* A k.' Presented to the library of the LMYHRSITY OF TORONTO C Arthur Axler PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY IN MODERN MEDICINE I'.Y .1. J. R. MACLEOD, M.lv PKOFK.ssoK 0» PHYSIOLOGY in thk i nivkksity or TOKONTO, Tl . ruKMt PB0FES80B OK PHYSIOLOGY IN ihk Wl CI.KVKIANI), OHIO Assisted by Roy <;. Peabce, B.A., M.D. Director of the Cardiorespiratory Laboratory of Lakeside BoepitaL Cleveland, < >lii<> AND BY OTHERS SECOND KDTTTON \\ l ill . ll I i 8TRATION8, 1NCLI DING n PLATES l\ COLORS BT LOUIfi c \ mushy COMPANY 1919 Copyright, 191S, 1919, Bv C. V. Mosby Company 3^ Press of C. V. Mosby Company St. Louis TO M. \\ . \l PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION Tin- opportunitj has been taken in this - od edition to elimins typographical errors and to alter the wording in certain cha there was ambiguity of statement in the Brat edition. eonraging reception afforded the \ < ► 1 1 1 m*- has fully confirmed the auth< conviction thai modern acquaintance with physiology i> fundamental tn Bound medical and surgical praeti< .1. .1 R M v i Toronto, Canada. 1919. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION The necessity of allotting the various subjects of the medical eurrie- ilium to different periods, so thai the more Btrictly scientific subj< are completed in the earlier years, has the greal <• enabled to <1- conclusions as to the manner <>t' working of the various fui the animal body in health, and before proceeding to his clinical b1 he is required to show s proficiency in scientific knowh recognized that this must serve as the basis upon which his l of disease is i<> be built When the clinic is ed, however, the nv I hi|n of the scientist arc not infrequently cast of disease is nought for largely bj the empirical meth< endeavor to see and examine innumerabl< according to the grouping of the signs and h the prescribed methods of experiei - • mucl much has to he seen during the clinical years, '1 thought to iIk1 nature of the functional disturb Mr fur the Bymptoms; he fails to realize tl VI PREFACE lial difference between the condition broughl aboul in his patient by some pathological lesion, and thai which may be produced in the labora- tory by experimental procedures, by drugs or by toxins. It, must of course be recognized thai just as the science of medicine originated by the grouping of symptoms into more or less characteristic diseases for which the most favorable method of treatment had to be discovered by experience, so must a certain part of the medical training be more or less empirical but it should at the same time be realized that such a method is only a means to an end, and that the real understanding of disease can be acquired only when every abnormal condition is inter- preted as a primary or secondary consequence of some perverted bodily function, and when the training in observation and the inductive method is carried from the laboratory into the clinic. It is a constant experience of clinical instructors who would employ scientific methods of instruction, that they find the students not only indifferent to an analysis of their cases from the functional standpoint, but also that they are too inadequately prepared in fundamental phys- iological knowledge, to make the analysis possible. The student may have a superficial acquaintance with the main facts of physiological science but have failed to acquire the enquiring habit of mind which will en- able him, through reflection, comparison, and personal research, to ap- ply the knowledge in practical medicine and surgery. For this lack of correlation between the laboratory and clinical stud- ies, the clinical instructors are not alone responsible. The laboratory courses are frequently given without any attempt bein^ made to show the student the bearing of the subject in the interpretation of disease, or to train him so that in his later years he may be able to adapt the methods of investigation which he learned in the laboratory, to the study of morbid conditions. It is self-evident that (without any knowledge of disease) the extent to which the student in the earlier years of the course could be expected to appreciate the clinical significance of what he learns in the laboratory is limited, but this should not deter the in- structor from indicating whenever he can, the general application of s.-icntific knowledge in the interpretation of diseased conditions. But the chief remedy of the evil undoubtedly lies partly in the continuance of certain of the laboratory courses into the clinical years, and partly in the study of medical literature in which the application of physiology and biochemistry in the practice of medicine is emphasized. Notwithstanding the sufficient number of excellent textbooks in phys- iology available to the medical student, there is none in which partic- ular emphasis is laid upon the application of the subject in the routine practice of medicine. In the presenl volume the attempt is made to I'Ki r\t i inni such a waul, by reviewing those portions of pi chemistry which experiei has shown to be clinical investigator. The wort is not intended to '■ either for the regular textbooks in physiology, or for I pathology. It is supplemental-} to Buch volume* 11 d< ike 'I"' modern test in Functional pathology, with .. diseased condition, and then pr >ed to analyze the possibl consequences of the disturbances of function which this exhibil if deals with the present-day knowledge of human physiology in as this can be used in a general way to advance the m disease. In a Bense it is therefore an advanced text in physi those aboul to enter upon their clinical instruction, and time, a review for those of a maturer clinical experience wl to seek the physiological interpretation of d In attempting to fulfil these requirements, it has been deemed • tial to go hack to the fundamentals of the subject, and to exp! simply as possible the physical and physicochemical principles u- which so large a pari of physiological knowledge depends P may I onsidered as an application of the known la- physics and chemistry to explain the functions of living matt only after tin' extent to which this application can be made has appreciated, that the knowledge may be used to Berve as th< foui upon which a superstructure of clinical knowledge can be built In order thai the volume mighl be maintained has been necessary to selecl certain parts of the subje< I emphasis, the hasis of selection being the dej i which our 1 clearly shows the value of the application of physiological method of observation and of thoughl in the study of diseased conditions T has not keen done to the extent of omitting the apparently parts, for these have keen treated in sufficient detail to link I together so as to preserve a logical continuity, and show- the 1 one field of knowledge on another. There are howi of the science, particularly the physiology i special senses, and of reproduction, for which application in t! • fields of medicine and surgery is limited, and omitted entirely. It lias keen judged thai tlii- trary selection is justified on the ground thai tin physiology covers these sub for whom on the other hand, 1 Bible within ike limits of such a volume as this w M chemistry, no attempt is made to review tl characteristic tests of the various chemical sues and fluids This is nlreadv sufli.-i.it' VI 11 PREFACE biochemistry, and in t lie numerous manuals oh clinical methods. Bio- chemical knowledge I8 treated rather from the physiologist's stand- point, as an integral pari of his subject, particular attention, neverthe- less, being paid to the far-reaching applications of this latest depart- ment of medical science, in the elucidation of many obscure problems of clinical medicine, such as those of diabetes, nephritis, acidosis, goiter and myxedema. To make the volume of value to those who may not have had time or opportunity to familiarize themselves with the techni- cal methods of the physiologist and biochemist as used in the modern clinic, a certain amount of space is devoted to a brief description of the methods that appear at present to be receiving most attention, and to be of greatest value. Finally, it should be mentioned that the principles of serum diagnosis and therapy are omitted, since these belong to a highly specialized science requiring an intensive training of its own. In the hope that the volume may be instrumental in arousing sufficient interest to stimulate a more intensive study of the various subjects which it introduces, a brief bibliography is given at the end of each section. The references selected are to papers that are more partic- ularly known to the author; they are not necessarily the most impor- tant publications on the subject, but are often chosen because of the useful reviews of previous work contained in them, rather than because of their own originality. Some of the papers, however, are referred to as authority for statements of fact which may arouse in the reader a desire to ponder for himself the evidence upon which these are based. The references are usually divided into two groups, "monographs" and "original papers," and it is only occasionally that specific reference is made to the former in the context. The original papers, on the other hand, are referred to by numbers. "With the general field of the subject so well covered by such excellent textbooks as Bayliss' "Principles of General Physiology," Stewart's, Howell's, Starling's, and Halliburton's "Human Physiologies," and Leonard Hill's ""Recent and Further Ad- vances in Physiology," the author has felt free to pick and choose from the monographs and original papers, topics that are ordinarily passed over cursorily in the textbook, and when this has been done, the refer- ences are somewhat more extensive. Such is the case for example in the chapters relating to the chemistry of respiration, to the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, to the problems of dietetics and growth, to the physicochemieal basis of neutrality regulation in the animal body, and to the action of en/.ymes. Acknowledgment is gratefully made for the assistance and advice in the preparation of the book, particularly to Doctor P. G. Pearce. for the contribution of several chapters. 1o which his name is attached, and I'REFAI I for which he is entirely responsible; and to Doctor E I criticisms, after patienl perusal of the unfinished n inestimable value in its final revision. Acknowledgment to Doctor l\. \V. Scuti and Professor I' K Lloyd, for valual iticism and advice, and to tin- former for a chapter on I Appli tion of Electrocardiographs." To Ifise Achsa I' M I I thor owes a >f I index thanks arc due to Miss Marian Armour and Mrs M and for permission to use certain of tin figures and illustratioi various authors and publishers who granted it. For th< agemenl and careful execution of the presswork, the author wia thank the publishers, whose courteous and friendly dealings have alwi made the work easier. J. J. i; m \ University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. CONTENTS P \i;t i THE I'llVsn OCHEMICAL BASIS OF PUYSIOLOOK AL PROCESSE EBAL CONSIDERATIONS The Laws "t" Solution, 3; Qas Laws, for Measuring Osmotic P 9a •■'. pa, 7; P CB \i'Ti i: !i Kmi PRE88URE ' '"M 'i Measurement l.v Depression of Frees fusion, and allied Pi in Physiological M ' 1. ('II LPTEB III Electric I'oNhiiTivuv. Dissociation, and I . . Biological Applications, 1'.'. CH \l'l 1 K 1\ Tin; Principles Involved in thi Tit r.il.l.- A.i.iity and alkalinity, 22 23; M:i~> action, 23; application to 1 26; application in Determining the Real CH LPTEB v Tin Principles Envol> d> in tub U The Electric Met! od, 29 : The Ind CH \ITI B \ I Reoulati Buffer Bui -• - M«> .« alkalinity, 1 1 : Til ral ion Mel II ■ s ■ Methods, i»'>. <'H MTI1C VII "it»s Charactei istii Properl 51 ; Tj ndall Phenomenon, ">l ; R ties, .".."> ; Brownian M Xll CONTENTS CHAPTEB VI II page Colloids (Cont'd) 60 Suspensoitls and Emulsoids, 60 j Gelatinization, 61 ; [mbibition, 62; Action of Electrolytes Oil Colloids, 0.'! ; Proteins as Colloids, (>:*,; Surface Tension, 64; Adsorption, <>.">; Everyday Reactions Depending on Adsorption, 66; Conditions Influencing or Influenced by Adsorption, i>7 ; Physiological Processes Depending On Adsorption, 69. CHAPTEB IX Ferments, ok Enzymes 71 The Nature of Enzyme Action, 72; Properties of Enzymes, 7H ; Reversibility of Enzyme Action, 77; Specificity of Enzyme Action, 79; Peculiarities of Enzymes, 80; Types of Enzyme, 81; Enzyme Preparations, 82; Conditions for Enzymic Activity, 82 PART II THE CIRCULATING FLUIDS CHAPTER X Blood: Its General Properties (By R. G. Pearce) 85 Quantity of Blood in the Body, 85; Water Content, 86; Proteins, 87; Fer- ments and Antiferments, 89. CHAPTER XI Tin; Blood Cells (By R. (i. Pearce) 91 lud Blood Corpuscles, or Erythrocytes. 91; Origin, 92; Rates of Regeneration, 93; Hemolysis, 95; Leucocytes, 96; Blood Platelets, 97. CHAPTER XII Blood Clotting 98 Visible Changes in the Blood During Clotting;, 98; Methods of Retarding clotting. 99; Nature of the Clotting Process, 101; Influence of Calcium Salts, 10.".; Influence of Tissues, 104. CHAPTER XIII Blood Clotting (Cont'd) • 106 Theories of Blood Clotting, 106; Intravascular Clotting, 107; Measurement of the Clotting Time, 1|IS: Blood Clotting in Various Physiological Conditions, LlOj Blood clotting in Disease, 111; Hemorrhagic Diseases, 112; Thrombus Forma- tion, 113. CHAPTER XIV Lymph Formation and Circulation 115 General Considerations, 115; Experimental Investigations, 118; Edema, L20. P VRT Ml PIR< i i VTION OF 1 III! BLOOD «'ii \ri i.i; ■• Blooo i' The Mean \i tei ial Blood r • m Spring Man"! 120 : < finical M OH \lTi.i: \\ I The Factors Conci rni d in \i un Pumping A «• t i« r th«' Heart, 134; Periph Blood in the Body, 135; Effect! Hemorrh ity of the Blood, 1 10; Elasticity CHAPTEB \\ II Till ACTION OK Till. HEART The Pumping Action of the Heart, Ml: tnl Comparison of the < (urves, i Is. ill M'TIK Will Tin: PUMPING ACTION OF Till II CONT1 Contour of the [ntracardial Pn 151; V< Auricular Curve, 153; The Mechanism oi 154; The Heart Bounds, 157; < Blectrophonogran - . I 58. CHAPTER XIX Tin: NUTRITION OF Tin: HEART B] I Supply, lfil : Perfusion of the Hi t i. hi of the Heart in Bitu, lr tl ■ • Perfusion Fluid in Cold-bl led and Warm-bl CH M'N B ■• Physiology of the Heabtbi vi < )ii^in aiwl Propagation of tl ^ . - 1 1 i . • Hypothesis, 172 Physiological < liaracti rial ill MTI B XXI I'm sun .h,\ 01 THE II __: i 1 1 and Propagation of t1 tag Tissue in the M ian Hi ''ii \r. Pirrsioi ik.\ oi phe ii Mode of Propaj Ventricles, 191 j - tiirlcs and Auricli XIV CONTENTS CHAPTER Will page The Bloodflow in the Arteries 198 The Pulses, 198; General Characteristics, 198; Hate of Transmission of Pulse Waves, 198; Contour of the Pulse Curve, 200; Velocity Pulse, 1200; Palpable Pulse, 202; Analysis of the Curve, 202; The Dicrotic Wave, 203; Causes of Disappearance of the Pulse in the Veins, 205. CHAPTER XXIV Bate op Movement of the Blood in tee Blood Vessels 206 Velocity of Flow, 206; Mass Movement of the Blood, 208; The Visceral Blood- flow in Man, 212; Work of the Heart, 212; Circulation Time, 213; Movement of Blood in the Veins, 214. CHAPTER XXV The Control of tub Circulation 216 Nerve Control, 217; Vagus Control in the Cold-blooded and the Mammalian Heart, 217; Tonic Vagus Action, 221; Afferent Vagus Impulses, 222; Mechan- ism of Vagus, 224; Termination of the Vagus Fibers in the Heart. 225; Sym- pathetic Control, 227. CHAPTER XXVI The Control of the Circulation (Cont'd) 229 Nerve Control of Peripheral Resistance, 229; Detection of Vasomotor Fibers in Nerves, 231; Origin of Vasomotor Nerve Fibers, 2."»2 ; Vasomotor Nerve Centers, 235; Independent Tonicity of Blood Vessels, 236. CHAPTER XXVII The Control of the Circulation (Cont'd) 237 Control of the Vasomotor Center, 237; Hormone Control, 237; Nerve Control. 238; Pressor and Depressor Impulses, 239; Reciprocal Innervation of Vascular Areas, 243; Influence of Gravity on the Circulation. 214. CHAPTER XXVIII Peculiarities of Blood Supply in Certain Viscera 247 Circulation in the Brain, 247; Anatomical Peculiarities, 247; Physical Condi- tions of Circulation, 249; Vasomotor Nerves, 252; Intracranial Pressure, 253; Circulation through the Lungs, 25.1; Circulation through the Liver. 255; The Coronary Circulation, 257. CHAPTER XXIX ('link '.\ i, Applications of Certain Physiological Methods 259 Electrocardiograms, 259; The Ventricular Complex, 262. CHAPTER XXX Clinical Applications op Certain Physiological Methods (Cont'd) .... 266 Electrocardiograms of the More Usual Forms of Cardiac Irregularities, 266; Sinus Arrhythmia, 266; sinus Bradycardia, 266; The Extrasystole, 266; Parox- ysmal Tachycardia, 269; Auricular Fibrillation, 269; Auricular Flutter, 269; Heart-block, 270. CH M'li i: Clinical Applica Polysphygmograms, 273 ; \ Pulse Tracings, 278 : tbnoi mal I ' CU \i'Tii; XXXII Clinical ai-im.i. i pions of Certain P Measurement of the Mass Movemenl 282; Clinical Conditions Which Affecl the i CHAPTEB XXXIII Shock (iiu\ it\ shock, 287 ; Hemorrhi _ - Shock, 288; Nervous 81 k. 289; fi vestigation of Shock, 289 ; Treatment 295. PART IV RESPIRATION CH LPTEB .\X.\I\ Respiration The Mechanics Lration, 299 ; P -W ; Bespiratory Tracing T [ntrapleural on Bl 1 Pressure, ."■ CHAPTEB -\.\.\\ The Mb hanics or Besptrati - r.-> i;. o. p Variations in Dead Space, Besidual Air and the Mi Various Physiological and Pathological C CHAPTEB WW I The Mecb Bi bptrai i Bi i;. i The Mechanism of thi • The Movements of the Bibs, ;l">: The \ I 319 : The Action >>i' the Diapl meats "" the I CHAP1 WYii The Control of Bi bpir > The B ij i'U W ! ..Will Tin. Control or Bespih Bormons Control • Arterial Bloo< . ». in Venom \ \ I CONTEXTS CHAPTER XXXIX page The Control of Respiration (Cont'd) (By R. G. Pf.arce) 344 Estimation of the Alveolar Cases. ::44 : Method for Normal Subjects, 345; Clinical Method. 347. CHAPTER XL The Control of Respiration (Cont'd) 349 The Nature of the Respiratory Hormone, 349; Relationship between CO., of Inspired Air and Pulmonary Ventilation, 350; Possibility that (XX Specifically Stimulates the Center, 352; Relationship among Acidosis, Alveolar CO. and Respiratory Activity, .'!."i4. CHAPTER XLI The Control of Respiration (Cont'd) 356 The Constancy of the Alveolar C02 Tension under Normal Conditions, 256 ; Sensitivity of the Center to Changes in the CO, Tension of the Alveolar Air, 357; Alveolar C02 Tension during Breathing in a Confined Space, 357, in Rarefied Air, 360, and in Apnea, 362. CHAPTER XLII The Control of Respiration (Cont'd) 366 The Effect of Muscular Exercise on the Respiration, 356. CHAPTER XLIII The Control of Respiration (Cont'd) 371 Pii iodic Breathing. .".71; Types of Periodic Breathing, 371; Causes of Periodic Breathing, 372. CHAPTER XLIV Respiration beyond the Lungs 378 Transportation of Gases by the Blood, 379; Transportation of Oxygen, 379; Dissociation Curve, 383; Difference between Curves of Blood and Hemoglobin Solution, 383; Rate of Dissociation, 3S6; Dissociation Constant, 388. CHAPTER XLV Respiration beyond the Lungs (Cont'd) 390 Means by Which the Blood Carries the Gases, 390; Oxygen Requirement of the Tissues, 393; Mechanism by Which the Demands of the Tissues for Oxy- gen Are Met, 397. CHAPTER XLVI The Physiology of Breathing in Compressed Air and in Rarefied Air . . . 399 Mountain Sickness, 399; Compressed Air Sickness (Caisson Disease), 402; Practical Application in Treatment, 406. CHAPTER XLVII The Circulatory and Respiratory Changes Accompanying: Muscular Exercise 410 Mechanical Factor. 410; Nervous Factor, 412: Hormone Factor, 413. PART V DIGESTION CH WTl.i: \I.\ III EBAL PHYSIOLOGY 01 nil In. Microscopic Changes during Activity, 418 ; M< Ohangea during Activity, 421; <'..iitr,,i of Olai Control, 423. CH U'Ti.i: xu \ PHYSIO] THI DlOl Hormone Control, 125 : N< « *. . 1 1 1 r . . ] CHAPTEB I. PHYSIOLOGY Of THE DIOBSTTVI GLANDS (CONT'D) N'ormal Conditions of Secretion, 130; Norma - lion of Gastric Juice, 132; The [ntestinaJ Bi 141. CHAPTEB I.I The Mechanisms of Digestion iu Mastication, 444; Deglutition, it."; The < ':irh .. Bpl 449. CHAPTEB Ml T 1 1 k Mechanisms of Digestion C Movements of the Stomach, 451; Chan the M of the Stomach Movements on Kmpt; 156; Control of the Pyloric Sphincter, 156; BaJ theft 158; Influence <>r Pathological Conditions on tl tomv. 161. CH M'Ti l; I. in Tin: Mechanisms of Dig .... Movements <>t" the [nteal Movements of the Large [nt< Movements, 170. ill \I'TIK I.l\ HtJNGEB a.M< All-: Hanger Con! racl h, 471 ; B< tions, 171 : Hunger during Starvation, 17''.. (MI \ I'll B LI KEMICA1 P tion iii tin- Stomach, K Amount and Bom Milk in the Stomach, 488. XV111 CONTENTS CHAPTEB LV] page Biochemical Processes of Digestion (Cont'd) 489 Digestion in the Intestines, 4S!i; Pancreatic Digestion, 489; The Bile, 492; Chemistry of Bile, 194. CHAPTER LVII Bacterial Digestion in the Intestine 499 Bacterial Digestion of Protein, 501 ; Botulism, 503. PART VI THE EXCRETION OF URINE CHAPTER LVIII The Excretion of Urine (By R. G. Pearce) 507 Structure of Kidney, 507; Mechanism of the Excretion of Urine, 510; Theories of Renal Function, 511; Diuretics, 51S; Albuminuria, 519; Influence of the Nervous System on the Secretion of Urine, 519. CHAPTER LIX The Amount, Composition and Character of t{he Urine (By R. G. Pearce) . 521 Amount, 522; Specific Gravity, 522; Depression of Freezing Point, 523; Re- action, 524; Solid Constituents, 525. PART VII METABOLISM CHAPTER LX Metabolism 534 Energy Balance, 5.'!5 ; Methods for Measuring Energy Output, 536; Normal Values, 538; Influence of Age and Sex, 541; Influence of Diseases, 542; The Material Balance of the Body, 543; Methods for Measuring Output, 543; Calculation of the Results 544. CHAPTER LXI The Carbon Balance 547 Respiratory Quotient, .117; Influence of Diet, 547; Influence of Metabolism, 549; Magnitude "f the Respiratory Exchange, 550; Influence of fiody Tem- perature, 551. CHAPTER LXII \ Clinical Method for Determining the Respirator? Exchange in Man (By R. G. Pearce) 554 The Valves, 555; Tissot Spirometers, 556; Douglas Bag, 558; Ealdane Gas- analysis Apparatus, 559; Calculations, 562. 'II M'TI.K I. Mil Starvation Excretion ol \in Bzeretion of Pui 570; Nitrogenous Equilibrium, 571 ; IV CH M'l'i i: IAIV Nitkition and Growth . . The Pood Factor of Growth, 574; Rclationshi] Maintenance of Life, 57 I. CB M'Tl.i; l.w Nutrition ins Growth (Cont'd) Relationship of Carbohydrates and I Factors, or Vitamines, 584; Relationship of] CH M'TI .l{ l.\\ I Dietetics Calorie Requirements, 588; The Protein Rcquin Factors, 593 : Dig* stibilitj and Palatal ility, CHAPTEB l.w II The Metabolism of Protein [ntroductory, 595; Chemi8try of Protein and of i CHAPTEB l.W III Fmk METABOLISM Of PROTEI A hi i in • Acids in tin' Blood and l CHAPTEB I..MX The Metabolism ok Protein Com ';• KihI Products of Protein Metabolii fluence of Acidosis on Ammonia-urea Ratio, 616; Infl i i;i area Ratio, 617; P( CH M'Tl.i: i \\ Till \l I LBOl I8M oh PRO! i in I ■ • '"--' Creatine and Creatinine, 622; I 62 i ; [nfluen t F I, A ell \rn B ia.m Tin Mi iTABOl I ... rjndetermined Nitrogen and 1' ■ ■ > and Glyeuronat CH \r ri B I AMI CrIO Arm v\i> nil l'i RI] mieal Nature of the Pui G staining Purine and Pyrimidiw Ra* ii ■■. al Body, 63* undei Various pi . XX CONTENTS CHAPTER LXXIII PAGE Uric Acid and the Purine Bodies (Cont'd) 643 Source of Endogenous Purines, 643; Influence of Various Physiological Con- ditions, of Drugs, and of Disease on the Endogenous Uric-acid Excretion, 647 J Uric Acid of Blood, 648. CHAPTER LXXIV Metabolism of the Carbohydrates 052 Capacity of the Body to Assimilate Carbohydrates, 652; Assimilation Limits, 652; Saturation Limits, 654; Digestion and Absorption, 050; Sugar Level in the Blood, 057; Value of Blood Examinations in Diagnosis of Diabetes, 059; Relationship Between Blood Sugar and the Occurrence of Glycosuria, 660. CHAPTER LXXV Metabolism of the Carbohydrates (Cont'd) 662 Fate of Absorbed Glucose, Gluconeogenesis, 662; Storage of Sugar, 662; Sources of Glycogen, 662; Gluconeogenesis in Normal Animals, 667. CHAPTER LXXVI Metabolism of the Carbohydrates (Cont'd) 669 Fate of Glycogen, 669; Regulation of the Blood Sugar Level, 671; Nerve Control and Experimental Diabetes, 672 ; Nervous Diabetes in Man, 674 ; Hormone Control and Permanent Diabetes, 676; Utilization of Glucose in Tissues, 677; Relation of the Pancreas to Sugar Metabolism, 678; Diabetes and the Ductless Glands, 678; Diabetic Acidosis or Ketosis, 683; Starvation Treatment, 684. CHAPTER LXXVII Fat Metabolism 686 Chemistry of Fatty Substances, 686; Digestion of Fats, 690; Absorption of Fats, 691. CHAPTER LXXVIII Fat Metabolism (Cont'd) 696 Pal of Blood, 696; Methods of Determination, 696; Variations in P.lood Fat, 697; Depot Fat, 700; Fat in the Liver, 701. CHAPTER LXXIX Fat Metabolism (Cont'd) 707 Production of Fatty Acid Out of Carbohydrate, 707; Method by Which the Fatty Acid is Broken Down, 709. CHAPTER LXXX Control of Body Temperature and Fever 714 Variations in Body Temperature, 714; Factors in Maintaining the Body Tem- perature, 71") ; Control of Temperature, 719: Fever, 721; Causes, 721; Changes in the Body during Fever, 723; Beat regulating Center, 725; Significance of Fever, 726. PART VII! THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS I >R Dl I TL GL iNDS CHAPTEB I.X.WI The Endocrini Ob 3, ob i > ; • Methods of Investigation ; 7 G Cori 732; Adrenalectomy, : CHAPTEB I.X.WI I Adrenal Gland (Cont'd) Variations in Phys J Acth of the Gland, 738; Epinephrini I ntent of th Method, 743; Adrenalemia, ~\~>: Am docrine Organs, 7 16. CHAPTEB I. WWII! Thykoid ani) Parathyroid Glands Structural Belationship, 749; Thyroid Gland, Experimental Thyroidectomy, 752 ; with Other Endocrine Org . 757; Paratl roidectoiny, 758; Belationship with Other End< CHAPTEB I. XXXIV l*rniTAi;Y BODY Structural Belationships, 762; Functions, 764; C Belationship with Other Endocrh CHAPTEB I. WW The Pineal Gland am. mi Gonads ■ Pineal Gland, 776 : Gons Is or tl of the Male, 77"'' : < leneral PART IX TIIK CENTRAL NERVOl - SI STEM CHAPTEB I. WW 1 Tin; EVOI k Tilt: ~ (HAITI B I. .WWII Pbopi kiiis or Each P i; oeptor, 7-- icritie and parate - (II \I'TI K 1 WW III Tin: PSOPERI I The Nerve Network, Tin- Nerve i XXI 1 CONTENTS CHAPTER LXXXIX Reflexes of the Spinal A.nimal usjd Spinal Shock 803 Spinal Shock in Laboratory Animals, 803 j Spinal Shock in Man, 800; Cause of Spinal Shock. 807. CHAPTER XC Physiological Properties op the Simple Reflex Arc ... 809 Latent Period, 809j Grading of Intensity, 809; After-effect, 810; Summation, S10; Irreversibility of the Direction of Conduction, 810; Refractory Period, 811; Successive Defeneration, 813. CHAPTER XCI Reciprocal [nnervation 814 Reciprocal [nhib'ition, Ml; Action of Strychnine and Tetanus Toxin, 819. CHAPTER XCII Interaction Among Reflexes 821 Integration of Allied Reflexes, 822; Integration of Antagonistic Reflexes, 824; Other Factors Which Determine Occupancy of Final Common Path, 824; Irradiation, 826. CHAPTER XCIII The Tendon Jerks ; Sensory Pathways in Spinal Cord 828 The Tendon Jerks, 828; Afferent Spinal Pathways, 830. CHAPTER XCIV Effects of Experimental Lesions of Various Parts of the Nervous System . 835 Anterior Roots, 835; Posterior Roots, 836; Spinal Cord, and Brain Stem, 839; Medulla, 839; Corpora Quadrigemina, 840; Removal of the Cerebral Hemi- spheres, 840. CHAPTER XCV Cerebral Localization S43 Ablation of the Motor Centers, S43 ; Stimulation of the Motor Centers, 844; Clinical Observations, 849. CHAPTER XCVI Cerebral Localization (Cont'd) 850 Sensory Centers, 850; Sense Centers, 851; Association Areas, 852. CHAPTER XCVII ditional and Unconditional Reflexes 856 CHAPTER XCVIII Higher Functions of ■ Cerebrum en Man; Aphasia S00 Psychopathological Applications, s<;l\ CHAPTER XCI2 Functions of the Cerebelli m 865 Localization of Function, 867; Circumscribed Extirpation, 869; Clinical Ob- servations, 870. •-Ill •HAITI B 0 The < i heb! i.i.i m \-i' i n, Bi m< ibci lah i ociation between th- Eye Movement < HAITI. K l<.r i. Apparatus for measurement of the deprest 11 5. Diagram of conductivity sella •;. Wheatstone Bridge for the meaauremenl . . 7. Diagram t.> show type of electrodes ised in • '.». < 'hurt of tint- I in coloi i uit-i ri«- (Color Plate. I v Diagram of apparatus for the meaauremenl ll ion i". Diagram of apparatus for saturating bl 1 and t ll. Van Slyke's apparatus i"r measuring the 00 blood plasma li'. (Jltramicroacope -lit type) for tin- examinatioi olloidal 1.".. To Bhow diffusion into gelatin of a i Lraa 1 magnet, torial blood pressure in n laboratory experii 22. The arterial blood pressure r rded with a mercury i ing) along with a tracing of th< 23. Hiirthle's spring manometer 24. \ i torial pressure recorded bj 26 Diagram based on experiments on moan blood pi at diff( 26. Apparatus for measuring the arterial bl< l'7. Effect of cutting the vagus 28. Eff< stimulating th< Mood pressure l'!». Effect of stimulation of the lefl spl sure ."A The effect of rapid and slon hen ."•1. Diau'ra'ii ..r" . xperirn.nt to elasticity of the all .".I". Diagram of ^ XXVI ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 33. Optical records of intraventricular pressure 147 34. Superimposed pressure curves after being graduated 149 35. Von Frank's maximal ami minimal valve, which is placed in the course of the tube between heart and mercury manometer 152 36. Diagram to show the positions of the cardiac valves 155 37. Diagram showing the position of the cardiac chambers and valves during presystole and during the sphymic period 156 38. Electrophonograms along with intraventricular pressure curves from three different experiments 159 39. One form of apparatus for recording tracings from an excised heart . . 163 40. Volume curve of ventricles of cat (lower curve) in a heart lung perfusion preparation 169 tl. Heart and cardiac nerves of Limulus polyphemus 173 42. Heart -block produced by applying clamp 175 43. Tracing of contraction of ventricle, showing the effect of the local appli- cation of heat to the auricle . 175 t I. Frog heart showing the position of the first and second ligatures of Stannius 176 45. Effects of stimuli of increasing strength on skeletal and cardiac muscle to illustrate the "all or nothing" principle in the latter 177 46. The effects of successive stimuli on skeletal and cardiac muscle to show the prominence of the staircase phenomenon, or treppe, in the latter . . 178 17. The effects of successive stimuli and of tetanizing stimuli on skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle 179 48. Myograms of frog's ventricle, showing effect of excitation by break induc- tion shocks at various moments of the cardiac cycle 180 49. Heart of tortoise as suspended 183 50. Dissection of heart to show auriculoventricular bundle 184 51. Photograph of model of the auriculoventricular bundle and its ramifications, constructed from dissections of the heart 184 52. Diagram of an auricle showing the arrangement of the muscle bands; the concentration point; and the outline of the node 186 53. Diagram to show the general ramifications of the conducting tissue in the heart of the mammal 186 54. Diagram to illustrate the development and spread of the wave of negativity in a strip of muscle (curarized sartorius) when stimulated at the end . 188 55. Simultaneous electrocardiograms to show the cause for extrinsic deflections 190 56. Diagram of experiment by Lewis showing the times at which the excitation wave appeared on the front of the heart 194 ."7. Diagram of Chauveau 's drnmograph 200 .IS. Diagram to show principle of Pitot's tubes for measuring velocity pulse . . 201 60. Dudgeon's Bphygmograpn 201 61. Pulse tracing (sphygmogram) taken by Bphygmograph 202 62. Forms of apparatus for measurement of blood -velocities 207 63. Plethysmograph for recording volume changes in the hand and forearm . 210 64. Simultaneous tracings from auricle and ventricle of turtle's heart . . . 218 65. Effect of vagus stimulation on heart of turtle 218 66. Tracing to show thai vagus stimulation may diminish transmission from auricles to ventricles 219 II. 1. 1 STRAT101 no. ii7. Tracing to .show thai va auricles to ventricles 88. Diagram to show the innervatioi bean in tl Plate, i .' 69. Frog heart tracing showing the action 70. Schematic representation of the innorvati f thi (Color Plate. I 71. Tracings showing the effects on the hi stimulation of the sympathetic nerves prior union with I vagus nerve BM 72. Roy's kidnej oncometer 7.".. Pall of Ii1(m„i pressure from excitation of the deprea 71. Tlic effect of Btrong stimulation (heal the skin i terial blood pressure and respiratory - 75. Diagram showing the probable arrangi of th< 76. Aortic blood pressure, showing the eff 77. Tracing to -how the eff< _ ity on rial blood pr 7s". The effeel of gravity on the aortic pressure after <<>r«I in the upper dorsal region 79. Schema to show the relations of the Pacchionian I so. Trmin^ showing simultaneous recoi the art. -rial M 1 preaSUI venous pressure, the intracranial j tin- pr sinuses 81. Electrocardiographic apparatus as made by I terials Co 82. Noinial electrocardiogram B3. Electrocardiogram (dog) taken simultaneously witl in«l ventricle 84. Records of electrocardiogram and movement that when the apex is warmed a typical T-wave app f ^ wave in the opposite direction appearing when ts B5. sinus bradycardis 86. Auricular extrasystole 87. Ventricular extra* rising in the ? 38. Ventricular extrasystole arising in the l>-ft i 89. Paroxysmal tachycardia 90. Auricular fibrillation 91. Auricular flutter 92. Delayed eonduetion l'artial dissociation 94. Complete dissociation '.'.">. PolyBphygmograph .... Normal jugular tracing •■7 Bedui ■ i tracings from carotid, the general relationsl 98 PolysphyjrmoB ncludlnc 99. Delayed conduction time ion. Dropped beat 101. Premature beats extra - - XXVI 11 ILLUSTRATIONS PIG. PAGE lm'. Paroxysmal tachycardia 278 103. Auricular flutter 279 L04. Auricular flutter _ 279 L05. Auricular fibrillation 280 10(3. Showing the appearance of the blood vessels in the ears of a rabbit in a state of deep shock. (Color Plate.) 290 L07. Diagram showing amounts of air contained by the lungs in various phases of ordinary and of forced respiration 301 '108. Pneumograph 303 109. Body plethysmograph for recording respiration 30-4 110. Effect of abdominal and chest breathing on the pulse and blood pressure of man 308 111. First dorsal vertebra, sixth dorsal vertebra and rib. Axis of rotation shown in each case 316 111'. Lower half of the thorax from the 6th dorsal to the 4th vertebra, seen from the front 318 113. Intercostal muscles of 5th and 6th spaces 319 114. Hamberger 's schema to demonstrate the functional antagonism of internal and external intercostals 319 115. Schema to demonstrate that the function of the internal intercar- tilaginous intercostals is identical with that of the external in- terosseous intercostals 320 116. Diagram to show the effect of high and low positions of the diaphragm on the costal angle 322 117. Diagram to show the effect of clinical displacements of the diaphragm on the costal angle 323 118 Diagram to show cuts required for isolation of the phrenic center . . . 328 119. Diagram to show certain positions in the medulla and upper cervical cord, where sections may be made without seriously disturbing the respirations 329 L20. Diagram to show where cuts are made to isolate the chief respiratory center from afferent impulses 330 L21. Diagram showing principle for measurement of the tension of CO, in blood 338 L22. The gas analysis pipette for the microtonometer shown in Fig. 123 . . . 339 123. Microtonometer, to be inserted into a blood vessel ,. 339 124. Apparatus for collection of a sample of alveolar air by Haldane's method 340 125. Fridericia's apparatus for measuring the CO, in alveolar air 341 126. Curves to show the relationship between the 02 and CO, tensions in alveolar air and arterial blood 341 127. Same as Fig. 126, except that in this case the tension of CO, in the alveolar air was experimentally altered 342 128. Arrangement of meters ami connections of Pearcc's method for measure- ment of C02 of alveolar air in normal subjects 346 L29. Curve showing the respiratory response to CO, in the decerebrate cat . . 351 130. Tensions of 02 and COj in alveolar air ai different altitudes 361 I'M. Curves showing variations in alveolar <:as tensions after forced breath- ing for two minutes 364 132. Various types of periodic breathing 372 II. 1. 1 SI ic\ no. I I. Quantitative record of breath -' em, in diameter 134. Barcrofl 'a tonometei foi d by hemoglobin or blood L35. Bareroft'a differential bl I gaa man 136. Barci ofl blood ^':i> manor 137. Typical dissociation curve. (Color I' 138. Average dissociation cui 139. Dissociation curves of hemoglobin it". 1 tissocial ion cui \ ea of human bl I . . . III. Curves Bhow ing relativi influenced by temperaturi and i i 12. Curve of < '< > tension in blood 1 13. Cells of parol i'l gland Bho ill. Parotid gland of rabbit in varying ~ t ; • t . 145. Diagrammatic representation of the inn< in the dog. i « !oloi Plate 146. Pancreatic acini Btained with hematoxylin 117. Three preparations of pancreatic acini -• I 18. Diagram showing minial a double layeT of mucous 1 19. Typical curve retion i on mastication of palatable f I for 150. Cubic centimeters and milk 151. Digestive power of the jui column digested in M. • • ' , with < L52. Loop of intestine after tying off th< the middle porl ion and retui i 153. The changes \\lii<-h take place in the the Bofl palate, the epigli ge Of SW.-lllnW illL' 154. Schematic outline <>f ii ach 155. I diagrams ol outline and posil taken on man in thi impregnated \\iih bismuth Bubnitra L56. i >u; linca of I he ahadovt b cast ' .■ • r feedii I with I ir.7. Section of thi tomach gl\ t'li mi i hree diffi • • ntlj 158. Outlim after i'. ■ ding W itll ■ 159. < nr\ ea to show the small int. 160. Apparatus for recoi lit 161. 1 diagrammatic repi 162. Intestinal cont rai tions » a«< t ion of bol li vngi \xx ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE lti.:. The effect of excitation of both splanchnic nerves on the intestinal contractions 467 164. The effect of stimulation of right vagus nerve on the intestinal contractions 468 lii.">. Diagram of time it takes for a capsule containing bismuth to reach the various parts of the large intestine 469 166. Diagram of method for recording stomach movements 472 167. Tracing of the tonus rhythm of the stomach three hours after a meal . . 473 168. Tracings from the stomach during the culmination of a period of vigorous gastric hunger contractions 473 169. Showing augmentation of the knee-jerk during the marked hunger con- * i actions 475 170. Diagram of the uriniferous tubules, the ,'arteries, and the veins of the kidney 508 171. Cross section of convoluted tubules from kidney of rat 509 172. Diagram of blood supply of Malpighian corpuscle and of convoluted tubules in amphibian kidney 515 173. Nerve supply of the kidney 520 174. Respiration calorimeter of the Eussell Sage Institute of Pathology, Bellevue Hospital, New York 536 175. Chart for determining surface area of man in square meters from weight in kilograms and height in centimeters according to formula . . . 540 176. Diagram of Atwater-Benedict respiration calorimeter 543 177. Nose clip, face mask, and mouthpiece 555 178. Diagram of respiratory valves 556 179. The Tissot spirometer 557 180. The Douglas bag method for determining the respiratory exchange . . 558 181. Haldane gas apparatus and Pearce sampling tube 559 182. Curve constructed from data obtained from a man who fasted for thirty- one days 567 183. Curves of growth of rats on basal rations plus the various proteins indicated 576 184. Curves of growth of rats on basal rations plus the proteins indicated . . 577 185. Photographs of rats of same brood on various diets 579 186. Vividiffusion apparatus of J. J. Abel 607 187. Curves showing the amount of amino nitrogen taken up by different tis- sues after the cutaneous injection of amino acids 608 188. Curves showing the concentration of amino-acid nitrogen in the blood dur- ing fasting and protein digestion 609 189. Curves showing the percentage of glucose in blood after a constant injec- tion of an 18 per cent solution into a mesenteric vein 658 190. Arrangement of apparatus for recording contractions of a uterine strip, intestinal strip, or ring, etc 740 191. Tracing showing the effect of epinephrine on the intestinal contractions and on the arterial blood pressure 741 192. Arrangement of apparatus for perfusion of the vessels of a brainless frog 742 193. Microphotographs of thyroid gland of dog 751 194. Cretin, nineteen years old 7f a human fetus in" II. I no. 197. Tracing showing the action ol pil I blood pi • isure in :i dog L98. Tracing showing the its effeel <>ii ill I pi 199. Showing the appearai 200. Sand of :i person affected w itii 201. Diagram showing gradual evolution o anemone, and i arthwoi m 202. Diagram of aen item "i" -■ ganglion, sabeeophageal ganglioi . eso| 203 Schema of Bimple reflex are 204. Thermoesthesiometer 205. Cold spots and heal Boots ol an an 206. Diagram to show axon refl< ry nen 207. Arborization of collaterals from the posterior of the posterior horn 208. Normal <-<-ll from the anterior horn, stained to ss . . 799 209. Pari of an anterior cornual cell from th< Bhow neurofibrils 210. I.i\ii!ur nerve cells oxamined by the nltramii 211. Tracing from the hind limb of :i spinal ments produced by applying stii ;li at • 212. Becord from myograph connected with the 213. Diagram Bhowing the muscles and nervei vat ion L'lt. Beciprocal innervation .... 215. Sherrington's diagram illustrating the mechan 216. Diagram showing the reflex ares involved in l'1 7. Showing region of body of dog from which 218. Diagram Bhowing tl nental arrai the s< 219. Outer aspecl of tli" brain <>t the chimp 220. Three seetions through different pa *'•-' 221. The location of the chief motor and sensoi • - ..t' the human braia .... i-'i'L'. Footprints after destruction of tb< " ' 223. I diagrams to represent r< - dorsal \ lew of the righl ha scheme of snbdivitiioi 224. Schema of the parts mammalian 225 and 226. The inferolateral and tl »■ indicating certaii The semieircular canals of tl '■ three planes of 8 Diagram Illustrating the diff< of the volunl I involunl l'l''.'. Diagrnm of Ihe -• n ' - Coloi Plat< Diagram show ing thi ■ XXX11 ILLUSTRATIONS PIG. PACK 231. Diagram showing the manner in which a preganglionic fiber, emanating from the spinal nerve by the white ramus communicans, connects in a ganglion of the sympathetic chain with a nerve cell, the axon of which then proceeds as the postganglionic liber by way of the gray ramus communicans back to the spinal nerve, along which it travels to the periphery. (Color Plate.) 880 232. Diagram showing the main parts of the autonomic nervous system to be used along with Fig. 229. ( Color Plate.) 882 I'."..".. Schematic representation of the involuntary nervous system. (Color Plate.) 884 PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY IN MODKRN MEDICINE PART I THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES CHAPTER I GENERAL « 0NSIDERATIO1 The work of the physiologisl consists, in larf t, in as whal extenl the known laws of physics and chemistry in explaining the phenomena of lit'.-. 11. gatl house of physical and chemical knowledge wi interpretation of the various mechanisms thai w pose the Living machine, and having added to tins k it on for use by those who ar< ncerned in th< disease. Many of tin1 most importanl steps in the ad knowledge in r ill years have depended upi hitherto unknown physical or chemical law, or upon th< some accurate method for the measurement which these or previously known laws d< van't Hoff, Arrhenius, and Ostwald of th< were Boon followed by important obe the movemenl of fluids and dissolv< branes; the discos eriea of Hardy, \\ colloids and of the phenomena explaining many hitherto inexplic ferments; the die x of the electro mol ive for termine the actual 1 2 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES fluids, and to explain the general ion of the electric currents which ac- company muscular, nervous, and glandular activity. It would be out of place here to devote much space to a detailed ac- count of such matters. They belong more properly in the domain of general than in that of human physiology. General physiology is con- cerned with the study of the essential nature of the vital processes; whereas human physiology is merely a branch of the subject in which special attention is devoted to the application of the truths of general physiology to the working of the human machine. For the physician and surgeon a knowledge of human physiology is as essential as is a knowledge of the construction of a piece of machinery for the engineer who attempts its repair, but obviously to acquire this knowledge the fundamental principles of general physiology must first of all be under- stood. For these reasons the introductory chapters are devoted to a brief review of the most important of the physicochemical principles upon which the working of the cell depends. From the viewpoint of the physical chemist the cell consists of an envelope of more or less permeable material inclosing a dilute solution of crystalline substances in which colloid matter is suspended. It con- tains, in other Avords, a solution of crystalloids and colloids, in which these are in a state of equilibrium with each other. This equilibrium is readily altered by various influences that may act on the cell, and the resulting changes manifest themselves outwardly by alterations in the shape and volume of the cell — growth and motion; by the extrusion of some of its contents — secretion; or by the propagation to other parts of the cell, or its processes, of the state of disturbed equilibrium — nervous impulse. Besides the activities that are dependent upon physicochem- ical changes, purely chemical processes go on in the cell. Many of these consist in the breakdown and oxidation of complex unstable organic molecules, a process identical with that occurring in combustion outside the cell. Others involve the building up, stage by stage, of complex substances out of the elements or out of simpler molecules. Chemical transformations occur in the cell which, in the chemical laboratory, re- quire the most powerful rea gents and physicochemical forces, either the strongest of acids, alkalies, oxidizing agents, etc., or extreme degrees of heat, electrical energy, etc. But this is not all, for in the cell these chemical transformations are capable of being guided to a very remark- able degree of nicety so as to produce intermediate products that are used for some special purpose either by the cell that produced them or, after transportation by the blood, etc., by cells in other parts of the organism. It is customary to speak of the cell as a chemical laboratory, but it I.\ is more than this; it is a laboral in-lit of the chemist l>nt directed in the I many activities by a guiding hand which to man. Chemical transformations thai the greatest skill pro, 1 withoul appa ifficulty in I what are these changes due w I al is l gents and forces, and what is the dii in their varied activities) To these, which lions of genera] physiology, the reply n are the ferments or enzymes, and that the dii through the susceptibility of enzymic acti\ ronmenl in which the enzymes are acting. In mat can be explained on a physicochemical depei known laws of mass action or surfac lion; ii pend on purely chemical changes in in reaction or the accumulation of chemical sul poisons on the enzj me. Bui 1 1 ■ on influences which as yel arc quite unknown to tl • such as the changes in cell activity thai can be nerve impulse. These preliminary remarks will serve to indicate ti which we musl firsl occupy our attention. Tl chemical nature of saline solutions ture of enzyme action. The knowledge which to be of value, not only 1 anse it will help of the workings of the normal healthy cell, bul it will indicate possible causes for derangemenl in cellul Buggesl rational means bj which we may THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL LAWS OF SOLUTION The 0«l La Three fundamental princip for an understanding of the nati we take a quantity of anj called a '-Mam molecule or I actly 22.4 liters at that, as we compn same proportion as the volume din proportional to it- pn 4 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES pari of their volume a1 0 C. for every degree C. that their temperature is raised.* • The pressure of a gas is measured by connecting a pressure gauge or manometer with the vessel which contains the gas. Now, it is plain that if the 22.4 liters, which is the volume occupied by a gram-molecular quantity, were compressed so as to occupy a volume of 1 liter, its pressure would be 22.4 times that of 1 atmosphere, or 22.4 x 760 mm. Hg — the temperature remaining constant. Under these conditions we must im- agine that the molecules of gas are crowded together by the compression, and if we further conceive of these molecules as being in constant mo- tion, then we can understand why the pressure should increase just in proportion as we confine the space in which they can move. One other property of gases must be borne in mind — namely, their tendency to diffuse from places where the pressure is high to places where it is low until the pressure is the same throughout. OSMOTIC PRESSURE These fundamental facts regarding the behavior of gases suggested to van't Hoff the hypothesis that molecules of dissolved substances must behave in a similar manner to those of gases. To put this hypothesis to the .test, it is necessary that we have some method for measuring the pressure of dissolved molecules. We can not, as in the case of a gas, use an ordinary manometer, for this, would measure only the pressure of the solvent on the walls of its container and would tell us nothing of the pressure of the dissolved molecules. "We must use some filter or membrane that will allow the molecules of the solvent but not those of the dissolved substance to pass through it. It is evident that if such a filter is placed, for example, between a solution of sugar in water and water alone, the molecules of the latter will diffuse into the solution until this has become so diluted that the pressure of the dissolved mol- ecules, is equal on both sides of the membrane. Such a membrane is called semipermeable; the diffusion of molecules through it is called osmosis, and the pressure which is generated, the osmotic pressure. If we prevent the water molecules from actually diffusing by opposing a pressure which is equal to that with which they tend to diffuse through the membrane, Ave can tell the magnitude of the osmotic pressure (Fig. 1). In applying these facts to test the hypothesis that molecules in solution *This implies that at -273° C. the gas would occupy no volume. P.efore this temperature is reached, however, the liquefaction of the gas sets in. The temperature -273° C. is known as absolute zero. An observed temperature plus 273° is called the absolute temperature. Another way of stat- ing the above law is t that the volume- is directly proportional to the temperature. At 273° C. the volume of a gas at 0° C. would be doubled, or if expansion were prevented the pressure would be doubled. obey the same lav permeable membrane which ia rigid and which forma pari of the wal manometer. 1 £ \\ e place in Mich an osm< molecular weight in grama of Borne rob solvent, a Bo-called -ram molecular Bolution, • gas laws are to apply, the osmotic p liters of a gaa compressed to the volumi it should equal 22 t 760 nun. Hg AJtl able technical difficulties in making a semi] strong enough to withstand such a p 'W-'M'.ihSi r: w 1 I >ia( I'he le membr; r, and W i the :rr. - plished, ami the fundamental princip lished that substances in solution i Further proof that the gas lawa ap] showing that tli.' osmotic i>: ■ portional t<> the ci ami t.» the absolute temp ' sures, which states that t '• or t* tli.- mixture would npied 1>\ the mixtt 6 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OP PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES Since the osmotic pressure is analogous to the pressure of a gas and is therefore proportional to the molecular concent ration (i.e., number of molecules in unit space), it follows that a semipermeable membrane can be used to determine the relative concentration of two solutions of the same substance. When a watery solution of some substance is placed in an osmometer that is surrounded by a similar but more dilute solution, -water molecules will diffuse into the osmometer until the pres- sure is equal on the two sides of the semipermeable membrane; that is, the water Avill pass from the solution having a lower osmotic pressure into the solution having the higher pressure. When two solutions have the same osmotic pressure, they are said to be isotonic; when that of one is greater than that of the other, it is hypertonic; and when less, hypotonic. Biological Methods for Measuring Osmotic Pressure A practical biological application of these principles can very readily be made if, instead of a rigid semipermeable membrane such as that figured in the diagram, we employ one that is extensible and takes the form of a closed sac ; then as diffusion of water occurs the sac will either distend when it contains a stronger solution than that outside, or shrivel or crenate when the reverse conditions obtain. Many animal and veg- etable protoplasmic membranes are semipermeable, including the en- velope of red blood corpuscles. Thus, if we examine blood corpuscles under the microscope and add to them a saline solution of higher os- motic pressure than blood serum, they will visibly diminish in size and become irregular in shape; whereas if the solution is of lower osmotic pressure, they will distend. If no change occurs, the osmotic pressure of the cell contents must equal that of the saline solution in which the cells are immersed, from which it is clear that Ave can readily determine the magnitude of the osmotic pressure if Ave know the strength of the saline solution. Instead of measuring the individual cells under the microscope, Ave can measure the space they occupy in the fluid in which they are suspended. For this purpose a portion of the suspension is placed in a graduated tube of narrow bore, whieh is rotated in a horizontal position by a cen- trifuge after being closed at one end. The graduation at which the upper edge of the column of cells stands after centrifugirig is a measure of the relative amount of cells and fluid in the suspension. Having Pound this value for cells suspended in an isotonic solution, as for blood corpuscles in blood serum, we may then proceed to ascertain it for the same cells suspended in an unknown solution; if we find thai the cells occupy a greater volume, the saline solution must have an osmotic pres LAWS Biire th.it is lower than thai of Berum in ap readings on the tube in the two and i The above apparatus, called a hematocrite I g 2 tensively used in the collection of data i pressures of diflferenl physiological fluids. Hemolysis Another way for determining the relal ferenl solutions i sists in placing equal ami bl I in a series of test tubes containi and after allowing the tubes to Btand for some tin - in tvl them taking <>f the blood corpuscles urt l isotonic or hypertonic \\ ith the contenl will Bettle to the bottom of the tube and tl untinted with hemoglobin, but in solutions which are d the sediment will be less distincl ami ilu- su] Fig. 2.- Hi-mat... i ite. Th< pra at which tin- corpus ! in which l By noting I the l<»w esl concentration i he solul ions in \\ lii'-li the corpusc Bupernatanl ilniI<><"! the tol Hamburger : a • KNO n ica K M | C II 0 1 • • Ml coon MBSO,. 711: 1 8 PHYSIC0CHEM1CAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES The mean of these limiting concentrations is the critical concentration and indicates the strength of each solution that can be added to blood -without causing any damage to the corpuscles. This critical concen- tration is not, as migh.1 at first sight be imagined, the same as that which is isotonic with the contents of the corpuscles, but distinctly below it. The reason for this becomes apparent if we observe the be- havior of corpuscles suspended in an isotonic solution which is then gradually diluted. As dilution proceeds, the corpuscles distend, until at last their envelopes burst and the hemoglobin is discharged. The lim- iting concentrations of a given salt vary for different corpuscles; thus, the concentration of sodium chloride solution that just causes laking of frog's blood corpuscles is 0.21 per cent, of human blood 0.47 per cent, and of horse blood 0.68 per cent. It is the strength of the corpuscular envelope rather than variations in the osmotic pressure of the contents that is responsible for these differences. The above described method of hemolysis, as it is called, can not be used for comparisons of osmotic pressure in cases in which the solution contains substances which alter the permeability of the corpuscular envelop; for example, it can not be used when urea, or ammonium salts, or certain toxic bodies are present. This very fact is, however, put to a useful purpose in ascertaining whether a given substance does have a damaging influence on the corpuscular envelope by finding whether hemolysis occurs when we suspend the corpuscles in a solution that is isotonic with the corpuscular contents. AVe can further determine the degree of this toxic influence by estimating by color comparisons (colorimetry) the amount of hemoglobin that has diffused out of the corpuscles. Plasmolysis An analogous method for determining osmotic pressure is that of plasmolysis, in which the behavior of certain plant cells is observed microscopically while they are in contact with solutions of different strengths. When the surrounding solution is isotonic with the cell contents, the latter fill the cell and extend up to the more or less rigid cell wall (A in Fig. 3) ; but when the solution is hypotonic, the cell contents become detached from the cell wall at one or more places — plasmolysis' (B and C). The semipermeable membrane in this case is therefore not the cell Avail but the layer of protoplasm on the surface of the cell contents. The method can be used only for detecting solu- tions thai are hypertonic, for with those that are hypotonic the cells merely become turgid and exert more pressure on the more or less rigid cell wall. Many of tin- conclusions that have been drawn from ].\ results obtained by the plasmol; question, becausi no r< gai d of the cell to adsorb imbibe w i I Tlir methods of hemolysis ;i investigation <>!' manj problems in i toxic fluids, Buch ;i-> snal the hemolytic i»<>w er has pro\ • •<' held responsible for th< through it from one fluid to the other. The Role of Osmosis, Diffusion, and Allied Processes in Physiological Mechanisms An account of some <>!' the investigations in which methods have I n used will illustrate their value \ J < ; I Pig, a. \ solution is pi , in then tin- men • thertnooM ter ii vai thin placed in mechanism involved in I stances through cell membri intestine, in the formation of ploying physical methods in always mos1 n< 12 I'HYSICOCIIEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES chemist works with pure solutions, while the physiologist has to use fluids thai are always complicated and frequently very variable in com- position. We must simplify the problem as far as possible by having clearly before us the exact nature of the biological problem which a com- parison of physicochemical values, such as osmotic pressure, may ena- ble us to elucidate, and we must consider the other physical forces which may assist or modify the particular one we arc investigating. In the physical experiments described above, the semipermeable mem- brane may be conceived of as composed of pores of such a size that they permit only the smallest of molecules — those of water — to pass through them. Semipermeable membranes with larger pores may, how- ever, exist — that is, membranes which permit water molecules and mole- cules of simple chemical substances to pass, but hold back those com- posed of large complex molecules. Such a semipermeable membrane would alloAV the saline constituents but not the proteins of blood serum to pass. It is, however, no longer semipermeable towards all of the dis- solved substances, and the process of diffusion through it is more gener- ally designated as one of dialysis than of osmosis. Since the passage of dissolved molecules through membranes de- pends upon the principle of diffusion, its rate will be proportional to the osmotic pressures of the solutions on the two surfaces of the mem- brane and to the size of the molecules, small molecules diffusing more quickly than large ones. Suppose a membrane permeable to sodium chloride and water is placed between two fluids containing sodium chloride in solution, but in greater concentration in one of them than in the other: the sodium chloride will diffuse from the stronger to the weaker solution, and water will diffuse still more quickly (because its molecules are smaller) in the opposite direction, until the number of sodium-chloride molecules in a given volume of solution is equal on Imtli sides of the membrane. For a time, therefore, the volume of the stronger solution will increase. The differences which exist in the dif- fusibility of dissolved molecules are analogous to those which have long been known to exist in the diffusibility of gases, but the relation between rate of diffusibility and molecular weight is not so simple as the ratio between these two quantities in gases. These relationships, however, indicate several further possibilities in the explanation of the mechanism of exchange of substances through membranes, and must not be overlooked, as they often are, in the interpretation of physiological phenomena. An excellent review of the possible conditions is given by Starling in his "Human Physiology."4 For example, let us suppose the substances on the two 'sides of a semipermeable membrane, such as the peritoneal, to be different in diffusibility, as cane sugar, won< which does qoI readily diffusi quickly; tl smotic flow will take place from th< tion to tl ane sugar even when the sodium ch than the sugar. In such a case, water n having the higher osmotic pressure Na< this is lower I sugar . Furthermore, the simple laws of osmoe five influence of the membrane toward certain becoming dissolved or adsorbed in r others. Many membram (e. £.. rubber membranes in contact with pyrid and it is probable that such a property a not unimportanl role in tin- transferei animal membranes Kahlenberg These few conditions which may modify the dir< flow, are indicated here to show how i> ich pit and how careful we musl be no1 to assume that. ferred through a li\i 1 1 <_r membrane contrary to the simpler la mosia ami diffusion, it must involve the from those operating in dead membranes Another force comes into operation under certain c< that of filtration. 'I 'his i-. ;! purely mechanical pi ich m< cules are forced through the pi I a filter aces in pressure on its two si ■ We are now in a ]>o->iti.in to consider in how far I forces explain certain physiological problen - 1. Is tin absorption, into tin b tinal walls, of substana < in thi dependent up,,,, tin pi ■/ filtration, absorption of weak solutions of highly diflfu very largely a matter of osmosis and din* into the blood because of osmotic i . but * narily come into plaj ry elearlj servations. 1 1' a pi t* int< two ligatures on it. and the isolated lo< taining the same saline constituenl Berum, or better b1 ill. w ith son will l»e found after some time thai into the blood : the contet l»loo«l, e\ en though the OSmot the same on both sides of lie membrj • v The intestinal membrj 14 PHYSICOCHEMICAL basis of physiological processes substances a permeability which varies, not at all with the physical (liffusibility of the substance, bui with its value from a physiological standpoint. Thus, sodium sulphate and sodium chloride diffuse through ordinary membranes with about equal facility, and yet if a solution con- taining these two salts is placed in the intestine, the chloride will be absorbed into the blood much more quickly than the sulphate. Sodium sulphate in watery solution diffuses through a membrane fifteen times more quickly than cane sugar, but from the intestinal lumen, cane sugar is absorbed ten times more quickly than sodium sulphate. If. however, the vitality of the epithelium is destroyed, as by first of all bathing it with a solution of sodium fluoride, then the sulphate and chloride will be absorbed at an equal rate. Although diffusion and osmosis can not therefore play any significant role in the normal process of absorption from the intestine, we must not entirely discount them ; under certain circumstances, these physical forces may assert their influence as, for example, when concentrated saline solutions are present. Such solutions will attract water from the blood, and, other things being equal, more will be attracted the less permeable the epithelium happens to be towards the saline employed. Sulphates and phosphates will attract more water than chlorides or acetates. This property of the saline solutions to attract water coun- teracts the natural tendency for the water to be absorbed, and the large volume of fluid stimulates peristalsis. 2. Do the physical processes of filtration, diffusion and osmosis suf- fice lo account for the production of urine ~by the kidneys? Under normal conditions the molecular concentration of the urine, as determined by the depression of freezing point, is considerably greater than that of the blood. This indicates that excretion must have occurred contrary to the laws of osmosis ; in other words, that the renal cells must have compelled dissolved molecules to be transferred from the blood to the urine, although the difference in osmotic pressure would cause them to pass in the opposite direction. This force, sometimes called for want of a better name "vital activity," must depend on the operation of processes that are quite distinct from those of diffusion, etc.; but that they are necessarily of a nonphysical nature (e. g., vital) is less probable than that they depend on some physical process the nature of which our present knowledge does not permit us to understand. By comparing the osmotic pressures of urine and blood, attempts have been made to measure the work done by the kidney in the produc- lion of urine. Thus, it has been found that A for normal urine (human) is about 1.8, and for blood about 0.6, from which it may be calculated that in the production of 1 kilogram of urine 150 kilogrammeters of MOTK r*Rl 1", work are expended. Bui thai such compe sure of blood and urine are fallaciou the kidney is evidenced, uol alone by tl tions, bu1 also by the fad thai und< circui copious diuresis the osmotic pressure of tl e ui ii • lower than thai of the Mood. Thai opp indicates thai differences in osmotic pr< can Bignify little it" anything regarding the work • !• For some time after the application of osmotic p to the study of biological problems, it was tl of a in urine might 1 f clinical valui especially in one kidney as compared with the other For ,; > positively charged, towards the negativi of t 1m- ions thai endows the solution with conducti In water, or in a solution of a nonelectrolyte, moli 1 1 1 1 •• non- electrolyte exisl thus: II 0 II 0 II 0 II 0 II 0 II <» II 0 II 0 H,0 In a solution of an electrolyte, the molecules split into ions I \a CI- Na CI Na CI- \a el Na CI- Na CI- \a CI \- CI- Na CI- When an electric currenl passes through a solution tin- ions tend i<» arrange themselves tl Cathode An \a V \ ("1 CI l \a \.: V CI CI 1 \a V \'a CI CI CI It follows from the above considerations tl stanct in solution will i>> ml on tfu t peel it to I"' from the amounl <>f substance actual! In the Determination of the Conductiviu use Btandard conditions of depth and width i currenl is passed, and t<> ha\ •• bod is thru know n i u being the conducth it; centimeter cube, w ould ofl sides of the cube actii is PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES ally made in a cylindrical vessel of hard glass I from soft glass enough alkali might be dissolved to affect the results), the electrodes being circu- lar plates of platinum firmly cemented at a known distance from each other (Fig. 5).* This conductivity cell, as it is called, is connected with, a suitable electric apparatus for measuring the resistance offered w s: Fig. 5.-— Diagram of conductivity cells. The platinum discs are represented by the thick hlack lines. They are held in position by thick-walled glass tubes, through which they are connected with the terminals by platinum wires. (From Spencer.) by the solution to the passage of an electric current (Wheatstone Bridge) (see Fig. 6). The resistance is of course inversely proportional to the conductivity. As a saline solution is progressively diluted, its specific conductivity naturally decreases (since there are now fewer molecules between the Fig. d. — Wheatstone IJridge for the measurement of electric resistance: a-b, bridge wire; c, the movable contact. two opposite faces of the centimeter cube, and the space between ions or molecules is increased). This result will not, however, tell us whether the salt itself is undergoing any alteration in conducting power as a con- sequence, for example, of greater dissociation. To ascertain this we must 'This distance is determined not by direct measurement but by calculation from results obtained by testing the actual resistance of a solution whose specific resistance is accurately known. I l.Ii I RI4 < ONDU< Tl\ II V, OlfcKOl I - obtain figures relating to the quanl I we multiply the specific conductivity by it which contains I gram-equivalent (see page 22 which represents the« < lucting power oi quival< i known as the equivalent or molecular t the sign a. When ii is determined for pro dilute a gradually increases, indicating thai I as a conductor im n i with dilution, I" extenl of this increase is found i<» I ome • proceeds. By plotting the values of the molecule i\>' dilutions as a curve, the value at infinite dilul by extrapolation. 'Plus value is repr< c. Now, lei us see how these facts bear out the tii ii i. According to this hypothesis the conductivity d< ber nf imis (see page IT . and since it is al a maximum Illa- tion, //" valut a •- must represent tin total duced by the dissociation of t gran dilution. I f, therefore, we divide a by \ we obtain a val which must represent the degree to which th< various dilutions a1 which A is measured. Prom whal 1 garding the osmotic pressure of similar solutions, it value a could also be calculated by finding th< pression of freezing poinl a is greater than would 1" number of dissolved molecules. An a matte thai practically identical values are obtained many furnishing almosl incontrovertible proof in supp< hypothesis. In the cases of weak ;i! explanation of such phei lena as tl during muscular, glandular, and nen i I i the application are nol as yel sufficiently understood I tempting to thr same degree, thej musl m< through the solution. We are driven, therefori exposed to the same electric force, different ions have diffi tics: that is to Bay, when an electric currenl p.isv.^ throuj an electrolyte, the positively charged ions mo differeni rate from thai at which the negativelj i towards the a !<■. Confirmation of this conclusion is ination of the concentration changes around th.- tw electrolytic cell. The actual velocity ch ion • experimental means. •Thus Tar;: same ratio a>. their chemical equivsh CHAPTER IV THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN THE DETERMINATION OF THE HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION TITRABLE ACIDITY AND ALKALINITY All acids have one property in common — namely, that they contain hydrogen — and when the acid becomes neutralized, it is this element which becomes replaced by some other cation. Evidently, then, the strength of an acid is proportional to the number of displaceable hydro- gen atoms which it contains. It may contain other hydrogen atoms which are so bound up in the molecule that they do not become displaced when an alkali is mixed with the acid. For example, in organic acids like acetic, CH3COOH, it is only the H atom attached to the COOH group, but not those attached to the CH3 group, that is replaceable. It must therefore be possible to prepare for every acid a solution having exactly the same neutralizing power as that of any other acid; that is, the same volume of solution must be required in each case to neutralize a given quantity of alkali, the point of neutralization being judged by the change in color of indicators. As a standard a gram-molecular solu- tion of an acid with one displaceable H ion, such as hydrochloric, is chosen. This we call a "normal acid" (N). To prepare a normal solu- tion of acids having two displaceable IT atoms, such as H2S04, we can not however use a gram-molecular quantity, but must take one-half of it; and similarly in the case of those with three H atoms, such as H3P04, a one-third gram-molecular solution will be a normal acid solution. For practical purposes, use is very generally made of solutions that are some fraction of the normal, e. g., tenth or decinormal (written N/10), or hun- dredth or centinormal (N/100). In a similar way, alkaline solutions can be prepared, a normal alkali being one which exactly corresponds in strength with a normal acid (i.e., can exactly neutralize it). Now, the characteristic of alkalies is that they produce in solution "OH" or hydroxy] ions; so that the process of neutralization must consist in the union of the H ions of the acid with • the OH ions of the alkali to form water: KOH + HC1 = = KC1 +H20. We can, therefore, prepare normal solutions of alkalies by dissolving in 1 liter of water such quantities of alkali (in grams) as will yield the Oil required to read with the available hydrogen in normal acid solutions. 22 BYDR< Actual Degree of Acidity or AlkalimU method of titration a normal solution oi as hydrochloric, is no stronger than a normal such as acetic or lactic. It requ it. But the normal solution of tl more toxic, dissolves metals more readily, and in and physiological properties acts much more quick!} I so thai the titrabh acidity or alkali of the a.-id or alkali, or the actual dec I It in this connection that the dissociation hypol that the degree to which the acid I mes die remainder <»t' the molecule will dctermini Tht' question is, how arc we to measure the latfc which we may measure is that known accelerate reactions, such as the splitting of I ll 0 glucose and levulose, which otherwise would page 75 . It' then the real Btrength of an acid • of dissociation which it undergoes, ''^ power should correspond with those represents ties of the acids in equivalenl concentration actually the case is shown in the following table, in whi of various acids are give ►mpared with ll< 1. which • ACID at u IH'I Dichloracel ic Monochloracetic Forntie Acetic 0.4: It will be evidenl that, it" we could measure tl ■ II ions in a solution that is, of II ions thai w e should have a faithful index of its has been rendered possible by the applici I chemical principles namely force. Since the objed of this volun for the various methods thai are used in modern i essary for us to review the main principle: hall see that they apply, no1 only in the n hut in many other physiological p BfMl Action When material part in posing while others Bre 24 PHYSICOCHEMICAL basis of physiological processes condition is reached in which the changes in one direction are exactly offset by those in the other. An equilibrium is said to have become estab- lished between the reacting substances. Bearing in mind that the ions and molecules entering into these reactions are constantly moving about and coming in contact with one another, it is easy to see that if we were to add an additional quantity of one kind of molecule or ion, there would be a change all along the line until a new equilibrium was established. If, on the other hand, Ave were to remove one kind of molecule or ion as fast as it is formed, the equilibrium could never be established, and the reaction would proceed until all of this material had disappeared. The natural rate at which any chemical reaction proceeds is dependent upon a number of conditions, such as chemical affinity, temperature, catalysis, and concentration. Of these conditions that of concentration is most readily measured. If we maintain all of the conditions other than that of concentration unchanged, and designate this combined in- fluence as K (constant), we shall find that the speed of the reaction is proportional to the molecular concentration of the reacting substances (i. e., the number of gram-molecular weights per liter). In other words, the speed with which two "substances, a and b, unite to form other sub- stances, c and d, will be expressed by the equation, k (a)x(b) <=» k' (c)x(d);* which means that, when the reaction is complete, the composition of the mixture will be dependent upon the ratio between k and k". Since however these are both constants, their quotient is also constant (K), and (a) x (b) we have the equation, , . -r^r- = K, indicating that no matter how (c) x (d) the concentrations a, b, c, and d are varied, reaction will take place in one direction or the other until the concentrations have become adjusted so that K remains unchanged. As an example of the application of these laws, let us take the reaction which occurs between alcohols and organic acids to form the substance 5 called esters — a reaction which is analogous to that between mineral alkalies and acids to form neutral salts, and which is of special interest to us because it is the reaction involved in the splitting of animal fats. The equation for the reaction is: C,H,OH + CILCOOH ?^ C9HeOOCCHa + H.O. (ethyl (acetic (ethyl acetate, alcohol) acid) an ester) Or expressed according to the law of mass action: [C2HrpH] x [CH3COOH] LC,H0OOCCH3] x [ILO] K. *Thc brackets indicate that gram molecular quantities are used. HYDRi Now it 1^ clear thai if we increi ! 1 < » in thi in order thai K may remain unchanged < II < »< • < < II the substances which form the oumerator of ti or both these changes musl occur. A- a i the above, both of these adjustments I down, it iniiM thereby increase tin- concenl Since in aqueous solutions the reaction juts in the pi of water, it is evidenl that the tendency for a: water is to break down into alcohol and ami. and th all reactions in the bodj Quids in which water enters inl Physiological Applications. The application i in the explanation of biochemical pro the reactions which enzymes or ferments art of the same general nature as thai represented ah of their activities arc usually the substances on th< side in which no water molecules appear i.e., they are hydi Enzymes merely accelerate the reaction with a mixture of the substances on either sid< of th< • In is tn .- elerate the production of a sufficienl c on the other Bide, until the equilibrium poinl an enzyme present in pancreatic juice, call< breakdown of such esters as neutral fat, which consists mic alcohol, glycerol, combined with the fatty acids palmitic C II '''"'11 . stearic c || COOB and oleic CTB COOH : '■II ',11 I M OH (tin- neutral fat, tri-r Under ordinarj conditions the reaction pi a until neutral t'at has become decomposed because water, hut if we start with a mixture of I I With just enough water to permit the enzymi I ■ I in the opposite direel ion i e., bo thai Bon s\ nthesized. This is called the • l '• cause "i' the universal pr versible reactions could nut alone I" sis of neutral fat or of similar BUD81 I way by which synthesis could occur under tl • if the Bubstance produ ^ w ith 1 site of the read ion i a boob as I precipitation of the SUD8tai \ elope of BOme inert mat. rial I-, • ■ ■ 26 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES occurs in the epithelium of the intestine out of the fatty acid and glycerol absorbed from the intestinal contents, it is possible that the last men- tioned process occurs. In other cases the substance may be carried away by the blood or lymph or urine as fast as it is formed. The Law of Mass Action as Applied to the Measurement of H-ion Concentration. — Let us now return to the reaction or H-ion concentration of substances in solution. As the standard of neutrality, pure water is chosen. Let us consider, then, how the laws- of mass action can be applied in order to enable us to determine the H-ion concentration of pure water. It has been stated above that chemically pure water is in- capable of conducting the electric current. This however is not strictly the case, for it conducts to a very slight degree. According to the dis- sociation hypothesis, it must therefore be represented as containing molecules of H,0 and ions of H- and OH -, and according to that of mass action there must be a balanced reaction between the molecules and ions represented thus: H.O<=>H • + OH • oiJ FTjTVi ~ = K. Since the concentration of H- and OH- is extremely small, there must always be such an overwhelming preponderance of H20 molecules that no changes in the concentration of H- and OH • will be capable of appre- ciably affecting the concentration of H20 ; in other words, one may omit the denominator of the equation and write it [H-] x [OH-] = K. If then we know the value of K, it will only be necessary to measure the concentration of either H- or OH- in order to express in numerical terms the reaction of the solution. It has been found that the value of K is about lxlO14,* and since the concentrations of H- and OH- are nec- essarily equal in pure water, it follows that [H] = [OH] = \'lxlO"14, i. e., each ion has a concentration of 1 x 10"7. This means that water con- t.iins approximately 1 gram mol. each of H- and OH- ions, or 1 gram H- and 17 grams OH- ions, in 10 7 or 10.000,000 liters. A consequence of the above law is that no matter how much the concentration of one ion is increased by adding another substance, the solution must still contain some of the other ion. Tims, in acid solutions eon. H- must increase and con. OH- must decrease in such proportion that the two multiplied together equals about 1 x 10 ll. The H-ion concentration can be used there fore to crprrss Hie reaction of neutral, acid and alkaline solutions. In place of water, let us substitute decinormal hydrochloric acid *The sign 10"" is simply a convenient way of expressing the degree of dilution. It gives the number of times the value standing in front of it must be multiplied by 10 in order to find the. .degree of dilution. HYDROG1 \ |. 27 "I .\ IK 'I thai is, a hj drochloric acid -■ of the molecular weighl «>r hydrochl cid in liter of water. At this dilution HC1 is 91 p< t!i«' II ion concenl rati ,r <*,, ,-is ir i itten or, in mathemal ical notal ion, 9.1 I'1 Mi thod of I' ■■■ I To '• "i'l the several figures t<> express C ... as has Keen done abo • In ! a scheme by which only one figuri l ignated by Ph, is Pound by subtracting from the i the figure standing behind I11 the common logarithm • pressing the normality of the acid.* In a decinormal II" therefore, we must subtracl from the po which is .96 ascertained from logarithm tabl< 1 "I T another example: decinormal acetic acid is dissociate tent of 1.3 per cent; CH is therefore 0.0013 normal, or 1.3x1 the logarithm of 1.3 is .11, P„ equals 3 .11, •■ 2 - The only objection to the use of tl onenl Ph aa the B-ion concentration is that it inc in magn becomes less; this is because the negati garded. As stated above, it is usual t<» express tl .is well as acids in terms of Ch, or Ph, becaus concentration of II ions than of <'II ioi - A. 0.1 NaOB s per cenl dissociated; therefore the "OH" ion is equivalents n|| per liter . and since the produd 1 Oil' concentrations must always equal 1" I 20 I the II ion increases in concentration, the "'11 i<»u m crease. ESxpressed according t<> the above Bchemt SM \ KaOIl solution gives PH L3.06; thus, 0.084 B.4xl08; and this subtracted from the power 2 1.08 P 14.14 L3.06 as PH.## similar]}. I\, of "'.1 \ Ml HO solution is 11.286 It* 1 } per cent ; therefore the solution contaii HO i.e., M L0 P 0 l 16 2 B54 P 14.1 11.286.1 '"It !■ ihai number Ih.iti I'm", bul l v ■ tTIlr 0 L>s PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES Application of the Law of Mass Action in Determining the Real Strength of Acids or Alkalies. — \Ye have seen that it is the degree of dissociation upon which the real strength of an acid depends and that this varies with dilution (page lit). The equilibrium between the un- dissociated and dissociated molecules may therefore be shifted in either direction by changing the concentration; in other words, the process of dissociation is a reversible reaction, and may be represented as AB±5A' + B\ The law of mass action must apply in such a ease, and as a matter of fact it has been found that a constant can be calculated, which is known as the dissociation constant.* It is an expression of the inherent ability of the acid to dissociate into ions, and is therefore the best measure of the strength of the acid. This is strictly the case for all of the weaker acids, but strong mineral acids (and bases) do not give a satisfactory constant, so that the comparison must not be made between them and weaker ones. That the dissociation constant expresses the rela- tive strength of organic acids can be shown by comparing its value with that of the rate at which cane sugar is inverted (see page 23), this being proportional to the concentration of the H ions present. K for some or- ganic acids is : Acetic, 0.000018 ; Formic, 0.000214 ; Benzoic, 0.00006 ; Sal- icylic, 0.00102. *The equation is — — p-^r- r= K, where it is supposed that in volume V of the solution there is 1 gram-equivalent of electrolyte, and that the degree of dissociation is a; the quantity of undis- sociated electrolyte stated in a fraction of a gram-equivalent will he la, and the quantity of each ion a. To illustrate, let us take acetic acid in various dilutions: V 0.994 2.02 15.9 18.1 a Kx 10: 0.004 1.62 0.00614 1.88 0.0166 1.76 0.0178 0.78 I MAT I BR V THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED l\ THE MEAS1 REMEN1 OF THE HYDROGEN l<»\ < ON( ENTRATION I THE METHODS OF MEASUREMENT The Electric Method In order to understand the principle of il • measuring the II ion concentration, il is nee said < cerning the factors governing the development of electric i rents in chemical batteries. There may be a furtl knowledge in connection with th< which occurs during physiological activity, as in When a metal is immersed in a solution of tendency to give off ions into the solution. 9 lar ioi already presenl in this solution, and these, by t; tend to oppose the passage of the i force with which the metal sends oul its ions into th< tin electrolytic solution /■ h' this [ual t<» tl sure of the metallic ions in the solution, there will generated, but it' it is greater or less than ih< metallic ion, an electric currenl will beset up. When tl Bure is the greater, the metal will become n< ions carrj positive charges into the boIuI when tl smotic pressure is ir than the N..luti.>ii will have a positive charge, owing t<> th< from the solution. Because of .1 called from the metal can uot travel an} n charged mass of metal, bo that fron impossible for us to lead off an : must form a circuit. Tin- is done n tl 7 connecting side tubes coming fron mediate vessel containing ution uecting the metals by wires l • same metals in soluti rent w ill be "ate, I, 30 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES equal and in opposite directions to each other. I >u the other hand, should the concentration of the metallic ion in the solutions be unequal, the electromotive force will How from the one electrode to the other, and the pressure with which it flows will be equal to the difference in con- centration of the two solutions. This is the principle of a concentration cell, and if we know the concentration of one of the solutions composing it, and then proceed to measure the electromotive force, we can obtain the concentrations of the other solution by difference. To do this we must employ a formula which takes into consideration the relation be- tween the potential and the concentration of the solution. The potential of an unknown electrode composed of a metal in con- tact with a solution of one of its salts may also be determined by making it one pole of a battery of which the other pole is composed of a stand- aid electrode of unchanging known potential. An electrode of the latter ^y Fig. 7. — Diagram to show type of electrodes used in studying electromotive force. The metal in each electrode is connected (through a glass tube) with a platinum wire, to which the apparatus for measurement of the voltage is connected. The metal dips into a solution contained in the electrode vessel and filling the side tube. The latter dips into an inter- mediate vessel containing saturated KG solution. The currents flow through the circuit under the following conditions: (1) dissimilar metals dipping into the same fluid; (2) similar metals dipping into different fluids; (3) dissimilar metals dipping into different fluids. type can most readily be made by bringing pure mercury in contact with a saturated solution of calomel (Hg2Cl2) in normal potassium chlo- ride solution. Under suitable conditions (i. e., when the circuit is com- pleted), a potential of -i 0.560 v. is developed in this so-called calonnl electrode* — that is, positive ions of mercury are deposited on the mercury from the calomel solution at this pressure. Suppose that we connect a calomel electrode, through the intermediation of some solution which •The calomel electrode consists of a suitably shaped glass vessel containing pure mercury, con- nected by means of a platinum wire with a conductor, and filled with a saturated, solution of pure mercurous chloride in normal KG solution up to such a level that it also (ills a side tube connected with a vessel containing a saturated solution of potassium chloride. Into this vessel also runs a similar side tube from the unknown electrode. By having an excess of undissolved calomel in the solution in the calomel electrode its saturated condition is maintained during the chemical changes which accompany the production of the electric current. HYDROO will serve as a good conductor, with another el trodes being also connected bj wires with electrical a] measuring the total potential of the battery; then by addJ to or subtracting this value from the total potential sign of the unknown electrode we can tell the potential electrode. We have discussed these principles of electrochemisti form the basis upon which depends the Btandard method the deter- mination of the H-ion concentration of fluids. Suppose thai in place of using a metal in the construction <>: use an electrode consisting <>t' a layer of pure hydro with a solution in which are free II ions: then the rate ;it whiel II fi'.S^ J pf^-l 3-"V --,f +© + -Diagram ol foi thi rent k<"|" ' ated in the batten lion, and the II ele< trode) or ■ ■ :-i the bi idffe w ire, w >" i e i h< liri.l«<- win- from an accumulat nt at various : S"i' n~i ill become added to the solution from the II !.v ,.ik-,n from • pend on the concentration of II ions in Bolution. I hydrogen electrode fulfilling the abo employ some means by which a layer "t" hydrogen may !•• fortunately this can be done by taking advanta Bpongy platinum possesses of absorbing larg It is also necessary to keep an atmosphi H fluid. As is tli.' case «'t" the simpler cells types \\lii<-li we mighl use for measurii erated in tin* unknov n • - 1 * • « ■ t rode n • :!L' PHTSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF I'll YSIOUHJICAL I'HOCKSRKS hydrogen electrodes, of which one contains a solution of known H-ion concentration, and the other the solution in which this is unknown; and a cell of which one electrode is a standard calomel electrode and the other, a hydrogen electrode containing the unknown solution. The exact arrangement of the apparatus in which the calomel elec- trode is used will be seen in the accompanying sketch. The hydrogen electrode, it will be noticed, is a very small V-shaped tube, in which is suspended a platinum wire coated with spongy platinum and dipping into a solution which nearly fills the tube. The space above the solution is -filled with pure hydrogen. This and the calomel electrode are con- nected with suitable electric measuring instruments, and the circuit is completed by connecting the two electrodes by means of an intermediate vessel containing a saturated solution of potassium chloride. This con- necting solution is used because it has been found that the electric cur- rents set up at the contact between different solutions are so small that they can be disregarded.* As outlined above, the hydrogen electrode is that which is used to determine the H-ion concentration of blood, the particular point about it, in comparison with the apparatus used for simpler solutions, being that the hydrogen is not changed in the course of the experiment. This precaution is to prevent the carbon dioxide of the blood from being "washed out" of it by a frequently changing atmosphere of hydrogen. Many inaccuracies in the earlier results obtained by this method were due to the removal of carbon dioxide, which, as we shall see later, is one of the chief acids contributing to the H-ion concentration of blood. The Indicator Method As pointed out in a previous chapter (page 22), the method of titra- tion for acidity or alkalinity in Avhich a standard solution of alkali or acid is added until a certain change in the color of a suitable indicator is detected, does not afford any information regarding the H-ion con- centration actually present in the solution. It tells us the total con- centration of available acid or base, both dissociated and undissociated. By modification of the method of procedure, however, we may also use indicators for determining the H-ion concentratioii. The principle of this method depends on the fact that there are certain dyes which •liange quite distinctly in tint with very slight changes in the H-ion concentration, so that if we use dyes which possess this property at a point near that of neutralit}r (i. e., between PH6.5 and PH8), Ave can es- *A description of the technic for measuring the electric potential developed by the cell would be out of place here. Suffice to say that the strength of the current is compared with that of a current of known strength furnished by a normal cell, the comparison being made by a bridge wire F, a capillary electrometer II being employed to detect the direction and degree of current. HYDRO*! timate the II -ion concentration of the bod} flui accuracy, provided certain precautions are taken I disturbing influence which the protein and ^tlts in these flui mi tin' color change. To understand this use of indicators, it is importanl to in mi thai one solution reacting neutral to one indicator H concentration which differs very marked]} from thai i tion reacting neutral to another indicator. This is read to differenl II ion concentral \ tlution thai phenolphthalein has a Pa of aboul 9, wh< ntral I ange lias a I'm of aboul 4. rl'liis can 1"- very clearly a solution of phosphoric acid with decinormal alkali. After amounl of alkali has been added it will be noticed that methyl changes from red to yellow, bul after it has changed alkaline as judged by this indicator, it still remains distinctly wards phenolphthalein shows no red tint even thou, more alkali is added. The methyl orange is. tin sive i<» weak acids such as remain after the greater p phoric acid has been neutralized by the alkali. The scries of indicators which has been empl< given in the accompanying table, along with the I'm limits through wl they change in color. List or [kdii CHF.MICAL NAMK COMMON SAMF, Thymol Bulfon phthalein id ran^c) Tctrri liromo phenol sul- d phthalein Orthn r.irlwxy benzene aao di methyl aniline Ortho carboxy I nzo
  • I'H Ki.nn Blood Urine Balh a Gastric juice (adult) 0.9 1 . stric juice I Lufa i Pancreatic juice (dog Small intestinal contents Small intestinal Content S I infl Bile from liver Bile from gall bladder Perspiration Perspiration Tears 7.1 6.0 M . ■ Ps 1.6 :' ii'1 5.0 Pericardia] fluid B.3 A< 7.1 Vitreous hut :.] ' ten al fluid 7. \ Amniotic tlui:;' at room temperature will be such that the concentra- tion of H-ion equals a 0.000,000,5 N solution. 36 are equivalenl quantities of fre< H,CO I bicarl — the II ion concentration will be exactly I the -I constant of carl ic acid; therefor* 0.000,000,5 N P 6.31 five times the value of neutrality, .1 \ P 7 : l times as much free carbonic acid as bicarboni I \ theo the I! concentration will be fifty times that of neutrality, i. • *. — 0.000, ,5 0.000,005 P 5.3] ; if ther. ten tin acid than bicarbonate, the II ion concentration will be one-half thai neutrality, i. e., =rj 0.000,000,5 0.000,000,05 P 7 ' if twenty times less, one fourth P 7.6 . Since a bicarbonate is actually presenl in blood enough to yield fron < 'n_- per LOO c.c. of blood see page 391 . and th< undergoes fluctuations which ar< only trivia] when compared with tl which have I □ chosen in the above examples, it is clear thai be very little change in the H-ion concentration of the blood in com] i with tho variations which would occur were no bicarbonate present. Another weak acid which acts like carbonic in maintaini - ity is acid phosphate .MM I'11 . and for the Bam< □ namely. | its dissociation constanl is of similar magnitude to the II ;"': tration. Although the hi 1 plasma itself contains much less pho than bicarbonate, the 1 i-.^n<-- contain a considerable amount, which ahles them to maintain their neutrality. This on of 1 phosphates is styled the buffer action, meaning that it mp dowil the effect oil the H imi e. .1 icell t fat ion which addit alkalies would otherwise have. As pointed oul by I '• better word to use would be "tampon action." sine,. th< actually soak up much of the added II or OH' io - [1 to the fluids of the higher animals, but is widely throu ghoul nature; for example, in th< n and in the flui organisms and animalcules see I. J Hendersoi Although the actual reaction by which neutrality is m. purely of a physicochemical natui made so thai the acid and b ibstan< supplied and those produced bj the react quires Tl e ii r ■ ^i)>i>1<• p by Van Slyke and others to constitul nition * — namely, fla condition in which the concentration of bia in th*» blood is reduced below the normal level." I for any reason should no1 respond promptly enough to an ii in the molecular ratio , . and <\ nsequently l condition is called uncompensated acidosis, but if the center »nd m> that Ch is Ik'M constanl although NaHt 1 1 condition is .ill.' Of ' "//'/" flSati '/ acidosis. For practical reasons, therefore, the study of pathological acidoe pends on an estimation of the bicarbonate content of the bl< it is simpler to carry oul and is of equal valui plasma. \V plasma is obtained by removing 1>I 1 from a vein of the arm and c trifuging immediately oul of contacl with air (so thai CO, i aol be lust from it it contains approximately 60 vols, per cent I (l we know that the partial pressure of CO, in M 1 is equal to 42 mm. Hg scertained from determinations of the alveolar ' 0 set 14), we can calculate how much of the 60 vols per cent must be in simple solution by application of the law of solution of gas in a liquid 336). It has been found thai plasma at body temperature and at mm. Hg atmospheric pressure dissolves 0.54 ... bo thai 42 12 mm. it will dissolve =^x 100x0.54 I vols 1 nbing [H,CO 1 the figures to our equation we NfaHCO This definition of acidosis leaves oul 1 all conditions thai m raise the ratio v the addition of U.CO, wit mp BinR \all< ( > any of the NaHt It > . such, for exampl< carbonic acid is presenl in the blood plasu l i i are nol infrequenl in both health and dis< ditions the above definition ie sufficiently <-<>u W we come to Btudy th ntrol of the respiral an increase in the ratio v ,, actual increase in «',, ran be produced bj eaush • n ii \.iiieO» K , 1 1 . K .i ■ : j 40 PHYSUOClir.MICAI; BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES containing an excess of CO, — a true acidosis, but one for which no place is found in the above definition. Nevertheless, Van Slyke's definition has a veal value, because it em- phasizes the importance of a determination of the bicarbonate as a cri- terion of the degree of the forms of acidosis usually met with in disease. The bicarbonate under such conditions may become reduced either be- cause of the appearance of improperly oxidized fatty acids, like /?-oxy- butyric and acetoacetic, when carbohydrate metabolism is upset as in diabetes or starvation, or because the acids produced by a normal metabolism are inadequately eliminated by the kidneys, as in nephritis. Accordingly, if the respiratory mechanism and increased mass move- ment of the blood (for an increase in CH accelerates this also) should IT CO, fail to eliminate CO, quickly enough so as to keep the Tjr^ ratio at one twentieth, then CH will rise. This is not likely to happen until a large part of the NaHC03 has been used up, so that an estimation of that actually present must be a reliable index of the proximity to this condition. A sustained increase in CH is incompatible with life. The NaHC03 is the buffer, the factor of safety which prevents its occurrence. Although it is only in arterial blood (i. e., after elimination of excess of CO, by TT Co the lungs has been accomplished) that constancy in the ratio tt<^a~ NaHCOo can be expected, it is fortunate, for practical reasons, that venous blood collected during muscular rest and without stasis should be only slightly different. "When acids are added to the blood, they will first of all be neutralized by the "buffers" of the plasma — namely, NaHC03 and protein, as Ave have seen. But this is only the first line of defense against acidosis, for buffer substances present in the corpuscles may also be used. This intra- corpuscular reserve of alkali is mobilized partly by transference of K and Na from corpuscle to plasma, but mainly by that of HC1 from the plasma into the corpuscle, so releasing base in the former to combine with the added acid (e. g., H,C03), according to the equation: H,C03 + NaCl +± NaHCO, f HC1. The HC1 on entering the corpuscle reacts with phosphates according to the equation: HC1 + NaJTPO, ^± NaH,P04 + NaCl. This is a particularly important detail of the buffer action of the blood, for it shows us how the phosphates of the corpuscles are rendered available for neutralizing acids added to the plasma, where there are practically no phosphates. Indeed the transference of acid through the corpuscular envelope indicates that the same sort of thing must go on with the oilier cells of the body, so that the plasma, itself rather poor in buffer substances, has all those of the body at its disposal. THE MEASUREMENT OF THE RESERVE ALKALINITY 1. Titration Methods There are several methods by which the kal in . may l>c measured. The Bimplesl in theory <-"i standard acid must be added t<> a measured quantil order to reach the aeutral pohil as judged by change in tint indicator. The indicators emplo} ed change their tints ;ii Minn concentrations tl of neutrality (i. e., at a high CH or Iom I' To bring th poinl of neutrality the added alkali will 1 d to neutral i bicarbonate of the plasma, bul other acid-bindii - This will give us a false iinptvssiun of the acid-bin< plasma, since, at the normal Ch of tin- blood, pr< I tn anything like tin' extenl they do at higher deg I \ objection to the method is thai the proteins in1 9 of tin- indicators. The objections can be removed by determining the end p metrically <»r by indicators thai change tint at aboul P 7 practical way is 1<> determine the change in Ch produced by known volume of standard arid to blood plasma. I in Ch will then be greater the less the alkaline I metric method irregularities thai mighl be of carbonic arid in the blood to start with the < '< » from the plasma after adding i 'I therefore consists in mixing 1 c c. plasma with 2 c separating runnel, which is then after which the fluid is transferred to a hyd measured see pag< In normal blood this - P In acidosis, where there is a depleted alkali will cause a much greater change in C« in diab< or luw er. The technic involved in the abo> e meth< routine clinical work. For such purp< - and Rom nt ree maj be emploj ed. Tin M i thod op Levy R At lonsol" -lass of aboul 2 powdered ru utral potassium oxalal immediately stoppered and placed on i the bl 1 are then placed ii and allowed to stand for !;' 42 PHYSICOCHKMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES layer of plasma to separate on the surface (this prevents laking of the blood during the subsequent addition of acid or alkali). The blood in the first tube is used for the determination of the normal H-ion. In each of the next three tubes are added respectively 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 c.c. N/50 HC1, and to the last three, similar quantities of N/50 NaOH. After inverting the tubes so as to mix the contents, the blood in each is trans- ferred to celloidin sacs and the CH determined according to the method described elsewhere (page 32). The tubes are noted in which a change in tint from that of the normal blood is evident, and the results are expressed as the c.c. of N/50 HC1 or NaOH which must be added to blood to change its Ch. Thus, the alkali buffer is the c.c. of N/50 NaOH which can be added to 2 c.c. of blood without change of CH of the dialysate, and the acid buffer the c.c. of N/50 HC1. The method suffers from the following drawbacks: 1. Very small quantities of acid and alkali are employed. 2. It is often difficult to tell just exactly when a slight difference in tint has been produced. 3. Even with the precautions described above, it is impossible to be sure that the amount of C02 in the different samples of blood is the same, which means, of course, that some bloods will, on this account alone, be able to bind more alkali than others. The Method of Van Slyke. — A method based on somewhat the same principle, but which is more accurate because it meets the above objec- tion, is that suggested by Van Slyke, Stillman and Cullen.14 Plasma is freed of C02 by placing it in a vacuum, and is then mixed with an equal volume of N/50 HC1 (or NaOH) and the CH determined by the electric method (see page 29). In the case of normal blood, after such an addi- tion of acid, a practically normal CH will be found, whereas in the blood of cases of acidosis it will be very distinctly increased (i.e., PH lower). 2. CO^-combining Power The above objections to the titration of blood plasma or dialysate with standard solutions of acids are removed if we measure the com- bining poAver of the blood alkali towards carbonic acid itself at normal blood reaction. This may be done either in blood immediately after its removal from the animal or in blood that has been first of all saturated outside the body with carbonic acid at a partial pressure equal to that existing in the body. Since for practical reasons venous blood must be used — in the clinic at least — the former of these methods suffers from the fault Hint varying amounts of carbonic acid will be added to the blood during its passage through the tissues, and the error thereby ACID incurred will become greatlj ag duced in drawing the specimen for analysis Bui thi this method has no1 been extensi ely emplo Slyke, is the technical difficulty of making the nee It is most satisfactory to colled venous bl I a1 leasl of muscular resl so thai thei i CO oul venous stasis, and to centrifuge withoul permitting sideral of carbonic acid. The latter precaution is nec< migration of acid radicles, e.g., HC1, from plasma ii I tin' ('(>.. of iIip former is increased, and in the n on when the C03 is decreased, [f the COa in the blood w< I I &me durii trifuging as it is in the body, the separate plasma would no1 same amount of alkali i. e., iis reserve alkalinity would I • Although tl retically, therefore, centrifuging should !"■ p I in l"i({. 10. — Diagram of a l" ads m tin- bottle cond< filled with expired air, si rotated so that tin- hluo.i a film o an atmosphere containing the same partial pr< CO the body (i. e., the alveolar air skx : _■ 144 this im- practicable for genera] use, and is unnec B] mini of blood is prevented bj allowing it to tlow very slowly 'Without anj suction . It is mixed in t1 ith powdered (neutral potassium oxalat< enough to i solution with the blood . and immediately delivered i1 ' tube under paraffin oil, which by floating on I fi ee diffusion of CO to the outside air e\ en the. more I 0 than wain- . To mix the Mood with tl should be moved backward and forward Beveral shaken. A itrr cenl rifuging, aboul 3 w ith < '< >. al the Bame tension as in al> i 44 MIYSinx llKMIt'AI. BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PKOCKSSKS is done by placing the plasma in a separating funnel of 300 c.c. capacity, laying the funnel on its side and displacing the air in it by alveolar air secured by quickly making as deep an inspiration as possible through the tube and bottle containing glass beads (Fig. 10). The glass beads remove excess of water vapor from the air. The tunnel must be restop- pered before the end of the expiration, so that no outside air enters. It is then rotated, for about two minutes, in such a way that the plasma forms a film on its walls. If il is necessary to postpone the saturating of the plasma, this should be pipetted off from the corpuscles and pre- served in hard -lass Fig. 11. — \ it n Slyke's apparatus fur measuring the COi-coinbining power of blood in blood plasma. For description, see context. enough alkali is soon dissolved out to vitiate the results. After saturation of the plasma with C02, the funnel is placed in the upright position and the plasma allowed to colled in the narrow portion, after which 1 c.c. is removed with an accurate pipette and analyzed for C02. The analysis may be done by using either the Van Slyke or the Hal- dane-Barcr oft apparatus. Tin Van Slyke method is as follows: The apparatus is filled to the top of the graduated tube with mercury (Pig. 11) by raising the mercury reservoir /•', care being taken thai /> and /•-' are also rilled. One c.c. of the C02-saturated plasma is then de- livered into .1 which has been rinsed oul with ' I I and the stopcock / turned so that I reservoir /'. the plasma rung into /: b il procedure is repeated with 1 e.c. watei h in all o and anally 0.5 <-.<• of 5 per cenl H,SO is Bucked in, is turned off. The reservoir /•' is then li all of the mercury, but none of the l»l 1. to run oul ol B I is thus produced in /» and C. As the level of the mercury falls in /; and C, the plasma It'iitly.' because il is exposed to a vacuum. To bi < 0 have been dislodged Prom the solution, the appar several times. To ascertain how much CO // is now tur I so as to bring C and E into communical lowering the reservoir the fluid in ( to run /' Stopi k // is thereafter turned so as to conned C and D voir raised so that the mercury runs into C as far i CO, 1 lected in tlic burette will permil it to go. After bring mercury in /•' to correspond to that in the burette, I this stands is read. l\ gives the c.c. of CO, lil Under the above conditions normal plasma bii its volume of CO,; therefore, since the total capacity e c . tlif mercury should stand a1 0.31 n the bui i measurement it is necessary to allow for the CO, 1 in the water, etc., as well as for barometric p This is best done by the use of a table based on t 1 0 under the various conditions obtaining, whicl Slyke's paper." Tin Haldai ■ 5 croft apparatus that is i analysis is show n in Fig. 136, : CO water is placed in the bottle and the l ■ ^ thai rub licr i n ihr tlni.l iii the limb. \wtli bag until • . he lirinlit at l>r< The • that tin krpt constant, thi ■ till the I lu«M Ol 46 PHYSI.COCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES The bottle is then connected with the manometer with the precautions described elsewhere in this volume. When temperature conditions have been allowed for, saturated tartaric acid is mixed with the plasma solu- tion and the gas evolved measured by the displacement of the fluid in the manometer. The apparatus may also be used with blood in place of plasma. In this case, however, it is necessary that the oxygen be removed before adding the tartaric acid. This precaution is necessary, since acid can dislodge some of the 0, from hemoglobin. The blood is therefore first of all hiked with ammonia containing some saponin, then shaken with 0.25 c.c. saturated potassium ferricyanide solution, and finally with the saturated acid solution. If blood is used, the estimations must be made on strictly fresh blood, since on standing the C02-combining power greatly deteriorates. 3. Indirect Methods There are several other methods by which the alkaline reserve may be measured. These include: 1. Determination of the Tension of COL> in Alveolar Air (page 344).— Since this method is employed more particularly in investigating the hormone control of the respiratory center, we shall defer a description of it until later. The alveolar CO., tension corresponds to the C02 ten- sion in arterial blood and this is proportional to the alkaline reserve as determined by Van Slyke's method as is proved by the fact that the ratio, plasma CO, . , . » .-, , , ~,~ " : — , is satisiactorilv constant. alveolar CO, tension 2. The Measurement of the Acid Excretion by the Kidney. — As might be expected, the acid-base equilibrium of the body may also be gauged by measurement of the acid excretion of the urine, in which the acids are contained partly in combination with ammonia or a fixed base, and partly in a free state. We shall first of all consider the methods of acid excretion and then examine the evidence showing that the total acid excretion is proportional to the alkaline reserve as measured by the above described methods. Excretion of Acid in Combination with Ammonia. — The production of ammonia is essentially an endogenous process, and when excessive quantities of acid make their appearance in the organism, the fixed alkali may not be sufficient to neutralize it all, so that ammonia, derived from the breakdown of amino acids (page 616) , instead of being converted into urea is employed to neutralize the excess of acid. Most workers have in this way explained the very large ammonia excretion that has long been known to occur in such conditions as diabetic acidosis. Some recent workers are, however, inclined to question the significance of ammonia in this connection, believing thai th< cretion is, like the acetone bodies them metabolism. Be this as it may, il for neutralizing acid in disi although it □ factor in tlir maintenance of neutrality under I [1 a factor of Bafety, in thai it helps to care for an inc the normal mechanism of the body is o Excbetion of Phosphates. The more permam ity depends on the excretion of phosphates by the kidi erning this process is i sactly I 1 in connection with carbonic ac.id. In the one case il C02, and in the other, the fixed phosphoric acid tl reaction. The ratio between the acid Baits of phosph< lid, Mil 1 and til-' alkaline salts, M III*'', in blood is approxim but in the mine this ratio varies according to the amounl of H ioi !><• eliminated from the blood. In other words, a defin phoric acid i^ enabled to carry variable amounts of II ion by causing the amount of alkali excreted in combination with it come altered. For example, in the form of MH,PO amounl 1'", obviously carries ou1 more II ion than when it M BP04. The adjustment between these 1 the kidney. We may a rdingly measure tin' amounl of alkal I by the organism by finding how much standardized alkali m a given quantity of urine until the reaction obtaii since the latter value is constant, the titration can be done simplj titrating the urine with an indicator Buch as gulph< "in. which changes tint at aboul Ph of blood. A more serviceable indicator t<> use, howe cause its end poinl is BUCh that when human mine just r Tail to it that is, when the titrable add approacl ing power of the plasma iv ,-it its maximum ammonia excretion by the urine is eero Vai 9 [1 therefore, to use this indicator, because it hap poinl situated for a reaction which is well trality, and which is reached in urine when tl • acid-combining power and no ammonia is bein 'ion purposi - \> the « 1 1 combining p" Bhould, therefore, '"■ a proportionate ii titrable acidity of the urii Although a genera] parallelism •■• diabetes, i tc . there is no Btri< therefore 1 n tried of comparii ith 48 physicochemical basis of physiological processes tin- excretion rate of acid as determined by an application of Ambard's equation for chlorides and urea, and with curiously satisfactory results (Fitz and Van Slyke). This equation is: Blood concentration = < slant \ vAr^- vc; where I) is the excretion rate, W the body weight, and C the concentration of excretory prod- net in 1 lie urine. For the present purpose D is therefore the number of c.c. of N/10 alkali (or acid) required to bring the urine to the neutral point of phenolphthalein plus the NIL expressed as c.c. of an N/10 solution, for the twenty-four hours, and C is e.c. of N 10 alkali and of N/10 NH3 pei' liter of urine. If we assume that the acid accumulation in the blood is proportional to the fall of the plasma C02 figure below the maximal figure of 80, the above equation becomes: Retained acid = 80 - plasma C02 = constant xXTxFVtl For practical purposes it is best to make the necessary analysis on a sample of urine collected over a period of one to four hours, and to col- lect the blood for determination of its reserve alkalinity in the middle of this period. The twenty-four-hour rate of excretion is then computed (D) from the analysis. The value calculated by the above equation has been found to agree with that of the C02-combining power of the plasma to within 10 vol- umes per cent, except when bicarbonate is being taken by the person. when the blood bicarbonate is much higher than indicated by the urine. 3. Determination of Alkali Retention. — Another valuable criterion of the alkaline reserve is the amount of alkali required to change the re- action of the urine. In health the CH of the urine varies from 0.000,016 N (PH = 4.8) to about 0.000,000,035 N (P„ = 7.46) with a mean of about 0.000,001 N (PH = 6). These extremes are rarely overstepped in disease, but frequently the average is considerably different, In car- dio-renal disease, for example, the mean acidity may be approximately 0.000,005 N (PH = 5.3), or five times the normal value. A certain de- gree of acidosis is therefore common enough in this condition — a fact which has indicated the advisability of administering sodium bicarbon- ate. It has been found that 5 grams or less of soda, given by mouth to a normal person, causes a distinct diminution in the CH of the urine, whereas in pathologic cases it may be necessary to i>ive more than 100 grams before a similar effect is observed (L. J. Henderson and Palmer15 and Sellards"). For this very large holding back of alkali, the organism and not the kidney is responsible. This is indicated by the fact that, when the administration of alkali is discontinued, the acidity of the urine soon regains its old l<-\ el, although new \i aller d the Ch of the urine will immediately be I" I that for tli<- moderate de( i acidosis '-"111111011 in chr properly controlled administration of Boda is tageous treatment. CHAPTER VII COLLOIDS Substances -which can be obtained in the crystalline state and which, when in solution, are capable of readily diffusing through membranes, are designated as crystalloids, and are to be distinguished from another, larger group of substances not having these characteristics or having them only in very minor degree — the colloids. In every field of chem- istry the properties of colloids have been studied extensively during recent years, but in no field more than in that which covers the chem- istry of biological fluids and tissues, into whose composition colloids enter much more extensively than crystalloids. The subject of colloidal chemistry has indeed become so extensive that an attempt to do more than indicate some of the most important characteristics of colloids would take us far beyond the limitations of this book. The far-reaching applications of the subject in physiology and medicine are only begin- ning to be realized. The term ''colloid," or "colloidal," does not refer to a class of chemical substances, but rather to a state of matter which is quite independent of the chemical composition of the substance. "We are familiar with more colloids in the organic than in the inorganic world, yet they are plentiful in both, and the same substance may at one time be colloidal and at another noncolloidal. Indeed, under appropriate conditions prob- ably all substances may assume the colloidal state — not solids and liq- uids alone, but gases as well. It is mainly with liquids, however, that we are concerned in biochemistry. CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTIES The distinction between molecular* and colloidal solutions is a rela- tive one. Suppose, for example, that we take a piece of gold in water and divide it up into smaller and smaller parts. At a certain stage, the particles will be so fine that they will remain in suspension and be in- visible by ordinary means. They are then said to be in the colloidal state. If we divide them further until they become molecules of gold, a molecular solution Avill be obtained. In the colloidal state, there are 'Molecular solutions include those of nonelectrolytes, such as sugar, and electrolytes, such as inorganic salts. / 50 t w i» distinct phases in i lie solutioi . between the two, because of tl ticle, is an enormous surfaci and at tlic interface beta een th< the pi depend on surfac< . surface tens developed, and are responsible for the peculiar | solutions as compared with those of molecular therefore, be Btj led honwg< in I which we have hitherto been concerned with, r>ct\\ ecu these i w o groups of solutions is an interim i susp s' 'as suspensions of quartz or carbon, or oil i sides being turbid in transmitted light, the Bolutioi means of the ultramicroscope i atain partic I rated by filtration from the fluid they are case of many emulsions in which the parti through the filter pores by changing their shap centrifuged suspensions may also separate inl though this can be greatly hindered by the addition o ling substance such as gelatin or certain bodies 1 tive action i as peptone, prol True Colloidal Solutions 1. The Solution Is More or Less Turbid. Frequently th nized by holding the solution in a thin-walled - rt a dark background, bul the turbidity may 1 for its detection the use of the Tyndall phenomenon. 1 to all in the effect of a beam of sunlight let in through a small a] into an otherwise darkened room. In the coura .lust particles, which are invisible in an equally illumi come visible, and thus render very distinct tl If a colloidal solution contained in a glas iral- lel sides, is held in th w such a beam, will be Been in the Liquid, which is qoI tl • with n Focused artificial lighl may be employed for ii The lighl that is sent OUt at righl an-_ which means that the particles reflecting th< r than the mean wave length of the light f< •* 3 Btood that the individual particli visible t<> the naked eye by the beam, although i often he seen |i\ USlIlg !' I luillil: scope combined w ith suitable m; 2. Colloids Do Not Readily Diffuse, i 52 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES are half filled with a 5 per cent solution oi' pure gelatin or a 1 per cent solution of pure agar, and, after the jelly is set, the solution under examination is poured on the surface; or, when it is of high spe- cific gravity, the tube of gelatin, etc., is placed mouth downwards in the solution. In the case of colloidal solutions very little if any diffu- sion into the gelatin or agar will occur, even after several days; whereas true molecular solutions will diffuse for a considerable distance. When colored solutions are used, the diffusion can readily he recognized by visual inspection (see Fig. 13), but when they are colorless, the presence or absence of diffusion must be determined by removing the column of gelatin or agar and dividing it into slices of equal size, which are then examined chemically for the substance in question. A further test is afforded by the failure of colloids to diffuse through membranes (dialysis). This was the method originally used by Thomas Graham to distinguish between molecular and colloidal solutions. The solution under examination is placed in a dialyzer, which is then im- mersed in a wide vessel containing the pure solvent. The older forms Fig. 12. — Ultraniicroseope (slit type) for the examination of colloidal solutions. The arrange- ment of diaphragms, etc., in this form removes the absorptive effects of the surfaces of the glass vessel or slide used to contain the colloidal solutions. of dialyzer consisted in general of a bell-shaped glass vessel closed be- low with parchment paper, but more recently so-called diffusion sacs have been adopted. These consist of pig or fish bladders or of col- lodion sacs. The latter are made by placing some collodion dissolved in ether in a test tube, which is then tilted so that the collodion runs out except for a thin layer which remains adherent to the walls. When the collodion has set, the sac can be removed after loosening it by allow- ing a little water to flow between the sac and the walls of the test tube. The sac containing the colloidal solution is then suspended in water or some of the solvent used in preparing the colloidal solution, care being taken that the menisci of the fluids inside and outside of the sac stand at the same level. Sometimes, especially when collodion sacs are used, some colloid may at first diffuse through, but if the outer fluid (the dialysate) is renewed and the dialysis allowed to proceed, this ceases. i OLLOIDS When a fluid solution exhibits both <>f t] Tyndall phenomenon and indiffusibilitj , th< being in a true colloidal state, bul there are sub red or protein solutions of certain strengths, wlii<-li i slighl diffusibility in a dialyzer bul not Bhov the Tyndall Substances of this group constitute transitional ,-itnl colloidal solutions, and to determine their ti ■ Barj to employ i cfined t! lilt rat ion. etc., which can nol be described hi 3. The Size of Colloidal Particles. It wil property upon \\ hich the abo> e rn< of the particle. Particles « hich can still b< are called microns. They hi 0 1 1 nun or in-'!. are invisible microscopically 54 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES tion, but are still visible when the ultramicroscopic illumination is used, are called submicrons. They have a dimension between 0.1 fx and 1 /i/x (0.000,001 mm.),* and they constitute the colloids. Particles smaller than 1 fx/x are called amicrons, this term being used to include the mol- ecules and ions present in molecular solutions. (The amicron of hydro- gen is, for example, computed to be 0.067 to 0.159 /*/*, and that of water vapor, 0.113 /x/x.) This classification of dissolved substances according to the size of the particles and molecules shows the relationship of one SubmicrcmS U/U.U IOAA 1Q Colloidal th crystalloids and colloids therefore carry case, however, the charge does not reveal itself until the mol solution have become dissociated, when each ioi of opposite Bign (see t »;i >_-•.• 16), whereas in the loid particle usually carries a charge which is alwi positive or negative. Colloids may ther< and negative, according to the charges which tin a third group in which the charge may be eith< cording to the nature of the dispersion medium. A colloid not carrying a charge to begin with can b< by the action of electrolytes, for I aa well as those of inert powders ended in in- fluenced by the charges present in the i"iis of tl I urn. The II- and < >H' ions an •daily liab particles of inert powders in bus] a positive charge when the water in \\h Bed, and a negative charge when i1 is mad< alkali] I be said that suspensions st po\> in w ater • g eha coal, cellulos • »r congo red, etc. are •■ ide l ferrum dialysatum and Berum ; tioi senious Bulphide at Bolution, and strum globulin in n< I 56 PHYSICOCHKMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES To ascertain the nature of the charge various methods may he em- ployed, of which the following are important: 1. The method of electrophoresis. The colloid solution is placed in a U-tube, each side of which carries a platinum electrode dipping into the solution. After a strong continuous electric current has been allowed to pass for some time through the solution, it will be found that the colloid collects at the anode (where the current enters) when it is a negative colloid (since unlike electric charges attract each other), and at the cathode when it is positive. In the case of colored solutions, the migration can be readily seen, but otherwise it may be necessary to ana- lvze the solution at the two poles. Pig. 15. — Capillary analysis of colloids. Strips of filter paper, after being suspended with the lower ends dipping into colloidal solutions. Those on the right hand were positive colloids, which did not rise in the strips, but formed a sharp line of demarcation at the lower end on account of precipitation. Those on the left hand were negative colloids. (From W. Ostwald.) 2. The method of capillary analysis. For this purpose a long strip of filter paper is arranged vertically over the solution, with its loAver end dipping into it. In the case of negative colloids the colloid, as well as the dispersion medium, rises uniformly on the strip of paper (it may be to a height of 20 cm.) ; whereas with positive colloids the dispersion medium alone rises, the colloid itself doing so only to a wry slight ex- tent, but becoming so highly concentrated at the interface between the solution and the paper that it coagulates on the end of the strip of paper, where it forms a sharp line of demarcation (Fig. 15). 3. The method of mutual precipitation of colloids. When a positive COLIXHDS and a negative colloid are mixed in Buch | charges are neutralized, precipitation usually i we can tell tli«' nature of the electric chi if an unki its behavior when a colloid of known electric Bign if example, it' ferric hydroxide (positive causes .1 i ipil when it is added to an unknown colloidal solution, the el< i)!' the Latter musl be negative; if it does nol i»i««-i 1 «i v hydroxide, but does so with arsenious sulphidi posil i\ ••. 5. Brownian Movement. Like tin- parti. -Irs in fin.- mechanical si"iis. those "t' colloidal solutions, (.v] i.-i 1 1 \- when • microscopically, exhibit the so-called Brownian movements, I. >'.'ii described as "dancing, 1 1 < « j ► j > i 1 1 i_r and Bkippii I • occur in straighl lines, which are suddenly changed in >; are quite independent of external sources of energy, Buch temperature (although tiny become quicker as tl siiliitii.ii is raised . earth vibrations, chemical <•! charge of the colloid. The mo\ ements I"- le a apid the sma particles, and they become sluggish as • creases. Addition of electrolytes decreases the movemenl \<\ caus . particles to clump together. The density and visc< si.Hi medium, the electric charge >>( the dispersoid ami Brownian movements, arc the forces which operal sedimentation of the particles in a colloidal solution. 6. Osmotic Pressure. As one of the distinguishing pi loids we have seen that their diflfusibility, as in' lies, is extremely slow when compared with thai This does nol mean, however, that colloids are diffusibility if lefl long enough. Indeed th< movemenl indicates that such diffusion >" Bhould lie possible, by the application of the same prii w hich govern molecular Bolutioi Inane , in measure the osmol ic pr< .Man.\ studies "f the osmotic property undertaken, especially bj th..>e v ho that tin lloids of hi I serum Berum albumin and ate aii osmotic pressure I f this Bhould ii\ for tl wnotic pressure BUch as that supplied l>.\ the the various physiologic pi through cell membranes as in tin For measuring the osmotic 58 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OP PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES to those already described (page 4) can be employed. Most of the recent work has been done either with collodion sacs, or with unglazed clay cnps impregnated with some gel, such as silica or gelatin. When such an osmometer, filled with some colloidal solution (like a solution of pure albumin) and provided with a vertical glass tube, is placed in an outer vessel containing water, the fluid will be seen to rise in the ver- tical tube, the height to which it rises being proportional to the osmotic pressure. But the observed pressure does not necessarily give us the osmotic pressure of the pure colloid, for to this, even when highly purified, there is almost certain to be attached a considerable amount of inorganic salt, which may be responsible for the osmosis. It has indeed been maintained by some observers that electrolytes form an integral part of certain colloids, being bound to them perhaps by adsorption (see page 65), and that they are essential to the maintenance of the colloidal state. In any case, since electrolytes are always present, the osmotic pressure of the pure colloid can be measured only when means are taken to discount their influence. Several devices have been used, of which the following may be mentioned: 1. Addition to the fluid outside the osmometer of a percentage of salt equal to that found by chemical analysis to be present in the col- loid. (This method is untrustworthy.) 2. The use of a limited quantity of fluid on the outside of the osmom- eter so that equality of saline content soon becomes established, by diffusion, in the fluids on the two sides of the membrane. 3. The use of a membrane which is permeable to electrolytes but not to colloids. Even when the greatest care is taken in its measurement, the osmotic pressure of a given colloid has been found to vary considerably not only according to the method used in its preparation, but also accord- ing to the amount of mechanical agitation (shaking, stirring, etc.) to which the colloid solution has been subjected. Regarding the influ- ence of the method of preparation, it was found in one series of experi- ments that albumin that had been repeatedly washed (but still con- tained considerable ash) gave no osmotic pressure, whereas another preparation that had been purified by crystallization twice (and con- tained much less ash) had a pressure of 3.38 mm. Hg. According to these results the ash content of the colloid is not fundamentally re- sponsible for its osmotic pressure. As to the influence of mechanical agitation, the osmotic pressure of a gelatin solution is increased by shaking, while that of a solution of egg albumin is decreased. The property upon which the osmotic pressure depends is undoubtedly the state of dispersion of the colloid particles, and until the factors which may influence this, mei of colloids can scarcely I"- of yerj much value property has Bome physiologic bearing loids have in restoring the blood pre« ill . Further e\ idence thai i be osmol i<- pr< significance thai it has in the case of molecular boIuI the Pad thai tl Bmotic pressure is only approxin oal to the concentration «>t' the Bolution; it may either ii relatively to the Btrength of the solution. Temp< a differenl influence on the osmotic pressure Loids I that wl it has "ii the osmotic pressure of molecular Boluti< atly has an influence which persists after the solution is ; original level. The influei of added Bubstances on the osmotic ]» solutions is of considerable interesl to the biol ease of molecular solutions this is purely additive, in I loids ili>' added substance may al one time cause the osmoti increase, a1 another, to decrease. It lias been found that th< pressure of gelatin solutions at firsl d< then rapidly inc the H-ion concentration is raised. The addition of alkali inci osmotic pressure until a maximum is reached, beyond whicl fall. Both ac'nN and alkalies lessen the osmotic pr< bu- miii. Electrolytes always decrease the osmotic pi albumin solutions, and the dej to which the; depends on the uature of the cation and anion con In the order of their depressing influence tl • sri\ es: Eeavy metals > alkaline earths > alkalies and the anions: SO > CI • NO Br I The influence of a given electrolj te vi tion of the colloid, a fad which mu- ni this field. CHAPTER VIII COLLOIDS (Cont'd) SUSPENSOIDS AND EMULSOIDS According to whether colloids form solutions that are more or less viscid than the suspension medium, they are divided into emulsoids and suspensoids. Examples of the former class are silicates and gelatin, and of the latter,' dialyzed iron and arsenious sulphide. The following char- acteristics are used to distinguish between suspensoids and emulsoids: 1. Measuring the time it takes, at a standard temperature, for a given volume of the fluid to flow out of a standard pipette (10 c.c.) shows the viscosity to be, roughly, inversely proportional to the time of outflow. In the case of suspensoids the viscosity is no different from that of the dispersion medium alone, and does not vary much when the solution is cooled. The viscosity of emulsoids even in very dilute solutions is, on the other hand, considerably greater than that of the dispersion medium itself, and it becomes greatly increased by cooling. 2. Suspensoids are much more readily coagulated by the addition of electrolytes than emulsoids. This is particularly true when water is the dispersion medium (so-called hydrosols), and when electrolytes hav- ing a polyvalent ion (such as Al or Mg.) are employed. Thus, practically all suspensoids are coagulated in the presence of 1 per cent of alum. which has no influence on emulsoids. We shall return to this phase of our subject later on. The division of colloids into emulsoids and suspensoids is more or less arbitrary, since one class may be changed into the other, the determining factor being the water content of the dispersoid. The water content of suspensoids is low (lyophobe), while that of emulsoids is high. By changing the relative amounts of water and solid of which a colloidal solution is composed, the nature of the dispersoid may be changed. If the water is diminished, the dispersoid behaves as a suspensoid and be- comes readily precipitated. The practical importance of this fact is that ii explains the salting out of proteins — a process extensively used in their separation. Ordinarily these behave as emulsoids, but the addi- tion of salt raises the osmotic pressure of the dispersion medium, and thus attracts water from the dispersoids, with the result that they come 60 I III. I . iii lirli;i\ e aa suspensoids, and i trolytes. Another property of emulsoids of biological in tection which they can afford ag the precipil electrolytes on suspensoids. If a colloidal solul a trace of gelatin, the subsequent additioi produce qo precipitation. The explanation of tl becomes distributed as ;i film on the Buspensoid pari converl ing them into emulsoids. Gelatinization One of the besl kno\* □ property tion, which has an interesting bearing on many pn After the gel has set, an enormous quired I any water Prom it, indicating thai the ' tinuous phase but must be enclosed in sresicli material. A> a gelatin solution cools, tl light, bul the very fine particles which Boon increase in number and - their Brov nian iu»\ ements and adl felt-like threads throughout the solul \ \\urk f the blood recently published from Fischer's laboratory do not inspire confidence. I ..I be drained off by holloa needles, and it i of the blood to another, neither of which pro if imbibition were th< tial Factor eon< I ;i «_r.