J U 9 THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, FROM THEIR COMMENCEMENT, IN 1665, TO THE YEAR 1800; afititrfietr. WITH NOTES AND BIOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS, BY CHARLES HUTTON, LL.D. F.R.S. GEORGE SHAW, M.D. F R.S. F.L.S. RICHARD PEARSON, M.D. F.S.A. VOL. II. FROM 1672 TO 1683. LONDON : PRINTED BY AND FOR C. AND R. BALDWIN^ NEW BRIDGE-STREET, BLAC&FRIARS. 1809. /4^^3 L, LOAN STACK THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF TBE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON; ABRIDGED. Extract of a Letter of M. Huygens, to the jiuthor of the Journal des Savans, of July 25, 1672, attempting to explain the Cause of that odd Phenomenon of the Quicksilver s remaining suspended far above the usual Height in the Torricellian Experiment. N° 86, p. 5027- A HE Experiment is briefly this : that a tube, being after the Torricellian way, filled with mercury, and before inversion perfectly purged of air, does, when inverted, remain top full, even to the height of 75 inches. M. Huygens, as a probable cause of this strange effect conceives, that besides the pressure of the air, which keeps the mercury suspended at the height of about 27 * inches, and of the truth of which w^e are convinced by a great number of other effects ; there is yet another pressure stronger than that, of a more subtle matter than air, which without difficulty penetrates glass, water, quick- sih^er, and all other bodies which we find impenetrable to air. This pressure, he says, being added to that of the air, is capable of sustaining the 75 inches of mercury, and possibly more, as long as it works only against the lower surface, or against that of the mercury, in which stands the open end of the tube : but as soon as it can work also on the other side, (which happens when striking against the tube, or intromitting into it a small bubble of air, you give way to this matter to begin to act) the pressure of it becomes equal on both sides, so that there is no more but the pressure of the air, which sustains the mercury at the ordinary height of 27 inches. If you ask why the quicksilver in the tube of this experiment does not feel the pressure of this matter, even whilst that vessel is yet full ; since M. Huy- gens supposes, that it pierces without difficulty the glass as well as the mercurv &c ? and why the particles of this matter do not join together and begin the * French measure, or nearly 29 inches English measure. VOL. II. B r r '7 O a PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672. pressure, as they go and come through the whole extent of the mercury, and that the glass does not hinder their communication with those that are without. To remove this difficulty, which in M. Huygens's own opinion is very great, he answers, that though the parts of the matter, by him supposed, do find pas- sage between those that compose the glass, quicksilver, &c; yet they there find not sufficiently large ones for many to pass together, nor to move there with that force which is requisite to separate the parts of the quicksilver, that have some connexion together. And this very same connexion, he says, is the cause, ~ that though on the side of the inner surface of the glass, which touches the sus- pended mercury, many of its parts be pressed by the particles of this matter ; yet there being also a great number of them that feel no pressure by reason of the parts of the glass, behind which they are placed ; they retain one another, and remain all suspended, because there is much less pressure on the surface of the quicksilver that is contiguous to the glass, than upon that below, which is all exposed to the action of that matter which makes this second pressure. The ingenious and candid author of this solution acknowledges himself, that it does not so fully satisfy him as not to leave some scruple behind ; but then he adds, that that keeps him not from being very well assured of that new pressure^ which he has supposed besides that of the air, by reason as well of the experi- ment already alleged, as of two others, which he subjoins, to this effect : — First, When two plates of metal or marble, whose surfaces are perfectly plain, are put one upon another, they do so stick together, that the uppermost being lifted up, the undermost follows without quitting it: and the cause thereof is justly ascribed to the pressure of the air against their two external surfaces. He taking then two plates, each of them but about an inch square, being of that matter of which anciently they made looking glasses, and closing so exactly together, that without putting any thing between, the uppermost keeps not only up the other, but sometimes also with it three pounds of lead fastened to the lowermost, and thus they remain together as long as you please. Having thus joined them and charged them with three pounds weight, he suspended them in the recipient of his engine, and exhausted it of air so far as that there remained not enough to sustain by its pressure as much as an inch high of water; and yet his plates disjoined not. He adds, that he made the same experiment by putting spirit of wine between the two plates; and found, that in the reci- pient evacuated of air they sustained, without being severed, the same weight they did when it was full of air. This he thinks shows clearly enough, that there remains yet in the recipient a pressure great enough after that of the air is thence taken away ; and that there is no more reason to doubt of it, than of the pressure of the air itself. VOL. VII.3 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. S The second experiment is, that whereas the effect of a syphon of unequal legs, by which you make the water of a vessel run over, is no longer ascrihed to a fuga vacui, but to the weight of the air, which pressing upon the water of the vessel makes it rise in the syphon, whilst on the other side it descends by its \veight; M. Huy gens found a means to make the water of the syphon run, after the recipient was exhausted of air, and he saw, that with water purged of air* it did the effect as well as without the recipient. The shortest of the leg* of the syphon was 8 inches long, and its aperture, of two lines. And he will not have us doubt, whether the recipient was well exhausted of air; for he did assure himself of that, as well by finding that there came out no more air through the pump, as by other more certain marks. And this he takes for a further confirmation of his supposition of a pressing matter more subtle than the air. To which he adds, that if you take the pains of searching, to what degree the force of this pressure reaches, (which he says cannot be better made than by pursuing the experiment with tubes full of mer- cury, yet longer than those employed by M. Boyle,) it will perhaps be found, that this force is great enough to cause the union of the parts of glass and of other sorts of bodies, which hold too well together to be conjoined only by their contiguity and rest, as M. Descartes would have it.-f- Extract from Mr. John Templers Letter of March 30, 1672, to Dr. Walter Needham, concerning the Structure of the Lungs. N° 86, p. 5031. In answer to the request of an ingenious physician, I was lately engaged to give my thoughts on the structure of the lungs, as follows : — I formerly conceived the lungs to be composed of a multitude of vesicles; into "which opinion I was persuaded by inflation in the aspera arteria of fowls ; and observing the continuation of many vesicles extended from the bronchia through * M. Huygens has made this experiment, as well with water as with mercury. f M, Huygens, though a very great mathematician, in tliis memoir, very unphilosophically, in order to explain the cause of the adherence of certain bodies together, when in close contact, has recourse to the action of a matter, of whose existence there has never been any kind of evidence. The effects in such instances as above-mentioned, have since that time been more rationally ascribed to the attraction of cohesion j a principle which manifests itself whenever bodies are brought into close contact. Hence arises tlie considerable adhesion of two perfect planes: hence the compact and firm adherence of masses of matter : hence the ascent of fluids up the sides of their containing vessels : hence their ascent even in open tubes, to considerable heights, so much the higher as the tubes are smaller: hence the necessity of giving a considerable width to the barometer tubes: hence even a drop of water falls not from a mass without a visible reluctance, &:c. B2 4 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [anNO 1672. the abdomen to the anus, (which I imagine to be the cause of the constant motion of the anus in fowls ; the air having ingress and egress there ; and also that to be the reason why the anuses of fowls are, in malignant distempers, ap- plied to draw the infection out of the body :) I thence conjectured the substance of the lungs to be a complication of a multitude of vesicles with the sanguinQous vessels. And in this opinion I thought myself confirmed, by blowing into the aspera arteria of quadrupeds, when I had cut off part of the exterior membrane of one lobe of the lungs, and found the lungs to rise with unequal protuberances not unlike bladders. But this second contrivance, which I am going to describe to you, has much shaken that conjecture. March 2, l6^^, I made a ligature about a dog's neck, and opening both the jugular veins with a pretty large orifice, I let him bleed to death, (using this way to prevent being overcharged, either with any quantity of blood, or with blood coagulated ; both which would have been hazarded, in case I had either strangled the dog, or cut one or both of the jugulars asunder:) immediately I opened the thorax, and tying the vena cava, with all the passages from the left ventricle of the heart, or its auricle, I cut the lungs with the heart and aspera arteria entirely out. To the aspera arteria I fitted a syphon 7 inches long, which I thrust 2 inches in length into the said artery, and fastened it with a strong binding of packthread. This done, I blew up the lungs, and fitting a cork to the end of the syphon, hung them in a chimney to dry. In a quarter of an hour they subsided about a sixth part ; whereupon I ordered a person to watch them, and to blow them up as often as they subsided. Which course continued, they would not the next morning subside a fourth part in three hours. And (excepting three quarters of an inch distance from the circumfe- rence of the lobes, where the thinness of the substance of the lungs gave the external heat the advantage of a sudden passage, and quick dispatch of drying those parts least furnished with moisture,) I did not perceive, making a propor- tionable allowance for the drying of the whole substance of the lungs, any con- siderable subsiding in two days more. But upon the blowing in at the syphon (whose ligature I was now forced to renew,) I could easily feel the air pass through the external membranes, both on the convex and concave sides, towards the extremity of the circumference of the lobes; but most abundantly on the concave side. March 5th, I carefully cut off one of the lobes, and the inward structure seemed like a cane or dried flag when transversely cut; and, upon blowing in at the syphon, I fancied the air to come equally out at all the pores I had exposed to view. Whereupon I fixed spittle in several places, and upon fresh blowing found multitudes of bubbles, made in the denudated parts of the lobe. I im- VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 5 mediately made a deep transverse incision into that lobe, and blowing in at the syphon, found the air to come so freely out at the larger ramifications of the bronchia, that I could not give the lobe a considerable rise with a strong blast: yet upon stopping with my fingers the larger passages of the bronchia, which I had cut, I found that lobe upon a fresh blast, rise considerably with unequal protuberances (where the incision was made) giving no small suspicion of some latent vesicles. Hereupon I tied that lobe above the incision, and taking off part of the external membrane of another lobe, (having first tied up all the rest of the lobes) I poured water into the syphon, and applied a strong blast, in hopes to have the water come forth in streams at all the pores; but that did not satisfactorily succeed, it coming out in a confused irroration of the external surface, without any ebullition, unless at the larger ramification of the bronchia. Then I tied up this second lobe, and untied a third, pouring in an ounce of the oil of turpentine; at the syphon I gave a small blast, and corked it up. Two hours after I took off" the small membrane of that lobe, and upon a gentle blast at the syphon found an ebullition of infinitely small bubbles. March 10, (having continued it to the chimney) I cut all the lobes in pieces by different and various irregular incisions; whence I could easily observe the several ramifications of the aerial and sanguineous vessels, with their continua- tion to the circumference of the lobes, and a proportionable diminution as they were at a further distance from their original. Shall I hence conclude the structure of the lungs to be a complication of a multitude of the ramifications of the bronchia and sanguineous vessels ? and that the seeming vesicles were occasioned only by the violence of the blast, and the dryness of the extreme and smallest passages of the aerial vessels ; where- upon those, nearest to the bronchia (being moister) were, more than their or- dinary proportion, extended, upon hindrance of a free and usual passage to the air in the lesser vessels or their extremities ? * Soine Astronomical Observations in part already made, partly to he made. By Mr. John Flamsteed. N° 86, p. 5034. These prognostications and observations are now no longer of any use. * The forcible inflation here resorted to is a great objection to deducing any conclusions from these experiments, which mdeed appear to be of little value. The bronchial tubes, which are ramifica- tions of tlie trachea, ultimately lose their cartilaginous structure, and terminate in membranous vesi- cles or cells, which in the act of inspiration become distended with air. Upon the surfaces of tliese air-cells are spread the minute ramuli of the pulmonary blood-vessels, so as to have their contained fluid (the blood) subjected to the chemical action of the air; not indeed by immediate contact, but with no other intervening medium than the exquisitely thin coats of the distended vesicles or ceils. 0 PHILOSOPHICAL TIIANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672. jin Accurate Description of the Lake of Geneva, not long since inade by a Person that had visited it divers Times in the pleasantest Season of the Year-, and com- municated to the Ptiblisher by one of his Parisian Correspondents. Translated by tJw Editor. N° 86, p. 5043. Instead of reprinting the description here given from the original Transac- tions, we think it better to refer our readers to the description of this lake as given by that accurate Swiss naturalist De Saussure, (Voyages dans les Alpes et Hist. Naturelle des Environs de Geneve) and to the travels of our countryman Mr. Coxe. An Account of some Books. N° 86, p. 5047. I. Lux Mathematica, Collisionibus Johannis Wallisii et Thomas Hobbesii fcxcussa: Multis et fulgentissimis aucta radiis, Auth. R. R. Adjuncta Censura Doctrinae Wallisianae de libra, una cum Roseto Hobbesii. Lond. 1672, in 4to. The author of this book (probably Mr. Hobbes himself) states that he has deduced the rise and occasion of the disputes between Dr. Wallis and Mr. Hobbes, and commended the many and difficult propositions and demonstra- tions said to be advanced by the latter of them, and compared these with those of Dr. Wallis. He then proceeds to the controversies themselves, endeavouring to vindicate Mr. Hobbes's assertions from the objections of Dr. Wallis. II. Optique de Portraiture et Peinture, contenant la Perspective Speculative et Pratique accomplie, &c. Par Gregoire Huret, Desseignateur et Graveur or- dinaire de la Maison du Roy, et de I'Academie Royale de Peinture et Sculpture. A Paris, 1670, in fol. This elegant volume in French states the chief aim of its author to have been, to contribute what he could to the instruction and improvement of youth, studious of these excellent arts, and groundedly to teach them the rules and other means, that are really useful and absolutely necessary to them in the same. III. Christiani Friderici Germani, Physici Chemnicensis, Academici Curiosi, Homo ex ovo. Chem. 1672, in 4to. This author having collected what has of late years been asserted and pub- lished concerning the generation of other animals, as well as of fowl and fish, out of eggs; and taken with Kerkringius particular notice, tam virgines quam conjugatas saepissime ova excernere (which he no more wonders at, than that hens and other birds are matres et tamen virgines) then proceeds to consider the VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TKANSACTIONS. 7 advantage of this doctrine, and its happiness in explaining many phacnomena, hardly explicable without it ; such as the production of more foetuses than one ; the production of monsters: the many odd symptoms in women, from the pu- trcfuction or imperfect constitution of the egg or eggs; the production of molas; barrenness, &c. Having dispatched this, he takes occasion to examine the question, an fieri conceptio possit extra utcrum? ubi nonnuUa disseruntur de homunculo chymico sive paracelsico; quae apud ipsum vide authorem. IV. A short and sure Guide in the Practice of raising and ordering of Fruit- trees; by Francis Drope, B.D. late Fellow of Magdalen College in Oxford. Oxford, 1672. This piece appears by the preface to have been written from the author's own experience. The particulars insisted on in this discourse are principally: 1. Of raising stocks from the seed. 2. Of the nursery. 3. Of grafting. 4. Of ia- noculating of stocks raised without seed, and trees without incision. j4n Extract of a Latin Epistle of Dr. Joel Langelot, Chief PhyHcian to the Duke of Holstein now Regent ; wherein is represented, that by these three Chemical Operations, Digestion, Fermentation, and Triture, or Grinding (hitherto, in the Author's Opinion, not siifficiently regarded) many Things of admirable use may be performed. Translated by Mr. Oldenburg. N° 87, p. 5052. It is sufficient to give the title of this long alchemical paper, without making any extract from it. Philosophers can employ their time better in these days, than by reading accounts of experiments said to yield results not reconcilable with the known and immutable properties of natural bodies. An Extract of a Letter from Mr. Lister to the Editor, both enlarging and cor^ reeling his former Notes about Kermes; arid insinuating his Conjecture of Cochineal being a Sort of Kermes. N° 87, p. 5059. We must correct as well as enlarge our notes concerning kermes.* These things are certain : ] . That we have this year seen the very gum of the apricot and cherr}'- laurel trees transudated, at least standing in a crystal drop upon some (though very rarely) of the tops of these kermes. 2. That they change colour from a yellow to a dark brown ; that they seem to be distended and to wax greater, and from soft to become brittle. 3. That they are filled with a sort of mites ; that small * Compare herewith what was published in Nos. 7l> 72, and 73. 8 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO I672. powder (which I said to be excrement) being mites as well as that liquamen or softer palp (which I took to be bee's meat) concerning both which particulars I am pretty well assured by my own, and also by my ingenious friend Dr. John- son of Pomfret's more accurate microscopical observations. 4. That the bee- grubs actually feed on mites, there being no other food for them. 5. That there are other species of bees or wasps besides those by me described ; which are sometimes found to make these mites their food; Dr. Johnson having opened one husk, with one only large maggot in it. 6. That there are proba- bly different sorts of mites in these husks, making possibly different species of kermes ; for some I have found to hold carnation-coloured mites, enclosed in a fine white cotton, the whole husk starting from the twig, shrivelling up, and serving only for a cap or cover to that company of mites. Other mites I have seen white, and (which is most usual) the husks continuing entire, and not coming away from the twig they adhere to, and but little cotton at the bottom. Those of the first sort are the white cob-webs on the vine, described by Mr. Hook Micrograph. Obs. 56. 