Afgiftekantoor Antweipen X ISSN 077 1 -5277 Redactie: Dr. J.-P. Borie (Compiègne, France), T. C. Garrevoet (Antweipen), B. Goater (Chandlers Ford, England), Dr. K. Maes (Gent), Dr. K. Martens (Brussel), A. Olivier (Antweipen), H. van Oorschot (Amsterdam), D. van der Poorten (Antwerpen), W. O. De Prins (Antweipen). Redactie-adres: W. O. De Prins, Diksmuidelaan 176, B-2600 Antweipen (Belgium). e-mail: Jaargang 27, nummer 1 1 maart 1999 Revision of some taxa of the Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) tmnscaspicus group with description of a new species from Central Anatolia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Alain Olivier, Jurate Puplesiene, Dirk van der Poorten, Willy De Prins & Martin Wiemers Samenvatting. Revisie van enkele taxa behorend tot de Polyommatus {Agrodiaetus) transcaspicus groep met beschrijving van een nieuwe soort uit Centraal-Anatolië (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) De huidige problematiek rond de afbakening van supraspecifieke groepen binnen het subgenus Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) wordt besproken: deze is grotendeels te herleiden tot de grote variabiliteit van de taxa zelf welke behoren tot de soortengroep, alsook tot de soms minieme verschillen tussen deze onderling, samen met het ogenschijnlijk volledig ontbreken van bruikbare morfologische kenmerken voor een eventuele cladistische studie. In deze bijdrage worden enige taxa van de Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) transcaspicus (Heyne, [1895]) soortengroep behandeld, nl. P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev., P. (A.) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev., P. (A.) elhursicus (Forster, 1956) en P. (A.) damonides (Staudinger, 1 899). Een karyologische studie van materiaal behorende tot de collectieve soort P. (A.) theresiae toonde aan dat topotypisch materiaal (Turkije, provincie Adana, omgeving Saimbeyli) n > 59 heeft, terwijl materiaal uit de provincie Konya, omgeving Ta^kent, n = 41^2 heeft, alsook een verschillend karyotype. Op basis hiervan, alsook van kleine doch niet constante verschillen in de uiterlijke morfologie van beide populaties, wordt laatstgenoemde beschreven als nieuwe soort. Voor het Libanese taxon P. (A.) larseni werd n = 25 bevestigd bij twee onderzochte exemplaren: het karyotype wordt hier voor het eerst beschreven en afgebeeld. Na studie van het lectotype S van P. (A.) damonides, alsook van 3cT, 2$ paralectotypes in het Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, en een enkel S in coll. Vlaamse Lepidoptera Collectie Antweipen, en vergelijking met materiaal van P. (A.) ninae (Forster, 1956) en P. (A.) elhursicus, kan de mogelijke conspecificiteit met eerstgenoemd taxon weerlegd worden. Daarentegen lijken P. (A.) damonides en P. (A.) elhursicus sprekend op elkaar doch, aangezien het chromosoomaantal noch het karyotype van P. (A.) damonides gekend zijn, lijkt elke speculatie omtrent de conspecificiteit van beide taxa voorbarig. Kandul & Lukhtanov (1997) en Lukhtanov et al. (1998) hebben voorgesteld dat P. (A.) dama (Staudinger, 1892) en P. (A.) theresiae mogelijk slechts ondersoorten zijn vanwege hun verondersteld gelijk chromosoomaantal en hun allopatrisch voorkomen. Deze hypothese van conspecificiteit wordt hier weerlegd, daar beide taxa sympatrisch blijken voor te komen en bovendien sterk verschillen in uiterlijke morfologische kenmerken en in chromosoomaantal. In subgenus Agrodiaetus blijkt soortvorming vaak gepaard te gaan met nogal drastische wijzigingen in chromosoomnummer en in karyotype. Deze laatste eigenschappen blijken taxonomisch erg betrouwbaar bij de identificatie van verschillende soorten. Daarentegen is er tot op heden geen aanwijzing voor enige bruikbaarheid van deze kenmerken voor fylogenetische reconstructies. Phegea 27 (1) (1. III. 1999): 1 Résumé. Révision de certains taxa appartenant au groupe de Polyommatus {Agrocliaetiis) trcuiscaspiciis et description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Anatolie centrale (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) La problématique actuelle concernant la délimitation de groupes supraspécifiques a 1’ intérieur du sous-genie Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) est discutée: celle-ci se résumé en grande partie en 1’ importante variabilité même des taxa du groupe-espèce, ainsi qu’en des différences parfois minimales existant entre ceux-ci, de pair avec 1’apparente absence totale de caractères morphologiques utiles a toute étude cladistique. Dans la présente étude, les auteurs traitent certains taxa du groupe d’espèces de Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) transcaspicus (Heyne, [1895]), a savoir P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev., P. (A.) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev., P. (A.) elbursicus (Forster, 1956) et P. (A.) damonides (Staudinger, 1899). Une étude caryologique du matériel appartenant a 1’espèce collective P. (A.) theresiae a révélé que Ie matériel topotypique (Turquie, province d’Adana, environs de Saimbeyli) possède n > 59, tandis que Ie matériel de la province de Konya, aux environs de Ta§kent, possède n = 41-42, ainsi qu’un caryotype différent. Sur cette base, complétée de quelques légères différences de morphologie extérieure non constantes il est vrai, cette dernière population est décrite comme nouvelle espèce. En ce qui concerne Ie taxon libanais P. (A.) larseni, n = 25 a été confirmé après étude de deux exemplaires; son caryotype est décrit et figuré pour la première fois. Après étude du lectotype ^ de P. (A.) damonides et de 3(5', 2$ paralectotypes supplémentaires, déposés au Museum fiir Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, et d’un seul S ex coll. Vlaamse Lepidoptera Collectie Antweipen, et comparaison avec du matériel de P. (A.) ninae (Forster, 1956) et de P. (A.) elhursicus, la conspécificité éventuelle avec Ie premier peut être écartée dés a présent. Parcontre, P. (A.) damonides et P. (A.) elhursicus se ressemblent énormément: toutefois, en 1’absence de toute information quant au nombre de chromosomes et au caryotype de P. (A.) damonides, toute spéculation concernant la conspécificité de ces deux taxa semble prématurée. Kandul & Lukhtanov (1997) et Lukhtanov et al. (1998) ont proposé que P. (A.) dama (Staudinger, 1892) et P. (A.) theresiae pouiraient n’être que sous-espèces, en se basant sur Ie nombre de chromosomes supposé identique ainsi que sur la distribution allopatrique des taxa dont question. Cette bypothèse de conspécificité est ici invalidée, vu que les deux entités sont apparemment sympatriques et, de surcroit, différent sensiblement tant par leur aspect extérieur que par leur nombre de chromosomes. 11 apparalt que, a 1’intérieur du sous-geni-e Agrodiaetus, Ie processus de spéciation est souvent accompagné de changements assez radicaux tant du nombre de chromosomes que du caryotype. Les nombres de chromosomes et les caryotypes offrent des caractères d'une grande valeur taxinomique pour 1’identification d’espèces distinctes. Parcontre, il n’y a aucune évidence a présent que tel soit Ie cas lors d’une reconstruction phylogénétique éventuelle. Abstract. Revision of some taxa of the Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) transcaspicus group with description of a new species from Central Anatolia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Current problems with the delimitation of supraspecific groups within the subgenus Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) are dealt with: the main reason therefore lies in the great variability of the species group taxa themselves and the sometimes minute differences among these, together with the seemingly complete lack of useful moiphological characters allowing any cladistic analysis. In the present study, the authors treat some taxa of the Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) transcaspicus (Heyne, [1895]) species group, i.e. P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev., P. (A.) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev., P. (A.) elhursicus (Forster, 1956) and P. (A.) damonides (Staudinger, 1899). A karyological study of material of the collective species P. (A.) theresiae revealed that topotypical material (Turkey, Adana province, vic. Saimbeyli) has n > 59, while material fiom Konya province, vic.Ta^kent, has n = 41-42 and a different karyotype. On these grounds, as well as on small, though inconstant, moiphological differences between both populations, the latter one is described as a new species. For the Lebanese taxon P. (A.) larseni, n = 25 was confirmed in two specimens examined: its karyotype is described and figured for the first time. After study of the lectotype c5' of P. (A.) damonides and a further 3(5', 2$ paralectotypes, deposited in the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, as well as a single S in coll. Vlaamse Lepidoptera Collectie Antweipen, and comparison with series of P. (A.) ninae (Forster, 1956) and of P. (A.) elhursicus, conspecificity with the former taxon can be discounted. On the other hand, P. (A.) damonides and P. (A.) elhursicus look strikingly similar but, as the chromosome number and karyotype of P. (A.) damonides remain unknown, any speculation on the conspecificity of these two taxa seems premature. Kandul & Lukhtanov (1997) and Lukhtanov et al. (1998) have suggested that P. (A.) dama (Staudinger, 1892) and P. (A.) theresiae could possibly be subspecies because of their apparently similar chromosome number and their allopatric distribution. This hypothesis of conspecificity is invalidated here, as both taxa are in fact sympatric, differ markedly in external morphology and have a different chromosome number. It appears that, within the subgenus Agrodiaetus, speciation is often accompanied by rather radical changes in chromosome number and karyotype. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes offer quite reliable taxonomie characters for the identification of distinct species. On the contrary, there is no cuiTent evidence for any usefulness of these features for phylogenetic reconstructions. Phegea 27 (1) (1.III.1999): 2 Zusammenfassung. Revision einiger Taxa der Polyommatus {Agrodiaetus) transcaspicus Artengriippe mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art aus Zentralanatolien (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Es werden aktuelle Probleme bei der Bildimg supraspezifischer Griippen innerhalb des Subgenus Polyonmuitus (Agrodiaetus) besprochen. Diese liegen hauptsachlich in der groBen Variabilitat der einzelnen Taxa und den manchmal nur geringfügigen Unterschieden zwischen ihnen begriindet, sowie dem anscheinend völligen Fehlen jeglicher für eine kladistische Analyse geeigneter morphologischer Merkmale. In dieser Aibeit werden einige Taxa der Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) transcaspicus (Heyne, [1895]) Artengriippe behandelt, i.e. P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev., P. (A.) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev., P. (A.) elhursicus (Forster, 1956) und P. (A.) damonides (Staiidinger, 1899). Bei einer karyologischen Untersuchung von Material des Artenkollektivs P. (A.) theresiae kam zum Vorschein, daB der Chromsomensatz topotypischen Materials (Türkei, Provinz Adana, Umg. Saimbeyli) n - 59 ist, wahrend Material aus der Umgebung von Ta§kent (Konya Provinz) lediglich n = 41-42 Chromosomen und einen unterschiedlichen Karyotyp besitzt. Deswegen und wegen geringfügiger, wenngleich inkonstanter morphologischer Unterschiede zwischen beiden Populationen wird die letztere als eine neue Art beschrieben. Für das libanesische Taxon P. (A.) larseni konnte anhand zweier untersuchter Individuen ein Chromosomensatz von n = 25 bestatigt werden; sein Karyotyp wird hier erstmals beschrieben und abgebildet. Nach dem Studium des Lektotyps (S) von P. (A.) damonides und weiteren Paralektotypen (3S, 2$) aus der Sammiung des Museums für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, sowie eines einzelnen S in der Sammiung der Vlaamse Lepidoptera Collectie Antweipen und dem Vergleich mit Serien von P. (A.) ninae (Forster, 1956) und von P. (A.) elhursicus kann die Annahme einer Konspezifitat mit der erstgenannten Art abgelehnt werden. Auf der anderen Seite sehen sich die Taxa P. (A.) damonides und P. (A.) elhursicus auffallend ahnlich, aber da die Chromosomenzahlen und der Karyotyp von P. (A.) damonides bislang nicht bekannt sind, erscheint die Annahme einer Konspezifitat beider Taxa als verfrüht. Kandul & Lukhtanov (1997) und Luklitanov et al. (1998) nehmen an, daB P. (A.) dama (Staudinger, 1892) und P. (A.) theresiae wegen ihrer scheinbar ahnlichen Chromosomenzahlen und allopatrischen Verbreitung lediglich Subspezies derselben Art darstellen. Diese Hypothese wird von uns verworfen, da beide Taxa tatsachlich sympatrisch vorkommen, sich deutlich in externen morphologischen Merkmalen unterscheiden und unterschiedliche Chromosomenzahlen besitzen. Es scheint, daB innerhalb des Subgenus Agrodiaetus Artbildung oft mit ziemlich drastischen Anderungen der Chromosomenzahl und des Karyotyps einhergeht. Chromosomenzahlen und Karyotypen bieten ziemlich zuverlassige Merkmale zur Artunterscheidung. Andererseits gibt es momentan keinerlei Hinweise, daB diese Merkmale irgendeinen Nutzen für phylogenetische Analysen besitzen. Key words: Lycaenidae - new species - Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) transcaspicus group - Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) guezelmavi sp. n, - Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) theresiae sp. rev. - Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) larseni stat. rev. - Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) elhursicus - Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damonides - karyotypes - Turkey - Lebanon - Iran. Olivier, A.: Luitenant Lippenslaan 43 BI 4, B-2140 Antwerpen (Belgium). Puplesiene, Dr. J.; Institute of Ecology, Akademijos 2, LT-2600 Vilnius (Lithuania). van der Poorten, D.: Lanteernhofstraat 26, B-2140 Antweipen (Belgium). De Prins, W.: Diksmuidelaan 176, B-2600 Antwerpen (Belgium). Wiemers, M.: Zoological Research Institute & Museum A. Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, D-53113 Bonn (Germany). 1. Introduction One of the aims of the field trip to Turkey in 1997 by three of us (WDP, AO, DVP) was to get material of the legendary Polyommatus {Agrodiaetus) dama (Staudinger, 1892) in order to try to confirm its karyotype. This had already been done by de Lesse (1959) but, as they found no tracé of any material referred to by de Lesse in the collection of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Schurian & Eckweiler (1997) questioned the correct determination of this material. We were able to get material of P. {A.) dama near Malatya, its type locality. We further collected topotypical material of P. {A.) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 near Saimbeyli, Adana province, anticipating to confirm a haploid chromosome number of n = 41-42 for both nominal taxa. Our expectations were met with the former taxon, but one single specimen of the latter taxon surprisingly revealed ti = 65- 66, while n = 41-42 had previously been established for specimens from Ta§kent, Konya province (Kandul & Lukhtanov 1997), thus suggesting distinct species status for both populations. In July 1998, we decided to check our results and therefore, three of us Phegea 27 (1 ) (1 .111.1999): 3 (WDP, DVP, MW) collected and fixed material attributed to P. (A.) theresiae in both Adana and Konya provinces. At about the same time, one of us (AO) collected and fixed topotypical material of P. (A.) larseni (Carbonell, 1994), initially described as a subspecies of P. (A.) theresiae, at Les Cèdres [El Arz] in Lebanon. The results of our studies on both last-named taxa are dealt with in the present note, while P. (A.) dama will be treated in a separate paper. We also discuss P. (A.) elbursicus (Forster, 1956) and P. (A.) damonides (Staudinger, 1899). 2. Material and methods Male imagines were used for karyological preparations. Testes were taken from collected, fresh butterflies when still alive and immediately placed in small vials in which a freshly mixed solution of 3 parts 96% ethanol and 1 part 100% acetic acid was kept. The individual fixations were given a code number which was also noted on the paper in which the donor butterfly was kept. The vials were immediately put into a thermos filled with icy water in order to keep the fixations at a low temperature of 0-4°C. The whole operation was done in the field or slightly later, in the early evening. After the expedition, the vials were put into a regular refrigerator at 4°C, where they were kept for a couple of months. The fixation mixture was removed and changed by the fresh one two times. The testes were stained in 2% acetic orcein for 48-72 hours. Then a stained testis was placed on a numbered slide in a drop of 45% acetic acid solution and thoroughly macerated using fme micropins. The preparations were made under the binocular microscope at a 28x enlargement. The solution of 45% acetic acid was replaced and changed two or three times letting the cells of testes tissue slowly spread on a slide for 1-2 minutes. Thereupon the preparation was covered by a coverslide and vertically squashed. The excess of acetic acid solution was removed with filter paper. The chromosomes were observed during meiotic divisions I and II, meiotic prometaphase, diakinesis, anaphase and gonial mitosis. Haploid chromosome numbers were determined in metaphase I (M I) and in metaphase II (M II) of spermatogenesis. Photomicrographs were taken using Opton Research light microscope under polarized light. Negatives and photographs of the studied preparations are kept at the Vlaamse Lepidoptera Collectie Antwerpen (VLCA). Table 1 . Chromosome numbers of the studied taxa Taxon Code number of specimen Haploid chromosome number (n) Number and stage of cells examined Polyommatus {Agrodiaetus) 98031 n=4l 8 M I, 2 M 11 guezelmavi sp. n. 98032 n =42 4M1 Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) MW98240 n>59 2M1 theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot n = 63 1 Ml & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev. MW98241 n >59 2M\ MW98243 n = 63 2MU Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) AO98016 n = 25 4MI larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev. A098020 II to
