THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CONSTRAINTS ON ACTIVITY IN SPIDERS BY KENNETH NEAL PRESTWiCH A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1982 Dedication: To Jumper, Mix, Cuca, and Frisca, all of whom like to smash spiders. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Portions of this work were carried out with the support of a grant from Sigma Xi and generous grants from the B. K. McNab and K. N. Prestwich Research Foundations. Special thanks to Dr. F. C. Davis, S. G. Zam, and G. C. Karp of the Department of Cell Science and Microbiology, Dr. J. L. Nation of the Department of Entomology and Nematology and Drs. J. F. Anderson, B. K. McNab, and F. G. Nordlie of the Department of Zoology of the University of Florida for their timely loans of equipment and materials and for their helpful advice. Further thanks is given to Dr. Wendell Stainsby of the Department of Physiology, University of Florida, and to Dr. P. W. Hochachka of the Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, for their interesting and helpful suggestions. Finally, 1 wish to thank Drs. Anderson, Nordlie, and Nation once again for their suggestions on improvement of this manuscript, Mrs. Donna Epting for typing the manuscript, and Ms. Nancy Ing for suggesting the lay-out of Figure I 1-1. Finally, thanks to Dr. J. F. Anderson for his patience, understanding and always available ass i stance . I I i TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vii ABSTRACT x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 The Problem ] Approach k II ANAEROBIC PRODUCTS IN SPIDERS 10 Summary 10 Introduction 10 Materials and Methods 1^ Results 16 Discussion 22 III THE RATES OF ANAEROBIC AND AEROBIC METABOLISM DURING ACTIVITY 30 Summary 30 Introduction 31 Methods 32 Results 38 Discussion A8 IV ACTIVITY AND RECOVERY IN SPIDERS 58 Summary 58 Introduction 59 Methods 59 Results ^2 Discussion 8? IV 1 02 V THE HYDROSTATIC FATIGUE HYPOTHESIS 102 Summary 102 Introduction 1Q3 Methods 106 Results 116 Discussion VI THE METABOLISM OF PHOSPHAGENS , ADENOS I NE^PHOSPHATES , AN D SOME GLYCOLYTIC INTERMEDIATES AND SUBSTRATES .... 121 121 Summary 122 Introduction ^23 Materials and Methods ^^^ Results l^r Discussion VII ACTIVITY IN SPIDERS: A REVIEW ^53 153 Summary -^r-i Introduction ,r^ Methods 1 c^ Discussion 191 APPENDICES I THE ESTIMATION OF CARDIAC OUTPUT AND STROKE VOLUME ^ IN SPIDERS 192 Summary 1Q2 Introduction ; • • - — , iq-j Calculation of Resting Q and SV. in tarantulas 1^^ Calculation of Maximal 0 and SV Under Steady- State Conditions. ._^ Estimation of Maximum SV Based on Non-Steady Conditions II THE REGULATION OF GLYCOLYSIS IN SPIDERS 197 197 Summary ^ny Introduction ^ on Methods and Results 202 Discussion . . 206 LITERATURE CITED 212 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Species used and a brief summary of the relevant features of their life histories and respiration 5 1-2 A description of the tissue contents of the legs, prosoma, and opisthosoma of spiders 7 1-1 Changes in concentration of D- (-)- lactate as a consequence of activity in F. hibemalis and L. lenta 17 1-2 The concentrations of three possible anaerobic products as a function of activity 18 1-3 The concentration of lactate (non-enzymatic determinations) as a function of activity in spiders 20 1-1 Anaerobic metabolism in spiders that struggled for two minutes in respirometer flasks 46 1-2 Oxygen and lactate metabolism during exercise and recovery In spiders ^7 1-3 Estimated and actual recovery oxygen volumes (\/02) derived from Table I I 1-2 52 \-k Estimated anaerobic dependences during a two minute struggle in a respirometer flask 5^ 1-5 Estimated anaerobic dependence of Neoscona domiciliovi,wn during a two minute struggle and 1 hour of web-building. ... 56 V-l Running speeds and recovery in spiders and a scorpion 68 \/-2 Heart rates in two species of spiders as a function of activity and temperature 73 \/-3 Lactate concentrations and accumulations as a function of activity, recovery and T^ for prosomas plus legs o'* M-h Lactate concentrations as a function of activity in the opisthosomas of spiders °5 VI Table IV-5 Lactate concentrations during activity and recovery in whole spiders and a scorpion 86 \\l-6 Total distance traveled in two minutes of maximal activity as a function of temperature 90 IV-y The effect of temperature on locomotion in F. hibemalis and L. lenta 91 Vl-l Methods of analysis (Analyses #6 and 7 were only made on a few samples due to insufficient volume of homogenates) 125 VI-2 The amount of carbohydrate present in spider prosomas at the start of exercise compared to the amount needed to produce all the intermediates and lactate found after two minutes of activity 1^1 VI-3 Total adenosine phosphate concentration in prosomas during rest, exercise, and recovery 1^2 Vl-'t Partition of phosphates during activity and recovery 1^6 VI-5 The changes in high-energy phosphates, AMP, and Pj during exercise in spiders and a fly 1^7 VI 1-1 Values for several physiological parameters in resting (alert) and active spiders 157 VI 1-2 The effect of temperature on 25°C acclimated Filistata and Lycosa 184 AII-1 Relative activities of glycolytic enzymes and 3 Krebs cycle enzymes 200 AII-2 Equilibrium constants and mass action ratios [P] for four reactions 201 VI 1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure ll-l A simplified schematic of glycolysis including three possible anaerobic schemes 13 11-2 The relationship between anaerobic capacity and booi< lung surface area 27 I I 1-1 Oxygen consumption, before, during, and after a two minute struggle in respirometer flasks at 15°C ^0 I I 1-2 Oxygen consumption before, during, and after a two minute struggle in respirometer flasks at 25°C hi I I 1-3 Oxygen consumption before, during, and after a two minute struggle in respirometer flasks at 33°C hh IV-l Running speed at 25°C during two minutes of forced activity and after five and ten minutes of recovery (+ 5 and + 10) 65 \\J-2 Running speed at different temperatures in 25°C acclimated F. hibemalis 67 l\/-3 Heart rates at 25°C in active and recovering F. hibemalis and L. lenta 71 lV-4 The effect of temperature on the heart rates of active and recovering F. hibemalis (acclimated to 25°C) • . . . 75 IV-5 The accumulation and removal of lactate during exercise and recovery in three species of spiders at 25°C 78 Wl-G The accumulation and removal of lactate in F. hibemalis at three different temperatures 81 IV-7 The accumulation and removal of lactate in L. lenta at three different temperatures 83 JV-S The accumulations of lactate at 25°C during the first 30 sec of activity in L. lenta 96 IV-9 Anaerobic capacities in 25°C acclimated F. hibemalis and L. lenta 98 V i i i Figure V-l Pressure generation and muscle group movements In F. hihemalis 108 V-2 Same as Figure V-l 110 \/-3 Prosomal carapace movements and leg hemolympin pressures in Filistata during and after five and ten minutes of recovery 113 \/-4 Leg hemolymph pressures i n a F. hihevnali-s with a ligatured pedicel 115 Vl-l The metabolism of carbohydrates in active and recovering spiders at 25°C 129 \/l-2 Metabolism of gl ucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and fructose-l, 6-diphosphate (FDP) during activity and recovery 131 VI-3 Metabolism of gl ucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and fructose-l, 6-diphosphate (FDP) during activity and recovery 131 VI-4 Malate metabolism 131 VI-5 D-lactate metabolism during exercise in FvZtstata and Lyaosa 13^ VI-6 The metabolism of glycerol -s-phosphate (G3P) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DAP) 13^+ VI-7 The metabolism of arglnine phosphate (AP) in Filistata and Lyaosa 137 VI-8 ATP metabolism in Lyaosa and Filistata 137 VI-9 Changes in concentration of ADP and AMP in Lyaosa 137 VI-10 Changes in the concentration of inorganic phosphate (P;) during activity and recovery 139 Vl-Il Energy charge during activity in Filistata and Lyaosa 1 39 V I 1 - 1 Changes in running speed, lactate, ~P stores, prosomal pressure and heart rate during a two minute maximal struggle in F. hihemalis at 25°C 16^ VI 1-2 Changes in running speed, lactate, ~P stores, and heart rate during a two minute maximal struggle in L. lenta at 25°C 166 I X Figure VI 1-3 Total ""P use during two minutes of maximal exercise in Filistata and Lyaosa 172 M\\-k The changes in utilization of ~P from stores and aerobic and anaerobic metabolism during a two minute maximal struggle 17^ VI 1-5 Recovery in F. h-ibevnal-is at 25°C after a two minute bout of maximal activity 178 VI 1-6 Recovery in L. lenta at 25°C after a two minute bout of maximal activity 1 80 Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CONSTRAINTS ON ACTIVITY IN SPIDERS By Kenneth Meal Prestwich May 1982 Chairman: John F. Anderson Major Department: Zoology Most spiders can be characterized as animals that fatigue rapidly, especially when compared to insects. The maximum duration and rates of a spider's burst activities [e.g., behaviors involved In attacks or escape) are limited by biochemical factors. Rapid depletion of stores of high-energy phosphate compounds (principally arginine phosphate and adenosine triphosphate) early in maximal activities quickly results in a marked slowing of the spider's movements. As the spider continues to struggle, the build-up of anaerobic by-products (principally D-lactIc acid) and associated effects result In complete fatigue within aa. two minutes. Defects in the hydraulic leg extension mechanism of spiders resulting in insufficient hemolymph to extend the legs (due to loss of hemolymph from the prosoma and legs to the opisthosoma) do not appear to cause fatigue directly. Instead, the high prosomal hemolymph pressures needed for vigorous activity prevent the heart from pumping freshly oxygenated hemolymph to the prosoma and Its active muscles. The XI result is that over a two minute bout of struggling probably less than 10^ of a spider's energy is derived from aerobic sources^ with the remainder coming from anaerobic glycolysis and high-energy phosphate stores. This contrasts with a aa. 3S% aerobic dependence in non-burst activity such as web-building. The exact relative dependence of a given species on each of these three energy sources during peak activity appears to be correlated with respiratory surface area: the smaller this area, the more dependency on anaerobic metabolism. Correlations probably also exist with the circulatory system. During recovery, lactate diffuses from the prosoma to the opisthosoma where it is metabolized, probably to complex carbohydrates. The reverse process occurs during activity. Recovery takes 30 minutes or longer in completely exhausted spiders, the exact time being correlated inversely with the respiratory surface area. Transport of lactate from the prosoma is analogous to the process of blood transport of lactate from muscles to the liver in vertebrates and is an adapta- tion to allow quick recovery of a spider's running ability. Temperature has less effect on spider locomotion than would be expected based on the temperature dependence of a spider's aerobic process. However, recovery is slowed in spiders that are at temperatures away from that to which they are acclimated. The metabolic abilities of spiders, both aerobic and anaerobic, are low to moderate when compared to other groups of predatory animals (vertebrates. Insects). However, a spi der ' s use of silk and poisons prob- ably have been major factors in lowering the need for highly developed metabolic capacities. XI 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Problem Most spiders are incapable of prolonged periods of vigorous activity. For example, two minutes of vigorous running or struggling in many species results in complete exhaustion (Anderson and Prestwich 1982). This study examines both the proximal phys iolog i cal -biochemi ca 1 constraints and speculates on the ultimate ecological and evolutionary reasons for this inability to sustain prolonged or high aerobic work loads. There are two suggestions as to the cause of the constraints on a spider's activity. They are the fluid insufficiency hypothesis (Wilson I97O; Wilson and Bullock 1973) and the anaerobic products limitation hypothesis (LInzen and Gallowitz 1975). The fluid insufficiency hypothesis argues that spiders are constrained by problems related to their locomotory system. Spiders lack direct extensor muscles in several of their leg joints (Petrunkev i tch 1909) and must rely upon hydrostatic pressure to extend legs (Ellis 19^^; Parry and Brown 1959a, b) . High pressures (450-500 mm Hg) are generated by the contraction of the prosomal (cephalothorac i c) muscles, principally the musouli laterales (Wilson 1970; Anderson and Prestwich 1975). Con- traction depresses the prosomal carapace towards the sternum resulting in an i ncreased pressure of the fluid of the prosoma. The legs will extend 1 if flexor muscles are relaxed (Wilson 1970; Anderson and Prestv/ich 1975). Unlike the prosoma, pressure in the op i s thosoma (abdomen) seldom exceeds 100 mm Hg. Since maximum heart pressure during systole is only slightly greater than 100 mm Hg (Wilson 1962; Stewart and Martin 197^+; Anderson and Prestwich 1975), Wilson (1970) argued that during maximum activity there would be a loss of hemolymph from the prosoma due to the pressure gradient. Wilson and Bullock (1973) presented indirect evidence for a gain of volume by the opisthosoma with a concurrent loss by the prosoma during maximal activity by the spider Amaurobius fevox. They argued that this spider was largely limited in its maximal activity by the loss of so much hemolymph to the opisthosoma that insufficient fluid for leg extension remained. Linzen and Gallowitz (1975) emphasized a different cause for fatigue. They observed a small number of poorly developed mitochondria in the leg muscles of a wolf spider, Cupiennius salei. They also found a well developed glycolytic pathway along with a high activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) , a result confirmed by Prestwich and Ing (in press) in eleven species of spiders representing diverse taxa. High activities of LDH are associated with the ability to oxidize cytosol -produced NADH under anaerobic conditions with the concomittant reduction of pyruvate to lactate. Linzen and Gallowitz (1975) hypothesized that since spiders possess relatively low aerobic abilities (also see Anderson 1970; Anderson and Prestwich 1982) and apparently large anaerobic capacities, they are limited in activity by anaerobic accumulations of lactate and associated effects. This idea is consistent with observations of Clouds ley-Thompson (1957). He found that spiders exposed to pure oxygen could struggle longer and recover more quickly. Wilson (1970) and Wilson and Bullock's (1973) fluid insufficiency hypothesis does not exclude the possibility of constraints related to anaerobic metabolism. They point out that one of the problems inherent in the design of a spider's circulatory system is the inability of the heart to pump freshly oxygenated hemolymph into the prosoma of a vigorously active spider. Thus, they implied that two processes might be involved in fatigue: f 1 u id (hydrostat i c) i nsuf f i ciency occurs quickly (after less than 10 sec of struggle), slows the spider, and the second constraint, a biochemical fatigue related to anaerobiosis is involved 1 ater in act i v i ty . I suggest a third possible constraint, namely, depletion of stores of high-energy phosphate compounds and substrates. Phosphagens (arginine phosphate in spiders, Di Jeso et at. 1967) are depleted during the initial phases of activity in both vertebrates and insects (Flock et at. 1939; Sacktor and Hurlbut I966). Also, carbohydrates are the only suitable substrate for anaerobic glycolysis, but are not found in high concentrations in spiders (Collatz and Speck 1970; Stewart and Martin 1970; Collatz and Mommsen 1975; Rakotovao 1975). Shifts to usage of alternative sub- stances such as fats and amino acids involve mainly aerobic processes. It is unlikely that high rates of ATP production could be maintained solely by aerobic processes, given the small number of mitochondria in spider muscles (Linzen and Gallowitz 1975). It is possible that phosphagen and/or carbohydrate depletion could result in fatigue of maximally active spiders. Approach It is the purpose of this study to partition out the degree each of these factors operates to constrain activity. To accomplish this and to mai 4-> (U (U t— 1_ ~ 1/1 u (U 03 .— £ i_ £ 0 3 4-J I/l (/I U- j: (1) (U 1_ u- J3 — 1— m u TJ •— c - 4-1 > < TO E i_ O z c o u u in (U o E . CO >> u O 4-1 — csi •w O - (U u c u 4-1 ■kJ •— 1) 03 03 1/1 > u O 3 (U 03 T3 " 1/1 1^ P ^ c 03 0) o s 2 ■ — OJ \- 4-> c -C •a o OJ •— E 1- ^ u 1/1 "D ^ • . — .— OJ o > □.3 o 03 14- 1- 1/1 O • (U 14- c > 1_ c J3 o c » lU Q. — j: (J ^ • 4-1 t: 1/1 >- c • — c :^ 4-1 *~ 3 o: 03 ■a > j-j >-^ • — — 'i 03 (U I — -Q Xi J3 d^ d^ o^ O O LA sO CJ\ <7\ un o 1-Pv I I I I — ro tn o o o 1- • 03 2 (U •^ 4-1 1/1 • — 1/1 » 3 J2 4-1 1/1 0 03 4-1 3 l/l 0) 03 C 3 r: (U •— o l/l u 4.1 •— 4-1 c 4-1 ^ 0) o 3 — L. u 03 — U l/l 1 — ■o 1) - 03 c •— 0) — 3 03 1- U. M- Q. 03 Ol 4-> in > + V) c 3 Q. —- 03 o I -3- (U >~ j: u u 4-» Ol (0 » >» Ul >-Xl E >- -.^ (U c t i ve 1 spec i i. — (U 03 > Ul -C >- cn o m 3 4J 0) c 03 > ^ — L- •— — E 3 Q. 4J U 4-* 03 o O U ■o ^ OJ 03 - UJ Ul 1 Ul 4-1 N 3 4-1 4-1 4-1 •_ .— J3 Ul ._ Ul 0! 03 E 03 03 0 3 Ul < 14- 3 E (D 03 TJ lU 4.1 03 O JZ c ^ J3 o C3 O 03 c £ 03 4-1 u 2 Q. I- 3 ■w >- O O ^ o ^ c .C + c .