UL.^.CBoc^ Cioo.X'Ocf xQ^ UNITED STATES COASV G U AUR D OCEANOGRAPHIC REPORT No. 22 Woods Hole OceBnographic Institution ATLAS - GAZtTTEER COLLECTION CG 373-22 PHOTOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF SEDIMENT TEXTURE, BOTTOM CURRENT ACTIVITY, AND BENTHONIC ORGANISMS IN THE WILMINGTON SUBMARINE CANYON U.S.C.G.C. ROCKAWAY- SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION CRUISE (RoS2) December 1967 PLEASE RETURN TO li^TITUT!ON DATA LIBRARY McLean UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNIT REPORT No. 22 CG 373-22 PHOTOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF SEDIMENT TEXTURE, BOTTOM CURRENT ACTIVITY, AND BENTHONIC ORGANISMS IN THE WILMINGTON SUBMARINE CANYON U.S.C.G.C. ROCK AWAY- SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION CRUISE (RoS2) December 1967 Daniel /. Stanley Division of Sedimentology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 ^^ o and ■ r-q X a- m . ;; □ Gilbert Kelling Department of Geology, University of Wales at Swansea, Great Britain WASHINGTON, D.C. $ FEBRUARY 1968 • a u 1c a a u u o c a o> u o a "a -a 2 | 2 * (» "2 t/l G jjg JS W X 1- 1- n o « c t« >- v a t* > o .2 O J5 fit g. « i V O ° a CO X « o o ■< < is < u o « o 1/3 '5. B e Abstract This report describes the investigation of the sea floor in the vicinity, of Wilmington submarine canyon (38°00'N to 38°35'N Lat. ; 72°35'W to 73°40'W Long.) by means of underwater photography. The techniques of both equipment operation and of interpretation are detailed. More than 1200 photographs were obtained from a net of 54 stations on the continental shelf, slope and upper continental rise in the region encompassing the Wilmington submarine canyon. These photographs, linked to precise navigation, enable assessment of the areal distribution of several sedimentary attributes, notably the texture of bottom sediments, the patterns of recent current activity (neocurrents) and movement of materials, and the role of benthic organisms in modifying bottom sediments. Studies of bottom texture indicate that the head of this canyon is presently acting as a sediment trap. Admixtures of sand, silt and evten coarse gravel are characteristic of the headward part of the canyon, whereas silt (near the canyon) and silty clay are dominant on the lower slope and upper rise. However, patches of gravel, sand and silt are associated with rock-ledges on the lower part of the Nyckel Ridge, a topographic elevation forming the southern margin of Wilmington Canyon. The inferred patterns of recent bottom current movement suggest westward supply of course shelf sediment to the canyon head, some southerly, down-axis transport in the shallower portions of the canyon, and weaker southwesterly moving contour currents on the outer part of the upper rise. Significant transport of coarse sediment in a general northerly direction has also been observed in the vicinity of the Nyckel Ridge, near the base of the continental slope. Organisms living on or near the sea floor profoundly affect bottom sediment, thus the distribution of the more important groups of such animals has been plotted. Although underwater photography has proved valuable in elucidating the nature of the bottom in this canyon, some caution must be exercised in extending these conclusions to the geologically recent past. Cores indicate that the thin, fine-grained sediment veneer presently being reworked by benthic organisms actually masks the effects of recently active sedimentation in the canyon area. The combined pattern of current activity and sediment distribution as observed in the bottom photographs suggests that the Wilmington submarine canyon has played an important role in funnelling sediments from the shelf area to the deep-sea in the recent past. CONTENTS Page Abstract U1 I. Introduction 1 II. Area of Study 3 III. Procedures 7 IV. Results .. 81 General 81 Sediment Texture _ . 81 Inferred Bottom Current (Neocurrents) and Sediment Movement . 81 Benthic Organisms 87 V. Discussion 88 VI. Acknowledgements 91 VII. References .___..... 92 ILLUSTRATIONS Frontispiece: USCGC ROCKAWAY (WAGO 377) Figure 1. General bathymetry of the Wilmington submarine canyon area — 2 2. Track of the USCGC ROCKAWAY (WAGO 377) during cruise RoS„ 4-10 December 1967 5 3. Direction and distance of drift on photographic stations and location of free-fall cores - 6 4. Photographs of camera-rig used on cruise RoSL. 8 5. Typical "pinger-traces" of camera-rig during descent, bottom photog- raphy near the sea-bed, and ascent as indicated on PESR record 9 6. Diagram illustrating the relative dimensions of the main components of the camera-rig used on cruise RoS2 10 7. Chart illustrating the distribution of the texture of surface sediment as determined from bottom photographs of the Wilmington sub- marine canyon area 82 8. Patterns of recent current movement in the region of Wilmington submarine canyon 83 9. Distribution of major groups of organisms affecting bottom sediment on the shelf and slope of the Wilmington submarine canyon area . 84 10. Distribution of major groups of organisms affecting bottom sediment on the shelf and bathyal regions in the vicinity of Wilmington submarine canyon 85 Photoplate 1-34. Bottom photographs obtained in the Wilmington sub- marine canyon area during RoS2. TABLES Page I. Station positions and depths on USCGC ROCKAW AY-SMITH- SONIAN Cruise (RoS2) 93 II. Summary of data from photographic investigation in the Wilmington Submarine canyon area (Cruise RoS2) 94-95 I. INTRODUCTION Submarine canyons are large, steep-sided, generally sinuous depressions incised into the continental slope and rise and often heading on the shelf. They occur on the margins of most continental regions and their mode of origin has long been a source of debate and contro- versy among geologists and others concerned with the morphology of the sea floor (Lawson, 1893; Pruvot, 1894; Daly, 1936; Johnson, 1938; Kuenen, 1950; Shepard, 1963; and others). More recently it has been suggested that sub- marine canyons are responsible for funnelling sediment from shallow shelf regions, down the continental slope and onto the deep ocean floor of the rise and abyssal plain beyond (Shepard, 1965a). Submarine canyons best studied to date are of the type that head on relatively narrow shelves in tectonically active areas (Shepard and Dill, 1966). Canyons located off wide shelves in structurally stable areas have received less attention. A program of investigation undertaken by staff of the Division of Sedimentology, U.S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, with active cooperation and support of the U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit, has as long- term objective, the detailing of the geometry and sedimentary processes associated with can- yons in general. One of the major purposes of this study is the formulation of a sedimentary model for modern canyons located on shelves off low coastal regions which are apparently tectonically stable. Four submarine canyons (from North to South: Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington and Norfolk) located on the At- lantic seaboard of the United States southeast of Delaware and Chesapeake Bays are of parti- cular interest in this respect (see inset, Fig. 1). All four of these canyons, mapped in consider- able detail by Veatch and Smith (1939), are deeply incised as much as 12 nautical miles into the outer edge of the wide continental shelf. The canyons form two distinct paired systems (Wilmington-Baltimore and Washing- ton-Norfolk), each consisting of a long and a closely associated shorter canyon, as noted by Pratt (1967). The selection of these specific canyons for study was, in part, determined by logistics, i.e., their proximity to major ports which facilitates repetitive runs over the same area and ease of monitoring with different ma- rine geological and oceanographic techniques. The cruise described in the following ac- count was made by the USCGC ROCKAWAY (WAGO 377) during the period 4 to 10 Decem- ber, 1967 and is referred to as cruise RoS:. The purpose of this cruise was to obtain photo- graphic records of the ocean floor in the vicin- ity of Wilmington submarine canyon, the most northerly of the 4 features. Free-fall cores of the bottom sediment were also collected at sev- eral of the photographic stations. This, the sec- ond of a series of 5 cruises in this area, was preceded by a morphological-subbottom inves- tigation (RoS,, Kelling and Stanley, in prepa- ration) and followed by bottom sampling (RoS,) and underwater television (RoS,) programs (data presently under examination at the Division of Sedimentology, Smithsonian Institution and Department of Geology, Uni- versity of Wales at Swansea). This report pre- sents photographic data obtained during RoSj and a summary of results.1 1 A published presentation made by the authors at the Ocean Sciences and Engineering of the Atlantic Shelf Symposium, Marine Technology Society, Phila- delphia (Stanley and Kelling, 1968b) is an interpre- tative summary of the data presented in this Report. ^m CO c& >■'•■' i B c 1"! i. Of c s «.