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By putting down on a chart the tracks of many vessels on the same voyage, but at different times, in different years, and during all seasons, and by projecting along each track the winds and currents daily encountered, it was plain that navigators hereafter, by consult- ing this chart, would have for their guide the results of the combined _experience of all whose tracks were thus pointed out. Perhaps it might be the first voyage of a young navigator to the given port, when his own personal experience of the winds to be expected, the currents to be encountered by the way, would itself be blank If so, there would be the Wind and Current Chart. It would spread out before him the tracks of a thousand vessels that had pre- ceded him on the same voyage, wherever it might be, and that, too, at the same season of the year. Such a chart, it was held, would show him not only the tracks of the vessels, but the experience also of each master as to the winds and currents by the way, the tem- perature of the ocean, and the variation of the needle. All this could be taken in at a glance, and thus the young mariner, instead of grop- ing his way along until the lights of experience should come to him by the slow teachings of the dearest of all schools, would here find at once that he had already the experience of a thousand navigators to guide him on his voyage. He might, therefore, set out upon his first voyage with as much confidence in his knowledge as to the winds and currents he might expect to meet with, as though he himself had already been that. way a thousand times before. lV INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. Such a chart could not fail to commend itself to intelligent ship- masters, and such a chart was constructed for them. They took it to sea, they tried it, and to their surprise and delight they found that, with the knowledge it afforded, the remote corners of the earth were brought closer together, in some instances by many days’ sail. The passage hence to the equator alone was shortened ten days. Before the commencement of this undertaking, the average passage to Cali- fornia was 183 days; but with these charts for their guide, navigators have reduced that average, and brought it down to 135 days. Between England and Australia, the average time going, without these charts, is ascertained to be 124 days, and coming, about the same; making the round voyage one of about 250 days on the average. These charts, and the system of research to which they have given rise, bid fair to bring that colony and the mother country nearer by many days,—reducing in no small measure the average duration of the round voyage.* At the meeting of the British Association of 1853, it was stated by a distinguished member,—and the statement was again repeated at its meeting in 1854,—that in Bombay, whence he came, it was esti- mated that this system of research, if extended to the Indian Ocean, and embodied in a set of charts for that sea, such as I have been describing, would produce an annual saving to British commerce, in those waters alone, of one or two millions of dollars ;+ and in all seas, of ten millions.£ * The outward passage, it has since been ascertained, has been reduced to 97 days on the average, and the homeward passage has been made in 63. + See Inaugural Address of the Earl of Harrowby, President of the British Association, at its twenty-fourth meeting. Liverpool, 1854. t. . . ‘‘Now let us make a calculation of the annual saving to the commerce of the United States effected by those charts and sailing directions. According to Mr. Maury, the average freight from the United States to Rio Janeiro is 17.7 cts. per ton per day; to Aus- tralia. 20 cts.; to California, also, about 20 cts. The mean of this is a little over 19 cents per ton per day; but to be within the mark, we will take it at 15, and include all the ports of South America, China, and the East Indies. ‘The sailing directions have shortened the passages to California 30 days, to Australia 20, to Rio Janeiro 10. The mean of this is 20, but we will take it at 15, and also include the above-named ports of South America, China, and the East Indies. “We estimate the tonnage of the United States engaged in trade with these places at 1,600,000 tons per annum. “With these data, we see that there has been effected a saving for each one of these tons INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. Vv A system of philosophical research which is so rich with fruits and abundant with promise, could not fail to attract the attention and commend itself to the consideration of the seafaring community of the whole civilized world. It was founded on observation; it was the result of the experience of many observant men, now brought together for the first time, and patiently discussed. The results tended to increase human knowledge with regard to the sea and its wonders, and therefore the system of research could not be wanting in attractions to right-minded men. The results of the first chart, however, though meagre and unsatis- factory, were brought to the notice of navigators; their attention was called to the blank spaces, and the importance of more and bet- ter observations than the old sea-logs generally contained was urged upon them. They were told that if each one would agree to co-operate in a general plan of observations at sea, and would send regularly, at the end of every cruise, an abstract log of their voyage to the National Observatory at Washington, he should, for so doing, be furnished, free of cost, with a copy of the charts and sailing directions that _ might be founded upon those observations. The quick, practical mind of the American shipmaster took hold of the proposition at once. To him the field was inviting, for he saw in it the promise of a rich harvest, and of many useful results. So, in a little while, there were more than a thousand navigators engaged day and night, and in all parts of the ocean, in making and recording observations according to a uniform plan, and in further- ing this attempt to increase our knowledge as to the winds and currents of the sea, and other phenomena that relate to its safe navi- gation and physical geography. To enlist the service of such a large corps of observers, and to have the attention of so many clever and observant men directed tc of 15 cents per day for a period of 15 days, which will give an aggregate of 2,250,000 dollars Saved per annum. This is on the outward voyage alone, and the tonnage trading with all other parts of tlie world is also left out of the calculation. Take these into consideration, and also the fact that there is a vast amount of foreign tonnage trading between these places and the United States, and it will be seen that the annual sum saved will swell to an enormous amount.”— Ertract from Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, May, 1854. v1 INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. the same subject, was a great point gained : it was a giant stride in the advancement of knowledge, and a great step toward its spread upon the waters. Important results soon followed, and great discoveries were made, These attracted the attention of the commercial world, and did not escape the notice of philosophers everywhere. The field was immense, the harvest was plenteous, and there were both need and room for more labourers. Whatever the reapers should gather, or the merest gleaner collect, was to go to the benefit of commerce and navigation—the increase of knowledge—the good of all. Therefore, all who use the sea were equally interested in the undertaking. The Government of the United States, so considering the matter, proposed a uniform system of observations at sea, and invited all the maritime states of Christendom to a conference upon the subject. This conference, consisting of representatives from France, England, and Russia, from Sweden and Norway, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, and the United States, met in Brussels, August 23, 1853, and recommended a plan of observations which should be followed on board the vessels of all friendly nations, and especially of those there present in the persons of their representatives. Prussia, Spain, Sardinia, the Holy See, the free city of Ham- burg, the republics of Bremen and Chili, and the empires of Austria and Brazil, have since offered their co-operation also in the same plan. Thus the sea has been brought regularly within the domains of philosophical research, and crowded with observers. In peace and in war these observations are to be carried on; and, in case any of the vessels on board of which they are conducted may be captured, the abstract log—as the journal which contains these observations is called—is to be held sacred. Baron Humboldt is of opinion that the results already obtained from this system of research are sufficient to give rise to a new department of science, which he has called the PHystcat Gxro- GRAPHY OF THE SEA. If so much has already been accomplished hy one nation, what may we not expect, in the course of a few years, from the joint co-operation of so many? INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. Vil Rarely before has there been such a sublime spectacle presented to the scientific world: all nations agreeing to unite and co-ope- rate in carrying out one system of philosophical research with regard to the sea. Though they may be enemies in all else, here they are to be friends. Every ship that navigates the high seas, with these charts and blank abstract logs on board, may henceforth be regarded as a floating observatory, a temple of science. The instruments used by every co-operating vessel are to be compared with stand- ards that are common to all; so that an observation that is made anywhere, and in any ship, may be referred to and compared with all similar observations by all other ships in all parts of the world. But these meteorological observations which this extensive and admirable system includes will relate only to the sea. This is not enough. The plan should include the land also, and be universal. Other great interests of society are to be benefited by such extension no less than commerce and navigation have been. A series of sys- tematic observations, directed over large districts of country, nay, over continents, to the improvement of agricultural and sanitary meteorology, would, I have no doubt, tend to a development of many interesting, important, and valuable results. The agricultural societies of many states of the Union have addressed memorials to the American Congress, asking for such extension; and it is hoped that that enlightened body will not fail favourably to respond. This plan contemplates the co-operation of all the states of Chris- tendom, at least so far as the form, method, subjects of observations, time of making them, and the interchange of results are concerned. I hope that my fellow-citizens will not fail to second and co-operate in such a humane, wise, and noble scheme. The Secretary of the Navy, taking the enlarged and enlightened views which do honour to great statesmen, has officially recommended the adoption of such a system, and the President has asked the favourable consideration thereof by Congress. These researches for the land look not only to the advancement of the great interests of sanitary and agricultural meteorology, but they involve also a study of the laws which regu- late the atmosphere, and a careful investigation of all its phenomena. Another beautiful feature in this system is, that it costs nothing vill INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. additional. The instruments that these observations at sea call for are such as are already in use on board of every well-conditioned ship, and the observations that are required are precisely those which are necessary for her safe and proper navigation. Great as is the value attached to what has been accomplished by these researches, in the way of shortening passages and lessening the dangers of the sea, a good of higher value is, in the opinion of many seamen, yet to come, out of the moral, the educational in- fluence which they are calculated to exert upon the seafaring com- munity of the world. A very clever English shipmaster, speaking recently of the advantages of educational influences among those who intend to follow the sea, remarks :— “To the cultivated lad there is a new world spread out when he enters on his first voyage. As his education has fitted, so will he perceive, year by year, that his profession makes him acquainted with things new and instructive. His intelligence will enable him to appreciate the contrasts of each country, in its general aspect, manners, and productions, and in modes of navigation adapted to the character of coast, climate, and rivers. He will dwell with in- terest on the phases of the ocean,—the storm, the calm, and the breeze, and will look for traces of the laws which regulate them. All this will induce a serious earnestness in his work, and teach him to view lightly those irksome and often offensive duties incident to the beginner.”* And that these researches have such an effect, many noble- hearted mariners have testified. Captain Phinney, of the American ship Gertrude, writing from Callao, January 1855, thus expresses himself :— “Having to proceed from this to the Chincha Islands, and remain three months, I avail myself of the present opportunity to forward to you abstracts of my two passages over your southern routes, although not required to do so until my own return to the United States next * “The Log of a Merchant Officer, viewed with reference to the Education of Young Officers and the Youth of the Merchant Service. By Robert Methren, commander in the Peninsular and Oriental Company, and author of the ‘ Narrative of the Blenheim Hurricane of 1851.""" Londun: John Weale, 59 High Holborn; Smith, Elder, and Co., Cornhill; Ackerman and Co., Strand. 1854. INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. 18 summer, knowing that you are less amply supplied with abstracts of voyages over these regions than of many other parts of the ocean ; and, such as it is, I am happy to contribute my mite toward furnish- ing you with material to work out still farther toward perfection your great and glorious task, not only of pointing out the most speedy routes for ships to follow over the ocean, but also of teaching us sailors to look about us, and see by what wonderful manifestations of the wisdom and goodness of the great God we are continually sur- rounded. “For myself, I am free to confess that for many years I com- manded a ship, and, although never insensible to the beauties of nature upon the sea or land, I yet feel that, until I took up your work, I had been traversing the ocean blindfolded. I did not think ; I did not know the amazing and beautiful combination of all the works of Him whom you so beautifully term ‘The Great First Thought.’ “T feel that, aside from any pecuniary profit to myself from your labours, you have done me good asa man. You have taught me to look above, around, and beneath me, and recognise God’s hand in every element by which I am surrounded. I am grateful for this personal benefit. Your remarks on this subject, so frequently made in your work, cause in me feelings of the greatest admiration, although my capacity to comprehend your beautiful theory is very limited. “The man of such sentiments as you express will not be displeased with, or, at least, will know how to excuse, so much of what (in ¢ letter of this kind) might be termed irrelevant matter. I have there- fore spoken as I feel, and with sentiments of the greatest respect.” Sentiments like these cannot fail to meet with a hearty response from all good men, whether ashore or afloat. Never before has such a corps of observers been enlisted in the cause of any department of physical science as is that which is now about to be engaged in advancing our knowledge of the Physical Geography of the Sea, and never before have men felt such an interest with regard to this knowledge. Under this term will be included a philosophical account of the wiuds and currents of the sea; of the circulation of the atmosphere xX INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. and ocean ; of the temperature and depth of the sea ; of the wonders that lie hidden in its depths; and of the phenomena that display themselves at its surface. In short, I shall treat of the economy of the sea and its adaptations—of its salts, its waters, its climates, and its inhabitants, and of whatever there may be of general interest in its commercial uses or industrial pursuits, for all such things pertain to its PaysicaL GEOGRAPHY. The object of this little book, moreover, is to show the present state, and from time to time the progress, of this new and beautiful system of research, as well as of this interesting department of science ; and the aim of the author is to present the gleanings from this new field in a manner that may be interesting and instructive to all, whether old or young, ashore or afloat, who desire a closer look into “the wonders of the great deep,” or a better knowledge as to its winds, its adaptations, or its Physical Geography.* * There is an old and very rare book which treats upon some of the subjects to which this little work relates: it is by Count L. F. Marsigli, a Frenchman, and is called ‘‘ Natural Descripticn of the Seas." The copy to which I refer was translated into Dutch by Boer- haave, in 1786. The French count made his observations along the coast of Provence and Languedoc. The description only relates to that part of the Mediterranean. The book is divided into four chapters ;—the first, on the bottom and shape of the sea; the second, of sea water; the third, on the movements of sea water; and the fourth, of sea plants. He divides sea water into surface and deep-sea water; because, when he makes salt from surface water (not more than half a foot below the upper strata), this salt will give a red colour to blue paper, whereas the sait from deep-sea water will not alter the colour at all. The blue paper can only change its colour by the action of an acid. The reason why this acid (iodine?) is found in surface and not in deep-sea water is, it is derived from the air; but he supposes that the saltpetre that is found in sea water, by the action of the sun’s rays and the motion of the waves, is deprived of its coarse parts, and, by evaporation, embodied in the air, to be conveyed to beasts or plants for their existence, or deposited upon the earth’s crust, as it occurs on the plains of Hungary, where the earth absorbs so much of this saltpetre vapour. Donati, also, was a valuable labourer in this field. His inquiries enabled Mr. Trembley! to conclude that there are, ‘tat the bottom of the water, mountains, plains, valleys, and caverns, just as upon the land.” But by far the most interesting and valuable book touching the physical geography of the Mediterranean is Admiral Smyth's last work, entitled ‘The Mediterranean ; a Memoir, Physical, Historical, and Nautical. By Rear-Admiral William Henry Smyth, K.S.F., D.C.L.,” &c. London: John W. Parker and Son. 1854. 1 Philosophical Transactions. INTRODUCTION TO THE SIXTH EDITION. ee THE department of the Physical Geography of the Sea is a new field of research: there is great activity in it; and it is the aim of the author of this work to keep its readers posted up with the improve- ments, the developments, and the contributions that are made in this interesting field from time to time. The present edition contains much that is new; for the fifth edition has been most carefully revised,—much of it has been recast and some parts omitted. The desire is, that this work shall keep pace with the progress of research. As it may be supposed, facts are sometimes misinterpreted or not understood when first developed. Whenever subsequent research shows such to have been the case, I have not hesitated to tear down whatever of conjecture or theory may have been built on unstable foundations, and to reconstruct according to the best lights. It is proper to say, that, in accounting for the various phenomena that present themselves, 1 am wedded to no theories, and do not advocate the doctrines of any particular school. Truth is my object. Therefore, when the explanation which I may have at any time offered touching any facts fails to satisfy further developments, it is given up the moment one is suggested which will account for the new, and equally as well for the old, system of facts. In every instance that theory is preferred which is reconcilable with the greatest number of known facts. The chapter of the Gulf Stream has been enriched with the results of recent investigation, and the theory of it further developed ; so, also, that on the Salts of the Sea, the Open Sea in the Arctic Ocean, the Basin of the Atlantic, and several others ; but these especially have been greatly improved. xu INTRODUCTION TO SIXTH EDITION. A separate chapter is now devoted to the Land and Sea Breezes, and extensive contributions have been made to that on Monsoons, Trade Winds, and Cyclones. Lieutenant Jansen. of the Dutch Navy, has helped me to enrich these with his fine thoughts. The reader will, I am sure, feel as I do, deeply indebted to him for so much instructive matter, set forth in his very delightful and pleasing manner. NATIONAL OBSERVATORY, WASHINGTON, April, 1856. Since the above date, explorations have been made in this interesting department of science, and new veins of precious ore have been hit upon. We have not yet gone deep enough into them to justify a final report.t In 1849 Congress passed an Act requiring the Secretary of the Navy to employ three small vessels in assisting me to perfect my discoveries. A few weeks ago, Lieutenant Berryman put to sea in the “ Arctic” on this duty. His attention was especially directed to deep-sea soundings along the great telegraphic plateau stretching from Newfoundland to Ireland. The results, so far, are of the highest interest. Among them is the discovery of a line of volcanic cinders along a line a thousand miles in length, and reaching entirely across the Gulf Stream where the submarine telegraph is to cross it. There is also Lieutenant Jansen’s experiments upon Ozone, which cast unexpected light upon the circulation of the atmo- sphere. Matter of more general or higher scientific importance than that contained in this new Edition is seldom gathered from any fields of research. December, 1856. 1 Vide subsequent additions in the present Edition, Chapters xxi. xxii. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Puate I. isa diagram to illustrate the circulation of the atmosphere (Chap. III.). The arrows and bands within the circumference of the circle are intended to show the calm belts, and prevailing direction of the wind on each section of those belts. The arrows exterior to the periphery of the circle— which is a section of the earth supposed to be made in the plane of the meridian —are intended to show the direction of the upper and lower strata of winds in the general system of atmospherical circulation; and also to illustrate how the air brought by each stratum to the calm belts there ascends or descends, as the case may be; and then, continuing to flow on, how it crosses over in the direc- tion in which it was travelling when it arrived at the calm zone. Puates II. and III. are drawings of Brooke’s Deep-sea Sounding Apparatus, for bringing up specimens of the bottom (§ 701). Puate LV. is intended to illustrate the extreme movements of the isotherms 50°, 60°, 70°, &c., in the Atlantic Ocean during the year. The connection be- tween the law of this motion and the climates of the sea is exceedingly interesting. Prats V. is a section taken from one of the manuscript charts at the Obser- vatory. It illustrates the method adopted there for co-ordinating for the Pilot Charts the winds as reported in the abstract logs. For this purpose the ocean is divided into convenient sections,—usually five degrees of latitude by five de- grees of longitude: These parallelograms are then subdivided into a system of engraved squares, the months of the year being the ordinates, and the points of the compass being the abscisse. As the wind is reported by a vessel that passes through any part of the parallelogram, so it is assumed to have been at that time all over the parallelogram. From such investigations as this the Pilot Charts (§ 929) are constructed. Puave VI. illustrates the position of the channel of the Gulf Stream (Chap. I.) for summer and winter. The diagram A shows a thermometrical profile presented by cross-sections of the Gulf Stream, according to observations made by the hydrographical parties of the United States’ Coast Survey. The elements for this diagram were kindly furnished me by the superintendent of that work. They are from a paper on the Gulf Stream, read by him before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at its meeting in Washington, 1854. Imagine a vessel to sail from the Capes of Virginia straight out to sea, crossing the Gulf Stream at right angles, and taking the temperature of its waters at the surface and at various depths. The diagram shows the elevation and depression of the thermometer across this section as they were actually observed by such a vessel. The black lines x, y, z, in the Gulf Stream, show the course which those threads of warm waters take (§ 57). The lines a, 6, show the computed drift route that the unfortunate steamer San Francisco would take after her terrible disaster in December 1853. Puate VII. is intended to show how the winds may become geological agents. It shows where the winds that, in the general system of atmospherical circula- tion, blow over the deserts and thirsty lands in Asia and Africa (where the annual amount of precipitation is small) are supposed to get their vapour; where, as surface winds, they are supposed to condense portions of it; and whither they are supposed to transport the residue thereof through the upper regions, retaining it until they again become surface winds. Puarg VIII. shows the prevailing direction of the wind during the year in all] XIV EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. varts of the ocean, as derived from the series of investigations illustrated on Plate VII. It also shows the principal routes across the seas to various places. Where the cross-lines representing the yards are oblique to the keel of the vessel, they indicate that the winds are, for the most part, ahead; when perpendicular or square, that the winds are, for the most part, fair. The figures on or near the diagrams representing the vessels, show the average length of the passage in days. The arrows denote the prevailing direction of the wind; they are supposed to fly with it; so that the wind is going as the arrows point. The half-bearded and half-feathered arrows represent monsoons (§ 763), and the stippled or shaded belts the calm zones. In the regions on the polar side of the calms of Capricorn and of Cancer, where the arrows are flying both from the north-west and the south-west, the idea intended to be conveyed is, that the prevailing direction of the winds is Letween the uorth-west and the south-west, and that their frequency is from these two quarters in proportion to the number of arrows. Pate IX. is intended to show the present state of our knowledge with regard to the drift of the ocean, or, more properly, with regard to the great flow of polar and equatorial waters, and their channels of circulation as indicated by the ther- mometer (§ 889). Further researches will enable us to improve this chart. The most favourite places of resort for the whale—right in cold, and sperm in warm water—are also exhibited on this chart. Puiate X. exhibits the actual path of a storm, which is a type (§ 85) of the West Indian hurricanes. Mr. Redfield, Colonel Reid, and others, have traced out the paths of a number of such storms. All of this class appear to make for the Gulf Stream: after reaching it, they turn about and follow it in their course (§ 95). Mr. Piddington of Calcutta has made the East Indian hurricanes, which are similar to these, the object of special, patient, and laborious investigation. He calls them cyclones, and has elicited much valuable information concerning them, which may be found embraced in his ‘‘Sailor’s Horn-bvok,” ‘‘ Conversations about Hurricanes,” and numerous papers published from time to time in the Journal of the Asiatic Society. Pirates XI. and XII. speak for themselves. They are orographic for the North Atlantic Ocean, and exhibit completely the present state of our kuow- ledge with regard to the elevations and depressions in the bed of the sea; Plate XII. exhibiting a vertical section of the Atlantic, and showing the contrasts of its bottom with the sea-level in a line from Mexico across Yucatan, Cuba, San Domingo, and the Cape de Verds, to the coast of Africa, marked A on Plate XI. Puate XIII.—The data for this Plate are furnished by Maury’s Storm and Rain Charts, including observations for 107,277 days in the North Atlantic, and 158,025 in the South; collated by Lieutenant J. J. Guthrie, at the Washington Observatory, in 1855. The heavy vertical lines, 5°, 10°, 15°, &c., represent parallels of latitude; the other vertical lines, months; and the horizontal lines, per cents., or the number of days in a hundred. The continuous curve line stands for phenomena in the North, and the broken curve line for phenomena in the South Atlantic. Thus the Gales’ Curve shows that in every hundred days, and on the average, in the month of January of different years, there have been observed, in the northern hemisphere, 36 gales (36 per cent.) between the parallels of 50° and 55°; whereas during the same time and between the same parallels in the southern hemisphere, only 10 gales on the average (10 per cent.) have been reported. The fact is here developed that the atmosphere is in a more unstable condition in the North than in the South Atlantic; that we have more calms, more rains, more fogs, more gales, and more thunder in the northern than in the southern hemisphere, particularly between the equator and the 55th parallel. Beyond that the influence of Cape Horn becomes manifest. Chapter I. Il. III. IV. We VI. VII. Vill. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. xO XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. CONTENTS. Tur GULF STREAM Pe wes aoe sie Rae INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES... eee Tur ATMOSPHERE aes “eS see ae5 ase LAND AND SEA BREEZES ... ses ns aes aes Rep Foes anp Sea Dust ... a ase ses Ses ON THE PROBABLE RELATION BETWEEN MAGNETISM AND THE CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE ay wes ize CURRENTS OF THE SEA a ie ee aoe one Tuer Open Sea IN THE Arctic OCEAN Se sae Soe Tue SALTSOF THE SEA ... aes ae aoe a Tue EquaTorIAL CLoup-RinG sas owe aco ees On THE GEOLOGICAL AGENCY OF THE WINDS on eee Tur DEprus oF THE OCEAN — ee a “ds a Tur Basin oF THE ATLANTIC wes ese wee el THE WINDS Be me ob aco eae oor CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN ... S59 Sas aoe bor Tur DRIFT OF THE SEA ... ate one see eee STORMS ... eee 506 aco xe aes n68 Routes ... nee occ eee vee uae oes BrussELS CONFERENCE, ETC. ab an ncn res Force oF THE TRADE WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE— PECULIARITIES IN ITS ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION ee THe SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH OF THE ATLANTIC se Mes THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER I. THE GULF STREAM. Its Colour, § 2.—Theories, 5.—Captain Livingston’s, 6.—Dr. Franklin’s, 7.— Admiral Smyth and Mediterranean Currents, 8.—Trade Winds not the Cause of the Gulf Stream, 9.—Drift of Bottles, 12.—Sargasso Sea, 13.—Hypothetical System of Currents, 19.—Galvanic Properties of the Gulf Stream, 26.—Salt- ness of ditto, 29.—Effects produced upon Currents by Evaporation, 32.—Gulf Stream Roof-shaped, 39.—Effects of Diurnal Rotation upon Running Water, 42.—Course of the Gulf Stream not altered by Nantucket Shoals, 52.—The Trough in the Sea through which the Gulf Stream flows has a Vibratory Mo- tion, 54.—Streaks of Warm and Cold Water in the Gulf Stream, 57.—Runs up Hill, 59.—A Cushion of Cold Water, 60. THERE is a river in the ocean. In the severest droughts it never fails, and in the mightiest floods it never over- flows. Its banks and its bottoms are of cold water, while its current is of warm. The Gulf of Mexico is its foun- tain, and its mouth is in the Arctic Seas. It is the Gulf Stream. There is in the world no other such majestic flow of waters. Its current is more rapid than the Missis- sippi or the Amazon, and its volume more than a thousand times greater. Its waters, as far out from the Gulf as the Carolina coasts, are of an indigo blue. ‘They are so distinctly marked, that their line of junction with the common sea A OHAPTER 1G $1 Gulf Stream § 2 Colour of ite waters bo THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. oartaz water may be traced by the eye. Often one half of the a —_ Galtnewa, 2 3 3 Co are a) 4 r o vessel may be perceived floating in Gulf Stream water, while the other half is in common water of the sea; so sharp is the line, and such the want of affinity between those waters, and such, too, the reluctance, so to speak, on the part of those of the Gulf Stream to mingle with the common water of the sea. At the salt-works in France, and along the shores of the Adriatic, where the “salines” are carried on by the process of solar evaporation, there is a series of vats or pools through which the water is passed as it comes from the sea, and is reduced to the briny state. The longer it is exposed to evaporation the salter it grows, and the deeper is the hue of its blue, until crystallization is about to commence, when the now deep blue water puts on a reddish tint. Now the waters of the Gulf Stream are salter’ than the waters of the sea through which they flow, and hence we can account for the deep indigo blue which all navigators observe off the Carolina coasts. These salt-makers are in the habit of judging of the richness of the sea water in salt by its colour—the greener the hue, the fresher the water. We have in this, _ perhaps, an explanation of the contrasts which the waters of the Gulf Stream present with-those of the Atlantic, as well as of the light green of the North Sea and other Polar waters; also of the dark blue of the trade-wind regions, and especially of the Indian Ocean, which poets have described as the “black waters.” What is the cause of the Gulf Stream has always puzzled philosophers. Many are the theories and numer- THE GULF STREAM. 3 ous the speculations that have been advanced with regard to it. Modern investigations and examinations are be- ginning to throw some light upon the subject, though all is not yet clear. Early writers maintained that the Mississippi River was the father of the Gulf Stream. Its floods, they said, produce it; for its velocity, it was held, could be com- puted by the rate of the current of the river. Captain Livingston overturned this hypothesis by show- ing that the volume of water which the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico is not equal to the three- thousandth part of that which escapes from it through the Gulf Stream. Moreover, the water of the Gulf Stream is salt—that of the Mississippi fresh; and those philosophers’ forgot that just as much salt as escapes from the Gulf of Mexico through this stream, must enter the Gulf through some other channel from the main ocean ; for, if it did not, the Gulf of Mexico, in process of time, unless it had a salt bed at the bottom, or was fed with salt springs from below—neither of which is probable—would become a fresh water basin. The above quoted argument of Captain Livingston, however, was held to be conclusive ; and upon the remains of the hypothesis which he had so completely overturned he set up another, which, in turn, has been upset. In it he ascribed the velocity of the Gulf Stream as depending “on the motion of the sun in the ecliptic, and the influ- ence he has on the waters of the Atlantic.” eet Theories as to its cause. $6 Captain Livingston But the opinion that came to be the most generally § 7 received and deep rooted in the mind of seafaring people CHAPTER I. Dr. Frank- lin's opin- ion about the trade- winds. Not con- clusive. 38 Strait of Eonifaccio {ts differ- ence from the Gulf Stream. 4 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. was the one repeated by Dr. Franklin, and which held that the Gulf Stream is the escaping of the waters that have been forced into the Caribbean Sea by the trade- winds, and that it is the pressure of those winds upon the water which forces up into that sea a head, as it were, for this stream. We know of instances in which waters have been ac- cumulated on one side of a lake, or in one end of a canal, at the expense of the other. The pressure of the trade- winds may assist to give the Gulf Stream its initial velocity, but are they of themselves adequate to such an effect? Too my mind, the laws of Hydrostatics, as at present expounded, appear by no means to warrant the conclusion that it is, unless the aid of other agents also be brought to bear. Admiral Smyth, in his valuable memoir on the Medi- terranean (p. 162), mentions that a continuance in the Sea of Tuscany of “gusty gales” from the south-west has been known to raise its surface no less than twelve feet above its ordinary level. This, he says, occasions a strong surface drift through the Strait of Bonifaccio. But in this we have nothing like the Gulf Stream; no deep and narrow channel-way to conduct these waters off like a miniature river even in that sea, but a mere surface fiow, such as usually follows the piling up of water in any pond or gulf above the ordinary level. The Boni- faccio current does not flow like a “river in the sea” across the Mediterranean, but it spreads itself out as soon as it passes the Straits, and, like a circle on the water, loses itself by broad spreading as soon as it finds sea- room, THE GULF STREAM. 5 Supposing the pressure of the waters that are forced into the Caribbean Sea by the trade-winds to be the sole cause of the Gulf Stream, that Sea and the Mexican Gulf should have a much higher level than the Atlantic. Accordingly, the advocates of this theory require for its support “a great degree of elevation.” Major Rennell likens the stream to “an immense river descending from a higher level into a plain.” Now, we know very nearly the average breadth and velocity of the Gulf Stream in the Florida Pass. We also know, with a like degree of approximation, the velocity and breadth of the same waters off Cape Hatteras. Their breadth here is about seventy-five miles against thirty-two in the “ Narrows” of the Straits, and their mean velocity is three knots off Hatteras against four in the “Narrows.” This being the case, it is easy to show that the depth of the Gulf Stream off Hatteras is not so great as it is in the “ Narrows” of Gemini by nearly 50 per cent., and that, consequently, instead of descending, its bed represents the surface of an inclined plane, with its descent inclined from the north toward the south, wp which plane the lower depths of the stream must ascend. If we assume its depth off Bemini* to be two hundred fathoms, which are thought to be within limits, the above rates of breadth and velo- city will give one hundred and fourteen fathoms for its depth off Hatteras. The waters, therefore, which in the Straits are below the level of the Hatteras depth, so far from descending, are actually forced up an inclined plane, * Professor Bache reports that the officers of the Coast Survey have sounded with the deep sea lead, and ascertained its depth here to be 370 fathoms (Janu- ary, 1856), CHAPTER Breadth and veio- city in the Florida Pass. Off Cape Hatteraa Its depth off Bemini Its watera ascend 6 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, onarren Whose submarine ascent is not less than ten inches to the § 10 The Nia- fara con- trasted with the Gulf Stream. $11 Currents meeting St. mile. The Niagara is an “immense river descending into a plain.” But instead of preserving its characler in Lake Ontario as a distinct and well-defined stream for several hundred miles, it spreads itself out, and its waters are immediately lost in those of the lake. Why should not the Gulf Stream do the same? It gradually enlarges itself, it is true; but, instead of mingling with the ocean by broad spreading, as the “immense rivers” descending into the northern lakes do, its waters, like a stream of oil in the ocean, preserve a distinctive character for more than three thousand miles. Moreover, while the Gulf Stream is running to the north from its supposed elevated level at the south, there is a cold current coming down from the north ; meeting the warm waters of the Gulf midway the ocean, it divides itself, and runs by the side of them right back into those very reservoirs at the south, to which theory gives an elevation sufficient to send out entirely across the Atlantic a jet of warm water said to be more than three thousand times greater in volume than the Mississippi River, This current from Baffin’s Bay has not only no trade- winds to give it a head, but the prevailing winds are unfavourable to it, and for a great part of the way it is below the surface, and far beyond the propelling reach of any wind. And there is every reason to believe that this, with other polar currents, is quite equal in volume to the Gulf Stream. Are they not the effects of like causes? If so, what have the trade winds to do with the one more than the other ? THE GULF STREAM, ff It is a custom often practised by seafaring people to throw a bottle overboard, with a paper, stating the {ime and place at which it is done. In the absence of § other information as to currents, that afforded by these mute little navigators is of great value. They leave no tracks behind them, it is true, and their routes can not be ascertained. But knowing where they were cast, and seeing where they are found, some idea may be formed as to their course. Straight lines may at least be drawn, showing the shortest distance from the beginning to the end of their voyage, with the time elapsed. Admiral Beechey, R.N., has prepared a chart, representing, in this way, the tracks of more than one hundred bottles. From it, it appears that the waters from every quarter of the Atlantic tend toward the Gulf of Mexico and its stream. Bottles cast into the sea midway between the Old and the New Worlds, near the coasts of Europe, Africa, and America, at the extreme north or farthest south, have been found either in the West Indies, or the British Isles, or within the well-known range of Gulf Stream waters. Of two cast out together in south latitude on the coast of Africa, one was fotind on the island of Trinidad; the other on Guernsey, in the English Channel. In the ab- sence of positive information on the subject, the circum- stantial evidence that the latter performed the tour of the Gulf is all but conclusive. And there is reason to suppose that some of the bottles of the admiral’s chart have also performed the tour of the Gulf Stream ; then, without being cast ashore, have returned with the drift along the coast of Africa into the inter-tropical region ; CHAPTER Informa- tion de- rived from bottles. Admiral Beechey's cher: 8 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. ouarter thence through the Caribbean Sea, and so on with the Gulf Stream again. (Plate VI.) Another bottle, thrown over off Cape Horn by an American master, in 1837, has been recently picked up on the coast of Ireland. An inspection of the chart, and of the drift of the other bottles, seems to force the con- clusion, that this bottle too went even from that remote region to the so-called higher level of the Gulf Stream reservoir. §13 Midway the Atlantic, in the triangular space between the Azores, Canaries, and the Cape de Verd Islands, Sargasso is the Sargasso Sea. (Plate VI.) Covering an area equal in extent to the Mississippi Valley, it is so thickly matted over with Gulf Weeds (fucus natuns), that the speed of vessels passing through it is often much retarded. When the companions of Columbus saw it, they thought, it marked the limits of navigation, and became alarmed. To the eye, at a little distance, it seems substantial enough to walk upon. Patches of the weed are always to be seen floating along the outer edge of the Gulf Stream. Now, if bits of cork or chaff, or any floating substance, be put into a basin, and a circular motion be given to to the water, all the light substances will be found crowding together near the centre of the pool, where there is the least motion. Just such a basin is the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf Stream; and the Sargasso ae Sea is the centre of the whirl Columbus first found Columbus this weedy sea in his voyage of discovery; there it has remained to this day, moving up and down, and changing its position like the calms of Cancer, according to the seasons, the storms, and the winds. Exact observations THE GULF STREAM. 9 as to its limits and their range, extending back for fifty years, assure us that its mean position has not been altered since that time. This indication of a circular motion by the Gulf Stream is corroborated by the bottle chart, by Plate VI., and other sources of information. If, therefore, this be so, why give the endless current a higher level in one part of its course than another ? Nay, more ; at the very season of the year when the Gulf Stream is rushing in greatest volume through the Straits of Florida, and hastening to the north with the greatest rapidity, there is a cold stream from Baftin’s Bay, Labrador, and the coasts of the north, running to the south with equal velocity. Where is the trade-wind that gives the higher level to Baffin’s Bay, or that even presses upon, or assists to put this current in motion ? The agency of winds in producing currents in the deep sea must be very partial. These two currents meet off the Grand Banks, where the latter is divided. One part of it underruns the Gulf Stream, as is shown by the ice- bergs, which are carried in a direction tending across its course. The probability is, that this “fork” flows on toward the south, and runs into the Caribbean Sea, for the temperature of the water at a little depth there kas been found far below the mean temperature of the earth’s crust, and quite as cold as at a corresponding depth off the Arctic shores of Spitzbergen. More water can not run from the equator or the pole than to it. If we make the trade-winds to cause the Gulf Stream, we ought to have some other wind to produce the Polar flow; but these currents, for the most part, and for great distances, are submarine, and there- CHAPTEL I. Its limits and posi- tion. 14 wn Cold stream from Baffie:'a Bay. Its direo tion. § 15 Currents not influ- enced by winds. CHAPTER I. — § 16 Resistance to the Gult Stream. §17 10 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. fore beyond the influence of winds. Hence it should appear that winds have little to do with the general system of aqueous circulation in the ocean. The other “fork” runs between us and the Gulf Stream to the south, as already described. As far as it has been traced, it warrants the belief that it, too, runs up to seek the so-called higher level of the Mexican Gulf. . The power necessary to overcome the resistance opposed to such a body of water as that of the Gulf Stream, running several thousand miles without any renewal of impulse from the forces of gravitation or any other known cause, is truly surprising. It so happens that we have an argument for determining, with consi- derable accuracy, the resistance which the waters of this stream meet with in their motion toward the east. Owing to the diurnal rotation, they are carried around with the earth on its axis toward the east with an hourly velocity ot one hundred and fifty-seven* miles greater when they enter the Atlantic than when they arrive off the Banks of Newfoundland ; for, in consequence of the difference of latitude between the parallels of these two places, their rate of motion around the axis of the earth is reduced from nine bundred and fifteen+ to seven hundred and fifty-eight miles the hour. Therefore this immense volume of water would, if Wwe suppose it to pass from the Bahamas to the Grand Banks in an hour, meet with an opposing force in the * In this calculation the earth is treated as a perfect sphere, with a diameter of 7925°56 miles. + Or 915°26 to 758°60. On the latter parallel, the current has an east set of about one and a half miles the hour, making the true velocity to the east ; and on the axis of the earth, about seven hundred and sixty miles an hour at the Grand Banks. THE GULF STREAM. ia shape of resistance sufficient, in the aggregate, to retard it two miles and a half the minute in its eastwardly rate. If the actual resistance be calculated according to received laws, it will be found equal to several atmospheres. And by analogy, how inadequate must the pressure of the gentle trade-winds be to such resistance, and to the effect assigned them? If, therefore, in the proposed inquiry, we search for a propelling power nowhere but in the higher level of the Gulf, we must admit, in the head of water there, the existence of a force capable of putting in motion, and of driving over a plain at the rate of four miles the hour, all the waters, as fast as they can be brought down by three thousand’ such streams as the Mississippi River, a power at least sufficient to over- come the resistance required to reduce from two miles and a half to a few feet per minute the velocity of a stream that keeps in perpetual motion one fourth of all the waters in the Atlantic Ocean. The facts, from observation on this interesting sub- ject, afford us at best but a mere glimmer of light, by no means sufficient to make any mind clear as to a higher level of the Gulf, or as to the sufficiency of any other of the causes generally assigned for this wonderful stream. If it be necessary to resort to a higher level in the Gulf to account for the velocity off Hatteras, I cannot perceive why we should not, with like reasoning, resort to a higher level off Hatteras also to account for the velo- city off the Grand Banks, and thus make the Gulf Stream, throughout its circuit, a descending current, and, by the reductio ad absurdum, show that the trade-winds are not adequate to the effect ascribed. Moreover, the top 1 86, CHAPTER I. _— § 18 No cer- tainty as to the cause of the Gulf Stream. ie THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuartzr Of the Guif Stream runs on a level with the ccean, there- § 19 Hvypothe- &15s. § 20 § 21 fore we know it is not a descending current. When facts are wanting, it often happens that hypo- thesis will serve, in their stead, the purposes of ilus- tration. Let us, therefore, suppose a globe of the earth’s size, having a solid nucleus, and covered ail over with water two hundred fathoms deep, and that every source of heat and cause of radiation be removed, so that its fluid temperature becomes constant and uniform throughout. On such a globe, the equilibrium remain- ing undisturbed, there would be neither wind nor cur- rent. Let us now suppose that all the water within the tropics, to the depth of one hundred fathoms, suddenly becomes oil. The aqueous equilibrium of the planet would thereby be disturbed, and a general system of cur- rents and counter currents would be immediately com- menced—the oil, in an unbroken sheet on the surface, running toward the poles, and the water, in an under current, toward the equator. The oil is supposed, as it reaches the polar basin, to be reconverted into water, and the water to become oil as it crosses Cancer and Capri- corn, rising to the surface in the intertropical regions, and returning as before. Thus, without wind, we should have a perpetual and uniform system of tropical and polar currents. In con- sequence of diurnal rotation of the planet on its axis, each particle of oil, were resistance small, would approach the poles on a spiral turning to the east, with a relative velocity greater and greater, until finally it would reach the pole, and whirl about it at the rate of nearly a thou- THE GULF STREAM. 13 gand miles the hour. Becoming water and losing its cnaprea velocity, it would approach the tropics by a similar but kits inverted spiral, turning toward the west. Owing to the principle here alluded to, all currents from the equator to the poles should have an eastward tendency, and all from the poles toward the equator a westward. Let us now suppose the solid nucleus of this hypo- § 22 thetical globe to assume the exact form and shape of the bottom of our seas, and in all respects, as to figure and size, to represent the shoals and islands of the sea, as well as the coast lines and continents of the earth. The uniform system of currents just described would now be Sarees interrupted by obstructions and local causes of various kinds, such as unequal depth of water, contour of shore- lines, &c. ; and we should have at certain places currents greater in volume and velocity than at others. But still there would be a system of currents and counter currents to and from either pole and the equator. Now, do not the cold waters of the north, and the warm waters of the Gulf, made specifically lighter by tropical heat, and which we see actually preserving such a system of counter cur- rents, hold, at least in some degree, the relation of the supposed water and oil? In obedience to the laws here hinted at, there is a § 23 constant tendency'of polar waters toward the tropics, and Tendency of tropical waters toward the poles. Captain Wilkes, of Sat the United States Exploring Expedition, crossed one of kas these hyperborean under-currents two hundred miles in breadth at the equator. Assuming the maximum velocity of the Gulf Stream § 24 at five knots, and its depth and breadth in the Narrows cata 1 Plate IX. CHAPTER —— Difference of specific gravity. § 25 Author's opinion. 14 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. of Bemini as before, the vertical section across would present an area of two hundred millions of square feet moving at the rate of seven feet three inches per second. The difference of specific gravity between the volume of Gulf water that crosses this sectional line in one second, and an equal volume of water at the ocean temperature of the latitude, supposing the two volumes to be equally salt, is fifteen millions of pounds. If these estimated dimensions (assumed merely for the pur- poses of illustration) be within limits, then the force per second operating here to propel the waters of the Gulf toward the pole is the equilibrating tendency due to fifteen millions of pounds of water in the latitude of Bemini. This is in one scale of the balance. In the other, the polar scale, there is the difference of specific gravity due an equal volume of water in the polar basin, on account of its degree of temperature as well as of salt- ness. In investigating the currents of the seas, such agencies should be taken into account. As a cause, I doubt whether this one is sufficient of itself to produce a stream of such velocity and compactness as that of the Gulf; for, assuming its estimated discharge to be correct, the proposition is almost susceptible of mathematical de- monstration, that to overcome the resistance opposed in consequence of its velocity would require a force at least sufficient to drive, at the rate of three miles the hour, ninety thousand millions of tons up an inelined plane having an ascent of three inches to the mile.* Yet heat, the very principle from which one of these agents is de- ee * Supposing there be no resistance from frictiva. 25 '9: THE GULF STREAM. 15 rived, is admitted to be one of the chief causes of those cuaprza . . . 5 I. winds which are said to be the sole cause of this current. — The chemical properties, or, if the expression be admis- § 26 sible, the galvanic properties of the Gulf Stream waters, Chemical : E . properties as they come from their fountains, are different, or rather °f its more intense, than they are in sea water generally. If ine so, they may have a peculiar molecular arrangement or viscosity that resists the admixture of other sea waters differing in temperature and saltness. It is a well known fact, that waters of different temperatures, when put in the same vessel, do not readily mix of themselves, but require the process of agitation. Nor do large volumes of water in motion readily admit of the admixture of water at rest. In 1843 the Secretary of the Navy took measures for Expert- procuring a series of observations and experiments with ee regard to the corrosive effects of sea water upon the cop- per sheathing of ships. With patience, care, and labour, these researches were carried on for a period of ten years; and it is said the fact has been established, that the cop- per on the bottom of ships cruising in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico suffers more from the action of sea water upon it, than does the copper of ships cruising in any other part of the ocean. In other words, the salts Vata of these waters create the most powerful galvanic battery that is found in the ocean. Now, it may be supposed—other things being equal § 27 —that the strength of this galvanic battery in the sea depends in some measure upon the proportion of salts that the sea waters hold in solution, and also upon tem- jera ture. CHAPTER § 28 Chemical affinities, § 29 Dr. Tho- massy’8 experi- ments, § 30 16 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, If, therefore, in the absence of better information, this suggestion be taken as a probability as to the origin of these galvanic properties, we may go a step farther, and draw the inference that the waters of the Gulf Stream, as they rush out in such volume and with such velocity into the Atlantic, have not only chemical afiini- ties peculiar to themselves, but, having more salts, higher temperature, and a high velocity, they are not so per- meable to water differing from them in all these respects, and, consequently, the line of meeting between them and the other water of the ocean becomes marked. This is the case with almost all waters in rapid motion. Where | the Mississippi and Missouri rivers come together, there is a similar reluctance on the part of their waters to mingle, for the line of meeting between them can be traced for miles below the junction of the two rivers. The story told by the copper’ and the blue colour’ indicates a higher point of saturation with salts than sea water generally, and the salometer confirms it. Dr. Thomassy, a French savant, who has been extensively engaged in the manufacture of salt by solar evapora- tion, informs me that on his passage to the United States he tried the saltness of the water with a most delicate instrument: he found it in the Bay of Biscay to contain 34 per cent. of salt; in the trade-wind region, 4s per cent. ; and in the Gulf Stream, off Charleston, 4 per cent., notwithstanding the Amazon and the Missis- sippi, with all the intermediate rivers, and the clouds of the West Indies, had lent their fresh water to dilute the saltness of this basin. Now, the question may be asked, What should make 1 2 26. 7§3 THE GULF STREAM. 17 the waters of the Mexican Gulf and Caribbean Sea salter cuapren than the waters of like temperature in those parts of the —_ ocean through which the Gulf Stream flows ? There are physical agents that are known to be at work g 31 in different parts of the ocean, the tendency of which physica is to make the waters in one part of the ocean salter “~~ and heavier, and in another part lighter and less salt than the average of sea water. These agents are those employed by sea-shells in secreting solid matter for their structures ; they are also heat* and radiation, evaporation and precipitation. In the trade-wind regions at sea,’ evaporation is gener- § 32 ally in excess of precipitation, while in the extra-tropical vapors regions the reverse is the case; that is, the clouds let Ps down more water there than the winds take up again ; and these are the regions in which the Gulf Stream enters the Atlantic. Along the shores of India, where experiments have been § 33 carefully made, the evaporation from the sea amounts to three-fourths of an inch daily. Suppose it in the trade- wind region of the Atlantic to amount to only half an inch, that would give an annual evaporation of fifteen feet. In the process of evaporation from the sea, fresh water only is taken up, the salts are left behind. Now, a layer of sea water fifteen feet deep, and as broad as the trade-wind belts of the Atlantic, and reach- - ing across the ocean, contains an immense amount of salts. The great equatorial current (Plate VI.) which sweeps § 34 from the shores of Africa across the Atlantic into the Caribbean Sea is a surface current; and may it not bear * According to Dr. Marcet, sea water contracts down to 28°, 1 Plate VIII. 2 18 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnapTeR into that sea a large portion of those waters that have satisfied the thirsty trade-winds with saltless vapour? Reason for Tf so—and it probably does—have we not detected here saltness of Garithese the foot-prints of an agent that does tend to make the ea, Effects of avapora- tion. waters of the Caribbean Sea salter, and therefore heavier than the average of sea water at a given temperature ? It is immaterial, so far as the correctness of the prin- ciple upon which this reasoning depends is concerned, whether the annual evaporation from the trade-wind regions of the Atlantic be fifteen, ten, or five feet. The layer of water, whatever be its thickness, that is evapo- rated from this part of the ocean, is not all poured back by the clouds in the same place whence it came. But they take it and pour it down in showers upon the extra- tropical regions of the earth—on the land as well as in the sea—and on the land more water is let down than is taken up into the clouds again. The rest sinks down through the soil to feed the springs, and return through the rivers to the sea. Suppose the excess of precipi- tation in these extra-tropical regions of the sea to amount to but twelve inches, or even to but two—it is twelve inches or two inches, as the case may be, of fresh water added to the sea in those parts, and which therefore tends to lessen the specific gravity of sea water there to that extent, and to produce a double effect, for the simple reason that what is taken from one scale, by being put into the other, doubles the difference. Now that we may form some idea as to the influ- ence which the salts left by the vapour that the trade- winds, north-east and south-east, take up from sea water, is calculated to exert in creating currents, let us make a THE GULF STREAM. 19 partial calculation to show how much salt this vapour held cuaprzr in solution before it was taken up, and, of course, while mate it was yet in the state of sea water. The north-east trade-wind regions of the Atlantic embrace an area of at least three million square miles; and the yearly evapora- supposed 6 bio : ; evapora- tion from it is* we will suppose, fifteen feet. The salt tion inthe . : : . trade-wind that is contained in a mass of sea water covering to regions, the depth of fifteen feet an area of three million square miles in superficial extent, would be sufficient to cover the British islands to the depth of fourteen feet. As this water supplies the trade-winds with vapour, it therefore becomes salter, and as it becomes salter the forces of aggregation among its particles are increased, as we may infer from the fact? that the waters of the Gulf Stream are reluctant to mix with those of the ocean. Whatever be the cause that enables these trade-wind § 36 waters to remain on the surface, whether it be from Sea the fact just stated, and in consequence of which the evap waters of the Gulf Stream are held together in their current channel ; or whether it be from the fact that the expan- sion from the heat of the torrid zone is sufficient to compensate for this increased saltness; or whether it be from the low temperature and high saturation of the submarine waters of the inter-tropical ocean ; or whether it be owing to all of these influences together that these waters are kept on the surface, suffice it to say, we do know that they go into the Caribbean Sea’ as a surface current. On their passage to and through it, they intermingle with the fresh waters that are emptied into the sea from the Amazon, the Oronoco, and the Mississippi, and from the clouds, and the rivers of the 1 § 33. dS 20 3 § 34. 20 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuaPTeR coasts round about. An immense volume of fresh water Beg supplied from these sources. It tends to make the Peinte: bes water, that the trade-winds have been playing upon rie and driving along, less briny, warmer, and lighter; for the waters of these large inter-tropical streams are warmer than sea water. This admixture of fresh water still leaves the Gulf Stream a brine stronger than that of the extra- tropical sea generally, but not quite so strong as that of the trade-wind regions.’ Bestel It is safe to assume that the trade-winds, by their wind. constant force, do assist to skim the Atlantic of the water that has supplied them with vapour, driving it into the Caribbean Sea, whence, for causes unknown, it escapes by the channel of the Gulf Stream in preference to any other.* §37 In the present state of our knowledge concerning this wonderful phenomenon—for the Gulf Stream is one of the most marvellous things in the ocean—we can do little more than conjecture. But we have two causes in operation which we may safely assume are among those Saltness of concerned in producing the Gulf Stream. One of these Balticand . , F ‘ North is in the increased saltness of its water after the trade- a winds have been supplied with vapour from it, be it much or little; and the other is in the diminished quantum of salt which the Baltic and the Northern Seas contain. The waters of the Baltic are nearly fresh ; they are said to contain only about half as much salt as sea water does generally. 338 Now here we have, on one side, the Caribbean Sea * The tact is familiar to all concerned in the manufacture of salt by solar eva- poration, ui at the first show of crystallization commences at the surface, 1 § 29, THE GULF STREAM. 21 and Gulf of Mexico, with their waters of brine; on the cuaprsa other, the great Polar basin, the Baltic and the North —~— Sea, the two latter with waters that are but little more than brackish.+ In one set of these sea-basins the water is heavy; in the other it is light. Between them the ocean intervenes; but water is bound to seek and to maintain its level; and here, therefore, we unmask one One agent concerned of the agents concerned in causing the Gulf Stream. in causing What is the influence of this agent—that is, how great penne is it, and to what extent does it go—we can not say; only it is at least one of the agents concerned. Moreover, speculate as we may as to all the agencies concerned in collecting these waters, that have supplied the trade- winds with vapour, into the Caribbean Sea, and then in driving them across the Atlantic—of this we may be sure, that the salt which the trade-wind vapour leaves behind in the tropics has to be conveyed away from the trade-wind region, to be mixed up again in due propor- tion with the other water of the sea—the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean included—and that these are some of the waters at least which we see running off through the Gulf Stream. To convey them away is doubtless one of the offices which, in the economy of the ocean, has been assigned to it. As to the temperature of the Gulf Stream, there is, in tempera a winter’s day, off Hatteras, and even as high up as the ™* Grand Banks of Newfoundland in mid ocean, a difference + The Polar basin has a known water area of 3,000,000 square miles, and an unexplored area, including land and water, of 1,500,000 square miles. Whether the water in this basin be more or less salt than that of the inter-tropical seas, we know it is quite different in temperature, and difference of temperature will beget currents quite as readily as difference in saltness, for change in specific gravity follows either. bo 2 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cRAPTER between its waters and those of the ocean near by of 20°, I. —_ § 39 and even 30°. Water, we know, expands by heat, and here the difference of temperature may more than com- pensate for the difference in saltness, and leave, therefore, the waters of the Gulf Stream lighter by reason of their warmth. If they be lighter, they should therefore occupy a higher level than those through which they flow. As- suming the depth off Hatteras to be one hundred and Expansion fourteen fathoms, and allowing the usual rates of expan- § 40 Surface current. sion for sea water, figures show that the middle or axis of the Gulf Stream there should be nearly two feet higher than the contiguous waters of the Atlantic. Hence the surface of the stream should present a double inclined plane, from which the water would be running down on either side as from the roof of a house. As this runs off at the top, the same weight of colder water runs in at the bottom, and so raises up the cold water bed of the Gulf Stream, and causes it to become shallower and shallower as it goes north. That the Gulf Stream is therefore roof- shaped, causing the waters on its surface to flow off to either side from the middle, we have not only circum- stantial evidence to show, but observations to prove. Navigators, while drifting along with the Gulf Stream, have lowered a boat to try the surface current. In such cases, the boat would drift either to the east or to the west, as it happened to be on one side or the other of the axis of the stream, while the vessel herself would drift along with the stream in the direction of its course ; thus showing the existence of a shallow roof-current from the middle toward either edge, which would carry the THE GULF STREAM. 723) boat along, but which, being superficial, does not extend cuapres deep enough to affect the drift of the vessel. = That such is the case’ is also indicated by the cireum- § 41 stance that the sea-weed and drift-wood which are found in such large quantities along the outer edge’ of the Gulf Stream, are never, even with the prevalence of easterly winds, found along its inner edge—and for the simple reason that to cross the Gulf Stream, and to pass over from that side to this, they would have to drift up an inclined plane, as it were; that is, they Diredtion would have to stem this roof-current until they reached woog, &e the middle of the stream. We rarely hear of planks, or wrecks, or of any floating substance which is cast into the sea on the other side of the Gulf Stream being found along the coast of the United States. Drift-wood, trees, and seeds from the West India islands, are said to have been cast up on the shores of Europe, but never, that I ever heard, on the Atlantic shores of this country. We are treating now of the effects of physical causes, The question to which I ask attention is, Why does the Causes of the direc- Gulf Stream slough off and cast upon its outer edge, sea- tion of weed, drift-wood, and all other solid bodies that are found acta floating upon it? One cause has been shown to be in its roof-shaped g 42 current ; but there is another which tends to produce the same effect ; and because it is a physical agent, it should not, in a treatise of this kind, be overlooked, be its action never so slight. I allude now to the effects produced upon the drift matter of the stream by the diurnal rota- tion of the earth. Take, for illustration, a railroad that runs north and § 43 1 § 39, anes, 24 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. czapter south. It is well known to engineers that when the cars tare going north on such a road, their tendency is to run off on the east side; but when the train is going south, their tendency is to run off on the west side of the track—i. e., always on the right-hand side in our niustras hemisphere. Whether the road be one mile or one hun- ‘is dred miles in length, the effect of diurnal rotation is the same, and the tendency to run off, as you cross a given parallel at a stated rate of speed, is the same; whether the road be long or short, the tendency to fly off the track being in proportion to the speed of the trains, and not at all in proportion to the length of the road. §44 Now, vis imertic and velocity being taken into the Diurnal account, the tendency to obey the force of this diurnal i rotation, and to trend to the right, is proportionably as oreat in the case of a patch of sea-weed as it drifts along the Gulf Stream, as it is in the case of the train of cars as they speed to the north along the iron track of the Hudson River railway, or any other railway that les north and south. The rails restrain the cars and prevent them from flying off;- but there are no rails to restrain the sea-weed, and nothing to prevent the drift-matter of the Gulf Stream from going off in obedience to this force. The slightest impulse tending to turn aside bodies moving freely in water is immediately felt and implicitly obeyed. g45 It is in consequence of this diurnal rotation that drift-wood coming down the Mississippi is so very apt to be cast upon the west or right bank. This is the reverse of what obtains upon the Gulf Stream, for it flows to the north ; it therefore sloughs off'to the east. 1 § 43. THE GULF STREAM. 25 The effect of diurnal rotation upon the winds and cuarrer upon the currents of the sea is admitted by all—the she . . . ° . ° Its effects trade-winds derive their easting from it—it must, there- onthe fore, extend to all the matter which these currents bear ii i with them, to the largest iceberg as well as to the merest spire of grass that floats upon the waters, or the minut- est organism that the most powerful microscope can detect among the impalpable particles of sea-dust. This effect of diurnal rotation upon drift will be frequently alluded to in the pages of this work. In its course to the north, the Gulf Stream gradually g 4¢ trends more and more to the eastward, until it arrives off the Banks of Newfoundland, where its course becomes nearly due east. These banks, it has been thought, Bee deflect it from its proper course, and cause it to take this lana turn. Examination will prove, I think, that they are an effect, certainly not the cause. It is here that the frigid current already spoken of, with its icebergs from the north, are met and melted by the warm waters of the Gulf. Of-course the loads of earth, stones, and gravel brought down upon them are here deposited. Cap- tain Scoresby, far away in the north, counted five hun- dred icebergs setting out from the same vicinity upon this cold current for the south. Many of therm, loaded with earth, have been seen aground on the Banks. This pro- cess of transferring deposits from the north for these shoals, and of snowing down upon them the infusoria and the corpses of “living creatures” that are spawned so abundantly in the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, and sloughed off in myriads for burial where the conflict between it and the great Polar current’ takes place, §11. a $14. CHAPTER I. —— Their formation. § 47 Course of the Gulf Stream. § 48 Diurnal rotation affects its course, 26 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. is everlastingly going on. - These agencies, with time, seem altogether adequate to the formation of extensive bars or banks. The deep sea soundings that have been made by ves- sels of the navy’ tend to confirm this view as to the formation of these Banks. The greatest contrast in the bottom of the Atlantic is just to the south of these Banks. Nowhere in the open sea has the water been found to deepen so suddenly as here. Coming from the north, the bottom of the sea is shelving; but suddenly, after passing these Banks, its depth increases by almost a precipitous descent for many thousand feet, thus indicat- ing that the debris which forms the Grand Banks comes from the north. From the Straits of Bemini the course of the Gulf Stream (Plate VI.) describes (as far as it can be traced over toward the British Islands which are in the midst of its waters) the arc of a great circle as nearly as may be. Such a course as the Gulf Stream takes is very nearly the course that a cannon ball, could it be shot from these straits to those islands, would describe. If it were possible to see Ireland from Bemini, and to get a cannon that would reach that far, the person stand- ing on Bemini and taking aim, intending to shoot at Treland as a target, would, if the earth were at rest, sight direct, and make no allowance for difference of motion between marksman and target. But there is diurnal rotation ; the earth does re- volve on its axis; and since Bemini is nearer to the equator than Ireland is, the gun would be moving in diurnal rotation? faster than the target, and therefore 1 Plate XI. 2 § 16. THE GULF STREAM. yTh the marksman, taking aim point blank at his target, would miss. He would find, on examination, that he had shot south—that is, to the right’ of his mark. In other words, that the path actually described by the ball would be the resultant of this difference in the rate of rotation and the trajectile force ; the former, impelling to the east, would cause the ball to describe a great circle, but one with too much obliquity to pass through the tar- get. Like a ray of light from the stars, the ball would be affected by aberration. It is the case of the passenger in the railroad car throwing an apple, as the train sweeps by, to a boy stand- ing by the wayside. If he throw straight at the boy, he will miss, for the apple, partaking of the motion of the cars, will go ahead of the boy, and for the very reason that the shot will pass in advance of the target, for both the marksman and the passenger are going faster than the object at which they aim. Hence we may assume it as a law, that the natural tendency of all currents in the sea, like the natural tendency of all projectiles through the air, is to describe their curves of flight in the planes of great circles. The natural tendency of all matter, when put in motion, is to go from point to point by the shortest distance, and it requires force to overcome this tendency. Light, heat, and electricity, running water, and all substances, whether ponderable or imponderable, seek, when in motion, to obey this law. Electricity may be turned aside from its course, and so may the cannon ball or running water ; but remove every obstruction, and leave the current or the shot free to continue on in the direction of the first CHAPTER I. ——s § 49 Tilustra- tion. § 50 Natural tendency of currents to describe curves. 28 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnapter impulse, or to turn aside of its own volition, so to speak, ae erand straight it will go, and continue to go—if on a plane, in a straight line; if on a sphere, in the are of a great circle—thus showing that it has no volition except to obey impulse, and the physical requirements to take the shortest way to its point of destination. -§51 The waters of the Gulf Stream, as they escape from the Gulf are bound for the British Islands, to the North inree of Sea, and Frozen Ocean.” Accordingly, they take,’ in Streamthe Obedience to this physical law, the most direct course San by which nature will permit them to reach their destina- oe tion. And this course, as already remarked, is nearly that of the great circle, and exactly that of the supposed cannon. ball. §52 Many philosophers have expressed the opinion—in- anes deed, the belief*is common among mariners—that the Shoals of coasts of the United States and the Shoals of Nantucket tnt turn the Gulf Stream toward the east; but if the eastward. view I have been endeavouring to make clear be correct and I think it is—it appears that the course of the Gulf Stream is fixed and prescribed by exactly the same laws that require the planets to revolve in orbits, the planes of which shall pass through the centre of the sun; and that, were the Nantucket Shoals not in existence, the course of the Gulf Stream, in the main, would be exactly as it is and where it is. The Gulf Stream is bound over to the North Sea and Bay of Biscay partly for the reason, perhaps, that the waters there are lighter than those of the Mexican Gulf ;’ and if the Shoals of Nantucket were not in existence, it could not pursue a more direct route. The Grand Banks, 1 § 87, 2 Plate IX. 3 8 47, «$46, 5 § 37, THE GULF STREAM. 29 ‘and cold currents from the cuapres however, are encroaching, north come down upon it: they may, and probably do, pic assist now and then to turn it aside. Now if this explanation as to the course of the Gulf § 53 Stream and its eastward tendency hold good, a current Facts setting from the north toward the south should’ have a this belie westward tendency. It should also move in a circle of trajection, or such as would be described by a trajectile moving through the air without resistance and for a great distance. Accordingly, and in obedience to the propelling powers, derived from the rate at which different parallels are whirled around in diurnal motion? we find the current from the north, which meets the Gulf Stream, on the Grand Banks, taking a south-westwardly direction, as already described.” It runs down to the tropics by the side of the Gulf Stream, and stretches as far to the west as our own shores will allow. Yet, in the face of these Opinion ot facts, and in spite of this force, both Major Rennel and nel tnd M. Arago make the coasts of the United States and the Shoals of Nantucket to turn the Gulf Stream toward the east. But there are other forces operating upon the Gulf $ 54 Stream. They are derived from the effect of changes in eeeucs the waters of the whole ocean, as produced by changes forces in their temperature from time to time. As the Gulf Stream leaves the coasts of the United States, it begins to vary its position according to the seasons; the limit of its northern edge, as it passes the meridian of Cape Race (Plate VI.), being in winter about latitude 40-412, and in September, when the sea is hottest, about latitude 45-46°. The trough of the Gulf Stream, therefore, may 1 § 46, 2 $3 21. SESEG: * Plate IX. 5 § 45. CHAPTER L — § 55 Changes in the tem- perature of the ocean. 30 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. be supposed to waver about in the ocean not unlike a pennon in the breeze. Its head is confined between the shoals of the Bahamahs and the Carolinas; but that part of it which stretches over toward the Grand Banks of Newfoundland is, as the temperature of the waters of the ocean changes, first pressed down toward the south, and then again up toward the north, according to the season of the year. To appreciate the extent of the force by which it is so pressed, let us imagine the waters of the Gulf Stream to extend all the way to the bottom of the sea, so as completely to separate, by an impenetrable liquid wall, if you please, the waters of the ocean on the right from the waters in the ocean on the left of the stream. It is the height of summer: the waters of the sea on either hand are for the most part in a liquid state, and the Gulf Stream, let it be supposed, has assumed a nor- mal condition between the two divisions, adjusting itself to the pressure on either side, so as to balance them exactly and be in equilibrium. Now, again, it is the dead of winter, and the temperature of the waters over an area of millions of square miles in the North Atlantic has been changed many degrees, and this change of tem- perature has been followed by a change in the specific gravity of those waters, amounting, no doubt, in the aggregate, to many hundred millions of tons, over the whole ocean ; for sea water, unlike fresh,’ contracts to freezing. Now, is it probable that, in passing from their summer to their winter temperature, the sea waters to the right of the Gulf Stream should change their spe- cific gravity exactly as much in the aggregate as do the 1 § 31, THE GULF STREAM. ot waters in the whole ocean to the left of it? If not, the difference must be compensated by some means. Sparks are not more prone to fly upward, nor water to seek its level, than Nature is sure with her efforts to restore equi- librium in both sea and air whenever, wherever, and by whatever it be disturbed. Therefore, though the waters of the Gulf Stream do not extend to the bottom, and though they be not impenetrable to the waters on either hand, yet, seeing that they have a waste of waters on the right, and a waste of waters on the left, to which’ they offer a sort of resisting permeability, we are enabled to compre- hend how the waters on either hand, as their specific gravity is increased or diminished, will impart to the trough of this stream a vibratory motion, pressing it now to the right, now to the left, according to the seasons and the consequent changes of temperature in the sea. Plate VI. shows the limits of the Gulf Stream for March and September. The reason for this change of position is obvious. The banks of the Gulf Stream are cold water. In winter, the volume of cold water on the American, or left side of the stream, is greatly in- creased. It must have room, and gains it by pressing the warmer waters of the stream farther to the south, or right. In September, the temperature of these cold waters is modified; there is not such an extent of them, and then the warmer waters, in turn, press them back, and so the pendulum-like motion is preserved. The observations made by the United States Coast Survey indicate that there are in the Gulf Stream threads of warmer, separated by streaks of cooler water. See Plate VI., in which these are shown; they are marked wm i) CHAPTER I. Vibratory motion. § 56 Its limits in March and Sep- tember. SB Streaks of warm and cold water CHAPTER I. Supposed CaUss. oo THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. x, y,%. Figure A may be taken to represent a thermo- metrical cross section of the stream opposite the Capes of Virginia, for instance; the top of the curve representing the thermometer in the threads of the warmer water, and the depressions the height of the same instrument in the streaks of cooler water between; thus exhibiting, as one sails from America across the Gulf Stream, a remarkable series of thermometrical elevations and depressions in the surface temperature of this mighty river in the sea. These streaks, z, y, z, are not found in the Gulf Stream as it issues from its fountain, and I have thought them to be an incident of the process by which the waters of the Stream gradually grow cool. Suppose a perfect calm over this stream, and that all the water on the top of it to the depth of ten feet were suddenly, as it runs along in a winter's day, to be stricken by the wand of some magician, and reduced from the tempera- ture of 75° to that of 32°, the water below the depth of ten feet remaining at 75° as before. How would this cold and heavy water sink? Like a great water-tight floor or field of ice as broad as the Gulf Stream, and loaded to sinking? And how would the warm water rise to the top? By running out under this floor or field, rising up over the edges, and flowing back to the middle? I think not; on the contrary, I suppose the warm water would rise up here and there in streaks, and that the cold would go down in streaks or seams. The process would be not unlike what we see going on in a fountain which is fed by one or more bubbling springs from below. We can see the warm water rising up in a column from the orifice below, and in winter the water THE GULF STREAM. 33 on the top first grows cool and then sinks, Now, ima- gine the fountain to be a long and narrow stream, and this orifice to be a fissure running along at the bottom in the middle of it, and feeding it with warm water. We can well imagine that there would be a seam of water rising up all the way in the middle of the stream, and that a delicate thermometer would, in cold weather, show a marked difference of temperature between the water as it rises up in this seam, and that going down on either side after it has been cooled. Now, if we make our ima- ginary stream broader, and place at a little distance an- other fissure parallel with the first, and also supplying warm water, there would be between the two a streak of cooler water descending after having parted with a cer- tain degree of heat at the surface, and thus we would have repeated the ribbons of cold and warm water which the Coast Survey has found in the Gulf Stream. The hottest water in the Gulf Stream is also the lightest ; as it rises to the top, it is cooled both by eva- poration and exposure, when the surface is replenished by fresh supplies of hot water from below. Thus, in a winter's day, the waters at the surface of the Gulf Stream off Cape Hatteras may be at 80°, and at the depth of five hundred fathoms—three thousand feet—as actual observations show, the thermometer will stand at 57°. Following the stream thence off the Capes of Vir- ginia, one hundred and twenty miles, it will be found— the water-thermometer having been carefully noted all the way—that it now stands a degree or two less at the surface, while all below is cooler. In other words, the stratum of water at 57°, Wee was three thousand feet CHAPTER I, Tempera- ture of Gulf Streain. 