^ aj + Ol o c > 3 Ul 3 0) U) O CTl C -o cn 1- C 0) . * c .c 3 E 03 t— book n abd o 03 Ul 0) o 03 1- book xtend CM — 03 4J iN° a^9 a^ CM O o LA CO vO 1 — LA CNI vD sT) — ' O O ^ ro — o O o (U 1 , . 03 JQ V 4-1 co rtJ ?4 03 •^ 1- C/3 bell dae I-i •<-:i 0) H 0 OJ •l^ O £1- ■— i •— 03 1) 03 -IJ 03 ^ ^ 03 +i -ji •SI 1_ 4-1 rQ 03 03 O TJ 4-1 T3 S S a U 03 •iri T3 « T3 .«l S S •— «r2 « 4-1 rC — -w .^ O « z 0) Ss T3 t-~i J3 "^ 1/1 K Q. <3 —~ c a u 2 Z O o 0) O 4-1 CO 0) 03 +i o r-^ >- « w— S 1- Ul Ul 1- ^ § « Ul a :^ X •t^ 03 Eu 3 0) 1- < Ci. o r-J J3 Ol Ll. ■+:> —I a o -W 00 S J^ •— 0) Q O •^ 03 C CO CO 0) •^ Q. >- o > >- •rJ 05 r« 3 — >- '•r^ :^ O >- O >- '^ 03 >— 03 03 — Cm o a, c — r~-:» Ul -.— tl s — •!-l O — Q. lU • — ^ 03 03 — Q.— 'r-i 1- — Sj ._ 03 ._ rs; E oo 3 E ^ ^ :^ . 03 03 c 1- 03 4-1 OJ 03 03 03 U. -Q U. c 1- U- C u. Uu U. u \- 3 3 a. O u. X o c o c/i T3 C < X) (/I 03 , , o vX) ~ CM J3 CO -o ^— (U '•— ^ • • ■M ^— V rf*"* o x: T3 vO o I^ C ^ - — ^ 3 C -a cr\ 3 u o • o o o c r— ^— ' •Ul oo -■—V ■o 4-> fO • ^ •— — r^ flj ^ o O •— ^ ■ — •^ 1/1 l/l 2 c l_ — ■ ^- 4-> i_ 1- ■i-j D (U 03 ^ 03 n O I/) •— C o (C c 0) E c 4-1 1/1 1) Q. 1- 1/1 .- (U (U I- -a 1- 4-1 O — Q. L. l/l Q. 11 (C (U in i_ Q. -D E 14- Cfl O < O fO u CM 4-1 > Dl 3 Q C 0) 01 >~ X 2 o o ^— l/l 3 >- o 1- c c 01 E 01 > o E -a c O Q. Q. CO m 4-1 O O E 0) 4-1 ;/1 >- 1/1 3 O 1/1 O Ol \fi 0) ,— r^ 1- (T3 o 0) 14- « j: Ol ■4-> c c O •— 14- -a O 4-1 o c (U 4-1 E o u c .. 3 0) ■t-i ■J-J i/i E o > — i/i 0> 0) L. o; > 1- •W 1- Q • ~ D Q. E ■a 2 I C 0) o > o 4-1 E c (T! — — 01 3 ^ 1/1 c o Q. 1/1 01 o Q. {/> C 05 2 CNI O "O 4-1 O C O D u- E E E 3 - U1 . — U1 ^ E j: 4-1 O 03 >- O •— > ^ 1/1 4-1 (/I -o 1- o H) 0) c JT > cn > Q. ■— c •— p— E 4-i •— 4-1 T) >~ 1/1 Q. 1/1 I. OJ E 0) 4-) Q Ol 3 Ol c E •— a <-. (U — > — —~ c -Q Q. 03 O. Q — 3 c 1- 1/1 ^ 03 1 c > •^ 3 >- OJ •> •— 2 1/1 J3 c (U 4-1 o J3 \- O 03 cn i- 0) - c 03 c o 1/1 01 Ol 3 o u 0) > 1/1 Ol ID E O U) ■O x: Q. O Ol OJ o -a c 03 1/1 01 c cn c O o 3 ■o o 1- Q. 1/1 ■a c 03 1/1 ■a 03 c O 01 Ol c 0] o X 1) 1/1 03 C3 (D U (0 o T3 C 03 l/l Ol c 3 o o CO c 03 c (U E o Q. 01 E D1 >- c — 03 O -C E O 0) X :i o> Q. E >- o E T5 c 03 ifl 3 C 1 1/1 C •— o 1/1 — l/l 4-< OJ 03 1- T3 0) C c OJ Ol 4-* c 0) 0) u E 3 (U in > in 0) ^ Q. — C fTJ C o C • — •— <— 4-1 E ■J- 1_ — fD (U JD 1_ ■M 1/1 Q. O 1_ - OJ — c 1/1 o nj tn i/i en u — -a X! O c u n: Q. 03 O E — O o o 1_ !_ (U Q. C 0) 03 ^ CO — 1_ -Q O — y- Lfl 0) O 1- CL 03 - *-/ i/i •— c > o — .— 4-1 J-. O 03 03 C • o o LA O 0) o + 1 — o o + 1 — LA J- o (U II o 4-» 03 D. ■M CO 03 1/1 i/l 03 o + 1 o — — o + 1 LPl o o + 1 o CNI 3 — o + 1 O cvl CNI CNI ^ o + 1 a> — o o CNI o o + 1 — -3- I — — o o + 1 ro o O + 1 O LA o CO CT\ r~- CNI ^ LA O S d CA CA C» -3- — O O + 1 O O + 1 CO <~A NO — o o + 1 r^. PA PA — O + 1 o rA o s Oh 19 were similar to those of the two other species while active (N = 3) levels were 1Q% less than those of L. lenta. I also analyzed the same homogenates for the products of the other proposed anaerobic pathways (Fig. il-I). The results are reported in Table 11-2. Malate showed a significant decrease during activity in both species, dropping 0.25 ymols/g in Filistata and 0.2 in Lycosa. Small, non-significant increases in alanine occurred in both species. The largest changes were in G3P where significant increases of 0.55 and Q.k ymols/g occurred in Filistata and Lycosa, respectively. Pyruvate concentrations were below the limit of detection (0.05 ymols/g). There were no s i gn i f leant changes in any of these substances in the opisthosoma. Color imetrica 1 ly Determined Lactate Table 11-3 shows the color imetr i cal ly determined lactate concen- trations of seven species at rest and after exercise. Lactate concen- trations in resting spiders ranged as follows: 0.3 to 1.5 ymols/g (whole spider); 1.0 to 2.2 (prosoma plus legs); and 0.5 to 2.6 (op i sthosomas) . The resting concentrations were usually higher (within any species) in the prosoma plus legs. The range of lactate concentrations at the completion of exercise was 1.6 to ]0.h ymols/g (whole spiders); 5-2 to 16.2 (prosoma plus legs); and 1.2 to 5.2 (op is thosomas) . The increases in lactate concentration after activity were significant in all species for both whole animals and for the prosomas plus legs. Also, concentra- tions after exercise were always significantly greater in the prosoma plus legs than in the opisthosoma. In the opisthosoma, lactate increased but this was usually not statistically significant. Lactate concentrations in this compartment 20 in c o ns c 'i a> 4-1 (U T3 ID E N • - o 4-1 m • — — > M- -4-1 O u (D C o M- 0 •M ID C 1- o 4-f •— c ■M E < Ol fO o 13 (/I o in — n j-j o O o\° — oo r^ O M3 CN -3- tNI 03 •— V O CTi -T -3- OO — O — O -J-O — O Lr\ rocTi — r-^ cmcsi ocn oo — (N — r^cN oo — -3- — O O — O + 1 +1 o o — o +1 +1 +1 o a^ CT^ — p^ CSi r~- — o o CM — + 1 + CSI UA OO ro CNI tNI -3- LA 00 — - O •— •<^ t-~ (U o :^ -* 00 O Q. O n e o (/) + o > 0) E o 4-1 1- tn o < t/l in Q. O ■o 3 C C o u (-0 CO 3- r^ LTV UA O -3- -3- — o O^ O o o r«-i O + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 O vT) 3- CNI — o ro O + 1 + -3- O LA — O O + 1 or\ LA M3 CNI — O + 1 O CM 3- CSI — -3- — rA vD — OO — O O O r-- o + 1 "" +1 +1 rA CT^ (J~\ CNJ vO csj — O rsi o + 1 I LA — I + 1 00 O O vD — tNI — vO — O 00 — o — cr\ — • rr\ .CNI o -^ o -— ' o « -w s li^ f^ in * O Ci ^ 0) in ^) •— Q. O ^ E LO o ■-J TJ >- o rCl rii a (U •2 (T3 +i TJ ii o Q. 2! O > (4, X o 22 were negatively correlated with its relative size (relative size range was 29 to 75'o of total mass). These differences in relative opisthosomal size are a function of interspecific differences (orb weavers tend to possess larger op i sthosomas) and differences in nutritional history (Anderson 197^) • increases in lactate concentration varied as a function of exercise level. The greatest increases resulted from activity culminating in exhaustion. These increases are referred to as anaerobic capacities (Bennett 1978) and range from 3-0 to 8.9 ymols/g for whole spiders. Accumulations resulting from sub-maximal exercise are given for A. avantia and /V. clavipes at 120 seconds and P. audax at 200 seconds. Pi scuss ion Development of Anaerobic Pathways in Spiders Barring the presence of other anaerobic pathways not investigated in this study, D-lactate appears to be the main by-product of anaerobic metabolism in spiders. Resting and exhaustion levels of this substance are within the range reported for L-lactate in reptiles and amphibians (Bennett 1978) . Lactate accumulations in each body compartment (Table 11-3) are correlated with LDH activity (see Prestwichand Ing in press). Pierson product-moment correlation coefficients were 0.68 (leg LDH) and 0.71 (cephalothorax LDH) with the leg plus prosomal lactate accumulations and 0.89 between opisthosomal LDH and lactate accumulation. Only the opisthosomal correlation is significant (P < 0.05); however, the other results are suggestive. 23 Two other anaerobic pathways have been proposed to operate in spiders (Linzen and Gallowitz 1975; Prestwich and Ing in press). One of these schemes, catalyzed by MDH and the transaminases GOT and GPT should result in the equal production of alanine and malate (Fig. I 1-1). The data on Table 11-2 for prosomas show that malate concentrations decrease during activity while alanine remains constant. These results argue against the use of this pathway in spiders. They are suggestive of the possibility that malate itself becomes an electron acceptor and is thereby converted to succinate. Glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) appears to help maintain cytosol redox. Use of this enzyme to oxidize NADH results in equal production of G3P and pyruvate. Since pyruvate is a substrate for LDH, its accumulation is not an accurate measure of the activity of this pathway. However, the only possible sinks for G3P during anaerobiosis are fat or glycerol synthesis (Fig. Il-l). Since neither seems lil2. 5 < -1 — 1 1 1 I — O F. hibernalis — - onL, onto - - \ o P. audax - - •^ • R_£L . - - ^^« L 1. - - o N. claviD«s — o ccphalothorax •^^C. • whol* animal ^^^^A. arontia - 1 t 1 1 1 - 500 BOOKLUNG SURFACE AREA ( mm^/g) 28 deal of time flailing about with their legs. This behavior is probably not very costly since the spider does not need to pull its entire mass. Its function is probably related to searching out paths through the foliage into which these spiders may retreat when continually threatened. One surprise from Figure 11-3 was that P, audax prosoma plus leg lactate accumulations fell on a line predicted by the accumulations and bool< lung surface areas of the other two non-orb weavers. Since ?. audax alone possesses an extensive cepha lothoraci c tracheal development (Table 11-2), I expected 0- delivery in this species to be more constant than in species without significant trachea (Anderson 1970). Given greater 0^ availability and a common level of activity, I expected much smaller lactate accumulations, but they were predictable based on bool< lung surface area. The role of trachea in spiders needs further study. One possibility relates to aerobic scope. Since the aerobic scope of jump- ing spiders is higher than that of F. hibevnal'is and L. lenta (see Ch. Ill), the trachea may allow a higher threshold for the transition between aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Also, they could help decrease the time needed to repay an oxygen debt. The presence of a relationship between book lung surface area and lactate accumulation implies a co-adapted respiratory-circulatory system. Increased respiratory surface area will not by itself provide more oxygen to the tissues. More circulatory transport of 0^ is required. This can be achieved via enhanc ing both the cardiac output and hemolymph 0- capacity. To minimize anaerobic accumulations, the proposed co-adapted respiratory-circulatory system must be capable of delivering well- oxygenated hemolymph at least intermittently to the active prosoma. In 29 spiders, this implies a correlation between the book lung surface area, the strength of the myocardium, and the opisthosomal sub-cut icu 1 ar muscle sheet. The muscle sheet and heart are vital in this scheme because they operate together to produce the hemolymph pressures great enough to pump blood to the prosoma of active individuals (Stewart and Martin 197^). There are no comparative data on heart strength in spiders. How- ever, Wilson (1970) showed marl 100 \j 1 ) volumes of gas. The gas release caused a manometer deflection opposite to that produced by consumption of 0^. Some of the deflections persisted for five to ten minutes and thereby obfuscated any changes in V0„ . If the deflections lasted more than five minutes, the experiment was terminated and the data discarded. These deflections were never observed in the blanks . To determine if these gas pulses were due to a burst release of CO- [perhaps related to 1 actate-caused changes in hemolymph pH (Angersbach 1978)], I loaded the flasks identically to the oxygen consumption experiments, except that in place of the spider there were two small vials containing solutions of NaHCO, and HCl. The quantity of NaHCO, was adjusted to result in the evolution of aa. 150 yl of CO2 when the solutions were mixed. I then recorded the time course for reabsorption of the gas. The removal of C0~ generally took less than 3 minutes and was faster than for a similar volume of gas produced by the spiders. There are two likely explanations for this: (a) the spiders released CO^ over a long time span and/or (b) other gases were also released. Option (a) requires that volumes of CO- in excess of 100 yl be frequently released by the exhausted spiders. A calculation based on the estimated blood volume (Stewart and Martin 1970), CO2 carrying capacities (Loeweand deEggert 1979), and estimated tissue VCO2 (based on VO- measurements) shows this to be impossible. There is not enough CO-, stored in the hemolymph or being produced via respiration to account for such a large release of C02- Thus, the most plausible explanation is that spiders release a mixture of gases during these pulses. However, their exact compositions remain unknown. 35 The practical implication of these observations was that it introduced both a degree of uncertainty and also made the measurement of VO- more difficult. Given the different time courses for the removal of these evolved gases, it is likely that the exact gas composition was variable. if CO^ composed a relatively small proportion of a gas pulse, the result would be an artificially low VO- (because this gas would not be absorbed). Thus, I decided to discard the data from any run where the positive pressure deflection persisted for over five minutes. Due to the common occurrence of pulsed gas release, I was usually unable to obtain a measurement of VO-, immediately at the end of the activity period. Therefore, I used a five or ten minute interval for measurement of the VO- for activity: five minute intervals were possible in Lycosa and Phidippus at all temperatures because they had high VO-, but were feasible for F. hibemalis only at 33°C. Thus, the exercise interval also includes the first three to eight minutes of recovery. However, this was not a problem in Lycosa and FiZistata. In cases where no gas release was apparent, noticeable increases in \/0„ in both Lycosa and Filistata did not occur until one or two minutes after the completion of exercise (see Results and Discussion). However, increases in VO- in P. audax did occur during activity periods and their full magnitude may have been partially obscured by gas releases. Recovery oxygen (recovery VO-) was difficult to measure precisely in Phidippus and Filistata due to the common occurrence of activity during recovery (see Results). I estimated recovery V0-, as the total oxygen used above resting levels between the end of the exercise-early recovery VOj measurement (at +3 minutes of recovery) until either 36 resting VO- was reached or until a time when activity caused VO, to increase (see Results and Discussion). Other experiments will show that in Filistata and Lycosa lactate concentrations remain constant during the first 3 to 5 minutes of recovery (Ch. IV). The principal uses of the first few minutes' recovery 0-^ may be to fully saturate the spiders hemocyanin (Angersbach 1978) and resynthesize depleted stores of -P compounds. Thus, the recovery VO- I report are probably good measures of the Oj needed to remove the lactate. Anaerobic Accumulations Spiders were placed in respirometer flasks and treated identically as in the VO-^ measurements. After either two minutes of stimulated activity or after two minutes of activity followed by 15 minutes of recovery, the respirometer flasks were opened and the spiders instantly frozen in liquid N„. This operation required less than 15 sec and the spiders did not move significantly during the time required to open the flask and freeze them. The frozen spiders were homogenized and analyzed using the colorimetric method of Narrower and Brown (1972) as modified and described in Chapter II. Resting levels of lactate were not measured given the constancy of these values for individuals within any species. To obtain anaerobic accumulations, resting lactate concen- trations given in Table il-3 were subtracted from the values I obtained for this chapter. Factorial increases in lactate were calculated by dividing active or recovery lactate concentrations by resting concen- t rat i ons. 37 Heart Rates Heart rates of resting and recovering F. hibemalis and L. lenta were measured at 25°C. After measuring resting heart rates, these spiders v^/ere exercised identically to those in the V0„ experiments. At the end of the activity period, they were quickly placed in glass cages and their heart rates monitored by the use of a laser as described in Anderson and Prestwich (1932). These rates were compared with those given for free-running or restrained spiders in Chapter IV. Calculations of Energy Equivalents of Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolism and the Energetics of Lactate Oxidation and Gl uconeogenes i s Assuming that the substrate for energy metabolism during exercise is glycogen (Stewart and Martin 1970; Collatz and Speck 1970), the total number of high energy phosphate bonds ("P) synthesized per hexose residue cleaved from a glycogen polymer can be estimated as follows: Aerobic metabolism: results in (maximally) a synthesis of 38 ~P per hexose residue. This requires six 0_; therefore, 0.282 ymols ~P are produced per ul 0„ used. Anaerobic metabolism: results in a net synthesis of 3 ~P per hexose residue removed from glycogen. Thus, 1.5 Umols ~P are formed per pmol of lactate produced. To calculate the amount of 0„ needed to drive gl uconeogenes i s from lactate to g 1 ucose-6-phosphate (this ignores the final costs involved with glycogen synthesis) or the amount of 0- needed to fully oxidize lactate, the following relationships can be used: G 1 uconeogenes i s : Three -P per lactate are needed to make gl ucose-6-phosphate. These could be formed aerobically 38 by the use of 1/2 of a mol of 02- Therefore, gluconeo- genesis requires 11.2 yl 0_ per mol of lactate. Ox idat ion : This process requires 3-0 mols of 0~ per mol of lactate or 67-2 yl 0- per ymol lactate. Anaerobic Contribution to Orb-Web Building Lactate contribution to orb-web construction was measured by collecting adult Neoscona dom' in the field as they finished building their webs. They were dropped into a large volume of swirling liquid N- and kept frozen until returned to the lab. There, they were thawed while being homogenized in cold TCA. Lactate analysis was by the colorimetric method (Ch. II). Resul ts Oxygen Consumption The spiders struggled vigorously during most of the two minute stimulation period but they reduced their movements in the last minute. Plots of VO- as a function of exercise and recovery are shown in Figs. Ill-I, 2, and 3 for temperatures of 15, 25, and 33°C respectively. Generally, resting and active VO^ were highest in P. audax and lowest in F. hihemalis. Increases in VO- during the two minutes of activity were evident mainly in P. audax. In the other two species increases in metabolic rate were usually not seen until one to five minutes after the end of activity. Delayed increases in VO- were especially obvious in o CSI O a. o 0) O 0) u 3 ko (oroirf) NOIldl^nSNOO N30AX0 o 2 o J3 ■u O ^ IT] (13 — T3 c (TJ I/) 1/1 c (B 0) E j: O) 3 O (U -c or c 3 -o I- <_> 1) o JJ LA (U CM E O +-> 1- fO 0) o (U 1_ .