Digitized by the Internet Arcinive in 2010 with funding from Boston Public Library http://www.archive.org/details/pedestalrocksinsOObrya 'f-l-y-s^T Please do not destroy or throw away this publication. If you have no/further use for it write to the Geological Survey at Washington and ask for a frank to return it Department of the Interior Hubert Work, Secretary U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George Otis Smith, Director Bulletin 760-D PEDESTAL ROCKS IN STREAM CHANNELS BY KIRK BRYAN Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1923-1924 (Pages 123-128) Published AprU, 1925 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT rillNTING OFFICE 1925 \ CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 123 Devils Top and similar rocks near Spokane, Wash 124 Rock in Owens River, Calif 126 Rock in Yellowstone National Park 127 Conclusions 127 ILLUSTKATIONS. Page. PiATE XXXI. A, Devils Top, Deep Creek canyon, 8 miles northwest of • Spokane, Wash. ; B, Incipient pedestal rock, Colum- bia River below China Bar, 9 miles downstream from junction of Spokane River, Wash 12G XXXII. A, Pedestal rock in Owens River, Inyo County, Calif. ; B, Pedestal rock in Gibbon River at Chocolate Cas- cade, Yellowstone Park, Wyo 127 n PEDESTAL ROCKS IN STREAM CHANNELS. By Kirk Brtan. INTRODUCTION. Isolated masses of rock, especially those of unusual shapes, excite much interest and are commonly regarded with some little awe — a relic, perhaps, of those feelings and impulses which caused the erec- tion of the great stones of the Druid monuments. The fanciful or mythical names that are almost spontaneously applied to such rocks testify to this popular interest, but the origin of these masses has received only scant notice by scientific men. This attitude is no doubt justifiable on the ground that there are more important mat- ters for study. However, the type of isolated rock consisting of a larger mass above supported on a more slender pedestal has been used as a criterion in the study of larger problems. Such pedestal rocks have been cited as a measure of weathering since glaciation^ and also as proof that an area was not covered by continental ice.- That pedestal rocks may be formed by the sand-blast action of winds seems probable, but that such rocks in arid regions are necessarily proof of wind scour has been denied in a previous publication,^ in which a fairly complete list of papers on the affirmative of this question may be found. The object of this paper is to call attention to some examples of pedestal rocks of well-developed form that stand in stream channels and are produced by a process which bears no causal relation to wind erosion, yet that, if found in some other environment, might easily be confused with pedestal rocks resulting from wind scour. Two of the examples cited have not been seen by me. One is de- scribed from a photograph and notes by Willard D. Johnson, whose untimely death cut short the career of a keen observer much inter- ested in the minutiae of erosive processes. The other was called to my attention by my friend and colleague, H. T. Stearns, who has al- lowed me to use his photograph and notes. William Donahue, of Spokane, furnished the photograph of the Devils Top. 1 Huglies, T. M., On some perched blocks and associated phenomena : Geol. See. London Quart. Jour., vol. 43, pp. 522-539, 1886. ^ AJden, W. C, The Quaternary geology of soutlieastei'n Wisconsin : U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 106, p. 41, pi. 16, A, 1918. 3 Bryan, Kirk, Pedestal rocks in the arid Southwest : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 760, pp. 1-11, 1923 (Bull. 760-A). 