7- That the shrivelled cap to be found upon the mites enclosed in cotton, as also the whole husk itself, if taken early in April, while soft, will, dried in the sun, shrink into the very figure of cochineal; whence we guess that cochineal may be a sort of kermes taken thus early and sun-dried. Hitherto this summer's notes concerning kermes. This advantage at least we may have by them; that the account taken from M. Verney by Dr. Croon, and published in one of the Transactions,* is made more intelligible; the small scarlet powder there mentioned being to be understood of those mites, and they to be distinguished from the bee-grubs, which are changed into the skipping fly, that is, the bee, (for kind at least) by us described formerly, I am, &c. York, Oct. p, 1671. An Extract of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Piatt, from Florence, August 6, \QT1, concerni7ig some Experiments there made upon Vipers, since M. Charas's Reply to the Letter ivritten by Sig. t'rancesco Redi to M. Bourdelot and M. Morus. N° 87, p. 5060. The experiments related in this paper afford a complete refutation of Charas's opinion, that the venom of vipers is in their angered spirits, and confirm in the strongest manner the fact advanced by Redi, that their poison resides in the yellow fluid contained in the vesicles attached to their gums. Mr. Piatt states, * See No. 20. • VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTION*. t) that being at the house of Sig. Magalotti on the 2d of June, 1672, there aime Dr. Francini with a box containing many heads, cut off that morning, of vipers, lately brought from Naples. He immediately desired to have some animals to begin his experiments upon ; but there being at that time no other company with Signer Magalotti but his brother and I, it was thought fit to stay till next morning, that those gentlemen, who were at the dispute last winter, might be present. I, however, desired the doctor to make at least one experiment, which being granted, Signor Magalotti was sent to the public market for a couple of pigeons, which were first wounded with the teeth of a viper's head that had been cut oft* about seven or eight o'clock the same morning. The way of making the wound was, by thrusting twice the master teeth into the fleshy part of the pigeon's breast, till such time as pressing the upper part of the jaw, the two little blad- ders that serve as gums to the teeth, did empty out upon the wound some of that yellow liquor, which here is supposed to be the true and only poison of the viper. This pigeon being thus bit, and set upon the ground, began to stagger immediately, and died in less than three or four minutes. The second pigeon was wounded in the same manner, but at the first w^ound there only entered one of the teeth, which brought forth a great deal of blood; the second time they both entered, and this had the same fiite, with this diflference only, that he languished half a quarter of an hour. The next morning there met at Signor Magalotti's chambers, besides the company of the day before, Signor Carlo Dati, Signor Vincenzo Viviani, Signor Paola del Ara, Dr. Savona, Dr. Neri, Dr. Fabrini, and some others. Where- upon six pigeons and a cock having been brought, the first thing that Dr. Fran- cini did, was to thrust several thorns of rose shrubs into the breast of one of those pigeons, to manifest that such accidents as might befal those that should be wounded by the teeth of the deg,d vipers, were not merely caused by the wound. And whereas one of the company began to make some nice reflections, and take some of the heads to measure the just proportions of their teeth, to see what difi'erence there might be betwixt them and the thorns ; this made the doctor lose patience, and soon taking a pin, which was none of the least, he gave to the first pigeon, that he could lay hands on, a very deep wound in the breast, which no sooner was got free but began to leap and frisk about the room, as if it had not been concerned in the least. After this, a pigeon was bit in the breast by both the master teeth of a vi- per's head, that had been cut off the morning before; the efl^ect was, that the pigeon had the same shaking fits; after which falling upon his belly he died, giving signs a little before of a painful agony, by his often gaping. His end VOL. II. C 10 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672. was not only very sensible to him, but also more tedious than that of the other day; for this lived 5 or 6 minutes after his wound. Another having been served in the same manner with another head, died within a quarter of an hour. All this appearing as yet to the doctor, to exclude but little the doctrine of spirits, which now began to lose ground after so many experiments of dead vipers heads ; he took three stalks out of a broom, and having smoothed them and sharpened them at the ends after the manner of a lancet, he drew from the gums of several heads enough of that yellow juice to daub two of those stalks; which, being thus moistened with that liquor, were both put into Ihe breasts of two pigeons, and there left ; the like having been done to another with the 3d stalk not covered with that juice, which was at least one third part larger and longer than the other two. In a word, the first two died within 4 or 5 minutes, and the last continues to this very day in Signor Magalotti's pigeon-house as brisk and as fat as ever ; his wound in his breast, instead of having caused an inflammation, is now almost perfectly healed. Whilst these experiments were making, it came into the heads of some to try another, upon the relation that Signor Paolo dell' Ara (lately come from Paris) had made; which was, that some asserted there, that, to swallow a viper's heard was a most certain preservative and remedy against the biting of a viper. Dr. Francini smiled at that fancy; but to give full satisfaction, he made two experiments. The one was, by making the cock swallow a viper's head, and then causing him to be well bitten in both thighs by a live one. But the cock continuing some time before he gave any signs of sickness ; not to lose time, he passed to the other experiment, by thrusting the teeth of a dead viper's head into another pigeon, that had before got down one of those heads into his belly. The conclusion was, that both died, the cock within a quarter of an hour, and the pigeon in less than 4 minutes. The news of these experiments made many persons curious to see them per- formed once more; so that, some few days after, a rendezvous was made in Signor Magalotti's garden, where, besides the forenamed persons, met Mr. Thomas Frederick, Mr. John Godscall, Abbot Strozzi, Signor Paolo Falconieri, Signor Luigi del Riccio, Mons. Pelletier, Mons. Morelle, Dr. Gornia, Dr. Bellini, Signor Lorenzo Lorenzini, and Signor Pietro Salvetti. The assembly having been first informed by Dr. Francini of the grounds of this dispute and of the former observations, he began the same experiments by causing 1 pigeons to be bit by a viper's head that had been dead above ten hours, in such a manner that by pressing the gums some of that yellow liquor might drop into the wound. They both died, one in 6 minutes, and the other in 8; VOL. VII.l PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. J J and not being content with this, with another viper's head they poisoned a chicken, which died in ]0 minutes. There appeared afterwards another pigeon, that had been wounded many hours before, by a dead viper's head ; but it had been dead so long, that the liquor quite dried up in the gums, was become so hard, that none could come to the teeth ; whence this pigeon was very well : and Dr. Francini having caused the same bird to be bit again by the same dried head, it had (after a little fluttering with his wings whilst the pain of the biting lasted) no other harm. A live viper then being taken, 4 chickens were bit by it one after another. The first two, either because the liquor did not penetrate into the wound, or the blood expelled it, appeared not to have any distemper. The 4th looked as if it would die presently ; but a little after coming to himself he got clear off for that time. But the third, which seemed at first to be very lively, died within an hour and a half. There being afterwards a young bitch brought in, she was bit twice by a live viper in the middle of the hanging part of the ear : whereupon she very soon began to give mortal signs, by staggering, vomiting and being convulsed ; after which having a little recovered herself, the same accidents returned upon her, and four hours after her being bit she seemed as if dead, holding out her tongue, and looking very ghastly, without any other sign of life than that of painful breathing ; to which she added sometimes a faint barking and howling. In which condition she was still found next morning, only her respiration was y€t weaker, and she appeared drawing to her end. It was observed, that no part of her body was swelled, nor had any spot upon it. She had voided back- ward some matter of a very black colour, of which her hind parts being very foul, a swarm of gnats and wasps were devouring her alive : which moved one of the servants of the house, to knock her on the head. After this two capons and a pullet were bit by a fresh viper, vexed on pur- pose; and because they gave not then any signs of being ill; they were sent back to their coops, but were surprised at night by a distemper, which in all likelihood proceeded from the poison; for next morning one of the capons and the pullet were found dead. Dr. JVaUis's Answer to the Book, entitled Lux Mathematical &c. described m Number 86. N° 87, p. 5067. More of the controversy with Mr. Hobbes, not worth reprinting. C2 12 > PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672. Ejusdem Doctoris JVaUlsii non nulla, De Cenlro Gravitatis Hyperhohej Pn^gressce Epistolce suhnexa. N° 87, p. 5074. These intricate algebraical expressions and calculations, relating to the centre of gravity, have been properly superseded by tHe easy method of fluxions, since happily invented. j4n Jlccount of some Books. N° 87, p. 5076. I. Tractatus de Natura Substantise Energetica, seu de Vita Naturae, ejusque Tribus primis Facultatibus ; Perceptiva, Appetitiva, Motiva, &c. Auth. Franc. Glissonio, Med. D. et P. et Coll. Med. Lond. Socio, nee non Societatis Re- galis Collega. Lond. An. 1 672, in 4to. This metaphysical tract is not interesting to philosophers of the present day. II. Jeremiae Horroccii* Angli Opera Posthuma : una cum Guil." Crabtraei Observationibus Coelestibus; nee non Joh. Flainstedii de Temporis ^quatione * This splendid genius was born at Toxteth in Lancashire, about the year 1619. From a gram- mar school in the country, he was sent to Cambridge, where he spent some time in academical studies. He began at 14 years of age to apply to the study of astronomy j but from his want of books, and tlie moderate circumstances of his father, he could make but small progress in it. About 3 years after he formed an acquaintance with Mr. Wm. Crabtree, of Broughton near Manchester, who was also engaged in the same studies, and with whom a correspondence was carried on till his death. Thus encouraged, young Horrox assumed new vigour, procured other books and instruments, and was pursuing his studies and observations with great assiduity, when his progress was suddenly arrested by the hand of death, the 3d of Jan. l6'40, in the 22d year of his age. What we see of his wridngs, in the book noticed in this article, is sufficient to show how great a loss the world- had by his death. He had just finished his " Venus in Sole visa," 1639, a little be- fore. This was published in 1668, by Hevelius, as above noticed. His other posthumous works, or rather his imperfect papers, were published by Dr. Wallis, as stated in the article above, with some account of his lifej in which we find he first asserts and promotes the Keplarian astronomy against the hypothesis of Lansberg ; which he proves to be inconsistent with itself, and neither agree- ing with theory nor observations. He vindicates Tycho Brahe fi-om some objections made to his hypothesis, and gives a new theory of the moon ; to which are added the lunar numbers of Mr. Flam steed. There are also extracts from several letters between him and Mr. Crabtree, on various astronomical matters ; witli a catalogue of astronomical observations. There are two things particularly which will perpetuate tlie memory of tliis very extraordinary young man. The one is, that he was the first person that ever predicted or saw the planet Venus in the sun. Though he was not aware of the great use that was to be made of it, in discovering the parallax and distance of the sun and planets, yet he made from it many useful observations, corrections, and improvements in the theory of the motions of Venus. Secondly, his new theory of lunar mo- tions ; which Newton himself made the ground work of all his astrononiy, relative to the moon ; and who always spoke of our author as a genius of the first order. ^ VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 13 Diatriba, Numerisque Lunaribus ad novum Lunac Systema Horroccii. Lond. An. 1(>72, in 4to. Mr. Horrox was also the author of that excellent tract, called Venus in Sole visa, published by Hevelius, together with his Mercurius in Sole visus : who if he had not been snatched away by an untimely death in the flower of his age, would by his industry and exactness, which accompanied his great affection for astrononjy, have very considerably advanced that science. Now we have only left us these imperfect papers, digested with great care and labour, by that learned mathematician Dr. John Wallis. III. Marcelli Malpighii Phil, et Medici Bononiensis Dissertatio Epistolica de Formatione Pulli in Ovo : Lond. 16/2, in 4to. This exercitation of Signer Malpighi, contains an account of his having dis- covered, that in fecund eggs, as well before as after incubation, the first rudi- ments and lines of the principal parts of the chick are contained in the eggs; whereas in subventaneous or addle eggs, inste^id of such a formation, there is found nothing but an ^informed globous ash-coloured body, like a mola. Of these prima stamina or beginnings, this author has traced the progress, by ob- serving their changes, after incubation, every six hours, for the first two days ; and after that, every 12 or 24, or 48 hours. In doing which, he has observed many very curious and remarkable particulars, especially about the priority of the motion of the heart before the production of true blood, though that liquor, before it becomes red, be, according to him, before the motion of the heart; as also about the said liquor first emerging, viz. whether it be a simple colliqua- mentum, or a liquor vitalis, or a sanguis inchoatus : concerning which he asserts, that the carina, and the beginnings of the head, brain, and spinal marrow, do manifestly appear before the collection of that liquor, and its mo- tion, and change into the nature of blood. IV. De Mente Humana Libri quatuor, &c. Auth. J. B. du Hamel P. S. L» Par. An. 1672, in 12mo. The learned author of this book here treats of the nature, powers, functions, and immortality of the soul. Mr. Isaac Neivtons Ansiver to some Considerations on his Doctrine of Light and Colours : as printed in Number 80 oj^ these Tracts. N° 88, p. 5084. At the perusal of the considerations you sent me, on my letter concerning refractions and colours, I found notliing that, as I conceived, might not without difficulty be answered. And though I find the considerer somewhat more con- 14 PHILOSOPHICAL TIlAJfSACTIONS. [anNO idj'l. cerncd for an hypothesis than I expected ; yet I doLibt not but we have one common design ; I mean a sincere endeavour after knowledge, without valuing uncertain speculations for their subtleties, or despising certainties for their plainness: and on confidence of this I make this return to his discourse.* The first thing that offers itself is less agreeable to me, and I begin with it because it is so. The considerer'}" is pleased to reprehend me for laying aside the thoughts of improving optics by refractions. If he had obliged me by a private letter on this occasion, I would have acquainted him with my successes on the trials I have made of that kind, which I shall now say have been less than I sometimes expected, and perhaps than he at present hopes for. But since he is pleased to take it for granted, that I have let this subject pass with- out due examination, I shall refer him to my former letter,;]: by which that con- jecture will appear to be ungrounded. For, what I said there, was in respect of telescopes of the ordinary construction, signifying, that their improvement is not to be expected from the well-figuring of glasses, as opticians have imagined; but I despaired not of their improvement by other constructions ; which made me cautious to insert nothing that might intimate the contrary. For, although successive refractions that are all made the same way, do necessarily more and more augment the errors of the first refraction ; yet it seemed not impossible for contrary refractions so to correct each others inequalities, as to make their difference regular ; and, if that could be conveniently effected, there would be no further difficulty. Now to this end I examined what may be done, not only by glasses alone, but more especially by a complication of divers successive mediums, as by two or more glasses or crystals, with water or some other fluid between them ; all which together may perform the office of one glass, espe- cially of the object-glass, on whose construction the perfection of the instru- ment chiefly depends. But what the results in theory or by trials have been, I may possibly find a more proper occasion to declare. To the assertion, that rays are less truly reflected to a point by a concave, than refracted by a convex, I cannot assent; nor do I understand, that the focus of the latter is less a line than that of the former. The truth of the contrary you will rather perceiv-e by this following table, computed for such a reflecting con- cave, and refracting convex, on supposition that they have equal apertures, and collect parallel rays at an equal distance from their vertex ; which distance being divided into 1 5000 parts, the diameter of the concave sphere will be 60000 of * Which discourse was thought needless to be here printed at length, because in the body of this answer are to be met with the chief particulars, wherein the answerer was concerned. (Original.) "t Mr. Hook. X Printed in Number 80, of these tracts. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 15 VOL. VII.] those parts, and of the convex 10000; supposing the sines of incidence and refraction to be, in round numbers, as 2 to 3. And this table shows, how much the exterior rays, at several apertures, fall short of their principal focus. The Diameter of the Apertvire. The parts of the between the ver Reflected, Axis intercepted tex and the rays Refracted. The Error by Reflection, Refraction. 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 14966 14924 14865 14787 14865 14449 13699 12475 9472 8-y 33 1^ 135 213 135 551 1301 2525 5528 By this you may perceive, that the errors of the refracting convex are so far from being less, that they are more than sixteen times greater than the like errors of the reflecting concave, especially in great apertures; and that without respect to the heterogeneous constitution of light. So that, however the con- trary supposition might make the authorof these animadversions reject reflections, as useless for the promoting of optics; yet I must for this, as well as other con- siderations, prefer them in the theory, before refractions. Whether the parabola be more diflicult to describe than the hyperbola or ellipsis, may be a quaere : but I see no absolute necessity for endeavouring after any of their descriptions. For, if metals can be ground truly spherical, they will bear as great apertures, as I believe men will be able to communicate an exact polish to. And for dioptric telescopes, I told you, that the difliculty con- sisted not in the figure of the glass, but in the difFormity of refractions : which if it did not, I could tell you a better and more easy remedy than the use of the conic sections. Thus much concerning the practical part of optics. I shall now take a view of the considerations on my theories. And those consist in ascribing an hypo- thesis to me which is not mine; in asserting an hypothesis, which, as to the principal parts, is not against me; in granting the greatest part of my discourse if explicated by that liypothesis; and in denying some things, the truth of which would have appeared by an experimental examination. Of these particulars I shall discourse in order. And first of the hypothesis, which is ascribed to me in these words: *' But grant his first supposition, that light is a body, and that as many colours or degrees as there may be, so many bodies there may be; all which compounded together would make white, &c." This it seems is taken for my hypothesis. It is true that from my theory I argue id PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS i [aNNO I672. the corporeity of light; but I do it without any absolute positiveness, as the word perhaps intimates; and make it at most but a very plausible consequence of the doctrine, and not a fundamental supposition, nor so much as any part of it; which was wholly comprehended in the precedent propositions, ^nd I some- what wonder how the objector could imagine, that when I had asserted the theory with the greatest rigour, I should be so forgetful as afterwards to assert the fundamental supposition itself with no more than a perhaps. Had I intended any such hypothesis I should somewhere have explained it. But I knew that the properties which I declared of light, were in some measure capable of being explicated, not only by that, but by many other mechanical hypotheses. And therefore I chose to decline them 'all, and to speak of light in general terms, considering it abstractly, as something or other propagated every way in straight lines from luminous bodies, without determining what that thing is; whether a confused mixture of difForm qualities, or modes of bodies, or of bodies them- selves, or of any virtues, powers, or beings whatsoever. And for the same rea- son I chose to speak of colours according to the information of our senses, as if they were qualities of light without us. Whereas by that hypothesis I must have considered them rather as modes of sensation, excited in the mind by various motions, figures, or sizes of the corpuscles of light, making various me- chanical impressions on the organ of sense; as I expressed it in that place, where I spake of the corporeity of light. But supposing I had propounded that hypothesis, I understand not, why the objector should so much endeavour to oppose it. For certainly it has a much greater affinity with his own hypothesis, than he seems to be aware of; the vibrations of the asther being as useful and necessary in this as in his. For assum- ing the rays of light to be small bodies, emitted every way from shining sub- stances, those', when they impinge on any refracting or reflecting superficies, must as necessarily excite vibrations in the asther, as stones do in water when thrown into it. And supposing these vibrations to be of several depths or thicknesses, accordingly as they are excited by the said corpuscular rays of various sizes and velocities; of what use they will be for explicating the manner of reflection and refraction, the production of heat by the sun beams, the emission of light from burning, putrifying, or other substances whose parts are vehemently agitated, the phaenomena of thin transparent plates and bubbles, and of all natural bodies, the manner of vision, and the difference of colours, as also their harmony and discord; I shall leave to their consideration, who may think it worth their endeavour to apply this hypothesis to the solution of phae- nomena. In the second place, I told you that the objector's hypothesis, as to the funda- VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 17 mental part of it, is not against mc. That fundamental supposition is — " That the parts of bodies, when briskly agitated, do excite vibrations in the aether, which are propagated every way from those bodies in straight lines, and cause a sensation of light by beating and dashing against the bottom of the eye, some- thing after the manner that vibrations in the air cause a sensation of sound by beating against the organs of hearing." Now the most free and natural applica- tion of this hypothesis, to the solution of phacnomena, I take to be this: that the agitated parts of bodies, according to their several sizes, figures, and motions, do excite vibrations in the aether of various depths or sizes, which being promiscuously propagated through that medium to our eyes, effect in us a sensa- tion of light of a white colour; but if by any means those of unequal sizes be separated from one another, the largest beget a sensation of a red colour, the least or shortest of a deep violet, and the intermediate ones of intermediate colours; much after the manner that bodies, according to their several sizes, shapes, and motions, excite vibrations in the air of various sizes, which, ac- cording to those sizes, make several tones in sound: that the largest vibrations are best able to overcome the resistance of a refracting superficies, and so break, through it with least refraction ; whence the vibrations of several sizes, that is, the rays of several colours, which are blended together in light, must be parted from one another by refraction, and so cause the phaenomena of prisms and other refracting substances: and that it depends on the thickness of a thin transparent plate orbubble, whether a vibration shall be reflected at its further superficies, or transmitted; so that according to the number of vibrations, interceding the two superficies, they may be reflected or transmitted for many successive thicknesses. And since the vibrations which make blue and violet, are supposed shorter than those which make red and yellow, they must be reflected at a less thickness of the plate: which is sufficient to explicate all the ordinary phaenomena of those plates or bubbles, and also of all natural bodies, whose parts are like so many fragments of such plates. These seem to be the most plain, genuine and necessary conditions of this hy- pothesis: and they agree so justly with my theory, that if the animadversor think fit to apply them, he need not on that account apprehend a divorce from it. But yet how he will defend it from other difficulties I know not. For to me the fundamental supposition itself seems impossible ; namely, that the waves or vibrations of any fluid can, like the rays of light, be propagated in straight lines, without a continual and very extravagant spreading and bending every way into the quiescent medium, where they are terminated by it. I mistake if there be not both experiment and demonstration to the contrary. And as to the other two or three hypotheses which he mentions, I had rather believe them VOL. II. D 18 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [anNO 1672. subject to the like difficulties, than suspect the animadversor should select the worst for his