. Many vineyardists who have tried to control the pest with a poison spray have not met with as complete success as they would wish. Many such instances of complete or partial failure have been observed. In nearly all of these cases, however, investigation has shown that this lack of success, in all probability, was largely due, either to inferior spraying equipment which failed to deliver the spray in sufficient quantity and force to thoroughly cover the clusters, or to the fact that the applications were not made at a time when the majority of the larve were about to hatch. Frequently both of these condi- THE GRAPE-BERRY MOTH. 67 tions have occurred simultaneously, and as a result, failure has been complete. For this reason the spray method of control is looked upon with disfavor by many who have carried on the work under these conditions. In vineyards where infestation is at all serious vineyardists are urged to give the spray method a thorough trial for a period of several consecutive seasons. If the infestation is confined to a limited area, as is frequently the case, the owner can well afford to make additional applications over this area to prevent it from increasing and spreading farther into the vineyard and possibly, at some future time, causing the loss of a large percentage of the crop over the entire area. A lack of knowledge of the extent of the infestation of his vineyard by this pest during the early stages of the first brood is perhaps one of the chief causes for lack of successful control by the owner. It is hoped that with the aid of the data contained in this paper under “Seasonal history” the vineyardist will be better able to determine the periods when the maximum number of larve leave the eggs to enter the berries, and with the additional aid of more efficient high-pressure power-spraying machinery now available for this work it is believed that the poison-spray method of control will prove to be the most effective and practical means of controlling this pest. Combination spray mixtures, whereby other insect pests of the grapevine can be controlled by the same applications made against the grape-berry moth, have been suggested under the head of recom- mendations for control and are worthy of trial in the endeavor to reduce the cost of controlling several of the pests that infest the fruit and foliage of the grape in the vineyards throughout the Lake Erie Valley. This phase of control work will receive some attention in connection with further studies to be made of grape pests, by the Bureau of Entomology, in this region. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1860. CLEMENS, Dr. B.—Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860, p. 359. Description of adult, habits of larva. Polychrosis viteana. 1869. Wats, B. D., and Ritey, C. V.—Grape-berry moth. eer omer Woe = 3k RSS Sel ee ees ee ee ae 1 nc Ae Ra at Peel De Ee aa pe patie eed] (a eae 2 Oc DE oe el oe oe: Beal ee ee | eee 7 bho ect aise ets Lee eae el ern Cae ent | ree ee aw TAs = an ae eee 4 10 PALS EARS Ss Se eo 0) AAR ee Ce Sb an ee Ge St Sate a Df Re ean | 3 : 2 De eya ia trees ee pe eens el oS gh rN De eee IR Ail seu ee Sepba tase sae ee Gee eee Seri |ien ee ee 20 Rie ete ee Ae Nr eave 3 NO ea eas Die ct 0 os PR a ees Sere tee ie ae |. he ee eee Bt CSS Bnei ie nmpel bars Se aetna DL ee eS. (is ee ote gE es ee eee ASUS Sess Sa ee | eae eee (eee Total number Data. 2 eee Ae on |, Soe | dead.222_ +. 4 20 20 Se eps ato | Sea ig hs [a pe a Al, 2 ne ae Number of days re- A ete ACES rs |i fo aed «Se eS Peas oe Se Quireditoykilie seal = eo. . 13 7 Gx eS Peel cers |b oa ae nce leen tet a || Square inches of eae [Suse cateafe oe eee ale ee eat hoe foliage consumed.| 243. 20 0. 73 0.12 84 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. EXPERIMENT II. In order to obtain further data on the killing effect of lime-sulphur another experiment was started July 30, using different strengths of lime-sulphur as given in Table IT. TaBLe I1.—Tests of the killing effect of lime-sulphur on the fall webworm. [Experiment started July 30, 1912, Benton Harbor, Mich.; 20 larvee in each Jot.] | Larve dying in each lot. | Larvee dying in each lot. Date of Lot | Lot | Lot | Lot ae Parelot Lot | Lot | Lot | Lot pot aes I— | 2— | 3— So ie I— } 2— | 3— a examination. |Check|Lime-|Lime-|Lime| A'S& || ©xamination.— Icheck|Lime-|Lime|Lime-| “1S (un- |} sul- | sul- | sul- (an- | sul- } sul- | sul : spray-| phur,|phur, phur ee spray-|phur,/phur, phur, noe ed). |14-50. | 3-50 | 6-50. | 5 59” ed 2-90. | 3-50. | 6-50. | 5759’ | AUPE Uh eres Pas eee AL eee is See pa Ae PAROS as 2 eee | 7a Wee etieaite Bots AG re eet foe ae el eee tee eee eee ee fo ee 15. col oh A. ee aed ll Be ee ge tke sae) pee et Peano eee ed ee eee 7 teat Gish Wage Rts os oe cles 2 pee ee one. eae eae V snsigpecbap tna hg a ce 2D wie = Seats PE Ree eel as Re 2 ee peda ee Spee 1 Pye eo 6 7 Wena naapraltie (Ol o-seraed) edna l Maesteg al cae ide GSR SCS ie aR US EA We asl ii Siesta he Be er ete 1 1) 9 Sy ee Total num- 8... eee es Sill 4 1 14 ber dead. - 1 20 20 20 20 ae oe pa A [api 2 | 2 5 | eae exo Number days re- aN (OE sees! Ser eee: Dah Bee |------|------ quired to kill....|..__-- 15 12 9 9 TOY Ee ee S| a ae ea 40 1 Oy Pasa |B a Pl 2 Square inches foli- NE ee es eres Cea 2 1) Seeeere ene ee es age consumed .../40.00 | 1.21 | 0.65 | 0.34} 0.83 FT a Ge el Pte i Qe Peat cel enema: : } Arsenate of lead was used in lot 5 for comparison with the lime-sulphur solution. In this experiment 15 days were required by lime-sulphur, 14-50, to kill the 20 larve, as against 9 days required by arsenate of lead, 2-50. Twelve days were required by lime-sulphur, 3-50, while lime- sulphur, 6-50, killed the 20 larvee in the same length of time required by arsenate of lead, 2-50. The check lot was discontinued at the end of 30 days, when 1 larva was recorded dead and 40 square inches of foliage consumed. It was found in this test that the number of square inches of foliage consumed decreased about one-half as the strength of the lime-sulphur was doubled, the largest amount being 1.21 square inches. The amount consumed on the arsenate-of-lead jot was 0.83 of a square inch. EXPERIMENT III. In Table III are shown the comparative results of a dosage test consisting of seven different strengths of lime-sulphur varying from 4-50 to 6-50, and four different strengths of arsenate of lead varying from 4-50 to 5-50. nerers ; whee i¢ ‘ se bly ge ote PLATE XI. Bul. 116, Part IV, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. "NYOMEAM 11V4d AHL LSNIVOVY NOSIOd HOVWOLS V SV YNHdINS-AWIT ONILSSAL 40 GOHLAWN (IVNIDINO) “DIM_L GSAVUdS HLIM NOSINWd -WOD HOS !AWI AWOS YO4 ONIGSS4 Naga (IVNIDINOQ) “B/AYV7] JO AdvVOSy LNSAZYd OL OVG Y3advd HLIM AAVH SWHOMESM WV4 HOIHM NOdQ G3YusAOD ‘AWVS ‘LHOIY LV ‘SSAV37] NO ONIGSS4 (VANNO VINLNVHdAH ) WHOMESM AYYSHD AIIM JO DIML GSAVYedSNN—'s ‘DIS T1V4 3HL JO HAYV7] ONIMOHS ‘AYYSHO GM JO SIML GaAVudS ‘L437 LY—'] “DIS LIME-SULPHUR A STOMACH POISON FOR INSECTS. roo) TaBLE III.—Tests of the killing effect on thefall webworm of lime-sulphur in comparison with arsenate of lead. [Experiment started August 8, 1912, Benton Harbor, Mich., 20 larvee in each lot.] Larvee dying in each lot. Loti—| Lot | Lot | Lot | Lot | Lot | Lot | Lot Lot |) Hots uot hon aunts 9— | 10— | 1 | 2 Date of examination. Drew | a Oe Onli a “(CCX [Lime [Lime |Lime-|Lime-|Lime-|Lime-|Lime-| A'S] Arse Arse” | Arse- spray- sul- | sul- | sul- | sul- | sul- | sul- | sul- mr we oi Ai ed) phur,| pbur,!| phur,| phur,|phur,| phur,| phur, lead. | lead. | lead. | lead * | 4-50. | 1-50. |1$-50. | 2-50. | 3-50. | 5-50. | 6-50. | 4°59” |4-F9’| 9.50715 50° IU ND) = cicinao075 S22 choo Hae ae eee See a aera! Ieee eet Verges | leneeeeel ly steer il Seen 2 8 4 Wey add con Gols 00906 BS Se SIE | Rae a Eenene pes [nee ge tes IPs es [eee nara 1 Bd See 2 li 15 ALS agabosoedss ooUdal Nemes 1 4 5 2 3 6 11 Ie AD) 1 1 Ce eat ae SS oS se6o5| Ae een 3 8 13 6 6 6 4 11 2) 2. eee Re eR ees orcs doo Sen Saeecae 2 8 2 8 il (el Base 3 |: ae ee QO Scjtea sts ea ioc. Seite casuals ZM ba ees ey Beecoas ees amar ihe Ai Noa.n ore sla eee | Se D1) SEES es Seis oso] |e Ga ee a ep ee yop ae At lle aerial ere ae nel (ao See Sie] OUR SOBA C ESA mcs 7y WSC Gee e ESE oe a ene Aste Selaaaca los soaa| SoGoen Sareea peeoe|Scarodéel ook Spode se rascaodKs 3) J Doecen heed Dasara RES El aeome Seon Mecca eho mll eeenal ec on sac Oct 19i5 5) 9 ee a eee eae i Taz Heap | (eae een ee a0 6. 