Afgiftekantoor 2170 Merksem 1 ISSN 077 1 -5277 Periode: januari - februari - maart 2009 Erkenningsnr. P209674 Redactie: Dr. J.-P. Borie (Compiègne, France), Dr. L. De Bruyn (Antwerpen), T. C. Garrevoet (Antwerpen), B. Goater (Chandlers Ford, Fngland), Dr.j Dr. K. Martens (Brussel), H. van Oorschot (Amsterdam), W. O^è (teefdkW). - //j yG Redactie-adres: W. O. De Prins, Feefdaal 401©, B-3061 Feefdaal (Belgium). X e-mail: Jaargang 37, nummer 1 1 maart 2009 New data on the Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) of Dobrogea (south-eastern Romania) Vlad Dinca, Sylvain Cuvelier, Levente Székely & Roger Vila Abstract. We provide new data on the Rhopalocera of Dobrogea (south-eastern Romania), a region that represents a meeting point for faunistical clements from Central Europe, Balkans, Asia Minor and the Russian steppe. Lycaena titynis (Poda, 1761) and Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771) are rediscovered in Dobrogea after 142 years and are recorded for the first time in the South of the province. New faunistical data as well as ecological and conservation aspects are also provided for several species with very few records in Dobrogea, such as Zerynthia polyxena ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Brenthis daphne (Bergstrasser, 1780), Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775), Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Euphydryas matiirna (Einnaeus, 1758), Hipparchia syriaca (Staudinger, 1871), etc. The survival of Tomares nogelii (Herrich-Schaffer, 1851) in Romania is discussed as directed research didn’t allow for the discovery of any population both in previously known or potential sites. The presence of Carcharodus floccifera (Zeiler, 1847) in Dobrogea is confirmed by genitalia and new data is presented that indicates its probable sympatry with Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin, 1913 in this province. In addition, C. orientalis is recorded in Romania for the first time outside Dobrogea, namely from neighbouring south-eastern Moldavia. Samenvatting. We brengen nieuwe gegevens over de Rhopalocera van Dobrodgea (Zuidoost-Roemenië), een regio die een ontmoetingspunt is van faunistische elementen van centraal Europa, de Balkan, Klein-Azië en de Russische steppe. Lycaena tityrus (Poda, 1761) en Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771) worden voor het eerst na 142 jaar terug gemeld uit Dobrodgea en voor het eerst uit het zuiden van de provincie. Er worden nieuwe faunistische gegevens alsook aspecten over ecologie en natuurbehoud verstrekt voor meerdere soorten met zeer weinig meldingen uit Dobrodgea, zoals Zerynthia polyxena ([Denis & Schiffenuüller], 1775), Brenthis daphne (Bergstrasser, 1780), Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775), Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Euphydryas maturna (Einnaeus, 1758), Hipparchia syriaca (Staudinger, 1871), enz. Elet voortbestaan van Tomares nogelii (Hemch-Schaffer, 1851) in Roemenië wordt besproken daar gericht onderzoek niet heeft toegelaten om een populatie te vinden en dit zowel op vroeger gekende als op potentiële plaatsen. De aanwezigheid van Carcharodus floccifera (Zeiler, 1847) in Dobrodgea wordt bevestigd door genitalia en nieuwe gegevens worden voorgesteld die wijzen op het waarschijnlijk sympatrisch voorkomen in deze provincie met P/?é>gea37(l)(01.III.2009): 1 Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin, 1913. Daarnaast wordt C oriënt alis uit Roemenië voor het eerst gemeld buiten Dobrodgea namelijk uit het aanpalende zuidoostelijke Moldavië. Résumé. Nous apportons des nouvelles données eoneemant les Rhopalocera de la Dobrodgea (Sud-Est de la Roumanie), une région qui représente un point de réunion d’éléments faunistiques de 1’Europe centrale, les Balkans, 1’Asie Mineure et la steppe Russe. Lycaena tityrus (Poda, 1761) et Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771) sont enregistrés pour la première fois depuis 142 ans de la Dobrodgea et pour la première fois du Sud de la province. Des nouvelles données faunistiques ainsi que des aspects écologiques et eoneemant la conservation de la nature, sont foumies pour plusieurs espèces avec trés peu de données da la Dobrodgea comme Zerynthia polyxena ([Denis & Schiffennüller], 1775), Brenthis daphne (Bergstrasser, 1780), Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775), Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Eiiphydryas maturna (Einnaeus, 1758), Hipparchia syriaca (Staudinger, 1871), etc. Ea survie de Tomares nogelii (HeiTich-Schaffer, 1851) en Roumanie est discutée car des recherches ciblées n’ont pas permis de trouver une population aussi bien dans des sites qui étaient anciennement connus que dans des sites potentiels. Ea présence de Carcharodus floccifera (Zeiler, 1847) de la Dobrodgea est confinnée par les genitalia et des nouvelles données indiquent la cohabitation probable dans cette province avec Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin, 1913. De plus C. orientalis est mentionné pour la première fois de la Roumanie hors de la Dobrodgea, a savoir du proche Sud-Est de la Moldavië. Rezumat. Simt prezentate noi date referitoare la fauna de Rhopalocere a Dobrogei (sud-estul Romaniei), o regiune care reprezinta un punct de intalnire a numeroase clemente faunistice din Europa Centrala, Balcani, Asia Mica §i stepele mse§ti. Lycaena tityrus (Poda, 1761) §i Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771) simt redescoperite in Dobrogea dupa 142 de ani §i sunt totodata semnalate pentru prima data din sudul provinciei. Noi date faunistice precum §i aspecte legate de ecologie §i conservare sunt prezentate pentru mai muite specii cu foarte pupne semnalari din Dobrogea, precum Zoynthia polyxena ([Denis & Schiffennüller], 1775), Brenthis daphne (Bergstrasser, 1780), Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775), Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Euphydryas maturna (Einnaeus, 1758), Hipparchia syriaca (Staudinger, 1871), etc. Este discutata situapa lui Tornares nogelii (Herrich-Schaffer, 1851) in Romania, intmcat cercetari direcponate nu au pennis identificarea nici unei populapi atat in zone deja cunoscute cat §i poten(iale. Prezen(a lui Carcharodus floccifera (Zeiler, 1847) in Dobrogea este confirmata pe baza analizei annaturii genitale §i sunt oferite noi date care indica ca, in aceasta provincie, specia este probabil simpatrica cu Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin, 1913. In plus, C. orientalis este semnalat in Romania pentm prima data din afara Dobrogei, §i anume din sud-estul Moldovei. Key words: Romania - Rhopalocera - Dobrogea - distribution - habitat - conservation. Dinca, V.: Departament de Genètica i Microbiologia, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193, Spain (sudistu( Cuvelier, S.: Diamantstraat 4, B-8900 leper, Belgium ( Székely, E.: Str. Viitorului 31, Sacele (Bra§ov), 505600, Romania ( Vila, R.; ICREA and Departament de Genètica i Microbiologia, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193, Spain ( Introduction Dobrogea represents a historical region shared by Romania and Bulgaria, being bordered by the lower Danube River to the west and north, the Black Sea to the east and the Southern border of the administrative Bulgarian regions of Dobrich and Silistra to the south (Fig. 1). The Romanian part of Dobrogea includes the Danube Delta and covers a total area of about 15.500 km“. It is divided in two counties: Tulcea in the north and Constan^a in the south (Fig. 2). The altitudes in Dobrogea range from sea level in the Danube Delta and along the Black Sea coast, to 467 m in the Macin Mountains, with most areas rising at 20-200 m above sea level. Although milder P/7egeo37(l)(01.III.2009):2 than in most other parts of Romania, the climate is still temperate Continental with an average temperature of about 10.6-1 1°C in the north and above 1 1°C in the South (Rakosy & Székely 1996, Rakosy & Wieser 2000, Székely 2006). Dobrogea is one of the driest regions of Romania, with average rainfall values of about 450 mm/year in the Macin Mountains (Rakosy & Wieser 2000), 330-440 mm/year in the Danube Delta (Székely 2006) and 350-400 mm/year in Southern Dobrogea (Rakosy & Székely 1996). Depending on the year, these values might sometimes substantially increase (up to 600 mm/year in the Macin Mountains) (Rakosy & Wieser 2000) or decrease (less than 150 mm/year in parts of the Danube Delta and less than 200 mm/year in Southern Dobrogea) (Rakosy & Székely 1996, Székely 2006). Fig. 1.- General map of Romania and its historical regions, indicating the position of the Romanian and Bulgarian parts of Dobrogea. Black dots - Locations outside Dobrogea discussed in the paper. Letters refer to the localities in table 1 . The most notable geographic formations in Dobrogea are the Danube Delta and the Macin Mountains, both lying in the northem part of the province (Fig. 2). While the Danube Delta represents the youngest Romanian territory (8.000- 10.000 years old), the Macin Mountains were formed during the Flercinic orogenesis (about 350 million years ago) and are some of the oldest mountains in Europe. 37 (1) (01.111.2009): 3 Fig. 2 - Map of the Romanian part of Dobrogea indicating the loealities discussed in this paper. Niimbers refer to the loealities in table 1. Belonging to the stepic eco-region, Dobrogea harbours a particular flora and fauna with many elements that are unique for Romania and even Europe. Rakosy & Wieser (2000) referred to Macin Mountains as to a veritable bridge between Central Europe, the Balkans, Asia Minor and the Russian steppe. Given its geographic position and species composition, we would extend this affirmation to the entire Dobrogea. Of particular biogeographical interest are the Russian steppe elements or the pontic elements from Asia Minor that reach Dobrogea and in many cases do not infiltrate deeper into Western Europe. As a consequence of its particular flora and fauna, several parts of Dobrogea are now declared nature reserves, including a national Park (Macin Mountains) /^/7egea37(l)(01.III.2009): 4 and a biosphere reserve comprising the seeond largest delta in Europe (the Danube Delta). Especially since the beginning of the last century, Dobrogea has been studied by many seientists who foeused on various taxonomical groups, including the Eepidoptera. The first data on the Lepidoptera of Dobrogea eome from Josef Mann (1866) who eolleeted interesting material in the northem part of the province. Since then, many entomologists studied various parts of Dobrogea and their publications pointed out the uniqueness of the species assemblages occurring in many parts of this region. Among the most active lepidopterists in the region we mention: A. Ostrogovich, A. Caradja, A. Popescu-Gorj, I. Draghia, E. Niculescu, F. König, M. Skolka, D. Ru§ti, M. Stanescu, C. Bere, M. Goia, Z. Kovacs & S. Kovacs, L. Rakosy, E. Székely, etc. As a result, many Lepidoptera were reported for the first time in Romania based on material eolleeted in Dobrogea, among which several Rhopalocera such as Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin 1913, Zerynthia (AUancastria) cerisyi ferdinandi Stichel 1907, Euchloe ausonia taurica Röber, [1907], Tomares nogelii dobrogensis Caradja, 1895, Pseudophilotes bavius egea Elerrich-Schaffer, 1852, Melitaea punica telona Fruhstorfer, 1908, Hipparchia volgensis delattini Kudma, 1975. Three recent major studies summarize most of the Lepidoptera data previously published about