A PEBBLE-COBBLE DEPOSIT IN MONTEREY BAY, CALIFORNIA by Michael John Ma I one LIBHABY HAVAL I 'TE SCHOOL I -^40 United States Naval Postgraduate School THESIS A PEBBLE-COBBLE DEPOSIT IN MONTEREY BAY, CALIFORNIA by Michael John Malone June 1970 Tku documznt hat be.&n appAjovzd ^ok pub tic kz- Iqa&c and 6alc; JUU dis&iibution u> untatuXzd. T135206 A Pebble-Cobble Deposit in Monterey Bay, California by Michael John Malone Lieutenant (Junior Grade) , United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1969 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1970 ■IBHAEY [AVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOlf [ONTEREY, CALIF. 93940 ABSTRACT A deposit of pebbles and cobbles was discovered in approximately 60 fm of water on the continental shelf in Monterey Bay, California. Samples were taken in the area and the extent of the deposit was deter- mined. The material was characterized as well rounded, moderately well sorted coarse pebbles derived mainly from the granites of the Santa Lucia Formation with lesser amounts of alluvium from the Salinas Drain- age Basin which flows into Monterey Bay. It was established that the deposit probably represents a marine terrace of Pleistocene Age, indi- cating a relative lowering of sea level of about 330 to 360 ft. This appears to be the first reported evidence of submerged marine terraces in Northern California. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 9 A. PURPOSE 9 B. PREVIOUS WORK 9 II. DESCRIPTION OF AREA 12 A. SUBMARINE TOPOGRAPHY 12 B. GEOLOGIC SKETCH OF SURROUNDING AREA 12 1. Coastal Geology --: 12 2. Salinas Drainage Basin 14 III. PROCEDURE 18 A. COLLECTION OF DATA 18 1. Bathymetric Profiles 18 2. Bottom Samples 20 B. ANALYSIS OF DATA 20 1. Roundness and Shape 20 2. Size Analysis 22 3. Lithology 24 IV. RESULTS 25 A. BATHYMETRIC SURVEY 25 B. BOTTOM SAMPLES 27 1. Roundness and Shape 28 2. Size 28 3. Lithology 34 3 C. DISTRIBUTION Or THE PEBBLE-COBBLE DEPOSIT--- 35 V. CONCLUSIONS 38 A. ORIGIN OF PEBBLE-COBBLE DEPOSIT 38 1. Time of Deposition 38 2. Source Area 39 3. Movement Into the Area 40 B. CONDITIONS OF DEPOSITION 40 C. SUMMARY 42 D. FUTURE WORK 42 REFERENCES CITED 44 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 46 FORM DD 1473 47 LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE I. Stratigraphy of Surrounding Area 17 II. Statistical Parameters of Pebble-Cobble Deposit 33 III. Results of Petrographic Analysis of Selected Rocks 36 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE TITLE PAGE 1. Monterey Bay Area 10 2. Coastal Geology 13 3. Generalized Geology of Salinas Drainage Basin 16 4. Tracks of Bathymetric Profiles 19 5. Sample Locations 21 6. Bathymetric Profiles 26 7. Roundness and Sphericity vs . Particle Diameter 29 8. Cumulative Percent of Samples 31 9. Cumulative Percent of Combined Samples 32 10. Present Distribution of Pebble-Cobble Deposit 37 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to all those individuals and groups whose generous assistance aided in the completion of this report. Special thanks are due to my advisor, Professor Robert S. Andrews, for his patience, guidance, and time, especially the petrographic analysis; to my wife, Pat, who typed several drafts of this report and supplied invaluable moral support; to the technicians of the Department of Oceanography, especially Wendall Ayers , who helped in so many ways; and to Gary Greene, U. S. Geological Survey, Marine Geology Division, Menlo Park, California, for discussions concerning seismic and bathymetric pro- files in Monterey Bay and their interpretation. I. INTRODUCTION A. PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of pebbles and cobbles discovered in significant quantities (J. Geary, personal communication) on the outer edge of the continental shelf in southern Monterey Bay, California (Fig. 1). Since this portion of the continental shelf is characterized generally by green sand and silt, the occurrence of these large particles, collectively referred to as the pebble-cobble deposit for the remainder of this report, can be considered anomalous. The approach of the study