^' ''-.'-^Hi UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LIBRARY PHENANTHRIDINE DERIVATIVES PART I AND THE CATALYTIC ALKYLATION OF AMINES PART II By GERSHON JOSEPH SHUGAR A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNQL OF THE UMVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPm' UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Fekruarv, 1Q43 LIBRARY rosivfOBO This disaartatlon deals with two problems. The first is con- eernod with the dorolopaent of a new synthesis of phenanthridine derivatiTvs and the reaction of those cofflpounds with the Srignard Reagent. The second prohlea involves the catalytic alkylation of amines with alcohols. 1^0529 f&BLB or COHTEBTS PART Z PHBB&HTHHIDIBK SIRIYATITXS 1. Introduction to Fh«nanthrldine 1 2. Thaoratical Discus sion 5 3. The Sehiff •• Bates lU (a) B«asal>2-«aiinoph«nol 13 (b) Tottr->«thoz7l)«nzal-2'-aminophenol l6 ( e ) 2~h7drozy-3-B«thox3rb«nBal-2-«uiino- phaasl 17 (d) 3-nitro1>«nzal->2-ajBinopheael IS (•) 2-h]rdroxyl>«aBal->2-«Binophenol 19 (f ) 2-3 dimethoz3rb«nsal-2-aainophenol 20 (g) 2->h7droxy-3-aetho3grbonzal-4-B«tb- oxjaAllina 21 (h) 2-h7drozyb«afal-«Ailin« 22 (1) 2-hydrory-3-«sthoxyben2al-anilin* 23 (i ) M-aethox7b«nzal-2-ajainophenol 2k (k) U-h/droZ7b«nzal-2-aBinophenol 2^ (1) 2-h9rdroT7-3-aethox7b«nzal-l|-aaino-> bansoic aeiA 26 (a) M-«B«th3rlb«nKal-2-aainophenol 27 (n) 2-ohlorob«nial-2-afflinoph«nol 28 ( 0 ) 2-h7drox7-3-««thoz3rbenzal-U-amlno- phenol 29 11 Dftf* h, G«B«ral Procedure for Syalhoais of the PheiuuEithridinos JO (a) phenacthrldiao 5t 1. tabulatioB of data Jt (b) 9-*thox]r^pheBanthrldlno 33 ( 2. tal>ulatlon of data ^ (e) ^h]rdrox]r«-104i«thox7-phoaaBthrldiB« 55 3. talmlatloa of data Jf (d) 7'^*Bzo7^o^-'*^Be^^o^-ph«z>*athridlii« 38 (•} T'^^yA^^-S-Bethoxy-phenaathridino 39 (f) ostalillshaoat of the atracture of 2-h]rdroxy-10-Beth03qr-pheBanthrldliie ^ (g) T-Hydroxy-pheaanthridlae Ml 1. talmUtion of data III (h) eatabliehaeat of the straetore of J.faydrozy-phenaathridiae 1|3 (i) 9')B«thoxypheaaathrldlae H^ 1. Uhulatioa of data Hi (j) 9-meth9rl-^eaanthrldlae kf 1, tabulatioa of data kt 3« The arigaard Beactioa k9 (a) pheaaathridlae k^ (b) heasal-S-aaiaopheaol l-Salfonle Add 59 7. S]rmth«si8 of the Ph«iiyI-I)l%«nso-XaBth«aa ^6 (*) 9-'Ph«B7l, 1-2, 7-8 dibenso-xftnthaa 56 (b) 9(U-«ethyl)-ph«nyl, 1-2, 7-g dlbtnzo- xaathsn 57 (e) 9(U-aethox3r)-.ph«n7l, 1-2, 7-g dibsaso- xaathea 37 8. StuBoiar7 Bart I ^ 9. Bibliography Bart Z ^ BLBT ZZ CkfkLinC AIXTUTIOH 07 AMZHBS 1. Zatrodxietioa 60 2. Suonary of Problra (k 3. Xzporiaoatal (a) latoraedlatei 1. proparatloa of cyelohoxoao 71 2. preparation of 2-chloro-c7clohexanol 72 3. preparatioa of c/clohezene oxide fk H« preparation of the copper chroaate eatalyat 73 (b) STatheaie of H(betah7drox7eth3rl)-o- pheaylene-diaaine 76 1. tabulatioa of date 80 (c) Syatheaia of »-»• dKbetahydroxy-ethyl)- e-phenylene-diaaina 81 It 1. toVaUtioB of data 8k (d) Syn«the8i« of H-CorthohydrezTC/dohoxyl)- •thylcn* di*mlB« S^ 1. taVxilatlon of data tf (o) Synthooit of H-N* di(orthoh7droz7. cyclohoxjrl) othjleno dlamlao M 1. talnilatioa of data 9$ (f) Syathool* of doea-hydroquiaoxallao 90 1, table of •xporlmontal remits 9^ 2. tabulation of data 9^ (f) STBthotit of quinoxaliao 9^ 1. Ubulatioa of daU 97 (h) Syntheiis of l-2->-U>totrah3rdro> quiaoxallne 99 1. Ubulatioa of daU lOt k, Suonarjr Fart IZ 103 ^. Bibliography Fart XI lOU ACIXOWLEDOMEBf 10$ BZOGBAPHICAL ITEMS lOS COKMITTES BSPORT 107 XIKBOOUCTIOH TO PHXlOkllTHRISIXB The realisatioB that (lainlae has certain tozioological effacts on th« fauaan nervous ayston has atiaalatod tha aynthaaia of antl-aalarlala with Bora deairal>le prepartiaa. Aa a raaolt tha litaratara eoataina tha deaeriptlon of nnaaroua ooapoonda which hara bean aymthaaizad aa potaa- tial anti-aalariala. Of the rinc syatema eaployed aa a baala for theae coiqponnda, probab- ly none haa Iraan ao widely uaad aa the qulnollna and laoqulnollne anclaaa. Atabrlne, a benzo^nollne, haa bean one of the acre effeotlra recant dlacoyariea and haa net with a eonaiderable medical use. Its baais la acridina, an iaonar of phenanthridina. COO Acrldlne Phenanthridine The aynthaaia in I926 of plaaaoquine, a promising anti-malarial. CH^C CO haa oalmixAted in the preparation of a aariaa of acrldlne derlTatires iriUlch are quite potent anti-malarial a. Tha therapeutic slgalflcance of each part of the Atabrlne noleoale eaxmot be gauged, but the olesa ra- lationahip between phenantlurldine and acrldlne saggesta that darlTatlTea of this type in the phenanthridine aariaa might possaaa valuable 1 properties. Phenanthridlne has been syathesised. by a number of different methods. Its structure has been proven repeatedly by different methods of prep- aration, Ihifortunately, the nomenclature used throughout the literature Is not constant. The British use one system and the Americans, another. In order to eliminate confusion, the latest system of num^ erlng the atoms employed by Chemical Abstracts will be used throu^ this Alsserta- 2. tlon. T C Phenanthridlne A rerlevr of the literature glres the following syntheses of phenan* thrldlne and Its derlTatlyes. 1. Plctet and Ankersmlt's (ll) classical synthesis of phenanthri- dlne luTolved the pas sin of the Tapers of bensylldene aniline through a hot tube filled with pumice heated to redness. a„. /v o Benzyl Idene aniline Phenanthridlne hydrogen 2. Plctet and Ankersnlt (12) prepared ortho-phenyl benzole add, nitrated and then reduced It. Ttaus they obtained by this method hy- drosjr phMtunthridlna aa on* of th« isoaert. Oa distillation with liao test phonanthrldino was obtained. o-Phonjl bonsele acid IHJ 3. Starting with phenanthrone. Pictet and Aakemit (lU) obtained pheaaathridine by the following reactions: C<„ H^ «^M ) II IPj Ct, M jD.sr.l»,r.o~ C, M» <= »^«f C, M. /.vi, Lj,hv Of,4e c =c FhMMM throne Phenanthrone qulnone I I 13) N — M^C Cfc Ml A/*;, C M^ C«OM C^ M^^ a9 U. Plettt and Habnar (10) used o-aalao bipheayl as their lMia«, ■ad* the acyl derlratlTe, and then conda&sed the aailide to glre aa alkyl phenanthridla*. -»? 3. Morgan and Walls (22) liq>roTed Fletet's method of dehydratlne the aoyl o-zenyl aaine by rofluziag the anllld* with POOXk instead of heating with sine chloride. This reaction proceeds saoothly and has been used vaecessfolly in the preparation of alkyl, chloroalkyl, phenyl and nitrophenyl phenanthridines. The colorless acyl derifatires are converted to quaternary salt* by Ulaaa** sethed, (7) «*ing hot aitroobMiiMM a* th« *olT*nt. /■"^ ^~~ 6. The idettl synthesis froa separate bensene nnclei was doTaloped by Kondo (7) ^i^ heated o-bromobenxald*hyd* with e-broaoanilin* in th* pr***nc* of Betallic copper. a:.^50 ^ ' ' ' :2(^r2^ 7. Pictet and Oonset (13) di*till*d *q[aiBol*calar amotints of caloitui foraat* and oalciua o-phenyl bensoate and prepared o-phenyl bensaldehyd*. Troa this they obtained the oxiae vhich was heated with U-5 tines its weight of ZnCl2 at 280-30o'*C. ead obtained phenanthridine. ((i7Co«),C« r4HtoM. 8. nie Becknen rearrangement of floorenone ozljie by Pictet and GoQset (16) led to the foraation of phenanthridoae with a 30J( jield. C =: Z^CH 9. The diasotization of an aromatic amine with subsequent ring closure and the simultaneous evolation of nitrogen and hydrogen chloride was used by Pictet and Gonset (16) to bbtain an H-methyl phenanthridine. \Ac/ \A/ 10. Pletet (15) 1>7 pTTolysis method* heated K-aethyl earbsiole and obtained phenanthridine la a Uo^ yield. Ikf- C.H-, Cm 11. The Cortius degradation of diphenic aeid hydraiides hae been etudled b7 Labriolu (9). He found that yiamn. diphenic aeid dihjrdrazide «a» treated with one mole of nitrous aeid, the atide-hydrazide was formed. Thie was unstable and reacted in alcohol^ether mixture to gire phenan- thridone. IP. He? and Buehley (3) heated 2-aaiao biphenyl hydrochloride «rith methanol in an autoolaTO for 12 hours at 2$0-300^C. and obtained dimethyl phenaathridine . 2-amimo biphenyl hydrochloride - CH3OH dimethyl AutoelaTe, phenaathridine 12 hours 13. Phenaathridine has been found to be present in coal tar by Siebishh and Sandke (19), who isolated it and checked its constants with theae reported in the literature. They were fotmd to be identical. lU. Baployine the pyrogeneous technique derised by Pietet and An- ktraslt, Etard (2) pr«par*d a aathyl phszianthrldlne by petsing Beaial-o- TeluldlB* throo^ a glowing tube. a?' ^*"J 15. Omaba (3) raported the tmrallabillty of Plctat** ayflthaala b] pjrogaBaoaa satheda. Ha ahowad that tha eoapoo&da producad from beai]p>- lidaaa alpha-aaphthylaaliia and beniylidaaa bata-naphthylaalna ware la raality aeridina darivatiTaa. Pletat reported that beni/lidene alpha* oaphthylaalae yielded a beasophenanthridine, ris: a // CM Bat, whan Oraabe ayatheaisad this baniophaBaathridiaa by an aaaabiguous aethod, he found that the two conpooada were aot identical. Heace, he ahowed that Pictet'a ooapounds were aeridiae derlTatiTei formed in the following manner. OXO) — ocoo 16. Pictet and Habner (I7) attempted the synthesia of Phenanthridine by dehydration reaction using aalhydranilide as the starting material. It aeaaed that the reactioa ahould proceed smoothly to give pheaaathridoae. but actually, they obtained acridone. Instead of proceeding as they had predicted a aeleealar rearrangement was inyolved giving aotidone: o The talhydxvnilide was eubjected to a dry distillation, and the residue extracted with alcohol. Analysis gare the fonmla to be CixS^'SKi corres- ponding to that of phenanthridone. Zinc dust diltillatioa on the other hand yielded acridine, instead of the expected pjieaanthridine . 