* „ « "o eg 5 *B s i* sag hi *" 5 « 4) E „-S £ S b o c O 9 «« Qj M © w 02 C Wg "E § * "S £ ■« Si ° » B - g .5 B P •g J £ g£ 3 w => "S O o jg 00 *J v o 2 (►> m J ~ TJ j a a ° s a. * On ft J3 a be B _ e to H M ._ B £ l! ° « >> "" aj to £i! -C B s >> ■° s _ « "- «, ^ 4) IS 'X' &> as a - .Si J3 ft to u M . M H & . A to rj t> B sj — u O •o B v .5 •c — ■So £-« to .. ■* o >> B V H B to o Si *» .3 6* c .g "™ X oi tn ■a* II. AREA OF STUDY Wilmington Canyon originates near the edge of the continental shelf approximately 95 nau- tical miles east-southeast of the mouth of Dela- ware Bay. The canyon head may be traced northeastward (landward) to a minimum depth of 45 fathoms, at which point it is incised into the shelf for a distance of about 10 miles (Fig. 1). From this point the canyon trends south- southwest for nearly 7 miles to an axial depth of 380 fms and then makes a sharp turn to a general southeasterly course. This course is maintained to an axial depth of about 1000 fms, near the base of the continental slope, and is in- terrupted only by an abrupt turn to the east for almost 3 miles at 700 to 780 fms. The canyon trends almost due east across the upper part of the continental rise where it gradually dimin- ishes in relief. Beyond the 1300 fms isobath the canyon, which would better be described as a submarine valley because of its low relief, ex- tends toward the east-southeast to a depth of about 1800 fms. The gradient of the canyon axis become steeper and the relief increases in the lower rise (1800-2500 fms). The canyon trend is almost due south between 1800 and 2000 fms, then becomes generally southeast. The gradient of the canyon axis is main- tained at between 1 in 20 and 1 in 25 through- out most of the headward portion and on the upper continental slope. However steeper gra- dients are encountered locally, in the vicinity of the acute changes in the trend of the canyon axis described above. Beyond an axial depth of 800 fms the gradient decreases first to 1 in 50 then, at about 1350 fms, to about 1 in 90. Followed from its head towards the regional shelf-break the canyon gradually increases in dimensions, attaining both its maximum width (6 miles) and its greatest relief (approxi- mately 500 fms) at the regional shelf edge. In this headward portion, the canyon is generally steep-sided with lateral slopes of 10° to 20° which frequently expose bedrock. The trans- verse profile of the canyon tends to be acute and V-shaped in the shallower part of the head but becomes less acute or even flat-based be- yond about 400 fms. The walls of the canyon in this headward region are extensively modified by many depressions and secondary ridges, in- cluding several cirque-like tributary canyons as much as a mile wide (Fig. 1). Descending the continental slope the canyon diminishes both in width and depth. Near the 1000 fms isobath the canyon is a sharply in- cised feature 0.6 n. miles wide and with a relief of some 45 fms. At an axial depth of 1350 fms the width of the canyon has diminished to 0.3 n.miles and the V-shaped depression is barely 30 fms deep. At greater depths the Wilmington submarine valley is an inconspicuous, rather broadly terraced depression which includes one or more narrow, gully-like features, usually less than 0.2 n.m. across and 10 to 20 fms deep. An important morphological high (here termed the Xyckel Ridge, after Veatch and Smith, 1939) runs parallel to Wilmington Can- yon from the shelf, down the continental slope and across the rise to the 1400 fms isobath. It is described in detail elsewhere (Stanley and Kelling, 1968a, 1968b). Other subsidiary can- yons and ridges, most of them originating on the middle or lower regions of the slope, occur both to north and south of the main Wilming- ton Canyon. In contrast to the numerous secondary de- pressions which mark the course of this fea- ture in its headward region and across the con- tinental slope, only one tributary canyon can be linked to the Wilmington submarine canyon as it crosses the upper continental rise. This tributary originates on the north side of the Nyckel Ridge near the 1200 fms isobath and eventually merges into the Wilmington sub- marine valley system at about 1500 fms (Fig. 1). A further feature of morphological interest in this area is the marked contrast in bottom relief between the upper and lower portions of the continental slope. Except in the immediate vicinity of the major canyons, the shelf-break and upper part of the slope are relatively smooth, with only minor undulations in both slope-parallel and slope-normal directions. However, below the 500 fms isobath the bot- tom morphology becomes appreciably rougher, the slope being modified by many ridges and hollows with a slope-normal relief often ex- ceeding 150 fms. This rugged topography ex- tends on to the uppermost part of the continen- tal rise but beyond the 1200 fms isobath the re- lief is less conspicuous. Here a few large, iso- lated ridges are separated by wide, relatively smooth depressions (Fig. 1). The ship's track for cruise RoS, (Fig. 2) follows a broadly rectilinear pattern compris- ing legs which are alternately parallel and per- pendicular to the course of the canyon axis. Such a track (total of 502 n.miles) not only provides extremely useful bathymetric data from PESR records but also facilitates the creation of a net of bottom camera stations which encompasses not only the canyon itself but also the adjacent areas of the shelf, slope and rise (Fig. 3, Table 1). Slope corrections were applied to soundings after the method of Shalowitz (1930). Soundings from Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts H5350, H6200 and H5713 were utilized to amplify the bathyme- tric data in a few areas of the shelf and upper slope. 7IW. ■ — .Sf '> a a o i < as o V a .a o a *&// o si bl c 3 O o < < < o OS u o o w - -E o « H 3 E V V a w © OS b£ _g *c 9 s X! o Q e ■ I* c o • ■— a X p. a <- to o ■a e C3 a III. PROCEDURES The camera rig used on this cruise was on loan from the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, D.C. and the operation of the camera was supervised by personnel from that office, Messrs. Robert K. Oser and Martin G. Fagot. The photographic system consists of an E.G.&G. Model 204 Underwater Camera used in conjunction with a Model 214 Stroboscopic Light source. These are mounted in a steel frame which also carried an E.G.&G. Pinger System (Fig. 4). An E.G.&G. Model 260 Cur- rent Compass was suspended on a nylon cord below the frame. The camera system was low- ered and raised off the stern-mounted A- frame with 3/16" wire using a steam winch. The operation of such a photographic system has been described in detail by Edgerton (1967) and Hersey (1967). It is sufficient to note here that the camera is a 35 mm self-cy- cling, automatic unit, synchronized with the light-source to permit one exposure every 18-23 seconds. At shallow stations the camera and light source were activated on deck and many frames, therefore, consist of shots of the water column taken during lowering and rais- ing of the rig. At deeper stations, a timing de- vice was used to activate the camera and light source after a preset interval corresponding to the estimated time required to lower the rig to the bottom. The camera and light source were mounted in a vertical position (Fig. 4) in order to ob- tain more accurate observations of the orienta- tion of bottom features with respect to the compass. This resulted in some consequent loss of bottom relief as compared with oblique mounting. Black and white TriX-Pan film was used for most stations but one 100 ft roll of color film (Ektachrome ER, Type B) was used at Stations 40-43 inclusive (See Table II). The use of a pinger allows the course of the rig to be followed on the PESR record during lowering and raising and also while the cam- era is actually photographing the sea-bed (Fig. 5) .. The use of a supplementary oscilloscope also enabled more precise control of the cam- era's position at between 0.5-2 fathoms above the bottom. Subsequent evaluation of the pho- tographs indicated that in order to ascertain details of the bottom texture, structures and organisms the optimum height for the camera is between 0.5 and 1 fms above the seabed. In addition to its function as an orientation- datum, the suspended compass furnishes a use- ful means of estimating the size of objects on the bottom. This is achieved by determining the diameter of the shadow of the compass or the vane by a comparison with the measured dia- meter of the compass itself (3 inches) or the length of the vane (10 inches) knowing the spa- tial relationship of the compass with respect to the light source and the camera lens (Fig. 6). Throughout the cruise navigational fixes ac- curate to within ± 0.25 miles were obtained by LORAN C. Fixes were taken at 6-minute in- tervals while changing stations and further fixes were obtained during the lowering and raising operations. The total time spent at a single camera station comprises components due to lowering and raising the camera-rig in addition to the time actually spent in photo- graphing the sea-bed (usually 10 to 15 minutes on the bottom). The total period of time may amount to more than an hour for deep stations and during this interval the ship (and the trailing gear) will drift for a distance and in a direction which is dependent on conditions of sea, wind, etc. On this cruise the total drift on station varied between 0.2 and 2.1 nautical miles (see Table I). The distance and direction of drift during the period when the camera was close to the bottom are indicated in Fig. 3 Prints from each of the ten 100 ft reels of film used on this cruise were enlarged to a size of 3i->" x 2" on continuous strip which was threaded on to a pair of rollers for examina- tion. Each photographic frame is accompanied by a data-chamber which includes the film roll- number (numbered from 1 to 10), the consecu- Figure 4. (a): Photograph of sled-mounted camera rig used on cruise RoS2. 