PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA, FOR , $ T H 0 7 1889. TASMANIA : PRINTED AT “THE MERCURY ” OFFICE, MACQUARIE ST., HOBART. 1890. The Responsibility of the Statements and Opinions given in the following Papers and Discussions rests with the individual Authors; the Society as a body merely places them on record. ROYAL SOCIETY OE TASMANIA Patron. : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. President : HIS EXCELLENCY SIR ROBERT GEORGE CROOKSHANK HAMILTON, K.C.B. lice=Pr££ti)ent£ : HON. J. W. AGNEW, M.D. JAMES BARNARD, ESQ. HIS HONOR SIR WILLIAM LAMBERT DOBSON, Knt., C.J., F.L.S. THOMAS STEPHENS, ESQ., M.A., F.G.S. (Houndl : HON. J. W. AGNEW, M.D. HIS HONOR SIR WILLIAM LAMBERT DOBSON, Knt., C.J., F.L.S. RUSSELL YOUNG, ESQ. C. H. GRANT, ESQ. C. T. BELSTEAD, ESQ. T. STEPHENS, ESQ., M.A., F.G.S. J. B. WALKER, ESQ. J. BARNARD, ESQ. A. G. WEBSTER, ESQ. COL. W. V. LEGGE, R.A. R. M. JOHNSTON, ESQ., F.L.S. HON. N. J. BROWN, M.E.C. Honorary ^cmtarj): HON. J. W. AGNEW, M.D. llubitor of JEontljlg Recounts!: C. T. BELSTEAD, ESQ. Imfotors of ^inmral Recounts! : FRANCIS BUTLER, ESQ. JOHN MACFARLANE, ESQ. |^on. Sfreagnrcr : C. J. BARCLAY, ESQ, Secretary anb ^Librarian : ALEXANDER MORTON, ESQ., F.L.S. . BOOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Average Rate of Wages. At page 25 tlie average rate is based upon all kinds of breadwinners'; at page 48 the average rate is based upon the wages of male adults of about 12 selected occupations. Definition of Certain Terms Employed. Wants. This term is used in a double sense throughout the various chapters : (1) the term is often used in its more legitimate sense, viz., appetites , cravings, or desires : (2) the term, however, is also employed less correctly in the sense of the things, objects, or desiderata which satisfy cravings. It is used in the latter sense when such terms as the following are used : — “ creation of wants,” “wants in exchange,” “aggregate of primary wants,” “wants essential to, life,” “wants essential to comfort,” “production of wants,” “ struggle for wants,” “ supply of wants,” etc. It is used in the former sense in the following phrases : — “ wants are interminable,” “ satisfaction of wants,” “ sufficiency for the wants of all,” etc. On recon¬ sideration it would, perhaps, have been an improvement if the term ivants had been restricted to its more legitimate use, as indicating cravings and desires, or lacks ; and that the term satisfactions should have been substituted where the things ivanted are concerned. ERRATA. Page 6, line 8, For are greatly . . . are enjoyed read is greatly ... is enjoyed. Page 6, line 16, For satisfaction read satisfactions. Page 10, line 28, For very read fairly. Page 15, line 5 from bottom, For satisfaction read satisfactions. Page 17, line 9, For increase read decrease. Page 19, line 8, For polemist read athlete. Page 20, line 28, For the ideal state read the people of the ideal state. Page 22, after line 31, For figures given substitute — 10‘66 hours. Page 22, line 37, For per day read per day fully. Page 23, line 5 from bottom, For £130,000,000 read £1,300,000,000. Page 25, line 10 from bottom, For ditto read earnings of ditto. Page 25, line 7 from bottom, For ditto read average wages per head. Page 26, line 19, For her purchasing read England’s purchasing. Page 29, line 1, For casual read causal. Page 31, line 4, For them read proprietors of land. Page 31, line 6, For thus read, this. Page 31, line 23, For it as a possible ingredient read them as possible ingredients. Page 31, line 24, For it no more read they no more. Page 36, line 32, For variety read rarity. Page 64, line 31, For unsoluble read insoluble. . ' . ' CUfotttfttis 3?-A- HP 3U IR S. Page ART. I. — The “Iron Blow” at the Linda Goldfields. By G-. Thureau, F.G.S . 1 ART. II. — On Some Tide Observations at Hobart during February and March, 1889 (with diagram). By A. Mault . 8 ART. III. — On the Encouragement of a More General Interest in Scientific Pursuits. By Wm. Benson . 13 ART. IV. — Notes on the Possible Oscillation of Levels of Land and Sea in Tasmania during Recent Years. By Capt. Shortt, R.N. ... 18 ART V.— The “Iron Blow” at the Linda Goldfield. ByR. M. Johnston, F.L.S . 21 ART. YI. — Notes on a Case of Poisoning through Eating a Portion of the “Brugmansia.” By Dr. Hardy . 29 ART. VII. — Notes on Angora Goat Farming. By James Andrew ... 31 ART. VIII. — Protection of Tasmanian Owls. By Col. W. V. Legge, R.A. 40 ART IX. — Protection of the Cape Barren Goose. By Col. W. V. Legge, R.A . 41 ART. X. —A Preliminary Critique of the Terra Australis legend. By J. R. McClymont, M.A . 43 ART. XI. — Macquarie Harbour Leaf Beds. By R. M. Johnston, F.L.S. 53 ART. XII — Foraminifera in Upper Paleozoic Rocks. By T. Stephens, F.G.S . — - . 54 ART. XIII. Australian and Tasmanian Sandarach. By J. H. Maiden, F.L.S., F.G.S . 55 ART. XIV. — Notes on the Last Living Aboriginal of Tasmania. By James Barnard . 60 ART. XV. — The English at the Derwent and the Risdon Settlement (Diagrams). By J. B. Walker . 65 ART. XVI.— Smut in Wheat. By T. Stephens, M. A., F.G.S . 94 ART. XVII. — Smut in Wheat. By Francis Abbott . 95 ART. XVIII. — A New Dark-field Micrometer for Double-star Measure¬ ment (Diagrams). By A. B. Biggs . 98 ART. XIX. — Notes on the Discovery of a Ganoid Fish in the Knocklofty Sandstones, Hobart. By Messrs. R. M. Johnston and A. Morton (Two Plates). ■ . 102 ART. XX. — Observations of Comet of July and August, 1889, taken at Launceston, Tasmania, Lat. 41° 26' 0" ; Long. 9° 48' 31". By. A. B. Biggs . 105 ART. XXI. — Recent Measures of “a Centauri.” By A. B. Biggs ... 106 ART. XXII. — Notes on Charts of the Coast of Tasmania, obtained from the Hydrographical Department, Paris, and Copied by permission of the French Government (Four Charts). By A. Mault . 107 8 Page ART. XXIII. — The Detention of Flinders at the Mauritius. Ey A. Mault . 121 ART. XXIV.— Observations regarding Pyramid Numbers (Diagrams). By R. M. Johnston, F.L.S. . 125 ART. XXY. — Note on the Australian Curlew and its Closely Allied Congeners. By Col. W. Y. Legge, R.A . 133 ART. XXVI. — Additions to the List of Tasmanian Fossils of Upper Palseozic Age (Plate). By R. M. Johnston, F.L.S . 137 ART. XXVII. —Root Matters in Social and Economic Problems. By R. M. Johnston, F.L.S . 143 ART. XXVIII. —The Expedition under Lieut. -Governor Collins in 1803-4. By J. B. Walker . 205 ART. XXIX. — The Founding of Hobart by Lieut.-Governor Collins. ByJ.B. Walker . ! . 223 ART. XXX. — Notes on a Grub found Infecting the Orchards of Hobart, with a few Remarks on the Subject of Insect Pests generally. By A. Morton, F.L.S . 249 ART. XXXI.— The President’s Address. By His Excellency Sir Robert Hamilton, K.C.B . 252 Proceedings . i to xxxviii ROYAL SOCIETY. APRIL, 1889. A meeting of the Royal Society of Tasmania was held at the Tasmanian Museum on April 16th. The President, His Excellency Sir Robt. G. C. Hamilton, K.C.B., presided, and there was a large attendance of Fellows and ladies, including Lady Hamilton. The secretary laid cn the table the following additions to the library : — Annual Report of the Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Howard College for 1S87-S. — From the Department. Buletem da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa, 7a serie. No. 9, 10. — From the Society. Bolelin Mensual, Mexico. Tomo 1. Nos. 8 to 10.— From the Department. Bollettino della So'cieta Geographica Italiana, Serie III., Yol. 1, Fase IX. XII. — From the Society. Bulletin de la Socidtd Impdriale des Naturalistes de Moscow. No. 3, Moscow. — From the Department. Bulletin de la Socidtd D’Ethnographie, Paris. — From the Society. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Howard College, whole series vol. XVI , Nos. 2 and 3, “ On the geology of the Cambrian, District of Bristol, County Mass. By N. S. Shaler. “ Fossil Plants collected at Golden, Colorado.” By Leo Lesquerliex. Bulletin de laSocietd Acaddmiqua Indo Chinoise de France. Deuxidme Sdrie — Tome Deuxieme. — From the Society. Descriptive Catalogue_of the Sponges in the Australian Museum, Sydney. By K, Von Lendenfeld, P L. D. — From the Trustees, Flora of British India, The. By Sir J. D. Hooker, C.B. Part XV. — From the Department. Indian Meteorological Memoirs. Vol. Til., parts III,, IV.; Vol. IV., part 5. — -From the Department. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. Current numbers. — From the Society, Key to the system of Victorian Plants, Dichotomous arrangements of the orders, genera and species of the native plants, with annotations of primary distinctions and supporting characteristics. Parts 1 and 2, 1887-8. By Baron Mueller. — From the Author. Meteorologische Bebbachtunjen, Moscow. — From the Department. Meteorological Report of New Zealand for 1885. — From the Depart¬ ment. The Mineral Wealth of Queensland. By R. L. Jack, F.G.S. — From the author. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Current Numbers. — From the Society. Monthly Weather Report, Canada. — From the Department. Vol. XVII., No. 2, on the lateral canal system of the Selaclna and Holoephold. By Samuel Green. — From the Department. Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, Toronto, October 18S8. — From the Society. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, vol. III., part 3rd.— From the Society. 11 PROCEEDINGS, APRIL. Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria, Decade XVII. By Prof. F. McCoy, C.M.G. — From the Department. Proceedings of the. Royal Society of Queensland, 18S7, vol. IV.; 1SSS, vols. III. IV. V. — From the Society. Psyche, a journal of Entomology, vol. 5, Nos. 149 to 153. — From the Society. Report of the Mount Morgan gold deposits, Queensland, 1889. By R. L. Jack, Government Geologist. — From the Author. Scottish Geographical Magazine. Current Numbers. — From the Department. Select Extra-Tropical Plants, readily eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation, with indications of their native countries, and some of their uses. By Baron F. Von Mueller. From the Author. Systematic Account of the Geology of Tasmania. By R. M. Johnston, F.L.S. — From the Government. Tabular list of all the Australian birds at present known to the author, showing the distribution of the species over the continent of Australia and adjacent islands. By E. P. Ramsay, LL.D., etc. — From the Trustees Australian Museum. Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Vol. X.V.I., Part II. — From the Society. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Victorian Branch). Part II., Vol, VI. — From the Society. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen, Vereines des preussischen Rheinlande, Westfalens und des Reg. Bezirks Osnabiiick. — From the Society. Verhanalungen der Gesellschaft Fur, Erdkunde Band, XV., Nos. 7, S, 10. From the Society, Berlin. Victorian Year Book for 1SS7-S. — From the Government Statist. His Excellency stated that there were two interesting papers to be read, and a number of equally interesting ones were promised during the session. Many of the subjects brought forward did not lend themselves readily to discussion, but he would like to see the Fellows of the Society intimate with any subject laid before them to give them the benefit of their opinions. This would make their meetings more lively and interesting, and also gave an opportunity to those who had read papers to correct any misunderstandings or wrong impressions that may have arisen from the reading of those papers. He trusted, therefore, that they would have freer and fuller discussions than they had had during previous sessions. PAPERS. THE “IRON blow” AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. Mr. Alex. Morton, F.L.S. , read a paper by Mr. Gustav Tliureau, F.G.S., on “ The ‘ Iron Blow ' at the Linda Goldfield.” In it the writer gave his opinion that this unique gold formation was due to volcanic agency, and not as Mr. R. M. Johnston contended, to local decom¬ position, especially as far as the dark-coloured and pulverulent masses are concerned. Decomposition, he believed, was a chemical process by which the destruction of one or more substances leads to the substitution and depositing of quite different matters, thereby bringing about the re-arrangement of the former original substances in quite different forms. The analyses of Mr. Ward conclusively proved the almost total absence of gold in the pyrites veins or beds, which are very dense and excessively solid, and which have undoubtedly resisted both decom¬ position and dissolution for ages, therefore he asked how it was possible that these almost non-auriferous vein bi-sulphides produced on their supposed (inert) decomposition that peculiar purple mineral, assaying, PROCEEDINGS, APRIL. iii as reported, considerably above 170oz. of gold to the ton. Again, those very solid pyrites contain no barytes, which latter minerals he first discovered as the necessary adjunct to the gold. Supposing, however, as Mr. Johnston had stated, that the “Iron Blow is the result of oxidation of pyrites similar to that now so largely associated with it,” it would be necessary to bear in mind that as proved from analysis they had first to deal with a nearly non-auriferous bi sulphide of iron, con¬ taining no baryta to speak of, and, secondly, that water is assumed to have produced the rich pulverulent gold rock by means of the decomposition of the former, and contemporaneously or subsequently by means of infiltration filled the fissure, and that small disseminated particles of baryta appeared either before or during the process of oxidation. In his (Mr. Thureau’s) opinion everything points to a more drastic process of origination than simple and quiescent decomposition, and to him it becomes clear to the close and careful observer of these unique gold deposits in situ that dynamical geology can alone account for these strictly speaking volcanic products. Having had opportunities for examining active “ mad volcanoes ” in the United States, and as the process observable there in active progress assimilates a great deal to what can be seen in its “ dead state ” at the “ Iron Blow ” of baryta is substituted for silica, as matrix in the latter ease, the question of origin as to both metalliferous deposits is not only in his opinion, very suggestive, but forms the only possible true solution of the case. In consequence of the absence of Messrs. Johnston and Ward it was decided to postpone discussion until next meeting. TIDE OBSERVATIONS AT HOBART. Mr. A. Mault read a paper on “Some tide observations taken at Hobart during February and March, 1889,” in which he stated that with a wish, firstly, to obtain information connected with the drainage of Hobart, and, secondly, to fix the mean sea level for geodetic and engineering matters to get a series of tidal observations, he had arranged with Captain Oldham, of H.M.S. Egeria, that observations be taken at the New Wharf by the automatic tide gauge belonging to that boat, and the result briefly was as follows: — 1. The tides are subject to a large diurnal inequality, the highest high water being followed by the lowest low water. The tide then rises to a lesser high water and falls to a lesser low water. 2. With the moon’s declination north the higher high water follows the superior transit of the moon; with the moon’s declination south the higher high water succeeds the inferior transit. 3. The greatest range of tide appears to occur about two days after the moon has reached its greatest north or south declination : the least range when the declination is zero. 4. H. W.F. and C. occurs at Hobart at Sh. 15m. Springs rise 3jft. to 4^ft. and 2ft., neaps 2|ft. In the letter to him from Captain Oldham the following words occur : — “ From these observations the mean tide level is 8ft. 2'7in. on the gauge or 35'255ft. below the datum mark on the Town Hall.” In the letter it was also stated that, as these observations were only for one month and as probably the mean tide level varies at different seasons, to get a satisfactory result a year’s observation should be obtained.” He (Mr. Mault) was glad to say that the Hobart Marine Board were obtaining an automatic gauge, so that the observation could be continued. For the purpose of more readily comprehending the information contained in those observations, he had prepared diagrams showing the occurrence of springs at greatest declination, and not at new and full moon, and that there is no “ age of the tide ” at Hobart. Diagrams were also appended, showing, for comparison, a fortnight’s tide curves at Hobart, and a fortnight’s at Bombay, and another representing a normal curve of lunitidal intervals. The irregularities which appeared by these IV PROCEEDINGS, APRIL. diagrams showed that no time of high water on the day of new or full moon could be fixed, although Captain Oldham mentions 8h. 15min. He pressed on the Society the need of co operating with the Marine Board in the taking of observations. The force and direction of the wind also had an influence that must be noted. The highest tides occurred with the wind blowing from north and north-easterly points. The barometer also should be noted, as a fall of lin. in the barometer meant a rise of 20in. in the sea level. He also suggested that the Marine Board be asked to get their lighthousekeepers to keep a register of the high and low water times. A DESIRABLE CHANGE. Mr. W. Benson read a paper in which he pointed out that the work of the Society had and was rendering practical and substantial benefits to the colony at large, but was of opinion that it might be made of still greater interest and value. There were two classes amongst the members, first savants or specialists, and secondly those who had not thoroughly studied any special subject. So far as the meetings of the Society were intended for the interchange of notes upon new dis¬ coveries, the reading of papers prepared by savants and specialists was natural and proper, though he doubted whether those who merely heard them read could gain as full a knowledge of their con¬ tents as they could by studying them in the Society’s printed proceed¬ ings. Opportunities for self-instruction in all local branches of science — local geology, botany, natural history, and the like — were very few compared with what had been provided for English students. Here text books hardly existed, and English works were in many cases unsuit¬ able. He would therefore ask the Society to consider whether means could not be devised for affording instruction of a more elementary and general kind, and he did not know of any other organisation so well qualified to do the work. He wished the rising generation to become more interested in the physical history of their native land, its fauna, flora, and so forth. The taste for such studies when once acquired rarely left a man, and developed afterwards along the lines of his peculiar preference, and thus the w'hole field of scientific enquiry became gradually occupied. He proposed for consideration the desir¬ ability of initiating courses of popular lectures on scientific subjects, under the auspices of the Society, not restricted to members, but open to all. He would like to see the Museum made use of on all occasions where its cabinets could be used as illustrations. Another thing w hich might be attempted in connection with the Society, was the forma¬ tion of a Field Naturalists’ Club. One other matter which might well interest tke Society was the introduction of local science primers for school use. His chief desire was to supplement rather than subvert the work of the Society. For years science stood apart, its affairs were assumed to be above the popular understanding, but that had all been changed, and in Huxley, Tyndall, and many others they saw men of the highest scientific rank taking the lead in bringing their chosen studies home to the minds of the masses ; consequently the Society need not fear that anything it might do would be infra dig. He hoped the love of science for its own sake would suffice to induce one or more of their savants to lecture, and permit the ex¬ periment to be tried. If the Council of the Society could keep an open eye for any opportunity that might arise to interest the public, and especially the young, he had faith that good results would follow. NOTES AND EXHIBITS. The Secretary drew attention to a rare bird that had lately been shot near Muddy Plains. It was commonly known in Australia as the PROCEEDINGS, APRIL. V “ nankeen kestrel,” Tinnunculus cinhceroides. Mr. Morton stated that it was a singular coincidence that in April 1875, two specimens now in the Museum, were shot at Sorell. On dissection the bird now exhibited proved to be a female. The habitat of this bird, as recorded in Dr. Ramsay’s list, was N.W. Australia, Queensland, and Victoria. Another specimen, “the golden plover,” Charadrius fidvus, shot at the Great Lake by Mr. T. Clarke, as also a grebe, Podiceps Australis , shot by the same gentleman, was shown, having been shot at the Great Lake. The Secretary also drew attention to a valuable collection of minerals from the great Broken Hill Mine that had been kindly pre¬ sented to the Museum by Mr. F. Back, General Manager Tasmanian Government Railways. Mr. J. R. McClymont, M.A., stated he had much pleasure in placing on record a new bird to the lists of birds at Tasman’s Peninsula, the brown quail, Synoicus Australis. He also exhibited a specimen of native bread, with a peculiar fungus growing from the bread. VI PROCEEDINGS, MAY. MAY, 1889. The monthly evening meeting was held on May 14th. The President, His Excellency Sir Robert G-. C. Hamilton, K.C.B., presided. Mr. R. Price-Williams was introduced as a visitor. OSCILLATION OF LAND AND SEA LEVELS. Captain Shortt, R.N., read ’a paper on “The possible oscillation of levels of land and sea in Tasmania during recent years.” He referred to the earth tremors experienced during the years of 1SS3-S6, prior to the Tarawera eruption, in this and adjacent colonies, aud these phenomena being known to often be associated with local changes of sea and land, he was led to form the opinion that it was of great importance that it should be ascertained whether recent changes could be traced along the coast line of this island. Great difficulty naturally arose owing to the fact that with but one isolated exception no definitely fixed marks were in existence. This exception was a tide mark taking the form of a broad arrow on the Isle of the Dead, situate off Point Puer, Port Arthur. This mark was cut in the rock by Mr. Lempriere. He had made efforts to discover further records relating to Mr. Lempriere’s observations, having applied to Mr. Wharton, Hydro- graplier of the Admiralty, but without success. By observations made in February of last year, it was apparent that there had been no practical alteration of the levels of sea and land during the past 47 years. This, however, only bore reference of a reliable character in so far as the southern portion of the island is concerned. Regarding the northern portion no reliable data existed, but it was interesting to note that Captain Miles had learned from the half-castes of the Furneaux Group that they had noticed an apparent decrease of depth of water over certain well-known rocks during recent years. He had taken steps to fix a tide mark on Flinders Island, permitting of observations being made in future, and urged the necessity of making such marks on various parts of the coast line of the colony. CONGRATULATORY. Mr. Barnard desired, on behalf of the Royal Society, of which he was one of the oldest vice-presidents, to thank His Excellency for the part taken by him in that afternoon’s proceedings relative to the new wing now added to the Museum building. He referred to the small beginnings in the matter of a museum first taken up by the Tasmanian Scientific Institution, of which Institution only two members — Dr. Agnew and himself — now remained alive. They then had an exhibition of specimens in a room in Macquarie-street without any attempt at classification. He congratulated the Royal Society on the progress made, and also the Museum Trustees on the fine addition to their building, for despite the fact that there were some persons who regarded the Museum and Royal Society as separate institutions, he could not in his mind separate them, for they had one object, the advancement and increase of knowledge. He also referred in con¬ gratulatory terms respecting the movement in the direction of an art gallery. PARERS. THE ENGLISH AT THE DERAVE NT AND THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. Mr. J. B. Walker read a paper on this subject. He referred to a paper read by him last November on French visits to this colony and PROCEEDINGS, MAY. vii their supposed design of colonisine it, and stated that the present paper would follow the course of English discoveries in Southern Tasmania. The English discoverer of the Derwent was Lieut. John Hayes, of the Hon. East India Co.’s Service. In those days the East India Co. claimed a monopoly of the trade, not only ith India and China, but with the whole of the Pacific and New Holland. So late as 1S06 the company successfully resisted the landing and sale in England of a cargo of oil and seal skins shipped by a Sydney firm, the ground being that it was infringement of their monopoly. Hayes’ expedition was the only one ever sent by the company to assist in Aus¬ tralian discovery. Hayes was ignorant of D’Entrecasteaux’s surveys, and when he came up the river in 1794 he thought it was an original discovery, and named it the Derwent. He also named Mount Direction, Prince of Wales Bay, Cornelian Bay, Risdon Cove, and other places. The vessel carrying Hayes’ charts and papers to England was captured by the French and all his journals taken to Paris, and the result of his voyage was lost. The next visitors to the Derwent were Flinders and Bass, in the Norfolk. They circumnavigated Tasmania for the first time and surveyed the Derwent. Bass gave a favourable description of the country on the shores of that river, and was particularly struck with the advantages of Risdon. It was probably owing to his report that Governor King instructed Lt. Bowen to form his settlement there. The paper then proceeded to give the history of the Risdon settlement, principally from information contained in documents preserved in the English State Record Office, and which were lately copied by Mr. Jas. Bonwick for the Tasmanian Government. The first settlement in Tasmania was made on September 12, 1803, on the hill near Risdon, on which the house of the late Mr. T. G. Gregson stands, a most unsuitable site, as it afterwards proved. From the very commencement Bowen had great trouble with his people, the prisoners being of a very bad class, lazy, useless, and ill-behaved. The few soldiers who formed his guard were discontented and almost mutinous. A few weeks after Bowen’s arrival a reinforcement of prisoners and soldiers was sent from Sydney, making the number up to about 100, but the new arrivals proved no better than the first. Very little in the way of progress was accomplished, and when Governor Collins arrived in February, 1S04, he found no ground had been prepared for sowing. Prisoners escaped from the colony, and the soldiers robbed the stores. In February, 1804, Governor Collins abandoned the proposed settlement at Port Phillip, and brought his colony to the Derwent. He abandoned Risdon as unsuitable, and chose the present site of Hobart for his new town. Bowen was at the time absent in Sydney, whither he had taken a soldier to be tried for robbery. When he returned he found Collins in command at the new settlement in Sullivan’s Cove. The little party at Risdon were in a sad condition, short of food, and altogether demoralised. Lt. Bowen was still left in charge of the Risdon colony, and on May 3, 1S04, the first affray took place between the English and the aborigines at Risdon. The cause of this unfortunate occurrence was the arrival of 200 or 300 natives who had come to hunt kangaroo. They did not attack the settlers, but their appearance created a panic, which resulted in the soldiers firing upon the blacks, killing a number variously estimated at from three to 50. This was the beginning of the troubles with the natives which lasted for nearly 30 years, and ended in the almost complete destruction of the native race, and the removal of the remnant to Flinders Island, In May 1S04 the Risdon settlement was abandoned, and all the soldiers and the prisoners comprising it, except about a dozen were sent back to Sydney in the month of August. Lieut. Bowen’s pay for 14 months governorship was lOOgns. He returned to England, and as captain of an English man-of- war, served during the later years of the French war, dying in 1828. V1U PROCEEDINGS, MAY. OPINIONS OF A VISITOR. Mr. Price-Williams expressed the deep interest he had felt in the papers read that evening. He was of opinion that the suggestion respecting the recording of the earth’s changes and the relative levels of the earth and sea should be given effect to in all parts. It was highly gratifying to find to what extent the scientific efforts were carried in this colony. THE IRON BLOW AT THE LINDA GOLDFIFLD Mr. R. M. Johnston read a paper on this subject, in which he set forth that the differences of opinion as between himself and Mr, Thureau, fortunately, were not of a serious nature, and, according to Mr. Thureau’s recent explanation, he perceived they were more due to the confused way in which descriptive terms were employed than to any real differences of opinion. The question between them had been altogether misconceived by Mr. Thureau. If Mr. Thureau had discussed the Iron Blow question without confusing these two fundamental considerations it would have placed the issues between them in a very small compass. In the course of the paper he contended that the fissure at the Linda was originally caused by the same dynamic forces which caused the tilting, folding, and metamorphoses of the crystalline rocks, and that these mighty effects were primarily caused by the gravitation of the outer crust towards the shrinking and cooling central mass of the earth. Mr. Thureau’s reply firmly established his opinion “ That the four principal elements — iron, barytes, sulphur, and gold — were originally precipitated from solution,” That both decomposition and recomposition in mineral veins are among the most common of all occurrences and cannot reasonably be disputed ; and finally that true mud volcanoes differ widely in characteristics from the phenomena associated with the Linda Iron Blow, and neither in their mode of appearance, nor in their characteristic contents, show the slightest correspondence with the metalliferous fissure lodes of the Linda district. Further discussion was postponed till the June meeting. COMPLIMENTARY. Votes of thanks to the writers of papers, closed the proceedings. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE. IX JUNE, 1889. The monthly evening meeting was held on June 11th. The President, His Excellency Sir Robt. G. C. Hamilton, K.C.B., in the chair. NEW MEMBERS. The following gentlemen were balloted for, and declared elected as Fellows : — Messrs. H. Herbert Oakley, Chas. E. Walch, Howard Wright, John Mitchell, and Geo. Lightly. LARGE AUSTRALIAN TREES. The Secretary (Mr. A. Morton) read the following letter, under date 20th ult., received from the Hon. F. Stanley Dobson, Mel¬ bourne : — My Dear Sir, — Instigated by Oliver Wendell Holmes, I have been trying to get ascertained the actual height of our tallest gum trees. Baron von Mtiller in his “ Botanic Teachings” speaks of 500ft. ! In our recent Exhibition was the photo of the butt of a tree called “The Baron,” which was stated, as per note thereto annexed, to be 464ft. measured. I gravely doubted this, and I arranged with the Hon. Jas. Munro, who was appointed with myself to control and appro¬ priate the expenditure of £100 from the trustees of the Public Library ; £100 from the Commissioners of the recent Exhibition, and any further sam up to £800 that might be necessary from our Lands department — to have this specially-named tree measured and photoed. Mr. Munro advertised a reward of £100 from his own pocket for any one who would point out to a licensed Government Surveyor a tree reaching 400ft. Mr. Munro and I obtained through the Hon. Mr. Dow, Minister of Lands, reports from the surveyors in his department as to any exceptionally large trees within their knowledge. The highest turned out to be a tree near Ueerim, in Gippsland, which reached (I am speaking from memory) 325ft., at any rate it was the largest that our surveyors and photographers could get at. “ The Baron ” was known only to a Mr. Boyle, and to a photographer, Mr. Carie, the gentleman whose photo of the butt appeared in our Exhibition. Mr, Carie would not say where it was, so I wrote to Mr. Boyle, and he consented to guide anyone whom I choose to send to the tree. I saw Mr. Perrin and Mr. Dow, and it was arranged that Mr. Perrin and Mr. Fuller, a Government surveyor, should arrange to go with Mr. Boyle to the spot. They went, and when Mr. Perrin saw that the trees on the Sassafras Valley were very tall, he set four men to work to clear the scrub and undergrowth away, so as to allow both a theodolite and a camera to work on “ The Baron,” and to other trees in the neigh¬ bourhood. Allowing time for the clearing, he returned with surveyor and photographer, and we now find that the “Baron” instead of being 464ft. is only 219ft. 9in. No tree in the neighbourhood reached 3C0ft. Now, I believe that your Tasmanian trees beat ours, and as I am most anxious to set the matter finally at rest, I am writing to you and through you to the members of the Royal Society to get, if I can, verified statements of the height of Tasmanian trees. I remember that Sir William Denison measured some trees near the Huon, and in one of the Tasmanian Exhibitions the printed catalogue, unless my memory fails me sadly, was contained his measurement of the tree, and a further statement of the number of 8ft. and 6ft. palings, the number of shingles and laths cut out of it, and the price which this timber realised in the Melbourne market — something like £250, as our first goldfield rush was then at its height, say. X PROCEEDINGS, JUNE. 1853 or 1854. Sir William’s tree reached, I think dimly, 290ft. before a branch was given off and then ran up some 50ft. or 60ft. more. Now, I want to ask you to turnup this record and to let me know the results. You must have other records of big trees — some which were cut down by the convicts near Port Arthur must, I believe, have exceeded any record I have seen, and probably none remains. This is a matter of Australian interest, and 1 feel sure that your Society will aid us now that we are trying — with sufficieut funds at our back — to find out the height of the tallest gum-tree in Victoria. It is humiliating to have to give up the idea of the 500ft. tree of which the Baron V. Muller wrote, but the close investigation now going on will serve to give us data from actual measurement, and not from the excited fancy of bush explorers. If you can assist me in this matter I shall be very grateful. Mr. Swan stated that the late Anthony Trollope had expressed the opinion that the Victorian trees equalled in height those of America. His own personal observations had, however, been only in regard to girth measurement. Colonel Legge, R.A., expressed the opinion that it would be well if the Government would assist in the matter of obtaining reliable infor¬ mation as to the height of their forest trees. Doubtless great misap¬ prehension existed on this subject. Personally he had never seen any trees which exceeded 250ft. in height. Mr. C. H. Grant expressed the opinion that the Maraposa and Calaveras trees were larger than those of these colonies. Mr, Maolt explained the method in which t'he height of trees might be easily ascertained. He thought the maximum height brought under his notice was about 283ft. PAPERS. ANGORA GOAT FARMING. Mr. James Andrew read a paper on this subject which had not come under the notice of the Society since 1874, when an effort was made to stimulate popular interest in favour of a trial in this colony of a descrip¬ tion of stock-farming, elsewhere found so profitable. This, however, has proved ineffectual, and it was a regrettable matter that mohair (the fleece of the Angora goat) was absent from the list of our exports. In Asia Minor, the natural habitat of the Angora goat, the present value of hair exported from the province amounted to £200,000 per annum. Col. Henderson was the first introducer of the goat in the Cape Colony, and from an export of l,0361bs. in 1862 up to 18S7 the trade had grown to 7,154,000, of a value of £268,500, a fall of Id. per lb. on the preceding year’s clip. An additional item of export was the skins, valued at £100,000, and even these figures failed to represent the total value of the products of this useful animal, for the flesh of the wether had been proved to be an excellent article of food. Latest returns from the Cape showed the number of Angora goats in the colony to be two and a-half millions. Mr. Scott, Minister to Turkey in 184S, was the introducer of the goat into America, but the industry had not equalled the South African. As an evidence of the market which existed for the fleeces he quoted from the Tariff Commission of the United States, in which it was stated that — “ The supply pro¬ duced in the States, if multiplied threefold, would not be sufficient to furnish material for the plushes now used in the railway cars of that country alone.” The history of the endeavour to establish the industry in Victoria had not been very satisfactory. It was feasible to cross with the common goat the fleece of the fourth generation, pure sires being used being equal for market purposes to that of the pure-bred ; 51bs. might be taken as a fair average of a well-kept grade flock shorn PROCEEDINGS, JUNE. XI once a year. Any staple of over 4in. in length would suffice for manufacturing purposes. Shearing in South Africa was usually conducted in a somewhat slovenly manner, and sorting but inefficiently carried out. Some trouble arose at kidding time, owing to the helplessness of the young, and the want of strong maternal instinct on the part of the dams. The trouble and expense of managing the flock would be less than in the case of sheep, goats being the more intelligent, and less liable to destruction by dogs. Their attachment to home enabled dependence to be placed on their return at night. Their introduction would not encroach on the pasturage available for sheep ; indeed, the reverse, for Angoras had been found to be excellent pioneers in clearing up new country for sheep and cattle, and were positively a benefit to other stock, especially sheep. An immense amount of land now valueless could be utilised for good farming, and an important fact was that they did not appear subject to dietetic influences such as were sheep, and appeared to suffer no inconvenience from being depastured on country where plants abound which, when eaten by sheep, prove fatal. The climate of Tasmania and Australia had been proved to be peculiarly suitable for goat farming. Islands were specially adapted for farming goats, and one he could recommend for tentative occupation was West Hunter Island, to the north-west of Tasmania, in Bass Straits, obtainable on a 14 years’ lease from the Crown for £20 per annum, and which was unsuitable for sheep¬ farming, as the poisonous tare — lobelia — of King’s Island abounded, and invariably proved fatal. If it was found that the goat enjoyed immunity from the evil effects of the plant an illimitable scope for goat-farming was opened up on the unstocked islands of the Straits. The stock regulations at present- in force prevented the importation of goats from any place outside Australasia, but prize-bred Angoras could be obtained in neighbouring colonies where small flocks are maintained. He had made enquiries to ascertain particulars of the Angora goats still re¬ maining in the colony, but these had proved unsuccessful. Possibly the non-success of previous attempts at goat-farming here might be attri¬ buted to the fact that the goats had been kept on an open grass country, clearly a mistaken policy : rough, mountainous, and scrubby country being far more suitable. Mr. Justice Adams pointed out that between Latrobe and Ulver- stone there was a considerable flock of Angora goats in existence. He could not say if they were pure breds. He estimated the flock to number between 50 and 60 animals. He had also seen another flock of these goats, but could not call to mind the exact locality. Mr. James Barnard confirmed what had been mentioned by Mr. Justice Adams. The flock was owned by Mr. James Smith, of "Westwood. Mr. A. J. Taylor suggested that the secretary should communicate with Mr. Smith for the purpose of obtaining information on the subject. CHILD POISONING BY EATING THE TRUMPET LILY. Hr. Hardy read a paper describing a recent case of poisoning occasioned by a child eating a portion of the common trumpet flower — Brugmansia sp. The plant he pointed out was allied to the Solanaeia family, known to be poisonous. He treated the case in question with success, but concluded the paper by directing attention to the desirableness of an investigation of the qualities of Australasian flora from a medicinal point of view, respecting which at the present moment but little is known. He had little doubt that if this was done the result would be the discovery of remedies for diseases which might be classi¬ fied as having become peculiarly localised — as for instance typhoid fever and cancer. Xll PROCEEDINGS. JUNE. Mr. Ward supported the suggestion contained in the concluding portion of the paper. He purposed making an examination of the plant which had been eaten by the child treated by Dr. Hardy. THE IRON BLOW: LINDA GOLDFIELD. Mr. Ward, in continuation of the discussion already opened, in which he maintained that the composition of the Iroa Blow completely showed that they were not of volcanic origin, as such materials were seldom found in masses such as in the present instance. This, with the exception of specular ircn which is occasionally of volcanic origin. He laid particular stress upon the presence in all of them of peroxide of iron and pyrites, from which, he asserted, was derived the large proportion of sulphate of Barium. He also contended that Mr. Thureau was incorrect in contending that the presence of gold in small quantities was to be taken as evidence of volcanic origin. Mr. A. J. Taylor produced specimens obtained from the Iron Blow, and pointed out that he considered the papers read by Messrs. Ward and Johnston had fully established the nature of the present case. He believed the plain inconsistencies in Mr. Thureau’s paper were attributable to that gentleman’s mistaken estimation of the value of various equivalents of the English language. DISCOVERY OF FOSSIL FISH. The Secretary stated that at the next meeting, in conjunction with Mr. Johnston, he would lay before the Society a paper on the discovery by an enthusiastic collector — Mr. Nicholls — near Hobart, of afossil fish. The specimen, which he placed on the table, and which had been secured for the Tasmanian Museum, was, he believed, the first discovery of its nature in the colony. AUSTRALIAN TURQUOISE. Mr. A. J. Taylor exhibited a beautiful specimen of turquoise, the latest found in Australia of a mineral suitable for jewellery purposes, obtained at Wangaratta. COMPLIMENTARY. In moving the customary vote of thanks to the authors of papers. His Excellency mentioned that Mrs. Meredith had added her ex¬ perience to the effect that the Angora goat could be successfully farmed in this colony, and would thrive where no other animal would. He referred in complimentary terms to the other papers, and the vote having been passed the meeting terminated. PROCEEDINGS, JULY. xiii JULY, 1889. The monthly evening meeting was held on July 9th. The President, His Excellency, Sir Robert G. C. Hamilton, K.C.B., presided, Lady Hamilton was also present. Mr. F. Back, General Manager Tasmanian Government Railways, was elected a Fellow of the Society. TASMANIAN TREES. CORRESPONDENCE. Bell-street, Domain, Hobart, June 12, 1889. Dear Sir, — By this morning’s Mercury I observed an interesting letter from Mr. F. Stanley Dobson, referring to what steps had been taken in order to ascertain by careful measurement the height of forest trees in Victoria. We have very little reliable evidence as to the exact height of the tallest Tasmanian trees. Some years ago, the Rev. T. J. Ewing, of the Orphan Schools, New Town, was engaged under the authority of the Govern¬ ment to compile a short paper on the statistics of the colony, wherein was mentioned the measurement of several trees of exceptional size, but none (trusting to my memory) reached 800ft. One was stated to be 240ft. to the first branch, where the tree had been broken off by wind, and the remaining portion guessed at 50ft. or 60ft., therefore the true height was left still conjectural. Many years ago I accompanied the late James Sprent (Surveyor-General) up the spurs of Mount Wellington, where it was thought the tallest trees of Tasmania would be found. We, however, did not meet with anything like 300ft. We measured the root of a large stringy bark ( E . Robust ), and ascertained its circumference to be 14ft. close to the butt. On my own farm, Circu¬ lar Head, I had a tree felled away from the house, upon which I placed the 2ft. rule, and found the height to be 218ft. 6in., 12ft. at the butt in diameter. About 24 miles south of Stanley, Circular Head, I met with at the foot of a steep hill, near the banks of the River Arthur, a bed of trees of extraordinary height, where some might possibly reach 300ft. There are exceptionally large and tall trees at Table Cape, North-West Coast, growing all along its summit and in the deep gullies, attaining great height, but whether above or below 300ft. could only be ascertained by proper tests. I employed splitters at Circular Head who produced 13,000 and 11,200 5ft. palings from two trees, some of which were sold at Melbourne at the rate of 105s. per 100, 1852 and 1853. It would be very interesting if the Royal Society of Tasmania took steps to procure authentic statements of the height of our forest trees, and to clear up as well the statement that the trees of Tasmania in their growth make two rings every vear ; upon one occasion I put it to the proof by cutting down a young” sapling 16 years after it had been planted, and found 16 rings only. I think the age of our trees has been much exaggerated, and that the true time of growth is far less than is generally supposed. I cut a tree at Piper’s River evenly with the crosscut saw, and found 151 rings dis. tinctly visible ; its height was 155ft., and thickness when felled 5ft. 2in. and 4ft. 10in., or about a mean of 5ft. I refer you to Ainsworth’s “ All Round the World,” 1st and 2ndvol., for photos, of giant trees of Sonora, 460ft. high. — Yours truly, S. B. Emmett. Dear Sir, — Having read the enclosed slips which appeared in our paper, and observing your name mentioned in one of them, I take the liberty of telling you that I discovered a clump of trees (silver topped XIV PROCEEDINGS, JULY. stringy bark we call them) some 15 years ago under the south end of Mount Barrow. Having noticed in Sturt’s map a patch marked “impenetrable scrub” I had the curiosity to force my way through it, and so found the trees in question. As well as I can remember, there may be about a hundred of them, one being 33ft. through by actual measurement with a tape, and, I should judge, 400ft. high. The others are all about 20ft. to 25ft.athrough, and as square as a dry goods box, and would split like matches. None of them, except the large one, have a blemish of any sort, but run up hundreds of feet without a bough. The large tree is burnt through, there being a passage wide enough for a man to walk. The first time I saw it I could only measure it by pacing, but a few days afterwards I got two of my brothers to go up with me, taking a tape, and we then found its actual measurement as stated above. In all my travels about Tasmania, prospecting and otherwise, I have never seen a tree to compare in any way with this colossus, and it is worth going a good way to see. I often think of these trees and endeavour to form an idea as to how many palings one of them would split. I may say that I was one of the Government party that cut and surveyed the track through the great Gippsland scrub from Moe to Stockyard Creek and saw some big trees, but none to compare with the one in question. Apologising for trespassing on your valuable time. — I am, dear sir, yours very truly and obliged, Chas. B. Barkley. A letter from Mr. A. Johnston, addressed to Colonel Legge, was also read, wherein he directed attention to having brought under Colonel Legge's notice some years since a tree measuring 295ft. SELF-REGISTERING THERMOMETER. Captain Shortt laid before the Society a chart showing the registra¬ tion of temperature by a self-registering themometer recently received from Paris. He explained that the instrument did not move by means of spirit or mercury, but on an entirely new principle, i,e., the expansion of a curved piece of brass. TERRA AUSTRALIS. _ Mr. McClymont read a paper on the misconception existing in earlier times on this subject. He dealt with the probable discoveries made by early Portuguese and French voyageurs. OLD TASMANIAN CHARTS. Mr. Mault apologised for his inability to lay his paper on this subject before the Society at that meeting. Mr. McClymont explained the circumstances which had given rise to inquiries being made respecting charts captured from Captain Hayes bv the French. THE TRUMPET FLOWER. Mr. Ward related the results of recent analysis of a portion of the plant mentioned by Dr. Hardy at the last meeting. He had discovered only a small trace of atropine present. PROCEEDINGS, JULY. XV SMUT IN WHEAT. Mr. Joseph Barwick contributed the following paper on this subject to the Council of the Royal Society of Tasmania, and it was read by the Secretary at Monday night’s meeting. In his paper Mr. Barwick said : — My apology for addressing this paper to you is that we have no Farmers’ Club in Tasmania, or experimental farm, and my object is to ask that a small space in your Botanical Garden may be granted to test the cause of smut under your manager ; but before asking for this unusual concession it is due to you that I should explain a few of the tests that I have practised for the last 15 3?ears. It is a fact that this pest has hitherto defeated all attempts to discover the cause, which I can fairly claim to have discovered, and it was in this way. In 1873 I had a small paddock to sow with wheat, which I sowed with wheat threshed by steam machine, but in completing the sowing I had not sufficient dressed, as we term it, with blue stone, and I took sufficient from a bag, which I sowed without dressing. The result was that only about 25 per cent, of the dressed wheat came up, but that which was sown without dressing produced upwards of 80 per cent, of plants ; but upon the wheat coming to maturity I found that there was no smut in that which was dressed, but that the small piece sown without dressing contained more than 60 per cent, of smut. I then measured a square rood of each, and counted the plants which had produced perfect wheat, with the result that the number was nearly as possible equal, which at once struck me that the dressing had simply destroyed that which would have proved smutty. This induced me to enter into further tests the following year, which 1 applied as follows : — (I must explain that in those days it was not safe to sow wheat threshed by steam, consequently we used to get sufficient threshed by hand for seed. ) I rubbed out 200 grains of wheat from stock which we were then threshing. I took another 200 grains of that threshed by steam, 200 do. threshed by hand. I divided these into two equal parts of 100 grains each. The first division I dressed with bluestone, the other division I planted without dressing, with the following result of that which was dressed : — Iso. 1. The 100 grains rubbed out by hand produced 96 plants of perfect wheat. No 2. Threshed by flail, or what is called hand-threshed, produced 81 plants of perfect wheat. No. 3. threshed by steam, produced 60 perfect plants. 1 will now ask you, gentlemen, to mark the result of that which was not dressed. The 100 rubbed out by hand produced 98 perfect plants and no smut. That threshed by hand produced 90 plants, 81 being perfect and nine smut. That threshed by steam produced 81 plants, 50 being perfect and 31 smut. This result confirmed my previous experience that it was the damaged grain that produced smut, and that the dressing simply destroyed these grains and prevented them from germinating, but I did not stop here. I planted other beds with samples threshed as described, and took up the plants as soon as they came out of the ground, and I discovered that these damaged grains, unlike perfect ones, came to the surface before shooting any roots, and that the roots when they came they differed from the perfect roots by spreading in to a delicate form near the surface, instead of a strong, healthy, root penetrating downwards, and during one test I divided my plot, and by trying the plants with the finger and thumb upon one half of the plot, and taking out those that came too readily I succeeded in taking out all the defective plants but one, as shown when the wheat ripened, for I had only one smut plant left when in the other half, I had 31 smut plants. I have followed up my tests from year to year with the same result, and have never produced a smut plant from grain rubbed out by xvx PROCEEDINGS, JULY. hand, and not injured, and I have come to the conclusion that smut is the result of defective rooting of these damaged grains, and if my con¬ tention proves correct an enormous saving can be effected by introducing machines coated with gutta percha, including loss of time, cost of blue- stone, and destruction of wheat would amount to a saving of fully 3s. per acre, but there are other causes of smut quite beyond the control of man, another strong proof that I am correct, and that is atmospheric influence ; for instance, the past season was most prolific in smut, and in every case I found it was upon the high lands, it being too dry to allow the roots to penetrate to a sufficient depth to mature the grain. I found during the last season heads one half smut the other half perfect wheat, and in one case one grain half smut and the other half contained flour, and in all cases the upper half is the smut. Again, in the very wet season smut may be found, but it will be found in the low and wet portions of the field, the root having been injured through too much moisture. Our grasses often prove smutty, but it is only the annual variety that can be found smutty. The perennial plant has established the roots to a sufficient depth to mature. I have read, from time to time, the theory that smut is caused by infection in the stack, and, giving as a proof that self-sown or shook wheat is never found smutty. The truth is that this self-sown grain is not subject to injury in threshing, and will support my experience with reference to infection. I have, upon several occasions coated wheat that I had carefully rubbed out of the head with smut dust, but have never produced a smut head from sound grain. I hope the tests explained have had the effect I desire of interesting you in a problem that has hitherto baffled all attempts to solve. To permit some tests to be carried out in your gardens under your manager, I will undertake to supply seed prepared in various forms for the test and numbered. I am sure the tests would be interesting. Again apologising, gentlemen, for bringing under your Society what very properly should have been a farmers’ subject to deal with. — I am, etc., JOSEPH BARWICK. The Secretary intimated that the suggestions would be laid before the Trustees of the Museum and Botanical Gardens. The President, in moving the usual vote of thanks to the contributors of papers, expressed the hope that something would be done to meet Mr. Barwick’s suggestions. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST. XVII AUGUST, 1889. The monthly evening meeting was held on Monday evening, August 19th, the President, His Excellency Sir Robert G. C. Hamilton, K.C. B., in the chair. THE LATE MR. JUSTIN BROWNE. The President said : Gentlemen, before we proceed to business to-night I would remark that since our last meeting this Society has suffered the loss of a very oid member who had been, I understand, 21 years a member of the Council — Mr. Justin McC. Browne. I am sure we should wish to place on record our great regret at his death, and our heartfelt sympathy with those he has left behind. TALL TASMANIAN TREES. The Secretary (Mr. Alex. MortoD) stated that since the last meeting, at which the question of the height of some of the tallest Tasmanian trees had been discussed, he had been making inquiries by circular on the subject and had received some replies of value thereon. He intended to have a paper on the subject at a future meeting of the Society. Baron Von Mueller had written on this subject asking him to mention at this meeting that he (Baron Von Mueller) had never made himself responsible for measurements of 400ft. in height of any eucalyptus trees, and that in nearly all his writings on this subject he gave the names of those on whose statements he had relied too hastily in reference to exaggerated data concerning the supposed exceptional heights of certain eucalyptus. In the Argus of May 25 last he had set forth some of the best information obtainable, and urged new measurements of trees in Tasmania and West Australia. It would be fpleasing if the Tasmanian members of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, who will attend the Melbourne meeting to be held in the early part of next year, could furnish for the biological section genuine measurements of Tasmania’s tallest trees, or trustworthy records of past discoveries in this direction. He further suggested that an officer from the Survey Department should visit the group discovered by Mr. C. Barkley at Mount Barrow to obtain reliable data on the height of these trees. Mr. T. Sttphens furnished the following memorandum on the subject of Lady Franklin’s tiee : — In June, 1881, I measured the trunk of a large tree near the Huon road, which had gone by the name of Lady Franklin’s tree, and was probably identical with one of those described by the Rev. T. J. Ewing in the proceedings of the Royal Society of May 9, 1849. It had been blown elown in the gale of December 26, 18S0, and had been partly burnt in a bush fire some two months afterwards. The circumference of the trunk at the ground was about 70ft., but measurements round the tuttresses of these large trees are not worth much for purposes of comparison. At 26ft. from the root the circumference was 27ft., and at 56ft. up it was 21ft. The total length of the stem to where it ended abruptly, being free from branches the whole way, was 266ft. , and it was there 9ft. round. Sixty or seventy feet is a very moderate estimate for the height of the rest of the tree, and the total height could not be less than 330ft,, and might have been much more. The tree was too much burnt to enable one to determine the species, but Mr. Ewing calls his big tree a swamp gum. My impression at the time was that the greater part of the top had been blown off, as often happens, long before the tree fell. More remains of it would have been left if it had been down only six months. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST. xviii In reply to the President, Mr. Stephens said this tree was lying about eight miles from town. He did not know whether any portion of it remained. This would, of course, greatly depend upon what bush fires had happened in the locality. Mr. Johnson directed attention to the remains of a great tree lying near the coal mines at Snug. Proofs of the huge size of this tree were easily traceable in the decayed remains. It was a very remarkable tree. ANGORA GOAT FARMING. The Secretary of the Royal Society stated at its last meeting that he had written to Mr. James Smith, Westwood, mentioned in the discussion which took place at the May meeting, on a paper on this subject, and that gentleman had furnished the following particulars : — The Angora goat will, I believe, thrive in Tasmania, if not too much exposed to the inclemency of the weather, and if not stinted in its food. A pure Angora buck which I had in my flock for several years, and which did not receive any special care, seemed as hardy as a common goat and his successor in the flock seems to possess equal endurance. Having brambles (“ black-berries ”) on some of my land, I was first led to keep “ grade ” Angoras, after the trial of the browsing habits of a pair, from my attention having been directed by a neighbour to the fact that a common milch goat kept by him had destroyed a number of brambles, which had become a nuisance, by feeding on their leaves and buds. When Angoras have the choice of brambles and abundance of grass, they seem to prefer the grass while it is green, but turn with evident relish to the brambles when the grass becomes withered or scant. For the better eradication of brambles by goats they should be cut low, or so reduced by burning that their young shoots may be eaten off close to the ground. It is hardly necessary to say that brambles are in many places in Tasmania beginning to encumber the ground to an objectionable extent. In destroying brambles my “grade” Angoras have been very useful, though their usefulness in this respect has been limited from the necessity of specially erected fences, with little exception, to prevent the goats from straying. The Angora goat is, like the common goat, very prone to wander, and therefore unusually close fences are necessary where it is requisite to limit the range of the goats’ movements. I have seen a grade Angora in passing from an enclosure, ascend a stump and spring from it to the top of a post of a five-rail fence, and then to the ground, and when hunted it has quickly found a log from which to recross the fence in a similar manner. The first, so-called. Angora goats that I obtained were not quite pure. In order to ascertain the value of their “mohair” I sent a small quantity of it to London, where it sold at Is. 4d. per lb., when ordinary Merino wool was selling at lOd, per lb. I was afterwards informed, however, by the Messrs. Sait, who, it is understood, manufacture mohair, that similar mohair was not worth more that Is. per lb. It seems from my observation in the matter that by crossing with a pure Angora buck and well selected common goats, a hardy race, which begins at once to exhibit the qualities of the sire in a remarkable degree, is produced. The following extract in reference to the selection of a “ stock buck ” is from the American Agriculturist for April, 1876 : — “ 1st. Pedigree dating back to ancestor imported from Asia. 2nd. Weight of long silky, ringletted, white fleece, and its freedom from kemp and mane on the back and neck. 3rd. Form, size, and vigour.” There is an illustration in two skins which I am sending to the Hobart Museum of degrees of breeding. It will be observed that the skin from which the ears have not been removed has a better fleece than the other. The latter skin is from a goat less pure than the former. The following extract is from an article on “ Goat keeping ” in the American PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST. XIX Agriculturist for 1S7S: — “The profit from the goat can come only ‘.from the skin and hair. A large quantity of goat skins is yearly imported for tanning to produce Morocco leather, and the hair of the common goat is valued for the plasterers’ use. The Angora goat bears -a fleece of mohair that is valuable tor several manufactures. . . By crossing with Angora males the common goat caD soon be bred up to a point where the fleece is worth as much as that of the pure bred. . .” The goat will thrive where the poorest sheep would starve, but it better enjoys the rough fare of rough places than the sweetest pastures of grass. There are many rocky and half-barren localities that might be put to good use by being turned into goat pastures and there are many better pastures ill-fitted for the less hardy sheep upon which goats could be successfully kept. As to the yield of mohair from each well-bred grade Angora, I am of opinion that this would be from five to eight pounds, though I cannot speak positively as to the yield, as my Angoras usually lose a portion of their hair from coming in contact with brambles. It has been thought that as the hair of Angoras will grow to the length of 4in. in six months they might be shorn with advantage twice a year. But in any case of shearing Angoras or -grade Angoras, care should be exercised that they be not exposed to an injurious extent to cold weather. In this respect nature seems to indicate by the commencement of the shedding of the hair, when the shearing can be performed with the greatest safety. The following extract is from The American Agriculturist, for November, 1876 : — “ In California and other of the Pacific States large flocks of grade Angoras are being bred for their skins, for which there is an increasing demand in San Jose, California, by the Angora robe, glove, and mat manufactory. The carcase is highly prized wherever introduced as food, while the milk is highly esteemedfor domestic use -and the sick-room.” To recur to the usefulness of goats in destroying brambles — and a single goat will do much in this respect — if herded on brambles goats will not thrive on these alone, but would require an amount of hand-feeding in the absence of sufficient grass within the enclosure. The food to be given by hand might consist of waste from the kitchen, such as turnip tops and cabbage leaves, with other things easily available on a farm. I cannot, from my own experience, disagree with the statement in the concluding portion of a paragraph in The American Agriculturist for October, 1878, that “ There is nothing in the goat or fleece to make it preferable to sheep, excepting under circumstances in which sheep cannot be kept profitably.” Goats could be kept with advantage with sheep, in some instances, as they would eat much that sheep would not, and so would tend to prevent the spread of some of the plants that are injurious to the growth of grass. For fuller information on the Angora, the American Agriculturist for February, 1887, refers its readers to the book, “ The Angora Goat,” by John L. Hayes, LL.D., price l-50dol. Mr. Johnston stated that Angora goat farming had been carried on in Perth for many years, the hair being made into articles and sold in Launceston. It would not be necessary to go further afield than this for information on the question of whether the goats would thrive in the island. Mr. Justice Adams said he had made inquiries respecting the flocks observed by him between Ulverstone and Fermby, and was informed they were owned by Mr. Jas. Smith and Mr, Templar, a neighbour of his. Mr. Templar’s flock were kept on very poor ground, which bore out Mr. Smith’s observations that poor land would suffice for farming purposes. He had also been informed that, an inquiry from a resident in a neighbouring colony as to the price of a kid had resulted in a sum of £2 10s. being asked. There were several large tracts of land too poor for sheep growing which could be utilised for goat farming. XX PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST. OLD CHARTS OF TASMANIA. Mr. Mault read a paper dealing with certain old charts captured from Captain Hayes by the French, and now lodged among the archives of France, hut copied by the permission of the Government of that country. The paper dealt at length with each of the charts, and illustrated the origin of many of the original names of the Derwent and its surroundings. Mr. McClymont complimented Mr. Mault on the care bestowed on his paper, and reviewed the earlier part of the voyage of the Marion. Mr. Walker also spoke on the paper, quoting from the Brabourne Papers to illustrate the possibility that Flinders at the time of his detention at the Mauritius was carrying despatches from Governor King, which were regarded by his captors as a violation of the passport held by him from Bounaparte. DISCOVERY OF A FOSSIL FISH. Mr. R. M. Johnston read a paper, the joint production of Mr. Morton and himself, respecting the recent discovery by Mr. H. Nicholls of a fossil fish, presented by him to the Museum. The specieshad been named Acrolepis Hainiltoni, in recognition of the deep interest always observed by the President in the affairs of the Society. The Secretary read a communication from Mr. Petterd, referring to a fossil fish discovered by him in a quarry near Knocklofty IS years back, but which had not been described, but had been lost. Mr. Stephens referred to certain correspondence received by him from Professors Stephens and McCoy asking for particulars of this discovery. AUSTRALIAN AND TASMANIAN SANDARACH. The Secretary read a paper by Mr. J. H. Maiden, F.L.S., F.G.S., Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney. In it the writer referred to the fact that a specimen of resin irom the Oyster Bay Pine of Tasmania, sent to the Exhibition of 1851, first drew the attention of experts to the possibilities of Australian Sandarach. For this exhibit and other gums and resins, Mr. J. Milligan was awarded honourable mention. Sandarach is one of the most valuable of Australian and Tasmanian vegetable products, a market is ready for it, and it seems strange that it should have been so long neglected. No statistics are available in regard to the importation of Sandarach into these colonies, but to bring it here at all is a veritable “carrying of coals to Newcastle.” In various parts of Australia and Tasmania there are vast numbers of Callitris trees, and their resin, often abundant, can readily be collected, and the author is sure that even with the cheap labour of Northern Africa to contend against, it can be profitably gathered during a portion of the year. The approximate price of Sandarach in London, is 60-115s. per cwt., and there is no difference between it and the colonial article. As to the cultivation of the trees, Baron von Mueller states, “ Probably it would be more profitable to devote sandy desert land, which could not be brought under irrigation, to the culture of the Sandarach cypresses, than to pastoral purposes, but boring beetles must be kept off. It is also to be borne in mind that Gdllitris timber is valuable.” Mr. Stephens referred to the manner in which these trees were destroyed in clearing for sheep farming. The President said he had frequently noticed the destruction of these trees. COMPLIMENTARY. The President moved the usual vote of thanks to the contributors of papers. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. XXI SEPTEMBER, 1889. The monthly meeting of the Royal Society was held on Monday, September 9th. The President (His Excellency Sir Robert G. C. Hamilton, K.C.B.) presided. Mr. J. Provis, of South Australia, was elected a corresponding member of the Society ; Mr. Chas. Guesdon a member. The President desired to bring a matter concerning the young salmon now at the Salmon Ponds before the Society. These were the undoubted product of the ova brought out by Sir Thomas Brady, which had been stripped from the male and female fish and artificially fertilised, and the utmost care had been taken to keep them apart from any other fish bred in the Ponds. He recently visited the Ponds, accompanied by the Chairman of the Fisheries Board, the Secretary, and two of the members, when they carefully examined a number of the young salmon, among which they were surprised to find marked differences existing, not only in size, but in their characteristics. It has often been held that the salmonidce caught in Tasmanian waters cannot be true Salmo solar because so many of them have spots on the dorsal fin, and a tinge of yellow or orange on the adipose fin, but nearly half of the young salmon they examined, which had never left the Ponds, had these characteristics. Again, many of them were almost “ bull-headed ” in appearance — another characteristic which is not supposed to distinguish the true Salmo solar. He would suggest to the Chairman of the Fisheries Board, whom he saw present, that the Secretary should be asked to make a formal report of the result of this visit, and to obtain some specimens of the young fish, which could be preserved in spirits, and perhaps sent to Sir Thomas Brady to be submitted for the consideration and opinion of naturalists at Home. Mr. Allport directed attention to the desirableness of placing young fish in the West Coast rivers, which were entirely free at present of fish of a migratory character. Mr. Johnston pointed out the difficulty of transit in stocking these rivers. He thought Lake Dixon would afford an excellent home for the salmon, equal to any of the Scotch waters ; and as it is one of the affluents of the Franklin and Gordon Rivers, the young fish would find their way to the Western Ocean. Mr. Morton drew attention to a specimen of the fish referred to, one that had been bred from the late shipment of ova brought out by Sir Thomas Brady. The fish exhibited had no markings on the dorsal fin, but, as had been stated by His Excellency, there appeared to be quite an equal number in the pond with markings on the dorsal as those without. He hoped the recommendations of His Excellency, that specimens of this young fry should be sent to some of the leading ichthyologists in Europe for their opinion would be carried out, because from the care and attention bestowed on the late shipment of ova there could be no question but that the ova was from the true fish, Salmo solar. SMUT IN GRAIN, AND DEPOSIT OF SALT. The Secretary (Mr. A. Morton) read the following correspondence rom Mr. Joseph Barwick, relating to smut in wheat, and also to a large deposit of salt found on the plains near Mona Vale. “ To the President and Council of the Royal Society of Tasmania. Gentlemen, — After reading the two high class, and what would seem unanswerable papers upon the above subject, read at the last meeting xxn PROCEEDINGS. SEPTEMBER. of your Society, it will seem presumption for me to again trespass upon you. However, I respectfully ask leave to do so in support of my first paper. The learned writers, Messrs. Abbott and Stephens, conclude, from the tenor of my paper, that I had not made myself acquainted with what had been done in attempting to elucidate the mystery of smut. I desire to say that for the last 14 years I have obtained and read all the papers I could find upon the subject, but scarcely two of the writers agree in the most important points, and the whole oi the writings that I have read deal more with effect than cause, that is, with the diseased plant. We all know that when we see either cattle or horses infested with vermin that the animal is weakly and poor ; but we do not believe that the vermin cause the poverty, but the reason we knowis that poverty from disease or starvation breeds vermin, and this is my experience with plants and trees ; and I am strongly of opinion that it is the same with our grain plant, the plant being weakly from defective rooting it is attacked by fungus. My object in asking for space in the Botanical Gardens was not with a desire to carry out scientific examinations, but to demonstrate that sound grains will not produce smut, and that the so-called spores are as harmless as soot dust, that is if practical tests of sixteen years are of any value, and I further concluded that the only way to interest the public and induce other societies to take the matter up, was to carry out the tests in some public place, and if my experience was confirmed that some means might be devised by which the seed grain could be threshed without injury, which would prove an enormous saving of grain, labour, expense, and a more vigorous plant. The tests I enumerated were only a few of the many ; I tried all with the same result. I have now one and a half acres sown this year with wheat collected upon stock that had been skaken out in removing sheaves ; this I have not dressed. I do not fear the result. It is too late to carry out any further tests this year.” “ Tea Tree, August 23, 1889. Curator of the Museum, Hobart. — Sir, — In forwarding the exhibit of salt it cannot be classed as one of our manufactures, as it is a natural product of the centre of Tasmania, and it seems to me more of a curiosity, or more properly a source of undeveloped wealth, as nothing has ever been done to ascertain the source of the constant and inexhaustible deposit. These chains of lagoons, or what are known as the salt pans, are situated nearly in the centre of the colony, and are situated on the estates of Lower Park, Balochmyle, Ellenthorpe, and Mona Vale. I am well acquainted with these pans, having known them for nearly 50 years. They extend for a distance of seven miles, running as nearly as, 1 should say, south-east by north-west, and there are to my knowledge 10 of them, in area from one acre to 100. There may be more beyond my travels, and I think if a line was drawn it would be found that they are not over one mile out of line. To my mind, the most mysterious fact is that on either side of this line there are similar pans containing fresh water. In one case at Ellenthorpe there is one large pan of probably 100 acres, and within 10 chains on either side there is a lagoon of fresh water. The most prolific in salt of these pans is Ballochmyle and Mona Vale, as over 50 years ago I went with my father to these pans for a supply, and in dry seasons large quantities have been taken from those pans, many hundreds of tons ; the surface, about 2in. deep, is scraped up for domestic use, and the soil is used for manure. A very old hand in the colony, John Duffield, who came in the prison ship Dromedary, informed me that this salt was formerly a source of wealth to the aboriginals who owned the surrounding lands, and was often the scene of hot battle and bloodshed. I have heard several theories of the source of supply, but none of which are tenable. The one is that it is brought from higher levels by streams, but most of them are situated upon a level surface and have no inlet. Another is that the land is impregnated with salt, and that the supply is kept up PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. xxiii by soakage, but if this was so it would follow that the whole of these pans would be salt, which I have shown is not the case. My idea is that a reef extends throughout the length of these pans. Supposing this to be so, would the salt rise from any great depth ? I think not, and if my theory is correct, the reef cannot be far from the surface. Mr. Stephens said Sir Lambert Dobson, who had had a lengthy knowledge of the district, might impart some information. Sir Lambert Dobson had known the salt pans district for a period of 53 years. They were really small lakelets which contained salt water, and from which, during summer, the evaporation caused the layer of salt to form. In past years this was made a source of revenue by collectors of thesalt, which was of excellentquality, and suitablefor domestic purposes. Some of the lakelets provided richer deposits of salt than others, but no reliable information, so far as he was aware, was forthcoming respecting the origin of these deposits. Evidently they did not originate from springs, because during summer the lakelets dried up. The soil around was fertile, the native grasses growing well. This suggested that the water became impregnated with salt below the surface. Mr. Johnston considered the subject one of deep interest, and worthy of consideration at the hands of members of the Society. He thought that Mr. Barwick had given good reasons in favour of the idea that the salt was derived from some underlying rock formation of marine origin — probably of upper pakeozoic age — whose members are often highly charged with saline matter. Mr Stephens said it would be interesting to ascertain from the inhabitants of the district if the trade in the salt had been discontinued owing’ to a decrease in the supply, or market influences. The difference between salt and fresh water lagoons was that the latter always had natural outlets, and even if some of these lagoons having outlets contained a percentage of salt from the solid deposits, the outflow naturally brought about a reduction of this. Many of the sandstone formations in Tasmania were particularly saliferous, and contained large percentages of all the salts, from Epsom salt and alum to chloride of sodium. This especially was noticeable in caves which protected the deposits from being carried away by the rain. It should be remembered that a large portion of this district had been under the sea about the tertiary period, if not in post tertiary times. The possibility of the existence of a solid bed of salt, as suggested by Mr. Johnston, should not be ignored. Mr. Johnston doubted this. Mr. Stephens said that the district, as far as Antill Ponds, gave evidence in favour of this. Marine fossils were not likely to be found where the land had been rising or in drift. THE LAST LIVING ABORIGINAL OE TASMANIA. Mr James Barnard read the following paper compiled by him upon this subject : — It has been generally supposed that the grave has closed over the remains of the last of the aborigines, and that the extinction of the race has been final and complete. This supposition, however, is believed to be erroneous ; for there still exists one female descendant of the former “ princes of wastes and lords of deserts ’ in the person of Fanny Cochrane Smith, of Port Cygnet, and the mother of a large family of six sons and five daughters, all of whom are living. Some doubts have been cast in Parliament and elsewhere upon the claim of Fanny (to keep to her pre-nuptial and first Christian name) to be of the pure blood of her ancestors, but after searching the records, and upon her own personal testimony, and from other evidence, there seems to be XXIV PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. little reason to doubt the fact. It appears, theD, that Fanny was born at Flinders Island in 1834 or 1S35, and is now about 55 years of age. Sarah was the name of her mother, and Eugene that of her father, and both were undeniably aboriginals. Sarah first lived with a sealer, and became the mother of four half-caste children ; and was subsequently married to Eugene (native Dame, Nicomanie), one of her own people, and had three children, of whom Fanny is the sole survivor and representative of the race. Lieut. Matthew Curling Friend, R.N., in a paper read before the Tasmanian Society, on March 10, 1847, “On the decrease of the Aborigines of Tasmania,” in alluding to the curious theory propounded by Count Strzelecki, that the aboriginal mother of a half-caste can never produce a black child should she subsequently marry one of her own race, controverts this notion of invariable sterility by quoting two instances which came under his notice while visiting the aboriginal establishment at Flinders Island. I give his own words : — “ One was the case of a black woman named Sarah, who had formerly four half-caste children by a sealer with whom she lived, and has had since her abode at Flinders Island, where she married a man of her own race, three black children, two of whom are still alive. The other, a black woman named Harriet, who had formerly by a white man with whom she lived two halt-caste children, and has had since her marriage with a black man a fine healthy black infant, who is still living.” Commenting upon this doctrine of Strzelecki, West observes (Hist, of Tasmania, vol. 2, p. 75.), “ A natural law by which the extinction of a race is predicted will not admit of such serious deviations.” Some explanation may properly be expected from me for reviving a question which was supposed to be set at rest when Truganini was consigned to the tomb, and declared to be the last woman of her race. I will therefore mention the incident which has given me something of a personal interest in the matter. It is now nearly 40 years ago that I was accustomed occasionally to accompany my friend, the late Hr. Milligan, the Medical Superintendent of the Aborigines, to the settlement at Oyster Cove, where I saw a good deal of the native people, at that time some 30 or 40 in number. Among these I have a distinct recollection of Fanny, who was then apparently about 17 years of age, slender and active, less dusky in colour, but rather more prepossessing in appearance than any of her kind ; and certainly at that time I never heard a doubt expx-essed of her not being a true aboriginal. There was one circumstance in particular which impressed her upon my remembrance, and that was on one occasion we crossed over in a boat from Oyster Cove to Bruni Island, rowed by four of the black men, and Fanny taking the steer-oar, which she handled with marvellous skill and dexterity. My visits to the settlement shortly after ceased, and from that time to the present, until a few weeks ago, when I was greatly surprised to receive a visit from this identical Fanny, who had become transformed