-i i t i->t this hypothesis should be demanded, il might utter failure of the therapeutic measure are recommended to combal the edema. Action of Electrolytes on Colloids apaii pressure . It has been stated above that the bich a « - * ► 1 1 « » particle assumes may 1"' neutralized by a charj ried by an ion present in the die □ medium Tl lion of the electric chai - 3 coagulation of the Busp the emulsoids. Of the positive and negati which trolytes dissociate, the one producing tl gulation which opposite in sign to the electric charge of the colloidal A quantity of electrolyte which is capable of produ cipitation when added all at once to suspei soida ill 1><- added in Bmall quantities al a time. This phenom< hich known to be exhibited when toxins ;mll groups arc left oncombined A of these oncombined radicles, the prot< will exhibit faintly acid or basic or neutral example, a sail will be formed by union with th< Ml dissociate into the anion of the acid at with alkalies union will occur with thi ' ' " ': : dissociating will form a small cation ■ complex anion. We maj the posil i\ e or a negath e elect ri 64 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES the fluid in which it is dissolved, so thai the reaction towards other colloids and towards electrolytes will vary. One feature of proteins of importance in this connection is that known as the isoelectric point, at which the protein exists with a maximum of electrically neutral molecules. This point is reached by adding acid 1<> a protein solution. The acid represses the dissociation of the protein acting as an acid, and therefore diminishes the number of free hydrogen ions; and at the same time it combines with the NH2 groups and neutral- izes the basic characteristics. The alteration in electric charge thus in- duced alters the water-absorbing powers of the protein and therefore all of the properties which Ave have seen to be associated therewith (page 63). SURFACE TENSION Before we consider a very important property of colloids known as adsorption, by means of which they are able to perform many reactions that do not conform with the laws of mass action, it will be well to B. Fig. 17. — Diagram to illustrate surface tension. The rings A and B inclose soap films in which a very fine loop of silk is suspended. In A it is loose but in B, where the him inclosed in the loop has been broken, it is drawn into a circle by the tension of the soap film. (From Bayliss.) say a few words concerning' the physical phenomenon upon which this depends — namely, surface tension. The creation of this force is due to the fact that, Avhereas the molecules within a liquid are subjected to equal forces of attraction on all sides, at the surface these forces act on one side of the molecules only, and therefore tend to pull them inwards. This causes the surface to pull itself together so as to occupy the least possible area, and it is this force which constitutes surface tension. The surface behaves as if stretched. There are various simple experi- ments that reveal the presence of surface tension. If a film is made on a loop of wire by dipping it in soap solution, a fine silk thread can be floated in the film, so that it forms a loop that is quite loose. If the portion of the film inside the loop is destroyed by touching it with filter paper, the film will break in the loo]), which will now be pulled into a circular shape by the tension of the film around it (Fig. 17). For the measurement of surface tension, various methods are used. - The si/'' of drops of liquid falling from an orifice face tension; the larger the drops, tl iter thi l the number of drops obtained by allowing a liquid to dro ard orifice in a given time is counted, we have a mea tension. A.ccoun1 tnusl of course also be taken of the sp< of the liquid. The instrument used for this purpo stalagmometer Fi'_r. Is . Another method depends <>n the the heighl to which a fluid rises in ;i capillary tub< Burface tension (and inversely on the diameter of th< difference in the heights to which two liquids rise in capillary tu known bore permits us to compare their Burl is known for tine of the solutions, ii can b ermined Besides existing between liquid and air, Burface tension a the interface between two immiscible Liquids, and at tl l-'ili. IS. — Tra;;' drops formed in one for bl I and other viscous fl pended Bolid particles and liquid, as in colloidal solutions we have Been, the Burfac< interface is enorn I in these solutions, a very greal Burfai rg) is present, foi th [ual to the surface tension multiplied by the Burface ADSORPTION The Burface tension between liquid and ranic Bubstances are dissolved in the liquid, bul is Blightlj i when i: Btanic salts are dissolved The dc -ding to the organic Bubstance dissolved. I with bile salts, upon which fad the well-known M of bile in urine is based Bet lit! PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES solid (iinl liquid, the surface tension is always lowered l>u dissolving sub- stances in the liquid. Now, at the interfaces ltd ween solid particles and liquid there must be a local accumulation of free surface energy, which will be equal to the surface tension multiplied by the surface (inter- face) area. A constant tendency exists for such free energy to be de- creased and, since dissolved substances have this effect, they will become concentrated at the interface. This is known as the principle of Willard Gibbs, and it is of fundamental importance to the biochemist, because on it depends the phenomenon known as adsorption, which in the case of colloidal solutions may therefore be denned as the local concentra- tion or condensation of dissolved substances at the interface between the two phases. The amount of substance concentrated at the interface can be calculated by a formula which takes into account the concentra- tion of the dissolved substance, the temperature, and the surface tension at the interface (the Gibbs formula). After absorption has occurred, vari- ous reactions of a chemical, electrical or purely physical nature (e. g., dif- fusion) may follow at a rate which depends on the amount of the condensation. Every-day Reactions Which Depend on Adsorption 1. Decolorization of liquids by charcoal. That no chemical reaction oc- curs in such a case is readily shown by the ease with which the pigment can be extracted from the charcoal. 2. Adsorption of gases by such solids as charcoal and spongy platinum. In these cases there must be great condensation, even a liquefaction of the gas, during which heat must be evolved. By absorbing oxygen and hydro- gen, spongy platinum causes these gases to combine and form water. The hemoglobin of blood may take up oxygen by a similar process. 3. Formation of solid surface films on solutions of protein, saponin, etc. The condensation may lead to coagulation, which explains why, if the froth produced by beating the white of an egg is allowed to stand, it can not be again beaten into a froth, the albumin having gone out of solution by surface coagulation. An interesting phenomenon depending on the surface tension occurs when the protoplasmic contents of a ciliated infusorian is pressed out in water. A new membrane forms on the protoplasm because of surface con- centration of all constituents which lower surface energy. By application of the principle of Willard Gibbs, A. B. Macallum18 concludes that not only adsorption, as exhibited in a colloidal solution, but also the local accumula- tions of material often seen in cells, are associated with changes in sur- face energy. His conclusions are based largely on microscopic studies of various forms of cell exhibiting different degrees and types of activity, . Ml I ... ;ni.• railed into play to coi I cellular activities. The field is new and almost unexplored, but the • ilready much to indicate that surface energy • I important role in the performance of many cellular activity Conditions That Influence or Are Influenced by Adsorption Electric Changes. Besides mere eon into play to assist or retard adsorption. One of 1 these is electrical. Most Bolids when | a negative cl if electricit ae a p l • the Willard Oibbs law, a constant tendency will to be diminished by the neutralization of tl ir by deposition on the intei electric charge of oppi by the action «>f tl Charcoal in suspension in wat [f colloidal iron, which has a positive cht will become deposited on the charcoal, as will also tl ■ inorganie salt. On account >>( electric adsorptii bile 68 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES salts arc adsorbed much more freely than they would lie if the process depended solely on surface condensation; that is, if the Gibbs formula is used to calculate the adsorption, it will give values that are much below those actually found. If the dissolved substance and the particles both have the same electric sign, adsorption will not occur. Filter paper, for example, has a nega- tive charge and can not therefore adsorb a negative dye such as congo red (as shown by the depth to which it becomes stained) ; whereas it readily adsorbs night blue, which is positively charged. If the negative charge of the paper is lowered, it becomes capable of adsorbing some of the negative congo red. This can be effected either by placing the paper in alcohol or by adding inorganic salts (NaCl) to the water with which it is in contact. The positive-charged ions of Na, produced by dissocia- tion, neutralize some of the negative charge on the paper, and allow a certain amount of adsorption of the negative-charged congo red to oc- cur. As would be expected, acids and alkalies are capable of greatly altering the electric charges by the H and OH ions which they contribute. Chemical Forces. — If the nature of the phase at the surface of which adsorption occurs is such that it can enter into chemical combination with the substance adsorbed, reactions will occur that do not obey the laws of mass action. By adsorption, reactions of a certain type may be encouraged over other reactions, even although the necessary reacting substances may be present in the solution (specific adsorption). The adsorbing substance itself is not, however, usually susceptible of chem- ical change even when it exists as very minute particles, as in the case of colloidal solutions. Nevertheless, adsorption may accelerate chemical reactions by bringing together in concentrated form substances of high chemical reactivity. In such cases the adsorbing substance itself does not enter into the chemical reaction, and can be recovered at the end in an unchanged condition. It acts as a catalyst (page 72). As we shall see later, enzymes act in this way — i. e., their rate of reaction is controlled by adsorption.* The distinguishing feature of such adsorption phenomena is that a curve of the reaction (drawn by plotting amount of chemical change 'Another instance of the influence of surface energy on the course of chemical reactions is seen in the accelerative influence of charcoal on such reactions as the oxidation of formic acid, glycerol, etc. Surface tension may also cause retardation of chemical reactions, as is seen in the turbidity M (due to the separation of chloroform) which gradually develops when a . Na»C03 solution is M i mixed with a ' chloral hydrate solution. The surface remains clear, because surface energy has prevented the reaction. An important effect of surface tension on chemical reactions is also seen in the relationship between it and the absorption coefficient of gases (volume of gas dissolved by unit volume of liquid). The lower the surface tension, the greater the solubility of the gas. Oxygen and nitrogen are, for example, much more soluble in alcohol, hydrocarbons or oil than in water. This shows the futility of attempting to prevent the loss of gases from fluids such as blood by covering them with oils or hydrocarbons. againsl concentration of reacting substa bola, thai the laws of mass action (pa( In order t<> be able t<> determine whether Borne particular for ample, a fermentation process, or 1 1 e i bt -1 ia caused by adsorption, we tnusl compare iti cording to the same principles, with the typical ad A formula maj be used h natructing the curves In arrh • hi-. formula, two facts have to be remembered: I Aa adsorptioi and less and le8s <>f the free energy on the adsorbii in In' neutralized, the reaction slows off, until equilibrium i Tin- iimn- dilute tin' solul ion, I eater i^ ' r tents tu lir adsorbed, which means thai it" a is th< adsorbed from a certain solution, then, from a Bolution of I Btrength, Bomewhal less than 2 a will be adsorbed i.e., <« multipl by some rool of 2. Although the formula is one l • • ■ I < • 1 1 •_•■ i 1 1 lt to ti known as parabolic, it must no1 be assumed thai on which happens tn txiv.' such a parabolic curve (such as the combination I 0 with hemoglobin under certain conditions dependent on adsorption. It must be understood thai although the Bubsti from a Bolution by adsorption is no longer capable of contributing conductivity or the osmotic pressure of the Bolution, i* nut so firmly fixed that it can not be bcI tree again by purely mcchan means, as by constanl dilution of the fluid. It' charcoal which i Borbed sugar is placed in a dialyzer made of incur which allow BUgar bul UOl charcoal to pass thl r will gradually be removed if the dialyzer is immersed in runnii A certain equilibrium exists between the Bubsi idsorb* Bubstance still remaining in Bolution. It" tl nin- ishing by dialysis, the adsorption compound must break do tain the equilibrium. It is clear, hov will be extremely slow. The ability ol removal bj washing is taken advauti - bj nature in holding foodstuffs in the soil. Physiological Processes Depending on Adsorption Instances in which adsorption undoubl part in physiological proi 1. The action of en/\ I 7 1 *_'. The combination of toxin with antitoxin of adsorption rather than those of i portant to note that w hen ti • 70 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES cessive quantities to diphtheria antitoxin, more toxin is neutralized than when the toxin is all added at once. A similar phenomenon can also be observed by adding filter paper to congo red, more of the pigment being adsorbed when the paper is added in small quantities than when added all at once. The explanation is that relatively more adsorption of a given substance occurs from a dilute than from a strong solution (cf. page 69). 3. The sensitizing of leucocytes by opsonins, as well as the subsequent ingestion of bacilli by the sensitized leucocytes, both of which follow the course of an adsorption reaction. 4. The formation of adsorption compounds, such as the inorganic salts and proteins and the complex lecithin compounds that can be extracted from egg yolk or brain tissue. In such compounds the laws of chemical proportion no longer hold, and properties may be exhibited that are quite different from those of either one of its components. When yolk of egg is extracted with ether, for example, a compound of lecithin with vitellin goes into solution, although vitellin itself is quite insoluble in ether.* There can be no doubt that adsorption compounds of this character are very abundant in living cells, and that they are constantly being formed and broken down. *By mixing solutions of egg albumin, congo red and a dye called fustic in the presence of alum, the colloidal particles of which each is composed run together to form larger colloidal ag- gregates, which l>v ultramicrosconic examination can be seen to be composed of a red. a yeliow and a green colloidal particle. The attractive force holding the particles together is electric in this case. CHAPTER IX PBRMBNI - OB ENZYME < toe of the mosl b1 rikii '_r developn istry concerns the nature of enzyme action. markal the facta that have been bronghl to light tl py one engaged in the Btndy of life pi of thai study may be to know something • occupying the attention of inv< in this In this chapter a brief survey will be given of Borne i tempi will In- made at completeness, and only wl Bake of example will reference 1"' made to individual I action. The discovery by Buchner that an enzyme can 1" cells which is capable of instantly bringing about tl • tation of dextrose solutions has 1 a responsibl modern advance. Formerly, yeast cells were belies alcoholic fermentation as a result of their growth: it a life phenomenon, or "vital process " Not we ki produce an intracellular ferment or endo-enzyme* to which i1 properties are due and which can acl apai It is no great Btretch of imagination to think of all ch< mediate, i by cellular activity as due to a similar mechanism, and tl has led to the hypot thai all pi the animal ami plant are caused by enzyn day we knew only of the extracellular enzymi the digestive ferments), thai is cells, but Becreted from them and acting we must recognize intracellular enzym< in thp protoplasm of the cell Bui •• •■ m carry as too far. Without further ; that the riddle i is thus Boh i \ •■■ • sample of »1 which Ruppoaed to pla) in the animal economy i protein. I >lj tic enzym< the animal an. I plai ' !'■; I *Th< •'"i" 72 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES plex protein molecule is split up to render it absorbable from the intes- tine, and the tissues appropriate from the blood those of the degradation products that they require for the construction of protoplasm, which, later, they decompose so as to utilize the energy which the organism demands. All these processes are believed to be the work of enzymes. The Nature of Enzyme Action The changes brought about by enzymes can also be accomplished by ordinary chemical means, but these have often to be of a very energetic nature to accomplish what the enzyme can so quickly and quietly perform. It is the custom to regard enzymes as catalysts. A catalyst is a sub- stance which accelerates (or retards) a chemical reaction which in its absence could proceed at a different (usually slower) pace. The action of catalysts has been aptly likened to that of a lubricant. A weight placed at the top of an inclined plane, so held that the weight only slowly slips doAvn, has its velocity greatly increased if its under surface be oiled. The oil accelerates the action but does not affect the ultimate result. Catalysts do not combine with the final products of the reaction, these being, as a rule, the same as they would have been had no catalyst been added. Another characteristic is the tremendous amount of chem- ical change which even a trace of catalyst can induce. There are many examples of catalysts in the inorganic world, among which may be cited the action of spongy platinum on hydrogen peroxide. This substance normally tends to decompose into water and oxygen, but if a small amount of spongy platinum is added to it, the decomposition is greatly accelerated: H202 = H20 + 0. A very good example of the action of an inorganic catalyst is that of the hydrogen ion on cane sugar, or other disaccharides, in the presence of water. It accelerates the hydrolysis. Cane sugar solution at room temperature does not indeed, in sterile solution, undergo any appreciable hydrolysis, but at 100° C. it does, which leads us to believe that, though inappreciable, the action also occurs at room temperature. By adding a little hydrochloric acid, or other acid not having an oxidizing effect on sugar, we greatly accelerate the hydrolysis because of the hydrogen ions present in the acid solution. Within certain limits the rate of hy- drolysis is proportional to the amount of catalyst present. Enzymes, like other catalysts, produce their action when present in very small amounts (e. g., sucrase can hydrolyze 200,000 times its weight of cane sugar; diastase can convert starch to sugar in a dilution of 1-1,000,000) and there is a distinct relationship between the amount of enzyme prescnl and the rate of the reaction. The final product of the n km reaction is, however, tin- Bame ;it whatever rate il enzyme does nol appear in the final product* M diastase can be found unaltered in amounl their action. This is determined bj adding a (thai is, of material tn be acted <»n . when the ;i'_r;iin in the usual way. The Bame is no doubl tru< though as yel it can actually be proved for only I. therefore, may I"- defined as catalysts produced by li The Properties of Enzymes Although enzymes are exampli i 'litiit mai ties thai appear t<» differ i"i< >in those of inorganic c 11 ill. therefore, 1"' advisable in considering m quality I in catalysts ami enzymes, for by ibis method a much clei tlic nature of enzyme action can 1'-' gained Bayliss l that are Btrictly peculiar t\ maltose, lactose ami cane siiLrar and one i another. Still more Btrikingly is this specificil inzyme in the fad that certain enzymes, Buch as zymasi will act only on bodies having a certain configuration, tl their Bide chains arranged in a certain wa} Tl of dextrose ■< and 8 which differ from each • that the Bide chains are arranged in differenl i tion f«> the centra] chain of carbon atoms This form a is called stereoisomerism because the two bodi< i lighl t" an equal degree in opposite din of these hut ool on the other, ami th« r innum< same kin. I. [ndeed, of all bodies that ■ nl\ one is found in living cells and it is on this variety in animals .-an act. A similar specificil their pharmacological action. Specificity <>t" action is explained bj - d the Bubstrate ami th. place the enzyme must p rately w ith that of the subsl h.ck ami ke\ ; the key mu operate. The .p. eificitj d i 74 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES relationship between enzymes and inorganic catalysts, for on the one hand there are several enzymes which do not exhibit this property, and on the other, there are inorganic catalysts which do. For example, lipase, the fat-splitting enzyme of pancreatic juice, decomposes not only fats but to a greater or less degree a number of bodies of the same gen- eral build (esters), and tyrosinase can decompose, not tyrosin alone, but all phenol compounds. Conversely, the hydrogen ion — to the pres- ence of which acids owe their catalytic powers — can decompose the ordi- nary esters (that is, of acids containing the carboxyl or COOH group) but it has no action on the sulphonic esters. However, enzymes are cer- tainly much more specific in their action than inorganic catalysts. 2. Temperature does not influence catalysis and enzyme action in the same way. As the temperature is raised in the case of inorganic catalysts, the reaction becomes about doubled in rapidity for each rise of 10° C, whereas in the case of enzymes it becomes increased up to a certain opti- mum temperature, beyond which, as the temperature rises, the reaction is first slowed and then disappears altogether. This peculiarity of enzymes as compared with inorganic catalysts need not in itself disprove the analogy between the two, because enzymes do not form true, but colloidal solutions. Colloidal solutions, as we have seen, are really fine suspensions of ultramicroscopic particles ; there is no splitting into ions of the dissolved substance, as is the case with true (molecular) solutions, but the colloid is suspended in the water or other solvent to form a heterogeneous system (page 51), on which account the surface area of the menstruum is enormously increased. Rise in temperature alters the extent of the surface area, and thereby intro- duces an influence which progressively opposes catalysis. Although inorganic catalysts in molecular solution show no optimum temperature but increase in activity in proportion as the temperature is raised, inorganic colloidal catalysts may show an optimum temperature. Thus, spongy platinum shows an optimum temperature in its action on a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. It has therefore been suggested that it is because they are colloids that enzymes exhibit this property. 3. Inorganic catalysts frequently carry ttir reaction to a further stage than that attained by the action of enzymes. For example, acid breaks down the protein molecule much more completely than do the proteolytic enzymes. This difference is perhaps explained by the fact that enzymes are retarded in their activities when there comes to be a certain accumu- lation of the products of the reaction present. The final stages in the reaction may become so slow as to be almost, inappreciable. This de- crease in activity is partly due to a union hoi ween the enzyme and the products of its activity. FERMENTS, OR ENZY Ml t I in vi locity constant in ti ■ . then, by the law of m tic.ii will nol go "ii to completion bul will stop when ;i certain equilibrium is reached. The reaction can 1"- represent A I'.. -•!' i). which means thai it proc al a rate i»; the reacting molecules. In Bomi 3 this reaction g until A or Bhas practically disappeared (thai is, the equilibrium point is v< ■■ the righl of the equation . as is tl in the i' sugar: C12HM0 H" 'II 0 I II Taking place as it does in an little tendency for this reaction to '-ro in the opp versible action' (page 25 . the onlj thing which will influei velocity is the concentration of cane sugar; in other words, th< of the reaction a1 anj moment will depend solely on thi C, of the materia] still left undecomposed. This cai means of an equation.* The value of siidi an equation is that it giv< ing the amount of inversion that would OCCUr in each nnit • cane sn'_rar were kept in constanl entratioiL When, it is stated that K for a particular strength i actin solution is 0.002, this means that when volume, ■ •If x be the ■ KC Dal the rr/irt: calculus, m that 5x ti mcth | thin permiltii timet A- 76 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES temperature are constant in a gram-molecular solution of sugar, 0.002 "•rain-molecule of sugar -would be inverted the first minute and 0.002 gram each succeeding minute, provided we could keep the solution con- stantly a gram-molecular one, that is, provided we could add sugar just as quickly as it becomes inverted. At first sight it may appear of little practical importance to determine K. In our present discussion concerning the nature of enzyme action, it is however of great value for, whereas with inorganic catalysis K is really of constant value, with enzyme action it is not so. Thus, when cane sugar is inverted by sucrase — an enzyme present in the intestine and in yeast — the constant gradually rises; for most other unimolecular reactions mediated by enzymes it gradually falls; for example, the action of trypsin on proteins. Where there is a great excess of substance to be acted on, in compari- son with the amount of enzyme present, it will be found that a more const ant value than K is obtained when we compute the absolute amount of substance decomposed in a given time. In such a case, too, the amount of change in a given time will be proportional to the amount of enzyme present, indicating that some sort of combination between en- zyme and substrate must be the first step in the fermentative process. This fact has been noticed by us in connection with the hydrolysis of glycogen in the liver. When there is an excess of glycogen present, the amounts which disappear in equal intervals of time after death, are the same ; when, on the contrary, there is not much glycogen, the amount which disappears gradually declines, but, if K be computed by the above equation, it is constant. To make these facts clear it may be well to pause for a moment to consider an illustration. The conditions obtaining when there is a large excess of substrate over enzyme may be compared to those governing the removal of a pile of bricks from one place to another by a number of men. The. pile of bricks represents the substrate ; the men, the enzyme. If each man works up to his capacity, it is plain that the number of bricks transferred in a given time will not depend at all on the size of the pile to be transferred. When, however, the pile of bricks gets small, though the same number of men continue to work the number of bricks transferred in a given time falls off, because the men interfere with one another's activities in securing their loads from the pile. When a similar stage is arrived at in enzyme processes, we have to use the velocity con- stant to show how much work could be done by the enzyme if the amount of substrate were maintained of constant amount. In the large volume of recent work which has been done with the object of discovering the cause of these variations in the velocity con- 77 st.uit iii the case of enzymes, four important «•< »i i « I i t i < ■ nixed: l sibilitj ; 2 gi adual d< liinatioii of the enzyme with products "t" th< Of these four influences the onlj hi<-li could bi for an increase in the activity of the enzyme in this process the enzyme by its action produc . which its own activity. In Bome casi invertase on cane sugar these are acid bodies, ;i u. acidity favoring the action "t" this enzyme. The other influences all tend to retard the lower the value of K. Negative autocatalj produces products which interfere with itivity. Gradual d< tion of the enzyme and its union with the product '.ill manifestly also decrease its power. '1*1 • plenty i both <>l" these processes may occur. Reversibility of Enzyme Action Bui the mosl important »>t' all the ca activity is undoubtedly reversibilii n, which tin- law of mass action (page 25 . If we t r, the equation is : CH CH CI il ll.o-. . i | •livl but) rati The equilibrium point is ool bo near the i»< >^it i« .n of com] - in the case of the inversion o tendency for tin- bodies produced l>\ the hydrolvs the original Bubstanees is quite marked, bo thai the react end before all the ethyl butyrate lias been d iposed before the equilibrium point is reached, there will i Bively increasing opposition to the breakdown que which, when enzymes are used to velocity constant, as determined b) the fall as the reaction proceeds < n a m and butyric acid there is \<-v\ bIo^i syntl again lipase accelerates the pro t indt u ithin a short time. Ethyl butyral periments because, on account of its od< r Thus, if the alcohol and acid be mi luit if some lipase be added, it \\ ill i action of lipase lias also been dem< J8 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES It should be clearly understood that pure catalysts, such as the hydro- gen ion, in accelerating a reaction like the above, do so equally in both directions, so that the position of equilibrium remains unchanged. En- zymes may, however, cause this position to change because of their form- ing intermediate combinations. The reverse phase of certain reactions is probably the cause of at least some of the synthetic processes which occur in the annual body. A great difficulty in accepting such a view, however, is the fact that the equilib- rium point of all liydrolytic reactions, in the presence of an excess of water, is so near complete hydrolysis that very little synthesis can be possible. That is true so long as the substance synthesized is soluble, but if it is nearly insoluble in water, or if it is immediately removed from the site of the reaction by diffusion, or in any other way, then it is obvious that it will go on being synthesized by the reaction. Thus, in the intestine neutral fat is hydrolyzed by pancreatic lipase into fatty acid and glycerin, which are absorbed into the epithelium, where they again come under the influence of intracellular lipase. This latter will tend to accelerate the synthesis of neutral fat from the fatty acid and glycerin until the equilibrium point of the system (fat acid + glycerin <^ neutral .fat + H,0) is again reached; but this point, although it is near the right hand of the equation, will really never be reached for the reason that the neutral fat, as quickly as it is formed, will become deposited in insoluble globules in the protoplasm and thus be removed from the equation. In support of this view it has been found that lipase is present in intestinal mucosa after all traces of adherent pancreatic juice have been washed away. By similar reactions the fat of the tissues becomes decomposed to fatty acid and glycerin and passes out of the blood when the concentra- tion of fat in this fluid falls below a certain level. Provided one of the substances synthesized is insoluble or can in some other way be removed from the reaction, it is plain that, even though the equilibrium point is very near to that of complete hydrolysis, yet the reversion will be suf- ficient to do all that is required of it. Results such as the above have prompted many to conclude that it is by such reversible action that all synthetic processes occur in the living organism. But the demonstrable synthesis of an ester must not be taken as evidence that all other syntheses are explainable on the same basis. For example, we have seen above that in the case of cane sugar the equi- librium point in the equation is so near that of complete hydrolysis, that no measurable amount of cane sugar is formed when dextrose and levulose are allowed to act on each other, and that cane sugar does not appear when sucrase is added to the mixture. If instead of sucrase we take another of the sugar enzymes — namely, maltase, which accelerates the I I KM , .1 decomposition of maltose into \\\<> molecules of . ever, evidence of synthesis as a resull of the acccleratioi reaction. To understand th< ilts we musl rememh dextrose is a mixture of two si I a bj two molecules >>\ \ a molecule <»t' water maltose is Formed, l>ut when two mo of ii dextros ndense isomaltose resull as to whether nudtast is really responsible for the molecules to maltose, ii being claimed by some tliat tins is by another enzyme, emulsine. If tins were true it would i illy minimize the important E reversible action as a factor in celluh thesis. The latesl evidence goi show, ho and not emulsine thai is responsible in the above Evidence, both direcl and indirect, is als imulatii - show that enzymes may accelerate the Byntl >f j » i-« » t of direcl evidence we have: 1 the retardation of the dig< of trypsin, etc., which sets in after the process hi and 2 the recommencemenl <<\ a digestive | end. if the products of the digestion are removed by dial means. .\s direct evidence may be cited the formation products when pepsin is added to concentrated Boluti and the diminution in the number of small molecules, as judg urements of electrical conductivity, when trypsin is added I nets of tryptic digestion of caseinogen. Protamine a sim] tein lias also been found to be produced when trypc a mollusc was added i" a tryptic d E the • significance of these facts in connection with the mel amino ai«l< will be evident when w< me I idy this snl> Specificity of Enzyme Action Although in all of the above features of enzyme action l contradicl the vievt thai they are catalyl : agents, 1 iliarity which at first Bighl Beems nnintf rpr.-t ah • This is with regard t>> their often remarkabh as we have sen, maltase '-an hydrolyze malt' posed of two o-dextrose molecules . hut i This means that mere diflf< molecules is Bufficienl t<> alter the infl such different aid uol influence t; •Wr I . . ■ 80 PHYSICOCHEMICAL BASIS OP PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES explain the cause of the difference. This has been done on the basis either that enzymes are colloids or that the active (catalytic) group of the enzyme is attached to a colloid molecule. Before a substance can be acted on, it must combine with the colloid, which it does by the proc- ess of adsorption (sec page 65). This can occur, however, only when there is a harmony between the adsorbing substance and the substance adsorbed. Instances of the specificity of adsorption have already been given. In support of this view it has been found that of the two proteases, a and fS, in the spleen, one is adsorbed but not the other when a solu- tion containing them is shaken with Kieselguhr. Furthermore, when solutions of invertase are shaken with certain inert powders, the in- vertase is adsorbed by some of them but not by others. In strong sup- port of the adsorption hypothesis is also the fact that the same mathe- matical laws as apply in the process of adsorption are obeyed in the ratio which exists between the activity of an enzyme and its concen- tration in the solution. To sum up, then, catalysis as exhibited by enzymes involves three processes: (1) contact between the enzyme and the substrate, which will be dependent on their rates of diffusion; (2) adsorption between them, which will depend on their configurations (cf. the lock and key simile) ; and (3) the chemical change which itself probably takes place in two stages. In connection with the third process, it is probable that an initial com- pound of a definite chemical nature is first formed, followed by the hydrolytic or other chemical change, after which the enzyme group becomes free. It is very significant in this connection to note that in their solubil- ities there exists a distinct relationship between the ferments and the substrates on which they react. Thus, trypsin is very soluble in water and acts on water-soluble proteins; lipase is soluble in fat solvents. Certain Peculiarities of Enzymes Notwithstanding the very strong case that is made out for the cata- lytic hypothesis, there are certain facts which many find it difficult to make conform with such a view. One of these is that dextrose can undergo three distinct and separate types of decomposition according to the enzyme allowed to act on it. These are alcoholic fermentation, butyric acid fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. It is difficult to see how simple catalytic action can be responsible for all three results. The enzyme must not only initiate the changes but also direct their course. Another peculiarity is thai when certain enzymes — e.g., rennin, pep- PI i:\li NT8, OR Bl sin. etc. are Inoculated in animals, they caus< appear in the I » 1 < »< »< I of the inoculated animal. Thu en antirennin sfniiii is added i<» milk it greatly hinders clotti addition of rennin. It is probable thai powerful antienzyme duced in the animal body for the purpose of protecting th< attack by enzymes. It is on accounl of the pr< thai intestinal parasites can exist in the i 1 the immunity From digestion which the mucosa of th< itinal I is believed to be due to the Bame cause. Bui ti doubt regarding this claim. Fresh pancreatic juice when ii empty intestine < 1 i -_r i • s t -, its walls. When f I is present in the ii I tine it evidently prevents digestion of the walls by diverting ti to itself. Types of Enzyme Saving learned something aboul the genera] nature • may QOW turn our attention I rtain details that have a ]>; importance. In the first place, with regard to nomenclature, in the earlier work cadi newly discovered enzyme received a which \ often quite inappropriate. .Many of these names ai pepsin, trypsin, ptyalin, etc., bu1 it is now- customar the enzyme according to the Bubstance on which it acl I is is d by replacing the last part of the name of the Bubsl >n by the termination -ase for example, the enzyme which inverts ma I " I * * « 1 maltase . <>r bj merely adding -ase to the name i upon thus, the enzyme which hydrolyzea glycogen is called | Mfosl of the enzymes in the animal body es and are classified according to the chemical na1 Btrate on which they work. Thus, we havi 1. The amylases accelerating the hydrolysis of pol ptyalin (in saliva , amylopsin (in pancreatic juic< . liver , <1 in malt '_*. The inveriates accelerating hydrolya ase, lactase and sucrase in sue, mis entericus :'.. The proti inan - accelerating hj iin gastric j u i<-.- . trypsin (in pancreatic juic< proteinase 1 The Upasi » accelerating disruption i in pancreatic juice . inl • acellular Ii] .1 rginast accelerat ing hyd nithin. i intracellular . 82 PHYSICOCHEMIOAL BASIS OP PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES 6. Urease — accelerating hydrolysis of urea to ammonium carbonate (in many microorganisms and in the soy bean). 7. Glyoxylase — converting glyoxals into lactic acid (page 666). Other enzymes accelerate oxidative processes and are called oxidases and peroxidases. Others bring about the displacement of an amino group by hydroxyl (desamidases). Others cause coagulation (coagula- tive ferments), e.g., thrombin, rennin. One of the enzymes present in succus entericus acts by converting the zymogen (trypsinogen) into the enzyme (trypsin). Enzyme Preparations So far it has been impossible to prepare enzymes in a pure state al- though, being colloidal in nature, they are readily precipitated or ad- sorbed along with, other colloids. Since most enzymes exist in cells, it is necessary to break up the cells in order to isolate the enzyme. This is done in various ways. By one method the cells are ground in a mortar with fine sand, then made into a paste with infusorial earth (Kieselguhr), the paste enclosed in stout canvas and placed under an hydraulic press at about 300 atmospheres pressure ; a clear fluid separates and this contains the enzymes. An- other way is to freeze the tissue with liquid air and grind it in a steel mortar by means of a machine, ^till another and less expensive method, and one which we have found most useful for organs and tissues, con- sists in reducing the tissue to a pulp and, after sieving it to get rid of connective tissue, etc., spreading the pulp on glass plates and drying in a slightly warmed, dry air current. The scales of dried material are then ground in a paint mill with toluene, and the resulting suspension filtered ; the powder which remains on the filter, after thorough washing with toluene, is dried and kept for future use. The toluene removes all the fatty substances, so that when shaken with water, etc., the enzymes dissolve. Conditions for Enzymic Activity Reactions brought about by intracellular enzymes are very readily inhibited when there comes to be a certain accumulation of their prod- ucts of action. Thus, yeast ceases to ferment sugar when the alcohol has accumulated to a certain percentage. This action is partially due to a toxic action of the alcohol on the cell, which paralyzes its power of absorbing the substance to be acted on by the intracellular enzyme. If these products be not in some way removed, they will ultimately kill the cell and stop the fermentation. AVe have seen above how the ac- cumulation of products may interfere with the activities of enzymes in ■ ■ other ways in which the enzyme does not li\ the fad thai it resumes ita original activities on products. Bnzymes, both intracellular and extracellulai wards the i 1 1 1 » i lt .- » i j i < - composition of the medium in which ing. For the intracellular enzymes this is what we bear in mind the profound influence "i" inorganic gaits beal and on cell growth and division. This influei • I reaction acidity, etc. on the life of the <-'-ll is bo pronounce some observers to believe thai al rmal cell multiplication in ' as in tin' case of tumor formation, is due t.. cha a the composition of the tissue fluids. Bxtracellula Busceptible to the influence of inorganic ^.ilt s bul towards the reacti E the Bolution. In terms of modei we may say thai the concentration of II- and OH' ions has a profound influence on the activities of enzymes. Mosl of the eni iinal bodj perform their action mally in the presence cess «>r OH' ions, thai is. in faintly alkaline redaction. Indeed tin- onlj exception of importance i" iliis is the pepsin of gastric juice, which i mally arts in an acid medium. An \ of either OH' ll inhibits tin- activity <>!' tin- enzyme ami usuallv destroys it perma The activities of enzymes air also influenced by Light, man} being destroyed by sunlight; cells Buch as microorganisms affected. Before being secreted the nt it is hei like bod} produced by tin- i il epitheliun PHYSICOCHEMICAL REFERKM i bfonogi aphs and 0 I ' ■ Bayliss, W. M.: Principli Llip, .1. C: Physical Chemistry, II ed, -. 191 1. M. ci. n. lun. .i. 8.: Phj lical I I Press, 1917 t&tarling, E. II.: Principle* 84 PHYSICOCHEMICAL RASIS OP PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSUS Kahlenberg, L.: Jour. Physical Chem., 190G, x, 141. sReid, i:., Weymouth: Jour. Physiol., 1898, aacii, lvi. 7 Wilson, T. M.: Am. Jour. Physiol, 1905, xiii, 150. sHaldane, J. S., and Priestley, J. G.: Jour. Physiol., 191(5, 1, 29G; Priostlcv, J. G: Ibid., p. 304. sClark, W. M., and Lubs, H. A.: Jour. Bacteriology, 1917, ii, 1 and 109. LoHenderson, L. J.: The Excretion of Acid in Health and Disease, Earvey Lectures, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1915, x, 132. "Henderson, L. J.: The Fitness of the Environment. Macmillan, X. Y., 1913. >-V;in Slyke, D. D.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1917, xxx, 289, 347. "Levy, B. L., and Rowntree, L. G.: Arch. Int. Med., 1916, xvii, 525. "Cull'en, G. E.: Jour. Biol. Chem.. 1917, xxx, 369. 1- 'Palmer, W. W., and Henderson, L. J.: Arch, Int. Med., 1913, xii, 153. isSellards, A. W.: The Principles of Acidosis and Clinical Methods for Its Study, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1917. i"Lloyd, F. H.: Private communication. 'vMacallum, A. B, : Surface Tension and Yital Phenomena. University of Toronto Studies, Xo. 8, 1912; also Ergebnisse der Physiologie, 1911, ii, 598. isBayliss, W. M.: Enzymic Action, ed. 2. Monographs in Biochemistry, Longmans, Green & Co. PART II THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH CHAPTER X BLOOD: ITS GENERAL PROPERTIES r.v R. G. Peabce, B.A., M.D. The blood, being the carrier of the nutritive and wi ibstai the body's metabolism, must at one time <»r another contain all t; terials which compose the ti^ms in addition to those which an iliar to the blood itself. It is a very complex fluid, ami all <>; institw are nut fully known. Structurally it is composed of water in which are dissolved various gases ami organic ami inorganic bodies, the c and platelets. THE QUANTITY OF BLOOD IN THE BODY The nmst accurate method <>t' determining the volume of M 1 in the body is bj bleeding and subsequently washing <>ut the bl from the vessels and then estimating the amounl of hemoglobin in the tol fluid (Welcher's method . This method employed in the criminals who had been decapitated gave the weighl of the bl< 7.7 and 7.2 per cent of the body weight. Bloodless methods for del mining the total volume of blood are based upon the principle of add ing a definite quantity of a known substai to the circulation ai estimating its concentration in a sample of blood withdrawn from bodj Bhortly afterward. It' the Bubstance can not lea ami dues not cause tliiid tn be withdrawn from the tis the total quantity of blood in the body can be calculated from injected Bubstance in the blood. The must accurate method* this principle are Haldane and Smith's, in which carbon n is inhaled in a given amount ami the carbon mon Bequentlj determined colorimetrically ; and Keitl aghty's, which employs vital re. I. a dye of lo remains long enough in the bod) )■■ be ihn blood, and its entration in the pla • 86 THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH by comparing with a suitable" standard mixture of dye and serum. These methods give the total amount of blood in the body as from 5 to 8.8 per cent of its weight. Meek has recently developed a method in which gum acacia is used. After mixing with the blood, the concentration of this substance is determined from the calcium content. Being colloid, none of the gum leaves the blood vessels. The newer methods have shown that the volume of the circulating fluid is maintained fairly constant in spite of influences tending to alter it. The body accomplishes this by drawing upon the reserve fluid in the tisvsues and by varying the rate of water excretion, particularly through the kidneys. Years ago the doctrine of an increased amount of blood in the body (plethora) gave rise to the therapeutic use of bleeding. Especially Avas this thought to be useful in conditions which we now recognize as chronic hypertension, and which show no increase in blood volume. Indeed variation in blood volume is not common, although plethora may occur in polycythemia, chlorosis, and anemias, and there may be a temporary reduction in the amount of blood in diseases in which there is a great depletion of water, as in Asiatic cholera, and fol- lowing very severe hemorrhage. While the total quantity of the blood in the body does not vary greatly, the concentration of its various constituents is subject to distinct change. The volume percentages of the corpuscles and the plasma can be approx- imately determined by allowing oxalated blood to sediment or by cen- trifuging in a graduated cylinder by the use of the hematocrit. Such methods are not very reliable, but may yield some important information. Normally 45 to 50 per cent of the volume of blood is composed of cor- puscles. It varies more or less directly with the number of red blood colls. THE WATER CONTENT OF THE BLOOD Since the blood plasma is essentially a watery solution, some idea of its water content can be obtained by a determination of the specific gravity. The most accurate method for accomplishing this is to deter- mine directly the weight of a given volume of blood and compare it with the weight of the same volume of water. Since this method re- quires a rather large amount of blood, indirect methods using smaller •amounts have been devised. One of these (Hammerschlag's) uses a solution of chloroform and benzol of a specific gravity of about 1.050, in which a drop of blood is suspended by delivering it cautiously from ;i pipette bent at right angles near its tip. If the drop sinks, chloroform is added; if it rises, benzol is added until the drop remains suspended. BLOOD : I i The Bpecific gravity of the benzol-chloroform mixl and this value is Bupposed to gh •• th< ■ t i 1 1 «_r between tl blood. This fad indicates that the Berum pi independent of the nitrogenoui tabolism i un- doubtedly maintain the viscosit blood and its neutrality. Attempts i" localize the proteins have nol 1 d successful. There rin- ogen is formed for the most part in the tie (liver . It is quite possible that the blood own | as tions in recent years, primarily because i1 i en found I intimately connected with the problems of immunity. Among the ferments ih<- following have been demoi 1 in I blood: Proteases arc probably presenl normally in the human M 1 in small amounts, but thej are found in largt blood corpuscles. A protein foreign to the body it' it blood ordinarily produces no untoward syi tion following the first by Borne days will product ing known as anaphylaxis. This fact has led to tl the injection of any foreign protein int< the appearance therein >>\ specific | the Bt range protein int<> its derival pov the body to produce sp< of much research and debate, and \ nanc} . for cancer, and phenomenon; He beli< ransc the ' ■•'• of p s that bril ferments w hose duty investigators fail t.» find the Abderhalden, and believe tl of digesting 90 THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH from the digestive juices (Boldyreff). Some investigators fail to confirm the claim that the proteolytic activity of the blood serum is increased under the above conditions. Blood contains an antiferment known as antitrypsin. This can be removed from the blood serum by several substances, among which are kaolin, colloidal iron and starch. Serum thus treated shows strong pro- teolytic activity and autodigestion will occur. In this case there can be no question of the specific origin of proteases. Abderhalden believes that the ferments of the blood of the pregnant woman are able to digest the placental tissue. Human placental tissue has the ability of absorb- ing antitrypsin and it is very questionable as to whether the test pro- posed by Abderhalden is due to the new formation of ferments or to the removal of the antitrypsin and the action of the protease normally present in the blood. Nuclein ferments are capable of decomposing nucleic acid and purins into the simpler bodies. Lipases have been demonstrated in the blood. Amylase. — The presence of starch-splitting ferments in the blood was first shown by Magendie in 1841, and later Bernard showed that gly- cogen or starch injected into a vein produced glycosuria. Since then it has been proved conclusively that diastatic enzymes are normally present in the blood and lymph. The source of these enzymes has given rise to much speculation. Some observers believe that they are derived from the amylopsin of the pancreatic secretion, while others believe that they are manufactured by the liver. Ligature of the pancreatic ducts is said to increase the amount of amylase, while removal of the pan- creas may (Carlson and Luckhart) or may not (Schlesinger) increase the amylase of the blood. In some forms of experimental diabetes the amylase of the blood has been found increased, and this is the case in human diabetes (Myers and Killian). If this is true, a cause for the inability of the diabetic to store up glycogen is found. In impairment of renal function, there is usually an increase in the blood amylase and a decrease in the urine amylase. This has been suggested as being of diagnostic value. The blood contains a feeble glycolytic enzyme capable of destroying glucose. It is claimed that this power is reduced in diabetics (Lepine). Catalase is found in the blood and tissues generally. It has the power of liberating oxygen from hydrogen peroxide without any accompany- ing oxidation process. Its physiological significance is not known. It is said that the amount of catalase is increased during excitement and exercise, and is decreased in conditions where the body's activity is lowered. Its determination is clinically unimportant at present. ' II ATI ER XI BLO< >D THE BLOOD CELL Bl h\ <.. P] \i;- : . T. A . MH THE RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES. OR ERYTHROCYTES The most prominenl function of the bl tissues It owes this property chiefly to the red bio -•nt in large aumbei - 5, ,000 pei c d m are biconcave discs, having a diameter of aboul 7 7. l structed out of a framework composed largely of lipoidal mal the meshes of which i^ deposited a substance call* which the remarkable oxygen-carrying power <>t' the bl 1 ther tin- manner by which the red •■•■ll carries its henn _ intimate structure of the cell itself is accurately known. I monly believed that the hemoglobin is held enmeshed in (ii- stroma, or encased in the cell membrane. One thing ever, thai the union of hemoglobin with il '. i* a fairly Btrong one, since mere fragmentation liberate tin- hemoglobin. The fad that the framework • amount of lipoidal Bubstances enables tl shape ami is responsible for their chara Hemoglobin is a very «•< >ni ]>ll<" taken as evideni E tin1 youth <•!' tin- red '•••II ;i tive proci since the number of the reticulated in ihr blood is nunc or less directly prop activities <»t' the bone marrow, enumeration of the reticulated • of clinical importance in anemias. In conditions in whii been made plethoric by the transfusion of blood, it h the number '>t* reticulated cells is decreased; the bone ma: animals also shows ;i marked reduction in reticulated • The diminished rate of hi 1 cell formation Bometime transfusions may l"- explained by assuming that the Btimulus wl awakens the formation of red cells in the bone marro made subnormal on the injection of'red cells into the blood, an< the formation of red cells is depressed Small trai - fore preferable to large ones in cases in which tin- n linn is greatly impaired. By means of li\in>_r cull r«>w the different Btages «'t' the development of th< true red corpuscles may be studied Towei and Herm Somi has been gathered from such Btudies which poii ts to in place of the red cells being cells which have l< r nuc the current teaching, they are rather cells which de bud and escape into the circulation as true red cells The nu red cell and the v>-<\ nucleated corpuscle of the bird are ti intranuclear activity and arc morphologically identical. Rates of Regeneration of Erythr. Microscopic examination of the hi 1 durii \>-i\ cells shows the presence of nucleated I in the blood have therefore been taken as an i blood regeneration. The evid upon which tl however, is hardly complete, Bince cl cell formation may be responsibli bone marrow is considered the 1 cell that an abnormal increase in the red bone increased red cell formation | about the new formation unnt max he an important ' large number of red cells in oondil 04 THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH oxygen in the inspired air, as in life at high altitudes, or a difficulty in its absorption through the lungs, as in congenital heart disease. The red cells produced following hemorrhage and in simple anemia contain less than the normal amount of hemoglobin, but their shape and size are approximately normal, and few nucleated cells are present. In the regeneration of red cells -which is found in pernicious anemia, we find the cells containing an unusually large amount of hemoglobin. The red cells in this disease have abnormal forms, many being large, with or without a nucleus, and containing, basic staining granules. This type of blood cell formation is due to degenerative changes. The Fate of the Erythrocytes The length of life of the red blood cell is unknown. Estimates based ii] ton the daily excretion of bile pigments are not reliable, since Hooper and Whipple have shown that the pigments, in part at least, arise from pigments which the liver has made' in excess of its needs for the manu- facture of hemoglobin, and which, not being needed, are excreted."' There is no question hoAvever that every erythrocyte sooner or later undergoes disintegration, a process formerly thought to be ushered in by the ingestion of the red blood cell by a phagocyte in the spleen or in a hemolymph gland, the hemoglobin of the disintegrated cell being set free and carried to the liver, where it is broken up into hematin, which the body stores for future use, and into bile pigments, which are ex- creted. Rous and Robertson6 fail to find evidence that this process occurs in man to an extent sufficient to account for the normal destruc- tion of the blood cells. However they have recently found another and unsuspected method for blood destruction in all animals thus far studied — namely, the disintegration of the blood cells by fragmentation while they are circulating, without loss of their hemoglobin. These fragmented cells are found most frequently in the spleen. They believe that the small ill-formed cells, known as microcytes and poikilocytes, observed in severe experimental anemias, are due not to the fact that they are produced by the bone marrow, but rather to the fact that the marrow in its anemic condition is not able to produce a resistant ery- throcyte, and fragmentation therefore takes place too readily. A sim- ilar condition may exist in the severe anemias of man and account for the general high resistance of the red cells found in the blood of these patients, inasmuch as the weak cells are generally fragmented very soon after they are formed. Long ago Ehrlich stated that the microcytes and poikilocytes of anemia are the result of fragmentation of the cells in the circulating blood, but he believed that this fragmentation was a I III i:i.i»ol» il ll. purposeful division in order to increase the total kuH cells. The ultimate fate of the red ■••■ll fragmenl »wn. I- reasonable t<> suppose that the fragmented bil are carried to tin- liver, where the hemoglobin is ti hematin and l»il<- pigments. Hemolysis Another method of red blood cell destruction, which not take place normally, is by hemolysis. The natu tion of the hemoglobin with the stroma of the red eel . marked, is no1 definitely known. Thai il is not mer< Bac is shown by the fad thai the '•••11 may be <-ut into hits withi hemoglobin being set free. In some manner the hemoglobin ically bound with the Btroma of the red ••••II. I hich it c freed by a number of physicochemical and chemical ess is known as hemolysis, and the substances which bring it known as hemolytic agents. The manner in which tin the release of hemoglobin from the blood is quite \ati>-<1 brinfi ably by dissolving the li|><»i produced artificially by the injection subjed of great il 06 THE BLOOD A.ND TTTF. LYMPH of clinical medicine. The hemolytic serum produced by the injection of foreign corpuscles owes its activity to two substances. The one called the amboceptor, or immune body, is specific against the type of cell injected and is increased during immunization. The second body is the complement; it is nonspecific, and is not increased dur- ing immunization. Complement is destroyed by heating the serum for mie hour at 55° C, leaving the amboceptor alone present. Corpuscles placed in such serum are not hemolyzed until complement either from fresh immune or from nonimmune serum is added. The serum of animals possessing natural hemolytic properties towards the corpuscles of other animals likewise owes its effect to the joint action of amboceptors and complement. Ordinarily the serum from animals of one species does not exhibit hemolytic properties to blood from another animal of the same species. In unusual cases, however, the serum of an animal will produce hemol- ysis of the corpuscles of an animal of the same species. Such sera are said to possess isohemolysins. The fact is of great importance in the transfusion of blood from one individual to another. The cause of the acute hemolysis which occurs in the disease parox- ysmal hemoglobinuria is not known. It is probably due to the presence of a hemolytic substance which unites with the blood corpuscles at temperatures below the normal body temperature, since the attack fol- lows exposure to cold, and blood from patients subject to the condition may be hemolyzed in vitro by cooling and subsequently heating it. LEUCOCYTES There are a number of varieties of white cells in the blood. These are differentiated from one another by their shape, staining properties, and the granules in their protoplasm. AVe may divide them into two main groups — nongranular mononuclear cells and granular polynuclear cells. The nongranular mononuclear cells are termed lymphocytes. Two va- rieties are differentiated, the small and the large. The small mononuclear leucocyte makes up from 23 to 28 per cent of the total leucocytes and the large mononuclear, from 2 to 4 per cent. The polynuclear leucocytes are divided into three groups according to whether their granules stain with basic, neutral or acid stains. The leucocytes that stain with basic dyes, or the basophile cells, are very few, making up less than one per cent of the total count. LikeAvise the acid-staining granular cells, acidophile, are few, comprising from 2 to 4 per cent of the total count. The most numerous are the neutrophiles. Till I l. or the polynuclear leuci with neutral-stainii I comprise from Bfl to To | i of the total com • Another type of white ••••II is known as th< it was supposed to represent an intermedial and polynuclear cells. Probably Buch transitions do transitional leucocyte is related to the mononuclear ■ The polynuclear <-••! U originate in the bone n reason have been termed myeloid cells. rom c< the bone marrov termed myeloblasts, which arc nongranular and c tain a large nucleus. In the course of development the cha granules appear, and the nucleus remains round and later b< tabulated. These intermediate forms died myel< nuclear cells originate in the lymphatic tis if the body. The leucocytes possess the ability to make ameboid moven tu • foreign particles which may be presented to them. <>n count of this latt.-r ability they are commonly called phi a I the process of inflammation the leuc< semble at the spot wl the Beat of the injury or infection, and remove th< or necrotic tissue bj ingesting and digesting it. It is not definitely known whether »>r not the lymphi tion as phagocytes. Other functions besid< , ascribed to the white cells, but they are not as cepted. The number of leucocytes in the blood is subject I siderable variation. They normally numbe per c mm. At the heighl of digestion and aft there is usually a small increase, and under pathological especially in infectious diseases, this I. S infections u the polymorphonuch while othei the lymphocytes. The t\ fully know n, nor are the function The Blood Platel- These are small oval particles about 3 p in diameter, w in large numb< i c mm in the hi 1 I po^ed to be formed Mom partich sm which off from the l.i '""1 cells in the I marrow and chemical propeii understood, very important role in tho llation of the bloi CHAPTEE XII BLOOD: BLOOD CLOTTING On leaving the blood vessels, the blood clots so as to form a ping, which assists in preventing further hemorrhage. The clotting must therefore be considered as a protective mechanism against excessive draining of blood out of the organism. When the wounded vessels are small, the clotting, along with constriction of the damaged vessels and the formation in them of thrombi containing large numbers of platelets, serves to effect complete stoppage of the hemorrhage even though the blood pressure may not have become materially reduced. The greater loss of blood from larger vessels causes the arterial pressure to fall, and this enables the clot to stiffen and seal the wound before the pressure again rises. When the clotting power of the blood is subnormal, life is endangered by even trivial wounds ; under these conditions the smallest surface scratch may continue to bleed exces- sively in spite of whatever local treatment js applied. The most ex- treme degree of this condition occurs in hemophilia, a disease which is characterized by a most interesting family history — namely, that although it affects only certain of the male members of a family, yet it is transmitted from generation to generation by the female side alone. The disease has existed in certain of the royal families of Europe for many generations, which has made it possible by con- sulting the genealogic trees to demonstrate the infallibility of this law of inheritance. The clotting of the blood is also either depressed or increased in a variety of physiologic and pathologic conditions. We shall, however, defer further consideration of these until we have learned something of the nature of the factors which are responsible for the process itself. The Visible Changes in the Blood During Clotting" In' a few minutes after it leaves the blood vessels, the blood forms a jelly-like clot, which adheres to the walls of the container in Avhich the blood is collected and soon becomes so solid that the vessel may be inverted without spilling any of the blood. Clotting is now said to be complete. The clot soon begins to contract, and as it does so, drops of clear fluid or serum become expressed and float on the surface of the 98 B1 I clol or collect betv een it ami | Bome t ime t he » - 1 « * t breaks aw aj in the serum. The latter may l"- p opalescent, partly because of the p cause of leucocytes which have m i oul i their pov< er of diapedesi 1 1' a drop of freshly --h ■< 1 blood lined will be observed thai the firsl Btep in clottii of fine threads radiating from t"<-i. which platelets. The fine threads are called fibr I as to form ;ni interlacing meshwork which corpuscles and leucocytes. B3 the the ultrami< Howell1 and others have observed thai the fibrin thrombin to oxalated plasma is really deposited in t; stalline needles "fibrin needles" which 1 >•*<•< *iii • as they increase rapidly in numbers Although the consists therefore in the conversion of a hydr< - page t-11 . it is a unique process solution of the \>\ esponsible for the formation of the fibrin (fibril colloidal solutions, be precipitated in a variety of ways, bul »nly when the conditions are favorable for M 1 clotting thai fibrin 1 and therefore fibrin threads, are formed. The blood • forms a structureless gel when it clots Howell). Methods of Retarding Clotting of Drawn Blood To understand the nature of the clotting p are res] sible for its occurrence, it is advantaf conditions Bomewhal by getting rid of I i corp the other formed elements of the M I and tl which tip suspended in living blood nam< 1 separation of blood into corpuscles and plasma is rendi by sedimentation or l>\ centrifu inhibil or greatly delay the clotting p 1 purpose are numerous \ of tl 1 I 1 Keeping tin- blood at a temperatui point. This method is. however, immediately receh ''-I into narrow t ii it- kepi most Btrictly at the low level. I other slowly clotting bloods, the n tions. 2 I.' ceivii bl i thi inila. coated w ith a 1. '••licntioii of a cloth or tampon well wrung out with 1 saline to a wounded Burface is a mosl efficient m< j I orrhage from vessels too small to ligi The Nature of the Clotting Process Plasma obtained by centrifuging hi 1 thai has bet clotting by one of the foreg - methods can be made to clol the inhibiting influence; for example, in i l«''l plasma by warm blood tn room temperature, in Baited plasma by dilul an equal volume of water, and in decalcified plasma 1>\ addii ••ii-nt amounl of soluble calcium Ball combine with all I oxalate and Leave a small trace of calcium Ball The first question coi rns thi it is furnished b) comparing the composition of I •••■■« 1 pi • if Berum. Though both of these fluids contain the pi and globulin, in approximately the same contains another protein not unlike globulin in most hut distinguished from typical globulin in tl half-saturation with sodium chloride, in which ble, and is more readil ' of the plasma with Bodium chloride, equal rated Bodium chloride solution arc n fibrinogen, as the Bubstancc is called the tube by centrifuging and is half saturated sodium ehlori< siihnl in weak saline solution bonate . will then be found to 102 THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH The next question concerns the nature of the conditions that cause the fibrinogen to clot. When a fibrinogen solution is mixed with a few drops of blood serum, a clot usually forms, which however is not the case when plasma is added or when the serum is heated before adding it. Because a small quantity of serum is capable of causing the clotting of a large quantity of fibrinogen solution or plasma, it is supposed that the active substance present in it is of the nature of a ferment — fibrin ferment or thrombin. It must be pointed out, however, that there is considerable doubt whether this active body is really of the nature of a ferment or enzyme. For example, although heated serum does not cause clotting, thrombin, prepared from serum by the method about to be described, in the absence of inorganic salts can withstand even a boiling temperature. Moreover, true enzymes are characterized by the fact that, like other catalytic agents, a very minute quantity can effect a change in an indef- inite amount of substance without the enzyme becoming used up in the process (page 72). When thrombin is allowed to act upon a fibrinogen solution, on the other hand, it is said that only a fixed amount of fibrin can be formed when a small amount of thrombin is added. Neither does this amount increase when the time of reaction is prolonged. Wha'tever may be the significance of the foregoing facts, it is impor taut to know that the clotting substance, thrombin, can be isolated from blood serum in a tolerably pure condition. For this purpose blood serum is allowed to stand under a large volume of alcohol for a week or two; the precipitate is then collected and rubbed up with water, which extracts the thrombin from it, leaving the serum protein in a coagulated state. The resulting watery solution of thrombin may be further pre- cipitated by alcohol, the precipitate washed in alcohol and redissolved in water, yielding ultimately a solution which exhibits very marked co- agulating powers when added to plasma or fibrinogen solution. Throm- bin shows most of the protein reactions but it is not coagulated by heat. As would be expected, a considerable quantity of thrombin remains adherent to the fibrin formed in the process of clotting, and Howell8 describes a very useful method by which it can be separated from fibrin and preserved in a dry condition. Briefly stated, this method consists in allowing washed fibrin to stand overnight under eight per cent sodium-chloride solution, which dissolves the thrombin. The resulting extract is then mixed with an equal volume of acetone, which throws down a precipitate containing the thrombin. To preserve it, the precip- itate is collected on a number of small filter papers, which are subse- quently opened out and dried by exposure to a current of cold air before an electric fan. When the thrombin solutions are desired, the dried pre- cipitates are extracted with a little water. 111.. Thrombin d«"'s no1 •• v i^i in blood plasmi glass tube is inserted into an artery ant blood <•oli.il, the precipitate after standi) eld no throi ibin when triturated with water. Quite clearly, then produced ;it the time the bl I clots, and 1 1 1 « - qui it produced froml It will !>•• remembered that, wh< amined under the microscope during the <•!< »t 1 1 threads are Been to Btarl from t'"<-i which corresp* Lets. It would appear therefore thai the tin-.. ml. in tn Borne Bubstance thai is shed forth from the platelets duri tegration which they undergo shortly after the bl i Btance is called prothrombin. The platelets or their megacaryocytes of red bone marrow, are probably i I I for clotting may occur in the complete al n it appears to come from the leu< ytes. Prothrombin apj illy in the fluid used to perfuse red bone marrow outside the bod) I>:i' and Drinker0). To Bum up whal we have bo far 1 « • .• » t ■ I. it may I process «>i' clotting starts with the disintegration of blood probably of leucocytes, as a resull of which there is shi plasma a Bubstance "•ailed prothrombin, which immediately omes activated or converted into thrombin. The ,; mbin ti tacka a protein present in plasma called fibr t in thread-like form the insoluble protein, fibrin. Hut this doei plete the history, for al leasl two other important play; tin • is the presence "f soluble calcium salts, and tl of peculiar Bubstances «i*-iix •-«! from the tissues out and called thromboplastic Bubstanci thromboplastin H SV< must now consider the action of these two The Influence of Calcium Salts. \ x plained, tl. Boluble calcium Balta are necessarj for clotl Bervation that tin- process is entirely p blood is mixed with Boluble oxalati mighl I"- made on the Bcore that tin That Buch is nol the ease is indicated by tl • blood or plasma is dialyzed agaiiiHl phys the soluble oxalate has been removi immediately Buperveni question arises as t,. how tl • nun i. 1 thai it is concerned in • 2 that it is i.. [1 .•an quite readil) be si ..w p thai 104 THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH that the calcium acts; for example, clotting occurs when purified throm- bin is added to dialyzed oxalate blood or plasma or to a pure solution of fibrinogen. Citrates prevent clotting by forming calcium citrate, which all hough soluble does not ionize in solution. It is the free calcium ions that are important. The action of the fluoride is somewhat mysterious, for it has been found that to produce clotting in fluoride plasma the sim- ple addition of calcium chloride will not suffice; thrombin itself must be added as well. Some authors assert, however, that if the calcium chlo- ride is added cautiously to "fluoride" blood, it will induce clotting (Rettger). In any case it appears that the fluoride does something more than precipitate the calcium; possibly it prevents the breaking up of platelets and leucocytes. The Influence of the Tissues. — As already stated, when slowly clotting blood, like that of a bird, is collected through a sterile glass tube into a thoroughly clean vessel and immediately centrifuged, the plasma will often remain indefinitely unclotted. If an extract of some tissue, such as muscle, is added, however, the plasma immediately clots. To a much less degree, the same phenomenon is exhibited by mammalian plasma when it is collected in a similar manner. From these observations the conclusions may be drawn that the tissues furnish some substance as- sisting in the clotting process, and that this substance is also formed from certain elements present in mammalian but not present in avian blood. The absence of platelets from the latter blood suggests that these must be the source of the activating substance in mammalian blood. It is plain that this tissue factor in clotting is of importance in hasten- ing the process when an animal is wounded. Before attempting to formulate an hypothesis that will explain the process of clotting, it is necessary to call attention to one other impor- tant fact. This refers to the presence in blood of a substance that pre- vents clotting and is hence called ant (thrombin. Antithrombin is pres- ent in normal blood, for a given specimen of pure fibrinogen will clot less rapidly when mixed with serum to which some oxalated plasma has been added than with an equal amount of the same serum correspond- ingly diluted with a solution of soluble oxalate. A striking increase in the concentration of antithrombin in blood can be brought about by rapidly injecting a solution of commercial peptone into the blood ves- sels fifteen to thirty minutes before bleeding. The peptonized blood or plasma will remain fluid for many hours, if not indefinitely. That the failure of this blood to clot depends on the presence of some anticlotting substance, and not upon the absence of one of the necessary clotting sub- stances (fibrinogen, thrombin, etc.), is evidenced by the fact that the addition of some of it to a mixture of thrombin and fibrinogen inhibits in 0 igulation, which it do< do, ho to 80 ' and filtered i '■ antagonistic action ia quantitative in tl. the peptone-plasma inhibits the actio >urce of antithrombin in the bodj ap] the liver, for it has been found: I thai pept» from which the liver has been removed doe be formed I tenney and Minol 2 thai pe] portal vein cans.- antithrombin to appear in tl idly than when the injection ia made into a when the liver ia perfused outside the b( ith a : taining peptone, antithrombin accumulates in A fluid containing a high by the Bo-called salivary gland at the head • tion of tin* fluid ia to prevenl clotting of tl may continue to such it withoul intei ing leechea for medicinal purposes it is I and thoroughly with water bo thai all tri be removed; otherwise the bleeding may continm Practical use ia made of this effecl of the 1 h t(» pr outside tlif body, or it may be used to inhibit c experiments where <-l<»ttiiii_r would othei with t; - : for example, in < ■ i circulation • experiments in vividiffusion 7 l head ia cul off and extracted either with - chloroform, which ■ other proteina from th< in<; a strong antithrombin, known under At temperaturea aboul thai of the body the acti itly augmented. In animals li] mammals in \vl of antithrombin is small, this ma> be in idity <>f the blood Howell Blood contj made t" '•!<•) 1>\ the addition <>t' thrombii CHAPTER XII] BLOOD: BLOOD CLOTTING (Cont'd) THEORIES OF BLOOD CLOTTING Attempts to link all the foregoing facts together in the form of a simple theory have not so far been entirely successful. All agree that the fibrin is derived from fibrinogen by the action of thrombin, the points in dispute being those which concern the origin of the thrombin and the mode of action of the calcium and thromboplastic substances. The theory most widely accepted in Europe is that of Morawitz, according to which the thrombin exists in living blood in an inactive state called thrombogen (prothrombin), which becomes converted into thrombin by the simultaneous action on it of soluble calcium salts and of thrombo- plastic substances furnished by the tissue cells in general and by the cellular elements of the blood platelets and leucocytes. According to this view the thromboplastic substance, aided by the presence of calcium ions, converts thrombogen (prothrombin) to thrombin. It acts there- fore as a kinase and is called thrombokinase. The fundamental fact of this theory, then, is that kinase is necessary for the union of the cal- cium with prothrombin — a fact, however, which is challenged by HoAvell, who states that prothrombin may be converted to thrombin by the action of calcium ions alone. This investigator believes that the thrombo- plastic substance acts not as a kinase but because it neutralizes anti- thrombin, which is constantly present in the blood, and the function of which is to prevent the calcium from uniting with the prothrombin to form thrombin. Howell's theory in his own words is as follows: "In the circulating blood we find as constant constituents fibrinogen, pro- thrombin, calcium salts and antithrombin. The last named substance holds the prothrombin in combination and thus prevents its conversion or activation to thrombin. When the blood is shed, the disintegration of the corpuscles (platelets) furnishes material (thromboplastin) which combines with the antithrombin and" at the same time liberates more "prothrombin; the latter is then activated by the calcium and acts on the fibrinogen." Antithrombin can also prevent the action of thrombin on fibrinogen. As already pointed out, the thromboplastin can be de- rived from the blood itself in the mammals, but only from the tissues in the lower vertebrates. It is interesting to note that the thromboplastin can I"- extracted from the i belong i" the class of phosphatids, beii . if not identical w ith, kephalin II- ell). Intravascular Clottii. The practical applical ion of thi manner in which 1 1 1 « - blood is maintained in a t!'ii«l vessels, and the disturbance of tliis function ci ting. A< rding to the one theory, 1 1 1 « - blood is mar absence from it of anj considerable quantil to tin- other, by the presence in il of an amount of an1 ifli eienl to prevenl the union of calcium with protl 1 is maintained even when large amounts of thrombin urn, which contains this substance, are injected int< We ••an Iwsi explain the immunity <>t' the bl 1 to the action of thrombin der these circumstances ;^ being due to the i' n it of antithrombin in amounts sufficient to prevent the action of thr on fibrinogen, for, as stated above, it is claimed b) Howell thrombin lias this influence as well as that of p ting ti • of prothrombin into thrombin. Intravascular clotting may be brought about bj 1 Mechanical damage t" the lining of the 1»1 ! plication of a ligature, for example, the damaged < covered by a clot, which gradually becomes firmei spread up thr M^-rl t < . the next branch 2 l Bubstances in the blood. Emboli, for example to form at tin- places where thej stick, nam< Clotting is also a frequenl occurrence when tin tin- cardiovascular tube, ami it maj occur under imp conditions causing the condition known \ ••stiiiL' variety of intravascular clottii nous injectioi ctracl - ll-rich lymph glands or testes Wooltlridg* Bj acid ami digestion with peptoi • extracts which, when dissolved in alkali u l.i r clotting effect phorus, it is probable that th< i nucleoalbumin Their action mi thrombin, according to Elowell'a tl bokinasi ding to M \- a matter of fact, h( pletcly explained by either 1 I 108 THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH frequent injections of small amounts of the above material are made, instead of intravascular clotting, a delay in the coagulation time is likely to occur. Indeed, repeated injections of small amounts may en- tirely remove the clotting power of the blood. The readiness with which this so-called "negative phase" appears, seems to depend on the nutri- tive condition of the animal at the time of injection. If a large dose is injected into a fasting dog, for example, thrombosis is confined to the portal area, whereas if it is injected into a recently fed animal, the thrombosis is universal throughout the vascular system. The develop- ment of the negative phase is undoubtedly dependent upon some reac- tion on the part of the living cells of the organism, since it does not occur on the addition of similar substances to blood outside the body. The reaction is, indeed, akin to that by which immune bodies in general are produced. For example, a toxin injected in large amount has a cer- tain toxic effect, but in repeated small doses with intervening intervals it leads to the production of an antitoxin. So with the substance in question; a large dose injected at one time causes a positive effect — clot- ting— but smaller doses frequently injected, the opposite effect — want of clotting. It is probable, as suggested by Starling, that more intensive study of the conditions causing intravascular clotting will throw con- siderable light on the general question of the production of immunity. Measurement of the Clotting Time To measure the clotting time of drawn samples of Mood, several con- ditions must be observed. These have been tabulated by Addis11 as follows: 1. The specimens of blood must always be obtained by exactly the s;inie technic. It would introduce serious errors to compare the clot- ting1 time of one specimen of blood received from an incision of the skin (ear lobe) with that of another collected in a syringe by veni- pnneture. 2. The temperature conditions must always be the same. Probably 25° C. is the best temperature to use. Higher temperatures are unsuit- able for two reasons: first, because during its collection the blood will have become cooled to about or below this point, and time would be con- sumed in raising it higher; and second, because the lime of coagulation is more and more shortened for each degree1 that the temperature is raised, this acceleration becoming especially pronounced for tempera- tures above 25° C. Quite apart from the liability to incur errors inci- dent to measurement of shorter periods of time, observations at higher temperatures necessitate most rigorous adherence to a fixed temperature of the water bath. Temperatures much below 25° C. arc unsuitable, be- Km cause the clottii udual w hen it i ura Tin- blood musl ;ilw ;i\ b be eo in tin ae iii oontacl with the Bame kind and amount To this it max be added thai the receiving clean; an) trace of old blood elol ni nun i- a '.'a i list. I The end point mus1 be sharp. I- difficulties are met with in making pi | greatly t<» be desired thai differenl ii form method. For experimental pui l .M • • i n 1 1 ■ 1 1 } i .- 1 1 1 T is no doubl the I <1 it h.-is the adde< giving a graphic record of th< rvatioi (Fig, 19 shows the principle of the method through a standard cannula (C into a tube / •"• cm. lot i I ■ In. hall. I' internal diameter; and a loop 2 mm. copper wire /' . which is 8 cm. long and m. in lowed to fall gentl) into the blood of the w ire is articulated w ith the shoi t poised thai w hen the Btop R . which position, is released, the w in • >n the blood in tin- tub< I a w riting point, w hich is made to it So long as the blood is unc is released and a vert the loop Bticks on the blood and 1 1 For clinical purpo is lis.-. |. the method of 1 1 •Am. Jour. 110 THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH 2 or 4 e.C. of the blood in ;i wide tube (of 21 mm. diameter) that has been cleaned by a bichromate-acid mixture. The period that elapses between the moment of the entry of fluid into the syringe and that at which the elot has become firm enough so that the tube can be inverted without spilling any blood, is taken as the clotting time. Since the blood docs not come in contact with exposed tissues, it takes from 20 to 60 minutes to clot by this method. For routine clinical examination of blood taken from a skin wound Brodie and Russel's method11 is most satisfactory. This consists in principle in observing a drop of blood, under the low power of the microscope, while a fine current of air is gently blown against it at regular intervals in a tangential direction. Until clotting sets, in, the individual corpuscles move freely in a circular direction, but as soon as clotting begins they move in masses which soon tend to become fixed so that, although they move somewhat when the air impinges on them, they immediately return to their original position when the current is discontinued. When clotting is complete, the air current merely Fig. 20. — Coagulometer. The drop of biood is placed on the lower end of the glass cone and the air stream is directed against it from the side tube shown by the black dot. The apparatus is placed on the stage of the microscope and the drop observed by the low power. presses on the corpuscles at one point. By this method the clotting time averages five minutes. A convenient apparatus for this method is that of Boggs, which is shown in Fig. 20. It consists of a truncated cone of glass, projecting into a moist chamber provided with a tube on the side so arranged that when air is blown into the chamber, it strikes the drop of blood placed on the end of the cone tangentially. Blood Clotting in Certain Physiologic Conditions Besides the experimental conditions already enumerated as changing the clotting time in the blood of laboratory animals, special mention must be made of the influence of epinephrine injections, of conditions supposed to cause a hypersecretion of this hormone, of the emotions, and of hemorrhage. Epinephrine added to drawn blood does not affect the clotting time., but if small amounts are injected intravenously or even subcutaneously, a marked decrease occurs (Cannon and Gray; cf. Cannon, loc. cit.) . Larger injections may have the opposite effect, and intermediate amounts BLOOD CI/) 111 may cause al Brs1 a prolongation at 'I'h. iilta b ith larger do • related to 1 1 repeated doses of relatively large amounts nephrine in nay v.. greatly retard coagulation aa to make the animals p emo« philic. It was further found b) Cannon and hi eph rine doea not influence the clotting time when injected int< from which the abdominal viscera have been r< n by ligation i>t' the inferior vena cava and the abdominal In tl of the influence which destruction of liver cells form, etc. is known t<> have in lengthening clottii ould -■ reasonable to i lude that it must be through th rine develops its clotting effect Stimulation of the splanchnic nervet l i and it would appear thai this action depends on the resulting li cretion of epinephrine (page 746 for it is n Mowing stim tiuii of the nerves in animals from which the adr< excised Cannon and Mendenhall). The interesting n is m by Cannon that the Bhorter clotting time observed in animals Btrong emotions of frighl or fear may also I"- due to th< of epinephrine which this worker believi Blood Clotting in Disease With the factors concerned in the process - i>i»'-d in n not surprising thai the underlying causes respoi Bible for d< ficienl clotting of l»l<»(>d in diseased conditions intravascular clots thrombi are little understood. H ell's theory "i" the nature of the process, which is tl the presenl time, abnormal clotting mighl be due causes: I .1 diminisht >r the l have shown, the blood also clol It Bhould be pointed oul thai it is no1 s,, much th< increased in Buch c as the tin I 'hat is affected. I ncy in /" '. In th nditinn neonatorum," undoubted benefil is d- ut* hi 1 Berum or h> din el blood I bin <>r prothrombin is thus fun i Since tl In.th blood cells and tissue cells, il d<>< 1 1L' THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH could ever occur. Certain observers, however — Morawitz, for example — lay great stress on this as an important factor in hemorrhagic diseases. 4. An excess of antithrombin. The undoubted increase in Ibis substance that can be brought about experimentally by injecting hirudin or pep- tone into animals, has stimulated careful search for a similar increase in the blood in clinical conditions in which abnormal blood clotting is one of the symptoms I Whipple10). Antithrombin is said to be increased in septicemia, pneumonia, miliary tuberculosis, etc. 5. A deficiency of calcium ions. Although at one time it was supposed that this might be responsible for the feeble clotting in hemophilia, it has not been found, after very extensive trials, that- the exhibition of Ca salts in any way relieves the condition. It is said, however, that the slow coagulation seen in obstructive jaundice is decidedly shortened by treatment with calcium salts. One thing stands out prominently in connection with the whole problem, and that is the close relationship of the blood platelets to the clotting process. Prom these cells are derived, according to Howell, not only the prothrombin but also, as from other cells, thromboplastin. It is not sur- prising therefore to find that decided alterations in the platelet count occur in cases of faulty blood clotting, and that local accumulations of these elements within the blood vessels, produced by their clumping to- gether or agglutinating, is followed by a formation of local clots, as in thrombosis. Hemorrhagic Diseases In many of the so-called hemorrhagic diseases (acute leucemia and aspastic anemia) and in the hemorrhagic varieties of diphtheria and smallpox, the platelet count drops from its normal of between 200,000 and 800,000 per cubic millimeter to well below 100,000, and indeed in these conditions it is frequently difficult to find any platelets. Samples of blood clot outside the body within the normal time, but the clot is soft and usually fails to retract in the normal manner. It is on account of this, rather than slow clotting that the hemorrhage continues, so that in appraising the gravity of the symptom it is best to measure not the clot- ting time but the time that it takes for bleeding to cease from a small skin wound, as in the lobe of the ear. This can be very accurately done by applying blotting paper at regular intervals to the puncture (Duke17). The most interesting and at the same time the most mysterious of all conditions in which blood clotting is interfered with is hemophilia. The clotting time is longer than normal, but even after the clot forms, bleed- ing is likely to continue because the clots are very readily displaced. Bo.th clotting time and bleeding time are increased. So far no change in the Bi i 11: clotting factors of the blood has been N AND < IK< i I \ I !• GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Lymphatics are modified veins. Th< onic life aa buds of endothelium, which arc t • embryo in the sixth week of development. The curs from the internal jugular vein, and the endi come hollow and join together, forming tir>t a pl< a Bac, from which again lymphatic \ out in invade the akin <>t" the head, neck, thoi the deep Btructu the head. The - ultim groups of lymph glands. At a later similar : certain <>i* tin1 abdominal veins, forming a retro] grow out tin- lymphatics of tin- abdominal ami, • thr thoracic viscera. A similar pair i veins supplying thr lymphatics for tin- Bkin of t! walls. Tin- retroperitoneal and iliac inn b< the jugular sac by means of the thoracic duct l no \al\rs in tin- lymphatic i thai the wl jected either from the thoracic duel or from I thai tin- superficial and deep lymphatics are pi of vessels. Anatomists have succeeded in tracin many parts of the body. This knowled connection with the spread of infectioi bun- danl in the skin, the intestine, and from the muscle bundles, from the hepatic lobuli the connecth e t issue between 1 ami from the central u< The l\ mphatics ha\ e thi to absorb Bubstanci I show that this absorption mi into the peritoneal <-a\ ity, tl blood vess< -; i lymphatic* Btance inject* -1 True boIu! 116 THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH are taken up by special large cells showing phagocytic powers, and trans- ferred to the lymphatics — for example, those of the diaphragm. A sim- ilar selective absorption is well known in the ease of the villi of the in- testine, where fat passes into the lacteals and carbohydrates into the blood. It appears as if lymphatic adsorption, both of solid materials and of solutions, requires the cooperation of phagocytic cells. The newer conception of the lymphatics as a closed system is at vari- ance with the older one, in which they were supposed to get smaller and smaller, and their walls less and less complete until ultimately they faded off into the tissue spaces. These, however, bear no closer relation- ship to lymphatics than they do to blood capillaries. The tissue spaces include all the minute spaces between the fibers and cells of the con- nective tissues and between the parenchyma of the organs and the great serous cavities of the body (pleural, peritoneal), as well as specially developed tissue spaces, forming the subarachnoid spaces of the brain, the scala vestibuli and tympani of the cochlea and the anterior chamber of the eye. The fluids in these spaces — the tissue fluids — are quite dif- ferent from the lymph in the lymphatics both in composition and in function. Indeed, the tissue fluids are among the most varied of all the fluids of the body. The spaces may themselves become linked to- gether so as to form a circulatory system, which is quite independent of the lymphatics. This is particularly the case in the brain, where the tis- sue spaces surrounding every individual nerve cell extend into the sub- arachnoid area, where they drain into the cerebral sinuses through the arachnoidal villi, which exist as lace-like projections of the arachnoid into the dural sinuses, being covered by a layer of mesothelial cells spe- cially abundant at the tips of the villi, where they form cell nests. Ob- servations of the passage of substances in solution by these pathways have been made by injecting potassium ferrocyanide and citrate of iron into the subarachnoid and subdural spaces and afterwards detecting the presence of the salts by mounting sections in acid media, so as to permit prussian blue to develop. Ordinarily the precipitate is found in or near the villi, but after cerebral anemia it forms in the tissue spaces that surround the nerve cells. There are therefore three fluids concerned in the transference of food materials and gases between the gastrointestinal apparatus and lungs and the tissue cells — namely, the blood plasma, the tissue fluids, and the lymph. The tissue fluid, being in contact with the tissue elements, serves as their immediate nutritive fluid, and it is the function of the blood and lymph to maintain it of proper composition. Everything must be trans- ferred to and from the tissue cells through the tissue fluid, making it LYMPH H 11" therefore in mail) ways the im.st important In the tissue cella themselves there \a also tl c fluid in colloids and crystalloids thai enter into tin- comp are dissolved. This can be removed from cells onl> In ni< sucli as grinding with fine sand in ■ mortj a-- to a pressure of several thousand atmospheres in a li press This is known as tl The ul1 [stuffs occurs between the tissue fluids and th< the •■•■li membrane. The extent and charact on man} circumstances, Borne affecting i li «• cell wall, and other properties of the two fluids. Obvious! circulation is to maintain the tissue fluids blood plasma serving to carry food materials and d them ■ see page 380 . but being as in the o| moval of effete products bj the lymph. The lym] the blood is both purveyor and scavenger. The above description of the lymphatics is not in l»\ anati. mist-,, certain of wh believe thai the lymphatic from tissue spaces and are consequently much mo appear to be from injected s] imens instruction models, made from serial sectii in which the lymphatics frequently app< dated visible connections. The failure of injectii iimter parts of BUCh a lympliat in the emhr the discontinuity of spaces, which is. ho level opment. The manner of absorption of injected t!uiuc fluids, the osmotic of which they iner< with the consequence that a from the plasma in the blood capillarii i i increases the volume of ti>>n.- fluid, which is then drained lymphatics I e increase in molar i tration will ale tissue juices, tending to make the '•••II Bwell up by absorhii In gland cells this water is immediately extruded I water of the secretion (seepage J'_'l . An analogous method of lymph formation is not confined '<> situ where the capillaries are relatively impermeable, for il tin- liver, the lymph flow from which is greatly increased by the in tion of hih' sabs ,\ similar process no doubt results from mu« activity, although in this ease the tissue spaces must form a continn -in of their <>un, there being, a rim.j>lnh; belong crystalline ami colloidal. Of the former, glucose, urea, and Bodium chloride in hypertonic solution, are the l>«^t known. 81 - their action as dependent upon an increase in the osmotic pi the blood. This attracts water into the blood from ti ami leads tu an hydremic plethora, with a consequent u ipil- larj ■ sure. It' the blood pressure is lowered by hemoi the hypertonic Bolution is injected, little stimulation "t" lymph fl •us, l ause there is no available fluid in I plethora. This observation does not, how< tl xplanation, becau many other disturbai hemorrhage Tl (illuii salt in the diet, A w ater usually a result of giving salt, the bodj - • • i *_r 1 1 1 may ii c kilograms 10 to 15 pounds within a <\ ance of puffines The cause of the edema during sail retention is no -i'-wlit clo lated to the action "t" lymphagogues. In a normal person tion of salt is immediately followed bj excretion of th< the kidney. Where the kidneys are diseased, ;i tained in the blood, raising its osmotic pr< and i from the tissue fluids. This leads I the imbil being used to replace thai lo I im the But all ti lymphagogues do not, when presenl in i in the M I patients, necessarily cause edema ; un considerably withoul any such effect. The different action ally attributed to inequality in the diffusibility of the tv italloid animal membranes, Bodium chloride diffusing much area. It is liinst important to note thai the fluid in edema tissues and cin be drained away !>y the insertion <>f tubes Th< absolutely no evidence in Bupporl of the claim o Fiscl edema is due t<» imbibition of water \>\ the « •« »1 1 « ■ i < 1 -- "t' tl l question has been fully dis BLOOD AND LYMPH REFERENi ES M • ogi aphs 'Howell, u . II ; •star! ii.: Human Phya Row< . \ ii \,rcb. Int. Med., 191 i iWillianu Tower and Herm: • l; rfintler, G rt. .i..»ir. lied., 191! MImw.I1, \\ . !: •••I K ! i>, • ■ w 1 1. ad MendcnhaJI • II. .«. II, \\. ll - Whipple, <.. H : \ ■ il \ " I' ' \V. W \r. I PART III THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD CHAPTER XV BLOOD PRESSUKi; The object of the circulation is to maintain through the tissues a sup- ply of blood that is adequate to meet their demands for nutriment and oxygen and to remove the effete products of their metabolism. The de- mands vary according to the activities of the tissue, being particularly variable in the case of such tissues as the muscular and the glandular. In studying the physiology of the circulation Ave have therefore to bear in mind two aspects of the problem: (1) the cause for the continuous bloodfloAV, and (2) the mechanism by which alterations in this bloodflow are brought about. If Ave open an artery Ave shall find that the blood escapes from it under such a pressure that it is thrown to a height of about six feet, that its outflow is proportional to the size of the artery, and that it pul- sates. If, on the other hand, we open a vein, Ave shall find that the blood Avells out without any A^ery evident pressure, and that it Aoavs in a continuous stream, its outfloAv being the same in a unit of time as that of the artery, provided the tAvo A^essels are the only ones supplying the particular area. The general conditions governing the bloodfloAv arc the same as those governing the Aoav of fluid through any system of tubes. For example, in the city Avater mains it is knoAvn to every one that the rate of outfloAv from any part of the system depends finally on tAvo fact Mrs : (1) the difference in pressure at the beginning and end of the system, and (2) the caliber of the tube at the outlet. We may in- crease the outflow either by raising the pressure at the beginning of the sys- tem, the caliber of the outlet meanwhile remaining constant, or by main- taining the pressure constant but increasing the caliber of the outlet. In the circulation of the blood, the difference in pressure at the be- ginning and end of the circulation is furnished by the pumping action of the heart, and the alteration of the caliber of the outlet is provided for by the constriction or dilatation of the blood vessels. These simple physical principles indicate the direction which a study of the circulation 122 BIXX)D E'RI 12 : should take. Thej indicate thai our I mean blood pressure, h<>\\ it is maintain) vary. After we have learned tl then ; particular examination of the mechanism oi pump thai heartbeat; then finally we may pi < amine tl pro by which the caliber of tl mtrolled THE MEAN ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE The firsl prerequisite to the investigation i b! 1 pn any other physical problem, is that ould p< by which it can be quantitatively measured. The eai plish this was made by the English scientist, th< !.'• little over a century after Harvey published his accoui I tinii of the hi I Hales connected a glass tube ni • in length ■■ vered artery of a Inns.-, the '•"in tion I two being m by means "t' a piece of brass pipe joined t" tin- windpipe substitute for rubber tubing. He Pound on untying the lig I Py that tin- hi 1 P08e in tin- tube to a hri-_r'' ' inches above the level <>t' the lefl ventricle "t" the heart, and thai at full heigh 1 it rose ami fell with each pulse through a t' the factors on which this preat r> to invenl some mi nvenient mei hut this was nut a mplished until a centurj lat.T, when l plied the er, which Ludwig subsequei that tracings mighl he taken (Pig 21 I laving h a tracii sho\i n in l ' g 22, hnw it nia\ I I in the Btud} "t" blood !• ! must do is t" im BMure the a> erage licighl -ure: the mean art ''1 1 • distance multiplied bj i\\<>. because the distanci eury lias moved up in 'lie limb "f the manoi ing point is onlj boul 13 5 t imes hea^ ier than nn e< measuremenl mi multiplied i 124 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD our result in terms of the height to which the blood pressure could raise a column of blood. In arteries of approximately the same size, the mean arterial blood pressure does not markedly vary in different mammals. Thus, in the carotid artery of the dog it averages about 110 to 120 mm. Hg, in that of the eat about 105 to 115 mm., in the rabbit from 90 to 105 mm., in the sheep about 150 mm., in the horse aboul 200 mm., and in man SOme- rig. 21. — Mercury manometer and signal magnet, arranged for recording the mean arterial blood pressure in a laboratory experiment. The pressure bottle (R) is filled with anticoagulating fluid and is connected by tubing with the manometer (M), the cannula for the artery (U) briny connected with the T-piece (J). By this arrangement it is possible to flush out the tubing when clotting interferes with the experiment. (From Jackson— Experimental Pharmacology.) where between 120 and 140 mm. The pressure varies in different parts of the vascular system, being greatest in the aorta and least in the small- est arterioles but the fall in pressure — the pressure gradient — does not become very pronounced until the arterioles have become so small that it is no longer possible to insert a cannula into them; thus, the mean |il.4>4>l> 1 •_•:. hi 1 pressure in the renal <>r femoral in the • It' we examine tl" contour i which the i shall tin. 1 that it exhibits two typea ■ and observe the animal while the tracing is being tal shall thai . Willi .. the former arc «:i m^.- 1 l>\ the i tions ;ui observation \\lii<-h immediately trustworthiness of the method, for it will b< ;' that the heartbeal produces an eflfecl on blood thai of the respiratioi 0 ilty in 1 to the relative signifieaii f the wn 126 THE CIRCULATION OF TTTK lU.OOn Spring- Manometer Tracings The cause of tins inaccuracy depends on the inertia of the mercury, an inertia which is so great that the sudden changes of pressure produced by each heartbeat are not able to overcome it, whereas the much less significant but more prolonged pressure changes produced by each respi- ration develop their full effect on the mercury. These facts led investi- gators to seek for instruments in which the inertia error is eliminated, with the result that they invented what are known as spring manometers. an"'''"!ii» Fig. 23. — Hiirthle's spring manometer. Many forms of this instrument have been devised, but for our pur- pose it is necessary to describe the principle of only the simplest and most efficient — the Hiirthle manometer. As shown in Fig. 23, it consists of a variety of tambour, which differs from the ordinary tambour in two important particulars: (1) the chamber is made as small as possible, and (2) it is covered not with an elastic membrane but with one of leather or of thin fluted metal. These two precautions are taken in order to avoid spuri- ous wraves set up on account of elastic recoil. Such errors are further reduced by filling the* tubing and chamber of the tambour with a fluid so as to eliminate the elastic recoil of air. rn,> Fig. 24. — Arterial pressure recorded by a spring manometer. The effect of weak excitation of the vagus is seen during the period marked by the signal m. (From Dubois.) Before the tracing taken with the spring manometer can be em- ployed for quantitative measurements, it must obviously be graduated according to some scale. This is accomplished immediately before or after the experiment by connecting the manometer through a T-piece with a pressure bottle, which can be raised or lowered to a specified height, and with a mercury manometer. The displacement of the writing point of the spring manometer corresponding to each 10 mm. ITg of pressure is then written on the tracing. Itl I!:i sM Id 12' The tracings taken with Buch a manomete quite different From those with the mercury mi I that now the cardiac \\ ledlj the more pronounced, tl tory, being comparatively inconspicuous. Tin pn in the instead ol being tank Bteady, undei rable during each heaii beat.* Examination of tliis tracing gives us accurate the l'l«'(»«i pressure both between the heartbeat ani' 1 1 » < - circulation that is, the pre lent as well as the liin Load thai is superadded to this b; h 160 „ N\? L me of or 5 TUL IC PRE 5 S UPC 120 XJ \7~" V N J r f\ I me of line of nX'A MEAN PRESSURE D/ASTOUC — ~vU Press u/e wj PULSE PRESSURE 7"fy* cf/Efe rence tetrveen S YS TOL IC 30 D/A 5 TOL IC PRE 3 3 1 R£ \C 0 ' ' — — E% H A c V ^ ft 1 ■ . . ' . ■ This diffi en called th< /<• • it amount somewhere a 1 > « > : , an. ii_r I: we ta to a spring ma er from differenl parts of tl rial tr< that, as we travel towards the periphery. the pi and leas marked, until finally by the time the capilla almosl entirely !' I'KI ably Bomewhal murmurish in qual ty. At a cert character of the sound will Buddenl) i much l< murmurish quality ii' presenl will suddenly disappea I responds to tli«' < 1 i : i •- 1 « > 1 i « • pn which is now read off from manometer. It must be remembered thai below this point, cuff is further ound is still heard in th< does not entirely disappear until th< sure has become quite lov point of final disappearance is, ho BigniJ I '-utT is - now entirely decompressed, and Bhould I • mi thai the circulation in the pi the arm beloi normal. The above readings should i illed by tion, in which the methods emplo slight!) n w ■ hoscopc at the bend ot Lbo^i thi a little alio\ e the pre> ioush det< rmi sound is clearly heard. Tl sound disappears Tins poinl i 130 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD the auditory systolic index. It will be found to give a systolic pressure a little higher than thai obtained by palpation of the artery at the wrist. The sound being now absent, the pressure in the cuff is lowered until the sound reappears, and the point at which this occurs should almost exactly correspond to that at which the sound was found to disappear. If the palpatory systolic index is not below the auditory, it indicates that some error has been made in the application of the apparatus, and that the reading of the diastolic pressure will be unreliable. The usual source of error is in the position of the stethoscope. If readjustment of this does not bring the two indices into proper relationship, the auscul- tatory method can not be relied upon for either systolic or diastolic readings. In case of failure of the auscultatory method, we have to fall back upon the palpatory method for measurement of the systolic pressure; and for measurement of diastolic, we must use the method known as the oscillatory, which until recent years was the only one known for gauging the dias- tolic pressure. This consists in observing the oscillation of the indicator of the pressure gauge ; as the pressure in the cuff falls gradually from below the systolic pressure, these oscillations will be observed to increase in amplitude, until they reach a maximum beyond which with lower pressure they rapidly decline. The pressure in the cuff at the moment when the oscillations are at the maximum represents the diastolic pres- sure. With a mercury instrument it is obviously difficult to employ this method, but with a modern spring instrument it can with a little practice be used with great accuracy and will serve as a valuable check on the diastolic reading as taken by the auscultatory method. The procedure may be altered in various ways, there being only one pre- caution to bear in mind ; namely, that the pressure in the cuff should not be applied continuously for more than a few moments of time, for if this is done for long periods, not only will it interfere with the accuracy of the reading, but it may cause considerable discomfort to the patient. There are several conditions affecting the accuracy of the readings by each method which it is well to bear in mind. ' These have been investi- gated by MacWilliam,1 Leonard Hill,2 and Erlanger.3 With regard to the systolic pressure the most important of these are as follows: (1) The compression cuff should be a wide one (12 cm.), and it should never be applied so that there is any chance of its compressing the artery against a bony surface. This precaution is necessary, since it has been found that much less pressure is required to obliterate any perceptible pulse beloAV the armlet when the artery is flattened against some hard structure than when it is uniformly compressed in the tissues in which it lies. (2) Dis- crepancies are often noted between the systolic readings on compres- Ill l> simi ; 1 1 m 1 decompression of tl decompi ession ;it a low er pi i compression, the difference being mosl n is done quickly. Thia difference is owing to tl the pulse does no1 reach the forearm until ;i!l tl l<>'..| ■■•II dis readinga taken Prom different limbs; thus, it thai the systolic preasure in the ]<■<; is higher thai when the observed person is in the horizontal position l are mosl commonly ol ! in patients on or thickened arl l the p water-hammer variety, and the greate tolic pn ins t.. depend on dif ieal conditions cone in the transmission • w ave t«i the the t w .» exl remitii The reason for tin' discrepancies in doubt that the hardening is likely t<> be more pronounced in t; sels of the thigh than in those of the arms. Winn a compressed it doea not collapse uniformly thj completely <•!« >^.-. 1 bul its walls come togetl middl ••hinks still vniain at the Bidea The hi 1 continu* these chinks, and a very coi l»ly higher p •• in the cuff quired to obliterate them. That this is probably the c is supported by the observation that, although in sucl doea oo1 disappear in the \< if the t"""t a1 the Ban doea at the wri8t, a distinct change is nevertheless i" pulse "t" the i"""t at a cuff pressure equal t«> tl in the wrist. In a patient showing a s upper arm ami l!»s mm. for the leg, at llii mm. th although nol obliterated, becanK it down in volui I •• it persisted at a small volume with little all n unti ifftcient to obliterate it. h is s.u.i • • and decompression of the hardened crepancy in tin- Byatolic readings D ff< also Bometimea observed in normal individuals, particul cular exercise, but for t hese n While palpating the radial a it wi • e in the cufl aduall | pulse iner • ibly until a This ' heha\ n-r of tl I sph ■ I ' I • - significance that th< 132 Till: CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD at which a sound first comes to be heard by Listening over the artery at the elbow. With regard to the diastolic pressure, there has been some controversy as to whether it is more accurately gauged by the oscillatory or the aus- cultatory method. If both methods are employed it will usually be found that the oscillatory gives a higher reading than the auscultatory. The concensus of opinion seems to be that the latter method is the more accu- rate, and certainly it is the easier to apply, for with the oscillatory there is often great difficulty in deciding just exactly when the maximum oscillation occurs. The strongest evidence supporting the conclusion that the auscultatory readings are more reliable than the oscillatory has been gained by ex- periments with an artificial schema, consisting of a vide glass tube rep- resenting the armlet, filled with Ringer's solution* and closed at both ends by rubber stoppers pierced by tubes. These tubes are connected with a recently excised artery, which therefore runs from end to end inside the wide tube. Through tubing connected with the artery a pulsatile flow of oxygenated Ringer's solution is made to flow at vary- ing pressures, which are indicated by valved manometers (see page 152). The pressure in the wide tube is also measured by a manometer, and it is caused to vary by a suitable compressor. By comparing the be- havior of the artery with the pulsating movement of a spring manom- eter connected with the wide tube, under different degrees of pressure inside and outside the artery, it has been observed that the maximal oscillation occurs when the artery is actually somewhat flattened be- tween the pulse beats; that is, it occurs at an outside pressure above the diastolic pressure, at 'which of course the vessel should retain its circular shape. When a stethoscope is applied to the tube leading from the artery just beyond the wide tube, in the above described model sounds similar to those in the arm are heard with each pulsa- tion. While the pressure is being gradually lowered from above the obliteration point, these sounds become first audible as soon as a cer- tain amount of fluid is forced through the compressed area at each pulse (the systolic index), and they become louder and often murmurish in quality as the decompression is proceeded with, until a pressure is reached at which they suddenly become less intense and change in character. At this moment it will be observed by watching the artery that the external pressure is no longer capable of producing any flattening of the vessel between pulses. Evidently, therefore, the change of sound corresponds exactly to the diastolic pressure (Mac William). *RinKcr'^ solution is vised so that the artery may he preserved as nearly as possible in a living condition. This is important, since tin- elastic properties change when the arterial walls die. I-.I I'lil It should be clearly understood thai i1 i>> the duces the sound, I »u t ccurrence and upon the intra-arterial pressure existing during the diastolic pi The cause of the Bound has been shown to depend on tin- p a water-hammer in th<- blood vessels below 1 1n- compression langei B .1 water-hammer is meant the are caused by suddenly stopping the Aom of water in a tube W sudden pressur curs in tubes »\iili elastic walls, I into vibration and bo produce a sound. In the taking measurements, ;i^ above described, when the pressure in th<- cuff - tween Bystolic and diastolic, the volume <>f the '•••in will increase abruptly with each heartbeat ;ml«»<» quickly moving column of blood comes int< • with the stationary blood filling the uncompressed . cuff, it will become immediately checked, and thus distend il wall with unusual violence and set it into vibration. CHAPTER XVI TIIK FACTORS CONCERNED IN MAINTAINING THE BLOOD PRESSURE Having become familiar with the principles of the methods by which blood-pressure measurements are made, the next problem is to examine into the causes which operate to maintain the pressure. Two of these causes may be considered as fundamental, sinee without them no such pressure could exist. These are: (1) the pumping action of the heart, and (2s) the peripheral resistance — that is, the resistance to outflow of blood from the ends of the arterial system. Less essential though im- portant factors are: (3) the volume of blood in the blood vessels, (4) the viscidity or viscosity of the blood, and (5s) the elasticity of the walls of the vessels. We shall now proceed to examine the experimental evidence which indicates the relative importance of each of these factors. 1. The Pumping Action of the Heart Changes produced in the mean arterial blood pressure by alteration in the pumping action of the heart are most strikingly demonstrated by observing this pressure after cutting or during stimulation of the vagus nerves. As will be explained later (page 217), impulses conveyed through these nerves to the heart make the beats slower and weaker. These impulses are constantly acting in the heart, so that when both vagus nerves are cut, the beats become more frequent and stronger, with the result that the mean arterial pressure rises considerably. A lesser degree of this effect can usually be obtained by cutting the vagus nerve on one xide (Fig. 27). If now the peripheral end of a cut vagus nerve is stimulated, as by applying an electric current to it. the heart will either stop beating altogether or become very much slowed, with the result that the mean arterial blood pressure will fall, in the former case almost to zero and in the latter, to a level corresponding to the degree of slowing of the heart (Fig. 28). 2. The Peripheral Resistance T<» demonstrate the influence of peripheral resistance on mean arte- rial blood pressure, the mosl striking experiment is performed by cut- ting or stimulating the greal splanchnic nerve. In this nerve impulses, 134 lUo.ii. i-i: which are called \ .i> instrictor be< blood vessels, are transmitted t«» tl The vessels art- under th< I influ< •• impu when the nerves thai transmil them i ed, th< tlniN offer less resistan el movement of 1 >I « •* •■ 1 produ I on the mean arterial blood pr< splanchnic nerv< a marked and sudden fall, which is im- mediatel} om it' the peripheral end i stimulated artificial In ,-l ^n-j tlii^ experiment to pn relationship between peripheral resistance and the mean ait. rial !»' i it in u-t be remembered thai it i> not entirely c the results observed on the mean il blood | m cut! itimnlating the nerve ma) be in p cplaim in the total capacity of thi the nen es, li om b) stimu them. 3. The Amount ot Blood In the Bi> Tl tei ed bj hemorrl Biich I'l i » i I bearing, but 136 THE CIKCILATION OF THE BLOOD To appreciate the significance of the results, it is important to bear in mind that the total volume of lh< blood constitutes from 5 to 7 per cent of the weight of the animal. This fact has been determined partly by postmortem, and partly by antemortem measurements. In the post- mortem method, the total amount of blood is determined by collecting the blood while bleeding the animal to death and then washing out the vessels with saline solution until the escaping fluid is no longer tinged with red. The amount of blood contained in the saline solution is estimated by colorimetric methods (see page 92), and is added to that of the blood Uwi i. Ous. <♦ AbSC'&S Fig. 28. — Effect of stimulating the peripheral end of the right vagus on the arterial blood pressure. directly collected. In the antemortem method some substance that does not diffuse through vessel walls or become quickly destroyed is added to the blood. By determining the concentration of this substance in a speci- men of blood, the volume with which it has become mixed can readily be calculated. Acacia has recently been found suitable for this purpose (Meek), but the best known work (of Ealdane) was done by causing the animal to inspire a known amount of carbon monoxide. This combines with the hemoglobin of the blood (see page 401) to displace an equal quantity of oxygen. By determining the difference between Hie volume I'.l I'KI of ca pbon mono* ide in t In- blood b< calculate with Imu much I •!«■<>• 1 the known ii carbon monoxide must hi differenl animals; in the <\ of tli.- body \\ eight, and in man, ab / .n the blood : bleeding 1 1' a large art< moral, TiH*t «rAfruitsA the pressure will shou sn immediate l»ut i ■ that w <• li:i\ c suddenly de< I hand onlj a small arti a * eii at first produce no • nn the 1>I<»<«I considerable amount of bl< - been pen T<> I u. ma) st.it.- ti kilogram of l""l rht do< moval of a Becond porl i" i:;s THE CIRCFLATION OF 1HF. BLOOD blood per kilogram removed averaging about 6 mm. Hg, until after 20 to 25 c.c. of blood per kilogram have been removed, when a more rapid fall in pressure sets in (Downs'). When the pressure reaches the level of from 20 to 30 mm. Hg. the danger limit is reached, for there now supervenes a train of symptoms known as "'shock.'' and the chances for the animal's recovery become uncertain. That the removal of the first por- tion of blood, if this removal is slow enough, does not influence the blood pressure, indicates that some adjustment has occurred in the vascular system to hold up the pressure in spite of the loss of blood. This adjust- ment is believed to consist in vasoconstriction. Time in Sees &. Abscissa Fig. 30. — The effect of rapid and slow hemorrhage on the arterial blood pressure. Between the second and third pieces of tracing an interval of two minutes elapsed. Recovery from hemorrhage is remarkably rapid, the original volume of blood being restored within a few hours. The chances of recovery de- pend upon the amount of blood lost. A loss equal to 2 or 3 per cent of the body weight can almost always be recovered from in laboratory ani- mals, and in the case of man there is reason to believe that recovery may occur after as much as 3 per cent of the body weight has been lost. The recovery of blood pressure is brought about partly by a transfer of fluid from the tissues to the blood. This abstraction causes a drying out of the tissues, which soon excites an extreme degree of thirst. The dilution of blood by fluid derived from the tissues occurs very rapidly. as can be shown by comparison of the hemoglobin content, or the number of blood corpuscles, in samples of blood removed immediately before OOD I'RI and immediate!) after ;i hemoi I hemorrhagic blood dedl) diluting fluid contains a lower conc< the blood plasma. The dilution bl I is ind( that hemolysis occurs, the plasma beii tinctly tii I. I [emorrhagi I he hj drog< blood plasma, and diminishes the ston alkali, bo thi iliti tain amounl he blood • '-r . i ran i ter rise in i he hj i ion <-<'ix- The deficiency in the I.I I elements produ I by the dilul Red by the manufacture of i rpuscles in tl !>nt this pi ■■ ii a liberally fed animal tak nit'iit, and while it is going on microscopic examination of the I>I'»<.<1 will al the pi • of immatur rpusc 1 reful studies of U 1 regeneration following the removal oi I successive days, of 25 per cent of the blood, have shown thi in starving animals the total amounl of hemoglobin p globin multiplied by the volume of blood slowly rec Whi| ami Hooper . Recovery is greatly hastened by feeding with fl< even with gelatin. Removal of the spleen or the establishn ary fistula does not interfere with the recovery. Incidentally it will be advantageous t nsider here the effects of transfusion. I are very different according to the nature of the fluid used for transfusion. Three transfusion fluids have I n inv< I blood itself, (2 physiological saline solution see pi physiological saline solution containing viscid Bubstances such The effects are also verj different i trding to whether I injected into animals with normal l»l 1 pressur ■ into those wl blood ire has been lowered by preceding hem When I'l I is injected into animals with normal I>1"<..1 pr< will very soon cause the pressure to rise, and as the injection is ma tained the rise may continue until the press or more above its normal level. It" the injection is r, a sudden fall of pressui right side of the heart, [f the injection is nol blood pressure after 1 >«i n lt maintain.-. I for n level. Inject ion of saline into a normal animal, it' in at all on the hi 1 if m< >idly ii will slightly, but t<> n much than t; t' is injected M uH crated In 140 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD continuance of the saline injection, the blood pressure returns very rapidly to its old level. The most striking result of such experiments is the enormous volume of saline solution which can be slowly injected without perceptibly affecting the pressure. The question is, Where does the fluid go? If the urinary outflow is examined, a ceil a in increase will usually be observed, but never by any means sufficient to account for the disappearance of the injected saline. If we open the abdominal cav- ity, Ave shall find that a considerable transudation of the saline into the peritoneal cavity has occurred, and that the liver is conspicuously edem- atous. A certain degree of edema is also usually evident in the tissues of the extremities. Still more interesting and important, from a practical standpoint, are the results obtained by injecting the above solutions into animals •whose blood pressure has been lowered by a previous hemorrhage. If the blood removed during the hemorrhage is defibrinated (see page 101), and then reinjected into the animal, it will bring the blood pressure al- most but not quite back to its original level, which will then be fairly well maintained. If, on the other hand, saline solution instead of blood is injected, the restoration of blood pressure (with an amount of saline ■ equal to that of the removed blood) will amount only to about three- quarters of the extent to which it had fallen. This partial recovery is, moreover, maintained for a short time only, after which the pressure approaches the level to which it was reduced by the hemorrhage. These observations raise two important practical questions: (1) Why is saline relatively ineffective in the restoration of pressure? and (2) Why is the restored pressure not maintained1? The answers to these questions brings us to a consideration of the next of the factors concerned in the maintenance of the blood pressure, namely, the viscosity of the blood. 4. The Viscosity of the Blood The importance of this factor arises from the fact that facility of flow in a tube is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the fluid and directly proportional to the driving pressure to which it is subjected — that is, to the difference in pressure between two points in the tube. If therefore the output of the heart remain constant, but the viscos- ity of the blood be decreased by a saline injection, the facility of flow will be increased and the pressure decreased. This fact can easily be shown experimentally in a model by causing gum solutions of various concentrations to be driven through a i>lass tube by means of a small piston pump delivering a constant amount of fluid into the tube with 141 each in"', emcnt. All hough the oul must remain constant, the ure in the tubing \\ ill to the 'ii Bolutioi I I Ti rring i >ults to an animal blood lowered by hemorrhage, it has been fou taining a Buffieienl amount of gum tin i" i ity aboul equal to that of blood, are injected, th< pressure in re I as well as ii would hi n had blood itself i jected A 7 per cenl Bolution of gum acacia almosl fulfi iin-n ts, but unfortunately tliis Bolution » • » » i » t -- 1 i 1 1 -^ a slightl} mount of calcium than it is safe to inject into ai may. however, be removed l>. i itly neutralizing sodium hydroxide, neutral red being used ;^ an indie calcium becomes precipitated as phosphate. The mucilafi Pharmacopeia, ili!ut<'I 1, but on i the possible presence of tetanus Bpores such solutions m i fully sterilized before injection, and the pi a decrease in viscosity. The injection quantil solutions equal to thai of blood lost by a hemorrh; a the blood pressure bach to its original height and hold it I hour or so. Viscosity is. 1 > ••, qo1 the only property which their desirab t depends, 'ri- als) iii.s into play. By injecting saline Bolution containin amount of a colloid bucI rch, which g vise '-lit ha osmotic pressure bl 1 temporarily recovers after transfusion, does not malntaii the same way as w ith solutions containing gum i l between a Btarch solution ami i gum o moti.e pressure, the eff< w hicl retion of urine, as can bi ureters during the injection into anil alon • of saline containing tin K w first two fluids diun produced, but not with tl i that the osmotic ; of v rom the blood into the urin incut of thia pn on tin- bh counteract the filtration pn by which the ur Although the urinary ir w ill 142 ttii: circulation of the nr.oon the colloids in recovering the blood pressure, 1 lio conditions controlling it reveal the mechanism by which the passage of fluid from the blood vessels into the tissues is prevented when solutions of correct composi- tion are injected. Normally the protein content of the blood plasma is higher than that of the tissue lymph, so that there is a continual attrac- tion of water from the tissues to the blood — an attraction which is nor- mally balanced by filtration going in the opposite direction. When the filtration pressure in the blood vessels exceeds the difference existing between the osmotic pressure of their contents and thai of the tissue fluids, water will pass into the tissue spaces. When the blood is diluted, as by the injection of saline solution, the osmotic pressure of the colloids in a given volume becomes lowered and, the filtration pressure remaining constant, fluid passes into the tissue spaces. Of course these explanations rest on the assumption that the walls of the blood vessels consist of a membrane which is permeable to crystalloids but impermeable or nearly so to colloids. Another important property of the transfused saline solution to con- sider is its hydrogen-ion concentration. This value increases in the blood left in the body after hemorrhage, and injection of sodium chloride solu- tion aggravates the acidosis; addition of NaHC03 so as to make a 0.2 M solution restores the correct PH, and at the same time restores the lost buffer influence (Milroy7.) These observations are of interest in the light of the recent discovery of Cannon that a condition of acidosis, as judged by the C02-combining poAver of the blood, is present in shock, and that the development of this condition can often be guarded against by bicarbonate injections. 5. Elasticity of Vessel Walls The elasticity of the vessel walls is essential to the maintenance of the diastolic pressure. If the walls presented no elasticity but were rigid, blood pressure would fall to zero between the heartbeats. This fact can xery readily be shown by a simple physical model consisting of a pump to represent the heart, connected through a T-piece with two tubes, one of which is elastic, the other rigid. The free end of each tube is con- tracted to a narrow aperture representing the peripheral resistance, and either tube may be shut off from the pump by means of a stopcock (see Fig. 30). Each tube should also be connected with a mercury manom- eter. If now the stopcocks are arranged so that the fluid passes into the rigid tube while the pump is in action, it will be found that with each stroke of the pump the pressure in the tube rises considerably, but that it f;il Is to zero between the strokes. If now the stopcocks are turned so that the flow is through the elastic tube, the action of the pump being 11 : meanw hile k i-i »t up, it \\ ill be found is maintained ;it a height which in dcpendci the i>imi|) is operating, and 2 The quicker the action of the pump and t; her tl ■ lower the fall of pressure between the beal The physical explanation of this result is clearly that the fluid the elastic tube when the wave <>f p into i' imp distends tin- walls of the tul • that when the pi imp tched elasl c n the <-"liiiim o and maintain the pressure We may saj that the ( vessel walls store up Borne <>t' the systolic pre t he blood during diastole. - Ti insiderations would lead us to ''\i t thai pati< find arteries Bhould exhibil a lower diastolic pressure than norma] | sons, which, however, is nol usually th< Buffer from an increase in the resistance t<> the fl< <\ 1 in I iph- ery. The pressure pulse in these pati< On the other hand, when the vessel walls 1»< me m elastic, as in certain ci aneurism, the pres below the aneurism is distinctly less than that <>! sels of i he same pal ient. CHAPTER XVII THE ACTION OF THE .HEART Having studied the methods for measurement and the main factors con- cerned in the maintenance of the arterial blood pressure, we may now pro- ceed to study in greater detail the two most important of these ; namely, the action of the heart, and the peripheral resistance. The heart action has to be studied from two viewpoints, the physical and the physiological. From the physical viewpoint we have to study the heart as the pump of the circulation. We must see how it acts so as to raise the pressure of the blood within it, and how the valves operate so as to direct the bloodflow always in one direction. We must also ex- plain the causes of certain secondary physical phenomena, such as the heart sounds which accompany the heart action, and of certain secondary changes in pressure produced in the other thoracic viscera by each heart- beat. From the physiological viewpoint we must investigate the conditions responsible for the constant rhythmic activity of the heart and the con- trol to which this is subjected through the nervous system. THE PUMPING ACTION OF THE HEART When the heart is viewed in the opened thorax of an animal kept alive by artificial respiration and lying in the prone position, it can be noted that with each contraction the ventricles become smaller and harder, that the apex tends to rise up a little, so that if the thorax were intact it Mould press more firmly against the walls, and that it rotates slightly from left to right, but does not move nearer the base of the heart. If the auriculoventricular groove is carefully observed, it will often be noted that it moves slightly toward the apex with each systole, whereas the base of the heart itself, where it is attached to the large vessels, re- mains fixed. The auricles can often be seen to contract and relax before the ventricles. The most noteworthy results of this inspection are that during sys- tole the apex of the heart does not move toward the base, but that the auriculoventricular groove moves slightly toward the apex. That these same movements occur in the intact animal can be shown by the very simple experiment of pushing two long steel knitting needles 1-44 i is through the I ic walla into th< thai it i>i- tie apes of t 1 I fulcra ;tt ti t wall, and it' the movements of their 01 I by ti hi* the heart, are observed, the) will 1»- fi>un it \ during »le and dij making measurements ctions across tl these conditions P01 such put I in dii ly "1» tained, bul for the heart in Bystole iT artificial means of injecting the heart with ln»t chrom just before the death ••!' the animal. Tl 1 chron muscle tu contracl and maintains it in tl ndition. 1 tin's.' investigations is. however, not <>t* much practical im] Although it is im.v, common knowledge thai the direction of tl . uf the liliiinl is from the veins to the arteri< it may b< consider for a momenl th< pal principle of the m< I William Harvey sue ided in making tliis discovery. Ii partly anatomic, parti; rimental. He pointed oul thai tin the veins, and of the auricles to which they lead, are very thin, \. thus.' of the arteries and ventric ry thick, and he in the veins the blood musl flow gently from the I rt, tu which the valves in tl • ad thai in tl it must be propelled by pulses with each systole through ards the tissues by tin- contraction of the walls experimental Bupport for this hypothesis he furnished parti) j, veins and arteries leading r from ti erving the resulting distension or collapse of 1 1 calculation of the amount 0 od which must be expel venl gh en period of t in Harv< '- d in»t much added to until exp 1 metl the and compared. Until Buch a ■ible ti> h ite the mechanism by which t! • the heart eai iti< ted v» ith I function, or to descrilx • in : 3 during the variot It is for the pin cha that int diac p 146 TFIF. CIRCULATION OF Til!'