    59; the other specimens, however, gave a picture that appeared clear enough to reveal unequivocally n = 63. The structure of the karyotype resembles the structure of Polyommatus {Agrodiaetus) giiezelmavi sp. n. However, the haploid chromosome number differs greatly. The observations of preparations nos. 240, 241 and 243 revealed that the karyotype of Polyommatus {Agrodiaetus) theresiae sp. rev. carries n = 63. The karyotype contains 8 relatively large bivalents (1.043 ± 0.293 pm“) and 9 of median size (0.574 ±0.160 pm"). The remaining bivalents are very small and situated at the edge of the metaphase plate. Distribution.So far only known from the area immediately to the north of Saimbeyli, Adana province, Turkey. Bionomics. In biotopes along sandy roadsides where the butterflies often sit on the humid soil (Obruk Ormani), higher up often in clearings in pine woods {Pimis nigra), the males tlying in the open, while the females often hide in the shade under the pine trees, at altitudes between 1300 and 1750 m. Schurian (in Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink 1992) observed oviposition on an Astragaliis species, that grew mainly in the shade of large pine trees. Adults from mid-July till August. Larval host-plant and early stages unknown. Notes 1. The large difference in chromosome number betwepn P. theresiae sp. rev. and P. guezelmavi sp. n. supports the specific distinctness of both taxa. Therefore, all previous literature records (including paratype designations) dealing with material from Ta§kent presumably apply to the new species. 2. Recently, P. (A.) ''theresiae" (including both Adana and Konya populations) has been ascribed to the "dama group” by Eckweiler & Hauser (1997), a species group with “(...) well developed androconial patches on the forewing upperside [there is no androconial patch at all in P. (A.) dama, however!], while Kandul & Lukhtanov (1997) and Lukhtanov et al. (1998) went even further suggesting that both taxa could possibly be subspecies, because of their similar chromosome number and allopatric distribution. Especially in the light of the new information now available, it appears quite improbable that P. (A.) dama would be conspecific with P. (A.) "theresiae" (see also below); the latter taxon always has both a white streak on underside hindwing and a striking androconial patch on male upperside forewing, both features always lacking in P. (A.) dama that, the more, is a quite different insect with a distinct wing shape and colour. On the contrary, P. (A.) theresiae sp. rev. and P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n. have a significantly different karyotype, while being impossible to distinguish on a constant basis phenotypically. 3. Staudinger (1892, 1899) mentions under "Lycaena Poseidon Led. var. Mesopotamica" two males from “Hadjin” [now Saimbeyli] that are somewhat larger, with a slightly different blue on the upperside and a darker brownish underside and that, according to Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink (1992), refer to P. (A.) theresiae. During a visit to the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin by one of us (AO), quite unexpectedly, one specimen of P. (A.) dama was found that bears a Phegea 27 (1) (l.III. 1999): 8 label “Hadjin / [18]84 Man.[issadjian]”. It bears no Staudinger’s “Origin.” label though placed immediately after the type series of ''Lycaena Dama \ so it is best not considered part of the syntype series of that taxon, the more so as Staudinger (1892) does not mention this locality in his description of the species. A few days later, Dr. Y. P. Nekrutenko (pers. comm.) also found a genuine P. (A.) theresiae specimen from “Hadjin” in the Püngeler collection at the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. These discoveries confirm the sympatry and hence specific distinctness of theresiae and dama ! 4. Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener (1995) report both P. (A.) dama and P. (A.) theresiae from “Umgebung Kahramanmara§, 600-900(1000) m” in the collection of the Zoologische Staatssammlung München, the latter species also from “10 km E. Kahramanmara§, 1000 m”, leg. et coll. W. Eckweiler: they illustrate 2S, 2$ on plate 1 18 (resp. figs. 37, 39, 56 and 62) as ''Polyommatus {Agrodiaetus) theresiae Schurian et al., 1992” that obviously belong to P. (A.) poseidon (Herrich-Schaffer, [1851])! Eckweiler (pers. comm.) confirms that all his material from forementioned locality is referable to P. (A.) poseidon as welk It thus appears that P. (A.) theresiae has not been observed from this area at all so far. One S from Turkey, Gaziantep province, 1 1 km SSW. Büyük Araplar, TV-Station, 1300 m, leg. et coll. Junge, illustrated by Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener (1995, plate 118, fig. 38) as “P. (A.) theresiae", also belongs to P. (A.) poseidon. 4.3. Polyommatus {Agrodiaetus) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev. '‘Agrocliaetiis theresiae larseni n. ssp.” Carbonell, F., 1994. Le complexe d’ Agrodiaetus poseidon Herrich- SCHAFFER (1851) en Turquie et au Liban. Description d’une nouvelle sous-espèce d’A. theresiae {Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Linndjelg. 14(6); 195-291 , col. pl., figs. [8-9], [17-18]. Locus typicus: Lebanon, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 2000 m. Type material: holotype S, Lebanon, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 2000 m, 29.V1.1972, leg. H. & Y. Stempffer, in coll. Stempffer in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; paratypes 26S -59: S. Lebanon, Beirut, 1920-1936, leg. L. & J. de Joannis, in coll. Stempffer in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; iS. Lebanon, Earaya, 1220 m, 27. VI. 1972, leg. H. & Y. Stempffer, in coll. Stempffer in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; 4(5', Lebanon, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 2000 m, 25. VI, 4-5.VII.1972, leg. H. & Y. Stempffer, in coll. Stempffer in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; S, Lebanon, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 2.VI11.1930, leg. R.E. Edison, in coll. Stempffer in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; c5', Lebanon, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 2000 m, 29. VII. 1972, leg. T.B. Larsen, in coll. Stempffer in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; c5', Lebanon, Antilebanon, Nabi Sbat, 1500 m, 25.VI.1972, leg. H. & Y. Stempffer, in coll. Stempffer in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; c5', Lebanon, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 2000 m, 29.VII.1972, leg. T.B. Larsen, in coll. Larsen in The Natural History Museum, London; c5', Lebanon, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 2000 m, 22.VII.1974, leg. T.B. Larsen, in coll. K.G. Schurian; S, Lebanon, Antilebanon, Nabi Sbat, 1600 m, 25. VI. 1972, leg. T.B. Larsen, in coll. Larsen in The Natural History Museum, London; c5' 9- Lebanon, Natural Bridge, Faraya, 1800 m, 24.VII.1963, leg. R.E. Lewis, in coll. J.-C. Weiss; S, Lebanon, Natural Bridge, Faraya, 1800 m, 24. VII. 1963, leg. R.E. Lewis, in coll. W. Eckweiler; S, Lebanon, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 16.VIII.1931, leg. R.E. Edison, in cod. W. Eckweiler; 1 S, Lebanon, Beirut, in cod. Eckweiler; 2(5' 9. Lebanon, Bchairé, l.VIII.1971, leg. T.B. Larsen, in cod. K. Rosé; (5', Lebanon, Jabal Kesrouan, 2100 m, 25.VIII.1972, leg. T.B. Larsen, in cod. K. Rosé; S, Syria, “Ghazir”, in cod. Stempffer in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; 5(5' 39, Syria, Antilebanon, Bludan, 1600 m, 27. VlI-5. VIII. 1981, leg. M. Dietz, in cod. W. Eckweiler. IFFUSTRATIONS. Plates 1 & 2, figs. 7-8 0), 15 (9); text fig. 1 (c5') and 7 (karyotype). Material EXAMINED. 52(5' 129, Lebanon, Mohafazat Bchairé, Les Cèdres [El Arz] (1950-2000 m), 17. Vil. 1998, leg. A. Olivier, in coil. VLCA; 36(5' 129, idem, but 18.VI1.1998; 21(5' 69, idem, but 20.V1I.1998; 29, Lebanon, Mohafazat Baalbek, Nabi Sbat (1500 m), 21.VII.1998, leg. A. Olivier, in cod. VLCA; 9, Lebanon, Mohafazat Jbail, Laqlouq (1650 m), 23.VII.1998, leg. A. Olivier, in cod. VLCA; (3, “Libanon” [Lebanon], [18]97, Crem.[ona leg.], ex cod. Staudinger, in cod. Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Beiiin (text fig. 1, cf Staudinger 1899: 139). Phegea 27 (1) (1 .111.1999); 9 Fig. 1. Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev. S, “Libanon” [Lebanon], [18]97, Crem.[ona leg.], ex coll. Staudinger, in coll. Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin (specimen refemed to by Staudinger 1899: 139 as "Lycaena Damone") — a) upperside; b) underside; c) labels. Description. S Upperside light sky blue, lighter and without the violet tinge found in P. {A.) guezelmavi sp. n. and P. {A.) theresiae sp. rev., only single darker specimens overlapping with the lightest ones of both last-mentioned species, blackening of veins as a rule more extensive as in these species. Underside much like P. (A.) theresiae sp. rev., of a warmer, more brownish grey than in P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n., also on forewing, with reduced bluish green basal suffusion; reduction of the blue colour in s7 under the costal vein; white streak always present, as a rule well defined and moderately to sharply contrasting with background. 