14242°— 25 123 124 CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOGRAPHY OF UNITED STATES, 1923-1924. DEVILS TOP AND SIMILAR ROCKS NEAR SPOKANE, WASH. Spokane, Wash., lies at the eastern margin of the Columbia Plateau, which terminates here in black cliffs and crags of basalt that front on the broad valleys of Spokane and Little Spokane rivers. In these valleys stand outlying portions of the plateau bounded by similar cliffs. Spokane River within the citj'^ plunges over ledges of basalt in Spokane Falls and about 7 miles below the city enters the long canyon that forms the northeastern boundary of the Co- lumbia Plateau. The basalt flows that form the top of the plateau, known as the " rim rock " flows, have an altitude of about 2,400 feet. The flows that crop out in the bed of Spokane River and in the im- mediately adjacent cliffs are a younger series that attain an altitude only slightly above 2,100 feet. They lie within ancient valleys eroded in the plateau. These valley flows, though younger than the flows of the plateau, are thought to belong to the same general period of volcanism, in Tertiary time.* The lavas of this series, at least in the immediate vicinity of Spokane, do not have the columnar jointing normal to basalts but are divided into great blocks by widely spaced joints. In consequence they yield on erosion large masses, many of which have peculiarly striking forms. Some of the most interesting of these masses are to be found in the canyon traversed by the lower course of Deep Creek, a stream that rises on the plateau and flows northeastward about 15 miles to Spokane River, which it enters 8 miles below Spokane. The stream plunges over the "rim rock" basalt and has cut a deep and narrow gorge in the younger basalt flows, which form a shelf along Spokane River. The lower part of the canyon is at one place only about 50 feet wide, and here is the Devils Top, one of a number of blocks that have fallen from the cliffs above. As shown in Plate XXXI, A, this block tapers from a rounded top to a narrow base. The rock would fall but for the fact that it rests against the side wall. It is nearly circular in plan and about 30 feet in greatest diameter. It is about 28 feet high and the tapering base is about 3 feet in diameter where it rests on the bedrock of the stream channel. The rounded form of the upper part of the Devils Top is a char- acteristic weathering form of the basalt of this locality, and similar rounded domes cap the cliffs from which this block has undoubtedly fallen. The minutely and irregularly fractured surface is also characteristic and may be ascribed with some assurance to frost action. Only in shape does the rock differ from adjacent blocks. * Pardee, J. T., and Bryan, Kirk, Geology of the Latah formation in relation to the lavas of the Columbia Plateau near Spokane, Wash. : U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 140-A (in press). PEDESTAL ROCKS IN" STREAM CHANNELS. 125 The undercut sides seem, however, to be due to the erosive work of the stream. Deep Creek has strong freshets each spring, and during these freshets the velocity of the water around the rock must be high, because of the reduction in the width of the channel. The driftwood on the top of the rock, plainly visible in Plate XXXI, A, shows that the rock is at times overtopped by the stream, but the actios of the stream is more prolonged and effective on the lower part of the rock. Here the force of the moving water, with its contained debris, removes the small blocks already loosened by frost, and perhaps the freezing of the water m winter facilitates such loosening. That direct scour does not seem to take much of a part in this process is shown by the lack of polished surfaces. Undercutting by streams is hardly a common phenomenon in this region, and there are cliffs and individual rocks along Spokane Kiver and elsewhere in the region that are not notched. On the left bank of Columbia River below China Bar, however, there are a group of rocks of which some are loose blocks and others are portions of a lava flow isolated by weathering along widely spaced joints. The lava is part of the great series underlying the Columbia Plateau but resembles in its lack of columnar joints and method of weather- ing the flows on Deep Creek, which are doubtless somewhat younger. Some of these blocks have vertical walls, and others are notched near low-water level. The rock shown in Plate XXXI, B, ap- proaches