. lil.OOD Intracardiac Pressure Curves The earliest method for taking such curves consisted in introducing into the cardiac chambers and the blond vessels of the horse, so-called cardiac sounds. These consisted of a more or less rigid tube furnished at one end with a little elastic bag or ampulla and connected at the other with a tambour, by means of rubber tubing. One of these little bags was placed in one of the ventricles, another in the auricle or aorta, the tube being inserted in the former case through one of the large veins at the root of the neck; in the latter case through the carotid artery. The intracardiac pressure curves obtained in this way marked a great ad- vance over the methods that had previously been used to study the events of the cardiac cycle, but they were so faulty in comparison with tracings Fig. 32. — Diagram of Wiggers' optical manometer. The wide glass tube (A) (connected with the ventricle, etc.) is connected with a brass cylinder (B) provided with a stopcock ((.'). the lumen of which comes in apposition with a plate (a) having a small opening in it. The freedom of communication between B and o is regulated by the position of the tap. Above a is a segment capsule (b) 3 mm. in diameter and covered by rubber dam. This carries a small mirror (C) fastened so that it pivots on the chord side of the capsule. Above the capsule is arranged an inclined mirror, from which a strong beam of light is reflected on to the mirror (c) on the capsule. This beam thru travels back and the mirror (£) is adjusted so that it impinges on a moving photographic plate. The slightest movements of the small mirror (C) are thus greatly magnified. taken by more modern methods that it is not worth while considering them any further here. The physical errors involved in the use of the older instruments were due mainly to the elastic recoil of the membranes, etc., used in their construction. A great improvement in technic was afforded by the use of the spring manometer of Iliirthle (sec page 126), which was connected with one of the heart cavities by a cannula filled before insertion with some antieoagulant fluid. The cavity of the tambour was made as small as possible, and either left empty or filled with the anlieoagulating fluid. I III \< TION OP Till III \l;r i r A searching investigation into tin- physical principles involved in ti ing records of sudden changes in pressure bj such instruments has, how- ever, shown tli.it considerable ••inns are incurred, the inertia of the moving m;i^ of fluid in the tubing and the □ Bsity of using levers in order to secure records being responsible for mosl of them cf. V* gers). Their elimination has recently been achieved by usin<_r ,-i so-called optical manometer, one of which (Wiggers' is shown in the accom- panying figure. It consists of a wide 'jlass tube .1. connected above with a hollow brass cj linder /»'. provided with a stopcock C, the lumen of which tapers from below upward till it assumes tin' same diameter as an ap ture in the segmenl capsule l>, above it thai is. a capsule cu1 away at one end -which is :\ mm. in diameter ami covered with rubber 'lam. By ad- justment of this stopcock the piils.-it ions of the fluid in .1 ami B can be damped to a greater or less extenl before they are transmitted into the Fig. .'.! Optical records of intraventricular pressure; a-!, auricular systole; bd. prespuygi period; >'•/. sphygmic period; after f. diastole. Instrument trying dc{ were employed in taking the curves. (From Wigl segmenl capsule. A small piece of celluloid carrying a tiny mirror r< on the rubber dam, being pivoted on the chord side of the capsule A mirror is attached to the capsule with its plane so adjusted that the image of a strong lighl placed at some distance from it is focused on the little mirror carried by the celluloid. The ray reflected from the little mirror ami again reflected from the larger mirror is adjusted s, impinge upon a moving photographic plane travelling at a uniform ratl- in a suitably constructed photographic apparatus. By the us< I such an apparatus the chief errors encountered by the use of the older in- struments are eliminated, because there is no moving m;is> of fluid and there are no levers to set up spurious vibrations. Curves -••cured by the use of this instrument are shown in I Two objects must he kept in view in analyzing the curves 1 Cui obtained from the different cavities may he compared in order to de- termine the exact moment during the cardiac cycle at which BUCh p 148 THE CIRCULATION OF THE I'.LOOD sure changes occur as must serve to produce opening or closing of the various valves; and (2) the contour of the curves obtained from each cavity may be examined in order to find out exactly how the pressure in that particular cavity is behaving. Comparison of the Curves Before using the curves for ascertaining the relative pressure in the differenl cavities, they must be graduated according to some scale, for it is clear that by the use of instruments like those we have been describ- ing, the absolute pressure value of each curve will vary according to the construction of the instrument (thickness of membrane, etc.), and in- deed instruments of varying degrees of resistance must be employed in taking curves from places having such different pressures as exist in the auricles and ventricles. The graduation is, however, a very easy matter, and consists, as already explained (page 126), in connecting the instrument by means of a T-piece with a mercury manometer and a pres- sure bottle and then marking on the tracing, the points corresponding to each 10, 20 or 50 millimeters of increase of pressure, as the case may be. To ascertain the time relationship between the opening and the closing of the auriculoventricular valve, the tracings should be taken from the right auricle and the right ventricle, and to ascertain the same with re- gard to the semilunar valve, from the left ventricle and the aorta.* By comparing the curves it is now an easy matter to ascertain the exact moment at which the pressure in the one cavity comes to equal that in the other. This moment, read on the accompanying time tracing, will obviously indicate that at which the particular valve is just about to open or close. From the results of such experiments, the curves may be superimposed as in Fig. 34. In the first place let us compare the curves from the right auricle and /< utricle. The curves begin at the very end of diastole, and they show that a distinct increase in pressure is occurring in both auricle and ven- tricle and lasting about 0.05 second. This is of course caused by auric- ular systole, and since it occurs in both cavities, it indicates that the passage between them, the auriculoventricular orifice, must be open. The ventricular curve then suddenly shoots away beyond the auricular because of the onset of systole in the ventricle, and the point at which the two curves begin to separate indicates the moment at which the auriculoventricular valves close. From this time on until ventricular systole has given place to diastole, (about 0.2 second), the auricle is *The connections v itli the heart may lie made by pushing long cannulx down the large veins or arteries, or in the case of the ventricles by inserting a cannula with a sharp point directly through the wall of the ventricle. 1 II! V IF I HI II ther< Bhut off from thi I which the tw o ca\ ities at ■ ighl i tricular valves open is indicated l>> I Saving thus determined tl of the auriculoventricular valv< i maj i intraventricular pressure curve with thai taken fromtl ry calibration corrections, this eur\'e ha* i in its true relationship to the ventricular curve Bepim end of diastole, we find that the aortic pn above that of the ventricles, indicating that the Bemilui closed; ;inN I 'I THE HEART I ont'd THE CONTOUR OF THE INTRACARDIAC CURVES The Ventricular Curve rrom an analysis of tli utour of each curve, further ii points are broughl to light The ventricular cun e in the diagram allu li<>\\ ii as having a flal top or plateau. B of the more modern, optically recording, instruments i1 thai this plateau becomes displaced by ;i peak if every ; ition is taken to prei ent dulling dov n of the pressure changes in tl ■ as l.\ opening wide the stopcock in the instrument I is, however, by do means a sharp one, bo thai we may fitlj ibe th<- contour "t' the ventricular curve during the Bphygmic peri( ing of a rising portion, almosl continuous with the curve during sphygmic period, ;i summit and then a declining po , which is usually Blower than the ascending. The practical value arising from a stud] curves li<'s in the insighl which they •_: i \ < ■ us into the nature of the cardiac pump They Bhow ns thai tin- impulse which the ventr gives tu the moving mass of l»l*»«»»l in the aorta is a sudden rather thi tained one The column "f l>h><».l in the aorta is a 1 1 1 i •_: 1 1 1 \ thing i!iu\<\ and it would appear as it' a sustained broughl to 1 •■ it during the Bphygmic period would be far more efficienl in !»• about an adequate movemenl of the blood than a Budden ,:• Ii a heav) Lrat<' a bIon sustained pressure is sudden bloM l • is further <>f inl that there is \ erj little indication of an; at the moment during which the semilunar erthcless, \> a Bharper bend in the cui v< is a matt thai thi ontour of the cu iring I partly "D the de •l\ on th' 152 THE CIRCl'LATION OF THE BLOOD In the case of the right ventricle the contour of the curve also depends on the degree of resistance to the bloodflow through the pulmonary circuit. The top of the curve becomes broader when the initial tension is high, and more rounded when there is a high pulmonary resistance. Another point of interest in connection with the ventricular curve is that early in diastole il descends below the titie of zero pressure, indicating that a negative or suction pressure must exist in the ventricle at this time. It will be further observed, however, that this subatmospheric pressure exists for only a very short time. The auriculoventricular valves being opened, a similar negative pressure is also present in the auricular tracing. Were we to depend on such records alone for evidence of the actual existence of this negative pressure in the heart, objection might be taken to the conclusion on the ground that it was due to the to manometer max valve mm valve to heart Fig. 35. — Von Frank's maximal ami minimal valve, which is placed in the course of the tube between heart and mercury manometer. By turning the stopcocks, it may be used as a maximum, minimum, or ordinary manometer (central tubes open). (From Starling.) sudden recoil to which the instrument is subjected at the beginning of diastole. It is necessary therefore to control these observations by the use of an entirely different method. This consists in connecting the heart with a valved mercury manometer (see Fig. 35). This instru- ment does not of course record any sudden changes of pressure in the cardiac cavity, but in obedience to changes in pressure the mercury slowly moves in the direction in which the valve permits it to move. Such an instrument, with the valve opening towards the heart, is called a minimal manometer, and after it has been connected with the ventricle, it will be found that a negative pressure of perhaps 40 or 60 mm. Hg is recorded. Evidently, then, the negativi pressure does actually exist in the ventricle during some phase of the cycle, and the question arises as to whether it is of importance in connection with the pumping action of the heart. At first sight, considering the heart as an elastic structure, we might con- i in i-i \iri\-. \- i ceive thai the negative pressure would just ,is it racks water in ;m ordinary ball syrini i will, however, show thai this conclusion is untenable, parti} b< negath e pressure exists in the partly because it \\<>ulwly movii imn of I'l I in the thin walled veins, with the resull thai it would <>f thea to come together rather than produce a mov< blood contained in them. The negative pr< therefore be of much consequence in attracting I nous blood ii ventricle. Several factors maj i perati produce thi among which ma} be mentioned the Budden opening <>nt of the I the ventricles :it the beginning of diastole, the n il of I which hi mes compressed in the In-art walls during turgescence of the walls of the ventricles produced by tin* sudden inr • if blood into the coronary vessels at the beginning I pro< tend to cause an opening oul of the walls of the venti a consequenl increase in the capacity of their cavitii The Auricular Curve ESxaminati f the intraauricular pressure curv< is of particular in- ni-<' of the relationship which it 1 a tracing tal the movements in the jugular vein at the ro neck n tj This jugular pulse curve, as it is called, is produced mainly by changes of pressure occurring in the auricle, from which it t" the various waves B _ iduating the intra auricular pressure curve bj the method described abo ictly the magnitude in the changes of pr< g during cardiac cycle. This obvious!} can t">t be done with a tracing the jugular vein, although qualitatively the tracii changi ccurring in the aurich < >n examining the auricular pressure cun finil that after the w if presystole, wl ich with that mi the intraventricular curve in a peak aim the beginning "t" t; cun e then rapidly tally ind< Bure, and alowlj rises throughout th. tin- momenl o the auriculo again ami th< tr runs parallel with I . used to designate tin- • similar wi hown "n the jugu 154 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD lettering is more or less arbitrary, we must accept it because of its gen- et;!] usage in all work of this kind. As to the causes of the waves. .1, is of course caused by auricular systole or presystole; C, occurring as it does at the beginning of the period of ventricular systole, is caused by the bulging into the auricle of the closed auriculoventricular valve. The floor of the auricle, in other words, at this moment becomes somewhat elevated and imparts to the blood which is resting upon it a slight wave of pressure, which is transmitted along the veins for a considerable distance. The succeeding depression is marked x, and the negative pressure which it indicates is probably due to the co-operation of three forces, all tending to increase the auricular capacity: (1) the diastole of the walls of the auricle; (2) the descent of the auriculoventricular groove, thus tending to open out somewhat the folds in the walls of the auricle; and (3), no doubt most important of all, the tendency of the thin-walled auricles to become dilated as a result of the sudden diminution in intrathoracic pressure produced at each heart- beat by the discharge of blood from the heart and intrathoracic blood vessels into those of the rest of the body. All thin-walled structures in the thoracic cavity, the auricles included, will expand to take up the extra room created in the thoracic cavity. Similar negative heart pulses, as they are called, can be observed with each systole in the lungs and in the esophagus. THE MECHANISM OF OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE VALVES When physical valves open and close as a result of the changes in pres- sure on their two surfaces, a certain amount of fluid must succeed in passing the valve flaps before these become perfectly closed. But there is every reason to believe that such is not the case in the heart, the flaps of both the auriculoventricular and the semilunar valves being already completely closed before pressure conditions entailing a possible regur- gitation of blood through them become established. Auriculoventricular Valves During diastole the flaps of the auriculoventricular valves are hanging down into the ventricle and floating in a half-open position in the blood, which is meanwhile accumulating in the chamber. This position is de- pendent upon the operation of two opposing forces on the valve flaps: the pressure of the blood flowing from the auricle on their upper aspects, and reflected waves of pressure from the walls of the ventricle on their under aspects (centripetal reflux). When presystole occurs, the pres- sure of the auricular stream momentarily increases, thus slightly dis- tending the wall of the meanwhile relaxed ventricle and after a moment's I III l-l Ml'l iy causing t he reflect< d omc n .v same time the muscular fibers in th< laps (I contrad and make the flaps being thai the valve takes up a i«>-,iti..n r thai systole Buddenlj stops, the reflexed wi ill pe of time longer than the auricular whirl, the elastic nature of the ventricular wall, with perfecl opposition nol merel) al thci s bul Biderable distance along their upper When \ entricular systol< ly rif. which i-> broughl suddenly to bear on the under Burfi closed valves is to cause them t<» vibrate and t" b inwhile anchored down ; > i > « I pr< I from ihi[>; auricle by the chorda? tendinea?. There is reason to musculi papillares to which the tached bej utsel "f ventricular Bystole indeed Blightly pagi md thus keep the chorda? taul \ contraction of these muscles becomes mort tightening of the choi down the so thai progressivel proportio their up] • in-' opposed Meanwhile the auriculov< coming ne 1 down on account of 1 of the auriculoventriculai Semilunar Vah The mechai ism im olved in tl Bomeu hat diffcn nt. It 1 tube, the pressure and •'ilid Ul L56 'HE CIBC1 LATION OP THE lU.ool. can be demonstrated l>\ observing the Mow through a wide tube of water in which are suspended lycopodium spores. By placing in the tube small In-ill tubes so arranged that one open end lies near the periphery and die other near the center, it can be seen thai the differences in pressure are such as to cause the fluid to Mow from periphery to axis (centripetal eddies). If the benl tubes are used to study the conditions of flow in 8 tube which suddenly becomes wider, it will be found thai where the wide portion starts centripetal eddies are se1 up, which tend to carry the spores into I lie axis of the st renin, where their velocity [g greatly inere;ise(|. \ow these are the conditions obtaining ;ii the beginning of the large arteries S.a.-D.V. D.a.-S-v. Pig, Diagran liowing lh< position "I i he cardial chambei and valvi during |>rei !olc I '.v. ) and 'In nil pi I. I r'i om Landoi of the heart, the orifice into the ventricles being constricted, while al the sinus valsalvae the vessels are dilated. A centripetal vortex must be • I up in the sinus, tending to throw the valve flaps into ;i closed posi lion, which, however is prevented by the Mood rushing between them from the ventricles. They thus take up ;i mid position and vibrate in the stream. When the efflux from the ventricle stops ;it the end of sys- tole, the reflux, lasting for s nioinrni longer and being now unopposed, immediately closes the valves, in which position they are then maintained by the greater pressure on their upper surfaces. The position of I he \;d\es relative lo Ihr events of the c;irdi;ic cycle is show n in Pigs. 36 and 37. mi i OP Til THE m:\> i BOI v I )iirn ' .1111 |)l if lli.' Call I"' li' ;u >\ li\ ;i|>|il .ii the beginning of \ ■ opex heat ; tl ' the heginti t lit till \ third Hound much horl i line after i he second I ■ ■ tudy tho < t he Bounds i he \ ibi at ion - w hieh tin alongside cardiac i i mem oh ■ ' Can < "i Bound I : li.i . lm 11 round t hai i in' | one high pitched nnd 1 1 i hei of a dull < I ■lir\ .-.I to I"- 1 1" i eault of \ ibral ioi up in th< nli»\ nil riculiir vnlvi I i hei in I he I • I • •« •« 1 in tin Niiddeii in systolic pressure The • 1 1 1 1 1 clement on th< is undoubtedly of museulnr 01 igin 'I as follows I Win n the nuriculovcntriculnr valv< closing properly either bj di or bj pusl loop o h pitched quality disappears, and not I ■ound accompanies tho \ U\ I of the semilunar \ ah i i"|i thi them, and tl till IIS1HII IS fill immediately «lisa|>i f tho ' tho apex, and il vented from <•!•. 158 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD passing a wire down the carotid artery. The third sound, although audi- ble only in some individuals, can nevertheless be shown to exist by the electrophonograph, and since it occurs at the time when the aurieulo- ventricular valves open, it is believed to depend upon the sudden inrush of blood from auricles to ventricles. The greatest importance of the sounds is in the clinical diagnosis of val- vular and other lesions of the heart, When a valve leaks, for examine, the blood escapes past it under great pressure, and is ejected into a mass of blood at low pressure, these being conditions which are well known to create sounds or bruits. By examining the exact relationship of such bruits to the normal heart sounds, deductions can be drawn concerning the condition of the various valves. Record of Heart Sounds The heart sounds have been graphically recorded by transmitting them through a stethoscope to a microphone placed in circuit with a string galvanometer (electrophonograms). Through this circuit passes a cur- rent the strength of which depends on the resistance offered by the microphone, and consequently to the number and amplitude of the vibrations of the sounds transmitted to it through the stethoscope. There are several objections to this method. One of these is depend- ent on the varying distance of the heart from the chest Avail, which causes many of the sound vibrations to be lost before they reach the stethoscope; another, on adventitious sounds arising from contracting muscles, the impact of the heart against the chest wall, etc., and still another on unequal resonation by the air in the neighboring portions of lungs. To investigate the problem more thoroughly, Wiggers,37 using anesthetized animals, has recorded the sounds by carefully stitching to the heart (exposed through a small opening in the pericardium) a lever. the end of which was attached to a "transmitter" consisting of a small capsule covered with rubber dam. The transmitter was connected by rubber tubing to a "recorder" consisting of another small capsule carry- ing on its membrane (made of rubber cement) an eccentrically placed small mirror, on to which a beam of light was thrown. The movements of the beam of light reflected from the mirror, and caused by the sound vibra- tions, were photographed. Mechanical vibrations set up in the apparatus itself were largely eliminated by a side opening on the recorder, and the effect of outside sounds minimized by surrounding the recorder by a ventilated glass housing. Although this apparatus is not free from faults due to inherent vibra- tion frequency and resonance, the records secured by it are valuable in showing the exad relationship of the sounds to the events of the cardiac ill! rr\ni\<; \- cycle. The \ ibi from the tw< tin. ii tlir aorta / - five to thirteen irregular vibrations, usually in I composed of two small vibrations, the middl< tionit, and the third of n varving numbei mail \ ■ duration of the sound is from 0 V\ n conij 160 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD lar pressure curve, the initial vibrations occur 0.01 second prior to the rise in pressure, the main vibrations reaching their greatest amplitude before the sphygmic period begins, and the final vibrations occurring during the early part of the sphygmic period and therefore just before the aortic pressure has reached its height. The main vibrations therefore occur N OF THE HE MM THE BLOOD SUPPLY In cold blooded animals, such as the I by blood soaking into it Prom the heart chambi hich i? form definite cavities as in the mammalian heart, bul an inl men! of muscular tissue. In the hearts of higher animal lature is supplied bj Bpecial arteri( coronar igh a • amount of blood may still pass directly from the card the musculature through the veins of Thebesiu The relative importance of the various branches of tl >nary a '• in maintaining an adequate nutrition of the heart lias l n Btudi< observing the effect of occlusion of one or more of them W T P • Occlusion of t 1m- circumflex branch of the left coronar} artery arrest <>f the heartbeal in aboul v" per cent i usually accompanied bj fibrillary contraction. Occlusii the ri coronary arrested the ventricular contraction in about 20 per cent the cases. Smaller branches may i eluded without any evid change in the heartbeat. These results indicate thai the capillary areas supplied ! of the coronary artery n«.t freely anastomose with mother, l are more or N-ss terminal arteries; that is. each branch supplies a dist region of the cardiac muscle If oi > of the smaller bi nary is occluded, although there is no imme< stoppaj ■ mi- time the area supplied by that branch usualh gain indicating that collateral ished I' is interesting, hoi that anatomic studies have shown thai -tain amount CCUr hrtv. pillar: 01 hrali.-i • huit, from the above observations, that no adequate becomi i through tins anastomosi PERFUSION OF HEART OUTSIDE THE BODY In order that the blood supply through I ai lcipiat i-l\ maintain tl mnl nutrit HiL' THE CIRCULATION OF THE BL06t> conditions must be fulfilled. The recognition of these conditions lias been accomplished by observations on the excised heart, for it lias been Pound thai if they are fulfilled tlie mammalian heart can be made to beat in perfectly normal fashion for several hours after its removal from the animal's body. Indeed certain ma iiima I ia 11 hearts, such as that of the rabbit, may be made to beat for Several days outside; the body. We ma\ Consider the essential conditions of the blood supply under four headings: (1) the temperature; (2) the oxygen supply; (3) the pressure; and (4) the chemical com posit ion. Successful perfusion may be performed with artificial saline solutions (e. g., Locke's), but it is simplest in investigating the relative importance of the above conditions to start the heart pel' fusion with defibrinated blood. After bleeding an anesthetized animal, such as a dog or a cat, until no more blood can be removed, the blood is defibrinated and filtered through gauze to remove the fibrin. The thorax of the dead animal is then quickly opened, ligatures placed around the main arteries springing from the arch of the aorta, a cannula with its end pointing toward the heart inserted into the descending thoracic aorta, and the Latter cut across below the point of insertion of the cannula. The heart is then quickly removed from the thorax and an artificial saline solution (Locke's) allowed to run into the aortic cannula through a side lube, until all the blood has been washed out from the coronary vessels. Dur- ing this operation the heart may develop a few beats even though the solution is quite COOl. The aortic cannula is now connected with a bottle containing the defibrinated blood diluted with Locke's solution and broughl to body temperature by immersion in a water-bath. By means of a suitably regulated air pressure exerted on the surface of the diluted blood in the bottle, this is forced through an outlet at tin1 fool of the bottle into tubing which runs to the aortic cannula. The fluid tints finds its way into the coronary vessels; for in passing toward the heart in the aorta il will close the semilunar valves and force its way under pressure into tin' coronary vessels, subsequently escaping by the coronary sinus into the righl auricle. Yvvy soon after the perfusion is started the heart begins to beat vigorously and regularly, thus offering a suitable prepara- tion upon which to lest the first three mentioned conditions necessary for the nutrition id' the cardiac inuscnlat lire (Fig. 39). If the temperature of the solution is allowed to fall considerably, the heat becomes much slower, and if the cooling is proceeded with, the heart will after a while cease beating altogether. If the pressure is lowered, the beat will mil necessarily become slower but \\-vy much feebler, and will soon cease. In general it may be said that the temperature of the solution affects the rate of the beat, and the pressure affects its Strength, runnel {refilling & air vent ) Stock solution ' Diluted blood*- a salt solution) Metal pan - Hot water bath oxygen or comprened air i mrl 1G4 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD It is, however, obvious that in perfused preparations changes in pres- sure are likely to cause alterations in rate as well as in force, unless great care is taken to keep the heart itself as warm as the perfusion fluid. The importance of an adequate pressure in the coronary vessels has been clearly brought out in certain experiments in which the beat has been maintained for a short time by establishing a pressure in the cor- onary vessels by means of indifferent fluids or gases. Thus, if oxygen gas is allowed to pass through the vessels under pressure, the heart will beat for a short time, and the same result has been observed even when mineral oil or mercury has been perfused under pressure (Sollmann). The necessity for an adequate oxygen supply is very readily demon- strated. If the darker blood ejected from the right auricle with each heartbeat is transferred immediately to the perfusion bottle, the heart- beat will soon become feeble and irregular, to be readily restored to normal when this dark blood is shaken up with air or oxygen. By artificial perfusion in the manner above described, the automatism of the heart may be restored many hours after death. Partial restora- tion, confined. to the auricles or to that part of the ventricles lying im- mediately adjacent to the large blood vessels, can also be accomplished in the heart of man several days after death, provided death has not been caused by some acute toxic infection such as diphtheria or septice- mia. The Russian physiologist Kuliabko, has succeeded in restoring for over an hour the normal beat of the heart of a three-months-old boy twenty hours after death from double pneumonia, but here again the pulsation returns only in certain parts of the heart. As will be pointed out, the remarkable resistance of the heart muscle displayed in these experiments has been taken as an argument in favor of the myogenic hypothesis for automatic rhythmic power of cardiac muscle, the argu- ment being that nervous structures could not live so long a time after death. The fallacies in this argument are discussed elsewhere. RESUSCITATION OF THE HEART IN SITU A suitable intracoronary pressure is a sine qua non for the mainte- nance of the heartbeat, and this is a fact of great clinical significance, for it indicates that any attempts to resuscitate a dead animal are cer- tain of failure unless the method is such as will bring a nutrient fluid under a certain pressure to bear on the coronary arteries. Injection of fluid, even of defibrinated blood, into a vein will obviously fail to ful- fill this condition, for the perfusion must be made into an artery so that the fluid is carried down the aorta and thence into the coronary arteries. ■i III. M TRITION OP l Hi Hi Mil 165 The practical question, in so far as resuscitation of the heartbeal is concerned, i^ therefore, //""■ can wt get tl>< n< >■> ssary fluid under pt sure into II" beginning of II" aorta? Even if we were to transfuse fluid under considerable pressure into the aorta through the carotid artery, it would mainly follow tin- large vessels leading away from the ln-art. only a Fraction ofil reaching the beginning of the aorta. To compel the iluiil to pass towards the hearl we musl introduce some obstruction to its passage peripherally. This can be done by the injection of a consid- erable dose of epinephrine I adrenaline in normal saline Bolution through tin' needle of a hypodermic syringe inserted into the tubing leading from the burette or pressure bottle to the cannula in the carotid arte An the perfusion fluid is running in, the epinephrine injection is quickly made, artificial respiration and cardiac massage being meanwhile prac- ticed. In the majority of animals it will be found that complete res- toration of the normal blood pressure can be effected by this method, [ndeed by performing the resuscitation under aseptic conditio! s, some animals may be permanently resuscitated so far as the circulation is concerned, although the nervous structures, even after a few minutes of "death," never reacquire their normal condition. The epinephrine acts mainly by constricting the small arterioles and thus directing the bloodflow towards the heart, bul partly also by a direct stimulating action on the cardial- muscle. It does not, however, con- tract the coronary vessels; on the contrary, it is said to cause tl slightly to dilate. THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE VARIOUS CONSTITUENTS OF THE PERFUSION FLUID We can study the chemical conditions necessary for resuscitation of the heartbeat by observing the beal of an artificially perfused hearl while solutions of differenl chemical composition are being perfi through the coronary vessels. At the outset we are im] i with the fact that for successful resuscitation the organic constituents t the nutrient fluid are of trivial importance compared with the inorganic constituents. "With a solution containing the proper proportion of in- janic salts, and of course an adequate supply of oxygen, the heart o\ a rabbit, for example, may he made to continue beating i'"r - days, h is tine that it will heat longer if some of the organic con- stituents of the blood plasma, particularly carbohydral hnt on the inorganic constituents aloni ability to beal a truly remarkable. 166 THE CIRCULATION OF Till. BLOOD Observations on Cold-Blooded Heart The earlier experiments Cor the investigation' of the chemical condi- tions necessary for the maintenance of the heartbeat were performed on the heart of the frog or turtle. By perfusing either of llicse hearts with physiological sodium-chloride solution, it was observed that though the beat might continue for some time, yet it gradually grew feebler and feebler, until at last it ceased altogether with the heart muscle in a condition of extreme relaxation or diastole. If small proportions of potassium and calcium salts (as chloride) were added to the sodium- chloride solution, the beat was much better maintained. Doctor Sidney Ringer proved that the optimum concentration to produce efficient and prolonged contraction for the heart of the frog or terrapin is as follows: potassium chloride, 0.03 per cent; calcium chloride, 0.025 per cent. The effectiveness of the solution was also found to be increased by the addition of 0.003 per cent of sodium bicarbonate. This acts as a buf- fer substance (page 36), holding the hydrogen-ion concentration at a constant level. More recent work has shown that the hydrogen-ion con- centration of the perfusion solutions is of considerable importance in determining the efficiency of the beat, but the optimum is not the same for the hearts of different kinds of animal, and indeed it may differ for different parts of the same heart. The question naturally arises as to the relative importance of each of the above salts; or rather, we should say, cations, since the anion, chlorine, is the same for all of them. The function of the sodium chlo- ride in the solutions is twofold: (1) to endow the solution with the proper osmotic pressure (see page 4) ; and (2) to perform the special role of the sodium ion in the origination and maintenance of the auto- matic beat. The latter function of Na can be shown by observing the behav- ior of strips cut out from the ventricle of the turtle heart and placed in solutions of correct osmotic pressure but containing no sodium chlo- ride— isotonic solutions of cane sugar, for example. They soon cease to beat, but if a small amount of sodium chloride is added to the cane sugar solution, rhythmic contractions return. The role of the ceilciuni ions is almost entirely a pharmacological one. If a strip of turtle ven- tricle which has been made to cease beating by immersion in isotonic sugar solution is placed in a weak solution of calcium chloride before it is transferred to sodium chloride solution, the spontaneous contrac- tions will return earlier and continue for a longer time. On the other hand, if more than the correct amount of calcium salt is present in the solution, the beats will soon be found to become smaller and smaller in amplitude, because relaxation does not properly occur between them, and ultimately they will cease altogether with the ventricle in a condition II! I III I ctreme contraction, called calcium I nia\ also be shown l>\ attempting to pc ith !»'• serum from which the calcium has been removed Idition sn.liuiii oxalate which precipitates il i li BOOH C( ' . I'Ut ran 1 1 .nlily be made adding a Blight calcium chloride The potassium ions do nol appear, li] i I •- i ■ i n i and sodium, I absolutely essential for x 1 » • - tnaintenai >f tin- heartbeat; al heart of the turtle will beat for a long time when perfused with a solu- tion containing only sodium and calcium The explanation lit need not, however, necessarily \»- that potassium is an u constituent "t' th<' perfusion fluid, for it may well depend on the there is a Bufficienl Btore of potassium 1«>.-K.-.1 .. to supply the requirements of the heart mu ir tins ion for at ■ as long as the heat unuM continue under lircumstances In any - know that potaasium has a profound influ< beat, for when the proportion of it in the perfusion fluid i* incr< beat I mes • ery bIov and th<- tone of the hearl i diminished that is, it becomes mely relaxed tho amounl is further increased, will verj soon come to a standstill h • at I \ dilated or diastolic position. The st riking antagonism displayed by these inorganii the heartbeat has led Borne investigati • thai sponaible for the rhythmic activity of the heart dependa on son of chemical union occurring between the inorganic cati< ibstani t' the heart. Union of calcium with ti gubstance will lead t<> Bystole 01 conl »nion i or potassium will lead t<> relaxation or l 1 serum of the particular animal v fused Basing his proportions upon I i Histitiniits of mammalian hi inorganic Bolution "t" the ;" • » 1 1 « * x >. • * a dium chloride, 0 9 i" Icium chloride, 0.042 ] ■! sodium \\ ; en " I »ock lution under i>r< 168 THE CIRC1 I-ATION OP THE BLOOD ture, efficient heating can be maintained for many hours. More recently a solution known as Tyrodc's is commonly used. It contains a small amount of magnesium and of phosphates. Although undoubtedly superior for some perfused preparations, such as the intestine, it does not seem to be in any way superior to Locke's for the perfusion of the heart. The bicar- bonates and phosphates in these solutions endow them with a liydrogen-ion concentration near that of the blood (slightly on the alkaline side of neutrality), and at the same time they act as buffer suhstances. As already pointed out, the organic constituents of such perfusion fluids do not appear to he relatively of nearly so much importance as the inorganic. Nevertheless it appears that a small percentage (0.01 per cent) of glucose does materially improve the nutritive qualities of the solution, and it has moreover been shown that after a while the con- centration of glucose in the perfusion fluid distinctly decreases. This docs not of itself necessarily mean that the glucose is actually utilized by the heart muscle: it might he stored away in it as glycogen. That some consumption of carbohydrate does however occur in the heart has been demonstrated by measuring the intake of oxygen and the output of carbon dioxide through the lung's of an isolated heart-lung prepara- tion perfused outside the body with defibrinated blood. By experiments of this type the attempt has been made to show that the heart of diabetic animals loses the power of burning glucose as compared with the hearts of normal animals. While the experiments are very suggestive, the results do not as yet justify us in claiming that in the latter disease the power of burning glucose in the tissues has been materially depressed. The concentration of hydrogen ions in the perfusion fluid has an im- portant influence on cardiac efficiency. We also know that the most convenient method for changing the hydrogen-ion concentration of such fluids is by altering their tension of carbon dioxide (see page 354). In a heart-lung preparation,* such alteration in carbon-dioxide tension can very readily be brought about by altering the percentage of this gas in the air with which the lungs are ventilated. To measure the efficiency of the heartbeat in such an experiment, it is convenient to enclose the organ in a cardioplethysmograph, the tracing of which will tell us the degree to which the heart is contracted or relaxed, as well as the output of blood per minute. By increasing the tension of carbon dioxide, it has been found in such experiments that the dilatation of the ventricle is encouraged, so that the heart with each beat discharges a larger quan- tity of blood (Fig. 40). When defibrinated blood is used the optimum *A heart-lung preparation is one in which both heart and lungs arc perfused outside the body, the vessels being suitably connected to maintain a continuous circulation. IKIIIm\ 01 Ml! II pressui e or tension "!' carbon 'li<> .iikI l'» per '••lit •-!' ;iii atmosphi That tin- effecl <■!' carbon dioxide in heart betv een I dependent upon I centration of the perfusion fluid has l"'«'!i Bhown ilts iii experiments with perfusion fluids I h diflf< • I anti- tities of weak nonvolatile acids hav< added. I ?*■ ■-• ►- •>••*- ■» »« .>, . . l I ■V-.u '-»■ J"i i_ 'j ■ . ■ • of practical importance because of the light which I lardiac failure following upon conditions in which I removal <>\ carbon dioxide from th< • tilation of the lungs Yandell II son has gica :k may !"•. partly al least, d "washing out" of carbon ili<'\i'l<- from ti .1 by the d; often incident to the administration of CHAPTER XX THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HEARTBEAT THE ORIGIN AND PROPAGATION OF THE BEAT— THE PHYSIO- LOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CARDIAC MUSCLE The origin and propagation of the heartbeat are studied on the excised heart of a frog or turtle, or on the mammalian heart by perfusing it under suitable conditions, which have already been described. The results obtained on the cold-blooded heart apply more or less directly to the warm-blooded. In the first place it is clear that the rhythmic contrac- tility of the heart is not at all dependent upon the central nervous sys- tem, for if it were so, the excised heart could not continue beating. This fact does not, however, necessarily imply that the beating power is in- dependent of nervous structures, for in the heart itself an extended net- work of nerve cells and connecting nerve fibers can readily be demon- strated. It might quite well be the case that the rhythmic beat is de- pendent upon the transmission to the muscle fibers of the heart of impulses generated in the nerve cells and transmitted along the nerve fillers of this local nervous system. Such is the neurogenic hypothesis of the heartbeat. On the other hand, it may be that these nervous structures are not at all responsible for the origination of the beat, but serve merely as sta- tions on the pathway of the nerve impulses, transmitted to the heart from the central nervous system along the vagus and sympathetic nerves, for the purpose of altering the rate of the heartbeat so as to adjust it to the requirements of blood supply in the various parts of the body. In such a case the rhythmic power would reside in the muscular tissues of the heart — that is, each cardiac muscular cell would have the power, not merely like skeletal muscle of contracting in response to a stimulus transmitted to it, but also of originating that stimulus within itself. This is the myogenic hypothesis. Much controversy has raged around these two hypotheses and although space will not permit a detailed study of the question, it will be necessary, on account of the great importance of the subject from the physiological standpoint, briefly to review the main arguments of each school of thought. There is no piece of evidence offered by the advocates of either tin* neurogenic or (lie myogenic hypothesis that can, taken singly, be con- 170 THE PHY81 \ ■ 171 sidered as absolutel) conclusive AlthouRl at firsl sighl appear t<> be conclusiv< . • • subjected to a closer scrutiny It is o evidence for and against each view thai we shall In- in a to any conclusion, and • then it will be plain thai be only tentath • Myogenic Hypothesis Taking firsl of all the evidence in Buppoii of the my< g the following Btanda oul mosl prominently: 1 The heaii beats in the embryo chick b< any n< grown into it. and no1 only this, bul if porl moved from the embryo and placed in l»l 1 plasma, ontinue ting for many days It has also been observed tl a1 may off from this mass of cardiac muscle and undergo multi] differentiation, so a^ to produce isolated musch a which exhibit rhythmic contractility. The rebuttal on the part ihis apparently unassailable « - x i « that, i bryonic muscle cells may exhibil the power of rhythmic i does nut mean thai the fully developed muscle i arily 1 such power. In the eary stag inic development, il evidenl thai the functions which in the fully developed animal . to various Bpecial organs and ti should be performed b having Beveral such functions in common. The muc for example, maj to Btarl with be power no1 tracting bul also of initiating the contraction. It maj tly nervous in character and that only later, when the di mmmated, does the power of rhythmic contractioi gated to the nervous element and tl.. muscle itself. 2 The aervous structure in the I aaj be damaged - chanical means or by drugs withoul apparently int< with power of rhythmic contract i it is possible to d ml a c< nsid< i amoui I withoul a: the beat, and in all auin of atropine, w hich pai the p nervous bj stem m •• page 22< ml in I tricle in such h< I n. I>\ and although a few n< withoul virtue made to contract rhythmically !•> p< 172 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD solution under pressure and starting the healing by application of elec- trica] stimuli. Isolated strips of ventricular muscle, in which also no nervous element can be demonstrated, may under favorable conditions be caused to beat quite regularly it' supplied with proper nutrient fluid. The rebuttal of this evidence is twofold: In the first place, skeletal mus- cle itself under certain conditions, such as exposure to solutions con- taining an excess of phosphate (Biedermann's), may exhibit rhythmic contractility, especially on cooling, which indicates that exhibition of rhyth- mic power in isolated portions of cardiac muscle need not mean that under ordinary conditions such power is responsible for the normal heartbeat. In t lie second place, it is pointed out that although we can not reveal their presence by present-day histologic methods, this is not conclusive evidence that the heart-muscle fiber may not possess some nervous struc- tures capable of functioning as nerve cells. The heart even of mammals can be made to continue beating for sev- eral days after excision from the body. The nerve cells, as we know them in the central nervous system at least, can not, on the other hand, be made to functionate for more than a few hours after death. Therefore, it is argued, the heartbeat in surviving mammalian hearts can not de- pend on the nervous structures. The argument is however easily refuted: on the one hand, Ave do not know that the nerve structures situated peripherally in the heart muscles are of the same viable nature as those composing the central nervous system; and, on the other, the survival of the heart may in itself be sufficient to maintain around the nerve cells embedded in it a nutrient environment which is much more physiological than that which Ave can supply in artificial perfusions of surviving nervous tissues. 4. Circumstantial but nevertheless strong evidence is furnished by the fact that many other varieties of involuntary muscle are endowed with rhythmic contractility; thus, the muscle of the intestines, of the ureters, of the bladder, of the uterus, of the blood Aressels of certain animals, and of the lymph vessels in the so-called lymph hearts, main- tain rhythmic contractility after isolation from the animal body. The rhythmic power seems in certain of these cases to be independent of nervous control. Neurogenic Hypothesis In favor of this hypothesis the following evidence is offered: 1. The heart of certain animals — of Limulus, the king-crab, for exam- ple, is definitely dependent for its rhythmic contractility upon neigh- boring nervous structures. The heart of this animal is a tubular sac- culated organ, and along its dorsal surface there runs Longitudinally a 'Mil. I'll iii pai t direcl l;> t«> the a n< 1 in p J l R< m<>\ al of this n heartbeat ; 1 1 1 « - heart skeletal muscle, Id appraising the noted that although by Btimulal heart •■an be i»i I, the <"in racti( it i> not rhj thmii the various physiolo properl tnuscli if. I it \\ ill !»'• found that in all --i' thi muscle behaves, not li irl mus animals, but lil of skeletal muscle. This evidenci . while that the heart «'!' Limulus depends for ita rhythmic boring nei ictures - not .1 the assumption that tlii> will 1"' • -• in the I ' animals having differenl pi 2 The disposition <»t' the nervi uctures in tl the fi"L.r and turtle, I he deg . rhythmic po the diffei rhythmic power i^ manifested by the Minis and the •ri<-lr at the IuiIIiun arteriosus. In the formi structu prominent ; in the lal I be d< In i : place, it may merelj atrud ■ 'I the >l«'\ elopn mic p The unequal rhythmic powers may depend primarily iu Btructure of the muscle fibers th< hown I . loped »n an«• hearl below fails to beat quickly above the clamp Fig J'- Thia is known as partial heart the degree of tin- block is indicated by the numerical ex to 1, :: to 1. 1 to l. etc., meaning that tin- sinus is beating either V quickly as tin' ventricle, or three times, <>r four tim< ■ Similar conditions of heart bl< the cardi Further evidence that tl ua doiuii ;t in I 176 THE CIRCULATION OF Till: BLOOD cold-blooded animals is Furnished by observing the effects of local heat- ing or cooling of the various parts of the heart. In all rhythmically acting structures it is well-known that heat increases the rate of the rhythm and cold depresses it. If we locally warm the region of the sinus, as by holding a heated wire near it the whole heart will immedi- ately beat quicker; but if we locally heat the tip of the ventricle, no alteration of rhythm will be observed to occur (Fig. 43). The establishment of the fact that the sinus dominates the heartbeat — that it is the pacemaker of the beat — raises the question as to how the impulse originated at this place is transmitted over the rest of the heart, and here again a neurogenic and a myogenic hypothesis have to be considered. Before going into this question, however, it will be well for us to consider briefly the manner of response of cardiac muscle fiber to a stimulus, because the behavior of cardiac muscle under such conditions is considerably different in many regards from that of skel- etal muscle, and it is to these differences that many of the peculiar alterations in the beat observed after interfering with the conducting structures between the sinus and the rest of the heart, are to be ex- plained. The Physiological Characteristics of Cardiac Muscle It is necessary to bring the heart into a quiescent state in order to investigate the properties of its musculature. This is accomplished by the application of the Stannius ligature between the sinus and the auri- 1....] Fig. 44. — Frog heart showing the position of the first and second ligatures of Stannius (Hedon): r, auricles; 2, sinus; 3, ventricle. It is the first ligature which brings the heart to standstill. cles (Fig. 44). After tightening the ligature the auricles and ventricles become quiescent, and by observing the effects produced by the appli- cation of electric or other stimuli we can compare the behavior of the cardiac muscle with thai of skeletal muscle similarly stimulated. This comparison is made because of the assistance which it offers in compre- hending the properties of cardiac muscle. As a matter of fact, recent investigations have shown that the differences between the two types of muscle are not fundamental, since under certain conditions the one may Till* I'll II KT 177 made i" behm «• I i K • - the othi l ence or absence of anastomosifi In I. When eleel i i<- Rtimuli of \ ar\ . muscle, the c etion • tin- strength <>i' 1 1 1 • - latter until this has l>ec( tlif maximal response I4- ••li«,iic.| in cardiac m an entirelj different result is obtained, for tl produces anj response at all, prod that is mi height of contraction is the same as it would hi stronger Btimulus been applied. Expressing th t in u-' i w »■ may saj thai in cardiac mus ■ . >m<;/ i letal, iIk- «•!'•' traction, is pi ional to tl tioi times know 11 I f maximal Btimu • ime to tal mu sik ■ • 1 1 1 1 _r stimuli; il about ' w ti if)i for Borne coi each stimulus first few con trad ilra 178 THE (IKCI'LATION OF THE MEOOD staircase with gradually diminishing steps will be produced. If we repeat this observation with cardiac muscle, we shall find that the staircase phenomenon or treppe, as it is called, is very pronounced ; and moreover, in obedience to the all or nothing principle, the treppe is obtained in cardiac muscle whatever may be the relative strengths of the stimuli applied to the heart, provided always that all of them are effective; whereas in the case of skeletal muscle it can be demonstrated only pro- vided the stimuli are of equal strength (Fig. 46). 3. If an effective stimulus is applied to a skeletal muscle while in process Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Fig. 4C>. — The effects of successive stimuli on skeletal and cardiac muscle to show the prominence of the staircase phenomenon, or treppe, in the latter. (From T. G. Brodie.) of contraction, as in Kflpu.i„o to a preceding stimulus, the second stimulus prolongs the contraction produced by the first one. If, however, the second stimulus is applied during the latent period* of the first one, it will have no effect — that is, the muscle during this period is refractory.! From these results it follows that stimuli succeeding each other during the contraction period will, in the case of skeletal muscle, cause a continuous contraction, or tetanus, as it is called, because the contraction produced by each stimu- lus will add itself to that of its predecessor before any trace of relax- ation has set in. If, however, the second stimulus is applied so late in the contraction period of the first that time is not available for the latent *By "latent period" is meant the period after the moment of application of a stimulus during which no effect of that stimulus is observed. tBy "refractory period" is meant the time following the application of a stimulus during which a second stimulus develops less than its full effect or no effect at all. •III! I'HYSIOI.O Till .■•I to expend itaelf, then <>l<\ iousl; curred before the elfe anus w ill be incomplete I ill be panying tracings I ig IT ■ • - In tl • different, for //" eoni i .- thai stimul duced bj a pre* ioua stimulus I 1M) THE CIRCULATION OF I'lIF F.FOOh have one until the muscle lias reached the full extent of its contraction ami is about to relax. Since a latent period must supervene upon the application of this second stimulus, it follows that no complete fusion of the contractions is possible. Complete tetanus therefore, does not occur in cardiac muscle, however frequently the stimuli may be applied (Fig. 47). The refractory phase is a property of extreme importance in under- standing many of the peculiar irregularities observed in cardiac action. If we observe the effect of stimuli applied at varying periods after the pig. 48. — Myograms of frog's ventricle, showing effect of excitation by break induction shocks at various moments of the cardiac cycle. The line O indicates the commencement of all the beats during which the shock is sent in. It will be noted that in /, 2 and J, the heart is refractory to the stimulus. The signals indicate the moments at which the stimuli were ap- plied. From 4 to 8 the heart reacts by an extrasystole, after a delay, which is progressively less the later in diastole the stimulus enters, as shown by the sections shaded obliquely to make them more conspicuous. The extrasystolcs increase in height from 4 to 8, each being followed by a compensatory pause. ("From Fuciani's Unman Physiology.) termination of the refractory phase of a previous stimulus, Ave shall find that the height of the extra contraction is directly proportional to the time after the end of the refractory period at which it is applied. If a stimulus is applied at the very beginning of diastole, the extra contrac- tion will he small, whereas if it is applied at the end of diastole, the extra contraction will be at least as high as thai <>f the preceding. It may he higher hecanse of the treppe. PHYSIO 1*1 These obsen ations enable plying pha ' • Durii tory, in) effect is produced by th< • b Btimulut extra systoles \ •. 1 1 i • ■ 1 1 are pi ely mo ter in diastole the} occur, follow the application i h stimuli, suit- ... far exactly like those obtained \\\\\i a qu Bui .-unit In- r phenomenon now becomes evident; namely, I ollowing • extra Bystole there is :i compensator} pause in the action of I of such duration that, when the nexl natural I" practically al the same time .is it would ha irred stimulus been applied. This will !>.• apparenl from th< diagram Fig I 8 |- should !'<• noted thai the refractor} period atly CONDUCTING TISSUE IN MAMMALIAN HEART When we at I cm pi to investigate the problems of the origin and propa- gation of the beat in the warm-blooded heart, many experimental diffi- culties of course face us. In overcoming these, the first thing Ave must do is to establish tin1 structural relationship between cold-blooded and warm-blooded hearts. In the embryo of both classes of animals the 182 nil i-m.-K.i. t arises as tii> lied eardi diverticula jttom ou1 from the walla of this tub< In t he comparath ely simple siti" the auric more or less <\ idenl e\ en in the full in 1 1 1 • - the auricli - 1 1g i'1 ; bul in t li- mammalia it is impossible bj superficial examination remains of the primith iia<- tub< M ti"»ns duri have, ho show n thai il jtructu I of t i nt from that of tlr irt, and d TH as would indicate n<>t onlj thai it is derived from tube, bul ;iIm> thai it is the main pathway which transmitted. I his primil much ; giona than in others, 1 1 * • - firsl portion known ;is the of S This Btructui >und .it ti ttiin on the riu'lit Ride and of peculiar small primitive cells and fil a bum iliar t. w here, near the union of the • 184 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD valve, it bifurcates so as to send a branch down each side of the septum immediately below the endocardium. Each main branch, as it proceeds downward on the septum, divides up into an intricate system of smaller branches, which become reflected over the inner surface of the ventricles, where their existence has been known for sonic time as the so-called Fig. SO. — Dissection of heart to show auriculoventricular bundle (Keith); 3, the beginning of the bundle, known as the A-V node; _', the bundle dividing into two branches; 4, the branch run- ning on the right side of the interventricular septum. (From Howell's Physiology.) Fig. 51. — 1'hotograph of model of the auriculoventricular bundle and its ramifications, con- structed from dissections of the heart (Miss De Witt). All of the branches in the left ventricle arc not included. (From Howell.) Purhinje fibers. The filters ultimately end in dose association with the papillary muscles. The node and main bundle and the two branches before they have begun to divide are surrounded by fibrous tissue, and they seem to have a liberal blood supply. It is of interest that they con- tain a high percentage of glycogen. In the human heart the auriculo- 1111 III'. • ricular node and bundle m< ul 15 niiu . J in in. in u idth. The real <•!' the tissue i n the auricles and venti in nature, although other inections lil<<- th< bundle have been described by / ral . runs bel w een the righl auri< the righl ventricle. Another, bul much Bmaller, n similar embryonic card more recently been discovered bj l\«iili ;ni tin cold-blooded animals that is, in the area lyii ings of ' he venae cava; and ai ound tl Po be explicit, tliis tissue lies "in the buIcus terminalia j formed by the junction <>r the upper Burfaci with the Buperior \ ena ca^ a. "' Tl is mon r leas club-shaped, the blunl end of il iub shown in the accompanying figure Fig 52 [1 that there is no direcl connection visible b.-tu .•.•!! th< - auriculoventricular nodes Pig 5 ; Another anatomic fa< in the a mpanyii the disposition of the muscular li: bundles in ;i peculi n-shaped manner from a point im- mediately below the sinoauricular n< •«!.• t.» all p the right auricle. This poinl has I n called I •»»*• .v the termination of the venae cava?, the muscle fibi or less circularly . Saving become familiar wiili the disposition in the mi uf the j>riiniti\ <• cardiac tissue, along which in the heart animals we knov that the heartbeat spreads, we may nov p • hat this tissue origination and propagation of the beat in the igin <>t" the beal in .i i it is of course impossible to tell wl i. lu>\\ ever, it « ill contin dies it u ill be observed 1 ricular ii, and pai Biderable tin ultii){iim i is situ.ii< il in i sinoauricular nod< Tl • ' I i th< tracting do< a i which the beat • uf the am 186 THE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD longest time after death. Although the observation does not enable us to determine exactly where the heartbeat originates, yet it makes it very probable that this is somewhere in the auricles; a conclusion which is borne out by many other pieces of evidence, such as those obtained by Fig. 52. — Diagram of an auricle showing the arrangement of the muscle bands; the concen- tration point (C.P.); and the outline of the S.A. node {S.A.N. ). The diagram is to scale, and illustrates by the circles and connecting dotted lines the method of leading off by paired contacts and the subsequent orientation. (From Thomas Lewis.) , Auricular appendage .--Sinoauricular node Auriculoventricular node Auriculoventricular bundle Right a left ventricular bundles -Musculi papillares Fig. 53.— Diagram to show the general ramifications (if the conducting tissue in the heart of the mammal. Jt will be observed that there is none of this tissue between the sinoauriculo- and auriculoventricular nodes. the study of polysphygmograms (page 273), of electrocardiograms (page 266), and of observations on the heart during heart-block (page 270). Our problem therefore narrows itself down to determining the exact point of the right auricle at which the beat originates. l III PH\ ill HI 1-7 SITE OF ORIGIN OF THF BEAT The working hypothesis from which w< problem is thai the beal orig in the ! t<> [»ul this to the ■■ irious methods have 1 1 \\ or < ling "i- injuring tin- node and nol Such procedu eatly affi produce no change when applied i«» other pari I »■ termination of tin comparative rhythmic i" diflfere the auricular walls. II I in tl from the region of the i n »< l.-. Determination ometric <• u r\ es of the relal ion of tl impulse 1 1 nil t h. ^<- methods the resull in the sinoauricular node, bu1 on tance in connection \\ ith the ii man. it is particularly with the resull of the third that \\ >• w ill concern «>ir Evidence Furnished by Studying the Current of Action Which Accompanies the Heartbeat start with, it is .-ssriitial that w >- ma ith nethods employed Th< follov s w | en a • ction p mediately preceded by a change in electrical pol detected bj means • 1\ anometi I with 1 ailed nonpolarizable electro I and must nol \ ibl to p i nerallj in use toda; Einthovi n. h <\ from 1 1 ployed in physical laboratories in that tin through a foil of w in Bilverized quartz thread ^i^ i in tl .■xists between tin- two opp The Btring is thus surrounded on all • j innui ending betv e< n tin- tun: v. small, p tring, it wi OM n. ami tli. - ith tl W ill cans.- the st i ■ light, ami i* ted on .i mo\ in _ suitable holdi I in plac< 1SS 'NIK CIKCt'LATION OF Till-: BLOOD trie currents set up by the contact of metal with the saline constituents of the muscle juices. If avc connect a galvanometer by means of nonpolarizable electrodes with two parts of a denervated muscle (the curarized sartorius of the frog), it will be found that a current is sot up whenever a wave of con- traction passes over the muscle from one end to the other. The part which first contracts becomes electrically negative to the rest of the muscle, l»ut as the wave of contraction passes along it, the "negativity" de- creases at the end at which the wave started until, when the wave has reached the middle of the strip, neither end of the muscle shows any difference in potential, so that the string comes back to a position of rest. However, as the contraction wave reaches the farther end of the muscle, this lead in turn becomes negative, and the string swings in the d If- Fig. 54. — Diagram to illustrate the development and spread of the wave of negativity in a strip of muscle (curarized sartorius) when stimulated at the end (/'). The shaded portions show the position of the negativitv. The portion of the curve drawn by the deflections of the galvanom- eter at each stage are shown at the right (a, b, c, and d) . (After Lewis.) opposite direction (Fig. 54). From this comparatively simple experiment it can be seen that a muscular contraction wave arises at the electrode which is negative first, and that the movement of the string of the galvanometer is most marked — that is, the deflection is greatest — when the two electrodes are applied at the extreme ends of the muscle. When they are brought closer together, the initial deflection becomes much less marked; in other words, the amplitude of the negative wave is greatest when the time interval between the receipt of the excitation at the two contacts is greatest. The application of these facts t" the study of the initiation of the heat in the auricle requires that we should consider another proposition: namely, if a pair of contacts are arranged in the center of a circular sheet of muscle and the edge of this sheet is stimulated at different Mil I'll i he amplitude "i deflection pair <•: etH « ill t points of stimulation, for under 1 1 itesl possible difTe the wave to reach eacl ntacl Bearing I principles in mind, we may i I When tv <> eh applied ;it difl ricle, the amplitudi In I bj each heartbeal i« .vhen the lit trodes m the iricular i make I movemenl of the string musl be pi iphed in the n described, the resulting tracing being called '■ the experiments with the circular sheet of m lluded to thai the Rtimulus i<» produce this resull musl havt borhood of ' he nod< 2 I f one elect her electrode is moved aboul from i»' auricle, the deflection being noted on the node ^n ill always be found to I This, however, will nol !»•■ the I both ele ..ii other parts of tl><- auricli \ shall Bee immediately, the current In-art may be re 'ded bj connecting a galvam of the body; for exampli the righl fore limb and I limb. <>n the eleel liogram thus obtained a of w hich, «-all<'r th< diHtorted although the other w \ B taking eh <>n the auricle and i limb lead tal the tin lship t>. tin' r ■ 190 Tin: < n;< i lation ok tiii: blood when one electrode is over the upper end of the sinoauricular node, and thai in other regions of the auricle it always appears at a later interval. Further details on this subject will be found in the papers by Eyster and Meek8 and in Lewis monographs. Frequently, in taking electrocardiograms from different parts of the auricle, it is found tli.it cci tain of the curves show small waves of positivity below the line of equal potential preceding the main wave of negativity. These initial deflections are most marked when both the electrodes are far removed from the sinoauricular node — for ex- ample, when they are placed on the auricular appendix; but they are never present when Fig. 55. — Simultaneous electrocardiograms to show the cause for extrinsic deflections. The upper curves are from the appendix and the lower ones from lead II. The chief or intrinsic deflection (Tn) is seen to disappear in the right-hand appendix electrocardiogram, because the base of the appendix has been crushed. The extrinsic deflection (Ex) remains, as do the ven- tricular deflections (J1 J"-). (From Lewis.) one of the electrodes is placed on the sinoauricular node itself. In other words, curves taken from leads at a distance from the sinoauricular node are more or less composite in form, being made up partly of the main deflection due to the arrival of the excitation and partly of the secondary deflections dependent upon extrinsic influences acting on the electrodes; that is, the electrode picks up electric discharges from distant areas of muscle while these are in a condition of contraction (Fig. 55). From these considera- tions it follows that the intervals between the intrinsic and extrinsic deflections should be longest in leads that are farthest from the node, and gradually become less as one of the contacts approaches the node, until over this structure the ex- trinsic deflection is no longer recorded. Such has been found to be the case. (Lewis.) CHAPTER XXII Till. PIH SIOLOGY OF THE HEAR*] BE \ I I THE ORIGIN AND PROPAGATION OF THE EEAT (Cont'd) — FIBRILLATION Mode of Propagation in the Auricles Prom the mass of evidence we have little doubl that tl originates in the sinoauricular node, and the vidence Beem rmer uniforml) the musculai The methods emp d atta< the \m th..sr described abo the other tin- indin cl In I placed on the aurii auricular node The I \\ 1» i«*li th< <-<»ir -h pair u hich is ]»• 192 Till CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD rately determined Erom the galvanometric record. The exact distance be- tween the contact and the sinoauricular node is then measured and from the data the average transmission time is estimated. From his results Lewis' concludes thai the transmission rates are uniform from the node to all parts of the auricle, a\ it li the exception of the superior vena cava. in which the rate is considerably lower. One thousand millimeters per second represents very fairly the average rate at which the excitation wave travels. On the other hand, Eyster and Meek8 state that the wave is propagated throughout the sinus node, and that it spreads to the contiguous vena? cava? and to the auriculoventricular node with con- siderable rapidity, reaching the mouth of the superior vena cava in 0.01 second, whereas its passage to the auricle itself takes 0.02 second. There is therefore a delay in the passage of the wave to the auricle, which indi- cates that the excitation must spread to the auriculoventricular node be- fore involving the right atrium. These authors conclude that "this leads to the inevitable conclusion that the cardiac impulse spreads to the ven- tricle and to the right auricle by different paths, and does not pass to the ventricle through the auricle, as ordinarily stated." In the second, or indirect, method, the onset of the negative wave from different leads in the auricle is compared against a standard. For the standard Eyster and Meek have used the record of the mechanical sys- tole of the auricle, but the interpretation of the result is extremely dif- ficult on account of the rate at which the changes are occurring. Lewis, on the other hand, has used the standard electrocardiogram for purposes of comparison. Mode of Propagation of the Beat to the Ventricles After reaching the auriculoventricular node, the beat is transmitted to the ventricles along the auriculoventricular bundle — a fact which has been most clearly demonstrated by the experiments on // cart-block. We have al- ready seen (page 174) that although each chamber of the heart of a turtle or frog has a rhythm of its own, this is much more pronounced at the venous end of the heart, and when the transmission of the beat to the ventricles from the auricles is obstructed or blocked, as by compression or partial cutting at the auriculoventricular junction, the ventricles, after coming to a standstill for a time, subsequently contract with a rhythm which is entirely independent of that of the auricles. In the mammalian heart the same results may be obtained by arrang- ing a clamp so that it compresses practically nothing but the auriculo- ventricular bundle (Erlanger.) If the compression is extreme, the rhythm of the ventricles is finite independent of that of the auricles, but if it is only partial, the ventricular systoles follow regularly every sec- I 111 fir. \ 01 i HI in IBTBJ a l ond, third, or fourth auricular contraction, i rach a eompleto partial heart-block has been instituted, tin- clamp ii rem t will usually be found thai the heart-block disapp< and the auri ventricular contractions fall back into their usual sequence The im- portance of tliis discovery, apart from its physiological in the fad thai it is exactly duplicated in < tracing of the radial artery is compared with »f the jugulai iu certain types of heaii disease, it will be found thai tin- auric ing two or three times more quickly than the venti In man] thesi - it has I a t*iiiunl on autopsy that definite lesions often litic iu nature involve the auriculoventricular bundle, In however, such lesions have no1 been disc mes the bun< is v,, severely diseased thai the block is complete, the venti tracting quite independently of the auricle Stokes-Adams Bynd In Buch cases it is assumed thai the 1 » « - ; 1 1 originates in the uninjured p of the bundle below the seat of the block. It should be pointed "ut h< however, thai all cases of slow pulse in the arterii not i rily dependenl upon heart-block, but may depend upon a slow l.. auricle itself. This is called bradycardia. 9 imetimes after complete destruction of the auriculoventricular bun- die the heat continues to he transmitted to the ventricle, and con this transmission has sometimes been observed to he upset by l< not affecting the bundle. The explanation of both of th< ceptional suits almosl certainly is that the righl lateral connection described •_r'- 1M the main pathway of transmission for t> TIm- facility of conduction through the auriculoventricular bundle suhjeet to alteration hy the impulses passing to it ah. particularly the left vagus. I! can also be altered bj certain dr especially digitalis ami Btrophanthin. The clear demi ion that it is along this bundle that the heat is transmitted is strong evidence i' of tli.- myogenic hypothewa 1T1 concerning tin heai-the.it. hut it does not m ly disprove the m . for histological investigation lias shown that tin- bun< surrounded by an intimate plexus of nerve fib< Spread of the Beat in the Ventricle After the impulse lias been transmitted by the bui tricles, it Bpn the many branches into whicl the two main divisions of this huinl rate, ventricular musculatn ruination of these brand • papillarj m contrad before -t "t" Ihe mnselo of ti 194 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD significance in connection with their function of tightening the chorda1 tendineae so as to prevenl any bulging of the flaps of the auriculoven- tricular valve into the auricles when, at the beginning of the presphygmic period, the high intraventricular pressure is brought to bear on their under surfaces. After starting at this point in the ventricle, the con- traction wave seems to spread farther through the ventricular muscle at a fairly uniform rate. Investigation of this problem by means of the galvanometer has been technically a very difficult matter, and the details of the researches by Lewis and his pupils have not as yet been published in full. According to the preliminary communications at hand, however,3'1 it appears that, Fig. 56. — Diagram of experiment by Lewis showing the times at which the excitation wave appeared on the front of the heart relative to the upstroke of R in lead II. R.A., right appen- dix; D.B.L., descending branch of left coronary artery. (From Thomas Lewis.) when nonpolarizable electrodes are placed at various parts of the outer aspect of the ventricle, and comparison made of the moments at which the cardiac impulse arrives, as judged by the appearance of the excita- tion wave relative to R in a standard electrocardiogram, it has been Pound that the time of arrival bears no relationship to the anatomic ar- rangement of the muscle bundles of the ventricle. It arrives early and simultaneously over an area of the surface near the anterior attachment of the wall of the right ventricle. It arrives late at the base of the right ventricle and in the part near the posterior intraventricular groove. Histological examination lias shown that the branches of the right division of the auriculoventricular bundle are most closelv connected with the ill I'll, M place w here the ai ri\ i hat d obtained from tin- left ventricle, bu n the) lependcnt uj relationship of the part to the Pnrkinje til" l FIBRILLATION OF THE HEART Ventricles 'I'lif e> <-n Bpread of the w a-, i I ion o the uniform excitabilitj of the muscular fibers If lar til'tis. or bundles "t' I tabilit; others, then, when the Btimulua I atracl arrives, it will not p a oniform contraction of neighboring bundles, and ccord the cardiac musculature will '-ri\<- place t.» a confused mo I in \\ 1 each pari of the In-art is contracting independent^ of tl • Uation, or delirium cordis, as it is called, can be p variety of experimental methods, rach, for exam] timulat the ventricles with induced electric Bho r bj branch of the coronary artery, or by the injection of lycopodium circulation, or by mechanical stimulation of thi in the region of the auriculoventricular bundle. Fibrillation of the ventricles is undoubtedly a common in man, for of course the confused movements make the venl - in- capabh ting on the <-<>iitfnts of the In-art. It is which can probably never I"- recovered from in the higher anims it is of ii .'■ thai the ease with which it is s.-t up . application of an electric stimulus va a marked in . Cut ■ 1 that, w In alternating current produces ventricular fibril tin* lower animals, at least in t; doI do in produced by a u • ly. ho 196 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD the central nervous system, so that the method of applying stronger cur- rents, even were it feasible to do so quickly enough, would be of no therapeutic value in removing fibrillation. The disappointing results that have followed the repeated attempts to resuscitate persons killed accidentally by electric shocks is undoubt- edly dependent upon the fact that in the heart of man it is impossible to bring back the normal beat after the ventricles have been thrown into fibrillation. Fibrillation of the ventricle is also the cause of the sudden cardiac failure occurring when blood clots or emboli cause a blockage of the coronary circulation (it is sometimes the cause of angina pec- toris, for example). It must also be remembered in clinical practice that mechanical stimulation of the ventricles may produce fibrillation, so that in attempted resuscitation by cardiac massage care should be taken not to apply this too vigorously. Auricles Although ventricular fibrillation is seldom recovered from, it has been clearly shown in recent years that fibrillation of the auricles is relatively common and that it is by no means immediately fatal. Indeed it is one of the most common of the chronic cardiac disorders in man. Auricular fibrillation can be produced experimentally by the application of a strong electric stimulus to the auricles. If, however, a weaker stimulus is applied, the auricles do not go into typical fibrillation, but come to beat at a very rapid and regular rate, perhaps three or four hundred a minute. This condition is called "auricular flutter," and is quite fre- quently observed in the clinic. The influence of auricular fibrillation and flutter- on the beat of the ven- tricle is an extremely important one in connection with the irregular- ities of the heart observed in man, and this influence in most cases is explained by considering (1) the narrowness of the path (in the auric- uloventricular bundle) along which the impulses have to travel, and (2) the varying conditions of excitability of the ventricular muscle, depend- ing upon the existence of the refractory phase (page 180). In auricular flutter, when three or four hundred impulses per minute are passing along the bundle to the ventricle, the contraction produced by the first one will scarcely have started before the second and imme- diately succeeding ones arrive, so that the ventricle will beat at a rate that is much less than that of the auricle, and a condition simulating heart-block Mill become established. The characteristic feature which distinguishes this from true heart-block, however, is the fact that the ventricular rate is above normal, whereas in true heart-block the rate is much below normal. By means of the electrocardiogram or by •mi PHI polysphygroographic tracing ting \\ ith |" ilarity all In auricular fibrillation I y « ill gular rate to the impulses transmitted contractions, if examined by the methods al Further details of the met hi will be ; later CHAPTER XXI 1 1 THE BLOODFLOW IX THE ARTERIES THE PULSES Returning to the physical laAvs that govern the circulation of the blood, "\ve may now consider the temporary changes produced in the bloodfloAV in the arteries by each systolic discharge. These changes go under the general term of the pulses, of "which three may be distinguished: (\) the pressure pulse, or the pulsatile increase of pressure produced by each heartbeat (see page 127) ; (2) the velocity pulse, or pulsatile accel- eration of velocity; and (3) the palpable pulse, or the pulsatile expansion of the Avails of the blood vessels produced by the sudden change of blood pressure in their interior. The general characteristics of the three pulses are the same, certain features being however more pronounced in one than in another. General Characteristics Rate of Transmission of Pulse Wave. — The rate of transmission of the pulse wave can be determined by taking simultaneous tracings of the pulses from two far distant parts of the arterial system along with accurate time-tracings. From records (cf. Fig. 98) taken from the apex or the carotid and radial arteries Ave can determine how long it takes for the beginning of the pulse wave to travel to the radial artery from the point in the aorta from whieh the carotid artery springs. We shall find that it takes about one-tenth of a second, which, considering the length of the artery involved, Avould Avork out as a transmission Aelocity of about seATen meters per second or about seA'enteen miles an hour. The pulse therefore travels along the blood A-essels at a much greater speed than the blood itself is moving, this being, as Ave shall see immediately, about 0.5 meters per second in the larger blood A-essels. The pulse is a Avave of sudden increase in pressure and velocity pass- ing along a stream whieh is floAving in the same direction Avith a cer- tain more permanent pressure and velocity. A simple physical experi- ment may serve to make this clear: If the first of a row of billiard balls be tapped Avith the cue, the end balls Avill fly off Avhile the others are moving slowly along in the direction of the stroke. Bach ball becomes accelerated by the ball behind it, and imparts ils influence to the ball I'.IS I lit , in front. In other w ords, a pulsati by a pulsatile change in ; b polae wave going in the lame directioi eolomn of tlui'"• uch ti rh <■-! at the periphery of th< red from the beginnii Ti ber, for it is a common mistake to think <>t' tl one. The determination of the length of the pub* following equation: L YT. wher< I. equals thi wave, V i' city of transmission, ai d T ita d n in the artery. Under ordinary circumstances L would usually from ■"- 25 to A 5 metei The rate of transmission of the pulse rigidity of the walls of the arteries To undersl why ti it -vx ill l»f w.-ll for a momenl to consider the physical condil upon which the pulse wave de] I tube with th<- nozzl< large syringe, with each m< ton a wave of pressure will be transm which it will travel at such a high ty thai it will i end of the tube almost instantaneously, and ii flow of fluid from I ■ the tube with each c pump will l>t \ equal to thai ted by the d piston It", on the other hand, an ••' 1. ii found thai the Budden ii i the pump causes a distention of the wall i wave at a readil surabh ible the tube of the tube will continue incut of the pump. Whal happens in the ,:il»- will the fluid is that the portion which is imn uini distention and, being elastic, I >il and thus • -<'il pi • ^ult. pressun that tra\ el bl me tn a stop tw tra\ el distally act on ii«l in and by temporarily raisii sel w all, until the i (ion it is clear thai th< • he longer « ill it ' riul t" 1 1 200 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD Alteration in the rate of transmission of the pulse wave in the arter- ies of man depends entirely upon an application of these principles. When the arteries become hardened in old age, the rate of transmission of the pulse wave is markedly increased. The pulse is also transmitted more rapidly in the vessels of the lower extremities than in those of the upper, since in the former the blood vessels are somewhat more rigid. Delay in the transmission of the pulse wave is further observed as one of the signs of aneurism in a vessel; as is well known, aneurism of the subclavian artery on one side causes a delay of the pulse on that side that is perceptible to the fingers. The Contour of the Pulse Curves For more particular study of the exact contour of the pulse wave, and especially for determining the time relationships of the secondary waves, Fig. 57. — Diagram of Chauveau's dromograph. a, tube for introduction into the lumen of the artery, and containing a needle or vane, which passes through the elastic membrane in its side and moves by the impulse of the blood current; c, graduated scale for measuring the extent of the oscillations of the needle. a large variety of methods of varying degrees of accuracy have been elaborated for each kind of pulse. Those devised for measuring the pressure pulse have already been de- scribed (see page 127), and for the other pulses they are as follows: Velocity Pulse. — Much ingenuity has been displayed in the elabora- tion of methods for recording the velocity pulse. In one of these the artery is cut across and the ends attached to a tube, into the lumen of which projects a paddle or vane articulated with a light lever, which passes through its wall (see Fig. 57). The vane floats in the blood stream, and the outer end of the lever to which it is attached is con- nected with some device to record its movements, which vary with the velocity of bloodflow (hemodromograph). Another method consists in the application of the instrument known as Pitot's tube used by phys- icists. This consists of a horizontal tube having two side tubes, each of 1 1 1 1 I i I 201 which is conn< inside tin- horizontal tube, v. sn that the inner <-ii'l of one of 1 a j c D ■ '/ » '. *>* ; Btream, and record duced by the Budd 202 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD other — the distal lube — being bent down stream, records merely lateral pressure. A photographic record of the movement of the iluid in the two tubes gives the velocity pulse (see Fig. 58). For physiologic pur- poses the form of apparatus used is constructed as shown in Fig. 59. Palpable False. — To secure a record of the palpable pulse, the so- called spliygmograph is employed, although a tambour having a button in the center which is made to press on the artery may also be em- ployed. The commonest form of spliygmograph is that known as Dudgeon's (Fig. 60). It consists of a small button connected with a spring, the movements of which are transmitted and magnified by means of a S3rstem of levers connected with a writing point arranged so as to inscribe its movements on a moving surface. The Analysis of the Curve The general contour of the pulse waves taken by any of the above methods are in general very much the same. The pressure and velocity Fig. 61. — Pulse tracing (sphygmogram) taken by spliygmograph. a d, the period of the pulse curve; b, the primary; c, the dicrotic wave. Time marked in fifths of a second. (From Prac- tical Physiology.) pulse curves are, however, not usually taken for the purpose of observ- ing the contour of the wave but rather for measuring the difference in pressure or velocity actually produced during each pulse. It is a record of the palpable pulse that is usually employed for studying the contour of the wave and the presence of secondary waves. A record of the pal- pable pulse wave (Fig. 61) shows two separate waves on the descending limb of the main wave. If a large number of similar pulse curves are taken from different individuals or from the same individual under different conditions, it will be found that of these two waves the second one is by far the more constant; and if the waves are timed in relation- ship to the heart sounds, this second wave always occurs immediately after the second sound, allowance, of course, being made for the time required for the pulse to be transmitted from the heart to the artery from which the pulse tracing is being taken. If the observation is made very carefully, it can indeed be; shown that the second sound cor- responds exactly to Hie notch which precedes this wave. The waves that I 111. «)\\ |\ 1 HI. AICi precede this notch can not be related to d tin- heart Evidently, then, th< iry pu equal significance, by far the must important being that which immediately after tin- Becond sound, called tl •h in front of it being called the dicrotic no \ econd waves urring before the dicrotic . 1 1 1 •-« I j ur <>ii the ascending limb of the main pulse ' • sometii do, they are « • ; i II • * » L anacr Vi the di< called postdu The relative importance of the dicrotic, in comparison with tl.. dicrotic ami postdicrotic waves, is furtl • it alone is Been on a Bo-called hemataugram, which tained by allowing a fine stream of M 1. escaping from a pinhoh in the -\\ a 1 1 of an artery, to impinge upon a movii _ of white blot- ting paper. That such a tracing Bhowa a dicrotic but no s ndary wa indicates thai only the former is presenl in the bl that the "tip londary waves must be produced bj some arising either in the elastic tissue of the walls of the blood in the elastic propertii the instruments used for taking the p tracing. The Dicrotic Wave. Because of its obviously gri rnifican shall first of all consider the exact cause of tin- dicrotic wave and h preceding it. Theoretically, two possible - niigl * lain the wave: either it is due to some secondary wave set up at I or it is dependent upon wa- lected from the periphery of t; culation hack along the blood Btream, just sondary wavi fleeted from the walk of a tub of water when a stone is thrown in the center. In considering this s ml possibility, we art the assumption thai at the ends of th<- arterial ra then stance to the onward movemenl of blood, Tl [uent brand which ' urs when the arteriole '.pillar i many opportunitii ction of pull rt, hut these waves must be reflected at such varying the art. -rial system thai there can be little opportunity come added together so ;is m a wavi make itself p tible in the blood flowing in the wa\ relatively bo small and they occur ich different timi the lift result «>t" their addition, s«> • wavi oncerned, must 1>.- practically nil. Notv Biderations, it is possible thai under - i uses of high arterial tension, certain of th»> pred ma\ be 'hif d> tin- a! 204 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD Thai the dicrotic is not a reflected wave is clearly established by the fad that if the distance between the dicrotic wave and the main pulse wave is measured at different points of tbe arterial stream, it will al- ways be found to be the same, which obviously would not be the case were the dicrotic wave reflected. If, for example, we were to examine the contour of the wave produced by throwing a stone into a tub of water, we should find that near the edge the secondary wave was very close to the main wave, whereas near the center the secondary wave would occur much later. Our problem therefore narrows itself down to an investigation of the cause for the dicrotic wave at the central end of the circulation. It occurs, as we have seen, immediately after the beginning of diastole. That it can not be due to anything taking place in the ventricle itself is evidenced by the fact that such a wave is absent from an intracardiac pressure curve (see page 151), although it is present in the very begin- ning of the aorta. Now, the only structures existing between those two points which could be held responsible for this wave are the semilunar valves — a conclusion which is sustained by the fact that, if the aortic valves are rendered incompetent by hooking them back, or if the pulse beat is examined in patients suffering from an aortic insufficiency, it will be found that the dicrotic wave is not nearly so evident as usual. To understand how the valves are responsible for the production of the wave, the mechanical changes occurring at the root of the aorta must be clearly understood (see page 155). The stretching of the elastic walls of the aorta which occurs with each systolic outrush of blood is fol- lowed by a powerful and sudden contraction of the stretched walls, and the pressure thus brought to bear on the column of blood in the aorta tends to impel it both forward and backward. The forward movement adds itself to the wave of increased pressure already produced by the ventricular contraction. The backward component travels as far as the semilunar valve, from which it is reflected, and now proceeds peripher- ally along the blood stream during the time at which the original pres- sure pulse is declining. It therefore imprints itself on the pulse trac- ing as a separate wave, and does so all the more markedly when the decline in the main pulse wave is rapid, as in cases in which the periph- eral resistance is low, but fails to be prominent when, on account of a high peripheral resistance, the decline in the main pulse wave is tardy. This explanation coincides exactly with the well-known clinical fact that the dicrotic wave is conspicuous in pulses of low tension, but ill marked or absent in pulses of high tension. One point remains to be considered, and that is the cause for the sudden decline in the main wave at the cessation of the ventricular out- 'Mil:! put, for, it mighl I"- s.u.l in pressure Dear the heart, w hei the pressure between I •In- elastic recoil of the I usually is thai the Budden >■■ ventricle .'it tin- <-n\\ ing under pn denly arrested by turning a Btopcock, it i> p I to bIkw that a negative w a up in Btopcock, and thai this negative i depending on th<- elasticit Is. Causes for Disappearance of the Pulse in the Veins The disappearai of the pulse in the capilli absence in the veins we have already Been t< influeni •) lasticity of the vessel walls and the r anci I ' accounl of these tw< blood during bj - ed up t<> .1 during di tched vessi - through tn the veins, either because tl marked, or because the dilatation . In patients with hardened art< als after taking nitrite, which dilates the i nut) come through at the peripherj and appear in t! i called the peripheral venous p ind it guished from the cenl ral at the I the neck, i transmission of the auricular blood in the veins. If a pulse is doubl . whether it i^ peripheral i tral in moved by local ia peri phi • will disappear on I it is central, on CHAPTER XXIV THE EATE OF MOVEMENT OF THE BLOOD IN THE BLOOD VESSELS Since the object of the circulation is to maintain an adequate move- ment of blood in the tissues and capillaries, it is evident that besides measuring the pressure of bloodflow, we should also measure the rate of its movement, or, a.s it is often called, the mean velocity. This measure- ment may be undertaken either for a given vessel or for a complete vascular area, such, for example, as that of one of the viscera or one of the extremities — the mass movement of the blood. Or instead of measuring the mean velocity we may desire to know how long it takes for a particle of blood to traverse a given vascular area. Such a meas- urement is called the circulation time; it does not at all tell us how long it takes for all the blood to pass through the given area, but only, as stated, the time required for the circulation of a fraction of the blood through a particular field. VELOCITY OF FLOW IN A VESSEL Special methods have been devised for the measurement of each of these three velocities. For the measurement of the velocity of flow through a main artery or vein, methods similar to those employed by hydraulic engineers are employed ; that is to say, the volume of blood, in cubic centimeters, which passes a given point is measured for ; given time, and the result divided by the cross section of the vessel at the point of observation. The result gives us the mean lineal velocity. To measure the outflow of blood in a given time, the simplest method would be to cut across the vessel and collect the blood in a graduate, but obviously in this method an error would be introduced, because cutting the vessel would loAver the peripheral resistance and remove the natural obstruction to the flow present in the intact animal. Moreover, the hemorrhage would in itself introduce a disturbing factor on account of the loss of circulating fluid. To make such measurements of any value, it is obviously necessary to retain the peripheral resistance. For smaller vessels 1 his can be done by introducing in the course of the artery a long glass lube bent in the 20G nl M((\ i \li 207 Bhape "i the letter II '•>• merelj alia t<» bleed into b graduated tube and seeini the blood columi tn tr.-i\ el from one ei This mel i I value in measuring the velocity of flom from small \>-iii^ coming from glands and muscles For larf muhr is employed. There are numerou tromuhr; I Bhown in the diagram Ludwig'c Pig. 62 \ liull»s united above, and com ted below with tubes that open flush with the surface of ;i brass disc This is pivoted at its center with another similar platform also having flush w itli the surface the opening nected with the <-ut ends of tin' artery or vein. In a certain p tli«' platform, the tubes from the artery <>r vein are < those of the bulbs, bo thai the blood can i1<>\\ from one end of ,; • ' * 1 ( I ;. ■ •i(jtl thr i on l fluiih •lood id. through tin' Imllis to the other end. To us< strumei I mal bulb is filled with <>il and the peripheral one with pin The clip is then removed from the central end of ti flows in and «li- the oil, which in turn d peripheral end of the artt i • \\ the tube joining the two bulbs, the instruim thai the oil is broughl bac in into ti being effected bo quickly that 1 1 flow 'i'; pci ition is I in tli Count ii - juratel) the numb< number of rei olut ioi h bj ti 208 THE CIRCULATION OF TllE BLOOD centimeters the amount of blood that has flowed through the instrument in a definite unit of time. This gives us the volume flow and, if the result is divided by the cross section of the vessel in square centimeters, we obtain what is known as 1he mean lineal velocity. Many modifica- tions have been made of this instrument, but it is unnecessary to go into them here. The general result of such measurements has been to show that the lineal velocity is inversely proportional to the cross section of the vesisel at the point of observation. It is obvious that the volume of blood flowing out of the heart to the aorta in a given time is exactly equal to that flowing into it by the vena cava, and likewise that the volume flowing into an organ is exactly equal to that which flows out. Conse- quently the lineal velocity will be inversely proportional to the sec- tional area of the vessel. The principle is the same as that which gov- erns the velocity of flow of a stream: when the bed is narrow, the cur- rent is swift, but it becomes sluggish when the bed is wide. If the arteries were of the same caliber as the veins, the mean velocity of the bloodflow through the two would be the same, but actually it is much greater in the arteries because the lumen of these at a given point in the circulation is only from one-third to one-half that of the corresponding vein. It must be understood that we are dealing above with the mean velocity in a unit of time, and that there must be considerable alteration with each systole and diastole, constituting the velocity pulse (page 200). The degree of this alteration with each velocity pulse is much less at the periphery of the circulation than near the heart. As the periphery is reached, the flow becomes more uniform. It must further be re- membered that, although the mean velocity depends essentially upon the area of the vascular bed, yet it is subject to considerable variations as a result of changes either in the force or rate of the heartbeat or in the facility of outflow from the ends of the arterial system — that is, changes in peripheral resistance. It is usually stated that the mean lineal velocity in the carotid artery is about 300 millimeters per second; and in the jugular vein, about 150 millimeters; whereas in the capillaries, where the total area of the vascular bed has become enormously increased, being perhaps some 800 times that of the aorta, the velocity of flow is only about half a milli- meter per second. MASS MOVEMENT OF THE BLOOD IN A VASCULAR AREA Methods. In considering the bloodflow or mass movement of the olood in the different regions of the body, it is usually more practical to BATE <»K M0\ nut tin- mean lineal blood, I >i it rather li"\\ many cubic the pari per 100 grai nenta may 1"- i ■ i .- 1 • 1 « - in n \ m iel i and one rein to the part, the Btromuhr n it ma) be inserted in either I - - - 1 i ^ 1 1 i measuring '!!<■ mass movemenl of M 1 tl • the liver, ilii-> is indeed the only method that can be >muhr being inserted either in th urse of tl ]>ati«- arteries, or, i still, in the jus! : of the hepatic \rin, the vena cavs being shut utT for a i the liver and the heart and the M I, as it \\>< allowed < Heel in the Btromuhr. For "t: ••, methods which 1< may be employed ' h f these is th< \ rgan, Buch kidney, is enclosed in a p mograph (see page 230 and \\ 1 1 i 1 < • a iribed on a quickly revolving drum, the Idenly with the result thai the kidney volume expands in proportion mass of bl 1 flowing into it. When tl tain degree, the clamp is removed and the bloodflow i sue its course It is then an easj matter, by graduating tl mograph, to determine how many cubic centime flowed into the organ in the given tin I avoid Beriou in the tissue, the clamp musl be applied to the vein for only tl od of time Tins method may also be employed for i bloodflow through the extremities Thus, it" the arm plethysmograph l"i'_r 63 and a band encircling the arm i plethys graph is tightei to constrict th< terit rate at « InVli tin- volu m w ithin I expands will correspond to tl.. which M 1 is flowii Hewlett Por the purpose of i I flow through the upp emities, a much d ^ St( art Tl depends on the principle that, pi •u the thorax »■» the hands "r U el i w hieh h< I proportional ■ |y for the method, tl ■ if the temperature in tl ature 210 THE t'IK( ll.ATlox ()K THE BLOOD lose heat to the environment until the outflowing or venous blood is at exactly the same temperature as the environment; for example, if the hand is placed in water that is a little cooler than that of the blood, and the temperature of the blood in one of the large veins of the hand is measured, it will be found to be the same as that of the water in the water-bath. To measure the rate of flow, therefore, we must ascertain: (1) how much heat has been given out by the part to the water surrounding it in a given time, and (2) the difference in temperature of the inflowing (arterial) and outflowing (venous) blood. We measure the amount of Fig. 63. — Plethysmograph for recording volume changes in the hand and forearm. By observ- ing the rate with which t lie volume increases when the arm is compressed, the mass movement of the blood can be determined. (From Jackson.) heat given out to the water in calories, a calorie being the amount of heat required to raise 1he temperature of 1 c.c. of water from 0° C. to 1° C. Suppose, for example, a hand were placed in 3,000 c.c. of water at 33° C, and that after ten minutes the temperature had risen to 33.5° C, then the amount of calories given out would be 3,000x0.5= 1500. Since calories equal cubic centimeters multiplied by change in temperature, it follows that if we divide the figure representing them by the actually observed difference in temperature between inflowing and outflowing blood, the result must equal the number of cubic centimeters of blood that has flowed through the part. The temperature of the in- flowing blood has been found to be practically identical with that of the mouth mull-! hi I. an all water during the i ime t lial I tails of i he teeli m| • i sain I 111 will be equal to thai done in raising thi heighl ponding t" the mean pr< millimeters of mercury, which would i column "t* blood 1,755 meters high l " IT".", nun l> meter , tin- work «l<>n.- I>v th<> lefl ventricli kilogram-meters in one minute, or in tw< Four h< 00 kilogram meters. The v. ork done by the rigl about one-third thai of the left, this being aboul tin sures in the two chambers The total work of the I ■ aboul 14000 kilogram meters This pep Is an enormoi of work; indeed it has been computed that it is of 70 kilograms to aboul twice the heigl v York. The work thus expended in forci capillaries 1 omes converted 1>.\ friction in the small bl •. the heat equivalent of the above amount of work tx aboul 350 color 1 THE CIRCULATION TIME The circulation time, or the time taken by a drop of bl 1 between two points in the circulation, can n labo I animals by a variety of methods, all depending on the pri how long it takes for a drop of Borne substance injected into an appear in the corresponding vein. For example, to determine tl taken for a drop of blood to pass from the jugular vein int< artery in a rabbit, a solution of methylene blue in isotonic saline is in- jected into the former vessel and the moment i tin- walls of the artery determined b) a stop-watch. It" the walls , thick to admil of the employmi this method, a \ iolution sodium chloride may be substituted for the methyleni ment of its appearance at another poii lulation d< I ing tl itrical conductivity of the ductivity of a blood v< la partly on I trolytes in the blood flowing through it. tin- mon solution, appears will be ind I b\ a I ' 1 1 ich methods, it has I.. • ,ml tl circulation is ven short compared with that of tl In a rahl.it it is usually a little less than I • 1 dog of about 12 kil it is computed to 1"- about I filiation tiiin> iii BUcIl L'l I THE CIRC1 LiATlON OF THE BLOOD and more susceptible than that of the Lungs to different conditions of temperature. In a dog in which the pulmonary circulation lime was about 8.5 seconds, that of the spleen was about 11 seconds, and of the kidney about 17. 5 seconds. The shortesl circulation time of all is of course thai in the coronary artery, bu1 that through the retina can not fall far behind it. To determine tin total circulation linn-, we must know: ( 1 ) the average amount of blood passing by each pari in a given time, and (2) the average circulation time of each part. Prom such computations, which however are obviously subject to considerable error, it has been reckoned that the total circulation time in man must lit1 somewhere between 1 and 1.25 minutes. MOVEMENT OF BLOOD IN VEINS Before leaving this part of our subject, a few words may be said con- cerning the forces cone* rn< t" t i perhaps a constriction of tin- bl I THE NERVE CONTROL OF THE HKA! \T The VagQfl Control With regard to the cot alread that the ctrtth heart t«> quicken and the arterial bl I stimulation of the peripheral • come bIom ed, if n<»t rtopped all I ' ■•• thr more detailed in irt, it is i imenl w hich, for <»1>\ rious a COld-blooded animal. BUCl be performed in mammals pro> id( The general effect of the vagus in although apparent dif portal ' he differenl pai gation of the heartbi The Cold Blooded Heart I turtle nerve h • ■ tract in the a< iii|»an\ ;• is a w eakening of 1 1 the ventricle I Buricular b< mw hile t! \ it would seem • 2 1 8 THE CIRCULATION OF THE i'.LUOD but strengthens the ventricular beat. It is clear, however, that the strengthening of the ventricular beat is merely due to the fact that the cavity has become better filled with blood during diastole as a result of the slowing of the auricle. These results indicate, then, that with weak stimulation the vagus exerts its direct influence only on the auricle. If Fig. 64. — Simultaneous tracings from auricle and ventricle of turtle's heart. Between the crosses the vagus was stimulated, with the effect that the auricular beat diminished in force but not in frequency, while the ventricular beats were practically unaffected. (From Howell's Physiology.) the stimulation is strong enough both auricles and ventricles cease to beat altogether, and if the stimulus is maintained, the inhibition may go on for a very long time (Fig. 65). Usually, even though the stimulus is maintained the heart begins to Fig. 65. — Effect of vagus stimulation on heart of turtle. Note the after effect of augmentation. beal again after a time, at first only occasionally but gradually more rapidly. This is known as escapement, and it indicates that the energy pent uj> in the bearl during the vagus inhibition has at last overcome the inhibiting influence of the nerve, which is meanwhile becoming fatigued. All of these results could be quite satisfactorily explained on the assumption that the action of the vagus is confined to the sinus, which, it will be reu heart Then the rhythm of the venti icl< It i from thes< ts thai I fi II it II pint I ' In 1 1 lil n tl ;i partial block is institute >\ in the lu t w een tin- auric i i \ pnti auricular beal and may i the tracing reproduced in I U lmw .-\ it. that und( in conditions t; rather than deei H .1H»^H\M\\\\l\M,\i\r.i\\mmi\u\^,,,>i;'' I he i ricular junction ; that w hen .1 clamp • he \ enl ricl< '■■*•! usual stimulation I"-. te distinctly dowed, m respond to the auricula uenl l ted ti j important w .. ahortlj II ■ 220 Till: CIRC1 I.ATION OF THE BLOOD auriculoventricular junction and on the ventricle remains. After the atropinization, vagus stimulation delays the transmission of beat from auricle to ventricle and shortens the time of each beat in the ventricle. Tt Mas further found that by the local application of atropine various parts of the ventricle can be rendered irresponsive to the influence of the vagus and the effects of this nerve on the form of the cardiogram modified at will. These results have an important bearing in the in- terpretation of the cause of the T-wave of the electro-cardiogram which will be referred to later. Mines' results show that the proba- ble explanation is that the T-wave is due to the greater duration of the excitatory state at the base than at the apex, for by altering the relative duration of this state at base and apex by the above methods, he could cause the T-wave to appear or disappear. The direct excitability of the heart muscle to external stimuli is also depressed during vagus stimulation. This effect is, however, not evi- I'ig. 67. — Tracing lo show that vagus stimulation may facilitate transmission from auricles to ventricles. It shows the effect of right vagus stimulation on heart-block produced in the turtle by a clamp. Upper tracing records ventricle; lower tracing, auricles. Weak faradization of the right vagus nerve beginning at A affected the degree of block only at T > when a lengthened period between auricular contractions caused a single ventricular contraction. At B stronger faradiza- tion of the same nerve produced marked slowing of the auricles, in consequence of which the block disappeared and the ventricles contracted after each auricular contraction. Block reappeared when the rate again became rapid. Initial auricular rate = 36 per minute. (From Garrey.) dent in the case of all hearts, but is seen in those of certain fishes (e. g., the eel). The Mammalian Heart. — The action of the vagus on the mammalian heart may be investigated either by exposing the heart and connecting the auricles and ventricle's with specially designed recording levers I myocardiograph), or if we desire to study the influence on the heart as a whole, by taking a blood-pressure tracing from one of the large arteries by means of a spring manometer. The results are in general similar to those observed on the frog or turtle heart, the main effects being de- veloped on the auricle. Considerable differences are found in the effect on the heart as a whole in different animals, particularly with regard to the facility with which escapement occurs. In the dog when the vagus is continuous!) Rtimulated, I long time, \\ hereas in th< by escapement. It' thi quently !"• obsei ed in ti iii!_' vagus stimulation it still remaining inhibited I f t 1 1 • - si imulation of lh< animal w hose blood pri only quickly • ir, bul w ill usual > because of the asphyxia w lii<-li inhibition Tl •• asph} xia n blood an!•ass This.- ,\ <-itl may !• triclea w hen uu- the left \ agui i n found I Tonic Villus Action I i 222 THE CIRCULATION OP THE KUxm increases when the continuity of the vagus nerve is broken either by cutting or by freezing a portion of nerve (Fig. 26). The effed is usually inconspicuous when one nerve only is cut, but in most mammals il be- comes quite marked when both arc cut. Change in the heart rain pro dneed by muscular effort is much more gradual in animals with marked vagus tone, such as hunting dogs, than in those with little vagus lone, as in domestic rabbits. The degree of vagus tone therefore bears a relation- ship to the staying power of the animal for prolonged muscular effort. It is usually ill developed in cold-blooded animals. It is quite marked in the case of man, as is evident on observing the heartbeat before and after giving a sufficient dose of atropine to paralyze the termination of the vagus in the heart. The exact location of the nerve cells thai form the center of discharg- ing impulses along the vagus fibers to the heart can not be made out with certainty, but they are no doubt part of the great motor nucleus (ambiguus), from which arise the fibers not only of the vagus but of the glossopharyngeal nerve. The tone of this vagus center is almost without doubt dependent upon the constant transmission to it along tlie sensory or afferent fibers of impulses coming from various portions of the body. According to the strength or number of these impulses, the tone may be increased or diminished, thus altering the rate of the- heart. It is possible of course that the tone can be maintained, independently of the afferent impulses, by the action on the center of chemical meta- bolic products or hormones produced in the cells or carried to them in the blood. We know at least that, like the respiratory center, that of the vagus is excitable by such hormones as the hydrogen-ion concen- tration of the blood. The tonicity of the vagus center is, however, mainly dependent upon the passage to it of afferent impulses, and as evidence for this conclusion may be cited the observation that, after section of most of the afferent nerves to the medulla (as by cutting the spinal cord high up in the cervical region), subsequent section of the tAvo vagi does not produce anything like the usual degree of change in the heart rate. The Afferent Vagus Impulses. — The afferent vagus impulses may come from practically any part of the body, having been first discovered by the simple experiment of tapping the abdomen of the frog with the han- dle of a scalpel, when slowing of the heart rale is observed. Cutting the vagi abolishes the reflex, (similar cardiac inhibition is produced by me- chanical stimulation of the tail or gills of an eel. Tn mammals stimula- tion of the central end of any sensory nerve usually slows the heart, though sometimes the opposite effect occurs. The pulmonary branches of the vagus are pai-ticularly sensitive in producing reflex inhibition, and distinct results are usually obtained: by stimulation of the termina- I III . tions "i* the fifth n< :is by inhaling ammonia rags in the phai :is when :i Substance nerves of the Rhdominnl nis center, as is seen in irril I aeh such aa urs in gasl riti» r by violent stimulation "i" tl men, or by irritation of the senso ehanical or because of die t-nt vagus stimulation is obtained bj the • 3 • i; i c tlomotor ■ in some individual Through which of these affei stimuli arc transmitted to tl tuiio, can not be said, although it In considering the cause for an ol must nt' course bear in mind irred, nol through the . but l center. Thus, when tin- heaii b mes qui< to diminution in tin- vagus tone along tl.-- bj mpathetic nen • reflex action through the augi mental conditio! been clei nerves are eul and the peripheral end • o as to hold the heaii at aboul ■ •i" eertaii ry nen es ma} ca i • sympathetic control <»t* the heart] important than control through t; it in. -ans that the BCtUS must : it the of th<- \ ;i epondi vation it it inaur* ample, for anj quick i bout n omptl moment that the s\ mi wititic influei u hen the knee joint •'• illljMlls. IIMllll' ■»**• ** the same moment inl muaclcfi • Nl-I 224 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD Several possibilities have to be kepi in mind when we attempt to determine the exciting cause for an observed change in the heart rate in ma>}. Thus, a slowing of the rate may be due to mechanical stimulation of the vagus trunk, as in pressure on the nerves by a tumor or aneurism in the neck. That such mechanical irritation may stimulate the vagus is easily demonstrated in many individuals by applying pressure to the vagus where it lies in the neck in front of the sixth cervical vertebra. Such pressure sometimes produces so profound an inhibition of the heart that temporary loss of consciousness occurs. It is often an unsafe ex- periment to perform. Change in the heart rate in man may be caused by direct stimulation of the vagus center, as by the presence of a tumor or a blood clot in the medulla, or by the action on the center of some unusual hormone in the blood. A general increase in intracranial pressure also stimulates the vagus center. The slowing of the heart which occurs in asphyxia might be due either to the action of hormones (hydrogen-ion concentration) in the blood as the result of the asphyxia, or to the increased intra- cranial pressure. That the latter is the more important cause is shown by the fact that, if the rise in blood pressure is prevented by connecting an artery with a mercury valve, — that is, with a tube dipping into a cylinder of mercury to a depth corresponding to the normal blood pressure, so that when the pressure tends to rise the blood escapes, — the slowing of the heart is not observed. The excitability of the afferent vagus fibers in the lungs is greatly increased during the earlier stage of chloroform administration. Finally it should be pointed out that, although we have no voluntary control of the activity of the vagus center, its activities are subject in great variation as a result of impulses transmitted from centers higher up in the cerebrospinal axis. It is by the operation on the vagus center of such impulses that changes in heart rate occur during emotional ex- citement, fright, etc. The increased heart rate in muscular exercise is probably dependent upon a number of causes, such as the irradiation of the motor impulses on to the cardiac centers (see page 412), the rise in temperature and changes in the hydrogen-ion concentration of the blood, etc. Mechanism of Action of Vagus on the Heart. — Physiologists have nat- urally been curious as to the exact manner in which the vagus nerve brings about inhibition of heart action. Similar inhibition as a result of stimulation of efferent nerves exists in the case of the dilator fibers to the bloo.l vessels (pa^e 234) and the sympathetic nerve to the intes- tine (page 407). Inhibition of voluntary muscles can be produced only through the central nervous svstem by stimulation of afferent nerves left Ant i .ftiqht An! inic foitai nouron Inf Vena cava Bi dd i Jr ,„ •< f» ' Sympathetic fibre* - tfo/ted /// I III I [ ■ . 1 L-' « - "II I ' for the inhibitory .-ml Hi" a CUl the anterior ro< of tin- latter w lnii thej ration \\ h i«li folio still produce inhibition o therefore be the factor u] hich t! is dependent. This l.a\ es l tli." hearl tructurea in rendered inhibitory in natui lias been conaidei ab ■ must be occurring in tin- I practically nothing that i- definiti ever, is that tin- electrical trodea from two portions of the auricl take th«' same direction \\ hen t i it takes when the motor nei lat. -.1 A positive instead of n negati Bince a negative variation is alv breakdou □ changes n i g in th< contraction, it is assumed tl illation of the vagus mut»1 ind a building up, or anabolic pn • ul. I fit in >tly \\ i t li • been held in standstill ime tii er after the inhibition • nis to ha • inhibition produced b] heart, bo that v The Manner of Termination of the VagU Fibers in ioart siilij.-.-t i- able pi In approachii ■ s tih.-i > belong • - periphi • al I which ganglionic medul .•••Us. become conm exisl '*■ known for I long ' in junction, at tl i 22G THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD auriculoventricular junction. The function of the ganglia is to serve as cell stations on the course of the vagus nerves. (Fig. 68.) Nicotine is a drug which in certain concentrations, if applied locally to sympathetic ganglia, specifically paralyzes the synapses between the ends of the preganglionic fibers and the cells from which the post- ganglionic fibers arise. If this drug is applied in a 1 per cent solution to the heart, stimulation of the vagus trunk no longer produces inhibi- tion, but if the stimulus is applied to a portion of the heart known as ^-a^A e$i4*t& tT$-*t£**>t*svoi- ^n the other hand, the I »i • to tin- auriculo> i turea are abundanl i - * results w hich follow Btimulatioi influence which the nen • the majority of i' I vagus i^ likely to produce slov stimulation of tin- lefl vagus is more I partial heart-block. < »ii account of tin- differ* lating the vagus, some air horiti< contain four kinds of ; each kind <>t' influence \\ hich tl ences are, it will In- remembered, on I propagation of the heartbeat, an. I !• is, however, almosl certainly unn< tinn, for the results can be ferenl dec "' stimulation exacl part of the ln-art to which tl ample, when the right vagus m I nly a diminution in thi • their rate, indicating thai I the auricular «i alls and i is increased a little, then both i indicating thai the Btimulus culature directlj and I Tin- Sympathetic Control Tin mpat I 1 as being exactly opp< the tih'-rs of thi y arise in the mamm upper thoracic portion of tl ponding spinal i the sympathi ain, up rvical ganglis \ til-. 228 THE CIRCULATION OK THE I'.LOOI) as postganglionic fibers, proceeding to the hearl through branches com- ing off from the stellate ganglion itself, or From the ansa subclavii <>r interior cervical ganglion. (Fig. 70). hi cold-blooded animals, such as the frog, the sympathetic fibers run up to the upper end of the cervical sympathetic and join the vagus immediately after it leaves the cranial cavity. They then proceed along with this uerve — forming the vago- sympathetic— to the heart. The effect of stimulation is shown in Fig. 71. The sympathetic nerve differs from the vagus in that a much longer la- tent period elapses before its influence becomes effective, and this persists for a much longer period after the stimulus is withdrawn. If the vagus U\j\jMimmn a ii ii i ii \J VJ vj U VJ M -n-wvtmuvvv mvvvivwhU-wuM**4*-yuM*>+vMVAM4VH4Vmumv*-v^»4^ A. »nu>UIU>l>»t»UMMll»M'>»Mlt>»n>>HW^Vt*^»l*UU>»U>>ll»>l>t>>l>>'>>>ll<»iM4-tV>->>t>ni>UUIUtVHVH»M4<^HU B. Fig. 71. — Tracings showing the effects on the heartbeat of the frog resulting from stimulation of the sympathetic nerves prior to their union with the vagus nerve. (From Brodie.) and sympathetic are stimulated at the same time, as by exciting the vago- sympathetic in the frog, the first effect observed is that of the vagus usually folloAved, after removal of the stimulus, by the sympathetic ef- fect. If the stimulus is maintained for a long time, so that the vagus becomes fatigued, escapement Avill occur earlier than with pure vagus stimulation, and augmentation may become apparent. The sympathetic influence is, however, never so strong as that of the vagus. The two nerves are therefore not antagonistic in the sense that the one neutralizes the effect of the other; but when both are stimulated, the heart responds first to the vagus and later to the sympathetic. I llAl'l l.i; XXVI THE < • >NTR< »I. OF l III: I UN i LAT1 THE NERVE CONTROL OF THE PERIPHERAL KKSISTA*. As already explaii ed, 1 takes place through I fibers "ii the musculatun impulses like those in tin n a nervt itaining such fibi dergo dilatation ulated artificially, coi lator impulses 1<1 Methods for the Detection of Constriction .on everal methods, varying with t; be used for i 1 1 1 \Y i 280 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD distinct rise in temperature will be observed when the sciatic nerve Of the corresponding limb is cut. The application of this principle in deter- mining the mass movement of blood by the amount of heat given off from the hands or feet has already been explained. Other methods depend upon observation of the outflow of blood from the veins of the part. A simple application of this method can be used in t hr ease of the ear of the rabbit. If the tip of the ear is cut off, bleeding under ordinary circumstances is only very slight, but if the cervical sympathetic is cut, it becomes quite marked, slowing down again or even stopping entirely when the peripheral end of the nerve is stimu- lated. By making measurements of the volume of the outflow of blood from a vein by this method, the extent of constriction or dilatation can tube to recorder enclosed membrane Fig. 72. — Roy's kidney oncometer. (From Jackson.) be followed quantitatively. Vasodilatation also causes changes in the character of the venous flow, the usually continuous flow becoming pul- satile and the color of the blood brightening. Comparison of the pressures in the arteries and the veins of a part is also often of value in the detec- tion of changes in the caliber of the blood vessels, for, of course, the greater the difference in pressure between the two manometers, the greater must be the resistance offered to the flow. For experimental purposes, however, the standard method is that known as the pletkysmographic. For this purpose the organ or tissue is enclosed in a so-called plethysmograph or volume recorder, the prin- ciple of which will be clearly seen by consultation of the accompanying diagram of one adapted for tbe kidney (Fig. 72). Any increase de- tected by this means in the volume of the part must be due cither to ' ' ■ ,11 an increase in blood i!" action or to a local vasodil curs We car do! t.-n from th< chfl a i ■ • - .- i 1 1 > reapon8ibl( bj simultaneously o falls w hen the volumi ing to the pari must have b< blood pressure remaii means thai the M I Methods for the Detection of Vasomotor I in N- : , ■ Trunks 1 1 \\ I- \\ -isli in find "ut through whi '»r area is Bupplied \\ itli l" 'I by the us< effecl produced on th< lating tli-- peripheral end t'n. us it lias been found thai 1 1 i tributed bo thai those having mainly in m>. ■• trim' in - trunks, hi lilicrs arc aboul equal. N istrictor fibers are i he ami those containing i ipani nen e to the submaxill external genitalia. It must l.c clearly und< preponderate in one of also present. In the cen ical - ling to tl i ■i readilj of these parts u hen I ; similarly, even in I siipph ing tin the rostrictor til- efted of the latter i thai p. ir. i fibei nic nerve The pr< I chorda t \ m strat.-. I A 232 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD ture of both kinds of vasomotor fibers is the sciatic. If the hind limb of a dog is placed in a plethysinograph and simultaneously a record of the mean arterial" blood pressure taken, it will be found on cutting the sciatic nerve that the volume of the limb increases, whereas the blood pressure remains practically constant. Before placing the limb in the plethysmo- graphy the muscles must of course be paralyzed by means of curare; otherwise muscular contractions would confuse the result. If the peripheral end of the cut nerve is now stimulated, vasoconstriction "will readily be observed. So far, then, the results demonstrate the presence of vasoconstrictor nerve fibers alone. To demonstrate the presence of vasodilators a different procedure is necessary. This is based on the following facts: (1) The vasodilator nerve fibers degenerate more slowly than the vasoconstrictor; (2) they are less depressed in their excitability by cooling the nerve; and (3) they are more sensitive to weak slow faradic stimulation than the vasocon- strictor fibers. Accordingly, if we cut the sciatic nerve two or three days before the actual experiment, and then, while observing the volume of the limb, proceed to stimulate the half-degenerated nerve with feeble electric stimuli of sIoav frequency we shall usually observe a dilatation of the limb instead of constriction; and even if we cool a stretch of a freshly cut nerve before applying the stimulus, the same result will often be obtained. The Origin of Vasomotor Nerve Fibers Having seen how the presence of vasomotor fibers may be detected in peripheral nerves, we must now proceed to trace them back to their origin from the central nervous system. The method for doing this con- sists, in general, in observing the effect on the blood vessels produced by cutting or stimulating the various nerve roots through which the fibers might pass on their way to the nerve trunks. As a result of such obser- vations it has been found that all of the vasoconstrictor fibers emanate from the spinal cord in the region between the level of the second thoracic and that of the second or third lumbar spinal roots, but from nowhere else in the cerebrospinal axis. Section of the spinal cord below the level of the second lumbar spinal roots produces no change in the volume of the hind limb, provided the muscles be thoroughly curarized, nor docs stimulation of the lower end of the enl spinal cord have any effect. If the last two thoracic or the first two lumbar spinal roots are stimulated, however, evidence of vasoconstriction will be obtained. The restriction of the origin of vasoconstrictor fibers to the above- mentioned regions of the spinal cord indicates thai in proceeding to the mixed nerve trunks they must travel along special nerve paths. I II Th< • pro id< d The I iy w ;i\ of t i the neighboring bj m] desci ii- 1 a irding to thi come into contact w ith tl which they may pi ri\ ea at Bom< glion, in around one of th< then continm to the spinal n«-r\ .■ be !.. the p"int w here il • cell, it is medulla ted and is the n< sell, it is nonm< dullat ■■•■ -77 lion in ell «;ni the ganglion ot ■ tinll till- . applicat ion i'lT. i t In- il ill W I ;)ionic lionic 1 H hiti- r;i in 1 :il :i In. ■ ■ Ml f 234 THE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD roots. Tho thoracic fibers pass down the sympathetic chain, which they leave by the great splanchnic nerves. The lumbar fibers form the lesser or abdominal splanchnic nerves. As preganglionic fibers, therefore, these fibers are carried by the greater and lesser splanchnic nerves into the abdomen, where the former comes into close relation- ship with the suprarenal gland's, giving off a branch to the suprarenal ganglion. The main course of the nerve is continued on to the solar plexus, in the various ganglia of which most of the preganglionic fibers end by synapsis, the postganglionic fibers then proceeding along the blood vessels to the vessels of the abdominal viscera. (See also page S70). Vasodilator fibers have a more varied origin than vasoconstrictor, and they run an entirely different course. Vasodilator impulses may he transmitted by fibers arising from practically any level of the cerebro- spinal axis, not only by the motor roots, but by the sensory as well. Thus, they pass out of the spinal cord in the posterior sacral roots to enter the nerves of the hind limbs, as has been demonstrated by observ- ing an increase in the volume of the curarized limb during electrical stimulation of the exposed rootlets. The apparent inconsistency of these observations with the well-known law concerning the direction of the impulses contained in the posterior spinal roots is explained by assum- ing that the dilator impulses are transmitted along the ordinary sensory fibers, since there are no efferent fibers in these roots. They are impul- ses which go against the ordinary stream (antidromic). In support of this explanation it is of importance to note that at their termination near the skin many sensory fibers split into several branches, some of which run to blood vessels, and others to receptor organs (page 797). Stimulation of the latter branches may cause dilatation of the local blood vessels nearby, indicating that impulses must be transmitted up to the point at which the branching occurs and then down the vascular branch, this result being obtained even after the main trunk of the nerve has been cut above the division. For the blood vessels of the anterior extremity, the vasodilator impulses are similarly transmitted through the posterior spinal roots of the lower cervical region of the spinal cord. The vasodilator fibers to the abdominal viscera are transmitted with the splanchnic nerves, but they may also be derived from the posterior spinal roots, for it has been found that stimulation of posterior roots in the splanchnic area causes dilatation in the intestine (Bayliss). Vasodilator fibers are also contained in the cranial nerves, par- ticularly the seventh and the ninth, being distributed in the former nerve to the an- terior portion of the tongue and the salivary glands, and in the latter to the posterior portion of the tongue and the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth. The vaso- dilator fibers for the mucous membrane of the inside of the cheeks and nares have their course in the cervical sympathetic, being distributed to the buccofacial region in the branches of the fifth cranial nerve. There is evidence to show that the vasodilator libers, like the vasoconstrictor, become connected by synapsis with nerve cells somewhere in their course. In the case of the vasodilator fibers in the chorda tympani and nervi erigentes, such cell stations have been clearh demonstrated in the liilus of the submaxillary gland in the former nerve Ill: nii'l in j lj^ • . ■ •>- il n • •» .-1 i.. which thi then til.. The Vasomotor Ni 1 ' if next problem nervous Bystem, and find tl the nerve centers from w hich tl stenee of both \ is no adequate e^ idei the latter, v. e mnsl confii e oui Tli. it two levels in 1 1 ler of the Bpinal . ■ ical region below t! • \\ itli the moi ements of t! e dia] found); . because ' \ • ■ daj b, ho I r after this has occurrt tl, tl down • rtebral canal, indicating that th< ill.- pathw n\ ! ha\ e been broughl ah< ni independcnl • fore demons! themselvt < • Tilt puis 236 THE CIRC1 I. ATI ()X OF THE BLOOD arrive, then a hitherto dormant power of tonic activity becomes devel- oped in the subsidiary centers. Independent Tonicity of Blood Vessels Even after complete disconnection of the spinal cord from the blood vessels, as by cutting of the splanchnic nerve to the abdomen or abla- tion of that portion of the lower spinal cord from which the fibers to the hind limb arise, the disconnected blood vessels, although at first completely dilated, may later reacquire an independent tone of their own, indicating therefore, that they must possess some neuromuscular mechanism which can act independently of the nerve centers, and which may be stimulated to activity by the presence of hormones in the blood. The hormone was at one time thought to be epinephrine (see page 745). Epinephrine control is indicated in the effect produced upon arterial blood pressure by stimulation of the great splanchnic nerve. Careful analysis of the curve, shown in Fig. 29, shows that the rise is both im- mediate and delayed ; that is, the curve mounts immediately, then flat- tens out a little, and then assumes a further rise. This delayed response seems to depend upon the excretion of epinephrine into the blood, for it does not occur when the suprarenal veins are occluded, and is much de- layed by temporarily clamping the suprarenal veins on the same side as that on which the splanchnic nerve is stimulated. It has been stated by certain observers that, after occlusion of the adrenal veins, there is a downward tendency, of the blood pressure, which however develops with extreme slowness; and that a distinct elevation of blood pressure follows the removal of a clamp temporarily placed on the adrenal veins. This rise is pronounced if the splanchnic nerve is stimulated during the occlusion of the veins. It must of course be understood that the imme- diate rise in blood pressure following splanchnic stimulation is caused by vasoconstriction in the splanchnic area itself, as is evidenced by the fact that it does not occur, or is only very faint, when the abdominal blood vessels are ligated prior to the stimulation of the splanchnic nerve. Even after ligation of the adrenal veins and of the blood vessels of the splanchnic area, stimulation of the splanchnic nerve may still cause a slight rise in arterial blood pressure, possibly because some fibers may run from the splanchnic to vascular areas not situated within the realm of the splanchnic nerve- for example, the blood vessels of the lumbar muscles. CHAPTKH XXVII I ill. I ONTROL "l I ill. I li;. i I CONTROL OF THE VASOMOTOR I The acth itiea of tl>«' \ a mones and partly bj afferenl imp . The Hormone Control As u ith t In- respirator} cenl concentration of the blood. When ti \ asoconsl rictor pari of I ! • thai the blood \ easels ar< ing, .!• criterion "t' h) d carbon tli<»\iIT, and and the refit hanisi identical. \' the presenl stape Btndy the effect "i* Btimulal \ aaoreflex centei 3uch ii; Borj uen e of the body, and H ut* both kinds of fib Pressor and Depressor Impulses. I >< in the cardim l i I •curring in oi • the body. On the contrary its in the I'l 1 supply to diff< I example, more I>1<><><1 is required bj ■ t. and this is insured l.\ di with reciprocal constriction of th< • of the relatively dilatation during digest h e acl rtriction of tin' other \ that 1 essitating a more po>n erful the mean pressure. After 1 as n role fall bo much as the diasl sure pulse therefoi >mes g applied to the \ w ith ei thai is throM a on them, w eak< the brain. A ample of reciprocal action in muscular ■ Tl ■ th«. istii>-t. The !