1 — Camera ; 2 — Pinger transducer; 3 — Stroboscopic light-source. (6): Photograph of camera-rig being lowered over the stern of the USCGC ROCKAWAY (WAGO 377) December 7, 1967. 1 — Camera ; 2 — Battery packs for light and camera. B r Figure 5. Typical "pinger-traces" of camera-rig dur- ing descent, bottom photography near the sea-bed, and ascent as indicated on PESR record. (a) Camera Station 23, near shelf-break, north of canyon head. (b) Camera Station 28, near shelf-break on open slope, southwest of canyon. P — trace given by pinger attached to camera-rig; B — true bottom (sediment-water inter- face) ; M — multiple of bottom and pinger-trace. tive frame-number and a clock. This allows the position of each frame to be accurately located with respect to the known position of the ship at a given instant of time. Moreover, each frame may be linked to timed events on the PESR record, allowing more precise location as to depth of individual frames and groups of frames within each station. 9 E^ < a: LU < ■' '' i'. ,'i I*- PIN6ER- 1 1 «^H T^ w"i — Z> -IO CO 1 n 24' 32' 63" O. 3 COMPASS AND VANE Figure 6. Diagram illustrating the relative dimensions of the main components of the camera-rig used on cruise RoS:. 10 Each print was carefully examined by means of an illuminated table magnifier and the re- sults of this examination recorded on a stan- dardized form. In addition to statistics con- cerned with the operation of the camera, the station number and location, this form details the sedimentary and organic features observed within the photographs.1 These include the in- ferred texture of the bottom sediment ; the na- ture, orientation and dimension of ripple- marks and other features indicating current movement, including oriented organic struc- tures; the occurrence and relative abundance of shell, and the presence of living organisms and their traces. 1 Copies of the completed forms used in this study have been lodged with the National Oceanographic Data Center, Washington, D.C. The original negatives and prints are housed in the collection, Division of Sedimentology, U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. 20560. The dimensions of objects and structures in the photographs can generally be determined by comparison with the compass shadow as de- scribed earlier or by relation to other objects of known approximate diameter in the photo- graph, such as sand-dollars, etc. The texture of the sediment forming the bottom may be indi- cated directly (as in the case of gravel or coarse sand) or it may be inferred from asso- ciated features, such as ripple marks. For ex- ample, the firmness of the bottom and the pro- portion of mud (clay and silt) in the sediment is indicated by the character of the mark made on the bottom or the nature of the cloud of sed- iment raised by the compass or vane striking the sea-bed. The size and character of sedimen- tary structures and of organic tracks, burrows and mounds provide further evidence of the nature of bottom sediment type. 11 PLATE 1 Fig. A. — Station 1, outer shelf, north of canyon head, 46-50 fms. Figs. B-D. — Station 3, outer shelf, northwest of canyon head, 35-37 fms. Figs. E-F. — Station 6, canyon head, northwest wall, 115-120 fms. A, Coarse shelly sand; faint, slightly sinuous symmetrical ripple marks with crest orientation of 015 -19.1 "; abundant disarticulated pelecypod shells; 2 canceroid crabs (arrows) and 1 fish (Urophycis) resting on bottom. B, Shelly, silty sand; straight short-crested asymmetric ripple marks (old); current toward WSW; large articulated pelecypod shells, partially buried. Concave-up attitude of the shells suggest weak bottom current activity. C&D, Bottom similar to B; ripple crests are sharper, with suggestion of current interference pattern. Note turbid state of water in D. E, Sandy, somewhat shelly, silt; poor ripple mark development; ripple crest orientation 145°-325°; disarticulated, partially buried pelecypod; small fish near compass vane. F, Bottom similar to E. Compass striking bottom reveals muddy nature of bottom. 12 PLATE 1 13 PLATE 2 Figs. A-B. — Station 6, canyon head, northwest wall, 115-120 fms. Figs. C-F. — Station 7, outer shelf, east of canyon head, 58-82 fms. A, Sandy, somewhat shelly, silt; interference ripple marks with a dominant crest orientation (solid line) of 120°-300° and small ripple crest orientation (dotted line) of 030°-210°; cloud trailing compass reveals muddy nature of bottom; hagfish (Myxine glutinosa) resting on bottom. B, Bottom similar to A; fish (Urophycis) resting on bottom (arrow). C, Shelly, silty sand; straight asymmetric, anastomosing ripple marks indicating current movement towards west. Shell in ripple troughs. D-F, Bottom similar to C; ripple marks more linguoid in form. Note fish (in E and F) and canceroid crab (arrow, in F). 14 PLATE 2 15 PLATE 3 Figs. A-F. — Station 8, canyon head, east wall, 110-128 fms. A, Sandy silt; interference ripple marks with dominant crest orientation of 155°-335° (old ripples); partially buried shell. B, Bottom similar to A; flat fish (arrow 1) and depression (arrow 2), possibly formed by fish. The steep margin of depression indicates cohesiveness of the bottom sediment. C, Bottom similar to above; skate and two other fish; canceroid crab in center of photo. D, Close-up of bottom showing cell-like, interference ripple pattern, also possible "fish-nest" depression (arrow) and small tracks made by crabs. E&F, Bottom similar to the above, with cloud of mud trailing compass. Note canceroid crab and partially obscured flat fish (arrow) in E, and fish in F. 16 PLATE 3 17 PLATE 4 Figs. A-D. — Station 9, canyon head near axis, 195-208 fins. Figs. E-F. — Station 10, outer shelf, west of canyon head, 57-59 fms. A&B, Silty hottom with poorly defined (old) ripple marks. Burrows in lower left corner of A and upper part of B; possible crustacean tracks on left margin of B. C&D, Bottom similar to above. Tubes of polychaete worms (arrows), and hagfish (Myxine) (in D). E&F, Coarse shelly sand; straight asymmetric ripple marks with rounded crests indicating current toward the west. Concentration of shell in ripple troughs and partially buried larger shells in F; Concave-up attitude of shells suggest only weak bottom current activity. 18 PLATE 4 19 PLATE 5 Figs. A-B. — Station 11, outer shelf, west of canyon head, 54-56 fms. Fig. C. — Station 12, outer shelf, west of canyon head, 52-55 fms. A&B, Shelly silty sand, with straight asymmetric ripples indicating current to- ward WNW; canceroid crab (arrow in A) and starfish, common asteroid. C, Sandy silt, with straight symmetrical ripple marks (crest orientation: 070°- 250°); some current interference indicated. Mud or silt partially covering ripples produces a mottled effect. 20 PLATE 5 21 PLATE 6 Figs. A-F. — Station 13, canyon head near axis, 258-278 fins. A-F, Poorly sorted, gravelly silty mud; large subangular cobbles covered by coelenterates (sea-anemones?) and a veneer of mud. Particularly large boulder (>60 cms. diameter) is designated by arrow in C. Cloudy appearance of all photographs suggest presence of substantial amounts of suspended sediment. 22 PLATE 6 23 PLATE 7 Figs. A-F. — Station 14, canyon head, east wall, 100 fms. A-C, Shelly, gravelly, sandy silt; slight northeast-southwest lineation of pelecypod shells (mostly concave up and partially buried). Arrows in A, B, and C show lobsters (Homarus americanus) adjacent to cobbles; fish resting on bottom, in C. D-F, Bottom similar to above; hint of ripple interference in D and E; two fish in E; unidentified organism or object in F (arrow). 24 PLATE 7 ^ I 25 PLATE 8 Figs. A-P. — Station 15, outer shelf, east of canyon head, 65 fms. A-D. Shelly, gravelly sand; straight, anastomosing asymmetric ripple marks indicate current toward WNW. Shell hash concentrated in troughs; several large, partially buried pelecypod valves, in A. E-F, Bottom similar to above; ripple marks more linguoid in form but similar orientation; fish (Urophycis) near bottom, in E. 26 PLATE 8 27 PLATE 9 Figs. A-F. — Station 16, outer shelf, east of canyon head, 125-135 fms. A-F, Muddy silty bottom (cloud trailing compass in A indicates silty nature of sediment; indication of straight asymmetric ripples with some interference, pre- dominant current trend toward the WNW). Tube-dwelling polychaete worms (Hyalinoecia) in all photographs (note particularly long tube in A, and tendency towards parallel orientation in A and B) ; coelenterate in C, crab (Cancer-sp.) in D, flat fish (arrow) in E, and probable "fish nest" depressions in F. 28 PLATE 9 29 PLATE 10 Fig. A. — Station 17, canyon head, near axis, 350 fms. Figs. B-C. — Station 18, outer shelf, west of canyon head, 70-75 fms. Figs. D-F. — Station 22, canyon head, near axis, 395-405 fms. A, Muddy silt bottom with occasional small pebbles (arrows 1, 2) ; suggestion of low amplitude ripple marks; crest orientation of 005°-185°, burrow, right of compass vane. B&C, Sandy silt, slightly shelly; patchy distribution of silt veneer produces mottled effect. Depression (arrows) in upper right corner of B, caused by impact of compass; reveals cohesive nature of sediment. Interference ripple marks (crest orientations: 020°-200° and 165°-345; dominant current towards west), lumps in lower left corner of B may be small pebbles or faecal casts; pelecypod shells partially buried and concave up; fish near bottom in C. D, Silty mud, granular nature of bottom probably due to faecal pellets. Two asteroid depressions ("lebensspuren") formed by unknown organism. E&F, Silty mud (compass cloud reveals muddy nature). Note scour lineations (arrow indicates probable current direction toward south) in E. Abundant small tubes of polychaete worms (Hyalinoecia) trending generally parallel to scour lineations. Note also steep-sided depression of uncertain origin in E. 30 PLATE 10 ^^■■^^^HflH 31 PLATE 11 Figs. A-F. — Station 23, outer shelf, east of canyon, 120-130 fms. A-F, Shelly silty sand and sandy silt; vague, round crested, low amplitude inter- ference ripple forms suggesting dominant movement toward the west. Patchy distribution of fine shell hash. Subcircular depressions (arrows 1 in C and F) formed by flat fish. Urophycid fish in B, C, E, and F. Plant-like forms (arrows 2 in C and F) may be sea-anemones. 