2 nae Total number dead. 7 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Number days required to Aer Daa ee va a rah 14 10 10 12 10 10 8 14 10 6 @ Square inches of foliage Consumed=eeeseeeeeeeee 119.00 | 3.92 | 0.36 | 0.17 | 1.01 | 0.81 | 0.73 | 0.26. | 2.38 | 1.98 | 0.11 | 0.10 It will be noted that lime-sulphur, 4-50, killed the 20 larve in 14 days, the same length of time required by arsenate of lead, 4-50. Also lime-sulphur, 1-50, killed the larva in the same length of time as arsenate of lead 1-50, the time required being 10 days. However, in both instances the arsenate of lead killed more rapidly in the beginning than the lime-sulphur. Eight days were required by lime-sulphur, 6-50, to kill the 20 larve as against 6 days required by arsenate of lead, 5-50. The amount of feeding varied somewhat in this experiment, the largest amount on the sprayed lots being 3.92 square inches where lime-sulphur, 4-50 was used, and the smallest amount being 0.10 of a square inch in lot 12 which was sprayed with arsenate of lead, 5-50. EXPERIMENT LY. The object of experiment [V was to obtain data on the relation of the killing effect of arsenate of lead alone and combined with lme- sulphur, and to obtain, if possible, data on the effect the addition of one to the other has upon the rapidity of killimg. Lime-sulphur alone was used at four different strengths, and also was combined at the same rates with arsenate of lead, 2-50. The lime-sulphur strengths employed were 4-50, 2-50, 14-50, and 3-50. Arsenate of. lead, alone, was tried out at strengths of 4-50, 1-50, 2-50, 3-50, and 5-50, and also at the same strengths was combined with lime-sulphur, 14-50. The results are given in Table IV. ae I a nn 56 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. TaBLe IV.—Tests of the killing effect on the fall webworm of lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead, alone and combined. , {Experiment started Aug. 19, 1912, Benton Harbor, Mich., 20 larve in each lot.] i Larve dying in each lot. Date of examina- tion. Lot 1— Check sprayed). Lime- sul- phur, +50. (un- Lime- sul- phur, Agile See ae eee 2 ates ese een [ee Sep tret2 ass eee Seales ese ee ee 13-50. | | Lime- | sul- | phur, 3-50. Lot 2—| Lot 3—; Lot 4— Lot 5—| Lot 6—| Lot 7—| Lot 8—| Lot 9—'Lot 10— Lime- sul- Total num- ber dead... Number days re- quired to kill..... Square inches of oliage consumed. Arse- | Arse- | Arse- | Arse- | Arse- nate of | nate of | nate of; nate of! nate of lead, | lead, | lead, | lead, | lead, 3-50. 1-50. 2-50. 3-50. 5-50. B Cal eee 3 4 5 12 2 10 2 13 8 8 7 14 VA ee Seat ae lal codec ices EE Nee Sar IRE eee Bisse Aye lies, rece tell Se et ee este ay atl a | ee SR as ee Jpsascee2 wor erect efewe ewe eee efeene eee rt eleoaoe eee ee | -- +e ee ee 20 20 20 20 20 10 6 6 6 4 2.44 0.36 0. 57 0. 24 0. 02 Date of examination. Aug. Bepts oe ees Total number | dead Number days GQuired tosalle yee: Square inches of foli- | age consumed Larve dying in each lot. Lot 11— | Lot 12— | Lot 13— | Lot 14— | Lot 15— | Lot 16—| Lot 17— | Lot 18— Lime- Lime- Lime- Lime- | Arsenate | Arsenate} Arsenate} Arsenate sulphur, | sulphur, | sulphur, | sulphur, } oflead, | oflead, | oflead, | oflead, 13-50; 13-50; 1-50; 13-50; 2-50; 2-50; 2-50; 2-50; arsenate | arsenate | arsenate | arsenate | lime- lime- lime- lime- | Oflead, | oflead, | oflead, | oflead, | sulphur, | sulphur, | sulphur, | sulphur, 3-50. 1-50. 2-50. 5-50. 4-50. 3-50. 13-50. 3-50. | A Spree ed| ea te 8 ee? 3 10 9 5 1 6 2 14 9 10 9 11 6 9 8 4 1 hha he ee nce 2 4 13 5 6 | 2 len Bee ais Pohenesc& ala gee aes See a Ze eee ihe ia ee el (ae ee eae Lens ce | Sears eo Deets uilbeo ca awese SUSIE TA [TTA a a SE a a eee ale eee | | | 20 | 20 20 20 20 20 | 20 20 10 | 8 8 4 6 6 6 6 0. 52 | 0. 02 0. 28 0. 07 0. 30 0. 19 0. 06 0. 22 } None of the larve on the unsprayed lot died until September 15, 27 days after the experiment was started. On October 3 the records of this lot showed 8 dead, 6 pupated, and 6 missing. alone, 1-50, and likewise ?—50, killed all the larvee in 12 days, while the time required by strengths of 14-50 and 3-50 was 8 days in each case, the rapidity of killing being somewhat greater with the latter strength. Arsenate of lead alone, 1 9 ~ a= Lime-sulphur —50, killed the 20 larve in 10 days, or 2 days more than was required by lime-sulphur, 13-50. Arsenate LIME-SULPHUR A STOMACH POISON FOR INSECTS. 87 of lead, 1-50, 2-50, and 3-50, each killed the larve 2 days sooner than that required by lime-sulphur, 14-50. Lime-sulphur, 14-50, when added to the various strengths of arsenate of lead did not appreciably affect the rate of killing of the arsenate of lead. The amount of feed- ing was reduced in all cases, excepting that of the strongest solution, lot 14, by the addition of lime-sulphur. On ae lots sprayed with lime-sulphur, 4-50, 3-50, 14-50, and 3-50, combined with arsenate of lead, 2-50, there was no difference 3 in the length of time required to kill the larve, 6 days being required in all cases. The same number of days was required by arsenate of lead alone, 2-50, but the rapidity of killmg was somewhat increased by the addition of lime-sulphur. EXPERIMENT V. In an experiment to obtain data on the sticking qualities of various sprays, three lots of the regular orchard demonstration strength of lime-sulphur, 14-50, were used. The three lots were thoroughly sprayed and allowed to dry. One lot was then washed for 15 minutes under a shower bath, by placing the twig just above the floor in an inclined position, allowing the water to fall upon it. Another lot was washed 30 minutes in the same manner, while the third lot remained unwashed. The same procedure was carried out on three lots of arsenate of lead, 2-50. After the twigs were again thoroughly dry 20 larve were placed on each. The results of this experiment are to be found in Table V. SB V.—Tests of the killing effect of lime-sulphur in comparison with arsenate of lead after washing of each. [Experiment started August 4, 1912, Benton Harbor, Mich., 20 larve in each lot.] Larvee dying in each lot. Lot 2— | Lot 3— | Lot4— | Lot 5— | Lot 6— | Lot 7— Date of examination. Lot 1— Lime- Lime- Lime- | Arsenate | Arsenate} Arsenate a Check | sulphur, | sulphur,|sulphur,| oflead, | oflead, | oflead, (un- 13-50; 13-50; 13-50; 2-50; 2-50; 2-50; sprayed).| not |washed 15 washed 20/ not’ |washed 15 washed 30 washed. | minutes. | minutes. | washed. | minutes. | minutes: JURE SS Bg oe des as on oe ot eee eens poe geee sod |paeieeea0ed| seGer senha Weoreesrar Wg oe ore cial Bs | eee PO eye en ae et Na ee ON a (EPS ee ey Me LER cracdilleveiocs ees a aealee ofa jira eee May 4 S| TARY foot Tp) te es er A| Paes in! ea Wg En Uo pe Pe eR (ore eal fae aoe cee May 7 Qcateeee econ te Supine oepe |: [ere lee ee eee de see ee ee May & 23°. Avie Salo Pie Salon = 45 bee sof Seale eee May 9 | Douay beeen, feiesoe aoe Lf Eek pee (ee Soe) tee Sega 203 | 6 | 23 |-44 | 30| 20| 15 | 29/17|11|- 4! 3] 1] 5,696 | | { Average time for all individuals, 28.05 days. 98 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. The time required for the larve to reach maturity was determined for 203. individuals, as is shown in Table I. The average time for all larvee was found to be 28.05+ days, the maximum being 35 days and the minimum 24 days. The length of the larval period for 1912 was doubtless longer than during a normal season. The weather conditions that prevailed throughout the spring of 1912 were to some degree exceptional. During the larval development from May 4 to 17, inclusive, the weather was exceptionally cool, the maximum temperatures for these days ranging from 38° to 76° F. In the rearing cages the larve, when full grown, invariably trans- formed into pupz in the rolled-up leaves upon which they had been feeding. In afew cases larve were seen pupating on the bottom of the cages. In the field larve usually change to pupe in the rolled-up leaves. In a few instances they have been observed making the transformation on the bark of the trees, where no protection was afforded the pupe. PUPAL STAGE. The length of the pupal period for 128 individuals is shown in the following table: TasLE I1.