■ ■ ■ entirely at least a l>y hormo gen-ion i centration ill, local irritants t<> tin- menU set in the same ficial and perha] tion of those < \ of skin similarly i "<*! dilatation elae* hen I the body, such ran be Bhon ii. i • ipplied Ex] ! bj nui i ulnr ner ■ • -II THE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD sure (Loven reflex). Similarly when the centra] end of one of the sen- sory roots of the leg of a dog is stimulated, there is a rise in arterial blood pressure and an increase in the volume of the limb. THE INFLUENCE OF GRAVITY ON THE CIRCULATION If the arterial blood pressure is measured in the arm and leg in a man standing erect, a difference corresponding to the hydrostatic effect of gravity will be found between the two readings. In comparison with the high pressure normally existing in the arteries, this difference is. however, of little significance. On the other hand, in the veins, Avhere the average pressure is low, gravity would cause serious embarrassment to the circulation of blood were it not for the valves and the forces which move the blood beyond them (page 214). In erect animals the part of the circulation in which blood might stag- nate as a result of gravity is the splanchnic area. Were such stagna- tion to occur, the blood would not be returned to the right heart, so that the arteries would not receive sufficient blood to maintain an ade- quate circulation, particularly in the vessels of the brain. Simple experiments devised by Leonard Hill19' 2S illustrate these prin- ciples. When a snake, for example, is pinned out on a long piece of wood and an opening made opposite the heart, this organ can be seen to fill adequately with blood as long as the animal is maintained in the horizontal position. When placed vertically, however, the heart be- comes bloodless. If now the tail end of the animal is placed in a cylinder of water so as to overcome the effect of gravity, the heart will be seen to fill again with blood. Evidently in such an animal there is no mechan- ism to compensate for gravity. If a domestic rabbit with a large pendulous abdomen is held in the vertical tail-down position, stagnation of blood in the splanchnic ves- sels occurs to such an extent that in from fifteen to twenty minutes the animal dies from cerebral anemia. If an abdominal binder is first of all applied, the vertical position will not have the same consequences. This experiment illustrates clearly the possible evil effects that gravity may produce in animals in which no mechanism exists to compensate for it. Placing an animal such as a dog under lighl ether anesthesia in the vertical tail-down position produces an immediate fall in arterial blood pressure, as shown in the tracing (Fig. 76), followed by a certain de- gree of compensation even while the animal is si ill in the erect position. The extenl to which this compensation occurs varies with the depth of the anesthesia. If the experiment is repeated after administering a large dose of chloroform, not only will the initial fall he much greater, but I III subsequent compensation \\ ill b< th.'si- facts in tl Leonard I lill has ^1 pensating mechanism I ■ 2 the t"ii>- of the splanchn rlir respirator} movei tor <-;in be readih shou n h inal wnlls in :in . I \ ■ till" animal is nov ; 246 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD to the zero line and the animal soon dies (Fig. 78). The influence of the third factor is not so great as of the other two, but can be shown by the increased respiratory activity which is likely to develop in the vertical Fig. 78. — The effect of gravity on the aortic pressure after division of the spinal cord in the upper dorsal region. By placing the animal in the vertical feet-down posture, the pressure fell almost to zero, but on returning it to the horizontal posture, the circulation was restored. (From Leonard Hill.) tail-down position, the anemic condition of the respiratory center being no doubt the cause of the increased respiration. i I! ATI ,|| PECULIARITIES OP BL I SUPPLY I Up to the from i ral point oi p, in which the liar requirements of blood incased as it is in the rigid craniun expand as a result hand, we know thai tl i erably from time to time which Buch changes are brougl I In • •illation is peculiai organ by two \ easels, and in the <>tli-T. onder 1"\\ p v. tionship of these I the coronary and puln ti"ii "ii a nut highly THE CIRCULATION IN THE BRAIN Anatomical Pecnli tailment o by the exist \v. and tl ■ the bl I supplj of tl •'* as the 'l'"_r. the four main In man, 1 I in tl • the ••'•Mi rai > . ti ■ **at is to lo*» Do! brand t-> the pia d '>u« mailer bra ulii'-h freely *ue. 248 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD The venous blood is collected by the small, very thin-walled and valve- less cerebral veins. These run together to form larger veins dis- charging info the sinuses, the openings into which are kept patent by t lie arrangement of dura mater around the orifices. The sinuses exist between the dura and skull and are so constructed that they can not be compressed, particularly those at the base of the brain. From them the blood is conveyed mainly to the internal jugular vein, some of it however escaping by the anastomoses existing between the cavernous sinus and the opththalmic veins, and by the venous plexus of the spinal cord. The most striking peculiarities of the veins are their patulous con- dition and the absence of valves, so that any change in the blood pres- sure in the internal jugular vein must be immediately reflected in that of the venous sinuses. This explains why compression of the abdomen Fig. 79. — Schema to show the relations of the Pacchionian bodies to the sinuses: d, d, Folds of the dura mater, inclosing a sinus between them; v.b., the blood in the sinus; a, the arachnoidal membrane; p, the pia mater; Pa., the Pacchionian body as a projection of the arachnoid into the blood sinus. (From Howell's Physiology.) causes venous blood to flow from an opening made in the longitudinal sinus. In considering the cerebral circulation, another factor that must be borne in mind is the presence of cerebrospinal fluid. This is contained in the subarachnoid spaces of the brain and spinal cord, these spaces, in the case of the brain, being often considerably enlarged to form the cisternae. The cerebrospinal fluid is also present in the ventricles of the brain, which it will be remembered communicate with the subarachnoid spaces through the foramen of Magendie, etc. It is unlikely that the cerebrospinal fluid is of much importance in connection with the control of the blood supply to the brain tissue. It may be merely a lubricating fluid; at least it is so small in amount (60 to 80 c.c. in man) as to be apparently of little value in bringing about an alteration in brain volume. PI CI LIARI Although Dormall; ulated undei Under these conditions in man 200 '■ ■■ a da} or mi The fluid is apparently ill.- pathu a\ H by M 1 1 1 • - 1 1 tin noid Bpace are obstructed, it colli i hydrocephalus. I Fnd< rapid, an Rhown experimentally b} th< saline is absorbed « hen it is in absorption is belies <-<\ to | arc minute sac like protrusi \cii. »us sinus Tl e mem Muiil is extremely thin at l Physical Conditions ot Circulation 1 "i accounl of these anatomical peculia trolling tin' circulation of bl from ' ' ibtaining in an exception of the bones. In othei dilatation or constriction of ti diminution of the volume "t" t i in volume is evidently imp< the rigid cranium in which it [i poinl <»f view w e musl jecting into a ci'_ri'l • lied with these conditions it i- <\' blood through them, be- cause, taken as a whole, they are ordinarily much more capacious than need be. On the other hand, if the aortic pressure should remain con- stant, but that in the vena cava increase, then there would be obstruc- tion to the passage of blood in the intracranial arteries, and conse- quently a diminished velocity of flow. Vasomotor Nerves It might be inferred that, since the bloodflow through the cerebral vessels is mainly dependent on vascular conditions elsewhere in the body, there would be no need, as in the vessels of other vascular areas, for vasomotor fibers. Histologists have, however, discovered the pres- ence of such fibers, and it has become necessary for the physiologist to find out if they are really of importance in connection with the regula- tion of the blood supply to the brain. Even if it is admitted that the arterioles could not contract or expand as a whole without producing local changes in venous pressure or cranial volume, it is yet of course always possible, as has already been pointed out. that one set of arte- rioles might contract at the same moment that another set expanded. That the vessels can undergo a process of constriction has been shown by experiments in which the volume of outflow from the vessels of the brain was measured in perfused preparations of brain. When epinephrine was added to the perfusion fluid, curtailment of outflow was observed to occur (Wiggers). Since this drug causes constriction of vessels only when these are supplied with constrictor fibers (see page 7:'>ii \ the conclusion may be drawn that the cerebral blood vessels do contain such nerve fibers. Nevertheless, the local vasomotor control of the cerebral blood vessels can not have the significance in connection with changes in blood supply that it has for other vascular areas (Hill and Maeleod20). No doubt nerve fibers are present in the cerebral blood vessels, and presumably under certain conditions they are capable of causing the blood vessels to undergo alterations in caliber, but it is impossible to set of what real valut (his can bt under normal conditions. II CI LIABI1 Intracranial Pre.s. . I tae word more with that is, the pressure in t! i Under ordinary condil laries, and maj be m< a tul'i' Bcrev ed into tin- cranium as t' th.- \ eina of I he pressure, bul also in pathnloj new groM th in the brain, if it o< is destroy ed, exerts pressure on all pari cavity, bul this pressure m tin- cranial «•< »nt «nt s. for the fal porl a part of it. thus directii pathwa; The Btructun I the ba the veins <>t' < lalen ami the S3 1\ i. way. It' th»- pressure is rapidly applied out the cranial <-i.iit.-nK. in buc! culatory in origin, sin.-.- immediatelj tin- intracranial pressure i^ nol foum Tin- major symptom* anemia of the medulla obl< applied locally in tin- hull. a f a very Bmall foreign bodj or only trivial l destroy lit".-, ot of pressure t: which <-as<-. mi a« tint •'!' the BUpp larger growth is required to affect th< produced by blocking of I causes th.- greatesl rise in intn dulla, 1 an- brain 1^ dri linst the occipital pre« that ■ the symptoms of acute tical l Leonard 1 1 1 common practice Tl to the soil!- ! COl CIRCULATION THROUGH THE I N Tin- pulmonary 11 the 254 THE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD in Ihe pulmonary arteries does not amount to more than about 20 mm. Ilg, or about one-sixth of that of the systemic arteries, the peripheral resistance in the blood vessels of the lungs is much less than that of the body in general. This lower resistance is owing partly to the large diameter of the arterioles and the small amount of muscular fibers in their walls, and partly to the fact that the capillaries are held con- stantly in a somewhat dilated condition on account of the subatmos- pheric pressure in the thorax (see page 306). Another peculiarity of the pulmonary circulation is that the caliber of the vessels is to a very large extent dependent upon the changes that occur in the intrathoracic pressure with each inspiration and ex- piration. They become dilated on inspiration and contracted on ex- piration. The extent to which these respiratory changes affect the amount of blood contained in the lungs, is very considerable. At the height of inspiration it is computed that a little more than eight per cent of the whole blood in the body is contained in the lungs, whereas on expiration it diminishes to between five and seven per cent. A third peculiarity is that the pulmonic blood vessels are not sup- plied with vasomotor nerve fibers — at least with such as can readily be demonstrated. It is said that, when the pulmonary vessels are per- fused and the outflow measured, a diminution in the latter is found to occur when epinephrine is added to the injection fluid — a result which is, however, denied by certain investigators. Changes in the bloodflow have not been observed to occur when the vagus or sympathetic nerve fibers running to the lungs are stimulated. In short, the conclusion which we must draw is much the same as that for the blood vessels of the brain — namely, that although, as a result of the epinephrine ex- periment, we must admit that a vasomotor supply may possibly be present, yet it is one which can be of no significance under normal conditions. When there is obstruction to the outflow of blood from the left ven- tricle, as, for example, in cases of high aortic pressure, the blood is not entirely discharged with each beat of the left ventricle, and therefore dams back through the left auricle into the lungs. On account of the marked distensibility of the pulmonary capillaries, a large amount of this blood may collect there and thus make the lungs serve as a kind of reservoir of the heart. When the capacity of this reservoir has, how- ever, been overstepped, an increased peripheral resistance will come to be offered to the movement of blood in the pulmonary arteries, the pressure in which will consequently rise and sooner or later interfere with the discharge from the right ventricle, causing as a result a stag- nation of blood in the systemic veins, and a consequent increase in vol- imp teh \ is obviously also Bup< left \ fiit ricle tu t In- left CIRCULATION THBOUOB THK I .IV) liver is the onlj arterial blood, the former i by way of the capacio by the Btrikinglj -a he] small ainiitiiit of blood which is ««U and the biliary ducts, noi the portal vein until the point the two blood streams mi; away by the Bublobuli Methods of Ii on l Btudj the relative im ply, and also to im estig the must sat iry method I in volume flow rather than in th< ume-flow measurement lias been i 207 to the hepatic flow iif blood Prom the i inth.w vessels intact, and then \ tiuii to the Aral rtromuhr bloodflow or hi I pn the entering vessels, and a of the lh'\\ in both \ • • measure the outfli below the d of th< \ a belov placed around this thread the vena "m hepatic \ eina is n flows iittu 0] • from tl • clip on th< mti the tl .ml tl and \\ hen 256 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD and the receiver tilted up so thai the 1»1 1 Hows at low pressure back into the circulation. The receiver being of known capacity, the length of time it takes the blood to fill it as determined by the piston recorder, furnishes us with the necessary data from which to calculate the rate of flow. The receiver is chosen of such a size that it takes only a few seconds to fill, the diversion of blood into it not causing any material fall in arterial pressure. The observations are repeated frequently. Results. — By the use of these methods it has been found that the total mass movement of blood to the liver of the dog varies between 1.46 and 2.40 C.C. per second for 100 grams of liver. Considerable changes may occur in the arterial pressure without affecting the liver flow. When the hepatic artery is occluded, the flow diminishes by about 30 per cent, or conversely, when the portal vein is obstructed but the hepatic artery left intact, by about 60 per cent, indicating that about one-third of the total bloodflow through the liver is contributed by the hepatic artery and two-thirds by the portal vein. Some blood, however, gains the liver through anastomotic channels between it and the diaphrag- matic veins. The relative supply by the two vessels is subject to various condi- tions. That through the hepatic artery, for example, may be very con- siderably altered on account of vasoconstriction in this vessel, for its Avails can easily be shown to be liberally supplied with vasoconstrictor fibers carried by the hepatic plexus. This can be demonstrated by the rise in blood pressure which occurs in a branch of the hepatic artery during stimulation of the plexus. On the other hand, alterations in the bloodflow in the portal vein can not be brought about by active con- striction or dilatation of the intrahepatic branches of this vessel, no active vasomotor fibers having been demonstrated by stimulation of the hepatic nerves, although, as in the case of the brain and lung blood vessels, a certain amount of constriction may occur under the influence of epinephrine. The bloodflow through the portal vein is dependent on changes oc- curring at either end of the distribution of the vessel, that is, changes occurring in the liver itself or in the intestine. Of these factors the lat- ter is no doubt the more important, an increase not only in portal blood pressure but also in portal bloodflow being readily produced by dila- tation of the splanchnic blood vessels; for example, as the result of sec- tion of the splanchnic nerve. Alterations in portal bloodflow brought about by changes in the caliber of the vessels in the liver itself are partly dependent upon changes in the branches of the hepatic artery. Let us consider briefly how this may be broughl about. At the point where the portal and hepatic arteries come together — that is, at the in- I'l i i II MCI l trahepatic capillai equal, which mean* that live tissue, the brand t<> the blood tl«'\\ in'_r thro tin- hepatic arterioles, tor nei freat variation in I changes \\ ill affect th<- d tis^iif in w hich the artei ioh thin-walled branches of the portal veil of 'his tissu.- becomefl in tin' hepatic artery, the p< i tin- bloodflovt along then striction occurs in the hepatic tissue becomes diminished, the them more readilj Macleod and R. O. 1J 1. • Ifiir. • in Bupporl '»t' the abo> > (low of I'l 1 I'miii the liver I 1 duri patic plexus. The firsl effed is an ii soon returns to its original amount, even l plexus is k<-|>t up during the I Mow must indicate either thai th< not been maintained, or that it hat bj a compensatory increase in tl a in ;i 1 1 #■ i- of fact, \\ «• know that I he hepatic pies tion of the connective tissue in \\lii<-li l tu such :ni extent, as i t of 1 1 permil the I'l 1 t.> flow thn aae in outflow immediately plexus, is in. doubt the hepatie vessels, ;m> mak< left eh placed In a solution i porous jars, immersed in larj /nS( )t and sine terminals. ; \ ■ be used. By manipulation connected with the el< in tin right arm and l< no ; lead 2, inn nml left !• - Through lead 1 . I t»r thai produced d he current will lead :>, it \\ ill pass main Wheil any par ed thai the b1 i ing renl - from il movements of the introducii * V 1 ! 260 'i'ii CIRCULATION OK Till: BLOOD quired amount of current, called the compensating current, to bring the string shadow back to the zero or midposition. In order that the rec- ord obtained may be quantitative in character, it is further necessary that the movemenl of the siring be standardized. This is done by as- certaining to what extent the string moves when a current of known voltage is senl through it and by altering the tension of the string so that one millivolt of current causes an excursion of one centimeter of the string shadow on the photographic plate. It would take us beyond the Fig. 81. — Electrocardiographic apparatus as made by the Cambridge Scientific Materials Co. Con- tact electrodes are shown, but the immersion electrodes described in the context are preferable. confines of this volume to go in any greater detail into the technie in- volved in taking electrocardiograms, hut it may be said that this is by no means difficult, provided the instructions which are supplied with the instrument arc carefully followed. In practice the taking of elec- trocardiograms is indeed quite a simple matter, and the extremely im- portant informal ion which they give us concerning the mechanism of the heartbeat and the evidence of myocardial disease should make their employment a universal practice in all cardiac clinics. Some of these clinical applications are described elsewhere (page 266). What particularly e 1 1 They have been l< and in all Buch Is m In line of zero potei tial ind the apex. The exacl ■ ■ simultaneous!} \\ itli I changes occurring in the i. ha\ e been secured by 1 how ii in Fig - i ventricular It w ill !>«• obs< I traction of th< sent in th< lion of tl ami dill the presph\ gniio ■ 262 TIIE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD Although such comparisons give us considerable insight into the cause of several of the waves, there yet remain certain peculiarities of the electrocardiogram to be considered. These are: (1) the cause of the slight positive wave, Q; (2) the cause of the positive wave, S; (3) the cause for the period of equal potential at the base and apex during ven- tricular systole indicated by the portion of the curve between S and T; (4) the cause for the negative wave, T. To solve these problems it is necessary to compare electrocardiograms taken from the surface of the body with those from electrodes placed directly on the base or apex of the ventricle of the exposed heart. Fig. 83. — Electrocardiogram (dog) taken simultaneously with curves from auricle and ven- tricle. It will be observed that wave P slightly precedes auricular systole and that wave R occurs just before the presphygmic period starts in the ventricle. (From Lewis.) The Ventricular Complex In view of the nature of the electric change which occurs in a strip of denervated muscle when a wave of contraction passes along it (page 188), the simplest interpretation of the ventricular part of the above curve is that the contraction must pass into the ventricle at a little dis- tance from the base, thus causing the latter, for a moment of time, to be positive to the rest of the ventricle, and accounting for the slight down- ward wave, Q. Immediately after this the base of the ventricle becomes negative to the apex, giving us the marked upward wave, R, which however lasts for but a short period of time, being followed by an inter- val during which the base and apex are of the same electrical potential (horizontal part of wave between R and T). Finally the base again be- comes negative to the apex, thus accounting for the smaller upward wave, T. The follow ing K. is n i n i • plai Winn el< directly on the baa ind tli which is obtained fron passes along it : n is dij may be interpn I indicatii the base and ends t i in • * suggested for • i •■ i proceeds to the ap< i final] tion of the muscular fib< with the bend of the li p though th<- explai ation logical fad that thi develo] has been shown by obsen ii cured through electrodes pi exposed ventricle i'1 1 :planation whicl preaenl time tinuancr of < t. To '• i\ this h\ p. • be to Bee w hetl such as that of the t'i - up the contraction p l-as.-. This can be do the ventricular electrode • beating in Ring tion. pa in the ■ l • • Purkinji thei tuld 1" ■ 264 'NIK CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD eie*'1 t/u<• immediate!} interpretation of abnormalities in I of the curve is, however, i undertaken unless curves from the tl will be found that the correspondii one another in detail; for exam] in lead 2, although sometimes it is more p upright in normal individuals in cur infrequently un erted in those of '• in tliosi' from lead l The Q-R-S curves from lead :>'. These variations relative preponderance of the musculature tricles, i"<»r it is evidenl thai the amount i patl w a\ lict w een tin- two leads will CHAPTER XXX CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF CERTAIN PHYSIOLOGICAL METHODS (Cont'd) CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY The Electrocardiogram in the More Usual Forms of Cardiac Irregularities By R. W. Scott The principle of the application of the string galvanometer to the study of cardiac irregularities has been indicated. It is our object here to outline some of the more common forms of irregular heart action, with a brief description of the abnormalities in the electrocardiogram resulting therefrom. For the sake of comparison a normal electrocar- diogram is shown in Fig. 82. The cause and relationship of the various deflections have been explained (see page 262). Sinus Arrhythmia. — This irregularity is seen commonly in children and young adults, and is without pathologic significance. The electro- cardiogram presents the normal deflections and shows by the varying spaces between the P deflections that the cardiac impulse has been gen- erated at slightly irregular intervals. Sinus Bradycardia. — The electrocardiogram in a simple case of sinus bradycardia is usually normal, except that the deflections occur at an unusually slow rate (Fig. 85). This indicates that the cardiac impulse is built up at a slow rate, but when generated it evokes a normal auric- ular and ventricular contraction. The Extrasystole. — The extrasystole may be either auricular or ven- tricular in origin. Occasionally a rare type is seen in which the im- pulse arises in the junctional tissues between the auricle and ventricle. When the focus of impulse production is at or near the sinoauricular node, the resulting electrocardiogram complexes are practically normal. If, however, the seat of impulse formation is removed from the S-A node, the P deflection may be distorted or actually inverted, followed by a normal Q-R-S-T complex (Fig. 86). In the case of ventricular extrasystole, the cardiac impulse originates in either the right or the left ventricle. This abnormal site, together 2GG i I INK'AI. M-I'l.K Ml -A. I T (X P IP f rv ■ T >./'■ 9 1 268 Tilt: CIKCI'I.ATIOX OF T1IK BUH)I> with the path which the impulse takes, produces a much greater differ- ence of electric potential than is seen in the normal electrocardiogram. When the impulse arises in the right ventricle near the base, the prin- Fig. S9. — Paroxysmal tachycardia. Auricular origin. Note that the P deflection falls back on. T. Rate 200 per, minute. cipal R deflection is upwards in both leads 1 and 2. Arising near the apex, the principal R deflection is up in lead 1 and down in lead 2. Two extra systoles both arising in the right ventricle are shown in Fig. 87. k 1 ■R n "\ -\ i\ ■ " " ■ " * - ■ ■ % -R 1 "J is I 1 J ■w""1"^^* ^ j,^ *%^**^w f -I H r 3 \ 1 k. . — •. { 1 { . r1 — t Fig. 90. — Auricular fibrillation. Leads 1, 2, 3. Note the coarse fibrillation waves between the R peaks, and the absence of any B deflections in relation to R. Also the unequal spacing of the R deflections. In the case of the left ventricle, a basal impulse gives a downward principal deflection in lead 1 and up in lead 2. When the aberrant fo- cus is located near the apex of the left ventricle, the principal deflee- I I INK \l vi-ri.i. mo tion i^ dou ii in both leads 1 and t\ i tole 11. .•in extras} Btole originati Paroxysmal T;uhv.ardi:i interval I i the I ! i eardia th< da normally show tion of T and the succeeding P l ular origin, the P deflection m focus of impulse production is loe auricular node. Rarely the taken during the paroxysm maj shoi simulating isolated ventriculai Auricular Fibrillation I tion shows three distinctive fcaturt l Al.si -n. r the P deflection; J The \ ••utricular eompli Q R S I quence and may vary in li<-i'_rlit. The | small irregul ventricular complexes A typical Pig 90 The dependen if the P indicated page 261 It* for by th«- fact thai the individual mil independently of one another, traction while others are contract ion of tin- auricle as a w I • The multiple impulses from th< pics and e> oke a conl raction )'• •« a stati contraction pcfn \ entricular responses w ill • \ entricular complexes in the • • heighl of the K deflectio by tin- superimposition i ivit \ . These small \ .• more or l< - parate oscillatioi Auncular Flutter \ cardiograph, and il <•nii.liti.ui without • rtions are usually rl from 2 ncgat t'-'v nognti 270 T1IK CIKM TI.ATInX <)K Till-: BLOOD origin of the auricular impulse (when arising from some other source than the S-A node the impulse is said to be ectopic). Usually a regular succession of P deflections can be traced throughout the record (Fig. 91). Since it is impossible for the ventricle to respond to all the impulses coming from the auricles, a condition of partial heart-block obtains (2:1 — 3:1 — 4:1, etc.). The ventricular complexes will occur regularly except when a 3:2 rhythm exists. Fig. 91. — Auricular flutter. Auricular rate 300. Ventricular rate 80. Note the inversion of the P deflections. Usually the ventricular complexes are such as to indicate that the stimulus arose in the auricle (supraventricular). The height of the individual deflections Q-R-S-T may vary, depending on the predominance of a right or left ventricular hypertrophy. Tig. 92. — Delayed conduction. Note the normal appearance of the electrocardiogram except for the prolongation of the P-R interval, which measures .23 seconds. Heart-block. — There are three degrees of severity in heart-block: (1) delayed conduction, (2) partial dissociation, and (3) complete dissocia- tion. Any one of these conditions may be present in the same patient at successive intervals. Delayed Conduction. — When the conducting tissues of the heart are so affected as to cause an abnormal prolongation of the P-R interval, the condition is called delayed conduction. The ventricles respond to each stimulus originating at the sinus node, but the time required for the impulse to pass through the conducting tissues is longer than normal. clink \\. \i-i I ti ;t simple <-ns<- 1 ; but w hen the P-R i gthened bej ond 1 1" 92 l'\l;l ! \i I I In* ventric • jpond to the impuJ time, hut occasionally tail to do bo, whi beat." Tl complex, >li«'\\ ing thai the aui luit that the ventriclea failed to i the sinoauricular node l : i 1 the auricles beat ii d (»f the • Q R 9 T I made ont w hen the 272 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD the auricle will happen to contract during ventricular systole, causing a distortion of the ventricular complex by the superimposition of a P deflection. Except when this occurs the Q-R-S-T complex is the normal supraventricular type. The P deflections occur more frequently than the Q-R-S-T complex, showing that the auricles are beating more often than the ventricles. The auricular rate in the average case of complete heart-block is about 72, while the ventricular rate is much slower (35 to 40). • \ 11 I II \l-l I I LINK \i. M'l'i.n \i [( i;i UN I'll METHODS I POLYSPHYGMOGRAMS Venous Pulse Tracings, [i technic is usuall} follou ed: i with liis head Blightlj raised !•; receh er tliistlr funne ■ •I* the neck. This li«-s imm< The Btj !•• of the ambou mal amount of fricl i"ii OD the can aol 1"' interpreted withoul the button of a i ng tambo and the Bt} le of its r rding I drum in the same perpendicula Tracings ahould be taken w ith speed and before « 1 i-t u i-l mh lt th< they sliuiilil be I to il tationai permil of accur should alwaj b I ihown in interpret tl • pill- thi> is done «'ii the radial in fronl <>t' it .r..,t • m of the puis Tl ginning "t" the Bph ing <»t" the semilum ■ alignment the sponding wave i . which auriculo> entricu »mall 274 THE CIRCULATION OF TOE BLOOD The auricular wave (ft) occurs one-fifth of a second in front of c, and may now be ascertained by measuring off this distance in front of c. This is line 1. The distance on the radial pulse tracing from the beginning of the upstroke to the dicrotic notch is ascertained. The distance between these is the sphygmic period (E). Fig. 95. — Polysphygmograph. This instrument records in ink on glazed paper two simul- taneous tracings, i. e., radial pulse and one other, such as carotid, jugular, apex beat, etc., in addi- tion to the time tracing. The ink tracings are both more convenient and permanent than smoked paper tracings. The clockwork operates at variable speeds, permitting the taking of protracted records at different speeds. The same distance is measured off on the venous tracing from c. Line 5 will be found to fall just before a small wave (v), which is due to the sudden opening of the tricuspid valves. This practically coincides with the dicrotic notch on the radial pulse tracing. Sometimes a little wave 3*v \ \l^L k \ — \ I'ig. 96. — Normal jugular tracing. The spacing below shows the duration of the a-c interval. (From 1;.. P. Carter.) occurs on the upstroke of wave v just where line 5 falls. This co- incides with the closure of the semilunar valves. The distance between it and wave v corresponds to the postsphygmic period. The cause for the depression (marked x) following c will readily be understood by referring to the intraauricular curve (Fig. 97), to which, as already explained, the venous pulse tracing is qualitatively similar. The riae in the cm the auricle with l>l"".l i open, allow inuF t he U I to tall inl ■ • and auri • !c of the ventri. I T ■ interprel the cardiogran radial and apex beat with l>"th writu and the other directions described ui The following poinl od J l_t_> : 276 Till CIR< i LATION OF THE BLOOD 1. The beginning of the sphygmic period (E) (line 5). 2. The end of the sphygmic period (E) (line 5). 3. The auricular wave. 4. The beginning of ventricular systole (difference between 1 and 4 equals presphygmic interval). f>. The opening of auriculoventricular valves (lowest point in tracing). The exact momenl at which the hearl sounds are heard can usually be indicated on the tracing. It is important to make certain that the button of the tambour is ac- curately over the apex beat, since otherwise a depressed or negative wave may he inscribed at ventricular systole. Simultaneous Arterial Pulse Tracings. — The velocity of the transmis- sion of the pulse wave is calculated by measuring the time between the systolic rise in the carotid and in 1he radial arteries, tracings of which are taken by applying one receiving tambour to the carotid artery and another to the radial artery. Abnormal Pulses The following is a brief description of the main character of abnormal pulses: The Ventricular Pulse. — In this no "a" waves are present in the jugular tracing, the heart action being either regular or irregular. In the former case, the absence of the "a" waves may depend on: (1) over- filling of the right auricle, (2) increase in the heart rate, or (3) complete heart-block associated with auricular fibrillation. When the heart is irregular, the absence of the "a" waves signifies auricular fibrillation. Delayed Conduction and Heart-block. — This causes a change in the time relationship of the "a" and "c" waves in the jugular curve. When the heart-block is of the first degree, the "a-c" interval merely becomes lengthened, but when it is of such degree that the normal impulse some- times fails to be conveyed along the auriculoventricular bundle, isolated "a" waves can be detected. In the higher degrees of heart-block there are regularly recurring "a" waves having no constant time relationship to the "c" waves. For the purpose of exact analysis of the curves in suspected enses of delayed conduction, it is often advantageous to draw vertical lines below the tracing representing the beginning of auricular and ventricular systole. This has been done in the tracing reproduced in Fig. 99. The line joining these two verticals indicates the conduction time or "a-c" interval. When it exceeds one-fifth of a second, there is delay in the conduction time. .\ tracing show ing a lug Sinus Arrhythmia i irregular, bul t i \\ i 1 1 1 the usual tin in the "a" ••■" ii U ^[A/^A^- V4 ',', s 1 Sinus Bradycardia. I sinus; the " a <•" ii ten al is normal •ally P ■_ l] Premature Beats. I origin. In tl ilarly throughout, bu1 ti i k - ■ ••Ii it Ii (hi Tills is «il.. • ■ follow ed h 278 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD site of origin of the premature beats can be determined only by careful measurement of the distances between the various beats of the ventricle. "Whenever an irregularity repeats itself and the duration of one cycle of the arrhythmia accurately corresponds to another, the irregularity Fig. 101. — Premature beats (extrasystoles) ventricular in origin at PB. Compare the duration of the intervals marked A and B' with those marked C and D. (From E. P. Carter.) may be due to: (1) premature auricular or ventricular contractions; (2) the occasional occurrence of dropped beats (a failure of ventricular response) ; or (3) a high degree of heart-block with a wide variation in the ventricular response. The important point to note here is that, no matter how irregular such a tracing may appear, if the irregularity re- peats itself it can not be due to auricular fibrillation. Tig. 102. — Paroxysmal tachycardia. The paroxysms start at xx following normal beats and lasting for seven beats. The clue to "a," which falls with "v" after the first premature contrac- tions, is found in the initial beat of the new rhythm. (From E. P. Carter.) Paroxysmal Tachycardia. — When the rate of a regular pulse is sud- denly altered but the change in rate bears a simple ratio to the previous rhythm, the change may be due to (1) premature ventricular contrac- tions which do not reach the radial, or (2) to the sudden development oi a ''••• o in "ii" heai ratio beta een the -'•■ and 1 appc -^iiis during v. lii'-li • ariable time, Buch i I i •■ tracing in raefa a ,. |v |v- |^ 1 Auricular Flutter, i; of t Iun cardiac condition \\ it! Bphygmogram or the i icardiogram l two types, one made up of r;t|>i^\.\lV\\ . V .1"' ".'.V-. -x *"'.'-' *v •.; ; -/ 1\ ,*'.*."?. :$*&■ ■ : v'"' .'■'.-'.>,v -.;;■'-•* m -," *w i.'" '. :•'*••"■"•• \fv\^«k\fc* \ \ \ \ \ \ _\ v% H V M s \\ wy •j* V H y Fig. 105. — Auricular fibrillation. Note the absence of all "a" waves from the jugular tracing, the marked irregularity of the radial pulse, and the occurrence of "c" and "v" during the sphygmic period. (From E. P. Carter.) given in Figs. 103 and 104. In one of them the radial pulse is regular; in the other, irregular. Auricular Fibrillation. — The contractions of the auricle, as already ex- plained, are entirely irregular, so that the jugular tracings show an en- lire absence of all "a" waves, the radial tracing being characterized by the complete absence of a dominant rhythm and by great variation in the length of the individual beats from one cardiac cycle to the next. This irregularity does not repeat itself, and the long pauses are not simple multiples of the shortest pause. Tracings from a case of auricular fibrillation are shown in Fig. 105. CHAPTER II CLINK ai. APPLICATIONS OF < I METHODS I nt'd THE MEASUREMENT OF THE MASS MOVEMENT OF THE BLOOD Method. The apparatus used for tl ■,.,,. a v.'ssri containing a known quantity mometer from which a change of U mp lentigrade can be read. Ii. ord< the loss of heal betv • ■• a th< el and I double, the Bpace between being stuffed the is closed \\ ith a thicl it for the hand or fool and for the thermon with which t.. keep the \\ ater in a COlorittU t> r. After the hand or \<><>\ has been in I - a few degrees below thai of the bodj temperature of I he \\ ater will ■ which thi^ occurs, multiplied ' centimeters, will give in calories <; application «>f a \n\ simple formu how much !>1 1 must have passed thi in order t<> give <>ut the observed am< ■ i by the diffi r< nee 11 Ulg l'l I -nit in ■ cubic centimeters, that has equals \ olume multiplied 03 -I explain the equation by w hich I it i m on ti t of blood, H th< the temperature ol I / II* \ enous 1)1 1, tlirn we I u kr thr <>l ■ 282 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD by Stewart that T may be taken as the same as that of the mouth, or 0.5° C. below that of the rectum, and 2" as the average temperature of the water in the calorimeter during the observation. To allow for the specific heat of blood, the result is multiplied by-^-, the reciprocal of the specific heat of blood. Theoretically, then, the method is very simple, and there are no un- usual technical difficulties in applying it. The only special precaution is that the air surrounding the calorimeter should be kept fairly con- stant in temperature, so that we may be enabled to allow in our calcula- tions for the loss of heat from the calorimeter itself, this value being obtained by observing the change of temperature in the calorimeter for a certain period of time after the hand has been removed from it. The Normal Flow The results are calculated on the basis of grams of blood flowing through 100 c.c. of tissue in one minute. The volume of the hand or foot is ascertained by placing it in water contained in a small-sized irrigation can, the tube of which is connected with a burette. The height to which the water rises in the burette is noted, and after withdrawing the hand, water is added from a graduate to the irrigation can until the same height is reached on the burette. The number of cubic centimeters re- quired gives the volume of the hand. In a normal, healthy individual the average flow in the hand is from 12 to 13 gm. for the right hand, and about half a gram less for the left. This difference between the two hands corresponds, of course, with their relative degree of development. The average foot flow is much less, and varies according to whether the patient is sitting up or lying down while the measurement is being made. In a normal individual, while lying down, it was 5.11 gm. in the right foot and 5.23 gm. in the left, per 100 c.c. of foot; but only 2.96 gm. for the right and 4.1 gm. for the left foot, while sitting up. The results have been found to undergo only a slight variation from month to month in a given healthy individual, provided the air temperature during the dif- ferent observations is the same and the person has been some time in the room before the observations are begun.' This precaution is especially important if he is a dispensary patient and has been in the open air with bare hands. The flow varies in different individuals both with regard to absolute amount and the ratio between the two hands or feet. When the total flow in the hands is compared with that in the feet, a ratio of about 3 to 1 is usually obtained. 'ilu Physiological Causes for Variations in Blood flow. — As above indicat- ed, the most marked of these is probably the temperature of the room. The •' .. uxl and for tin mparison o room and calorimi contractions, produced bj mo marked in in flovi that was at real A f/»< ,/;•/» of sufficient «l the constriction, bet\* een the Byatolic and through tli<- hand. By immersing the opposite hand i Muw through the observed hand «*aaeat Tl e change may 1 1 a tempoi out the whole period <>f imm< b vascular r< ■'♦ x, and i the Btudy of th< i centers con ned in vascul Clinical Conditions which AfTert the BloodtV I ! en in cases where 1 Of flow, * t may b< an alteration in the vascular r< hands, for demonsl ra1 ing 1 1 acute inflammati in flow on the affected - on the other aide! This indicates tl impanied by a larly in 1 tricall) p body. In caai s of nonbi sign of vi Th< i many clinical i a altei in blo< ordinary clinical n It ''*■' thod i follow Anemia 1 in pernieious anemia in ehloi Since the i l •" in tl in compelling <\> fici( ■ 284 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD Fever. — Since changes in the cutaneous circulation probably con- stitute the chief factor in the derangement of the temperature-regu- lating mechanism in fever (cf. page 723), it is evidently of great ad- vantage to be able to measure such changes quantitatively. This has been done by Stewart in several cases of typhoid fever and in one case of pneumonia. In general it was found that the flow in the feet never exceeded the normal flow, and was usually much below it. This ten- dency to vasoconstriction seems to be carried into convalescence. For practical reasons the handflow has not been so extensively studied. This hyperexcitability of the vasoconstrictor mechanism at the periph- ery is most naturally interpreted as a defensive reaction of the or- ganism by which an increased supply of blood is imported to those internal organs "which bear the brunt of the infection. When we con- sider that in spite of this constriction of the periphery the blood pres- sure is low and the pulse dicrotic, we must conclude that there is con- siderable dilatation of other vascular parts, especially the splanchnic area. A very practical application of these facts presents itself in con- sidering the rationale of the cold-bath treatment for fever. If, for example, we conclude that the cutaneous constriction is in the inter- ests of an increase in the bloodflow to the organ on which the stress of the infection falls, it will evidently be more rational to lower the temperature by methods which will not diminish, and may even in- crease, the cutaneous constriction than to do so by causing the vessels to dilate. In other words, the use of antipyretics seems to be contra- indicated, since they diminish the body temperature by causing vaso- dilatation at the periphery with a consequent withdrawal of blood from the seat of infection. Cardiovascular Diseases. — In cardiac cases the handflow is far more apt to be markedly deficient where there is evidence of serious impair- ment of the myocardium than in cases where a gross valvular lesion exists but the heart action is strong and orderly. This indicates that it is more serious for the force of the heart pump to be interfered with than for its valves, particularly the mitral, to be leaky. Even where there is considerable venous engorgement, the flow may be lit- tle diminished. In untreated cases of auricular fibrillation the blood- flow is subnormal. After the administration of digitalis the bloodflow in such cases is often promptly and decidedly increased. As would be expected, arteriosclerosis is associated with a small blood- flow, and the vasomotor reflexes are weaker than in normal persons. In aortic cmeurism, when the aneurism is of such a size as to cause pressure on the subclavian artery or vein, there is a diminution in flow of the corresponding hand, but aortic aneurism itself, although it may Ml cause greal edly affecl the mam mo clavian arterj . the bloodfl than in the opposite hand, ry obviously dimini diastolic pr< than on the normal • :• B fore, fata esti ■ . ilts are no doubl ow ing pressure of the aneurism lower resistance to I In Raynaud's dis< diminution being dis< I contralateral liarly inten 1 1 tie gangn m of I the hi Mil the The \ asom< I It is aometimea difficull to tell whel ll<>\v is a nervous reflex i are two v, a; w hich I 1 by obsen ing the ll"\\ from d any alteration must be dep< on m< the change in flow jM aboul salorimeter and -■ Bins unci i or b( uality in flow musl be d Diseases of the Nervous System I varies with the duration of the dis< i unilateral neurit en the two hands with I neuritis of long standi h<1 |]<. Thus, when a domesticated rabbit with held in tin- \ ertical tail-do^ o i" dually passes into a shocked c •J" I minutt 1 1 art. -rial 1>1 1 | this bas been p&i • be bod) . and t1 shock is entirely d nw tur< it" a binder i performed on a rabbil • tion, gravity iduced in a dog, h in m.-. all in *i«.M is aasumi d I highly ■!• -SS THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 2. Hemorrhagic Shock. -Woe hemorrhage produces a typical condi- tion of shock, but the extent to which different individuals react to the same degree of hemorrhage varies considerably. The essential factor in the production of hemorrhagic shock is of course similar to that of grav- ity shock— namely, a deficient diastolic filling of the heart with blood. Details concerning the effect of hemorrhage Avill be found elsewhere (page 135). 3. Anesthetic Shock. — So far as blood-pressure reflexes are concerned, an animal can be kept in a perfect condition when ether is administered in just sufficient amount to produce light anesthesia. When larger quantities of other arc employed, a typical condition of shock is almost certain to supervene after a time. In such instances the arterial blood pressure remains low and can not be restored even after an hour or two of artificial respiration. There is, however, a difference between ether shock and the variety which we shall discuss later under the title of surgical shock : in the former, removal of the anesthetic causes all reflexes to return, whereas in surgical shock most of these are subnormal. The danger of anesthetic shock has been considerably diminished in the clinic by the more careful administration of ether or by the use of other anesthet- ics, such as nitrous oxide gas. A condition closely simulating shock may also bo induced in the earlier stages of the administration of anes- thetics when these are badly given, but paralysis of the heart or of the respiratory center is a usual contributory cause. 4. Spinal Shock. — Spinal shock is produced by section of the spinal cord, but it is to be carefully distinguished from all other forms of shock because of its local character, as it affects only those parts of the body which lie below the level of the lesion in the cord. Above this level the animal may be in a perfectly normal condition, except in cases where the section has been at so high a level that it has severed the vasocon- strictor pathway and thereby produced a fall in blood pressure from vasodilatation. Even when this has happened the part of the animal anterior to the spinal lesion is by no means in a condition of shock. Thus, Sherrington observed in a monkey whose spinal cord had been cut far forward that, although the posterior part of the body was in profound spinal shock and the blood pressure very low, the animal amused him- self by catching flies with his hands. A sufficient description of the con- dition of spinal shock has been given elsewhere, but here it may be noted that it consists essentially in a paralysis involving at first all of the re- flex mechanisms, including the control of the sphincters, in the part of the cord posterior to the section. In the course of a few days or weeks, according to the position of the animal in the scale of development, the reflexes gradually return, until ultimately in a couple of months — in a dog, for example tl • shuck is no doubt the sudden ii I u liii-h reflex action ordinaril; 5. Nervous Shock; Shell Shock." I paid t « » the oen ous shock that i h;i\ e been subjected to tin- i ;in incurred in modern suddenly at the front or i hej n themselves in an apparently aormal n w hen they pass into a condition d n the brain, alii; "ant to anemia. [1 - reflex activity bett< r tl Those \\li" have maintained thai a d< constrictor and their evidence parti) <»n histological exam animals, ii being imed thai il • indicates an exhausted condition. T unwarranted, and no I is '_': similar histological changes may be produced b; lertain] conclude thj are the result and nol I condition. Since the fall in arterial 1>1 1 oles, it must be dependenl \rt. I nterferei with I the blood carried to t i t rides iIid'hil' w u to be unt< entral reflt -is mechanist rial blood ]»: K idently, ti ficienl <-k. t hopeful line of treatn enl is I [1 will be remembered thai in •omplished l>y the app or by placing the animal in a • 1 in t : an ha !>!>li«-.l i*- the atonic Cannon has 1 thai a hopeful ] I in in domen a lution i tnembered direcl Ij on b ■• olui I o other methods nan or I>1 1 ' neither method lias pro> <-<\ do in.\ trans in g i < .il diflVrriuv onlj trcatmi • ■ I • de> i \ 296 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD ent upon the low arterial blood pressure, although some authors have suggested that the loss of sensation may be dependent upon an increased resistance or block at the synapses of the receptor neurons (page 803). This suggestion depends on the fact, demonstrated by Sherrington, that repeated stimulation of the receptors of a reflex arc produces fatigue of that particular reflex, and that this fatigue must be resident in the synapsis and not in the motor neuron, since the same motor neuron that participated in the fatigue can still be called into activity by afferent stimuli transmitted to its nerve cell through other sensory pathways (see page 825). It is thought that in shock the frequent afferent stimula- tion produces synaptic fatigue and therefore dulls the sensory responses of the animal. The researches of Mann above referred to, in which he shows that shock may occur without any demonstrable afferent stimuli in the brain stem, would seem, however, to negative the above hypothesis. The raised threshold of sensory stimulation is no doubt an effect of the low blood pressure. It has been shown, for example, by E. L. Porter36 that when the arterial blood pressure is maintained at a uniform level, the threshold stimulus for spinal cord reflexes remains practically uni- form, but becomes promptly increased when the arterial blood pressure is made to fall. Why a lower blood pressure should have this effect is, however, difficult to understand in the light of the researches of Stewart and his coworkers, who, as remarked above, found that the cells of the central nervous system may endure total anemia for many minutes and still recover their physiological condition. It may be, however, that the low blood pressure affects the conductivity of the synapsis. The muscular weakness is probably also dependent on low blood pressure, for it has been found in animals that, when the arterial blood pressure is lowered to about 90 mm. Hg, the muscles contract much less efficiently than ordinarily. The fall in body temperature is dependent upon the muscular inefficiency. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that W. T. Porter, in the inves- tigation of acute shock met with at the front, has found that, in many cases at least, the circulatory disturbance is due to a condition of fat embolism. The fat is derived from the marrow of long bones, such as the femur, by injuries which smash the bones. Porter's observations are at least very suggestive. CIRCULATION REFERENCES (Monographs) Wiggers, C. J.: The Circulation in Health and Disease, Philadelphia, 1915. Mackenzie, J.: Diseases of the Heart, Oxford Medical Publishers, ed. 2, 1910. Lewis, Thomas: Mechanism of the Heart Heal, 1911, Shaw & Son, Fetter Lane, London. Hill, I aard: 'i PI y, 11. 19 Oaakell, \v. n.: The nd. Flack, M. : Purthi London. W. T. : ajneriean 1 Original I'ajx >M:i. William, J. \ . ■ ./.: H( Journal, Nov., 19] I; VII h 1 1. Phyaiolo •Hill, Leonard, r. B. B P B lww i. - ad 516. J.: km. Jour. Phj (Downs, \. W .: Am. Jour. Phj 1.--. W . M.: ]■•■■■ . I. ■ Knowlton, r. P.: Jour. Physiol., 1911, rli rlOlroy, T. II.: Jour. PI jrsiol., 1917, 1 • and Meek: Heart, 191 1, v, 1 19; 11 nczi V, •Porter, w. T.: \r. on I lr< la I on in ' I ro li< . T. 0.: PrO( PI "Strwart. (i. N.: II. art. 191 I, iii, srrey, W.: Am. Jour. Physiol., I l. M i; : Jour. Physiol., 1913, xlvi, I i*Cohn, A. 1 tfed., 1912, w ii, 129 j Cohn and I r. Phj - rter, u . T.: in . J . PI iiol., 191 irtin, 1.. • ;., and co m \m. . 1915, \\m iii, 98; 1916, i ij lias, W. M.: ■•Hill, I • onard The Phj \ Churchill, I - 111, i. . and hfaeleod, J. J. n.Ms r, W. T.: i .1 Barnard, H and Pi sr, i' I ' i II. lerson, Yai M»«a: Km l •! :. drl R. A ., a i 1 1 ..•. r. H ■ii ii ii . 1918, xh. 2!>; Am. Jour. Med. Sc., li»17, elii, 666. PARI l\ THE RESPIRATION CHAP1 ER XXXIV RESPIRATIi For convenience, the phj Biol der its mi ch THE MECHANICS OF RESPIRATION 1 ''" tin- many factors concen ed in maintaii •In- animal body, the respiral < >n this accounl .mil also l movements, tin- physiolof earliest times Much of il arlier work Dal \\ itli tlit> stu readih measured In ins< necting the tube \\\\\\ a n manometer regis! expiration, a i" ' normally of small magnitud t when anj ob* air. The ply Mow big i 1 1 1 « » a m< which all the in •*•*• ing the longs. In I L- Similarly, th< may be n « ith a manoi I 300 THE RESPIRATION of the thorax and abdomen can open up the thoracic cage, and may equal -70 mm. Hg. These measurements in themselves are not of much importance, except as a measure of muscular development. Intrapulmonic pressures that are intermediate between the two ex- tremes Avill be acquired in the loAver air passages in cases in which there is partial obstruction of the upper respiratory passages, as in bronchitis, spasm of the glottis, diphtheria, etc. During coughing also, the intra- pulmonic pressure may become very high. In this act the thorax is first filled with air by a deep inspiration ; the glottis is then closed, and a forced expiration is made. "When a sufficiently high intrapulmonic pres- sure is attained, the glottis opens and the sudden change in pressure causes so forcible a blast of air that the offending foreign substance is frequently carried with it out of the air passages. It is often assumed that during coughing the sudden increase in pressure in the alveoli will tend to cause their Avails to rupture. This, however, is not the case. The alveoli do not alone support the increase of pressure ; they merely act as the inner layer of a practically homogeneous structure com- posed of lung, pleura and thoracic cage. "When the tissues of the lung are partially degenerated or atrophied, as in old people, then it is pos- sible that a rupture may take place, but under ordinary conditions it is not likely to occur. Amount of Air in the Lungs Measurements of the amount of respired air have recently assumed a considerable interest on account of the various applications which can be made of them in the study of lung conditions. The tidal air is that which enters and leaves the lungs with each respiration (about 500 c.c.) ; the complemented air is that which we can take in over and above an ordinary tidal respiration (about 1500 c.c.) ; and the supplemental air, is that which we can give out after an ordinary tidal expiration (about 1500 c.c). Taking these three together, we have what is known as the vital capacity. It is usually about 3500 c.c, and is represented by the amount of air which we can expel from the lungs after as deep an inspi- ration as possible. The vital capacity is diminished in certain pulmo- nary diseases (see page 314). After all the supplemental air has been expelled, there still remains in the lungs a large volume of air which can not be voluntarily expelled. This is known as the residual air. To measure it in a dead animal it is necessary to clamp the trachea, open the thorax, remove the lungs to a vessel of water, and then allow the air to collect from the opened trachea in an inverted graduated cylinder. One part of the residual air is sometimes called Ihe minimal air; it is i: represented l>> thai which ^ animal when the thorax is In produced, the alveoli imei i keted within them and compressed under water. Tin- volume of the residual sir i by causing a person, after a forced breaths in and oul of a rubber bag an indifferenl gas such as hyd the start 4000 e c. of hydrogen, and this gas and l • e.c of otl expired air in the bag l»«-in<_r still • Uaxlmua. lomplrmm' TIQAL A R >mrnlal t n 2000 cub in or JO aib. in 1500 100 or L ■ ' UMl o< c . for it i> i\ idenl 1 I : » i t«-< 1 air in the bag will be calculation i^ based upon tl the blood during th< i i m «-u • amount absorbed is, make it pei missible to ing a t't-u bi ertaining the proportion of n quantity of residual air i v' Lsuremenl of tl ■ tance in connection « ith ll c n • lunj :i()l2 THE RESPIRATION Alveolar and Dead Space Air In addition to these moieties of respired air, we have to consider the division of the air in the lungs into what is called alveolar air and dead -apace air. The former is the air which comes in contact with the epithelium through which gas diffusion between the blood and the air occurs, the latter being the air which fills the respiratory passages. The dead space can not be defined anatomically with exactitude; it is func- tional rather than morphologic. Measurement of the volume of the alveolar and dead-space air can be made in an animal breathing under normal conditions by taking ad- vantage of the fact that, while it is in the lungs, the air has added to it C02 gas, which is present in the inspired air only in negligible traces. The necessary data are: (1) the volume of the tidal respiration; (2) the percentage of C02 in alveolar air; (3) the percentage of C02 in the tidal air. Suppose the values to he 500 c.c, G per cent and 4 per cent, re- 4 spectively; then the volume of alveolar air must be 500x^ = 333 c.c, and the dead space 167 c.c. The measurement so made is accurate only when certain precautions are taken. Because of the practical impor- tance of this part of our subject we shall, however, defer its further consideration until we have become familiar with the general features of pulmonary physiology. Since the first air to move into the alveoli at the beginning of inspiration is that present in the dead space,— the last air expelled from the alveoli on the previous expiration, — it is of no value in purifying the air already present in the alveoli. If we take a tidal inspiration as amounting to 500 c.c. and the functional dead space as 150 c.c, it is plain that only 350 c.c. of the outside air gains the alveoli, and that the subsequent expiration is composed of 150 c.c of outside air that had lodged in the dead space plus 350 c.c. of alveolar air. These facts deserve a certain amount of emphasis because of their practical importance in many phenomena connected with respiration. One seldom thinks, for example, that out of the 500 c.c of air inspired with each breath, 'only 350 c.c. reaches the alveoli, where it comes in contact with the 2500-3000 c.c of air already present in this part of the lungs. There must therefore be a sort of interface somewhere in the alveoli between the fresh outside air that comes in with each breath through the bronchioles and the air which is more or less stagnant in the alveoli. This interface must move backward and forward somewhat with each breath, and a rapid diffusion of oxygen and of C02 must take place The abo> <• dew he maintenai • he .lit ii'-' - ' lions in the ami such variation importi in sini|>!>- s..hiti\ attae] ; \ pe is >li«»w n ! ■ desired merely I Riieh ;i ti. ol.t \ith t knoM ' mi. • I in fi must ::<)4 TTIK KKSI '[RATION ber of c.c. of water from a graduate into a bottle with which the record- ing instrument is connected by tubing. The displacement of the "writing point gives us the necessary data for standardization. The Intrapleural Pressure The air -which we have just been considering depends for its move- ment in and out of the air passages upon changes occurring on the outer aspect of the lungs in the space between them and the thoracic wall. This is called the intrapleural space. It does not really exist as an actual space in the living animal, for the visceral pleura which covers the lungs is in accurate and intimate apposition with the parietal pleura on the inner aspect of the thorax. Fig. 109. — Body plethysmograph for recording respiration. (From J. S. Haldane and J. G. Priestley.) If the thoracic walls are punctured in a living animal or in one which has recently died, the air will rush into the thorax, the two layers of pleura separate, and the lungs collapse, causing temporarily a space to be formed between the two layers of pleura and indicating that a certain subatmospheric or negative pressure must exist in the intact thorax to prevent the lungs from collapsing. The degree of this nega- tive pressure may be measured by connecting a tube and a manometer with the thoracic cavity. While the thorax is at rest, as in expiration or immediately after death, this pressure amounts to about -5 milli- meters.* On inspiration it increases to -10 millimeters. There are there- fore two problems to be considered: (1) the cause of the negative pres- sure in the quiescent thorax, and (2) the cause of the increase of the negative pressure during inspiration. *The minus sign indicates that t lie pressure is negative or subatmospheric. It is a suction pressure. The Permanent Negative Pressure I thai occur in the thorax \\ hen una! is still in uter o, the In first breath ii dram n the tl 1 u 1 1 <_r ^ . to thai ili<- latter become the air thai i> introduced into them chea and bronchial tub increased spj i ted in tl.. thorax thoracic <■■ This in itself, 1 ,f a subatmospheric pressure in the inti come into play namely, the elsstic I expansion will !>»■<•< mp I and, tl lax t" its previous condition and tu ten it and the thoracic wall. II • measure when we conned a manomel ith tl Throughoul life the lungs remain of small." all. and therefore to till the thoracic cavit; l.->s distended and the elastic tisc are, however, no1 the only Btructu panded; all thin-walled ■ and viscera, Ii gua, the aurich . must also b m< When the thoracic wall is punctured and the out entry t<> the intrapleural diffei on the inner and outer :\^\>< the In ih.' postmortem <-'>ua iii. be< intrapleural space and n the lungs. This absorption • rapid; bul if the /"" umothoraxt ■ f..r any length of tim< . the 1' panded again. The Greater Negative Pressure on Inspiration rax becomes increased in ;i!: suit thai i g] in the thin-walled structures in the I artieipi entrance of outside air ter pull, or negate [nstead "t" being •"> nun 1 1 now comes t.. be atxn e 10 When anv obstru r*" 306 THE RESPIRATION thoracic pressure produced by the movements of respiration become more pronounced than under normal conditions. When the thorax ex- pands with the trachea blocked, the lungs are not able to open up suffi- ciently to fill all the space so that there is excessive dilatation of the veins, auricles and esophagus, as well as drawing in of the intercostal spaces and bulging upwards of the diaphragm. If a manometer is con- nected with the pleural space under these conditions, a very large negative or suction pressure will be observed, amounting often to -70 or -80 mm. Hg. It is possible that under such conditions some space might temporarily exist between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura, but it could not remain long, for it would very soon be filled by fluid exuding from the blood vessels. In the opposite condition, in which the respiratory passages are blocked and a forced expiration is made, as for example in the first stage of coughing or during such acts as defecation and parturition, the thoracic cage is compressed upon the viscera, with the result that the air in the lungs assumes a positive pressure, amounting often to nearly 100 mm. Hg. If a puncture wound is made in the thorax under these conditions, the lungs instead of col- lapsing will bulge out of the wound, for what is .really occurring is that the thorax is forcibly contracting on occluded sacs of air. It is the alternating changes in intrapleural pressure that are respon- sible for the changes in intrapulmonic pressure and these for the move- ment of air in and out of the lungs with each respiration. In other words, the thorax does not expand on inspiration because air rushes in, as the uninitiated imagine, but air rushes in because the thorax expands. The Influence of Intrapleural Pressure on the Blood Pressure. — The movements of respiration produce effects on the vascular system that are of considerable importance in maintaining the circulation of the blood. If an arterial blood-pressure tracing is examined, it will be observed that aside from the cardiac pulsations large waves exist on it that are approximately synchronous with the respiratory movements, the upstroke of each of these waves corresponding in general with inspira- tion, and the downstroke with expiration (Fig. 22). These respiratory variations in blood pressure might be due either to changes in heart rhythm or to a purely mechanical cause. Regarding 1 lie first possi- bility, it is indeed the case in most animals that the pulse is quicker on inspiration than on expiration, but that this alone is not an adequate explanation of the rise is shown by the fact that it still persists after the vagus control of the heart has been eliminated, either by cutting the nerve or by the action of atropine. The eause must therefore be a mechanical one. Bearing in mind the u hich out of the lu] piration, turallj me thai be ' to thi 'ii ins!' bj Btemic veins into tl. polled bj the heaii into I <*n expiration the opp the thorax on u ion do blood ia traveling I ments of 1»I ltl<>\\ . This explanation, h< changes of 1>1 1 ; rhich \ ery accurate i racings lood pi ments ride bj Bide, w e Bhall fi presau] ith inspiratii erably delayed; thai is, immedial inspiratory act the arterial l»l 1 pn fall, and al the beginninj rise ■ Pig. 22 .Mo it ill I"- found, nt animals are com] piration ia to cause mor< than than rise. It w ill be found thai tl on the type of respiration, w hi Lei as consider firsl ial breathing entirely by the tl the inspiration i ause tl themselves and the blood \ i ded More l»l I ■ this blood will, l it w ill be until ii ■ in arterial blond pi V\ has boon filled with bl< tii-all;. .1 th< side of th' the ■ Ihc thi Bqueeze the I the bul will be tl then r ' 308 TITE RESPIRATION phragm descends and crowds the viscera against the vena cava, with the result that at first more blood is squeezed into the thorax and the blood pressure tends slightly to rise. After this initial effect, how- ever, the compression of the vena cava causes less blood to reach the thorax, and the arterial blood pressure falls. The conditions will be exactly reversed on expiration. The initial effect of thoracic inspira- tion is, therefore, to make the arterial blood pressure fall, and the in- itial effect of abdominal inspiration, to make it rise. The net effect A. ABDOMEN. JUX/LU B. CHEST. C. ABDOMEN. Fig. 110. — Effect of abdominal and chest breathing on the pulse and blood pressure of man. Abdominal inspiration raises the pressure and diminishes the amplitude of the pulse curve. Thoracic inspiration less clearly lowers the pressure. Expiration has the opposite effects. (From Lewis.) produced will be the algebraic sum of these two opposing influences (see Fig. 110). Another factor that comes into play in determining the effect of the respiratory movements on the cardiac output acts through the changes in the pericardial pressure. When this is lowered, as early in inspira- tion, it encourages diastole, thus causing better filling and therefore better discharge from the heart. These considerations taken together make it easy to understand the changes in blood pressure, particularly in the veins, which occur when a forced inspiratory or expiratory movement is made with the glottis closed. A forced expiration of this nature occurs during the acts of defecation and partui it also produ 1 by blowinj ( in account of tin- poaith •• p aa thej enter the thorax, * down the flow «>i" blood through t: the veins and, if the • si < • i 1 1 «_r able t<» The dilatation "f the veins her thin-v rax ilius cauaea an immediate fall in both I preasure in tin- venous, bee i the bl< in tho thorax :m ; i *- ^ .- 1 lt • • from tl art [f this condition is maintained, tl what, but that in the veins is permanently CHAPTER XXXV • THE MECHANICS OF RESPIRATION (Cont'd) VARIATIONS IN THE DEAD SPACE, THE RESIDUAL AIR AND MID-CAPACITY, AND THE VITAL CAPACITY IN VARI- OUS PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS By R. G. Pearce, B.A., M.D. Dead Space Under ordinary conditions of breathing the dead space is fairly con- stant in volume. Haldane5 and Henderson6 believe that it may be in- creased by 400 per cent in maximal deep breathing, and that the in- crease is due to the passive stretching of the lower air sacs. Although such large variations in the capacity of the dead space has not been ob- served by Krogh and Lindhard7 or by R. G. Pearce,8 it is undoubted that moderate rhythmic variations may occur. Even in deeper breath- ing (1500 c.c. or over), a slight increase, which with maximum breaths may amount to 100 c.c, can be demonstrated. This is not surprising when Ave remember that the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles are made up largely of readily expansible tissue (elastic and smooth-muscle fibers). As the respirations become deeper and the expanding force of the inspiratory movements of the thorax becomes more pronounced, the diameter of the bronchi and bronchioles will enlarge proportionately — that is, the diameter or circumference will increase in direct proportion to this force; but the area of the cross section of the bronchi (i. e., the capacity) will increase as the square of the diameter. This depends on the fact that the area of a circle is increased by 125 per cent when the diameter is increased by 50 per cent, and by about 300 per cent when the diameter is increased by 100 per cent. The capacity of the dead space has a certain clinical significance. Siebeck8 has estimated that the dead space may increase by 100 c.c. in asthma, but others believe that the increase may be greater. One rea- son for the discordant results lies in the fact that the percentage of C02 found in the alveolar air obtained by the Haldane-Priestley method has been used as one of the basic figures in the determination of the 310 I li capacity of the air ; longation ration method gives figures that and it is plain that til expiration is tlj pr< \\ dead space must !"■ accompai ied I ume if the alveoli a by Borne clinicians thi diac decompensation ma; < lareful esl imal h-ns of 1 1 • t'ail to demonstrat< any g An explanation of the patients lias l q found I Baldane-Prieetley method : teal phenomena accompanying t! emphysema the \\ alls of il • lower borders "t' tin- lunu's. have !• i fail • <>r relax properly _r th< tli. vs.- alveoli remains relatively ni tions air made. When a samp dead air i-- pushed oul of tin- .1 jpi ration required in the .1 Since the air in these ah eoli 1 in<_r the lungs, it has a h I • with the uniformly 1 nd in large ti'_'i the d< is not increased, the l.l ! i> ventilated in or< entering the left hea H en! blood l'M\ in- cam can Compensate for the lo ■ ■A alveoli, tl hlix.il lr,r, il emphysema P< \ alveoli in t' The Residual Air Ukd M of U *■ Dur • muacul I the * ital i 312 THE RESPIRATION sunie a more inflated condition between breaths or, as it has been clum- sily styled, a greater mid-capacity. These changes may serve as a physiologic method for increasing the efficiency of alveolar ventilation so as to meet the greater needs of the body. This is partly because the pulmonary vessels become dilated and the bloodflow through the lungs is favored, and partly because of the influence of the reserve and sup- plemental airs on the tension of the arterial blood gases during the res- piratory cycle. For example, if the lungs were completely depleted of air during expiration, the blood leaving them at the end of this act would be entirely venous. On the other hand, if the amount of air left in the lungs at the end of expiration were above the normal amount, each increment of C02 given off from the blood, or of 02 absorbed by it would produce less change in the pressure of the C02 or 02. The importance of these influences will be seen from the following figures. If the residual and supplemental air amounts to 2000 c.c, and the percentage of C02 in the alveolar air at the end of expiration is 5 per cent, then 100 c.c. of C02 must be present in the lungs. In a con- dition of bodily rest about 20 c.c. of this gas is excreted during a res- piratory cycle, so that if the breath were held during this period, the percentage of C02 would rise from 5 to 6 per cent, and an inspiration of 400 c.c. would be required to bring the air in the lungs back to 5 per cent of C02. On the other hand, if the residual and supplemental air amounted to 3000 c.c. with 5 per cent of C02 in the alveolar air at the end of the expiration, there would be 150 c.c. of C02 in the lungs at the end of the expiration, so that holding the breath for the time of the respiratory cycle would raise the percentage of CO, only to 5.66 (pro- vided the production of C02 was the same as in the first case), and an inspiration of 600 c.c. Avould be necessary to reduce it to the normal expiratory figure. Or. putting it another way, the production of CO., can be increased 50 per cent in the time of a respiratory cycle without affecting the tension of gases in the lungs, provided the residual and supplemental air and the volume of the respiration are increased 50 per cent. If only one of the factors is changed, however, then the bal- ance of the respiration must be disturbed, and the greater variation in the tension of the gases in the arterial blood must occur at the dif- ferent phases of the respiratory cycle. -Bohr and Siebeck have shown that the residual air is invariably increased in emphysema and that the mid-capacity of the lungs is likewise increased; and it Avould appear from Siebeck's data that a similar condition must bo present in cases of decompensated heart. Patients suffering from dyspnea, particularly those suffering from Ill cardiac dyspnea, can not bi Bitting. Thia condition ii ki ting over the lying p plained Th< • ter \ ital eap ing of ti gravity; the increa enlarged thoracic ca\ ity air of the lungs are all The Vitui Capacity, i\ of the lungs to their the determination of I ; lue in : t.iiit. Recently Peabod Eac1 that : ■ itli heaii <\ do healthy subjects, ai •! thai I on their inability to inci he depth manner. They find thai this Inability a diminished vital capacity of th( by the volume of th< possil spiration. They believe thai any condition which ! of increasing the minute volui tor in the production of >h In normal adults the follow ; I ;i large bi rii clinical c I clas ich group being subdivided . Mm i )IT I* Lowrmt • I 11 III 44 $* B *) SO S'| I n in It would •'!!'!" !it. and aln i I adopted for each group darda may ! 314 THE RESPIRATION Table II The Relation of the Vital Capacity of the Lungs to the Clinical Condition in Patients with Heart Disease* group VITAL NUM- MOR- SYMPTOMS WORK- REMARKS CAPACITY BER OF TALITY OF DECOM- ING 7o CASES % PENSATION % % I 90 - 25 0 0 92 Few symptoms ref- erable to heart. II 70 to 90 41 5 2 54 History of dyspnea with exertion, yet able to do moder- ate work. III 40 to 70 67 . 17 89 7 Dyspnea with mod- e r a t e exercise. Few able to work. IV Under 40 23 61 100 0 Bedridden, with marked signs of cardiac insuf- ficiency. (Peabody and Went/worth.) 'Certain cases were tested several times and, owing to changes in the vital capacity they appear in more than one group. In the "mortality" column they are included only in the lowest group into which they fell. "Symptoms of decompensation" indicate dyspnea while at rest in bed or on very slight exertion. Under "working" are included only those actually at work, and able to continue. Many other patients in Group II were able to work, but they are not included as they were still in the hospital. Table II shows that there is a remarkably close relationship between the clinical condition of cardiac patients, particularly as regards the tendency to dyspnea, and the vital capacity of the lungs. Peabody and Wentworth believe that the determination of the vital capacity affords a clinical test as to the functional condition of the heart, since compen- sated patients who do not complain of dyspnea on exertion have a nor- mal vital capacity. Patients with more serious disease in whom dyspnea is a prominent symptom, have a low vital capacity; and the decrease in vital capacity runs parallel with the clinical condition. As a patient improves, his vital capacity tends to rise ; as he becomes worse, it tends to fall. In other diseases in which mechanical conditions interfere with the movements of the lungs, the tendency to dyspnea corresponds closely to the decrease in the vital capacity. The cause of the decrease in the vital capacity of the lung in cardiac decompensation is difficult to ex- plain satisfactorily. It may be the limitation in the movements of the lungs produced by engorgement of the pulmonary vessels, by the weak- ness of the intercostal muscles, the rigidity of the bony thorax, emphysema, or accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities. In cardiac disease the air in the lungs at the end of a normal expiration is usually increased. This is similar to the condition which attends exer- cise, and is probably ;i physiological adaptation 1<> give optimum aeration to the blood, as explained above. CUAPTEK .1 THE MECHANK B OF RE8PJB THE MECHANISM BY WHICH THE CHANGES I PACITY OF THE THORAX AND LUNGS ARE BROUGHT ABO Bi k. i. . r i-. a MH that take place in tl thorax daring respiratioD are b diaphragm, sternum, and vertebra considered separately. The Movements ol the R: attached directly to t aum b; the twelfth pairs pro truth thej are indirectly atta the ' I The el< ■ I h and t h elfti may be considered a pi the thoracic Bach pair of r jether w it h r ms a riii^r, the plane of •■ I Th- J articnlatioi uii- [n the form* which (it int , whil< ribs arc flat Eacl I little more backwai ribs t to thi rtifiilatit.ii of the lipp< in thr spii movement in thi :" the rih * hich ti thr oflV.-f 316 THE RESPIRATION converted into an upward movement, which is greatest in that part of the shaft lying parallel to the axis of rotation of the neck (Fig. 111). The upper ribs from the first to the fifth form a cone-shaped top to the thorax, whereas the lower ones form a vertical series, each being situated almost directly above its neighbor. The upper set is arranged for the expansion of the conical upper lobe of the lungs, the lower for the ex- pansion of the more or less cylindrical lower lobes. During inspiration the anteroposterior diameter of the conical portion of the thorax in- creases, because the ribs, together with the sternal connections, move through progressively increasing arches, and each lower rib tends to over- ride the rib just above. The maximal rise of the ribs from the first to the A. Fig. 111. — A, first dorsal vertebra; Bt sixth dorsal vertebra and rib. Axis of rotation shown in each case. tenth during inspiration shifts more and more from the anterior to the lateral aspects of the thorax, because the angle formed by the shaft near the neck of the rib approaches nearer to the articulating joints on the vertebrae. An examination of the shape of the first rib, its relationship to adjacent structures and its movements, shows that it differs from the others in its respiratory function. The first pair of ribs and the manubrium sterni are bound closely together by short, wide costal cartilages, and form a structural unit which Keith1 calls the thoracic operculum. This lid is articulated behind with the first thoracic vertebra by a joint, which is more nearly transverse than that of the rest of the costal series; and in front with the manubrium, which is also articulated with the clavicles I II M l : above and with tin- bod) of men! at the angle which 1 1 * « - main. joint is related to the 1 sternum la el I during inspiral • . luit w hen the sternum amount to 16 . Lack "t' m< I ii considered by some physician pulmonary tuberculosis. During attachments are raised b) tl • the second, third, Fourth and fifth rib they are depressed toward the lower ril fixed baa The combined effecl of these influe upper ribs which is described by the clii movement is more apparent in the npp< here the relative difference in tl attributes a certain <1 i.i ltd « >-t i <• sif movement, diminution in the i ibilit) it t<> become less or to disapp< I the tip of the ring finger on the Becond rib in tl iip of the middle finger on the third iil> mi\ .•. When there is a mod the upper lobe, the three ribs move in m tanee, so thai the undulator) m< may exhibit a considerabh i impaired by any di w hich i interstitial tissue of the lung, <>r \ ement may ; Because of its attach] diaphi ■ pull the margii l»ut under normal conditions tl the externa] into Is in raisi tal \\ the tip turea are nol equally lungs 1 1 1 ; i \ !»<• in-_r apa as to permit th< tween them. Keith com] • i p an. B the lui lands in I th«' inflated dead ■ ut by ili«' thoracic moven limited in some regions than ii distinguished on the Burfi • ■ |y immovable parts of panded directlj 'I • limn ami the Btructun with the Bpinal column and I • brium expand of tin' In apex i • ond ril Ml ami the diaphragm Kron is |( M 326 THE RESPIRATION by the fact that, in the region immediately surrounding a localized con- solidation, a fluid has increased resonance, which would not be the case if the relaxation produced was equally distributed throughout the lung. The root of the lung, which has generally been regarded as more or less fixed, undergoes in normal breathing a definite forward, downward and outward movement, and the heart shares in this movement (Keith). The movements of the lower ribs and diaphragm are responsible for the expansion of the lower lobes and dorsal portion of the upper lobes of the lungs, whereas the movement of the upper five ribs expands the anterior portion of the upper lobes. The relative infrequency of pleuritic fric- tion-sounds and pain over the upper lobes as compared with their fre- quency over the lower lobes is explained by the fact that the expansion of the upper lobes is accomplished with little displacement of the pleural surfaces, whereas in the lower lobes expansion is accompanied by a glid- ing of the lungs across the ribs. I MAM I , ,|| I HE CON! ROL OF THE KESPI RATIO The participation of Buch wid tor) acl demands that trol With i ,1.. nasi | dud ad the intei diaphragm are contracting « h relaxing; and all tl bring about the mi I dently there musl ome mechanism I is effected through the i m. THE RESPIRATORY NERVE CENTERS I nt fibers to • : ■ tive motor neur» hich in d matter <>f the Bpinal cord. I i-ons. or subsidiary impulses from a highi longata, the pathway of trai subsidiary centers being in I evidence thai nished By obsen ii by scri.il destruction 1 1 this method the ap location being thru del of tin- supposed loc *»■» before backw ard, p produced on tli- mcdulla, w hen imra [f W •' ll'iW tricle in i located about the tip resides in I Bolitariu [1 ::i>s THE RESPIRATION The subsidiary centers are entirely dependent upon the master center for their harmonious action, as is shown by the fact that if the phrenic motor neuron — which is situated in the cervical spinal cord between the fourth and sixth spinal segments — is isolated from the medulla by a Lateral hemisection of the cord just above the fourth segment and by mesial section of the cord opposite the center, the corresponding half of the diaphragm no longer participates in the inspiratory act (see Fig. 118). The chief center on cither side of the midline of the medulla is con- nected with the motor neurons of botli sides of the spinal cord, as is proved by the following experiment. When the central end of the vagus nerve is stimulated, the respiratory center becomes excited and the respi- rations more pronounced, the participation of the muscles on both sides of the body being equal in extent. If now we bisect the medulla down the Medulla Spinal cord Fig. 118. — Diagram to show cuts required for isolation of the phrenic center. midline and repeat the stimulation of one vagus, the muscles on both sides will still participate in the increased respiration, which they will likewise do if the cervical cord is bisected or hemisected but the medulla left intact (Fig. 119). The simplest interpretation of these results is that commis- sural fibers connect both halves of the respiratory center in the medulla and that each half is also connected with the motor neurons of both sides of the spinal cord. Often, especially in young animals, a hemisection of the cord causes cessation of the movements of the diaphragm on the same side; bid this paralyzed side at once begins to contract again when the phrenic of the opposite side is cut, probably because the respiratory impulse descending from the chief center, on finding its way along the motor center of the same side of the cord blocked, is forced to follow the crossed path. The crossing in the cord is believed to take place at the same level as thai at which the subsidiary center is located (W. T. Porter12). I III The tiucstion w purely reflex in I IIMIlMli in the 3( use i hal tomaticitj of the hearl i which ■ hi inli- matic respirator} eei t< suit of chi the facl that il nervous impulses. I of ihf center as beinj dependent u\ aff< Its Medulla t roofj y be merelj a facto i ordinarily controlli 11 \\ hich . '•'■lit .-r iua\ or ii undertaken I isolation "f Tin- iiillu- the pedum puis the spina the i><>-' 330 THE RESPIRATION by them to the respiratory center. By such an operation the only lower respiratory neurons left intact are those of the phrenic nerve, so that the respiratory movements that alone are possible are those in which the diaphragm participates and the muscles of the alae nasi and larynx. It was found that the animal after the operation went on respiring, though imperfectly, and that the respirations soon became more marked and asphyxia] in character, indicating that the blood was not becoming Vagus.X. Disphracjm. Fig. 120. — Diagram to show where cuts arc made to isolate the chief respiratory center from afferent impulses. properly aerated and that the chemical changes occurring in it were acting directly on the center, stimulating it to greater activity. The conclusion seems warranted that the respiratory center can act auto- matically, for the only possible afferent nerves left in the above prepara- tion were those carried to the center by the tit'tli nerve (Fig. 120). That the respiratory center is extraordinarily sensitive to changes in the composition of the blood flowing through it is a, fact that has been knoAvn for a long time, but it is only within recent years that the exact in nature of this conl ■ it }\a\ e been tl Mil M> which the cent THE REFLEX CONTROL OF THE RESPIRATORY I afferent n< iently be «- added the imp ter from the higher i are largely voluntary in natun ebral impulsi ence being seen b) "I aft- ioning the po !"■< te distinctly affected, bul art' cm' Othei at in which nerves had been fore, nol a reflex of thi «.ii> impulses passii the nervous bj Btem, pei 1 i mitted to the r< spiratory must Tl i tomatically by alternate dis through the afferent fi in Buch a way as to brii inspiration, must, thei • \ agus plaj a a most imp* the respiratory follow the ation oi \ i the cun ithing ; and wh< appears during both he\\e\ ing that tl 'i-.u w ith • that in an in' rlion diox ami qu i«l« a bu1 I priii ■ 334 THE RESPIRATION excitability, and being active to ;i greater or less extent all the time; while the other acts only occasionally on the "limed up" center. There is, of course, no doubt that it is through the nerves that the occasional alterations of respiration occur. They appear also to have a certain influence on the rhythm, for Stewart, Pike and Guthrie17 observed that, after resuscitation from acute brain anemia, the respirations when they returned were of the same rhythm as that of the artificial respirations i 'in ployed during the resuscitation. The usually accepted hypothesis as to the mechanism by which the nerve impulses hasten the respiratory movements is that an afferent impulse is transmitted to the respiratory center towards the end of each inspiration, which has the effect of inhibiting the inspiratory discharge from the center and thus cutting short the act of inspiration so that ex- piration automatically supervenes. This explanation is in agreement with the fact that quiet inspiration involves activity on the part of the respiratory muscles, whereas expiration is usually almost entirely pas- sive, being due to the return to a resting position of the stretched and displaced structures. On the other hand, in forced respiration and in certain animals under normal conditions, expiration becomes active, in which event a current of action becomes evident in the vagus nerve dur- ing the expiratory phase. The superior laryngeal branch of the vagus should really be classified as one of those nerves that have an occasional influence on the respiratory center, its particular function being in connection with the act of cough- ing. When a foreign body irritates the mucous membrane of the larynx, the nerve fibers transmit impulses to the respiratory center which ex- cite a violent expiration and at the same time cause the glottis to close. The closure of the glottis lasts, however, only during the first part of the expiration; it then opens, with the result that the sudden release of intrapulmonic pressure causes the expulsion of the foreign substance in the air passages. CIIAITKK XXXVIII THE I I »vi i:< 'I. I >F RKSP1R \ l [< THE HORMONE CONTROL OF THE RESPIRATORY R KR Jusl rhythmii changes in the composition i the respiratory In I cium, potassium and sodium whereas in the case of the i espii centration of hydrogen and C of the lil I. This influi injecting acid or alkaline Roluti< artery of an anesthetized animal, decei ebrati d Acid injei line injectioi i to depr< are injected intravenously in ol come thoroughly mixed with t; reached, the effi cl flucnce of the blood has Prom the resull i> injection ■ not draw th( slusion thai the respirator} center is affected blood, for, as u e hai •• • able properl ■ imal fluid i piratorj cent* beha\ ior of & i ily m< tl)<> Id 1 thai und< alteration in Ci l Riihstance may 1"-, it w ill b< concerned in maintaining I dependenl upon the 1 ■ •li it mounl nously, l duced dm demands U5 :,).°)(! THE RESPIRATION the amino groups— split off from the amino bodies— become converted into ammonia instead of into the neutral substance, urea. Rnt the chief variations seem to concern acids rather than the basic substances. These acids may be divided into three "roups: fixed inorganic acids, represented by phosphoric; fixed organic acids, represented by lactic; and volatile acids, represented by carbon dioxide. Of these three groups, the first shows the least tendency to change, and the third, the greatest. Changes in Hie second group I fixed organic acids) are effected partly by excretion through the urine and partly by oxidation into volatile acid. The sud- den and rapid changes in the third group are brought about by the dif- fusion of the CO, of the blood into the alveolar air. Gross changes in the acid content of the blood are therefore mainly effected through al- teration in the excretion of the fixed acids, Avhereas sudden changes art' effected by excretion of the volatile acid. It is important to note here that the fixed organic acids do not participate to any great extent in the makeup of the acid content of normal blood: they appear only under unusual conditions, as in dyspnea. The variations in CH that ordinarily affect the activity of the respiratory center are therefore dependent upon changes in the volatile acid, a direct measure of which is found in the tension of CO2 in the blood. The correlation between CH of the blood and respiratory activity must be a very close one if CH is to be maintained. The Laws of Gases. — In order to understand the principles upon which alterations in CO, tension are dependent, it will be necessary for us to review briefly some of the gas laws. Among these laws the first in im- portance is the law of pressure, which states that, other things being equal, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume ; if a gas occupying a certain volume is compressed by a pump so that it oc- cupies one-half of its previous volume, its pressure will become doubled. The second is the law of partial pressure, which states that the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture of gases, having no action on one another, is equal to that which this particular gas would exert did it alone oc- cupy the space occupied by the mixture. Thus, atmospheric air consists roughly of 79 volumes per cent of nitrogen and 21 of oxygen; the par- 21 tial pressure of the oxygen is therefore equal ^^X 760 mm. Hg, this last figure being the barometric pressure of air at sea level. The third is the law of solution of gasi s, which is to the effect that the amount of gas which goes into solution in a liquid having no chemical attraction for the gas, is proportional to the partial pressure of gas. If water is exposed to air, the amount of oxygen which it dissolves will be the same as if the water had been exposed to oxygen at a pressure equal to that of the partial pi the case w itli the n ionics dissoh cil in ili-- fluid, p depends partly on | fluid. For examph differenl From that ii •_r,.|| and CO i-y. il • will dissolve in a particu of solubility i volume of fluid tidard •h. efficiei • 0 02 '■'' meai - that, at this tern] Bure, l ill diss a pure atmosphere of this . 9 per cent of an atm w mild li tne dissoh •••! in pad ■ In solul ions containing i enter inin combination proportional to the amount • from the fluid. < Mi th< tin- combined lm^ p ill this will I..- indep< will ha if pun amoui pressure I Pal the CO w ill 1" larger quantity I ' I will bi mineral acid 1 the atmosph< tii »ns | The Tension of CO and 0 in the A: Blood s hi confim iriit that the p( th the blood other hand. fus 338 THE RESPIRATION atmosphere in the space would show thai the C02 percentage had been raised. If the blood contained a lower tension than that corresponding to the percentage of C02 in the space, some of the CO, would diffuse into the blood, and its percentage in the atmosphere would be lowered. By successively exposing blood to gas mixtures that contain slightly different percentages of C02, we should ultimately find one with which the free C02 in the blood was in perfect equilibrium, and we should be able to state that 1 lie tension of this gas in the blood was equal to a certain percentage in the atmosphere surrounding the blood (see Fig. 121). Many forms of apparatus based on the above principle have been in- vented for the examination of the tension of the gases in the blood. The most accurate is that devised by Krogh,ls the principle of which ,* S.t%a\eni sfaf",- , \ ssY^^^JBtovtS*y>s>^*r:^< -^^-<^, , S. 5 at itavT C0X s.1 ».Te.Yid SSS'SySSSs ^X^/X/Jl<*<>^/^^/^^^^>^^ CO, s.-\s »T £** 5.-13 i'd>a IT Fig. 121. — Diagram to show principle for measurement of the tension of C02 in blood. The C02 tension of blood is supposed to be 5.75. differs slightly from that just described in that a bubble of air is exposed to a relatively large quantity of blood, so that after a time actual equilibrium of gas tension becomes established between the bub- ble and the gases of the blood. This apparatus is shown in Figs. 122 and 123. It consists of a graduated tube of narrow bore sur- rounded by a water jacket. To the upper end of the graduated tube a small syringe is attached. The loAver end of the graduated tube ex- pands into a thistle-shaped bulb, closed below by a cork, through which is inserted a tube (inflow tube) ending near the top of the bulb in a fine opening and connected outside with an artery. An outflow tube is also connected with the thistle-shaped bulb. At the beginning of the experiment the thistle-shaped bulb and the graduated tube arc filled with physiological saline. By means of the syringe a small bubble of air is then introduced, so that it lies at the junction ol the thistle i l>ull> is allow ed to enter thr< around the bubble "i air, •••• hicl displaces the salim ble has been subjected to t; the gases in it come into p< The percentage of 0 CO tu the tension "i' ; draw ing th«' bubble int.. cz •■ asuring its eapacil which absorbs the CO .in measuring i i bubbl • tion, \\ hei e the 0 l * The Tension of CO lad 0 in A * Air may determine tin 340 Till' RESPIRATION the method by which the tensions of these gases in alveolar air can be determined. The simplest and until recently the most accurate method is that of Haldane and Priestley.10 This consists in having an individual, v\ith his nostrils clamped, breathe quietly through a piece of hose pipe about a meter long, which has at the mouth end a short side-tube lead- ing to an evacuated gas-sampling bulb of about 50 c.c. capacity.* After the subject has become accustomed to breathing through the tube, he is asked to make a forced expiration and at the end of it to close the mouthpiece with his tongue. At this moment the operator opens the tap of the sampling tube, allowing the air from the tubing through which the individual has made the forced expiration to rush in and fill it. This sample represents the air from the alveoli (see page 302), and is analyzed for percentages of C02* and 02. Since each normal inspira- tion dilutes the alveolar air someAvhat, it is necessary, for constant re- Fig. 12-t. — Apparatus for collection of a sample of alveolar air by Ilaldane's method. It is better to use a mouthpiece than a mask. suits, to make two analyses of alveolar air from each subject, one taken at the end of a normal inspiration and the other at the end of normal expiration. The average of the two results is taken as the composition of the alveolar air. On account of the difficulty in securing intelligent cooperation in the application of this method, particularly with children, others have been devised. One of the simplest is that of Fridericia, which is a modifica- tion of the Ilaldane-Priestley method, the apparatus for which is shown in the figure (Fig. 125), and the manipulation of -which is outlined in the legend. Another is to take a mixed sample of the very last portion of several normal expirations. On account of the extended use which is being made of measurements of alveolar air composition, both in lab- *In place of the gas-sampling tube it is much more convenient ami equally accurate to employ one of the modern ground glass piston syringes (l.r.er). The piston should, of course, be well smeared with a good mineral grease. \ N X j • / I IE 3tt ■ ? if ■:■' ■■■: • ■ ft 1 a 1 • Ml — i, "" - _ M • 342 THE RESPIRATION oratory and in clinical work, a special chapter lias been devoted to the subject, giving in detail the more recent methods devised by R. G. Pearce. Lastly, it should be noted that several observers believe that a more reliable estimate of the alveolar tension of C02 (and of 02) can be made by analyzing a sample of ordinary expired air and calculating the per- centages of CO, and 02 in the alveolar air by allowing a constant dead- space capacity of 140 c.c. (Krogh, etc.). If Ave compare the C02 tension of arterial blood, as measured by the Krogh method, with that of alveolar air, we shall find that there is a remarkable correspondence, indicating, therefore, that, when the arterial H % Co 2 in itrxpirretair 220 30 tO Fig. 127. — Same as Fig. 126, except that in this case the tension of C02 in the alveolar air was experimentally altered. (From A. and M. Krogh.) blood leaves the alveoli, its partial pressure or tension of C02 is exactly equal to that in the alveolar air. This is shown in the accompanying curves of experiments performed by Krogh. The dotted line in these curves represents the tension of C02 or 02 in alveolar air, and the con- tinuous line, these tensions in arterial blood. Close correspondence will be observed between the C02 curves even when sudden changes in alveolar C02 were induced by artificial means. In the case of the 02 tensions, however, that of the blood is always lower than that of the alveolar air, the differences being especially marked when the 02 ten- sion in the alveoli is raised (Figs. 126 and 127). Tension of CO., in Venous Blood. — If we examine the C02 tension of the venous blood coming to the lungs, we shall find that it is distinctly 1 li higher than that in th< it consisted in passing .. blocking the ■ rubber collar <»r ampulla, i pro fiit.-. I. ;iikI a sample of tl In BUCh B round the body, and w ttfa onlj thai mor< CO ia being di responds to t h<- tensioi Much more practical mcl I '• sun and R G P< ■ 1 1 i « - 1 1 method, the person Bret gaseous mixture w iili ;il""it 10 CO ing the lungs, li<- maki with a \ alve lia\ i r i >_r four opt i u complete circuit durii pired air <':tn lie coll( in rubber !■• opening opp< ;i»' four o] contain ■ little less than l< while the fourth will contain tl librium between the CO attained. This ' blood of the lunge I l1 formed int Tl then indicate tl I in the lungs \s diffuses from a plai f hif s.i until equilibrium is CHAPTER XXXIX THE CONTROL OF RESPIRATION (Cont'd) THE ESTIMATION OF ALVEOLAR GASES By R. G. Pearce, B.A., M.D. Methods such as that of Haldane and Priestley, which calculate the mean percentage composition of the alveolar air by analysis of a sample taken from the end of a prolonged forced expiration, give values which are too high for C02 and too low for 02. There are several reasons for this: (1) In the time taken for the prolonged deep expiration an appreciable amount of CO, will be given off by the blood to the alveolar air, and oxygen will be absorbed — that is, the sample will not contain the same percentages of C02 and 02 at different stages of expiration. (2) The portion of the tidal air which reaches the alveoli dilutes the alveolar air and thus causes the amount of C02 given off by the blood to vary during the different phases of respiration. If we bear in mind that the tensions of CO, in the alveolar air and in the blood leaving the lungs are always the same (page 343), and that the entire fall in C02 tension in the alveolar air occurs during inspiration, then it is clear that the blood in the pulmonary capillaries must have a maximum tension and load of C02 at the end of expiration, and a minimum tension and load of CO, at the end of inspiration. Accordingly, the average of the per- centage of CO, and 0, at the end of inspiration and expiration, as de- termined by the Haldane-Priestley method or by any of its modifications, nn ist fail to give the correct mean tension of these gases in the alveolar air during expiration. The error which makes the CO, higher than it should be, makes the percentage of 0, less than it should be. These in- fluences taken along with the fact, which will be shown later, that the evolution of CO, from the blood is relatively more rapid at low than at high tension of CO,, indicates that the blood in the pulmonary capil- laries during inspiration must contribute a greater part of the CO, excreted during a respiratory cycle than that in the pulmonary capil- laries during expiration, and moreover that a greater part of the CO, excreted must be evolved at a tension which is below the mean tension of the CO, present in the entire time of the expiration. We conclude, therefore, that the average tension of CO, in the alveolar air, determined 344 by thi l"'ss than tl. b respirati In the c ••iT- gh en off « 1 1 1 1- i » » i_r 1 1 influence on the an diti'.nv Thia is e> idenl globii hemoglobin is pi in the alveolar air und< i during il • pha it. While th( >lii|» o at differenl periods includh more or tant, b( and mathematicall; The average relative pei must therefore be 1 In I by the Haldane i pirator} <|u",i,'|i, * These points ha> e been . ■ ■ I] as tl the Haldane Priest 1; shall in subsequent i limitations of 1 1 ■ now , the i>i«'u, , \\ hicli w ill enable An Accurate Standard Mi' N ; ibj< r 1 1 <• t hod, and oi rent ins: | | ! 346 THE RESPIRATION Gad-Krogh typo, one being capable of holding ten liters, and the other one and a half. The exact time during which air enters is recorded by the small spirometer by means of a grooved dial on the axis of the lid, on which a thread works over a system of pulleys, and any movement is accurately recorded by a writing point on the smoked paper of a drum. The spirometers are connected so that the air current may be directed in the three following ways: (1) through Cocks 1 and 2 outside; (2) directly through both rocks into the large spirometer for the purpose of collecting a series of expirations; and (3) through Cock 1 directly into the small spirometer for catching a single expira- tion. In all experiments the first filling of the spirometer is rejected, so that the dead space of the spirometers is filled with air of approximately the same composition as in the succeeding expirations. The time is marked in seconds by a time clock. The respira- tory movements are recorded by a pneumograph. (Fig. 128.) The subject is brought into respiratory equilibrium by having him breathe through the valves for a period of time lief ore the observation. The respiratory movements during this time are recorded while the cocks are in Position 1. When the observation is started, the cocks are turned into Position 2 during the time an inspiration is being Fig. 128. — Arrangement of meters and connections of Pearce's method for measurement of CO- of alveolar air in normal subjects. made, so that the expirations which follow may be collected in the large spirometer. After about ten respirations (a counted number) have been collected, the cocks are turned to Position 3 during an inspiration, and a single deep expiration is collected in the small spirometer. In order that the time of this may be the same as the normal expiration, it is necessary to quicken it. This is more or less a chance procedure, but with a little training, the operator can close the stopcock with sufficient accuracy to interrupt the deep expiration at the end of the normal expiratory time. Should there be any gross variation from the normal expiratory time, the sample must be col- lected again. Not infrequently the inspiration immediately preceding the expiration into the small spirometer is varied involuntarily by the subject on account of his being aware that the following expiration has to be deepened and quickened; this can be partially overcome by giving him the signal to breathe out deeply after he has actually begun to expire. Determinations are made of the average volume of the tidal air (c.c. air in large spirometer divided by number of breaths), of the volume collected from the deep ex- piration, and of the percentage composition of the tidal air and that of the deep expiration. A criterion for determining whether or not the procedure has been carried II! which : I 111 thi tmri will .lilT.-r from tl ration, give cither alveolar air. I • \ ■ l: the ; : the x the i 0, in I \ B \ I Ai X B ■ \ \: ! ■ ' x = 1 ^ : — \ I : \ ■ ■ Clinical Method. The u an' other complicating fad practicable for clinical | . but I with the follow ing modi! clinical purp< Imrt tiini . w hich tl small Bph ■• 1>\ turn im pie «'i* this i of sue done by directing into tho Bpiron ■• .1 I- eacl .\ hen the coll amounts but all o< expirations the CO ■ h\ perbolic curve indie 348 THE RESPIRATION this observation should be discarded. The different observations are then combined in the formula given on page 347. The determination of the CO, percentage of expired air is so simple that a number of speci- mens of varying depths of expiration can be taken and thus many points on the curve determined. For the most accurate results it is in general best to compare only those expirations which differ from one another by at least 0.3 per cent in C02 and b}r at least 200 c.c. in volume. This depends on the fact that the diluting effect of the dead space in reduc- ing the percentage of CO, in the expired air from that in the alveolar air is greater in relatively small expirations. If more exact work is de- sired, the 0, content can be determined on each specimen, the respiratory quotient calculated, and only those expirations which show the same respiratory quotient combined. In the table each observation is compared with each of the others in all possible combinations. NO. OF OBSERVA- TION TOTAL EXPIRED AIR PER CENT CO., IX EXPIRED AIR ALVEOLAR CO., DEAD SPACE 1 2 o 1 o 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 450 637 750 960 1120 1440 3.10 3.66 4.00 4.28 4.30 4.40 4.99 5.34 5.30 5.11 5.16 5.48 5.1.5 4.98 5.27 4.92 4.82 170 189 189 161 171 183 140 127 214 184 171 General average for CO2 in alveolar air, 5.13. General average for dead space, 172. Dead space in valves in this experiment was about 30 c.c. Another method which has been suggested for clinical purposes is that of Plesch; this consists in having the subject breathe several times in and out of a small bag. It is assumed that after such respiration the composition of the air in the bag will become the same as that in the alveoli. Although this is no doubt true, it has been shown that the method is fallacious, because the CO, tension determined in this way is not that of the arterial blood alone, but is the average between it and that of the venous blood. • MAPI KH \l. THE l l <\\\;< 'I. I -I RKSI'IR \ I THE NATURE OF THE RESPIRATORY HORMO' practical importai chapters in the ii blood spiratory actn ii to consider the phj siolog the first place, lei us consid< r the behavior of the urn during conditions of abnormal breathing — hyperpnea A - CO accumulates and < • athing becomes inti ; I • effect, w •■ musl first of ;ill ;i- defi or to th< CO ments bearing on these prob man than on laboratory a iln> Bubjecth •• s\ mptoms tat ion of the resull j. If an ehambi ! 00 liters' cap sen •••! as 'I imu1at< the chaml CO ;iir ; • r, the hyperpm n hen the CO fallen to 1 I 5, it becomes in ; ling obsen at ion n it.iti-.n of tl the in< CO If 1 thai the CO u ill develop even w h< \Y. in i. conclodi \ i«l • ! 350 THE RESPIRATION velops more rapidly than in the large cabinet, and a higher percentage (10 per cent) of C02 can be tolerated. That in this case also deficiency of 02 is not responsible for the hyperpnea can be shown by repetition of the experiment either with an excess of 02 in the bag or with absorption of the CO, by soda lime. In the former case hyperpnea will develop as usual, while in the latter it will not supervene until the percentage of 02 has fallen below 10, when cyanosis becomes marked. In fact, some people become cyanosed and unconscious, and collapse under these conditions I )<■ fore there is any respiratory disturbance. A peculiarity of the effect of 02 deficiency is that the person may be unaware of the seriousness of his condition; indeed he may be somewhat stimulated. The conclusion may be drawn that deficiency of 02 per se can serve as a respiratory stimulus only when it is so extreme as to cause other serious symptoms. This conclusion does not rule out an important influence of 02 deficiency in increasing the excitability of the center towards C02. Under ordi- nary conditions, however, the center is far more sensitive towards slight changes in the C02 percentage. There is an obvious reason why the adjustment of pulmonic ventila- tion should not depend upon changes in 02 supply to the respiratory cen- ter. If it were so, many other tissue activities and other nerve centers would suffer from the 0, deficiency before there was time for the breath- ing to become stimulated sufficiently to make good the loss of 02. As a matter of fact, headache, dizziness, nausea and even fainting are almost certain to be caused whenever any muscular exercise is attempted in an atmosphere containing a deficiency of 02 but no excess of C02 (cf. moun- tain sickness). An adequate 02 supply of the body is, therefore, insured by changes in C02 tension of the blood. Quantitative Relationship between CO. of Inspired Air and Pulmonary Ventilation. — These results suggest, as the next step in the investigation of our problem, the determination of the quantitative relationship be- tween the C02 percentage of the respired air and the amount of air breathed (pulmonic ventilation).* That there is such a relationship has been most successfully demonstrated by R. W. Scott, who used for his purpose decerebrate cats.f The trachea was connected, through a T-tube provided with valves, with tubing leading to a large bottle and a Gad-Krogh spirometer, so that the animal breathed out of the bottle into the spirometer, these two being also connected together. The spirom- *A distinction is somewhere drawn between pulmonic ventilation and alveolar ventilation, the former being the total amount of air that enters and leaves the lungs, and the latter, that which en- ters and leaves the alveoli. This distinction is based on the assumption that the capacity of the dead space may vary considerably from time to time, which, as pointed out elsewhere, is erroneous. For practical purposes pulmonic ventilation is the safer value to give. "(■Decerebrate animals must be used in 'these experiments, since anesthetics markedly depress the activity of the respiratory center. I I! made to n cord »ord of the depth and frequc plea of air w ere remoi ed f i om t J i • - i quenl inten als during tin the tubing i sot 1 \m F 1 i" ■ ■ / • • • * ' : : : : i . : : :-■ 3 r- T : \ iftrt jWU 'x 4 -s * • •j _2 r . J / ," i'i H / *Qg "pi t U •c a / i r X / r Ft.«i cxt- . 1 t«v j» uUftflXi . i 1 1 1 1 lit i 3 - • • 1 ♦- - # * 5 « I . The rasull m in the accom that there ia ■ p air of the bottle and I bottle I "i'li 1 1 wrei ined, riion ii tho h> perpn< e I 352 THE RESPIRATION system after hyperpnea had become extreme, was far above that at which direct excitation of the center from 02 deficiency is possible. Experiments of a similar type had previously been performed by Por- ter and his pupils,23 but their objed was not so much to show the close parallelism between the < '< >L. content of the respired air and the pulmonic ventilation as to demonstrate the changes produced in the sensitivity of the respiratory center in pneumonia. Possibility that COL. Specifically Stimulates Center. — After showing that CO, ads as an excitant of the respiratory center, the question arises whether we are justified in the assumption thai lias been made tentatively that the action depends on the raising of the CH of the blood, or whether it may be a specific action of the HC03 anion itself. Many attempts have been made to decide this question experimentally, the general principle of the experiments being to determine whether CH of the blood runs parallel with the CO, content of the respired air and with the hyperpnea. Using the gas-chain method (page 31), Hasselbalch and Lundsgaard22 found that the hyperpnea produced in rabbits by breathing in CO,-rich air runs approximately parallel with the increase in the CH of the blood, but on account of the experimental difficulties encountered they could not decide whether changes in CH are alone responsible for the effect. These authors had previously demonstrated that changes in CH can be induced in blood removed from the body by alterations in the CO, tension within the physiological limits. An increase of one millimeter in C02 tension was found to cause an increase in CH of 0.0065 x 10 7 (see page 27). R. W. Scott's experiments, above referred to, have, however, yielded more definite results. By using the colorimetric method for determining Ch of the blood (see page 32), it could be readily shown, as is evident from the table (col. 8 in table), that a marked rise in CH became evident when the inspired air contained 5 per cent or more of C02. That this rise was due to increase in the C02 tension was shown not only by finding a greater percentage of CO, (col. 15) in the blood, but also by being able to demonstrate that when CO,-free air was bubbled through the blood removed during the dyspnea, CH immediately returned to the normal. which it also did when the blood removed after the animal had breathed for a few minutes in outside air (col. 16). The CO, content likewise re- turned (col. 17). Had the increase in acidity been caused by nonvolatile acids — lactic, for example — these results, particularly the latter, could not have been obtained. Although there is therefore no doubt that the CH of the blood may be raised because of an increase in CO, in solution in the blood plasma — a C02 acidosis, as we may call it (see page 354)— this does not prove that the stimulation of the respiratory center is brought about solely by CH. I II The increase in 1 1 tu Imi CO stimulus. Thai such in finding that, if the < of the blood w alkali intra\ enously, hj i" ' • accumulated in the inspired ai h) perpnea w as ai its hij other factor than ' 'n musl obi iouslj ; must l-«- the 1 1< '< ' anion. Tin I CT OF B BRl tVTHINO Cab ON D II Blood I'M I IMIV \H\ ft MOD* M ft. 3 j: s — b 3 ^ Tmir w h la _ „ »- '3 a r o a- - a - - - 33 30 32 31 31 2.0 2.0 • a in 1 ."in pjn. 10.30 p.m. 1 1.00 cm. 11.15 .i in 616 7.40 * i' ' 7 in .1 1 • I'ii is I he Further corroboration of the claim that the II' stimulating effect on the respii has been furnished by Hooker. "^ rocceeded in keeping the deflbrinated bl 1 thi that, although the respii pressed with a d< e in Cm of 1 fused fluid, I tained a high tension of CO, 1 but with a l"\v tension CO,. W important r> *d* it stint ultttii 354 THE RESPIRATION Relationship Among Acidosis Conditions, Alveolar CO., and Respir- atory Activity. — It will be plain that variations in the respiratory hor- mone, whatever this may he, are associated with changes in the C02 content of the alveolar air. Closer examination has shown, however, that this relationship is by no means always so simple as in the instances just described, where increased respiration was found to he associated with an increase in alveolar C02. There are many cases where the re- verse relationship obtains — namely, decreased alveolar C02 and hy- perpnea. The whole question is very closely linked with that of the con- trol of the reaction of the body fluids and with the etiological factors in acidosis. When it is fully answered, many obscure clinical conditions in which respiratory disturbances occur will be much better understood than they are at present. On account of its great importance, considerable attention will be devoted in the next few pages to some of the researches which have been made bearing on the relationship between the C02 of the alveolar air and the various modified types of breathing that can be produced experimentally or become developed under altered physiologic conditions. We shall consider these conditions in the following order: (1) Con- stancy of the alveolar C02 under normal conditions and during moderate variations in barometric pressure. (2) The quantitative relationship between an artificially induced increase in alveolar CO, tension (as by breathing C02-rich air) and the increased respiration. (3) The results of these observations will demonstrate a very precise relationship to exist between alveolar C02 tension and respiration, but if we proceed to repeat the latter observations under conditions where the accumulation of C02 in the inspired air is accompanied by oxygen deficiency (as by breathing in a confined space), we shall see that the relationship no longer holds, indicating that the oxygen deficiency has caused something to happen which disturbs it. We shall find that the disturbing factor is accumulation of unoxidized acids in the blood, and this will naturally lead us to study the conditions in which such acids might develop; namely, (4) Breathing in rarefied air (mountain -sickness). (5) Apnea. (6) Muscular exercise. In succeeding chapters, Ave intend to review- the work in these fields in considerable detail, partly because of its very important bearing on the genera] question of the control of the respiratory center and partly be- cause of the light the observations throw on the nature of the mechanism involved in the adjustment of the CH of the blood and tissues. As we have seen, much work concerning the physicochemical principles involved in the control of the reaction of the blood has been contributed during recenl years by physical and biological chemists, but much of this i our j uri p complicated coi d I larl; that hi Hiding the I" ■ w hich tin B < i i ■ 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 * duced by the dischi it fails t.. It is the molecular ratio I ; L N 1 1 ' ' ■ Whi CO is added to 1 1 natural!} which th( dencj of the equation t«> cl •••■I partly 1»\ Btimulat CO,, and partly by an in.- center is £ ^ 1 i *_r 1 1 1 • before a sufficient incn ET,CO ratio I • When L NaHCOs.J inator of the i quation, v I ; and in< I respiration II3CO ratio. CHAPTER XLI THE CONTROL OF RESPIRATION (Cont'd) THE CONSTANCY OF THE ALVEOLAR C02 TENSION UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS Since a close relationship exists between the alveolar C02 tension and the respiratory activity, it is to be expected that the two would bear a strict proportionality to each other, and since the breathing under normal conditions does not vary much, the C02 tension should also be constant. Many observations show this to be the case. The tension is remarkably constant from day to day and even from month to month in the same individual, provided the physiological conditions are the same. A slight seasonal variation is said to exist, a rise in the temperature of the en- vironment of the individual causing a slight depression in the C02 ten- sion, while a fall in temperature causes a slight rise (Haldane). These changes are independent of any demonstrable change in rectal temper- ature and, therefore, are probably due to the influence of the temperature on the skin. Since it is the number of molecules of C02 in a given volume of alve- olar air (i. e., the partial pressure or tension) that is of importance, it is only when the barometric pressure is the same that the percentage of C02 in the sample of alveolar air can be constant. To allow for this, all results are reduced to standard barometric pressure (760 mm. Hg). If the barometric pressure is lowered, there will have to be a higher percentage of CO, in the sample in order that there may be the same tension of this gas in the air of the alveoli ; and vice versa when the bar- ometric pressure is raised. The equation by which this tension, ex- pressed in millimeters of mercury, is determined is: 100:760::a:p, where a is the percentage actually found in the air of the sampling tube and p the tension. A correction must also be introduced in this equation to allow for the vapor tension of the air in the alveoli, for of course H20 molecules will behave like C02 molecules in causing a partial pressure. When reduced to this standard, it has been found that the tension of C02 in the alveolar air remains constant under the different barometric conditions that obtain at the top of a mountain or at the foot of a deep mine. This is shown in the following table: 356 I II • r.l I it iliflrrcnt t' • Changes in th< limits li;i . exactly the same time is I -i in ; during which the samp The Degree of Sensitivity of the Respiratory Center to Changes in the CO Tension of the Alveolur Air This can : ined ; volume «»f air thai actually • ing breathing in atmosphen In man an incn Bufficienl to double approximately I ly. an increa ten liters in I oli per minute is caused i ' I mm II- D THE ALVEOLAR CO TENSION DURING BREATHING IN A CONFINED SPACE We (-;•■. ,• already emp 1 I ' 'cumulation • duced under th< W mi elo correct, t ! • This is alvt pnh v. ■:n- rtT. Ct II" that tl • 0 thi I i'.oS THE RESPIRATION 02 the excitability of the center is raised (i.e., its "threshold" lowered), so that LI becomes stimulated by Ch, to which ordinarily it does not re- spond. We shall now proceed to examine the experimental evidence bearing on these possibilities. V>y examination of the alveolar air of an individual confined in a pneu- matic cabinet in which the barometric pressure is gradually lowered, it has been found that although the C02 tension remains constant for a considerable range (cf. page 356), it begins to fall when the barometric pressure has reached about 550 mm. Hg. At this pressure the tension of Oo in the alveolar air will be 62 mm. instead of its normal of about 105 at atmospheric pressure. Below it the alveolar C02 tension quickly falls, and at the same time hyperpnea becomes evident, although the person himself may be unaware that he is breathing more deeply. If this experiment is repeated with the difference that, as the pressure is lowered, an excess of 02 is introduced into the chamber, the hyperpnea dues not supervene until a barometric pressure has been reached that is distinctly lower than when no excess of 02 is present, and at the same time the C02 tension in the alveolar air remains unchanged. The ex- planation of this result is that by lowering the 02 tension in the alveolar air and. therefore, in the blood and tissues, oxidative processes become depressed so that unoxidized acids, such as lactic, accumulate in the blood and by adding their effect to that of the C02 serve to raise the CH of the blood. As a result, the respiratory center becomes excited, hy- perpnea supervenes, and the volatile CO, is removed from the blood into the alveolar air. On supplying 02 artificially, this failure of proper oxidation does not set in and breathing goes on normally. In the above experiment there must be a period during which the I '< >._. tension of the alveolar air tends to become increased — namely, when the fixed acids first appear and decompose the carbonates of the blood. This increase is prevented by the more thorough alveolar ventilation. When a person is kept in such a chamber for some time at a pressure which causes a diminution in the alveolar C02 tension, the tension does not immediately return to its oormal Level when atmospheric air is again breathed, indicating thai the fixed acids are only slowly got rid of. The second hypothesis — namely, that the 02 deficiency directly raises the excitability of the respiratory center — has many advocates, among them Lindhard,25 who found that, when the percentage of 02 in the alve- olar air Avas raised, a higher percentage of C02 was necessary to cause an increase in the ventilation of the lungs, and conversely, that a distinct increase in the excitability of the center occurred when the inspired air contained less than the normal percentage of ( )L.. Although it is ad- mitted by Haldane and his school that such alteration in the excitability I li of t 1 1 • - respii tinued exposuri deny that sii<-ii all workers Pound that, in i per cent, the inci the Bame 1 1 a hen it contj In the \V has secured contention. 1 1- I ound thai l 1 1 latter contained a lov 13 1 1 possibility thai th< directly by the ' » tension portanl problems av ail i i it ultimately de that respiration be the final Btag< asph> for thi M uch light has been t Im.u □ activity 1»\ obsen ing 1 1 rubber bags through soda pernor e t he CO We 1 bservatioi a respirators Btimulanl M ore particular in nut the« nclu under w hicl With a verj small h ising t\ pe bt alveolar air contai still - ratio 1'ft w .in th< tory quol indicating tl explain* quantil the blood more qui ' tliis expli • llou ii I • lit.- 360 THE RESPIRATION a much longer period without any evident symptoms of hyperpnea, even though the 02 percentage in the alveolar air may fall as low as in the previous experiment, and there are marked symptoms of 0, want, such as cyanosis, twitching of the muscles of the hands, lips, etc. The re- spiratory quotient does not become abnormal in this experiment indicat- ing that no excessive expulsion of CO, from the blood can have occurred as in the previous experiment. The cause for the virtual abscence of hyper- pnea in this experiment is no doubt that the more gradual reduction in 02 of the alveolar air and therefore of the blood did not bring about the accumulation of lactic acid at a rate that was greater than that at which the CO, was got rid of into the alveolar air. BREATHING IN RAREFIED AIR; MOUNTAIN SICKNESS In considering the part played by fixed organic acid in the control of the CH of the blood, the most important results have been secured by observations on the condition of individuals living at high altitudes. As is well known, under these conditions certain symptoms are likely to develop, the condition being known as mountain sickness. The great interest which physiologists have taken in this subject has been owing, not so much to the importance of the observations in connection with the condition itself, as to the light which they throw on the mechanism of respiratory control and on the cause for abnormal types of breathing. More or less hyperpnea, especially on exertion, soon appears in a rarefied atmosphere, and the alveolar C02 tension assumes a value con- siderably below the normal. For example, at sea level the minute vol- ume of air breathed in one individual was 10.4 liters, and the alveolar C02 tension 39.6 mm. Hg. After being some time on Pike's Peak, where the barometer registers only 459 mm. Hg, Douglas26 found the minute volume of air to be 14.9 liters, and the alveolar C02 tension 27.1 mm. Hg. At first sight the above statement may seem to contradict one pre- viously made, to the effect that the alveolar CO, tension remains constant at different barometric pressures. This applies, however, to the imme- diate effects, Avhereas we are now considering the later effects. The im- portant point is: How are we to reconcile with the above hypothesis the fact that a diminution in the alveolar CO, tension should be accompanied by hyperpnea? A solution of the seeming contradiction will not only be of importance in connection with our present problem, but will assist us in the investigation of the clinical conditions of hyperpnea, in. which likewise a diminished CO, alveolar tension is often observed. Mountain sickness may indeed be considered as an intermediate condition between the physiological and tin pathological. From what we have learned Ave should expect the above result to be dependent upon an ii That such ia reallj ti tion met! ad by obscn in which, .is will I xplained . t ii index >>i 1 1 • 1 1 nature "i the noin o kiniw ii Tu .. t 362 THE RESPIRATION acids, of which lactic acid may be taken as the representative, or inor- ganic substances, like the acid phosphates. That it is not lactic acid is shown by both direct and indirect evidence. The direct evidence has been furnished by Ryffel, who was unable to find any increased per- centage of this substance either in the mine or in the blood of persons who had been living for some time in the famous Regina Margherita hut on Monte Rosa.27 The indirect evidence has been furnished by ob- serving the time that it takes after the individual has started breathing the rarefied air for the alveolar C02 tension to fall, as well as that re- quired to bring about the recovery to the normal when he descends to sea level. The following curve, which is self-explanatory, will illustrate these points. Thus, on Pike's Peak, where the barometric pressure is 459 mm. Hg, the C02 tension after an initial fall took about seven days before it came to its permanent level for that barometric pressure, and fourteen days elapsed after descending from the mountain before the sea-level tension had been regained. The slow nature of these changes, when com- pared with the rapid changes observed in the experiment with the bags already alluded to (page 358), shows clearly tliat lactic acid can not be responsible for the increase in H-ion concentration in mountain sickness. By exclusion it would appear that the increase in CH is the result of an excess of fixed inorganic acid (H3P04) in the blood dependent on a dis- proportionate excretion of bases by the kidneys during the period of acclimatization to the rarefied air. Other observers aver that the acidosis does not really exist, but that the excitability of the respiratory center itself becomes raised (its threshold lowered), so that it responds more readily to the normal CH of the blood. It has been stated that the increase in excitability of the center is dep'endent upon the action of the intense light rays at high altitudes — the erythema of the skin, etc., being evidence of this excit- ing action of light. The constant irritation of the skin, these authors say. serves by stimulation of afferent nerves to maintain a hyperexcit- ability of the respiratory center. Others believe that the hyperexcit- ability of the center is a direct result of the maintained 02 deficiency. The balance of evidence, however, stands in favor of the view that the phenomena of mountain sickness depend on changes occurring in the in- organic nonvolatile acids of the blood. The other phenomena of this interesting condition will be discussed elsewhere (page 399). APNEA If a man breathes forcibly and quickly for about two minutes, he will experience no desire to breathe for a further period of about the Ill me duration \\ turns, the breathii • marked, until at la alveolar air it will be found >■ tome tit thai if < » defici< :ould Btim much earlier than it ., i .| \ an experiment b; II show s\ it, I I breathe returns, which t a Btimulus I center to act must upon the pernor al of CO preceded I CO really occurred can readily l tenl of a sample of alveolar pi ration early ill ;:■ I » a [>iratory quotiei I 1 3 during tl 'nit, tlif quotienl is o n tim< \> would 1"' expected, I ar air tnu :irir- the normal, indie in 1 1 Inn er tei CO s|»l I ' if tl •• List t . are made in \\ ith < > . the a] ami u I alvc ■ it p lt\ el requ during \\ I 364 THE RESPIRATION Fig. 131. — Curves showing variations in alveolar gas tensions after forced breathing for two minutes. Thin line = O* tension; thick line = COo tension. Double line = normal alveolar C02 tension. Dotted line shows the alveolar COa tension at which breathing would recommence at the end of apnea with the alveolar 02 pressures shown by the thin line. The actual breathing is indicated at the lower part of the figure. It is periodic to start with. (From Douglas and Haldane.) phenomena] ; in out- indi> id a few minutes and minutes ;ni t! animal. I other animal ami DOl that 1 actually been applied. \ api • furnished by tl • formed in an atmosphere coi sin.' as in tl • times wit I CO, in th< • ach time, '1 in." CO \ • igh in tl thai only w hen it \ S i live pr experii \\ ■ ■ 1 on this n CHAPTER XL1I THE CONTROL OF RESPIRATION (Cont'd) THE EFFECT OF MUSCULAR EXERCISE ON THE RESPIRATION During muscular exercise the pulmonic ventilation increases to an extraordinary extent. At rest an average man respires 6 to 8 liters of air per minute, but during walking on the level at the rate of 5 kilometers an hour, this figure may increase to about 20 liters. The first investigations as to the cause of the relationship between muscular activity and pulmonic ventilation were made by animal ex- periments in which tetanus of the muscles of the hind limbs was pro- duced by electric stimulation of the spinal cord. The problem was to find out Avhat serves as the means of correlation (nerve reflex or hormone control) between the muscular activity and the respiratory activity. By cutting the spinal cord above the point of stimulation, it wras found that the tetanus was still accompanied by as marked a hyperpnea as before. On the other hand, when the spinal cord w'as left intact but the blood vessels of the limb were ligated, no hyperpnea followed the teta- nus. Evidently therefore the pathway of communication is the blood. The next step was to seek in the blood for the substance or hormone that acted as the respiratory excitant, and naturally the first possibility con- sidered was a change in the gases of the blood, either a deficiency of 02 or an increase in C02. Direct examination of the blood for the quantity of these gases, however, yielded results which were quite con- trary to such an hypothesis. It was found that the percentage of Oo, if anything, was slightly increased, and that of the CO,, if anything, diminished. Moreover, when the expired air was analyzed during the hyperpnea, the percentage of C02 contained in it was distinctly below the normal average, and the percentage of Oo above it. Evidently, there- fore, the amount of gases in the blood has nothing to do with the excita- tion of the respiratory center, and the conclusion drawn by the earlier investigators was to the effect that the exciting substance carried from the active muscles to the respiratory center must be some unusual meta- bolic product, possibly the lactic acid produced by contraction. It was further found, by examination of the respiratory quotient, that 36G .-in • CO after it, bul thai tl t it-ii t . indicating thai ' i i in conformity with t] into the blood, on the pag alterations in th< it lactic acid is actually : howei er, !"• BhoM ii l»\ all ii later thai I etcher and Hopki under \\ 1 1 i * - 1 1 it maj app< found that lactic acid is p muscular coi I in a d< adequate supply ■ • 1 1 . CO Taking these fi the conditions under which th( which presumably cans.- a chanj late the hypothesis tl is due to a Blighl increase in tl • I partly to an actual i CO w ould .