32 PLATE 11 33 PLATE 12 Figs. A-F. — Station 24, canyon head, east wall, 250-280 fms. A-D, Silty mud (cloud produced by compass indicates mud content); small linear depressions, particularly noticeable in B, produced by crabs. Crab in A is Geryon quinquedens Smith. Another unindentified crab in D (arrow). Subcircular depressions probably formed by benthic fish. Linear depressions of unknown origin in B. Worm tubes (arrows) projecting from bottom in C. E&F, Bottom similar to above. Bottom-living flat fish (arrow in E) produce sub- circular depressions in fine sediment. 34 PLATE 12 35 PLATE 13 Figs. A-B. — Station 25, canyon head, near axis, 480 fms. Fig. C. — Station 26, outer shelf, west of canyon head, 62 fms. Figs. D-F. — Station 27, outer shelf, west of canyon head, 71 fms. A&B, Silt (cloud trailing compass indicates muddy nature of bottom); granular nature of bottom (E) may be due to faecal pellets or reworked sediment clasts. Tracks (probably in part crustacean) and fish (in A). C, Shelly silty bottom ; two fish above bottom. D-F, Shelly silty sand and sandy silt; low amplitude buried ripples (best seen in D) indicate current toward WNW. Shells, concave-up and partially buried, are concentrated in clusters. Coelenterate (arrow) upon shell in F. PLATE 13 37 PLATE 14 Figs. A-F. — Station 28, upper slope, west of canyon, 140-160 fms. A-F, Silty mud bottom (note cloud trailing compass in A and F). Abundant small burrows, some of which may be due to worm tubes. Tubes of polychaete worms (Hyalinoecia tubicola), most lying on bottom and some projecting obliquely (see D center), common throughout station; note alignment of tubes in B and C. Bottom-living flatfish of the type seen in D may be responsible for wavy tracks ("fin tracks", arrow 1 in A and E) and subcircular depressions ("fish-nest", arrow 2 in F). A canceroid crab occurs in the upper left corner of E (arrow 3). 38 PLATE 14 B I) t ■ "u-« 39 PLATE 15 Figs. A-F. — Station 29, upper slope, west of canyon, on small ridge, 150-180 fms. A-C, Sandy silt bottom with some shell; poorly preserved interference ripple marks in upper margin of A; burrows in B; subcircular "fish-nest" structures in A and B probably produced by benthic fish; unidentified fish above bottom in B and C. Canceroid crab and floating medusoid coelenterate (arrow) in C. D&E, Shelly sandy silt bottom with patches of subrounded granules, pebbles and cobbles (See D, north of compass vane). Poorly preserved, low amplitude ripple marks in D. Abundant Hyalinoecia tubes in E. Canceroid crab in D. Small eel in E (arrow). F, Bottom similar to above. Note abundance of polychaete tubes having a statistical bimodal orientation. 40 PLATE 15 / J 41 PLATE 16 Figs. A-F. — Station 30, near canyon axis, on slope, 598-610 fms. A-C, Mud, largely clay bottom, as shown by clouds, some of which are caused by flat fish (arrow 1 in B and C). These fish probably also produce paired curved tracks (arrow 2 in A, B, and C). Burrows are also common. Granules visible in B may represent faecal pellets. D, Bottom, similar to above; obscured by suspended sediment. Note four eels. E&F, Bottom similar to above; close-up view reveals granular texture (faecal pellets?), depressions (fish?), paired tracks (arrow in F), and abundant burrows. 42 PLATE 16 / 43 PLATE 17 Figs. A-F. — Station 31, upper slope, east of canyon, 200-235 fms. A-C, Mud, largely clay, bottom; local shell concentrations (A and C). Burrows and semi-circular depressions common; sea-anemones are present; crab (Geryon sp.) in C. Note small polychaete worm tubes in A and B, and rat-tail (Macrourid) fish in A. D-F, Bottom similar to the above; close-up view reveals abundance of tracks and trails ("lebensspuren") some produced by fish and crustaceans. 44 PLATE 17 45 PLATE 18 Figs. A-F. — Station 32, slope, cast of canyon, 530-550 fins. A-F, Muddy, largely clayey, bottom (note sediment clouds in A and B). Bottom entirely covered by tracks and trails ("lebensspuren") and burrows. Paired track (arrow in B, C, and D) are probably produced by bottom-living fish. Shrimp resting on bottom in B and Macrourid fish swimming in F. Starfish in lower left corner of A. Irregular muddy cloud in E probably produced by burrowing organisms. 46 PLATE 18 47 PLATE 19 Figs. A-F. — Station 33, slope, near canyon axis, 680-750 fms. A-F, Muddy, largely clayey, bottom (note sediment trailing and clinging to compass in A and D). Bottom entirely covered by tracks and trails ("lebens- spuren") and burrows. Note unidentified fish in E and sea urchins in E and F. 48 PLATE 19 49 PLATE 20 Figs. A-F. — Station 34, mid-slope, on Nyckel Ridge south of canyon, 610-625 fms. A-F, Muddy, largely clayey, bottom (see sediment clouds in A, B, and F). Granular texture, well developed in A, D, and E, may be produced by faecal pellets or muddy clasts. Large steep-sided depressions of unknown origin in lower part of E. Subcircular shallow depressions ("fish-nest" type) are common (see arrow in D) and probably produced by benthic flat fish (see C and D). Sea-spider (Colossendeis sp.) present (arrow 2) in D. Large dark circular object in F may be a sea urchin. Note also probable Macrourid fish in F. 50 PLATE 20 / 51 PLATE 21 Figs. A-F. — Station 36, lower slope, south of Nyckel Ridge, 810-815 fms. A-F, Muddy, largely clayey, bottom (see clouds in A and B). Granular texture, particularly apparent in C and E, may be produced by faecal pellets or sediment clasts. Halosaur fish, such as that in B, may produce linear tracks of the type shown in B and C (arrow). Burrow in lower left corner of E. Sediment clouds in center of F (arrow) may be produced by burrowing organisms. Sea urchin is present in D. 52 PLATE 21 53 PLATE 22 Figs. A-F. — Station 37, on lower slope, on Nyckel Ridge south of canyon, 725-745 fms. A-F, Muddy, largely clayey, bottom (see clouds in A and B). Granular texture, apparent in E, may be produced by faecal pellets or sediment clasts. Burrows are common; large steep-sided depressions of unknown origin in D (arrow). Elasi- podid holothurian (arrow 1) and probable faecal remains (arrow 2) in C. Morid fish and eel in D and sea urchins in D and F. 54 PLATE 22 55 PLATE 23 Figs. A-F. — Station 37-A, lower slope, near canyon axis, 820-900 fms. A-F, Silty mud bottom (see cloud in D). Local concentration of large elongate granules (arrow 2 in A, B, C), are probably faecal pellets of worm-like orga- nisms (arrow 1 in A, B, E). Burrows and mounds are present; small worm tubes (?) (circled in D) heel over in same direction (towards north). Ophiuroid brittle stars (?Ophiomusium) are common; sea spider (Colossendeis sp.) in F (arrow 3) ; eel in E. 56 PLATE 23 57 PLATE 24 Figs. A-P. — Station 38, lower slope, north of canyon, 695-735 fms. A-F, Soft silty mud bottom (see clouds in A, D, and E). Bottom covered by numerous tracks, trails and burows. Morid fish in A, B, and hagfish or eel in C, and Lalosaur in D together with sea urchins (in A and B) are probably re- sponsible for some of the bottom markings. Tube of polychaete worm (circled in E) projecting from bottom. Present bottom current activity negligible. 58 PLATE 24 ^ 59 PLATE 25 Figs. A-C. — Station 39, lower slope, north of canyon, 1000-1050 fms. Figs. D-F. — Station 41, lower slope, Nyckel Ridge south of canyon, 925-935 fms. A-C, Muddy, largely clay, bottom covered by resting traces of brittle stars (arrow in C) and deep burrows. Bladder-like organism in upper A (arrow) is probably an elasipodid holothurian. D-F, Silty mud bottom (cloud in D), slightly undulatory, covered by resting traces of brittle stars. Large, steep-sided depression of unknown origin (E), some of them 25 cm. in diameter, indicate cohesive nature of bottom. Subtle east-west ripple crest orientations in E and F suggest possible north-south bot- tom current movement. Probable worm-like organism (arrow) in upper part of F. 60 PLATE 25 ' / > 61 PLATE 26 Figs. A-F.