Sas G ar at Pe ‘ bi ie MB. Th MEMOIRS: | : . ae BRITISH MARINE PLANTS: & ANIMALS ; \ Cate, ‘EDITED ay W. Aw ~HERDMAN, D.S¢.s ERS. ‘ ‘ * . %; Oe " ate aM #e % P Be > eed s Pages ~ m . my ae x j ‘ all ~ . X, aa cf F . arf * ay « ice e. i { ¢ Sor ‘ e AWRY e aan, a: ee BY a a “i a, +5 ; aN & 7 ; y R. AINSWORTH. D AVIS, MA. Pins Zoology in the esa Cal @ ye Woes, bien et +: and) Nagy ee. ae H. 4. FLEURB, B§ ee gee Fellow of the eee of Vi sae) ar ‘ i a wa as Kis " 43, , : by ‘ om Hid . ns | (With 4 Plates). 2 a Price Two SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE _e LONDON eae i ph’ ie WititraMs & NOoRGATE ANE a eRe NE 5 =~ ies o- Ria May, 1903.3 pees ae id “S ee fan > ie ei Ea 4 in / IF Fie 4 EX LIBRIS Wilham Healey Dall rE 4 hele Division of Mollusks Sectional Library Sectional Library eves C. wi ie MORK S. —_— X. Toa iI A: NOTICE. Tur Committee desire to intimate that no copies of these Memoirs will be presented or exchanged, as the prices have been fixed on such a scale that most of the copies will have to be sold to meet the cost of production. The Memoirs may be obtained, post free at the nett prices stated, from Messrs. Williams and Norgate, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Memoir I. 93 99 EM: iBUE Ascidia—published in October, 1899, 60 pp. and five plates, price 2s. Cardium—published in December, 1899, 92 pp., six plates and a map, price 2s. 6d. Echinus—published in” February, 1900, 36 pp. and five plates, price 2s. Codium—published in April, 1900, 26 pp. and three plates, price Ls. 6d. Aleyonium—published in January, 1901, 30 pp. and three plates, price 1s. 6d. Lepeophtheirus and Lernea published in March, 1901, 62 pp. and five plates, price 2s. Lineus—published in April, 1901, 40 pp. and four plates, price 2s. Pleuronectes—published in December, 1901, 260 pp. and eleven plates, price 7s. Chondrus—-published in July, 1902, 50. pp. and seven plates, price 2s. 6d. Patella—now ready (May, 1903), 84 pp. and four plates, price 2s. 6d. Liverpool Marine Biology Committee. 1s... IE VOLES ON TYPICAL BRITISH MARINE PLANTS & ANIMALS EDITED: BY W. A. HeERDIMAN, D:Sc., FURS: X. BATELEA , (THE CoMMoN LIMPET) bi BY eB yor J’ R AINSWORTH DAVIS, M.A., Professor of Zoology in the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth ; AND Wo *"PLEURE,, BiSes Fellow of the University of Wales. (With 4 Plates) Price Two SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE LONDON WILLIAMS & NORGATE MAY, 1903 EDITOR’S PREFACE. ‘ne Liverpool Marine Biology Committee was constituted in 1885, with the object of investigating the Fauna and Flora of the Irish Sea. The dredging, trawling, and other collecting expeditions organised by the Committee have been carried on inter- mittently since that time, and a considerable amount of material, both published and unpublished, has been accumulated. Sixteen Annual Reports of the Committee and five volumes dealing with the ‘ Fauna and Flora” have been issued. At an early stage of the investigations it became evident that a Biological Station or Laboratory on the sea-shore nearer the usual collecting grounds than Liverpool would be a material assistance in the work. Consequently the Committee, in 1887, established the Puftin Island Biological Station on the North Coast ot Anglesey, and later on, in 1892, moved to the more commodious and accessible Station at Port Krin in the centre of the rich collecting grounds of the south end of the Isle of Man. A new and larger Biological Station and Fish Hatchery, on a more convenient site, has now been erected, and was opened for work last summer, in July, 1902. In these sixteen years’ experience of a Biological Station (five years at Puffin Island and eleven at Port Erin), where College students and young amateurs form a large proportion of the workers, the want has been frequently felt of a series of detailed descriptions of the structure of certain common typical animals and plants, chosen as representatives of their groups, and dealt with by specialists. The same want has probably been felt in other similar institutions and in many College laboratories. V1. The objects of the Committee and of the workers at the Biological Station have hitherto been chiefly faunistic and speciographic. ‘lhe work must necessarily be so at first when opening up a new district. Some of the workers have published papers on morphological points, or on embryology and observations on life-histories and habits ; but the majority of the papers in the volumes on the “Fauna and Flora of Liverpool Bay” have been, as was intended from the first, occupied with the names and characteristics and distribution of the many different kinds of marine plants and animals in our district. And this faunistic work will still go on. It is far from finished, and the Committee hope in the future to add greatly to the records of the Fauna and Flora. But the papers in the present series are quite distinct from these previous publications in name, in treatment, and in purpose. ‘They are called the ‘“L.M.B.C. Memoirs,” each treats of one type, and they are issued separately as they are ready, and will be obtainable Memoir by Memoir as they appear, or later bound up in convenient volumes. It is hoped that such a series of special studies, written by those who are thoroughly familiar with the forms of which they treat, will be found of value by students of Biology in laboratories and in Marine Stations, and will be welcomed by many others working privately at Marine Natural History. The forms selected are, as far as possible, common L.M.B.C. (Irish Sea) animals and plants of which no adequate account already exists in the text-books. Probably most of the specialists who have taken part in the L.M.B.C. work in the past will prepare accounts of one or more representatives of their groups. The following have performed ov promised their services, and in many cases the Memoir is either issued or far advanced. The vii. first Memoir appeared in October and the second in December, 1899, the third in February, and the fourth in April, 1900, the fifth in January, the sixth in March, the seventh in April, and the eighth in December, 1901, the ninth in July, 1902, while this tenth one will be ready in May, 1903, and an eleventh later in the summer; others will follow, it is hoped, in rapid suecession. Probably Arenicola, Myxine, Gammarus, and the Oyster will be ready next. Memoir I. Ascrp1a, W. A. Herdman, 60 pp., 5 Pls., 2s. » II. Carpivm, J. Johnstone, 92 pp., 7 Pls., 2s. 6d. » III. Ecuinus, H. C. Chadwick, 36 pp., 5 Pls., 2s. » LV. Coprum, R. J. H. Gibson and Helen Auld, Zowpp.aze Lls.,) The mantle skirt running right round the body external to the shell muscle. In front it extends back- wards for a short distance between the ends of this muscle to constitute the roof of the nuchal cavity. Just external to the shell muscle is seen the band of attach- ment of the pallial muscle to the shell. Just internal to the anterior part of this attachment band there is a very well marked second line of attachment running between the tips of the shell muscle and indicating the front boundary of the nuchal cavity. This is the internal pallial — muscle. The mantle is pigmented dorsally near its edge, and so also is its band of muscular attachment, but the attach- ment zone of the internal pallial muscle is not pigmented. 