into a buxom matron of considerable amplitude. By the courtesy of the Hon. P. 0. Fysh, Chief Secretary and Premier, I have been permitted access to the official records bearing upon the subject of this investigation. The first documents brought under nay attention were two letters under date J une 23 and 26, 1882, embodying a report from the Police Magistrate of Franklin, the late E. A. Walpoie, emphatically stating that Fanny “ is a half-caste, born of an aboriginal woman, by a white man whose name is unknown, at Flinders Island on or about the year 1835.” No authority beyond the expression of his individual opinion is adduced by Mr. Walpole in support of his statement. The next document was a letter by the late Dr. Milligan, Medical Superintendent of Aborigines, under date July 17, 1854, enclosing William Smith’s consent to marry Fanny Cochrane, and describing her as an aboriginal girl belonging to the establishment at Oyster Cove. This aftords strong evidence in support of the opposite view of the case, as those who knew Dr, PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. XXV Milligan would remember how precise and accurate he invariably was in any statement of facts. A point of some importance in the contention would arise from Fanny’s second name, Cochrane. According to Bonwick, in his “ Last of the Tasmanians,” p. 2S2, this was taken from the sealer who lived with Sarah, whose name was Cottrel Cochrane. Were this so, it would have at once have gone far to settle the question of parentage, and show her to be the half-caste supposed. Bonwick is obviously in error in his statement ; for I have lately ascertained from the lips of a married lady living in Hobart, a daughter of the late Mr. Robert Clark, catechist at the aborigines establishment, that Cochrane was the maiden name of her mother, and that it was given by her father to Fanny when a child, and residing in his family. Again, Bonwick writes (p. 310) : “ We read of a sawyer, one Smith, and his black friend, Mrs. Fanny Cochrane Smith, receiving £25 a year for their half-caste child.” Instead of “ black friend ” he might have written “ black wife for the parties were duly married at Hobart by the Rev. Frederick Miller, Congregational minister, in 1S54. As respects the cause assigned for the annuity, this writer was also in error, for the sum of £24 (not £25) was bestowed upon Fanny on the occasion of her marriage, and not for the reason stated. The next document is a letter dated 8th December, 1S42, conveying the official approval of the admission into the Queen’s Orphan School of the three aboriginal children named in the margin — Fanny, Martha, Jesse. Then follows in the records under same date an application from Mr. Robert Clark, late catechist of the aborigines on Flinders Island, for permission to receive into his family “ an aboriginal child named Fanny, upon his engagement to feed, clothe, and educate her as one of his own children.” Next is an extract from an official document dated 8th March, 1847 : — “ Eugene and his wife, the father and mother of Fanny and Adam, being asked if they were willing that their children should be sent back to Mr. Clark, said they were not. Fanny being asked if she understood the nature of an oath, answered, ‘No,’ and the doctor explained it. Fanny said she did not wish to return to Mr. Clark.” From a long report to the Government by Dr. Milligan, dated November 29, 1847, 1 have takea the following extract : — “ The fifth girl, Fanny Cochrane, almost a woman, might remain with her half-sister, Mary Ann. Indeed, lean scarcely say how otherwise she could be satisfactorily disposed of.” There being no difference of opinion as to Sarah being the mother of both, this testimony, given by Dr. Milligan as to a difference of parentage in the case of the father, at once discriminates her from Mary Ann, and in itself affords a strong presumption in favour of the contention. The superintendent at Oyster Cove, under date 4th November, 1857, reports to the Colonial Secretary the death of Adam, aged 20 years, the youngest of the aboriginals ; and states that during his illness he was waited upon by his mother, sister, and the latter’s husband ; these being respectively Sarah, Fanny, and William Smith. Up to this point my researches have been eminently satisfactory, and have tended to confirm the theory of Fanny being an aboriginal ; but another document has been brought under my notice which, unexplained, certainly discountenances that theory. It is the report of certain proceedings taken before Dr. Jeanneret, the superintendent at Flinders Island, on the occasion of certain allegations made against an officer of the establishment, and in which is a deposition made by Fanny, dated March 25, 1847, commencing with these words, — “ I am a half-caste of Van Diemen’s Land. My mother is a native. I am about 13 years of age,” etc., with her signature attached at the foot. At first sight this admission would appear to be conclusive and unanswerable ; but, upon reflection, I am led to believe that there must be a mistake XXVI PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. somewhere. In the first place a child of her age, with imperfectly developed intelligence, would scarcely be likely to volunteer that statement, or do more than give a mechanical assent to the question when asked, without, perhaps, at all understanding its import. Again, possibly the clerk writing the deposition may have understood that Fanny was sister to Mary Ann instead of half-sister, and naturally assumed them to be the offspring of the same parents. Besides, it conflicts with all the official correspondence in which she is referred to with Dr. Milligan, the medical superintendent, and Mr. Clark, the catechist, in all of which the term “ half-caste ” never once appears, and she is invariably designated an aboriginal girl, and distinguished from Mary Ann, her half-sister, and an undisputed half-caste. I may add, also, that Fanny wholly repudiates all knowledge or recollection of the evidence referred to. The paper of Lieut. Friend, which I have quoted, in which he refers to Sarah, the mother of Fanny, in support of his hypothesis, as well as the official statement given of Eugene being her father and Adam being her brother, should remove all doubt as to Fanny being a true aboriginal. While it is not to be denied that differences of opinion exist on the point, I think it must be allowed, from the facts brought forward, that the weight of testimony is in its favour. The characteristics of the complexion and of the hair have been cited as favouring the opinion that Fanny must be deposed from the pedestal claimed for her as a pure aboriginal and placed in the ranks of the half-castes. Mr. Walpole states that “ her colour is a very dark brown,” but I should rather term it a blackish-brown, and showing the true aboriginal tint. On this point it must be remembered that from her infancy she has been encircled within the pale of civilised life, and shielded from the severities of weather and privations to which otherwise she would have been exposed, — all this, together with her surroundings, must naturally have in some degree tended to exercise a modifying influence. The same as to her hair, which, if less woolly and like a mop, has no doubt been combed and brushed out to some small extent of its original fluffiness to reconcile it to the model of the hair of the white children with w'hom she was brought up, and which she would naturally strive to imitate. The question at issue may appear, at fiist sight, to be a mere personal matter, and of comparative unimportance, but it is in reality much more than that, and has acquired a scientific aspect deserving of attention. There is reason to believe that the theory of Strzelecki has influenced many to concurrence in his views, and to disregard or overlook the cogency of facts opposed to it. Lieutenant Friend, as we have seen, disputes the dictum referred to, and has adduced strong evidence in support of his objection. Thus an interesting problem has been presented for solution. All controversy, however, must now be regarded as finally set at rest, since the adoption by Parliament, after due inquiry, of two resolutions passed, respectively, in sessions 1882 and 18S4, by the first of which the pension of Fanny Smith was increased from £24 to £50 per annum, and by the second that a grant deed of the 100 acres of land she at that time occupied, and for the 200 acres additional then presented to her, should be issued to Fanny free of cost, both votes being passed on the ground specified of her being the last survivor of the aboriginal race. Mr. Taylor did not doubt Mr. Barnard had made very searching inquiry before submitting his paper. There was much that was new in the paper, and he hoped if any members possessed any further evidence respecting this much-vexed question, they would not fail to place it before the Society. NEW DARK YIELD MICROMETER. In the absence of Mr. A. B. Biggs, the Secretary read a paper contributed by that gentleman on “a new dark field micrometer for PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. XXVii double star measurements." The author referred to the fact that some of the grandest achievements of science were due to workers who had had to content themselves with very simple and perhaps roughly constructed apparatus, the outcome of their own ingenuity, called forth by the necessities of the case. The writer claimed the applicability of these remarks to his own case only so far as they related to the necessity of trusting mainly to his own resources in his very limited field of scientific work. The instrument, of which he furnished a description, had been in this way the outcome of his necessity ; its special function being the measurement of very minute angular distances, such as those of double stars, giving at the same time the angle of position with reference to the meridian. PYRAMIDAL NUMBERS. Mr. Johnston read a paper on a discovery made respecting pyramidal numbers, suggesting that these might have formed the original selections of sub-divisions of time, space, weight, coinage, etc. Mr. Johnston suggested that as the Egyptian pyramid builders were great geometricians, the peculiar combinations of numbers in models of simple pyramids of odd, even, and mixed numbers would be familiar to them ; and that the square pyramid of even numbers with 12 as base and the odd and even square pyramids with a base of twice 7, or 14, might be seized upon by them for typifying astronomical facts, in conjunction with some great fixed standard of measurements. The selection of these types might be supposed reasonable, as the aggregates or squares of cubes in their principal divisions coincide exactly with the known days of year, month, week, etc.; their simple multiples also coincide with the principal dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and with the length of the Egyptian cubit ; while many of the natural sequences of related layers of cubes such as 4, 12, 20 ; 28, 56, 112 ; 44, 220, 440 ; 12, 24, 36, 144 — are very suggestive, as accounting for the origin of many of our more important existing sub-divisions of time, space, weight and money. Mr. Taylor said it would be almost impossible to discuss such a paper. He suggested the advisableness of dividing the work of the Society into different branches. They might form a Philosophical Society to deal with subjects apart from the scientific subjects now dealt with by the Society. Many subjects would, he thought, be dealt with under such an arrangement. Mr. Morton said the Society was always ready to discuss papers on any subject. They were too small to have these sub-sections. This had been done in the past, and lasted but a very short time. The Council had considered the matter some three years since, and decided that the Society was too small to thus sub-divide themselves. The papers of late years had been most varied, and had always been ably dealt with. He drew attention that a member of the New South Wales Society had congratulated them on the fact that the Royal Society of Tasmania in the thoroughness of its work had only one contemporary society in the colonies that held higher position than them, viz., the Linmean Society of Sydney. COMPLIMENTARY. The President in moving the usual complimentary vote to contributors of papers, said he thought the Society specially indebted to Mr. Barnard for his paper. The records of the Society were for all time, and it would be to these records that reference would be made for authentic information on a matter of this sort. He thought the paper would help much toward the settlement of the question as to the last of the Tasmanian aboriginals, seeing that it adopted the scientific method of taking nothing for granted, but giving data for all his conclusions. XXV1U PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. Mr. Mault had acted wisely in getting the only gentleman who differed from his expressed views respecting Flinders detention, to read his paper there respecting — (Laughter) — whilst Mr. Johnston’s paper had perfectly staggered him (the President) by its ingenuity. The proceedings then terminated. LIBRARY ADDITIONS. List of additions to the Library of the Royal Society : — Acta Horti Petropolitani, Tomus X. From the Society. Annales de la Society Entomologique de Belgique, Brussels, 1S89. From the Department, Annals and Magazines of Natural History, current numbers. Anales de la Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, Tomo VI, 1SS8. From the Department. Archives du Mus4e Teyler, Serie II, vol. Ill, Deuxieme Partie. From the Society. Annual report of the Secretary for Mines of Victoria. On the working of the regulations and inspection of mines and Mining Machinery Act during the year 1888. From the Department. Blowpipe The, in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, containing all known methods of anhydrous analysis, many working examples, and instructions for making apparatus, by Lieut. -Colonel VV. A. Ross, R.A., F.G.S. Illustrated (bound), London, 1889. Bolletino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata (current parts). From the Society. Boleteim da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa (current numbers). From the Society. Boletin Mensual (pamphlets). From the Meteorological Department, Mexico. Bollettino della Societa Geografica Italiana (current numbers). From the Society. Bulletin de la Soci4ti4 Academique Indo-Chinoise de France. From the Department. Bulletin de la Soci£t4 D’Ethnographie, Nos 1 to 6, Paris, 1887. From the Society. Bulletin de la Soci^tid Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscow (current numbers). From the Society. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Vol. XVII. The Coral Reefs of the Hawaiian Islands (plates), by Alexander Agassiz. From the author. Catalogue de la Bibliothbque dress4 par C. Ekama. Septieme Livraison, Math^matiques ; Chimie et Physique, Astronomie ; M4t4orologie. Huitibme Livraison, Arch4ologie. Antiquites, etc. Arts et Metiers, Miscellanus, Supplement et Additions ; Table Alphabetique, Harlem, 1887-8. From the Society. Descriptive Catalogue of the Sponges in the Australian Museum, Sydney, 18S8. From the Trustees. Eruption of Krakatoa, The, and Subsequent Phenomena, (bound) 188S FrankliD, the Lightning Conductor (a lecture), by C. Tomlinson, F.R.S. From the Author. Geological Magazine. Current numbers. History of the Birds of New Zealand, second edition, vols. 1, 2. London, 1888. Illustrated (bound). History of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society, 1837- 1887. With biographical notices of some of its members, by James W. Davis (bound). From the Society. Imperial Federation, current Nos. From the Editor. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. XXIX Iconography of Australian species of Acacia and cognate genera. By Baron Mueller. Decade 13. From the Government. Insect World. Being a popular account of the orders of insects, together with a description of the habits and economy of some of the most interesting species. By Louis Figuier (Illustrated) bound. Journals and Proceedings of the Parliament of Tasmania, Vol. XI, 1888-9, bound. From the Government. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Vol. XXII., Part II., 188S. From the Society. Journal of Morphology, edited by C. 0. Whitman and E. P. Allis. Vol. II., No. 3 plates. From the authors. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society of England. Current numbers. From the Society. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. Report for 1S8S-9. From the Society. Lord Howe Island ; its Zoology, Geology, and Physical Character, 18S9. From the Trustees Sydney Museum. Metallurgy of gold : A practical treatise on the metallurgical treat¬ ment of gold-bearing ores, including the process of concentration and chlorination, and the assaying, melting and refining of gold. By M. Eissler. Illustrated (bound). London, 1S89. Metallurgy of silver : A practical treatise on the amalgamation, roasting, lixibiation of silver ores, including the assaying, melting, and refining of silver bullion. By M, Eissler. Illustrated (bound). London, 1889. Meteorological Department, New Zealand, 1885. From the Depart¬ ment. Meteorological papers. From the Department, Mexico. Meteorological Monthly Weather Review, Canada, current numbers* From the Department. Minerals of New South Wales, etc., by A. Liversidge, M.A., F.R.S., with map, bound. From the Author. Mineral Statistics of Victoria for 18S7. From the Department. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, current parts. From the Society. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Seas, in the years 1819, ’20, ’21, and ’22, by John Franklin, captain R.N., F.R.S., with an appendix on various subjects relating to Science and Natural History. Illustrated by numerous plates and maps. London 1823. Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1S25, ’26, and ’27, by Captain John Franklin, R.N., F.R.S., including an account of the progress of a detachment to the Eastward by John Richardson, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. Plate and maps. London, 1S28 (bound) ; 2 vols. From Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Lefroy. Nature. Current numbers. New Hepatic A. By Dr. B. Carrington and W. H. Pearson. From the authors. Observatorio Nacional Argentine. Vol. x. Cordoba. From the depart¬ ment. Ocean World : Being a description of the sea and home of its inhabi¬ tants, from the French by Louis Figuier, illustrated (bound). Papers from the Registrar-General’s office, New Zealand. Phormium Tenax as a Fibrous plant (bound). By Sir James Hector, R.C.M.G. From the author Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. Second ser. Vol. IV., Pt. 1, 1SS9. From the Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 1S89. Vol. VI., Pt. 2. From the Society. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society, Vol,. XI., Pt. 1, 1889. From the Society. XXX PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER. Proceedings and Transactions of the Queensland Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, 1SSS-9, Vol. IV. From the Society. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Vols. III., 1SS5 ; IV., 1SS6 ; V., 1SS7 ; (bound). From the Society. Psyche, a Journal of Entomology, Mass., U.S. (Current numbers.) From the Society. Report of the Trustees of the Australian Museum for 1SSS. From the Trustees. Report of the Public Library, [Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia for 1SS7-S. From the Trustee's. Report of the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria for the year 1SSS. From the Society. Report of the Surgeon-General of the Army to the Secretary of War for the fiscal year ending June, 1SS8. From the Department. Report of the Auckland Institute and Museum for 188S-9. From the Trustees. Report of the Mining Registrars of the Goldfields of Victoria for the quarter ended 31st March, 1SS9. From the Department. Report, Twenty-third Annual, on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory, etc., New Zealand. From the Trustees. Reports of Geological Explorations during 1887-8, with maps and sections, New Zealand. From the Department. Revista do Observatorio, Rio de Janeiro, 1889. From the Department. Records of the Geological Survey of India (current numbers). From the Society. Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Melbourne Observa¬ tory in the years 1SS1 to 4 (bound). From the Department. Scottish Geographical Magazine (current parts). From the Society. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society (current numbers). From the Society. Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. II. A monograph of the marine and freshwater ostracoda of the North Atlantic and of North-Western Europe. Section I. Podocopa. By G. S. Brady, M.A., and Rev. A. M. Norman, M.A. Plates. III. Observations/^ the Planet Jupiter made with the reflector of three feet aperture at Birr Observatory, Parsonstown, by Otto Boeddicker, Ph.D. Plates. IV. A new deter¬ mination of the latitude of Dunsink Observatory, by Arthur A. Rambaut, V. A revision of the British Actiniae, Part 1, Alfred C. Haddon, M.A., etc. Plates. From the Society. Studies from the Newport Marine Laboratory. Communicated by Alexander Agassiz. XVI. The Development of Osseus Fishes. II. The pre-embryonic stages of development. Pt. la. The history of the egg from fertilisation to cleavage. By A. Agassiz and C. 0. Whitman. With 12 plates. From A. Agassiz. Statistics of the colony of New Zealand for 1SS7. From the Depart¬ ment. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, Vol. 1., part I. The Anatomy of Megascolides Australis. The giant earth worm of Gipps- land, by W. Baldwin Spencer. From the Author. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 1SS8. Vol. XXI. From the Department. Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia. Vol. XI., for 1SS7-S. From the Society. Text Book of Geology, by Archibald Geikie, London 1SS2 (bound). Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen vereines (current Nos.) From the Society. Verhandlungen de Gesellschaft Fur Erdkunde zu Berlin (current Nos,) From the Society. Victorian Naturalist (current Nos.) From the Society. Victorian Year Book for 1887-8, Vol. HI. From the Department. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER. XXXI OCTOBER, 1889. The monthly meeting was held on Monday evening, October 15. There was a large attendance of Fellows and several lady visitors were present, including Lady Hamilton. His Excellency (Sir Robt. G. C. Hamilton, K.C.B.), President of the Society presided. NEW MEMBER. Mr. Alex. Montgomery, M.A., Government Geologist and Inspector of Mines, was elected a Fellow of the Society. THE PRESIDENT AND “LYNX.” The President said : My attention has been drawn to a paragraph in last week’s Tasmanian Mail in a column headed, “ Echoes ” by “ Lynx,” in which an amusing account is given of an error I am supposed to have fallen into in describing some of the young salmon hatched from the ova brought overby Sir Thomas Brady, as “ markedly bull headed.” I am supposed to have seen them, as I think the writer sometimes sees things, through a distorted medium. (Laughter.) Now, I am sorry to spoil so good a story. The fish I examined were not looked at through a glass, and there is now here, in the Museum, one of these fish which is “markedly bull headed.” I do not have the acquainntace of “Lynx,” or I may have that pleasure without knowing it, but if he will call here, or if he is here now, he can take the fish out of the bottle and look at it for himself, and I am sure he will agree with my description of it. But a more interesting point arises as to these fish. It almost seems as if some of the characteristics of these young salmon vary with their size, or the season of the year, or whereas a short time ago certainly half the fish had spots on their dorsal fin and a coloured tip to their adipose fin, the Curator the other day could only find one possessing these characteristics, and that a small one. This is a matter which might also be brought under Sir Thomas Brady’s notice when the specimens are sent to him. (Applause.) Mr. R. M. Johnston felt glad that His Excellency had noted these peculiar characteristics, because Tasmania was the first to demonstrate to the world the possibility of safely transporting fish over a great distance. They had many things to consider in connection with the acclimatisation of the fish, and it was a matter of great importance that the results of their observations should be communicated to the experts in the Old Country. EARLY SETTLEMENT OF TASMANIA. Mr. J. B. Walker read a very interesting paper entitled “ The settlement under Collins in 1S03-4 : The failure at Port Phillip.” The paper was a continuation of the very complete and graphically historic account of the foundation of the colony which he has compiled from official papers, reports, etc., obtained at the instance of the Tasmanian Government, by Mr. James Bonwick, in London. Former papers prepared by Mr. Walker dealt with the early visits of French and English navigators to the colony, and in this one he gave an account of the voyage of Lieut. Collins when under instructions to found a colony at Port Phillip, and the failure to do so. The paper was attentively listened to, and upon concluding the writer was heartily applauded. Mr. A. J. Taylor favoured Mr. Walker’s suggestion because he had no doubt these documents would be more highly prized. He was in hopes that before long they would have an opportunity of securing for the Public Library a large number of works_ relating to the early history of the colony. XXX11 PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER. THE AUSTRALIAN CURLEW. Mr. Morton, acting for Colonel Legge, read a note embodying a comparison of the Australian Curlew with its near Asiatic ally, and its more distantly related representative in Europe and Western Asia. The curlews of the old world, like other members of the Wader family (< Charadriidcii ), resemble one another in plumage. Unlike the American curlews, which have a distinguishing characteristic in the buff tinting of the under wing and axiliaries, the old world species differ chiefly in the character of the markings of the breast. A marked characteristic, however, of the Australian bird is its length of bill. As regards our Curlew (N. Cyanopus) on arriving in Tasmania in September, some specimens have the buff tinge of the breeding season still remaining on the breast and flanks, and accompanying this is a rufescent hue on the longer upper tail coverts and central tail feathers. Although the Australian Curlew is a migratory species, breeding in northern climates in summer and “ wintering” here in our summer, many seem to remain throughout the year with us. It migrates north as far as Hakodadi, in Japan, and east as far as New Zealand. The Eastern curlew ranges across the continent to China, southward to China, and down the East coast of South Africa. The range of the European Curlew is throughout Europe, taking in the Orkney, Faroe, and Shetland Isles, and extends down the coast of Africa to Damara Land. It would therefore appear to take in the west coast, while the Asiatic, or “Eastern” Curlew monopolises the east coast and the extreme south in its wanderings. ASTRONOMICAL PAPERS, Mr. A. B. Biggs, of Launceston, forwarded two papers, which were taken as read. One was entitled “ Observations of comet of July and August, 18S9, taken at Launceston, Tasmania,” and “ Recent measure¬ ments of a Centauri.” SILVER ORE. Mr. A. J. Taylor exhibited a specimen of the silver ore struck at the 100ft. level in the Silver Queen mine at Mount Zeehan. PALAEOZOIC POSSILS. Mr. Johnston tabled a paper, which he said formed a sequel to a paper he had read some time ago dealing with additions to the list of upper palaeozoic fossils. The paper, at the author’s request, was taken as read. FUTURE SUBJECTS. Mr. Johnston reminded those present that some time ago the President had suggested that the Society should deal with a wider range of subjects. He had brought down a paper, “Root Matters in Social and Economic Problems,” and if thought desirable it might be printed and circulated amongst the Fellows in time for discussion at the next meeting. The President stated that the Council would be pleased to consider the suggestion. VOTES OF THANKS. The President, in moving a vote of thanks to the authors of the papers, referred in flattering terms to the one read by Mr. Walker. It was well that they should now perfect the early history of the colony for they were nearer to the old times than those who had to follow, and it was aworn which the Society should take in hand, as it was to a Society of this sort that anyone would come for accurate records of their early history. The vote was accorded by acclamation, and the meeting terminated. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER. xxxiii NOVEMBER, 1889. The last meeting of the Royal Society for the present session was held at the Tasmanian Museum on Monday evening, November 18, 18S9. There was a large attendance of Fellows and several ladies, and His Excellency the Governor (President) presided. ELECTION OF FELLOWS. Bishop Montgomery and Mr. J. H. Innes were elected Fellows, and Drs. Schewiakoff and Lanterbach and Mr, F. D. Power were elected corresponding members. The President, in declaring the results of the ballot, said he was sure they would all sympathise deeply with the Bishop in the trouble with which his family were afflicted, and had it not been for that he had no doubt they would have had him present with them that evening. SOCIAL’' AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. Mr. R. M. Johnston, F. L.S. , read copious extracts from a very able paper, which he had prepared, entitled “ Root Matters in Social and Economic Problems.” When he had concluded, the Prfsident said such a paper required the most careful study and thought before anyone should speak upon it, but he hoped next session they would have certain points in the paper discussed, which he was sure would raise issues of the greatest interest. The reading of the paper was re¬ ceived with loud applause. THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. Mr. J. B. Walker read a paper entitled “ The Foundingof Hobart.” This was a further contribution to the series of articles by that gentleman upon the early history of the colony, based upon original official documents preserved in the English State Record Office, and recently copied by Mr. Bonwick for the Tasmanian Government. A former paper had given the history of Lieutenant-Governor Collins’ expedition in 1803 down to his abandonment of Port Phillip as unsuited for settlement. The present paper took up the story from the sailing of the first detachment from Port Phillip in the ships Ocean and Lady Nelson for the Derwent. The ships arrived on February 15, 1804, and Collins, being dissatisfied with Risdon, chose Sullivan's Cove as a better locality, and on February 20 pitched his tents on the site of Hobart. The landing place was Hunter’s Island, now part of the Old Wharf, but then an island connected by a sandbank with the mouth of the creek, which at that time fell into the river at the Fishermen’s Dock. A dense scrub bordered the creek, along the barks of which grew gum- trees of the largest size. The camp was pitched on the slope between the creek and the cove, and extended up towards the present site of the Cathedral. The description was illustrated by a very beauti¬ fully executed plan by Mr. A. Mault, showing the alterations made by subsequent filling in of the harbour. Governor Collins’ despatches and general orders, and the diary of Mr, Knopwood, the chaplain, supplied the materials for an interesting account of the progress of settlement during the first months, the clearing of the ground now forming the centre of the city, the building of the first Government House— a wooden cottage on the site of the Town Hall — the location of the settlers at New Town Bay, the formation of a Government farm at Cornelian Bay, and the building of huts of “ wattle and dab ” for the prisoners. The prices of labour were fixed at 3s. 6d. per day for mechanics, and 2s. fid. for labourers. Workmen were paid in provisions, too often in rum, and the only currency was small pro* xxxiv PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER. missory notes issued by the Government. Kangaroo, emu, pigeons, quail, and black swans were plentiful, and during the winter months black whales abounded in the river, as many as fifty being seen at a time. Explorations were made up the Derwent as far as Mac¬ quarie Plains, and the Iluon was visited. The new settlement received the name of “ Hobart Town” after the removal of the Risdon colony, but for years it was generally known as “The Camp.” The second detachment from Port Phillip did not arrive until the 25th June, the Ocean being five weeks on the passage. A census taken at the end of July gave the total population at 433. LIST OF ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY. List of additions to the Library of the Royal Society, November. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch Physikalischen classe, der Koniglich Bayerischen, Akademie der Wissienschaften. From the Society. American Museum of Natural History. Annual report of the Trustees, etc., for the years 1SS7-8-9. From the Trustees. Annual report of the Canadian Institute. Session 1SS7-8. From the Society. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission for 1886 (bound). From the Commission. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey. No. 40. Changes in river courses in Washington Territory due to Glaciation, by B. Willis. 41. On the fossil faunas of the upper Devonian, the Genesee section, N.Y., by H. S. Williams. 42. Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics mainly during the fiscal year 1S85-6, by F. W. Clarke. 43. On the Territory and Cretaceous strata of the Tuscaloosa, Tombigbee, and Alabama rivers, by E. A. Smith and L. C. Johnson. 44. Bibliography of North American Geology for 1886, by N. H. Darlon. 45. Present condition of knowledge of the geology of Texas, by R. T. Hill. 46. The nature and origin of deposits of Phosphate of lime, by R. A. F. Penrose, junr. 47. Analyses of waters of the Yellow¬ stone, National Park, with an account of the analyses employed, by F. A. Gooch, and J. E. Whitfield. From the Department. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Central Paik, New York, Vol. II., No. 2, March, 1889. From the Society. Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. 19, 1387, Nos. 1 to 12. From the Institute. Bulletin de la Societd de Geographic, Redigd avee, la concours de la section de publication, par le secretaires de la commission Centrale Trimestre 1 to 3, Tome IV., 188S. From the Society. California State Bureau Mining. Eight annual reports of the State Mineralogist for the year ending October 1, 18S8. From the Department. Department of the Interior. — U.S. Geological Survey, J. W. Powell, director. Mineral resources of the U.S. calendar year, 188S, by D. T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics (bound). From the Depart¬ ment. General Index to the first twenty volumes of the Journal (Botany), and the botanical portion of the proceedings, November, 1838, to June, 1888, of the Linntean Society of London (bound). From the Society. LIST OF ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY. XXXV Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, annual report (U.S.), Vol. II., 18S6, reports and maps of investigations and surveys. From the Department. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, Sixteenth annual report for the year 1SS7- Two plates and 89 other illustrations. From the Department. Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. XXIV,, January to December, 18S7, Nos. 1, 2, 3. From the Institute. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, of London, General Index, pt. 4, Vols. XXXVI. to L, 1873 87, Vol. LI., pts. III. IV,, September- December, 1S88, Vol. LIL, pts. I-II., March and June, 18S9. From the Society. Journal of the Linnrean Society of England (Botany), Nos. 156 to I, 773 (Zoology), Nos. 19, 20, 21, 32, Vol. XX., Nos. 129, 20, 21, Vol. XXI., No. 132. From the Society. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (new series), V< 1. XX,, pts. 3 and 4, July and October, 18SS. From the Society. Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, Vol. VIII., fourth series, Nos. 76, 77, 1S8S-9. From the Society. Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Vol. XI., No. 4. From the Society. Journal of the Trenton Natural History Society, No. 3, January, 18SS. From the Society. List of the Linnrean Society of London, session 1SSS-9. From the Society. List of Geological Society of London, November 1, 1888. From the Society. Meteorological observations made at Hobart, and other places in Tasmania duiing the year 1888, by Captain Short, R.N., Meteorological Observer. From the Department , Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. IV7"., part 1. First memoirs. The Cave fauna of North America, with remarks on the anatomy of the brain, and origin of the blind species by A. S. Packard. From the Society. Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute, Vol. XX., 18SS-9 (bound). From the Institute. Proceedings of the Scientific meetings of the Geological Society of London, for the year 1S8S, parts 2, 3, 4 ; 1889, part 1. From the Society. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, and monthly record of Geography, Vol. X, Nos. 9 to 12, 1888 ; Nos. 1 to 8, 1889. London. From the Society. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Vol XII., part II. , No. 82 ; list of members, etc. From the Institute. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural history. Vol. XXIII. Pt. III. February, 1SS6, December, 18S7. Pt. IV., December, 1SS7, May, 188S. From the Society. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Pt. II., March and September, 1888. Pt. III., October and December, 1888. From the Society. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, held at Phila¬ delphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Vol XXX., No. 12S, XXXI., No. 129. From the Society. Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences, U.S. Vol. XV., whole series. Vol. XX II., pt. 1, from May, 18S7, to May, 1888, selected from the records. From the Society. Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, Toronto, April, 1SS0, third series, Vol. VI., Fax., No. 2, From the Society. XXxvi LIST OF ADDITIONS TO THE LIBBAlW. Quarterly Journals of the Geological Society, Vol. XLIV., pt. 3, Nos. 175-6. Vol. XLV., pts. 1, 2, 3, Nos. 177-S-9, August and November, 1SSS ; February, May, and August, 188S. From the Society. Report of the Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, with the report of the Library Committee for 1S88-9. From the Trustees. Report upon Internation Exchanges under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 30, 1888. By J, H. Kidder. From the Department. Report ot the Superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory for the year ending June 30, 1888. From the Department. Report upon Natural History collections made in Alaska, between the years 1877 and 1S81 by E. W. Wilson, edited by H. W. Henshaw. No. III. Arctic series of publications issued in connection with the signal service U.S. Army (two plates) (bound). From the Depart¬ ment. Report of the committee appointed January 6, 18S8, by the American Philosophical Society to assist the Commission on amended Orthography, created by virtue of a resolution of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. From the Society. Revista do Observatoria Rio de Janeiro. From the Department. Rude Stone Monuments of Ireland (Co. Sligo and the Island of Achill), by W. C. Wood-Martin. From the Royal Historical and Archaeological Society of Ireland. Scottish Geographical Magazine, Vol. V., No. 10, October, 1889. From the Society. Sitzungsberichte, der Mathematiseh — physikalischen classe der K. B. Akademic der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen, 1886, Heft 1,11. From the Society. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. XXXII. The Constants of Nature, a table of specific gravity for solids and liquids, by F. W, Clarke. Voi. XXXIII., Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington, Vol. VI. From the Institution. Societe de Geographic, Compte Rendu, des Seances de la Commission Centrale Paraissant deux fois par mois, Nos. 1 to 17 1SS7. From the Society. Table Generale des Annales de la Societe, Entomologique de Belgique, Vol. XXX., et catalogue des ouvrages Periodique de la Bibliotheque, 26th December, 1887. From the Society. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Victorian branch), Part I, Vol. VII. From the Society. Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Vol. XXXT., 31st session, 1887-8 (bound), From the Society. Transactions of the Seismological Society of Japan, Vol. XIII., part 1. From the Society. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Part XIII. Report of the Commission for 1885. A. Inquiry into the decrease of food fishes. B. The propagation of food fishes in the waters of the United States (bound). Illustrated. From the Commission. United States Geological Survey. Clarence King, Director. Geology and Mining Industry of Leadville, Colorado, with atlas. By S. F. Emmons (bound). From the Department. Victorian Naturalist, Vol. VI., No. 7. ninth annual report, 1SSS-9. From the Society. Visitor’s Guide to Salem, Mass. From the Editor. Astronomical and Meteorological Workers in New South Wales, 1728 to 1860, by H. C. Russell, B.A. From the author. Bolletino della Society Geografica Italiana, Ser. Ill , Vol. II., Fas. VIII. Agosto 1889. From the Society. LIST OF ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY. XXXV11 Boletim da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. 8a Ser., Nos. 3 to 6. From the Society. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. XVII., No. 4. Studies on the Primitive Axial Segmentation of the Chick (two plates). By Julia B. Platt. Studies from the Newport Marine Laboratory. Communicated by Alexander Agassiz. XVI. The Development of Osseous Fishes. II. The Pre-Embryonie Stages of Development, pt. first. The History of the Egg from Fertilisation to Clearage. By Alexander Agassiz and C. O. Whitman (with 12 plates.) Catalog 51, Americana Kartem und iiber oder gedruckt in Nerd und Siid — Amerik. From the Society. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia, and Amphibia in the British Museum, Pt. II., containing the orders. “ Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia ” (bound). From the Trustees. Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Pt. III., Vol. I., “Medical History,” being the third Medical Volume (bound). From the Department. Monthly Weather Review of the IJ. States (current parts.) From the Department. On a new self-recording Thermometer by H. C. Russell, B. A., Sydney Observatory. From the Author. President’s address, by H. C. Russell, B.A., F.R.S., at the first meet¬ ing of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. From the Society. Proceedings and Scientific Transactions, II., III., IV,, V. of the Royal Society of Dublin. From the Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, vol. 1, pt. I. From the Society. Proposed method of recording variations in the direction of the vertical by H. C. Russell. From the author. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 1889, vol. xi,, pt. v. From the Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society of England, vol, 39 to 45, pts. 241 to 280. From the Society. Kecords of the Geological Survey of India, vol. xxii,, pt. 3, 1889. From the Department. Records of the Geological Survey of India (current numbers.) From the Department. Records of Observations for 1881-4. From the Government Astronomer, Melbourne (bound). Report of the Victorian Zoological Society, Annual. From the Society. Report of Surgeon-General of Washington for 1888. From the Department. Report of the Auckland Institute and Museum for 1888 9. From the Trustees. Report of the Mines Department, Victoria, for quarter ending 31st March, 1889. From the Department. Twenty-third Annual Report of the Colonial Museum, Wellington, New Zealand, From the Department. Reports of Geological Explorations during 1887-8. From the Mines Department, Wellington, New Zealand. Report of the Trustees of the Queensland Museum Annual. From the Trustees. Report of Mr, Tebutt’s Observations at Windsor, N.S.W., for 1888, also on the high tides of June 15, and 17, 1889, New South Wales. From the Author. Report of the Secretary for Mines to the Hon. Duncan Gillies, M.P., on the Mineral Statistics of Victoria for the year 1888. From the Department, xxxvm LIST OF ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY. Report of the Technological Museum of Sydney for 188 L From the Trustees. Report and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia for 1887-8. From the Society. Revista do Observatorio Rio de Janeiro 18S9. From the Department. Results of Meteorological observations made in New South Wales during 1887 under the direction of H. C. Russell, B.A., F.R.S From the Department. Thunderstorm of October 26, 1888. The Sydney Observatory. From the Department. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute for 1888. Vol. XXI. From the Department. Victorian Naturalist. (Current numbers). From the Society. Victorian Year Book for 1887-8. From the Department. Scottish Geographical Magazine (current numbers). From the Society. Results of Rain, River and Evaporation Observations made in N.S. W. during 1888. By H. C. Russell, B.A., F.R.S. From the Department. Statistics for 1887, New Zealand. From the Department. The Storm of 21st September, 1888. By H. C. Russell, Government Astronomer, Sydney, N.S.W. From the Author. THE “ IEOH BLOW” AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. By G. Thtjreau, F.G.S. In the recently issued printed Papers and Transactions of the Loyal Society of Tasmania, on page 216, are published some notes by Mr. E. M. Johnston, F.L.S., an esteemed member of the Society, on the “ Iron Blow ” at the Linda Goldfield, his conclusions having been based upon the examination of some rocks and specimens from that locality received from Mr. Crotty and Mr. Belstead, the Secretary for Mines. It is upon that l’emarkable gold-deposit that I desire to offer a few remarks, at the same time embracing the opportunity of supplementing and elaborating my report, No. 146 of 1886, presented to Parliament. In the following remarks, I shall exclusively confine myself to the question of the probable origin of this unique gold formation in furtherance of my theory of its being due to “ volcanic agency,” and not, as Mr. Johnston contends, to local decomposition, especially so far as the dark coloured and pulverulent masses are concerned. I may likewise observe that in my report to the Government such questions as these concerning and referring solely to the more scientific aspect, must of necessity be very brief, because the larger questions as to the present or ultimate value of any mineral or metalliferous discovery, are of more immediate practical value as affecting directly the progress of the community at large. In the first place, it appears that the Secretary for Mines obtained the specimens in question from Mr. Crotty, the discoverer of that “ Iron Blow.” Subsequently, Mr. Johnston, aided by Mr. Ward, the Government Analyst, concluded that the soft purply black and so highly auriferous mineral was the result of decomposition of some of that immense bed or vein of solid pyrites (iron) filling the greater width of the fissure on its “hanging wall,” or about 225 feet out of a total width of 280 feet between walls of that chasm. Dismissing all speculations as to whether it has been prudent to base any reliably practical opinion, such as to the question of origin of that valuable deposit, upon the examina¬ tion of “specimens” only, even though, such was to some degree supported by chemical analyses, it further appears from the late Mr. C. P. Sprent’s report that, but a very cursory examination of that deposit, in situ, had been made during that gentleman’s and associates’ tour from the Ouse 2 THE “IRON BLOW” AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. to the West Coast. Thus, on the whole, a settled and reliable opinion as to the causes governing the past geological history of the “Iron Blow,” accounted for by Mr. Johnston as a process of decomposition of materials at hand, in opposi¬ tion to the theory of volcanic agencies which I have advanced in my report, deserves to be treated in detail, as involving important issues. Decomposition is, I believe, a chemical process by which the destruction of one or more substances leads to the sub¬ stitution and depositing of quite different matters, thereby bringing about the rearrangement of the former original substances in quite different forms. In this case it has been attempted to be proved that those massive beds of pyrites on their decomposition from local causes, were replaced by that highly interesting pulverulent mass reported so rich in gold. How, I have before me two letters from the Government Analyst, viz.: one dated November, 1824, and the other October' 1885, in which the results of the analysis of “solid pyrites” from that “Iron Blow” are given thus: — In the first letter Mr. Ward states : “ I have carefully tested the minerals received .... have not been able to detect the presence of tin or any other metal of commercial value;” in the second he says : “ In none of the samples forwarded for assay have I been able to find more than traces of gold.” To these may be added those examples cited in Mr. Johnston’s paper, viz.: Ho. 9, “A sample of Iron Pyrites in which gold is not mentioned as being present, and in Ho. 7 the sample only shows “fine specks of gold just visible to the eye,” but this is not from pyrites, but from the soft purply pulverulent mass, which is about 56 feet wide. On page 219, the author states: “Whether we suppose that the ‘ Iron Blow’ is due to hydrothermal agency or not, there is nothing in the composition of the iron pyrites or the dark purplish rock which necessitates their having been originally formed in the way of volcanic mud.” It is more probable that the four principal elements, iron, barytes, sulphur and gold, were originally precipitated from solution.” Leaving out the references made in the paper in question as to the production of gold elsewhere as foreign to the subject under discussion, and which, however, are not altogether accurate, I beg to direct your attention to the facts upon which I join issue with Mr. Johnston’s theory of origination. The analyses of Mr. Ward, cited by Mr. Johnston and myself, conclusively prove the almost total absence of gold in the pyrites, veins, or beds, which may be described as very dense and excessively solid, and which undoubtedly have resisted both decomposition and dissolution for ages ; how is BY G. THUKEATT, F.G.S. 3 it possible then, I may ask, that these almost non-auriferous iron bi-sulphides produced on their supposed (inert) decotn position that peculiar purple mineral, assaying, as reported, considerably above 170ozs. of gold per ton ? Again, those so very solid pyrites contain no barytes, which latter minerals I first discovered as the necessary adjunct to the gold. “ Ex nihil aut nihilo jit.” It may also be fairly questioned how it is that these veins or beds of pyrites, so dense in character, must have un doubtedly withstood atmospheric influences for immeasurable periods, on decomposition (?) filled, with new substances resulting from that process, over 50 feet in width by over a mile and a half in length, and to unknown depth of an open fissure with a “solution” only. Such a fissure or chasm would have collapsed at the sides long before the decomposition process had even been initiated, as the adjacent and super¬ incumbent rocks could not have withstood the lateral and vertical pressure their own great gravity would produce, had not the walls of that fissure been kept apart by some heavy filling material of a homogenous kind, exerting in itself a sufficiently powerful resistance to the overhanging walls of this fissure. Supposing, however, decomposition was the cause and effect of this rich aggregation of minerals and metals, or, in the authors own words : “ That it (the Iron Blow) is the result of oxidation of pyrites similar to that now so largely associated with it ; the hydrated oxide first formed, being subsequently metamorphosed sufficiently to get rid of its combined vapour and produce the slight change in the form of disseminated 'particles of barytes, as revealed by the microscope ; or, this process may have occurred during the process of oxidation,” etc., etc. It will therefore be necessary to bear in mind that, as proved from analysis, we have, firstly, a nearly non-auriferous bi-sulphide of iron (pyrites) to deal with, containing no baryta to speak of ; and secondly, that water is assumed to have produced the rich pulverulent gold rock by means of the decomposition of the former, and contemporaneously or subse¬ quently by means of infiltration filled the fissure, and that small (?) disseminated particles of baryta appeared either before (whence ?) or during the process of oxidation. Now, it is a fact that baryta is the “matrix” of that purple rock, exceeding “ thirty (30%) per cent, of the whole of the vein-matter, being disguised by coatings and linings” of specular iron, and exhibiting gold in fine crystalline and filagree forms ; that auriferous rock likewise exhibits a dis¬ tinctly recognisable vesicular structure, the cells and cavities being now, however, filled by means of similar rock of a 4 THE IRON BLOW AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. denser kind and of a darker colour, as, in all probability, the result of these ore-deposits having become saturated with steam or hot- vapours, and by means of segregation and expansion of these high-pressure volcanic emanations, the cavities or cells were firstly formed and subsequently filled, thus explaining the so-called 11 schistose” appearance, which, from all appearances was principally due to the gradual cooling of a seething mass of volcanic mud or ash which was ejected in combination of several kinds of metallic vapours, such, as for instance, specular iron, which not only forms a conspicuous constituent of that volcanic material, but also occurs quite frequently in the wall-rocks of that immense fissure. In my opinion everything in connection points to a more drastic process of origination than simple and quiescent decomposition only. That there is strong evidence of the former ebullition and belching forth of metalliferous and mineral vapours at high temperatures within certain ejective points of discharge with the volcanic muds and ashes, is clearly demonstrated by the occurrence of elongated or spherical nodules in these muds and ashes, which nodules on examination are found to contain, within hard crusts of “Limonite” — sesqui-oxide of iron — nuclei of pure iron pyrites, thus pointing the way how the decomposition of pyrites under precisely similar circum¬ stances has actually occurred, and caused the formation of a secondary and hydrated iron ore, and not of purple rock , though in very close contiguity to the massive pyrites vein and beds referred to. Those nodules, it is submitted, present, neither more nor less, former gaseous bubbles surcharged with vaporous sulphuretted solutions of iron, becoming rigid when nearer the cooler atmosphere, and which from compres¬ sion by the surrounding muds, etc., assumed their present characteristically elongated forms. When it is borne in mind that geologists have concluded that “ the nature of vapours evolved depends on the tem¬ perature or degree of activity of the volcanic orifices ; chlorine and fluorine emanation indicating the most energetic phase of eruptivity, sulphurous gases, a diminishing condition and carbonic acid (with hydro-carbons) the dying out of that activity, and that sublimed by volcanic heat or chemical re¬ actions, causing the decomposition of metals and minerals from condensing vapours along crevices and surfaces wherein they reach the outer air and are cooled ; and further that, besides sulphur there are chlorides, and in a lesser degree, iron, copper, and lead ; also free sulphuric acid, sal amonia, specular iron, oxides of copper, boracic acid, alum, sulphate of lime, baryta and others, are formed whilst at very high temperatures, and in connection with simultaneously en- BY G. THUKEAU, F.G.S. 5 gendered electric currents” it becomes clear to the close and careful observer of these unique gold deposits, in situ, that dynamical geology can alone account for these, strictly speaking, volcanic products. Having myself had opportunities for examining active “ mud volcanoes ” in IS 77, near Carson City, State of Nevada, TJ. S. A., these “ Steamboat Springs” were most interesting, and I can therefore speak with some authority upon the subject. There, as is held by American geologists, these volcanic “vents” occur on the line of continuation of the famous Comstock Lode (silver-gold), and each spring or geyser is indicated at the surface to the visitor, at a distance by a thin column of white steam. When more closely approached, it is found that the discharges of heated mud and vapours are intermittent, and that previous to each of such discharge a greyish semi-liquid mass rises slowly within the mouth of the “ fumaroles ” below, and on reaching the top of the respective orifices, the carbonic, sulphuretted and other gases encompassed beneath, cause, through pressure, a dome-like expansion of the “ volcanic mud,” which, however, with increasing subterranean pressure eventually bursts, and allows the “ mud ” again to subside. Each discharge, it is noted, however, leaves a thin deposit or lamina in the “cups” at the surface, which, after hardening, was found on analysis to be chiefly charged with silica (quartz), and to also contain a sensible percentage of gold and silver. This process is even now in active progress, and as it assimilates a great deal to what can be seen in its “ dead state ” at our “ Iron Blow ” — if baryta is substituted for silica as matrix in the latter case — the question of origin as to both metalliferous deposits is not only, in my opinion, very suggestive, but forms the only possibly true solution of the case. By way of further analogy, I would likewise draw attention to the fact of Senor Santos having found “Lead” in the “volcanic ash” from the eruption of Cotopaxi, of August 23rd, 1878, aucl in a paper read before the Royal Society of England, on January 6th, 1887, Mr. J. W. Mallet, M.D. and F.R.S., etc., reports upon the “ Occurrence of Silver in Volcanic Ash, from the Ei’uption of Cotopaxi, Ecuador, of July 22nd and 23rd, 1885.” A condensed extract may prove of interest : — He, Dr. Mallet, received a specimen of volcanic ash from Senor Julian R. Santos, of Ecuador, which was collected at his residence, Bahia de Caraguez, about 102 miles nearly due west from Cotopaxi. This is the highest and most mighty of the active volcanoes of our globe ; it erupted on the 22nd of July, and the ash began to fall at Bahia de Caraguez next morning, to a depth of several inches, thus representing an 6 THE “IKON BLOW AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. enormous discharge of volcanic and metalliferous as well as mineral matter. The specimens consisted of a finely divided poivder, mobile and soft to the touch, brownish grey in colour. Under the microscope, the following minerals could be distinguished in the granules and spicules, viz.: quartz, two felspars (one white and one pink), augite, magnetite (strongly magnetic, and scales of deep red specular iron oxide. After subjecting this ash to several experimental tests, it was, as a preliminary, found to possess a specific gravity of 2’64 at 18° C, as compared with water at the same temperature. An analysis of the material taken, as a whole, i,e., without any previous mechanical separation of its constituent minerals, and without previous digestion with water or acid, but dried up 100 C., gave no less than sixteen separate ingredients, amongst which were traces of silver. That metal was subsequently obtained by icet assay; and it was also after¬ wards found that it could be obtained from the ash by furnace assay — fusion with pure lead carbonate, sodium carbonate and a little cream of tartar, and cupellation of the lead button so obtained or produced, which gave a minute bead of metallic silver ; the same reagents were tested in larger quantities, leaving out the ash, when negative results followed. It was subsequently ascertained that silver could b'e extracted from this volcanic ash by boiling it with a solution of ammonia, or of potass, cyanide, or of sodium sulphate.” The discovery of silver in the ash or mud, adds, for the first time, this metnl to the list of elementary substances observed in the materials ejected from volcanoes, and the addition derived some special interest from the fact of this ash having come from the greatest volcanic (active) vents of that great “ argentiferous ” zone of the Andes. Small as would be the proportion of silver, it must represent a very large quantity of that metal ejected during the eruption, in view of the vast masses of volcanic ash, etc., distributed over the large area which is indicated by the fall of argentiferous ashes at a distance of 102 miles from the central crater to Bahia de Caraguez. There cannot be, it is submitted, much difference of opinion that, if silver, lead, iron, manganese, titanium, chlorium, mercury and other less important metals occur in volcanic ash or mud shown by frequent analyses, as derived, inter alia from the immensely rich argentiferous formations which that gigantic “ vent ” cotopaxi protrudes ; a similar occurrence here on a smaller scale, within a well-known 11 auriferous zone ” is not only feasible, but can be, or is now, demonstrated to be a fact. The only, and to us most valuable difference, is, that the South America ejecta expelled the silver in its ashes, whilst, with our “ Iron Blow ” the ash or BY G. THUKEAU, F.G.S. 7 “mud” is still retained within the “dead” vent or closed fissure, and happily for the colony at large, it is comeatable, and it can he extracted by future systematic mining operations, followed by skilful treatment for the rich gold, it is reported same contains. With regard to the opinion I have had occasion to express in my report to the Government, I may add that the mining operations carried on since still expose rich ores at times, and as Mr. Johnston concludes his Paper by saying : It — the hydrothermal theory — had also been adopted by Mr. Thureau in respect to such mineral formations as the Iron Blow at the Linda, although the latter “ seems to be unaware of the fact that the mode of origin of the more common quartz reefs are also frequently ascribed to the hydrothermal agency.” I may be permitted to state that, in the years 1845 to 1848, when a student at the Royal School of Mines, Clausthal, Hannover, Germany, I studied under several eminent pro¬ fessors of geology, and at that time no less than five or more theories — including what is now termed hydrothermal — were known, recognised, and applied practically. Since then I have been, and am still, an ardent student of mining geology in several countries, so that it is not likely that I am ignorant of so important a portion of that science. When I held, in 1875 to 1877 inclusive, the position as Lecturer at the Bendigo (Victoria) School of Mines, of “ Geology as applied to Mining,” Mineralogy ; also Practical Mining, the Administrative Council of that institution arranged during each winter for a series of public lectures on Popular Science, and at such I elaborated a series of lectures upon the hydrothermal origin of the famous Bendigo Quartz Reefs, without controversy. It appears that at those lectures, — illustrated by models, diagrams, geological specimens, and analysis, — visitors from England, Hew Zealand, and America attended, and as one result of the interest they must have taken in the subject dealt with, I was subsequently elected, upon unsolicited nominations and recommendations, as a Eellow of the Geological Society of London, which honour¬ able position I still hold and treasure. 8 ON SOME TIDE OBSERVATIONS AT HOBART DURING FEBRUARY AND MARCH, 1889. By A. Mault. Wishing, primarily in connection with the obtaining of necessary information for purposes connected with the drainage of Hobart, and secondarily, to fix the mean sea level for geodetic and engineering matters, to get a series of tidal observations, I spoke to Captain Oldham, of H.M.S. “Egeria,” on the subject and he at once arranged to fix the automatic tide gauge of his ship on the New Wharf, and to have observations taken for as long a period as the sojourn at Hobart permitted. I am indebted to him for the accompany¬ ing remarks and tables of observations. To enable him to connect his observations with the level of some permanent object on shore, I took the levels from the town datum mark fixed to one of the steps of the Town Hall to the graduated staff fixed at the New Wharf in connection with the gauge. In his letter to me enclosing the remarks and tables. Captain Oldham says : — “ From these observations the ‘ mean “tide level’ is 8ft. 2- 7 inches on the gauge, or 35'255 feet “ below the datum mark on the Town Hall. “ Please note that these observations are only for one “ month, and that, as probably the mean tide level varies at “ different seasons, to get satisfactory results, a year’s “ observations should be obtained — this could easily be done “ with an automatic gauge.” I am glad to say that this will be done, as the Hobart Marine Board is taking the necessary steps to procure and fix such a gauge. When it arrives I shall be happy to fix the graduated staff so as to coincide with the datum of Captain Oldham’s observations. The following are Captain Oldham’s remarks and observa¬ tions : — “Remarks on Tides Observed at Hobart. February and March, 1889. 1. The tides are subject to a large diurnal inequality; the highest high water is followed by the lowest low water, the tide then rises to a lesser high water, and falls to a lesser low water. 2. With the moon’s declination north, the higher high water follows the superior transit of the moon ; with the moon’s declination south the higher high water succeeds the inferior transit. 3. The greatest range of tide appears to occur about two days after the moon has reached its greatest north or south declination, the least range when the declination is zero. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 ■5 6 BY A. MAULT. 9 H.W.F. & C. occurs at Hobart at 8b. 15min. J 3f to 4| feet, j and 2 feet. GISTER of TIDES observed at HOBART in the FEBRUARY, 1889. rise Neaps 2-g- feet. Springs Month of ay. High Water. Moon’s Transit. Bar at H.W. Low Water. Bar at L.W. Wind. Time. Height. Time. Height. Direction. Force. H. M. F. I. H. M. Ins. H. M. F. I. Ins. A M. 11-00 9 -SI 29-S5 W.N.W. 1 P.M. 3-24 5-45 7-3 29-88 S.E. 3 to 4 A.M. 0-20 9-5 29-94 6-25 8-0 29-95 S.S.E. 1 to 3 P.M. 11-20 8-9 4-io 30-05 6-25 6-114 30-07 S.S.E. 4 A.M. 0-40 8-9 30-05 7-00 7-7 29-98 S.S.E. 3 to 4 P.M. 0-30 8-8 4-53 29-93 6-30 7-4 29-S3 South 3 A.M. o-o 8-7 29-81 8-5 7-8 29-83 South 3 P.M. A.M. y Not observed. P.M. A.M. 3-00 9-0 30-22 10-20 6'5| 30-24 S.S.W. 1 P.M. 4-00 7-8 7-6 30-24 7-30 7-4 30-24 S.E. 1 to 2 A.M. 3-20 9-3 30-05 10-20 6-10 30-05 Calm 0 P.M. 5-8 8-4 7-52 30 ’OS S-50 7-11 30-01 S.E. 2 to 3 A.M. 3-25 9'4i 30-17 11-20 6-7 30-25 N.N.W. 1 P.M. 5-40 s-04 8-40 30-20 10-00 7-7 30-20 E.S.E. 2 A.M, 4-50 9-54 30-18 12-05 6-8 3015 N.N.W. 3 P.M. 6-35 8-1 9-30 30-15 10-35 7-9 30-15 W.N.W. 4 to 6 A.M. 5-40 9-84 29-S3 S.S.E. 2 P.M. 710 9-0 10-21 29-63 oo-’oo 7-i 29-68 N.N.W. 3 A.M. 5-00 10-2 29-78 11-15 8-7 29-73 W.N.W. 4 to 6 P.M. 7-55 8‘6J 11-12 29-92 1-48 6-84 29-89 N.N.W. 2 A.M. 6-40 9-84 29-92 11-35 7-104 29-95 W.N.W. 2 P.M. 9-10 8-7 29-72 1-52 6'7 29-94 W.N.W. 1 to 3 A.M. 7-10 10-1 00-2 29-85 0-20 8-2 29-73 North 2 P.M. 9-45 8-5 30-14 3-00 6 64 30-01 S.W. 1 to 2 A.M. S-30 9-1 00-52 30-27 1-40 7-84 30-19 N.W. 1 P.M. 10-25 8-04 30-11 3-25 5-10 30-21 S.S.E. 3 A.M. 8-50 97 1*42 29-71 2-36 7-64 29-95 N.W. by W. 1 to 2 P.M. 11-00 9-24 29-87 3-50 6 '64 29-74 W.N.W. 2 to 3 A.M. 9-40 9-4 2-28 30-08 4-20 S-04 29-94 w.s.w. 2 to 5 P.M. 11-35 8-7 30-25 4-40 6 7 30-20 North 1 A.M. 11-10 8-6 3-18 30-18 5-50 6-11 30-22 N.N.W. 1 P.M. 5-52 6-5 30-14 S. by E. 1 A.M. 0-20 s-io 4-8 30-05 6-52 7-1 29-99 W.N.W. 1 to 2 P.M. 0-30 9-1 29-91 6-30 7-5 29-80 S.E. 2 A.M. 0-40 9-10 5-0 29-81 7-40 7-0 29-87 S.W. 1 P.M. 1-20 8-9 29-96 715 7-3 29-92 S.E. 2 A.M. 1-35 9-7 5-55 30-06 8-40 6-5 30-07 N.W. 1 P.M. 2-50 8-7 30-03 7-45 7-8 29-99 S.E. 1 A.M. 2-30 10-1 6 "5 5 29-67 9-40 6-11 29-50 N.N.W. 3 to 4 P.M. 4-15 9-3 29-59 S-40 8-6 29-70 W.N.W. 4 to 6 A.M. 2-40 10-7 7-50 29-79 10-40 6-5 29-98 W.N.W. 1 to 3 P.M. 4-55 8-11 29-96 9-35 8-2 29-98 N.N.W. 1 to 3 A.M. 4-00 10-4 8-51 29-93 11-15 6-44 29-87 N.N.W. 1 to 2 P.M. 6-15 9-2 29-67 10-15 8-4 29-51 North 2 to 3 A.M. 4-35 11-0 9'45 29-40 — — P.M. 7-5 9-6 29-50 00-30 6-10 29-50 W.N.W. 2 to 4 A.M. 5-35 10-10 10-45 29-65 11-45 8-7J 29-54 North 5 to 6 P.M. 8-5 8-6 30-29 1-25 6-4 30-15 W.S.W. 2 MONTH of MARCH. A.M. 7 0 9-64 11-36 30-32 0-20 7’6J 30 33 North 1 P.M. 9-0 S-6 30-25 2-15 5-11 30-28 W.N.W. 2 A.M. 8-5 9-6 3020 1-30 7-6 30-22 N.N.W. 3 to 4 P.M. 9-48 9-0 6*27 29-99 310 6-8 30-05 S by W. 1 A.M. 8-40 9-8 29-97 2-50 8-1 29-92 N.W. 1 P.M. 10-30 8-10 i-14 30-11 3-50 7-0 30-02 S.E. 1 A.M. 10-10 9-1 30 -OS 4-5 7-6 30-10 Calm 0 P.M. 11-15 9-2 2 0 29-84 4-25 7-3 29 -S7 N.W. 3 to 4 A.M. 11-00 9-4 29-63 5-20 7-9 29-47 N.W. 4 P.M. 11-35 9-9 2-43 29-60 4-55 8-2 29-61 N.W. 3 to 4 A.M. 11-20 9-4 29-63 5-30 8-1 29-60 N.W. 2 to 3 P.M. — — below datum on Town Hal-1, 10 SOME TIDE OBSERVATIONS AT HOBART. For the purpose of more readily comprehending the information contained, in these observations, I have prepared diagrams — the greater part drawn to scale — and setting forth : — 1st. The curve of tidal action for every day during which observations were taken, from the 4th February to the 6th March, showing the levels of high and low water in comparison with mean tide level, and the times at which they occurred. 2nd. The moon’s course so as to show the times of superior and inferior transit of the moon’s phases and apogee and perigee. 3rd. The moon’s north and south declination. 4th. The intervals, called by Dr. Whewell “ Lunitidal Intervals,” of time between the moon’s transits and the succeeding high water; the extreme intervals caused by the diurnal inequality being faintly marked, and the mean intervals more strongly. 5th. Wind force and direction at every time of high water; and 6th. Barometric pressure at every time of high water. The graphic presentation of all these elements syn chronically enables one to judge better of their influence upon the tide. The diurnal inequality of spring tides is not only shown, but is shown to follow the usual law, as pointed out by Captain Oldham, in connection with the north and south declination of the moon. Equally clearly appears the occurrence of springs at greatest declination, and not at new and full moon, so that at Hobart there is no “ age of the tide and in connection with this the influence of perigee is shown in the higher tides at south declination. Captain Oldham’s caution is very useful while looking at these diagrams that we must remember that we have here ody one month’s observa¬ tion. But it is not likely that a year’s observations will modify the above-mentioned facts. I believe they will be chiefly useful in showing that there is some regularity in the sequence and circumstances of the great apparent irregularities shown by these observations for one month. To show the nature and extent of these irregularities I have appended two diagrams showing for comparison a fortnight’s tide curves at Hobart and a fortnight’s at Bombay, and a diagram repre¬ senting a normal curve of lunitidal intervals in contrast with the zig-zag mean line of such intervals at Hobart. These irregularities will, I think, show that no “ establishment that is — time of high water on the day of new or full moon — can be fixed, although on the month’s observations Captain Oldham mentions £h, lorn. At Hobart this is of no great BY A. MATJLT. 11 consequence, as the depth of water in the harbour is such that the comparatively small rise and fall of tide does not much affect sailing arrangements. It is, however, very desirable that the observations to be taken should be as complete as those given by Captain Oldham, and I would press on the Society the desirability of co-operating with the Marine Board to secure this. The importance of the registration of the actual tidal action speaks for itself, and equally so does the necessity of com paring continually such action with the age and position of the moon. The force and direction of the wind have also an influence that must be noted. In connection with this I may mention that during this month’s observations, as shown on the large diagram, the highest tides occurred with the wiud blowing from north, and north-easterly points — that is more or less down the Channel. The barometer should also be carefully observed, if a mean sea level is to be fixed, as a fall of one inch in the barometer means a rise of 20 inches in the sea level. Another important matter can only be secured by the co¬ operation of the Marine Board; — the progress of the tide wave round the coast. I would suggest that they be asked to get their lighthouse men to keep a register of the actual times of high and low water as nearly as can be ascertained by them during all the time that registers are being kept here. This is a matter of general interest. I have to apologise to the Society for the presentation of such a meagre paper, but must plead the engrossing nature of my other occupations, and the time that the preparation of the diagrams has taken. But I hope I have said enough to show the desirability of pursuing investigation in this channel. Discussion. Mr. A. G. Webster stated that the Marine Board would be willing to render any assistance in its power. Sir Lambert Dobson said that a namesake of his, who was head-master of the High School, had manufactured an automatic tide gauge himself, and kept a register of tides for some time. He could not say when it was, but he thought it would be about 1853. Mr. W. E. Shoobridge stated that at one time he used to register the tide in the Derwent, and found it varied very much, the lowest tides occurring about February and March. His Excellency thought it would be very important to have the observations in regard to the tidal wave around the 12 DISCUSSION ON SOME TIDE OBSERVATIONS AT HOBART. country. With regard to the point raised by Sir Lambert Dobson, he had been told by fishermen and others that low tides were a sign of fine weather, and high tides of bad weather, and if they had a series of observations extending over some time the value of them in this direction would be seen. He had thought the highest tides would have been experienced when high winds blew in through the Channel, keeping the water up, instead of finding the highest tides when the winds came from the N. or H.E., as Mr. Mault had stated. 13 ON THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF A MORE GENERAL INTEREST IN SCIENTIFIC PURSUITS. By Wm. Benson. Tlie object of this short paper is to offer a suggestion for the consideration of this Society. It is a very simple one, and perhaps ought rather to be made to the Council privately than be brought forward in a general meeting. But there seemed some advantage to be gained by mentioning it here, inasmuch as an opportunity would be afforded for ascertaining how far other members coincide in the views expressed. Our Society unquestionably has rendered, and is now rendering, practical and substantial benefits to the colony at large, but I think it may be made of greater use, and may influence a still wider circle than is at present the case. Also with regard to its meetings I venture to think that improvement is possible, which would increase their general interest and value. There are amongst our members two classes — first our savants, or specialists, all more or less entitled to speak with authority on some particular branch of scientific enquiry ; and secondly, there are those who possess a general acquaint¬ ance with and taste for such matters, but who have not thoroughly studied any special subject. It is as one of the latter class, and in their primary interest that I speak, having heard many say that they do not care to attend these meetings because the papers read are often abstruse, fragmentary and dry. It is obvious that this want of interest arises from our want of knowledge ; our previous acquaintance with the special subject brought forward has been to slight to enable us perfectly to follow the reader. The fault very rarely rests with him, for it is almost impossible briefly to handle in detail any scientific topic in a manner that can be readily comprehended by an unprepared hearer. Even the language is often strange, for diffuseness can only be avoided by the free use of technical and unfamiliar words. So far as the meetings of the Royal Society are intended for the interchange of notes upon new discoveries between savants and specialists only, the reading of such papers is a natural and proper course, though it may still be questionable whether those who merely hear a technical paper read gam as full a knowledge of its contents as they would by studying it at leisure in the Society’s printed proceedings. 14 ENCOURAGEMENT OF INTEREST IN SCIENTIFIC PURSUITS. But while I would not depreciate the value of such papers, which are and must he the most important that can come before the Society, yet I would urge whether papers of another kind might not also be encouraged. In so small a community as ours the savants can never be numerous, but there is, or with a little encouragement there might be, a considerable number among us who would eagerly and intelligently enter on scientific pursuits if facilities were offered : and surely the fostering of this general interest, and the creation of a wide-spread scientific taste throughout our community are well worthy of any attention and assistance this Society can give. In the long run they will yield results of practical value, and also materially add to the prosperity and influence of the Society itself. It must be remembered that opportunities for self-instruc¬ tion in all local branches of science (by which I mean our local geology, botany, natural history and the like) are very few as compared with what have been provided for English students. 'lhere every branch has not only its well recognised and standard authorities, but also its popular text-books in which the subject is presented in a simpler and more approachable style. Here our authorities are few, text-books hardly exist, and English works are in many cases unsuitable. We are at a great disadvantage in this respect, and are much more dependent upon the direct teaching of our scientists them¬ selves, and for this reason I would ask this Society to consider whether means cannot be devised for affording instruction of a more elementary and general kind. There must be not a few who sometimes attend these meetings, and very many others who at present never think of becoming members, to whom such opportunities would be welcome, and, who by means of such assistance, would be enabled to follow up chosen studies on their own account, and to take a livelier interest in the more advanced and specialised papers that are read here, which at present are too often, I fear, interesting only to a few. It is not to be expected that we can inspire everybody with a love for scientific pursuits. The tastes and talents of many will always lie in other directions. But good only can result from any effort that may be made to encourage and develop such a love wherever its germ exists, and I do not see any other organisation that is as well qualified to do the work as this Society. I want to see the rising generation more interested than they appear to be in the physical history of their native colony, its fauna and flora, and so forth. At present these BY WM. BENSON. 15 subjects have attracted but little attention, though they are easily made attractive, and this neglect is largely attribut¬ able to the absence of accessible sources of information. The taste for such studies when once acquired rarely leaves a man, and developes afterwards along the lines of his peculiar preference, and thus the whole field of scientific enquiry is gradually occupied, though only a few branches be specially taught at first. At present the Eoyal Society occupies a somewhat isolated height, and my wish is to see encouragement offered to climbers from the lower level, and means of ascent provided. Many plans might be proposed for carrying out such educational work, and the following suggestion may not be the best, but there is an advantage in having something definite before us to be amended if it cannot be approved, and therefore I would propose for consideration the desirability of initiating courses of popular lectures on scientific subjects to be delivered under the auspices of this Society. Such lectures might alternate with the ordinary meetings, and they should not be restricted to members, but be open to all who desired to attend. I do not know whether this room would be available. It is not spacious enough for a large audience, but doubtless if the attendance became considerable a suitable hall would not be wanting. Personally, having great faith in object lessons, I should like to see the Museum itself made use of on all occasions where its cabinets could be used as illustrations, and the lecture would be none the less valuable to the hearers, and might perhaps be less arduous to the lecturer if it were so delivered. Another thing which might be attempted in connection with this Society is the formation of a Naturalist’s Field Club, similar to what exists in Melbourne and other Australian, cities. These two suggestions are much alike in character, and both the lectures and the excursions might be expected to give rise to papers, for the discussion of which opportunity should be found, though of course not at our regular meetings. One other matter might well interest this Society, but it is probably one which must originate with some individual privately, and need only be hinted at here. I mean the introduction of local science primers for school use. Some may think such work, as is here suggested, too elementary for our Society to recognise. This would be true enough if it were proposed to abandon the Society’s present work, or to lower the standard of the papers submitted to its meetings. But the desire is to supplement rather than to subvert, and the hope is to obtain in the end a wider circle of contributors and papers, embodying more varied original researches. 16 ENCOURAGEMENT OF INTEREST IN SCIENTIFIC PURSUITS. Also, if there were any other organisation capable of taking the matter up, or if the work could originate spontaneously, I would not bring it before this Society’s notice, but it seems to me a case where our recognition and help may make the difference between failure and success. For years science stood apart. Its affairs were assumed to be above the popular understanding. But all that has now been changed, and in Huxley, Tyndall, and many others, we see men of the highest scientific rank taking the lead in bringing their chosen studies home to the minds of the masses. We need not fear that anything we may do will be infra dig. Any proposal for delivering popular lectures, pre-supposes the presence amongst us of gentlemen qualified and willing to come forward as lecturers. That we have the qualified men none will deny, but it is not everyone who would be willing to devote the necessary time and thought to the preparation of such lectures as have been indicated, for it would involve much trouble, and at first, until public attention had been thoroughly aroused, there might appear to be too little interest manifested to warrant the effort. But I hope the love of science for its own sake, which animates all who have advanced any distance into its mysteries, may suffice to induce one or more of our savants to offer their services, and to permit the experiment to be at any rate tried. It is hardly probable that we should ever have a continuous succession of lectures all the year round, but if from time to time such series could be delivered, and if the Council of this Society could keep an open eye for any opportunity that may arise to interest- the public, and especially the young, I have faith that good, •results will follow. Discussion. Sir Lambert Dobson said he had heard many lectures in his early days which had furnished him with a great deal of information, and which had been of great use to him since then. He was thoroughly in accord with Mr. Benson that the Society could be much more useful than it is at present. The start wanted to be made, and there was no reason why they should not have, say, half-a-dozen lectures in the course of a session. G-eology was a subject which might well be introduced, and there were many other subjects which would be found both interesting and useful. Mr. James Barnard thought it would be very practicable to follow out the idea suggested by Mr. Benson, and he heartily supported and concurred in this. DISCUSSION ON INTEREST IN SCIENTIFIC PURSUITS. 