— Station 42. lower slope, south of Nyckel Ridge, 990-1200 fms. A-F, Silty muddy, slightly undulatory, bottom (see cloud in A) covered with resting traces of brittle stars, mounds, and burrows, tracks and trails. Sub- circular rings of small depressions in B (arrow) may be sunstar resting trace. Some depressions may also be produced by sea urchins (in A, B, and C). Possible holothurian or worm in D. 62 PLATE 26 63 PLATE 27 Figs. A-F. — Station 43, upper rise, Nyckel Ridge south of submarine valley, 1190-1215 fms. A, Margin of fractured rock ledge on a slope. Main fracture direction ENE-WSW. Rock outcrop, possibly of consolidated sandstone, is at least 15-20 cm. thick. Fractures resemble joint pattern, possibly opened during slide and emplace- ment of rock mass. Rock seems to be resting on flat sandy bottom (right of photo). B-D, Sand bottom in front of rock ledge shown in A, with numerous angular blocks of well jointed rock broken off ledge. Note appearance of in situ rupture of rock (arrow in C). Blocks resting on sand rippled by currents moving towards NW. Dark pebbles are also noted near blocks and in ripple troughs. Ophiuroid brittle stars, eel and Macrourid fish in D. E&F, Sandy gravel bottom locally covered with silt as shown by clouds. Dark pebbles and subrounded cobbles. Unidentified fish, brittle stars and regular sea urchins (arrow) present in F. 64 PLATE 27 \ i / 65 PLATE 28 Figs. A-F. — Station 43, upper rise, Nyckel Ridge south of submarine valley, 1190-1215 fms. A, Broad outcrop of consolidated sediment veneered by silt (see cloud). Brittle star indicates scale. B-D, Rippled sand (current towards NW) carrying patches of dark pebbles, cob- bles, and occasional larger angular blocks of rock, similar to that in Plate 27. Blocks appear to have broken in situ (arrow in B). White circular objects in left of C and D may be regular sea urchins; ophiuroid brittle stars in C and D. E&F, Sandy gravel bottom veneered by silt (cloud in F) with occasional cobbles. Pebbles appear to be relatively well-sorted suggesting current activity. Brittle star in top of E partially covered by cobble. White specks in F may be sea urchins. 66 PLATE 28 % 67 PLATE 29 Fies. A-C. — Station 44, upper rise, immediately south of submarine valley, 1185-1200 fms. Figs. D-F.— Station 45, upper rise, north of submarine valley, 1190-1200 fms. A-C, Silty mud bottom (cloud in A) with burrows, low mounds, trails and tracks. Moving ophiuroid brittle star (arrow in C) and regular sea urchins in B. D-F, Clayey bottom (cloud in E) entirely covered with tracks, trails, resting places, and burrows. Granular appearance possibly due to faecal pellets or sediment clasts. Aspidochirotid holothurian (arrow 1) and Morid fish (arrow 2) in D. 68 PLATE 29 1 69 PLATE 30 Figs. A-C. — Station 46, upper rise, north of submarine valley, 1290-1300 fms. Figs. D-F. — Station 47, upper rise, south of submarine valley, 1340 fms. A-C, Mud, largely clay, bottom with small depressions and burrows. Note large darker ovate patches. Bladder-like object in A (arrow 1) is probably an Elasi- podid holothurian. Unidentified sea-star or crinoid (arrow 2) in A. Linear trail in B. Ophiuroid brittle stars near base of C; also small worm tubes or small holothurians (circled) projecting from bottom. D-F, Silty mud bottom, slightly undulatory, covered by tracks, trails and burrows. Small worm tubes or small holothurians projecting from the bottom (circled in E and F) trend toward the east, suggesting current moving in that direction. Regular sea urchins in all three photographs. 70 PLATE 30 /. ^ A ^■"^ / ./ * , o c 1 * o 1 1 71 PLATE 31 Figs. A-C. — Station 48, upper rise, on Nyckel Ridge, 1300 fms. Figs. D-F. — Station 49, upper rise, south of Nyckel Ridge, 1410 fms. A-C, Gravelly, sandy mud with local concentrations of subrounded cobbles with diameters up to 40 cm. Trace of ripple crest orientation of 035°-215° in B. Ripples are buried under a veneer of silt. Regular sea urchins are represented by white specks in all photos. D-F, Sandy mud bottom with gravel. Note organism-encrusted boulder between arrows (approximately 1 m in length) on left margin of F. Sublinguoid ripple marks indicate current movement towards SSW. Elasipodid holothurian in D. 72 PLATE 31 73 PLATE 32 Figs. A-C. — Station 50, upper rise, immediately south of submarine valley, 1420 fins. Figs. D-F. — Station 51, upper rise, north of submarine valley, 1400-1405 fins. A-C, Sandy silty mud bottom (cloud in A). Interference ripple marks with domin- ant trend showing current movement towards SSW. Plant-like organisms (coelenterates?) depicted by arrows in A. D-F, Mud, largely clay, bottom (cloud in D) covered with large tracks (arrow 1 in F) and some burrows and mounds. Asteroid seastars in D and E; plant-like organisms (coelenterates?) in E and F (arrow 2). 74 PLATE 32 I ■mm d * 75 PLATE 33 Figs. A-B. — Station 52, outer part of upper rise, north of submarine valley, 1460-1465 fms. Figs. C-F. — Station 53, outer part of upper rise, adjacent to submarine valley, 1506 fms. A&B, Silty mud bottom (cloud in A) with possible pebbles or unidentified orga- nisms (arrow 1 in A and B). Bottom covered with burrows, mounds, tracks, trails, and resting places of brittle star (arrow 2 in A) and sun-star (arrow 3 in A). Elasipodid holothurian narrowly avoids striking the compass in A. C-F, Silty mud bottom, slightly undulatory, with burrows and circular sun-star imprints. Track of unknown origin in F. 76 PLATE 33 1 ( / fc fc- - 1 77 PLATE 34 Figs. A-F. — Station 54, outer part of upper rise, south of submarine valley, 1490 fms. A-E, Silty mud bottom (cloud in A), slightly undulatory. Tracks, trails, sunstar resting trace, burrows, and mounds common. F, Evidence of deep ocean bacchanaliu at about 1500 fms. 78 PLATE 34 79 IV. RESULTS General A total of 1243 photos were taken at the fifty-four stations shown on Fig. 3. Of these, approximately two thirds, or about 800 frames, were close enough to the bottom to show some evidence of lithology, current activity or or- ganisms. About one sixth or 200 of the frames, generally taken close to the bottom (within 1 fathom) could be categorized as good to excel- lent. The photographic information collected at each station is summarized in Table II. This table includes the following data for each station studied : film roll and frame num- ber, quality of photographs, bottom surface area covered, bottom textural types, ripple marks and other current indicators, organisms, and other pertinent observations. Selected rep- resentative photographs of the bottom at most of the stations are presented in Plates 1 to 34. A brief summary highlighting sediment tex- ture, inferred bottom current directions, and organisms recorded on film is presented below. Figures 7 to 10 have been compiled by plotting data summarized in Table II. Sediment Texture The contoured regional distribution of major sediment textural types (sediment grain size mixtures) is shown in Fig. 7. The textural terms used are those employed by sedimentolo- gists (Pettijohn, 1957). Textural interpreta- tions were verified by coring, where possible, and by comparison with sediment notations of Stetson (1949) and Hathaway (1966, 1967). Coarse to medium sand occurs near the outer shelf margin and the head of the Wilmington Canyon to depths somewhat in excess of 50 fms. Sandy silt and silty sand actually drapes the shelf edge and uppermost continental slope. This material also fills the upper canyon head and extends as a tongue down the axis to about 500 fms. Greater photographic coverage in the canyon could indicate that this tongue actually extends further downslope. Silt and clay admixtures (material finer than 0.0625 mm) increase and the relative percentage of sand (0.0625-2.0 mm) decreases substantially below 50 fathoms. However, local concentra- tions of sandy sediment are noted at greater depths, particularly on the Nyckel Ridge (Sta- tions 43, 48, 50 and 52) , to about 1500 fms. Pebble and cobble-sized material (coarser than 2.0 mm) appear to be concentrated in three areas. A tongue of coarse material on the steep east wall of the canyon head extends from the shelf edge to depths exceeding 300 fms. Boulders, some exceeding 1 m. in diame- ter, occur near the axis at Stations 13 and 17. An isolated gravel location (Station 29) was encountered on the southwest canyon wall at a depth of about 150 fms. Gravel, with sand and mud, also occur on the upper rise near the Ny- ckel Ridge at Station 49 and north of the can- yon axis at Station 52. Below about 100 fms silt and silty mud cov- ers the canyon proper and the continental slope and rise. The slope east and north of the can- yon tends to be covered with soft clayey mud. Stiff clay is noted at several deep stations par- ticularly those on or near the Nyckel Ridge in- cluding Station 41 at 930 fms. Small muddy lumps of granule size in silt and clay sedi- ments, common in some slope and rise stations, are probably of organic origin and may be fae- cal pellets (Table II). A rock outcrop was noted at Station 43 on the Nyckel Ridge at the base of the slope. This large, parallel-bedded ledge is more than one meter thick and displays a series of distinct linear fractures (Plate 27, fig. A). Angular rock fragments broken from the leading edge of the ledge lie at the base of the outcrop (Plate 27, figs. B-D) . The presence of a thin ve- neer of silt on the rock slabs in shown in Plate 28 (fig. A). Inferred Bottom Currents (Neocurrents) and Sediment Movement The photographic survey makes it possible to detect the evidence of recent bottom current 81 .■■ ' ■ 82 83 e o >> c CS u 41 e £ § e | I 41 a. o -a c 0 ♦J B 4) E -a a. m £ o -*- e ji t/ c *- u 01 fe: as in E V c B bf la r- <— ■-c O 3". 