—Length of pupal stage of the fruit-tree leaf-roller, Canon City, Colo., 1912. | Moths emerging in specified days Number — from date of pupation. | of pupe | Date under ob- | | | larvee | servation | | | | | pupated. from which) | | | Toll moths 9 | LOPS PSs) eels ber of | | emerged. | | | days | | | | | ie | | May 28 |. Gee aaa 4 aitee lance metals ee oc | May 29 Cress 2 SS ans ete | my Sk alien eee ane | May 30 17 | 2S Oel Ge 5ill Oat ee eee | May 31 10) \ 0 aha l es Selec ol es | eee |e ee | June 1 Bsc 22 [lee oe eee |e lee eee | June 2 Z|, Llp SB Dai gL eee tery ees | ere June 3 I Bye sy Gi Hy a lt Se le Seas es June 4 PO 2eltel Seoul eee, gle acta June 5 1032 23] Di] Uae Se 2a ig eee mee June 6 OH sss) 1 Eesha se al [mar a Ne al pel Nes eee June 7 Pyalaeeall ee pT ee PNW [Shea Sees AE ne June 8 AM 30a eee 3 1 dd ted Ces a a June 9 Bel Roe |e ale Wille | eee eee ae eeees June 10 8 QU ard) Nera ela | |e rears June 13 eletsse Sulhedsl Sen S| oe eel ee S| ae eee 128 | 8 | 27} 46| 28 | 12, 5 | 2) 1,440 | ! | Average time for all individuals, 11.25 days. The earliest larve to pupate were observed on May 28, and the latest ones on June 13. The days spent in the pupal state varied from 9 to 15 days, the average for 128 individuals being 11.25 days as is shown in Table II. Bul. 116, Part V, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE XVI. SAGES: OF Ehi= FRUIR-TREE. EEAF-ROEEER: Fic. 1.—EG@G MASSES ON TRUNK OF APPLE TREE. FIG. 2.-—MOTH AND EXTRUDED PUPAL CASE. FIG. 3.-UNHATCHED EGG MASSES ON APPLE Twias. Fic. 1, MucH REDUCED; Figs. 2, 3, MUCH ENLARGED. (ORIGINAL.) THE FRUIT-TREE LEAF-ROLLER. 99 In the orchard the first pupz were observed on June 1 and the maxi- mum period of pupation was reached from about June 12 to June 20. Pupz could, however, be found in the field as late as July 10. Just before the emergence of the adult the pupa wriggles out of its loosely woven cocoon (PI. XII, fig. 4; Pl. XVI, fig. 2, at right) for a short distance. The posterior end of the pupa is provided with three pairs of hooks, which are known as the cremaster, and these hooks become fastened to silken threads that have been spun by the larva on the leaf, so that the pupa is held securely, even if the greater part of the body is extended. While the writer was examining rear- ing cages on July 3 (8 a.m.), a pupa was noticed wriggling out of its pupation quarters. The following observations were made: 8.20 a.m. The pupal skin or shell was cracked in the anterior region. 8.25 a.m. Moth about half out. 8.30 a. m.-Moth left the pupal shell, the body being still wet and the wings quite wrinkled. 8.35 a.m. Body dry and wings straightened out and folded over back. 8.43 a. m. Wings have separated and are held roof-like over the back. 8.55 a.m. Moth crawling about in glass jar quite actively. 8.58 a.m. Observations ceased; moth was fluttering about the cage. Total time consumed in emergence, approximately 10 minutes. It will be noted that the time required for this moth to emerge after the breaking of the pupal skin was about 10 minutes, and in- side of five minutes after emergence its body and wings were dry, but the moth did not become active until about 20 minutes had elapsed. THE ADULT AND EGG STAGES. From material under observation the first moth emerged on June 7 and the latest ones appeared on June 24. The maximum emer- gence of moths was on June 14 and 15. In the field the period during which the greatest number of moths appeared was from about June 22 to July 1. The first moth was noticed in the orchard on June 9, and by July 20 practically all moths had disappeared. From about June 25 to July 10 most egg masses were being deposited on the trees. The following egg-laying records were obtained in rearing cages, and these have a direct bearing on the length of life of the moths. On June 21 at 8 a. m. a male and female that had emerged during the previous night were placed in a jar in which was put a small twig, so that there would be a suitable place for oviposition. The cage was examined on June 22 and both moths were quite active. On June 23 at 5 p.m. the male moth was found dead in the bottom of the jar, but the female was actively crawling about in the cage. At 8 a.m. the next day (June 24) a medium-sized egg mass was deposited on the twig. The moths were not observed copulating. The eggs 100 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. had been laid some time during the interval between 5 p. m. on June 23 and 8 a. m. on June 24. The female was dead on June 25 (8 a.m.). The female lived for about four days and the male only about two days. Eggs were deposited in two and one-half days. On July 1 (8 a.m.) a male moth and a female moth just emerged were placed in a Jar with an apple twig. Food was furnished the pair of moths by supplying them with a piece of absorbent cotton which had been saturated in a weak solution of sirup. The cage was examined the next day at 9 o’clock and both moths were quite restless. On July 3 at 8 a. m. an egg mass was found on the twig and both moths were still active. The male had died by 9 a. m. on July 4 and the female by 8 a. m. on July 5. Copulation was not observed. In this case the male lived about three days and the female about four days. The eggs were laid inside of two days after emergence of the moths. On July 16 two moths were observed mating and at noon were put in breeding jar. The cage was again examined on July 17 and the moths had ceased copulating and were crawling over the sides of the jar. On July 18 at 4 p. m. the cage was again looked over and an egg mass was found deposited on the twig. The life of the moths could not be determined, as the time of emergence was not known. A period of about two days is shown between the time of copulation and the time of deposition of the egg mass. There are not sufficient data bearing on the length of life of the adults to justify any generalization. The writer believes there is a wide variation in the longevity of the moths and that the females usually outlive the males. It is also reasonable to expect the moths to live for a longer period under natural conditions than is the case when they are kept in confinement. It is also likely that the females do not oviposit out of doors as readily as when confined m rearing Jars with the males. Observations under insectary conditions go to prove that the female if left unmolested during oviposition deposits all her eggs ina single mass. All ege masses deposited in rearing cages consisted of more than 100 eggs, the greatest number from one female bemeg 140. Inthe orchard it is not difficult to find rather small egg masses. The smallest one observed was composed of 25 eggs. In making field observations the writer noticed that the female when oviposit- ing would cease the operation very readily if disturbed in any way and fly or crawl away. Ovipositing females were observed changing position when insects such as ants, ground beetles, and ladybird larve or adults came too near them. One species of Coccinellide that is especially predaceous on the green aphis of the apple was noticed several times disturbing females in the act of oviposition, compelling them to crawl or fly to another place to deposit the Bg) dtd Selo Se ete THE FRUIT-TREE LEAF-ROLLER. 