17. Xordo and Ulzeo (8) obtained a weak base by the sine dust dis- tillation of lycorine, an alkaloid. The crystalline conpound melted at 10U.5°C. , and analysis shoved it to be phenanthridlne. THB0RE9IC1L DISCUSS ZOI Plek«t*B and Aakertmlt'B paper (lU) ws of Bpecltd interest to ua, for they reported that all atteapts to synthoelie pheaanthridlne froa hons/lldene o-aainopheaol vere uasuceetsfol. They stated tl^t when this compound, which is eoimaonly known as an anil or Sehiff's base, was heated with dehydrating agents such as P2^« ZnCl^ or solfaric acid, no phenanthridine was obtained. Howerer, they never isolated the reaction product except as the ■ercurie chloride double salt, whose melting point they reported was higher than that of phenanthridine 's double salt. Therefore they coxusluded that aeridine had Been f omed instead of phenan- thridine. They also used the salicylidene a&iline as their starting natorial, and again their results were negatire. Tron a structural standpoint it seen* rery probable that the benial-o-aaine phenol should dehydrate and gire phenanthridine. If Mter is formed by the splitting out of the hydroxyl group in the ortho position of one ring and the hydrogen atom on the o^kbe position in the other ring, a sizmeaberod ring should be produced. They, how- ever, stated that they had obtained aeridine by the following method: 10 It •eoKS that th« reaction should procsed aqually as UMothly to yield phtnathridiiM a« aeridine. A ooaiplete anxrrey of the literature shows that in no case has phenanthridine been prepared by this aethod. When- ever a reference is aade to the effect that this reaction does not go as predicted, the vrorkers aliix>horou8 pentoxide were used with the anil and a range of tempera* tures were employed. In all oases the final compo\ind melted at 10U**C. The melting point of aeridine is listed in the literature as from 107^ to 112°C., while the majority of articles give the melting point of phenan- thridine as loUoc. As a result of this work ve have shown that phenanthridine could be synthesized from bensal o-aminophenol by using phosphorous pentoxide as the dehydrating agent. Hsving proved that synthesis by this method tras feasible, a series •f dey4v4tiTee were prepared using the tame general procedure. In all 1 •# 11 easts ths straetnrs of the rssoltla^ phsnanthridlBe mis aeceptsd on tha tests of STnthssls. ?er exuple. If the bsnsal portion of the noleeole is suhstitated in the para position, there can be only one phenanthridina fonsed. Since the luhstltuted phenyl ring is attached to the carbon atoa by « single bond, the phenyl ring is trmn to rotate. Hence it can be seen that the hydrozyl group has an equal opportunity to split off hydrogen fron either of the t»o ortho positions of the other ring. Regardless of irtilch hydrogen it reacts with, the resxatiag phenanthridine will be the saae, since the substituted group is in the para position on that phenyl ring. When two possible phenanthridines could be foroMd, the structure was prered by iaplication. That is, if salicylidene o-aminophenol were the starting anil, thsn two possible phenanthridines could be fomed. cN OM 12 Xb this c&te one of th« postibilitlea «a* •llalnatod by syathosizlag th« othor phoaanthridlnc aad ooBi>Brlai£ the phTtieal conttaata with those of the phenanthrldiae obtained by using salicylidene o-aainophenol as the starting aaterial. The presence of an ortho-hydrogen atom on one ring and am ortho- hydroxyl group on the other ring should lead to the foraation of the same phenanthridlne regardless of which ring the hydroxyl group is attached. A noaber of different anile were prepared in which erery anil aade had either one or Bore hydroxyl groups in the ortho position on the ring. All of these were treated under mrying conditions of temperature, pressure, and concentration with regard to the dehydrating agent, phosphorous pentoxlde, in order to determine whether or net they would yield the corresponalag phenanthridlne compound. Erery anil compound of o-«uainophenol yielded a phenanthridlne. How- erer, those anils in which there was no hydroxyl group on the ortho position of the aniline portion of the molecule failed to cycllse. A series of anils vas prepared by coupling 2-hydroxy-3-Bethoxy bensaldehyde •td substituted anilines. The anils formed very easily, by adding the aldehyde and amine together in alcohol and warming. TM.» reaction may be exemplified by the synthesis of bensal aniline from bentaldehyde aad aniline : These anils crystallised out in orange needles harlng the proper nitrogen 13 6Mli«Bt. Bi>w«T«r, theas aalla, y&Mn heattd with phosphorous pontozido la the roactioa tostoI nndorwont a pocullar doooapositioa. At a dafiaito taaperatare tho lailaato alxtura of aail aad aahydrida started glrlBg off broia fnaos haviag a eharaetsrlstic odor. Tha first siga of decoapositioa was tho foraatloa of a dark char on tho sorfaco of tho ■ixturo which spread rapidly aod fiaallj consuaed the entire batch of ■aterial. Daring this time Toliminoas clouds of brown rapors were enTolred which were not condensable at a teaperature of -20°C. Even when the source of heat was reaoTod froa the Tsssel, the decoapositioa proceeded in all eaeea. Vhea the reaction was carried out in the dark, the flaae of eoabustion was plainly risible. All of the anhydride was consuaed by this reaction; the reaction aizture had practically doubled its size la the flask. There was ao reaction of the final product with %fater, showing that all of the anhydride had been consuaed. Ixtraotion of the ■aas yielded a fluorescent solution, but in no case could definite products be identified. This charring did not take place when o-aainophenol was used in place of aniline or other substituted anilines. When the ortho-aainoi- phenol MIS the aniline portion of the aolecule, the two possibilities products were identified by synthesis, as in the ease of the salicylidene- o*«Bino phenol. There has been no reference to such a reaction in the literature and personal inquiry prorided no further infomation. It is •apposed that certain phosphine or phosphine-like coapounds were foraed, but ho atteapts were aade to identify the gases other than by their odor. ih THE SCHlirF«S BASIS The preparatioaa of the anils or Schlff t Bates, which were aaed »■ iatemediatee in the esmtheeie of the phenanthridiae derivatiree, are deeoribed in the following pages. Seren new anils were prepared, and six preTiousl/ reported anils were resynthesifed. 19 BEIZAL-S-JUailOPHSBOL qm CH=-M Xquiaolar qtumtltl** (0.2 aole) of beas&ldahyd* and 2-aalnopheiioX w»r« dl«iolT«d in bolllne alcohol. On cooling l>ro>« crystals soparated froB the aolutioa, and thty wore roorjstalllxed soYeral tines fron 9^^ ethanol and aetlimtad charcoal. ftipirleal Tonnla Nolocular Voight Color Soluhilitsr Mitor alcohol Keltlng Point Analysio nitrogen Yield Cl3 % " 0 197 white insoluble soluble in hot, fairly insoluble in cold 89*3-90 ezperinental 89-90®C. reported (lU) found oalculated 7.0)1 T.IOJJ 7^ theoretical u ^Ao U.ETH0XTB2H2AL-2-AMI10P]T''30L (Hev Compound) en ^ /v XqulBOlar q^uAatltlet (O.l mole) of ^ethoxj baas«ld«h7d« and 2-aalno- phcnol were dlesolTed in boiling alcohol &nd heated seTer&l ainutee. Aeti^tad charcoal «ae added and the eolution filtered. Water was added %e the hot filtrate until tarhidity beffan and the solution allowed to cool. Crystals were filtered off and recrystallized froa ^yyft alcohol and Mtter. fiopirioal forsnla Molecular weight Color Solubility Alcohol Melting PoUt Analysis aitroeea Yield /' •15 %5 ®2 " 2ta ^^*^ light ereaa Tory soluble in hot alcohol S2.5-«3®C. found calculated 69^ theoretical 17 (Hew CoBpmmd) oil CM- —f>t Ths co^>ound femed Innedlatel/ vhma melted (0.2 aelc of) Z-hydroxT- 5-Bethoz]r1>enBaldeh7de w»s pexired oa 0.2 aole of 2-«ialiiepheiiol. The aall MtLB yry Inaoluble in boiling 3'S/f^ ethanol, but repeated leeching with boiling alcohol left the pore base ai a residue. Dnpirlcal Formula Meleealar weight Color Solublllt7 water ethanol Melting Point Aaal/sis nitrogen Tield ClU «13 " °3 2^3 orange red insoluble Insoluble in boiling ethanol lg7-l«8«C. found calculated 5.71^ 5.775^ €yfL theoretical IM ySl TRQBMZUf-2«ANIB0PHEH0L A/0 oH CH='^ Equimolar quantitls* (0.2 aol*) of 3-Aitre-beaiald.«h7de and 2-amino-> phenol woro Added together In boiling alcohol. On cooling greenish needles separated out. It was recrjstallized froa 3^% ethanol. XiiQ)islcal Fonmla Molecular Weight Color form Solubility ethanol «ater Meltiis Point Analysis nitrogen TieU ^3 ^10 *2 ^ greenish needles in cluster* soluble in hot ethanol insoluble in water 133°C recorded in literature (21) found calculated 11 M 11.56jt Ti% theoretical 19 a-HTOROXIBSNZAL-S^AMZIilOPHEBOL lq[aiB»lar q[aMititie« of (0.2 aola) salieylie aldehyde and 2-aaliu>> phanol v«r9 dlBtolred la boiling aleehol. On cooling bloodp-rod er/atalt aopamtod. Tarthor rocrystalliaatloas frtm alcohol and actiratod clmr- ooal jrioldod the par* anil. Sqpirical Foraola Molecular voight Color Tora Soluhilitj wator aleohel Molting Point Aaalyais nitrogon Tiold »l3"ll I 0. 213 blood rod ezyotallino laoolublo ■olublo in hot alcohol 186»7^C. experioental 186-7^C. rocordod in litatetoro (U-20) fooAA caleolatod 6.5JS 6.655t 70)( thoorotioal ao 2-3 mvimmajBmzAL-2'JMimpmsmT4 (l«w Conpound) CCM Xqulawlar qaaatitUi (0.2 ■»!«) of 2-3 dlHethoxy-beafaidohTAc and 2-«alBophonol were dlssolrod In boiling alcohol. On cooling crystals separated out. Bacrystallisation fron 93^ ethanol and activated char- coal yielded the pure base. Xb^lrleal Fonsola Molecolar Vels}it Color Solubility etbanel water Melting Point Analysis found calculated nitrogen 5.231 5'^1^ Yield 36^ theoretical °15 "15 ^ "3 257 buff soluble In hot ethanol insoluble In water 92-93*0 (Hew Coapound) OH CM = /V OCMj Iqulaolar quuitltlM (0»2 aole) of 2-h7droz7-3-a«thox7l)«&zald«lqrd« •od >^^«thoz7a&lline were Added together and the aixtore heated gently for lereral ■iantea. The naes erysti llized on cooling and was reerystal- liied froa 9^^ ethanol and aetiirated charcoal. aQ>lrioal 7onnla Molecular Weight Color Solubility ethanol vater Melting Peiaft Analysis nitrogen Yield '15 "15 ■ 0. 257 light orange soluble in hot ethaael insoluble 9U-95»C. found calculated 5.35t 5Mi J2iL theoretical 2.HTI}R0XrBG!!ZiLL*ASZLISI Ie[ulBolftr qtiaatltles (0.2 sole) of lAlieylie aldthyde and anilia* wars heated together to boiling. When the eolution cooled, alcohol was added and a precipitate formed. It «at recrye tall i zed from 951^ ethanol and activated charcoal. Ikpirical Fonmla Kolec\\lar welf^t Color 7oni Solubility alcohol water Melting Point Analyeio nitrogen Yield «13^1 197 jrellew eryttalline ■oluble in hot e';lHUMl inaolnhle 50-50. 5®C. experimental 50-51^C. reported (lU) found ealcnlated ^2/f> theoretical 23 2.SXI2ROXT.3>KITIDrrBZIZU. ANIL I M Iq[aiBOlar qtumtitlei (0.2 aole) of 2-h3rdrozy«3ui would not erjetallize on eeoliag. The aelutlon waa imt tuder a preeature of ahoat 1 ano. of aer- eury trnd the alcohol distilled off with caatle waniiB«. Crxetallizatioa took place inaediately, giriag practicall/ a qiiantitatiTo yield. The emde aaterial was reerystallised frea alcohol, and a crude seed crystal used to ii^duee crystallisation. lo aaouat of scratching of the beaker would induce the anil to crystallise without the seed. Iqpirieal Tonaila C^^ M^r > Og Molecular weight 227 Color Oraa«;e-red Solubility alcohol soluble Meltins Point Analysis ni trogen Yield «2-«3®0. found calculated 5.9Jt 6.16)( 9ffk ^METHOXTBi:irZM:,-2^MI]IOPHEIiOL CM <^H = thydrez7 beiiiald«h/d« and 2< laophsBol vere add«d to boiling alcohol. Gto eooliag the rlseoua oil voTild not crystallizo. Qm aass «es freson solid with ieo plus HOI aizturo and then ivaeaaa distillod. The distillate was reerjrstallized froa alcohol, to which water was rdded until the eolation beeaae turbid Aipirical ^raal* Molecular Woi|^t Celer form Solubilitj ethanol water Melting Point Aaaljreie nitrogen Yield C13 Hii 1 O2 213 orange cryitals soluble insoluble 2U7.5-2»«.5«0. found calculated ^Sii theoretical 26 2-HnjROXT-3-METaOXTBSNZAL-U-AMIHO BEHZOIC ACID (H«w Cexpotmd) ^CH3 CH — /V CeOM Squiaolar cLXuaatltles of (0.2 sole} 2<>hydrox7^3-aethoz7 banzaldehyd* and t^wtmino'benzolc add were diasolred in boiling aleohel. On cooling erystali separated oat. These were recrystallized from 93^ ethanol and activated charcoal. Sapirical Foraola Moleeolar Weight Color fern Soluhilltf ethanol water Melting Point Analjsis nitrogen Yield Ci5 \^TS% 271 orax^e flocealent seloble in hot ethanol insoluble 232-233°C found calculated 5.0J6 5.2Jt 79Jf theoretical tr U-MirrHILBl!»ZlL-?.