34 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. ezarter below the surface off Hatteras, has, in a course of one —— § 60 Its effect on the climate of Western Europe. hundred and twenty or one hundred and thirty miles in a horizontal direction, ascended, vertically, six hundred feet ; that is, this stratum has run up hill with an ascent of five or six feet to the mile. As a rule, the hottest water of the Gulf Stream is at or near the surface; and as the deep-sea thermometer is sent down, it shows that these waters, though still far warmer than the water on either side at corresponding depths, gradually become less and less warm until the bottom of the current is reached. There is reason to be- lieve that the warm waters of the Gulf Stream are no- where permitted, in the oceanic economy, to touch the bottom of the sea. There is everywhere a cushion of cool water between them and the solid parts of the earth’s crust. This arrangement is suggestive, and strik- ingly beautiful. One of the benign offices of the Gulf Stream is to convey heat from the Gulf of Mexico, where otherwise it would become excessive, and to dispense it in regions beyond the Atlantic, for the amelioration of the climates of the British Islands and of all Western Europe. Now, cold water is one of the best non-conduc- tors of heat, and if the warm water of the Gulf Stream was sent across the Atlantic in contact with the solid crust of the earth—comparatively a good conductor of heat—instead of being sent across, as it is, in contact with a cool, non-conducting cushion of cool water to fend it from the bottom, all its heat would be lost in the first part of the way, and the soft climates of both France and England would be as that of Labrador, severe in the extreme, and ice-bound. | INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES. $35 CHAPTER II. INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES, How the Climate of England is regulated by it, § 61.—Isothermal Lines of the Atlantic, 65.—Deep-sea Temperatures under the Gulf Stream, 68.—Currents indicated by the Fish, 70.—Sea-nettles, 73.—Climates of the Sea, 75.—Offices of the Sea, 76.—Influence of the Gulf Stream upon the Meteorology of the Ocean, 78.—Furious Storms, 80.—Dampness of the English Climate due to the Gulf Stream, 83.—Its Influence upon Storms, 85.—Wreck of the Steamer San Francisco, 88.—Influence of the Gulf Stream upon Commerce and Navigation, 96.—Used for finding Longitude, 103.—Commerce in 1769, 106. MopDERN ingenuity has suggested a beautiful mode of warming houses in winter. It is done by means of hot water. The furnace and the ecaldron are sometimes placed at a distance from the apartments to be warmed. It is so at the Observatory. In this case, pipes are used to conduct the heated water from the caldron under the superintendent’s dwelling over into one of the basement rooms of the Observatory, a distance of one hundred feet. These pipes are then flared out so as to present a large cooling surface; after which they are united into one again, through which the water, being now cooled, returns of its own accord to the caldron. Thus cool water is re- turning all the time and flowing in at the bottom of the caldron, while hot water is continually flowing out at the top. The ventilation of the Observatory is so arranged that the circulation of the atmosphere through it is led from this basement room, where the pipes are, to all other parts of the building ; and in the process of this circulation, CHAPTER Il. § 61 Principle of heating apparatus, CHAPTER § 62 Similarity to the Gulf Stream. § 63 Effect on European climate, 36 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. the warmth conveyed by the water to the basement is taken thence by the air and distributed over all the rooms. Now, to compare small things with great, we have, in the warm waters which are confined in the Gulf of Mexico, just such a heating apparatus for Great Britain, the North Atlantic, and Western Europe. The furnace is the torrid zone; the Mexican Gulf and Caribbean Sea are the caldrons; the Gulf Stream is the conducting pipe. From the Grand Banks of New- foundland to the shores of Europe is the basement—the hot-air chamber—in which this pipe is flared out so as to present a large cooling surface. Here the circulation of the atmosphere is arranged by nature ; and it is such, that the warmth thus conveyed into this warm-air cham- ber of mid-ocean is taken up by the genial west winds, and dispensed, in the most benign manner, throughout Great Britain and the west of Europe. The maximum temperature of the water-heated air- chamber of the Observatory is about 90°. The maxi- mum temperature of the Gulf Stream is 86°, or about 9° above the ocean temperature due the latitude. Increasing its latitude 10°, it loses but 2° of temperature ; and, after having run three thousand miles toward the north, it still preserves, even in winter, the heat of summer. With this temperature, it crosses the 40th degree of north lati- tude, and there, overflowing its liquid banks, it spreads itself out for thousands of square leagues over the cold waters around, and covers the ocean with a mantle of warmth that serves so much to mitigate in Europe the rigours of winter. Moving now more slowly, but dis- pensing its genial influences more freely, it finally meets INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES. 37 the British Islands. By these it is divided,’ one part cmaprer going into the polar basin of Spitzbergen, the other oat O : 3 Its effect entering the Bay of Biscay, but each with a warmth onthe E . climate of considerably above the ocean temperature. Such an im- the pritisn Islands. mense volume of heated water cannot fail to carry with it beyond the seas a mild and moist atmosphere. And this it is which so much softens climate there. We know not, except approximately in one or two places, § 64 what the depth or the under temperature of the Gulf Stream may be; but assuming the temperature and velocity at the depth of two hundred fathoms to be those of the surface, Caleala- and taking the well-known difference between the capacity *” of air and of water for specific heat as the argument, a simple calculation will show that the quantity of heat discharged over the Atlantic from the waters of the Gulf Stream in a winter’s day, would be sufficient to raise the whole column of atmosphere that rests upon France and the British Islands from the freezing point to summer heat. Every west wind that blows crosses the stream on its Weat, way to Europe, and carries with it a portion of this heat affected to temper there the northern winds of winter. It is the we influence of this stream upon climate that makes Erin the “Emerald Isle of the Sea,’ and that clothes the shores of Albion in evergreen robes; while in the same latitude, on this side, the coasts of Labrador are fast bound in fetters of ice. Ina valuable paper on currents,* Mr. Redfield mr. rea- states that in 1831 the harbour of St. John’s, Newfound- mee on Jand, was closed with ice as late as the month of June; ""* yet who ever heard of the port of Liverpool, on the other * American Journal of Science, vol. xiv., p. 293. 1 Plate IX. 38 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarrer Side, though 2° farther north, being closed with ice even — in the dead of winter? §65 The Thermal Chart (Plate IV.) shows this. The iso- ee thermal lines of 60°, 50°, &c, starting off from the Atlantic. parallel of 40° near the coasts of the United States, run off in a north-eastwardly direction, showing the same oceanic temperature on the European side of the Atlantic in latitude 55° or 60°, that we have on the western side in latitude 40° Scott, in one of his beautiful novels, tells us that the ponds in the Orkneys (latitude near 60°) are not frozen in winter. The people there owe their soft climate to this grand heating apparatus, for driftwood from the West Indies is occasionally cast ashore there by the Gulf Stream. §66 Nor do the beneficial influences of this stream upon Beneficial climate end here. ‘The West Indian Archipelago is en- influence : : : ofthe compassed on one side by its chain of islands, and on onsoutn the other by the Cordilleras of the Andes, contracting aimate, With the Isthmus of Darien, and stretching themselves out over the plains of Central America and Mexico, Be- ginning on the summit of this range, we leave the regions of perpetual snow, and descend first into the tierra tem- plada, and then into the tierra caliente, or burning land. Descending still lower, we reach both the level and the surface of the Mexican seas, where, were it not for this beautiful and benign system of aqueous circulation, the peculiar features of the surrounding country assure us we should have the hottest, if not the most pestilential climate in the world) As the waters in these two caldrons become heated, they are borne off by the Gulf Stream, and are replaced by cooler currents through the INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES, 39 Caribbean Sea ; the surface water, as it enters here, being 3° or 4°, and that in depth 40% cooler than when it escapes from the Gulf. ‘Taking only this difference in surface temperature as an index of the heat accumulated there, a simple caiculation will show that the quantity of heat daily carried off by the Gulf Stream from those regions, and discharged over the Atlantic, is sufficient to raise mountains of iron from zero to the melting point, and to keep in flow from them a molten stream of metal greater in volume than the waters daily discharged from the Mississippi River. Who, therefore can calculate the benign influence of this wonderful current upon the climate of the South? In the pursuit of this subject, the mind is led from nature up to the great Architect of nature ; and what mind will the study of this subject not fill with profitable emotions? Unchanged and unchang- ing alone, of all created things, the ocean is the great emblem of its everlasting Creator. “He treadeth upon the waves of the sea,” and is seen in the wonders of the deep. Yea, “He calleth for its waters, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth.” In obedience to this call, the aqueous portion of our planet preserves its beautiful system of circulation, By it heat and warmth are dispensed to the extra-tropical regions; clouds and rain are sent to refresh the dry land ; and by it cooling streams are brought from Polar Seas to temper the heat of the torrid zone. At the depth of two hundred and forty fathoms, the temperature * Temperature of the Caribbean Sea (from the journals of Mr. Dunsterville): Surface temperature: 83°, September; 84°, July; 83°-863°, Mosquito Coast. Temperature in depth: 48°, 240 fathoms; 43°, 886 fathoms; 42°, 450 fathoms; 43°, 500 fathoms. SHAPTER Il. — § 67 40 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SKA. carter Of the currents setting into the Caribbean Sea has been found as low as 48°, while that of the surface was 85. Ree Another cast with three hundred and eighty-six fathoms etal gave 43° below against 83° at the surface. The hurri- s."" canes of those regions agitate the sea to great depths ; that of 1780 tore rocks up from the bottom seven fathoms deep, and cast them ashore. They therefore cannot fail to bring to the surface portions of the cooler water below. §68 At the very bottom of the Gulf Stream, when its sur- Atthe face temperature was 80°, the deep-sea thermometer of bottom ofGuf the Coast Survey has recorded a temperature as low as Stream. 35° Fahrenheit. §69 These cold waters doubtless come down from the north we eree bo replace the warm water sent through the Gulf Stream Cirle to moderate the cold of Spitzbergen; for within the Arctic Circle the temperature at corresponding depths off the shores of that island is said to be only one degree colder than in the Caribbean Sea, while on the coasts of Seater Labrador, and in the Polar Seas, the temperature of the Seas. water beneath the ice was invariably found by Lieutenant De Haven at 28°, or 4° below the melting point of fresh- ce att water ice. Captain Scoresby relates, that on the coast land. of Greenland, in latitude 72°, the temperature of the air was 42°; of the water, 84°; and 29° at the depth of one hundred and eighteen fathoms. He there found a surface current setting to the south, and bearing with it this extremely cold water, with vast numbers of icebergs, whose centres, perhaps, were far below zero. It would be curious to ascertain the routes of these under currents on their way to the tropical regions, which they are in- tended to cool. One has been found at the equator’ two 1 g 23, INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES, 41 hundred miles broad, and 23° colder than the surface cuarrea water. Unless the land or shoals intervene, it no doubt anc comes down in a spiral curve, approaching in its course the great circle route. Perhaps the best indication as to these cold currents § 70 may be derived from the fish of the sea. The whales currents first pointed out the existence of the Gulf Stream by by fish avoiding its warm waters. Along our own coasts, all those delicate animals and marine productions which de- light in warmer waters are wanting; thus indicating, by their absence, the cold current from the north now known to exist there. In the genial warmth of the sea about the Bermudas on one hand, and Africa on the other, we tind in great abundance those delicate shell-fish and coral formations which are altogether wanting in the same lati- tudes along the shores of South Carolina. The same obtains in the west coast of South America; for there the cold current almost reaches the line before the first sprig of coral is found to grow. A few years ago, great numbers of bonita and alber- § 71 core—tropical fish—following the Gulf Stream, entered the English Channel, and alarmed the fishermen of Corn- wall and Devonshire by the havoc which they created among the pilchards there. It may well be questioned if our Atlantic cities and g 79 towns do not owe their excellent fish-markets, as well as our watering-places their refreshing sea-bathing in sum- mer, to this stream of cold water. The temperature of the Mediterranean is 4° or 5° above the ocean tempera- ture of the same latitude, and the fish there are, for the most part, very indifferent. On the other hand, the tem- 42 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapter perature along our coast is several degrees below that of Il. Effects of tempera- ture on fish. the ocean, and from Maine to Florida our tables are sup- plied with the most excellent of fish, The sheep’s-head, so much esteemed in Virginia and the Carolinas, when taken on the warm coral banks of the Bahamas, loses its flavour, and is held in no esteem. The same is the case with other fish: when taken in the cold water of that coast, they have a delicious flavour, and are highly esteemed ; but when taken in the warm water on the other edge of the Gulf Stream, though but a few miles distant, their flesh is soft, and unfit for the table. The temperature of the water at the Balize reaches 90°. The fish taken there are not to be compared with those of the same latitude in this cold stream. New Orleans, there- fore, resorts to the cool waters on the Florida coasts for her choicest fish. The same is the case in the Pacific. A current of cold water’ from the south sweeps the shores of Chili, Peru, and Columbia, and reaches the Galli- pagos Islands under the line. Throughout this whole distance, the world does not afford a more abundant or excellent supply of fish, Yet out in the Pacific, at the Society Islands, where coral abounds, and the water pre- serves a higher temperature, the fish, though they vie in gorgeousness of colouring with the birds, and plants, and insects of the tropics, are held in no esteem as an article of food. I have known sailors, even after long voyages, still to prefer their salt beef and pork to a mess of fish taken there. The few facts which we have bearing upon this subject seem to suggest it as a point of the inquiry to be made, whether the habitat of certain fish does not indicate the temperature of the water, and whether these 2 § 455. INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES, 43 cold and warm currents of the ocean do not constitute the cnaprsa great highways through which migratory fishes travel ee from one region to another. Why should not fish be as much the creatures of climate as plants, or as birds, and other animals of land, sea, and air? Indeed, we know that some kinds of fish are found only in certain climates. In other words, they live where the temperature of the water ranges between certain degrees. Navigators have often met with vast numbers of ¢§ 73 young sea-nettles (medusw) drifting along with the Gulf sea-netties Stream. They are known to constitute the principal food for the whale; but whither bound by this route has caused much speculation, for it is well known that the habits of the right whale are averse to the warm waters of this stream. An intelligent sea-captain informs me that, several years ago, in the Gulf Stream on the coast of Florida, he fell in with such a “school of young sea- nettles as had never before been heard of.” The sea was covered with them for many leagues. He likened them, in appearance on the water, to acorns floating on a stream; but they were so thick as to completely cover the sea. He was bound to England, and was five or six Anecdote days in sailing through them. In about sixty days after- ward, on his return, he fell in with the same school off the Western Islands, and here he was three or four days in passing them again. He recognized them as the same, for he had never before seen any like them; and on both occasions he frequently hauled up bucketfuls and ex- amined them. Now, the Western Islands is the great place of resort § 74 for whales: and at first there is something curious to vs 44 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapter in the idea that the Gulf of Mexico is the harvest-field, Il. — § 75 and the Gulf Stream the gleaner which collects the fruit- age planted there, and conveys it thousands of miles off to the hungry whale at sea. But how perfectly in unison is it with the kind and providential care of that great and good Being which feeds the young ravens when they ery, and caters for the sparrow ! The sea has its climates as well as the land. They Climatesot hoth change with the latitude; but one varies with the the sea. Offices of the sea elevation above, the other with the depression below the sea level. The climates in each are regulated by circula- ition; but the regulators are, on the one hand, winds; on the other, currents. The inhabitants of the ocean are as much the creatures of climate as are those of the dry land; for the same Almighty hand which decked the lily and cares for the sparrow, fashioned also the pearl and feeds the great whale, and adapted each to the physical conditions by which his providence has surrounded it. Whether of the land or the sea, the inhabitants are all his creatures, subjects of his laws, and agents in his economy. ‘The sea, therefore, we may safely infer, has its offices and duties to perform; so, may we infer, have its currents, and so, too, its inhabitants ; consequently, he who under- takes to study its phenomena must cease to regard it as a waste of waters. He must look upon it as a part of that exquisite machinery by which the harmonies of nature are preserved, and then he will begin to perceive the developments of order and the evidences of design ; these make it a most beautiful and interesting subject for contemplation. INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES. 45 To one who has never studied the mechanism of a watch, its main-spring or the balance-wheel is a mere piece of metal. He may have looked at the face of the watch, and, while he admires the motion of its hands, and the time it keeps, or the tune it plays, he may have wondered in idle amazement as to the character of the machinery which is concealed within. Take it to pieces, and show him each part separately, he will recognize neither design, nor adaptation, nor relation between them; but put them together, set them to work, point out the offices of each spring, wheel, and cog, explain their move- ments, and then show him the result; now he perceives that it is all one design; that, notwithstanding the num- ber of parts, their diverse forms and various offices, and the agents concerned, the whole piece is of one thought, the expression of one idea. He now rightly concludes that when the main-spring was fashioned and tempered, its relation to all the other parts must have been considered ; that the cogs on this wheel are cut and regulated— adapted—to the ravhets on that, &c.; and his final con- clusion will be, that such a piece of mechanism could not have been produced by chance; for the adaptation of the parts is such as to show it to be according to design, and obedient to the will of one intelligence. So, too, when one looks out upon the face of this beautiful world, he may admire its lovely scenery, but his admiration can never grow into adoration unless he will take the trouble to look behind and study, in some of its details at least, the exquisite system of machinery by which such beauti- ful results are brought about. To him who does this, the sea, with its physical geography, becomes as the main- CHAPTER Ii. $7 Reflec- tions, CHAPTER § 78 Influence of the Gulf Stream on the meteo- rology of the sea. 46 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. spring of a watch; its waters, and its currents, and its salts, and its inhabitants, with their adaptations, as balance- wheels, cogs and pinions, and jewels. Thus he perceives that they, too, are according to design; that they are the expression of One Thought, a unity with harmonies which One Intelligence, and One Intelligence alone, could utter. And when he has arrived at this point, then he feels that the study of the sea, in its physical aspect, is truly su- blime. It elevates the mind and ennobles the man. The Gulf Stream is now no longer, therefore, to be regarded by such an one merely as an immense current of warm water running across the ocean, but as a balance~-wheel— a part of that grand machinery by which air and water are adapted to each other, and by which this earth itself is adapted to the well-being of its inhabitants—of the flora which decks, and the fauna which enlivens its surface. Let us now consider the influence of the Gulf Stream upon the meteorology of the ocean. To use a sailor expression, the Gulf Stream is the great “weather breeder” of the North Atlantic Ocean. The most furious gales of wind sweep along with it; and the fogs of Newfoundland, which so much endanger navi- gation in winter, doubtless owe their existence to the presence, in that cold sea, of immense volumes of warm water brought by the Gulf Stream. Sir Philip Brooke found the air on each side of it at the freezing point, while that of its waters was 80° “The heavy, warm, damp air over the current produced great irregularities in his chronometers.” The excess of heat daily brought into such a region by the waters of the Gulf Stream INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES. 47 wouid, if suddenly stricken from them, be sufficient to onarrza make the column of superincumbent atmosphere hotter —— than melted iron. With such an element of atmospherical disturbance in g 79 its bosom, we might expect storms of the most violent Itsiiavility kind to accompany it in its course. Accordingly, the ae most terrific that rage on the ocean have been known to spend their fury within or near its borders. Our nautical works tell us of a storm which forced this g gg stream back to its sources, and piled up the water in the Gulf to the height of thirty feet. The Ledbury Snow attempted to ride it out. When it abated, she found her- self high up on the dry land, and discovered that she had let go her anchor among the tree-tops on Elliott’s Key. The Florida Keys were inundated many feet; and, it is said, the scene presented in the Gulf Stream was never surpassed in awful sublimity on the ocean. The water thus dammed up is said to have rushed out with wonder- ful velocity against the fury of the gale, producing a sea that beggared description. The “great hurricaue” of 1780 commenced at Bar- g g1 badoes. In it the bark was blown from the trees, and Great pur the fruits of the earth destroyed; the very bottom and ae depths of the sea were uprooted, and the waves rose to such a height that forts and castles were washed away, and their great guns carried about in the air like chaff; houses were razed, ships were wrecked, and the bodies of men and beasts lifted up in the air and dashed to pieces in the storm. At the different islands, not less than twenty thousand persons lost their lives on shore; while farther to the north, the “ Stirling Castle” and the “ Dover CHAPTER — § 82 British Admiralty investiga- tion. § 83 Dampness of English climate due to the Gulf Stream. § 84 2 85 48 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. Castle” men-of-war went down at sea, and fifty sail were driven on shore at the Bermudas. Several years ago, the British Admiralty set on foot inquiries as to the cause of the storms in certain parts of the Atlantic, which so often rage with diastrous effects to navigation. The result may be summed up in the conclusion to which the investigation led: that they are occasioned by the irregularity between the temperature of the Gulf Stream and of the neighbouring regions, both in the air and water. The habitual dampness of the climate of the British Islands, as well as the occasional dampness of that along the Atlantic coasts of the United States when easterly winds prevail, is attributable also to the Gulf Stream. These winds come to us loaded with vapours gathered from its warm and smoking waters. The Gulf Stream carries the temperature of summer, even in the dead of winter, as far north as the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. One of the poles of maximum cold is, according to theory, situated in latitude 80° north, longitude 100° west. It is distant but little more than two thousand miles, in a north-westwardly direction, from the summer-heated waters of this stream. This proximity of extremes of greatest cold and summer heat will, as observations are multiplied and discussed, be probably found to have much to do with the storms that rage with such fury on the left side of the Gulf Stream. I am not prepared to maintain that the Gulf Stream is really the “ Storm King” of the Atlantic, which has power to control the march of every gale that is raised there; but the course of many gales has been traced from the place of their origin directly to the Gulf Stream. Gales that take their rise on the coast of Africa, INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES. 49 and even as far down on that side as the parallel of cartes 10° or 15° north latitude, have, it has been shown by = an examination of log-books, made straight for the Gulf aitacat Stream; joining it, they have then been known to turn Sa about, and, travelling with this stream, to recross the Atlantic, and so reach the shores of Europe. In this way the tracks of storms have been traced out and followed for a week or ten days. Their path is marked by wreck and disaster. Plate X. was prepared by Lieutenant B. 8. Porter, from § 86 data furnished by the log-books at the Observatory. It represents one of these storms that commenced in August 1848. It commenced more than a thousand miles from the Gulf Stream, made a straight course for it, and tra- velled with it for many days. The dark shading shows the space covered by the gale, and the white line in the middle shows the axis of the gale, or the line of minimum barometric pressure. There are many other instances of similar gales. Professor Espy informs us that he also has traced many a gale from the land out toward the Gulf Stream. Now, what should attract these terrific storms to the § 87 Gulf Stream? Sailors dread storms in the Gulf Stream more than they do in any other part of the ocean. It is not the fury of the storm alone that they dread, but it is the “ugly sea” which these storms raise. The current of the stream running in one direction, and the wind blow- ing in another, creates a sea that is often frightful. In the month of December 1853, the fine new steam § 88 ship San Francisco sailed from New York with a regi seis ment of United States troops on board, bound around Francisco. Cape Horn for California. She was overtaken, while crossing the Gulf Stream, by a gale of wind, in which a CHAPTER TI, — Apprehen- sions for those on board. § 89 § 90 Search made for 50 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. she was dreadfully crippled. Her decks were swept, and by one single blow of those terrible seas that the storms there raise, one hundred and seyventy-nine souls, officers and soldiers, were washed overboard and drowned. The day after this disaster she was seen by one vessel, and again the next day, December 26th, by another, but neither of them could render her any assistance. When these two vessels arrived in the United States, and reported what they had seen, the most painful appre- hensions were entertained by friends for the safety of those on board the steamer. Vessels were sent out to search for and relieve her. But which way should these vessels go? Where should they look ? An appeal was made to know what light the systera of researches carried on at the National Observatory con- cerning winds and currents could throw upon the sub- ject. The materials that had been discussed were examined, and a chart was prepared to show the course of the Gulf Stream at that season of the year. (See the limits of the Gulf Stream for March, Plate VI.) Upon the sup- position that the steamer had been completely disabled, the lines a b were drawn to define the limits of her drift. Between these two lines, it was said, the steamer, if she could neither steam nor sail after the gale, had drifted. By request, I prepared instructions for two revenue cutters that were sent to search for her. One of them being at New London, was told to go along the dotted track leading to ¢, expecting thereby to keep inside of the line along which the steamer had drifted. with the view of intercepting and speaking homeward-bound vessels that might have seen the wreck. INFLUENCE OF THE’GULF STREAM UPON CLIMATES. 51 The cutter was to proceed to c, where she might cnapres expect to fall in with the line of drift taken by the pe steamer. The last that was seen of that ill-fated vessel ° ie was when she was at 0, but a few miles from ¢. So, if the cutter had been in time, she had instructions that would have taken her in sight of the object of her search. It is true that, before the cutter sailed, the Kilby, § 92 the Three Bells, and the Antarctic, unknown to anxious friends at home, had fallen in with and relieved the wreck; but that does not detract from the system of observations, of the results of which, and their practical application, it is the object of this work to treat. A beautiful illustration of their usefulness is the fact § 93 that, though the bark Kilby lost sight of the wreck at night, and the next morning did not know which way to look for it, and could not find it, yet, by a system of philosophical deduction, we on shore could point out the whereabouts of the disabled steamer so closely, that vessels could be directed to look for her exactly where she was to be seen. These storms, for which the Gulf Stream has such § 94 attraction, and over which it seems to exercise so much jel control, are said to be, for the most part, whirlwinds. All boys are familiar with miniature whirlwinds on shore. They are seen, especially in the autumn, sweep- ing along the roads and streets, raising columns of dust, leaves, &c., which rise up like inverted cones in the air, and gyrate about the centre or axis of the storm. Thus, while the axis, and the dust, and the leaves, and all those things which mark the course of the whirlwind, are travelling in one direction, it may be seen that the wind is blowing around this axis in all directions. 52 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER Just so with some of these Gulf Stream storms. That represented on Plate X. is such a one. It was a rotary Cyclones storm. Mr. Piddington, an eminent meteorologist of Cal- cutta, calls them Cyclones. §95 Now, what should make these storms travel toward the Gulf Stream, and then, joining it, travel along with its current? It is the high temperature of its waters, say mariners. But why, or wherefore, should the spirits of the storm obey in this manner the influence of these high temperatures, philosophers have not been able to explain. §96 The influence of the Gulf Stream upon commerce and navigation. ynuenes Formerly the Gulf Stream controlled commerce across Streamon the Atlantic by governing vessels in their routes through and navi this ocean to a greater extent than it does now, and aes simply for the reason that ships are faster, nautical instru- ments better, and navigators are more skilful now than formerly they were. §97 Up to the close of the last century, the navigator Improve. guessed as much as he calculated the place of his ship : navigation vessels from Europe to Boston frequently made New York, and thought the landfall by no means bad. Chro- nometors, now so accurate, were then an experiment. The Nautical Ephemeris itself was faulty, and gave tables which involved errors of thirty miles in the longitude. The instruments of navigation erred by degrees quite as much as they now do by minutes ; for the rude “ cross staff” and “back staff,’ the “sea-ring” and “ mariner’s bow,” had not yet given place to the nicer sextant and circle of reflection of the present day. Instances are numerous of vessels navigating the Atlantic in those INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPUN COMMERCE. 53 times being 6°, 8°, and even 10° of longitude out of their cuaprex reckoning in as many days from port. pats Though navigators had been in the habit of crossing § 98 and recrossing the Gulf Stream almost daily for three on centuries, it never occurred to them to make use of it as means of a means of giving them their longitude, and of warning tangitaae them of their approach to the shores of this continent. Dr. Franklin was the first to suggest this use of it. § 99 The contrast afforded by the temperature of its waters Dr. Frank and that of the sea between the Stream and the shores of Rate: America was striking. The dividing lne between the da warm and the cool waters was sharp; and this dividing line, especially that on the western side of the stream, never changed its position as much in longitude as mari- ners erred in their reckoning. When he was in London in 1770, he happened to g 109 be consulted as to a memorial which the Board of Cus- toms at Boston sent to the Lords of the Treasury, stat- ing that the Falmouth packets were generally a fort- night longer to Boston than common traders were from London to Providence, Rhode Island. They therefore asked that the Falmouth packets might be sent to Provi- dence instead of to Boston. This appeared strange to the doctor, for London was much farther than Falmouth, and from Falmouth the routes were the same, and the difference should have been the other way. He, how- seenlisot ever, consulted Captain Folger, a Nantucket whaler, who ledge of chanced to be in London also; the fisherman explained aie to him that the difference arose from the circumstance that the Rhode Island captains were acquainted with the Gulf Stream, while those of the English packets were 1 §2, 54 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, cuarten not. The latter kept in it, and were set back sixty or ct seventy miles a day, while the former avoided it alto- gether. He had been made acquainted with it by the whales which were found on either side of it, but never Chartof in it.’ At the request of the doctor, he then traced on a ieeie | chart the course of this stream from the Straits of Flo- sue vida, The doctor had it engraved at Tower Hill, and sent copies of it to the Falmouth captains, who paid no attention to it. The course of the Gulf Stream, as laid down by that fisherman from his general recollection of it, has been retained and quoted on the charts for navi- gation, we may say, until the present day. But the investigations of which we are treating are beginning to throw more light upon this subject; they are giving us more correct knowledge in every respect with regard to it, and to many other new and striking features in the physical geography of the sea. §101 No part of the world affords a more difficult or dan- naveation gerous navigation than the approaches of our northern ofour coast in winter. Before the warmth of the Gulf Stream coasts. = was known, a voyage at this season from Europe to New England, New York, and even to the Capes of the Dela- ware or Chesapeake, was many times more trying, diffi- ete cult, and dangerous than it now is. In making this part of the coast, vessels are frequently met by snow- storms and gales which mock the seaman’s strength, and set at naught his skill. In a little while his bark becomes a mass of ice; with her crew frosted and helpless, she remains obedient only to her helm, and is kept away for the Gulf Stream. After a few hours’ run, she reaches its edge, and almost at the next bound passes from the 1 § 70, INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON COMMERCE. 9595 midst of winter into a sea at summer heat. Now the ice disappears from her apparel; the sailor bathes his stiffened limbs in tepid waters; feeling himself invigo- rated and refreshed with the genial warmth about him, he realizes, out there at sea, the fable of Antzeus and his mother Earth. He rises up and attempts to make hes port again, and is again, perhaps, as rudely met and beat back from the north-west; but each time that he is driven off from the contest, he comes forth from this stream, like the ancient son of Neptune, stronger and stronger, until, after many days, his freshened strength prevails, and he at last triumphs and enters his haven in safety, though in this contest he sometimes falls to rise no more, for it is often terrible. Many ships annually founder in these gales; and I might name instances, for they are not uncommon, in which vessels bound to Nor- folk or Baltimore, with their crews enervated in tropical climates, have encountered, as far down as the Capes of Virginia, snow-storms that have driven them back into the Gulf Stream time and again, and have kept them out for forty, fifty, and even for sixty days, trying to make an anchorage. Nevertheless, the presence of the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, with their summer heat in mid-winter, off the shores of New England, is a great boon to navigation. At this season of the year especially, the number of wrecks and the loss of life along the Atlantic sea-front are fright- ful. The month’s average of wrecks has been as high as three a day. How inany escape by seeking refuge from the cold in the warm waters of the Gulf Stream is matter of conjecture. Suffice it to say, that before their temperature CHAPTER Il. Sudden change. § 102 The warm waters of the Streain a boon to navigation. CHAPTER II. § 103 Import- ance of Dr. Franklin's discovery. 56 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. was known, vessels thus distressed knew of no place of refuge short of the West Indies; and the newspapers of that day—Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette among them —inform us that it was no uncommon occurrence for ves- sels, bound for the Capes of the Delaware in winter, to be blown off and to go to the West Indies, and there wait for the return of spring before they would attempt another approach to this part of the coast. Accordingly, Dr. Franklin’s discovery with regard to the Gulf Stream temperature was looked upon as one of great importance, not only on account of its affording to the frosted mariner in winter a convenient refuge from the snow-storm, but because of its serving the navigator with an excellent land-mark or beacon for our coast in all weathers. And so viewing it, the doctor, through political considerations, concealed his discovery for a while. It was then not uncommon for vessels to be as much as 10° out in their reckoning. He himself was 5°. The prize of £20,000, which had been offered, and partly paid to Harrison, the chronometer maker, for improving the means of finding longitude at sea, was fresh in the minds of navigators. And here it was thought a solution of the grand problem—for longitude at sea was a grand problem—had been stumbled upon by chance; for, on approaching the coast, the current of warm water in the Gulf Stream, and of cold water on this side of it, if tried with the thermometer, would enable the mariner to judge with great certainty, and in the worst of weather, as to his position, Jonathan Williams afterward, in speaking of the importance which the discovery of these warm and cold currents would prove to navigation, pertinently asked INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON COMMERCE. 57 the question, “If these stripes of water had been distin- cuaprer guished by the colours of red, white, and blue, could they uae be more distinctly discovered than they are by the con- stant use of the thermometer?” And he might have added, could they have marked the position of the ship more clearly ? When his work on Thermometrical Navigation ap-¢ 104 peared, Commodore Truxton wrote to him: “ Your pub- commo- dore Trux- lication will be of use to navigation, by rendering sea ton’sopin- voyages secure far beyond what even you yourself will coca immediately calculate, for I have proved the utility of the thermometer very often since we sailed together. “Tt will be found a most valuable instrument in the hands of mariners, and particularly as to those who are unacquainted with astronomical observations; ..... these particularly stand in need of a simple method of ascertaining the approach to or distance from the coast, especially in the winter season; for it is then that pas- sages are often prolonged, and ships blown off the coast by hard westerly winds, and vessels get into the Gulf Stream without its being known ; on which account they are often hove to by the captains’ supposing themselves near the coast when they are very far off (having been drifted by the currents). On the other hand, ships are often cast on the coast by sailing in the eddy of the Stream, which causes them to outrun their common reck- oning. Every year produces new proofs of these facts, and of the calamities incident thereto.” Though Dr. Franklin’s discovery was made in 1775, § 105 yet, for political reasons, it was not generally made known till 1790. Its immediate effect in navigation was to CHAPTER II. Effect of Dr. Frank- lin’s dis- covery on navigation Decline of the Southern trade. § 106 58 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. make the ports of the North as accessible in winter as in summer. What agency this circumstance had in the decline of the direct trade of the South, which followed this discovery, would be, at least to the political econo- mist, a subject for much curious and interesting speculation. I have referred to the commercial tables of the time, and have compared the trade of Charleston with that of the northern cities for several years, both before and after the discovery of Dr. Franklin became generally known to navigators. The comparison shows an immediate decline in the Southern trade, and a wonderful increase in that of the North. But whether this discovery in navigation, and this revolution in trade, stand in the relation of cause and effect, or be merely a coincidence, let others judge. In 1769, the commerce of the two Carolinas equalled that of all the New England States together; it was more than double that of New York, and exceeded that of Pennsylvania by one-third.* In 1792, the exports from New York amounted in value to two millions and * From M‘Pherson’s Annals of Commerce.—Exports and Imports in 1769, valued in Sterling Money. EXPORTS. | To Gr. Britain. | So. of Europe. West Indies. Africa. Total. ese PACAP ees ee CA ck GA) EE at New England...../142,775 12 9} 81,173 16 2/308,427 9 6] 17,713 0 9 {550,089 19 2 ING WaniOlKrccsesess 113,282 8 8| 50,885 13 0] 66,324 17 5] 1,818 2 6/281,906 17 Pennsylvania.... 28,112 6 9/208,762 11 11|178,331 7 8 560 9 9 /410,756 16 1 North and South Carolina.........(405,014 18 1/ 76,119 12 10] 87,758 19 3 691 12 1 569,584 17 3 IMPORTS. New England...../228,695 11 25,408 17 9 |314,749 14 5 180 0 0[|564,084 38 New York......... 75,930 19 14,927 7 0/)|897,420 4 697 10 0|188,976 1 Pennsylvania..-..|204,979 17 4) 14,249 8 4/180,591 12 4 399,830 18 0 North and South Carolina....+0.1827,084 8 6] 7,099 5 10! 76,269 17 11/137,620 10 0]|535,714 2 3] a D> —) wo oo INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON COMMERCE. 59 a half; from Pennsylvania to 3,820,000 dollars; and cuarren from Charleston alone to 3,834,000 dollars. ass But in 1795—by which time the Gulf Stream began § 107 to be as well understood by navigators as it now is, and Increase of the the average passages from Europe to the North were Northen shortened nearly one-half, while those to the South re- es mained about the same—the customs at Philadelphia alone amounted to 2,941,000 dollars,* or more than one- half of those collected in all the states together. Nor did the effect of the doctor’s discovery end here. g 198 Before it was made, the Gulf Stream was altogether insi- Further dious in its effects. By it vessels were often drifted many Baca miles out of their course without knowing it; and in bad “” and cloudy weather, when many days would intervene from one observation to another, the set of the current, though really felt for but a few hours during the interval, could only be proportioned out equally among the whole number of days, Therefore navigators could have only very vague ideas either as to the strength or the actual limits of the Gulf Stream, until they were marked out to * Value of Exports in Dollars.} 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. Massachusetts...........000. 2,519,651] 2,888,104) 3,755,847) 5,292,441) 7,117,907) 9,949,345 New York see} 2,505,465} 2,535,790) 2,932,370) 5,442,000]10,504,000) 12,208,027 Pennsylvania ...c0..c.sc00- 3,436,000} 3,820,000) 6,958,000} 6,643,000]11,518,000!17,513,866 South Carolina.............. 2,695,000} 2,428,000} 3,191,000! 3,868,000} 5,998,000) 7,620,000 Duties on Imports in Dollars. 1793. 1794. 1795. Massachusetts ..|1,006,000 723,000} 1,044,000} 1,121,000] 1,520,000) 1,460,000) 3,055,000 New: York....... 1,834,000) 1,173,000) 1,204,000) 1,878,000} 2,028,000] 2,187,000)10,712,000 Pennsylvania,...!1,466,000) 1,100,000} 1,823,000] 1,498,000] 2,300,000] 2,050,000) 2,207,000 South Carolina..| 523,000 359,000] 360,000] 661,000 722,000 66,000] 389,000 2 Doc. No. 330, H. R., 2d Session, 25th Congress. Some of its statements do not agree with those taken from M‘Pherson, and previously quoted. 60 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. onartzr the Nantucket fishermen by the whales, or made known ae by Captain Folger to Dr. Franklin. The discovery, there- fore, of its high temperature assured the navigator of the presence of a current of surprising velocity, and which, now turned to certain account, would hasten, as it had retarded his voyage in a wonderful degree. §109 Such, at the present day, is the degree of perfection to Ealueare which nautical tables and instruments have been brought, nautical that the navigator may now detect, and with great cer- a tainty, every current that thwarts his way. He makes cate great use of them. Colonel Sabine, in his passage, a few years ago, from Sierra Leone to New York, was drifted one thousand six hundred miles of his way by the force of currents alone; and, since the application of the ther- mometer to the Gulf Stream, the average passage from England has been reduced from upwards of eight weeks to a little more than four. § 110 Some political economists of America have ascribed the Decline of oyeat decline of Southern commerce which followed the Southern pomnietee adoption of the Constitution of the United States to the ascribed to legislation. protection given by legislation to Northern interests. But sea I think these statements and figures show that this decline was in no small degree owing to the Gulf Stream and the water thermometer; for they changed the relations of Charleston—the great Southern emporium of the times— removing it from its position as a half-way house, and placing it in the category of an outside station. §111 The plan of our work takes us necessarily into the air, Necessity for the sea derives from the winds some of the most for aknow- pals striking features in its physical geography. Without a the winds. knowledge of the winds, we can neither understand the INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM UPON COMMERCE. 61 navigation of the ocean, nor make ourselves intelligently acquainted with the great highways across it. As with the land, so with the sea; some parts of it are as untra- velied and as unknown as the great Amazonian wilder- ness of Brazil, or the inland basins of Central Africa. To the south of a line extending from Cape Horn to the Cape of Good Hope* is an immense waste of waters. None of the commercial thoroughfares of the ocean lead through it; only the adventurous whaleman finds his way there now and then in pursuit of his game; but for all the purposes of science and navigation, it is a vast unknown region. Now, were the prevailing winds of the South At- lantic northerly or southerly, instead of easterly or westerly, this unploughed sea would be an oft-used thoroughfare. Nay, more, the sea supplies the winds with food for the rain which these busy messengers convey away from the ocean to “the springs in the valleys which run among the hills” To the philosopher the places which supply the vapours are as suggestive and as interesting for the instruction they afford, as the places are upon which the vapours are showered down. Therefore, as he who studies the physical geography of the land is expected to make himself acquainted with the regions of precipitation, so he who looks into the physical geography of the sea should search for the regions of evaporation, and for those springs in the ocean which supply the reservoirs among the mountains with water to feed the rivers; and, in order to conduct this search properly, he must consult the winds, and make himself acquainted with their “circuits.” Hence, in a work on the Physical Geography of the Sea, we treat also of the ATMOSPHERE, 2 Plate VIII. ae —_— § 112 How this subject ought to be studied 62 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER IIL. THE ATMOSPHERE. Its Connection with the Physical Geography of the Sea, § 113.—Description, 114.—Order in Sea and Air, 119.—The Language and Eloquence of Nature, 120.—The Trade Winds, 122.—Plate I., Circulation of the Atmosphere, 128. —An Illustration, 126.—Theory, 128.— Where and why the Barometer stands highest, 133.—The Pleiades, 142.—Trade-wind Clouds, 146.—Forces con- cerned, 149.—Heat and Cold, 150.—How the Winds turn about the Poles, 155, —Offices of the Atmosphere, 159.—Mechanical Power of, 167.—Whence come the Rains for the Northern Hemisphere? 169.—Quantity of Rain in each Hemisphere, 175.—The Saltest Portion of the Sea, 179.—The North-east Trade- winds take up Vapours for the Southern Hemisphere, 181.—Rainy Seasons, 187.—In Oregon, 189.—California, 191.—Panama, 193.—Rainless Regions, 194.—Rainy Side of Mountains, 199.—The Ghauts, 200.—The greatest Preci- pitation—where it takes place, 203.—Evaporation, 207.—Rate of, in India, 210.—Adaptations of the Atmosphere, 219. oxapten A PHILOSOPHER of the East,” with a richness of imagery Ill. truly Oriental, describes the atmosphere as “a spherical § 113 shell which surrounds our planet to a depth which is un The At- mosphere. known to us, by reason of its growing tenuity, as it is released from the pressure of its own superincumbent mass. Its upper surface cannot be nearer to us than fifty, and can scarcely be more remote than five hundred miles. It surrounds us on all sides, yet we see it not; it presses on us with a load of fifteen pounds on every square inch of surface of our bodies, or from seventy to one hundred tons on us in all, yet we do not so much as feel its weight. Softer than the softest down—more impalpable than the finest gossamer—it leaves the cob- web undisturbed, and scarcely stirs the lightest flower that feeds on the dew it supplies; yet it bears the fleets of nations on its wings around the world, and crushes * Dr, Buist, of Bombay. THE ATMOSPHERE. 63 the mest refractory substances with its weight. When cuaprzs in motion, its force is sufficient to level the most stately aus forests and stable buildings with the earth—to raise the sie waters of the ovean into ridges like mountains, and dash ear: the strongest. ships to pieces like toys. It warms and cools by turns the earth and the living creatures that in- - habit it. It draws up vapours from the sea and land, retains them dissolved in itself, or suspended in cisterns of clouds, and throws them down again as rain or dew when they are required. It bends the rays of the sun from their path, to give us the twilight of evening and of dawn; it disperses and refracts their various tints to beautify the approach and the retreat of the orb of day. But for the atmosphere, sunshine would burst on us and fail us at once, and at once remove us from midnight darkness to the blaze of noon. We should have no twi- light to soften and beautify the landscape; no clouds to shade us from the scorching heat, but the bald earth, as it revolved on its axis, would turn its tanned and weak- ened front to the full and unmitigated rays of the lord of day. It affords the gas which vivifies and warms our frames, and receives into itself that which has been pol- luted by use, and is thrown off as noxious. It feeds the flame of life exactly as it-does that of the fire—it is in both cases consumed, and affords the food of consumption —in both cases it becomes combined with charcoal, which requires it for combustion, and is removed by it when this is over.” “Tt is only the girdling encircling air,” says another § 114 philosopher,* “that flows above and around all, that * Vide North British Review. 64 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER makes the whole world kin. The earbonic acid with III. Its use to the whole world. § 115 which to-day our breathing fills the air, to-morrow seeks its way round the world. The date-trees that grow round the falls of the Nile will drink it in by their leaves ; the cedars of Lebanon will take of it to add to their stature ; the cocoa-nuts of Tahiti will grow rapidly upon it, and the palms and bananas of Japan will change it into flowers. The oxygen we are breathing was distilled for us some short time ago by the magnolias of the Sus- quehanna, and the great trees that skirt the Orinoco and the Amazon—the giant rhododendrons of the Himalayas contributed to it, and the roses and myrtles of Cashmere. the cinnamon-tree of Ceylon, and the forest older than the flood, buried deep in the heart of Africa, far behind the Mountains of the Moon. The rain we see descending was thawed for us out of the icebergs which have watched the polar star for ages, and the lotus lilies have soaked up from the Nile, and exhaled as vapour, snows that rested on the summits of the Alps.” “The atmosphere,” continues Maun, “which forms the As ae of outer surface of the habitable world, is a vast reservoir, anh € 116 into which the supply of food designed for living creatures is thrown; or, in one word, it is itself the food, in its simpie form, of all living creatures. The animal grinds down the fibre and the tissue of the plant, or the nutri- tious store that has been laid up within its cells, and converts these into the substance of which its own organs are composed. The plant acquires the organs and nutri- tious store thus yielded up as food to the animal, from the invulnerable air surrounding it.” “But animals are furnished with the means of loco THE ATMOSPHERE. 65 motion and of seizure—they can approach their food, and lay hold of and swallow it; plants must wait till their food comes to them. No solid particles find access to their frames; the restless ambient air which rushes past them loaded with the carbon, the hydrogen, the oxygen, the water—everything they need in the shape of supplies, is constantly at hand to minister to their wants, not only to afford them food in due season, but in the shape and fashion in which alone it can avail them.” CHAPTER III. Of plants There is no employment more ennobling to man and g 117 his intellect than to trace the evidences of design and purpose in the Creator, which are visible in many parts of the creation. Hence, to the right-minded mariner, General and to him who studies the physical relations of earth, sea, and air, the atmosphere is something more than a shoreless ocean, at the bottom of which he creeps along. It is an envelope or covering for the dispersion of light -and heat over the surface of the earth; it is a sewer into which, with every breath we draw, we cast vast quantities of dead animal matter ; it is a laboratory for purification, in which that matter is recompounded, and wrought again into wholesome and healthful shapes ; it is a machine for pumping up all the rivers from the sea, and conveying the waters for their fountains on the ocean to their sources in the mountains ; it is an inexhaustible magazine, marvellously adapted for many benign and_ beneficent purposes. Upon the proper working of this machine depends the well-being of every plant and animal that inhabits the earth ; therefore the management of it, its movements, and the performance of its offices, cannot be left to —— ee uses. § 118 CHAPTER II. § 119 Order in sea and air g 120 Language of Nature. 66 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. chance. They are, we may rely upon it, guided by laws that make all parts, functions, and movements of the machinery as obedient to order and as harmonious as ate the planets in their orbits. An examination into the economy of the universe will be sufficient to satisfy the well-balanced minds of obsery- ant men, that the laws which govern the atmosphere and the laws which govern the ocean’ are laws which were put in force by the Creator when the foundations of the earth were laid, and that therefore they are laws of order ; else, why should the Gulf Stream, for instance, be always where it is, and running from the Gulf of Mexico, and not somewhere else, and sometimes running into it? Why should there be a perpetual drought in one part of the world, and continual showers in another? Or why should the winds and “ waves of the sea ever clap their hands with joy,” or obey the voice of rebuke ? To one who looks abroad to contemplate the agents of nature, as he sees them at work upon our planet, no ex- pression uttered nor act performed by them is without meaning. By such an one, the wind and rain, the va- pour and the cloud, the tide, the current, the saltness, and depth, and warmth, and colour of the sea, the shade of the sky, the temperature of the air, the tint and shape of the clouds, the height of the tree on the shore, the size of its leaves, the brilliancy of its flowers—each and all may be regarded as the exponent of certain physical combinations, and therefore as the expression in which Nature chooses to announce her own doings, or, if we please, as the language in which she writes down or chooses to make known her own laws. To understand 2 § 76. THE ATMOSPHERE. 67 that language and to interpret aright those laws is the cnaprne object of the undertaking which we now have in hand. —— No fact gathered in such a field as the one before us can therefore come amiss to those who tread the walks of inductive philosophy ; for, in the hand-book of nature, every such fact is a syllable; and it is by patiently col- lecting fact after fact, and by joining together syllable after syllable, that we may finally seek to read aright from the great volume which the mariner at sea as well as the philosopher on the mountain each sees spread out before him. OF ITS CIRCULATION.—We have seen’ that there are § 121 constant currents in the ocean; we shall now see that there are also regular currents in the atmosphere. From the parallel of about 30° north and south, nearly g 122 to the equator, we have, extending entirely around the The trace. earth, two zones of perpetual winds, namely, the zone of north-east trades on this side, and of south-east on that. With slight interruptions, they blow perpetually, and are as steady and as constant as the currents of the Mississippi River, always moving in the same direction (Plate 1.) except when they are turned aside by a desert here and there to blow as monsoons, or as land and sea _ breezes. As these two main currents of air are constantly flowing from the poles toward the equator, we are safe in assum- ing that the air which they keep in motion must return by some channel to the place toward the poles whence it came in order to supply the trades. If this were not so, these winds would soon exhaust the Polar regions of atmosphere, and pile it up about the equator, and then cease to blow for the want of air to make more wind of. 19g 31. CHAPTER III. § 123 Their currents. § 124 Cause of north-east wind. § 125 Tlustra- tion. 68 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. This return current, therefore, must be in the upper regions of the atmosphere, at least until it passes over those parallels between which the trade-winds are always blowing on the surface. The return current must also move in the direction opposite to that wind the place of which it is intended to supply. These direct and counter currents are also made to move in a sort of spiral or loxo- dromic curve, turning to the west as they go from the poles to the equator, and in the opposite direction as they move from the equator toward the poles. This turning is caused by the rotation of the earth on its axis. The earth, we know, moves from west to east. Now, if we imagine a particle of atmosphere at the north pole, where it is at rest, to be put in motion in a straight line toward the equator, we can easily see how this particle of air, coming from the very axis of diurnal rotation, where it did not partake of the diurnal motion of the earth, would, in consequence of its vis inertia, find, as it travels south, the earth slipping from under it, as it were, and thus it would appear to be coming from the north-east and going toward the south-west; in other words, it would be a north-east wind. The better to explain, let us take a common terrestrial globe for the illustration. Bring the island of Madeira, or any other place about the same parallel, under the brazen meridian ; put a finger of the left hand on the place; then, moving the finger down along the meridian to the south, to represent the particle of air, turn the globe on its axis from west to east, to represent the diurnal rotation of the earth, and when the finger reaches the equator, stop. It will now be seen that the place on the THE ATMOSPHERE. 69 globe under the finger is to the southward and westward BEE of the place from which the finger started ; in other words, — the track of the finger over the surface of the globe, like the track of the particle of air upon the earth, has been from the northward and eastward. On the other hand, we can perceive how a like particle § 126 of atmosphere that starts from the equator, to take the CaO place of the other at the pole, would, as it travels north, wina. in consequence of its vis inertie, be going toward the east faster than the earth. It would therefore appear to be blowing from the south-west, and going toward the north- east, and exactly in the opposite direction to the other. Writing south for north, the same takes place between the south pole and the equator. Such is the process which is actually going on in nature; § 127 and if we take the motions of these two particles as the TWO eos type of the motion of all, we shall have an illustration curents of the great currents in the air, the equator being near one of the nodes, and there being at least two systems of currents, an upper and an under, between it and each pole. Halley, in his theory of the trade-winds, pointed out § 128 the key to the explanation so far, of the atmospherical Hattey's circulation ; but, were the explanation to rest here, a eiieaive north-east trade-wind extending from the pole to the equator would satisfy it; and were this so, we should have, on the surface, no winds but the north-east trade- winds on this side, and none but south-east trade-winds on the other side, of the equator. Let us return now to our northern particle (Plate I.), § 129 and follow it in a round from the north pole across the Theory. 70 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuaprer equator to the south pole, and back again. Setting off from the polar regions, this particle of air, for some rea- son which does not appear to have been very satisfac- torily explained by philosophers, instead of travelling’ on the surface all the way from the pole to the equator, travels in the upper regions of the atmosphere until it gets near the parallel of 30°. Here it meets, also in the clouds, the hypothetical particle that is coming from the south, and going north to take its place. §130 About this parallel of 30° north, then, these two par- Cause of ticles press against each other with the whole amount of ~ their motive power, and produce a calm and an accumu- lation of atmosphere: this accumulation is sufficient to balance the pressure of the two winds from the north and south. §151 From under this bank of calms, which seamen call the pata 5“ horse lattitudes” (I have called them the calms of Cancer), two surface currents of wind are ejected; one toward the equator, as the north-east trades, the other toward the pole, as the south-west passage-winds. $132 These winds come out at the lower surface of the calm Pownward region, and consequently the place of the air borne away in this manner must be supplied, we may infer, by down- ward currents from the superincumbent air of the calm region, Like the case of a vessel of water which has two streams from opposite directions running in at the top, and two of equal capacity discharging in opposite directions at the bottom, the motion of the water would be downward, so is the motion of the air in this calm zone, §133 The barometer, in this calm region, is said to stand 1 § 128 THE ATMOSPHERE. v1 higher than it does either to the north or to the south of cnarrza it; and this is another proof as to the banking up here of the atmosphere, and pressure from its downward mo- tion. We can understand why there should be an up- rising of the air which the two systems of trade-winds pour into the equatorial calms. But when this air com- mences to flow toward the poles as an upper current, we cannot understand why it should not continue gradually to descend and turn back’ all the way from the equator to the poles, nor as far as investigation has gone, hag any explanation been suggested for the calm belts of the tropics ; nor can we tell why the upper currents should meet at one parallel in preference to another. But the fact of a meeting and a preference is certain. Following our imaginary particle of air, however, from the north across this calm belt of Cancer, we now feel it moving on the surface of the earth as the north-east trade-wind; and as such it continues, till it arrives near the equator, where it meets a like hypothetical particle, which, starting from the south at the same time the other started from the north pole, has blown as the south-east trade-wind. Here, at this equatorial place of meeting, there is an- other conflict of winds, and another calm region, for a north-east and south-east wind cannot blow at the same time in the same place. The two particles have been put in motion by the same power; they meet with equal force; and, therefore, at their place of meeting, are stopped in their course. Here, therefore, there is a calm belt. Warmed now by the heat of the sun, and pressed on 1 § 144, Ill. Effect of ealm region on barometer. Causes not under- stood. $134 Theory continued $135 Cause of calm. $ 136 v2 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE-SEA. cuarter each side by the whole force of the north-east and south- III. east trades, these two hypothetical particles, taken as the tae type of the whole, cease to move onward and ascend. This operation is the reverse of that which took place at the méeting’ near the parallel of 30°. $137 This imaginary particle, then, having ascended to the Calm of upper regions of the atmosphere again, travels there coun- Capricom. | or to the south-east trades, until it meets, near the calm belt of Capricorn, another particle from the south pole ; here there is a descent as before; it then’ flows on toward the south pole as a surface wind from the north-west. §138 Entering the polar regions obliquely, it is pressed upon Conclusion by similar particles flowing in oblique currents across as every meridian ; and here again is a calm place or node ; for, as our imaginary particle approaches the parallels near the polar calms more and more obliquely, it, with all the rest, is whirled about the pole in a continued circular gale; finally, reaching the vortex or the calm place, it is carried upward to the regions of atmosphere above, whence it commences again its circuit to the north as an upper current, as far as the calm belt of Capricorn; here it encounters’ its fellow from the north ;° they stop, descend, and flow out as surface currents,’ the one with which the imagination is travelling, to the equatorial calm as the south-east trade-wind ; here’ it ascends, tra- velling thence to the calm belt of Cancer as an upper current counter to the north-east trades. Here*it ceases to be an upper current, but, descending,” travels on with the south-west passage-winds toward the pole. s 139 Now the course we have imagined an atom of air to take is this (Plate I.): an ascent in a place of calms § 126. 5 § 126. 7 § 135. ° § 131. $1 6s] 2g 13 THE ATMOSPHERE. 13 about the north pole at P; an efflux thence as an upper cHarrns III. current’ until it meets G (also an upper current) over the 2 . Course calms of Cancer. Here*there is supposed to be a descent, of the . 3 imaginary as shown by the arrows along the wavy lines which en- atom ot velop the circle. This upper current from the pole’ now becomes the north-east trade-wind, B, on the surface, air. until it meets the south-east trades in the equatorial calms, when it ascends and travels as C with the upper current to the calms of Capricorn, then as D with the prevailing north-west surface current to the south pole, thence up with the arrow P, and around with the hands of a watch, and back, as indicated by the arrows along Ee, G, and H, The Bible frequently makes allusions to the laws of § 140 nature, their operation and effects. But such allusions a are often so wrapped in the folds of the peculiar and to laws of eraceful drapery with which its language is occasionally clothed, that the meaning, though peeping out from its thin covering all the while, yet lies in some sense con- cealed, until the lights and revelations of science are thrown upon it; then it bursts out and strikes us with exquisite force and beauty. As our knowledge of nature and her laws has in- § 141 creased, so has our understanding of many passages in Lites the Bible been improved. The Psalmist called the earth the sivie “the round world;” yet for ages it was the most dam- Donates nable heresy for Christian men to say the world is round; Was and, finally, sailors circumnavigated the globe, proved the Bible to be right, and saved Christian men of science from the stake. “Canst thou tell the sweet influences of the Pleiades?” g 142 1 § 129, 2 § 130. 8 § 124, * § 134, CHAPTER Ill. Remarks on the Pleiaces. § 143 The Bible in refer- ence to winds. § 144 “Slough- ing off” of winds on approach- ing the poles. § 145 Trade- winds on the Atlantic 74 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. Astronomers of the present day, if they have not an- swered this question, have thrown so much light upon it as to show that, if ever it be answered by man, he must consult the science of astronomy. It has been recently all but proved, that the earth and sun, with their splendid retinue of comets, satellites, and planets, are all in motion around some point or centre of attraction inconceivably remote, and that that point is in the direction of the star Aleyon, one of the Pleiades! Who but the astrono- mer, then, could tell their “ sweet influences 2” And as for the general system of atmospherical circu- lation which I have been so long endeavouring to de- scribe, the Bible tells it all in a single sentence: “The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north ; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.”—Eccl. i. 6. Of course, as the surface winds H and D (Plate 1) approach the poles, there must be a sloughing off, if I may be allowed the expression, of air from the surface winds, in consequence of their approaching the poles; for as they near the poles, the parallels become smaller and smaller, and the surface current must either extend much higher up, and blow with greater rapidity as it approaches the poles, or else a part of it must be sloughed off above, and so turn back before reaching the calms about the poles. The latter is probably the case. Our investigations show that the south-east trade-wind region is much larger than the north-east (I speak now of its extent over the Atlantic Ocean only); that the south-east trades are the fresher, and that they often push themselves up to 10° or 15° of north latitude ; THE ATMOSPHERE. 75 whereas the north-east trade-wind seldom gets south of cnaprer the equator. ina The peculiar clouds of the trade-winds are formed be- § 146 tween the upper and lower currents of air. They are Cloaaesof probably formed of vapour condensed from the upper winas. current, and evaporated as it descends by the lower and dry current from the poles. It is the same phenomenon up there which is so often observed here below; when a cool and dry current of air meets a warm and wet one, an evolution of vapour or fog ensues. We now see the general course of the “wind in his ¢ 147 circuits,” as we see the general course of the water in a Genera! river. There are many abrading surfaces, irregularities, winds” &e., which produce a thousand eddies in the main stream; yet, nevertheless, the general direction of the whole is not disturbed nor affected by those counter currents ; so with the atmosphere and the variable winds which we find here in this latitude. Have I not, therefore, very good grounds for the § 148 opinion’ that the “wind in his circuits,’ though appa- ObeRtent rently to us never so wayward, is as obedient to law and as subservient to order as were the morning stars when they “sang together?” There are at least two forces concerned in driving the § 149 wind through its circuits. We have seen” whence that two forces force is derived which gives easting to the winds as they ante approach the equator, and westing as they approach the ae poles, and allusion, without explanation, has been made” to the source whence they derive their northing and their southing.- The trade-winds are caused, it is said, by the crue inter-tropical heat of the sun, which, expanding the air, winds con- sidered 1 § 118. a § 124, $ § 186, CHA!'TER Hil. — § 150 Tilustra- tion. 76 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. causes it to rise up near the equator; it then flows off in the upper currents north and south, and there is a rush of air at the surface both from the north and the south to restore the equilibrium—hence the trade-winds. But to the north side of the trade-wind belt in the northern, and on the south side in the southern hemisphere, the prevailing direction of the winds is not toward the source of heat about the equator, but exactly in the opposite direction. In the extra-tropical region of each hemis- phere the prevailing winds blow from the equator toward the poles. It therefore at first appears paradoxical to say that heat makes the easterly winds of the tornd zone blow toward the equator, and the westerly winds of the temperate zones to blow toward the poles. Let us illustrate : The primum mobile of the extra-tropical winds toward the equator is, as just intimated, generally ascribed to heat, and in this wise, namely: Suppose, for the moment, the earth to have no diurnal rotation ; that it is at rest ; that the rays of the sun have been cut off from it; that the atmosphere has assumed a mean uniformity of tem- perature, the thermometer at the equator and the ther- mometer at the poles giving the same reading; that the winds are still, and that the whole aerial ocean is in equilibrium and at rest. Now imagine the screen which is supposed to have shut off the influence of the sun to be removed, and the whole atmosphere to assume the various temperatures in the various parts of the world that it actually has at this moment, what would take place, supposing the uniform temperature to be a mean between that at the equator and that at the poles? THE ATMOSPHERE. Oa Why, this would take place: a swelling up of the atmos- cus phere about the equator by the expansive force of inter- — tropical heat, and a contraction of it about the poles in consequence of the cold. These two forces, considering them under their most obvious effects, would disturb the supposed atmospherical equilibrium by altering the level of the great aerial ocean; the expansive force of heat elevating it about the equator, and the contracting powers of cold depressing it about the poles. And forthwith two systems of winds would commence to blow, namely, one in the upper regions from the equator toward the poles, and as this warm and expanded air should flow toward either pole, seeking its level, a wind would blow on the surface from either pole to restore the air to the equator which the upper current had carried off. These two winds would blow due north and south; § 151 the effects of heat at the equator, and cold at the poles, taste would cause them so to do. Now suppose the earth to tinuea commence its diurnal rotation ; then, instead of having these winds north and south winds, they will, for reasons already explained,’ approach the equator on both sides with easting in them, and each pole with westing. The circumference of the earth measured on the g 152 parallel of 60° is only half what it is when measured on the equator. Therefore, supposing velocity to be the same, only half the volume of atmosphere’ that sets off from the equator as an upper current toward the poles can cross the parallel of 60° north or south, The other moiety has been gradually drawn in and carried back’ by the current which is moving in the opposite direction. Such, and such only, would be the extent of the power § 153 1 § 124, 2 § 149, 2 § 144, CHAPTER Ill. Power of sun on the air under supposed circum- stances, Specific gravity of air. § 154 Con- clusions. 78 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. of the sun to create a polar and equatorial flow of air, were its power confined simply to a change of level But the atmosphere has been invested with another property which increases its mobility, and gives the heat of the sun still more power to put it in motion, and it is this: as heat changes the atmospherical level, it changes also the specific gravity of the air acted upon. If, therefore, the level of the great aerial ocean were undisturbed by the sun’s rays, and if the air were adapted to a change of specific gravity alone, without any change in volume, this quality would also be the source of at least two systems of currents in the air, namely, an upper and a lower. The two agents combined, namely, that which changes level or volume, and that which changes specific gravity, give us the general currents under consideration. Hence we say that the primum mobile of the air is derived from change of specific gravity duced by the freezing temperature of the polar regions, as well as from change of specific gravity due the expanding force of the sun’s rays within the tropics. Therefore, fairly to appreciate the extent of the influence due the heat of the sun in causing the winds, it should be recollected that we may with as much reason ascribe to the inter-tropical heat of the sun the north-west winds, which are the prevailing winds of the extra-tropical regions of the southern hemisphere, or the south-west winds, which are the prevailing winds of the extra-tropical regions of the northern hemisphere, as we may the trade- winds, which blow in the opposite directions. Paradoxi- cal, therefore, as it seems for us to say that the heat of the sun causes the winds between the parallels of 25° or THE ATMOSPHERE. 79 80° north and south to blow toward the equator, and that it also causes the prevailing winds on the polar sides of these same parallels to blow toward the poles, yet the paradox ceases when we come to recollect that by the process of equatorial heating and polar cooling which is going on in the atmosphere, the specific gravity of the air is changed as well as its level, Nevertheless, as Halley said, in his paper read before the Royal Society in London in 1686, and as we also have said} “it is likewise very hard to conceive why the limits of the trade-wind should be fixed about the parallel of latitude 30° all around the globe, and that they should so seldom exceed or fall short of those bounds.” Operated upon by the equilibrating tendency of the atmosphere and by diurnal rotation, the wind approaches the north pole, for example, by a series of spirals from the south-west. If we draw a circle about this pole on a common terrestrial globe, and intersect it by spirals to represent the direction of the wind, we shall see that the wind enters all parts of this circle from the south-west, and that, consequently, there should be about the poles a dise or circular space of calms, in which the air ceases to move forward as wind, and ascends as in a calm; about this calm disc, therefore, there should be a whirl, in which the ascending column of air revolves from right to left, or against the hands of a watch. At the south pole the winds come from the north-west, and consequently there they revolve about it with the hands of a watch. That this should be so will be obvious to any one who will look at the arrows on the polar sides of the calms Cancer and Capricorn (Plate I.) These arrows are 1 § 133. 2 § 187. CHAPTER Ill. Halley's remarks. § 155 How wind ap- proaches north pole. South pole 80 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnaprer intended to represent the prevailing direction of the wind “at the surface of the earth on the polar side of these calms. $156 It is a singular coincidence between these two facts Brews thus deduced, and other facts which have been observed enceree and which have been set forth by Redfield, Reid, Pidding- se ton, and others, namely, that many of the rotatory storms ‘uit in the northern hemisphere revolve as do the whirlwinds mes about the north pole, namely, from right to left, and that all circular gales in the southern hemisphere revolve in the opposite direction, as does the whirl about the south pole. §157 How can there be any connection between the rotary motion of the wind about the pole, and the rotary motion of it in a gale caused here by local agents ? §158 That there is probably such a connection has been suggested by other facts and circumstances, and perhaps I shall be enabled to make myself clearer when we come to treat of these facts and circumstances, and to inquire farther' into the relations between magnetism and the Heat not circulation of the atmosphere; for, although the theory the sole eeent of of heat satisfies the conditions of the problem, and though heat, doubtless, is one of the chief agents in keeping up the circulation of the atmosphere, yet it can be made to appear that it is not the sole agent. §159 Some oF ITS METEOROLOGICAL AGENCIES.—So far, we pees of see how the atmosphere moves; but the atmosphere, like sphere every other department in the economy of nature, has its offices to perform, and they are many. I have already alluded to some of them; but I only propose, at this time, to consider some of the meteorological agencies at sea, which, in the grand design of creation, have probably been assigned to this wonderful machine. 1 As at § 299, THE ATMOSPHERE. ro | To distribute moisture over the surface of the earth, and to temper the climate of different latitudes, it would seem, are two great offices assigned by their Creator to the ocean and the air. When the north-east and south-east trades meet and produce the equatorial calms,’ the air, by the time it reaches this calm belt, is heavily laden with moisture, for in each hemisphere it has travelled obliquely over a large space of the ocean. It has no room for escape but in the upward direction.” It expands as it ascends, and becomes cooler; a portion of its vapour is thus condensed, and comes down in the shape of rain. Therefore it is that, under these calms, we have a region of constant precipita- tion. Old sailors tell us of such dead calms of long con- tinuance here, of such heavy and constant rains, that they have scooped up fresh water from the surface of the sea. The conditions to which this air is exposed here under the equator are probably not such as to cause it to preci- pitate all the moisture that it has taken up in its long sweep across the waters. Let us see what becomes of the rest ; for Nature, in her economy, permits nothing to be taken away from the earth which is not to be restored to it again in some form, and at some time or other. Consider the great rivers—the Amazon and the Missis- sippi, for example. We see them day after day, and year after year, discharging immense volumes of water into the ocean, “ All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full” (Eccl. 1. 7). Where do the waters so discharged go, and where do they come from ? They come from their sources, you will say. But whence are their sources supplied ? for, 7 § 135. a § 136. CHAPTER III. $ 160 On mois- ture and climate. § 161 Constant precipita- tion in calm belts Singwar fact. § 162 § 163 Amazon and Missis+ sippL Whence are their sources supplied 82 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnapter unless what the fountain sends forth be returned to it saute again, it will fail and be dry. §164 We see simply, in the waters that are discharged by Brecipitae these rivers, the amount by which the precipitation exceeds ceeds eva- the evaporation throughout the whole extent of valley ee drained by them ; and by precipitation I mean the total amount of water that falls from, or is deposited by the atmosphere, whether as dew, rain, hail, or snow. $165 The springs of these rivers' are supplied from the rains of heaven, and these rains are formed of vapours which are taken up from the sea, that “it be not full,” and carried up to the mountains through the air. “Note the place whence the rivers come, thither they return again.” $166 Behold how the waters of the Amazon, of the Mississippi, Waters of the St. Lawrence, and all the great rivers of America, rivers car- ried back Europe, and Asia, lifted up by the atmosphere, and el flowing in invisible streams back through the air to their sources among the hills,* and that through channels so regular, certain, and well defined, that the quantity thus conveyed one year with the other is nearly the same: for that is the quantity which we see running down to the ocean through these rivers ; and the quantity discharged annually by each river is, as far as we can judge, nearly a constant. §167 We now begin to conceive what a powerful machine Order and the atmosphere must be; and, though it is apparently so arrange- in pee : A mentin Gapricious and wayward in its movements, here is evidence the offices : . ofamo- Of order and arrangement which we must admit, and where : - . : . proof which we cannot aeny, that it performs this mighty office with regularity and certainty, and is, therefore, as 1 § 112, 2 $112. THE ATMOSPHERE. 83 obedient to law as is the steam-engine to the will of its builder. It, too, is an engine. The South Seas themselves, in all their vast inter-tropical extent, are the boiler for it, and the northern hemisphere is its condenser. The mechanical power exerted by the air and the sun in lift- ing water from the earth, in transporting it from one place to another, and in letting it down again, is incon- ceivably great. The utilitarian who compares the water- power that the Falls of Niagara would afford if applied to machinery, is astonished at the number of figures which are required to express its equivalent in horse-power. Yet what is the horse-power of the Niagara, falling a few steps, in comparison with the horse-power that is required to lift up as high as the clouds and let down again all the water that is discharged into the sea, not only by this river, but by all other rivers in the world. The cal- culation has been made by engineers, and, according to it, the force for making and lifting vapour from each area of one acre that is included on the surface of the earth is equal to the power of 30 horses, and for the whole area of the earth it is 800 times greater than all the water- power in Europe. Where does the vapour that makes the rains which feed the rivers of the northern hemisphere come from ? The proportion between the land and water in the northern hemisphere is very different from the proportion that obtains between them in the southern. In the northern hemisphere, the land and water are nearly equally divided. In the southern, there is several times more water than land. All the great rivers in the world are CHAPTER Il. § 168 Compari- son with the steam engine. Calcula- tion of force re- quired for lifting va- pour from the earth. § 169 Difference of propor- tion be- tween land and water in north- ern and southern hemi- spheres. 