12 (c) The low visceral hump occupies nearly the whole space within the shell muscle, and is therefore oval in outline, but the front end is truncated where it adjoins the back of the nuchal cavity. The hump is covered with a very thin layer of black pigmented epithehum which can be brushed off without difficulty; limpets are largely exposed to the baking action of the sun and this pigment may have been developed as a _ protective measure. After its removal the following organs are seen by transparency (fig. 4) :— (7) The dorsal surface of the digestive gland occupying the central region. (c) A superficial loop of intestine dividing off an obliquely oval patch in the centre. The two limbs of this loop run out to the edge of the mass near its right anterior corner. (f) More or less of the coiled stomach, external to the- left Limb of the loop (e) above and concentric with it. (g) The rectum running transversely a little way in front of the stomach, and bending forward on the right to reach the nuchal cavity. (h) The somewhat triangular pericardium occupying the left front of the visceral mass. One side of it abuts against the left end of the shell muscle, a second side runs obliquely inwards from the shell muscle on the left to the nuchal cavity on the right, while the third side abuts upon the nuchal cavity. The second side is approximately parallel to the rectum which is a little way from it. The left front corner of the triangle is continued along the rounded left end of the shell muscle as far as the attachment of the internal pallial muscle. (¢) The kidneys, two in number, (1) a small left kidney between the rectum and the right side of the pericardium ; (2) a very large right kidney, of which two diverging lobes 13 almost completely encircle the visceral hump except at the extreme left front. The visible parts of the kidneys lie very superficially, closely bound to the visceral integument, and their boundaries can, as a rule, only be clearly seen in injected specimens, since, in uninjected ones, the digestive gland often shows through by trans- parency. As the renal waste is dark coloured, the kidney is fairly often naturally tinted so as to make its outline clear. TIT. Nucwat Caviry anp RetateD APERTURES.—The continuous mantle cavity which lodges the pallial gills deepens in front to form a fair sized nuchal cavity, so- called because it hes above what may be called the neck region of the animal. It opens by a wide slit between the anterior ends of the shell muscle. Its roof is formed by a backward extension of the mantle, and its floor by the muscular body wall of the neck region. With the exception of the mouth, all the apertures of the body open into it, ze. the anus, the left renal opening, and the right renal opening (figs. 4 and 5). When the cavity is opened by careful removal of its roof the following structures can be made out :— (a) The anal papilla opening into the back of the cavity upon the animal’s right shoulder. (b) On either side of this a renal papilla, the right being’ rather more conspicuous than the left. (c) The pericardium, which bulges into the cavity along a line from the left tip of the shell muscle nearly to the left renal papilla. (d) The pallial vein (also visible from outside before opening the nuchal cavity) at the left side of the cavity, running into the pericardium. (e) The small “ pulmonary veins ’”’ running in from the roof of the nuchal cavity (visible before opening) and piercing the pericardial wall to the right of d. 14 (f) The pair of sensory patches or osphradia, which probably cover the vestiges of the ancestral pair of ctenidia. Hach structure is a minute orange or reddish coloured elevation on the floor of the nuchal cavity close against the shell muscle on either side. It is nearer the back of the nuchal cavity than the tip of the shell muscle. These structures prove that the nuchal cavity is really a branchial cavity of which the etenidia have degenerated. Bopy Watt, Muscunar System, ann MANTLE. The body of Patella is covered by a layer of columnar epithelium which in most parts possesses a well-developed cuticle. That covering the visceral hump is mostly black- pigmented as already mentioned; that covering the regions of muscular attachment is, as might be expected, much flattened. A great deal of the epithelium is ciliated in young animals. Unicellular glands are not common in the epidermis, but a few occur in the foot and mantle; they are of the usual goblet type. ‘The covering tissues will be discussed in greater detail in connection with the various organs. Mvscunar Sysrem.—Though muscle fibres are found in almost every part of the animal, there are special aggre- gations of them which need separate mention. ‘These are the body-wall muscles of the head and neck, the foot, the shell muscle, the pallial muscles, and the muscles of the odontophore. The last of these will be described in treating of the odontophore. The muscles of the dorsal body-wall in the head region comprise the following layers :— (a) An outer transverse layer, () a layer of longitudinal and obliquely arranged fibres which are head retractors. There are also some fibres running transversely internal to (b). fal Ot The ventral body-wall in the head region is thicker, but possesses almost solely transverse and oblique fibres. The muscle of this region is continuous with that of the foot and shell muscle. The general appearance of the foot has already been described. It is essentially a thickening of the ventral body wall made up, for the most part, of bundles of muscle fibres bound together by connective tissue. In the ventral part the fibres run in all directions, while in the dorsal part they are mostly horizontal and oblique. The fibres in the outer portion of the foot are steeply oblique, and these, together with some of the dorsal fibres, are continuous with the shell muscle. The absence of a horizontal circular muscle, and the many differences between the disposition of fibres here and in - the suckers of various animals, tell against the hypothesis of a sucker-like action of the foot, which, as was said above, is also not supported by observation. ‘The spaces between the bundles of muscle fibres contain blood and, when full, make the foot swell far beyond its usual size. Two of the blood spaces above mentioned are of special importance, they run along in the vicinity of the pedal nerve-cords, and it is from them that blood spreads to the remainder of the organ (fig. 87). In very young specimens (about } in. long) there is a distinct glandular outgrowth from either side of the foot, which disappears more or less completely when the animal gets older. The outgrowth is, from its position and histological characters, the homologue of the “ lateral streak” in Nacella, etc. There is also a rudimentary flap covering the glandular tissue in the anterior region, where also the whole structure is best developed. The persistence of this glandular tissue is possibly con- nected with the protection of the young animal against 16 desiccation, to which it is specially