17 The Hon. Nicholas Brown said there could be no doubt that if it were possible to carry out a system of popular lectures they would gather in a much larger interest in the proceedings of the Society than at present existed. He thought the Council of the Society should take the matter up and endeavour to ascertain whether or not it would be possible to give effect to the suggestions made by Mr, Benson. Mr. Mault agreed with the suggestions contained in the paper, and especially the one relating to the formation of a Naturalist’s Field Club, which could work during the recess of the Society. He would particularly urge this upon the Council, because during the summer months they would probably gain a good deal of knowledge through coming in contact with members of similar clubs from the other colonies. The Rev. E. Gi. Porter (United States), on being intro¬ duced and requested by His Excellency to give some idea of the working of American societies, said he was cordially in sympathy with the objects of the Society and the paper which had been read by Mr. Benson. In America people were glad to study and glad to learn. They had many societies, and although none of them were “ Royal,” he thought they were doing “ Royal work.” (Laughter.) He gave an interesting account of the scientific work undertaken by the American societies, and stated that the results were that science became popular, and that large audiences could be secured at lectures, not only in the cities but in smaller towns. Mr. Morton stated that the Technical School Board had already arranged for a course of lectures to be delivered in connection with the work of the schools. Dr. Giblin, at the special request of the Board, had undertaken to give a series of lectures on “ Human Physiology.” His lectures would be illustrated by means of an excellent collection of slides. As secretary to the Society he would take care that the sug¬ gestions contained in the paper should be brought before the Council. Mr. W. E. Shoobridge thought the Society should also take up the question of advising in regard to text books suitable for schools. The President (Sir R. Hamilton), in moving a vote of thanks to the readers of the papers, said he thought the suggestions made by Mr. Benson might be left to the Council. A vote of thanks was carried by acclamation. B 18 NOTES ON THE POSSIBLE OSCILLATION OP LEVELS OP LAND AND SEA IN TASMANIA DURING- RECENT YEARS. By Captain Shoktt, R.N. During the years 1883, 1884, 1885, and 1S86, or immediately prior to the eruption at Tarawera, this island, and the South- Eastern portion of the mainland of Australia, were frequently shaken by earth tremors ; and as such disturbances are often known to be associated with local changes of sea and land, it appeared to me to he of great importance to ascertain whether any recent change could be traced along the coast-line of this island. This enquiry in a young colony is attended with many difficulties, as with one isolated exception, hereafter discussed, no definitely fixed tide marks are in existence by which satis¬ factory conclusion might be drawn. The exception, however, is of peculiar interest, as it affords us some information, so far as the locality is concerned, in which this fixed tide mark occurs. The tide mark here referred to is situated on the North side of the “Isle of the Dead,” which lies off Point Puer, Port Arthur. This mark was cut in the rock broad arrow form, on the 1st July, 1841, by the then Deputy- Assistant Commissary- General, Mr. Lempriere. The circumstances under which this mark was placed there is explained by Captain Sir James Clark Ross, R.N., in his work entitled “ A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions during the years 1839-43.” Thus Page 22 : — My principal object in visiting Port Arthur was to afford a comparison of our standard barometer with that which had been supplied to Mr. Lempriere, the Dupty- Assistant Com¬ missary- G-eneral, in accordance with my instructions ; and also to establish a permanent mark at the zero point, or general mean level of the sea, as determined by the tidal observations which Mr. Lempriere had conducted with perseverance and exactness for some time ; by which means any secular variation in the relative level of the land and sea, which is known to occur on some coasts, might at any future period be detected, and its amount determined. The point chosen for this purpose was the perpendicular cliff of the small islet off Point Puer, which being near to the tide register, rendered the operation more simple and exact ; the Governor, Sir John Eranklin, whom I had accompanied on an official visit to the settlement, gave directions to afford Mr. Lempriere every assistance of labourers BY CAPTAIN SHORTT, R.N. 19 he required, to have the mark cut deeply in the rock, in the exact spot which his tidal observations indicated as the mean level of the ocean. I may here observe, that it is not essential that the mark be made exactly at the mean level of the ocean, indeed it is more desirable that it should be rather above the reach of the highest tide, and the exact distance above the mean level recorded. The most desirable position for such another mark would be near the North-West extremity of the island, in the vicinity of Cape Grim. Mr. Lempriere, it is evident, carefully carried out these directions, for on a tablet still existing a little above the tide mark in question is the following record. “ On the rock fronting this stone a line denoting the height of the tide now struck on the 1st July, 1841, mean time 4h. 44 m. p.m.; moon’s age 12 days ; height of water in tide gauge 6 ft. 1 in.” It is stated by my informant, Mr. T. Mason, that the words and figures underlined are nearly obliterated, and that he has given what they appear to be. It is unfortunate, also, that no other records can be found relating to Mr. Lempriere’s tidal observations, although I have searched all local records. I have also applied to Capt. W. J. Z. Wharton, B.N., Hydrographer of the Admiralty, with the view of ascertaining if they had any records relating to Mr. Lempriere’s observations at Port Arthur, but in answer I learn that no records of tidal observations have ever been received at the Admiralty. Capt. Wharton at the same time informs me that the approximate time of high water on 1st July, 1841, was 5 h. 35 in., p.m., that is nearly an hour later than the apparent record on the tablet. If we now assume that the tide now struck refers to high water, which is most probable, we have some means of determining whether any change has since occurred in the relative levels of sea and land. Mr. Mason, at my request, very kindly ascertained the time of low water on February 24th, 1888, at 11 h. 45 m. a.m., which day corresponds relatively with the moon’s age 47 years previously. At this low water level the mark was found to be 24 ft. above. This very closely corresponds with the normal difference between these levels of low and high water, and would therefore indicate that there has been practically no alteration of the relative levels of sea and land during the last 47 years. This, however, only bears witness to possible movements in the Southern portion of the island. As regards the Northern portion there is no definite knowledge ; but it is interesting to place on record, that Captain Miles has learnt from the half-casts in the Furneaux Group they have noticed within the last few years 20 POSSIBLE OSCILLATION OF LEVELS OF LAND AND SEA. that there seems to be less depth of water over certain well- known rocks near the islands than formerly. This, however, if true, does not seem to have been a sudden change, but rather a slow elevating movement possibly still going on. As it is of the greatest importance to get more definite information with regard to this locality, I have already taken some steps to fix a tide mark on Hinders Island, so that in future years obser¬ vations may be made upon some certain data that we at present possess. It would be desirable also in the interest of Navigation to have such marks carefully made on various parts of our coast line. It might be of value, therefore, if this important matter received the attention of the Members of this Society. 21 THE “ IRON BLOW ” AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. By R. M. Johnston, F.L.S. At tlie last meeting of tliis Society a paper, contributed by Mr. Gr. Tliureau, F.G-.S., was read, which calls for some observations from me. Before commenting upon the matters which have caused differences of opinion, however, let me express my sincere regret that any unfortunate remark of mine should have led him to suppose that I do not appreciate the scientific ability of the author of the paper in question. Having said this much, it will, I hope, be granted that the existence of differences of opinion upon geological matters which are obscure may nevertheless exist, and, in fact, continually happen — between the greatest names in science — without questioning the talents or training of those who may espouse irreconcilable opinions. The differences of opinion as between myself and Mr. Thureau, fortunately, are not of a serious nature, and, according to Mr. Thureau’ s recent explanation, I perceive they are more due to the confused way in which descriptive terms are employed than to any real differences of opinion. The question between us has been altogether misconceived by Mr. Thureau, and even in his last paper he often leaves me in doubt whether he is referring (1) to the original agencies by which the original metalliferous deposit was formed, or (2) to the causes which produced subsequent modifications. If Mr. Thureau had discussed the Iron Blow question without confusing these two fundamental considerations it would have placed the issues between us in a very small compass. I shall endeavour to keep free from this confusion by discussing the two questions separately I. (a) Under what circumstances and by what agency was the fissure formed originally ? (b) From whence and by what agencies were its present altered and unaltered contents derived ? (V) By what mode were the original matters deposited or obtained ? First, then, we have to enquire — Under what circumstances and by what agency was the fissure originally formed l The schists and conglomerates in which the great fissure occurs are evidently of Silurian age, and the forces which operated in dislocating them must, therefore, have been exerted not earlier than this period. From the abundant 22 THE “IRON BLOW” AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. evidence at our command of crumpled, distorted, folded, and metamorphosed strata, common in I'ocks of this age, there is little doubt of the fact that the dynamic forces at work were far more potent than at present, although not different from forces still in operation, whose throes, like those of Krakatoa and Tarawera, are still mighty enough to produce vast local disturbances. There is little doubt in my opinion, therefore, that the fissure at the Linda was originally caused by the same dynamic forces which caused the dilating, folding, and metamorphosis of the crystalline rocks, and that these mighty effects were primarily caused by the gravitation of the outer crust towards the shrinking and cooling central mass of the earth. Mallet’s lucid exposition of this theory, many years ago, has convinced the large body of geologists of the reasonableness of this ; and I may be pardoned if I cannot discover any flaw in its sufficiency to account for all the dynamical phenomena observable at the Iron Blow. The next consideration is — Was the opening of the fissure accompanied by the expulsion of heated materials from the interior of the earth by volcanic agency ? This brings us to the second part — From whence and by what agencies were the present altered and unaltered materials derived l With respect to this question, I am still in accord with Mr. Thureau, for I am of opinion that the expulsion of heated materials from the interior of the earth by volcanic agency has occurred, and to this expulsion may be attributed the immediate cause of the opening of the Iron Blow fissure. My original suggestion, that the materials now forming the contents of the fissure does not “ necessitate their having been formed originally in the way of 1 volcanic mud,”’ is incorrectly interpreted by Mr. Thureau as a denial of volcanic action. This interpretation, moreover, is hardly warranted; for Mr. Thureau is well enough aware that elements such as barium, sulphur, iron and gold, now contained in the fissure are, and may have been, expelled from the interior of the earth as volcanic products by way of sublimation or heated solutions, or by both together or alternately. Mr. Thureau elsewhere admits this, for he states the discharges of the volcanic vents alluded to by him “ leave a thin deposit or lamina in the £ cups ’ at the surface which, after hardening, was fouud on analysis to be chiefly charged with silica (quartz), and to also contain a sensible percentage of gold and silver.” Now this deposit, it is clear by his own showing, was not composed of “ volcanic mud ” seen in ebulition as “ a greyish semi-liquid mass . . . within the mouth of the ‘ fumaroles,’ ” but was essentially a distinct chemical BY E. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 23 deposit formed from associated heated solutions. If, therefore, this he the process — as Mr. Thureau avers it to he — “ which assimilates a great deal to what can he seen in its 1 dead state ’ at our ‘Iron Blow,’” it is Mr. Thureau himself who overthrows his own argument, for it is not “ volcanic mud ” which he likens to the baryta of the Iron Blow, but the silica found as “ lamina in the cups ” which, without doubt, t>y his own showing, was formed as a precipitatioyi from solution! Where, then, is Mr. Thureau’s logic in finding fault with me for preferring to believe the same thing in my statement, quoted by him, viz., “ It is probable that the four principal elements — iron, barytes, sulphur, and gold — were originally precipitated together from solution ?” That there can be no mistake that the contents of the Iron Blow were considered by him to be the analogues of the silica precipitated from solution, and not the “ greyish semi-liquid mass,” is proved by the following sentence : — “ If baryta is substituted for silica (as matrix?) in the latter case, the question of origin as to both metalliferous deposits is not only, in my opinion, very suggestive, but forms the only possible true solution of the case.” I am, of course, extremely gratified to find in this clear expression of opinion that he thus agrees with me that precipitation from solution is “ the only possible true solution of the case for while it refutes his “ volcanic mud ” theory, it more firmly establishes my opinion “ that the four principal elements — iron, barytes, sulphur, and gold — were originally precipitated from solution.” Besides this, there is no evidence at the Iron Blow to show that the respective solutions were in any way associated with a “ volcanic mud ” corresponding to the “ greyish semi-liquid mass within the mouth of the fumaroles” of America, of whose composition Mr. Thureau’s description does not afford us the slightest enlightenment. Strictly speaking, mud is a term more appropriately applied to mechanical mixtures of various hydrous aluminous silicates, and such mixtures are fundamentally different from the definite chemical compounds , pyrites and larytes , which form the characteristic contents of the lode at the Iron Blow. Causes which produced subsequent modification of materials as originally precipitated. This part of the subject does not concern me so much as Mr. Ward, who is well able to defend his own views. I may, however, be allowed to observe that Mr. Thureau’s denial that the soft and pulverulent combination of iron peroxide and barium sulphate of a deep purplish colour, together with the still moi’e modified massive blocks forming the cap of this 24 THE “IRON BLOW AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. part of the lode, have been derived by subsequent decom¬ position of the parts more exposed to decomposing agencies, is a most unsatisfactory position for him to assume. It is not true, as stated by him, that the iron pyrites contain “ no baryta to speak of.” At page 218, “ Royal Soc. Proc., 1886,” the analysis given by Mr. Ward shows iron bisulphide pyrites, 83'0 per cent.; barium sulphate (barytes), 17 per cent., i.e., actually 2 ‘85 per cent, less than the decomposed pulverulent mass, which Mr. Ward, no doubt, rightly attributes to oxida¬ tion of pyrites. Mr. Ward nowhere states that the entire mass of pyrites has undergone decomposition. On the contrary, he refers to the exposed surface of one portion of the original lode. The very fact that the undecomposed pyrites analysed by him was stated to be taken from a section described as two chains wide is proof that this is so. Mr. Thureau’s most extravagant allusion to the fissure collapsing in consequence of a partial decomposition is therefore too preposterous to dwell upon. Has Mr. Thureau ever known pyrites, long exposed in lodes to air and water, not to have suffered from decomposition ? That both decomposition and recomposition in mineral veins are among the most common of all occurrences cannot reasonably be disputed. Gfeikie, surely, may be trusted in a simple matter of this kind. At page 597, “ Text Book of Geology,” he states : — “ It has been noticed that the ‘ country ’ through which mineral veins run is often considerably decomposed. In Cornwall this is frequently very observable in the granite. Moreover, in most mineral veins, there occurs layers of clay, earth, or other soft, friable, loamy substances, to which various mining names are given. In the south-west of England the great majority of the remarkable minerals of that district occur in those parts of the lodes where such soft earths abound. The veins evidently serve as channels for the circulation of water both upward and downward, and to this circulation the decay of some bands into mere clay or earth, and the recrystallisation of part of their ingredients into rare or interesting minerals are to be ascribed.” So much for decomposition. Mr. Thureau, curiously enough, makes no allusion to the remarkable strings and veins of solid barytes penetrating the decomposed part of the lode. He would find it a difficult task to account for these strings on the assumption that they were formed contemporaneously with the pyrites mass, or even with the decomposed portion of the original lode. Mr. Thureau’s inexactness is also conspicuous iD his references to baryta. In the first part of his paper, referring to iron pyrites (bi-sulphide), he states that it contains “ no baryta to speak of,” and yet he had Mr. Ward’s analyses BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 25 "before him proving that it actually contained 17 per cent, of "baryta, thus : — Iron Pyrites. (Section : 2 chains wide.) Per cent. Iron bi-sulphide (pyrites) ... ... 83-0 Barium sulphate (barytes) ... ... 17 0 100-0 The only difference of composition between the pyrites and the purple rock is due to oxidation of pyrites, thus : Per cent. Iron peroxide ... ... ... 77’7 5 Barytes ... ... ... ... 19-85 Water, etc. ... ... ... ... 2-40 100-00 It will be seen, thei'efore, that the derivation of the one from the other is not such an inconceivable matter as Mr. Thureau was led to imagine from liis inaccurate interpretation of the data at his command. Mr. Thureau again makes a curious reference to the baryta of this purplish rock, in his expression — “ How it is a fact that baryta is the ‘matrix’ of that purple rock.” How baryta can be the “ matrix ” of the larger constituent iron peroxide (the latter being nearly four parts iron peroxide to one part baryta) is a puzzle to me. The word matrix is usually employed by geologists to designate the rock or main substance in which a crystal mineral or fossil is embedded. According to this meaning of the word, Mr. Thureau is far from correct in stating that “ it is a fact that baryta is the matrix of that purple rock.” MUD VOLCANOES. As regards mud volcanoes, there are two well-known kinds, both of which differ widely in characteristics from the phe¬ nomena associated with the deposits of the Linda Iron Blow. The first kind is not volcanic in the proper sense of the term, although variously named mud volca?ioes, salses, air volcanoes, and macalubas. G-eikie describes these as forming groups of conical hills formed by the accumulation of fine and usually saline mud. They are distinguished from true mud volcanoes in having their chief source of movement in the escape of gases due to underlying chemical changes, usually carbon dioxide, carburetted hydrogen, sulphuretted hydrogen, and nitrogen. The mud is usually cold. 26 THE “IRON BLOW AT THE LINDA GOLDFIELD. The true mud volcano occurs in volcanic regions proper, and “ is due to the escape of hot water and steam through beds of tuff or some other friable kind of rock. The mud is kept in ebulition by the rise of steam through it. As it becomes more pasty the steam meets with greater resistance; large bubbles are formed which burst, and the more liquid mud below oozes out from the vent.” These true mud volcanoes, in my opinion, neither in their mode of appearance, nor in their characteristic contents, show the slightest correspondence with the metalliferous fissure lodes of the Linda district. I may mention that although my examination of the various lodes in this district was necessarily limited, they- occupied my close attention for the better part of three days, at a time when they were well exposed by working opera¬ tions, Discussion. Mr. W. F. "Ward, Government Analyst, said: — The point under discussion is the origin of the “formation” known as the “ Iron Blow,” the oxidised portion of which was described by Mr. Thureau as “ volcanic mud or ash.” Mr. Johnston, however, from close examination on the spot, and I myself, from the “ internal evidence ” yielded by specimens, etc., attribute to this a non-volcanic origin. The materials of this formation are (1) barytes, sulphate of barium, or heavy spar, (2) iron pyrites, or disulphide of iron, (3) haematite, or sesquioxide or peroxide of iron. I will glance briefly at the usual modes of occurrence of each, as showing in the first place that they are not usually “ volcanic products.” 1. “ Heavy spar” occurs commonly in connection with beds or veins of metallic ore as part of the “ gangue ” of the ore. It is found crystallised in the Cumberland haematite mines in the carboniferous limestone, and as much as 14 per cent, of sulphate of barium has been found disseminated in haematite from another district. 2. “ Iron pyrites ” is very widely distributed and abundant in rocks of all ages. By the decomposition (by the action of water and air) on the large scale of masses of pyrites, deposits of brown iron ore may be produced, sulphur being lost and oxygen and water taken up by the iron, and a very moderate heat suffices to convert this hydrated brown oxide into the red oxide or haematite by driving out the combined water. 3. “ Haematite ” occurs in many forms differing in texture and state of aggregation as : (a) crystallised, forming DISCUSSION ON THE “IRON BLOW” AT LINDA GOLDFIELD. 27 “ specular iron ; ” (b) fibrous, red hiematite ; (c) earthy, ochre, but all consisting essentially of peroxide of iron. In the Cumberland deposits are found hard or “blast” ore, and soft, or “ puddler’s ” ore, from its use in the puddling furnace : the hard, fibrous, and more common form often passing into the crystallised condition. In Elba, hsematite occurs [crystallised between talcose (or perhaps hydro-mica) schists and crystalline limestone, and the crystals are frequently associated with iron pyrites. It is also found with other minerals as an abundant component of mineral veins, also in beds interstratified with sedimentary or schistose rocks. On the other hand “ specular iron ” in some cases is a result of igneous action, is abundant around some volcanoes ; and as pointed out by Mr. Thureau, scales of specular iron were found with 15 other minerals in “ ash ” from Cotopaxi. To return to the formation, and quoting Mr. Thureau, we have “An immense bed or vein of solid pyrites filling the greater width of the fissure on its hanging wall, or about 225 ft. out of a total width of 2S0 ft. between walls of that chasm.” Also “A soft purply pulverulent mass of oxide of iron about 56 ft. wide ” on th q foot-wall. Now, as we have already seen, the pyrites decomposes sooner or later according to circumstances, and Mr. Thureau himself found “ elongated and spherical nodules, which on examination were found to contain within hard crusts of sesquioxide of iron (hydrated), nuclei of pure iron pyrites . . . the nodules being in very close contiguity to the massive pyrites vein or bed ; ” these showing that, as might be expected, decomposition is still taking place. To the analysis made by me in connection with Mr. Johnston’s original paper, I appended a note that “ there seems little room for doubt that the ‘ Iron Blow ’ is the result of oxidation of pyrites similar to that now associated so largely with it ; the hydrated oxide first formed subsequently losing its combined water,” and I was not a little influenced in forming this opinion by finding 17 per cent, of sulphate of barium intimately mixed with the pyrites, and 20 per cent, of that substance, in similar condition , intermixed with the peroxide of iron. This sulphate of barium Mr. Thureau claims to have “first discovered as the necessary adjunct to the gold.” While, however, Mr. Thureau ignores or misquotes the evidence from the presence of this common constituent, and also deprecates forming opinions from the examination of specimens only, he yet advances as a most, if not the most, cogent argument in favour of “volcanic agency,” the “almost non-auriferous ” character of the scraps of pyrites assayed, as contrasted 28 DISCUSSION ON THE “IRON BLOW” AT LINDA GOLDFIELD. •with the high result of assay of one sample of the oxide of iron. In addition, he calls in to explain the presence of this always irregularly distributed metal gold, as I contend, quite unnecessarily, “a more drastic process of origination than simple and quiescent decomposition only,” applying this only to the oxide of iron and not to the bulk of the pyrites which fills four-fifths of the same “chasm.” To return for a moment to the nodules of decomposing pyrites found in the Blow itself, to quote Mr. Thurean again, “ these present, neither more or less, former gaseous bubbles surcharged with vaporous sulphuretted solutions of iron becoming rigid when cooled, elongated or rounded by com¬ pression.” This form is almost certainly also due to decomposition which, acting more rapidly on edges and corners of irregular fragments, more or less rounds them off. In conclusion, therefore, I maintain that ordinary processes of decomposition are sufficient to account for all the phenomena presented by the oxide of iron portion of the formation, and that there is no necessity to invoke “ a more drastic process of origination strictly speaking volcanic.” The Secretary (Mr. A. Morton), read a letter received from Professor Liversidge, Sydney University, in which he stated that his impression formed upon Mr. Thureau’s paper, and without having specimens before him, was that the Iron Blow was not of volcanic origin. It would be almost im¬ possible to form a decided opinion without actual examination of the Blow. 29 HOTES ON A CASE OF POISONING THROUGH EATING A PORTION OF THE “ BRU GMANSIA.” By De. Haedt. The case which I bring before you is one of poisoning through eating a portion of the common trumpet flower (Brugmansia) now shown to you. This plant belongs to the order of solanacias and is there¬ fore allied to a number of others which are recognised as poisons for example : stramonium, belladona, tobacco, also potato and tomato. These latter being classed as poisons appear at first sight contradictory, but although the tuber of the potato is wholesome when cooked, the leaves and other parts of the plant are poisonous. Stramonium and belladonna, although in common use as medicines, are highly dangerous if taken in improper doses. The potato is a powerful narcotic and has been used in rheumatism, while henbane is in common use as a sedative in irritable conditions of the brain. With these introductory remarks I will narrate the case m question : — On Thursday last a child, aged 2, after having a good dinner and appearing in perfect health in all respects, ate a portion of a trumpet lily, which had been picked in the garden of a gentleman living in this town. Within a short time symptoms manifested themselves, and I was called in to what the messenger described as a case of convulsions. On examining the child I was struck by certain peculiarities in the symptoms unlike those of ordinary convulsions. The child’s face and greater portions of the body were red, the eyes staring and the pupils widely dilated, the head and shoulders bent back, and the position almost that usually seen in tetanus or lockjaw ; the feet pointing inwards and the great toes drawn up and stiff, an appearance of fear in the face and starting at times as if afraid of falling off the nurse’s knee and finally arms moving irregularly, power of co-ordination partly lost, and the hands picking at imaginary objects. I was struck by the resemblance to a case of poisoning in a child by drinking some belladonna liniment, which I attended some 8 or 10 years ago, and so questioned the mother as to whether any medicines of any kind had been lying about. 30 NOTES ON A CASE OF POISONING. However, no such cause was to be found but she said the child had been eating the plant she produced, which is said to have a pleasant taste. Under prompt treatment the child improved and nest day was nearly well, and on the following day apparently none the worse for its botanical experiments, but the parents have decided not to grow a trumpet lily in their garden, as they had intended doing. I have heard that a similar case occurred here some years ago, but have been unable to find out the particulars, or how the case terminated. "My object in bringing forward this case, apart from the scientific interest, is, that although proverbially “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” still, the knowledge of the unsuspected dangers existing in our gardens is of interest to those of us, like myself, having children of an inouisitive turn of mind 31 NOTES ON ANGORA GOAT FARMING. By James Andrew. This is not the first occasion on which the advantages and. profits of Angora goat farming have been brought under the notice of the Royal Society of Tasmania, but as fifteen years have elapsed since the late Mr. John Swan read a paper on the subject, and the Honorary Secretary, Hr. Agnew, laid upon the table a letter with covering correspondence from the British Consul at Angora, giving particulars of the industry as conducted in Asia Minor, I may be excused for re-opening the question. Since 1S74, when this effort was made to stimulate popular interest in favour of a fair trial, in Tasmania, for a descrip¬ tion of stock farming elsewhere found so profitable, little or nothing has been done ; and although a few very small flocks of indifferently bred goats still remain in the colony, they do not appear to receive the attention they merit, and mohair, as the fleece of the Angora is termed in trade returns, does not figure amongst our exports. It is my aim in submitting the following notes, to revive if possible the spirit of experiment which induced Mr. Swan — an experienced flock owner — to advocate the claims of goat farming as worthy of careful consideration. In Asia Minor, the natural habitat of the Angora goat, whence the progenitors of all the stock now found in America, Africa and Australia were obtained, the hair of some of the best flocks, which is invariably pure white, was at one time so highly valued that its export was prohibited, and later, permission was granted to send it out of the country in a manufactured state only. At the present time the value of the hair exported from the province amounts to =£200,000 per annum, which, however, is far exceeded by the production of other countries in which goat farming has become a settled industry. The Cape Colony owes the introduction there of Angora goats, in the first instance, to a Colonel Henderson of Bombay [; afterwards some were forwarded to the colony through Sir Titus Salt, who was the first English manufacturer of textile fabrics from their hair, and later Messrs. Mosenthal Bros., in the year 1856, secured some pure bred animals from Asia Minor. Since then there have been many private importa¬ tions of stud stock, one of the most important of which was that of a Mr. J. B. Evans, who personally selected goats in the mountain districts round Angora. 32 NOTES ON ANGORA GOAT FARMING. This was in 1880, and in the following year I had an opportunity of inspecting some of the rams — which had sold, at from £100 to <£200 each— in the G-raaf Reinet and Eastern districts. It was in 1862 that mohair first appeared amongst Cape exports, the quantity being 1,036 lbs., in 1865 the export was 7,000 lbs., valued at £368, but in the next decade the increase was marked, the figures being 1,148,000 lbs., valued at nearly £135,000 ; still another ten years, and although the clip was more than quadrupled, being 5,250,000 lbs., the price obtained for it had suffered great depreciation, the value being only £204,000. The last published returns for 1887 show weight of hair exported 7,154,000 lbs., worth £268,500, a fall in price of Id. per lb. on the previous year’s clip. In addition there must be taken into account the value of exported skins during the same year, viz., £100,000, and even thesefigures fail to represent the total value of the products of this useful animal, as a large quantity of skins and leather are absorbed by home consumption. It is further necessary, when estimating the economic value of Angora goats, to remember that the meat of the wether or “ kapata,” as it is called in the Cape Colony* is excellent. Sir Samuel Wilson, to whose monograph on “ The Angora Goat ” I am much indebted for information, states that : — “ Its flesh when in good condition is not inferior to mutton.” He adds, “ I have eaten the flesh of a half- bred which could not be distinguished from mutton, even in the carcase, and which on the table was considered quite a luxury.” Further testimony is born by a Victorian sheep- owner of repute, who in February, 1873, reported to the President of the Acclimatisation Society in that colony that : — “ Last winter I killed two wethers, full mouthed, which each weighed when dressed 80 lbs., the flesh of which when put upon the table was pronounced most delicious* being more rich and juicy than the best Merino mutton.” I can fully endorse, from a somewhat lengthy experience of goat’s flesh as an article of diet, all that these gentlemen say in its favour. At the date of the compilation of the last returns the number of Angora goats in the Cape Colony- was 2| millions, and the other countries of South Africa, Natal, the Orange Free State, and the Transvaal also maintain a considerable number, and mohair is an important item of their exports. A Mr. Scott of South Carolina, minister to Turkey in 1848, was the first to take Angoras to America, and there have been many subsequent importations ; but the industry has never assumed the proportions attained in South Africa. L have not been able to obtain any recent returns, but from. BY JAMBS ANDREW. 33 evidence given before the United States Tarriff Commission in 1882, it appears there were then an estimated number of 100,000 goats in the country, yielding hair of over 200,000 lbs. weight per annum. Flocks are now to be found in various states of the Union, in very varied climates, such as Oregon, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, California, Missouri, and Arkansas, whilst an absolutely pure flock is owned by a Colonel Peters in Georgia. For some years the growers in the States maintained their flocks under great discouragement, as the demand there for such fabries as the hair was used for, fell off very rapidly. But the introduction of new materials gave a fresh impetus to their energies, and, to again quote the Tariff Commission, “ The supply produced in the States, if multiplied threefold, would not be sufficient to furnish material for the plushes now used in the railroad cars of that country alone.” The industry had hardly been successfully established in the Cape Colony and America when steps were taken to introduce Angora goats into Victoria. A small flock was purchased at Broussa, near Trebizond, and shortly after arrival in the colony they were transferred to the care of the Acclimatisation Society. An addition to their number was made in 1868 when twelve pure rams of a very high-class were received as a present from the Imperial Acclimatisation Society of France. Two years later a further shipment of 98 carefully selected animals was forwarded from Asia Minor, via London. These cost the Society about <£16 per head. As the numbers increased the accommodation at the Royal Park, Melbourne, was found too limited, and the flock was dispersed in 1870. A large number of the inferior animals were sold, the price being fixed at five guineas per head — less than their actual value — but about fifty of the choice animals were sent to the Wimmera district to the care of Sir Samuel Wilson, who three years later reported : — “ The flock of Angora goats now on the Wimmera is 108 in number besides a few young kids. From calculations carefully made this small flock, if well managed, and sufficient pasture allowed it to graze upon, will at the ordinary rate of increase reach in thirty years the very large number of 442,368. This number should be sufficient to displace all the common goats in the colony. In forty years at the same rate the pure flock would increase to over seven millions.” But to contemplate obtaining a flock of Angoras by depending on the natural increase of such pure bred animals as could be secured for a moderate expenditure of capital would prove both tedious and disheartening, and we have the pronounced success of cross-breeding in other countries C 34 NOTES ON ANGORA GOAT FARMING. to guide those who may be desirous of commencing the industry. It has been found that the progeny of pure Angora rams and common goat ewes, produce in the third generation — the sire in each case being of pure stock- animals, which in appearance and characteristics are hardly to be distinguished from their male ancestors. Every succeeding cross more nearly approaches perfection, but the plebian taint is almost completely eliminated, and quite sufficiently so for commercial purposes, in the fourth genera¬ tion. No matter what the colour of the female goat, black, brown, or grey, her offspring present the male characteristics to a pronounced degree, and in the third cross nearly every trace of colour has disappeared. Thus a stock-farmer has at his disposal practically unlimited scope for increasing his general flock. It is manifest, however, that a small stud herd would have to be maintained to keep up the supply of pure bred males, which are of course alone used for breeding purposes, and the purchase of a few carefully selected Angora ewes would there¬ fore be necessary. Many objections and as many defences of cross-breeding have been ably discussed at various times. On this subject Sir Samuel Wilson writes : — “ It is stated by Mr. Y. A. Niessen that the hair from the half-bred Angora is worth a shilling per pound, that from the three-quarter-bred, one shilling and sixpence per pound, that of the third cross, or seven-eighths-bred, would nearly equal in value that from the pure bred, and the fleece of the fifteen-sixteenths, or fourth remove, would be quite equal to that of the sire in purity, lustre, fineness, and length of fleece.” He quotes also a letter addressed to the President of the Yictorian Acclimatisation Society from the Hon. Bobert Simson, “ a large sheepowner, and a distinguished breeder of the Merino,” dated 18th February, 1873, who enclosed samples of hair from descendants of three-quarter-bred ewes from the Cape Colony, and a pure bred ram. In regard to which Sir Samuel states : — “ The specimens were all of excellent quality and excepting a greater degree of lustre which those from the pure bred Angora exhibited, they appeared so equal in value as scarcely to be distinguishable from each other. On the question of the cross between the Angora and common goat, I am ready to admit that crossing with the Angora, with a view gradually to improve the common goat, may produce valuable results ; I wish it to be clearly understood that such animals or their progeny, even if pure sires be used for a thousand generations, can never become pure bred. The stain can never be washed away. Each cross with the pure blood reduces it by one half, but as division is infinite it never entirely disappears.” BY JAMES ANDREW. 35 Theoretically, Sir Samuel Wilson’s views are no doubt correct, practically, in connection with goat farming, they are unworkable. In the Cape Colony all the flocks, now numbering 2| millions, have been raised by cross breeding, and a similar course has been followed in the United States with equal success ; indeed, Mr. John Swan stated that he was informed, “ the best flock in America never contained a pure bred female.” Sir Titus Salt, too, is known to have raised a flock in this manner in England. I sincerely regret that my specimens of hair, from a celebrated flock of goats in the Graaf Eeinet district of the Cape Colony, have so suffered from moth during eight years’ inattention that they but very imperfectly exhibit the gradations of successive crosses and the perfect sample which it is the aim of every flock owner to equal. They may, however, suffice to give some idea of the various grades through which animals with fleeces of good enough quality for a general flock are obtained. It is hardly necessary to remark that the degree of attention given to the selection of the best stud rams, the proper classification of ewes, and the systematic culling of flocks, will determine the value of the staple product. The fleece of. the pure bred Angora often reaches to the ground, the locks measuring 12 or even 14 inches in length. The kind most in demand is only so much matted as to cling together near the root, remaining free and separate to the tip. The weight of hair varies as much in different individuals as does the yield of wool in sheep. Mr. Swan exhibited samples from the fleece of a pure goat which weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. realising 2s. 6d. per lb. in the Home market ; but perhaps 5 lbs. may be taken as a fair average of a well-kept grade flock shorn once a year. From my notes taken during shearing time at Graaf Eeinet I find that ewes cut as much as 6f lbs., whilst a ram was relieved of an 8 months’ fleece weighing 7 lbs. Kids of 8 months old cut an average of 2 lbs. of very fine hair. Sir Samuel Wilson advocated shearing twice a year, and his returns shows that the general average of both clips, the first in May, the second in October, was over 3f lbs. Even although the expenses are largely increased there may be much to be said in favour of this double clip, for, as if unshorn the goat naturally sheds its hair in early spring, it is found necessary to remove the fleece — if only one shearing be adopted — in mid- winter when its protection is most required. The growth in the former case is probably stimulated by Nature making an effort to provide for the wants of the animal ; and felting or matting is no doubt prevented by not allowing the hair to attain full length. For manufacturing purposes any staple over 4 in. in length is found sufficient. 36 NOTES ON ANGORA GOAT FARMING. so that the shorter clip is not detrimental to the value of the fleece Shearing in South Africa is generally conducted in what, in Australia, would be considered a most slovenly manner. It is not unusual for a farmer to have the work done in the “ kraals,” or yards, and even if under cover the floor is more often than otherwise of earth. Goats are less troublesome to shear than sheep, but owing to the decided “ lay ” of the hair, men who can use both hands equally well have a considerable advantage. Sorting is, as a rule, very inefficiently carried out. About the 1st June is the usual date for commencing operations, and in the Karoo, where a large proportion of the Angoras in the colony are kept, the nights at that time of the year are often bitterly cold. Bad weather immediately after shearing may cause terrible mortality amongst a flock if proper precautions ave not taken, but the general conditions affecting stock farming are comparatively so unfavourable in the country alluded to, that but little harm need be anticipated in Tasmania. Cold alone does not. appear to have a particularly bad effect, nor does a warm shower of rain ; but cold and wet together are very destructive and should be carefully guarded against by providing shelter. In the Cape Colony all flocks are “ kraaled ” or yarded at night for protection against wild animals and depradatory natives, and slight shelter is often contrived for newly shorn goats, but in the Karoo there is no scrub or timber to afford a friendly lee should the flock be caught in a storm during the daytime, and thus the mortality is often great. Goats are much more prolific than sheep, but Angoras less so than the common species, still a very large percentage of the ewes bear twin kids. The young are at birth very helpless, in marked contrast to lambs, and remain so for ten or twelve days, and as the ewes display maternal instinct in a very modified form, some trouble may be anticipated at this time, which is usually between August and October. Here, again, experience gained in South Africa is of little value when applied to Tasmania, but the advantages are all in favour of the latter, as the ewes would here be disturbed as little as possible until their kids gained strength and intelligence. Mr. Swan states that : — “ The trouble and expense of managing a flock would be less than that required for sheep. Goats are much more intelligent and are less liable to destruction by dogs.” He adds : — “lo ordinary fence will restrain them, and as they are restless, energetic, and destructive, cultivation is not profitable in their vicinity. Hawthorn hedges and ornamental shrubs possess peculiar BY JAMES ANDREW. 37 attractions for them.” Mr. Swan further remarks : — “They have great attachment for home and can be depended upon to return to their sheds at night. Shelter should be provided for them, as they evince great aversion to rain and will remain under cover all day in wet weather.” There is no reason whatever why, if the goats kept here or in other colonies become very numerous, the area of pasturage available for sheep need be encroached upon. Indeed, the reverse would be found to be the case, as Angoras have been proved to be excellent pioneers in clearing up new country for sheep and cattle, and they not only do not injure but positively benefit other stock, especially sheep. An immense amount of land now almost, if not quite, valueless could be utilsed for goat farming, for these animals will live and thrive where others would starve, and mountainous, scrubby, and wooded country, barren ranges, and heathy plains are alike suitable for their requirements ; and by their activity, superior intelligence and fearlessness, they obtain sustenance where sheep would be incapable of venturing. They are also, with the exception of a short period immediately after shearing, as indifferant to climatic as they are to dietetic influences. In further reference to the latter there is one very important point to notice ; they appear to suffer no inconvenience from being depastured on country where plants abound which, when eaten by sheep, prove fatal. In South Africa I know this is the case and Sir Samuel Wilson bears similar testimony, stating : — “ Its freedom from disease, its activity, and endurance, and ability to feed on shrubs, bushes, weeds, and even poisonous plants with impunity give it a sj^ecial value as the animal suited to the selector or the small freeholder with limited means.” It has been conclusively proved that the climate, as well as the pasturage and herbage of Australia and Tasmania, are peculiarly suitable for goat farming. No large outlay is required to form the nucleus of a flock, nor is any special knowledge requisite for their management ; there are vast areas of vacant land awaiting settlement, and the inquiry naturally suggests itself how it is that the industry has failed to command the attention here or on the continent of Australia, which it has received elsewhere. If some one of enterprising spirit will embark a few hundred pounds in such a venture the investment will, I am •confident, prove remunerative. Islands are peculiarly adapted for the purpose, as secure boundary fences are naturally provided, and subdivision can often be arranged with the minimum of material. There is one which I can recommend for tentative occupation, viz., the West Hunter Island to the north-west of Tasmania, in Bass Straits. It has an area of 20,000 acres, most of 38 NOTES ON ANGORA GOAT FARMING. -which is rough feed very suitable for goats, and it may he rented from the Crown for £ 20 per annum on a 14 years’ lease. Sheep cannot be kept there as the “ lobelia ” or poisonous tare of King’s Island abounds and invariably proves fatal. The last attempt at stocking this island of which I have any knowledge was in 1882, when 600 ewes were placed there as an experiment, of which only 30 survived in about 6 months’ time. The same plant has proved most disastrous to the efforts made to depasture sheep on King’s Island, and if my conviction as to the immunity of the goat from its evil effects prove correct — and at least an inexpensive trial might be made— there is practically unlimited scope for many years to come in the unstocked islands of the Straits for the development of goat farming. On the coast in various parts of the colony there are large heath -covered plains which may be similarly utilised, and experience might show that even the much-abused button rush country can be turned to account. Perhaps the energetic gentleman who has obtained the lease of Maria Island from the Government may be induced to set apart the southern end as a goat farm ; the ground is poor, can maintain only few sheep, but has considerable capabilities as pasturage for the more active animals which feed principally by browsing. The Tasmanian Stock Kegulations at present in force absolutely prohibit the importation of goats from any place outside the Australasian colonies, but there are, no doubt, some perfectly pure bred Angoras to be secured in Victoria, Kew South Wales or South Australia, where small flocks are maintained. The common goat ewes are not difficult to obtain. A certain amount of surplus stock must accumulate until after the third or fourth cross, when the hair of all should be of nearly equal value. The skins of such half-bred or three- quarter-bred “ kapatas ” or wethers as are killed for meat will be found for tanning purposes of far greater value than sheepskins, the leather being substantial and of attractive appearance. When the goats are killed carrying a medium length of fleece the skins make excellent and most ornamental mats, whether dyed or left of their natural colour, and find purchasers at all prices up to =£1 each. Goats have much more intelligence than sheep, are easily trained, and the employment of “voorboks” or leaders, kapatas of the common breed — chosen for size and strength — is infinitely better than to attempt working a flock with dogs. These leaders are considered indispensable in South Africa, they march in the van on making for the feeding ground in the morning, and lead the way home at night. As decoys BY JAMES ANDREW. 39 for yarding the flock at shearing time they are invaluable, and I have known them pilot slaughter stock on hoard vessels in the Cape Town docks without the least difficulty. Being of an otherwise valueless breed and having no fleece worth shearing they are consequently rarely handled and so losing all timidity amongst men they fully enjoy the dignity of their position. Enquiries I have made to ascertain particulars of the Angora goats still remaining in Tasmania have not been successful. There is some reason for suspecting that attempts previously made here, and perhaps in the other colonies, to establish the industry have not been so successful as other¬ wise might have been the case, owing to the goats having been kept on open grass country. This is clearly a mistake. Bough, mountainous and scrubby ground is far more suitable, and it is with a view to encourage the occupation of such districts and so assist to a small extent in developing the natural resources of the colony that I venture to recommend the farming of Angora goats as an industry quite worth a patient and careful trial. 40 PROTECTION OE TASMANIAN OWLS. * By Col. W. V. Legge, R.A. I desire to bring to the notice of the Bellows of the Royal Society to-night the advisability of protecting the owls of Tasmania, inasmuch as they are the most useful vermin- killers of any known family of birds, while at the same time no birds are more persecuted by well-meaning people through ignorance of their true mode of life and also by pot-hunters in search of so-called sport. It is thought by the majority of people that owls destroy birds to a great extent, whereas, in reality, there are few species of this large family which are partial to birds. Owls are either twilight or night feeders, at which time vermin or other small animals are chiefly about, and, therefore, in the economy of nature, they form the natural food of these birds. Any of us who have studied works on British ornithology are, perhaps familar with the story of the farmer who, missing his pigeons from his dovecote night after night, laid in wait with his gun, knowing that a pair of barn owls inhabited his premises, and shooting at the supposed offender, whom he caught issuing from the pigeon-house, brought him down with a huge rat in his talons. The large owls which kill birds-in any quantity, such as the genera Bubo, Surnia, Nyctea, and others are absent from Australia and Tasmania, and in fact the only species in this quarter of the globe which feeds much on birds is the large hawk owl, Ninox Strenua, Gould, of Eastern and Northern Australia. We have only three species in this island: the well-known chesnut-faced owl, Strix Castanops, Gould, belonging to the “Barn Owl” section, and strictly a vermin¬ killing species, and the two little hawk-owls, Ninox Booboo/c and Ninox Maculata, which are chiefly insect-feeding species. In Victoria all owls are strictly protected, and in South Australia and New South Wales I believe they are partly so. I would therefore suggest that a deputation from the Royal Society wait on the Premier and request him to take steps at the forthcoming session of Parliament to have our owls protected, shooting them being forbidden, except for scientific purposes, when specimens may be required to assist naturalists in any research they may be engaged in. I may add that my friend, Dr. Agnew, is very anxious to see this step taken, and though I myself have long wished to see our owls protected, it is mainly at the Doctor’s suggestion that I put the matter before the Society. * I was not aware, when I read this Paper, that the owls were protected by Act of Parliament, passed in 1887.— W.V.L. 41 PROTECTION OF THE CAPE BARREN" GOOSE. By Col. W. Y. Legge, R.A. Tliere is another bird for the protection of which I would suggest steps be taken by this Society. It is the Cape Barren Goose ( Cereopsis Novce Hollandice) , a bird of very limited distribution, which is only found to inhabit the Bass Straits Islands, and according to Gould, the adjacent shores of Yictoria. I make the suggestion purely in the interests of science, and I am therefore aware that it will be all the more difficult to carry out the matter. This goose is one of the very interesting monotypic generic forms which exist among the Anatidce in Australia, the others being the Semi- palmated goose, Anseranas Melanoleucos, the pink-eyed duck, MalacorpyncJius Membranaceus, the musk duck, Biziura Lobata, and the freckled duck, Stictonetta Ncevosa. There is but one species to each of these remarkable genera (all forms peculiar to the Australian region) and it would be a thousand pities to see any of these birds become extinct. In Gould’s day he found that the Cape Barren Goose must become extinct owing to its tame disposition, terrestial mode of life, feeding on the lands near the shore to a great extent. So inert is it described to be that numbers can be knocked down with sticks. The probability is that in the present day its numbers are much fewer than 40 years ago, and it is therefore not an exaggerated view of the case to say, that there is danger of this species being shortly relegated to the category of the Dodo and the Great Auk, a contingency that would be viewed with deep regret by the ornithologists of the whole world. The Cape Barren Goose, it is true, can be easily domesticated, and it breeds in confinement, though apparently not continuously out of its native country. It formed part of a collection given by King "William in 1830 to the London Zoological Society, and from 1835 to 1860 it bred 20 times, but after that until 1880 no instance of its breeding occurred. I think, the best course to pursue would be to shorten the open season for it by three months and to alter the close season according to observations to be made in the Straits Islands at an early date, to the time best suited to its breeding. I suggest the latter course, because, if it is desired to preserve our wild fowl to the best advantage, it will be necessary to alter the “open” season to suit the breeding habits of the various species better than it does at present. This 42 PROTECTION OF THE CAPE BARREN GOOSE. can only be done after more careful observation of the breeding of our wild fowl than bas been the case hitherto. Some naturalists might visit the Straits Islands, and after observations on the Cape Barren G-oose and enquiry from the inhabitants of the island, smight afford us valuable information respecting it. At present the open season for it, though it inhabits a milder climate than other members of its family in this colony, is the same as the latter, and this cannot be correct. I trust other members of the Society will support me in my plea for this species, and that we shall be able to have something done towards the protection of this very interesting member of the great family of the Anatidce. 43 A PRELIMINARY CRITIQUE OF THE TEBBA AUSTBALIS LEGEND. By James R. McClymont, M.A. I. MISCONCEPTIONS DUE TO THE “ NOYUS ORBIS.” In the Latin edition of the Novus Orbis , first published in 1532 in Basle and Paris, a letter from Lorenzo Cretico, Ambassador of the Venetian Republic to the court of Emanuel of Portugal, is translated from the Paesi nouamente retrouati, Vicenza, 1507, cap. cxxv. The letter treats of the Portuguese expedition to India, conducted by Cabral in 1500-1501, for although Cabral in not mentioned by name, we know that at the date of this letter (June 27, 1501,) his fleet had newly arrived in Lisbon, and was that to which the words of Cretico must apply when he spoke of the expedition “ which the king sent most recently to India.” The letter begins with a brief itinerary of the voyage. They sailed along the African coast as far as Cape Verde, where they saw the Hesperides (Cape Verde Islands) and the coast of Lower Ethiopia, beyond which the ancients rarely travelled. From that point the coast trends eastwards until it reaches the meridian of Sicily ; in latitude it is four or five degrees north of the equator ; about the middle of it is the gold mine of this monarch (El Mina). A cape, called the Cape of Good Hope, rises further to the south, nine degrees south of the tropic of Capricorn. Thence the distance to our Barbaries is five thousand miles, coming towards our own shores. When you have passed that cape, the coast curves towards the promontory called Prasum, which the ancients, and chiefly Ptolemy, held to be the limit of the Southern Hemisphere; the land beyond he termed “Unknown.” Thence their route was to the Troglodites and the gold mine called Sofala, where the ancients affirm that there is a greater quantity of gold than in any other place. Here they enter the Barbaric Gulf (from Mozambique to Mogadoxa), then the Indian Ocean, and finally reach the city of Calicut. Such was their route, which you will find to be almost fifteen thousand miles in length ; but if you sail direct, it is less. Near the Cape of Good Hope they were driven by a south-west wind and discovered a new country, which they called the Land of Parrots — “ Supra Caput bonse spei lebegio vecti vento nacti sunt novam tellurem quam apellarunt 4i A PRELIMINARY CRITIQUE OF THE TERRA AUSTRALIS LEGEND. Psittacorum ” — because they found these birds there in incredible number ; some of them exceed a cubit and a half in length, and are of many colours ; we have seen two, so that there is no doubt of the truth of it. When the sailors saw this coast, they believed it to be a continent, because they sailed for two thousand miles without coming to the end of it. Numerous naked and rather handsome men inhabit this country. Novus Orbis, cap. cxxv. Exemplum literarum cuiusdam Cretici. This new land, discovered by Cabral, was, owing to the inaccuracy of the translator, located in a quite erroneous direction. If the ships were driven on it by a south-west wind, it must have lain to the east of their route, and it was placed by Mercator and other geographers west of the Cape of Good Hope and on a parallel somewhat south of it, and appears in Mercator’s Magna orbis terrce descriptio ; Duisberg, 1569, reproduced by Jomard, Monuments de Geographic, No. XXL, under the name Psittacorum Regio, with an explanatory note to the effect that it was discovered by the Portuguese when on their way to Calicut they were driven upon it by a south¬ west wind. Where the Novus Orbis has “ lebegio vecti vento,” Mercator’s map has “ libegio vento appulsi.” Cornelis de Jode says nothing about the direction of the wind, but simply that the Psittacorum Regio, which he places S.W. of the Cape of Good Hope, was so called by the Portuguese on account of the incredible size of these birds in that country, and on another map that the Portuguese in rounding the Cape have seen “this southern land” (the Terra Australis ) extending opposite, but have not yet explored it — “ sed nondum imploravere.” Cornelis de Jode. — Speculum orbis terrarum. Antwerp, 1593. The maps entitled Orbis universalis descriptio, 1589, and Hemispherium ab cequinoctiali linea ad circulum poli antarctici. A blind adhesion to Mercator led subsequent cartographers to include this Land of Parrots in maps of various languages down to a comparatively recent date. M. d’Avezac mentions several of them. Relation du Capitaine dej Gonneville, p. 20. note ; p. 22, p. 22, note. This Southern Regio Psittacorum had, however, a synonym in a quite different part of the world. Johann Schoner’s globe of the year 1520 bears the inscription “ America vel Brasilia sive Papagalli Terra,” placed between 10 deg. and 20 deg. S.; Petrus Apianus places in a similar position the legend “ Brasilici sive Paragalli." Cogniti orbis tabula. Ingolstadt, 1530. How comes it that lands so far apart as Brazil and the legendary Terra Australis should be brought into conjunction ? The answer is to be found in comparing the letter of Cretico, as translated in the Novus Orbis, with the version in the Paesi, published twenty-five years earlier. We BY JAMES E. m'cLYMONT, M.A. 45 shall find that the cartographei's were right or wrong in their location of the Begio Psittacorum, according as they took the one or the other of these texts for their guide. The critical method of Kant has taught us moderns to place no faith in second-hand testimony, or in reason¬ ings based upon plausible conjecture to which antiquity and authority have added a specious prestige. But in the days of the Novus Orbis, and even down to the confines of our own age, a conjectural theorising held the place which criticism now holds. The theory which taught the existence of an antipodal continent as necessary, in order to maintain the globe in a condition of counterpoise, is to be met with in a multitude of geographical treatises, in maps, and even, at a later period, in actual expeditions undertaken with the object of discovering the antipodal world — a striking instance of the influence of the philosophic upon the practical mind. When any fresh discovery was made, this favourite theory and the innate love of systematisation combined to induce geographers of the Ptolemaic school to identify the new land of fact with the old land of phantasy, and so a southern continent was pieced together out of the figments of men’s brains and: the inadequately recorded details of actual voyage. The compiler of the Novus Orbis, Jans Huttich, was, like his contemporaries, predisposed to adjust anv fresh discoveries to the current misconceptions regarding the configuration of the globe and the distribution of land and water. The Paesi, one of the first, if not actually the first collection of voyages compiled in modern times, was the work of Montalboddo Fracan, and was first published in Vicenza in 1507, and in Latin and German versions in 1508. The passage referring to the discovery of the Begio Psittacorum is thus worded in the Italian version : — “ Di sopra dal capo d Boasperaza uerso garbi hano scopto una terra noua la chiamao d li Papaga.” The words “ uerso garbi ” are those over which the translator has stumbled. They mean “towards the south-west.” The German version has “ gege nidergage auf£ d’ seite ” — “ towards the side of the west.” The passage will run thus : — “ Above the Cape of Good Hope they discovered a new land towards the south-west, which they called the Land of Parrots.” With this indication of Cabral’s landfall the above cited inscriptions of Schoner and Apianus agree, as well as the independent accounts given in Ramusio (i., 121), and in the letter of Emanuel to the Spanish sovereigns. (Navarrete, Viages y descubrimientos iii., 94.) Instead of lying to the east of the route to India the Begio Psittacorum actually lay to the west of it, — was in fact the Vera Cruz of Cabral, which appears on a map by Johan Ruysch in a Ptolemy published in Rome in 1508 — “ JJniver- 46 A PRELIMINARY CRITIQUE OF THE TERRA AUSTRALIS LEGEND. salior cogniti orbis tabula ” — under the came “ Terra sancte crucis sive Mundus novus,” but which was known to French sailors as “ Terre de Bresil.” II. MISCONCEPTIONS OF FRENCH CARTOGRAPHERS. At the time of the publication of the Nevus Orbis a French geographer and mathematician, named Oronce Fine, had just published, perhaps in Venice, a heart-shaped map of the world, — the second of its kind known to us. It was entitled, Nova et integra universi orbis descriptio, and dated 1531. This map was issued a second time in 1532 in the Paris edition of the Novus Orbis. It represents a Terra Australis brought up to about 25 deg. S. in longitude 210 deg. to 240 deg. E. from Ferro, and bearing the legend “ Terra Australis recenter inventa sed nondum plene cognita a phrase of which the “ sed nondum imploravere ” of de Jode’s map sounds like an echo. There is no Begio Psittacorum on Fine’s map, but there is what we have seen to be its true equivalent, a Begio Brasilie, transferred, however, from its true American position to the legendary Terra Australis without further note or comment, and as if to clinch the error, a Begio Patalis, or pratalis as well, that is, the country of silver, of La Plata. This obvious and hopeless confusion of places was further augmented in the MS. maps of other French cartographers. Jean Eotz, Guillaume le Testu, Nicholas Desliens, and others, mostly Norman pilots, represent a country which they denominate “ Jave la Grande,” midway between Africa and South America, and inscribe on it a number of names, some in French and some in Portuguese, and the figures of men and animals. That this Jave la Grande is only an imaginary place is admitted by one of the draughtsmen himself. In a MS. atlas, finished in 1555, and dedicated to Admiral de Coligny, who was then sending out a Huguenot colony to Brazil, are twelve maps numbered xxxi. to xliii., in which the space comprised between 1 deg. and 84 deg. S. is occupied by a fertile country. “ But these twelve maps,” says their author, Guillaume le Testu, of the town of Fran9oyse de Grace, “ are only meant to warn those who may voyage in these parts to be careful when they think they are approaching land. Further than that, all is imaginary, for no man has made any certain discovery there.” (Margry, Navigations franchises, p. 138.) The title “ Jave la Grande ” on these charts is derived from the travels of Marco Polo, who designated Borneo under the name “ Java,” whilst the island known to us as Java was named by him “ Java Minor.” ( Marco Polo’s Travels , edited by W. Marsden. Book iii., chap, vii.) The coast lines and coast names are not, as Le Testu says, “ all imaginary,” for they are in part derived from 47 BY JAMES R. M£CLYMONT, M.A. the actual names and outlines of the South American coasts, with which, in some charts, the purely imaginary outlines of the Terra Australis of previous geographers are combined. Only the east coast of South America is inverted and so becomes the west coast of “ Jave la Grande,” whilst the east coast of “ Jave la Grande,” less salient in its physical features than the west coast, and therefore less easily identified, may be either inverted or simply transferred from the west coast of South America, or may be, as Le Testu says, “all imaginary.” In some of these charts, as in the Dauphin map (about 1530), one of those of Jean Rotz (1542) and that of Desceliers (1550), the eastern coast-line ceases or becomes a vague featureless line at about 35 deg. S. The chart of Desliens (1566) prolongs that coast to about 65 deg. S., and gives to this prolongation features as specific as to the northern part of it. By inverting the western coast line of “ Jave la Grande ” we find the following coincidences with the east coast of South America. Beginning from the north we have a “ Grant Baye,” and another unnamed inlet, probably representing the mouths of the Amazon and Tocantins. “R. Grande” in some of the charts forms a strait between “ Jave la Grande ” and an island named “ Jave ;” in that of Desliens it is a deep bay and unnamed. “ Baye Bresille” in about 18 degrees S., may coincide with Porto Seguro, immediately to the south of which place, and in the same latitude as the “Baye Bresille,” a “R. da Brasill” is marked on these charts. To the French sailors is due this name “ Brazil,” as the distinctive appellation of the country whence they brought brazil¬ wood to Europe. “ The French alone,” says La Popeliniere, “ called it £ Terre de Bresil,’ in ignorance of what is above narrated,” — (namely, that Cabral had called it “ Vera Cruz ”) — <£ because they found brazil-wood there in abundance, although it is only in one part of it, and that produces many other woods as well.” Les trois mondes, iii. p. 16. verso. A number of names cluster round the vicinity of Cape Frio and Cape St. Thome, such as C. Quiesco in Desliens, C. de Sr Drao, and C. de Grace in the Dauphin chart. The last is probably a Norman sailor’s reminiscence of his native Havre de St. Francoyse de Grace ; the second may be mis-written for the name of some merchant adventurer — “ sieur,” in the language of the time. The next notable feature is the Havre de Sylla, between 25 deg, and 30 deg. S., apparently intended for Rio de Janiero. Desliens marks a Golfe des Ysles in from 40 deg. to 45 deg. S., resembling the Gulf of St. Mathias. If we so understand it, and if Havre de Sylla represents Rio de Janiero, then the River Plate has been omitted. A parallel to this would be found in the voyage of Diaz de Solis, who sailed along these coasts from 48 A PRELIMINARY CRITIQUE OF THE TERRA AUSTRALIS LEGEND. Cape St. Augustine to 40 deg. S., without observing the mouth of that river. The coast-line of Desliens is prolonged about 10 deg. south of the actual termination of the American continent. This excessive southing is characteristic of maps of that period and of that continent. Thus Schoner in his globe (1520) places Bahia 10 deg. or more to the south of its true position. The intercourse of Norman merchants with Brazilian ports very early in the sixteenth century, gives us to understand how the outlines of that part of the American coast should have become known in Normandy ; and the fact of the extreme ignorance of longitude, and how to ascertain it that prevailed at the period we are speaking of, combined with the confusion already existing in the minds of cartographers between Brazil and the Terra Australis, all this explains to us, in a great measure, how the South American coast-lines came to be transferred to so distant a part of the world. It can, however, only be matter for conjecture why Rotz and the others made an eastern coast into a western one. We only know that it was the western part of the Terra Australis that the Portuguese were supposed to have discovered, whilst it was, in all probability, the eastern coast of South America that was first and best known to the French. The advent of French ships in Brazil about the time of Cabral’s visit, or earlier, is well attested. Ramusio preserves a memoir written in 1539, in which we are told that “a portion of Brazil was first discovered by the Portuguese ; and thirty-five years ago Denys de Honfleur discovered the other part.” iii. 3*57, F. The results of an inquiry into the date of the first French traffic with Brazil were published in 1845, in the Revista trimensal do Instituto do Brazil, vi. pp. 412-413, “In the year 1504,” says this journal, “the French arrived in Brazil for the first time at the Port of Bahia ; they entered the River Paraguay, in that Bay, did their traffic there aud, when they had done a good trade, returned to France, whence three other ships came afterwards. Whilst these ships were trading at the same place as the former ones, four ships of the Portuguese fleet entered the river and burnt two French ships ; and took the third, after killing a number of their people. Some of them, however, escaped in a boat and found at Point Itapuama, four leagues from Bahia, a French vessel about to return home.” The Revista is at fault in assigning to the year 1504 the earliest appearance of the French in Brazil. I do not require at this stage to ask where was the much disputed landfall of De Gonneville, but only to quote some remarks of his regarding the country at which he touched to freight his vessel on his way home from the “Indes Meridionales ” of his six months’ sojourn. “Then having passed the tropic of Capricorn and taken our position, 49 BY JAMES R. M'CLYMONT, M.A. we found that we were furthur from Africa than from the West Indies, where for several years the Dieppese aud Maloinese, and other Normans and Bretons have gone to fetch red dye-wood, cottons, apes, parrots, and other commodities ; as the east wind, which we observed to prevail between the said tropic, and that of Cancer impelled us thither, it was unanimously agreed to go in search of that country, in order to load with the above-mentioned articles of merchandise, so as to recoup ourselves for the expenses of the voyage ; and we arrived there on the day of St. Denis (October 10, 1504), as aforesaid.” Voyage du Capitaine de Gonneville, par. M. d’Avezac, Paris, 1869, p. 104. This mention in the year 1505 of the West Indies, — the name by which South America was generally known,— as a resort since some years of French ships throws back their advent in that country to the end of the fifteenth or beginning of the sixteenth century. La Popeliniers states — “ The French, especially the Normans and Bretons, always maintain that they first discovered these lands and traded with the savages of Brazil, on the Rio San Francisco, at the place since called Port Real. But thoughtless in this, as in other things, they had neither spirit nor discretion to leave a single public document to inform us of their designs, which were as lofty and generous as those of other people ; thus it is that the Portuguese arrogate to themselves the prerogative of indis¬ putable lordship there, in consequence of the action of Pedro Alvares.” Les trois mondes, iii. p. 16 verso. The illustrations of the native life of “ Jave la Grande ” are referable to South America. The llama — the sheep strong enough to carry a man as one old geographer describes it, — is frequently depicted. In one chart (Dauphin) it is harnessed and being driven along. The cannibalistic practices of some of the tribes are signified by Desceliers, by a drawing of a dog-faced man engaged under the direction of a woman in quartering a dead body, whilst a human limb hangs suspended from a neighbouring tree. This reminds one of Yespucci’s account of the fate of a young Portuguese of his third expedition, and of the human flesh which he saw exposed in the villages. In the same map of Desceliers, under the heading “Angania,” the inhabitants of that country are described as dog-faced Anthropophagi. The huts of the aborigines of Jave la Grande are in the Dauphin map identical with those of the South Americans, being x*oofecl with palmate leaves, but they are without the hammocks of the latter, which were characteristic of the tribes inhabiting the north of Brazil. Desceliers has drawn clusters of anthill- shaped structures on his Jave la Grande, and on the West Coast of his South America. On Jave la Grande he has pictured the Worship of the Sun, common to Peru and some D 50 A PRELIMINARY CRITIQUE OF THE TERRA AUSTRALIS LEGEND. other countries, as well as the worship of cattle, both of which cults are ascribed by him to the Javanese. The deer, of which numerous small species exist in South America, and the peccary Dycntyles torquatus and labiatus, are both pourtrayed. Perhaps both, certainly the latter, is represented as tame ; the Indians of to-day keep it as a domestic animal. (Humboldt’s Travels in America, ii. chain, xx.) Two species, at least, of palms are represented, one with palmate and the other with pinnate leaves ; a tree of the former species, the Corypha tectorum, or roofing palm, is described by Humboldt as affording the Chaymas Indians the leaves with which they roof their huts. (i. chap, xx.) The existence in France of a MS. chart as early as 1530, which shows the east coast of South America to about 25 deg. S., and which is derived from French sources, is thus no matter of wonderment. But the possible acquaintance on the part of the French with the western coast of South America, even at that date, is a matter on which we can as yet throw but little light. In these circumstances a passage quoted by M. Margry from the MS. Cosmographie of Jean Alfonce (1545), is not without interest. “ La Grande Jave ” says the writer, “ is a land which extends to the Antarctic Pole and joins the Terra Australis on the west and the land of Magellan’s Straits on the east. Some say that it consists of islands, but as far as I have seen it, it is a continent, and when all is said, the whole world consists of islands, for land and water form one body. The ocean encircles everything by means of arms of the sea, which are in the ball (pomme) of the earth. What is called Java Minor is an island ; but Jave la Grande is a continent.” In another place Alfonce remarks : — “ There have been no discoveries beyond Java on account of the great cold under the Antarctic Pole. I have been in a place there where day lasted for three months, allowing for the reflection of the sun ; I did not wish to remain longer in case night should surprise me.” Margry, Navigations francaises, pp. 316-317. The only continental land to which this description can approxi¬ mately apply is the west coast of South America. That coast joins the land of Magellan’s Straits towards the east, and although there is no Terra Australis of fact with which it can be joined towards the west, there was a Terra Australis of fiction real enough to Jean Alfonce in the position required. At another part of his Cosmographie, Alfonce brings his “ Grand Jaive ” up to 21 deg. S., or about the latitude to which Desliens traces the eastern coast of “ Jave la Grande.” Besides the French names on the MS. charts, of which I have spoken, there are others in Portuguese. The latter generally differ from the former, inasmuch as they are rather nautical than topographical, and correspond to the phrases 51 BY JAMES R. M£CLYMONT, M.A. printed on the Admiralty Charts for the purpose of directing- masters of ships where they are to look out for shoals, eddies, or other dangers. Thus we find ter re ennegada, or anegada, — sunken shoal — and baixa, — shoal. This intro¬ duction of Portuguese nautical expressions is an indica¬ tion of the superior skill of the Portuguese pilots of the time, which has left traces in the adoption of their language by foreigners, — as in the word abrolhos, breakers, — just as in our own day English nautical terms have been adopted in continental navies. But we know that the intercourse between Portuguese and French, as well as Spanish and French sailors, was from the fourteenth century onwards a peculiarly intimate one. Commercial privileges with French ports were accorded to both these nations. (Margry, p. 123 note.) On the other hand the vessels of Honfleur merchants had access to the port of Lisbon, and in 1503 three of these merchants, Be Gonneville, Jean l’Anglois, and Pierre le Carpentier, having seen at Lisbon the rareties that had lately arrived from the East in the ships of Yasco da Gama and Cabral, engaged the services of two Portuguese pilots who had been to Calicut, Bastiam Moura and Diego Cohinto, in order that they might despatch a ship of their own to the same destination. The two Portuguese accompanied the ship in its wanderings about the Atlantic ; and touched at several points of the South American continent. Barros relates that a vessel from Dieppe, commanded by a Portuguese captain, Stevam Diaz, arrived at Diu in July 1527, and that in the same year another French ship, piloted by another Portuguese sailor, called “ 0. Eozado ” or ££ The Rosy,” was in the Indian seas and was ultimately lost on the west coast of Sumatra. (Margry, p. 192.) Similarly, French sailors sailed in Spanish and Portuguese vessels, and Navarrete preserves the names of twelve French companions of Magellan, the half of whom were Normans j or Bretons. Viciges, iv. 12. III. MISCONCEPTIONS ARISING FROM THE VOYAGE OF MAGELLAN. A claim to the discovery of the Terra Australis has been recorded on behalf of Magellan in an atlas by Fernando Yaz Dourado, Goa, 1570, in which a coast lying to the east of New Guinea, and trending east and west with a little southing, bears the superscription “Esta costa descubrio Fernao de MagalMes natural! portuges por mandado do emperador Carllos o anno 1520.” This claim occurs also on maps by Rumoldus Mercator (1587), Ortelius (1587), and De Jode (1589), in the words, — placed on a northward projection of the Terra Australis immediately to the south 52 A PRELIMINARY CRITIQUE OF THE TERRA AUSTRALIS LEGEND. of New Guinea : — “ Hanc continentem australem nonulli Magellanica regionem ab inventore eius nuncupant.” . From tbe facts that the coast-line so described is in the map of Dourado disconnected by an intervening scale of latitude from tbe rest of tbe map, and that it bears some of tbe same names as were bestowed by Magellan on places visited by him in South America, Mr. Major supposes that it is “ a memorandum or cartographical side-note of tbe real discovery by Magellan of Terra del Fuego.” Terra Australis, p. xxvi. The position of this coast on Dourado’s map may have led to its being confounded with the north coast of New Guinea by Mercator, who adopts some of Dourado’s coast names ; but transfers them to the above-mentioned island. Amongst these are C. de las Yirgenes, and C. del buen Deseo equivalent to Cabo Deseado, Magellan’s names for the capes at the entrance and exit of the Straits. Some of the names used on the coasts of Jave la Grande much resemble others in the atlas of Dourado, and on a map by De Jode, entitled Brasilia et Peruvia, but they are placed by these cartographers in or near the Straits of Magellan. Such are Baia Fremosa in Dourado and De Jode, corresponding to C. Fromose in the Dauphin map, and in De Jode, C. Blanco corresponding to Coste Bracq, C. de las Baixas to Baye Bassa, B. d muchas islas to R. de Beaucoup Disles, and Costa dos Ilheos to Baye des Ys. This parallelism is suggestive of a community of origin, and raises the question whether the voyage of Magellan may not in some degree have contributed to originate the MS. charts of Jave lia Grande. ■ It has been recently upheld by Mr. Petherick that Del Cano on his return voyage in 1522, sighted some part of the west Australian coast. ( Athenceum , May 24, 1884.) This opinion is based on a passage in Galvano’s Discoveries of the World, to the effect that that navigator discovered certain islands one hundred leagues beyond Timor and under the tropic of Capricorn, and further on others, all peopled thence¬ forward, when he was shaping a course which should carry him well south of the .Cape of Good Hope. It is not impossible that in a zig-zag course Del Cano may have sighted some islands very near the Australian mainland. MACQUAEIE HAEBOTIE LEA E BEDS. By E. M. Johnston, E.L.S. Ia the Tasmanian Museum there is a most valuable collec¬ tion of fossil leaves belonging to the earlier tertiary period of Tasmania, hut in respect of which there is no record as to the locality from which they were originally obtained. I was long of opinion that this peculiar group of fossil plants was obtained by Dr. Milligan from Macquarie Harbour in the early days of the colony’s history, and this conviction was one of the main reasons which induced me to visit and examine the leaf deposits of Macquarie Harbour in the year 1887. In this examination I was unsuccessful in discovering the exact deposit from which the Museum collection was obtained, but the discovery of the same forms in the lacustrine beds in the neighbourhood of Long Bay tended to confirm me in the notion that the unknown deposit was a member of the lacustrine leaf beds extending from the latter locality to Kelly’-s Basin ; and in my work on geology (p. 203, “ Geology of Tasmania”), I ventured to predict that an examina¬ tion of the many fine sections further east “ may in the future determine this matter.” I am happy now to be in the position to declare that the hitherto unknown locality has been dis¬ covered; for in a fine collection of fossils made by that indefatigable member of our society, Mr. T. B. Moore, and sent last year to Mr. Belstead, I was fortunate in recognising the identical rock, together with the usual impressions of leaf forms, so characteristic of the museum collection referred to. I now present a specimen of the rock in question, in order that those interested may be able to judge of its value in clearing up this interesting point in our tertiary geology. On a future occasion I may be able to give a description of the more remarkable plants contained in this deposit. 