own. What I have said of this, may be easily applied to all ether mechanical hypo- theses, in which light is supposed to be caused by any pression or motion whatsoever, excited in the aether by the agitated parts of luminous bodies. For it seems impossible that any of those motions orpressions can be propagated in straight lines without the like spreading every way into the shadowed medium on which they border. But yet, if any man can think it possible, he must at least allow, that those motions, or endeavours to motion, caused in the aether by the several parts of any lucid body, that differ in size, figure, and agitation, must necessarily be unequal: which is enough to denominate light an aggregate of difform rays, according to any of these hypotheses. And if those original inequalities may suffice to differ the rays in colour and refrangibility, I see no reason why they that adhere to any of those hypotheses, should seek for other causes of these effects, unless (to use the objector's argument) they will multiply entities without necessity. The third thing to be considered, is the conditions of the animadversor's concessions, which is, that I -would explicate my theories by his hypothesis: and if I could comply with him in that point, there would be little or no differ- ence between us. For he grants, that witiiout any respect to a different inci- dence of rays there are different refractions ; but he would have it explicated, not by the different refrangibility of several rays, but by the splitting and rarefy- ing of aethereal pulses. He grants my third, fourth, and sixth propositions ; the sense of which is, that uncompounded colours are unchangeable, and that compounded ones are changeable only by resolving them into the colours of which they are compounded; and that all the changes, which can be wrought in colours, are effected only by variously mixing or parting them : but he grants them on condition that I will explicate colours by the two sides of a split pulse, and so make but two species of them, accounting all other colours in the world to be but various degrees and dilutings of those two. And he further grants, that whiteness is produced by the convention of colours ; but then I must allow it to be not only by mixture of those colours, but by a farther uniting of the parts of the ray supposed to be formerly split. If I would proceed to examine these his explications, I think it would be no difficult matter to show that they are not only insufficient, but in some respects to me at least, unintelligible. For though it be easy to conceive how motion may be dilated and spread, or how parallel motions may become diverging; yet I understand not by what artifice any linear motion can, by a refracting super- ficies be infinitely dilated and rarefied, so as to become superficial ; or if that be VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. IQ supposed, yet I undcrstaiul as little, why it should be split at so small an angle only, and not rather spread and dispersed through the whole angle of refraction. And further, though I can easily imagine how unlike motions may cross one an- other; yet I cannot well conceive how they should coalesce into one uniform motion, and then part again, and recover their former unlikeness; notwithstand- ing that I conjecture the ways by which the animadversor may endeavour to explain it. So that the direct, uniform and undisturbed pulses should be split and disturbed by refraction ; and yet the oblique and disturbed pulses persist without splitting or further disturbance by following refractions, is to me as unin- telligible. And there is as great a difficulty in the number of colours, as you will see hereafter. But whatever be the advantages or disadvantages of this hypothesis, I hope I maybe excused from taking it up, since I do not think it needful to explicate my doctrine by any hypothesis at all. For if light be considered abstractedly without respect to any hypothesis, I can as easily conceive, that the several parts of a shining body may emit rays of different colours and other qualities, of all which light is constituted, as that the several parts of a false or uneven string, or of unevenly agitated water in a brook or cataract, or the several pipes of an organ inspired all at once, or all the variety of sounding bodies in the world together, should produce sounds of several tones, and propagate them through the air confusedly intermixt. And, if there were any natural bodies that could reflect sounds of one tone, and stifle or transmit those of another; then, as the echo of a confused aggregate of all tones would be that particular tone, which the echoing body is disposed to reflect; so, since, even by the animadversor's concessions, there are bodies apt to reflect rays of one colour, and stifle or transmit those of another; I can as easily conceive that those bodies, when illuminated by a mixture of all colours, must appear of that colour only which they reflect. But when the objector would insinuate a difficulty in these things, by allud - ing to sounds in the string of a musical instrument before percussion, or in the air of an organ bellows before its arrival at the pipes ; I must confess, I under- stand it as little, as if one had spoken of light in a piece of wood before it be set on fire, or in the oil of a lamp before it ascend up the match to feed the flame. You see therefore, how much it is beside the business in hand, to dispute about hypotheses. For which reason I shall now in the last place proceed to abstract the difficulties in the animadversor's discourse, and, without having re- gard to any hypothesis, consider them in general terms. And they may be re- duced to these 3 quaeries : D 2 20 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [anNO 1672. 1 . Whether the unequal refractions made without respect to any inequality of incidence, be caused by the different refrangibility of several rays ; or by the splitting, breaking or dissipating the same ray into diverging parts ? 2. Whether there be more than two sorts of colours ? 3. Whether whiteness be a mixture of all colours? The first of these quaeries you may find already determined by an experiment in my former letter ; the design of which was to show, that the length of the coloured image proceeded not from any unevenness in the glass, or any other contingent irregularity in the refractions. Amongst other irregularities, I know not what is more obvious, to suspect, than a fortuitous dilating and spreading of light, after some such manner as Descartes has described in his sethereal refractions, for explicating the tail of a comet ; or as the animadversor now supposes to be effected by the splitting and rarefying of his aethereal pulses. And to prevent the suspicion of any such irregularities, I told you that I re- fracted the light contrarywise with two prisms successively, to destroy thereby the regular effects of the first prism by the second, and to discover the irregular effects by augmenting them with iterated refractions. Now, amongst other irregularities, if the first prism had spread and dissipated every ray into an in- definite number of diverging parts, the second should in like manner have spread and dissipated every one of those parts into a further indefinite number, whereby the images would have been still more dilated, contrary to the event. And this ought to have happened, because those linear diverging parts depend not on one another for the manner of their refraction, but are every one of them as truly and completely rays as the whole was, before its incidence ; as may ap- pear by intercepting them severally. The reasonableness of this proceeding will perhaps better appear by acquaint- ing you with this further circumstance. 1 sometimes placed the second prism in a position transverse to the first, on design to try, if it would make the long image become four-square, by refractions crossing those that had drawn the round image into a long one. For if, amongst other irregularities, the re- fraction of the first prism did, by splitting, dilate a linear ray into a superficial, the cross refractions of that second prism ought, by further splitting, to dilate and draw that superficial ray into a pyramidal solid. But, upon trial, I found it otherwise; the image being as regularly oblong as before, and inclined to both the prisms at an angle of 45 degrees. I tried also all other positions of the second prism, by turning the ends about its middle part; and in no case could observe any such irregularity. The image was ever alike inclined to both prisms, its breadth answering to the sun's dia- TOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANS-ACTIONS. 21 meter, and its length being greater or less accordingly as the refractions more or less agreed, or contradicted one another. And by these observations, since the breadth of the image was not augmented by the cross refraction of the second prism, that refraction must have been per- formed without any splitting or diluting of the ray ; and therefore at least the light incident on that prism, must be granted an aggregate of rays unequally re- frangible in my sense. And since the image was equally inclined to both prisms, and consequently the refractions alike in both, it argues that they were per- formed according to some constant law without any irregularity. To determine the second quaere, the animadversor refers to an experiment, made with two wedge-like boxes, recited in the Micrography of the ingenious Mr. Hook, observation 10, page 73; the design of which was, to produce all colours out of a mixture of two. But there is, I conceive, a double defect in this instance. For it appears not, that by this experiment all colours can be produced out of two ; and, if they could, yet the inference would not follow. That all colours cannot by that experiment be produced out of two, will ap- pear by considering, that the tincture of aloes, which afforded one of those- colours, was not all over of one uniform colour, but appeared yellow near the edge of the box, and red at other places where it was thicker : affording all variety of colours from a pale yellow to a deep red or scarlet,, according to the various thickness of the liquor. And so the solution of copper, which afforded the other colour, was of various blue and iixligoes. So that, instead of two colours, here is a great variety made use of for the production of all others.. Thus, for instance, to produce all sorts of greens,, the several degrees of yellow and pale blue must be mixed; but to compound purples, the scarlet and deep blue are to be the ingredients. Now if the animadversor contend, that all the reds and yellows of the one liquor, or blue and indigoes of the other, are only various degrees and dilutings of the same colour, and not divers colours, that is a begging of the question : And I should as soon grant, that the two thirds or sixths in music are but several degrees of the same sound, and not divers sounds. Certainly it is much better to believe our senses, informing us, that red and yellow are divers colours, and to make it a philosophical quasre, why the same liquor does, according to its various thickness, appear of those divers colours, than to suppose them to be the same colour because exhibited by the same liquor ? For, if that were a sufficient reason, then blue and yellow must also be the same colour^ since they are both exhibited by the same tincture of nephritic wood. But that they are divers colours, you will more fully understand by the reason, which, in my judgment is this : The tincture of aloes is qualified to transmit most easily the 22 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672. rays indued with red, most difficultly the rays indued with violet, and with in- termediate degrees of facility the rays indued with intermediate colours. So that where the liquor is very thin, it may suffice to intercept most of the violet, and yet transmit most of the other colours ; all which together must compound a middle colour, that is a faint yellow. And where it is so much thicker, as also to intercept most of the hlue and green, the remaining green, yellow, and red, it must compound an orange. And where the thickness is so great, that scarcely any rays can pass through it besides those indued w^ith red, it must ap- pear of that colour, and that so much the deeper and obscurer, by how much the liquor is thicker. And the same may be understood of the various degrees of blue, exhibited by the solution of copper, by reason of its disposition to inter- cept red most easily, and transmit a deep blue or indigo colour most freely. But supposing that all colours might, according to this experiment, be pro- duced out of two by mixture ; yet it follows not, that those two are the only original colours, and that for a double reason. First, because those two are not themselves original colours, but compounded of others ; there being no liquor nor any other body in nature, whose colour in day-light is wholly un- compounded. And then, because, though those two were original, and all others might be compounded of them, yet it follows not that they cannot be otherwise produced. For I said that they had a double origin, the same colours to sense being in some cases compounded, and in others uncompounded ; and sufficiently declared in my third and fourth j^ropositions, and in the conclusion, by what properties the one might be known and distinguished from the other. But, because I suspect, by some circumstances, that the distinction might not be rightly apprehended, I shall once more declare it, and further explain it by examples. That colour is primary or original, which cannot by any art be changed, and whose rays are alike refrangible : and that compounded, which is changeable into other colours, and whose rays are not alike refrangible. For instance, to know whether the colour of any green object be compounded or not, view it through a prism, and if it appear confused, and the edges tinged with blue, yellow, or any variety of other colours, then is that green compounded of such colours as at its edges emerge out of it : but if it appear distinct, and well de- fined, and entirely green to the very edges, without any other colours emerg- ing, it is of an original and uncompounded green. In like manner, if a re- fracted beam of light, being cast on a white wall, exhibit a green colour, to know whether that be compounded, refract the beam with an interposed prism; and if you find any diffi3rmity in the refractions, and the green be transformed into blue, yellow, or any variety of other colours, you may conclude that it VOL. VII.J PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 23 was compounded of those which emerge : but if the refractions be uniform, and the green persist without any change of colour, then is it original and uncom- pounded. And the reason why I call it so, is, because a green indued with such properties cannot be produced by any mixing of other colours. Now, if two green objects may to the naked eye appear of the same colour, and yet one of them through a prism seem confused and variegated with other colours at the edges, and the other distinct and entirely green ; or, if there may be two beams of light, which flilling on a white wall, do to the naked eye exhi- bit the same green colour, and yet one of them, when transmitted through a prism, be uniformly and regularly refracted, and retain its colour unchanged, and the other be irregularly refracted and made to divaricate into a multitude of other colours ; I suppose these two greens will in both cases be granted of a different origin and constitution. And if by mixing colours, a green cannot be compounded with the properties of the unchangeable green, I think I may call that an uncompounded colour, especially since its rays are alike refrangible, and uniform in all respects. The same rule is to be observed in examining, whether red, orange, yellow, blue, or any other colour, be compounded or not. And, by the way, since all white objects through the prism appear confused, and terminated with colours, whiteness must according to this distinction, be ever compounded, and that the most of all colours, because it is the most confused and changed by re- fractions. From hence I may take occasion to communicate a way for the improvement of microscopes by refraction. The way is, by illuminating the object in a darkened room with light of any convenient colour not too much compounded: for by that means the microscope will, with distinctness, bear a deeper charge and larger aperture, especially if its construction be such as I may hereafter de- scribe; for the advantage in ordinary microscopes will not be so sensible. There remains now the third quaere to be considered, which is, whether whiteness be an uniform colour, or a dissimilar mixture of all colours ? The ex- periment which I brought to decide it, the animadversor thinks may be other- wise explained, and so concludes nothing. But he might easily have satisfied himself by trying what would be the result of a mixture of all colours. And that very experiment might have satisfied him, if he had pleased to examine it by the various circumstances. One circumstance I there declared, of which I see no notice taken ; and it is, that if any colour at the lens be intercepted, the whiteness will be changed into the other colours: if all the colours but red be intercepted, that red alone, in the concourse or crossing of the rays, will not constitute whiteness, but continues as much red as before ; and so of the other 24 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [anNO 1672. colours. So that the business is not only to show, how rays, which before the concourse exhibit colours, do in the concourse exhibit white; but to show, how in the same pllace, where the several sorts of rays apart exhibit several colours, a confusion of all together make white. For instance, if red alone be first transmitted to the paper at the place of concourse, and then the other colours be let fall on that red, the question will be, whether they convert it into white, by mixing with it only, as blue falling on yellow light is supposed to compound green ; or, whether there be some further change wrought in the colours by their mutual acting on one another, until like contrary peripatetic qualities, they become assimilated. And he that shall explicate this last case mechanically, must conquer a double impossibility. He must first show, that many unlike motions in a fluid can by clashing so act on one another, and change each other, as to become one uniform motion ; and then, that a uni- form motion can of itself, without any new unequal impressions, depart into a great variety of motions regularly unequal. And after this he must further tell me, why all objects appear not of the same colour, that is, why their colours in the air, where the rays that convey them every way are confusedly mixed, do not assimilate one another and become uniform, before they arrive at the spectator's eye ? But if there be yet any doubting, it is better to put the event on further cir- cumstances of the experiment, than to acquiesce in the possibility of any hypo- thetical explication. As, for instance, by trying, what will be the apparition of these colours in a very quick consecution of one another. And this may be easily perfcH-mfcd by the rapid gyration of a wheel with many spokes or cogs in its perimeter, whose interstices and thicknesses may be equal, and of such a size, that, if the wheel be interposed between the prism and the white con- course of the colours, one half of the colours may be intercepted by a spoke or cog, and the other half pass through an interstice. The wheel being in this posture, you may first turn it slowly about, to see all the colours fall suc- cessively on the same place of the paper, held at their aforesaid concourse ; and if you then accelerate its gyration, until the consecution of those colours be so quick, that you cannot distinguish them severally, the resulting colour will be a whiteness perfectly like that, which an unrefracted beam of light exhibits, when in like manner successively interrupted by the spokes or cogs of that circulating wheel. And that this whiteness is produced by a successive intermixture of the colours, without their being assimilated, or reduced to any uniformity, is cer- tainly beyond all doubt, unless things that exist not at the same time may not- withstanding act on one another. VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 25 There are yet other ci renin stances by which the truth might have been de- cided, as by viewing the white concourse of the colours through another prism placed close to the eye, by whose refraction that whiteness may appear again transformed into colours; and then, to examine their origin, if an assistant in- tercept any of the colours at the lens before their arrival at the whiteness, the same colours will vanish from amongst those, into which that whiteness is con- verted by the second prism. Now if the rays which disappear be the same with those that are intercepted, then it must be acknowledged, that the second prism makes no new colours in any rays which were not in them before their concourse at the paper. Which is a plain indication, that the rays of several colours remain distinct from one another in the whiteness, and that from their previous dispositions are derived the colours of the second prism. And, by the way, what is said of their colours may be applied to their refrangibility. The aforesaid wheel may be also here made use of; and, if its gyration be neither too quick nor too slow, the succession of the colours may be discerned through the prism, whilst to the naked eye of a bystander they exhibit white- ness. There is something still remaining to be said of this experiment. But this, I conceive, is enough to enforce it, and so to decide the controversy. How- ever, I shall now proceed to show some other ways of producing whiteness by mixtures, since I persuade myself that this assertion, above the rest, appears paradoxical, and is with most difficulty admitted. And because the animadver- sor desires an instance of it in bodies of divers colours, I shall begin with that. But in order thereto it must be considered, that such coloured bodies reflect but some part of the light incident on them; as is evident by the 13th proposi- tion; and therefore the light reflected from an aggregate of them, will be much weakened by the loss of many rays. Whence a perfect and intense whiteness is not to be expected, but rather a colour between those of light and shadow, or such a grey or dirty colour as may be made by mixing white and black to- gether. And that such a colour will result may be collected from the colour of dust found in every corner of a house, which has been observ^ed to consist of many coloured particles. There may be also produced the like dirty colour by mixing several painters colours together. And the same may be eff^ected by painting a top (such as boys play with) of divers colours. For, when it is made to cir- culate by whipping it, it will appear of such a dirty colour. Now the compounding of these colours is proper to my purpose, because they difl^er not from whiteness in the species of colour, but only in degree of luminousness; which, did not the animadversor concede it, I might thus evince. VOL. II. E 26 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO l672i A beam of the sun*s light behig transmitted into a darkened room, if you illu- minate a sheet of white paper by that light, reflected from a body of any colour, the paper will always appear of the colour of that body by whose reflected light it is illuminated. If it be a red body, the paper will be red; if a green body, it will be green, and so of the other colours. The reason is, that the fibres or threads, of which the paper consists, are all transparent and specular; and such substances are known to reflect colours without changing them. To know, therefore, to what species of colour a grey belongs, place any grey