9 Upperside lighter brown than in P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n. and P. (A.) theresiae sp. rev., without any blue basal suffusion on hindwing, submarginal lunules more extensive, especially on forewing. Underside light coffee brown, of a warmer tinge than in both last- mentioned taxa, submarginal row of markings better developed, slightly reddish, especially on forewing. Chromosome number and karyotype. Larsen (1975) studied material (referred to by him as 'Agrodiaetus poseidon ? mesopotamica Staudinger”) from Lebanon (Faraya, Les Cèdres [El Arz], Faraya Natural Bridge) and noted: “Many cells in a number of specimens Phegea 27 (1) (1 .111.1999): 10 studied showed n - 25. A single specimen from the Cedar Mountain unequivocally had n = 26, another had one cell of n - 25 with a supernumerary chromosome”. He did not describe nor figure the karyotype, however. In July 1998, topotypical material was fixed (AO). The variability in chromosome number was not found in two examined specimens, nor was the absence or presence of a supernumerary element. All 8 metaphase I plates of both specimens showed 25 bivalents. All the bivalents form a gradiënt series, where the first bivalent distinguishes to be somewhat bigger (1.254 ±0.129 pm^) than the next in a row (1.232 ± 0.152 pm^). Distribution. Lebanon, moderately widespread in the Lebanon range (El Arz (Les Cèdres), Hadet ej Jobbé, Laqloüq, Jabal Kesrouan, Faraya, Jabal Sannine) as well as in the Antilebanon range both in Lebanon (Nabi Sbat) and in the adjacent part of Syria (Bludan) (Ellison & Wiltshire 1939; Forster 1961; Larsen 1974, 1975; Carbonell 1994; Olivier unpubl.). Old material labelled “Beyrouth” certainly comes from the Lebanon range. Bionomics. In grassy, sometimes swampy, spots in limestone areas, especially common at the type locality, where it was found mainly in the vicinity of the Cedar Grove, adults often visiting flowers of mint {Mentha sp.) as well as an unidentified yellow Asteraceae species, that attracted good numbers of it, along with P. (A.) alcestis (Zerny, 1932); at Laqloüq and Nabi Sbat, single specimens were observed on mint (Olivier, pers. obs.). At night it congregates in communal roosts with several other lycaenid species on grasses and Achillea sulphurea (Larsen 1973). The butterfly is usually encountered in subalpine and montane areas at altitudes between 1500 and 2100 m, but there is a single report from as high as the very summit of the Cedar Mountain at about 3000 m (Ellison & Wiltshire 1939). Adults usually from mid-July through August, in the Antilebanon (and occasionally in the Lebanon range) from late June onwards. Carbonell (1994) reports it till early October, which seems doubtful. Larval host-plant and early stages unknown. Note. This species has been ascribed to many different (groups of) taxa by different authors. Staudinger (1899) saw one single S (illustrated here on text fig. 1) stating “steht der typischen Damone naher als der var. Damonides'' while Staudinger & Rebel (1901) ascribed it to ''Lycaena Damone v. Damonides ?Libanon var.?”: its upperside ground- colour indeed recalls very much P. (A.) damonides (see below) as well as P. (A.) elbiirsicus, as noted by Carbonell (1994). Subsequent authors ascribe it to P. (A.) poseidon (Elwes in Nicholl 1901; Fountaine 1902; Graves 1910; Zerny 1932; Ellison & Wiltshire 1939) or, more precisely, P. (A.) poseidon mesopotamica (Staudinger, 1892) (Forster 1961; Larsen 1973, 1974, 1975). It was formally described by Carbonell (1994) as a subspecies of P. (A.) theresiae, based on phenotypical similarity, a combination which was repeated by both Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener (1995) and Eckweiler & Hauser (1997): the former authors, however, seriously question that status, while placing it in the “P. (A.) transcaspicus'' species group, the latter authors situate it in the “P. (A.) dama group”. Kandul & Lukhtanov (1997) use the combination “P. poseidon larseni” and place the Lebanese taxon in the “second subgroup”, along with P. (A.) poseidon krymaeus (Sheljuzhko, 1928) and P. (A.) poseidon ssp. from Agri (NE Turkey), based on its comparable chromosome number. For a similar reason, however, as well as purported agreement in colour and wing shape, Dantchenko (1997), Lukhtanov, Dantchenko & Kandul (1997) and Lukhtanov et al. (1998) associate it rather with P. (A.) damocles (Herrich-Schaffer, [1844]). Dantchenko (1997) for the first time used the binomen Polyommatus larseni. After comparison with good numbers of P. (A.) guezelniavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae sp. rev., P. (A.) elbiirsicus, P. (A.) poseidon (including P/i^g^^7 27(1) (LUI. 1999): 11 material from near Malatya, the type locality of ''mesopotamica'\ currently considered a synonym of nominotypical poseidon, cf. Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink 1992; Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995), small series of both P. (A.) damocles and P. (A.) damonides and one single P. (A.) poseidon kryniaeiis, we have no hesitation in placing it in the P. (A.) transcaspicus group, nearest to P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae sp. rev., P. (A.) elbursicus and P. (A.) damonides, but as a distinct species. It differs from these other tour taxa by (nearly) constant, be it subtle, differences in the external phenotype, as well as, when known, in its chromosome number and karyotype. 4.4. Polyommatus (Agrodiaetiis) elbursicus (Forster, 1956) ‘'A.igrodiaetus] transcaspica elbursica ssp. nov.” Forster, W., 1956. Bausteine zur Kenntnis der Gattung Agrodiaetus Scudd. (Lep. Lycaen.) I. — 41; 74-76, pis. 10 & 11, figs. 3, 4. Locus typicus: Persia sept. [northern Iran], Elburs mts. c., Kendevan pass, 2800-3000 m. Type material: holotype d'. Persia sept., Elburs mts. c., Kendevan pass, 2800-3000 m, 22-27.VII.1936, leg. Pfeiffer, in Zoologische Staatssammlung Miinchen; allotype $, same data as holotype; remaining paratypes 55(5', 12$: 23(5 4$, same data as holotype; 105 $, Persia sept., Elburs mts. c., Kendevan pass, 2900 m, end VII. 1937, leg. Forster & Pfeiffer, in Zoologische Staatssammlung Miinchen; 25, Persia sept., Elburs mts. c., Tacht i Suleiman, Sardab Valley, Vandarban, 1900-2200 m, 10- 14.VII.1937, leg. Forster & Pfeiffer, in Zoologische Staatssammlung Miinchen; 125, Persia sept., Elburs mts. c., Tacht i Suleiman, Sardab Valley, Vandarban, 2500-2700 m, 1 4-1 6.VII. 1937, leg. Forster & Pfeiffer, in Zoologische Staatssammlung Miinchen; 45 5$, Iran, Elburs mts.. Nissa, 2500-3000 m, 5-10.VII.1936, leg. F. Brandt, in coll. Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm; 5, Persia, Elburs mts., Pelur, 2000 m, 27-28.VII.1936, leg. Schwingenschuss (SIg. Pfeiffer), [mus.?]; 5, Persia sept., Elburs, Rehne, Demavend, ca. 2700-3600 m, 20- 27. VII. 1936, leg. F. Wagner, in coll. Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien; 5 $, [Iran], Elburs, Lar Valley, 8000 ft., 5- 13. VII. 1939, leg. Wiltshire, in coll. The Natural History Museum, London; 5 $, [Iran], Demavend, Haschtar above 2500 m, VII. 1935, leg. Fusek, in coll. The Natural History Museum, London. = "Agrodiaetus elbursica zapvadi n. ssp.” Carbonell, F., 1993. Contribution a la connaissance du genre Agrodiaetus Hübner (1822): Ie complexe ultraspécifique d’4. transcaspica Staudinger (1899) {Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Liiuhbelg. 14(2): 94-103, col. pl. II, figs. [1-3], [10-12], text figs. IH, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H. Locus typicus: Turkey, Van province, near Güzelsii (= Ho?ap), 2100 m. Type material: holotype 5, Turkey, Van province, near Giizelsti (= Ho?ap), 2100 m, lO.Vlll.1956, leg. de Lesse, in coll. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; allotype $, Turkey, Hakkari province. Zap Valley, 1 100-1400 m, 10. Vil. 1991, leg. Carbonell, in coll. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; remaining paratypes 865 8$ (165 $, in coll. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, remainder in individual collector’s collections); 235, Turkey, Hakkari province. Zap Valley, 1100-1400 m, 30.V1-1.VII.1987, 31. VII. 1988, 15-22.VI.1989, 22.V1-1 .VII. 1990, 11. VII. 1991, leg. F. Carbonell; 25, Turkey, Hakkari province, E. Suvarihalil gegidi, 1800 m, 1. VIII. 1988, I. VII. 1990, leg. F. Carbonell; 175, Turkey, Hakkari province. Zap Valley, 1100-1400 m, 17-23.V1.1989, II. VII.1991, leg. Mollet; 25. Turkey, Hakkari province. Zap Valley, 1100-1400 m, 1 7-23. VI. 1989, leg. Flutsch: 5, Turkey, Hakkari province, 20 km N. Ba§kale, 2100 m, 9.VII.1990, leg. de Freina; 75, Turkey, Van province, near Güzelsii (= Ho?ap), 2100 m, IO.VIII.1956, leg. de Lesse; 255 8$, Turkey, Van province, N. Güzelsü (= Ho§ap), 1900 m, 10-12.VII.1991, 11-12.VIII.1992, leg. Carbonell & Mollet; 5, Turkey, Bitlis province, Resadiye, 1600 m, 30.VII.1988, leg. Carbonell; 5, Turkey, Bitlis province, Kuzgunkiran gegidi W., 2100-2200 m, 9.VII.1991, leg. Carbonell; 5, Turkey, Van province, Kumba§ gegidi, 2100 m, 24.VI.1989; 55, Turkey, Van province, 10-30 km N. ^atak, 1850-2000 m, 7-9. VII. 1991 , leg. Carbonell & Mollet. — Junior subjective synonym of A.[grodiaetus] transcaspica elbursica Forster, 1956 (Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995: 736). ILLUSTRATIONS. Plates 1 & 2, figs. 10-12 (5), 18 ($). Material EXAMiNED. 