84 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuartex in the northern hemisphere, where there is less ocean to ke supply them. Whence, then, are their sources replenished? ver Those of the Amazon are supplied with rains from the equatorial calms and trade-winds of the Atlantic. That river runs east, its branches come from the north and south ; it is always the rainy season on one side or the other of it ; consequently, it is a river without periodic stages of a very marked character. It is always near its high-water mark. For one half of the year its northern tributaries are flooded, and its southern for the other half. It dis- charges under the line, and as its tributaries come from both hemispheres, it cannot be said to belong exclusively to either. It is supplied with water made of vapour that is taken up from the Atlantic Ocean. Taking the Riodela Amazon, therefore, out of the count, the Rio de la Plata Platathe , 7 " 3 only great is the only great river of the southern hemisphere. There is Baile 0 large river in New Holland. The South Sea Islands ate give rise to none, nor is there one in South Africa entitled to be called great that we know of. s1790 The great rivers of North America and North Africa, and all the rivers of Europe and Asia, lie wholly within the northern hemisphere. How is it, then, considering that the evaporating surface les mainly in the southern hemisphere—how is it, I say, that we should have the evaporation to take place in one hemisphere and the con- Greater ensation in the other? The total amount of rain which sews. falls in the northern hemisphere is much greater, meteorol- citem. ogists tell us, than that which falls in the southern, The speve 12 annual amount of rain in the north temperate zone is half as much again as that of the south temperate. :171 Howis it, then, that this vapour gets, as stated; from the 2 § 170. THE ATMOSPHERE. 85 southern into the northern hemisphere, and comes with such regularity that our rivers never go dry and our springs fail not? It is because of the beautiful operations and the exquisite compensation of this grand machine, the atmosphere. It is exquisitely and wonderfully coun- terpoised. Late in the autumn of the north, throughout its winter, and in early spring, the sun is pouring his rays with the greatest intensity down upon the seas of the southern hemisphere, and tnis powerful engine which we are contemplating is pumping up the water there’ for our rivers with the greatest activity. At this time, the mean temperature of the entire southern hemisphere is said to be about 10° higher than the northern. The heat which this heavy evaporation absorbs becomes latent, and, with the moisture, is carried through the upper regions of the atmosphere until it reaches our climates. Here the vapour is formed into clouds, condensed, and precipitated. The heat which held this water in the state of vapour is set free, it becomes sensible heat, and it is that which contributes so much to temper our winter climate. It clouds up in winter, turns warm, and we say we are going to have falling weather. That is because the process of condensation has already commenced, though no rain or snow may have fallen: thus we feel this southern heat that has been collected from the rays of the sun by the sea, been bottled away by the winds im the clouds of a southern summer, and set free in the process of condensation in our northern winter. If Plate I. fairly represent the course of the winds, the south-east {rade-winds would enter the northern hemi- sphere, and, as an upper current, bear into it all their 1 § 169. CHAPTER III. How the atmo- sphere supplies the north- ern rivers from the southern seas. Process of condensa- tion. § 173 South-east trade- winds bear their mois- ture inta northern hemi- sphere. 86 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapTeR moisture, except that which is precipitated in the region of ees equatorial calms. $174 The South Seas, then, should supply mainly the water Pore for this engine, while the northern hemisphere condenses it; we should, therefore, have more rain in the northern hemisphere. The rivers tell us that we have—at least on the land: for the great water-courses of the globe, and half the fresh water in the world, are found on our side of the equator. This fact alone is strongly corroborative of this hypothesis. $175 The rain gauge tells us also the same story. The Confirmed yearly average of rain in the north temperate zone is, sae according to Johnston, thirty-seven inches. He gives but twenty-six in the south temperate. The observations of mariners are also corroborative of the same. Log- books, containing altogether the records for upward of 260,000 days in the Atlantic Ocean north and south; have been carefully examined for the purpose of ascer- taining, for comparison, the number of calms, rains, and Result of gales, therein recorded for each hemisphere. Propor- Eoidae: tionally the number of each is given as decidedly greater “eS for the north than it is for the south. The result of this examination is very instructive, for it shows the status of the atmosphere to be much more unstable in the northern hemisphere, with its excess of land, than in the southern, with its excess of water. Rains, and fogs, and thunder, and calms, and storms, all occur much more frequently, and are more irregular also as to the time and place of their occurrence on this side, than they are on the other side of the equator. $176 Moisture is never extracted from the air by subjecting 1 According to § 168. 2 Plate XIII. THE ATMOSPHERE. S87 it from a low to a higher temperature, but the reverse. cHarrex 5 3 ° A Ill. Thus all the air which comes loaded with moisture from . . . . ° Moisture the other hemisphere, and is borne into this with tke never ex- F C1 5 tracted by south-east trade-winds, travels in the upper regions of the ujecting the air atmosphere’ until it reaches the calms of Cancer; here it from aiow becomes the surface wind that prevails from the south- eee ward and westward. As it goes north it grows cocler, “"° and the process of condensation commences. We may now liken it to the wet sponge, and the g 177 decrease of temperature to the hand that squeezes that sponge. Finally reaching the cold latitudes, all the mois- ture that a dew-point of zero, and even far below, can extract, is wrung from it; and this air then commences “to return according to his circuits” as dry atmosphere. And here we can quote Scripture again: “ The north mportant wind driveth away rain.” ‘This is a meteorological fact tontealiae of high authority and great importance in the study of the circulation of the atmosphere. By reasoning in this manner and from such facts, we g 178 are led to the conclusion that our rivers are supplied with conclusion their waters principally from the trade-wind regions, the ae extra-tropical northern rivers from the southern trades, and the extra-tropical southern rivers from the north- ern trade-winds, for the trade-winds are the evaporating winds. Taking for our guide such faint glimmerings of light § 179 as we can catch from these facts, and supposing these saltest : F portion of views to be correct, then the saltest portion of the sea tne sea should be in the trade-wind regions, where the water for ee regions, all the rivers is evaporated ; and there the saltest portions are found. ‘There, too, the rains fall less frequently.” a § 130. 2 Plate XIII. 58 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, exapteR Dr, Ruschenberger, of the navy, on his last voyage to Ill. : : — India, was kind enough to conduct a series of observa- § 180 Dr. Rusch- coverer'S narallel of 17° north and south—midway of the trade- eae wind regions—he found the heaviest water. Though so gravity of warm, the water there was heavier than the cold water to the south of the Cape of Good Hope. Lieutenant D. D. Porter, in the steam-ship Golden Age, found the heaviest water about the parallels of 20° north and 17° tions on the specific gravity of sea water. In about the south. §181 In summing up the evidence in favour of this view of How itis the general system of atmospherical circulation, it remains that there Cin, 8 e ° are small. to be shown how it is, if the view be correct, there should er rivers andless be smaller rivers and less rain in the southern hemisphere. rain in © C The winds that are to blow as the north-east trade-winds, southern hemi- spuere, returning from the polar regions, where the moisture’ has been compressed out of them, remain, as we have seen, dry winds until they cross the calm zone of Cancer, and are felt on the surface as the north-east trades. About two-thirds of them only can then blow over the ocean ; the rest blow over the land—over Asia, Africa, and North America, where there is but comparatively a small portion of evaporating surface exposed to their action. §182 The zone of the north-east trades extends, on an aver- Zoneof age, from about 29° north to 7° north. Now, if we tratewind examine the globe, to see how much of this zone is land and how much water, we shall find, commencing with China and coming over Asia, the broad part of Africa, and so on, across the continent of America to the Pacific, land enough to fill up, as nearly as may be, just one third of it. This land, if thrown into one body between these 1 § 176, THE ATMOSPHERE. 89 parallels, would make a belt equal to 120° of longitude by 22° of latitude, and comprise an area of about twelve and a half millions of square miles, thus leaving an eva- porating surface of about twenty-five millions of square miles in the northern against about seventy-five millions in the southern hemisphere. According to the hypothesis, illustrated by Plate L., as to the circulation of the atmosphere, it is these north- east trade-winds that take up and carry over, after they rise up in the belt of equatorial calms, the vapours which make the rains that feed the rivers in the extra-tropical regions of the southern hemisphere. Upon this supposition, then, two-thirds only of the north-east trade-winds are fully charged with moisture, and only two-thirds of the amount of rain that falls in the northern hemisphere should fall in the southern, and this is just about the proportion’ that observation gives. In like manner, the south-east trade-winds take up the vapours which make our rivers, and as they prevail to a much greater extent at sea, and have exposed to their action about three times as much ocean as the north-east trade-winds have, we might expect, according to this hypothesis, more rains in the northern—and consequently more and larger rivers—than in the southern hemisphere. That part of the ocean over which the south-east trades prevail is very much larger than that portion where the north-east trades blow. This estimate as to the quantity of rain in the two hemispheres is one which is not capable of verification by any more than the rudest approximations ; for the greater extent of south-east trades on one side, and of high moun- 1 § 178, CHAPTER Ill. § 184 Only two- thirds fully charged with moi+ ture. § 185 South-east trade- winds pre- vailtoa greater extent at sea. § 186 Difficulty of estimat- ing the quantity of rain in the two hemi- spheres. CHAPTER III. § 187 § 188 Rainy seasons. § 189 In Oregon. § 190 System of zones fol- lows the sun. 90 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. tains on the other, must each of necessity, and indepen- dent of other agents, have their effects. Nevertheless, this estimate gives as close an approximation as we can make out from our data. The rainy seasons, how caused.—The calm and trade- wind regions or belts move up and down the earth annually, in latitude nearly a thousand miles. In July and August, the zone of equatorial calms is found between 7° north and 12° north, sometimes higher; in March and April, between latitude 5° south and 2° north. With this fact, and these points of view before us, it is easy to perceive why it is that we have a rainy season in Oregon, a rainy and dry season in California, another at Panama, two at Bogot&, none in Peru, and one in Chili. In Oregon it rains every month, but about five times more in the winter than in the summer months. The winter there is the summer of the southern hemi- sphere, when this steam-engine’is working with the great- est pressure. The vapour that is taken up by the south- east trades is borne along over the region of north-east trades to latitude 35° or 40° north, where it descends and appears on the surface with the south-west winds of those latitudes. Driving upon the highlands of the continent, this vapour is condensed and precipitated, during this part of the year, almost in constant showers, and to the depth of about thirty inches in three months. In the winter, the calm belt of Cancer approaches the equator. This whole system of zones, namely, of trades, calms, and westerly winds, follows the sun; and they of our hemisphere are nearer the equator in the winter and spring months than at any other season, TS SeLG8: THE ATMOSPHERE. 9] The south-west winds commence at this season to pre- vail as far down as the lower part of California. In winter and spring, the land in California is cooler than the sea air, and is quite cold enough to extract moisture from it. But in summer and autumn the land is the warmer, and cannot condense the vapours of water held by the air. So the same cause which made it rain in Oregon now makes it rain in California. As the sun returns to the north, he brings the calm belt of Cancer and the north-east trades along with him; and now, at places where, six months before, the south-west winds were the prevailing winds, the north-east trades are found to blow. This is the case in the latitude of Cali- fornia. The prevailing winds, then, instead of going from a warmer to a cooler climate, as before, are going the opposite way. Consequently, if, under these circum- stances, they have the moisture in them to make rains of, they cannot precipitate it. Proof, if proof were wanting, that the prevailing winds in the latitude of California are from the westward, is obvious to all who cross the Rocky Mountains or ascend the Sierra Madre. In the pass south of the Great Salt Lake basin those west winds have worn away the hills and polished the rock by their ceaseless abrasion and the scouring effects of the driving sand. Those who have crossed this pass are astonished at the force of the wind and the marks there exhibited of its GEOLOGICAL AGENCIES. Panama is in the region of equatorial calms. This belt of calms travels during the year, back and forth, over about 17° of latitude, coming farther north in the summer, where it tarries for several months, and then returning CHAPTER III. STS Rainy season in California, Cause, § 192 Proof that west winds prevail in California. § 193 Equatoriaj calms, CHAPTER IIT. Rainy season at Panama. Move- ments of the belt of calms. § 194 Rainless regions. 92 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. so as to reach its extreme southern latitude some time in March or April. Where these calms are it is always raining, and the chart* shows that they hang over the latitude of Panama from June to November, consequently from June to November is the rainy season at Panama. The rest of the year that place is in the region of the north-east trades, which, before they arrive there, have to cross the mountains of the isthmus, on the cool tops of which they deposit their moisture, and leave Panama rainless and pleasant until the sun returns north with the belt of equatorial calms after him. They then push the belt of north-east trades farther to the north, occupy a part of the winter zone, and refresh that part of the earth with summer rains. This belt of calms moves over more than double of its breadth, and nearly the entire motion from south to north is accomplished generally in two months, May and June. ‘Take the parallel of 4° north as an illustration: during these two months the entire belt of calms crosses this parallel, and then leaves it in the region of the south-east trades. During these two months it was pouring down rain on that parallel. After the calm belt passes it, the rains cease, and the people in that latitude have no more wet weather till the fall, when the belt of calms recrosses this parallel on its way to the south. By examining the “ Trade-wind Chart,” it may be seen what the latitudes are that have two rainy seasons, and that Bogota is within the bi-rainy latitudes. The Rainless Regions.—The coast of Peru is within the region of perpetual south-east trade-winds. Though * Vide Trade-wind Chart (Maury’s Wind and Current). THE ATMOSPHERE. 93 the Peruvian shores are on the verge of the great South cnapres Sea boiler, yet it never rains there. The reason is ine plain. The south-east trade-winds in the Atlantic Ocean first § 195 strike the water on the coast of Africa. Travelling to suena the north-west, they blow obliquely across the ocean winas. until they reach the coast of Brazil. By this time they are heavily laden with vapour, which they continue to bear along across the continent, depositing it as they go, and supplying with it the sources of the Rio de la Plata and the southern tributaries of the Amazon. Finally, they reach the snow-capped Andes, and here is wrung from them the last particle of moisture that that very low temperature can extract. Reaching the summit of that range, they now tumble Peruvian down as cool and dry winds on the Pacific slopes beyond. ane Meeting with no evaporating surface, and with no tem- vehour perature colder than that to which they were subjected °7"""™ on the mountain-tops, they reach the ocean before they again become charged with fresh vapour, and before, therefore, they have any which the Peruvian climate can extract. The last they had to spare was deposited as snow on the tops of the Cordiileras, to feed mountain streams under the heat of the sun, and irrigate the val- leys on the western slopes. Thus we see how the top of the Andes becomes the reservoir from which are supplied the rivers of Chili and Peru. The other rainless or almost rainless regions are the § 196 western coasts of Mexico, the deserts of Africa, Asia, oe North America, and Australia. regions. We have a rainless region about the Red Sea, because g 197 CHAPTER DLs — § 198 Difference between Australia and South America. § 199 9 4 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. the Red Sea, for the most part, lies within the north-east trade-wind region, and these winds, when they reach that region, are dry winds, for they have as yet, in their course, crossed no wide sheets of water from which they could take up a supply of vapour. Most of New Holland lies within the south-east trade- wind region; so does most of inter-tropical South Ame- rica, But inter-tropical South America is the land of showers. The largest rivers, and most copiously watered country in the world are to be found there, whereas almost exactly the reverse is the case in Australia. Whence this difference? “Examine the direction of the winds with regard to the shore-line of these two regions, and the explanation will at once be suggested. In Aus- tralia—east coast—the shore-line is stretched out in the direction of the trades; in South America—east coast— it is perpendicular to their direction. In Australia, they fringe this shore only with their vapour, and so stint that thirsty land with showers that the trees cannot afford to spread their leaves out to the sun, for it evapo- rates all the moisture from them; their instincts, there- fore, teach them to turn their edges to his rays. In inter-tropical South America, the trade-winds blow per- pendicularly upon the shore, penetrating the very heart of the country with their moisture. Here the leaves, measuring many feet square as the plantain, &e.—turn their broad sides up to the sun, and court his rays. Why there is more rain on one side of a mountain than on the other. We may now, from what has been said, see why the Andes, and all other mountains which lie athwart the THE ATMOSPHERE. 95 course of the winds, have a dry and a rainy side, and how the prevailing winds of the latitude determine which is the rainy and which the dry side. Thus, let us take the southern coast of Chili for illus- tration. In our summer time, when the sun comes north, and drags after him his belts of perpetual winds and calms, that coast is left within the regions of the north- west winds—the winds that are counter to the south- east trades—which, cooled by the winter temperature of the highlands of Chili, deposit their moisture copiously. During the rest of the year, the most of Chili is in the region of the south-east trades, and the same causes which operate in California to prevent rain there, operate in Chili; only the dry season in one place is the rainy season of the other. Hence we see that the weather side of all such moun- tains as the Andes is the wet side, and the lee side the dry. CHAPTER Ill. Reason why one side of a mountain is wet and the other dry. The same phenomenon, from a like cause, is repeated § 200 in inter-tropical India, only in that country each side of the mountain is made alternately the wet and the dry side by a change in the prevailing direction of the wind. India is in one of the monsoon regions 2 it is the most India the most fam- famous of them all From October to April the north- ons ofthe monsoon east trades prevail. - They evaporate from the Bay of regions. Bengal water enough to feed with rains, during this sea- son, the western shores of this bay and the Ghauts range of mountains. This range holds the relation to these winds that the Andes of Peru’ hold to the south-east trades ; it first cools and then relieves them of their moisture, and they tumble down on the western slopes 1 Plate WILL. 2 § 194. CHAPTER III. § 201 How the south-east trades in certain parts of the Todian Ocean hecome south-west monsoons. 96 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. of the Ghauts, Peruvian-like,’ cool, rainless, and dry ; wherefore that narrow strip of country between the Ghauts and the Arabian Sea would, lke that in Peru between the Andes and the Pacific, remain without rain for ever, were it not for other agents which are at work about India, and not about Peru. The work of the agents to which I allude is felt in the monsoons, and these prevail in India, and not in Peru. After the north-east trades have blown out their sea- son, which in India ends in April,* the great arid plains of Central Asia, of Tartary, Thibet, and Mongolia, become heated up; they rarefy the air of the north-east trades, and cause it to ascend. This rarefaction and ascent, by their demand for an indraught, are felt by the air which, the south-east trade-winds bring to the equatorial Dol- drums of the Indian Ocean; it rushes over into the northern hemisphere to supply the upward draught from the heated plains as the south-west monsoons, The forces of diurnal rotation assist®* to give these winds their westing. Thus the south-east trades, in certain parts of the Indian Ocean, are converted, during the summer and early autumn, into south-west monsoons, These, then, come from the Indian Ocean and Sea of Arabia loaded with moisture, and striking with it perpendicu- larly upon the Ghauts, precipitate upon that narrow strip of land between this range and the Arabian Sea an amount of water that is truly astonishing. Here, then, are not only the conditions for causing more rain, now on the west, now on the east side of this mountain range, but the conditions also for the most copious precipitation. Accordingly, when we come to consult rain gauges, and 1 $199, 2 § 200, 8 § 44, THE ATMOSPHERE. 97 to ask meteorological observers in India about the fall of rain, they tell us that on the western slopes of the Ghauts it sometimes reaches the enormous depth of twelve or fifteen inches in one day.* Were the Andes stretched along the eastern instead of the western coast of America, we should have an amount of precipitation on their east- ern slopes that would be truly astonishing ; for the water which the Amazon and the other majestic streams of South America return to the ocean would still be preci- pitated between the sea-shore and the crest of these mountains. These winds of India then continue their course to the Himalaya range as dry winds. In crossing this range, they are subjected to a lower temperature than that to which they were exposed in crossing the Ghauts. Here they drop more of their moisture in the shape of snow and rain, and then pass over into the thirsty lands beyond with scarcely enough vapour in them to make even a cloud. Thence they ascend into the upper air, there to _ become counter-currents in the general system of atmos- pherical circulation. The Regions of Greatest Precipitation.—We shall now be enabled to determine, if the views which I have been endeavouring to present be correct, what parts of the earth are subject to the greatest fall of rain. They should be on the slopes of those mountains which the trade-winds first strike, after having blown across the greatest tract of ocean. The more abrupt the elevation, and the shorter the distance between the mountain top and the ocean,’ the greater the amount of precipitation. * Keith Johnston. 1 § 199. 7 OHAPTER III. Enormous depth of rain on the Ghauts. § 202 Dry winds on the Himalayas § 203 The regions of greatest precipita- tion. 98 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. caapter If, therefore, we commence at the parallel of about 30° aa north in the Pacific, where the north-east trade-winds first strike that ocean, and trace them through their cir- cuits till they first strike high land, we ought to find such a place of heavy rains. ¢204 Commencing at this parallel of 30°, therefore, in the Course of North Pacific, and tracing thence the course of the north- tate east trade-winds, we shall find that they blow thence, “mand reach the region of equatorial calms near the Caro- line Islands. Here they rise up; but, instead of pursu- ing the same course in the upper stratum of winds through the southern hemisphere, they, in consequence of the rotation of the earth, are made to take a south-east course. They keep in this upper stratum until they reach the calms of Capricorn, between the parallels of 30° and 40°, after which they become the prevailing north-west winds of the southern hemisphere, which cor- respond to the south-west of the northern. Continuing on to the south-east, they are now the surface winds ; they are going from warmer to cooler latitudes; they Astonish- become as the wet sponge; and are abruptly intercepted ing fall of eee. by the Andes of Patagonia, whose cold summit com- presses them, and with its low dew-point squeezes the water out of them. Captain King found the astonishing fall of water here of nearly thirteen feet (one hundred and fifty-one inches) in forty-one days; and Mr. Darwin reports that the sea-water along this part of the South American coast is sometimes quite fresh, from the vast quantity of rain that falls. §205 We ought to expect a corresponding rainy region to be found to the north of Oregon; but there the moun- ——y 1 ¢ 126. as 197, THE ATMOSPHERE. 99 tains are not so high, the obstruction to the south-west winds is not so abrupt, the highlands are farther from the coast, and the air which these winds carry in their circulation to that part of the coast, though it be as -heavily charged with moisture as at Patagonia, has a greater extent of country over which to deposit its rain, and consequently, the fall to the square inch will not be as great.* In like manner, we should be enabled to say in what part of the world the most equable climates are to be found. They are to be found in the equatorial calms, where the north-east and south-east trades meet fresh from the ocean, and keep the temperature uniform under a canopy of perpetual clouds. Amount of Evaporation.—The mean annual fall of rain on the entire surface of the earth is estimated at about five feet. To evaporate water enough annually from the ocean to cover the earth, on the average, five feet deep with rain; to transport it from one zone to another; and to precipitate it in the right places, at suitable times, and in the proportions due, is oue of the offices of the grand atmospherical machine. This water is evaporated princi- pally from the torrid zone. Supposing it all to come thence, we shall have, encircling the earth, a belt of ocean three thousand miles in breadth, from which this atmosphere evaporates a layer of water anually sixteen * IT have, through the kindness of A. Holbrook, Esq., United States Attorney for Oregon, received the Oregon Spectator of February 13, 1851, containing the Rey. G. H. Atkinson’s Meteorological Journal, kept in Oregon city during the month of January 1851. The quantity of rain and snow for that month is 13.63 inches, or about one third the average quantity that falls at Washington during the year, CHAPTER III. Why greater than” Oregon. § 206 Most equable climates. § 207 $ 208 Evapora- tion. 100 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. onapter feet in depth. And to hoist up as high as the clouds, an III. aa lower down again all the water in a lake sixteen feet deep, machinery and three thousand miles broad, and twenty-four thou- ; ae sand long, is the yearly business of this invisible ma- chinery. What a powerful engine is the atmosphere ! and how nicely adjusted must be all the cogs, and wheels, and springs, and compensations of this exquisite piece of machinery, that it never wears out nor breaks down, nor fails to do its work at the right time, and in the right way ! §209 In his annual report to the Society (Transactions of the La Bombay Geographical Society from May, 1849, to erapora- August, 1850, vol. ix.), Dr. Buist, the secretary, states, on the authority of Mr. Laidly, the evaporation at Cal- entta to be “about fifteen feet annually; that between the Cape and Calcutta it averages, in October and November, nearly three-fourths of an inch daily; between 10° and 20° in the Bay of Bengal, it was found to exceed an inch daily. Supposing this to be double the average through- out the year, we should,” continues the doctor, “have eighteen feet of evaporation annually.” §210 If, in considering the direct observations upon the Evapora daily rate of evaporation in India, it be remembered that Indian. the seasons there are divided into wet and dry; that in the dry season, evaporation in the Indian Ocean, because of its high temperature, and also of the high temperature and dry state of the wind, probably goes on as rapidly as it does any where else in the world; if, moreover, we re- Estimate’ member that the regular trade-wind regions proper at wind su- sea are regions of small precipitation ;' that evaporation ace. is going on from them all the year round, we shall have THE ATMOSPHERE, 101 reason to consider the estimate of sixteen feet annually for the trade-wind surface of the ocean not too high. We see the light beginning to break upon us, for we now begin to perceive why it is that the proportions be- tween the land and water were made as we find them in nature. If there had been more water and less land, we should have had more rain, and vice versa; and then climates would have been different from what they now are, and the inhabitants, animal or vegetable, would not have been as they are. And as they are, that wise Being who, in his kind providence, so watches over and regards the things of this world that he takes notice of the sparrow’s fall, and numbers the very hairs of our head, doubtless designed them to be. The mind is delighted, and the imagination charmed, by contemplating the physical arrangements of the earth from such points of view as this is which we now have before us; from it the sea, and the air, and the land, appear each as a part of that grand machinery upon which the well-being of all the inhabitants of earth, sea, and air depends ; and which, in the beautiful adaptations that we are pointing out, affords new and striking evi- dence that they all have their origin in ONE omniscient idea, just as the different parts of a watch may be consi- dered to have been constructed and arranged according to one human design. In some parts of the earth, the precipitation is greater than the evaporation; thus the amount of water borne down by every river that runs into the sea may be con- sidered as the excess of the precipitation over the evapo- ration that takes place in the valley drained by that river. OHAPTER Iil, § 211 Why the propor- tions of land and water are as we find them. § 212 Beauty of physical arrange- ments of the earth. § 213 Precipita- tion sometimes greater than eva- poration, CHAPTER III. § 214 § 215 In other parts exactly equal. §$ 216 Valley of Caspian Sea. § 217 § 218 In others neither e- vaporation nor preci- pitation takes place § 219 Terrestrial] adapta- tions. 102 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. This excess comes from the sea; the winds convey it to the interior ; and the forces of gravity, dashing it along in mountain torrents or gentle streams, hurry it back to the sea again. In other parts of the earth, the evaporation and preci- pitation are exactly equal, as in those inland basins such as that in which the city of Mexico, Lake Titicaca, the Caspian Sea, &c., are situated, which basins have no ocean drainage. If more rain fell in the valley of the Caspian Sea than is evaporated from it, that sea would finally get full and overflow the whole of that great basin. If less fell than is evaporated from it again, then that sea, in the course of time, would dry up, and plants and animals there - would all perish for the want of water. In the sheets of water which we find distributed over that and every other inhabitable inland basin, we see reservoirs, or evaporating surfaces, just sufficient for the supply of that degree of moisture which is best adapted to the well-being of the plants and animals that people such basins. In other parts of the earth still, we find places, as the Desert of Sahara, in which neither evaporation nor pre- cipitation takes place, and in which we find neither plant nor animal. ADAPTATIONS.—In contemplating the system of terres- trial adaptations, these researches teach one to regard the mountain ranges and the great deserts of the earth as the astronomer does the counterpoises to his telescope—though they be mere dead weights, they are, nevertheless, neces- sary to make the balance complete, the adjustments of THE ATMOSPHERE. 1038 his machine perfect. These counterpoises give ease to onaprex the motions, stability to the performance, and accuracy se! to the workings of the instrument. They are “ compen- sations.” Whenever I turn to contemplate the works of nature, g 999 T am struck with the admirable system of compensation, System of with the beauty and nicety with which every department "hie en is poised by the others; things and principles are meted out in directions apparently the most opposite, but in proportions so exactly balanced and nicely adjusted that results the most harmonious are produced. It is by the action of opposite and compensating forces § 221 that the earth is kept in its orbit, and the stars are held By it the earth is suspended in the azure vault of heaven; and these forces pan its are so exquisitely adjusted, that, at the end of a thousand years, the earth, the sun, and moon, and every star in the firmament, is found to come and stand in its proper place at the proper moment. Nay, philosophy teaches us that when the little snow- § 992 drop, which in our garden-walks we see raising its beau- whee tiful head at “the singing of birds,” to remind us that teaches by “the winter is passed and gone,” was created, the whole aoe mass of the earth, from pole to pole, and from circum- ference to centre, must have been taken into account and weighed, in order that the proper degree of strength might be given to its tiny fibres. Botanists tell us that the constitution of this plant is § 223 such as to require that, at a certain stage of its growth, the stalk shouid bend, and the flower should bow its head, that an operation may take place which is necessary in order that the herb should produce seed after its kind ; CHAPTER III. Its consti- tution. $ 224 Perfect adaptation § 225 Effects of east wind. 104 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. and that, after this fecundation, its vegetable health re- quires that it should lift its head again and stand erect. Now, if the mass of the earth had been greater or less, the force of gravity would have been different; in that case, the strength of fibre in the snow-drop, as it is, would have been too much or too little; the plant could not bow or raise its head at the right time, fecundation could not take place, and its family would have become extinct with the first individual that was planted, because its “seed” would not have been “in itself,” and therefore it could not have reproduced itself, and its creation would have been a failure. Now, if we see such perfect adaptation, such exquisite adjustment, in the case of one of the smallest flowers of the field, how much more may we not expect “compen- sation” in the atmosphere and the ocean, upon the right adjustment and due performance of which depends not only the life of that plant, but the well-being of every in- dividual that is found in the entire vegetable and animal kingdoms of the world ? When the east winds blow along the Atlantic coast for a little while, they bring us air saturated with moisture from the Gulf Stream, and we complain of the sultry, op- pressive, heavy atmosphere ; the invalid grows worse, and the well man feels ill, because, when he takes this atmo- sphere into his lungs, it is already so charged with mois- ture that it cannot take up and carry off that which encumbers his lungs, and which nature has caused his blood to bring and leave there, that respiration may take up and carry off. At other times the air is dry and hot; he feels that it is conveying off matter from the lungs THE ATMOSPHERE. 105 too fast; he realizes the idea that it is consuming him, and he calls the sensation burning. Therefore, in considering the general laws which govern the physical agents of the universe, and regulate them in the due performance of their offices, I have felt myself constrained to set out with the assumption that, if the atmosphere had had a greater or less capacity for mois- ture, or if the proportion of land and water had been different—if the earth, air, and water had not been in exact counterpoise—the whole arrangement of the animal and vegetable kingdoms would have varied from their present state. But God, for reasons which man may never know, chose to make those kingdoms what they are ; for this purpose it was necessary, in his judgment, to establish the proportions between the land and water and the desert just as they are, and to make the capacity of the air to circulate heat and moisture just what it is, and to have it to do all its work in obedience to law and in subservience to order. If it were not so, why was power given to the winds to lift up and transport mois- ture, and to feed the plants with nourishment? or why was the property given to the sea by which its waters may become first vapour, and then fruitful showers or gentle dews? If the proportions and properties of land, sea, and air were not adjusted according to the reciprocal capacities of all to perform the functions required by each, why should we be told that Hr “measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and comprehended the dust in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?” Why did he span the heavens, but that he might mete out the atmosphere in exact propor- CHAPTER Ill. § 226 Assump- tion. 106 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarrer tion to all the rest, and impart to it those properties and § 227 Lessons taught by sea and air. powers which it was necessary for it to have, in order that it might perform all those offices and duties for which he designed it ? Harmonious in their action, the air and sea are obe- dient to law and subject to order in all their movements ; when we consult them in the performance of their mani- fold and marvellous offices, they teach us lessons concern- ing the wonders of the deep, the mysteries of the sky, the greatness, and the wisdom, and goodness of the Crea- tor, which make us wiser and better men. The investi- gations into the broad-spreading circle of phenomena connected with the winds of heaven and the waves of the sea are second to none for the good which they do and the lessons which they teach. The astronomer is said to see the hand of God in the sky ; but does not the right-minded mariner, who looks aloft as he ponders over these things, hear his voice in every wave of the sea that “claps its hands,” and feel his presence in every breeze that blows ? LAND AND SEA BREEZES. 107 CHAPTER IV. LAND AND SEA BREEZES. Lieutenant Jansen, § 228.—His Contributions, 229.—The Sea-breeze, 230.—An Illustration, 231.—The Land-breeze, 232.—Jansen’s Account of the Land and Sea Breeze in the East Indies, 234.—A Morning Scene, 235.—The Calm, 237. The Inhabitants of the Sea going to Work, 289.— Noon, 240.—The Sea-breeze dies, 245.—The Land-breeze, 247.—A Discussion, 248.—Why Land and Sea Breezes are not of equal Freshness on the Sea-shore of all Countries, 252.— The Sea-breeze at Valparaiso, 255.—The Night, 258.—A Contrast, 263. I] HAVE been assisted in my investigations into these cuarrea phenomena of the sea by many thinking minds; among those whose debtor I am, stands first and foremost the clear head and warm heart of a foreign officer, Lieutenant Lienten- Marin Jansen, of the Dutch navy, whom I am proud ie to call my friend. He is an ornament to his profession ; and a more accomplished officer it has never been my good fortune to meet in any service. He has entered this magnificent field of research con amore, and has proved to be a most zealous and efficient fellow-labourer. Promotion in the Dutch navy unfortunately goes by seniority ; if it went by merit, I should I am sure, have the pleasure of writing of him as admiral. Jansen has served many years in the East Indies. He g 229 observed minutely and well. He has enriched my humble His conti. contributions to the “Physical Geography of the Sea” pre with contributions from the storehouse of his knowledge, set off and presented in many fine pictures, and has appended them to a translation of the first edition of this work into the Dutch language. He has added a chapter on the land and sea breezes; another on the CHAPTER Lic § 230 The sea- breeze. § 231 Tllustra- tion. 108 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF.THE SEA, changing of the monsoons in the East Indian Archi- pelago: he has also extended his remarks to the north- west monsoon, to hurricanes, the south-east trades of the South Atlantic, and to winds and currents generally, In many parts of the world the oppressive heat of summer is modified, and the climate of the sea-shore is made refreshing and healthful, by the alternation of winds which come from the sea by day and from the land by night. About ten in the morning the heat of the sun has played upon the land with sufficient intensity to raise its tem- perature above that of the water. A portion of this heat, being imparted to the superincumbent air, causes it to rise, when the air, first from the beach, then from the sea, to the distance of several miles, begins to flow in with a most delightful and invigorating freshness. When a fire is kindled on the hearth, we may, if we will observe the motes floating in the room, see that those nearest to the chimney are the first to feel the draught and to obey it—they are drawn into the blaze. The circle of inflowing air is gradually enlarged, until it is scarcely perceived in the remote parts of the room. Now the land is the hearth, the rays of the sun the fire, and the sea, with its cool and calm air, the room; and thus we have at our firesides the sea-breeze in miniature. When the sun goes down the fire ceases; then the dry land commences to give off its surplus heat by radiation, so that by nine or ten o’clock it and the air above it are cooled below the sea temperature. The atmosphere on the land thus becomes heavier than that on the sea, and, consequently, there is a wind seaward which we call the land-breeze. LAND AND SEA BREEZES. 109 Jansen thus describes this phenomenon in the East curren DY Indies, where one must live fully to appreciate its benign influences. ee JANSEN’S AccountT.*—“ A long residence in the East § 234 Indian Archipelago, and, consequently, in that part of the cue world where the investigations of the Observatory at tions Washington have not extended, has given me the oppor- tunity of studying the phenomena which there occur in the atmosphere, and to these phenomena my attention was, in the first place, directed. I was involuntarily led from one research to another, and it is the result of these investigations to which I would modestly give a place at the conclusion of Maury’s ‘ Physical Geography of the Sea,’ with the hope that these first-fruits of the log-books of the Netherlands may be speedily followed by more and better. “ Upon the northern coast of Java, the phenomenon of § 235 daily land and sea breezes is finely developed. There, as Land and sea the gorgeous ‘ eye of day’ rises almost perpendicularly biseist ca from the sea with fiery ardour, in a cloudless sky, it is ern coast greeted by the volcanoes with a column of white smoke, mee which, ascending from the conical summits high in the firmament above, forms a crown, or assumes the shape of an immense bouquet,} that they seem to offer to the dawn; then the joyful land-breeze plays over the flood, Lana- which, in the torrid zone, furnishes, with its fresh breath, Bene so much enjoyment to the inhabitants of that. sultry belt * Jansen’s Appendix to the ‘‘ Physical Geography of the Sea,” translated from the Dutch by Mrs. Dr. Breed, Washington. + Upon the coast of Java I saw daily, during the east monsoon, such a column of smoke ascending at sunrise from Bromo, Lamongan, and Smiro. Probably there is then no wind above.—J ANsEN. CHAPTER TVs It effects. § 236 § 237 It dies away. § 238 110 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, of earth, for, by meaps of it, everything is refreshed and beautified. Then, under the influence of the glorious accompaniments of the break of day, the silence of the night is awakened, and we hear commencing everywhere the morning hymn of mute nature, whose gesticulation is so expressive and sublime. All that lives feels the neces- sity of pouring forth, each in its way, and in various tones and accents, from the depths of inspiration, a song of praise. “The air, still filled with the freshness of the evening dew, bears aloft the enraptured song, as, mingled with the jubilee tones which the contemplation of nature everywhere forces from the soul, it gushes forth in deep earnestness to convey the daily thank-offering over the sea, over hill and dale.* “As the sun ascends the sky, the azure vault is bathed in dazzling light; now the land-breeze, wearied with play, goes to rest. Here and there it still plays over the water, as if it could not sleep; but finally becoming exhausted, it sinks to repose in the stillness of the calm. But not so with the atmosphere: it sparkles, and glitters, and twinkles, becoming clear under the increasing heat, while the gentle swelling of the now polished waves, reflects, like a thousand mirrors, the rays of lght which dance and leap to the tremulous but vertical movements of the atmosphere. “Like pleasant visions of the night, that pass before the mind in sleep, so do sweet phantoms hover about the land-breeze as it slumbers upon the sea. The shore seems * In the very fine mist of the morning, a noise—for example, the firing of cannon—at a short distance is scarcely heard, while at mid-day, with the sea- breeze, it penetrates for miles with great distinctness. —J ANSEN. LAND AND SEA BREEZES. (ea to approach and to display all its charms to the mariner omaprss in the offing. All objects become distinct and more ae : ; . ¢ Descrip- clearly delineated,* while, upon the sea, small fishing- tion. boats loom up like large vessels. The seaman, drifting along the coast, and misled by the increasing clearness and mirage, believes that he has been driven by a current toward the land; he casts the lead, and looks anxiously out for the sea-breeze, in order to escape from what he believes to be threatening danger.; The planks burn under his feet; in vain he spreads the awning to shelter himself from the broiling sun. Its rays are oppressive; repose does not refresh; motion is not agreeable. “The inhabitants of the deep, awakened by the clear § 239 light of day, prepare themselves for labour. Corals, and thousands of crustacea, await, perhaps impatiently, the coming of the sea-breeze, which shall cause evaporation to take place more rapidly, and thus provide them with a bountiful store of building material for their picturesque and artfully constructed dwellings: these they know how to paint and to polish in the depths of the sea more beautifully than can be accomplished by any human art. Like them, also, the plants of the sea are dependent upon the winds, upon the clouds, and upon the sunshine; for upon these depend the vapour and the rains which feed the streams that bring nourishment. for them into the sea. * The transparency of the atmosphere is so great that we can sometimes dis- cover Venus in the sky in the middle of the day.—J aNsEN. + Especially in the rainy season the land looms very greatly; then we see mountains which are from 5000 to 6000 feet high at a distance of 80 or 100 Eng- lish miles, t The archipelago of coral islands on the north side of the Straits of Sunda is remarkable. Before the salt water flowed from the Straits, it was deprived of the solid matter of which the Thousand Islands are constructed. A similar group of islands is found between the Straits of Macassar and Balie.—JAvsEn. 112 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, cuarter “ When the sun reaches the zenith, and his stern eye, ae with burning glare, is turned more and more upon the § 240 Descrip- tion con” even as the magnetizer exercises his will upon his subject, Java Sea, the air seems to fall into a magnetic sleep; yet, and the latter, with uncertain and changeable gestures, gradually puts himself in motion, and, sleeping, obeys that will, so also we see the slow efforts of the sea-breeze to repress the vertical movements of the air, and to obey the will which calls it to the land. This vertical movement appears to be not easily overcome by the horizontal, which we call wind. Yonder, far out upon the sea, arises and disappears alternately a darker tint upon the other- wise shining sea-carpet; finally, that tint remains and approaches; that is the long-wished-for sea-breeze; and yet it is sometimes one, yes, even two hours, before that darker tint is permanent, before the sea-breeze has regu- larly set in. : § 241 “Now small white clouds begin to rise above the hori- zon; to the experienced seaman they are a prelude to a fresh sea-breeze. We welcome the first breath from the sea; it is cooling, but it soon ceases; presently it is succeeded by other grateful puffs of air, which continue longer; presently they settle down into the regular sea- breeze, with its cooling and refreshing breath. § 242 “The sun declines, and the sea-wind—that is, the Sea-wind. common trade-wind or monsoon which is drawn toward the land—is awakened. It blows right earnestly, as if it would perform its daily task with the greatest possibie ado. § 243 “The air, itself refreshed upon the deep, becomes gray from the vapour which envelopes the promontories in LAND AND SEA BREEZES, Males mist, and curtains the inland with dark clouds. The land, relieved by the darker tint which it gives to the mist, looms up beautifully; the distance cannot be esti- mated. The sailor thinks himself farther from shore than he really is, and steers on his course carelessly, while the capricious wind lashes the waters, and makes a short and broken sea, from the white caps of which light curls are torn, with sportive hand, to float away like party-coloured streamers in the sunbeam. In the meanwhile clouds appear now and then high in air, yet it is too misty to see far. “The sun approaches the horizon, Far over the land the clouds continue to heap up; already the thunder is heard among the distant hills; the thunder-bolts rever- berate from hill-side to hill-side, while through the mist the sheets of lightning are seen.* “Finally, the ‘king of day’ sinks to rest; now the mist gradually disappears, and as soon as the wind has laid down the lash, the sea, which, chafing and fretting, had with curled mane resisted its violence, begins to go down also. Presently both winds and waves are hushed, and all is again still. Above the sea, the air is clearer or slightly clouded; above the land, it is thick, dark, and swollen. To the feelings, this stillness is pleasant. The sea-breeze, the driving brine that has made a salt- pan of the face, the short, restless sea, the dampness—all have grown wearisome, and welcome is the calm. There is, however, a somewhat of dimness in the air, an uncer- tain but threatening appearance. Presently, from the * At Buitenzorg, near Batavia, 40 English miles from the shore, 500 feet above the sea, with high hills around, these thunder-storms occur between 4 p.u. and 8 P.M. 8 CHAPTER Iv. Descrip- tion con- tinued. OFAPTER vs § 246 § 247 Land- breeze in dava not to be de- pended on. 114 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. dark mass of clouds, which hastens the change of day into night, the thunder-storm peals forth. The rain falls in torrents in the mountains, and the clouds gradually overspread the whole sky. But for the wind, which again springs up, it would be alarming to the sailor, who is helpless in a calm. What change will take place in the air? The experienced seaman, who has to work against the trade-wind or against the monsoon, is off the coast, in order to take advantage of the land-breeze (the destroyer of the trade) so soon as it shall come. He rejoices when the air is released from the land, and the breeze comes, at first feebly, but afterward growing stronger, as usual, during the whole night. If the land- breeze meets with a squall, then it is brief, and becomes feeble and uncertain. We sometimes find then the per- manent sea-breeze close to the coast, which otherwise remains twenty or more English miles from it. “One is not always certain to get the land-breeze at the fixed time. It sometimes suffers itself to be waited for ; sometimes it tarries the whole night long. “During the greatest part of the rainy season, the land-breeze in the Java Sea cannot be depended upon. This is readily explained according to the theory which ascribes the origin of the sea and land breezes to the heating of the soil by day, and the cooling by means of radiation by night; for, during the rainy season, the clouds extend over land and sea, interrupting the sun's rays by day, and the radiation of heat by night, thus preventing the variations of temperature ; and from these variations, according to this theory, the land and sea breezes arise. Yet there are other tropical regions where LAND AND SEA BREEZES. Ths the land and sea breezes, even in the rainy season, regu- larly succeed each other. “The warming and the radiation alone are therefore not sufficient to explain all the phenomena of land and sea breezes, and other causes—electricity, rain, &c., appear to have an influence upon the regularity of the land winds, * “Upon the coast of Africa, the land-breeze is univer- sally scorching hot, but the sea-breeze is cool and refresh- ing. When this is the case, the land-breeze certainly cannot be occasioned by the cooling of the earth by radiation. When we shall have brought together all the observations upon the various phenomena which the land and sea breezes afford, then we shall be able to begin to found upon facts a theory which shall explain the varied phenomena. Thus, among other things, upon the west coast of Africa, from 0° 27’ 8. to 15° 24'S, according to Thomas Miller,+ from June to October, and, above all, in July, there are heavy dews, and when the dews are very heavy, then the land and sea breezes are invariably feeble—sometimes very faint.” [Lieutenant Jansen’s remarks are both instructive and suggestive. It is true that a given difference of tem- * My observations lead me to suspect that the position of the moon is also herein concerned. In the eastern outlet of Sourabaya, during the east monsoon, there is at full moon little land-breeze, and at new moon little sea-breeze. I afterward made the same observation in the Gulf of Darien. Feb. 4, 1852.—At the Road of Carthagena (New Grenada), full moon, sea-breeze north, under reefed top-sail, fresh gale; at 11 p.m., feeble and easterly. Feb. 5.—11 a.m., sea-breeze grows faint. 1 p.m., stronger, and between 5 and 6 p.m. fresh gale; double-reefed top-sail. Hach day somewhat later and less hard. Thermometer varying between 79° and 80°, Barometer varying between 763° and 759°, Upon leaving Chagres, with new moon, it was by day mostly feeble.-—J ANSEN. + Nautical Magazine for June 1855.—J anseEn. CHAPTER Lie —— § 248 § 249 Land- breeze on the coast of Africa. Observa- tions by Thomas Miller. § 250 CHAPTER IV. § 251 Philoso- phical rea- son why causes of land and sea- breezes at one place will not produce them at another. $ 252 Scorching land- breeze on west coast of Africa. § 253 Sea-breeze prevails on the coast of Brazil. 116 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, perature between land and water, though it may be suf ficient to produce the phenomena of land and sea breezes at one place, will not be adequate to the same effect at another; and the reason is perfectly philosophical. It is easier to obstruct and turn back the current in a sluggish than in a rapid stream. So, also, in turning a current of air first upon the land, then upon the sea— very slight alterations of temperature would suffice for this on the coast of Africa, in and about the equatorial calms, for instance; there the air is in a state of rest, and will obey the slightest call in any direction—not so in regions where the trades blow over the land, and are strong. It requires, under such circumstances, a con- siderable degree of rarefaction to check them, and produce a calm, and a still farther rarefaction to turn them back, and convert them into a regular sea-breeze. Hence the scorching land-breeze on the west coast of Africa: the heat there may not have been intense enough to produce the degree of rarefaction required to check and turn back the south-east trades. In that part of the world, their natural course is from the land to the sea, and therefore, if this view be correct, the sea-breeze should be more feeble than the land-breeze, neither should it last so long. But on the opposite side—on the coast of Brazil, as at Pernambuco, for instance—where the trade-wind comes from the sea, we should have this condition of things reversed, and the sea-breeze will prevail for most of the time—then it is the land-breeze which is feeble and of short duration: it is rarely felt. Again, the land and sea breezes in Cuba, and along LAND AND SEA BREEZES. ihaby/ the Gulf shores of the United States, will he more regular in their alternations than they are along the shores of Brazil or South Africa, and for the simple reason that the shore-wind named in North American waters lies nearly parallel with the course of the winds in their pre- vailing direction. In Rio de Janeiro, the sea-breeze is the regular trade-wind, made fresher by the daily action of the sun on the land. It is worthy of remark, also, that, for the reason stated by Jansen, the land and sea breezes in the winter time are almost unknown in coun- tries of severe cold, though, in the summer, the alterna- tion of wind from land to sea, and sea to land, may be well marked. ein Valparaiso, the phenomenon of the sea-breeze is finely developed. Valparaiso is situated near the south- ern border of the calm belt of Capricorn, when it is at its farthest southern reach, which happens in our late winter and early spring—the Southern summer and autumn. This is the dry season, when the sky is singu- larly clear and bright. The atmosphere, being nearly in a state of equilibrium, is then ready to obey even the most feeble impulse, and to hasten toward the place of any, the slightest rarefaction. At about ten in the morning, at this season of the year, the land begins to feel the sun, and there is a move- ment in the air. By 3 or 4 P.M, the sea-breeze comes rushing in from the southward and westward, and strikes the shipping in the harbour with the force of a gale. Vessels sometimes drag before it, and communica- tion with the shore is suspended. By 6 P.M, however, the wind has spent its fury, and there is a perfect calm. ] CHAPTER IV. Cuba. Rio de Janeiro. § 255 Phenome- non of sea- breeze finely de- veloped in Valparaiso § 256 Begins at 3 or 4 p.m CHAPTER TiVic S200 Quotation from Jansen. § 258 Descrip- tion by Jansen of land and sea breezes in the Java Sea. 118 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. “ Happy he,” continues Jansen, “ who, in the Java Sea at evening, seeking the land-breeze off the coast, finds it there, after the salt-bearing, roaring sea-wind, and can, in the magnificent nights of the tropics, breathe the refreshing land-breeze, ofttimes laden with delicious odours.* “The veil of clouds, either after a squall, with or without rain, or after the coming of the land-breeze, is speedily withdrawn, and leaves the sky clearer during the night, only now and then flecked with dark clouds floating over from the land. Without these floating clouds the land-breeze is feeble. When the clouds float away from the sea, the land-breeze does not go far out from the coast, or is wholly replaced by the sea-breeze, or, rather, by the trade-wind. If the land-breeze con- tinues, then the stars loom forth, as if to free themselves from the dark vault of the heavens, but their light does not wholly vanquish its deep blue, though the dark fleck- ing of clouds comes out more distinctly near the Southern Cross, which smiles consolingly upon us, while Scorpio, the emblem of the tropical climate, stands ike a warning in the heavens. The starlight, which is reflected by the mirrored waters, causes the nights to vie in clearness with the early twilight in high latitudes. Numerous shooting stars weary the eye, although they break the monotony of the sparkling firmament. Their unceasing motion in the unfathomable ocean affords a great contrast to the seeming quiet of the gently-flowing aerial current of the land-breeze. But at times, when, 30° or 40° above the horizon, a fire-ball arises, which suddenly illumines * In the roads of Batavia, however, they are not very agreeable. —J ANSEN. LAND AND SEA BREEZES. 119 the whole horizon, appearing to the eye the size of the fist, and fading away as suddenly as it appeared, falling into fiery nodules, then we perceive that, in the apparent calm of nature, various forces are constantly active, in order to cause, even in the invisible air, such com- binations and combustions, the appearance of which amazes the crews of ships. “When the slender keel glides quickly over the mir- rored waters upon the wings of the wind, it cuts for itself a sparkling way, and disturbs in their sleep the monsters of the deep, which whirl and dart quicker than an eight- knot ship; sweeping and turning around their disturber, they suddenly clothe the dark surface of the water in briluaney. Again, when we go beyond the limits of the land-breeze, and come into the continuous trade-wind, we occasionally see from the low-moving, round black clouds (unless it thunders), light blue sparks collected upon the extreme points of the iron belaying-pins, &c. ;* then the crew appear to fear a new danger, against which courage is unavailing, and which the mind can find no power to endure. The fervent, fiery nature inspires the traveller with deep awe. They who, under the beating of the storm and terrible violence of the ocean, look danger courageously in the face, feel, in the presence of these phenoma, insignificant, feeble, anxious. Then they per- ceive the mighty power of the Creator over the works of his creation. “ And how can the uncertain, the undetermined sensa- tions arise which are produced by the clear yet sad light * T have seen this in a remarkable degree upon the south coast of Java; these sparks were then seen six feet above the deck, upon the frames of timber, (hous- sen der blokken), in the implements, &¢.—JANSEN. CHAPTER Iv. § 259 Phospho- ric light. Electricity § 260 120 THE PHYSICAL GHOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapten Of the moon?—she who has always great tears in her pera eyes, while the stars look sweetly at her, as if they loved to trust her and to share her affliction ?* §261 “In the latter part of the night, the land-breeze*sinks Fickleness to sleep, for it seldom continues to blow with strength, breeze but is always fickle and capricious. With the break of day it again awakes, to sport a while, and then gradually dies away as the sun rises, The time at which it becomes calm after the land and sea breezes is indefinite, and the calms are of unequal duration. s2¢2 “ Generally, those which precede the sea-breeze are Camsthat rather longer than those which precede the land-breeze. ana 'The temperature of the land, the direction of the coast- breezes line with respect to the prevailing direction of the trade- wind in which the land is situated, the clearness of the atmosphere, the position of the sun, perhaps also that of the moon, the surface over which the sea-breeze blows, possibly also the degree of moisture and the electrical state of the air, the heights of the mountains, their extent, and their distance from the coast, all have influence thereon. Local observations in regard to these can afford Limit. much light, as well as determine the distance at which the land-breeze blows from the coast, and beyond which the regular trade-wind or monsoon continues uninter- ruptedly to blow. The direction of land and sea winds must also be determined by local observations, for the idea is incorrect that they should always blow perpendi- cular to the coast-line. * Some one has ventured the remark, that at full moon, near the equator, more and darker dew falls than at new moon, and to this are ascribed the moonheads (maan hoofden), which I have seen, however, but once during all the years which I have spent between-tlie tropics. —JANSEN. LAND AND SEA BREEZES. IPA “Scarcely has one left the Java Sea,—which is, as it were, an inland sea between Sumatra, Borneo, J ava, and the archipelago of small islands between both of the last- naméd,—than, in the blue waters of the easterly part of the East Indian archipelago, nature assumes a_ bolder aspect, more in harmony with the great depth of the ocean. The beauty of the Java Sea, and the delightful phenomena which air and ocean display, have here ceased. The scene becomes more earnest. The coasts of the eastern islands rise boldly out of the water, far in whose depths they have planted their feet. The south-east wind, which blows upon the southern coasts of the chain of islands, is sometimes violent, always strong through the straits which separate them from each other, and this appears to be more and more the case as we go eastward. Here, also, upon the northern coast, we find land-breezes, yet the trade-wind often blows so violently that they have not sufficient power to force it beyond the coast. “ Owing to the obstruction which the chain of islands presents to the south-east trade-wind, it happens that it blows with violence away over the mountains, apparently as the land breeze does upon the north coast ;* yet this wind, which only rises when it blows hard from the south-east upon the south coast, is easily distinguished from the gentle land-breeze. “The regularity of the land and sea breezes in the Java Sea and upon the coasts of the northern range of islands, Banea, Borneo, Celebes, &e, during the east monsoon, must in part be ascribed to the hindrances which the * Such is the case, among others, in the Strait Madura, upon the heights of Bezoekie. CHAPTER § 263 Easterly part of Kast Indian archipel- ar ago. § 264 Effects of the ob- struction of islands § 265 Cause of regularity of Jand and sea breezes in Java Sea. CHAPTER IV. R22 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. south-east trade-wind meets in the islands which lie directly in its way; in part to the inclination toward the east monsoon which the trade-wind undergoes after it has come within the archipelago; and, finally, to its abatement as it approaches the equator. The causes which produce the land-breezes thus appear collectively not sufficiently powerful to be able to turn back a strong trade-wind in the ocean.” RED FOGS AND SEA DUST. 1238 CHAPTER V. RED FOGS AND SEA DUST. Where found, § 266.—Tallies on the Wind, 272.—Where taken up, 278.—Hum- boldt’s Description, 282.—Questions to be answered, 284.—What Effects the Deserts have upon the General Circulation of the Air, 286.—Information derived from Sea Dust, 288.—Limits of Trade-winds, 289.—Breadth of Calm Belts, 290. SEAMEN tell us of “red fogs” which they sometimes cnarrer Vv. encounter, especially in the vicinity of the Cape de Verd —— Islands. In other parts of the sea, also, they meet nee Red fogs showers of dust. What these showers precipitate in the *{** dust. Mediterranean is called “sirocco dust,” and in other parts “ African dust,” because the winds which accom- pany them are supposed to come from the Sirocco desert, or some other parched land of the continent of Africa. It is of a brick-red or cinnamon colour, and it sometimes comes down in such quantities as to cover the sails and rigging, though the vessel may be hundreds of miles from the land. Now, the patient reader who has had the heart to g 267 follow me, in the preceding chapter, around with “ the Proof wanted wind in his circuits,” will perceive that proof is yet tnat te wanting to establish it as a fact, that the north-east and zee south-east trades, after meeting and rising up in the gyoiane equatorial calms, do cross over and take the paths repre- bese sented by C and G, Plate I. eee Statements and reasons and arguments enough have § 268 already been made and adduced to make it highly pro- bable, according to human reasoning, that such is the CHAPTER § 269 Difficulty of finding such proof. § 270 § 271 Eliren- berg’s dis- covery. § 272 124 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. ease ; and though the theoretical deductions, showing such to be the case, be never so plausible, positive proof that they are true cannot fail to be received with delight and satisfaction. Were it possible to take a portion of this air, repre- senting, as it travels along with the south-east trades, the general course of atmospherical circulation, and to put a tally on it by which we could follow it in its circuits and always recognise it, then we might hope actually to prove, by evidence the most positive, the channels through which the air of the trade-winds, after ascending at the equator, returns whence it came. But the air is invisible ; and it is not easily perceived how either marks or tallies may be put upon it, that it may be traced in its paths through the clouds. The sceptic, therefore, who finds it hard to believe that the general circulation is such as Plate I. represents it to be, might consider himself safe in his unbelief were he to declare his willingness to give it up the moment any one should put tallies on the wings of the wind, which would enable him to recognise that air again, and those tallies, when found at other parts of the earth’s surface. As difficult as this seems to be, it has actually been done. Ehrenberg, with his microscope, has established, almost beyond a doubt, that the air which the south-east trade-winds bring to the equator does rise up there and pass over into the northern hemisphere. The Sirocco, or African dust, which he has been ob- Tallies put gerving so closely, has turned out to be tallies put upon on the wind. the wind in the other hemisphere; and this beautiful instrument of his enables us to detect the marks on these RED FOGS AND SEA DUST. 25 little tallies as plainly as though those marks had been cnaprer written upon labels of wood and tied to the wings of the wea wind, This dust, when subjected to microscopic examination, § 273 is found to consist of infusoria and organisms whose ha- ahead bitat is not Africa, but South America, and in the south- neem east trade-wind region of South America. Professor Ehrenberg has examined specimens of sea dust from the Cape de Verds and the regions thereabout, from Malta, Genoa, Lyons, and the Tyrol; and he has found a simi- larity among them as striking as it would have been had these specimens been all taken from the same pile. South Resutts. American forms he recognises in all of them; indeed they are the prevailing forms in every specimen he has examined. It may, I think, be now regarded as an established g 274 fact, that there is a perpetual upper current of air from DESH ear South America to North Africa; and that the volume of tromsoutn air which flows to the northward in these upper currents is ames nearly equal to the volume which flows to the southward with the north-east trade-winds, there can be no doubt. The “rain dust” has been observed most frequently s 275 to fall in spring and autumn ; that is, the fall has occurred rain aust after the equinoxes, but at intervals from them varying para from thirty to sixty days, more or less. To account for aan eo this sort of periodical occurrence of the falls of this dust, “““”” Ehrenberg thinks it “necessary to suppose @ dust-clowd rnren- to be held constantly swimming in the atmosphere by nies continuous currents of air, and lying in the region of the trade-winds, but suffering partial and periodical deviations.” 126 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapteR It has already been shown} that the rain or calm belt between the trades travels up and down the earth from > 276 north to south, making the rainy season wherever it goes. The reason of this will be explained in another place. 977 ‘This dust is probably taken up in the dry and not in This dust the wet season. Instead, therefore, of its being “ held probably takenup in clouds suffering partial and periodical deviations,” as in the dry, and not in Ehrenberg suggests, it more probably comes from one ee place about the vernal, and from another about the autumnal equinox ; for places which have their rainy season at one equinox have their dry season at the other. §278 At the time of the vernal equinox, the valley of the Valley of Lower Oronoco is then in its dry season; everything is Oronoco parched up with the drought; the pools are dry, and the during vernal marshes and plains become arid wastes. All vegetation equinox parched has ceased; the great serpents and reptiles have buried pen themselves for hibernation ;* the hum of insect life is hushed, and the stillness of death reigns through the valley. Under these circumstances, the light breeze, raising dust from lakes that are dried up, and lifting motes from the brown savannas, will bear them away like clouds in the air. ¢279 ‘This is the period of the year when the surface of the see earth in this region, strewed with impalpable and feather- bernie light remains of animal and vegetable organisms, is swept over by whirlwinds, gales, and tornadoes of terrific force. This is the period for the general atmospheric disturbances which have made characteristic the equinoxes. Do not these conditions appear sufficient to afford the “rain dust” for the spring showers ? * Humboldt. 2 § 188. RED FOGS AND SEA DUST. 127 At the period of the autumnal equinox, another por- tion of the Amazonian basin is parched with drought, and liable to winds that fill the air with dust, and with the remains of dead animal and vegetable matter ; these im- palpable organisms, which each rainy season calls into being, to perish the succeeding season of drought, are perhaps distended and made even lighter by the gases of decomposition which has been going on in the period of drought. May not, therefore, the whirlwinds which accompany the vernal equinox, and sweep over the lifeless plains of the Lower Oronoco, take up the “rain dust” which de- scends in the northern hemisphere in April and May? and may it not be the atmospherical disturbances which accompany the autumnal equinox that take up the micro- scopic organisms from the Upper Oronoco and the great Amazonian basin for the showers of October ? The Baron von Humboldt, in his Aspects of Nature, thus contrasts the wet and the dry seasons there : “When, under the vertical rays of the never-clouded sun, the carbonized turfy covering falls into dust, the indurated soil cracks asunder as if from the shock of an earthquake. If at such times two opposing currents of air, whose conflict produces a rotary motion, come in contact with the soil, the plain assumes a strange and singular aspect. Like conical-shaped clouds, the points of which descend to the earth, the sand rises through the rarefied air on the electrically-charged centre of the whirling current, resembling the loud water-spout, dreaded by the experienced mariner, The lowering sky sheds a dim, almost straw-coloured light on the desolate plain. CHAPTER Vv. § 280 During the autum. nal equi- nox an- other part of the Amazon- jan basin is parched We | May not these whirl- winds take up the Tain dust. 282 ee) Contrast of the wet and dry season by Von Humes boldt. CHAPTER Vv. Contrast continued. 128 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. The horizon draws suddenly nearer, the steppe seems to contract. and with it the heart of the wanderer. The hot, dusty particles which fill the air increase its suffo- cating heat, and the east wind, blowing over the long- heated soil, brings with it no refreshment, but rather a still more burning glow. The pools which the yellow, fading branches of the fan-palm had protected from eva- poration, now gradually disappear. As in the icy north the animals become torpid with cold, so here, under the influence of the parching drought, the crocodile and the boa become motionless and fall asleep, deeply buried in the dry mud..... “The distant palm-bush, apparently raised by the in- fluence of the contact of unequally heated and therefore unequally dense strata of air, hovers above the ground, from which it is separated by a narrow intervening mar- gin. Half-concealed by the dense clouds of dust, restless with the pain of thirst and hunger, the horses and cattle roam around, the cattle lowing dismally, and the horses stretching out their long necks and snuffing the wind, if haply a moister current may betray the neighbourhood of a not wholly dried-up pool..... “At length, after the long drought, the welcome sea- son of the rain arrives; and then how suddenly is the “Hardly has the surface of the earth received the re- freshing moisture, when the previously barren steppe begins to exhale sweet odours, and to clothe itself with killingias, the many panicles of the paspulum, and a variety of grasses. The herbaceous mimosas, with re- newed sensibility to the influence of light, unfold their RED FOGS AND SEA DUST. 129 drooping, slumbering leaves to greet the rising sun; and the early song of birds and the opening blossoms of the water-plants join to salute the morning.” The arid plains and deserts, as well as high moun- tain ranges, have, it may well be supposed, an influence upon the movements of the great aerial ocean, as shoals and other obstructions have upon the channels of circu- lation in the sea. The deserts of Asia, for instance, pro- duce’a disturbance upon the grand system of atmospheri- eal circulation, which, in summer and autumn, is felt in Europe, in Liberia, and away out upon the Indian Ocean, as far to the south as the equinoctial line. There is an indraught from all these regions toward these deserts. These indraughts are known as monsoons at sea; on the land, as the prevailing winds of the season. Imagine the area within which this indraught is felt, and let us ask a question or two, hoping for answers. The air which the indraught brings into the desert places, and which, being heated, rises up there, whither does it go? It rises up in a column a few miles high and many in circumference, we know, and we can imagine that it is like a shaft many times thicker than it is tall, but how is it crowned? Is it crowned like the stem of a mushroom, with an efflorescence or ebullition of heated air flaring over and spreading out in all directions, and then gradually thinning out as an upper current, extend- ing even unto the verge of the area whence the indraught is drawn? If so, does it then descend and return to the desert plains as an indraught again? Then these desert places would constitute centres of circulation for the mon- soon period ; and if they were such centres, whence would 2 ¢ 203, E) CHAPTER Effects of the deserts on atmo- spherical circulation § 284 Questions to be answered. CSAPTER § 285 § 286 Colour of rain dust. § 287 A clew. § 288 130 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, these winds get the vapour for their rains in Europe and Asia? Or, instead of the mushroom shape, and the flare at the top in all directions from centre to circumference, does the uprising column, like one of those submarine foun- tains which are said to be in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Florida, bubble up and join in with the flow of the upper current? The right answers and explanations to these questions would add greatly to our knowledge concerning the general circulation of the atmosphere. It may be in the power of the microscope to give lght here. Let us hope. The colour of the “rain dust,” when collected in parcels and sent to Ehrenberg, is “ brick-red,” or “ yellow ochre;” when seen by Humboldt in the air, it was less deeply shaded, and is described by him as imparting a “straw colour” to the atmosphere. In the search of spider lines for the diaphragm of my telescopes, I procured the finest and best threads from a cocoon of a mud-red colour; but the threads of this cocoon, as seen singly in the diaphragm, were of a golden colour; there would seem, therefore, no difficulty in reconciling the difference between the colours of the rain dust when viewed in little piles by the micro- scopist, and when seen attenuated and floating in the wind by the great traveller. It appears, therefore, that we here have placed in our hands a clew, which, attenuated and gossamer-like though it at first appears, is nevertheless palpable and strong enough to guide us along through the “circuits of the wind” even unto “ the chambers of the south.” The frequency of the fall of “rain dust” between the RED FOGS AND SEA DUST. 151 parallels of 17° and 25° north, and in the vicinity of the omarres Cape Verd Islands, is remarked upon with emphasis by ie 5 5 ° - Frequency the microscopist. It is worthy of remark, because, in of fail of = : = * 6 -. rain dust connection with the investigations at the Observatory, it pear the . = : Cape Verd 1s significant. Islands. The latitudinal limits of the northern edge of the g 289 north-east trade-winds are variable. In the spring they tatituai are nearest to the equator, extending sometimes at this reac season not farther from the equator than the parallel of vats 15° north. The breadth of the calms of Cancer is also variable ; § 290 so also are their limits. The extreme vibration of this Breaath of zone is between the parallels of 17° and 38° north, ac- Caiteen, cording to the season of the year. eae According to the hypothesis suggested by my researches, § 291 this is the zone in which the upper currents of atmosphere that ascended in the equatorial calms, and flowed off to the northward and eastward, are supposed to descend. This, therefore, is the zone in which the atmosphere that Confrma- tion of bears the “rain dust,” or “ African sand,” descends to the theory as surface; and this, therefore, is the zone, it might be sup- ea posed, which would be the most lable to showers of this Pee “dust.” This is the zone in which the Cape Verd Islands are situated; they are in the direction which theory gives to the upper current of air from the Oronoco and Ama- zon with its “rain dust,’ and they are in the region of the most frequent showers of “rain dust,” all of which, though they do not absolutely prove, are nevertheless strikingly in conformity with, this theory as to the circu- lation of the atmosphere. ~ It is true that, in the present state of our information, § 292 1 § 130. CHAPTER Vv. —_— § 293 Fall of rain dust always occurs in same at- mospheri- cal vein. § 294 General regularit of upper currents. § 295 132 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. we cannot tell why this “rain dust” should not be gra- dually precipitated from this upper current, and descend into the stratum of trade-winds, as it passes from the equa- tor to higher northern latitudes; neither can we tell why the vapour which the same winds carry along should not, in like manner, be precipitated on the way; nor why we should have a thunder-storm, a gale of wind, or the dis- play of any other atmospherical phenomenon to-morrow, and not to-day: all that we can say is, that the condi- tions of to-day are not such as the phenomenon requires for its own development. Therefore, though we cannot tell why the “ sea-dust” should not fall always in the same place, we may never- theless suppose that it is not always in the atmosphere, for the storms that take it up occur only occasionally, and that when up, and in passing the same parallels, it does not, any more than the vapour from a given part of the sea, always meet with the conditions—electrical and others—favourable to its descent, and that these condi- tions, as with the vapour, may occur now in this place, now in that. But that the fall does occur always in the same atmospherical vein or general direction, my inves- tigations would suggest, and Ehrenberg’s researches prove. Judging by the fall of sea or rain dust, we may sup- pose that the currents in the upper regions of the atmo- y : ‘ sphere are remarkable for their general regularity, as well as for their general direction and sharpness of limits, so to speak, We may imagine that certain electrical conditions are necessary to a shower of “ sea-dust,” as well as to a thun- der-storm; and that the interval between the time of the RED FOGS AND SEA DUST. isa equinoctial disturbances in the atmosphere and the occur- cuaprex rence of these showers, though it does not enable us to 3 determine the true rate of motion in the general system of atmospherical circulation, yet assures us that it is not less on the average than a certain rate. I do not offer these remarks as an explanation with § 296 which we ought to rest satisfied, provided other proof can Authors be obtained; I rather offer them in the true philosophical jaa spirit of the distinguished microscopist himself, simply as affording, as far as they are entitled to be called an ex- planation, that explanation which is most in conformity with the facts before us, and which is suggested by the results of a novel and beautiful system of philosophical research. It is not, however, my province, or that of any other philosopher, to dictate belief. Any one may found hypotheses if he will state his facts and the reasoning by which he derives the conclusions which constitute the hypothesis. Having done this, he should patiently wait for time, farther research, and the judgment of his peers, to expand, confirm, or reject the doctrine which he may have conceived it his duty to proclaim. Thus, though we have tallied the air, and put labels on g 297 the wind, to “ tell whence it cometh and whither it another Q 5 . agent con- goeth,” yet there evidently is an agent concerned in the Ses circulation of the atmosphere whose functions are mani- 927 Pn fest, but whose presence has never yet been clearly recog- fon: nized, When the air which the north-east trade-winds bring § 298 down meets in the equatorial calms that which the south- east trade-winds convey, and the two rise up together, what is it that makes them cross? Where is the power 134 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarter that guides that from the north over to the south, and that from the south up to the north? The conjectures in the next chapter as to “the relation between magnetism and the circulation of the atmosphere” may perhaps throw some light upon the answer to this question. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 135 CHAPTER. VI. ON THE PROBABLE RELATION BETWEEN MAGNETISM AND THE CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Faraday’s Discoveries, § 299.—Is there a crossing of Air at the Calm Belts? 801.—Whence comes the Vapour for Rains in extra-tropical Regions? 305.— Significant Facts, 310.—Wet and dry Winds, 311.—Regions of Precipitation and Evaporation, 312.—What guides the Wind in his Circulations? 313.— Distribution of Rains and Winds not left to Chance, 315.—A Conjecture about Magnetism, 318.—Circumstantial Evidence, 328.—More Evaporating Surface in the Southern than in the Northern Hemisphere, 326.—Whence come the Vapours that feed the great Rivers with Rains? 829.—Rain and Thermal Maps, 330.—The Dry Season in California, the Wet in the Mississippi Valley, 332.—Importanee of Meteorological Observations in British America, 333.— Importance of extending the System from the Sea to the Land, 334.— Climate of the Interior, 335.—The extra-tropical Regions of the Northern Hemisphere Condenser for the Trade-winds of the Southern, 336.—Plate VII., 339.— Countries most favourable for having Rains, 343.—How does the Air of the North-east and South-east Trades cross in the Equatorial Calms, 350.—Rain for the Mississippi Valley, 357.—Blood Rains, 872.—Track of the Passat- Staub on Plate VII., 874. —The Theory of Ampére, 378.—Calm Regions about the Poles, 380.—The Pole of maximum Cold, 381. OXYGEN, philosophers say, comprises one-fifth part of the atmosphere, and Faraday has discovered that it is magnetic. This discovery presents itself to the mind as a great physical fact, which is perhaps to serve as the keystone for some of the grand and beautiful structures which phi- losophy is building up for monuments to the genius of the age. Certain facts and deductions elicited in the course of these investigations had directed my mind to the work- ings in the atmosphere of some agent, as to whose cha- racter and nature I was ignorant. Heat, and the diurnal rotation of the earth on its axis, were not, it appeared to me, sufficient to account for all the currents of both sea and air which investigation was bringing to light. CHAPTER Vi. § 299 Oxygen is magnetic. § 300 Heat and diurnal ro- tation not sufficient to account for all the enrrents of sea and ail CHAPTER VE $301 Reason to suppose that the trade- winds crossatthe calm belts. § 303 Evidence in favour of this sup- position. 