— O Q.-0 U- 1/1 0) (U 0) -i-i ^ 1_ (D E c c — o — ^ — o j_> 1) o Q. — (TJ E CTl !TI (U 3 1- 1_ 0) 3 in C o o - C — X — Q. O E 00 T3 l/l O 1- — O V. 1- -T3 4-> 1- — !U > -o •— c 4-1 (U O J-J (D 1/1 03 b. S 1-5 o CM o Q. U (TJ (U 0) 0) >• CM 0) U 3 k2 NOIldl^nSNOO N30AX0 o 1/1 2 •— 4-J 1- in c rtJ o nj (D 0 J3 (U \- tv-l E 4) CO ^ ■4-1 o ^ I*- iJ (D Ol nj m J2 3 o -a irt 1_ C J^ (U J= OJ l/l ^ •l-l m H- •s »^ 1/1 a)<4- u c • (t) .— u o J3 U 4) 0 3 -M LA 1 i_ — I- t-^ 0 Q."0 (U M y- in OJ > g l» E ■o l/l rCl C c _o U •r^ O — *— O 1-^ o i- L. 4-1 (U o 1) \- • a — m Q. -T3 in 3 i_ ■4-) 1- C 1- 0) ni ■ O 4-1 2 > T3 O cfl •^ c (/) ■4-1 ID c 0) 1- o .4-1 (U -w • c >— (U aj >- X — CL j: 1- (U O E Ul ■4^ 113 ^ • 1 s 1-5 1^ O < o CM A| o U o 0) L. kk NOIldl^nSNOO N30AX0 ^5 F. hibemalis. This was most evident at 33°C (Fig. I I 1-3) where it was possible to use five minute measurement intervals. Peak \/0„ was not reached until after three minutes of recovery. The length of the recovery period appeared to be shortest in P. audax, intermediate in Lyaosa, and longest in Filistata especially where P. auda:c recovery data are not complicated by activity (Fig. Ill-l). Recovering individuals of Filistata and Phidippus tended to become active before their VOj had returned to pre-struggle levels. In P. audax this occurred at 25° and 33°C as individuals continued activity after the end of stimulation and never calmed down. This accounts for the continued high V0„ shown for this species in Figures I II -2 and 3. In Filistata exploratory and grooming behavior commonly appeared after hO minutes of recovery. This prevented me from fully measuring the recovery 0^ in this species. Therefore, the data for recovery 0„ in Filistata represent a minimum estimate. Recovery and activity VO. for all three species are given in Table 111-2. Finally, the resting V0-, in Neosoona domiailiorium measured at 25°C was 2^45 + 22 yl 02(g'h) at STPD (N = 20, mass = 0.^*92 g + 0.003 g) . These rates were taken from spiders hanging in "webs" (silk attached to wooden rods in the respirometer flasks). Anaerobic Metabolism Lactate concentrations Immediately at the end of exercise and 15 minutes later are shown for F. hibemalis, L. lenta, and P. audax In Table Ill-l. In Neosoona, lactate concentrations at the completion of web-building (T. = 23°C, field collected samples) were A. 7 + 0.7, prosoma: 1 .5 j^ 0. 1 op I sthosoma; and 2.1 j^O.25 ymol s/g whole an imal , A6 o 3 O en to > u U1 OJ ^ •a ui ro CL -— i/i M- c 1- •— 0) •u E (U in £ Q ^ 1- O .— JD Q. fD tn •l-J (U (U u E c o — !o l/l o (U L. 4-> I 1 ■ I I -3- 1 00 LTV I 0~v I I • 1 c OJ (U ^— N o 4-J c c ^-^ >— -.^-^ ^— ^ .^— **— V y—^ o 0) oN? d^ <^9 a^? d^ oN9 d-9 (_) u -3- rO 0^ . — 1^ LA -3- u -3- SO ^D LTN -a- LA PA (U — ^ ■ ■l-J Q. n3 — ' 4-1 o fO c _J CM -3- 00 1 — CO o JD -C O (_) 1_ - ■ — (U CD 1/1 C 1_ (13 !U -o C c 0 0 0 l/l ^ 'i 1) 4-1 C (U T3 Ol 0 a: \s\ -3- c c ^- — 0 03 (^ (U 4-» (L) 1 t^ i- 3 (T3 <^ 4-1 fsl 1 ^. 1 1 00 1 1 1 1 C nj 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 0 0 c u 0) -^ -^ 4J 1— — ru (D !U (0 3 TJ _l 5 4-1 — 0 U 1/1 3 . _ ._ . -a i_ (U E CNI --^ 1) i/i 0 D C^J 0 J3 3 ^ 1) CNI > 0 u. U T3 U C U1 1) u ) (^ f^ 0 CJ1 T3 (U T3 0 • 0 C T3 (U 4-J -a ^-, — 3^-0) 03 C 1 — (U C Ol 3 0 CSI CSI c (U E — — 0 0 O -w — 0 0! 3 0 > 4-^ 1/1 LU (0 CSJ 4-1 > . — 1 (/! Ol 0 0 (U T3 (1) 4-1 (/) E — ' — 0) Ol 1- CNI j_, |_ (U _ < E -3- -3- ^ 0 I^ vD CNI 03 > -^,— . 4-1 o f*-\ ro 0 03 >. ro > i/l — CTl 03 — 1- X _i fA — CTl C — 0 0 0 .- — U- 1- ■a 1_ LA (U 4) 0 >» 0 c (1) — ^ Jl E '~- i- Ll. (T3 X 4-1 3. 03 V (U TO (U -^4-' > •^ C 4-1 (4- CNI 03 0 CNI 4) 03 03 0 C 4-1 0 j: 4-1 u 0) * 4-1 CNI (J C ' — 03 u tNI LA 1 03 0 ZL — C (/I — — ^^ 0 ^ 1 vX) 1 1 sO 1 1 1 1 ■^ 0 (U 4-1 csj — m > 1 1 — 1 1 CN 1 1 1 1 ^ j-i — (t3 • 0 3 Csj ^ -0 3 — "O — E 4-1 . .— _ 0) C 03 — 0 CM (D in IT — X^- -^ (C 3 U. — 4) 43 4J ;l 3 1/1 — 0 "O CSI 4-1 4-1 Q. 03 CN V Xi E 0 43 1- E — • 4-1 10 0 > ^ 03 0 r^ 1— 1- 4-1 U — sO c ,,-^ 14- "O 43 (/I 0 ~— ' ,_ E < (_) UA LA rA LA LA OA LA LA CA 4) 4-* ^ £ 4-) 0 1— 0 Csi ro — (NI CV~, 1 — csj rA ^— 4-1 03 (/I 0 3. 4) (/I >_ «.w^ — 03 4-1 (1) (4- ^ 4-1 LU u- (T3 (U u E 0 3 CN 03 — - 03 — CN 0 4-1 4-1 — 03 0 0 (/I > > — 03 1^ 1 (D 03 (4- 0 — 0 CNT3 E 03 1/1 'J- 0 4) :i — ^_ •ri 4J 0 — =» " 0 — T~^ 3 03 03 LA E 43 > T3 E • 3- lU ^ (D 01 0 4) — 0 N^ £ (3 u > C E -^ ^ CN ^ (/I ta +i M 03 43 03 i/l 4) 0 (D -:i (14 (D J3 53 accumulation. The measured V0„ are close to those required to use most of the lactate in gl uconeogenes i s and completely oxidize only a small portion. If this is indeed the case, then spiders resemble vertebrates where about 80?^ of the lactate is reconverted to hexose and 20% is completely oxidized (Bennett 1978). Relative Contributions of Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolism During Peak Activity High-energy phosphate compounds for burst activity come from three sources: aerobic metabolism, anaerobic "lactacid" metabolism, and depletion of phosphagen stores (pr i nc ipal ly arg in ine phosphate and ATP). Calculations of the relative importance of aerobic and lactacid power generation for the cond i t ions used in this study are given on Table 111-^. At 25°C estimates of total high-energy phosphate production are similar in all three species. This is consistent with the observation that the spiders all underwent similar intensities of struggles during the two minute activity period. Consistent differences in anaerobic dependencies exist between the species: Filistata is definitely the least aerobic spider deriving between 8? to Sk% of its power from lactate production. The other two species have lower anaerobic dependencies, utilizing anaerobiosis for ca. S5% {Phidippus) and 65% {Lycosa) of the total. These figures compare to a range of 58 to 96% anaerobic dependence for burst activities in lower vertebrates (Bennett 1978). The calculations indicate that the relative importance of anaerobic power generation does not change as a function of temperature. For three reasons these estimates should be treated with caution: (a) aerobic inputs during activity are to a degree uncertain (see Table lll-A. Estimated anaerobic dependences during a two minute struggle in a respirometer flasl<. High- energy phosphate figures are derived from the VOo and lactate accumulations on Table 11-2. ~P Bonds Formed 5k Spec i es F. hibevmlis 15 0.5 25 0.7 33 0.5 L. lenta 15 2.5 25 3.^ 33 2.7 P. audax 15 k.2 naerob Ic Total % Anaerobic 3.3 3.8 87^o 7.8 8.5 92^0 7.6 8.1 Sk% ^.5 7.0 6k% 6.2 9.6 esz 5.8 8.5 68% 5.1 9.3 55% 55 Methods and Discussion), (b) free-ranging spiders have lactate accumu- lations that are about twice as great as those used in the calculations in Table I I 1-4, and (c) inputs from phosphagens are ignored. Biases due to factors a and b tend to cancel each other. Factor c could be significant. Using values for whole spider concentrations of arginine phosphate (AP) reported by Di Jeso et at. (1967) and assuming all AP is hydrolyzed during a struggle, the proportional dependence on lactate drops to between 43 and 10% with AP providing between 21 and "iSX of the power. Thus, the contribution of phosphagens may be important. Respiratory Surface Area and Anaerobic Dependence All results are consistent with the hypothesis that an inverse relationship exists between anaerobic dependence and respiratory surface area (Fig. 11-2). Relative dependencies of Lycosa and FiZistata are also consistent with the observations of Anderson and Prestwich (1982) on the abilities of the two spider's respiratory-circulatory systems to deliver 0„ to the tissues. They found that at 20°C it took resting Filistata an average of 28 heart beats to deliver 1 ul of 0„ compared to 16 beats for Lycosa. These two species have similar maximum heart rates; therefore, the rate of 0^ delivery to the tissues should be less in Filistata in agreement with the much slower recovery and lower peak VO2 in this species (Table 11-2; Figs. Ill-l, 2, and 3). Anaerobic Dependence During Orb-Web Building Long-term activities such as orb-web construction contrast sharply with the burst activities discussed above. Table I! 1-5 shows the estimated anaerobic dependence of orb-web building to be low in Neosaona 56 s O) •^5 c ?. o "O •ri — i~^ >^ •■r^ 3 <^ J3 •^ 1 s XI o CU ■^ 2 Q y- SI O o o i_ to 3 o O <» x: fe: n- O ■o c 0) ro o c (U ID T) CT) C O) 0) 3 c U ■ CT) u 1- .— V J2 c o rr\ LU \- . 1 a> ^ -C 03 CT) c •^ < 3= T3 (U 4-j u m e XI CN o 4^ 1- O-l l/l 0) LU < c O 0) •!-> Ol J-" TO ^^ nj — 1/1 J-p 3 — o E o (0 3 E -I O 3. < >- CVI ■tJ o > — < o < o 1^ tN -3- I — O 03 Ol c •— dJ a> ^- y — ^ c Ol c 03 C71 — 1- 3 £ 1_ 0} ■k-i CN (U U1 - — • JD LA -3- Ol C T3 ^^-. — X 3 — I ; XI ^ Ol Q. c ■w v£l 1/1 1^ lU crv 1_ — X *-> -3- i~j 11 s •ui -D C C OJ 0) E 0) ^- u #— o OJ c -^ •~ 03 « Q. CN — ' O > Ol . c CN -3- C71 • — O 1 C 4-* > — • — 1/1 — ■i-J 0) Ol ^ in !_ c (U • — CJ i_ X 4-1 — CN 1/1 -Q X o; 03 LA II i_ ro 1— II OJX 1 C o . — ^ •^ CN > O II (U Ul > UJ — 03 > 4-t X -^ •— c m 1/1 03 4-1 OJ h- C 0) o E o CL 03 0) E u O 4-1 Ol Ul o 1- 03 OJ aj c 14- != E .— 3 3 3 03 U 1/1 1/1 % and 10A°' respect ively with nostatisticallysignificantdifferences amongst these spec ies The effect of T on running speed is illustrated for Filistata in Figure IV-Z and summarized for all species on Table IV-1. For the table, the running speeds have been fitted to an equation for exponential decay: Ioq^qS = i + d(t) (1) where S is the absolute speed in mm/sec, i is the log,-, of the initial (maximum) speed, d is the rate of change in speed and t is the total time since the start of running in seconds. Coefficients of determination (r ) range from 0.75 to 0.96 with most above 0.86 indicating that the data fit the model . The values of i can be used to compare the initial running speeds. In each species, the initial speed increas'es with T and L. lenta always d has the fas test i n i t ia 1 speed. The rate of change of speed (d) is generally similar in all species at any common temperature. In both Lycosa and Filistata, the smallest decreases in speed with respect to running time occur at 25°C and the greatest rates of decrease are at 33°C. Another measure of the decrease In speed as a function of running time is the time required for running speed to decrease to a value that is about a third of the initial speed (see Table IV-1 for a more rigorous definition of this measure of exhaustion). By this measure, L. lenta ij (U .- - ^ > ,— . • *-• .- o o 4-. — (U c o + m 2 (TJ ^^ O -O UI -C -a c -c (/I dj nj J-' O O) ■!-> L. LA C O O 0) c ■4- + — —' c M- flj 0) o :^ e J= i- O 2 ui (U i/i O •' *j O 1- "1 3 O Q. 1- C l/l > c ' (U — 2 ■— Ol ■u 01 O o C 3 ^ -Q .— C t/l U1 e to I_ — T3 >- •f^ 3 E OJ OJ 1/1 5 <-'1 c 4-> » • • • (U O 1- 0) U- 1- (U (5 u 0 <] Q. (U - 3 C D- J-i LU OJ c^ m UI UI cyi ^ 3 65 UJ ('oa8/SHxoNai vnoeoud) Q336S LA CNI ' in 0 1- 1- LA 3 3 p— 4-1 O 03 (U O i- a. 4-1 3 E o J, 4-> rQ <_> (0 •^ 0 r^; LA i/i CM T3 , • to •o « 4-> 03 O (U ?^ c ^ (0 0) >• o 1- -^ C o (13 11 u -a (U ^ 03 c Q. 5 1_ m 4-1 0) U) £ •— .— 4-1 o 1- 4-J i_ 3 o 0) (U X 03 4-1 X O 0) L. c z o •^ c •— >— N u . ^ 0 ^^-^ (U 1 LA 4-1 > CN O 03 *J ■•s_^ . ns ^ (J) « •« • *- in +i 4-1 ll. — ^ 4-1 la D 03 T-~i X i- X 0) • (U 3 ■w ►-:) j:: Ol s_ o •— m XI 03 4-1 0) c 03 03 I ro 1- u- po > ^ u u 3 at 71 z s UJ CNii^/sivas) 3iva iav3H 72 similar in both species and occur either near the end of exercise or early in the recovery period. However, the magnitude and rate of the increase in heart rate is greater and the recovery is slower in F. hibemalis. During recovery, interspecific heart rates are significantly higher in Filistata after five minutes of recovery and remain so until +33 min into the recovery period. At this time, Lyaosa has a rate below its routine heart rate while Filistata' s rate is still slightly (but not significantly) elevated. The effect of temperature on heart rate is shown for F. hibenmalis in Fig. \y-h and the data for both species are summarized in Table IV-2. Maximum rate and pattern of recovery is similar in both species {Lyaosa and Filistata) at all three temperatures. Both species recover most rapidly at their acclimation temperature (25°C) , although Lyaosa recovers sooner than Filistata. Finally, the Q.^ for both alert and maximal heart rates are between 1.3 and 1.8. Lactate Production Figure IV-5, bottom panel, shows change in lactate concentrations for whole spiders at 25°C. At any given time there is usually no significant difference in lactate concentrations between species. It is not until 15 to 25 min into the recovery period that lactate concentrations are significantly lower than those found at the end of exercise. Complete removal of lactate (recovery) probably takes over 30 minutes in all three species. Because the relat ive opisthosomal sizes differ in these three species, whole animal lactate concentrations are misleading as they can obscure 73 Table \\l-2. Heart rates in two species of spiders as a function of activity and temperature. All spiders were acclimated at 25°C. Percent of Heart Rates Maximum (beats/min) Rate ,.„, ^^ jb ^ 66^ Decreased Species N T Alert Maximum +5 +10 Time (min) F. hibemalis 10 15°C 27 75 99% 87% > 30 \h 25°C ko 135 in 69% 19 8 33°C Ih 180 88% 7^4% 30 L. lenta 10 15°C -- 76 87% 71% -- 17 25°C 56 138 62% 49% 7 10 33°C 70 170 85% 86% > 30 Heart rate after 5 or 10 minutes of recovery divided by the maximum observed rate times 100. The time in minutes required for the heart rate to decrease from maximum to a value that is 133% greater than the alert heart rate. TJ in C u 0) 3 > O 4-1 4-> o c (U .- O. U- 1- 0 <4- 0) 4-' (U > o E (U o O j: u c • 3 U1 >4- Ol 0) 13 ' — l/l Ul (TJ 3 ^— 1/1 Q. C o in • — m u E 03 O i/l 3 o E 1- 3 Q. U U i_ (TJ O u- ■a c ro 01 (- i/i -o c c o fO j-i >- rt) i- ^ (U ■w > C o (U u u (U c I. o u n (T3 > 4-1 — U -1-1 (T3 O —I TJ CO I > O !J^ 1) ro o LP, O O CTi CSI E '^ (>-\ 04 rr\ i-v^ i — CNI >~ o L. .— (U + > o o i-r\ OJ cc + JD • ID o -3- LPv \£> f^ o -3- r-. oV 5^ D^P OO LA -3" cn CT~i OO -cr o LA — 00 LA oo CTi CM O LA LA O 0~\ -3- CA rA LA — O O^ o — — LA LA — CSI rA pg o a d, •w + s PA 03 -3- i-i rA , O ►-:i ^-- >. 1- (U ^D > 1- o LA i_ o the reco the d^ U- 14— vO l/l o o LA 4-1 4-1 PA — ^ 3^ LI— < LA 1) vO 1- 03 ^ o 1/1 4-1 0) CO 3 -Q Q. r~^ 0 o^ 03 1- ^~ o ■o CTl -a " o C O r-» ^ ^** •— 4-1 1/1 LA c X 3 0) c , — ^ 4-1 — ^ 0) C 03 c u .— — i~^ E 'i 4-1 03 ■a 03 03 , Ol •" 4-1 4-1 1/1 03 03 03 03 4-1 ^ E *-> 4-1 . c PA 1/1 •— O O 3 •— PA ^ 4.1 03 03 E o ■ Q — 3 Q. CVJ £ 4-1 -^ O — p. 03 1 O + 0! 1/1 O c 03 -- vO o 4.J 'x , — . u 03 03 PA O II 4-J 4.1 3 PA 1*- O (T3 a • 4.1 o — 03 O 03 D 03 ■ — " P -o ^— E 4-1 s • — c 3 03 C 4-1 03 U 4-1 .— U o E 03 l/l TO 03 03 J= 4-1 4.1 O PA - 03 o 1/1 4-1 j: 4.1 3 PA 1/1 03 03 •w •— 4.1 4-1 1_ 4-1 o 03 4-1 c o - 03 J3 1/1 .— u- 03 1/1 Q. ^-^ u o o — 3 0) -a -3- .— a. ' — ' x: O 03 o Ll- 1/1 1/1 1- 4-1 o 03 03 OJ O OJ c 4-1 4-1 < — — H d, 0 03 3 -o • JD o S +1 XI C 03 1/1 0 Q. ^ CO -a •— C -LJ \- \_ 3 vO lU E E — c 0) 03 C O 1/1 O 14_ 03 4-1 03 1- O 03 0 C c . o oo u - — Q Q. 0) — Oh' 85 >- 4-1 > o rtJ c o c 3 1/1 Q. C U) O •— M- +j O m c (U o c o u in - LA d-? oN? d^? 0--? d^? oV O 0^ (T\ 1 o LA s_ + OJ -3- CO r^ 1 — OO CM CNI 1 CNI 0) > O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 o + 1 1 1 1 r^ ' 1 o oN? o\° a^ 0) LA + 1 1 1 CSI 1 1 1 1 1 vO 1 1 1 CNl -; LA O I — — — CM LA LA rA LA LA rA LA — CSI CA *— CM OA CM O CM O _ _ _ vD R. .— CD n in .— L) LA 0; (TJ • — 4-) E ■a U 3 1/1 c 4-1 _o ■z 14— OJ 03 4-> > in • — 03 3 o ■4-J 4^ 03 lU m 03 _C 1/1 CTl 4-t X lU 0 03 o z 03 rA ^~ 4^ 03 -o . — c -■^ 03 in ro rA 1 E 0 c 0 O > > in •— ^ >~ 0 4-» II X 03 0) ,— 4-t u <-j 03 in 4-1 X 0 .— c c CD •— Q. 03 OJ 1— 4-> 0 0 OJ ^— ' in c 5 •— 14- 0 4-1 03 4-1 0 0 0) E 03 XI 0 4-1 in 03 cn in 0) 4-> (U CL C 03 0 ■w m > 03 u (U 0 — ro X •— T3 r— 4-1 n- 0) 0; .— L. X ^ U c 3 4-1 m 0 CTl in E u- — 03 :^ O in 0) X in 0) E O 1/1 ■UJ ■a X 0 0 03 03 ■!-• X C X -a 1/1 ■w 4-1 0) > Q. 0 l_ c *— O 4-J 03 0 ■0 C -o - .