-t.it i! i in why 1 mighl be belo^ the normal duri be "washed oul " ■■ on -; • ; • I The obvious met! amine the alveolar I • tnusculai I I in the accompai i.i' ■ .368 thi: respiration In the first column is given the 02 used in c.c. per minute. Among other things these figures indicate the actual amount of work done. In the second column is given the C02 production in c.c. per minute. By divid- ing the figures of the second column by those of the first, we obtain the figures of the third column, representing the respiratory quotient. The fourth column gives the CO, content of the alveolar air, and the last column the total alveolar ventilation in liters per minute. Taking for the present the figures in the first and fourth columns and postponing a consideration of the respiratory quotient, it will be noted that, as the muscular work increases up to a total consumption of about 1600 c.c. of 02 per minute, the CO, percentage in the alveolar air steadily increases. The question arises, does the alveolar ventilation increase in proportion to the increase in C02 tension? If it does so, increase in C02 tension in the blood can be held solely responsible for the hyperpnea (i. e., a pure C02 acidosis) ; whereas if the hyperpnea is greater than can be accounted for by the increase in C02 tension, other acids must be partly responsible for the acidosis. By making this same individual breathe atmospheres containing different percentages of C02 it was found that to produce a doubling of the alveolar ventilation it required an increase amounting to 0.33 per cent of an atmosphere of C02 in the alveolar air (see also page 357). When we examine the above figures during muscular exercise, however, we find that a rise in alveolar CO, from 5.70 to 6.36 (i. e., 0.66 per cent) multiplied the normal alveolar ventilation by considerably more than four times, whereas had it been entirely due to an increase in CO,, it should not have been more than three times as much. Evidently therefore, some other factor than C02 ten- must have been responsible for the increased respiratory activity. This conclusion is further confirmed by examination of the alveolar CO, during very strenuous muscular effort, when a relative decrease in the CO, percentage becomes apparent. If it is true that the exciting agency has been dependent partly on an increase in the C02 tension of the blood, and partly on the production of nonvolatile organic acids (lactic acid), we should expect that imme- diately after discontinuing the muscular exercise the CO, tension of the alveolar air would fall to a level distinctly below normal, that it would only slowly recover thereafter, and that further exercise before the re- covery had occurred would produce only a slight increase in alveolar CO,. These results we should expect because of the much slower rate at which the nonvolatile organic acid is got rid of from the organism, com- pared with the volatile CO,. By actual experiment these suppositions have been found to be correct, as is shown in the following table. Ill ;,;., Pi rio,1 ■ 1 L\ In this table the figures of Period 1 tension in mm. Bg immediately foll< The figures in Period 2 the same amounl of work n ith, ho tervening, and the figures of the third conditions. It w ill be obsei * ed tl al I the alveolar tension of CO from 1 1 thai in three minutes aft< was considerably below the normal. l>urii t-nlar exercise the CO, ••iTnrt did not increase al tin' increase \\.i- Mill 1- ilts whirl \ ifw that sonsequen vulatih Die a<-i a mnch less increase i: i i We ' .; gum it i > the conclu - that during muscular increased because of the the the slightest inc I h\[ t, w ith tl blood thai I slll.v1 |l\ t ll. able is the ' I 370 THE RESPIRATION The readiness with which ('()., can be go1 rid of prevents the hormone which excites the respiratory activity from continuing to act after it is no longer required. Provision for the removal of a hormone after its activity has been displayed is of course essential to efficient correlation of function, and is seen in the case of other hormones, such as epinephrine and secretin, whose discontinuance of action is effected by their de- struction in the blood (see page 7-L.r)). Direct evidence that lactic acid is formed during strenuous muscular exercise in man has been furnished by Kyffel.30 Blood removed from a person immediatey after running at full speed for about three minutes contained 70.8 milligrams of lactic acid per 100 c.c. of blood, the normal amount being 12.5 milligrams. Much of the lactic acid accumulating in the blood is no doubt got rid of by oxidation, but a large part of it is also excreted by the urine, in which it was found by Ryffel in consider- able amount after strenuous muscular exertion. Finally, let us consider for a moment the behavior of the respiratory quotient. This ratio rises early in the muscle work (Table on page 367), indicating that more C02 is being excreted than 02 absorbed. After the work is discontinued, it usually falls below the normal because of retention of C02 to take the place of the lactic acid that is being gradually used up or excreted. A similar fall may sometimes occur in the respiratory quotient during muscular exercise, if this is continued for a long time. It probably indicates that a balance has been struck between the produc- tion of lactic acid in the muscles and the loss of this substance by oxida- tion. In any case it is a significant occurrence, for it coincides with the great improvement in the subjective sensations accompanying muscular exercise. It occurs, for example, at the same time as the appearance of the "second wind," when the circulatory and respiratory distress expe- rienced during the earlier stages of strenuous muscular exertion disap- pear. The stages prior to the second wind correspond to the period when considerable quantities of free C02 are being got rid of from the blood and are probably creating a temporary maladjustment of the CH which acts on the various medullary centers. If by forced breathing much of this CO. is discharged before the muscular exercise is undertaken, the initial hyperpnea is not nearly so marked. < Haiti in THE « I >NTR< 'I. OF RESI'M \ I H PERIODIC BREATH IN Ty] ; Pert In the besl kn<>\\ n of thes< I of hyperpnea Bup< upon \ ;m a ] faintl; iually becon d, and thru fad< a apneic period is immediate!} folio being i idual ii •• in tl i two tj pea all variel ttditions in w hich ! physiological and pathological gi follow ing may be taken taining a deficit i in 1 in persons li luw ing an apnea induced b} apneic periodicity . Ihe apneic p breathing retui adually li 13] Br< thing tin. ing soda lime inserted of till I a ixl in pi brej through tl The /-nth oped ■ ln-1 I mental t \ pea l influei \- • tions is 372 Tirr: RESPIRATION periodic breathing is nearly always aggravated during sleep. Many of these cases are greatly benefited by administration of caffeine. In both the physiological and the pathological groups, the breathing may develop a periodic character only when the person is asleep, and even normal people, particularly infants or very old people, may exhibit it to :i certain degree. \ifrm\(r^w^yN^ vAaaa/TAA/WWTv^ Fig. 132. — Various types of periodic breathing. (From Mosso's "Life of Man in the High Alps.") Causes of Periodic Breathing Great interest attaches to an investigation of the causes of periodic breathing, but it can not be claimed that any perfectly satisfactory ex- planation has as yet been offered. Pembrey31 attributes it to a diminished excitability (a raised threshold) of the respiratory center due to faulty blood supply, the supposition being that, when thus suppressed, the normal CH of the blood is unable to excite the center, so that breathing stops. During the resulting apnea, C02 again accumulates until it has I I! raised the < \i sufficient!; H folli ing a v. .i-l.ii the «■!"!"■ itimui apnea stipen • to I"' furnished by the feci that, n I ing are made to breathe C0S, the periodicity "f i i ing; a result which i ithe in atmosph* i h in o raised to meet the dep Stability of the r is h .s<> that it is enabled I granted that the excitability of tl • why this- should occasion a period Bume thai it is- only v I imulus stability of th nter are ad smooth and continuous action can Said ami his school a\ . r | th^ excitability of th inter, hut which do not a!v. a;, b operate 1 conditions in which such | • •t conditions existing in tl I experimentally in man • simp'. k is the ] ['ro.luc.-,l in a person - ami b< a total 1 lit I such a <•.•!- !■!.• si dead space The quickly falls, until at ' is directly stimulated 1 when this falls | • < _. is produced, so that the exchange of gases through the pulmonary endothelium is greatly diminished. The dead space, however, remains of the same capacity, which amounts to the same thing as if the latter had been prolonged under unchanged con- ditions of pulmonary gas exchange. Ill anation • much less satisfactor I the tensions of 0, and CO arterial blood of the i espii ithing has been a period of apnea product of Buch obsen ations The thin line repi 1 I » tension. I sents the average CO i respiratory mo> emenl the eun e along the al 1 1 falls very rapidly during tl ing recommei a it may mal of aboul 95. Meanwhil< CO level of 12 mm., at fii when breathing recommences, it ; ! a result of the first periods of ; shunts up, but 1 1 ■ CO falls o the 0| quickly comes « i< «\\ n again, tain normal tension before bi catl ibsequently become less ; stand almost at its normal lei el, < ' tension continue Several interesting first place, it is plain thi which it can p blood, w hereas Iom ard I ■ further be ol I thai the CO rapidly during the t1, -* : uallj . the explanation it first migl • hat operating durii rlli' that t: slighl 376 THE RESPIRATION quickly oxidize the lactic acid, so that the still slightly subnormal CH of the blood is unable to excite the center. Apnea therefore supervenes and lasts until lactic acid has again accumulated in the center. To ex- plain why local accumulation of lactic acid in the center should produce a periodic type of breathing, we must further assume that there is con- siderable delay between the moment at which equilibrium of the gases in the blood and alveolar air becomes established and that at which the blood arrives at the respiratory center. This delay is caused by the slowing of the bloodflow on account of the absence of respiratory movements. Emphasis is placed on the fact that it is in the center itself and not in the blood that the lactic acid becomes oxidized by the excess of 02, because lactic acid is known to disappear slowly under these conditions from isolated blood, but to do so very quickly from tissues such as muscle, and presumably therefore also from nervous tissue. In support of the above explanation it has been found that, if toward the end of the forced breathing the lungs are filled with sufficient (X so that the tension of this gas in the alveoli is not loAver than 120 mm. Hg, breathing is regular in type when it returns, and the C02 tension of the alveolar air is several millimeters above instead of below the nor- mal stimulating level. To sum up, the periodic character of the breathing supervening on a period of apnea may be explained as follows: Under ordinary condi- tions of breathing and barometric pressure the. 02 tension of the blood is sufficient between normal respirations to prevent any accumulation of Tactic acid in the respiratory center, so that the stimulus afforded by the CH of the blood produces a constant effect. During the apnea which supervenes upon forced breathing, lactic acid accumulates in the center, causing this to respond to the gradually rising CH of the blood before the latter has reached its physiological level. The hyperpnea thus excited does not, however, bring about a prompt oxidation of the lactic acid in the center or a lowering of the CH of the blood circulating through it, because more time than usual is taken for the blood to get from the lungs to the brain on account of the absence of respiratory movements. When the aerated blood does reach the respiratory center, the excess of Oo which it contains oxidizes the lactic acid so that apnea supervenes, and the lactic acid again accumulates, although not now so much as before because of the gradually rising CH of the blood itself. The essen- tial factor in the causation of periodic breathing is therefore a delayed mass movement of the blood from Ihe pulmonary capillaries to the re- spiratory center. The delay may be caused by cessation of the respira- I li t..r\ n i - . \ ement, a> is postap eic aulatorj disturbam I ' riodio breathing rarefied air than at Bea l< \ cl II ing forcibly for one mil returned shou ed 8 t'- 10 diff( repetition ol the experimei I sin . 10 mm . 25 Buch \>> responding to 520 mm., I breathing maj 1"- broughl abo il piration ; <-\ en taking a di periodicity in the racceedii at high altitudes periodic breathii - A-> in pathological cases exhib • ■ odie breathii g at high altitu ing 0x3 gen. We li.-i\ -• devoted considerabl< difficult problems in the hope that din quaint. -,1 with the juir.-l conducl moi ching in> and other pathological forms of periodic I CHAPTER XLIV RESPIRATION BEYOND THE LUNGS Up to the present our studies in respiration have concerned the various mechanisms involved in bringing about a constant change in the com- position of the alveolar air. We must now consider the nature of the means by which the oxygen is conveyed to the tissues and the C02 re- moved from them. In the first place, it is important to note that it is not for purposes * of oxidation in the blood itself that the 02 is required. In its respiratory function this fluid serves as a transporting agency between the lungs and the tissues, in which reside the furnaces of the body that con- sume the Oo and produce the C02. This does not imply that there is no oxidation in the blood itself; indeed, we should expect a certain degree of oxidation because of the fact that the blood contains some living cells — the leucocytes. It is scarcely necessary nowadays to offer evi- dence for the foregoing conclusion. One Avell-known experimental proof consists in replacing the blood in a frog with physiological saline solution and then subjecting the frog with the saline in its blood vessels to an atmosphere of pure Oo, when it will be found that the animal continues to absorb the normal amount of 02 and exhale the normal amount of C02. It respires normally without any blood in the blood vessels. In order that this transportation of gases between the lungs and the tissues may be efficiently performed, the blood must be provided with means for carrying adequate amounts of gases to supply the requirements of the tissues, both during rest and during their varying degrees of activity. Not only, therefore, must the 02 and C02 capacity of the blood be very considerable; but it must be capable of very rapid adjust- ment from lime to time. Our problem naturally resolves itself into three parts: (1) the call of Hie tissues for oxygen (Barcroft) : of. ;is it is style'd, tissue or infernal respiration; (2) the mechanism by which the blood transports 1he proper amounts of gases to meet the requirements of the tissues; and (3) the mechanism by which the blood gases are exchanged in the lungs — ex- ternal respiration. For convenience, however, we shall change this nat- ural order and consider the transportation of the gases first. 378 THE TRANSPORTATION OF BE BLOOD The Transp. It is plainly • I itii. n • isting in the ah • .1.1 be dissoh ed is actually found t< i 5, it would P< more it order to t.> • tw much The substance that cat r may be described as .1 1 ■ he put animal of them is to be 1 pared in it merel) 1 r imitatioi Regarding the condit delivers up 0„ th< tli. • it 1 1 1 i n I must be capabli • tioiislnj. direct I ambling the bin the is I amount • in tin- 1 • w itli a" tit lin of 1 In mical lav w hich ii\ crcd u: in •• 1 1 1 . and \\ fll know 11 380 THE RESPIRATION In other words, we must recognize that, although it is essentially a chemical reaction, the combination of 02 with hemoglobin is greatly in- fluenced by other factors, and that it is these that are likely to be of physiological importance. In order to understand the conditions under which hemoglobin will hike up and give off 02 in the animal body, we must study the combining power of hemoglobin when it is exposed to different partial pressures of Oo (for laws governing this, see page 33G). In the blood, the ex- tremes of the partial pressure of 02 are represented, at the one end, by that in the alveolar air, which we have seen to be about 100 mm. Hg, and at the other, by that existing in the tissues, such as muscle, which has been shown to be not more than 19 or 20 mm. Hg. We must further bear in mind that the 02 in its passage from the alveolar air to the hemo- globin and from the hemoglobin to the tissues, is transmitted in solution through the plasma; that is, so far as the supply of 02 to the tissue cells is concerned, the plasma serves as the immediate source. Since the tis- sues are using up 02 at a very great speed, especially when active, and are thus tending to lower the tension of 02 in the plasma, favorable con- ditions have to be created whereby the hemoglobin liberates 02 at the same rate as that at which it is leaving the plasma. In brief, it is the 02 tension of the plasma in the tissue capillaries that is the important factor, the hemoglobin merely serving as a storehouse, which delivers its 02 at just such a rate as to maintain the plasma-oxygen tension at a constant level. It is obviously of the greatest importance that we should understand how this mechanism of an adequate plasma-oxygen tension is maintained. Methods of Investigation. — We must remember that the combination of 02 and hemoglobin, being a definite chemical reaction, will be re- versible, and must, therefore, obey the laws of mass action (see page 23) according to the equation: Hb + 02<=±Hb02. In order to ascertain the position of the balance of this equation at different partial pressures of 02, — that is, the relative quantities of oxy- and reduced hemoglobin formed in a solution of hemoglobin when this is shaken with 02 at differ- ent pressures, — we may proceed as follows: A few c.c. of the hemoglobin solution are placed in each of a scries of vessels called tonometers, like those shown in Fig. 134. In addition to the hemoglobin solution, each tonometer contains a mixture of nitrogen and 02 in different propor- tions. Suppose we use six vessels and in No. 1 have pure nitrogen; in No. 2, nitrogen containing 5 mm. partial pressure of 02; in No. 3, 10 mm. ; in No. 4, 20 ; in No. 5, 50 ; and in No. 6, 100. We now rotate the tonometers in a water-bath at body temperature for about twenty min- utes, so that, by the formation of a thin film of hemoglobin solution over the walla of tin tin* Muni in.t\ be atta i jlobin solution 0.1 ( - and pla I. together w i1 • in one ol the small bottl< • This man. in tube nf narrow bore, containii being coi I w itli two fluids can !"• ln.ttlt- is \ iol< nl I »*ll :!sii TIIK RKXP1KATI0N' bottles and the manometer serves to permil communication of the manometer with the outside air. An equal quantity of hemoglobin solution that lias been saturated with' oxygen — i. e., oxyhemoglobin — is placed in the bottle on the other end of the manometer tube from that containing the bottle with the un- saturated hemoglobin solution. The bottles having been attached to the manometer with th'e stopcocks open to the outside, the apparatus is placed in a water-bath until the temperature conditions are constant. The manometers are then closed to the outside air and the bottles are shaken in order that the hemoglobin solution that is unsaturated with Oo may take up 02 from the atmosphere in the bottle until it becomes rv--' ...'-' Fig. 136. — Barcroft blood gas manometer. This form can be used either as a differential manometer (page 390) or for direct measurement of pressure. For the latter purpose one bottle is removed and the pressure of gas generated in the other bottle is measured by the height to which it raises the clove oil in the distal tube of the manometer, the meniscus in the proximal limb being readjusted to its original level by compression with the brass screw of the rubber tube shown in the center. saturated. The resulting shrinkage in the volume of the atmosphere on the side of the unknown hemoglobin solution causes the clove oil meniscus to move towards that side, the degree of movement being pro- portional to the initial unsaturation of the hemoglobin. The manometer tubes are then again brought into communication with the atmosphere so that the meniscus of clove oil may move back to its old level, and the bottle with saturated hemoglobin is removed from the manometer and a drop or two of a saturated solution of potassium ferricyanide placed in the separate compartment of the bottle without allowing it. to mix with the hemoglobin. The bottle is then reattached, the temperature ? 1 1 I ^ 1 V | 1 - * - ? i ( k « * 01 c 7 - • 3 I i * ■•■ 1 1 ■ » o ' * * O io ao * Ptrctntag* Maturation ti oxugtn 1 >S I.' - » - ' ■• • litii.hs readjust) ;nii> . hemoglobin. We h.i\ •• n. >\'. all ' of redu 1 hemoglobin in tl • tonom< tells us lniw much moglol hemoglobin been Baturati d i taken tip by the original 1 • The Dissociation Curve I From the various 1 • known ;is ti It relath • • duced tions along tl rd cury to w hich they w • thus thaw n i-* exad !;. of tl •■ Ban duced it' w e w ere to plac< another corn tained, then to mark on each I reduced and oxyhemoglobin found in tl line joining tlir^.- mai N|l..|nl clear Prom the accompany] ' In su<-li a chart '1 tin- percent* reduced hemoglobin blue in • ; I I n lii«-li mospl •i;il pressure sul\ I.I Difference betWMO Curv. s of Bloou H noulol curve obtained from Up tl ilis, liai all the more difficult, globin in partial 384 THE RERPTRATION stead of readily yielding up its load of 02, would greedily retain prac tically the whole of it. The curve, in other words, would satisfactorily explain why hemoglobin should readily absorb 02 from the alveolar air, but would fall far short of explaining how this 0, is readily released when it is required in the tissues. Obviously there is some artificial con- dition present in the above experiment which can not obtain in the nat- ural environment of the blood. WO <<0 do 70 GO 50 HO 30 2.0 10 0 z/ a/ fa/ d/ 10 ZO 30 HO 50 bO 10 80 10 100 Fig. 138. — Average dissociation curves. Ordinates — Percentage saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen. Abscissae — Tension of oxygen in mm. of mercury. Curve A — Degree of saturation of pure hemoglobin solutions at varying pressures. Curve B — Disregard this curve. Curve C — Effect of 20 mm. CO2 pressure on above solution. Curve D — The saturation curve in normal blood at 40 mm. carbon dioxide pressure. Since hemoglobin takes up 02 in proportion to its iron, it can not be because of changes in the 02 combining part of the hemoglobin itself that blood and pure hemoglobin solutions have dissimilar dissociation curves, but rather because of differences in the environment in which the hemoglobin acts. That this is so can be readily shown by plotting the dissociation curve, not for a hemoglobin solution, but for blood itself /> il :- of < I of about 60 mm II long alveoli 100 wh< then y com i i question ii the hemoglobin in the bli "00 J- • ^*~ ■ w ith 1. int.. j)l.t.\ I CO hemoglobin i in t 386 '1 III. RESPIRATION Since the plasmas of different animals contain different proportions oi salts, the artificial plasma required to secure the result is not always the same. It differs, for example, for the dog- and man. Potassium salts are particularly efficient in causing hemoglobin to absorb 02. The in- fluence of varying hydrogen-ion concentrations of the solution may be conveniently studied by adding varying percentages of C02 to the gas mixture in the tonometers, when it will be found that the curve be- comes lowered in proportion to the amount of CO, present. This is shown in Fig. 140. The effect of temperature on the dissociation curve is twofold: (1) on the rate with which equilibrium is established at the given partial pres- 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 °/ / / If <¥ / / ■ III • ■ ■ j 1/ / 0 10 20 30 40 50 GO 70 80 100 Fig. 140 — Dissociation curves of human blood, exposed to 0, 3, 20, 40 and 90 mm. C02. Ordinate, percentage saturation. Abscissa, oxygen pressure. (From Joseph Barcroft.) sure of 02, and (2) on the position of the curve; the lower the tempera- ture, the higher the curve. The Rate of Dissociation. — Though it is now clear that the three con- ditions— namely, saline content, CH, and temperature — are capable of altering the dissociation curve of a pure hemoglobin solution so as to make it correspond with that of blood, -this does not entirely solve our problem, for we have yet to show how the cooperation of these forces renders it possible for the rate at which hemoglobin takes up 02 in the lungs to correspond exactly with that at which it gives up its 02 to the tissues. To study this problem a somewhat different kind of experiment must be undertaken. The hemoglobin solution is placed in a tube and the gas mixture slowly bubbled through it, samples of the solution being removed at intervals for analysis in the differential blood- u.i> appai atu I and 1 1 bubbled through I • mm Hgj an' parison of its dissociatioi K, with thai of normal bio n added. When tl name amount I it indi thai il uf ii il »1 «• load of 0 than normal H must be lo In determining K For I ' thai it should be subji This condition \\ ould !»•• in ■ taining the aam< Since this valu< rtaiiH' and tl" It has therefoi ■ \ tii.ti of tl CO • will ii I Wl en 1 other hand, all the CO plasma red thai blood c that hemoglobin or from aolu1 shows that this caused h\ that tl 392 TI1E RESPIRATION them into the plasma of acid radicles. At least it has been found that the alkalinity of the plasma increases when C02 is bubbled through blood, this increase in alkalinity being interpreted as the result of the migration of acid radicles into the corpuscles. This would lead us to expect that under the opposite conditions (i. e., in vacuo) acids would leave the corpuscles. Proteins are amphoteric substances — that is, they combine with acids or alkalies — which would lead us to expect that they would be capable of absorbing some C02. That this is the case, particularly for hemo- • 75 70 "ff* 65 o 60 bb 50 45 40 : /^ S Jf_ J^ r / S A ' *" • • _1 /k / , - // * / . ' //- f 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 vjVe*>uAX oi COj vrv rrvm. 3£a. Fig. 142. — Curve of C02 tension in blood. For description, see text. (From Christiansen, Doug- las and Haldane.) globin, has been shown by comparing the CO,-combining powers of water and a solution of pure hemoglobin. Attempts have been made to determine the relative amounts of CO., carried by these various agencies in the blood. The following is an ex- ample of such a table: In simple solution in plasma and corpuscles a in corpuscles 6.S As sodium bicarbonate j ^ ^ ^.^^ In combination with hemoglobin In combination with proteins of plasma 12.0 7.5 1 L1.8 | 1.9 c.c. 18.8 40.0 (Locwy.) I : e power «>r blood to a determined in the saturation of the hemoglobin w ith 1 1 earrj ing power of the blood I The various tensions volume per cenl l 1 1 taken up upper curve is dra* n from with CO, in the i of a'n- The dol drain ii beta een the t \ !>1 1 within th<- bodj it a alveolar sir see pi ads in per cent ; and si s pressure mm. /.' stands in venous 1>1< •< •«! at about I • would be 7 per cenl ]"•■■■ with < > at the latter pressure. Tl therefore, helps to <1H\ <• out the CO in the tissues enhat power of absorbii : I are of fundamental imports] I la\ in'_r show 11 how the blood t lunj tissu< may i the tissues, and in this connection of < K which they require under and *_' the mechai isms bj which I THE OXYGEN REQUIREMENT OF THE TISSUES In ordei ' tain th< nu.-s of the bodj , it is n. •• the smounl of 0 tain it w e must know l under investigation; 2 the bloodflow t in <• e. per minute ; and I venous blood of the I I k t.. r.-\ i.-w in an\ del have been undertaken in t; : important results burtoi /'' In tl Hon, as it is called, the l muscul unectn stand ab< msumpl 394 THE RESPIRATION ORGAN CONDITION OF REST OXYGEN USED PER MINUTE PER GRAM OF ORGAN OXYGEN USED PER CONDITION OF ACTIVITY MINUTE PER GRAM OF ORGAN Voluntary muscle Nerves cut. .Tone absent 0.003 c.c. Tone existing in rest Gentle contraction Active contraction 0.006 c.c. 0.020 c.c. 0.080 c.c. Uustriped muscle Resting 0.004 c.c. Contracting 0.007 c.c. Heart Very slow and feeble contractions 0.007 c.c. Normal contractions Very active 0.05 c.c. 0.08 c.c. Submaxillary gland Nerves cut 0.03 c.c. Chorda stimulations 0.10 c.c. Pancreas Not secreting 0.03 c.c. Secretion after injec- tion of secretin 0.10 c.c Kidney Scanty secretion 0.03 c.c. After injection of diuretic 0.10 c.c. Intestines Not absorbing 0.02 c.c. Absorbing peptone 0.03 c.c. Liver In fasting animal 0.01 to 0.02 c.c. In fed animals 0.03 to 0.05 c.c. Suprarenal gland Normal 0.045 c.c. Nabarro). It is of course necessary in making these comparisons to secure the coefficient of oxidation both when the tissue is at rest and when it is thrown into varying degrees of activity. Special attention has been devoted to the requirements of skeletal muscle, heart muscle and the salivary glands. Skeletal Muscle. — In observations on skeletal muscle, Verzar (cf. 27) isolated the gastrocnemius muscle of the cat, and without disturbing its blood supply collected samples of blood by introducing a 1 c.c. pipette into a branch of the saphenous vein. Activity was produced by throw- ing the muscle into tetanus by the application of an electrical stimulus to the sciatic nerve. During its contraction the muscle lifted a weight, so that it did about 70 gram-centimeters of work at the beginning of each period of tetanus. The velocity of bloodflow was determined by the rate at which the blood flowed along the pipette, and the 02 consump- tion, by the difference in percentage of 02 in the venous and the arterial blood. These measurements were made: (1) before contraction, (2) dur- ing contraction, and (3) after contraction. It was found that during the tetanus the 02 consumption in some cases was greater than during rest, while in others it was actually less, but in every instance a great increase in 02 consumption followed the tetanus — that is, the call for 02 continues for some time after the actual work has been performed. This result shows that th Dtracl i< in muscular which energy in lib< • ated in The mechanism mu ind daring the muscular [nteresting results cured by ob I- was found thai heal production mut ol only dui er it. |iin\ ided 0 In tl eithei tly delayed the view I I 1 1 - used lai pj< "like an engine charging an i taining a considerable amoui accumulator, it discha hen appi V. Bill, cf. 27). 0 immediately tl with these interesting r< rail ami Fletcher ' have sho* n thai th - 1 1 • i i frog mu bul « I d or, if so, quickly disap] Heart Muscle. Another m in thi- action is thai of th< <*n studied both on is change in the Inn— a coml mosl important in tions I :~ . wh>' i 1 1 taken in by the hearl d sion se1 up in the hearl 1»\ I by placing a rubber bag in I *' !i«.w n pressui e. By all pull • as found thai I prod'; the pu produ* q — — itanl quantil NT inc [t should b< the ah amour t of 0 I ho t'- 396 THE RESPIRATION the heart is becoming overtaxed — that it is losing its efficiency. The same result occurs when the heart is dying, and when depressing drugs are used, such as chloral hydrate, potassium cyanide, veratrine, etc. Some other drugs, however, such as epinephrine, do not cause altera- tion in the ratio, nor does vagus stimulation. Of course when the vagus is stimulated, the 02 consumption in a given period decreases because the heartbeats are slowed ; but the absorption of 02 is not increased rela- tively to the slowing of the heart. Glands. — Most work has naturally been done on the most accessible gland — the submaxillary. By stimulating the secretory nerve of this gland (the chorda tympani) in the dog, it has been found that, whereas the more abundant secretion lasts only so long as the stimulus is ap- plied to the nerve, the 02 consumption is increased to several times that of rest, and remains increased for a considerable period after the stimulus has been removed. Accompanying the increased functional activity in such structures as muscles, there is a very marked increase in bloodflow due to vasodilatation, which, in part at least, is dependent upon the secretion into the blood of some substances resulting from the glandular activities, and is not entirely due to the action of vasodilator nerve fibers. Similar results have been obtained in the case of the pancreas when excited to secrete by the injection of secretin (see page 425). Under such conditions, the oxygen consumption has been observed to increase about fourfold and to be accompanied by a dilatation of the gland. The work on the kidney has been especially interesting, because it has been found that increased activity, which of course is measured by the rate of urine excretion, is not always accompanied by increased consumption of oxygen. When diuresis is produced by injecting Ring- er's solution into the circulation, a great increase in urine outflow may occur without any change in oxygen consumption ; whereas, on the other hand, when a diuretic such as sodium sulphate or caffeine is used, the oxygen consumption increases enormously. Regarding the other tissues and organs, the 02 consumption of the lungs and brain appears to be small. It is a very significant fact, how- ever, that the higher cerebral centers are extremely sensitive to depri- vation of Oo. The Blood. — In the blood itself, a certain amount of oxidation goes on because of the presence of leucocytes. This oxidation becomes con- siderable in the blood of animals rendered anemic by the injection of phenyl hydrazin. A thorough investigation of the cause of this greater oxidation has shown it to be owing, not to an increase in nucleated corpuscles, bu1 to the presence of 1hc young unnucleated w(\ blood corpuscles, « hich appear in ditions. A similar inci i rhagic anemia, the rat elation regeneral ion of the red corp The Mechanism by Which the Demands oi the Tissues for Oxygen Are Met There are two possible methods bj w i I i... a chai -•• in the < the plasma, bo thai the hemoglobin m< of < >_ : and 2 by an inc the 3 of tin' act i' Regarding the firsl of these possibility are produced during metabolism of acting tis when muscles contracl in tl produced in large amounts, and when the Barcolactic acid. In the submaxilL -i j...s- show that the Ch of the venous bl 1. as m< the dissociation curve of hemoglobin, becon ing glandular activity. Thai this increase in I aln-ady seen As to the in temperature and in saline constitui i at presenl be said. Regarding the second possibility, either upon the action <>n the hi I along vasomotor nerves, or upon tl vasodilating or depressor subst has 1 ii accumulal ing in recenl ; depressor substances are produced, and I 2 organic bases of a similar mine . This latter subst; cause of its close relationship t<> protein molecule namely, histidii ducing \ asodilatation is exl rao drug injected intravenously inti pressure bj fifty i" Bui bi such an h> p< show that, independently • hi may dilate Tl effe< • stimulating w itl the submaxillan 398 THE RESPIRATION and dilatation of the artery occurs, although on blood vessels alone epinephrine in similar dosage produces constriction. Of course in show- ing that local chemical products of activity serve as the excitant of local dilatation, we do not mean to imply that the vasodilator fibers going to the blood vessels are of no use. Indeed we know that such fibers do be- come active in the case of a salivary gland whose cells have been para- lyzed by atropine, but it is a significant fact that this dilatation is of rela- tively short duration, whereas that produced by glandular activity lasts for some time. The suggestion seems therefore not out of place that un- der normal conditions the initial dilatation of an acting gland may be brought about through nervous stimuli, but the later dilatation is main- tained by metabolic products. I IIAI'l EH XI. \ 1 Tin: i-in SlOIXXn OF BREA1 nr i OH l\ RAREFIED UR In the application i thf in\ estigation of di ■ rable interf< \ itli pi • . but <>i" changes in tl tic ii of the functions of r« lion depends the physical and chemical prop* ■ 1 thai similar cha iull on the respiratory acti\ itj the animal. The moe1 thoroughly in p in rarefied and compressed air. I. dnced experimentally in the lal (pneumatic cabinets and suitable pumps, all portanl work on tl altitudes, w here the baromi MOUNTAIN SICKNESS dition de] unction, and it oing the oatu disease itself, t! I much tion durii at: disappear, indicating the compensator} n trol bi V\ cabinets from which i diate B) mpt< - impracticabh time to allnu the compel r. hormone, many <>f tl - B88 400 THE RESPIRATION sickness have been given elsewhere in this volume (page 360), where the general symptoms are also described. In this place we shall consider very briefly some of the more general aspects of the condition, and, more particularly, the nature of the adaptation that occurs. All of the symp- toms are essentialy dependent upon lack of oxygen. Cyanosis is com- mon and the symptoms are much the same as those of coal-gas poisoning. Not only does this deficiency of oxygen cause acid substances to appear in the blood, thus raising the CH and stimulating the respiratory center, but it allows other poisonous materials to accumulate. These act on the various nerve centers, producing symptoms which vary in different in- dividuals according to their relative susceptibilities. In some, the diges- tive centers are affected and nausea and vomiting occur; in others, the higher cerebral centers are affected, causing depression and general men- tal apathy, great drowsiness, muscular weakness, or it may be mental excitement and loss of self-control. The susceptibility of different individuals also varies according to the amount of previous experience in mountaineering and the type of breath- ing. Much of the value of previous experience and training depends on the ability to perform muscular effort economically; to adjust the effort to the available oxygen supply without permitting unoxidized harmful products to accumulate in the body. It often happens that no symptoms appear so long as the person is at rest, but immediately do so whenever any muscular effort demands a much more abundant oxygen supply. The type of breathing that best withstands the rarefied air is sIoav and deep, rather than rapid and shallow. The reason for this is of course that much more of the outside oxygen gets into the alveoli in the former case than in the latter, the dead space being practically constant. The following figures taken from observations on three different individuals will illustrate the importance of this factor. Subject 1 < < C.C. PER NO. OP RES- HEIGHT IN METERS RESPIRATION PIRATIONS AT WHICH SYMP- PER MINUTE TOMS OCCURRED 270 20 3300 440 14 6000 700 8 6500 (From Halliburton.) After living for some time in the rarefied air and quite independently of training in the efficient performance of muscular work, adaptation occurs, so thai the symptoms pass off. The essential feature of this adap- tation is increased absorption of 02 into the blood. Three mechanisms have been described as responsible for this effect: (1) increase in the ten- sion of 0., in the alveolar air; (2) assumption by the pulmonary epithelium BR] \llli\ i.i' the i'" and hemoglobin the more rapid blood. I mm. and at 15,< The evidei • epithelium depend! mnd thai bio a liiu'h mountain is brig shaken in a flask with . taken, it w ill 1 me d believed thai the pulmons to the la diffusio \ !: ■ "•' ( >• and « '< » that bl 1 would take up l body and 2 ' bile in t! at avidity for hemoglobi air containing 0.07 p< v an equal mixtui monoxide is destroyed \\ ith < causing a man t" bre sample "t' drawn blood, med as in vitro. If >•>. tl tlit- alveoli ; i suit which H I ample, when blood the amoui hemoglobin. When th( the (•nit. w hi.-li would c n not corp due nail > t in t blood 402 THE RESPIRATION Cliristiania Zurich Davos Arosa Cordilleras height above sea (meters) RED CORPUSCLES (PER C. MM. BLOOD) 0 412 1560 1800 4392 4,970,000 5,752,000 6,551,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 (From Starling.) COMPRESSED-AIR SICKNESS; CAISSON DISEASE; DIVER'S PALSY Divers and caisson workers are susceptible to peculiar symptoms. These are frequently of sufficient severity to cause death, but may be so mild as almost to escape notice. They first appear, not when the worker is subjected to the high pressure, but after he has come back to atmos- pheric pressure.* While in the compressed air the worker as a rule suffers no discom- fort. A stuffiness may be felt in the ears and temporary giddiness ; the respiration and pulse rate may become slow and frequency of micturition may be noticed, but none of the symptoms of disease appear until after the caissonier or diver has been decompressed (after he has returned to atmospheric pressure), the exact time of their onset being either imme- diately after decompression or at the end of several hours. The worker may have returned home and spent the evening feeling perfectly well until he went to bed, when symptoms supervened which may include mus- cular and joint pains, vertigo, embarrassed breathing, subcutaneous em- physema and hemorrhages, pains in the ears and deafness, vomiting, perhaps hemoptysis and epigastric pain. These symptoms usually pass off after some hours but the arthralgia and myalgia sometimes persist for a considerable time. In the more severe cases the first symptom is severe pain in the mus- cles and joints, quickly followed by motor paralysis, so that the patient falls and is likely to become unconscious. The pulse is almost imper- ceptible, the respiration is labored, sometimes even asphyxial, the face cyanosed, and the surface of the body cold. Many of the cases are fatal ; indeed, death may be almost instantaneous. Such cases are common in careless diving when the divers, to return the more quickly, screw up the outlet valve in their helmets so as to fill their suits with air, which car- *A caisson is a steel or wooden chamber sunk in water and prevented from filling by means of compressed air. For the passage of the workmen and of material, into and out of the caisson, the latter is connected with a second smaller chamber fitted with air-locks and decompressing cocks. A diver works in a waterproof suit, the head being enclosed in a copper helmet connected by hose with air pumps. Every 10 meters or 33 feet of water corresponds to one atmosphere pressure (IS pounds to the square inch), so that at this depth the total air pressure in a caisson, or in a diver's helmet, would amount to 30 pounds to the square inch, that is, + 1 atmosphere. BRI 4TH1NI them to tin the valve. intense congestion brain, and ecch} nrn interlobar emphj sema brain ha I The Cause of the BymptOmi The cause for I tnptom the pr< the blood fi nt' the body, including tl • I ause the fluids of the bodj and all of fluid are incompn will In- immediately distribut imt si-, lift- would 1"' 1 1 1 1 ; • • sure. It is now clearrj establ ished that a are due to cU compr< . and not, in th< ical the pressure its< If (Paul Bert, 1 . 1 1 W m animal is under pi i amounl of '-'as. They ab« fluid, w hi<'li Btatea that tl i directly proportional to the partial | phere ; at two atmospl solution as at sero pr< lution, it doe the blood and t luida I dis8oh -''l gas will be so qui< it B I lillaries or blocking up large and bubble lu 1 in I ,**u^ if in the an*' :.-^ the action of th< The folio* u . small 1 air and | ••-1 througl • on ■ wire and •' ing a mici the circul of the : 404 THE RESPIRATION tive pressure, amounting in some experiments to + 50 atmospheres, was introduced but no effect could be noted on the circulating blood. By opening a tap in the chamber, decompression to zero pressure was quickly effected and, immediately, large bubbles were seen to develop in the blood, blocking the vessels and producing stasis. The bubbles Avere de- rived from the gas that had gone into solution under pressure. On re- applying the pressure the bubbles of gas again went into solution and the blood circulated normally. "When the pressure was subsequently very gradually lowered to zero, the circulation went on undisturbed, and the frog was removed from the chamber in normal conditioh. The process involved in causing caisson disease is evidently the same as that which can be observed in a bottle of aerated water; if the cork in such a bottle is drawn, the dissolved gas escapes as bubbles and effer- vescence results; if the bottle is recorked, the gas reenters solution and the fluid becomes quiet. If a pin hole is made in the cork, the gas will gradually escape and no effervescence will result. Confirmatory results have been secured by observations on mammals. The arterial blood pressure of rabbits was not found to become altered by exposure to compressed air, and various animals placed in a large, strong steel chamber at pressures far in excess of those to which man ever subjects himself did not show any symptoms like those of caisson sickness, unless the pressure was suddenly lowered. Many times also, if symptoms had appeared they could be removed by again subjecting the animals to the compressed air. Investigations "were also carried out to determine exactly how much gas the blood of an animal subjected to high pressures contains, and how long it takes to absorb the maximal amount of gas and to release it. It was found that the gases that increased in amount were nitrogen and oxygen, and that these become dissolved in the blood according to Dal- lon's law. The Prevention of the Symptoms The most important practical application of these observations con- cerns the length of time required for the saturation and desaturation to occur, for the results serve as a basis upon which the safe regulation of work in compressed air by man can be conducted. The most significant outcome of the above experiments from this standpoint is that it takes considerable time for the blood to absorb its full quota of gas at a given atmospheric pressure and to liberate it again when the animal is decom- pressed. The cause of delay is that the tissue fluids other than the blood take much longer than would be expected to reach equilibrium with the partial pressure of gas in the blood plasma. BR] vi iir. understand wl only '_m-> c ed is nil eapillai the lungs m siiri- nt* tli m the ;il t iss , ,!lt il tl them ;iii«I the l»l I Tl c i nitrogen, returns to the lungs ami a^ain I on until blood ;in- hit reu and return 406 THE RESPIRATION same number of minutes to desaturate that it took to saturate, and the parts of the body that will lag behind the others, in being desaturated, are those with a sluggish circulation. "When the mass movement of the blood is increased by muscular exer- cise, the rate of saturation and desaturation with nitrogen is increased in proportion. During active work the increase in movement of the blood may be four or five times over the normal, so that the tissues of the caisson worker become much more quickly desaturated during decom- pression than the above figures would lead one to expect. Application of Foregoing- Laws in Practice With regard to the application of these principles in the decompression of caisson workers, it is impracticable to occupy as much time as it takes to saturate the body even at comparatively low pressures. If the great dangers attending work in compressed air are to be avoided, we must either insist on very gradual decompression or we must show how the dissolved gases may be got rid of by some modification in the decom- pression procedure. With this object in view, we must determine what difference of pressure may be allowed between the external air and the body without the formation of bubbles. Actual experience shows that there is no risk of bubble-formation, however quick the decompression, after exposure to + 15 pounds pressure ( i.e., 2 atmospheres absolute). "Now, the volume of gas capable of being liberated on decompression to any given pressure is the same, if the relative diminution of pressure is the same" — (Haldane35). On reduction from 4 to 2 atmospheres, the same volume of gas will tend to be liberated as on reduction from 2 to 1 atmospheres — that is to say, no bubbles will form. The practical conclusion is "that the absolute air pressure can always be reduced to half the absolute pressure at which the tissues are saturated without risk." Thus, after saturation at 00 pounds absolute pressure (+ 5 atmos- pheres), a man can be immediately decompressed to 45 pounds (+ 2 atmospheres) in a few minutes without risk, but from this point on the decompression must be conducted slowly, so as to insure that the nitrogen pressure in the tissues is never more than twice the air pressure. The great advantage of this method is that it makes the greatest possible use of difference of pressure between tissues and blood in order to get rid of the gas that these contain. When the decompression from the start is gradual, the desaturation of the tissues will progressively lag behind that of the blood, and the tendency to the liberation of free gas will become greater. In such a case the decompression is far too slow at first and far too rapid later. I1ICI \ I I I later. Bi ■ »ii in c ! i mm the incidi animals. Th< thai tl uniform method, tl < >n the other hai I I • Hill i tage metl od i actual ■ k al I atmosphei \ "■ Btagi red w itli the ui method Bhould : will absolutely • it possible to persuade tl it There an tur.-itiuii an indiffercn ' ■ I • tin- fi- of the blood, and it if in the decon the sir I man al and tl TV Up joints. fa1 this infl [1 tly in tl cur i ■ l • ring d< kne But < en in tl mav la 408 THE RESPIRATION sion has been properly controlled. This lias boon shown by Leonard Hill in the case of the kidney. The "tissue" gas in this case can be taken as the gas dissolved in the urine, by analyzing which, therefore, at different stages of decompression, the excess of nitrogen over what it should he at the external pressure, can be ascertained. On decom- pression from +30 pounds by two stages to zero, a considerable super- saturation was found to exist. The excess of nitrogen can, however, be cleared out of the kidneys rapidly and completely by breathing oxygen, which should therefore be administered during decompression in cases where great care has to be exercised (Leonard Hill). When symptoms do appear, they can, in most cases, be relieved by recompression, and all modern caisson works are provided with a special chamber for this purpose. We need scarcely say anything about this treatment here, as its value is so well known. Suffice it to say that, although it is most likely to afford relief when applied as soon as pos- sible after the appearance of the symptoms, yet it is often efficacious when applied several days after their onset. Quite apart from the dangers of decompression, it must of course be remembered that the working conditions in a caisson are somewhat dif- ferent from those at atmospheric pressure, as the air, oAving to its com- pression, is warmer and is loaded to saturation point with moisture. This hot, wet air interferes with the heat-regulating mechanism of the body, making hard muscular work very uncomfortable because of the tendency of the body temperature to rise. The reaction of the body against this tendency to hyperthermia consists in dilatation of the su- perficial capillaries and increased heart action. When such working conditions are repeated day by day, the appetite is likely to fail, partly because of the tendency of the body to suppress the activity of the metabolic processes, so as to keep down heat produc- tion, and partly, no doubt, because the digestive processes are working below par on account of there being less blood circulating through the visceral blood vessels, it having been sent to the surface of the body to be cooled off. The worker therefore tends to take less food, his metabo- lism becomes depressed, and his factors of safety against bacterial infections become lessened. The risk of the appearance of symptoms on decompression is also greater when the air in the caisson has been moist and hot, for the heart has been overworking to maintain the bloodfloAY in the dilated vessels; it gets fatigued and is consequently unable to maintain, during decom- pression, a rate of bloodflow that is adequate for carrying the gas- saturated blood to the lungs, where the excess of gas becomes dissi- pated. BRJ ITBINl The criterion e the wet-bulb ten i maintain this condition it rralilv w itli a if 1 1 ; . case, tin- ventilation should temperature would soon 1"' balan 1 nt circulation of the air in also in ini | > t - 1 > \ iii!_r the heal from th>' hoch CHAPTER XL VII THE CIRCULATORY AND RESPIRATORY CHANGES ACCOM- PANYING MUSCULAR EXERCISE* During activity the muscles require many times more blood than dur- ing rest. When the activity is widespread the greater blood supply is provided by increased heart action accompanied by dilatation of the muscular arterioles and constriction of those of the splanchnic area, so that the entire available blood supply of the body is made to circulate more rapidly. When, on the other hand, the activity is confined to a limited group of muscles, the increased blood supply is mainly provided by a local dilatation of the blood vessels of the active muscles accom- panied by a reciprocal constriction of those of inactive parts. Under these conditions there may therefore be no quickening of the bloodflow as a "whole. In order that this accurate adjustment of blood supply to tissue demands may be promptly and adequately brought about, all available types of coordinating mechanism are called into play; that is to say, mechanical, nervous and hormone factors cooperate to an extent which is dependent upon the type of work being performed. Besides the changes in pulse rate and blood pressure which are evi- dently designed to supply more blood to the acting muscles, changes dependent upon a secondary effect of the muscular movements have also to be considered. Although the various factors work together and are more or less interdependent, the final effect can be understood only after we have studied the relative influence of each separately. The Mechanical Factor. — It is particularly with regard to this factor that the circulatory changes may be an unavoidable consequence of, rather than a useful adjustment to, the muscular effort. The effects vary with the type of exercise performed. In repeatedly lifting and lowering dumbbells from the floor to above the head, the contracting muscles of the back and extremities and of the abdomen compress the veins and cause the blood to flow more rapidly into the heart, so that the arterial pressure suddenly rises. So long as this compression exists, the veins remain relatively empty and the arteries overfilled, but whenever it ceases and the muscles relax, the veins fill up again and the arterial pres- *This chapter is placed here rather than following circulation because of the interdependence of the circulatory and respiratory adjustments. 410 < 1 1 \ ' mre markedly fall*, until tl by blood It is for to Pound tn be little, if ai after such i II responsible for the increased ire still in operal ion at 1 blood. The purely mechanical infl paratively Bhort time, w i tinue acting. This int< -hat the fall of blood pi ••li amounl of dumbbell i with his elbo iting on liis sure mi the abdominal causes more M I ' Llect in the lar ■ I Being purely mechanical ii follow ing dnmbbel] tions are made at close enough inl The mechanical response of I through tl filling rt \\ it) in a healthy condition, it will ingly increased discharge Liki i heart \\ orka \\ ith a 1. i the rate of venous filling thi called npon to maintain 1 1 arations Starling and his close depend* f cardiac output u] •incus range through which ti vary by altering this • \ p..'. the heart is is longer in attaining ; longer tim< furnishes a m< ful fin Oth< - mechanical fa the it ■ walled thoracic •■ so thai the bl I finds it \ Itl ngh tliis dilal • in tho intrathi • exl 412 THE RESPIRATION arteries. It is obvious that increased depth and frequency of the respira- tory movements will accelerate the bloodtlow and tend to raise the arte- rial blood pressure. The above factors will come into play during most kinds of muscular exercise such as walking, running, or swinging dumbbells, etc. There are certain types of muscular effort, however, in which, the mechanical factors produce decidedly disturbing effects on the circulation. During a sustained effort as, for example, in pulling against a resistance or in attempting to lift a heavy load, the respirations are suspended, often after a deep inspiration, and the contracted abdominal muscles press the dia- phragm up into the thoracic cavity. After a preliminary squeezing out of blood first of all from the veins of the abdomen into the thorax and then from those of the latter into the systemic arteries, with a consequent rise in arterial pressure, there comes to be a damming back of blood into the peripheral veins, causing them to swell and, if continued, marked cyanosis may develop. When such efforts are maintained for long, the arterial pressure begins to fall, and this fall is very pronounced indeed at the end of the effort, because, the compression being removed from the abdominal and thoracic veins, these open up and form a large unfilled blood reservoir. A similar mechanism comes into play during expulsive acts such as defecation, parturition, etc. In these the glottis is closed, usually after a preliminary inspiration, and a powerful expiratory movement is per- formed, with the consequence that the intrathoracic and intraabdominal pressures rise considerably, greatly augmenting the systolic discharge and causing the blood pressure to rise. Because of the obstruction to the bloodflow in the large veins of the abdomen and thorax, however, the later effect of the effort is to diminish the systolic discharge, but the fall in blood pressure which this would be expected to occasion is masked. The pressure remains high because other factors increasing the peripheral resistance come into play. The fall in blood pressure following these acts may be very marked indeed. Similar mechanical effects are produced in the acts of coughing, sneezing, etc. The capacity of the veins varies considerably with the position of the body, and it is in order that we may cause alterations in this capacity and therefore encourage a more rapid bloodflow that Ave stretch the body after sitting for some time in a cramped position. The Nervous Factor. — The vagus, vasoconstrictor and respiratory cen- ters are all excited during muscular effort. In the earlier stages the excitation depends entirely on nervous impulses transmitted to the cen- ters, but later il depends on changes in the composition and temperature of the blood flowing through them — the hormone factor. The initial « II • stimulation of I ently t ranKm and respirations maj be (Mint ractions. The Hormone Factor W hormo 7 / the li bonic acid, bul \\ hen thi the eerj Btarl i than the blood i ipply it ' I ! idenee for 1 1 --is i pired air acid before and during musculj is belies ed to be an • H is, lie ■tualh tion of the arterial bli would I r no significance d< be dependenl upon acid produetion • iwn buffer action siderable quantities in II ion cone must be the B i demonstrating a change in H finding the dissociation eonstanl -. n thai acidosis d< B So direct me well 1 much can ■ •ill ar * • ' inert n Ihe Isr k, t 1 . i — 1 1 v \\ 1 \ ||( , , addi IICO I" liveh 414 THE RESPIRATION state. That the C02 tension of the alveolar air should be found to be lowered by prolonged muscular exercise in no way detracts from this explanation, for it is dependent upon the greatly increased rate of movement of air into and out of the alveoli (see also page 366). One serious difficulty in accepting the HC03 ion as the exciting hor- mone of the nerve centers during muscular exercise depends on the ob- servation that the alveolar C02 after some time is lower than normal. If we accept Ilaldane's teaching that there is accurate correspondence between the tensions of C02 in arterial blood and alveolar air not only during rest but also during muscular activity, then obviously we must discard the HC03 hypothesis. Leonard Hill and Flack,37 however, have shown quite clearly both in experimental animals and in man that equi- librium between the blood and alveolar tensions of C02 may fail to occur. When blood with excess of C02 is injected into the jugular vein of dogs, the respiratory center is stimulated, as shown by the increased breathing, which indicates that the C02-rich blood must have passed through the lungs without the excess of C02 being removed from it. Hill believes that the diffusion of C02 out of the blood into the alveolar air may be depressed in muscular exercise, and that this rather than the appearance of lactic acid in the blood is responsible for the low C02 ten- sions usually found present (see page 369). He points out in support of this view that a person after exercise can hold his breath for a much shorter time than is usual, and the C02 meanwhile mounts in the alveolar air very rapidly. The only way by which progress may be made in a problem like that under discussion is, however, to adopt some hypothesis and then to gather evidence for or against it. At the present stage of our knowl- edge, the hypothesis usually adopted is that a slight change in H-ion concentration of the blood is the effectual hormone. It is an hypothe- sis which is supported by the parallelism between the effects observed during muscular exercise and those produced by experimental increase in H-ion concentration. The Effects of the Hormone. — These may be classified as follows: (1) strictly local effects on the muscles themselves; (2) effects on the heart; and (3) effects on the nerve centers. The local production of acids in the muscles will cause dilatation of the arterioles, for it has been shown by various observers that acids cause relaxation of vascular muscle. Even the capillaries themselves are said to be dilated by carbonic acid (Severini). The effects produced on the heart by changes in H-ion con- centration of the blood have been particularly studied by Starling and Patterson,38 who, working on isolated heart-lung preparations, have shown that the heart relaxes more and more and discharges less blood - I! aa the II ion ' I ' t«. the air \ entilatinj influence of cl in II -is and vasomol There is no doubl that an in -, not onl; of the spinal cord But it i-> a qu< tolio pressure during m for the enormously makes it problematical it does bo, it must be eonfi] have the • of brii blood bj wing il from the vise* inn The effect of inc IB be insignificant II mmonly I is actually ol i. a quickening, bul Hut even this is doubtful i asphyxia, for example, is in pi nial pressure, for w hen the eury valve bo thai the hi 1 i normal level, no b1< I i mard Bill and Flai (feet the l tone, \\ hich is lieved to have The acth it; cited by inci ease in H-ioi cause important ehai which follow Along w ith hormoi i p< raft ■ I • well ki but that it icular adjust hen 1 % part leasl of tl it is thn' ou* n culai ' IKi THE RESPIRATION very deiinitc changes occur at the time the relief is experienced — namely, a sloAviiiii and steadying of the previously much quickened and irregu- lar pulse, sweating, and a marked fall in the respiratory quotient. T he- last mentioned change possibly gives a clue to the cause of the others. In the early stages /.'. Q. is raised, which indicates that relatively more C02 is being expelled from the blood into the alveolar air than oxygen is being absorbed, perhaps because of inadequate movement of blood through the lungs. At the time of the adjustment it is possible that a pronounced vasodilatation occurs in the muscles and coronary arteries. The former change by lowering the arterial blood pressure Avill relieve the pumping action of the heart, and the latter will improve its power of contraction by supplying it with more oxygen. RESPIRATION REFERENCES (Monographs) Barcroft, J.: The Respiratory Function of the Blood, University Press, Cambridge, 1914. "Borrutau, H.: Nagel's Handbuch der Physiologie, 1905, i, 29. Douglas, C. G.: Die Regulation der Atmung beim Menschen, Ergebnisse der Physiol- ogie, 1914, p. 338. Hill, Leonard: Caisson Sickness, International Medical Monographs, E. Arnold, London, 1912. Keith, Arthur: The Mechanism of Respiration in Man, Further Advances in Physi- ology, E. Arnold, London, 1909. Schenck, F.: Innervation der Atmung, Ergebnisse der Physiologie, 1908, p. 65. (Original Articles) iKeith, Arthur: Cf. Further Advances. -'Hoover, C. F.: Arch. Int. Med., 1913, xii, 214; ibid., 1917, xx, 701. 3Lee. F. S., Guenther, A. E., and Meleney, H. F.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1916, xl, 446. •»Meltzer, S. J.: Jour. Physiol., 1892, xiii,*218. •'■Haldane, J. S., and Priestley, J. G.: Jour. Physiol., 1905, xxxii, 225. Haldane and Douglas: Ibid., 1913, xlv, 235. ^Henderson, Y., Chillingworth and "Whitney: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1915, xxxviii, 1. Henderson and Morriss: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1917, xxx, 217. TKrogh, A., and Lindhard: Jour. Physiol., 1913, xlvii, 30; ibid., 1917, li, 59. sPearce, R. G.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1917, xliii, 73; ibid., 1917, xliv, 369. '-'Siebeck, R.: Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 1911, xxv, S7; Carter, E. P.: Jour. Exper. Med., 1914, xx, 21. Peabody, P. W., and Went worth, J. A.: Arch. Int. Med., 1917, xx, 443. "Lewis, T.: Jour. Physiol., 1908, xxxiv, 213, 233. ' -Porter. W. T.: Jour. Physiol., 1895, xvii, 455. ^Christiansen and Haldane, J.: Jour. Physiol., 1914, xlviii, 272. "Boothbv, W. M., and Berry, F. B.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1915, xxxvii, 433; also Boothby, W. M., and Shamoff, V. N.: Ibid., p. 418. i^Alcock, N. H., ami Seemann, J.: Jour. Physiol., 1905, xxxii, 30. Scott, F. H.: Jour. Phvsiol., 1908, xxxvii, 301. "Stewart, G. N., and Pike, F. H.: Jour. Physiol.. 1907, xx. 61. "aCoombs, H. C, and Pike, F. H.: Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med., 1918, xv, 55. isRrogh, A.: Skand. Arch. f. Physio]., 1910, xxiii, 248; and A. Krogh with Marie Krogh, ibid., 179. CHANG] S \< I OMl'AN ^ INO M i S( i L \\: 1 1 1 LOHaldane, J. S., and Priestley, f. G.: Jour. Physiol., 19 Scott, B. W.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1917, xliv, I siNewburg, .Means, and Porter, W. T. : Jour. Exper. Med., 19K s Easselbalch, K. A., and Lundsgaard, Chr.: Biochci , Zl chr., 191J Skand. Arch, f. Physiol., 1912, xxvii, 13. Hooker, D. B., Wilson, D. \\ ., and Connett, II.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1917, xliii, ^Campbell, J. -M. II.. Douglas, C. G., and Eobson, I'. G.: Jour. PI 1914, xl 303. - •!. milliard, J.: Jour. Physiol., 1911, rxxviii, 337; Ealdane, J. >.. and [bid., 1913, xhi. -'•Douulas, C. (J.: Art, Ergebnisse dor Physiologie, set Monoj !7Barcroft, J.: sei Bespiratory Function of Bl 1. 28Milroy, T. II.: Quart. Jour. Physiol., 1913, vi, 373. eoFletcher, W. M.. and Hopkins, F. <;.: .lour. Physiol., 1907, xxxv, ^17: a W. M.: Jour. I'1i\mo1., l'.U:i, xlvii, 361. snRyffel, J. H.: Proc. Physiol. Soc. in Jour. Physiol., 1909, xxxix, 29. BiPembrey, M. S., and Allen, B. W.: .lour. Physiol., 1909, xxxii, 18. B2Buckmaster, G. A.: -lour. Physiol., 1917, li, 105. ssDouglas, C. G., Haldane, J. S., Henderson, Y.. and Schneider, E. C: Phil Boy. Soc, 1913, 203, B, 185. ■ Hill. Leonard, Macleod, J. J. K.: Jour. PhysioL, 1903, mx, 507; Hill, Leonard, Greenwood, M., Flack, M.. etc.: se< Hill's ' Sicknet 3'Haldane, J. 8.: Deep Water Diving, Committee of the Admiralty iBriti- Hill 's Caisson Sickni seCotton, T. F.. Bapport, and Lewis, T.: Heart, 1918. •"•.■Hill, Leonard, and Macleod, J. J.K.: Jour. Physiol., 1908, xxxvii, 77. sspatterson, S. W., Piper, H., and Starling, F.. II.: Jour. Physiol., 1914, xlviii. PART V DIGESTION CHAPTER XLVIII GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DIGESTIVE GLANDS The function of digestion is to bring the food into such a condition that it can be absorbed through the intestinal epithelium into the blood and lymph. Carbohydrates are broken down as far as monosaccharides ; neutral fats are split into fatty acids and glycerine; and proteins are broken down into the amino acids. The agencies which effect these decompositions are the digestive enzymes, or ferments, contained in the various digestive fluids or juices. The digestive juices are produced by glands, which are most numerous in the upper levels of the gastro- intestinal tract, the lower levels having as their main function that of absorption of the digested products. In order that the masses of food may be kept in a state of proper consistency, and that they may move readily along the digestive canal, numerous mucous glands are also scattered along the whole extent of the canal. Some of the digestive glands, such as the main salivary glands, the pancreas, and the liver, discharge their secretions into the digestive canal by special ducts, whereas others, such as the isolated salivary gland follicles in the mouth, the gastric glands and the crypts of Lieberkuhn in the intestine, do not have an anatomically distinct duct, but discharge their secretions directly into the digestive tube. It will be convenienl to consider, first of all, certain properties that are common to the digestive glands, and then, the conditions under which each gland functionates during digestion. MICROSCOPIC CHANGES DURING ACTIVITY Structurally the active part of the glands, represented by the acinus or tubule, is composed of a basement membrane lined internally with the secreting epithelium. Outside the basal membrane are the lymph spaces and blood capillaries. Alter the gland has been ;i1 rest, the cells become 418 I'llYRJOLOOY <»l Till hi... - i i\ i .,i v H9 filled with granules or small globules, which are often •-<> numerous ••lliiHist entirely to obliterate the nucleus. When the gland I mea acl on the other hand, the granules or globules leave the cells, »r :• few which remain inward the lumen border. Pigs. 143 and 14} B. Fig. 143.— Cells of parotid gland showing z moderate secretion; C, after prolonged secretion. (From I These observations indicate thai the granular or globular material m represent part at least of the secretion of the glands. Sometimes, even before they are extruded, the granules become changed me difl ciii material, as is indicated by the fact thai they stain differently from A. :'r -f Fig. 144. — Parotid glaud ol upper left-hand acini are The upper right-ha activity by injecting pilocarpine, and I pathetic nerve. (After tangle; those of the resting gland. It musl not be thought, 1 thai an extrusion of granules necessarily accompanies * \ity. under certain conditions a copious secretio as well as a certain amounl of organic material, d ! with- 420 DIGESTION out any change in the arrangement of the granules. In such cases it has been observed, as in the pancreas, that fine channels develop in the protoplasm of the cell (see page 429). From this histological evidence it would appear that the gland cell during rest is endowed with the property of building up out of the pro- toplasm, as granules or globules, the material which is to serve as one of the main organic constituents of the secretion. It is commonly believed that this is the precursor of the active ferment of the secretion ; hence its name, zymogen. It has been shown that the process of separation of the zymogen granules starts around the nucleus with the production of a basophile substance, which in hardened specimens sometimes takes the form of filaments. From this basophilic ergastoplasm, as it is called, the granules are gradually formed, and then for some time continue to undergo slight further changes, as is evidenced by the fact that the staining reaction of those near the base of the cells differs from that of those at the free margin. "When the gland cell is excited to secrete, the granules before being extruded, as noted above, often undergo a definite change, becoming swollen and more globular in shape. MECHANISM OF SECRETION These microscopic studies merely tell us that active changes, associated with the production and liberation of certain of the constituents of its secretion, are occurring in the gland cell, but they throw no light on the mechanism whereby the gland cells secrete water and inorganic salts. This may be dependent, to a certain extent at least, on differences in osmotic pressure (see page 11). A possible explanation of the flow of water is as follows: If a watery solution of some osmotically active sub- stance is put in a tube, which is closed at one end by a membrane impermeable to this substance and at the other by one permeable to it. and the tube immersed in water, a continuous current will be found to issue from the permeable end so long as there remains any osmotically active substance in the tube. If we assume, then, that the membranes at the two ends of the secreting cell are of such a nature that the one next the basement membrane is impermeable to some osmotically active substance manufactured by the cell, and the other toward the lumen is permeable, it will be clear that, so long as this substance exists in the cell, it will attract water from the blood, and the water together with the osmotically active substance will be discharged into the lumen. It is possible that when anything excites the cell to secretory activity, such as a nerve impulse or hormone, it does so by causing a change in PHT8I0L001 OP THE DIGE8TTV1 OLANDE ll!l the permeability of the lumen border of the eelL Thia change in permea- bility may be dependent upon alterations in surface tension brought about by the migration of electrolytes to the border. That such a migra- tion of electrolytes docs actually occur has been den by A B Macallum8 who developed a microchemical tesl for potassium, by the use of which he was able to show thai this electrolyte accumulates at the lumen border of il II during secretory activity, that is. al the border of the cell through which the secretion takes place. Potassium may be taken as a prototype of electrolytes in general. In the epithelium of the -mall intestine, where the currenl goes in the opposite direction to thai in gland cells, the accumulation of potassium occurs al the portion of the cell next the basement membrane. Other observers believe that, when the gland becomes more active, the molecules present in the cell become broken down into smaller mole.- and so raise the osmotic pressure of the cell content, with the result that water is attracted from the blond and is then transferred to the lumen. When the gland is excited so that the zymogen granules, aa well as water and salts, are secreted, the primary change appears to involve the granules only. Those near the lumen swell up by absorbing \ and become converted into spheres in which salts are dissolved in smaller proportions than exist in the lymph bathing the cells. These swollen structures are then ruptured a1 the periphery of the cell and discharged into the lumen. This discharge of a fluid containing fewer saline con- stituents than the cell or surrounding blood plasma brings about in- creased concentration in the remaining parts of the cell, a p which possibly is assisted by a breaking up of molecules In the protoplasm itself, and which causes an increase in osmotic pressure with a conseqn How of water from the lymph to the cells and therefore from the bl to the lymph. OTHER CHANGES DURING ACTIVITY Whatever may be the nature of the physiological changes thai are responsible for the secretory activity of the cell, the fact star prominently that a considerable expenditure of energy is entailed T is indicated by the fad thai considerably larger quantity are taken up by the gland when it is in an active state than whei rest. Thus, the oxygen consumption of the resting submaxillary gland of the cat may be increased five times during active tion. account of this increased oxygen consumption it is i rprising that it should be found that the Becretory activity of tin 11 ;~ im- paired by a deficiency in oxygen. 422 DIGESTION These active processes occurring in the gland when i1 is excited to secrete are associated with changes in electric reaction and in the volume of the gland. The electric changes have been most extensively studied in connection with the salivary gland. Cannon and Cattel,6 by connecting a galvanometer with nonpolarizable electrodes, one placed on the gland and the other on neighboring connective tissue, were able to show that with each period of active secretion a current of action was set up. This was first discovered by Rose Bradford and Bayliss, and has been carefully studied by Gesell.68 That the electric current is definitely associated with the secretion of saliva and is not caused by the vascular changes which usually accompany this act was shown by its occurrence when the blood supply was shut off from the gland, and by its absence when there was no secretion even though the vascular changes were brought about; neither is the electric change due to the movement of fluid along the duct, as evidenced by its persistence after ligation of the duct. With regard to change in volume, it might be expected, on account of the greater vascularity of the gland accompanying activity, that this would increase. On the contrary, however, it has been shown to de- crease, because of the large quantity of fluid secreted from the gland cells. The action of two drugs on the gland cells is of considerable physio- logic importance: that of atropine, which paralyzes the secretion, and that of pilocarpine, which stimulates it. We shall see later how this information may be used in working out the exact mechanism of the different glands. Important observations concerning the relationship of glandular activ- ity to the Wood supply have been made by experiments in which glands were artificially perfused outside the body. "When the submaxillary gland of the dog is perfused with oxygenated Ringer's solution, stimula- tion of its nerve supply does not produce the usual secretion, but if the Ringer's solution is mixed with blood plasma, the nerve stimulation has its usual effect for a short time. Although no secretion occurs when oxygenated Ringer's solution is perfused alone, the usual vascular changes still occur in the gland. The results seem to indicate that the presence of some constituent of the blood plasma is essential for the change in the permeability of the cell wall necessary for the process of secretion. Similar results have been obtained during artificial perfusion of the pancreas when secretin was used as. the stimulus. CONTROL OF GLANDULAR ACTIVITY Having outlined the general nature of the changes occurring in gland cells during their activity, we may now proceed to study the nature of Center for \ crdnial secretory fibers Facial nerveJti.VII). Cerebellum GlossopharynqeaCnerve^ (N.IX) "&£ Medulla oblongata^ Parotid gland Center for vasodilator nerves Otic ganglion Jemilunar{Gasserian)ganglion 'Chorda tympani nerve Small superficial petrosal nerve Pon^j^^ni^lnf. max. div. N. V * Electrodes' ^Small amount of thick saliva vasoconstriction ) Vaso constrictor fibers sympathetic secretory fibers ut going sympathetic rami communicantes Parotid duct (Stensc /Submaxillary J duct(Whartons, h/Sublingual duct [Bartholin's) ingual nerve Chordo-lingual triangle Electrodes [Large amount of thm saliva, vasodilatation Sublingual gland Post ganglionic fibers are dotted thus — Fig. 145. Diagrammatic representation J a. ksi • PHYSI0L001 OP Till. DIGESTIVE QLA1 123 the process by which this glandular activity is controlled. Two mechan- isms of control arc known: I by the nervous Bystem, and (2) by means of hormones. Nervous Control. Control through the tier a system is mosl marked — indeed if may be the only means of control in glands which hav< produce their secretion promptly, whereas hormone control pre- dominates in those in which prompl changes in tory activity are not required. Thus, nervous control alone is present in the salivary glands, whereas hormone control is predominanl in the pancreas, intestinal glands and liver. The gastric glands are partly under nervou trol, and partly under hormone control. It should be pointed out here that the glands of the body other than the digestive glands are also Bubjecl to nervous or hormone control according to the promptness with which they arc required to secrete. The lachrymal and sweat glands, and the venom glands of reptiles, for example, are practically entirely under nerv< control, whereas most of the ductless glands, with the exception of the adrenals, are mainly under the influence of hormoi The exact nature of the nervous control of glandular function fa therefore, been mosl extensively studied iii the salivary glands, and that of the hormonic in the pancreas. With regard to the salivary glands, the following points are of importance: Their nerve supply comes from two sources: the cerebral autonomic, and the sympathetic autonomic see page s77 . These two nerve supplies have usually an opposite intlu ence on the secretory activity of the glands, and very frequently also on the vascular changes that accompany secretory activity. On account of its ready accessibility, the submaxillary gland in the dog and cat has been most thoroughly investigated. Th< bral auto- nomic nerve in this case is represented by the chorda tympani, and the sympathetic autonomic by postganglionic fibers that run from the superior cervical ganglion to the gland along its hi 1 vessels Fig, 1 : After tying a cannula into the duct of the gland, it will be found in dog that stimulation of the chorda tympani produces an immedial abundant secretion of thin watery saliva a mpanied by a mar' dilatation of the hi I \essels of the gland. That this Becretion is not dependent on the vasodilatation is easily shown by repeating the experiment after administering a sufficient d id' atropine to paralyze the secreting cells, stimulation of the nerve then produces a vasodilatation bul no secretion. The sane elusion arrived at by an experiment of an entirely different nature: namely, by observing the pressure produced in the duct when the chorda tympani is stimulated. This pressure rises considerably above that in the art so that no Buch physical process as mere diffusion can be held accountal 424 DIGESTION for the secretion, and therefore vasodilatation alone can not be respon- sible for it. If the sympathetic nerve supply is stimulated, a very scanty, thick secretion takes place accompanied by vasoconstriction. Repetition of these experiments in the cat yields different results, particularly with regard to the influence of the sympathetic, a copious secretion being produced by stimulation of this nerve. The histological changes produced in the gland cells are marked after sympathetic stimula- tion, but very slight, if present at all, after chorda stimulation. The outstanding conclusion which may be drawn from these results is that two kinds of secretory activity are mediated through the nerves; one causing a thin watery secretion, containing only a small percentage of organic matter, and the other, a thick viscid secretion with a large amount of organic material. To explain these differences the hypothe- sis has been advanced that, there are really two kinds of secretory fibers, called secretory and trophic, the former having to do with the secretion of water and inorganic salts, and the latter with the secretion of organic matter ; i. e., with the extrusion of the zymogen granules. Certain authors (Langley) believe that such an hypothesis is unneces- sary, and that the different results are dependent upon the concomitant changes in the blood supply produced by stimulating one or other nerve. That there are really different kinds of true secretory fibers is, however, evident from the following experiment. If the duct of the gland is made to open on the surface of the cheek, secretion of saliva through the fistula can be induced by placing various substances in the mouth, such as meat powder or weak solutions of acid. When the experiment is per- formed in such a way that the bloodflow through the gland can be observed, it has been found that the saliva produced by the stimulation with the meat powder contains a very much higher percentage of organic material than that produced when hydrochloric acid is the stimulant, whereas the vascular changes in the gland and the inorganic constituents of the saliva are the same in both cases. Since stimulation of the chorda tympani causes the secretion of a watery saliva, while that caused by stimulation of the sympathetic is thick, it might be thought that the secretory fibers are contained in the former and the trophic fibers in the latter nerve; that this is not the case can be shown by a repetition of the above experiment in animals from which the superior cervical ganglion has been removed. The same results are obtained, indicating that the chorda tympani con- tains both secretory and trophic fibers. CHAPTER XI. IX PHYSIOLOGY Oh THE DIGESTIVE GLANDS Cont'd THE HORMONE CONTROL This is exhibited besl in the case of the pancn The crucial experi- 111**1 1 1 demonstrating tli;it this yhnid is nol primarily dependenl U] nervous impulses for the control of its activity was performed bj B liss and Starling.- Starting with the well-known fad that the application of weak acid to the duodenal mucous membrane exciti iretion '-i' pan- creatic juice, these workers carefully severed all the 1 i a portion of the duodenum, and found on again applying arid to the muc membrane thai the secretion persisted. To explain this result they postu- lated thai the acid must cause some substance to be liberated Into the blood stream, which carries it to the pancreas, the cells of which it then excites to activity. To tesl this hypothesis they scraped off the mucous membrane of the duodenum and ground it in a mortar with weak hydro- chloric acid i < mical nature of secretin. Being soluble in about 90 per cent alcohol and in fairly weak acids, it can not belong to any of the better known groups of proteins. As it is readily diffusible through parchment membrane, it can not be of very complex structure, and as it withstands heat, it can not be an enzyme. It rapidly deteriorates in strength in the presence of alkalies. Any acid when applied to the mucous membrane is capable of producing secretin, and so are certain other substances, such as mustard oil. Watery solutions of saccharose or urea, when rubbed up with the duodenal mucosa in a mortar, produce secretin solutions of varying activity, but they do not in the living animal excite pancreatic secretion when applied to the duodenum. Secretin is very susceptible to destruction by such digestive enzymes as those present in the pancreatic, gastric, and intestinal juices. That secretin is present in the blood when acid is in contact with the duodenal mucosa has been shown by the fact that injection into a normal dog of blood from one in which secretin formation is going on (as a result of acid in the duodenum I, excites pancreatic secretion. The pancreatic juice produced by the injection of secretin, like that which is produced under normal conditions, does tiol contain any active trypsin, but instead contains its precursor, trypsinogen. This becomes converted into trypsin in the intestine, being activated by contact with PHI - KH OF Till. l»h. i - I i\ i Ul \- ;jt enterokinase, an enzj me presenl in the intestinal juic< Bj such a mechan- ism the mucosa of the pancreatic dud is protected again I ■ ition by trypsin. NERVOUS CONTROL OF PANCREAS Prior to the discovery of secretin, Pavlov1 and his pupils had publial numerous experiments purporting to show thai the secretion of pai Fig, ! • I'.. creal d with the figure arc from a for over three ho .1 in t!" the vagus nerve supply of which bad the rymogen granules an i trudi ! onlj afl Ralikin, Rubaschkin and Ssawit ■ juice is controlled through the vagus nerve. The smounl produced bj nervous stimulation was, howi as thai produced b) secretin, and For several 428 DIGESTION the latter hormone, much doubt existed as to the correctness of Pavlov's claim. As in many other fields of physiological science, investigators at- tempted to show that one or the other mechanism obtained, and they were not inclined to consider the possibility that both mechanisms might exist side by side. That such is the case, however, is clear from the most recent work, in which it has been found that if proper precautions are taken, repeated stimulation of the vagus nerve does call forth a secretion of pancreatic juice which, besides being less copious than that following h 0 M [i. in. Fig. 147. —Three preparations of pancreatic acini stained by eosin orange toluidin blue. The acini of Fig. I were from a gland after vagus stimulation, and it is noted that besides free ex- trusion of the granules, globules staining with orange (and appearing in deep black in the photo- graph) have formed and may be present in the ductules. Some of the globules, however, change in their staining properties, becoming light red (dark gray in photograph). The acini in II and III were from glands excited by secretin. Xo globules appear; the granules remain, and fine canaliculi appear in the clear protoplasm. (From- Rabkin, Rubaschkin and Ssawitsch.) secretin injection, differs from it in the important fact that it contains not trypsinogen but active trypsin. Since the normal pancreatic juice contains trypsinogen, this last mentioned fact would appear to indicate that vagus control of the normal secretion can not be an important affair. The vagus secretion of pancreatic juice is, moreover, paralyzed by atro- pine, which has no action mi the secretin mechanism (cf. Bayliss). I'llS S10L0QY i »F l in I'hil fc I 129 Tlie copious secretion of pancreatic juice produced I tretin, on I une band, and the Bcanty, thick secretion produced by vag tnula- tion, on the other, calls to mind .similar differences observed in tin tion of saliva as the resull of chorda-tympani or sympathetic stimulation It will be remembered thai from these latt< nils it was conclu thai there must be secretory and trophic fibers concerned in tl trol of the activities of gland cells. Interesting corroboration of this conclusion lias recently 1 n obtained by histological examination o) tin pancn lowing secretin or vagus activity. After the repeated injection oi tin. it is difficult to observe any signs of fatigue in Us; the zymo( granules remain practically as numerous as in a resting gland, but in the clear protoplasm of the outer third of the cell, it is said thai fine channels of fluid can be seen. Through these channels water is beli from the blood towards the Lumen and in its course to carry with it some of the zymogen granules, without, however, changing them. Thus, when the gland cells are stained with eosin and orange, afti tretin activity some of the zymogen granules can occasionally 1"- seen in the Lumen of the acini stained with eosin Like those in the cell itself. Aftei stimulation the appearances are different ; no1 only are the granules m freely extruded from the cells, but they undergo a preliminary cha; they lose the property of staining with eosin and become stained with orange, at the same time increasing in size so as to form vacm These vacuoles may wander into the ductules, and when they are | here they are stained by orange Figs. 14ii and 147 l I Babkin, etc.Ta). Why there should be both a nervous and a hormone control of the pan- creatic secretion is not clear. This gland, unlike t: trie and salivary glands, is not called upon to become active all of a sudden, and it is dif- ficult to see what could serve as the normal stimulus operating thro the nervous pathway. Taking it all in all, it is probably safe I elude that the nervous mechanism is relatively unimportant, and that under normal conditions it seldom if ever is called into operation I roboration for this view is afforded by the Eaet, above menti the pancreatic juice produced by vagus Btimulatio tryp- sin, which is not the case with normal pancreatic juid CHAPTER L PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DIGESTIVE GLANDS (Cont'd) Up to the present we have been concerned with the physiological activi- ties of digestive glands in general, but now we must study each of them separately in order to find out the conditions under which they become stimulated to activity in the normal process of digestion. The secretion of each gland has a definite role assigned to it in the complex and lengthy process of digestion. It takes up its work where the preceding secre- tion left off; e.g., the pepsin of gastric juice digests protein so far as proteoses and peptone ; the trypsin of pancreatic juice then attacks the proteoses and peptone, and the resulting loAver degradation products are finally attacked by the erepsin of the intestinal juice. The secre- tions of the various glands are, therefore, required in a certain definite order — they are correlated; and we must now give some attention to the precise conditions upon which the activity and correlation depend. THE NORMAL CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE GLANDS BECOME STIMULATED TO INCREASED ACTIVITY To make possible such observations on the normal activities of the glands, a preliminary operation has to be performed so as to bring the duct of the gland to the surface of the body and permit of the observa- tion of its secretory activity after the animal has recovered from the immediate effects of the operation. We owe to Pavlov1 the surgical technic by which these conditions can be fulfilled. The general principle of the operation, in the case of glands provided with ducts, consists in making a circular cut through the mucous membrane surrounding the opening of the duct and then, after dissecting the duct free, stitching the edges of the cut to the skin wound. Healing then takes place without the formation in the duct of any stricture .due to cicatricial tissue. After the wound has healed, the secretion can readily be collected in a receiver attached over the duct fistula, the animal being in every other way in a perfectly normal condition. In the case of glands not provided with a duct, other methods must be adopted to collect the secretions. These Avill be described elsewhere. 430 rin RIOLOm OF i ii 111 THE NORMAL SECRETION OF SALIVA The duel fistula can in this case he made either for tin- submaxillary gland, representing a mucous gland, <>r for the parotid, representing serous gland. Under ordinary conditions their i tion from either duet. When secretion occurs, 'u is, of course, caused by influences acting mi a nerve center or centers in the medulla oblo the exact location of which for the different glands has been worked nut in recent years by Miller.'' The impulses acting on ii nay be transmitted along afferent nerves coming from the mucous membrane 'he mouth, nares, etc., or by impulses which we may call psychic, trans- mitted from tlie higher nerve centers. The refle: caused by impulses traveling by the afferenl nerve from the moutl have b< called unconditioned, and those from the higher nerve centei Honed. With regard to the former, there is considerable discriminal in the type of stimulus that will he effective. Thus, if the dog for i of the experiments have been performed on this animal given m a secretion of thick, mucous saliva will lie observed I ur submaxil- lary gland . <>n the other hand, if the meat is dried and pulverized, the secretion which it calls forth will he very copious and watery par- otid gland). There is, then, an obvious association between the nature of the secretion and the function it will he called upon to perform when it becomes mixed with the food. The muc< sretion called forth by meal will serve to Lubricate the bolus of food and thus facilil swallowing, whereas the thin watery secretion produced by the dry powder will have the effed of washing the powder from the mouth. It is evident that the mechanical condition of tl 1 partly • mines its exciting quality. .Mechanical stimulation of the mucosa in it- self is. however, not an adequate stimulus, for if pebbh i in the mouth, little secretion occurs, whereas with sand 'ion imm< ately becomes copious. The nerve endings also respond t.. chemical stimuli. Thus, weak acid causes a copious secretion, while alkali h disagreeable, nauseous substanc< 'tion. The above dif- ferences in the response of the glands according to the mechanii idi- tion of the food lias been observed in the .-.is,- of the parotid gland, increase in tin- submaxillary secretion being obtained only win f lstulTs are placed in the mouth. The investigations that have been made on the condil hie secretion ..I' saliva are still more inten s and im] ir im- portance depends not so much on the information tin • rn- ing the secretion of saliva as such, as on the m investigating the various conditions thai 432 DIGESTION associated with the taking of food. Jt is from the psychic rather than from the physiologic standpoint, therefore, that these observations are of importance, for they permit us, by objective methods, to study on dumb animals problems that would otherwise be beyond our powers of investigation. Many of the results, with their bearing on the functions of the higher nerve centers, have been discussed elsewhere (Chapt. XCVII). Meanwhile, however, even at the risk of repetition it may not be out of place to cite a few of the most interesting experiments. If we tease a hungry animal with food for which he has a great appe- tite, a copious secretion of saliva immediately occurs. If we go on teas- ing him without giving him food, and repeat this procedure on several succeeding days, it will be found that gradually he no longer responds to the teasing by increased salivation. Evidently, therefore, the reflex is conditioned upon the animal's afterward receiving the food. The experiment may be performed in another way. If, for example, we offer the animal some food for which he has no appetite, no secre- tion of saliva will occur; but, if at the end of the process we give him appetizing food, it will be found after repeating this procedure on several successive days that the presentation of the unappetizing food calls forth a secretion. He has learned to associate the presentation of unappetizing food with the subsequent gratification of his appetite. The experiment can even be performed so that a definite interval of time elapses between the application of the stimulus and the salivation: if the animal is teased on successive days with food for which he has an appetite but is not given the food until after ten or twenty minutes, presentation of this food will come to be followed by salivation — not immediately, but after the exact interval of time that had been allowed to intervene in the training process. During this interval there must be an inhibition of psychic stimulation of the salivary centers by other nerve centers. It is of great interest that this inhibition may itself be inhib- ited by various forms of stimulation of the nervous system (see page 858). THE SECRETION OF GASTRIC JUICE Methods of Investigation There being no common duct, the secretion of the gastric glands is a much more difficult problem to investigate than is that of glands which, like the salivary, are supplied with ducts. One of the most interesting chapters in the history of physiology concerns the methods which from time to time have been evolved for the collection of this juice and for studying the digestive processes in the stomach. Prominent among the problems confronting the earlier investigators was the question whether PHYSIOLOGY "i i 111 DIG] 3TTV1 01 the main function of the stomach is to crush or triturate t. :■ to act on it chemically. Ti t French sciential Reaumur and a little later the Italian Abbe* Spallanzani L729-179 icked this problem by methods that anticipate those of Rehfuss and Einhorn. Spallanzani ulti- mately devised the method of swallowing small perforated wooden tu containing foodstuffs and covered by small linen bags. After the i were passed per rectum, he found that considerab iion or digestion of the food had occurred, bul that the wooden tubes, h< r thin- walled they might be, were qo1 crushed. In order to secure sam] the gastric juice free from fund, the only method available to the older investigators consisted in swallowing sponges attached to threads, which after being for some time in the Stomach were withdrawn and dry of juice. The next great contribution came from this country, where, In 18 \)v. Beaumont, while a surgeon in the service of the American troops located at Mackinaw, made observations on a Canadian voyageur by the name of Alexis St. Martin, who by the premature disci gun had wounded himself in the stomach, the wound never healing but le ing a permanent gastric fistula. Beaumont arranged to keep Alexis Si Martin in his service for several years, during which time he made numerous observations on the process of digestion in tl h — observations many of which are of great value oven at the pr< lay. By none of these methods, however, could a sample of pUT trie juice be secured while the digestive process was actually in pi To make the collection of such a sample possible, Eeidenhain devised a method of isolating portions of the stomach wall as pouc pening through fistula on the abdominal wall. The results of Heidenhain'a experiments are, however open to the objection that the I ion in the isolated pouches may not really correspond to thi irring in main stomach, s'n the connections of the pouches with tl nervous system must have been Si In order that tl tions might remain as nearly intact as possible, the Russian ph; Pavlov,1 devised an ingenious operation in which the pouch, or "minia- ture stomach," remains coi n< cted with the main stomach tl siderable width of mUCOUS and submucous tissue and in which tl connections arc not severed. Th< ntial nature <<( tl will be evident from the accompanying diagram. Fig 148 The most leeent i u \ est i ga 1 ions have been made DJ I Carlson.'' The former fed animals food impregnated with bismuth sub- nitrate. and then exposed the animal to the JC-rays \ - produced by the food mass in tl •lach, and from I in the outline «.f this shadow facts have been collect - the 4:J4 DIGESTION movements of the viseus, but also concerning the rate of discharge of food into the intestine and therefore the duration of the gastric digestive process. Carlson's contribution has been rendered possible by his good fortune in having in his service a second Alexis St. Martin, a man with complete closure of the esophagus and a gastric fistula large enough to permit of direct inspection of the interior of the stomach. Seizing the opportunity thus presented, Carlson during the last four or five years has devoted his attention exclusively to a thorough investigation, not only of the movements of the stomach, but also of the rate of secretion of the gastric juice under different conditions. He has also, with praise- worthy enthusiasm and keen scientific spirit, extended his observations both on laboratory animals and on himself and his coworkers, so as not A** Fig. 148. — Diagram of stomach showing miniature stomach (5) separated from the main stomach (V) by a double layer of mucous membrane. A. A., is the opening of the pouch on the abdominal wall. (Pavlov.) to incur the error, which is all too frequently made, of confining the observations to one species of animal. The Nervous Element in Gastric Secretion The first stimulus to the secretion of gastric juice is nervous in origin, and is dependent on the gratification of the appetite and the pleasure of taking food. This fact, after having been suggested by observations made in the clinic, was first thoroughly investigated by Pavlov, who for 1li is purpose observed the gastric secretion flowing either from a fistula of the stomach itself, or from a "miniature stomach," in dogs in which also an esophageal fistula had been established. AYhen food was given by month to these animals, it was chewed and swallowed in the usual manner, but before reaching the stomach, it escaped through the esopha- PHI 8101 OOS OF Till DIG! BTH I '.l \ I fistula. This experimenl ia known as thai Within a £ev» minutes after <_ri\in«_: food the gastric juia ind t.. be secreted actively, and if the Eeedii • was kepi ap, which ••• >ul< 1 be done almost indefinitely since 1 1 1 * - animal never became ed, the secretion continued to flow. Thus, in one instance l'a\ 1 in collecting about 700 c.c. of gastric juice after Bham feeding an animal for five or six hours in the manner abovi After the stomach has emptied itself of thi en with tin- p vious meal, it is said by Pavlov to contain only a little alkali The more recenl \\ ork of < larlson, how ever, shov» s that this i the case, there being more or less of a continuous secretioi in the entire absence of E 1. The amount varies Erom 60 c.c. per hour, more secretion being produced when it is collei five or icn minutes than it' it is collected every thirty thus indicating that, ordinarily, some escapes through the pylorus ii I duodenum. The secretion contains both pepsin and hydrochli As to the cause of this continuous secretion, little is known [1 i an example of the periodic activities of the digestive glai Boldyreff, or it may in part be due to a psychic stimulation dep< upon the thought of food. That the latter is probably not the cans.-. is indicated by the fact that, at least in Carlson's patient, the psychic could not be made to flow short of giving £ 1. The sham feeding causes stimulation of the gastric tion tl impulses transmitted to the stomach along the vagus nervt n found, in animals in which the vagus nerve has I.. •. that the sham feeding no longer induces a Becretion rtric juice l tion therefore arises as to how the nerve cent stimulated. I possible causes may be considered: 1 mechanical stimulation sensory nerves of the mouth; 2 chemical stimulation of these nen (3) the agreeable stimulation of the taste buds and concerned in the tasting of f 1. In investigating th< mechanical stimulation was readily ruled oul by Bhowing thai taking of solid matter in the mouth did nol excite anj it might cause a flov» of saliva. .Mere chemical stimulation could the cause, for no secretion was induced by placing sub acetic acid or mustard oil in the mouth. B tlusion, then, it would appeal- that the adequate stimulus mui sist in th. tion of the taste buds, etc. thai is to Bay, in thi Further justification for this conclusion was readily that foodstuffs for which the animal had no p tite failed to excite the Becretion Mosl dogs, althot they ma\ lake it, are nol particularly fond I d. and w 4."»(i DIGESTION it, these annuals did not produce any appetite juice, in one animal that showed considerable liking for bread, active secretion occurred when he was fed with this foodstuff. Pavlov further noted that usually it was not necessary actually to alloAv the animal to take the food into his mouth, but that mere teasing with savory food was sufficient to cause the secretion, and that in highly sensitive animals even the noises and other events usually asso- ciated with feeding time were sufficient to excite the secretion. In the case of a hungry animal, the mere approach of the attendant with food, or some other noise or action definitely associated with feeding time, was a sufficient excitant. The appetite juice when started was found to persist for some time after the stimulus causing it had been removed. Carlson has succeeded in confirming in man most of these observa- tions. He noted, however, that the secretion produced by seeing or smelling or thinking of food is much less than would be expected from Pavlov's observations on dogs. Even when his subject was hungry, Carlson did not observe that the bringing of a tray of savory food into the room caused any secretion- of gastric juice. It is, of course, to be expected that the quantity of the psychic secretion will not be the same in different individuals. It has been observed by Pavlov, for example, to vary considerably in the case of dogs, and it is very likely that it will vary still more in man, with his more highly complicated nervous system. In no case could Carlson observe any secretion of gastric juice to be pro- duced by having his patient chew on indifferent substances, or by stim- ulating the nerve endings in the mouth by substances other than those directly related to food. In man the rate of secretion is proportional to the palatability of the food, the smallest amount, during twenty minutes' mastication of pal- atable food, being 30 c.c. and the largest 150 c.c, in a series of 156 obser- vations. A typical curve showing the amount of the secretion is given in Fig. 149. To construct this curve the gastric juice was collected dur- ing five-minute intervals while the man was chewing a meal of average composition and of his own choice. An interesting feature depicted on this curve is that the secretion rate was highest in the last five-minute period, this being the time during which the dessert was being taken, for which this man had a great relish. Quite clearly there was a direct relation between the rate of the secretion of the appetite juice and the palatability of the food. It will further be observed that it took only from fifteen to twenty minutes after discontinuing the chewing before the juice returned to its original level. The practical application of these facts in connection with the hygiene PHYSIOLOGY 01 in. Hi' diet and the feeding 1, The Hormone Element in Gastric Secretion Although gastric digestion is initiated by the a] clear that this alone can not accounl during the time the f 1 is in the stomach. \ occupies usually about four hours, whereas w< rly from Carlson's observations, that the ap] fifteen or twenty minutes after the exciting stimu The appetite juice, in oth< retion, and the quest ion ariw b, u the resi t Tl 438 DIGESTION observed animals in which not only a miniature stomach had been made, but a fistula into the main stomach as well. The .behavior of the secre- tion of gastric juice as a whole could be followed by collecting that which was secreted in the miniature stomach, for it was shown, in con- trol experiments, that this secretion runs strictly parallel with that in the main stomach, being quantitatively a definite fraction of it — accord- ing to the relative size of the miniature stomach — and qualitatively identical. The miniature stomach, in other words, mirrors the events of secretion in the main stomach. It was observed that when the animal was allowed to take the food into the main stomach by the mouth and esophagus, the secretion from the miniature stomach continued to flow until the process of gastric digestion had been completed, a result which was quite different from that obtained after sham feeding. The only possible explanation for this result is that the food in the stomach sets up secretion as a result of local stimulation. To investigate the nature of this local stimulation, Avhether mechanical or chemical, food and other substances were placed in the main stomach through the gastric fistula without the animal's knowledge so as to avoid possible psychic stimulation, and the secretion observed from the miniature stomach. When the mucous membrane of the main stomach was stimulated mechanically, as by placing inert objects such as a piece of sponge or sand in the stomach, no secretion occurred. Evidently, therefore, the stimulus is dependent upon some chemical quality of the food. By introducing various foods it was found that there is considerable difference in the degree to which they can excite the secretion. "Water, egg white, bread and starch, were all found to have very little if any effect. On the other hand, when protein thai had been partly digested by means of pepsin and hydrochloric acid was introduced into the stomach, it immediately called forth a secretion. The conclusion is that the partly digested products, even of insipid food, are capable of directly exciting the secretion. These include proteoses and peptones, and it was, therefore, of great interest to find that a solution of commercial peptone is also an effective stimulus. This is a result of deep significance, for it indicates that the food which has been partially digested by the appetite juice will serve as a stimulus to continued secretion. The psychic juice has been aptly called the "ignition juice," because by producing partial digestion it serves to ignite the process of gastric secretion. Experimental evidenee of its great importance in gastric digestion was secured by Pavlov in experiments in which he placed weighed quantities of meat attached to threads in the stomaeh through ;i gastric fistula, and after some time removed them and determined by PHYSIOLOGY OF Till. DIG] BTn I '.I the difference in weights the extenl to which they had become digested. It was found thai when tin- appetite juice .ham feeding ;|i the same time that £ 1 was placed directly in the Btomach, its di| tion was much more rapid than in discs in which it was placed in the stomach without the animal's knowing, ;is when In- was • p. Other foods having a direct stimulating effecl on th< tion are meal extracts an. I, to a certain extent, milk. This effecl of d extract is Interesting in connection with the practice of taking sou;, a first or early stage in dining. It not only excites the appetite j>. hut also serves as a dired stimulus to the gastric Becretion. As to the nature of the mechanism /"/ which this place, it was shown hy Popielski"" that the secretion still occurs r all the nerves proceeding to the stomach are cut. Evidently, th< e, it is independent of the extrinsic nerve supply of th< is. A suit of his experiments Popielski concluded that the Becretion must dep< on a local reflex mediated through the ner icturea present in tin- walls of the stomach itself. Another explanation of the result ; however, in recent years been given more credence by the experimi Bayliss ami starling on the influence of hormones on the pancreatic juice (cf. page 425). Bdkins10 suggested that a similar process in the stomach might account for the continued gastric juice. To test the possibility this investigator, after ligating the cardiac sphincter in anesthetized animals, i' I a tube into the pyloric end of the stomach, through which he placed in the stomach about 50 c.c. of physiological saline. After this had been in the stomach for an hour, he found that no water was absorbed, ami that it conl neither hydrochloric acid nor pepsin, (in the other hand, if during the time the saline was in the stomach a decoction of the mucous membrane the pyloric end. made cither with peptone solution or with a BOlul dextrine, was injected intravenously in small quantil min- utes, the saline contained distinct quantities of hydrochloric acid and n sin. Furthermore, it was found that, if the peptone solution or the dextrine solution alone was injected intravenously, there was no such of gastric secretion. The conclusion which Bdkins drew from 1 ments is to the effecl that the half-digested products of the earlier of gastric digestion act on the mucous membrane of the Bton produce a hormone, which is then carried by the bl( the LMstric <_dands, upon which, like -in. it directly exciting effect. This hormone has l.een T tions of Edkins have been confirmed, and they explain \ nply fa gastric secretion is maintained after the cessation of the the 440 DIGESTION appetite juice.10 By such a mechanism gastric juice would continue to be secreted so long as any half-digested food remains in the stomach. The action of gastrin is the first instance of a hormone control of the digestive glands. In the earlier stages of digestion, the secretion of saliva and appetite juice is mediated through the nervous system, because these juices must be produced promptly. In the later stages of gastric diges- tion, such promptitude in response on the part of the gland is no longer necessary, so that the slower, more continuous process of hormone con- trol is sufficient. Quantity of Gastric Juice Secreted According to Carlson, the total amount of gastric juice secreted in man on an average meal composed of meat, bread, vegetables, coffee or Hours 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 345678123456789 10 12 3 456 c a — \ \ \ \ \ ^1^- / l\ / \ J X / l_ Flesh. 200 gm. Bread, 200 gm. Milk, 600 c.c. Fig. 150. — Cubic centimeters of gastric juice secreted after diets of meat, bread, and milk. (From Pavlov.) milk, and dessert, amounts to about 700 c.c, being divided into 200 c.c. in the first hour, 150 in the second, and 350 c.c. during the third, fourth and fifth hours. These figures were estimated partly on the basis of observations made on the man with the gastric fistula, and partly from the data supplied by Pavlov's observations on dogs. Carlson believes that Pavlov overestimated the relative importance of the appetite juice in gastric digestion. He found, for example, that after division of both vagus nerves in dogs normal gastric digestion might be regained a few days after the operation, although, of course, under such circumstances no appetite juice could have been secreted. Moreover, he observed that cats when forcibly fed with unpalatable food may digest that food as rapidly as when they eat voluntarily. In support of his contention, Carlson states that he has frequently removed all of the appetite juice from his patient's stomach before the masticated meal was put into it without any evident interference with the digestive process. Fat has a distinct inhibiting influence on the direct secretion of gas- PHYSIOLOGY OP 1 BE DIi HI trie juice; cream takes considerably long* be be than milk. and the presence of oil in the stomach delays the out on a subsequent meal of otherwise readily digestible t I B lectin- all of the gastric juice from the miniature Btomach i by mouth with quantities <>!' differenl protein-rich Eoodi same quantities of nitrogen, interesting observations have be< p <•« > 1 1 .-( ii i i 11 *j: the amounl of juice Becreted ami its proteolytic power. '1 I results of some of the experiments are Bhown in the accompanying curves (Figs. 150 and 151). It will bo seen that the mosl abundai etion occurs with meat. t; mi' milk being not only smaller but also slower in starting Tl • power is greatesl in the ease of bread. Hours 12345678234 56789234.56 100 $ fi.O h 6,0 o o 4,0 5' 5 2.0 ■ ■ - / \[ v ~ ^rWi 1 Sz;^zz=zz:z:5z:;2: Flesh, 200 gm. . !, 200 gm. Milk. 600 c.c. Fig, 151. — Digestive power of the juice, as measured by the length of the rrotei- in Mett's tubes, with diets of flesh, bread, and milk. (From Pavb . THE INTESTINAL SECRETIONS Pancreatic Juice Regarding the natural secretion of pancreatic juice, litth to what has already been said see page 125 Tl tion begins when the chyme enters the duodenum, and attains its maximum when the outfl of this is greatest. By collecting the juice from a permanent fistula of the pancreatic duct, it has been found thai the amount varies witl \ Is. When quantities of food containing equivalei I gen are fed, the greatest secretion is said t cur with bread and the ' with milk. Such difference 8 are probably d< t opo unt of acid Becreted in the Btomach and passed on into the duodenum, thoughl at one time that, besides variation in qi enzymes in the pancreatic juice mighl \a>- • kind of food. This, however, has been shown 442 DIGESTION Bile The secretion of bile runs practically parallel with that of pancreatic juice. The liver is producing bile more or less continuously, since besides being a digestive fluid it is also an excretory product. The bile produced between the periods of digestion is mainly stored in the gall bladder. When the acid chyme comes in contact with the duodenal mucous mem- brane, it excites afferent nerve endings that cause a reflex contraction of the gall bladder, and this expresses some of the bile into the duodenum. The secretin, which the acid at the same time produces, besides affecting the pancreas, acts on the liver cells, stimulating them to the increased secretion of bile. Thus, by a nervous reflex operating on the gall bladder and later by a hormone mechanism operating on the liver cell, the increased secretion of bile is insured throughout digestion. Of the bile discharged into the intestine, a certain proportion of the bile salts is reabsorbed into the portal blood. When these arrive at the liver they also excite secre- tion of bile, thus assisting secretin in maintaining the secretion through- out the process of intestinal digestion. Fig. 152. — Loop of intestine after tying off the portions, cutting the nerves running to the middle portion, and returning the loop to the abdomen for some lime. (From Jackson.) Intestinal Juice The secretion of intestinal juice, or succus entericus, can obviously be studied only after isolating portions of the intestine and connecting them with fistula? of the abdominal walls. It appears here again that both a nervous and a hormone mechanism exist. Mechanical stimulation of the intestinal mucous membrane causes an immediate outflow of intestinal juice, the purpose of Avhich under normal conditions is evidently to assist in moving forward the bowel contents. This mechanically excited juice • lues not contain any enterokinase and only small amounts of the other enzymes. Further evidence for nervous control of the secretion of intes- tinal juice has been obtained by isolating three pouches of intestine be- PHI 3101 '».'i 01 i in DIG] STIVE GLAV 1 13 tween Ligatures, and then denervating the central pouch illy cutting all the nerves withoul wounding the blood turning the pouches to the abdomen and Leaving them j, it ha found thai the middle pouch becomes distended with secretion, v the two end pouches remain emptj Pig. 152 . if the pouc several days in the abdomen, however, il i i tion from the d< ted portion disappears again. The explanation of the resull is possibly that the nerves under ordinary conditions convey impulse tinal glands, which tonically inhibit their activity. The existence of hormone control is evidenced bj tl enterokinase is presenl in the intestinal juice unless pancreatic juic< placed in contact with the mucous membrane, [njection "i' pan juice into the blood, however, does qo1 cause any Becretion of intestinal juice; whereas the injection of secretin 1ms such an eff< CHAPTER LI THE MECHANISMS OF DIGESTION MASTICATION. DEGLUTITION, VOMITING Mastication By the movements of the lower jaw on the upper, the two rows of teeth come together so as to serve for biting or crushing the food. The resulting comminution of the food forms the first step in digestion. The up and down motion of the lower jaw results in biting by the incisors, and after the mouthful has been taken, the side to side movements enable the grinding teeth to crush and break it up into fragments of the proper size for swallowing. The most suitable size of the mouthful is about 5 c.c, but this varies greatly with habit. After mastication, the mass weighs from 3.2 to 6.5 gm., about one-fourth of this weight being due to saliva. The food is now a semifluid mush containing particles which are usually less than 2 mm. in diameter. Some, however, may measure 7 or even 12 mm. Determination of the proper degree of fineness of the food is a func- tion of the tongue, gums, and cheeks, for which purpose the mucous membrane covering them is supplied with very sensitive touch nerve endings (see page 794). The sensitiveness of the tongue, etc., in this regard explains why an object which can scarcely be felt by the fingers seems to be quite large in the mouth. If some particles of food that are too large for swallowing happen to be carried backward in the mouth, the tongue returns them for further mastication. The saliva assists in mastication in several ways: (1) by dissolving some of the food constituents; (2) by partly digesting some of the starch; (3) by softening the mass of food so that it is more readily erushed; (4) by covering the bolus with mucus so as to make it more readily transferable from place to place. The secretion of saliva is therefore stimulated by the chewing movements, and its composition varies according to the nature of the food (page 431). In some animals, such as the cat and dog, mastication is unimportant, coating of the food with saliva being the only change which it undergoes in the mouth. In man the ability thus to bolt the food can readily be acquired, not, however, without some detriment to 1 lie efficiency of digestion as a whole. Soft 444 THE Ml 'H INISMS 01 DIQ1 SI [( 1 1". starchy food is little chewed, the Length of time required for the mastica- tion of other foods depending mainly on their nature, but also to a certain degree on the appetite and on the size of the mouthful. It can not be too strongly insisted upon thai the mastication is of far more importance than merely t<> break up and pi for swallowing. It causes the food to I"' moved about in the moutl to develop its full effed on the last.' buds; the crushing odors which stimulate the olfactory epithelium, On tl timuli dep< the satisfaction and pleasure of eating, which in turn initiate of gastric digestion see page 135 . The benefit to digestion as a whole of a large secretion of saliva, brought about by persistenl chewing, has been assumed by some to be much greater than it really is, and there has existed, and indeed may still exist, a school of faddists who, by deliberately chewing far beyond the necessary time, imagine themselves to thrive better on 1< '1 than those who occupy their time with more profitable pursuits. Deglutition or Swallowing After being masticated tho fond is polled up into a bolus by the action of the tongue againsl the palate, and after being lubricated by saliva is moved, by elevation of the front of the tongue, towards the back of the mouth. This constitutes the first stag< of swallowing, and far, a voluntary act. About this time a slight inspiratory contraction of the diaphragm occurs — the so-called respiration of swallowing a mylohyoid quickly contracts, with the consequence that the bolus pat between the pillars of the fauces. This marks the beginning of the second stage, the first event of which is that the bolus, by stimulating sensory nerve endings, acts on nerve centers situated in the medulla oblongata bo as to cause a i rdinated seri< movemei I muscles of the pharynx and larynx and an inhibition for a moment the respiratory center paj The movements alter the shape of the pharynx and of the varii nings into ii in such a manner i the bolus into the esophagus Fig. 153 thus, I) th< palate b< elevated and the posterior wall of the pharynx bulges forr shut off the posterior nares, 2 the posterior pillars proximate so as to shut on* the mouth cavit: a second after the mylohyoid ; ted, the laryi : up- wards and forwards under the root of the toi nrhich drawn backwards becomes bai ked up 'he la- Phis pulling up <>f the larynx brings the opening int. half of the dorsal side of the i piglottis, but the U] tl - -•rue- in; DIGESTION lure projects beyond and serves as a ledge to guide the bolus safely past this critical part of its course. (4) As a further safeguard against any entry of food into the air passages, the laryngeal opening is narrowed by approximation of the true and the false vocal cords. So far the force which propels the bolus is mainly the contraction of the mylohyoid, assisted by llie movements of the root of the tongue. When it has readied the lower end of the pharynx, however, the bolus readily falls into the esophagus, which has become dilated on account of a reflex inhibition of the constrictor muscles of its upper end. This so- called second stage of swallowing is, therefore, a complex coordinated movement initiated by afferent stimuli and involving reciprocal action of various groups of muscles: inhibition of the respiratory muscles and Fig. 153.- — The changes which take place in the position of the root of the tongue, the soft palate, the epiglottis and the larynx during the second stage of swallowing. The thick dotted line indicates the position during swallowing. of those that constrict the esophagus, and stimulation of those that elevate the palate, the root of the tongue, and the larynx. It is purely an involuntary process. The third stage of deglutition consists in the passage of the swallowed food along the esophagus. The mechanism by which this is done de- pends very much on the physical consistence of the food. A solid bolus that more or less fills the esophagus excites a typical peristaltic wave, which is characterized by a dilatation of the esophagus immediately in front of and a constriction over and behind the bolus. This wave travels down the esophagus in man at such a rate that it reaches the cardiac sphincter in about five or six seconds. On arriving here the cardiac THE MM ll \\ .|.,i - i i } }7 sphincter, ordinarily contracted, relaxes for a momei hat th< passes into the stomach. In many animals, including man and tl the peristaltic wave travels much more rapidly in the upper part of the esophagus than lower down because of differences in the nature of the muscular coat, this being of the striated variety above, and of th< striated below. The purpose of more rapid movement in the upp< is no doubl thai the bolus may be hurried past the rej . by distending the esophagus, it mighl interfere with the function of boring structures, such as the heart. In other animi the dog, th< muscular fiber is striated all along the esophagus, and the boh correspondingly travels at a uniform, quick rate all the way. [1 I only about four seconds for the bolus to reach tl Lach in the dog. The peristaltic wave of the upper part of the esophagus in the cat a presumably in man. unlike thai of the intestines see ■•■■- mittcd by the esophageal branches of the vagus I • severed, but the muscular coats left intact, the esophagus becomes dih above -the level of the section and contracted below, and no peristaltic wave can pass along it; on the other hand, the muscular ered (by crushing, etc.) but t he peristaltic wave will conth travel, provided no damage lias Pen done to the nerv< Tn the lower part of the esophagus, however, the wave of peristals like that of the intestines, travels independently of extrinsic - This has been observed in animals in which all of the extrinsic have been cu1 some time previously. This differei en the up] and the lower portions is ated with the difference in the na1 the muscular fibers above noted i Meltzer)." The propagation of ihe wave by the nerves in the upper part of esophagus indicates thai the se id stage and the first part of the third stage of deglutition must be r< sed, as it were, in the medullary centers from which arise the nerve li: the pharynx and the np levels of the esophagus. It is thoughl that the dischai "om t; local centers are controlled by a higher swallowing tuated in medulla just above that of respiration, the afferent stimuli ■ Inch pr ied from the pharynx by the fifth, superior lar; nerves. The exad location of thi ory areas wl timulation is most effective in initiating the swallowing reflex \ in different animals. in man it is probably at tl pharynx; in the dog it is on the posterior wall. A t body directly in the upper portion of the esophagus •• to remain stationary until the individual made llowing The afferent fibers in th< -■••'d ii' ful inhibitory influence on the deglutition • 448 DIGESTION tion. Thus, if swallowing movements are excited by stimulating the cen- tral end of the superior laryngeal nerve, they can be instantly, inhibited by simultaneously stimulating, the glossopharyngeal, and the respiratory movements stop in whatever position they may have been at the time. When the glossopharyngeal nerves are cut, the esophagus enters into a condition of tonic contraction, which may last a day or so. This shows that the inhibitory impulses are tonic in nature. This inhibition of the esophagus is indeed a most important part of the process when liquid or scmiliquid food is swallowed. By the contrac- tion of the mylohyoid muscle, fluids are quickly shot down the distended esophagus, at the lower end of which, on account of the closure of the cardiac sphincter, they accumulate until the arrival of the peristaltic Avave which has meanwhile been set up by stimulation of the pharynx. If the swallowing is immediately repeated, as is usually the case in drinking, the esophagus remains dilated because peristalsis is inhibited, and the fluid lies outside the cardiac orifice until the last mouthful has been taken. The Cardiac Sphincter The passage between the esophagus and the stomach is guarded by the cardiac sphincter or cardia. This exists in a permanently con- tracted state, or tonus, superimposed on which from time to time are rhythmic alternations of contraction and relaxation. This tonus is never very pronounced. In man it is said that a water pressure of from 2 to 7 cm. applied to the esophageal side of the sphincter will drive air or "water into the stomach, this pressure being less than that of a column of fluid filling the thoracic esophagus in the erect position. During repeated deglutition the tonus becomes less and less marked, and after a number of swallows the sphincter may become completely relaxed. When this relaxation disappears, however, the sphincter becomes more contracted than usual and remains so for a longer time. The tonic condition of the sphincter is controlled by the vagus nerve, stimulation of which causes relaxation with an after-effect of strong contraction. Mechanical or chemical stimulation of the lower end of the esophagus increases the tonus of the sphincter. Forcing of the sphincter from the stomach side requires a higher pressure than from the esopha- geal. Eructation of gas, for example, does not take place until intra- gastric pressure has risen to about 25 cm. of water. In deep anesthesia, however, intragastric pressure may rise considerably higher without forcing the sphincter. In animals fed with starch paste impregnated with subnitrate of bis- muth and then examined by means of the x-rays, the variation in degree THE Ml .1 II \\'l-\l- i.i :>i'. of tone of the sphincter has been observed to be responsible I nal regurgitation of sonu of tl" gastric contents into the esopl level of the hearl or even to the base of the neck Tl e pr< gastric contents in the esophagus starts a peristaltic \ vhich ; the material back again into the stomach. This p in the absei if any other phases of the deglutition pro thai ii has been excited by the presence of the material in tl itself, and belongs, therefore, to the lower order of peristaltic seen in the intestines bul nol in the upper half of the esophag R gur- gitation iif food into the esophagus occurs only when the ii ' trie pressure is fairly high. It maj last for a period of from twenty to th minutes after the meal is taken, and disappears when the tonus sphincter becomes increased as a resull of the presence in tl trie contents of free hydrochloric acid. Much information lias been secured by listening with a stethi i to the sun mis caused by swallowing and by observing with the x-n shadows produced along the course of the esophagus when food imp nated with bismuth subnitrate is taken. When a solid bolus al- lowed only one sound is usually heard, hut with liquid food th< two, one al the upper end, due to the rush of the fluid and air, and the other at the lower end (heard over the epigastrium . four or six seconds later, due to the arrival lure of the peristaltic wave with the accompanying opening of the cardiac sphincter and tl • fluid and air into the stomach. Sometimes, when the person is in horizontal position, this second sound may be broken up inti eral, indicating that, unassisted by gravity, the fluid does no1 so readily p through the sphincter. The x-ray shadows yield results in conformity with the above. After Bwallowing milk and bismuth, i mple, the shadow falls quickly to the lower end of the esophagus and then pas slowly into the stomach. When the passage of a solid bolus is by the x-ray method, its rate of descent will he found to depend whether "i- not it is well lubricated with saliva: if not so, it in. long as fifteen minutes to reach the stomach; if moist, bul to eighteen seconds. Vomitiin; Vomiting is usually preceded by a feeling of sickni is initialed h> a very active secretion of saliva. The . mixed with air. accumulates to a considerable extent at the I" gUS, which it distends. A forced inspiration is now made, during the tirst stage of which the glottis is op. thai tl i bul later the glottis closes so thai the inspired aii the 450 DIGESTION esophagus, which, already somewhat distended by saliva, now becomes markedly so. The abdominal muscles then contract so as to compress the stomach against the diaphragm and, simultaneously, the cardiac sphincter relaxes, the head is held forward and the contents of the stomach are ejected through the previously distended esophagus. The compression of the stomach by the contracting abdominal muscles is assisted by an actual contraction of the stomach itself, as has been clearly demonstrated by the x-ray method. After the contents of the stomach itself have been evacuated, the pyloric sphincter may also relax and permit the contents (bile, etc.) of the duodenum to be vomited. The act of vomiting is controlled by a center located in the medulla, and the afferent fibers to this center may come from many different regions of the body. Perhaps the most potent of them come from the sensory nerve endings of the fauces and pharynx. This explains the tendency to vomit when the mucosa of this region is mechanically stimu- lated. Other afferent impulses come from the mucosa of the stomach itself, and these are stimulated by emetics, important among which are strong salt solution, mustard water and zinc sulphate. Certain other emetics, particularly tartar emetic and apomorphine, act on the vomit- ing center itself, and can therefore operate when given subcutaneously. Afferent vomiting impulses also arise from the abdominal viscera, thus explaining the vomiting which occurs in strangulated hernia, and in other irritative lesions involving this region. X-ray observations have been made on the movements of the stomach of cats after the admin- istration of apomorphine (Cannon). The first change observed is an inhibition of the cardiac end of the stomach, which becomes a perfectly flaccid bag. About the midregion of the organ, deeper contractions then start up, which sweep towards the pylorus, each contraction stopping as a deep ring at the beginning of the vestibule, while a slighter wave con- tinues. A very strong contraction at the incisura angularis finally develops and completely divides the gastric cavity into two parts. On the left of this constriction the stomach remains completely relaxed, but at the right of it waves continue running over the vestibule. It is while the stomach is in this condition that the sudden contraction of the dia- phragm and abdominal muscles shoots the cardiac contents into the relaxed esophagus. As these jerky contractions are continued, the gastric walls seem to reacquire their tone. CHAPTER I. II THE MECHANISMS OF BSTION Cont'd) THE MOVEMENTS OF THE STOMACH The Character of the Movements Even from the earliest days it has been recognized that the stomach performs two important functions: (1) receiving the swallowed fi and then discharging it slowly into the intestine, and -J initiating the chemical processes of digestion. In order to understand the mechanism by which the stomach collects and then discharges the food, it is n»- sary first of all to recall certain anatomic facts concerning tin- org and for this purpose it is most convenient to accept the description given by Cannon, which is illustrated in the accompanying figure. The oriran is divided into a cardiac and a pyloric portion by a deep notch in the Lesser curvature, called the incisura angularis. The cardial- porl is further subdivided into two by the cardiac orifice. The part which lies, in man. above a line drawn horizontally through the cardia is I fundus. The part lying between the fundus and the incisura angularis is known as the body of the stomach, which, when full, has a ta] shape. The pyloric portion Lying on the right of the incisura angul is further divided into two parts: the pyloric vestibule and the pyl< • •anal, the latter of which lies next the pyloric sphincter and in man measures about 3 em. in Length see Pig. 154 . The filled stomach of a person standing erect is so disposed that I atest curvature forms its lowest point, which may be Lerably below the umbilicus. An digestion proceeds and the stomach empl the greater curvature becomes gradually raised, so that ultimately the pylorus comes to be the most dependent part of ti mach. From these and many other observations it is certain that the emptying Stomach does not at all depend on the operation of the ■ ity. Indeed, that this can not be the case IS perfectly clear when Wt sider the disposition of the stomach in quadrupeds. Exact observation on the movements which the Btomacl the time it is tilled with food till it empties, ha x-ray method, firsl introduced by Cannon." The metl i.v- DIGESTION ing the animal with food thai has been impregnated with bismuth sub- nitrate, then exposing him to the x-ray and either taking instantaneous photographs of the shadows or observing them by means of a fluorescent screen. The descriptions of the original observations made by Cannon Fig. 154. — Schematic outline of tin stomach. At C is the cardia; /■'. fundus; IA, incisura an- nularis; U. body; PC, pyloric canal; P, pylorus. (From Cannon.) on the stomach of the cat have been so little modified by observations on man that we may take them as a convenient type. In the accompany- ing figure (Fig. 156) the outline of the shadow cast by the stomach is shown at intervals of an hour each during digestion. Soon after the A U Fig. 155. — Diagrams of outline and position of stomach as indicated by skiagrams taken on man in the erect position al intervals after swallowing food impregnated with bismuth subnitrate. A, moderately full; B, practically empty. The clear space at the upper end of the stomach is due to gas, and it will he noticed that this " tomach bladder" lies close to tin heart. (From '1'. Win- Todd.) Till. All CIIAN1SM.S the : the bod) the stomach over which the peristaltic wav< passing ilar fibers of the walls of this pari of the stomach sometimes called the gastric tube contrad tonically, bo thai it becomes tubular in form, with the full cardiac pouch al the lefl and abi loric p of the 'l it with i I in tion al the right. The latter portion meanwhile does not diminish much in size, although the peristaltic waves travelii nounced. As will be clear from the figure, thi n outl on until the cardiac pouch has become practically empty and th< has been all moved along the now tubular portion of the bod) pyloric vestibu Prom this description it is evidenl thai the (u- end is to serve as a reservoir for the food, which, of the walls, is gradually delivered into the gastric t peristalsis it is carried towards the pyloi The time required for the peristaltic v of origin to the pylorus is considerably h 454 DIGESTION the waves, so that several of these are always seen on the stomach at the same time. They sometimes become so pronounced in the pyloric region, especially in a half-empty stomach, that they appear almost to obliterate the cavity. They always stop at the pylorus, never going on to the duodenum. The rate of recurrence of the waves varies somewhat in different animals, being about six per minute in the cat and about three in man. Their initiation does not seem to depend on the presence of acid in the gastric contents, for, when food is introduced into the stomach, they do not wait for the gastric contents to become acid in reaction (see page 482). Nevertheless, acid does seem somewhat to stim- ulate the depth and frequency of the waves, and they recur oftener with carbohydrate than with fatty food. The pressure in the stomach contents — the intragastric pressure — is low and constant at the cardiac end and fairly high and variable in the pyloric end (in the former from 6 to 8 cm. of water, and in the latter from 20 to 30). Constancy of pressure in the cardiac end indicates that the stomach wall must adapt itself very promptly to the amount of food in the organ. The higher and more variable pressure in the pyloric end is, of course, due to the peristaltic waves, and it is interesting to note that it is sufficient to propel the gastric contents through the pylorus for several centimeters into the duodenum. The Effect of the Stomach Movements on the Food This has been studied: (1) by dividing the food into portions that are differently colored and, after some time, killing the animal, freezing the stomach and making sections of it (see Fig. 157) ; (2) by mak- ing little pellets of bismuth subnitrate with starch and observing their behavior under the x-rays; or (3) by removing samples of the stomach contents by means of a stomach tube (Rehfuss tube) inserted so that its free end lies in either the cardiac or the pyloric region. By the first of the above methods it has been found that the first mouthfuls of food lie along the greater curvature, where they form a layer over which that subsequently swallowed accumulates, with the last por- tions next the cardia. The pepsin and hydrochloric acid of the car- diac end. therefore, act soonest on the first swallowed portion of a meal, and the more recently swallowed central masses are not affected by the secretions for some time, so that opportunity is given for the saliva mixed with the food to develop its digestive action. As has been shown by removing the stomach contents with a tube at various periods after feeding with starchy food, considerable amylolysis may occur for some time. "When separate samples are removed in this way from the eardiae and pyloric parts, it has been found that after THE ICECHANI8HE OP DIG! 455 half an hour the contents of both have about the Bame percentage of sugar, but thai for Borne time after this interval the cardiac conto contain considerably more BUgar than the pyloric. Later the percentfl of sugar again become aboul equal, qo doubl on a ant of diffusion. The diastatic action in the fundus is finally brought to an «ii«l when the contents become completely permeated by the hydrochL "id. In this connection it is worthy of note that the addition of hydrochloric acid up to the point of neutrality greatly accelerates the rate of diasti digestion. As the outer layers of food in the stomach become partly digested account of the action of the pepsin and hydrochloric acid, the f 1 is slowly pressed into the active right half of the stomach, \ action of the peristaltic waves it is moved on to the pyloric vestibule. By observing the x-ray shadows east by two pellets of bismuth subni- trate it has been noted by Cannon that, as the peristaltic wave appr Fig. 157. — Section of the frozen stomach (rat) some time after* feeding wit:. . ven in three differently colored portions. (From Howell's Physiology.) a pellet, it causes it to move forward more rapidly tor a Bhort distal but soon overtakes it and in doing bo causes the pellet to move back ji little towards the fundus. This backward movement is less than the forward movement, so that after the wave has passed, the position the pellet is a little forward of that which it would ha. ipied bad there been llo wave. The behavior of the pellet, and. the:'' ' the stomach contents, is very like that of a cork floating at the edge of the sea; as each wave approaches, it hurries the cork on a little, but aft its passage the cork re les again until the Becond wave carries it still a little farther forward. As the peristaltic wave approaches the pyl vestibule and becomes more powerful its effect on the pellets becomes more marked. They are carried rapidly along this part of tin eh. Until the pylorus is reached. If this remain^ dosed, thej into the vestibule. From nine to twelve minutes may elapse tx they are transferred to the pylorus from the place where tl • by the peristaltic wa1 l.")i; DIGESTION These observations made on cats and other laboratory animals no doubt also apply in the case of man. Removal of the contents of the cardiac and pyloric regions separately with a stomach tube after feeding with a tesl meal pari of which was colored with carmine or charcoal, has shown thai none of Ihc coloring material was present in the contents of the pyloric end np to twenty minutes or so after the food had been taken. It then appeared but at firsl only in 1 races. Another important distinction between Hie food in the two portions of the stomach relates to its consistency. In the pyloric end it is semifluid and homogeneous in character; in the cardiac end, on the oilier hand, it is a lumpy, rather Incoherent mass. The gastric movements must greatly facilitate the digestive processes in the stomach. In the cardiac part the undisturbed condition of the food will, as we have seen, facilitate the digestive action of ptyalin, whereas in the body of the stomach the peristaltic waves, besides mov- ing the food onward, will tend to bring fresh portions of mucous mem- brane and food in contact, so that the latter becomes more thoroughly mixed with the pepsin and hydrochloric acid. In the pyloric part, where no hydrochloric acid is secreted, the contents, already sufficiently acid in reaction, become more thoroughly churned up with the local pepsin secretion, so that proteolytic action progresses very rapidly. The peristaltic waves also facilitate absorption from the stomach of such substances as glucose in concentrated solution and, probably, of hydro- lyzed protein; water, however, is not absorbed. One effect of such adsorption is the production of gastrin, which we have seen is the hor- mone concerned in maintaining the gastric secretion after the psychic flow. The fact that the mucosa of the vestibule has. relatively to the cardiac end, few secreting glands is in harmony with the view that absorption is an important function of this part of the stomach. THE EMPTYING OF THE STOMACH The Control of the Pyloric Sphincter When digestion has proceeded far enough in the stomach to bring the food into a homogeneous, souplike fluid (chyme), portions of this, as they are driven againsl the pyloric sphincter by the peristaltic waves, instead of being returned as an axial stream into the stomach, are ejected into the duodenum. We niiisl now consider the mechanism by which the pyloric sphincter opens to permit ihe passage of the chyme. Bombardment by Ihc peri- staltic waves is evidently no1 the cause of its opening, for, as we have THE MECHANISMS l }"»7 scrii, many such waves may arrive al it without tl evidently in order thai the intestine may not Buddenl whelmed with large masses of food thai the pylo ally opens, it mighl be thoughl thai its opening dep< tion of the upper pari of the intestine. It is true tl tion of the upper pari of the intestine does liol.l the pyloric sphinc closed, lmt this can not be the physiological stimulus, I quantities of chyme are never found here. The first clue to the real nature of the mechanism i by observing the behavior of the sphincter when solutions are intn into the duodenum through a fistula. Acid solutio cause a e plete inhibition of gastric evacuation, wh< alkaline solu- tions hay mixing it with sodium bicarbonate, exit from the stomach atly delayed. 