the form of a pedestal rock. The minutely and irregularly fractured surfaces of the block indicates weathering by mechanical forces, but examination of the interior of these fractured pieces shows that there has also been some chemical action. Apparently the effect of the river water is to speed up mechanical erosion and re- move partly weathered fragments. Doubtless the undercutting would be more marked if the river held a nearly constant level, so that its action affected only a small zone. But Columbia River is subject to a prolonged annual rise of 30 to 40 feet. The maximmn estimated discharge of the river at Wenatchee and Vernita, the nearest stations downstream, was 710,000 second-feet, on June 7, 1894, and the minimum discharge 23,900 second- feet, on January 31, 1917.^ During such floods the water doubtless has the same effect on all parts of the rock. In the rise and fall also the surface of the water occupies every position on the rock. Xot only do these condi- tions tend to diminish the relative intensity of the notching action, but it is obvious that on a river subject to such floods pedestal rocks with slender pedestals would be snapped off, and there is thus a limit to the development of such forms. s Paxker, G. L., and Lee, Lasley, Summary of hydrometric data iu Washington, 1878- 1919': U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 492, p. 118, 1923. 126 CONTEIBUTIONS TO GEOGRAPHY OP UNITED STATES, 1923-1924. ^ ROCK IN OWENS RIVER, CALIF. The photograph reproduced in Plate XXXII, A, was taken by Willard D. Johnson in the canyon of Owens River, Inyo County, Calif. According to his notes the locality is "just above the junc- tion of Burcham Canyon and ' The Bridge ' " ; the rock is rhyolite of the*" exfoliating type " found thereabouts and contrasting with a neighboring type which yields to weathering largely by solution. Johnson records also that the boftlder is said to have developed the neck or pedestal in the 20 years that it had been under observation by ranchmen in the neighborhood. At this point Owens River runs in a deep canyon and, as indi- catSd in Plate XXXII, A, is swift and turbulent. However, as shown by the records of the United States Geological Survey gaging station near Round Valley, just above the junction of Rock Creek, at the lower end of the canyon, the flow of the stream is relatively steady. The yearly mean discharge has ranged from 181 to 380 second-feet. The maximum recorded discharge of 1,190 second-feet occurred in June, 1907, and the minimum of 100 second-feet in Feb- ruary, 1919. Evidently the ordinary flow, fluctuating over a nar- row range, has eroded the neck of the rock, and the flood flows are not severe enough to break it off, * The region has an arid climate and might even be called a desert. The river in the canyon descends from an altitude of 6,700 feet to 4,400 feet, and the climatic conditions are similar to those at the nearest towns, Bishop and Laws, which have an altitude of about 4,100 feet. The 16-year rainfall record at Bishop, as compiled by Lee,^ shows an annual mean of 5.61 inches, and the 14-year record at Laws, 4.40 inches. Even if allowance is made for an increased rainfall in the locality of the pedestal rock on account of its greater altitude, it may still be considered in an arid region. Though the statement of the local ranchers recorded by Johnson that the shape of the rock was developed in 20 years can hardly be true, it is evident from the photograph that stream, abrasion operat- ing against the surface of a rock already divided into small flakes by exfoliation has produced the notch that forms the neck. The neck is excentric, and the greater overhang on the upstream side may be due to greater wear on that side. The rock appears also to have been slightly polished by the water and its contained sus- pended matter. * Lee, C. H., An intensive study of the water resources of a part of Owens Valley, Calif. : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 294, p. 91, 1912. / U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 760 PLATE XXXI A. DEVILS TOP, DEEP CREEK CANYON, 8 MILES NORTHWEST OF SPOKANE, WASH. B. INCIPIENT PEDESTAL ROCK, COLUMBIA RIVER BELOW CHINA BAR, 9 MILES DOWNSTREAM FROM JUNCTION OF SPOKANE RIVER, WASH. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 760 PLATE XXXII A. PEDESTAL ROCK IN OWENS niVER, INYO COUNTY, CALIF. B. PEDESTAL ROCK IN GIBBON RIVER AT CHOCOLATE CASCADE, YELLOW- STONE PARK, WYO. PEDESTAL EOCKS IlsT STEEAM CHANISrELS. 127 ROCK IN YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. The pedestal rock illustrated, in Plate XXXII, B^ is one of the features of Chocolate Cascade, a small rapid in Gibbon Eiver 3 miles southwest of the well-known Norris Basin, in Yellowstone Na- tional Park. According to H. T. Stearns, who visited the locality in 1923, the rock is composed of rhyolite. As is evident from the photograph, it is a remnant of a ledge, and the notched rock, or incipient pedestal rock, on the right, once belonged to the same ledge. Doubtless at one time there was at this place a considerable fall. The stream has eroded the ledge in such a way as to leave remnants which, though obstructing the flow, were strong enough to resist being carried entirely away. Gibbon Eiver at the United States Geological Survey gaging sta- tion 4 miles above its mouth has a drainage basin of only 117 square miles and a minimum recorded discharge of 62 second-feet. No gagings have been made at high water, but the maximum discharge is probably not much over four times this amount. The incomplete record indicates that the stream has a relatively steady flow, such as might be expected of a stream rising in well-wooded mountains and having a number of meadows and swamps along its course. On account of prevailing low temperatures the climate of the area is relatively humid, although the mean annual precipitation shown by a 32-year record at the Weather Bureau station at Yellowstone is only 18.70 inches. Much of this precipitation falls as snow, and the result is that the vegetation and most of the erosional features of the area are those of a humid country. CONCLUSIONS. The rocks described in the foregoing paragraphs are, so far as form alone is concerned, typical " mushroom " or pedestal rocks. They are composed of material of almost equal hardness from base to top and have attained their form as the result of differential scour rather than differential weathering. Thus they differ in com- position and origin from the pedestal rocks described in a previous publication.'^ Save for the fact that these rocks occur in stream beds, they might be mistaken for rocks formed by wind scour. It is also entirely possible that rocks in arid regions formed by stream scour may have been mistaken for rocks formed by wind scour. Such confusion is the more likely in that the areas in which the examples cited in this paper occur have no great similarity in climate. Eastern Washing- ton, in which the Devils Top and the rock in Columbia River were formed, has a subhumid or semiarid climate, typified by that of '' Bryan, Kirk, op. cit. 128 COlNTTMBUTIOlSrS TO GEOGRAPHY OF UNITED STATES, 1923-1924. Spokane, which has a mean annual precipitation of 18.85 inches and a cold winter. The Owens River canyon lies in a warm arid region with an annual rainfall of only a little more than 5 inches. Yellow- stone Park, on the other hand, has a cold humid climate. The char- acter of the stream flow and the original form, position, and physical characteristics of the rocks are probably more influential than climate in producing these remarkable forms. Note. — The rock in Gibbon River, Yellowstone Park, has also been described by E. A. Martel, who visited the locality with the International Congress of Geographers in 1912. His note, illustrated with three excellent photographs, was published in the Comptes Rendus des Seances de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, vol. 159, pp. 87-89, 1914. Martel has also described a large number of pedestal rocks in other localities, which he attributes to the action of both surface and undergi-ound streams. INDEX A Page Alden, William C, The physical features of central Massachusetts 13-105 Analyses of waters from Pecos Valley, N. Mex_- 120 Arizona, southern, pedestal rocks in 7-10 "Auburn River," Mass., course of, in Ter- tiary time ... 