Dobrogea, while adding original data: Rakosy & Székely (1996), Rakosy & Wieser (2000) and Székely (2006). Nevertheless, the fauna of Dobrogea is still not sufficiently studied from a lepidopterological point of view as fairly large areas were never visited by lepidopterists and many of the old records conceming a good number of taxa have never been confinned. The records of Mann (1866) provide one of the best examples because many of them were never confirmed since then, including the following species: Parnassius apoUo (Linnaeus, 1758), Hamearis lucina (Linnaeus, 1758), Lycaena tityriis (Poda, 1761), Lycaena alciphron (Rottemburg, 1775), Lycaena hippothoe (Linnaeus, 1761), Cupido osiris (Meigen, 1829), Eumedonia eumedon (Esper, 1780), Aricia (Ultraaricia) anteros (Freyer, 1838), Cyaniris semiargus (Rottemburg, 1775), Polyommatus {Plebicula) dorylas ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775), Limenitis reducta Staudinger, 1901, Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771), Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus, 1767), Erebia aethiops (Esper, 1777), Erebia medusa ([Denis & Schiffemiüller], 1775), etc. The aim of this study is to improve the knowledge on the Rhopalocera fauna of Dobrogea and neighbouring areas by adding original data on the distribution, ecology and conservation status for several taxa that are poorly known from these regions. P/7egea37(l)(01.III.2009); 5 Table 1. Studied localities of Dobrogea and neighbouring areas (numbers correspond to the localities in figure 2; letters correspond to the localities in figure 1). Symbol Locality Alt. (m) County Comments 1 2 km E of Smardan 5 Tulcea 2 Greci (Morsu Valley-Saua Tu(uiatului) 150-220 Tulcea W Macin Mountains National Park 3 Nifon (Macin Mts.) 130 Tulcea E Macin Mountains National Park 4 Cerna 80-120 Tulcea SW Macin Mountains National Park 5 3 Km E of Slava Rusa (Babadag forest) 130 Tulcea Protected area of Babadag forest 6 10 Km S of Babadag (Babadag forest) 115 Tulcea Protected area of Babadag forest 7 Gura Dobrogei 40-80 Constan(a Protected area 8 Canaraua Fetei (Baneasa) 20-90 Constan(a Protected area 9 Esechioi forest 130 Constan(a Protected area Z ca. 9 km E Zorleni 240 Vaslui O Oancea 10 Gala(i G Garboavele forest 90 Galap Protected area Discussion Zerynthia polyxena ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Material. > 20 last instar larvae, Canaraua Fetei (Constanfa county), The species was recently rediscovered in Dobrogea after 80 years and reported for the first time from the southem part of the province, where it is sympatric with Zerynthia (Allancastria) cerisyi ferdinandi Stichel, 1907 (Dinca & Vila 2008). The record was based on larvae found feeding on Aristolochia clematitis. In order to eliminate any possible confusion with larvae of Z. cerisyi ferdinandi, the Identification was confirmed by DNA-based identification. Nevertheless, given the low number of larvae observed (five) and the uniqueness of the record, it was not possible to prove whether in Canaraua Fetei there is a more or less stable population or only an isolated case of ovoposition by a vagrant female (Dinca & Vila 2008). On the of June 2008, in Canaraua Fetei (Fig. 3), we found more than 20 last instar larvae of Z. polyxena feeding on A. clematitis. Some of the larvae were found on exactly the same group of A. clematitis as the ones recorded in 2007, while an even larger group was on a different but nearby patch of plants. AU 12 collected larvae pupated successfully and are currently alive (adults should emerge in spring 2009). It is worth mentioning that, although A. clematitis is very well represented on different parcels in Canaraua Fetei, many other groups of A. clematitis were inspected without results. Thus, the larvae of Z. polyxena seem to be very localized and fairly difficult to fmd unless a thorough search is done. 37(1) (01.111.2009): 6 With these new data, Z. polyxena can be considered a resident in Canaraua Fetei, flying at the same site as Z. cerisyi, but most likely about a month earlier. No larvae of Z. cerisyi were found on the same date, as this species flies between the second week of May and first days of June (Rakosy & Székely 1996). Euchloe aiisonia (Hübner, [1803]) Material. 1 specimen, ca. 10 km S of Babadag locality (Babadag forest, Tulcea county),; 5 specimens, Gura Dobrogei (Constanta county),; 1 specimen, Esechioi forest (Constan|a county), In July 1954 it was collected for the First time in the Romanian part of Dobrogea (one female) from Niculifel (northem Dobrogea) (Niculescu 1963), and a few years later from Canaraua Fetei (SW Dobrogea) (Popescu-Gorj 1959). The species is currently known in Romania only from Dobrogea: Southern Dobrogea: Canaraua Fetei (Popescu-Gorj 1959, Rakosy & Székely 1996, Dinca & Vila 2008), Oltina, Comorova (Popescu-Gorj & Draghia 1967), Hagieni (Popescu-Gorj & Draghia 1964, Popescu-Gorj & Draghia 1967, Skolka 1994, Balint & Székely 1995, Rakosy & Székely 1996), Fantani|a (Skolka 1994); Northern Dobrogea: Niculi(el (Niculescu 1963). The specimen collected by us in Babadag forest represents the second record of this species in northem Dobrogea after 54 years. Moreover, we found the species to be fairly common in central Dobrogea (Gura Dobrogei), from where there are no previous records. Esechioi forest also represents a new locality for E. ausonia in southem Dobrogea. It is worth mentioning that certain authors (Niculescu 1963, Popescu-Gorj & Draghia 1964, Skolka 1994) cited the species from Tulcea (northem Dobrogea), based on the record of Mann (1866). Mann cited "'Antocharis Beha Esp.” and it is unclear if he referred to Anthocharis euphenoides (Staudinger, 1869), a western Mediterranean species unlikely to be present in Dobrogea, or to E. ausonia. As a matter of fact, in older literature the complex ausonia-crameri was sometimes cited as Papilio beha Cramer [1782] (Rakosy et al. 2003) or as Euchloe belia gigantea Caradja, 1931 (Popescu-Gorj & Draghia 1964). This species prefers open areas (often rather ruderal) and is a fast flyer with considerable dispersion ability, so that it is likely to be more widespread at least in Dobrogea. Although listed as endangered by Rakosy (2003), with the new available data on its distribution and abundance, we consider it vulnerable at national level. Lycaena tityms (Poda, 1761) Material. \S, 1$, Canaraua Fetei (Constanfa eounty), 25-26. ix. 2006; > 20 specimens observed, Canaraua Fetei (Constanta county), 30.ix-2.x.2007; 5(7, Fsechioi Forest (Constanta county), Lycaena tityrus is a fairly widespread and common species in Romania, being recorded from all the country’ s historical regions (Rakosy et al. 2003). Nevertheless, the butterfly has been recorded from Dobrogea (northem part) P/7egefl37(l)(01.m.2009): 7 only by Mann (1866) who cites it as "Polyommatus Dorilis Hufn.". Mann mentions he found the species to be relatively common in May and July, without indicating exact localities. Lycaena tityrus was later collected by Ostrogovich from Balchik (end of July 1928) (Popescu-Gorj 1964), in the Bulgarian part of Dobrogea. The presence of this species in Dobrogea was considered as requiring reconfirmation (Skolka 1994). During the autumns of 2006 and 2007, we encountered the species in Canaraua Fetei, the butterfly being particularly abundant at the end of September 2007. These observations, together with the specimens collected at Esechioi forest (Fig. 4), represent the First records for the south of Dobrogea, and the second citation from the entire province after 142 years. Tomares nogelii (Herrich-Schaffer, 1851) An extremely local species considered as critically endangered in Romania (Rakosy 2003). According to some authors (Tolman & Lewington 1997, Rakosy & Wieser 2000, Rakosy et al. 2003), in Romania it is represented by the subspecies dobrogensis Caradja, 1895, while other authors (Van Oorschot & Wagener 2000, Tshikolovets 2003) list it under the nominotypical subspecies. Tomares nogelii was recorded for the First time in Romania by Mann (1866) from the surroundings of Tulcea (northem Dobrogea). A few more specimens were found in the same area during the 1970’s (Van Oorschot & Wagener 2000). The species was also known to survive near Galap (Garboavele forest, south- eastem Moldavia), from where it has been collected by several lepidopterists such as F. König (Stanescu 1995) and V. Olaru (Marcu & Rakosy 2002). Nevertheless, since the late 80 ’s, the species has apparently vanished from both Garboavele forest and the surroundings of Tulcea. The very local character of T. nogelii is mainly related to its larval food plant, Astragalus pontieus (Fabaceae). This plant is rare and localized in Romania, being almost exclusively recorded from the south-eastem part of Romania (south-eastem Moldavia, Dobrogea and south-eastem Muntenia) rrom z to of June 2008, we undertook Field research in an attempt to Fmd T. nogelii in south-eastem Romania. We directed our attention to already known or potential areas for A. pontieus: Moldavia - surroundings of Zorleni (Vaslui county), Buciumeni forest (Bacau county), Oancea (Pmt river banks, Galap county), Garboavele forest (Galap county); Dobrogea - parts of Macin mountains and their surroundings, Smardan (Danube river banks), Babadag forest, and Gura Dobrogei. We found A. pontieus in two already known locations, namely Garboavele and Babadag forests. The plant was poorly represented in Babadag (3-4 individuals). At Garboavele forest, the historical site for T. nogelii, we counted about 15 plants gathered in 3 small groups (Fig. 5). Although the moment was correct according to the known phenology of T. nogelii (end of May - first half of June) and the plants had several buds ready to open, we couldn’t observe any adult or larvae. PhegeaZl 8 The causes for the decline of T. nogelii in Romania are not clear, but at least the following factors might have played a significant role: - The Romanian populations lie at the western limit of the species’ range in Eiirope. - Although representing a Natiira 2000 site, large parts of Garboavele forest look fairly disturbed as consequence of weekend tourism, uncontrolled grazing and lack of proper management. The ecotone habitats near the forest borders are either inexistent (agricultural fields finishing under the trees), or are invaded by ruderal vegetation such as Urtica and Cannabis. Many parts are also overgrown by Robinia trees. - Overcollecting possibly also played a role by weakening the very local populations. An example is the 80 specimens (62cJ and 185) collected by only one lepidopterist (V. Olaru) at Garboavele forest during three consecutive years (1970-1972) (Marcu & Rakosy 2002). Another interesting phenomenon is the apparently temporary occurrence of A. ponticus in certain areas. In August 2007, we identified numerous healthy plants near Smardan (Tulcea county), at about 10 m from the Danube’s shores. Visiting the same place in the beginning of June 2008, we had the surprise to see that none of these plants survived there, the area being overgrown by very tall weeds. This might be due to the fact that the Danube’s shores are often flooded, so that the local vegetation is often represented by opportunistic species with ephemeral existence. Given the very local character of the plant, it is not impossible that isolated colonies of T. nogelii might still survive in the country. More directed studies are necessary in order to clarify the status of both T. nogelii and A. ponticus in the country. Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767) & Leptotes pirithous (Linnaeus, 1767) Material. Lampides boeticus. > 10 specimens, Nifon (Tulcea county), 2.viii.2007; 3 specimens, Smardan (Tulcea county), 3.viii.2007. Leptotes pirithous. 1$, 2$, Canaraua Fetei (Constan(a county), 24-27. ix. 2006; > 500 specimens observed, Canaraua Fetei (Constan(a county), 30.ix-2.x.2007; 2 specimens, Smardan (Tulcea county), 3.viii.2007; 1(5', Periprava (Danube Delta, Tulcea county), 24.viii.2007; > 10 specimens, Ra§ova (Constanfa county), 3.x. 2007. Both species are considered as migrants in Romania (Rakosy 2003), where they have been cited sporadically and in low numbers, especially from the south of the country (e.g. Mann 1866, Popescu-Gorj et al. 1972, König 1975, Ru^ti 1993, Skolka 1994, Stanescu 1995, Rakosy & Székely 1996, Székely 2005). Nifon and Smardan represent two new localities for L. boeticus in northern Dobrogea. Moreover, L. boeticus was fairly abundant near Nifon and we observed several other specimens (males and females) besides the ones collected. Smardan and Ra^ova represent two new localities for L. pirithous in Dobrogea, while from Canaraua Fetei, we record the species for the second time. P/regeo 37(1) (01.111.2009): 9 after having previously been mentioned based on one male collected in August 1992 (Rakosy & Székely 1996). It is unclear if the high numbers of L. pirithous observed in Canaraua Fetei at the end of September 2007 (more than 500 specimens) represent a massive autumn migration, or are the offspring of summer migrants. Cupido (Everes) argiades (Pallas, 1771) Material. \S (several other specimens observed), Nifon (Tulcea county), 2.viii.2007; \S, 1?, Canaraua Fetei (Constanfa county), In contrast to the high abundance and wide distribution of C argiades in Romania (Rakosy et al. 2003), this species is rare and local in Dobrogea. Mann (1866) is the first who mentioned the species from northem Dobrogea, without providing locality details. The second citation was again from northem Dobrogea {iS collected on 19th of May 1917 in Babadag) (Fiebig 1927). Later on, C argiades was recollected in Dobrogea only in 1993, this time from the South of the province (Ic? taken on 12th of May in Canaraua Fetei) (Rakosy & Székely 1996). Three more localities from northem Dobrogea were a few years later added by Rakosy & Wieser (2000), who reported the species as fairly common during July and beginning of August in Greci, Horia and Turcoaia (all in Tulcea county). Therefore, Nifon represents the fifth known locality for C. argiades in northem Dobrogea, while the record from Canaraua Fetei confirms the presence of this species (Fig. 6) in southem Dobrogea, from where it was known only based on the male reported by Rakosy & Székely (1996). Brenthis daphne (Bergstrasser, 1780) Material. 1 specimen, Canaraua Fetei (Constan|a county),; 3 specimens, Canaraua Fetei (Constanla county), This species is fairly widespread and locally abundant in the western, central and northem parts of Romania (Rakosy et al. 2003). Nevertheless, it seems to be very rare and local in Dobrogea from where it was recorded for the first time by Mann (1866) based on a male collected in the northem part of the province ("Marcosch", July 1865). Later it was reported by Fiebig (1927) from Babadag (in June 1917). Although collected in 1931 by Ostrogovich from the Bulgarian part of Dobrogea (Balchik) (Popescu-Gorj 1964), B. daphne was only again collected in the Romanian part of Dobrogea in 1993 (four specimens taken at the end of June in Canaraua Fetei, southem Dobrogea) (Rakosy & Székely 1996). In May 1994, one male was collected in Babadag forest (Skolka 1994) and between 1995- 1999 was found in Greci (Macin Mts.) and Horia (at both locations rare during June) (Rakosy & Wieser 2000). Therefore, the four specimens collected by us in Canaraua Fetei represent the second mention of B. daphne in southem Dobrogea and confirm the presence of this species near the Bulgarian border. Phegea 37 (1) (01.IIL2009): 10 Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775) Material. 1 specimen, 3 km E of Slava Rusa (Babadag forest, Tulcea county), 30. vi. 2008. Usually associated to damp meadows, B. ino has a fragmented distribution across the country’ s territory. In Dobrogea the species is particularly rare and it is currently known only from the northem part of the province. The first records from northem Dobrogea belong to Mann (1866) who reported B. ino from the surroundings of Ciucurova (Tulcea county). The presence of this species in Dobrogea was confirmed only in 1993, based on a male collected at the end of June in Babadag forest (Tulcea county) (Skolka 1994). The third and latest record of B. ino from Dobrogea belongs to Rakosy & Wieser (2000), who reported the butterfly from Horia (Tulcea county) as common during June. The specimen collected by us at 3 km E of Slava Rusa represents the second record of B. ino from Babadag forest and the fourth record in all Dobrogea. Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Material. 1 specimen, Cerna (Tulcea county),; 2 specimens, 3 km E of Slava Rusa (Babadag forest, Tulcea county), (1 specimen), (1 specimen); Although it is fairly widespread in Transylvania and Banat, B. hecate is generally scarce in the south of the country, especially in Dobrogea. Mann (1866) reported the butterfly as common at Ciucurova and in the surroundings of Tulcea city (Tulcea county). After Mann’s records, B. hecate was rediscovered in Dobrogea in 1999, based on two specimens collected at the beginning of June at Horia (Rakosy & Wieser 2000). The three specimens collected by us from Cema and Slava Rusa (Fig. 7) add two new localities to the previous three known from Dobrogea. Eiiphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) Material. 1(7, 1$, Canaraua Fetei (Constan(a county), 25. vi. 1993; 2(7, Canaraua Fetei (Constan(a county),,1995. Although recorded from all Romania’s historical regions (Rakosy et al. 2003), E. maturna is a very localized species which is occasionally abundant in suitable habitats. In Dobrogea the species is known based on three very old records coming from the northem part of the province: Mann (1866) mentioned the species from the forested areas around Teli|a (end of May) and Ciucurova (beginning of June) (both in Tulcea county), while Fiebig (1927) mentioned it from Babadag {\S on 5^*^ of June 1917). In addition to these data, in the Catalogue of the Romanian Fepidoptera (Rakosy et al. 2003), E. maturna was listed as recorded recently from Dobrogea (after 1980), without further details. Our records from Canaraua Fetei represent the first record of E. maturna from Southern Dobrogea and the fourth locality known in the entire province. It is worth mentioning that E. maturna is known to be present in the Bulgarian part of Dobrogea, in the area of Suha Reka (Abadjiev & Beshkov 2007). This is a more than 62.000 ha sylvo-stepic and karstic mosaic that is in fact the Southern continuation of Canaraua Fetei, formed in the dry valley of Suha river. 37 (1) (01.111.2009): 11 Fig. 3 - The protected area of Canaraua Fetei (, one of the butterfly diversity hotspots in Southern Dobrogea, Romania (photo V. Dinca). Fig. 4- Male of Lycaena tityrus, Romania, Esechioi forest, 29. vi. 2008 (photo V. Dinca). Fig. 5 Astragahis ponticus, Romania, Garboavele forest, (photo V. Dinca). Fig. 6.- Female of Cupido (Everes) argiades, Romania, Canaraua Fetei (photo V. Dinca). Fig. 7.- Breuthis hecate, Romania, 3 Km E from Slava Rusa (Babadag forest), (photo V. Dinca). Fig. 8.- Flabitat of Hipparchia syriaca near Greci village (Romania, Macin Mountains National Park), l.vii.2008 (photo V. Dinca). 37 (1) (01.111.2009): 12 Suha Reka is considered to shelter the largest populations of E. matiirna in Bulgaria (Abadjiev & Beshkov 2007) and it is rather surprising that the butterfly is so sporadie in the Romanian part (Canaraua Fetei). Mark-recapture studies have shown that, at least in patehy habitat areas, E. maturna displays low mobility levels, but displays a certain tendeney of dispersing into new patehes given proper conneetivity (Wahlberg et al. 2002, Cizek & Konvieka 2005). On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that Canaraua Fetei together with Suha Reka represent some of the south-eastemmost areas of occun'ence for E. maturna in Europe (see Kudma 2002). Further studies are needed in order to asses the status of E. maturna in the area of Canaraua Fetei and the population stmcture and dynamics in the whole area of Suha Reka. Moreover, as E. maturna is proteeted by law in Romania (see Rakosy 2006) and is eonsidered as vulnerable at national level (Rakosy 2003), detailed information on its distribution and conservation status in the eountry is urgently needed. In this context, the (probable) population from the proteeted area of Canaraua Fetei, being one of the southemmost occurring in Romania and in Europe, is of particular interest. We also find worth mentioning a previously unknown population discovered by the authors in the eastem part of Romania (Moldavia), at about 20 km from the border with the Republic of Moldavia. Several adults of E. maturna were observed flying in clearings along the forest border on 2"^ of June 2008 in an area situated at about 9 km east of Zorleni (Vaslui county) (Fig. 1). Nepüs sappho (Pallas, 1771) Material. 2$ (> 10 specimens observed), Canaraua Fetei (Constanta county), 26. ix. 2004; 8-10 specimens observed, Canaraua Fetei (Constan|a county), 24-27. ix. 2006; 8-10 specimens observed, Canaraua Fetei (Constanla county), 30.ix-2.x.2007. While N. sappho is generally well represented in most parts of Romania (Rakosy et al. 2003), from Dobrogea it has been recorded only by Mann (1866), who mentioned the butterfly from Teli(a and Tulcea (both in Tulcea county). Our fmdings from Canaraua Fetei confirm the presence of N. sappho in Dobrogea and represent the First record of this species from the southem part of the province. On the other hand, the late dates on which the specimens were observed at Canaraua Fetei are unusual. Some of the adults observed during three different years in Canaraua Fetei at the very end of September were relatively fresh (especially the females), while others were more obviously wom out. Most authors state that in Europe the second brood of N. sappho ends in August (Tolman & Lewington 1997, Pamperis 1997, Lafranchis 2004, Kolev 2008), or in September (Higgins & Riley 1970, Benes et al. 2002, Slamka 2004, Abadjiev 1995). Nevertheless, at least in some parts of Europe such as eastem Austria, adults of N. sappho have been observed flying until October, as a consequence of a prolonged second brood (Jutzeler et al. 2000). Niculescu (1965), referring to the general phenology of this butterfly, mentioned that its second brood covers the interval July-October. Thus, the most likely hypothesis 37 (1) (01.111.2009): 13 is that the specimens we observed at the end of September might belong to a very prolonged second brood. This might happen as a consequence of late ovopositions by females of the first brood, combined with favourable regional climatic conditions. Apatura metis Freyer, 1829 Material. 