body (sup- pose a mixture of painters colours) in the said light, and the paper, being illu- minated by its reflection, shall appear white. And the same thing will happen, if it be illuminated by reflection from a black substance. These therefore are all of one species; but yet they seem distinguished, not only by degrees of luminousness, but also by some other inequalities, whereby they become more harsh or pleasant. And the distinction seems to be, that greys and perhaps blacks are made by an uneven defect of light, consisting as it were of many little veins or streams, which differ either in luminousness, or in the unequal distribution of diversely coloured rays; such as ought to be caused by reflection from a mixture of white and black, or of diversely coloured cor- puscles. But when such imperfectly mixed light is by a second reflection from the paper more evenly and uniformly blended, it becomes more pleasant, and ex- hibits a faint or shadowed whiteness. And that such little irregularities as these may cause these differences is not improbable, if we consider how much variety may be caused in sounds of the same tone by irregular and uneven jarrings. And besides, these differences are so little that I have sometimes doubted, whe- ther they be any at all, when I have considered that a black and white body being placed together, the one in a strong light and the other in a very faint light, so proportioned that they might appear equally luminous, it has been dif- ficult to distinguish them, when viewed at a distance, unless when the black seemed more bluish, and the white body in a light still fainter, has in compari- son of the black body, itself appeared black. This leads me to another way of compounding whiteness, which is, that if four or five bodies of the more eminent colours, or a paper painted all over, in several parts of it, with those several colours in a due proportion, be placed in the said beam of light, the light reflected from those colours to another white paper, held at a convenient distance, shall make that paper appear white. If it be held too near the colours, its parts will seem of those colours that are nearest them; but by removing it further that all its parts may be equally illuminated by all the colours, they will be more arid more diluted, until they become per- fectly white. And you may further observe, that if any of the colours be in- VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 27 tercepted, the paper will no longer appear white, but of the other colours which are not intercepted. Now, that this whiteness is a mixture of the severally co- loured rays, falling confusedly on the paper, I see no reason to doubt; be- cause if the light became uniform and similar before it fell confusedly on the paper, it must much more be uniform when at a greater distance it falls on the spectator's eye, and so the rays, which come from several colours, would in no qualities differ from one another, but all of them exhibit the same colour to the spectator, contrary to what he sees. Not much unlike this instance it is, that if a polished piece of metal be so placed, that the colours appear in it as in a looking-glass, and then the metal be made rougl^i, that by a confused reflection those apparent colours may be blended together, they shall disappear, and by their mixture cause the metal to look white. But further to enforce this experiment, if instead of the paper, any white froth, consisting of small bubbles, be illuminated by reflection from the afore- said colours, it shall to the naked eye seem white, and yet through a good mi- croscope the several colours will appear distinct on the bubbles, as if seen by reflection from so many spherical surfaces. With my naked eye, being very near, I have also discerned the several colours on each bubble: and at a greater distance, where I could not distinguish them apart, the froth has appeared en- tirely white. And at the same distance, when I looked intently, I have seen the colours distinctly on each bubble ; and yet by straining my eyes as if I would look at something far off beyond them, thereby to render the vision confused, the froth has appeared without any other colour than whiteness. And what is here said of froths may easily be understood of the paper or metal in the fore- going experiments. For their parts are specular bodies, like these bubbles; and perhaps with an excellent microscope the colours may be also seen inter- mixedly reflected from them. In proportioning the severally coloured bodies to produce these effects, there may be some niceness ; and it will be more convenient to make use of the co- lours of the prism, cast on a wall, by whose reflection the paper, metal, froth, and other white substances, may be illuminated. And I usually made my trials this way, because I could better exclude any scattering light from mixing with the colours to dilate them. To this way of compounding whiteness may be referred that other, by mixing light after it has been trajected through transparently coloured substances. For mstance, if no light be admitted into a room but only through coloured glass, whose several parts are of several colours in a pretty equal proportion ; all white things in the room shall appear white, if they be not held too near the glass. £ 2 as PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672, And yet this light, with which they are ilkiminated, cannot possibly be uniform, because if the rays, which at their entrance are of divers colours, do in their progress through the room suffer any alteration to be reduced to a uniformity ; the glass would not in the remotest parts of the room appear of the very same colour, which it does when the spectator's eye is very near it: nor would the rays, when transmitted into another dark room through a little hole in an oppo- site door or partition wall, project on a paper the species or representation of the glass in its proper colours. And by the by, this seems a very fit and cogent instance of some other parts of my theory, and particularly of the 13th proposition. For in this room all natural bodies whatever appear in their proper colours. And all the phaenomena of colours in nature, made either by refraction or without it, are here the same as in the open air. Now the light in this room being such a dissimilar mixture, as I have described in my theory, the causes of all these phaenomena must be the same that I have there assigned. And I see no reason to suspect, that the same phaenomena should have other causes in the open air. The success of this experiment may easily be conjectured by the appearances of things in a church or chapel, whose windows are of coloured glass; or in the open air, when it is illustrated with clouds of various colours. There are yet other ways by which I have produced whiteness ; as by casting several colours from two or more prisms upon the same place; by refracting a beam of light with two or three prisms successively, to make the diverging co- lours converge again; by reflecting one colour to another; and by looking through a prism on an object of many colours ; and (which is equivalent to the above-mentioned way of mixing colours by concave wedges filled with coloured liquors,) I have observed the shadows of a painted glass window to become white, where those of many colours have at a great distance interfered. But yet, for further satisfaction, the animadversor may try, if he please, the effects of four or five of such wedges, filled with liquors of as many several colours. Besides all these, the colours of water bubbles, and other thin pellucid sub- stances, afford several instances of whiteness produced by their mixture; with one of which I shall conclude this particular. Let some water, in which a con- venient quantity of soap or wash-ball is dissolved, be agitated into froth, and, after that froth has stood a while without further agitation, till you see the bub- bles of which it consists begin to break, there will appear a great variety of colours all over the top of every bubble, if you view them near at hand; but if you view them at so great a distance, that you cannot distinguish the colours one from another, the froth will appear perfectly white. Thus much concerning the design and substance of the animadversor's con- VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 2Q siderations. There are yet some particulars to be taken notice of before I con- clude, as the denial of the Experimentum Crucis. On this I chose to lay the whole stress of my discourse ; which therefore was the principal thing to have been objected against. But I cannot be convinced of its insufficiency by a bare denial, without assigning a reason for it. I am apt to believe it has been mis- understood ; for otherwise it would have prevented the discourses about rarefy- ing and splitting of rays: because the design of it is to show, that rays of divers colours considered apart, do at equal incidences suffer unequal refractions, with- out being split, rarefied, or any ways dilated. In the considerations of my first and second propositions, the animadversor has rendered my doctrine of unequal refrangibility very imperfect and maimed, by explicating it wholly by the splitting of rays ; whereas I chiefly intended it in those refractions that are performed without that supposed irregularity; such as the Experimentum Crucis might have informed him of. And in general I find, that whilst he has endeavoured to explicate my propositions hypothetically, the more material suggestions by which I designed to recommend them, have esca- ped his consideration; such as are, the unchangeableness, of the degree of re- frangibility peculiar to any sort of rays; the strict analogy between the degrees of refrangibility and colours; the distinction between compounded and uncom- pounded colours; the unchangeableness of uncompounded colours; and the assertion, that if any one of the prismatic colours be wholly intercepted, that colour cannot be new produced out of the remaining light by any further refrac- tion or reflection whatsoever. And of what strength and efficacy these particu- lars are for enforcing the theory, I desire therefore may be now considered. ^?i Account of tivo Books. N° 88, p. 5103. I. Ottonis de Guericke * Experimenta Nova Magdebrurgica, de Vacuo Spatio, &c. Ams. An. 1672, in fol. * Otto or Otho Guericke, counsellor to the Elector of Brandenbourg, and burgomaster of Magde- bourg, was born in l602, and died at Hanibourg in l6"86. He was one of the best philosophers of his time, and produced several useful inventions. Of these, one was the air-pump j and the two brass hemispheres, which being applied to each other, and the air drawn out, \6 horses were not able to draw them asunder j also the virunculus or marmouset, which descended in a tube against rain, and rose again on the return of serene weather j besides several others: though the last machine fell into disuse after the invention of the barometer. He was also the author of several other works on Natural Philosophy, besides that noticed in the article above, which contains his experiments on tlie vacuum. As Guericke made use of his marmouset to foretel storms, he was considered as a sor- cerer by the people ; and hence, when tlie thunder had one day fallen on his house, and broken to pieces some machines which he had employed in his experiments, they failed not to say it was a pu- nishment from heaven, that was angry at his infernal dealings. 30 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672. After a narrative of the chief hypotheses and opinions of both ancient and recent astronomers, concerning the system of the world, and having represented the great difficulties in the Ptolemaic and Tychonic, and repeated the answers to the objections against the Copernlcan; the author at large gives us his own thoughts of the frame and constitution of the world; by which world he under- stands, in his treatise, the complex of the planets, disposed and ordered much after the Gopernican way, the sun being seated in the midst, having his spots about him, and moving and influencing all the rest of the planets according to their several distances from him ; Saturn making the utmost of all the planets, and the end of this his world being where the diffusive power and virtue of the sun, the king and governor of them all, terminates, which bounds he conjec- tures to extend themselves, beyond Saturn, to those fixed stars that are of the nearer rank to Saturn's orb. Concerning the bodies lodged in these planets, he thinks it consonant to the power and wisdom of the Great Creator, that there should be such a variety of them, as to stock each of the said planets with creatures differing from those of others: so that nothing of what is in (e. g.J our earth or terraqueous globe, is to be found In any of the other planets, but that every one of them is stored with peculiar creatures, and even with such reasonable ones, as are of another kind from the men of our earth. In the body of the work, many experiments, contrivances, and effects, are described; in which, however, the ingenious author has been, in many instances, preceded by our illustrious Boyle. One curious experiment, in which he seems to be singular, may be here noticed, being an early instance of electricity, though he seemed to have some other mysterious ideas about it. By which experiment he thinks may be represented the chief virtues he enu- merates of our earth, performed by a globe of sulphur melted and cooled again, and then perforated, to traject an iron axis through it for circumvolution ; whereby attrition being used withal, he affirms that the impulsive, attractive, expulsive, and other virtues of the earth, as he calls them, may be ocularly exhibited. II. Thesaurus Mediclnae Practlcse ; studio et opera Thomas Burnet Scoto Britanni, M-.D, et Medici Regis Ordinarii. Lond. 1672, in 4to. A compilation from the ancients, and the principal medical writers up to the 17 th century. VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 31 So7ne Observations about Shining Flesh, made by Mr. Boyle, March 15, 1 67 1-72, in a Letter to the Editor. N° 89, p. 5108. Mr. Boyle observed a neck of veal to shine in as many as 20 places, though not all alike, as rotten wood or stinking fish do. The size of these lucid parts was considerably different; nor were their figures uniform ; some being round, others almost oval, but for the most part very irregularly shaped. The parts that shone most, were some gristly or soft parts of the bones, where the butcher*s cleaver had passed ; though they were not the only parts that were luminous; for by moving to and fro the spinal marrow, a part of it emitted light ; and he perceived one place in a tendon to afford some light; and lastly, three or four spots in the fleshy parts, at a good distance from the bones, were plainly disco- vered by their own light, though fainter than in the above-mentioned parts. — When all these lucid parts were surveyed at once, they made a very splendid show; so that applying a printed paper to some of the more luminous spots, he could plainly read divers letters of the title. — ^The colour of the Tight was not the same in each, but in those that shone liveliest, it seemed to have such a fine greenish blue as is observed in the tails of glow worms. But notwithstanding^ the vividness of this light, it did not yield the least degree of heat to the touch ; and applying to the most shining places a sealed weather-glass, the tinged spirit of wine was not observed to be sensibly affected; and notwithstanding the great number of lucid parts, not the least degree of stench was perceivable to infer any putrefaction; the meat being judged very fresh and well conditioned, and fit to be dressed. — The floor of the larder where this meat was kept, w^as almost a story lower than the level of the street, and divided from the kitchen by a partition of boards only, and with one small window looking northward. — The wind, as far as could be observed, was then south-west, and pretty high. The air by the thermometer appeared hot for the season, which was March, the moon was past its last quarter; the mercury in the barometer stood at 29 -J^ inches. One of the luminous parts, which proved to be a tender bone, and of the thickness of a half crown piece, appeared to shine on both sides, though not equally ; and the part of the bone whence this had been cut off, was seen to shine, but not near so vividly as the part taken off did before. It yielded no luminous juice, or moist substance, as the tails of glow-worms do; upon com- pressing a piece of the luminous flesh between two pieces of glass, its light was not extinguished: and putting a luminous piece into a crystalline phial, and pouring on it a little pure spirit of wine^ and shaking them together, in about a 32 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO lOjI. quarter of an hour or less, the light was vanished. But water could not so easily destroy this light; for putting one of the pieces into a china cup, almost full of cold water, the light did not only appear through that liquor, but above an hour after it was vigorous enough not to be eclipsed by being looked on at no great distance from a burning candle. On conveying one of the larger lumi- nous pieces into a small receiver, the pump was plied in the dark, and on the gradual removal of the air, there was perceived a gradual diminution of the light, though it never quite disappeared, as the light of rotten wood and glow worms were observed to do; but by the hasty increase of light, that disclosed itself in the veal upon admitting the air into the exhausted receiver, it appeared that the decrement, though but slowly made, had been considerable. This experiment was once more repeated with the like success ; which, though it was a proof that this luminous matter was more vigorous, or tenacious, than that of most other shining bodies, yet there remained some doubt, whether the light would not have been much more impaired, if not made to vanish quite, if the subject of it could have been kept long enough in the exhausted receiver. — It was also found, that a leg of the same veal had some shining places in it, though but very few and faint, in comparison of those that were conspicuous in the above mentioned neck. — A luminous piece of it included in a phial, after three days shone as vigorously as ever ; the 4th day its light was also conspicuous, so that it could be seen even in the day time, in a dark corner of the room ; but before the ensuing night the light began to decay, and the offensive smell to grow somewhat strong; which seems to argue, that the disposition, by which the veal became luminous, may very well consist, both with its being, and not being, in a state of putrefaction; and consequently is not likely to be derived from the one or the other. The 5th day, in the morning, looking upon it before the curtains were opened, it seemed to be more luminous than the preceding day; the same night it was manifest enough in the dark, though not vivid. The 6th day, in the morning after sun-rising, there was within the curtains a glim- mering light observable; but the seventh day, late at night, no light at all was discernible. — Some time after a pullet was observed to shine in four or five places in the same larder; though not so large as those of the veal, yet almost as vivid; and all these luminous parts were upon or near the rump, and that which appeared most like a spark of fire, shone at the very top of that part ; yet the fowl was fresh and sound. VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 33 Description of an Odd Kind of Mushroom, yidding a Milky Juice, much hotter on the Tongue than Pepper, &c. Observed by Mr. Lister, N° 89, p. 3 1 16. The 18th of August last, passing through Marton woods, under Pinno-moor in Craven, I found an immense number of mushrooms ; some withered, and others new sprung and flourishing. They were of a large size, something , larger than the ordinary red-gilled eatable mushroom or champignon, and very much of their shape, that is, with a perfectly round cap or stool, thick in flesh, and with open gills underneath ; having a thick, fleshy, solid, and round foot- stalk, of about six fingers breadth high above ground, and mostly as thick as my thumb. On cutting any part of this mushroom, it bleeds exceeding freely a milk white juice, which tastes much hotter on the tongue than pepper: it is not clammy to the touch; the air does not much discolour it, nor the blade of a knife, as is usual with most vegetable juices: it became in the glass vial, I drew it into, suddenly concrete and stiffs, and did in some days dry into a firm cake: it then also, when well dried, retained its fierce biting taste and white colour. Further, I observed these mushrooms to abound with fly-maggots. Also the youngest and tenderest of them, that is, such as were most juicy, were ver)^ much eaten by the grey meadow naked snail, lodging themselves within the sides of the plant. * In another letter of Dec. 17, the same person says : — Mr. Ray returned me this Answer to my letter about the biting Mushroom : " At my return to Middleton I found a letter from you, containing the description of a mushroom discovered by you in Marton woods under Pinno-moor. I doubt not but it is that described in Job. Bauhin, 1. 