22-23,27 B Barre Falls, Mass., plate showing 105 Blackstone VaUey, Mass., Tertiary streams in 22,27 Blocks with vertical bedding planes, erosion of 5 Bottomset beds of sand plain near Clinton, Mass., plate showing 70 Boulders, glacial, in central Massachusetts.. 58-59 glacial, in central Massachusetts, plates showing 58 of erosion, plate showing 4 perched, plate showing 58 Brimfield, Mass., glacial lake near 77-78 Brookfield, Mass., glacial lake at 78-79 Bryan, Kirk, Pedestal rocks in stream chan- nels 123-128 Pedestal rocks in the arid Southwest 1-11 C Calhoun, F. H., cited 36-37 Carlsbad Cavern, N. Mex., characteristic scene in, plate showing 112 description of 109-113 entrance to, plate showing 112 Hattin's Dome and the Temple of the Sun in, plate showing 112 partition of onyx in, plate showing 112 piUars of onyx in, plate showing. 112 spring deposits in, plate showing 112 stalactites in, plate showing 112 stalagmites and column in, plate showing. 112 Twin Domes in, plate showing 112 Yeitso's Pillar in, plate showing 112 Cavernous condition in rocks, possible depth of 113 Caverns in rocks, drainage through 116-117 Clay, laminated and crumpled, plates show- ing.... 38, 71 Clinton, Mass., glacial deposits near 65-72 Columbia River, Wash., incipient pedestal rock on, plate showing 126 weathered rocks on... 125 Connecticut Valley, glacial lakes in, history of... 89-92 glacial lobe in, history of. 87-89 Crosby, W. O., cited 24,66,68-69 D Page Dana diorite, plate showing 17 Debris, falling of, into caverns 117-119 Devils Top, in Deep Creek, Wash., descrip- tion of. 124-125 plate showing 126 Drift, glacial, nature of 29-31 Drip furrow below pedestal rock, plate show- ing 4 Drumlins in central Massachusetts 40-43 plate showing 38 Emerson, B. K., cited 27-28,29,89-90,91-92 Esker, plate showing 38 Eskers in central Massachusetts 50-54 origin of 54 Flood plain, plate showing 58 "Flowstone, " definition of ._ 110 Foreset beds of sand plain near Clinton, Mass., plate showing... 70 G Glaciation, effects of, on rock at Clinton, Mass., plate showing 31 effects of, on rock in Greenland, plate showing 30 stages of 32-33 Gregory, H. E., cited 1 Gypsum, sink holes dissolved in 114-116 Ice, glacial, thickness of... 36-37 Kame terraces in central Massachusetts 49-50 origin of 47-49 Eettleholes, origin of 68-69 plate showing 70 Lacustrine clay, deposit of, in central Massa- chusetts... 37-38 Lake Assabet, glacial, Mass., history of 74-75 Lake Nashua, glacial, Mass., Ayer stage of.. 72-73 glacial, Mass., Boylston stage of 61-65 Clinton stage of 65-72 map illustrating relations of ice front to 70 Quinapoxet stage of 60-61 Lake Quaboag, glacial, Mass., history of 79-81 Lakes, glacial, origin of 59-60 Lancaster, Mass., glacial deposits near 73 Lee, Willis T., Erosion by solution and fill. 107-121 129 130 INDEX Page Lees Ferry, Ariz., erosion of roelj cliSs at 2-3 pedestal rocks at, erosion of the pedestal. 5-6 run-off and drip of rain water from.. 3-4 Limestone breccia, orgin and volume of... 113-114 Livingston ranch, N. Mex., wells in soluble rocks on 115 Lower Blase Dale Glacier, Greenland, plate showing end of.... 30 M Massachusetts, central, dissected plateau of plate showing 16 central, early Tertiary streams and valleys in 18-23 extent of the area... 13-14 ground and terminal moraines in 39-47 later Tertiary stream adjustments in 23-27 pre- Wisconsin deposits in 37-39 recent epoch in 104-105 relations of the topography to the rock formations in 27-29 summary of glacial history of 92-104 map of, showing distribution of drumlins 38 Moentopi formation, hillock of, covered with gravel from Shinarump con- glomerate, plate showing 4 Monadnocks, examples of 15 Monson, Mass., glacial lake at 79-81 Moraine, ground, in central Massachusetts.. 