101 remainder of their eggs. This restless habit of the females may account for the many small egg masses that are found in the orchard. The eggs are usually laid at night. Moths have, however, been seen laying eggs as early in the evening as 5.30. SUMMARY OF LIFE HISTORY. The larval stage in the material under observation varied from 24 to 35 days, the average being 28.05 days; the pupal stage from 9 to 15 days, the average being 11.25 days; and the adult or moth stage from 2 to 3 days for the males and 3 to 4 days for the females. The life of the moths is probably longer than this under normal condi- tions. Females were depositing eggs between 2 and 3 days after emergence. In the field (under Colorado conditions) the period of egg laying extended from about the second week in June to the middle of July, the maximum being reached from June 25 to July 10. The eggs remain on the trees unhatched until the following spring. Hence this insect has only one generation in the course of a year. The hatching of the eggs in the spring may extend over a period of many days, depending on the weather. The time of hatching of the eggs will vary greatly with the different seasons and in different sections of the country. Generally speaking, it may be stated that the eggs will begin hatching about the time the cluster buds of early- bloon ng varieties of apples are beginning to show, but before they have fully separated. HIBERNATION. The fruit-tree leaf-roller passes the winter in the egg stage. The eggs are deposited in masses on various parts of the host plants by females during June or July. The trunks and larger limbs or branches are often just “‘peppered’’ with them. A goodly number are also to be found on the smaller branches, twigs, and fruit spurs. Egg masses are, however, not only laid on fruit trees, but on various other plants. The writer has observed them on elm, soft maple, box-elder, currant, gooseberry, raspberry, grape, rose, lilac, and Virginia creeper. Besides the above plants, the masses have been noticed on spray tanks, on sides of buildings, and on fences. On account of the indiscriminate deposition of its eggs this insect will be found to be more difficult of control. Observations have shown that the eggs begin hatching quite early in the spring just as the cluster buds on early blooming varieties of apples are exposed. About the time that practically all the cluster buds have fully separated nearly one-half of the eggs have hatched. On late-blooming varieties of apples, such as Rome Beauty, Jeniton, etc., the date of appearance of the larvee is the same, although the buds are not nearly so far advanced. On Rome Beauty and Jeniton 102 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. trees it was found to be a much harder problem to do as effective spraying with arsenicals as on Jonathan, Ben Davis, Maiden Blush, and other varieties that developed their buds early. If the fruit and leaf buds are not much advanced it is very difficult to get the spray mixture where the larve are actually feeding. The period of hatching of the eggs may be quite prolonged, depending on climatic conditions. During the season of 1912, in the orchards, the eges were hatching from April 20 to May 9, making a period of 19 days. It should, how- ever, be noted that weather conditions were exceptionally cool after a short warm spell during which the eggs began to hatch. Under more favorable conditions all eggs would probably hatch inside of a week or ten days. On account of the long hatching period spraying against the larve was found to be very difficult. NATURAL ENEMIES. Several species of birds have been observed feeding upon the larvee of the fruit-tree leaf-roller. The list is as follows: The bluebird (Sialia sialis), western robin (Planesticus migratorius propinquus), catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), red-winged biackbird (Agelaius pheniceus phenieus), orchard oriole (lcterus spurius), kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus), pheebe (Sayornis phebe) and English sparrow (Passer domesticus). The writer has reared a number of parasitic insects from the larve and pups of the leaf-roller, as follows: Pimpla pedalis (Cress.), Ito- plectis conquisitor (Say), Epwrus vndigator (Walsh), and Meteorus archipsidis Vier.; the latter is the same species as that reared from this host by Mr. R. W. Braucher at Bethany Center, N. Y. The fol- lowing Diptera also were reared from this host: Ezorista nigripalpis Towns., £. pyste Walk., EL. blanda O. S., and EL. cheloniz Rond. A few insects were found to be predaceous upon the fruit-tree leaf- roller. Calosoma scrutator was taken feeding on the larve and Notoxus monodon Fabr. was collected at two different times feeding on the pupe in rolled-up leaves. Formica montanus Emery has also been seen attacking the larvee and pupe. A small mite, which Mr. Nathan Banks considers to be a new spe- cies of Erythreus, was found feeding upon the eggs cf the leaf-roller. The mites belonging to this genus are said to be always predaceous, and some of them feed on scale insects. METHODS OF CONTROL. During the winter of 1911-12 and the spring of 1912 many experi- ments were made at Espanola, N. Mex., and Canon City, Colo., against the fruit-tree leaf-roller. The experimental work will be taken up separately according to the locality in which it was conducted. THE FRUIT-TREE LEAF-ROLLER. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EGGS. Many laboratory tests were made for the destruction of the eggs. Only egg masses deposited on twigs were used, and these twigs were dipped in the various mixtures employed. After treatment the The results of the test are shown masses were kept in separate jars. in Table ITI. TaBLE III.—Tests of sprays for the destruction of eggs of the /ruit-tree leaf-roller. = Number | Date of ee of egg puzaber Material used. | applica- eee masses 88 Remarks. ‘tion, 1912. SA, ine ees | 2 treated. hatched hatched. Miscible oil (1:12)......... Hdenals sR 10 10 0 MiScibleroil@ils)e eee ee dOsers 10 10 0 Miscible oil (1:20)......-.. [epeCLOn ey 10 LOM ee sae Miscible oil (1:10)......_-. [eae 5 th, eneeereeee 25 per cent kerosene emul- |...do. 10 9 1 | 3 eggs in mass hatched. slon. | 20 per cent kerosene emul- |...do. 10 10 0 sion. | 25 per cent crude petro- |...do- 5 5 0 Jeum emulsion. | 20 per cent crude petro- |...do. 5 4 1 | 12 eggs in mass hatched. leum emulsion. 8 per cent distillate-oil |...do. 5 5 0 emulsion. | 5 per cent distillate-oil |...do. 5 0 5 | Most all the eggs hatched. emulsion. | Sita lime-sulphur |...do. 10 0 10 | Practically all eggs hatched. 78). | Commenciat lime-sulphur ...do. 5 0 5 Do. Soe as lime-sulphur ...do-. 5 0 5 Do. :10). aera lime-sulphur |...do. 5 0 5 Do. Eee lime-sulphur |...do. 5 0 5 Do. Check—untreated (caged).|...do.... 5 0 5 | All egg masses hatched well. Miscible oi] (1:12)......... Mar. 5 15 15 0 Miscible oil (1:15).......-- Sp aGKOs 4 al 15 14 1 | Only 1 egg hatched. Miscible oil (1:18)........- pa dos 15 15 | 0 | 25 per cent kerosene emul- |...do. 10 10 0 sion. 20 per cent kerosene emul- |...do... -| 10 8) 1 | 6 eggs in mass hatched. sion. 25 per cent crude petro- |...do.... 9 7 2 | 7 eggs in 2 masses hatched. leum emulsion. 10 per cent distillate-oil 5s0OS Ge 10 10 0 emulsion. Check—untreated caged) eens 10 0 19 | All eggs hatched well. Miscible oil (1:12)... fe ee 14 86 84 2 | 1 egg in each mass hatched. Miscible oil (1:15).........}..- dos 122 119 3 | 7 eggs in 1 mass hatched; about one-fourth total eggs in 2 masses hatched. MW nIte Washes esse ealinee doses 25 0 25 | Practically all eggs hatched. Check—untreated (caged) .|...do 113 0 113 | 107 masses hatched well; about one-half total eggs hatched in 6-‘masses. It will be noted that the miscible oil ranging in strength from 1:10 to 1:20 gave the best results. The crude-petroleum kerosene and 10 per cent distillate-oil emulsions ranked second in effectiveness. Commercial lime-sulphur solution was found to be ineffective, as was whitewash. 103 104 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EGG MASSES. EXPERIMENTS AT ESPANOLA, N. MEX. The work at Espanola, N. Mex., was conducted in the apple orchard of Mr. Henry L. Pollard. The orchard consisted of 14-year- old trees in fair condition. For the spraying a barrel outfit was used and the pressure maintained ranged from about 75 to 100 pounds. The number of trees in each of the plats is shown as follows: Plat I, 21; Plat Tl, 22; Plat TY, 14° Plat lV, 22. Plat Vo 22) ie iaeaval6. The days upon which the sprays were applied were clear and quite cool. The results of the experiments are shown in the following table: TaBLeE IV.—Spraying experiments for destruction of egg masses of the fr uit-tree leaf-roller, Espanola, N. Mex., 1911-12. | | Total Percentage of egg | num- . | Number masses— Plat | Denlee DENG! lamers: | Olees IN Treatment. egg 88 masses | No. count masses 7 | | trees. | ™M2SSES | hatched Oe Or | ° ob- ‘| hatched. | Hatched.| hatched. | | served. | | | | I | Commercial lime-sulphur solution at 1 gallon to 8 gallons water on December 14; 1911:.....-:2. 6 265 263 y) 99. 24 0. 76 | IL | Commercial lime-sulphur solution | | at 1 gallon to 10 gallons water on | December 14.1912, 550) 6 277 276 1 99. 63 37 III | Miscible oit at 1 gallon to 15 gallons | water on December 14, lonteees 6 310 Pe 289 6.77 93. 