2 Proteins ordinarily leave the stomach m< than carbohydrates, bu1 it' acid proteins are fed, their • - much m rapid. (3 If a fistula is made into the pyloric vestibule through wl some of the tents can be removed, ii will be found that the opening of the pyloric sphincter, a distinctly acid r< in the f 1: and furthermore if acid solutio fistula, they cau^e the pyloric sphincter to open, - its opening. 1 A similar effect of acid in 0] be demonstrated bj applying it to the pyloric mucosa o stomach kept alive in oxygenated R Tl vidence thai acid on 0 sphincter is as follows: 1 When acid is placed in I a fistula, the sphincter will not open ; 2 V ducts are ligated, the stomach empties much m< and !n' discharge of protein is considcrabl is sutured to the intestine belov the cl lenum. N tion it was obsen cd that i he protein 458 DIGESTION the pyloric sphincter about the same time as normally, but the subse- quent evacuation was very much accelerated, because no acid came in contact with the duodenal mucosa. Water and egg white may leave the stomach independently of any acid reflex control of the pylorus. By observations made through a duodenal fistula it has been found that, after a quantity of water has been swallowed, most if not all of it very soon enters the duodenum in a more or less continuous stream. It is no doubt on this account that drinking contaminated water is especially dangerous on an empty stomach. The nervous pathway through which these acid reflexes take place has been shown to be the myenteric plexus. Indeed, the whole mechanism is quite analogous with that which Ave shall see occurs in the intestine during peristalsis : the stimulus, that is, the acid, causes a contraction of the gastric tube behind it and a dilatation in front. Fig. 158. — Outlines of shadows in abdomen obtained by exposure to x-rays 2 hours after feeding with food containing bismuth subnitrate. The food in A was lean beef, and in B boiled rice. The smaller size of the stomach shadow and the much greater total area of the intestinal shadows in B than in A show that carbohydrate leaves the stomach earlier than protein. (From Cannon.) Rate of Emptying- of Stomach The relationship of these facts to the rate at which different foodstuffs leave the stomach is very readily explained. The method for investigat- ing this problem, which again we owe to Cannon, consists in feeding ani- mals with a strictly uniform amount of different foods made up, as nearly as possible, of equal consistency and containing bismuth subni- trate in the proportion of 5 gm. to each 25 c.c. By feeding such mix- tures to cats previously starved for twenty-four hours, and examining the abdomen by the x-ray at regular intervals, the shadows cast by the food after passage into the intestine can be outlined on tracing paper, and the total length* measured (Fig. 158). In taking this as an estimate of the amount of food in the intestine, several errors are no doubt incurred 'This is permissible since the shadows are practically all of the same width. THE Ml I 11 \\l- \l- OF l»I(il sTION on account of the crossing and foreshortening of the loops, etc., I \ their constancy testifies, there is no doubt thai the resnll atly close for the purpose of finding oul how quickly small intestine; and the method lias a greal advant • in thai digestion is allowed to pr sed practically without interruption. The points we have to determine are: 1 I when the food ti stomach; (2) the rate a1 which differenl foods are dischar time required for the passage through the small intestii Let us consider firsl of all the results obtained I oith pr tically pure fat or carbohydraU or protein. By plotting the shailows in centimeters along the ordinates, with I ■ the abscissa?, curves such as those shown in Pig. 159 have been When fats were fed (dash line in charl . the discharge begai slowly, and continued at a slow rate. Even aft en hour- still remained in the stomach, and a1 no time was any large quanl I 40 30 8 u & 1 h 1 3 4 Hours Fig. 159. — Curves to show the average aggregate length of the intestine at the designated intervals . The I dash line, f"r protein foods in the heavy li: I Prom Cannon.) present iii the intestine, indicating thai almosl as quickly as it is • charged into this pari of the gastrointestinal tract h and absorbed. The discharge of carbohydrates was quite differenl line in charl ) ; it began often in ten minut reaching a maximum, as a rule, at the end of two hours fell off, the stomach being empty in aboul three hour- P rate intermediate between that for fats and tl I heavy line . Little lefl before the firsl half hour; the slowly rose, attaining a maximum in about tour 1 ally declining at aboul the Bame rat II is that at the end of half an hour aboul eighl tin much c had left the stomach as protein; at tl i ei d o! These results are clearl) dependent up lif- t'ereiit foodstuffs assume an acid reaction in the stomach I irbohyd 4G0 DIGESTION has no combining power For acids, so that the acid secreted with the psychic juice remains uncombined and on gaining t he pyloric vestibule excites the opening of the sphincter. Protein, on the other hand, as is ■well known, absorbs considerable quantities of free hydrochloric acid, so that for some considerable time after it is taken, none of the acid exists in a free state. Fats owe their slow discharge partly to inhibition of gastric secret ion, and partly to the Longer time it lakes for Ihem to become neutralized in the duodenum, because of the fatty acid split off by the action of lipase. Interesting observations have also been made on the rate of discharge when various combinations of foodstuffs were fed. This has been done by feeding one foodstuff before the other, or by mixing the foodstuffs. When carbohydrates were fed first and then protein, the discharge be- gan much earlier than with protein alone, because the carbohydrate food first reached the pyloric vestibule (see page 454). However, at the end of two hours, when the carbohydrate curve should begin to come down, it remained high, indicating that the protein had by this time reached the pylorus and Avas being discharged at its own rate. When the meat was fed before the carbohydrate, the curve to start with was exactly like that for protein, becoming, however, considerably heightened later when the carbohydrate reached the pyloric vestibule. The presence of protein near the pylorus, therefore, distinctly retards the evacuation of 'carbohydrate from the stomach. These facts, it will be remarked, all tit in admirably with the observations which we have already detailed concerning the disposition of food in the stomach. When mixtures of equal parts of different foods were fed, the results indicated that the emptying of the stomach occurred at a rate which was intermediate between those of the foods taken separately. Mixing protein with carbohydrate, for example, accelerated the rate at which protein left, and mixing fats with protein caused the protein to leave the stomach considerably more slowly than if protein alone had been U'(\. Influence of Pathologic Conditions on the Emptying An important surgieal application of these facts concerns the behavior of food after gastroenterostomy. It has been thought that this operation would cause the fund to be drained from the stomach into the intestine and thus leave the region of the stomach between the fistula and 1he pylorus inactive. This assumption is based on the idea, which avc have seen to be erroneous, thai gravity assists in the emptying of the stomach. As a matter of fact, it has been found thai, if the gastroenterostomy is made when there is no obstruction at the pylorus, the chyme takes its Tin \ir i ii wi- m. normal passage through the sphincter and, none leaves bj the fistula. When the pylo - parti food sometimes passes in the usual way, and sometimes by I The cause for this predilection for the pyloric pathv pressure conditions in the gastric contents G fore, is efficient only when gross mechanical obstruction i pylorus. The operation should never be performed in demonstrable organic pyloric disease. Another objection to gastroenterostomy in the p pyloric sphincter rests on the fad that the food, after pae ter and moving along the intestine, may again enter the stomach through the fistula. This is most likely to occur when the stomach is full food, for under these conditions the stretching of its walls s< edges of the opening, the intestine being drawn taut bel so thai the opening between the stomach and the inti form of two narrow slits, which act like valves permitting 11 I to enter bu1 preventing its escape from the stomach. Only seldom un< these circumstances can any food pass into the inl beyo stomach opening. Repeated vomiting after gastroent ny has observed in experimental animals only when obstructive kink- ther demonstrable obstacles were present in the Lrut. the obstruction being h>- cated in thai pari of the intestine beyond its attachment to the stomach. When the pyloric obstruction is complete, food n by the fistula, digestion by the pancreatic juice and I > i 1 « - being still c ried on because of the fad that for a considerable distance down intestine, secretin, which we have seen is ess< tial for the tion of these fluids, is still produced by the contact of the acid chyme with the intestinal mucosa. Further provision for adequate dig' food in such cases is secured, as some of the food after leavii fistula passes back for a certain distance into the duodenum, \\ i it sim. n excites peristaltic waves, which again carry it i insures thorough mixing with the digestive ju menial experience Cannon and Bla ommend that, when the fistula has to be made, it should be as l;ii\ pylorus, and that the stomach afterwards should i become filled with f 1. To avoid kinkii >m> mend thai several centinx »f the intestine should stomach distal to the anastomo? The elTeet of h fl }>< niciil "it \J of the route!'. the Stomach has 1 n studied l>\ fei animals with I varying percentages of hydrochloric acid. With 4ti2 DIGESTION cent, the rate of discharge was increased, bu1 it became slower when the acidity rose to 1 per cent. With an acidity of 0.5 per cent, the rate of discharge was about the normal. Hyperacidity, therefore, causes a retar- dation of the emptying of the stomach. The consistency of the food appears to have little influence on its rate of discharge from the stomach — at least in the case of potatoes. Dilution of protein food, however, increases the rate. Distinctly hard particles in the food retard the stomach evacuation. There is usually a considerable amount of gas in the part of the stomach above the entrance of the cardia, on account of which this part of the stomach has sometimes been called the stomach bladder. In the upright position this gas forms a bright area in the x-ray plate (Fig. 155), but when the person reclines it spreads to a new location. Its presence may influence gastric digestion by preventing the contact of the food with the mucous membrane, and by interfering with the efficiency of the peri- staltic waves in moving the food. Considerable gas therefore retards the emptying of the stomach, as has been shown experimentally by x-ray observations on animals fed with the standard amount of food followed by the introduction of air. It was noted that the air did not diminish the frequency or strength of the peristaltic waves, but that these could not efficiently act on the food. When along with gas there is also atony of the stomach walls, the retardation in the discharge will, of course, be still more pronounced. The temperature of the swallowed food does not appear to have much influence on the stomach movements or on the the rate of discharge from the organ. CHAPTER I. Ill THE MECHANISMS OF DIGESTION Coi t'd THE MOVEMENTS OF THE INTESTINES The length of the small intestine and the size of the cecum • large intestine vary considerably in differenl animal-. In r such as the cat, the small intestine is relatively short; in tl relatively long. Thus, it is three times the Length of the body in tl and four to six times in the dog; whereas in the goal and - be nearly thirty times the Length of the body. In the carnivora cecum is either absent or rudimentary, whereas in those herbivora wh do not have a divided stomach the cecum is very Large an as is also the colon. The reason for the greal size in h< hat practically the whole of the digestion of cellulose takes place in this part of the gut. This digestion, as we shall see on any secretion poured forth by the animal itself, but upon I ion of bacteria and of certain enzymes (cytt 3ea thai are taken with the vegetable food. Movement of the Small Intestine The movements of the small intestine have been studied 1 the bismuth subnitrate and x-ray method, _ by observing them after ing the abdomen of an animal subm< rged in a bath of physio'.. Jine at body temperature, (3) by observing the changes in pr< in a thin-walled rubber balloon i i in the lumen connected with a recording tambour Pig. L60 . and 4 bj portions of the intestine and keeping them alive in a bath of Balin( tion at body temperature, through which oxygen is m. The Si o mi nti no Mo1 When a suitably fed animal is placed OH the hold, by the x-ray method, no movement in the intestinal b! illy observed tor some time. The firsl movement to ap] one of the columns of food into small BegUN Each of these segments again quickly divid< halves suddenly unite to Eorm oev - in, in ■ nuu m DIGESTION which will be made clear by consulting Fig. 161. This rhythmic scg- mentation, as Camion lias called it, continues without cessalion for more than half an hour, and the food shadow does not meanwhile seem to change it s position in the abdomen to any extent. The splitting up of the seg- ment and the rushing together of the neighboring halves proceed as a rule with great rapidity; thus, if we counl the number of different se.^- Elasric rubber band to attach finqer cot to 'cdtfiekr IfiO. — Apparatus fur recording contractions of the intestine. (From Jackson.) meiits during a definite period, we may find the rate of division in the eat to he as high as 28 or 30 a minute. In man the divisions occur at a frequency of approximately 10 per minute, which corresponds to the fre- quency with which sounds can lie heard when the abdomen is auscultated. Although half an hour is the period which this process usually oc- cupies, ii may last considerably Longer. In certain animals, such as the rabbit, segmenting movements have not been observed, hul instead Tin: mi - ii INISMS 01 DI( • if them a rhythmic to-and Pro shifting of the ma* •«! along the Lumen of the gut, rapidly repeated for man; minut When the intestines are floated oul in a warm bath • solution, it is Been thai the rhythmic segmentation i narrow ri contraction. Under such conditions also it is often noted that loops i>f intestine sway from side to Bide The balloon method a veals the presence of slighl waves of contraction thai pass rapidly all the gut, and follow each other al the rate of twel . |>'-r min Both i>t' tlic muscular coats of the intestine are involved, and it i-> b< thai the contractions are responsible nol only for the pendular m< Hunts but for the rhythmic segmentation observed by tl • y method. Aecording to this view these movements ai stantly p the intestine, and become exaggerated by the mechanical Btimulus which is offered by the masses of food to such an extenl thai they divide the masses into portions. The evidence for this belief rests on the fad thai ;fdoc569b°bc Fig. 161. — Diagrammatic representation of i in the inl An unbroken shadow is shown in / and its segmentation in .'. The < 1> >t i c-. 1 I slinw the position of division and in J is - column together. U'roni Cannon.) when tin1 contraction is studied by the balloon method, it becomes mar over the middle of the balloon, where the greatest tension i \ sts Several functions can be assigned to these movements. Ti intimate mixture of the £ 1 with the digestive juices, and by bring ever new portions of food in contacl with the m they absorption. They also have an importanl massaging influen >n blood and lymph in the vessels of the intestinal walls I Bage of lymph from the lacteals into the m< c lymphat depend very largely upon these movemei Tli: I'l RI8TA1 TIC MOVI MEN1 Tl ther movemenl observed in the small intestine is thai peristaltic wave. It occurs in two forms: I ely ad '>n- traction I 1 to 2 cm. per minute , p d by an inhibiti dls. and proceeding only through a short distance in a and 466 DIGESTION (2) as a swift movement called the peristaltic rusli, which sweeps with- out pause for much longer distances along the canal. Further analysis of the peristaltic wave can readily be made by the balloon method (Fig. 162). If the gut is pinched above the balloon, a marked relaxation occurs over the latter, and this relation extends for about two feet down the intestine. If, on the other hand, the gut is pinched a little below the situation of the balloon, a long-continued contraction occurs over the latter. The conclusion that we may draw from this result is that the stimulation of the gut causes contraction above the point of the stimulus and relaxation below, this being known as "the law of the intestine" — (Bayliss and Starling). We have seen that it applies also in the case of the cardiac and pyloric sphincters. Fig. 162. — Intestinal contractions (balloon method) after excision of the abdominal ganglia and section of both vagi. Mechanical stimulation above (/) and below (.?) the balloon causes relaxa- tion and contraction respectively. (From Starling.) The Physiologic Nature of the Rhythmic and Peristaltic Movements Interesting information in this connection has been gained by obser- vation of the behavior of the movements after the application of drugs to the gut or after cutting the nerve supply. The rhythmic movements are not affected by the application of nicotine or cocaine. Since these drugs paralyze nervous structures it has been concluded that the rhythmic movements are myogenic in origin. The question is not a settled one, however, for it has been found by Magnus that, although strips of the longitudinal muscle, isolated in oxygenated saline solution, will continue to beat, they do not do so if the adherent Auerbach's plexus of nerves is stripped off from them. The nature of the peristaltic contractions is more definite ; they must clearly depend upon a local nervous struc- ture, since they are paralyzed by the application to the gut of cocaine or nicotine. This local nervous system no doubt also resides in Auerbach's plexus, which must therefore be considered as complex enough to be (see i III MECHANIC M OP DIG! 81 [I page 7%; endowed with the power of directing nervous imp bring about relaxation of the gul in front of the stimulus and conti tion over it. Nervous < Iontbol of Movemi - The influence of the central aervous system on the intestinal movenu has been studied by the usual methods of cutting ;in travel slowly toward the cecum, -without, however, being pre- ceded by any relaxation of the wall of the gut, as is the case with a true I III MECHANISMS OF IHUI sTION peristaltic wave. This first wave is bood followed by othi result that the food ifl forced up into the cecum, againsl the blii of which it is crowded, being meanwhile | from passing into the ileum by the operation of the ileocolic Bphincter and l>y the obli manner in which the ileum opens into the cecum. As the result of the distention of tl scum Bet up by tl led antiperistaltic waves, a true coordinated peristaltic wav< tonally initiated, and passes along the ascending colon preceded by the usual wave of inhibition. These waves, however, disappear 1" ach the end of the colon, so that the food is again driven back by the Fig. !i of time it taki of tin- large intestine. tailed antiperistaltic waves. The effeel of the movements i^ to ki • and mix the intestinal contents, and thus encourage the absorption water from them. The resulting more solid portions then collect toward the splenic flexure, ami become separated from the remaining more fluid portion by transverse waves of constriction, which develop into p Btaltic waxes carrying the harder masses into the distal portic the colon, where they colled chiefly in the sigmoid flexure. Tl liiig colon itself is aever distended with contents and merelj for transferring the masses from the trans toid flexure. The time taken for a capsule of hismuth t. parts of the large intestine is shown in Pig !> After a certain mass has collected in the sigmoid I im, the increasing distention causes an vacua" 470 DIGESTION gut through centers located in the spinal cord. The impulses from these centers, besides contracting the rectum, etc., also coordinate the contrac- tion of the abdominal muscles and the relaxation of the sphincter ani so as to bring about the act of defecation. By the skiagraphic method it has been found that the pelvic colon gradually becomes filled with feces from below upward, and that the rectum remains empty until just before defecation. Effect of Clinical Conditions on the Movements Observations of practical value have been made on the behavior of the peristaltic wave after various intestinal operations. After an end-to-end anastomosis of the gut, no evidence can be obtained by the x-ray method that any hesitation occurs in the movement of the shadows at the anas- tomosis. On the other hand, when a lateral anastomosis is established, stagnation of the food in the region of the junction may occur, this having been found, on opening the gut, to be caused by the accumu- lation of hair and undigested detritus at the opening between the op- posed loops. Another objection to lateral anastomosis is the fact that in performing the operation a considerable amount of the circular muscle is cut, which interferes with peristaltic activity. Moreover, the end of the proximal loop beyond the opening is in danger of becoming filled up with hardened material, and the end of the distal loop may become invaginated and induce obstruction in the region of the anastomosis. Observations have also been made by the x-ray method on the be- havior of the intestinal contents following intestinal obstruction. It has been observed that, as the material collects in the gut just above the obstruction, strong peristaltic waves are set up, which move the food toward the obstruction so powerfully as to cause the walls of the canal in front to become bulged, until at last the pressure causes the con- tents to be squirted back through the advancing ring of peristaltic con- traction. These waves were observed to succeed one another rapidly. When a portion of gut is reversed in position, the peristaltic waves con- tinue to travel in their old direction toward the duodenum. The effect of this is to produce a partial obstruction at the upper end of the re- versed gut. The type of peristalsis known as the peristaltic rush can be induced experimentally in animals by intravenous injection of ergot. It prob- ably also occurs in conditions of abnormal irritation of the gut in man, and is believed to be the characteristic activity of the gut after a stroncr purge. CHAPTER l. IV EUNGEB AND APPETITE Bunger and appetite are distincl and separate sensations, the former being definitely correlated with contractions of the empty stomach, and I latter, a complex of sensory impressions integrating in the nervous - along with memory impressions of the Bight, taste, and smell of palatable food. Appetite is therefore a highly complex nervous integration, .when hunger is a much simpler process. It is particularly with hunger that we shall concern ourselves at present. When a thin-walled rubber balloon of proper size is placed in I stomach and connected l»y a rubber tube with a water, bromoform or chloroform manometer (made of vide irlass tubing 1.5 cm in diami and provided with a suitable float on the free limb) a tracing may be taken of the movements of the stomach. For use on man the caps the balloon should be from 75 to 150 cubic criitini'*. iv | i . thus obtained when the balloon is placid in the empty stomach rmal person shows four types of wave. Two of these may be discount being due to the arterial pulse and the respiratory movemi The third is known as the tonus rhythm, and is caused by tonic contra of the fundus of the stomach of varying amplitude. Tl,.- periods of tonus in- crease during the powerful rhythmic contraction to be immedial described. While these changes in tone are occurring, do Bubjectr sation of hunger is experienced. See Pig. 167. The fourth and most significant typ i - iU of powerful rkytkn contractions, alternating with periods of quiesc Tl tions occupy a period of aboul twenty seconds, and upon the tonus rhythm. They gradually ii • in amplitude quency; and, in the case of young and vigorou pass into a condition of incomplete tetanus, aft.r which they nly subside, leaving only a faint tonus rhythm. These rhythmic eontt tions are definitely associated with the >f hue more marked the more intense th< ition. When tetan - lurs the hunger sensation is continuous, but it instantly the tetanus gives place to relaxation Whei tl -tractions are com- paratively feeble, the length of the period during which they occur i* 471 472 DIGESTION about twelve minutes. When the contractions are powerful, the periods are always initiated by weaker contractions with long intervening pauses; finally the pauses disappear and the contractions become more and more pronounced, often culminating in tetanus, lasting from two to five minutes The duration of the entire hunger period varies from one-half to one and a half hours, with an average of from thirty to forty-five minutes, and the number of individual contractions in a period varies from twenty to seventy. Between the hunger periods, intervals of from one-half to two and one-half hours of quiescence may supervene. (See Fig. 168.) Similar contractions, often passing into incomplete tetanus, have been observed in the stomach of healthy infants, some of the observations hav- ing been made before the first nursing. The intervals of motor quies- Fig. 166. — Diagram of method for recording stomach movements. B, rubber balloon in stomach. D, kymograph. F, cork float with recording flag. M, manometer. L, manometer fluid (bromo- form, chloroform, or water). R, rubber tube connecting balloon with manometer. S, stomach. T, side tube for inflation of stomach balloon. (From Carlson.) cence between the hunger periods are shorter than in adults. In obser- vations made during sleep, it was observed that, when the contractions were very vigorous, the infant would show signs of restlessness and might awake and cry. As in the adult, the contractions are evidently associated with subjective sensations of hunger. Contractions of the empty stomach have also been recorded on a large variety of animals, including the dog, rabbit, cat, guinea pig, bird, frog and turtle. They vary somewhat in type in different animals. With regard to the time of onset of the tonus and hunger contractions, it has been observed that the only period during which the fundus is free of them is immediately after a large meal. After a moderate meal the tonus rhythm begins to appear in about thirty minutes. It gradually 11' NGER \M> Al'1-I.'l : increases in intensity, until bj the time I mach I itself the tonus has become conspicuous, ;ni- served that the weaker type of hunger contraction begit ••"!!- 168. — Tracings from I striction involving the cardiac end of the Btoniacl the pyloric end ;is a rapid peristaltic wave. When tl very vigorous, this wave spreads •*,. rapidly o\ difficull to determine whether it reall; or as ;i contraction involving the fund i who 474 DIGESTION resemble very closely the movements that have sometimes been observed after a bismuth meal, and -which have been thought by clinical observers to indicate ;i hyperperistalsis of the stomach. The fundus is therefore not entirely passive during digestion; for, although early in this act there may be no evidence of contraction, yet the contractions of the tonus rhythm may appear and become pronounced before the stomach is en- tirely empty. In other "words, the digestion contractions of the filled stomach (see page 45] I pass gradually over into the hunger contractions of the empty organ. It appears that the stomach contractions produce the hunger sensa- tions by causing stimulation of afferent nerve endings in the muscle layers of the viscus. Mere pressure on the mucosa itself does not originate such a sensation; thus, sudden distention of the balloon or rubbing the mucosa with the closed end of a test tube, inserted through a gastric fistula, was not found to cause any sensation of hunger, unless the stimulus \v ;.s so strong as to excite a contraction of the musculature of the stomach. It has been thought by some observers that, during hunger, contrac- tions similar to those of the stomach also occur in the lower end of the esophagus. It is believed by Carlson, however, that these contractions are not at all responsible for the hunger sensation, although they may give rise to a feeling that something has stuck in the esophagus. Con- tractions of the intestine have also been observed in hunger, but it is doubt- ful whether they have anything to do with the cause of the hunger sensation. REMOTE EFFECTS OF HUNGER CONTRACTIONS It is well known that during hunger certain general subjective symp- toms are likely to be experienced, such as a feeling of weakness and a sense of emptiness, with a tendency to headache and sometimes even nausea in persons who are prone to headache as a result of toxemic conditions. Headache is likely to be more prounced or perhaps present only in the morning before there is any food in the stomach. These symptoms indicate that hunger contractions are associated with hyper- excitability of the central nervous system, and it is of considerable interest that objective signs of this association can be elicited. If the knee-jerk be recorded along with a record of the gastric contractions, it will be found that it is markedly exaggerated simultaneously with the strong hunger contractions of the empty stomach, this augmentation being greatest at the height of the stomach contractions, when the hun- ger pan?s are most intense, and falling off again to normal when these disappear (Fig. 160V Further changes occurring during the hunger HUNG] l: AND APPET1T] 475 period include an increase in the pulse rate and vasodilatation B comparing plethysmography tracings of the arm volume and stomach contractions, it has been found thai the increase in volume occurs pari passu with the increasing tonus of the stomach, but that it begins to shrink before i he stomach contraction has reached its maximum. Occasionally, however, as in acute hunger, a som< what different rela- tionship obtains, vasoconstriction being more prominent. During i hunger contraction there is also increased salivation, the deg which varies with different individuals. This salivation is indepi of the more copious "watering of the mouth" thai a mpanies the thought or sight of appetizing food. J_ 1 \t*hn itttttnttntmiiutittturtrrr •xiiJt:ttstt:tttz:ttti:iirttmimtu:tuiiititumiittn Fig. lo9. — Showing augmentation of the knee-jerk (upper tracing) during the marked hungci tractions (lower tracing). (From Carlson.) HUNGER DURING STARVATION During enforced starvation for long periods of time, it is known that healthy individuals at fust experience intense sensations of bin and appetite, which last however only for a few days, then b< less pronounced and finally almost disappear. It is of inten know the relationship between these sensations and the hunger contractions in the stomach. This has been investigated by Carlson and Luckhardt, who voluntarily subjected themselves to complete starvation, excepl for the taking of water, for four day- l> ;>; ■_. ;, greal part of this tin >rds of the stomach contractions were taken by the balloon method, and il was found that the tonus of the stomach and also the :" '• y and intensity of the hunger contractions became progressively mon - starvation proceeded. Towards the end of the period it was also noted thai incomplete hunger tetanus made its appearance where ordinarily, as in Carlson's case, this type of hunger contraction was infrequ Sensations of hunger were present mi throughout tl iod, being therefore probably due to the persistently ine tonus onset of a period of hunger 476 DIGESTION increase in the hunger sensation, and as these contractions became more marked, the hunger sensations became more intense. On the last day of starvation a burning sensation referred to the epigastrium was added to that of hunger. The appetite ran practically parallel with the sensa- tion of hunger, and both of these sensations became perceptibly dimin- ished on the fourth or last day of starvation, this diminution being, however, most marked in the sensation of appetite. Indeed, instead of an eagerness for food, there developed on the last day a distinct repugnance or indifference towards it. Accompanying these sensations of hunger and appetite a distinct mental depression and a feeling of weakness were experienced during the latter part of the starvation period. On partaking of food again the hunger and appetite sensations very rapidly disappeared, and also practically all of the mental depression and a great part of the feeling of weakness. Complete recovery from the latter, however, did not take place until the second or third day after breaking the fast. From this time on both men felt unusually Avell ; indeed they state that their sense of well-being and clearness of mind and their sense of good health and vigor were as greatly improved as they would have been by a month's vacation in the mountains. They further point out that, since others who have starved for longer periods of time unanimously attest the fact that, after the first few days, the sensations of hunger become less pronounced and finally almost dis- appear, they must have experienced the most distressing period during their four days of starvation. Although the hunger sensation was strong enough to cause some discomfort, it could by no means be called marked pain or suffering, and was at no time of sufficient intensity to interfere seriously with work. Mere starvation can not therefore be designated as acute suffering. It is of further interest to note that dur- ing the starvation period a continuous flow of secretion of acid gastric juice was found to be occurring in the stomach, to the presence of which acid or burning sensation experienced iii the epigastrium on the last days is probably to be attributed. CONTROL OF THE HUNGER MECHANISM The control of the hunger mechanism, like that of any other mechan- ism in the animal body, may be effected through the nervous system or it may depend on the presence of chemical substances or hormones in the blood. As a matter of fact, it can readily be shown that both those methods of control are employed, and we will now consider briefly some of the facts upon which this conclusion depends. Although many facts are now known with regard to the nervous con- Ill V«,l U \\l> MM'I.TITI 177 tro] of the hunger mechanism, il is difficull to piece these together in such a way as to formulate a simple theory which fits in with all the observed facts. We know that the stomach p in itself a local nervous mechanism by which, like the hearl or intestine, ii can auto- matically perform many of the movements which arc exhibited in the intact animal. These local movements may, however, he considerably influenced by impulses transmitted to the stomach along the vagus and splanchnic nerves. We have therefore to seek for evidence indicating the relative importance of the local nervous mechanism in the stomach itself and of the impulses transmitted to this organ by the extrL nerves. We musl then seek the position of the center which p< the sensation of hunger. It will he simplest to consider first the effect of section of the extrii nerves in observations made on lower animals. Section <>i th< splancl nerves increases gastric tonus and augments the gastric hunger contrac- tions. Section of both vagus nerves, performed of course below the L< of the heart, leaves the stomach in a more or less hypotonic condition. The tonus is not entirely abolished; it varies somewhal from day 1" day. and may become quite pronounced even though the vagi are cut. In this hypotonic state the hunger contractions are diminished in and regularity. Section of both the splanchnic and vagus nerves throws the stomach into a permanent hypotonus, except in prolonged starva- tion, when hunger contractions develop that are usually of great ampli- tude and with particularly long intervals between the contractii The genera] conclusion to hi' drawn from these experiments is that, although completely isolated from the central nervous m, the stomach still exhibits typical hunger contractions, which must there! 1m- essentially dependent upon an automatic mechanism in the stomach wall itself. Over this mechanism, extrinsic nerve impulses have merely a regulatory conl rol. Variations and Inhibitions of the Hunger Contractions The afferent stimuli that may set up impulses traveling by the extrin- sic nerves to the stomach are conveyed by the nei psychic origin. Stimulation of the gustatory end organs in the mouth, as by chewing palatable food, always causes an inhibition of the tonus ami a diminution or disappearance of tin1 hunger contractioi - the chewing of indifferent substances, Buch as paraffin, distinct inhibition, unless in a case in winch tl into a tetanus. It is of interesl that swallowing movements, in the ab- sence of any food substance in the month, are sufficient to transitory inhibition of the gastric tonus a receptivi 478 DIGESTION stomach, as it has been aptly called. The diminution in tonus and hunger contractions in these various ways is accompanied by a diminu- tion in the hunger pains. Afferent nerve stimulation affecting the hunger contractions may also originate in the stomach mucosa itself, as has been shown in the case of Carl- son's patient by introducing the various substances to be tested through a tube into the stomach. A glassful of cold water introduced in this way inhibits the tonus and the hunger contractions for from three to five minutes unless these are severe, this inhibition being followed by no augmentation either of the tonus or of contractions. Ice-cold water has a greater effect than water at body temperature. This result is some- what different from that which most men experience as the result of drinking a glass of cold water. Weak acids of strengths varying up to that found present in the gastric juice itself — 0.5 per cent — cause a marked inhibition of the hunger movements, but this inhibition does not persist until all the acid has escaped from the stomach or been neutralized, which explains why hunger contractions should still occur when an acid secretion is present in the stomach, as in starvation. Normal gastric juice itself produces an inhibition. which is no doubt dependent upon the acid which it con- tains, and it is probable that, at the same time that it leads to inhibition of the hunger contractions, the acid initiates peristalsis of the pyloric region (see page 453). Weak alkaline solutions have no greater effect on the hunger contractions than an equal volume of .water. Weak solu- tions of local anesthetics, such as phenol or chloretone, are without effect. With regard to alcoholic beverages interesting results were obtained. AVine, beer, brandy, and diluted pure alcohol inhibit both the tonus and the contractions. The duration of this inhibition varies directly with the quantity of the beverage introduced into the stomach and with its alco- hol percentage. These observations are apparently not in harmony with the experience of most men that the taking of alcoholic beverages serves to awaken or increase the appetite, the difference being no doubt due to the fact that appetite and hunger contractions of the stomach are not dependent on each other, appetite being, as Ave have seen, a complex psychic affair, whereas the hunger contractions depend upon a local mechanism in the stomach Avail itself. As the inhibition produced in one or other of these Avays passes off, the hunger contractions are resumed at their previous intensity and not in an augmented form. From the promptness of the inhibition, it would appear that the stomach contractions are affected, not reflexly through the central nervous system or by changes in the chemical composition of the blood, but by a direct action on the neuromuscular mechanism BUNGER \\i. x I - * - 1 Tin 479 in the stomach walls, ami it is important to bear in mind that inhibitory effects on the stomach contractions of tin- fundus may p quite independently of the changes in the pyloric region that an- c cerned with the mechanical processes of digestion. After one <>r I of the extrinsic nerves of the stomach were Bevered in dogs, a certain degree of inhibition could still he induced by tin- above methods, indie i » i i_r that, although section of the extrinsic nerves depresses the inhibitory reflex, it docs not abolish it. Various mitigations of the hunger contractions have been di Smoking has this effect, and compression of tin- abdomen by tightening the belt also inhibits the contractions provided they are not of mar intensity. Considerable muscular exercise, such as brisk walking or running, causes inhibition, which usually persists until after the ex cise is discontinued. When the tonus and contractions return, in this case, they seem to be somewhat more pronounced. Application of cold to the surface of the body — as by placing an ice pack on the abdor or taking ;i cold douche, procedures which are well-known to ind increased neuromuscular tonus, in general — causes an inhibition of the gastric tonus and hunger contractions, the degree of which is roughly proportional to the intensity of the stimulation. There is certainly n< an increase in the gastric tonus or hunger contractions. I E such stimula- tion is maintained, the inhibitory effects on the stomach gradually diminish, even though the individual be shivering intensely. With regard to fin nervi centers cona nu e produced by fermentative processes The differei between the two titrations, however, becomes quite marked when pro- tein food is undergoing digestion in the stomach, because at its different stages of digestion protein combines with increasing quantities of the hydrochloric acid. The pathologic condition in which there is most definitely a diminution of the hydrochloric acid is cancer, either of the stomach itself or occasionally of some other part of the body. An in- crease is particularly marked in ulcer of the stomach. A considerable variation in hydrochloric acid may however be the resull merely of func- tional (neurotic) conditions. The Soubce of the Acid A question that lias puzzled physiologists for many years concerns thr mechanism l>n which hydrochloric acid is secreted. The percentage of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is considerably above that at which any animal cells can live, and ye1 this acid is secrete. I by the lining membrane of the stomach, its source being, of course, the Bodium chloride of the blood plasma. Bow then do the cells of the gastric glands bring aboul the separation of this powerful acid from tl fectly neutral bl 1 plasmal In the first place, it is significant thai the mucous membrane of the Btomach contains a higher p< of chlorine than the average of other organs and tissues, indicating that it has the power "t' abstracting chlorine from the blood. The ei chlorine in the mucosa must, moreover, he hut a very small fraction of that actually secreted into the the gastric juice. The chlorine content of the mucosa of the cardiac end is considerably greater than that of the pyloric. These facta indicate that chlorine is attracted by the gastric cells, bui they throw no light on the question as to where the hydro- chloric acid is really forme, I. Is it in the cells, or only in the hum ■ the gland tubes.' That is to say, is it formed b< after the gastric [84 DIGESTION juice lias been secreted Prom the ('('lis0 After intravenous injection of solutions of potassium Eerrocyanide and some inert salt of iron, such as one of the scale preparations, examination of the gastric glands has shown that the prussian blue reaction, which requires the presence of free mineral acid, is most pronounced in certain of the parietal cells. A considerable amount of the precipitate is, however, also visible in the lumen of the glands and in the stomach itself. Certain observers affirm that, although some of the parietal cells may take the stain, the vast majority of them do not do so ; and, moreover, that cells incapable of forming hydrochloric acid (e. g., of the liver) may also become stained, and that the precipitation may occur in the blood and lymph. The confusion in the results by these methods prompted A. B. Macal- lum14 and Miss M. P. Fitzgerald to investigate the distribution of the chlorine in the cells by a microchemical method, in which the chlorides were precipitated with silver nitrate and the silver chloride then reduced by exposing the section to light. It was found that both kinds of gas- tric-gland cell, chief and parietal, but particularly the parietal, gave the chloride reaction. Using as a stain a substance (cyaninine) which reacts blue with acid and red with alkali, Harvey and Bensley,1"' however, aver that the secretion of the glands is practically neutral until the foveola is reached, where the stain becomes blue, indicating an acid reaction. This seems to show that the acid is not really secreted by the cells of the gastric gland, but is formed after secretion. According to the latter investigators, the chlorine is secreted by the cells into the fovea as some weak chloride, such as ammonium chloride, or it may be as an ester. Shortly after its secretion this weak chloride undergoes a hydrolytic or other dissociation, during which free hydro- chloric acid is liberated and ammonia or some other weak base set free. Of these two products of the reaction the Aveak base is reabsorbed by the gland cells, but the hydrochloric acid is left behind because the cells are impervious to it. Indirect evidence in support of this view is afforded by certain other instances in which hydrochloric acid is pro- duced by the action of cells; thus, the mold Penicillium glaucum when it is grown in a medium containing ammonium chloride absorbs the am- monia but leaves the hydrochloric acid. The high penetrating power of the ammonia ion in practically all cells, and the fact that the mucosa of the stomach contains a higher percentage of ammonia than any other tissue in the body, must also be considered as circumstantial evidence in favor of this view. Whatever be the mechanism by which hydrochloric acid is produced, there is no doubt that the epithelium is impenetrable to it. When the vitality of the epithelium becomes lowered, as in anemia or after partial Till BIOCHEMICAL PRO< 185 occlusion of the arteries, the acid may penetrate the • and ca digestion of the stomach walls. Hyperacidity may <»n this account become dangerous, as it lowers the resistance of the cell. Tin digestiiH action of hydrochloric acid is closely linked with thai pepsin, with which it will, therefore, be considered. The Action of Pepsin It is commonlj believed thai before it- tion pepsin twists in the cells of the gastric glands as zymogen granules. The chief evidei this belief appears to be thai after considerable activity the amounl zymogen granules in the gland cells is found to be decidedly dimin- ished. By such an hypothesis it is easy to explain certain interesting results concerning the effed of weak alkali on the activities of extri of the tin us membrane of the stomach. When the mucous membrane stracted with weak acids, the extract is very acti olytically. [f this so-called pepsin solution be made faintly alkali) n only neutralized, and again made acid, it will be found to have lost much, if not all, of its activity. On the other hand, an aqueous extract ma; rendered slightly alkaline for a short time and still display its digestive activity on subsequent acidification. The extract made with water is therefore much more resistanl toward alkali than that made with weak acid, and the difference is explained on the supposition that the wal extract contains pepsinogen, whereas the acid extract contains pepsin. It is believed that there are several varieties of pepsin, because the optimum concentration of acid in which pepsin derived from the stomachs of different animals acts is not always the same. Pepsin of tin' d< example, acts besl in a hydrogen-ion concentration corresponding to that .if a 0.05 \. hydrochloric acid solution, whereas thai of the human stomach works besl at a concentration of 0.03 N D nt pepsin solutions also show a difference with regard I optimum temp ture at which the/ act, and with regard to the nature of tl tein which they most readily attack. Thus, the pepsin of a calf's sti.n. digests casein very rapidly, hut coagulated e'_"_r white only slowly, ereas the pepsin of the pig's stomach acts on both these p ahoiit the same pate. It is well known that the activity of pepsin can p ly in the i i ce of acids, hut this action of acids docs not appear to dep< the hydrogen-ion concentration alo qual quantil the same pepsin are mixed with quantities of different acids so that the hydrogen-ion concentration of the mixtures is uniform, it is found that digestion proceeds mosl rapidly with hydrochloric acid and leasl rapidly with sulphuric acid. Th( SO 'ems. the unfavorable 486 DIGESTION for peptic activities. The acid seems to combine with the protein before the pepsin attacks the latter; for, if we first combine the protein with acid ami then -wash away all traces of free acid, the protein can be digested in a neutral pepsin solution without the liberation of any free acid. There is evidence to show that pepsin itself also becomes combined with the protein during the digestive process. If a piece of protein such as fibrin be immersed in a solution of pepsin and then taken out and washed thoroughly to get rid of all adherent pepsin, it will be found, on placing it in ;i hydrochloric acid solution of the proper strength, that peptic digestion proceeds. Advantage may be taken of this fact to separate pepsin from a solution, but the best protein to use for this pur- pose is not fibrin but elastin. By such a method it has, for example, been shown that there is some pepsin in the intestinal contents, which in- dicates that when the chyme passes into the intestine, the pepsin is not, as used to be thought, immediately killed by the proteolytic enzyme. Products of Peptic Digestion With regard to the products of gastric digestion, little can be said here. The first product is a metaprotein known as acid albumin or syntonin. It is precipitated from the digestion mixture by neutraliza- tion. The next product is known as primary proteose, being precipi- tated by half saturation with ammonium sulphate. The third product is secondary proteose, produced by complete saturation with the above reagent ; and after all these bodies have been separated out, there re- mains in solution the fourth product — peptone — which among other things is characterized by the fact that with the biuret test it gives not n violet but a rose-pink color. It has often been claimed that along with these products a certain amount of free amino acids may also appear in a peptic digestive mix- ture. This, however, may be due to the action of erepsin, which is usually present in pepsin preparations. It is important to note that the term proteose is a general one, and that there are probably many varieties of this substance, differing from one another according to the protein from which they are derived. The change produced by pepsin and hydrochloric acid is of the nature of an hydrolysis, for it has been found thai the amount of hydrogen and oxygen in the digestive products is greater than that in the original protein. It is by a similar process of hydrolysis that the other proteolytic enzymes, such ;is pancreatin and erepsin, operate, but this does not imply that the exact grouping thai is splil aparl by the hydrolytic proc- THE BIOl III. MH \1. PROI OP DIGEE HON ess is the same for each of these enzymes, [ndeed, there is considerable evidence thai pepsin does not, like the other enzymes, break up the chain of amino acids thai are linked together to compose the polypep- tides, bul thai it only splits the big molecule of albumin or globulin into several large groups, each of which is composed of long ami chains. Its action appears to be analogous with thai of amy', starch, by which, it will be remembered, the l>iur polysaccharide m cule is split inio smaller polysaccharide molecules, which then become attacked by the dextrinase and split into disaccharide moleculi page 656). The evidence in support of this view is: l thai pepsin is unable to dip-si polypeptides, and (2 thai it is able to digec tain proteins upon which erepsin (see page 490) lias no action. The hydrolytic splitting <>f large into smaller protein molecules, like thai by which the chains of amino acids in the polypeptides bse- quently broken up, consists in a breaking of amino-carboxyl linkings (NHCO see page ">!,v . with the consequenl liberation of a large num- ber of unattached amino groups. The number of these free amino groups ••an be determined quantitatively by the formaldehyde titration method (if Sorensen.* By this method it can be shown that from the very start of peptic digestion the number of free annuo groups increases, and | passu the power of the digestive products t< mbine with free hydro- chloric acid. Indeed, when the experiments are done quantitatively and the digestion allowed to proceed for a considerable time, the increase in the formol titration is practically equal to the decrease in the ids as determined by the Giinsberg reagent. The rate of peptic digestion is usually estimated by the law of Schutz and Borissow, according to which the amounl of coagulated albumin thai is digested in a .Melt's tube is proportional to the square n the amounl of pepsin. J The pepsin which leaves the stomach in the chyme is nol all destroyed in the intestine, as was at one time believed to be the we have seen above, some pepsin can be d< I in tin- gastrointestinal con- tents. A pari of the pepsin may he absorbed into the blood and carried back to the gastric glands to he used again. This would account for the presence of antipepsin in the blood, and also for the pr< pepsin in the urine. It is probable, however, that most of the pepsin Stroved after it enters the intestine. 'In l!; lli.il a hi| titration with .1" tThe amounl , P. W.: / 4SS DIGESTION Clotting- of Milk in the Stomach Besides its power of digesting protein, the gastric juice is also endowed with the property of clotting milk. This action is commonly attributed to the presence of another enzyme besides pepsin, namely, rennin; but in recent years considerable controversy has raged around the question as to whether pepsin and rennin are not. the same thing. One strong argument in favor of this view is that all digestive juices that are capable of digesting protein can also clot milk. In any case, when gastric juice acts on milk, it splits the casein* of the milk into two portions, one of which, called paracasein, immediately combines with calcium to form an insoluble colloidal compound, which is precipitated and, by entangling the fat of the milk, forms the clot; the other protein remains in solution and is known as whey albumose. From studies on molecular weight it is believed that the paracasein is produced from casein by the splitting of the molecule of the latter into two, from which it would appear that the action of this enzyme is nothing more than the first stage in the hydrolysis of the casein molecule. The whey albumose, according to this view, is a by-product. There are many investigators, however, who believe that rennin and pepsin are not identical, since an infusion of the stomach of a calf has a powerful clotting action on milk but a very weak digestive one on egg white, whereas a similar infusion from the stomach of a pig shows exactly the reverse properties. This question is one of so controversial a na- ture that it would be out of place to go into it further here. It should be pointed out, however, that, when the gastric contents are acid in reaction, milk will become clotted by the action of the acid itself quite independently of any pepsin or rennin the juice may contain. This acid clotting of milk is probably of a different chemical nature from that produced by the enzymes. On other foodstuffs than proteins the action of the gastric juice is relatively unimportant, although polysaccharides may be considerably broken down in the cardiac end of the stomach on account of the action of swallowed saliva (see page 454), and disaccharides. as we have seen, may become split by the hydrolyzing effect of 1he hydrogen ion. Fat digestion also lakes place in the stomach when the fat is taken in an emulsified condition, as in milk and vix_r 1 1 degree of acidity in comparison with extract m oth( 490 DIGESTION and tissues. It has also recently been shown that the activity of trypsin does nut depend on the presence of free hydroxy! ions, but that it may proceed in the presence of free acid, even up to a strength of CH = 1.5. It' pepsin is present together with trypsin in a distinctly acid solution, the pepsin seems to destroy the trypsin, unless the mixture contains a considerable quantity of protein, when the tryptic activity may persist even for several hours. A practical conclusion that we may draw from these results is to the effect that preparations of trypsin — the so-called pancreatin, for example — if given with the food, may pass in an active condition into the duodenum, where, in the more favorable environment created by the neutralization of the excess of acid, it will develop its proteolytic power. The therapeutic administration of pancreatin is, therefore, justified (Long10). The activated trypsin acts on proteins in very much the same way as pepsin, except that the decomposition of the peptone and proteoses into polypeptides is the chief feature of the process. Thus, after tryptic digestion has proceeded for some time, only a trace of primary proteoses but considerable quantities of leucine, tyrosine and other amino acids will be found present. Some investigators believe that the thorough nature of the digestive action of activated pancreatic juice may depend on its also containing erepsin, an enzyme which Ave shall see to be pres- ent in considerable amount in the mucous membrane of the intestine and other tissues, and whose particular function is to split polypeptides into the amino acids. From the autolytic digestion which takes place in organs kept in a sterile condition after death, tryptic digestion differs in that it produces only small quantities of ammonia. The large quanti- ties of ammonia produced in autolytic digestion no doubt have a rela- tionship to the acids simultaneously set free during this process. In the products of tryptic digestion it is usually found that, although there has been considerable splitting of the protein into amino acids, there are still a good many amino-carboxyl (NHCO) linkages left un- broken, indicating that certain polypeptides are left intact in the mix- ture. To split the polypeptides requires the aid of the erepsin, which is presenl in the mucous membrane of the intestine. Interesting inves- tigations have been made on the exact degree to which trypsin-entero- kinase can split up the various known polypeptides. This seems to depend on the structure of the polypeptide molecule and on the number of amino acids presenl in the chain. For example, analylglycine, but not glycylalanine is hydrolyzed, although both contain the same amino acids but linked together in a different way; and tetraglycylglycine, which contains five glycine radicles, is hydrolyzed, whereas diglycyl gly- cine, which contains only three, is not. Till BIOI BEMICAL PROl - ■ : ION 19] The importance of the presence of erepsin in the mucous membri of the intestine is thai it serves as a barrier to the pat ny unsplil amino acids from the intestinal contents into the blood. It insures the breaking up of the protein molecule into its ultimate units I lion. The further fate of the absorbed amino acids will he considi under the subject of protein metabolism. 'I'm \> tion op Lipase Neutral t';it is decomposed into fatty acids and glycerine by tin1 lij> presenl in the pancreatic juice. This enzyme may also 1"' extracted from the glands by means of 'i'l per cent alcohol. Its action is remarkably accelerated by the presence of I>il<'. and considerably depressed by i' ganic suits. It is ;iisn very dependenl on the degree of alkalinity, the optimum being a hydrogen-ion concentration of II x 1"". The favoring action nt' bile is undoubtedly owing to the bile salts (see pj ; . and it is probable that tins action is dependenl upon the influence which those have in lowering surface tension ami therefore brinLriiiLr about a more intimate contad between fat and water. Tin: Action of A.mtlopsin The action of pancreatic juice mi carbohydrates depends on the amylolytic enzyme called sin. In animals having no active ptyalin in the saliva, amylopsin serves as the only diastatic enzynn ncerned in the digestive process. In any case, at least for the first Btag the disruption of the starch molecule that is, its conversion into dextrines amylopsin is a more powerful enzyme than ptyalin. It does not appear to he so efficienl ;is ptyalin in the final stages of the hydrolj r it does not produce so much reducing sugar as ptyalin does. Indeed tracts of pancreas will sometimes convert starch into soluble starch and dextrine with greal speed, bul produce scarcely any reducing sugar. On this account it is believed by many investigators thai there are al l< two distinct and separate enzymes in amylopsin and also perhaps in ptyalin, one a tine amylase, which converts starch into dextrine, and the other a dextrin ase, which converts dextrine into maltose. In case of both ptyalin and amylopsin digestion proceeds besl i1: weak acid reaction. Amylopsin, as it d in the p is fully activated: bile, apart from the alkali which no influence on its digestive power. Besides amylopsin the pancreatic juice also eontai in the case of young animals or of those that take milk with their f throughoul their lives, lactase also. \\\, rkling animal 1 492 DIGESTION continued taking milk, the lactase disappears from the pancreatic juice. Ai tempts have been made to bring it back by feeding the adult upon milk, but without success. Occasionally the pancreatic juice also con- tains invcrtase. The Bile Associated with the pancreatic juice in all its functions is the bile. When this fluid is prevented from entering the intestine, the digestive process becomes very imperfect, the absorption of fat being particularly interfered with (see page 691). Bile is also an excretory product, and its composition therefore is much more complex than that of the other digestive fluids. This varies very much, however, according to the method of collection. Bile from the gall bladder after death contains much more solid material, particularly bile salts and mucin, than that collected from a fistula of the bile duct or gall bladder during life. These differences will be evident from the accompanying table. Bile from Gall bladder Fistula 100 parts contain — Water , 86 97 Solids 14 3 Organic salts (bile salts) 9 0.9-1-8 Mucin and bile pigment 3 0.5 Cholesterol 0.2 0.06-0.16 Lecithin and fat 0.5-1.0 0.02-0.00 Inorganic salts 0.8 0.7-0.8 - In general it may be said that bile obtained from a fistula in man contains only about 3 per cent of total solids, of which from one-fourth to one-half are inorganic, whereas bile from the gall bladder contains 10 to 20 per cent of total solids, of which only about one-twentieth are inorganic. The chief cause for this difference appears to be that when the bile goes to the intestine, a considerable proportion of its bile salts is reabsorbed into the portal blood and reexcreted by the liver. Some of the difference may also be caused by the fact that absorption of water takes place from the gall bladder, and that mucin and possibly cholesterol are secreted by this organ. These striking differences be- tween fistula and gall-bladder bile are observed only when the com- mon bile duct is occluded. If the bladder fistula is made with the com- mon duct left open, some of the bile gains entry to the duodenum and therefore becomes reexcreted. It is well known that a fistula of the gall bladder in man after a time closes up and the bile again takes its usual oourso along tho bilo duct into the duodenum. Till BIOCHEMICAL PROl [nteresting observations have been collected on the amount of the tion from a fistula both in man and in the lower animals. In man it commonly stated that aboul 500 c.c. of bile ai ted daily, the amount varying considerably during the different hours ■ day. secretion of bile is greatly reduced by hemorrhage. It _ eater on a meat diet than on one of carbohydrates. It is reduced durh rva- tion, but continues to be secreted up to the momenl of death. I-'i \< tione op Bile One of the main functions of the bile salts is that they greatly not only in the digestion, 1 nit also in the absorption i When bile is excluded from the intestine, the \'ff partly by the now less i •• Lipase and partly by the action of bacteria. The fatty acid thus Lib< in the absence of bile salts is qoI absorbed, because the bile salts the carriers of fatty acids into the epithelial cells and lacteals. They com- bine with the fatty acids, probably by forming some chemical compoui in which they cany them into the endothelial cells where the compounds become disrupted, the fatty acid combining with glycerine to again form neutral fat and the bile salts being carried to the liver and n The influence of bile salts in assisting the action of Lipase is probably due to a lowering of the surface tension, thus bringing water and fat into closer union. This accelerating influence has also 1 o demons! when synthetic bile salts have Keen used, showing clearly that it is really these and no1 any other constituent of the bile that are responsible its i derating influence. Bile also functionates as a regulator of intestinal putrefaction. This it does apparently because of its slight laxative properties, by which the intestinal contents are expelled before the bacteria ha any greal extent in them. Bile itself is a favorable culture medium certain bacteria, bo that it can have no antiseptic action. in the action of trypsin and amylopsin depends very largely up alkali which it contains. \ o excr icU bile is important, because it p the power of dissolving cholesterol. Toxins and metallic po kinds are also excreted in it. Although not directly concerned with the digestive function, it will convenient to say something here concerning thi chemical nature and derivation of the various biliar stituei 494 DIGESTION THE CHEMISTRY OF BILE The Bile Salts In most animals the bile salts consist of the sodium salts of glycocholic and taurocholie acids. Each of these acids is composed of a part called cholic acid which is more or less related to cholesterol, and of glycine (CH2NH2COOH amino-acetic acid) or taurine (C,H7NS03), a derivative of cysteine, which is a-amino-£-thiopropionic acid (CH,IIS.CHNH2. COON i. The exact form of cholic acid varies in different animals, that of the pig, for example, being different from that of man. Bile salts are an exclusive product of liver metabolism; i.e., they are not formed in any other part of the animal body. They give a very sensitive color reaction known as Pettenkof er 's, which however is not specific of bile acids, since it is also given by oleic acid and by many aromatic substances and alcohols. It must be remembered that the part of the bile salts that is characteristic of the liver is the cholic acid, the taurine and glycine being present in other tissues and organs. When cholic acid is given to animals mixed with the food, the amount of taurocholie acid excreted with the bile is increased, indicating that there must be a store of taurine available in the organism. This store can not, however, be large, for if the feeding with cholic acid is repeated several times, it will be found that the taurocholie acid diminishes and glycocholic acid takes its place; and this increased excretion of glyco- cholic acid goes on just as long as cholic acid is fed. The reserve of taurine in the animal body appears therefore to be limited, although it is used in preference to glycine when there is an excess of cholic acid to be neutralized. On the other hand, the store of glycine seems to be inexhaust- ible. That there is no reserve of cholic acid itself in the body is indicated by the fact that no increase in taurocholie acid excretion by the bile results when cystine, .the mother substance of taurine, is given with the food. If both taurine and cholic acid be fed, however, the excretion of tauro- cholie acid increases. The relative amounts of taurocholie and glycocholic acids in the bile of different animals differ considerably. Human bile contains relatively a small amount of taurocholie acid; on the other hand, the bile of the dog contains a large excess of it. Cholesterol In human bile the percentage of this important substance is not high (l.G parts per 1000), but it is of great clinical importance because of the fact that it may separate out as a precipitate forming gallstones. The 'I III BI0CH1 Mil \l. I'I;im i SSI g OF DIG! 81 percentage of cholesterol in these varies from 20 to 90; the remainder being organic material such ;is epithelial cells, inorganic salts, pigm etc. The origin of cholesterol is partly endogenous and partly nous. In the former case it comes from the envelope of red blood cor puscles and from the nervous tissues, where it is presenl in considerable amount. The latter source is, of course, the food. The ii c in cholesterol esters in the blood after feeding with \>»><\ rich in this Bub- stance has been shown, particularly in rabbits. That the bile should be the pathway through which cholesterol is excreted depends oo doubl on the fact thai it contains bile salts, which along with their other properties have a remarkable solvent action on cholesterol. This solvenl property depends on the cholic acid pari the bile salts, which, as already remarked, is chemically very closely • «... related to cholesterol; indeed, the relationship is -., close that some have suggested thai cholic acid is derived from cholesterol. This would mean that the cholesterol of blood is excreted in two ways, as cholesterol and as cholic acid. Other observers, however maintain thai the cholesti is excreted mainly by the lining membrane of the lmII bladder, and that this explains why gall-bladder bile contains more of it than fis- tula bile. This evidence is, however, nol very strong, for tl _ iter excretion of cholesterol under conditions where the circulation <>f bile is going on may be explained as due to the ]"■ of bile salts, which serve to carry the cholesterol ou1 of the blood. Many problems remain to be elucidated in connection with the metabolic history of cholesterol. That son f it is absorbed when cholesterol is contained in the food mighl seem to indicate that its source is entirely exogenous. Againsl this view, however, stand two facts: (1) that the cholesterol in the feces of herbivorous animals is of the same vai that presenl in those of carnivorous animals and not the phytosterol which is presenl in plants; and 'J thai the universal pr< of cholesterol in cells indicates thai it must he manufactured tin The Bile Pigments The pigments of bile are bilirubin ami biliverdin. The latter is pi duced from tin- former by oxidation. If the oxidation he carried a stage further, a blue pigmenl called bilicyanin is formed. This p of oxidation can he observed in the ring tesl for bile pigment with fuming nitric acid. When bilirubin is reduced, urobilin, 01 the pigments in urine, is formed. Bilirubin must therefore b< as the mother substance of all those pigments, and it is ><{ 1 • in connection with its derivation to know that it lias the sami lla t96 DIGESTION as iron-free hematiu or hematoporphyrin, which is produced by treating hemoglobin with concentrated sulphuric acid. Chemical investigation has shown that bilirubin is built up from sub- stituted pyrrols, probably four such being contained in the molecule. The pyrrol group is also present in indole and tryptophane, and con- sists of four carbon atoms and an XII group linked together as a ring see page 604). Similar pyrrol derivatives can lie produced by decom- posing chlorophyl, the green coloring matter of plants. It is important to remember that bilirubin is acid in nature, and, therefore, can cora- lline with alkalies to form salts. The relative amounts of bilirubin and biliverdin vary in the bile of different animals. When these pigments enter the intestine they are reduced to urobilin, part of which passes out with the feces, another part being absorbed into the blood and excreted in the urine. Part of that excreted in the urine exists, however, as a so-called chromogen named urobilinogen. The urobilinogen is converted into urobilin by the action of oxygen. The metliod by which urobilin is produced from blood pigment has been studied by histological examination of the liver particularly of birds and amphibia, in which destruction of blood pigment goes on rapidly. Increased destruction of blood pigment can be induced by poisoning with certain substances such as arseniureted hydrogen. From such studies it is usually believed that the bile pigments are a peculiar product of hepatic activity, being produced from blood pigments that are de- rived from erythrocytes which have been broken down either in the liver itself or in some other viscus (e. g., the spleen). Whipple and Hooper20 have brought forward seemingly incontrovertible evidence against such a view. They have found, for example, that the bile pigments are formed just as readily in animals in which the circulation of the liver was greatly curtailed by anastomosing the portal vein with the vena cava (Eck fistula) as in normal animals. Even when the circulation was limited to the anterior end of the animal (head and thorax) bile pigment appeared in the blood when hemolyzed erythrocytes were in- jected, and it was also formed when hemoglobin was placed in the pleural and peritoneal cavities. The endothelial cells of the blood vessels and elsewhere can evidently form the pigments, at least when the liver is absent. When such a process occurs under normal conditions, it is quite probable that the liver acts merely as an excretory organ for the pig- ments in the same way as the kidney dues for urea. Possessed of endo- thelial cells, the liver mighl itself also produce some of the pigments, 1ml no more than other organs with a similar number of those cells. Even the derivation of bile pigments from hemoglobin is called in question, for the same workers have observed that, whereas the excre- Till BIOCHEMIC \l. PRO( ESS DIG! 81 4!»7 tion of pigment from a biliary fistula is remarkably constanl in a dog fed on a fixed mixed diet, it became increased, sometimes by l"1) per cent, when the diel was changed to one of carbohydrates, and de] on a diel of meal. The question arises as to whether, after all, the bile pigments are really derived from broken-down hemoglobin. May I not be manufactured d!< novo ou1 of other materials Whipple and Hooper have also shown that bile is a most important secretion, for dogs rarely survive on an ordinary diet it' bile is perma- nently prevented from entering the intestine. Intestinal symptoms soon supervene, and become progressively more severe until the death of the animal. Feeding with bile does not relieve th< lition, hut feeding with cooked liver seems to have a beneficial After extravasation of blood in the subcutaneous tissues, as in a brui for example, a decomposition of hemoglobin proceeds quite like that oe. •ni-riii": in the liver, and Leads to the production of blue and In-own and green pigments like those of the bile. When hemolysis is produc as by inhalation of arseniureted hydrogen or the injection of inorganic or biological hemolysins, there is an immediate increase in the amount of bile pigment in the hile. Even the injection of hemoglobin solutions has this effect. Under these conditions of hemolysis, besides an incr< in urobilin, there may be considerable quantities of hemoglobin s< in the urine. Bile salts and pigments usually accompany each other when any- thing occurs to interfere with the free secretion of bile. For exam] after ligation of the bile duct both bile pigments and Idle salts accumu- late in the blood, in the serum of which they may be recognized by ordinary chemical tests in from four to six hours after the operation. If the accumulation be allowed to proceed further, the bile pigments become deposited in the tissues, giving them the peculiar yellowish ap- pearance known as jaundice. Under these conditions the bile salts and pigments also appear in the urine. The accumulation of bile salts ill the body affects certain physiological process s; for one thing, it cs a greal Lengthening in the clotting time of the blood. If the blood supply to the liver is interrupted by ligation of the portal vein and hepatic artery at the same time thai the bile ducts . 'tided, not a trace either of bile salts or of bile pigmenl appears in the bli during the six to eighteen hours thai the animals survive the i tion. The amount of obstruction of the bile duct necessary to produce th< Bymptoms is very Blight, since bile is secreted at a very low pr< Even a clot ..t inn. -us or a swollen condition of the mucous membrt of the duel is sufficienl to produce obstruction. In tl bile from the gall bladder into the duodenum it is claimed by Mi I 'hat a 498 DIGESTION reciprocal relationship exists between the contraction of the bladder musculature and the relaxation of the muscular fibers surrounding the duct in the duodenum. If this reciprocal innervation fails to operate properly, discharge of bile into the duodenum may become obstructed so that a certain amount passes back into the blood, as in cases of bile- duct obstruction. Bile also contains a certain amount of lecithin and oilier phospholipins. The amount varies considerably in the bile of different animals, even in animals of the same species. It is probably derived, as already men- tioned, like the cholesterol, from the breaking-down of red blood cor- puscles that goes on in the liver. It is no doubt digested by the ferments of the intestinal tract, the liberated cholin, since it is toxic if absorbed, being further attacked by bacteria so as to become converted into cer- tain substances of a nontoxic nature. CHAPTER I. VII BACTERIAL DIGESTION IV THE [NTESTINE On an average diet, in twenty-four hours the feces of man weigh about 100 grams, or niter drying, aboul 20 grams. Aboul one-fourth of t ho dry matter consists of the bodies of bacteria, h' plated out by I ordinary bacteriologic methods, however, it will be found that only a small proportion of these bacteria are Living. The greater Dumber have been destroyed, probably by the action of the mucin in the large inl tine. The nitrogen contenl of the feces amounts to aboul 1 5 gran day, of which aboul one-half is bacterial nitrogen. It" the did ains large quantities of cellulose material, as in green vegetable food and fruit, the mass of feces as well as the bacterial contenl may be erably greater. The foregoing fads indicate that very extensive bacteriologic pr esses must be going on all the time in the intestinal contents, and the question arises as to whether such action is beneficial or otherwise to the animal economy. To answer this question interesting observations have been made on the growth and well-being of animals excised from the uterus under strictly sterile conditions and maintained then sterile food. Such observations made on guinea pigs have shown that the animals thrive and grow perfectly for a considerable time. Experi- ments carried out on chicks have not, however, yielded similar results, ('hicks hatched oul from the egg under strictly sterile conditions and then fed on sterile grain, do not thrive, but do so if with the '-'rain is mixed a certain amounl of fowl excrement. These experiments, appar- ently contradictory in their results, show that \'< which they give the characteristic ndor. The source of the phenol is tyrosine and that of the indole is try;' phane. The chein ica 1 pi - involved are shown in the following equations, in which the by-products of the rei - arc in brackets i ih COB I "II • "II >H //\ // Ih • ii in en in- <-n in- .11 in • CH lie ill lie CH HC « II IK' 'II HC . || CH "II ;l" Ml "IIMI ('II """II I OH "II oxyphenyl enyl propionic a. 502 DIGESTION Putrefaction of tryptophane is probably preceded by dcamidization en //\ nc c- -C'—L'il .('11X11 ,('()( )H IIC c- I I! li BC C CH \/\/ CH Ml (tryptophane) <'ll //\ lie C C— CH...COOH (NHa) lie < ' CH VH NH (indole-acetic acid) (C02 + HX>) C— CH2CH2.COOB HC C CH (CO. + Hp) CH NH (indole-propionic acid ) CH CH //\ //\ IK' C CH IK' C C— CH3 I II II I II II HC C CH IK' C C \/\/ \/\/ CH NH (+CH3) CH NH . (indole) (skatole) If, however, the carboxylase bacteria remove the carboxyl group he- fore the amino group has been removed, highly toxic substances called amines are produced. They are the so-called ptomaines. From alanine, ethylamine is formed; from tyrosine, phenolethylamine; from histidine, which it will be remembered is an important protein building-stone, imidazylethylamine, and so on. The process of formation is illustrated in the accompanying formula?: 1. CH3.CH(NH2).COOH = C02 + CH3.CH2(NH2) Alanine Ethylamine 2. C6H,(OH).CH2.CH(NH2).COOH = C02 + C6H4(OH).CH,.CH2.NH2 Tyrosine Phenvlethvl amine 3. C,X2H,.CH2.CH(NH,).COOH = C02 + C3H3N;i. CH2'.CH2.NH2 Histidine. Imidazyletliylamine. Similar substances are very common in the metabolic products of plants; for example, they constitute the active principle of ergot. They are also no doubt produced in the tissues of mammals, imidazylethyla- mine, commonly called histamine, being thus produced, as well as the closely related epinephrine, which is the active principle of the supra- renal gland (see page 737), and may be described as a methylated ethyla- mine derivative of tyrosine. Phenylaeetic acid produced by a similar process from tyrosine may be excreted in the urine, where it forms the mother substance of homo- gentisic acid, to which the dark brown color of the urine in alkaptonuria is due. The great importance attached to these decomposition products of proteins depends on the fact that they have powerful pharmacological actions. These actions arc developed very largely upon the vascular system ; histamine, for example, produces marked vasodilatation and lowers the coagulability of the blood, whereas other substances of the MM Ti Kl \l. DIGESTION IN THE lvi I - I IM. same class, like epinephrine, have the property of raising the blood p sure. In larger doses, Berious aervons symptoms and a condition of pro- found collapse are produced. These observations have led several in tigators to believe thai the persistenl occurrence of bacterial f< tation and the absorption of the resulting decomposition products of protein into the blood ultimately cause arteriosclerosis and the other symp- toms that accompany senescence. It is difficull at the presenl time to know how much of lliis one oughl to believe, although it can not be doubted thai putrefaction lias an unfavorable action «>n the arter and that an excessive degree of it causes the Bymptoms of ptomaine poisoning. If the ptomaines have formed in the food before it is eaten, the symp- toms develop in from one to five hours after the meal, but if the decomposi- tion occurs in the intesl ine on account of bacteria that are taken at the same time as the food, the ptomaines may not have developed sufficiently to cause symptoms until from twelve to forty-eight hours; sometimes, 1 ■ ever, they develop in an hour or so. Prominent among the symptoms is usually diarrhea, which develops for the purpose of getting rid of the offending bacteria and ptomaines. Actual infection of food with bacteria of the paratyphoid-enteritidis type is much more common than poisoning by substanc( s [ptomaines) that have been generated in food before it is taken {Jordan17). Meat, milk and other protein foods are usually the carriers of the bacilli, and in mosl of the accurately recorded cases the meat or milk was found to 1"' derived from animals suffering from enteritis or some other infection. Sometimes, however, perfectly good food may become infected by handling. Although the Bymptoms are usually acute, they may simulate those of typhoid irvw. and the effects of the attack may linger for weeks or montl Bon i. ism The commonest type of poisoning by substances actually present in the food is that known as botulism. In this the gastrointestinal Bymptoms are nnt pronounced, indeed, paralysis of the intestinal tract with con- stipation is the rule, bu1 those affecting the nervous system, du ness, diplopia and other visual (list nrliances, with difficulty in BWallowing, arc very prominent. The temperature and pulse are usually normal. In practically all of the reported cases of botulism, the Bource of infection has been food which after having been subjected to some preliminary ti ment, Buch as smoking, pickling, or canning, had been allowed to stand for Borne time and then eaten withoul cooking. The Bacillus botulinus, which is responsible for the production of the p 504 DIGESTION strict anaerobe and is readily destroyed by cooking, as are also the poisons. Antitoxins are formed by sublethal injections. Another but now very rare example of poisoning by products formed in food is that caused by "ergotoxin." The treatment in such cases is to encourage diarrhea by giving pur- gatives. If the intoxication is of a more chronic character, the symptoms are vague, consisting of drowsiness, lassitude, headache, and general de- pression. The treatment here also is to clear out the intestines by a good purge. There can be little doubt that many of the unhealthy condi- tions of the skin leading to the formation of pimples, acnes, and boils, are also caused by chronic intoxication with protein decomposition prod- ucts. Again, purgation is the proper treatment. It is unnecessary in a work of this character to go further into these highly important questions. It is probable, however, that the importance of the relationship of excessive protein putrefaction in the intestine to many of the so-called minor diseases can not be overemphasized. On the other hand, we must be careful not to attribute every sort of chronic condition to this putrefaction. Toxemia is often a shibboleth of the profession. When a chronic disease can not be diagnosed, it is put down as a toxemia. This, however, is not medical science — it is medical shirk- ing. It is certainly unsafe at the present time to conclude that the ordinary symptoms of senescence, such as hard arteries or increased blood pressure, are invariably to be attributed to this cause. It will be re- membered that Metchnikoff is largely responsible for such a view, and also that he suggested, as the surest way to ward off the chance of such intoxication, the taking of buttermilk, which would supply bacteria through whose growth in the intestine the protein-destroying bacteria Avould not be able to thrive. It is probable that the same result could be attained in patients showing undoubted signs of suffering from intestinal putrefaction by a change in diet in the direction of giving more carbo- hydrate, for, as we have seen, if there is a plentiful supply of this food- stuff in the small intestine, the bacteria do not tend to attack the protein. Before leaving this subject it is interesting to consider for a moment the cause of the severe symptoms that follow intestinal obstruction. This rpiestion has recently been diligently investigated by Whipple,18 who found that the nonprotein nitrogen of blood (page 606) becomes greatly increased in intestinal obstruction. The cause for this increase in non- protein nitrogen is found to be an excessive breakdown of tissue protein caused by the absorption into the blood of a proteose. When this pro- teose isolated from obstructed loops of intestine was injected into fast- ing dogs, profound symptoms of depression were produced, followed, in eases in which the dose was sublethal, by recovery in from twenty-four BA( il Kl \l. i 3TI0N IN PHI -MM 505 to forty-eighl hours. Along with the iptoms the uitr< imina- tioD by the urine increased by LOO per cent. A very interesting fact is thai animals can.be rendered immune to this : .- by proj ely increasing periodic administration. When they are thus immunized, the toxic symptoms not follow upon its injection, nor are the Bymp- toms produced by artificially creating an intestinal obstruction. C tersely, when a chronic toxic condition is kepi up by a partial obstruc- tion, such as that produced by making a gastrojejunal fistula and occlud- ing the duodenum, the animals are less susceptible than normal o proteose injection. We have here and there incidentally referred to tht reaction of voric parts of fl" gastrointestinal contents, but we would call attention one again to this important subject, especially since many points of un tainty have recently been cleared up by the accurate observations Long and Fenger," who used the electrometric method for measuring the hydrogen-ion concentration. The contents of the duodenum removed by means of the Rehfuss tube in man showed a reaction varying from dis- tinctly acid to slightly acid, depending upon the proximity of the tube to the pylorus or papilla, this position being determined by x-ray exam- ination. The slighl degree of alkalinity is surprising. Lower down in the duodenum the reaction was as frequently acid as alkaline, the de- gree of acidity, however, being so slighl as to favor rather than retard the digestive powers of the pancreatic juic To determine the reaction lower down, the observations weir made on recently slaughtered animals pigs, calves, and lambs . the small u tine being tied off in loops of the upper, middle, and lower thirds. Tl contents of the last loop were often alkaline, hut might be more acid even than those of the first, which were usually faintly of this reaction. C siderable variations were, however, the rule. The mixed intestinal con- tents of a recently \'r<\ dog, removed immediately after death, gave P,, = fi.70 ; i. e., very faintly acid. DIGESTION REFERENC1 - Monographs iPavlov, J. P.: The Woi re Glands. Trans, bj sir W. II. I Bon, London, Griffin, ed. 2, 1910. 81 Ling, E. H.: Ldvai s in the Phyaioli n, \v. 'I'. ! Co., Chicago, 1907. anon, vv. B.: The Mechanical F stion, !• Londoi ' mold, 191 1. 'Carlson, A. J.: The Control <>f Bunger in Health and D Press, 1917. Id) T. Wingate: The Clinical Anatoim •. Bdancl tor, t"ni\ . Press, 1915. 506 DIGESTION (Original Papers) innon, W. B., and Cattell, McKeen: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1916, xli, 39. ' Gesell, B.: Proe. Am. Physiol, Soc, Am. .Tour. Physiol., 1918, xlv, 559. ~Da\o, H. H., and P. P. Laidlaw: Proc. Phys. Soc, Jour. Phvsiol., 1912. xliv, pp. 12, 13. 3 ' ' ' " Babkin, I*. P., Bubaschkin, W. J., and Ssawitsch, W. W.: Arch. f. mikr. Anatomic, 1909, lxxiv, 68. sMacallum, A. B. : Ergcb. dcr Phvsiol., xi, 59S-657. Miller, F. R.: Quart. Jour. Exper. Phvsiol., 1913, vi, 57. Edkins, J. S.: Jour. Physiol., 1906, xxxiv, 133144. Eeeton, B. W., and Koch, F. C: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1915, xxxvii, 4S1; also Popielski, L.: Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol.. 1901, lxxxvi, 215. uMeltzer, S. J.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1899, ii, 266. i -Cannon, W. B.: Am. Jour. Phvsiol., 1898, i, 359. I annon, W. B., and Blake, J. B.: Am. Surg., 1905, xli, 686. Cf. Xo. 3. n.Uacallum, A. B.: See Fitzgerald, M. P., Proc. Roy. Soc, lxxxiii, B, 56. isHarvey, B. C. H., and Bensley, R. R.: Biol. Bull.', Wood's Hole, 1912, xxiii, 225. '• Long, J. H., et al.: Jour. Am. Chem. Soc, 1917, xxxix, 162 and 1493; also ibid., 1916, xxxviii, 38. I'Jordan, E. V.: Food Poisoning, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1917. iv Whipple, G. H., Cooke, J. V., and Stearns, T.: Jour. Exper. Med., 1917, xxv, 479. Also Whipple, G. H., Stone and Bernheim: Ibid., 1913, xvii. 286 and 307. "Long, J. H., and Fenger, F.: Jour. Am. Chem. Soc, 1917, xxxix, 127^. ^Whipple, C. H., and Hooper, C. W.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1916, xl, 332 and 349; ibid., 1917, xlii, 257 and 264; Hoope: Ibid., p. 2S0. ziMeltzer, S. J.: Am. Jour. Med. Sc, 1917, cliii, 469. PART VI THE EXCRETION OF URINE CHAPTER I. VIII THE EXCRETION OF URINE By R. <;. Pear< i. B.A., M.D. It will be advisable to introduce the aubjecl by a brief review of the essentia] structural features of the kidney, in so far us they apply to the excretory function of the organ. STRUCTURE OF THE KIDNEY The ki.lncy is mainly derived from the surface of the celom, and is mesodermal structure. In this respecl it differs from ordinary ting glands, which are endodermal in origin. Jusl as it is more or unique in its developmenl as a gland, it is also unique in its method of functioning. The physiological theories of the mechanism of urinary secretion are closely related to the highly characteristic structure of kidney. For this reason a brief Burvey "t' the structure of the different parts of the ariniferous tubules ami the epithelial cells with which ti are lined, is advisable. The ariniferous tubule, which is the secreting unit of the kidn< takes its origin in the capsule of Bowman, which may l>e likened '■ hollow sphere of very delicate epithelium, one side of which is invaginated by a very much convoluted capillary mass, the glomerulus. The capsule opens up l'.\ a narrow twisted neek into a luhule. which is rather tortuous in the cortex the proximal convoluted tubule), hut soon takes a sharp descending course iii the medulla towards the pelvis of the kidney, and doubles back (loop of Henle) in a straight again ' the cortex, where it again makes a twisted course the distal convoluted tubule), ami terminates in a collecting tubule, which, uniting with other tubules, collects the urine and Conducts it to the pelvis of the kidney. The capsule is lined with very thin epithelial eel the capillaries coniprisiii'_r the glomerulus. The proximal and distal tubll :,os THE EXCRETION OF TRIM contain epithelium showing a prominent striation. These striations are rows of granules, which run towards the lumen of the cell, becoming less distinct as they approach it and apparently standing in close rela- tionship to the rather prominent internal (lumen) striated border of the cell. Some histologists believe that the striations at the border are Fig. 170. — Diagram of the uriniferous tubules (C) the arteries (A), and the veins (B) of the kidney. really cilia, which are described as being immobile. The cilia are shown in Fig. 171. The descending limb of Henle's loop is lined with a thin pavement epithelium with large bulging nuclei. The distal convoluted tubule is lined with cells not unlike those found in the proximal tubules, except that the inner border is not striated. The diameter of the lumen THE I \' Ki I l"\ "I i l.i of the capsule varies with the activity <>i' the kidm is shown in the following figures given by Brodie and Mackenzie Mean diameter of capsule • • glomerulus < i Bpace of capsule Lumen of proximal convoluted tubule •• distal " Kin-. DIURESIS 12 10! 17.'-. 7.2 20.6 The urinary tubule has a remarkable l>l<><> produce '-h| grams of urea in 1200 c.c. of urine, 60 liters of blood-plasma fluid con- taining 0.03 per cent of urea w.mld have to 1"' filtered through the cap- 20 suit' — =6000), and 5.9 liters of water returned to the blood from 0.03 tlir uriniferous tubules. Sine' the 1»1 Iflow through the kidneys is v< great, a1 leasl 500 liters per day, only aboul 1". per cenl of the fluid con- tained in the blood passing through the glomerulus would pass by filtration through the capsule of Bowman. The fact thai such a Large amounl of fluid would have to be reab- sorbed from tlif uriniferous tubules 59 liters) is a possible a priori criticism of the theory, bul Cushny points out that the amount each tubule would have to absorb per hour would be very small in his perimenl on a cal amounting to less than 0.014 c.c. per hour). The filtration of the protein-free blood fluid through the renal capsule, like that through any other membrane, depends on several factors. 1 There must be a difference in the pressure between the blood and the urinary filtrate In the laboratory the pressure used in filtering is usually supplied by gravity, bu1 in the ease of the filtration of the urine through the capsule the force is furnished by the pressure of blood in the glomerular 2 The character of the filter determines what substances shall pass. The renal capsule is a membrane normally im- pervious to the proteins of the blood, but pervious to the other constitu- ents, ruder certain conditions it loses this character. (3) The char- acter of the fluid determines how readily it will filter through the mem- brane. If the fluid contains a substance which can nol pass through the filter and which exerts an osmotic pressure in opposition to the filtering force, the rate of filtration as well as the amount filtered, will be redu 1 If the capsule acts as a filter it should be possible to alter the n t< urine excretion by varying any of these factors, and experimentally this is true. The factors can be varied iii several ways. If the hi 1 pressure is raised by tying off several of the branch* rta, the urine appreciably increased, or if the blood pressure is d< :m be done by compressing the renal artery by means of a screw clamp, the amount of urine is decreased. In the artificially perfused kidney, the fluid exuding from the ureter increases as the pressui the perfusion fluid is increased, and decreases as the pressure is d< d Whetl changes in the pressure in the Mood are directly responsible for variati in the rate of uriu. tion. or whether the\ act indirectlv bv varvi the rate of the bloodfiow in the kidneys, has been the subject of much T)1 I Til I EXCRETION OP CJRINE debate. Probably both factors are involved, as is shown by the follow- ing observations. It' the blood pressure is increased by vasoconstriction in the splanchnic area produced by stimulation of the splanchnic nerves, the flow of blood through the kidney is decreased and the excretion of urine falls. Apparently, secretion can continue only as long as the col- loids of the plasma are oo1 notably increased, for, as the osmotic pressure due to the indiffusible colloids rises, the pressure in the capillaries is no longer able to oppose it. The same point has been beautifully shown by Starling and his pupils, who found that the secretion of urine ceases when the capillary pressure in the glomerulus fell below that exerted by the osmotic pressure of the blood proteins, the critical pressure being from 30 to 40 mm. Ilg. They also found that dilution of the blood with saline solution by reducing the osmotic pressure of the proteins in the plasma, was accompanied by an increase in the rate of excretion; excre- tion in such eases being maintained at a blood pressure below the normal critical pressure. If the dilution of the blood was made with saline con- taining gelatin or gum arabic, on the other hand, the diuretic effect was greatly decreased, and any fall in the blood pressure was followed by a suppression in the urine (Knowlton9). These experiments evidently indicate that the saline produces its diuresis by diluting the plasma proteins and lowering their osmotic pressure, since Avhen the osmotic pressure of the blood is maintained by the addition of colloids in which this is present, no diuresis occurs. The significance of these facts, in connection with the raising of lowered blood pressure after hemorrhage, has already been alluded to (page 139). This view is confirmed by the experiments of Barcroft and Straub,10 who showed that the oxygen consumption is often not appreciably raised during the diuresis produced by the injection of saline. If the diuresis produced by this means was due to an actual increase in the work of the kidney, the oxygen consumption would have been increased. In the frog, the glomerulus and the tubules are supplied with blood by the renal artery, as is the case in the mammal, but the tubules cu- riously enough are also supplied with some of the blood coming from the lower extremities and the trunk through a vessel which has no counter- part in the mammal — the renal portal vein. The blood, therefore, which is supplied to the tubule is a mixture from the glomerulus and the renal portal system. By ligating the renal vessels it is possible to cut off the blood supply of the glomerulus while leaving the tubules supplied by the renal portal vein. Normally the pressure in the renal portal system is not sufficient to force blood hack through the glomerular vessels. Liga- ture of the renal vessels at once results in a suppression of the urine. If the glomerular vessels are perfused with Ringer's solution at a 'mi i \« l;i TION OP i i:l\T ;i \-< pressure equal to thai found in the aorta, a considerable flovi <.r fluid maj I"' secured from the ureters, bul no fluid is obtained when tin- renal portal vein is perfused ;ii a pressure equal to thai normally | J in this vein. Rowntree and Geraghty11 found thai phenolsulphonephthalein added to the perfusion fluid passed through the renal portal vein, «li«l nol cause secretion, bul when urea was added to the perfusate, fluid con- taining the dye was obtained from the ureter. Unfortunately tin- pi sine employed in these experiments may have allowed some fluid to be forced backward into the glomerulus, so thai the results may be due to filtration through the capsule. Renal artery ■Malpighian corpuscle Renal-portal vein Fig, \7.'. Diagram of blood suppl) I \l Ipighian corpuscle kidney. ( Redraw n I Cus It is generally accepted thai the proof thai the capsule acts as a fill is fairly < iplete. Unfortunately such decisive experimental facts can nol 1 ffered to prove the assumption thai the epithelium of the tubules reabsorbs the excess of water and salts which are filtered of? through the capsule. It* the modern theory of urine excretion is i ells of the tubules musl nol only absorb large amounts of water, but they must also allow for the reentrance into the blood, either complel partially, of certain salts, while thej must reject others entirely. We have called attention above to the fad thai the glomerular filtrate is very differenl from the urine thai is finally passed. The urine cont&ii very high percentage of small molecules, and the proportion in which they 516 THE EXCRETION OF URINE are present is entirely differenl Erom thai in 1 bo blood plasma or in the glomerular filtrate. This is shown in the following figures, which give an average normal value for the urea, uric acid, chlorine, and glucose in 100 c.c. of protein-free blood plasma and 100 c.c. of urine. In the third col- umn is given the change in concentration which has occurred in the kidney. 100 C.C. PROTEIN- 100 C.C. URINE CHANGE IN FREE BLOOD CONTAINS CONCENTRATION PLASMA CONTAINS IN THE KIDNEY Urea .n:::i 2. 60 Uric Acid .0022 .05 22.7 Chlorine .41 .6 1.5 Glucose .1 — — Here the blood plasma fluid contained but 0.033 per cent of urea, and the urine 2 per cent. Accordingly, 6 liters of glomerular filtrate would be required to furnish 100 c.c. of urine, 0.33 6000). Six liters of glomerular filtrate would contain 6.6 grams of sugar, 0.132 grams of uric acid, and 24.6 grams of chlorine. But 100 c.c. of urine contains no glucose, 0.05 grams of uric acid and 0.6 grams of chlorine. According to the modern theory, these figures indicate that during the passage of the urine through the tubules 5900 c.c. of water, 6.6 grams of sugar, 24 grams of chlorine and 0.067 grams of uric acid would have to be absorbed by the renal epithelium in the production of 100 c.c. of urine containing the concentration given above. Among the most convincing experiments that can be offered in sup- port of the absorption of fluid and salts by the tubules, are those in Avhich the pressure of the urine in the tubules is slightly increased by partial closure of the ureter (Cushny). In these experiments the ureter of one kidney is partly closed with a clamp and the excretion obtained from this kidney is compared with that of the opposite normal kidney. In general, obstruction of the ureter results in a decrease in the amounts of water, chloride and urea excreted. But, curiously, the urea content is decreased relatively less than is the chloride and water content. These results can be explained on the basis that any pressure acting to oppose the head of pressure producing filtration in the glomerulus will reduce the amount of the glomerular filtration, and accordingly the time allowed for the passage of this filtrate along the tubules is increased and absorp- tion becomes more complete. Since urea is probably not absorbed at all and chloride is, the discrepancy in the effects on the excretion of urea and Chlorine in the partially obstructed kidney can be explained. "When very large amounts of water are taken by mouth, it often hap- TH1 i \« i;i i [ON ->i i i;i\i .".IT pens thai the urine excreted has a concentration of salts less than thai presenl in the fluid of the blood. Some investigators believe thai Buch a condition is possible only on the assumption thai water is activ< creted, but a more plausible explanation based on the modern th< is that the water thai is absorbed from the alimentary trad the kidney as a dilute saline solution, and is rapidly filtered off in a form somewhal more dilute than the optima] solution which blood plasma musl have for the well-being of the tissues. The tubules reabsorb the amounts of water and <»t' those Baits, such as chlorides, uric acid, and sugar, nec- essary to restore the plasma to the optimal concentration, bul } assuming that the n found in the tubules and in the cells are du< rption 518 Till: KXCKKTION OF TRINE water and perhaps of sonic of the dye from the dilute glomerular filtrate, ;is to accept Heidenhain's hypothesis. In the following table taken from Cushny the movements of the con- stituents of the plasma may be followed through the kidney. The ulti- mate destination of each is indicated in the enclosures. 67 LITERS PLASMA CONTAIN 62 LITERS FILTRATE CONTAIN IN ALL 61 LITERS REABSORBED FLUID CONTAIN 1 LITER URINE CONTAINS PER CENT TOTAL PER CENT TOTAL PER CENT TOTAL Water 92 62 1. 62 1. — 61 1. 95 950 C.C. Colloids | 8 5360 gm.| 67 gm. 1.3 " 200 " 13.3 " 248 " 20 " 1.8 " Dextrose 0.1 67 gm. 0.002 1.3 " 0.3 200 " 0.02 13.3 " 0.37 248 " 0.03 20 " 0.003 1.8 " 0.11 0.0013 0.32 0.019 0.40 67 gm. 0.8 " 196.5 " 11.8 " 242 " Uric acid Sodium Potassium Chloride 0.05 0.35 0.15 0.6 2.0 0.18 0.05 gm. 3.5 " 1.5 " 6.0 " 2.0 " 1.8 " Urea Sulphate (From Cushny.-) It will be noted that the dextrose alone is completely absorbed, and that the urea and the sulphate are not absorbed at all from the glom- erular filtrate. The other salts are partly absorbed. As already mentioned, Barcroft and Straub have shown that the diuresis which results from the injection of saline into the blood is not accompanied by any increase in the oxygen consumption of the kidney. This observation, coupled with the fact that the total amount of chloride, urea, and sulphate which is excreted during saline diuresis, is greater than under normal conditions indicates that the excretion of these salts is not due to any vital secretory power of the kidney, but rather to factors that are extrarenal in origin. The diuresis produced by adding urea or sodium sulphate to the blood, on the other hand, is accompanied by an increase in the oxygen con- sumption of the kidney. This increase can not be due to active elimina- tion of these salts by the tubules, the work of which requires oxygen, for no increase in oxygen consumption accompanies the increased ex- cretion of the same salts under saline diuresis. Sulphate and urea are nonthreshold substances, and are not absorbed by the tubules. The explanation of the oxygen consumption is probably thai the osmotic pressure which these bodies in the glomerular filtrate exert makes it necessary for the epithelium to oppose a greater absorbing force to con- centrate the urine, and hence a greater expenditure of energy is requird. Diuretics. The action of the xanthine compounds caffeine, theo- bromine and theophylline in the production of diuresis is unexplained. i in i \' ici riON 01 i kim. 519 It m;i\ be due in pari to vascular changes and in part in the resistance to filtration broughl aboul by alteration in the pern bility of the capsule. According to the i lem theory the polyuria in < 1 iul >«• ■ by the excessive amounl of water taken and by tin- inabilM Is i< 1 1 h-\ to concentrate tin- urine aLrain^t il smotic pressu the concentrated sugar solution in the tubules The pres hy- perglycemia in an amounl higher than is presenl in tin- optimal blood plasma in this disease makes sugar a nonthreshold sub eak, and none is absorbed. The diuresis following the injection oi - r is therefore of the same type a- thai produced by sulphate and urei diuretic action of the digitalis group U dependenl upon its infl tlir circulatory system. IT the circulation is already sufficient, digitalis does no1 cause diuresis. The cause of tin- diuresis produced by pituiti extract is not known. It may !"• owing in pari to its action on *: culation and in pari in a direct action on the kidney. Albuminuria. — The plasma proteins ordinarily do not obtain entrai into the tubules of the' kidney. In disease such as acul hritis and cardiac failure, the plasma colloids are filtered off through thi jule, probably because of some change that has i ccurred in the permeability of its membrane due to inflammation or asphyxia. In th< • - the urine is usually reduced in amount. Probably there i> no purely gl< erular or tubular type of nephritis, both structures sharing in t: ability. While it can uol he said that any of the SO-called renal t< thai have been advanced in recent years are u-rr from criticism, tl nevertheless have contributed very useful information. The fact that the kidney of the ehronic nephritic excretes a urine of more or less t: low specific gravity would suggesl that here there is an impairmenl the resorbing mechanism, and the failure of a kidney to proper a unl of dye, a- in the phenolsulphonephthalein I an impairmenl in the filtering apparatus. Hard and fast rules can ■ applied, however, and probably the tests must at presenl be inl preted for the kidney as a w hole. The Influence of the Nervous System on the Secretion of Urine. I spite of numerous and repeated attempts to demonstrate that mechanism governs the excretion *<\ mine, no proofs which criticism have l>ecn forthcoming. Stimulation of the splanchnic results in a diminution in the excretion of urine, probably diminution in the hi I SUpplj of the renal vess striction. Stimulation of the vagus nerves below the branches has been said to rcsull in the augra excretion Ashcr and I' The results - doubl ful, 1 520 I'll I : EXCRETION OF URINE there is no increase in the oxygen absorption under the above conditions ( Pearce and < !arter13). In the light of the modern theory this vagal diure- sis would be interpreted as due to an inhibition of the absorption in the tubules rather than an augmentation in the actual excretion of urine. There is no doubt that the renal nerves profoundly affect the excretion of urine, but that they do so directly is very improbable, since perfectly Fig. 173. — Nerve supply of the kidney. K, kidney; Si, 5L>, major and minor splanchnic nerves; V, vagus; C.G., Celiac ganglion; A, aorta. (From Cushny.) adequate renal function can be maintained in animals that have had the kidneys entirely removed and then replaced. There are numerous re- flexes that affect the rate of urine excretion by constriction of the renal vessels. Injury to the bladder or ureter, abdominal injuries to the kid- ney, or even cold applied to the skin, may result in incomplete suppres- sion of the urine. CHAPTER I. IX THE AMOUNT, COMPOSITION, AND CHARACTER OF URINE Bi R. G. l'i LE( i. B.A., Ml). In the chapters on digestion and metabolism, we have followed I course which food takes with especial reference to the nutrition of body. The excretion of these elements of nutrition is taken up under a number of ihe subdivisions of physiology, viz.. respiration, digestion, kidney function and the skin. In the chapters on digestion attention was called to the fact that the feces, besides containing the indigestible resi- due of the aliment, contain several excretory products which at i time or another have actually been within the body proper. These in- clude normally the pigments of the body and many of the heavier mineral salts, such as iron, magnesium, lime and phosphates; and under abnormal conditions, as when the metals are given as medicine, bismuth and mer- cury. The respiratory system excretes most of the oxygen and carbon. Tn this chapter we shall take up the manner in which the body rid- il of tin1 nitrogenous and some of the mineral waste materials. Even at the risk of repetition, it will he advantageous 1" recapitulate certain fi concerning the essential chemical structure of the urinary constituents, so thai we may lie in a position to appreciate the kidney function in health and disea We now know that the kidney docs not form any of the specith n- stitucnts of it- secretion (excepl hippuric acid". These substances are formed in the various tissues of the body, and are brought to the kidneys by the blood, where they are eliminated Bui while the constituents are unchanged in chemical composition in the urine from that in which they are found in ihe blood, they do occur in greatly changed proporti< It is this variation in the concentration of the urinary constituents in the Mood and the urine which presents the most important and at the same time the mosl difficull question in the physiology of the kidney. In the following table ihe percentag imposition of the blood plasma is compared with ihat of an average sample of human urine i column gives ihe change in concentration which eacl lituenl un •joes in passiii'_r through the renal fill' 522 THE EXCRETION OF URINE BLOOD PLASMA URINE CHANGE IN PER CENT PER CENT CONCENTRATION Water 90-9:i 95 Proteins, fats ami other colloids 7-9 — Dextrose 0.1 — — Urea 0.0.1 0 60 Uric acid 0.002 0.05 25 Creatinine Ammonia 0.001 0.04 ■ 40 Sodium 0.32 0.35 1 Potassium 0.02 0.115 7 Calcium 0.008 0.015 2 Magnesium 0.0025 0.00(5 2 Chlorine 0.009 0.27 30 Phosphates (PO.) 0.003 0.1S GO Sulphates (S04) Amino acids The Amount of Urine The amount of urine passed in twenty-four hours varies -with the amount of fluid ingested and the proportion of fluid retained by the body or excreted by other channels. Under ordinary conditions a twenty-four- hour sample amounts to from 1000 to 1800 c.c-. of urine. On a constant water intake the volume of urine is extremely variable for any single day or part of the day (Addis and Watanabe3). The average volume of urine excreted by twenty individuals on the third, fourth and fifth days of a constant diet in which the fluid intake was 2.070 c.c, varied from 1,013 to 1,712 c.c. for a twenty-four-hour period, from 684 to 1,195 c.c. for the first twelve hours of the day, and from 501 to 788 c.c. for the first eight hours of the day. In normal subjects the amount of urine excreted during the night is usually less than that during the day. This is such a constant finding that in cases where more than 50 per cent of the urine is excreted in the twelve hours of the night, suspicions of renal disease should be aroused. The Specific Gravity of Urine In urine collected at different times of the day the specific gravity may show a variation of ten points. Indeed, the specific gravity of the urine has been taken as a functional test by clinicians. With a constant food and water intake the variations found in the specific gravity of samples of urine taken al two-hour periods in normal and pathological conditions are very useful as criteria of the functional state of the kidney. Fixa- tion of the specific gravity at cither a low or a high figure is not the usual normal finding. The following figures will illustrate; WI'H NT, COMPOSITION, Wl> CHARACTKK "F I'R s In A.M. A.M. j .. .1 P.M. U t P.M. P.M. X . . t r i l : 1 1 person In Hypertensive Nephritis In Myocardial I mpensation 1.016 I."!'.' 1.012 I. "11 l 1.010 I. Din L.009 1.010 l."i".. 1.010 L.018 l.i 'l'ii 1.019 1.018 0.020 L.021 ' The proportion of water to total solid- i- often very similar in plasma .•mil urine, bul when water is taken in large quantities the urine sho much greater changes than does the blood, and the solids may sink * very low concentration. On the other hand, when little fluid i> taken or when ili«' skin and bowel eliminate a large amounl of fluid, the urine may become very concentrated withoul any change in the blood plasma. The total solids in urine can 1m- determined with approximate accuri by multiplying the last two figures of the -i it:-- gravity by ti slant coefficienl 0.233 I Baeser). The Depression of Freezing- Point While the soli. Is l CHARACTER OP ITRINE timial neutralization of those in solution may !><• obtained fairly accu- rately by titrating the urine with \\ rmal alkali in the presence neutral potassium oxalate, using phenolphthalein as an indicator (Folin . Tin- results may be expressed in acidity per cent in terms N 10 \a()II required to neutralize LOO c.c. of urine [f the ammonia tion is added to the titration results, the total potential acidity is very closely measured. The urine is more alkaline shortly after meals than ;it other tin. since acid is being excreted by the gastric glands. It is more acid on ;t meat than on a vegetable diet, and is acid during starvation because protein is then the chief metabolite. In disease there is do character! variation, save thai the urine is more generally acid, which may be • plained by the Eacl thai in serious illness the diel is restricted. When the acidity is increased, the excretion of ammonia is usually greal since ammonium carbonate, the forerunner of urea, acts as an alkali and neutralizes the acid radicles. This rise in ammonia, however, is always proportional to the acid radicles present, since the fixed alkali derived from fruits and vegetables may be sufficienl to neutralize the acid formed. THE SOLID CONSTITUENTS For practical reasons we shall divide the constituents of the urine into normal and abnormal. The former are presenl in the average urine in amounts sufficienl to 1"' detected by ordinary means; the Latter only rarely appeal' in detectable quantities. In a person eating an ordinary diet the most import ant organic and inorganic constituents of the urine are as follows: Total Solids i 10 to 60 Grams) in Oni Liter oi Normal \'\ ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, 25 H' <:M. INORUAK Urea, 20-35 L,rm. - I ium chloride NnCl ,8-15 Creatinine, L.011.5 gin. Phosphoric aei i gm. Dric acid, 0.5-1.25 gm. Sulphuric acid, SO ,2-2.5 Uippui ic acid, 0.1 l .7 gm. ra K ■ I . _ Other constituents (ethereal sulphat< alic acid, ui inary pigmi ' Jalciui i i 1.5 2.3 gm. Magnesium Mg< i Ammonia Ml Iron (in 1 oropiled from Mosi These urinary salts are presenl in the hi 1. and an I only by the kidney. An investigation of the mechanism of r< therefore include ;i stud} of the relationship existing 1 centration of the urinary salts in the Mood and in the urine. 52fi THE EXCRETION OF URINE The Normal Organic Salts of the Urine Nitrogenous Constituents. — The greater number of the organic salts of the urine are made up of bodies which contain nitrogen, and which are derived from the protein element of nutrition. The proteins, which form the chief building material of the body, are broken up into their con- stituent amino acids in the intestinal tract and absorbed as such by the Mood. Portions of these acids are taken up by the tissues to repair and to replace those proteins which have been discarded, and the remaining protein, in excess of the body need for amino acids, is deamidized, the major portion of the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen being oxidized to form CO, and water, and the lesser portion of these elements being com- bined with the nitrogen to form urea, ammonia, uric acid, etc. A similar fate later awaits the nitrogen moiety which found a place in the tissues, and which is replaced in turn by new nitrogenous bodies.* Since all the ingested nitrogen, except a small and rather constant amount which is lost by the feces and the sweat, is excreted in the urine, the total nitrogen of the urine has been taken as a measure of the nitro- gen or protein metabolism of the body. In normal conditions the protein metabolism is adjusted in such a manner that the nitrogen intake is equal to the nitrogen output, a condition known as nitrogenous equilib- rium. If the nitrogen intake is reduced below the actual body needs, the excretion of nitrogen is greater than the intake which indicates that the body protein is replacing the protein usually furnished by the food. The minimum amount of protein that the body must have to maintain equilibrium varies in individuals, but is on the average between 5 and 6 grams of nitrogen a day, which corresponds to about 40 grams of pro- tein. With the ordinary diet it is usually between 12 and 20 grams a day, or represents from 75 to 125 grams of protein. Since protein is not stored by the body except in periods of growth or after periods of under- nutrition, an increase in the protein food is accompanied by an increase in the nitrogen excreted in the urine. For this reason, unless the amount of nitrogen ingested is known, the study of the total nitrogen of the urine gives no information concerning the nature of the nitrogen metabolism of the body. The total output bf nitrogen per day usually amounts to 10 to 15 grams — from 1 to 2 per cent of the urine by weight. All the nitrogenous bodies of the urine are normally nonprotein, and arise from similar bodies in the blood, where they exist in concentra- tions of from 20 to 30 mg. per 100 c.c. In excreting the nitrogen of the urine the kidney therefore takes it from a solution in which it is found in a concentration of 0.03 per cent on the average and delivers it to a For further details sec page 610. AMOUNT, COMPOSITION, \\i> CnARACTEB OP URINE solution containing an average of 1.00, or concentrates it at l< times. Urea. The chief of the nitrogenous bodies of the urine is urea, the origin of which has been fully described in the chapters on metabolism. No constituenl of the urine is Bubjecl to greater variation both in abso- lute and in relative amounts. <>n an average diel containing 120 grains of protein per day, the absolute urea excretion may amounl to aboul 30 grams; on a low protein diet it may be only a few grams. When the pro- tein intake is high, the nitrogen eliminated as urea may be !,(» per cent of the total nitrogen; but when the protein intake is low, this proportion may fall to tin per cent. The difference is because on a low protein diet the greater percentage of nitrogen eliminated is endogenous in origin, and urea, which is the chief constituenl of the exogenous nitrogen mo of the urine, is accordingly decreased on low diets. In recent years the importance of the relationship between the con- centration of the urinary constituents in the blood and the urine has been much insisted upon, and since the estimation of the amounl urea in the hi 1 and the mine is relatively simple, most of the work has been done by using these values. Ambard and Weil believe that a quantitative relationship exists between the fate ■ * t" mine excretion and t lie concentration of urea in the blood and the urine, since the urea in the blood acts as a stimulus to the renal cells. By comparing the rate of una excretion and the concentration of urea in the blood and urine in a mathematical formula, they have obtained a value which they he- lieve is more or less fixed for the normal kidney. This expression is known as Ambard's <■<>< l]ici< ni oml formula,* and has 1 n us^d as a means ..f evaluating the functional capacity of the kidney. Whatever tin- value of the formula may lie in expressing the relationship existing between the rate of urea excretion and the concentration of this sail in the blood, it is certain that, in diseased iditions where impair- ment of tlie kidney is certain, the concentration of urea in the blood mains permanently at an abnormally high average level, although I ibard and \V< U'a formula i-: IV K , in which: \V D — x P K D = output ol P - weight of the patient. ' f urine. itandard weight the urine. The average value for tl Critical review - of the « u k I w tanabe.' 528 THE EXCRETION OF UftlNE amount of urea excreted during twenty-four hours may be exactly the same as under aorma] conditions. Probably the increased concentration uf area in the blood under these conditions is a compensatory measure to provide sufficienl pressure to cause its excretion through a damaged outlet. It is tins increase in urea of the blood which is indicated by the term urea retention in nephritis. It must not be lost sight of, however, that the approximate constancy of the combined formula is due in laru:e part to the mathematical con- struction, and also to the fact that any increase in the concentration of urea in the blood is usually accompanied by an increased rate of urea excretion. The factors which are most variable occur as the square or the square roots of their values, and thus the disturbing effect they pro- duce on the constancy of the resultant of the formula is greatly re- duced, while the most constant factor, the concentration of urea in the blood, is used with modification. In such a complex mechanism as the renal function it is very probable that other factors are of great im- portance in controlling the rate of urinary excretion. Many of these factors can not admit of mathematical expression. The writer seriously doubts the advisability of adopting an empirical formula as a means of expressing unknown physiological laws. Such measures are apt to give a sense of knowledge altogether false, and thus hinder research progress. The upper limit of blood urea-nitrogen is about 20 mg. per 100 c.c.. which would correspond to about 0.45 gm. of urea per liter of blood. The average figure is half of this amount. The maximum concentration of urea in the urine is seldom over 8 per cent. On this basis the kidney can raise the concentration of the urea in the urine, at a conservative estimate, from 100 to 200 times. Normally the daily output of urea nitrogen may range from 8 to 12 gm., and the nitrogen which it contains is roughly 80 per cent of the total excretion for the day. Ammonia. — The chief source of ammonia in the body is from the ni- trogenous portion of the deamidized amino acids. The ammonia found in excess in the portal blood is derived from ingested ammonium salts and from ammonia resulting from bacterial action on proteins in the intestinal tract. The ammonia of the body is present chiefly in the form of ammonium carbonate, and it is this salt that is the precursor of urea. Because ammonium carbonate is so readily converted into urea by the tissues of the body, little ammonia is normally present in the systemic blood. The greater portion of the ammonia that finds its way into the urine serves as a base to transfer acid radicles either ingested or formed within the body. The amount of ammonia in the urine, therefore, is an indirect measure of the extent of urea formation and of the acid bodies Wlni \T. COMPOSITION, \M> CHARACTER "l ' RIN of the blood. For the latter reason the determination of the ammonia excretion in urine is of some clinical importanc The ingestion of mineral acids increases the ammonia excretion, while alkalies tend to reduce it. During Easting and in diseases such as diabetes, where t! is an abnormal metabolism, the amounl of ammonia in tli" urine is in- creased. Ordinarily the dailj outpul of ai nia nitrogen does uol exceed 0.5-0.6 gm., constituting 3-5 per cenl of the total amounl of nitrogen. Creatinine. — On a meat-free diet the daily excretion o tinine is remarkably constant, amounting to from 7 to 11 1 1 1 -_r . per kilogram of bodj weight. For this reason iu determination is accepted as an in- dispensable feature in metabolism investigations involving urine an- al \ sis. Any gross variation from the normal amounl indicates the certain failure of the attendants to colled all of the twenty-four-hour specimen of urine. Normally the blood contains from 1 to 2 mg. per LOO e The creatinine is one of the last of the urinary constituents to accumu- late in the blood during renal insufficiency, and for this >n affords a reliable prognostic indication concerning the patients' condition. A rise in the creatinine concentration of the l»l 1 is eviden E serious renal disease, patients with concentrations of 5 mg. never i ring (Chase and Meyers : The concentration of creatinine in tin- urine is aboul H»» times greater than in the bl 1. In adult man creatine does no1 appear in the urine save during starva- tion or wasting diseases. In woman it is absenl save after postpartum olution of the uterus. Children commonly excrete creatine al< - with creatinine until the middle years of childl I. The Purine Bodies and Uric Acid. The mosl important purine in human urine is uric acid. Xanthine is the nexl in importance, and small amounts of hypoxanthine, guanine, and adenine are found. Among the mosl interesting of the salts of the urine to the clinician are the un because an accumulation of uric acid in the body was believed to be responsible for many obscure clinical conditions. It is quite true that tlif salts of uric acid arc found iii higher than normal amounl in some .lis. especially gout, leukemia, and chronic nephritis, but the many vague theories associated with uric acid and disease ha^ ago ' exploded. The human body has the almost unique distinction among mammals of not being able to destroy anj of the uric acid it produces, and h< all the uric acid formed during metabolism must b< I in the urine Unfortunately the kidney appears to be less competi rid the body of this wast.