39-43 Moraines, terminal,jn central Massachusetts 43-47 N Nashua Valley, Mass., adjustments of drain- age in 23-27 Tertiary streams in 19-21 New Mexico, central, pedestal rocks in 10-11 O Owens River, Cahf., pedestal rock in 126 pedestal rock in, plate showing . . . ^ 127 P Palmer, Mass., glacial lake at 79-81 Pecos River at Red Bluff dam site, N. Mex., plate showing 112 Pecos Valley, N. Mex., analyses of waters from 120 location of 107-108 rocks of 108 soluble material in 109 Pedestal rock, incipient, showing exfoliation, plate showing 4 Pedestal rocks, in arid regions, forms and origin of 1-11 in streams, descriptions of 123-128 plates showing 4 Pelham , Mass . , glacial lake near 84-85 Peneplain, Cretaceous, of central Massachu- setts, development and dissection of 15-18 Playa, plate showing 112 Page Potholes in bed of Blackstone Elver, Mass., plate showing 104 Prospect Hill, near North Charlton, Mass., plate showing 38 Q Quaternary deposits, three classes of 29 Quinsigamond quadrangle, Mass., diagram showing retreat of glacier in. In pocket map showing Quaternary geology of. In pocket Quinsigamond Valley, Mass., Tertiary streams in 21,27 R Reservoirs on soluble rocks, leaks in 118-119 Russell, G. H., cited 11&-117 S Salt, cavities dissolved in 114-116 Sand, cross-bedded, overlying laminated clay, plate showing 71 Shinarump conglomerate, block of, with vertical bedding planes, plate showing 4 Sink holes, east of Carlsbad, N. Mex., plate showing.. 112 produced by solution of salt and gypsum. 114-116 Southbridge, Mass., glacial lake near 78 Spokane, Wash . , basal t flows near 124 Stains on under side o f boul der, plate showing 4 Stream channels, glacial, in central Massa- chusetts 55-56 Stream terraces, glacial, locations of 56-57 glacial, origin of 57-58 plate showing 58 Striae, glacial, directions of 34-36 Swift River, Mass., glacial history of 82-84 T Till, glacial, plate showing hill of. 17 Travertine, deposition of, in Pecos VaUey 114 in Last Chance Canyon, N. Mex., plate showing - 112 V VermUion Cliffs, Ariz., plate showing 4 W Wachusett Mountain, Mass., plate showing- 16 Ware quadrangle, Mass. , diagram showing re- treat of glacier in In pocket glacial lakes and streams of 75-92 map showing Quaternary geology of In pocket Ware River, Mass., glacial history of 81-82 Warren, Mass., glacial lake near 78 Water, kinds of, in the Pecos Valley, N. Mex 119-121 Wind-blown sand, erosion by 6-7 Woolen mill, Gilbertville, Mass., plate show- ing 105 Y Yellowstone National Park, pedestal rock in 127 pedestal rock in, plate showing 127 Department of the Interior Hubert Work, Secretary U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George Otis Smith, Director Bulletin 760 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED STATES 1923-1924 MARIUS R. CAMPBELL GEOLOGIST IN CHARGE WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1925 CONTENTS • [The letters in parentheses preceding the titles are those used to designate the chapters for advance publi- cation] Page (A) Pedestal rocks in the arid Southwest, by Kirk Bryan (published Dec. 15, 1923) 1 (B) The physical features of central Massachusetts, by W. C. Alden (published Dec. 16, 1924) 13 (C) Erosion by solution and fill, by W. T. Lee (published April, 1925) 107 (D) Pedestal rocks in stream channels, by Kirk Bryan (published April, 1925) 123 Index 129 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Plate I. A, Vermihon and Shinarump cliffs from Lees Ferry, Ariz. ; B, Ped- estal rock 4 II. A, Pedestal rock; , B, Block of conglomerate with vertical bed- ding planes 4 III. A, Conical hillock of Moenkopi formation near Lees Ferry, Ariz.; B, Incipient pedestal rock showing exfoliation 4 IV. A, Drip furrow below pedestal rock; B, Stains on under side of boulder 4 V. A, Pedestal rock of granite; B, Pedestal rocks and boulders of erosion ■ 4 VI. Map showing Quaternary geology of the Ware and Quinsiga- mond quadrangles. Mass In pocket. VII. Diagram showing stage of retreat of the glacial margin in the Ware and Quinsigamond quadrangles, Mass In pocket. VIII. A, Dissected plateau of central