— , Ol Q. 4-' X 0 c E 0 03 0 . K 03 03 X 0 ,— 1- 3 03 0) L. E 0) > Q. 0 in in 0 nj X 03 E ■ — * E fa X 03 ^ 0 — 2: 4-1 1- < -Q ■ 4-J 86 lU o j= 3 lU c 4-1 T3 C :^ C i/l u nj fU V > >-T3 o u lU o (U c (U > •^ V- O 4- O - O nj 4-1 •— in ^-v > V U1 o c 4-1 •— E O -o ■J (D c ^— •— O O) o C •^ •— ^. l_ s_ < 3 3 o T3 u- Wl c 4-) C o Ul o m Q. 4-) L. •-^ (T3 o 1- o i/i 4-* Ifl 0) U1 ^ ^ 4-1 I. o (TJ 0) 1_ ~ o u + O v£) O rr\ La a\ vD o o 2\° d^ o^ o\° 8n? o\o o-^ LO CO O ro OO cr> a^ LTV (U + o ^£> O o^ CTi vD Qi . — i — J3 O C o (U Q- O c < X 03 c tj) (U ~^ u l/l c ^ o o <_> £ 13. <^p s cr\ *^ ^a o sD r-~i LA — « O CO T^ • -3- . fsj •- A . o -^ . OS— . SO — i-:5 w R^^ (O--' 87 The non-prosomal mass (abdomen and telson) of the scorpion averages 63% of the total body size. Pi scuss ion Running Speeds One problem with the previous discussions of exhaustion in spiders is the lack of a quantitative description of fatigue in running spiders (Millot 19^9; Wilson and Bullocl< 1973; Linzen and Gallowitz 1975). The data pre- sented in Figures IV-l and 2 partially remedy this situation. However, they are somewhat misleading in terms of their description of the earliest moments of activity. During the initial 15 to 20 sec of struggle, spiders jump about alot, especially L. lenta and P. audax. Thus, the data reported in these figures and table represent minimal estimates of the work the spiders are doing. Given this underestimate, the figures do show that spiders generally slow to aa. one-third of their initial speeds before 30 sec of activity are complete. Thus it is reasonable to divide activity into two phases: an early, rapid-fatigue period (phase l) and the period that follows, which is characterized by a slower decrease in speed (phase II). Mathematically, I have demarked these periods as being before and after the moment that a spider has slowed to a speed that is 133% of its final speed. This mathematical definition corresponds well with the cessation of any jumping behavior in Filistata and Lycosa. Thus, phase I corresponds to the first 15 [Lycosa) to ^0 sec [Phidippus) of the two minute activity per iod . The fact that about 10% of L. lenta and F. hihermalis drag their IVth pair of legs during late phase I is significant. This is consistent with 88 the hydrostatic insufficiency hypothesis of Wilson and Bullock (1973). Forward motion is produced in the first through third pair of legs through either flexion (pair I) or rotation (pairs II and III) while in pair iV it is due to extension (Parry and Brown 1959; Wilson 1970). Since much or all of extension of pairs l-lll is done while the legs are off the substratum, the work required is relatively small. Extension of these legs could be accomplished by a low hemolymph pressure (Manton 1958). However the IVth pair of legs require hemolymph under high pressure in order to extend rapidly while in contact with the substratum. Furthermore, these rear legs would be expected to be crucial in providing much of the forward thrust in spider locomotion (Parry and Brown 1959b). The spiders that were dragging their legs during late phase I could be suffering from inadequate pressures and/or amounts of prosomal hemolymph. This possibility and its relationship to fatigue will be specifically discussed in Chapter V. Phase II is characterized by relatively slow movements of all limbs and a gradual decrease in speed (compared to phase I). After one minute of activity, many spiders refuse to move unless constantly prodded. This corresponds to a time when the prosomas contain considerable amounts of lactate (Figs. \\I-S through 7). The final running speeds shown in Figures IV-l and 2 are biased towards high speeds since spiders that had refused to move for much of the previous 30 seconds (by assuming a ball- like posture) often burst into activity. Suggestive similarities exist between fatigue in spiders and scorpions. Scorpions do not use a hydrostatic skeleton for leg extension (Manton 1958). However, their pattern of running when subject to 89 continuous stimulation resembles that of spiders (Fig. IV-1). This argues against the notion that fatigue in spiders might be largely related to hydrostatic insufficiency (Wilson and Bullock 1973). Recovery of running ability in spiders is a slow process. I used a measure of recovery that applied only to the first five seconds of phase I activity. Spiders forced to run longer than 15 sec, even after 10 min of recovery, exhausted within kS sec. This is strong evidence that complete (ultimate?) "locomotory collapse" (Wilson and Bullock 1973; Linzen andGallowitz 1975) has nothing to do with hydrostatic insufficiency. Given the high heart rates of spiders during recovery (Figs. IV-3, ^; Table l\/-2) hemolymph would seemingly be adequately redistributed after 10 min of recovery. If hydrostatics are the main limit to activity, running after recovery would resemble the running of completely rested animals. Instead, this limitation on activity is probably due to continued large concentrations of anaerobic byproducts (Figs. IV-5, 6, 7; Tables IV-3, ^, and 5). The effect of temperature on locomotion in L, lenta and F. hibemaZis can be evaluated in two ways: comparison of maximum speeds and total distance traveled. Maximum speeds are synonomous with initial speeds while total distances traveled are obtained by integrating each speed versus time curve. In terms of these two measures, temperature effects are presented in Tables l\/-6 and 7. The Q,_ values (Table IV-7) are nearly all below two indicating that the spiders' locomotory patterns are somewhat independent of T . As such, an 18°C increase in T results in a 210/3 increase in distance traveled over 2 min and a 315^ increase in maximum speed in Lycosa and respective increases of 170 and 195^ in 90 Table IV-6. Total distance traveled in two minutes of maximal activity as a function of temperature. Distances (total prosomal length) for Lyoosa and Filistata were converted to percentages by defining the distance Lycosa traveled at 25°C as 100^. Species Relative Distance Traveled 15°C 25°C 33°C F. hibemalis 68°^ %% \\5% L. tenta 68% 100% 160% 91 Table IV-?. The effect of temperature on locomotion in F. hike'pnalis and L. lenta. Spiders were acclimated at 25°C; the temperature range of 15°C to 33°C is possible during a spring day in Gainesville, Florida. Temperature Species Range (°C) ^10 Ini tial Total Sp eed Di stance F. hibemalis 15-25 1.49 1.23 25-33 1.40 1.52 15-33 1.45 1.35 L. lenta 15-25 1.75 1.38 25-33 2.1 1.67 15-33 1.9 1.50 92 Filistata. Increases of 350/? would be expected over this range if the Q.Q were equal to 2. Thus, a spider threatened at temperatures below those to which it is accustomed can move faster than would be expected based on a Q ^ of between 2 and 2.5 calculated from its resting V0_ (Anderson 1970). Heart Rates The change of heart rate as a function of exercise and recovery varies between species in spiders. Angersbach (1978) reported peak heart rates in a tarantula, Dugesiella calif ormicum , within 2 min after the completion of a struggle of one to two minutes. Wilson (1967) reported a similar phenomenon in Heteropoda. These observations agree with mine for L, tenia (Fig. IV-3). However, in F. hibematis the rate rapidly approaches the maximum and remains at an elevated value longer than in L. tenia at the same exercise level. This continued, elevated rate could be associated with the equal or larger lactate accumulation coupled with its smaller respiratory exchange capacity (Anderson 1970; Anderson and Prestwich 1982; Fig. 11-2). Temperature affects heart rate in the same manner as it affects running speed and total distance, and lactate production and removal. The Q. ^ for alert and maximal heart rates varies between 1.3 and 1.8 (Table \\J-2) indicating these processes are less temperature dependent than are most chemical reactions. As a result, the spider gains a small degree, of thermal independence. Heart rate is not a totally adequate measurement of the ability of the circulatory system to deliver 0~, remove lactate, or redistribute 93 hemolymph after exercise. Total cardiac output, the product of stroke volume and heart rate, is the preferred measurement. However, I was not able to quantitatively measure stroke volume in either Filistata or Lyaosa. Visual observations were inconsistent although there did appear to be a tendency for maximum stroke volumes to come after the completion of activity (based on the intensity of the transmitted light f 1 uctuat ions) . Lacking direct data on stroke volume in this species, it is nonethe- less possible to calculate the stroke volume for both alert and active tarantulas from published data. These calculations are given in Appendix 1. Inasmuch as tarantulas can serve as a general model for spiders (see problems with this approach discussed previously in this section) the calculations indicate that while the stroke volume may increase slightly after activity, the heart rate is the major determining factor in changes in cardiac output. Estimated factorial increases in cardiac output range from about A to 6 fold for the tarantula. This corresponds to up to a ten fold increase in VO- (Anderson pers. comm.). The difference is due to an increased loading and unloading of 0^ per volume hemolymph (Angersbach 1978). The speculative nature of these calculations cannot be over-emphasized. Lactate Production The color imetr i cal 1 y determined lactate concentrations reported in this chapter are maximal concentrations for the conditions of time of exercise and T» under which they were taken. Anaerobic scopes at 25°C (maximum rate of lactate production) and anaerobic capacities (net lactate 9A accumulations) are on the low end of the range of values reported for terrestrial ectotherms (Bennett 1978). However, if only the prosoma is considered, the anaerobic scopes and capacities are comparable to those of vertebrates with highly developed anaerobic abilities. Thus, maximum lactate concentrations in the motion-generating portion of the spider, the prosoma, are consistent with levels that are associated with fatigue in other animals. Ultimately, phase II fatigue is therefore related to anaerobic accumulations. Phase I fatigue is probably not related to lactate accumulation. In Lyaosa lenta the two-thirds running speed reduction of phase I takes aa. 20 sec (Fig. IV-1; Table IV-l); however, prosoma lactate accumulations are only aa. 20% of maximum during this period (JFig. l\,'-8). Furthermore, during the first 10 sec of phase 1 when most of the speed decrease occurs, only very slight lactate increases occur. Thus, a non-lactate factor(s) is responsible for phase I fatigue. In Chapter II, the hypothesis was advanced that the anaerobic capacities of spiders are directly related to the intensity of activity and inversely related to the book lung surface area (Fig. 11-2). This hypothesis can be further examined using this chapter's data for the effect of T on anaerobic accumulations and running speeds. Maximum running speed and total distance traveled increase with T in both Lyaosa and Filistata. These parameters increase faster in Lyaosa: at 15°C both species' activity patterns are nearly identical while at 33°C Lyaosa is much more active (Tables IV-l, 6, and 7). However, anaerobic capacities for both species follow a different pattern being largest at the acclimation temperature of 25°C (Fig. WIS). Moreover, unlike 25°C where Filistata has a larger anaerobic accumulation, the Figure IV-S. Anaerobic capacities in 25°C acclimated F. hibernalis ( ■ ) and L. lenta ( — o — ). Anaerobic capacity is largest at the acclimation temperature. 96 g < -J ID O O < LU < H O < o 0) _I O 15 25 35 TEMPERATURE rc) - •^ i_ i/i 4) U (U u i-i C 0) > 0 ns — 1/1 \- 4-1 ^-^ u O >-LA — (U 03 -M ^— 1 > T3 > 4-1 — I- y- — in TO O +-' 1- T3 O — Ol C 1/1 (TJ 14_ ._ TO c U. 4-1 • O >4- (U— ' oo tNI — o ^ f— ■M 4-1 :^ m o .~- • II — OJ cn 4-1 1/1 3 1/1 C (0 0) 1/1 E ._ (U 4-J 4-1 3 O i_ 1- TO c (J ro 3 Ol ^ — O ■a 3 o (TJ 4-1 i/i E Q. 1/1 4-1 3 3 m 1- (TJ 0 O ^ ^ — j:i — O — 1— y- 4-1 1/1 TO TO oo 1 3 Ol 98 I I o I- < GC \- Z LU o z O o HI I- < o < o o 3- 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0- PROSOMA H 1- WHOLE SPIDER -i h OPISTHOSOMA 10 30 TIME (SEC.) 99 anaerobic capacities of both species are nearly identical at 15 and 33°C. While the 33°C data are not inconsistent with a relationship between book lung surface area and anaerobic accumulation (since Lycosa runs much further than Filistata at this temperature), the 15°C data do present some difficulties for the proposed correlation. At this temperature, both species' activity patterns are nearly identical and therefore, lactate accumulations are expected to be much greater in FiZistata. This inconsistency points out the need for further testing of the surface area-- anaerobic accumulation hypothesis. It does serve to remind one that other factors may also be important and that their importance may vary at different temperatures in different species,e.r.,different use of stored forms of high energy phosphate such as arginine phosphate (Di Jeso et at. 1967) . Lactate Removal (Recovery) For whole spiders, removal of lactate (recovery) occurs most rapidly in P. audax and L. tenia at 25°C. Fifteen minutes after exercise, lactate concentrations drop by over 50% while in FiZistata they hover near 75% of the maximal value (Figs. IV-5-7; Table iV-3-5). At 15 and 33°C recovery is a very slow process, there being essentially no change in whole spider lactate after 15 min of recovery. Examination of the changes in prosomal and opisthosomal lactate concentrations suggest how the lactate is subsequently handled. In the prosoma (Table l\/-3; Figs. \\I-S through 7), lactate drops more rapidly than in the whole animal. This removal is probably not entirely the result of oxidation of lactate or gl uconeogenes I s . instead, the lactate 100 appears to be moving to the op i sthosoma as lactate concentrations in this compartment either remain relatively constant or increase while the spider is inactive and recovering (Table IV-'+i Figs. IV-S through 7). The exact fate of the lactate in the opisthosma can only be guessed. Evidence was presented earlier suggesting that most lactate is used as a substrate for gl uconeogenes i s (Table I I 1-3). There are two likely locations for lactate metabolism: the heart and digestive diverticulum. The heart is probably always exposed to high POj (Angersbach 1978). If spiders, like the horseshoe crab Limulus , possess an LDH that favors oxidation of lactate (Long and Kaplan 1968), then the heart could be a net oxidizer of muscle-produced lactate, much as in the chordate heart (Hochachka and Somero 1973). However, ratios of recovery oxygen to lactate removed suggest that most lactate is used for gl uconeogenes i s (Table I I 1-3). The most likely site for this process is the digestive diverticula and associated cells (Millot 19^9). Evidence for their involvement will be presented later (see Ch. Vl). The slow decrease in lactate at 15 and 33°C implies a slower recovery at these temperatures. However, recovery of the ability to run is faster than might be expected based on whole spider lactate concentrations. This is because a considerable amount of lactate has been shifted from the prosomal musculature to the opisthosoma. Additionally, the ability to locomote at maximal speeds for brief periods of time returns nearly as quickly at 15 and 33° as it does at 25°C (Table IV-1; Fig. IV-2). Replenishment of phosphagen stores may be a major factor in the recovery of the ability to run at maximum rates (see Ch. Vl). The ability to run quickly, even if only for brief periods, doubtlessly has high survival 101 value for a spider facing danger. Transport of lactate from the prosoma and legs to the opisthosoma helps in this process. Although it does not result in an immediate decrease In whole animal lactate, transport removes the substance from the muscles where it contributes to fatigue and relocates the lactate in the tissues that may convert it to circu- lating carbohydrate stores. CHAPTER V THE HYDROSTATIC FATIGUE HYPOTHESIS Summary 1. Leg pressures were monitored in maximally struggling, restrained Fili-stata hibemalis. 2. During the first few seconds of activity, pressures Increased rapidly to 100-200 mm Hg. Peak pressures of ^50 mmHg are not reached until after 20 sec of struggle (Fig. \l-3) • 3. In spiders with tight ligatures around their pedicels, pressures reached high values sooner than in non-ligatured spiders. k. The maintenance of high pressure throughout a period of time when free-running Filistata rapidly slow down (Ch. IV) is contrary to the Idea that defects in the hydrostatic leg extension mechanism of spiders results in fatigue (Wilson and Bullock 1973). 