01 Be 3 la o J2 W E 41 u e ^ 5 n E s <*- o — c • s oo g 3 & 1^ bf, c Q 3 -c 3? -c B 3 M & +- .e k, o 84 o 1— < «£ z CO _J ID LU CC o « ID o O < ^Li_ ■ z o z_l " l s< o C3 ZCO MARINE THY URROWIN OWERS A INODERM ** 1 Z 1 CD ^^ NO B BURR ECH z / 2d z " i< / CO 5 cc — U.O >Ll- C3 Og z z _l LIMIT RROWI LIMIT AL ECH UJ n~ ce ^ ce>- Z Q. O.I— CO Q.U- CL.1 - 3 03 C o M c eg J3 c E o e •° ^ *g ■ - *-< " E •J! 0/ EU .2 a c eo o 1* 1 o ■"* o aj o II °s c o 1° a * • ea 3 ■- es, a 85 activity (neocurrent patterns) and to infer the dominant current trends in the area of study. Most of this evidence is derived from an exam- ination of current-formed sedimentary struc- tures, principally ripple marks, and the atti- tude of certain marine organisms, principally worm tubes, on the compass-orientd photo- graphs (Table II). The paterns of dominant current movement in the Wilmington Canyon and adjacent continental shelf, slope and rise are depicted on Fig. 8. The form of ripple marks (straight, sinuous, interference types) and the orientation of dom- inant crests were recorded, and the direction of steeper faces was measured wherever possible. The vertical position of the camera and slight oblique illumination employed, however, made this determination impossible in some in- stances. A two-directional trend is depicted in those cases where symmetrical ripple-marks are present or where the appearance of sym- metry does not allow interpretation of the sense of current transport. The mean value of current direction or trend has been determined for each station ; this value, in some cases, rep- resents the orientation of current patterns measured over as much as two miles of sea floor. In several cases the large number of pho- tos obtained over an extensive distance re- quires that the data be grouped into two or more sub-stations. Stations 7 and 8, for in- stance, extending from the shelf margin into the canyon head, display several mean vectors (Fig. 8). Two transport direction are also de- picted at those stations where interfering groups of ripple marks differ in orientation by more than 30° Ripple marks on the shelf and upper slope tend, in general, to be asymmetrical, straight to slightly sinuous and possess sharp to some- what rounded crests. Two or more sets of cross-cutting ripples are not infrequent at shallow stations, but distinct cell-like interfer- ence patterns have not been observed here. In- terfering ripple-sets usually differ in dimen- sions or form, and it is generally possible to demonstrate that one set post-dates the others. Ripples on deeper silty and mud bottoms tend to be more sinuous and discontinuous with low amplitudes and soft rounded crests. Many rip- ples appear relatively fresh and are probably of recent origin. A veneer of mud, however, covering crests and partially filling troughs, may be detected at some deeper stations. Additional evidence of current transport is obtained in a number of stations from the alignment of shell debris or gravel, and of worm tubes lying upon the bottom. Scour li- neations and pockets are generally absent ex- cept for Station 22 (Plate 10) in the canyon axis and at Station 43 (Plate 28) at the base of the slope. Similar scour lineation markings on the continental slope have been reported by Owen and Emery (1967, Fig. 15-4). Direct evidence of prevailing near-bottom current activity is provided by the preferred orientation of worm-tubes that appear stalk- like and project obliquely from the sea-bed to a maximum height of 10 cm. These structures, presumably geotropic in character, locally dis- play a random orientation. More frequently these tubes show a preferential alignment, i.e., a dominant sense of inclination, as if heeling over in response to a current. It is assumed that such an inclination is in a down-current sense. This assumption is borne out at Station 29 where preferentially inclined worm tubes and asymmetric ripples are associated (Plate 15). The regional current transport pattern as in- ferred from photographs is evidently a com- posite one. Landward of the shelf edge cur- rents flow uniformly towards the west both on the shelf proper and in the canyon head. In a small area northwest of the canyon (Stations 3 and 5) currents appear to flow towards the south and southwest. Observation of large sand waves and dunes to depths exceeding 50 fms suggest that sedimentation on this outer shelf may be active, not relict, at present. Evidence of southerly current movement down the canyon axis between 400 and 600 fms is observed at Stations 22 and 30 (Plate 10). Little evidence of current activity is noted on the lower slope and adjacent parts of the upper continental rise away from the canyon ; the sea-floor in this area is one dominated by bio- logical reworking of bottom sediments. A re- newal of current activity on the outer sector of the upper rise is noted at depths greater than 1400 fms; current flow at this depth tends to be directed consistently towards the southwest and south-southwest (Fig. 8). 86 Conspicuous current activity is also asso- ciated with the Nyckel Ridge forming the south (right) bank of Wilmington Canyon. Water movement on the upper part of this ridge appears to be directed up-slope (west and west-northwest). A northerly current sense is indicated on the more deeply submerged por- tion of this ridge at depths of 1000 to 1200 fms. Additional evidence of current activity on this outer ridge are provided by the observa- tion of a firm bottom of stiff clay at Station 41. Samples of similar lithology have been recov- ered from this region by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Sample 2109B, in Hathaway, 1966) suggesting removal or non- deposition of recent finegrained sediment in this sector. Strong northwest-flowing currents capable of moulding sand and gravel into rip- ples are also noted on the Nyckel Ridge at Sta- tion 43 (Plates 27. 28). Benthic Organisms Benthic organisms, like bottom currents, ap- pear to modify bottom sediments in the Wil- mington submarine canyon and adjacent areas. The lateral distribution of the more important groups of organisms detected in the photo- graphic survey are shown on Figures 9 and 10. Shell material forms a large part of the coarse sediment fraction on the shelf edge at depths less than 100 fms, particularly on the northern and eastern margins of the canyon head (Fig. 9). Shell material of coarse sand to pebble size is often aligned in bands concen- trated in ripple mark troughs. Many of the shells, sometimes distinct enough to be recog- nized as pelecypod valves of scallops and other forms, lie concave up and are often partially buried or filled with sediment. The shell con- tent decreases from over 30 percent on sectors of the shelf to about 1 percent at depths of about 200 to 300 fms. Pelecypod valves of probable shelf origin have, however, been en- countered in cores collected in the canyon and on the continental rise (Stanley and Kelling, 1968b, Fig. 8). Echinoderms are also locally important on the shelf and include starfish, sand dollars and sea urchins (Fig. 9). Crabs and lobsters also abound in this area (Fig. 10). This environ- ment is one of high sand and shell content. Crustaceans apepar to be more abundant in the immediate vicinity of the canyon area than on the adjacent slope. The area covered by burrowing organisms increases progressively at depths greater than 75 fms. Burrows, tracks, mounds, and other forms of bioturbation are recorded at almost every station below this depth, with the excep- tion of Station 43 (Fig. 10). Pencil-like tubes of polychaete worms [probably Hyalinoecia tubi- cola (Muller)], a common form on the conti- nental slope of northeast North America (Wig- ley and Emery, 1967), are locally important. Numerous forms of bathyal echinoderms (Fig. 10), including brittle stars and asteroid star- fish, become important below depths of about 500 fms. These, as well as crabs and sea spi- ders leave distinctive markings in the soft mud bottom and otherwise modify the sediment as a result of their movement and their feeding habits. Equally spectacular are bottom markings produced by benthic fish (Fig. 9) ; these appear to be most abundant on the slope between 100 to 1000 fms. The soft undulating mud at some localities has been entirely moulded by fish that form shallow depressions (resting-places or "nests"), and by fin marks. Holothurians are important because of the trails they make and because of the abundance of their faecal deposits which cover extensive areas of the bottom (Table II). Coelenterates, including sea-anemones and possible soft corals, are re- corded at four localities but are generally less common than the preceding forms (Fig. 10). 