- than it is of the other urinan metabolites, a the 530 THE EXCRETION OP URINE earliest signs of renal insufficiency is now held to be a failure of the kidney to prevent the uric acid of 1 lie blood from increasing. Perhaps the reason for tin1 inability of the kidney to excrete uric acid readily lies in the ('act that its salts are among the least soluble of those in the urine. It is on this account that when the urine cools, a red sediment of urates containing certain pigments often separates out. The uric acid of the urine is possibly derived entirely from the purine metabolism of the body, in which the nucleins either of the body cells or of the exogenous food take part. It is decreased during starvation and increased by eating food rich in nucleins, such as liver and sweet- breads. Under ordinary conditions the excretion of uric acid amounts to from 0.3 to 1.2 gm. per day (0.02 to 0.10 per cent), the variation being de- pendent upon the state of health, diet, or personal idiosyncrasy. The blood of a normal individual contains on the average 1.8 mg. of uric acid per 100 e.e. The kidneys are therefore able to concentrate the uric acid in the urine from 30 to 60 times over its concentration in the blood plasma. The purines found in coffee and tea (caffeine, etc.) are excreted in the urine as salts not of uric acid but of methylated xanthines. Hippuric Acid. — This is a constant constituent of the urine of her- bivorous animals, and is usually present in small amounts in human urine. The amount rarely exceeds 0.7 gm. a day, but on a diet rich in fruits and vegetables it may exceed 2 gm. It is interesting, since it is the only urinary constituent that is synthesized by the renal cells. Amino acids are always present in small amounts in the urine, con- stituting, according to D. D. Van Slyke, about 1.5 per cent of the total nitrogen. The estimation of the amino-acid nitrogen of the urine has not been found to be of any clinical significance.8 The aromatic oxyacids are normally present in the urine in varying amounts. These include phenol, indoxyl, skatoxyl, and phenylacetic, paraoxyphenyl, propionic, oxymandelic and homogentisic acids. These bodies are derived from phenylamino acids, such as tyrosine, tryptophane, and phenylalanine. It is believed that the putrefactive decomposition of proteins in the large intestine results in the production of these toxic Indies. The body protects itself by oxidizing them and uniting them f<> sulphuric acid to form the ethereal or conjugated sulphates, which are found in the urine in the form of sodium or potassium salts: The determination of the amounts of these bodies in the urine has therefore been taken as an index of the putrefaction going on within the bowel. The chief of these bodies is urinary indican, which is found usually as a potassium salt. The test for indican in the urine consists in oxidiz- \Miii vr. COMPOSITION, \\l> CHARACTER OP I'BIl 531 ing the indoxyl in an a<-i constipated, some of it may find its way into the blood to impart ;i fecal odor t he closely related t>> the amount invested. When the intake is constant, the rat< n is like more or less constant, hut a sudden reduction in the salt of the diet may b impanied by a slight d< in the salt content <>f the bl< with an attendant loss of water. On the other hand, when the salt is again taken, there is a retention of salt ami of water, with a c increase in body weight, until equilibrium is ■ 1 on the level. While the above is the usual reaction, a tenl salt without an increase in the wati >f the bodv may occui 532 tin; EXCRETION of iimm: some apparently norma] cases. This is due probably to the deposition of salt in the tissues. Careful studies fail to confirm the idea that there is a fixed relation- ship between the salt and the water of the body. As with the nitroge- nous constituents, however, there appears to be a relationship between the rate of excretion of chlorides and the amount of chloride in the blood. Ambard believes that this relationship, like that of the excretion of urea to the blood urea, is capable* of being expressed mathematically (see page 527), if allowance is made for the fact that NaCl is not excreted after it falls below a certain concentration in the blood equal to about 5.62 gm. per 1000 c.c. This level is more or less constant for normal individuals, but is considerably increased in disease of the kidney. This is known as the threshold of chloride excretion. The amount of sodium chloride excreted in the urine in twenty-four hours varies between 8 and 20 gm. a day, according to the intake. It is therefore apparent that the kidney is able to concentrate the salts of the plasma from ten to twenty times. The Sulphates. — Since the inorganic sulphates do not form an im- portant constituent of the food, the greater portion of the sulphates of the urine are derived from the sulphur found in the protein molecule. For this reason the sulphates of the urine, like the nitrogen, are a meas- ure of protein metabolism. An increase in the nitrogen excretion is accompanied by an increase in the sulphur excretion, the ratio being about 5 to 1. The daily output of sulphur is between 1 and 3 gm. The greatest output is in the form of the alkaline sulphates, about 10 per cent in combination with aromatic bodies, and a small amount in com- bination with amino acids and neutral organic salts. The phosphates of the urine are derived from the food and from the oxidation of phosphorus-containing bodies in the tissues such as nuclein, lecithin, etc. The daily excretion varies between 1 and 5 gm., calculated as P205. When calcium or magnesium is present in the food, they are excreted by the bowel as phosphate, and proportionately less is found in the urine. The amount usually excreted in the feces equals about 30 per cent of the total. Since phosphates in the urine exist as a mixture of the mono- and di- sodium hydrogen phosphates, they have an important bearing on the reaction of the urine, the amount of each varying with the degree of the acidity of the urine. On a heavy protein diet the urine is acid on account of the sulphuric and other acids formed from the meat, and in this case there is a greater amount of phosphoric acid and the mono-sodium hydrogen phosphate. When the urine is alkaline or less acid, as il is on a vegetable diet, there Whii \ r. « OMPOSITION, AND ' BAR ■ OP i RIN is a large amounl of the disodium hydrogen phosphal lalcium and magnesium phosphates are mo i nble than the diphosphat the same metals, deposits of tl arthj phosphati I i" neutral or alkaline urines. When the urine is heated, the diphospl of calcium breaks up into the mono-calcium and a fcri-calcium pi phate, which at nuts Eor the fine turbidity often taken for albumin in the flame test. Addition of arid will cause this to disappear. Th< tals of triple phosphates which occur in alkaline urine are ammonium magnesium phosphate, N 'I I Mg I'1 1 KIDNEY REFERENCE Monographs Beddard, A. P.: Recenl Advances in Physioloj L906. Cushny, A. B.: Secretion of Urine, Longmans, Green ..v I '17. (Original Pape iBrodie, T. G., and Mackenzie, J. J.: Proc. Ro - . L914, lxzxvii, I -•'ushiiv, A. I;.: Secretion of Urine, 1917, |>. Is. sAddia and Watanabe: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1916, x\i\, 2 Mosenthal, II. O.: Arch. [nt. Med., 1915, xvi, 733. Lmbard and Weil: Physiologie normale el pathologique des reins, Par .1. B. Bailliere el fils. BMaclean, P. C.: Jour. Exper. Med., 1915, xxii, 212. • ('Ii.-isc and Meyers: Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1916, Ixvii, 931. JVan Slyke, D. D., and Meyer, G. M.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1912, ■: and I xvi, 197, 213 and 231. »Knowlton, I'. P.: Jour. Physiol., 1911, xliii, 219. Baxcroft, J., and Straub, II.: Jour. Physiol., 1910, xli, ' uRowntree and Geraghty: Jour. Pharm. and Exper. Therap., 1910, i. 57 i2Asher and Pearce, R. G.: Zeitschr. f. Biol., 1913, Ixiii, - ispearce. R. G., and Carter, E. P.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1915, \\\ PART VII METABOLISM CHAPTER LX METABOLISE Introductory. — The object of digestion, as we have seen, is to render the food capable of absorption into the circulatory fluids — the blood and lymph. The absorbed food products are then transported to the various organs and tissues of the body, where they may be either used at once or stored away against future requirements. After being used, certain substances are produced from the foods as waste products, and these pass back into the blood to be carried to the organs of excretion, by which they are expelled from the body. By comparison of the amount of these ex- cretory products with that of the constituents of food, we can tell how much of the latter has been retained in the body, or lost from it. This constitutes the subject of general metabolism. On the other hand, we may direct our attention, not to the balance between intake and output, but to the chemical changes through which each of the foodstuffs must pass be- tween absorption and excretion. This is the subject of special metabolism. In the one case we content ourselves with a comparison of the raw ma- terial acquired and the finished product produced by the animal factory; in the other we seek to learn something of the particular changes to which each crude product is subjected before it can be used for the purpose of driving the machinery of life or of repairing the worn-out parts of the body. In drawing up a balance sheet of general metabolism, we must select \'<>r comparison substances that are common to both intake and output. In general the intake comprises, besides oxygen, the proteins, fats and car- bohydrates; and the output, carbon dioxide, wafer and Ihe various nitrog- enous constituents of urine. This dissimilarity in chemical structure be- tween the substances ingested and those excreted limits as, in balancing the one against the oilier, to a comparison of the smallest fragments into which each can be broken by chemical agencies. These are the elements, and of them carbon and nitrogen arc the only ones which it is possible to measure 534 Ml TAB0U8M with accuracj in both intake and output. Prom balai and output of carbon and nitrogen and from information obtain ob- serving the ratio between the amounts of oxygen consumed by the animal and of carbonic acid excreted, we can draw Ear-reaching conclusi* garding the relative amounts of protein, fa1 and carbohydrate that 1 been involved in the metabolism. As has already been stated, thi ntial nature of the metabolic pn < 38 iii animals is one of oxidation thai is, one by which large unstable molecules are broken down to those thai are simple and stable. Dur- ing this process of catabolism, as it is called, the potential e away in the Large molecules l omes liberated as actual or kinetic energy thai is, as movemenl and heat. It therefore becomes of imports compare the actual energy which an animal expends in a given timo with the energy which has meanwhile 1 □ rendered available bj metabolism. W'c shall first of iill consider this Bo-called energy balanci and then ■ i to examine somewhal more in detail the material balance of the body. ENERGY BALANCE The unit of energy is the large calorie I written C.)j which is the amount of heal required 1" raise the temperature of one kilogram of water through one degree (Centigrade) of temperature. We can determine the cal< value by allowing a measured quantity of a substance to burn in c pressed oxygen in a steel bomb placed in a known volume of water at a certain temperature. Whenever combustion is completed, we find out through how many degrees the temperature of the water has bea raised and multiply tins by the volume of water in liters. Measured in such a calorimeter, as this apparatus is called, it has 1 a found that the number of calories Liberated by burning one gram of each of the proxi- mate principles of t 1 is as follow - : Carbohydral ~ rch |J Protein The same llUtnlier of Calories will he lilierated at whatever lad1 the com- bustion proceeds, provided it results in the same end products, When a substance, such as sugar or fat, is burned in the pri s i, it yields carbon dioxide an. I water, which are also the end produ the metabolism of these foodstuffs in the animal bodj ; therefore, when a gram of sugar <>r fat is quickly burned in a calorimeter, it rele - - the same ■ p •■ formi 536 METABOLISM amount of energy as when it is slowly oxidized in the animal body. But the ease is differenl for proteins, because these yield less completely oxi- dized end products in the animal body than they yield when burned in oxygen; so that, to ascertain the physiological energy value of protein, we must deduct from its physical heat value the physical heat value of the incompletely oxidized end products of its metabolism. It is obvious that we can compute the total available energy of our diet by multiplying the quantity of each foodstuff by its calorie value. Methods.- In order to measure the energv that is actually liberated Fig. 174. — Respiration calorimeter of the Russell Sage Institute of Pathology, Bellevue Hospital, New York. At the right is seen the table with the absorption tubes; and in the middle, at the back, the electric control table for regulating the temperature of the double walls of the calorimeter. At the extreme left is the oxygen cylinder. ( Lusk's Science of Nutrition.") in the animal body, we must also use a calorimeter, but of somewhat dif- ferent construction from that used by the chemist, for we have to provide for long-continued observations and for an uninterrupted supply of oxy- gen to the animal. Animal calorimeters are also usually provided with means for the measurement of the amounts of carbon dioxide (and water) discharged and of oxygen absorbed by the animal during the observation. Such respiration calorimeters have been made for all sorts of animals, the most prefect for use on man having been constructed in America (see Pig. 171 . As illustrating the extreme accuracy of even the largest of these, METABOLISM it is interesting to note thai the actual heal given ou1 when a definite amounl of alcohol or ether is burned in 01 E them exactly corresponds t(. the amounl as measured by the smaller bomb-calorimeter. All of the energy liberated in the body does not, however, take the form of heat. A variable amounl appears as mechanical work, so thai to m< • in calo fill of the energy thai an animal expends, cne must add to the actual cal- ories given out. the calorie equivalenl of the muscular work which has been performed by the animal during the period of observation. This be measured l>\ means of an ergometer, a calorie corresponding to kilogram* meters of work. That it has been possible to Btrike an accui balance between the intake and the outpul of energy of the animal body, in one of the achievements of modern experimental biology. It call be done in the case of the human animal ; thus, a man doing work on a bicycle ergometer in the Benedict calorimeter gave ou1 - ctual heal 4,833 I and did work equalling 602 C, giving a total of 5,435 C. By drawing up a balance sheet of his intake and output of t 1 mat. -rial during this period, it was found that the hail consumed an amounl capable of yielding .~>.4.~>!) < '.. which may be considered as exactly balancing the actual olltpUt. It would he out of plaee to give a full description of the respiration calorimeter here. The general construction will be seen from the accom- panying figure of the form of apparatus iu use for patients in the Russell Sage Institute. New York. <>ne of the most interesting details of ita struction concerns the means taken to prevenl any l"ss of heat from the calorimeter to the surrounding air. This is accomplished in the following way: Tie innermosl layer of the wall is of copper; then, separated from this by an air space, is another wall of copper, outside of which are two wooden walls separated from each other and from the outer cupper walls by aii- spaces. The tw >pper walls are inected through thermoelectric couples, so that an electric current is set up whenever there is any dif elice ill their temperatures. The current is ohseiwed by means of a gal- vanometer placed outside the calorimeter, and from its movements the ob- server either heats up or cools down the outer copper walls - - ■ reel the difference of temperature causing the current. This is done hy an electric heating device or by cold water tubes placed between the oul most copper and tin- innermost wooden wall- Since the temperatur< the two copper walls is the same, there can he no exchange of heat het w them, and consequently none of the heat that is absorbed by the inner i per walls is allowed to he carried away. All the heat given out by the animal is absorbed by the stream of cold water flowii >ugh the coils Igh \\ lii< ! 538 METABOLISM of pipe in the chamber. The heat used to vaporize the moisture from skin and lungs must of course also be measured. This is done by collect- ing the water vapor in a sulphuric-acid bottle placed in the ventilat- ing current. By multiplying the grams of water by the factor for the latent heat of vaporization, we obtain the calories of heat so eliminated. ' * The calorimeter contains a comfortable bed and is provided with two windows, a shelf, a telephone, a fan, a light, and a Bowles stethoscope for counting the pulse. The ordinary experiment takes about as long as a trip from New York to New London. Patients, as a rule, doze from time to time or else try to work out some scheme by which they can amuse them- selves without moving. After three or four hours they are rather bored by the quiet, and the observations are not prolonged beyond this time. They are allowed to turn over in bed once or twice an hour, but reading and telephoning are discouraged, since these increase the metabolism. The air in the box is fresh and pure, the patient suffers no discomfort, and objections to the procedure are very infrequent. Most of the patients are only too glad of the extra attention, and they insist that the calor- imeter has a marked therapeutic value." (Du Bois.) Normal Values. — Having thus satisfied ourselves as to the extreme accuracy of the method for measuring energy output, we shall now con- sider some of the conditions that control it. To study these we must first of all determine the basal lieai production — that is, the smallest energy output that is compatible with health. This is ascertained by allowing a man to sleep in the calorimeter and then measuring his calorie output while he is still resting in bed in the morning, fifteen hours after the last meal. When the results thus obtained on a number of individuals are calculated so as to represent the calorie output per kilogram of body weight- in each case, it will be found that 1 C. per kilo per hour is discharged —that is to say, the total energy expenditure in 24 hours in a man of 70 kilos, which is a good average weight, will be 70X24 = 1,680 C. When food is taken the heat production rises, the increase over the basal heat production amounting for an ordinary diet to about 10 per cent. Besides being the ultimate source of all the body heat, food is there- fore a direct stimulant of heat production. This specific dynamic action, as it is called, is not, however, the same for all groups of foodstuffs, being greatest for proteins and least for carbohydrates. Thus, if a starving animal kept at 33° ( !. is given protein with a calorie value which is equal to the calorie output during starvation, the calorie output will increase by :;i) per cent, whereas with carbohydrates it will increase by only G per cent. Evidently, then, protein liberates much free heat during its as- similation in the animal body; it burns with a hotter flame than fats or carbohydrates, although before it is completely burned it may not yield IfETABOU inch enerj is tin1 ease, for examph w i peculiar prop< if proteins accou U beating qual- ities. It explains why protein « -• ■ 1 1 1 1 I on of I pies living in cold regions, and why it I down in 1 t of 1 who dwell near the tropics. Individuals maintained on a lo* may suffer intensely from cold. It' we add to the basal heat production • t 1 680 ' ther 1' ■- I lo per '-'lit I "ii account of food, tl short of that which \\»- know must be Liberated when we calculate tin- available energy of the diet, which \\<' may tak< a 2 0 C. Wnal comes of the extra fuel ! The answer is that it Thus it has been found that if the observed ; - if lying d< in the calorimeter, is madi I in a chair, the heat pro S per cent, or if he performs such n te - would ordinary work (writing at a desk) it may rise 29 per cent — that - | 90 C. per hour. There is, however, practically no diffi in the rv^y output of a person lying Hat or lying: in a semi-reclining j tion, as in a steamer chair. Allowing eight hours for Bleep and - hours for work, we can account for about 2,168 < '.. the remaining ( '. that are required to bring the total to that which we know, from b1 tical tables of the dirts of such worfa - i be the actual daily expeni I being due to the exercise of walking, [ft! still more calories will be expended; thus, to - I a hill of 1,( * at the rate of 2.7 miles an hour requires 407 extra calories. Field work 5 may expend, in 24 hours, almost twice as many calori - - in sedentary occupatio Standard for Comparison When the energy outpul per kilo body weight is determined in anin of varying size, the values are greater the lighter the animal. This s evidenl from the following results obtained on n // i; When, on the other hand, instead of body weight, t; nir- fa \ the body is taken as tl ilculation, results constant are obtained. Following arc tin this bas 54(1 METABOLISM Surfact in squart cm. (1) - (5) 10,750 7,662 5,286 3,724 .> (.)■■ Ih ni production in calorit s pi r square mt t< r of sur- face i>i r ilny io.n,r, 1097 1183 1153 1212 (Rubner) Such results have prompted observers to ('(include that the determining factor in the calorie output of warm-blooded animals is the relative sur- face of the animal. This is greater the smaller the animal, with the con- sequence that heat is more rapidly lost to the surrounding air from the surface, thus requiring more active combustion. Until quite recently it has been generally believed that such a relationship between body surface and heat production did actually exist, but, thanks to the work of F. G. Bene- dict7 and E. F. and 1). Du Bois6, it is now known that the calculations wrere 20 200 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 o-> ct:. 190 180 70 i — SI60 5150 CD G'30 120 110 100 ^ 17 \ >. \ \2D N ^1 v22 K & 13 \ \ \ s \ \ N8 \e «. — h 1 — ^ \ \ \ \ \ \ N ^ \ \ \ ^ 19 20 \ \ \ \ N 17 > \ \ \ \ \ \ > ^ \ \ \ \ I 4 Lb 3^ N? \ \ i.; I \ \ \ sfl i.i ~t2 110 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 WEIGHT-KILOGRAMS 100 10 Fig. 175. — Chart for determining surface area of man in square meters from weight in kilo- grams (Wt.) ancl height in centimeters (Ilt.i according to the formula: Area (Sq. Cm.) = Wt. 0.425 XHt. 0.725 X71.84. (From Dubois and Dubois, Arch. Int. Med., 1917, vol. 17.) based upon incorrect computations of the body surface. In the older re- searches the calculation was made by usiii^- a formula known as Meeh's, in which weight was multiplied by a certain factor (viz., 12.312 x ^weight). Du I'.ois, however, has shown that an average error of 16 per cent is in- curred in using this formula. For accurate measurement the body was covered with thin underwear, which was then impregnated with melted paraffin and reinforced with paper strips to prevent it from changing in area when removed. rJ 'his model of the surface was afterwards cut up into flat pieces and photographed on paper of uniform thickness, the pat- METABOM ">ll terns being then cul out, and weighed. Prom I ults it wa to calculate the acl ual surface area. Where the heighl and weighl are known, a fairlj accurate computation of tlif surface can be secured by using the following formulas: A W II 71.84 j .1 being the surface area in Bquare centimel H heighl in centimeters; and W} the \\ • • i lt 1 1 1 in kilograms. Based on this formula, a charl has been plotted from which the surfi de- termined ;ii a glance Fig. 175 . Another method recently emplo; Benedicl Is based on measurements made from photographs of the subj in various post s. By the use of these more accurate measurements of body surface, it - now known that, although the surface-area law gives us eonstanl results for the energy outpul of differenl individuals of similar build, and off< us a much more accurate basis for comparing th differenl laboratory animals than body weight, yel it breaks down when applied to men in widely differing states of body nutrition. Thus, in the case of a man wl ved for a month, the calorie output per square meter of surface decreased I wards tl nd of the fast by 28 per cent. Obviously, therefore, it would be incorreel to draw conclusions regarding possible ili.i mr< ^ in energy output of a series <>t' emaciated or corpulenl individuals by <->>ni pai-ist >n of their calorie output per square meter of surfj with that of normal individuals. Tlic determining factor of energy output is undoubtedly the ral condition of bodily nutrition — the active mass of protoplasm of the body Benedict). Thai there is a relationship between the body Burface and metabolism is undoubted, bu1 the relationship is not a causal one. Al aent, therefore, the onlj - ■ method to employ in comparing metabolism of normal and diseased individuals is that called by Benedict "the group method," in which the metabolism of groups of : like height and weighl is compared, ii being assumed that such individuals have the Bame general growth relations. For the application of this group method, however, more extensive data will be required than exist at p rut. and although some of the conclusions drawn from results comput the Burface-area 1»a^is may have to he revised, ii is probable thai are in general correct. Influence of Age and Sex The energy output is low in the newly born; it inc the first year, reaching a maximum at about thr< then rapidl} declining to aboul twenty, after which i* declines much n slowly. The decline in the earlier years do lily. 1 ever, tor at the period jusl preceding the oi puberl i in- crease In mes evident, indicating that at this 542 METABOLISM the growing organism is being stimulated. Females have a lower energy output than males, and the stimulating influence of puberty is less marked in them. In round numbers, 40 C. per square meter of surface per hour is the energy output of normal men, a 15 per cent deviation being considered as decidedly abnormal. The average metabolism of fat and thin subjects is the same, but that of women is 6.8 per cent lower than that of men. The basal metabolism of a group of men and women between the ages of forty and fifty was 4.3 per cent below the average for the larger group between the ages of twenty and fifty; and that of a group between fifty and sixty years was 11.3 per cent lower. Influence of Diseases The measurements have been made by the direct method which has just been described, but since the much simpler indirect method (page 554) yields comparable results, it is being adopted for clinical purposes. These results were obtained by making parallel determinations of energy out- put by both methods, in disease as well as in health. Some of the ob- servations that have been made on the energy output in various diseases are as follows : In very severe cases of exoplitlialmic goiter, heat produc- tion may be increased by 75 per cent over the normal; in severe cases, by 50 per cent. The warmth of the skin and the sweating, which are promi- nent symptoms of this disease, are therefore accounted for by the in- creased elimination of heat, and it is considered possible that the other symptoms would be produced in any normal individual were his metabo- lism maintained for months or years at the high level which it occupies in goiter. In the opposite condition of myxedema, the energy output is markedly reduced, but rises slowly during treatment with thyroid extract, or much more rapidly with the very active thyroid hormone recently iso- lated by Kendall. In diabetes it has often been thought that the rapid emaciation and loss of strength were dependent upon an excited state of metabolism, or a useless burning up of the energy material. The most reeent work, however, clearly shows that this is not the case, the basal metabolism as calculated per unit of body surface being within the limits indicated above. During the starvation treatment the energy output may be much below the normal. Tn uncompensated cases of cardiorenal dis- ease, there is increased energy output. Tn pernicious anemia the metabo- lism is normal, although in severe cases there may be an increased demand for oxygen. Even at the risk of repetition, it is important to point out that in all these diseases the energy output, is the same whether measured directly or by the indirect method about to be described. Ml T\l:u|.i>\i THE MATERIAL BALANCE OF THE EODY We musl distinguish between the balai i tic and the in- organic foodstuffs. Prom a studj of the former we Bhall gain informal arding the Bources of the energy production whose behavior under various conditions we have just studied. Prom a stud] nic balance, although we Bhall learn nothing regarding ene (change — for Buch substances can yield no energy we shall become acquainl with Beveral facts of extreme importance in the maintenam f nutrition and growth. To draw up a balanct sheet of organic intafo and output requires an accurate chemical analysis of the food and of the excreta urine and pired air). Methods for Measuring- Output The principle by which the output is measured will be understood by referring to Pig. lTii. from which if will be seen thai the calorimeter is connected with a closed system of tubes provided with an air-tighl \ BALANi E Before proceeding to discuss the special metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, it will be advantageous to consider briefly - era! facts concerning the excretion of carbon dioxide and the intake oxygen. In the firsl place, it is important to note thai the i the combustion process in the animal body is proportional to the amounl oxygen absorbed and of carbon dioxide produced, whereas tl the combustion is indicated by the ratio existing between the amount* carbon dioxide expired and of oxygen retained in the body. An invi si gation of the carbon balance, in other words, is partly quantitative and partly qualitative — quantitative in the Bense that it indicates how in- tensely the body furnaces are burning, and qualitative in the - that it tells us what sort of material is being burned at the time. THE RESPIRATORY QUOTIENT Influence of Diet. The respiratory quotient is determined by com- parison of the volume of carbon dioxide expired with the volume gen meanwhile retained in the body or, as a formula, Vol. CO i xpired ■ Vol. ' ' retained Km- the sake of brevity the respiratory quotient is often written K. Q. That it Berves as an indicator of tin- kind oi combustion occurring will 1"- ■ Jciil from the following equations: 1. Carbohydrah : 0^,0 0 6H 0 I »■ -2. ! S.CC.H.O .-. B.G 0 I || i MI | Knipii : album -. B.Q 9° 77 ."i|S METABOLISM I. Conversion <>f fat into ca/rbohydratt : 2C3lK((,„JI;130..)3 + C40.1 = l()C(iH1..0(i-l-18('() 8H20 (Olcin.) .-. R.Q.= C°' =— =0.281 ,">. Conversion <>f carbohydrate into a mixed fat: 1 "CcPi120,. = CraH104O0 + 23C02 + 2fiILO. (Oleostearopalmitin.) Taking carbohydrates first, the general formula may be written CILO, from which it is plain that, to oxidize the molecule, oxygen will he re- quired to combine witli the carbon alone, according to the equation, ( !H2( ) + 02 = C02 + H20. In other words, the volume of carbon dioxide pro- duced by the combustion will be exactly equal to the volume of oxygen used in this process, in obedience to the well-known gas law that equi- molecular quantities of different gases occupy the same volume. The respiratory quotient is therefore unity (Equation 1). With fats and pro- teins, however, the general formula must be written CH,-|-0, indicating therefore that for its complete oxidation the molecule must be supplied with oxygen in sufficient amount to combine not only with all of the car- bon, but also with some of the hydrogen, forming water; so that the vol- ume of CO, produced will be less than the volume of oxygen retained, and the respiratory quotient will be less than unity. As a matter of fact, as the above equations show (2 and 3), the respiratory quotient for fats and proteins lies somewhere between 0.7 and 0.8, being usually nearer 0.7 in the case of fats, and nearer to 0.8 in the case of proteins. That the conditions hypothecated in the equations exist in the animal body during the combustion of the foodstuffs can easily be shown by ob- serving the respiratory quotient of animals on different diets. An her- bivorous animal, such as a rabbit, when it is well fed gives invariably a respiratory quotient of about 1, whereas a strictly carnivorous animal, such as the cat, gives a respiratory quotient of about 0.7. Even more striking perhaps is the comparison of the respiratory quotients in an herbivorous animal while it is well fed and after it has been starved for a day or two. In the latter case the respiratory quotient will fall to a low level -because, by starvation, the animal has been compelled to change its combustion material from the carbohydrate of its food to the protein and fat of its own tissues. As already explained (page 545), it is from the respiratory quotient that we are enabled to tell what proportions of fat and carbohydrate, respectively, are undergoing metabolism. A useful table showing the percentage of calories produced by each of Uiese foodstuffs, after allow- ing for protein, is given by Graham Lusk (see page 565). Till. CARBON BALANi 549 Influence of Metabolism. Apart from diet, the respiratory quotii may often be altered by changes in the metabolic habits of the animal. These are mosl conspicuously exhibited in the ■ -. hibernating animals. In the autumn months, when the animal is eating voraciously of all kinds of carbohydrate food and depositing large quantil adipose tissue in his body, the respiratory quotient may be ably greater than unity, indicating therefore either that relatively m carbon dioxide is 1 > < • i 1 1 <_r discharged or Less oxygen retained As i matter of Pact, it can easily be shown thai it is the former of the causes thai is responsible for the higher quotient, the explanation for the inc production of COs being that, as the carbohydrate changes inl t, the relative excess of carbon in the former is go1 rid of as CO,, as indici in Equation 5. On the other hand, if the animal is examined while in his winter sleep, it will be found thai the respiratory quotienl is now extremely low, often qo1 more than 0.3 to 0.4, which may be interpr< as indicating either an excessive absorption of oxygen or a markedly decreased excretion of carbon dioxide. As a matter of fad ureal diminution in both the excretion of carbon dioxide and the intake of Oa, 1 ause the whole metabolic activity of the animal is • tely depressed, but this diminution affects the oxygen to a much less deg indicating therefore a relative increase in the oxygen tion. '1 explanation is thai the oxygen is being used in the chemical process in- volved in the conversion of the fat back into carbohydr Whatever may be the relationship between fat and carbohydrate in the nonhibernating animal, there is no doubt thai during hiberna- tion, before the fat stores are burned, fat is converted into something closely related to carbohydrates, the equation for the process being • resented as gn en above No. 4). In man and the higher mammalia, the only condition apart from diet which can affect the nature of the combustion process is disease; thus in total diabetes (page 678) the organism loses the power of burning carbohydrate, so thai whatever the diel may be, the respirai is very low, never higher than thai representing combustion of fat and protein. It has been claimed bj certain investigators that in diabi the respiratory quotient may fall considerably below 0.7, indicati in hibernating animals, that fat is being converted into carbohydr The most recent and carefully controlled observations, h< this claim, and for the present we must assume that in the bod fat is not converted into enrbohydrat In numei diseases investigated b) Du Bois ami others' no qualitative change in the combustion processes in man has been brou jht. 550 METABOLISM THE MAGNITUDE OF THE RESPIRATORY EXCHANGE It is evident thai the amount of carbon dioxide expired and of oxy- gen retained will be proportional to the energy liberation in the animal body. Even at the risk of repetition it should be noted that the energy exchange can be very accurately calculated from the result of the materia] balance sheet — indirect calorimetry, as it is called (page 562). On account of the comparative simplicity of measuring the carbon dioxide output and oxygen intake, it is natural that many of the obser- vations that have been made on energy production in the animal body depend on the use of this method, justification for which is found in the complete agreement between the results of direct and indirect calorim- etry in a great variety of diseases and conditions in man (Du Boisr').* In the first place, it is interesting to compare the respiratory ex- changes of different animals computed per kilo body weight. This is shown in the following table. OXYGEN AB- CARBON DIOXIDE WEIGHT SORBED PER KILO DISCHARGED VOL. C02 TEMPERA- ANIMAL GM. AND HOUR GM. PER KILO AND HOUR TURE OF AIR VOL. O, GM. Insecta Field cricket A mphibia 0.25 2.305 Edible frog 0.063 (44.2 c.c.) 0.060 (30.76 c.c.) 0.69 15°-19° 0.105 0.1134 0.7S — (73.4 c.c.) (57.7 c.c.) A ves Common hen 12S0 1.058 (740 c.c.) 1.327 (675 c.c.) 0.91 19° Pigeon 232-380 3.236 — — Sparrow 90 9.595 (6710 c.c.) 10.492 (5334.5 c.c.) 0.79 18° Mammalia Ox 638 000 0.3S9-0.485 660,000 >Sheep 66,000 0.490 (343 c.c.) 0.671 (341 c.c.) 0.99 16° Dog 6213 1.303 (911 c.c.) 1.325 (674 c.c.) 0.74 15° Cat 2464 1.356 1.397 0.75 3047 (947 C.C.) f710 c.c.) > > 0.64.', f 150 c.c.) 0.766 (.".SO c.c.) 0.86 29.6° Hal. Kit 1433 1.012 1 .354 0.97 lS°-20° Guinea pig 444.!i 1.478 1.758 0.86 22° Rat (white) 80.5 3.518 — ~7° (1789 c.c.) \\ ( iiiun ' * 0-> s.l n.::27 17° - * 1 ' ' Ho*7 Man — •J 66,70 0.292 — (Modified from Pembrey.)17 "For the convenience of those who may desire lo know more about the methods of analysis that are suitable in the clinic, a chapter on the subject will be found beginning on page 554. Till < LBBON B U 551 Several factors operate to explain these differences, and of the following are of importance: 1. The Body Temperature, [ncrease in body temperature entails in- creased combustion. This explains whj the metabolism of a bird is greater than thai of ;i mammal of the same size, for, as is well known, temperature of a bird is two or three degrees centigrade above thai other animals. Rise in bodj temperature also explaii s, in pari at least, the increased metabolism observed in fev< 2. The Temperature of the Environment. In considering this we m distinguish between tl ffecl produced on warm-bl led and on <•■ blooded animals, since the body temperature of a cold-blooded animal is only o] p two degrees Centigrade above thai of its environmenl follows thai the metabolic activity will be directly proportional to the temperature of the latter. In a warm-blooded animal, on the other hand, the body temperature remains constanl whatever changes may occur in thai of the environment, this constancy of body temperature being dependenl on the fad thai the intensity of the combustion pi inversely proportional to tho cooling eflfed of the atmosphere. Tl suppose the external temperature should fall, then the loss of heat from the body will tend to become greater, and to maintain the body tempe ture at a constanl level, the body furnaces must burn more briskly, -with the result thai an increased excretion of carbon dioxide and in t oxygen will occur. This influence of the surrounding atmosphere on the metabolic activ- ity of warm-blooded animals has. as already pointed out, been used by several investigators to explain the greater combustion per kilo body weighl of small as compared with large animals. The argumenl is that, since the sin face of small animals relatively to their mass is much •_ than in large animals, the cooling of the small animals will he |> inn- ately greater. The relationship between surface ami ma-- is Bhown by tak- ing t v ubes ami putting them together; tin- mass of the two cubes equal t<> double that <>f either cube, wi irface than double, since two aspects of the cuhes ha\e l.eeii broughl I T prove the contention, the respiratory exchange has been comput square meter of surface instead of per kilo body weight, with suit thai a very elos rrespondence in the metabolism of .i aimals has been observed; hut this question has already been disc ssed, and we now know that the law of cooling can not he the oiil\ extent of the respiratory exchang< <\\ 3. Muscular Exercise. This has a most important influ change ami it is particularly in connection with it that studies in dioxide output and oxygen intake have been 552 METABOLISM ticularly when the investigations are undertaken on men doing ordinary types of muscular exercise, such as walking or climbing. It is true that the influence of muscular exercise on the energy metabolism may also be studied by having a person in the calorimeter do exercises on an ergometer, but the results thus obtained are in many ways not nearly so valuable as those which can be secured by observing the respiratory exchange of persons doing ordinary types of muscular exercise in the open. The following table of observations on horses is of interest in this connection. CONDITION AIR EXPIRED CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN ABSORBED CO, IN LITERS DISCHARGED IN IN LITERS PER o, • PER MINUTE LITERS PER MINUTE MINUTE Rest 44 1.478 1.601 0.92 Walk 177 4.342 4.766 0.90 Trot 333 7.516 8.093 0.93 It will be observed that the metabolism increases extraordinarily for even a moderate degree of work, but that at the same time the respiratory quotient remains constant. From observations on the respiratory ex- change of Avorking men and animals, extremely important facts concern- ing the efficiency of muscular work have been secured. The form of respiratory apparatus (Zuntz or Douglas) employed for this purpose must be capable of being strapped on the man's back without causing any embarrassment to his bodily movements. By a comparison of the respiratory exchange with the amount of work done, the efficiency of the work can readily be determined. It has been found, for example, that the efficiency is much greater after the man or animal has got into the swing of the work, his energy expenditure per unit of work being much greater during the first half hour's work in the morning than it is later on. This indicates that after a little practice the muscles can ex- ecute a given movement and perform a given amount of work much more smoothly than when they are not in training. Another interesting outcome of the investigations has been to show that work done under ab- normal conditions that tend to produce any kind of muscular strain is done inefficiently. It has been found in marching soldiers, for example, that the slightest abrasion of the foot greatly increases the energy expenditure, for the man, in trying to avoid the pain produced by the abrasion, brings into operation muscular groups that are really not required for the efficient performance of the movement, but are used instead to avoid pressure on the sore. Fatigue also causes inefficient performance of work; that is to say, the fatigued person, on attempting I lii CARBON BALANCE the same amount of work as he performed bi becoming fatigu will i|(> bo at a much greater expenditure of energy. There is a diurnal variation in the respirato e, which is in genera] parallel with the body temperature; it rises during the day, 1 1 1 « - time of activity and work, and falls during the night, the time and sleep. Food also affects respiratory exchange, but it will V- nni essary to go into this further after wha1 lias been said <>n ; 17. CHAPTER LXII* A CLINICAL METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE RESPIRATORY EXCHANGE IN MAN By R. G. Pearce, B.A., M.D. Principle. — Since the determination of the respiratory exchange in man is of some importance in the study of certain diseases of the respira- tion, circulation and metabolism, and also because directions for carry- ing out the necessary procedures are not generally available, we have thought it might be of assistance to include here brief directions for the Tissot and the Douglas methods. These methods have been found to compare favorably in accuracy with others in use at present,f and be- cause of their adaptability and simplicity they are specially suited for clinical work. By these methods the energy metabolism of the body is calculated from oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide excretion per minute (indirect calorimetry) (page 546), the figures for which are determined from the volume and percentile gaseous composition of the expired air. The subject breathes through valves which automatically partition the inspired and expired air. The expirations from a number of respirations are collected in a spirometer or bag, and the volume of the respirations per minute is determined. The gaseous composition of the expired air is determined by gas analysis, and the oxygen consumption and energy output of the body are calculated from the data obtained. Description and Use of Parts of the Apparatus: 1. The Mouthpiix i: and Valves. — The mouthpiece is made of soft pure gum rubber, and con- sists of an elliptical rubber flange having a hole in the center 2 cm. in diameter, to Avhich on one side a short rubber tube is attached. On the opposite side of the hole, at right angles to the rubber flange, are at- tached two rubber lugs. The rubber flange is placed between the lips, and llie lugs are held by the teeth. The rubber tube of the mouthpiece is connected to the tube carrying the valves. The nose must be tightly closed if mouth breathing is used. This is accomplished by a nose clip, which consists of a V-shaped metal spring, the ends of which are pro- vided with felt pads. A toothed rachet is attached to the ends of the "This chapter is added for the convenience of workers in this subject. ter: Carnegie Institution of Washington Reports, No. 216, 1915. 55 1 Ml I HMD FOR l»l Tl ({MIXING RESI'IHATI N|niii'_r. and serves to hold the ^i>iiir_' tightly clamped on tl the proper position see Pig 177 . Si. in.- individuals experience greal .i: made '■> breathe through Hi'' mouth. For these it is b use a face mask, i fortu- nately a1 the present time no mask is entirely satis v. Perhaps besl is one sold by Siebe, Gorman & Co., which is pictured in the cu1 After being placed in position the face mask should be I which can be done by putting soap around the i 'J. The Valves. The valves of Tissol are probabl; purpose, l»ut thej are expensive and difficull to obtain. We have made perfectly satisfactory valves from the prepared >1 in the manufacture of bologna saus I in salt, and they will keep indefinitely <>n ice When needed 1 1 J.. Monadi 556 METABOLISM is taken, Mashed free from salt by allowing water from the tap to run through it, and softened in a weak glycerine solution. The gut becomes very soft and pliable, and does not dry quickly. A piece of the casing about 10 em. long is threaded through a glass tube of about 15 mm. bore and 4 to 6 cm. long. One end of the easing is brought around the outside of the tubing and secured by means of a thread. The lower end of the membrane is pinched off and the casing is then cut a little more than half way across its middle, so that the opening will lie just Avithin the free end of the tube when the casing is drawn back through it. The loose end of the casing is slightly twisted — an essential procedure — and is then secured by a thread on the outer side of the tube. If properly made, the valve will work freely without vibration, and the opening be sufficiently large to allow a good current of air to pass. It should col- lapse instantly and be air-tight when the current of air is reversed. The back lash, or lag of closure, of these valves is extremely small, and they will open or close with a pressure of air not exceeding the pressure Fig. 178. — Diagram of respiratory valves. changes in normal respiration. When not in use, the valves should be kept in glycerine water on ice. Valves prepared in this way have been in use a month without loss of efficiency. They are, however, made with so great ease that new valves are provided for each subject, and they are therefore especially adapted to ward work (Fig. 178). The valves are inserted in reverse order into a supporting metal T-piecc, and the joints made air-tight by tape. The stem of the T is connected with the mouthpiece. Through a rubber tube of about 3/4 inch bore, the expired air is collected in the spirometer, or Douglas Bag. 3. The Tissot Spirometer is pictured in Fig. 170. We have found the 100-liter size to be very serviceable in the clinic. This instrument is mounted on a platform having rubber wheels, and can be moved about the wards with ease. The bell of the spirometer is made of aluminum and is suspended in a water-bath between the double walls of a hollow cylinder made of galvanized iron. The height of the bell is 72 cm. and the diameter 42 cm. An opening at the bottom of the cylinder connects through a three-way stopcock- with the rubber tube leading from the expiratory valve of the mouthpiece (see Fig. 177). Ml 'I'll. in FOR in 'II IRMINING RESIMRATOR^ IMIIW'i.i. IN WW The bell is counterpoised by means of a weight. In the original Ti spirometer an automatic adjustmenl permitted water in aim. nut equal to the water displaced by the bell to flow Erom the spiromi tinder int. * a counterpoise cylinder as the bell ascended out of the wal Pig. 179. TI The bell, being heavier ou1 of water than when it is immersed, ingly counterpoised in any position, although Car] hown that this refill. 'in. 'nt is ann< y. An opening in I spiromi permits the insertion n\' a rubl pper, through which are passed a thermometer, a water manometer, and a si with t r drav 558 MKTAP.OUSM the sample of air. A scale on the side of the instrument gives the vol- ume of the air. During an observation the subject sits in a reclining position or lies upon a couch. When the bell of the spirometer is placed at zero, the mouthpiece adjusted in the month, and the nose clamped, respiration is started, the expirations being passed through the stopcock, which is so turned as to allow them to pass to the outside air. After a few minutes the stopcock is turned so that the expirations are passed into Fig. 180. — The Douglas bag method for determining the respiratory exchange. The arrange- ment of mouthpiece, valves, and connecting tubes shown here has been found to be more con- venient than that recommended by Douglas. the spirometer for a definite length of time. At the end of the period the cock is again turned, and after the barometric pressure, temperature, and volume of the air have been noted, the composition of the air is determined in the Haldane gas analysis apparatus. 4. The Douglas Bag. — The Douglas bag is made of rubber-lined cloth, and is capable of holding from 50 to 100 liters. It is especially useful for investigations during exercise, since it is fitted with straps so that the bag can be fastened to the shoulders (Fig. 180). It is then connected with the valves, the mouthpiece of which is placed between 1 lie lips. METHOD FOR DETERMINING RESPIRATORY RXPHANOl IN MAN Respirations are commenced with the three-way valve turned so as I allow the expirations to pass directly outside After respiral equi- librium'is established, the three-way valve is turned during an inspira- tory period so thai the bu< ling expirations may pass into the '•■ The time required to fill the bag comfortably is determined with a stop- watch. The air which has been collected in the bag durii i"'i is thoroughly mixed and passed through a meter, the temperature and barometric pressure are noted, and a sample analyzed in the IlalII solution. The specific gravity of the KOH should be 1.55, which is obtained approximately by dissolving the sticks (pure by alcohol) in an *The Stopcock (8) is double-bored, so that the tube leading' from the burette can be brought into connection with cither 9 or 12. fThis tube also has a .three-way stopcock (/p), so that it may be opened to the outside. METHOD TOR DETERMINING RESPIRATORY EXCHANGE I N MAN equal weight of water. The mark /■ on the Btem of the bulb indi- cates the level a1 which the solutions should Btand. Enough pyrogallate Bolution is introduced through tube 15 to fill bulbs 12 and U two-thirds full. Then pyrogallate solution is poured into tube 16 until the differ- ence in level of the llui> I I: Q. — 0 in :iiin aii 0 CO,ii pircd air Id 100 20.9-1 : 79.06%, \ in atmo LOO 20.50 : l N in expired i Since the nitrogen is not changed in volume, the last figure Bhov more oxygen musl have been taken in durii a piration than 0 CO has been given back in expiration. This obviously must be taken into accounl in the calculations. The amounl of O actually inspired LOO c c. of air expired is found as follov 20.94 (% 0, in atmospln-i i<- : 79M (% N2 in atmospheric :M .877 .873 - - 730 .910 .'.Ml 7 .904 .901 .897 - .891 --- 382 57 71ii ,,.,., .919 .'.'!•; .913 .910 .907 .904 - 750 .935 .932 .928 .925 .922 .919 .916 .913 .910 1 760 .947 .94 1 .94] .938 .934 .931 • .922 .916 770 .960 .957 .950 - .945 .940 1 TAB! I V K. Q. CALORIES FOB 1 LITER O, RELATIVE CALORIES C< Number • larbohydn I per ■ ~~0~ 100 1.4 - 11.6 15.0 18.4 21.8 25.2 28.6 71.4 32.0 35. 1 12.2 l.O 52.4 - 76 2 10. 0.707 1.686 0.71 4.690 0.72 • 1.702 0.73 1.71 1 ".71 1.727 0.75 4.739 0.76 1.752 0.77 4.764 0.78 i77>; 0.79 1.789 0.80 1.801 0.8] 1.813 0.82 1.825 0.83 I 838 0.84 1.850 0.85 1.863 ii.s«; • 1.887 0.88 1.1 1.912 0.90 1.924 0.91 1.948 0.93 0.94 1.985 0.96 1.00 ' CHAPTER LXI1I STARVATION In order to furnish us with a standard with which we may compare other conditions, we shall first of all study the metabolism during starva- tion. A valuable chart compiled from observations made in the Carne- gie Institution of Washington on a man who fasted for thirty-one days is reproduced in Fig. 182. The Excretion of Nitrogen. — When an animal is starved, it has to live on its own tissues, but in doing so it saves its protein, so that the excretion of nitrogen falls after a few days to a low level, the energy requirements being meanwhile supplied, so far as possible, from stored carbohydrate and fat. Although always small in comparison with fat, the stores of carbohydrate vary considerably in different animals. They are much larger in man and the herbivora than in the carnivora. Dur- ing the first few days of starvation it is common, in the herbivora, to find that the excretion of nitrogen is actually greater than it was before starvation, because the custom has become established in the metabolism of these animals of using carbohydrates as the main fuel material, so that when carbohydrates are withheld, as in starvation, proteins are used more than before and the nitrogen excretion becomes greater. We may say that the herbivorous animal has become carnivorous. The same thing may occur in man when the previous diet was largely carbohy- drate; thus, almost invariably in man the nitrogen output is larger on the third and fourth days of starvation than on the first and second. Another factor influencing the nitrogen excretion during the early days of the fast is the amount of previous intake of nitrogen; the greater this has been, the greater the excretion. By the seventh day, however, a uniform output- of nitrogen will usually be reached irrespective of the individual's protein intake. During the greater part of starvation, most of the energy required to maintain life is derived from fat, as little as possible being derived from protein. This type of metabolism lasts until all the available resources of fat have become exhausted, when a more extensive metabolism of protein sets in, with the consequence that the nitrogen excretion rises. This is really the harbinger of death — it is often ••ailed ithe premortal rise in nitrogen excretion. It indicates that all the •ordinary fuel <>f the animal economy has been used up, and that it has 566 STARVATION OxrtfN AM) CARSON OIOXIOC. ce AiVCOLAR CO, TENSION. Mb KOOOCUSSUU.*. (nutrition laboratory or tmc carnicje institution v v«as«xtoh. ioston. hassacwstttsj METABOLISM CHART OF A MAN FASTING 31 DAYS APRIL 14- MAY 15. 1912 I 2 3 4 S 6 7 6 9 IOII 12 1314 IS 16 i 7 i« i» 20 21 22 2 J 24 2S 26 27 2S 2« SO If HEM Pa MMB.CMI BODY TCMtWATURC. *C MIAT*«AJ10.KJII«,CALJ. RESPIRATORY OUOTICNT RCSPIIATION RATE PULSC RATC CHLORINC (CI). CMS. TOTAL NiTROCtN. CMS. __IIN URJNC.CMS j WXYBUTYReAClO.CMS.) URiC AOD-N.GM, TOTAL SULPHUR (SI CM AMMONIA-N. CMS PHOSPHORUS (P,0J. CMS. "j 3 4 » e 7 > » io i.i 12 > i4 is n mi t ro i< it ti i* n mi r* t» * * Fig. 182.— Cun I'ln dinati From P. G 568 METABOLISM become accessary to burn the very tissues themselves in order to obtain sufficient energy to maintain life. Working capital being all exhausted, an attempt is made to keep things going for a little Longer time by liq- uidation of permanent assets. But these assets, as represented by pro- tein, are of little real value in yielding the desired energy because, as Ave have seen, only 4.1 calories are available against 9.3, obtainable from fats. These facts explain why during starvation a fat man excretes daily Less nitrogen than a lean man, and why the fat man can stand the starva- tion for a longer time. The premortal rise is, however, not prevented by feeding oil, which would seem to indicate that death may be due not so much to the absence of fuel as to serious nutritional disturbance of es- sential organs; e. g., there may be no available material to supply the glands of internal secretion with the building stones they must have (see page 580). Not only is there this general saving of protein during starvation, but there is also a discriminate utilization of what has to be used by the different organs, according to their relative activities. This is very clearly shown by comparison of the loss of weight ivhich each organ un- dergoes during starvation. The heart and brain, which must be active if life is to be maintained, lose .only about 3 per cent of their original weight, whereas the voluntary muscles, the liver and the spleen lose 31, 54 and 67 per cent, respectively. No doubt some of this loss is to be accounted for as due to the disappearance of fat, but a sufficient remainder represents protein to make it plain that there must have been a mobilization of this substance from tissues where it wras not absolutely necessary, such as the liver and voluntary muscles, to organs, such as the heart, in which energy transformation is sine qua non of life. The vital organs live at the expense of those whose functions are accessory. The energy output per square meter of body surface steadily declines. In the man examined by Benedict, it was 958 C. per square meter of surface at the end of the first twenty-four hours, but only 737 on the thirty-first day of the starvation period. The oxygen intake and carbon- dioxide output correspondingly diminish. The behavior of the nitrogenous metabolites in the urine is of par- ticular interest, the following facts being of significance: Urea nitrogen relatively falls and NIT., N rises. For example, on the last day of feeding the percentage output of NIL-N in relation to total nitrogen Avas 3.16; on the eighth day of the fast it was 14.88 (Cathcart).2 Acidosis is the cause. The total amount of creatinine and creatine shows only a slight fall, but creatinine relatively decreases and creatine increases (Cathcart). Since creatine is a substance peculiar to muscle tissue, it is possible by 3TABVA1 [I comparing the creatine and creatinine output with that of aitrogen t" determine whether all of the aitrogen liberated by the breakdown of muscle has been excreted, or whether some has been retained eitl resynthesis in the muscle itself or for use elsewhere, li' the mm breakdown as calculated from the creatine-creatinine outpul than thai calculated from the nitrogen, synthesis of the n< tine remainder must be wrringj whereas if the breakdown calculated from nitrogen is greater than thai calculated from en sues than muscle musl be contributory. Stored nitrogen or. free nil gen in transit from tissue to tissue for utilization is the most likely source of such excess oil rogen. That transference of nitrogenous substances from place to place in the body in starvation is proved 1 I by the constanl presen >f amino ni- trogen in the blood and tissues Van Slyke ; and '-! by th< copious water drinking. The Latter causes a decided increase in t; put of nitrogen, bu1 it does not appear that the extra nitrogen is d increased protein breakdown. It is probable, however, thai in such <•■ there would also be an increase in endogenous protein metabolism, the washed-ou1 fvc nitrogen would have to be replaced. Excretion of Purines. Although at firsl they fall sum. -what, the total amount increases as the fasl progresses. Perhaps the firsl decli due to genera] using up of hypoxanthine of muscle and the lat< to the breakdown of nuclei (page 638 . Excretion of Sulphur. It is importanl to compare tl sulphur and nitrogen. In the early days of starvation a ratio of 17 N: 1 S has been found, bul later one of 14.5: 1, which is practically the same as that in mnsele i i. e.. 11:1. indicating that late in fasting the main source of protein supply is muscle. Several of the changes observed during starvation can be attribul to the condition of acidosis which Bupervei ids are derived from incomplete combustion of fal Bee page 68 nd are repn by |9-oxybutyric, the amount being sometimes considerable 10-15 grams a daj . 'specially in obese individuals. The large ammonia tion (sometimes 2 grams a day' is evidently for the purp< utraliri the excess of acid. Another consequence of the acidosis is tl sline in the alveolar tension of « 0 page 354 . and it - hie that si the circulatory changes shown in the chart may also be dependenl on it. The method of repeated fasting us.d for reducing obesity is q safe if the acidosis is carefullj watched. .Man;, secondary changes also occur in the starving organism. Thus. the mobilization of fal is often responsible for a pronounced ii ■• in the fat content of the blood see p '- and tl 570 M ETABOLISM the presence of an amount of amino nitrogen not much below that of normal animals (viz., 4 mg. per 100 c.c. of blood). Similarly with carbohydrates, early in the condition the blood sugar becomes much lower than normal, but then remains steady. This is significant when Ave remember that after two or three days of starvation all of the avail- able glycogen has been used up. It indicates that carbohydrate must be essential for life, and that it is produced in starvation from proteins i sec page 667). Starvation ends in death in an adult man in somewhat over four weeks but much sooner in children, because of their more active metab- olism. At the time of death the body weight may be reduced by 50 per cent. The body temperature does not change until within a few days of death, when it begins to fall, and it is undoubtedly true that if means are taken to prevent cooling of the animal at this stage, life will be prolonged. Death from starvation must be due either to a general failure of all the cells or to injury of certain organs that are essential for life. Since the loss of protein from the body as a whole may vary between 20 and 50 per cent at the time of death by starvation, it is unlikely that general failure can be its cause. If it were so, death would always occur when some fixed loss of protein had occurred. Certain organs evidently cease to perform their function, either because they are deprived of raw mate- rial for the elaboration of some substance (hormone) necessary for life, or because the organs themselves wear out from want of nourishment. NORMAL METABOLISM Apart from the practical importance of knowing something about the behavior of an animal during starvation, such knowledge is of great value in furnishing a standard with which to compare the metabolism of animals under normal conditions. Taking again the nitrogen balance as indicating the extent of protein wear and tear in the body, let us • •(insider first of all the conditions under which equilibrium may be re- gained. It would be quite natural to suppose that, if an amount of pro- tein containing llic same amount of nitrogen as is excreted during starvation were given to a starving animal, the intake and output of nitrogen would balance. We are led to make this assumption because we know thai any business balance sheet showing an excess of expenditure over income could be met by such an adjustment. But it is a very differ- enl matter with the nitrogen balance sheet of the body; for, if we give the starving animal just enough protein to cover the nitrogen loss, we shall cause the excretion to rise to a total which is practically equal to STABVATIl the starvation amounl plus all thai we have given id; and although by daily giving this amounl of protein there maj be a Blight decline 1 lie excretion, it will never come near to being the Bame as that of tin- intake The only effed of Buch feeding will be t<> prolong [ife p,,. a few days. Nitrogenous Equilibrium. To attain equilibrium we must . amounl of protein whose nitrogen eontenl is at Least two and one-half times thai of the starvation level. For a few -lays following the estab- lishment of this pure protein diet, the nitrogen excretion will be far in excess of iIk' intake, bu1 it will gradually decline until tin- tun practically correspond. Eaving once gained an equilibrium, we may raise In level by gradually increasing the protein intake During this prog sive raising of the ingested protein, it will be found, at least in the c nivora cat and dog), thai a certain amounl of nitrogen is retained by the body for a day or so immediately following each increase in p t.-in intake. The excretion of nitrogen, in other words, does nol immedi- ately follow the dietetic increase. 'I 'he amounl of nitrogen thus retaine* too greal to be accounted as a retention of disintegration products protein; it must therefore be due to an actual building up of new | tein tissue — that is. growth of muscli Nitrogenous equilibrium on a protein diet alone is readily attainable in the <-at, ami less readily in the dog. Bu1 in man ami tin- herbivor animals, it is impossible to give a sufficiency of protein alone to maintain equilibrium; there will always he an excess of excretion over intake. Indeed it scarcely requires any experiment to prove this, for it is sol f- evident when we consider that there are less than 1 » <* in a pound of uncooked lean meat, and thai there are few who could eat over tl pounds a day, an amount, however, which would scarcely furnish all of the required calorics. A person fed exclusively on flesh is the being partly starved, even although he may think thai he is eating abundantly and be quite comfortable and active. This fad tical application in the so-called Banting i In. Protein Sparer*. Very different results are obtained when (hy- drates or fats are freely given with the protein to the starving anii Nitrogen equilibrium can then be regained on very much so thai we speak of fats and carbohydrates as being ". Carbohydrates are much better protein sparers than are so cfiicieiit in this regard that it is now common!) believed bohydrates arc essential for life, ami that when I us no trace of carbohydrates, a part of the carbon of p verted into carbohydrate. This important truth is su| dence derived from other fields of investignti 572 METABOLISM diabetic patients, in whom the power to use carbohydrates is greatly depressed). The marked protein-sparing action of carbohydrates is il- lustrated in another way — namely, by the fact that we can greatly diminish the protein breakdown during starvation by giving carbo- hydrates, in this way we can indeed reduce the daily nitrogen excre- tion to about one-third its amount in complete starvation. Carbohy- drate starvation is said to entail a failure of the muscles to use again in their metabolism certain of the products (e. g., creatine) which result from their disintegration. At any rate it has been found that creatine is excreted in the urine when no carbohydrates are available. In the case of man living on an average diet, although the daily nitro- gen excretion is about 1.5 grams, it can be lowered to about 6 grams provided that in place of the protein that has been removed from the diet enough carbohydrate is given to bring the total calories up to the normal daily requirement. If an excess of carbohydrate over the energy requirements is given, the protein may be still further reduced with- out disturbing the equilibrium. It has been found that it is not the amount of carbohydrate alone that determines the ease with which the irreducible protein minimum can be reached; the kind of protein itself makes a very great difference. This has been very clearly shown by one investigator, who first of all determined his nitrogen excretion while living exclusively on starch and sugar, and who then proceeded to see how little of different kinds of protein he had to take in order to bring him- self into nitrogenous equilibrium. He found that he had to take the following amounts: 30 gm. meat protein, 31 gm. milk protein, 34 gm. rice protein, 38 gm. potato protein, 54 gm. bean protein, 76 gm. bread protein, and 102 gm. Indian-corn protein. The organism is evidently able to satisfy its protein demands much more readily with meat than with vegetable proteins. This variability in the food value of different proteins depends on their ultimate structure — that is, on the proportion and manner of linkage of the various amino acids that go to build up the molecule. In no two proteins are these building stones, as they are called, present in exactly the same proportions, some proteins having a preponderance of one or more and an absence of others, just as in a row of houses there may be no two that are exactly alike, although for all of them the same build- ing materials were available. Albumin and globulin are the most im- portant proteins of blood and tissues, so that the food must contain the necessary units for their construction. M' il fails in this regard, even to the extent of lacking only one (if the units, the organism will either be unable to construct that protein, and will therefore suffer from partial starvation, or it will have to construct for itself this missing unit. It is therefore apparenl thai the mosl valuable proteins will I thai contain an array of units thai can be reunited t<> form all th< of protein entering into the structure of the bodj pi turally, the protein which mosl nearly meets the requirements is meal prot< so thai we are no1 surprised to find thai let than of any other protein has to 1"' taken to gain nitrogen equilibrium. Tli'- mosl exacl information regarding the d valu< proteins has been Becured b} observations on the rate of growth ing animals. This method yields more reliable information than ran be Becured by studies on the nitrogenous balance, because it is no1 usually possible to keep up the latter observations for fficient period time, or to secure an adequate number of data. Dui a rowth I building-up processes are in excess of the breaking-down, so that the effecl is an increase in bulk of the tissues, thus permitting us. by the sim- ple expedienl of observing the body weight, to dra tlusions the influence of various E Istuffs on tissue construction. CHAPTER LXIV NUTRITION AND GROWTH In the growth of animal tissues two factors arc concerned, one being the property of the cell to grow, the growth factor; and the other, the availability of suitable material to grow upon, the food factor. Concern- ing the growth factor little is known ; its variability in different species of animal, its irregularity despite proper adjustment of the food factors, its abnormality leading to tumor formation, etc., are all well-known but apparently inexplicable facts (MendeP). THE FOOD FACTOR OF GROWTH Our knowledge is constantly increasing concerning the food factor of growth, and many facts of extreme practical importance have been ac- cumulated in recent years. In seeking for the relationship of food to growth, we must first of all consider whether this process entails a greater expenditure of energy than is necessary for mere maintenance in adult life. Important results bearing on this question have been se- cured by observations on the basal metabolism of young children. In computing the energy supply of fasting adult animals of different sizes, it will be remembered that the smaller the animal, the greater is the energy exchange in relationship to the body weight, although when computed in relationship to body surface tolerably constant values are obtained. When the calorie output per square meter is determined in growing children, there is, as we have already seen, clear evidence of greater energy expenditure (see page 541), particularly marked in boys just before puberty. An increased energy metabolism has also been de- scribed in the case of infants, but the uncontrollable muscular activity, the psychic disturbances, etc., may explain the result. Even after dis- counting these factors, however, it is possible that there may be a cer- tain influence, depending probably on the active mass of growing proto- plasmic tissue, which stimulates the energy expenditure. The question is not yet finally settled. The Relationship of Proteins to Growth and Maintenance of Life. — Since protein constitutes the fundamental chemical basis of the cell, it is natural to devote attention in the first place to this food principle. 574 NUTRITION \M> GROW1 II In the pioneer investigations, studies on the nitrogen balance in young animals yielded results from which it was concluded thai tl ditions for the disintegration <>!' protein are less developed in young animals than in adults, s<> that the growing organs rapidly withdraw circulating protein and build it into tissue protein. In consideration of the accumulation of data extendii pal decades, Rubner denied these conclusions, and showed that the diel the growing infant is by no means relatively rich in protein. II" con- cluded that "growth is no1 proportional to the quantity of protein in I diet." Important though this pioneer work may have been in the de- velopment of our present-day conception, the viewpoinl of the men who carried it out was very much narrowed on accounl of the paucity knowledge concerning the structure of the protein molecule. No all* ance was made for the fact, which has recently been firmly established, thai the protein molecule may vary extremely in regard to the d of which it is composed, and that the growing tissues may demand, so much an abundance of protein as such, but rather a prop all the building stones which are required for growth Mendel . Quantitative Comparison of Amino a. eds Obtained b'v H' (Compile! by T. B. Osborne, 19] OVAL- CASEIN BUMIN GLIADIN IV ( rlycocoll 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 :;.sn « Alanine 1.50 ■ 13. 1 • • Valine 7. L'n 2.50 3.3 I 1.88 20 T Leucine 9.35 10.71 19 1 1.:>" - Proline 6.70 3.56 13.22 i.i" - Phenylalani lie 3.20 15.55 5.07 9.10 2.35 43 l 26.17 is. 71 I3.fi i rlutaminic acid Aspartic acid 1.39 2.20 0.58 1.71 t ' lie 0.50 f 0.13 T\ rosine 4.50 1.77 1.61 2.13 < '\ st'me f T 0.45 t f f II ist i.line 8.50 1.71 1.84 - Arginine 3.81 1.91 2.84 1.55 14-17 12 I. sine Ti 5 ptophane, about l."'11 1.00 Ammonia L.61 1.34 IV - 88.87 - • i bt te bi chemists. tThe fiRiircs for the From the accompanying table giving the amino acids, etc., present in certain proteins, it will be evident that tl arc very marked variations in the units of which differ* composed ft any one of these units should be essential owth and 576 METAI'.nLISM the organism be unable to manufacture the missing unit for itself, it is clear that growth could not proceed however much protein not contain- ing the necessary unit we might feed to the animal. It is an application of the law of the minimum, and is analogous with the failure of growth which has long been known to ensue when certain inorganic substances are withheld from the growing animal. A diet might be perfectly bal- anced as judged by comparison of the nitrogen intake and output, and yet if it should fail to contain even one of the essential units and the organism should be incapable of supplying this unit, then would the diet be inadequate for growth. These important facts are the outcome of modern work, and they have been established by observations on the growth of young animals fed with a "basal ration" to which were added mixtures of amino acids .v^ Each division = 20 days Days Each division = 2.0 days. Tig. 183. — Curves of growth of rats on basal rations plus the various proteins indicated. The normal curve may be taken as that with casein (I). (Adapted from Lafayette B. Mendel and T. B. Osborne.) or various proteins which differ considerably from one another in the nature of the units entering into their make-up. In such experiments the periods during which growth is observed must be prolonged, since a transient increase in weight might depend merely on repair processes occurring in tissues which had previously for some reason been brought below par. Among the most important observations have been those of Lafayette B. Mendel and T. B. Osborne8 and of McCollum and his collaborators. The animals chosen for Mendel and Osborne's experiments were young white rats. Large batches of these animals were fed on a basal ration consisting of protein-free milk (containing the inorganic salts, the sugars, traces of protein, and unknown substances having an important influence on M TUITION \M» likuW I II .'. . growth vitamines? . to which were added more carbohydrate, purified fat, and the protein whose influence <>n growth it was desired to Btudy. The same diel was fed a1 regular intervals to a given batch of rats, and the weighl of each ra1 was periodically taken, the observation l"-in<_r pro longed until the animals grew to maturity and prodi 1 young, and these again / */ ■$/ // !»/ 1 / v/ A / •V J9i */ ^^""^ Ay ■ ® t T 1 - T T 1 / - ■ ■ - - • / 1 J'- 1 * if/ 9/ ■ / V X — ■* 1* ■ / ^ 7 4V IM,1 lacri division -Jto dayi Days Cach divijion - ZOday* Pig, 184. — Cun growth of rau ina indicated. In curve III tk of the additii n to an inadi I protein, lactalbumin, 1 in 1\' the effect of the addition from I. at Mendel and T, B. Osb Similar curves were obtained with Lactalbumin of milk and ovalbumin and ovovitellin of egg Perhaps the mosl interesting substances capable of producing the normal curve of growth are certain of tin- proteins thai T. B. Osborne has succeeded in separating in crystalline form from jetable foodstuffs. These are edestin hempseed . globulin squ seed . excelsin (Brazil nut , glutelin maize . globulin (cottonseed , glutein (wheal . glycinin soy bean), cannabin (hempseed Thai growth p Is normally with any one of these proteins when fed abundantly does not, however, n sssarily indicate that each con- tains in adequate proportion all of the n ry units to meel the pro- tein demands of growing tissues. In the case of casein, I ample, one of tin1 units, namely, glycocoll, which is the simplesl of all the ."">,> METABOLISM amino acids, is entirely missing, and another, cystine, which is a sul- phur-containing amino acid, is present only in small amount. The ab- sence of glycocoll, however, is not of importance, because the organism can manufacture it £or itself (sec page 630). In the case of cystine, which the tissues can not manufacture themselves, the deficiency has to be made up for by feeding an excess of casein so as to cover the needs of the tissues tor this amino acid. By so doing a superabundance of most of the other units will be ingested, and this superabundance will entail the destruction and excretion of the useless amino acids, a process, however, which is conducted in such a way as to permit of the utilization, by the organism, of a part of the energy which the cast-off amino acids contain .see page 667). It is. therefore, not entirely a wasteful process. When the supply of casein is limited, on the other hand, the curve of groAvth becomes subnormal, because an insufficient supply of cystine is thereby offered (Fig. 184). Similar results have been obtained in the case of edestin, a protein from hempseed. This contains an insufficiency of the diamino acid, lysine. Fed in abundance, edestin gave a normal curve of growth, but when fed in insufficient amount the curve failed to ascend properly, which, however, it could be made to do by adding some lysine to the edestin. There is a large group of proteins which fail to permit of any growth no matter in what amounts they may be added to the basal ration. These include: legumelin (soy bean), vignin (vetch), gliadin (wheat or rye), legumin (pea), legumin (vetch), hordein (barley), conglutin (lupine), gelatine (horn), zein (maize), phaseolin (kidney bean). The adequacy to maintain growth of any of these pure proteins varies according to the deficiency in their amino acids. In the case of gliadin of wheat or rye, glycocoll is lacking, and lysine is present only in small amount (see table). The absence of glycocoll can not, however, as we have already seen in the case of casein, explain the inadequacy of gliadin as a foodstuff for growt I] ( Curve II in Fig. 183) . It must be the lysine that is at fault. A still more deficient protein is the zein of maize. With this as the only protein added to the basal diet, the curve of growth actually descends (Curve III of Fi«r. 183), thus indicating that the animal is starving and must soon succumb. The missing units in this protein are glycocoll. lysine and tryptophane (see table on page 575), and it is very signifi- cant that if the latter two amino acids are supplied along with zein, an almost normal curve of groAvth will result. Some improvement can even be brought about by giving tryptophane alone; that is to say, the curve assumes a horizontal line instead of descending, indicating that, although inadequate for growth, the diet is now sufficient for the main- tenance of life. RITION \'-l' GROWTH The important fad demonstrated by these experiments, is thai eer tain iluts are adequati for thi maintenana o) lif< although (l<<\\ had nut. however, been lost, fur when the gliadin was replaced by milk. the animals resumed growth at a very greal rat capacity to lto\\ 580 METABOLISM had only been inhibited by the inadequate diet, and there was nothing really abnormal aboul the stunted animals. For example, the reproduc- tive function developed normally, as was shown in the ease of a young female rat which, after being fed with gliadin as the sole protein sup- ply for 354 days, was mated and produced four young. Although the mother was still maintained on the gliadin diet, the young rats pre- sented normal growth, for they were living on the milk supplied by the mother, and this milk, because it contained cither casein or some other necessary accessory tad or (vide infra), was an adequate food. After removal from the mother, three of these rats were fed on an arti- ficial diet of casein, edestin and the basal ration, and continued the nor- mal course of growth, but when one of them was placed on the gliadin food mixture it immediately failed to grow properly. It would, appear from these experiments that, of the two amino acids that are missing or deficient in gliadin — namely, glycocoll and lysine — it must be the lysine that is essential for growth. This very important conclusion was fully corroborated by finding that, in young rats stunted by previous gliadin feeding, growth immediately started when lysine was added to the diet and ceased again when the lysine was removed, and so on, the experi- ments being often repeated in various modifications. Mendel and Os- borne call attention to the relatively high percentage of lysine in all those proteins that are concerned in nature with the growth of young animals; thus, it is present in large amounts in casein, lactalbumiri and egg vitellin. It is particularly in protein of vegetable origin that indispensable units are likely to be missing, the best known of these units being the aromatic amino acids, tyrosine and tryptophane; the diamino acid, lysine; and the sulphur-containing acid, cystine. Some animal proteins, such as gelatine, also fail to contain aromatic groups, and are therefore utterly inadequate as protein foods. That the absence of one or two units should render a protein utterly incapable of maintaining life suggests that a specific role may he taken by certain amino acids in the maintenance of nutritional rhythm; thus. they may be necessary for the elaboration of some hormone or other in- ternal secretion essential to life, such as epinephrine, the active principle of the suprarenal gland. This is an aromatic substance not far removed in its chemical structure from tyrosine (see page 734). It is therefore natural to suppose that the absence of the tryptophane unit in zein is the reason that this protein is incapable of maintaining the in- itial body weight. In attacking the problem from this viewpoint, Hopkins and Willcock10 made observations on the survival period of young mia : that is, the period during which the animals survived when fed on a basal diet NUTRITION \NI> OBOW1 II mixed either with zein al ■ or with zein plus small quantith tophane. It was found that, with zein alone, th<- m maintain growth; they Losl in weighl and died in from abonl i aboul a month. Other mice fed on the same amount of basal did zein, bu1 to which was also .- 1 < 1 « 1 « ■ < I sunn- tryptophane, although they n the hand, the mice to which tryptophane was a manifested a strik- ingly differenl behavior, being active and more or rmal until jusl before death. Thai both groups of animals failed to live more than forty-four or forty-eight days is probably to 1"- accounted for by the absence in the zein of the other unit, lysine. Had this been added along with the tryptophane i1 is probable, in the lighl of Mendel and I i observations, thai the animals would have survived much long To supply the missing unit, besides using the pur.- amino acid, may employ other proteins which contain tin required an I irve [II of Fig. 184 . That mixtures of protein f Istuffs are desirabl been apparent to those who have studied practical dietetics. We must com- bine the unsuitable protein with others which, although in themselves perhaps also unsuitable, ye1 furnish us with a mixture which contains all the essential units both \'<>v maintenance and growth. As M ndel ints out, these considerations suggesl thai we may be able to utili of the low priced protein by-products of th< al, me i milk in- dustries. The tesl of the adequacy of the corrected diel m be determined by experiments of the type which we have jusl described II is probably in stock-raising rather than in connection with human nu- trition thai these facts will prove of practical value; for, not only of man more varied, but it contains animal p - in which the d< eies are no1 so common. Itfosl important w <i Lrmr. NUTRITION AND GROW1] ll 585 better still, an extract of rice polishings, is added to the polished rice • lict. The extracl i> made by means of Blightly acid 9] pei alcohol, and from it Punk has succeeded in separating a substance in c line form apparently related to the pyrimidines, which it will be membered are a characteristic constituenl of the nucleins. I» small as 0.02 to ii.<>4 '_rm. of this material '.riven by mouth were adequate to cure the polyneuritis of fowls in from six to twelve hours; indeed, in some cases the bird seemed qnite well after three hours. A similar Bub- Btance lias also been extracted from yeast, milk, brain and lime ju i<-«-. and it lias been called, for want of a better name, vitamine. [1 is quite likely that other diseases, such as scurvy, may also be due to the absence of some vitamine in the diel Borne substance, namely, which in the case of this particular disease would m to be absent in preserved food, the continued taking of which is so frequently Fresh fruit and other f Is added even in small amounl rach a diet would appear to supply the accessary vitamine. It is nut the higher animals alone that suffer from the want of some such substance as vitamine. It has been shown, for example, that, when a normal artificial culture medium is inoculated with yeast in \ small amounts, it fails to grow, whereas the same quantity will grow luxuriantly in a medium to which sterilized beer wort has I n added. Vitamine is uo1 of the nature >>\ a ferment, since it withstands heating to 120 C. for more than an hour. The addition of yeast to dietaries thai are deficient in vitamines is an excellent corrective. Returning now to the accessory substances that seem to he adherent to certain forms of fat. we see ,-it once that they can not lie exactly the same as the BO-called vitamine of Funk, for they contain no nitrogen There are. therefore, probably two accessory factors concerned in ade- quate growth. One of these must he present in the protein-free milk which serves as a constituent of the basal diet used iii Osborne and .Mendel's experiments, for we have seen that animals will grow on this (>^v a certain period, provided the proper amino acids are p Later, however, they pass into a state where there is no g adequate maintenance, if now the other accessory factor i^ added, for example, butter fat <>r a small amount of milk i' . in pi n\' protein-free milk), then growth will he resumed at its normal rate. "Either of the determinants may become curative Both are for growth when the bod of them becomes depleted." MhcCollum suggests that these accessory factors should at present he called the "fat-soluble A" and "water-soluble B " The latter ie ent in cells, in fat-free milk, and in many other animal f Is. - probably the same as Innk's vitamine. The former is snluhle in the fat solve? Is 586 METABOLISM being present in most animal fats, but not in all; for example, it is absent from the fat surrounding the pig's heart. By using such a nomenclature it is recognized that the subject is as yet only in an early state of development. We may sum up the main facts of this chapter by stating that growth and maintenance are more than a mere problem of energy supply. Granted that this is sufficient, we must also have a suitable admixture of building units of protein and the presence of extremely small quantities' of some unknown accessory substances. These are present in some natural foods but not in others, and some are soluble in water and others in fats. They are found, for example, in animal fats but not in those of vegetable origin. Both fat- and water-soluble factors are present in large quanti- ties in milk. Both accessory food factors are necessary, as is illustrated in the fol- lowing summary of experiments from Lusk's "Science of Nutrition," (third edition). Purified protein + carbohydrate + vegetable fat + inorganic salts = no growth. " " -f " -t- butter fat 4- " " =no growth. " + " + vegetable f at + " " +vitamines (accessory factor B) = no growth. " " + " + butter fat + " " + vitamines = growth. The Relationship of Inorganic Salts. — Inorganic salts are also an es- sential ingredient of the diet. McCollum found that young animals soon ceased to grow when fed on a diet of corn and purified casein, but that rapid growth returned when a suitable salt mixture was added. Oats, wheat, and beans have also been shown to require some adjustment of their ash content to make them adequate for growth. Most of the animal foods contain in themselves sufficient inorganic material, as is evidenced among other things by the adequacy of milk alone as diet for growing animals and the abhorrence of salt that is shown by strictly carnivorous animals. In the usual mixed diet of man there is almost always enough inorganic material, the salt which he adds being largely for seasoning purposes. When a preponderance of vegetable food is taken, however, the salt comes to have a real dietetic value. The practical application of the results of these numerous and at present somewhat bewildering observations to the nutrition of man, and particularly to the dietetic treatment of disease, is undoubtedly very great. This is especially so in infants and growing children, in whom the correction of some slight inadequacy in the diet may have the most pronounced results, not only on growth and nourishment, but also on the power of resistance against disease and infection. The bene- ficial influence of eod-liver oil, for example, may depend on some fat- NUTRITION AND OBOW1 B .soluble accessory food factors, while tin- miraculous benefit \*. li i<-li scorbutic children derive from the addition of the juice of limes, Lemons etc., to the food is undoubtedly due to Buch influences. The accumu- lating mass of evidence as to the faulty nutrition in animals fed on single kinds of food that fail to contain both kinds of food factors emphasizes the necessity in the dietetic treatmenl of Buch diseases as diabetes, nephritis, etc., of seeing to it i hat the diel is sound, not only in calories, protein content, and palatability, bul also with regard to the presence <>f accessory food factors. CHAPTER LXVI DIETETICS THE CALORIE REQUIREMENT In the application of the important facts that have been revieAved in the preceding chapters to the science of dietetics, the. question arises as to how we may determine with scientific accuracy just exactly how much food should he taken under varying conditions of bodily activity. In a general way, we know that the amount of food that we require to take is proportional to the nature and amount of bodily exercise that is being performed at the time ; and that, if the food supply is inadequate, the work before long will fall off not only in quantity but in quality as well. "Horses (also men) work best when they are well fed, and feed best when they are well worked," is an old adage and one the truth of which can not be overestimated in the consideration of all questions of dietary requirements. An ill-fed beggar will rather suffer from the pain and misery of starvation than attempt to perform a piece of work that the well-meaning housewife bargains should be done before she gives him a meal. The spirit may be willing but the flesh is weak. If he could be trusted, he should be fed first and worked afterwards. Besides the amount of work, two other factors are well known to influence the demand for food — namely, growth and climate. A young, growing boy will often demand as much if not more food than would appear to be his proper share, from a comparison of his body weight with that of his seniors; and, other things being equal, it is well known that Ave are inclined to eat much more heartily of food during the cold days of winter than during the sultry days of July and August. That Ave knoAv these facts in a general way, indicates that the first step to take in the exact determination of dietetic requirements is to find out how much energy the body expends under varying conditions of activity. This, as Ave have seen, may be done by having the person live for some time in a respiration calorimeter, so that Ave may measure the calorie output. To the conclusions drawn from results of observa- tions made under such artificial and unusual conditions of living, the objection might, hoAvever, quite justly be raised that they need not apply to persons kroin£ about their ordinary routine of life. To meet 588 I. II 1 1 1 1. - this objection another method, which we may call 1 1 1 « - statistical, is avail- able. It consists in baking the average diel of a Large number of indi- viduals and comparing the calorie value with the average amounl ;m<><1 consumed by farmers in widely differenl communities: Farmers in Connecticut 3,410 " '• Vermont 3,635 " " New York 3,785 " •' Ctaly 3,565 " Finland 3,474 Average 3,551* *I.usk: The Fundamental P.asis of Nutrition. The average inhabitant of various citi I. ■ don 2,1 Paris 2,903 ich 3,01 I Konigsberg 2,394** >*Rubn< r. lividuals in differenl callii _ V-.n- families Q.8 \ 3.£ Mi ■ ■' : ni -- families | I'.s.A ::.■ Proi 1 men's families [J.S. \ Am; l B.A.) 3,851 \ U.B.A 1,9981 ' -water. In _ ■ . i' is usually computed that a man weigh] in caloi 2,500 for a Bedentarv li' t'iir light muscular work, 3,500 for medium muscular work, I. ecu and upward ery liar.l toil.} : McKillop. These figures apply to the average man, hut in calculating the calorie requirements of a family or ;i community we must make allowai the lesser requirements of women and children. Several dietitians h. compiled tables showing how many calories are expended a< rding I age and Bex, and the German authorities hav< tlv taken these figu and from them calculated a generalized mean, which shows in eomparis 590 METABOLISM with men the percentage thai should be allowed for women and children. The figures are as follows: Man 100 Woman 83 Boy over 1 6 92 Bov 14-lfi 81 Girl 14-10 74 Child 10-13 G4 ' Child 6-9 49 Child 2-5 36 Child under 2 23 In calculating the calorie requirement of the population as a whole, the necessity of making allowance for the varying needs of men, women, and children would obviously make the calculations far too complicated for practical purposes. It is necessary to have a factor by which we may multiply the total population in order to determine its "man value." This factor is based on the relative proportion of men to women and children, and it amounts very nearly to 0.75, i. e., three-quarters of the total population gives "the man value." Knowing the total population, say, of a city, we must therefore multiply this by 0.75 in order to ascer- tain for how many men doing moderate muscular work (3000 C.) food has to be provided. THE PROTEIN REQUIREMENT The facts considered in the previous twro chapters lead to the question: To what extent may the proportion of protein in the diet be reduced with safety? It is evident that there must be a minimum below which every one of the necessary building materials of protein could not be supplied in adequate amount to reconstruct the worn-out tissue protein. The extent to which the protein content of the diet of man can be lowered with safety depends on several factors, of which the most im- portant are: first, the nature of the protein; second, the number of non- protein calories ; and third, the extent of tissue activity. Where so many factors must be taken into consideration, the only method by which the actual minimum can be determined consists in what may be called "cut and try experiments." Of the many investigations of such a nature, probably the best one for us to consider, is that recently published from the Nutrition Laboratory of Copenhagen. The subject, an intelligent laboratory servant, lived a perfectly normal and active life for a period of five months on a diet of potatoes cooked with margarine and a little onion, and containing 4000 C, with a total protein content of 29 grams. During another period he did outdoor work as a mason and laborer, and took 5000 C. daily, and 35 grams of protein. I. II II 1 It is important to contrasl these results with the following based on municipal statistics of gross consumption. Mink ir\i Po » 8 PROTEIN FAT CAI • gm. gm. gm. Konigsbei g M 31 II i _ M Munich 96 192 014 Paris 64 165 291 London 98 60 416 2«-' It is certain thai man can lead a normal existence and remain in good health on very much less protein than the !<"• grams which statistical studies show to be the amounl he actually takes. This discrepancy be- tween the amounl which experimenl demonstrates to be adequate and thai which habil and custom demand, raises the question as to whether, after all, our instincts may nol have erred and bo made us dju rily extravagant in our protein intake. It has been suggested that Buch pro- tein extravagance will in various ways have a deleterious effect on the organism; thus, thai the excretory organs, Buch as the kidneys, will be overtaxed in eliminating the unused amino acids, that the constant p ence of these bodies in excess in the bl I will cause degeneration and sluggish metabolism, and thai the excess protein in the intestine will lead to the production of ptomaines, whose subsequent absorption into the blood will cause toxemic symptoms. Important Bupport to such views appeared to be supplied some -1" years ago by Chittenden, who was able tn show that he himself and many other persons doing different kinds of work could be supported on daily amounts of protein that were not more than from one-third to one-half of the amounl usually taken. Not only so, but it was averred that dis- tinct improvement was experienced in the general - of well-being and of mental efficiency as a result of the lesser protein consumption. Taking these results as a whole, it is quite dear that man can along under ordinary conditions with much less protein than he usually takes; but thai really proves nothing, for the question is not can he but should lie, bo deprive himself) Are instinct and custom wrong and is Chittenden right I That is the question. To answer it many studies have keen made of the condition of peoples who for economic or other sons are compelled to live on less protein than t ho averagt \ ■ • •' people healthier, less prone to infections and degenerative dis< and more efficient mentally than Others [] BUCh stud ■ care must be exercised to see thai conditions other than diet, such as climate, -•■ etc., are properly allowed for. It would not be fair, for example, to compare the mental ami bodily condition s living in the tropics 592 METABOLISM and who take comparatively little protein, with those living in temperate zones, Avho consume much more. After discounting all of these other factors, it has been quite clearly shown that, when the protein allowance is materially reduced, the people as a whole are less robust, mentally in- ferior, and, instead of being less prone to the very diseases which are usually supposed to be due to overloading of the organism with useless excretory products, are more liable to suffer from them. That a decided reduction in protein weakens the defense of the organ- ism against infection is probably due to the fact that the fluids of the body normally contain a great variety of so-called antibodies — that is, of highly complex substances that are largely protein in nature. When bacteria, or the poisons produced by them, enter the body, they are met by one or more of these defense substances and destroyed or neutralized. Now it is clear that there should always be a surplus of protein-building materials from which the antibodies may be constructed. Such an excess will constitute a "factor of safety" against disease. And there are fac- tors of safety of another nature to be provided for, two of which we are in a position to appreciate. In the first place, there must always be an adecpiate supply of tryptophane, of lysine, and of cystine, not only to meet the bare necessities of the protein constructive processes that go on under normal conditions, but also to make good the larger amount of protein wear and tear that greater degrees of tissue activity will entail. Although moderate muscular exercise does not appear to cause any im- mediate consumption of protein (carbohydrate and, later, fat being the fuel material used to produce it"), yet it does throw a greater strain on the tissues and causes a greater wear and tear of the machinery, and hence a demand for more protein-building material. In the second place, there are certain of the internal secretions of the body, such as epineph- rine (adrenaline), that are essential for life, and as crude materials for the manufacture of which certain amino acids are essential. Tyro- sine is one of these, and since proteins, as we have seen, differ from one another quite considerably in the amount of this amino acid which they contain, it is advisable to provide an excess, so that an adequate supply of tyrosine may always be available. The answer to one of the most important practical questions in die- tetics—namely, ''What proportion of protein should the diet contain?" depends on these scientific principles. The source of the protein is the important thing. With animal protein there is no doubt that Ave could get along with perfect safely by taking daily not more than 50 or (>0 grams, which is about half of what we actually consume. If the protein is of vegetable origin ami part of it of the first quality, as wheat and Indian corn preparations, more should be taken so as to alloAv for the I'll 'II I deficiencj of certain amino acids. When vegetable proteins of the ond quality, such as those of peas, beans, lentils, are alone available, much larger amounts are accessary. Such proteins are inadequate in tin- case of growing children at least, and even in adults it is undoubtedly advisable thai other proteins should Bupplemenl them. To insure safety, therefore, it is almosl imperative that the diet should contain proteins of various sources. If for economic reasons tin- main source must be proteins of vegetable origin, then Borne animal protein, such as is contained in milk or meal or eggs, should be added to at least on< the daily meals. When peas and beans are mainly depended on for the protein supply, thej should be taken either with milk or one of its prep- arations, or with a thick gravy or sauce made from meat and containing the finelj minced meat. This must not be strained off, for if it is, the sauce will contain only the meat extractives but not any of the protein, which is coagulated by the boiling water. Meal extract, in other words, contains no proteins; it is not a food but merely a condiment of no greater dietetic value than tea or coffee. ACCESSORY FOOD FACTORS Little need he added to what has already been said regarding this subject. The practical point to be remembered is that there are at l< two accessory factors concerned, one of them soluble in fat and present in adequate amount in butter and other animal fats but not in vegetable oils, and the other soluble in water and present in wheat, vegetables. fruits, etc. Milk contains both of these factors, so that its inclusion in a diet is a safeguard not only against inadequacy in suitable protein, but also against the absence of ac ry food factors. There is little dang of the diet being inadequate with regard to food factors if it contains some fruits or green vegetables or unheated fresh milk. T >d fac- tors are destroyed by prolonged cooking. DIGESTIBILITY AND PALATABILITY We have Been that practical dietetics depends on Beveral facl >rs, I exaei relative importance of which can no1 perhapc ease, but preparation of the food so as to make it appetizing must un- doubtedly rank high. The important f good cooking will now be ap- parent. It is the act of making food appetizing and thei ble. It is really the tirst Btage in digestion, the Btage that we can control, and one therefore to which much attention musl be given, especially when it becomes accessary to make attractive articles of diet ordinarily . red common and cheap. Most people can k a lamb - to make it 594 METABOLISM reasonably appetizing, but few can take the cheaper cuts of meat and con- vert them into cooked dishes that are as popular and attractive. And there are still fewer who can take the left-overs and trimmings and convert them in the same way. This is the real art of cooking, and too much encourage- ment can not be given to the effort which our cooking experts are making to show people how these things can be done. The waste of good food in a large city is truly appalling. Cooking has other advantages than making the food appetizing. The heat loosens the muscle fibers of the meat so that it is more readily masticated ; it destroys microorganisms and parasites in the meat ; it de- stroys antibodies which might interfere with the action of the digestive ferments. Thus, untreated raw Avhite of egg is not digested in the stom- ach because it contains one of the antibodies which prevent the pepsin from acting on it; but boiled egg Avhite, if properly chewed, can be di- gested, and whipping the e det< od protein in the blood by means of the precipitin reaction. Finally it was disci that the very slow intravenous injection of completely di did not produce on the pari of the body any of the reactions that injec protein itself produces, indicating thai perfecl assimilation had occurred Prom these and similar observations it soon became dear that protein can not be absorbed as such from the alimentary canal, but must fursi nil be completely broken und by mi quantitative methods for the estimation of ammonia and urea in the 1.] tli.it the amount of neither of these substances became increased in the portal blood during absorption of amino acids from the int< I made the further important discovery that the ammonia in the portal blood is really very Little in amount, and represents that ah* such from the intestinal lumen, where it is produced chiefly by the action of putret';icti\ e bacteria. Nor could any evidence 1 btained in favor of the hypotl hat the absorbed amino acids become built up in the intestinal epithelium into proteins, which are then transformed or carried away by the Mood. This hypothesis was based entirely on negative findings, and had there- fore to be dropped when discovery was made of the actual presence amino acid in the blood. This brief historical survey of the sub j eel brings us to a position whe we may pi-. ed to discuss the present-day teaching regarding protein metabolism. Briefl; d, this teaching is to the effect that the \ molecule is broken down into Us ultimate building stom vino a< by the digestivt ■ f tht gash ttinal tract, and that t) acids are absorbed ;nt" tin blood, by which th y an organs and tissues, which amino acids and ut ' W which they r< for t) Tin amino <>> ids not r< qu '■•'• d for il Jn lib( rati d in the tissues an tht n split info two portions, om \mmon by i iaind( r of t) e I form' urea and tin hitter is oxidized to p '/. CHEMISTRY OF PROTEIN Bi ' re pr ding to dif the evidenc upon whi in- clusions den ,nd. it will be n-e, ssarj I insider some of the most importanl facts concerning the chemistry of the protein molecule. W< 598 METABOLISM this information not only to understand the history of protein in the animal body, but also to follow intelligently the important work that lias already been discussed concerning the relative value of different proteins as food. A knowledge of protein chemistry has come to be essential in practically all branches of medical science. Proteins, like starches, are composed of numerous smaller molecules In the case of starch these molecules are the various monosaccharides — glucose (dextrose), levulose and galactose; in the case of proteins they are the amino acids. The breaking apart of the links that hold the mole- cules together is effected in both cases by the process of hydrolysis, so called because of the fact that the reaction consists in the taking up of a molecule of water at each of the places where the chain falls apart. This hydrolysis may be effected either by the action of mineral acids or alka- lies, or by enzymes, the only difference in the action of these reagents being that in the former case the breaking apart takes place more or less indiscriminately, whereas in the latter it proceeds according to a definite plan, which varies somewhat with the type of enzyme employed. Just as a chemical knowledge of the structure of sugar or monosac- charides is the basis of carbohydrate chemistry, so is that of the amino acids the basis of protein chemistry. Amino Acids. — There are, so far as known, eighteen different amino acids concerned in the constitution of protein, but they are all alike in their characteristic structure. The most striking characteristic depends on the presence in the molecule of: (1) an amino group with a basicity comparable to that of ammonia, and (2) an acid group with an acidity comparable to that of acetic acid. Let us take in illustration one of the simplest fatty acids — namely, acetic. It has the formula CH3COOH. The COOH group is called carboxyl, and on it depend the acid properties of the compound. The CH3 group is known as methyl, and the amino group (NH2) is attached to it in place of one of the hydrogen atoms, thus giving the formula CH2NH,COOH, which is aminoacetic acid or gly- cocoll. If we take the next higher acid of the fatty acid series, having the name propionic and the formula CH3CH2COOH, its amino acid, called alanine, has the formula CH3CHNH2COOH. Now let us place the formu- las of these two acids side by side in the following manner: H I'll NH2 - C - COOH NH2-C COOH (amino group) H (acid group) Aminoacrtic acid (glycocoll) (amino group) H (acid group) Ainmopropionic acid (alanine) Till. METABOLISM OF PBOl I IN It will be observed thai the only difference I ids is dependenl upon a change in the group thai is attacl upper verti- cal valency bond of the central carbon atom, which th< considered as the center of the entire molecule. The various amino acids produced from protein differ from one another Bolely with regard chemical nature of the group that is attached to this vertical vi bond. Evidently, then, //" reactions that amino acids pot must depend on the terminal groups containing the carboxyl and amino radicles, whereas tin characteristic reaction of each of thi eighteen am acids must depend upon the diffen in the radicles attached upper vertical bond. This may be represented thus: Any radicle I XII ,-C-COOII I H Any amino acid The end groups endow the amino acids with the power to combine with both acids and bases. With acids they behave like substituted ammoi to form salts, which can ionize into the amino acid, as the cation, and I acid group, as the anion. With bases tl arboxyl group reacts to form salts, which yield amino acid as the anion. A most important reaction con- - in th> condensation of aldehydes with thi amino group. This occ particularly readily with formaldehyde, water. being eliminated in the action, and the basic nature of the amino acid being thus destroy Upon this reaction depends the method of Sorensen for determining the amount of amino acid in a mixture see page 606 The titration g formed by rendering the solution of amino acids neutral, then add formaldehyde and titrating with standardized acid, using phenolphtha- lein as the indicator, and thus finding to what degree the acidity of the mixture has become increased as a result of adding the formaldelr Since this in iii acidity must depend upon the mini' lino groups, it furnishes us with an ind estimate of the concentration of the amino acids. The reaction is illustrated by the equation: radicle II radi Ml C COOH M ' 0 CH N-C-< OOH B II TI (amino aci Another reaction of amino acid of physiologic u wn •he carbamino reaction, consisting in a union i I d with calcium and carbonic acid. Finally, il is important to note that the annuo 600 METABOLISM group is very firmly attached; it remains intact in acids and alkalies and is removable only by a process of oxidation. This can be accomplished by treating the amino acid with such reagents as hydrogen peroxide or per- manganate, when the amino group is displaced and a so-called ketonic acid formed. The reaction will be evident from the accompanying equation: CH3 CHS I ! O + NH.-C-COOH ?± 0 = C-COOH+ NH3 I H (alanine) (pyruvic acid) To illustrate this reaction we have chosen aminopropionic acid or ala- nine, because the substance formed by its oxidation and known as pyruvic acid is of very great importance in intermediary metabolism. It serves as the common substance from which proteins, carbohydrates or fats may be formed, and therefore as the intermediary substance through which one of them may pass on being transformed into another (page 666). The use of two arrows pointing in opposite directions in the above equation indicates that the reaction may proceed readily in either direction. The ammonia set free from amino acids may be oxidized to free nitrogen by using nitrous acid according to the general equation: NH3-f-HONO= 2H20-f-N2. Upon this reaction depends another extremely important quantitative method for measuring the number of amino groups present in protein (Van Slyke). To make the estimation, nitrous acid is allowed to act on the amino acids, and the volume of nitrogen gas set free by the reaction is measured, the principle being similar to that used for the de- termination of urea by the hypobromite method. The apparatus employed for decomposing the substance and collecting and measuring the evolved nitrogen consists essentially of a mixing bulb, connected below through stop- cocks with two small burettes, one containing a solution of sodium nitrite and glacial acetic acid, and the other a solution of the substance to be investigated. The upper end of the mixing bulb is connected through a three-way cock with a graduated gas burette and with another bulb containing potassium permanganate solution. By allowing some nitrite and acid solution to run into it and shaking, the mixing bulb is first of all filled to a certain mark with nitrous oxide gas. A measured quantity of the amino solution is then allowed to mix with the nitrite; the apparatus is shaken for five minutes at 15 to 20° C, and the evolved nitrogen and nitric oxide are driven over into the permanganate, which absorbs the nitric oxide, leaving the nitrogen, which is then measured in the burette. The apparatus has now been so perfected that numerous analyses may be made with it in a very short time and with a degree of accuracy that is scarcely surpassed in any other biochemical estimation. From the point of view of protein chemistry, the most significant reac- tion of the amino acids is their ability to link together to form compounds TDK METABOLISM OF PROTEIN 603 called peptides. This linking occurs between the amino group of one amino arid and the carboxy] group of the other. When alanine and gl; coll, with which we are familiar, are thus linked together, thi stiou takes place according to the equation: II CB II CB / Il+lin OC C Ml HooC-C-Ml 00 C Ml ■ J: BOOC C N '- ,, \h 11 II II (alanini (gly (.11 1 (alanyl - glycocoll) In this manner, then, a Bo-called dipeptide is formed, in which it will be observed there still remain free carboxyl and amino groups, thus per- mitting the linking on of other aniino-acid groups to form tripeptides tetrapeptides or ether polypeptides. Indeed, this process of condensa- tion may go on practically indefinitely, a polypeptide containing eighl amino-acid groups namely, three leucine and fifteen glycocoll groups — hav- ing actually been synthesized. The resulting polypeptides have the proper- ties of derived proteins like the proteoses; thus, they give the biuret and other reactions characteristic of proteins and are precipitated by such reagents as mercuric chloride and phosphotungstic acid. Some also digested by trypsin and erepsin. They have the same optical activities as proteins. < >ne of them has Keen prepared which produces a typical anaphylactic reaction. So far a polypeptide thai can he coagulated by heat or is in other ways identical with Ihe naturally occurring proteins, has not been synthesized; but there is no doubt that it is only a matter of time before this will he accomplished. Eighteen distinctly different amino acids have been isolated from pro- tein, and it may assist in the conception of our problem if we place tl amino acids side by side and link them together in the manner described above. This is done in the accompanying chart compiled by D. D. Van Slyke, in which also various other important facts concerning the chem- istry of the amino acids are incidentally .added. At the lower pari of each formula will be seen the characteristic ear- boxyl and amino groups of neighboring acids linking 'her tl • minal carbon atoms. The upper vertical bond of this carbon atom is con- nected with the characteristic group of the amino acid, which may be very simple and represented only by hydrogen, as in glycocoll, or highly com- plex and including a ring formation, as in tryptophane. It will further observed thai there may 1>> other amino groups connected in vari positions in this radicle. This is particularly the case in the first three the amino acids in the table namely, the hash- amino acids. In lysine the extra amino group reacts with nitrous acid, liberatii g fre< i il 602 METABOLISM 5 _ = • | O &o £2 il c „- £ r C — ' — * 5 c 1 — U — W r - + if - o e «,',_■- 1 5 c-o — ■- — |— -=-+ i 8 " = s >■ X o 2 ■< o H Z o ga •< s ss Z U o 3 z* S s z " 8£ DS a 5 < © 3 < Z C ss e "S BO ■ B *3 "« _>. C e B p — « C BE .E t ST. *© s — . —=5 + i 0 o 0 I c 7. - : .j a < g-i-s'I + . Z 5 z o z * X < a ft. o H p u u o s u z o z z z o o S — B E 1 _ t S z o > "5 c 5 1 B — X " = z 3 < z ■< - ' = — '^— .' _-■! b" o o < J s a as S, ■ Eg c "C • c & B M c ]b 5 es E c i — — s^ 'E - « E § £ ~ SO o a « - = E | „ i i rj = c b-3/ ? E - » >5 « K B B E W 1 „£ SB— «— O— C U — O— X » i i ? J 1 B S g 1 -fc .. - /-. »S£ B ii E ftf x Bl_ = =S !5— t— '•— w — i. C— C — -..= Ti+ ■ i b. b. EE THi: MIT\l:n|.l-M OF PROT] IN 603 by the Van Slyke method; hut in other cases, as in arginine, it fails to give this and the other characteristic reactions of the amino group. That the extra amino group in lysine reacts directly with nitrons acid explains why various proteins when examined for amino nitrogen yield an amounl that is equal to half of the lysine nitrogen. It will further be observed thai the amino acids are arranged in thi main groups: one basic, another neutral, and the third acid. TJu adds of Hi< basic group are three in number and have an alkalinity similar to thai of ammonia. Thej have been called the hexom bases, because e contains six carbon atoms. They are alone presenl in certain forms of | triii called protamines. The neutral amino acids contain one amino group and one carboxyl group, which exactly neutralize each other. This is thf largest 'jroiip of amino acids, and is further subdivided into thi one containing aromatic or benzene rings and including the very im- portant amino acids, tyrosine and tryptophane; another containing so-called pyrrolidine ring; ami the third, the largest of all, containing the so-called aliphatic chains; that is. the chains characteristic of the fatty acids and which may he cither straighl Or branched. When the chains are branched, the substance is called an isosubstance, as in isoleucine. The acid amino acids, including glutamic acid and aspartic acid, are characterized by containing two carboxyl groups and only one amino group. They therefore resemble acetic acid in acidity. Tt may be of assistance to some if Ave restate those chemical facts from a Blightly different standpoint as follows: Glycine, or glycocoll, is amine:, 1. I Ml Nil <'< K)H. Ml / Alanine is glycine plus a methyl group, i'll«'ll : it u therefore amino- \ N 'II / propionic acid run! ia closely relate. l to lactic acid, which ia f'lH'H . Mem \ booH the Other amino acid* may f alanin 1. s, rinr is alanine with an "OH" (hydros tup in | the ••II*' Nil / alums of the moth} 1 gi oup, < !H ( " ' CH \ OOOB _ ' <■ ia alanine with an "8H" tliio) group in thii Nil / CH 8H <'ll \ COoii 604 METABOLISM Two cysteine molecules united at the "S" groups give cystine. NIL 1 / I 1 1 .,& — CII \ coon NH, 3. Phenylalanine has a C6Ri (phenyl) group, CH,C6H5-CH / \ 4. Tyrosine has a C6H4OH (phenol) group, CH,C6H4OH - CH COOH NH., / \ COOH C / \ 5. Tryptophane has a C6H4 CH (indole) group: \ / NH C — CH, - CH - NH, - COOH. / \ CBH4 CH \ / NH CH / \ N NH I ! 6. Histidine has a CH = C - (imidazole) group: CH / \ N NH I ! CH = C.CH_, . CH. NH,-COOH. The last two are also called heterocyclic compounds, of which there is another, viz.; Proline (and oxyproline), which is a-pyrrolidine carboxylic acid: CH, — CH, Other amino acids are (1) Valine Leucine Isoleucinc thus: CH, \ / NH CH.COOH CIL CH3 \ / CH CH, . CH3 \ / CH CH3 C2H5 \ / CH 1 CH.NH2 CH= 1 CH.NH2 1 COOH CH.NIL 1 COOH (valine) COOH (leucine) (isoleucine) Till \ll T \l:i'i ISM OP PBOT1 in 2 The amino dibasic acids: artic, w 1 1 i « - 1 1 is amine-succinic acid, CH COOH ! CHNH COOH ; and Q itaminic, which is aminoglutaric acid, «'ll • ■II COOH CHNH, COOH. Lastl there are the diamine- :t( interest because of i1 ship 1 Ml / area, which is O = C \ NIL CHAPTER LXVIII THE METABOLISM OF PROTEIN (Cont'd) AMINO ACIDS IN THE BLOOD AND TISSUES In the Blood. — Furnished with the general facts concerning the chem- istry of proteins, Ave may now proceed to consider the more precise knowledge recently acquired concerning the history of this substance in the animal economy. Although no one has succeeded in separating amino acids in pure condition from drawn blood even during the height of digestion, it has nevertheless been possible to do so from circulating blood by a method of dialysis, known as vividiffusion, elaborated by Abel33 and his pupils. The method consists in connecting a long tube of collodion with, the two ends of a cut artery in an anesthetized animal. The tube, coiled many times, is then immersed in a solution containing approximately the same salt content as the blood plasma of the animal. The diffusible constituents of the blood plasma dialyze into the saline solution; or any one of them may be prevented from dialyzing by adding that particular substance to the saline in such amounts as will make its concentration in plasma and saline alike. In some ways, it will be seen, the apparatus may be considered as an artificial kidney. Its possible clinical application for the purpose of removing poisons from the blood is under investigation. It has been possible in this way to isolate several of the amino acids and other ammonia-yielding substances from blood. Thus, alanine and valine have been obtained as crystalline salts, and histidinc and creatine (see page 622) shown to be present by their reac- tions. All of the amino substances, however, do not dialyze, and these exceptions are further characterized by the fact that they do not readily give up their ammonia on the addition of sodium carbonate, as do the diffusible substances (Rohde). Although amino acids can thus be sepa- rated in a pure state from circulating blood, their concentration in a drawn specimen is too low to make direct quantitative estimation possible. My the methods of Van Slyke and Sorensen, already described, however, it has been shown among other things that the blood always contains a certain concentration of amino acids ; thus, in that of fasting animals from 3 to 5 mg. per 100 c.c. of blood are usually found present. During the absorption of a protein meal, the amino content of the blood undergoes 606 THE Ml TABOI I- M OF PROTI IN a marked increase, becoming doubled or more; and a Bimilar resull been obtained h\ placing pure amino acida in the small inte I Hi grams of alanine, for example, the amino nitrogen «>f tl blood rose from 3.7 to 6.3 mg. per cent.* In the Tissues. After entering the circulation, the ;niiiii<> acid vt quickly disappear from it again. This has I n demonstrated by ob- serving the amounl of amino acids in the blood after intravenously injecting a solution of amino - * « - 1 « I into an anesthetized animal. After injecting 12 gm. of alanine into the vein of a they I ime absorbed by the suesl This problem has been attacked by analysing portions of vari organs and tissues removed before and some time into an animal <>f amino acid solutions. In the cas< muscles it been found thai the amino acid contenl incr< intil from v<» in lt. per eenl of amino acid i stimulated. Beyond tliis point. however, th(> muscles <1<> m to be able t.> take up any more am acid. The capacity <'t' the intestinal organs, hov *Thi- I JOS METABOLISM for example, the amino nitrogen of the liver has been observed to become increased to 125 or 150 mg. per cent of the original amount. Although this absorption of amino acids by the tissues is extremely rapid, it never proceeds to such a point that the blood becomes entirely free of them. Even after many days' starvation the blood contains its normal quota of from 3 to 10 mg. per 100 gm. of moist tissue (Fig. 188). This indicates that a certain equilibrium must become established between the amino-acid content of the blood and that of the tissues, the concentration in the tissues being approximately from five to ten times greater than in the blood. ibO Injectio 100 / //. Muscl <= NH 50 n 0> o o u o c BO a I 2 Hours Fig. 187. — Curves showing the amount of amino nitrogen taken up by different tissues after the cutaneous injection of amino acids. The lowermost curve shows the urea concentration of the blood. (From D. D. Van Slyke.) The absorbed amino acids are very loosely combined with the tissues, for they can be extracted by such feeble reagents as water or dilute al- cohol. Their presence can not, however, be merely due to diffusion; for if it were, the concentration could not become greater in the tis- sues than in the blood. The further fate of the amino acids is difficult to follow. We know that they do not remain in the body for a long time, because most of the protein nitrogen in the food is excreted as urea within twenty-four hours after ingestion; and when single amino acids are fed, they quickly reappear in the urine as urea. Till: Ml.TU'.ol.ISM OP I'ROTKIN The tissues can therefore be only a stopping-place for the amine acids. When tin- latter are determined in blood collected from different parts while absorption of protein from the intestine is in process, it lias been found, as shown in Pig. ivv. thai during the passage of the blood through the liver there is a greater fall in the concentration of amino acids than during its pj through the entire remainder of the body. It will I"' seen thai the above conclusions are drawn from estima- tions made on blood taken from the vena cava, portal vein, and hepatic iwing tli. ten in the iring i.. m D. D. Van Sl> k artery, the upper enrves in the eliart being from animals during digestion and the lower from fasting animals. The results show that the liver must be particularly greedy of amino acids, which, however, must rapidly be- come transformed into other sub s, since no icuous varia- tion has been Sound to occur in the amino-acid content of the tissues a rding to whether the animal is fasting or is digesting protein fi This result, it is to be noted, is quite different from that which is ob- tained after the intravenous injection of amino acids, and I 610 METABOLISM the two experiments taken together, indicate that the amino acids after their absorption can not remain in the tissues in a free condition for a long time. It means that the amino acids during natural digestion must be disposed of at a rate which is practically the same as that at ivhich ab- sorption is proceeding. THE FATE OF THE AMINO ACIDS To follow the metabolism of the amino acids further we must deter- mine the end product into which they are converted. This is urea, whose estimation can nowadays be made with considerable accuracy on account of the discovery, by Marshall, of the action of urease in con- verting its nitrogen into ammonia, which can then be estimated by com- paratively simple methods (Folin). When the viscera are compared before and at various periods after the intravenous injection of amino acids, the immediate increase in amino nitrogen remains undiminished in all of them except the liver, in Avhich a very rapid reduction is observed to occur. At the same time the percentage of urea in the blood steadily rises. These facts are illus- trated in Fig. 187. The simplest interpretation of these results is that the liver converts the amino acids into urea and discharges this urea into the blood. This conclusion, however, it must be observed, is not inevitable; for it is pos- sible that the amino acids may be condensed into polypeptides in the liver, just as sugar is condensed by this organ into glycogen, and that the increase in urea is merely coincident (Fiske). It must not be imagined that the conversion of the amino acids into urea is exclusively a function of the liver. On the contrary, it is well known that this process may occur in animals from which the liver ha? been entirely removed. It is probably safe to conclude, however, that the liver is the most active center for amino-acid transformation and urea formation. When urea is estimated in samples of blood removed at short inter vals of time after the ingestion of a large amount of protein, it is found that the increase becomes very early established. In one experiment, before the food was taken the concentration of urea nitrogen in the blood was a little over 10 mg. per cent; one hour after taking 500 grams of meat, it had risen to about 18, and in two hours to nearly 25. Evidently the increase had occurred about the same time as the passage of food from the stomach into the duodenum. These facts indicate that urea formation in the liver becomes stimulated long before the other tissues, such as the muscles, have had time to take up their full quota of amino THE Ml TABOLIS \l OP PROI 61 1 acids. During digestion of protein the liver does not .- : ] » j » • - -■ 1 1 - to wait until the other tissues have become saturated with amino acids before it ins to destroy the unnecessary & by conversion into urea; on the contrary, this process Bets in with the very first installment of amino acid thai reaches the liver by the portal blood. This conclusion is in harmony with tin' well established fact that, when protein is given ' starving animal, the greater pari of its nitrogen is soon excreted urea, Leaving only a small fraction to be used fur rebuilding tl rted tissues i see page 6 13 , The amino acids thai are absorbed by the extrahepatic tissues become very quickly converted into formed protein, as is evident from the that the concentration of free amino acids in the tissues of an animal during absorption of protein is not perceptibly greater than in tl a fasting animal, and the question remains to be considered, What comes of tin protein thus formed? The answer is. that it is gradually used up in the metabolic processes, so as to liberate again the amino acids, which add themselves to those absorbed from the intestine and be- come used again or excreted, according to the demands of the tiss i< - the time for amino acid. This process of liberation of amino acid from the breakdown of body protein goes on of course irrespective of absorption of amino acid from the intestine. Ii goes on, for example, during starvation; indeed, in this condition the percentage of free amino acids in the museles is. if anything, somewhat higher than that observed in an ordinarily fed an- imal. In starvation also the migration of amino acid Lg on am the various o rga us of which those whose activity jsential to the maintenance of life, such as the heart and the respiratory muscles, are supplied with amino acids from tissues that are less vital, such as the skeletal muscles sei page 568 . Thes :periments further show that free amino acids can not serve to any significant extent as food r< in the same v. ,-i\ as glycogen and fat. If amino acids were of valui food reserves, we should expect the store of them to be d< by starvation. As to how long a period of time elaps incorporation of tl "bed amino acids into tissue protein and tl subsequent liberation again by autolysis, we arc entirely ignorant. Tl arches which we have just been considering do not throw any light on the relativi valu< of different proteins in They do not inform us as to which of the amino acids n ready-made from the digested food, and which of them may be with since the organism can manufacture them V\ mow ' the higher animals can synthe8l 'lie amino oil. but not others, such as tryptophane; but winch amino acids be' (1 1:2 METABOLISM the glycocoll and which to the tryptophane groups, can not as yet be definitely stated. The investigation of this problem has to be under- taken by experiments of an entirely different type — namely, by observing the welfare and growth of animals fed on proteins of varying amino- acid composition. A full discussion of these experiments is given in the chapters on Nutrition and Growth. CHAPTER I. XIX THE METABOLISM OF PROTEIN (Cont'd) THE END PRODUCTS OF PROTEIN METABOLISM Introductory. So far we have approached the problem of protein metabolism by Btudying the behavior of the absorbed products of pro- tein breakdown, and we have seen thai these 1 ome gradually assimilal by the tissues and used by them in their metabolic processes. We have □ unable, however, to offer any farts regarding the exact chemical changes which each amino acid undergoes during this i 3 of tist metabolism. At first sight it might appear an easy matter to collect such information by direct examination of the tissues them- either by searching in them for amino derivatives which might be derived from absorbed amino acids, or by studying the changes which occur when the amino acids are subjected to the action of the isolated tissue en- zymes that must be responsible for the change. Such methods of in- vestigation are, however, fraught with technical difficulties so great that very little can be Learned from them, and for the present at leasi must be content to piece our information together from facts derived by less direct methods. Such a method is I by investigating the behavior of the end products of protein metabolism. The main end product is una along with traces of its pr< monia, but these are not the only ones, for some amino acids after being incorporated with the tissue proteins break down into products that are no longer members of the amino-acid series, although they may be closely related tn certain amino acids. Such substances are creatim and anhydrid rni> . A pari of the amino acids during their p eiice in a \'vei< state in the blood may also be excreted unchanged by the kidney. Our list s.> far therefore includes urea, ammonia, creatine, creatinine, and amino nitrogen, of which the last is usually included in metabolism investigations in tin- fraction designated indetermined nitrogen. Another group of closely related substances coming, not from • genera] protein metabolism of the tissues, but from the metabolism which is peculiar to the nuclei, consists of the s,, called pvr Furthermore, so as to Berve as a check on results obtained by examining these nitrogenous metabolites, it is important to observe the manner G 1 •• 614 METABOLISM excretion of the sulphur moiety of the protein molecule, for it will be remembered that it is in protein alone that sulphur is usually taken into the animal body. The excretion of sulphur therefore runs more or less parallel with the intensity of protein metabolism. After selecting the end products that are most likely to be of signif- icance, the first question concerns the amount of each of them excreted during twenty-four hours on diets that are either rich or poor in pro- tein. The possibility of conducting such investigations obviously de- pends on the use of quick and yet reliable methods for the estimation of the nitrogenous metabolites. Such methods have been furnished by the painstaking and careful work of Folin, an example of whose results are given in the accompanying table. NITROGEN-RICH DIET NITROGEN-POOR DIET Volume of urine 1170 C.C. 385 C.C. Total nitrogen 16.8 grams 3.60 grams Urea nitrogen 14.7 grams = 87.5% 2.20 grams =61.7% Ammonia nitrogen 0.49 gram = 3.0% 0.42 gram =11.3% Urie-acid nitrogen 0.18 gram — 1.1% 0.09 gram = 2.5% Creatinine nitrogen 0.58 gram = 3.6% 0.60 gram =17.2% Undetermined nitrogen 0.85 gram — 4.9% 0.27 gram = 7.3% Total S03 3.64 grams 0.76 gram Inorganic S03 3.27 grams =90.0% 0.46 gram =60.5% Ethereal S03 0.19 gram = 5.2% 0.10 gram =13.2% Neutral SO, 0.18 gram — 4.8% 0.20 gram =26.3% (Folin.) The general conclusions which may be drawn from these results are as follows: 1. With a protein-rich diet much more urine is excreted in twenty- four hours than with one that is protein-poor. Evidently the nitrogenous metabolites act as diuretics. 2. The total or absolute amounts of nitrogen and of all the other nitrogenous metabolites, save creatinine, become diminished during the starvation period. The same is true of the sulphur derivatives, except in the case of the neutral sulphur, which behaves like creatinine. 3. The decrease in the portion of nitrogen excreted as urea is relatively greater than the decrease in total nitrogen, this fact being shown in the table by the percentage figures, which were secured by calculating the proportion of nitrogen in the various substances as a percentage of the total nitrogen excreted during the periods. The inorganic sul- phate behaves in a manner similar to the urea — that is, the percentage of total sulphate excreted in the inorganic form becomes much less during starvation. 