liable in its habitat far up the tidal zone, and because of the greater ratio of surface to volume in smaller than in larger forms. The foot (fig. 8a) is covered externally by a layer of columnar epithelium, which possesses more or less of a cuticle, with goblet cells here and there. The cells on the side of the foot are small, but inerease in height towards the ventral surface, where they are fairly long and regular, with nuclei usually near the base. The ventral covering, as might be expected from the amount of wear to which it is subjected, seems to be shed frequently. The epithelium of the sides of the foot is thrown into a number of small ridges, which, in very young specimens, are found nearly up to the mantle attachment, but in older animals are mainly restricted to the part near the ventral edge. Internal to the epithelium of the sides of the foot is a deeply staining layer with nuclei, which is apparently a sub-epithelial nerve plexus, and from it there proceed outwards narrow deeply staining cells which are probably sensory. Beneath this covering tissue is a dermis, an irregular network of connective tissue with blood spaces which are more numerous internally. The dermis is thin, at the sides of the foot. Along the anterior border of the foot there occur several small glands opening near the edge of this organ. Internal to the dermis are found the muscle bundles which make up the main mass of the foot. Most of these bundles are continuous with those of the shell muscle, and, in fact, the horse-shoe impression might be spoken of as the area of attachment of the muscle fibres of the foot. Of these bundles the outer ones proceed downwards in a steeply oblique direction, while the inner ones curve in and become the slightly oblique bundles which form the dorsal part of the foot. Between these bundles 17 are numerous blood spaces, the most important pair of which have already been mentioned. It is the quantity of blood in these spaces that governs the turgidity of the foot and therefore its functional activity. Besides the above muscle fibres there are others which run horizontally and obliquely especially in the ventral part. The muscle bundles are wrapped in connective tissue. The lateral glandular streak is a much larger projection than the puckerings of the side surface of the foot and it occurs amongst these just below the ventral limit of the mantle cavity, extending backwards a variable distance on each side. It consists mainly of tubular gland tissue, the upper surface of which is covered by small columnar epithelium as also is the under surface except where the glands open. There is very little connective tissue between the glandular tubes. The epidermal and sub- epidermal tissue just ventral to the projection is to some extent vacuolated. A variable number of muscle fibres go out to the projection, and dorsal to it, in the anterior region, is found a vestige of a flap formed by muscle fibres and connective tissue covered by epithelium. The muscles are composed of smooth fibres. These may be scattered, when they are seen to be each an elongated cell with lateral nucleus, or aggregated into bundles, as in the shell muscle. None of the fibres of this muscular tissue show striation. The Suett Muscre.—The bundles of oblique fibres forming the dorsal part of the foot are continued around its dorsal rim into the shell muscle, so called because its fibres are attached to the shell (by means of a compressed epidermis). This muscle encircles the visceral hump except at the anterior end where it is wanting across the neck region, it is therefore of a horse-shoe shape and the anteriorly placed ends of the horse-shoe are enlarged, C 18 The fibres of this muscle are closely packed and agere- gated into 12-17 bundles, each surrounded*by connective tissue. Through this connective tissue run the afferent blood spaces of the mantle, gills and mantle. skirt. Iimbryological evidence, derived from Acmea, shows us that this type of muscle has arisen by enlargement back- wards of a pair of lateral muscles. Such a paired condition exists only in /aliotis and Scissure/la among recent Gastro- pods, and in the former the left member of the pair is almost vestigial. The columellar muscle of the typical Prosobranch is the modified right member of the ancestral pur. The outer more steeply oblique fibres of the shell- muscle in Patella pull down the edge of the shell by their contraction, while the medianly running inner ones exert downward and inward traction which must greatly strengthen resistance to lateral blows. The latter fibres are more numerous in Patella than in more primitive Docoglossa (e.g., Acmea virginea). The Patirat Muscres attach the mantle skirt to the shell all round and will be described in the account of the mantle which follows. Their insertion into the shell has already been mentioned. The MantLe Sxrrt-is covered dorsally by a layer of columnar epithelium which passes gradually into the flat pigmented epithelium covering the visceral hump. Peri- pherally it is thrown into a large number of folds (fig. 8) parallel to the free edge, the cells on the crests of these folds being very much elongated. Near the extreme edge of the mantle on the dorsal side the epithelium is not folded in this way. There is a broad pigmented band outside and concentric with the shell muscle and a narrower and less continuous band of the same character a few cells from the free edge of the mantle, the mantle edge itself is also pigmented (fig. 8a). The epithehum 19 covering the attachment of the pallial muscle is com- pressed and pigmented, and that covering the internal pallial muscle between the tips of the shell muscle is compressed but not pigmented. The epithelium clothing the under side of the mantle skirt is also columnar, folded to a less extent, and not pigmented. The ventral epithelium of the nuchal roof is shortly columnar. Many of the epithelial cells of both the dorsal and the ventral epithelium, are clear and glandular, and near the edge of the mantle skirt a great deal of sub-epithelial glandular tissue is present, one set of glands opening at the extreme edge of the mantle and the others further ventrally. These glands secrete the material for the outer shell layers. Many sense cells are present in the epithelium of the mantle and of its tentacles, which are best described ina separate paragraph. These are particularly abundant in the epithelium of the dorsal side just near the free edge which, as has been stated, is not folded. The substance of the mantle, including the roof of the nuchal cavity, is made up of a basis of connective tissue containing numerous blood spaces and traversed by muscles and nerves The blood spaces in the roof of the nuchal cavity are specially large and are traversed by distinct trabecule of connective tissue. This fact, com- bined with the comparative thinness of the epithelium, is in itself adequate evidence of the respiratory function of the nuchal roof. The other more regular blood spaces are best considered along with the remainder of the circulatory system and with the pallial gills. The chief aggregates of muscle fibres are those forming the pallial muscle and the transverse band which