6S, 2$, 2 km E of Smardan (Tulcea county), 3.viii.2007. In Romania, the distribution of A. metis, fomierly considered a subspecies of Apatura ilia ([Denis & Schiffemiüller], 1775) (Niculescu 1965), follows mainly the Danube, including the delta. Although in Europe A. metis is considered a bivoltine species (Tolman & Lewington 1997, Tshikolovets 2003, Lafranchis 2004, Slamka 2004), its voltinism in Romania is controversial. Niculescu (1965) mentioned that A. metis is bivoltine (June, August) across all its Romanian distribution. Rakosy & Székely (1996) considered it as univoltine (June-July) in Southern Dobrogea and bivoltine in the Danube Delta and the flooded areas of the Danube. Székely (2006) reported it as occasionally developing a partial second brood (August) in the Danube Delta. Dinca & Vila (2008) recorded the species from Southern Dobrogea (Canaraua Fetei) on the 22"^^ of May 2007 and suggested that A. metis has two broods in Southern Dobrogea, similarly to the populations from the north of the province. Near Smardan the species seems to develop a vigorous population as, besides the collected specimens, we could observe several others flying in the canopy of the Salix flooded forests. With the exception of one female, all the specimens we collected were fresh, indicating that the species was at the peak of the flight period at the beginning of August. These data suggest that A. metis is bivoltine in Romania, flying probably between end of May - beginning of July and end of July-August, although partial overlaps between the two broods are not excluded. Kirinia roxelana (Cramer, 1777) Material. 1 $ observed, Esechioi forest (Constanfa county), 29. vi. 2008. Kirinia roxelana is classically known from the extreme south-west of Romania (a few areas around the Danube and Cema Mountains) (Rakosy & Neumann 1997, Rakosy & Wieser 2000). In Dobrogea, the species was discovered recently and it is known from only two locations: (1) The forested area around Horia (Tulcea county), from where Rakosy & Wieser (2000) mentioned two females found the 24th of July 1998. (2) The Esechioi forest (Constan|a county), from where the species was recorded by Dinca (2005) based on several males and females collected in June and July 2001. The 29^^ of June 2008 we spent several hours in Esechioi forest trying to fmd specimens of K. roxelana and one female was observed resting on a Quercus trunk, at about three meters from the ground. Although rare and localized, the species is likely to be more widespread in Dobrogea and in several other parts from Southern Romania. Several areas of P/?egé?ö37(l)(01.III.2009): 14 Dobrogea are very similar to Esechioi forest and therefore may represent suitable habitats for K. roxelana. The butterfly may have been overlooked in such places because of its almost exclusive presence within the forest. As few butterfly species can be found in such areas, these were probably not well researched for Rhopalocera. Kirinia roxelana seems to reach its northem Balkanic distribution limit in the South of Romania, with the northemmost locality at Horia (northem Dobrogea) (Rakosy & Wieser 2000). The records from neighbouring Ukraine were recently considered as requiring confinnation (Tshikolovets 2005). Hipparchia syriaca (Staudinger, 1871) Material. 5S, 10 km S of Babadag locality (Babadag forest, Tulcea county), 30. vi. 2008, prep. genit. 677-679/Dinca; 30(5', 8$ (> 300 observed specimens), Greci-Morsu Valley to Sana Tutuiatului (Macin Mts., Tulcea county), l.vii.2008, prep. genit. 670-674, 680-683/Dinca. This species is known in Romania only from southem Banat and northem Dobrogea (Rakosy & Wieser 2000, Rakosy et al. 2003). In both regions the butterfly is considered to be data deficiënt (Rakosy 2003). In Dobrogea, H. syriaca is known from the area of Macin Mountains (Greci and Horia), where it was reported as common in the dry rocky areas of the mountain (Rakosy & Wieser 2000). The specimens collected by us at Babadag forest represent the third known locality for H. syriaca in Dobrogea and the southemmost record of this species in the region. The collecting site from Babadag is located at about 30 km south- east from Horia and at about 50 km south-east from Macin Mountains (Fig. 2). On the other hand, we found the species to be extremely abundant in Macin Mountains, near Greci village, following the path through Morsu Valley until reaching Saua Tupiiatului. This area has a pronounced sylvo-stepic character, with sparse Quercus trees on a rocky (granite) substratum (Fig. 8). The butterflies manifested an identical behaviour to Hipparchia fagi (Scopoli, 1763), as they were often resting on the Quercus tree trunks (more rarely on the ground or rocky slopes) and it was common to see several specimens resting on the same tree. Hipparchia syriaca is difficult to separate from H. fagi based on wing characters alone. Nevertheless, it can be easily identified through genitalia examination, especially based on the morphology of the Jullien organ, which has two wide lamellae each hearing 7-8 sclerified flat batons (Fig. 9). By comparison, the Jullien organ of H. fagi displays narrower lamellae, each hearing 3-5 slender batons (Fig. 10). It is interesting that H. fagi was also reported from various parts of Dobrogea (e.g. Mann 1866, Skolka 1994), including the Babadag forest (Fiebig 1927, Skolka 1994) and Macin Mountains (Rakosy & Wieser 2000). The two species might be sympatric in some areas of Dobrogea as this phenomenon was reported for example from parts of the Balkans (e.g. Bulgaria - Abadjiev 1993, Kolev 2008). Yet, the relationship between H. syriaca and H. fagi in Dobrogea is very P/7é’gé'a37(l)(01.III.2009): 15 poorly known, as it is not clear how many of the records of H. fagi from this province were based on genitalia examination. 1 mm Fig. 9- Jullien organ of male Hipparchia syriaca, ca. 10 km S from Babadag locality (Babadag forest, Tulcea county), 30. vi. 2008. Prep. genit. no. 678/Dinca. 1 mm Fig. 10.- Right lamella of the Jullien organ of male Hipparchia fagi, surroundings of Dobraia (Cara^-Severin county), 30.vii.2007. Prep. genit. no. 669/Dinca. Hipparchia syriaca might be more widespread in the Southern parts of Romania, biit its extemal similarity to H. fagi might have strongly limited the availability of reliable data conceming its general distribution in Romania. With the current data, it seems that H. syriaca reaches its northem Balkanic range limit in the north of Dobrogea (Macin Mountains) (see also Kudrna 2002). Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin, 1913 & C. floccifera (Zeiler, 1847) Material. Carcharodus orientalis. 1(5', 2 km E Smardan (Tulcea county), 3.viii.2007, prep. genit. 505/Dinca; 6(5', Garboavele forest (Galap county),, prep. genit. 634-636, 648, 649, 654/Dinca; 1(5', Oancea (Galap county),, prep. genit. 645/Dinca; 1(5', 3 km NE Slava Rusa (Babadag forest, Tulcea county),, prep. genit. 653/Dinca; 5(5', Gura Dobrogei (Constan(a county),, prep. genit. 650-652, 666, 702/Dinca. Carcharodus floccifera. 3(5', Canaraua Fetei (Constan(a county), 24. ix. 2006 (1 specimen, prep. genit. 684/Dinca); 22. v. 2007 (1 specimen, prep. genit. 448/Dinca); (1 specimen, prep. genit. 646/Dinca). Species recently recorded in Romania (Rakosy & Varga 2001) based on material collected in various localities from Southern and northem Dobrogea, including the Danube Delta. The distribution of C. orientalis is very poorly known as the species is extemally very similar to C. floccifera and reliable 37 (1) (01.111.2009): 16 identification requires genitalia examination. The following are the properly documented records for this species in Romania: - Southern Dobrogea - Canaraua Fetei, Hagieni (Rakosy & Varga 2001), Dumbraveni (Dinca & Vila 2008); - Northern Dobrogea - Turcoaia and Floria (Rakosy & Varga 2001), Tulcea (Rakosy & Varga 2001), Greci (Rakosy & Varga 2001, Dinca & Vila 2008), Babadag (Dinca & Vila 2008); - Danube Delta - Maliuc, Letea, Caraorman (Rakosy & Varga 2001 ). During the last years, the authors collected several specimens of the Carcharodus floccifera / oriënt alis group from several localities in Dobrogea and Southern Moldavia (Figs. 1, 2). After genitalia examination, the specimens proved to belong to C orientalis. The records from Oancea and Garboavele forest (both in Gala(i county, SE Moldavia) represent the First certain records of C. orientalis outside Dobrogea (Figs. 1,11, 12). Moreover, Oancea lies on the western shore of Prut river, exactly on the border between the Romanian historical region of Moldavia and the Republic of Moldavia. Because the species flies on the western side of the river and identical habitats are present on the eastem side, we consider very likely that C. orientalis is also present in the Republic of Moldavia, a country which has barely been studied (Kudma 2002, Tshikolovets 2003). One new locality is also reported for northem Dobrogea (Smardan), while Gura Dobrogei represents the First record of C. orientalis from the central part of Dobrogea. On the other hand, it was not clear if both C. orientalis and C. floecifera are present in Dobrogea, as previous records of the latter (before 2001, when C. orientalis was not known from Romania) (e.g. Skolka 1994, Stanescu 1997) might very well refer in reality to C. orientalis. The three specimens collected by us in Canaraua Fetei, belong to C. floeeif era (Fig. 13) and prove the presence of C. floceifera in Dobrogea. Moreover, because Rakosy & Varga (2001) mention C. orientalis from Canaraua Fetei, this might represent the first known Romanian locality where the species are sympatric. This phenomenon was reported, for example, from Greece, where C. floceifera and C. orientalis cohabitate between 1700-1800 m (Lafranchis 2003). A rather unusual aspect is that in Canaraua Fetei C. floecifera flies at very low altitude (20 m). This species usually flies in Romania in hilly and mountainous areas, preferring stream banks and more or less damp meadows. According to our observations, the adults of C. orientalis usually fly along dust roads in the vicinity of forest or shrub areas (Babadag, Garboavele, Gura Dobrogei, Canaraua Fetei, Dumbraveni) but also in the vicinity of rivers where they prefer the areas along temporarily flooded ditches (Oancea, Smardan). As already stated by Rakosy & Varga (2001), we consider that C. orientalis might be present in several other parts of Romania, especially south of the Carpathians, but also in stepic parts of Transylvania. P/?egefl37(l)(01.III.2009): 17 Fig. 1 1- Lateral view of male genitalia of Carcharodiis orientalis, Romania, Oancea, Prep. genit. 645/Dinca. 1 mm Fig. 12.- Lateral view of male genitalia of Carcharodus orientalis, Romania, Garboavele forest, Prep. genit. 648/Dinca. Fig. 13.- Lateral view of male genitalia of Carcharodus floccifera, Romania, Canaraua Fetei, Prep. genit. 