705 10$ 25, h-an, Tehran, Resteh Ye Alborz, Fasham, 2000-2200 m, 30.VI-3.VII. 1973, leg. W. L. Blom; 5, Iran, Elburs, Dizin, E. Gatschar, 2400-2600, 28.VI-1 LVII.1975, leg. K. Rosé; 5, Iran, Elburs, Dizin, Gajerch, 2200 m, 21. VII. 1979, leg. K. G. Schurian; 5, Turkey, Van, Kuzgunkiran Gegidi, 2100-2300 m, 1 3-1 4.VII. 1982, leg. A. Hofmann; 25, Turkey, Van, 50 km S. (^^atak, 15-26.VII.1985, 2000 m, leg. W. Siepe; 5, Turkey, St. 495, Bitlis, Kuzgunkiran Gegidi, 2000-2900 m, 2.VIII.1988, leg. B. van Oorschot, W. De Prins, A. Riemis & V. Kihng; 45, Turkey, St. 498, Van, 30-33 km NE (^Tatak, 2000-2400 m, 5. VIII. 1988, leg. B. van Oorschot, W. De Prins, A. Riemis & V. Kiling; 5, Turkey, St. 612, Hakkari, Sidevalley Zap, Tah Valley, 13 km SW. Hakkari, 1600 m, 9.VII.1990, leg. H. van den Brink & W. De Prins; 25, Turkey, St. 615, Van, Zernek Baraji, 65 km N. Ba§kale, 1900-2000 m, 11. Vil. 1990, leg. H. van den Brink & W. De Prins; 5, Turkey, St. 1811, Hakkari, Sidevalley Zap, Tah Valley, 13 km SW. Hakkari, 1400-1700 m, 2.VII.1992, leg. W. De Prins & D. van der Poorten; 5, Turkey, St. 1852, Van, Kuruba? Gegidi, 2100 m, 24.VII.1992, leg. W. De Prins & D. van der Poorten; 25, Turkey, St. 1857, Van, 32 km NE. gatak, 2100-2200 m, 28.VII.I992, leg. H. van Oorschot & H. van den Brink; 125, Turkey, St. Phegea 27 12 1859, Van, Zernek Baraji, 65 km N Ba§kale, 1900-2200 m, 29.VII.1992, leg. H. van Oorschot & H. van den Brink; all in coll. Instituut voor Systematiek en Populatiebiologie, Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam. S', Iran, Tehran, Resteh Ye Alborz, Fasham, 2000-2200 m, 30.VI-3.VII. 1973, leg. W.L. Blom; c3', Iran, Elburs, Dizin, E. Gatchsar, 2400-2600 m, 28.VI-1 l.VII.1975, leg. K.G. Schurian; c5', Iran, Elburs, Kendevan region, 3 km N. Kendevantunnel, 2500 m, 2-1 1 .VII. 1975, leg. K. G. Schurian; 2(5' $, Iran, Tehran, Fasham, 2200m, 4.VII.1997, leg. G. Rahmani; 5(5 2$, Iran, Elburs, Dizin, 2000 m, 5.VIII.1997, leg. G. Rahmani; c5, W.-Iran, Qotor, 2000 m, l. VIII.1997, leg. G. Rahmani; c5, Turkey, Van, 17 km N. ^atak, 16.VII.1989, leg. J.-P. Borie; (5, Turkey, Van, 33 km N. gatak, 2100 m, 21.VII.1989, leg. J.-P. Borie; (5, Turkey, St. 603, Van, 40 km N. gatak, 1800 m, 2- 5.VII.1990, leg. H. van den Brink, W. De Prins, & D. van der Poorten; 3(5, Turkey, St. 615, Van, Rd. Hakkari-Van, 67 km N. Baskale, 1900-2000 m, 1 1. VII. 1990, leg. H. van den Brink & W. De Prins; 5(5 29, Turkey, St. 1942, Van, 10-33 km NE. gatak, 2000-2200 m, 22-28. VII. 1993, leg. D. van der Poorten & J.-P. Borie; 5(5 49, Turkey, St. 1943, Van, Zernek Baraji, 65 km N. Ba§kale, 2000 m, 29.VI1.1993, leg. D. van der Poorten & J.-P. Borie; 3(5, Turkey, St. 2330, Van, 30-33 km NE. gatak, 2000-2100 m, 5.VIII.1996, leg. W. De Prins, A. Olivier & D. van der Poorten; 9. Turkey, St. 2331, Van, Zernek Baraji, 65 km N. Ba?kale, 2000 m, 6. VIII. 1996, leg. W. De Prins, A. Olivier & D. van der Poorten; (5, Turkey, St. 612, Hakkari, Sidevalley Zap, Ogul valley, 13 km SW. Hakkari, 1600 m, 9.VII.1990, leg. H. van den Brink & W. De Prins; 4(5, Turkey, St. 1811, Hakkari, Sidevalley Zap, Tah valley, 13 km SW. Hakkari, 1400-1700 m, 2.VII.1992, leg. W. De Prins & D. van der Poorten; all in coll. VLCA, 3(5, Iran, Tehran, mountain pass between Zangan and Gilvan, loc. 90, 2200 m, 2.V1I.1973, leg. Wagener & Schmitz; (5, Iran, Tehran, 1 km NE. Gatschar, 2300 m, 19.VI1.1996, leg. W. ten Hagen; all in coll. S. Wagener. Description. Upperside light sky blue, much as in P. (A.) larseni, to sky blue with a violet tinge, though hardly ever as bright as in some P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n.; blackening of veins as a rule even more accentuated as in P. {A.) larseni', androconial patch distinctly less extensive and conspicuous as in P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae sp. rev. and P. (A.) larseni stat. rev. Underside cold grey, much darker than in the previous three taxa, spotting and submarginal row of markings more prominent and always clearly visible; hindwing with reduced bluish basal suffusion, white streak on hindwing always sharply contrasting with background. 9 Upperside tends to be darker brown than in the other taxa studied, occasionally with reduced blue basal suffusion on hindwing, submarginal lunules vestigial on hindwing, absent on forewing. Underside darker brown than in the other taxa studied, submarginal row of markings rather well developed, though without any reddish tinge. Chromosome number and karyotype. The haploid chromosome number of topotypical P. (A.) elbursicus was established as /z = 16, 17 by de Lesse (1963), who also figured its karyotype (fig. 3e, f)- Material of ‘A. poseiclon ssp. de Van”, now known to be referable to P. (A.) elbursicus (cf. Carbonell 1993; Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995), as already implicitely suggested by de Lesse {loc. cit.) himself, has n = 18-19 and recently, material originating from Turkey, Van, Zernek Baraji, 1900-2000 m, showed n= 17, 18 (Lukhtanov et al. 1998). The latter authors further state “An intraindividual variability in the number of chromosomes was found, ranging from n = 18 to /z = 19. In metaphase-I, all bivalents form a gradiënt series. The karyotype shows no extraordinary large or small bivalents”. Unfortunately they do not figure the karyotype. Distribution. Known from the western and central Elburs in northern Iran and from SE. Turkey, Bitlis, Van and Hakkari provinces (Forster 1956; de Lesse 1963; Carbonell 1993; Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995; Wagener, pers. comm.). The so-called record from Turkmenistan by Tshikolovets (1998: 112) is based on the erroneous identification by the author of a specimen pictured by Carbonell (1993: 1 1 1-1 12, pl. I, L.1), that in fact belongs to P. (A.) transcaspicus. Bionomics. In the Elburs (Iran), at the mountain pass between Zangan and Gilvan, at the Kendevan pass and in the area of Tacht i Suleiman, butterflies occur along humid gullies, at altitudes between 1900 and 3000 m, on the Demavend as high as 3600 m, in Phegea 27 (1) (LUI. 1999): 13 July. In SE. Turkey in similar biotopes, but at attitudes from 1100 to 2200 m, trom late June till the second week of August (Forster 1956; Carbonell 1993; Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995; Wagener, pers. comm.). Larval host-plant and early stages unknown. Notes 1. This taxon cannot be mistaken for any of the preceding taxa reviewed, differing constantly both phenotypically and in karyotype. Though originally described as a subspecies of P. (A.) transcaspicus, and still considered as such by de Lesse (1963), while Lukhtanov (1989) lists it as a subspecies of P. (A.) aserbeidschanus (Forster, 1956), it was finally elevated to species rank by Carbonell (1993). P. (A.) transcaspicus has a haploid chromosome number of n = 52-53 and an entirely different karyotype (de Lesse 1963), thus precluding conspecificity with P. (A.) elbursicus. The latter taxon differs significantly from P. (A.) ninae (Forster, 1956) as well, that has n = 33-37, 2n = 66, 68 (de Lesse 1960, 1963, but see Carbonell 1993; Lukhtanov 1989; Olivier, De Prins & van der Poorten, unpublished data; Carbonell in litt., 31. XII. 1998). Karyological differences with P. (A.) aserbeidschanus aserbeidschanus (with n = 22-23 sensu Lukhtanov 1989) and especially P. (A.) aserbeidschanus turcicolus (Kogak, 1977) (with n = 19-20, cf. de Lesse 1960; Lukhtanov et al. 1998) are far less pronounced, but the latter taxon is syntopic and synchronous with P. (A.) elbursicus in SE. Turkey (e.g. at the Zernek Baraji in Van province, cf. Lukhtanov et al. 1998), from which it can be distinguished by external features (see Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995). These data compel us to conclude, on karyological evidence, that P. (A.) aserbeidschanus turcicolus cannot be conspecific with P. (A.) ninae as suggested by Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener (1995): its current status, as established by Lukhtanov (1989), Carbonell (1993) and Lukhtanov et al. (1998) seems to be the most appropriate solution for the time being. 2. Wagener (pers. comm.) found both P. (A.) elbursicus and P. (A.) laserbeidschanus together at the mountain pass between Zangan and Gilvan, in the western Elburs. 3. We agree with Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener (1995) that the taxon 'Agrodiaetus elbursica zapvadi' cannot be separated morphologically from P. (A.) elbursicus and there is no support neither from the karyological point. Therefore we agree with the synonymy as established by these authors. 4. P. (A.) poseidon is not known at all from Bitlis, Van and Hakkari provinces (cf. Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995: map 199), though this was assumed to be the case due to the erroneous report of P. (A.) elbursicus by de Lesse (1963) as ‘A. poseidon ssp. de Van”. 4.5. Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damonides (Staudinger, 1899) ‘‘Lycaena Damone Ev. var. Damonides” Staudinger, O., 1899. Ueber die Arten und Formen der Lycaena Damon- Gruppe. — Dt.ent.Z.Iris 12: 138-139. Locus typicus restrictus: “Ordubad” [Azerbaijan, Nachichevan, Ordubad] (Forster 1961: 13). Type material: lectotype S, [Azerbaijan, Nachichevan], Ordubad, IO.VI.1881, leg. Christoph, in coll. O. Staudinger in Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin; paralectotypes 35' 29, [Azerbaijan], Nachichevan, Ordubad, IO.VI.1881, 22.V1.1881, 25.VI.1881, [leg. Christoph], in coll. O. Staudinger in Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. ILLUSTRATIONS. Plates 1 & 2, fig. 9 (c5'); lectotype 6': text fig. 2. Material examined. Lectotype S with white handwritten label (Staudinger) “v. Damonides I Stg.”; green handwritten label “Ordubat I Chr.