156 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. For instance, there was reason to suppose that there is a crossing of winds at the three calm belts; that is, that the south-east trade-winds, when they arrive at the belt of equatorial calms and ascend, cross over and continue their course as an upper current to the calms of Cancer, while the air that the north-east trade-winds discharge into the equatorial calm belt continues to go south, as an upper current bound for the calms of Capricorn. But what should cause this wind to cross over? Why should there not be a general mingling in this calm belt of the air brought by the two trade-winds, and why should not that which the south-east winds convey there be left, after its ascent, to flow off either to the north or to the south, as chance directs ? In the first place, it was at variance with my faith in the grand design; for I could not bring myself to believe that the operations of such an important machine as the atmosphere should be left to chance, even for a moment. Yet I knew of no agent which should guide the wind across these calm belts, and lead it out always on the side opposite to that on which it entered ; nevertheless, certain circumstances seemed to indicate that such a ecross- ing does take place. Evidence in favour of it seemed to be afforded by this circumstance, namely, our researches enabled us to trace from the belt of calms, near the tropic of Cancer, which extends entirely across the seas, an efflux of air both to the north and to the south; from the south side of this belt the air flows in a never-ceasing breeze, called the north-east trade-winds, toward the equator. (Plate L) On the north side of it, the prevailing winds come Td MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE, 157 from it also, but they go toward the north-east. They are the well-known south-westerly winds which prevail along the route from this country to England, in the ratio of two to one. But why should we suppose a crossing to take place here? We suppose so, because these last-named winds are going from a warmer to a colder climate, and therefore it may be inferred that nature exacts from them what we know she exacts from the air under similar circumstances, but on a smaller scale, before our eyes, namely, more pre- cipitation than evaporation. But where, it may be asked, does the vapour which these winds carry along, for the replenishing of the whole extra-tropical regions of the north, come from? They did not get it as they came along in the upper regions, a counter-current to the north-east trades, unless they eva- porated the trade-wind clouds, and so robbed those winds of their vapour. They certainly did not get it from the surface of the sea in the calm belt of Cancer, for they did not tarry long enough there to become saturated with moisture. Thus circumstances again pointed to the south- east trade-wind regions as the place of supply. Moreover, these researches afforded grounds for the supposition that the air of which the north-east trade- winds are composed, and which comes out of the same zone of calms as do these south-westerly winds, so far from being saturated with vapour at its exodus, is dry; for near their polar edge, the north-east trade winds are, for the most part, dry winds. Reason suggests, and phi- losophy teaches, that, going from a lower to a higher temperature, the evaporating powers of these winds are CHAPTER VI. — § 304 § 305 Whence comes the vapour for replenish- ing the ex- tra-tropi- eal regions § 306 North-east trade- winds for the most part dry. CHAPTER VI. § 307 By what agency is 138 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. increased; that they have to travel, in their oblique course toward the equator, a distance of nearly three thousand miles; that, as a general rule, they evaporate all the time, and all the way, and precipitate little or none on their route; investigations have proved that they are not saturated with moisture until they have arrived fully up to the regions of equatorial calms, a zone of con- stant precipitation. This calm zone of Cancer borders also, it was perceived, upon a rainy region, Where does the vapour which here, on the northern edge of this zone of Cancer, is condensed into rains, come the vapour from ?—and where, also—was the oft-repeated question— conveyed across the calm belt. § 308 does the vapour which is condensed into rains for the extra-tropical regions of the north generally come from ? By what agency is it conveyed across this calm belt from its birth-place between the tropics # I know of no law of nature or rule of philosophy which would forbid the supposition that the air which has been brought along as the north-east trade-winds to the equa- torial calms does, after ascending there, return by the counter and upper currents to the calm zone of Cancer, here descend and re-appear on the surface as the north- east trade-winds again. I know of no agent in nature which would prevent it from taking this circuit, nor do I know of any which would compel it to take this circuit ; but while I know of no agent in nature that would pre- vent it from taking this circuit, I know, on the other hand, of circumstances which rendered it probable that such, in general, is not the course of atmospherical circu- lation—that it does not take this circuit. Ispeak of the MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 139 rule, not of the exceptions; these are infinite, and, for the most part, are caused by the land. And I moreover know of facts which go to strengthen the supposition that the winds which have come in the upper regions of the atmosphere from the equator, do not, after arriving at the calms of Cancer, and descending, re- turn to the equator on the surface, but that they continue on the surface toward the pole. But why should they? What agent in nature is there that can compel these, ra- ther than any other winds, to take such a circuit ? The following are some of the facts and circumstances which give strength to the supposition that these winds do continue from the calm belt of Cancer toward the pole as the prevailing south-westerly winds of the extra- tropical north : We have seen (Plate I.) that, on the north side of this calm zone of Cancer, the prevailing winds on the surface are from this zone toward the pole, and that these winds return as A through the upper regions from the pole; that, arriving at the calms of Cancer, this upper current A meets another upper current G from the equator, where they neutralize each other, produce a calm, descend, and come out as surface winds, namely, A as B, or the trade winds; and G as H, or the variable winds. Now, observations have shown that the winds repre- sented by H are rain winds; those represented by B, dry winds; and it is evident that A could not bring any vapours to these calms to serve for H to make rains of ; for the winds represented by A have already performed the circuit of surface winds as far as the pole, during which journey they parted with all their moisture, and, CHAPTER VI. § 309 There are facts which strengthen the suppo- sition that the winds cross. § 310 Some of the facts. § 311 Wet and dry winds 140 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. carter returning through the upper regions of the air to the “calm belt of Cancer, they arrived there as dry winds. The winds represented by B are dry winds; therefore it was supposed that these are but a continuation of the winds A. § 312 On the other hand, if the winds A, after descending, Noevapo- do turn about and become the surface winds H, they resionon would first have to remain a long time in contact with ride of the the sea, in order to be supplied with vapour enough to Ganeer. feed the great rivers, and supply the rains for the whole earth between us and the north pole. In this case we should have an evaporating region on the north as well as on the south side of this zone of Cancer; but investi- gation shows no such region; I speak exclusively of the ocean. $313 Hence it was inferred that A and G do come out on the surface as represented by Plate I. But what is the agent that should lead them out by such opposite paths ? ¢ 314 According to this mode of reasoning, the vapours which supply the rains for H would be taken up in the south- east trade-wind region by F, and conveyed thence along the route G to H. And if this mode of reasoning be Conjecture admitted as plausible—if it be true that G have the eacae vapour which, by condensation, is to water with showers “tthe extra-tropical regions of the northern hemisphere, Nature, we may be sure, has provided a guide for con- ducting G across this belt of calms, and for sending it on in the right way. Here it was, then, at this crossing of the winds, that I thought I first saw the foot-prints of an agent whose character I could not comprehend. Could it be the magnetism that resides in the oxygen of the air? MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 141 Heat and cold, the early and the latter rain, clouds and sunshine, are not, we may rely upon it, distributed over the earth by chance; they are distributed in obedience to laws that are as certain and as sure in their operations as the seasons in their rounds. If it depended upon chance whether the dry air should come out on this side or on that of this calm belt, or whether the moist air should return or not whence it came—if such were the case in nature, we perceive that, so far from any regularity as to seasons, we should have, or might have, years of droughts the most excessive, and then again seasons of rains the most destructive; but, so far from this, we find for each place a mean annual proportion of both, and that so regu- lated withal, that year after year the quantity is preserved with remarkable regularity. Having thus shown that there is no reason for suppos- ing that the upper currents of air, when they meet over the calms of Cancer and Capricorn, are turned back to the equator, but having shown that there is reason for supposing that the air of each current, after descending, continues on in the direction towards which it was tra- velling before it descended, we may go farther, and, by a similar train of circumstantial evidence, afforded by these researches and other sources of information, show that the air, kept in motion on the surface by the two systems of trade-winds, when it arrives at the belt of equatorial calms, and ascends, continues on thence, each current to- ward the pole which it was approaching while on the surface. In a problem like this, demonstration in the positive way is difficult, if not impossible. We must rely for our CHAPTER WA § 315 Distribu- tion of rain and wind not left to chance. § 316 No reason for suppos- ing the winds turn back to the equator. § 317 142 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. ces proof upon philosophical deduction, guided by the lights — of reason; and in all cases in which positive proof can- not be adduced, it is permitted to bring in circumstantial evidence. §318 Iam endeavouring, let it be borne in mind, to show Cause for cause for the conjecture that the magnetism of the oxygen conjectur- ingthe of the atmosphere is concerned in conducting the air which ee has blown as the south-east trade-winds—and after it has “arrived at the belt of equatorial calms and risen up— over into the northern hemisphere, and so on through its channels of circulation, as traced on Plate I. § 319 But, in order to show reasonable grounds for this con- Een jecture, I want to establish, by circumstantial evidence evidence. and such indirect proof as my investigations afford, that such is the course of the “ wind in his circuits,” and that the winds represented by F, Plate L, do become those represented by G, H, A, B, C, D, and E successively. ¢320 In the first place, F represents the south-east trade- The atmo- Winds—.é., all the winds of the southern hemisphere as Ses they approach the equator; and is there any reason for one hemi. SUpposing that the atmosphere does not pass freely from pen OnE hemisphere to another? On the contrary, many rea- sons present themselves for supposing that it does. § 321 If it did not, the proportion of land and water, and Its effect consequently of plants and warm-blooded animals, being didnt, So different in the two hemispheres, we might imagine that the constituents of the atmosphere in them would, in the course of ages, probably become different, and that consequently, in such a case, man could not safely pass from one hemisphere to the other. 322 Consider the manifold beauties in the whole system of Ze) MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE 143 terrestrial adaptations; remember what a perfect and wonderful machine’ is this atmosphere ; how exquisitely balanced and beautifully compensated it is in all its parts. We know that it is perfect; that in the performance of its various offices it is never left to the guidance of chance —no, not for a moment. Therefore I was led to ask myself why the air of the south-east trades, when arrived at the zone of equatorial calms, should not, after ascend- ing, rather return to the south than go on to the north ? Where and what is the agency by which its course is decided ? Here I found circumstances which again induced me to suppose it probable that it neither turned back to the south nor mingled with the air which came from the regions of the north-east trades, ascended, and then flowed indiscriminately to the north or the south. But I saw reasons for supposing that what came to the equatorial calms as the south-east trade-winds continued to the north as an upper current, and that what had come to the same zone as north-east trade-winds ascended and continued over into the southern hemisphere as an upper current, bound for the calm zone of Capricorn. And these are the principal reasons and conjectures upon which these suppositions were based: CHAPTER VI. Perfect machinery of the at- mosphere. § 323 § 324 Supposi- tion. ' At the seasons of the year when the area covered by § 325 the south-east trade-winds is large, and when they are pares evaporating most rapidly in the southern hemisphere, precipita ti even up to the equator, the most rain is falling in the i northern. Therefore it is fair to suppose that much of the vapour which is taken up on that side of the equator is precipitated on this. 2 § 169, CHAFTER VI. § 326 More eya- porating surface in southern than north ern hemi- sphere. § 327 Tempera- ture of tropical regions higher in the north- ern hemi- sphere. § 328 § 329 Whence come the vapours that feed the great rivers. § 330 144 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. The evaporating surface in the southern hemisphere is greater, much greater, than it is in the northern ; still, all the great rivers are in the northern hemisphere, the Amazon being regarded as common to both; and this fact, as far as it goes, tends to corroborate the suggestion as to the crossing of the trade-winds at the equatorial calms. Independently of other sources of information, my investigations also taught me to believe that the mean temperature of the tropical regions was higher in the northern than in the southern hemisphere ; for they show that the difference is such as to draw the equatorial edge of the south-east trades far over on this side of the equa- tor, and to give them force enough to keep the north- east trade-winds out of the southern hemisphere almost entirely. Consequently, as before stated, the south-east trade- winds being in contact with a more extended evaporat- ing surface, and continuing in contact with it for a longer time or through a greater distance, they would probably arrive at the trade-wind place of meeting more heavily laden with moisture than the others. Taking the laws and rates of evaporation into con- sideration, I could find no part of the ocean of the north- ern hemisphere from which the sources of the Mississippi, the St. Lawrence, and the other great rivers of our hemi- sphere could be supplied. A regular series of meteorological observations has Rain mays heen carried on at the military posts of the United States since 1819. Rain maps of the whole country* have been prepared from these observations by Mr. Lorin * See Army Meteorological Observations, published 18565. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 145 Blodget at the surgeon general’s office, and under the OHAPTER direction of Dr. Cooledge, U.S. A. These maps, as far —— as they go, sustain these views in a remarkable manner ; for they bring out facts in a most striking way to show that the dry season in California and Oregon is the wet season in the Mississippi Valley. The winds coming from the south-west, and striking g 331 upon the coasts of California and Oregon in winter, pre- wera cipitate there copiously. They then pass over the moun- gons in tains robbed in part of their moisture. Of course, after California and Missis- sippi Val- watering the Pacific shores, they have not as much vapour {2 to make rains of, especially for the upper Mississippi Valley, as they had in the summer time, when they dis- pensed their moisture, in the shape of rains, most sparingly upon the Pacific coasts. According to these views, the dry season on the Pacific § 332 slopes should be the wet, especially in the upper Mis- sissippi Valley, and vice versa. Blodget’s maps show that such is actually the case. Meteorological observations in the “ Red River country,” § 333 and other parts of British America, would throw farther light, and give farther confirmation, I doubt not, both to these views and to this interesting question. These army observations, as expressed in Blodget’s § 334 maps, reveal other interesting features also, touching the teers physical geography of the country. I allude to the two isothermal lines 45° and 65°) which include between them all places that have a mean annual temperature between 45° and 65°. I have drawn similar lines on the authority of Dove § 335 and Johnston (A. K., of Edinburgh), across Europe and 1 Plate VIII. 10 146 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. caarrer Asia, for the sake of comparison. The isotherm of 657 “skirts the northern limits of the sugar-cane, and separates the inter-tropical from the extra-tropical plants and pro- Climates ductions. I have drawn these two lines across America, not to be reckoned gnd the result shows how much we err when we reckon according borane climates accord to parallels of latitude. The space that these two isotherms of 45° and 65° comprehend between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains, owing to the singular effect of those mountains upon the climate, is larger than the space they comprehend between the Mis- sissippi and the Atlantic. Hyetographically it is also different, being dryer, and possessing a purer atmosphere. In this grand range of climate between the meridians of 100° and 110° W., the amount of precipitation is just about one half of what it is between those two isotherms east of the Mississippi. In this new country west of it, winter is the dry, and spring Hum- the rainy season. It includes the climates of the Caspian boldt’s opinion Sea, which Humboldt regards as the most salubrious in of the climates the world, and where he found the most delicious fruits bigia’ that he saw during his travels. Such was the purity of — the air there, that polished steel would not tarnish even by night exposure. These two isotherms, with the re- markable loop which they make to the north-west, beyond the Mississippi, embrace the most choice climates for the olive, the vine, and the poppy; for the melon, the peach, and almond. The finest of wool may be grown there, and the potato, with hemp, tobacco, maize, and all the cereals, may be cultivated there in great perfection. No climate of the temperate zone will be found to surpass in salubrity that of this Piedmont trans-Mississippi country. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 147 By such trains of thought and reasoning as are here omaprer . VI. sketched, and by such facts and circumstances as are — 6 stated above, I have been brought to regard the extra- baie tropical regions of the northern hemisphere as standing in Pic@! te ‘S) = gions of the relation of a condenser to a grand steam machine, the eee condenser boiler of which is in the region of the south-east trade- feine rade- winds, and to consider the trade-winds of this hemisphere winds ot ‘ 3 A , the south- as performing the like office for the regions beyond Capri- ern nemi- sphere. corn. The calm zone of Capricorn is the duplicate of that of g 337 Cancer, and the winds flow from it as they do from that, caim both north and south; but with this difference: that on“ the polar side of the Capricorn belt they prevail from the north-west instead of the south-west, and on the equa- torial side from the south-east instead of the north-east. Now, if it be true that the vapour of the north-east § 338 trade-winds is condensed in the extra-tropical regions of Mea ee the southern hemisphere, the following path, on account of pene the effect of diurnal rotation of the earth upon the course sphere. of the winds, would represent the mean circuit of a por- tion of the atmosphere moving according to the general system of its circulation over the Pacific Ocean, namely, coming down from the north as an upper current, and appearing on the surface of the earth in about longitude 120° west, and near the tropic of Cancer, it would here commence to blow the north-east trade-winds of that region. To make this clear, see Plate VII., on which I have g 339 marked the course of such vapour-bearing winds ; A being course of a breadth or swath of winds in the north-east trades; B, ee . ind the same wind as the upper and counter-current to the ""~ 1 § 168. 148 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnaprer south-east trades; and ©, the same wind after it has “descended in the calm belt of Capricorn, and come out on the polar side thereof, as the rain-winds and prevailing north-west winds of the extra-tropical regions of the south-western hemisphere. §340 This, as the north-east trades, is the evaporating wind. North-east AS the north-east trade-wind, it sweeps over a great waste wind of waters lying between the tropic of Cancer and the equator. §341 Meeting no land in this long oblique track over the Its route tepid waters of a tropical sea, 1t would, if such were its route, arrive somewhere about the meridian of 140° or 150° west, at the belt of equatorial calms, which always divides the north-east from the south-east trade-winds. Here, depositing a portion of its vapour as it ascends, it would, with the residuum, take, on account of diurnal rotation, a course in the upper region of the atmosphere to the south-east, as far as the calms of Capricorn. Here it descends and continues on toward the coast of South America, in the same direction, appearing now as the pre- vailing north-west wind of the extra-tropical regions of the southern hemisphere. Travelling on the surface from warmer to colder regions, it must, in this part of the cir- cuit, precipitate more than it evaporates. § 342 Now, it is a coincidence, at least, that this is the route Coincid- by which, on account of the land in the northern hemi- as sphere, the north-east trade-winds have the fairest sweep over that ocean. This is the route by which they are longest in contact with an evaporating surface; the route by which all circumstances are most favourable to complete saturation ; and this is the route by which they MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE, 149 can pass over into the southern hemisphere most heavily cuaprza laden with vapours for the extra-tropical regions of that Ze half of the globe; and this is the supposed route which the north-east trade-winds of the Pacific take to reach the equator, and to pass from it. Accordingly, if this process of reasoning be good, that § 343 portion of South America between the calms of Capricorn Region of and Cape Horn, upon the mountain ranges of which this eral part of the atmosphere, whose circuit I am considering as a type, first impinges, ought to be a region of copious precipitation. Now, let us turn to the works on Physical Geography, § 344 and see what we can find upon this subject. In Berghaus Patagonia. and Johnston—department Hyetography— it is stated, on the authority of Captain King, R.N., that upward of twelve feet (one hundred and fifty-three inches) of rain fell in forty-one days on that part of the coast of Patagonia which lies within the sweep of the winds just described. So much rain falls there, navigators say, that they some- times find the water on the top of the sea fresh and sweet. After impinging upon the cold hill-tops of the Pata- g 345 gonian coast, and passing the snow-clad summits of the Becomes a Andes, this same wind tumbles down upon the eastern ae slopes of the range as a dry wind; as such, it traverses aes the almost rainless and barren regions of cis-Andean Pata- gonia and South Buenos Ayres. These conditions, the direction of the prevailing winds, § 346 and the amount of precipitation, may be regarded as evi- Bridence dence afforded by nature, if not in favour of, certainly not of conjec against, the conjecture that such may have been the nik voyage of this vapour through the air. At any rate, 150 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapren here is proof of the immense quantity of vapour which these winds of the extra-tropical regions carry along with them toward the poles; and I can imagine no other place than that suggested, whence these winds could get so much vapour. Theory. I am not unaware of the theory, or of the weight attached to it, which requires precipitation to take place in the upper regions of the atmosphere on account of the cold there, irrespective of proximity to mountain tops and snow-clad hills. §347 But the facts and conditions developed by this system Facts irre- of research upon the high seas are in many respects irre- concil- amet concileable with that theory. With a new system of facts before me, I have, independent of all preconceived notions and opinions, set about to seek among them for explana- tions and reconciliations. § 348 These may not in all cases be satisfactory to every one; How do the cur- rentsof dence that has already been brought to show that the air air cross eachother which the north-east and the south-east trade-winds. discharge into the belts of equatorial calms, does, in indeed, notwithstanding the amount of circumstantial evi- ascending, cross—that from the southern passing over into the northern, and that from the northern passing over into the southern hemisphere (see F and G, B and C, Plate I.)—yet some have implied doubt by asking the question, “ How are two such currents of air to pass each other?” And, for the want of light upon this point, the correctness of reasoning, facts, inferences, and deductions have been questioned. § 349 In the first place, it may be said in reply, the belt of Breadth of . 5 s calm belt, equatorial calms is often several hundred miles across, MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 151 seldom less than sixty ; whereas the depth of the volume cuapren of air that the trade-winds pour into it is only about three nest miles, for that is supposed to be about the height to which ontace: the trade-winds extend. ae Thus we have the air passing into these calms by an § 350 opening on the north side for the north-east trades, and Cokin another on the south for the south-east trades, having a eon pie out inter- cross section of three miles vertically to each opening. It fering then escapes by an opening upward, the cross section of Moe which is sixty or one hundred, or even three hundred miles. A very slow motion upward there will carry off the air in that direction as fast as the two systems of trade-winds, with their motion of twenty miles an hour, can pour it in; and that curds or columns of air can readily cross each other and pass in different directions without interfering the one with the other, or at least to that degree which obstructs or prevents, we all know. For example, open the window of a warm room in § 351 winter, and immediately there are two currents of air Masts: ready at once to set through it, namely, a current of warm air flowing out at the top, and one of cold coming in below. But the brown fields in summer afford evidence on a g 352 larger scale, and in a still more striking manner, of the Striking fact that, in nature, columns, or streamlets, or curdles of are air do really move among each other without obstruction. That tremulous motion which we so often observe above stubble-fields, barren wastes, or above any heated surface, is caused by the ascent and descent, at one and the same time, of columns of air at different temperatures, the cool coming down, the warm going up. They do not readily commingle, for the astronomer, long after nightfall, when 152 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapter he turns his telescope upon the heavens, perceives and —* Jaments the unsteadiness they produce in the sky. § 353 If the air brought down by the north-east trade-winds Diferenee differ in temperature (and why not?) from that brought perature by the south-east trades, we have the authority of nature of trade- Benes DOR saying that the two currents would not readily com- would pre- vent them mingle. Proof is daily afforded that they would not, and mingling. there is reason to believe that the air of each current, in streaks, or patches, or curdles, does thread its way through the air of the other without difficulty. Now, if the air of these two currents differs as to magnetism, might not that be an additional reason for their not mixing, and for their taking the direction of opposite poles after ascending ? § 354 Therefore we may assume it as a postulate which nature Assiip- concedes, that there is no difficulty as to the two currents of air, which come into those calm belts from different directions, crossing over, each in its proper direction, with- out mingling. §355 Thus, having shown that there is nothing to prevent Additional the crossing of the air in these calm belts, I return to evidence that they the process of reasoning by induction, and offer additional ~~ circumstantial evidence to prove that such a crossing does take place. Let us therefore catechise, on this head, the waters which the Mississippi pours into the sea, inquiring of them as to the channels among the clouds through which they were brought from the ocean to the fountains of that mighty river. §356 It rains more in the valley drained by that river than ee is evaporated from it again. The difference for a year is — Valley. the volume of water annually discharged by that river into the sea. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE, 153 At the time and place that the vapour which supplies cuaptrs this immense volume of water was lifted by the atmos- ae 307 an phere up from the sea, the thermometer, we may infer, stood higher than it did at the time and place where this vapour was condensed and fell down as rain in the Mis- sissipp1 Valley. I looked to the south for the springs in the Atlantic § 358 which supply the fountains of this river with rain. But nage I could not find spare evaporating surface enough for it, come eon in the first place; and if the vapour, I could not find the winds which would convey it thence to the right place. The prevailing winds in the Caribbean Sea and southern $ 359 parts of the Gulf of Mexico are the north-east trade-winds. They have their offices to perform in the river basins of inter-tropical America, and the rains which they may discharge into the Mississippi Valley now and then are exceptions, not the rule. The winds from the north cannot bring vapours from ¢ 340 the great lakes to make rains for the Mississippi, for two seas reasons: Ist, The basin of the great lakes receives from the north, the atmosphere more water in the shape of rain than they penta give back in the shape of vapour. The St. Lawrence River carries off the excess. 2d, The mean climate of the lake country is colder than that of the Mississippi Valley, and therefore, as a general rule, the temperature of the Mississippi Valley is unfavourable for condensing vapour from that quarter. It cannot come from the Atlantic, because the greater g 3¢1 part of the Mississippi Valley is to the windward of the Nor from Atlantic. The winds that blow across this ocean go to are Kurope with their vapours; and in the Pacific, from the 154 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. onarter parallels of California down to the equator, the direction "of the wind at the surface is from, not toward the basin of the Mississippi. Therefore it seemed to be established with some degree of probability, or, if that expression be too strong, with something like apparent plausibility, that the rain winds of the Mississippi Valley do not, as a general rule, get their vapours from the North Atlantic Ocean, nor from the Gulf of Mexico, nor from the great lakes, nor from that part of the Pacific Ocean over which the north-east trade-winds prevail. § 362 The same process of reasoning which conducted us’ Notuust into the trade-wind region of the northern hemisphere for sn the sources of the Patagonian rains, now invites us into the trade-wind regions of the South Pacific Ocean to look for the vapour springs of the Mississippi. $363 Ifthe rain winds of the Mississippi Valley come from Reasons. the east, then we should have reason to suppose that their vapours were taken up from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream ; if the rain winds come from the south, then the vapour springs might, perhaps, be in the Gulf of Mexico; if the rain winds come from the north, then the great lakes might be supposed to feed the air with moisture for the fountains of that river; but if the rains come from the west, where, short of the great Pacific Ocean, should we look for the place of evaporation ? Wondering where, I addressed a circular letter to farmers and planters of the Mississippi Valley, requesting to be informed as to the direction of their rain winds. §364 I received replies from Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee, pera Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio ; and, subsequently, from Col. wind. W, A, Bird, Buffalo, New York, who says, “The south- 1 § 342, MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 155 west winds are our fair-weather winds; we seldom have cuarrzr rain from the south-west.” Buffalo may get much of its —~ rains from the Gulf Stream with easterly winds. But I Seen speak of the Mississippi Valley ; all the respondents there," “” with the exception of one in Missouri, said, “The south- west winds bring us our rains,” These winds certainly cannot get their vapours from § 365 the Rocky Mountains, nor from the Salt Lake, for they They can- s é not get rain quite as much upon that basin as they evaporate eres : from Salt from it again ; if they did not, they would, in the process Lake or . the Rocky of time, have evaporated all the water there, and the mountains lake would now be dry. These winds, that feed the sources of the Mississippi § 366 with rain, like those between the same parallels upon the These winds go ocean, are going from a higher to a lower temperature ; froma . . Ru eee : . . higher to and these winds in the Mississippi Valley, not being in a tower - . a tempera- contact with the ocean, or with any other evaporating ture. surface to supply them with moisture, must bring with them from some sea or another that which they deposit. Therefore, though it may be urged, inasmuch as the g 367 winds which brought the rains to Patagonia’came direct from the sea, that they therefore took up their vapours as they came along, yet it cannot be so urged in this case ; and if these winds could pass with their vapours from the equatorial calms through the upper regions of the atmosphere to the calms of Cancer, and then as surface winds into the Mississippi Valley, it was not perceived why the Patagonian rain winds should not bring their moisture by a similar route. These last are from the north-west, from warmer to colder latitudes; therefore, being once charged with vapours, they must precipitate + § 344, ge Hes Alterna- tion of rainy and dry seasons. § 368 § 369 American Arctic ex- pedition. {nfusoria § 370 156 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. as they go, and take up less moisture than they deposit. The circumstance that the rainy season in the Mississippi Valley alternates with the dry season on the coast of California and Oregon, indicates that the two regions derive vapour for their rains from the same fountains. This, however, could be regarded only as circumstantial evidence. Not a fact had yet been elicited to prove that the course of atmospherical circulation suggested by my investigations is the actual course in nature. It is a case in which I could yet hope for nothing more direct than such conclusions as might legitimately flow from circum- stances. My friend Lieutenant De Haven was about to sail in command of the American Arctic Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. Infusoria are sometimes found in sea- dust, rain-drops, hail-stones, or snow-flakes; and if by any chance it should so turn out that the locus of any of the microscopic infusoria which might be found descending with the precipitation of the Arctic regions should be identified as belonging to the regions of the south-east trade-winds, we should thus add somewhat to the strength of the many clews by which we have been seeking to enter into the chambers of the wind, and to “tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth.” It is not for man to follow the “wind in his circuits;” and all that could be hoped was, after a close examination of all the facts and circumstances which these researches upon the sea have placed within my reach, to point out that course which seemed to be most in accordance with them ; and then, having established a probability, or even a possibility, as to the true course of the atmospheric 1 $ 330. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 157 circulation, to make it known, and leave it for future investigations to confirm or set aside. It was at this stage of the matter that my friend Baron von Gerolt, the Prussian minister, had the kindness to place in my hand Ehrenberg’s work, “ Passat-Staub und Blut-Regen.” Here I found the clew which.I hoped, almost against hope, De Haven would place in my hands’ from the north pole. That celebrated microscopist reports that he found South American infusoria in the blood-rains and sea-dust of the Cape Verd Islands, Lyons, Genoa, and other places’ Thus confirming, as far as such evidence can, the indi- cations of our observations, and increasing the probability that the general course of atmospherical circulation is in conformity with the suggestions of the facts gathered from the sea as I had interpreted them, namely, that the trade-winds of the southern hemisphere, after arriving at the belt of equatorial calms, ascend and continue in their course toward the calms of Cancer as an upper current from the south-west, and that, after passing this zone of calms, they are felt on the surface as the prevailing south- west winds of the extra-tropical parts of our hemisphere ; and that, for the most part, they bring their moisture with them from the trade-wind regions of the opposite hemisphere. CHAPTER VI. » $371 Clew ‘ound in Ehren- berg’s work. § 372 Blood-rain and sea- dust. § 373 Increased probabi- lity that the trade- winds cross in calms of Cancer. I have marked on Plate VII. the supposed track of the § 374 “ Passat-Staub,” showing where it was taken up in South pene America, as at P, P, and where it was found, as at S, S; the part of the line in dots denoting where it was in the upper current, and the unbroken line where it was wafted 1 § 369. 2 § 273, of the ‘‘ Pas- ” sat-Staub" 158 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. eusrtes by a surface current; also on the same plate is designated = the part of the South Pacific in which the vapour-springs for the Mississippi rains are supposed to be. The hands (gq) point out the direction of the wind. Where the shading is light, the vapour is supposed to be carried by an upper current. §375 Such is the character of the circumstantial evidence Suspicion which induced me to suspect that some agent, whose ta office in the grand system of atmospherical circulation is neither understood nor recognised, was at work in these calm belts. §376 Dr. Faraday has shown that, as the temperature of Faralay’s oxygen is raised, its paramagnetic force diminishes, being resumed as the temperature falls again. “These properties it carries into the atmosphere, so that the latter is, in reality, a magnetic medium, ever varying, from the influence of natural circumstances, in its magnetic power. If a mass of air be cooled, it be- comes more paramagnetic ; if heated, it becomes less para- magnetic (or diamagnetic), as compared with the air in a mean or normal condition.” * §377 Now, is it not more than probable that here we have, ity tne © the magnetism of the atmosphere, that agent which mazne- guides the air from the south’ through the calms of Capri- ageat. corn, of the equator, and of Cancer, and conducts it into the north ; that agent which causes the atmosphere, with its vapours and infusoria, to flow above the clouds from one hemisphere into the other, and whose footprints had become so palpable ? * Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 4th Series, No. I., January, 1851, page 73. 1 § 373. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 159 Taking up the theory of Ampére with regard to the caaprza VI. § 378 Theory of the sun, and expanding it in conformity with the dis- 4™*T® magnetic polarity induced by an electrical current, accord- ing as it passes through wire coiled with or coiled against coveries of Faraday and the experiments of a Prussian philosopher,” we perceive a series of facts and principles which, being applied to the circulation of the atmosphere, make the conclusions to which I have been led touching these crossings in the air, and the continual “ whirl” of the wind in the Arctic regions against, and in the Ant- Beaidennt arctic with the hands of a watch, very significant. In this view of the subject, we see light springing up § 379 from various sources, by which the shadows of approach- ing confirmation are clearly perceived. One such source of light comes from the observations of my excellent Observa- friend Quetelet, at Brussels, which show that the great Quetelet a electrical reservoir of the atmosphere is in the upper re- gions of the air. It is filled with positive electricity, which increases as the temperature diminishes. May we not look, therefore, to find about the north and § 380 south magnetic poles these atmospherical nodes or calm Supposed calm regions which I have theoretically pointed out there? In _resions at other words, are not the magnetic poles of the earth in are those atmospherical nodes, the two standing in the rela- tion of cause and effect, the one to the other? This question was first asked several years ago,} and I was then moved to propound it by the inductions of theoretical reasoning. Observers, perhaps, will never reach those inhospitable $ 381 * Professor Von Feilitzsch, of the University of Griefswald. Philosophicai Magazine, January, 1851. + Maury’s Sailing Directions. CHAPTER VI. Opinions of Parry and Bar- Tow. Professor Coffin’s conclusion Position of the poles. Sir David Brewster. § 382 Difficulty of defining their exact position. Philoso- phers as- sign nearly the same position to them all 160 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. regions with their instruments to shed light upon this subject ; but Parry and Barrow have found reasons to believe in the existence of a perpetual calm about the north pole, and, later, Bellot has reported the existence of a calm region within the frigid zone. Professor J. H. Coffin, in an elaborate and valuable paper* on the “WINDS OF THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE,” arrives by deduction at a like conclusion. In that paper he has discussed the records at no less than five hundred and seventy-nine meteorological stations, embracing a totality of observations for two thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine years. He places his “ meteorological pole” —pole of the winds—near latitude 84° north, longitude 105° west. The pole of maximum cold, by another school of philosophers, Sir David Brewster among them, has been placed in latitude 80° north, longitude 100° west; and the magnetic pole, by still another school,+ in latitude 73° 35’ north, longitude 95° 39’ west. Neither of these poles is a point susceptible of definite and exact position. The polar calms are no more a point than the equatorial calms are a line ; and, considering that these poles are areas or discs, not points, it is a little curious that philosophers in different parts of the world, using different data, and following up investigation each through a separate and independent system of research, and each aiming at the solution of different problems, should nevertheless agree in assigning very nearly the same position to them all? Are these three poles grouped together by chance, or by some physical cause? By the * Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vol. vi., 1854, + Gauss. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE, 161 latter undoubtedly. Here, then, we have another of those gossamer-like clews, that sometimes seem almost palpable enough for the mind, in its happiest mood, to lay hold_of, and follow up to the very portals of knowledge, where, pausing to knock, we may boldly demand that the cham- bers of hidden things be thrown wide open, that we may see and understand the mysteries of the winds, the frost, and the trembling needle. In the polar calms there is’ an ascent of air; if an ascent, a diminution of pressure and an expansion; and if expansion, a decrease of temperature. Therefore we have palpably enough a connecting link here between the polar calms and the polar place of maximum cold. Thus we establish a relation between the pole of the winds and the pole of cold, with evident indications that there is also a physical connection between these and the mag- netic pole. Here the outcroppings of the relation between magnetism and the circulation of the atmosphere again appear. May we not find in such evidence as this threads, attenuated and almost air-drawn though they be when taken singly and alone, yet nevertheless proving, when brought together, to have a consistency sufficient, with the lights of reason, to guide us as we seek to trace the wind in his circuits? The winds approach these polar calms* by a circular or spiral motion, travelling in the northern hemisphere against, and in the southern with, the hands of a watch. The circular gales of the northern hemisphere are said also to revolve in like manner against the hands ofa watch, while those in the southern hemi- sphere travel the other way. Now, should not this dis- 2 $139, 2 § 155, 1] CHAPTER Wi. A ciew. § 383 Relation between the poles § 384 Evidence to guide us in tracing the wind. Winds approach polar calms with a spiral motion. 162 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. caapter covery of these three poles, this coincidence of revolving VI. ° . . winds, with the other circumstances that have been Encour- ° : azement brought to light, encourage us to look to the magnetism to look at . : ys maguet- Of the air for the key to these mysterious but striking sm 54 coincidences ? § 385 Indeed, so wide is the field for speculation presented Becealae by these discoveries, that we may in some respects regard this great globe itself, with its “cups” and spiral wires of air, earth, and water, as an immense “pile” and helix, which, being excited by the natural batteries in the sea and atmosphere of the tropics, excites in turn its oxygen, and imparts to atmospherical matter the properties of magnetism. § 386 With the lights which these discoveries cast, we see Sepposed (Plate I.) why air, which has completed its circuit to the effect of magnet- whirl* about the Antarctic regions, should then, according the trae to the laws of magnetism, be repelled from the south, and attracted by the opposite pole toward the north. ¢387 And when the south-east and the north-east trade-winds meet in the equatorial calms of the Pacific, would not these magnetic forces be sufficient to determine the course of each current, bringing the former, with its vapours of the southern hemisphere, over into this, by the courses already suggested ? $388 This force, and the heat of the sun, would propel it to the north. The diurnal rotation of the earth propels it to the east; consequently its course, first through the upper regions of the atmosphere and then on the surface of the earth, after being conducted by this newly-disco- vered agent across the calms of Cancer, would be from * “Tt whirleth about continually.”—Brsue. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 163 the southward and westward to the northward and east- cHaprus ward. a These are the winds’ which, on their way to the north g§ 3389 from the South Pacific, would pass over the Mississippi Bains Valley, and they appear* to be the rain winds there. asesstunt Whence, then, if not from the trade-wind regions of the =~ South Pacific, can the vapours for those rains come ? According to this view, and not taking into account s 390 any of the exceptions produced by the land and other ce circumstances upon the general circulation of the atmo- sphere over the ocean, the south-east trade-winds, which reach the shores of Brazil near the parallel of Rio, and which blow thence for the most part over the land, should be the winds which, in the general course of circulation, would be carried, after crossing the Andes and rising up in the belt of equatorial calms, toward Northern Africa, Spain, and the South of Europe. : They might carry with them the infusoria of Ehrenberg,’ § 3/1 but, according to this theory, they would be wanting in moisture. Now, are not those portions of the Old World, for the most part, dry countries, receiving but a small — amount of precipitation ? Hence the general rule. Those countries to the north § 392 of the calms of Cancer, which have large bodies of land cere situated to the southward and westward of them, in the south-east trade-wind region of the earth, should have a scanty supply of rain, and vice versa. Let us try this rule: The extra-tropical part of New § 393 Holland comprises a portion of land thus situated in the ee southern hemisphere. Tropical India is to the northward rue. and westward of it; and tropical India is in the north- 2 § 181, 2 $ 364. 3 § 273. CHAPTER VI. — § 394 Great pro- bability that mag- netism is an agent uw) atmo- spherical circulation § 395 164 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. east trade-wind region, and should give extra-tropical New Holland a slender supply of rain. But what modi- fications the monsoons of the Indian Ocean may make to this rule, or what effect they may have upon the rains in New Holland, my investigations in that part of the ocean have not been carried far enough for final decision, though New Holland is a dry country. Referring back to page 80 for what has been already said concerning the “ METEOROLOGICAL AGENCIES” of the atmosphere, it will be observed that cases are there brought forward which afford trials for this rule, every one of which holds good. Thus, though it be not proved as a mathematical truth that magnetism is the power which guides the storm from right to left and from left to right, which conducts the moist and the dry air each in its appointed paths, and which regulates the “wind in his circuits,” yet that it is such a power is rendered very probable ; for, under the supposition that there is such a crossing of the air at the tive calm places, as Plate I. represents, we can reconcile a greater number of known facts and phenomena than we can under the supposition that there is no such crossing. The rules of scientific investigation always require us, when we enter the domains of conjecture, to adopt that hypothesis by which the greatest number of known facts and phenomena may be reconciled ; and, therefore, we are entitled to assume, that this crossing probably does take place, and to hold fast to the theory so maintaining until it is shown not to be sound.” That the magnetism of the atmosphere is the agent which guides the air across the calm belts, and prevents 1 § 159. 3 § 1003. MAGNETISM AND CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 165 that which enters them from escaping on the side upon cuaprea which it entered, we cannot, of our own knowledge, ME positively affirm. Suffice it to say, that we recognise in eae this property of the oxygen of air an agent that, for aught rae we as yet know to the contrary, may serve as such a guide; (me. and we do not know of the existence of any other agent in the atmosphere that can perform the offices which the hypothesis requires. Hence the suspicion that magnetism and electricity are among the forces concerned in the cir- culation of the atmosphere. 166 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER VII. CURRENTS OF THE SEA. Governed by Laws, § 396.—The Capacity of Water to convey Heat, 399.—The Red Sea Current, 404.—The per centum of Salt in Sea Water, 418.—The Mediterranean Current, 423.—Under Current from, 424.—Admiral Smyth’s Soundings, 426.—Lyell’s Views, 429.—Admiral Smyth’s Views, 436.—Cur- rents of the Indian Ocean, 439.—Gulf Stream of the Pacific, 441.—Its resem- blance to that of the Atlantic, 442.—An ice-bearing Current between Africa and Australia, 449.—Currents of the Pacific, 451.—A Sargossa Sea in the Pacific, 452.—Drift-wood upon the Aleutian Islands, 453.—Cold Ochotsk, 454. —Humboldt’s Current, 455.—Warm Current in the South Pacific, 456.—Equa- torial Currents in the South Pacific, 458.—The Effect of Rain and Evaporation upon Currents, 459.—Under Currents of the Atlantic, 461.—Equilibrium of the Sea maintained by Currents, 467.—The Brazil Current, 469. cuarrer LET us, in this chapter, set out with the postulate that the sea, as well as the air, has its system of circulation, Wi and that this system, whatever it be, and wherever its ofthe sea Channels lie, whether in the waters at or below the sur- face, is in obedience to physical laws. The sea, by the circulation of its waters, doubtless has its offices to per- form in the terrestrial economy ; and when we see the currents in the ocean running hither and thither, we feel Theymove that they were not put in motion without a cause. On the in obedi- encetothe contrary, reason assures us that they move in obedience nature. to some law of nature, be it recorded down in the depths below, never so far beyond the reach of human ken; and being a law of nature, we know who gave it, and that neither chance nor accident had anything to do with its enactment. $397 Nature grants us all that this postulate demands, re- peating it to us in many forms of expression; she utters CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 167 it in the blade of green grass which she causes to grow in onapren . . . . Vil. climates and soils made kind and genial by warmth and —— : : Nature moisture that some current of the sea or air has conveyed proclaims : : this. far away from under a tropical sun. She murmurs it out in the cooling current of the north ; the whales of the sea ere . . . . . tell of it, and all its inhabitants proclaim it. The fauna and the flora of the sea are as much the ¢ 398 creatures of climate, and are as dependent for their well- The fawa and flora being upon temperature as are the fauna and the flora of ofthe sca " . as depen- the dry land. Were it not so, we should find the fish dent on . A . : tempera- and the algze, the marine insect and the coral, distributed ture as equally and alike in all parts of the ocean. The polar che land. whale would delight in the torrid zone, and the habitat of the pearl oyster would be also under the iceberg, or in frigid waters colder than the melting ice. Now water, while its capacities for heat are scarcely § 399 exceeded by those of any other substance, is one of the Watera most complete of non-conductors. Heat does not per- ductor. meate water as it does iron, for instance, or other good conductors. Heat the top of an iron plate, and the bottom becomes warm; but heat the top of a sheet of water, as in a pool or basin, and that at the bottom remains cool. The heat passes through iron by conduction, but to get through water it requires to be conveyed by a motion, which in fluids we call currents. Therefore the study of the climates of the sea involves § 400 a knowledge of its currents, both cold and warm. They jiiceori:s currents necessary are the channels through which the waters circulate, and by means of which the harmonies of old ocean are pre- aro served ; climates of ; the sea. Hence, in studying the system of oceanic circulation, § 401 1 § 70. 2 $76 CHAPTER Vil. Assump- tion on which is based the system of currents. § 402 Whirl- pools. Rotatory streams in English Channel § 4038 Currents of the sea can run up hill. Gulf Stream one of these. § 404 Those run- ting into the Red Sea and Mediter- ranean are the reverse 168 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. we set out with the very simple assumption, namely, that from whatever part of the ocean a current is found to run, to the same part a current of equal volume is bound to return; for upon this principle is based the whole sys- tem of currents and counter-currents of the air as well as of the water. Currents of water, like currents of air, meeting from various directions, create gyrations, which in some parts of the sea, as on the coast of Norway, assume the appear- ance of whirlpools, as though the water were drawn into a chasm below. The celebrated Maelstrom is caused by such a conflict of tidal or other streams. Admiral Beechey, R.N.,* has given diagrams illustrative of many “rotatory streams in the English Channel, a number of which occur between the outer extremities of the channel tide and the stream of the oceanic or parent wave.” “They are clearly to be accounted for,” says he, “by the streams acting obliquely upon each other.” It is not necessary to associate with oceanic currents the idea that they must of necessity, as on land, run from a higher to a lower level. So far from this being the case, some currents of the sea actually run up hill, while others run on a level. The Gulf Stream is of the first class.’ The currents which run from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean, and from the Indian Ocean into the Red Sea, are the reverse of this. Here the bottom of the cur- rent is probably a water-level, and the top an inclined plane, running down hill. Take the Red Sea current as * See an interesting paper by him on Tidal Streams of the North Sea and English Channel, pp. 703; Phil. Transactions, Part ii., 1851. 2 § 9. CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 169 an illustration. That sea lies, for the most part, within cuaprur vil. a rainless and riverless district. It may be compared to a long and narrow trough. Being in a rainless district, citer the evaporation from it is immense; none of the water thus taken up is returned to it either by rivers or rains. It is about one thousand miles long; it lies nearly north me and south, and extends from latitude 13° to the parallel of 30° north. From May to October, the water in the upper part of § 405 this sea is said to be two feet lower than it is near the Diference mouth.* This change or difference of level is ascribed to it the effect of the wind, which, prevailing from the north at that season, is supposed to blow the water out. But from May to October is also the hot season; it is § 406 the season when evaporation is going on most rapidly; ane and when we consider how dry and how hot the winds to. are which blow upon this sea at this season of the year, we may suppose the daily evaporation to be immense; not less, certainly, than half an inch, and probably twice that amount. We know that the waste from canals by evaporation, in the summer time, is an element which the engineer, when taking the capacity of his feeders into calculation, has to consider. With him it isan important element; how much more so must the waste by evapora- tion from this sea be, when we consider the physical con- ditions under which it is placed. Its feeder, the Arabian 7s ?h?*. Sea, is a thousand miles from its head; its shores are "> burning sands; the evaporation is ceaseless; and none of the vapours, which the scorching winds that blow over it earry away, are returned to it again in the shape of rains. * Johnston’s Physical Atlas. 170 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuavrer ‘The Red Sea vapours are carried off and precipitated Vil. . . . —— elsewhere. The depression in the level of its head waters § 407 Cause of depression in its level in the summer time, therefore, it appears, is owing to the effect of evaporation as well as to that of the wind blow- ing the waters back. $408 The evaporation in certain parts of the Indian Ocean’ Supposed js from three-fourths of an inch to an inch daily. Suppose evapo it for the Red Sea in the summer time to average only half an inch a day. § 409 Now, if we suppose the velocity of the current which Average runs into that sea to average, from mouth to head twenty current miles a day, it would take the water fifty days to reach into. the head of it. If it lose half an inch from its surface by evaporation daily, it would, by the time it reaches the Isthmus of Suez, lose twenty-five inches from its surface. $410 Thus the waters of the Red Sea ought to be lower at is waters the Isthmus of Suez than they are at the Straits of Babel- sez than mandeb. Independently of the waters forced out by the oa wind, they ought to be lower from two other causes, namely, evaporation and temperature, for the temperature of that sea is necessarily lower at Suez, in latitude 30°, than it is at Babelmandeb, in latitude 13°. $411 To make it quite clear that the surface of the Red str Sea is not a sea level, but is an inclined plane, suppose the channel] of the Red Sea to have a perfectly smooth and level floor, with no water in it, and a wave ten feet high to enter the Straits of Babelmandeb, and to flow up the channel at the rate of twenty miles a day for fifty days, losing daily, by evaporation, half an inch; it is easy to perceive that, at the end of the fiftieth day, this wave 2 § 38. CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 7k would not be so high, by two feet (twenty-five inches), as cuarrzs it was the first day it commenced to flow. aise The top of that sea, therefore, may be regarded as an g 412 inclined plane, made so by evaporation. But the salt water, which has lost so much of its fresh- § 413 ness by evaporation, becomes salter, and therefore heavier. The lighter water at the Straits cannot balance the heavier water at the Isthmus, and the colder and salter, and there- fore heavier water, must either run out as an under cur- rent, or it must deposit its surplus salt in the shape of crystals, and thus gradually make the bottom of the Red Sea a salt-bed, or it must abstract all the salt from the ocean to make the Red Sea brine—and we know that neither the one process nor the other is going on. Hence Mrrnce we infer that there is from the Red Sea an under or outer unter current, as there is from the Mediterranean through the ES Straits of Gibraltar, and that the surface waters near Suez are salter than those near the mouth of the Red Sea. And, to show why there should be an outer and under § 414 current from each of these two seas, let us suppose the Piss n of case of a long trough, opening into a vat of oil, with a unre and partition to keep the oil from running into the trough. rents Now suppose the trough to be filled up with wine on one side of the partition to the level of the oil on the other. The oil is introduced to represent the lighter water as it enters either of these seas from the ocean, and the wine the same water after it has lost some of its freshness by evaporation, and therefore has become salter and heavier. Now suppose the partition to be raised, what would take place? Why, the oil would run in as 172 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, cuspter aN upper current, overflowing the wine, and the wine “* would run out as an under current. $415 The rivers which discharge in the Mediterranean are Beautiful not sufficient to supply the waste of evaporation, and it ame Te by a process similar to this that the salt which is car- ee ried in from the ocean is returned to the ocean again; biumot were it not so, the bed of that sea would be a mass of mes ‘solid salt. The equilibrium of the seas is preserved, beyond a doubt, by a system of compensation as exqui- sitely adjusted as are those by which the “ music of the spheres” is maintained. $416 It is difficult to form an adequate conception of the immense quantities of solid matter, in solution, which the current from the Atlantic carries into the Mediterranean. In the abstract log for March 8th, 1855, Mr. William Grenville Temple, master of the United States ship Levant, homeward bound, has described the indraught there: Extract “Weather fine; made 1} pt. lee-way. At noon, oa stood in to Almiria Bay, and anchored off the village of ae Roguetas. Found a great number of vessels waiting for a chance to get to the westward, and learned from them that at least a thousand sail are weather-bound between this and Gibraltar. Some of them have been so for six weeks, and have even got as far as Malaga, only to be swept back by the current. Indeed, no vessel has been able to get out into the Atlantic for three months past.” $417. Now, suppose this current, which baffled and beat Strong hack this fleet for so many days, ran no faster than two current in- tothe knots the hour. Assuming its depth to be 400 feet only, Mediter- ts ‘ cC A . 5 . ranean. and its width seven miles, and that it carried in with it CURRENTS OF THE SEA. Vis the average proportion of solid matter—say one thirtieth —contained in sea water; and admitting these postu- lates into calculation as the basis of the computation, it appears that salts enough to make no less than 88 cubic miles of solid matter, of the density of water, were car- ried into the Mediterranean during these 90 days. Now, unless there were some escape for all this solid matter, which has been running into that sea, not for 90 days merely, but for ages, it is very clear that the Mediter- ranean would, ere this, have been a vat of very strong brine, or a bed of cubic crystals. Let us see the results of actual observation upon the density of water in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, and upon the under currents that run out from these seas. Four or five years ago, Mr. Morris, chief engineer of the Oriental Company’s steam-ship Ajdaha, collected spe- cimens of Red Sea water all the way from Suez to the Straits of Babelmandeb, which were afterward examined by Dr. Giraud, who reported the following results :* Latitude. Longitude. Spec. Grav. Saline Cont. D-grees. Degrees. 1000 parts, No. 1. Sea at Suez — — 1027 41.0 No. 2. Gulf of Suez 27.49 33.44 1026 40.0 No. 3. Red Sea 24.29 36. 1024 39.2 No. 4 do. 20.55 38.18 1026 40.5 Now: do: 20.43 40.03 1024 39.8 No. 6. do. 14.34 42.43 1024 39.9 No. 7 do. 12.39 44.45 1023 39.2 These observations agree with the theoretical deduc- tions just announced, and show that the surface waters at the head are heavier and salter than the surface waters at the mouth of the Red Sea. * Transact. of the Bombay Geograph. Soc., vol. ix., May 1849 to August 1850. CHAPTER VII. Computa- tion as to amount of salt car- ried in by this cur- Tent. $418 Density of water in Red Sea and Medi- terranean. § 419 Results reported by Dr. Giraud. CHAPTER VTS § 421 Tempera- ture of air between Suez and Aden. Average evapora- tion, Assump- tion of Dr. Buist. § 422 Red Sea is three thousand years old. § 423 Mediter- ranean currents, 174 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. In the same paper, the temperature of the air between Suez and Aden often rises, it is said, to 90°, “and pro- bably averages little less than 75° day and night all the year round. ‘The surface of this sea varies in heat from 65° to 85°, and the difference between the wet and dry bulb thermometers often amounts to 25°—in the kamsin, or desert winds, to from 30° to 40°; the average evapo- ration at Aden is about eight feet for the year.” “ Now, assuming,” says Dr. Buist, “the evaporation of the Red Sea to be no greater than that of Aden, a sheet of water eight feet thick, equal in area to the whole expanse of that sea, will be carried off annually in vapour ; or, assum- ing the Red Sea to be eight hundred feet in depth at an average—and this, most assuredly, is more than double the fact—the whole of it would be dried up, were no water to enter from the ocean, in one hundred years. The waters of the Red Sea, throughout, contain some four per cent. of salt by weight—or, as salt is a half heavier than water, some 2.7 per cent. in bulk—or, in round numbers, say three per cent. In the course of three thousand years, on the assumptions just made, the Red Sea ought to have been one mass of solid salt, if there were no current running out.” Now we know the Red Sea is more than three thou- sand years old, and that it is not filled with salt; and the reason is, that as fast as the upper currents bring the salt in at the top, the under currents carry it out at the bottom. MEDITERRANEAN CURRENTS.—With regard to an under current from the Mediterranean, we may begin by remark- ing that we know that there is a current always setting CURRENTS OF THE SEA, Vis in at the surface from the Atlantic, and that this is a salt- cmapres water current, which carries an immense amount of salt es into that sea. We know, moreover, that that sea is not salting up; and therefore, independently of the postulate, and of observations, we might infer the existence of an Existence of an under current, through which this salt finds its way out under current into the broad ocean again.* inferred. With regard to this outer and under current, we have 0bvserva- tions re- observations telling of its existence as long ago as 1712. garding it “Tn the year 1712,” says Dr. Hudson, in a paper com- § 424 municated to the Philosophical Society in 1724, “ Mon- Extract from a sieur du L’Aigle, that fortunate and generous commander bipey by Te A1d- of the privateer called the Phoenix, of Marseilles, giving se. chase near Ceuta Point to a Dutch ship bound to Holland, came up with her in the middle of the Gut between Tariffa and Tangier, and there gave her one broadside, which directly sunk her, all her men being saved by Monsieur du L’Aigle; and a few days after, the Dutch ship, with * Dr. Smith appears to have been the first to conjecture this explanation, which he did in 1683 (vide Philosophical Transactions), This continual indranght into the Mediterranean appears to have been a vexed question among the navigators and philosophers even of those times. Dr. Smith alludes to several hypotheses which had been invented to solve these phenomena, such as subterraneous vents, cavities, exhalation by the sun’s beams, &c., and then offers his conjecture, which, in his own words, is, ‘‘ that there is an under current, by which as great a quantity of water is carried out as comes flowing in. To confirm which, besides what I have said above about the difference of tides in the offing and at the shore in the Downs, which necessarily supposes an under current, I shall present you with an instance of the like nature in the Baltic Sound, as I received it from an able seaman, who was at the making of the trial. He told me that, being there in one of the king’s frigates, they went with their pinnace into the mid stream, aud were carried violently by the current; that, soon after this, they sunk a bucket with a heavy cannon ball to a certain depth of water, which gave a check to the boat’s motion; and, sinking it still lower and lower, the boat was driven ahead to the windward against the upper current: the current aloft, as he added, not being over four or five fathoms deep, and that the lower the bucket was let fal, they found the under current the stronger.” 1 $ 401. 176 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, cnaprer her cargo of brandy and oil, arose on the shore near Tan- = gier, which is at least four leagues to the westward of the place where she sunk, and directly against the strength of the current, which has persuaded many men that there is a recurrency in the deep water in the middle of the Gut that sets outward to the grand ocean, which this accident very much demonstrates ; and, possibly, a great part of the water which runs into the Straits returns that way, and along the two coasts before mentioned ; otherwise, this ship must, of course, have been driven towards Ceuta, and so upward. The water in the Gut must be very deep, several of the commanders of our ships of war having attempted to sound it with the longest lines they could contrive, but could never find any bottom.” §425 In 1828, Dr. Wollaston, in a paper before the Philo- Dr. Wol- sophical Society, stated that he found the specific gravity laston’s observa of a specimen of sea water, from a depth of six hundred density. and seventy fathoms, fifty miles within the Straits, to have a “density exceeding that of distilled water by more than four times the usual excess, and accordingly leaves, upon evaporation, more than four times the usual quantity of saline residuum. Hence it is clear that an under current ontward of such denser water, if of equal breadth and depth with the current inward near the sur- face, would carry out as much salt below as is brought in above, although it moved with less than one-fourth part of the velocity, and would thus prevent a perpetual increase of saltness in the Mediterranean Sea beyond that existing in the Atlantic.” $426 The doctor obtained this specimen of sea water from Captain, now Admiral Smyth, of the English navy, who CURRENTS OF THE SEA. Lae had collected it for Dr. Marcet. Dr. Marcet died before receiving it, and it had remained in the admiral’s hands some time before it came into those of Wollaston. It may, therefore, have lost something by evaporation; for it is difficult to conceive that all the river water, and three-fourths of the sea water which runs into the Medi- terranean, is evaporated from it, leaving a brine for the under current having four times as much salt as the water at the surface of the sea usually contains. Very recently, M. Coupvent des Bois is said to have shown, by actual observation, the existence of an outer and under current from the Mediterranean. However that may be, these facts, and the statements of the Secretary of the Geographical Society of Bombay; seem to leave no room to doubt as to the existence of an under current both from the Red Sea and Mediterranean, and as to the cause of the surface current which flows into them. I think it a matter of demonstration. It is accounted for" by the salts of the sea. Writers whose opinions are entitled to great respect differ with me as to the conclusiveness of this demonstra- tion. Among these writers are Admiral Smyth, of the British navy, and Sir Charles Lyell, who also differ with each other. In 1820, Dr. Marcet, being then engaged in studying the chemical composition of sea water, the admiral, with his usual alacrity for doing “a kind turn,” undertook to collect for the doctor specimens of Mediter- ranean water from various depths, especially in and about the Straits of Gibraltar. Among these was the one’ taken fifty miles within the Straits from the depth of six hun- dred and seventy fathoms (four thousand and twenty 1 § 421, * § 413, 8 § 495, 1Z CHAPTER vil. Observa- tion of M. Coupvent des Bois. § 428 Factsleave no doubt as to the existence ofan under current. § 429 Difference of opinion in regard to it. Specimens of water collected by Admi- ral Smyth. CHAPTER § 430 Depth in the Straits. Sir Charles Lyell’s de- auctions. § 431 His rea- soning not conclusive 178 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. feet), which, being four times salter than common sea water, left, as we have just seen, no doubt in the mind of Dr. Wollaston as to the existence of this under current of brine. But the indefatigable admiral, in the course of his cele- brated survey of the Mediterranean, discovered that, while inside of the Straits the depth was upwards of nine hun- dred fathoms, yet in the Straits themselves the depth across the shoalest section is not more than one hundred and sixty* fathoms. “Such being the case, we can now prove,” exclaims Sir Charles Lyell, “ that the vast amount of salt brought into the Mediterranean does not pass out again by the Straits; for it appears by Captain Smyth’s soundings, which Dr. Wollaston had not seen, that between the Capes of Trafalgar and Spartel, which are twenty-two miles apart, and where the Straits are shallowest, the deepest part, which is on the side of Cape Spartel, is only two hundred and twenty fathoms.+ It is therefore evi- dent, that if water sinks in certain parts of the Mediter- ranean, in consequence of the increase of its specitic gravity, to greater depths than two hundred and twenty fathoms, it can never flow out again into the Atlantic, since it must be stopped by the submarine barrier which crosses the shallowest part of the Straits of Gibraltar.” t According to this reasoning, all the cavities, the hollows and the valleys at the bottom of the sea, especially in the trade-wind region, where evaporation is so constant and great, ought to be salting up or filling up with brine. * «The Mediterranean.” + One hundred and sixty, Smyth. t Lyel’s Principles of Geology, p. 334-5, ninth edition. London, 1853. 1 § 425 > . CURRENTS OF THE SEA, 179 Is it probable that such a process is actually going on? No. According to this reasoning, the water at the bottom of the great American lakes ought to be salt, for the rivers and the rains, it is admitted, bring salts from the land continually and empty them into the sea. It is also admitted that the great lakes would from this cause be salt, if they had no sea drainage. The Niagara river passes these river salts from the upper lakes into Ontario, and the St. Lawrence conveys them thence to the sea. Now the basins or bottoms of all these upper lakes are far below the top of the rock over which the Niagara pitches its flood. And, were the position assumed by this writer correct, namely, that if the water in any of these lakes should, in consequence of its specific gravity, once sink below the level of the shoals in the rivers and straits which connect them, it never could flow out again, and consequently must remain there for ever*—were this principle physically correct, would not the water at the bottom of the lakes gradually have received salt sufficient, during the countless ages that they have been sending it off to the sea, to make this everlastingly pent-up water briny, or at least quite different in its constituents from that of the surface? We may presume that the water at the bottom of every extensive and quiet sheet of water, whether salt or fresh, is at the bottom by reason of specific gravity ; but that it does not remain there for ever we have abundant proof. If so, the Niagara River would be fed by Lake Erie only from that layer of water which is above the level of the top of the rock at the * See paragraph quoted (p. 178) from “ Lyell’s Principles of Geology.” CHAPTER Vil. § 432 What would be the effects on the great American lakes if this rea- soning were cor- rect. CHAPTER VII. § 433 Assump- tion on which Sir Charles Lyell’s opinion was founded. Rate at which the bar of the Mississippi travels out to sea. § 434 180 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. Falls. Consequently, wherever the breadth of that river is no greater than it is at the Falls, we should have a current as rapid as it is at the moment of passing the top of the rock to make the leap. To see that such is not the way of Nature, we have but to look at any com- mon mill pond when the water is running over the dam. The current in the pond that feeds the overflow is scarcely perceptible, for “still water runs deep.” Moreover, we know it is not such a skimming current as the geologist would make, which runs from one lake to another ; for, wherever above the Niagara Falls the water is deep, there we are sure to find the current sluggish in comparison with the rate it assumes as it approaches the Falls; and it is sluggish in deep places, rapid in shallow ones, be- cause it is fed from below. The common “ wastes” in our canals teach us this fact. The reasoning of this celebrated geologist appears to be founded upen the assumption that when water, in con- sequence of its specific gravity, once sinks below the bottom of a current where it is shallowest, there is no force of traction in fluids, nor any other power, which can draw this heavy water up again. If such were the case, we could not have deep water immediately inside of the bars which obstruct the passage of the great rivers into the sea. Thus the bar at the mouth of the Missis- sippi, with only fifteen feet of water on it, is estimated to travel out to sea at rates varying from one hundred to twenty yards a year. In the place where that bar was when it was one thousand yards nearer to New Orleans than it now is, whether it were fifteen years ago or a century ago, with CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 181 only fifteen or sixteen feet of water on it, we have now four or five times that depth. As new bars were succes- sively formed seaward from the old, what dug up the sediment which formed the old, and lifted it up from where specific gravity had placed it, and carried it out to sea over a barrier not more than a few feet from the sur- face? Indeed, Sir Charles himself makes this majestic stream to tear up its own bottom to depths far below the top of the bar at its mouth. He describes the Mississippi as-a river having nearly a uniform breadth to the dis- tance of two thousand miles from the sea.* He makes it cut a bed for itself out of the soil, which is heavier than Admiral Smyth’s deep sea water, to the depth of more than two hundred feet+ below the top of the bar which obstructs its entrance into the sea. Could not the same power which scoops out this solid matter for the Mississippi, draw the brine up from the pool in the Medi- terranean, and pass it out across the barrier in the Straits ? The traction of locomotives on rail-roads, and the force of that traction, is well understood. Now, have not currents in the deep sea power derived from some such force? Suppose this under current from the Mediter- ranean to extend one hundred and sixty fathoms down, so as to chafe the barrier across the Straits. Upon the bottom of this current, then, there is a pressure of more than fifty atmospheres. Have we not here a source of * «From near its mouth at the Balize, a steamboat may ascend for two thou- sand miles with scarcely any perceptible difference in the width of the river.” — Lyell, p. 263. + ““The Mississippi is continually shifting its course in the great alluvial plain, cutting frequently to the depth of one hundred, and even sometimes to the depth of two hundred and fifty feet.”—Zyel?, p. 273. CHAPTRH2 Vil. New bars formed. § 435 Force of traction on rail-roads. May not deep-sea currents have power derived from a like force CHAPTER VII. § 436 Admiral Smyth's pug gestion § 437 If Sir Charles Lyell’s principle be admit- ted, the harmonies of the sei bre gone. 182 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. power that would be capable of drawing up, by almost an insensibly slow motion, water from almost any depth ? At any rate, it appears that the effect of currents by traction, or friction, or whatever force, does extend far below the level of their beds in shallow places. Were it not so—were the brine not drawn out again—it would be easy to prove that this indraught into the Mediter- ranean has taken, even during the period assigned by Sir Charles to the formation of the Delta of the Mississippi —one of the newest formations—salt enough to fill up the whole basin of the Mediterranean with crystals. Admiral Smyth brought up bottom with his briny sample of deep sea water (six hundred and seventy fathoms), but no salt crystals. The gallant admiral—appearing to withhold his assent both from Dr. Wollaston in his conclusions as to this under current, and from the geologist in his inferences as to the effect of the barrier in the Straits—suggests the probability that, in sounding for the heavy specimen of sea water, he struck a brine spring. But the specimen, according to analysis, was of sea water, and how did a brine spring of sea water get under the sea but through the process of evaporation on the surface, or by parting with a portion of its fresh water in some other way ? If we admit the principle assumed by Sir Charles Lyell, that water from the great pools and basins of the sea can never ascend to cross the ridges which form these pools and basins, then the harmonies of the sea are gone, and we are forced to conclude they never existed. Every particle of water that sinks below a submarine ridge is, ipso facto, by his reasoning, stricken from the channels o> C>) CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 183 of circulation, to become thenceforward for ever motionless matter. The consequence would be “cold obstruction ” in the depths of the sea, and a system of circulation be- tween different seas of the waters only that float above the shoalest reefs and barriers. I do not believe in the existence of any such imperfect terrestrial mechanism, or in any such failures of design, To my mind, the proofs —the theoretical proofs—the proofs derived exclusively from reason and analogy—are as clear in favour of this under current from the Mediterranean as they were in favour of the existence of Leverrier’s planet before it was seen through the telescope at Berlin. Now suppose, as Sir Charles Lyell maintains, that none of these vast quantities of salt which this surface current takes into the Mediterranean find their way out again. It would not be difficult to show, even to the satisfaction of that eminent geologist, that this indraught conveys salt away from the Atlantic faster than all the fresh-water rivers empty fresh supplies of salt into the ocean. Now, besides this drain, vast quantities of salts are extracted from sea water for madrepores, coral reefs, shell banks, and marl beds; and by such reasoning as this, which is perfectly sound and good, we establish the existence of this under current, or else we are forced to the very un- philosophical conclusion that the sea must be losing its salts, and becoming less and less briny. THE CURRENTS OF THE INDIAN OCEAN. examining the physical features of this sea; and study- By carefully ing its conditions, we are led to look for warm currents that have their genesis in this ocean, and that carry from it volumes of overheated water, probably exceeding in 1 Plates VIII and IX. CHAPTER WIT: — Author's opinion. Salt is extracted from sea- water for the forma- tion of shells, corals, &¢ § 439 Warm curs Tents in Indian Ocean. Facts show their existence Mozam- bique current. § 441 Another current escapes through the Straits of Malacca § 442 Points of resem- blance be- tween this current and the Gulf Stream. 184 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. quantity many times that which is discharged by the Gulf Stream from its fountains (Plate VI.). The Atlantic Ocean is open at the north, but tropical countries bound the Indian Ocean in that direction. The waters of this ocean are hotter than those of the Caribbean Sea, and the evaporating force there’ is much greater. That it is greater we might, without observa- tion, infer from the fact of a higher temperature and a greater amount of precipitation on the neighbouring shores.* These two facts, taken together, tend, it would seem, to show that large currents of warm water have their genesis in the Indian Ocean. One of them is the well-known Mozambique current, called at the Cape of Good Hope the Lagullas current. Another of these currents makes its escape through the Straits of Malacca, and, being joined by other warm streams from the Java and China Seas, flows out into the Pacific, like another Gulf Stream, between the Philip- pines and the shores of Asia. Thence it attempts the great circle route*for the Aleutian Islands, tempering cli- mates, and losing itself in the sea on its route toward the north-west coast of America. Between the physical features of this current and the Gulf Stream of the Atlantic there are several points of resemblance. Sumatra and Malacca correspond to Florida and Cuba; Borneo to the Bahammas, with the Old Provi- dence Channel to the south, and the Florida pass to the west. The coasts of China answer to those of the United States, the Philippines to the Bermudas, the Japan Islands to Newfoundland. As with the Gulf Stream, so also here with this China current, there is a counter-current 1 § 210. 