646/Dinea. P/?egea37(l)(01.III.2009): 18 Carcharodus orientalis is listed as vulnerable in the Red List of the Romanian Rhopalocera (Rakosy 2003). The butterfly is often an inhabitant of rather ruderal habitats and seems to be eapable of surviving in fairly disturbed areas. lts high eeologieal plastieity was also reported in other studies (see Lafranchis 2003). Given the eurrent data on its distribution and eeology in Dobrogea and Southern Moldavia, it seems to have a fairly large potential distribution in Romania. Therefore, we eonsider it near threatened in Dobrogea and data defieient at national level. Conclusions - Lycaena tityrus and Neptis sappho are rediseovered in Dobrogea after 142 years. Together with Euphydryas maturna, these speeies are also reported for the fïrst time from the Southern part of Dobrogea. - A well established population of Zerynthia polyxena is eonfirmed for Dobrogea based on larvae eneountered in the Southern part of the provinee (Canaraua Fetei) for two consecutive years. - Euchloe ausonia is recorded for the first time from northern Dobrogea after 54 years, while we provide the third to fifth reeord in the entire provinee for several speeies {Cupido (Everes) argiades, Brenthis daphue, Brenthis ino, Brenthis hecate, and Hipparchia syriaca). - Based on published and original data, it is eoncluded that Apatura metis is likely to develop two broods in Dobrogea. - Lampides boeticus and Leptotes pihthous, whieh are rare migrants in Romania, are reported from several localities in Dobrogea. The latter was found to be particularly abundant in Southern Dobrogea (Canaraua Fetei) during the autumn of 2007. - The knowledge on the distribution of Carcharodus orientalis in Romania is improved with new localities from Dobrogea and its range extended to neighbouring Moldavia. - The capture of several specimens of Carcharodus floccifera in Canaraua Fetei (southem Dobrogea) determined by genitalia confirms the presence of this species in the provinee. Since C. orientalis has also been reported in this locality, it is possible that both species occur sympatrically in Canaraua Fetei. - The value of some protected areas from Dobrogea (Macin Mountains, Babadag forest, Gura Dobrogei, Canaraua Fetei, Esechioi forest, etc.) is highlighted and increased by the discovery of rare and local species at regional and national level. - The survival of Tomares nogelii in Romania is considered to require confirmation due to the lack of recent records and the apparent absence of the species from its main site, namely Garboavele Forest. Acknowledgements We thank Constant! Stefanescu, Santi Viader, Jordi Viader, and Ana-Maria Here§ for their help in collecting a part of the material during the summer of P/7egea37(l)(01.III.2009): 19 2008. We are grateful to Olga Dolgova for translation from Ukrainian. Support for this research was provided by the Science and Education Spanish Ministry project (CGL2007-605 16/BOS) to R. 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Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin, 1913 und Melitaea punica telona Fruhstorfer, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae, Nymphalidae) in der Fauna Rumaniens. — Entomologica Romanica 5 (2000): 45-49. Rakosy, L. & Wieser, C. 2000. Das Macin Gebirge (Rumanien, Nord-Dobrudscha). Ein durch hohe Biodiversitat gekennzeichnetes Refugium reliktarer Arten. Fauna und Flora, unter besonder Berücksichtigung der Schmetterlinge und der Vegetationsverhaltnisse. — Carinthia II, Klagenfurt. 190/110: 7-116. Rakosy, L., Goia, M. & Kovacs, Z. 2003. Catalogul Lepidopterelor Romdniei / Verzeichnis der Schmetterlinge Rumaniens. — Societatea Lepidopterologica Romana, Cluj-Napoca, 446 p. Ru§ti, D. 1993. Noutaji faunistice din Dobrogea (Insecta: Lepidoptera). — Bul. inf Soc. lepid. Rom., Cluj-Napoca 4(1): 17-18. Skolka, M. 1994. Date referitoare la lepidopterele din Dobrogea (Grypocera, Rhopalocera). — Bul. inf. Soc. lepid. rom. 5(3-4): 223-243. Slamka, F. 2004. Die Tagfalter Mitteleuropas. Ostlicher Teil. — Frantisek Slamka, 288 p. Stanescu, M. 1995. The catalogue of "Ludovic Beregszaszy" lepidopteran collection (Insecta: Lepidoptera). — Travaux du Musée d'Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa", Bucarest 35: 221- 346. Stanescu, M. 1997. New data conceming the Lepidoptera fauna of Southern Dobrogea (Romania). — Travaux du Musée d'Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa", Bucarest 39: 91-107. Székely, L. 2005. Nouta(i lepidopterologice din sud-estul Transilvaniei (judetul Bra§ov, Romania). — Bul. inf Entomol. 14-15 (2003-2004): 41-56. Székely, L. 2006. Lepidopterele {Fluturii) din Delta Dunarii. — Disz-Tipó, Sacele, 151 p. Tolman, T. & Lewington, R. 1997. Field Guide of the Butterfies of Britain and Europe. — Collins, London, 320 p., 104 pis. Tshikolovets, V. V. 2003. Butterfies ofEastern Europe, Urals and Caucasus. — Kyiv-Bmo, 176 p., 47 pis. Tshikolovets, V. V. 2005. The Butterflies of Ukraine. — Zbirnik Prats Zoologichnogo Muzevu, Kyiv 37: 13-62. Van Oorschot, H. & Wagener, S. 2000. Zu Tomares in der Türkei. Erganzungen und Korrekturen zu Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener, 1995: Die Tagfalter der Türkei. 3 (Lepidoptera). — Phegea 28(3): 87-117. Wahlberg, N., Klemetti, T., Selonen, V. & Manski, I. 2002. Metapopulation structure and movements in five species of checkerspot butterflies. — Oecologia 130: 33-43. Phegea 2,1 (1) (01 .111.2009): 21 A new species of the genus Holopogon from Turkey (Diptera: Asilidae) Guy Tomasovic, Guy Van de Weyer & Jos Dils Abstract. Holopogon hasbenlii sp. n. is described from Turkey and the structures of the aedeagus are illustrated. A key for the Turkish species of Holopogon is given. Samenvatting. Een nieuwe soort Holopogon uit Turkije (Diptera: Asilidae) Een nieuwe soort, Holopogon hasbenlii sp. n., wordt beschreven uit Turkije en de mannelijke genitaliën worden afgebeeld. Een sleutel voor de in Turkije voorkomende soorten uit het genus Holopogon wordt gegeven. Résumé. Une espèce nouvelle du genre Holopogon, de Turquie (Diptera; Asilidae) Une nouvelle espèce de Turquie, Holopogon hasbenlii sp. n., est décrite et les structures des genitalia males sont illustrées. Une clef pour les espèces ó! Holopogon de Turquie est présentée. Key words: Holopogon hasbenlii sp. n. - Asilidae - Turkey Tomasovic, G.: Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques, Unité d'Entomologie fonctionelle et évolutive (Prof. Haubruge), 2 Passage des Déportés, B-5030 Gembloux, Belgium. Van de Weyer, G.: Pieter Breughellaan 26, B-2840 Reet (Rumst), Belgium. Dils, J.: Krekelberg 149, B-2940 Hoevenen, Presentation All the species of the genus Holopogon Loew, 1847 are small, shiny black flies, colouring that is in relation with their ecosystem. It is an ecologically genus, well isolated by the hunting zone of the species that extends in a single layer, above the surface of grasses and shrubs. In this layer, small insects are the main food source of this small predator. Each species of Holopogon shows a preference for occupying a habitat with specific microclimate components. Actually, there are 63 species distributed in the world: 23 species in the Nearctic region, 4 in the Neotropical region, and 36 in the Palaearctic region (Geller- Grimm 2007). Lehr (1972) noted that the species of Holopogon in the fauna of the USSR are clearly recognizable by their characters of colouring, the distribution of the hairs on the body and the form of hind tibia and of the antennae. However, this is not always so easy for the species around the Mediterranean. For example, Carlos et al (2002) cite 1 1 species from Spain, where 4 species, H. binotatus Loew, 1870, H. claripennis (Loew, 1856), H. flavotibialis Strobl, 1909, and H. rugiventris Strobl, 1906, are endemic. But Geller-Grimm (2007) cites only 7 species for the same country, removing H. fumipennis (Meigen, 1820), H. nigripennis (Meigen, 1820), H. siculus (Macquart, 1834), and H. venustus (Rossi, 1790). At this moment only 4 species of the genus Holopogon are published for the Turkish fauna. Lehr (1988) cited H. albosetosus Schiner, 1867. Hayat (1993) added H. fumipennis and H. priscus (Meigen, 1820) from Erzurum and P/7é'gefl37(l)(01.1II.2009): 22 surroundings and fmally Bozak & Hradsky (2001) added H. nigropilosus Theodor, 1980 (distribution: fig. 1). Fig. 1. Distribution of the genus Holopogon in Turkey. • Holopogon hasbenlii 2 specimens x Holopogon priscus 2 specimens ■ Holopogon albosetosns 1 specimen ▼ Holopogon nigropilosus 4 specimens A Holopogon furnipennis 1 specimen In Belgium, we have just the species H. nigripennis (Meigen, 1820), which is classified as a very uncommon species and the majority of the specimens are been collected on calcareous substrate (Tomasovic 1998a, b). Holopogon hasbenlii spec. nov. (figs. 2a-c) Material: Holotype c5', Turkey, Erzurum, Gölyurt Gegidi, 23.07.2005, 2366 m, N 40°20'55" E 40°47'35", leg. J. Dils & J. Faes. Paratypes \S‘- same data as holotype, and \S, Turkey, Kars, Duranh (8 km S of Akgay), 22.07.2003, 2000 m, N 40°02'53" E 43°17’02", leg. T. & W. Garrevoet & N. Vandorpe. The holotype will be deposited in the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam (ZMA), 1 paratype in the private collection of Milan Hradsky (Czech Republic) and 1 paratype in the private collection of G. Van de Weyer (Belgium). Male. Eength 7 mm. Colour shining black. Head: Face black. Mystax with fme, long black setae reaching the antennae. Frons and ocellar tubercle with long and fme black setae. Occiput blackish, with black setae and black hairs. Antennae black, scape short with smalle, black setae, pedicel longer than scape with a ventral stron, black setae, postpedicel twice as long as scape + pedicel, arista subulate. Thorax: shining black, scutum with greyish tomentum and sparse, fme black hairs. 2 notopleurals, other setae indistinct. 8 long, fme and black scutellar bristles. Pleurae with greyish tomentum and white hairs. Eegs black with white P/7egea37(l)(01.III.2009): 23 setae. Hind femora, tibia and basitarsus thickened. Wing plate darkened, ist apical half lighter. 0,2 MM Fig. 2. Male genitalia of Holopogon hasbenlii sp. nov. a - Epandrium and proctiger, b - Gonocoxite and distisylus, c - aedeagus (by G. Tomasovic). Abdomen: shining black without tomentum, tergites with sparse, short black hairs. Stemites with long, fine white hairs. Male genitalia (Fig. 2): parts of epandrium triangular with a small notch at the end. Proctiger broad, with long straight processes, in basal region of ventral part. These processes are rounded at their tip. Gonocoxites with a long, broad, curved, ventral process and a smaller, pointed dorsal process. Dististylus Phegea31 (1) (01.III.2009): 24 long, tapering, pointed, slightly curved. Sheath of aedeagus with two large triangular processes. Apodeme short. Female. Unknown. Fig. 3. Area of the Gölyurt Gc9idi, Erzurum, Turkey, 23.07.2005 (Photo: Theo GaiTevoet). Differential diagnosis Habitus of this species looks much like H. fumipenms but it can be separated from it by the wholly black hairs of the mystax and on the scutum, by the mystax reaching the antennae and by the strong black setae on the pedicel. The stmctures of the male genitalia look like those of the clahpennis groiip, but H. hasbenUi stands out by the wholly black legs, whereas the legs of the claripennis group are bicolorous. The genitalia of H. hasbenlü are also similar to those of H. kngleri Theodor, 1980 from Israël, illustrated by Theodor (1980), but they can be separated from it by the presence of the processes at the basal region of proctiger. For the Identification key for the Palaearctic species of Holopogon we have followed Engel (1927) and Lehr (1972). The latter author also says that "the structure of the extemal sexual appendages in the male is very uniform and is not always suitable for use identification purpose". This is true because the genitalia P/;e^e^737 (l)(01.III.2009): 25 are very small and sometimes hidden by hairs or the last tergite. But if prepared, the genitalia offer good supplementary criteria for a more accurate identification. Etymology This new species is named in honour of Prof Dr. Abdullah Hasbenli, Gazi University, Ankara, for his contributions to the taxonomy of Diptera and the knowledge of the Turkish fauna. Simple key to the males of the Turkish Holopogon 1 . - Wing uniformly darkened. Mesonotum with white and black setae fumipennis Meigen - Wing colourless. Mesonotum with yellow-tipped hairs prisciis Meigen - Wing with obscure base and clear tip 2 2. - Mystax white. 