54 FORAMINIFERA IN UPPER PALAEOZOIC ROCKS. By T. Stephens, F.C.S., MA. At former meetings of the Royal Society I have incidentally mentioned a foraminiferal limestone as occurring among the Upper Palaeozoic rocks of the North-Eastern district. Several years ago on one of my official cross-country journeys I met with specimens of limestone dotted with minute white spots, and on closer examination detected two or three more or less perfect forms of Foraminifera, one of them resembling genus Spirillina ( Trochammina,) and another like Valvulinci. In the absence of any local palaeontologist competent to determine the specific character of these fossils, and having myself to attend to other business, I had put the specimens away until a few months ago, when I had an opportunity of submitting them to Mr. R. Etheridge, jun., who is engaged in working out the palaeontology of New South Wales, and the following is an extract from a letter lately received by him : — “ I have at last had time to examine the pieces of supposed foraminiferal rock you left with me. There is no doubt but that is their nature, and, so far as I know, it is the first record of such in the Permo-Carboniferous rocks of Australia or Tasmania. I have sent the material to a foraminifera man, so we shall hear more about it soon.” The difficulty of separating these small fossils from the matrix is very great, but I have roughly mounted a few for inspection. 55 AUSTRALIAN AND TASMANIAN SANDARACH. By J- H. Maiden, F.L.S., F.C.S., Etc. (Curator of the Technological Museum, Sydney). Communicated by A. Morton, F.L.S. It was a specimen of resin from the Oyster Bay Pine of Tasmania, sent to the Exhibition of 1851, which first drew the attention of experts to the possibilities of Australian Sandarach. For “ the fine pale resin of the Oyster Bay Pine ( Callitris australis), from the eastern coast of Yan Diemen’s Land,” and other gums and resins, Mr. J. Milligan was awarded honourable mention (Jury Reports, 1851 Exhi¬ bition, p. 182). This is one of the most valuable of Australian* vegetable products, a market is ready for it, and it seems strange that it should have been so long neglected. There are no statistics available in regard to the importation of Sandarach into these colonies, but to bring it here at all is a veritable “ carrying coals to Newcastle.” Ordinary Sandarach exudes naturally, but the practice in Northern Africa is to stimulate the flow, making incisions in the stem, particularly near the base. In various parts of Australia and Tasmania there are vast numbers of Callitris trees, their resin, often abundant, can readily be collected, and the author is sure that, even with the cheap labour of Northern Africa to contend against, it can be profitably gathered during a portion of the year, by parties of men, or the families of settlers. The approximate price of Sandarach, in London, is 60-11 5s. per cwt., and there is no difference between it and the colonial article. As to the cultivation of the trees, Baron von Mueller ( Select extra-tropical plants, Victorian Edition) states, “ Probably it would be more profitable to devote sandy desert land, which could not be brought under irrigation, to the culture of the Sandarach cypresses, than to pastoral purposes, but boring beetles must be kept off.” It is also to be borne in mind that Callitris timber is valuable. The Sandarach, or Gum Juniper of commerce, is the product of a Callitris ( quadrivalvis ), and the latest classification of Austi'alian Sandarach trees (that of Baron von Mueller), places them under Ca llitris likewise. The following summary of the uses of Sandarach, is taken from Morel ( Pharm . Journ. * This word is here used in its widest sense, and, of course, includes Tasmania. 56 AUSTRALIAN AND TASMANIAN SANDARACH. [3]. viii. 1,024.) “ According to Gubler, the Arabs used it as a remedy against diarrhoea, and to lull pain in haemorrhoids. The Chinese employed it ( G . sinensis ) as a stimulant in the treatment of ulcers (as promoting the growth of flesh), as a deodoriser, and to preserve clothes from the attacks of insects. In Europe it is used very little in medicine. It is most frequently employed as an ingredient in varnish, to increase its hardness and glossiness. It is used also as a fumigant, and in powder (“ pounce”) to dust over paper from which the surface has been scraped, to prevent the ink running. Rarely, it enters into the composition of plasters.” In Southern New South Wales (Snowy River), Gallitris resin is often mixed with fat by the settlers, to make candles. All our native Sandarachs possess a pleasant aromatic odour, similar in character to that emitted by Sandarach. When the trees are wounded the resin exudes in an almost colourless, transparent condition. It has obviously high refractive power, and is much like ordinary pine resin in taste, smell, and outward appearance, when the latter is freshly exuding. This transparent appearance is preserved for a considerable time, the resin meantime darkening a little with age. Old samples possess a mealy appearance, but this is merely superficial. The origin of this appearance has been explained as follows in regard to Sandarach, and doubtless the simple explanation holds good here : — “ The surface of the tears appears to be covered, more or less, with powder, but this character is not to be attributed, as alleged by Herlant, ( Etude sur les produits resineux de la famille des coniferes, p. 38), to the friction of the fragments one against another, but, as has been ascertained by a microscopical examination by Dr. Julius Wiesner (Die che- misch-technisch verwendte Gummiarten, Harze and Balsame, 1869, p. 129), to the unequal contraction of the resin while drying, resulting in a mass of fissures that form, as in the case of several kinds of copal, facets that gradually separate from the mass, and constitute the “powder” of many authors.” (Morel, op. cit .) Evidence against Herlant’s supposition is also fouud in the fact that resins of the Sandarach class are mealy while on the trees, after they have been exuded some little time, showing that the appearance is brought about by- exposure to the weather. The Gallitris resins soften slightly, but do not melt in boiling water, and a sample of commercial Sandarach behaves similarly. In the mouth they feel gritty to the teeth, and in no way different to Sandarach. When freshly exuded they are very irritating to a cut. Following are descriptions of actual specimens of resins of different species. For the results of analyses of Sandarach for comparison, see Gmelin, xvii., 429. 57 BY J. H. MAIDEN, F.L.S., P.C.S., ETC. CALLITRIS CUPRESSIFORMIS. Vent. Muell., Cens. p. 109. Syn. C. australis (iried.). Frenela rhomboidea Endl. Yar. Tasmanica, Benth. F. Ventenatii Mirb., B. FI., vi., 288, and others. “ The Oyster Bay Pine of Tasmania.” Found in all the colonies except Western Australia (normal species). This is the pine already referred to, and a brief account of the resin has been copied into many of the text-books. I have collected resin of this species from Port Jackson, clear and transparent as water. It turns pale amber coloured in 12 months if placed in a bottle, but its brilliancy shows no sign of diminution in that time. The Sydney trees readily exude their resin on slightly wounding, and the same remarks apply to the Tasmanian. CALLITRIS CALCARATA. R. Br. Syn. Frenela Fndlicheri Parlat., B. FI., vi., 238. Found from Northern Victoria to Central Queensland. “ Murray Pine,” “Black Pine,” Red Pine,” “ Scrub Pine,” “ Cypress Pine.” Sample 1. “ Murray Pine,” Quiedong, 3rd March, 1887. Has a pale, bleached appearance, much lighter than ordinary Sandarach. Externally it has a very mealy appearance. Water has no effect on it. In rectified spirit it almost wholly dissolves, leaving a little whitish, resinoid substance. Petroleum spirit dissolves 5 per cent, of a perfectly colourless and transparent resin. Sample 2. I have received a quantity of flesh-coloured resin from the Snowy River, N.S.W., belonging to this species. It is so different in appearance from the normal resin, that no market can at present be found for it, and as this is the first time such resin, in quantity, has come under my notice, it is well worth describing. It is of the consistence and general appearance of Manila elemi, differing from that substance in being of a flesh-colour, and having a pure turpentine odour, instead of a turpentine-fennel one. There is no doubt that it would form a valuable ingredient in plasters, and an enterprising pharmacist would doubtless find it worth his while to follow the matter up. It is a remarkable circumstance that the trees yielding this resin had also, at other portions of the stem, more or less of the normal Sandarach. Sample 3. “ Red Pine.” Lachlan River, N.S.W. Feb. 1885. This has comparatively freshly exuded, and has the colour and appearance of the best selected Sandarach. Rectified spirit nearly wholly dissolves it, forming a beautifully clear, slightly yellowish liquid; P3 percent, of 58 AUSTRALIAN AND TASMANIAN SANDARACH. residue remains. Petroleum spirit extracts 22T per cent, of an apparently perfectly colourless and transparent resin. CALLITRIS COLTTMELLARIS. F. v. M. Syn. Frenela robusla A. Cunn., var. microcarpa Benth. B. PL vi. 237. Sample 4. “Cypress Pine,” etc. Pound in New South Wales and Queensland. Received from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Dec. 1887. This is in much larger masses than the others, and some of it has been exuded for a considerable time. It is next lightest in colour to No. 1. It almost wholly dissolves in rectified spirit, forming a pale yellow solution. The insoluble residue amounts to 4‘6 per cent. Petroleum spirit, when digested on the residue, removes no less than 35’8 per cent, of a transparent colourless resin. This is a remarkable percentage, and it would be worth while to enquire whether Australian Sandarach becomes increasingly soluble in that menstruum by age. An ordinary sample of commercial Sandarach yielded 8'9 per cent, to petroleum spirit. CALLITRIS VERRUCOSA. B. Br. Syn. Callitris Preissii Miq. Frenela robusta A. Cunn. and others. B. PI. vi. 236. The following note by Dr. Julius Morel (Pharm. Jourm [3] viii. 1,025), in regard to a South Australian specimen, is interesting ! “ With Sandarach resin may be connected another resinous substance, which was exhibited in the Paris Exhibition of 1867 from South Australia, under the name of “ pine gum.” It is the resin of Callitris Beissii Miq. (a misprint for Preissii ). This product resembles Sandarach, and might become an important article of commerce. . . . This resinous substance occurs in the form of slightly yellowish tears, thicker and longer than those of ordinary Sandarach. In consequence of unequal contraction, it pre¬ sents, like Sandarach, numerous facets, and consequently the surface appears to be covered with a white powder. By examining this resin under the microscope, Wiesner ascertained that the finer fissures were derived from the larger ones. In its transparency and hardness the resin corresponds to Sandarach. Its odour is very agreeable and balsamic, and its taste is bitter and aromatic.” “ Mountain Cypress Pine,” “ Desert Pine.” “ A Sandarach in larger tears than ordinary Sandarach is yielded by this species. It yields it in considerable abundance, eight or ten ounces being frequently found at the foot of a single tree. BY J. H. MAIDEN, F.L.S., F.C.S., ETC. 59 but although this exudes naturally, the supply is stimulated by incisions.” Victorian Cat. Col. and Ind. Exhib., 1886.) “ It is a transparent, colourless, or pale yellow body, fragrant and friable, fusing at a moderate temperature, and burning with a large, smoky flame, very soluble in alcohol and the essential oils, and almost totally so in ether ; turpen¬ tine at the ordinary temperature does not act upon it, nor do the drying oils, but it may be made to combine with these solvents by previous fusion.” ( Report on Indigenous Veget. Subst. Victorian Exh., 1861). Sample 5. Obtained from the Botanical Gardens, Sydney, 29th December, 1887 ; no particulars available. Of a dark amber coloui’, and externally possessing the dulled appearance found with lumps of amber. It is the darkest resin examined by me. It almost wholly dissolves in rectified spirit, yielding a bright yellow liquid, leaving 2’5 per cent, of insoluble residue. Petroleum spirit removes 22”8 per cent, of a clear resiD when the original substance is digested in it. Discussion. Me. Stephens remarked how unfortunate it was that people in the colony were so little alive to their own interest. The Oyster Bay Pine was useful for a variety of purposes, being suitable for light hurdles, gates, and other uses for which the common hardwood timber was ill adapted, while the advantage gained from shelter to stock was far superior to any that could result from its wholesale destruction. This beautiful and useful tree had, however, been destroyed, so far as it could be destroyed, by ring-barking over thousands of acres on the East Coast. The Peesident stated that he had had his attention directed to the state of things mentioned by Mr. Stephens. GO NOTES ON THE LAST LIVING ABORIGINAL OE TASMANIA. By James Barnard, V. P. It has been generally supposed that the grave has closed over the remains of the last of the aborigines, and that the extinction of the race has been final and complete. This supposition, however, is believed to be erroneous ; for there still exists one female descendant of the former “ princes of wastes and lords of deserts ” in the person of Fanny Cochrane Smith, of Port Cygnet, and the mother of a large family of six sons and five daughters, all of whom are living. Some doubts have been cast in Parliament and elsewhere upon the claim of Fanny (to keep to her pre-nuptial and first Christian name) to be of the pure blood of her personal ancestors, but after searching the records, and upon her own testimony, and from other evidence, there seems to be little reason to doubt the fact. It appears, then, that Fanny was born at Flinders Island in 1834 or 1835, and is now about 55 years of age. Sarah was the name of her mother, and Eugene that of Tier father, and both were undeniably aboriginals. Sarah first lived with a sealer, and became the mother of four half-caste children ; and was subsequently married to Eugene (native name, Nicomanie), one of her own people, and had three children, of whom Fanny is the sole survivor and representative of the race. Lieut. Matthew Curling Friend, R.N., in a paper read before the Tasmanian Society, on March 10th, 1847, “ On the decrease of the Aborigines of Tasmania,” in alluding to the curious theory propounded by Count Strzelecki, that the aboriginal mother of a half-caste can never produce a black child should she subsequently marry one of her own race, controverts this notion of invariable sterility by quoting two instances which came under his notice while visiting the aboriginal establishment at Flinders Island. I give his own words : — “ One was the case of a black woman named Sarah, who had formerly four half-caste children by a sealer with whom she lived, and has had since her abode at Flinders Island, where she married a man of her own race, three black children, two of whom are still alive. The other, a black woman named Harriet, who had formerly by a white man with whom she lived two half-caste children, and has had since her marriage with a black man a fine healthy black infant, who is still living.” BY JAMES BARNARD, V. P. 61 Commenting upon this doctrine of Strzelecki, West observes (Hist, of Tasmania, vol. 2, p. 75), “ A natural law bj which the extinction of a race is predicted will not admit of such serious deviations.” Some explanation may properly be expected from me for reviving a question which was supposed to be set at rest when Truganini was consigned to the tomb, and declared to be the last woman of her race. I will therefore mention the incident which has given me something of a personal interest in the matter. It is now nearly 40 years ago that I was accustomed occasionally to accompany my friend the late Dr. Milligan, the Medical Superintendent of the Aborigines, to the settlement at Oyster Cove, where I saw a good deal of the native people, at that time some 30 or 40 in number. Among these I have a distinct recollection of Fanny, who was then apparently about 17 years of age, slender and active, less dusky in colour, but rather more prepossessing in appearance than any of her kind ; and certainly at that time I never heard a doubt expressed of her not being a true aboriginal. There was one circumstance in particular which impressed her upon my remembrance, and that was on one occasion we crossed over in a boat from Oyster Cove to Bruni Island, rowed by four of the black men, and Fanny taking the steer- oar, which she handled with marvellous skill and dexterity. My visits to the settlement shortly after ceased, and from that time tj the present, until a few weeks ago, when I was. greatly surprised to receive a visit from this identical Fanny, who had become transformed into a buxom matron of considerable amplitude. By the courtesy of the Hon. P. 0. Fysh, Chief Secretary and Premier, I have been permitted access to the official records bearing upon the subject of this investigation. The first documents brought under my attention were two letters under date June 23 and 26, 1882, embodying a report from the Police Magistrate of Franklin, the late E. A. Walpole, emphatically stating that Fanny “ is a half-caste, born of an aboriginal woman, by a white man whose name is unknown, at Flinders Island, in or about the year 1835.” No authority beyond the expression of his individual opinion is adduced by Mr. Walpole in support of his statement. The next document was a letter by the late Dr. Milligan> Medical Superintendent of Aborigines, under date July 17, 1854, enclosing William Smith’s consent to marry Fanny Cochrane, and describing her as an aboriginal girl belonging to the establishment at Oyster Cove. This affords strong- evidence in support of the opposite view of the case, as those who knew Dr. Milligan would remember how precise and accurate he invariably was in any statement of facts. 62 NOTES ON THE LAST LIVING ABORIGINAL OF TASMANIA. A point of some importance in tlie contention would arise from Fanny’s second name of Cochrane. According to Bonwick, in his “Last of the Tasmanians,” p. 282, this was taken from the sealer who lived with Sarah, whose name was Cottrel Cochrane. Were this so, it would have at once have gone far to settle the question of parentage, and show her to he the half-caste supposed. Bonwick is obviously in error in his statement ; for I have lately ascertained from the lips of a married lady living in Hobart, a daughter of the late Mr. Robert Clark, catechist at the aborigines establishment, that Cochrane was the maiden name of her mother, and that it was given by her father to Fanny when a child, and residing in his family. Again, Bonwick writes (p. 310) : “ We read of a sawyer, one Smith, and his black friend, Mrs. Fanny Cochrane Smith, receiving £25 a year for their half-caste child.” Instead of “black friend” he might have written “black wife ” ; for the parties were duly married at Hobart by the Rev. Frederick Miller, Congregational minister, in 1854. As respects the cause assigned for the annuity, this writer was also in error, for the sum of £24 (not £25) was bestowed upon Fanny on the occasion of her marriage, and not for the reason stated. The next document is a letter, dated 8th December, 1842, conveying the official approval of the admission into the Queen’s Orphan School of the three aboriginal children named in the margin — Fanny, Martha, Jesse. Then follows in the records, under same date, an application from Mr. Robert Clark, late catechist of the aborigines on Flinders Island, for permission to receive into his family “ an aboriginal child named Fanny, upon his engagement to feed, clothe, and educate her as one of his own children.” Next is an extract from an official document dated 8th March, 1847 : — “ Eugene and his wife, the father and mother of Fanny and Adam, being asked if they were willing that their children should be sent back to Mr. Clark, said they were not. Fanny being asked if she understood the nature of an oath, answered, ‘ No,’ and the Doctor explained it. Fanny said she did not wish to return to Mr. Clark.” From a long report to the Government by Dr. Milligan, dated November 29th, 1847, I have taken the following extract : — “ The fifth girl, Fanny Cochrane, almost a woman, might remain with her half-sister, Mary Ann. Indeed I can scarcely say how otherwise she could be satisfactorily disposed of.” There being no difference of opinion as to Sarah being the mother of both, this testimony, given by Dr. Milligan as to a difference of parentage in the case of the father, at once discriminates her from Mary Ann, and in itself affords a strong presumption in favour of the contention. BY JAMES BARNARD, V. P. 63 The superintendent at Oyster Cove, under date 4th November, 1857, reports to the Colonial Secretary the death of Adam, aged 20 years, the youngest of the aboriginals ; and states that during his illness he was waited upon by his mother, sister, and the latter’s husband; these being respectively Sarah, Fanny, and William Smith. Up to this point my researches have been eminently satisfactory, and have tended to confirm the theory of Fannv being an aboriginal ; but another document has been brought under my notice which, unexplained, certainly discountenances that theory. It is the report of certain proceedings taken before Dr. Jeanneret, the superintendent at Flinders Island, on the occasion of certain allegations made against an officer of the establishment, and in which is a deposition made by Fanny, dated. March 25th, 1847, commencing with these words,' — “ I am a half-caste of Yan Diemen’s Land- My mother is a native. I am about 18 years of age,” etc., with her signature attached at the foot. At first sight this admission would appear to be conclusive and unanswerable ; but, upon reflection, I am led to believe that there must be a mistake somewhere. In the first place a child of her age, with imperfectly developed intelligence, would scarcely be likely to volunteer that statement, or do more than give a mechanical assent to the question when, asked, without, perhaps, at all understanding its import. Again, possibly the clerk writing the deposition may have understood that Fanny was sister to Mary Ann instead of half- sister, and naturally assumed them to be the offspring of the same parents. Besides, it conflicts with all the official correspondence in which she is referred to with Dr. Milligan, the medical superintendent, and Mr. Clark, the catechist, in all of which the term “ half-caste ” never once appears, and she is invariably designated an aboriginal girl, and distinguished from Mary Ann, her half - sister, and an undisputed half-caste. I may add, also, that Fanny wholly repudiates all knowledge or recollection of the evidence referred to. The paper of Lieut. Friend, which I have quoted, in which he refers to Sarah, the mother of Fanny, in support of his hypothesis, as well as the official statement given of Eugene being her father and Adam being her brother, should remove all doubt as to Fanny being a true aboriginal. While it is not to be denied that differences of opinion exist on the point, I think it must be allowed, from the facts brought forward, that the weight of testimony is in its favour. The characteristics of the complexion and of the hair have been cited as favouring the opinion that Fanny must be deposed from the pedestal claimed for her as a pure aboriginal 64 NOTES ON THE LAST LIVING ABORIGINAL OF TASMANIA. and placed in the ranks of the half-castes. Mr. Walpole states that “ her colour is a very dark brown,” but I should rather term it a blackish-brown, and showing the true aboriginal tint. On this point it must be remembered that from her infancy she has been encircled within the pale of civilised life, and shielded from the severities of weather and privations to which otherwise she would have been exposed,— all this, together with her surroundings, must naturally have, in some degree, tended to exercise a modifying influence. The same as to her hair, which, if less woolly and like a mop, has no doubt been combed and brushed out to some small extent of its original flufliness to reconcile it to the model of the hair of the white children with whom she was brought up, and which she would naturally strive to imitate. The question at issue may appear, at first sight, to be a mere personal matter, and of comparative unimportance, but it is in reality much more than that, and has acquired a scientific aspect deserving of attention. There is reason to believe that the theory of Strzelecki has influenced many to concurrence in his views, and to disregard or overlook the cogency of facts opposed to it. Lieut. Friend, as we have seen, disputes the dictum referred to, and has adduced strong evidence in support of his objection. Thus an interesting problem has been presented for solution. All controversy, however, must now be regarded as finally set at rest, since the adoption by Parliament, after due inquiry, of two resolutions passed, respectively, in Sessions 1882 and 1884, by the first of which the pension of Fanny Smith was increased from <£24 to £50 per annum, and by the second that a grant deed of the 100 acres of land she at that time occupied, and for the 200 acres additional then presented to her, should be issued to Fanny, free of cost ; both votes being passed on the ground specified of her being the last survivor of the aboriginal race. Discussion Mr. Stephens asked the writer of the paper not to press the matter too strongly on the Society. While Parliament was free to act at its discretion in entertaining a claim, the Eoyal Society would not be justified in showing any amiable weakness in the same direction. If, however, he threw out a challenge to ethnologists, he ran the risk of depriving Fanny Smith of what she now enjoyed. He was certain the paper would be well received, and the writer must not attribute any failure to discuss it on its merits to any lack of appreciation. 65 THE ENGLISH AT THE DERWENT, AND THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. Read October 14th, 18S9. ] . The English at the Derwent. In a paper which I had the honour to read before the Royal Society last November, entitled “The French in Van Diemen’s Land,” I endeavoured to show how the discoveries of the French at the Derwent, and their supposed design of occupation, influenced Governor King’s mind, and led him to despatch the first English colony to these shores. That paper brought the story to the 12th September, 1803, when the Albion whaler, with Governor Bowen on board, cast anchor in Risdon Cove, five days after the Lady Nelson, which had brought the rest of his small establishment. The choice of such an unsuitable place as Risdon for the site of the first settlement has always been something of a puzzle; and, in order to understand the circumstances which led to this ill-advised selection, it will be necessary to go back some years, and follow the history of English discovery and exploration in the South of Tasmania. I have already noticed the elaborate and complete surveys of the Canal D’Entrecasteaux, and the Riviere du Nord, made by the French navigators in 1792, and again in 1802 ; but it must be remembered that the results of these expeditions were long kept a profound secret, not only from the English, but from the world in general. Contemporaneously with the French, English navigators had been making independent discoveries and surveys in Southern Tasmania ; and it was solely the knowledge thus acquired that guided Governor King when he instructed Bowen u to fix on a proper place about Risdon’s Cove ” for the new settlement. The English discoverer of the Derwent — a navigator who, though less fortunate than Admiral D’Entrecasteaux, yet merits the title of original discoverer equally with the illustrious Frenchman — was Lieutenant John Hayes, of the Bombay Marine, to whom I have already alluded. The occasion of Hayes’ expedition is sufficiently curious to justify a few words of remark. It was the only exploring expedition ever sent out by the East India Company into Australian waters. In those days the great Company was at the height of its power. Its 66 THE ENGLISH AT THE DERWENT. Brabourne Pamp., p. 14. royal charter secured it an absolute monopoly of trade, not only with India and China, but with the entire East, including the whole of the Pacific Ocean. So exclusive were its privileges, and so jealously maintained, that the colonists of New South Wales could not trade with the home country except by permission of the Company. So late as the year 1806* it successfully resisted the sale in England of the first cargo of whale-oil and sealskins shipped by a Sydney firm in the Lady Barlow, on the ground that the charter of the colony gave the colonists no right to trade, and that the transaction was a violation of the Company’s charter and against its welfare. It was urged on behalf of tne Court of Directors that such “ piratical enterprises ” as the venture of the owners of the Lady Barlow must at once be put a stop to, as “ the inevitable consequence of building ships in New South Wales will bean intercourse with all the ports of the China and India Seas, and a population of European descent, reared in a climate suited to maintain the energies of the European character, when it becomes numerous, active, and opulent, may be expected to acquire the ascendancy in the Indian Seas.” The Lords Commissioners of Trade decided that the action of the colonists was irregular in respect to the Company’s charter. Sir Joseph Banks exerted himself strenuously on behalf of the colonists, and represented to the Court of Directors that the Lords Commissioners in future cases “ are disposed to admit the cargo to entry, in case the Court of Directors see no objection to this measure of indul¬ gence towards an infant and improving colony,” and further, that their Lordships intend, without delay, “to prepare instructions for the future government of the shipping concerns of the colony, on a plan suited to provide the inhabitants with the means of becoming less and less burdensome to the mother country, and framed in such a manner as to interfere as little as possible with the trade prerogatives and resources of the East India Company.” It was mainly owing to Banks’ diplomacy and energy that an Order of Council was obtained allowing future cargoes from Sydney to be landed and sold in England. It is, perhaps, not surprising that the Company should have contributed so little towards the exploration of regions which it held to be an appanage to its Indian dominions, for at that time the Southern Seas offered few * See Pamphlet containing a summary of the contents ( the Brabourne Papers, Sydney, 1886, p. 11. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 67 or no temptations of profit to a great trading corporation. As to New Holland, and Van Diemen’s Land, its supposed southern extension, they were merely obstacles in the way of the lucrative China trade — -jutting out incon¬ veniently into the South Sea, lengthening the voyage and increasing its dangers. For the sake of the vessels en] ployed in this trade, a knowledge of the Australian coast and its harbours was desirable.*' It was probably with the object of finding a convenient harbour of refuge for ships following the southern route to China in their passage round the stormy South Cape of the Australian continent, that, in the year 1793, the Company fitted out an expedition destined for Van Diemen’s Land. Cook and Bligh had recently brought home reports which encouraged the idea that a suitable port might be found there, and it is quite possible that rumours of the visit of D'Entrecasteaux the year before had stimulated the Board of Directors to action. Lieutenant John Ha}res was appointed to the com- Low’s Hist, of mand of the expedition, which consisted of two ships, the Indian Duke of Clarence and the Duchess, and was despatched 200^205’ PP* from India to explore the coasts of Van Diemen’s Land and its harbours, and to make its way back to India by the South Sea Islands and the Malay Archipelago. This service Lieut. Hayes performed in a very satisfactory manner. He surveyed the coasts of Tasmania, parts of New Caledonia, of New Guinea and other islands, his voyage extending over two or three years. Un¬ happily, the results of these valuable surveys were lost to his employers and to England, for the ship taking home his charts and journals was captured by a French man-of-war, all his papers were taken to Paris and have never since seen the light.! A rough sketch of the Flinders’ Derwent made by Hayes found its way to Sydney, and Voyage, is frequently referred to by Flinders in the account of Intro,> P- his voyage. This is all we know of his exploration of Tasmania, and of the Honorable East India Coippany’s first, last, and only discovery expedition to Australian waters. * It was considered a chief object of every exploring expedition to find harbours suitable for the East India Company’s ships. When Flinders was about to sail in the Investigator to explore the Aus¬ tralian coast, the Court of Directors, on being applied to, made him an allowance of £1200 as “ batta money a practical recognition of their interest in his expedition.— Brabourne Pamphlet, p. 13. t There is good reason to believe that Hayes’ charts and journals are in the National Library in Paris, or possibly in the Department of Marine and Colonies. It would be well if an effort were made to discover them and have them published. See Appendix. 68 THE ENGLISH AT THE DERWENT. Flinders’ Voyage, Intro., p. 138. Lieut. Hayes’ ships reached Storm Bay in the year 1794. He had heard of the visit of the French to. these shores two years before, but knew nothing of what D’Entre¬ casteaux had done. He explored and surveyed the approaches of the Derwent, and sailed up that river nearly as far as Bridgewater; while, in the belief that he was making an original discovery, he gave new names to various localities. These have in some instances superseded those bestowed by his predecessor D’Entre¬ casteaux. Thus it is to Hayes that we owe the name of the Derwent, which has replaced the French appellation of the Riviere du Nord, and D’Entrecasteaux Channel was long known to the English by the name of Storm Bay Passage, which it bears on Hayes’ chart. Other names which are still remembered are Betsey’s Island, Prince of Wales Bay, Mount Direction, and, lastly, Risdon Cove.* It is said that Risdon Cove and River were named by him after one of the officers of the ship, but this I have not been able to verify.! It was in the early spring of the year 1798 that Governor Hunter gave to Flinders — then a young Lieutenant of H.M.S. Reliance — the Norfolk, X a little colonial sloop of 25 tons, to try to solve the vexed question of the existence of a strait between New Holland and Van Diemen’s Land. Flinders secured Dr. George Bass as his companion in the expedition, and on the 7th October, 1798, the Norfolk sailed from Port Jackson with a crew of 8 volunteers, taking twelve weeks’ provisions. They examined the North Coast of Tasmania, entering Port Dalrymple, and sailed for the first time through the Straits, to which, at Flinders’ * Adamson’s Peak, Mount Lewis, Cornelian Bay, Taylor’s Bay, Court’s Island, Fluted Cape, Ralph’s Bay, were also named by Hayes. t Mr, Justin Browne informs me that Risdon is a name borne by a county family of Devonshire • (see “ Marshall’s Genealogist’s Guide,” p. 524), and that it occurs also as a place name in Gloucestershire, (see also Burke’s Armoury, Ed. 18.) The popular derivation from a supposed “ Rest-down ” may perhaps be credited to the fancy of the enterprising and pugnacious printer, Andrew Bent. So far as I have been able to discover, it first occurs in “ Bent’s Tasmanian Almanac ” for 1827. It has been copied by West and other writers. t The Norfolk, which has the credit of having first circumnavi¬ gated Van Diemen’s Land, was built at Norfolk Island, of the pine for which that island is celebrated. She was afterwards used by Flinders in his exploration of Moreton Bay. Labilliere’s Early History of Victoria. Vol. i, p. 26. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 69 request, Governor Hunter gave the name of Bass’ Straits.* Leaving Bass’ Straits the Norfolk sailed southwards along the West Coast — Flinders naming Mount Heems- kirk and Mount Zeehan after Tasman’s two vessels — and on 14th December, arrived at the entrance of Storm Bay. Flinders had with him a copy of Hayes’ sketch chart of Flinders, the Derwent, but had never even heard of D’Entre- P- *81. casteaux’s discoveries six years before. Bass, in speaking of Adventure Bay, says, — “ This island, the Collins’ New Derwent, and Storm Bay Passage were the discovery South Wales,' of Mr. Hayes, of which he made a chart.” More than “-jP- 183- a fortnight was employed by Flinders in making a Flinders, careful survey of Norfolk Bay, and of the Derwent from Intro., pp. the Iron Pot to a point some 5 miles above Bridgewater. 181-189. In the Introduction to his Voyage to Terra Australis , he gives the result of his observations. Bass devoted his attention more particularly to an examination of the neighbouring country, its soil, productions, and suitableness for agriculture. He took long excursions into the country, having seldom other society than his two dogs, examining in this way the western shore of the river from below the Blow Hole at Brown’s River to beyond Prince of Wales Bay, visiting various parts of the eastern shore, and ascending Mount Wellington and Mount Direction. His original journal has never come to light, but the substance of it was published in 1802, by Collins, in the second volume of his Account of Collins, ii., pp. New South Wales. 143-194. It is interesting to learn how the country with which we are so familiar struck the first visitor to its shores, when as yet the land was in all its native wildness, and untouched by the hand of man, and I shall therefore give some of Bass’s observations on the country about the Derwent. The explorers had some difficulty in getting the Norfolk as far up the river as the mouth of the Jordan, which Flinders named Herdsman’s Cove. Thence they proceeded in their boat some 5 or 6 miles ibid, p. 186. higher up. They expected to have been able to reach the source in one tide, but in this they were mistaken, falling, as they believed, some miles short of it. I regret to say that Bass did not, show the good taste of the * “ No more than a just tribute,” says the generous Flinders, “ to my worthy friend and companion for the extreme dangers and fatigues he had undergone in first entering it in t lie whale-boat, and to the correct judgment he had formed from various indications of the existence of a wide opening between Van Diemen’s Land and New South Wales.” — Voyage to Terra Aus~ tralis, Intro., p. 193. 70 THE ENGLISH AT THE DERWENT. Collins, ii., p. 183. Frenchmen who were so enthusiastic on the grandeur and beauty of the harbours and rivers which they had entered. He describes our noble river as a u dull, lifeless stream, which after a sleepy course of not more than 25 or 27 miles to the north-west, falls into Frederick Henry Bay. Its breadth there is two miles and a quarter, and its depth ten fathoms.” He further remarks, “ If the Derwent River has any claim to respectability, it is indebted for it more to the paucity of inlets into Van Diemen’s Land than to any intrinsic merits of its own.” Yet his impression of the country on its banks was distinctly favourable. ‘‘The river,” he says, “ takes its way through a country that on the east and north sides is hilly, on the west and north mountainous. The hills to the eastward arise immediately from the banks ; but the mountains- to the westward have retired to the distance of a few miles from the water, and have left in their front hilly land similar to that on the east side. All the hills are very thinly set with light timber, chiefly short she-oaks ; but are admirably covered with thick nutritious grass, in general free from brush or patches of shrubs. The soil in which it grows is a black vegetable mould, deep only in the valleys, frequently very shallow, with occasionally a mixture of sand or small stones. Many large tracts of land appear cultivable both for maize and wheat, but which, as pasture land, would be excellent. The hills descend with such gentle slopes, that the valleys between them are extensive and flat. Several contain an indeterminate depth of rich soil, capable of supporting the most exhausting vegetation, and are tolerably well watered by chains of small ponds, or occasional drains, which empty themselves into the river by a cove or creek.” Black swans were seen in great numbers, and kangaroo abounded, but Bass came to the conclusion that the natives must be few in number, as although they frequently found their rude huts and deserted fires, during a fortnight’s excursions they fell in with none of the aborigines, except a man and two women, with whom they had a friendly interview some miles above Herdsman’s Cove. Bass contrasts New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land in respect of their fitness for agriculture : his opinion was that they were both poor countries, but in point of productive soil the preference was to be given to Van Diemen’s Land. He found on the banks of the Derwent various tracts of land which he considered admirably adapted for grain, for vines, and for pasturage, and no place combined so many advantages as Risdon Cove. Bass grows almost BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 71 enthusiastic in describing Risdon. “ The land at the Collins, ii., head of Risdon Creek, on the east side,” he remarks, P- 185. “ seems preferable to any other on the banks of the Derwent. The creek runs winding between two steep hills, and ends in a chain of ponds that extends into a fertile valley of great beauty. For half-a-mile above the head of the creek the valley is contracted and narrow, but the soil is extremely rich, and the fields are Avell covered with grass. Beyond this it suddenly expands and becomes broad and flat at the bottom, whence arise long grassy slopes, that by a gentle but increasing ascent continue to mount the hills on each side, until they are hidden from the view by woods of large timber which overhang their summits . The soil along the bottom, and to some distance up the slopes, is a rich vegetable mould, apparently hardened by a small mixture of clay, which grows a large quantity of thick juicy grass and some few patches of close underwood.” Flinders was, however, disappointed with Hayes’ Flinders. Risdon River, and notices the insignificance of the little Intro., pp. creek, which even his boat could not enter, and at which 185> he could barely manage to fill his water casks. Among “ the many local advantages of the Derwent ” to which King to King alludes in his despatch to Lord Hobart, and which Hobart, 9th determined him to choose that place for a settlement, 1803‘ there is no doubt that Bass’s glowing description of the beauty and fertility of Risdon filled a large place, and induced him to direct Bowen to choose its neighbour¬ hood for the new colony. 2. The Risdon Settlement. It is now time for us to return to Lieut. Bowen and his little colony, whom we left on the 12th September, 1803, in the Albion and Lady Nelson at anchor in Risdon Cove. A week later Bowen writes to Governor Bowen to King by the Albion , reporting his arrival, and his King, 20th definite selection of Risdon as the site of the new ^Hember, settlement. Fie seems to have accepted Risdon as a foregone conclusion, for although he tells the Governor that he had explored the river to a point rather higher than Flinders went, it does not appear that he made any sufficient examination of the western bank. If he had done so he could hardly have written to King — “ There are so many fine spots on the borders of the river that I was a little puzzled to fix upon the best place ; but there being a much better stream of fresh water falling into Risdon Cove than into any of the others, and very extensive valleys lying at the back of it, I judged it the most 72 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. convenient, and accordingly disembarked all the men and stores.” He could never have written thus if he had examined either Humphrey’s Rivulet or the stream falling into Sullivan’s Cove. Bowen’s choice of Risdon does not lead us to form a high opinion of his qualifi¬ cations as the founder of a new colony. On the other hand, it is only fair to take into account his difficulties. Doubtless he felt himself in a great degree bound by the instructions he had received from Governor King to fix on a spot in the neighbourhood of Risdon Cove. ! 1 e also knew that Bass had carefully examined both shores of the river and had found no place so eligible. Moreover, it would be unjust to judge his choice by our present knowledge. Every settlement in an unknown and thickly wooded country must be more or less tentative, and the objections to the locality were no.t so evident in its original state as they now are. At present the Cove is silted up in consequence of a causeway having been built across it, but when Bowen entered it it was a fairly deep and commodious harbour. There was much to recommend the site to a new comer. When the Albion sailed up the Derwent the best valleys running down to the river were full of a dense scrub, most discouraging to a settler, and at that period Risdon probably presented the most open land on this side Herdsman’s Cove. It was early spring, and at that season there would be a good stream of water in the creek, the open land of the Risdon valley was covered with rich and luxuriant grass, and higher up the creek was a fair amount of the good agricultural land described by Bass. The unsuitability of the valley as a site for a large town would never occur to Bowen, who was content if he could find for his handful of settlers a sufficient space for their gardens, and a few cornfields to supply their immediate require¬ ments. The small scale of the establishment with which he was entrusted would inevitably limit his ideas. Still, after every allowance has been made, it remains evident that Lieut. John Bowen was not one of the men who are born to be the successful founders of new States. The site of this first settlement is on the farm so well known as the home of the late Mr. Thos. Geo. Gregson, M.H.A. It lies about two miles from the landing-place of the Risdon ferry. A stone causeway crosses the cove not far from the mouth of the creek. For some 100 or 150 yards before the little stream falls into the cove it finds its way through a small marsh of some 20 acres, shut in on each side by steep hills. In Bowen’s time this stream was fresh and clear-flowing; now it is brackish, BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 73 sluggish, and muddy, choked with weeds and slime, and altogether uninviting in aspect. At the upper end of the marsh, where the valley suddenly contracts, a dilapi¬ dated stone jetty marks the old landing-place on the creek, at present quite inaccessible for a boat. On the narrow strip of flat ground between the jetty and the steep hill beyond are the barely discernible foundations of a stone building, the first stone store in Tasmania. From this point a road leads upwards along the hillside for some 150 or 200 yards to the top of the rise, where there is a level piece of land of no great extent, bounded on the north by rough hills and on the south sloping steeply to the valley. On the edge of this level ground, overlooking the flat and commanding a fine view of the Derwent and of the mountains behind it, stand some dilapidated wooden buildings, for many years well known as the residence of Mr. Gregson, the little cottage in front being not improbably Lieut. Bowen’s original quarters. A good garden extends to the rear of the house, and in this garden, about 100 yards behind the cottage, there still stand the ruins of an oven with brick chimney, which Mr. Gregson for many years religiously preserved as the remains of the first house erected in Van Diemen’s Land. From this point the valley is narrow, the ground sloping down steeply, but there is good agricultural land in the bottom, and on the northern slope where Bowen’s free settlers were located — the other side being stony and barren. A plan which Bowen sent to Governor King enables us to identify the locality with absolute precision. He tells King — “ We are situated on a hill commanding a perfect view of the river, and with the fresh water at the foot of it — the land excellent.” After pitching his tents at Risdon, Bowen was not idle. He set his people at once to work to build huts. During the first week he made a boat excursion up the river ; examined Herdsman’s Cove, and thought of locating his free settlers there. He describes the Der- Bowen to went as “ perfectly fresh ” above Herdsman's Cove, Kin&> 20th and “ the banks more like a nobleman’s park in England ^(!^ember’ than an uncultivated country ; every part is beautifully green, and very little trouble might clear every valley I have seen in a month. There are few rocky spots except on the high hills, and in many places the plough might be used immediately ; but our workmen are very few and very bad. I could with ease employ a hundred men upon the land about us, and with that number — some good men among them — we should soon be a flourishing 74 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. Bowen to King, 27th September, 1 8U3, per Lady Nelson. King to Hobart, 1st March, 1804. Bowen to King, 27 th September, 1803. Ibid. colony.” Next week he made another trip up the Derwent, but without further results. He sends King a plan of his settlement,* and already within a fortnight of his arrival he had got quarters built for his soldiers and prisoners, had located his free settlers on their five-acre allotments up the valley about a quarter of a mile from his tent, and had Clark, the stonemason, at work building a stone store. He had — probably in accordance with King’s in¬ structions — named the new settlement “ Hobart, ”t after Lord Hobart, the Secretary of State for the Colonies. His Returns, dated “ Hobart, Van Diemen’s Land, 27th September, 1803,” show an effective strength of 22 men — 21 convicts and their overseer — of whom 2 were in charge of stock, 4 employed on buildings, (viz., a blacksmith, carpenter, and two sawyers), the bulk of the convicts forming a town gang. The three women are returned as “ cutting grass,” probably for thatching. Of' the stock, the Government owned 9 cattle and 25 sheep, the Commandant had a mare, and the Doctor a cow, while the Officers and Birt and Clarke, the free settlers, were possessors of 7 sheep, 8 goats, and 38 swine. Within a fortnight from his landing, as I have said, Bowen had all his people housed, and reports to King that the soldiers and prisoners have got very comfortable huts. He fixed his own quarters on the spot where Mr. Gregson’s house now stands ; the soldiers’ huts were a little behind Dr. Mountgarret’s quarters, and the prisoners’ huts were placed on the brow of the steep bank overlooking the creek. (See plan). The Command¬ ant tells King that he has not yet drawn any lines for the town, waiting till he can cut down the large timber which obstructed his view. To lay out a town in such a situation must have been a difficult problem, for his little settlement was perched on the top of a high almost precipitous bank, on the edge of a very narrow gully, and the narrow plateau on which it stood, shut in at the back by rough hills, did not afford room for a fair sized village. But the difficulties of the locality were as nothing to the difficulties of the human material out of which he had to form his colony. The soldiers of the New South Wales Corps, who formed his guard, and on whom he had to depend for * See Appendix. t “Town ” was not added to the name until some time after the settlement was removed by Collins to Sullivan’s Cove. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 75 the maintenance of order, were discontented, almost mutinous. Within a week of his arrival they were grumbling at the hard duty of mounting one sentry during the day and two at night. The Commandant thought they had been spoilt by too easy a life in Sydney, and begged the Governor to send him down an active officer or sergeant who would keep them to their duty. As to the prisoners, they were of the worst class, ill behaved, useless, and lazy. Indeed, when we find that some of the worst offenders in New South Wales had been sentenced bv the Criminal Court in Sydney to serve a certain number of years at Risdon Creek, we cannot wonder at Bowen’s complaints of their conduct, nor can we be surprised that he was able to effect so little. Meanwhile, Governor King did not forget the interests of the new colony. In his reply to Bowen’s first letters, King to he expressed himself as well pleased with the selection of Bowen, 18th Risdon, and with the progress that had been made with October, 1803. the settlement. He also promised the reinforcements for which Bowen asked, and, accordingly, towards the end of King to October the Dart brig was despatched to the Derwent. Hobart, She took 42 prisoners — of whom 20 were volunteers — and 0cto1:,er, these latter were told that, if their behaviour was good, they should be allowed at the end of two years to choose between settling at the Derwent and returning to Sydney. The Governor also strengthened the Military force by sending down 15 soldiers under the command of Lieut. Moore. He strongly urged Bowen to leave their discipline entirely to their officer, to give them good huts, full rations, a plot of ground for a garden, and to employ them on military duty only, so that they might have no just ground for complaint. The Dart took six months’ supplies of pork and flour for the new arrivals, and also two carronades which had belonged to the Investigator, and as to the care of which King1 gave the Commandaut very special cautions. No more free settlers were sent, as the Governor wished first to get a better knowledge of the country and of its suitableness for agriculture. To King to this end he sent down James Meehan, a surveyor who Bowen, 1 8th had done good work in New South Wales under Sur- (lct°ber, 1803. veyor-General Grimes, and had recently formed one of the party who had made the survey of Port Phillip in the Cumberland. Meehan was to be employed in surveying and making observations on the soil and natural pro¬ ductions of the colony, and was to advise with respect to the distribution of the town, church, and school lands, 76 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. Knop wood’s Diary, Gth March, 1804. Collins to King, 29th February, 1804. Harris’s statement. fortification, court-house, settlers’ allotments, and govern¬ ment grounds for the purpose of agriculture and grazing. He remained some four months at Hobart, returning to Sydney in March, 1804, after having completed the first surveys in Tasmania. Flinders’ map shows that Meehan explored from the Coal River in a north-east direction, returning by way of Prosser’s Plains and the Sorell District, but we have no particulars of the result of his observations. Bowen’s little colony now numbered something like 100 souls. It had been established about two months, and might fairly have been expected to have made at least a start towards definite progress. But it was pre¬ destined to failure. The few meagre facts that can be gleaned from the Record Office papers show that matters went most persistently wrong. The Commandant may not have been to blame for this ill success — possibly no man could have achieved success with the like material. The first arrivals had been bad, the second batch was certainly no better. We have Collins’ testimony, very emphatically given, that many of them were “abandoned, hardened wretches” — “more atrocious than those imported from the gaols of England.” The story of the escape of seven of these convicts, under the leadership of one Duce, gives us an idea of their lawlessness, their ignorance, and their utter recklessness. One night, Dues and his six com¬ panions stole the Commandant’s boat as she lay in the cove, gained possession of two guns, and got away down the river. Some of the party wanted, without compass or provisions, to run for New Zealand, which they thought could easily be done. Others, not quite so ignorant, preferred to try to make Timor. Violent quarrels ensued, but they kept on their course along the east coast, living on fish and such vegetable food as they could collect on the shore, and constantly on the verge of murderous conflict, until they reached Bass Strait. Here one of the party was left on a desolate rock, Duce threatening to shoot any one who interfered. The rest made Cape Barren Island, where they fell in with a sealing party. Duce and three others designed to seize the vessel, but were betrayed by their companions. The sealers overpowered them, and put the four, with some provisions, on one of the islands, where they left them. Whether they perished, or whether they helped to swell the number of lawless runaways who for so long a time infested the islands in the Straits, no one knows.' The soldiers were almost as great a trouble to the Commandant as the convicts. They were always BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 77 discontented, occasionally mutinous. At times, instead of guarding the stores from depredation, they connived at the prisoners plundering them. An occasion of this King to sort, when a soldier was proved to have been accomplice Hobart, 1st in a robbery, led to Bowen taking a very extraordinary March> 1804* step. He could not try the man, not being able to constitute a court martial, and was so puzzled to know what to do with him, that when the Ferret whaler chanced to put into the Derwent, he actually determined to leave his post, and himself take the culprit to Sydney for trial. Accordingly, he sailed from Risdon for Sydney in the Ferret , on the 9th January, 1804. With all these signs of the utter disorganisation of the settlement, we cannot wonder that no progress had been made, and that when Collins arrived a few weeks later, he found that after five months’ residence not a single acre Collins to of land was in preparation for grain upon Government King, 29th account. February, But the Risdon settlement was already doomed, owing 1 to a series of events of which neither Governor King nor his Commandant was yet aware. Before Bowen had made his first abortive start for the Derwent, and before Governor King’s despatch of 23rd November, 1802, respecting French designs could have reached England, the Home Government had taken a resolution which — not by any intention of theirs— was destined to bring Lieut. Bowen’s colony to an end, by its extinction in a more systematic and extensive settlement on the banks of the Derwent. In January, 1803, an Order in Council Downing- appointed Lieut. -Colonel David Collins, of the Royal Marines, Lieutenant-Governor of a settlement intended mna to be formed at Port Phillip, in New South Wales. The new establishment sailed from Spithead on the 24th April, 1803 — a month before King had given Bowen Knopwood’s his commission as Commandant of Hobart — had just left Diary. Cape Town when Bowen sailed from Sydney in the Albion, and arrived in Port Phillip on the 9th October, 1803. This is not the place to give an account of Collins’ proceedings, at Port Phillip or elsewhere, except in so far as they affected the fortunes of the Risdon settlement. Suffice it to say, that Collins found, or fancied, that Port Phillip was unfit for a settlement, and after corresponding with Governor King, and dawdling near the Heads for some three months, he finally decided to remove his establishment to the Derwent. Thereupon, King sent King to Collins a letter addressed to Bowen, directing the latter Bowen, 26th to hand over to Collins his command at the Derwent, jgo^6111 er’ 78 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. 9th J anuary, 1804. 23rd January. 1st March, 1804. Ibid. 30th January, 1804. King’s Order to Palmer, 29th August, 1804. Knopwood’s Diary, 10 th March. and to send back to Port Jackson his detachment of the' New South Wales Corps. And so a game of cross purposes began. For while Collins was still fuming’ and fidgetting at Port Phillip, balancing the comparative advantages of Port Dalrymple and the Derwent, and gradually making up his mind in favour of the latter place, Bowen had sailed from Risdon in the Ferret with his burglarious soldier, and had presented himself to the astonished Governor King at Port Jackson. The Governor seems to have taken no pains to conceal the annoyance he felt at his Commandant leaving his post on so trifling an occasion, and sarcastically remarks in a despatch to Lord Hobart, that Bowen’s “ return was occasioned by the necessity he conceived himself to be under of bringing up a soldier who had been implicated with the rest in robbing the stores.” He was the more vexed at this inopportune return, as he knew that Collins was on the point of leaving Port Phillip, and he was particularly anxious that the Risdon Commandant should be at hand to give the new Lieutenant-Governor the benefit of his experience and knowledge of the locality. The colonial cutter Integrity had just been launched. She was hastily fitted for sea, and Bowen was ordered to return in her to the Derwent forthwith, calling at Port Phillip to join Collins, to give him all necessary assistance, and accompany him to Risdon. The In¬ tegrity sailed on the 5th February ; but Bowen’s ill luck still attended him. When he reached Port Phillip he found only a remnant of Collins’ establishment, under the charge of Lieut. Sladden, the Lieutenant-Governor himself having sailed for the Derwent in the Ocean with the bulk of his people two or three days before. Bowen accordingly hastened on with his despatches, but shortly after sailing the cutter’s rudder fastenings carried away, and she was placed in a very dangerous position. However, she managed to reach Kent’s Bay, Cape Barren Island, and there they found a sealing party belonging to the American ships Pilgrim and Perseverance. The necessity for getting on was imperative ; so Bowen made a verbal agreement with the American skipper, Captain Amasa Delano, to carry them on in his ship, and after¬ wards, if required, to proceed to Port Jackson. From the diary of the Chaplain of Collins’ party, the well known Rev. Robert Knopwood, we learn that the Pilgrim cast anchor in Sullivan’s Cove on 10th March, and that at six in the evening, a boat brought ashore “ the Governor of Risdon Creek, Lieut. Bowen, of the Royal Navy.” It must have proved a considerable mortification to BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 79 the Governor of Risdon Creek to learn the events that had occurred during his unlucky absence. Lieutenant- Governor Collins had arrived in the evening of the 15th February, and next morning had landed at the Risdon settlement under a salute of 11 guns from the Ocean. On landing, he had been received by the officer in charge, Lieut. Moore, of the New South Wales’ Corps, and the rest of the establishment — consisting of the doctor, store¬ keeper, and military force of 16 privates, one sergeant, and one drum and fife. After examining the camp, gardens, water, &c., the new Lieutenant-Governor had at once come to the conclusion — which indeed was pretty evident — that Risdon was not, in the Chaplain’s words, “ calculated for a town.” Accordingly, on the following day the Governor, with the Chaplain and Wm. Collins, had gone exploring, and had returned much delighted, having found at a place on the opposite side of the river, six miles below Risdon, “a plain well calculated in every degree for a settlement.” Forthwith the tents of the new establishment had been struck and taken on board the ships, which had dropped down the river to the selected spot, and anchored in Sullivan’s Cove So that on the 20th February — five days after Collins’ Knopwood. arrival — his tents had been pitched at the mouth of the creek on the present site of Hobart, and the glory of Risdon had departed. Bowen’s settlement had had its own internal troubles, which, no doubt, Lieut. Moore duly reported to the Governor of Risdon Creek. On the 21st February, the Collins to day after the founding of the new Hobart at Sullivan’s King, 29th Cove, a further batch of five convicts had escaped from February Risdon, having found means to steal half a barrel of gunpowder from under the very feet of the sentry, and also two “ musquets,” with which they had got off into the woods. The runaways, however, did not find the woods inviting enough for a permanent residence, and one of them having voluntarily come in, the others followed his example next day, bringing the arms and ammunition with them. It was too troublesome and expensive to send them to Sydney for trial; they wrere therefore heavily ironed, and kept to work as a gaol gang. The only consolation that the Risdon Governor could have found in his adversity — besides the greater oppor¬ tunities of good fellowship which were now afforded him, with no doubt better fare than the salt pork and bread, which had hitherto been the regulation diet — was the consideration that the religious wants of his people, about which Governor King had been so emphatic, 80 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. 26th March. 17th April. King to Palmer, 29th August, 1804. King to Hobart, 20th December, 1804. American sealers — Murrell’s statement. King to Hobart, 20th December, 1804. were now under proper regulation, and that on Sundays, when the weather was not unfavourable, the Chaplain, after divine service at Sullivan’s Cove, had occasionally gone over to Risdon in the afternoon, and, as he phrases it, “ done his duty to all the convicts, &c., &c.,” dining afterwards with Dr. Mountgarret. Captain Delano, meanwhile, was making a good thing out of Bowen’s misfortunes. The Integrity was still lying at Cape Barren Island, disabled, and she had to be brought on. So after enjoying and returning the hospitalities of the place for a fortnight, the American captain sailed again for the Straits, with new rudder fastenings for the disabled vessel, and in less than a month the Pilgrim once more appeared in the Derwent with the Integrity in company. The Pilgrim sailed away a few days later to continue her sealing voyage, and her captain carried with him not only the reward of an approving conscience, but also Bowen’s bill on Governor King for .£400. When the bill was pre¬ sented in the following August, King’s surprise was considerable, and he made some vigorous protests. But the bill was in due form, for services performed, and the Governor had to pay. He could only relieve his feelings by writing to Lord Hobart in strong terms as to the American’s conduct ; but he says, “ I did not consider I could, with that respect due to the British character, either curtail or refuse payment of the bill, notwithstanding the extortionate advantage that had been taken of Mr. Bowen’s necessities, and his not entering into a written agreement.” We hear again of Captain Delano and his party a month or two later, and they seem to have been very un¬ desirable visitors. Not only had they been smuggling spirits against the stringent regulations and decoying prisoners, but they had made themselves still more obnoxious by their brutal treatment of a sealing party at Kent’s Bay belonging to the Surprise sloop, of Sydney. According to the statement of the master of the Surprise, he had been flogged and nearly killed by Delano’s men for venturing to come into the Straits and interfere with them by killing seals in their neighbourhood. Governor King was inclined to take vigorous measures to put a stop to the lawless conduct which was then only too common amongst the American sealers in Bass’ Straits, and proposed to the Home Government that he should be authorised to go the length of seizing their ships as the only means of teaching them better behaviour. But to return to the fortunes of the Risdon Settlement. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 81 Lieutenant-Governor Collins was altogether disappointed Collins to with the condition of Bowen’s colony, and made a very King, 29th unfavourable report on it to Governor King. The site was ^krimvy, quite unsuitable ; the landing-place on the creek was choked with mud, and only accessible at high tide ; the stores were placed on a low position, and likely to be flooded by any heavy rain ; the land was bv no means first class ; and the rivulet, on which they depended for Collins to their fresh water, and which in September had been a Hobart, 31st running stream, was in February dwindled to a few pools Jul^ 1804, of dirty water. The indifferent capabilities of the place Collins to had not been made the most of. No grain had been King, 29th sown, and no Government land had been even prepared February, for sowing. Dr. Mountgarret, and Clark and Birt, the 1804, free settlers, had each about five acres ready, but they had no seed, so Collins had to supply them with suf- Collins to ficient to crop their land. The five months’ occupation Hobart, 31st had been wasted ; there was nothing to show but a few 1S04, wretched huts, cottages somewhat better for the officers, and a few acres of land roughly cleared of trees and scrub. The people -were in a miserable condition, having Collins to been for some time on two-thirds of the standard rations, Hobart, 3rd so that Collins had to supply them with food, and even August, 1804. to remove their starving pigs to his own camp to save their lives. A more dismal failure for a new colony could scarcely be imagined. It is difficult to decide how Collins to far Bowen was to blame for this wretched state of things. King, 29th The human material that had been given him to mould February, into shape was desperately bad. Collins says that the 1894' officer in charge on his arrival (probably Lieut. Moore) described them “ as a worthless and desperate set of wretches;” and this language does not appear to have been too strong. The Sydney authorities seem to have taken the opportunity of Bowen’s settlement to rid them¬ selves of their worst criminals, including the most tur¬ bulent of the United Irishmen, who had lately given so much trouble by their rising in the older colony. Even the soldiers of the New South Wales Corps, sent to curb these undesirable colonists, were lazy and mutinously inclined. It is a satisfaction to know that Collins eventually shipped the whole lot back to Sydney — both soldiers and convicts, with but few exceptions — so that they never had any part in the new Hobart. Collins did not interfere with Bowen or with Lieut. Ibid. Moore in their command, but left them in uncontrolled charge. Indeed, he seems to have been only too anxious to wash his hands of Risdon and all its works. Governor Bowen and the Risdon officers, however, made the best of their circumstances, and, if we can trust the chaplain’s 82 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. Knopwood, 2Gth March. 1 April. Collins to King, 24th April, 1804. diary, took life easily — shooting, hunting, excursionising, and exchanging frequent visits with the officers of the new camp. Towards the end of March Mr. Knopwood goes to Risdon for a few days, and “ they caught six young emews the size of a turkey, and shot the old mother.5’ On Easter Sunday, after Divine Service, they all go to the chaplain’s marquee at the camp, and “partook of some Norfolk ham, the best we ever eat.” At 4 p.m. he adjourns to Lieut. Lord’s to dinner, “and was very merry.” Mr. Knopwood records many visits to Risdon, and excursions with Bowen up the river, to Mount Direction, to Ralph’s Bay, and other places. “ The Governor of Risdon Creek,” as Knopwood called him, had, however, enough trouble with his refractory people. His soldiers had long grumbled at the sentry duty as too hard for their small numbers ; and the dis¬ content at last broke out into direct mutiny. On Sunday, 22nd April, ihe men flatly refused to mount guard, and became so insolent and insubordinate that Lieut. Moore promptly put four of the ringleaders into irons, and took them down to Sullivan’s Cove. Lieut. -Governor Collins sent the mutineers under a guard on board the Colonial cutter Integrity , then on the point of sailing for Port Jackson. At the same time a plot was on foot amongst some of the Irish convicts at Risdon. Their object was to seize the storehouse, supply themselves with provisions, and make good their escape from the settlement. On the discovery of the plot three of the ringleaders were forthwith flogged, and to prevent further mischief Cap¬ tain Bowen and Mr. Wilson, the storekeeper, a few days later took the mutinous prisoners to Norfolk Bay in the Risdon whaleboat. “ Eight of them, and all Irishmen,” remarks the chaplain. They were left on Smooth Island (now known as Garden Island), with a month’s provisions, and Bowen went on to explore the River Huon. With that fatality which always kept Bowen out of the way when he was wanted, an important and disastrous event occurred at Risdon in his absence. This was the first affray of the English with the natives. It was on the 3rd May, 1804, that this first of the long series of fatal encounters between the two 'races took place. Up to this time it does not appear that any natives had been seen in the neighbourhood of Risdon. Knop¬ wood relates that there had been some friendly intercourse with the tribe on the other side of the river, and that some of them had come to Collins’ camp. We also learn from him that he and Bowen had seen many natives in the neighbourhood of Frederick Henry Bay. "The blacks BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 83 bad always shown themselves shy and suspicious, but relations had hitherto been quite friendly. The unhappy event of the 3rd May sowed the seeds of a hostility on the part of the blacks, which, exasperated from time to time by mutual injuries, filled the colony with deeds of outrage and horror, with savage murders of innocent settlers, and almost equally savage retaliation, until the native race was nearly exterminated, and the miserable remnant removed to Flinders’ Island, to perish of slow decay. Of the origin of the affray the accounts are very contradictory. Two of these are contemporary ; one re¬ corded by Mr. Knopwood in his diary, the other in a letter by Lieut. Moore, the officer in charge of Risdon. The Chaplain says, under date Thursday, 3rd May : — ‘‘At 2 p.m. we heal’d the report of cannon once from Risdon. The Lieut.-Governor sent a message to know the cause. At half-past 7, Lieut. Moore arrived at the camp to Lieut.-Governor Collins, and I received the following note from Risdon : — ■ Dear Sir, I beg to refer you to Mr. Moore for the particulars of an attack the natives made on the camp to-day, and I have every reason to think it was premeditated, as their number far exceeded any that we ever heard of. As you express a wish to be acquainted with some of the natives, if you will dine with me to-morrow, you will oblige me by christening a line native boy who I have. Unfortunately, poor boy, his father and mother were both killed ; he is about 2 years old. I have, likewise, the body of a man that was killed. If Mr. Bowden wishes to see him dissected, I w’ill be happy to see him with you to-morrow. I would have wrote to him, but Mr. Moore waits. Your friend, J. Mouxtgarret. Hobert, six o’clock. The number of natives, I think, was not less than 5 or 6 hundred. J. M.” Knopwood continues : “ At 8, Lieut. Moore came to my marquee and stayed some time ; he informed me of the natives being very numerous, and that they had wounded one of the settlers, Burke, and was going to burn his house down, and ill-treated his wife, &o., &c.” Lieut. Moore’s letter — a copy of which is preserved in the Record Office —is dated Risdon Cove, 7th May, 1804, and is addressed to Governor Collins. He says — Sir, Agreeable to your desire, I have the honor of acquainting you with the circumstances that led to the attack on the natives, which you will perceive was the consequence of their own hostile appearance. 84 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. Military- operations against the aborigines of V.D.L., House of Commons Paper, 23rd September, 1831, p. 53. It would appear from the numbers of them, and the spears, &c., with which they were armed, that their design was to attack us. However, it was not until they had thoroughly convinced us of their intentions, by using violence to a settler’s wife, and my own servant — who was returning into camp with some kangaroos, one of which they took from him — that they were fired upon. On their coming into camp and surrounding it, I went towards them with five soldiers. Their appearance and numbers I thought very far from friendly. During this time I was informed that a party of them was beating Birt, the settler, at his farm. I then despatched two soldiers to his assistance, with orders not to fire if they could avoid it. However, they found it necessary ; and one was killed on the spot, and another found dead in the valley. But at this time a great party was in the camp ; and, on a proposal from Mr. Mountgarret to fire one of the carronades to intimidate them, they departed. Mr. Mountgarret, with some soldiers and prisoners, fol¬ lowed them some distance up the valley, and have reason to suppose more was wounded, as one was seen to be taken away bleeding. During the time they were in camp, a num¬ ber of old men were perceived at the foot of the hill, near the valley, employed in preparing spears. I have now, Sir, as near as I can recollect, given you the leading particulars, and hope there has nothing been done but what you approve of. I have the honor to be, &c. William Moore, Lieut. N.S.W. Corps. It will be noticed that in this letter Lieut. Moore, who had every reason to represent the conduct of the natives in the worst light, can show no direct act of hostility. He assumed that they were hostile, from their numbers ; and, for the beating of Birt, and the proposed burning of his hut, he has no evidence to offer but a report brought to him in the midst of the panic which the appearance of the blacks had caused among his people. That the doctor’s proposal to fire the carronade should have induced savages, who did not understand the language and had never seen fire-arms, to withdraw, is too great a stretch on one’s credulity. We know, from Knopwood, that the gun was fired; but, whether it was loaded with blank cartridge or with grape we have no means of deciding. The only other eye-witness of the affair whose account we have directly contradicts Lieut. Moore ; and his story looks probable, like the story of a man who had kept his head amidst the general panic. This witness is one Edward White, who was examined before Governor Arthur’s Aborigines’ Committee in 1830. In considering his evidence it should be remembered that at the time he gave it the exasperation of the Avhole colony against the BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 85 blacks, on account of their brutal outrages, was at fever heat, and the witness had every inducement to repre¬ sent their conduct in this affair in an unfavourable light. White came to the colony with Bowen, and was an assigned servant to the settler Clark. He was the first man who saw the approach of the natives. He was hoe¬ ing new ground on the creek near Clark’s house, which was about half a mile up the valley behind the camp. As he was hoeing, he saw 300 natives, men, women, and children, coming down the valley in a circular, or rather a semi-circular, form, with a flock of kangaroo between them. They had no spears, but were armed with waddies only, and were driving the kangaroo into the bottom. On catching sight of him they paused astonished, and, to use his expression, “looked at him with all their eyes.” White had very probably been accus¬ tomed to the Port Jackson natives ; at any rate, he says that he felt no alarm at the approach of the blacks, but he thought it advisable to go down the creek and inform some soldiers. He then went back to his work. On his return the natives were near Clark’s house. They did not molest him or threaten him in any way. Birt’s house was on the other side of the creek some hundreds of yards off, and White was very positive that so far from attacking Birt or his house, they never even crossed over to that side of the creek, and “ were not within half a quarter of a mile ” of the hut. He knew nothing of their going into the camp itself ; but they did not attack the soldiers, and, he believed, would not have molested them. When the firing commenced there were a great many of the natives slaughtered and wounded, how many he did not know. The Rev. Mr. Knopwood gave evidence before then, of Com. same committee. He stated that he had heard different Paper, 23rd opinions as to the origin of the attack ; that it was said SeHp the natives wanted to encamp on the site of Birt’s hut, half a mile from the camp, and had ill-used his wife, but that the hut was not burnt or plundered. They did not attack the camp, but our people went from the camp to attack the natives, who remained at Birt’s hut. He thought only five or six natives were killed. The general opinion was that the blacks had gone to Risdon to hold a corrobberry. These accounts throw great doubt on the accuracy of Lieut. Moore’s version of the affair. It is significant that Knopwood, who had every opportunity of learning the truth at the time, should state so positively that the natives never left the neighbourhood of Birt’s hut, but that the soldiers went out to attack them. 86 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. H. of Com. Paper, 23rd Sept., 1881, p. 53. Knopwood, 11th May. Collins to King, 15 th May, 1804. It seems clear that the natives had no hostile intention in their visit, and this was the conclusion of Governor Arthur’s committee. Everything goes to show that they were a party coming from the east, probably the Oyster Bay tribe, engaged on a hunting expedition, and that they were more astonished than the English on coming into contact with them. The fact of their having their women and children with them is a perfectly con¬ clusive proof that no attack was contemplated. We can easily understand how terrifying to the Risdon people must have been this sudden inroad of a horde of excited savages, yelling and gesticulating. Utterly ignorant of their customs, unable to understand them, or to make themselves understood, the panic of the English, convinced that the natives had collected in force to destroy them, was natural enough. Doubtless the soldiers shared in the general scare, and, moreover, were probably quite inclined to take pot shots at the black savages. But Lieut. Moore ought not to have lost his head. He at least should have grasped the situation, and restrained his men. A little more presence of mind on his part, the exercise of a little tact and forbearance, and a collision would have been avoided, the natives would have been conciliated, and the history of the black race in Tasmania might have been different. That the aborigines of Tasmania would in any case have melted away before the white man, as the aborigines of the other colonies are melting away, is certain ; but if it had not been for Lieut. Moore’s error at Risdon, a war of extermination, with all its attendant horrors, might have been averted. There is little to add respecting this occurrence, except that, according to White, some of the bones of the slaughtered natives were sent in two casks to Port Jackson by Dr. Mountgarret, and that the chaplain, ever anxious to extend the bounds of his church, records that he went to Risdon a week later and “ xtiand a young native boy whose name was Robert Hobert May” — the good chaplain having thus the honor of bestowing his name on this first innocent aboriginal Christian. Collins tells Governor King' that the baptism had taken place without his knowledge or consent, and when he found that Dr. Mountgarret intended to take this two-year old native to Sydney, he had the boy brought to the camp and directed that he should be returned to his own people, for fear they should think he had been killed and eaten by the English. “ For,” he remarks, “ we have every reason to believe them to be cannibals, and they may entertain the same opinion of us.”