^iMIIK)PHEaroL CM CM CH •= /V Iqulaolar fOMitltlea (0.2 sol*) of U-neth/l beazaldelgrd* «nd 2-aalBe- phsBol ««re dl««olT«d In boiliag alcohol. On eooling the solution and •eratehln^ the tides of the beaker, orystale separated out. lapirleal Vonula Noleeular Weight Color 'om Solubllltj ethanol water Neltln« Point iMOjale nitrogen Tleld °1U\3"° ai light buff erystalllna yrj soluble Insoluble 108.5-109*0. experlaental 108.5°C. reported In literature (21) found oaleulated ^M 6.63Jt T^i theoretical 2-CHlOBOBEHZAL-2-AMll!roPHEN01 f HqulBolar quaatitit* (0.2 anl*) of 2«>ehloro1)eas»ld«h]rde and 2-«iilnephenol ware dlssolred in boiling alcohol. On cooling, tha solu- tion was agitated and the sides of the beaker scratched to induce erysfcal- lization. The anil precipitated and vols reerystalliaed from 93^ ethanol. Inpirieal Toranla Moleculnr Wei^t Color For* Solubility ethanol water Melting Point Abaljsis nitrogen Yield 0,3 H,o I 0 CI yellow crystals soluble insoluble 9>4^C. experimental 9H^C. reported in literature (20) found calculated 5.91^ 6.0H5I 7U^ theoretical 29 ^— <^ 0>^ IfniaolAr <^atiti«« (0.2 a»la) of 9*}qfdUr«i!7-5-acth«]i7 b«acAld«l)yA« •aA >»-«uk1imiA«m1 Wit* MunMd toc«th«r, aaA thaa • aaall voltM* of 95^ otliMMl addod. ¥ho solvtioa «»• hoatod to bolIUc •»& o«olod. Tho dark rod Ttseouo oil woold aot oiyatftlliio %f aerotehlac tlw taokar. v%t4Hr «»■ oddod to llio hot Bolutlem omtll tmrbldltj ool la oad thoa tho tolu- tioB «oo ■oo>»aieall7 stirrod for 19 Blaotoo. A floecaleat procipltato foraod which t«K roorystaUlffod fro« othor aad thoa dUaio oleohol. lifiriMil KonHla NolooaUr Mol^ht OoUr 7oni Solium tj •thor othaaol Nol%la« PoUt Aaaljrolo aitro4(«a TioU I 0, •taai^o raA •olablo oolttblo T2.5-73-5*C. ftaad ealealatoA 9^ thooroliool 30 aUNZHAL PROCXOUHS TOR SYXTHB8XS OT TRR PHSaSAHTHRXDllTES A reaction vett«l fitted with a ground glass Joint vas attached by means of a standard tapered stillhead to a distillation fXask vhieh serred as a receirer. Connected to the side arm of the receirer imM a Taeuum pump fitted with a fapor trap and a oanometer. The re* action vessel vas heated by means of an oil bath in which a thenraaeter was immersed. The anil was mixed intimately with an eqtud Tolme of phosphoreas pentoxlde and the pressure reduced to ^-20 mm. The reaction ressel was then lowered into the oil bath and a definite temperature was established for a certain time interval. After the required time interval the re- action vessel was disconnected from the set-up and allowed to cool. After cooling, the reaction mixture was treated by different procedures in order to Isolate the resulting phenanthridlne. A IhnoTia, quartz tube, ultraviolet-ray lamp was used to determine whether reaction had taken place. The anils do not fluoresce under the influence of the ultra-violet li^t. The phenanthridines fluoresce with colors varying from bright blues to brilliant greens and yellows, depend- ing on the substituent groups in the molecule. The yields in all cases were lew, never exceeding 10^ of the theoretical. MC V^c^/" Phenanthridlne B«nsal-2->amlnopheiiol was mixed with an equal roluae of phosphorous poBtozido and hoatod at a proscuro of ^ am. of Borcur/ at 330*0. for 25 ■iautes. Crystals subliaad on the cool portion of the still-head. After the reaction aass was eooled, alcohol mis added and a red solution resul- ted. The solution was poured Into a large excess of water and a reddish precipitate separated. After chilling, the precipitate was filtered and nixed veil with 23^ XnOH solution. The unreacted anil formed the sodium salt. Sther extraction followed by evaporation of the ether and su1>seq[uent recrystallisatlons from dilute alcohol and activated charcoal yielded the phenanthridine. In order to get the last trace of color out of the bateh for specimen purposes, a small amount of it was steam dis- tilled, yielding white micaceous flakes melting at 10>»OC. This melting point checks with the Talues accepted in the literature (IU-I5-7-8-I7.16- 15-11)* The vapors of the compound are irritating to the nose and eyes. The hydrochloride is decomposed hy water. In alcoholic or ethereal solution it fluoresces blue in ultra-violet light. The per cent N found was 7*70 i^^le the calculated value was 7.83j( H. 32 PSSlbURHRIDIKI BDiplrleal fonmla Molecular W«lght Crystalline Form Color Solubility alcohol Muter dilute hydrochloric aield Melting Point Aaalysle nitrogen m ■Ic&ceous flakes vhlte fairly soluble In cold insoluble soluble 104° recorded in literature 10U° e^qperioental found calculated Vr% 7.835J 53 9-X'fHOXr PHSmNTHRIDIIK C-,Ko foxu>^thoz3rbenialo2-uiliioph«Bol was Bixtd iatlmately with phosphorous pontoxldo and heatod for two hotirs at 210^0. nndor a prossoro of 8 ■». of aorcurr. Repeated ether oxtractlons of the reaction mixture followed by evaporation of the ether jlelded a residue. The residue was reerystal- llied from dilute alcohol and activated charcoal several times and yielded \ihit9 alcaoeous flakes aeltlng at 118-1190C. The percentage nitrogen oal^ culatod froB the forsmla was 6.27)(, that found was 6,1%, The coapoond fluoresces blue under the ultra-violet light. ^ 9.STHOXT PHSN^NTHRIDIlil aq>irleal fonnla Molecular V.'elght HAlting Point Crystalline form Color Solubility witor alcohol other HCl (dilute. 111) Analysis nitrogen 0^5 %5 I 0 223 118-119*C. flakes white insoluble ▼ery soluble in hot soluble in cold soluble in cold found ealoulabed » \ U-HTimOXT-lO-METaOXT PHEnLHTHRIDIBI Two-h7drox]r-3<-aethox3r b«iiial-2-aainophenol was mixed intlaately with phosphorous psntozids and heatsd under iraeaoM for 1/2 hotxr at 250*0. Vapors were giren off which condensed on the upper portion of the still head. The reaction aixture uas decomposed with alcohol, heated to boil- ing and filtered. The filtrate was treated with activated charcoal and filtered. Water %ias added dropwise to the filtered solution and an aoor- pheus precipitate resulted. Ether extraction followed by subsequent re- crystallisation frosi dilute alcohol and activated charcoal yielded creaa colored cyrstals melting 131-151*5 C. The compound fluoresced brilliant yellow under the ultra-rielet light. The calculated percentage of nitro- gen was 6.209(, that found was 6,0%, The structure of U-hydroxy-10-methoxy phenanthridine ie prored by the following considerations. Two-hydroxy-3-methoxy-bensaldehyde and bensoyl chloride in equivalent quantities were treated with a dilute solution of alkali as directed in Cummings et al. (27). The 2-benzoyloxy- 5-oiethoxy benzaldehyde was isolated in the font of white flocks meltiac at 91-91*5 C. The benzoate was then heated in boiling alcohol with an equimolar qtiantity of 2-aminophenol, and a precipitate of 2-brnsoyloxy-^ methoxy-bensal>2-aminophenol formed on cooling. Its asltixig point was 131-131.5°C. The calculated percentage of nitrogen was 5* 6^* that found ^** 5'3l^» '^^ rMtctiom involved naybe shovn as follows: OH This now anil, 2<»benzo7loxy-3''>Bethoxybensal-2>affiinophonel was tho ball* for the synthesis of 7-^«i^oyloxy->S>aethox7-phenanthridine, which is discussed in the following pace*. U-HTSROXY-lO-MSTaOXT PHEaULNTUEXDZn 37 CH, bqplrical romola Molecular Weight Melting Point Color Solul)ilit7 wator alcohol ether HCl (dil. 1:1) Analysis nitrogen 225 151-151.5*0. insoluble Tory soluble in hot soluble in cold soluble in cold found calculated 6.0jt 6.20jt 7-BZNZOTLOXT-8-HeTHOXT PHEHOTHRIDIXX CHJD « The 2-benzo7lox7->3-aetho3qr-l)«neal>2 bined ether extracts. The residue was recrystallised sereral tiaes with alcohol which yielded white crystals and a gam. The crystals and gam were 'vaouua distilled, and the distillate on recrystallisation from alcohol melted 99.^100. 3°C. The distillate had the smU of rotten cabbage. The compound fluoresces yellow under the ultra-riolet light. The calculated percentage of nitrogen was 6.11^, that found 6.0^. 35 7-HnmOXT-8-MS9HOXT PHndHTHBIDIHZ Ths 7-*^«BM7loxj-8-B«thox]r phsnaathrldine was dii«elT«d in hot glyosrin* and Bolld KOH added. The solution was heated for a short time. The solution was extracted sereral tines with ether, the ether extracts combined, and then evaporated to dryness. Reerystallization ef the residue sereral times with dilate alcohol yielded a white mica- ceous compound, melting at l^^l^^^C. This compound has a slight greenish fluorescence under the ultra-riolet light. %plrioml Tormal* Noleoalar Wei^t Color Ibrm Solubility ether alcohol Analysis nitrogen \khl^^2 225 white ■icaeeous soluble soluble fotand calculated 5.n 6.205t no BSfABLISHMBHT OF THE STRUCTDBE OF 2-HIDBDXT-lO-MBTHDXr PHKHANTHRIDIHE From an •nualoation of the prsrious fire i)age8 it is erident that 2-hjrdrox]r>10-acthoxy phenanthrldien was fornwd by the dehydration of th« 2-h]rdroz7-3-methox7-bensal-2<-&inlnepheaal by the followiag reaction: C^H.o for, the syatheslt of the 7-hydrozy-8>aetho3gr phenanthrldlne carried out is tmambigaous. One hydroxyl group %«& blocked, the reaction carried out, and then the hydrozyl groxxp restored. If the two coapounds are identical, they should have the same mel- ting point and shotdd not giro a depression when a mixture melting point is taken. A mixture melting point of the two compounds prepared abore softens at 120°C. and finally melts at 137°C. On this basis it was con- cluded that the two compounds were not identical. kl T-HTDROXT PHEMLNTHRIDIITE ^ M, o OH H The 2-h7drox7l>enzal-2-aaixiophenol v«8 alxcd intioatcly with phos- phorous pontoxldo and was ho&tod for ^ hoar at 300^0. On cooling, the reaction aixtaro was dacoBq>os«d with alcohol, and after boiling soveral ■inutes, water was added. Sereral recrystallizations from alcohol with activated charcoal jrielded white laioaceoas crystals melting at 102-103^0. This coiq>ouiid fluoresces brilliantly under the ultra-violet light. The ni|r«gen percentage calculated from the foraula was 7*18^» that feund was Itt 7-HTDHOXT PHEIUHTHRIDIHI! bplrioal 7ormala Molecular Weight Melting Point Color Crystalline Tom Solubility vater alcohol ether iaalyii* nitrogen C« Ql-^ H^ H 0 195 IO2-IO3OC. white ■icaceous flake* Ineoluble soluble in hot alcohol soluble in cold ether found calculated T.OJt 7.1811 >»3 ESTIBLZSHMENT 01^ THE STRUCTURS OF J-HTHtOXY PEKHAHTHRIOISI Tve hydroxy bcnzaldehyda mis shaken with an sqiiliiolar quantity of bonsoyl chlorido in the presence of excess dilate sodiua hydroxide. ▲ Tiseous oil was obtained which was 