23 | IV | Commercial lime-sulphur solution : | at 1 gallon to 9 gallons water on Me DRUTAK ysl OD eee aha eee 6 285 285 0 100. 00 0 _ V | Commercial lime-sulphur solution at 1 gallon to 7 gallons water on | [saohebrurany (7,910) iy een 6 252 251 1 99. 60 40 | WI | Miscible oil at 1 gallon to 12 gal- | lons water on February 17, 1912. 6 272 16 256 5.88 94, 12 WeWell «| "Winsprayed (2s chane one aan 6 250 250 0 100. 00 “0 j J As will be noted, the trees sprayed with miscible oil showed good results from the spraymg. The spraying of Plat III with the oil at the rate of 1 gallon to 15 gallons of water prevented 93.23 per cent of the eggs from hatching, and Plat VI, upon which the oil was used at the rate of 1 gallon to 12 gallons of water, showed a benefit of 94.12 per cent in favor of the spraying as compared with the checks. It should also be noted that all ege masses on the unsprayed trees hatched. The commercial lime-sulphur solutions gave little or no beneficial results for the treatment. On Plat IV practically all the eggs hatched, and on Plats I, II, and V there was only a benefit of 0.76, 0.37, and 0.40 per cent, respectively, from the treatment as compared with the check trees, upon which all the eggs hatched. THE FRUIT-TREE LEAF-ROLLER. 105 EXPERIMENTS AT CANON CITY, COLO. The work at Canon City, Colo., was conducted in the orchards of Mr. E. A. Davis and Dr. Allen Bell. In the Davis orchard 14-year- old Ben Davis trees were sprayed, and in the Bell orchard the varie- ties treated consisted of Ben Davis, Winesap, and Colorado Orange. The trees in the Bell orchard were sprayed with miscible oil at the strengths of 1 gallon to 12 gallons of water and 1 gallon to 15 gallons of water and with 20 per cent kerosene emulsion, but unfortunately the material was not at all thoroughly applied, and no conclusions as to the efficiency of the sprays can be drawn from the results obtained. Duties elsewhere required the absence of the writer from Canon City when the applications were made. The trees in the Davis orchard, on the other hand, were thoroughly sprayed with a gasoline-power sprayer. The pressure maintained ranged from 150 to 175 pounds. At the time of the application the buds were just bursting and beginning to show the green, The results are shown in Table V. TaBLE V.—Spraying experiments for destruction of egg masses of the fruit-tree leaf-roller, Canon City, Colo., 1912. | | | | Number of egg | Percentage of egg | Total masses— massés— __ Plat Count | number No Treatment. tree of egg ) No. masses Wane Un observed. Hatched. hatched H atched.| hat ane am I | Miscible oil at 1 gallon to 15 gal- 1 184 | 5 WO |e ieee lue eo ae lons of water on April 16, 1912. | | 2 128 | 4 UDAist meee ae Te Serene | 3 116 4 Wt Dite (et Bee ee (pits 3 tense 4 135 6 DOA ee es By) 176 8 ALG Sia | eas 5 ke 6 110 6 QA syle ees ey {eae 5 St abe 849 33 816 3.88 96. 12 ins Check-ans prayed ===. 5.2- ss 1 155 155 One tit disses es Se 2 185 | 184 UR ers ents nl|s ane eeree 3 178 178 OFsl2 Be eet esl 518 | 17 1 99. 80 0.20 | It will be noted that a comparison as to the number of egg masses that failed to hatch between the trees on Plat I, sprayed with miscible oil at the rate of 1 gallon to 15 gallons of water, and Plat II, which was left untreated, shows a benefit of 95.92 per cent in favor of the spraying. At Canon City, Colo., no experiments were performed with lime- sulphur. The writer had, however, an opportunity to examine sev- eral orchards in this section that were sprayed with this material against the Howard scale (Aspidiotus howard. Ckll.). The lime- sulphur was found to be ees ineffective in destroying the eggs of the leaf-roller. SAR oe me 106 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS: AND INSECTICIDES. SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS AGAINST THE LARVAE. The experiments against the larve were conducted in the Davis orchard at Canon City, Colo. This orchard consisted of many varie- ties, namely, Ben Davis, Missouri Pippin, Winesap, Paragon, Jeniton, Rome Beauty, Jonathan, Maiden Blush, Yellow Transparent, and Red Astrakhan. There were also a few trees of other varieties. The orchard as a whole had no more than a good one-fifth crop. On account of the light crop it was difficult to determine fairly the results of the spraying on some plats. In all cases the material was applied with a good gasoline-power outfit and a pressure ranging from 150 to 200 pounds was maintained. The plats contained trees as follows: 1/155; T7241 Sr nv 63 Vo 46. Vil ss Vinigeaa: WAU ROE IDC ils x GB. The results are shown in Table VI. TaBLeE V1I.—Spraying experiments against the larvxe of the fruit-tree leaf-roller, Canon Ciiy; Coles, 1912: Percent- | Percent- | Ae | Treatment. iiaeea Pago Condition of foliage. apples. | apples. I | Two applications of arsenate of lead, 3 pounds 20.00 80.00 | Good; no arsenical injury. to 50 gallons of water, May 2 and May 17 and 18. II | Two applications of arsenate of lead, 3 pounds 20. 00 80. 00 Do. ' to 50 gallons of water, plus 4 ounces Paris | green. JII | Two applications of arsenate of lead, 3 pounds 15.00 85.00 | Very good; no arsenical in- | to 50 gallons water, plus 40 per cent nicotine jury. solution (1:1,000), May 3 and 25. IV | One application of arsenate of lead, 3 pounds 15.00 85.00 Do. | to 50 gallons water, plus 40 per cent nicotine / solution (1:1,000), May 3. VY Two applications of arsenate of zinc, 1 pound 25.00 75.00 | Fair; serious arsenical in- to 50 gallons water, May 11 and 25. jury. VI | One application of Paris green, 8 ounces to 50 18.00 82.00 | Good; slightly burned by gallons water, plus 2 pounds lime, May 4; | arsenical. one application of Paris green, 1 pound to 50 gallons water, plus 2 pounds lime, May 18. | VII | One application of 40 per cent nicotine solu- | No crop.| No crop.| Fairly good. tion at 1:800, plus 2 pounds ofsoap, May 11. VIII} One application of 40 per cent nicotine solu- 35. 00 65.00 | Fair. tion at 1:800, plus 2 pounds of soap, May 18. IX | One application of 40 per cent nicotine solu- 40.00 60. 00 | Do. tion at 1:1,000, plus 2 pounds of soap, May 18. Xx Check-vumsprayedteccc sence rere ee eee 98. 00 2.00 | Trees nearly defoliated. Norte.—Plats I, IV, VII, VIII, and IX were sprayed with arsenate of lead at the rate of 3 pounds to 50 gallons of water for the codling moth when the petals had dropped. Plats II and VI received the same treatment for the leaf-roller as for the first codling-moth application. The damage to fruit was determined by making careful counts of. fruits from various trees in the different plats. The total number of fruits was not counted in any case, so the percentages given are only approximate. On Plat VII there was a total crop failure. As will be noted, the best results were obtained on Plats III and IV, where a combination of arsenate of lead (3:50) and 40 per cent nicotine solution was used. The 40 per cent nicotine solution was found to be effective only when the larve were quite small. It was THE FRUIT-TREE LEAF-ROLLER. 