* The * There is no foundation for this opinion. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 87 incident made Collins very apprehensive of further attacks; and, indeed, a few days after this affray the crew of the cutter, while collecting oyster shells on the river bank opposite Hobart, was attacked by a numerous party of natives, and beaten off with stones and clubs. As I have already observed, Lieut.-Governor Collins was very reluctant to have anything to do with the Risdon people, and would willingly have shipped them all off to Port Jackson ; but he now received express and positive instructions from Governor King to take over the command ; and, accordingly, on the 8th May, (immediately after Bowen’s return from the Huon), a General Order was issued, notifying that lie ijad taken upon himself the command of Risdon ; that Lieut. Bowen was to continue in the direction of the settlement under him until further orders, and that the officers and Collins to prisoners were to return to Port Jackson in the Ocean. Kino> 15tli The stores were immediately removed to Sullivan’s May’ 1804‘ Cove, the few remaining prisoners being victualled from the Hobart camp. The stock was also removed — Collins to 17 head of cattle, and 45 sheep and lambs ; and, a few Hobart, 31st days later, the whole of the prisoners were removed to July> 1804, the camp, where they could be kept at work in one gang, under a strict guard and a vigilant overseer. Although Collins badly wanted more military, he did ibid. not care to keep the small detachment of the New South Wales Corps, as he had at first thought of doing ; for, out of the 23 soldiers, one had been taken to Sydney by Bowen for robbery, and he himself had sent four others thither on a charge of mutiny. He therefore determined to despatch them all to Sydney, where a Court Martial could be assembled to correct and punish their evil propensities. Of the convicts, 50 in number, there were only 11 men and 2 women whom the Governor deemed it expedient to keep. It was not until the 9th August that the Ocean got Knopwood. under way for Sydney, and carried with her the whole civil and military establishment, — Capt. John Bowen, Hr. Mountgarret, Wilson the storekeeper, the turbulent soldiers and the mutinous convicts, 40 or so, who had formed the first Settlement in Van Diemen’s Land. Thus ended the first and abortive Hobart. The only free settler who remained was Richard Clark, Collins to who had been made superintendent of stonemasons. King, 3rd Both King and Collins speak highly of his character j^'1^^804’ and capacity. Collins gave him a similar position in the July’ '18q4 new Hobart at Sullivan’s Cove ; and in this office he ibid, 15th acquitted himself well. A few sheep were given him, May. and a location of 200 acres on the other side of the river, nearly opposite Hobart. 88 THE RISDON SETTLEMENT. King to Collins, 30th September, 1804. Collins to King, 29th February, 1804. King to Collins, 30th September. Knopwood, 3rd Sept. King to Palmer, 89th September. King’s Com¬ mission, 31st August, 1804. King to Collins, 30tli September, 1804. King’s memo, to Palmer, 29th Septem¬ ber, 1804. Bowen to King, 17 th November, 1804. King to Hobart, 20th December, 1804. The other settler, Birt, had applied for and obtained leave to remain ; but at the last moment he changed his mind, and sailed with the rest in the Ocean , which brought him under the displeasure of Governor King, who refused to allow him a grant of land. Dr. Mount- garret also at first desired to stay, as he had been combining commerce with medicine, and had a large stock on hand which he wished to dispose of ; but he, eventually, changed his mind, and he also sailed in the Ocean. The net balance of the Risdon Settlement, therefore, remaining with Collins was Richard Clark and the 1 1 male and 2 female convicts above mentioned. Collins afterwards ordered all the houses at Risdon to be pulled down ; but it does not appear whether this was carried into effect. The Ocean did not arrive in Port Jackson until the 23rd August, King having almost given her up for lost. Dr. Mountgarret got a fresh appointment as Surgeon to the new Settlement at Port Dalrymple, under Lieut.-Colonel Paterson. Lieut. Bowen had left a mare at the Derwent for which he had paid =£120, and he offered her to King at that price. The Governor agreed to purchase her on Government account, and paid Bowen with four cows, which he stopped out of his next shipment to Collins. This was the first horse taken to Van Diemen’s Land. It only remains to state what more we know of the Governor of Risdon Creek. On his arrival at Sydney he was desirous of returning to England, in order that he might again enter on active service in the navy. Governor King had offered him the munificent pay of 5.5. per day from the 30th June, 1803, when he first sailed from Sydney in the Porpoise, to the 24th August, 1804, when he returned thither in the Ocean, viz., 420 days, at 5 s. per day, or .£105 — exactly one hundred guineas for 14 months’ governorship — certainly not an extravagant salary for a Governor — not enough to pay his passage to England. He refused the colonial pay offered, and addressed a letter to King, in which he reminds the Governor that pecuniary considerations had not been in his view in accepting the appointment, but simply the advancement of his interest in His Majesty’s naval service ; but that, as he had been at great expense consequent on that appointment, he trusted the Governor would recommend him to the Home authorities for a sufficient remuneration. King enclosed the letter to Lord Hobart, strongly recommending the application, as he believed Bowen had done his utmost to forward the service he undertook, and expressing a hope that, in %5u.'di * BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 89 addition to this, his character, and that of his father and other relatives in the navy, might open a way for the promotion he was so anxious to obtain. King also paid his passage home in the Lady Barlow, amounting to £100. It would seem that Lieut. Bowen obtained the promo¬ tion he sought. Jorgensen — who, however, was not the most accurate of men — states in his autobiography that the Commandant of Risdon was a son of Commissioner Bowen. Mr. Leslie Stephen’s “Dictionary of National Boss’ Hobart Biography,” in a notice of Captain James (afterwards Town Admiral) Bowen, who performed brilliant services at sea ^^nac> during the French wars, mentions the fact that he was one of the Commissioners of the Navy from 1816 to 1825, and that his son J ohn, also a captain, after serving in that rank through the later years of the war, died in the year 1828. With this brief notice of its founder, I close the story of the first Settlement at Risdon Cove. APPENDIX A. Captain Hayes’ Charts. A manuscript map, evidently the result of Lieut. Hayes’ surveys of the Derwent, was recently discovered by Mr. James R. M£Clymont in the National Library. Mr. Alfred Mault has obtained through his friends in Paris a fac simile of this map, which he has courteously placed at the disposal of the Royal Society, and a photo-lithograph of it will appear in this year’s volume of the Society’s Proceedings. The map bears the imprint of A. Arrowsmith, London, but apparently was never published. Mr. Mault thinks it is Lieut. Hayes’ own draft of his chart prepared for publication. This is pro¬ bable ; but the map in question is not identical with the sketch Flinders refers to, since that sketch showed Risdon Cove, which does not appear in Mr. Mault’s/bc simile. His Excellency the Governor has kindly interested himself in the matter, and it is probable that through his influence some further information respecting Hayes’ expedition may at last be brought to light. APPENDIX B. Population of the Australian Colonies at the time of the Risdon Settlement (1803) : — New South Wales . 7134 Norfolk Island . 1200 Yan Diemen’s Land . 49 Total . 8383 See Collins’ “Account of New South Wales,” ii., 333. 90 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Addenda et Corrigenda. “the french in van diemen’s land.” (See Royal Society’s Transactions, 1888.) P. 101, Note. — The name “Australia.” — In a despatch to Lord Bathurst, dated April 4th, 1817, Governor Macquarie says — “ The Continent of Australia, which I hope will be the name given to this country in future, instead of the very erroneous and misapplied name hitherto given it, of New Holland , which, properly speaking, only applies to a part of this immense continent.” — Labilliere’s “ Early History of Vic¬ toria,” i., 184. P. 100, line 3. — “ Quiros’ Terre du St. Esprit, the coast between Cooktown and Townsville.” — It is so placed by De Brosses in the chart appended to his “ Navigations aux Terres Australes.” It is now identified as the island of Espiritu Santo, one of the New Hebrides group. P. 103, line 16. — “Cox (1789).” — Through inadvertence Cox is mentioned as having touched at Adventure Bay. He did not enter Storm Bay, but visited Oyster Bay and Maria Island. P. 110, line 9. — “ In spite of his safe conduct from the French Admiralty, [Flinders’] ship was seized as a prize.” — In a pamphlet published in Sydney in 1886, containing a summary of the contents of the Brabourne Papers, it is stated that amongst the despatches’- carried by the Cumberland was one from Governor King pointing out the opportunities which Port Jackson afforded for the concentration of troops, which might at any time be sent against the Spaniards in South America, and it is suggested that the discovery of this de-. spatch amongst Flinders’ papers gave Governor De Caen a plausible excuse for the detention of the English navigator. It is difficult to believe that this surmise has any sufficient foundation, since, if such a despatch had come to the hands of De Caen, he would certainly have produced it as a justifica¬ tion of his action, and would not have been driven to the paltry pretext drawn from an entry in Flinders’ journal. It may be mentioned that in a paper dated 1809 — while Flinders was still a prisoner — Governor King states that there was no doubt that the French entertained the design of attacking New South Wales from Mauritius. He says that Baudin had taken correct plans of Port Jackson, and had explored the passage to Mauritius through Bass Straits, and that had he lived another year the Commodore would most likely have visited the colony for the purpose of annihilating the settlement. — Labilliere’s “ Early History of Victoria,” i., 121. See also Jorgensen’s Autobiography in Boss’s “Hobart Town Almanack for 1835,” p. 138. DISCUSSION ON THE FRENCH IN VAN DIEMEN’S LAND. 91 Discussion. The Eev. F. H. Cox referred to the interest always mani¬ fested in tracing the past history of peoples and places. Mr. "Walker had taken up the position of a Goldsmith in relation to this deserted village of Eisdon, and traced a reason for this desertion. In a sense he might claim a relationship to Mr. Knopwood mentioned in the paper, in that he had succeeded Mr. Bedford, and Archdeacon Davies, who had immediately suc¬ ceeded Mr. Knopwood. The Eev. Geo. Clarke congratulated the writer of the paper, and referred to the value of such information being placed on record. It also removed several mistaken impres¬ sions which had been allowed to gain ascendency. Mr. Mault asked Mr. Walker if the chart referred to by him was similar to one which he had brought under that gentleman’s notice a few days ago. Mr. Walker said it was not. The Sydney chart gave further particulars than in the one mentioned. Mr. Mault explained that he had, through the medium of friends in Paris, obtained permission to copy certain of the maps in the archives at Paris. There was one map alleged to have been issued by Arrowsmith, but of which no trace could be found in the publisher’s house. The theory he formed was, that Lieut. Hayes was seized, together with his charts, by French vessels when proceeding to London, and that this map was in manuscript at the time of seizure. He should be happy to place the copy at Mr. Walker’s disposal should he so desire. Sir Lambert Dobson endorsed the remarks made by the Eev. Geo. Clarke. He referred to the statement made in Hopwood’s Journal, in which it was asserted that the river was endangered by the number of whales, and also to the fact that a former Governor had enjoyed snipe shooting near Hobart. All this was changed and gone. He did not think the full blame for the exterminatory war lay on the shoulders of Lieut. Moore. It was bound to come in time. He also mentioned that the site of Hobart was densely covered with scrub, and therefore the first settlers might be forgiven for choosing a more favourable spot. These changes that had occurred he hoped were for the better. His Excellency congratulated the writer of the paper. He endorsed the opinion made by Mr. Mault respecting the existence of old records in France. He would be prepared to use his influence in the direction of making a request to the Home Government on the subject. (Applause.) F 92 SMUT IN WHEAT. By T. Stephens, M.A., F.Gf.S. The letter of Mr. Joseph Barwick, read at the last meeting of the Boval Society, is specially interesting as showing a spirit of intelligent enquiry, and a desire to work out the solution of one of the numerous problems connected with natural phenomena, which are to some extent a matter of uncertainty even to those who have devoted their lives to scientific research. Mr. Barwick’s long experience as a practical farmer, and the results of his special experiments, have shown him that the origin and spread of the parasitic disease to which he refers is involved in much obscurity. He has, however, perhaps not sufficiently realised that a thorough knowledge of the general history of these low forms of vegetable life must be acquired before one can be sure of a satisfactory basis for experiments. The absence here of facilities of access to standard works and recent reports increases the difficulty of investigation, but the main facts of the propogation of the disease in question are sufficiently well-known for all practical purposes. Smut and bunt may be regarded as convertible terms. Though they are spoken of as distinct species by some authorities, I can say from personal knowledge that what is called smut in Tasmania bears the same name in some parts of England, while elsewhere it is known as bunt. It is a minute fungus belonging to the family Coniomycetes, sub-order JJ stilaginei, and has been described at different times under various names, as Ureclo caries, TJredo fcetida, Tilletia caries, and Ustilago segetum ; but it is pretty well-known now that the form in which the disease is always recognised is simply one of the conditions or stages in the life of a fungoid plant, which in other stages is known by a different name. In the case of animal parasites, such as the sheep fluke ( Fasciola hepatica), the stage in which it appears to the Ordinary observer is only the final development in the sheep of a cycle of changes, one of which, at least, cannot take place except in the body of an animal belonging to a totally different class. Again, the disease in sheep called “ sturdy ” or “ staggers ”• — the common term in Tasmania is a “ cranky” sheep” — is derived from the ova of the tape worm ( Taenia ) in a dog which, voided on the grass, are taken up by the sheep with its natural food, and find their way through the circulation into the brain, and are there developed into a new form called Gcenurus cerebratis, which, lodged near the inner surface of the skull and pressing on the brain, produces the symptoms which are well-known to most sheep farmers. So the blight known as “ corn mildew ” ( Puceinia graminis ) has been definitely corrected BY T. STEPHENS,. M.A., F.G.S. 93 with a fungus (JEcidium berberidis ) found on the wild "barberry, and is said to have disappeared from some localities when this hedgerow tree had been extirpated. As regards smut, it is sufficient to know that the disease generally springs from seed infected by the minute spores of the fungus known by that name, which explains the use of sulphate of copper or some other fungus destroyer, as a preventive, and it is probable that the intermediate changes take fdaee in different parts of the wheat plant, reaching their final development in the ear. It is well known that self-sown wheat, such as grows on headlands, is very rarely affected by the disease, and the probable explanation of this fact is that it is not so much exposed to infection as that which has passed through the steam-threshing machine. The myriads of spores beaten out from even one smutted ear form a cloud of impalpable slightly glutinous dust, which adheres to the grain with which it comes in contact, and this applies also to hand-threshed wheat, though in a much less degree. When the machines first came into use, English farmers still pre¬ ferred to use the flail for wheat intended for seed, because in machine-dressed wheat some of the grain is often so much broken by the beaters as to be unfit to produce healthy plants. They do not omit in either case to use some preventive against smut, the experience of generations have proved that if properly applied, it very rarely fails to check its ravages. Of course wheat selected from sound ears and rubbed out by hand, as described by Mr. Barwick, would be in a condition analogous to thafi of self - sown wheat, having been free from exposure to the ordinary causes of infection. I doubt very much whether any trials of seed at the Botanical Gardens could be of much practical value in a matter of this kind ; but further experiments by Mr. Barwick and other intelligent farmers might prove interesting. As the mode of dressing wheat against smut varies considerably, and some kinds of treatment may do as much harm as good, I will conclude these remarks with a brief description of the process adopted by the best farmers in the North of England, where it was always regarded as an almost infallible preventive. A solution is prepared by dissolving powdered sulphate of copper in water, at the rate of 2ozs. to a pint for each bushel of wheat. The grain is emptied on a floor, a little of it is shovelled to one side by one person, while another sprinkles the solution over it, and this process is continued until the whole quantity is gone over. The heap is then turned repeatedly, the men. working with shovels opposite to each other. Alter lying for a few minutes the grain is ready for sowing either by hand or machine. The seed ought not to be steeped in the solution, but merely -wetted. A too strong solution may kill the seed as well as the fungus, and damaged grains are probably often 94 DISCUSSION ON SMUT IN WHEAT. destroyed by the ordinary process of pickling ; while too long soaking in even a weak solution may cause premature germination, resulting in a badly-rooted and unhealthy plant. Discussion. Mr. R. M. Johnston said he had studied this matter 17 or 18 years ago, and had found that the same form of fungoid growths prevailed in all these cases. At that time he took occasion to make enquiries among the western farmers as to the surroundings which usually proved most favourable to the development of the pest, and the prevailing opinion was that it was most prevalent in newly cleared lands, adjoining forest lands, and that the further removed the land was from the timber growth, the pest sensibly decreased. Perhaps, in view of all this, it might be wise on the part of farmers, when selecting seed wheat, to obtain it from, districts which were free, or almost free, from the pest. Mr. Mault directed attention to the fact that the Agri¬ cultural Department of the Privy Council, Great Britain and Ireland, issued reports by experts on all these subjects, and that copies thereof were furnished to the Tasmanian Parliamentary Library. These reports embraced works deal¬ ing with the latest information, respecting both agriculture and fruit culture, and he thought the fact was not generally known that copies existed in the colony. Mr. Ward called attention to the fact that sulphate of copper contained a percentage of sulphate of iron, which was a decidedly more powerful germicide than sulphate of copper. It also appeared that the iron sulphate formed a chemical compound with the cellulose portion of the coating of grain. 95 SMUT IN WHEAT. By F. Abbott, Superintendent op the Botanical Gardens. At the last meeting of the Royal Society a communication from Mr. Joseph Barwick was read on Smut in Wheat, in which he relates his own tests for the purpose of ascertaining the cause, and suggests that further experiments should be carried out in the Botanical Gardens for a like purpose. Having carefully read Mr. Barwick’ s communication, I can but think that he, as well as others with whom I have conversed, are not acquainted with much that has been done of late in the investigation of this subject, and that, Therefore, the following general notes may interest many : — • The various species of Ustilaginae, especially U. Segetum, causing smut in wheat and other plants have been under observation by a host of competent scientific observers for many years past, and it is only of late, after much patient research and many thousands of anatomical observations, more in the laboratory than the field, that the life history of the fungus has been elucidated. In the Gardener’s Chronicle for February 23 and March 2, a detailed account of recent discoveries as to the nature of Ustilaginse is given by H. Marshall Ward. As this account is replete with information at present little known, arrangements have been made for its publication in Webster’s Gazette for August and September, where full details may be found. To others into whose hands this publication may not come, the following brief notes may be of interest : The dark substance, popularly called smut, is in reality dense masses of spores arising in tufts at the ends of fine filaments, formed in the ovary or young grain at the expense of the food material, which is destroyed. These spores, of which there are enormous numbers, every ear of smutted corn producing, it is estimated, not less than ten millions, are capable of germinating when placed under favourable circumstances, and multiply their conoidal cells with great rapidity in the soil ; fresh manure or manure washings greatly favour their development, and should in all cases be avoided ; in material of this description the fungus produces generation after generation in vastly increasing numbers, waiting as it were for the coming of its host, into which it quickly penetrates, and with which it continues to grow. The spores ripening in the grain of the smutted cereal are garnered with the latter, become scattered on the healthy grain and are sown with it, the fungus germinating at the same time as the cereal, produce their prymocella, the germ tubes of which penetrate the embryo plant. Experiments 96 SMUT IN WHEAT. have proved that the fungus is only able to effect an entrance to its host by attacking. the embryonic tissue; once inside, it gradually permeates the whole plant, extending with its growth from cell to cell, and finally meeting in the young fruit con¬ ditions favourable to the production of spores. As the fungus can only enter the tender tissue at the color of the young seed¬ ling, it is very important that the cultivator should endeavour, by the selection of good, sound, clean seed only, and a good and properly prepared seed bed, to encourage a rapid growth from the first. Anything that tends to retard this growth in its earliest stages lengthens the time during which it is possible for the fungus to effect an entrance, and greatly increases the chances of infection ; a few hours even may make all the difference, for though thousands of sporidea may be near the color of the young seedling, no entrance can take place unless the germ tubes reach it at the critical time. Experiments have been made with a view of infecting the leaves aud stem of the growing corn with the germinating spores, but have invariably resulted in failure, except on the tender growing point, where the tissues remained sufficiently soft for the sporidea to effect an entrance, but under natural conditions this point is not subject to attack. As regards suit¬ able dressings, there is yet a large field open to investigators ; if freeing the seed coat from spores super¬ ficially attached was all that was necessary, the matter would be simple enough, but much more than this is required, as the smut fungus may be present in the soil itself, ready to attack the grain at the critical time. Dressings, to be effectual, must be sufficiently permanent to destroy in the soil any prymocelia or conoidal cells that may happen to be in proximity with the seed corn. The following are said to be as efficacious as any at present known : — A strong solution of Glauber’s salts, in which the seed grain is to be well washed, and afterwards, while still moist, dusted over with quicklime ; by the application of the lime the caustic soda is set free and destroys any fungoid growths it may come in contact with. The application of copper sulphate to the grain as a dressing before sowing is a well-known remedy, but though it destroys the fungus it greatly retards the growth of the wheat, which is an objection to its use. Lime applied after the copper salt neutralises its prolonged effect, and is a good practice. The presence of lime itself in the soil is likewise beneficial. The foregoing notes are the result of the labours of many com¬ petent investigators, who have bestowed much time and care on the subject, the elucidation of which necessitated thousands of artificial cultures of the fungus and microscopical examina¬ tions. One or two points in Mr. Joseph Barwick’s communication will be better accounted for, if viewed with the light thrown on the subject by recent investigations. Mi\. BY P. ABBOTT. 97 Barwick points out in one of his experiments that it was the strong and deep-rooted plants that escaped infection ; this is only what might have been looked for, as upon the strength and rapidity of growth of the plant depends in great measure its immunity from infection. And, again he points out that it was only in the annual species of grasses that he detected smut ; here again is precisely what might be expected, as the perennial grasses would have become too consolidated at the part subject to infection for the fine filaments of the fungus to effect an entrance, and thus would remain free from attack. With reference to the suggestion that experiments should be undertaken in the Botanical Gardens for the purpose of throwing light on the subject, I doubt much if any good result could be obtained by such experiments. There is no doubt but the life history of fungoid pests effecting cultivated plants is one of great interest to the cultivator, but the subject is so intricate, the same fungus presenting many varying forms during its growth, that if any satisfactory progress is to be made in its elucidation, it is absolutely necessary that cultivators in many and varying localities accurately record facts coming under their notice, and these facts, which are only so much crude material, will need to be arranged and investigated by the mycologist. Only after very many and oft repeated experiments, made for the purpose of verification, have been made can any definite result be obtained. 98 A NEW DARK-FIELD MICROMETER FOR DOUBLE¬ STAR MEASUREMENT. By A. B. Biggs. Eigs. 1, 2, 3, 4. I often think it must be very pleasant for the ardent votary of science to have unlimited means at his command for obtaining such apparatus as he requires in the pursuit of his favourite study ; apparatus elaborately finished, and perfectly adapted for the work for which it is designed. Yet it too often happens that such apparatus becomes a mere toy in the hands of its possessor, he merely contenting himself with its possession, and the enjoyment of its beauties. On the other hand, it remains a fact that some of the grandest achievements of science are due to workers who have had to be content with very simple aod perhaps roughly constructed, apparatus, the outcome of their own ingenuity, called forth by the necessities of the case. The writer claims the applicability of the foregoing remarks to his own case only so far as they relate to the necessity of trusting mainly to his own resources in his very limited field of scientific work. The instrument of which the following is a description, has been in this way the outcome of his necessity. Its special function is the measurement of very minute angular distances, such as those of double stars, giving at the same time the angle of position with reference to the meridian. A few preliminary remarks on some of the existing forms of Micrometer may help to elucidate the special adaptability of the instrument to be described for the work for which it was designed. The Reticle Micrometer is specially useful for mapping star fields, but a driving clock for the telescope is almost essential. My first Micrometer was of this form, and consisted of a photograph (on thin micro, coverglass) of a scale, ruled on a sheet of glass coated with black paint, and having lines cut through the paint with the point of a pen¬ knife. The figure was a square subdivided into 400 by parallel lines each way (20 x 20). Each interlinear space was divided by a line running from the centre to the outside of the square each way. The one for use with my highest power is only Tg in. square, the spaces between the lines being only ^g-in. It is, however, quite inadequate for double-star work. The Ring Micrometer is adapted for distances occupying a considerable portion of the field, by timing the passages across the ring. But unless the passage describes chords at some distance from the diameter the measures are unreliable. It involves somewhat tedious calculation for differences of declination. BY A. B. BIGGS. 99 A very useful dark-field Micrometer, embracing the greater portion of the field, is the Bar Micrometer. My own form of it is a modification of that used by Lacaille in the prepara¬ tion of his valuable Catalogue of Southern Stars. His was a rhomboid cut out of a piece of thin brass and placed in the focus of the eye-piece ; mine is an equilateral triangle, formed of watch hair-spring. The differences of right ascension and declination are obtained by timing the passages in and out of the triangle. It is a very useful instrument for faint objects which will not bear illumination of the field, and especially for comet work. The Micrometer, par excellence, for general work is doubt¬ less the Filar Position Micrometer . A description of this is of course superfluous to those at all acquainted with telescopic work. The measurement is effected by parallel spider lines, moved to and fro by fine screws, the measu es being read off by the number of turns, and by graduations on the screw heads. The scale is revolved by a pinion and wheel, so as to make a cross spider line intersect the objects to be measured, and the position angle is read from a graduated circle. This instrument is specially convenient for differences of declin¬ ation ; but for direct oblique distances, is difficult to use with¬ out a steady driving clock for the telescope. It is a delicate and expensive aparatus. Many other forms and methods of Micrometer measurement are adopted, which it will be unnecessary to further refer to. I will now go on to describe my own, first giving the general principle. If a strip of glass (A), coated with black paint, and having two fine converging lines cut through the paint, at an angle of 10 or 15 deg., be placed face to face with another piece of glass (B), similarly coated, and having a single line ruled across it — this line being placed so as to cross the lines of A — the intersection of the lines will show as luminous jioints by transmitted light. On sliding the slip A along, these points will recede or approach until they coalesce at the point of the angle. Now, if an image of these points can be projected into the field of the telescope, and brought into juxtaposition with the pair of objects whose angular distance is to be measured, we obviously have the means, by a proper adjustment of the points as to distance and parallelism, of determining the measurement required. The position of the slide A is read upon a graduated scale, the value of which is determined by well-known astronomical methods. The projection of the image into the telescope is effected by means of an adjustable camera-lucida, constructed from a selected micro, cover-glass and attached to the eye-piece. The whole carrying arrangement of the glass plates is made to 100 A NEW DARK-FIELD MICROMETER. revolve in a suitable frame, so that the luminous points may be brought into parallelism with thepair of stars to be measured, and the angle read off from a graduated circle on the rim* the zero point being first ascertained by revolving the scale until a star shall run along the single line of plate B. The difference of readings will give the position angle with reference to the meridian, it being supposed that the telescope is mounted equatorially. The foregoing will, I think, make the principle clear. Dimensions will depend very much on the size of the telescope. In my case, the glass slides are 7in. x 4in., the opening of the circle or ring 4in. The telescope is a Newtonian reflector — speculum 8|in. The apparatus is fixed perpendicularly on the telescope tube at a distance (towards the speculum end) of 19|in. from the eye-tube, this distance being adopted for convenience, as giving a value of \ sec. of arc with the power I generally use for double stars. The sliding glass slip fits into a brass sliding frame, or carrier, which moves by a rack and pinion. A scale of 100 divisions is engraved on the side of the frame, answering to the length of the glass slide. (See A and F, Fig. 1.) For the glass slides I prepare a coated slip three lengths in one, ruling the diverging lines the whole length of the slip, from the angle at one end to an opening of about 3|in. at the other. This slip is then cut into 3 lengths (commencing from the point of the angle), each length being exactly equal to the 100 divisions on the frame. This gives scale readings to 100, 200, 300, the glasses being interchangeable in the frame. The whole arrangement, with its graduated circle, revolves in the frame which supports it, by a pinion in the support, working in a toothed wheel on the circle. My apparatus is fitted with a small electric lamp (2^ candle), with a contact conveniently near the eye-piece. At the back of the lamp is a concave reflector, to throw a parallel beam of light upon the scale. It is of advantage to frost the back surface of the glass (next to the lamp). The coated surfaces should be next each other without rubbing. The measurement is effected, not by direct coincidence, but by comparison. Supposing we are working without a driving-, ciock, the “ ghost,” as I will call it (i.e., the image of the points), is brought to about the middle of the field, and the star brought into position with it. The circle is then revolved until the “ ghost ” is sensibly parallel with the line joining the components of the star, and the slide moved to correspond with the distance. When these adjustments are perfect, as the star approaches and recedes from the “ ghost,” the four points will form a perfect parallelogram. (Fig. 2.) Practically it will be found that the eye is very sensitive to BY A. B. BIGGS. 101 any irregularity in the figure ; I think more so than with respect to coincidence with spider lines, as in the use of the filar micrometer, especially when, without a driving-clock, the object is moving obliquely across the field, and only a momentary contact can be obtained in passing. The similarity of the images in the former case favours the comparison. Fig. 3 shows the general arrangement of the apparatus as applied to a Newtonian reflector. My first experimental arrangement was fitted to mv 3in. refractor, and was a very primitive affair, the carrier being of tin, revolving in a paper tube. For a refractor, a different arrangement from that described above has to be adopted. With the Newtonian reflector, the position of the scale being at right angles with the direction of- vision, a single reflection at 45deg. throws the image into the eye-piece. With the refractor, on the other hand, the only practicable position for the apparatus is on the body of the tube towards the object- glass ; that is in the direction of vision. This necessitates an intermediate reflection at an angle of 45, to throw down the image of the scale upon the camera-lucida. (Fig. 4.) The apparatus admits of very considerable elaboration and development; as, for instance, star photometry. Further; the whole apparatus may be made to travel to or from the eye on a suitable slide, having a graduated scale ; a single plate with parallel lines being placed in the plate-holder. By this arrangement planetary discs and differences of declination may be read off, as with the filar micrometer. I will not, however, add to the tediousness of this paper by further reference to this matter. I must, in closing, express my obligation to Mr. Alex. Wallace, of this city, a clever amateur mechanic, for his kindness and generosity in the successful construction of my present apparatus. 102 NOTES ON THE DISCOVERY OF A GANOID FISH IN THE KNOCKLOFTY SANDSTONES, HOBART. By Messrs. R. M. Johnston and A. Morton. Two Plates. The recent discovery of the very perfect remains of a Ganoid Fish, closely allied to the genus Acrolepis, in one of the beds of the Knocklofty sandstones, is of the greatest interest. Several fossil fishes are said to have been found previously in the flagstone quarry near the Cascades, but, unfortunately, the quarrymen regarded them as being of little or no importance, and although, from curiosity, one or two specimens had been preserved for a time by one of the workmen, they were soon lost or thrown away. The specimen now referred to was discovered by Mr. H. Nicholls, who, with commendable thoughtfulness, at once presented it to the Tasmanian Museum. Fortunately the casts of the specimen are remarkably perfect. The only parts imperfect, or missing, are the ventral fins, part of the anal fin, and the anterior part of the head. The strongly pronounced heterocercal tail and the scales of the body are remarkably well preserved. The following is a description of the fish, which is named, provisionally, in honour of His Excellency Sir Robert Hamilton, to whom, as its President, the Royal Society is so much indebted for the enthusiastic manner in which he has ever promoted its interests. Acrolepis ? Hamtltoni, Johnston and Morton. Body compressed, elliptical, elongate ; length from snout to end of caudal fin about 7 inches; length of body 5f inches ; depth at a vertical line through occiput, 12 lines, increasing to 14 lines at greatest depth near ventrals, and from thence gradually tapering to peduncle, where it measures 5 lines ; length of heterocercal tail — which is inclined upwards at an angle of about 22 degrees — 14 lines ; length of lower ray lobe of caudal, 5 lines ; length of head about lj inches, or scarcely one-sixth of the total length ; length of dorsal, about 8 lines; fin low, with fine rays, probably 15 or 16; anterior end situated about 39 lines from end of caudal, and the posterior distant about 31 lines from the same point. The anal fin is inconspicuous and imperfectly preserved, but it appears to be similar to the dorsal, and it is situated fully half the length of that fin nearer the tail. The ventrals are Fig/ (Page 3) The, .Arrow sho ws EhvpaEA of tfo Star across LA/hJxl Fig 1 jr • They Ghost' X x Theystar passing IhTGtiost Fig 3 Page 4. of BY MESSRS. R. M. JOHNSTON AND A. MORTON. 103 scarcely visible, but appear to be small ; and the root is only about 10 lines distant from a vertical drawn through posterior portion of head. Pectorals about 7 lines in length, and. consists, apparently, of about 15 slender rays. There are 56 rows of small rhomboid scales, longitudinally arranged in an inclined dorso-ventral series ; the caudal series being more perceptibly angled than the anterior series. The inner surface of each scale is alone visible, from which it clearly appears that each one is finely ridged longitudinally, as in the scales of Acrolepis. There are usually 4 slightly curved ridges, radiating longitudinally from posterior angle of rhomboid scale to the two inner ones, almost invariably becoming furcate as they approach anterior inner margin ; the outside one on either side smaller and almost invariably simple. The upper margin of tail is markedly serrate, indicating the presence of numerous pointed fulcra! scales. The only Australian fish which appears to come near it is the well-known Myriolepis Clarkei, Egerton, but it is evident from the description and drawings that the Tasmanian G-anoid has relatively much smaller fins, and the scales, though belonging to a specimen half the size, are relatively much larger and consequently less numerous. Age of the Rocks in Which the Pish Remains Occur. The discovery of this interesting fossil is another proof of the aqueous origin of the important series of sandstone beds, of which the section from Cascades to Knocklofty affords the best and most fully developed example. Although the shales contain impressions of what appear to be fucoids, the evidences are not sufficient to determine whether these basins were estuarine or lacustrine; or whether the waters were fresh, brackish, or salt. Ganoid fishes of the period are found under all such conditions ; and therefore their discovery in such deposits prove little further than to indicate the aqueous origin of the beds in which such remains occur. It is most probable that the waters were of the nature of brackish lagoons. The exact position of these sandstones in relation to the Mesozoic Coal Measures, on the one hand, and the Upper Paleozoic Mudstones, on the other, has ever been one of much doubt. It is true a similar series of sandstones at Adventure Bay appear to immediately succeed the Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures without any sign of stratigraphic break; and again at Passage Point this succession appears to be very complete in immediate relation to beds of the Upper Marine series. But the absence of fossil evidence, and the manner in which the several deposits are separated from each other, by distance or faults and intrusive rocks, make it a doubtful 104 NOTES ON THE DISCOVERY OF A GANOID FISH. matter whether these apparently similar formations are, in reality, members of the same horizon. The evidence of breaks in the series at Knocklofty, and on the Huon Road near the Old Toll Bar, also adds perplexity when relationships are sought to be established. And much observation is yet needed before it is possible to satisfactorily determine the true relations of the various separated sandstone formations, lying either between the Upper Paleozoic Mudstones or Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures, and the Coal Measures of Mesozoic Age. Section From the Cascades to Knocklofty. The series of sandstones and shales between the bed of the creek at the Cascades, and the blow of intrusive greenstones forming a conical knoll above the highest sandstone quarry on Knocklofty, is about 800 feet thick, measuring from the bed of the creek. At this point it is not known to what depth the series extend, but it is probable the thickness altogether will exceed 1,000 feet. The following is a description of the series exposed, taken in ascending order : — 1. Yellow fissile sandstones, splitting up into thin evenly bedded flagstones ... 20 2. Greyish or blackish micaceous bed of flaggy sandstone, with hardened ferruginous * nodules, sometimes enclosing remains of fossil fish ... ... ... ... ... 5 3. Friable mottled shales — green, red, or yellow — with obscure impressions of minute strap-shaped plants (apparently slightly unconformable with No. 3) ... 60 4. Thick bedded sandstones — white, red, and yellow, worked throughout for building stone with thin bands of fine friable yellow or grey shales intercalated irregulary at intervals ... ... ... 715 Total Thickness 800 ACROLEPXS HAMILTONI. Johnston and Morton. SCALE ACROLEPIS HAMILTQNI. Johnston and Morton. 105 OBSERVATIONS OF COMET OF JULY AND AUGUST, 1889, TAKEN AT LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA, LAT. 41° 26' 01" ; LONG. 9° 48' 31" EAST. By A. B. Biggs. The comet was first observed here on 26th July, faintly visible without telescope. Tail about ldeg. in length, its position angle estimated at 140° + . Nucleus, sharp and starlike, about 7 mag., surrounded with considerable nebu¬ losity. Position (approximately) R.A., 13hrs. 21|min. S. Dec. 23° 07'. (This and the position readings given below were merely the readings of the rough home-made circles of the equatorial, and make no pretension to exactness.) The star comparison measures were all taken with a Bar Micro¬ meter, equilateral triangle, and are apparent difference measures only, uncorrected for refraction, etc. Owing to persistent cloudy and unsettled weather, very few oppor¬ tunities for star measures were afforded. Circle readings for position were taken as often as opportunity offered. Telescope. — Reflector, 8|in., silver on glass by Browning. Apparent Diff. R.A. and N.P.D. Comet from Star. Date. L.M. Time. Diff. R.A. Diff. N.P.D. 1 No. of I Obser. Star. Comet. Approximate Place of Comet. Aug. h. m. s. m. s. m. s. h. R.A. m. s. o 2 20 31 13 + 0-18-75 + 2 15-8 2 b(see below) S.F. 14 24 30 - 5 0 2 21 57 42 +3-02-5 -14 52-2 1 a (104 Virg.) N.F. „ ,, 3 22 11 09 -1-06-7 + 0-36-8 3 c S.P. 14 31 30 - 3 05 3 22 27 25 +0-20-5 -17-26-3 3 d N.F. „ „ 15 21 55 13 -1-08-4 + 20-03-3 6 17 Serp. S.P. 1.5 31 - +14 51 17 22 24 23 +1-52-5 - 23-28-8 1 19 Serp. N.F. 15 38 - +16 43 27 19 40 05 -1-07 + 24-21 3 10 Herculis S.P. 16 1 5 - +23 25J Notes and References. — August 2. a. — 104 Virg. (?) b. — About 7 mag., close to a small nebula, “ 70 ” (Proctor’s Atlas), looking like a detached wisp of the comet, c. — A minute star (lOTlm.). August 3. — “ c ” “ d ” — Not identified, each 7m. jb „ 17. — Brightness of nucleus, about 8m. „ „ — Tail estimated about 10' length. „ „ — „ Position angle, 120°+_ N.B.— The brightest star available always selected, except as to b, August 2, on account of proximity to nebula. 106 RECENT MEASURES OF “ a. CENTAURI.” By A. B. Biggs. As an illustration of the efficiency of the Micrometer described in my former paper, I give the following series of measures, in their order, extending from 26th May to 21st November, 1888 : — Distance Readings 15"’60 16"-01 17"13 17" ‘40 16"-93 17"-16 Position Angle 201°-5 203°'5 204° 204°-2 205°-4 203°-7 Summary Table. Mean Date 1888' 71 1 Total No. of „ Distance 16"‘7l > Observations „ Posn. Angle 203°7 ) 25. I also give for comparison, measures taken with the Filar Micrometer, from 19th March to 26th May, 1888 ; and from 19th September to 21st November, 1888 Mean of both Columns. Mean Date . 1888-35 „ Distance ... ... 16"-45 „ Position Angle 203o-34 Total No. of Observans 14 1888-82 17"T0 204-6 29 1888-58 16"-77 203°-97 43 I reckon the variation at the present time at + l"-00 per annum for distance, and + 0°-7 for position angle. To the foregoing means of measures up to epoch 1889-00, we shall have to multiply these rates of variation by (1889 - 1888-71 = ) 0-29 : — and (1889-1888-58 = ) 0'42 respectively. Applying the corrections thus obtained, we may make the following comparisons. In the third column I give the corresponding figures from my Ephemeris— (Society’s Vol., 1887, page 82) : — EPOCH, 1889-00. Micrometer ABB Filar Ephemeris Distance 17" -00 17"T9 17"-00 Position Angle 203°-90 204°-26 202°-90 I think it probable that the Ephemeris is in error about. 1 degree in Position Angle. The measures of distance by the Filar were all taken as differences of Declination, and were reduced to direct distance by the secant of the Position Angle. The specially favourable conditions which this star affords for double star observations, as well as the particular interest which attaches to it on many accounts, especially to us in the South, will, I trust, be sufficient excuse for my having dealt with so much detail. 107 NOTES ON CHARTS OE THE COAST OF TASMANIA, OBTAINED FROM THE HYDROGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENT, PARIS, AND COPIED BY PER¬ MISSION OF THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT. By A. Mault. (Charts I, II, III, IV.) More than a year ago Mr. McClymont spoke to me of the charts of which copies are attached to this papei\ He explained at the last meeting of the Royal Society the manner in which he had become acquainted with their existence. I am sorry that it has not fallen to his lot to formally present them to you, for the Society is really indebted to him for their possession. Furthermore, in making the presentation he would have been much more able to accompany the gift with an explanation of the character and history of the charts. Another gentleman to whom thanks are due is my friend Monsieur Adelphe Patricot, of St. James’s, Paris, who, after some little difficulty, overcame the prejudice that the French authorities have to allowing plans and maps to be copied, and then insisted on taking upon himself the cost of having fac-simile tracings made. Acknowledgments are also due to the Hon. E. N. C. Braddon, who, when Minister of Lands and Works, authorised the reproduction of the charts at the Government Photo¬ lithographic Establishment. Charts op Marion’s Expedition, 1772. The two charts that are respectively called (1), Cote des Terres de Diemen parcourues en Mars 1772 par la flute du Boy le Mascarin, and (2), Terres de Diemen faisant partie de la Nouvelle Hollande la plus grande Isle connile leve du bord du Van le Marquis de Castries en faisant route le long de la cote. Par Mr. du Clesmeur, are particularly interesting. It will be remembered that the first visitors to land in Tasmania after Tasman’s time were the French in these vessels. The expedition carried out in them was undertaken at the cost of Captain Marion du Fresne, whose grade in the French Navy was “ Captain of fire-ship.” The authorities of Mauritius allowed him to charter two of the Government vessels in the Colonial Service, the storeship Le Mascarin , the tonnage of which is not given, and the Marquis de Castries, apparently a smaller vessel, and to man them at his own pleasure. He himself took command on board the G 108 NOTES ON CHARTS OF THE COAST OF TASMANIA. Mascarin, with Mons. Crozet, who also was Capitaine de brulot, as his second on board, and gave the command of the Marquis de Castries to the Chevalier du Clesmeur, who was second in command of the expedition, and succeeded to the entire command on the death of Marion. An account of the expedition, under the title “ New Voyage to the South Sea,” was published in Paris in 1783, being compiled from the plans and journals of Crozet. Crozet ignores as much as possible Captain du Clesmeur, who evidently knew it, and also of the proposed publication of the journal. Por the editor of the journal prefixes to it a “ preliminary discourse,” the reading of which, he says, “ is indispensable to rectify some important points in the narra¬ tive of the voyage ; ” and in which he declares that it was only on the eve of publication that he learnt that du Clesmeur succeeded to the command on the death of Marion. Por in the journal Crozet never once mentions du Clesmeur’s name, from the time of Marion’s massacre until the moment when the vessels are parting company at Manilla, but always — even in relation to matters on board the Castries — says, “ I did this/’ “ I ordered that,” as if he were in supreme com¬ mand. The editor of the journal therefore requests the reader to note that everything done after Marion’s death was done under the command of du Clesmeur and not of Crozet. It is necessary to note this jealousy, as it explains some of the events that came to pass, and some of the results of the expedition. Its main object was to seek the great south land. Marion left the Mauritius in October 1771, and after some detention at Bourbon, Madagascar, and the Cape of Good Hope, left this last on the 28th December in that year. On the 19th January, 1772, he discovered, after having looked for Losier-Bouvet’s Cap de la Circoneision in the wrong place, — the islands now called Prince Edward’s or Marion’s, but which he himself named Terre cT Esperance. While examining the islands, the Mascarin, by disregarding the then acknowledged “ rules of the road,” ran foul of the Castries , which was lying to, and carried away her bowsprit and fore¬ mast. Crozet, who mentions the accident, carefully avoids details as to cause. Jury masts were rigged up, and it seems that the Castries after the accident was still a better sailor than her consort, and du Clesmeur told Marion he was ready to go wherever he wished. But Crozet says that the condition of the Castries prevented Marion from carrying out his intention of going southward. Sailing eastward, the islands now called the Crozets were discovered on the 22nd January, — they were first sighted from du Clesmeur’s ship, — but like other injustices in nomenclature, record the name of a man to whom none of the credit of their discovery is due. Bf A. MAULT 109 Leaving the Crozets the ships were steered due eastward until they passed the longitude of St. Paul’s Island, and then were headed towards the land discovered by Tasman. This was first sighted on the 3rd March, when Crozet calculated that they were in latitude 42deg. 56min. south. The longitude as given in the “ Hew Yoyage ” is so evidently incorrect — 126deg. 20min. east of Paris — that I will not here allude to it hut to say that it certainly is a misprint. Crozet gives no account of the voyage round the south end of the island, simply saying : — “ The chart that I have prepared of the Terres de Diemen will give an exact idea of the configuration of these lands, and of the route we followed till we anchored in a bay named by Abel Tasman, Frederic Henry’s Bay, which, according to that naviagator, is situated in 43deg. lOmin. of south latitude.” The chart thus referred to is given in the “ New Yoyage ” on a very small scale — the whole south coast of the island being shown in a space of less than two inches, and no latitude or longitude is marked. Flinders, in the introduction of his “Yoyage to Terra Australis,” says of it : — “ The chart of Mons. Crozet, which accompanies the voyage, appears, though on a very small scale, to possess a considerable degree of exactness in the form of the land. The wide opening called Storm Bay is distinctly marked ; as is another bay to the westward with several small islands in it, the easternmost of which are the BoreeVs Eylanden of Tasman.” A very cursory examination of this small engraved chart will show that it is a reduction made from the first of the charts mentioned above, and this leaves no room for doubting that the manuscript chart copied at Paris is the original one prepared by Crozet himself on the Mascarin and during its passage along the coast. The track of the course made is given, with soundings and with the position of the ship at various hours every day during the passage. These details enable us to correct an error into which Flinders has fallen. He says, after mentioning the sighting of land on the 3rd March, 1772 : — “ Steering eastward round all the rocks and islets lying off the south coast, he arrived on the evening of the 4th in Frederik Hendrik’s Bay.” Flinders obtained this second date by deducting the six days Marion is said to have stayed in the bay from the date— the 10th March — -when he quitted it for New Zealand. But the “ New Yoyage ” is so full of misprints in figures that it is not to be depended upon without checking. This chart of Crozet’ s affords such a check. From it, it is evident that after sighting land, Marion in the Mascarin, steering south-east, arrived south of the Mewstone about 6 o’clock in the evening of the 3rd March. He probably lay to for the night, but by 5 o’clock on the morning of the 4th he had drifted down to 44deg. of south 110 NOTES ON CHARTS OP THE COAST OP TASMANIA. latitude off South-east Cape. Then steering north-east, at midday lie was south of Tasman’s Head, and passed the night off Storm Bay. He doubled Tasman’s Island at 8 o’clock on the morning of the 5th, — -at noon was off the Yellow Bluff, and must have anchored in Frederik Hendrik Bay, now called Marion Bay, early in the afternoon. I do not think that Flinders, if he had seen Crozet’s chart on this larger scale, would have expressed the flattering opinion above given as to its exactness in the form of the land. The longitudes given on this chart and in the “ Hew Voyage ” are so far out as to be inexplicable. On the chart the longitude of the anchorage is given as 141 deg. 30min. east of Paris — this probably being the result of reckoning and observation during the voyage. At the anchorage Crozet says, “I made several observations for longitude and I found it to be 143deg. east of Paris.” This is more than 2fdeg. out ! In the simpler matter of latitude he is also wrong, giving quite a false impression of the trend of the south coast by making South-west Cape more southerly than South-east Cape. But it is in comparing this chart with the one made at the same time, and in similar circumstances by du Clesmeur on board the Castries, that the work of Crozet most shows its inferiority. From the tracks laid down on the respective charts, and from the soundings given, it is evident that in sailing down the west coast the Mascarin was the nearer in shore. Crozet could therefore see the opening into Port Davey, which du Clesmeur could not. This, and perhaps the entrance to D’Entrecasteaux Channel, are the only points in which the Mascarin chart is superior to the Castries one. From du Clesmeur’ s chart it is evident that the Castries had, as usual, outsailed the Mascarin, for she had to lie to to allow Marion to come up. The rocks and high land near Mainwaring Cove were, in the distance, taken to be islands. Rocky Point is distinctly and accurately laid down. The De Witt range and the hills on Point St. Vincent which mask the entrance to Port Davey were mistaken for islands, the lower land between them not being seen. If the coast-line be carried along the west side of these mistaken islands and carried back along the eastern side, Point St. Vincent and the entrance to Port Davey will be more accurately shown than on Crozet’s chart. All the salient points of the south coast, from the South-west Cape to Tasman’s Head, are accurately given with the islands lying off. The far end of the bays and bights, not being seen, are less accurately shown. In Storm Bay and eastward and northward to the anchorage in Frederik Hendrik or Marion Bay, the Castries went further in, and along this part of the course the chart is wonderfully accurate — in fact in some places more accurate than Flinders’. It is not often that one has a chance of comparing the BY A. MAULT. Ill impressions made by the same coast-line, seen at tbe same time, and in almost identical circumstances, by two navigators of tbe same nation and of equal standing. The result of the comparison in this case makes us regret that the recording of the whole of Marion’s expedition had not fallen to the lot of du Clesmeur instead of Crozet. One more word and I have done with this part of my subject. What is now called Maria Island, Marion named St. Mary’s Isle. Could not the proper name be reverted to P Chart of Captain Hayes’ Discoveries. Mr. J. B. Walker has recently called your attention to the sole expedition for discovery sent under the auspices of the East India Company into these seas — that commanded by Cajitain, afterwards Sir John Hayes, who visited the Derwent in 1794. Mr. Walker further told you how “the vessel carry¬ ing Hayes’ charts and papers to England was captured by the French, and all his journals taken to Paris, and the result of his voyage was lost.” I think this is rather too sweeping an assertion, for it is evident from the narrative of Flinders that “ sketches ” of Hayes’ charts were known, and that Hayes’ nomenclature of localities was in many cases adopted. I think it probable that the originals or copies of these charts were kept in the Marine Office at Calcutta, and it was from these that the chart published by Arrowsmith in 1798 was taken. It is a copy of this chart (3) that I now present to you. As for the history of this copy I think that probably it is as follows : — It is entitled, Chart of Several Harbours in the South Hast part of Van Pieman’s Land. London : Published January 1st, 1798, By A. Arrowsmith, Bathbone Place. Though it is said to be “ published,” the copy in the French archives, from which this copy I have was traced, is in manu¬ script and is kept with the next chart I have to describe, that is, one of Flinders’. In the “ Observations ” on this latter chart, Flinders says : — “ The details of the south-east part of Yan Diemen’s Land are taken from a manuscript plan made by Mr. J. Hayes who visited that part in a ship called the Duke sent out from Bengal. Henshaw’s Bay and Cajie Hanson of his chart are Frederic Henry Bay and Cape Pillar, of which we have restored the names,” etc. Now the parts of D’Entrecasteaux Channel not seen by Flinders are exactly reproduced by him in his chart as they are laid down in this published chart, but the names mentioned by him are different. I would therefore venture to suggest that Flinders, when at home in the winter of 1800-1801, obtained a copy of Hayes’ published chart, which was not identical with the manuscript one he had before seen, and that it was found among his papers when they were taken from him in the 112 NOTES ON CHARTS OF THE COAST OF TASMANIA. Mauritius ; that the draughtsman who copied Minder's chart, that I am about to describe, seeing the reference therein to Hayes’ chart, copied the published one as giving further details about the country that was evidently then claiming much attention from the French, and that it was thus that a manuscript copy of an engraved chart found its way into the Hydrographical Office at Paris. This copy of Hayes’ chart is furthermore interesting in connection with the history of names of ifiaces in these parts. For instance, it is curious to note how Ray-Taylor’s Bay has become Great Taylor’s Bay. And the name, “ Admiral D’Entrecasteaux Bay ” shows that Hayes had heard of the French navigator’s voyage. I may mention that one of our fellow-members, Colonel Cruickshank, is a great-grandson of Sir John Hayes, and have pleasure in adding that he has promised to obtain, if possible, copies of all documents relating to the expedition that may exist among the family papers in England, or in the Marine Office, Calcutta. Chart of Flinders’ and Bass’ Discoveries. The last of the charts (4) I have to describe is one of exceptional interest. It is entitled, Carte du Detroit de Basse entre la Nouvelle Galles Meridionale et la Terre de Diemen Levee par iff. Flinders, Lieutenant du Vaisseau Anglais la Reliance, par ordre de iff. le Gouverneur Hunter en 1798 et 1799.” Notwithstanding the title, it embraces the whole island of Tasmania, and there are laid down on it the tracks made in the following voyages : — 1. Bass’ voyage in the whaleboat from Sydney to Western Port in 1797-8, whereby the existence of a strait be ttveen Australia and Yan Diemen's Land was virtually proved. I am not aware of the existence of any other chart show¬ ing this track. 2. Flinders’ voyage in the schooner Francis from Sydney to Furneaux Islands in 1798. 3. Flinders’ and Bass’ voyage in the sloop Norfolk round the Island of Yan Diemen’s Land in 1798-9. In the chart, the Frenchman who was stealing Flinders’ observations has called this sloop the “ Jackson ,” in specifying the routes, confusing the name of the little vessel with that of the port from which she sailed. He calls her by her right name elsewhere. He frequently mistakes English manuscript figures, especially a long drawn 1 for the long drawn French 5, the 3 for the 5 also, and the 6 for the 8. The longitudes on the chart are taken from the meridian of Paris. The following “Observations” are made: — “The voyage- of M. Flinders, second Lieutenant of the English ship, tha BY A. MATJLT. 113 'Reliance, round Van Diemen’s Land, was made in the colonial sloop Norfolk of Port Jackson. The position of Port Dalrymple is fixed by 6 sets of lunar distances, taken in each direction with 2 sextants. The rest of the northern and western coast have been traced by estimates corrected by observations along the coast ; but on arriving at South-west Cape our longitude, compared with that deduced from Cook’s observations, was only 3min. in error. This error seemed to us so small that we changed nothing in the chart we had made. Adventure Bay is copied from the plan of Captain Cook (8th Edition, Dublin), Swilly Rock or Pedra Blanca is placed 59min. of longitude to the east of South-west Cape, according to the table in Cook’s voyage, which agreed with the observations we made. The east coast, where shown by a simple line without shading, is traced from Captain Furneaux, and copied from a chart of New South Wales, of which the scale was about an inch to the degree of longitude. The shaded part of the coast in the neighbourhood of Oyster Bay is copied from a plan of 7in. to the deg. made by J. H. Cox and published by Mr. Dalrymple in 1791. The details of the south-east part of Yan Diemen’s Land are taken from a manuscript plan made by Mr. J. Hayes, who visited that part in a ship called the Duke, sent out from Bengal. We cannot answer for their exactitude. Henshaw’s Bay and Cape Hanson of his chart are Frederic Henry Bay and Cape Pillar, of which we have restored the names in this : we have also made some slight changes in the names of points surveyed from the sloop : the ports and bays of his chart were called coves, and the rivers creeks. “ The coast of New South Wales from Port Jackson to Western Port was surveyed by Mr. Bass in a whaleboat. The shaded parts are copied from a sketch he made of it by sight. The cape called Ram’s Head having been placed in the position fixed by Cook and taken as a datum point, the long coast beyond it has been extended further than shown in the sketch, in order to place Cape Wilson in the position it ought to have relatively to Furneaux Islands. Little confidence can be placed in estimates of courses made in waters like these, where there are strong currents, and it is only by estimate that these points have been fixed. The islands were placed by Captain Furneaux eastward of their real position : they have been marked here after the observations made at Port Dalrymple and the estimated course from that Port to the Swan Islands. “ The beginning and end of an eclipse of the moon, observed at the east end of Preservation Island, gave 148deg. 37min. 30sec. of east longitude from Greenwich, 148deg. (146deg.) 17min. 30sec. east of Paris.” Then follow the symbols giving the various routes ; after 114 NOTES ON CHARTS OF THE COAST OF TASMANIA. which the “ Observations ” continue “ The double arrows show the direction of the tides. “ In the River Derwent, high water at 8 hours. Height above low water 4 or 5 feet. These tides are feeble, and do not appear to always coincide with full and new moon. Sometimes they have an opposite course. We have grounds for suspecting an under-current in a contrary direction.” What is the history of this chart P You will remember that when Flinders was kept prisoner in the Mauritius his books, charts and papers were taken from him. After many reclamations most of them were returned to him in the seventh or eighth month of his captivity. In recording this he says : — “ Word had been sent me privately that the trunk had been opened and copies taken of the charts — (the italics are Flinders’) but to judge from appearances this was not true ; and on putting the question to Colonel Monistrol, whether the trunk or papers had been disturbed, he answered by an unqualified negative.” No one who knows Colonel Monistrol from Flinders’ graphic narrative will doubt the Colonel for a moment. But no one who knows from the same source the Governor of the colony. General De Caen, will hesitate for a moment in thinking that he was capable of tampering with the charts, and that if he did so he would take good care that the honest Colonel should not know it. My own opinion is that the private letter was right — the trunk had been opened, and the charts copied — and the manuscript from which this photo-lithograph was taken is one of the copies. I think this is capable of as much demonstration as is possible in such a matter. Apart from the fact that other information was sent to Europe about Flinders’ voyages that could only have been obtained from Flinders’ papers — for instance, that which he refers to as having been given in the Moniteur of July 7th, 1804 — which shows that the papers had been read and a precis made or copies taken, there is a great deal of internal evidence that the copy of this chart was made during the time of Flinders’ detention in the Mauritius. In the first place this chart contains exactly all that Flinders knew of Yan Diemen’s Land at that time— no more and no less. It is true that some of Flinders’ charts had been published in England after the return of the Reliance in the end of 1800, but it is hardly likely that they were so published till after Flinders had left England in the Investigator in May, 1801. I have not seen one of these published charts, but think that they were not precisely similar to this, seeing that Flinders, in his published charts, puts in only his own course, whereas in this he marks Bass’ whaleboat track. Again, if this copy were not taken from Flinders’ papers, why was it taken at all? If the published BY A. MAULT. 115 chart was in French hands there was no need to copy it in manuscript. Then there is some internal evidence. In the “ Observations ” above given the French copyist begins in the third person, but at the end of the first sentence incontinently drops it, and evidently translates exactly what is before him. This greatly differs from Flinders’ style when relating any of his own proceedings only, for he always uses the first person singular. I think, therefore, that the “ we ” used here shows that these “ Observations” were written while Bass was still with him, and before Bass had made any separate report to the Port Jackson authorities. Again, when Flinders was surveying Frederic Henry Bay he had not seen any charts or details of D’Entrecasteaux’s expedition, and consequently it is quite natural for him then to copy from Hayes’ chart and make the observation above quoted. But when in England in 1800 he could have obtained details of the French discoveries, and would hardly have published the less accurate work. In his great atlas he unhesitatingly prefers D’Entrecasteaux, and dismisses Hayes with rather scant courtesy. As for the object for which the chart was copied it was probably in connection with some designs of the French colonial authorities in regard to the occupation of Yan Diemen’s Land. General De Caen no doubt fully shared in the desire to extend French territory in this direction, and thought that all information regarding the island, and especially the south-east part of it, would be useful. If he knew of the beginning made of English occupation, he was not the sort of man to be turned from bis purpose by such an act. It may hereafter be found that the real explanation of Flinders’ unjustifiable and otherwise inexplicable deten¬ tion at the Mauritius was connected with De Caen’s suggestions to the French Government of an occupation of Yan Diemen’s Land. No doubt it was thought that the changing of English into French longitudes would facilitate the comprehension of the chart in Paris. It would be easily done by ruling the parallels 2deg. 20min. east of those given on the original. It is pleasant to note that the copy contains no trace of a desire to rob Flinders of the credit of his discoveries. But the chart taken by itself is very interesting as showing what was known of our island at the moment of its first occupation by our countrymen, and as such I have great pleasure in presenting it to you. The concluding paragraph of the “ Observations ” shows how careful an observer Flinders was, and contains a suggestion in regard to the anomalous character of the tides in the Derwent that may be of great use, and which I will not forget. 116 NOTES ON CHARTS OF THE COAST OF TASMANIA. Discussion. Mr. J. R. McClymont complimented Mr. Mault on the careful study he had made of these charts. Their friends in Canada had set them an example in this department of work. The Royal Society there published from time to time historical researches, largely regarding the early exploration of their noble Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Canadians had to go back 350 years ; as we stood much nearer the origins of our history than they did, it would be a crying disgrace to us if we allowed them to out-distance us, and if we sluggishly left to our descendants historical work that could better and more easily be undertaken to-day. He referred especially to the discovery and exploration of the Derwent and its approaches, and hoped that Mr. Mault, or some other equally competent person would take the matter up thoroughly, and he, for one, would be most happy to render all the assistance in his power. They had a glorious heritage in this river, with its maze of bay and island, strait and peninsula, wrought out of the blue incandescence of a summer sea. This intricate net had involved one navigator after another ; to bring order out of the confusion by tracing the develop¬ ment of our completed knowledge of it would be an admirable intellectual exercise. The voyages of Kerguelen and Marion du Fresne, were historically connected with those of Bouvet de Lozier and Bougainville, and Marion’s later discoveries were the con¬ firmation of those of Tasman. The voyage of Bouvet, in turn, was undertaken for the French East India Company for the purpose of discovering in the Southern Ocean a port for their outward-bound vessels — an idea that was suggested to the minds of these merchants by an imperfect record of the voyage of Gonneville in 1503-1505. The tradition in France was, that this merchant of Honfleur had been cast upon a fertile continent and amongst a race of genial pagans when, after rounding the Cape of Good Hope, he had encountered a violent tempest which drove him out of his course to India. The tradition has been traced as far back as the year 1658, when the Abbe Binot-Paulmier de Gonneville — a descendant from the union of a native of the land on which Gonneville was cast with a relation of the navigator — addressed a memoir to the Pope begging that a mission might be sent to the land of his origin. Whether the Abbe merely adopted a current tradition regarding the discovery of his ancestor, or himself misinterpreted the account of the voyage as given in a judicial declaration signed by Gonneville and his officers, we cannot tell. At all events he placed the discovery south of the Cape, and identified the land so fortuitously found with the legendary Terra Australis. Bouvet’s attempt to follow the course taken by Gonneville led to his discovery, on the 1st DISCUSSION ON NOTES ON CHARTS OF THE COAST OF TASMANIA. 117 January, 1739, of the Cap de la Circoncision, in 55 deg. S., 5 deg. E. The extreme rigour of its climate was incom¬ patible with G-onneville’s account of the country visited by him. Despite much difference of opinion as to Gfonneville’s actual landfall, some placing it in Virginia, others in South America, and others in the lately coasted New Holland, two fresh attempts were made with the object, not only of finding some compensation for the loss to France of its American territory, but also to discover the southern land supposed to lie near the route to India. These voyages were undertaken by the captain Kerguelen de Tremarec, and were as fruitless as that of Bouvet, for they only resulted in the discovery of the barren Kerguelen Land, in 49 deg. 3 min. S., 68 deg. 18 min. E. Kerguelen returned full of the persuasion that Madagascar was the Southern Indies of Gonneville. When Kerguelen’s crews were freezing on the shores of his new antarctic island, Marion was altering his course from an easterly one between the parallels of 46 deg. and 47 deg. S., to one with sufficient southing in it to fetch his ships off the west coast of this island, some¬ where between Port Davey and Macquarie Harbour. He too had been disappointed in the weary search for a southern continent, and had only added the Prince Edward and Crozet groups to our cognizance of the Southern Ocean. The interest of Marion’s voyage lies in this — that it was the last French voyage ostensibly undertaken with the object of discovering the Terra Australis, and with it and the con¬ temporary voyages of Cook the belief in the existence of a continent reaching~as far north as 45 deg. or 50 deg. S , may be said to expire. But this was not Marion’s own opinion or the opinion of his officers. On the contrary, Crozet says expressly, “ At that point where we then were,” namely, Possession Island, “ everything promised the discovery of the southern continent could we only have continued to the S.E., but, unfortunately, the state of the Castries since she had lost her masts (through a collision), did not permit M. Marion to follow in its full extent the careful project he had formed for the discovery of these lands.” Nouveau voyage, p. 23. Rochon, editor of the journals of Crozet who was lieutenant on the Mascarin, does not agree with the opinion that the change of route was due to the accident to the Castries, for he says that its commander, M. Duclesmeur, “ assured M. Marion so often and so positively of his ability and willingness to follow his leader that M. Marion must have had some other reason for abandoning his original plan than that above assigned.” As for Marion’s place in relation to his successors, it is this. Our complete cognition of any portion of the earth’s surface is generally preceded by a careful hydrographical survey, and that again by a cursory 118 DISCUSSION ON NOTES ON CHARTS OF THE COAST OF TASMANIA one, which has confirmed the original discovery. Thus, in Tasmania, the labours of Hayes and Flinders, of Baudin and D’Entrecasteaux, had their raison d’etre for the English, in the flying visits of Furneaux and Cook, for the French, in that of Marion, whilst in turn Marion, Furneaux, and Cook, were the men who established the indications given by Tasman. Marion is in an intermediate position. He looks back 130 years and — his own plan of original discovery having failed because it was based on insufficiently digested data — he is obliged to be satisfied with the secondary but still honourable and necessary position of the man who confirms another's effort and renders it possible for that effort to flower into scientific achievement. The islets in the Southern Ocean discovered by Bouvet, Kerguelen, and Marion, may be regarded as so many step¬ ping stones to Australia. To Tasman, who held a more northerly course than the French captains did, the stepping stones were the islets of St. Paul and Amsterdam. To the French captains, they were the Gap de la Cir concision, Prince Edward and Crozet groups, and Kerguelen Land, the last three being discovered within a month of each other. Their dates are Prince Edward’s Island, January 13 ; Crozets, January 24; Kerguelen Land, February 13, 1772, Sixteen days out from the Cape the first land was sighted by Marion, and named Terre d’ Esperance, “ because its discovery flattered us with the hope of finding the southern continent which we sought.” Cook re-named it Prince Edward’s Island, after the Duke of Kent, the father of Her present Majesty. Its mountains were visible at a distance of twelve miles, and were covered with snow. Marion was unable to land and explore it because of the accident to the Castries, which happened when the ships were about to take soundings preparatory to casting anchor. A smaller island was seen to the N.E. of the larger one ; on its N.E. side, according to Crozet’s account, or on its east side, following Boss, is a bay with a large cave ; round the cave were a number of white flecks like a flock of sheep, perhaps patches of moss, which Moseley describes as forming principal features in the vegetation of Marion Island as seen from a distance. Had the weather permitted, they would have found an anchorage in this bay which was frequented by sealers at a later date. The island was seven or eight miles in circumference. Crozet places these islands in 46 deg. 45 min. S., and 34 deg. 31 min. E. of Paris ; Crozier, the companion of Ross, places the North Cape of Prince Edward’s Island in 46 deg. 53 min. S., and 37 deg. 33 min. E. of Greenwich, and Cave Bay in the lie de la Caverne of Marion, is reported by Ross to lie in 46 deg. 40 min. S. There is a discrepancy in the nomenclature of these islands : Ross calls the larger island, which it may be presumed is DISCUSSION ON NOTES ON CHARTS OF THE COAST OF TASMANIA. 