2-l>ensoyl«benBaldebyde. oW A/>tO» . c cc This oil was then mixed with an equiaolar quantity of 2-aminophenol in boiling alcohol. When the solution was cooled, a quantity of crystals separated out, which aelted at lU3-U4°0 after recrystalliiation Aroa di- lute alcohol. This coapound was 2-bensoyloxybenBal<-2-aainopheaol. CC<.M^ C,/=N This anil was then heated with phosphorous pentoxide f»r two hours at 2Uo°C. uider reduced pressure. The reaction aixture was decomposed with alcohol and then poured into water. After standing oTernlght the tarry mass and brown powder were extracted with ether. Following the evaporation of the ether and recrystallitfition of the residue from alcohol, there were obtained white crystals. These crystals melted at 102-3**C. and gaTO no aixture aeltiag point degression with the 7'bydroxy phenanthridien pre- pared by the other method. ObTieusly the benzoyloxy phenanthrldine hydro- lyies Tery easily to yield the J-hydroxy phenanthridine as every attemitl yielded the same coa^ound aelting at 102-3°C., The reaction may be ex- ]nr«si«d by the following eqiiatlons: Mk J Therefor* the phenanthridlne synthesised froa S-hydroxybensal-E-aminophenol has the formala shown by the following equation: CH- CPh 9-Ml^THDXT PHiaULNTHRlDIHE The U-aethoxy b«nsal-2-aBinophenol was nixed intimately with an eqttfkl ToliuM of phosphorous pentoxide and heated under reduced preesure at 2^^C. for three hours. The reaction oass was deco^>OBed with 9^ ethanol and heated for a few aionents. Water was added and then sodiua hydroxide solution was added until the solution was basic to litmus. Ether extraction of the solution followed by evaporation of the ether yielded a residue. The residue, when reorystallised froa dilute alco- hol and activated charcoal, yielded clusters of white needles aelting *^t 99.5-lOO^C. The coapoond fluoresced blue under the ultra-rlolet light. The analysis gave 6.^^ nitrocea, the percentage calculated froa the fenmla was 6.69^. kS f iioifixT yflMtBOPna Mtl««iiUr M«l#it Iteltlac i^U% (hrraWlIiaa ^on CoX«r 8«tabtlliy aXeehol •%hm9 Aailyslt «l»l Hi » 0 209 oUw%«r« of «Midl«« vhit« IttMlMbU MXtihU la |w« *le«lwl Mlnkli ia o«ld stlMr t»lettlat«d tvami 6,m 6.5^ >»7 9-MBfIII> nMUffBIISIll CH Thm tMMthl^lM«wl-?UMiiB»ph«Ml «M aly^d lBiiaftt«ly with aa •qml ynhmm of j^ti^imNms pwitoxid* aad h«a%«d iiaa«r r«dn0«d pr«»«iir« at 890*K!. fbr OM Mid oiM»h»lf hoars. Tho r«(Mtloa •Ixtoro w»« doeoapoMMI with f9^ •thonel and pourod lalo Mior, fho retaltlai; wlulloB wat •Um dIotiUod maA ola«%or« of sMdloii Mlttag m% lll-U2«C. won oh* taiaod yAmk the dlatillato had e«ol«d. IRm OBap—aA Cteeroteod bX«« «adar tha «lti»->Tlol«t lii^t. Tha p«r««Bta«a of nitrai^ oaleolatad fVM tha fonnla wao 7*32^» tha peroantaca fooad «a« 7.D(, HI 9-METIITL PHEaumTHRIDZin! r BgqplrioAl Fonmila Molecular Wel^t Mtltine Point Crystalline Fom Solubility «»ter alcohol ether Analysis nitrogen \\ hi ■ 193 111-112®C. clusters of needles insoluble in cold water soluble in hot alcohol soluble in cold ether found ealculated 7.1^ 7.32JI THE ORIGNURD RBiLCTIOH Th« possibilit7 of attaching allgrl and tubstitutod alkyl side chains on a pheaanthridine naclous «&■ the next consldoration. PhoBa»> thrldiao can be considorod an untatvirated •lx>>B«Bborod hotoroc/clie rlnc; theroforo, thero «at a possibility that the double b«ad attached to the nitrogen tSon would react with a Grignard reagent: If such a reaction would take place, then a new series of ditaydro-phenaa- thridinee with Tarlous side chains could be prepared, and by siaple oxi- dation with silrer oxide, the alkylated phenaathridine could be synthesised. Experimental One-tenth sole of freshly cleaned na^esiua turalags and 2^0 cc. of absolute ether were placed in a ^00 cc. 3-necked flask fitted with a re- flux condenser, mercury- sealed stirrer, and a dropping funnel. The stirrer was started and 0.1 mole of methyl iodide dissolved ia 25 ec. of absolute ether was added dropwise. There was aa evolutioa of heat and the solution ia the flask turaed gray in color. The reaction mixtTire be^a to reflux and, whea additioa of the methyl iodide was completed, the mixture was refluxed for ten minutes. Then 0.03 boI* of phenanthri- 50 din* dlaaelT«d in absolute athsr was pat into the sfparaterj funnsl and addod dropwiss until addition was complete. After reflnxing for 2 houre, the reflux eondonser was replaced hy a Liebig condenser and all of the ether distilled off. Than the residue was warned with 200 ce. of water acidified with 20 cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid for one hour. The resulting solution waa made baaic, and extracted sereral tinea with ether. Tht combined ether extracta were efaporated to dryneaa and the residue taken up in alcohol. Recryatallization from dilute alcohol yielded whit* micaceous crystals melting at 104 C. A mixture melting point with phen- anthridine shovkA no depression. From these results we concluded that BO reaction had taken place. The next method to be tried involTOd the addition of the Orignard reagent to the uncyclized anil. After addition the ring could be closed by the previous methods usf d for the ayntheaia of phenanthridine. It haa been r'^perted in the literature that the Grignard reagent will react with bensal-aniline in the folle%ring manner: Therefore in an analogous maxmer, the Orignard reagent should react irith benBal-o<-aminophenol to gire a secondary amine which could be cycle- iied giTing a substituted phenanthridine: 51 One* the reaction had l>««n ihown to work la a satisfactory Banner, then different side chains would be substituted. First, howerer, the Grignard reagents used were nethyl magnesium iodide, and ethyl magnesium bromide. Xzperimental One-tenth mole of methyl magnesium iodide was prepared according to accepted methods with standard apparatus involying a 3->necked flask fit- ted with a reflux condenser, stirrer and a dropping funnel. After com- pletion of the reaction, 0.1 mole of bens»l-o-aainephenol dissolved in absolute ether was added dropwise to the Orignard reagent, a riolent reaction took ^lace, and the solution tamed red. An orange-red conQ>eund precipitated out. After the addition of the anil was completed, the re- sulting reaction mixture was stirred for one hour under reflux. Then a solution of 200 CO. of water and 20 cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid was added, and the resulting solution stirred for one hour. The solution was made basic with excess sodium carbonate and ether extracted ssTeral timet. The combined ether extracts were evaporated to dryness, the resi- due was recrystallised from aldohol. White micaceous crystals melting 89-900q^ were obtained. These eare no depression when a mixture melting point with bencal^-o-anlnophcnal %*■ tak«n. The rcaetion vhich did eeev waa probabl/ an addition which decomposed on acidification refclating the original conpoond. Another attempt to aake the Origoard reagent react with the anil was tried, but this tine the bensoate of the anil was used instead of the free anil. Theoreticall/, the reaction should proceed in the following Banner: Xxpe risen tal Methyl oagnesiun iodide was prepared according the the accepted pro- eedure. Ilhe benxal-2~benB07lox7 aniline suspended in dry ether was added dropwise to the Grignard resigent with stirring. A riolent reaction took place on mixing, causing the Other to reflux rery rapidly. After all of the anil had been added, the reaction mixture was refluxed for one hour. IHien 200 oc. of water containing 20 grams of concentrated sulfuric acid was added and the ether eraporated. A brown precipitate remained in the flask. Concentrated sodium hydroxide solution was added to the flask until the reaction mixture was basic, to litmus then an excess ym.» added. » After r«fli»la« Um eoat«it« f«r en* hitnr^ %bm r*aeti«n ■lz1nr« im« fil* UmA to movt th» tar. nw filtmt* Mt Midlfl«d with dlXai* mlfturle Mid aad filt«r»A l»»t* th* r««ldxui «»• rverystalllsed frsa aleohol mA |rt«Id«A iriitt* aleateAoa* «r9r«tftl« Mltla< «t ITl-a C. A mixvar* aeltUx p»lat with a-MiUi^i«Ml ffkf a bic d«iMr«t«loa. A atstor* Mltin.' poist with ywM S»b«BS«y]L»2««uiiwiphm^ »how«d to to b« S»b«u«yl«>2»MiU«ph«aol, «• w» dopmaolMi «•• obotmod. Iha flltr»t# obtAlmd bj fUtorla^ th* h»t «i«ldlfi«A •elatlM /t'^IdaA b«»i«ie aeld on eoollac* SlATO, im Ml fl*M voro wo raveooofyil Im c*ttlM< tho Oripuiitd ro*«on% to r«ftet with tho jdMNMHthridliM or tho anil, wo eosiiidorod %ho foXlowiac rooetioBa. If it woro pooslblo to appl/ owr ojmthooio of phouAthridiao t4 fHoanothridtiOt %ro oould attoiqiii to rooot tho phoaoAthridoso with ttio Orisaard roogont. IMo, of eonroo. woold jiold o torftiary aloohol whioli eonld bo dohyd^tod to (iro tho fhoooateridiao dorimtivo. •m« Jound was not phenanthridone, which aelts at 293 C. (28), but 2<-phenyl-benfozaiole (29). The reaction isrolved aay he shown by the following nethod: Befardless of the conditions used in the attenipted foraation of phenan^ thridene, only the 2-phenyl>bencoxasole was formed. 55 L-aalno-2-iMkphthol->4~8ulfoiiic acid Attenpts w«ra aadc to apply our synthaaia of phaoanthridiaa to tha banzophenanthridine aulfonic acida. la this way, by having one hydro> phylie group attachad to the molacula, the phenanthridixiaa adght possaea desirable properties. The l-Bmino-2->aaphthal*^8ulfoBic acid should condeaaa with bea- saldehyde to give the corresponding Schiff baaa. A rariew of the liter»> tare shoved that so far none of the aaila had been prepared from the aaino~naphthol-8ulfonic aoid: rfHx The following aethods for condensing the aljlehyde and aaiae were used, bat ae coadeasation products could be detected: 1. Refliuciag the pore coa^ouad with beazaldehyda. 2. Haatiag the pure coapound with bensaldehyde in an open flask. 3. Heating the hydrochloride of the base with benzaldehyde. \, Shaking a suspension of the hydrochloride in a concentrated solution of sodiua acetate with benzaldehyde. 5, Shaking the di-sodiua salt of the baee with bensaldehyde in a coaceatrated sodiuii acetate solutioa. 56 STFFHKSIS OF THF. PHBHTL-DIBSNZO-X&IITHSNS When benzaldehyde was heated in abstnee of the solTent with heta- naphthol, a pxmetioally qtiantltative yield of 9'>pb«i>7l-'l'2, 7->8 dlbeii- zozanthen was formed. CM The crystalline conpound was isolated and foxmd to check with constants listed in Bellstein. It had preriously been prepared by heating beta- naphthol with benzal chloride, by heating beta-aaphthol with bensalde« hyde in acetic acid solution in the presence of concentrated hydrochlorlo acid. Sxperioental An excess of bentaldehyde was added to beta-naphthol and the resul- ting solution was boiled for ten minutes. After cooling alcohol was added to the solidified mass and crystals besan to form. IThe compotind was rery insoluble even in boiling 95/^ alcohol, so leaching with hot al- eteel remoTed the unreacted phenol and aldehyde. The 9-pb«a7^-l->2, 7-*^ dibenso-xanthea was extremely soluble in cold chloroform, and its mel- ting point was 189-190°C. 57 9 (U-m«th3rl)-ph«a/l, 1-2, 7-^ dibenzo-zanthen Th« Muie proeadnre was employed as used for ths synthesis of 9-'P^*Byl, 1-2, 7-S dll>enio-xanthe]i except that p-tolulc aldehyde instead of hen- saldehyde was used. It is a light gray coiQ>ound neltin^ 203-6^C. , and is very soluble in ehlorofem, hut inaolnhle in hoiling alcohol. 