2g 202, 2 § 53. CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 185 of cold water between it and the shore. The climates of cuaprex the Asiatic coast correspond with those of America along vat the Atlantic, and those of Columbia, Washington, and Vancouver, are duplicates of those of Western Europe and the British Islands; the climate of California (State) resembling that of Spain; the sandy plains and rainless regions of Lower California reminding one of Africa, with its deserts between the same parallels, &c. Moreover, the North Pacific, like the North Atlantic, § 443 is enveloped, where these warm waters go, with mists eons an3 and fogs, and streaked with lightning. The Aleutian Islands are almost as renowned for fogs and mists as are the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. A surface current flows north through Behring’s Strait § 444 into the Arctic Sea; but in the Atlantic the current is Curent through from, not into the Arctic Sea: it flows south on the sur- Behring’: face, north below ; Behring’s Strait being too shallow to rea admit of mighty under currents, or to permit the intro- duction from the polar basin of any large icebergs into the Pacific. Behring’s Strait, in geographical position, answers to § 445 Davis's Strait in the Atlantic; and Alaska, with its Behrine’s Strait and Aleutian chain of islands, to Greenland. But instead of cnen ys comparet there being to the east of Alaska, as there is to the east sath those of Davis's of Greenland, an escape into the polar basin for these Strait. warm waters of the Pacific, a shore-line intervenes, and turns them down through a sort of North Sea along the western coast of the continent toward Mexico. They appear here as a cold current. The effect of this body of cool water upon the littoral climate of California is very marked. Being cool, it gives freshness and strength 186 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarrer to the sea-breeze of that coast in summer time, when the piste | cooling sea-breeze” is most grateful. $446 These contrasts show the principal points of resem- Puss blance and of difference between the currents and aque- carents ous circulation in the two oceans. The ice-bearing cur- oft Nor Atiantic rents of the North Atlantic are not repeated as to volume wat in the North Pacific, for there is no nursery for ice- “5 bergs like the frozen ocean and its arms. The seas of Okotsk and Kamschatka alone, and not the frozen seas of the Arctic, cradle the icebergs for the North Pacific. $447 There is, at times at least, another current of warm Current water from the Indian Ocean. It finds its way south of warm water midway between Africa and Australia, and appears to from the Indian lose itself in a sort of Sargasso Sea, thinly strewed with >: patches of weed. The whales also’ give indications of it. Nor need we be surprised at such a vast flow of warm water as these three currents indicate from the Indian Ocean, when we recollect that this ocean’ is land-locked on the north, and that the temperature of its waters is frequently as high as 90° Fahr. § 448 There must, therefore, be immense volumes of water flowing into the Indian Ocean to supply the waste created by these warm currents, and the fifteen or twenty feet of water that observations’ tell us are yearly carried off from this ocean by evaporation. §449 On either side of this warm current that escapes from iceveat- the inter-tropical parts of the Indian Ocean,’ midway rents between Africa and Australia, an ice-bearing current’ is found wending its way from the Antarctic regions with supplies of cold water to modify climates, and restore the aqueous equilibrium in that part of the world. The cur- 1 Plate LX. 289489. 2888. «$447. © Plate IX. CURRENTS OF THE SEA. . 187 rent that flows up to the west of this weedy sea is the cnarzer greatest ice-bearer. Its bergs occasionally interfere with Bee vessels bound to Australia by the new route; those of the other seldom. The former sometimes drifts its ice as far north as the parallel of 40° south. The Gulf Stream seldom permits them to get so near the equator as that in the North Atlantic, but I have known the ice-bear- Nearest ing current which passes east of Cape Horn into the shebon South Atlantic to convey its bergs as far as the parallel ey of 37° south latitude. This is the nearest approach of icebergs to the equator. These currents which run out from the inter-tropical § 450 basin of that immense sea—Indian Ocean—are active P™ currents. They convey along immense volumes of water ernts. containing vast quantities of salt, and we know that sea water enough to convey back equal quantities of salt, and salt to keep up supplies for the outgoing currents, must flow into or return to the inter-tropical regions of the same sea; therefore, if observations were silent upon the subject, reason would teach us to look for currents here that keep in motion immense volumes of water. THE CURRENTS OF THE PaciFic.—The contrast has been § 451 drawn’ between the China or “ Gulf Stream” of the North Come Pacific, and the Gulf Stream of the North Atlantic. The Pacific. course of the China Stream has never been satisfactorily anes traced out. There is’ along the coast of California and Mexico, a southwardly movement of waters, as there is along the west coast of Africa toward the Cape de Verd Islands. In the open space west of this southwardly set along g 452 1 § 442, 2 Plate IX. CHAPTER Vil. Pool in Pacific similar to Sargasso Sea. § 453 Evidence regarding the China Stream. § 454 Cold cur- rent of Okotsk. 188 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. the African coast, there is the famous Sargasso Sea, which is the general receptacle of the drift-wood and sea-weed of the Atlantic. So, in like manner, to the west from California of this other southwardly set, lies the pool into which the drift-wood and sea-weed of the North Pacific are generally gathered, but in small quantities. The natives of the Aleutian Islands, where no trees grow, depend upon the drift-wood cast ashore there for all the timber used in the construction of their boats, fishing-tacle, and household gear. Among this timber, the camphor-tree, and other woods of China and Japan, are said to be often recognised. In this fact we have additional evidence touching this China Stream, as to which’ but little at best is known. “The Japanese,” says Lieutenant Bent,* in a paper read before the American Geographical Society, January, 1856, “are well aware of its existence, and have given it the name of ‘ Kuro-Siwo,’ or Black Stream, which is undoubtedly derived from the deep blue colour of its water, when compared with that of the adjacent ocean.” From this we may infer*that the blue waters of this China Stream also contain more salt than the neighbouring waters of the sea. THE CoLD CURRENT OF OxotskK.—Inshore of, but coun- ter to the China current, along the eastern shores of Asia, is found‘ a streak, or layer, or current of cold water answer- ing to that between the Gulf Stream and the American coast. This current, like its fellow in the Atlantic, is not strong enough at all times sensibly to affect the course of navigation ; but, like that in the Atlantic, it is the nur- * Lieutenant Bent was in the Japan Expedition with Commodore Perry, and used the opportunities thus afforded to study the phenomena of this stream. 1 Plate 1X. 2 $461, 8 § 4. * § 442. CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 189 sery'of most valuable fisheries. The fisheries of Japan are quite as extensive as those of Newfoundland, and the people of each country are indebted for their valuable supplies of excellent fish to the cold waters which the currents of the sea bring down to their shores. HUMBOLDT’S CURRENT.—The currents of the Pacific are but little understood. Among those about which most is thought to be known is the Humboldt Current of Peru, which the great man whose name it bears was the first to discover. It has been traced on Plate IX. according to the best information—defective at best—upon the sub- ject. This current is felt as far as the equator, miti- gating the rainless climate of Peru as it goes, and making it delightful The Andes, with their snow-caps, on one side of the narrow Pacific slopes of this inter-tropical republic, and the current from the Antarctic regions on the other, make its climate one of the most remarkable in the world ; for, though torrid as to latitude, it is such as to temperature that cloth clothes are seldom felt as oppressive during any time of the year, especially after nightfall. Between Humboldt’s Current and the great equatorial flow there is an area which may be called the “ desolate region.” It was observed that this part of the ocean was rarely visited by the whale, either sperm or right; why, it did not appear; but observations asserted the fact. Formerly, this part of the ocean was seldom whitened by the sails of a ship, or enlivened by the presence of man. Neither the industrial pursuits of the sea nor the high- ways of commerce called him into it. Now and then a roving cruiser or an enterprising whaleman passed that way; but to all else it was an unfrequented part of the aS 00: 2 Plate 1X, CHAPTER Vil. Fisheries of Japan. § 455 Hum- boldt s current. § 456 The ‘desolate region.’ 190 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuaprer Ocean, and so remained until the gold-fields of Australia Vil, o . — and the guano islands of Peru made it a thoroughfare. All vessels bound from Australia to South America now pass through it, and in the journals of some of them it is fllow described as a region almost void of the signs of life in ™“?* both sea and air. In the South Pacific Ocean especially, where there is such a wide expanse of water, sea-birds often exhibit a companionship with a vessel, and will follow and keep company with it through storm and calm for weeks together. Even those kinds, as the albatross and Cape pigeon, that delight in the stormy regions of Cape Horn and the inhospitable climates of the Antarctic regions, not unfrequently accompany vessels into the per- petual summer of the tropics. tnerecon Lhe sea-birds that join the ship as she clears Australia will, it is said, follow her to this region, and then dis- appear. Even the chirp of the stormy-petrel ceases to be heard here, and the sea itself is said to be singularly barren of “ moving creatures that have life.” §457 I have, I believe, discovered the existence of a warm Awarm eyrrent from the inter-tropical regions of the Pacific, mid- current discovered way between the American coast and the shore-lines of flowing fromthe Australia. This region affords an immense surface for pl evaporation. No rivers empty into it; the annual fall of thePacifie rain, except in the “ Equatorial Doldrums,” is small, and the evaporation is all that both the north-east and the south-east trade-winds can take up and carry off I have marked on Plate IX. the direction of the supposed warm water current which conducts these overheated and briny waters from the tropics in mid ocean to the extra- tropical regions where precipitation is in excess. Here, being cooled, and agitated, and mixed up with waters that are less salt, these over-heated and over-salted 2 CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 191 waters from the tropics may be replenished and restored to their rounds in the wonderful system of oceanic circu- lation. There are also about the equator in this ocean some curious currents which I do not understand, and as to which observations are not sufficient yet to afford the proper explanation or description. There are many of them, some of which, at times, run with great force. On a voyage from the Society to the Sandwich Islands, I encountered one running at the rate of ninety-six miles a day. And what else should we expect in this ocean but a system of currents and counter-currents apparently the most uncertain and complicated? The Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean may, in the view we are about to take, be considered as one sheet of water. This sheet of water covers an area quite equal in extent to one half of that embraced by the whole surface of the earth ; and, accord- ing to Alexander Keith Johnston, who has thus stated it in the new edition of his splendid Physical Atlas, the total annual fall of rain on the earth’s surface is one hun- dred and eighty-six thousand, two hundred and forty cubic imperial miles. Not less than three-fourths of the vapour which makes this rain comes from this waste of waters ; but supposing that only half of this quantity, 7. e., ninety-three thousand, one hundred and twenty cubic miles of rain falls upon this sea, and that that much, at least, is taken up from it again as vapour, this would give two hundred and fifty-five cubic miles as the quantity of water which is daily lifted up and poured back again into this expanse. It is taken up at one place and rained down at another, and in this place, therefore, we have OHAPTER WIT. § 458 Curious currents, not under stood. § 459 Complicat- ed system of currents Causes of such. CHAFTER WIE: § 460 Supposed case. Atmosphe- rical agency. 192 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. agencies for multitudes of partial and conflicting currents, all, in their set and strength, apparently as uncertain as the winds. The better to appreciate the operation of such agencies in producing currents in the sea, now here, now there, first this way, and then that, let us, by way of illus- tration, imagine a district of two hundred and fifty-five square miles in extent to be set apart, in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, as the scene of operations for one day. We must now conceive a machine capable of pumping up, in the twenty-four hours, all the water to the depth of one mile in this district. The machine must not only pump up and bear off this immense quantity of water, but it must discharge it again into the sea on the same day, but at some other place. Now here is a force for creating currents that is equivalent in its results to the effects that would be produced by bailing up, in twenty- four hours, two hundred and fifty-five cubic miles of water from one part of the Pacific Ocean, and emptying it out again upon another part. The currents that would be created by such an operation would overwhelm navigation, and desolate the sea; and, happily for the human race, the great atmospherical machine which actually does perform every day, on the average, all this lifting up, transporting, and letting down of water upon the face of the grand ocean, does not confine itself to an area of two hundred and fifty-five square miles, but to an area three hundred thousand times as great; yet, nevertheless, the same quantity of water is kept in motion, and the currents, in the aggregate, transport as much water to restore the eqwlibrium as they would CURRENTS OF THE SEA. 193 have to do were all the disturbance to take place upon our hypothetical area of one mile deep over the space of two hundred and fifty-five square miles. Now, when we come to recollect that evaporation is lifting up, that the winds are transporting, and that the clouds are letting down every day actually such a body of water, we are reminded that it is done by little and little at a place, and by hair’s breadths at a time, not by parallelopipedons one mile thick—that the evaporation is most rapid and the rains most copious, not always at the same place, but now here, now there. We thus see actually existing in nature a force perhaps quite sufficient to give rise to just such a system of currents as that which mariners find in the Pacific—currents which appear to rise in mid ocean, run at unequal rates, sometimes east, sometimes west, but which always lose themselves where they rise, namely, in mid ocean. UNDER CURRENTS.—Lieutenant J. C. Walsh, in the U.S. schooner “Taney,” and Lieutenant 8S. P. Lee, in the U. S. brig “ Dolphin,” both, while they were carrying on a system of observations in connection with the WIND AND CURRENT CHARTS, had their attention directed to the subject of submarine currents. They made some interesting experiments upon the subject. A block of wood was loaded to sinking, and, by means of a fishing-line or a bit of twine, let down to the depth of one hundred or five hundred fathoms, at the will of the experimenter. A small barrel as a float, just sufficient to keep the block from sinking farther, was then tied to the line, and the whole let go from the boat. 13 CHAPTER WT Conclud- ing obser: vations. § 461 Under currents. § 462 Experi- ment. 194 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuaptrR To use their own expressions, “ It was wonderful, VII. indeed, to see this barrega move off, against wind, and § 463 surprising 8€a, and surface current, at the rate of over one knot an result hour, as was generally the case, and on one occasion as much as 1? knots. The men in the boat could not repress exclamations of surprise, fer it really appeared as if some monster of the deep had hold of the weight below, and was walking off with it.”* Both officers and men were amazed at the sight. § 464 ‘The experiments in deep-sea soundings have also thrown Experi much light upon the subject of under currents. There is ments in a _ Teason to believe that they exist in all, or almost all parts - of the deep sea, for never in any instance yet has the deep-sea line ceased to run out, even after the plummet had reached the bottom. §465 If the line be held fast in the boat, it invariably parts, Bounding: showing, when two or three miles of it are out, that the broken. under-currents are sweeping against the bight of it with what seamen call a swigging force, that no sounding twine has yet proved strong enough to withstand. §466 Lieutenant J. P. Parker of the United States frigate Lieuten- « Conoress,” attempted, in 1852, a deep-sea sounding off ant Park- ersex- the coast of South America. He was engaged with the aie experiment eight or nine hours, during which time a line nearly ten miles long was paid out. Night coming on, he had to part the line (which he did simply by attempt- ing to haul it in) and return on board. Examination proved that the ocean there, instead of being over ten miles in depth, was not over three, and that the line was swept out by the force of one or more under currents. * Lieutenant Walsh. CURRENTS OF THE SEA, 195 But in what direction these currents were running is not known. It may, therefore, without doing any violence to the rules of philosophical investigation, be conjectured, that the equilibrium of all the seas is preserved, to a greater or less extent, by this system of currents and counter- currents at and below the surface. If we except the tides, and the partial currents of the sea, such as those that may be created by the wind, we may lay it down as a rule’ that all the currents of the ocean owe their origin to the difference of specific gravity between sea water at one place and sea water at another; for wherever there is such a difference, whether it be owing to difference of temperature or to difference of saltness, &., it is a difference that disturbs equilibrium, and currents are the consequence. The heavier water goes toward the lighter, and the lighter whence the hea- vier comes; for two fluids differing in specific gravity, and standing at the same level, can no more balance each other than unequal weights in opposite scales. It is immaterial, as before stated, whether this difference of specific gravity be caused by temperature, by the matter held in solution, or by any other thing; the effect is the same, namely, a current. That the sea, in all parts, holds in solution the same kind of solid matter; that its waters in this place, where it never rains, are not salter than the strongest brine ; and that in another place, where the rain is incessant, they are not entirely without salt, may be taken as evi- dence in proof of a system of currents or of circulation in the sea, by which its waters are shaken up and kept cai 2 § 36. CHAPTERS VII. § 467 Conjec- ture re- garding equili- brium of all seas. Rule laid down, that ocean cur- rents owe their ori- gin to dif- ference of specific gravity of sea-water at different places. § 468 Proofs that wa ters of the sea are shaken up and mixed 196 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnarrer mixed together as though they were in a phial. More- VII, over, we may lay it down as a law in the system of Every A 3 i 3 * ewrent oceanic circulation, that every current in the sea has its has its counter Counter current; in other words, that the currents of the sumer sea are, like the nerves of the human system, arranged in pairs; for wherever one current is found carrying off water from this or that part of the sea, to the same part must some other current convey an equal volume of water, or else the first would, in the course of time, cease for the want of water to supply it. § 469 CURRENTS OF THE ATLANTIC.—The principal currents Curent of the Atlantic have been described in the chapter on the Gulf Stream. Besides this, its eddies and its offsets, are Equatorial the equatorial current (Plate VI.), and the St. Roque or “Brazil current. Their fountain-head is the same. It is in the warm waters about the equator, between Africa and America. The former, receiving the Amazon and the Oronoco as tributaries by the way, flows into the Carib- bean Sea, and becomes, with the waters’ in which the vapours of the trade-winds leave their salts, the feeder of Brazil the Gulf Stream. The Brazil current, coming from the me same fountain, is supposed to be divided by Cape St. Roque, one branch going to the south under this name,’ the other to the westward. This last has been a great bugbear to navigators, principally on account of the diffi- culties which a few dull vessels falling to leeward of St. Roque have found in beating up against it. It was said to have caused the loss of some English transports in the last century, which fell to leeward of the Cape on a voyage to the other hemisphere ; and navigators, accordingly, were advised to shun it as a danger. 1 § 34, 2 Plate IX. CURRENTS OF THE SEA. oT. e This current has been an object of special investigation cuaprss . . . Vil. during my researches connected with the Wind and Cur- —— A é oS Aa rent Charts, and the result has satisfied me that it is Seto neither a dangerous nor a constant current, notwithstand- ae Bese ing older writers. Horsburgh, in his East India Directory, sated eautions navigators against it ; and Keith Johnston, in his grand Physical Atlas, published in 1848, thus speaks of it :— “This current greatly impedes the progress of those Extract vessels which cross the equator west of 23° west longi- ree re tude, impelling them beyond Cape St. Roque, when they are drawn toward the northern coast of Brazil, and can- not regain their course till after weeks or months of delay and exertion.” So far from this being the case, my researches abun- g 471 dantly prove that vessels which cross the equator five Author's hundred miles to the west of longitude 23° have no diffi- regard to culty on account of this current in clearing that cape. 1 iG receive almost daily the abstract logs of vessels that cross the equator west of 30° west, and in three days from that crossing they are generally clear of that cape. a little soap or tallow,* called “arming,” in the cup, C, at the lower end of the rod, B. With this contrivance, specimens of the bottom have been brought up from the depth of more than two miles. The greatest depths at which the bottom of the sea has been reached with the plummet are in the North Atlantic Ocean, and the places where it has been fathomed do not show it to be deeper than twenty-five thousand feet. The deepest place in this ocean’ is probably between the parallels of 35° and 40° north latitude, and imme- diately to the southward of the Grand Banks of New- foundland. The first specimens have been received from the coral sea of the Indian Archipelago and from the North Pacific. They were collected by the surveying expedition employed in those seas. A few soundings have been made in the South Atlantic, but not enough to justify deduction as to its depths or the shape of its floor. * The barrel of a common quill attached to the rod hag been found to answer better. 1 Plate XI. 20 CHAPTER xIJ, Brooke's new con- trivance. § 701 Greatest depths at- tained. § 702 Greatest probable depth. 306 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER XIII. THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. Tts Shape, § 704.—Plate XI., 709.—The Deepest Part of the Atlantic, 710.— The Use of Deep-sea Soundings, 7183.—The Telegraphic Plateau, 714.—It ex- tends around the Earth as a Ridge, 715.—The first Specimens with Brooke's Lead, 717.—The Bottom of the Seaa Burial-place, 724.—The levelling Agencies at work there, 730.—Marine Insects presented in a new Light, 734.—Conser- vators of the Sea, 739.—Calcareous Shells, 742.—Tallying marine Currents, 745.—A Cast of 7000 Fathoms in the Indian Ocean, 750.—Bottom from the Coral Sea, 751.—Microscopic Examination of, 753.—The Bed of the Ocean, 761. curren ‘THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC, according to the deep-sea Sie soundings made by the American Navy, in the manner hasin of Gescribed in the foregoing chapter, is shown on Plate VI. Ausntc “This plate refers chiefly to that part of the Atlantic which is included within our hemisphere. §704 In its entire length, the basin of this sea is a long trough, separating the Old World from the New, and ex- tending probably from pole to pole. §705 This ocean-furrow was scored into the solid crust of our planet by the almighty hand, that there the waters which “he called seas” might be gathered together, so as to “let the dry land appear,” and fit the earth for the habitation of man. §706 From the top of Chimborazo to the bottom of the Atlan- tic, at the deepest place yet reached by the plummet in the North Atlantic, the distance, in a vertical line, is nine miles. $707 Could the waters of the Atlantic be drawn off, so as hance to expose to view this great sea-gash, which separates continents, and extends from the Arctic to the Antarctic, it would present a scene the most rugged, grand, and im- THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. 307 posing. The very ribs of the solid earth, with the foun- cuapree dations of the sea, would be brought to light, and we =~ should have presented to us at one view, in the empty cradle of the ocean, “a thousand fearful wrecks,’ with that dreadful array of dead men’s skulls, great anchors, heaps of pearls and inestimable stones, which, in the dreamer’s eye, lie scattered on the bottom of the sea, making it hideous with sights of ugly death. To measure the elevation of the mountain-top above § 708 the sea, and to lay down upon our maps the mountain M™pert- ance of tha 5 ar = 5 ~ . aay = = hysical ranges of the earth, is regarded in geography as an im pene. portant thing, and rightly so. Equally important is it, of the sea. in bringing the physical geography of the sea regularly within the domains of science, to present its orography, by mapping out the bottom of the ocean, so as to show the depressions of the solid parts of the earth’s crust there below the sea-level. Plate XI. presents the second attempt at such a map. $ 709 It relates exclusively to the bottom of that part of the Rewws Atlantic Ocean which lies north of 10° south. It is stip- *! pled with four shades; the darkest (that which is near- est the shore-line) shows where the water is less than six thousand feet deep ; the next, where it is less than twelve thousand feet; the third, where it is less than eighteen thousand feet ; and the fourth, or lightest, where it is not over twenty-four thousand feet deep. The blank space south of Nova Scotia and the Grand Banks includes a district within which very deep water has been reported, but, from casts of the deep-sea lead, which, upon discussion, do not appear satisfactory. The deepest part of the North Atlantic’ is probably § 710 U § 702, on 308 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. onaprer somewhere between the Bermudas and the Grand Banks, xu put how deep it may be yet remains for the cannon-ball and sounding-twine to determine. §711 The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are held in a basin Nuc, about a mile deep in the deepest part. ¢712 THE BorromM OF THE ATLANTIC, or its depressions below B efiaan ot the sea-level, are given, perhaps, on this plate, with as much accuracy as the best geographers have been enabled to show on a map the elevations above the sea-level of the interior either of Africa or Australia. §713 “What is to be the use of these deep-sea soundings ?” ae is a question that often occurs; and it is as difficult to soundings he answered in categorical terms as Franklin’s question, “What is the use of a new-born babe?” Every physical fact, every expression of nature, every feature of the earth, the work of any and all of those agents which make the face of the world what it is and as we see it, is interesting and instructive. Until we get hold of a group of physical facts, we do not know what practical bearings they may have, though right-minded men know that they contain many precious jewels, which science, or the expert hand of philosophy, will not fail to bring out, polished and bright, and beautifully adapted to man’s purposes. Already we are obtaining practical answers to this question as to the use of deep-sea soundings ; for, as soon as they were announced to the public, they forthwith assumed a practical bearing in the minds of men with regard to the question of a submarine telegraph across the Atlantic. $714 There is at the bottom of this sea, between Cape Race Plateau jn Newfoundland and Cape Clear in Ireland, a remark- between eland able steppe, which is already known as the telegraphic and New- foundland THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. 309 plateau.’ A company is now engaged with the project CHAPTER of a submarine telegraph across the Atlantic. It is pro- — ° . Atlantic posed to carry the wires along this plateau, from the Telegrapn eastern shores of Newfoundland to the western shores of 7 ?"” Treland. The great-circle distance between these two shore-lines is one thousand six hundred and forty miles, and the sea along the route is probably nowhere more than ten or twelve thousand feet deep. This company, it is understood, consists of men of enterprise and wealth, who have satisfied themselves as to the practicability of the scheme. They have made a contract with a party in England, who have agreed to deliver to them, by June 1858, a telegraphic cable, stretched from Ireland, upon this plateau, to Newfoundland. It was this company that attempted to stretch a telegraphic cable from Port au Basque, in Newfoundland, to Cape Breton, and lost it. It is hoped that no such failure will happen to the great line, for, with proper precaution and management, success is certain. There appears to be, corresponding to this elevation of § 715 the bottom of the sea, a ridge on the land which runs 4 ridge on land corre- nearly, if not entirely, around the earth. Leaving this pogtdine continent between the parallels of 45° and 50° north, the in the sea. British Islands are within its range. Passing thence to the Continent, we recognise it in the great “ divide” which separates the drainage of the Arctic Ocean from the drainage south. In Asia it rises up into a chain of steppes and mountains, extending across that continent from west to east, and disappearing on the shores of the Pacific. We do not know how it is at the bottom of the “Grand Ocean ;” but the chain of Aleutian Islands, rising 1 § 1025, 310 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnarrer Out of the water midway between Asia and America, ~~ seems to suggest that it is there also. However, if we run the eye along to America, we shall perceive again, as soon as we come to this continent, indications of this ridge, which here divides the waters that flow north from those that seek the ocean in more southern latitudes: §716 It was upon this ridge or plateau, as it crosses the Specimens Atlantic, that Brooke’s sounding apparatus brought up brought up from this jts first trophies from the bottom of the sea. These Pri specimens Lieutenant Berryman and his officers judged to be clay; but they took the precaution to label them, carefully to preserve them, and, on their return to the United States, to send them to the proper bureau. They were divided; a part was sent for examination to Professor Ehrenberg of Berlin, and a part to Professor Bailey of West Point, eminent microscopists both. I have not heard from the former, but the latter, in No- vember 1853, thus responded :— $717 “Tam greatly obliged to you for the deep soundings Professor Bailey’s remarkson oreat interest. They are exactly what I have wanted to tpecimens. get hold of. The bottom of the ocean at the depth of more than two miles I hardly hoped ever to have a chance you sent me Jast week, and I have looked at them with of examining; yet, thanks to Brooke’s contrivance, we have it clean and free from grease, so that it can at once be put under the microscope. I was greatly delighted to find that all these deep soundings are filled with microscopic shells ; not a particle of sand or gravel exists in them, They are chiefly made up of perfect little cal- eareous shells (Foraminiferw), and contain also a small number of silicious shells (Diatomacee). ~~ THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. 311 “Tt is not probable that these animals lived at the depths where these shells are found; but I rather think that they inhabit the waters near the surface, and, when they die, their shells settle to the bottom. With refer- ence to this point, I shall be very glad to examine bottles of water from various depths which were brought home by the Dolphin, and any similar materials, either ‘ bottom ’ or water from other localities. I shall study them care- 1 The results already obtained are of very great interest, and have many important bearings on geology and zoology..... “T hope you will induce as many as possible to collect soundings with Brooke’s lead in all parts of the world, so that we can map out the animalculze as you have the whales. Get your whalers also to collect mud from pan- cake ice, &., in the Polar Regions; this is always full of interesting microscopic forms.” These little mites of shells seem to form but a slender clew indeed by which the chambers of the deep are to be threaded, and mysteries of the ocean revealed; yet the results are suggestive : in right hands, and to right minds, they are guides to both light and knowledge. The first noticeable thing the microscope gives of these specimens is, that all of them are of the animal, not one of the mineral kingdom. The ocean teems with life, we know. Of the four elements of the old philosophers—fire, earth, air, and water—perhaps the sea most of all abounds with living creatures. The space occupied on the surface of our planet by the different families of animals and their re- mains is inversely as the size of the individual,—the CHAPTER XIII. Remarks continued. § 718 Use of lit- tle shells. § 719 § 720 The ocean teems with life. CHAPTER XIII. Space oc- eupied by different animals. § 721 No sand among the small shells. Inference. S22 Professor Bailey's remarks on the animal- culx. 3l2 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. smaller the animal, the greater the space occupied by his remains. Though not invariably the case, yet this rule to a certain extent is true, and will therefore answer our present purposes, which are simply those of illustration : Take the elephant and his remains, or a microscopic animal and his, and compare them. The contrast, as to space occupied, is as striking as that of the coral reef or island with the dimensions of the whale. The grave-yard that would hold the corallines is larger than the grave- yard that would hold the elephants. We notice another practical bearing in this group of physical facts that Brooke’s apparatus fished up from the bottom of the deep sea. Bailey, with his microscope, could not detect a single particle of sand or gravel among these little mites of shells) They were from the great telegraphic plateau ;? and the inference is, that there, if anywhere, the waters of the sea are at rest. There was not motion enough there to abrade these very delicate organisms, nor current enough to sweep them about and mix up with them a grain of the finest sand, nor the smallest particle of gravel torn from the loose beds of debris that here and there strew the bottom of the sea. This plateau is not too deep for the wire to smk down and rest upon; yet it is not so shallow that currents, or icebergs, or any abrading force, can derange the wire after it is once lodged upon it. As Professor Bailey remarks, the animalcule, whose remains Brooke’s lead has brought up from the bottom of the deep sea, probably did not live or die there. They would have had no light there ; and, had they lived there, their frail little textures would have been subjected in DSA Siar THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. ales their growth to a pressure upon them of a column of cmaprra XIII. water twelve thousand feet high, equal to the weight of —— four hundred atmospheres. They probably lived and sported near the surface, where they could feel the genial influence of both light and heat, and were buried in the lichen caves below after death. Brooke’s lead and the microscope, therefore, it would g 723 seem, are about to teach us to regard the ocean in a new New views of ocean light. Its bosom, which so teems with animal life ; itg opened i Es 3 7 up by face, upon which time writes no wrinkles—makes no Brooke's ° > ° 3 lead and impression ; are, it would now seem, as obedient to the micro- scope. oreat law of change as is any department whatever, either of the animal or the vegetable kingdom. It is now sug- gested that henceforward we should view the surface of the sea as a nursery teeming with nascent organisms, its depths as the cemetery for families of living creatures that outnumber the sands on the sea-shore for muititude. Where there is a nursery, hard by there will be found § 724 also a grave-yard: such is the condition of the animal Sue of the sea a world. But it never occurred to us before to consider nS the surface of the sea as one wide nursery, its every ac yard. ripple as a cradle, and its bottom one vast burial-place. On those parts of the solid portions of the earth’s crust § 725 which are at the bottom of the atmosphere, various Wasting agents on agents are at work, levelling both upward and down- eaten ward. Heat and cold, rain and sunshine, the winds and the streams, all, assisted by the force of gravitation, are unceasingly wasting away the high places on the land, and as perpetually filling up the low. ~] bo fon) But in contemplating the levelling agencies that are at § work upon the solid portions of the crust of our planet, OHAPTER XIII. § 727 No abrad- ing pro- cesses in the sea. § 728 § 729 Specula- tions. § 730 Effects of animal- cule on the bottom of ocean. 314 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. one is led, at first thought, almost to the conclusion that the levelling agents, however active they may be at the bottom of the atmosphere, are comparatively powerless at the bottom of the sea. In the deep sea there are no abrading processes at work; neither frosts nor rains are felt there, and the force of gravitation is so paralyzed down there, that it cannot use half its power, as on the dry land, in tearing the overhanging rock from the precipice, and casting it down into the valley below. . When considering the bottom of the ocean, we have, in the imagination, been disposed to regard the waters of the sea as a great cushion, placed between the air and the bed of the ocean to protect and defend it from these abrading agencies of the atmosphere. The geological clock may, we thought, strike new periods; its hands may point to era after era; but, so long as the ocean remains in its basin—sv long as its bottom is covered with blue water—so long must the deep furrows and strong contrasts in the solid crust below stand out bold, ragged, and grand. Nothing can fill up the hollows there ; no agent now at work, that we know of, can descend into its depths, and level off the floors of the sea. But it now seems that we forgot these oceans of ani- maleule, that make the surface of the sea sparkle and | glow with life. They are secreting from its surface solid matter for the very purpose of filling up those cavities below. These little marine insects are building their habitations at the surface and when they die, their remains, in vast multitudes, sink down and settle upon THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. ols the bottom. They are the atoms of which mountains are formed and plains spread out. Our marl-beds, the clay in our river-bottoms, large portions of many of the great basins of the earth, are composed of the remains of just such little creatures as these, which the ingenuity of Brooke and the industry of Berryman have enabled us to fish up from the depth of more than two miles (twelve thousand feet) below the sea-level. These foraminifere, therefore, when living, may have been preparing the ingredients for the fruitful soil of a land that some earthquake or upheaval, in ages far away in the future, may be sent to cast up from the bottom of the sea for man’s use. The study of these “sunless treasures,” recovered with so much ingenuity from the rich bottom of the sea, suggests new views concerning the physical economy of the ocean. In the chapter on the Salts of the Sea, p. 208, I endea- voured to show how sea-shells and marine insects may, by reason of the offices which they perform, be regarded as compensations in that exquisite system of physical machinery by which the harmonies of nature are pre- served, But the treasures of the lead and revelations of the microscope present the insects of the sea in a new and still more striking light. We behold them now serving not only as compensations by which the motions of the water in its channels of circulation are regulated and cli- mates softened, but acting also as checks and balances by which the equipoise between the solid and the fluid matter of the earth is preserved. Should it be established that these microscopic crea- CHAPTER XIII. a! § 73 Specula- tion. § 732 New views 733 mn § 734 Effects produced by animal- cue. $ 735 CHAPTER XIII. Conserva- tors of the ocean. § 736 Substances discharged into sea by rivers. § 738 Micro- scopic or- ganisms work on the sur- face. § 739 What re- gulates the 316 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. tures live at the surface, and are only buried at the bot- tom of the sea, we may then view them as conservators of the ocean; for, in the offices which they perform, they assist to preserve its status by secreting the salts which the rivers and the rains bring down to the sea, and thus maintain the purity of its waters. The waters of the Mississippi and the Amazon, toge- ther with all the streams and rivers of the world, both great and small, hold in solution large quantities of lime, soda, iron, and other matter. They discharge annually into the sea an amount of this soluble matter which, if precipitated and collected into one solid mass, would no doubt surprise and astonish the boldest speculator with its magnitude. This soluble matter cannot be evaporated. Once in the ocean, there it must remain; and as the rivers are continually pouring in fresh supplies of it, the sea, it has been argued, must continue to become more and more salt. Now, the rivers convey to the sea this solid matter mixed with fresh water, which, being lighter than that of the ocean, remains for a considerable time at or near the surface. Here the microscopic organisms of the deep- sea lead are continually at work, secreting this same lime and soda, &e., and extracting from the sea water all this solid mater, as fast as the rivers bring it down and empty it into the sea. They live and die at the surface, then sinking, the bottom of the sea is strewed with them. Thus we haul up from the deep sea specimens of dead animals, and recognise in them the remains of creatures saltness of which, though invisible to the naked eye, have neverthe- the sea. less assigned to them a most important office in the phy- THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. oe sical economy of the Eee namely, that of regulating cnaprrer the saltness of the sea.’ ees This view suggests many contemplations. Among § 740 them, one in which the ocean is presented as a vast che- ccna mical bath, where the solid parts of the earth are washed, micalbath. filtered, and precipitated again as solid matter, but in a new form, and with fresh properties. Doubtless it is only a re-adaptation—though it may be in an improved form—of old, and perhaps effete matter, to the uses and well-being of man. These are speculations merely ; they may be fancies g 741 without foundation, but idle they are not, I am sure: for eee when we come to consider the agents by which the phy- lation sical economy of this our earth is regulated, by which this or that result is brought about and accomplished in this beautiful system of terrestrial arrangements, we are utterly amazed at the offices which have been performed, the work which has been done, by the animalculze of the water. But whence come the little calcareous shells which § 742 Brooke’s lead has brought up, in proof of its sounding, Where from the depth of two miles and a quarter? Did they ite 7 live in the surface waters immediately above? or is their habitat in some remote part of the sea, whence, at their death, the currents were sent forth as pall-bearers, with the command to deposit their remains where the plummet found them ? In this view, these little organisms become doubly § 743 interesting. When dead, the descent of the shell to its Descent final resting-place would not, it may be supposed, be very “4 rapid. It would partake of the motion of the sea water 1 § 563. 315 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. evartzer in Which it lived and died, and probably be carried along “with it in its channels of circulation for many a long mile. 744 The microscope, under the eye of Ehrenberg, has en- abled us'to put tallies on the wings of the wind, to learn of them somewhat concerning its “ circuits.” §745 Now, may not these shells, which were so fine and hated impalpable that the officers of the Dolphin took them to tothe be amass of unctuous clay—may not, I say, these, with course of eo other specimens of soundings yet to be collected, be all tion. converted by the microscope into tallies for the waters of the different parts of the sea, by which the channels through which the circulation of the ocean is carried on are to be revealed ? §746 Suppose, for instance, that the dwelling-place of the Sspposed’ little shells which compose this specimen from that part of the ocean be ascertained, by referring to living types, to be the Gulf of Mexico, or some other remote region,— that the habitat and the burial-place, in every instance, be far removed from each other ; by what agency, except through that of currents, can we suppose these little crea- tures—themselves not having the powers for more than a very restricted locomotion—to come from the place of their birth, or to travel to that of their burial ? $747 Man can never see, he can only touch the bottom of Soverane’ the deep sea, and then only with the plummet. What- escent ever it brings up thence is to the philosopher matter of Cees powerful interest ; for by such information alone as he may gather from a most careful examination of such matter, the amount of human knowledge concerning nearly all that portion of our planet which is covered by the sea must depend. THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. 319 Every specimen of bottom from the deep sea is, there- fore, to be regarded as probably containing something 2 . . . . PS) precious in the way of contribution to the sources of human knowledge; and each as it is brought up will be viewed with increasing interest, and will suggest to us thoughts more and more profitable concerning the wonders of the deep. “There has been sent,” says Brooke, in a letter from the Surveying Expedition of the North Pacific, “a table of temperatures at various depths, from one hundred to five hundred fathoms, and two reports of experiments in deep-sea soundings. Several unsuccessful attempts to sound from the ship were made under the direction of Captain Ringgold, but were considered unworthy of a remark—in which opinion I coincide; for, at consider- able depths, one is entirely dependent upon the times of the hundred fathoms. As a general thing, I suppose a hundred thousand fathoms would all be eventually taken from the reel by the drift of the ship. On one of these occasions a breeze sprang up on the quarter, shooting the ship ahead in such a manner as to render the cast utterly worthless. CHAPTER XIII, § 749 Brooke's remarks on tem- perature and sound- ings, “From our experience in the Indian Ocean and Coral gs 750 Sea, I am inclined to believe that there is no depth from which specimens of the bottom may not be obtained. It will ever be a source of regret that, owing to circum- stances beyond my control, we were unsuccessful in recovering the line and specimen after reaching bottom with 7040 fathoms in the Indian Ocean. Such oppor- tunities are rare in that locality; yet, owing to the current of sixty miles, it will be a difficult matter to Remarks continued Indian Ocean. CHAPTER XIII. § 751 Cast in the Coral Sea. SP ~] qn bo § 753 Professor Bailey's remarks on speci- . mens. 320 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. determine the absolute depth. That current was not as superficial as one might at first suppose, for it was during the latter part of the operation that the boat experienced its effect, and it would seem that, had the current been superficial, the line would have given indication by tend- ing ahead, whereas it ran right down. Moreover, that current was local, which adds to the probability of its depth. “The cast made in the Coral Sea was satisfactory in every respect. The arming-rod came up with its lower extremity completely coated with what appeared to be a calcareous clay of such adhesive and tenacious character as to preserve the marks of the shot made in slipping off. Tn fact, we had fallen upon one of those beds which evi- dently present the characteristic formations of England.” This specimen from the Coral Sea, lat. 13° south, long. 162° east, was brought up by Brooke’s sounding- rod from the reported depth of 2150 fathoms. Professor Bailey, to whom the specimen was sent for microscopic examination, replied: “ You may be sure I was not backward in taking a look at the specimens you sent me, which, from their locality, promised to be so interesting. The sounding from 2150 fathoms, although small in quantity, is not bad in quality, yielding repre- sentatives of most of the great groups of microscopic organisms usually found in marine sediments. “The predominant forms are silicious spicules of sponges. Various forms of these occur; some long and spindle- shaped or acicular, others pin-headed, some three-spined, &e., &e. “The Diatoms (silicious infusoria of Ehrenberg) are THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. Beal very few in number, and mostly fragmentary. I found, howeyer, some perfect valves of a Coscinodiscus. “The Foraminiferze (Polythalamia of Ehrenberg) are very rare, only one perfect shell being seen, with a few fragments of others. “The Polycistiniz are present, and some species of Haliomma were quite perfect. Fragments of other forms of this group indicate that various interesting species might be obtained if we had more of the material. “You see by the above that this deep-sounding differs considerably from those obtained in the Atlantic. The Atlantic soundings were almost wholly composed of cal- careous shells of the Foraminifera ; these, on the contrary, contain very few Foraminiferee, and are of a silicious rather than of a calcareous nature. This only makes the condition of things in the northern Atlantic the more inter- esting, because,” says this philosopher, “they prove that deep water is not necessarily underlaid by foraminiferous deposits, and that some peculiar local conditions of tem- perature, currents, or geological substratum, have made the North Atlantica perfect vivarium for the calcareous forms. “The chart’ you send is very interesting, and combines a wonderful amount of interesting phenomena. I have little doubt that the history of the bottom of the ocean, as recorded by the sediments, would show a close relation to the facts determined for the surface, besides many unexpected relations. J am very anxious to get some soundings from the great ocean current that, as shown in your chart, sweeps in through the Caribbean Sea and along the coast of Mexico and Texas. CHAPTER XI. § 754 Specimens different from those of the Atlantic. § 755 Reference to Plate 10.4 “T observe on your chart something which looks like § 756 1 Plate IX. By! CHAPTER XIII. Sargasso Beas. § 757 Division of labour among animal- cule. § 758 Specimens obtained from a depth of 2700 fathoms. $2, THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. a sargasso sea south-east of Madagascar. Is it su? Get soundings, if possible, in these sargasso seas. Get sound- ings anywhere—everywhere. Even when they yield nothing, the negative fact is of value.” ; Here, again, we perceive these little conservators of the sea at work. This specimen that Brooke has obtained for us comes from the coral regions, and the task of secreting the calcareous matter from the sea water appears to have been left by these little mites of creatures* to the madre- pore and shell-fish, while these mites themselves under- took the hard task of getting the silicious matter out. The division of labour among the organisms of the sea is wonderful. It is a great work-shop, in which the machinery is so perfect that nothing ever goes wrong. Specimens of the “ooze and bottom of the sea” have also been obtained by the ingenuity of Brooke from the depth of 2700 fathoms in the North Pacific, and ex- amined by Professor Bailey.+ * Mauvry’s Sailing Directions, Seventh Edition, p. 155. + “West Pornt, N. Y., January 29, 1856. “My Dear Sir,—I have examined with mucli pleasure the highly interesting specimens collected by Lieutenant Brooke, of the United States Navy, which you kindly sent me for microscopic analysis, and I will now briefly report to you the results of general interest which I have obtained, leaving the enumeration of the organic contents and the description of new species for a more complete account, which I hope soon to publish. The specimens examined by me were as follows, namely :— “No. 1. Sea bottom, 2700 fathoms ; lat. 56° 46’ N., long. 168° 18’ E. ; brought up July 19, 1855, by Lieutenant Brooke, with Brooke’s lead. “No. 2. Sea bottom, 1700 fathoms ; lat. 60° 15’ N., long. 170° 53’ E. ; brought up as above, July 26, 1855. “No. 3. Sea bottom, 900 fathoms ; temperature (deep sea), 82°, Saxton; lat. 60° 30’ N., long. 175° E. “A careful study of the above specimens gave the following results :-— “st. All the specimens contain some mineral matter, which diminishes in proportion to the depth, and which consists of minute angular particles of quartz, hornblend, felspar, and mica. “2d. In the deepest soundings (No. 1 and No. 2) there is the least mineral THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. S20 We have now had specimens from the bottom of “ blue water” in the narrow Coral Sea, the broad Pacific, and the long Atlantic, and they all tell the same story, namely, that the bed of the ocean is a vast cemetery. The ocean’s bed has been found everywhere, wherever Brooke’s sound- matter, the organic contents, which are the same in all, predominating, while the reverse is true of No. 3. “3d. All these specimens are very rich in the silicious shells of the Diatomacez, which are in an admirable state of preservation, frequently wath the valves united, and even retaining the remains of the sof: par ts. “Ath, Among ne Diatoms the most conspicuous forms are the large and beau- tiful discs of several species of Coscinodiscus. There is also, besides many others, a large number of a new species of Rhizosolenia, a new Syndendrium, a curious species of Chzetoceros, with furcate horns, and a beautiful species of Asterom- phalus, which I propose to call Asteromphalus Brookei, in honour of Lieutenant Brooke, to whose ingenious device for obtaining deep soundings, and to whose industry and zeal in using it, we are indebted for these and many other treasures of the deep. “Sth. The specimens contain a considerable number of silicious spicules of sponges, and of the beautiful silicious shells of the Polycistinee. Among the latter I have noticed Cornutella Clathrata of Ehrenberg, a form occurring fre- quently in the Atlantic soundings. I have also noticed in all these soundings, and shall hereafter describe and figure, several species of Eucyrtidium, Hali- calyptra, a Perichlarmidium, a Stylodictya, and many others. “6th. Ihave not been able to detect even a fragment of any of the calcareous shells of the Polythalamia. This is remarkable, from the striking contrast it presents to the deep soundings of the Atlantic, which are chietly made up of these calcareous forms. This difference cannot be due to temperature, as it is well known that Polythalamia are abundant in the Arctic Seas. “7th, These deposits of microscopic organisins, in their richness, extent, and the high latitudes at which they occur, resemble those of the Antarctic regions, whose existence has been proved by Ehrenberg, and the occurrence in these northern soundings of species of Asteromphalus and Cheetoceros is another strik- ing point of resemblance. These genera, however, are not exclusively polar forms, but, as IT have recently determined, occur also in the Gulf of Mexico and along the Gulf Stream. “8th. The perfect condition of the organisms in these soundings, and the fact that some of them retain their soft portions, indicate that they were very recently in a living condition ; but it does not follow that they were living when collected at such immense depths. As among them are forms which are known to live along the shores as parasites upon the Algex, &c., it is certain that a portion, at least, have been carried by oceanic currents, by drift ice, by animals which have fed upon them, or by other agents, to their present position. It is hence pro- bable that all were removed from shallower waters in which they once lived. These forms are so minute, and would float so far when buoyed up by the gases evolved during decomposition, that there would be nothing surprising in finding CHAPTER xiil. § 759 Specimens all tell the same story. 8324 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnaprer ing-rod has touched, to be soft, consisting almost entirely XIII. ° . . . : of the remains of infusoria. The Gulf Stream has literally Gul Stream. strewed the bottom of the Atlantic with these microscopic shells ; for the Coast Survey has caught up the same in- fusoria in the Gulf of Mexico and at the bottom of the Gulf Stream off the shores of the Carolinas, that Brooke’s apparatus brought up from the bottom of the Atlantic off the Irish coast. §760 The unabraded appearance of these shells, and the Perfect re- almost total absence of the mixture of any detritus from pose at the bottom of the sea or foreign matter, suggest most forcibly the idea fo) me of perfect repose at the bottom of the deep sea. §761 Some of the specimens that Brooke’s apparatus has brought up are as pure and as free from the sand of the sea as the snow-flake that falls, when it is calm, upon the lea, is from the dust of the earth. Indeed, these sound- ings suggest the idea that the sea, like the snow-cloud with its flakes in a calm, is always letting fall upon its showers of hed showers of these microscopic shells; and then we shells. yeadily imagine that the “sunless wrecks,” which strew its bottom, are, in the process of ages, hid under this them in any part of the ocean, even if they were not transported, as it is certain they often are, by the agents above referred to. “9th. In conclusion, it is to be hoped that the example set by Lieutenant Brooke will be followed by others, and that, in all attempts to make deep sound- ings, the effort to bring up a portion of the bottom will be made. The soundings from any part of the ocean are sure to yield something of interest to the micro- scopic analysis, and it is as yet impossible to tell what important results may flow from their study “The above is only a preliminary notice of the soundings referred to. I shall proceed without delay to describe and figure the highly interesting and novel forms which I have detected, and I hope soon to have them ready for publication. “‘ Yours, very respectfull en ee a “J. W. Barrey. “LIEUTENANT M. F. Mary, “ National Observatory, Washington City, D. C.” THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC. 325 fleecy covering, presenting the rounded appearance which cnaptss . “i XIII. is seen over the body of the traveller who. has perished . . - 2 How, and in the snow-storm. The ocean, especially within and near with’ wnat . . : . . 5 the bottom the tropics, swarms with life. The remains of its myriads ortne ocean is covered. of moving things are conveyed by currents, and scattered and lodged in the course of time all over its bottom. This process, continued for ages, has covered the depths of the ocean as with a mantle, consisting of organisms as deli- cate as the macled frost, and as light as the undrifted snow-flake on the mountain! 1 § 1025. 326 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER XIV. THE WINDS. Belt of South-east broader than North-east, § 764.—Tracks of Vessels across the South-east Trades, 767.—Scenes in the Trade-wind Regions, 770.—The Effect of South Africa and America upon the Winds, 779.—Monsoons, 787.—Dove’s Theory, 789.—Proof that the South-west Monsoons are the South-east Trades deflected, 797.—How the South-west Monsoons march toward the Equator, 806. —How the Monsoon Season may be known, 809.—Influence of Deserts upon the Winds, 810.—Changing of the Monsoons, 819.—West Monsoon in Java Sea, 823 —Water-spouts, 826.—Influence of Currents upon Winds, 829.—The Calm Belts, 835.—The Equatorial Calms, 837.—The Horse Latitudes, 840.—The Westerly Winds, 843.—The brave West Winds of the Southern Hemisphere, 846. cnarpreR PLATE VIII. is a chart of the winds, based on information = derived from the Pilot Charts, one of the series of Maury’s » 762 Wind and Current Charts. The object of this chart is to make the student acquainted with the prevailing direction of the wind in every part of the ocean. The arrows of the plate are supposed to fly with the wind; the half-bearded and half-feathered arrows denoting monsoons or periodic winds; the dotted bands, the regions of calm and baffling winds. ee Monsoons, properly speaking, are winds which blow one half of the year from one direction, and the other half from an opposite, or nearly an opposite direction. Let us commence the study of Plate VIII. by examin- ing the trade-wind region; that, also, is the region in which monsoons are most apt to be found. $764 The belt or zone of the south-east trade-winds is zoneof broader than the belt or zone of north-east trades. This south-east tade- phenomenon is explained by the fact that there is more broader land in the northern hemisphere, and that most of the lan north-east. deserts of the earth—as the great deserts of Asia and Africa are situated in the rear, or behind the north-east THE WINDS. 327. trades; so that, as these deserts become more or less ciaprex . . . XIV. heated, there is a call—a pulling back, if you please— upon these trades to turn about and restore the equili- brium which the deserts destroy. There being few or no such regions in the rear of the south-east trades, the south-east trade-wind force prevails, and carries them over into the northern hemisphere. By resolving the forces which it is supposed are the § 765 principal forces that put these winds in motion, namely, ‘he forces calorific action of the sun and diurnal rotation of the Sn earth, we are led to the conclusion that the latter is much og the greater of the two in its effects upon those of the northern hemisphere. But not to such an extent is it greater in its effects upon those of the southern. We see by the plate that those two opposing currents of eae wind are so unequally balanced that the one recedes balance before the other, and that the current from the southern hemisphere is larger in volume; 7. e., it moves a greater zone or belt of air. The south-east trade-winds dis- charge themselves over the equator —v. €., across a great circle—into the region of equatorial calms; while the north-east trade-winds discharge themselves into the same region over a parallel of latitude, and consequently over a small circle. If, therefore, we take what obtains in the Atlantic as the type of what obtains entirely around the earth, as it regards the trade-winds, we shall see that the south-east, trade-winds keep in motion more South-east air than the north-east do, by a quantity at least propor- gerne tioned to the difference between the circumference of the earth at the equator and at the parallel of latitude of 9° north. For if we suppose that these two perpetual cur- rents of air extend the same distance from the surface of the earth, and move with the same velocity, a greater 328 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. carter Volume from the south would flow across the equator in aE given time than would flow from the north over the parallel of 9° in the same time; the ratio between the two quantities would be as radius to the secant of 9° Besides this, the quantity of land lying within and to the north of the region of the north-east trade-winds is much greater than the quantity within and to the south of the region of the south-east trade-winds. In consequence of this, the mean level of the earth’s surface within the region of the north-east trade-winds is, it may reasonably be supposed, somewhat above the mean level of that part which is within the region of the south-east trade-winds. Ovstrucee And as the north-east trade-winds blow under the influ- tions to north-east ence of a greater extent of land surface than the south- cat east trades do, the former are more obstructed in their course than the latter, by the forests, the mountain ranges, unequally: heated surfaces, and other such like in- equalities. §766 As already stated, the investigations show that the Effect of momentum of the south-east trade-winds is sufficient to momen- oan push the equatorial limits of their northern congeners trades. back into the northern hemisphere, and to keep them, at a mean, as far north as the ninth parallel of north lati- tude. Besides this fact, they also indicate that while the north-east trade-winds, so called, make an angle in their general course of about 23° with the equator (east-north- east), those of the south-east make an angle of 30° or more with the equator (south-east by east),—I speak of those in the Atlantic ;—thus indicating that the latter approach the equator more directly in their course than South-east do the others, and that, consequently, the effect of the fesher diurnal rotation of the earth being the same for like than north-east. parallels north and south, the ealorific influence of the THE WINDS. 829 sun exerts more power in giving motion to the southern cuyapree . . . XIV. than to the northern system of Atlantic trade-winds ; in other words, the south-east trade-winds are, on the aver- age, fresher than the north-east. The south-east trade-winds of the Atlantic, particularly § 767 in our summer and autumn months, haul more and more toward the south as they approach the equator. The Tracks of vessels to tracks of vessels bound to India from Europe show this in a very striking manner. They cross the equator Ml generally about the meridian of 20° west; there they find the wind from south-east, frequently from south- south-east, which forces the vessel off upon a course west of south. As the vessel gets south, the winds haul more and more to the east, so that, before clearing the belt of the south-east trades, the India-bound trader is steering to the east of south. That the land of the northern hemisphere does assist $ 768 to turn these winds, is rendered still more probable from 4"! this circumstance : All the great deserts are in the northern aoe hemisphere, and the land-surface is also much greater on 2ssists te y 2) turn thesa our side of the equator. The action of the sun upon winds these unequally-absorbing and radiating surfaces in and behind, or to the northward, of the north-east trades, tends to check these winds, and to draw in large volumes of the atmosphere, that otherwise would be moved by them, to supply the partial vacuum made by the heat of the sun, as it pours down its rays upon the vast plains of burning sands and unequally heated land-surfaces in our overheated hemisphere. The north-west winds of the southern are also, it may be inferred, stronger than the south-west winds of the northern hemisphere. “A ship leaving the English Channel to go to the § 769 equator generally aims,” says Jansen, “to come too soon CHAPTER XIV. Jansen’s remarks on ships and winds. § 770 Dutch shipssteer- ing for Cape Verd Islands. Beauties of the sea. 5 9 530 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. & into the north-east trade. The winds which prevail most, northward of the calm belt of Cancer, are the south-west. Wind and weather, in this part of the Atlantic Ocean, are very unreliable and changeable; nevertheless, in the summer months, we find permanent north winds along the coast of Portugal. These north winds are worthy of attention, the more so from the fact that they occur simultaneously with the African monsoon, and because we then find northerly winds also in the Mediterranean, and in the Red Sea, and farther eastward to the north of the Indian monsoon. “When, between the months of May and November, during which the African monsoon prevails, the Dutch ships, which have lingered in the calm belt of Cancer, run with the north-east trade and direct their course for the Cape Verd Islands, then it seems as if they were in another world. The sombre skies and changeable— alternately chilly and sultry—weather of our latitudes are replaced by a regular temperature and good settled weather. Each one rejoices in the glorious heavens, in which none save the little trade-clouds are to be seen; which clouds in the trade-wind region make the sunset so enchanting. The dark blue water, in which many and strange kinds of echinas sport in the sunlight, and, when seen at a distance, make the sea appear like one vast field adorned with flowers; the regular swellings of the waves with their silvery foam, through which the flying-fishes flutter; the beautifully-coloured dolphins ; the diving schools of tunnies ;—all these banish afar the monotony of the sea,* awake the love of life in the youth- * When we, as our forefathers did, preserve in the journals all that we observe at sea, then we shall have abundant material with which to keep ourselves pleasantly oceupied. THE WINDS. sol ful seaman, and attune his heart to goodness. Every- thing around him fixes his attention and increases his astonishment. “Tf all the outbreathings of heartfelt emotion which the contemplation of nature forces from the sailor were recorded in the log-books, how much farther should we be advanced in the knowledge of the natural state of the sea! Once wandering over the ocean, he begins to be impressed, by the grand natural tableau around him, with feelings deep and abiding. The most splendid forecastle is lost in the viewless surface, and brings home to us the knowledge of our nothingness; the greatest ship is a plaything for the billows, and the slender keel seems to threaten our existence every moment. . But when the eye of the mind is permitted to wander through space and into the depths of the ocean, and is able to form a conception of Infinity and of Omnipotence, then it knows no danger; it is elevated—it comprehends itself. The distances of the heavenly bodies are correctly estimated ; and, enlightened by astronomy, with the aid of the art of navigation, of which Maury’s Wind and Current Charts form an important part, the shipmaster marks out his way over the ocean just as securely as any one can over an extended heath. He directs his course toward the Cape Verd Islands, and is carried there by the lively trade-wind. Yet beyond the islands, sooner or later, according to what month it is, the clear skies begin to be clouded, the trade-wind abates and becomes unsteady, the clouds heap up, the thunder is heard, heavy rains fall ; finally, the stillness is death-like, and we have entered the belt of calms. This belt moves toward the north from May to September. It is a remarkable phenomenon that the annual movements of the trades and calm belts CHAPTER XIY. Stir Refiec- tions on ocean 8 grandeur. The sail- or’s cer- tainty in traversing the sea. The belt of culms. Sor THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. oxapter from south to north, and back again, do not directly follow **' the sun in its declination, but appear to wait until the temperature of the sea water puts it in motion. The trades and the belt of calms do not decline before the temperature of 80° of the water in the North Atlantic Ocean turns it southward; and in the spring they do not go northward until the temperature of 80° returns it atmo nq thence. Is it not as if the atmosphere and the ocean sphereand ocean’ __ were united in marriage, and go hand in hand to stand united in f=) marriage. by and to care for each other, so that they may fulfil all their duties together ? $772 “Tf a ship which has come into the belt of calms, Move- ments of the belt of calms. between May and September, can he still in the place where it came into this belt,—cast anchor, for example,— then it would perceive a turning of the monsoon or of the trade-wind. It would see the belt of calms draw away to the north, and afterward get the south-west monsoon, or, standing more westerly, perhaps the south-east trade. On the contrary, later than September, this ship lying at anchor will see the north-east gradually awake. The belt of calms then moves toward the south, and removes from the ship, which remains there anchored on the north side.’* §773 ‘The investigations that have taken place at the Observa- Influence tory show that the influence of the land upon the normal of land on See directions of the wind at sea is an immense influence. at winds, It is frequently traced for a thousand miles or more out upon the ocean. For instance, the action of the sun’s rays upon the great deserts and arid plains of Africa, in * Natuurkiindige Beschrijving der zeeén, door M. F. Maury, LL.D., Luitenant der Nord-Amerikaansche Marine, vertaald door M. H. Jansen, Luitenant dez Zee (Bijdrage). Dordrecht, P. K. Braat. 1855 THE WINDS. 313 }8) the summer and autumnal months, is such as to be feit nearly across the Atlantic Ocean between the equator and the parallel of 13° north. Between this parallel and the equator, the north-east trade-winds, during these seasons, are arrested in their course by the heated plains of Africa ; instead of “blowing home” to the equator, they stop and ascend over the desert sands of the continent. The south- east trade-winds, arriving at the equator during this period, and finding no north-east trades there to contest their crossing the line, continue their course, and blow home as a south-west monsoon to the deserts where they ascend. These southwardly monsoons bring the rains which divide the seasons in these parts of the African coast. The region of the ocean embraced by these mon- soons is cuneiform in its shape, having its base resting upon Africa, and its apex stretching over till within 10° or 15° of the mouth of the Amazon. Indeed, when we come to study the effects of South America and Africa (as developed by the Wind and Cur- rent Charts) upon the winds at sea, we should be led to the conclusion, had the foot of civilized man never trod the interior of these two continents, that the climate of one is humid,—that its valleys are, for the most part, covered with vegetation, which protects its surface from the sun’s rays; while the plains of the other are arid and naked, and, for the most part, act like furnaces in drawing the winds from the sea to supply air for the ascending columns which rise from its over-heated plains. Pushing these facts and arguments still farther, these beautiful and interesting researches seem already sufficient almost to justify the assertion, that, were it not for the Great Desert of Sahara and other arid plains of Africa, CHAPTER XIV. Monsoons § 774 Effects of South America and Africa on winds at sea. §.775 Effects of Great Desert of Sahara, &e 354 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuaprer the western shores of that continent, within the trade- as owind region, would be almost, if not altogether, as rainless and sterile as the desert itself. §776 Lieutenant Jansen has called my attention to a vein A yemark- of wind which forms a current in the air as remarkable rentofair. as that of the Gulf Stream is in the sea. This atmosphe- rical Gulf Stream is in the south-east trade-winds of the Atlantic. It extends from near the Cape of Good Hope in a direct line to the equator, on the meridian of Cape St. Roque." The homeward route from the Cape of Good Hope lies in the middle of this vein; in it the winds are more steady than in any other part of the Atlantic On the edges of this remarkable aerial current the wind is variable, and often fitful. The homeward-bound Indiaman resorts to and uses this stream in the atmosphere as the European-bound American does the Gulf Stream. It is shaded on the plate. §777 These investigations, with their beautiful developments, Value of arid de- serts ane ation, they teach us to regard the sandy deserts and arid sandy plains. plains, and the inland basins of the earth as compensa- eagerly captivate the mind; giving wings to the imagin- tions in the great,system of atmospherical circulation. Like counterpoises to the telescope, which the ignorant regard as encumbrances to the instrument, these wastes serve as make-weights, to give certainty and smoothness of motion, facility and accuracy to the workings of the machine. $778 When we travel out upon the ocean, and get beyond The ocean . - the best the influence of the land upon the winds, we find our- field for . P q ovserving Selves in a field particularly favourable for studying the aerial plie- 2 3 ‘ nomena general laws of atmospherical circulation. Here, beyond And laws. EEN 1 Plate VIIL. THE WINDS. ra) the reach of the great equatorial and polar currents of the sea, there are no unduly-heated surfaces, no mountain ranges, or other obstructions to the circulation of the atmosphere,—nothing to disturb it in its natural courses. The sea, therefore, is the field for observing the opera- tions of the general laws which govern the movements of the great aerial ocean. Observations on the land will enable us to discover the exceptions, but from the sea we shall get the rule. Each valley, every mountain range and local district, may be said to have its own peculiar system of calms, winds, rains, and droughts. But not so the surface of the broad ocean ; over it the agents which are at work are of a uniform character. RAIN-WINDS are the winds which convey the vapour from the sea, where it is taken up, to other parts of the earth, where it is let down, either as snow, hail, or rain. As a general rule, the trade-winds may be regarded as the evaporating winds ; and when, in the course of their circuit, they are converted into monsoons, or the variables of either hemisphere, they then generally become also the rain-winds—especially the nionsoons—for certain locali- ties. Thus the south-west monsoons of the Indian Ocean are the rain-winds for the west coast of Hindostan.* In like manner the African monsoons of the Atlantic are the winds which feed the springs of the Niger and the Senegal with rains. Upon every water-shed which is drained into the sea, the precipitation, for the whole extent of the shed so drained, may be considered as greater than the evapora- tion by the amount of water which runs off through the river into the sea. In this view, all rivers may be 1 ¢ 202. CHAPTER xXIy. § lordard dic Rain- winds. § 780 Precipita- tion com- pared with evapora- tion, CHAPTER XIV. § 781 The sourees whence the Ama- zon and Mississippi get their water. 336 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. regarded as immense rain-gauges, and the volume of water annually discharged by any one as an expression of the quantity which is annually evaporated from the sea, carried back by the winds, and precipitated through- out the whole extent of the valley that is drained by it. Now, if we knew the rain-winds from the dry for each locality and season generally throughout such a basin, we should be enabled to determine, with some degree of pro- bability at least, as to the part of the ocean from which such rains were evaporated. And thus, notwithstanding all the eddies caused by mountain chains and other un- even surfaces, we might detect the general course of the atmospherical circulation over the land as well as the sea, and make the general courses of circulation in each valley as obvious to the mind of the philosopher as is the cur- rent of the Mississippi, or of any other great river, to his senses. . These investigations as to the rain-winds at sea indi- cate that the vapours which supply the sources of the Amazon with rain are taken up from the Atlantic Ocean by the north-east and south-east trade-winds ; and many circumstances, some of which have already been detailed; tend to show that the winds which feed the Mississippi with rains get their vapour in the south-east trade-wind region of the other hemisphere. For instance, we know from observation that the trade-wind regions of the ocean, beyond the immediate vicinity of the land, are, for the most part, rainless regions; and that the trade-wind zones may be described, in a hyetographic sense, as the evaporating regions, They also show, or rather indicate, as a general rule, that, leaving the polar limits of the two THE WINDS. 35 trade-wind systems, and approaching the nearest pole, the precipitation is greater than the evaporation until the point of maximum cold is reached. And we know also that, as a general rule, the south- east and north-east trade-winds, which come from a lower and go to a higher temperature, are the evaporating winds,—7.¢., they evaporate more than they precipitate ; while those winds which come from a higher and go to a lower temperature are the rain-winds,—. e., they precipi- tate more than they evaporate. That such is the case, not only do researches indicate, but reason teaches and philosophy intimates. These views, therefore, suggest the inquiry as to the CHAPTER XIV. § 782 South-east and north- east trade- winds are evaporat- ing winds. § 783 sufficiency of the Atlantic, after supplying the sources of Query re- the Amazon and its tributaries with their waters, to sup- ply also the sources of the Mississippi and the St. Law- rence, and of all the rivers, great and small, of North America and Europe. A careful study of the rain-winds, in connection with the Wind and Current Charts, will probably indicate to us the “springs in the ocean” which supply the vapours for the rains that are carried off by those great rivers. ‘All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.” Mownsoons’ are, for the most part, formed of trade- winds. When, at stated seasons of the year, a trade-wind is deflected in its regular course from one quadrant to an- other, or drawn in by over-heated districts, it is regarded as a monsoon. Thus the African monsoons of the Atlan- tic, the monsoons of the Gulf of Mexico, and the Central 1 £32, 2 § 763. 3 Plate VIII. 22 garding the Atlan- tic. § 786 Springs in the ocean. § 787 Monsoons CHAPTER XIy. § 788 Monsoons of the Indian Ocean. § 789 Dove's opinion, § 790 338 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. American monsoons of the Pacific, are, for the most part, formed of the trade-winds, which are turned back or de- flected to restore the equilibrium which the over-heated plains of Africa, Utah, Texas, and New Mexico, have dis- turbed. When the monsoons prevail for five months at a time—for it takes about a month for them to change and become settled—then both they and the trade-winds, which they replace, are called monsoons. The north-east and the south-west monsoons of the Indian Ocean afford an example of this kind. A force is exerted upon the north-east trade-winds of that sea by the disturbance which the heat of summer creates in the atmosphere over the interior plains of Asia, which is more than sufficient to neutralize the forces which cause those winds to blow as trade-winds ; it arrests them, and were it not for the peculiar conditions of the land about that ocean, what are now called the north-east monsoons would blow the year round. There would be no south-west monsoons there; and the north-east winds, being per- petual, would become all the year what in reality for several months they are, namely, north-east trade-winds. As long ago as 1831, Dove* maintained that the south-west monsoon was the south-east trade-wind rush- ing forward to fill the vacant places over the northern deserts. Dove admits the proofs of this to be indirect, and acknowledges the difficulty of finding out and de- monstrating the problem.-+ I had been studying the wind in his circuits, and * Vide Poaa, Ann. xxi. + Annalen der Physik, No. 94. Translated by Dr. Rosengarten for the American Journal of Science, vol. xx., No. 60. THE WINDS. 339 hundreds of sailors were watching the vane for me ; and omaprzr my good friend Jansen encouraged me, by his reasoning ae and suggestions, to undertake the task of proving this difficult proposition of Mr. Dove. The north-east and south-east trade-winds meet, we g§ 791 know, near the equator, where they produce’ the belt of Bett of equatorial calms. All vessels that pass from one system cae of trade-winds to the other have to cross this calm belt. Sometimes they clear it in a few hours, sometimes they are delayed in it for weeks; and the calm is so still, and the rain so copious, that the fresh water is sometimes found standing in pools on the sea. If it be true, as Dove maintains, that the south-west § 792 monsoons of the Indian Ocean are the south-east trade- cena winds of that sea pressing up toward the desert regions opinion. of Asia, then a vessel bound hence to Calcutta, for in- stance, and entering the Indian Ocean at the time of the south-west monsoon, should find no belt of equatorial calms there at all, but, on the contrary, she should find the south-east trade-wind to haul more and more to the south, until finally, without having crossed any belt of equatorial calms, she would find her sails trimmed to the south-west monsoon. In like manner, Jansen maintains that the north-west § 793 monsoon is a similar deflection of the north-east trade- Jansen’s wind. cae I had many log-books relating to the Indian Ocean, § 794 and I had already, at the commencement of my labours Frets: on the Wind and Current Charts, essayed an examination sation. into the monsoons of the Indian Ocean; but the mate- rials on hand at that time proved insufficient. They 1 g 122. 2 § 162, CHAPTER XIV. § 790 Result. § 796 Causes of the mon- soons. 340 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. have been accumulating ever since; and though not yet ample enough to settle definitively such a question, they are, nevertheless, sufficient to throw some valuable and certain light upon the subject. Encouraged by Jansen, and the number of log-books, I have recently put the materials in the hands of Lieutenant West for co-ordina- tion. The result is, they GIVE NO INDICATION of ANY cali belt between the south-east trade-wind and the south-west monsoon of the Indian Ocean. The Desert of Cobi and the arid wastes of Asia‘are the causes of these monsoons. When the sun is north of the equator, the force of his rays, beating down upon these wide and thirsty plains, is such as to cause the vast superincumbent body of air to expand and ascend. Con- sequently, there is an indraught of air from the surround- ing regions to supply the ascending column. The air that is going to feed the north-east trades is thus arrested, drawn in, heated, and caused to ascend; and so, the north-east trade-winds are first weakened, then “ killed,” and afterward drawn into the vortex of ascending air over the burning sands of the deserts. On the other hand, the south-east trade-wind, failing, when it arrives at the place where the equatorial Doldrums were wont to be, to meet with them or any opposing force. from the north-east trades, are drawn over into the northern hemi- sphere. Going now from the equator toward the poles, their tendency is*to obey the forces of diurnal rotation, as well as those of the indraught for the heated plains; and thus the south-east trades become south-west monsoans. In this view, the “equatorial Doldrums” of the Indian 1 § 202, 2 § 126, THE WINDS. 