87 V. DISCUSSION Most of the submarine canyons off the east coast of the United States previously have been regarded as relatively inactive so far as sedi- mentary processes are concerned (Stetson, 1949; Shepard, 1965a, p. 327) because they head far out on the shelf in deep water in tec- tonically stable area. This contrasts sharply with submarine canyons in other areas which serve to funnel sediments from shelf areas to the deep sea. Shepard (1965a, p. 322-323) lays particular stress on supply of longshore- drifted detritus to canyons heading close in- shore on tectonically active borderlands, as in the area off southern California. In those can- yons, sediment is transferred from the head to the deep-sea fans at their base by processes which include slumping, creep, sand flows and turbidity currents. The surface texture in the vicinity of these Californian canyons appar- ently reflects the present activity of the pro- cesses outlined above although a thin cover of 'pelagic' mud occurs in areas more remote from active channels (Shepard and Dill, 1966, p. 68). A submarine canyon on the northwest Atlantic margin. The Gully off Nova Scotia, which has been described by Stanley (1967) displays a spectrum of processes similar to those observed in canyons on the Pacific mar- gin. In the Wilmington canyon area, the sum of photographic observations shows that textural types are more closely related to geographic proximity to the canyon depression and other major features of the slope than to depth per se. However, the distribution of relatively fine- grained bottom surface sediments in the prox- imity of the Wilmington canyon (an observa- tion also made by Stetson, 1949) and the abun- dance of burrowing activity in all but the most shallow portions of the canyon suggest a rela- tively inactive role for sedimentation at the present time. Similarly, the pattern of current movement in the vicinity of the canyon, where examined, shows only minor evidence of axial transport (unlike more active canyons de- scribed by Shepard, 1965b; Shepard and Dill, 1966; Ross, 1968 and others). Photographic evidence, however, must be in- terpreted cautiously in evaluating the role of the Wilmington Canyon in Holocene (post- Pleistocene to modern) sedimentation. It is im- portant to note, for instance, that textural va- rieties at the surface often conceal very differ- ent sediment types just a few millimeters or centimeters below the surface. An examination of cores collected in the same areas as photo Stations 33, 34 and 46 (Fig. 3) indicates that the surface veneer recorded in bottom photo- graphs is generally finer-grained than the sedi- ment lying below it (Stanley and Kelling, 1968b). The textural pattern as mapped in Figure 7 is thus a composite reflecting both re- cent depositional activity and, locally, relict (pre-Recent) sediment patterns. These local pockets of relict sediment may represent areas which are not receiving sediments at the pre- sent time or they may indicate removal of the veneer of recent sediment by erosion. It is also important to note that the textural map indicates only the most recent sediment activity and masks the results of processes op- erating in the recent past. Examination of the bottom photographs suggests that, at present, benthic organisms are reworking the sediment cover over much of the slope and rise. Cores show distinct laminations of somewhat coarser sediment below a mottled uppermost sediment veneer. This indicates that at most localities periods of active deposition have alternated with quieter periods (perhaps like the present) when the entire sediment horizon is reworked by bottom-living organisms. The hypothesis that sedimentation in the Wilmington submarine canyon has been active within the recent past, and perhaps even today on a local scale, is supported by several obser- vations : (1) The present study indicates that there 88 is strong current activity on the outer shelf in this region (see Fig. 8). The siting of the Wil- mington Canyon is such that sediment being transported westward across the outer shelf (in accord with the direction of non-tidal bot- tom drift noted by Bumpus, 1965, Fig. 5) would be intercepted by the canyon head. The tongues of gravel, coarse sand and shell debris which extend down the eastern flanks of the canyon head (Fig. 7) evidently result from this process of entrapment, since materials of comparable grade are lacking on the sheltered western walls. The first prerequisite for active canyon sedimentation — a continuing supply of sedi- ment to the head — is thus fulfilled. (2) A narrow tongue of silty sand extends down the canyon axis to a depth of about 500 fms suggesting down-slope movement of coar- ser detritus, at least to this depth, at the pre- sent time. (3) While clay muds cover the continental slope and upper continental rise in areas re- mote from the canyon, the distribution of silt follows the trend of the major depressions as- sociated with Wilmington canyon (compare Figs. 1 and 7). The pattern of silt distribution closely resembles that discovered by Stanley (1967, Figs. 7 and 8) in The Gully Canyon. (4) Patches of gravel and sand presently exposed on the upper rise may be relict depos- its swept clear of recent mud by the deep-sea currents detected in their vicinity. On the other hand, they may indicate active, if peri- odic, supply of coarse detritus to the upper rise via the Wilmington Canyon complex. Ample evidence of such periodic influxes of debris within the recent past is provided by the pres- ence of sand and shell debris in cores (Stanley and Kelling, 1968b, Fig. 8). One point is clear : the supply of coarse shelf sediment moving toward the west and, thus, toward the head of the canyon is such that most of the material must be transferred quickly to the deep sea. Were it not, the head would soon be filled. The fine-grained veneer that floors much of the area of the slope and rise is being contrib- uted, in part, by a rain of pelagic material set- tling to the bottom. The origin of this material is unknown at present. Muds cou i originate from deposition of suspended matter concen- trated in the water column by deep turbulence. This nepheloid layer on the slope and rise north of the Wilmington Canyon has been de- scribed by Ewing and Thorndike (1965). Geos- trophic contour bottom currents of the type recognized at the base of the Atlantic margin by Heezen et al. (1966) and Schneider et al. (1967) may also play an important role in the transport and deposition of sediments. Evidence from bottom photographs of south- west and south-southwest flowing currents on the outer sector of the upper rise are compati- ble with the geostrophic contour patterns re- corded by these other workers. However, in this study area, flow also occurs at a level on the upper continental rise, which Schneider et al (1967, p. 358) regard as a tranquil, current- free region. Strong, northwest-flowing cur- rents that are capable of moulding sand and gravel at station 43 (Plate 28) may form part of an eddy system developing counter to the main Western Boundary Under Current. The location of this eddy is probably controlled, in part, by the presence of the southeast-north- west trending Nyckel Ridge. Observation of this ridge shows that bottom currents are ca- pable of moving material of fine to coarse sand grade and that they may well play an impor- tant role in modifying the dispersal pattern of sediment emanating from the Wilmington Can- yon on the lower slope and rise. At present, the Nyckel Ridge bounding Wil- mington Canyon on its south side forms an im- portant locus of current activity and of prob- able slope instability, i.e. slumping and gravita- tional gliding, perhaps of the type described by Rona and Clay (1967) and Uchupi (1968). The occurrence of large angular slabs of rock with talus at Station 43 suggest either active ero- sion of outcropping rock as described by Schneider et al. (1967, p. 358) or slumping and sliding of large rockmasses off the adjacent Nyckel Ridge onto a sand-silt bottom. Evidence for displacement of these blocks is provided by a series of linear fractures in the rock ledge proper (Plate 27). The general trend of main fractures affecting these rocks is N50°E, i.e. parallel with local isobaths. The breaks are not unlike crevasses in glaciers or in areas of in- cipient avalanches such as steep snow-covered 89 hills. The rock mass illustrated in Plate 27 rep- resents an allochthonous slab moved into place at this locality. The present photographic investigation, cou- pled with an earlier subbottom survey during RoS, indicates that the Nyckel Ridge is not simply a deep-sea levee (Stanley and Kelling, 19fi8a). This topographic high developed as a structural feature and serves as an important internal source of sediment as a result of expo- sure to bottom current activity, erosion, and slumping. In effect, it plays a dominant role in intrabasinal sedimentation. Evidence gathered on the basis of the photo- graphic study does not allow a categorical an- swer to the problem of the Wilmington Can- yon's contemporary funneling role. An evalua- tion of the past present functions of the canyon in the context of deep sea sedimentation off the Atlantic margin clearly requires further inves- tigation. A comparison of the dominant pat- terns in the Wilmington Canyon with those of adjacent features including Baltimore, Wash- ington, and Norfolk Canyons should eventually lead to the creation of a sedimentation model for canyons of this type. 90 VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank: the U.S. Coast Guard, for providing ship-time and facilities and making the operation of this investigation possible; the U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit, Washington, D.C., for coordinating the program ; the Captain, officers and men of the USCGC ROCKAWAY (WAGO 377), for their support in the work at sea ; Messrs. Robert K. Oser and Martin G. Fagot, Naval Oceano- graphic Office, Washington, D.C. for lending and operating a camera rig which resulted in much of the information presented in this paper ; Mr. H. Sheng, for compilation of bathy- metric data; and the Smithsonian Institution Research Foundation for funds in support of this continuing program. This work was un- dertaken while Kelling was an NRC Visiting Research Associate at the Smithsonian Insti- tution, on leave from the University of Wales, Swansea, Great Britain. 