[istoph]”; faded handwritten label (unknown hand) “L. Iphigenia ? I Ordubad 10.6.[18]81”; pink printed label “Origin.”; pale yellow printed label “Zool. Mus. I Berlin”; white label, handwritten (Forster) on printed form “Agrodiaetus I poseidon 3' I damonides Stgr. det. W. Forster 1948”\ white handwritten label (Forster) “Cotvpus I Lycaena I damone I damonides Stgr.”; pink handwritten label (Forster) “Lectotvpus I Lycaena I damone I damonides Stgr. I W. Forster 1948”; pink printed label with handwritten inscriptions (P. S. Wagener) “Abgebildet in Hesselbarth I van Oorschot & Wagener: I Tagfalter der Türkei. I Tafel 727 Figur 67”. Phegeall i\){\.m.\999): 14 Abgebildet in Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener: Tagfalter der Türkei^ „ Tafel C-'! FigurC - Fig. 2. Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damonides (Staudinger, 1899), lectotype S, [Azerbaijan, Nachichevan], Ordiibat [recte Ordubad], 10.VI.[18]81, Chr.[istoph leg.], ex coll. Staudinger, in coll. Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt- Universitat zu Berlin (also figured in colour in Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995: Taf. 121, fig. 67 and in Eckweiler & Hauser 1997; 138, pl. 5). — a) upperside; b) underside; c) labels. Paralectotypes: 3(5' 2$, all with circles of the same as locality label green paper, S hearing also handwritten (unknown hand) label “Ordub.[adj 22.6.[18]81” and pink printed label “Origin.”; S with handwritten label “Ordub.[ad] 25.6.[18]81”; $ hearing also handwritten (unknown hand) label “Ordub.[ad] 22.6.[18]81”; 9 hearing also handwritten (unknown hand) label “Ordub.[ad] 10.6.[18]81”. Further material: 59, Turkey, Adana province, Saimbeyli, 1200-1500 m, 29.VII.1998, leg. M. Wiemers, in coll. VLCA (specimen in coll. M. Wiemers). 5 p = 17 mm. Fig. 6. Karyotype of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev. c5', prep. 243, M II, n = 63, Turkey, Adana province, Saimbeyli, 1200-1500 m, 29. VII. 1998, leg. M. Wiemers, in coll. VLCA (specimen in coll. M. Wiemers). 5 p = 17 mm. Fig. 7. Karyotype of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev. S, prep. AO 9816, M I, ii = 25, Lebanon, Mohafazat Bchan'é, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 1950-2000 m, 17.VII.1998, leg. A. Olivier, in coll. VLCA. 5 p = 17 mm. Phegea 27 (\)(\.m.\999): 16 Phegeall {\){\.m.\999)\ 17 Plate 1 Phegea 27 (1) (1.III.1999): 18 Plate 2 Phegea 27 (1) (1.III.1999): 19 Legend of plates 1 (uppersides) and 2 (undersides) 1-3: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) guezelmavi sp. n. 1. Holotype S, Turkey, Konya province, Palaz Dagi, Ta§kent, 1500-1600 m, St. 1993, 20-21. Vil. 1994, leg. H. van Oorschot, H. van den Brink, D. van der Poorten, W. De Prins, in coll. Instituut voor Systematiek en Populatiebiologie, Zoölogisch Museum, Amsterdam. 2. Paratype c5', same data as 1, hut in coll. VLCA. 3. Paratype c5', same data as 1, hut in coll. VLCA. 4-6: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev. 4. (S, Turkey, Adana province, 8 km N. Saimbeyli, 1500 m, St. 2382, 6.VI1I.1997, leg. W. De Prins, A. Olivier & D. van der Poorten, in coll. VLCA [specimen karyologically examined by Mr. Zdravko Kolev, nr. 97025]. 5. c5', Turkey, Adana province, 5 km N. Saimbeyli, Obruk Ormani, 1200 m, St. 2439, 28.V11.1998, leg. D. van der Poorten & W. De Prins, in coll. VLCA. 6. rS, same data as 5. 7-8: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev. 7. (5', Lebanon, Mohafazat Bcharré, Les Cèdres [El Arz], 1950-2000 m, 20.V1I.1998, leg. A. Olivier, in coll. VLCA. 8. S, same data as 7. 9: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damonides (Staudinger, 1899) 9. S, Azerbaijan, Nachichevan, Ordubad, 18.VI.1985, ex coll. L. Mets, in coll. VLCA. 10-12: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) elbursicus (Forster, 1956) 10. 6', Turkey, Van province, Zemek Baraji, 65 km N. Ba$kale, 2000 m, St. 1851, 23.V11.1992, leg. D. van der Poorten & W. De Prins, in coll. VLCA. 11. c5^, Turkey, Van province, 30-33 km NE. ^atak, 2000-2100 m, St. 2330, 5.VIII.1996, leg. W. De Prins, A. Olivier & D. van der Poorten, in coll. VLCA. 12. c?, Iran, Elburs Mts., Dizin, E. Gatchsar, 2400-2600 m, 28.VI.-1 l.VII.1975, leg. K.G. Schurian, in coll. VLCA. 13-14: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) guezelmavi sp. n. 13. Paratype $, same data as 1, but in coll. VLCA. 14. Paratype $, same data as 1, but in coll. VLCA. 15: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev. 15. $, same data as 7. 16-17: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev. 16. 9, Turkey, Adana province, vic. Saimbeyli, 1500-1600 m, 13-14. VIII. 1993, leg. K.G. Schurian, in coll. VLCA. 17. Paratypus $, Turkey, Adana province, 8-18 km N. Saimbeyli, 1600-1750 m, St. 196, 26.V11.1984, leg. B. van Oorschot, in coll. VLCA. 18: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) elbursicus (Forster, 1956) 18. $, Turkey, Van province, Zernek Baraji, 65 km N. Ba§kale, 2000 m, St. 2331, 6.V111.1996, leg. W. De Prins, A. Ohvier & D. van der Poorten, in coll. VLCA. Table 2. Differentiating phenotypical characters of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) guezelmavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae Schurian, van Oorschot & van den Brink, 1992 sp. rev., P. (A.) larseni (Carbonell, 1994) stat. rev. and P. (A.) elbursicus (Forster, 1956). P. (A.) damonides (Staudinger, 1899) is not listed as it appears to be indistinguishable firom P. (A.) elhursicus. Phegea 27 (1) (1.III.1999); 20 guezelmavi theresiae larseni elbiirsicus upperside S -ground-colour sky blue -ground-colour sky blue -ground-colour light sky -ground-colour light sky with a violet tinge with a violet tinge, as a rule less vivid than in guezehmivi blue blue to sky blue with a violet tinge -veins as a rule -blackening of veins as -blackening of veins as -blackening of veins as blackened distally, a rule slightly more a rule even more a rule even more especially on hindwing developed than in guezelmavi extensive as in guezelmavi and theresiae accentuated as in larseni -androconial patch on -androconial patch on -androconial patch on -androconial patch on forewing extensive and forewing extensive and forewing extensive and forewing distinctly less conspicuous conspicuous conspicuous extensive and conspicuous as in guezelmavi, theresiae and larseni underside S -ground-colour light -ground-colour -ground-colour -groundcolour cold grey brownish grey, warmer then in guezelmavi brownish grey, warmer then in guezelmavi grey, much darker than in guezelmavi, theresiae and larseni -spotting reduced, -spotting reduced. -spotting reduced. -spotting more especially on hindwing especially on hindwing especially on hindwing prominent as in guezelmavi, theresiae and larseni, always clearly visible -white streak on -white streak on -white streak on -white streak on hindwing rarely well hindwing better defined hindwing as a rule well hindwing well defined. defined and hardly as in guezelmavi, more defined, moderately to always shaiply contrasting with shaiply contrasting with shaiply contrasting with contrasting with background background background background -submarginal row of -submarginal row of -submarginal row of -submarginal row of markings very weakly markings very weakly markings very weakly markings more expressed, almost of expressed, almost of expressed, almost of prominent as in ground-colour ground-colour ground-colour guezelmavi, theresiae and larseni, always well visible upperside 9 -ground-colour brown -ground-colour brown -ground-colour brown, lighter than in guezelmavi and theresiae -ground-colour darker brown than in guezelmavi, theresiae and larseni -hindwing occasionally -hindwing never with -hindwing never with -hindwing occasionally with reduced to moderately developed blue basal suffusion any blue basal suffusion any blue basal suffusion with reduced blue basal suffusion -submarginal lunules -submarginal lunules -submarginal lunules -submarginal lunules well developed on well developed on more extensive as in vestigial on hindwing. hindwing, at least some tracés on forewing hindwing, at least some tracés on forewing guezelmavi and theresiae, especially on forewing absent on forewing underside 9 -ground-colour light -ground-colour light -ground-colour light -ground-colour darker brown brown coffee brown, of a warmer tinge than in guezelmavi and theresiae brown than in guezelmavi, theresiae and larseni -submarginal row of -submarginal row of -submarginal row of -submarginal row of markings very weekly markings very weekly markings better markings rather well expressed and almost of expressed and almost of developed than in developed, though groundcolour on groundcolour on guezelmavi and without any reddish hindwing, slightly more reddish on forewing hindwing, slightly more reddish on forewing theresiae, slightly reddish, especially on forewing | tinge Phegea 27 (1 ) (1 .III. 1999): 21 5. Discussion The present study has shown that taxa believed to be conspecific, i.e. P. (A.) guezelmavi sp. n., P. (A.) theresiae sp. rev. and P. (A.) larseni, and that are sometimes hardly distinguishable phenotypically, appear to have a quite different chromosome number and karyotype. Other analogous cases are known in the subgenus Agrodiaetus, where taxa appearing very similar while at the same time sharing a characteristic