2"^ segment of antennae, short and conical albosetosus Schiner - Mystax with black and yellowish hairs. 2"^ segment of antennae pear- shaped, slightly tapering nigropüosus Theodor - Mystax black. 2"*^ segment of antennae narrow and long hasbenlii sp. n. Bibliography Bosak, J. & Hrdadsky, M. 2001. Some remarks on the distribution of robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae) in Turkey). — Journal of the Entomological Research Society 3(3): 1-28. Carlos-Tolra, M. 2002. Catalogo de los Diptera de Espana, Portugal y Andorra (Insecta). — Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. Monografias SEA 8: 1-323. Engel, E. O. 1925-1930. Asilidae, Diptera. - In: Lindner, E. (ed.) Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen R.egion 4(2): 1-191. Stuttgart. Hayat, R. 1993. Erzumm ve cevre illerinde Asilidae (Diptera) türleri üzerinde faunistik ve sistematik gali§malar. — Atatürk Üniveristesi, Erzurum, Doktora Tezi: 1-109. Geller-Grimm, F. 2007. — Lehr, P. A. 1972. The robber flies of the genera Holopogon Loew and Jothopogon Becker (Diptera, Asilidae) in the fauna of the USSR. — Entomological Reviews 51(1): 99-109. Eehr, P. A. 1988. Family Asilidae. - In: Soos, A. & Papp, E. (eds.) Catalogue of Palearctic Diptera 5: 195-326. Theodor, O. 1980. Fauna Palaestina. Insecta II. Diptera: Asilidae. — The Israël Academy of Science and Humanities, Jerusalem, 446 pp. Tomasovic, G. 1998a. Recensement d' Holopogon nigripennis (Meigen, 1820) (Diptères, Asilidae) en Belgique. — Natura Mosana 50(4): 107-1 10. Tomasovic, G. 1998b. Evolution de la faune des Asilidae (Diptères Brachycères) de Belgique au cours de ce demier siècle. — Notes faunistiques de Gernbloux 35: 7-19. 37(1) (01.111.2009): 26 Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in België in 2008 (Lepidoptera) Willy De Prins Abstract. Interesting records of Lepidoptera in Belgium in 2008 (Lepidoptera) Some new province records and interesting observations are mentioned. The genera and species within them are given in alphabetical order. The nomenclature is according to Fauna Europaea ( Résumé. Observations intéressantes de Lépidoptères en Belgique en 2008 (Lepidoptera) Plusieurs données faunistiques nouvelles sont mentionnées par province, ainsi que quelques observations intéressantes. Les genres et espèces sont rangés alphabétiquement. La nomenclature suit les listes de Fauna Europaea ( Key words: Lepidoptera - faunistics - Belgium. De Prins, W.: Dorpstraat 40 IB, B-3061 Leefdaal (willy. de. prins(^ In deze vaste rubriek worden de meest interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera uit het voorbije jaar (en eventueel vorige jaren) geciteerd. Vele van de nieuwigheden in dit artikel venneld, zijn reeds gepubliceerd op de website van de Belgische Lepidoptera (De Prins & Steeman 2003-2008). De hele lijst is alfabetisch gerangschikt volgens familie-, genus- en soortnaam; zo sluit hij beter aan bij de gegevens op de website. Voor de nomenclatuur wordt de lijst van Fauna Europaea ( gevolgd. Afkortingen: AN = Antwerpen, BR = Brabant, HA = Hainaut, LG = Liège, LI = Limburg, LX = Luxembourg, NA = Namur, OV = Oost- Vlaanderen en WV = West- Vlaanderen. Acrolepiidae Acrolepia autumnitella: enkele mijnen op Solarium sp. op 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Adelidae Cauchas riijimitrella'. 30 ex. in de periode van 03 .v. 2008 tot begin juni te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Nemophora ochsenheimereUa: 1 ex. op 17.V.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Arctiidae Eilema caniola: begin mei 2008 werden de rupsen talrijk aangetroffen op verschillende plaatsen in de stad Harelbeke, leg. Y. Deboscher, det. T. Muus. Op werden 12 adulten waargenomen te Kuurne, niet zo ver van Harelbeke, leg. P. Vantieghem. Deze soort blijkt dus lokaal gewoon voor te komen in het zuidwesten van de Provincie West- Vlaanderen. Het gaat trouwens om de eerste waarneming van deze soort in Vlaanderen. Autostichidae Oegoconia caradjai. 1 ex. op 30.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phegea 37 (1) (01.111.2009): 27 Bedelliidae Bedellia somnulentella: 1 ex. op 03.viii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter; enkele mijnen op Calystegia sepium op 26. ix. 2008 te Waremme, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor LG en LI. Bucculatricidae Bucculatrix cidarella: enkele bladmijnen op Almis glutinosa op 23.x. 2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Bucculatrix demaryella: enkele bladmijnen op Betida op 08. ix. 2007 te Antoing, leg. C. Snyers et al Nieuw voor HA. Bucculatrix frangutella'. enkele bladmijnen op Frangula almis op 29.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter, en op 26.x. 2008 te Eeklo, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor LI en OV. Bucculatrix noltev. verscheidene bladmijnen op Artemisia vidgaris op 09. ix. 2007 te Laplaigne, leg. C. Snyers, op 16.ix.2008 te Gembloux en op 18.ix.2008 te Oreye, beide leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor HA, LG en NA. Bucculatrix thoracella: enkele bladmijnen op Tdia sp. op 17.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter, op 18.x. 2008 langs het Canal de 1'Ourthe te Luik, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée, op 18.x. 2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert, en op 06. xi. 2008 te Gembloux, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor LG, LI, NA en WV. Bucculatrix ulmifoliae: enkele bladmijnen op Ulmiis op lO.ix.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Choreutidae Proclioreutis myllerana: 1 ex. op 27.viii.2007 te Olen, leg. L. Jansen. Nieuw voor AN. Coleophoridae Coleophora gryphipeimella: 1 rups en verscheidene vraatsporen op Rosa sp., 27. iv. 2008 te Resteigne, leg. J. & W. De Prins. Nieuw voor LX. Coleophora ibipennella: 1 zak op Querciis sp. op 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al Nieuw voor HA. Coleophora kuehniella\ een volgroeide zak op Quereiis sp. op 30. v. 2008 te Resteigne, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor LX. Coleophora lusciniaepennella: 1 zak op 08.iii.2008 op Salix sp. te Laplaigne, leg. C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Coleophora lutipennella\ 1 zak op op Castanea sativa 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Coleophora milvipennis: 1 zak op Betula pendida op 23.x. 2008 te Namèche, en op 02. xi. 2008 te Sainte-Cécile, beide leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor LX en NA. Coleophora pennella: 2 zakken op 14.viii.2008 te Hemialle-sous-Huy, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor LG. Coleophora peribenanderi: een zak op 28. vi. 2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. 37 (1) (01.111.2009): 28 Coleophora spinella: een zak op Crataegus monogyna op 1, leg. J.- Y. Baiignée (det. W. N. Ellis). Coleophora striatipennella: 1 ex. op 03. vi. 2006 te Diepenbeek, leg. R. Spronck (det. H. G. Van der Wolf). Nieuw voor LI. Cosmopterigidae Linmaecia phragmiteUa: enkele rupsen op Typha latifoUa op 13.xi.2008 te Mons nabij Les Pichepots, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor HA. Crambidae Catoptria verellus: 5 ex. op Ol.vii.2008 te Battice, leg. A. Georis, det. R. Spronck. Nieuw voor LG. Deze soort is duidelijk aan een opmars bezig. Vroeger was ze enkel bekend uit drie provincies (Brabant, Namen en Luxemburg), maar na 2004 is ze bekend geworden uit alle Belgische provincies. Pyraiista despicata: 1 ex. op 05.vii.2008 te Tienen, leg. K. Boux. Nieuw voor BR. Depressariidae Agonopterix alstroemeriana: 1 ex. op 29.vii.2008 te De Panne, leg. E. Hantson. Nieuw voor WV. Luquetia lobelia: 1 ex. op te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Elachistidae Elachista apicipunctella: 2 ex. op 12.iv.2007 in het Stamprooiersbroek te Kinrooi, leg. M. Jacobs & C. Steeman. Nieuw voor LO. Epermeniidae Epermenia falciformis: 1 ex. op 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Gelechiidae Carpatolechia alburnella: 1 ex. op 28. vi. 2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Carpatolechia proximella: 1 ex. op 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Chrysoesthia drurella: 1 ex. op lO.v.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Chrysoesthia sexgiittella: enkele mijnen op Chenopodium op 20.viii.2008 te Berchem, leg. C. Snyers; 1 ex. op 04. v. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor AN en LI. Dichomeris marginella: 1 ex. op 26. v. 2007 te Nassogne, leg. C. Steeman; 1 ex. op 25.vii.2008 te Zemst, leg. J. Ravoet. Nieuw voor BR en LX. Gelechia senticetella: 1 ex. op 27.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phegea 31 {\){0\.\\\. 2009): 29 Metzneria metzneriella: 1 ex. op 17.V.2007 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Monochroa palustrellus: 1 ex. op 05.vii.2008 te Bredene, leg. E. Vanloo. Nieuw voor WV. Pseudotelphiisa paripunctella: 1 ex. op 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Recurvaria nanella: 1 ex. op te Rongy, leg. B. Dedeken, G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Geometridae Ennomos autumnaria: 1 ex. op 04. ix. 2008 te Gembloux, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor NA. Eupithecia innotata: 1 ex. op 19.viii.l993 te Biron, leg. T. Sierens. Nieuw voor LX. Eupithecia phoeniceata: 1 ex. op 30.viii.2008 te Hamme-St.-Anna, leg. R. Pletinck. Nieuw voor OV. Deze soort breidt zich uit door de aanplant van de voedselplant van de rups: Ciipressocypahs x leylandii. In Nederland werd de soort voor het eerst waargenomen op lO.ix.2005 te Groot- Abeele (Zeeland) (de Vos 2008) en van daaruit blijkt de soort zich langzaamaan uit te breiden naar het binnenland (de Vos et al. 2008). Eupithecia subumbrata: 1 ex. op 28. vi. 2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Horisme tersata: 1 ex. op 20.viii.2008 te Mariakerke, leg. T. Sierens. Nieuw voor OV. Idaea ochrata: 1 ex. in juli 2007 te Wilrijk en 1 ex. in augustus 2007 in het natuurgebied Wolvenberg te Berchem, leg. W. De Ceuster. Nieuw voor AN. Idaea rusticata: 1 ex. op 28. vi. 2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Melanthia procellata: 1 ex. reeds op 27.V.1989 in het natuurgebiek "Het Broek" te Blaasveld, leg. G. De Prins & T. Garrevoet; een tweede waarneming op 27.V.2008 in "De Bospolder" te Ekeren, leg. G. De Prins. Menophra abruptaria: 1 ex. op 25.vii.2008 te Ledegem, leg. D. Pollet. Nieuw voor WV. Perizoma afflnitata: 2 ex. op 08. v. 2008 in het Kloosterdos te Sint-Maria- Oudenhove, leg. T. Sierens. Nieuw voor OV. Perizoma bifasciata: 1 ex. in augustus 1964 te Warsage, leg. R. Spronck. Nieuw voor EG. Stegania trimaculata: 1 ex. op 18.viii.2008 te Herstal, leg. R. Stas. Nieuw voor EG. Gracillariidae Acrocercops brongniardella: verscheidene bladmijnen op Quercus op lO.v.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Callisto denticulella: 1 ex. op 18.V.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phegea 37 (1) (01 .111.2009): 30 Caloptilia cuculipennella: enkele bladmijnen op Fraximis excelsior op 28.VI en 05.vii.2008 te Antoing, leg. C. Snyers (fig. 2). Nieuw voor HA. C. cuculipennella komt nergens in Europa talrijk voor. De soort is in de meeste musea niet of met slechts heel weinig exemplaren vertegenwoordigd. In België werd de soort vroeger vermeld uit Brabant, Luxemburg, Namen en Oost- Vlaanderen, maar het ging steeds om enkele exemplaren. De rups mineert oligofaag op Fraxinus excelsior, Ligustrum vulgare en Syringa vulgaris. Caloptilia populetorum: 1 ex. op 31.