40, c. 6, under the title of Fungus piperatus albus, lacteo succo turgens. Only he says, that it exceeds the champignon in size ; whereas you write, that there are few of them much larger than that: he also says, that they are not so thick as that. In all other points the descrip- tions agree exactly. For the colour, that it is white, gills and all ; for the place, that it grows in woods; and for the taste, that it is hotter than pepper. Several particulars mentioned by you, are not observed or not mentioned by him. I cannot say, that I have as yet met with this mushroom. * The mushroom here described is the Agaricus piperatus. A. stipitatus, pileo planiusculo lactes- cente, margine deflexo, lamellis incarnato-pallidis. ifn. *p. ;j/. ;?, l541. It occurs in several of the Northern parts of England, in Scotland, and probably in most parts of Europe. VOL. II. 34 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672, jin Extract from Mr. FlamsteecTs Letter, written to the Editor from Derby, Nov. l6, 1672, concerning the j^ppulses, calculated by hiin for An. 1673 of the Moon, and the other Planets, to Fixed Stars, with an Observation of the Planet Mars, N°89, p. 5118. September last I was at Townley. The first week that I intended to have observed (^ there with Mr. Townley, I twice observed him, but could not make two observations, as I intended, in one night. The first night after my return, I had the good fortune to measure his distances from two stars the same night : whereby I find, that his parallax was very small ; certainly not 30 se- conds: so that I believe the sun's parallax is not more than 10 seconds. Having observed the distances and positions of the three stars, by which ^ made his transit, I find, that Tycho errs five minutes at least both in the places and latitudes compared one with another. And certainly he errs as much in many others; so that the labour of M. Hevelius to rectify their places is very needful. Not that I find fault with Tycho ; it is a wonder, considering how difficult it is to set plain sights to a small star, that ever he performed so much, and so well: but if M. Hevelius use not glasses in their room, I fear we shall be but where we were ; and yet without this restitution we cannot expect any thing certain, much less accurate, in astronomy. An Account of some Books. N° 89, p. 5125. I. Prose de Signori Academici di Bologna ; in Bologna, 1672, in 4to. This is a collection of 15 Discourses, at several times made by several per- sons of the illustrious Academy of Bologna, published under the Presidentship of the Noble Count Valerio Zani ; most of them very ingenious and learned. II. Relation de divers Voyages Curieux, IV Partie. A Par. 1672, in fol. The fourth part of the Curious Voyages of M. Thevenot is as yet but begun, there being only printed of it and transmitted to us two Discourses, the one containing a Portraiture of the Indians by D, Juan de Palafox, Bishop de la Puebla de los Angelos; the other a Relation of the Voyages of N. N. into the river Delia Plata, and thence over land into Peru. A Further Account of Veins in Plants, &c. by Mr. Lister, in a Letter of Jan. 8, 1672-73. N°90, p. 5132. We have formerly given you certain reasons for the existence of veins, analo- gous to those in animals, in all plants whatsoever, mushrooms not excepted. — To which we might add, that the skin of a plant may be cut sheer off^ with VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 35 part of the spongy parenchyma, and no signs of milky juice follow, that is, no breach of a vein. Again, we have stripped the plant of its skin, by pulling it up by the roots, and exposing it to the wet weather, until it became flaccid as a wet thong, without any injury to the veins, which yet upon incision would freshly bleed. These experiments make against the general opinion of one only sap loosely pervading the whole plant, like water in a sponge. And though we have made these, and many other experiments, to facilitate an ocular demon- stration of these veins ; yet we have not been able to effect it to our mind, and subject them as nakedly to our eye as we could wish. In the transverse cuts of plants, we see as it were a certain order and number of the bloody orifices of dissected veins. We observ^e also in a leaf, which we take to be the simplest part of a plant ; 1 . That the veins, &c. keep company with the ribs and nerves, as we vulgarly call them, and are distributed into all the parts of the leaf, according to the subdivisions of those nervous lineaments, and are disposed with them into a certain net-work. — 2. That in a transverse cut of a leaf, the middle fibre or nerve, for example, seems to yield one large drop of a milky juice, springing as it were from one vein; yet the microscope plainly shows us, that there are many veins which contribute to the making up of that drop. — 3. That if a fibre or nerve be carefully taken out of the leaf, the veins will appear in it like so many small hairs or pipes, running along and stripping the nerve. — 4. That those many veins are all of an equal largeness, for ought we have yet discerned to the contrary. — 5. That though we seem to be more certain of the ramifications of the fibres, wherein those veins are, we vet are not so, that those veins do any where grow less and smaller, though pro- bably it may be so, — 6. That we cannot discern any where, throughout the whole plant, larger or more capacious veins, than those we see adhering to the fibres of the leaves ; which do also appear from comparing the bleeding orifices in a transverse cut. I have found it a difiicult and laborious task, to trace and unravel them throughout the whole plant. - Our opinion is, that these veins do still keep company with their respective fibres. And as all the fibres of the leaf are joined in the stalk of the leaf, and that stalk explicated in clothing the twig or stem of the plant, so do we think of the veins, their perpetual companions. — But moreover, in the roots of plants, if a simple coat be separated and exposed between yoxir eye and the light, the veins appear to be strangely entangled and implicated, and not in the same simple order as in the leaves. — From what has been said, it may well be doubted, whether there is any sinus or common trunk, into which all the veins are gathered ? But rather that there are a multitude of equally large veins, each existing apart by itself. We indeed have found it very difficult so to exhaust p 2 3(5 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672. the plant of its milky juice, as to kill it, though we have given it very many incisions to that purpose. The substance of these veins seems to be as truly membranous, as the veins of animals : a leaf will not give way and be extended, but the veins in a leaf, if freed of all the woody fibres, may be stretched out to one third part at least, and vigorously restore themselves again, just like a vein, gut, or any other membranous ductus of an animal.- Again these membranous pipes are exceed- ingly thin and transparent, because they suddenly disappear and subside after their being exhausted of their juice ; and particularly in that we see the liquor, they hold, quite through them, no otherwise than the blood through our veins. Concerning the external figure of these veins and cavities, as well as other accidents, we thought they would have been made more apparent to us, if it were possible to coagulate the juice they hold, without much shrinking the plant. We were in great hopes freezing would have effected this; which though it did not succeed as we promised ourselves, in respect of the manifestation of these accidents; yet it gave us some further light into the nature of the juice of these veins. In the keenest frost we dissected the frozen leaves of the garden spurge J and observed, that all the juice, besides that which these veins hold, was indeed frozen into perfect hard ice, and to be expressed out in the figure of the containing pores; but the milky juice was as liquid as ever, but not so brisk as in open weather. As to the motion of these juices, these things are certain : 1. That the milky juice always moves and springs briskly on the opening of a vein; the limpid sap but at certain seasons, and as it were by accident. — 2. The venal juice has a manifest intestine motion, or fermentation, within it- self. There seem to be in plants manifest acts of- sense. We instance in the sud- den shrinking of some plants; the frequent closing and opening of flowers ; the critical erecting of the heads of poppies from a pendulous posture, and parti- cularly the vermicular motion of the veins when exposed to the air. Again, the veins of plants may indeed be different, though at present we cannot tell where- in they are so. The arteries within our heads arc hardly to be known by the eye from the veins. Further there are natural and spontaneous excretions or venting of superfluous moisture in plants, visible and constant in the crown im- perial, rorella, pinguicula, &c. Lastly, we shall not omit to observe, that either we must take that away from the other reasons given of the necessity of the circulation of the blood in ani- mals, viz. the hindering of its breaking and clodding ; or we must grant the VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 3? same motion to the venal juice in plants : we having undeniable exjxiriments to show, that the venal juice of plants and the blood of animals agree in this, that they both, when they are once drawn from their respective veins, do forthwith break and coagulate, and that the serum in the one, as well as in the other, becomes a stiff' gelly by a little standing. Copi/ of a Letter from Somersetshire , concerning a 'Strange Frost about Bristol. N°90, p. 5138. The freezing rain, which fell here the Qth, lOth, or nth of December last, has made such a destruction of trees in all the villages and highways, from Bristol towards Wells, Shepton-Mallet, Bath and Bruton, and in other places of the west, that both for the manner and matter it may seem incredible; and is more strange than I have found in any English chronicle. A credible person thus writes of it, " The late prodigious frost has much disabled many old orchards exposed to the north-east. Had it concluded with some gusts of wind, it might have been of sad importance; I weighed the sprig of an ash-tree of just three quarters of a pound, which was brought to my table; the ice on it weighed 1 6 pounds, besides what was melted off by the hands of those that brought it. A very small bent at the same time was produced, which had an icicle, encompassing it, of five inches round by measure: yet all this while, when trees and hedges were laden with ice, there was no ice to be seen on our rivers, nor so much as on our standing pools." Similar or even worse and more extraordinary complaints I received from several other places, and from eye witnesses of credit. Some travellers were almost lost by the coldness of the freezing air, and freezing rain. All the trees, young and old, on the highway from Bristol to Shepton, were so torn and thrown down on both sides the ways, that they were unpassable. By the like obstructions the carriers of Bruton were forced to return back. Some were affrighted with the noise in the air, till they discerned that it was the clatter of icy boughs dashed one against another by the wind. Some told me that riding on the snowy downs, they saw this freezing rain fall upon the snow, and im- mediately freeze to ice, without sinking at all into the snow; so that the snow was covered with ice all along, and had been dangerous, if the ice had been strong enough to bear them. On Wednesday, Dec. J 1, I saw a young man, who returning home from a journey of five miles, and coming into a warm room, cried out of extreme torments in all parts of his body. He affirmed, that the air, and the winds were so unsufferably cold, that he was in utter despair of coming home alive ; yet all that day nothing but moist dew fell under our feet. 38 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNN0 1672. As soon as these frosts were over, we had glowing heats, which caused a general complaint amongst us of excessive sweating, by night and day. The bushes and many flowers in the garden appeared in such forwardness, as if it were in April or May. I saw young coleworts growing; roots and leaves; on the top leaves of an older colevvort. Not far from my abode, an apple-tree blossomed before Christmas. In old histories I find, that earthquakes, inundations, droughts, famine, pestilences, were each of them, in their several seasons, and sometimes one close on the heels of the other, almost universal over the known world; some- times raging from place to place several years together. As the learned Meade relates of a pestilence, which, in the days of Gallus and Volusianus, began in Ethiopia, and for 15 years wasted all the Roman provinces. A Method of Draiuing Tangents to all Geometrical Curves , hy M. Ren. Fr. Sluse, Canon of Liege, in a Letter to the Editor, N° QO, p. 5143. Translated from the Latin. I send you. Sir, my method of drawing Tangents to any Geometrical Curve whatever, and submit it to the censure of the learned men of the Royal Society. It appears to me so short and easy, that it may be learned by a novice, and with- out the labour of any further calculation extended to all kinds of lines: but I wish rather to have the approbation of others, since we are commonly too partial to our own inventions. Let any curve DO (Fig. 1, PI. 1,) be given, all the points of which are re- ferred to any given right line E AB, by the right line A D ; it matters not, whe- ther E AB be a diameter or any other line, or whether there be also given other lines, which, or their powers, may enter the equation. In an analytical equation, for greater plainness, let DA be always designed by i;, BA by 7/, and let EB and other known quantities be expressed by consonants; then let DC be supposed drawn, touching the curve in D, and meeting EB pro- duced, if needful, in the point C; and let C A be always called a ; then this will be the general rule for finding C A or «. 1. Reject out of the equation all those members, in which neither y nor v is found ; then put all those terms that have y, on one side ; and all those which have v, on the other, with their signs + or — ; and let the latter for distinction and ease sake be called the right, the for- mer, the left side. 2. On the right side let there be prefixed to each member the exponent of the power which v has there ; or, which is the same, multiply all the members into that exponent. 3. Let the same be done also on the left side, multiplying each member there by the exponent of the power of ?/ therein; and besides, let one y in each member be always changed into a. — The equation thus transformed shows the method of drawing a tangent to the given point D. VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 3Q For since that point is given, y and v are likewise given, as also the other quan- tities expressed by consonants, consequently a becomes known. If there be found any obscurity in this rule, it will be cleared up by some examples. Let this equation by — ?/ = i^ be given ; in which let EB be ^?; B A, ?/; DA, v ; and let a or AC be sought, so that drawing D C, it may touch the curve DQ in D. — According to the rule, nothing is to be rejected out of this equation, since in each of its terms either y or v is found ; and it is besides so disposed, that on one side are all the members in which y is, and on the other side all those in which V is found; there is therefore only to be prefixed to each member the exponent of the power o£ y orv in each, and on the left side one y to be changed into a, that it may be ba — 2ya = 2vv; now this equation shows the method of drawing a tangent to the point D, or « = ^ — = AC. And if the equa- tion qq + ^j/ — yy-=.vv were given, the equation for the tangent would be exactly the same with the preceding, after rejecting qq according to the rule. So also from 2 by^ — y^ ■=. v"^ arises A by a — 3 yya =: 3v\ or a ^ ■ — . And from bby -\- zyy -\- y^ ^ qvv, is obtained bba + 1 zya + 3yya =2qvv, and a=zj^^-~^—-. Also from b^ -{- by^ -^ y' = qqvv + zv^ comesSbyya— 4y^a=:2qqvv -^ 3zv^y and hence a = IV^ _ — 77"* In these and such like equations there can be no difficulty. Possibly there may be a little in those, which have some of the terms consisting of the products of ^ and i;: as yv, yyv, y^ vv, &c. Yet that difficulty is but inconsiderable: for suppose we have^y^ = bvv — yvv\ nothing is to be thrown out of this equa- tion, since either ?/ or?; is found in each term. But that it may be disposed ac- cording to the rule, yvv must be taken twice, and be put both on the right side, in which are the terms having v, and on the left side, whose members have y, since yv v contains both y and v ; then we must make y^ -|- vvy= bvv — yvv. And changing this equation as before into another, viz. 3yya -\-vva = 2bvv — 2vvv, a will be equal to J^"" ^^. For the rule is to be thus understood, viz. that on the left side the power of v is not to be regarded, so that the expo- nent of ?;f must not be prefixed to yvv, only that of ^ ; as on the right side, the power of z/ in yvv must not be regarded, but only that of v, whose exponent is to be prefixed. Thus, if it were y^ + %* :=2qqv^ — yyv ', it should hey^ + by'^-\-yyv^=z 2qqv^ — yyv^; and the equation for the tangent would be oy^a + 4by^a-\'2yav' = 6qqv^-3yyv^andheucea=: ^^^-o~T- And these examples seem to comprehend all possible variety of cases. But perhaps it may be of use to apply what was explained in general to some particu- 40 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO idji, larline. Let therefore the curve BD, (fig. 2) be given, of such a nature, that assuming in it any point D, and BD be drawn^ and DE erected perpendicular thereto, meeting the right line BE inE, the right line DE maybe always equal to the given right line BF. To express the equation analytically, let DA= v; BA = 7/; BFor DE = q; thenwillE A be = to—; and, the square of DE being equal to the two squares of DA and AE^ the equation will he qg = (- vv, or qqyy =: v'^ -{- i/yvv; which, according to the rule, is to be thus transformed for the tangent, qqyy — yy^^ ■= v'^ -\- yyva, and then Iqqyv — 2vvya = 4v^ 4- lyyvv, and hence a = ~ — . A skilful mathematician cannot be ignorant how to reduce such equations to easier expressions for construction. As in this example, seeing the rectangle B AE is supposed equal to the square of AD, if E A be called e, it will hevv^. ye, and v* z=yyee, and qq z=.ye -\- ee\ therefore substituting these values in 0^7/ -I. 7/ 7/ the above equation, it gives a = — - — ^^, that \^, ae=.1ey-\-yy \ and adding ee to both sides, ae '\- ee =.ee-\-1 ey -{■ yy \ therefore the three quantities e, e -[- y, and e+ «, or EA, EB, and EC will be in continued proportion, and the construction will become easy. As it has been hitherto supposed^ that the tangent is drawn towards B, though it may happen from the data to be either parallel to AB, or to be drawn to the contrary part ; so it now remains to determine, how this variety of cases may be distinguished in equations. Take then a fraction for a, as in the above mentioned examples, the parts both of the numerator and denominator with their signs are to be considered. For, 1 . If in both parts of the fraction all the signs be either affirmative, or at least the affirmative exceed the negative, the tangent is to be drawn towards B. 2. If the affirmative quantities exceed the negative in the numerator, but be equal to them in the denominator, the right line drawn through D parallel to AB will touch the curve in D; for in that case a is of an infinite length. 3. If both in the numerator and denominator, the affirmative quantities be less than the negative, changing all the signs, the tangent is again to be drawn towards B, and this case coincides with the first. 4. If the affirm- ative quantities exceed in the denominator, and fall short of the negative in the numerator, or on the contrary, then changing the signs in that part of the frac- tion where they are less, the tangent must be drawn the contrary way, that is, AC must be taken towards E. 5. But whenever the affirmative and negative quantities are equal in the numerator, let them be how they will in the deno- minator, a will become nothing ; and consequently the tangent is either A D VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 41 itself, or EA, or parallel thereto; as will easily be found by the data. And these various cases may be explained by the equations for the circle. Thus, let the diameter of a semicircle be EB, (Fig. 3), and let D be a given point, from which may fall the perpendicular AT) = v. Let B A = y, BE = ^*; then the equation will be hy — yy =. vv\ and drawing the tangent DC, it will be AC, or a =,_n • Now if b be greater than 2?/, the tangent is to be drawn towards B ; if less, towards E; if equal to it, it will be parallel to EB ; as was said in N° 1,2, 4. Let there be any semicircle inverted, as NDD, (fig. 4), the points of whose periphery are to be referred to the right line BE, parallel and equal to the dia- meter. Making NB =2 d, and all things else as above, gives the equation by — o 71 71 __„ Q,dv yy =dd-\-vv — 2 f/i; : therefore A C or (2 = — . — . Now since v here is supposed to be always less than «?; if ^ be greater than 2y, then the tangent must be drawn towards E ; if equal, it will be parallel to BE ; if less, changing all the signs, the tangent must be drawn towards B; as by N°4, 5, and 3. But there could be no tangent drawn, or at least, EB would be the tangent, if NB had been taken equal to the semidiameter, or 2'd = Z?, as by N** 5. Let there be another semicircle, whose diameter NB, (fig. 5), is perpendi- cular to EB, and to which its points are supposed to be referred. Let NB be called bj and all things standing as before ; then the equation will he yy = bv — vv, and hence a = —^ Now if Z) be greater than 2 v, the tangent must be drawn towards B; if less, towards E; but if equal, then DA will be the tan- gent ; as by N° 1 , 4, and 5 . And these are all the various cases that the con- sideration of equations can afford. But how the limits of equations are derived from this doctrine of tangents, I do not explain, being a thing evident; and the application to the maxima or minima, which are determined both at once by the parallel tangent: concerning which, and other matters I have written to you, and have also treated some- what on them in my Miscellanies ; where I have also shown how to find the points of contrary flexure from the tangents. The same method may be applied to other things also, too long to be shown in this letter. ^n Account of some Books. N° 90, p. 5147. I. A Discourse concerning the Origin and Properties of Wind, &c. By R. Bohun, Fellow of N. Col. in Oxon. 1671, in 8vo. After deducing several inferences, from such relations as the author has ob- tained from books and travellers, he concludes, VOL. II. G A^ PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672. As to the whole matter, that it will be hard to lay down any perfect theory of winds, in regard that the great inequalities in the superficies of the earth ; the several obstacles and repercussions from mountains ; the different situations of the places and mediums in which they blow; the distance of those countries from the poles of the world; their respects to the course of the sun, whether they comply with, or resist the natural motion of the air from east to west, &c. j have many intricate and nice speculations, not easy to be stated. II. Deux Machines propres a faire les Quadrans, avec tresgrande facilite; par le P. Ignace Gaston Pardies, S.J. A Par. 1673, in 12mo. The author of these two machines thinks they are sufficient for any person, by their means, to learn the whole theory and practice of dialing, and that in less than an hour's time; and may practice what he so learns, as it were by play, drawing the dials on walls, and in his chamber, with the greatest ease. A New Experiment concerning an Effect of the Varying PPeight of the Atmos- phere on some Bodies in the water. By R. Boyle, Esq. N° Ql, p. 5156. I am prone to suspect, that the alterations of the atmosphere in point of weight may, in some cases, have some considerable effects even on men's health; as when the ambient air, for instance, grows suddenly very much lighter than it was before, or than it was wont to be, the spirituous and aerial particles, that are plentifully harboured in the mass of blood, will naturally swell that liquor, and so may distend the greater vessels, and not a little alter the celerity and manner of the circulation of the blood by the capillary arteries and veins. To countenance this conjecture of mine, I will annex an experiment that you will not perhaps dislike, just as I find it registered among some of my loose papers. I caused to be blown at the flame of a lamp three small round glass-bubbles, about the size of hazel nuts, and furnished each of them with a short and slender stem, by means of which they were so nicely poised in water, that a very small change of weight would make them either emerge, if they but lightly leaned on the bottom of the vessel, or sink, if they floated on the top of the water. This being done at a time when the atmosphere was of a convenient weight, I put them in a wide-mouthed glass furnished with common water, and suffering them to continue many weeks, or some months, I observed, as I expected, that sometimes they would be at the top of the water, and remain there for divers days, or perhaps weeks ; and sometimes would fall to the bottom, and after VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 43 having continued there for some time, they would again emerge. And though sometimes they would rise to the top or fall to the hottom of the water, accord- ing as the air was hot or cold ; yet it was not difficult to distinguish those mo- tions from those produced by the varying gravity of the atmosphere. For when the beams of the sun, or heat of the ambient air, by rarefying the air included in the bubbles, made that air drive out some of the water, and consequently made the whole bubble (consisting of glass, air and water) somewhat lighter than a bulk of water equal to it, though the bubble did necessarily swim as long as the included air was thus rarefied, yet when the absence of the sun, or any other cause made the air lose its adventitious warmth, there would ensue a condensation of the air again, and thereupon an intrusion of more water (to succeed the air) into the glass, and consequently a sinking of the bubble : and this would commonly happen at night, if it did not happen sooner. But when it was upon the account of the varying weight of the atmosphere that the bub- bles either rose or fell, it appeared by the baroscope, that the atmosphere was so heavy or so light, that they ought to do so. Insomuch that I divers times predicted, whether I should find the mercury in the baroscope high or low, by observing the situation and posture of the bubbles ; and consulting that instru- ment, it verified my conjectures. N.B. 1. It being very difficult to poise several bubbles precisely, as well one as another, I thought it not strange, that all the three bubbles did not con- stantly rise and fall together, but sometimes two of them, and now and then one alone would sink or emerge, when the change of the weight of the atmos- phere was not considerable enough to operate sensibly upon the rest. And therefore it is not amiss, to poise a greater number of bubbles together, that, after trial made of all, the fittest may be chosen. 