119 Marion’s Terre cV Esperance, Prince Edward’s Island, and gives no name to the smaller island; his reference to the cave on it identifies it with Marion’s lie de la Caverne. Moseley of the Challenger, on the contrary, says that the Prince Edward group consists of Marion and Prince Edward Islands, of which Marion Island is the larger, and contains 80 square miles. Authorities on the Prince Edward and Crozet groups are C. M. Goodridge’s Narrative of a Voyage to the South Seas. Lond., 1883 ; Capt. Lindesay Brine’s Visit to the Crozets, in Geogr. Mag., Oct., 1877, and the accounts of the Challenger expedition. On the sixth day after leaving the Terre d’ Esperance Marion sighted two other islets in 46 deg. 5 min. S., and 42 deg. E. of Paris by dead reckoning, and named them Les lies Froides. They are the Penguin and Hog Islands of the Crozet group. On the morning of the following day (January 23), they were no longer visible; but Possession Island — lie de la prise de possession — was sighted from the Castries, and next day both Possession Island and East Island, the lie Aride of Marion, about ten miles apart, were in sight ; the former is placed in 46 deg. 80 min. S., and 43 deg. E. of Paris ; Boss places its southernmost point in 46 deg. 28 min. S-, its northernmost in 46 deg. 19 min. S., and gives the longitude of these points as 51 deg. 53 min. E., and 51 deg. 56 min. E. respectively. When the ships were lying off Possession Island, Crozet was sent ashore and annexed it in the name of the King of France, and deposited, according to custom, a bottle containing the declaration of annexation on the summit of a pyramid of rocks about 50 feet above sea level. Hot a tree or shrub was visible on the island. He mentions only a species of reed ( gone ) growing along the shores, a small delicate grass ( gramen ), and a plant he calls ficoides. Penguins, Cape pigeons, cormorants, and other marine birds were so tame as to allow themselves to be taken by hand, and continued to sit on their eggs without apprehension, whilst the seals gambolled undisturbed by the presence of man. Strangest of all, one white pigeon was seen, from which circumstance Crozet supposed that a land producing the food proper to that family could not be far distant. Nothing further of interest occurred till the arrival of the ships in Frederick Henry Bay, on the 5th March, 1772. Mr. J. B. Walker said that the Society was under great obligations to Mr. Mault for having obtained copies of the interesting maps which he had laid before them, and for his descriptive paper, and also to Mr. McClymont for his criticisms on the sketch charts relating to Marion’s expedition. The map of the Southern part of Van Diemen’s Land was evidently that of Lieutenant Hayes, though he thought not 120 DISCUSSION ON NOTES ON CHAETS OF THE COAST OF TASMANIA. absolutely identical with “ Captain Hayes’ sketch,” which Flinders mentions as having had with him on his visit to the Derwent, in the Norfolk, in 1798. The latter contained some names — such as Eisdon Cove, — which did not appear on the map they had now before them. Of the names on this map very few were now in use. Some of them were given in honour of the captain’s fellow-officers in the Bombay Marine. Following His Excellency’s suggestion at a former meeting, he had searched for further particulars respecting Captain (afterwards Sir John) Hayes, and his expedition in 1794. He had not succeeded, however, in finding more than was con¬ tained in Lieutenant Chas. E. Low’s “ History of the Indian Navy.” That work gave a short account of the discovery expedition, and of Hayes’ services in the Indian Seas, from which it appeared that he was a most distinguished naval officer. He was afterwards appointed Master Attendant at Calcutta, ranking next to the officer in Supreme Command of the Indian Navy. As they had in Hobart a descendant of Sir John (Colonel Cruickshank, of New Town), he hoped some clue might be found which would lead to the discovery of the lost journals of the expedition. The map of Yan Diemen’s Land, purporting to be from Flinders, was most probably copied from one of the manuscript charts which were seized in the Cumberland at Mauritius. In a tracing made by Mr. Bonwick from Flinders’ original chart, the precise phrases occurred which were here translated into French. With respect to Flinders’ detention by Governor De Caen, he had observed in a pamphlet containing a summary of the Brabourne Papers, a statement that amongst the despatches carried by the Cumberland was one from Governor King, suggesting the possibility of using Port Jackson as a centre from which to attack the French. The writer of the pamphlet suggested that this despatch might have afforded De Caen a pretext for detaining Flinders, as being a violation of the terms of his safe conduct. Me. Matjlt could not give credence to the latter statement, seeing that Captain Flinders had always been regarded by him in the light of a true man, in every sense in which that could be applied, and strictly honourable in every sense of the word, and he could not credit it that he would so ignore the terms upon which he held his passport from Bonaparte. If such papers were found on him he could not have been aware of their contents. Me. Walkee fully shared Mr. Mault’s admiration for Flinders, who was a man wholly incapable of doing a dis¬ honourable action. If he carried such a despatch, it was certain that he was unaware of its nature. It should also be. remembered that the Cumberland left Port Jackson during the peace of Amiens, and therefore there would have been no impropriety in Flinders carrying despatches. ao ca’any mmt- ? A i %LW? jia/cliit dz la nJ ym- 'mwoquii ot Ca\ 3»- 43 4*- A ^ TERR BE BE BIEMEN f^ru ^ *. t« «««*& wu, la jxluA 'jiajrubiy Jilt carvrait Imji du. ictO ca. );fl“ (t ^ OukuJ >rt /a/ja.n( ZO’A-tl It lon^ 2? la COLL- 7U HV' CiiimMUt' v *n? % X a* V 8 i f j } J } JO M L v' >> 4, .• At l* sr ■ »\ no uJAIpm cp a 8 A-eurci : EUt/aCian au.eU.siui ole ft basic nur.^. ou l> P'tcLi aratMtstu pdf ' ft up' our j coinctder aotc leJ plettuc et kou- t ton. tours )pp oj e,;mus stums diet ft Soupfon-ntr ten..' &S4 3o’ V.JSSSS.. i4a ft Lo>lfl|tfucU. "Eq, C.ZZ x i 121 THE DETENTION OE FLINDERS AT THE MAURITIUS. By Ay Matjlt. To the passport dated at Paris the 4 Prairial, An nenf de la Republique Frangaise, to the “ corvette Investigator, its officers, crew, and effects, during their voyage, to permit them to land at the different ports of the Republic, as well in Europe as in other parts of the world, whether they be forced by bad weather to there seek refuge, or that they come to ask for succour and the means of repairs necessary to continue their voyage,” there is added the proviso : — “It is well under¬ stood, nevertheless, that they shall not thus find protection and assistance, but in the case that they shall not have wil¬ lingly turned out of the course they should follow ; that they shall not have committed, nor announced their intention to commit, any hostility against the French Republic and its allies ; that they shall not have procured, nor sought to procure, any succours to its enemies ; and that they shall not have occupied themselves with any kind of commerce nor of contraband.” It should be also borne in mind that in the preamble to the passport, Captain Matthew Flinders is named as commanding the Investigator. Flinders himself records that the Lords of the Admiralty directed him “ to act in all respects towards French ships as if the two countries were not at war ; and with respect to the ships and vessels of other powers with which this country is at war, you are to avoid, if possible, having any communication with them ; and not to take letters or packets other than such as you may receive from this office, or the office of His Majesty’s Secretary of State.” We all know that, the passport notwithstanding, when Flinders and some of his crew — the Investigator having been condemned and the Porpoise lost — came in the little sloop Cumberland to Port Louis in December, 1803, “ to ask for succour and the means of repairs necessary to continue their voyage,” to use the words of the passport, General De Caen, Governor of the Mauritius, refused the request, and made the captain and crew prisoners of war. Till recently this action of De Caen’s has been as universally as righteously con¬ demned. But in 1886, in an official, or quasi-official docu¬ ment, published by the New South Wales Government (a summary of the contents of the Brabourne Papers), the following passages occur : — “ Much trouble had been taken to obtain this scientific passport for Flinders. Why, then, was it 122 THE DETENTION OF FLINDERS AT THE MAURITIUS. not respected ? We find a satisfactory answer here. . . » Captain Flinders was going home. Governor King took the opportunity of sending home some despatches, and these, despatches, there is little doubt, were the cause of all poor Flinders’ trouble. We have here (unfortunately, without a date) a memorandum from Captain Kent, of H.M.S. Buffalo , for Governor King, in which it is stated that the colony ‘ is admirably situated for sending forth a squadron against the Spaniards on the coast of Chili and Peru.’ Governor King makes this idea the subject of a despatch. He enlarges upon the opportunities this most excellent harbour offers for the concentration of troops, which might at any time be sent against Spanish America. This despatch he entrusts to Captain Flinders, and this Governor He Caen finds when, his suspicion aroused by the peculiar appearance of the little Cumberland, he seizes her and detains all her papers. Now Flinders’ passport was granted to an officer commanding a ship to be employed on scientific work only, and here Flinders was found conveying a despatch to England, England being at the time engaged in a life and death struggle with France, which, if delivered and acted on, would have the effect of placing points of vantage, and possibly valuable colonies, within easy striking distances. A despatch of this sort could hardly be considered as a document of purely international scientific interest. Governor De Caen did not so consider it, and having a natural animus against all Englishmen, con¬ sidered himself justified in using the excuse this paper gave him to justify a rigorous imprisonment.” And the writer goes on in a rather sneering style about “ poor Flinders.” I confess that I have “ a natural animus” against special pleading of this sort. If it had to be answered from infor¬ mation given by itself the task would be difficult, for the information given is so vague. The only one of the documents above referred to, which is specifically said to exist among the papers, is the memorandum “ unfortunately without a date ” from Captain Kent. But Governor King’s despatch founded thereupon ; is it among the papers ? If so, why is it not to be published as Captain Kent’s memorandum is ? Again, what is the proof that Flinders took this despatch, and that it fell into the hands of De Caen, and when did he use “ the excuse this paper gave him to justify a rigorous imprisonment?” On the contrary there is much to prove that no such despatch was carried by Flinders, and that consequently none such could have been taken from him by De Caen. Flinders did take despatches from King to the Secretary of State in England, and those despatches were taken from him and never returned ; but they could not have been of this contraband character, for in almost all certainty they were papers relative to Flinders’ expedition, detailing the arrange- BY A. MAULT. 123 ments tlie Governor had made, and the orders he had given in consequence of the abandonment of the Investigator. This is proved as clearly as such a fact can be by the conduct of both Flinders and De Caen. • Flinders would not willingly have taken general despatches, much less such an one as this particular one ofGovernor King’s isdescribed to be, for liewould not carry any from the ships at Madeira and the Cape. And he blames the captain of Le Geographe for taking some from Mauritius, which, had he been guilty of the same offence, he could hardly have done at the time he was claiming the benefit of his passport on the ground of not having broken its conditions. While the despatches were in De Caen’s hands, Flinders writes to Admiral Linois, asking for his intervention, and says : — “I should willingly undergo an examination by the captains of your squadron, and my papers would either prove or disprove my assertions. If it be found that I have committed any act of hostility against the French nation or its allies, my passport will become forfeited, and I expect no favour , but if my conduct hath been altogether consistent with the passport, I hope to be set at liberty, or at least to be sent to France for the decision of the Government.” Is it likely Flinders would have challenged this enquiry if he knew that De Caen had written proof that his conduct had not been “ consistent with the passport F ” But it may be said that Governor King may have sent the despatch without letting Flinders know its contents. That is true. But if it had been among Flinders’ papers De Caen would have found it, and it is certain, notwithstanding all that the author of the summary of the Brabourne Papers says about De Caen’s finding it and acting upon it, he never did find anything of the sort. It was exactly the kind of thing he wanted to find, and had he found it, it would have afforded the only possible justification of De Caen’s after conduct, and he would not have been driven to make the paltry excuses he was reduced to. But not fiuding any such thing he had to fall back on a passage in Flinders’ journal, in which, after giving his main reasons for running into Port Louis rather than to the Cape, he adds, as a subordinate one, that it will give him an opportunity of making meteorological and other observations on the Mauritius. If De Caen had the despatch which would have constituted a real proof that the passport had been forfeited, would he have withheld it and put forward the fictitiously hollow reason that by the passport Flinders “ was certainly not authorised to put in at the Isle of France to be able to observe the periodic winds, the port, the actual state of the colony, etc., that thus by this conduct he had violated the neutrality under which he had been indirectly permitted to land in this island.” Such is the only excuse De Caen offers, not only to Flinders in his H 124 THE DETENTION OF FLINDERS AT THE MAURITIUS. captivity, but to the French Government at Paris. For in the communique of the Government in the Moniteur of the 22 Messidor, An. XII. (11th July, 1804) on the subject of the arrest, detention and falsely reported release of Fliuders, it is said: — “In fine, the passport granted to M. Flinders did not admit of any equivocation upon the objects of the expedition for which it was given ; but we read in one part of his journal that he suspected the war; and in another, that he had resolved to touch at the Isle of France as well in the hope of selling his vessel advantageously, as from the desire of knowing the present state of that colony, and the utility of which it and its dependencies in Madagascar could be to Port Jackson.” Now is this language compatible with the existence of King’s despatch among Flinders’ papers? If Flinders had carried what was clearly contraband of war, would the French Government have been content with the above lame apology for his arrest ? There can be but one answer. No ! De Caen’s conduct admits of no palliation. It brands him with everlasting infamy. The finding of King’s despatch after he had arrested Flinders, would not much exonerate him. When Baudin came to Sydney was he arrested, and his ship searched for compromising documents to justify the arrest ? I am only sorry an Australian should attempt to whitewash De Caen by a method which, if successful, would tarnish the memory of Flinders. Discussion. Mr. J. B. Walker said that Mr. Mault had undoubtedly made out a good case, but there was independent evidence to show that Flinders did carry despatches to the Secretary of State. Amongst the State papers in the Record Office, lately -copied by Mr. Bonwick for the Tasmanian Government, was a despatch from Governor King to Lord Hobart, dated 8th October, 1803, in which the Governor refers to previous despatches sent by the Cumberland. What was the nature of these despatches did not appear, but they probably related to Flinders’ explorations, and were not in any way a violation of the conditions of his safe conduct from the French Govern¬ ment. Mr. Mault’s strongest argument— indeed, an un¬ answerable argument — was, that if these despatches had been of the compromising character suggested by the writer of the pamphlet on the Brabourne Papers, Governor De Caen would have produced them in evidence against Flinders as a complete justification of the detention, and would not have been driven to find a paltry excuse in an entry in Flinders’ journal. In any case Flinders’ himself was without blame in the matter. 125 OBSERVATIONS REGARDING PYRAMID NUMBERS. By R. M. Johnston, F.L.S. (Diagrams.) The ancient structures of Egypt, especially the pyramids, have ever been regarded with the most profound interest. Travellers and historians find in them an everlasting theme for description. Geometricians also find in their designs, magnitude and dimensions, much matter for scientific speculations ; and the mystic inspired by their age, grandeur, and mystery, is disposed to gather from their every feature some more or less fancifully conceived revelation or miracle. Nor can we wonder at this. Egypt is the land of wonders. Great pyramids covering acres of land ; colossi sitting silent in granite thrones ; obelisks of prodigious height wonderfully carved from a single stone ; and temples, sphinxes, and canals, of stupendous proportions. When we consider that all these monuments were hoary with age at the time of Herodotus, and that a close study of their works and hieroglyphics reveals that their builders had attained great knowledge in astronomy, geometry, architecture, engineering, and various arts, we may readily admit that our highest modern civilisation was cradled in the land of the Pharaoh’s. It is not my intention, however, to enter into the enquiry of Egyptian civilisation at present. The observations which I have to make are confined to the pyramid structures them¬ selves. It is now well established that pyramidal structures were peculiarly characteristic of the most ancient civilisations of India, Babylon, Nineveh, Egypt, China, North America, Mexico, and even in islands of the Pacific ; and that the whole or greater part of them are associated with sepul¬ tures for the dead. But while it is most probable that originally such monuments were built solely for com¬ memoration and for the preservation of the remains of noble persons, there are also good reasons for supposing that some of them — such as the Great Pyramid of Gizeh or Cheops — fulfilled a double purpose. The Great Pyramid of Cheops covers a space of about 13’05 acres. If we make allowance for slight disturbance, due to pressure of the enormous superincumbent weight, we must assume that its designer intended its base to form a perfect square, and its shape a true pyramid. The various measurements of the most competent engineers only show a variation of 11, 13, and 19 inches in the length of each side, and with such cloubtful data the side has been variously estimated at between 9,129 and 9,164 inches, and the mean of the five most careful 126 OBSERVATIONS REGARDING PYRAMID NUMBERS. measurements give a length of 9,137 inches, or 36,548 inchesfor the circuit of the four sides. Ferguson’s, Dufell’s, and Colonel Howard Vyse’s measurements of height are the most reliable, and they only vary between 450f feet and 456 feet, or 5,472 English inches. Broadly speaking therefore its circuit re¬ presents about 100 inches for each day in the year, and its height almost exactly fibs, of its side base. The orientation or eastward aspect is almost true, being 0 for South-East, + T for North-East, + T for South-West, and + ‘0'636 for North-West. Subsequent settlement or earth tremors might easily account for these minute divergences from absolutely true orientation. While rejecting the many fanciful interpretations of mystical writers drawn from known facts with respect to shape, dimensions, measurements, and orientation, I have long been convinced by the reasoning of sober minded investi¬ gators that the principal characteristics were probably determined as a base or fixed standard for measures, of space and capacity ; and if so, the shape and dimensions themselves might have been suggested to the skilled geometricians of the time by reference to some astronomical fact of importance known to them, in conjunction with significant properties of number and proportion dis¬ covered by them to belong to the structure of cubes in pyramidal form. That men who taught the modern world mensuration and astronomy, should strive to attain a sure method for securing uniformity in standards as applied to weights and measurements, is a most reasonable supposition. That these standards should be symbolised by some striking or well-known astronomical fact, is in the highest degree probable, and corresponds exactly with the idea of the French astronomers, who determined the length of their metre in relation to the ascertained length of a. meridian line drawn from the Pole to the Equator. (The metre representing the tenth millionth, or 39‘37079 English inches ; the centimetre being one hundredth of a metre. The gramme or standard of weight is derived from the centimetre, i.e., a cubic centimetre of distilled water at the temperature of maximum density, nearly equal to ‘0022054 of an English avoirdupois pound, or 15,438 English grains.) Impressed with this idea, and with the conviction that the Egyptian builders were adepts in the construction of models, I sought to obtain some light upon these matters by studying the numerical combinations of simple cubes built upon the pyramid type. I was guided to a considerable extent in these investigations by the wide prevalence of multiples of 7, 12, and 10, in the existing subdivisions of time, space, weight and value. How has it come about, for example, that a certain sacredness attaches to the number 7 ? Why was the important division BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 127 of tlie year (a week) determined to be seven days, for it was in common use long before tbe birth of Moses ? Why was the seventh day originally set apart as the Sabbath ? Why have we the day divided into two parts of 12 hours each, and why do multiples of 12 so commonly appear in weights and measures, especially in astronomical divisions ? In many combinations conducted with the hope of throwing light on such matters, I failed to get any remarkable indica¬ tions, with three important exceptions. These three exceptions possess so many remarkable proportions and numbers relating to existing sub-divisions of weights, measures, and values, and especially with the proportions and dimensions of the Great Pyramid, that I have been induced to risk the appellation of “pyramid mystic,” and to lay the remarkable results before the members of this Society. The models which appear before you have each some particular claim to notice, and whether any of them may offer sufficiently remarkable characteristics or not as bearing upon the Great Pyramid, they are all well worthy of close attention as offering a natural solution to the genesis of particular numbers as used in sub-divisions or measures of time, space, weight, or value. Pyramid of Odd Numbers, Having 7 as a Base. As shown in diagram, the most remarkable characteristic is the fact that the cube root of its basal layer, 49 or 72, enters into and agrees with all the important dimensions of the Great Pyramid, including length of complete circuit ; length of side ; height ; length of Egytian cubit ; English inch ; and through the latter it harmonises in the most obvious and simple multiples with these dimensions and the days in the year, days in the lunar month. Other natural proportions of the three angled sides of pyramid connote the months in the quarter and year ; while its aggregate number of cubes, 84 or 7 times 12, suggest the alliance of 7 and 12 in measurement of time. Demonstration indicating that the Great Pyramid dimen¬ sions were probably determined by the radix of sacred num¬ ber (7), which in itself has probably been selected because the cube root of its square contains nearly the exact figures representing the known days in the year : — 3 Radix (V7-2) - R = 3-6593. 1. Circuit of pyramid in inches 36598 2. Length of each side (4) „ „ 9148 8. Height of pyramid „ „ 5488>9 = 457 ,9 feet = I0000R = 10000R = 3(10000R) 2 128 OBSERVATIONS REGARDING PYRAMID NUMBERS. Note.' 4. Note- 5. 6. 7. 8. 3 Height proportion may have been 2 selected because 3 expresses the number of dimensions in a cube : and 1 2 exactly expresses the relative elevation surface of a triangle and square resting upon a common base and of equal ver¬ tical height at its maximum, in a vertical line drawn at right angles to base line. Principal unit of measurement in inches 25-41 = Nearly equal to existing cubit in Egypt. — 12,z most probably was adopted as a divisor, because curiously enough the actual number of square cubes contained in a pyramid of even numbers, which most nearly approaches the number of days in a year, is 364, and the base of such pyramid or 1st layer contains 12 X 12 cubes or 144 : the second layer in importance succeeds it with 10 X 10 cubes or 100 (see plan). 1000E 12-2 or 144 Cubits in circuit of pyramid, No. 1440 1000B 122 10000E 10000E - Toi or - 10000E— 25-41 Ditto in each side (mean) 360. , 10000B \ 10000E~12-2/ * TT . , 10000E Unit or year or 1 = -^3553 or V?'2 3 V?-2 Days in Week or 7 7-2 49 7 or 7 BY E. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 129 9. Months in Year or 12 — Angles on 4 faces 4X3: also equal to base of a- simple pyramid of even numbers whose aggre¬ gate represents 364: also? the seventh of the aggre¬ gate of a simple pyramid of odd having 7 for its base. 10. Lunar Months in year orl3,s nearly (13,<>7) = ^7^x4^ Sqttaee Pykamid of Mixed Odd and Even Numbees, Having foe a Base (7 x 2 )2 oe 142 = 196. Perhaps this forms the most interesting of all the com¬ binations. Its natural proportions and naturally related numbers are most suggestive. The following combinations are most striking : — 1. If we take either the exposed cubes on the margin of each layer, or the total faces of distinct cubes in the four sides, the aggregate comes exactly to 365, or the exact number of days in the year ; and therefore the propor¬ tional number of cubes on each triangular face is 91 corresponding to days in the quarter of a year. 2. If we now take the basal layer alone, we find the exposed number of cubes in the square to be 52, corresponding to weeks in the year. 3. If again we take the aggregate of all cubes in the pyramid, we find they amount to 1,015, and if this number be multiplied by 36, or 4 times 9 (the latter number repre¬ senting the number of verticle angles on faces of the four wedges or prisms of which the pyramid is built, as indicated by its diagonals), we obtain 36,540, or within 8 inches of the best actual measurements of its present state, which has no doubt undergone some slight settle¬ ment due to superincumbent pressure. 4. A quarter of this gives 9,135 inches, or within 2 inches of the mean of the best actual measurements obtained by competent investigators. 5. If we now take the square of its basal layer, 14 x 14, we get 196, and it is remarkable that if this number be multiplied successively by half the side, and by the number of sides, i.e., 196 x 7 x 4, we get 5,488, or within 16 inches of the best estimates of the present height of the Great Pyramid, any two of which differ far more seriously with each other than this curious combination. 130 OBSERVATIONS REGARDING PYRAMID NUMBERS. 6. The basal layer has 13 distinct cubes in each side, corres¬ ponding to number of weeks in each quarter, which the side typifies naturally; while the three angles of each triangular face makes 12, corresponding with the months in the year or hours in the day. These combinations are all natural to the particular structure, and are not selected in arbitrary or forced way as in many suggestions found in works referring to the pyramids. Square Pyramid of Even Numbers Having 12 for its Base. The remarkable characteristic of this pyramid is that — 1. The aggregate of all the cubes, if capped with an odd one as a finishing point, numbers 865, corresponding to the number of days in the year. It has 12 cubes along the basal layer of each side, corresponding to months. There are exactly 36 cubes in each triangular face, and 144 in basal layer. If each of these be multiplied by the number of cubes in side of 2nd layer, and taken as divisor of the circuit and side of pyramid they give results which almost exactly correspond with the existing cubit of Egypt. The same result is very closely attained bp multiplying the aggregate number of cubes (365) by 7, and dividing the result by the square of the second layer (100). 2. But perhaps the more interesting numbers in this pyramid of even numbers are those of the cubes of the exposed sides of squares, and the aggregates of the cubes in each layer. It is singular that in the first series the sequence 1, 4, 12, 20, should exactly correspond with the sequence of English standards of money value, viz.: Earthing, farthings in penny, pennies in a shilling, and shillings in a pound. The figures of the base, 12 and 144, are associated with sub-divisions of square measured multiples or sub¬ divisions of 28, as 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 2,240 as in sub-divisions of weight ; and in the second series of aggregates we have in the second layer the numbers 10, 220, and in the basal exposed margin of circuit 44, all suggestive of some connection with reasons which originally entered into the determination of subdivision of 44, 220, 440, 1,760, in the English mile. Conclusion. Taken by themselves the remarkable coincidences with known facts relating to measurement of time and space might only be construed as simple examples of the facility with which many numbers may be made to coincide with known Pyramid of ever numbers HA VINO t'l AS A BASE EXPLA NA TIP N OF INDICES B CoSes un rw: C CuSes un-cond coboye 7U : A oLtAuii Cube-S (rn outer r/icunroruxl layer visible Cram, above- E Codes visible iuuelervcctto-n oFejuJi Cato D Actual -pivpcrrtuui OfdxStirust cubes Cormznq each -Fact' Ditto Cor four faces /H 1 too 6b 36 /G b = 3: 7 3Gb iw no S6 io b - 36k UN 36 28 70 D b = tub 12. /O 6 G b 2 = k-2 // 0 7 J. 3 V = 36 kb 36 '18 10 ll b*. N/b pt'CLa-yer I'l* .. 3rB- .. 4tP .. no Pyramid of odd numbers HAVING 7 AS ABASE A ==^= B •e - - - - - - — 7 \ / yv 1 As \ J £ / A \ D V'Y 1 F / j i ¥ / /, io \ | Wk ¥ 3S | ggf p m i § m m fA m Expla NA T/QNOFINDICES A .Actual Cubes (HiOuterraaruurubl tccyerr visible from aouve B Cubes -bn C Cubes z tl a.7 ub above- D DnroOi'tion. oEdzstiTut cubes CbrrrsurUJ eacYuface . 7 E Cubes -visible- zfi etic/z Fate LAYERS OF CUBES 2^3^0^421 lb /6 8 / - bS artl* V 40 IS D t - 8U orlyx/U 8b 3S /O I - 8bort-i*.nJ 7 S 3 I = 16 G b 2 b- ni- " * 42. ofccCCUworS : 3CS bzs se.eroon msAof'tbi^fbanfaxaZ of each Layer : - -: /3 „ „ „ ., „ „ - alSLocycrS 'A yyTeycux, = 3/ 4- . „ „ „ ..eac/olcvycr ; BccsaC - fU- ir/Les on < -facer faces 4- X 3 =■ fL ftccaZ banjos of f us {par trucryjaUxr boa eel a ns bisected InrtJi&choocrLals Orsocuxre . 4 x o_ 3G cruy base; ofcaxhofifnv four wedyes orynsnzs 7 / / - cubes oro couch * * » " '■ " - '< yrarrcLcL r Square Pyramid of odd and ever numbers of cubes HA VIUO FOR ITS base(t a Z)Z A H^/O/S X 3C'3Gs5//.o. orciraanfarencb o,cMyra7>cut crc inches AM - 9!3S t’TUng&vofcrnc side ditto -A%X fx O S//&S irr height of Myrarmd ditto AH~ 3GS lf-t ( fo veiir A Rof/reserM the aggregate nuoden of cates on andabave eaihlayer B - . .arc each layer C - - « exposed /£ laanter of sides of/yrmnid BY E. M. JOHNSTON, ■ F.L.S. 131 measurements or proportionals relatingto the earth’s diameter, circumference, distance from the sun, annual period of revolution, etc.; for it is easy "by slight variations of any root, arbitrarily made, and arbitrarily selected multiples, to make any number approximate to some important terrestrial measurement, provided that the computer is himself pre¬ viously aware of the proportional, size, or measurement, with which a show of correspondence is desfired. Much of the so- called remarkable coincidences of mystical writers are of this class ; for it not unfrequently happens that the same root measurement, by slight alteration, is worked up to bring about coincidences with very different things. Thus Mr. Piazzi Smith, by taking the height of the niche of the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid as 182'62, and multiplying it by 2, he obtains 365 242, equivalent to the days in the year; and again by arbitrarily taking the same dimensions as 185, and multiplying it successively by 8T416 and 10, he obtains 5,812, which he arbitrarily concluded to be the height of the Great Pyramid in inches. But curiously enough the same dimensions, 182'62, multiplied by 10 and divided by 2 (why not at once multiply by 5-2) is made to show an approximate to length of one of the sides in inches. These are common examples of the facility with which many fancy the discovery of purposeful design in numbers or dimensions, when dealt with in a fanciful and arbitrary way. It seems to have been forgotten by such persons that any root figure, by the arbitrary selection of a multiplier or divisor, may be made to coincide exactly with any other number provided the manipulator knows beforehand the number or proportional with which correspondence is sought to be established. But making all allowance for the vagaries of the mystics, there are many legitimate subjects of enquiry, upon which some light might be thrown by the careful investigation of ancient structures At the present day it is remarkable how largely the numbers 7, 12, and 10, or simple multiples of these enter into standards of space, time, weight, and value. It is easy to imagine how 10 was seized upon so frequently as a standard of measurement; for counting by means of the digits of the two hands so universal and so natural at once suggests a probable reason ; but the reasons for the original selection of 7 and 12 for a similar purpose are not so easily conceived. What, for example, were the determining causes for the selection of the many sub-divisions of weights, values, time, lineal and square measure ? Why have we a sequence of 4, 12, 20, in English money in sub-divisions of the penny, shilling and pound ; of 14, 28, 56, 112, 2,240, in sub-divisions of a ton weight ; of 44, 440, 132 OBSERVATIONS REGARDING PYRAMID NUMBERS. 1,760, in sub-diviskms of the English mile ; of multiples of 12 in square measure ; of either 8 or 7 as a root of wine measure ? 8x1 gall.: 8x42 7x48 tierce : 8x62 7x72 hogshead 8x84 7x96 1 OX O puncheon: ? x u4 pipe : 8 x 252 7x 288 tun Then going to the survivals of ancient systems of linear measurement, how can we account for the origin of lineal measures, such as — The English foot ... Equivalent to 12 English inches The ancient “ Pied de Roi” of Prance ... „ 12- 79 „ The German elle !■ „ j „ 22-428 5 y 25 ,, „ 268 „ „ 25-33 „ 25 27 The Italian pic The common guerze of Persia The pic of Turkey The braccio of Ancona The shortpichaof Greece The long _ „ The existing derah or cubit of Egypt Jewish cubits ... j> 25-488 61 74 / 25- \ 24- May it not be possible therefore that the ancient draftsmen or modellers of pyramids had seized upon many of these characteristics shown in the forms and figures referred to, both for sub-divisions of measures and weights, and also to typify in their important fixed standards some of the more remarkable facts of astronomy then known to them ? 123 NOTE ON THE AUSTRALIAN CURLEW AND ITS CLOSELY ALLIED CONGENERS. By Colonel W. V. Legge, R.xA, F.Z.S. A comparison of the Australian Curlew with its near Asiatic ally, and its more distantly related representative in Europe and Western Asia, may not be uninteresting to Members of this Society who study ornithology. The Curlews of the old world, like other members of the Wader family ( Gliaradriide ), resemble one another in plumage, and hence we find that a few years ago Naturalists con¬ fused them not a little ; we have the Indian and the Chinese Curlew spoken of as the European bird, and there seems to be some confusion about the European and South African species. Unlike the American Curlews, which have a distinguishing characteristic on the buff tinting of the under wing and axiliaries, the old world species differ chiefly in character of the markings of the breast and axiliaries and in the ground colour of the rump, and it is by referring to these parts that a correct diagnosis of the above species, on which I make this note, can be founded. A marked charac¬ teristic, however, of the Australian bird is its length of bill. The European or common Curlew is : — Numenius Arquata (Liun), described as Scolojpax Arquata, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. Ed., 12, 1. p. 242 (1766). The Eastern, or Asiatic Curlew is : — Numenius Lineatus (Cuvier), Reg. An., 2nd Ed., 1. p. 52 (1S29). The Australian Curlew is : — Numenius Cyanopus (Vieillot), 2nd Ed., du Nouv. Diet. d’Hist. Nat. Yol. viii., p. 306 (1817). The latter is the Numenius Major of Schelgel from Japan, and the Numenius Australis of Gould from Australia, and like¬ wise the Numenius Rufescens of Gould, in the proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1832, p. 286 — which name appears to have been founded on a specimen in breeding plumage. The following diagnostic table will tend to illustrate the characteristics above alluded to : — 134 NOTE ON THE AUSTRALIAN CURLEW. P P M PQ © XO © iO © o a<° 2 JN. Co to oo a P2 ^ o 42 O - O ~ 4-> ~ -A P ■« d P P o r-P XO a © o to P P-i w 3'42 ^ «ri © . o a © o &u p oo P CD P £p to 3 '-2 rP <11 © o a P P3 to fn P 2 £ £ 2 =3 P © =H A=i © a £3 > rQ 2 © a > r P Ad' 2 ^ rP rP © a ^ -P 3= P* ?h -. 7 - is 4-> fl~> . - i* . r—i 2 ^ P c3 ‘a 2 2 to- ■5rP’S -*■= A= rd 3 2 SD'- 45 £.2 £> •c* Ho T3 d © d o White, with dark ^ip , | a 1 a ^ Pcd" 4- -jh CL/ © -A> M rS to © -»J lines ej- tbe P © ° <& rP P S* -1-3 S'* A3 ^ &Pc C -H> ~ > a o o -d 5 j© rH P g-|J ^ c3 g „ , U £ i© a rP rP +3 Ifl c3 0) Fp £ o d rj 2 ” 2£ pd n 2^ ^ 4J r- < Q ^ ri ond 9 «J Eh dq p <5 EH © p p 2 & a w 2 % 5 ^ S2! P & !* p <1 p P o a S s p p p Sz5 £ N.B.— There is another Curlew that has the rump coloured like the back, instead of being white ; I refer to the large American species, N. longirostus. BY COLONEL W. V. LEGGE, E.A., F.Z.S. 135 As regards our Curlew, 1ST. Cyanopus, on arriving in Tas¬ mania in September some specimens have the buff tinge of the breeding season still remaining on the breast and flanks, and accompanying this is a rufescent hue on the longer upper tail coverts and central tail feathers. This species no doubt varies in size, length of wing and length of bill, as much as its congeners. But, unfortunately, I have not yet got together a series of specimens, and cannot give much information on the subject. A pair shot in Ralph’s Bay, by my son, on the 14th September, measured as follows : — ■ 0 Length, 24'75 in.; wing, 12-25; expanse, 42*0 ; tarsus, 3‘5 ; bill along culmen, 6.9. 0 Length, 22-0 in.; wing, 11-1; tarsus, 3-4; bill along culmen 5 5. In both, the legs were bluish grey, with the toes darkish ; iris, very deep brown ; bill, dark brown ; tip, blackish ; base beneath, fleshy reddish. Geographical Distribution. — Although the Australian Curlew is a migratory species, breeding in northern climates in summer and “ wintering here in our summer, many seem to remain throughout the year with us. This is a common feature in the economy of the Waders. I have found several species of well-known “northern breeders” remaining in Ceylon in considerable numbers in the cool season, but not to breed ; and though our Curlew remains with us in the winter it is impropable that it breeds here. It migrates north through the Malay Archipelago, being there met with on passage in Borneo, Hew Guinea, the Philippines and other islands ; thence northward along the coast of China to Amoor Land, and up to Lake Baikal, in which region it is supposed to breed. In Japan, it has been met with as far north as Hakodadi. According to Buffer it only occurs sparingly in Hew Zealand ; but nevertheless seems to remain there in winter. Hew Zealand is probably its eastern limit ; for farther east it is replaced by the oceanic species, N. femoralis, with curiously formed tibial feathers, and which occurs in the Marquesas Islands. Ramsay records our bird from all the Australian Colonies. Hollowing the principle advocated here, that the Asiatic Curlew, N. Lineata , is distinct from the European bird, we have the range of the former across the continent to China, down the peninsula of India to Ceylon, and likewise southwards from China to the Malay islands, where it has been procured in Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. The same form of bird is known to migrate down the east coast of Africa, and Layard records it as a resident in South Africa. Its range would appear to be over-lapped, so to speak, by that of the Australian Curlew in Amoor Land and JaDan, the present bird not being found north of the south-eastern part of 130 NOTE ON THE AUSTRALIAN CURLEW. Mongolia where it breeds, quitting the southern portions of the continent in April for that purpose. Lastly, the range of the European Curlew may be defined to extend throughout Europe, taking in the Orkney, Faroe, and Shetland Islands. It likewise occurs in Western Asia. It is found in the Azores and in North Africa, extending down the coast ot that continent to Damara Land. It appears not to wander to the extreme south, for all the South African Curlews I examined in the British Museum when compiling my work were inseparable from the foregoing species as found in India, China, and Ceylon. It would therefore appear to take in the west coast, while the Asiatic or “Eastern ” Curlew monopolises the east coast and the extreme south in its wanderings. ADDITIONS TO THE LIST OF TASMANIAN FOSSILS OF UPPER PALAEOZOIC AGE. By Eobebt M. Johnston, F.L.S. (Pbate.) The mudstone beds (Upper Palaeozoic) in the neighbourhood of Hobart are extraordinarily rich in spirifers. Fourteen species have already been noted in my recent work on the Geology of Tasmania. A number of other interesting forms have been collected by me during the last two or three years ; but hitherto 1 have not had time to study them with that care which is desirable ; for any one who has worked long in our rocks must be aware of the many difficulties which are presented when any attempt is made to determine the characters of the Protean-winged spirifers of Tasmania. In the mudstone rocks casts alone are generally found ; and although these are numerous and sharply marked, the casts present such a wonderful range of variation when large numbers of the same species are subjected to examination that the task of determining the central or most typical represen¬ tative of each species, is extremely puzzling. If attention were confined to a single specimen — as is often the case where odd specimens are despatched to palaeontologists at a distance — there would be less perplexity ; but it need hardly be stated determinations so made, without the knowledge of local vari¬ ability, must add greatly to the perplexities of the field worker who may have to determine whatever variety comes to his hand by the aid of descriptions based upon odd types. All the winged spirifers of Tasmania are extremely variable, and many species among these extreme forms are scarcely separable from similarly variable allied species. >S'. convoluta, S, lisculcata, H. vesper tilio, S. duodecimocosta, and S. avciula are remarkable for the extreme variability in form and sculpture. Added to the difficulties of the observant field worker are the variety of modes in which they are presented in casts; some showing sharp details of external surface of right valve; some of left ; some of more or less blurred surfaces of one or both sides of internal casts. The greater number, again, are curiously distorted. It is not surprising, therefore, that many able authorities have had frequently to revise the classifica¬ tion of many of these forms, when other examples of an abnormal form or type have been submitted to them. The following six species, as determined by me from a series of specimens of each kind, presented all the difficulties referred 138 ADDITIONS TO THE LIST OF TASMANIAN FOSSILS. to ; but after careful comparison I was enabled to account for young and adult forms, and to mark individual variation ; and finally I could, with some degree of confidence, select the most typical of each group. By this means I have reduced a large number of variable specimeos to six species, all of which I have been able, with some degree of confidence, to refer to types of well-known fossils occurring with many of their associates in rocks of the same age in Europe. Fairly good photographs have been taken of these, and the following are the determina¬ tions which I have been able to arrive at. Tasmanian Brachiopods. Figs. 1, 4. Spirifera striata 33 2, 7. - | - - laminosa 3, 8. - cristata var. octoplicata 3* 9, 10, 12 . - duplicostata 33 5, 6. - alata 35 11. - - triangularis 33 14, 15. - vespertilio 33 18. Leptsena sp. 33 16. Pachydomus sp. 33 17. Ditto 33 19. Stenopora ovata Martin Huon Eoad M'Goy I cle C. Sow. ,, 33 Schl. ,, Martin „ G. Sow. „ 33 33 33 Lons ,, As the descriptions of the same species taken from Davidson’s “ British Carbouiferous Brachiopoda ” answer closely to local forms, I have appended descriptive extracts from this eminent authority, for the convenience of local students. Figures of local forms are taken from select types by photo¬ graphy. I have also to announce the discovery of I op h ophyMum corniculum, de Konwick. Collected by Capt. Beddome in the mudstone beds near Fingal. Description of Species Occurring in European Rocks. According to T. Davidson, E.E.S. Spirifera striata, Martin. A very large and variably shaped shell, transversely semi¬ circular, or sub-rhomboidal ; valves almost equally convex. In the dorsal valve the mesial fold is of moderate elevation, while the sinus in the opposite one is both variable in its width and depth. The hinge-line is either a little shorter, or as long as the greatest width of the shell, the cardinal angles being more or less rounded in adult individuals. The area is of moderate width, with sub-parallel sides ; fissure triangular, and partially 13 k ■ ® 3 BY EOBEET M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 139 covered by a pseudo-deltidium. The external surface of the shell is ornamented by a variable number of radiating ribs, which augment in number to a greater or lesser extent, from intercalations at unequal distances from the beaks ; so that from 70 to 90 may be counted round the margin of each valve in adult individuals. The ribs on the fold and sinus are likewise more flattened than on the lateral portions of the shell. The surface is closely and finely reticulated. In the interior of the dorsal valve, under the extremity of the incurved umbonal beak there exists a small cardinal process or muscular fulcrum, and on either side are situated the dental sockets. The spiral cones which fill the larger portion of the shell are attached to the extremities of the inner socket-walls. The lamellae, after having converged and given birth to the crural processes, diverge, and form the first of the 20 or 22 convolutions of which each spiral is composed. Pour impressions left by the adductor muscle are visible in this valve. In the interior of the ventral valve a strong hinge-tooth is situated on either side at the base of the fissure, and is supported by a vertical shelly plate of much strength, but not advancing to any great length into the interior of the valve. Between these a large portion of the free space at the bottom of the shell is occupied by the adductor and cardinal muscular impressions, which are divided by a blunt, central, longitudinal ridge. The dimensions of one of the largest examples are : — Length, 41 in.; width, 6 in. 1 line ; depth, 3 in. 1 line. Spirifera laminosa, A [‘Coy. Transversely sub-rhomboi dal ; valves unequally convex, the ventral one by far the deepest. The lateral portions of the shell are regularly curved, forming with the extremities of the hinge-line, acute, but not prolonged cardinal extremities : area large, triangular, more or less elevated, and divided by a fissure of moderate width. Beak small, not much produced above or beyond the level of the area. The mesial fold in the dorsal valve is broad, and more or less elevated without ribs, and corresponding with a deep and rather wide longitudinal sinus in the ventral one. Each valve is ornamented by about 20 or 22 narrow radiating ribs, intersected by closely disposed, sharp, oncentrie, undulating laminae. The measurements from two examples have produced — Length, 12 ; width, 21 ; depth, 10 lines. » 8 „ 11 „ 61 „ Spiriferina cristata, var. octoplicata, J. De C. Sowerby. Transversely sub-rhomboidal, valves about equally convex, and at times rather gibbous ; hinge-line as long as the greatest width of the shell. Cardinal angles acute or slightly rounded ; area concave, triangular, and of variable width ; fissure partly covered by a pseudo-deltidium ; beak small and incurved. The I 140 ADDITIONS TO THE LIST OF TASMANIAN FOSSILS. mesial fold of the dorsal valve is more often composed of a single rib which is much larger than those situated on the lateral portions of the shell; its crest being in general rounded from the umbone to about half its length, when it gradually becomes more and more flattened as it approaches the frontal margin, but at times it remains angular during its entire length, with a tendency to the formation of a rudimentary plait on either of its slopes, so that in these rarer cases the fold assumes towards the front an obscurely triplicated appearance. The sinus in the ventral valve is deep, acute, and generally simple, but also more rarely interrupted by a rudimentary rib, which becomes visible in the proximity of the front. The valves are ornamented by from S to 12 angular ribs, which are, as well as the sinus and fold, inter¬ cepted by closely disposed, concentric, scale-like laminae. The surface of the shell is also closely beset by numerous small granular (spinose) asperities ; the shell-structure being likewise perforated by minute tubili or perforations. In the interior of the ventral valve there exists a sharp elevated mesial septum, which rises from the bottom of the valve, and partly divides the spiral cones. Dimensions very variable. Three examples, of which the first two are Sowerby’s original types, have afforded the following measurements : — Length, 9 ; width, 13 ; depth, 8 lines. » 6 „ 11 „ 6 „ 5J ,, S ,, o ,, Spirifera duplicicosta, Phillips. Transversely sub-rhomb oidal when adult, longer than wide, or almost circular when quite young ; valves moderately convex, with a more or less produced mesial fold in the dorsal, and a corresponding sinus in the ventral one. The hinge-line is shorter than the width of the shell, the area of moderate breadth, beak incurved. Valves ornamented by numerous radiating ribs, which rapidly augment at various distances from the beaks by intercalation as well as bifurcation. Two examples have afforded the following measurements : — Spirifera alata, Schlotheim. S. alata varies considerably in shape, according to age and individual. When adult or full grown it is transversely fusi¬ form, being twice and even three times as wide as long (PI. 1, figs. 23 and 27). Valves convex, deepest at a short distance from the umbone ; hinge-line as long as the greatest width of the shell, the cardinal extremities being more or less attenuated in •different individuals. The area is wide with sub-parallel sides ; fissure triangular, and in great measure covered by a convex pseudo-deltidium ; a narrow rudimentary area may be seen BY ROBERT M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 141 likewise in the smaller valve ; beak small and incurved. The mesial fold is simple, of variable width, and flattened along its upper surface ; while in the ventral valve there exists a shallow ; sinus, interrupted by the presence of a rounded slightly elevated mesial rib. The valves are likewise ornamented by a variable number of rounded, or but slightly angular, ribs ; these are simple, or here or there augmented by an occasional intercala¬ tion. In number they vary from about 8 to 30 on each valve, the larger number occurring on the most adult individuals. The ribs are also at times of unequal width, even on the same example ; and the entire surface of the shell is ornamened by close and regular scale-like, concentric, imbricated laminae. The interior of the ventral valve does not show a trace of that elevated mesial septum which is always present in Spiriferina cristata, Sp. octoplicata, Sp. Miinsteri, rostrata, Tessoni, and other forms composing that sub-genus. The dental or rostral plates in S. alata are also much smaller, and I might almost say rudimentary ; the muscular impressions are likewise exactly similar to those peculiar to the genus Spirifera. In the dorsal valve, under the extremity of the umbone, there exists a small striated cardinal process or boss, but no hinge-plate, and a little lower is seen the quadruple impression left by the adduc¬ tor (PI. I., figs. 31, 32, 33a). Spirifera triangularis, Martin. Triangular, twice as wide as long, with a straight elongated hinge-line, and slightly concave, nearly parallel-sided area, towards the attenuated extremities of which the lateral margins of each valve converge, forming acute angles with the hinge. The fissure is triangular, and partly covered by a, pseudo- deltidium. The dorsal valve is less convex than the opposite one with an elevated mesial fold which commonly assumes the character of a single produced and acutely angular cuneiform ridge or rib, at times considerably prolonged beyond the frontal level of the lateral portions of the valve. On either side of this central ridge from 6 to 30 smaller ribs ornament the lateral portions of the valve. The beak of the ventral valve is narrow, produced, and incurved. A shallow mesial sinus commences at the extremity of the beak, and extends to the front, but at a short distance from its origin a mesial or central rib originates, which becomes wider and more elevated and produced as it approaches the front, and corresponds with the central ridge of the dorsal valve. Seven to 11 smaller ribs exist also on the lateral portions of the valve, on either side of the sinus. The dimensions taken from a perfect individual have produced : — Length, 10^ ; width, 21|- ; depth, 6| lines. 142 CONTENTS. -oci'ca'iS' ,o> *• 1. Is the Poverty of the Masses a Necessary Concomitant of Increased Accumulation of Wealth in the Aggregate? 2. Wants of Man. 3. Division of Labour and Means of Exchange — Advantages and Defects. 4. Further Difficulties — Allocation. 5. Proportional Classification of Occupations. (i. Causes of Existing Poverty and Misery. 7. Satisfaction of Wants and Theory of Obstacles Considered. 8. The Best Mode for Effecting Exchanges Depends Greatly Upon the Extent and Value of Local Natural Sources. 9. Buy in the Cheapest Market. 10. Free Trade. 11. Aggregate Wealth and Individual Wealth. 12. The Effect of Strikes or a Rise in Wages in Food-producing and Food- lacking Countries. 13. Rent Monopoly. 14. Monopoly of the Gifts of Nature. 15. Middlemen. 16. Distribution of Consumable Wealth. 17. Capital and Wages Difficulty. 18. Improvement in Social Conditions Largely Due to the Savings of Anterior Labour. 19. Comparative Progress in Modern Times Due to Increased Productive Power. 20. Past and Present Contrasted. 21. Comparative Effective Purchasing Power of Labour. 22. Present and Past Condition of England Contrasted. 23. Increasing Numbers. 24. The Struggle for Existence. 25. Can a Higher Culture be Maintained in Any One Country Without Regulating its Intercourse with Other Races of Men in a Lower Plane of Civilisation? 143 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. By R. M. Johnston, F.L.S, Is the Poverty of the Masses a Necessary Concomi¬ tant of Increased Accumulation of Wealth in the Aggregate ? All observers are nearly agreed that the accumulation of wealth and wealth- producing power have prodigiously increased within the present century. Of this there can be little doubt. Modern discoveries — as regards the properties of matter, the discovery and development of new lands, the uses of steam, electricity, and labour-saving inventions in every department of social and industrial life — have enormously increased man’s power over the forces of nature. With this immense gain of power vast continents of virgin forest and barren swamp have become gardens of plenty. Rivers, mountains, and other formidable obstacles to communication or distribution of products have been bridged or pierced by railways, roads, and other superior means of distribution ; and the wide ocean, connecting far distant lands, now forms the easy and open highway of magnificent steamers, which vie in regularity and speed with the railway train in bringing to local markets daily supplies of the fresh meat, fish, fruit, and cereals of lands many thousand miles away. As a natural consequence famines, such as are known to have been so common and so terrible in England in the immediately preceding centuries, are rendered an impossibility. How is it, then, that we are again brought face to face with the old terrible problems : “ The Misery of the Masses,” u The Labourer’s Struggle for Existence,” “ The Growth of Poverty,” “ The Increase of Pauperism and Crime ? ” If we can judge by the popular literature of the day, the state of the masses in Europe seems to be verging into as hopeless a condition as that which existed prior to the introduction of our vaunted discoveries. Indeed, one writer, who recently has been heard above all other claimants for reform, confidently affirms that “ it is true wealth has been greatly increased, and that the average of comfort, leisure, and refinement has been raised; but these gains are not general. In them the Invest class do not share.” He broadly insists that increase in poverty is the constant concomitant of increase in aggregate wealth, and 144 BOOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS that this constant “ association of poverty with progress is the great enigma of our times.” Is it true, as this writer confidently affirms, that with all the advantages which man has gained in his increased and increasing command over the forces of nature, our present civilisation has by its customs and provisions barred the effectual distribution of accumu¬ lated wealth ; and the only effect produced is that of making the rich richer and the poor poorer ? This cannot be answered effectively without some enquiry into that form of wealth which constitutes man’s chief satisfactions. Are these sufficient in the aggregate to suffice for all, if proper means for effecting distribution were employed,, supposing such means were possible ? Or is the aggregate supply of primary wants insufficient to provide all needs, even were the most thorough means devised for its distribution ? Wants of Man. The satisfaction of the wants of man is the mainspring of all his activities. Wants are interminable. Some affect his very existence, while others only concern his greater degree of' comfort or happiness. In all enquiries into matters deeply concerning the existence and welfare of man it is well,, therefore, to keep these fundamental distinctions clearly in view ; for not a few of our misconceptions arise from a failure- on the part of social and political economists to establish a. satisfactory classification of wants according to their varying importance. Broadly speaking, these may be divided into three great, groups : — (1.) Wants Essential to Life Itself. (2.) Wants Essential to Comfort. (3.) Luxurious Wants. Whatever eccentricities may be exhibited by isolated individuals at times, it is unmistakable that the fierceness or intensity of the struggle for wants among communities is determined by the nature of the wants ; and, invariably, so long as the reason of man is preserved, the greater intensity of the struggle — beginning with the most important — is in. the order before given, viz.:— Wants essential to — (1.) Life. (2.) Comfort. (3.) Luxury. Man can, and, unfortunately, the masses of men are often obliged to, exist without the enjoyment of luxurious wants. He may even be deprived of all wants beyond th e first group- BY E. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 145 and still maintain a more or less extended life-struggle with misery of some kind : but if the wants of the first group be ever so little curtailed below a certain minimum, he will speedily perish miserably. Preserve to man his life, and if needs be he will eagerly exchange for its preservation all his comforts and luxuries. Deny him life, and all the Economist’s wealth of exchange becomes to him as dross — absolutely valueless. This being so, let us endeavour to investigate some of the more important social problems closely connected with the welfare and progress of man. It is for many reasons necessai'y at this stage to confine attention to those primary wants essential to life itself ; and for greater clearness these may be restricted to that minimum of each great want necessary to maintain the life of each person. The exact minimum of these, what¬ ever their form may be, depends upon the energy destroyed by work, and upon the physical condition of the labourer’s environment, and may be stated thus : — The minimum to maintain existence of Pood. Shelter. Eest. Without a certain minimum of these, man, like all living organisms, must perish inevitably. Division of Labotte — Advantages and Defects. Division of labour necessary to produce necessary satisfac¬ tions, and to distribute them in large civilised communities, undoubtedly ensures greater skill, and prevents unnecessary waste of the aggregate time and energy of the individuals. Were it not for this provision no country could sustain the life of large numbers. This division of labour, however, rests upon the tacit understanding that energies in other directions than that of actually producing food may constantly be exchanged for food and other primary wants. Individual societies, communities, and nations are alike in this respect; for no matter the skill, time, and labour proffered or applied for or in the production of other than primary wants, it is necessary that they be constantly exchangeable in sufficient amount to obtain at least that minimum of primary needs from other persons or communi¬ ties, who, under this system, are supposed to produce a sufficient surplus for the satisfaction of all other members of society not immediately engaged in the production of primary wants. Were it not for this understood assurance, the present civilisation — with special centres of manufactures for 146 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. the world at large, its defined local division of labour and individual rights in large areas of land — would he altogether impossible. Among the conflicting opinions of Political Economists, Socialists, and Communists, there is at any rate this one fundamental point of agreement, viz., that by a proper division of labour or services, the sum total of human satisfactions are greatly superior, and are enjoyed by vastly greater numbers than would be possible to men were each to work in a state of isolation, and each one obliged to attempt to create the whole round of his own requirements. Let us take it for granted, then, that division of services is a necessity ; but while so doing let us bear in mind that the greater satisfaction of wants in the aggregate may be attained, and yet owing to an imperfect scheme of distribution a sufficiency, nay, even the minimum of primary satisfaction necessary to maintain life, may fail to reach many ; and hence it may appear that much of the idleness, pauperism, crime, misery and death experienced in crowded centres is due to the defects of distribution. Let us therefore examine this root difficulty, free from the clouds of irrelevant or less urgent considerations. Division of labour without facilities for exchange may render a unit more helpless in such a scheme than he would be in a savage state. Much ingenuity and ability has been exercised by many writers in showing to us, as Bastiat does, the glorious provisions of one of the so-called social harmonies ( Liberty alias Competition ) in preventing monopoly, and in effecting the distribution of wealth. And it may be at once conceded that human society does reap all the advantages claimed on behalf of competition. The question, however, is not — Does competition effect much good ? That may be readily conceded. But confining attention to the minimum of primary wants alone — Do the combined effects of division of services, competition and modes of exchange now existing, provide for the preservation of due 'proportions between the different classes of services, so as to ensure the production of primary needs in sufficiency for the wants of all ; and are the means of exchange sufficiently perfect to secure with more or less certainty a due modicum of primary needs to all. In a word, is the “ all for each ” as effectively complete as the “ each for all ? ” If this latter provision be defective — and this unfortunately seems too true — can the defects be removed P And if this be impossible — can the evils be minimised to any extent ? All possessors of services must be enabled to secure primary wants, or they perish. Deferences to the wide distribution of wealth in exchange or commercial value ; or to standard BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 147 prices or wages — low or high — are utterly misleading. W ithout the power to acquire, or the actual possession of a due provision of that portion of exchange wealth.— not necessarily possessing a high exchange value — the whole aggregate of the remaining part of the world’s wealth in exchange would be worthless ; for it would fail to preserve the life of the man destitute of primary wants. This is the root difficulty ; and it is forcibly exemplified in the first notable exchange recorded in sacred history between the typical representative of the hunter of wild animals, and the more .skilled and peaceful agriculturist. “ . . . And Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field : and Jacob was a plain man dwelling in tents. . . . And Jacob sod pottage : and Esau came from the field and he was faint : And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee with that same red pottage, for I am faint. . . . And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, Behold I am at the point to die, and what profit shall this birthright do to me ? And Jacob said, Swear to me this day ; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles ; and he did eat and drink, and rose up and went his way ; thus Esau despised his birthright.”- — (Genesis xxv., 27-34.) It is fortunate for Esau that he had the power of effecting an exchange, and that, notwithstanding the exorbitancy of the seller’s terms, he had no hesitancy in exchanging (or despising as it is stated) the less needful wants for the more pressing or primary; for in the trial of Job’s integrity and fortitude it is affirmed, with truth, that skin for skin, all that a man hath will he give for his life. Unfortunately for the working class breadwinner, his only birthright is physical power and manual skill, and although these are all he can offer for his life needs, he cannot always as a competitor effect the necessary exchange ; and too often he, and those depending upon him, travel the swift road to beggary and death. Thus there are still defects, whether remediable or other¬ wise, in the present civilisation, so long as these fundamental necessities of a power to exchange with primary wants are imperfect, e.g.: certain divisions of humankind are not directly engaged in producing primary wants for themselves. They are mostly engaged merely in rendering more or less skilled services, in return for tokens (money or other medium) understood to have at least the power of effecting correspond¬ ing definite supplies of primary wants. But this division has another difficulty. The actual owner of the power (rich capitalist) to effect the production of things which may be exchanged for a 148 HOOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. corresponding quantity of primary wants, may in all likelihood be able to effect such exchanges; but the poor capitalist, the possessor of the power of mere services, such as the navvy, the house servant, the blacksmith, may often be unable to exchange his services towards the production of these very things ; and under such conditions as the needful, exchange cannot be effected, the unemployed wage-earner in the division of human labour must be supported by drawing upon a more or less limited surplus previously earned; failing that he must either borrow, take the risk of violent means to secure primary wants, be fed by private or public charity, or die of starvation. This, then, is the problem of problems of the present day. References to current high rates of wages, the low prices of provisions, or the increasing aggregate value of wealth in exchange, do not always disclose this skeleton in the social cupboard. When the ship of society is barred into many more or less water-tight compartments the ship itself may not founder, although one or two minor chambers be damaged and water-logged, and their contents destroyed. If the larger and more important chambers* however, be destroyed the whole ship may founder, and those who may effect escape may be small indeed. This allegorical picture must not be pressed too hard. It may be sufficient, however, to draw attention to a dangerous side of the division of labour composition of modern society. But, says the theorist : True, his services were shut out by over-competition in that particular place or in that particular occupation ; but if he only knew at that moment that by transferring his services to other employments, or to the same occupation in another place, the balance of service for service would be adjusted, and the life of himself and his dependants would be saved. Ah, if he only knew ! But the possession of knowledge is in itself practically a form of wealth, and that he did not possess any more than he did the necessary capital to acquire the necessary skill in the new occupation calling for services, or in the necessary capital to transfer himself and his household to a great distance where his own special skill was then in demand. We may therefore summarise the difficulties lying at the root of all social problems as follows : — - (1.) All breadwinners and their families to maintain existence must possess primary wants, whether they can effect exchange of services or not. (2.) Many breadwinners — whether due to lack of know¬ ledge or inability to change their occupations or locality — cannot obtain employment, and therefore cannot effect exchange. BY E. M. JOHNSTON. F.L.S. 149. (3.) Such of the latter as by former misfortunes have been deprived of every form of wealth in exchange, must beg or steal from public or private resources, or die of starvation. Thus it is shown that one of the great economic harmonies in competition, while it effects much good in distributing wealth and breaking down monopolies and privileges, and in enlarging the domain of community in the enjoyment of the gratuitous products of nature and invention, it also, as one of the mills of God, directs its force terribly on the mere monopolists of bone and muscle ; competition grinding them smaller and smaller as its force is augmented by increasing numbers. Further Difficulties Connected With the Division of Labour — Allocation. One of the most formidable difficulties connected with the division of labour is allocation ; for it is evident that if in the technical training of the young due regard be not paid to the chances of finding employment in the service to which the future breadwinner aspires, disaster or a disappointed life may be the result. This, being a relative matter, applies to a small community as well as to a large one. Few take into consideration that there is a natural law in operation which as surely determines the numbers required for each great class of employment as do the natural laws which locally determine the times and relative heights of the tide. No social advancement by means of the higher education of the people can ever alter the relative numbers of the various branches of human service ; and should it be thought possible that the education of the masses exerts any influence in the nature of its training in disturbing the necessary proportions of each great group of services upon which our lives and our civilisation depends, it would certainly prove that the general spread of higher education was a curse and not a blessing. Services would never become a marketable commodity of value in exchange if it were not for wants. Kinds of sei’vices, therefore, must be exactly proportionate to kinds of wants. The wants which demand the expenditure of the greater amount of labour must necessarily absorb the greater amount of persons requiring employment without regard to their capacities, attainments, or personal desires ; and, so far as the mass of human beings are concerned, there is no choice. The great wants, food, clothing, and shelter, are by far the greatest factors in the determination of the aggregate numbers that must be employed if the wants are to be satisfied. The same three great wants also determine the necessary amount and proportions of capital, machinery, and land to be employed, 150 BOOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. together with the necessary proportion of labourers for each "kind of occupation which directly or indirectly is somehow utilised in the production of the said three great wants. It is true the strict average proportions of the various classes of labour machinery may not he found to be quite the same in each country ; but this does not affect the aggregate of all countries. It is not absolutely necessary that the manufactures and agricultural industries of any one country should preserve the world’s strict average proportions to each other, so far as that one country is concerned, so long as it is free to make necessary exchanges with other countries for disposing or making good their respective local surpluses and deficiencies. Nevertheless, countries confined to the produc¬ tion of their own wants — or, what is the same, the world as a whole — must preserve the strict average proportion and quantity of labour and machinery in the production of those three great wants which are the mainsprings of all human activities and efforts. It is necessary, therefore, to make a very wide net to obtain approximate information with respect to the amount and due proportions of all kinds of services employed in the production of the whole round of wants of each country. It is unfortunate that figures relating to the occupations of all countries are not accessible, but reference to the ascertained occupations of Australasia, United States of America, British India, and seven principal States of Europe, embracing 433 millions of people, and representing all climes and all forms of industry, afford a basis wide enough to secure very accurate information. The figures contained in the following table of classified occupation of these countries afford valuable information with regard to the definite proportions of the division of labour engaged in the production of human wants : — BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 151 PROPORTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE OCCUPATIONS. OF ALL PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SUPPLY OF HUMAN WANTS:- Breadwinners (Percentage). Dependants Percentage). All. Persons supported by each Breadwinner. Country. Population last Census (1 = 1000).) Professional. | m 2 6 © g o p Commercial. | w Industrial. | ^ 5 1-5 6 | 7 1 6-7 \\ ives, Children, i | Scholars. | 9 8-9 1-9 Agricultural. j Total of Group. | Property, Rank. | s 3 O j Total of Group. ] Faupers, 1 Criminals. | O H All. No. England, Wales .... 26,094 2-4 6‘9 3-7 24-5 5'3 42-S 100 2-29 Scotland — , . 3,735 2 6 4'7 3-5 24'4 7-0 42-2 100 2-33 Ireland . 5,174 3-8 8-2 1-4 13'3 19-0 45’7 100 2'15 United Kingdom .. 35,003 2'7 7-0 3-3 23-0 7-5 43-5 ... 100 2-25 Six Colonies of Aus- tralasia : — Victoria . 862 1-6 4-5 4T 18'8 14'5 43-5 0-2 0-6 0-8 54-5 1-2 55-7 100 2-24 Queensland . 213 1-4 5-0 5'1 18-3 15-7 45-5 0T 0'6 0-7 52-8 1-0 53-8 100 2T6 South Australia . . . . 280 1-4 4T 4’8 16 5 12-6 39T 0-3 0‘7 1-0 58-9 0-7 59-6 100 2’47 Western Australia . . 30 1-6 3'9 5'1 12-6 16 T 39' 3 0-3 1-6 1-9 56-2 2'6 58-8 100 2T3 Tasmania . 116 1-5 4-6 3T 16-5 16'9 42-9 0-5 0-6 IT 55’5 0-5 56-0 100 2-27 New Zealand . 490 1-5 4T 4-3 16'8 11-2 37-9 0T 0-6 07 60-7 0-7 61T 100 2-56 Total of Six Colonies of Australasia - 1,991 1'5 4-4 4T 17'7 13-7 411 0-2 °'6 0-8 56'6 0-9 57-5 100 2-35 United States . 50,155 1-8 63 3-6 7-6 15*3 34*6 2-83 Prussia . 27,279 21 3 2 3’3 13'0 17*0 38 6 2-54 France . 37,321 1-8 6'3 4'2 12-0 18'0 42-3 2-32 Austria . 22,144 1-9 4-0 2-0 10-0 28 0 45'9 2T4 Belgium . 5,520 3-0 9-0 4'4 17'2 14*6 48-2 2-04 India . 253,891 1-3 IT 1-4 14-C 28-0 46"2 2T3 Totals . 433,304 1-6 3-0 2’3 13-E 23-2 43’4 2'26 152 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. From this table we learn that all people are divided into two important groups : — Viz., breadwinners, representing about 44-2 per cent, of all persons, and non-breadwinners or dependants, composed mainly of wives and children, repre¬ senting 55’8 per cent, of the total populations. Thus it appears that the wants of all must be provided by the service of less than half the total number of those who consume wants. The proportions of the breadwinners necessary to effect this service are as follows. That is to say, for every 100 persons engaged in services of exchange value there must be on the aggregate the following proportions nearly : — Percentage Proportion. Agricultural and Pastoral services 52-5 Industrial services 30T Domestic services 6-8 Commercial services 5-2 Professional and other undefined services 5-4 Total ... 100-0 It will be seen that the simple services of the agriculturist and herdsman are by far the most important (52-5 per cent.), and that the next in importance are the industrial services, embracing all artisans and labourers, representing SOT per cent. The higher skilled workmen of this group only represent about 11 per cent, of all services. As the balance of services — com¬ mercial and professional — only amount to 10‘6 per cent., it follows that of all services required only 2P6 per cent, demand shill of a higher order; and that 78'4 per cent, represent agricultural and other labourers and domestic servants, in respect of which skill of a high order is not absolutely requisite. It is largely due to the flooding of particular kinds of employment beyond the strict proportions which local wants demand that inconvenience or distress is felt in young as well as old countries. The numbers which can find entry into the higher industrial, the commercial, and professional divisions cannot, without unhealthy competition, be increased beyond the relative proportions which these divisions must bear to the producing industries of the particular country ; and these dominating industries in Australasia are agricultural, pastoral, and mining. Employment in other divisions can only follow substantial increases in the three industries named ; for manufacturing industries cannot alter their present propor¬ tions independently, as in England, until such time as they are able to manufacture for the markets of other countries than the local one. This applies much more strongly to the smaller division represented by unskilled labour (not agri- BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L S. 153 ■cultural), and by the commercial and professional classes. These certainly may only increase according to their rigid proportion ; and this must be determined by a previous increase in the fundamental producing industries of the particular place. The principal producing industries of the place may increase irrespective of other local divisions ( i.e ., agricultural, pastoral, and mining), as their products may find the neces¬ sary consumer in foreign markets. Whatever influence, therefore, may bar the progress of the dominating producing industries of the place must also bar occupations in all other divisions of services. It is clear from what has been stated that applicants for a given kind of employment may often fail, not because there is no room for more labour, but because the direction in which the applicants have been trained, or in which they desire to be employed, is out of harmony with the natural or local proportions of that particular service necessary in the pro¬ duction of general wants. From this cause arises much difficulty and distress. It largely adds to the proportion of dependants, and consequently the direct or indirect strain (i.e., support of friends, relatives, private and public charities) upon the actual breadwinners becomes oppressive. I do not here touch upon artificial aids to local production in its effects upon the alteration or dis¬ turbance of the relative proportions of the division of services upon which such aid must have an immediate effect, further than to remark, that if the aid by tariff duties or other means enables the local division at once to cover the ground formerly supplied by foreign industry, it can only do so either by increasing the machinery or the relative proportion of numbers employed locally in the division of service affected. The advantage or disadvantage of adopting such a policy is here¬ after discussed. It is sufficient for the present purpose to show the possible effect it may exert upon local employment alone. Causes of Existing Poverty and Misery. It cannot be denied that in spite of the great accumulation of wealth, and the increased command over the forces of nature during the present century, that there is still to be found much poverty and distress, and that much of it is due to the unequal distribution of wealth ; and whether we may or may not be able to point a remedy, it is utterly repugnant to the best feelings of human nature to sink into the despair or apathy of many who say, “ Let alone ; whatever is is best or worst, and cannot be helped.” Whatever errors the Socialists and Communists are chargeable with they must be credited with warm aspirations for the amelioration and improvement 154 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. of suffering humanity, and are free from the charge of indif¬ ference. The latter, however, are too emotional to perceive the great difficulties of the problems which have always, engaged the deepest attention of earnest Social Economists, and are too ready to advocate the introduction of their own. pet schemes, without having taken sufficient trouble either to test their adequacy, or to fathom the true nature of funda¬ mental difficulties, which would in most cases be made vastly more formidable by the various plans propounded by them for their removal. Thus some, having been misled by the assumption that all our evils are due to individual property right and unequal distribution of wealth, employ all their ingenuity to show that all existing evils are attributable to these, and to these alone. Tet there are many other influences far more potent for evil which no scheme yet propounded by Political Economists, Socialists or Communists may wisely undervalue or ignore. Of such are the following .- — (1.) The superabundant proportions of human beings in existence who, free from restraint, are naturally disposed to be idle, sensuous, and wicked ; or who are ignorant, foolish, and improvident. (2.) The difficulties of supplying other motives more adequate than self-interest to so many in effecting conformity to the necessary social laws and virtues, and as a spur to industry and useful application of powers. (3.) The inequalities of different habitable portions of the earth as regards productiveness, climate, disease, density of population, and the difference - of civilisation and racial characteristics. (4.) The periodic failure of food supply (famine),, whether due to seasonal influence, exhaustion of soil, violence, wilful waste, or improvidence. (5.) Effectual means for elimination from society of the more pronounced forms of hereditary vice and madness which, if allowed to persist, would endanger society. (6.) Absence of facilities for relieving the pressure of population in over-peopled lands by migration. (7.) Difficulties connected with free exchange of products between different nations whose artisans and labourers are living under different material and social conditions, e.g., slave labour and free labour. (8.) Difficulties in effecting adequate exchange of pro¬ ducts with other nations where, as in England, . local foods, products, and the raw materials for manufacture are locally far below the level of requirement of an ever-increasing population. BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 155 (9.) Difficulties and dangers arising from local increase of population, especially when foreign, thinly- populated lands are forcibly closed to emigrants, as in the experience of the Chinese. (10.) The misery caused by war, strife, murder, accident, painful disease, and preventible forms of death. (11.) The terrible root difficulty connected with either (1) decrease, (2) stationariness, or (3) rapid increase of population. (12.) The absolute limits of space requisite for the recep¬ tion and sustenance of man. The last two form the population difficulty ; in itself the chief cause of human trouble. This difficulty cannot be banished by sentimental tirades or bad argument. ISTo tinkering with schemes affecting “ Eights of Property,” “ The Battle of Interests,” “ Com¬ petition,” or “ Community of Goods,” can do other than make the dominant difficulty more formidable. As this great difficulty is often denied or misunderstood by those who attribute all the evils to rent and free competition, it may be well to touch upon these important subjects separately. Satisfaction of Wants and Theory of Obstacles Considered. Human satisfactions are enjoyed to the fullest extent with the smallest expenditure of time and human energy in regions where the natural sources of human satisfactions are vast and rich, and under conditions where the fewest obstacles intervene between actual producers and actual consumers. Extra time and labour, often necessarily spent in mere distribution, are in themselves obstacles, and directly tend to lessen the quota of satisfactions which might be enjoyed by each individual. All conditions, therefore, which necessitate the larger expenditure of time and labour — (such as extreme distance between the several kinds of producers and manufacturers) as well as conditions which necessitate extra provision against loss or waste of satisfactions produced or being produced (such as dangers from loss by storms, inundations, fire, waste by war, civil strife, robbery, depreda¬ tions by wild animals, idle and useless dependants, plagues of parasites, disease, etc.), curtail of necessity the amount of necessary satisfaction which otherwise might be enjoyed by each useful human unit. Obstacles, therefore, greatly reduce the amount of human satisfactions so far as each individual is concerned, although in the aggregate this is not so easily comprehended. Lowness of nominal prices is not a J 156 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. correct index of conditions most favourable for the attainment of the greatest amount of satisfactions, with the smallest expenditure of time and 'human energy : for it often happens that low prices may be caused by excessive expenditure of human energy forced upon a struggling producer ; or by poverty due to forced idleness on the part of a large body of consumers. While it may often happen — as in young colonies — that a high price is no index of a lower supply of satisfactions ; but rather of the smaller amount of obstacles intervening between consume and producer, and gratuitous sources of nature ; the smaller amount of enforced idleness on the part of consumer, giving him a greater purchasing power; and the greater advantage of the producer, due to similar causes, enabling him to obtain all the most necessary round of satisfactions with a smaller expenditure of time and labour. Mere cheapness of satisfactions, therefore, is not a reliable index of individual welfare. Purchasing power, as indicated by expenditure of time and labour, is the only true index as between countries differently circumstanced, and this purchasing power of the consumer — unlike the unreliable nominal cost or wage — is always in harmony with the amount of obstacles intervening between the actual pi’oducers of satisfactions and the actual consumers. This method of determining the condition of different communities will be better understood if we carefully investigate the effect of obstacles more closely. As the factors are variable and numerous, the only way to arrive at true conclusions is to approach the question by the mathematical method : thus : — Let N=]Sratural agents and products ; or the gratuitous forces of nature. P~Productive power of human agencies, including skill and energy, and skilled appliances. 