107 estimated that the tobacco mixture appled May 2 and 3 destroyed about 50 per cent of the worms then on the trees. Plat III, which received two applications of the combination spray, showed no better results than on Plat IV, which received only arsenate of lead for the second treatment. Plat VI (Paris green alone) showed a slight improvement over Plats I (arsenate of lead 3:50) and II (arsenate of lead 3:50 plus 4 ounces Paris green). Plat V, which was sprayed with arsenate of zinc at the rate of 1 pound to 50 gallons of water, gave disappointing results, as it not only failed to destroy the larvee in goodly numbers but it seriously burned the foliage. The arsenical injury to the foliage could, however, have been prevented if lime had been added. An increased strength of this arsenical would no doubt have been more effective. On Plats VII, VIII, and IX, where 40 per cent nicotine solution alone was used, the benefit from spray- ing was considerably less. Plat VII of these plats gave the best results. On the day after the spraying, by carefully counting the number of dead larvee as compared with the living ones found on the trees, it was found that about 55 per cent of the larve were killed by the spray. On Plats VIII and IX not more than 25 per cent of the larve were killed. These plats, however, were sprayed a week later than Plat VII, and the difference in results was probably due to the fact that the worms at that time were more resistant to the tobacco mixture and that it was much more difficult to reach them in the rolled-up leaves. It will be noted in comparing the sprayed plats with the unsprayed plat as to the amount of injury to the fruit alone that there is much in favor of spraying. The benefit for each plat over the check plat is shown in percentages as follows: Plat I, 78; Plat II, 78; Plat III, Saeeblatehy sa, biat Vo 75; lat, VE, 80; Plat VIL. 73; Plat Vill, 83; Plat [X, 83. The difference in condition of foliage must not be lost sight of in determining the benefit of spraying. The check trees were practically defoliated, while the sprayed trees retained their folage throughout the season and were enabled to develop fruit buds for the following season. Although there is much in favor of spraying with arsenicals, alone or in combination with tobacco, they have not given entire satisfaction. LIGHT TRAPS. The writer had occasion to observe many lights used as traps to catch the moths of the leaf-roller at Canon City, Colo., during the season of 1912. The use of these traps was not advocated, but many orchardists were of the opinion that a decided benefit would be derived if enough lights were placed in the orchard, as the moths were very readily attracted to them. Such orchards were examined 108 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. very carefully on several occasions to see if there was any appreciable difference in the number of eggs being deposited in them and in adja- cent orchards where lights were not employed. It must be stated emphatically that these traps caught vast numbers of the moths, but so far as could be determined there was little difference in the number of egg masses laid on the trees in these orchards than else- where in the same immediate region. Some growers, before the moths ceased flying, gave up the use of the light traps after they were convinced that there was little hope of receiving much benefit in that way. light traps have never proven a success in controlling an injurious insect. Although some benefit may be derived, it is so shght that other means must be adopted in fighting the pest. Orchardists have told the writer of their endeavors to get rid of the leaf-roller by crushing all egg masses that could be found on the trees. Cases are known where growers have actually hired men to go over their trees during the winter for the purpose of destroying the eggs, thinking that it was possible to control the pest by such operations. In the spring they found, much to their surprise, that the steps taken during the winter season were of little use, as the ‘‘worms’’ appeared, as usual, in enormous numbers on all trees. Under orchard conditions it should be distinctly understood that there is no hope of practically controlling the leaf-roller by destroy- ing the egg masses by hand, because the masses are deposited on all parts of the trees and their small size and close resemblance to the color of the bark make their discovery difficult. CONCLUSIONS. The fruit-tree leaf-roller in the larval stage has been found difficult of control because of the manner in which the larve feed on the foliage and fruit, and also on account of the fact that they are very resistant to poison sprays. Applications of arsenicals alone and in combina- nation with 40 per cent nicotine solution have greatly reduced the amount of injury to the fruit and foliage, but these sprays have not been so effective as is desirable. A series of experiments for the destruction of the egg masses, con- ducted during the dormant season, have shown the value of mineral oils. Kerosene emulsion, crude-petroleum emulsion, and miscible oils have been tested. The last mentioned, when used at the strength commonly employed against the San Jose scale—that is, 1 gallon to 15 gallons of water—will prevent most of the eggs from hatching. From 93.23 to 96.21 per cent of the egg masses were destroyed by this material on the experimental plats. Good results also were obtained by the use of kerosene and crude-petroleum emulsions, although these substances were, on the whole, not quite equal to the THE FRUIT-TREE LEAF-ROLLER. 109 miscible oils. The ease with which sprays may be prepared from these last commend them tomany orchardists although the homemade emulsions are cheaper. In preparing a kerosene or crude-petroleum emulsion care is necessary to insure a thorough and stable emulsion. It should be stated that injury to trees treated with oils sometimes follows, although no such injury was noted in connection with the present experiments. No more spray should be used than is neces- sary properly to treat the tree, and the puddling of oil around the crown should be guarded against. | Lime-sulphur solutions proved to be a decided failure as a destroyer of the egg masses. Strengths ranging from 1 gallon of lime-sulphur to 7 gallons of water to 1 gallon of lime-sulphur to 10 gallons of water were sprayed on apple trees and no benefit was derived from their use. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONTROL. Experimental work has shown that the best method for controlling the fruit-tree leaf-roller is by a very thorough application of a mis- cible oil at the rate of 1 gallon to 15 gallons of water during the dor- mant season. It must be understood that by thoroughness of appli- cation is meant the use of enough material to cover all parts of the tree, from the tip of the highest or smallest branch to the very base of the trunk. In order to do thorough work the trees must neces- sarily be sprayed from all directions. It is very often the case that the top branches or those around the inside are missed by the man operating the rod. It must be remembered that only those egg masses actually hit or covered with the material will fail to hatch and those missed will surely hatch out ‘‘worms’”’ in the spring to feed upon the trees. Orchardists should realize that thorough spraying with the right material and at the proper time pays well, but careless, haphazard work gives disappointing returns. All plants upon which eggs have been laid should be sprayed. Besides fruit trees, e¢g masses may be found on various shade trees, shrubs, and currant, gooseberry, raspberry, and rose bushes, etc. Eggs will also be found on buildings, spray outfits, wagons, fences, etc., and it is recommended that these egg masses be crushed so far as is practicable. — The best time to spray is just before the buds burst in the spring. Late spring is preferable to early spring, as weather conditions are usually more favorable. There is also less likelihood of injury to the trees by the oil after the sap has begun to flow with considerable pressure. Spraying should not be done during threatening weather. Orchardists should bear in mind that the strength of miscible oil recommended is for a dormant spray and should never be applied to trees in foliage. Spraying should be completed in the spring before 110 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. the buds have advanced so far as to have the green tips exposed. If the above precautions are carefully followed in applying the mis- cible oul, danger of injury to trees will be reduced to the minimum. There are a number of good commercial brands of miscible oil on the market. These miscible or soluble oils are so made that they mix readily with water. The material may be applied either by hand pump or gasoline-power sprayers. Power outfits are to be preferred. Nevertheless, whichever kind of outfit is employed, it is essential that it be provided with a good working agitator. To do effective work it is also necessary to have sufficiently long spray rods and leads of hose. Nozzles with medium-sized holes or apertures are recom- mended. Miscible oils at the strength recommended for the destruction of the eggs of the fruit-tree leaf-roller are valuable in controlling scale insects such as the San Jose scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst.), Howard scale (Aspidiotus howardi Ckll.), etc. Orchards sprayed with the oil for the leaf-rollers will not require the usual application of lime-sulphur for the San Jose or Howard scales. In conjunction with the oil treatment in badly infested districts it is recommended that a very thorough application of arsenate of lead, at the rate of 3 pounds to 50 gallons of water, be applied when the larve are emerging from the eggs. The larve will be found to be hatching just as the cluster buds on early-blooming varieties of apple are beginning to separate. The necessity for making this application will depend largely upon the thoroughness with which the miscible oul was applied. [ei es COPIES of this publication may be procured from the SUPERINTEND- ENT OF DOCUMENTS, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at 10 cents per copy INDEX. Page Agelaius pheniceus pheniceus, enemy of Archips argyrospila........