341 Ocean are transferred, as it were, during the south-west monsoons, to the deserts of Central Asia. It may be asked by some saying, Since we cannot always tally the air, how do we know that these south- west monsoons are the south-east trades of the Indian Ocean? The reply is, We infer that they are, because, in co-ordinating for the Pilot Chart of that sea, we have found’ no belt of calms between the south-east trades and the south-west monsoons, but a gradual change, so to speak, of the one wind into the other. Thus, confining ourselves to August,—one of the south-west monsoon months,—and to the strip of ocean between 85° and 90° east, the investigation gives as follows for calms and winds in the field between— 10° S. and 5° S. 133 observations. (calms. Wind S.E. 5: S. and 0°, | 102 3 8 0° and 6° N. 99 See. aa Sane 5° N. and 10° N. 77 2 OMS nap SBA These monsoons do not, as we are generally taught to suppose, commence or end at the same time all over the Indian Ocean. The Pilot Charts (Plate V.) have brought this fact out in very bold relief. Take, as an illustration, the strip of ocean between the meridians of 85° and 90° east, south of Calcutta, and as far as the equator. Let us divide it into “fields” (Plate V.), by drawing across it lines to represent the parallels of 5°, 10°, 15°, and 20° north. In the first “field” below Calcutta,—7. e., between the land and 20° north,—the north-east trade-winds, toward the latter part of January, begin their conflict with the south-west monsoons. The conflict rages in February, CHAPTER XIV. § 797 Reply to objection. § 798 § 799 Pilot Charts. § 800 References to Plate V. CHAPTER XIV. Causesand courses of monsoons and trade- winds. § 801 The same continued. $ 802 Os 42 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. and by March the south-west monsoons in that “field” are considered to have regularly set in, They now re- main the dominant wind for upwards of six months, until some time in the early part of September. The north-east monsoons or trades now renew the conflict, which is carried on with more and more vigour until the latter part of November, when they obtain the ascend- ency, and prevail until the latter part of January, when, as before stated, the south-west monsoons commence their annual struggle for the mastery. In the next “field” below,—. e., between 15° and 20° north latitude,—the north-east monsoons begin to grow light and variable, and to have conflicts with the south- west in February. The period of this conflict, or change, as it is called, frequently lasts until some time in March, when the force that is calling in and driving the mon- soons from the south-west finally gains the ascendant. They then blow steadily until late in September, when the north-east trade-wind forces begin again to assert their ascendency, and to renew the conflict on this side through October, by which time the north-east trades or monsoons become the prevailing winds. ‘Thus, by going two or three hundred miles farther from the supposed place of heat and rarefaction that give rise to this system of winds, the duration of the north-east monsoons is pro- longed nearly a month: for in this “ field” they prevail from November to January inclusive, three months; while the south-west last from about the middle of March to the middle of September, say six months. In the next “field” below,—4. e., between the parallels of 10° and 15°,—the south-west monsoons blow about five THE WINDS. 343 months, perhaps not quite so long. They do not com- cnarner mence as early, nor blow so late, as in the “ field” above. ane They begin the conflict with the north-east trade-wind continuea forces in the latter part of March, and gain the ascendant in May. They then prevail till October, when the north- east trade-wind forces, escaping from the heated plains of the interior, begin to renew the annual combat which is to get them the victory. They soon achieve it, and main- tain the mastery undisputed till the last of March or first of April. In the next “ field” below,—namely, that between 5° § 803 and 10° north,—the north-east trades or monsoons do not eee begin to feel the heating-up of the deserts until the month of April has set in. The battle now, as it may well be supposed, is not to last long; for the sun is vigorously at work, heating-up the brown wastes, and calling upon the north-east trades to stop and supply the ascending column with fresh air. By the end of April, the south-west mon- soons are found to be decidedly in the ascendant, and they so continue for nearly five months. In October, but not before the middle, the conflict again commences ; feebly at first and by fitful gusts it rages all through November, and is not fairly over before the end of December. Here signs of the south-east trade-winds begin to appear. They come in on the side, now of the north-east, now of the south-west monsoons, and so prolong the contest. In the next “ field,’-—between 0° and 5° north,—the § 804 south-west monsoon is decidedly marked only for a short TOS eee time. This conflict ends in May; the other begins in August, leaving the north-east trade-winds decidedly in the ascendant for only about three months,—January to S44 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cxapteR March: so that in this “field” we have, during the year, ~~ six months of conflicting winds, and three months only for each monsoon. $805 If a ship were stationed in each one of these five euDLores “ fields,” to observe the setting in, continuance, and epietee: changing of the monsoons, the one in the northern “ field,” between the land and 20° north, would report that the south-west monsoons had been observed to have regularly set in before the first of March, after a conflict which lasted perhaps six weeks. The observer in the next “field” below—~. e., between 15° and 20° north—would report that he found the south-west monsoons to set in about the middle of March, and after a conflict that com- menced in February, instead of January, as in the “ field” above. The vessel in the “field” next below—10° and 15°—would report them early in May, after a conflict of four or five weeks. The ship between 5° and 10° would not find them to set in regularly until the first of May; and still later would the vessel in the last “ field”—0° and 5° north—report them. Thus we perceive that the south-west monsoons extend from the land out to the sea at a progressive rate, and that they spread from a centre Aereniof s08 point like a circle on the water. According to the monsoons. Pilot Chart, which gives 11,800 observations for the five “fields” above, the march of the south-west monsoons from Calcutta toward the equator is at the rate of fifteen or twenty miles a day. §806 In other words, if a vessel in latitude 23° north, between Suppos’t|, the meridians 85° and 90° east, were to commence about vessel. the first of March to steer due south, and sailed fifteen or twenty miles a day on that course, till she reached the THE WINDS. 345 equator, she would, at the end of each day’s sail, arrive with the regular setting in of the south-west monsoons at that place. We thus perceive how a desert land spreads its influ- ence through the distance upon the winds. The first effects of heating-up the plains are necessarily felt by the air nearest at hand, and by that farther off at a later period ; so that the south-west monsoon influence is, in this part of the ocean, propagated from the land out upon the sea at the rate above stated. Of course, the vast plains of Asia are not brought up to monsoon heat per saltwm, or in a day. They require time, both to be heated up to this point and to be cooled down again. The monsoon season may be always known by referring to the cause which produces these winds. Thus, by recol- lecting where the thirsty and over-heated plains are which cause the monsoons, we know at once that these winds are rushing with greatest force toward these plains at the time that is the hottest season of the year upon them. The influence of these heated plains upon the winds at sea is felt for a thousand miles or more. Thus, though the Desert of Cobi and the sun-burned plains of Asia are, for the most part, north of latitude 30°, their influ- CHAPTER XIV. § 807 Influence of a desert land. $ 808 Plains of Asia. $ 809 How the monsoon seasons may be known. § 810 Influence of heated plains felt far out at sea. . . . 3 ence in making monsoons’ is felt south of the equator. | So, too, with the great Desert of Sahara and the African monsoons of the Atlantic; also, with the Salt Lake country and the Mexican monsoons on one side, and those of Central America in the Pacific on the other. The influence*of the deserts of Arabia upon the winds is felt IS fe 2 Plate VIII. = § 202. CHAPTER MV § 811 Society and Sand- wich Tslands have sin- gular effect on winds. § 812 Influence of islands on Pacific trade- winds. § 813 Clouds on the Pacific, 346 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, in Austria and other parts of Europe, as the observations of Kriel, Lamont, and others, show. So also the islands, such as the Society and Sand- wich, that stand far away from any large extent of land, have a very singular but marked effect upon the wind. They interfere with the trades very often, and turn them back ; for westerly and equatorial winds are common at both these groups, in their winter time. Some hydro- graphers have taken those westerly winds of the Society Islands to be an extension of the monsoons of the Indian Ocean. Not so: they are local, and do not extend a great way either from the Sandwich or Society Islands. That they are local about the former group, an examina- tion of sheet No. 5, Pilot Chart North Pacific, will instantly show. It is a curious thing this influence of islands in the trade-wind region upon the winds in the Pacific. Every navigator who has cruised in those parts of that ocean has often turned with wonder and delight to admire the gorgeous piles of cumuli, heaped up and arranged in the most delicate and exquisitely beautiful masses that it is possible for fleecy matter to assume. Not only are these piles found capping the hills among the islands, but they are often seen to overhang the lowest islet of the tropics, and even to stand above coral patches and hidden reefs, “a cloud by day,” to serve as a beacon to the lonely mariner out there at sea, and to warn him of shoals and dangers which no lead nor seaman’s eye has ever seen or sounded out. ; These clouds, under favourable circumstances, may be seen gathering above the low coral island, and performing their office in preparing it for vegetation and fruitfulness in a very striking manner, As they are condensed into THE WINDS. 347 showers, one fancies that they are a sponge of the most cHarren exquisite and delicately-elaborated material, and that he ——~ can see, as they “drop down their fatness,” the invisible but bountiful hand aloft that is pressing and squeezing it out.—Maury’s Sailing Directions, 7th ed., p. 820. It would appear, therefore, that these desert countries § 814 exercise a powerful influence in checking and overcoming No exten- the force of the north-east trade-winds. There are no fuenees such extensive influences at work checking the south-east south-east trades. On the contrary, these are accelerated; for the eth same forces that serve to destroy the north-east trade- winds, or retard them, tend also to draw the south-east trade-winds on, or to accelerate them. Hence the ability of the south-east trade-winds to push themselves over into the northern hemisphere. Hence, also, we infer that, between certain parallels of § 815 latitude in the northern hemisphere, the sun’s rays, by Méference. reason of the great extent of land surface, operate with much more intensity than they do between corresponding parallels in the southern; and that, consequently, the mean summer temperature on shore north of the equator is higher than it is south: a beautiful physical fact which the winds have revealed, in corroboration of what ob- servations with the thermometer had already induced meteorologists to suspect. It appears, from what has been said, that it is the rays § 816 of the sun operating upon the land, not upon the water, ae which causes the monsoons. Now let us turn to Plate VIII., and examine into this view. The mon- soon regions are marked with half-bearded and _half- feathered arrows; and we perceive, looking at the northern hemisphere, that all of Europe, some of Africa, most of Asia, and nearly the whole of North America, CHAPTER XIV. §$ 817 Remarks on inter- ference of land. § 818 Force at work on trade-wind zoues. 348 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. are to the north, or on the polar side of the north-east trade-wind zone; whereas but a small part of Australia, less of South America, and still less of South Africa, are situated on the polar side of the zone of south-east rade-winds. In other words, there are on the polar side of the south-east trade-winds no great plains, except in Australia, upon which the rays of the sun, in the summer of the other hemisphere, can play with force enough to rarefy the air sufficiently to materially interrupt these winds in their course. But, besides the vast area of such plains in the northern hemisphere, on the polar side of its trade-wind belt, the heat of which is sufficient” to draw these trade-winds back, there are numerous other districts in the extra-tropical regions of our hemisphere, the summer heat of which, though it be not sufficient to turn the north-east trade-winds back, and make a mon- soon of them, yet may be sufficient to weaken them in their force, and, by retarding them, draw the south-east trade-winds over into the northern hemisphere. Now, as this interference from the land takes place in the summer only, we might infer, without appealing to actual observation, that the position of these trade-wind zones is variable; that is, that the equatorial edge of the south-east trade-wind zone is farther to the north in our summer, when the north-east trades are most feeble, than it is in winter, when they are strongest. We have here, then, at work upon these trade-wind zones, a force now weak, now strong, which, of course, would cause these zones to vibrate up and down the ocean, and within certain limits, according to the season of the year. These limits are given on Plate VIII. for 1 ¢ 810. 2 § 815. THE WINDS. 349 spring and autumn. During the latter season these zones reach their extreme northern declination, and in our spring their utmost limits toward the south. Changing of the Monsoons.—Lieutenant Jansen, in his appendix to the Dutch edition of this work, thus describes this phenomenon :— “ We have seen’that the calms which precede the sea- breeze generally continue longer, and are accompanied with an upward motion of the air; that, on the contrary, those which precede the land-breeze are, in the Java Sea, generally of shorter duration, accompanied by a heavy atmosphere; and that there is also an evident difference between the conversion of the land-breeze into the sea- breeze and of the latter into the former. “Even as the calms vary, so there appears to be a marked difference between the changing of the monsoons in the spring and in the autumn in the Java Sea, As soon as the sun has crossed the equator, and its vertical rays begin to play more and more perpendicularly upon the northern hemisphere, the inland plains of Asia, North Africa, and of North America, are so heated, as to give birth to the south-west monsoons in the China Sea, in the North Indian Ocean, in the North Atlantic, and upon the west coast of Central America: then the north-west mon- soon disappears from the East Indian Archipelago, and gives place to the south-east trade-wind, which is known as the east monsoon ; just as the north-west wind, which prevails during the southern summer, is called the west monsoon, “This is the only monsoon which is found in the southern hemisphere, while in the northern hemisphere the north-east trade-wind blows in the China Sea and in the 1 § 262, CHAPTER xIY. § 819 Jansen on the chang: ing of monsoons. § 820 Monsoons in Java Sea. § 821 Monsoons in differ- ent hemi- spheres, 350 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. exapter Tndian Ocean; in the East Indian Archipelago the west ou monsoon prevails ; and here, when the south-east trade blows as the east monsoon, we find the south-west mon- soon in the adjacent seas of the northern hemisphere. Generally the westerly monsoons blow during the summer months of the hemisphere wherein they are found. § 822 “As the land-breeze daily destroys in miniature the ees regular flow of the trade-wind, so does the latter the west other. monsoon in larger measure; and observations will be able to decide whether monthly disturbances do not also take place. § 823 “In the Java Sea, during the month of February, the Monsoons west monsoon blows strong almost continually ; in March Sea it blows intermittingly, and with hard squalls; but in April the squalls become less frequent and less severe. Now the changing commences. All at once gusts begin to spring up from the east: they are often followed by calms. The clouds which crowd themselves upon the clear sky give warning of the combat in the upper air which the currents there are about to wage with each other. § 824 “The electricity, driven thereby out of its natural Electricity channels, in which, unobserved, it has been performing silently, but with the full consciousness of its power, the mysterious task appointed to it, now displays itself with dazzling majesty ; its sheen and its voice fill with as- tonishment and deep reverence the mind of the sailor— so susceptible, in the presence of storm and darkness, to impressions that inspire feelings both of dread and anxiety, which by pretended occupations he strives in vain to conceal.* * No phenomenon in nature makes a deeper impression upon the sailor than a dark thunder-storm in a calm at sea,—J ANSEN, THE WINDS. 351 “Day and night we now have thunder-storms. The cuaprea XIV. § 825 Thunder- The combat which the clouds seem to court and to dread ‘°"™* clouds are in continual movement, and the darkened air, laden with vapour, flies in all directions through the skies. appears to make them more thirsty than ever. They re- sort to extraordinary means to refresh themselves: in tunnel form, when time and opportunity fail to allow them to quench their thirst from the surrounding atmos- phere in the usual manner, they descend near the surface of the sea, and appear to lap the water directly up with their black mouths. Water-spouts, thus created, are often alee seen in the changing season, especially among small groups of islands, which appear to give rise to them.* The water-spouts are not always accompanied by strong winds ; frequently more than one is seen at a time, where- upon the clouds whence they proceed disperse in various directions, and the ends of the water-spouts bending over finally causes them to break in the middle, although the water which is now seen foaming around their bases has suffered little or no movement laterally. “ Yet often the wind prevents the formation of water- § 826 spouts. In their stead the wind-spout shoots up like an a arrow, and the sea seems to try in vain to keep it back. The sea, lashed into fury, marks with foam the path along which the conflict rages, and roars with the noise of its water-spouts; and woe to the rash mariner who ventures therein !+ * T neyer saw more water-spouts than in the Archipelago of Bioun Singen, during the changing. Almost daily we saw one or more.—J ANSEN. + The air-spouts near the equator always appear to me to be more dangerous than the water-spouts. I have once had one of the latter to pass a ship’s length ahead of me, but I perceived little else than a water-fall in which I thought to come, yet no wind, Yet the water-spouts there also are not to be trusted. I CHAPTER XIV. Height of spouts. Duration. Bi THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. “The height of the spouts is usually somewhat less than 200 yards, and their diameter not more than 20 feet, yet they are often taller and thicker; when the opportunity of correctly measuring them has been favour- able, however, as it generally was when they passed be- tween the islands, so that the distance of their bases could be accurately determined, I have never found them higher than 700 ells, nor thicker than 50 ells. In Octo- ber, in the Archipelago of Bioun, they travel from south- west to north-east. They seldom last longer than five minutes; generally they are dissipated in less time. As they are going away, the bulbous tube, which is as pal- pable as that of a thermometer, becomes broader at the base, and little clouds, like steam from the pipe of a loco- motive, are continually thrown off from the circumference of the spout, and gradually the water is released, and the cloud whence the spout came again closes its mouth.* have seen such spouts go up out of the water upon the shore, where they over- threw strong isolated frame-houses. I have, however, never been in a situation to observe in what direction they revolved.—J ANSEN, * Miniature water-spouts may be produced artificially by means of electricity, and those in nature are supposed to be caused by the display of electrical pheno- mena. ‘‘ From the conductor of an electrical machine,” says Dr. Bonzano of New Orleans, ‘‘ suspend by a wire or chain a small metallic ball (one of wood covered with tinfoil), and under the ball place a rather wide metallic basin con- taining some oil of turpentine, at the distance of about three quarters of an inch. If the handle of the machine be now turned slowly, the liquid in the basin will begin to move in different directions, and form whirlpools. As the electricity on the conductor accumulates, the troubled liquid will elevate itself in the centre, and at last become attached to the ball. Draw off the electricity from the con- ductor to let the liquid resume its position: a portion of the turpentine remains attached to the ball. Turn the handle again very slowly, and observe now the few drops adhering to the ball assume a conical shape, with the apex downward, while the liquid under it assumes also a conical shape, the apex upward, until both meet. As the liquid does not accumulate on the ball, there must neces- sarily be as great a current downward as upward, giving the column of liquid a rapid circular motion, which continues until the electricity from the conductor ig nearly all discharged silently, or until it is discharged by a spark descending THE WINDS. 353 “During the changing of the monsoons, it is mostly calm or cool, with gentle breezes, varied with rain-storms and light gales from all points of the compass. They are harassing to the crew, who, with burning faces under the clouded skies,* impatiently trim the sails to the changing winds. However, the atmosphere generally becomes clear, and, contrary to expectation, the north-west wind comes from a clear sky: about the coming of the monsoon it is northerly. Now the clouds are again packed together ; the wind dies away, but it will soon be waked up, to come again from another point. Finally, the regular land and sea breezes gradually replace rain and tempests, calms and gentle gales. The rain holds up during the day, and in the Java Sea we have the east monsoon. It is then May. Farther to the south than the Java Sea the east monsoon commences in April. + “This monsoon prevails in September and October, when it turns to become the west monsoon. It has seemed to me that the east monsoon does not blow the same in every month; that its direction becomes more into the liquid. The same phenomena take place with oil or water. Using the latter liquid, the ball must be brought much nearer, or a much greater quantity of electricity is necessary to raise it. “Tf, in this experiment, we let the ball swing to and fro, the little water-spout will travel over its miniature sea, carrying its whirlpools along with it. When it breaks up, a portion of the liquid, and with it anything it may contain, re- mains attached to the ball. The fish, seeds, leaves, &c., that have fallen to the earth in rain-squalls, may have owed their elevation to the clouds to the same cause that attaches a few drops of the liquid, with its particles of impuri- ties, to the ball.” * At sea the face and hands burn (change the skin) much quicker under a clouded than under a clear sky.—J ANSEN. + In the north-east part of the Archipelago the east monsoon is the rainy mon- soon. ‘he phenomena in the north-east part are thus wholly different from those in the Java Sea.—J anseEn. 1 § 851. 23 CHAPTER xIy. § 827 The wea- ther dur- ing the changes of monsoons § 828 East mon- soon. et Effects of monsoon in straits of the Archi- pelago. Moon pass- ing mevi- § 830 Change of monsoons on Java coast. 354 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. southerly, and its power greater, after it has prevailed for some time.* “It is sufficiently important to fix the attention, seeing that these circumstances have great influence upon the winds in the many straits of the Archipelago, in which strong currents run most of the time. Especially in the straits to the east of Java, these currents are very strong. I have been unable to stem the current with eight-mile speed. However, they do not always flow equally strong, nor always in the same direction. They are probably the strongest when the tidal current and the equatorial cur- rent meet together. It is said that the currents in the straits during the east monsoon run eighteen hours to the north, and six hours to the south, and the reverse during the west monsoon. ‘The passing of the meridian by the moon appears to be the fixed point of time for the turn- ing of the currents. It is probable that the heated water of the Archipelago is discharged to the north during the east monsoon, and to the south during the west monsoon. “ As the sea makes the coming of the southern summer known to the inhabitants of the Java coast,+ the turning of the east monsoon into the west monsoon commences. After the sun has finished its yearly task in the northern hemisphere, and brings its powerful influence to operate * As is well known, the Strait of Soerabaya forms an elbow whose easterly outlet opens to the east, while the westerly outlet opens to the north. In the beginning of the east monsoon the sea-wind (east monsoon) blows through the westerly entrance as far as Grissee (in the elbow); in the latter part of this mon- soon, the sea-wind blows, on the contrary, through the easterly entrance as far as Sambilangan (the narrow passage where the westerly outlet opens into the sea).—J ANSEN, + In the Archipelago we have generally high water but once a day, and, with the equinoxes, the tides also turn. The places which have high water by day in one monsoon get it at night in the other. —JanNsEN. THE WINDS. ODD in the southern hemisphere, a change is at once perceived in the constant fine weather of the east monsoon of the Java Sea. As soon as it is at its height upon the Java Sea (6° south), then the true turning of the monsoon begins, and is accomplished much more rapidly than the spring turning. The calms then are not so continuous. The combat in the upper atmosphere appears to be less violent; the south-east trade, which has blown as the east monsoon, does not seem to have sufficient strength to resist the aggressors, who, with wild storms from the north-west and west, make their superiority known. Upon and in the neighbourhood of the land, thunder- storms occur, but at sea they are less frequent. “The atmosphere, alternately clear and cloudy, moves more definitely over from the north-west, so that it appears as if no combat were there waged, and the south- east gives place without a contest. “The land-breezes become less frequent, and the phe- nomena by day and by night become, in a certain sense, more accordant with each other. Storms of wind and rain beneath a clouded sky alternate with severe gales and steady winds. In the last of November the west monsoon is permanent. “Such are the shiftings. But what have they to do with the general system of the circulation of the atmos- phere? Whenever we read attentively the beautiful meditations of the founder of the Meteorology of the Sea, and follow him in the development of his hypothesis, which lays open to view the wheels whereby the atmos- phere performs its varied and comprehensive task with order and regularity, then it will not be necessary to furnish CHAPTER xiv. _ § 831 Movement of atmo- sphere. § 832 Land- breezes less fre- quent. § 835 What the ** shift- ings” have to do with general systein of circulation 896 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarter proof that these turnings are nothing else than the pass- ea ing of a belt of calms which separates the monsoons from each other, and which, as we know, goes annually with the sun from the south to the north, and back over the torrid zone to and fro. § 834 “So also the calms, which precede the land and sea Theealms winds, are turned back. If, at the coming of the land- which pre- cede land wind in the hills, we go with it to the coast—to the sea, breezes, we shall perceive that it shoves away the calms which preceded it from the hills to the coast, and so far upon the sea as the land-wind extends. Here, upon the limits of the permanent monsoon, the place for the calms remains for the night, to be turned back to the land and to the hills the following day by the sea-wind. In every place where these calms go, the land and sea winds turn back. If various observers, placed between the hills and the sea, and between the coast and the farthest limit of the land- wind, noted the moment when they perceived the calms, and that when they perceived the land-wind, then by this means they would learn how broad the belt of calms has been, and with what rapidity they are pushed over the sea and over the land. And even though the results one day should be found not to agree very well with those of another, they would at least obtain an average The calms thereof which would be of value. So, on a larger scale, which separate the belt of calms which separates the monsoons from each monsoons from each Other presses in the spring from the south to the north, other. and in autumn from the north to the south, and changes the monsoons in every place where it presses.” * * Bijdrage Natuurkiindige Beschrijving der zeén, vertaald door M. H. Jansen, Luitenant ter zee. THE WINDS. 335) 7 Tue Catm Betts.—There is between the two systems of trade-winds a region of calms, known as the equatorial calms. It has a mean average breadth of about six degrees of latitude. In this region, the air which is brought to the equator by the north-east and south-east trades ascends. This belt of calms always separates these two trade-wind zones, and travels up and down with them. If we liken this belt of equatorial calms to an immense atmospherical trough, extending, as it does, entirely around the earth; and if we liken the north-east and south-east trade-winds to two streams discharging themselves into it; we shall see that we have two currents perpetually running in at the bottom, and that, therefore, we must have as much air as the two currents bring in at the bottom to flow out at the top. What flows out at the top is carried back north and south by these upper currents, which are thus proved to exist, and to flow counter to the trade-winds. Using still further this mode of illustration: if we liken the calm belt of Cancer and the calm belt of Capri- corn each to a great atmospherical trough extending around the earth also, we shall see that in this case the currents are running in at the top and out at the bottom.’ The belt of equatorial calms is a belt of constant pre- cipitation, Captain Wilkes, of the Exploring Expedition, when he crossed it in 1838, found it to extend from 4° north to 12° north. He was ten days in crossing it, and during those ten days rain fell to the depth of 6.15 inches, or at the rate of eighteen feet and upwards during the year. In the summer months this belt of calms is found es 1 § 132, CHAPTER XIV. § 835 Equatorial} calins. § 836 Calm belts of Cancer and Capri- corn. § 837 Equatorial calms a belt of pre- cipitation. 358 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. Cnet between the parallels of 8° and 14° of north latitude, and in the spring between 5° south and 4° north.’ § 838 This calm belt, in its motions from south to north and Regular motion of calm belt. back, carries with it the rainy seasons of the torrid zone, always arriving at certain parallels at stated periods of the year; consequently, by attentively considering Plate VIIL., one can tell what places within the range of this zone have, during the year, two rainy seasons, what one, and what are the rainy months for each locality. $839 Were the north-east and the south-east trades, with Appear- ance that trades and calms would pre- hy the motion of these belts or girdles alone, tell the sent to an the belt of equatorial calms, of different colours, and visible to an astronomer in one of the planets, he might, astrono- seasons with us. He would see them at one season mer in one ee going north, then appearing stationary, and then com- mencing their return to the south, But though he would observe’ that they follow the sun in his annual course, he would remark that they do not change their latitude as much as the sun does his declination; he would, therefore, discover that their extremes of declina- tion are not so far asunder as the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, though in certain seasons the changes from day to day are very great. He would observe that these zones of winds and calms have their tropics or stationary nodes, about which they linger near three months at a time ; and that they pass from one of their tropics to the other in a little less than another three months, Thus he would observe the whole system of belts to go north from the latter part of May till some time in August; then they would stop and remain stationary till winter, in December, when again they would commence to move 1 See Plate VIII. 2 $ 188. THE WINDS. 359 “ rapidly over the ocean, and down toward the south, until the last of February or the first of March; then again they would become stationary, and remain about this, their southern tropic, till May again. THE Horse LATITUDES.—Having completed the physi- eal examination of the equatorial calms and winds, if the supposed observer should now turn his telescope toward the poles of our earth, he would observe a zone of calms bordering the north-east trade-winds on the north, and another bordering the south-east trade-winds on the south? These calm zones also would be observed to vibrate up and down with the trade-wind zones, partaking® of their motions, and following the declination of the sun. On the polar side of each of these two calm zones there would be a broad band extending up into the Polar Regions, the prevailing winds within which are the opposites of the trade-winds, namely, south-west in the northern and north-west in the southern hemisphere. The equatorial edge of these calm belts is near the tropics, and their average breadth is 10° or 12° On one side of these belts* the winds blow perpetually toward the equa- tor ; on the other, their prevailing direction is toward the poles. They are called’the “horse latitudes” by seamen. Along the polar borders of these two calm belts’ we have another region of precipitatior, though generally the rains here are not so constant as they are in the equatorial calms, The precipitation near the tropical calms is nevertheless sufficient to mark the seasons; for whenever these calm zones, as they go from north to south with the sun, leave a given parallel, the rainy season of that parallel, if it be in winter, is said to com- ie 131, 2 § 137, 2 $191, 48131: 5 $131, ® § 190. CHAPTER D.B fes §$ 840 The horse latitudes, § 841 Polar calm belts. § 842 Polar re- gion of precipita tion. CHAPTER XIV. § 843 Westerly winds. § 844 South-west passage winds. § 845 Necessity for an upper cur- rent, § 846 360 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. mence. Hence we may explain the rainy season in Chili at the south, and in California at the north. Tur WESTERLY WINDS.—To complete the physical examination of the earth’s atmosphere which we have supposed an astronomer in one of the planets to have undertaken according to the facts developed by the Wind and Current Charts, it remains for him to turn his tele- scope upon the south-west passage winds of the northern hemisphere, pursue them into the Arctic Regions, and see theoretically how they get there, and, being there, what becomes of them. From the parallel of 40° up toward the north pole, the prevailing winds, as already remarked, are the south- west passage winds, or, as they are more generally called by inariners, the “ westerly” winds ; these, in the Atlantic, prevail over the “easterly” winds in the ratio of about two to one. Now if we suppose, and such is probably the case, these “westerly” winds to convey in two days a greater volume of atmosphere toward the arctic circle than those “easterly” winds can bring back in one, we establish the necessity for an upper current by which this difference may be returned to the tropical calms of our hemisphere. There- fore there must be some place in the Polar Regions’ at which these south-west winds cease to go north, and from which they commence their return to the south, and this locality must be in a region peculiarly Hable to calms. It is another atmospherical node in which the motion of the air is upward, with a decrease of barometric pressure. It is marked P, Plate I. To appreciate the force and volume of these polar-bound 1 Plate VIII. 2 § 154. THE WINDS. 361 winds in the svuthern hemisphere, it is necessary that cuarrTer XIV. one should “run them down” in that waste of waters beyond the parallel of 40° south, where “ the winds howl ae ro and the seas roar.” The billows there lift themselves up cane ee bound in long ridges with deep hollows between them. They winus run high and fast, tossing their white caps aloft in the air, looking like the green hills of a rolling prairie capped with snow, and chasing each other in sport. Still their march is stately and their roll majestic. The scenery among them is grand, and the Australian-bound trader, after doubling the Cape of Good Hope, finds herself followed for weeks at a time by these magnificent rolling swells, driven and lashed by the “brave west winds” furiously. A sailor’s bride, performing this voyage with her gallant husband, thus alludes in her “abstract log” to these rolling seas :— “We had some magnificent gales off the Cape, when § 847 the colouring of the waves, the transition from gray to Abstract from the clear brilliant green, with the milky-white foam, struck 1s ofa me as most exquisite. And then in rough weather the bride, moral picture is so fine, the calmness and activity required is such an exhibition of the power of mind over the elements, that I admired the sailors fully as much as the sea,—and, of course, the sailor in command most of all ; indeed, a sea voyage more than fulfils my expectations.” CHAPTER XV. § 848 Thermal Charts. Tsothermal lines. 362 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, CHAPTER XY. CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. Milky Way of the Sea, § 848.—Contrasted with Climates Ashore, 852. —Move- ments of Isotherms, 854.—Mean Temperature of Sea and Air, 860.—Rain in high Latitudes at Sea, 863.—Climate of England affected by Coast Line of Brazil, 871.—The Gulf of Guinea, 875.—Summer in the Northern Hemisphere hotter than in the Southern, 883.—A Harbour for Icebergs, 884.—Course of the Isothermal] Line across the Atlantic, 8&7. THERMAL Charts, showing the temperature of the surface of the Atlantic Ocean by actual observations made indis- criminately all over it, and at all times of the year, have been published by the National Observatory. The iso- thermal lines which these charts enable us to draw, and some of which are traced on Plate IV., afford the navigator and the philosopher much valuable and interesting infor- mation touching the circulation of the oceanic waters, including the phenomena of the cold and warm sea currents; they also cast light upon the climatology of the sea, its hyetographic peculiarities, and the climatic condi- tions of various regions of the earth,—they show that the vrofile of the coast-line of intertropical America assists to give expression to the mild climate of Southern Europe ; they also increase our knowledge concerning the Gulf Stream, for it enables us to mark out, for the mariner’s guidance, that “ Milky Way” in the ocean, the waters of which teem, and sparkle, and glow with life and incipient organisms as they run across the Atlantic. In them are found the clusters and nebulz of the sea which stud and deck the great highway of ships on their voyage between CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. 363 the Old World and the New; and these lines assist to cmarrer point out for the navigator their limits and his way. ee They show this via lactea to have a vibratory motion in the sea that calls to mind the graceful wavings of a pennon as it floats gently to the breeze. Indeed, if we imagine the head of the Gulf Stream to be hemmed in by the land in the Straits of Bemini, and to be stationary there, and then liken the tail of the Stream itself to an immense pennon floating gently in the current, such a motion as such a streamer may be imagined to have— very much such a motion—do my researches show the tail of the Gulf Stream to have. Running between banks of cold water; it is pressed now from the north, now from the south, according as the great masses of sea water on either hand may change or fluctuate in tempera- ture. In September, when the waters in the cold regions of § 849 the north have been tempered and made warm and light fefrence by the heat of summer, its limits on the left (Plate VI.) v: are as denoted by the line of arrows; but after this great sun-swing, the waters on the left side begin to lose their heat, grow cold, become heavy, and press the hot waters of this stream into the channel marked out for them. Thus it acts like a pendulum, slowly propelled by heat § 850 on one side and repelled by cold on the other. In this onrono- graph for view, it becomes a chronograph for the sea, keeping time the sea for its inhabitants, and marking the seasons for the great whales ; and there it has been, for all time, vibrating to and fro, once every year, swinging from north to south, and from south to north again, a great self-regulating, self-compensating pendulum. ASN 564 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapteR In seeking information concerning the climates of the ~~ ocean, it is well not to forget this remarkable contrast mee | between its climatology and that of the land—namely, on lvey ofthe the Jand, February and August are considered the coldest Ofean con- tasted, and the hottest months; but to the inhabitants of the ofland. sea the annual extremes of cold and heat occur in the months of March and September. On the dry land, after the ‘winter is past and gone,” the solid parts of the earth continue to receive from the sun more heat in the day than they radiate at night; consequently there is an accumulation of caloric, which continues to increase until August. The summer is now at its height; for, with the close of this month, the solid parts of the earth’s crust and the atmosphere above begin to dispense with their heat faster than the rays of the sun can impart fresh supplies, and, consequently, the climates which they regu- late grow cooler and cooler until the dead of winter again. $852 Butatsea a different rule seems to prevail. Its waters Seawater are the store-houses in which the surplus heat of summer a store- bens tne is stored away against the severity of winter, and its suumer, Waters continue to grow warmer for a month after the weather on shore has begun to get cool This brings the highest temperature to the sea in September, the lowest in March. Plate IV. is intended to show the extremes of heat and cold to which the waters, not the ice of the sea, are annually subjected; and therefore the isotherms of 40°, 50°, 60°, 70°, and 80°, have been drawn for March and September, the months of extreme heat and extreme cold to the inhabitants of the “ great deep.” Corre- sponding isotherms for any other month will fall between these, taken by pairs. Thus the isotherm of 70° for CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. 3865 July will fall nearly midway between the same isotherms (70°) for March and September. A careful study of this plate, and the contemplation of the benign influences of the sea upon the climates which we enjoy, suggest many beautiful thoughts; for by such study we get a glimpse into the arrangements and the details of that exquisite machinery in the ocean which enables it to perform all its offices, and to answer with fidelity its marvellous adaptations. How, let us inquire, does the isotherm of 80°, for instance, get from its position in March to its position in September? Is it wafted along by currents; that is, by water which, after having been heated near the equator to 80°, then flows to the north with this temperature ? or is it carried there simply by the rays of the sun, as the snow-line is carried up the mountain in summer? We have reason to believe that it is carried from one parallel to another by each of these agents acting together, but mostly through the instrumentality of currents, for currents are the chief agents for distributing heat to the various parts of the ocean, The sun with his rays would, were it not for currents, raise the water in the torrid zone to blood heat; but before that can be done, they run off with it toward the poles, softening, and mitigating, and tempering climates by the way. The provision for this is as beautiful as it is benign: for, to answer a physical adaptation, it is provided by a law of nature that, when the temperature of water is raised, it shall expand ; as it expands it must become lighter; and just in proportion as its specific gravity is altered, just in that proportion is equilibrium in the sea destroyed, Arrived at this CHAPTER XY. § 853 Benign in- fluence of sea on cliinates, § 854 Alteration of position of iso- therms, Advan- tages of currenta. CHAPTER XV. Remarks on iso- therms. § 855 Tsotherm of 80° § 856 Isotherm of 60° 366 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, condition, it is ordained that this hot water shall obey another law of nature, which requires it to run away and hasten to restore that equilibrium. Were these isothermal lines moved only by the rays of the sun, they would slide up and down the ocean like so many parallels of latitude; at least there would be no breaks in them, like that which we see in the isotherm of 80° for September. It appears, from this line, that there is a part of the ocean near the equator, and about midway the Atlantic, which, with its waters, never does attain the temperature of 80° in Sep- tember. Moreover, this isotherm of 80° will pass, in the North Atlantic, from its extreme southern to its extreme northern declination, nearly two thousand miles, in about three months. Thus it travels at the rate of about twenty-two miles a day. Surely, without the aid of currents, the rays of the sun could not drive it along that fast. Being now left to the gradual process of cooling, by evaporation, atmospherical contact, and radiation, it occu- pies the other eight or nine months of the year in slowly returning south to the parallel whence it commenced to flow northward. As it does not cool as rapidly as it was heated, the disturbance of equilibrium by alteration of specific gravity is not so sudden, nor the current which is required to restore it so rapid. Hence the slow rate of movement at which this line travels on its march south. Between the meridians of 25° and 30° west, the iso- therm of 60° in September ascends as high as the parallel of 56°; in October it reaches the parallel of 50° north ; in November it is found between the parallels of 45° CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. 367 and 47°; and by December it has nearly reached its ex- treme southern descent between these meridians, which it accomplishes in January, standing then near the parallel of 40° It is all the rest of the year in returning north- ward to the parallel whence it commenced its flow to the south in September. Now it will be observed that this is the season (from September to December) immediately succeeding that in which the heat of the sun has been playing with greatest activity upon the polar ice. Its melted waters, which are thus put in motion in June, July, and August, would probably occupy the autumn months in reaching the pa- rallels indicated. These waters, though cold, and rising cradually in temperature as they flow south, are probably fresher, and, if so, probably lighter, than the sea water ; and therefore it may well be that both the warmer and cooler systems of these isothermal lines are made to vibrate up and down the ocean principally by a gentle surface current in the season of quick motion, and in the season of the slow motion principally by a gradual process of calorific absorption on the one hand, and by a gradual process of cooling on the other. We have precisely such phenomena exhibited by the waters of the Chesapeake Bay as they spread themselves over the sea in winter. At this season of the year, the charts show that water of very low temperature is found projecting out and overlapping the usual limits of the Gulf Stream. The outer edge of this cold water, though jagged, is circular in its shape, having its centre near the mouth of the bay. The waters of the bay, being fresher than those of the sea, may, therefore, though colder, be CHAPTER xv. § 857 Motions of isothermal lines. § 858 Waters of Chesa- peake Bay CHAFTER xv. $ 859 Effect of changes in depth of water and shape of bottom. § 860 Inference in regard to mean tempera- ture of atmo- sphere. § 861 Causes which in- fluence the isotherm of 60°. 9 368 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, lighter than the warmer waters of the ocean. And thus we have repeated here, though on a smaller scale, the phenomenon as to the flow of cold waters from the north, which force the surface isotherm of 60° from latitude 56° to 40° during three or four months. Changes in the colour or depth of the water, and the shape of the bottom, &c., would also cause changes in the temperature of certain parts of the ocean, by increasing or diminishing the capacities of such parts to absorb or radiate heat; and this, to some extent, would cause a bending, or produce irregular curves in the isothermal lines. After a careful study of this plate, and the Thermal Charts of the Atlantic Ocean, from which the materials for the former were derived, I am led to infer that the mean temperature of the atmosphere between the paral- lels of 56° and 40° north, for instance, and over that part of the ocean in which we have been considering the fluctuations of the isothermal line of 60°, is at least 60° of Fahrenheit, and upward, from January to August, and that the heat which the waters of the ocean derive from this souree—atmospherical contact and radiation—is one of the causes which move the isotherm of 60° from its January to its September parallel. It is well to consider another of the causes which are at work upon the currents in this part of the ocean, and which tend to give the rapid southwardly motion to the isotherm of 60°. We know the mean dew-point must always be below the mean temperature of any given place, and that, consequently, as a general rule, at sea the mean dew-point due the isotherm of 60° is higher than CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN, 369 the mean dew-point along the isotherm of 50°, and this, again, higher than that of 40°, this than 30°, and so on. Now suppose, merely for the sake of illustration, that the mean dew-point for each isotherm be 5° lower than the mean temperature, we should then have the atmosphere which crosses the isotherm of 60°, with a mean dew- point of 55°, gradually precipitating its vapours until it reaches the isotherm of 50°, with a mean dew-point of 45°; by which difference of dew-point the total amount of precipitation over the entire zone between the isotherms of 60° and 50° has exceeded the total amount of evapo- ration from the same surface. The prevailing direction of the winds to the north of the fortieth parallel of north latitude is from the southward and westward ;’ in other words, it is from the higher to the lower isotherms. Passing, therefore, from a higher to a lower temperature over the ocean, the total amount of vapour deposited by any given volume of atmosphere, as it is blown from the vicinity of the tropical toward that of the polar regions, is greater than that which is taken up again. The area comprehended on Plate VIII. between the iso- therms of 40° and 50° Fahrenheit is less than the area com- vrehended between the isotherms 50° and 60°; and this, again, less than the area between this last and 70°; for the same reason that the area between the parallels of latitude 50° and 60° is less than the area between the parallels of latitude 40° and 50°; therefore, more rain to the square inch ought to fall upon the ocean between the colder isotherms of 10° difference than between the warmer isotherms of the same difference. This is an interesting and an important view, therefore let me make myself ————= en —_———- — 1 Plate VIII. 24 CHAPTER Ve Prevailing direction of the winds north of fortieth parallel of north lati tude. $ 862 Area be- tween iso- therms of 40° and 50°. CHAPTER XV. Remarks on rain in connection with iso- therms. § 863 Rain in high lati- tudes, § 864 370 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. clear: The aqueous isotherm of 50°, in its extreme northern reach, touches the parallel of 60° north. Now, between this and the equator there are but three iso- therms,—60°, 70°, and 80°,—with the common difference of 10°; but between the isotherm of 40° and the pole there are at least five others,—namely, 40°, 30°, 20°, 10°, 0°—with a common difference of 10°. Thus, to the north of the isotherm 50°, the vapour which would satu- rate the atmosphere from zero, and perhaps far below, to near 40°, is deposited; while to the south of 50°, the vapour which would saturate it from the temperature of 50° up to that of 80° can only be deposited : at least, such would be the case if there were no irregularities of heated plains, mountain ranges, land, &c., to disturb the laws of atmospherical circulation as they apply to the ocean, Having, therefore, theoretically, at sea more rain in high latitudes, we should have more clouds ; and therefore it would require a longer time for the sun, with his feeble rays, to raise the temperature of the cold water, which, from September to January, has brought the isotherm of 60° from latitude 56° to 40°, than it did for these cool surface-currents to float it down. After this southward motion of the isotherm of 60° has been checked in Decem- ber by the cold, and after the sources of the current which brought it down have been bound in fetters of ice, it pauses in the long nights of the northern winter, and scarcely commences its return till the sun recrosses the equator, and increases its power as well in intensity as in duration. Thus, in studying the physical geography of the sea, CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. oul we have the effects of night and day, of clouds and sun- cuaprer shine, upon its currents and its climates, beautifully de- pa veloped. These effects are modified by the operations of certain powerful agents which reside upon the land; nevertheless, feeble though those of the former class may be, they surely exist. Now, returning toward the south: we may, on the § 865 other hand, infer that the mean atmospherical tempera- ference in regard ture for the parallels between which the isotherm of 80° to mean atmo- fluctuates is below 80°, at least for the nine months of its shel slow motion. This vibratory motion suggests the idea ture. that there is, probably somewhere between the isotherm of 80° in August and the isotherm of 60° in J anuary, a line or belt of invariable or nearly invariable tempera- ture, which extends on the surface of the ocean from one side of the Atlantic to the other. This line or band may have its cycles also, but they are probably of long and uncertain periods. The fact has been pretty clearly established, by the dis- § 866 coveries to which the Wind and Current Charts have led, Weste halt of that the western half of the Atlantic Ocean is heated up, Sees not by the Gulf Stream alone, as is generally supposed, ein but by the great equatorial caldron to the west of longi- calaron. tude 35°, and to the north of Cape St. Roque, in Brazil. The lowest reach of the 80° isotherm for September,—if we except the remarkable equatorial flexure (Plate IV.) which actually extends from 40° north to the line,—to the west of the meridian of Cape St. Roque, is above its highest reach to the east of that meridian. And now that we have the fact, how obvious, beautiful, and striking is the cause! 372 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, ~O cuarTER Cape St. Roque is in 5° 30° south. Now, study the configuration of the Southern American Continent, from south this cape to the Windward Islands of the West Indies, pacers and take into account also certain physical conditions of these regions: The Amazon, always at a high tempera- ture, because it runs from west to east, is pouring an immense volume of warm water into this part of the ocean, As this water and the heat of the sun raise the temperature of the ocean along the equatorial sea-front of this coast, there is no escape for the liquid element, as it grows warmer and lighter, except to the north. The land on the south prevents the tepid waters from spread- ing out in that direction as they do to the east of 35° west, for here there is a space, about 18° of longitude broad, in which the sea is clear both to the north and south, § 868 They must consequently flow north. A mere inspec- warm tion of the plate is sufficient to make obvious the fact east ofthe that the warm waters which are found east of the usual Sueam limits assigned the Gulf Stream, and between the paral- lels of 30° and 40° north, do not come from the Gulf Stream, but from this great equatorial caldron, which Cape St. Roque blocks up on the south, and which forces its overheated waters up to the fortieth degree of north latitude, not through the Caribbean Sea and Gulf Stream, but over the broad surface of the left bosom of the Atlantic Ocean. §869 Here we are again tempted to pause and admire the Redections heautiful revelations which, in the benign system of terrestrial adaptation, these researches into the physics of the sea unfold and spread out before us for contem- CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. vie plation. In doing this, we shall have a free pardon from those at least who delight “to look through nature up to nature’s God.” What two things in nature can be apparently more remote in their physical relations to each other than the climate of Western Europe and the profile of a coast-line in South America? Yet this plate reveals to us not only the fact that these relations between the two are the most intimate, but makes us acquainted with the arrange- ments by which such relations are established. The barrier which the South American shore-line op- poses to the escape, on the south, of the hot waters from this great equatorial caldron of St. Roque, causes them to flow north, and in September, as the winter approaches, to heat up the western half of the Atlantic Ocean, and to cover it with a mantle of warmth above summer heat as far up as the parallel of 40°. Here heat to temper the winter climate of Western Europe is stored away as in an air-chamber to furnace-heated apartments ; and during the winter, when the fire of the solar rays sinks down, the westwardly winds and eastwardly currents are sent to perform their office in this benign arrangement. Though unstable and capricious to us they seem to be, they nevertheless “ fulfil His commandments” with regu- larity, and perform their offices with certainty. In tempering the climates of Europe with heat in winter that has been bottled away in the waters of the ocean during summer, these winds and currents are to be regarded as the flues and regulators for distributing it at the right time, and at the right places, in the right quantities, CHAPTER XV. —- § 870 Effect of South American coast line on West- erm Eu- rope § 871 Great cal- dron of St. Roque. Winds and currents regulators ot heat. CHAPTER xv § 872 Cooling down of the fur- nace. § 873 Isotherm f 80°. § 874 Another process of raising the tempera- ture of Europe. 374 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. By March, when “the winter is past and gone,” the furnace which had been started by the rays of the sun in the previous summer, and which, by autumn, had heated up the ocean in our hemisphere, has cooled down. The caldron of St. Roque, ceasing in activity, has failed in its supplies, and the chambers of warmth upon the Northern Sea, having been exhausted of their heated water, which has been expended in the manner already explained, have contracted their limits. The surface of heated water which, in September, was spread out over the western half of the Atlantic, from the equator to the parallel of 40° north, and which raised this immense area to the tem- perature of 80° and upward, is not to be found in early spring on this side of the parallel of 8° north. The isotherm of 80° in March, after quitting the Ca- ribbean Sea, runs parallel with the South American coast toward Cape St. Roque, keeping some eight or ten de- erees from it. Therefore the heat dispensed over Europe from this caldron falls off in March. But at this season the sun comes forth with fresh supplies; he then crosses the line, and passes over into the northern hemisphere ; observations show that the process of heating the water in this great caldron for the next winter is now about to commence. In the meantime, so benign is the system of cosmical arrangements, another process of raising the temperature of Europe commences. The land is more readily im- pressed than the sea by the heat of the solar rays; at this season, then, the summer climate due these trans- atlantic latitudes is modified by the action of the sun’s rays directly upon the land. The land receives heat CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. 375 from them, but, instead of having the capacity of water for retaining it, it imparts it straightway to the air; and thus the proper climate, because it is the climate which the Creator has, for his own wise purposes, allotted to this portion of the earth, is maintained until the marine ealdron of Cape St. Roque and the tropics is again heated and brought into the state for supplying the means of maintaining the needful temperature in Europe auring the absence of the sun in the other hemisphere. In like manner, the Gulf of Guinea forms a caldron and a furnace, and spreads out over the South Atlantic an air-chamber for heating up in winter and keeping warm the extra-tropical regions of South America. Every traveller has remarked upon the mild climate of Patagonia and the Falkland Islands. “Temperature in high southern latitudes,” says a very close observer, who is co-operating with me in collecting materials, “differs greatly from the temperature in north- ern. In southern latitudes there seem to be no extremes of heat and cold, as at the north. Newport, Rhode Island, for instance, latitude 41° north, longitude 71° west, and Rio Negro, latitude 41° south, and longitude €3° west, as a comparison: in the former, cattle have to be stabled and fed during the winter, not being able to get a living in the fields on account of snow and ice. In the latter, the cattle feed in the fields all winter, there being plenty of vegetation and no use of hay. On the Falkland Islands (latitude 51-2° south), thousands of bullocks, sheep, and horses, are running wild over the country, gathering a living all through the winter.” CHAPTER xv. — § 875 Gulf of Guinea. § 876 Difference of tem- perature in high southern and north ern Jati- tudes. The water in the equatorial caldron of Guinea cannot § 877 376 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER escape north—the shore-line will not permit it. It must, — therefore, overflow to the south, as that of St. Roque does to the north, carrying to Patagonia and the Falkland Islands, beyond 50° south, the winter climate of Charles- ton, South Carolina, on our side of the North Atlantic, or of the “ Emerald Island” on the other. $878 All geographers have noticed, and philosophers have Shore line of equator. frequently remarked upon the conformity, as to the shore- fal Ame- : : : . . rieaara line profile, of equatorial America and equatorial Africa. nS 879 It is true, we cannot now tell the reason, though explanations founded upon mere conjecture have been offered, why there should be this sort of jutting in and jutting out of the shore-line, as at Cape St. Roque and the Gulf of Guinea, on opposite sides of the Atlantic ; but one of the purposes, at least, which this peculiar con- figuration was intended to subserve, is without doubt now revealed to us. §880 We see that, by this configuration, two cisterns of hot Two cis- water are formed in this ocean; one of which distributes ternsof hot waterin heat and warmth to Western Europe; the other, at the ps. opposite season, tempers the climate of eastern Patagonia. §881 Phlegmatic must be the mind that is not impressed Bee with ideas of grandeur and simplicity as it contemplates eae that exquisite design, those benign and beautiful arrange- design by ments, by which the climate of one hemisphere is made teas to depend upon the curve of that line against which the fe. sea is made to dash its waves in the other. Impressed with the perfection of terrestrial adaptations, he who studies the economy of the great cosmical arrangements is reminded that not only is there design in giving shore- lines their profile, the land and the water their propor- CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. ott tions, and in placing the desert and the pool where they cuaprer are, but the conviction is forced upon him also, that every sa hill and valley, with the grass upon its sides, have each its offices to perform in the grand design. March is, in the southern hemisphere, the first month § 882 of autumn, as September is with us; consequently, we Fist month of should expect to find in the South Atlantic as large an autumn in area of water of 80° and upward in March, as we should hee find in the North Atlantic for September. But do we ? By no means. The area on this side of the equator is nearly double that on the other. Thus we have the sea as a witness to the fact that the § 883 winds' had proclaimed, namely, that summer in the north- Semmes northern ern hemisphere is hotter than summer in the southern, be sphere is for the rays of the sun raise on this side of the equator hotter double the quantity of sea-surface to a given temperature te > that they do on the other side; at least this is the case in the Atlantic. Perhaps the breadth of the Pacific Ocean, the absence of large islands in the temperate regions north, the presence of New Holland, with Poly- nesia, in the South Pacific, may make a difference there ; but of this I cannot now speak, for thermal charts of that ocean have not yet been prepared. Pursuing the study of the climates of the sea, let us § 884 now turn to Plate VI. Here we see how the cold waters, Rettrence as they come down from the Arctic Ocean through Davis’ V4 Straits, press upon the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, and curve their channel somewhat into the form of a norse-shoe. Navigators have often been struck with the great and sudden changes in the temperature of the water hereabouts. In the course of a single day’s sail in this 1 § 327. CHAPTER XV. —— Great re- ceptacle of icebergs. - The seat of the agent that causes the New- foundland fogs. § 885 Ofclimates in the ocean, 378 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. part of the ocean, changes of 15°, or 20°, and even of 30°, have been observed to take place in the temperature of the sea. The cause has puzzled navigators long; but how obvious is it now made to appear! This “bend ” is the great receptacle of the icebergs which drift down from the north; covering frequently an area of hundreds of miles in extent, its waters differ as much as 20° 25°, and, in rare cases, even as much as 30° of temperature from those about it. Its shape and place are variable. Sometimes it is like a peninsula, or toncue of cold water, projected far down into the waters of the Gulf Stream. Sometimes the meridian upon which it is inserted into these is to the east of 40°, sometimes to the west of 50°, longitude. By its discovery we have clearly unmasked the very seat of that agent which produces the New- foundland fogs. It is spread out over an area frequently embracing several thousand square miles in extent, covered with cold water, and surrounded on three sides, at least, with an immense body of warm. May it not be that the proximity to each other of these two very unequally heated surfaces out upon the ocean would be attended by atmospherical phenomena not unlike those of the land and sea breezes? These warm currents of the sea are powerful meteorological agents. I have been enabled to trace, in thunder and lightning, the influence of the Gulf Stream in the eastern half of the Atlantic, as far north as the parallel of 55° north; for there, in the dead of winter, a thunder-storm is not unusual. These isothermal lines of 50°, 60°, 70°, 80°, &., may illustrate for us the manner in which the climates in the ocean are regulated. Like the sun in the ecliptic, CLIMATES OF THE OCEAN. 379 they travel up and down the sea in declination, and serve cuarrer the monsters of the deep for signs and for seasons. ae It should be borne in mind that the lines of separation, § 886 as drawn on Plate IX., between the cool and warm waters, zene or, more properly speaking, between the channels repre- 1% senting the great polar and equatorial flux and reflux, are not so sharp in nature as this plate would represent them. In the first place, the plate represents the mean or aver- age limits of these constant flows—polar and equatorial; whereas, with almost every wind that blows, and at every change of season, the line of meeting between their waters is shifted. In the next place, this line of meeting is drawn with a free hand on the plate, as if to represent an average; whereas there is reason to believe that this line in nature is variable and unstable as to position, and as to shape rough and jagged, and oftentimes deeply articulated. In the sea, the line of meeting between waters of different temperatures and density is not un- like the sutures of the skull-bone on a grand scale— very rough and jagged; but on the plate it is a line drawn with a free hand, for the purpose of showing the general direction and position of the channels in the sea through which its great polar and equatorial circulation is carried on. Now, continuing for a moment our examination of § 887 Plate IV., we are struck with the fact that most of the ete thermal lines there drawn run from the western side of !V. the Atlantic toward the eastern, in a north-eastwardly direction; and that, as they approach the shores of this ocean on the east, they again turn down for lower lati- tudes and warmer climates. This feature in them indi- cates, more surely than any direct observations upon the 380 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. carter currents can do, the presence, along the African shores =“. in the North Atlantic, of a large volume of cooler waters. Course of These are the waters which, having been first heated up fom st, in the caldron of St. Roque,! in the Caribbean Sea and fie “ Gulf of Mexico, have been made to run to the north, charged with heat and electricity to temper and regulate climates there. Having performed their offices, they have cooled down; but, obedient still to the “ Mighty Voice” which the winds and the waves obey, they now return by this channel along the African shore to be again replenished with warmth, and to keep up the system of beneficent and wholesome circulation designed tor the ocean. 1 § 366. THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 381 CHAPTER XVI. THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. Data used for Plate IX., § 893.—The Antarctic Flow, 896.—A large Flow from the Indian Ocean, 902.—Patches of Coloured Water, 905. —The Lagullas Cur- rent, 909.—An immense Current, 911.—Tide Rips, 914.—Pulse of the Sea, 920.—Diurnal Change of Sea Temperature, 922.—The Fisheries, 925.—The Sperm Whale, 926. THERE is a movement of the waters of the ocean which, cyaprus though it be a translation, yet does not amount to what ay is known to the mariner as current; for our nautical § 857 instruments and the art of navigation have not been ean brought to that state of perfection which will enable navigators generally to detect as currents the flow to which I allude as drift. If we imagine an object to be set adrift in the ocean § 888 at the equator, and if we suppose that it be of such a Suprosed nature that it would obey only the influence of sea water, ead set and not of the winds, this object, I imagine, would, in the course of time, find its way to the icy barriers about the poles, and again back among the tepid waters of the tropics. Such an object would illustrate the drift of the sea, and by its course would indicate the route which the surface-waters of the sea follow in their general channels of circulation to and fro between the equator and the poles. The object of Plate IX., therefore, is to illustrate, as § 889 far as the present state of my researches enables me to Belen do, the circulation of the ocean, as influenced by heat and cold, and to indicate the routes by which the overheated 382 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA cnarter waters of the torrid zone escape to cooler regions on one XVI. — § 890 Gulf Stream. § 891 Extract from the log of the Herculean hand, and, on the other, the great channel-ways through which the same waters, after having been deprived of this heat in the extra-tropical or polar regions, return again toward the equator; it being assumed that the drift or flow is from the poles when the temperature of the surface water is below, and from the equatorial regions when it is above that due the latitude. Therefore, in a mere diagram, as this plate is, the numerous eddies and local currents which are found at sea are disregarded. Of all the currents in the sea, the Gulf Stream is the best defined; its limits, especially those of the left bank, are always well marked, and, as a rule, those of the right bank, as high as the parallel of the thirty-fifth degree of latitude, are quite distinct, being often visible to the eye. The Gulf Stream shifts its channel,’ but nevertheless its banks are often very distinct. As I write these remarks, the abstract log of the ship Herculean (William M. Cham- berlain), from Callao to Hampton Roads, in May 1854, is received, On the 11th of that month, being in latitude 33° 39’ north, longitude 74° 56’ west (about one hun- dred and thirty miles east of Cape Fear), he remarks :— “ Moderate breezes, smooth sea, and fine weather. At ten o'clock fifty minutes, entered into the southern (right) edge of the stream, and in eight minutes the water rose six degrees. The edge of the stream was visible, as far as the eye could see, by the great rippling and large quantities of Gulf weed—more ‘ weed’ than I ever saw before, and J have been many times along this route in the last twenty years.” 1§ 4. THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 383 In this diagram, therefore, I have thought it useless to cmaprme attempt a delineation of any of those currents, as the ae Rennell Current of the North Atlantic, the “ Connecting § o2 Current” of the South, “ Mentor’s Counter Drift,” “ Ros- sel’s Drift of the South Pacific,” ete., which run now this way, now that, and which are frequently not felt by navigators at all. In overhauling the log-books for data for this chart, I § 893 have followed vessels with the water thermometer to and Mode of ascertains fro across the seas, and taken the registrations of it ee exclusively for my guide, without regard to the reported rents set of the currents. When, in any latitude, the tempera- ture of the water has appeared too high or too low for that latitude, the inference has been that such water was warmed or cooled, as the case may be, in other latitudes, and that it has been conveyed to the place where found through the great channels of circulation in the ocean. If too warm, it is supposed’ that it had its temperature raised in warmer latitudes, and therefore the channel in which it is found leads from the equatorial regions. On the other hand, if the water be too cool for the § 894 latitude, then the inference is that it has lost its heat in colder climates, and therefore is found in channels which lead from the polar regions, The arrow heads point to the direction in which the § 895 waters are supposed to flow. Their rate, according to potest the best information that I have obtained, is, at a mean, only about four knots a day—rather less than more. Accordingly, therefore, as the immense volume of water § 896 in the Antarctic regions is cooled down, it commences to 1 § 889, 384 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarteR flow north. As indicated by the arrow heads, it strikes om, against Cape Horn, and is divided by the continent, one offiow portion going along the west coast as Humboldt’s Cur- avticre, rent;' the other, entering the South Atlantic, flows up ens into the Gulf of Guinea, on the coast of Africa. Now, as the waters of this polar flow approach the torrid zone, they grow warmer and warmer, and finally themselves become tropical in their temperature. They do not then, it may be supposed, stop their flow; on the contrary, they keep moving, for the very cause which brought them from the extra-tropical regions now operates to send them Effects of back. This cause is to be found in the difference of the Bante specific gravity at the two places. If, for instance, these waters, when they commence their flow from the hyper- borean regions, were at 50°, their specific gravity will correspond to that of sea water at 30°. But when they arrive in the Gulf of Guinea, or the Bay of Panama, having risen by the way to 80°, or perhaps 85°, their specific gravity becomes such as is due sea water of this temperature; and, since fluids differing in specific gra- vity can no more balance each other on the same level than can unequal weights in opposite scales, this hot water must now return to restore that equilibrium which it has destroyed in the sea by rising from 30° to 80° or 85°. §897 Hence it will be perceived that those masses of water oa which are marked as cold are not always cold. They waters not always oradually pass into warm; for in travelling from the poles old. ; to the equator they partake of the temperature of the latitudes through which they flow, and grow warm. 1 § 455, THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 385 Plate IX., therefore, is only introduced to give general ideas; nevertheless it is very instructive. See how the influx of cold water into the South Atlantic appears to divide the warm water, and squeeze it out at the sides, along the coasts of South Africa and Brazil. So, too, in the North Indian Ocean, the cold water again compelling the warm to escape along the land at the sides, as well as occasionally in the middle. In the North Atlantic and North Pacific, on the con- trary, the warm water appears to divide the cold, and to squeeze it out along the land at the sides. The impres- sion made by the cold current from Baffin’s Bay upon the Gulf Stream is strikingly beautiful. Why is it that these polar and equatorial waters should appear now to divide, and now to be divided? The Gulf Stream has revealed to us a fact in which the answer is involved. We learn from that stream that cold and warm sea waters are, in a measure, like oil and vine- ‘gar; that is, there is among the particles of sea water at a high temperature, and among the particles of sea water at a low temperature, a peculiar molecular arrange- ment that is antagonistic to the free mixing up of cold and hot together. At any rate, that salt waters of dif- ferent temperatures do not readily intermingle at sea is obvious. Does not this same repugnance exist, at least in degree, between these bodies of cold and warm water of the plate? And if so, does not the phenomenon we are considering re- solve itself into a question of masses? The volume of warm water in the North Atlantic is greater than the volume 1 § 28, 25 CHAPTER XVI. § 898 Influences of the cold flow. § 899 Of the warm flow $ 900 Informa- tion gathered from the Gulf Stream. § 901 CHAPTER XVI. Counter- effects of hot and cold vol- umes of water § 902 Reflection of shore- line in the tempera- ture of the water. Toebergs. § 903 386 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. of cold water that meets and opposes it; consequently, the warm thrusts the cold aside, dividing and compel- ling it to go round. The same thing is repeated in the North Pacific, whereas the converse obtains in the South Atlantic. Here the great polar flow, after having been divided by the American continent, enters the At- lantic, and filling up nearly the whole of the immense space between South America and Africa, seems to press the warm waters of the tropics aside, compelling them to drift along the coast on either hand. Another feature of the sea is a sort of reflection or recast of the shore-line in the temperature of the water. This feature is most striking in the North Pacific and Indian Oceans. The remarkable intrusion of the cool into the volume of warm waters to the southward of the Aleutian Islands, is not unlike that which the cool waters from Davis’ Straits make in the Atlantic upon the Gulf Stream. In sailing through this “ horse-shoe,” or bend in the Gulf Stream, Captain N. B. Grant, of the American ship Lady Arbella, bound from Hamburg to New York, in May 1854, passed, from daylight to noon, twenty-four large “ bergs,” besides several small ones, “the whole ocean, as far as the eye could reach, being literally covered with them. I should,” he con- tinues, “judge the average height of them above the surface of the sea to be about sixty feet ; some five or six of them were at least twice that height, and, with their frozen peaks jutting up in the most fantastic shapes, pre- sented a truly sublime spectacle.” This “horse-shoe” of cold in the warm water of the North Pacific, though extending five degrees farther to- ——— eee nh ROOD 1 §$ $$4. THE DRIFT OF THE SEA, 387 ward the south, cannot be the harbour for such icebergs, The cradle of those of the Atlantic was perhaps in the Frozen Ocean, for they may have come thence through Baffin’s Bay. But in the Pacific there is no nursery for them. The water in Behring’s Strait is too shallow to let them pass from that ocean into the Pacific, and the climates of Russian America do not favour the formation of large bergs. But, though we do not find in the North Pacific the physical conditions which generate icebergs like those of the Atlantic, we find them as abundant with fogs. The line of separation between the warm and cold water assures us of these conditions. What beautiful, grand, and benign ideas do we not see expressed in that immense body of warm waters which are gathered together in the middle of the Pacific and Indian Oceans! It is the womb of the sea. In it coral islands innumerable have been fashioned, and pearls formed in “great heaps;” there, multitudes of living things, countless in number and infinite in variety, are hourly conceived. With space enough to hold the four continents and to spare, its tepid waters teem with nascent organisms.* They sometimes swarm so thickly there that they change the colour of the sea, making it crim- son, brown, black, or white, according to their own hues. These patches of coloured water sometimes extend, espe- * “Tt is the realm of reef-building corals, and of the wondrously beautiful assemblage of animals, vertebrate and invertebrate, that live among them or prey upon them. The brightest and most definite arrangements of colour are here displayed. It is the seat of maximum development of the majority of marine genera. It has but few relations of identity with other provinces. The Red Sea and Persian Gulf are its offsets.’—From Professor Forbes’s Paper on the “* Distribution of Marine Life.” Plate 31, Johnston's Physical Atlas, 2d edit.; Wm. Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1854. CHAPTER XVI. The cradle of icebergs 8 904 Body of warm waters in the middle of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Coloured sea-water. CHAPTER xvi. § 905 Remark- able white patch. Abstract from Capt. Kingman's log. Remark- able and splendid appear- ance of trater. 388 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cially in the Indian Ocean, as far as the ‘eye can reach. The question, “ What produces them?” is one that has elicited much discussion in seafaring circles. The Brus- sels Conference deemed them an object worthy of atten- tion, and recommended special observations with regard to them. Captain W. E. Kingman, of the American clipper ship the Shooting Star, reports in his last abstract log a re- markable white patch, in lat. 8° 46’ south, long. 105° $0’ east, and which, in a letter to me, he thus describes :— “Thursday, July 27, 1854.—At 7h. 45m. P.M, my attention was called to notice the colour of the water, which was rapidly growing white. Knowing that we were in a much frequented part of the ocean, and having never heard of such an appearance being observed before in this vicinity, I could not account for it. I imme- diately hove the ship to, and cast the lead; had no bottom at 60 fathoms. I then kept on our course, tried the water by thermometer, and found it to be 78%, the same as at 8 AM. We filled a tub, containing some 60 gallons, with the water, and found that it was filled with small luminous particles, which, when stirred, pre- sented a most remarkable appearance. The whole tub seemed to be active with worms and insects, and looked like a grand display of rockets and serpents seen at a oreat distance in a dark night; some of the serpents appeared to be six inches in Jength, and very luminous. We caught, and could feel them in our hands, and they would emit light until brought within a few feet of a lamp, when, upon looking to see what we had, behold nothing was visible! but, by the aid of a sextant’s THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 359 magnifier, we could plainly see a jelly-like substance without colour. At last, a specimen was obtained of about two inches in length, and plainly visible to the naked eye; it was about the size of a large hair, and tapered at the ends. By bringing one end within about one-fourth of an inch of a lighted lamp, the flame was attracted toward it, and burned with a red light; the substance crisped in burning, something like a hair, or appeared of a red heat before being consumed. In a glass of the water there were several small, round substances (say one-sixteenth of an inch in diameter), which had the power of expanding to more that twice their ordinary size and then contracting again; when expanded, the outer rim appeared like a circular saw, only that the teeth pointed toward the centre. “This patch of white water was about 23 miles in Yength north and south, divided near its centre by an irregular strip of dark water half a mile wide ; its east aud west extent I can say nothing about. “JT have seen what is called white water in about all the known oceans and seas in the world, but nothing that would compare to this in extent or whiteness. Al- though we were going at the rate of nine knots, the ship made no noise either at the bow or stern. The whole appearance of the ocean was like a plain covered with snow. There was scarce a cloud in the heavens, yet the sky, for about ten degrees above the horizon, appeared as black as if a storm was raging; the stars of the first magnitude shone with a feeble light, and the ‘Milky Way’ of the heavens was almost entirely eclipsed by that through which we were sailing. The scene was one of CHAPTER xVI1. Curious animal- cule Length of the pateh Its great whiteness CHAPTER XVI. Appear- ance of the sky. § 906 Causes of discolora- tion. 390 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. awful grandeur; the sea having turned to phosphorus, and the heavens being hung in blackness, and the stars going out, seemed to indicate that all nature was prepar- ing for that last grand conflagration which we are taught to believe is to annihilate this material world. “ After passing through the patch, we noticed that the sky, for four or five degrees above the horizon, was con- siderably illuminated,—something like a faint aurora borealis, We soon passed out of sight of the whole con- cern, and had a fine night, without any conflagration (except of midnight oil, in trying to find out what was in the water). I send you this, because I believe you request your corps of ‘one thousand assistants’ to furnish you with all such items, and I trust it will be acceptable. But as to its furnishing you with much, if any, infor- mation relative to the insects or animals that inhabit the mighty deep, time only will tell; I cannot think it will.” These discolorations are no doubt caused by organisms of the sea, but whether wholly animal or wholly vegetable, or whether sometimes the one and sometimes the other, has not been satisfactorily ascertained. I have had speci- -mens of the colouring matter sent to me from the pink- stained patches of the sea, They were animalculz well detined. The tints which have given to the Red Sea its name may, perhaps, be in some measure due to agencies similar to those which, in the salt-makers’ ponds, give a reddish cast'to the brine just before it reaches that point of concentration when crystallization is to commence. Some microscopists maintain that this tinge is imparted by the shells and other remains of infusoria which have THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 391 perished in the growing saltness of the water. The Red Sea may be regarded, in a certain light, as the scene of natural salt-works on a grand scale. The process is by solar evaporation. No rains interfere, for that sea‘is in a riverless district, and the evaporation goes on-unceasingly, day and night, the year round. The shores are lined with incrustations of salt, and the same causes which tinge with red’ the brine in the vats of the salt-makers probably impart a like hue to the arms and ponds along the shore of this sea. Quantities, also, of slimy, red colouring matter are, at certain seasons of the year, washed up along the shores of the Red Sea; which Dr. Ehrenberg, after an examination under the microscope, pronounces to be a very delicate kind of sea-weed, From this matter that sea derives its name. So also the Yellow Sea. Along the coasts of China, yellowish-coloured spots are said not to be uncommon. I know of no examination of this colouring matter, however. In the Pacific Ocean I have CHAPTER XVI. Red Sea a natural salt work. The Yel- low Sea often observed these discolorations of the sea. Red - patches of water are most frequently met with, but I have also observed white or milky appearances, which at night I have known greatly to alarm navigators by their being taken for shoals, These teeming waters bear off through their several channels the surplus heat of the tropics, and disperse it among the icebergs of the Antarctic. See the immense equatorial flow to the east of New Holland. It is bound for the icy barriers of that unknown sea, there to temper climates, grow cool, and return again, retreshing man and beast by the way, either as the Humboldt Current, or the ice-bearing current which enters the Atlantic around Cape 1 § 404, 2 (74) oo § 907 Equatorial flow east of New Hol- land. w) 392 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. © cxapter Horn, and changes into warm again as it enters the Gulf xVI. ‘ of Guinea. It was owing to this great southern flow he waters by which from the coral regions that Captain Ross was enabled to the far- thestsouth penetrate so much farther south than Captain Wilkes, on rearnen. his voyage to the Antarctic; and it is upon these waters that that sea is to be penetrated, if ever. The North Pacific, except in the narrow passage between Asia and America, is closed to the escape of these warm waters into the Arctic Ocean. - The only outlet for them is to the south. They go down toward the Antarctic re- gions to dispense their heat and get cool; and the cold of the Antarctic, therefore, it may be inferred, is not so bitter as is the extreme cold of the Frozen Ocean of the north. §908 The warm flow to the south from the middle of the Warmflow Tndian Ocean is remarkable. Masters who return their mt of abstract logs to me mention sea-weed, which I suppose Ocean. to be brought down by this current, as far as 45° south. There it is generally, but not always, about 5° warmer than the ocean along the same parallel on either side. §909 But the most unexpected discovery of all is that of the vonw wea Warm flow along the west coast of South Africa, its ees junction with the Lagullas current,—called, higher up, the Africa Mozambique, —and then their starting off as one stream to the southward. The prevalent opinion used to be, that the Lagullas current, which has its genesis in the Red Sea, doubled the Cape of Good Hope, and then joined the great equatorial current of the Atlantic to feed the Gulf Stream. But my excellent friend, Lieutenant Marin Jansen, of the Dutch Navy, suggested that this was probably not the case. This induced a special investiga- 1 § 440. ety | oh tre + THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 393 tion, and J found as he suggested, and as is represented on Plate IX. Captain N. B. Grant, in the admirably well- kept abstract log of his voyage from New York to Aus- tralia, found this current remarkably.developed. He was astonished at the temperature of its waters, and did not know how to account for such a body of warm water in such a place. Being in longitude 14° east, and latitude 39° south, he thus writes in his abstract log :— “That there is a current setting to the eastward across the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans is, I believe, admitted by all navigators. The prevailing westerly winds seem to offer a sufficient reason for the existence of such a current, and the almost constant south-west swell would naturally give it a northerly direction, But why the water should be warmer here (38° 40’ south) than between the parallels of 35° and 37° south, is a problem that, in my mind, admits not of so easy solution, especially if my suspicions are true in regard to the northerly set. I shall look with much interest for a description of the ‘currents’ in this part of the ocean.” In latitude 38° south, longitude 6° east, he found the water at 56°. His course thence was a little to the south of east, to the meridian of 41° east, at its intersection with the parallel of 42° south. Here his water ther- mometer stood at 50°, but between these two places it ranged at 60°, and upward, being as high on the parallel of 39° as 73°. Here, therefore, was a stream—a mighty “river in the ocean’—one thousand six hundred miles across from east to west, having water in the middle of it 23° higher than at the sides, This is truly a Gulf Stream contrast. What an immense escape of heat from the Indian Ocean, and what an influx of warm water into CHAPTER xvi. § 910 Remarks of Captain N.B. Grant § 911 Indica- tions of thermo- meter, CHAPTER D-GVLE § 912 Spasmodie efforts of the sea. § 913 Commo- tion of the sea at un- certain in- tervals. 