we have ‘alled the internal pallial muscle. The fibres of the pallial muscle take origin in the pallial impression of the shell and then travel outwards, 20 radiating into the mantle edge which they serve to retract and into the sub-epithelial tissue of which they are inserted. They also furnish the retractor muscle slips which run into the pallial tentacles. The fibres of the internal pallial muscle take origin in the corresponding transverse impression, and form a definite layer of radiating fibres, which are also inserted into the mantle skirt nearer the edge than the level of origin of the other pallial muscles. A continuous ring-nerve runs round in the tissues of the mantle skirt. It is formed in front by the anastomosis of the anterior branches of the palhal nerves, and behind by the fusion of the posterior branches of the same nerves (fig. 24). From the outer side of this ring-nerve numerous twigs are given off, which break up into a network from which branches pass into the pallial tentacles. DiGEstTIvE OrGans (figs. 4, 6, 10, 11-22). These consist of a very long and complex Gut and some important Glands which open into it. The mouth opens into a buccal mass (containing the Odontophore), which is succeeded by gullet, crop, stomach and long intestine, the last part of which is the rectum. There are buccal (‘salivary’) glands opening into the bucval mass and a large digestive gland or hepato-pancreas (“liver”) opening into the stomach. I. Tur Gur.—This complicated tube is formed of many coils arranged in a characteristic manner. We now proceed to the detailed description of its various parts. The Buccal Mass (fig. 6)—This is best exposed by lateral incisions of the anterior part of the body wall. Connect these by a transverse incision near the tentacle bases and carefully peel off the dorsal body wall from before backwards, noting that the gullet is very liable to 21 be damaged in the process on account of its intimate connection, by means of fibres, with the body wall. The buccal mass, as seen in dorsal view (fig. 12), is roughly rectangular in outline with the broad sides lateral. The anterior quarter of the rectangle contains the buccal cavity and the remainder constitutes the broadened anterior end of the radular sac, the rest of which will be seen later. The gullet is a thin-walled tube which opens at the junction of these two regions, and then runs backwards covering and concealing from view the radular sac. The four buccal ducts (fig. 16) are seen running forwards with a somewhat wavy course, the two outer lie freely at the sides of the gullet, the inner run above the dorsal wall of the gullet to which they are closely attached. All four ducts open at about the level of the beginning of the gullet by piercing two thickened dorso-lateral areas, which will be discussed later on in con- nection with the glands. The gut cavity is wider at this level than further back, and these thickenings have been homologised with the dorgo-lateral buccal pouches of Haliotis. The Buccal Cavity is best studied by comparing the results of median dorsal incision, lateral incision, longitudinal median section, and transverse section im a few specimens (figs. 6 and 12). The following points are to be noted :— (a) The situation of the cavity.—As the mouth 1s ventral, the morphologically front and back ends of the cavity are topographically ventral and dorsal, while the morphological roof and floor are respectively anterior and posterior. In describing the cavity we shall refer to the parts in their morphological relations. The main or palatal buccal cavity has a posterior extension, which we shall call the post-palatal buccal cavity, situated on the 29 dorsal side of the odontophore under the commencement of the gullet (fig. 12). This cavity narrows behind into the radular sac. (6) Within the dorsal and ventral outer lps an inner lip is present on either side as an upwardly growing fold (fig. 6). Boutan refers to this pair of lips as “ une levre en forme de fer a@ cheval.” These two lips can be approximated so as to close the mouth almost entirely. A median papilla, or “licker,’ belonging to the odontophore, projects between the lips so as to com- pletely fill the chink between them when the mouth is closed. (c) The dorsal palatal plate is a chitinous sub-epithelial thickening forming an arch over the region of the inner lips. It imparts firmness to the lp and also serves to htt the tissues connected with it out of reach of the rasping radula. It is prolonged into two pairs of expansions, one pair dorso-lateral and one pair ventro- lateral (fig. 11). This plate is most probably a pair of jaws united by a median dorsal piece. (d) The front end of the odontophore or rasping organ projects into the palatal section of the buccal cavity from its postero-ventral wall, and the front end of the radula, a horny tooth-studded ribbon, occupies a narrow median strip on this projection (fig. 12), extending backwards on the posterior part of the odontophore cushion, which is placed beneath the floor of the post-palatal section of the buceal cavity (a@ above) underlying the gullet. The epithelium covering the tip of the odontophore, anterior to the radula, has grown out into a transversely ribbed projection, which is the papilla, or “ licker.” (c) The sub-lingual pouch is a recess below the front end of the odontophore (fig. 6). It is found in Chiton and many other forms. In Patella it is lined by 23 yellowish epithelium and contains mucus-secreting cells in its roof. (f) The floor of the buccal cavity is muscular with a slight sub-epithelial median development of chitin. (g) The odontophore and its muscles are described later on. The Gullet (figs. 6, 10, 15, 16, 22) runs back as a thin- walled tube from its point of junction with the buccal mass, overlying the central part of the posterior two- thirds of this. Immediately behind the buccal mass it shifts slightly to the left of the median line and merges into the thick-walled crop, dilating into two ventro- lateral cesophageal pouches just before the point of junction (fig. 10). The esophageal pouches are in part spare tissue for the purpose of avoiding strain when the buceal mass is extruded for feeding. They are probably homologous with the lateral cesophageal pouches of Pleurotomaria and /Talvotis, though their functions cannot be quite the same, as in these two forms they are lined by ridged glandular epithelium, while in Patella they are comparatively smooth, and not markedly glandular. The gullet has various folds (figs. 15 and 22), as follows :— (a) A transverse section taken near the posterior end of the buccal mass, shows the gullet as a dorso-ventrally flattened structure, the central portion of which is marked off from the sides by two long folds projecting downwards from the dorsal wall. (6) There are a pair of longitudinai ventral folds starting slightly behind the junction of the gullet and the post-palatal section of the buccal cavity. These folds converge as they run back, and the triangular space between their front ends is marked by shght transverse ribs. It seems to correspond with the much _ better developed ‘‘ ventral valve” of this region in most primi- tive Prosobranchs. 