5. The slower development of peak pressures in spiders without ligatured pedicels supports the idea that prosomal pressures are partially dependent upon the degree of filling of the op i stiioscma ! venous system (Stewart and Martin 197^). I nt roduct ion Maximal activity in spiders can be divided into two phases (Ch. IV). The second phase, which leads to nearly complete exhaustion, is probably terminated by high lactate concentrations in the prosoma and legs. This 102 103 does not appear to be the case with phase I. Over the 15 to 30 sec duration of phase I, lactate accumulations in Filistata and Lyaosa are not large but these spiders lose about two thirds of their original speed. Thus some other causative factor for the fatigue must be sought. One possible explanation is "hydrostatic or fluid insufficiency." Wilson (1970) and Wilson and Bullock (1973) showed there is a net loss of hemolymph from the prosoma to the opisthosoma during the first eight to ten seconds of vigorous struggles. They argued that insufficient fluid would be available to force extension of the legs if too much fluid was lost from the prosoma. Since spider legs are sealed, non-distensible tubes, legs would not be expected to run out of fluid if the hydrostatic insufficiency hypothesis is correct. Instead, insufficient prosomal fluid would result in low pressures for leg extension, possibly as a result of the prosomal muscles being forced to operate at lengths that are increasingly shorter than optimal (< Lo) . Thus, rapidly decreasing prosomal or leg pressure recordings (resulting from lowered contractile force of the prosoma muscles) would support the hydrostatic insufficiency hypothesis. To test this hypothesis, I simultaneously measured leg hemolymph pressures and the movements of the major pressure-generating muscle groups of the prosoma and opisthosoma. Methods Pressure and Muscle Movements A saline filled catheter was connected by a length of polyethylene tubing to a Sandborn Physiological Pressure Transducer, Model ISJB. The saline was kkO mOSM consisting of 215 mM NaCl and 5 mM KCl (based on 104 Anderson pers. comm.). A series of valves allowed the entire system to be flusiied with fresh saline. The pressure transducer was connected to a Hewlett-Packard 31 lA Transducer-Ampl i f ier- i nd I cator which was in turn connected to a Sanborn Model 320 strip recorder. A Narco pressure gauge and mercury manometer were used for standardizing the pressure recordings after each run. Recordings of muscle group movements were made using myographs connected to a Narco Physiograph. Preparat ion Only large (mass >_ 0.45 g) Filistata hibemalis were used in these experiments. The spiders were anaesthes ized with C0„ and then glued onto glass rods using quick-setting epoxy cement. One day later the spiders were again anaesthes i zed . A leg was severed near the middle of the femur and a catheter was inserted into the center of the stub and glued into place with epoxy. To avoid the introduction of air bubbles, the catheter was introduced into the spider while it had a small drop of saline on its tip. This drop merged with the hemolymph on the spider's leg and a good liquid bridge was maintained. The spider was kept anaesthes i zed for the half hour necessary to complete this procedure. A thread was attached (using epoxy) to both the prosomal carapace and to the opisthosoma above the anterior pericardium. These attachments permitted monitoring of muscle group movements (Anderson and Prestwich 1975). No obvious ill effects were produced by these procedures. Many of the spiders were successfully removed from the apparatus at the conclusion of the experi- ments and released several weeks later. 05 Record i ngs Experiments were preceded by at least 20 min of baseline pressure and myograph recordings. Occasionally it was necessary to break clots In the catheter by gently squeezing the plastic tubing connecting the catheter to the transducer. Activity was Initiated and maintained by lightly scratching the spider's legs or chelicerae with a thin metal wire. This produced vigorous struggles similar to those seen In the runway (see Ch. IV). The main difference was that the spiders' legs were not fully supported. Therefore, a smaller work load was involved in these struggles. Lactate Concentrations To evaluate the actual work done by the spider, I analyzed individuals for lactate. For non-ligatured spiders this was done using different, smaller individuals than were used in the pressure recording experiments, (l felt that this was permissible since none of my previous experiments had suggested any scaling relationship between lactate accumulation and body size.) These spiders were mounted exactly as described for pressure recordings and were stimulated in the same manner. At the end of two minutes of struggle they were frozen by Immersion in liquid N„. The ligatured spiders were killed in a similar manner except In this case the same Individuals that were used for pressure recording experiments were analyzed for lactate. In both cases, the frozen spiders were quickly weighed and them homogenized in k°Z TCA and later analyzed for lactate using the colorimetric method (Ch. II). 106 Results Hemolymph pressures in the legs of resting FiZistata varied betv^/ee^ 10 and 30 mm Hg and were independent of the leg measured. Also, since I cannul ated the leg in a manner that reduced its ability to move, pressure changes were not recorded in response to flexion of the leg itself (Stev/art and Martin ISyt). Pressures during walking and the first few seconds of vigorous activity seldom exceeded 70 mm Hg. Maximum peak pressures occurred during violent struggles and were as high as 'tyS mm Hg and usually were not achieved until 15 or 20 sec after the initiation of maximal struggling activity. Although both the prosoma and the opisthosoma appear to be involved In the generation and maintenance of pressure (Figs. V-1 and 2) the pressure pulses are most clearly associated with the prosomal carapace depressions (Fig. V-1). However, not all equally forceful carapace depressions result in equally large pressure changes. This is obvious in Fig. V-l. The first two large carapace depressions are associated with large but not maximal hemolymph pressure changes on the order of 100-200 mmHg (vs. 450 mmHg) . The third carapace depression of force roughly equal to the first two, resulted in a much larger pressure pulse of 450 mmHg. Op i sthosomal contract ions are increasing slightly in force throughout this period of time. The role of the opisthosomal musculature contractions are clearly shown in Fig. V-2. A general correspondence between both opisthosomal and prosomal contractions and leg pressure Is evident. The large shifts in the baseline of this record occurring at the start of exercise and about 40 sec later are due to slight jarring of the apparatus. Figure V- 1 . Pressure generation and muscle group movements in F. hibemalis. Note that maximum leg hemolymph pressures are not reached until after nearly 30 sec of activity. Also note the correspondence between contractions of prosomal musculature and pressure peaks. 108 o CO CO UJ CO Q. LU O LU GC D 3 CO I CO I LU 3 GC 400- 1 TIME (MIN.) Figure V-2. Same as Figure V-1. However, the figure more clearly shows the role the op i s thosoma 1 musculature can have in the generation of high prosomal pressures. no O €0 UJ oc CL UJ o UJ oc 3 CO CO UJ oc a. < s o m o c ii TIME (MIN.) Ill Measurement of pressure and carapace depression under conditions of maximal struggle over a tV'VO minute period and then after differing periods of recovery are shown in Fig. V-3. The record is typical for eight spiders. Peak pressures are not reached until about 30 sec into activity. In the face of continued stimulation, maximum pressures dropped below 200 mm Hg over the next minute and a half and by the end of the activity period were near 70 mm Hg. After five minutes of rest, four of the spiders were again stimulated for 30 seconds. Typical results are shown in Fig. V-3; peak pressures were 100-200 mm Hg. In general, neither the pressure curve nor the force of carapace contraction appear as high as in rested spiders. The final trace represents leg pressures after ten minutes of rest (N = ^) . Pressures now peak between 250 and 300 mm Hg and average pressures are higher than those obtained after only five minutes of rest. The final experiment involved tying a tight ligature around the pedicel and thereby preventing any movement of hemolymph from the prosoma to the opisthosoma. This was done on two spiders and the results for one spider are shown in Fig. \l-k (results for the other individual were essentially identical). Upon tightening the ligature, leg pressures went to near 250 mm Hg. [This is in contrast to spiders without the ligature where lower {ca. 100 mm Hg) pressures were found during the initial moments of activity.] Peak pressures occurred between 20 and kO sec after tying the ligature and were near ^00 mm Hg. During the first minute, pressures seldom dropped below 100 mm Hg . After the first minute, movements by the spider became very feeble in response to vigorous stimulation. At the end of the to U1 « (D 0) ■(J> u 4-t « J-> 3 3 -Pi TO L 1_ t/i 0) U > d) (U 0- 0) — 01 > u 4-1 (U o 3 M— - 3 TO e 3 X .-. o 4-1 > c ro > TO E . — -a "o 'i ■M d) E "O u u T3 0) c o TO (U 0) -C 0) >— 2 (U ■i-j u Q) Q. Ol 0) ^ >- 1/1 lU T3 Q. 4-1 s_ C (U Ol (D 0) O > c T3 U1 4-J o •— C o •— 0) c u u 3 1/1 u- (U o 1- ■M X (U u- C 1_ (TJ >_ 4-> ^ o 4-1 >~ 3 4-P £ ■o *— ^ C •— c c 1_ •— s - (U X ■— u <— o 1/1 4-1 >^ c — o ■ — 1— k _ u •M ^— ro — - • 03 c O "O "a j:: i-J OJ c c u • a >- CD C fD 13 .— t-^ ^— o S cs -P ^ T3 .— -M U >:» 03 -Q C ■u ^ - c 'i) ^ ■M a; C ID (U 03 0) c It— "~ .— s_ E c 1- (U 0) 03 XI Q. CTl Dl c o 3 — Jl E E 1- C > 3 cr jC O O 03 0) m D 03 (U 03 •— O —J CQ _i O — ) oo 22 s: c o o (U E '— D — o I o o r-- o o CO E 3 Q- E 03 oo O o I o ro O O O LTV I o O CN O O 1^ o o LTV Ol c -a -o 0) 1_ 0) \_ u- >- j^ o 0) OJ ^ u . — ^ o u Ol-C cn (U 03 c 03 1- 1- m 3 0) Q. >• _i CO E ^ T3 OJ ._ -a C T3 _j 03 c 03 C *— 03 03 ■o 4-» c c C ^— c C 03 (U 03 03 ^ D SI E (U ^ cr U j-j s O OJ •— 13 03 N 00 s: O O l_) o o o — CN CO CO OO OO O O a. Q- Q. < Q < CJ .vi3 Q. Q. 1 vO a. 4-1 03 0 03 03 ^_ 1 CO „-^ vX3 _ 1 o ■!-> >-T3 1 1 OJ in 1 1 - 0 0 0 03 03 03 n 0. D 3 o Q- Q- 0! x: >- D >- ^ '— ■M H- .^ 1- c Q 2: X •— '— 1_ — 03 1 in C3 < C3 u. < < 0 Q CJ Li. in 3 0 s_ JZ >- Q. Q. 1 >— CO 0 1 C OJ OJ OJ 4-J 4-' 0 03 (TJ -C \- > Q- 0) 3 in u 1- 0 >- >- -C — Q. Q. C3 vO 126 AK resulted In the formation of an interfering precipitant of magnesium ammonium phosphate. Future determinations of samples from individuals suspected of having high AP concentrations should be done on much smaller samples and/or following dialysis of commercial AK. The final volume of all AP analysis reactions was 0.7 to 0.973 ml. Glucose was analyzed using glucostat obtained from Worthington Biochemical and total hexose was determined using anthrone reagent. Biochemicals for all the above analyses were obtained from either Sigma or Boehringer. These and all of the inorganic reagents were of the highest purity available. All reactions were checked with appropriate standards and blanks. Coefficients of variation were generally less than 20%; this is usually considered adequate for these types of analyses (Sacktor and Wormser-Shavi tt 1966). The samples having higher variation were usually those at the limit of detection (oxaloacetate , pyruvate, PEP, GAP, glycerate-3-phosphate, and GIP). Other substances with larger coefficients of variation were anthrone-react i ve substances (which would be expected to show significant differences in concentration between individuals) and FDP (reasons unknown). Results are all expressed as mean +_ standard error. Tests of significance were based on Student's t-test; the level of significance was 0.05. Results Substrate and Hexose Phosphate Levels Measurements of total anthrone reactive materials and glucose during activity are presented in Figure VI-1 for L. lenta and F. hibemalis . 127 Glucose shows a slight but non-significant increase over the 120 sec of activity in Lyaosa. Over the same period glucose concentration doubles in the prosoma of FiZistata, a significant increase. During recovery in Filistata, glucose levels are similar to those measured at 120 sec. A non-significant decrease occurs between five and ten minutes into the recovery period. The concentrations of glucose in L. lenta are about half those of Filistata. Total anthrone reactive substances are also higher in F. hibermalis than in L. lenta (Fig. Vl-l). Two different patterns are seen. In Filistata, an initial decline in prosomal anthrone reactive compounds is followed by a more than doubling in these substances. Large variation occurs in samples taken at 20, 30, and 60 seconds. However, by the 120 sec measurements the increase in total hexose over resting levels is significant, During recovery, a non-significant decrease occurs between minutes 0 and 10 of recovery. In L. lenta total anthrone reactive substances decrease throughout the 120 sec activity period although the change is not significant. At 120 sec nearly all the anthrone reactive substance is apparently glucose. Figures \/l-2 and 3 show the changes in concentration of glucose-6- phosphate (G6P) and fructose- 1 , 6-d i phosphate (FDP). During the 120 sec activity period G6P increases over eight fold in both species, a highly significant change. In Filistata, the G6P concentration continues to increase during recovery. The concentration of FDP varied and the apparently increased levels of this substance are not statistically significant changes. Finally, the concentration of g 1 ucose- 1 -phosphate (GIP) was below the level of resolution for the assay conditions I used (0.01 ymols/g). Figure Vl-l. The metabolism of carbohydrates in active and recovering spiders at 25°C. Circles are for F. la-tbevnalis and triangles are. for L. lenta. In Filistata, significant increases in total anthrone-react i ve substances occur by the end of two minutes activity while in Lycosa these substances decrease slightly in concentration. The results suggest that in Fitistata carbohydrate enters the prosoma from the opisthosoma during exercise. Recovery values for glucose and anthrone-react i ve substances show non-significant decreases in concentration over the ten minutes of recovery. < o cc (0 t- -1 n z 2 LU 3. o z o o 10 r . t ANTHRONE GLUCOSE 129 I^^-^^ ^ Ui { L -Vf +5 +10 TIME (MIN.) Figure VI-2 and 3- Metabolism of gl ucose-6-phosphate (G6p) and fructose-l, 6-d i phosphate (FDP) during activity and recovery. Concentrations of G6P increase significantly, there are no significant changes in FDP concentration. Significantly higher concen- trations of G6P in Filistata (circles) during recovery (compared to the end of activity) may be related to gl uconeogenes i s . Figure VI-4. Malate metabolism. Significant decreases in malate concentration occur in Filistata (open circles). This is contrary to what would be expected under hypoxemic conditions such as prevail in exercise where an increase in malate is expected (see Ch. II). The results may be explainable by the conversion of malate to fumarate and/or succinate. 131 < ^ fr o t= « 2 ^ UJ 2 O 3- Z o o 0.5 - +5*10 TIME (MiN.) 132 Concentrations of Intermediates The levels of glyceral dehyde-3"phosphate (GAP) varied between about 1 to 2k% those of d i hydroxyacetone phosphate (DAP, Fig. \J\-G) averaging ]2% of the concentration of DAP, or about 0.01 umol/g. Values for glycerate- 3-phosphate were near 0.7 ymol /g , p hos p hoe no 1 py r u va t e (PEP) was below the limit of detection (0.005 ymol/g) and pyruvate concentrations were at the level of detection of 0.05 ymols/g. However, for these three compounds, only 6 total samples were analyzed; 2 at t = 0 sec and k at t = 60 sec, all for Filistata. Finally, oxaloacetate levels averaged near 0.08 ymol/g. For all of these substances the standard errors were very large and approached 30% of the value of the mean in some cases. Thus, they were not graphed. More reliable data will require the use of more sensitive techniques involving enzyme cycling and/or flurorimetry (Lowry and Passonneau 1972). Other Intermediates The concentration of L-malate (Fig. Vl-A) declined significantly during the 120 sec activity period in both species. By the end of exercise malate concentrations had dropped to 1/3 of their initial values. In recovery in Filistata non-significant increases of malate occurred. Enzymatical ly determined levels of D-lactate are shown in Fig. VI-5. Throughout 120 sec of activity, Filistata maintains higher concentrations of this substance than Lyaosa. The same is true of the other known anaerobic by-product of spiders, gl ycerol -3-phosphate (G3P) • Initial increases of G3P were not significant due to high variability but concen- trations of this substance were significantly elevated after 120 sec of Figure Vl-S. D-lactate metabolism during exercise in Filistata (circles) and Lyaosa (triangles). The results are consistent with those presented earlier (Chs. I! and IV). Figure Vl-o. The metabolism of gl ycerol -3"phospate (G3P) and d i hydroxyacetone phosphate (DAP). increases in G3P concentration are significant but are only oa. 5Z of those of lactate. 15 13A D-LACTATE a. 5 O ^ z o o 10 -y^H r- 1.0 Q3P U- -7^ p.5+10 TIME (MiNj 135 activity (Fig. VI-6). The ratio of D-lactate to G3P was 19: 1 in Filistata and 21:1 in Lyaosa. During recovery, there was a non-significant decrease in G3P coupled with a non-significant increase in DAP in Filistata. High-Energy Phosphate Compounds Changes in the concentrations of arginine phosphate (AP) and the adenosine phosphates (ATP, ADP, and AMP) are shown in Figures VI-7, 8, and 9 and fluctuations in inorganic phosphate (P.) levels are depicted in Figure VI-10. The initiation of activity results in dramatic alterations in the concentrations of all of these substances with the changes being most extreme in Filistata. These changes will be carefully evaluated i n the Di scuss ion. Di scuss ion Carbohydrate Metabolism The prosomal carbohydrate concentrations of Lycosa and Filistata are similar to the range of concentrations reported for other spiders. Rakotovao (1975) reported whole spider trehalose concentrations ranged between 0.3 and 5-8 ymols/g with the range for glycogen being 12.2 to 62.7 vmols/g (glucose equivalents) in an orb weaver, Collatz and Speck (1970) reported a whole body glucose concentration of 1.8 and a sucrose concentration of 1.2 ymols/g; glycogen was 100 ymols/g In an Agelenid spider. Looking only at hemolymph, Stewart and Martin (1970) found a tarantula's glucose concentration to be 0.28 ymols/g with total anthrone Figure VI-7- The metabolism of arginine phosphate (AP) in Filistata (circles) and Lycosa (triangles). Note the very rapid depletion over the first 15 sec or less of activity. Figure Vi-8. ATP metabolism in Lycosa and Filistata, Figure \!\-S. Changes in concentration of ADP (open symbols) and AMP (dark symbols) in Lycosa (triangles) and Filistata (circles). Especially important are the rapid increases in AMP which may have an important role in activating glycolysis (see Appendix ll). 