0— Obstacles intervening between HP or producer and consumers. Then NP — O And C=Producers, dependants, distributors, etc., repre¬ senting the living population ; or consumers. ^Represents the amount of the average satis¬ factions provided for each individual. C P+0 0 =Represents the nominal cost of satisfactions for each individual on the average — or it may fairly represent the amount of exertion or energy expended by human energy. Having stated the general effect of obstacles between direct producer and consumer as minimising the actual supply of BY E. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 157 necessary satisfactions to each consumer where the values of N and P and C are constant, it follows inevitably that the amount of satisfactions to each individual is in direct corre¬ spondence to the amount of 0 ; increasing with its decrease, and decreasing with its increase. The effect upon price, however, is exactly the reverse of this, as a definite amount of satisfactions increase in price in corre¬ spondence with the increase in obstacles (0), and decrease correspondingly with its increase. This law is not invalidated, because in particular cases (1) price is comparatively low when 0 is absolutely great, and conversely (2), price is comparatively low when O is absolutely small ; for in every such case there must be corresponding dissimilarity in the other elements to explain this effect : i.e.: — The effect (1) could only happen in cases where either N or P is abnormally or relatively great, or C is comparatively small ; and similarly the effect (2) could only happen in cases where either N or P is abnormally or relatively small or C is comparatively great. The failure to grasp these fundamental considerations is the chief cause of the blunders in all reasonings connected with questions related to the policy of different nations in respect of artificial restrictions, hindrances or facilities in the interchange of foreign products. To make this matter more clear it may be advantageous in demonstration to set forth a number of examples for the sake of illustrating the important truths involved in the effects produced where one or all the factors are different in value : — (1.) Where soil, climate, or natural utilities are particu¬ larly advantageous the value of N is at its best or maximum=Nm (2.) Where skill and energy exist and are employed to the best advantage the largest results are attained for P=Pm (3.) Where the smallest number of obstacles occur between NP and C, the largest amount of satis¬ factions fall to the share of C=C“ (4.) The most perfect conditions favourable for effecting the highest amount of satisfactions to each indi¬ vidual consumer coincide with Pm — 0° * An Essay on the Principle of Population. Malthus. (2 vols, London, 1826.) BY B. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 193 That Mr. Henry George altogether failed to grasp the various elements of this problem is at once apparent by the manner in which in his otherwise very attractive work, “ Progress and Poverty,” he has attempted to refute the conclusions of Malthus. As he has fallen into the most simple errors in his adverse comments upon Malthus, it may be as well to state with greater precision the factors of the problem, thus : — P. — Actual population. I. — Natural tendency to increase. (a) At its maximum in an ideal state of perfect health, virtue, peace and prosperity. (&) At its minimum when the opposite of this state obtains. T. — Natural limit of life ; death at extreme old age. C. — Checks, cutting off life before the healthy limit of life has been reached, among which are pro¬ minent : — (a) Competition of other forms of animal life — zymotic diseases, parasites, attacks by beasts of prey, etc. (&) Insufficiency of food or famine, whether from seasonable influence, poor soil, climate, ignorance, wilful waste, or improvidence. (c) Violence, wars, murders, accidents, physical causes, such as earthquakes or volcanic outbursts, cannibalism, infant and senile murder, massacre. (d) Diseases, whether due to ignorance, vice, human neglect of hygiene, climate, cosmical influences, etc. (e) Diseases due to the tendency of civilised communities to aggregate in dense num¬ bers, as in cities and towns. (/) Misery the close attendant of these evils. M. — Moral restraint operating upon I. E. — Means of subsistence, varying with season, but increased absolutely by numbers and increasing knowledge of natural resources ; the ratio per individual, however, gradually lessening as the poorer lands and waters are invaded by swelling numbers. F. — The absolute limit when a greater density for each square mile of the earth’s surface is reached by removal or the minimising of allrepressive checks. About 2-83 acres in cultivation is now necessary for the support of each person living. 194 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. G. — The final stage, the world peopled to its full limit, and the struggle for existence only permitting a perpetuation of the maximum population at F by the effects of T ; and the failure of either in any degree, again re-introducing of necessity checks Death Eate. C. — Death from preventible causes j M. — -Moral influence lowering the value of I. S. — Prosperity heightening the effect of I. P. — The result upon the population (a) increase ; (h) stationariness ; (c) decline. D. — The actual surplus (a) ; stationariness ( b ) ; decline (c) per year. 2. 3. 1. When I + S — M exceeds T + C, the result will be P a or D a, or an increase of population. When I + S — M only equals T + C, the result will be P b or D b, or a stationary state of population. When I + S — M falls below T + 0, the result will be P c or D c, or a decline in population, caused by the checks being greater than the birth rate. What folly, therefore, to conceive a stationary state of population as being due to the lowered absolute influence of I alone, when the same result, according to our experience, based upon the vital statistics of all countries, is due rather to the increased value of C, the root evil, which Malthus wished to see eliminated. That a high death rate has a greater influence than a low birth rate in diminishing the surplus of births over deaths is easily proved by reference to vital statistics — our only guide in such matters. For example, take the case of Norway and Spain and Hungary for the year 1885 : — I + S — M C + T Birth rate Death rate Norway Spain Hungary D a Surplus of births per 100 per 100 over deaths persons. persons. per 1000 persons. 30-9 17-1 13-8 36-6 30-6 6-0 45-3 32-6 12-7 196 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. No better example from actual facts could be obtained to show that the increase of disease and misery, as shown by the death rate C + T has more influence in lowering the value of B a, or surplus of births over deaths, than the lowering of the rate of births ; for Norway’s actual rate of increase is higher than that of Spain and Hungary respec¬ tively by 7'8 and 1*1 per 1,000 persons ; although its birth rate is actually lower than in these countries by 5 "7 and 14'4 per 1,000 respectively. In a healthy, happy, prosperous, and peaceful country, the actual rate of increase is invariably high, due to a high birth rate and a low death rate. In an unhealthy, miserable, and savage society, the ten¬ dency, while these conditions last, is invariably shown in a higher death than birth rate, resulting in a positive decline in population. It is clear, therefore, that when population is declining it is rather because misery, disease, and vice have abnormally raised the death rate higher than the birth rate, and not because of any material tendency to a decline in the birth rate. While there are different stages of civilisation in existence, over-population is a relative term applicable to the particular country, and not an absolute quantity to be determined by an absolute number of persons to a given area, as most erroneously indicated by Mr. George. This is clear to any one who studies the civilisation and the sanitary state of different countries. When peoples who have attained to the same state of civilisation are so situated that the struggle for existence is made ligther for a given community by local causes, such as may be seen in the comparison between the Australian colonies and the older countries of Europe — then the increased pros¬ perity, the diminution of competition for labour, the increased health due to the smaller density of population, and other advantages — climate not being too unequal — would show such an improvement in the actual rate of increase from natural causes alone that their effect is significant and instructive. Thus, although the actual rate of increase in the colonies, during many years, is equal to about 20'05 per 1,000 (not including the effects of immigration), or about 10 per 1,000 above the rate of Europe, nevertheless, its average birth rate is only about T5 per 1,000 higher. This again forcibly proves that the higher rate of actual increase to population is due mainly to favourable circumstances lowering check C, or deaths from preventible causes. These illustrations by explicit reference to actual facts entirely overthrow the arguments of Mr. Henry George, which solely confine attention to one of the two great factors in the problem relating to the causes of BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 197 the increase, stationariness, or decline in the population of different countries. Malthus was not so visionary as to expect the entire elimination of any of the factors. He only hoped to regulate population in relation to means of sub¬ sistence, by the substitution of an increased power of check M, in place of the terrible check C. He conceived that as man grew in knowledge and dignity, he might be able by degrees to lower the terrible influence of C, thus favouring the state P a ; the latter being prevented from again re-intro- ducing the evil effects of C by the substitution of influences increasing the power of the superior central check M. If the check C now ruthlessly in operation be removed altogether or reduced to a minimum— a most desirable thing for its own sake, it is certain that the geometrical increase of I would produce a maximum effect as D a , and this would sooner or later, if unchecked, over-populate the whole earth. No matter in what degree the final stage was delayed by increased knowledge and productiveness, fairer modes of wealth dis¬ tribution, and the gradual spread over all habitable areas ; or hastened by exhaustion of existing sources of wealth, or a state of anarchy ; the stage would in effect be often reached in particular isolated districts, although not in all, by reason of human ignorances, jealousies, prejudices, not to mention lower types of human beings unfitted for the reception of a higher civilisation. Had it not been for the fortunate discovery of the steam engine, the perfecting of means of transport, and the discovery of new fertile continents (Australia and America) thinly populated, opening out vast additional sources of production and affording relief to the pressure of crowded European centres, it is certain the state of Europe would be very different at the present hour ; and the check C would long ere this have reduced existing crowded centres to half their present numbers. What would England do with her present population (37 millions) if America and Australia were no longer open to her emigrants and no longer furnished food and other products r England is now a striking example of a country whose population has rapidly outstripped the means of subsistence so far as local supply of food is concerned. It will readily be conceived, therefore, that the complicated problem of Malthus is — the elimination of C altogether, or, as far as it lies within man’s control ; with the substitution of an increased power of M, only when deemed to be absolutely necessary to banish the dire influence of C. Both Malthus and Mr. Henry George agree in desiring the elimination of check C, but Malthus showed that this constant effect, due to vice, ignorance, disease, and misery, could only be finally grappled with effectually, by never allowing P, or density of population, to press too strongly on the means necessary to 198 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. preserve a population in a healthy and happy state, and this could not "be practically effected without some such controlling influences as M. The nobleness of Malthus’ aims, and the problems which he endeavoured to grapple with, are alto¬ gether misconceived by Mr. George and other opponents. Some (might I not add the popular view) even maliciously or carelessly identify the Malthusian problem with the revolting physical check of Condorcet and others ; and also of the view which rests in considering vice and misery as necessary evils. This proves that such people have not honestly studied the views of this much-wronged philanthropist. This is indis¬ putably proved by the following quotations from his writings, pp. 478,479: “Vice and misery, and these alone, are the evils which it has been my great object to contend against. I have expressly proposed moral restraint (M) as their rational and proper remedy ; and whether the remedy be good or bad, adequate or inadequate, the proposal itself and the stress which I have laid upon it, is an incontrovertible proof that I never can have considered vice and misery as themselves remedies.” In connection with these unfair charges urged by a Mr. Graham, he, in a dignified rejoinder, maintains, “ It is therefore quite inconceivable that any writer with the slightest pretension to respectability should venture to bring forward such imputations, and it must be allowed to show either such a degree of ignorance, or such a total want of candour, as utterly to disqualify him for the discussion of such subjects.” And with respect to charges identifying his view with the restraints prescribed by Condorcet, he distinctly affirms, “ I have never adverted to the check suggested by Condorcet without the most marked disapprobation. Indeed, I should always particularly reprobate any artificial and unnatural inodes of checking population on account of their immorality and their tendency to remove a necessary stimulus to industry . . . the restraints which I have recommended are quite of a different character. They are not only pointed out by reason and sanctioned by religion, but tend in the most marked manner to stimulate industry. It is not easy to conceive a more powerful encouragement to exertion and good conduct than the looking forward to marriage as a state peculiarly desirable, but only to be enjoyed in comfort by the acquisition of habits of industry, economy, and prudence, and it is in this light I have always wished to place it.” How clearly and nobly Malthus explains his check of moral restraint is a matter which ought to leave no doubt of the purity and nobleness of his views, whatever doubts may remain as regards the efficacy of the moral check in itself. The possibility of the check, too, pre-supposes the general possession of moral strength sufficiently inadequate, not merely during large intervals of time, but at all times ; for BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 199 the effects of opposing passion might wreck its efficacy at any moment if we do not contemplate the superior strength and continuous exertion of the higher moral virtue. I think i have in these observations fairly vindicated the nobility of Malthus’ ideal, however we may demur to it as regards adequacy. It has also been clearly shown that the problem is a serious one ; and individuals, and the poorer classes often reach the limit of the means of subsistence long- before society as a whole feels its pressure. How are we to eliminate the elements of disease, vice, and misery which at present form the only check C against over-population in crowded centres without substituting some adequate check of a superior kind ? This is the problem of Malthus. Let us see what a small percentage of increase in population would effect in a short period of time. If murder, war or epidemic, disease or misery, be not further increased, it would follow inevitably — That the offspring of eight persons alone, at the present rate of natural increase in Australasia, would so multiply that : — (8 persons) In 961 years they would number 1,480 millions, equal to the whole present popula¬ tion of the globe. 1314-3 years they would place one person on every 100 square yards of the land surface of the globe. 1527 years they would place one person on each square yard of the estimated cultivable portion of the earth’s surface. 1543-9 years they would place one person on each square yard of the total sur¬ face of the land of the globe. But it is more terrible still if we contemplate starting with the existing population of the earth, visa., 1,480 million persons, and if we also reckon that the same number of acres must be cultivated to supply each person, as at present, viz., 2-83 acres per head nearly. With these conditions — (1,480 millions) In 85*03 years there would be one person to every 2‘83 acres of all the culti¬ vable land surface of the globe. 122-48 years there would be one person to every 2-83 acres of .land surface, whether cultivable or not. 200 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. 15 7‘6 years, or in the year 2047, there would be one person to every acre of land open to tbe foot of man, supposing that one acre was by some miraculous means sufficient for his support, and that all arctic and tori’id parts of tbe earth could be made habitable. 586 ‘15 years, or in the year 2476, there would be one person to every square yard of total land surface on the globe, supposing that by miraculous intervention life could exist under such con¬ ditions. United Kingdom. The natural increase of the population of the United Kingdom in recent years, owing to comparatively low death rate, has been increasing at the rate of l-4 per cent, per year. The density of population of London is at present about one person to every 90 square yards. In 3399 years — if misery and disease does not increase the death rate — her population would cover the whole land as a vast city with a density equal to the present City of London. 157’ 7 years this density would be reached under the same conditions, if the death rate was as low as in Aus¬ tralia at the present time. United States. The present limits of the United States are stated to be about 2,291,355,000 acres, and her present population may be stated at about 57,000,000. Allow that the present average of 2-81 acres per head in cultivation is necessary to supply the wants of each person, and that fths of her whole area are available for cultivation. Then if her death rate be not raised by misery and disease, the population would increase at the rate of 2 per cent., as at present in Australia ( i.e if no pro¬ vidential influence checks the birth rate), and In 119'8 years, or in the year 2009, the limits of available land would be reached, viz., 134‘4, or in the year 2023, under the same conditions, this limit would be reached, even if it were possible to cultivate every square yard of the whole country. BY K. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 201 Nothing shows better the incoherence of Mr. Henry George’s so-called disproof of the Malthusian theory as in that portion where he deals with man as limited by space. The figures referred to show, without doubt, that if misery as a check to population be banished, the increase to population would at least be not less than 2 per cent, per year, and this would in 85 years, or within the limits of the life of persons now living, exhaust all available lands, even if all available lands (pro¬ viding 2’81 acres for each person) could be made to yield the same average as the better lands now cultivated ; and this near contingency Mr. Henry George scoffs at as something so distantly remote “ as to have for us no more practical interest than the recurrence of the glacialperiod or the final extinguish¬ ment of the sun.” Rhapsodical nonsense of this sort ill- becomes one who professes to discuss so momentous a question, and one who professes to be so enthusiastic in attempting to grapple with the real difficulties which hitherto have barred the material, intellectual, moral, and social progress of mankind. On the other hand, it is logically impossible by any scheme of civilisation yet propounded by man, except that suggested by Malthus (moral check), to dispose of the existing misery of mankind. It would be inhuman to perceive this terrible dilemma, and not in heart and spirit rebel against it. Who does not flinch as he gazes upon this terrible enigma ? It is no wonder, therefore, that many emotional natures are either struck mentally blind at the fierce light, or try to escape the bitter conclusions which calm reason points out as inevitable by concealing, ostrich like, the eyes of reason in the sands of passionate rhetoric. The worst calamities that exist seem to be far more easily borne if we could but suppose them to be solely the results of man’s own doings. In this conclusion there is a hope of escape in the thought that man may undo or amend what he has done amiss. Hence, no doubt, the natural repulsion of Mr. Henry George to the terrible thought that the inexorable laws of Nature dominate, corporeally at least, over the single life, and over the types of Adam’s race, much in the same way as Nature has hitherto dealt with the thousand types of earlier races that have vanished. He but utters the human cry of passion when he urges that this is not the doing of the Almighty Ruler. “We degrade the Ever¬ lasting ; we slander the Just One. A merciful man would have better ordered the world.” Alas ! alas ! Who does not, or has not at times, made similar despairing exclamations and passionate protests. With respect to the statements of Mr. Henry George, which led to this outburst of declamation, they are but a repetition of 202 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. the attitude of the gifted and eloquent M. de Lamennais that drew from Bastiat the following just rebuke, which applies equally to writers of Mr. Henry George’s class : — 1 " In all this we see only fallacious declamation which serves as the basis of dangerous conclusions ; and we cannot help regretting that an eloquence so admirable should be devoted to giving popular currency to the most fatal errors.” The possible annihilation of our race, like those races that have gone, has weighed upon the thoughtful and pitiful in all ages, but nowhere does tuis feeling find nobler expression than in the words of the most thoughtful and tender of living poets : — “ Are God and Nature then at strife, That Nature lends such evil dreams : So careful of the type she seems, So careless of the single life 1 1 So careful of the type !’ but no, From scarped cliff and quarried stone She cries, ‘ A thousand types are gone ; I care for nothing ; all shall go ; Thou makest thine appeal to me ; I bring to life, I bring to death, The spirit does but mean the breath ; I know no more.’ And he— shall he, Man, her last work, who seem’d so fair Such splendid purpose in his eyes, Who roll’d the psalm to wintry skies, And built his fanes of fruitless prayer, — Who trusted God was love indeed, And love Creation’s final law. Though Nature, reel in tooth and claw, With ravine shrieked against his creed — Who loved, who suffered countless ills, Who battled for the true, the just, Be blown about the desert dust, Or seal’d within the iron hills ? No more ! A discord. A monster then a dream, Dragons of the prime That lure each other in their slime Were mellow music, match’d with him. O life, as futile then as frail — O for thy voice to soothe and bless What hope of answer or redress, Behind the veil, behind the veil !” Thus the poet’s refuge is in the after life. But have we no hope of amelioration in the present. Tes, we do hope. But all our hopes may prove fruitless if we do not bravely face the real difficulty. The substitution of the providential preventive check (the moral check of Malthus) to over-population, for the hitherto prevailing misery or repressive check is the one escape for 1. Bastiat. “ Harmonies of Political Economy.” (Part ii., p. 90). BY R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S. 203 society, even if it be only to maintain the social advantages that we now enjoy. Of countries which have as yet shown any tendency to successfully grapple with this problem, the only examples known to us are those of Switzerland and France, notably the latter. The average birth and death rates of 14 States of Europe, and seven colonies of Australasia, afford some idea of their relative influence upon population, thus : — Per 1,000. Percentage Birth Rate. Death Rate. Increase. Average of 13 European States . 33-8 23 '5 P03 Seven Colonies of Aus¬ tralasia . 34‘4 13 '6 2 08 Prance . 24-8 22-2 0'26 The low birth rate of France (not her death rate, which is even below the average of Europe) is the special reason why her population remains almost stationary. That her birth rate should be 9 per 1,000 below the average of Europe is a remarkable thing. Is it due to a lowered racial vitality, or to moral and providential causes ? If it be due to the latter influence, a study of the conditions of social life in France is of peculiar importance. The Hon. Gf. Shaw Lefevre, M.P., in his work on ‘'English and Irish Land Question,” has carefully studied the influence of large and small ownerships of the land, and unhesitatingly concludes that to the large pro¬ portion of small owners in France, as compared with England, is to be attributed the great superiority of the great mass of its industrial population. He states: — “The prophecies of Arthur Young and McCulloch that her system of small cultivation would lead to her becoming the pauper warren of Europe, and her sons the hewers of wood and drawers of water for the rest of Europe, have not been fulfilled. On the contrary, ‘ Production has been greatly stimulated by the sense and security of ownership ; but the population has not increased relatively in the same proportion ; the average condition of the people, therefore, is vastly improved. Pauperism is almost unknown in rural districts; the habits of industry and thrift are universal.’ ” The same author wisely observes : — “ If the institutions of France have resulted in a self-acting process of adapting the growth of her population to the means of subsistence, it would seem to be not the least merit of a system which is based upon the wide distribution of property, bringing home to the lowest, as well as the highest, the motives of restraint .” If only a portion of this be true, the world will owe to France the grandest lesson in social economy. Here we see a possible escape from the terrible Malthusian dilemma. France has attained her present state of social welfare in rural districts by legal restriction against family entails, which lead to the agglomeration of big estates in few 204 ROOT MATTERS IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. bauds, and by legal facilities for land transfer; and Mr. Lefevre urges that England should follow her example. This matter should receive the greatest attention at the hands of legislators in these colonies, for mighty issues are at stake, socially and politically. Can a Higher Culture ee Maintained in ant one Country Without Regulating its Intercourse with other Races op Men in a Lower Plane of Civilisation P There is still another difficulty to face, even if one en¬ lightened country by providence had succeeded in adapting the growth of that population to the means of subsistence. And this difficulty now presses hard upon the labourers of a higher civilisation open by Free Trade to the competition of the labour market of a lower or more degraded form of civili¬ sation. The partial exclusion of cheap Chinese labour from America and these colonies may, or may not, have been in accord with the principle of Free Trade ; but it opens up a grave subject. For if a higher culture could be enabled bv pro¬ vident moral or self-control to successfully grapple and overcome the present enigmas of social science, how is it possible that such a culture could be effectually preserved if it were open to be disturbed by the cheap labour or the starvation price products of other nations, who, by improvidence and lack of moral control, were still sunk in the abyss of that wretchedness which is due to over-population ? In this aspect I am humbly of opinion the doctrines of Free Trade and Protection require further consideration ; and it is with the hope that the reason¬ able discussion of such matters may shed fresh light upon this and related problems that I have had the courage to address you upon these old, well-worn, but hitherto unsoluble difficul¬ ties belonging to social and economic science. One thought impresses me not a little. It is this : All truths that are painful are blindly and passionately resisted by the majority, who also are ever prone to reward skill when it is employed in opposing or obscuring what is hateful. It cannot be hoped, therefore, that the warnings given with respect to the danger that awaits us in the near future will be much heeded at present. The world’s greatest intellects and genius are, for the most part, supported in defending popular views ; for it is not found to be a difficult matter for men of greatest literary talent and skill to show, where complications abound, that the true is false, and the false is true. Popular favour is a terrible taskmaster, for she refuses bread to those who fail to work her pleasure. I do not, therefore, undervalue the temp¬ tation which ensnares the majority of able minds to continue the defence of pleasant delusions, when these alone find a ready market of exchange value. But the evil time draws too near for delusive teaching. It is now necessary that those who see the rocks ahead should speak out faithfully. 205 THE EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUTENANT- GOVERNOR COLLINS IN 1803-4. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. Read 14th October, 1889. 1. The Origin of the Expedition and the Voyage to Port Phillip. In former papers which I have had the honor to read before the Royal Society, I have endeavoured to trace the influence of French rivalry in hastening the English settlement of Australia. I have shown that to the pioneer work of French navigators we owe the first admirable surveys of the southern coasts of Tasmania, and that it was wholly due to the apprehensions that those surveys excited that Governor King sent Lieut. Bowen from Port Jackson to take possession of the Derwent. I have also briefly touched on the explorations of our own English sailors in the neighbourhood of the Derwent and in Bass’ Strait, and the influence of their reports in deciding the choice of localities for new colonies, while I have followed the misfortunes of the unlucky settlement at Risdon, and described its collapse after a short and troubled life of little more than half a year. The real history of Tasmania as an English colony begins with the departure from England, in the spring of 1803, of the expedition of Lieutenant-Governor Collins,* the founder of Hobart; and it is with the origin and misadventures of that expedition on its way to the Derwent that I have to deal in the present paper. The project of the English Government to found a colony on the shores of Bass’ Strait, and the unsuccess¬ ful attempt of Governor Collins to plant that settlement *The first lieutenant of the Calcutta published a narrative of the voyage of the expedition to Port Phillip, and of its failure there. “Account of a Voyage to establish a Colony' at Port Phillip, in Bass’ Straits, in H.M.S. Calcutta, in 1802-8-4. By James Kingston Tuckey.” London, 1805. The principal official documents relating to the expedition down to the date of its departure from Port Phillip, have been printed by Mr. Francis Peter Labilliere, in his “ Early History of the Colony of Victoria,” 2 vols., London, 1878, and also by Mr. James Bonwick, in his “ Port Phillip Settlement,” London, 1883. The Rev. Robert Knopwood’s Diary has been printed by Mr. John J. Shillinglaw in his “ Early Historical Records of Fort Phillip,” Melbourne, 1878 •, 2nd edition, 8vo., 1879. The diary was copied from the original (hen in the possession of the late Mr. Vernon W, Hookey, of Hobart. 206 EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUT.-GOV. COLLINS. Labilliere, i., 125. Home Office to Colonial Office, 17 th Dec. 1802. at Port Phillip in 1803, may at first sight appear to be beyond the scope of the history of Tasmania, and to belong exclusively to that of Victoria. But Collins’ expedition has absolutely nothing to do with the history of our Victorian neighbours. The sandhills of Port Phillip merely served for a month or two as a resting place for the colonists on their way to the Derwent. The short stay of Collins’ people on Victorian soil was only an incident in their passage from England to Van Diemen’s Land, like their touching at Rio or the Cape ; and the story of those months is an essential part of the history of the first settlers of Hobart. The idea of the settlement emanated from Captain Philip Gidley King, the then Governor of New South Wales, and was, doubtless, suggested to him by the arrival at Port Jackson of the French ship the Naturaliste from Bass’ Straits, and the suspicions thus excited in his mind with respect to French designs on H is Majesty’s territories in New Holland. On the 21st May, 1802 — shortly after the arrival of the Naturaliste , but before Commodore Baudin’s own ship had reached Port Jackson— the Governor addressed a despatch to the Duke of Portland pressing upon him the importance of founding a colony at the newly dis¬ covered harbour of Port Phillip, of the soil, climate, and advantageous position of which he had just received a very favourable report from Captain Flinders, who had explored it in the preceding month. The reason most strongly urged by King was the necessity of being before¬ hand with the French, who, in his opinion, were bent on getting a footing somewhere in Bass’ Straits. When the Governor’s despatch reached England there was for the moment peace with France, but French movements were viewed with the utmost suspicion, and a speedy renewal of the war was regarded as inevitable. H.M.S. Calcutta was under orders to take to New South Wales a further detachment of 400 male convicts and some 50 free settlers, and preparations were being made to send her off immediately. King’s recommendation therefore came at an opportune juncture, and was at once taken into consideration. Amongst miscellaneous Colonial Office documents in the Record Office, Mr. Bon wick found a paper which records the result of these deliberations. It has neither subscription nor address, and is undated, though from other evidence its date can be fixed at somewhere in the latter half of the month of December, 1802. This document is of so much interest as setting forth BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 207 the views of the Government on Australian colonisation at this important period, that it is here given in full : — “ Memorandum of a Proposed Settlement in Bass’s Straights. “ The attention of the French Government has recently been directed to New Holland, and two French ships have, during the present year, been employed in survey¬ ing the western and southern coasts, and in exploring the passage through Basses Straights to New South Wales. By the accounts which have been recently received from Governor King at Port Jackson, there is reason to believe that the French navigators had not discovered either of the two most important objects within those Straights, namely, the capacious and secure harbour in the North, to which Governor King has given the name of Port Phillip, nor a large island called King’s Island, situated nearly midway on the western side of the Straights, and which extends about 50 miles in every direction. “Governor King represents each of these objects as deserving the attention of Government, but especially Port Phillip, where he urgently recommends that an Establishment should be immediately formed, at the same time observing that, if the resources of his Government could have furnished the means, he should have thought it his duty, without waiting for instructions, to have formed a settlement there. “ The reasons adduced by Governor King in support of this opinion are principally drawn from the advantages which the possession of such a port naturally suggests for the valuable fishery that may be carried on in the Straights, where the seal and the sea elephant abound, and from the policy of anticipating the French, to whom our discovery of this port and of King’s Island must soon be known, and who may be stimulated to take early measures for establishing themselves in positions so favourable for interrupting in any future war the com¬ munication between the United Kingdom and New South Wales, through the channel of Basses Straight. “ In addition to these reasons, it may be stated that it would be of material consequence to the settlement at Port Jackson, which has now arrived to a population of near six thousand persons, if an interval of some years were to be given for moral improvement, which cannot be expected to take place in any material degree while there is an annual importation of convicts, who neces¬ sarily carry with them those vicious habits which were the cause of their having fallen under the sentence of the law. Downing- street to Admiralty, Jan. 1803. 208 EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUT.-GOV. COLLINS. “ From a due consideration of all these circumstances, it is proposed to adopt the recommendation of Governor King, and to appoint a competent person to proceed in the Calcutta, direct for Port Phillip, for the purpose of commencing the establishment there, by means of a certain number of settlers and male convicts, now ready to be embai'ked in that ship, and, further, that the establishment shall be placed under the control of the principal Government at Port Jackson, upon a similar footing to that on Norfolk Island. “ The expense of this new settlement, beyond what would necessarily attend the conveyance and supplies for the convicts if sent to Port Jackson, may be calculated at a sum not exceeding .£15,000 a year, subject to a small additional charge, if circumstances should render it advisable to send some of the convicts under a sufficient guard to secure the possession of King’s Island. “ With a view to this service, and for the purpose of keeping open the communication between the two settle¬ ments and with Port Jackson, it is thought necessary that a small vessel should be stationed in the Straights, to be employed in such manner as the Lieut.-Governor, acting under the orders of Governor King, may point out. “ Experience having proved the great inconvenience arising from the establishment of the New South Wales Regiment at Port Jackson, it is conceived that consider¬ able benefit would result from selecting a detachment of the Royal Marines for this service. “With a view of exciting the convicts to good behaviour, it is proposed that such of them as shall merit the recommendation of the Governors abroad shall be informed that their wives and families will be permitted to go to them at the public expense as indentured servants; and, to render this act of humane policy as conducive to the benefit of the Colony as the circum¬ stances of the case will permit, it will be necessary that these families shall on no account be sent upon ships on which convicts shall be embarked, and that they shall be informed their reunion with the objects of their regard would depend upon their own good behaviour, as well as upon that of their husbands.” The recommendations of the memorandum were adopted by the Cabinet. Early in January, 1803, it was ordered that the destination of the Calcutta should be changed, and that the convicts, with a detachment of 100 Royal Marines as guard, should proceed direct to Port Phillip, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 209 David Collins, who was appointed Lieut.-Governor of the new Settlement. An urgent appeal was made to the authorities by Mr. Secretary' King, of the Home Office, to send a proportion of women — to allow the wives of the married convicts to accompany their husbands, and to add a number of female convicts. Secretary King pointed out the mischief that had ensued in the Port Jackson colony from the disproportion of the sexes, and remarked, “ To begin with a colony of men, populrn virorum, will do for nothing in nature but what Virgil applies it to — a Hive of Bees.” It would have been well if this sensible advice had been acted upon ; as it was, out of 307 convicts who sailed from England, only 17 were accompanied by their wives. The military guard, officers and men, consisted of 51, of whom some seven had their wives with them. Free settlers were not much encouraged in those days ; for, though it was the policy of the Government to introduce a certain proportion, the number was rigidly limited. Mr. Bonwick says that up to the year 1803 the whole number of free settlers introduced into New Holland was only 320, to a total population of over 7000. Thirteen persons obtained Lord Hobart’s permis¬ sion to throw in their lot with the new colony as settlers ; and, of these, not more than three or four had wives with them. The Civil Establishment consisted of a Chaplain, the Rev. Robert Knopwood ; three Surgeons, Messrs. Wm. I’ Anson, Matthew Bowden, and ffm. Hopley; a Commissary, Mr. Leonard Fosbrook; a Surveyor, Mr. George Prideaux Harris ; a Mineralogist, Mr. Adolarius William Henry Humphreys ; and two Superintendents of Convicts. The Colonial Office could probably have chosen no more suitable man than Lieut. -Colonel David Collins as Governor of the new settlement. Collins was an Irishman, having been born in King’s County in 1756. He had seen military service ; and, as a young Lieutenant of Marines, had been present at the battle of Bunker’s Hill. When Governor Phillip sailed with the “ First Fleet ” in 1788, to found Sydney, Captain Collins accompanied him, as Judge Advocate. He served in this important capacity, and also as Secretary to the Governor, for eight years, returning to England in 1796, with high recommendations from Governor Hunter to the Duke of Portland for his merit and services to the young colony. During his stay in England he wrote and published his well known and valuable “Account of the English Colony of New South 210 EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUT.-GOV. COLLINS. Wales,” the first volume appearing in 1798, and the second, which carried on the history to August, 1801 , being published in 1802. The book met with a very favour¬ able reception, and was reviewed by Sydney Smith, in the Edinburgh Review. The reviewer says, “ Mr. Collins’s book is written with great plainness and candour : he appears to be a man always meaning well; of good plain common sense ; and composed of those well-wearing materials which adapt a person for situations where genius and refinement would only prove a source of misery and error.” Collins is said to have been a remarkably hand¬ some man, with delightful manners. He seems to have had not a little tact in managing men, and to have possessed many of the qualities requisite in the founder of a colony. If he erred in his judgment of the capabilities of Victoria as a place for settlement, he certainly showed sagacity in his choice of a site for Hobart. The preparations for the new settlement were quickly pushed on ; and, in April, 1803, the expedition was ready for sea. The 307 male convicts, and their military guard, were to be conveyed by H.M.S. Calcutta, in which vessel the Lieut. -Governor himself, and a select few of his staff — viz., Lieut. Sladden, the First Lieutenant of Marines ; Mr. Knopwood, the Chaplain ; and Mr. I’Anson, the Principal Surgeon — were also to be accom¬ modated. At the period of which we are speaking, March, 1802, which was during the short peace which followed upon to May, 1803. the Treaty of Amiens, the ships of the Navy were frequently employed for the conveyance of convicts to Bonwick’s New South Wales. In the early days of the colony the “First Twenty convicts were brought out under contract, — the con- tralia.” * US tiactoi's receiving as much as <£17 7s. 6cl. per head for all shipped. The contractors had no interest in treating the people well, or even in keeping them alive. The consequence was a most scandalous state of things. It was estimated that during the first eight years at least one-tenth of those transported died on the voyage. In the “ Second Fleet,” in 1790, the mortality was awful. In one ship more than a fourth part died on board, and a large number after arrival. The unhappy people were shut up below, in filthy and stifling quarters; seldom allowed on deck, for fear of mutiny ; kept under no discipline ; and often subjected to brutal ill-usage. Besides the dreadful mortality on the voyage, the survivors arrived so enfeebled that the hospitals were filled with sick, many of whom succumbed ; while a considerable proportion of the remainder never recovered from the effects of the passage. Afterwards, by the BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 211 adoption of the system of paying a premium for each person landed, thereby giving the contractors a direct interest in caring for the health of the convicts, a great improvement in their treatment was secured. During the peace, however, the Government preferred using ships of the navy as transports, thus giving employment to officers and seamen whom it was undesirable to dis¬ charge, in view of a probable renewal of hostilities, and at the same time ensuring that the convicts would be kept in a better state of order and cleanliness. The vessels could also, on their return voyage, bring home cargoes of timber for naval purposes at a small expense. The ships best adapted for transports were those which had been originally built for the East India Company, and had been purchased into the King’s service during the war. The Calcutta was a ship of this class. She was commanded by Captain Daniel Woodriff, who had been in New South Wales in 1792 and 1793, and had been so favourably impressed with the capabilities of the settlement that, when he received orders to take out a transport, he petitioned Lord Hobart for a grant of land for his sons, with the view of settling his whole family in the colony. He had as his first, lieutenant Lieutenant Tuckey, a young Irishman of great energy and ability, who afterwards wrote an account of the expedition, which was published in 1 805.* The Calcutta was to take the convicts and military, but a tender was necessary to carry the stores for the whole establishment. For this purpose the Transport Office chartered the Ocean, a ship of 481 tons, belonging * “ An Account of a Voyage to establish a Colony at Port Phillip in Bass’ Strait, on the South Coast of New South Wales, in H.M.S. Calcutta." By Lieut. J. K. Tuckey. London, 1805. Lieutenant James Kingston Tuckey was born in 1776, at Mallow, County Cork. He entered the navy at an early age, and served with distinction in the Eastern Archipelago and the Indian Seas, and afterwards in the Red Sea. Broken in health, he was in 1802 appointed first lieutenant of the Calcutta, and served during the voyage to Port Phillip, returning to England in 1804 and publishing his book. In 1805 the Calcutta, in convoying ships from St. Helena, was captured by tire French, after a gallant defence, in which Tuckey particularly distin¬ guished himself. He remained in a French prison for nine years. During his imprisonment in France he married a lady who was his fellow prisoner. On his release in 1814 he was made commander, and in 1816 he obtained the command of an expedition to explore the River Congo. The members of the expedition suffered terribly from fever, which was fatal to 21 out of a total number of 56. Tuckey was one of the victims, dying on 4 October, 1816. — “Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire (Congo) in South Africa in 1816.” London, 1818. Gentleman’ s Magazine, 1804. 212 EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUT.-GOV. COLLINS. Transport Office, Memo. 7th April, 1803. to Mr. Hurris, of .Newcastle, and commanded by Captain John Mertho. The stores, exclusive of provisions, amounted to the value of .£8047* ; the freight and pro¬ bable demurrage were put at £2568 ; total, £10,615. The remainder of the civil establishment, seven in num¬ ber ; two of the officers of the Royal Marines (Lieuts. J. M. Johnson and Edward Lord) ; and the 13 free settlers and their families, were passengers on board the Ocean. On Sunday, 24th April, 1803, the Calcutta and the Ocean left Spithead in company, and three days later took their final departure from the Isle of Wight. For the events of the voyage Mr. Knopwood’s diary is our principal- source of information.! The diary is taken for the most part from the ship’s log ; and the chaplain, while he tells us a great deal about the ports at which they touched, and about the dinners and amusements which they enjoyed at those places, says nothing about the condition of the convicts, and but little of the in¬ cidents of the voyage. The ships touched at Teneriffe and at Rio de J aneiro, where they stayed three weeks. Off the Island of Tristan d’Acunha the Ocean was lost sight of in a storm, and the Calcutta put into Simon’s Bay, Cape of Good Hope, where she remained a fort¬ night. The good chaplain was a man who dearly loved good company and genial society, and from the fond way in which he lingers over the delights of Rio and the Cape, at both of which he managed to have a very good time, we can judge how irksome he must have found the long sea life of five months. Though well on in middle age he wras still susceptible, for at Rio he remarks of the Convent de Adjuda, which received as boarders young ladies who had lost their parents : — “ This I frequently visited, where I conversed with a very beautiful young lady named Antonia Januaria. Her polite attention I shall not easily forget, having received great friendship from her, and should I ever return there again shall be happy to see her.” And a few days later he writes : — “ 1 visited De Adjuda for the last time. I saw Antonia this eve at 5, and we took leave of each other with regret. Vale !” It is so seldom that the chaplain indulges in sentiment * In the list of stores are the following items : — Ironmongery, £2525 ; clothing, &c., £1930 ; naval stores, £723 ; carts and im¬ plements of husbandry, £500; medical and hospital stores, £1380; six pipes port wine, £282. t Mr. Labilliere discovered the log book of the Calcutta at Deptford Dockyard, and gives extracts from it in his book. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 213 that I cannot forbear quoting his reflections on leaving the Cape. “ On our departure from the Cape,” he writes, “it was natural for us to indulge at this moment a melancholy reflection which obtruded itself on the minds of those who were settlers at Port Phillip. The land behind us was the abode of a civilised people — that before us was the residence of savages. When, if ever, we might again enjoy the commerce of the world was doubtful and uncertain. The refreshments and the pleasures of which we had so liberally partaken at the Cape and Simon’s Bay were to be exchanged for coarse fare and hard labour at Port Phillip, and we may truly say, all communication with families and friends now cut off, we were leaving the world behind us to enter on a 6tate unknown.” After leaving the Cape the Calcutta encountered a severe storm, and reached Port Phillip on the 9th October, where she found the Ocean at anchor, having arrived two days before her. From the Chaplain’s diary it appears that the voyage was uneventful, and that good order was preserved throughout, for there are only two or three entries of punishments, for trifling offences. The health of the con¬ victs must have been fairly looked after, only four deaths from illness being noted and one from drowning. This presents a pleasing contrast to the mortality and ill usage which had been too common in the transports to New South Wales.* 2. The Port Phillip Failure. Collins’ ships anchored within Port Phillip Heads Collins to about a mile and a half to the eastward of the entrance. _ Nov. 1803. * Lieut. Governor Collins in his despatch to Governor King1 reporting his arrival, states that he had brought with him 299 x'’ male convicts and 16 married women. From this it would appear that 8 convicts and 1 convict’s wife had died on the voyage. It is difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile the varying statements contained in different documents with regard to the number and names of the free settlers. In a despatch to King, dated 16th December, 1803, Collins says that he has eighteen free settlers with their families, yet his official returns of 26th February and of July, 1804, show only thirteen at the Derw'ent. We have a list of thirteen persons who had obtained permission from Lord Hobart to accompany Collins’ settlement, but apparently this list does not contain the names of all who eventually sailed with him. Thus, it omits the names of Messrs. Pitt, Nicholls, Ingle, Dacres, and Blink- worth, who are known to have come out with Collins to the Derwent as free settlers. The Calcutta’s log records receiving on the 17th October six passengers from the Ocean to proceed from Port Phillip to Port Jackson. Deducting these from the total so far as known, wTould leave the balance within one of the number given in Collins’ return. 214 EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUT.-GOV. COLLINS. Tuckey’s Voyage. On the day of their arrival the Lieut.-Governor and Capt. Woodriff went on shore. They returned in the evening, having found no water, and reported that the soil was very bad. The next morning they set off again to look for a good spot for the settlement. They examined the eastern shore for some miles as far as Arthur’s Mount, and although they found a small stream of fresh water, the soil was so poor and sandy, and the shoal water made approach to the shore so difficult that they returned to the ship much discouraged. The next two days were spent in exploring the west side of the Bay for a distance of many miles, but with no better result. The soil was rather better, but there was no fresh water. In the words of the Chaplain — “ Along the shore we returned by no means satisfied with the country.” From this time Collins made up his mind that Port Phillip was unsuited for settlement, and that his stay could be only temporary, until some more- favour¬ able locality was found elsewhere to which he could remove his people. For the present, however, the necessity of immediately unloading his ships was im¬ perative. Capt. Woodriff had instructions to proceed at once to Port Jackson to take in a cargo of timber; the Ocean was bound for China, and could not be detained without considerable expense. He therefore gave up further search for a good locality, and on the fourth day after his arrival fixed on a spot about eight miles to the eastward of the Heads — near the present township of Sorrento — where very good water had been got by sinking half a dozen casks in the sand, and here on a small flat of some 5 acres in extent he resolved to pitch his tents and encamp his people and stores. The ships were moved opposite to the selected spot, the convicts and military put on shore, the ground cleared, and the landing of the stores begun. This was a task of some difficulty, as the men had to go up to their middle through the water to carry in the goods from the boats. The bulk of the stores was piled in the open air, and the more valuable and perishable were placed in three large tents, a guard of ten marines being posted to protect them. This done, Lieut. Tuckey, accompanied by Mr. Surveyor Harris and Mr. Wm. Collins, was sent in the Calcutta’s launch to survey the upper part of the harbour. They proceeded to the north west, and after two attempts reached the head of the Western Arm of Corio Bay, near to where Geelong now stands. The report brought back was not encouraging. The soil was mostly sandy, and, except a few acres at the head of BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 215 the Port, there was no land within five miles of the water which would grow corn. Water was everywhere scarce. Snakes were common, and insects innumerable and tor¬ menting, but game was not plentiful and fish scarce. At the head of the Bay, where a level plain stretching to the horizen appeared more promising, the blacks were numerous and hostile. A mob of 200 attacked Tuckey’s party, and were so pertinacious and threatening that Tuckev had to fire upon them with fatal effect. It seemed to the Lieut.-Governor that any attempt to plant his colony in this apparently more favourable situation, amidst swarms of hostile savages, with his little military force of 40 men — already hardly sufficient to restrain the convicts — must only end in disaster. He wrote to Lord Hobart, “ Were I to settle in the upper part of the harbour, which is full of natives, I should require four times the strength I have now.” Yet this was the only alternative he could see to his present position in a waste of waterless sand. So gloomy was the view he took of the situation, Collins" to that he even found the Bay itself wholly unfit for King, 5th commercial purposes on account of its difficulty 0fNov-1803- access, and that, awing to the dangerous entrance and strong tides, it required a combination of favourable cir¬ cumstances to enable a vessel to enter without disaster. His sole idea -was to remove as soon as possible from these forbidding shores. His instructions from the Instructions, Colonial Office bad contemplated such a possibility, and 7th Feb. 1803. allowed him considerable latitude of choice as to the final destination of the colony. “ Although Port Phillip has been pointed out as the place judged most convenient and proper for fixing the first settlement of your establish¬ ment in Bass’ Straits, nevertheless you are not positively restricted from giving the preference to any other part of the said southern coast of New South Wales, or any of the islands in Bass’ Straits, which, upon communication with the Governor of New South Wales, and wfith his concurrence and approbation, you may have well- grounded reasons to consider as more advantageously situated for that purpose.” With the idea, therefore, fixed in his mind that at Port Phillip nothing but failure was possible, it became his most anxious thought to obtain Governor King’s permission to remove his settle¬ ment. But here was a new source of embarrassment. By the beginning of November the Ocean had landed her stores. Captain Mertho wras anxious to proceed on his voyage to China, and to charter the ship for Port Jackson would entail a heavy expense. The Collins to Hobart, 28th Feb. 1804. King to Collins, 26th Nov. 1803. Mertho to King, 26th Nov, 1803. King to Collins, 26th Nov. 1803. 216 EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUT.-GOV. COLLINS. Governor was anxious to detain the Calcutta as long as he could, both for protection and to be at hand to assist his removal if affairs took a more serious turn. In this dilemma he found a friend in need in one of the settlers, Mr. William Collins, formerly a master in the navy, who had come out in the Ocean on a seal-fishing speculation. This William Collins volunteered to go to Port Jackson in an open six-oared boat to carry despatches to Governor King and to bring back his reply. Six con¬ victs volunteered as a crew,*' the boat was victualled for a month, and on the 6th November Mr. Collins started on his plucky trip. The surf was so bad at the Rip that he could not get out of the entrance for four days. A week later the Ocean was ready for sea, and sailed out of Port Phillip on her way to China. She was, however, destined to play a further part in the history of Tas¬ manian colonisation. When within 60 miles of Port Jackson Captain Mertho came upon William Collins in his cutter. The boat had been nine days at sea, and had had a very rough time of it. The captain took the people on board and carried them to Sydney, arriving on the 24th November, and the despatches were delivered to Governor King. King acted promptly, the more so, as from Grimes’ report he vvas prepared for Collins’ unfavourable account of Port Phillip. The Lady Nelson was on the point of sailing for Norfolk Island ; he immediately changed her destination and sent her to Port Phillip with wThat little fresh provisions and live stock he could spare, and with orders to return with despatches. He wrote to Captain Woodriff begging him, if it was consistent with his instructions from the Admiralty, to assist by removing the convicts to the Derwent or Port Dalrymple ; and, finally, he arranged with Captain Mertho for a charter of the Ocean for four months, at 18s. per ton per month, to proceed to Port Phillip to remove the stores. The Ocean and Lady Nelson sailed within four days after receipt of the despatches. Governor King, in his despatch, fully endorses Collins’ opinion about Port Phillip. “ It appears,” he says, “ as well by Mr. Grimes’ and Mr. Robbins’ surveys, as by your report, that Port Phillip is totally unfit in every point of view to remain at, without subjecting the Crown to the certain expensive prospect of the soil not being equal to raise anything for the support of the settlement, unless you shall have made any further observations to * For this service the six men received conditional pardons, BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 217 encourage your remaining there. Perhaps the upper part of the bay at the head of the rivers may not have escaped your notice, as this is the only part Mr. Grimes and those that were with him speak the least favourably of. From this circumstance, I shall presume, it will appear to you that removing from thence will be the most advisable for the interest of His Majesty’s Service.” He then refers to Bowen’s settlement at Risdon, and the reports from thence, and sends to the Lieut.-Governor Bass’ and Flinders’ MS. journals containing a description of the Derwent. He next discusses the relative advan¬ tages of the Derwent and Port Dalrymple (i.e., the Tamar). The Derwent has the recommendation of being already settled on a small scale, and as being an excellent harbour for the China ships to touch at, and also for sealers and whalers. However, if it were not for the difficulties of approach in the channel of Port Dalrymple, and the possibility of not finding good land there, he would decidedly prefer the northern locality, as more advan¬ tageously situated, and particularly as a place of resource for the sealing and fishing vessels in Bass’ Straits, and to protect the fisheries at Cape Barren and King’s Island from the Americans. However, he leaves to Collins full freedom of choice between the two places. In the meantime Governor Collins had got all his Collins to people encamped in tents, and had placed his sixteen Hobart, 14th settlers in a valley near his encampment, where they Nov- ^OS- established themselves in temporary huts. For the first few weeks the general health was good, but after that time sickness began to appear, and he had some 30 under medical treatment. A matter which troubled Collins more tvas the desertion of the convicts. The people had been very orderly for the first three weeks, but soon a spirit of discontent arose, and, immediately after the boat left for Sydney, three men absconded, — with some vague idea of reaching Port Jackson, or getting on board a whaler off the coast,— and within a week twelve were missing from the camp. Parties were organised in pursuit, and, at a distance of 60 miles from the camp, five of the runaways were recaptured and brought back. Hitherto the Governor had not caused his commission to Collins to be read, reserving this ceremony till he should be finally Hobart, 28th settled. Now he wished to make a public example of Feb- 1804- the delinquents; and, to add solemnity to the punishment, he had the garrison drawn up under arms, the convicts, clean dressed, on the opposite side, while the chaplain read the commission, the marines fired three volleys, and all gave three cheers for His Honor, The Governor 218 EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUT. -GOV. COLLINS. then addressed the people, pointing out the comforts they enjoyed and the ill use they made of them, and the folly of desertion, which could only end in suffering and death, either from the attacks of the savages, or from starvation and hardships in the fruitless attempt to travel 1000 miles through a wild and inhospitable country inhabited only by savages. The five deserters were then brought up for punishment, and, in the presence of all, received 100 lashes each, administered by the drummers. Notwithstanding this example, desertions still continued in spite of all the vigilance that could be exercised. Some of the runaways, after a bitter experience of the miseries of the bush, voluntarily returned, in a deplorable state of illness and exhaustion, having travelled over 100 Collins to miles and subsisted on gum and shellfish. One or two King, 29th were shot, others were recaptured, but on Collins’ Feb. 1804. departure at least seven were left in the woods. What became of them was never known, except in one instance. Thirty years after, when the first party from Launceston went over to settle Port Phillip, they found amongst a tribe of blacks a white man, unable to speak English, and hardly distinguishable from an aborigine. This was William Buckley, one of the runaways from Collins’ settlement. Buckley received a free pardon and settled in Tasmania. His huge ungainly form and heavy face were familiar in the streets of Hobart in the memory of many now living. Considering the character of the people, and the fact that they were broiling on the sandhills in a Victorian summer, with an insufficient supply of water, and unem¬ ployed on any useful work, it is not to be wondered that disorder broke out in the camp. From Collins’ General Orders, and Mr. Knopwood’s diary, we learn of drunkenness amongst the marines, of plundering of the stores by the convicts. After some particularly daring robberies on Christmas eve, it was found that the military Knopwood, guard was insufficient, and, by the Governor’s desire, the 4th Jan. 1804. officers of the civil establishment, including the chaplain, formed themselves into an association to patrol as a watch at night for the protection of property and the maintenance of order. The Governor did his best to find employment for his men by setting them to build huts, and to construct a stone magazine for ammunition, but he made no further effort at exploration, nor did he attend to King’s hint that better country might be found at the head of the port. If he had done so it is probable that the systematic settlement of Hobart might have been long deferred, BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 219 It is the more inexplicable that the country on which Melbourne now stands was not examined, as the Calcutta proceeded up the Harbour and anchored in Hobson’s Bay off the present site of Williamstown, actually taking in 55 tons of water from the River Yarra. Yet although the ship was away for some ten days no attempt was made to explore the shores of that river. On the 13th December the Ocean returned from Port Jackson, and with her the Francis schooner bringing despatches from Governor King. The appear¬ ance of the Ocean was hailed with delight, and the satisfaction of Collins was shared by all when they learnt the news of Bowen’s settlement at the Derwent, and that the Ocean had been chartered to remove the people thither, or wherever the Lieut.-Governor thought proper. Collins’ pleasure was rather damped by Capt. Woodriff’s informing him that as the Ocean had arrived to remove the Colony, the Calcutta, in accordance with the Admiralty instructions, must immediately proceed to Port Jackson, where a cargo of timber for the use of the navy was awaiting her, and that she could give no assistance in removing the settlement. This would render it necessary to divide the convicts, the military and civil establishments, and the stores into two detach¬ ments, as the Ocean could not take them all at once. Collins immediately set to work to prepare for removal. He set the people to build a temporary jetty, 500 feet long, over the flats, and soon had all hands busily at work loading the Ocean. As to his ultimate destination he was still in much perplexity, and for some weeks it was doubtful whether the Tamar or the Derwent would be the site of the principal settlement in Van Diemen’s Land. Indeed, in those days the ignorance of the different localities was so great — being limited to the information acquired by Flinders in his flying visits — that the data upon which to base a decision were wanting. By the Calcutta, which left him on the 18th December, he writes to King that he will not come to a decision on a point of so much importance until Port Dalrymple had been examined by Wm. Collins, who was leaving in the Francis for that purpose. He will, in deference to King, give the northern port the preference, though he himself inclined to the Derwent. King in reply tells him that a schooner which had just arrived from Port Dalrymple reported the entrance and channel very dangerous, and the natives troublesome, and advises him to give up the idea of going there, and to decide for the Derwent. Calcutta’s log, 22nd Nov. to 1 Dec. 1803. 220 EXPEDITION UNDER LIEUT.-GOV. COLLINS. Collins to King, 28th Feb. 1804. Collins to King, 27th Jan. 1804. This advice only confirmed the conclusion to which Collins had at last brought himself. He gives as his reasons, in addition to King’s recommendation, that the advantages of being in a place already settled had great weight with him, but that a stronger consideration was the mutinous spirit amongst his soldiers, which, he thought, would be checked by the presence of the detachment of the New South Wales Corps at Risdon ; and, moreover, that he considered the Derwent better for commercial purposes than any place in the straits, and that he hoped before long to see it a port of shelter for ships from Europe, America, and China, and a favourite resort of whaling ships. The Lieut. -Governor was so anxious to get away from the place he detested that he kept his people at work loading the Ocean all the week round, Sundays included. He says, in his General Order of Sunday, 31st December, “It has never been the Lieut.-Governor’s wish to make that day any other than a day of devotion and rest ; but circumstances compel him to employ it in labour. In this the whole are concerned, since the sooner we are enabled to leave this unpromising and unpro¬ ductive country the sooner we shall be able to reap the advantages and enjoy the comforts of a more fertile spot ; and as the winter season will soon not be far distant, there will not be too much time before us wherein to erect more comfortable dwellings for every one than the thin canvas coverings which we are now under, and which are every day growing worse.” When Wm. Collins, on 21st January, returned from Port Dalrymple in the Lady Nelson — which vessel had taken him from Kent’s Group, the Francis having proved too leaky to venture across the straits — he found the Ocean loaded and ready to go to the Denvent. The fact that he brought a report on the whole very favour¬ able to Port Dalrymple did not induce the Lieut.- Governor to alter his mind. A few days sufficed to select the people he intended to leave behind him, some 150 in number, of whom Lieut. Sladden, with a small guard, was to have charge, and to embark the majority, some 200 souls, on board the Ocean , the settlers finding a place on board the Lady Nelson. On the 27th January Collins writes to King that he was now only waiting for an easterly wind to clear the Heads and leave this inhospitable land behind. They had to wait four days for the wind; and on the 30th January, 1804, the Ocean and . Lady Nelson sailed out of Port Phillip in company, and headed for the Derwent. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 221 In his narrative of Collins’ expedition Lieut. Tuckey says of the country he had just left: “The kangaroo seems to reign undisturbed lord of the soil, a dominion which, by the evacuation of Port Phillip, he is likely to retain for ages.” — Surely as unlucky an attempt at prophecy as was ever made ! Could some truer prophet have lifted the veil of the future for Collins, he would have shown the disappointed Lieut.-Governor a picture which would have more than surprised him. He would have shown him, within little more than thirty years, a small party of adventurous squatters leaving Van Diemen’s Land to seek a new land of wealth on the shores of Port Phillip. Amongst them he would have noticed a man — whom he himself had brought out as a boy in the Ocean, and taken to the Derwent,* and who was now returning to the unpromis¬ ing and unproductive country which the Lieut.-Governor had abandoned in despair, to find in it a land of fair plains and of springs of water — a land of promise — a veritable Australia Felix — soon to be wealthy in flocks and herds. Such a prophet would have shown him this country, which he and Governor King agreed in think¬ ing wholly unsuited for settlement, within another fifteen short years invaded by tens of thousands of eagnr emigrants rushing to secure at least some small share of its wonderful wealth, until in another generation it had grown into a land of gardens and farms, rich in corn and wine, crowded with villages and cities ; and on the unpromising shores of Port Phillip there stood a great city, the centre of a free and prosperous state numbering more than a million souls. * Mr. John Pascoe Fawkner. THE FOUNDING OF HOBART BY LIEUT.- GOVERNOR COLLINS. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. Read 14th October, 1889. 1. The Choice of Sullivan’s Cove. On the 30th January, 1804, the Ocean and Lad y Nelson , with the first detachment of Lieut.-Governor Collins’ establishment, sailed from the Heads of Port Phillip for the Derwent. The Lady Nelson was com¬ manded by Lieut. Simmons, with Jorgen Jorgensen as first mate. She took the settlers and their families, and the stores. The Ocean had on board 178 prisoners, with some women and children, a guard of 25 marines, under Lieut. Edward Lord, and the civil establishment, consisting of the Lieut.-Governor, the Rev. Robert Knopwood, Surveyor-General Geo. Prideaux Harris, Mr. Adolarius W. H. Humphreys, the mineralogist, Dr. Bowden, and two Superintendents of Convicts. The ship was greatly overcrowded. She had been fitted up in England to carry some 30 people besides her crew. She had now over 200 souls on board, and we can well believe Mr. J. P. Fawkner when he says that they had a miserable time of it during their 15 days’ passage, cooped up in a small vessel of 480 tons. Faivkner says they suffered terribly from the want of cooked food, as the cooking accommodation for 25 had to serve for the whole 200. They were 10 days reaching the Pillar, and were there caught in a heavy south- -wester, which kepi them Ocean's Log. two days off the Raoul. It then came on to blow hard from the north west, which obliged Capt. Mertho to bear up for Frederick Henry Bay, where he came to an anchor off Pipe Clay Lagoon. Here Lieut. Lord and Knopwood, Mr. Humphreys were landed, with four men, to walk up llth Feb- to Risdon with despatches, while the vessel lay wind- bound for another three days, the officers amusing 224 THE POUNDING OF HOBART. Knopwooil, 17th Feb. 4th March, 1804. themselves by going ashore, where they were very much pleased with the appearance of the country and the abundance of game and wild fowl. The boat’s crew filled their boat with fine oysters in half an hour on the shores of the lagoon. They also fell in with a party of 17 natives, who were very friendly. On the 15th February a change of wind enabled them to make the entrance of the river, where they were met by the boat of the Lady Nelson, which had arrived before them, and they ran up before the sea breeze, anchoring at half¬ past six in Risdon Cove, off the settlement of which Lieut. Moore was in charge, Lieut. Rowen being absent at Port Jackson. At 10 the next morning, the Lieut.-Governor, with Lieut. Lord and the Chaplain, landed under a salute of 11 guns from the Ocean — the first salute fired in the Derwent — to inspect the Risdon settlement. They were received with military honours by Lieut. Moore and the 16 privates of the New South Wales’ Corps drawn up under arms. After inspecting the settlement, the Lieut.- Governor came to the conclusion that Risdon was not a suitable site for a town, and returned on board the Ocean very much disappointed. It was the report of the advantages of Risdon that had led him to decide in favour of the Derwent rather than the Tamar, and now he had brought his people to a spot that promised as little as the abandoned Port Phillip. However, the next morning was bright with sunshine, and as he looked out over the waters of the Derwent, with iffi picturesque scenery of hill and valley and thickly wooded plains, things looked less gloomy. To be prepared for the worst, he directed the tents to be pitched at Risdon. Then the boat was ordered out and put in charge of the trusted William Collins, and the Governor, taking with him his favourite companion, Mr. Knopwood, was pulled down the river to a cove on the opposite shore some five miles below Risdon, and which had probably attracted attention on the way up. Here Collins landed, and, after a short examination, made up his mind that it was the very place for his settlement. We can imagine his admiration of the fine cove, with deep water up to the shore, and his profound satisfaction, after four months on the dry sand¬ hills of Sorrento, at finding himself on a well-wooded and fertile plain, lying at the foot of the great Table Mountain, and watered by a copious stream of splendid fresh water. In his first despatch to Lord Hobart, he says that the situation was all he could wish. There BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 225 was land of good quality immediately about him sufficient for extensive agricultural purposes. The timber and stone were in sufficient quantity and quality tor all his needs, and the cove would make an admirable harbour. Knopwood describes the site, not very accurately, as an “ extensive plain, with a continual run of water, which comes from the lofty mountain much resembling the Table Mountain at the Cape of Good Hope. The land is good, and the trees excellent. The plain is calculated in every degree for a settlement. At five we returned and dined with the Governor, much delighted with the excursion.” Collins devoted another day to the examination of a plain further up the river — probably in the neighbourhood of Glenorchy — which, lie thought, might serve for the. location of his free settlers. The trees were large and good, but the ground was so cut up bv torrents that he decided it to be unsuit¬ able. In the meantime the officers had been sent to look at the first site, and they returned with their unanimous approval of it. The Governor forthwith ordered the Ocean's Lag. tents to be struck and sent on board the Lady Nelson, and the two ships were moved out of the cove. On the Sunday morning, in a strong northerly breeze, they dropped down the river and anchored oft the bay, to which the Lieut. -Governor gave the name of Sudivan s Cove, in honour of his friend Mr. John Sullivan, tue Permanent Under-Secretarv at the Colonial Ornce. Monday morning (20tl/ February) was squally and Knopwood. wet, but in the afternoon the weather cleared, and a body of prisoners with a military guard was landed to pitch tiie tents on the selected site. At four o clock the Lieut.- Governor himself, with his officers, went on shore tor a short time to superintend operations, ihat night tne marines and convicts slept at the new camp the first Europeans to sleep .on the site of the iuture capital 01 Tasmania. In a despatch to Governor King, Collins gives a 29th Feb. description of the Cove in its original state. “ In the centre of the Cove,” he writes, “ is a small island, con¬ nected with the mainland at low water, admirably adapted for the landing and reception ot stores and pio- visions. Round this island is a channel for a boat, at the head of which is a run of clear fresh water, pro¬ ceeding from a distance inland, and having its source in a rockln the vicinity of Table Mountain. The ground on each side of the run is of gradual ascent, and upon that next the Cove I have formed my camp. The Ocean 226 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. Ocean's Log. and Lady Nelson are lying within half a cable length of the shore in nine fathoms water.” The inhabitants of Hobart will hardly recognise their harbour in Collins’ description. The filling up has been so considerable as to obliterate the original natural features. The creek has been diverted from its course, and the island, which Collins named Hunter’s Island, after his old patron, has been swallowed up in the Old Wharf. Originally the Cove was much more extensive than it is at present. The island, which now forms the extremity of the Old Wharf, was then in the middle of the bay. This island was connected with the mainland by a long sandspit, covered at high water, and the site of which is now occupied by the long range of stores forming the Old Wharf. The bottom of the Cove was marked by a yellow sandstone bluff, since cut away, and now forming the cliff overhanging the creek at the back of the hospital. A little below this was the original mouth of the creek, which issued out of a dense tangle of tea-tree scrub and fallen logs, surmounted by huge gum trees. It fell into the river just at the intersection of Campbell-street and Macquarie-street, at the lower angle of the New Market building. The land at the creek mouth was flat and marshy for some distance. On the side towards the town the beach curved round the site of the old Bonded Stores, thence, along a slope covered with gum trees, by the back of the Town Hall, by Risby’s Saw-mill and the Parliament Houses, past St. David’s churchyard, and thence along the line of stone stores on the New Wharf to the Ordnance Stores, and round the old Mulgrave Battery Point. On the side of the creek towards the Domain was a low swampy flat, extending over Wapping and Lower Collins and Macquarie Streets to the Park- street rivulet and the present bridge leading to the Domain. Thence the beach ran round the foot of a wooded slope by the present Gas Company’s office, along the course of the railway embankment, to Macquarie Point.