24 (c) A number of small oblique folds lie external to each ventral fold. The great width of a posterior section through the gullet is due to its ventro-lateral extension into the cesophageal pouches. These occupy part of the space at the back of the buccal mass and are not sharply marked oft, being, as it were, mere bulgings of the gullet. The lumen of each pouch is continued forwards into that part of the gullet cavity lateral to the dorsal fold of its side. The gullet is, to some extent, asymmetrical on account of the shift to the left where it merges into the crop. The Crop (figs. 10 and 18)—On passing into the visceral mass the food tube shifts further to the left of the median line and its walls become very much thickened. This thick-walled region is called the crop. It is imbedded in the visceral mass and care is needed to expose without damaging it. The buccal and digestive glands adhere to its walls, and various gut coils also hide it from view. In this imbedded position it runs back some distance, becomes much narrower, and then passes to the right and runs forward, The lining of the crop projects internally to form the following folds :— (a) The continuations of the longitudinal dorsal folds of the gullet. These folds pass down the left side of the gut-wall and become mid-ventral, thus indicating that the crop has been subjected to a torsion of 180° relative to the head. Further back, these folds run up the right side showing an additional torsion of 90° or more (fig. 22). (b) The continuations of the ventral longitudinal folds of the gullet. These have fused basally, so we find a single outgrowth branching distally into two. This keeps at a uniform space of 180° from the dorsal folds and so 25 is twisted round through the same angular distance (fig. 22). (c) Obliquely transverse folds running across the wall space from the single divided fold (4) almost to the pair of folds (a) (fig. 18). Where the crop narrows down posteriorly the transverse folds of its walls cease, but the longitudinal ones are continued until the gut begins to run forward on the right side. At a certain level all folding ceases, and this point should probably be taken as the termination of the crop. The Stomach (figs. 4, 6, 10, 19, 20)-—Beyond the crop, the now thin-walled gut runs forward for a_ short distance and then bends over on itself and becomes a large coil which encircles the dorsal surface of the digestive gland. The whole of this region may be ralled stomach. At the point where the stomach bends over on itself the duct of the digestive gland opens into it on the left (fig. 19). This opening is fairly conspicuous, and the wall of the duct has a groove with thickened pro- jecting sides (figs. 19 and 20). This groove Is continued along the inner wall of the stomach throughout the whole of the superficial coil, and becomes indistinct where the stomach narrows down and passes into the intestine at the right side of the visceral mass. At the point of bending, near the opening of the duct, there is an inward flap-like projection of the posterior wall (fig. 19). Intestine—Numerous coils of intestine (figs. 4, 6, 10, 21) form the remainder of the gut. (a) A coil following the stomach, running back along the right side, then round just ventral to the crop, returning finally to the right anterior corner of the visceral mass. This coil has a relatively wide cavity (fig. 10, Int. 1). 26 (6) A coil on the dorsal surface of the visceral mass within the stomach coil (fig. 10, Znf. 2). The anterior limb of this coil communicates with the end of a, and the posterior limb with the posterior limb of ¢. (c) A small coil ventral to (a) (fig. 10, Znét. 3). Its anterior limb passes, at the right anterior corner of the visceral mass, into (d) a long coil (fig. 10, Zné. 4) which first passes, over the right anterior corner of the visceral mass and then proceeds beneath the pericardium and around the external border of the stomach to about the middle of the right side, when it turns back and forms (e) the last coil (fig. 10, Znt. 5), which is in close contact with (7) until it reaches the pericardium, when it proceeds along the posterior edge of this to the animal’s vight shoulder and opens on the anal papilla. The last part of this coil (e) is the rectum. Its ventro-lateral wall has two inwardly projecting ridges with a gutter between them. The anus opens at the tip of the anal papilla which projects into the nuchal cavity on the right shoulder (fig. 4). The walls of this projection are much thickened, and its lining is papillated. The ventro- lateral ridges of the rectal wall become more strongly marked as the walls thicken towards the anus (fig. 21). Judging from the condition in other Gastropods it would seem probable that the rectum once ran forward in or near the median plane traversing the pericardium. The shifting of the anus to the right side, and of the peri- cardium to the left, has made the rectum lie across the body, and has pulled out the whole of the last coil of the gut so that it now lies on the extreme outside of the hump around the left side of the latter. Il. THe Larcr Guanps or tue Gur.—The Buccal Glands (figs. 6, 15, 16) are four compound orange- bo i coloured tubular glands occupying the front of the visceral hump below the pericardium and rectum. ‘They are usually united practically into one mass, but occasional specimens show, anteriorly, more or less division into four (fig. 16). The two inner ducts run in the grooves formed externally by those inward projections into the gullet cavity, called above the dorsal longitudinal folds. . Free at first, they become, towards the front end, involved in the gullet wall (fig. 15), but they run along in it and only open at about the same level as the outer pair. The two outer ducts run freely at the sides of the gullet, and open into slight lateral pouches in the buccal cavity behind the palate; they often have ampulle placed at irregular intervals along them (fig. 16). Cuvier noticed small patches of yellowish tissue near the openings of the ‘ bueeal ducts, and named them “ salivary glands.” It is interesting to note that similar yellowish glandular masses occur in the pharyngeal wall of /vssurella near the open- ing of its (one pair of) buccal ducts; these Boutan has unhesitatingly called traces of another pair of buccal glands. The Digestive gland, or Hepato-pancreas (‘‘ liver ”’), is a large racemose gland, occupying the centre of the visceral mass (figs. 4 and 6). The bilobed condition, which is primitive for Mollusca, may have disappeared long before the differentiation of the Docoglossa, or may be obscured by the consolidation and compression which the viscera have undergone in this group. The ducts of this gland converge into two main ducts, which unite just before they open into the stomach, as described above. The ridge-bounded groove on the internal wall of the stomach is continued on the floor of the main duct and even of its first branches. Eves tology ot sthhe (Gat) anda G lamas: The digestive tube is lined throughout by columnar epithelium, many of the cells being ciliated, others glandular, and a cuticle being developed in some parts. Beneath the epithelium the