394 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. the frozen regions of the south! This streain is not always as broad nor as warm as Captain Grant found it. At its mean stage it conforms more nearly to the limits assigned it in the diagram (Plate IX.). Ve have, in the volume of heated water reported by Captain Grant, who is a close and accurate observer, an illustration of the sort of spasmodic efforts—the heaves and throes—which the sea, in the performance of its ceaseless task, has sometimes to make. By some means the equilibrium of its waters, at the time of Captain Grant’s passage, December—the southern summer—1$52, appears to have been disturbed to an unusual extent ; hence this mighty rush of overheated waters from the great inter-tropical caldron of the two oceans down toward the south. Instances of commotion in the sea at uncertain inter- vals—the making, as it were, of efforts by fits and starts to keep up to time in the performance of its manifold offices—are not unfrequent, nor are they inaptly likened to spasms. There are some remarkable throes in the sea, which I have not been able wholly to account for. Near the equator, and especially on this side of it in the Atlantic, mention is made, in the “abstract log,” by almost every observer that passes that way, of “ tide- rips ;”? which are a commotion in the water not unlike that produced by a conflict of tides, or of other powerful currents. These “tide-rips” sometimes move along with a roaring noise, and the inexperienced navigator always expects to find his vessel drifted by them a long way out of her course ; but when he comes to cast up his reckoning the next day at noon, he remarks with surprise that no current has been felt. THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 395 These tide-rips are usually found in the neighbourhood of the equatorial calms, that region of constant precipita- tion. And hence, if currents at all,—if so, they are very superficial—I have thought they might be streams of rain water, which old seamen tell us they have dipped up there fresh from the sea, running off. This conjecture, however, does not satisfy the phenomenon in all of its aspects. It is sometimes described as starting up in a calm, and then approaching the vessel with great waves and a great noise: it seems threatening enough to excite a feeling of apprehension in the minds of seamen, for it looks as if it would dash over their frail bark as it lies wallowing in the sea, and helplessly flapping its sails against the masts. Captain Higgins, of the Maria, when bound from New o, one of York to Brazil, thus describes, in his abstract log, these “tide-rips,” as seen by him 10th October 1855, in N. lat. 14° W. long. 34° :— “At 3 P.M. saw a tide-rip; in the centre, temp. air S0°, water 81°. From the time it was seen to wind- ward, about three to five miles, until it had passed to leeward out of sight, it was not five minutes. I should judge it travelled at not less than sixty miles per hour, or as fast as the bores of India. Although we have passed through several during the night, we do not find they have set the ship to the westward any. It may be that they are so soon passed that. they have no influence on the ship; but they certainly beat very hard against the ship’s sides, and jarred her all over. They are felt even when below, and will wake one out of sleep.” CHAPTER § 914 Tide-rips. § 915 Descrip- tion of tide-rip by Captain Higgins. CHAPTER XVI. § 916 Disruption of ice, ice- bergs, &e. 396 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. But, besides tide-rips, bores, and eagres,* there are the sudden disruption of the ice which arctic voyagers tell of, * The bores of India, of the Bay of Fundy, and the Amazon, are the most celebrated, They are a tremulous tidal-wave, which, at stated periods, comes rolling in from the sea, threatening to overwhelm and engulf everything that moves on the beach. This wave is described, especially in the Bay of Fundy, as being many feet high; and it is said oftentimes to overtake deer, swine, and other wild beasts that feed or lick on the beach, and to swallow them up before the swiftest of foot among them have time to escape. The swine, as they feed on mussels at low water, are said to snuff the ‘‘ bore,” either by sound or smell, and sometimes to dash off to the cliffs before it rolls in. The eagre is the bore of Tsien-Tang river. It is thus described by Dr. Mac- gowan, ina paper before the Royal Asiatic Society, 12th January, 1853, and as seen by him from the city of Hang-chau in 1848 :— “ At the upper part of the bay, and about the mouth of the river, the eagre is scarcely observable ; but, owing to the very gradual descent of the shore and tlie rapidity of the great flood and ebb, the tidal phenomena even here present a remarkable appearance. Vessels which, a few moments before, were afloat, are suddenly left high and dry on a strand nearly two miles in width, which the returning wave as quickly floods. It is not until the tide rushes beyond thie mouth of the river that it becomes elevated to a lofty wave constituting the eagre, which attains its greatest magnitude opposite the city of Hang-chau. Generally there is nothing in its aspect, except on the third day of the second month and on the eighteenth of the eighth, or at the spring-tide, about the period of tlie vernal and autumnal equinoxes, its great intensity being at the latter season. Sometimes, however, during the prevalence of easterly winds, on the third day, after the sun and moon are in conjunction, or in opposition, the eagre courses up the river with hardly less majesty than when paying its ordinary periodical visit. On one of these unusual occasions, when I was travelling in native costume, I had an opportunity of witnessing it, on December 14th, 1848, at about 2 p.m. “ Between the river and the city walls, which are a mile distant, dense suburbs extend several miles along the banks. As the hour of flood-tide approached, crowds gathered in the streets, running at right angles with the Tsien-Tang, but at safe distances. My position was a terrace in front of the Tr1-wave Temple, which afforded a good view of the entire scene. Ona sudden all traffic in the thronged mart was suspended, porters cleared the front street of every descrip- tion of merchandise, boatmen ceased lading and unlading their vessels, and put out in the middle of the stream ; so that a few moments sufficed to give a deserted appearance to the busiest part of one of the busiest cities of Asia. The centre of the river teemed with craft, from small boats to huge barges, including the gay ‘flower-hoats.’ Loud shouting from the fleet announced the appearance of the flood, which seemed like a glistening white cable, stretched athwart the river at its mouth, as far down as the eye could reach. Its noise, compared by Chinese poets to that of thunder, speedily drowned that of the boatmen ; and, as it ad- vanced with prodigious velocity,—at the rate, I should judge, of twenty-five miles an hour,—it assumed the appearance of an alabaster wall, or, rather, of a cata- ract four or five miles across aud about thirty feet high, moving bodily onward. THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 397 the immense bergs which occasionally appear in groups carrer . : . AVI. near certain latitudes, the variable character of all the — Soon it reached the advanced guard of the immense assemblage of vessels awaiting its approach. Knowing that the bore of the Hooghly, which scarcely deserved mention in connection with the one before me, invariably overturned boats which were not skilfully managed, I could not but feel apprehensive for the lives of the floating multitude. As the foaming wall of water dashed impetuously onward, they were silenced, all being intently occupied in keeping their prows toward the wave, which threatened to submerge everything afloat ; but they all vaulted, as it were, to the summit with perfect safety. The spectacle was of greatest interest when the eagre had passed about one half way among the craft. On one side they were quietly reposing on the surface of the unruffled stream, while those on the nether portion were pitching and heaving in tumultuous confusion on the flood; others were scaling with the agility of salmon the formidable cascade. This grand and exciting scene was but of a moment’s duration,—it passed up the river in an instant; but from this point with gradually diminishing force, size, and velocity, until it ceased to be perceptible, which Chinese accounts represent to be eighty miles distant from the city. From ebb to flood tide the change was almost instantaneous: a slight flood continued after the passage of the wave, but it soon began to ebb. Having lost my memoranda, I am obliged to write from recollection. My impression is, that the fall was about twenty feet; the Chi- nese say that the rise and fall is sometimes forty feet at Hang-chau. The maxi- mum rise and fall at spring-tides is probably at the mouth of the river, or upper part of the bay, where the eagre is hardly discoverable. In the Bay of Fundy, where the tides rush in with amazing velocity, there is at one place a rise of seventy feet ; but there the magnificent phenomenon in question does not appear to be known at all. It is not, therefore, where tides attain their greatest rapi- dity, or maximum rise and fall, that this wave is met with, but where a river and its estuary both present a peculiar configuration. “‘ Dryden’s definition of an eagre, appended in a note to the verse above quoted from the Threnodia Augustalis, is, ‘a tide swelling above another tide,’ which he says he had himself observed in the River Trent. Such, according to Chinese oral accounts, is the character of the Tsien-Tang tides: a wave of considerable height rushes suddenly in from the bay, which is soon followed by one much larger. Other accounts represent three successive waves riding in; hence the name of the temple mentioned, that of the Three Waves. Both here and on the Hooghly I observed but one wave; my attention, however, was not particularly directed to this feature of the eagre. The term should, perhaps, be more comprehensive, and express ‘the instantaneous rise and advance of a tidal wave ;’ the Indian barbarism, ‘bore,’ should be discarded altogether. “A very short period elapsed between the passage of the eagre and the resumption of traffic. The vessels were soon attached to the shore again; women and children were occupied in gathering articles which the careless or unskilful had lost in the aquatic melée. The streets were drenched with spray, and a considerable volume of water splashed over the banks into the head of the grand canal, a few feet distant.”—Vide Zransactions of Chinese Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. CHAPTER XVI. Recession of the sea. Sa The Gulf Stream a pulse ir. the sea. § 918 Warm wa- ter flows compared to circula- tion of the __ blond. 398 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA currents of the sea,—now fast, now slow, now running this way, then that,—all of which may be taken as so many signs of the tremendous throes which occur in the bosom of the ocean. Sometimes the sea recedes from the shore, as if to gather strength for a great rush against its barriers ; as it did when it fled back to join with the earthquake and overwhelm Callao in 1746, and again Lisbon nine years afterward. The tide-rips in mid ocean, the waves dashing against the shore, the ebb and flow of the tides, may be regarded, in some sense, as the throb- bings of the great sea pulse. The motions of the Gulf Stream; beating time for the ocean and telling the seasons for the whales, also suggest the idea of a pulse in the sea, which may assist us in explaining some of its phenomena. At one beat there is a rush of warm water from the equator toward the poles, at the next beat a flow from the poles toward the equator. This sort of pulsatior. is heard also in the howling of the storm and the whistling of the wind; the needle trembles unceasingly to it, and tells us of magnetic storms of great violence, which at times extend over large portions of the earth’s surface; and when we come to consult the records of those exquisitely sensitive anemometers, which the science and ingenuity of the age have placed at the service of philosophers, we find there that the pulse of the atmosphere is never still: in what appears to us the most perfect calm, the recording pens of the automatic machine are moving to the pulses of the air. Now, if we may be permitted to apply to the Gulf Stream, and to the warm flows of water from the Indian Ocean, an idea suggested by the functions of the human — —— —eeEeEeEeeEEEeeEeeeeEeEeESEeEee THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 399 heart in the circulation of the blood, we perceive how these pulsations of the great sea-heart may perhaps assist in giving circulation to its waters through the immense system of aqueous veins and arteries that run between the equatorial and polar regions. The waters of the Gulf Stream, moving together in a body’ through such an extent of ocean, and being almost impenetrable to the cold waters on either side,—which are, indeed, the banks of this mighty river,—may be compared to a wedge- shaped cushion placed between a wall of waters on the right and a wall of waters on the left. If now we ima- gine the equilibrium of the sea to be disturbed by the heating or cooling of its waters to the right or the left of this stream, or the freezing or thawing of them in any part; or if we imagine the disturbance to take place by the action of any of those agencies which give rise to the motions which we have called the pulsations of the sea; we may conceive how it might be possible for them to force the wall of waters on the left to press this cushion down toward the south, and then again for the wall on the right to press it back again to the north, as we have seen that it is.” Now the Gulf Stream, with its head in the Straits of Florida, and its tail in the midst of the ocean, is wedge- shaped ; its waters cling together, and are pushed to and fro—squeezed, if you please—by a pressure, now from the right, then from the left, so as to work-the whole wedge along between the cold liquid walls which contain it. May not the velocity of this stream, therefore, be in some sort the result of this working and twisting, this peristaltic force in the sea ? ~ un — 2 vez) oO — 7) “rR bait or CHAPTER XVI. Gulf Streaun § 919 Continued CHAPTER XVI. § 920 Two lobes of polar water stretching up from the south into Indian Ocean. Compari- son to functions of the hu- man heart. 400 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, In carrying out the views suggested by the idea of pulsations in the sea, and their effects in giving dynami- cal force to the circulation of its waters, attention may be called to the two lobes of polar waters that stretch up from the south into the Indian Ocean, and which are separated by a feeble flow of tropical waters. Icebergs are sometimes met with in these polar waters as high up as the parallel of the fortieth degree of latitude. Now, considering that this tropical flow in mid-ocean is not constant,—that many navigators cross the path assigned to it in the plate without finding their thermometer to indicate any increase of heat in the sea; and considering, therefore, that any unusual flow of polar waters, any sudden and extensive disruption of the ice there, sufficient to cause a rush of waters thence, would have the effect of closing for the time this mid-ocean flow of tropical waters ; we are entitled to infer that there is a sort of conflict at times going on in this ocean between its polar and equa- torial flows of water. For instance, a rush of waters takes place from the poles toward the equator. The two lobes close, cut off the equatorial flow between them, and crowd the Indian Ocean with polar waters. They press out the overheated waters ; hence the great equa- torial flow encountered by Captain Grant. Thus this opening between the cold-water lobes ap- pears to hold to the chambers of the Indian Ocean, with their heated waters, the relations which the valves and the ventricles of the human heart hold to the circulation of the blood. The closing of these lobes at certain times prevents regurgitation of the warm waters, and compels them to pass through their appointed channels. THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 401 From this point of view, how many new beauties CHAPTER XVI1. now begin to present themselves in the machinery of _— the ocean! its great heart not only beating time to the seasons, but palpitating also to the winds and the rains, to the cloud and the sunshine, to day and night.’ Few persons have ever taken the trouble to compute how much the fall of a single inch of rain over an extensive region in the sea, or how much the change even of two or three degrees of temperature over a few thousand square miles of its surface, tends to disturb its equili- brium, and consequently to cause an aqueous palpitation that is felt from the equator to the poles. Let us illus- trate by an example: The surface of the Atlantic Ocean covers an area of about twenty-five millions of square miles. Now, let us take one-fifth of this area, and sup- pose a fall of rain one inch deep to take place over it. This rain would weigh three hundred and sixty thousand millions of tons; and the salt which, as water, it held in solution in the sea, and which, when that water was taken up as vapour, was left behind to disturb equili- brium, weighed sixteen millions more of tons, or nearly twice as much as all the ships in the world could carry at a cargo each. It might fall in an hour, or it might fall in a day; but, occupy what time it might in falling, this rain is calculated to exert so much force—which is inconceivably great—in disturbing the equilibrium of the ocean. If all the water discharged by the Mississippi River during the year were taken up in one mighty measure, and cast into the ocean at one effort, it would not make a greater disturbance in the equilibrium of the sea than would the fall of rain supposed. Now this is 1 § 864. 26 § 921 Refiec- tions. Great effects pro- duced by apparently slight causes. Tilustra- tien. Mississippi, CHAPTER XVI. Arca of the Atlantic. § 922 Effects of diurnal changes in tempera- ture. 4.()2 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. for but one-fifth of the Atlantic, and the area of the Atlantic is about one-fifth of the sea-area of the world; and the estimated fall of rain was but one inch, whereas the average for the year is’ sixty inches, but we will assume it for the sea to be no more than thirty inches. In the ageregate, and on an average, then, such a dis- turbance in the equilibrium of the whole ocean as is here supposed occurs seven hundred and fifty times a year, or at the rate of once in twelve hours. Moreover, when it is recollected that these rains take place now here, now there ; that the vapour of which they were formed was taken up at still other places; we shall be enabled to appreciate the better the force and the effect of these pulsations in the sea. Between the hottest hour of the day and the coldest hour of the night there is frequently a change of four degrees in the temperature of the sea.* Let us, there- fore, the more thoroughly to appreciate the throbbings of the sea-heart which take place in consequence of the diurnal changes in its temperature, call in the sunshine, the cloud without rain, with day and night, and their heating and radiating processes. And to make the case as strong as to be true to nature we may, let us again select one-fifth of the Atlantic Ocean for the scene of operation, The day over it is clear, and the sun pours down his rays with their greatest intensity, and raises the temperature two degrees. At night the clouds inter- pose, and prevent radiation from this fifth; whereas the remaining four-fifths, which are supposed to have been screened by clouds, so as to cut off the heat from the sun * Vide Admiral Smyth’s Memoir of the Mediterranean, p. 125. 1 § 208. THE DRIFT OF THE SEA. 403 during the day, are now looking up to the stars in a omapren cloudless sky, and serve to lower the temperature of the aoe surface-waters, by radiation, two degrees. Here, then, is a difference of four degrees, which we will suppose extends only ten feet below the surface. The total and absolute change made in such a mass of sea water, by altering its temperature two degrees, is equivalent to a change in its volume of three hundred and ninety thousand millions of cubic feet. Do not the clouds, night and day, now present them- § 923 selves to us in a new light? They are cogs, and rachets, ©ouds and wheels, in that grand and exquisite machinery which governs the sea, and which, amid all the jarring of the elements, preserves in harmony the exquisite adaptations of the ocean. It seems to be a physical law, that cold-water fish are § 924 more edible than those of warm water. Bearing this fact Coltwater fish are in mind as we study Plate IX., we see at a glance the™r ediblethan places which are most favoured with good fish markets. tos ef Both shores of North America, the east coast of China, with water. the west coasts of Europe and South America, are all washed by cold waters; and therefore we may infer that their mav- kets abound with the most excellent fish. The fisheries of Newfoundland and New England, over which nations have wrangled for centuries, are in the cold water from Davis’ Strait. The fisheries of Japan and Eastern China, which almost, if not quite, rival these, are situated also in the cold water. Neither India, nor the east coasts of Africa and South America, where the warm waters are, are celebrated for their fish. Three thousand American vessels, it is said, are en- § 925 404 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. carrer gaged in the fisheries. If to these we add the Dutch, xvVI. soak French, and English, we shall have a grand total, per- gaged in haps, of not less than six or eight thousand, of all sizes eae Sind flags, engaged in this one pursuit. Of all the indus- trial pursuits of the sea, however, the whale fishery is Map tar the most valuable. Wherefore, in treating of the physi- cal geography of the sea, a map for the whales would be useful. §926 The sperm whale is a warm-water fish. The right Watersin whale delights in cold water. An immense number of whats ar@ log-books of whalers have been discussed at the National Observatory, with the view of detecting the parts of the ocean in which the whales are to be found at the differ- ent seasons of the year. Charts showing the result have been published ; they form a part of the series of Maury’s Wind and Current Charts. §927 In the course of these investigations, the discovery was Conse- quences of tempera- of fire, through which he cannot pass; that the right ture in re- f=) gard to whale of the northern hemisphere, and that of the south- made that the torrid zone is, to the right whale, as a sea ern, are two different animals ; and that the sperm whale has never been known to double the Cape of Good Hope —he doubles Cape Horn. § 928 With these remarks, and the explanations given on Plate IX., the parts of the ocean to which the right whale most resorts, and the parts in which the sperm are found, may be seen at a glance. STCRMS. 405 CHAPTER XVII. STORMS. Data for Plate V., § 929.—Typhoons, 936.—Monsoons in the China Sea, 937.— Mauritius Hurricanes, 938.—West India ditto, 939.—Jansen on Hurricanes and Cyclones, 940.—Extra-tropical Gales, 950.—The Steamer San Franciseo’s Gale, 951.—More Rains, Gales, &c., in the North than in the South Atlantic (Plate XIII.), 956. PLATE V. is constructed from data furnished by the omaprer 3 : XVII. Pilot Charts, as far as they go, that are in process of con- _— struction at the National Observatory. For the Pilot Seas Charts, the whole ocean is divided off into “ fields” or Pit’ ‘ Pilot districts of five degrees square; 7. e., five degrees of lati- C™s" ude by five degrees of longitude, as already explained on page xii. Now in getting out from the log-books materials for showing, in every district of the ocean, and for every month, how navigators have found the winds to blow, it has been assumed that, in whatever part of one of these districts a navigator may be when he records the direc- tion of the wind in his log, from that direction the wind was blowing at that time all over that district; and this is the only assumption that is permitted in the whole course of investigation. Now, if the navigator will draw, or imagine to be § 930 drawn, in any such district, twelve vertical columns for “!nvesti- i e gating the twelve months, and then sixteen horizontal lines eae of whic through the same for the sixteen points of the compass,— “Pilot Charts” i. €. for N., N.N.E., N.E, E.N.E,, and so on, omitting were the by-points,—he will have before him a picture of the aie “ Investigating Chart,” out of which the “ Pilot Charts” are constructed. In this case, the alternate points of the compass only are used, because, when sailing free, the CHAPTER XVII. § 931 Explana- tion of “ fives and tallies.” § 932 Reference _ to Plate V. 406 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. direction of the wind is seldom given for such points as N. by E.,, W. by 8., &c. Moreover, any attempt, for the present, at greater nicety would be over-refinement ; for navigators do not always make allowance for the aber- ration of the wind; in other words, they do not allow for the apparent change in the direction of the wind caused by the rate at which the vessel may be moving through the water, and the angle which her course makes with the true direction of the wind. JBearing this ex- planation in mind, the intelligent navigator will have no difficulty in understanding the wind diagram (Plate V.), and in forming a correct opinion as to the degree of credit due to the fidelity with which the prevailing winds of the year are represented on Plate VIII. As the compiler wades through log-book after log-book, and scores down in column after column, and upon line after line, mark upon mark, he at last finds that, under the month, and from the course upon which he is about to make an entry, he has already made four marks or scores, thus ({{1]). The one that he has now to enter will make the fifth; and he “scores and tallies,” and so on, until all the abstracts relating to that part of the ocean upon which he is at work have been gone over, and his materials exhausted. These “ fives and tallies” are exhibited on Plate V. Now, with this explanation, it will be seen that in the district marked A (Plate V.), there have been examined the logs of vessels that, giving the direction of the wind for every eight hours, have altogether spent days enough to enable me to record the calms and the prevailing direc- tion of the winds for eight hours, 2144 times: of these, 285 were for the month of September ; and of these 285 observations for September the wind is reported as pre- STORMS. 407 vailing for as much as eight hours at a time: from N., cnarrer seemed trom NIN 1; NE 2; EN.E., 1; BE, 0; rab Poel Sh, 45° SS:HS 23°8.,°25; SSW. 45; 5.W., 935 W.S.W., 24.; W., 47; W.N.W., 17; N.W,, 15; N.N.W., 1; Calms, 5 ;—total, 285 for this month in this district. The number expressed in figures denotes the whole number of observations of calms and winds together that are recorded for each month and district. In C, the wind in May sets one-third of the time from § 934 west. But in A, which is between the same parallels, eo the favourite quarter for the same month is from south to south-west, the wind setting one-third of the time for that quarter, and only 10 out of 221 times from the west ; or, on the average, it blows from the west only 13 day during the month of May. In B, notice the great “Sun Swing” of the winds in § 935 September, indicating that the change from summer to {Su Swing "’o winter, in that region, is sudden and violent ; from winter wins i to summer, gentle and gradual. In some districts of the ocean, more than a thousand Names of observations have been discussed for a single month ; tions mace whereas, with regard to others, not a single record is to be found in any of the numerous log-books at the National Observatory. | TypHoons.—The China Seas are celebrated for their § 936 furious gales of wind, known among seamen_as typhoons Tsphoons and white squalls. These seas are included on the plate Se (VIII.) as within the region of the monsoons of the Indian Ocean. But the monsoons of the China Sea are not five- month monsoons;’ they do not prevail from the west of south for more than two or three months, 2 § 788. CHAPTER XVII. §$ 937 Monsoons as ex- hibited on Plate V. Arid plains ot Asia. § 938 Time of Mauritius hurricanes and cyclones of Indian Ocean. § 939 West and East India hurricanes 408 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. Plate V. exhibits the monsoons very clearly in a part of this sea. In the square between 15° and 20° north, 110° and 115° east, there appears to be a system of three monsoons ; that is, one from north-east in October, Novem- ber, December, and January ; one from east in March and April, changing in May ; and another from the southward in June, July, and August, changing in September. The great disturber of the atmospheric equilibrium appears to be situated among the arid plains of Asia ; their influence extends to the China Seas, and about the changes of the monsoons these awful gales, called typhoons and white squalls, are experienced. In like manner, the Mauritius hurricanes, or the cyclones of the Indian Ocean, occur during the unsettled state of the atmospheric equilibrium which takes place at that debatable period during the contest between the trade-wind force and the monsoon force; and which debatable period occurs at the changing of the monsoon, and before either force has completely gained or lost the ascendency. At this period of the year, the winds, break- ing loose from their controlling forces, seem to rage with a fury that would break up the very fountains of the deep. So, too, with the West India hurricanes of the Atlantic. These winds are most apt to occur during the months of August and September. There is, therefore, this remark- able difference between these gales and those of the East Indies: the latter occur about the changing of the mon- soons, the former during their height. In August and September, the south-west monsoons of Africa’ and the south-east monsoons of the West Indies’ are at their § 796. 2 $810, 8 § 787. STORMS. 409 height; the agent of one drawing the north-east trade- cuarren winds from the Atlantic into the interior of New Mexico —~ and Texas, the agent of the other drawing them into the interior of Africa, Its two forces, pulling in opposite directions, assist now and then to disturb the atmospheric equilibrium to such an extent that the most powerful re- vulsions in the air are required to restore it. “The hurricane season in the North Atlantic Ocean,” § 940 says Jansen, “ occurs simultaneously with the African goneals monsoons ; and in the same season of the year in which Gain the monsoons prevail in the North Indian Ocean, in the China Sea, and upon the western coast of Central America, all the seas of the northern hemisphere have the hurri- cane season, On the contrary, the South Indian Ocean has its hurricane season in the opposite season of the year, and when the north-west monsoon prevails in the East Indian Archipelago. “Tn the South Pacific and in the South Atlantic, so § 941 far as I know, rotatory storms are never known, and these ee seas have no monsoons. Such a coincidence of hurricanes 24 South with monsoons, and of the hurricane-season with the mon- eo soon-season, is not without signification. It ever gives rise to the thought that the one disturbance causes the other ; and however terrible the hurricanes may be to us, however disastrous they may appear, yet we are compelled to acknowledge therein the healthful working of Nature, which is compensating over all and in all. We need not, then, doubt that these revolving storms have a determinate task to perform in the economy of nature —a task which they cannot otherwise fulfil save by rotations ; and certainly it is good that they restore in Revolving storms. 410 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, cnaprer proportion to the terrible power wherewith they are XVII. intrusted. §94g “We do not know all the disturbances which are pe caused by the land in the condition of the atmosphere. thunder. The way of the lightning of the thunder’ is to us all unknown. ‘The circulating channels of electricity are as yet hidden in a deep night. §943 “Neither do we know what influence the land and the Remarks warm currents in the sea have thereon,—even less than we on the usesof know what operations are appointed for the hurricanes in a the economy of nature ; but that they, in their way, have important services to perform, cannot be doubted. The almighty and merciful Wisdom, whom we find universally in all the operations of nature, assures us thereof—is to us a pledge. The fact that the hurricanes prefer to place their feet in warm water, and that in all seas where they prevail warm settled currents are also found, which appear to arise from the disturbance which the solid crust of the earth causes in the regular flowing of the waters of the sea, causes us to suspect that there is a certain relation between the hurricanes and the warm currents; and, Hurri- finally, that in the economy of nature the hurricanes in canes and warm the atmosphere and the warm ‘rivers in the sea’ work water cur- rents work together to restore the disturbed equilibrium in nature, hes which can be done in no other way than this, and along the way which they, as it were, mutually agree to follow together. Thus we see the hurricanes beyond the tropics follow the most prevailing current of air along the surface, on one side from the south-west, on the other side from the north-west; just as the Gulf Stream flows to the north and east, and the warm currents of the South STORMS. 411 Indian Ocean to the south and east, and, again, the China cuarrer current to the north and east. In this we see, again, the dts universal laws by which all matter is governed: very touching is the simplicity of the divine plan. “When the hurricanes and the ‘rivers in the sea,’ § 944 upon their way to the poles, have reached the parallel of Ffect of diurnal re- latitude upon which the effort of the diurnal revolution eee of of the earth upon her axis causes air and water to be a ste forced in a north-easterly or south-easterly direction, then | they bow themselves submissively to the law, and go together, often hand in hand, to accomplish their appointed tasks. And now, if we suppose that by the diurnal revolution everything which moves from the equator to this parallel of latitude is bent more gradually to the east, then it is remarkable that the first part of the course of circulating storms often stands perpendicular to these supposed movements of the air, and in the North Atlantic Ocean runs nearly W.N.W.; in the South Indian Ocean, Wes. Ww, “Hurricanes are sometimes observed upon the limits § 945 of the African monsoon, and upon the limits of the mon- Wer 24 } . Ake s x * ricanes soon of the East Indian Archipelago. In this Archi- ORe pelago hurricanes or right heavy spouts are seldom seen, °*'¥¢4- However, hurricanes have been observed in the southern hemisphere, between 88° and 90° east longitude. They are also found in September in 13° north latitude and 29° west longitude, and in 16° 33’ north latitude and 24° 20’ west longitude; the latter also in 18° north lati- tude and 25° west longitude, and in 16° 80’ north lati- tude and 26° 40’ west longitude;* yet not in the mon- * Redfield. OHAPTER XVII. — § 946 Combats in the air conse- quent on the changing of spring and autumn. Cause of Whirlwind 412 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. soon—so much is known to me—but right upon its limits; also 7m the equatorial belt which wavers about the monsoon, and which becomes narrower and narrower as it recedes from the equator. “ Now, when we remember what is said’ of the spring changing in the southern hemisphere, which agrees with the autumnal changing in the northern hemisphere, and think of the combat which is then so manifestly waged between the various currents of air and the numerous spouts which arise in the East Indian Archipelago by the aid of small groups of islands, then we shall be less sur- prised to find a similar effect produced upon the limit of the African monsoon, especially when it pushes the equa- torial belt of calms quite over to a portion of the Cape Verd Islands. When we take into account that this belt becomes narrower and narrower as it is removed from the equator ; that also the different currents of air, which draw in opposite directions, lie closer to each other; that the south-west and north-west winds approach very near to each other, and that the latter, in August and Sep- tember, are deflected out of their course by the heights of the Cape Verd Islands ;—then not much more is neces- sary to enable one to comprehend why a wind which, coming from the north-east, and veering by the north around to the north-west, should, as it meets the south- west winds, make a complete revolution, and in so doing form a whirlwind, which would go travelling through the north-east and south-east trade-winds, especially when the moisture and electricity of these air-currents are dif- ferent, as is generally the case. And seeing also that the north-east trade-wind, as it draws more and more 1 § 820. STORMS. 413 toward the north, lies to the left of the south-west monsoon, it may be readily conceived why the motion of this whirl should be from the right hand to the left, or contrary to the movements of the hands of a watch. “Thus, when upon the limit of the African monsoon a circular motion in the air arises, we may infer, from the situation of the currents of air, and their relation to each other, that the movement will be from the right side to the left. For the same reason, the motion in the south- ern hemisphere, in the South Indian Ocean, is from ‘the left hand to the right. Near the north pole we find the currents of air just the other way; the south-east, or the south-west turned back south-east, is to the left of the north-west monsoon. Therefore, when a circular motion there takes place upon the limit of the monsoon, it must go from the left hand to the right, or with the hands of a watch. “The want of knowledge prevents me from venturing to penetrate into the ‘hidden chambers out of which the whirlwind comes,’ for the circulation of the atmosphere must, like the revolutions of human society, bring all the natural forces into commotion, and they, in the strife which they wage, become renewed and strengthened to perform their appointed work for the universal welfare, and pass away like the all-destroying meteor, after having accomplished its terror-awaking mission, The strife—if, indeed, I may call the opposite workings in nature strife —is violent, terrible. The monsoon has attained its greatest strength, the disturbance in the circulation of the atmosphere has reached its utmost limits, the vapour CHAPTER XVII. § 947 Circular motions of the winds in various circum- stances, § 948 Tmpossi- bility of arriving at definite conclu- sions, 414 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapter and the heavy clouds act in harmony no longer, and with a wild violence the uproar, nursed in silence, breaks forth. ‘The way for the lightning of the thunder’ appears to be broken up. §949 “Inthe South Indian Ocean (25° south latitude), a pias hurricane, accompanied by hail, was observed,* by which Suit several of the crew were made blind, others had their Ocean, faces cut open, and those who were in the rigging had their clothes torn off from them. The master of the ship compares the sea ‘to a hilly landscape in winter, covered with snow.’ Does it not appear as if the ‘treasures of the hail’ were opened, which were ‘reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?’ ”+ §950 ExTraA-TROPICAL GALES.—TIn the extra-tropical regions Furious of each hemisphere furious gales of wind also occur. gales in : 7 the extra- One of these, remarkable for its violent effects, was en- waite countered on the 24th of December 1853, about three hundred miles from Sandy Hook, latitude 39° north, Wreck. longitude 70° west, by the San Francisco steam-ship- That ship was made a complete wreck in a few moments, and she was abandoned by the survivors, after incredible hardships, exertions, and sufferings. Some months after this disaster, I received by the California mail the abstract log of the fine clipper-ship Eagle Wing (Ebenezer H. Lin- nell), from Boston to San Francisco. She encountered the ill-fated steamer’s gale, and thus describes it :— §951 “December 24, 1853—Latitude 39° 15’ north, longi- Extract tude 62° 32’ west. First part threatening weather; short- from log of EE ee Sle ae * The Rhijin, Captain Brandligt. + Natuurkiindige Beschryving der Zeeén, door M. F. Maury, LL.D., Luiten- ant der Nord Amerikaansche Marine, vertaald door M. H. Jansen, Luitenant ter Zee. Dordrecht, P. K. Braat, 1855. ~ wm i STORMS. 415 ened sail. At 4 P.M. close-reefed the top-sails and furled the courses. At 8 P.M. took in fore and mizzen top-sails; hove to under close-reefed main top-sail and spencer, the ship lying with her lee rail under water, nearly on her beam-ends, At 1 30 AM. the fore and main top-gallant- masts went over the side, it blowing a perfect hurricane. At 8 A.M. moderated; a sea took away jib-boom and bowsprit-cap. In my thirty-one years’ experience at sea, I have never seen a typhoon or hurricane so severe. Lost two men overboard; saved one. Stove sky-light, broke my barometer, &., &ec.” Severe gales in this part of the Atlantic—. ¢., on the polar side of the calm belt of Cancer—rarely occur during the months of June, July, August, and September. This appears to be the time when the fiends of the storm are most busily at work in the West Indies. During the remainder of the year, these extra-tropical gales, for the most part, come from the north-west; but the winter is the most famous season for these gales. That is the time when the Gulf Stream has brought the heat of sum- mer, and placed it'in closest proximity to the extremest eold of the north; and there would, therefore, it would seem, be a conflict between these extremes; consequently, great disturbances in the air, and a violent rush from the cold to the warm. In like manner, the gales that most prevail in the extra-tropics of the southern hemisphere come from the pole and the west,—4. e., south-west. Storm and Rain Charts for the Atlantic Ocean have already been published by the Observatory, and others for the whole seas are in process of construction. The 1 § 84, CHAPTER XVII. —— § 952 Time when severe gales sel- dom occur in particu- lar part of Atlantic. § 953 § 954 - Storm and Rain Charts for the Atlan- _ tic. 416 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnarter Object of such charts is to show the directions and relative salen frequency of gales in all parts of the sea; the relative frequency of cals, fogs, rain, thunder, and lightning. §955 These charts are very instructive. They show that wist that half of the atmospherical coating of the earth which carts covers the northern hemisphere—if we may take as a type of the whole what occurs on either side of the equa- tor in the Atlantic Ocean—is in a much less stable con- dition than that which covers the southern. §956 There are, as a rule, more rains, more gales of wind, vee more calms, more fogs, and more thunder and lightning, storms and camsin in the North than in the South Atlantic. These pheno- North and South At- mena, at equal distances from the equator north and ioe south, and for every 5° of latitude, have been compared ;' —that is, all the storms, calms, rains, &c., between the parallels of 25° and 30° north, for instance, have been compared with the same between the parallels of 25° and 30° south ; those for January north being compared with those for January south, and so on for each month, be- tween all the five degree (5°, 10°, 15°, &c.) parallels from the equator to 60°, north and south. $957 In some places here and there, and in some months cP. now and then, there may be more gales, as in the neigh- tases: ~~ bourhood of Cape Horn, in the South than in the North Atlantic ; but such cases constitute the exceptions, they are by no means the rule. Cape Horn in the South Atlantic, and the Gulf Stream in the North, furnish seats for agents which are very marked in their workings. This Plate brings out the fact that, as a rule, rains and calms go together in the tropics; but beyond, rains and gales are more apt to occur at the same time, or to follow each other, 1 Plate XIII. STORMS. A417 With regard to the disturbing agents which are let loose from Cape Horn and the Gulf Stream upon the atmo- sphere, I beg leave to quote a remark of Jansen’s:— “In contemplating Nature in her universal aspect, in which all is so perfectly ordered that all the parts with mutual kindness support each other by the complaisant interposition of air and water, we cannot possibly reject the idea of unanimity of action; and we may conjecture that when, impeded or prevented by external local causes, their bond of union is broken, then are observed the terrible efforts of Nature, by which its almighty power is shown in combating that disturbance of which we know so little, and in renewing and perfecting those broken bonds. Forces which are otherwise working beyond the reach of human vision then come forth in the combat for the restoration of the disturbed equilibrium. They cause the earth to tremble to her centre, and man to stand anxious and dismayed. Yet Omniscience watches, a Pro- vidence cares, and the Almighty is love. The delightful land that is given us as a dwelling-place is, at the same time, the cause of all the disturbances in the air and in the ocean, whence the hurricanes and the ‘rivers in the sea” arise, which in turn are for the universal good ; where they are not found, we may be certain that the currents of the air and of the water work undisturbed, harmoniously together. And is not this the case in the south-east trade-wind of the South Atlantic Ocean ?” CHAPTER xVII. § 958 Jansen’s remarks on dis- turbing agents let loose upon the atmo- sphere. 418 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER XVIIL ROUTES. How Passages have been Shortened, § 959.—How closely Vessels follow each other’s Track, 961.—The Archer and the Flying Cloud, 962. The great Race-course upon the Ocean, 964.—Description of a Ship-race, 966.—Present Knowledge of the Winds enables the Navigator to compute his Detour, 991. cuarter THE principal routes across the ocean are exhibited on XVIII. — Plate VIII; the great end and aim of all this labour and § 959 - ona : the great YeSearch are in these, and consist in the shortening of aim and : c a S = p 4 ent ofthe P2ssages—the improvement of navigation. Other in- aushor's terests and other objects are promoted thereby, but these labours last, in the mind of a practical people, who, by their and re- searches. habits of thought and modes of action, mark the age in which we live as eminently utilitarian, do not stand out in relief half so grand and imposing as do those achieve- ments by which the distant isles and marts of the sea have been lifted up, as it were, and brought closer toge- ther, for the convenience of commerce, by many days’ sail. $960 We have been told in the foregoing pages how the Adsan- winds blow and the currents flow in all parts of the knowidze ocean. These control the mariner in his course; and to and ewr- Know how to steer his ship on this or that voyage so as ae always to make the most of them, is the perfection of navigation. The figures representing the vessels are so marked as to show whether the prevailing direction of the wind be adverse or fair. $961 When one looks seaward from the shore, and sees a Popular ship disappear in the horizon, as she gains an offing on a error. voyage to India, or the Antipodes perhaps, the common ROUTES. 419 idea is that she is bound over a trackless waste, and the chances of another ship, sailing with the same destination the next day, or the next week, coming up and speaking with her on the “pathless ocean,” would, to most minds, seem slender indeed. Yet the truth is, the winds and the currents are now becoming to be so well understood, that the navigator, like the backwoodsman in the wilder- ness, is enabled literally “to blaze his way” across the ocean ; not indeed upon trees, as in the wilderness, but upon the wings of the wind. The results of scientific inquiry have so taught him how to use these invisible couriers, that they, with the calm belts of the air, serve as sign-boards to indicate to him the turnings, and forks, and crossings by the way. Let a ship sail from New York to California, and the next week let a faster one follow after: they will cross each other’s path many times, and are almost sure to see each other by the way. Thus a case in point happens to be before me. It is the case of the Archer and the Flying Cloud on a recent voyage to California. They are both fine clipper ships, ably commanded. But it was not until the ninth day after the Archer had sailed from New York that the Flying Cloud put to sea, California-bound also. She was running against time, and so was the Archer, but without reference to each other. The Archer, with Wind and Current Charts in hand, went blazing her way across the calms of Cancer, and along the new route, down through the north-east trades to the equator; the Cloud followed after, cross- ing the equator upon the trail of Thomas of the Archer. Off Cape Horn she came up with him, spoke him, handed him the latest New York dates, and invited him to dine CHAPTER XVIII. Winds and currents are guides to the mariner. $ 962 Case of twa vessels bound for California. Thev meet off Cape Horn. 420 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. crapterR On board the Cloud; “which invitation,” says he of the a Archer, “I was reluctantly compelled to decline.” $963 The Flying Cloud finally ranged ahead, made her ie adieus, and disappeared among the clouds that lowered eee. upon the western horizon, being destined to reach her port a week or more in advance of her Cape Horn consort. Though sighting no land from the time of their separation until they gained the offing of San Francisco—some six or eight thousand miles off—the tracks of the two vessels were so nearly the same, that, being projected on Plate IX., they would appear almost as one. §964 This is the great race-course of the ocean; it is fifteen The great thousand miles in length. Some of the most glorious coun of : trials of speed and of prowess that the world ever witnessed, among ships that “walk the waters,” have taken place over it. Here the modern clipper ship—the noblest work that has ever come from the hands of man— has been sent, guided by the lights of science, to contend with the elements, to outstrip steam, and astonish the world. §965 The most celebrated and famous ship-race that has ever canvas, been run came off upon this course : it was in the autumn of 1862, of 1852, when navigators were beginning fully to reap the benefits of these researches with regard to the winds and currents, and other facts connected with the physical geography of the sea, that four splendid new clipper ships put to sea from New York, bound for California. They were ably commanded, and as they passed the bar at Sandy Hook, one by one, and at various intervals of time, they presented really a most magnificent spectacle. The names of these noble ships and their master were, —the Wild Pigeon, Captain Putnam; the John Gilpin, ROUTES. 421 Captain Doane—alas! now no more; the Flying Fish, Captain Nickels; and the Trade Wind, Captain Webber. Like steeds that know their riders, they were handled with the most exquisite skill and judgment, and in such hands they bounded out upon the “glad waters” most eracefully. Each being put upon her mettle from the start, was driven, under the seaman’s whip and spur, at full speed over a course that it would take them three long months to run. The Wild Pigeon sailed October 12; the John Gilpin, October 29; the Flying Fish, November 1; and the Trade Wind, November 14. It was the season for the best passages. Each one was provided with the Wind and Current Charts ; each one had evidently studied them attentively ; and each one was resolved to make the most of them, and do his best. All ran against time; but the John Gilpin and the Flying Fish for the whole course, and the Wild Pigeon for part of it, ran neck and neck, the one against the other, and each against all. It was a sweepstake with these ships around Cape Horn, and through both hemispheres. Wild Pigeon led the other two out of New York, the one by seventeen, the other by twenty days. But luck and chances of the winds seem to have been against her from the start. As soon as she had taken her departure, she fell into a streak of baffling winds, and then into a gale, which she fought against and contended with for a week, making but little progress the while; she then had a time of it in crossing the horse latitudes. After having been nineteen days out, she had logged no less than thirteen of them as days of calms and baflling winds; CHAPTER XVIU. § 966 The vessela set sail. § 967 The start of the “Wild Pigeon.” 422 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. enapter these had brought her no farther on her way than the ey parallel of 26° north in the Atlantic. Thence she had a fine run to the equator, crossing it between 33° and 34° west, the thirty-second day out. She was unavoidably forced to cross it so far west; for only two days before, she crossed 5° north in 30°—an excellent position. §968 In proof that the Pigeon had accomplished all that rau skill could do, and the chances against her would permit, Pollard. we have the testimony of the barque Hazard, Captain Pollard. This vessel, being bound to Rio at the same time, followed close after the Pigeon. The Hazard is an old hand with the charts; she had already made six voyages to Rio, with them for her guide. ‘This was the longest of the six, the mean of which was twenty-six and a half days. She crossed the line this time in 34° 30’, also by compulsion, having crossed 5° north in 31°. But, the fourth day after crossing the equator, she was clear of Cape St. Roque, while the Pigeon cleared it in three days.* $969 So far, therefore, chances had turned up against the Better for- 2 ° : me ae pee pte, Eigeon, in spite of the skill displayed by Putnam as a other ves- i navigator, for the Gilpin and the Fish came booming along, not under better management, indeed, but with a better run of luck and fairer courses before them. In this stretch they gained upon her—the Gilpin seven and the Fish ten days; so that now the abstract logs show the Pigeon to be but ten days ahead. §970 Evidently the Fish was most confident that she had Conrse the heels of her competitors; she felt her strength, and the of “Fish” was proud of it; she was most anxious for a quick run, * According to the received opinion, this was impossible. ROUTES. 423 and eager withal for a trial. She dashed down south- cmapren wardly from Sandy Hook, looking occasionally at the a= charts; but feeling strong in her sweep of wing, and trusting confidently in the judgment of her master, she kept, on the average, two hundred miles to leeward of the right track. Rejoicing in her many noble and fine qualities, she crowded on her canvas to its utmost stretch, trusting quite as much to her heels as to the charts, and performed the extraordinary feat of crossing, the sixteenth day out from New York, the parallel of 5° north. The next day she was well south of 4° north, and in § 971 the doldrums, longitude 34° west. Now her heels became paralyzed, for Fortune seems to Fortune seems to have deserted her a while,—-at least her master, as the ae winds failed him, feared so; they gave him his motive power; they were fickle, and he was helplessly battled by them. The bugbear of a north-west current off Cape St. Roque’ began to loom up in his imagination, and to look alarming ; then the dread of falling to leeward came upon him; chances and luck seemed to conspire against him, and the mere possibility of finding his fine ship back-strapped filled the mind of Nickels with evil fore- bodings, and shook his faith in his guide. He doubted the charts, and committed the mistake of the passage. The Sailing Directions had cautioned the navigator, § 972 again and again, not to attempt to fan along to the east- is ward in the equatorial doldrums; for, by so doing, he greats would himself engage in a fruitless strife with bafiling airs, sometimes re-enforced in their weakness by westerly currents. But the winds had failed, and so too, the smart captain of the Flying Fish evidently thought, had 1 § 470. CHAPTER XVIII, — Time lost. § 973 The cap- tain sees and ac- know- ledges his error. § 974 The “ Haz- ard.” 4294 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. the Sailing Directions. They advise the navigator, in all such cases, to dash right across this calm streak, stand boldly on, take advantage of slants in the wind, and, by this device, make easting enough to clear the land. So, forgetting that the charts are founded on the expe- rience of great numbers who had gone before him, Nickels, being tempted, turned a deaf ear to the caution, and flung away three whole days, and more, of most precious time, dallying in the doldrums. He spent four days about the parallel of 3° north, and his ship left the doldrums, after this waste of time, nearly upon the same meridian at which she entered them. She was still in 34°, the current keeping her back just as fast as she could fan east. After so great a loss, her very clever master, doubting his own judgment, became sensible of his error, Leaving the spell-bound calms behind him, where he had undergone such trials, he wrote in his log as follows: “I now regret that, after making so fine a run to 5° north, I did not dash on, and work my way to windward to the northward of St. Roque, as I have experienced little or no westerly set since passing the equator, while three or four days have been lost in working to the eastward, between the latitude of 5° and 90° 3° north, against a strong westerly set ; 2” and he might have added, “ with little or no wind.” In three days after this he was clear of St. Roque. Just five days before him, the Hazard had passed exactly in the same place, and gained two days on the Fish, by cutting straight across the doldrums, as the Sailing Direc- tions advised him to do. ROUTES. 425 The Wild Pigeon, crossing the equator also in 33°, cnapres VIll. had passed along there ten days before, as did also the = Trade Wind twelve days after. The latter also crossed ple ame the line to the west of 34°, and in four days after had *'8°°"" cleared St. Roque. But, notwithstanding this loss of three days by the § 976 Fish, who so regretted it, and who afterward so hand- eee somely retrieved it, she found herself, on the 24th of ore November, alongside of the Gilpin, her competitor. They pin.” were then both on the parallel of 5° south, the Gilpin being thirty-seven miles to the eastward, and of course in a better position, for the Fish had yet to take advantage of slants, and stand off shore to clear the land. They had not seen each other. The charts showed the Gilpin now to be in the best § 977 position, and the subsequent events proved the charts Pritence to be right, for thence to 53° south the Gilpin gained charts. on the Pigeon two days, and the Pigeon on the Fish one. By dashing through the Straits of Le Maire, the Fish § 978 gained three days on the Gilpin ; but here Fortune again Pater tune of the deserted the Pigeon, or rather the winds turned against “Wil her; for as she appeared upon the parallel of Cape Horn, etn and was about to double round, a westerly gale struck her “in the teeth,” and kept her at bay for ten days, making little or no way, except alternately fighting in a calm or buffeting with a gale, while her pursuers were coming up, “ hand over fist,” with fine winds and flowing sheets. They finally overtook her, bringing along with them § 979 propitious gales, when all three swept past the Cape, and 496 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cHapter crossed the parallel of 51° south on the other side of the XVIII. 4 “ Horn,” the Fish and the Pigeon one day each ahead of aoubie the Gilpin. Cape Horn The Pigeon was now, according to the charts, in the best position, the Gilpin next, and the Fish last; but all were doing well. §980 From this parallel to the south-east trades of the Pa- Prevailing cific, the prevailing winds are from the north-west. The position of the Fish, therefore, did not seem as good as the others, because she did not have the sea-room in case of an obstinate north-west gale. §981 But the winds favoured her. On the 30th of De- rosition f cember the three ships crossed the parallel of 35° south, on gor, the Fish recognising the Pigeon; the Pigeon saw only a “clipper ship,” for she could not conceive how the ship in sight could possibly be the Flying Fish, as that vessel was not to leave New York for some three weeks after she did: the Gilpin was only thirty or forty miles off at the same time. $982 The race was now wing and wing, and had become Excite. exciting. With fair winds and an open sea, the compe- therace. titors had now a clear stretch to the equator of two thousand five hundred miles before them. §983 The Flying Fish led the way, the Wild Pigeon pressing her hard, and both dropping the Gilpin quite rapidly, who was edging off to the westward. The two foremost reached the equator on the 13th of January, the Fish leading just twenty-five miles in lati- tude, and crossing in 112° 17’;* the Pigeon forty miles * Twenty-five days after that the Trade Wind clipper came along, crossed in 112°, and had a passage of sixteen days thence into San Francisco, ROUTES. 427 farther to the east. At this time the John Gilpin had onaprer dropped two hundred and sixty miles astern, and had see sagged off several degrees to the westward. Here Putnam, of the Pigeon, again displayed his tact § 984 as a navigator, and again the fickle winds deceived him. ee of oe The belt of north-east trades had yet to be passed: it eee was winter: and, by crossing where she did, she would have an opportunity of making a fair wind of them, without being much to the west of her port when she should lose them. Moreover, it was exactly one year since she had passed this way before: she then crossed in 109°, and had a capital run thence of seventeen days to San Francisco, Why should she not cross here again? She saw that § 985 the fourth edition of Saaling Directions, which she had Minck on board, did not discountenance it, and her own expe- “Pigeon rience approved it. Could she have imagined that, in consequence of this difference of forty miles in the crossing of the equator, and of the two hours’ time behind her competitor, she would fall into a streak of wind which would enable the Fish to lead her into port one whole week? Certainly it was nothing but what sailors call “a streak of ill luck” that could have made such a cifference. But by this time John Gilpin had got his mettle up again. § 986 He crossed the line in 116°,—exactly two days after the Run of the John “ Gil- other two,—and made the glorious run of fifteen days pin” thence to the pilot grounds of San Francisco. Thus end the abstract logs of this exciting race and these remarkable passages :— The Flying Fish beat. She made the passage in 92 § 987 CHAPTER XVIII. The “ Fly- ing Fish” wins the race. § 988 § 989 Result of the races shows the value of wind and current charts, and how well they are under- stood. § 990 § 991 Author's computa- tion borne out by facts. 428 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, days and 4 hours from port to anchor; the Gilpin in 93 days and 20 hours from port to pilot ;* the Wild Pigeon had, 118. The Trade Wind followed, with 102 days, having taken fire and burned for eight hours on the way. The result of this race may be taken as an illustration as to how well navigators are now brought to understand the winds and the currents of the sea. Here are three ships sailing on different days, bound over a trackless waste of ocean for some fifteen thousand miles or more, and depending alone on the fickle winds of heaven, as they are called, to waft them along; yet, like travellers on the land bound upon the same journey, they pass and repass, fall in with and recognise each other by the way; and what, perhaps, is still more remarkable, is the fact, that these ships should each, throughout that great distance, and under the wonderful vicissitudes of climates, winds, and currents, which they encountered, have been so skilfully navigated, that, in looking back at their management, now that what is past is before me, I do not find a single occasion, except the one already mentioned, on which they could have been better handled. There is another circumstance which is worthy of notice in this connection, as illustrative of the accuracy of the knowledge which these investigations afford con- cerning the force, set, and direction both of winds and currents, and it is this :— I had computed the detour which these vessels would have to make, on account of adverse winds, between New York and their place of crossing the equator. The * The abstract log of the Gilpin is silent after the pilot came on board. ROUTES. 4.99 whole distance, including detour, to be sailed to reach this crossing at that season of the year, was, according to calculation, 4115 miles. The Gilpin and the Hazard only kept an account of the distance actually sailed,— the former reaching the equator after sailing 4099 miles, the latter 4077; thus accomplishing that part of the voyage by sailing, the one within thirty-eight, the other within sixteen miles of the detour which calculation showed they would be compelled to make on account of head-winds. With his way blazed through the forest, the most experienced backwoodsman would have to make a detour greater than this on account of floods in the rivers. Am I far wrong, therefore, when I say that the present state of our knowledge, with regard to the phy- sical geography of the sea, has enabled the navigator to blaze his way among the winds and currents of the sea, and so mark his path that others, using his signs as finger-boards, may follow in the same track ? CHAPTER XVIII. Result of our pre- sent know- ledge of physical geography of the sea 430 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. CHAPTER XIX. BRUSSELS CONFERENCE, ETC, Brussels Conference, § 996.—How Navigators may obtain a Set of the Maury Charts, 997.—The Abstract Log, 998. cuarter ] HAVE, I am aware, not done more in this little book XIX. — than given only a table or two of contents from the § 992 Authors interesting volume which the physical geography of the rem’ sea is destined some day to open up to us. The subject work. is a comprehensive one: there is room for more labourers, and help is wanted. Nations, no less than individuals; “stay-at-home tra- vellers,” as well as those who “go down to the sea in ships,” are concerned in the successful prosecution of the labours we have in hand. We are now about to turn over a new leaf in naviga- tion, on which we may confidently expect to see recorded much information that will tend to lessen the dangers of the sea, and to shorten the passages of vessels trading up- on it. § 993 We are about to open in the volume of Nature a new Anew chapter, under the head of Marine MereoroLocy. In chapter in thal it are written the laws that govern those agents which Nature “the winds and the sea obey.” In the true interpreta- tion of these laws, and the correct reading of this chapter, the planter as well as the merchant, the husbandman as well as the mariner, and states as well as individuals, are concerned. All have a deep interest in these laws; for BRUSSELS CONFERENCE. 431 with the hygrometrical conditions of the atmosphere the cmaprer well-being of plants and animals is involved. The health we of the invalid is often dependent upon a dry or a damp atmosphere, a cold blast or a warm wind. The atmosphere pumps up our rivers from the sea, and § 994 transports them through the clouds to their sources among Effect of the atmo- the hills; and upon the regularity with which this ma- sphere on chine, whose motions, parts, and offices, we now wish to Se study, lets down that moisture, and the seasonable supply of rain which it furnishes to each region of country, to every planter, and upon all cultivated fields, depend the fruitfulness of this country, the sterility of that. The principal maritime nations, therefore, have done § 995 well by agreeing to unite upon one plan of observation, no uae time na- is : . Cae : tions have and to co-operate with their ships upon the high seas (0.1) with the view of finding out all that patient research, eee systematic, laborious investigation, may reveal to us 0fobseve concerning the winds and the waves; and philosophical travellers, and every sailor that has a ship under his foot, may do even better by joining in this system. By the recommendations of the Brussels Conference, $ 996 every one who uses the sea is commanded or invited to Recom- mendation make certain observations; or, in other words, to pro- aes Ss: pound certain queries to Nature, and to give us a faithful Cont statement of the replies she may make. Instru- ments. Now, unless we have accurate instruments, instruments that will themselves tell the truth, it is evident that we cannot get at the real meaning of the answers that Nature may give us. An incorrect observation is not only useless of itself, but, when it passes undetected among others that are 432 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, cuapteR correct, it becomes worse than useless; nay, it is mis- = chievous there, for it vitiates results that are accurate, places before us wrong premises, and thus renders the good of no value. §997 Those ship-masters who, entering this field as fellow- Ship- Jabourers, will co-operate in the mode and manner recom- masters whoo. mended by the Brussels Conference, and keep, voyage operate ee fo after voyage, and as long as required, a journal of observa- saline tions and results according to a prescribed form—and which form is annexed, under the title of Abstract Log— are entitled, by sending the same, at the end of the voy- age, to the Superintendent of the National Observatory, to a copy of my Sailing Directions, and such sheets of the charts as relate to the cruising-ground of the co-operator. § 998 There are two forms of abstract logs: one, the more roe’ elaborate, for men-of-war; the other for merchantmen. loge The observations called for by the latter are a minimum, the least which will entitle the co-operator to claim the proffered bounty. It must give, at least, the latitude and longitude of the ship daily; the height of the barometer, and the readings of both the air and the water thermometer, at least once a day; the direction and force of the wind three times a-day—first, middle, and latter — part—at the hours eight p.m, four AM., and noon; the variation of the compass occasionally ; and the set of the Ovserva- Current whenever encountered. These observations, to tions must heaceue be worth having, must be accurately made ; and as every thermometer and every barometer has its sources of error, consequently every ship-master who undertakes hereafter to co-operate with us, and keep an abstract log, should have his barometer and thermometer accurately compared THE ABSTRACT LOG. 433 with standard instruments, the errors of which have been accurately determined. These errors the master should enter in the log. The instruments should be numbered, and he should so keep the log as to show what instrument is in use. For in- stance, a master goes to sea with thermometers Nos. 4719, 1, 12, &c., their errors having been ascertained and en- tered on the blank page for the purpose in the abstract log. He first uses No. 12. Let it be so stated in the column of remarks, when the first observation is recorded, thus: Thermometer No. 12. During the voyage, No. 12 gets broken, or for some reason is laid aside, and another, say 4719, is brought into use. So state when the first observa- tion with it is recorded, and quote in the column of remarks the errors both of No. 12 and 4719. Now with such a statement of errors given in the log for each of the instru- ments, according to the number, the observations may be properly corrected when they come up here for discussion. It is rare to find a barometer or a thermometer that has no error, as it is to find a chronometer without error. A good thermometer, the error of which the maker should guarantee not to exceed in any part of the scale one degree, will cost, in the United States, not less than two dollars, perhaps two and a half dollars. The errors of thermometers sometimes are owing to in- equalities in the bore of the tube, sometimes to errors of division on the scale, &c, Therefore, in comparing ther- mometers with a standard, they should be compared, at least, for every degree between melting ice and blood heat. 28 CHAPTER XIX. §.999 How the abstract log ought to be kept § 1000 Instru- ments rarely without error. § 1001 How thers mometers ought to be com- pared. ‘Wd ¢ PUR WY G 3 osye 47 puv Sor 4o% YET Yet {ZT sutumyoo oy GornnAtosq¢ ‘“wooU pur ‘fF ‘g ousoddo sauty Aavar aug UO ATLB.LOAOS paiajua aq ysnur ‘uooU [II WV ~ WOY pus “NV F 0} “Wad g WO "Kd 0} UOOU WO PUTA oY} JO UOLaUp bupwaod oL Leo WX | YOON “toyna (0Z) faye ‘(pT fur eT ‘COT idooxa “Boy RAN Fe Wee dl} UL Sloqiunu oures O19 07 ‘sIpBaAIq LUI UA STL OL Ores HALO ‘03 WPL Fer rel Ato ut “@ ‘8 NG “] Suumyoo oy} puv ip Ya % SdUIpBoY Oty YY puodsatioo ‘p | f' ‘o sdulpwoy oyL | Bebe isp efor foe ares ene) lee ele as) 6 “SHUVNIU Wi 5 5 8 gph op uo : apm Steen My org jonusqy | NOT GOIAMUS-INVHOUAW | ‘MOUS JO ANOY Uv J[VYL pu ‘UIBA JO T ‘Foy JO smol Z Suruvow = E = sSnyy ‘sainsy ur “om ‘upwt ‘Soj JO Srmoy ayy oywig $ | “JUL LOCUI! JSOUL 0.18 SANOY, OS9t{} JB SUONBALOSYO » ‘somomt FT Aq IL J00ys JO ozIG—sotpoUT ¢'g ‘SyAeULAyT —"9* “AYIWOAL OTP JO OINYS ('eZ)— e ‘YIdop ye oAngerodwaL, (77)—"E" ‘AqAvAT OpPads (-1Z)—'g" ‘aorg.ns 7B aingrioduay, (0z)— “UaLv Ay (6)—"your auo ‘Surpurq Aoy uLFeyp—'g* ‘Bog 9yF JO 93095 (GLD—'S’ “A IVH +0 ‘Moug +a ‘ulsy 4! y ‘So. jo sinoyy C8D—'¢e ‘avapo AYys Jo uoptodo1g CLP)—'g* ‘spnoyo JO UOPJoLP PUB UO (9D—'s" ‘qmq 99M (eD—'es' ‘amg Aq (PL) —waLAKoNuany, (/) —'p ‘poyoryjye aojoulouoyy, (ED—'s"? “JUST CZD—uatanouvg (@)—'e' ‘oy CLD) — "6 “UOOaId COT) "SANT AL (p)—9" ‘poAtasqo UOWBLIBA “WOON | onoustuy (¢g)—e ‘ommye (g)— "gs" ‘uoWootrq ((z)—"stxaumng (9)--"g' “UU "ad ('9)—"s8" ‘UONVAIOSqG ((G¢)—"AM AGALIONOT (9)—'8" “UY “A Ch)—'S =| ‘uomasosqg (‘g)— "Ad ACALILV'T (v)—"g" Sinozy (Z)—uy Gg ‘aged CI)—"youy un fo spounoeg pu sayouT up pagnjs suuinjog Jo Yipvaig pu» sburipwoeyT - “NOILVNVIdXA =e “Sulpulg aay Sg eS ES ee Eee — aes Loy UISINFE |—— ESE GER aie] aie ——— |_| | — |__| ——_. Eons arena ae | 1 | 03, | st or {ot | +r | et | at |i [or iz >) > 1 e@ | anon | ova b a Pp D r4 5: Reeccccncereenes oj ubinanlRaire sal aieteralanniate wnjdng HeiksiaVuleoidieic otunie’t CLO DOU $2)D)S! pay? fo bor] aye HOT UVM LO NVIV TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 409 CHAPTER XX. FORCE OF THE TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, —PECULIARITIES IN ITS ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION. The spirit in which the Researches touching the Physics of the Sea have been conducted, § 1002.—Reasons for supposing Crossings of the Air in the Calm Belts, 1003.—The “‘ Brave West Winds” of the Southern Hemisphere; their Strength and Regularity, 1004. —Counter-trades, 1005.—Measuring the Strength of the Trade-winds, 1006.—The S.E. stronger than the N.E. Trade-winds, 1007.—Waves, 1008.—New Facts in Meteorology, 1009. —Calms and Gales on opposite Sides of the Equator compared, 1010.—The Propelling Power of the Winds of the Southern Hemisphere; whence derived, 1011.— Why do the Counter-trades blow toward the Poles? 1012.—Precipitation between the Parallels of 55° and 60° N. and S. compared, 1013.—A heavy Rain-fall, 1014. —-The Counter-trades of the Southern Hemisphere vapour-bearing Winds, 1015. —The latent Heat of Vapour, 1016.—Its Amount, 1017.—Icebergs, their Offices, &e., 1018.—The Physical Features of the Antarctic Continent, 1019.— Precipitation the Cause of the Low Barometer in High Southern Latitudes, 1020.—A Perpetual Cyclone, 1021.—Conclusion, 1022.—Dr. Jilek’s Descrip- tion of the Antarctic Regions, 1023. WHENEVER, in the course of my investigations touching the physics of sea and air, new facts have been elicited, I have, if they appeared consistent enough to be suggestive, never hesitated to follow them up with suggestions, espe- cially if hypothesis seemed to be called for. The prin- ciple by which I have sought to be governed is this: fairly to weigh the facts under discussion, and then to offer in explanation that hypothesis which would apparently best reconcile them. In case I could not reconcile all by any one supposition, the preference has been given to that hypothesis which would reconcile the greatest number. Then, as additional facts were developed, the hypothesis was, if necessary, discarded or amended, as the new lights seemed to require. CHAPTER xx. $ 1002 Hypothe- sis ought to be founded on facts. CHAPTER Spirit in which in- vestiga- tion should be couducted. Crossings of air at the calm belts 456 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. As an investigator in the particular field to which much of my labour is directed, I do not consider that 1 should content myself by merely stating observations and facts. It is the business of the investigator to let those who labour with him have the benefit of his thoughts and conclusions as well as a fair statement of his facts. Such thoughts, though they be founded in misapprehen- sion, rarely fail to help the cause of progress and of truth; for, though wrong in themselves, they impart interest to the subject, set others to thinking, and often suggest what is right. Moreover, by such a course discussion is encouraged; and scientific discussion, when philosophically directed and properly conducted, is always profitable. It was in this spirit that this work has, from its com- mencement, been conducted, and it was in this spirit that, in treating of the general circulation of the atmosphere, the crossings at the calm belts (chap. vi.), were suggested. Take, as an illustration of this crossing, the calm belt of Capricorn, Near this tropic there is a band encircling the earth, from which the wind on one side is perpetually blowing toward the Equator, and on the other almost as perpetually blowing toward the Pole. These winds are on the surface; and to supply air for such winds there must be a regular influx—a pouring in—at the top of this calm belt. As the surface currents carry away this air both toward the north and the south, it must return by counter currents both from the north and the south to keep up the supply. These counter currents are admit- ted to be upper currents. The same in-pouring and out- flowing take place at the calm belt of the Equator and the calm belt of Cancer, only at the Equator the in-pour ing currents are at the surface of the earth, while at the TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, 457 two tropical calm belts they are in the regions of the cuarres . xX. upper air. In consequence of diurnal rotation these currents, as ritect of diurnal they come from toward the Pole and approach the Equa- rotation on the tor, whether as upper or as surface currents, have much gj cur- easting in them ; and, in like manner, they acquire west- ""* ing as they return toward the Poles. Arrived with my investigations at this stage in the construction of a theory, a question of this sort arose: Does the air which is poured into these calm belts from the north, for instance, return to the north as it flows out, or does it keep on its circuit toward the south ? There seemed to be reasons for supposing that the air reasons G for st which enters the calm belts from the north flows out Sain crossings of the air in the calm belts. toward the south,’ and vice versa ; consequently, it was held that the construction of the atmospherical machinery is such as to require a crossing of air in those calm belts. The circumstances and considerations which seemed to § 1003 be in favour of this conjecture are there stated in detail, but briefly they are these :— Ist. Opposite seasons in the hemispheres : The identity 1st, oppo- . ‘ . site sea- of atmospherical constituents in all parts of the earth, sonsinthe hemi- notwithstanding the unequal distribution over its surface, gheres L both as to place, numbers, and kind, of the agents which corrupt and of those which purify the air. This identity of constituents seemed to favour the idea of a general and regular intermingling ; nay, the principles of adjustment which obtain in that exquisite system of compensations which is displayed in the workings of the physical machinery of our planet, seem to call for such regular and 1 See chapter vi. 2d. Aque- ous area of south- ern hemi- sphere greater than that of north- ern. 3d. The sea Water of the southern hemi- sphere heavier than that of the northern. 438 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. active intermingling of the fluid covering, both aerial and aqueous, of the earth as would keep each element pure and make it homogeneous. Were it not so, we know of physical agents which, in process of time, would make both the air and the water of the two hemispheres quite different those of the one from those of the other. Con- sequently, if the atmosphere of one hemisphere were to become different from that of the other, the air of the north would not be suited to the flora or the fauna of the southern hemisphere, and conversely. 2d. The aqueous area of the southern hemisphere is much greater than that of the northern, Pat, notwith- standing the evaporating surface of the former so much exceeds that of the latter, the amount of precipitation upon the land is very much greater in the one that ex- poses the smallest sea surface or source of vapour. This circumstance had induced meteorologists, in treat- ing of the exquisite workmanship displayed in the atmos- pherical machinery that surrounds our planet, to liken the southern hemisphere to the boiler, the northern to the condenser of the steam-engine. How, then, without a crossing of the winds at the calm places, could the vapour be transported from one side of the Equator to the other ? 3d. Another link in this chain of circumstantial evi- dence suggesting a crossing, is in the fact that the sea water of the southern hemisphere is, parallel for parallel, specifically heavier than sea-water of the northern hemi- sphere. As a rule, parallel for parallel, the former is the cooler, but at the same temperature it is specifically heavier, and, therefore, salter. That the waters of trans-equatorial seas are salter had been pointed out by Daubeney, TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOU'IHFRN HEMISPHERE. 439 Dove, ef al. But, with a view of determining by actual measurement a value for the difference of saltness, I pro- cured from Captain. John Rodgers, of the North Pacific Surveying Expedition,a series of hydrometricaland thermal observations, for every degree of latitude, on a voyage in the United States ship “ Vincennes,” from 71° north down through Behring’s Strait, around Cape Horn in 57° south, and thence through the Atlantic Ocean up to New York. These observations show that the mean specific gravity of sea-water is about .0007 greater in the southern than in the northern hemisphere. he hypothesis which requires a crossing of the winds at the calm belts is consistent with this fact. Half the quantity of fresh water that it would take to dilute the brine of southern oceans so as to reduce the specific gravity of their waters to the average of cis-equatorial seas, suggests the amount of fresh water which the winds of the southern hemisphere take up as vapour, carry away, and do not rain down again on that side of the Equator. The water which is thus transported in clouds and rained upon northern fields has to find its way back to the seas of the south through the currents of the ocean. Hence the difference in saltness suggests the amount of fresh water which is perpetually in transitu between the two hemispheres, as vapour through the clouds from the southern, and as rain through the drainage of the land and currents of the sea from the northern. This half difference would, to be exact, require a further correction on account of the inequality in the distribution of land and water in the two hemispheres. The vapour which gives excess of precipitation to the northern hemisphere is supplied from the southern, and CHAPTER XxX. Difference of saltness in sea water de- termined by mea- surement, Mean spe- Cifie gra- vity of sea water. Amount of fresh water car- ried north- ward by the winds CHAPTER XX. Agents which guide these crossings unknown. 