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Caloptilia rufipennella: enkele bladmijnen op Acer sp. op 12.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Dialectia imperialella: 1 ex. op 23. v. 2008 in het natuurgebied "Het Wijtschot" te Schoten, leg. A. Peeters, en 1 ex. op 20. vi. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor AN en LI. Deze soort was uit België enkel bekend van een oude waarneming uit de provincie Namen (De Fré 1860: 109), maar ze is zeker over het hoofd gezien en op vele andere plaatsen te verwachten. De aanwezigheid van de soort kan o.a. vastgesteld worden door naar de bladmijnen te zoeken. Deze bevinden zich op de onderkant van de bladeren van vooral Symphytum officinale, maar ook op Litho sper mum officinale of Pulmonaria officinalis (alle Boraginaceae) en kunnen het best gezocht worden in augustus-september in vochtige biotopen naast riviertjes, langs bosranden enz. Parornix anglicella\ enkele bladmijnen op Crataegus sp. op 15.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phyllocnistis saligna: bladmijnen op Salix alba op 26. ix. 2008 te Waremme, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor EG. Phyllocnistis unipunctella: enkele bladmijnen op Populus nigra 'italica' op 06. ix. 2008 te Luik, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor EG. Phyllocnistis xenia: verscheidene bladmijnen op Populus canescens op 09.x. 2008 te Gembloux, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée, en op Populus alba op 2 1.x. 2008 te Grammene, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor NA en OV. Phyllonorycter acerifoliella: enkele bladmijnen op Acer campestre op 22. xi. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phyllonorycter blancardella\ verscheidene bladmijnen op appel {Malus) op 2 1.x. 2007 te Lessive, leg. 5^^ bladmijnenwandeling. Nieuw voor NA. Phyllonorycter comparella: verscheidene bladmijnen op ll.viii.2007 op Populus canescens te Rongy, leg. B. Dedeken, G. De Prins & C. Snyers; enkele bladmijnen op Populus alba op 18.ix.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor HA en WV. Phyllonorycter corylifoliella\ enkele bladmijnen op Malus sp. op 19.X.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella: verscheidene bladmijnen op Lonicera op 2 1.x. 2007 te Lavaux Ste.-Anne, leg. 5^^ bladmijnenwandeling. Nieuw voor NA. Phyllonorycter esperella: verscheidene bladmijnen op Carpinus betulus op 08. ix. 2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. P/?egefl37(l)(01.III.2009): 31 Fig. 1. Dialectica iwperialcUa (Zeiler, 1847): Schoten, Natuurgebied Het Wijtschot (Prov. Antwerpen), 23. v. 2008, leg. en foto A. Peeters. Fig. 2. Caloptilia cuciilipermella (Hübner, 1796): Antoing, Hainaut, bladmijn op Fraxinus excelsior, 05.vii.2008, leg. en foto C. Snyers. Fig. 3. Ei/ema caniola (Hübner, 1808): Kuurne, West- Vlaanderen, 28. vi. 2008, leg. en foto P. Vantieghein. Fig. 4. Cacyreus marshalU Butler, 1898: Wervik, West- Vlaanderen, 31.vii.2008, leg. en foto D. Pollet. Phyllonorycter froelichiella: enkele bladmijnen op Almis sp. op 26.x. 2006 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LL Phyllonorycter joannisi: enkele bladmijnen op Acer platanoides op 13. x. 2007 te Waregem, leg. C. Snyers. Nieuw voor WV. Phyllonorycter klemannella: verscheidene bladmijnen op els {AI mts) op 2 1.x. 2007 te Lessive, leg. 5^^® bladmijnenwandeling; enkele uitgekweekte imago's (ex Almis) op 28. vi. 2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA en NA. Phyllonorycter lantanella: enkele bladmijnen op Vihiirnum lantana op 14. x. 2007 te Resteigne, leg. J. & W. De Prins, en op Vibiirnum tiniis op 13.x. 2008 te Grammene, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor LX en OV. Phyllonorycter leucographella: enkele bladmijnen op Pyracantha coccinea op 14.xi.2008 te Grand-Leez, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée; enkele bladmijnen op Crataegus sp. op 05.vii.2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA en NA. Gewoonlijk mineert P. leueographella bij voorkeur Pyracantha-sooviQXi, 37 (1) (01.111.2009): 32 maar als de populatie erg talrijk wordt, zoals vastgesteld werd te Brunehaut op 19.x. 2008 tijdens de 6^® bladmijnenwandeling, kunnen de eieren ook afgezet worden op andere Rosaceae (Ellis 2007). Phyllonorycter messaniella: enkele bladmijnen op Castanea sativa op Ol.xi.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor EL Phyllonorycter pastorella: enkele bladmijnen op smalbladige wilg {Salix sp.) op 14.ix.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Phyllonorycter platani: enkele bladmijnen op gevallen bladeren van Platanus sp. op 08.111.2008 te Waregem, leg. G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor OV. Phyllonorycter rajella: enkele bladmijnen Alnus op 13.x. 2007, leg. G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Adulten kwamen uit in maart 2008, det. W. De Prins. Nieuw voor HA. Phyllonorycter salicicolella'. verscheidene bladmijnen op Salix op 2 1.x. 2007 te Lessive, leg. 5^® bladmijnenwandeling. Nieuw voor NA. Phyllonorycter schreberella: enkele bladmijnen op Ulmus op 08.vii.2008, leg. D. D'Hert. Nieuw voor WV. Phyllonorycter sorbi: enkele bladmijnen op Sorbus aucuparia op 13.ix.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Phyllonorycter stettinensis: enkele bladmijnen op Alnus sp. op 26.x. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phyllonorycter tener ella\ enkele bladmijnen op Carpinus betulus op 15.xi.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phyllonorycter trifasciella\ 1 ex. op 03. v. 2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Phyllonorycter tristrigella: verscheidene bladmijnen op Ulmus op 06.x. 2007 te Rongy, leg. B. Dedeken, G. De Prins & C. Snyers, en op lO.ix.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor HA en WV. Heliozelidae Heliozela resplendella: enkele bladmijnen op Alnus sp. op 30.vii.2008 te Oostham en op 13.viii.2008 te Wilrijk, beide leg. C. Snyers; op 20.viii.2008 te Ooigem en op 26.x. 2008 te Eeklo, beide leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor AN, BR, LI en WV. Heliozela treitschkiella: enkele bladmijnen op Cornus mas op 14.ix.2008 te Montagne de Bueren, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor LG. Incurvariidae Incurvaria pectinella: bladeren van Alnus met uitgesneden bladstukjes op 28. vi. 2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Limacodidae Heterogenen asella: een jonge rups op 14. ix. 2008 op Quereus in het miltair kamp "Groot Schietveld" te Brecht, leg. C. Steeman. Nieuw voor AN. Dit is een zeer zeldzame soort in ons land die nog maar enkele keren werd vermeld. P/7egé'a37(l)(01.III.2009): 33 Lycaenidae Cacyreus marshallt 1 ex. op 31.vii.2008 te Wervik, leg. D. Pollet. Nieuw voor WV. Lyonetiidae Lyonetia clerkella: enkele bladmijnen op Primus serotina op 09. xi. 2008 te Liège nabij Coteaux de la Citadelle, leg. J. Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor LG. Momphidae Mompha divisella: 1 ex. op 05. v. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Mompha langiella: 1 ex. op ll.v.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Mompha propinquella: 1 ex. op 07.viii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Mompha raschkiella: enkele mijnen op Epilobium angustifolium op 28. ix. 2008 te Belvaux, leg. S. Sinev, J. & W. De Prins. Nieuw voor NA. Mompha subbistrigella: 1 ex. op lO.v.2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al, en 1 ex. op 15.V.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor HA en LI. Nepticulidae Ectoedemia septembrella: enkele bladmijnen op Hyper icum sp. op 08.vii.2008 te Nieuwpoort, leg. D. D'Hert. Nieuw voor WV. Ectoedemia sericopeza: 1 ex. op ll.v.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. V. de meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Stigmella aceris: enkele bladmijnen op Acer campestre op 04.viii.2008 te Berchem, leg. C. Snyers, op lO.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter, op 23.viii.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert, op lO.ix.2008 te Zemst, leg. J. Ravoet, en op 18.x. 2008 langs het Canal de 1'Ourthe te Luik, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor AN, BR, LG, LI en WV, en daamiee komt deze recente aanwinst voor de Belgische fauna reeds in 6 provincies voor. Op 23.x. 2008 werden de mijnen zelfs talrijk aangetroffen op een geïsoleerde hoorn Acer campestre langs de ring rond Antwerpen te Berchem (AN), leg. W. De Prins. Stigmella alneteUa: enkele bladmijnen op Alnus sp. op 16.x. 2008 te Zemst, leg. J. Ravoet. Enkel bekend van BR uit de literatuur, maar dus nu met zekerheid vastgesteld. Stigmella anomalella: enkele bladmijnen op Rosa sp. op lO.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Stigmella assimilella: enkele bladmijnen op Populus tremula op 17.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Stigmella aurelia: enkele bladmijnen op Rubus sp. op 05.vii.2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al, op lO.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter, en op 26.x. 2008 te Eeklo, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor BR, HA en LI. P/7egefl37(l)(01.III.2009): 34 Stigmella basiguttella: verscheidene bladmijnen op Castanea sativa op ll.viii.2008 te Zemst, leg. J. Ravoet; enkele bladmijnen op Quercus sp. op 15.ix.2008 te Ooigem en op 26.x. 2008 te Eeklo, beide leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor BR en WV. Stigmella floslactella: enkele bladmijnen op Carpinus betulus op 18.x. 2008 te Ooigem en op 26.x. 2008 te Eeklo, beide leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor BR en WV. Stigmella gliitinosae: talrijke bladmijnen op Alnus sp. vanaf begin september 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor El. Stigmella hemargyrella: enkele bladmijnen op Fagus sylvestris op lO.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter, en op 18.x. 2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor LI en WV. Stigmella hybnerella: bladmijnen op Crataegus sp. op 15.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter, op 08. ix. 2007 te Antoing, leg. C. Snyers, en op 18.x. 2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor HA, LI en WV. Stigmella lemniscella: enkele bladmijnen op UImus op 24.viii.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Stigmella malella: enkele bladmijnen op Prunus op 08. ix. 2007 te Antoing, leg. C. Snyers et al Nieuw voor HA. Stigmella microtheriella: verscheidene bladmijnen op Carpinus betulus en Corylus avellana op 08.ix.2007 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers; enkele bladmijnen op C. avellana op 14.vii.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor HA en WV. Stigmella obliquella: enkele bladmijnen op Salix sp. op 16.x. 2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert, op 18.x. 2008 te Zemst, leg. J. Ravoet, en op 19.x. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI en WV en bevestigd voor BR waar de soort enkel uit de literatuur bekend was. Stigmella oxyacanthella: enkele bladmijnen op Crataegus sp. op 18.X.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Stigmella perpygmaeella: enkele bladmijnen op Crataegus op 19.vii.2008 te Koksijde, leg. C. Snyers, det. W. Ellis. Nieuw voor WV. Stigmella pyri: enkele bladmijnen op Pyrus sp. op 17.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Stigmella regiella: enkele bladmijnen op Crataegus op 08. ix. 2007 te Antoing, leg. C. Snyers, det. E. van Nieukerken. Nieuw voor HA. Stigmella sakhalinella: bladmijnen op Betula op 26. ix. 2008 te Zemst, leg. J. Ravoet. Nieuw voor BR. Stigmella samiatella: bladmijnen op Castanea sativa op 18.x. 2008 te Zemst, leg. J. Ravoet, op 2 1.x. 2008 te Grammene, leg. S. Wullaert, en op Ol.xi.