wall consists of connective tissue and elongated muscle fibres. The size of the lumen of the gut varies considerably in different parts, as also does the thickness of the walls. The cavity of the gullet | is extensive (fig. 15), while its walls are very delicate and closely bound dorsally, by strands of connective tissue, to the outer body wall covering the head. The crop has thick walls and a correspondingly reduced cavity (fig. 22), while the stomach has a very wide cavity with rather thin walls; the succeeding coil of the gut is narrower and thin-walled, and the remaining coils are still narrower; the rectum is thicker walled (fig. 21). The sub-lngual pouch, like the rest of the gut, is lined by columnar epithelium, which here has a_ distinct yellow colour, is largely glandular, and probably mucus- secreting. The region of the buccal ‘avity, into which the buccal glands open, has its walls yellow tinged and somewhat thickened, the thickening being due to the presence of the small tubular glands previously mentioned. Their cells resemble those of the buccal glands. The crop has a greater development of sub- epithelial tissue than is possessed by other parts of the gut, but the major part of the thickening is due to the epithelial folds projecting into-its cavity. The longitudinal folds are covered by high columnar epithelium, which includes a large number of glandular cells. Many of the cells contain rounded granular highly refractive bodies. Under the epithelium of each fold is a distinct, mainly fibrous, band which can be 29 traced outwards through the thickness of the crop wall. The transverse folds are infoldings of the side walls between the longitudinal folds just mentioned. They connect with the single divided longitudinal fold, but not with the pair of longitudinal folds. Each of these folds has secondary foldings on itself, and these run approximately along lines radiating from the centre of the crop. Near the inner and free edge ot the fold are smaller papilla-like outgrowths (fig. 18). The stomach is lined by columnar epithelium, with subjacent connective tissue which is not very abundant. The epithelium is fairly even all round except along a line on the internal wall where we find a groove formed by the upgrowth of two ridges. The height of these ridges is due mainly to the unusual height of the epithelium along them, while the cells lining the groove are very short (fig. 20). This description is correct for a young lmpet, but as the animal grows older the groove deepens. Much of the intestine has ridged walls. The rectum shows two ventro-lateral folds, which are covered by fairly high columnar epithelium, growing into its cavity and forming a gutter between them. These folds become much more distinct on the anal papilla (fig. 21), and here they branch into secondary foldings. Feces seem to be extruded only from the upper section of the rectum, dorsal to the “ gutter” and folds. The buceal glands are made up of much branched tubes which are imbedded in connective tissue, and the glands, for this reason, have the appearance of one large mass. The cells lining the gland tubules are large and contain numerous granules, they are fairly equal in size and have large and distinct basal nuclei. The cells near the apices of the tubules appear not to be ciliated, but those further BO towards the ducts possess cilia and have smaller nuclei. The digestive gland is similarly a great mass of branching tubules imbedded in connective tissue. The cells lining these tubules vary a good deal in size and shape but are very distinctly glandular, and usually so gorged with droplets of a yellowish-green secretion and fine granules that they burst while being prepared for microscopic examination (fig. 17). The ducts of the digestive gland are lined by ciliated columnar epithelium resembling that of the general gut lining. Miss Newbigin finds that, in sections of specimens hardened in formalin, the epithelium lining the intestine has a band of brownish green pigment near the inner margin of the cells. When examined under a higher power the pigment is seen to occur in minute closely packed granules, brownish green in mass, green when viewed singly. The cells of the digestive gland vary in size, the large cells near their inner surface contain several of the characteristically molluscan pigmented vesicles, usually of a brownish yellow colour, while scattered through the protoplasm occur numerous oil drops. The presence of varying amounts of a pigment, called enterochlorophyll, causes great variations in the colour of the digestive gland. The same pigment also occurs in the feces. Ill. Tur OponrorHore (figs. 6, 12, 13, 14)—The Odontophore, or rasping organ, characteristic of all cephalous Molluses, arises in development as a ventral pouch of the fore gut, the ectoderm of which, together with the underlying mesoderm, ultimately gives rise to :— (a) A projection on the floor of the buccal cavity—the Cushion (Mesodermic). dl (b) A pouch—the Radular Sac, formed of ectodermic epithelium, with a little subjacent connective tissue. (c) A horny tooth-studded ribbon, the Radula, of which the part in use rests on the surface of the cushion, while the parts in reserve and in course of formation are lodged in the radular sae. : The Cushion is the projection on which the radula rests, and whose movements enable that organ to perform its scraping function. It consists essentially of muscles and four pairs of cartilages, and is covered above by the fore eut epithelium and that of its diverticulum, the radular sac. The radula is placed in a median groove on the dorsal surface between the paired cartilages (fig. 12). The cartilages are best named Anterior, Antero-lateral, Ventro-lateral and Posterior. Their shapes and relations are most suitably explained by diagrams (fig. 15). Hach anterior cartilage has a ridge towards its front end, acting as a lateral pad for the radula. The cartilage is of the type called spongy, as it consists of fairly large, clear, nucleated cells, separated by a comparatively small amount of structureless intercellular substance. ‘The antero- lateral are placed at the sides of the anterior cartilages near their front ends, and give the cushion its charac- teristic broad front. The ventro-lateral cartilages, first noticed by Amaudrut, are very small, and on the ventral surface of the cushion. The posterior cartilages are well developed, and not so ventral as in some Rhipidoglossa. The muscles of the Odontophore include (1) Extrinsic Muscles, connecting the odontophore with the walls of the buccal chamber, (2) Intrinsic Muscles, connecting the cartilages with one another and with the sub-radular membrane. The chief Extrinsic Muscles are :— (a) The large ventral protractor muscles attached 32 posteriorly to the ventral part of the posterior cartilages and spreading out towards their anterior origin behind and at the base of the inner lips. (b) Dorso-lateral protractor muscles attached at the front end around the expansions of the dorsal palatal plate, and, behind, to the sides of the posterior cartilage. (¢) Antero-lateral retractor muscles going from the sides of the anterior cartilages to the floor of the neck