137 10r ■W^T- I AP z o 2 o LU i O 3- Z o o 5 - 1.0 Figure VI-10. Changes in the concentration of inorganic phosphate (P|) during activity and recovery. Resting levels of P| are higher than expected and suggestive of some hydrolysis of arginine phosphate (AP) during handling of the samples. Note the significant increases in P; that occur simultaneously with decreases of AP (Fig. VI-7). Figure VI-11. Energy charge during activity in Filistata (circles) and Lyoosa (triangles). Energy charge is defined mathemat ical ly as : (2ATP + ADP) Energy charge = 2(ATP + ADP + A^p) An energy charge of 1.0 indicates all adenosine phosphates exist as ATP and a cell possesses a large amount of ""P potential energy. Conversely, an energy charge of 0 means all adenosine phosphate compounds are. present as AMP and there are no ~P available in the adenosine pool. Note the high resting energy charge in both species, its rapid decrease and then attainment of steady-state after oa. 30 sec of activity. 139 o 1- < GC CO f- -J Z o T LU g; O z o o a c < z u > o a: UJ ♦5+10 TIME (MIN.) 1 40 reactive substances of 0.72 ymols/g. They suggested the O.kk (jmols/g of non-glucose material was trehalose since this substance Is found in scorpions (Br i cteux-Grego i re et at. 1963). My data are for whole prosomas and although the glucose data agree well, the non-explained anthrone reactive materials (glycogen and trehalose?) are somewhat lower than those summarized above. This may indicate that the opisthosoma is richer in these materials than the prosoma. In both Filistata and Lycosa the prosomal glucose concentration increases with the onset of activity (Fig. VI-1). The source of this glucose is not evident. The initial concentration of anthrone- react i ve substances are not sufficient to explain the accumulations of different substances that occur over 120 sec of activity (Table VI-2) in both species. This conclusion is reached by subtraction of the t = 120 sec concentrations of glucose and total hexose phosphates from the initial total anthrone reactive substance concentration. The result must be at least twice the accumulation of lactate since 2 lactates are produced per hexose that enters glycolysis. Table \l\-2 shows the initial hexose in Filistata is not even close to the required amount and that of Lyoosa is also considerably less than needed. Thus, it is reasonable that the opisthosomas of these spiders provide some form of hexose to the prosoma during exercise via the hemolymph. This is especially evident in Figure V I - 1 for Filistata: the concentration of anthrone-react i ve materials significantly increases during activity. The increase in glucose concentration in Filistata is about 2.5 Umols/g and is not sufficient to explain the 7 pmol/g increase in anthrone reactive substances. Based on the evidence from other species cited at the start of this section, I suggest that some opisthosomal tissues may be a ]k] Table \l\-2. The amount of carbohydrate present in spider prosomas at the start of exercise compared to the amount needed to produce all the Intermediates and lactate found after two minutes of activity. The differences should be zero, because they are not, carbohydrate must be being added to the prosoma during exerc i se. T - 120 Glucose Needed Initial Anthrone- Hexose-P For Species Reactive Substances Total Lactate Difference F. hibemalis 8.3 6.8 -5-8 -6.1 1.8 -8.6 L. lenta 6.k 2.8 -5-2 -2.2 0.7 -3.5 Need: based on assuming that all carbohydrate is burned only to lactate. Therefore, the increase in lactate concentration ^ 2 equals the required hexose. This figure tends to err in favor of less hexose needed that is really the case since it does not take into account the increases in concentrations of trioses and triose phosphates which in the case of DAP and G3P are significant {aa. 1 ymol/g total). Difference: initial ( [anthrone]-f i na 1 ( gl ucose] + [hexose-P] + ( 1 actate/2) . ]kl E O i/l - Cl 1- 1/1 0) o > ^ o D 1) 1- c — -o 1/1 c O TO c (U » -O (U — u (T] !- 4-1 0) O X I- (U ID c o LA + t/1 o 03 \- *-> C - -3 (u -a ■w 0) '3 □. fT3 C 0) Ol 0) 03 >- CD > c .r: Q LA J- LA CXD CA „_ CJ V 4-1 in — n3 4-1 iJ: t— ro -T rr\CO LA CA X O (U •»-> -C 1 . u 1— C i_ — o o q- o (Tl o O o OO .— O Q. 1/1 •^ 1 + + + 1 , — 14— 0) (U OJ C5 1 < o t-A o o O CA r-~ E o — (1) y- *-i 1— — in •l>> CN + + I + + 1 (n in c c c O (U — • CL t~-i (U — in x: lO Q. .c Cl. (U 1- 0) .— 03 < 4-) (U 0 s; ^ • . * , in > >. i. 1 o O o o ^- o c T3 1- c O 4-> SL, o + + + + + 1 o 0) 0) > > o — -O J3 !a 4-/ (T3 u — 0) 4-1 U Ol OJ - 1_ ^ 03 — 03 2 0 "J- — 3 (U « o C 0) > XI 0) -Q O o CT^ rA CM CM CM 1- •— > r<^ o LA rA (T^ CPl .— » — -o -w 1 • > > > . . u — JZ U U) 4-( .^ O CM o O O CM CM .— 3 h- ID ~-v (T3 3 « CM + + + + + 1 lU O (/I Ol O jr X (Tl — 0) -C ■bJ in • C o C 1/1 -w c •~ E o . (U o 1- 13. *^<-— ^ CO O -3- ^ o ^ -3- -3- 4-1 ,— .^ 4-1 .— D — - i/l — CSJ vO OA rA vjD v^D 4-* (13 4-1 T3 1) — •r^ r . . (U c X 03 C l/l — O — O O o — O 3 (0 Q. E ui 0 m-~^ '— 1 1 1 1 1 + X) o in i- (U .- 0) !H ^ -3- O -3- CM CM 0 CTl -a h- (/I C 13. -— "k o r^ MD oo -3- (^ vO c c < O — . CTl in 3 ^ O C O ^ 1 o CIS o »— C7^ O o ^ Q. C 0) .c ^-^ o r— >~ X o O in Q. 1 + + + 1 + — o O Q. o. in O Q Q- rA + c 10 X 4-1 Q. - C71 Q. ■a ■D < en c ^ — ' Q- u u. (U 0) X ^ 1- T3 c C (T3 (U C 4-> X u- > c OJ N (13 (13 (D X u 4-t (T3 OJ CTl 3 C 0 0) 01 (U •— Q. □- 4-1 X , — ^ ^— 0) 1 . — vD < o — Q. 0) CTl Q. X in — JQ O x: .— O Q 1— n: in > C < 4-» 0) 3 10 c Ol XI 4-^ O o in CJ — in in t- (13 ■— o . o X XI X a. (t! 03 0) 4-1 •^ ■z. < in (_) 1— Q. (D LJ V 1- l/l «. 1- J3 . . • Q. Q- u < ■~o OJ X oo — — — C3 Li_ Q *J 1A7 (U ■a Q. t/1 (/> o u (U X (U 01 c 3 tf\ ID O E (A c (a g o ft. ►-J ■0 0 c •— J3 (0 • ■M 05 -a (D •^ « (U r-J 0. 4-1 ^ M Z (D ■u g < — C S, 3 (U Q) « 0 u '^ l/l — •r^ (U - -W ai 1) 03 1- Ol <» (L) 1- S C (TJ 0 (U J= '^ 1 0 ^ « 01 >~ •^ — CTl Jh JT 1- (U C C Q) ._ lii CJ3 in e^ (U . ai >^ c — to iJ- -C U (D (U TJ -C C f- m o CS] o CNl o 0) E <0 u c (0 4-1 (/) 3 to o -3- o 00 o 1^ (T\ \D — r-. vD 0 (NJ \S\ 00 LA 0 1^ 0 O^ LA LA CNl LA CO -3- 0 r~~ 0 04 cr\ 0 ' — 00 CO 0 ^ 0 CNl CN O o LA 00 — 00 -3- OA f-A o CN -3- CA O CO o o o — — MD PA CN rA -3- LA O < I— < Q. O < CN PA O CN O O CN f-A CN r^ CN rA CO O 00 LA O CN 1^ vO 1 1 -3- 1 0 1 r r- 1 0) nj o >- CTl L. (U — c Q_ LU O OA O CN LA LA <3^ O — -3- CO -3- -3- CN O CN lU o c:i. c o o Q- ■o o Q. s U 0 14- (0 0) •^ 3 X 4-1 ^— re , — ^ c OJ 1- Q_ 0) > 0 s: 4-1 1_ jr < 0 (U 0 4-J a. a. ■a 0) 0 0 + •— l/l U < c Q. ~ vi) < >- SI ^- NO CN Q. 1- 3 c cn 1— 0 0 — < JZ M ^— ' Q. r^ 2 4-1 CN in vo E 3 ^^ 0 Q. I ^ CD ■ - * TJ 1_ CL 4-b >- C m ,— . t— 1 CO TJ (D ^ Q- f— ( 3 0 1— Q. 0 ■UJ 1- < a 1/1 l/l 0 >- <_ 0) ■ui Ol -n in ^ 1- •— U 0) II — j: 03 c Q 1— 00 u J [ 1 \k8 However, my data show AP to ATP ratios of 1.75 to 1 and 2.75 to 1 with resting P. concentrations of 12.7 and 9.0 in F'ilistata and Luaosa respectively. Given the lability of AP and the high energy charge of resting spiders (Fig. V I - 1 I , suggesting little ATP hydrolysis), I assumed that the AP concentrations reported for rest (t = 0) are minimal estimates for resting conditions and that the elevated P. is due to hydrolysis of this substance. There are two possible causes of low AP : (a) minor activity (less than one sec) occurred when some individuals were frozen and (b) the fact that the t = 0 samples had to be analyzed twice over a 1.5 day period due to problems in the AP assay encountered when high concentrations of AP were present (see Methods). (These difficulties were not experienced with any of the other samples.) There is only one other discrepancy in the high-energy phosphate compound data. In Table \/l-3, the total adenosine phosphate concentrations are summed for each interval during the activity period. These sums should all be roughly the same or decrease slightly with time due dephosphory- latlon of AMP to adenosine (Lowery et al . 196^) or deamination to inosine monophosphate (Lowenstein 1972). In Lyaosa, the summed concentrations are constant. However, in Filistata the t = 0 and 30 sec summations are much greater than any of the others. Thus, a positive bias to the concentrations of one or more of the adenosine phosphates is possible. However, overall the agreement is good and the possibility of some of the fluctuations being due to conversion of adenosine needs investigation. The general consistency of all of the data relating to the metabolism of phosphorylated compounds is shown in Table \l\-h. Here, the changes in bonded phosphate concentrations (both in intermediates and in high-energy 149 compounds) are compared with the changes in P.. Excellent correspondence is obtained in all intervals except early recovery in Filistata and the 0 to 15 sec interval in Lyaosa. However, even these deviations are small in light of the large standard errors associated with some of the com- pounds used in obtaining these results (Figs. \/l-3, 6, and 10). One very important result shown in Table Vl-^ is that the rate of phosphate cleavage reaches an equilibrium after 10 to 15 sec of activity. This is reflected in the relatively small changes in total AP , ATP, and ADP after this time (there may actually be a net ATP synthesis in Filistata, see Fig. VI-8). Another indication of equilibirum is shown on Fig. Vi-11 which graphs the prosomal energy charge with respect to time. Energy charge is a measure of the ability to do chemical work. A value of 1.0 equates to maximal energization in the cell due to the presence of all adenosine compounds in the form of ATP. An energy charge of 0 indicates all adenosine compounds exist as AMP. In spiders, the energy charge drops prec ip i t ious 1 y from 0.95 (an extremely high value) to a minimum of 0.56 or 0.8 within 20 sec. From then on, the level is constant. An even more sensitive measure of the ability of the cell to do work is the phosphorylation potential (F) . It also drops rapidly at the start of exercise and thereafter changes very little. Both measures indicate an equilibrium between the use and production of ~P. Finally, the energy charge quickly returns to a higher value during recovery (O.8O and 0.93 after five and ten minutes of recovery). It is evident that spiders are different from insects. This point was made most recently by Anderson and Prestwich (1982) in reference to the aerobic capacities of spiders. Another reflection of this is in 150 Table Vl-S where the metabolism of high energy phosphate compounds in running spiders is compared to a fly in flight. Examination of the resting (t = 0) values in the table points up several interesting differences. First, ADP concentrations in spiders are quite low compared to Phomria (a fly) and also to other animal tissues where they normally are between 1 to 2 ymols/g (Newsholme and Start '973; Lehninger 1975; Sacktor and Hurlbut 1966). The spider values are only 1/10 as much. This low concentration is correlated with the high energy charge {'^ 0.95) found in spiders compared to the ratio of 0.85 to 0.9 normally seen in other organisms (Lehninger 1975). Secondly, the ratio of AP to ATP in spiders is less like that of the fly, and more like the CP (creatine phosphate) to ATP ratio of mammals. In mammals the CP:ATP ratio of muscle is typically about 5 to 1 (Lehninger 1975) and in spiders it is at least 2 or A to 1 . By contrast, Phormia has an AP to ATP ratio of I to 2.25. This indicates spiders and vertebrates have a much higher reliance on phosphagen stores during muscular activity than do insects. The differences between insects and spiders are even more impressive when the changes that occur in the concentrations of metabolic and energy intermediates at the onset of flight and running are examined (Table iV- 5). in spiders, within 15 sec of the onset of vigorous activity AP is completely depleted and ATP has dropped by 33 to 50%. By contrast, in Phormia AP concentrations drop 33? ( a small absolute change) and ATP decreases \1%. Clearly, spiders are more dependent upon stored phosphate during the early phases of movement. This is analogous to the process as seen in a human sprinter where tremendous CP and ATP depletions occur during short runs (McArdle I98I). la o 151 The Relative Contributions of Stored High-Energy Phosphates and Glycolysis to Phase I of Activity Glycolysis is completely over-shadowed as an energy source by the useof AP and ATP stores during the first 10 to 15 sec of activity. During this time, phosphate is cleaved from stores at a rate of 65 ymols/g min in Filistata and 37 ymols/g min in Lyaosa (10 and 15 sec periods, respectively). These rates might be higher since it is possible the AP and ATP is used in a shorter time than the measurement intervals. During these same time periods, ~P is produced from anaerobic glycolysis at the rate of about 13 ymols/g min in Filistata and 10 ymols/g min in Lyaosa ssuming 1.5 ~P per lactate and 1.0 per G3P; Ch. II). Thus the cleavage f stores occurs 4 to 5 times faster than its production via glycolysis. Finally, aerobic processes can probably be dismissed as a significant source of ~P due to the low number of spider muscle mitochondria (Linzen and Gallowitz 1975), low PO2 (Angersbach 1 978) , and the time necessary to achieve full activation of the Krebs Cycle (See Appendix 11, and Sacl- in u 0) *J 1- • — !U 4-1 > u lU m 1/1 ■a \- c o 03 u- ,— ^ l/l •M (U <^ \- ■a . u II X 0 1 X ' — 0 0 0 0 LA 0 (TJ 0 0 CsJ CN LH ■uj 0 0 ^^ 4-1 4-^ (3^ f -3- c^ vO 1 CNJ 0 ro 0 I 0 — 0 — Q. LA — ro LA -3- 0 p^ CNJ (T\ 1 > 1 D ; ; I 04 CNJ vX3 ; — C7\ (N LA XI 0) 4-1 0^ 0 0 •— LA TD (U 1- 1_ (TJ Q- 0) C o\o 0 c OJ (T3 f— OJ 1 E 0 (Nl 0) (T3 O v^ I O -3- ID B Q. 3 X X X X X (TJ (T3 (TJ (TJ (TJ b b £ c b ^ • — 1 (0 OJ 0 0 ^ *■ — ^ ^ \- Ol 4-> C -0 fTJ 0 ,— . 0 3 OJ 1/1 (U (U •K Ol in 1/1 — (TI > X \- J3 \ > 0 i_ ifl (T3 •— •— OJ ^— ^ 1/1 — i_ OJ 0) - 0 0 Q. 1/1 U u X (T3 E c ^- -0 l/l Q. (TJ 0 •— ' — ^ • ^ 2 ■ ■^ ~i C 2 c 0 in ^ E ^ — 1- E E in ■ — ■ 0 E 03 x: a 0 4-< 0 \- ■" 0 i^ 4-1 0 w 0) E U1 1/1 4-1 0 1/1 1- (TJ (U ifl 1/1 Wl in >- 0 .— 1/1 .^ Ol 0 (D (U 4-1 !J1 0 tjl <— 0 ^ i_ Q. >- ' — ' X (U J3 0 Q. (TJ -Q 0 X _l (13 JD 0 t: OJ — (N 158 E X fTJ o u < 1) ■a 9) 3 C C o u 0) J3 > Q. E >^ "o E (U V 3 d^ 1- C > u o c > o — r^ (T3 — 1- 3 Ml 4-J (D CM LO O t_) l/l ^ Q. „ — ^ 1- 1/1 Q (U £ Q. o >- lU ■UJ c TJ ■ — LPl CM r^ OO TO en m "" ' — 3 jr x: c o o TO •-. • — \- s 2 TO c TO c o l/l 1_ ~ D l/l cn . c TO TO 2 (U o E o c TO t_ TO C o 1/1 !/l JC Q. E O 1) c TO \- TO TO 3 C TO E E O u -a 3 a. c s ■o c < 159 Greenstone and Bennett I98O). Rates of oxygen consumption in spiders correlate strongly with book lung surface areas (Anderson 1970; Anderson and Prestwich 1982). This implies that resting VO^ must also correlate with resting cardiac output (Q) since large lungs by themselves cannot deliver 0- to the tissues. Thus, species with relatively high VO2 must have large book lungs and Q (assuming that hemolymph 0^ capacity is roughly the same in all species). Cardiac output is determined by both stroke volume and heart rate (HR) . Greenstone and Bennett (I98O) and Anderson and Prestwich (1982) have shown that no good interspecific relationship exists between resting HR and VO-. Therefore, different species must rely on different stroke volumes. However, within a species, HR probably is a good indicator of VO- since available data and calculations suggest that stroke volume changes little at different HR and, thus the main determinant of changes in Q is the HR (Appendix I; Ch. IV; Stewart and Martin 197'*; Anderson and Prestwich 1982) . Besides the cardiac output and respiratory surface area, several other factors affect the amount of 0„ available to spider tissues. One very important factor appears to be ventilation of the lungs. Assuming tarantulas are a good model for all spiders, then it appears that in resting spiders there is little ventilation of the lungs. As a result, the P (measured in the heart) is only about 30 torr and the hemolymph is only half saturated, containing about 1 vol % 0„ (Angersbach 1978). There is a time lag between the initiation of activity and an increase in ventil- ation. After ventilation begins, the PaOo ^^y soar to 8O mm Hg and the hemolymph will completely saturate and contain about 2 vol % 0- a02 160 (Angersbach 1978). Additionally, other factors may operate to increase the availability of 0_ to active tissues. Spider hemolymph shows a Bohr effect and the A-V PO- difference may increase (Angersbach 1978). Also, spiders that possess extensive trachea in addition to their lungs may be able to use these structures to boost 0- availability to their tissues (Anderson 1970). Taking HR and ventilation as the main factors that can influence increases in VO- during activity, then maximum rates of VO- may be cal- culated. In mygalomorph spiders such as tarantulas, the maximum increase should be about 8X resting VO2 since these spiders can increase their heart rates a maximum of four times (Stewart and Martin 197^; Angersbach 1978; Anderson and Prestwich 1982) and the saturation of their hemocyanin can double (Angersbach 1978). This estimate agrees with observed \/02 for active tarantulas by Anderson (pers. comm.). For araneomorphs , the maximum increase in VO- should be about l8X resting since HR can Increase about 9X resting (Anderson and Prestwich I982) and assuming that saturation of hemocyanin can double. While the maximum V0_ of spiders may be nearly 18 times resting, the data that have been obtained on spiders performing routine activities suggest that normally VO- during these activities seldom exceeds 3 or k times resting (Seymour and Vinegar 1973; Peakall and Witt 1976; Ford 1977a, b; Prestwich 1977). Working at levels far below their aerobic maxima helps