4th. Eh- renberg’s discover- ies with the micro- scope. 440 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. it can be conveyed through no other channel but the air, nor brought by any other carriers but the winds. If any portion of the air which the south-east trades pour into the belt of the equatorial calms passes, after rising up, over into the northern hemisphere, it is axiomatic that a portion of like volume of that which the north-east trades pour into the same belt should pass over into the south- ern hemisphere. What may be the kind or the character of the agents to guide these crossings, and lead the air from one hemisphere to the other, it may not be easy to discover; it may be magnetism; it may be electricity that is concerned in it; but because we cannot detect them that is no proof of their non-existence. IPf there be a crossing, there is a power to guide the air through its mazes ; for, rely upon it, the wind in its circuit is left no more to chance than is the earth in its orbit. There are forces to restrain each and to keep it within its limits. 4th. Ehrenberg’s discoveries with the microscope: In the sea-dust and red fogs of the North Atlantic he recog- nises organisms from South America. This dust has been collected for his microscope on the polar side of the north- east trades, and the inference is, that it was conveyed first to the equatorial calm belt by the surface wind, and was carried thence to the calms of Cancer by the upper currents. Thus this hypothesis concerning the crossing at the calm belts, and the flowing of the air over from one hemi- sphere to the other, seems to be consistent with all the facts and circumstances mentioned in 1, 2, 3, and 4. So far, however, the evidence seemed more specific touch- ing the crossings at the equatorial calm belt than at the tropical. The vapour that is brought over into the northern TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, 441 hemisphere is probably taken up by the south-east trade- cuaprea . . Bye0 : XX. winds. This supposition and Ehrenberg’s “tallies” to the ** wind, as his sea-dust has been called, suggests the idea of a pier crossing at the calms of Cancer. But the circumstances /8hes” going to show the crossing at the calms of Capricorn did "+ not amount to evidence ; the crossing was only inference drawn by analogy. My own observations, and the experience of mariners § 1004 who are acting as observers in these researches touching sea and air, show that the westerly winds which blow counter to the trades on the polar side of the tropical calms are much more steady, strong, and constant in the southern than in the northern hemisphere. The former have won for themselves, among mariners, the the name of the “brave west winds” of the extra-tropical Benes winds” south, They are quite as constant from the west as in ofthe the North Atlantic the trades are from the east. Sailing southern hemi- with them to and from Australia, ships under canvas ?"° alone have attained a speed and accomplished runs which steam has never enabled any vessel to reach. In two months’ time and less, sailing vessels have performed voyages of complete circumnavigation before these brave winds. Since, then, these winds are so much more constant and stronger and more brave than those of corresponding latitudes in our hemi- constant than those sphere, how is it with the south-east trades as compared of tie for strength with the north-east trades ? =a For convenience of description we will hereafter § 1005 allude to the “brave west winds,” or rather to the westerly winds which prevail on the polar side of Cancer and Capricorn in both hemispheres, as the “ counter- trades,” CHAPTER XX. Compari- son be- tween the counter- trades of the two hemi- spheres. § 1006 4} >) _ THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY CF THE SEA. Since the counter-trades of the southern are stronger and steadier than the counter-trades of the northern hemi- sphere, we should establish another link in the chain of circumstances tending to show the calm belt crossings of the wind, if it should turn out that the south-east trades are also fresher than the north-east. - To settle this question, the knots run per hour by 299 2235 vessels through the south-east trades of the Indian Ocean, and through both systems of the Atlantic, were compared. The average speed of ships propelled by these winds is expressed in the following tabular statement. The comparison is confined to the rate of sailing between the parallels of 10° and 25°, because this is the belt of steadiest trades. Average Average Speed through the Trade-winds of the North Atlantic and South Indian Ocean. speed of the trade-= wiids. Jannuary, February, March, ... | Apri, | May, June, July, August, ... September, October, ... November, December, Means, KNOTS PER HOUR, FROM 10° to 15°|15° to 20° Zils £lZ sla s 18 | 63/72) 7. | 6 Rei 6 (65005 PS WET OWE A it by ON tek 3} D8) Ee | St, 8 | 6% 1 74 | 63 Ore 8. Fae BE | 53]8 |8 | 8} | 64 4317316 | 8} | 43 53 | 84,6 |8 | 4 74! 8} | 63/8 | 6 hGciese iO afr, wae 6 | 63 | 63 | 6% j 53 fel Waleed al ve lod aed hee bees DD? OVO DB HTN OS II wa 2 c a 20° to 25°! AVERAGE. S.E. rades. i, te Pin bho Dd SITS AT SI AT ST DO ODD Die BIC BIRO =| COURSE STEERED THROUGH. N.E. S.E. Trades, Trades. N. 49° W.|S. 69° W. N.46 W. do. N. 47 | do. N. 48 W.fS. 70° W. N. 46 W.) do. N. 43 W.| do. IN. 46 W. do. N.40 W.|S. 69° W. N. 50° W.! do. N.45 W.! do. N.49 W./ do. N.48 W,| do. N _ 47° W.'8.694 °W. Average course steered through the N.E, Trades, N.W. } W. S.E. Trades, W.S.W. ” ” ” TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 443 Average Speed through the Trade-winds of the North and South Atlantic Oceans. KNOTS PER HOUR, FROM 15° to 10°) averaGeE. COURSE STEERED a | . - THROUGH, Sis = = ; S.E. N.E. Trades. Trades, Trades i | [Sd January, February, March, ... |} April, May, June, July, August, ... September, ... October, ... November, December, ore 1 tipo os PENI =p thee RAK Lot tol te Piece ad ERB KE DESI ISI Pe bh Cain DOD OVD D HD HD GN On Od tren Old ed DOr & Oy D OID MD DD Pe dt bet dt tt et Ot D3 Od D3 G1 TD GS} Or Ot O32 On Or ston ele we eo Bod DOH C1 D NID DD MD Dn D2 D2 QUAI D2 DMT D3 DDD Oy + To Oe ONT AI AT AT AT toe PRO b A DKS 6 + | 6 eo ly 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 LOHR te Sh A) AnnnnnnnnmnA : , fon) for] a te Means, Average course steered through the S.E. Trades, N.W. by W. N.E. Trades, 8.8. E. ” a) a? It is well to observe, that on each of these three oceans, though the direction of the wind is the same, the course steered by each fleet is different; consequently, these unemometers are at different angles with the wind; through the south-east trades the wind is nearly aft in the Atlantic, and quartering in the Indian Ocean ; giving an average sailing speed of 7 knots an hour in the former, and of 6 in the latter; while through the north- east trades the average speed is 64 knots an hour one way (N.W. 2 W..)s with the wind just abaft the beam, and 5% the other (S.S.E.), with the wind at a point not so favourable for speed. Indeed, most of the ships which average a 8.S.E. course through this part of the north- east trade-wind belt are close hauled; therefore the CHAPTER xX. Effect of the differ- ent course steered by the fleets on the measur2- ment of speed. CHAPTER xx. — Correct method of measur- ing the compara- tive strength of wind § 1007. Mean speed ofa ship sail- ing with average trades. South-east trades stronger than the Oils east. A444 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. average strength of the trades here cannot be fairly com- pared with the average strength where the fleet have free winds. What is the difference in the strength of such winds, which, impinging upon the sails, each at the particular angle indicated above, imparts the aforesaid velocities ? Moderate winds, such as these are, give a ship her highest speed generally when they are just abaft the beam, as they are for a north-west course through the north-east trades. So, to treat these ships as anemometers that will really enable us to measure the comparative strength of the winds, we should reduce the average knots per hour to the average speed of a mean ship sailing through average “trades” in each ocean, with the wind imping- ing upon her sails at the same angle for all three, as, for example, just abaft the beam, as in the North Atlantic. Let us apply to the average speed through the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean such a correction. Through the former the wind is aft; through the latter quarter- ing. If we allow two knots for the one, and one for the other, we shall not be greatly out. Applying this correc- tion, we may state the speed of a mean ship sailing with average trades just abaft the beam to be as follows :-— Through the N.E. of the Atlantic, et pS 6} knots per hour. Through the S.K. of the Atlantic, Me Ke 8 Through the 8.E. of the Indian Ocean, ae 8 ” ”? ”) ”? I do not take into this comparison the force of the north-east trades on a south-south-east course (p. 442), because the winds along this route are known not to be as steady as they are further away from the African coast. Thus it is clearly established that the south-east trades are stronger than the north-east, and so they should be, if there be a crossing of winds in the calm belt of Capricorn. TRADE-WLNDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, 445 The counter-trades of the southern hemisphere move, as before stated, toward their pole more steadily and briskly than do the counter-trades of the northern hemi- sphere. ‘To give an idea of the difference of the strength of these two winds, I cite the fact that vessels sailing through the latter, as from New York to England, average 150 miles a-day. Along the corresponding latitudes through the former, as on a voyage to Australia, the average speed is upward of 200 miles a-day. Conse- quently, the counter-trades of the southern hemisphere transport in given times larger volumes of air toward the south than our counter-trades do toward the north. This air returns to the tropical calm belts as an upper current. If, descending there, it feeds the trade-winds, then, the supply being more abundant for the south-east trades than for the north-east, the south-east trades must be the stronger ; and so they are; observations prove them so to be. Thus, the crossing of the air at the calm belts, though it may not be proved, yet it is shown to be so very pro- bable that the onus of proof is shifted. It now rests with those who dispute the crossing to prove their theory the true one. Arrived at this point, another view in the field of con- jecture is presented, which it is proper we should pause to consider, The movements of the atmosphere on the polar side of 40° north are, let it be repeated, by no means so constant from the west, nor is the strength of the wes- terly winds there nearly so great on the average as it is in the extra-tropical regions of the south. This fact is well known among mariners. Every one who has sailed CHAPTER xX. ——. Difference of strength of the counter- trades of the south and north, The cross- ing of the air at the calm belts if not proved is yet pro- bable. $ 1008. Move- ments of the at- mosphere on the polar side of 40° north GHAPTER XX. Mountain billows raised by the “brave west winds.” Cause of the rapid runs of Australian elipper- ships. 446 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SKA. in that southern girdle of waters which belt the earth, on the polar side of 40°, has been struck with the force and trade-like regularity of the westerly winds which prevail there. The waves driven before these winds assume in their regularity of form, in the magnitude of their proportions, and in the stateliness of their march, an aspect of majestic grandeur that the billows of the sea never attain elsewhere. No such waves are found in the trade-winds, for, though the south-east trades are quite as constant, yet they have not the force to pile the water in such heaps, nor to arrange the waves so orderly, nor to drive them so rapidly as those “ brave” winds do. There the billows, following each other with measured tread, look, with their rounded crests and deep hollows, more like moun- tains rolling over a plain than the waves which we are accustomed to see, Many days of constant blowing over a wide expanse of ocean are required to get up such waves. It is these winds and waves which, on the voyage to and from_ Australia, have enabled the modern clipper-ship to attain a speed, and, day after day, to accomplish runs which at first were considered, even by the nautical world, as fabulous, and are yet regarded by all with wonder and admiration. Seeing, therefore, that we can bring in such a variety of facts and circumstances, all tending to show that the south-east trade-winds are stronger than the north-east, and that the westerly winds which prevail on the polar side of 40° south, are stronger and more constant than their antcecian fellows of the north, we may consider it as an established fact that the general system of atmo- TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERES. 447 spherical circulation is more active in the southern than it is in the northern hemisphere. And, seeing that it blows with more strength and regularity from the west in the extra-tropical regions of the southern than it does in the extra-tropical regions of the northern hemisphere, we should deduce, by way of corollary, that the counter- trades of the south are not so easily arrested in their CHAPTER XX. Tie ge- neral sys- tem of ut- mospheri- cal circu- lation is more active in the south ern than course, or turned back in their circuits, as are those of im the the north. Consequently, moreover, we should not, either in the trades or the counter-trades of the southern hemisphere, look for as many calms as in those of the northern systems. Therefore, holding to this coroliary, we may con- sider the following as established facts in meteoro- logy :— That the south-east trade-winds are stronger than the north-east ; that the north-west passage-winds — the counter-trades of the south—are stronger and less hable to interruption in their circuits than the south-west, the counter-trades of the north; that the atmospherical cir- culation is more regular and brisk in the southern than it is in the northern hemisphere; and, to repeat, since the wind moves in its circuits more briskly through the southern than it does through the northern hemisphere, it consequently has less time to tarry or dally by the way in the south than in the north; hence the corollary just stated. But observations also, as well as mathematically drawn inferences, show that calms are much less preva- lent in the southern hemisphere. For this observations are ample; they are grouped together by thousands and tens of thousands, both on the Pilot and the Storm and Rain Charts. These charts have not been completed northern hemi- sphere. § 1009 New facts in meteor: ology. 4438 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarter for all parts of the ocean, but as far as they have been =“ constructed, the facts they utter are in perfect agreement with the terms of this corollary. $1010 These premises being admitted, we may ascend another Inference : : Fe round on this ladder, and argue that, since the atmo- drawn . . from the Sphere moves more briskly and in more constant streams preeeté through its general channels of circulation in the south- ern than it does through them in the northern hemi- sphere; and that, since it is not arrested in its courses by calms as often in the former as it is in the latter, neither should it be turned back by the way, so as to blow in gales from the direction opposite to that in which the general circulation carries it. The atmosphere, in its movements along its regular channels of circulation, may be likened, that in the southern hemisphere to a fast railway train; that of the northern to a slow. The slow train may, when “steam is up,’ run as fast as the fast train, but it is not obliged to get through so quick; therefore, it may dally by the way, stop, run back, and still be through in time. Not so the fast; it has not time to stop often or to run back far; neither have the counter-trades of the south time to blow backward; consequently, such being the conditiuns, we should also expect to find in the extra-tropical south a gale with easting in it much more seldom than in the extra-tropical north. We shall appeal to observations for the correctness of this conjecture, and claim for it, also, as presently will appear, the dignity of an established truth, TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 449 CHAPTER Average Number of Gales to the 1000 Observations, with Easting xx. and with Westing in them, between corresponding Parallels i sverage the North and South Atlantic, as shown by the Storm and Rain number of gales in Charts. the North North. | South. and South ¢ Number of observations... ... «. 17,274 | 8756 Ailantic. Between 40° and 45° ~ Gales in 1000, with easting... ... 23 12 u y westing... ... 66 82 ( Number of observations... ... «+. 11,425] 5548 Between 45° and 50° ~ Gales in 1000, with easting... .. 24 1 ( i D westing... ... 106 61 Number of observations... ... - .. 4816] 5169 Between 50° and 55° | ates in 1000, with easting ... ... 24 10 " M Westing ... see 144 97 Thus the Storm and Rain Charts show that between the parallels of 40° and 55° there were in the northern hemisphere 33,515 observations, and that for every 1000 observations there were 24 gales with easting, and 105 with westing. In the southern there were 19,473 ob- servations, and for every 1000 of these there were 5 gales with easting, and 80 with westing in them. Those for the southern hemisphere are only for that part spher» of of the ocean through which vessels pass on their way to and Genin the fro around Cape Horn. That part of this route which lies foe between 40° and 55° south, is under the lee of South °””* America; and Patagonia, that lies east of the Andes, is almost a rainless region; consequently, we might expect to find more unsteady winds and fewer rains in that part of the ocean where the observations for the southern part of the tables were made than we should expect to meet with well out to sea, as at the distance of two or three thousand miles to the eastward of Patagonia. So that the contrast presented by the above statement would probably be much greater did our observations extend entirely across the South, as they do across the North, Atlantic. But, as it is, the contrast is very striking. In 29 450 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SRA. cuarrer some aspects, the meteorological agents of the two hemi- xx. —-s spheres, especially those forces which control the winds and the weather, differ very much. The difference is so wide as to suggest greater regularity and rapidity of cir- culation on one side of the Equator than on the other. Averace Average Number of Calms to the 1000 Observations, between the taine Parallels of 30° and 55°, in the North and South Atlantic, and between the Parallels of 30° and 60° in the North and South Pacific Oceans, as shown by the Pilot Charts, calms. ATLANTIC. North. South. | North. South. PACIFIC. BETWEEN THE PARALLELS OF 30° and 35°, No. of observations... ... ---| 12,935 | 15,842 | 22,730 | 44,886 Galms'to the LO00}do: © ccc) sxc, se 20 46 26 34 35 35° and 40°, No. of observations... ... .-.| 22,136 | 23,439 | 18,939 | 66,275 Calmstoithe LOO0O(GOs) sss) ccac cacuhene 37 24 31 23 40° and 55°, No. of observations... ... ... 16,363 | 8,203 | 12,400 | 31,889 Galmsito the 1000 GOs. s-; fan ccop cee 45 2 53 23 45° and 50°, No. of observations... ... ...| 8,097 4,183 | 15,897 | 4,940 Calms to the 1000 do. a... 2s aus one 38 25 35 21 50° and 55°, No. of observations... ... ...! 3,519 3,660 | 382,804 | 9,728 Calms to the 1000 do. ak eee wee ne 40 16 32) gi 55° and 60°, No. of observations... ... .. 15,470 9,111 Calms to the 1000 do. aa. cee nee 4 21 Total No. of observations ... ...| 63,050 | 55,327 113,240 166,829 Average calms to the 1000 do. ... 41 | 24 39 25 Periods Each one of these observations embraces a period of of the 2 5 . foregoing Cl@ht hours; the grand total, if arranged consecutively, tina ©With the observations drawn cut, each to occupy its period separately, would be equal to 373 years, They exhibit several curious and suggestive facts concerning the difference of the atmospherical stability in the two hemispheres. §1011 If we would discover the seat of those forces which Faust produce this difference in the dynamical status of the two ence or great aerial oceans that envelop our planet, we should force tn the winds search for them in the unequal distribution of land and TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 451 water over the two hemispheres. In one the wind is interrupted in its circuits by the continental masses, with their wooded plains, their snowy mantles in winter, their sandy deserts in summer, and their mountain ranges always. In the other there is but little land and less snow. On the polar side of 40° south especially, if we except the small remnant of this continent that protrudes beyond that parallel in the direction of Cape Horn, there is scarcely an island. All is sea. There the air is never dry; it is always in contact with a vapour-giving surface; conse- quently, the winds there are loaded with moisture, which, with every change of temperature, is either increased by further evaporation or diminished by temporary condensa- tion. The propelling power of the winds in the southern hemisphere resides chiefly wm the latent heat of the vapour which they suck up from the engirdling sea on the polar side of Capricorn. The Storm and Rain Charts show that within the trade-wind regions of both hemispheres the calm and rain curves are symmetrical; that in the extra-tropical regions the symmetry is between the calm and fog curves; and also, especially in the southern hemisphere, between the gale and rain curves. Lieutenant Van Gogh, of the Dutch navy, in an in- teresting paper on the connection between storms near the Cape of Good Hope and the temperature of the sea, presents a storm and rain chart for that region. It is founded on 17,810 observations, made by 500 ships, upon wind and weather, between 14° and 32° east and 33° and 37° south. ' De Stérmen nabij de Kaap de Goede Hoop in verband beschouwd met de Temperateur der Zee. CHAPTER xx. — Reason of the great- er propell- ing power of the winds of the south- ern hemi- sphere. Connec- tion be- tween stormsand the tem- perature of the sea CHAPTER xx. — §$ 1012 Cause of the coun- ter trade- winds of the south- ern hemi- sphere. Average amount of precipita- tion. 452 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, By that chart the gale and rain curves are so sym- metrical that the phenomena of rains and gales in the extra-tropical seas present themselves suggestively as cause and effect. The general storm and rain charts of the Atlantic Ocean, prepared at the National Observatory, hold out the same idea. Let us examine, expand, and explain this fact. We ascribe the trade-winds to the latent heat which is set free from the condensation of aqueous vapour in the equatorial calm-belt. But to what shall we ascribe the counter-trades, particularly of the southern hemi- sphere, which blow with as much regularity toward the Pole as the north-east trades of the Atlantic do toward the Equator? Shall we say that those winds are drawn toward the South Pole by eat, which causes them to expand and ascend in the Antarctic regions? It sounds somewhat paradoxical to say that heat causes the winds to blow toward the Poles as well as toward the Equator; but, after a little explanation, and the passing in review of a few facts and circumstances, perhaps the paradox may disappear. It is held as an established fact by meteorologists that the average amount of precipitation is greater in the northern than in the southern hemisphere; but this, I imagine, applies rather to the land than the sea. On the polar side of 40°, it is mostly water in the southern, mostly land in the northern hemisphere. It is only now and then, and on rare occasions, that ships carry rain- gauges to sea. We can determine by quantitive measure- ments the difference in amount of precipitation on the land of the two hemispheres; and it is the result of this determination, I imagine, that has given rise to the TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 453 general remark that the rain-fall is greater for the northern than it is for the southern hemisphere. But we have few hyetographic measurements for quantity at sea; there the determinations are mostly numerical. Our observers report the “times” of precipitation, which, whether it be in the form of rain, hail, or snow, is called by the charts, and in this discussion, rain. Among such a large corps of observers, rain is sometimes, no doubt, omitted in the log; so that in all probability the charts do not show as many “times” with rain as there are “times” actually with rain at sea. This omission, how- ever, is as likely to occur in one hemisphere as in the other. Still, we may safely assume that it rains oftener in all parts of the sea than our observations or the rain charts that are founded on them indicate. With the view of comparing the rains at sea between the parallels of 55° and 60°, both in the North and South Atlantic, we have taken from the charts the following fioures :— South—Observations, 8410; gales, 1228; rains, 1105. North— a3 OR YA LORE a5 64, Gales to the 1000 observations.....S. 146 ; N. 256. Rains op of ereeaweeloles N. 121. That is, for every 10 gales, there are in the southern hemisphere 9 rains, and in the northern 4.7. In which hemisphere does most water fall on the average during a rain at sea? Observations do not tell; but there seems to be a philosophical reason why it should rain not only oftener but more copiously at sea, especially in the extra- tropical regions, in the southern hemisphere, than in those of the northern. On the polar side of 40° north, for example, the land is stretched out in continental masses, CHAPTEB xX. $1013 Compari- son of rains at sea, Reason why more rain should fall in the southern than in the north. ern hemi- sphere. 454 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarteR upon the thirsty bosom of which, when the air drops “down its load of moisture, only a portion of it can be ae * taken up again; the rest is absorbed by the earth to vrecn tne feed the springs. On the polar side of 40° south we have crews, & Water instead of a land surface, and as fast as precipita- tion takes place there, the ocean replenishes the air with moisture again. It may, consequently, be assumed that a high dew-point, at least one as high as the ocean can maintain in contact with winds blowing over it and going from warmer to cooler latitudes all the time, is the normal condition of the air on the polar side of 40° south, whereas on the polar side of 40° north a low dew-point prevails, The rivers to the north of 40° could not, if they were all converted into steam, supply vapour enough to make up this average difference of dew-point between the two hemispheres. Inference The symmetry of the rain and storm curves on the nnehs polar side of 40° south suggests that it is the condensation ee" of this vapour which, with the liberation of its latent m= heat, gives such activity and regularity to the circulation of the atmosphere in the other hemisphere. §1014 On the polar side of 40° south, near Cape Horn, the gauge of Captains King and Fitzroy showed a rain-fall of 153.75 inches in 41 days. There is no other place except Cherraponjie where the precipitation approaches this in amount. Cherraponjie is a mountain station in India, 4500 feet high, which, in latitude 25° north, acts as a condenser for the monsoons fresh from the sea. But on the polar side of latitude 45° in the northern hemisphere it is, except along the American shores of the North Pacific, a physical impossi- bility that there should be a region of such precipitation TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 455 as King and Fitzroy found on the western slopes of cHarrez XX. Patagonia—a physical impossibility, because the peculiar combination of conditions required to produce a Pata- gonian rain-fall is wanting on the polar side of 45° north. There is not in the North Atlantic water surface Causes why more enough to afford vapour for such an amount of precipita- rain fails tion. In the North Pacific the water surface may be scuba broad and ample enough to afford the vapour, but in sortie neither of these two northern sheets of water are the winds continuous enough from the westward to bring in the requisite quantities of vapour from the sea. More- over, if the westerly winds of the extra-tropical north were as steady and as strong as are those of the south, there is lacking in the north that continental relief— mountain ranges rising abruptly out of the sea, or sepa- rated from it only by lowlands—that seems to be necessary to bring down the rain in such floods. Colonel Sykes' quotes the rain-fall of Cherraponjie at Compari- son be- 605.25 inches for the 214 days from April to October, tween the = rain-fall at the season of the south-west monsoons. Computing the cherra- 5 ° . . ci ponjie Cape Horn rains according to the ratio given by King ancin pa tagonia, and Fitzroy for their 41 days of observation, we should have a rain-fall in Patagonia of 825 inches in 214 days, or a yearly amount of 1368.7 inches. Neither the Cape Horn rains nor the rains anywhere at sea on the polar side of 45° south are periodical. They are continuous ; more copious perhaps at some seasons than at others, but abundant at all. Now, considering the extent of water-surface on the § 1015 1 “ Report of the British Association for 1852,” p. 256, CHAPTER Effect of tne moun- tains on the rains fall Effect of precipita- tion on the winds. § 1016 456 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. polar side of the south-east trade-wind belt, we see no reason why, on these parallels, the engirdling air of that great watery zone of the south should not, entirely around the earth, be as heavily charged with vapour as was that which dropped this flood upon the Pata- gonian hills. If those mountains had not been there, the condensa- tion and the consequent precipitation would probably not have been as great, because the conditions at sea are less apt to produce rain; but the quantity of vapour in the air would have been none the less, which vapour was being borne in the channels of circulation toward the Antarctic regions for condensation and the liberation of its latent heat; and we make, as we shall proceed to show, no violent supposition if, in attempting to explain this activity of circulation south of the Equator, we sup- pose a cloud region, a combination of conditions in the Antarctic Circle peculiarly favourable to heavy and almost incessant precipitation. ; But before describing these conditions, let us turn aside to inquire how far precipitation in the sup- posed cloud region of the south may assist in giving force and regularity to the winds of the southern hemi- sphere. If we take a measure, as a cubic foot, of ice at zero, and apply heat to it by means of a steady flame that will give off heat at a uniform rate, and in such quanti- ties that just enough heat may be imparted to the ice to raise its temperature 1° a minute, we shall find that at the end of 32 minutes the ice will be at 32°. The ice will now begin to melt, but it and its water will remain at 32° for 140 minutes, when all the ice will have become TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 457 water at 32°! This 140° of heat, which is enough to cuaprer fo) raise the temperature of 140 cubic feet of ice one degree from any point below 32°, has been rendered latent in the process of liquefaction. Freeze this water again, and this latent heat will become sensible heat; for heat no more than ponderable matter cannot be annihilated. But if, after the cubic foot of ice has been converted into water at 32°, we continue the uniform supply of heat as before, and at the same rate, the water will, at the expiration of 180 minutes more, reach the tempera- ture of 212°—the boiling-point ; and at this temperature it will remain for 1030 minutes, notwithstanding the con- tinuous supply of heat during the interval. At the expiration of this 10380 minutes of boiling heat, the last drop of water will have been converted into steam ; but the temperature of the steam will be that only of the boiling water: thus, in the evaporation of every measure of water, heat enough is rendered latent during the pro- cess to raise the temperature of 1030 such measures one degree. If this vapour be now condensed, this latent heat will be set free, and become sensible heat again. Hence we perceive that every rain-drop that falls from the sky had in its process of condensation evolved heat enough to raise one degree the temperature of 1030 rain-drops. But if, instead of the liquid state, as rain, it come down in the solid state, as hail or snow, then the heat of fluidity, amounting to enough to raise the tem- perature of 140 additional drops one degree, is also set free. 1 See Espy’s ‘‘ Philosophy of Storms.” xXx. Heat evolved by every rain drop in its precipita- tion, whether as rain or slow. 458 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarter = We have in this fact a clue to the violent wind which usually accompanies hail-storms. In the hail-storm, con- Cause of : ° : . the vio. gelation takes place immediately after condensation, and lent wind : ‘ whien SO quickly, that the heat evolved during the two pro- sual] . . acm cesses may be considered as of one evolution. Con- panies haii- storms, sequently, the upper air has its temperature raised much higher than could be done by the condensing only. But this is digressive ; therefore let us take up the broken thread, and suppose, merely for illustration, such a rain-fall as King and Fitzroy encountered in Patagonia to have taken place under the supposed cloud region of the Antarctic Circle, and to have been hail or snow, in- stead of rain; then the total amount of caloric set free among the clouds, in those 41 days of such a flood, would be enough to raise from freezing to boiling 64 times as much water as fell. But if the supposed Antarctic precipitation come down in the shape of rain, then the heat set free would be sufficient only to raise from freezing to boiling about 53 as much water as the flood brought down. § 1017 We shall have perhaps a better idea of the amount heat et Of heat that would be set free, in the condensation eae and congelation in the Antarctic regions of as much conde. Vapour as it took to make the Patagonian rain-fall, if vapour, We vary the illustration by supposing this rain-fall of 153.75 inches to extend over an area of 1000 square miles, and that it fell as snow or hail. The latent heat set free among the clouds during these 41 days would have been sufficient to raise from the freezing to the boiling point all the water in a lake 1000 square miles in area and 83% feet in depth. We now see how the cold of the Poles, by facilitating precipitation, is made to TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, 459 react and develop heat, to expand the air and give cuarrer . XX. force to the winds. size Thus we obtain another point of view from which § 1018 we may contemplate in a new aspect the icebergs which the antarctic region sends forth in such masses and numbers. They are a part of the meteorological machinery of osicss 5 performed our planet. The offices which they perform as such are py ice- most important, and oh, how exquisite! While they are in the process of congelation, the heat of fluidity is set free, which, whether it be liberated by the freezing of water at the surface of the earth, or of the rain-drop in the sky, helps in either case to give activity and energy to the southern system of circulation, by warming and expanding the air at its place of ascent. Thus the water, which, by parting with its heat of use of ice. liquefaction, has expended its meteorological energy in coejite water froin civing dynamical force to the air, is like the exhausted north to steam of the engine; it has exerted its power, and °"™ become inert. It is, therefore, to be got out of the way. In the grand meteorological engine which drives the wind through his circuits, and tempers it to beast, bird, and plant, this waste water is collected into antarctic icebergs, and borne away by the currents to more genial climes, where the latent heat of fluidity which they dis- pense to the air in the frigid zone is restored, and where they are again resolved into water, which, approaching the torrid zone in cooling streams, again joins in the work, and helps to cool the air of the trade-winds, to mitigate climate, and moderate the gale. For if the water of southern seas were warmer, evaporation would be greater; then the south-east trade-winds would de- 460 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA cuarter liver vapour more abundantly to the equatorial calm =** belts. This would make precipitation there more copious, and the additional quantity of heat set free would give additional velocity to the in-rushing trade-winds. Thus it is, as has already been stated, that, parallel for parallel, trans-equatorial seas are cooler than cis-equatorial ; thus Effect of 1t is that icebergs are employed to push forward the cnwini, winds in the polar regions, to hold them back in the equatorial; and thus it is that, in contemplating the machinery of the air, we perceive how icebergs are “coupled on,” and made to perform the work of a reguiator, with adjustments the most beautiful, and com- pensations the most exquisite, in the grand machinery of the atmosphere. §1019 With this illustration concerning the dynamical force cate Which the winds derive from the vapour taken up in which the . windsde- Oe Climate and transported to another, we may pro- ive fr 5 C ; vapour, ceed to sketch those physical features, which, being found in the antarctic circle, would be most favourable to heavy and constant precipitation, and, consequently, to the de- velopment of a system of aerial circulation peculiarly active, vigorous, and regular for the aqueous hemisphere, as the southern, in contrast with the northern one, may be called. Thecoun- ‘These vapour-bearing winds, which brought the rains ter-trade 5 C ° . windsof to Patagonia are—I wish to keep this fact in the the south- ) 5 ; . ern hemis Teader’s mind—the counter-trades of the southern hemi- sphere are : x: viene sphere. As such they have to perform their round in the bearing : ° ° : wing grand system of aerial circulation; and as in every system of circulation there must be some point or place at which motion ceases to be direct, and commences to be retrograde, so there must be a place somewhere on the surface of our planet where these winds cease to go TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 461 forward, stop, and commence their return to the north; cnaprer and that place is, in all probability, within the antarctic ** regions. Its precise locality has not been determined, oer but I suppose it to be a band or disk within the polar tHe wisda circle, which, could it be explored, would be found, like the equatorial calm belts, a place of light airs and calms, of ascending columns of air, a region of clouds and of constant precipitation. But, be that as it may, the air which these vapour- bearing winds—vapour-bearing, because they blow over such an immense tract of ocean—pour into this stopping- place has to ascend and flow off as an upper current, to make room for that which is continually flowing in below. In ascending it expands and grows cool, and, as it grows cool, condensation of its vapour commences. With this vast quantities of latent heat, which converted the water out at sea into vapour for these winds, are set free in the upper air. There it reacts by warming the ascending columns, causing them still further to expand, and so to rise higher and higher. This reasoning is suggested not only by the facts § 1020 and circumstances already stated as well known, but it derives additional plausibility for correctness by the low barometer of these regions. In the equatorial calm belts the mean barometric pres- pitterence of barome- sure is about 0.2 inch less than it is in the trade-winds, tric pres- and this diminution of pressure is enough to create a tam belts perpetual influx of the air from either side, and tof" "" produce the trade-winds. Off Cape Horn the mean “* barometric pressure’ is 9.75 inch less than in the trade- 1“ Maury’s Sailing Directions,” 6th ed., 1854, p. 692; ditto, 8th ed., 1859, vol. li. p. 450. CHAPTER xx. Diminu- tion of at- mospheri- cal pres- sure in high south latitudes, 462 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, wind regions. This is for the parallel say of 57°—8° south, According to the mean of 2472 barometric observations made along that part only of the route to Australia which lies between the meridians of the Cape of Good Hope and Melbourne, the mean barometric pres- sure on the polar side of 42° south has been shown by Lieutenant Van Gogh, of the Dutch navy, to be 0.383 inch less than it is in the trade-winds. The mean pres- sure in this part of the South Indian Ocean is, under winds with easting in them, 29.8 inches; ditto, under winds with westing, 29.6 inches. This gives a supposed mean pressure in the polar calms of 29.7 inches. To what, if not to the effects of the condensation of vapour borne by those surcharged winds, and to the immense precipitation in the Austral regions, shall we ascribe this diminution of the atmospherical pressure in high south latitudes? It is not so in high north lati- tudes, except about the Alentian Islands of the Pacific, where the sea to windward is also wide, and where precipitation is frequent, but not so heavy. The steady flow of “brave” winds toward the south would seem to eall for a combination of physical conditions about their stopping-place exceedingly favourable to rapid and heavy and constant precipitation. The rain-fall at Cherraponjie, and on the slopes of the Patagonian Andes, reminds us what those conditions are. There mountain masses seem to perform, in the chambers of the upper air, the office which the jet of cold water does for the exhausted steam in the condenser of the engine. ‘The presence of land, not water, about this south polar stopping-place is, there- fore, suggested ; for the sea is not so favourable as the mountains are for aqueous condensation. TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHIRE. 468 By the terms in which our proposition has been sae stated, and by the manner in which the demonstration — has been conducted, the presence of land in large masses there is called for; and, if we imagine it to be relieved by high mountains and lofty peaks, we shall have in the antarctic continent a most active and powerful condenser. If, again, we tax imagination a little further, we may, without transcending the limits of legitimate speculation, invest that unexplored land with numerous and active volcanoes. If we suppose this also to be the case, then we certainly shall be at no loss for sources of dynamical force sufficient to give that freshness and vigour to the atmospherical circulation which observations have abun- dantly shown to be peculiar to the southern hemisphere. Neither under such physical aspects need it be any longer Cause of * : . the polar considered paradoxical to ascribe the polar tendency of tendency the “ brave west winds” to rarefaction by heat in the tae Antarctic Circle. This heat is relative, and though it be ¥inis» imparted to air far below the freezing-point, raising its temperature only a few degrees, its expansive power for that change is as great when those few degrees are low down as it is when they are high up on the scale. If such condensation of vapour do take place, then liberation of heat and expansion of air must follow, and Alteration consequently the oblateness of the atmospherical cover- eee ing of our planet will be altered; the flattening about See the Poles will be relieved by the intumescence of the crour expanded and ascending air, which, protruding above the?" general level of the aerial ocean, will receive an impulse equatorially, as well from the mere derangement of equi- librium as from the centrifugal forces of the revolving CHAPTER xx, § 1021 An ever- lasting cy- clone ona gigantic scale. The pur- poses which God designs to accome- plish seen in his ar- range-= ments. 464 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. globe. And so this air, having parted with its moisture, and having received the expansive force of all the latent heat evolved in the process of vaporous condensation, will commence its return toward the Equator as an upper current of dry air. Arrived at this point of the investigation, we may contemplate the whole system of these “brave west winds” in the light of an everlasting cyclone on a gigantic scale. The antarctic continent is in its vortex, about which the wind, in the great atmospherical ocean all around the world, from the Pole to the edge of the calm belt of Capricorn, is revolving in spiral curves, con- tinually going with the hands of a watch, and twisting from left to right. In studying the workings of the various parts of the physical machinery that surrounds our planet, it is always refreshing and profitable to detect, even by glim- merings never so faint, the slightest tracings of the purpose which the omnipotent Architect of the universe designed to accomplish by any particular arrangement among its various parts. Thus it is in this instance. Whether the train of reasoning which we have been endeavouring to follow up, or whether the arguments which we have been adducing to sustain it be entirely correct or not, we may from all the facts and circumstances that we have passed in review, find reasons sufficient for regarding in an instructive, if not in a new light, that vast waste of waters which surrounds the unexplored regions of the Antarctic Circle. It is a reservoir of dynamical force for the winds, a regulator in the grand meteorological machinery of the garth. TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 465 The heat which is transported by the vapours with carrer . . . ee A xx, which that sea loads its superincumbent air is the chief — : : 22 source of the motive power which gives to the winds of s 1022 Heat the the southern hemisphere, as they move through their ‘"* source of channels of circulation, their high speed, great regularity, the mote P 5 7d 5 ? power of and consistency of volume. And this insight into the the winds workings of the wonderful machinery of sea and air we south obtain from comparing together the relative speed of vessels as they sail to and fro upon inter-tropical seas. Such is the picture which, after no little labour, much § 1023 research, and some thought, the winds have enabled us to draw of certain unexplored portions of our planet. As we have drawn the picture, so, from the workings of the meteorological machinery of the southern hemisphere, we judge it to be. The evidence which has been intro- Evidence duced is meteorological in its nature, circumstantial in eee its character, we admit; but it shows the idea of land in es the antarctic regions—of much land, and high land—to rnin be plausible at least. Not only so: it suggests that a "°"* group of active volcanoes there would be by no means inconsistent with the meteorological phenomena which we have been investigating. True, volcanoes in such a place may not be a meteorological necessity. We cannot say that they are; yet the force and regularity of the winds remind us that their presence there would not be inconsistent with known laws. According to these laws, we may as well imagine the Antarctic Circle to encompass land as to encompass water. We know ocularly but little more of its topographical features than we do of those of one of the planets; but, if they be continental, we surely may, without any unwarrantable stretch of the imagination, relieve the face of nature there with snow- 30 466 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. ee clad mountains, and diversify the landscape with flaming — volcanoes. None of these features are inconsistent with the phenomena displayed by the winds. Let us apply to other departments of physics, and seek testimony from other sources of information. None of the evidence to be gathered there will appear contradictory, it is rather in Testimony corroboration. Southern explorers, as far as they have eee penetrated within the Antarctic Circle, tell us of high lands and mountains of ice; and Ross, who went furthest of all, saw volcanoes burning in the distance. § 1024 The unexplored area around the South Pole is Extent of : C < the unexe about twice as large as Europe. This untravelled region lored . . . o = trea ofthe 18 Circular in shape, the circumference of which does not south el measure less than 7000 miles. Its edges have been penetrated here and there, and land, wherever seen, has been high and rugged. Navigators on the voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to Melbourne, and from Melbourne to Cape Horn, scarcely ever venture, except while passing Cape Horn, to go on the polar side of 55° south. The fear of icebergs deters Icebergs them. These may be seen there drifting up towards the in the southera ~Hquator in large numbers and large masses all the year “round. I have encountered them myself as high up as the parallel of 37° south. The belt of ocean that encircles this globe on the polar side of 55° south is never free from icebergs. They are found in all parts of it the year round. Many of them are miles in extent, and hundreds of feet thick. The area on the polar side of the 55th parallel of south latitude comprehends a space of 17,784,600 square miles. The nursery fer the bergs, to fill such a field, must be an TRADE-WINDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. 467 immense one; such a nursery cannot be on the sea, for cuarrer icebergs require to be fastened firmly to the shore until a they attain full size. They, therefore, in their mute way, are loud with evidence in favour of antarctic shove lines of great extent, of deep bays where they may be formed, and of lofty cliffs whence they may be launched. There is another physical circumstance which obtains pProbavi- generally with regard to the distribution of land and tienes af an antarc- water over the surface of the earth, and which, as far as tic conti. it goes, seems to favour the hypothesis of much land" about the South Pole; and that circumstance is this: It seems to be a physical necessity that land should not be antipodal to land. Except a small portion of South America and Asia, land is always opposite to water. The belief is, that on the polar side of 70° north we have mostly water, not land. This law of distribution, so far as it applies, is in favour of land in the opposite zone. Finally, geographers are agreed that, irrespective of the particular facts and phenomena which we have been con- sidering, the probabilities are in favour of an antarctic continent rather than of an antarctic ocean. “There is now no doubt,” says Dr. Jilek, in his pr. siteks “Lehrbuch der Oceanographie,” “that around the South ee Pole there is extended a great continent mainly within ’** the polar circle, since, although we do not know it in its whole extent, yet the portions with which we have become acquainted, and the investigations made, furnish sufficient evidences to infer the existence of such with certainty. This southern or antarctic continent advances furthest northward in a peninsula south-south-east of the southern end of America, reaching in Trinity Land almost to 62° south latitude. Outwardly these lands exhibit a 468 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cnarrer naked, rocky, partly volcanic desert, with high rocks destitute of vegetation, always covered with ice and snow, and so surrounded with ice that it is difficult or impossible to examine the coasts very closely. .... Bittore2 “The principal discoveries of these coasts are (Wilkes), ee” Dumont d’Urville, and Ross (the younger), of whom the sonth pole. Jatter in 1842 followed a coast over 100 miles between 72° and 79° south latitude, and 160° and 170° east longitude, to which he gave the name Victoria Land, and on which he discovered a volcano (Erebus) 10,200 feet high, in 167° east longitude, and 77° south latitude, as well as another extinct one (Terror) 10,200 feet high, and then discovered the magnetic South Pole.’'—Obser- vatory, Washington, April, 1859. 1“ Text-book of Oceanography for the Use of the Imperial Naval Academy,” by Dr. August Jilek, Vienna, 1857. THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 469 CHAPTER XXI. THE SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH OF THE ATLANTIC. Its History, § 1025.—Attempt to be renewed, 1026.—Causes of Failure, 1027. —The Probabilities of Success, 1028.—The real Question, 1029. THE Atlantic Telegraph quietly rests on its plateau, cuarrer . . XXII. after having performed its office as a channel of —_ Rie : = -, § 1025 communication only for a short time. The laying of it}. 3.0". was celebrated with a pomp and circumstance in New pa York seldom, if ever, witnessed. Though short-lived it was a grand achievement. It demonstrated the possibility of uniting, by a telegraph across the Atlantic, the New World with the Old. Everything that contributed toward the accomplishment of this achievement is possessed of that peculiar interest which attaches to the history of great events. It is in some sort a result arising from these researches concerning the physics of the sea, and a short account of it may be given here without prejudice to the specialties of this work. On the Ist of September, before an immense assembly ttsnistory. of people in the Crystal Palace of New York, the history of this telegraphic enterprise was given, in a speech of much beauty and eloquence, by David Dudley Field, for and in behalf of the Company—he being one of the original projectors. In 1854, he and his associates had under consideration First sus. a line from our own shores to Newfoundland, when the ea idea of extending it across the Atlantic was suggested ; 470 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarter but before they decided upon anything they wrote, said ** the orator, “to Lieutenant Maury, to inquire about the hectare sex practicability of submerging a cable, and consulted Pro- Lieuten- fessor Morse about the possibility of telegraphing through ant Mau- ry'sopin’ it, Their answers were favourable. On receiving them ion, which * is favour it was decided to ‘go ahead.’ ” It thus appears that this new department of science, embodied in the term “ Physical Geography of the Sea,” has already contributed to the advancement of one of the grandest and most interesting practical problems which this age of mind and intelligence has been called on to demonstrate. Steamers In the summer of 1857, the United States steamer BreGe “Niagara” and H. B. M. steamer “Agamemnon” were catie. assigned by their respective governments to the duty of re- ceiving on board and laying the Submarine Atlantic Cable. Other vessels were sent with them as pilots, consorts, and tenders. The plan was, for the “Niagara” to begin at Queenstown, Ireland, pay out her cable as far as it would reach, then pass the end in mid-ocean to the “Agamemnon,” when it would be spliced, and when that ship would proceed with it to Newfoundland. After reaching deep water, the “Niagara” having paid out about 344 miles of First fail- cable, it parted August 11th, 1857. This failure post- ae poned further trial till the summer of 1858. second at- In the summer of 1858, the same two ships, having "EP the cable again on board, proceeded together to mid- ocean, where the two ends were joined, and they then commenced to “pay and go,” each toward her own land. The “Niagara” had 1488 miles of cable on board, the “Agamemnon” 1477. Total, 2965 miles. After three unsuccessful attempts to lay the cable, and THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 471 after the loss of about 400 miles of it, the fleet returned cnarre to Ireland. It put to sea again for a last trial, July 17, 2 with about 1274 miles of cable on board each of the paying-out vessels. They met in mid-ocean, joined cables, and set out,— the “Niagara” for her terminus in Trinity Bay, and the “Agamemnon” for hers in Valentia Harbour,—at 1 P.M, July 29th, and successfully landed each vessel her end of Suscesiat the cable on the 5th of August. One week after that a messages of congratulation were passed through the First mes cable between the Queen of England and the President = of the United States. The part which the Observatory has played in the The con- history of submarine telegraphy, and of this line between he Oe the Old World and the New, is a quiet and an humble With ine part ; nevertheless, it now appears to have been an im- aa portant and useful part. But, whatever it may have been, it has grown out of that beautiful system of research concerning the physics of the sea, which, having its commencement here in 1842, has expanded and blossomed, and fruited, giving among its fruits for man’s benefit charts of the winds and currents of the sea, and secrets snatched from its depths. The present, therefore, seems to be a proper time for placing on record a state- ment showing the connection of the Observatory with this enterprise, and the part borne in it by each one who has helped this institution to render good service in such a field. In 1849 the labours of the Observatory in the hydro- graphical department of its duties appear to have attracted the favourable consideration of Congress; for in March of that year a law was passed directing the secretary of 472 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarter the navy “to detail three suitable vessels of the navy in XXL . . . . testing new routes and perfecting the discoveries made Law pa . . ont tye . ° iby by Lieutenant Maury in the course of his investigations Congress to aid the investiga- tions of the Ovserva- for such investigations, in so far as said co-operation may of the winds and currents of the ocean ; and to cause the vessels of the navy to co-operate in procuring materials tory. not be incompatible with the public interest.” The Under this law the United States schooner “Taney,” schooner “Taney” Lieutenant J. C. Walsh commanding, was sent to sea in make 1849. She was directed, among other things, to make emne™ series of deep-sea soundings. She was _ provided, therefore, with fourteen thousand fathoms of steel wire, and a self-registering deep-sea sounding apparatus, made by Mr. Baur, of New York, from drawings and according to a plan designed in this office. She got a cast with 5700 fathoms of line out, when it parted, losing the apparatus. She then proved unseaworthy, was condemned, and sent back under escort. Longing This reported sounding served to stimulate that longing enone which is implanted in the human breast touching the nee mysteries and the wonders of the great deep; for up to this time no systematic attempt had ever been made to fathom the deep sea. Sporadic casts of the lead had been made here and there in “blue water,” but though the reported depths had been great, yet, as with that of the “Taney,” there always remained a doubt as to whether bottom had been reached or not, and at what depth. Up to this time we were as ignorant as to the real depths of the ocean, and the true character of that portion of the solid crust of our planet which constitutes its bed, as we are at this moment of tle interior of one of the satellites of Jupiter. Using astronomical elements, the mean depth THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 473 of the ocean had been calculated to be, according to carrer theory, about 23 miles. arin My excellent friend, the late Commodore Warrington, who was then the chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, of which the Observatory is a branch, took, as was his wont, liberal and enlightened views touching the plan of deep-sea soundings now proposed. The secretary of the navy regarded it with a lively interest ; he was ready to afford every facility that the law required, and the law itself was liberal enough. Under such auspices, it was decided to inaugurate a regular plan a regular of deep-sea sounding for the American navy. true; for the “Agamemnon” came near losing her end of the cable, owing to the violence of wind and waves, while - the “Niagara” was sailing with the western end in smooth THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 481 water and a tranquil sea; and it also turned out that carrer “between the 20th of July and 10th of August” was the 2" time which proved the best. The attempt again to span the Atlantic Ocean § 1026 with an electrical cord will probably be made in the (ery summer of 1860. Let us consider the true nature of the ae Neptunian difficulties in the way; for it appears to me {0 )3 that the obstacles which the sea opposed to the attempt of 1857-8 are not rightly appreciated. I leave out of view, at present, all questions re- § 1027 . . syite Neptunian lating to the electrical conditions of the problem, and gieuues in the address myself exclusively to the Neptunian difficulties with which the projectors of any line of telegraph across the Atlantic Ocean will have to contend; for, had the true nature and extent of these difficulties been properly considered by the London Company, I have no doubt but that the Atlantic Telegraph wouid have, at this day, been in successful operation. way. The facts which our system of deep-sea soundings has brought to light concerning the status of the deep sea are such that, when properly considered by the hydro-tele- eraphic engineer, will render lines of submarine telegraphs as cheap, if not cheaper, than our overland lines are. A full account has been given of these discoveries in this work, and in Vol. I., 8th edition, -“ Maury’s Sailing Directions.” In repeating these facts here, and the results derived Sat therefrom, let us, in the first place, confine our attention at theboe to “blue water.” It is an established fact that there is aeep sea no running water at the bottom of the deep sea. The agents which disturb the equilibrium of the sea, giving violence to its waves and force to its currents, all reside 3] CHAPTER XXI. —— No change of tem- perature in the depths of the ocean. Disturb- ance by the winds only at the surface. Stillness at the bot- tom. 482 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. near or above its surface; none of them have their home in its depths. These agents are its inhabitants, the moon, the winds, evaporation and precipitation, with changes of temperature—such as heating here, and cool- ing there. The rays of the sun cannot penetrate into the depths of the ocean, and radiation cannot take place thence ; consequently, the change of the temperature in the depths of the sea, from summer to winter, and from winter to summer, must be almost, if not entirely, unap- preciable. This is a generally admitted fact. The winds take up water from the surface, and not from the depth, and in so doing they disturb the equili- brium of the water at the top, not the equilibrium of the water at the bottom; by evaporation, the water on top becomes salter and heavier than it was before ; the vapour thus taken up is condensed into rain and precipitated on other parts of the sea, thus both raising the sea-level, and making the surface water lighter and less salt than it was before. Thus we have the genesis of horizontal circula- tion, or an interchange of water called currents. If, by the process of evaporation, the surface water becomes so salt as to be heavier than the water at the bottom, the water at the bottom and the water at the top will change places. This may give rise to a vertical circula- tion, but one so feeble that it cannot be felt by even the tiny little shells which strew the bed of the ocean, and which lie there as lightly as gossamer under the dew of the morning; practically, therefore, the water at the bottom is still. It is also generally admitted that the waves, even in their most angry moods, are incapable of reaching far THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 483 down in the sea, or of disturbing the quiet and repose cnaprer which reign in its depths. an In short, there is reason to believe that the bottom of me waves the deep sea is everywhere protected from the violence of cant Ietse its waves, the abrading action of its currents, and the a rage of the forces which are ever at play on its surface by a cushion of still water. The grounds for this belief are contained in these Grounas pages; but, to recapitulate briefly, they are afforded by beliet these circumstances: everywhere, whencesoever specimens of bottom have been obtained by the deep-sea plummet, they have been found to consist of the untriturated re- mains of the microscopic organisms of the sea. Some of these have the flesh of the little creature still in them. Now these feculences of the sea, as the remains of its microscopic inhabitants may be called, are relatively as light in the water as motes in the air; and, if the bottom of the sea were scoured by its currents, those sew Themicro- . e F A scopic in- motes would be swept away into drifts like snow, or into habitants * . fthe dee dunes like sand; they would be scratched, their sharp ae ieee quiet and corners and the edges would be broken off and rounded. gninjurea Moreover, were they drifted about, then sand and other scourings of the ocean would be found mixed with them. But not so; the specimens brought up from the deep sea show no such mixture, and the infusoria thence bear no marks of abrasion upon even their most delicate parts. Indeed, some of them are so fresh, still having the meat of the animal in them, that Professor Ehrenberg, of the Biotie Berlin, with others of the Biotic school, maintains that See these shells live at the bottom of the deep sea, whence the sa tes sounding-rod recovered them. The anti-Biotics, on the eontrary, maintain that they live and die at or near the 484 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuapTer Surface, and are buried on the bottom and bed of the = ocean; that the antiseptic properties of sea-water tend to prevent decay in the first instance, and as the dead animalculz continue to sink, the pressure of the superin- cumbent water prevents chemical decomposition ; and, consequently, they of this school hold, and rightly hold, I think, that so far from admitting that any of the abrading forces of water, which are so familiar to us, are harboured in the depths of the ocean, or that they can Trehand find room for play there, the hand of decay itself becomes, ae when stretched forth in the chambers of the deep, so ee palsied as scarcely to be able to make itself felt, even upon the most perishable things, when once lodged on the bottom of the deep sea. Amountof The pressure on the telegraphic plateau varies from onthe te. 200° to 300 atmospheres; that is, from 430,000 to ee 650,000 Ibs. the square foot. Chemical forces may be measured, and consequently overcome by pressure, for the gases generated by chemical decomposition are themselves capable, so the chemists tell us, of exerting in the process of that decomposition only so much pressure; hence, if we subject them to a greater pressure, they cannot separate, and decomposition cannot take place. eee In proof of this, I refer to a recent discovery of Ehren- eentais- berg. In the specimens obtained at a great depth from See Fae Mediterranean, that celebrated microscopist has dis- tinctly recognised fresh-water cells with meat in them. From this beautiful little fact we may infer that the very volatile gases which enter into composition for the for- mation of the fleshy parts of marine animalculee are sub- jected to such a pressure upon the deep bed of the ocean that they cannot separate. If this inference be correct, id THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 485 and it doubtless is, may we not proceed a step further, cuarrer and conclude with reason, that with the pressure of the = deep sea upon it, the gutta-percha used for insulating submarine wires becomes impervious to decay ? With a due appreciation of these facts and circum- stances, we are now prepared for the question which in- volves most of the Neptunian difficulties with which the Atlantic Telegraph Company has been contending with their cable; and the question, such being the facts, may be thus stated :—Is not any cable that is heavy enough Question to sink, strong enough to lie on the bottom of the deep scree etiot sea? If yea, then, it may be asked, why have any see Atlantic “cable” at all?—why serve gutta-percha cords for the deep sea with iron wire at all? I am not speak- ing of the shore ends, where the water is shallow, where abrading forces do work, and where the iron service’ 7s required ; but, as I said, my remarks relate to the deep sea, and I speak of the cable for that. Of what use to the cable, it may be again asked, was wiat was the use of t that iron coat of mail in which the insulated conductor the iron was incased? Was it to make the cable sink? Why in the Company found the cable so heavy when they began ‘°° to pay it out into the deep sea that they were constrained to postpone the undertaking from 1857 to 1858, that they might tax the ingenuity of the world for brakes and paying-out machinery that would prevent the cable from parting by its own weight when running out in deep water. Without the iron coating it was heavy enough to sink, and if it were not so, a little larger conducting wire would have made it so, without any wyury, I apprehend, to the electrical capacity of the cord, CHAPTER xxi. A substi- tute for buoys pro- posed. Inquiries as to the use of the iron wrap- ping for the cable. 486 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, Many have proposed buoys for the cable. What a simple substitute for buoys would it be to leave off the coating of iron wire? Had that been left off the cable, there would have been no need of brakes, and of much other machinery rendered necessary by the cumbrous coat of mail. Bearing in mind the quiet which reigns at the bottom of the deep sea; that the bed of the ocean is protected from the abrading action of its currents by a cushion of still water; that there is no running water down there; and that the pressure is such as to obstruct, if not for ever to prevent, the decomposition of all animal and vegetable matter when once lodged there, let us inquire a little more minutely as to the use of that iron wrapping for the deep-sea cable. It was not to protect the cable from abrasion after it was lodged on the bottom, for we have discovered that there are no abrading forces there to fret it. It could not have been to keep the cable down, for we have seen that the slightest dregs that float in the water are, when allowed to settle on the bottom of the deep sea, heavy enough and stout enough to remain there. It could not have been on the score of economy, for the cost of the cable must have been nearly, if not quite doubled on account of the iron wrapping. The wrapping of iron wire without does not, I imagine, tend to improve the conducting powers of the copper wire within; and—besides the cost and the difficulty of manipulation, owing to increase of both size and weight which this iron wrapping gives the cable—that increased size and weight had something to do with the electrical THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 487 _ difficulties of the cable. What the real nature of these cuarter difficulties is must be matter of conjecture, but the con- = . . ° e « Fo tion jecture which seems to be most plausible is one of this o¢ aa’ sort: the conducting wire is a strand of seven copper “”* threads twisted together; this strand is then coated with gutta-percha, making a straight cord about the size of a lady’s finger; this cord is then served with eighteen strands of iron wire, consisting of seven threads each, wrapped spirally about it. Now, in the process of paying out in the deep sea, and in holding back, the strain of the two or three thousand pounds which was brought to bear upon the cable, in order to prevent it from running out too fast, was first borne principally by the straight cord, consisting of gutta-percha and the conducting wires, rather than by the spirally-laid iron wires. To illustrate this proposition, namely, that the strain Te strain was borne was brought to bear upon the straight centre-piece OF principally . . ° . by the heart, as the conducting wire and its coating of gutta- Senin centre- percha may be called, rather than the spirally-served iron jicce or wire, it is only necessary to refer to rigging on board °"* ship that is laid up with a heart-piece or centre strand. The strands of the rope, like those of the iron wire, are laid spirally about the heart, and when the rope has been subjected to a strain, “ Jack,’ to use his own language, always finds “the life gone out of the heart.” Certainly a spirally-laid rope will stretch more than the straight centre-piece about which it is so laid. Such was the strain brought by the brakes upon the cable on board the “Niagara,” says an eye-witness, that “large quantities of tar are pressed out of the cable as it enters and leaves the machine, and falls into tubs which are left near the machine for its reception. Of this stuff a couple of ordinary-sized 488 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. cuarter barrelfuls are collected each day and thrown over- > (poard 7 The con- Here was force enough to impair insulation by stretch- ee re- Ing the gutta-percha, or to injure conducting powers by setching Stretchin g or breaking the threads of the conducting wire; mgthe f0r, as I said, when the “Niagara” and “Agamemnon” were inewire, Paying out this cable last summer in the deep sea, and when the brakes were holding back with a strain of 2000 or 38000 lbs. on the cable, the heart suffered first. The gutta-percha would outstretch the copper, and then the seven small copper threads composing the conducting wire were attacked in detail, and thus the strength of the conducting wire was often tried without any perceptible giving way. It was impossible to have the strain to come upon all the threads of the conductor exactly alike; probably, therefore, first one parted and then another, so that in the whole distance each one of the seven may have parted many times; sometimes one alone, and sometimes several, perhaps all, or all but one or two at the same place ; for the parting of any one facilitated the parting of the rest, and all in the same place. One conducting wire would have been better, both in an economical, electrical, mechanical, and Neptunian point of view. One con- At first the fractured surfaces, with their crystalline ducting A wire better points, were, it may be supposed, bright, and the galvanic eae current could leap the little chasms with comparative facility ; but use tarnished them, and the leaps became more and more deficient. Hence the passage of intelli- gible messages at first, and their gradual cessation, and 1 Mullaly’s ‘ Telegraph Cable,’ page 264. THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 489 the subsequent failure of the cable to give any signs of cuarrex . XXxI. life. : : : f : ., Conjecture This, however, is, as I said, mere matter of conjecture; shout the but it is the most plausible answer that I have heard to (8° "1Y the question, “ Why has the cable stopped working?” BLonHed working. The first step, therefore, toward success in the estab- § 1028 lishment of submarine lines of telegraph across oceans ae is to get rid of the idea of iron ropes and great cables for cess te set the deep sea—limit these to shallow water; to divert ee ui ingenuity from brakes and buoys, and to direct it to cords that will require neither. But some will say that the heat in a ship’s hold is often such as to melt the gutta-percha, and therefore an iron wrapping, to hold it together, and so preserve the insulation, is, necessary. The Rogers cord is a complete answer to this objection. The Rog- After insulation, he braids the conducting wire whip-cord coe fashion with bobbin or twine, and then protects the whole uae with a pigment, gum or cement, which shields the gutta- percha, securing it against chafes, bruises, melting, &c., and still leaves the cord so small and manipulable that one ship may carry the whole of it, and “pay and go” with it across the Atlantic as though she were making an ordinary passage. . The specific gravity of this Rogers cord is such as to Its specif carry it down at the rate of only a mile or two an hour. pee Now, it is evident that pieces of such a cord, if cut into lengths of ten miles long, for instance, and thrown into the sea, would find their way to the bottom as readily as pieces of one mile or of a few fathoms in length would ; and since, at the greatest speed of the paying-out vessel not more than about ten miles of this cord will, at any 490 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. carrer one time, be between the stern of the vessel and the bot~ ** tom of the sea, the feat of laying it in lengths of ten miles may be practically accomplished by an artifice, and that artifice consists in paying out the cord with slack enough in every ten miles of it to feed the currents and to spare. ee The common operation of “heaving the log” may be Rogers referred to in illustration of the manner in which the welaaed Rogers cord may be laid. In heaving the log, a certain quantity of what is called “stray line,” or slack, is always paid out. This new cord is not larger than a common log line; and the line between Varna and Balaklava, which worked so well in the Black Sea, was, I have understood, paid out by hand. It was simply a copper wire insulated by gutta-percha, and without any other covering. If such a wire could be laid in the Black Sea, one could be laid in the deep sea as well, for there is reason to believe that the currents of the ocean do not extend beyond a few hundred fathoms in its depths. Amountof ‘There seems to be a sort of general impression that eauired the amount of slack cable required to feed the currents heres of the sea is very considerable. A little reflection will show that this is not the case, especially along the tele- graphic plateau. The current which requires the greatest proportion of slack is one which sweeps across the cable at right angles; whereas the great circle along which the Atlantic Cable was laid crosses the Gulf-Stream so obliquely that a vessel running along from Newfoundland to Ireland may be considered as running with that stream for much of the way. THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 491 The current along the telegraphic plateau seldom ex- cuapren . XXI. ceeds two knots an hour; it rarely amounts to that. But, to present the strongest case against the view I am re : E rent along advocating, let us suppose that the current runs all the po ya2 way across at the rate of two knots, and at right angles #7" ies to the cable, and that a vessel with the proper length can the Rogers cord on board were to set of, to “pay and go” with it from Newfoundland to Ireland. The cord, rime being paid over with 10 per cent. of slack, is heavy eel enough to sink at the rate of two miles an hour; the” *"“"* current, let it be supposed, descends to the maximum depth of half a mile; any given part of the cord, there- fore, as it goes out and sinks at the rate of two miles an hour, occupies fifteen minutes in sinking the first half mile. During these fifteen minutes only it is exposed to the current, by which it is swept half a mile to the right or left of the track of the ship; then reaching the still water below, it settles down through it until it reaches bottom. Thus, in the case supposed, the cord would not le in a zigzag, but more in a straight line all the way across, and only half a mile to the right or left of the path act- ually made by the keel of the ship. The difference in distance by such a path and such a line would be prac- tically inappreciable, and yet the case supposed is an exaggeration of the case that is actually presented. For a part, if not for the whole distance, there is an under current which would bring the cable back toward the wake of the ship, thus tending to counteract the effect of the upper current in sweeping it off. In confirmation of these views as to the existence of a cushion of still water at the bottom, I bring in for furthe CHAPTER XXI. A cushion of still water at the bot- tom of the ocean. No doubt of the ulti- mate suc- cess of the Atlantic Telegraph. 492 THE PHYSICAT, GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA, evidence the testimony afforded by Commander Dayman, R.N., while running his line of deep-sea soundings along the telegraphic plateau, in H. B. M.S. Cyclops. On one occasion he hauled up from the bottom a coil of two hundred fathoms of deep-sea line. It had been laid at the bottom round and round in a coil with as much regularity as it could have been coiled on deck by hand, thus showing either that there was no current there at all, or that the upper and the under currents so nearly counteracted each other that the line passed perpendicu- larly through the still water. The tiny nautilus rides out the hurricane, and weathers storms in which the stoutest men-of-war have foundered; and, in order to make progress in submarine telegraphy, we must proceed upon the principle that a slack line vm the sea will hold longer than a taut cable, for the forces of its waves and its currents are not to be overcome by such powers of resistance as human fabrics have the strength to offer. | I have no doubt whatever as to the ultimate success of a telegraph across the Atlantic. Indeed, the only limit to our power to establish at pleasure lines of sub- marine telegraph is the limit, if any, which Nature herself may have imposed upon the galvanic current. The sea offers no obstructions on account of its depths or its currents to lines of any length. A line with an unbroken conducting wire across the Atlantic or Pacific is as practicable as one across the Alps or the Andes. In the long run, and mile for mile, I do not think there would be much, if any, difference as to cost between the transmontane and the submarine line. THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 493 The veal question for future projectors of lines of cuarter xXi. submarine telegraph is not how deep, or how boister- —_ ous, or how wide the sea is, but what are the electrical $ 1029 The real linvits to the length of submarine lines." question for projec- tors of lines of 1 See ‘ Journal of the Royal Dublin Society,’ Nos. XII and XIII.: ‘‘ Letter submarine to John Locke, Esq., on the Atlantic Telegraph Cable: Causes of Failure and telegraphs Probabilities of ultimate Success, by M. F. Maury.” Read Friday evening, January 28, 1859. Observatory, May 1859. PEATE: Calms of Cancer. Calms of Capricorn DIAGRAM OF THE WINDS. — vv wrt a f = — ALA » = ‘ oe oP e TEE ATE, AL : PEATE HT. BROOKE'S DEEP-SEA SOUNDING APPARATUS a . ~ ere ISOTHERMAL CHART or tut ATLANTIC OCEAN for March and September. } es oye es z |_PoRTUGaL 7, ee ef SAS j zi bMEDITER, 0) Le etn. | oS Azores oe aaa ; ria 6 Madeira » | ° rae | j | | Canary (I? -,|- aie | | = RT. Pane SON BA, = Reals vt | Gulf of Guimea } Cape f ‘aE Good Tope ti — September __ | 20°North. ae ar | } mi | | 362] TRUTH ORT] TAD AWD TIT | ARTA) TRY WAT fe | | } OA Ud UA) IN jit | | | 1128 PSI ;Wn mi | | TRCN RT OTN ROTA Lae un) On i | Taam T | oP Mill jwin jon | S.S.E. South 1 na Mi S.S.W. | _S.W. || _W.S.W. _ West| Ww. | NNW. | (as ae a | NW. | | ne | | | cule | 168 |o0e _|eor [exo pee [r 76 | | | ‘North + te — t | 4 il| May June)July | Aug. Oct.iNov. 10°North ee [Real ] ; ||Dee! Jan. Feb. Mardhdpril July\Aug. ; ea FT Tf 5 aii S See eal aics Wale be be LN.E. | ok te NNR) axe IST ed wo Seer VL LN LRG i bette Ui un ih umm | Ir} : peso peE UK San Se FRC fF — tM lial tee I en | | | | 1am TT RT TTA AOE CTT | Uk | jm i mm | | TTT A TACT CT 1} | |W hel | wm | mt | | | | RAO SORTS ae Ta a FTATT- | TRUTW TO td 00 Ww |v | | 124 | | WJ l a a aL ay ts 5 ‘North | USE. aon Wy lapl tan ee a! “\ a} no vw ws uJ Fy "ies hee ber tit ‘ed pe a 200 i se haul —~ 7? babi: * aio : roe aren ¥, ~ de - +: J Ph iy ie i ai a os <2) 1 uae cae, | - " ast ry? Ais re i Ss , Ca A a iNy a Le pit GULF STREAM AND DRIFT. EXPLANATION. 4 a The place of the San Francisco alter the wreck Dec. 26% 0 Where she was abandoned Jan. 4h ab Computed linats of Drift ce Where the searching vessel was directed to loole tor her | wyz The hot streaks of Fig. A. | — Direction of low and Dyitt i i), Flow, not steady in any direction. | f | } | | sage. SAO <= WSMNe,, = Tite Musles gaa taal Say, —abboe 4 |, = atu wut he witty, ug Fig.A. Thermal Section of the Gulf Stream. n— Mean of 0,5,10,20 & 30 Fath? — s Mean of 200, 500 &-400 Fath? 50, 70,100 &150 _ — . J00 Fath? } 90 50 —— eG <9 i + GEOLOGICAL AGENCY OF THE WINDS. Teopie of |C Explanation. Note. ri aly cesta Wimatahe ited The Wind , represented ty the Arrows in the Southern Hemisphere ax Monsoons feed: Mississippi wi [ns , 3 , . y That veds the Mississippi with rains and) Tradas, ix supposed, whan it mocts the HE. trades, to rise up and. Flow to ts supposed to be taken up: The Hands | 3 inting to the direction to which | the Northward and Eastward as an upper current, until Uh passes the NE. trade pointing to the direction to whic: | 0 7 , r uce as the prevailing 8.Wowind of the | tt iv wafted. The Waht shading A shows f j wind region. It ten appears on the surface a P 7 |where it is supposed to pass as an upper iS - : extra-tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, as per the Arrows to the current ; and. the shading C, where it is North of the Tropte of Cancer un Europe and Asia, preetpitated . The Arrows in the North : The feathered Arrows in the North extra-tropical region i the Pacific show where the vapour that supplies : 2, coer supposed route of the air (SW. Passage Winds | in that region, which has Southern Chili and Western Patagonia | passed over South America as the SE. trade winds and the monsoons ; and with rains, is supposed to be taken up; the untvathered Arrows in the same region are intended to represent the route and the Arrows in the South Pacific show of the SE. trades and monsoons of Africa, as indicated bu similar Arrows. the direction of the surface winds which ; : waft this vapour after it has crossed the shading B, as an upper current. 1 . . TNELSON,& SONS, LONDON, EDINBURGH & NEW YORK. P| ‘te - . : : ” m4 —_ , we } A A in ie a - — =. \ P - = » oe ae Vie ae a a a val, 0 ee _ a i ay ah. be my ‘ Pre Ve toa: roan “Aare AG va 4 Dc ee ase a hag al Sy" ye gta a LLL LL DE © 6p = age ee | a ae ia = - os “ 7 = ° —_— wa ae. a © i ROUTES EXPLANATION 4 LP North Bast Trades . ~ South Bast Trades South Bast & South West Monsoons SeRLARD L- NO RT eee B B ais Anny 5, bs Bia > < s * NE ZUELA 6[LANAD Am « wADon Peas AS ; sleeved | <2) SW.to Woam, 4 (<= = +" oe ae a nnn ne a | | en 50 ag 438 a7 46 45 44 45 Creole YW vA 40 39 55 oh 45 ii <<<." ¢ ~ 2 ea =; T } r “ Saranake 2] acm E.to NE. 1yf 4 yo a eal 10 6 a TTLOn ) | 9 G Marseilles | In the later 8.2. by 3, to comply with | the | | | The course of the Starm trom the Beazeillero’ to the "Marion." is Tt. by N. From. the Marion. NE. ta 2. In the former course the chkinge of wind should be trom S.bu E. towards the West, | tao — leo Ss aaa Q Whirlwind Diagram . So The unteathered Arrow to the Lett of thesteathered. ‘Nay AZORES pointing Northerly indicates that the witd should Ss 7 ai have changed to the Lett. * a ° Mary pAnin TL, hh. stand tov Lhunder, Lightning and Rain ¥ ay) * ae a! 7 Tf, tor Hurricane. iN U N ] N Y + Lo comply with the Whirlwind Diagram. i 1o Be, ke MAPEIRA _ & pues le haus ~ 31 : 585 AM og lee ! * ag1° | is sil i 1 x ~Kathleen 30 50 RoN eae ain ASI RY \ tN 7 49:0 CANARY |I? | . Orbit \30 Ne « [30-0 Sah L Ee alles | > i ae o es Shes \yGlean g The White Tine jd the Tralek is the GUL F OF Te a LAs path of miniraun pressure . 26h — ce aT = 7 WV at the endl of the drrow denote nes Z! losephaine the Wind's fofee, La gale, 2 fresh wind, "ee |3 moderates 1 light, calm. | 25's. fe B. for Harometer. o , BS fs 2 20 =p es t ; al y Kirkland. } C! ’ a land ee oe PN | a te 19 Bar. 29-4 eG 4 ae 25 Cc el dug Bar. 29 be iE jo | 2 Bar. 29-3 IR Gardner 4 — Vi Light 24h oat y ’ pares mee ; | 9 | 9° ee R. f 28 : 126 At 1:30 p.m.B, 29-2 F. going up very fast to 20-6 A ‘Rh, ‘Ep eee SSW. Lam, ( a IR TEE 5 O T AU) MO BIR, Td! A . 70 60 50 40 T.NELSON & SONS, LONDON, EDINBURGH & NEW YORK. ao 85 80 f aie Explanation less than 1000 Fathams from 2000 to 2000 2000 . 3000 hi 2 3000. #000 . os xe , : . (Bland) more than 4000 e : eae 5 pgeo “Ss Banks = S Hote, "1208 } weaa | 1760, i | i 1520, 1500) See UIE Soy Niemen Ser 1560 | (01500 | 1570 1850, | 16800 | Sino { % ¥ *, Me i c E é 25000, Boston> 3: Se f g ) I eat L rig00 Boars ‘3 ° ‘ J E { if H | * o FE i Sas ° I j 205 New York d , te She | ©2050 elay ~ |e2100 e1800 5 AZORES | i & 450° Ss 8 = i ¢ 28 2500 2750 54 G: Charles ° { pas : y “ a £1460 j 5070! : | Straits of Gibraltar, | Bf. 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Longitude 90 60 70 60 50 LO PLATE XT ATLANTIC. ‘ORTH AND SOUTH IN WN STORMS AND RAINS Wast Indies not included 60° E l TT 4 t { fc tt ] LI} fateh Pry yt mM | lf L | Ly wasly \ uy ee T NELSON & SONS, LONDON EDINBURGH & NEW YORK wn pau | ie \ your. « a Oy wun? yup 20° ae = Na euny| mdr} Kh EQUATO THUNDER South Vorth South South South caeecnen ten roms) on meena semis esrcnal | North South i . = tee e PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY p 600 60 20 80 LL 6€ 9 WALI SOd SIHS AVE JONVY OC | M3IASNMOG LV 1LN