cavity. These may be divaricators of the cartilages. (d) Numerous fibres, more or less irregularly arranged, and including some posterior ventral retractors going from the odontophore to the floor of the neck cavity. The protractor muscles seem to be by far the most important, and probably, therefore, the act of retraction is mainly a natural relapse to normal conditions from a state of strain. The chief Intrinsic Muscles (fig. 156) are : — (a) Two transverse layer-like bands connecting the ventral sides of the anterior and lateral cartilages together. These are separated by (6). (b) A pair of muscle bands going forwards from the posterior cartilages to the epithelium beneath the front end of the radula. (c) Muscle bands connecting the anterior and antero- lateral cartilages dorsally, and (d) Muscle bands connecting these cartilages ventrally. Besides the above muscles, various bands of connective tissue bind the antero-lateral and the posterior cartilages to the anterior, and some further minute details are shown in the figures (figs. la, 4, ©). The Radular Sac (figs. 6, 12) is a long eylindroidal diverticulum of the post-palatal section of the buccal cavity. Arising at the upper limit of the back of the cushion, it first runs downwards close to this, and then, Do after a swerve to the left, bends back along about two- thirds of the under surface of the visceral mass in the median plane. It then curves well round to the right side, taking a forward course to about the middle of the visceral mass, after which it bends sharply upon itself and retraverses the greater part of its former course. This second part is closely applied to the right side of the first, and its caecal tip extends forwards almost as far as the back of the cushion. The anterior part, at least, of the radular sac and the odontophore, are sur- rounded by a large blood space, whence blood travels both to the visceral hump and to the foot. The Radula is altogether about twice the length of the animal, and is a narrow belt-like structure with rows of teeth, having at its anterior end a flat plate-like ex- pansion on either side. This plate is bent over the front end of the cushion where the covering epithelium has secreted it. Behind this the radula sinks into a groove along the middle of the odontophore and runs back into its sheath. The teeth of the radula are arranged in convexly curved transverse rows, the convexity being forwards on the dorsal surface of the cushion. There are twelve members to each row (fig. 14). Of these twelve the four central ones are similar, although the middle two are slightly smaller than the others. Hach consists of a yellow stalk and a black-tipped brown “ claw,” the claw having its concavity directed backwards. Next to these four and behind their level is another tooth of the same kind but larger and with three claws. Lateral to these again we have three pairs of teeth without claws, these have their ends curved slightly backwards. They are at the same level as the four central teeth. The absence of one definitely differentiated median tooth characterises all the Docoglossa except the Lepetide, D Bet and other special features are the fewness of teeth in each row, and the high degree of specialisation of the individual tooth. These characters sharply differentiate the Docoglossa from other Gastropods, for the specialisa- tion of their radula is certainly along a line diverging absolutely from that adopted by the Tzenioglossa, where the fewness of teeth per row is due to several having fused to form compound ones. To this account of the alimentary canal we may add a short description of the relations of the various parts of the fore-gut to the feeding process. The generalised diagram of a median longitudinal section of Patella, elven in fig. 6, is intended to illustrate these relations. By contraction of its strong ventral protractor muscles the tip of the odontophore is extruded from between the lips, and the radula is rubbed along the rock surface from behind torwards to scrape off minute Algw. The outer lips, aided by the “ licker,” seize and hold any fragments torn from the rock, the dorsal palatal plate greatly strengthening the dorsal outer lip for this purpose, besides lifting the roof of the buecal cavity out of reach of the rasping radula. The food, consisting of small Algee and tiny organisms of various kinds, with an admixture of rock substance, is then passed into the buccal cavity from which its exit is barred by the closure of the inner lips. The mouth parts are almost always examined when both they and the head are in a retracted condition, and it may be that the cesophageal pouches are, in part, spare folds of tissue allowing the protrusion of the odontophore without breakage of any of the gut lining. — Specimens paralysed by a dilute solution of chloral hydrate im sea water often die with the head partly expanded, and they certainly seem to show less folding in the region of the cesophageal pouches. 35 Patella also feeds in another way by gripping a piece of seaweed with its outer lips (aided by the palate) and then scraping off fragments from it by the rasping action of the radula. The mechanism for retracting the odontophore is not as manifest as that for its extrusion, and this process is probably in part a return to normal conditions from a strained state of expansion. The slightly developed retractor fibres, the cessation of con- traction of the protractors, and the antero-lateral muscles probably all help, and assistance must also be given by the contraction of the muscular snout. While the tip of the radula is scraping food from the rock, another part of it is, by the same motion, working against the jaw, or palatal plate, and thus helping to grind the food already obtained. This working of the radula against the jaws continues after actual feeding has ceased, and the cesophageal pouches seem to retain the food frag- ments temporarily till this function has been completed, and till they can be passed on into the crop. This passing on is necessarily slow on account of the many folds project- ing into the cavity of the crop. Meanwhile, also, the food becomes mixed with the secretion of the buccal glands. It is noteworthy that the esophageal pouches of Patella do not show the development of folds and papille which characterises presumably homologous structures in the primitive Rhipidoglossa, and another feature is that the dorsal and ventral valves, which in the latter, and even in Acmea (dorsal valve), prevent passage of the food from the pouches back into the buccal cavity, are very much reduced or absent. The pouches are therefore probably, in part, spare tissue and, in part, temporary stores, and not highly specialised secretory regions, as in Halzotis, and other Rhipidoglossa. The corresponding secretory func- tion is performed by the crop, which is extremely . 