phenotype (and therefore likely to form a monophyletic group), exhibit great differences in chromosome number and karyotype. One such instance occurs in the group of P. (A.) antidolus (Rebel, 1901), P. (A.) kurdistanicus (Torster, 1961) and P. (A.) morgani (Le Cerf, [1910]), that have resp. n = 39-42, n = ca. 56-62 and n = 25-26 (de Lesse 1961; Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995; Lukhtanov et al. 1998). We therefore cannot agree with Lukhtanov and colleagues when they group taxa, that obviously look quite dissimilar phenotypically, solely on similarity in karyotype. It is clear for us that, for instance, P. (A.) dama is not conspecific with or even most closely related to any of the taxa treated in the present study, nor that P. (A.) larseni is very closely related to and possibly conspecific with P. (A.) damocles, a taxon from the Southern Ural in Russia (also biogeographically quite unparallelled in any other group). We would rather consider that the following general tendencies occur in the subgenus Agrodiaetus: • groups of closely related taxa often remain relatively similar in external phenotype; • on the contrary, speciation is often accompanied by rather radical changes in chromosome number and karyotype: the role of fusion or fission is still an unresolved matter (Lorkovic 1990); • chromosome numbers and karyotypes are quite reliable taxonomie characters for the identification of distinct species. On the contrary, there is no current evidence for any usefulness of these features for phylogenetic reconstructions; • in supposed absence of reliable morphological characters enabling the application of cladistic methods, the pragmatic grouping on phenotypical similarity seems to be the most useful method of classification so far; • biochemical and molecular techniques appear worthy of large attention if one is to hope that we will ever improve our insights into the interrelationships between “natural groups” among “difficult” higher taxa like Agrodiaetus. The value of chromosome numbers as absolute proof of complete reproductive isolation, and thus as a valid criterion for recognising specific distinctness, has been questioned on more than one occasion (e.g. Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener 1995; Eckweiler & Hauser 1997). We consider that allopatric populations are not conspecific if the geographical differences in chromosome number (and karyotype) considerably exceed the level of variability inside each form. The chromosome numbers are fixed in the great majority of Lepidoptera: however, in 13% of the recorded species, numerical inconsistencies do occur (Robinson 1971, 1990). Intrapopulational variation is rather frequent in Lycaenidae and in Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) in particular (de Lesse 1959, 1962, 1963; Lukhtanov 1989, 1993; Kandul 1997; Kandul & Lukhtanov 1997; Lukhtanov et al. 1997, 1998). The numerical inconsistence in the karyotypes of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) served as the argument in the discussion, which is basically: genetic isolation based on chromosomal rearrangements or the differentiation of the taxa based on geographical or ecological isolation, resulting subsequently in the fixation of one or another karyotype (Lorkovic 1990; Lukhtanov 1993). It was revealed that in Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) the intrapopulational variability up to 1-4 pairs of chro mosomes is a normal phenomenon and could be commonplace in populations. The Progressive changes in chromosome number are based on gradual change in their frequencies with the following elimination of rare Phegea 27 (1) (LUI. 1999): 22 and unadapted karyotypes and the forming of the species with great differences in chromosome numbers (Lukhtanov 1993). We consider that the difference in 22 clements between the karyotypes of Polyommatiis (Agrodiaetus) giiezelmavi sp. n. and Polyommatus {Agrodiaetiis) theresiae sp. rev. is the evident argument in favour of two species, since in the opposite case the conjugation of bivalents in meiosis cannot take place. While observing the preparations of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) theresiae sp. rev. nos. 240, 241 and 243, no disruptions in the course of meiosis were found. 6. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Mr. Harry van Oorschot and Dr. Sandrine Ulenberg (Instituut voor Systematiek en Populatiebiologie, Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam) and Dr. Wolfram Mey (Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin) for allowing us to study relevant Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) material under their care; Prof. Dr. Konrad Fiedler (Lehrstuhl Tierökologie, Universitat Bayreuth) and Dr. P. Sigbert Wagener (Bocholt, Germany) for commenting on an earlier draft of the present paper; Mr. Hans Henderickx (Mol, Belgium) for the colour photographs reproduced on plates 1 & 2; Mr. Jos Dils (Stabroek-Hoevenen, Belgium) for the photographs reproduced on text fig. 1; Mr. Alexander Schintlmeister (Dresden) for the photographs reproduced on text fig. 2; Mr. Zdravko Kolev (Department of Ecology and Systematics, Division of Population Biology, University of Helsinki) for several preparations of testes; Dr. Yuri P. Nekrutenko (Schmallhausen Institute of Zoology, Kiev) for the translation of Kandul & Lukhtanov (1997) into English before it became officially published as such, as well as for help in locating types and other significant material of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) during a visit of one of us (AO) to the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin in late November 1998; Dr. Klaus G. Schurian (Kelkheim/Ts., Germany) for orienting us on the biotope of P. (A.) dama near Malatya; Dr. Jean-Pierre Borie (Compiègne, France), Dr. Wolfgang Eckweiler (Frankfurt), Mr. Knud Larsen (Spborg, Denmark), Mr. Alex Riemis (Turnhout, Belgium), Dr. Klaus G. Schurian (Kelkheim/Ts., Germany) and Dr. P. Sigbert Wagener (Bocholt, Germany) for allowing us to study their material. 7. References Carbonell, F., 1993. 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Lesse, H. de, 1963. Variation chromosomique chez les Agrodiaetus [Lep. Lycaenidae]. — Revue fr. Ent. 30(3): 182- 189, 4 figs. Lorkovic, Z., 1990. The butterfly chromosomes and their application in systematics and phylogeny. — In: Kudrna, O. (ed.), Butterflies of Europe. Vol. 2: huroduction to Lepidopterology. Aula Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 332-396, 36 figs., 2 diagr., 2 col. pis. Lukhtanov, V. A., 1989. Karyotypes of some blue butterflies of the Agrodiaetus species groups (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). — Suotnen hyönt.Aikak. (Annls ent.fenn.) 55: 137-144, 6 text figs. Lukhtanov, V. A., 1993. A possible mechanism of the origin of the great differences in chromosome numbers in the close species of the Lepidoptera (Insecta). — Karyosysternatics of the invertehrate animals II. St. Petersburg, p. 28-32 [in Russian]. Lukhtanov, V. A., Dantchenko, A.V. & Kandul, N. P., 1997. Die Karyotypen von Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damone damone und P. (A.) damocles rossicus nebst einigen Problemen bei Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Naclir.ent.Ver.Apollo (Suppl.)16: 43-48, 1 Taf, 1 Abb. Lukhtanov, V. A., Kandul, N. P., Prins, W. O. De & Poorten, D. van der, 1998. Karyology of species of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) from Turkey: new data and their taxonomie consequences (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Holarctic Lepid. 5(1): 1-8, 1 tab., 15 figs. Nicholl, M. de la Beche, 1901. Butterflies in the Lebanon. — Entomologist’s Ree. J. Var. 13: 169-173, 205-209. Robinson, R., 1971. Lepidoptera genetics. — Pergamon Press, Oxford, Braunschweig. 687 p., 63 tabs., 16 figs. Robinson, R., 1990. Genetics of European butterflies. — In: Kudrna, O. (ed.), Butterflies of Europe. Vol. 2: Introduction to Lepidopterology. Aula Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 234-291, 3 tab., 6 figs. Schurian, K. G. & Eckweiler, W., 1997. Wiederfund von Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) dama Staudinger, 1892 in der Türkei (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Naclir.ent.Ver.Apollo (Suppl.)16: 49-52. Schurian, K. G., Oorschot, H. van & Brink, H. van den, 1992. Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) poseidon (H.-S.) und Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) theresiae sp. nov. aus der Türkei (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Naclir.ent.Ver.Apollo, N.F. 12: 217-232, 1 Farbtaf, 2 Abb. Staudinger, O., 1892. Neue Arten und Varietaten von Lepidopteren des palaarktischen Faunengebiets. — Dt.ent.Z.Iris 4(1891): 224-339, 4 Taf, 5 Abb. Staudinger, O., 1899. Ueber die Arten und Formen der Lycaena Damon-Gmppe,. — Dt.ent.Z.Iris 12: 137-155. Staudinger, O. & Rebel, H., 1901. Catalog der Lepidopteren des palaearctisclien Faunengehietes. I Theil: Famil. Papilionidae-Hepialidae. — R. Friedlander & Sohn, Berlin, XXXII + 411 S. Tshikolovets, V. V., 1998. The butterflies of Turkmenistan. — V. V. Tshikolovets, Kiev, Brno, 237 p., 24 col. pis., 10 b/w pis., 4+157 maps. Zerny, H., 1932. Lepidopteren aus dem nördlichen Libanon. — Dt.ent.ZIris 46: 157-191. Phegeall (\)(\.m.m9)-.2A Correcties en aanvullingen op de "Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium" Willy De Prins Abstract. Corrections and additions to the "Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium" Some corrections to the "Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium" are given. The additions list several new province records, as well as two new species to the hst: Coleophora hetulella (Heinemann & Wocke, 1877) and Agrotis trux (Hübner, [1824]). Résumé. Corrections et additions au "Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium" L’auteur présente quelques corrections au "Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium". 