was to attempt to establish the possibility that this deposit represents an ancient marine terrace. Bathymetric profiles were recorded, bottom samples were collected, and the texture, lithology, and distribution of the deposit were determined. B. PREVIOUS WORK Galliher (193?) studied the general nature of the sedimentary cover on the continental shelf in Monterey Bay and reported a wide band of gravel (particle diameters of 2-10 mm) with a few pebbles (particle diameters greater than 10 mm) over the area of the present study. How- ever, the largest pebbles according to histograms included in his report were less than 14 mm in size, corresponding to a maximum size of approximately -4 0 and comparing in size to only the smaller material Depths in fathoms SEASIDE EREW PRESS POINT \^CARMEL Figure 1 Adapted by Dorman (1968) Monterey Bay Area 10 reported in the present study. Galliher concluded that the coarse material represented a reworked alluvial deposit from the Salinas Drain- age Basin. Monteath (1965) reported on the depositional environments of the bottom sediments on the continental shelf in southern Monterey Bay. His results differed significantly from Galliher's in that he found that the wide band of gravel did not exist, but rather that the area contained silty sand with a few pebbles. Yancey (1968) described the sediment cover in Monterey Bay, primarily the northern half, and reported sediment types aligned in bands approximately parallel to the submarine contours. The outermost band, on the edge of the continental shelf, consisted predominantly of coarse sand, including some cobbles. Yancey concluded that this band is a "relict deposit" of Pleistocene Age and based his estimate of the age on two factors. The first was the discovery, in a sample containing coarse sand, of shallow water gastropods which could have been found during the Pleistocene, and a cold water Pleistocene gastro- pod. The second factor was his assumption that coarse sediments are not being accumulated in this area under present conditions. This paper apparently piesents the first report of a significant pebble-cobble deposit in this area and it is the first report en the nature of the material comprising the deposit. 11 II. DESCRIPTION OF AREA A. SUBMARINE TOPOGRAPHY The dominant topographical feature in Monterey Bay is the Monterey Submarine Canyon, described in detail by Martin and Emery (1967). The canyon extends to within 100 yards of the shoreline at Moss Landing and divides the continental shelf in the bay into two halves. The canyon is adjacent to the area where the pebble-cobble deposit is located. In this area the transition between the continental shelf and the continental slope, represented by the sides of the canyon, is quite abrupt and the slope of the canyon approaches 45° immediately to the west of the area studied. The shelf-slope transition, which was used to define the western edge of the area studied, occurs at depths ranging from about 90 m at the northern end to about 135 m at the southern end. The general bathymetry of the continental shelf in Monterey Bay is quite smooth and gently sloping with some rock out- cropings or reefs occurring . B. GEOLOGIC SKETCH OF SURROUNDING AREA 1 . Coastal Geology The southern half of Monterey Boy is bordered on the south by the Monterey Peninsula and on the east by sand dunes extending from the city of Seaside to Flkhorn Slough (Fig. 2). The Santa Lucia Formation of Cretaceous A ;e forms the northern and western end of the 12 Sand Dunes Alluvium River Terrace Deposits Monterey Shale A A Santa Lucia Granodic: ite MONTEREY Adapted by Monteath (1965) Figure 2. Coastal Geology 13 peninsula. This formation is exposed continuously along the shoreline from Cypress Point to Monterey, and also outcrops offshore to the north and west of Point Pinos . The formation contains granitic rocks which occur throughout the Santa Lucia and Gabilan Mountains and ranges in composition from quartz diorite to granodiorite and granite, including various porphyritic and pegmatitic facies (Hart, 1966). The Monterey Formation of Middle and Upper Miocene Age