9 (4-nethozy)-phenyl, 1-2, 7**^ dihenso-xanthan The sane procedure was followed as used for the synthesis of 9~ph*nyl( 1-2, 7-S dibenso-xanthen, except that p-anisic aldehyde was used in- stead of henzaldehyde. The eoapound is light gray in color and nelts 222-223^0. It is Tery soluble in ehloroBom, but is net soluble in boiling alcohol. u SUMMILRT PART I 1. The n«w lynthasls of pheaanthridlne has been r«port«d. 2. The following new phen&nthridlnes have been eyntheslKCd. a. 9-«thox3rph«iianthridlne h. 4>hydroxy-lo-methoz3rpheaanthrldine e. 7**^^^ox7-8-methox7phenanthridlae d. f~hjAroxf phenanthridine •. 9-Bethox7phenanthrldlne f. 9~>Bth7lph«nanthridiii« g. 7*'^«i^soylo^'~^>Q*thox3rphenanthrldlixe 3. The following new Schiff's Bases have been synthesized. a. U-ethox7bensal-2-aBinophenol b. 2-hjdroxy-3«Bethox7benzal aniline e. 2-hydroz7-3-methoz7be&i&l->2->aminephenol d. 2>3diaethex7benial-2-«fflinophenol e • 2-h7dro z7'-3>ae thox7bensal-^Be thozjrani 1 ine f. 2->h]rdrozy-3-iBBthox)i^-U-«minopheiM>l g. ^h7droz7benuil«2-«miiiophenol U. The failure of l-aBino-2-naphthol-U~8alfonic acid te condense with with benzaldehyde under the conditions tried is noted. 5. The \mreaetlTlty of the bensal-2-aBinophenol toward the Orignard reagent has been inyestigated. 6. Two new phenjrl-dibenso-zanthens have been prepared. 59 Bililiesxmphy "Pftrt ^H* 1. Coamings, Hopper, and Wh««l«r, SystMatlo Org. Chea. , pag* 362. 2. Btard, Co«pt. Rend., gfi. 730. 3. Ontebe, Ann. JjJS^ 122 (190U). U. Hkegele. Ber. 25^ 2755. 5. He7 and Backley, J. C. S,, e*5-6»»9 (193^). 6. Oibner, Ann. 210. 3^5. 7. Kondo, Ber. JO. 1087-109^ (1937). 8. Kondo and Dl««o. Ber. 68. I756 (1935). 9. Labrlota, J. Org. Chea. #5. 329-33 (19»*0). 10. Morgan and Walls, J. C. S., 2UU7. Zk^ (1931). 11. Plctet and Ankersait, Ber. 22, 3339, 33^*. 12. Pietet and Ankermit, Arch. Sei. Phjre. Nat. Oenere, ^ 606. 13. Plctet and Ankeremit, Arch. Sol. Phyc. lat. Oeaev*, 3, 37 (1897). Ik. Plctet and Ankersalt, Ann. 266, I38. 15. Plctet, Ber. J8. I9U6, 1951. 16. Plctet and Gonset, C. 21. (D ^13. 17. Placet and Kibner, Ber. 1182, (I892). 18. Pietet and Batry, Ber. 26, 1962. 19. Sleblaeh and Sandke, Ber. 66-B, U33-3U (1933). 20. Singleton, laboratory preparation. 21. Singleton and Pollard. J. A. C. S., 62, 2288 (19^). 22. DlMin and Mace. Ber. JjU. U307, (I9OI). to Cfttoljrtle AUqrUtlea of Aaia«« Tritmrf and ••eoadaxy aleoholt will raaet with prlaary and ••ooadarj aalaaa uadar the Influffnea of catel/«t« lo jrlold toceadarjr «nd tortiary aalaat rospoellrol/. Tho roaetioa aajr bo oirprotsod by the followia< •quatioaot RCH^OH / H«I% > Tomi* / m BC^OH / BigVH > RMR*2 / HOI BowoTor, olaeo it has booa thowa (12) that tortiary alcohol* do not ohov thla t/po of roaetioa, the aoehaalui of tho roaetioa aajr bo aoenaod to bo tho doh7dre«onatioa of tho aleohol f irot to giro th« aldohydo or kotoao, vhieh vould then reaet with an aalno to givo a product vhioh it readily hydrosonatod to sirm aa aaiao (20). RgCHOH ^ R2CO / % HgCO / R'HI^ J'HgOOHiMl* Hpcomraa* / i^ > i^ctwhr' / hoh Nailho (13) found thht thorina oxide or xir«eaiiui oxide acted at an efficient oatalyst at ^tOO-^OO^C. in the taper phase roaetioa botvoea anil- ine and Bothaaol to ciTo high yields of aothyl aailino. He also foaai that alnaiaaa oxide gaTo oo^pleto coaTorsion of orthotolnidiae iato the soeeadary aad tertiary aaiao s with BOthanol at 350*0. by roproeeooiac (1^). T. B. Johneon (11) aad A. J. Hi'^.l (9) asod tho hydroehloridoo of tho aainss with tho aloohol in autoelaToe at a toaporataro of 17!i*C. with til ]iaT)r^CaCl2«»CaCl2 catalyst and o1)tained 87-*91l' o' diethylanilln* vh«n aall- iBehydroehlorlda and athaaol ware u*«A, and A. B. Browa (2) usad slllcagal for tha alkylatloa. Banay hldcal baa baan found to "ba a -tarjr affieieat catalyst la raac-> tioBS iBTolriag catalytic attqrlatlon of aalnai and catalytic alkylatioa follewad by hydroganatioa. Adklaa aad Viaaas (21) raactad aailiae and athaaol OTar Raaay niokal in tha praaaaca of hydregaa. Tha --iekal aetad as a catalyst aad this fact was coafimad as ae raactioa took placa ia tha a'bsanea of ^idtal at 200^0. Tha taaparatura also plays a rary is- pertaat part at thay fouad that at taaparatures lowar thaa 18^<*C. pipar- idina did aot react vith ahtaaol ia tha prasaace of aickal. Throughout thair inrastigatioas thay astablishad the fact that tha saoa yields vara obtained whether hydrogen or aitrogea vara used ia the siaple catalytic alkylatioa of aaiaes. As a result of tha work of Faden aad Adkins (18), It has been showa that cyclic aaiaes caa be aade by catalytic hydrogenatioa froa the follov- iag type coapouadsi S COOXt C 0 ClOE 111 I 0. 0. 0. QL r r r \ lis i where "a" aay be 2, 3, or H, aad the fuactioaal radical "Z" aay be: -C=V -COKB^ -CONHH -GIHB till -C-IO -C-HO9 ^=BOH -.C=B.H- for •nM imple : c 1 CM^ *^W^ / \ 5 1 C -Cm^ > e M, Th« foraatloa of sscondary aalnea from primary amines during hjrdro* sanation of eyanldas orar nickel may rasolt from tha following maohanlsna: 1. Tha amine may react with tha alcohol used aa a solvent to glT« the alkylated amine and water. 2. Two mol^eoles of the primary amine may react with themselTee to glre a secondary amine with the elimlaation of a molecule of ammonia. 3. The alkylidene imlno compounds may react with themselres. Klndler (12) showed that erer palladium prinairy amines underwent the type #2 reaction given above to yield secondary amines. Ho tertiary amines were fomed as is observed in the alkylation of amines with an alcohol. Lakely copper ehromite catalyst has come into extensive use as a catalyst. Generally there is a trace of potassium fluoride, or barium ehromite or other promoters mixed with the catalyst. Baden and Adkins (18) obtained good yields in their synthesis of pyrolidenes, piperldines, and hexa>hydroasepines by carrying out their reaction at 2^-26o^C. under 200-UOO atmospheres of hydrogen and 700-800 cc. of dioxane per mole of diamine and glycol over dopper ehromite. In general Baden (1?) found that glycols reacted with amines t^en the hydrogenatioa was carried out la <3 dloxane OT«r ooppsr ehromlte undtr 200-3OO atoospharcs of h/drogsa. Solvents plajr an important part in the reaction. Aboro I630 alcohol cannot be used because It would react vlth the aaine. Diexane, ether, BMthyleycloxhezane are all good eolrents aa they are inert and hare boil- ing points that perait easy preparation of the reaction products (1). Sumnarjr of th« PtoUmi The reactions of tpoxy coapounda are almost alwa/s of the addition type. They ueually react with compounds containing a labile hydrogen atoa, such as alcohols, phenols, aaines, etc. As illustrated tj the following equation, the ethylene oxide ring opens up in such a way that the labile hydrogen atom attaches itself to the oxide linkage to form a hydroxyl group, while the rest of the radical migrates to the remaining portion of the oxide: _eH — CM— — CM — cp — With this generalization in mind we decided to attempt to eynthesiie 2,3-benzopyrasine by the catalytic alkylation of amines. That is, we would prepare in the intermediate amino alcohol and then cyclise to the pyraslne deriTative. Cyclohexene oxide reacts with ethylene diamine to yield SCortho-hydroxy-cyclclohexyl )-ethylenediamine : 1 \ p -h A/»-*^C l+^CH-j^/VH, Cm^ cm -/V«ch^ r« -A/«^ ^v+, e,,^ .. -c -r .^ ^-. ^ CM, This reaction is complicated by the fact that the ethylene diamine has two functional groups and therefore may also yield the following compound, I, V* di(orthoohydroxyeyclohexyl} ethylene diamine t 9 \ \^- . ' ' 1 -CM, ^C r>i H -CH 1 V 1 1 1 c c w. Bj oAtalytleallj iatemally allgrlatlae the prlmarj aaln* of the 1^(ortho- h]rdroz]rcjroloh«xyl)-«th7len« diaalne a deoahydrobcazopTrazlne or d«cahydro» qfaiaoxallna would form at Is illustrated by the following reaction: H '^"^ ^V^ I "- ^K-^ CM <:Wi ^ I Ih, > I \ ' Th«B, by siaply dehydrogenating the decahydroquinozaline, we would hare th« 2-'3''^*^*opyrtk*ln or quinozalina. Xa order to farther eaploy the use of epoxy compounds as starting materials and yet use the internal catalytic alkylation method of synthesis, we star* tad with e->phenylene diamine and ethylene oxide. When one mole of the oxide reacts with the amine, the following compound is obtained: 66 WHj /V l*j^ ~f- CM^- CM, How«T«r, tvo ■&• • of the oxld* 1017 react with the diaalne to gire B-I'< di(betahydrox7eth7l)->o<-phen7lene diaaiae: r^^s -»- J2 CH.-CM-^ /U /V C «_^ C M, O H I^MU the B.('betah7drox70thyl)-o-pHenylene dlaalne is desired, a larger molar exeees of the diaaiae is used, so that the poasibllity of the B-V* di-(hetahydrox3rethyl)-o-phea]rlenediaoiiie being formed will be diminished. It is understood that there will be some of the by product formed in a reaction. The S-(betah7droxyeth7l)o-phenylenediamine can be internally cataly- tically alkylated as follows to yield 1-2-3-U tetrahydropyraalne: *: M. «7 Then "bj dehjdrogeaatlag the tatrmhydropyraslBe, th« 2*3-^«nzop]mtzia« Is formsd: t The S-I' dl(betah7drox3rethyl)e<-phen7lenedlaaliie can 1}e Intemallj alkylated to glre l-(hetah7drox3reth7l)2-3^ trlhydroqulnoxallne: i- »-,o The l-2-3-^ tetrahydropyrasine ha« been prepared by the follovlng ■ethodi : 1. Heating catechol with ethylene diaadne hydrate in a eealed tube for 15 heure (I3): en. tu. ^ ^ . 2 u^o 2. Bedoction of the 2-3 bensopyracine (10) with eoditui and alco- hol: -> CH, CHi 3. Hydrolytlt of the l-U-dibensenaixilfoiiyl, 1-2-3-4 tetrahydro- 'benzopyrazin* (7): It is soluble in ether, alcohol, cklorofora, benzene and hot Mtter. An aqueous solution gives a blue stain with silver nitrate. It yields 2.3»benzopyrazine on oxidation with potassium ferricyanide (10). 7«rrie chloride solution gives a violet or blue color on being aixed with an aqueous solution irtiich on addition of HCl turns green or light yellow and which further changes to brown or red on heating. The 2-3 benzopyrazine or quinoxaline and its derivatives can be prepared by the following methods: 1. Reaction of o-phenylenAdiamine and glyozal or its sodium sul- fite addition product in an aqueous solution (6, 7)* &9 \ -\- iLi*^0 2, RMtetioa of o*ph*a)rl«B« dlAain* aad « k«t«-i*ld«hyd«t ^^\ '~\__^ C o''"^^ 3, Ksaetioa of o-phoajrlcno diudaa Mid aa Alph*-ehloro*«tt«rt ul. Roaetioa of o-phoajrloao diaalaa ami mi alpha-ehlor^otoaoi r/H^. *^^ 6. Reaction of a napthaquinon* l-S^ and o-phcaylene diaain*: t 2MtO 7. Oxidation of 1-2-3-U tttrahydrobenzopTrazina to quinozalin*: -+ ;?!