11 d étaille la distribution de quelques espèces dans d’autres provinces et ajoute deux espèces nouvelles a la faune beige: .Coleophora hetulella (Heinemann & Wocke, 1877) Agrotis trux (Hübner, [1824]). Key words: Belgium - faunistics - Coleophora betulella - Agrotis trux. De Prins, W. : Diksmuidelaan 176, B-2600 Antwerpen ( Tijdens de druk van de Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium (De Prins 1998a) en na de publicatie van de tweede editie van de Liste systématique et synonymique des Lépidoptères de France, Belgique et Corse (Leraut 1997) werden enkele drukfouten en andere onvolkomenheden opgemerkt, die hier worden gecorrigeerd. Wanneer verschillen met de Franse lijst werden vastgesteld, werd steeds naar de oorspronkelijke publicaties teruggegrepen voor de correcte spelling en originele combinatie. 1. Correcties p. 20 speciosa (Frey, 1857) (niet 1858) p. 32 Lypiisa Zeiler, 1852 (niet 1853) p. 40 simploniella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, [1840]) (niet 1844) p. 44 retinella Zeiler, 1839; spinosella Stainton, 1849; conjugella Zeiler, 1839 (zonder haakjes) p. 57 code bij pollutella (Duponchel, 1843) ELACPOLU en bij pollinariella Zeiler, 1839 ELACPOLI p. 59 aurifrontella (Geyer, [1832]) (sluitend haakje toevoegen) p. 60 triguttella (Duponchel, [1839]) (sluitend haakje toevoegen) p. 65 bij cornutella Herrich-Schaffer, 1861 als synoniem toevoegen: cornuta Hofmann, 1875 p. 77 na interruptella (Hübner, 1793) toevoegen: nee (Goeze, 1783) p. 84 Chamaesphecia Spuler, 1910 (auteursnaam niet cursief) p. 98 Enarmonia Hübner, [1825] (niet 1826) p. 101 caliginosana (Treitschke, 1835) (niet Haworth, 1811) p. 103 sehestediana (Fabricius, 1777) (niet 1776) p. 1 13 Episclmia Hübner, [1825] (niet 1796) p. 1 15 imicolorella Staudinger, 1881 (jaartal toevoegen); phragmitella (Hübner, [1810]) (niet 1805) p. 121 Erio gaster GtxmdiX, 1810 (niet 1811); Odonestis Gcxxxïax, 1812 (niet 1811); Dendrolimus Germar, 1812 (niet 1811) p. 132 rubi (Linnaeus, 1758) (vierkant haakje weglaten) p. 133 namedon (Hufnagel, 1766) toevoegen: nee (Linnaeus, 1763 p. 136 xiaAgapetes Billberg, 1820 toevoegen: rejected name p. \ 42 macularia (Linnaeus, 1758) (niet 1787) Phegea 27 (1) (LIII.1999): 25 p. 147 annularia (Fabricius, 1775) (i.p.v. annulata Schulze, 1775), quercimontaria (Bastelberger, 1897) (tussen haakjes en met jaartal) p. 149 n?L purpumta (Linnaeus, 1761) toevoegen: nee (Linnaeus, 1758) p. 167 Schinia Hübner, 1818 (niet 1823, zonder vierkante haakjes) p. 174 na marmorosa (Borkhausen, 1792) toevoegen: nee (Esper, 1788) p. \1S Anaplectoides McDunnough, [1929] (niet 1829) 2. Aanvullingen Bucculatrix demaryella (Duponchel, [1840]): 1 ex. te Schilde (Antwerpen) op 22.VI.1998, leg. W. De Prins; nieuw voor de provincie Antwerpen (p. 38). Bucculatrix gnaphaliella (Treitschke, 1833): reeds in 1976 werden twee exemplaren gekweekt uit poppen gevonden op Helichrysum arenarium te Vance (Luxemburg) (Dodinval 1997: 140). Soort toe te voegen tussen Bucculatrix albedinella en B. cidarella (P- 38). Coleophora betulella Heinemann & Wocke, 1877: rond deze soort bestond lange tijd verwarring. Ze werd dikwijls vermeld als conspecifiek met C. ibipennella Zeiler, 1849, en als synoniem van deze soort. Nochtans leeft C. ibipennella op Quercus en C. betulella op Betula. De imago’s vertonen slechts kleine uiterlijke verschillen (Emmet et al. 1996: 265- 268). De genitalia van beide soorten verschillen wel duidelijk. Ik beschik over de volgende gecontroleerde gegevens: provincie Antwerpen, IS Deurne 12.VI.1989 (det. H. van der Wolf), Postel 14.VI.1976, S Schilde IO.VI.1988; provinciee Luxembourg, S Chantemelle 7.VII.1979. In te voegen net na C. ibipennella (p. 66, code COLEBETU). C. betulella is wijd verspreid in Nederland; de soort komt er voor in 10 provincies (26 hokken) (Kuchleinl993: 213, 444). Acleris schalleriana (Linnaeus, 1761): waargenomen te Beerse 4. V. 1995, nieuw voor de provincie Antwerpen (F. Verhoeven i.1.) (p. 88). Clepsis senecionana (Hübner, [1819]): waargenomen te Oud-Turnhout op 4.V.1995, nieuw voor de provincie Antwerpen (F. Verhoeven i.1.) (p. 92). Cydia discretana (Wocke, 1861): 1 ex. te Tongerlo (Antwerpen) op 19. V. 1998, leg. W. De Prins; nieuw voor de provincie Antwerpen (p. 99). Deze soort werd voor het eerst uit België vermeld door De Sélys-Longchamps (1844: 21), zij het zonder enige aanduiding van vindplaats of datum. Gérard-Salme ving een S te Embourg (Liège) op 21.V.1915 (Janmoulle 1955: 52). Cydia cosmophorana (Treitschke, 1835): waargenomen te Arendonk 26.V.1995, nieuw voor de provincie Antwerpen (F. Verhoeven i.1.) (p. 100). Nephopterix angustella (Hübner, 1796): eerste Belgisch exemplaar op 28.VIII.1992 te Wenduine (West-Vlaanderen), nadien op dezelfde plaats geregeld terug gevonden, leg. A. De Turck (De Prins 1998b: 69). Soort toe te voegen tussen Episclmia en Conobathra (p. 113). Satyriiim spini ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775): aangetroffen in de provincie Luxembourg in de periode 1990-1994 (Cavelier et al. 1998: 79). Phegea 27 (1) (1.III.1999): 26 Apocheima hispidaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775): aangetroffen in de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, leg. T. Sierens en M. Van Opstaele (Sierens i.1.). Aids bastelbergeri (Hirschke, 1908): aangetroffen in de provincie Namur, leg. T. Sierens (Sierens i.1.). Theria rupicapraria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775): aangetroffen in de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, leg. T. Sierens (Sierens i.1.). Cucullia absinthii (Linnaeus, 1761): aangetroffen in de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, leg. E. Meuris (Meuris i.1.). Sideridis albicolon (Hübner, [1813]): aangetroffen in de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, leg. T. Sierens (Sierens i.1.). Agrotis trux (Hübner, [1824]) $, België, Brabant, Ottignies, 15.V.1998, leg. R. Nyst. Agrotis trux (Hübner, [1824]): 1$ (zie fig. 1) waargenomen te Ottignies (Brabant) op 15.V.1998 (leg. R. Nyst). Nieuw voor de Belgische fauna! Het voorkomen van deze soort in België is helemaal niet verwonderlijk omdat ons land op de noordgrens van het areaal ligt. Op het kaartje in Fibiger (1990: 87) wordt België trouwens haast helemaal opgenomen in het gearceerde verspreidingsgebied van de soort, terwijl er toch geen authentieke vangsten bekend waren. De aanwezigheid van A. trux in België is dus nu bevestigd. De soort is in te voegen net na Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766) (p. 179, code AGROTRUX). A. trux is wijd verspreid in het zuiden van Europa, van Ierland en Portugal in het westen tot Bulgarije, Roemenië en de Krim in het oosten. Ze komt verder ook voor in Turkije, Syrië, Iran, Irak en in Noord-Afrika. De noordgrens van het areaal loopt door Groot-Brittannië, België, Zuid-Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Slovenië, Roemenië, Zuid-Rusland en Oekraïne (Fibiger 1990: 87, kaartje). Dankwoord Met dank aan E. Meuris, T. Sierens en F. Verhoeven die bijkomende gegevens opstuurden, aan R. Nyst voor het ter beschikking stellen van zijn exemplaar van Agrotis trux, en aan H. van der Wolf voor de determinatie van Coleophora betulella. Literatuur Cavelier, E., Renneson, J.-L., Taymans, P. & Valenne, Y., 1998. Les Papillens de la Lorraine beige. Synthèse et cartographie de cinq années d'étude des papillens de jeur en Lerraine beige *Rhepalecera* 1990B1994. — Notes faunistiques de Gemhloux 34: 1-106. De Prins, W., 1998a. Catalegue ef the Lepideptera ef Belgium. — Studiedocumenten van het K.B.I.N. 92: 1-236. Phegea 27 (1) (1. III. 1999): 27 De Prins, W., 1998b. Nephopterix angustella, een nieuwe soort voor de Belgische fauna (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). — Phegea 26(2): 69B70. De Sélys-Lx)ngchamps, E., 1844. Énumération des insectes Lépidoptères de la Belgique. — Mémoires de la Société royale des Sciences de Liège 2: 1-35. Dodinval, A., 1997. Bucculatrix gnaphaliella Tr., espèce nouvelle pour la Belgique. — Bulletin du Cercle des Lépidoptéristes de Belgique 25(3): 140. Emmet, A. E., Langmaid, J. R., Bland, K. P., Corley, M. F. V. & Razowski, J., 1996. Coleophoridae. — In: Emmet, A. M. (Ed.), The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 3 Yponomeutidae-Elachistidae. — Harley Books, Colchester. Fibiger, M., 1990. Noctuidae Europaeae, Vol. 1 Noctuinae I. — Entomological Press, Sor0. Janmoulle, E., 1955. Remarques sur la faune beige (Suite). — Lamhillionea 55: 52. Kuchlein, J. H., 1993. De kleine Vlinders. Handboek voor de faunistiek van de Nederlandse Microlepidoptera. — Pudoc, Wageningen. Leraut, P., 1997. Liste systématique et synonymique des Lépidoptères de Frace, Belgique et Corse (deuxième édition). — Supplément a Alexanor. 1-526. Phegea 2H\)(\.m.\99