91 REFERENCES Bumpus, D. F., 1965. Surface circulation on the Con- tinental Shelf. Summary of Investigations conducted in 1964. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Ref. 66-13, p. 158. Daly, R. A., 1936. Origin of submarine "canyons". Amer. Jour. Science, Ser. 5, v. 31, p. 401-420. Edgerton, H E., 1967. The instruments of deep-sea photography, in Deep Sea Photography (J. B. Her- sey, Ed.). The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, p. 47-54. Ewing, M. and E. M. Thorndike, 1965. Suspended matter in deep ocean water. Science, v. 147, p. 1291-1294. Hathaway, J. C, 1966. Data file. Continental margin program, Atlantic coast of the United States, Vol. I, Sample collection data. Woods Hole Oceanogr. Insti- tution Ref. 66-8, 184 p. , 1967. Data file, Continental margin program, Atlantic coast of the United States, Vol. I, Sample collection data, Supplement I. Woods Hole Oceanogr. Institution Ref. 67-21, 108 p. Heezen, B. C, C. D. Hollister and W. F. Ruddiman, 1966. Shaping of the continental rise by deep geostrophic contour currents. Science, v. 152, p. 502-508. Hersey, J. B., 1967. The manipulation of deep-sea cameras, in Deep-Sea Photography (J. B. Hersey, Ed.). The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, p. 55-67. Johnson, D. W. 1939. The Origin of Submarine Can- yons. Columbia University Press, New York, 126 p. Kuenen, Ph. H., 1950. Marine Geology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, p. 485-526. Lawson, A. C, 1893. The Geology of Carmelo Bay. Bull. Univ. Calif. Dept. Geology, I, 59 pp. Owen, D. M. and K. O. Emery, 1967, Current markings on the continental slope, in Deep-sea Photography (J B. Hersey, Ed.). The Johns Hopkins Press, Balti- more, p. 167-172. Pettijohn, F. J., 1957. Sedimentary Rocks. Harper & Sons, N.Y. 718 p. Pruvot, G., 1894. Essai sur la topographie et la con- stitution des fonds sous-marins de la region de Banyuls, de la plaine du Rousillon au Golfe de Rosas. Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen., v. 2, p. 599-672. Rona, P. E. and C. S. Clay, 1967. Stratigraphy and structure along a continuous seismic reflection pro- file from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to the Bermuda Rise. Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 72, p. 2107-2130. Ross, D. A., J.V.A. Trumbull and C. D. Hollister, 1968. Geologic observations in Corsair canyon from DSRV Alvin (Abstract). Geol. Soc. America Northeastern Section, Program 3rd Ann. Meeting, Washington, D.C., p. 52. Schneider, E., P. J. Fox, C. D. Hollister, H. D. Need- ham and B. C. Heezen, 1967. Further evidence of con- tour currents in the Western North Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, v. 2, p. 351-359. Shalowitz, A. L., 1930. Slope corrections for echo sound- ings. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. No. 165. Shepard, F. P., 1963. Submarine canyons, in The Sea (M. N. Hill, Ed.). Interscience Publishers, New York, p. 48-506. , 1965a. Importance of submarine valleys in funneling sediments to the deep sea, in Progress in Oceanography, v. 3 (M. Sears, Ed.) Pergamon Press, Oxford, p. 321-332. , 1965b. Submarine canyons explored by Cousteau's Diving Saucer, in Submarine Geology and Geophysics (W. F. Whittard and Bradshaw, Eds.) Butterworth, London, p. 303-311. , and R. F. Dill, 1966. Submarine Canyons and other Sea Valleys. Rand McNally, Chicago. 381 p. Stanley, D. J., 1967. Comparing patterns of sedimen- tation in some modern and ancient submarine can- yons. Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, v. 3, p. 371-380. , and G. Kelling, 1968. Interpretation of a levee- like ridge and associated features, Wilmington sub- marine canyon, eastern U.S.A., in Les Methodes Sismique-Reflexion et les Cartes de Geologie Sous- Marine (L. Glangeaud, Ed.). C.N.R.S. Symposium, Villefranche-sur-Mer and Monaco (in press). -, 1968b. 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Station positions and depths on USCGC ROCKAWAY-SMITHSONIAN Cruise (RoS:). (December 4-10, 1967) Station Number Beginning of station End of station Latitude Longitude Depth in fathoms Latitude Longitude Depth in fathoms 1 38°31'27.0" 73°27'50.7" 46 38°31'9.5" 73°28'19.7" 51 2 38°31'20.6" 73°29'33.8" 45 38°30'39.7" 73°29'48.0" 74 3 38°31'21.5" 73°31'39.2" 36 38°30'58.8" 73°31'51.5" 39 4 38°29'58.3" 73°32'15.0" 47 38°29'22.0" 73°32'18.0" 52 5 38°29'44.0" 73°31'31.4" 60 38°29'12.8" 73°31'9.4" 107 6 38°29'46.4" 73°30'33.7" 114 38°29'4.7" 73°30'48.6" 129 7 38°29'44.1" 73°28'44.7" 59 38°29'11.7" 73°29'12.7" 89 8 38°29'3.2" 73°29'6.2" 131 38°28'18.3" 73°29'31.3" 110 9 38°28'22.6" 73°30'57.2" 214 38°27'15.8" 73°31'47.7" 195 10 38°28'50.8" 73°32'37.7" 59 38°28'22.5" 73°33'8.8" 57 11 38°28'22.5" 73°33'22.7" 54 38°27'59.3" 73"33'28.6" 58 12 38°28'6.0" 73°33'43.8" 52 38°27'41.1" 73°34'5.0" 58 13 38°27'13.4" 73°31'11.6" 278 38°26'32.6" 73°32'4.2" 258 14 38°28'16.1" 73°30'0.7" 124 38°27'36.2" 73°29'53.9" 92 15 38°27'26.0" 73°29'7.9" 76 38°27'16.4" 73°29'36.8" 63 16 38°26'44.3" 73°29'44.1" 65 38°25'41.9" 73°29'50.6" 168 17 38°26'8.2" 73°31'44.1" 240 38°24'46.0" 73°32'41.4" 380 18 38°26'6.1" 73°34'51.4" 68 38°25'33.1" 73°35'19.6" 76 19 NO STATION 20 38°24'43.2" 73°36'57.2" 57 38°24'5.5" 73°36'25.4" 62 21 38°24'35.5" 73°32'57.2" 355 38°24'18.4" 73°34'6.4" 160 22 38°24'38.2" 73°31'19.8" 430 38°23'30.5" 73°32'11.7" 391 23 38°24'5.9" 73°27'5.5" 80 38°23'18.8" 73°2fi'51.5" 156 24 38°23'54.7" 73°29'35.9" 243 38°23'14.6" 73°29'23.8" 302 25 38°23'29.1" 73°31'5.5" 460 38°23'17.3" 73°31'52.6" 480 26 38°22'50.4" 73°36'9.6" 62 38°22'19.1" 73°36'16.0" 62 27 38°20'51.7" 73°35'43.1" 71 38°20'10.0" 73°36'0.5" 73 28 38°18'47.5" 73°35'56.8" 128 38°17'46.9" 73°36'16.0" 165 29 38°19'48.2" 73°33'10.9" 127 38°19'5.0" 73°33'42.0" 194 30 38°21'10.5" 73°29'32.7" 620 38°21'49.2" 73°30'36.2" 595 31 38°22'51.0" 73°26'21.8" 195 38°22'42.0" 73°27'4.0" 247 32 38°21'30.6" 73°23'22.9" 518 38°20'32.7" 73°24'30.4" 575 33 38°19'55.1" 73°25'37.8" 772 38°19'6.4" 73°26'14.9" 654 34 38°17'33.1" 73"28'17.0" 602 38°18'0.7" 73°27'52.4" 640 35 38°18'12.8" 73°27'52.2" 648 38°15'55.8" 73°30'15.9" 566 36 38°11'58.8" 73°28'27.5" 810 38°09'47.1" 73"36'23.4" 817 37 38°16'17.0" 73°34'05.7' 795 38°15'28.7" 73°35'35.1" 715 37A 38°17'46.4" 73°22'36.2" 909 38°17'31.4" 73°24'26.5" 808 38 38°20'35.8" 73°20'48.1" 786 38°20'30.1" 73°22'24.2" 692 39 38°19'7.3" 73°15'06.7" 1050 38°18'42.4" 73°16'53.1" 1000 40 38°15'49.8" 73°17'17.8" 1030 38°15'51.0" 73°19'49.6" 964 41 38°13'46.9" 73°18'08.1" 940 38°13'35.8" 73°19'24.3" 903 42 38°10'58.7" 73°19'18.1" 1029 38°10'48.6" 73°20'29.6" 990 43 38°10'47.0" 73°06'36.3" 1176 38°10'20.7" 73°07'24.8" 1222 44 38°14'24.1" 73°07'12.9" 1177 38°15'38.3" 73°07'46.6" 1208 45 38°18'48.5" 73°06'33.4" 1200 38"19'32.7" 73°07'24.5" 1181 46 38°19'19.5" 72°59'46.8" 1285 38°19'11.7" 72°59'22.1" 1308 47 38°12'41.0" 72°59'54.5" 1338 38°12'47.4" 72°59'32.2" 1340 48 38°10'15.7" 72659'32.3" 1295 38°09'31.8" 72°58'41.5" 1325 49 38°07'6.2" 72°54'9.2" 1408 38°07'3.6" 72°53'07.9" 1413 50 38°11'57.9" 72°53'13.3" 1417 38°11'36.6" 72°52'26.5" 1421 51 38°18'21.4" 72°51'43.7" 1395 38°17'18.8" 72°51'02.0" 1408 52 38°18'47.9" 72°41'0.7" 1457 38°17'22.8" 72°40'28.4" 1470 53 38°12'59.5" 72°42'08.3" 1506 38°11'22.5" 72°42'50.4" 1507 54 38°07'37.6" 72°44'34.7" 1495 38°05'16.5" 72°45'20.8" 1483 93 Table II. Summary of data from photographic investigation in the Wilmington subma Film Photo Sediment Ripple Marks Oriented Data Quality _ Type Worm Qjp = Dominant type H := Heeling _ Type Inferred Wave Amplitude direction a*6! A = Asymmetric Current Length (where A = Alignment s = Symmetric Movement (in cm.) available) trend "c-8 ® — Dominant (Mean (in cm.) 5e S-5 type direction °6 >l or trend at RJ s station) V s a u u •9 ° II O a> + 0) 55 a 3 B 3 Z o 16 bo a > ■a c 43 W 3 '3 CO 3 O 3 C s at a V V s Ul a fc.Cn K< u w 2 w M c 1 l 192-227 Poor to Moderate >4 ® X (£3 A,S to 285° 25-35 2 l 260-305 Very Poor 1 >4 (as) A to 200° ' 3 l 337-355 Poor to Good 1-4 ^ X T^v A,S to 235° 2 12.5-50 2.5-10 4 l 391-409 Poor to Moderate 2-4 © X X to 275° to 185° 17.5-30 5 1 451-472 Poor 1-4 ® ® @J s 134°-314° 17.5-50 4.2-10 6 1 536-550 Poor to Good 4 X ® A,S A.S A.S to 283° 2 12.5-25 9 2 746-762 Moderate to Excellent <1 X ® A to 260° * 10-17.5 10 2 774-789 Poor to Excellent A.S to 271° 10-22.5 2.5-3.75 19 NO STATION 20 3 294 Moderate 2-4 X f A to 250° 25 21 3 332 Moderate 1-2 22 3 369-406 Poor to Excellent 4 X 34 5 270-286 Excellent 4 X 36 6 460-485 Moderate to Excellent 60 cm in diameter). 1 Maximum diameter 25 cm. 2 NE-SW alignment of shell con- centrations in ripple troughs. 1 Maximum diameter 30 cm. ; gravel rare in later frames. 1 Maximum diameter 2-3 cm. 1 Granular nature may be due to faecal pellets or mud clasts. i Ibid. 2 Current direction obtained from scour lineation. 1 Granular texture may be due to faecal pellets or mud clasts. 1 Maximum diameter 20 cms. 1 Granular texture may be due to faecal pellets or mud clasts. i Ibid. 1 Ibid. 1 Ibid. i Ibid. 1 Ibid. 1 Ibid. 1 Clay appears stiff. 1 Large fractured rock ledge (see Plate 27 A) and numerous angular blocks of rock at least 20 cm thick. 2 Ping-pong ball-like echinoid. 1 Granular texture may be due to faecal pellets or mud clasts. 1 Possible crinoid. 1 Maximum diameter 40 cms. Possible sponge observed. 1 Maximum diameter at least 1 meter. 1 Granular texture may be due to faecal pellets or mud clasts. 1 Maximum diameter 7.5 cm (may be an unidentified organism). 1 Maximum diameter 20 cm. # U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1969 O-33O-307 95