+ q^inoxalin* it a crystalline compound melting at 27"c., boils at 220>223°C. 760 am. marcury aad has a quinoline-like odor in the cold and a piperidin»- like odor on heating. It is soluble in all proportions in «at«r, alcohol, •thor, and bensene. It can be oxidised with potassina pemanganate to nrracine dicarboxylic acid (I9). It forms salts with mineral acids, ox- alic acid, and platinum chloride. A number of derivatiTes haTe been pre- pared (8-9-16). A solution of the free base in water gives a white pre- olpitat* with tilTer nitrate or ■•rcurle chloride (8). SxperlBoatal Cf4, CHOW 1 1 .< < r w \ « CHl '■'+L ""^•^U > + M, G Cyclozhazono tnts proparod according to the precoduro outlinod la "Organic S/nthASos", colloctlre coluae, 1932 edition. "In a ^ ec. aodlflod Clalson flaak war* placed UOO graae (U molee) of technical oyclohexaaol and 12 cc. of concentrated stilfarle aeld. The flatk was connected to a condenser and a recelrer luBersed In lee hath. The flask vat then placed in an oil hath and the tes- perature kept hetween I30 and lUO°C. Ice vater was clreolated through the condenser hy aeans of a saall puap. In order to nlnlaite the loss of cydohezene due to eiaporatlon. The distillation was continued un- til a snail rosldao reaalned and the odor of sulfur dioxide tias appar- ent. The distinction required 12 houre. (Beported In the original article as taking ^S hours). The distillate was saturated with salt and c/clohezene separated fron the water layer. After drying orer calclua cftlorlde, the product was fractionated In an efficient coluan and the portion boiling 80-82®C. was collected." When this woxk was repeated a yield of 80^ of the theoretical yield wae obtained. n 2-Chloro-cyelolMxmol OrgMiio S7nth«s«a CollcctlT* Tolum*. 1932 ^fo a aolutloa of 2^ graos of nercorlc chlorido in 5OO ec. water ia a 3 lltar flask 800 grams of cracked tea was added. A oold solution of 190 grans of BaOH ia ^00 cc. of watar vias added 4nd a rapid streaa of chlorine was passed into the nixture which was kept helow 3^C. Th« addition of chlorine was continued until the jrellow precipitate of BgO disappeared. Then 60O ce. of cold nitric acid (I.3 I) was addad with stirring. The concentration of BOCl was determined by adding a measured ▼oluae to an excess of KZ solution, acidified with HCl, and titrating with sodium thiosulfate. Usually the concentration runs hetweea 3.5- U^ ¥he amount necessary to react with 123 srams (I.3 aolas) of cycle- hexene was calculated. In a f liter fftund bottom flask with a good mechanical stirrer ws placed 123 grams of cyclohexene and to it was added l/k the calculated amount of HDCl solution, the mixture was kept below I5 C. and was stir- red rigorously until 1 cc. test portion gave no yellow color when treateA with KI solution and dilute HCl. When the first portion of HOCl has reacted a second portion is added and the pracess repeated. When all 73 •f the aOCl hat been added and the reaction is eoaplete, the oil/ lajer ie on the bottom and a elight excest of S)C1 la present. If these eoiHi ditioni are net folfilled, 100 oe. portions of HDCl add solution are added until the reaction Is ooaplete. The solution was saturated with salt and stean distilled. About 2 liters of distillate were required before all of the 2-ehloro~C7cle- hexanol passed over. The acqaeous layer «as extracted with 250 ce. of ether, and this «as added to the main portion. After drying orer BkgSOi^ (anhjrdrous) the solution was distilled under reduced pressure, and after rexioTing the ether by ordinary distillation. The fraction boiling 8S-90)(, 20 am., or 10^4-106°, k^ ■■!. was collected. •• When this work was repeated a yield of kjjk of tl» theoretical yield was obtained. 7H OyolohaxMi* Ozid* Oreanie Synthss** Coll»etlT« Tolua*, 1932 "Zb a 2 lltsr R. B. fladc fittad with a meehanleal stirrer was plaosd a solution of 70 graos of sodixu hjrdrozids la UOO cc. wator. To this solution was addod 230 grams of 2-chloro-oyclohexaBol. Ths ■ixture was stlrrad rigorously for 1 hour. The stirring was stopped and the upper lajrer separated in a separator/ funnel. It was distilled through and efficient coluim, and the following fraotion collected, 100-129: I29-I3U, 13^-175. The first fraction is cyclohexene oxide and water which is separated with a separatory funnel before thp second distillation. After the fraction boiling 100-129 w"^* collected, the condenser was reaored and dried thoroughly before collecting the second fraction. All of the fraotion were refractiooated and the portion boiling 129-13U^ was collected." When this work was repeated 63^ of the theoretical yield was ob- tained. 75 PraparatloB of the Oepper-Chronlta Catalyst The nethod for the preparation of the catalyst was the same at us«d by Connor and Adkina (3), line handrod cubic contiaotort of (80^C. ) solution containing 26l graas of hydra tod copper nitrate, 31. 3 grans of barium nitrato was added to 900 ee. of a solution (25-30^0.), eontaininc 151*2 graas of aaiooniua diohroaate and 22^ cc of 2S% aaaonitui hydroxide. Tba preeipl'oate was filtered and the cake pressed. After hariag sucked the cake as dry as possible with the suction flask, it was dried overnight at 75-80^> It was then pulverized and weighed 225 gn^*. It ms decomposed in three portions in a casserole ever a free flaiM. In carrying out the decomposition, the powder was stirred with a spatula from the beginning of the heating, and the flaae was reaored after decoaposition was well started. After a little acre stirring, there was a sudden evolution of gases and the entire aass beoaae black. After stirring thoroughly, the powder was reaoved and allowed to cool. The coabined products were leached with 600 ec. of 10^ acetic acid solution for 30 ainutes. The product was then filtered by suction and washed with 600 ce. of water in 6 portions. The oake was dried overnight ftt 125°C. and then pulverised. 76 STKTHKSIS 07 S-(BSmHTSBOXT]&THTL}-o-PIiaiTLSli£ DDlNIIB AcoerdlBg to Gabel and Matzakerieh (13) ethylene oxide reacts with a-phenylene diaaine in a sealed tal>e in the presence of ttater to yield K-(betahydroz7eth]rl)B-phenjrlene diaaine. Howerer, work oax^ ried on at this institution utilizing this type reaction of epoxjr coapouads indicates that the use of the sealed tube is unneoessary. Consequently, we proceeded to carry «fat this reaction in cold aethanol, ■ittce ethylene oxide and the e-phenylene diamine are soluble in that aediua. Sxactly 108 gmas of o^henylene diaaine were dissolved in wara aethanol (o. j^^C.) in a a-liter beaker, fitted with a aechanieal stirrer and a flss inlet tube. The solution was then cooled slowly to reoa teaperature* Thirty grams (2/3 aole) of ethylene oxide was poured into a 2^0 oo* suction flask connected to the gas inlet tube by aeams of a piece of rubber tubing. The flask was then closed with a rubber stopper. The stirrer was put into action, and the ethylene oxide allowed to distill slowly into the aethanol solution. (Wotei ethylene oxide is poisonous, but it can be handled easily if kept la a cylinder under pressure.) After the ethylene oxide had distilled into the aethanol solution, %Aiich had sucked back into the suction 77 flask at the lait tracea of ethylene oxide had Tolatilised, the telu> tion in the flask was poared back into the beaker and then the aeth- anal evaporated on a steaa hath. As the solution becaae conoentrateA, it was transferred Into a flask and the nethanol distilled off. The residue was then fractionally distilled under reduced pressure and the fbllowlng fractions obtained: 1st fraction: lU3-135^C./20 mm. mmrearj 2nd frsietion: 200*^0/8 am. of aereury The first fraction was shown to be unreacted o-phenylene diaaine and 6$ graas were reeoTered. A mixture melting point with pore o«phenyl- ene diaaine aelting at lOUoC. gSTO no depression. The second fraction of 50 grass (Slj( theory) which had crystallized on cooling, was liqui- fied by warming and then poured into 400 ec. of benzene. White mica- eeeus crystals were separated out. After standing for sereral hours the crystals were filtered by suction in a Buchner funnel and dried in an oren at 65^C. The melting point of the crystals was 106. 3-107.3^0. uncorrected. A mixture melting point with pure o-phenylene diaaine flare a big depression, the mixture a Ited about ^3-K)'^C, The pure compound was analyzed for nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method. Nitrogen ealeulated 18. U^, found 18.1)(. The compound is Tory soluble in methanol, ethaael, and dilute hydrochloric acid. It is best reerystallized from benzene, as it is slightly soluble in cold benzene and fairly soluble in hot. It is stable to atmospheric distillation, but turns brown on standing. A bottle lAich had been stoppered and stored sereral weeks g^rt off the odor of amnaojiia when opeaeA. 78 Oth«r roas were oade in which lOS graas of th» e-phanylttn* diaaiB* w«r« dissolved in th« w«za ■•thanol tolution and UU gxwM of ethjrlMM exid* (1 mole) were distilled slowly into the diaaine solution. 1^ ■etbanol was distilled off at ataospherio pressture and the residue fractionated through a short coluan at atsospheric press\ire. Two fractions were obtained: 1st fraction >p 236/ 760 am. aercurjr 2nd fraction \ip 338/ 760 an. aeroarjr Zn this case 60 graas of the unreacted o-phenylene diaaine were reeoTered ae the first fraction. It distilled easily and solidified on cooling. The second fraction of 60 graas (86.3^ theory) was reerystallised froa bensene and gave no aixture aelting point depression when taken with fare H-(betahydrozethyl)o-phenylene diaaine. A few graas of a high boiling red oil were obtained, which was shown to be S-I' dl(betataydro- zyethyl)-o-phenylene diaaine by its boiling point. The largest aole ratio of ethylene oxide to e^^^gihenylene diaaine «m4 was 1 1/3 to 1. Under the saae conditions as used preriously, 60 grams (1 I/3 aole) of ethylene oxide was slowly distilled into 108 graas (1 aole) of o-pheoylene diaaine in 1200 ce. aethanol and after first distilling off the aethanol, the r sidue distilled at ataospherio pressure through a short eoluaa. Two fractions wore obtoinedj 1st fraction bp 236^C./76o aa. mercury 2nd fraction bp 338*C./760 aa. aeroury Tifty graas of the unreacted o-phenylene diaaine (fraction #1) were recoTored. A total of 65 graas of the K-(betahydroxyethyl)-o* 75 phebjlen* diaalae were obtained, 83*3^ theory. A total of ton differ- ent runs vere aado. lU(betahydrox3r«thjrl)-o-pheii3rlene diwBlne fO tapir loal fonala Moleealar Weight Malting Point Color Solubility 'boniono ■•thABOl •thanol diluto HCl Analyflit nitrogen C, H^2 0 ^2 152 106.5-107.5*0. whit* fairly soluble In hot, slightly in cold rery soluble rvrj eeluble T«ry loluble found calculated 18.1^ IS.ki fl SnrPHSSIS or the bus' -pi ( BHAHYDROXTCT HTL)-0-PHJE«LBliUi DXAMin ■f 0 '^ k Th» saae