spiders avoid the necessity of reliance on anaerobic metabolism. They preserve the ability to increase their aerobic metabolism and to begin to rely on anaerobic metabolism. The metabolism of stored ~P In moderately active spiders is not known. However, it is not likely that these compounds are greatly 161 depleted during such activities: if a moderately active spider is threatened or presented with prey it can still move rapidly. Data presented in Chapter Vl suggests that if phosphagens were depleted, this rapid movement would be impossible. It can be concluded that abundant ~P compounds are present in sub-maximally active spiders. However, this observation needs biochemical confirmation. Thus, spiders wori oc I- K < -I LU 20 - FILISTATA 101- TIME (MIN.) Figure Vll-A. The changes in utilization of ~P from stores and aerobic and anaerobic metabolism during a two minute maximal struggle. Note that stores are quici >< lOQi- 0- 100 r 0 - o- , T--0-. > X "0 3) m CO CO c a m ■10 ♦20 TIME (MIN.) Figure \/ll-6. Recovery In L. lento, at 25°C after a two minute bout of maximal activity. All physiological values are presented as percentages (see equation Vll-l, Methods). Key to lactate percentages: A prosoma 0 opisthosoma 1 whole spider 130 100 Q Ui UJ Q. 0) z 2 H tu z LU < O < QC -J LU >< Q. < UJ < C H C < UJ X X < 2 > X ^P ♦ 10 ♦20 TIME (MIN.) 181 Anderson 1970; Anderson and Prestwich 1982). Recovery occurs more quickly in P. audax (which possess a large book lung surface area and tracheal system, Ch. l) and slowest in F. ht'bevndl-is (with small lungs and vestigal trachea). Comparison of Ftlistata (Fig. VII-5) and Lycosa (Fig. \/ll-6) again shows a rate of recovery is correlated with exchange surface area. Every physiological parameter (VO^, HR, lactate concen- tration, speed) returns to resting values at a rate that is 10 to 20% greater in Lycosa than in Filistata. Given a slower recovery in Filistata, nevertheless, similarities exist in recovery between these two species and with other spiders. These similarities deal with the overall pattern of recovery, especially as pertains to the circulation. Peak heart rates are reached in both species after the completion of exercise. This seems to be a character- istic of spiders in general, having been reported for mygalomorphs (tarantulas: Stewart and Martin 197'+; Angersbach 1978; Atypus Anderson and Prestwich 1982) and araneomorphs (Heteropod i dae , Wilson 1967; Filistata and Lycosa, Anderson and Prestwich 1982, and this study). The highest rates appear to correspond to the peak VO^ (Ch. ill) and are probably associated with the removal of anaerobic metabolites by both physical (circulation) and biochemical (oxidation) means. The exact mechanism of removal of lactate from the prosoma is speculative. However, the data strongly suggest that it diffuses from prosomal muscles to hemolymph and then is transported to the opisthosoma where some isoxidized completely to CO^ and H„0 but nrrast is oxidized to pyruvate and then converted into hexose (Ch. III). The evidence is reviewed as follows: (A) Heart rates are high and prosomal pressure is 182 is low (Ch. V: Stewart and Martin ISy*; Angersbach 1978; Anderson and Prestwich 1982). Therefore, maximum movement of hemolymph occurs. (D) Prosomal lactate drops during a time when hemolymph pH falls suggest- ing diffusion of lactate from the muscles (Ch. IV: pH data for a tarantula, Angersbach 1978), while meanwhile opisthosomal lactate either remains constant or rises, suggesting that at least some prosomal lactate journeys to the opisthosoma (Figs. IV-S through 7). Removal of lactate from the prosomal muscles by circulation is an important part of recovery because it ameliorates the effects of high lactate more quickly than is possible by direct biochemical oxidation of this by-product. Thus, the muscles are able to worl< again even though the lactate has not been removed from the spiders body. (C) High \/0„ is maintained while the spider is inactive (Ch. Ill; Seymour and Vinegar 1973; Anderson pers. comm. ) . The elevated VO^ is made possible by the high heart rates and possibly increased stroke volume (Stewart and Martin 197'*; Appendix l) coupled with maximal ventilation of the book lungs and a significant Bohr effect (Angersbach 1978). (D) The amount of Oj used during recovery corresponds to the amount used for gl uconeogenes i s of similar quantities of lactate in vertebrates (Ch. Ill, Bennett 1978). (E) The primary biosynthetic tissues associated with the opisthosomal digestive diverticu- lum appear to be well-suited to perform this task (Millot 19^9; Prestwich and Ing in press). (F) The opisthosoma may be a source of glucose compounds that slip into the prosoma during activity (Fig. VJ-l). The concept of spiders being organized into biosynthetic and locomotive regions that is envisioned in the above scheme seems logical and is found in other animals. However, it is well to remember that the above scheme is only circumstantial and needs extensive validation. 183 Temperature The effects of temperature (15° to 33°C) on activity in 25°C acclimated Filistata and Lycosa are summarized in Table Vll-'*. These spiders have a degree of thermal independence in terms of the rate at which they can perform maximal activity. Most processes driven by chemical reactions show a Q,„ of between 2 and 3; resting VO- in spiders usually has a Q,, of between 2.0 and 2.5 (Anderson 1970). However, the Q. for maximum running speed and total distance traveled in 2 min is less than 2 in both species. Maximum rates of struggle (which are important in prey capture and escape) are performed at a rate that changes less with temperature than would be expected based on spiders' Q,- value for aerobic metabolism. Data on the effects of temperature on spider activity are incomplete because there are no data for phosphagen metabolism at temperatures other than 25°C. Earlier results have shown the critical role played by these compounds during maximal struggles. Nevertheless, the data for 15°C appear consistent and explainable. At this tempera- ture, HR, rate of lactate production (L) , and \/0„ are all lower than at 25°C. These observations all agree with the shorter distances traveled and slower maximum speeds at this temperature. Likewise, the slower whole animal removal of lactate can be ascribed to the slow rate of oxidative processes at lower temperatures (Anderson 1970). The 33°C results are not so consistent. The spiders ran faster and further than at 25°C. However, L was greater than at 25° in Lycosa and less than at 25° in Filistata. Heart rate and V0-, were both greater than 184 a ■+^ to lis -o (U (tJ E u o m LA c o 3 (U Q. E (U -w « O CO ;) 14- ^ -j 0) J3 ID u T3 .— (U n Q. X X X X X 0 0 LPv r^ v^ ■^ ro vi) \- 0 • • • • (U 00 -3- 00 CN 00 CNI CSi < o o) > ^ • o (TJ — 2: :3. o >■ -Q c O ■l-J (0 "^ 4-13 — O E O m 3 E -1 u ;a < (T3 -a o (U -u 0 0 LA LA 0 0 > (D rA rA CM ■ — CA CA n ■u* 0 0 A A A A ii (D en -J o PA LA -3- o LA 00 (T> — OA O ■l-J ^ 0) 03 i_ — 0) 2 Q. u- 0 E c 0 6^ Csl fa i_ CA 0 •4- rA •> (U ^— c Ol 0 0 0 c ^ ■— 4-1 « — S ■1-J 4-1 0 oc to II 3 X i/i 0 0 0 E u 4-> 4^ 3 Q. E 0) c; •— II E E X (0 185 at 25°C while recovery took longer. Perhaps the longer recovery is caused by temperature effects on g t uconeogenes i s-spec i f i c enzymes. The inconsistencies between lactate production and distance traveled may be explained by two factors in Lyaosa. First, much of the extra distance covered was in phase I. Since phase I is mainly fueled by -P stores, it is possible that Lycosa relies more on ~P stores at this temperature. Second, the very high L in Lycosa at this temperature could have led to fatigue due to lactate accumulations within specific muscles before high concentrations in the prosoma as a whole could occur. This could help explain the rapid fatigue at 33°C and the refusal of most animals to run after one and a half minutes. However, neither of these speculative explanations can be invoked in the case of Filistata at 33°C. Clarifi- cation of the effect of temperature on locomotion will probably have to wait until data on the use of -? stores at non-acclimation temperatures is in hand. Interrelationships Between the Ecology, Behaviors, and Aerobic and Anaerobic Abilities of Spiders A vviovi , it seems that an interrelationship should exist between a spider's behavior, its aerobic metabolism (VO-) , and anaerobic metabol- ism. The bases for this supposition deal with the ways that resting VO- on one hand, and anaerobic metabolic abilities coupled with the intensity of activity, on the other, correlate with the book lung surface area. A review of these interrelationships is necessary prior to discussion of the factors that determine the mix of aerobic and anaerobic capabilities possessed by a given species of spider. 186 Convincing evidence has been presented that indicates that resting VOj is largely determined by ecological factors; principly the quality, abundance, and pattern of food availability (Anderson 1970, 197^, 1978; Anderson and Prestwich 1982; McNab I98O). Thus, sp i ders that are long- I i ved and/or may commonly experience extended periods of low prey availability tend to have low resting VO- and the ability to survive long periods of starvation. Examples of such spiders are Lycosa and Filistata (Anderson 197^). Other spiders, e.g. the orb weavers, have life cycles that are tightly interfaced with the availability of prey. These spiders possess relatively high VOo (Anderson and Prestwich 1982). Anderson (1970) and Anderson and Prestwich (1982) have shown that a strong direct correlation exists between book lung surface area and rest- ing VO-. In a general sense, it is also reasonable that maximal VO- should correlate directly with respiratory surface area assuming ventilatory and circulatory adjustments are similar in all species. Data suggesting that this is in fact the case in spiders is presented in Chapter III; peak VO- was highest in P. audax, intermediate in L. lenta, and lowest in F. hibemalis. The same ordering is found with both resting VO- and book lung surface area (Table 1-1). In the earlier chapters evidence was presented that the magnitude of anaerobic metabolism for any activity correlates directly with the intensity of activity and inversely with the book lung surface area (Fig. 11-2; Chs. II, III, IV). Thus, at some common intensity of activity a spider with small respiratory surface area shows a larger anaerobic accumulation and a smaller aerobic dependence than a spider with large lungs. The remainder of this section deals with the actual 187 mix of behavior and aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms found in spiders and speculates on the forces that shape these interrelationships. Web-Bu i 1 ders Orb-weavers possess high resting VO- and large book lung surface areas (Anderson and Prestwich 1982). Their aerobic capacities are large compared to other spiders since even a small factorial increase in VO- over resting levels will result in a large total VOj • Their major daily activity is web-building which may take one hour to complete. It is performed without rest periods and requires an approximate doubling in \10~ over resting levels (Peakall and Witt 1976). Anaerobic contributions amount to less than one percent of the total cost when measured at the moment the web is complete (see Ch. 111). The completed orb web simultaneously increases the area the spider is able to sample for prey, minimizes the necessity for the spider to move about to locate and capture prey (since it both ensnarls the victim and informs the spider of its exact location), and enables the spider to capture two or more prey, at the same time. The necessity for active searching and intense activity Is further reduced by the use of silken swathing bands which the spider throws on its victim from a distance. The enshrouded prey may then be easily killed with a poisonous bite. Furthermore, escape from predators by orb-weavers does not require extended vigorous activity since these spiders either go to an off-the- web retreat, or shake the web, or drop to the ground, form a ball, and hide in the vegetation. Thus, orb-weavers can avoid the requirement for anaerobic activity by possession of relatively large aerobic capacities. 188 an efficient trapping web, a separation of activity in to preparation for prey capture (web-construction) and capture itself, and by using relatively passive predator escape techniques. F-ilistata hibematis offers an interesting contrast to the orb weavers. Like the orb-weavers, it makes a trapping web. However, this web Is not suspended but instead forms a sheet over the substratum. Un- like the orb-weavers, Filistata lives for many years and may frequently face times of low ."""^V availability (such as winter). These spiders have very low VO- and small book lungs (Anderson and Prestwich 1982) and high anaerobic capacities (Chs. II and IV). The large anaerobic capacity is probably not related to web-making since it involves minimal activity in this species. {Filistata stands in one place and combs out silk to form its web. To enlarge its snare it occasionally moves to another place and combs silk.) Filistata probably requires its wel 1 -developed anaerobic abilities for struggles with its prey. Unlike orb-weavers, it does not throw swathing bands and instead timidly battles with its trapped victim. Also, its poison does not seem especially potent (based on the time it takes prey to succumb after being bitten). The total time required by Filistata to completely subdue its prey may be several minutes. Lacking the ability to perform these attacks aerobically, it must rely on anaerobic capab i 1 i t i f s . Finally, other spiders with low rates of \/02 that make webs such as Agelenid spiders (Prestwich unpublished) require large anaerobic capacities since their webs are often non-viscid and these spiders in effect must hunt on their webs much like spiders that lack webs (Prestwich 1977; Prestwich and Ing in press). 189 Hunting Spiders Jumping spiders such as P. audax do not make webs. Like orb- weavers they possess high aerobic capacities but they achieve these capacities differently. Jumping spiders have a moderately large book lung surface area and moderate resting VO2 (Anderson 1970). They are able to increase their rate of oxygen consumption many times, possibly through the use of trachea (Anderson 1970; Ch. III). Their large aerobic capacity is vital to their characteristically active prey pursuit. They commonly either patrol vegetation or wait and then pursue any potential victims (Hill 1979). Unlike most spiders they are frequently in motion for extended periods and this activity is undoubtedly aerobic. Escape is also highly aerobic. These spiders spot predators and actively flee them. They also possess excellent anaerobic capacity. This is vital in prey capture (especially of larger items or in cases where the spider had been chasing its victim for some time) because they lack a sticky web to hold their prey and therefore cannot attack incapacitated prey at their leisure. The more common pattern in hunting spiders is seen in Lycosa Zenta. This is a "sit and wait" predator that spends most of its time motionless- short activities of more than minimal intensity result in lactate accumu- lations (Ch. IV). Given their low aerobic abilities and the intense activity that accompanies capture of large prey (Rovner I98O) it is not surprising that they have such high anaerobic capacities. In summary, spiders like other animals, periodically rely on stores and anaerobic metabolism to fuel their activities. This permits them to accomplish feats that would be impossible were they forced to rely on 190 their feeble aerobic abilities. Hov^;eve^, even with their low aerobic capability, they do not possess unusually wel 1 -deve loped anaerobic capacities (Bennett 1978) or phosphagen stores (Lehninger 1975). These non-exceptional metabolic abilities are probably related to the extensive use of silk and poison by spiders. Used both offensively and defensively, these materials lessen the demand for high peak rates of ~P generation. In sum, these adaptations show spiders can be characterized as having reached an "apex" in low energy life style (Anderson 1970, 197^, 1978; Anderson and Prestwich 1982). APPENDICES APPENDIX I THE ESTIMATION OF CARDIAC OUTPUT AND STROKE VOLUME IN SPIDERS Summary A calculation shows that in active tarantulas over 90?: of the increase in cardiac output over resting conditions is due to increased heart rate. Stroke volume is roughly constant or may drop. I ntroduct ion The most complete data on spiders internal and external gas exchange and hemolymph distribution exists for tarantulas. Using data on oxygen consumption (V0«) and A-V P0-, differences, it is possible to calculate cardiac output by the Pick Equation: whe re Q is the cardiac output, VO- the rate of oxygen consumption and C n and CwDo 3re the arterial and venous 0^ contents respectively. a02 ^2 2 Potential problems with the use of this equation to find Q arise from two sources: (a) correct determination of the A-V difference and (b) the assumption of steady state conditions. Correct A-V differences depend upon having representative, fully mixed arterial and venous Cq- values. In the spider, CaOo ^an be determined from the pericardial sac or heart itself since the hemolymph has just passed through the book lungs. The C^q^ is more difficult to find since most opisthosomal 192 193 hemolymph does not combine with hemolymph from the prosoma until after passing through the lungs. However, If one assumes roughly constant A-V differences throughout the resting spider and insignificant opisthosomal VO^ during maximal activity, then estimates of C^^ can be made based on the PO2 of the ventral sinus of the prosoma. Prosomal venous hemolymph flov'js through this structure just before returning to the book lungs. Steady-state assumptions can be met based on the pattern of the animal's activity. Animals at rest or in long-term activity are assumed to be in steady state. Once Q has been calculated, it is a simple matter to calculate an average stroke volume (SV) because: Q = SV" (HR) where HR is the heart rate. Calculation of Resting Q and SV in Tarantulas Assuming a mass of 30 g, then resting VO- = 840 yl 0-/h at 23°C (estimated from Anderson 1970). Data from Angersbach (1978) and Stewart and Martin (197^) indicate a resting heart rate of 30/min. According to Angersbach (1978) the AC02 = 8.5^2 ul O^/ml hemolymph (if PgOo = 27.8, PyOo ~ 5 torr, then 7-9^ yl O^/ml hemolymph are released from hemocyanin and 0.6017 yl from physical solution). Therefore: Q= (8A0 yl 02/h) T (8.542 yl 02/ml) = 98.3 ml/h or Q = 1 . 