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor BR, El en OV. Stigmella speciosa: enkele bladmijnen op Aeer pseudoplatanus op 05.vii.2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al., op 08.vii.2008 te Nieuwpoort, leg. D. D'Hert, op 17.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter, en op 18.viii.2008 te Zemst, leg. J. Ravoet, det. W. N. Ellis. Nieuw voor HA, LI en WV en bevestigd voor BR. P/zegefl37(l)(01.III.2009):35 Stigmella tiliae: enkele bladmijntjes op Tilia sp. op 06. xi. 2008 te Gembloux, en op 13.xi.2008 te Mons nabij Les Pichepots, beide leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor HA en NA. Stigmella tityrella: enkele bladmijnen op Fagus sylvestris op 18.x. 2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Stigmella trimaculella\ een bladmijn op Populus op 19.vii.2008 te Koksijde, leg. C. Snyers. Nieuw voor WV. Stigmella ulmella: enkele bladmijnen op Ulmiis op 24.viii.2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Noctuidae Acronicta alni: 1 ex. op lO.v.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Agrochola macilenta: verscheidene ex. op 13.x. 2007 te Rongy, leg. B. Dedeken, G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Apamea scolopacina: 1 ex. op 28. vi. 2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Coenobia rufa. 1 ex. op 18.viii.2007 te Rongy, leg. G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Ciicullia absinthii: 1 rups op Artemisia vulgaris op 09. ix. 2007 te Laplaigne, leg. C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Euclidia glyphica: 1 ex. op 05.viii.2008 te Gent-Dampoort, leg. T. Calu. Lithophane socia: 2 ex. op Ol.iv.2008 te Tielt-Winge, leg. W. Veraghtert. Nieuw voor BR. Polypogon plumigeralis: 1 ex. op 14.vii.2007 te Rongy, leg. B. Dedeken & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Rhizedra lutosa: 1 ex. op 26.x. 2008 te Rendeux, leg. T. Vermeulen. Nieuw voor LX. Shargacucullia scrophulariae: enkele volgroeide rupsen op Scrophularia sp. op te Labuissière, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor HA. Nymphalidae Apatura iris: 1 ex. op 11. VI en 22.vii.2007 in het Hayesbos te Heverbeek, leg. J. V. Uytvanck. Nieuw voor OV. Oecophoridae Borkhausenia fuscescens: 1 ex. op 26.vii.2007 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Borkhausenia minutella: 1 ex. op 18.V.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Crassa tinctella: I ex. op 22.V.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor EL Eratophyes amasiella: 1 ex. op 17.V.2008 te Balen, leg. L. Jansen. Nieuw voor AN. Phegea31 (1) (01 .111.2009): 36 Esperia sulphureUa: 1 ex. op 27. iv. 2008 te Lommel in een sparrebosje met daarin snoeihout van vogelkers, leg. F. Groenen. Vennoedelijk leven de rupsen in dit dode hout. Nieuw voor LI. Opostegidae Opostega salaciella: enkele ex. op te Oostkamp, leg. A. Zwaenepoel. De vlindertjes vlogen vooral 's avonds laag over de vegetatie van een kruidenrijke weide. De biologie van de soort is nog onbekend, maar de voedselplant is waarschijnlijk acetosella (Warren 1888) en/of R. acetosa. Nieuw voor WV. Psychidae Bankesia conspurcatella: enkele zakken op 08.111.2008 te Waregem, leg. G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor OV. Luffia lapideUa: 1 zak op lO.v.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Pterophoridae Amblyptilia acanthadactyla: 1 ex. op 30.V.2007 te Lavaux Ste.-Anne, leg. C. Steeman. Nieuw voor NA. Capperia britannio dactylus: 1 ex. op te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Oidaematophorus lithodactyla: ca. 50 ex. rustend op Pulicaria dy sent erica op 17.vii.2008 in het kleine reservaat Hof ter Musschen te Brussel, leg. B. Hanssens. Deze soort is lang geleden vermeld uit BR maar ze komt er dus wel degelijk nog steeds voor. Pyralidae Ancylosis cinnamomella: 1 ex. op 14.viii.2008 te Hermalle-sous-Huy, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor LG. Dioryctria schuetzeella: 1 ex. op 23. vi. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Phycitodes binaevella: 1 ex. op 14.vii.2007 te Rongy, leg. B. Dedeken & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Salebriopsis albicilla: 1 ex. op 25. v. 2007 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Trachycera advenella: 1 ex. op 27.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Schreckensteiniidae Schreckensteinia festaliella: 1 afgevlogen ex. op 03. v. 2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al Nieuw voor HA. Scythrididae Scythris limbella: 1 erg vroeg ex. op 25. iv. 2007 te Wielsbeke, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. /^/7egea37(l)(01.III.2009): 37 Scythris scopolella: 1 ex. op 31.V.2007 te Hour, leg. D. Testaert. Nieuw voor NA. Tineidae Triaxomera parasitella: 1 ex. op te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Tortricidae Acleris bergmaimiana: 1 ex. op 28. vi. 2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Acleris riifana: 1 ex. op Ol.v.2008 in het natuurreservaat "De Maten" te Genk, leg. W. Veraghtert. Nieuw voor LI. Aethes tesserana: 1 ex. op 05.vii.2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Ancylis obtiisana: 1 ex. op lO.v.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Cacoecimorpha pronubana: 1 ex. op 02. v. 2007 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Celypha rosaceana: 1 ex. op te Antong, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Clavigesta piirdeyi: 1 ex. op 16.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Cydia conicolana: mpsen in pijnappels van Pimis sp. op 08. III. 2008 te Waregem, G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor OV. Cydia inquinatana: 1 ex. op 29. v. 2008 te Berehem, leg. C. Snyers. Nieuw voor AN. Cydia nigricana: 1 ex. op 17.V.2007 te Antoing, leg. B. Dedeken, G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Cydia succedana: 1 ex. op 27.V.2008 te Oostkamp, leg. A. Zwaenepoel. Nieuw voor WV. Dichrorampha Jlavidorsana: 1 ex. rustend op Tanacetum vulgare op 19.vii.2008 te Hour, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor NA. Dichrorampha vancouverana: 1 ex. op 28. vi. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor EI. Endothenia gentianaeana: verscheidene rupsen in de kaardenbollen van Dipsacus fullonum op 08. ix. 2007 te Antoing, leg. C. Snyers. Nieuw voor HA. Endothenia nigricostana: 2 ex. op op 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Epiblema scutnlana: 1 ex. op 27. v. 2008 te Oostkamp, leg. A. Zwaenepoel. Nieuw voor WV. Epiblema sticticana: 1 ex. op lO.v.2008 te Antoing, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Epinotia abbreviana: vraatsporen op Ulmus op 23.x. 2008 te Ooigem, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. P/7egé’a37(l)(01.III.2009): 38 Epinotia demarniana: 1 ex. op 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Eucosma conterminana: 1 ex. op 26.vii.2007 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Eulia ministrana: 1 ex. op 03. v. 2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Gravitarmata margarotanw. 1 ex. op 15.iv.2007 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter en 1 ex. op 22. iv. 2008 te Sint-Katherina-Lombeek, leg. S. Van Cleynenbreugel. Nieuw voor BR en LI. Hedya pruniana: 1 ex. op 21.V.2008 te Roux, leg. J.-Y. Baugnée. Nieuw voor HA. Lohesia reliquana: 1 ex. op lO.v.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Olindia schumacherana: 1 ex. op 31.V.2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Pandemis cinnamomeana: 1 ex. op 23.V.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter, nadien tamelijk gewoon waargenomen op dezelfde plaats. Nieuw voor LI. Pseudococcyx posticana: 1 ex. op 29. iv. 2007 te Wielsbeke, leg. S. Wullaert. Nieuw voor WV. Rhyacionia pinicolana: 1 ex. op 2 8. vi. 2 00 8 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Syndemis musculana: 1 ex. op 03. v. 2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Yponomeutidae Argyresthia albistria: 1 ex. op 29. v. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Argyresthia curvella: 1 ex. op 31.V.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Cedestis subfasciella: enkele mijnen in naalden van Pinus sp. op 08. III. 2008 te Waregem, leg. G. De Prins & C. Snyers. Nieuw voor OV. Pseudoswammerdemia combinella\ 1 ex. op 08. v. 2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Scythropia crataegella: I ex. op 3I.V.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Swammerdamia pyrella: I ex. op 07.vii.2008 te Engsbergen, leg. F. Van de Meutter. Nieuw voor LI. Yponomeuta padella: enkele ex. gekweekt uit Prunus spinosa 03. v. 2008 te Rongy, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. Yponomeuta rorrella: 1 ex. op 05.vii.2008 te Brunehaut, leg. C. Snyers et al. Nieuw voor HA. P/?é?geö37(l)(01.III.2009): 39 Dankwoord Met dank voor alle medewerkers van de Werkgroep Vlinderfaunistiek die hun gegevens ter beschikking stelden voor dit overzicht: J.-Y. Baugnée, K. Boux, T. Calu, Y. Deboscher, B. Dedeken, F. V. de Meutter, D. D'Hert, G. De Prins, T. Garrevoet, A. Georis, F. Groenen, B. Hanssens, E. Hantson, M. Jacobs, B. Maes, A. Peeters, R. Pletinck, D. Pollet, J. Ravoet, T. Sierens, C. Snyers, R. Stas, C. Steeman, D. Testaert, J. V. Uytvanck, F. Van de Meutter, E. Vanloo, T. Vermeulen, S. Wullaert, A. Zwaenepoel. H. W. van der Wolf wordt gedankt voor de determinaties van de Coleophoridae, W. N. Ellis en E. van Nieukerken voor de determinaties van Nepticulidae en F. Groenen voor het nakijken van enkele Tortricidae. T. Muus wordt gedankt voor de determinatie van de rupsen van E. caniola. Bibliografie De Fré, Ch. 1860. Lépidoptères nouvellement découverts en Belgique. — Annales de la Société entomo/ogique beige 4: 113-115. De Prins, W. & Steeman, C. 2003-2008. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium. — de Vos, R. 2008. Nieuwe Nederlandse soorten sinds Kuchlein & De Vos (1999). — Franje 11(2): 4- 8. de Vos, R., Ellis, W., Groenendijk, D., Post, F. & Zwier, J. 2008. Overzicht van in 2002-2005 waargenomen interessante macrovlinders, inclusief trekvlinders (Lepidoptera). — Entomologische Berichten, Amsterdam 68(5): 158-169. Ellis, W. N. 2007. Nederlandse bladmineerders. — [20 Oktober 2008]. Warren, W. 1888. The habits of Opostega salaciella Tr. — Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 25: 145-146. Corrigendum In het artikel "Omalis fontisbellaquei (Coleoptera: Omalisidae) in België" (Phegea 35(4): 157-159) wordt gezegd dat deze kever in Brabant nooit eerder was gezien (2^® zin). Zoals het verspreidingskaartje en de eindzin aangeven is dit niet eorrect. In de collecties van het K.B.LN. te Brussel, Departement Entomologie, bevinden zich 4 exemplaren uit het Zoniënwoud, meer bepaald uit de volgende lokaliteiten: Rood Klooster (1887), Rixensart (1900), Bosvoorde (1901) en Groenendaal (1928). Willy Troukens Inhoud: De Prins, W.: Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in België in 2008 (Lepidoptera) 27 Dinca, V., Cuvelier, S., Székely, L. & Vila, R.: New data on the Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) of Dobrogea (south-eastem Romania) 1 Tomasovic, G., Van de Weyer, G. & Dils, J.: A new species of the genus Holopogon from Turkey (Diptera: Asilidae) 22 Troukens, W.: Corrigendum 40 verantw. uitg.: W. De Prins, Dorpstraat 401B, B-3061 Leefdaal (Belgium) - Tel: +32-2-305.37.32 Phegea 37 (1) (01.III.2009): 40