fmeral proeedur* used for the prepaxmtloa of tbe l-(l>«- tah7drox7ath7l)-o-phea]rl«n« dlaalne was eaployad, exc«pt that tho ■olo ratio of •thjlaao oxido to o-phenylono dlaalne vas incr«as«d. 71ft7-four grams of o-phan/lono diaalno (O.3 aole) were dleiolved in 1200 ee. of aethanel and 176 grame of eUqrlene ozlAe (U aolee) vere •lewlj dletilled into the methanol eolution. A alight evolution of heat vaa noticed, 10 the heaker w s iomereed In an ice hath. The methanol was dietilled off at ataospheric preesore and the reeidxM fractionally dietilled under reduced oreseure throtigh a short column. Two fractions were obtained: 1st fraction 268*0. /21 mm. mercurjr 2nd fraction 2^3-256^0. /lO mm. msrearz The firet fraction crystallized on cooling. It was recrys tall i zed from hensene and gave a melting point of 106»7 0. ▲ mixture melting point with authentic B-betabydroxyethyl-o^henylene diamine gare no depression. The second fraction came oTer as a light orange oil and solidified in 2 days. It «as recrystallized from heniene which con- tained 2^ ethanol and yielded pinkish Tiolet crystals melting at 97**98^C* ^ mixture melting point with N-betahydroxyethyl-o^henyleae 82 diaaine melt«d at 73~^ C. It was analjc^d "by 1>oth th« boiling polKt rlsa and by the KJeldahl methods. A bolliag point rise of 0.320<'C. wat obtained when 2.3^6 gtaas of the coBsponnd were disselred in UO grams of ethanel (Kb determined preTiously to be 1.0^). This gave a molecular weight of 192. The calculated molecular wei^^t was I96. Nitrogen by KJeldahl: ealeolated lU.35(, found lU.O)(. The compound darkened on standing. A total of ^ runs were made. The following eridence was used to show that th« formula of the B-H* dl(betahydrozethyl)-o-phenylene diamine was instead of the possible formula; One tenth mole of the coopound (19»6 grams) was dissolved in 3OO oe. of water and 20 ee. of concentrated hydrochloric acid «ae added. Ice added tmtil the solution temperature was below 5^C*« *^ then 30 ee. of eonoentrated hydrochloric acid poured in. The 10^ sodium nitrite solution was added until the end point had been reached. Twelve and one-tenth grams of dimethyl aniline were added and the solution stirred. Then, caastie soda solution was added until the solution was basio. Oa filtering the reaction mirture, only a green scum was obtained, which led to the belief that only a nitrose compound might have been fomid. «3 fhis indicated that there were no primary amino group* in the molecule. ».H' SI-(B]ETiLHri£OXT]!IHn.)-0-PHEHTL£IIB BUMIKB ik Bqplrical 7oraial* Moloctilar Weight Kelting Fblnt BolllBg I^iat Color Stabllitz Solubility alcohol 'beneoao diluto HCl Analysis aitrogon ■olecolar vaight °10 ^6 '2 °2 196 97-9«®C. 2^250*0. /lO ma. aarcury piaklBh violot darkens on standing T«ry soluble in cold insoluble la cold soluble calculated found lH.35t iJ+.ojt 196 192 STSTHISIS 0? l.(ORTHDHTD&OXTCTCLOIEXTL} XTHTLENX DIAMIBS V CH. Cyelohexena ozld« Ithylen* dlanin* Since the ethylene dlaalne has t«e ftuietlonal amino groups, it It necesMiry to control the sole ratio of the eyclohezene oxide to the ethylene diuiine so that the aone sobstituted derivatiTe will b« foraed in preference to the di-eubatituted derivatiTe. Xa order that there should always be an ezeeae of diaaina present, the cyclohexeme oxides was added dropwiee to the diaaine. Tvo Moles (120 grans) of freshly distilled ethylene diamine were dissolved in 500 cc of cold methanol in a 1^00 ec, beaker which was fitted with a meehanloal stirrer. Torty-niae graae (0.5 aole) of cyclohexene oxide were plaoed in a dropping funnel and allowed to fall dropwise into the methanol solution of the ethylene diamine, and the stirrer was started. After the addition of the cyclokexane oxide was ooaQ>lete, the beaker was placed on a steam bath and the methanol evaporated. On cooling, a layer of white crystals Mttled out. These were filtered by suction, and then triturated with hot ethanol. The ethaael was filtered from the crystals by suction. The two filtrates were then mixed. The filtrates lAich had been combined were fraction- ally distilled under reduced pressure. Two fractions were obtained: 81 Ist fraction balow 7^ C./85 am. mercury 2iid fraction I88-I9O C./55 ■b. aorcurjr Th« first fraction was tuniBod ethylene dlaalne, since It boiled at ll6*C. under atno spheric pressure. "Fhe second fraction, a yIscous oil vi%h a peenllar odor crystallized to glre a yellowish white mass. The mailing point of the compound was determined In a transition point apparatus. The point of clear solution was U6^C. The compenaA vas a muslwllke solid at room teq^rature, and It retained that property regardless of the somber of tines that it was refractlonatad. ▲ 70^ yield of the compotuad was obtained. The compound was rery •oluble la ethaaol, methanol, ether, tertiary butanel, ani cold water. It was analyzed by means of a KJeldahl determination. Nitrogen oaleor- lated 17. 95^* found 17 ^TJ^* ^ total af four runs were made. 87 I-(ORTaOHn}ROXTCTCLOHEXTl)-STRXLXBZ OUMXll CM. ^^S CM CM, CMOH *:m. 7' Svplrlcal Tformaln. MolecaUr W«igh% Melting Point Torm Color Solubilit7 wKtor othanol other ■ethtael AnAl/aia nitrogon °8 «18 ^ 0 ^6^ (pt. of clear solution) ■ash solid at rooa toqperatoro light yollov Tory soluble rery soluble Tory soluble yrj soluble ealeolated found 17.9lt 17.7^ 88 STBTHSSIS OF K-V> DZ-(ORTHDHTmOXTCTCLOHl!Xn.)-2THrLSlIE DZAMXH2 ttH ew MOMC z'*^ '^» CM Th« whit* crystals which saparated out from the reaction alxturo dnrlng the synthesle of the S-(Orthoh]rdroxycyelohex9rl}<>eth7lene dlaalne were shown to be the It-N* dKorthehjrdroxycyclohexylj-ethjrlene dlaaln*. They aelted at 205«206^C. and were Insoluble In boiling •thanol. Ni- trogen calculated 11.1^, found 11.0)(. Ihe structure was proTod by synthesis. Eight grams (O.O5 sole) of N-orthohydrozycyclohexyl-ethylene diamine %rere dissolred in methanol and 5 grams of cydohexene oxide (0.03 mole) were added. The solution mis heated on a steam bath and the methanol driven off. Ihite erystals were obtained on cooling. These melted at 203-6°C. , and gaTe no depression when a mixture mel- ting point was taken with the crystals obtained in the synthesis of the It^rthohydroxycyclohexyl-ethylene diamine. The reaction may be expressed as follows: K-I* DI.(OBfBOHTDB0XTCTCXX}HBXn.)-]»H{LEBX DZAMXH 29 cm^ cm — /VW C«. CW /V^— C^ <^**J I ] Bqtirical formula Molecular weight Melting Folat Color Solubility >iat«r Sthaaol Analytic Hitrogen 256 205-206®C. whit* insoluble insoluble in boiling ethanel found calculated 11.0^ ll.ljt 90 STHTHSSXS 01* CECA.HYSBOQ|(TIK}ZALZHB ^ 'V^ ^ <^" r^ r ' — > V' y I ' CW, CM J-** 2^ CHj. CM CM, V / ^Gu 1... . / \ ... / ^ \ -^ ^ /V Thlrtj grains of l^CorthohydroxyejrelokexylKtthjrlene diamlA*, UOO ce. of purified dloxano, and 6 grans of copper chroaite catalyst wer« placed In the boab of an Aaerican Instrument Company "Bomb Shaker". The bomb was closed and the pressure on the aeactlon mixture raised to 100 pounds per square inch with hydrogen. Then the pressure mis further increased to 800 pounds per square inch with nitrogen. The bomb was agitated for ^ hours at 250^0. After cooling, the reaction mixture was poured out of the bomb and the catalyst, which had not turned a bright copper color was filtered off. The dioxane was dis- tilled off through a short column, and then the residue was distilled at atmospheric presstire. One fraction was obtained, and it belled at 283-7^. There had been no reaction. Since we know that teoiperatTire plays an Important part in the catalytic alkylatlon of amines, we decided to raise the teiq;»erature to see if we could obtain an internal alkylatlon. Therefore, 30 grams of K-(orthohydroxycyclohexyl)-ethylene diamine, UOO cc. of pfurlfied dioxane, and 7 gnuns of copper-chromite catalyst were placed in the bomb. Pressure on the reaction fixture was raised to 100 pounds per eqinar* lash with hydrogen, and then further increased to 1000 pounds per square inch with nitrogen. The bomb was agitated for 3 hours at a tempemtore rang* of 27^yX>*0, After the boab had cooled oYemlghl, it «as opened. An amnonlaeal odor «a« plainly detectable. The catalyst, vhich had turned a copper color wag filtered off, and the diozane dis- tilled off through a short coluon. The residue «as fractionated at ataospheric pressure and four fractions were obtained: -O 1st fraction bp lib C. 2nd fraction b]^ 175-80°C. 3rd fraction bp 228<^C. Uth fraction bp 285-«T*0. The first fraction, bviling at ll6^C. , had a strong aomoniacal odor and was soluble in vater. Only about 1 ec. was obtained, n^ich was ethylene diaaine foraed by theraal decoaposition of the starting aaterial. The second fraction, boiling at IJ^'^O^C. , caae orer as a light yellow oil. The third fraction, boiling around 228*^C., also caae orer as a light yellow oil. The fourth fraction, boiling at 283- T^C. , was the recorered K-(orthohydrezycyclohezyl)-cthylene diaaine which had not reacted. The second and third fractions ware coablned and reCractionated. This time as the aain product, a light yellow oil, boUing 220-222^0. , was obtained. It was a aushy solid at rooa teaperature. The benzene sulfonyl derivatire v.as aade according to standard procedure, and was insoluble in sodiua hydroxide. This fact indicated that a eecondary aaine mis present. The precipitate was filtered off and reorystallized froa 93^ ethanol and activated charcoal. On cooling, a white precipitate settled out aelting at 188-90C. 92 M ^CH^ ."^ \ 1 1 CJ^CP K«| erature. The benzene sulfonyl derivatire was prepared and melted at 188-9^0. It did not giro a melting point depression lAen mixed with the bensene sulfonyl dftriTatire prepared from prerious runt, fifteen grams of the decahydroquinoxaline were obtained, 43^ 93 •f the thMNtiflAl /laid. Vhm Mcead fimotloa vaa tlw vartaettd ■-(or- thohjrdroxjrejrelelMxyD^ctlvlMM diaalaa which boilad «t 289-7*C« Slae* «• fooad that t«9«xatar« plajra aa ii^ortaat part la th« eatalytio allqrlatloa of this eoqwvad, «• d*eld«d to sm tho of foot of aa iaeroaoo in tho aaouat of ootaljrot aood dariac tho rooetioa. Ooaoofttoatly, 6o sraa« of l^Cortho-hydToz/ejelohoxjrD-othjrloao diaaiao, UOO 00. of parifiod dioxaao, aad 20 ctmm of coppor chroaito eatal/ot voro pl»ood la tho hoah. Iho boab woo eloaod and tfut presouro raiood to 1000 poaadfl por oqaaro laoh vith aitrot^oa. Tho boab «aa asitatod for fivo hoars at 300*, aad tho prooooro rooo to 2'S/OO pooada por oqiaaro iaah« Tho boab «as opoaod aftor It had coolod aad tho rcoetod oatal/ot MB filtorod off. tho dlozaao wa« th«a diotilled off at at-> ■oophorie proosaro. rraotionatioa at atiaotphorie proasoro jioXdod two fraotloast 1st fraetion b.p. 222-U*C./76o aa. 2ad fraotloa b.p. 288*C./76o aa. Thirty giaas of tho first fraction, docahgrdroquiaoxaliao, woro obtaiaod, yihieh was 7^.1^ of the thoorotioal jriold. Tho beatoao sulfoajrl dori- mtlTO aoltod at 188.5-199.