2. I have observed it sometimes to happen, that a bubble, that floated when it was first poised, would after a while subside without any manifest cause; or if it were made to sink by such a cause, it would continue at the bottom of the water, though that cause were removed : which difficult phenomenon seeming to depend upon a kind of imbibition made of certain particles of an aerial na- ture by the water, the consideration of it belongs to another place, not to this; where it may suffice, that the experiment did sometimes actually answer ex- pectation as that above related did ; wherein my main drift was to show, that since, as the atmosphere is heavier or lighter, it is capable of working upon bodies under water so as to procure their sinking, or their emersion ; the air (though a fluid a thousand times lighter) must lean or press upon the water it- self, by whose intervention it produces these effects ; which confirms what I G 2 44 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. ' [aNNO I672. elsewhere teach, that the atmosphere is incumbent as a heavy body upon the terraqueous globe. Extract from some Letters of Dr. Johi TVallis to the Editor, 1672, Sept. iQ, &c. concerning the Suspension of Quicksilver ivell purged of Air, much higher tlian tlie ordinary Standard in the Torricellian Experiment. N° gi, p. 5 J 60. I am not sorry to find in your Transactions for the last month, that M. Huygens endeavours to account for that odd phenomenon in the Torricellian experiment, of which I give an account in my treatise De Motu, Cap. 14 Schol. prop. J 3. The phenomenon is this : Whereas in the Torricellian experiment, the quicksilver contained in the in- verted tube, how long soever, whose open orifice C, (fig. 6, pi. l) is immerged in stagnant quicksilver, does usually fall down to the height of about 29 inches above the surface of the stagnant quicksilver AB, and there remains suspended, as at I : if the quicksilver be well cleansed from air, it has been found to stand top-full, much higher, even to the height of 75 inches, and how much higher it may stand, we cannot tell; but upon the admission of the least air, or a con- cussion of the tube, it falls down to the usual standard. Two reasons I did there hint, though not perfectly satisfied in either : the one of my own, concerning the spring of the air, necessary to put heavy bodies in motion, not impelled by any other force : the other of my Lord Brouncker, that there might be in the air yet a greater weight or pressure than is necessary for the height of 29 inches, in case there be nothing but the bare weight of quicksilver to be supported. I find M. Huygens falls in with that of my Lord Brouncker, save that what we comprehend under the name of air, he calls a more subtile matter : which alters not the case at all, but only the name. M. Huygens here, by air, seems to understand that feculent matter arising from the earth and water's effluvia, which are intermingled with this subtile matter. We mean by air, the aggre- gate of both these, or whatever else makes up that heterogeneous fluid wherein we breathe, commonly called air ; the purer part of which is Mr. Hobbes's air; and the feculent of it is M. Huygens's air. — And therefore, where I speak of vacuity caused by the Torricellian experiment, or such other ways, I do expressly caution not to be understood as affirming absolute vacuity, but at least an ab- sence of that heterogeneous mixture which we call air, such as that is wherein we breathe ; without disputing against the purus aether of Mr. Hobbes, or the VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 45 materia subtilis of Descartes or M. Iluygens ; as not necessary to the inquiries in hand. To the pressure of this purer matter, which they suppose so eubtile, as to penetrate the mercury, marble, and glass itself, they ascribe the suspension of the quicksilver to so great a height. And my Lord Brouncker in particular had a design of prosecuting the experiment, as M. Huygens now advises, to see if he could bring it to some determination what was the utmost height at which it might be thus made to stand; thereby to determine the pressure of this purer matter, as that of the common air is determined by the Torricellian experiment. But his leisure not then serving, I only gave that brief account of his notion, as it is there inserted: and, whether he has since had leisure, amidst a great press of other business to pursue it, I am not certain. Now, though I would not wholly exclude this, if such shall be found to be evinced, yet surely there must be somewhat more in it than that of this subtile matter, to solve the phenomenon, notwithstanding the two experiments now alleged by M. Huygens in favour of it. For, if this matter be so subtile as to press, through the top of the glass, on the quicksilver, and consequently through the upper on the nether of the two marbles, as is acknowledged ; I do not see why it should not balance itself, above and below, in the same man- ner as common air would do, if the tube were pervious to it at both ends, and the quicksilver, by the preponderance of its own weight, fall presently. And the answer, that, though the glass be- penetrated by it, yet not in so copious a manner as where no glass is; does not to me solve the difficulty: be- cause the same obstacle remains just in the same manner when the tube is in part emptied, and when the quicksilver is unpurged : the pores of the glass not being, by either of those, made more open or more pervious. And if we sup- pose the subtile matter by percolation to be strained through, with some dif- ficulty, as air or water would be through a cloth, this might possibly cause the quicksilver, when it does sink, to sink gradually; but not, as we see it, suddenly to fall to the height of 29 inches; as from D to I. The connection or cohesion of the parts of quicksilver, either to each other, or to the sides of the glass, which Mr. Huygens supposes to require, for their separation, a greater force than is in these percolated particles, till they have room made for them to combine; seems to me the less coiisiderable, because it is not so necessary to separate them from each other, since they may un- separated slide down by the sides of the glass ; to which, it is well known, and visible to the eye, the quicksilver is not at all apt to stick, but doth rather de- cline that contact; in like manner as we find water not apt to join with oil or grease; though water to glass, and quicksilver to gold, do very readily apply 46 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1672, themselves. So that there needs no such force to disjoin the quicksilver from the glass, whatever there may be for disjoining its parts one from another. If therefore we should suppose the pressure of the grosser air downwards on AB, (fig. 6, pi. ]) the surface of the stagnant quicksilver, and consequently by means thereof, upwards at C, sufficient only to bear up that in the tube to the height of I ; but the superadded weight or pressure of the purer air to hold it up as high as D, 75 inches or more, while it is full, and the quicksilver well cleansed; as if so long it could not enter at D; but in case it be not so cleansed, or be already sunk to H, this purer air would enter at D, and thrust it down to I, counterbalancing the pressure (at C) of the purer, but not of the grosser air, which I take to be the sum of the cause assigned by M. Huygens : I am yet to seek, why it may not as well penetrate D at first to begin the descent, as after- wards to pursue it; and why not as well begin the descent when the quicksilver is well cleansed of air, as when it is not so ; and why also, if the pure air do freely enter at D, it does not presently fall ; or, if not freely, why, when it does fall, it falls suddenly and not leisurely from D to I; especially since so small a weight as DH of pure air (for the grosser cannot enter,) is very inconsidei-able ; if not at all, or not freely pressed by that incumbent on D; and the adhesion not considerably less, by being separated only at the top, while it yet continues to touch the sides. I am apt therefore, as heretofore, to ascribe the cause of this phenomenon to the spring that is in air, and the w^ant thereof in quicksilver. For that in air there is a spring or elasticity, is now undoubted; but in water cleansed of air, though many experiments have been attempted to that purpose, it has not yet been found that there is any : and I am apt to think the like of quicksilver ; though i do not know that this has been yet so rigorously examined. Now supposing that matter, being at rest, will so continue till it be put in motion by some force ; this force may be either that of percussion from some body already in motion, which is the case when the quicksilver falls by shaking or striking the tube; or of pulsion, from a contiguous body beginning to move, as by the expansion of some adjacent spring, which is the case, when the springy parts of the air, either left in unpurged, or re-admitted in the quicksilver, by expand- ing themselves, put the quicksilver in motion ; or some conatus or endeavour of its own, such as is that of a spring; and therefore if water and quicksilver be not such, they will not on this account put themselves in motion. Gravity or heaviness is, I know reputed to be such a conatus or proneness to move downwards, and so to put itself in motion : and the wonder at present is, why it does not so here. But if this which we call gravity, should chance to be not a positive quality or conatus originally of itself, but only the effect of some VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, A*J pulsion or percussion from without, which possibly may be the case, and principally from the spring of the air about us; then while this pulsion and percussion is wanting, the bodies accounted heavy will not of themselves begin to fall : which seems to be the present case. And this is the more considerable, because we cannot find what is the utmost height at which the quicksilver, thus accumulated, will remain suspended; there having been no height yet attempted, at which, if cleansed, it will not stand ; and that of 75 inches, considering the weightiness of quicksilver, is a very great one, being more than equivalent to 80 feet of water. My Lord Brouncker a little alters the case, from what I take to be the hypo- thesis of M. Huygens. For he supposes this purer part of the air to be of like nature with the grosser part, which I think M. Huygens does not; and, though finer than the rest, so as to penetrate glass, which the grosser will not ; yet of a springy nature, as the grosser parts are: which therefore acts, not by its weight only, but by its spring; and therefore when once entered, though in a small proportion, acts as effectually, at its first entrance, as if the whole incumbent air had admission ; its spring being of a like tensure with that of the outward air. But M. Huygens's more subtile matter than air, though he must allow it weight, yet whether he allow it a spring, I cannot tell ; nor does he inform us. And when he says, this more subtile matter without difficulty penetrates glass, water, quicksilver, and all other bodies, which we find impenetrable to air ; I know not whether he mean, without any difficulty, or without great difficulty, though with some. But his Lordship, though he allow his springy subtile matter to penetrate glass, yet not without difficulty ; and till it have some room made (as HD) wherein it may recollect itself, cannot exert its spring, and therefore not while top-full of cleansed quicksilver : but, so soon as some room is made for it : whereas if the quicksilver be not purged of air, that little air remaining by its spring begins the motion. He thinks it also not improbable, that a large but low tube of glass, shorter than 29 inches, may stand top-full of quicksilver, though with a small hole in the top, as at K ; at least, if immerged in water, in case air be too subtile for our mechanics. He might also, suitably enough to his own hypothesis, have so explained himself, as to allow his more subtile parts of com- mon air to penetrate quicksilver, but not glass ; and therefore, in case of room for it at HD, it might through the stagnant quicksilver, and that at C, pass upwards to HD, and there exert its spring. I shall forbear to dispute against this hypothesis for the present; because I think it more proper to examine by experiment, whether well purged quicksilver may not be made to stand higher than CI, the ordinary standard, suppose at , 48 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO I672. CH, with a void space about it, as HD. For the issue of this experiment seems very proper for determining this doubt; which therefore I am not willing to pre- judge. There is yet another way of 'explaining the same hypothesis, without allowing this subtile matter to pierce the glass, which is this: our common air being an aggregate of very heterogeneous parts, we may well suppose some of them to be springy, and others not to be so. The springy parts we may conceive to be so many consistent bodies, like small hairs or springy threads, wrapped up in different forms and variously entangled, and so as to form many vacuities capa- ble of admitting some fluid matter, which may insinuate into those vacuities, as water in a bundle of bushes, without disturbing the texture of those springy 'parts ; and which may press as a weight, but not as a spring. Now if in the Tor- ricellian tube, there be a quantity of such springy matter, the spring hereof will be of equal strength with that of external air, and therefore able to counter- balance it, though its weight be much less, because admitted with such a tensure. But if only an unspringy fluid, which presses only as a weight, not as a spring, and this defended by the glass tube from any other pressure, save that of its own weight ; it will still be too weak to force its own way, till its single weight be equivalent to that with which it is to encounter ; which is, not only the springy part of the air, but also that fluid unspringy part; which though it would give way to a springy body pressing through it ; yet not to this fluid, like itself, and destitute of such a spring; and is therefore able to keep it up to a much greater height than it could do if uncleansed of springy air: so long at least as till some springy body be admitted, or some concussion, equivalent to it, put it in motion ; but being once in motion, it will so continue, as a bullet impelled by gunpowder, or an arrow out of a bow, till stopped by some positive equiv^alent force. I do not deny, but that this explication may be subject to some difliculties and exceptions ; but I think fewer than that of allowing the glass penetrable by this subtile matter. But the best way to settle this business, being some suitable experiments; I should recommend these, or some of these experiments, to those of the Royal Society, who are in that kind better provided than I am. 1 . That hinted by my Lord Brouncker, whether a large low tube, of less height than the common standard, of about 29 inches English, or 27 inches French, might be made to stand top-full of quicksilver, though a small hole be left open at th^top; at least under water? I am apt to think, that it will rather sink slowly and with a hifling noise, than fall suddenly and silently. 2. Whether of two polished marbles, or metalline plates, the lower will be found to stick to the upper, in the exhausted receiver, longer than is account- able for from the ordinary counter- balance In the TorriceUian experiment. For though M. Huygens now, and Mr. Boyle, have long since intimated this from VOL. VII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. AQ his own experience; yet I judge the experiment worth repeating. And if it be, as I suppose it may, found to succeed, I should think, it may proceed from a want of a spring or elastic power between the plates, to force them asunder; and in particular that spirit of wine is not a springy body. 3. Whether a syphon of unequal legs will be made to run, in an exhausted receiver, with water or quicksilver, at a greater height than is accountable for; which though M. Huygens has tried it, I think it worth repeating in this So- ciety. This when it does succeed, I take to proceed from the spring of that Uttle remaining air in the receiver not quite emptied. 4. Which seems of a like nature with the former, whether a tube of greater length than 29 inches, but so immerged as to be less than so much above the level, as CE, may not, if filled with well cleansed quicksilver, be gently lifted up with the quicksilver in it, not only to I, as when it is unpurged, but to H or D, higher than the usual standard. 5. Which is equivalent, but more easily administered, whether if such a tube, so filled, be at first so inclined, as CF, that its height above AB be less than 2g inches, may not be leisurely and gently erected, so as to remain full, not only to the height of I, but of G or D ? 6. Whether cleansed quicksilver will, in the open air, run in a syphon higher than 29 inches } 7- If not in the air, whether it will so run, if the lower leg open into well-cleansed water ? 8. Which I do principally recommend; in a tube so filled with cleansed quick- silver, as to stand top-full at a greater height than the usual standard, as CD; in case some part be forced out, not by admission of air, but by jogging the tube, suppose as much as HD, and a stop then made; whether the rest CH, at a greater height than I, the usual standard, may be made so to stand of itself, notwithstanding the voidance of HD .^ For by this experiment alone, if it suc- ceed, it will appear, that it is not only want of room for the subtile matter to recollect itself, which hinders the suspended quicksilver from falling ; but rather the want of a spring to put it in motion. If it will not succeed, I should rather think the springy air makes its way through the quicksilver, than through the glass. 9. Whether cleansed quicksilver will remain suspended in an inverted tube, at least a short one, and with a small orifice, though its orifice C be not immer- ged in quicksilver, but either in the open air, or at least in water ? j 0. If so ; then whether it will do the like, if, a little being forced out, there be some void room left at the top at H D ? These are nice experiments, and of some difficulty; but if carefully adminis- tered, may be of good use in our search after the true nature of gravity: which may possibly have a greater connexion with the spring of the air, than men are VOL. II. H 50 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1673. aware of ; since on the presence or absence thereof doth mainly depend the fall- ing or not falling of bodies accounted heavy. But I am not willing, by inter- posing my own conjectures, to prejudge the experiments. Account of Two Books, N^Ql, p.5170. I. Observations Topographical, Moral and Physiological, made in a Journey through part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, by John Ray, Fellow of the Royal Society ; whereunto is added a Brief Account of F. Wil- loughby, Esq.; his Voyage through a great part of Spain, l673, in 8vo. This Itinerary contains whatever is remarkable in those places, which the in- genious and inquisitive Author travelled through. Let his reader be a States- man, an ecclesiastic, a philosopher, an artist, a tradesman, a father of a family, an husbandman, they will all of them find matter in this book very proper for their respective genius, professions, and callings. Here is described the climate, government, revenues, laws, customs, manners, tempers, abilities, studies, arts, trades, and natural productions of the countries spoken of; and besides, divers fabulous relations and ungrounded fancies refuted and rectified. II. Bernhardi Vareni* M. D. Geographia Generalis ; in qua affectiones gene- rales Telluris explicantur, summa cura quamplurimis in locis emendata, aucta et illustrata, ab Isaaco Newtono Mathes. Professore Lucasiano apud Cantabrigien- ses e Societate Regia. Cantabrigiae 1672, in 8vo. * Bernard Varenius was a noted Dutch Physician, who died in 166O. The above ingenious Treatise on Universal Geography, which was honoured with the attention of Sir Isaac Newton, in his Lectures at Cambridge, has been also translated into English, in 2 vols. 8vo, with various notes and emendations by Sir Isaac and Dr. Jurin, Varenius was also author of a curious description of Japan, and the kingdom of Siam, in Latin j printed at Cambridge in l673. END OF VOLUME SEVENTH OF THE ORIGINAL. Discovery of Two New Planets about Saturn, and some Fixed Stars. By S. Cassini. N°92, p. 5178. (Fol. Fill.) About the end of Oct. 167I5 Saturn passed close by four small fixed stars, visible only by a telescope, within the sinus of the water of Aquarius, disco- vered in the same place within the space of 10 minutes, by a telescope of 17 feet, made by Campani, eleven other smaller stars, one of which, by its particular VOL. VIII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 51 motion, showed itself to be a true planet : which we found by comparing it, not only with Saturn and his ordinary satellite, discovered in l655 by Mr. Huygens, but also with other fixed stars. These observations show a motion of this new planet that is very manifest in respect of the fixed stars, but less sensible in respect of Satum. Yet it appears, that from Oct. 25, to Nov. 1, its distance from Saturn increased westward, and from that time to Nov. 6, it diminished; so that its greatest digression from Saturn happened in the beginning of Nov., and was found to be of 8 minutes, or of lOJ diameters of Saturn's ring. Whence it followed, that if this planet were a satellite of Saturn, it must be about the end of Sept. in the inferior part of its circle, and at the beginning of Nov. in the superior part ; and that its revo- lution about Saturn was of a long duration, since for 1 2 days together it not only remained on the same western side of Saturn, but there was also little change of apparent distance between them. The greatest digression of this planet was treble to that of the ordinary satellite, and this enabled us to judge the time of its revolution to be quintuple, applying to the satellites that propor- tion which Kepler noted in the principal planets, between the periodical times and their distances. * We again got sight of Saturn, Nov. 12, l6, 17, ig, 23 ; but we could find no appearance of the new planet. Dec. 1 6, we found that Saturn had resumed his round figure, and that on the east of him there was a small star, far distant, in a straight line with Saturn, and with his ordinary satellite, which was also eastward, and but little distant from Saturn. And Dec. 24, we saw this satel- lite in the west, and a star on the east, less distant from Saturn than that we had seen the l6th. But the weather did not permit us to ascertain whether it was the same. At length, Jan. 18, 23, 25, of the year 1672, we saw on the west of Saturn, sometimes one star, sometimes many, far distant, almost in a direct line with his ordinary satellite; which made us hope to see again the new planet towards its greatest western