36 specialised among the Cyclobranch Docoglossa, and thereby gives evidence of the difficulty of digesting the tough vegetable food; the high development of folds must also enable this region of the gut to act as a strainer, preventing the further transport of large fragments into the thin walled regions which follow. The great length and size of the stomach, which is the region where the secretion of the great digestive gland becomes mixed with the food is a further testimony to the slowness and ditticulty of the digestive process. NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS. The nervous system of Patella vulgata (fig. 25) may be considered under three headings. (a) The Cireumeesophageal ring with its cerebral, pleural and pedal ganglia, and the principal nerves thence given off except— (b) The Bueeal and Labial nervous systems, connected to the ring at the cerebral ganglia. (c) The Visceral Loop and nerves thence given off, connected to the ring at the pleural ganglia. The Circumesophagea! ting.—-This 1s seen, after exposure of the dorsal surface of the gullet, on pressing apart the gut tissues and body wall in the region of the head.and neck. When completely exposed it is observed to be roughly four-sided, the plane of the quadrilateral sloping downwards and backwards, while its upper and lower sides are curved outwards. The quadrangular form of the ring is due to its having accom- modated itself to the outlines of the buccal mass. Though certain swellings on the ring are referred to as ganglia, it must not be supposed that nerve cells are not.found in other parts, the concentration of these being by no means complete. The two upper corners of the quadrilateral a7 ave set near the tentacle bases and are swollen to form the well-marked cerebral ganglia. These are connected by the cerebral commissure (forming the upper side of the quadrilateral) which runs across very far forward just beneath the dorsal outer lip. The right and left sides of the quadrilateral (continuous above with the respective cerebral ganglia) have become double by separation of the connectives going to the pleural from those going to the pedal ganglia. The lower side of the quadrilateral is a very short pedal commissure thickening at either end into the commence- ment of the great pedal nerve cord, which is ganghonic for a considerable portion of its length. The outer side of this anterior end of the pedal nerve cord is continuous with a short stout pleuro-pedal connective, and this latter thickens at the side and a little to the front into a pleural ganglhon. From the ganglionic centres a munber of nerves are given off, as follows (see fig. 25): (a) From each cerebral ganghon: (1) The cerebral commissure, the cerebro-labial con- nective, and the cerebro-pedal and cerebro-pleural connectives. (2) The branching tentacular nerve, (3) The fine optic nerve supplying the eye which is placed on the posterior side of the base of the tentacle. (4) Fine nerves (5 in number) going to the snout. (5) A nerve which, for some distance, runs along with the cerebro-pedal connective, but which diverges from this at about the level of the pleural ganglia, going thence to the dorsal body wall. (6) A nerve which is at first fused with the cerebro- pleural connective but soon becomes distinct from it and supplies the otocyst which lies at the base of the pleural ganglion against the pleuro-pedal connective. 38 (6) From each pedal cord, the anterior end of which may be called an ill-defined pedal ganglion :— (1) From the anterior end, a nerve going forwards to the foot and ventral body wall. (2) Nerves to the dorsal layers of the foot and to the shell muscle. (5) Stout nerves to the ventral part (sole) of the foot. (4) Fine nerves, those from one cord going towards those from the other. These nerves from the two cords unite in two cases forming anastomoses, of which one is close behind the pedal commissure, and the other quite posterior. It is probable that these nerves and anastomoses are vestiges of an ancestral ladder-like condition of the pedal cords and their interconnections. (c) From each pleural ganglion :— (1) Two small nerves (one more strictly from the cerebro-pleural connective and one from the ganglon itself) arising close together and supplying the dorsal body wall. (2) A distinct nerve which seems to supply the anterior end of the shell muscle. (3) A small nerve arising near the lateral extremity of the ganglion close to the origin of (4). (4) The great pallial nerve, which soon divides into two: —(a) The anterior branch—this again divides usually into two; and (b) The stouter posterior branch—this runs outwards with the anterior branch and then turns backwards. At this point it may be seen just beneath the tissue covering the foot when the visceral hump 1s lifted off. This branch gives off, from its outer side, several nerves which run outwards to the mantle. Dr. J. Travis Jenkins has shown by minute dissection that an anastomosis does exist between the anterior and the posterior branches of the pallial nerve (fig. 24). It 1s, 39 however, hardly as direct as in the more primitive Docoglossa (e.g., Acmea). From the pleural centres are also given off the nerve bands which together form the visceral loop. A first examination seemed to show a slender nerve connecting the two pleural centres together, and running just in front of the pedal commissure. — Microscopic investigation, however, shows that this slender cord is a fibrous band connecting the two otocysts and extending beyond them to end in the dorsal surface of the foot. The Labial and Buceal Nervous System.—A fairly thick connective arises from the inner border of each cerebral ganglion, and goes along the floor of the snout, very soon swelling into what may be called a labial ganglion. The commissure between the labial gangha is thin and markedly curved, with the coneayity forwards, the curve being underneath the sub-lingual pouch. The labial ganglia give rise to nerves going forwards to the lps, and, at the back, to a few supplying the snout muscles, &c. (see fig. 25). From each of these ganglia also arises a fine sinuous labio-buccal con- nective, which enters the tissue of the odontophoral cushion. When it reaches the dorsal surface of this organ it swells into an elongated buccal ganglion. The two buccal ganglia converge to some extent posteriorly, and are connected with one another by a well-marked commissure entering their posterior extremities. The buccal nervous system is easily seen on removal of the gullet and the radular sac, but the connection with the labial centres is difficult to trace. The labio-buccal connective gives off a nerve to the anterior parts of the odontophore. Hach buccal ganglion gives rise, at its anterior end, to a nerve supplying the lateral muscles of the odontophore, and several small nerves arise from its inner border. ). The sperms (figs. 34+) are very minute and consist of head and tail as usual. The gonad expels its products by rupture into the cavity of the right kidney, and they thus make their way to the exterior. The gland seems peculiarly liable to overgrowth, and, among specimens collected in autumn on the Welsh coast, various ruptures can frequently be noticed, sometimes between the shell muscle and the foot, sometimes above the shell muscle, though this latter does not seem to be of any advantage for the expulsion of sex products. The season of sexual maturity is the autumn; Boutan finds it to be about September at Roscoft ; at Aberystwyth we think it is somewhat later.