---------- 102- Adtaliastoud plantar Archips argylos pula ss oS ee oe ee 94 Ambrosia trifida, reported food plant of Polychrosis viteana................+--- 21 Ameloctonus sp., parasite of Polychrosis viteana....-..----.-------+---+-+--2e-- “48 Amorpha stems, reported food of Polychrosis viteana......-.-..--..+-+++------ 20 Apanteles canarsiz, parasite of Polychrosis viteana...........-------- Pepper o 47 Canarst@MAMMOnd 2a see ee haem 47 for Parasite Ol HOljENLOStS VILCANE cy a's os Sao ee a ees oe 48 pple iwodep lant OMArchips hOrguraspua sae 2.5 ae yee eC a os eee Ss 92, 93 mpcor food plant of Archips argurospulas. oe. oss ver Sone et ee Lee: 93 Archips argyrospila........ ee Ge EE ota AA Aes eS nice Sc ee ane 91-110 atpltee degerip LiONee sure 6s. ass aes wins sence ayes 96 lnfephistonyeandula bites aera ws sa aie oer 99-101 eontrol experiments, conclusions............-...-------- 108-109 MN OTH OCS s See U MS ee an eS aed See as awe eps apheele 102-109 FECOMMN CME ATION Sear Oy. 5. sans ote ial ar ee 109-110 damacolcaused Wr Missouric =8 020: -o din. s 5 es kee 92 eSeripMONROL GLADE S oe ses c i grag an ws aes he eee 96-97 REVS EN UNGTOR ees tae Spoke Eire IEE oy crac oo an to a gti 93 Coe RACSCRL LION ek een aEle uy are LS Pa Aces 96 Hieghistony ee sac ee aes Sere SR 99-101 eggs, experiments for destruction..............-..---.---- 103-105 GROHM ESS: pe Pete es Bese aie ns oS: Seen ere eee es bee 102 HOO Cntr ee eos Sees ie awe ccs oe tea er iis ane as 93-94 Rv ea NM hee re ep on Sa PAN ARR a cme cnt N 8 60 a Seas 97-102 LS J SUES SDR TCO Op Se eel ee sen Mees DI pene vO Riese Cgegeant Sterna 101-102 PIE Ss Bloat oe I ah i een yc ee 5 ara §2-93 EPRIHIIGY = CO AEA CHOP Re oe Se Sas Seis 8 Beso asia hae eG 94-95 in New York in 1911, Herrick’s description.--..............- 91 Faaavzten Gre SCET LON ee Veena as Oe es ase eee od LK ey a 96 PeMOIStOF ys AMC A DIS). Yosste kee es Soe ee 97-98 PRCORINIS COD Yer fe Se ete eae eG cee a ety Saeed 97-102 SQ BOOS Nn en Eis Ai is Not Sel tia Rae eS rey i 101 OUUDLEAKS IME SOUL WEST oe Va eee aN Slee 91 MP AMC eS CHP hOMs ws secae sks ey va was ede aiee 97 hiked ns Goris ee teers koe des ole Cn aR alee ee 98-99 Acsenate orlend against cherry fruit sawfly-.2- --..2. 2.24.2 se. 022. eee ee 19s fall webworm as compared with lime-sulphur......... 84-88 fruit-tree leat-rotlers.. 222 sess oes eae 106-107 STARE DEER YOM OU Mis Bs oan ae cine re Sus aaa 9-10 PTA PCOOUMOLN oo eet oa Secale enemas Syne ate OG and Bordeaux mixture against grape insecis..-............... i) grape-berry moth...-........- . 54-67 lime-sulphur against fall webworm......-...........-. 83, 85, 87 nicotine solution against fruit-tree leaf-roller.......... 106-107 Paris green against fruit-tree leaf-roller................. 106-107 74567—Bull. 116—15——2 iil 112 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. : Page. Arsenate of lead, Bordeaux mixture, and tobacco extract against grape leaf- hopper and other grape insects and fungous diseases....... 9-10 resin fish-oil soap, and Bordeaux mixture against grape-berry MOth 5 252 sea SoA eee Se Oe ee cre inn oa ae 54-59 zine against iruit-tree leal-rolleme 4-22 sae eee eee eee ee 106-107 Arsenite of lime and Bordeaux mixture against grape-berry moth.............. 54-57 burning of grape foliage from use with tobacco extract....... 10 resin fish-oil soap, and Bordeaux mixture against grape-berry TOURS Se ooh ok ere eae Re 54-57 Ascogaster carpocapse, parasite of Carpocapsa pomonella........-..----------- 48 P Ol CHTOSIS VIRCOIGE Ss oe ene ee 48 Ash. food plant Of Archi ps Grgy? Os ule, ss. See a nae torre ee 92, 93 Asmadiotus howard7; miscible oils aim, controle. = s-se se oe 5 ee eee eee 110 PCrniGiOsUs..MIscible Os im GON tO) == sess ae ae ee peer 110 Bageing the clusters against erape-berry. moth... .- 2. 22922205 3 eee 52 Basswood: food plant of Axchips arqyrospila sc... e 94 Bathymetis sp., near terminalis, parasite of Polychrosis viteana.......-.--.------ 46 Beans, food plants of Archips argyrospila-2 - 2232 3 2. eee eee 94 Blackberry blossoms, reported food of Polychrosis viteana...............---+--- 20 food plant of Archips argqyrospild=< 225.5 oe eee 94 Blackbird, red-winged. (See Agelaius pheniceus pheniceus.) Bluebird. (See Sialia sialis.) Boneset, reported food plant of Polychrosis viteana........-..---.-----+--+------ 21 Bordeaux mixture against falliwebworm:-- 2: 22. +s eee eee eee 89 grape mildew i.2 S.. SSeeo Se. eee oe eee 9-10 and arsenate of lead against grape-berry moth............... 54-67 STape INSCCIS cc e522 eee eee 9) arsenite of lime against grape-berry moth.............- 54-57 . arsenate of lead, and tobacco extract against grape leaf- hopper and other grape insects and fungous diseases... - 9-10 fish-oil soap, and tobacco extract against grape leafhopper and other grape insects and fungous diseases..........---- 9-10 resin fish-oil soap, and arsenate of lead against grape-berry Moth >. 7sds. sack oe ae eee 54-59 arsenite of lime against grape-berry MOth 5 fics toe eee ee 54-57 Box-elder, food plant ‘of ‘Archips argyrospila.. 22s. =. 2 ee ee ee 93 Bracon scrutator, parasite of Polychrosis viteand.- 22 =. ---e eee ee 46 Calosoma scrutator, enemy of Archips argyrospila............--.0+0-2202---- 0 102 Canarsia hammond, host of Apanteles canarsix#.............----20---02--2-- ee 47 Carpocapsa pomonella, host of Ascogaster carpocaps#.......-.-+----+-++-----+-+ 48 lime-sulphur as a stomach poison..-.-.....-------=------ 89 miusella, biblrosraphie reference. 24. 2 sae: ae a tere 48 Microbracon dorsator, parasite of Polychrosis viteana..........---------------- 48 mellitor, parasite of Polychrosis viteana.............---+--+---++---- 48 Sps, parasite: of Hoplocampa cookers: s-sn soe. oe hee ne eee eee 78 Mildew. of grape, control by Bordeaux mixtures oes 525225425 {ease ee eee 9-10 Nicotine solution and arsenate of lead against fruit-tree leaf-roller..........- 106-107 soap against iruit-tree leaf-rollers:). 52022. 2225. ae 106-107 INDEX. 15 3 Page. Nicotine sulphate and distillate-oil emulsion against cherry fruit sawfly......- 79 Notes, host: of Omorgusole) oo es tea pe ett 2s a api eae Oe pete 8 48 Notoxus monodon, enemy of Archips argyrospila.....--.-.--.-+--------- eras gt 15 Gates tood plant of -Archips Argurospult 1. er sees Poet pes ays 5's See ee 93 Giatss ood plankiateA pehips GtayTrOspulllacas= essa ta Foe ot 2 wt 1s ee 94 Oil, miscible, against fruit-tree leaf-roller eggs... ...-.-...-.-------------- 103-105 Oils, miscible, against San Jose scale...-.....-. eae ieee Se eS sec ines SS ely ONGEGUS-NOLE MarAsive Ob VOI Spee) sy ee eRe SA ee cee Sao ee sie 48 POU ChEOSIS: VICE NG tree pe BEE RE Sn. Se ae oe ee 48 Onions, food plant of Archips argqyrospila =.= 25-8. . dass eee: Dee Ue 94 Oriole, orchard. (See Icterus spurius.) Oxthizemo-sp,. parasite.ot Polychrosis mtetna=.- - 2.50202 52 oe ee 48 Osage orange, food plant of Archips argyrospila........---.-------- Ee ae Fos 94 ease SCuageriand. NOst OF Gly Pla ONUNOSG. so. (tbe et 2 See edhe Se 46 Paris green and arsenate of lead against fruit-tree leatiollen: hind a 106-107 lime against fruit-tree leaf-roller...............-..-...-.-- 106-107 burning of grape foliage from use with tobacco extract............. 10 iasser domesticus, enemy oi Archips.argyrospila..- 323-54 B- = eee 102 Peach, food plant of Archips argyrospila...... 92.22... 22 20. 2 Senet le. eee 93 Pear, food plant of Archips argyrospila..........