^*0. Toa sraas of tho roaetaat fraotloa, boilia« at 288*0., woro roooTorod. Froa these ruas tro hare concluded that the iaeroaoo in tho aamiat of oataljrst will iaoroaso the yield of the prodaet. Six mao woro aado. lASLE ^ Bob araat of Beaetant Qrant catal/at T«q>eratar« Per Cent ThMr«W leal Tl«ld 1 30 7 250*»C. 0 2 30 7 275-300<»C. low (C. 20i) 3 Uo 7 280-310OC. ^3% k uo 7 290-300®C. 6l.95t 5 30 20 290-300'*C. 6511 6 60 20 3000c. 76.5Jt 95 nMOkwraBoqpnoJkLim /^V CH, c H CM M Bapirieal Fdnmla KolectiUr Weight Boiling Point form Color Solubility nator alcohol dilute HCl Tiold Analysis Molecular weight IHO 288*C./760 ■■. aereury mah shlid light yellov inseluhle in oold water soluble soluble 75.5^ theory calculated found lltO \ki 96 STNTHESXS 0? Q^tSOIkUm TvsIts grans of d«eah]rdroquinoxali&«, 10 grass of Baaay aidcel, and Moo ec. of dloxaao vera plaead la the boal>. Tha bomb was closed and the pressure raised to 1000 pounds per square Inch with nitro- gen. The boab mis agitated for U hours at a tenperature range of 250- 300^0. (eptlHUB conditions). After cooling, the boab vaa opened and the black nickel catalyst filtered off. The dioxane vae distilled off through a short column at atoospheric pressure. The residue was then fractionated through- a short coluon and the fraction, boiling at 220-222^0. (reported Talue - 220-222 (7))was collected. It was a light yellow oil, very fluid. It yielded no derivatiye trlth bentene- •ulfonyl chloride, firm grams were collected, giring a yield of ^5»3i^ theory. The quino-xaline was soluble in all proportions with water. Three runs were oade, and the abore procedure were the optiaoa conditions deterained. 97 Bapiricftl TonwaiM MolsouUr Weight Boiling Point Color Sol«bilit7 wator alcohol diluto KCl AaalysiB nitrogon 130 220-222*0. Srporiaoatal 220-222°C. Litoratoro light 70U0V ■itcible in cold •olublo •olnblo ealeulatod found 2i.55t 21.256 9« STHTHESIS 07 1.2-3-lt*TSTItAHT]}ROq,UXlK>XALISl Thirty and •ight-Unths grams (0.2 aolc) of S-(l)«tabjrdroz7«thyl) -9-ph«a7leB« diamln* wtre distolrtd Im UOO ec. of porlflod dloxano and U grami of Baney niekal addad. Tha Hlztora wai plaead in the boah under 30 ataoflpheroi of hydrogan and agitated for "^ hours at 200<>C. The Baney nickel was filtered off, and the dioxane was dis- tilled off at ataoBpheric preisure. The vesidue was fractionated under reduced pressure, and one fraction, boiling 223*^0. under 20 am. of aereury was obtained. It solidified on cooling and was reerystal- lized froB benzene. White aicaeeous crystals, aelting at 102-3^0. were obtained, but they gave no melting point depression when a aix- ture aelting point was taken out with K-(betahydroxyethyl)-o->phenylene diamine. Ho reaction had occurred. In order to determine whether the copper-chromite catalyst would effect the aUcylation, the following ran was made. Thirty grams of the N>(betahydrozyethyl)-o-phenylene diamine was disaolTed in 300 cc. of purified dioxane, and U grams of copper-chromite catalyst added. The pressure on the mixture was raised to 30 atmospheres with Igrdro- gen and the bomb was agitated for k^ hours at 210 C. The same pro-> eedure was followed as before. One fraction, boiling 213-223°C undar 99 15 ■■• of pr«saar« %«8 obtained. On eoollag. It ciyotallizod and ro- erjrstallization from benzono yleldod buff eolorod crystals Bolting 103-^^C. Thore bad boon no reaction. BftTins •••& froa the proTious work that toapatatare played a Tory Important part in tho catalytic alkylation of aainos, ve decided to try Baney nickel a^ain at a higher teoperature. 7orty grams of the >*(betahydroxyethyl)-o<-phenylene diamine vore dissolred in UOO cc. of dloxane and 10 grams of Baney Nickel added. The mixtuxv was placed in the bomb, and the preseore was increased on the reaction mixture to 1000 povnde per square inch with nitrogen, ^he bomb was agitated for k hours at a temperature of 300^0. Tlie catalyst was filtered off and the dioxane distilled off at atmospheric pressure. When the r«siiae was fractionated, one f raclion, boiling at 338^0. , under at- mospheric pressure was obtained. This was the boiling point of the l^(betahydrozyethyl)-o->pheaylene diamine. There had been no reaction. We did, hewoTor, obtain the desired product when we substituted the copper chremite catalyst for the Baney nickel. Twenty seren grams of V-(betahydroxyethyl)-o->phenylene diamine were dissolred in 600 ec. of purified dioxane, and 7 grams of the copper ohromite catalyst added. The mixture was put under a pressure of 1000 pounds per square inch with nitrogen and agitoted at 250-70*0. for ^ hours. After the bomb had cooled, it was opened, and the reacted catalyst Vas filtered off. The dioxane was distilled off at atmospheric pressure and the residue fractionally distilled at atmospheric pressure. Two main fraetione and a smaller one of a higher boiling compound were obtained: 100 1st fraction 25U-6'C. 2nd fxAction 278-88OC. 3rd fmetion hlgh«r than 330<>C. Th« first fraotlon tamed out to bo o-phonyleno diaaino formed by doconposition of the starting ■atorial. It %ias identified hj its boiling point and aelting point. Its aixture oelting point with pure o-iiphenylene diamine gave no depression. The second fraction was refraetionated and yielded a product boiling at 28&-g°C. The r»> ported ralue of this product is 288-9^0. It was recrys tall i zed from petroleum ether and yielded buff colored crystals melting at 9U-5<>C. father recrys tall ization fromi petroleum ether gare white micaceous flakes melting at 9&-7^C. Reported value is 96-97^0. (10). It gaT« a melting point depressioh of twenty degrees when mixed with the pure S-(betahydrozyethyl)-K>-phenylene diamine. The following spot tests reported in the literature were obtained (10): An aqueous solu- tion of the compound gare a blue stain with aqueous silrer nitrate. On addition of ferric chloride to an aqueous solution of the compound, a violet color was obtained which turned yellow on addition of hydro- chloric acid, and further turned brown when heated. A few drops of potassium ferricyanide poured into an aqueous solution of the compound ^▼e a blu»>Tiolet color which turned red on addition of base. An increase in the tenperatures and the amount of catalyst will increase the yllld of the desired product. A typical run is cited: ^ grams of the B-(betahydroxyethyl)-o-phenylene diamine, 20 grams of copper chremito catalyst, UOO cc. of purified dioxsne placed in bomb. 101 The bomb was pnt uiid«r a prasiur* of 1000 pounds por square inch, and agitated for 5 hours at 300**. Two fractions wero obtained whoa the residue was fractionally distilled! lat fraction 280-300*^0. 2nd fraction 230-3^0*^0. When the first fraction was refraetionated, 9 graas of product were obtained, boiling at 287-9*0., which was a yield of 20^. The cos- pound Mhvk reorystallixed soToral times from petroleua ether melted sharply at 96-91^0. It gaye the specific spot tests listed preriously. l-2-3-'*-^''35THAHTDROQ,UIBOXiLUHI lot Ibpirlcal Foraola Molecxilar Weight Color Crsritalline Tom Boiling Point Melting Point Solubility vattr alcohol potroloua other AnAlysia ■oleoular weight CH, CH, white Bicaeeoae flakes 286-SOC. reported in literature 286-8^0. ezperiaental 96-7°C. recorded in literature 36-7°C. experiaentAl insoluble eoluhle insoluble in cold, eoluble in hot calculated found I3U 132 103 8DMMAST "PABT #2* 1. The rMkctirlt/ of •posqr ooapouads toward diaBlaei ta»t 1>««a !&• Tostl^tod. 2. 7iT0 now eompeunds Iiato been reported: (a) H-(orthehjrdrox7e7clohez]rl)-eth]rlene dlaalne (b) K»Ii-di(ortheh7drez7C]rclohex]rl)-ethyle&e diaalne (c) l-(betah7drox7etfa]rl)-o-pheb]rleiie diaalao (d) K>I*-dl(bet«h]rdrox]retb]rl)-o-phen]rleae dlmaia* (e) DoeahTdroqulxiozaliao 9. The fact that eatalytic alkjrlatlon proeeeds equallj ai well vader nitrogen at hydrogen has been rerified. U. A nev eyntheeis of 2-3 bensopTraelne has been reported. 5. A nev eyntheeie of l-2-3~'^tetrah]rdroquiaoxaline has been reported. 104 BZBLZOaBia>Br "PABT #2* 1. Atkins and Cran*r, J. •&«. Chea. Soe. ^ 1^350 (1930) 2. A. B. Brown, J. An. Ch«m. Sqc. »|6, l«36-9 (192U) 3. Conner and Adkint, J. Aa. Cham. Soe. ^ II39 (1932) U. 0. Bagel and R. M. MatikaTleh, Ulcrain. Cham. J. 10, U (I935) 5. A. J. Hill. J. Ind. aig. Cham. IJ, 50U-9 (I92I) 6. Hinsbarg. Ann. 237, 33^ 7. Hlnsbarg, Ber. IJ, 320 8. Hlnsbarg, Ann. 222. 2U5 9. Hlnsbarg, Ber. 23., 78^ 10. Hlnsbarg and Straplar, Ann. 287. 222 11. T. B. Johnson, J. Ind. Sng. Chan. 12, 636-U3 (I920) 12. Kindlar, Ann. U8^, II3 (1931) 13. Mallh«, Co^>t. rend. I66, U67.9 (I9I8) lU. A. Mailha, Cospt. rand. I66. ^&h^ (I9IS) 13. T. Mars and C. Rls, Bar. 20, II9I 16. Sisnnd Motykawaki, Bar. kl, 8O5 17. Piadan, J. A.. Chea. Sqc, 60, IO33-5 (I938) 18. Fudan and Adkina, J. ^, Chem. Soe. ^, 2U87-99 (I936) 19. Sonn. Ber. }W, U850 20. Swoegler and Adkins, J. Aa. Chen. Sqc. 61, 3U99 (1939) 21. C. F. Wlnaae and Adkins, J. Aa. Chan. Soe. 5U, 306-I2 (1932) 105 ACaOWLEDOSMESTTS The Author wlghec to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. C. B. Pollard, Chaiman of the Author's tupervisory Comaittee, under whose direction this work has been done. Dr. Pollard's friendship and his guidance, both in the laboratory and in personal contacts, hare been the iource of snich help and encourageaeat. The author also wishes to extend his thanks to Professor B. J. Otte, Curator of the Department of CheAAstrjr. for his ceoperat4n a% all times in securing equipment and laboratory supplies. lo6 BIOOBAPHXCi^L ITiMS O«rabon Joseph Shofiar was lorn Juns I5, 1918* in Utrboro, Borth Oarolla*. Hs attsndsd ths pablie schools of Tisrhero, North Carolina. In 1935 he entered The Clt4del« Charleston, S. C. , and transferred to the Unirerslty of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, N. C., in 1937. ^ was graduated from the UniTorsity of North Carolina with degrees of Bachelor of Science in I939 and Master of Arts in I9U0. He has attended the Thiirersity of Florida continuously froa the fall of 19^ to the present. Vhile continuing his graduate work at the Uniyersity of Florida, he held a graduate assiskantship in Chemistry and a graduate scholai^- ship. Mr. Shngar is a neaber of the Aaeriean Chemical Society, Oaanaa Signa Sipsilon Chonical Fraternity, and Delta Phi Alpha, honarary Qemea language fraternity. 107 Cosmlttce Report This ditstrtation has bean prepared under the direction of the Chairaan of the candidate** SuperTisory Coomittee, and baa been approred b7 all the Benbere of the Cooaittee. It was subnitted to the Oradoate Council and \m,u approred aa partial folfillaent of the requirenenta for the Degree of Doctor of Philoaophj. Date <^^ir, S', Ml/ 3 Dean Snperriaory Coaaittoet Chairaaa >- H. tf^iaft— ./>\ /5^ Date r>ue ■^c Phenanlhridine derivatives pa sci 547 28S562p 3 15ba 030bl 3SS7 This BOOK is to be USED ONLY in the CHEMISTRY-PHARMACY LIBRARY