Massachusetts; B, Wachusett Mountain, a monadnock rising above the plateau of central Massachusetts 16 IX. A, Glacial till, a hill of unsorted glacial drift north of Clinton, Mass.; B, Dana diorite ("ribbon gneiss") 1 mile southeast of Gibbs Crossing, Ware, Mass 17 X. A, End of Lower Blase Dale Glacier, Disco Island, Greenland; B, Glaciated rock surface near Lower Blase Dale Glacier, Disco Island, Greenland 30 XL Glaciated rock ledge at CUnton, Mass 31 XII. A, Crumpled laminated clay, possibly interglacial; B, Esker south of Clinton, Mass 38 XIII. Map of Massachusetts showing distribution of drumlins 38 XIV. A, Prospect Hill, a drumlin near North Charlton, Mass.; B, Drumlin northeast of Gleasondale, Mass 38 XV. Flood plain and stream terrace 58 XVI. A, Walls of glacial boulders inclosing farm lands near Dana, Mass.; 5, Glacial boulders near Princeton Center, Mass. _ 58 XVII. A, Glacial boulder north of Gilbertville, Mass.; B, Perched boulders 3 miles northwest of Barre, Mass 58 XVIII. Map illustrating the relations of the ice front to glacial Lake Nashua at the Clinton stage 70 XIX. A, Kettle holes in sand and gravel south of Clinton, Mass.; B, Foreset and bottomset beds of sand plain 3 miles south- west of Clinton, Mass 70 III IV CONTENTS Page Plate XX. A, Cross-bedded sand overlying laminated clay, Still River Station, Mass.; B, Laminated and crumpled lacustrine clay. Still River Station, Mass 71 XXI. A, B, Potholes in bed of Blackstone River, Mass 104 XXII. A, Barre Falls, Mass.; B, Woolen mill, Gilbertville, Mass 105 XXIII. A, Yeitso's Pillar, Carlsbad Cavern, N. Mex.; B, A partition of onyx 112 XXIV. A, Stalactites; B, Hattin's Dome and the Temple of the Sun, Carlsbad Cavern, N. Mex 112 XXV. A, Stalagmites and column; B, Spring deposits 112 XXVI. A, Pillars of onyx; B, Twin Domes, Carlsbad Cavern, N. Mex 112 XXVII. A, Coralline stalagmites; B, A characteristic scene in Carls- bad Cavern, N. Mex 112 XXVIII. Sink holes east of Carlsbad, N. Mex 112 XXIX. A, Pecos River at Red Bluff dam site, N. Mex.; B, A playa. 112 XXX. A, Entrance to Carlsbad Cavern, N. Max.; B, Travertine in Last Chance Canyon, N. Mex 112 XXXI. A, Devils Top, Deep Creek canyon, 8 miles northwest of Spokane, Wash.; B, Incipient pedestal rock, Columbia River below China Bar, 9 miles downstream from junc- tion of Spokane River, Wash 126 XXXII. A, Pedestal rock in Owens River, Inyo County, Calif.; B, Pedestal rock in Gibbon River at Chocolate Cascade, Yellowstone Park, Wyo 127 FiGxiRE 1. Map showing location of the Ware and Quinsigamond quad- rangles, Mass 13 2. Map of central Massachusetts showing altitudes above sea level. 17 3. Diagram illlstrating stream changes in central Massachusetts. _ 20 4. Map of parts of New England, New York, and New Jersey, showing extent, directions of movement, and terminal moraines of the last great ice sheet 31 5. Map showing area covered by the great ice sheets in North America at their maximum extension and the centers of ice accumulation 32 6. Diagram showing probable origin of many kettle holes 45 7. Diagram illustrating formation of kame terraces 48 8. Diagram illustrating the relations of a branching sinuous gravel ridge, or esker, near Westboro, Mass., to drumlins, a stream valley, and a glacial terminal moraine 51 9. Diagram illustrating relations of the receding front of a melting glacial globe and a later terminal moraine and out- wash terrace to an earlier moraine and earlier terrace 57 10. Diagrams illustrating relations of the receding front of a glacial lobe in Nashua River valley to glacial Lake Nashua and the pitted terraces, or delta sand plains 63 11. Diagram illustrating relations of the ice front to glacial Lake Nashua near the end of the Boylston stage 64 12. Map of Eddy County, N. Mex 107 13. Sketch section through Carlsbad, N. Mex 109 14. Map and profiles of Carlsbad Cavern National Monument, N. Mex 111 15. Sketch section of cavernous rocks 118 16. Sketch section illustrating the filling of caverns 119 o "~^ ■^l. BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 9999 06625 092 7 192/