64 ml/min ]3h The mean stroke volume can now be calculated, $7= (1.6A ml/min) t (30 b/min) = 55 ul/b If the total hemolymph volume in a 30 g tarantula is aa. 6 ml (Stewart and Martin IS?'*), then ca 0.9^ of the total hemolymph volume is ejected per beat. Calculation of Maximal Q and SV Under Steady-State Conditions Using a flow through system, Anderson (pers. comm.) has data indicating the peak sustainable V0„ in tarantulas exercised continuously for ten minutes is aa. 4600 y'l 0„/h, a value that is between 5 and 9X resting VO- (resting VO- varies greatly in tarantulas). Anderson's data suggests the ventilation of the book lungs reaches a maximum after several minutes of activity. This is consistent with Angersbach's (1978) P0„ measurements that showed maximal A-V differences were not reached until after at least a minute of activity. Angersbach (1978) also reported lowest hemolymph pH values (and largest Bohr effects) several minutes after the start of activity, consistent with observations of lactic acid accumulation presented in Chapter IV. Because Anderson's tarantulas exhibited an 0» debt after the completion of 10 min exercise that was far greater than the total 0- capacity of the spider's hemolymph, therefore, it is reasonable to assume that anaerobic pathways were utilized. Thus, exercise was maximal. Under these conditions, AC02 's aa. 15-6 yl 02/111 hemolymph (Angersbach 1978). Heart rate maxima for tarantulas are given by Angersbach (1978) and Stewart and Martin (1975) to be 85 b/min; for 195 argument's sake I will calculate SV based on a rate of 120 b/min, a figure consistent with measurements on other spiders (Ch. IV; and Anderson and Prestwich 1982). Thus , Q = (^600 yl O2) ^ (15.6 yl O^/min) = 294.9 ml/h or aa. ^+.9 ml/min. This represents a 3X increase in Q --If the heart rate is 85 b/min; S7 = 58 yl/b --If the heart rate is 120 b/min; SV = 40 yl/b. Thus, average stroke volume remains constant or may actually decrease by 28% while the heart rate increases by 2.8X and 4X. Therefore, heart rate probably accounts for nearly all of the Increase in cardiac output. Estimation of Maximum SV Based on Non-Steady State Conditions During short bouts of activity, it appears that no increase In ventilation and therefore no increase in CgQo occurs (the resting arterial hemolymph is usually only about 50% saturated with 0„) . The CvOo does decrease to nearly 0, however, this is only a slight change from resting conditions since the ACq- is now 9-557 {vs. 8.542). Heart rates are slightly elevated (Angersbach 1978). If anything, it is likely that SV Is low during maximal running (up to 1 min) since the maximal systolic pressure of the tarantula heart (with help from the opisthosomal muscles) is aa. 100 mmHg while prosomal pressures during activity peaks may exceed 196 A50 mmHg and be above 100 mmHg for much of the activity period (Stewart and Martin 197A; also see Ch. V) . Thus, during most of this time, pumping of hemolymph through the anterior aorta is impossible. Hemolymph may still exit through the posterior aorta (to the opi sthosoma) ; however, this is a much smaller vessel and doubtlessly can transport less hemo- lymph. APPENDIX I I THE REGULATION OF GLYCOLYSIS IN SPIDERS Summary 1. Relative activities of enzymes associated with glycolysis in Lycosid spiders were calculated from literature sources. The results suggest that hexokinase (HK) , phosphof ructokinase (PFK), aldolase, and gl ycerol -3"phosphate dehydrogenase may catalyze non- equilibrium reactions (Table AII-1). 2. Calculations of mass-action ratios (F) for resting and active spiders compared to K values suggest that control points for glycolysis in spiders involve (a) PFK and (b) the feed-i n react ions respons i bl e for providing gl ucose-6-phosphate (Table AII-2). 3. The role of AMP (Ch. Vl) in glycolytic regulation is discussed. Introduct ion The study of the regulation of biochemical pathways can be approached many ways. Two relatively simple but valuable approaches involve first, the characterization of the relative activities of different enzymes used in a pathway and second, the calculation of the mass-action ratios (F) of the individual steps of the pathway compared to the equilibrium constants (K ) for those reactions. eq Comparison of relative activities of pathway enzymes is useful because it points out the places in a pathway where rate- 1 imi t i ng 197 98 steps occui i.3. the reactions catalyzed by enzymes present only in low activity (note: the activity of an enzyme takes into account many factors including titer, thermodynamics of the reaction, "catalytic efficiency" of an enzyme, and modulation of the enzyme). Activities of an enzyme are measured -in vitro under conditions that are thermodynami ca 1 1 y optimal and in the presence of optimal amounts of substrates and activators (Lehninger 1975). Measurement of mass-action ratios (F) is done under conditions of both activity and inactivity of a given pathway. Thus, the resting and active ? values for a given reaction can be compared. Regulatory reactions are usually far from equilibrium (K ) at rest and move towards K when ' ^ eq eq the pathway is activated (Newsholme and Start 1973). Enough data are available for Lycosid spiders to permit a pre- liminary study of the regulation of glycolysis in spiders. In most animals the control points for glycolysis are at the feed-in points for , ^ ^ / , phosphory lase „ , „ , , hexoki nase .^^x substrates {e.g. glycogen-^- <■ >-GlP and glucose >-GdP) , ^, ^. ^. r r ^ c. u i, ^ rriin phos phof r uc tok i na se (PFK) and the activation of f ructose-b-phosphate [VbP — ^ FDP]). Other minor control points may exist at the cleavage of FDP to triose phosphates by aldolase and the ~P transfer to form ATP as phosphoenol pyruvate is converted to pyruvate in a reaction catalyzed by pyruvate kinase (see Fig. 11-1 to locate all of these steps). It is the purpose of this section to compare regulation of glycolysis in other animals, especially insects, with the available data for spiders. 199 Methods and Results Relative Enzyme Activities The activities of nearly all of the glycolytic enzymes have been measured in spiders. Linzen and Gallowitz (1975) measured activities from prosomal, leg and heart muscle homogenates from the wolf spider Cupiennius salei. Prestwich and Ing (in press) measured activities of some of the same enzymes as did Linzen and Gallowitz; however, Prestwich and Ing also measured the activities of several other enzymes. One of the species studied by Prestwich and Ing was the wolf spider Lucosa lenta. There are important methodological differences between these studies: Linzen and Gallowitz (1975) studied isolated muscle not whole tagmata and expressed their results as activity/g fresh weight of muscle (vs. activity/g protein). However, the legs and prosomas of spiders are mainly muscle (Table 1-2) and because it is unlikely that other tissues make as large contributions to glycolysis as does muscle, then it is reasonable to combine the data for Cupiennius and Lycosa to obtain a rough overview of the relative activities of the glycolytic enzymes of wolf spiders. Combining the data from these two different species was accomplished by compari sons of act ivi t i es of enzymes used in both studies [hexokinase, (HK) --Prestwich and Ing, unpublished; gl ycerol -3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) ; lactate dehydrogenase (LDH); malate dehydrogenase (MDil) ; gl utamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) ; g 1 utamate-oxaloacetate trans- aminase (got)]. The ratios of activities of these enzymes in Cupiennius and Lycosa were similar. Therefore, a compilation ofactivities was made using the activity of HK as the index to which the other enzymes were Table AII-1. Relative activities of glycolytic enzymes and 3 Krebs cycle enzymes. All are based on hexoklnase activity of 1.0. 200 Enzyme Legs Prosoma C. salei L. tenta C. satei L. lenta Hexoklnase Phosphogl ucose Isomerase Phosphof ructok Inase Aldolase Triose phosphate isomerase Glycerol -3~phosphate DH G 1 ycera 1 dehyde DH Phosphoglycerate kinase Phosphoglycerate mutase Enol ase Pyruvate kinase Lactate DH Citrate synthetase Isocitrate DH (NAD) Malate Dh'^ 1 90 34 1716 1 161 88 90 64 75 Sh 0.07 134 0.5 49' 34 0.4^ b 52 15 2000 2.4 107 38 48 48 49 37 0.05 95 1 0.5^ 4. A' 34' 95 Data for C. salei are calculated from Linzen and Gallowitz (1975); L. lenta from Prestwich and Ing (in press). Range of activities from 11 species of spiders are PFK, 0.161 to 4; G3PDH 1.5 to 10; LDH 16 to 77; ICDH-NAD 0.06-1.0; MDH 25-135 (Prestwich and Ing, in press) '^Probably over 80% of all MDH activity is cytosolic in nature (Linzen and Gal lowitz 1975) . 201 03 CD •ri C 1^^ •— « ■'-' Ss 0) 00 1- •^ >• ^ -Q fc. — o -c c >• 0) 0) fO > Q. O o c i^ O U. . 1- cm. ^~. T3 o o^ 0) 14- — i/> O rT3 J3 E l/> c o u E 3 J3 U 1_ 0) X (U u 03 JZ 03 ■M C O 03 J3 J3 O Q C S O 03 • — T-~i O • C tCI M- -O c 03 03 1/1 -— ^ (0 I/) U -a 03 0) -Q •w E 03 3 — c 3 U Q. — o 03 *-> O -— ' 03 ^. — vT) 3 ^O O 4-1 03 I- l/l o 14- 1- 03 0) 1/1 1- E 03 U O ^ 3 O 03 l/l 4-1 3 0) 0) -Q z E E 3 O — U- XI c — 0) — .^ 3 03 O" 4-1 03 CM I < 03 J3 03 E 03 3 01 E C — 03 X £ 03 <-> > o o 03 a: t-. l/l o 03 c o < in l/l 03 LA + O 03 in O O 0) 1/1 O l/l 03 cr 03 X X X X X X u^ c>~i LA o J- ^— 1 • 1 o -T ' — 1 -3- 1 — — O O I OO I X o OO I — o CM I • I o I — OO I o OO 00 CO I I o o o o o o X X CNI — r~ LA r^ OO o o csi r^ o o — c-^ (U -o in (U 03 \rt c >~ ^•^ ^ ^ ^..^ 03 03 I o Q 4-1 in '— ^ 4-) _l 03 03 o < <_) ^ 03 in 3 1- C 1- -a 03 14- 03 O O c c 0 1/1 •— -C 03 •— J^ ^— ^ 03 4-> Q. :^ Q. i^ o l/l 0 in u. o 03 0 X O Q. T3 0) jr 0) .c ^— ^ C^ a. X Q. < CN I • I O C3^ ■ I O — PA 1 LA 1 1 •~* r-A cri C7> CO O rA d vO O CN O o f-A o _] < LA O o :^ Li- G- oo O O O u in 3 Ol <3 O ft. 4-J 03 1- 03 1- in o j: ^ 03 14- o. l/l 03 >- t-H O m 1- JZ 03 O >- Ol Q. 1- -C f— c 0) 03 Q. C •— in E l/l 0 4-1 O O 0 in — 1/1 -C ^ 0) 1- .— Q. X CC 202 compared. Because HK was assigned the activity of 1.0, then an enzyme that had 10 times the activity of HK was given a relative activity of 10. The results of this compilation are given on Table A! 1-1. The only enzymes closely associated with glycolysis that have not been measured in wolf spiders and are therefore not included in the table are phosphory ! ase (phosphate cleavage of glycogen) and phosphog 1 uco- mutase (GIF to G6P) . Mass Action Ratios Using the data for Lyoosa presented in Chapter Vl, mass action ratios for glycolytic reactions were calculated whenever possible. The data in Chapter Vl are given as ymols/g fresh weight; for the purpose of calculation these were converted to molar concentrations by assuming a water content of 78%. For comparison, the blowfly data of Sacktor and Hurlbut (1966) and Sacktor and Wormser-Shav i tt (1966) were converted to molarity using the same assumptions as for the spider data. All calculations were done using the equations presented in Newsholme and Start (1973). The results of these calculations are given as Table Al 1-2. Di scuss ion The activities of all of the enzymes associated with glycolysis are quite high except for HK, FFK, and GFDH. The first two enzymes have activities that are at best only 0.07 those of any other glycolytic enzyme. Depending on the source of the sample, GPDH occupies a middle ground between FFK and HK and the other enzymes. 203 Generally, enzymes that are integral parts of a pathway but that occur with activities that are aa. 0.1 to 0.001 those of the other path- way enzymes catalyze non-equilibrium reactions (Newsholme and Start 1973). Their low activities indicate that there are simply not enough active sites available for the reaction to obtain equilibrium in the face of the catalytic actions of the other enzymes that are in much higher activities. Thus, by this criterion, HK, PFK, and GPDH are. all good candidates for controllers for non-equilibrium reactions. Non-equilibrium reactions are often the result of either low enzyme titers {e.g. in reactions that are not important in certain cells) or where control points exist. In the latter case, the activity of the enzyme may be modulated In accordance with the physiological needs of the cell. Identification of reactions that correspond to control points is made on the basis of two criteria. First, the reaction must at times be non-equi 1 ibr I urn. Secondly, when the pathway is perturbed such as to increase the flux through it, the mass-action ratio of the control reactions must increase. This second criterion eliminates the possibility of simple thermodynamic control where with increased flux through a pathway the mass action ratio will remain roughly constant (Newsholme and Start 1973). Calculations of V for resting and exercising spiders are presented in Table AII-2. Large discrepancies (> 10 ) between reaction K and ^ ^ eq resting T exist for HK, PFK, and aldolase controlled reactions. It was not possible to calculate F for GPDH since the concentrations of NAD and NADH were not known. The K and restinqF for the trio sei some rase (TIM) react ion eq differ only by a factor of 10. This difference could easily be due to 20i* poor measurements of g I yceraldehyde-3-phosphate since its concentration was at the limit of resolution (Ch. Vl). Overall, the pattern of resting r values calculated for Lyaosa and Filistata agree well with those for the blowfly. During exercise VO^ increases 2 to perhaps 18 times above resting (see Ch. VII). Based on the initial disappearance of anthrone-react i ve substances and accumulation of lactate (Figs. Vl-'^ and II) it is obvious that there is a large increase in glycolytic flux during exercise. High- flux Fs were calculated for 15, 60 and 120 sec into activity; for com- parison r was also calculated during recovery for Filistata. Table All-2 shows insignificant changes in F for the aldolase- and Tl M-cata 1 yzed reactions. However, for PFK the F increased by a factor of IIX, this is normally regarded as significant and indicative of a control point reaction (Newsholme and Start 1973)- The increases In the F for the PFK reaction parallels the increase in AMP (Fig. Vl-S). During the first 15 sec of activity, AMP increases by a factor of lOX. It is the factorial increase of this substance and its absolute concentration that are important in understanding its role as a regulator of various enzymes (Newsholme and Start 1973). Thus, the situation in spiders appears to be like other animals; as AMP increases the PFK reaction moves towards equilibrium, as it decreases (assuming AMP changes in recovering Lyaosa are like Filistata), the PFK reaction moves away from equilibrium. Other substances probably also help de-inhibit the PFK. One of these is phosphate (P., see Fig. VI-9). After 15 sec of activity, P. has more than doubled in Lyaosa and thus it may also be important in the regulation of PFK (Lehninger 1975). There are several 205 other substances that are common)y thought of as activators of PFK; especially important are increased Ca and 3'5' cyclic AMP (Newsholme and Start 1973)- However, the regulatory roles of these substances in spiders are not known. Finally, the status of the HK-catalyzed reaction cannot be interpreted unambiguously. A large shift of the F toward K may be misleading since spiders can obtain G6P (used in calculation of V for HK), from other reactions, especially the pathway leading from glycogen to GIP to G6P (catalyzed by glycogen phosphory 1 ase and phosphog 1 uco- mutase) . Another possible source of G6P is via the metabolism of trehalose. Given the decrease of anthrone-react i ve substances during exercise (even after correction is made for glucose), it is likely that the con- centration of G6P is determined by several reactions. Thus it is impossible to comment on the importance of HK as a regulatory enzyme with the present data. However, the increase of G6P does indicate that the sum of the reactions leading to the production of G6P are probably regulated and therefore important in the overall regulation of glycolysis as in other animals. The presence, activity, and regulation of glycogen phosphory lase in particular needs investigation due to the major role this enzyme plays in other species and because of insights it may give into the uses of Ca , cyclic AMP, and AMP in metabolic regulation in spiders. In summary, the results in this section should only be regarded as preliminary. They suggest the major regulatory points of glycoylsis in spiders are the same as in other animals. 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