- 5 ete ARN siya teen Uae 93 Pear slug. (See Hriocampoides cerast.) BReasefoodplantiot Archips.argyrospiulas. 1275.) pe pee = Ce ee 94 Penthina vitivorana, bibliographic references......-...-..---.---------+------ 67 == OUYCRTOSUS VULCAN. soa 5 et cee, 2s. Seek fr at aN 17, 18, 29 Petroleum, crude, emulsion, against fruit-tree leaf-roller eggs........-....---- 103 Phebe. (See Sayornis phebe.) Phylloxera lice and galls, reported food of Polychrosis viteana........-...-.--- 21 ienytodenis sp. parasite Of POMENTOSIS VUCONG. = ..,2. . . ase. 48 Pimpla pedalis, parasite of Archips argyrospila.........- Dreh eg ehaR oe ad oe Ts 102 Planesticus migratorius, enemy of Archips argyrospila..-......-.-------------- 102 Plowing in the late fall and early spring against grape-berry moth............ 51 Bhim food. plantioreArchips arqyrospila. <2... 0) Sa EN 93 Polychresis boiand. bibliographic references.<-- 2 = 2: 2-2 22245022 Jes ten Soe 70 other species confused with Polychrosis viteana.................--- 15 BECAME ee pe ech enc as oe pare hak Suey tak AE a ge 9 fa Se SRE, ge 15-71 AE; aQescriptlOMry 4g eee see ee a ee ioe Hees Sac tte 29 | OiPE Of Re loe Oal so nehts tay Se peta? ie yes Bese ee mrenee gin eer aie 22-23 publ Gonaply ary ead ere eae Jay Leases» cule eae 67-71 COME LISTO Me re ope eet eee I ee, EOE ete ts ee 66-67 control recommendations «22h ssn ee ee 62-66 SC S@TMp EL OMe tS coe ets Oe tT hi pee in eye PES a ee IR 28-29 destructiveness oflarvay = Gai las a ie eer eens 26 Gis ribo me sss Saas ee = oh Ly eed ee Eee MA ee 18-20 CO CLESCHNO ETON 52a gs vaya aeasesy: eamieyo spui al Shee ees 28 PTIOMITES sq AAS UG LC ae oe pas Be eae By 4G Male ed eh pe 45-48 first brood. ergs, period of incubations ©. 22-22. 22.8224: J2-5 32-33 larvee, feeding period, length................-. 33 INOTHSs ONL POSihO N= aeeee See hese ss Soh kee 35-36 Time,oL emerseneecuas: = 22 ee, 34-35 Pupsoebib era trom ss) Ashe 4S ema ane 36-37 length Oh Stage a2 ih) Rem i ie ss ae 33-34 OTETOYEY 22 FO be) ag RES BER Na CoRR, Sah TP aR gn Ng ree 32-38 YOTETO LS 61 2171, ks Pat ee Re ee NS Ne aE AE a ee RE 20-21 ‘ 116 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. Page Polychrosis viteana, habits and character ofinjury of larva....................- 23-25 of adult or moth. <232..522. se ee ee eee 22-23 History ss sinks ss SS ee oe es es ee ee 17-18 Injury. of larva, characterss. 54. teen eee . 23-25 insects whose injury to grape berries is similar thereto.....- 26-28 larva, description... 2255 37k ea ee Se eee 28 destructiveness 2 3.25520: 28 So See eee 26 habits 22.2 o2 oF sg 5k Se ee eg 23-25 injury, character. 252.62 Oe ee ee 23-25 life cycle of first generation, length......................-- 37-38 history: studies im-1909. 5-425 04" 22 es eee 30-41 SUMMAary 2 ee 44-45 occurrence in destructive numbers. ....................-- 21-22 OFIGIN 2: 5 SHE Aes IS cre a Rae ee 18-20 pupa, deseription®< 3255s. 2 20k ee Ne SCPE OH a eae 29 rearing records, miscellaneous, for 1907 and 1908........... 41-44 remedies a 22ers ek RO AGRON ee geen eee 50-67 seasonal history <0 2402 2 aa a ee a see 30-45 second brood eggs, incubation period...................... 38 larve, date of leaving fruit................-.. 39-41 feeding period, length................ 39 peneratlon’. «062+... BS ee ee 38-41 similarity of injury to that of grape curculio (Craponius ine- QUAI) eps Soe ee he oe eee = kG spring brood of moths, length of life..................---- 32 oviposition in confinement......... 31-32 time of emergence....-............. 30-31 SYNONYMY ne soecce gcc eee se as See as Oe et 29 vineyard infestation in Erie County, Pa., degree........... 49-50 Poplar, Carolina, food plant of Archips argyrospila..........-...2.00-.2--2002 94 Prunus serotuna, food plantiof Hyphaniria cune@so2-- 38222 scene ae eee 81 Pyralid host of Gly pia. animosa..- 2.25222 2c. 8. 2s een eee ee eee 46 Quince, food plant of Archips argyrospila. 2 S22 eee ee 93 Radish, food plant of Archipsargyrospila 332. ssp eo ee ee eee 94 Raspberry, food plant of Archips argyrospila-.- = 3. - 22 se es oe ee ee 93 fruits, wild, food of Hndospiza (?) witeanas2 2-222 30 2-22 e-- ae 18 wild, reported food of Polychrosis viteana.......--.-.-.---------- 20 Resin fish-oil soap, arsenite of lime, and Bordeaux mixture against grape-berry 11110) | | ep Pe Err tet a one USO ane. 54-57 Bordeaux mixture, and arsenate of lead against grape-berry MOG 2 2 Ss eee HOS Ree ae ee eee ee 54-59 Renniaargyrosptla—Archips argynospila< © aie aac sae ee ee 92 original. description <2)... 3522) Sacer aeeeeeee 96 Rbubarb; food plant of Archips argyrospilas sso 52 eee ee ee eee 94 Robin, western. (See Planesticus migratorius propinquus.) Rose, food plant.of Archips argyrospilaz so: 222 ee ee ate 92, 93 Roses, reported food of Polychrosis viteanass20 22 $2 a5 ees eee Soe eee 20 Sassairas, food plant.of Archips: argyros pila Sas is see ee eee ence 93 Endospiza (f\miteana ies 2... <2 ence ee ee 18 leaves, reported food of Polychrosis viteana.........----.------++--- 20 Sayornis phebe, enemy of Archips argyrospila. 22 .....:-.-205-2-- 2220s = se = 102 Scale, Howard. (See Aspidiotus howardt.) San Jose. (See Aspidiotus nerniciosus.) INDEX. EGE : Page Staha stalis, enemy of Archips argyrospila. .- ...-...2-. 22... -2 2 2 eee ee eee 102 Scott, E. W., and Siegler, E. H., paper, ‘“‘Lime-Sulphur as a Stomach Poison PERM SOC GS soe ee eae ee REN See se oe oe Said oe oe aaa 81-90 Siegler, E. H., and Scott E. W., paper, ‘‘Lime-Sulphur as a Stomach Poison POP ETSCEUS ae as ere es ee eae ee a are ates a nen SA Oates 81-90 Snowball food plantar Archi pS ArquroSPuUld a \c.2- 26) 255 rd ae Selo oe ba SS 3 eee 94 Soap and nicotine solution against fruit-tree leaf-roller.................---- 106-107 fish-oil, Bordeaux mixture, and tobacco extract against grape-leaf hopper and other grape insects and fungous diseases. ..........--------+------ 9-10 Sparrow, English. (See Passer domesticus.) Sulphur mettective against tall webworm: 222225. 225.22 8222 ee 89 Sumac seed bunches, reported food of Polychrosis viteana........-.-.--- peers Ai 21 Temperature in relation to time of leaving fruit of second-brood larve of Poly- BRDSDD OU POTI TITS ES AMO RPE aT sg LR ot a gee A PRCA WR REE EU IS 40-41 Thistle flower buds, reported food of Polychrosis viteana .................---. 20-21 Thoroughwort. (See Boneset.) AAIMATIS|SELRGCrLONNANA— D10CLES ODLUETALUS =~ 3. a = Ss noises dass +52 Set a5 Se 48 Parasite: or Polychrosts weanas =) 2.258.212. bl La: 47 Tobacco extract, Bordeaux mixture, and arsenate of lead against grape leafhop- per and other grape insects and fungous diseases........... 9-10 fish-oil soap, and Bordeaux mixture against grapeleaf hopper and other grape insects and fungous diseases.............- 9-10 extracts: asainst srape leathopper=. 2.02 82.22. .eis. 25. se hosts ee 2-3 Raninicidas HOstkOn Gly pun Animasd 4-2 222) be eek Se eb aS S: 46 ROTLETE ULL — ALCL PALO O SPIES es on ee ee es Soa wk eto alee see 92 TSMR VATED DS OL GUTOS PUIG. eon ae epgsa oe 5 oss SO ene ORS Si 92 Trichogramma pretiosa, parasite of Polychrosis viteana.......--......---+----- 48 ‘“Trimmings,’’ removal, against grape-berry moth. .......................--- 52 Tulip-tree leaves, reported food of Polychrosis viteana...........-........---- 20 Typhlocyba comes. (See Leafhopper, grape.) var. coloradensis (see also Leafhopper, grape.) Tyrannus tyrannus, enemy of Archips argyrospila.........---------.-.-2------ 102 PRO ASICRCARATSEE SA HANICICS CONG SID ays oa. cock as Oe Sans gic nw owen eee 47 Vernonia. (See Ironweed.) Virginia creeper, food plant of Archips argyrospila......-.-..-.....-.222200005- 94 Walnut, black, food plant of Archips argyrospila. ...........--2-0.. 2.20 e eee 92, 93 Webworm, fall. (See Hyphantria cunea.) Whent-jteod plant of Archips argyrosmla.. <2. .2 <6 20.5.2 2. 2 2 ce oe eee 94 Whitewash against fruit-tree leaf-roller eggs............-......--2.0000022000- 103 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V 4 wy < het 4 " BO he Hous belive a Ty i Hei od bet Hebel ' ecw hi 4 Sot piel rt. thet it iy i é bm ee Sper rae zs or ne ed = mimensvurn ea, = | esa Hey eicalibdil y : bart ‘ Js " jy : Le j eerie fet aman hh Fe PAL eT Ao ahh + yo . 4% patted tied AR fet d I PRR PIA ited gna tro ste) poiyehod=v vitor at eee HE f 1 pao dehd Set abe rT TTR re