digression. But these observations were the last which the weather suffered us to make, before Saturn became lost in the beams of the sun. After my return from a journey to Provence, having brought with me from Marseilles, in the beginning of Nov. 1672, an excellent telescope of 35 feet, which Campani had made by order of his Majesty ; we set it up in the Royal Observatory, directing it to Saturn, as soon as the weather would permit, to look for the new planet. In the first observations, made Dec. 13 and 17, we perceived a star to the west, remote from Saturn, which in both these obser- * Namely, the squares of the periodical times, proportional to the cubes of tlie distances. h2 52 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO iS/S. vations had a southern latitude in respect to the line of his wings ; but in the first it was further distant from Saturn than in the second. We could not see Saturn again till the 23d of Dec. and then, in the presence of Messrs. Huygens, Picard, Mariotte, Romer, and others of the Royal Aca- demy of the Sciences, we found a small star westward of Saturn, between him and his ordinary satellite, which was on the west also, almost at a double dis- tance. And at that time we had no other reason to suppose it to be different from the former, but that it had no latitude at all in respect of the line of Sa- turn's wings. The weather did not suffer us to see Saturn again till the 30th of Dec. and then we saw a little star on the east of him, without any latitude, between him and his ordinary satellite, which had passed also to the east of him. This observation, compared with the foregoing, kept us yet in suspense, because we know not, whether this, which seemed to us the same with that of the fore- going observation, had passed from one side of Saturn to the other, by only one motion slower than that of the ordinary satellite, and consequently by a little arch of a greater circle ; or whether, during this interval of time, it had made one or more turns by a lesser circle ; which was Tnuch more agreeable to the position in which it had appeared, without latitude, in both observations. The Heavens were not favourable to us again till the 10th of Jan. l673; and then this little star appeared to have returned almost to the same position in respect of Saturn, and his ordinary satellite where it had been Dec. 23. We wondered to have found three times successively, this small star between Saturn and his ordinary satellite, always nearly equally distant from them both. But our admiration ceased at the 4th observation, made Jan. 15, in which the ordi- nary satellite was to the east, and the new one west, as it had beefn in the fore- going, but a little nearer to Saturn. We had that evening time enough atten- tively to observe this planet for a whole hour together, during which we per- ceived it approached to Saturn on the west, and consequently was in the supe- rior part of its circle ; which fully confirmed us in the supposition that it was an interior satellite. Thus the pursuit of another satellite, which we knew to be further distant from Saturn, and to have a longer period, made us discover this which is nearer to it, and whose period is shorter. Then it was, that comparing the observations together, we began to find the nature of the motion of the new interior satellite. For the last two showed us, that in 5 days it had made more than a whole revolution. The first observation compared with the third, showed that in 1 8 days it had made a number of revolutions, almost whole ones, which certainly were four; each of them of 4-i- days: So that between the 10th and 15th it might be, that there had been one revolution of 4-1- days, or two revolutions of 2i- days each. But the combination VOL. VIII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 53 of the first with the second, made us seclude the period of 2-^ days. We there- fore judged, by these observations, that this last planet finishes its revolution about Saturn in 4 -J- days; that the semidiameter of this circle is three semidia- meters and a fourth of Saturn's ring; and that it was towards its greatest west- ward digression the 23d of Dec. and Jan. 1, about 7 in the evening. On these grounds, after the 4th observation, we made an epheineris of this planet, which has served us since, until the occultation of Saturn, without having found any other difference in the observations, but that, as for the nearest planet, the return to the same place, after one revolution of 4-.^- days, is made one hour later, so that one circuit is finished in 4 days and 13 hours. We have also learned by the following observations, that when the interior satellite is much distant from its great digressions, it has some southern latitude in re- spect to the line of the wings in the upper semicircle, and some northern lati- tude in the inferior; as has also the old satellite, which has more of it in propor- tion to the diameter of its circle. Our application to observe the planet nearest to Saturn, in the small time we had at evenings, by reason of his proximity to the sun beams, had diverted us from the other more remote planet. But Feb. 6, we began fo see it again, and the weather favoured us well enough to observe it almost all the days following, until the 20th of Feb. except the 9th and 18th. It was conveniently seen by Campani's telescope of 17 feet, by which the first discovery of it had been made ; and by another of 20 feet, made by Lebas, with which Mr. Picard ob- served it also constantly, and sometimes in the company of Mr. Huygens and Mr. Mariotte. The first observations of the distances were made by an estimate of the eye, comparing the exterior satellite with Saturn and with the other satellites. The last were made by the measure of the time between the passage of the planet, and that of the centre of Saturn. This new planet more and more removed from Saturn till the Qth of Feb. when we measured the difference between its passage and that of the centre of Saturn, and found it 30 sec. of an hour, which give at least 10 diameters of Saturn; but on the 20th, it was already too near the beams of the sun to measure its distance; which yet by estimate was judged greater than it had been the 1 Qth. By the apparent swiftness of its motion during the first days, it is easy to see, that this planet had been seen in conjunction with Saturn Feb. 3 ; and by its motion on the west it appears, that it was in the inferior part of its circle: and because, during this time of 17 days, it removed more and more from Saturn, it is certain that it remained in the same quadrant of the inferior western circle above 17 days, and that its whole time of revolution is more than 68 days. It was these last days a,t a distance almost equal to that which it had about the end 54 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1673. of Oct. 167 1 , SO that in about 480 days it made a certain number of entire revo- lutions, which can be no more than 7 ; since each of them is doubtless of more than 68 days. If we count 7 of them, each would be 68-1- days : if we count 6, each would be 80 days; if we count but 5, each would be 96 days. But this last supposition can by no means be made to agree with the two observations of Dec. 1672, and the first does not agree with them so well as the second. The proportion of the apparent distances in the observations of Feb. which are the best, would make us estimate each of its revolutions between 80 and 96 days ; but the proportion of the greatest digression of 1671, compared with that of the two other satellites, together with their periods, agrees better with 80 days.* Therefore in the Ephemeris which we give of one revolution, we follow this, until we get a more precise determination, which requires a greater number of observations. Extract of a Letter of David von der Beche, a German Philosopher and Physician at Minden, concerning the Principles and Causes of the Volatilization of Salt of Tartar and other Fixed Salts. Printed at Hamburgh, 1672. N° 92, p. 5185. By the volatilization of salt of tartar, is here meant the volatilization of the tartareous acid from cream of tartar, (crystals of tartar, acidulous tartrite of pot- ash) . It is unnecessary to notice any farther concerning this uninstructive che- mical paper. Observations on the Nature of Snotu. By Dr. Greiv. N° 92, p. 51 93. If Aristotle and Descartes, he. who have written of meteors, and amongst them of snow, have not yet given a full account of it; it will not be needless to inquire further of it. He that will do this, will do it best, not by the pursuit of his fancy in a chair, but with his eyes abroad; where if we use them well fixed, and with caution, and this in a thin, calm, and still snow, we may by degrees observe: 1st, with M. Descartes and Mr. Hook, that many parts of snow are of a regular figure ; for the most part, as it were, so many little rowels or stars of 6 points ; being perfect and transparent ice, as any we see on a pool or vessel of water. On each of these 6 points are set other collateral points, and those always at the same angles as are the main points themselves. Next, among these irregular figures, though many of them are large and fair ; yet from these taking our first item, many others, alike irregular, but much smaller, may likewise be discovered. * Later observations have served to establish the period of revolution of this satellite, which is the 5th in order, at 73 days 7h. 48m. VOL. VIII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 55 Again, among these not only regular, but entire parts of snow, looking still more warily, we shall perceive that there are divers others, indeed irregular, yet chiefly the broken points, parcels and fragments of the regular ones. Lastly, that besides the broken parts, there are some others which seem to have lost their regularity, not so much in being broken, as by various winds, first gently thawed, and then frozen into little irregular clumps again. From hence the true notion and external nature of snow seems to appear, viz. that not only some few parts of snow, but originally the whole body of it, or of a snowy cloud, is an infinite mass of icicles regularly figured ; that is, a cloud of vapours being gathered into drops, the said drops forthwith descend; on which descent, meeting with a soft freezing wind, or at least passing through a colder region of air, each drop is immediately frozen into an icicle, shooting itself forth into several points on each hand outward from its centre: but still continuing their descent, and meeting with some sprinkling and intermixed gales of warmer air, or in their continual motion and waftage to and fro, touch- ing upon each other, some are a little thawed, blunted, frosted, clumpered, others broken, but the most clung in several parcels together^ which we call flakes of snow. It being known what snow is, we perceive why, though it seems to be soft, yet it is truly hard ; because true ice ; seeming only to be soft ; because on the first touch of the finger on any of its sharp edges or points, they instantly thaw ; otherwise they would pierce our fingers like so many lancets. Why again, though snow be true ice, and so a hard and dense body, yet very light ; because of the extreme thinness of each icicle in comparison of its breadth. Also how it is white, not because hard; for there are many soft bodies white; but because consisting of parts all of them singly transparent, but being mixed together appear white ; as the parts of froth, glass, ice, and other transparent bodies, whether soft or hard. Thus much for the external nature of snow; let us next a little inquire into its essential nature. Now if we would make a judgment of this, I think we may best do it by considering what the general figure of snow is, and compa- ring the same with such regular figures as we see in divers other bodies. As for the figure of snow, it is generally one, viz. that which is above described : rarely of different ones, which may be reduced chiefly to two generals, circulars and hexagonals, either simple or compounded together. More rarely, either to be seen of more than 6 points; but if so, then not of 8 or 10, but 12. Or in single shoots, as so many short slender cylinders, like those of nitre. Or by one of these shoots, as the axle tree, and touching upon the center of a pair of pointed icicles, joined together as the two wheels. Or the same hexagonal figure, and of the same usual breadth ; but continued in thickness or profundity, like the 56 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1673. stone which Boetius calls Astroites. All these I say are rare, the first described being the general figure. As for the configurations of other bodies, we shall find that there are divers which have some a less, others a more near resemblance to snow. Nitre is formed into long cylindrical shoots, as also all lixivial salts for the most part, resembling the several points of each starry icicle of snow. Salt of hartshorn, sal ammoniac, and some other volatile salts, besides their main and longer shoots, have others shorter branched out from them ; resembling as those the main, so these the collateral points of snow. But the icicles of urine are still more near: for in salt of hartshorn, although the collateral shoots stand at acute angles with the main, yet not by pairs at equal height : and in sal ammoniac, although they stand diametrically opposite, or at equal height, yet at right angles : whereas in the icicles of urine, they stand at equal height, and at acute angles both; in both, like those of snow. And it is observable, that the configuration of feathers is likewise the same. The reason whereof is, because fowls have no organs for evacuation of urine, and the urinous parts of their blood are evacuated by the habit of skin, where they produce and nourish feathers. From hence it should seem, that every drop of rain, containing in itself some spirituous particles, and meeting with others in their descent, of a saline, and that partly nitrous, but chiefly urinous, or of an acido-salinous nature ; the said spirituous parts are intercepted by them, and with those the watery, and so the whole drop is fixed. On the Strange Freezing noticed in Numb. QO. By Dr. TVallis. N° 92, p. 5196. The extraordinary freezing which happened in Somersetshire in Dec. last, was similar with us at Oxford. It was rather a raining of ice, or at least rain freezing as it fell ; which made strange icicles hanging on trees, and a noise by the rattling of them on the boughs moved by the wind. Yet more in the coun- try about us it seems, than with us here. And the great warmth soon after was also with us; insomuch that not only blossoms, but as it is said, green apples on divers trees; particularly in the parish of Holywell. An Account of two Books. N° 92, p. 51 97. I. Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle, containing New Experi- ments touching the Relation betwixt Flame and Air, and about Explosions : An Hydrostatical Discourse, occasioned by some Objections of Dr. Henry Moore, &c. ; To which is annexed an hydrostatical Letter, about a way of weighing VOL. VIII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 5/ water in water: new Experiments of the positive or relative Levity of Bodies under water; of the Air's Spring on Bodies under water: and about the dif- ferent Pressure of heavy Solids and Fluids. London, 1672, in 8vo. These tracts being well known to philosophers, but little need now be said concerning them, especially after the long and particular title. In the third part, he discusses at large and solves this problem: whence it is, that urinators or divers are so far from being killed or oppressed by the weight of the incumbent and ambient water, that they are not so much as hurt by it. Concerning which he says it is taken for granted, that divers, though at ever so great a depth, feel no pressure against them by the water, which he says is- an aftirmation in point of fact, of whose truth he makes some question. To this hydrostatical discourse our author subjoins a letter, illustrating an experi- ment to weigh water in water, on account of some exceptions made to it by Mr. George Sinclair, in his hydrostatics, lately printed at Edinburgh. On which occasion the editor of these papers finds himself obliged to take notice of a pamphlet annexed to this book of Mr. Sinclair's, called a Vindication of the Preface of the book, intitled Georgii Sinclari, &c. Ars nova et magna Gravitatis et Levitatis, from the challenges and reflections of the publisher of the Phil. Trans, as they are to be found in Numb. 50, Aug. 16, 1669. Not to reflect, as it deserves, on the artifice of leaving this pamphlet out of the copy, that was presented by Mr. Sinclair to Sir R. Moray, a person whom he knows to be very far from allowing his pretences in the preface here questioned ; the editor firstof all desires the reader to observe, how grossly Mr. Sinclair prevaricates in his pretended vindication, when he asserts that the MS. of Ars nova et magna, &c. was not committed by the author to the judgment of the Royal Society, omitting the main part, contained in these words, which (recording) is yet their constant and careful practice to do in all things of that nature. For if this had been taken in by Mr. Sinclair, he must certainly have thought none but such as are wholly ignorant of the candor and justice of that illustrious body, and of the care of the sworn secretaries thereof, would believe him in what he so boldly and immorally asperses them with, viz. that it was the interest of them, who had taken out the purposes of his MS. to procure it should not be re- corded in the register; unless it should be said that the registry had been in this only case purposely omitted at the solicitation of the pretended plagiaries; and who they are, has not yet been declared by M. Sinclair: who, in the next place, might do well to consider, not only how much, before his pompous Ars nova et magna came abroad, had been printed of the doctrine of the air's pressure, and likewise how well was known the way of counterpoising air with quicksilver in glass tubes; but also that in this so generally inquisitive and experimental age, VOL. II, I 58 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1673. it not iinfrequently happens that learned men, proceeding in their researches on solid principles, though they reside in places far distant from one another, and without any mutual communication or knowledge of their respective studies, yet happen to light upon and discover the same things and truths ; as may easily be made out by undeniable proofs in the matter of curve lines found equal to straight ones; in the doctrine of motion; in the anatomy of plants, &c. And having said thus much, if M. Sinclair still persists in the good opinion he has of himself, we shall leave him still to enjoy it; though we think it may be much sunk by this time. — In the 4th tract our author endeavours experimentally to show, that, though not only the peripatetic schools, but the generality of phi- losophers both ancient and modern, as well as the vulgar, ascribe the ascension of lighter bodies in water to an internal principle, by them called positive levity ; yet we need not admit any such thing for the true and adequate cause of the emersion of wood and such lighter bodies, put under water. — In the 5th he adds to the proofs, already given of the power of the spring of the air, some of the operations he has discovered it to have on bodies placed under water. In doing which he employs two sorts of trials, showing, that a small quantity of inclosed air may by its pressure have a considerable operation on bodies covered with water, notwithstanding the interposition of the liquor ; which pressure may be manifested, both by what it directly and positively operates upon bodies under water ; and by the things that regularly ensue upon the removal of the inclosed air, or the weakening of its spring. — In the 6th and last, the author consider- ing that it has proved a great impediment to men's freely acquiescing in the doctrine founded on the phaenomena of his physico-mechanical experiments, that if the atmosphere could really exercise so great a pressure, as he ascribes to it, it would unavoidably oppress and crush all the bodies exposed to it : he therefore employs in this tract divers weighty considerations and remarkable experiments, to remove the force of that plausible objection. II. Esperienze intorno a diverse cose naturali, et particolarmente d quelle che ci son portate dall' Indie; fatte da Francesco Redi. In Fir. 1671, in 4to. This learned author, desirous of examining many traditions about natural things, begins with certain snake-stones, described by various authors, found in the head of some serpents in the East Indies, and believed to be a sure antidote against the biting or stinging of venomous animals, when applied to the wound, to which it is said they will stick very fast, till they have imbibed the poison ; which done, they will fall off: all which is invalidated by the author upon many trials. He next takes notice of several things that produce real effects, but not always, by reason of some impediments intervening. Ex. gr. That aqua-vitae VOL. VIII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 5^ swims upon olive oil ; effects of the distillations of water in various vessels ; of fulminating powders ; of the oil of tobacco ; of the torpedo fish ; of water- newts, eagle-stones, &c. ; of the strong digestive power of fowls ; of the blood and horn of the rhinoceros, of stags horns ; of pimento, Chinese fennel, sassa- frass, Peruvian bark, ginseng, &c. Description and Management of the Cacao-tree * N° 93, p. 6007. The body of the cacao is about 4 inches in diameter, 5 feet in height, and above 1 2 from the ground to the top of the tree. These trees are very differ- ent from each other; for some shoot up in 2 or 3 bodies; others in one. Their leaves are many of them dead, and most discoloured, unless on very young trees. The number of cods the tree produces is uncertain : but we reckon a bearing tree yields from 2 to 8 pounds of nuts a year; and each cod contains from 20 to 30 nuts. Cacao was originally of these [the West] Indies and wild. Towards Ma- racajo are divers spots of it in the mountains ; and I am informed, the Portu- guese have lately discovered whole woods of it up the river of Maranon. Inquiries concerning Stones and other Materials for the Use of Building ; and on the Art of hardening and tempering Steel for cutting Porphyry and other hard Marbles. N° 93, p. 6010. There is a sort of grey free-stone at Paris, every where on the south-side of the river Seine, rather of a coarse grit, and so soft when first taken out of the quarry, that it is dressed and hewn with broad sharp axes, almost as easily as dried clay; but it grows harder and harder in the air, very durable, and fit for building. The Portland stone is of a fine chalky grit, fit for all curious hewn and carved work, though not for water or fire. On the contrary, the free- stone in Kent, is of a whitish grey colour, lasts well in air and water; its grit less fine and chalky, than that of Portland. The Derbyshire freestone, though it endure the fiercest fire, is brittle, and consequently unfit for fine and curious workmanship. Concerning marbles. Query, whether Salisbury marble be a true, though coarse, natural marble ? Whether blue marbles, coming much from Genoa and Leghorn as ballast, be harder than white marble, but take not so good a polish? * The cacao, or chocolate- tree, is the theobroma cacao of Linnaeus, and is elegantly figured in Madam Merian's celebrated work on tlie Surinam insects, pi, 60, It is also represented in Cate»by's Carolina, appendix, pi. 6. I 2 60 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1673. Whence comes the best black marble ? Whether porphyry differ in nothing from marbles, but in hardness ? Query, the ways of making artificial marble ; and whether that with which the Elector of Bavaria has adorned his whole palace at Munich, so