overlies the Santa Lucia Formation on the peninsula. It is basically a siliceous shale with porcellanite and chert. The Monterey Formation outcrops almost continuously throughout the entire Santa Lucia Range and, although it does not actually occur along the shoreline in Monterey Bay, it does outcrop in the bay (Dorman, 1968). From Monterey to Moss Landing, the shoreline is backed by unconsolidated Quaternary deposits. Recent sand dunes fringe the shoreline, and areas of older sand dunes are found in the Fort Ord area. Gravel, sand, silt, and clay of the stream channel and flood plain deposits are also widely distributed. Another distinctive unit forming the low hills bordering the lowlands of the bay is the Aromas Red Sands, consisting typically of coarse red sands and some "gravel" and clay (Hart, 1966). 2 . Salinas Drainage Basin The geology of the Salinas Drainage Basin can be character- ized by its complexity. Basement rocks of the basin are divided into two mutually exclusive provinces by the San Andreas and Sur-Nacimiento 14 Fault zones (Page, 1966) and the rocks found range in age from Paleozoic to Recent. The geology is summarized in Fig. 3 and Table 1 based on reports by Bailey, Irwin, and Jones (1964), Hart (1966), and Page (1966). 15 Adapted from Yancey (1968) and Page (1970) Figure 3. Generalized Geology of the Salinas Drainage Basin 16 Geologic Age Recent o M O O W o o M o •p 3 •H -P U o an 0.65 0.60 -4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 O -6.0 0.80 i- 0.75 >- u Oi. LU X a. CO 0.70 0.65 ._J -4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0 PARTICLE DIAMETER, 0 Figure 7. Roundness and Sphericity vs. Particle Diameter 29 lower limit of particle diameter considered in this study. The largest particle recovered was slightly greater than -7 0 . In ignoring the fine portion of the samples and treating only the coarse fraction, the present investigator was aware of the fact that cumulative percent curves and statistical parameters derived from the coarse fraction would be completely different from those that would be determined from a treatment of the complete sample. However, if one recognizes that the presence of two unique types of deposits in the same sample, in this case the pebble-cobble deposit and the matrix material, implies two different sedimentation processes and/or sources, then the separate treatment of the coarse fraction should be expected to reveal information of the conditions of its deposition. The cumulative frequency curves plotted on arithmetic probability paper are shown in Fig . 8 and 9 and those statistical parameters computed, Inman median, mean, and sorting, Folk and Ward mean and sorting, and Trask sorting, are shown in Table 2. Individual samples are identified by sample numbers. In Fig. 8 and 9, the combination of all samples analyzed by volume is "Total V," a volume cumulative frequency curve, and those analyzed by weight is "Total M," a weight cumulative frequency c. :ve. The total of all the samples, combined by converting volume frequencies to weight is identified as "Total" and is a weight cumulative frequency curve. Observed data points are connected by solid lines and extrapolations used to determine percentiles are represented by dashed lines. It can 30 99.9 - >- u z UJ a UJ > < _3 U 99 98 95 - 90 - 80 - 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 - -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 PARTICLE DIAMETER, 0 Figure 8. Cumulative Percent of Samples -3.0 31 O TOTAL V 99.9 □ TOTAL M 99 98 95 90 . 80 >- u Z 70 LU O 60 Oi. LU > I— < _J Z> U 50 40 30 20 - 10 - -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 PARTICLE DIAMETER, 0 Figure 9. Cumulative Percent of Combined Samples 32 TJ »-. J° £ en TI C u (0 o ^ CO —( o Ph en c C rO -rH e c o (— 1 CO ^4 e T3 O PL, Cn C o CO (0 5 2 CO CO CO o CO o co in o CO CO O CO OO CO CD LO CO CM CD CM LO CD CD £ 2 (0 o ■•-1 u •t-l >4-l CD 4-1 a CD 6 CM o O (6 CO 1 Q LO I P I P cn p p (0 +-> O H f0 O H (0 +-> O H ro U c c CD fo £ CD LO 1 CD LO LO I CD "vf cn CM LO I O LO I o o LO I o LO LO I -l-l 4-> CO CM CD £ xs £ co X (0 H t^. LO LO CD CM