* * I am indebted to my friend Mr. Mault for a beautifully executed plan (see Appendix) which shows very clearly the original features of the ground, and the position of the first camp, and also indicates the alterations which have since taken place. I't is taken from a sur¬ vey made by Surveyor- General II arris in 1804-5. The original plan was discovered many years ago in the Lands Office at Sydney, and was presented by the New South Wales Government to our Lands Department. The Deputy-Commissioner of Crown Lands, Mr, Albert Reid, koutiy presented me with a tracing of it. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 227 2, The Founding of Hobart. On Tuesday, the 21st February, 1804, the Ocean and Lculy Nehonytero. warped up to within half a cable length of Hunter’s Island, the rest of the people were landed, and the discharge of the stores began. The Lieut.-Governor’s tent was pitched on the slope overlooking the oove near the spot where the Town Hall now stands. The Chap- Knopwood. Iain’s marquee was pitched next to the Governor’s, and those of the other civil officers in close proximity on the same slope. The tents of the convicts were further inland, extending from about the present Telegraph Office at the corner of Macquarie and Elizabeth Streets, back to Collins Street to the- edge of the scrub in the valley of the creek. The camp of the marines was placed higher up towards the Cathedral. On the Tuesday night, Knopwood says, “ I slept at the camp for the first time, and so did the Lieut.-Governor.” Jorgensen, Jorgensen’s who as mate of the Lacly Nelson , had assisted at the autobiog. in settlement of Risdon in the preceding September, and ^i^anac was now in the same capacity assisting at the founding 1335. ’ of Hobart, gives us a graphic sketch of the scene on that first day. As soon as the tents had been pitched under the shadow of the great gum-trees, spades, hoes, saws, and axes were put into the hands of the prisoners, and they began clearing away as fast as they could. The block just opposite the Tasmanian Museum, behind the old Bank of Van Diemen’s Land building to the neighbouring mouth of the creek, was then an impervious grove of the densest tea tree scub, surmounted by some of the largest gum-trees that this island can produce. All along the rivulet, as far up as the old mill beyond Molle Street Bridge, was impassable from the denseness of the scrub, and the huge collections of fallen trees and dead timber which had been washed down the stream and were strewed and piled in confusion in its bed. In many places the stream was daifimed back, and spread out into marshes covered with rushes and water. Governor Collins had amongst his various stores a small printing press, which had already done service at the Port Phillip camp. This was set up under a con¬ venient gum-tree, and on the day of landing the first printed work issued from the Tasmanian press. It was a General Order, fixing the weekly rations to be issued to each person — viz., 7 lbs. beef or 4 lbs. pork, 7 lbs. flour, and 6 oz. sugar. The second day’s order, with a backward glance at the casks sunk at the foot of the Port Phillip sandhills, expressed the Governor’s satisfaction at 228 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. having been enabled to fix the settlement advantageously, and in a situation blessed with that great comfort of life, a permanent supply of pure running water, and cautioned the people against polluting the stream. On the third day the hours of labour were fixed. The Lieut.-Governor having thus given his people some elementary lessons, enforced by appropriate sanctions, on the mutual rights and duties of the individual and the State, proceeded to care for their spiritual requirements, and on the fourth day issued an order for a general muster of the prisoners, and notified that on Sunday, weather permitting, divine service would be performed, at which all were expected to attend. Hunter’s Island had been appropriated for the site of the store tents, for which purpose it was admirably adapted, not only on account of its handiness as a landing place, but also because its isolated position made it com¬ paratively safe from plunderers. All available hands were now employed to discharge the stores. The ships were moored at a short distance from the shore, and the cargo taken off in boats. A wharf was begun at the landing-place on the island, and a way was formed along the sandspit by means of which the mainland could be more conveniently reached at low tide. These works were placed under the superintendence of Mr. William Collins, the hero of the boat expedition to Port Jackson, and who had already given the Governor many proofs of his capacity. Even the Chaplain, usually the only idle man in the settlement, found employment during the first week. His diary tells us that it cost him three days’ work to prepare a sermon worthy to be the first preached in the new colony. On Sunday, then, under the gum-trees on the slope near the Governor’s tent, overlooking the waters of the Derwent sparkling in the bright February sunshine, the military paraded, the prisoners were drawn up* the officers and settlers formed Kn@pwo.od, a group apart, and the Rev. Robert Knopwood conducted the first service in Tasmania. “ The sermon, by request of the Lieut.-Governor, was upon the prosperity of the new settlement, and to pray to God for a blessing upon the increase of it.” This first Sunday had, however, Ocean’s Log. practical duties, and after service the Ocean's boats moved the settlers, with their families and baggage, to the spot which had been fixed upon for them on the shores of New Town Bay, then known as Stainsforth’s Cove, not far from where the Risdon Road leaves the Main Road. BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 229 On the same day the first census was taken, and it appeared that the population consisted of 262 souls, of whom 15 were women and 21 children.* Of the group who landed at Sullivan’s Cove in Feb¬ ruary, 1804, with our first Governor, the best remem¬ bered, and, indeed, the only one of whom tradition has anything to say, is the Chaplain, the Rev. Robert Knop- wood. The survivor of all Collins’ officers, he lived to times well within living memory, and many an old settler still tells stories of his eccentricities. His spare wiry little figure, on the well-known cream-colored pony, is familiar to us from Mr. Gregson’s painting, taken in his later days when the camp had grown into a town, and he had bachelor quarters at Cottage Green. Of his qualifi¬ cations as the spiritual guide of the young colony not much can be said, and of this he must have been fully sensible if the tradition is correct which reports his favourite saying to have been, “ Do as I say, not I as do.” The choice of Mr. Knopwood as chaplain was an unfortunate one. There was a fine field in those early days for a man who would have devoted himself — as Bishop Willson and others did in later years — with wise enthusiasm to the elevation of the society in which his work lay. It is doubtful whether Mr. Knopwood, clergyman though he was, ever made any serious attempt to raise the moral or religious tone of the community. He had been a chaplain in the navy, and, like too many chaplains of those days, was content to acquiesce easily and without uncomfortable protesta¬ tions in the ways which were current. As a colonist, or * Number victualled at Sullivan’s Cove, Derwent River, 26th February, 1804 : — Qualities. Men. Women. Children. Over 10. Over 5. Under 5. Military Establishment . 26 1 Civil . 6 — — — — - Settlers . 13 6 8 2 3 Convicts . 178 9 2 — 6 Supernumeraries* . 3 — — — — Total . 226 lo 10 2 9 * Mr. Brown, Botanist. Henry Hacking. Salamander, a Port Jackson native. 230 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. Collins to Hobart, 4th March, 1804, Bomvick. Collins to Sal- livan, 4th March, 1804. in any other capacity than a clergyman, he would have been valuable ; as a chaplain he was a failure. Yet he was a genial little fellow, fond of good company and of a good dinner, not a verse to a glass of good wine or a pipe with a friend, a lover of animals, an ardent sportsman, of a kindly nature, always ready to give good-natured help to any one in need. In spite of his grave deficiencies, and the conviction that he would have been better in a secular calling, one cannot help having a kindly feeling for the man who was always popular in the settlement, and was long familiarly remembered amongst early settlers as “ Old Bobby Knopwood.” The diary of the chaplain is the only contemporary material, except grave official documents, which we have for the history of the founding of Hobart. It runs to the end of 1804. The entries are meagre, and too much limited to records of dinners and the interchange of hospitalities amongst the officers ; yet it is naive and candid, and supplies interesting detail. Official records are dry reading, but even they yield unexpected treasures to careful study; and, from the early despatches of Lieut.-Governor Collins to Governor King and Lord Hobart, and from Collins’ General Orders, with occasional side-lights from the Chaplain’s diary, we can form an idea of life in the quaint little camp which at the beginning of this century was pitched on the narrow' rise between the waters of Sul¬ livan’s Cove and the thick belt of tea-tree scrub shading the course of the Hobart Creek. The Governor had planted his settlers at a safe distance at New Town Bay, and his total strength at Sullivan’s Cove consisted of 178 convicts and the guard of 25 marines under Lieut. Edward Lord. The selection of prisoners for the settlementhad been very carelessly made. The frequent burden of Collins’ complaint to the Colonial Office is that he was encumbered with so many old, worn out, or useless men, who ate the precious provisions, better bestowed on artificers and stout labourers. Out of the whole 307 men who sailed with him 137 were labourers, but the trades useful in a new colony were very insufficiently represented, and the w'eavers, silversmiths, engravers, and clerks supplied to him by the authorities with more than sufficient liberality were likely to have long to wait before finding scope for their talents. In fact, the usuai official bungling was ■ exemplified in the new colony. The stores supplied by contract were as bad as usual. The Governor makes an exception in favour of the provisions, which he says BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 231 were excellent, the salt beef and pork being better than any he had seen in New South Wales. But with respect to the other stores he has one long complaint to make. The tools were bad ; the axes so soft that the commonest wood would turn their edges ; of the gimlets scarce one in a dozen would stand boring twice. The materials for clothing were of poor quality, and the thread rotten. The shoes were made of inferior leather, and were all of one size. The surgical instruments were of an obsolete pattern, and many of them worn out. The iron was rolled and not wrought, while neither glue, borax, rosin, nor bar steel had been thought of, so that the carpenters and smiths were in difficulties. The ordnance that had been given him for defence was in¬ complete, the guns of different sizes and patterns, while the ammunition was all of one sort. The seed corn brought from England would not vegetate, and if it had not been for some good seed which he obtained at the Cape, and some more which Governor King sent him, he could not have raised a crop of wheat. Except the provisions, the printing press was the only item of which he could speak with satisfaction, but for this they had not given him a sufficient supply of type or of paper. Of course, when the contractors were communicated with they all pro¬ tested that the goods were carefully selected, of a quality superior to the pattern, and quite equal to those which the convicts had had heretofore. Perhaps this last state¬ ment was correct. In spite of these minor difficulties, the work of settle¬ ment and improvement was pushed on with an energy and system presenting a strong contrast to the inaction and disorder of the Port Phillip camp. When the land¬ ing jetty at Hunter’s Island was completed, all the strength that could be spared from the work of clear¬ ing was bent to the building of a Government House. He had 178 men in all, but when the necessary deductions were made for overseers, servants, cooks, boats’ crews, labourers clearing away scrub or employed in other necessary work, and for the sick — always a large item, owing to the prevalence of scurvy and other ailments induced by the exclusive use of salt provisions — it will be seen that no large number would be left for the actual work of building.* It is most probable that the Governor selected and brought with him in the first detachment all the skilled workmen, leaving the most useless at * See Appendix : Return of Employments. 232 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. Gen. Orders, 22nd Feb. 30tli April. Gen. Order, 27th Feb. Gen. Order, 27th July. Port Phillip with Lieut. Sladden ; but still the number available was small. No idle time was allowed in the settlement. The bell rang at five in the morning, and the convicts turned out, clad in blue kersey jackets and trousers, and proceeded at once under their overseers to their various employ¬ ments. Work was continued, with intervals of an hour for breakfast and an hour and a half for dinner, until six o’clock in the evening, when the bell gave the signal for the close of the day’s labour. On Tuesday an extra hour was allowed for the issue of rations ; Saturday was a half holiday after 11 a.m. ; and it was only under exceptional circumstances that any labour was required on Sunday. There was ample work for all hands. A large pro¬ portion of the people had to be employed clearing away and burning the scrub, grubbing stumps, trenching, digging and preparing garden ground. Building opera¬ tions were necessarily slow. A quarry had to be opened on the sandstone Point near the mouth of the creek to supply stone for foundations. Oyster shells were gathered from the beaches and burnt for lime. Governor King had sent a quantity of bricks from Port Jackson, and these were utilised for chimneys. The fine gums on the banks of the creek furnished an abundant supply of good timber. Stringent regulations were enforced against the useless destruction of the timber, and no trees might be felled without the permission of the Superintendent of Carpenters, to which office the Governor had appointed Mr. Wm. Nicholls, who had come out in the Ocean as a free settler. With the inferior axes supplied by the Government contractors, and which had their edges turned by the hard gum wood, felling was a tedious operation ; and when the trees were felled and sawn into lengths, the logs had to be dragged to the sawpits by hand labour, and the sawn timber carried thence by the same means, for as yet there were neither horses nor oxen in the colony. The sawyers, of whom it appears there were nine, were constantly employed at the saw- pits cutting the logs into posts and planks — two men at each log with a ripping saw— in the slow and laborious method so familiar to those whose memory goes back to the days when steam saw-mills were not. The progress at the sawpiis was so slow that the Governor, notwith¬ standing his preference for day work, found it necessary at a later period to put the sawyers on task work ; and no sawyer was allowed to work for his own profit unless BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 233 he and his mate had turned out at least 400 feet of sawn timber in the week on the public account. It speaks Avell for the industry of the community and the energy of the administration, that the sawyers, carpenters, and other mechanics made such good progress with their work that in less than three weeks from the day of landing Government House Avas completed, and the Chaplain records in his diary on the 9th March, “ The Lieut. -Governor slept in his house for the first time.’' This first Avooden Government Mouse was not on the same site as the brick building of later years, but stood on the spot now marked by the main entrance of the ToAvn Hall. So soon as the Lieut.-Governor had got his house Gen. Order, built he turned his attention to agriculture. A gang of 24tl1 Mareh. some thirty men was sent to prepare ground for wheat for the use of the settlement. The place chosen was near the locations where the settlers had been set doAvn a month before, on the shore of a bay named Farm Bay. This appears to have been at Cornelian Bay, at what Avas long known as the Government Farm, but is noAv occupied by the Cornelian Bay Cemetery. The farm Avas placed under the charge of Mr. Thomas Clark, Avho had been brought out from England as Agricultural Superintendent. Collins’ next care was to get his people housed under better shelter than canvas tents afforded. They Avere encouraged to use their spare time in building huts. This Avas an employment for Saturday afternoons, for Sundays — after service, when that was held — and for the occasional holidays alloAved for the purpose by the indulgence of the Governor. The huts were of most primitive construction, being for the most part what old settlers will remember under the name of wattle- and-dab — or wattle-and-daub — with a rush thatch. Let me give you an idea of what a Avattle-and-dab hut Avas like, and how it Avas built. Four corner posts were stuck in the ground, and upon these Avail-plates were rested or nailed ; further uprights Avere then added, and long rods of wattle from the bush were interwoven with the uprights, openings being left for door and windoAvs. Mortar Avas then made of clay and loam, into which A\ras mixed and beaten up Aviry grass chopped up as a substitute for hair. This mortar Avas dabbed and plastered against the Avattles outside and in, the roof covered in with flag- grass, a chimney built of stones or turf, a door and window added, the earthen floor levelled, and a coat of 234 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. West, i., 36. whitewash completed the cottage. It is said that the first house in Hobart was a wattle-and-dab hut built by- Lieut. Lord on land adjoining Macquarie House. In less than two months after the Ocean and Lady Nelson had anchored in Sullivan’s Cove the huts were com¬ pleted and the people were all provided with fairly comfortable habitations, occupying a line from the Com¬ mercial Bank to the Hobart Club in Collins Street, and thence along the edge of the scrub to the Australian Mutual Provident Society’s Building. A General Order of 17th April enjoins strict attention to the cleanliness and order of the huts, and to precautions against danger by fire. When the huts were finished the prisoners were at liberty to -work in their spare time for the officers and settlers, in clearing locations, preparing and fencing in gardens, trenching and hoeing the ground for corn or vegetables, and building houses. Labour was scarce, and the demand being greater than the supply, the work people were not slow to take advantage of the necessity by demanding exorbitant prices for their labour. The abuse became so considerable that by General Order (1st June), the Lieut. -Governor appointed a Committee composed of the civil and military officers, together with three of the settlers, to meet on Sunday after service and fix the rate of -wages. The new prices for labour were promulgated by General Order of 22nd June. Mechanics for the day of 10 hours were to be paid 3s. 6c/., and labourers 2s. 6d. For felling and burning timber, 30s. per acre ; for grubbing and burning, .£4 per acre ; for breaking up new ground, £2 per acre. For reaping wheat, 10s. per acre. For sawing, 8s. Ad. per 100 feet. Splitting 7 feet palings, 3s. per 100 ; 5 feet palings, Is. 6c/. per 100. Oyster shells for lime, 3d. per bushel. Thatch, 6d. per bundle of 9 feet girth. The workmen were often paid for their labour in provisions, and the Order fixed the following equivalent rates : — Salt beef, 9 d. per lb. ; Salt pork, Is. ; Kangaroo, 8c?. per lb. ; Flour, Is. per lb. So that for a day’s work of 10 hours, a labourer could procure 1 lb. of pork and 1^ lbs. of flour, and a mechanic 2 lbs. of beef and 2 lbs. flour. Payment for labour, however, was often made in a more objectionable medium, Gen. Order, raw spirit. At a very early period the Governor issued 27th Feb. a stringent order against this most pernicious practice. Nevertheless, in spite of Government regulations it continued to be a crying evil, and for many a long year the abuse continued. Many a Hobart building has BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 235 been paid for in rum. More could be got for spirits than for cash. A bottle of rum was long recognised currency for .£1, or even a higher value. It is probable that very little labour in those early days was paid for in cash. The Collins to want of specie prevented the payment of the salaries of the Hobart, 3rd officers and superintendents, and to meet this difficulty, Au&- 1804' and to supply the officers with the means of purchasing necessary articles brought by vessels coming from Sydney, the Commissary was directed to issue small promissory notes of not less than £1 sterling in value. These were to pass in circulation until specie was sent out. The little camp on the hill above Sullivan’s Cove must have been a grotesque and rough-looking village, with its collection of wattle-and-dab huts thatched with grass. The officers, for the most part, still occupied tents, the hospital was a marquee, and the only piece of architecture making any pretence to be a civilised dwel¬ ling was the wooden cottao-e of the Governor. Hunter’s Island was the citadel of the colony. Here all the stores were kept in large tents under a strong guard, which, however, did not always prevent robberies. At low water the island could now be reached by the sandspit. The approach was carefully guarded, and the most minute regulations were laid down for the issue of stores and provisions, only one person at a time being allowed to come up to the store tent. Those who landed at the jetty were not permitted to make any stoppage at the island; no boat was -allowed to land passengers at the jetty or come into the creek after sunset, nor was any person suffered to approach the island after that hour without a special permit from the Governor. These precautions were necessary, not only for the protection of the stores, but to secure the safety of the boats, always in danger of seizure by intending runaways. The boats were moored every night by a locked chain, a sentinel was always on guard over them, and one of the earliest works, after the completion of Government House, was the building of a boat-house for their security. Mr. William Collins was supreme in the direction of the works in and about the island, and the Governor was already planning the erection of substantial store-houses there, in which the precious provisions and stores, on which the very existence of his little community depended, might be safely housed beyond the reach of marauders. This William Collins was a prominent man in the new colony, a position which his training as a master in the navy, his enterprising character, and his capacity and 236 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. 6th Aug. 1804. Sydney Gazette, 25th March, 1804. Memo. 4th Aug. 1804. judgment fully justified. His adventurous and plucky voyage in an open boat from Port Phillip to Port Jack- son with despatches will be remembered. Since that time he had done good service in examining Port Dalrymple, in company with Surveyor-General Harris and Agricultural Superintendent Clark, while the Governor was still lingering at Port Phillip undecided as to his final destination. He was now raised to the dignity of Harbour Master of the port, and was a person of no small consequence in the settlement. The Lieut.-Governor, in his despatches to the Colonial Office, enlarges on the advantages of Hobart for pur¬ poses of commerce, and speaks of the spot chosen for the settlement as “ a port the advantages of which, when once known, will ensure its being the general rendezvous of all shipping bound into these seas.” For the present, however, merchant ships were absolutely for¬ bidden, under severe penalties, from entering the Derwent, except in case of absolute necessity. The masters of vessels sailing from Port Jackson for Van Diemen’s Land had to enter into a recognizance of ,£100, and two sureties in £50 each, to be forfeited if they landed any person or took any one away without the Governor’s written permission. No one but the Harbour Master was allowed to board any vessel arriving' in the river. These restrictions on merchant ships were not removed until the year 1813. But while trading was thus prohibited, the develop¬ ment of the whale fishery, from which Hobart in after years drew so much wealth, early engaged the Governor’s attention. By his desire William Collins drew up a scheme for the establishment of an extensive whaling station at Sullivan’s Cove. This memorandum, which was forwarded to the Secretary for the Colonies for his approval, is well written, and shows that the Harbour Master was a man of good education and shrewd practical sense. He works out a plan for making Sullivan’s Cove the centre of a South Sea sperm whale fishery, — advising on the description of the vessels to be employed, their plant and equipment, the number of men required, the mode of their remuneration by lays on the take, the necessary local superintendence, and all the details of the scheme, with an estimate of probable profits. The sperm whale season lasted from December to April. William Collins says that when the season for sperm whales and for sealing on the islands was over, the vessels could arrive in the Der- BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 237 went in time to get rid of their catch, and then pursue the beach whale fishery, which commenced early in July and continued until September. During these months Storm Bay Passage, Frederick Henry Bay, and the Derwent abounded with the black whale or right fish, and a dozen vessels yearly could be freighted and sent home with their oil. The right whale was frequently seen in the Derwent in considerable numbers out of the regular season, but during the months of July, August, and September they were so numerous in the shoal parts of the river that from his tent in the camp at. Sullivan’s Cove he had counted as many as 50 or 60 whales in the river at one time.* The Lieut. -Governor had his time fully7 occupied in directing the development of the settlement. Every¬ thing had his daily supervision. The planning of the buildings, the clearing of the ground, the marking off of gardens, the allotment of servants to the officers, -the regulation of labour, the provisions, the stores, the punishment of offences, and the general discipline and regulation of the people, down to the smallest detail, required the personal sanction of His Honor. Tn addi¬ tion to the care of the camp, the new Government farm demanded his constant attention, for the prosperity of the new settlement largely depended on the progress of cultivation. The intervening scrub made it difficult to reach the farm by land' and Henry Hacking, the Governor’s coxswain, with his boat’s crew, frequently pulled H is Honor to Cornelian Bay to inspect the work of Superintendent Clark and his thirty men, who had now some 19 acres in crop, and to pay a visit to the settlers’ locations a short distance beyond at Stainforth’s Cove. The officers of the settlement, too, had little spare time on their hands, for the Governor was eager to get on with the public buildings, and the workmen could only be kept industrious by close and constant supervision and the strictest discipline. The Chaplain was probably the * Knopwood in his diary (1st July) speaks of whales being so numerous in the river that his boat had to keep close along the shore, it being dangerous to venture into the mid-channel. The Kuopwood. Alexander whaler, Captain Rhodes, fished in the Derwent and Storm Bay Passage from August to the end of October in this same year, and went home a full ship. There are persons yet living who can remember the time when bay-whaling, as it was called, had not ceased to be profitable. We have a reminiscence of this old industry in the name of Tryway Point, by which one of the promon¬ tories in the Derwent is still sometimes known. 238 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. only really idle man in the camp. His professional duties were not heavy, consisting of one service and a sermon on Sundays, when the weather was fine, for there was no building large enough for the people to assemble in. Occasionally there was a burial or a marriage. During Knopwoocl. the first six months there were three weddings. On Sun¬ day, the 18th March, Corporal Gangell of the Royal Marines was married to Mrs. Ann Skelthorn, the widow of a settler, at Governor Collins’ house. On the 1st July, at the same place, Mr. Superintendent Ingle was married to Miss Rebecca Hobbs, and on the 23rd July, Mr. Gunn to Miss Patterson. But the Chaplain had plenty of idle time. His poultry yard occupied a good deal of his attention, and he chronicles his successes with sittings of eggs, and the raids made upon his hens by spotted cats, which he occasionally captured. His chief resource was his gun. During the first fortnight he shot quail in the camp, on one occasion putting up three by Mr. Bow¬ den’s marquee and bagging them. Bronzewing pigeons he sometimes shot. On the 13th March he killed his first kangaroo, adding — “ the first kangaroo that had been killed by any of the gentlemen in the camp.” Many a walk through the adjoining bush he took, gun in hand, and accompanied by his dog “Nettle.” Sometimes he went by himself, sometimes with his man Salmon, who was a better sportsman than his master, and shot the largest kangaroo recorded as being killed on the present site of Hobart. Mi1. Knopwoocl has preserved the weight and measurements. It weighed 150 lbs., and measured 3 feet 10 from the tip of the nose to the root of the tail, the tail being 3 feet 4 long, and 16 inches in girth at the root. Sometimes Lieut. Bowen, or some of the officers from Risdon joined the Chaplain in his shooting expeditions, more rarely Surveyor-General Har ris, or Mr. Humphreys, the mineralogist. The parson’s skill was scarcely equal to his zeal, for though he extended his walks as far as the Government farm and the settler’s locations at Stainforth’s Cove, and game was fairly plentiful, the diary often contains the entry “no success.” It was not altogether the love of sport that spurred the Chaplain to these excursions — he went to shoot something for dinner. Twelve or fifteen months of salt beef and salt pork, without even vege¬ tables, would have made a man less fond of good things than the parson long for a change, and kangaroo was greatly appreciated, Of the first kangaroo he tasted at BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 239 Port Phillip, he says “ and very excellent it was.” He is equally emphatic as to the excellence of emu, on which he dined at Risdon. On one occasion he gave a dinner in his tent to all the civil and military officers. Here is the bill of fare: — “Fish, kangaroo soup, .roast kid saddle, roast kangaroo saddle, 2 fowls pellewed with rice and bacon, roast pig.” Game was plentiful at the camp, and kangaroo sold at Sd. per lb. Sometimes good hauls of fish were made. Soon after his landing, the Lieut.- 4th Mar. 1804. Governor tells Lord Hobart that on the preceding day he had served out 328 lbs. of fish, thereby saving 184 lbs. of salt beef. At Risdon game was much more abundant than in the neighbourhood of the Camp. Kangaroo, emu, ducks, and black swans were very plentiful. Immense flights of black swans frequented the river above Risdon in the breeding season. The people destroyed them so recklessly that the Governor, fearing lest such a valuable resource for fresh food might be extinguished, issued an Order prohibiting their being molested during the breed- 10th March. ing season. This first game law was one of the earliest products of civilisation. We have little information respecting the numbers of the natives about the neighbourhood of ihe Camp. During the first week their fires were seen at a little distance, and Mr. Knopwood in his walks saw many of their huts. There is no doubt that they reconnoitred the strangers closely, but they were very shy, and only once did a party of them approach the settlement. Captain Mertho and Mr. Brown, the botanist, had an interview with them on the beach near Macquarie Point, but could not induce them to venture into the Camp. They were probably not very numerous about Sullivan’s Cove — at any rate we hear nothing of such large bodies of them as visited Risdon and caused a panic on the 3rd May, when the fatal affray took place. At other places, such as Frederick Henry Bay and the Huon, they were numerous, and quite friendly with the English. During this first year few attempts were made to explore, the neighbouring country. In a former paper I noticed Mr. James Meehan's exploring trip from Risdon in the early part of 1804, by way of the Coal River to Prosser’s Plains, and through the Sorell district. Of Meehan’s jour¬ ney there is no record, except the track of his route given in Flinders’ map. The few officers at Sullivan’s Cove had too much to do at the Camp to allow of their leaving it for any extended excursions. The first explorations from 240 TUB FOUNDING OF HOBART. the Hobart settlement were made by Mr. Robert Brown,* the celebrated botanist, who had come to the Derwent with Collins’ settlers, to examine the flora of Tasmania. Lieut. Bowen had ascended the river for some distance above Bridgewater, but on 5th March Mr. Brown, accompanied by Capt. Mertho and Mr. Knopwood, set out in the Ocean's boat on a more extended exploration. They vrere three days absent, and Knopwood says they reached a spot more than 40 miles from the Camp, where was an extensive plain, with very few trees — pro¬ bably Macquarie Plains. Game— kangaroo, emu, and pigeons — was abundant. They saw many traces of the blacks, who, however, carefully avoided them. Towards the end of the month Brown and Humphreys, with a party provisioned for ten days, made a farther attempt to reach the sources of the Derwent, but had to return Knopwood. disappointed. A few days later the indefatigable botanist set off alone through the bush, intending to go to the Huon. He was unable to get further than the North West Bay River ; but on the 1st May he and H umphreys started again, and this time they succeeded in reaching the Huon, returning to the Camp after an absence of sixteen days. Lieut. Bowen had already been a short distance up this river, and had given but a poor account Ibid. of the country. In J une, William Collins, the Harbour Master, went in the white cutter to Betsy’s Island, to land two refractory convicts there, and to look out for the anxiously expected ship Ocean, with the rest of the people from Port Phillip. Prom Betsy’s Island Collins pro¬ ceeded up the Huon River. He was away a fortnight, and on his return reported that it was a very favour¬ able site for a settlement, with an abundance of fresh water, good land, and fine trees. He saw many of the natives, who were friendly and took him to their camp, where there were about twenty families. Knop¬ wood says that on this trip Collins saw three of the native “ catamarans, or small boats made of bark, that would hold about six of them.” Ibid, 18 June* The only other exploration recorded is Surveyor- General Harris’ survey of the Hobart Rivulet. Harris was accompanied by Mr. Humphreys, the mineralogist, and three men. They followed the rivulet to its source, * Robert Brown was a botanist of European reputation, and his “ Prodromus Floras Novse-Hollandise et Insulas Van Diemen(London, 1810], is still a standard work. He arrived at the Derwent in the Lady Nelson early in February, 1804, and returned to Port Jaekson in the Ocean, 9th August in the same year. BY .TAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 241 and thence went to the top of the mountain. The old plan which I have mentioned was probably the result of this survey. It will be remembered that when the Lieut. -Governor removed his people to Sullivan’s Cove, he did not inter¬ fere with Lieut. Bowen at Risdon, but left that officer in charge at the site chosen by him in the previous September. It was not until after Lieut. Moore’s fatal affray with the blacks (3rd May) that Collins took over the command of the unlucky first settlement, and removed the people to Sullivan’s Cove preparatory to their being sent back to Port Jackson. The Risdon colony had been named “ Hobart,” under instructions from Governor King, and, on the abandonment of that place, Collins appropriated the name, and called his new settlement at Sullivan’s Cove “Hobart Town.” This name it retained until 1881, when the Legislature dropped the superfluous “ Town,” and reverted to the simple original designation “Hobart.” The name “Hobart Town” first appears in a General Order of 15th June, 1804. Hobart Town was henceforth the official designation of the colony ; but the memory of the first encampment lingered long with the early settlers, and at that time, and for long years afterwards, even as late as the year 1825, the new town at Sullivan’s Cove was fifmiliarly known as “ The Camp.” / The Lieut. -Governor had now been settled at the Derwent for four months, and as yet had only half his establishment with him. The Lady Nelson, after land- Kjfcopwood, ing the settlers and the stores, had sailed for Port Jack- 6th March, son early in March, and before the end of the mouth the Ocean also had left for Port Phillip to bring Lieut. 24th Maiyh. Sladden and the remainder of the people. The Ocean might have been reasonably expected to be back in a month at furthest ; but week after week went by, April and May had passed, June was well advanced, and yet there was no sign of the missing vessel. The Governor grew very anxious, and almost made up his mind to give her up for lost. The Harbour Master was sent at inter¬ vals to Betsy’s Island to look out for her, but returned without news. At last, on the 22nd June, the Governor’s fears were set at rest by her appearance in the river. Lieut. Johnson landed, and reported that they had been 33 days on the voyage,, during which they had had violent gales, the ship having been under bare poles for days at a time, the captain hour by hour expecting her to founder. It took her three days to come up the river, 242 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. Gen. Order, 29tli June. making her total passage 36 days. The misery and semi¬ starvation of those wretched five weeks, during which they were cooped up and tossed about in that little vessel of 480 tons, were not soon forgotten by her 160 pas¬ sengers. The live stock brought in the Ocean also suffered severely during the long rough passage, and Collins ruefully enumerates the losses, which he could ill afford, seeing that the whole of the live stock at the settlement at the end of July consisted of only 20 head of cattle, 60 sheep, and some pigs, goats, and poultry. The reinforcement of people he had received now brought up the strength of the Governor’s establishment to 433 persons — viz., 358 rpen, 39 women, and 36 children.* The new arrivals w($re temporarily distributed amongst the huts already built, and the considerate Governor allowed them a few days’ exemption from work to enable them to build themselves houses. He was so pleased with Lieut. Sladden’s report of his little detach¬ ment of marines that he issued a Garrison Order commending them, and expressing his gratification at their soldierlike demeanour. His civil staff was now oonrplete. Mr. Leonard Fosbrook, the Deputy Com¬ missary-General, who had been left at Port Phillip in charge of the stores and live stock, was quartered in a marquee on Hunter’s Island. Three magistrates were appointed under a Commission from the Governor- General King. This first Tasmanian Commission of the Peace consisted of the Rev. Robert Knopwood, Lieut. Sladden,and Surveyor-General Harris. The night watch was also reorganised, and placed under the direction of Mr. Wm. Thos. Stocker, who in after years became a respected citizen of Hobart as the proprietor of the best inn in the town, the Derwent Hotel , situated in Eliza- beth-street, on the spot now occupied by Mr. Henry Cook’s tailors’ shop. Collins was not altogether satis¬ fied with this night watch, for he had to complain of frequent robberies, which he characterised as a disgrace to the settlement, and which he was of opinion could not have been perpetrated if the watch had been properly vigilant. Such irregularities were, no doubt, inevitable * The return is printed in the Appendix. It bears date July, 1804, and is, presumably, therecord of the muster taken about three weeks after the Ocean's arrival, and referred to in General Order, 17th July. It does not include Lieut. Bowen’s Risdon people, who were separately victualled. A comparison of figures leads to the belief that it does include the few prisoners selected from the Risdon establishment, and whom Collins retained at the Derwent. BY JAMES RACKHOUSE WALKER. 243 with the class of people the Governor had to control ; but, for all that, the community, taking all things into consideration, seems to have been fairly orderly and well behaved, and to have been free from the flagrant abuses and general demoralisation which disgraced the early years of the Port Jackson settlement, and which afterwards sprung up in this colony under less capable governors than Collins. That Collins must have had first-rate qualities as a ruler is evidenced by the fact of the rapid progress made by the colony during the first six months of its existence — from February to the beginning of August — the time covered by the present paper. When, on the 9th August, 1804, the Ocean sailed for Port Jackson with Lieut. Bowen and the rest of the Risdon people, whom the Governor was so glad to be rid of, the new settlement at Sullivan’s Cove was already organised, and with every prospect of permanent success. After the lapse of well nigh a century, we, the inhabi¬ tants of the fair city which has arisen on the site of the Camp of 1804, would show ourselves strangely unmindful of what we ovre to the past if we did not hold in honour the name of David Collins, and if we failed to keep in grateful remembrance the sagacity and energy which he, our first Lieut. -Governor, displayed in the founding of Hobart, 85 years ago. 244 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. APPENDIX. RETURN of Inhabitants at the Derwent River, Van Diemen’s Land, Jidy, 1804. Civil Department . Men. 18 Women. 5 Children. 9 Military Department . 48 9 3 Prisoners . 279 2 Prisoners’ wives-and children... 16 8 Settlers . 13 7 16 358 39 36 Total . . 433 Note. — This return does not include the people belonging to Lieut. Bowen’s Risdon Settlement, who were sent back to Port Jackson by the Ocean, 9th August, 1804. Free Settlers. The names of the free settlers were sent with a letter of April 5th, 1803, from Mr. Sullivan to Lient.-Governor Collins. — Labilliere’s “ Early History of Victoria,” i., 148. “ LIST of Persons who have obtained Lord Hobart's ‘permission to proceed to Port Phillip. Names. Mr. Collins . Edw. Newman . Mr. Hartley . Edwd. F. Hamilton. John J. Gravie. Mr. Pownall. A female servant. Thos. Collingwood Duke Charman. John Skilthorne ... Anty. Fletcher . T. R. Preston . Occupations. Remarks. Seaman Ship carpr. Seaman Carpenter Cutler Mason Pocket-book maker.” [This list is incomplete.] BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 245 RETll RN of the Officers, Superintendents , and Over¬ seers belonging to the Civil Establishment at Hobart Town, River Derwent, Van Diemen’s Land. [July, 1804.] Names. Appointments. Where disposed. Date of Appointment. David Collins, Esq. Lt.-Governor At Hobart Rev. Robt. Knop- Chaplain Town Ditto wood Benjn. Barbauld1 Depty. Judge InEngland Win. T’Anson Advocate Surgeon on leave At Hobart Mattw. Bowden 1st Asst. Sur- Town Ditto Wm. Hopley geon 2nd Asst. Sur- Ditto Leond. Fosbrook geon Depy.Commis- Ditto Geo. Prid. Harris sary • Depy.Surveyor Ditto A. W. H. Hum- Mineralogist Ditto phreys 2 Wm. Collins3 Harbour Mas- Ditto 2 April, 1804 Thos. Clarke ter Superintendent At Farm Wm. Patterson Ditto Bay At Hobart Wm. Nieholls4 Ditto Town Ditto 21 Jany. 1804 John Jubal Sutton 5 Ditto Ditto 27Feby. „ Richd. Clark6 Ditto Ditto 1 June ,, John Ingle7 Overseer Ditto Wm. Parish7 Ditto Ditto 1 Mr. Barbauld never came out to tile Colony. 2 Afterwards Police Magistrate at Hobart. 3 Came out as a free settler. 4 Came out as a free settler ; appointed Superintendent of Car¬ penters at Port Phillip. 5 Came out as Corporal of Marines. 6 Came with Lt. Bowen to Bisdon in Sept., 1803, as a free settler ; appointed Superintendent of Masons, 7 Appointed at Port Phillip • seem to have been free settlers. 246 THE FOUNDING OF HOBART. QUARTERLY employment of the Prisoners in His Majesty's Settlement , Derwent River, Van Diemen's Land, July, 1804. Agriculture and Stock. Overseers . 2 Agriculture on the public account . 28 Care of Government Stock . 5 — 35 Buildings. Stone Cutters and Masons . 3 Sawyers and Timber Measurer . 11 Carpenters and Labourers . 11 Blacksmiths, Armourer, Tinman, and File Cutter... 8 Lath and Pale Splitters . 2 Bricklayers, Plasterers, and Labourers . 10 Lime and Charcoal Burners . 5 Timber Carriage . . 26 — 76 Boat Builders , Sfc. Shipwrights and Caulkers . 3 Labourers . . . 1 — 4 Various Employments. Clerks . 2 Overseers . 7 Taking care of Government Huts . 4 Public Stores and Cooper at ditto . •. . 5 Boats’ Crews . 21 Government Gardens . 7 Town Gang . 38 Night Watch . 7 Attending Hospital . 6 Bellringer and Barbers . . . 3 Tailors and Shoemakers . 6 Printer’ . 1 Thatchers and Too’lhelver . 5 Cook, Baker, and Drummers to the R. M. Detach¬ ment . 4 Jail Gang . 1 Tanner and Gluemaker . 1 — 118 Servants. To Commissioned Officers, Civil and Military . 21 To Superintendents and Overseers . 8 To Non-commissioned Officers of the Royal Marines 2 To Settlers . 1 — 32 Sick and Convalescent . 14 Total . 279 KaZAJLF. < tOLfoirL 'pfiCLtrof tfri •af VaAAsQitLt ‘S'.pU.fiVfi^C CctL-£? a f2«L£,f) u’otajL Ro> aa ofcT^otonateown. , Riv?£>ztw AiaC, iai ,f Voo.® \JH 1 um.'. f5 u_rt> a ij a2> rui£ 3 ao-ujii by £>co ■ p AuSecu.v*. paw i. = 2.$&yiyoi.-6,X-'<~'~:L a=>e aoaofl &£avC(c tUia* Ofo'l1 CjrLstUK} ,ldt= ef,0 poLAts tf^wu-voltf. Cows 0.14 tafUa fWm apt«\ -CiiK'3 Pp?aa af oofliial: aotwa - "ippaovcA - p*?6a£0 LOU’rt ,3a aCii^cJ'pEamafMflairebWlv.appaeVc^ . !. SaAOlnanA. . pono-x x* J a’ ts.ii Zuxn^niiilcZ to fizStmscMvi-Ge.nezaX in. C.S .1. ‘"/'o'5 -’f ic Sax. J SiiKm., *APaW*. iWt.&u,»(^. ap^te^a^uc V£.X0 | &’.3*<}(U'. *®*H*c) :-c . 11. l'Uwiftc.cycLi3 BY JAMES BACKHOUSE WALKER. 247 RETURN of Live Stock in His Majesty's Settlement, Derwent River, Van Diemen's Land, 4th August, 1804. To whom belonging. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Goats. £ P . j:-i fa Government . . . 21 39 15 Lieut.-Governor Collins . 1 • • • 20 37 Military Officers . 2 5 22 Civil Officers . 12 13 7 36 Settlers and others . ... 9 3 9 83 0 21 61 IS 56 178 248 Discussion. Mr. Nicholas Brown said the very clear historical account they had been listening to formed a very fitting sequel to the papers which Mr. Walker had previously read and which he was glad to say had been printed as a Parliamentary paper. He was very pleased that Mr. Walker had dealt with these matters in such an interesting way, and he thought they were all amply rewarded for any expense which had been incurred by employing Mr. Bonwick in collecting the information, and they were especially indebted to Mr. Walker for the way in which lie had handled the subject. Mr. McClymont thought it would be a good thing if the papers were published in a more popular form than as a mere record of tlie Society’s proceedings. Mr. Walker said there was a large number of the early documents relating to Tasmania, and the Society might endeavour to get the Government to publish a selection of them. Another thing he hoped was that the Government would continue to employ Mr. Bonwick collecting these documents. He had only gone as far as 1806, and he might go on to the death of Collins through Governor Davey’s term of office, and possibly part of Sorell’s. As the settlers went through some very great privations a selection of these documents, if published, would be of very great interest and value. Mr. R. M. Johnston thought if the sequence of papers whicli Mr. Walker had undertaken to prepare were published in the form of a hand-book they would be better for general reference and become more popular. If the series of papers were reproduced in this form they would be mucli better and more valuable than publishing a few disconnected documents. 249 NOTES ON A GRUB FOUND INFESTING THE ORCHARDS OF HOBART, WITH A FEW REMARKS ON THE SUBJECT OF INSECT PESTS GENERALLY. By Alex. Morton, F.L.S. On the 9th of November I received a number of cherries from Mr. R. Walker, of Hobart, which were infected with a small grub. After examination, I am led to believe that the grub is identical with a native of the United States, known there as the plum curculio ( Conoirachelus nenuphar ), of the family Curculionide. I understand it was first noticed about Hobart last year, but has enormously increased since its first approach, and is attacking the best kinds of cherries, such as the Florence and Bigaroo. It is so destructive that the most vigorous measures should be taken by orchardists in whose gardens it appears to prevent it spreading to places as yet free from its ravages. From William Saunder’s “ Insects injurious to fruit,” I extract the following: — “This insect is, without doubt, the greatest enemy the plumgrower has to contend with, for when allowed to pursue its course unchecked it often destroys the entire crop. The perfect insect is a beetle belonging to a family known under the several names of curculios, weevils, and snout beetles. It is a small, rough, greyish, or blackish beetle, about one-fifth of an inch long, with a black shining hump on the middle of each, wing case, and behind this a more or less distinct band of a dull ochre yellow colour, with some whitish marks about the middle. The snout is rather short. The female lays her eggs in the young green fruit shortly after it is formed, proceeding in the following manner : Alighting on a plum, she makes with her jaws, which are at the end of her snout, a small cut through the skin of the fruit, then runs the snout obliquely under the skin to the depth of about one-sixteenth of an inch, and moves it backward and forward until the cavity is smooth and large enough to receive the egg to be placed in it. She then turns round, and dropping an egg into it, again turns and pushes it with her snout to the end of the passage. Subsequently she cuts a crescent-shaped slit in front of the hole so as to undermine the egg and leave it in a sort of flap, her object apparently being to wilt the piece around the egg and thus prevent the growing fruit from crushing it. The whole operation occupies about five minutes. The stock of eggs at the disposal of a single 250 NOTES ON A GRUB FOUND INFESTING THE ORCHARDS. female lias been variously estimated at from 50 to 100, of which she deposits from 5 to 10 a day, her activity varying with the temperature. In warm and genial weather it will hatch in 3 or 4 days, but in cold and chilly weather it will remain a week or even longer without hatching. The young larva is a tiny and footless grub, with a horny head. It immediately begins to feed on the green flesh of the fruit, boring a tortuous channel as it proceeds until it reaches the centre, where it feeds around the stone. It attains its full growth in from 3 to 5 weeks, when it is about 2-5ths of an inch long, of a glassy yellowish-white colour, with a light brown head, a pale line along each side of the body, a row of minute black bristles below the lines, a second row, less distinct, above, and a few pale hairs, towards the hinder extremity. The insect is single brooded, the beetle hibernating in secluded spots, under the loose bark of trees, and in other spots. Besides the plum, the peach, nectarine, and apricot also suffer much from its attacks, and it is very injurious to the cherry. When the plum curculio is alarmed it suddenly folds its legs close to its body, turns the snout under its breast, and falls to the ground, where it remains motionless, feigning death. Advantage to be taken of this peculiarity to catch and destroy the insect, a sheet to spread under the trees, and the tree audits branches are suddenly jarred, when the beetles fall on the sheet, where they may be gathered up and destroyed.” This extract will sufficiently show the serious nature of the new invasion, and it seems to me of sufficient importance to sound a note of alarm on the subject. How can we best deal with the insect pests that are injurious to fruit ? The question must be answered if the fruitgrowing industry is to live, and answered in a vigorous and indisputable fashion, or the industry will utterly perish. We have in our midst not one pest but many, and though some of the fruit inspectors have a general knowledge of the codlin moth, there is probably not one qualified to deal with any new pests that may be developed. What we need is to have one competent practical entomologist, with a knowledge of actual orchard work, to take charge of the entire department, make such regulations as he may see to be necessary, and be responsible only to Parliament. As no country in the world has paid so much attention to the subject as America, it might be necessary to send there for the man we require, but no time should be lost in setting in motion the machinery for the subjugation of our insect foes. Another aspect of the same subject is the danger we incur in importing fruit from the United States. When we know that in America there are 210 species of insects known to be injurious to apples, the gravity of the danger in introducing American fruit to Tasmania may be understood. Dr. Packard, a well- BY ALEX. MORTON, F.L.S. 251 known entomologist, has estimated that there are within the limits of the United States 50,000 species of insects ; another writer says, that of the 325,000 species of insects known to exist by name and description, 25,000 belong to the United States. Of these 15,000 at least would be regarded as injurious, from preying upon material serviceable to man. Of these 7,000 or 8,000 may justly be regarded as fruit destroyers. A writer in America, referring to the increase in insect pests, thus writes : — “ The fruitgrower can no longer ignore the insects as insignificant objects in nature almost unworthy of regard. The myriad hosts confront him on every side, and demand his attention. They claim the choicest products of his labour, not a tithe of them, which might, perhaps, be granted, but the entirety. It is a struggle for mastery, in which he must conquer the insect, or the insect will conquer him.” It is to be hoped that Parliament will seriously consider this matter and devise prompt measures, in the interests of the whole colony, for the eradication of enemies that seriously threaten one of the most important industries in Tasmania. In the meantime, let the orchardists bestir themselves and remove the breeding grounds that many of them considerately leave to encourage the growth and spread of insects. Let them see to it that no long grass or weeds are allowed to grow in their orchards, that all trees are planted at a considerable distance from fences or fallen timber, and that ali rubbish in the orchard be promptly and constantly burned. Then the pests would be kept at any rate within manageable limits, and the losses would be considerably reduced. With a view of studying the development of the Curculio, and any other insects that infest Tasmanian orchards, Mr. Creswell, the Chairman of the Hobart Fruit Board, has kindly promised to be good enough to have forwarded to me grubs in different stages of development, and at different seasons, and am about procuring a case for their reception, in which their changes and development may be noted. I have also written to several prominent entomologists in America on the matter, and hope during next session to give some further information on the subject. 252 THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. Fellows of the Royal Society of Tasmania, — Following the precedent of the last two sessions, during which I have had the honour of holding the office of jour President, I now proceed, on this our closing meeting for 1889, to sum up briefly the results of the session. The number of our Fellows has increased since last year, and the additions to our library have been most satisfactory. The attendance at our meetings has been much larger than in previous sessions, and owing mainly to the general interest attaching to many of the papers submitted, and, perhaps, to some extent, to a sug¬ gestion I made at our opening meeting, more members have taken part in the discussion of papers than has hitherto been the case, and in this way our meetings have been made more lively and interesting. And here I must say one word in commendation of the full and accurate reports which the Press have been good enough to give of our proceedings, and I am happy to place on record the fact that I have found persons in all parts of the island taking a deep interest in what goes on at our meetings, of which they would have known nothing except from the reports in the newspapers. The close association of our Society with the Museum, with which we have many objects in common, justifies me in referring to the very important addition made during the session to the accommodation of the Museum by the opening of a new wing. It will be in your recollection that it was at a meeting held in this room on 22nd May last that I per¬ formed the pleasing duty of declaring this new wing to be open. On that occasion I referred to the excellence of the description and classification adopted by our Curator, and since that time Professor Flower, F.R.S., the President of the last meeting of the British Association held at Newcastle- on-Tvne on September 11, devoted a considerable portion of his address to pointing out the extreme importance of the classification and descriptions of specimens in Museums. He goes so far as to say that a well-arranged Museum should be “ a collection of instructive labels illustrated by well-selected specimens.” The Curator, he says, “ must carefully consider the object of the Museum, the class and capacities of the persons for whose instruction it is founded, and the sj)ace available to carry out this object. He will then divide the subject to be illustrated into groups, and consider their BY HIS EXCELLENCY. 253 relative proportions, according to which he will plan out the space. Large labels will next be prepared for the principal headings, as the chapters of a book, and smaller ones for the various sub-divisions. Certain propositions to be illustrated, either in the structure, classification, geographical distribu¬ tion, geological position, habits, or evolution of the subjects dealt with, will be laid down and reduced to definite and concise language. Lastly will come the illustrative specimens, each of which, as procured and prepared, will fall into its appropriate place. As it is not always easy to obtain these at the time they are wanted, gaps will often have to be left, but these, if properly utilised by drawings or labels, may be made nearly as useful as if occupied by the actual specimens.” He says further : — “ A local collection, illustrating the fauna and flora of the district should be part of every such museum.” This description of what a museum should be exactly accords with the method pursued by our Curator, and I think it is a matter of which we may well be proud, that we have been for some time and are now proceeding in this respect upon the exact lines laid down by so great an authority as Professor Flower. I have, perhaps, now spoken of the Museum as far as is admissable on an occasion of this sort, but as I have re¬ ferred to the addition of the new wing, I cannot pass over in silence the appropriation of part of it to form the nucleus of an Art Gallery, and I am sure you all unite with me in hoping that this may develop and increase the taste and love for art amongst us. We have held eight meetings this session, and have had some very admirable papers submitted to us. On our first meeting Mr. Benson read a very interesting paper on the question of popularising scientific societies by supplementing, not by subverting, their work, and while our Society, who have carefully considered this matter, have not yet seen their way to give effect to Mr. Benson’s excellent sugges¬ tion, it is satisfactory to note that, under the auspices of the Technical Education Board, several interesting popular lectures, which have been well attended, have been delivered in connection with such scientific subjects as “Human Phsyio- logy ,” “Chemistry,” and “Art in Relation to Construction.” Acting upon a suggestion of mine made some time ago that our Society might deal with a wider range of subjects, Mr. Johnston has submitted to us to-night a very elaborate paper, and a very able paper, as all his papers are, on “ Root matters in social and economic problems.” This subject is far too wide, covering as it does the whole range of economic science, to admit of discussion without much study and consideration, but I hope that next session we may have some interesting discussions upon it. 254 THE PRESIDENT S ADDRESS. In Geology we have had papers on “ The Iron Blow at the Linda Gold-fields,” by Mr. G. Thureau and Mr. R. M. Johnston, and on the discovery of a fossil fish by Mr. R. M. Johnston and Mr. A. Morton, which they did me the honour to name after me, Acrolejois Hamiltoni. Mr. Johnston also laid before us a paper supplementary to one previously submitted by him, giving additions to the list of Upper Palaeozoic fossils. In ornithology Col. Legge submitted a paper on the Australian Curlew, and Mr. Morton called attention to one or two rare birds, of which specimens have recently been obtained for the Museum. In astronomy we have had papers from our valued con¬ tributor, Mr. A. B. Biggs, on “ A new dark field micrometer for double star measurements,” or “ Observations of the comet of July and August, 1889, taken at Launceston,” and on recent measurements of “ a Centauri.” An interesting question respecting smut in grain was raised by a letter from Mr. Joseph Barwick, and was commented on in papers submitted by Mr. P. Abbott and Mr. T. Stephens ; and another question raised by the same gentleman (Mr. Barwick) respecting the value, probable extent and source of supply of the salt to be found in what is known as the Salt Pans in the Midland district, gave rise to some interesting discussion. Mr. J. H. Maiden, Curator of the Technological Museum, Sydney, a corresponding member of our Society, was good enough to send us a paper on Australian and Tasmanian Sandarach, pointing out its value as an article of commerce. Dr. Hardy read a paper on a case of poisoning of a child by eating a portion of the trumpet lily flower, in which he suggested that much valuable information, from a medical point of view, might he obtained from an investigation into the properties of the Australian flora. I ventured last year to appeal to the medical fellows of our Society to do some work for us, and I hope that next session we may have further contributions from Dr. Hardy, and also from other of our medical friends. We have had to-night some valuable notes, by Mr. A. Morton, on an insect found infesting the orchards of Hobart, with a few remarks on the subject of insect pests generally, a matter of great importance in a fruit-growing community like ours. At our June meeting a very interesting letter was read from the Hon. Stanley Dobson on the height of trees, pointing out BY HIS EXCELLENCY. 255 that in Victoria this had been greatly exaggerated, and asking for information as to the highest Tasmanian trees. Our Society thereupon addressed a circular to several persons living in different districts where large trees grow, but although we have had many communications in reply to our request, we have not yet received authentic information of any existing tree exceeding 331ft. in height. I would ask every one who may read these remarks, who is in a position to send authentic measurement of any tree exceeding this height to be good enough to do so. Mr. E. A. Counsel, the Deputy- Surveyor General, has also instructed his surveyors, whenever possible, to find the elevation of any unusually large trees they come across, and to furnish the result to this Society. Mr. James Andrew submitted a very suggestive paper on Angora goat farming, and this was followed by an interesting letter on the subject from Mr. J. Smith, of Westwood. I hcpe the attention called to this subject by our proceedings may lead to the utilisation in this way of some of our rough mountainous and scrubby country, which is practically value¬ less for feeding sheep or cattle. Mr. Johnston, whose range of subjects is about as wide as our Society itself, submitted a paper on pyramidal numbers, which seemed to me, as I listened to it, to be more ingenious than the most ingenious puzzle, but I feel sure when it comes to be studied, that like all his work, it will be a worthy addition to the proceedings of the Society. Our respected Vice-President, Mr. Barnard, laid before us a most interesting paper on the last living aboriginal of Tasmania. Mr. Barnard’s long connection with this Society has taught him the true method of scientific inquiry, viz., to take nothing for granted, even although accepted by the bulk of opinion, and to give categorically his own reasons for his conclusions. We all hope the Society may long continue to receive papers from him. Captain Shortt read an interesting paper on the possible oscillation of levels of land and sea in Tasmania, and he submitted a chart to us showing the registration of temperature bv a self-registering thermometer recently received from Paris. This instrument will no doubt become of great value, as it shows the precise time of each day at which the greatest heat and cold are experienced, and also the duration of the varying temperatures during the 24 hours, which cannot be ascertained from the present maximum and minimum thermometers. We hope we may have a paper from him on this subject next session. 256 THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. Mr. Mault read a paper on certain tide observations taken at Hobart during February and March, 1889, which showed some very curious irregularities, and the thanks of our Society are certainly due to him for the trouble he has taken in getting copies for us of the old charts of Tasmania. Mr. McClymont read a most curious paper, illustrated by charts, of the misconceptions existing in early times re¬ specting the terra Australis, and gave some very ingenious explanations of how they had arisen. Then last, but by no means least, we have had the three excellent papers by Mr. J. B. Walker on the early settlement of Tasmania. The first, following up his paper of last session on the early visits of the French to this island, deals with the English at the Derwent and the Risdon settlement. The second deals with the settlement under Collins in 1808-4, and the third, which we have heard to-night, with the first settlement at Hobart. It is impossible to attach too great importance to an authoritative compilation from official documents of the early history of the land in which we live, and it is meet and fitting that such a compilation should take its place on the records of our Society. It certainly is well worthy of consideration whether a popular handbook of the early history of Tasmania might not be compiled from these interesting papers of Mr. Walker’s. It is too early yet to speak of the results which we hope will follow from the generous gift of Dr. Agnew to the colony of the large quantity of salmon ova which Sir Thomas Brady brought out, and which are being distributed under the auspices of a committee of this Society, but it may be interest¬ ing to refer to the fact which I have already brought under the notice of this Society, that marked variations exist in the characteristics of the young salmon even before their libera¬ tion from the Salmon Ponds, and to the fact that specimens showing these variations have been obtained, which will be sent to experts in the Old Country. We had hoped to have welcomed Dr. Agnew amongst us this evening, and we all' regret his absence, for no individual member has done more to secure the advancement of this Society than Dr. Agnew. I think, gentlemen, we may regard with satisfaction the work of this session. Our best thanks are due to those gentlemen who have done work for us, and have taken part in our discussions, but still I should like to see more work done, and more of our Fellows doing it. Since last session a great step in a,dvance has been taken by the colony in founding a school for technical instruction, and I trust and hope that the facilities afforded to the rising generation of Tasmanians for the study of science will help in time to come to rarV up an THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. 257 army of workers for tliis Society who will greatly add to its success and usefulness. It is our earnest hope and desire that this Society may flourish more and more. I need not commend it to those who love science for its own sake, but those whose other avocations may not permit of their personally devoting time to research, or who may not have any bent in that direction, will nevertheless by attendance at its meetings and studying its proceedings, derive much pleasure and profit, and experience a relaxation from their daily work which carries no enervating tendencies with it. While to those who judge everything from a material standpoint, I would say, Do not forget that many of the investigations of science, which is a main business of societies like this, lead directly and indirectly to the opening up of new industries, and to the development of existing ones, while they con¬ tribute much to the comfort and, sometimes, even to the extension of the duration of human existence. Mr. James Barnard, Y.P., said we have all, I am sure, listened with equal pleasure and profit to the highly interesting address with which we have been favoured by His Excellency the President, reviewing the work of the Royal Society during the session about to close ; and, if I interpret aright the feel¬ ings and wishes of the Fellows present, they would desire not only to thank His Excellency for his valuable paper, but also to acknowledge their deep obligations to him for the unceasing interest which he has shown in the Royal Society, as well as for so regularly attending its evening meetings. Three sessions have now passed since His Excellency’s assumption of the Chair of the Society as its official President and I think it will not be denied that His Excellency has amply fulfilled his expressed intention of attending all the meetings he could, for I believe it has only been on some two or three occasions during the whole of this long period that His Excellency has been absent, and then arising from some unavoidable cause. And here I cannot refrain from remarking upon an innovation — and that of an especially gratifying character — which we owe to His Excellency, and that is the admission of ladies to our evening meetings, and which has procured for us the pleasure of the frequent presence of the accomplished lady who is at the head of society in Tasmania, and thus reviving the practice that prevailed at the meetings of the original Tasmanian Society more than forty years ago, at which that noble woman Lady Franklin was invariably present. Digressing for a moment to another subject, I would observe that in politics intercolonial federation is believed to be the 258 BY JAMES BARNARD, V.P. dream of colonial statesmen ; but in science we have the satisfaction of knowing that federation has been already attained by the “ Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,” which has gathered into its ranks and welded into one body representatives from all the several scientific societies of Australia and New Zealand: and here I may remark that our Royal Society is to be congratulated that it is sending to that Association early in January one of its most distinguished members, who is second to none in scientific acquirements, and who has been selected by the Council of that Association to be the President of an important section in the programme for the year. But I have been getting off the rails, and must now come back to the pleasing duty which I have undertaken, and that is to offer to His Excellency the President our best thanks for his admirable closing address of the session, as well as our hearty acknowledgments of the eminent services which His Excellency has rendered to the Royal Society during the past three years. iiisriDiEix:- A. Page Aboriginal of Tasmania, the last living . xxiii Aborigines of Tasmania . 60 Abbe Binot — Paulmier de Gonneville . 116 Acacia, Iconography of Aus¬ tralian . ii Account of New South Wales (Collins’) . 69 Acrolepis. [Acrolepis Hamil- toni) . 102 Account of The English Colony of N. S. Wales . 209 Adamson’s Peak . 68 Adventure Bay . 68-90 Admiral D’Entrecasteaux Bay 112 Additions to The List of Tas¬ manian Palaeozoic Fossils 137 JEcidium berberidis . 93 African Species of Curlew ... 133 Alf once J ean ‘ Cosmography ’ 50 American Sealers in Bass’ Straits . 80 Angora Goat Farming ... x-xi-xviii Antarctic Regions . 18 Angora Goat Farming, Notes on . 31-39 Angora Rams . 34 Angoras, Pure Bred . 38 Anatidce . 42 Anthropophagi . 49 Arabs, Sandarach used by ... 56 Arrowsmith . 91 Asiatic or Eastern Curlews ... 136 Astronomical Papers . xxxiii Australian Trees, Large . ix Australian Curlew . xxxii B. ‘Baron’ The. (Large Trees) ix Bass’ Straits . xi Barwick, J. (Smut in Wheat, a letter) . xxi Bahia de Caraguez ... . 5 Bass’ Description of Risdon ... 71 Bastiat, Harmonies of Political Economy . 180 Betsey’s Island . 68 Birds of New Zealand, History of the . xxviii Biziura Lobata . 41 Blinkworth . 213 Boobook ninox (Protection of Owls) . 40 Bowen, Lt. John (Settlement at Risdon) . 79 Bombay Marine and Lt. Hayes 129 Bonwick Jas . 120 Borneo . 134 Bowen, Lt . 205 Bowden, Matthew . 205 Bon wick’s “First Twenty Years of Australia” ... . ... 210 Brabourne Papers . 66-124 Page Brachiopods, Tasmanian and British . 138 Bubo. (Paper on Owls) ... 29 Buffalo, H.M.S . 122 c. Clark, Robert, Catechist, Flin¬ ders Isld . xxv Collins, Governor . vii Cochrane, Fanny (Smith) ... xxv Cotopaxi, Eruption of . 5 Courts Island . €8 Collins, New South Wales, 11, P. 183 . 69 Collins’ Account of New South Wales, ii, 333 . 89 Coniomycetes . 92 Ccenurus cerebratis . 92 Coal Measures, Mesozoic ... 103 Cook’s Observations at Ad¬ venture Bay . 113 Communists and Socialists 146-155 Collins’, Governor, Expedition in 1803-4 . 205 Collins, Lieutenant-Governor, Founder of Hobart . 205 Collins’ Ships . 213 Collins’ Unfavourable Account of Pt. Phillip . 216 Cretico . 43 Crozets Islds . 109 Cumberland Ship . 120 Curlew, Notes on the Austral¬ ian . 133-6 Curlew, European, Asiatic, or Eastern . .-. ... 136 Cape Barren Goose . 41 Cape Barren Island... . . 76 Calicut . 43 Cabral . 44 Callitris quadrivalvis . 55 „ sinensis . 56 ,, cupressiformis . 57 ,, calcar ata ... 57 ,, columellaris . 58 „ verrucosa . 58 Cascades Flagstones, Fishes in 102 Caen, General de . 115 Calcutta, H.M.S . 205 Charadrius fulvus . v Charts of The Coast of Tas¬ mania . _ ... 107 Charts of Marion’s Expedition, 1772 . 107 Chart of Capt. Hayes dis¬ coveries . Ill Chart of South East Van Diemen’s Land . Ill Cheops, The Great Pyramid of 125 Charadriide . 133 D. Dauphin Chart . 49 Davey Port . HO Dalrymple Point . 113 260 Page Denison, Sir Wm. (on large trees) . ix Derwent, The English at the... 65 Derwent, Approaches of the... 68 Delano, Captain . 80 Derwent, Surveys of the ... 89 D’Entrecasteaux Bay . 112 Death Rate per 1000 18S Death, as Termination of Healthy Life . 195 Death from Preventible Causes 195 Discussion of Papers — Remarks by— Mr. A. G. Webster, Sir Lambert Dobson, Mr. W. E. Shoobridge, His Excellency Sir Robert Hamilton, Tide Observa¬ tions at Hobart, 11-12. Sir Lam¬ bert Dobson, Mr. James Barnard, Hon. N. J. Brown, Mr. Mault, Rev. E. G. Porter, Mr. A. Mor¬ ton, Mr. W. E. Shoobridge, The President, Encouragement of Interest in Scientific Pursuits, 16-17. Mr. W. F. Ward, The Secretary, The “ Iron Blow ’’ at Linda Goldfield, 27-28. Mr. Stephens, The President, Austral¬ ian and Tasmanian Sandarach, 59. Mr. Stephens, Notes on the Last Living Aboriginal of Tas¬ mania, 64. Rev. F. H. Cox, Rev. Geo. Clarke, Mr. Mault, Mr. Walker, Sir Lambert Dobson, His Excellency, French in Van Diemen's Land, 91. Mr. R. M. Johnston, Mr. Mault, Mr. Ward, Smut in Wheat, 94. Mr. J. B. Walker, Mr. Mault, Notes on Charts of the Coast of Tasmania, 120. Mr. J. B. Walker, Deten¬ tion of Flinders at the Mauritius, 1.24. Direction, Mt . vii Dictionary of National Biogra¬ phy (L. Stephens) . 89 Dourado, Map of . 52 E. Egeria, H.M.S. (Tide Observa¬ tions at Hobart) . iii Emmett, S. B., on Large Trees xiii Eucalyptus robusta . xiii Eucalypts, Height of . xvii F. Eawkner, John Pascoe . 221 Field Naturalist Club . iv Field Club, Formation of a ... 15 Flora of British India . i Flinders’ Detention at Mauri¬ tius . xxviii Flinders’ Voyage . 68 Flin ders’ and Bass’ Disco veries, Charts of . 112 Flinders’ Arrest . 124 Page Foraminifera in Upper Palaeo¬ zoic Rocks . 54 Foraminifera Rock . 54 Fosbrook Leonard . 209 French Visits to Tasmania ... vi Franklin’s, Lady, Tree . xvii Franklin and Gordon Rivers... xxi French Cartographers . 46 Frio Cape . 47 French in Brazil . 48 French Companions of Magel¬ lan . 51 Frenela endlicheri . 57 ,, rhomboidea . 58 ,, robusta . 58 French Navigators in 1792 ... 65 French in Van Diemen’s Land 90 Frederic Henry Bay . 109 Free Trade . 165 G. Ganoid Fish, Discovery of a... 102 Geology of Tasmania . 53 Genealogists, Marshall’s Guide 68 Gizeh or Cheops . 125 Goldfield, The Linda . ii-viii Goat, Angora . x Goldfield, The Iron Blow at the Linda . i Goodridge’s Nairative of a Voyage to N.S. Wales ... 119 Gonneville, de, Capt. . 50 Goose, Cape Barren . 41 Gregson, T. G . xii Grim Cape . 19 Grimes, Surveyor-General ... 75 H. Hanover, Germany, School of Mines . 7 Hayes’, Lieut. John, Expedi¬ tion . 65 Hayes’ Ships . 65 Hayes’ Discoveries . Ill Hanson, Cape . 1L1 Harmonies of Political Econ¬ omy (Bastiat) . ISO Hallams’ Europe during the Middle Ages . 186 Harris, G. Prideaux . 209 Henderson, Col. (Angora Goat Farming) . x Henshaw’s Bay . iii History of the Birds of New Zealand . xxviii History of the Indian Navy Low’s . 67 History of Materialism, Lange’s . Hobart, Tide Observations at iii Hobart, Site of . 91 Hobart, Lord . 124 Humphreys, A. W. H . 209 Hydrographical Department) France . 107 261 I. Iconography of Australian Acacia . . Indian Navy, Low’s History of the . India, Population of . Industrial Services . Indirect Fruits of Labour Ingle, John . Insect Pests (a Paper) . Iron Blow at the Linda Gold¬ fields . J. Jave la Grande . . . Jorgensen’s Autobiography, 90-2 . K. Key to the System Victorian Plants . Kent, Capt . Knopwood’s, Rev. Rob., Diary, 76-77-78-82-218 . Knopwood’s Evidence Abori¬ gines Committee . Knocklofty Sandstones . L. Land and Sea Levels, Oscilla¬ tions of . Labilliere’s Early History of Victoria . I am inosa ( Spirifera ) ... ... Labourers Struggle for Exis¬ tence . Labour, Division of . Labour and Skill . Lange’s History of Materialism Launceston, Population of ... Labilliere, Francis Peter Lady Nelson Vessel . Lempriere’s Observations on Tides . Leptcena sp . Linda Goldfields . lineatus ( Numenius) . Livestock, Return of, 1804 ... Lophophyllum corniculum Page 67 151 143 145 178 173 182 205 220 138 ii 133 247 138 Marquis de Castries Ship Marion, M assacre of Mascarin Chart . Marion du Fresne . Marion Island . “Materialism, History Lange’s of,’ Page 107 108 110 116 118 173 178 Malthusian Problem ... 194-198 245 Macquarie Point . 226 250 Macquarie House . 234 Macquarie Plains . 240 1 Melanoleucos ( Anseranas ) 41 Mertho, Captain . 216 Mehan, dames . 239 49 Milligan’s, Dr., Report . Micrometer, for Double-star xxiv Measurement . 98 Micrometer Reticle . 98 227 „ Ring . 98 ,, Bar . 99 ,, Measurement 99 ,, Filar Position ... 99 Misery of the Masses . 143 Monuments de Geographie ... 44 i Morell, Dr. Julius (on Sandar- 122 ach) . 58 205 Mountain Cypress Pine . 58 Moreton Bay, Exploration of... 68 85 Mount Garrett, Dr . 74 Monopoly of Natural Wealth 142- 102 171-173 Museum, Opening of NewWing vi Murray Pine . 57 munsteri Spirifera . 141 vi Myriolepis Clarkei . 103 >8-90 N. L38-9 Naturalists Field Club . 15 M. maculata (Ninox) . 40 0. Malacorhynchus membrana- ceus . 41 Ocean Ship . Marco Polo’s Travels . 46 ,, Log . Oldham, Capt. H.M.S, Ortelius 1587 . Major, R. H., on Magellan s IViap . 52 Macquarie Harbour Leaf -beds (a Paper) . 53 Owls, Tasmanian Oyster Bay Pine Marion’s Expedition . 107 Oyster Cove . Navarette . Navigations Aux Terre Aus¬ tralis . Newtonian Reflector . Ninox maculata, ( Strenua ) ... Notes on a Grub Injurious to Fruit . “ Novis Orbis ” . Nord, Rivure du . Norfolk, Colonial Sloop . Numenius arquata . lineatus . lyanopus . major . australis . rufescens . Egeria 45 90 101 40 249 43 68 68 133 133 133 133 133 133 219 223 8 51 40 57 61 262 P. Page Papagalli Terra . 44 Palaeozoi* Rocks, Upper . 54 „ Mudstones . 103 Pauperism and Crime . 143 Permo-Carbonifei ous Rocks ... 54 Phormium tenax . ,.. xxix Pine, Red . 57 ,, Cypress . 58 Plants, Key to the System of Victorian . i Pcdiceps Australis . v Population of Launceston ... 182 Poisoning Through Eating Trumpet Lily . xi Possession Island . 119 Port Phillip Settlement . 205 ,, ,, Failure . 213 ,, ,, Camp . 231 Portland, Duke of _ . 208 Problems, Economic . xxxii Present Condition of the Masses in England . 189 Property, Rights of . 155 Psittacorum Regio . ... 44 Q. Quiedong, 3 March, 1887 ••• 57 Queensland, Population of ... 151 R. Ralph’s Bay . 08 Red Pine, (Callitris c alcarata) 57 reissii, ( Callitris ) 58 Report on Indigenous Vege¬ table Substances . 58 Reliance, H.M.S . 68 Record Office, Copy of Lt. Moore’s Letter in the ... 83 Rectile Micrometer . 98 Rent Monopoly . 142-168 rhomboidea (Frenela) . 57 Risdon Cove, Naming of ... vii-68 ,, ,, New Settlement of . 65 ,, Settlement, Landing of Governor Collins at the 79 ,, Creek . 79 Ring Micrometer . 9S “RozadoO” or The Rosy ... 51 robusta, ( Frenela ) Rock in which Fish Remains occur . 103 Rumoldus Mercator, Maps by 51 s. Sassafras Valley, Tall Trees at vii Sandarach, Australian and Tasmanian . xx Sandarach, or Gum Juniper... 55 Salmo Salar, Notes on . xxi Salt, Deposit of . xxi Salt, Sir Titus, (on Angora Goat Farming) . 35 Page Sandstones, Knocklofty . 102 Segetum (Ustilago) . 92 Select Extra Tropical Plants 55 Section from The Cascades to Knocklofty . 104 Settlers, Free . 244 Silver Ore, From 100 Feet Level, Silver Queen . xxxii Simmons, Lieut. Commander of The Lady Nelson ... 223 Simon’s Bay . 213 Sladden, Lieut . 210 Smut in Wheat, (Notes on) ... xv ,, ,, ,, Two Papers 92-95 Snowy River . 56 South Sea, New Voyage to The 108 Sorrento . ■. . 224 Spirillina . . ... 54 Spirifera convolutco . 137 ,, bisculcata . 137 ,, vespertilio . 137 ,, duodecimocosta ... 137 ,, avicula . 137 ,, striata . 138 „ laminosa . 139 ., cristata . 139 ,, duplicicosta . 140 ,, alata . 140 ,, triangularis . 141 Strix castanops . 40 Strenua ( Ninox ) 40 Stictonetta ncevosa . 41 Stevam Diaz Arrived at Diu 1527 . 51 Star Measurement . 98 Stocker, W. Thos . 242 Sullivan’s Cove, New Settle¬ ment at . vii Surnia . 40 “ Surprise ” Sloop of Sydney 80 Sullivan’s Cove, The Choice of 223 ,, ,, Camp at ... 237 Sullivan, John . 225 T. Tasmaniau Trees, Heights of ix ,, Sandarach . xx ,, The Last Living Aboriginal . xxiii, 60 Tasmanian Aboriginals . xxiii Tasmania, Early Settlement of xxxi ,, First Surveys in ... 76 ,, First Visitors to Land in . 107 Tasmania, Population of ... 151 „ Aggregate Wealth and Individual Wealth of 165 Tasmania, Documents Relat¬ ing to . 248 Taylor’s Bay . 112 Terra Australis Legend . 43 ,, „ Discovery of... 51 Thermometer, Self-registering xiv Tinnunculus cinhccroides ... iv Tillctia caries . 92 263 Trumpet Lily . Page Page xi Victorian Forest Trees . xiii ,, ,, Analysis of the Trochammina . xiv Victoria, Angora Goats in ... 33 54 Viellot . 133 Trycary Point . 237 Volcanoes, Mud . 25-26 Tuckey, Lieut. James Kingston 211 Voyage to the S. Seas (Good- ridges) . 119 u. ,, to Port Phillip 205 ,, ,, ,, (Tuckeys) Uredo canes . 92 ,, fcetidia . Ustilaginei (or Smut in Wheat) 92 92 w. United Kingdom (population) 151 ,, States ,, ,, Kingdom, Aggregate’ Wealth, etc . 151 165 Walpole, E. A . Wants of Man (Root Matters) Webster’s Gazette (Smut in 61 143 V. Van Diemens’ Land, Chart of the South-East part vespertilio ( Spirifera ) . Ill 138 Wheat) . Wheat, Smut in . Wimmera District (Angora Goat Farming) . Wilson, Sir Samuel (Angora Goat Farming) . 95 33 “The Mercury" Office. . . / ■ « .