as to look as rich and beautiful as any palace in Italy, is made, as some afiirm, of such gypsmn as composes the plaster of Paris, which being put over the fire and let boil till it cease of itself, after being cooled is kept dry for use ; mixing painters colours with it for tinging or colouring it according to pleasure, and using it as the burnt gypsum is at Paris ? Beside several other inquiries concering stones, quarries, coal, &c ; and then concludes, that it would be useful to retrieve the art of hardening and tempering steel for cutting of porphyry, &c. ; which the Egyptians were masters of, of old, and after them the Greeks and Romans : in- somuch that the neat and curious hewing and carving of obelisks, colosses, statues, pots, urns, as also porphyry and other hard marbles, is now the object of admiration to the most skilful workmen, who know not which way to rough hew stones of that untractable hardness. On the Advantage of Virginia for Ship building, by a Gentleman. N° 93, p. 6015. The country of Virginia abounds every where with large and tall oaks, of at least 50 or 60 feet in height, of clear timber, without boughs or branchings ; being very fit to make plank of any size, very tough, and excellently well enduring the water. — With abundance of pines for masts, no country, that we know in the world, is better stored than Virginia. Besides there is another sort of wood, called cypress, which is far better than any pine for masts, it being of as tough and springy a nature as yew-tree ; bending beyond credit ; when dry, much lighter than fire, and so well lasting in wet and dry, that it seems rather to polish than perish in the weather. — The same country affords great abund- ance of old pine for making rosin, pitch and tar. — The conveniency of planting hemp for cordage and sail-cloths in that country is so great, that England might in a short time be supplied, without being beholden to other nations for it. — To these particulars add the great abundance of iron-stone in Virginia, which has already been tried and found very good ; the conveniency of wood and lime- stone being a great inducement to the making of iron, which might be done at a much less rate there than here. To make Vines groiv to advantage, all over the Roof of a House. By Mr. John Templer. N° 98, p. 6016. He lets vines ascend by one single stem to the eaves of his house, cutting off VOL. VIII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. (5l all the luxuriant branches by the way ; then gives them liberty to spread upon the tiles, all over one side the roof of his house. Thus he furnishes his dwell- ing house, and many out-houses ; by which means the vines are no hindrance to the other wall-fruit, and the rays of the sun being almost direct upon the vines, he has riper, sweeter and greater plenty of grapes, than when the vines are placed as wall trees. On the Motion of the Hearts of two Urchim, after their being cut out. By Mr. John Templer. N° 93, p. 6016. I cut out the hearts of two urchins ; whereupon I found the systole and diastole to continue full two hours, while the hearts lay upon a glased earthen w^hite plate, in a cold window. The distance of their diastoles was unequal in time, but very large for half an hour, and then sensibly diminishing until they ceased at the two hours end ; and would not then be reinforced by a needle's point, which for the half hour preceding they would answer at any time. After the hearts had ceased above 4- of an hour, so as a needle pricking them caused no motion ; yet upon setting the plate on the hearth in the chimney, in about two minutes they began to beat, though but weakly ; and upon eight minutes continuance they beat freely ; and when removed into the window again, continued their pulsation, without pricking, above an hour ; and might have done longer, could they have been attended to. Perhaps we may hence conjecture the cause of life and death. And when shall we say then, any animal or insect is dead if it has motion ? Observations on Turkey. N° 93, p. 60i7. A disease reigns in the country about Aleppo, and as far as Bagdat, that at- tacks both sexes, all ages, and strangers as well as natives. It is commonly called II mal d' Aleppo, and appears to be in the skin a small pustule, hard and red, the head scarcely larger at the beginning than the point of a pin ; afterwards growing, and being nourished by five or six little roots or fibres, it goes on to its height for the space of about 6 months ; and in as many more declines again. So that the whole period of this disease is generally comprised within the space of one year. This pustule has hitherto yielded to no remedies^ neither in the beginning, middle, nor decline. It is wholly to be left to nature ; and by doing so, there is no pain or trouble in it. It affects people not once only but often, and it seizes on several parts of the body ; and when on the face, causes a re- markable scar, which yet by little and little vanishes.* * The cause of tliis species of cutaneous disease ]:eiTiains still a matter of conjecture. Is it produced by some animal belonging to the tribe of insects or worms ? Dr. Russell, in his history of Aleppo, has mentioned tlie mercurial plaster as the best remedy against it. 62 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO 1673. As to fevers at and about Aleppo, though they have the same type there as in England ; yet there are two things peculiar in them. One is, that in acute fevers, cold sweat commonly signifies recovery, but hot sweat portends death. The other is, that in such acute fevers even an intermitting pulse denounces no danger. The leprosy, which anciently was so frequent a malady in these countries, is now scarcely to be found there ; though at Damascus there is still an hospital standing, formerly built for the relief of persons so diseased. The reason why the city of Constantinople, is so much subject to the plague is, according to some, owing to the multitude of slaves, yearly brought by the Black Sea, and their hard diet and usage : according to others, it is owing to the common people, feeding for the greatest part of summer on cucumbers and melons, and drinking water upon them, without the use of helps to correct the crudities. But the physicians generally conclude, that tlie air of Constantinople is infected by the north-east winds, which blow commonly for 3 months, be- ginning about the summer solstice^ arising from unwholesome marshes in Tartary and Muscovy. Besides the other uses of opium in Turkey, it is common in Arabia, to cure horses with it of the griping of the guts. As to the way of dressing leather in Turkey, it is to be observed, that their leather is not so strong and serviceable as that in England. And though it be commonly said, that the leather in these parts, though thin and supple, will hold out water ; yet this is to be understood, that the Turks in their winter-boots, between the lining and the leather, put a sear cloth ; which being curiously sowed in the seams, will keep out water, though you put them in it for some hours together. In cleaning their leather, they use lime and album Graecum ; and instead of bark of trees, they employ valonia, a sort of acorn. I am per- suaded that our acorns in England, if they could be spared for it, would per- form the like effect, and perhaps better; seeing that the valonia often burns the leather so much as to make it almost useless. An Account of two Boohs. N° QS, p. 6019. I. Vini Rhenani, imprimis Baccaracensis, Anatomia Chymica, a Joh. Davide^ Portzio Phil, et Med. D. Heidel. 1672, in 12mo The processes followed in the making of foreign wines are detailed in so many publications of modern times, that it cannot be necessary to lay before our readers the description here given of the method of making rhenish wine. II. De Poematum Cantu et Viribus Rythmi. Oxon. 1673, in 8vo. The author of this treatise^ who is the noted Isaac Vossius^ endeavours to VOL. VIII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 63 prove, that the music of the ancients is far to be preferred to that of our age, forasmuch as speech, how powerful soever at this day, yet, when put into a song, or rendered musical, is not of that efficacy in moving our senses, as it was in times of old. The reasons of which he endeavours to explain. Among many other remarks, are the following curious ones. He laments the cessation amongst musicians, of that great power of moving the affections, for more than a thousand years ago. Observing further, that those motions have so great a power, that, even without any voice and sound, they can raise affections more strongly than any voice or oration. For the proof of which he alleges the ancient pantomimi, whose feet and hands he makes no less eloquent than the tongues of orators ; witness Cicero, who used to contend with Roscius, the stage-player, which of the two should most vary the same sentence, the one by words, the other by gestures ; hence our author affirms, that if we employed as much labour and time in learning the pantomimical art, as we do in learning a language, we might possibly come to express our mind and thoughts as clearly by that way, as now we do by the aid of a language : nor does he think that mankind would suffer any thing by it, if the pest and confusion (these are his own words) of so many tongues were banished, and, instead of them, this sole art of the pantomimes were known by all mankind, and men explained every thing by signs, nods, and gestures ; on account of which he thinks the condi- tion of brutes to be much better than that of men, seeing they signify without an interpreter their sense and thoughts more readily, and perhaps better, than any men can do. Also, the skill of exploring the internal affections of the body by touch alone, as we perceive the external motions by the eye. Where our author exceedingly commends the skill of the Chinese physicians in finding out, not only that the body is diseased, (which he says is all that our practitioners know by it) but also, from what cause or from what part the sickness proceeds. In short, to make ourselves masters of this skill, he would have us labour in exploring the nature of men's pulses, till they become as well known and as familiar to us, as a harp or lute is to the players thereon; it not being enough for them to know, that there is something amiss which spoils the tune, but they must also know what string it is which causes that fault. On this occasion the editor thinks it will not displease the reader here to in- form him, that he lately saw a letter written from Java in the East Indies, mentioning an Indian treatise, much talked of, concerning the art and method of knowing diseases and their events by the sole beating of the pulse : and that some curious persons in that island had already written to some religious men 64 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [aNNO l673. in China, desiring them to spare no pains in procuring it : to promote which a sum of money had been sent thither, for a reward to the translators. The contemptibleness of the modern music to him is such, that he says there is hardly so much as the shadow of the pristine majesty of it remaining; wonder- ing that those, who in this and the former age have written of music, have writ- ten nothing of the rhyme, or have done it so that they seem to have been altogether ignorant of what it is; regarding nothing but to please the ear; whereas to affect the mind, it is necessary the sound should signify what may be understood by the mind, without which there can be raised no true pleasure, nor any strong affection. He adverts to the excellence of the Chinese music, though that people complain of the loss of their ancient way of singing, which if they do justly, our author scruples not to affirm, that their music must have been divine, seeing the present state of it is so excellent, that they may easily silence all the music of Europe. The rare contrivance for rendering even and strong sounds, of the old Roman hydraulic organ, described by Hero and Vitru- vius, and explained by our author, and by him declared to excel our organs, yielding an unequal and weak blast. The art of the ancients in making such tibias or pipes of so many different forms and figure as there are kinds of affec- tions ; concerning which he affirms, that there is none to be found at this day, that even know how to make such pipes as are able to produce such m.otions; since our modern artificers, in his opinion, fail not only in the matter of which those instruments are to be made, but also in the proportion which is to be ob- served in their form. Demonstration of the Synchronism of the Vibrations in a Cycloid, By a Person of Quality * N° 94, p. 6032. Translated from the Latin. Let ab, be, cd, de, ef, &c. (fig. 1 . pi. 2), be mutually equal; and b 1, c2, d3, 64, f5, &c. increase equally as the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 , 9, &c. I say, that any heavy body, falling from any point of this line, will arrive at the lowest point in the same space of time, in which it would arrive at it, if the body should fall from any other point of the line. For if you put a = ab = be = cd, &c, and Zj = bl, also jr for any number of the others: then, putting xa for af, xxb must represent f J", and then the time of descent must necessarily be —- — or — ; ^ -^ XX aa aa and the same holds in all cases. Therefore, &c. I say farther, that this curve is the cycloid : which is easily demonstrated from the construction, and from what was just now hinted; viz. that this curve * Lord Viscount Brouncker. See the Paper^ more fully demonstrated in Birch's Hist, of the Royal Society, Vol. I, p. 70. VOL. Tin.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 65 abcdefz is equal to double the last right line, 2zw; and that aw is equal to half the circumference of the circle, whose diameter is zw; also universally, that the triangle T b n represents the right line zw ; and the square T b 1125, tiie curve abcdefz; and the quadrant y" y 25 represents the right line aw; and the parts of one respectively the parts of the other. As, if T— ^ represents £^y then ^£^^25 will represent a^, and T— ^25 will represent af. — I say lastly, that a ball suspended by a string of a proper length, and vibrating between two cycloids, describes or moves in a cycloid. Consequently these vibrations are synchronous. Q. E. D. Observations of Jupiter s Transits near some Fixed Stars; useful for determining the Inclination of that Planet to the Ecliptic. By Mr. Flamsteed. N° 94, p. 6033. The inclosed paper contains some observations of Jupiter, which being made from a more convenient station than I commonly have used, are more accurate than my former ones: and the planet being in a fit place of his orbit, they are the most useful for determining his inclination to the ecliptic, that we can again expect these six years, or perhaps before he returns again to this place. Had the latitudes of the fixed stars of Tycho's constitution been exact and co- herent, we should easily have determined the precise quantity of this inclination, and those regular inequalities we find in this and in all the other planets, which are irrepresentable by numbers, only by reason of some latent errors in the places and latitudes of the fixed. It would be a task deserving the pains and accuracy of the learned Cassini, and of all others that have good observatories and instruments, to endeavour the restoring of the fixed stars, especially of those that are near the ecliptic. Had I only a convenient place for observing, a ready assistant, and other necessary accommodations, I should not doubt in a few nights to rectify many of Tycho's errors ; and to add some stars to his catalogue, as well visible to the bare eye, yet omitted, as telescopical ones. I have made lately some observations of the utmost elongations of the three innermost satellites ; which I find greater than Signor Cassini states them, but almost the very same with Mr. Townley's. But I have just cause to suspect some eccentricity in the third ; fori find its elongation greater on the one hand of Jupiter, than on the other.. I intend, at another opportunity, to make more trials as carefully as I can, either to confirm or destroy this observation. The observations are omitted, as not now of any use. VOL. II. K 00 PHILOSOPHICAL TKANSACTIONS, [aNNO 1673. Some Observations made hy a Microscope, contrived by M. Leetcenhoek* in Hol- land, lately communicated by Dr. Regnerus de Graaf. N° 94, p. 6037. 1. The mould upon skin, flesh, or other things, has been by some repre- sented to be shot out in the form of the stalks of vegetables, so as that some of those stalks appeared with round knobs at the end, some with blossom-like leaves. But I observe that such mould shoots up first with a straight transpa- rent stalk, in which stalk is driven up a globous substance, which for the most part places itself at the top of the stalk, and is followed by another globule, driving out the first either sideways or at the top ; and that is succeeded by a third and * Antony Van JCeewenhoek, so highly celebrated for his curious microscopical observations, was a Dutch gentleman, of Delph in Holland. He was born in the year l632, and died in 1723, aged 91 years, Leewenhoek was not, properly speaking, a man of letters,* but from the extraordinary assiduity with which he pursued his researches into the minuter parts of Nature, and tlie striking novelty of the curious observations which he published, his name is perhaps more frequently quoted by philosophers and naturalists, than that of any other writer of his time. This celebrated observer had the good fortune to live at a period, when the instrument, by which he obtained his fame, was yet in some degree in its infancy. He applied himself witli unremitted care to tlie grinding and polishing into a state of perfection the simple lens, as being the best calculated for accurate investiga- tion} and less liable to those deceptions which a composition of glasses sometimes occasions. So many and so extraordinary were the discoveries of Leewenhoek, that he may be said to have brought into view a new world in science ; and such was the general truth and fidelity of his observations and descriptions, and the respect paid to his communications, that he has been not unaptly complimented with the title of the Delphic Oracle.f Yet, if his works be inspected with critical attention, tliey will be found by no means free from considerable errors ; and he sometimes appears to have de- ceived himself in a very singular manner. Thus, according to Boerhaave, he once maintained that tlie veins had a pulsation and tlie arteries none. He is said to have been a person of amiable manners, and of great integrit)'^ of character. At his decease he bequeathed, as a legacy to the Royal Society, a curious collection of some of his best microscopes, to the number of twenty six. These were all prepared by his own hand, and were mounted in small silver frames. A description of them may be found in Vols, 32 and 41 of the Philosophical Transactions, as well as in Baker's work, entitled E7nployment for the Microscope. * This seems admitted by his panegyrical poet. " Quoque magis mirer, duris exercita fatis, " Arctaque, nee studiis apta juventa fuit." It is also confirmed by a letter from a Mr. Molineux, inserted in the 4th volume of Dr. Birch's History of the Royal Society, in which Leewenhoek is expressly said to have understood no language but his own. f " Rursus apud Batavos fundunt oracula Delphi ; " Hie habitat Phoebus, Grsecia muta jacet. " Hie habitat Phoebus ; non iste per ora Sibyllae " Doctus apud vanos non nisi vana loqui : ** Clarior et melior, solidas qui condidit artes, * ' Delphos ingenii fertilitate beat." Leewenhoekii, Opera Omnia, Lugd. Batav. 1722, TOL. VIII.] PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. 67 more such globules ; all which make up at last one great knob on the stalk, a hundred times thicker than the stalk itself. And this knob indeed consists of nothing else than of many small roundish knobs, which being multiplied, the large knob begins to burst asunder, and then represents a kind of blossoms with leaves. 2. The sting of a bee I find of a different form than has been described by others. I have observed in it two other stings, that are lodged within the thick- ness of the first sting, each having its peculiar sheath. 3. Further, I observe, on the head of a bee before, two artus or limbs with teeth, which I call scrapers, conceiving them to be the organs with which the bee scrapes the waxy substance from the plant. Besides, 1 find two other limbs, each having two joints, which I call arms, with which I believe this insect per- forms its work and makes the combs. There is also a little body which I call the wiper, being rough, and exceeding the other limbs in thickness and length, by which I am apt to believe the bee wipes the honey substance from the plant. All which five limbs the bee, when at work, lays in a curious manner close under her head, in very good order. 4. As to the eye of the bee, which I have taken out of the head, exposing its innermost part to the microscope; I find, that the bee receives her light just with the same shadow as we see the honey-combs : whence I collect, that the bee works not by art or knowledge, but only after the pattern of the light re- ceived in the eye. 5. In a louse I observe indeed, as others have done, a short tapering nose with a hole in it, out of which that insect, when it will draw food, thrusts its sting, which, to my eye, was at least five and twenty times less than one single hair. But I find the head every where else very close round about, and without any such sutures as some have represented it. The skin of the head is rough, resembling a skin that has many dents in it. In the two horns I find five joints, others having marked but four. One claw of her foot is of the structure of that of an eagle, but the other of the same foot stands out straight and is very small; and between these two claws there is a raised part or knob, the better to clasp and hold fast the hair. Extract of a Letter from M. Denys, at Paris, announcing an Admirable Liquor instantly Stopping the Blood of Arteries pricked or cut, without any Suppura" tion, or ivithout leaving any Scar or Cicatrice. N° 94, p. 603Q, We are now busy, by the king's order, in making experiments, whence the world is likely to receive great benefit. There has been found out here an admi- k2 68 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. [anNO 1673. rable essence, which being appHed to any artery whatsoever, stops the blood instantly without any need of binding up the wound. We first tried it on dogs, cutting the crural and carotid arteries, and the thigh itself; and the blood stopped in less time than it needs to read this letter. This remedy is not corrosive ; the wound healing without any scar, suppuration, or cicatrice. We have also made trials on men, of whom the temporal arteries were opened, and on others whose hands and face had been cut: and they succeeded equally with them. You may judge how useful this essence is likely to prove in armies, where most men die for want of a good remedy to stop the blood. This liquor works not only outwardly, but also being taken inwardly; for it stops the loss of blood in fasminis, inveterate fluxes of blood, open haemorrhoids, and other haemorrhages. Now that this remedy has been well tried in the presence of all the court, and many of our best physicians and surgeons that have admired it; the King has given a privilege to sell it in his armies, and throughout the whole kingdom.* Of a Certain Poivder for rendering Metal smooth and close, and of easier Car-' riage, &c. N'^ 94, p. 604O. This was lately communicated to the editor by a German physician, and is as follows : — 1 . The powder I speak of, makes the metal so close and smooth, that it leaves not the least pit in the piece, and that a gun so cast needs no boring. 2. One third of the metal may be spared. 3. Such guns remain clean and neat a long while. In