4. The relative amount of all the other nitrogenous metabolites, as well as that of the ethereal and neutral sulphates, becomes increased • luring starvation. THE METABOLISM OF PROTEIN 615 The most striking results of the above investigation are thai creatinine remains unchanged during starvation, but thai urea l>» mes relatively increased. The former must be derived from metabolic pro >ing on in the tissues independently of the supply of foodstuff carried to them, whereas the Latter must depend, it' nol entirely, ; ely. on the protein content of the food. Creatinine may therefore be called an cud product of endogenous metabolism, and urea an end producl i xogenous metabolism. Other metabolites uamely, ammonia, uric acid and the undetermined nitrogen, as well as the ethereal sulphates- must represent procee of metabolism that arc partly exogenous and partly endogenous. Having made ourselves acquainted with the general natur< the changes thai occur in the nitrogenous metabolites when protein metab- olism is stimulated by the taking of food or depressed by starvation, we may now proceed to take up cadi of the metabolites separately and what other information can be obtained regarding their source and origin in the animal body. UREA AND AMMONIA For various reasons it is important to consider these two metabolil together. During the intermediary metabolism of the majority of I amino acids, the amino group becomes broken off as ammonia, which immediately combines with the available acids to form neutral ammonium salts. The most available acid for this purpose is carbonic acid; there- fore ammonium carbonate is formed in large amounts. A small prop t i < >n of the ammonia may combine with other acid radicles, roch chlorine, to form ammonium chloride. The fate of these two types salt is very different. The ammonium carbonate becomes quickly trans- formed into urea, whereas the ammonium chloride is excreted in the urine. The proc •' urea formation may therefore bi ridered as having the function of preventing the accumulation of ammonium c bonate in the animal body. It is the means by which a harmful substance is converted into an innocuous substance a detoxication pi - . in other words. Regarding the natun of tin chemical process involve. 1 in this trans formation of ammonium carbonate into urea, referei rmulas below will show that the ammonium carbonate thai - rmed by I union of carbonic acid with ammonia, by losing one molecule of water ! noes ammonium carbamate, which by repetition ^>( the pi comes transformed into un METABOLISM ..II ONII, / / >0 2NB ;=±C0 ll,0<^' \ "\ OH "Ml ONH, / DO \ Ml. (carbonic (ammo- monium acid) nia) rbonate) (ammonium carbamate) NIL, / n,o = co \ NIT, (uvea) Some of the urea may come from metabolic processes of an entirely different type. One of those at least is known; namely, the splitting-off of urea from arginine, which it will be remembered is guanidine-amino- valerianic arid (see page 605). An enzyme called arginase, having this action, has been isolated from various organs and tissues. The diamino- valerianic acid, or ornithine, which remains after the urea is split off, may be further used in protein metabolism. The reaction is shown in the following equation: NH2 - C - Nil - CIL - OH, - CLL, - CHNH2 - C00H + H..0 II MI (arginine) — NIL, -CO + NIL - CIL, - CH, - CLI2 - CLINH, - COOH NTT, (urea) (ornithine) On an ordinary diet, as we have seen, a man excretes somewhat more than 90 per cent of his total nitrogen as urea and about 3 per cent as ammonia, the remainder of the nitrogen appearing in the other nitrog- enous metabolites. Influence of Acidosis on Ammonia-Urea Ratio. — It sometimes happens thai a large proportion of the ammonia is not converted into urea, but is used for the purpose of neutralizing abnormal acids present in the organism. When mineral acids arc given to an animal, or when acids arc produced in the organism itself by some faulty type of metabolism, the ammonia excretion by the urine immediately rises. In diabetes, for example, where considerable quantities of /3-oxybutyric acid are pro- duced (see page 683), a decided increase in the ammonia excretion by the urine is observed. A milder type of acidosis may also be induced in normal persons by withholding carbohydrates from the diet, and here again the ammonia excretion is relatively increased. In such cases it is quite evident that ammonia is used as an alkaline reserve of the body; thai is, as a substance Avhich is capable of prevent- ing acidosis by neutralizing the acids. It does not appear, however, that, all types of acidosis entail the utilization of ammonia as reserve alkali, and an increase in the relative amount of ammonia in the urine does not necessarily indicate a condition of acidosis. In the pernicious THE METABOLISM OF PBOI 617 vomiting of pregnancy, for example, a relatively high excretion of am- monia lias been found associated with no greater a def if acidosis, as determined by the power of the plasma to absorb carbonic acid, than in normal cases of pregnancy. Influence of Liver on Ammonia-Urea Ratio. — Experimental Observa- tions: (1) Removal of Ltveb. — There are several facts which indicate that other causes than acid-production may interfere with the conversion of am- monia into urea. What are these causes) Su the liver is the organ which mosl actively converts amino into area, it would be natural to expect, that, when the functions of this organ were interfered with, relatively more of the nitrogen tion would occur as ammonia and relatively less - area. Tn order to determine the exact significance of the liver as a area-forming organ, two types of in tion have been used; namely, (1) observation of the changes produced in the ammonia-urea ratio in the urine by partial or total removal of tho liver: and (2) observation of the urea-forming power of a liver perfused outside the body. To remove the liver from the circulation the portal vein is brought in apposition with the vena cava, the two are sewed together, and a passage opened between them, after which the portal vein is ligated al the anastomosis (forming the so-called Eck fistula). The portal hi then passes directly into the vena cava, and the liver is now supplied only by the hepatic artery. The animals live for a considerable time after the operation, and the urini intly contains relatively urea and more ammonia than normal. The results are. however, not nearly iking as would be expected if the liver were the main - of urea formation. The experiments have nevertheless brought to 1:_ a fact of considerable clinical interest- namely, although the animals may thrive if kept on a diet nol containing an they im- mediately begin to develop peculiar symptoms, not unlike those of lampsia or uremia, when they are fed with large amounts of flea! Mosl of the symptoms can ! erred to abnormal stimulation of the central nervous system, and examination of the urine has shown a 1. increase in the excretion of ammonia and a change from the norma! acid reaction to an alkaline At one time it was assumed thai the toxic symptoms were caused by the presence in the blood of ammonium carbamate, since large quantities of the calcium salt of this substance could he separati urine. It is now known, however, that the ammonium carbamate t only use of tl Mim carbonate, the two ^-.hs existing I gether in solution according tn the lav tion. That the in' ication is not due to ammonium carbamate d< seclude tl 618 METABOLISM sibility that it may be due to ammonia itself, although it is more likely that other nitrogenous metabolites, produced when excess of flesh food is taken, are the responsible agents. If the liver is entirely removed by ligating the hepatic arteries in an animal with an Eck fistula, a more pronounced decrease in urea and increase in ammonia occur during the short period of time that the animal survives the operation. The results observed after the removal or diminution of liver function fail to occur -when other viscera are removed from the animal, which would at least tend to indicate that the liver is very important in the manufacture of urea out of ammonia. This does not, however, warrant the conclusion that the liver is the only place in the animal body in which such a process occurs. In corroboration of these observations on mammals, it may be of in- terest to note that when the liver is removed from oirds, which is a com- paratively simple operation on account of a natural anastomosis between the portal and renal veins, there is a marked decrease in the excretion of uric acid and a corresponding increase in the excretion of ammonia during the twelve hours or so that the birds survive. In birds and reptiles urea is excreted as uric acid, being produced by a synthetic process in the liver (see page 644). The changes in this experiment are of considerable magnitude; thus, before the operation the amount of ammonia nitrogen relative to total nitrogen has been found to vary be- tween 10 and 18 per cent; after the operation it may be increased to between 45 and 60 per cent. The uric-acid nitrogen normally varies be- tween 60 and 70 per cent of the total nitrogen ; after the operation it may fall to between 3 and 6 per cent. In animals with an Eck fistula and with the hepatic artery ligated, an increase in the urea output occurs when amino acids are injected under the skin. This result corroborates the conclusion that the liver can not alone be responsible for the conversion of ammonia into urea. (2) Perfusion of Organs. — This method consists in removing the or- gan into a warm chamber or bath and perfusing it, through cannula inserted in its main artery and vein, with a solution of defibrinated blood or of defibrinated blood mixed with saline solution. The perfusion liquid is kept at body temperature and is saturated with oxygen. By means of a pump it is made to circulate in a pulsatile flow, and the total amount of urea or other metabolite in the circulating fluid is determined before and after the fluid has been circulated several times through the organ. \Vhen the liver is perfused, urea gradually accumulates in the fluid, particularly after the addition of one of its known precursors— for example, ammonium carbonate. "When other organs or viscera are THE METABOLISM OF PBOI 619 perfused, no urea is formed. The evidence shows thai the liver is an important seal of urea formation, bn1 qo1 q< rily that other organs arc unable to form ii in the intacl animal, for there are many of inaccuracy in perfusion experiments. Even though greatesl care, we can not hope to maintain the organ in other than .1 slowly dying condition. It is certainly far removed from the normal state, as [3 revealed no1 only by histological examination, bul by the fact thai edema almosl Invariably sets in and the blood vessels become tremely constricted, thus necessitating a gradual increase in tl ■ fusion pressure as the perfusion goes on. Furthermore, the organ being isolated from the nervous system, there can be no control of the rela- tive blood supply of different parts. In the intact animal the circula- tion is more or less distributed according to the particular needs of the different viscera, and such conditions obviously can not be simulated in a perfusion experiment. Another objection depends on the fact that the well-being of the organs in the intact animal is largely dependent on hormones conveyed to them from other organs. Such hormones frequently quite labile in nature, and soon disappear from the perfusi fluid. Notwithstanding these objections, there can be no doubt that many of the functions of an organ are retained much longer than they would be if the organ were not perfused; for example, the contractility of the muscle or the power of forming urea in the liver. Perfusion experim< are of value therefore when they yield positive results. Negative sidts may indicate either that the organ does not perform the particular function that is being investigated or that it has lost this function , - resull of partial death. That a perfused muscle retains its power of contraction does not necessarily indicate that it maintains all of its metabolic functions; neither docs the fact that the liver forms urea prove that it is capable of performing its other functions, it to show thai the liver dies piecemeal; some functions, such . 3 _ formation, die early, while others, such as urea-formation, remain for a long time intact. Th\ use of perfusion ments for t'< ■ settling questions of metabolism should tfo always h< very carefully 1 trolled and never used as tfn soli line of evidence on which to h • tani conclusions. Before leaving this subject it may be well to point out thai the method which at firsl sighl mighl appea such questions namely, the examination of t)n inflowing i' of different parts or organs is not applicable in d si Tl cause of the extremely small changes in concentration which maj even although large amounts of the particular sul in qi 620 METABOLISM are being absorbed or produced. As Ave shall see later, this criticism is particularly applicable in the case of sugar. Even during the injection of considerable quantities of sugar into the portal vein, no difference in percentage can be demonstrated between the blood of the two sides of the liver, although Ave know that sugar is being retained to form glycogen. For the same reasons, differences in the percentage amounts of amino acids or of urea are often difficult to demonstrate in the blood entering and leaving the liver even when Ave know that large quantities of them are being added to or remoA^ed from it. Clinical. — Since the liver is an important seat of urea formation, the question arises as to whether the relate percentage of urea and am- monia in the urine Avill become altered by disease of the liver. Many observations Avith this point in view have been undertaken, but it can not be said that the results are very striking. In extreme destruction, such as that produced by phosphorus poisoning, there may indeed be a great increase in the relative amount of ammonia and a decrease in that of urea. The same is true in acute yellow atrophy of the liver, in which disease the nitrogen excreted as ammonia may amount to as much as 70 per cent of that excreted as urea. In milder forms of liver dis- turbance, hoAvever, such as cirrhosis, the figures are much less striking. When an increased ammonia excretion is observed in such cases, Ave must be cautious in drawing the conclusion that it is due primarily to abolition of the hepatic function. It may just as Avell be caused by the development of acids in the organism that require the ammonia for their neutralization. It is significant, for example, that considerable quantities of acids are produced in phosphorus poisoning. Although the urea and ammonia excretions become altered by exten- sive destruction of liver tissue, it is a remarkable fact that very little if any change occurs in the amino nitrogen, either of the urine or of the blood. In experimental necrosis of the liver produced by chloroform or by phosphorus, it is only in the latest stages of the condition and when it is of the very severest type that an amino-acid increase has been found to occur in the blood and urine. The conditions seem to be some- what different in man, abnormally high amounts of amino nitrogen hav- ing boon observed in the blood in a considerable proportion of patients with impaired liver function. In very severe cases of diabetes, for ox- ample, figures that are distinctly higher than normal have been observed (Van Slyke, etc.)- In eclampsia the marked pathological changes in the liver might be expected to be associated with an upset in the metabo- lism of amino acids. Losee and Van Slyke35 haAre, hoAvever, recently shoAvn by the most accurate methods that neither in the blood nor in the urine is any excess of amino acids to bo found in this condition, although THE Ml TABOLISM OP PRd 62] in cases of pernicious vomiting of pregnancy, there was a relative in- crease in the ammonia excretion. We have already seen that I increase did qoI bear any relationship to the acid-absorbing power of the blood plasma (see page 617). The importance of tin "kidneys in removing the urm from thi blood is readily seen Erom the change in the percentage of urea in ihis Hui picric acid in weakly alkaline solution to picramic acid, which, beii furnishes us with a solution the si _•■ which can be estimal colorimetrically. Quantitative Estimation. — Although the presence of creatinine in the urine has been known for many years, there being from 1 to 2 g : - it in the twenty-four-hour urine, little prog] 38 - in the study of its metabolism because of the absence of a reliable method estimation. The elaboration by Folin of a colorimetric quantitati method for creatinine, depending on the reduction of pici id, has Furnished the starting poinl for the modern work which has been d< To estimate the creatine by this method, it is usual to pr< lows: The creatinine content is first of all ither ! ' of urine being then heated with acid in the autoclave until all creatine 1; m converted into creatinine. A. £ terminal creatinine is then made, and the dif ie between the two - at inc. (»24 • METABOLISM It should be pointed out that, since the creatine is estimated by an indirect method, there are considerable chances for inaccuracy. Indeed, it has been shown that errors may have been incurred in some of the recent "work on account of the fact that when acetoacetic acid is present in the urine it prevents the creatinine from developing its full reducing power on picric acid in the cold, so thai when subsequently the urine is heated with acid for the purpose of converting the creatine into creati- nine, the destruction of acetoacetic acid allows the reducing power of the creatinine to develop to full intensity. It is obvious that this would make it appear as if creatine had been converted into creatinine. It is par- ticularly in the urine of diabetic patients, in which acetoacetic acid is present that mistakes are likely to be made. Metabolism When we come to consider the metabolism of creatine and creatinine. we find that there are remarkably few facts definitely known concerning it. The average amount excreted daily, expressed as the number of milli- grams of creatinine in twenty-four hours per kilogram body weight, is known as the creatinine coefficient (Shaffer).36 For a lean person this is about 25 mg. ; for a corpulent person, about 20 mg., the difference in- dicating that muscle mass, and not body weight, is the important factor determining the coefficient. Further evidence that this relationship ex- ists is furnished by the fact that in the muscular atrophies creatine ex- cretion is distinctly below normal. It must be the mass of the muscles rather than their activities that is the determining factor, for the creatine excretion does not become increased by muscular exercise. Influence of Food, Age, and Sex. — Although creatine and creatinine are endogenous metabolites, it must be remembered that, under ordinaiy dietetic conditions, a part of each is derived from these substances pres- ent in the food. It is important therefore to consider the conditions under which the creatine and creatinine in the food appear in the urine. Regarding creatinine, it is pretty well established that practically all that is taken with the food reappears as creatinine in the urine. Shaffer has, for example, succeeded in recovering 76 per cent of ingested creat- inine in the urine excreted during twenty-one hours following the in- gestion of 0.7 gm. creatinine. The conditions for the excretion of creatine are more complex. It is present in the urine of children in considerable amount, but in that of adults only as traces. In the first years of life the creatine in boys' urine may amount to one-half of the total creatine and creatinine, but it becomes gradually less and practically disappears at about seven THE METAB01 I- M OP PROTEIN 62J years of age. Girls, on the other hand, continue to excrete creatine until about puberty, after which, although ordinarily absent, it reappears in the urine ,-it each monthly sexual cycle, and is present during pregnancy and for some days after delivery. Feeding creatine to children causes it to appear in the urine, accompanied usually by a Blight increase in the creatinine. The same results can be observed in women during the monthly periods, when as much as o.l gm. may l»e present, and during pregnancy. Creatine is also present in the urine of most if not al! tlic other mammalia. Some of these fads are shown in the following table: CREATININE-N < KKATINK-N EXCRETED IN 24-HB. UBINE f 2 0.02.1 0.02.". 3 0.057 0.022 1 tl IJ v 5 0.112 O.i _ - 0.163 0.0 11 0.157 0.0 l.-> 0.378 0.0 5 0.069 0.005 6 0.032 0.00?. Girla 7 0.157 0.1 LQ 0.147 0.020 12 0.201 0.011 '■Mm Mathewi When creatine is given to an animal that has been kept in a starved condition, most of it seems to disappear. It can not be recovered in the urine either as creatine or as any other nitrogenous metabolite. It seems to functionate more as a food than as a useless substance. The possi- bility that some of it can be destroyed by the intestinal bacteria being admitted, there is nevertheless some justification for the view that the creatine finds a useful function in the anabolic process of the muse Influence of Complete and Partial Starvation. Although, as we have Been, the creatinine excretion remains constant when the amount of 1 tein in the diet is greatly reduced, yet it does not remain constant during complete fasting or when carbohydrates are entirely withheld from the diet. In fasting it h;is been found that creatine appears in place of I creatinine which has disappeared, so that it* both creatine and creatinine are determined, very little it* any diminution will be found to have curred. Fasting, therefore, causes the adult creatine and creatinine metabolism to become like the juvenile metabolism. As pointed <>ut by Mathews, it would be interesting in the light of this observation to whether other BUbstances, passed in the urine of young animals but ab- sent ill that of the adidt. would reappear in the urine when the animals were made to fast. In tl < of man, for instance, allantoin would be worth investigating in this regard page 641 626 METABOLISM A similar replacement of some of the creatinine by creatine appears when carbohydrate is entirely withheld from the diet, or in diabetic animals, either in the disease diabetes mellitns in man or in the experi- mental condition induced in animals by giving phlorhizin. Unfortu- nately, in a considerable part of the work that has been done on this phase of the subject a method of estimation was employed which did not take sufficiently into account the influence of acetoacetic acid on the creatine estimation; but even after allowing for this possible source of error, there can be no doubt that creatine appears in the urine when carbohydrates are improperly metabolized. If carbohydrates are given to a starving animal, for example, the creatine is replaced in its urine by creatinine, although this will not occur when either protein or fat is fed. The general conclusion which may be drawn from these observations is that carbohydrates in some way are required for the proper conversion of creatine into creatinine in the animal body (Cathcart)37. Origin of Creatine and Creatinine Notwithstanding the amount, of excellent work that has recently been done on the metabolism of creatine and creatinine, we know very little indeed regarding the origin of these bodies in the animal organism. It would be profitless to discuss this problem to any great extent, but a few of the most important facts so far established may be of interest and of value. The first step in attacking such a problem is to compare the amounts present in the various organs and tissues, in the blood, and in the excreta. Of the approximately 120 grams of creatine and creatinine in the body of an average adult, a very large proportion is in the muscles, the voluntary muscles containing the largest percentage, the heart con- taining a medium percentage, and the involuntary (intestinal) muscles containing relatively a small amount (Myers and Fine)38. Next to the skeletal muscles, and containing more than the involuntary mus- cles, come the testis and brain. The liver, pancreas, thyroid, kidneys, spleen, etc., contain traces, the smallest amount of all being found in the blood. In all these places by far the greatest proportion of the total creatine- creatinine exists as creatine, which is exactly the reverse of the condi- tion obtaining in the urine of adults, where practically all is excreted as creatinine. The close chemical relationship between creatine and creat- inine, considered along with the above facts regarding their quantitative distribution in the body, indicates that the creatinine of the urine is de- rived from the creatine of the tissues. The question is, How does the creatine come to he converted into creatinine? Such a transformation is THE METABOLISM OF PRO! probably effected bj many of the tissues of the body and certainly by the blood, the active agency in all cases being no doubt an enzyme. That the blood contains snch an enzyme is indicated by tin- fact that creatine is transformed to creatinine by ]»!<»<" I Bernm more quickly than it is when merely dissolved in water. Even heated blood serum po some of this power. The liver also probably brings about the transfor- mation, as lias been shown by perfusion experiments, ami by ti that in cases of phosphorus or hydrazine poisoning creatine < 1 i -^ j » 1 . creat inin< in t he urine. The problem therefore narrows itself down to the question of the origin of creatine. In the light of chemical knowledge then precursors from which creatine might be formed. One, sample, is arginine, which it will be remembered is guanidine-amino-valerianic acid page 605 . By oxidation this might become changed into guani- dine-amino-acetic acid, which by methylation would then be changed into creatine. That, snch a process of methylation may actually occur in the animal body is definitely known, for it happens when such substai pyridine or naphthalene are given with the food. They appear in the urine as methyl derivatives. The possibility of the derivation <■ tine from arginine is not, however, borne ou1 by the result of the injection of arginine, for such injection does not increase the creatinine in the urine. The closely related substance, guanidine-acetic acid, when fed to animals (rabbits does cause a slight increase in the excretion of creatine (Jafl and also, it is said, an increase in the creatine content of the i Even in this case, however, by far the largest proportion of the admin- istered guanidine-acetic acid is excreted in the urine unchanged. The Large percentage of creatine in muscle tissue leads one to exp that some relationship must exist between muscular metabolism and the amount of creatine present either as such in the muscles or itinine in the urine. Regarding the latter point it is definitely established that muscular exercise leads to no increase in the creatinine excretion, al- though it is said that an increase occurs following a tonic contracl of the musides. With regard to the creatinine in the muscles, no definite results indicating thai muscular metabolism chang 3 amount are on record. In the light of the fact already stated regarding' the pres of creatine in other organs than the muscles, it seems probable that the substance has really little to do with muscular contraction h. but rather is concerned in some way in the formative metabolism of the cell, with its general growth or maintenance. Indeed, it is a question whether creatine is an actual constituent of the living tissue. It may rat lias 1 n suggested by Polin, be a postmortem product, represented dur- ing life by creatinine. 628 M I BTABOLISM Creatine appears in the urine in phosphorus poisoning, in carcinoma of the liver and during postpartum involution of the uterus. It is not de- rived from the disappearing uterine muscle, however, for creatinuria also occurs after cesarean section with removal of the uterus. Creatine elimination is not an index of cellular destruction, for it has been found large in a dug injected with phlorhizin and maintained in constant weight by feeding with washed meat (S. R. Benedict). Muscular fatigue also leaves the creatine content of muscle unchanged. In late stages of nephritis, creatinine accumulates in the blood and serves as an index of the gravity of the condition (page 651). CHAPTER I- XXI THE METABOLISM OF PROTEIN Cont'd) UNDETERMINED NITROGEN AND DETOXICATION COMPOUNDS In the present chapter we shall refer briefly to the groups "f urinary substances styled undetermined nitrogenous compounds and to the com- pounds that are excreted in the urine as the result of the combination in the body of certain toxic bodies with chemical substances that render them harmless (detoxication compounds). Undetermined Nitrogen Included under undetermined nitrogen are amino acids, peptides and basic substances. The amount of amino acids and peptides in normal mine is very small but may become considerable in disease, especially of the liver, when leucine and tyrosine may appear. The presence of traces of amino acid and peptone in normal urine is to be expected, for although the actual concentration of amino acids in the blood is never very great, a certain leakage of amino acids must occur into the urine. The peptide i^ sometimes known as oxyproteic acid. It becomes d a tinctly increased in phosphorus poisoning and in such conditions as accompanied by excessive protein metabolism. The basic constituents include such substances as taimethylamine, ethylamine, putrescine and cadaverine fpafre r>0'_M. and there axe probably many more of 8 similar nature. Many of these substances are similar to the so-called ptomaines found in meat, etc., and they have been called the ptomai] urine, from which they can be isolated by rendering the urine alkaline and shaking out with ether. It is probably to the presence of these sub- stances that urine mainly owes its toxic action. The Detoxication Compounds Certain nocuous BUbstances arc produced in the intestine during the digestive process (see page 501 and others may result from the n bolio proci in the tissues. To guard againsl the harmful action of these substances on the organism, they become det< in various 630 M KTABOLISM ways, mainly by forming inert compounds with other substances, par- ticularly with glycocoll, sulphuric acid or giycuronic acid. The com- ix mud thus formed is then excreted in the urine. Hippuric Acid. — Glycocoll is used mainly to detoxicatc the benzoic acid which results from the oxidation of the aromatic substances pres- ent in large quantities in vegetable food and fruit (particularly in cran- berries). Some benzoic acid may also be produced by the breakdown of the aromatic group of the protein molecule; phenylalanine, for ex- ample, gives rise to benzoic acid by bacterial decomposition. The com- pound formed is hippuric acid, this name indicating that it is present in large quantities in the urine of the horse, as it is also in the urine of all herbivorous animals. Hippuric acid is benzoyl-glycine (CGH5.CO.NH.CH2COOH), and it can readily be produced in the laboratory by bringing together benzoyl chloride with ij'lycoeoll. thus: CGH, . CO ; CI + H i HN . CH,COOH = C,;H,CO . Nil . CHXOOH + IIC1 . (benzoyl chloride) (glycocoll) (hippuric acid) Under ordinary dietetic conditions only a trace of hippuric acid is present in the urine of man, but much larger quantities, 2 grams a day for example, may appear when the diet contains a large proportion of fruit or vegetables. It is not known to undergo any characteristic varia- tions in disease. The benzoic acid which is contained in certain canned foods as preservative also combines in the body with glycocoll, so that any toxic effect which it might produce is practically negligible. There is certainly no very evident reason why canned foods containing benzoic arid should be tabooed, for in so far as the benzoic acid is concerned, they can be no more toxic than a diet composed largely of vegetables and fruit. This detoxication of benzoic acid requires the presence in the organ- ism of a constant supply of glycocoll, which, it will be recalled, is the lowest in the series of amino acids, being aminoacetic acid (CH2NH2COOII). It is present in greatest amount in the protein of the connective tissues. It is said, however, that not more than from 2 to 3.5 per cent of glycocoll is available in the proteins of the body. Al- though this amount of glycocoll would amply suffice to detoxicate the benzoic acid produced by the metabolism of the food in carnivora, il ' is quite inadequate for this purpose in the case of herbivora, and the question mil orally presents itself as to where the glycocoll in these animals comes from. It is said, for example, that of the total nitrogen excretion in herbivora 50 per cent may appear as glycocoll under cer- tain conditions. These facts indicate thai the organism is capable of THE METABOLISM < >F PROTEIN producing new glycocoll for itself, and it is interesting to eons i how this glycocol] may be derived. A vvy probable source is by syntl between ammonia and glyoxylic acid (CHO. I OOH . That glyoxylic acid or its aldehyde, glyoxal, is readily produced during metabolism from e bohydrates and thai ammonia is always available would seem to • some support to this view (see page 665 . The synthesis of glycocoll from glyoxal and ammonia occurs thus: B.COCHO I NH, = CB NH,COOH. ('glyoxal) The linking up of glycocoll with benzoic acid occurs in the kidney. If the kidney is removed from the circulation in the majority of animals that produce hippuric acid in large amount — the rabbil being an excep- tion— no hippuric acid will accumulate in the blood. On the other hand. an isolated perfused preparation of the kidney produces hippuric acid provided benzoic acid is added to the perfusion fluid, and the latter i contains an abundance of oxygen, which is best secured by using de- fibrinated arterialized blood instead of artificial serum (Locke's solu- tion). The necessity of a plentiful supply of oxygen is further shown by the fact that, if the hemoglobin of the blood is rendered incapable of carrying 02 by bubbling carbon monoxide tras through it. no synthe- sis of hippuric acid will result from perfusing the blood through the kidney. The actual chemical process by which the synthesis occurs de- hydration) is similar to that by which polypeptides are formed by the union of amino acids, or creatinine from creatine. (C, H CO OH II IIWILCOOH). Glycocoll may be used for detoxicatdng other substances than benzoic acid, particularly cholic acid, forming the glyeocholic acid of the bile page 494) and phenylacetic acid. In birds the benzoic acid be- comes combined with diamine-valerianic acid or ornithine Nil CH, CH CH CH NHj CX)OH) in place of glycocoll, so that in the urine of these animals in pla f hippuric acid a compound called omithuric add occurs. It is of importance to point oul here that this pairing of aromatic toxic Bubstances with certain of the metabolic products of the organism has frequently been found an excellent experimental method for demon- strating the presence of intermediary metabolic substances that other- wise would not have appeared in the excreta. T1 thus diverted from their normal course in metabolism s.. as to form neutralization or detoxication compounds Glycuronic acid is an exam] 632 METABOLISM Ethereal Sulphates and Glycuronates. — The other substances used for detoxieation purposes are sulphuric and glycuronic acids. Phenol, and its derivative cresol, after being absorbed from the intestine, in the contents of which they are produced by the bacterial decomposition of protein . (see page 501) become combined in the body, probably in the liver, with sulphuric acid or with glycuronic acid to form the sulphate or glycuronate. The aromatic sulphate further combines with potassium to form the so-called ethereal sulphates, as which the substance is excreted in the urine. A small amount of phenol may however appear in the urine unchanged. As we have already seen, the sources of the phenol in the intestine are tyrosine and phenylalanine (see page 530), and since these amino acids are also present in the tissues, it might be sup- posed that some of the phenol sulphate of potassium present in the urine could come from the tissues. It is usually assumed that, however, derivation from the tissues does not occur. Another ethereal sulphate is indoxyl sulphate of potassium, which re- sults from the absorption into the blood of the indole and skatole pro- duced by intestinal putrefaction from tryptophane (see page 502). Immediately after absorption indole is oxidized to indoxyl, which then combines with sulphuric acid and with potassium to form indoxyl sul- phate of potassium, which is the well-known indican of the urine. As in the case of phenol sulphate of potassium, none of the urinary indican seems to come from the normal metabolism (of the tryptophane) of the tissue proteins. It is a much more reliable indicator than phenol sul • phate of potassium of the extent of intestinal putrefaction, but it also becomes increased in amount during putrefaction in the body itself, as for example in abscess formation. The amount of indican in the urine may be roughly gauged by oxi- dizing the urine by means of hypochlorite and then shaking out with chloroform. If the resulting extract is more than light blue in color, it indicates excessive putrefaction. A negative test does not neces- sarily mean that intestinal putrefaction is absent, but a marked positive test always indicates that it is occurring. Skatole, the methyl deriva- tive of indole, may undergo similar processes and appear in the urine during excessive intestinal putrefaction. Its presence in the blood some- times confers on the breath a distinct fecal odor, for this body, as its name indicates, is that to which the odor of the feces is due. Glycuronic acid, the other substance used for detoxieation processes, is of the nature of a dextrose molecule with the one end-group oxidized to carboxyl (CHO - (CHOH)4- COOH). It is probably produced under normal processes of metabolism in the animal body, but is destroyed unless when such poisonous substances as camphor, chloral hydrate or THE METABOLISM OF PROTEIN certain aromatic alcohols are given, when it is 1 1 -.• •< 1 for tin: purp - detoxicating them. The resulting glycuronates have reducing ]><>■ and may 1"" confused with glucose when present in Large amount. Gly- curonates may be distinguished from glucose in the urine 1 they are levorotatory, and (2) because they do aol ferment. The free arid itself, however, is dextrorotatory. CHAPTER LXXII URIC ACID AND THE PURINE BODIES Introductory. — The participation by highly trained organic chemists in the investigation of biochemical problems has brought our knowledge of the history of the purine substances in the animal body from a state of chaos and guesswork to one of system and scientific accuracy. The peculiar solubility reactions of uric acid and its salts and the discovery of urates in gouty deposits served to make uric acid metabolism one of the earliest research problems in both the medical clinic and the bio- chemical laboratory, but the earlier results were practically valueless, partly because they were inaccurate and partly because their interpretation was impossible in the absence of even the most elementary facts concerning the chemistry of uric acid. Before any real progress was possible, a clean sweep had to be made of all the old speculations and hypotheses, such as that dignified by the high-sounding name of "uric-acid diathesis," and a foundation of ac- curate chemical knowledge established. This foundation is now wonder- fully complete, and a superstructure of biochemical fact is already beginning to grow upon it. In the present chapter we shall examine some of the most important contributions that have made this progress possible. As in the study of any other problem of metabolism, we must, however, make ourselves familiar with the main facts concerning the chemistry of the purine bodies and of the tissue constituents into the composition of which they enter, before proceeding to the more strictly biological aspect of the subject. The Chemical Nature of the Purines By an examination of the empiric formulas of the purines of biochem- ical interest, it will be observed that they are all derivatives of a sub- stance purine, which although in itself of no importance is interesting, since it serves as the basic substance from which the others are derived. The list is as follows: Purine . . CSH..N4 C,H4N40 Monoxypurine 'VII X.XH, Amino-purine I ' I f 4N40;, Dioxypurine 0BH,N4O.NH2 Aniino-oxypnrini' I (gH4N40, Trioxypurine 634 Hypoxanthine Adenine Xanthine Guanine Uric acid . Purine f bases. I KM \«'ll> AM' THE PI KIM BOD] The first oxidation produd of purine is hypoxanthine, which I long been known as a constituent of meat extract. Adenine, the amino derivative of hypoxanthine, occurs in combination with other subsl in the nuclear material. The second oxidation product is xanthine and its amino derivative, guanine. They occur in the same places .-is hypo- santhine and adenine. The lii-jhest oxidation product of ;ill is the well- known urinary constituent, uric acid, which may therefore 1"- chemically designated ;is trioxypurine. In addition t<. the purines <<( animal origin. there arc also certain outs of vegetable origin -the methyl purines, which exist .-is tlic alkaloids of tea and coffee namely, caffeine, theobromine, and theine. To understand the chemical structure of this group of Bubstanci it is perhaps simplest to start with that of uric acid. This consists 3sentially of two urea molecules linked together by a central chain of three carbon atoms, as will he evident from the accompanying structural formula: HN-CO i i OC C xir \ ii / N-C-NH (urea) (in (C( 1 ■ntral chain) This structure can he shown by methods both of decomposition and of s\ nt he-is. When uric acid is decomposed by oxidizing it with nitric acid, it yields urea and a residue called alloxan; or it can he synthesized from urea and trichlorlactamide, a derivative of lactic acid, which it will he remembered contains three carbon atoms. The changes invol in this synthesis will he mad.' clear by examination of th< mpanying structural formula, in which the manner of production of the by- products of the reaction (NH8, HaO and HC1 are show q by dotted In • - MI. II Ml C=rO / I / / ; ii • ' «wr n mi \ \ ''' \ \ G- GIB Ml irra^ \ Curca^ Ml | II < 'I ■ 636 METABOLISM By milder oxidation by means of potassium permanganate in the cold, uric acid becomes quantitatively converted to allantoin: C5H4N408 + H20 + 0 = C4H6N403 + C02. (uric acid) (allantoin) The importance of this transformation lies in the fact that in most animals, man and the higher apes being exceptions, uric acid is thus decomposed in the animal body. The structural formulas for the other purine bodies in relationship with those of purine and uric acid are given below. Purine itself has the following structural formula: iN Co H H2-C NH? \ ( / C8-II sN - O - N9 (For convenience of description the atoms in purine are numbered as shown.) HN-C=0 HN-C=0 H- C C-NH O = C C - NH l C-H . II I! / N - C - N (hypoxanthine) (6-oxypurine) N = C - NH, C-H H- C C-NH N-C- N \ ( // 1 1 X - C - N (xanthine) HN-C=0 I I H..N = C C-NH / (2-6-oxypurine) C-H C-H N-C- N / (adenine) (6-amino-purine) (guanine) HN-CO (2-amino-6-oxypurine) OC C-NH \ CO / I \- C -NH Uric acid (2-6-8-trioxypurine) The substances with which the purine bases are most closely related are the pyrimidine bases. Three of these are known: cytosine ( N = C-NH, and uracil (NH-CO I II CO CB CO rn I II I II NH-CH); NH-CH). thymine (NH-CO I CO C.CIL .\H-CH ); URIC kCID Wl> 'I'll I PDBIN] B0D1 From an examination of the structural formulas, it will be Been thai they are more or less related to purine (having one of the urea radicles omitted), although it can scarcely be doubted thai thi eparate constituents of the oucleic acid group in the animal body, and are nol derived from purine. They are primary products. The Chemical Nature of the Substances in Which Purine and Pyrimidine Bases Exist in the Animal Body.- Tn general it may be said thai the amino purines adenine and guanine together with the pyrimidine bases thymine and cytosine — occur combined with phos- phoric acid and a carbohydrate in the various nucleic acids, each of which is again combined with some simple protein to form nuclcin. t lie essen- tial constituent of the chromatin of the nucleus. One of the oxypuri hypoxanthine, may also exist eombined with phosphoric ; s < - i * 1 i rbo- hydrate to form a substance presenl in muscle and known as inosinic acid. The general scheme of construction of a nucleic acid of animal origin is illustrated in the following formula suggested by Levene and Jacobs:89 110 \ \ O = PO C ii .> ■■11. N <) / C1, ■■ii; ■ / 0 no 1 \ 1 1 \ o - PO '•ir,o2-c h,n,o / 1 thymine P) / HO 0 IK) 1 \ \ I o |") .•IK) ''.II. N«) / - cytosine I''1 / IK) 1 o \ Phosphoric acid \ groups PO C II 0 C.B / < hi •Up | / IK) According to this formula nucleic acid may be considered i »m- pound of polyphosphoric acid, containing carbohydrate groups, which Berve to link the phosphoric acid molecules to tl purine or pyrimi- dine. Tn nucleic acids of animal origin, such as the example above, the carbohydrate is a hexos . contains 6 C-al . whei t;;;> metabolism in those of plants (e. g., yeast), it is a pentose (5 C-atoms). It has been found necessary to introduce some terms to designate the different parts of the nucleic acid molecule; thus, the whole molecule is called a tetra- nucleotide, each mononucleotide molecule of which is composed of a phosphoric acid molecule plus a nucleoside, which again is composed of a purine or pyrimidine nucleus attached to pentose or hexose. The nucleoside is so named because it is similar in structure to a glucoside. Apart from differences in the carbohydrate group, it appears that there is a close similarity in the structures of nucleic acids from dif- ferent cells. This would indicate a common function for them all, which may be either of a skeletal or of a physiological nature; that is, nucleic acid may have to do with the sustentacular material that builds the nucleus, or it may have to do with some physiological function common to all cells, such as irritability, or growth, or respiration. If nucleic acid is merely a sustentacular material, then the study of the behavior of chromosomes and chromatine in cells can not have the significance that it would have were nucleic acid concerned in the more vital activ- ities of the nucleus. All the so-called nuclear stains owe their specific staining properties to the fact that they are of a basic nature and com- bine with nucleic acid. Until we know more definitely what the exact function of nucleic acid may be, it is unwise to place too much weight on the behavior of the chromosomes in cytologic researches. The History of Nucleic Acid in the Animal Body. — We shall first of all study the manner in which nucleic acid may be broken down. As is to be expected from its complex structure, various types of enzymes are concerned in this process. The first to act are known as the nucle- ases. They split the tetranucleotide molecule into two dinucleotides. which immediately afterward split further into mononucleotides. Four nucleotides, two of purine and two of pyrimidine, are thus formed from each molecule of nucleic acid. Each nucleotide molecule may now un- dergo decomposition in one of two ways: (1) either by the splitting off of phosphoric acid, leaving a nucleoside (guanosine or adenosine), or (2) by the splitting off of both phosphoric acid and carbohydrate, leaving free purine bases. Nucleases have been found which specifically effect either of these decompositions, and they have been called phospho- nucleases* (1), and purine-nucleases (2), respectively. In the decompo- sition of nucleic acid all of the four purine compounds — guanine, guano- sine, adenosine and adenine — may be formed. This is illustrated in the accompanying schema, in which the nucleic acid is represented as a purine nucleotide: *The numbers refer to the enzymes indicated in the schema. ; RIC KCID AND 'illi PI ki\i B0D1 Nucleic Acid (without the pyrimidine group) (1) (1) ^(2) (Action of nucleases) sL \ Guanine *-(7) Guanosine Adenosine (8)— > Adenine (4) (5) (Action of dcaminizing enzymes) Xacthosine Inosine (9) (Action of hydrolyzing enzymes) (10) UricAeid<— (11) Xanthine < -(H)— »• Hypoxanthine (Action of xanthine oxidase) (Jones.) The next step in the disintegration process is that the amino group is removed and tin- corresponding oxypurine is produced. To bring this about, there exists a specific deaminizing enzyrru for each of the above amino compounds, and each enzyme is named according to the exact amino purine upon which it acts; thus, guanase '■'< . guanosine-deamii (4), adenosine-deaminase (5), and adenase (6) have all been identified. The free base may then be split off from the nucleosides by - lunlrnlj/zitiif , h: ames (7 - '• (10). The joint action of these enzymes leads to the formation of oxypurii xanthine and hypoxanthine, which are oxidized to uric acid by xant) oxidase (11). In man and the anthropoid apes mic acid is the end product of the above changes, bul in other mammals most of the uric acid is further oxidized into allantoine. It has also 1 u found, except in man and the chimpanzee, thai extracts of organs such as the liver, are capable of decomposing uric acid into allantoine. The identification of th< - - scific enzymes is sought by a determination of the free amino-purine bi and the phosphoric acid produced by allowing an aqueous extract the tissue iii question to act on nucleic acid of yeasl * at body tempera- ture. Another portion of the digested mixture is then hydrolyzed by means of boiling sulphuric acid and the constituents again determined. From the results it is often possible to draw conclusions as to th< nature of the enzymes present. The mosl remarkable outcome of this work has been to show that distribution of tht enzyme* - not ta< sonn In vans of different animals. Very briefly, some of the most important results that have so far been obtained are as follows trie and pancreatic juices do not contain a trace of any of the enzymes. Entestinal jui •Yeast nucleic ai ill is uscil because it is Ir- n than thymic nucleic . 640 MKTABOLISM on the other hand, contains a nuclease capable of splitting the poly- nucleotides into mononucleotides. The two pyrimidine nucleotides split off do not undergo further change, but the purine nucleotides are con- verted into nucleosides (the enzyme being designated "nucleotidase"). Extract of the intestinal mucosa, besides having the same action as the intestinal juice, can also decompose the purine, but not the pyrimidine nucleosides, into carbohydrate and purine groups (specific action of :' nucleosidase"). A similar action is produced by extracts of kidney, heart muscle, and liver. Blood serum, hemolyzed blood, and extract of pancreas, on the other hand,- are capable only of carrying the decompo- sition as far as the mononucleotides. Regarding the other enzymes mentioned in the above list, it is im- portant to note that they appear at different stages in embryonic develop- ment, and that their distribution varies considerably in different species of adult animal, the spleen, liver, thymus, and pancreas containing them most abundantly. The distribution of enzymes in the organs of the monkey resembles that in the lower animals considerably more than it does that in man. Some remarkable facts have come to light regarding guanase and adenase, particularly that guanase is deficient in the organs of the pig, in the urine of which animal it has also been found that the purine bases are in excess of the uric acid. This absence of guanase no doubt accounts for the fact that deposits of guanine may occur in the muscles, and that these may be so large as to constitute the condition known as guanine gout found in this animal. Adenase, on the other hand, is absent from the organs of the rat, which again corresponds with the fact that, when adenine is injected subcutaneously into these ani- mals, it undergoes oxidation without the removal of its amino group. In the human organism, adenase appears to be absent from all of the organs, whereas guanase is present in the kidney, lung and liver, but not in the pancreas or spleen. Xanthine-oxidase exists only in the liver. The distribution of uricase is perhaps the most interesting. It is pres- ent in most of the lower animals. On account of its presence extracts of the liver, spleen, etc., in all breeds of dogs, with the exception of Dalmatians, rapidly destroy uric acid ; and practically no uric acid when injected subcutaneously can be recovered unchanged in the urine, but appears as allantoine. Uricase, however, is absent in man. This has been demonstrated by finding (1) that when uric acid is injected sub- cutaneously, nearly all of it appears in the urine, and (2) that uric acid is not destroyed when extracts of the organs are incubated at body temperature with uric acid or its precursors. It must of course be kept in mind that, although the uric acid is thus shown not to be destroyed in vitro, it may nevertheless be destroyed in the living animal. IKIC AUI> a\|> 'nil. PURINE BODIES 641 Tlio importance of the above described results rests in the fad that from them we may hope to be able, ultimately, to stair exactly in what organs and tissues the intermediary metabolic processes concerned in nucleic acid metabolism occur. The work at the present time is of spe- cial significance, since it represents one type of evidence which we must have before we can trace exactly every step in the metabolism of any other biochemical substance. The absence of uricase from the tissues of man places him in a unique position with regard to the metabolism of nucleic acid, and renders the investigation of the problem particularly difficult, since animal experi- mentation is useless. Recently, however, S. R. Benedict has discovered that the Dalmatian breed of dog — also known as the carriage dog, and having a spotted or mottled skin- — has a purine metabolism like that of man.4 "When fed on food containing no purine substances, he excretes Large quantities of uric acid, and when the latter substance is injected subcutaneously, it is eliminated quantitatively as such in the urine. We shall see later how experiments on this animal have been made use of in the investigation of problems of purine metabolism as applied to man. In all other animals most of the uric acid is oxidized to allantoine before being excreted. The degree to which this occurs varies between 79 and 98 per cent of the uric acid in different species. This has been called the uricolytic index (Hunter and Givens). The Balance between Intake and Output of Purine Substances under Various Physiological and Pathological Conditions. The main purine ex- cretory product in man is uric acid, but there is also a certain amount of purine bases. The presence of uric acid has attracted attention for a great many decades in medical investigation, because of the relative ease with which it can approximately be determined quantitatively, and because of the well-known fact that it may be responsible for certain diseases, such as gout, when it accumulates in the tissues in an insoluble form. On a diet containing meat, or more particularly on one con- taining glandular substances, the total daily excretion of uric acid is Very considerably greater than when the diet contains no such food stuffs. The conclusion which Burian and Si-hur' drew from this ob- servation is that purine must be partly of exogenous and partly of endogenous origin. In other words, some of it is derived more or directly from performed purine substances in the food, and the remain- der from the purine constituents of the animal's own tissues Endogenous Purines.- It was thought that a definite proportion each of the administered purines could be invariably recovered from the urine. Although this has not been found to be exactly true, there is nevertheless a certain constancy in the proportion of administ. 642 MKTAIiOUSM purine that is excreted. Tims, Mendel and Lyman have found recently that about GO per cent of injected hypoxanthine, 50 per cent of xan- thine, 19-30 per cent of guanosine, and 30-37 per cent of adenine were eliminated as uric acid. "When combined purines — i. e., nuclear mate- rial— are given, only a small proportion of the purine reappears as uric acid in the urine. There is, therefore, a general parallelism between the purine content of the food and that of the urine, which indicates that purine-rich food should be eliminated from the diet of patients who are suffering from deposition of insoluble urate in the tissues, as in gout. The fate of the purine thai disappears in the body is unknown; some of it may be decomposed in the intestine, but why so much of the remainder, after absorption by the blood, should disappear is a mystery, since no uricase can be discovered in any of the organs or tissues. The destroyed purines can not be shown to influence any of the other well-known nitrogenous metabolites of the urine. The following table of experiments by Taylor and Rose45 may serve to illustrate these points. The subject was placed on a purine-free diet consisting of milk, eggs, starch and sugar, for three days. After this period a part of the total nitrogen (3 grams) was supplied as sweet- breads— thymus gland, etc.— containing a high percentage (0.482) of purine nitrogen; for another period of four days still more of the nitro- gen (6 grams) was replaced by sweetbread nitrogen; and this was fol- lowed by a final period in which the original diet of milk, etc., without purine substances, was restored. The following table gives the results: 1st period 4th period PURINE-FREE 2n 1) PERIOD 3rd period PURINE-FREE DIET DIET Total urinary N 8.9 8.7 9.1 8.8 Urea N and NH2 7.3 7.1 7.1 7.05 Creatinine 0.58 0.55 0.56 0.47 Purine N (total) 0.11 0.17 0.26 0.10 Uric acid N 0.09 0.14 0.24 0.07 Remainder N 0.91 0.88 1.18 1.18 The increase of uric acid accounted for less than half of the purine nitrogen ingested. This appeared as uric acid, the- excretion of purine bases being practically unchanged. CHAPTEB I. XXIII URIC ACID AND THE PURINE BODIES Cont'd SOURCE OF ENDOGENOUS PURINES Even after the entire eliminati t" all purine substances from the food in the ease of man, purine continues to be excreted in the urine as uric arid. This, as above remarked, is called endogenous • tion. At first it was thoughl by Burian and Schur thai the total nitrogen of the purine-free diel could be considerably varied without causing any alteration in the amounl of the endogenous purine excretion, but a rep- etition of tli«' work lias shown that, when these changes are of consider- able magnitude, the endogenous moiety does do1 remain constant. This has already been demonstrated in the initio <>n Folin's results see p 614), and is still better illustrated in the accompanying table, which shows Iho excretion of uric acid and coincidently of urea from hour to hour in the urine after taking food which is free from nuclein or purine substances. After a fasl of six hours, a diel consisting of bread and potatoes was taken at 1:30, and the urea and uric acid measured in the urine each hour thereafter.* TIME UREA URK AMOUNT OF URINE MO. c.c. 10-11 1.07 175 ri-12 1.13 IT 11^ 12-1 P.M. 1.07 24 164 1-2 (meal) 0.64 21 2 3 1.12 an 3 I 1.16 11 I 5 0.84 " 1.16 56 6 : 1.20 : - - 1.47 9 10 24 1 55 10-11 23 1-> II ■■'•-.. - and II .1 postprandial increasi of endogenous purim ■ is very dis- tinct, and it indicates thai during the process of assimilation something must be occurring in the organism which entails the production of pui • riu-sc in\ tuld l"- i i 044 METABOLISM from the organism itself. As to \vha1 this may lie, it is impossible to say. It may be associated with the work of the gastric and intestinal glands, -which recalls the interesting suggestion, originally made by Horbac/ewski. that ingested substances increase the excretion of uric acid by causing a leukocytosis, the purine being derived from the nucleic acid set free when the leucocytes become broken down. That this is not the correct explanation, however, is indicated by the fact that in- gested substances that give rise to an increased number of leucocytes affect the excretion of uric acid during the period the leucocytes are present in the blood, and not after they have disappeared, which would have to be the case were the uric acid a product of purine substances liberated by their breakdown. This would indicate that the purine sub- stance is a metabolic product of the living leucocytes and not a break- down product of those that are dead. It should be noted that the increase in the postprandial uric-acid excretion occurs earlier than that of urea. The most pressing question concerns the origin of the endogenous purines. Uric acid is the purine with which we are most concerned in the case of man, and chemistry shows us that it may be produced either by the oxidation of the lower purines — namely, of those which are the constituent parts of the nucleic-acid molecule — or by a synthesis of two urea molecules with a carbon residue containing three carbon atoms. There are consequently two sources from which the endogenous purine excretion in man may be derived : (1) synthesis of two urea molecules, and (2) oxidation of the lower purines. "We will consider first the possibility of synthesis. In birds and reptiles practically all the nitrogen is excreted in the form of uric acid, and it is easy to show that this has been produced in the organism by the synthesis of urea with carbon-rich residues, occurring mainly in the liver. Minkowski found that by removing the liver from geese, which is a comparatively simple operation on account of an anastomotic vein between the portal and the renal veins, the uric acid in the urine became very markedly decreased and ammonium lactate took its place (page 618). Since we know that ammonium in the animal body is ordinarily converted into urea, we may conclude from this observation that some- thing has occurred to prevent the synthesis of urea into uric acid. In confirmation of this ('(inclusion it was subsequently found that, if am- monium lactate was added to the blood perfused through the isolated liver of the goose, uric acid was produced in the perfusion fluid.* Fur- thermore, when birds and reptiles are fed with ammonium salts or with the degradation products of protein, there is an increase in the ex- *The reason for the formation of this relatively insoluble metabolite in place of the soluble urea is connected in some way with the fart that birds and reptiles do not take such large quantities of water with their food as other animals. i BIC ACID AM' i 111. PI BINE BODIES 6 15 cretion of uric acid i n >>t <;i < ! of area. Everything which in a mammal lends io cause an increase in urea excretion causes in birds and reptiles a similar increase in the excretion of uric acid. In the earh days of research in the uric-acid problem, not inconsid- erable mistakes were made on a »un1 of failure to recognize the lial difference in the metabolism of uric acid in birds and mammals. and the tendency for some time after the exact state of affairs was discovered was to consider thai in mammals none of this synthetic proc- ess occurs. The Latter view, however, is surely incorrect, for a linn amount not only of uric n< i C • =H.OH H XII \ \ \ + c=o \ / Ml C 0 II Ml i dialuric acid • The synthesis of uric acid is b rough 1 aboul bj the combined action of a thermolabile enzyme in the blood and a thermostable body in the tissues. An aqueous extract of hi I free liver of the <\"~ can destroy 1)41) METABOLISM uric acid only in the presence of oxygen; it can not reform it even in the presence of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, blood serum can not reform uric acid, whereas a mixture of the bloodless liver extract and blood serum produces uric acid readily under suitable conditions. Boiling of the liver extract docs not affect the result, but boiling of the blood scrum renders it incapable of exerting its joint action with the bloodless liver extract. These experiments with dog's liver serve only as circumstantial evi- dence that uric-acid synthesis occurs in mammals as well as in birds. More direct proof thai purine synthesis occurs in mammals "is as follows: (1) It was discovered long ago by Miescher that salmon, after leaving the sea to ascend the rivers, have a well-developed muscular system, but thai in the upper reaches of the stream the muscular system becomes considerably atrophied and the testes enormously developed. As the fish takes no food during the migration, there must be conversion of the protein of the muscles into the cellular tissue of the sexual glands, and nucleic acid must be produced. (2) A hen's egg before its incuba- tion contains practically no nucleic acid, whereas after development has well started nucleic acid increases by leaps and bounds. Similarly the eggs of insects increase in purine content very markedly as development proceeds. (3) Milk contains practically no purine derivative, and yet when it is fed to young growing animals, the organs lay on purine sub- stances abundantly. In general, indeed, it may be said that the combined purine increase is in proportion to the increase in body weight on the milk diet. (4) In Osborne and Mendel's experiments already alluded to, it has been shown that adequate growth depends primarily on the nature of the protein building stones, and not upon the purine content of the food. (5) An objection might be raised to these results on the score that they do not apply to the adult mammal. Investigation of the problem has hitherto been seriously impeded by the fact that no or- dinary laboratory animals were known in which uric acid is excreted in the urine. The discovery that this occurs in the Dalmatian dog has, however, made it possible for S. R. Benedict41 to show, not only that after increasing the amount of nonpurine food there was a very distinct increase in the uric-acid excretion, but also that when the animal was kept for a year on such foods there was excreted a total amount of uric acid at least ten times greater than could have come from the traces unavoidably included in the food. Regarding the chemical nature of the substance from which the purine is synthesized, we know ;it present practically nothing. No doubt some of the protein building stones functionate in this capacity, pyrimidine being probably the produd thai is firsl formed. Thus, pyrimidine may. i BIC ACID AND THE PI BINE BODIES 6 17 be produced as a result of the combination of amino-malonic acid with area, the amino-malonic acid being produced by condensation of hydro- cyanic-acid molecules: :: HCN-» II X CH CN CO Ml — Ml CO I CO CNB Ml CNH, (hydrocyanic (amino malonic (urea) (oxy-diamino-pyrimid acid) nitri Another possible source of pyrimidine is the oxidation of arginine to guanidine-propionic acid, which then condenses to form amino pyrimi- dine. Purine synthesis undoubtedly occurs in the mammalian body, but it is difficult to recognize in metabolism investigations because it is a Blow, continuous process. The probability of its occurrence, however, is indi- cated by such results as those described on page 614, in which incr< in purine excretion is observed after varying the intake of food, even when this is itself entirely free from purine substances. Whether or not changes in the activity of purine synthesis occur in conditions of dis< is a question which awaits investigation. The Influence of Various Physiological Conditions, of Drugs, and of Disease on the Endogenous Uric-acid Excretion. Muscular exercisi was though.1 by Burian to cause an increased excretion of uric acid, from which he drew the conclusion thai the hypoxanthine present in compara- tively large amount in muscular extract, or its precursor, inosinic acid, must be an importanl source of endogenous uric acid, other obsen (Leathes, etc.) have found thai strenuous exercise causes a distinct in- crease in uric-acid excretion, which, however, is much less marked on repetition of the same kind of exercise on the next day. If Borne new kind i>f muscular work is performed, another increase in uric acid will result. There are still other investigators who deny that muscular work has any influence "ii uric-acid excretion. It has been observed by several investigators that the endogenous purine excretion is distinctly higher during tin- waking hours than during sleep. This can nut he shown to depend on variations in the urinary function, and since it is decidedly doubtful whether ordinary muscular activity has any influence, the diurnal variation is most difficult account for. The endogenous excretion in man is not the same for diffen n? individuals, even when calculated for the same body weighl ; it varies between 0.12 and 0.20 per cenl purine nitrogen in an adult man. It remains remarkably constant for a given individual from time tn time, being unaffected by moderate degrees of variation in the amount 648 METABOLISM of food taken provided this be purine-free; when, however, the amounts are extremely variable, changes are produced (see page 614). In disease, f< r< r causes an increased excretion. This has been most clearly shown by Leathes, Avho took a large enough dose of antityphoid serum to produce a distinct degree of fever (103° F.), and found that an increase in uric-acid excretion occurred. That increased combustion processes occurring in the tissues were responsible for the uric acid, was shoAvn bv the same author, who caused a similar increase bv sub- jecting himself to cold baths for a considerable period of time. The in- creased loss of heat thus induced stimulated the combustion processes in the body so as to maintain the body temperature, and as a result there was an increase in uric-acid excretion. It has long been known that an excessive amount of uric acid is excreted in leucocythemia. The nuclein of disintegrated leucocytes is commonly held responsible for the increase. Naturally, much work has been done on the endogenous and exogenous purine excretion in gout. No very striking anomalies of excretion have, however, been brought to light, except perhaps that after the ingestion of purine-rich foodstuffs it takes longer for the resulting exogenous ex- cretion to develop and pass away. Certain drugs affect the excretion of uric acid. Salicylic acid is said to cause an increased excretion, and citrates certainly have this effect. In both cases the increase is followed by a compensatory fall, which indicates that these drugs act by facilitating the excretion rather than by influencing the metabolic processes that are the source of the uric acid. The effect of caffeine has been very carefully investigated. Given to the Dalmatian dog, referred to above, S. R. Benedict found that a small dose caused a slight decrease, but that a larger dose had practically no effect, although there was a notable retention of nitrogen. On man, however, different results Avere secured, for it was found that when 1 gram of caffeine was given daily for several days, a slight but definite progressive increase in the endogenous uric-acid excretion occurred, and it lasted for 10 days after the caffeine administration was discontinued. Liberal allowance of this alkaloid may, therefore, not be quite so innocu- ous as it is assumed to be. Uric Acid of Blood. — Tn all of the investigations considered above, the behavior of uric acid is judged from the amount of it excreted in the urine. Valuable though such results must be, their interpretation is always difficult, since two factors that are quite independent of each other have to be kept in mind — namely, the production of the uric acid in the organs and tissues and its excretion by the kidneys. In connection with the latter factor, we must also consider the method of transporta- tion of uric acid by the blood From its place of production for absorp- ! RIO A < 11 » AM' THE PI kim. BODIES 649 tion) i" tlie kidneys. These problems have recently been very isider- ably simplified by the elaboration of an accurate method for the estima- tion lit' tin uric-acid content of blood. By observing changes in the amounl of uric acid in the blood rati than in ilic urine, the i tory factor is partly controlled, and it can be completely so it' urine and blood are both investigated. Thanks to the work of Polin, it is now possible to determine with an extreme de '_rr< E accuracy the uric a< id in as little as 1" c.c. of 1>1 1. The imp tance of this achievemenl will be appreciated when we state thai prior to Folin's work mi method existed by which uric acid could be approx- imately measured even when large quantities of-blood were available Much of the work thai has been done by the use of this new method so far applied to the amounl of uric acid in the 1>1 1 of man in various diseases. We shall refer to these results inn liately, but meanwhile it is importanl to call attention to some very suggestive observations concerning th( condition of uric acid in tht blood. For many years there have been investigators who have thought that uric acid can not be simply dissolved in the blood plasma, Like sugar or some inorganic salt. It is believed by many that at least a portion of the uric acid circulates in combination with nucleic (thymic) acid sec pagi which would accounl for the fad thai some purines are catabolized in the body when they are given in a combined state, as thymic acid, but are excreted unchanged when ingested in a free state* When given freely, certain purines adenine, for example— may moreover cause inflamma- tion and calculus formation in the kidneys of dogs, a resull not obtained when thymic acid is fed. Other observers have concluded thai uric acid exists as two isomeric varieties, lactam and lactim, the monosodium salts of which i un- equal stability. The less stable o-sall is much more soluble in blood serum than the stable (8-salt. It is the o-sal1 thai 1" mes inc - 1 in the blood in gout, the deposition of urates in the 1 which is the must characteristic Bymptom of this disease, being caused by conversion lit' the o-salts into ff-salts. The structural formulas of the two ison are as follov II. X C :0 N COB I I 0 :C C Mi HO.C <• Ml \ / C.OH I I.N «• Ml \ ' [lactam modification forini (lactim^ unstable a urat< stal . relal ively solul lativclj 650 M ETABOLISM The most recent work of S. R. Benedict has shown that uric acid ex- ists, chiefly in combination in the blood of most mammals but not in that of the bird. It was found, for example, that fresh ox-blood exam- ined by the Folin method contains only 0.0005 gm. free uric acid per 100 gm. of blood; after boiling the protein-free blood filtrate with hydro- chloric acid, however, the uric acid increased by about ten times. This larger amount was also found present in whole blood that had been allowed to stand for some time, indicating that the uric-acid compound can be split by means of an enzyme. The compound exists in the cor- puscles and not in the plasma. It is of some significance that after thus set tiny free the uric acid, there should be about 50 per cent more of it present in the blood of the ox than in that of the bird, where most exists in a free state in the serum, although the urine of the ox contains only the smallest trace of uric acid, and that of the bird is loaded with it. Investigation of the condition of uric acid in human blood is at present in progress. Uricemia in Gout and Nephritis The practical application of these observations is particularly impor- tant in connection with the etiology of gout. In typical cases of this dis- ease, the uric acid of the blood increases from its normal value of 1 to 3 mg. per cent to nearly 10 mg., indicating a considerable degree of renal insufficiency. This uricemia can not in itself, however, be the cause of the deposition of urates in the joints, because it also occurs in other diseases with renal retention, such as nephritis. Moreover, the blood serum is capable of dissolving much larger quantities of uric acid than are ever found present in it in gout. The real cause for the gouty deposits must depend on some change affecting the blood so as to alter the form in which uric acid exists therein, with the result that it is excreted into the joints and deposited there. Other diseases showing uricemia are lead 'poisoning and nephritis. In the latter disease the damaged excretory function of the kidney is manifested first of all by an increase in the uric-acid content of the blood, accompanied later by a retention of urea and later still by one of creatinine. The severity of the renal involvement may therefore be gauged by determining the percentage of these three metabolites. On account of the importance of these facts from a clinical standpoint, we append a tabic containing results secured by Myers and Fine, in which the behavior of the metabolites in the blood is shown in relationship to the severity of the case as gauged by the blood pressure. i BIC A.( II' AND Till, ri BINE BODIES 65] Uri< \< i i \ N and i of Blood in < > Late K DIAGNOSIS rjEio ACID • Ul.oOD 140. TO 100 1 HI.' Typical Cases of Gout 9.5 13 1.1 8.4 12 .. .i 164 7.2 17 2.4 1 1 1.7 Typical Early Interstitial Nephritis 9.5 25 2.5 185 8.0 .".7 2.7 l.-ii 5.0 37 3.9 130 7.1 L6 • 6.6 24 3.3 185 6.3 18 2.1 ' 8.7 20 7." 2.6 117 6.3 31 2.1 6.3 nq 2.4 150 Chronic Diffuse and Chronic Intel 8.0 go 4.8 Btitial Nephritis L9 17 2.9 17" B.3 72 3.2 5.3 21 1.9 1 15 9.5 II 3.5 210 2.5 19 1.9 120 7.7 • '.7 ::.l 6.7 17 1.6 165 - 39 2.9 6.5 24 3.0 Typical Fatal Chronic Interstitial 22.4 l'i.7 Nephi it is 15.0 240 20.5 225 1 (.3 263 13.0 90 11.1 8.7 1 II 11.0 Myers and Fine: Arch. Int. Med., 1916.) Lastly, regarding the influence of drugs on the blood uric acid in dis- ease, it lias been found by Pine thai both atophan and salicylates cause a pronounced decrease in the amount, bul thai it gradually rises to the old level even while administration of the drugs is being continued. Important contributions to the behavior of uric acid in blood are constantly appearing al present, mainly from the laboratories of Polin in Boston, of S. R. Benedict, and of Myers and Fine in New York. CHAPTER LXXIV THE METABOLISM OF THE CARBOHYDRATES The healthy animal organism is capable of rapidly oxidizing large quantities of carbohydrate, as is evident from the following facts: If carbohydrate is given to a starving animal, (1) the energy output very shortly afterward increases; (2) the respiratory quotient also increases, indicating that, relatively to oxygen intake, more carbon dioxide is being excreted (see page 647) ; and (3) none of the ingested carbohydrate makes its appearance in the excreta. Indeed, of the three proximate principles of food, carbohydrate is the most available for combustion in the animal body. It may therefore be considered as the quickly available fuel for the body furnaces. CAPACITY OF THE BODY TO ASSIMILATE CARBOHYDRATES Assimilation Limits. — When the limit to the amount of carbohydrate that the organism can metabolize is overstepped, some of it appears in the urine. The amount that can be tolerated without causing glycosuria is commonly called the assimilation or saturation limit. The use of the term "limit" is, however, very unfortunate, for it implies that beyond this point the organism is capable of dealing with no more carbohy- drate, which is far from being the case, for if a larger amount is taken, only a small trace of the excess will appear in the urine. When the urine is allowed to collect for twenty-four hours, the mixed specimen shows no trace of glucose in the majority of healthy individuals after the ingestion of 200 gm. ; after 300 gm. a somewhat higher percentage of cases develop a mild glycosuria, but frequently none is evident even after 500 gm. Beyond the last mentioned amounts the limit of ingestion is reached, on account of nausea, etc., and it is improbable that, even if larger amounts could be tolerated, any more of the. dextrose would be absorbed than with 300 or 400 gm. The testing of the so-called assimilation limit has been considered an important aid in the diagnosis of earh/ cases of diabetes, the characteristic feature of such cases being the inability of the organism to assimilate properly the usual quantity of carbohydrate contained in the diet. It has been found thai to make the results of any value, certain conditions musl be fulfilled in applying the assimilation test. The most 652 THE Mi TABOLISM OF Tin: C UtBOHYDR \ ■ importanl of thes ncerns ili«' activities of the gastrointestinal appa- ratus ai the time the sugar is given, Eor it 1ms been found thai if other foodstuffs are being absorbed at the same time as the sugar, more of the latter can be tolerated than when the sugar alone is being absorl It has therefore been customary to give the sugar dissolved in water, or in weak coffee, the firsl thing in the morning after the patient awal i.e., at leasl twelve to sixteen hours after the lasl meal was taken. In making these tests the urine voided before the sugar is estimated should of course itself be thoroughly examined Eor reducing substances, and tin1 urine should be collected every ninety minutes and examined by a reliable test (Benedict's or Nylander's).* Although a limit is set to the ability of the organism Eor retaining sugar i mono- or di-saccharides), this does no1 seem to apply, in healthy individuals at least, when starches (polysaccharides) are ingested. Thus, it is a well-known fact that people can eat enormous quantities of pota- toes or of bread without the appearance of any trace of reducing sub- stances in the twenty-four-hour urine. On the other hand, urine collee and examined at short intervals (every half hour > after taking large quantities of polysaccharide-rich Eood will Erequently be found to contain traces of reducing substances. For practical purposes it has been considered that an individual who develops glycosuria after taking 100 gm. of glucose must he considered .■is ;,t leasl a potential diabetic. In the light of the above results and for many other reasons, there is, however, considerable doubt as to the value of the assimilation lest. Thus, when a solution of glucose is given orally, its rate of absorption will depend very largely on the motility of the stomach. If this is normal, the solution will very quickly find its way past the pyloric sphincter into the intestine, where it will be rapidly absorbed. If. on the other hand, the pyloric sphincter does not open freely, the passage of the glucose into the intestine may he s,, delayed that no more is presenl in this place at one time than would be the case after an ordinary diet of polysaccharide. And even &i the BUgar solution enters the small intestine, differences in the amount of the intestinal contents with which it becomes mixed, in the extenl bacterial growth, and in the absorption pr ss, may very materially affeet the rate at which the glucose gains entry to the blood. Although often of doubtful diagnostic value, determination of the assimilation limit is of considerable aid in controlling tin treat nn 'Examination of normal individuals has shown that the assimilation limit for different - -. >mewhat . will be remembered, is the monosaccharide the coi 'he cane- sugar molecule, tl the figures -. i m • tnd Uir sugai I in milk, the a (i.")t METABOLISM diabetes. For tliis purpose the patienl should first of all be instructed to follow his usual diet, so that, by examination of the amount of sugar excreted in the urine, an opinion may be formed of the severity of the case. The diet should then be changed so as to consist of a part that contains no carbohydrates and another composed entirely of starchy food. The. former is made up of c«-gs, fish, green vegetables, fat, etc., and the latter, to start with, should consist of 100 grams of bread, dis- tributed between the two main meals of the day, one of which is break- fast. This diet should be continued until the glycosuria either disappears or attains a constant level. If it disappears, the case is classified as a mild one of diabetes, and the daily allowance of bread may be increased, by 50 grams a day, until the sugar again makes its appearance in the urine, indicating that the assimilation limit has been reached. For therapeutic purposes, the patient should now be instructed to take about three fourths of this amount of carbohydrate in his daily rations, and lie should be supplied with explicit instructions in the shape of diet tables as to what variety and quantities of the various carbohydrate materials his food may contain. His urine should be examined at fre- quent intervals — once a week — and he should be instructed as to the nature of his disease and the importance of his remaining aglycosuric. By further treatment such so-called latent cases of diabetes may be kept in perfect health for many years. When, on the other hand, the glycosuria exists with 100 grams of bread in the daily ration, this must be reduced to 50 grams, and if after some days the first reduction does not suffice to render the urine free from sugar, carbohydrates must be withheld entirely from the diet. If the glycosuria does not now disappear, the case is to be considered severe, and it may be necessary to undertake the starvation treatment, which has recently been developed in this country by Allen18 and Joslin19 with apparent success. By the reduction of carbohydrate, or by the starvation treatment, it is usually possible to make even the severest cases of diabetes aglycosuric, and when this has been attained, then gradually to increase the amount of protein or carbohydrate food until the assimilation limit has been reached. Saturation Limits. — To avoid error caused by irregular absorption from the intestines, some investigators have recommended the determination of the assimilation limit after intravenous or subcutaneous injections of sugar. But even this refinement in technic has not, as a rule, had the effect of rendering the results of any very evident value as a criterion of the utilization of glucose in the animal body. The reason for this unreliability of the method is mainly that the period of injection of the glucose solution usually occupies only a fewT minutes, so that it causes I Hi mi I IB0LI8M OP Till CABBOHTDRAT] - a sudden instead of a very gradual increase in thi r concentration of the blood, the condition- being quite unlike those which exist during the normal absorption of glucose Prom the intestine. The mechanism by which the body ordinarily disp if excessive amounts of glue absorbed into the portal blood, is nol adjusted to operate when the temic blood is suddenly overcharged with this Bubstance. In the case the glucose is a foodstuff; in the other, because of it- ■ jive concentration in the blood, it is more or less of a poison. Such results, in other words, merely show us how much glucose can be add< '1 al time to the organism without any overflow into the urine, but I furnish us with no information regarding the power of the org m to utilize a constant though moderate excess of this substance. In the case it is the "saturation limit," in the other the "utilization limit" of the organism for glucose, that we are really considering. Consideration of these principles has led Woodyatt, Sansum and Wil- der20 to undertake a thorough reinvestigation of the whole problem of the utilization or, as they prefer to call it. tin toleranct <>f thi h<>(]>i for (jlucose. They emphasize the obvious fad that the ability of the organism to utilize glucose "must depend on the rate at which the tissues are able to abstracl it from the blood by their combined powers, to burn it. to reduce it into fat or to polymerize it into glycogen." To form any estimate of the combined effect of these processes, we must take into account not only the amount of glucose per unit of body weighl grams per kilogram), but also the rate of injection, for "toll must be regarded as a velocity, not as a weight." Briefly summarized, the conclusions which Woodyatt, etc., have bo far drawn from their investigations are as follows: in a normal rabbit, dog, or man. 0.8 0.9 gm. of glucose per kilogram body weight and per hour be utilized by the organism for an indefinite time without causing gly- cosuria. When between 0.8 and 2 gm. are injected, a part of the ex appeals hi the urine, steadily increasing until a maximum is read after which the excreted fraction remains constant at about one-ten' If more than about 'J grams per kilogram an hour are injected, "a 1 percentage of all glucose in excess of the 2 gm. per kilogram an hour appears in the urine when constant conditions are once established." The fact that so much glucose injected intravenously can be Ufi without the appearance of any of it in the urine, indicates a method by which foodstuffs may be supplied to the tissues in cases where, on account of gastrointestinal disturbances, it is impossible to have f 1 a! by the usual pathways. The possible value of such a method of tr ment in cases of extreme weakness lias ben tested on laboratory animals by Allen, who states that such injection seems to ha\ luable nutri- C)t)C) METABOLISM live and strengthening effect. 1 1 o found, for example, that in cats starved to extreme weakness the injection of a fraction of a gram per kilogram of glucose had an unmistakable strengthening effect, and sometimes appeared to save Life. Such results would seem to indicate that in certain cases where blood transfusion is impracticable, glucose in- fusions should be tried. Subcutaneous injection of sugar, either for the purpose of determining the assimilation limit or with the object of sup- plying foodstuffs parenterally, is impracticable because of the pain and sometimes sloughing produced at the point of injection. We have devoted no inconsiderable space to a discussion of assimila- tion limits because of the great interest in diabetic therapy which this procedure has aroused during recent years. We may now turn our attention to a closer analysis of the changes that take place in carbohy- drates during their passage through the animal body. DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION Digestion. — All digestible carbohydrate taken with the food is con- verted by the digestive agencies into the monosaccharides, glucose and levulose, as which it is absorbed into the blood of the portal system. To bring about this resolution of carbohydrate into monosaccharides, several enzymes are employed. The first of these is the ptyalin of saliva. It is not a very powerful enzyme, being capable of acting only on starches that are in a free state, i. e.. not surrounded by a cellulose envelope ; but even on free starch, ptyalin displays little of its activity during the time the food is in the mouth. After the food is swallowed and becomes deposited in the fundus of the stomach, there is an interval of time — lasting until hydrochloric acid has been secreted to such an extent as to permit some of the acid to exist in a free state — during which the ptyalin acts on the starch of the swallowed food. During this time the activity of the ptyalin is actually assisted on account of the fact that a slight increase in hydrogen-ion concentration of the digestive mixture accel- erates the action of ptyalin. The product of ptyalin digestion is maltose, a disaccharide composed of two molecules of glucose. On entering the intestine, the carbohydrates therefore exist partly as undigested starch, partly as glucose, and partly as maltose. In the favorable environment of the duodenum a much stronger diastatic enzyme called amylopsin very quickly hydrolyzes the starch through dextrine into maltose. The maltose derived from the starch and the unchanged sugars, such as cane sugar, maltose and lac- tose, which have been taken with the food, unless Ihey are present in very high concentration in the intestinal contents, are not immediately ab- THE METABOLISM OP THE CARBOHYDRATES sorbed into the blood, bul become Bubjecl to the action of other enzym< - contributed by the intestinal juice namely, the inverting enzymes, one of which exists for each of the disaccharides. By their action maltose is converted into two molecules of glucose by the enzyme maltase; lac- tose, into galactose and glucose by Lactase; and cane Bugar, into levu- lose and glucose by invertase. Ii is interesting to note thai in animals whose fund does not contain one or other of those disaccharides, the cor- responding inverting enzyme is absent from the intestinal juice. The her- bivorous animals, for example, do nol take any lactose in their food, and the intestinal juice contains therefore no lactase, although it is present in thai of the young animals while still suckling. A certain amounl of carbohydrate becomes attacked by the intestinal bacteria. These split the monosaccharides into lower fatty acids and erases, such as methane and carbon dioxide. Besides this obviously de- structive process, bacteria also perform a useful function in the digesl of carbohydrates, in that certain strains of them are able to di. ellu- lose, for which no Bpecial enzyme is provided. Bacterial digestion is con- sequently essential in herbivorous animals: it takes place in the cecum, which is enormously developed for this purpose I page 463 . Absorption. The glucose and levulose produced by digestion arc absorbed into the blood of the portal system. When a very large quan- tity of a disaccharide, such as cane sugar, is present in the food, a certain amounl of the sugar is absorbed unchanged- -that is to say, as cane sugar — ami appears in the blood, from which, Bince it is an abnormal con- stituent, it is excreted unchanged in the urine. This alimentary gl] suria is particularly evidenl when the sugar is taken without any other food; thus, after taking cane sugar in an amount corresponding to 5 grams per kilogram body weight, it was found in our and a half hours afterward that the urine of ten OUl of seventeen healthy individuals con- tained cane sugar. The urine of three of these men, however, also con- tained invert sugar that is. dextrose and levulose. Cane sugar con- tinued to he excrete.] for from six to Seven llollfS. The Sugar Level in the Blood. While no absorption of sugar is going on, the percentage of this substance in the blood of the portal vein is the same as that in the Bystemic circulation. During absorption the former becomes perceptibly raised to what extent we can no1 -ay and in the latter a less marked increase of BUgar concentration is usually detectable. Evidently, then, between the point at which the sugar is absorbed ami the blood of the systemic circulation, some barrier exists which holds hack some of the excess of absorbed sugar. We have verj inaccui information as to how efficiently these harriers hold back the absorbed glucose because of the technical difficulty in collecting hi 1 658 METABOLISM from the portal vein without serious disturbance to the animal. Indeed, the only way by which the problem has been accurately studied is by comparing the blood of the portal circulation with that of the systemic circulation during the injection of a solution of dextrose into one of the smaller branches of the portal vein.21 In such experiments it has been found that the percentage of sugar is a little less in the blood of the abdominal vena cava than in that of the portal vein, and is still less in the blood of the systemic veins, such as the femoral — results which justify the conclusion that the barriers responsible for taking out some of the absorbed sugar from the blood exist in the liver and in the muscles. The curve in Fig. 18!) will illustrate to what extent the mechanism operates. Q/oot/ & u G* rf . •' .%/Ofo £PSO B/t>70 Br SO <*!•: ^^ .•* | /Occ & HC L f /flee ■# HCL. -* escape through tin1 kidney into the urine, producing glycosuria postprandial glycosuria. Tin' concentration to which bl< sugar must rise before glycosuria occurs in the case of man is. probably aboul 0.10 to 0.11 gm. percent. After damage to the kidney, ;is in nephritis, or in long-standing cmm's of mild diabetes, tin- percentage may probably lis.- considerably higher in the blood without evidence of glycosuria. Value of Bloccl Examination in Diagnosis of Diabetes. — The determina- tion of the amount of ingested carbohydrate required to bring about | prandial glycosuria constitutes, ;^ we have already seen, the so-called assimilation limit for sugar, which is often taken as an index of the sugar- metabolizing power of the organism. It is evident, however, that the time of onset, and the extent and duration of post prandial hyperglycemia must serve as a more certain index of the sugar-retaining power of the liver and muscles; and now that a simple and rapid clinical method exists I Lew is Benedicl method i \,,v the accurate determination of sugar in small quantities of Mood, there is no reason why this index should not 1 for the detection of failing powers to metabolize carbohydrat< Tu no disease, probably not even in tuberculosis, is it more important than iii diabetes thai an early diagnosis should he made. Thus, if we find that the p.. si prandial hyperglycemia after a certain amount of carbo- hydrate develops to an unusually high degree ami persists for an unusual length of time, we are just died in curtailing the carbohydrate supply - to hold that tiles,- values down to the level they attain in normal individ It is almosl certain that the earliest Bign of diabetes is an unusual defj and duration of postprandial hyperglycemia. At first th( sugar leads to no damage and it is insufficient to cause any e\ idem -l\ cosuria, al- though it is quite likely that if the urine in such individuals were coiled at very frequent intervals after eating carbohydrate-rich food, glucose would fif>0 METABOLISM be found presenl in al leasl some of the specimens. In incipient diabetes, however, the condition progresses, until the postprandial hyperglycemia after one meal has not become entirely replaced before the next is taken, so that the increase in sugar produced by the second meal becomes super- added on that following the first meal. The curve of blood sugar rises ever higher and higher, until at last permanent hyperglycemia is estab- lished, or rather the normal level from which the postprandial rise occurs has become permanently raised, so that in blood collected at any time a higher percentage of sugar is found. The Relationship Between the Sugar Concentration of the Blood and the Occurrence of Glycosuria. — Claude Bernard first pointed out that the percentage of sugar in the blood may rise considerably above its normal level without the appearance of any of the sugar in the urine, or at least without a sufficient amount to give the usual tests for sugar. Even when this limit is reached, as Ave have seen, the sugar which appears is not all of the excess but only a small part of it. This overflow hypothesis, as it is called, has not been universally accepted because of the many results which are not in conformity with it. Many of these exceptional results have been explained as due to alterations in the permeability of the kidney for sugar, and in general it is probably safe to accept Claude Bernard's hypothesis with certain reservations. Strong support has been lent to a modified form of the hypothesis by the recent work of Woodyatt and his collaborators, who have shown by continuous intravenous glucose injections that as much as 0.8 gm. of glucose per kilo body weight can be injected during an hour into an animal without any glycosuria, although under such conditions a very distinct increase occurs in the percentage of sugar in the blood. To explain the failure of glucose to pass into the urine under normal conditions, it has been supposed by several investigators that the glucose exists in some form of chemical combination in the blood. This compound is believed to behave like a colloid. One of the recent supporters of this view is Allen, who has observed that, when glucose is injected intrave- nously, it causes diuresis as well as glycosuria; whereas glucose injected subcutaneously or taken by mouth causes neither of these conditions to become developed ; indeed it causes for some time after the administration of the sugar a distinct anuria. To explain these differences in behavior between glucose administered intravenously and that taken in other ways, it is supposed that the glucose molecule in passing through the intervening wall of the capillaries combines with some substance to form a compound which becomes available for incorporation into and utilization by the tissues, glucose in a free stale being incapable of utilization. This com- pound is supposed to be of a colloidal nature, and the substance which THE METABOLISM 01 THJ I IBBOHYDRATEfi 661 combines with glucose to form it is believed to be related to the internal secretion of the pancreas (see page 676 . The difficulty in explaining why the glucose of the blood does uol con- stantly leak into the kidnej is, however, the only evidence upon which the hypothesis of a blood-sugar compound rests. No chemical evidence can be offered in supporl of such ;i view. On the contrary, all experimental work indicates that the sugar exists in a free state; but unfortunately even this evidence is uot convincing. Thus, it has been found that, when Bpeci mens of perfectly fresh blood are placed in a series of dialyzei sus- pended in isotonic saline solutions, each solution containing a slightly dif- ferent percentage of glucose, diffusion of glucose, in oi r other direction, occurs in all of them Bave one namely, that in which the percentage of glucose in the fluid outside the dialyzer is exactly equal to t lie total sugar content of the blood. Such a result can I splained only by assuming that all of the sugar in the blood exists in a freely diffusible state. In its general nature this experiment is analogous to that by which the tension or partial pressure of COa is determined in blood (see page 338 . It has been assumed by many clinicians thai glycosuria may sometimes become developed because the kidney fails to hold hack the blood sugar even when the percentage is not above the normal- so-called renal dia- betes. For the diagnosis of this condition a comparison must be made be- tween the sugar concentration of the blood and that of the urine. In order to do this a1 least tWO samples of blond must be taken, one of them at the beginning and the other at the end of a period during which urine is being collected. Merely to tind thai one sample of blood collected before or after or during the period of urine collection contains a normal percenl g sugar, docs not necessarily indicate that at some other period while the urine was being produced a temporary hyperglycemia may not have ex- isted. CHAPTER LXXV THE METABOLISM OF THE CARBOHYDRATES (Cont'd) FATE OF ABSORBED GLUCOSE. GLUCONEOGENESIS We may now consider what becomes of the sugar that is retained by the liver and muscles. Two things may happen to it: It may become stored, or it may become oxidized or split up. Of these processes, storage occurs in both the liver and muscles, whereas oxidation occurs mainly if not entirely in the muscles, although a certain amount of splitting of the glucose molecule may also occur in the liver. Storage of Sugar. — For the present Ave shall consider the process of storage of sugar and defer a consideration of its utilization until after we have studied, not only the nature of the process by which the storage occurs, but also the immediate destiny of the stored sugar. The storage of sugar by the liver is brought about by its conversion into a polysac- charide called glycogen. After an animal has been absorbing large quan- tities of glucose, an acidified watery extract of a portion of liver made immediately after death will be found to contain no more sugar than that of a normal liver. On the other hand, it will be observed that the extract is highly opalescent and yields on the addition of alcohol a copious precip- itate, which on further purification can readily be shown to consist of a polysaccharide — that is to say, of a starch-like substance which on hydrol- ysis with mineral acid becomes entirely converted into sugar. If instead of examining the liver immediately after death, it is allowed to stand for some time, the yield of glycogen Avill greatly diminish, and in its place will appear large quantities of glucose, indicating that some enzyme must exist which attacks the glycogen after death and converts it into sugar, This enzyme is called glycogenase. The existence of postmortem gh/co- genolysis, as it is called, would seem to indicate that during life a con- stant tendency for the glycogen in the liver to be attacked by glycogenase is held in check by conditions which depend on the vital integrity of the liver cell. It is evident that if anything should happen during life to interfere with this inhibiting influence, the glycogen will become con- verted into glucose, which on escaping into the blood will produce hyper- glycemia and glycosuria. Sources of Glycogen. — In studying the sources of sugar in the animal body it is of great importance that we should first of all know exactly the G62 •Mil. METABOLISM OF THE CARBOHYDRATES 663 conditions under which glycogen may be formed in the liver; thai is, whether it is formed exclusively from absorbed sugar, or whether other substances, such as protein and fa1 may also form it. The importance of such knowledge rests in the fad thai in severe diabetes, sugar continues to be added to the blood, although do sugar is being taken with the f I. To check the hyperglycemia in such cases i1 becomes necessary, therefore, to curtail the did uo1 only with regard to its carbohydrate content, bul also with regard to whatever other foodstuff may be capable of causing glycogen formation. The practical question therefore is. What arc these foodstuffs? There are two methods by which the problem may be investi- gated. The first, which we may call the direct method, consists iii rendering the liver free of glycogen and then some time afterward £ ling the animal with the foodstuff in question, afterward killing it and examining the liver for glycogen. The other, which we may call the indirect method, con- sists in first of all rendering the animal incapable of oxidizing glucose — that is. making it diabetic — and then proceeding to see whether the in- gestion of a given foodstuff causes an increase in the sugar exeretion in the urine. The methods for rendering an animal experimentally diabetic will he considered later; for the present it is important to note that, if a diabetic animal excretes more glucose while fed on a given foodstuff. we may infer that the normal animal would convert it into glycogen. The results of the direct method are much less reliable than those of the indirect for the reason that it is extremely difficult to remove all traces of glycogen from the liver. The methods employed for this pur- pose have consisted in: (1) starvation of the animal; (2) muscular ex- ercise; (3) exercise and starvation combined; and (4) the production of certain forms of experimental diabetes — for example, that produced by phlorhizin. Starvation alone is unsatisfactory, for it has been found that, although a1 certain stages of this condition the liver may become al- most entirely free from any trace of glycogen, at a later stage glycog may again make its appearance. It is therefore most difficult to decide at what stage in starvation the animal should be considered as glycogen- frec. If the starving animal is made to perform muscular exercise, coin])1 removal of glycogen from the liver can be depended upon. The exer may be produced by the administration of strychnine in such dosage as just to produi nvulsions of the voluntary muscles without permanent contraction of those of respiration. The most useful method, however. consists in starving the animal for a few days and then placing it in a cold, damp room, after giving it a cold hath. The evaporation of m ture from the surface so cools the body down that the stores of glycogen all become used up in the attempt to supply fuel for the production of 664 METABOLISM sufficient heat to maintain the body temperature. This method can be rendered still more certain in effecting a removal of all carbohydrate from the body by giving the- animal phlorhizin every eight hours. Phlor- hizin, as -we shall see, renders the animal diabetic. After removing the glycogen, further deposition in the liver can be readily shown to occur when any of the ordinary sugars or starches are given as food. It does not occur, however, when chemical substances closely related to ordinary sugar, such as the wood sugars (pentoses) or the alcohols and acids corresponding to dextrose, are contained in the diet. Nor does it occur with cellulose or with inulin, a polysaccharide built up from pentose sugar. When proteins are fed the results are not so definite, although many observers have claimed that glycogen is formed. With fat, on the other hand, no glycogen formation can be shown to occur, although we know that a trace of carbohydrate must be formed out of the glycerine of the fat molecule. The results of the direct method, even when the conditions are per- fectly controlled, are very unreliable, especially when they are of a nega- tive character, because any new sugar that may be produced by the in- gested substance instead of being stored as glycogen is likely to be used by the tissues as it is formed. Where only a slight degree of gluconeo- genesis, as the process of sugar formation is called, is occurring, it is not probable that any of the glucose will be retained in the body as glycogen. The methods employed for producing experimental diabetes in investi- gation of these problems by the indirect method are (1) the entire removal of the pancreas, and (2) the continuous administration of the drug phlorhizin. The animal rendered diabetic by either of these methods is first of all observed for several days to determine the normal daily ex- cretion of sugar. At the same time the nitrogen excretion for the day is determined, the ratio between the total nitrogen and the glucose — known as G to X ratio — being about 1 to 3.65 when complete diabetes has become established. The foodstuff in question is then fed to the animal, and the amount of extra glucose excreted thereby is taken to represent that which has been derived from the ingested food. By this method it has been possible to show that, not only the above mentioned carbohydrates, but protein as well produce a xevy considerable quan- tity of glucose in the animal body. Fats, however, yield only negative results. The indirect method has another great advantage over the direct in that the results are much inure quantitative in character; for example, Lusk and his pupils have been able to determine the amount of glucose which can be produced by feeding certain of the building stones of the protein molecule. The greal practical importance of such results in THE METABOLIS Id OP 1 HE I &RBOHYDBATE8 the therapy of diabetes makes it advisable for us to go into the subject a little more in detail here. Dogs are rendered diabetic by phlorhizin after a cold bath and exposure in a cold room. When all of the original glycogen in the body lias been go1 rid of, as evidenced by the constancy of the l> to N ratio in the daily quantities of urine excreted, the Bubstance under in- vestigation is fed. It' this substance contains no nitrogen and causes no change in the nitrogen excretion, any increase in thai of glucose must obviously represenl the extenl to which the substance has become con- verted into this sugar. On the other hand, it' the Bubstance itself con- tains nitrogen, or if it causes a change in the excretion of nitrogen, it becomes necessary to calculate how much of the excreted glucose may have been derived from the body protein, assuming that this can form glucose, and how much from the administered substance.* Prom the results of this method it lias been an easy matter to show that the following substances are converted in the animal body into glucose: (1) Glycol aldehydi CH2OB CHO). By placing three mol- ecules of this substance together, a hexose molecule results, a syntht which can be accomplished in the chemical laboratory. The hexose formed in the animal body is glucose. Glycol aldehyde may be formed in normal metabolisi it of glycocoll si;inee called methylglyoxal • II COCHO can I btained from lactic acid ami also from glucose, ami that this substance is converted into glucose when it is administered to phlor- hizinizcd do>_rs. We shall find later an importanl role for this substance riiis dedu the nit: lie differ . ;i of the body pro which tin- sul niitiK fi then he ascert.v from the t>>- on. 666 METABOLISM iii the case of fat metabolism. It can also readily be produced during the intermediary breakdown of certain of the protein building-stones, such for example as alanine (CH3dINH2COOH). These chemical possibilities regarding the nature of the substances that serve as stepping stones between the above sugar-forming sub- stances and sugar itself may be considered as probabilities on account of the discovery thai enzymes exisl in various tissues which are capable of converting methylgloxal into lactic acid: CH3 CH, I I CO + II., -» IICOH 0"<- | CHO COOH (methylglyoxal) (lactic acid) These enzymes are called glyoxalases, and since the reactions which they mediate are undoubtedly reversible in character, it is probable that the conversion into sugar of lactic acid and alanine — to take those two as among the commonest of the sugar precursors of the animal body — occurs according to the following equation: CH3CHNII.,COOH v (alanine) CH..COCHO -» C6Hr,06 CH,CHOHCOOH /< (lactic acid) (methylglyoxal) (hexose) The unique position of methylglyoxal, besides explaining the known resolutions of protein and fat and carbohydrate in intermediary metab- olism, is also of importance in explaining the synthetic production of glucose from fructose (or levulose). Fructose will first of all become converted into methylglyoxal radicles, and these will then become syn- thesized into glucose. The hypothesis of 1 lie conversion of glucose into lactic acid as a stepping stone in the metabolism of carbohydrate is difficult to test by direct ex- periment because the lactic acid does not accumulate in the organism, except in cases where there is oxygen deficiency or excess of alkali in the tissue fluids. Coming now to the amino acids, which, it will be remembered repre- sent the building si ones of the protein molecule, it has been found that trlycocoll, alanine, and aspartic and glutamic acids increase the glucose excretion when t>iven to phlorhizinized dogs, whereas leucine and tyro- sine have no such action. By the method described above, it is possible to determine the exact proportion of the carbon of each of those amino acids which becomes converted to glucose. This is shown in the accom- panying table. THE METABOLISM OF THE CABB0HYDBA1 T s Grams of the Various Amino Bodies Were Gives Phlorhizin-diabetio Da MOUNT UAT ACID AM' FORMl 1 A ■:. PRO- < 1 1 A DUCI D IN BODY l>rn D B Glycocoll I'll Ml <'()(>l! 13.43 one L5.77 All C converted k..oo i. alanine (II CHNB rooii 18.77 i two dogs « < _ 22 Aspartic acid COOH 'II. CHNHj COOH 1J.1L' ( four di Three of the ff the blood of tin mic circu- lation with excess of siiLrar during absorption from the intestine and of maintaining the normal percentage at other tin This function is analogous to thai occurring in plants, in which the sugar produced in the leaves, if not immediately required, is transported to various parts of the plant and there converted in eh. which, when the plant requires it. as during new growth, may again become transformed into glucosi The agency converting the glycogen into glucose is the diastatic G70 METABOLISM enzyme glycogenasc, which is present, not only in the liver cell, but also in the blood and lymph. It is a difficult matter to explain why glycogen should be able to exist at all in the liver cells in the presence of this powerful enzyme. The following possibilities may be considered: (1) That glycogenase does not really exist in the living liver cells, but is a postmortem product; (2) that, although present, glycogenase is pre- vented from acting on the glycogen in the living liver cell on account of the latter being protected from ils influence by combination with a sustentacular substance; or (3) that some chemical substance in the liver cell prevents the glycogenase from acting on the glycogen — an anti- glycogenase. Since the removal of any one of these inhibiting influ- ences would cause glycogenolysis to become excessive, and so bring about hyperglycemia, it is important, in searching for the possible causes of this condition, to examine the evidence that has been brought forward in support of each of these views. Against the view that glycogenase is a postmortem product may be cited the very rapid conversion into glucose that occurs when glycogen is added to living blood, as by injecting some into a vein. On account of the active glycogenolytic action of blood, it has been suggested that during life glycogen does not become transformed into glucose until after it has been discharged into the blood from the liver cell. When increased sugar must be mobilized, glycogen passes unchanged, or per- haps as some dextrine, into the blood and lymph of the liver capillaries and lymphatics, the glycogenase of which converts it into glucose, the conversion being so rapid that, by the time the blood has traveled from the liver through the heart and pulmonary vessels to the arteries, all the glycogen has already become transformed into glucose. Postmortem ulycogenolysis, according to this viewr, is due to the opposite occur- rence— the transference of glycogenase from the blood into the liver cell. Some facts supporting this view are as follows: (1) It has been found that the amount of free glucose in the blood of the vena cava is sometimes less than in that collected simultaneously from the carotid artery. (2) After giving certain substances, such as phosphorus or peptone, there is distinct diminution in the amount of glycogen in the Liver, accompanied, it is said, by no increase in the amount of glucose in the blood. And (3) if the liver of an animal that has been rendered diabetic by stimulation of the splanchnic nerve or by puncture of the floor of the fourth ventricle is examined microscopically, after staining by the carmine method, masses of stained glycogen can be found present in the capillaries (sinusoids) that lie between the liver cells. According to the second view, the glycogen is removed from the influence of the intrahepatic glycogenase on account of its combination Till METABOLISM OP Till CARBOHYDRATES the reaction ■:<',,, of their environment, a very slighl degree of acidity favoring and a trace of alkalinity markedly depressing their activities. That a tendency to increasing acidity in the liver cells may accelerate the breakdown of glycogen is suggested by the depressing effect produced on the assimilation limit i sugars by administering acids, and by the observation that postmortem crl ; olysis becomes marked in proportion as the dying liver becomi 1 in reaction. It mighl ho thought then that glycogenolysis in the 1 i \ • could he set up by the local production of a certain amount of acid. Such a liberation of free acid could he brought aboul by a curtailment in the arterial blood supply of the hepatic cell, producing a local ac mulation either of carbonic or of other less completely oxidize.] adds g., lactic'. It may he that asphyxia causes hyperglycemia by such a mechanism. Vasoconstriction and consequent curtailment of arterial hi 1 supply occurs in the liver when the hepatic nerves are stimulated, and it i^ possible that the glycogenolysis which is also s.-t up by such stimulation is due to the appearance of acids. The accelerate [ of epinephrine on glycogenolysis mighl also he explained as due to limitation of blood supply on account of vasoconstriction and local asphyxia. THE REGULATION OF THE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL Tin' level at which the concentration of BUgar in the dc blood is maintained represents the balance between two opposing factoi>: 1 the consumption of glucose bv the tissues, and 2 the production glucose by the liver, since this is the most readily oxidizable of all the proximate principles (>f f l pi j . muscular activity large quantities of it to he consumed hat its concentration in the blood tends to fall below the physiological level, a tendency which is immediately met by an increased discharge of glucose from the 1; The question therefore arises as to how tin transmit their requirements for glucosi i<> //<< liver. There are two f>72 METABOLISM possible ways by which this could be done: (1) by means of a nervous reflex, or (-2) by changes in the composition of the blood, either with regard to the percentage of sugar itself or because of the appearance in it of decomposition products of glucose or of some special exciting agent or hormone. In order to ascertain the relative importance of these methods of correlation between the places of supply and demand of glucose in the normal animal, it is necessary to investigate the conditions under which an excessive discharge of glucose occurs cither because of overstimulation of the nervous control, or because of the presence of exciting substances (hormones) in the blood. The glycogenic function can be excited through the nervous system in a variety of ways so as to cause hyperglycemia and glycosuria. This constitutes one form of experimental diabetes. In laboratory animals mechanical irritation of the medulla oblongata and stimulation of the great splanchnic nerves act in this way. Similar stimula- tion may also occur under certain conditions in man. Excitation as a result of changes in the composition of the blood can be produced experimen- tally by certain drugs (phlorhiziri), or by the removal of certain of the ductless glands or the injection of extracts prepared from them, such as epinephrine. Nerve Control and the Nervous Forms of Experimental Diabetes. — The simplest experimental condition which illustrates the relationship between the nervous system and the blood sugar is electrical stimulation of the great splanchnic nerve in animals in which, by previous feeding with carbohydrates, a large amount of glycogen has been deposited in the liver. By examination of the blood as it is discharged into the vena cava from the hepatic veins, the increase in blood sugar is very evident in from five to ten minutes after the first application of the stimulus; but it is not until later that a general hyperglycemia becomes estab- lished. The conclusion which Ave may draw from these results is that the splanchnic nerve contains efferent fibers controlling the rate at which glycogen becomes converted to glucose in the liver. The center from which these fibers originate is situated somewhere in the medulla oblongata, for the irritation that is set up by puncturing this portion of the nervous system with a needle yields results similar to those which follow splanchnic stimulation. This "glycogenic" or diabetic center, as it has been called, must be provided with afferent impulses. Such im- pulses have indeed been described in the vagus nerves, but their dem- onstration is by no means an easy matter on account of the disturbance in the respiratory movements coincidently produced by the stimulation. The changes that such disturbances bring aboul in the aeration of the Tin mi TABOl [8M OF Tin: CAftBOfiYDBAtES blood may in themselves be responsible for the hyperglycemia see pi 332). 1 1 can .-it leasl be said thai when the respiratory disturbances are guarded against, as by intratracheal insufflation of oxygen, vagal hyp glycemia is much less marked, if nol entirely absent. But ihis question awaits more thorough investigation. Tlio increased glycogenolysis which results from stimulation of the efferent filters in the splanchnic oerves maj depend either on a direcl control exercised over the glycogenic functions of the hepatic cells, or on the discharge into the blood of some hormone which excites the glycogenolytic process. It must furthermore ool be lost sight of thai the glycogenolysis may be s Ldary to local asphyxia] conditions in the liver cells resulting from vasoconstriction. Prom their anatomic Position, the adrenals are to be thought of as the source of the hormo and evidence that splanchnic hyperglycemia is due to hyp, tion from these glands has seemed to be furnished by the fact that after they are extirpated splanchnic stimulation no longer produces hyperglycemia, neither, indeed, does puncture of the medulla. There is also no doubt that the nervous system, acting by way of the splanchnic nerves, does exercise a control over the discharge of the internal secretion of the adrenal glands and that extracts of the eland, which we must BUppose aet in the same May as the internal secretion, cause hyperglycemia when injected intravenously (epinephine hyperglycemia and glycosuria . Bu1 on theoretical grounds alone, certain difficulties immediately pre- sent themselves in accepting this as the mechanism by which the nervous system controls the BUgar output of the liver, for if increased BUgar formation in the liver is dependent on a discharge of epinephrine, the question may be asked why this Secretion should be caused to trav< the entire circulation before reaching the liver. There are, besides, certain experimental facts which do nut conform with such a view. Thus, after complete severance of the hepatic plexus of aerves, stimulation of the splanchnic nerve docs not cause the usual degree of hyperglycemia, whereas electric stimulation of the peripheral end of the cut plexus docs cause it. (Mi the one hand, therefore, t! is evidence that stimulation of the efferent nerve path above the level of the adrenals has no effect on the sugar production of the liver in the absence of these glands; and on the other, we see that when they are present, stimulation of the nerve supply of the liver is effective, even though the point of stimulation is beyond them. There is but con- clusion that we may draw namely, that the functional integrity of the efferent nerve libers that control the glycogenolytic process of the liver depends on the presence of the adrenals, very probably because of the hormone which the glands secrete into the blood. This conclusion is til 4 METABOLISM corroborated by the Eacl that stimulation of tlie hepatic plexus, even with a strong electric current, some time after complete removal of both adrenals, is not followed by the usual degree of excitement of the glycogenolytic process. These experiments demonstrate an important relationship between the nervous control, and at least one form of hormone control, of the sugar output of the liver. They indicate that when a sudden increase of blood sugar is required, the glycogenic center sends out impulses which not only directly excite the breakdown of glycogen in the he- patic cells, but also simultaneously influence the adrenals in such a man- ner as to produce more epinephrine in the blood and so augment the ac- tion of the nerve impulse. AVe are as yet quite in the dark as to the mechanism by which the nerve impulses or the hormone brings about increased glycogenolysis. It must consist of a removal of the influence that prevents glycogenolysis from occurring in the normal liver, for it has been shown by direct ob- servation that there is no increase in the amount of glycogenase present in extracts of the liver removed from diabetic animals over that present in extracts of the liver of normal animals. The possible nature of this influence has already been discussed (page 669). The change may con- sist either in a loosening of the combination between the glycogen and the protoplasm of the liver cell, or in a removal of the chemical influence that ordinarily prevents the glycogenase from attacking the glycogen. In the former case the glycogen liberated from its union with the sus- tentacular substances would either become attacked by the glycogenase present in the liver cell itself or it would first of all migrate, as glyco- gen, into the blood capillaries and there be attacked by the blood glycogenase. Evidence for the possibility of the occurrence of such a process has already been given (page 670). The chemical change re- ferred to under the second possibility might consist in an alteration in the hydrogen-ion concentration of the liver cell, a change, however, which for obvious reasons it is impossible to investigate. Nervous Diabetes in Man. — The main interest attaching to the inves- tigation of these nervous forms of experimental diabetes depends on the insight which they afford us into the nature of the mechanism by which a prompt mobilization of glucose may be brought about in the normal animal. There is also some evidence that a relationship may exist be- tween certain of the clinical varieties of the disease in man and repeated excitation of glycogenolysis brought about by nerve stimulation. In- creased glucose output from the liver as a result of nerve excitation may be a normal process, but there is reason to believe that frequent repetition of this process tends to induce a permanent rise in the glucose THE Ml TABOLTSM OP I Hi CARBOHYDRAI level of ili»' blood ;in 1 1 1 i -• view. The frequenl occurrence of diabetes in those predisposed by inheritance t<> neurotic conditions, or in those whose daily habits entail much nerve strain, and the aggravation of the Bymptoms which is lil i to follow when a diabetic patienl experiences some oervoua shock, all point in this direction. Diabetes is common in locomotive engineers ami in the captains ocean liners thai is, in men who in the performan i' their daily duties are frequently pu1 under a severe nerve strain. It is apparently in- creasing in men engaged in occupations that demand mental concentra- tion and strain. Buch as in professional and business work. Canno found glycosuria in four ou1 of nine students after a severe examination, bul only in one of them after an easier examination.* In the urines of twenty-four members of a famous football squad, sugar was found p -•lit in twelve immediately after a keenly contested game. Anxiety and excitement must have been responsible for it-- appearai since five of the twelve players were substitutes who did uot gel into the game. Although these nervous conditions, by excitement of hepatic glyco- genosis, produce at first uothing more than an excessive discharge of sugar into the blood — a condition which is exactly duplicated in our laboratory experiments by stimulation of the nerve supply of the liver — their repetition may gradually lead to the development of a permat form of hyperglycemia. To prevenl the repetition of these transient hyperglycemias musl be one of our aims in the treatment of early •' _ of the disease. Although there can be no doubl thai the glycogenic function of the liver is subject tn nerve control, it is probable that its control by I mones is of equal if no1 greater importance. This dual control of a glandular mechanism is by no means unique for the glycogenic functi for we have already sen it to exisl in the case of thi ric glands and the pancreas, and i1 is probable thai ii also exists in tl the thyroid. It may well be that the nerve control "t' the glycogenic function 1ms to do only with those transitory cha gea juj luc- ti.ui that would be demanded by sudden activities nt* muscle, and that the hormone control has in do with the more permanent pr< ' build- ing up ami breaking down nt" glycogen to meet the general olic requirements of the tissn ' \\ . I unable i m Ihia •H76 METABOLISM HORMONE CONTROL AND PERMANENT DIABETES Nervous excitation can explain only transitory increases in blood sugar, the more permanent hyperglycemias being dependent upon some dis- turbance in the hormone control of carbohydrate utilization. This dis- turbance is a much more serious affair than that produced by nervous excitation. In the latter case the hyperglycemia ceases -whenever all of the glycogen stores of the liver have been exhausted; whereas a dis- turbance in the hormone control, besides causing as its first step a breakdown of all the available glycogen, goes on to cause a production of sugar out of protein. A process of gluconeogenesis (new formation of glucose) becomes superadded on one of glycogenolysis. To ascertain the nature of this hormone and the mechanism of its action has been the object of most of the researches on those forms of diabetes that are produced by changes in certain of the ductless glands. The following possibilities may be considered: (1) that the controlling agency is the concentration of glucose in the blood; (2) that it is the presence in the blood of decomposition products of glucose; (3) that it is due to a special hormone produced from some ductless gland. Con- cerning the first of these possibilities, it is supposed that the mechanism involved is dependent on the law of mass action; namely, that glycogen be- comes converted into glucose whenever the blood flowing to the liver con- tains less than its normal concentration of glucose, and conversely, when this blood contains an excess of glucose, as during absorption, that a glycogen- building process occurs. Although there can be little doubt that the process of glycogen formation or destruction will depend to a certain extent upon the amount of glucose present in the blood flowing to the liver cells, yet it is impossible that this can be an important means in the control that exists between sugar production by the liver and sugar consumption by the tissues, because the sugar that is added to the portal blood during absorption would mask any depletion caused by sugar consumption in the tissues. The second possibility — that the hormone is some decomposition prod- uct of glucose — would appear to have some support, if we consider this hormone to be an acid product (carbon dioxide or lactic acid) produced by sugar metabolism, for it is known that an increase in the hydrogen-ion concentration of the blood flowing to the liver cells excites a glycogen- olysis. As we have already seen, however, it is difficult to secure ex- perimental evidence, in anesthetized animals at least, that glycogen- olytic, activity is readily excited in this way. The third possibility — that some specific hormone may exist in the blood exciting the glycogenolytic process — is investigated by producing I in METABOLISM OP THE C \KK«>m DRAT] - * disturbances involving various of the ductli ands, particularly the pancreas, the adrenals, the parathyroids and the pituitary. The influ- ence of certain of these glands may be closely bound up with thai exercised through the nervous control, as we have seen to be the c with the adrenal gland. Whether it is by the production of hormo directly necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism, or by I moval fit »m the blood of Buch substances as interfere with this p that the ductless glands functionate, is one of the main problems have i" consider. Utilization of Glucose in Tissues. Although the experimental diab< induced by disturbances in the function of the ductless glands is dependent in ilic first instance on an upset of the glj oogenic function and later on glu- coneogenesis, the utilization of glucose in the tissues ultimately 1" interfered with. It is therefore important thai we should dig »r a momenl to consider briefly whal is known regarding ilic process by which sugar becomes utilized in the organism. Tlmt glucose 1 mes used it]) by active muscle there can be no doubt. Thus, if the muscles of one leg in the frog are tetanized, the glycogen content, compared with thai of the other leg, will be found to be diminished. At first sight it mighl appear thai the easiest way to study the utiliza- tion of glucose in the muscles would be to compare its concentrations in the Mood flowing to and coming from the muscle. The muscle that has been most successfully employed in studies of this kind has been the heart. Some years ago Starling and Knowlton" examined the consump- tion of sugar by the excised mammalian heart, and in their earlier experiments seemed to be aide to show that the extent to which this consumption occurred was I milligrams per gram heart muscle per hour. A more thorough repetition of tli^s, ■ experiments later by Pat- terson and Starling28 showed, however, that the results can furnish no criterion of the actual consumption of glucose by the tissue ,,.j a unt of the fad that the tissue itself may store away large quantil - carbohydrate in an unused state i.e., as glycogen. Other in\ estimators have thought to study the utilization of glue by observing the pate at which it disappears from drawn blood kept i'i a Sterile condition at bodj temperature for some hours after death. This process is failed glycolysis, and it has been assumed that the : iinilar to that which occurs in the tissues themselves an assumpl however, for which there is no warranty. Indeed, it may readily be shown that the glycolysis occurring in blood has very little if anything to do with the utilization of sugar in the tissues, for it has b und that glucose disappears from drawn blood very slowly indeed when 678 METABOLISM compared with the rate at which it disappears from the blood of animals in which the addition of glucose from the liver lias been prevented by- removal of this viscus (Macleod).2G A third method for studying the utilization of glucose consists in observing the respiratory exchangi of animals. In normal animals the injection of glucose causes an increase in the carbon-dioxide excretion and a rise in the respiratory quotient, which it will he remembered is a ratio expressing the relationship between the amount of carbon dioxide excreted and of the oxygen retained in the organism. When carbohy- drate is undergoing combustion, the quotient is nearly 1, whereas with that of protein it is about 0.7 (sec page 547). By observing the quotient under given conditions one can compute the proportions of carbohydrate and of fat and protein that are undergoing metabolism. In the hands of Murlin and others,27 this method has proved of some value in settling certain questions concerning the utilization of glucose in normal and diabetic animals; but the results must be interpreted with great care on account of the fact that temporary changes in the blood may cause a greater or a less expulsion of carbon dioxide from it. Thus, if acids appear in the blood, they will dislodge carbon dioxide and apparently cause the respiratory quotient to rise. Alkalies, on the other hand, Ap- parently cause the quotient temporarily to fall, and unless the observa- tions are done over a long period of time and with great care, fault? conclusions are very apt to be drawn from the results. Diabetes and the Ductless Glands AVe are now in a position to consider the forms of experimental dia- betes produced by disturbances in the ductless glands. Relationship of the Pancreas to Sugar Metabolism. — In no other of the many causes of diabetes has greater interest been shown than in that due to disturbance in the pancreatic function. Many of the earlier clinicians who followed cases of diabetes mellitus into the postmortem room, noted that definite morbid changes in the pancreas were a fre- quent accompaniment of the disease. Prompted by these observations, several investigators attempted experimental extirpation of the gland, but did not succeed in producing glycosuria in the few animals that survived the operation. Their failure, no doubt, was due to incom- plete extirpation. To reduce the severity of 1he operation, Claude Ber- nard injected oil into the pancreatic duct, and tied it; but he succeeded in keeping only two dogs alive for any length of time, and these did not exhibit glycosuria. Neither were other investigators that adopted similar methods any more successful. It looked us if the pancreas bad very little to do with the cause of diabetes. In the year L889 Minkowski i III METABOLISM OP 1 HE < ABBOHYDBA I and von Mering in Germany, and de Dominicis in Etaly, by thorough extirpation of the gland, succeeded in producing in dogs a marked and persistent glycosuria, accompanied by many of the other symptoms of diabetes. The first two authors attributed the idition to removal of an internal secretion. The course of the diabetes thus produced is. however, somewhat diffi cut from thai usually observed in man. It is extremely acute from the start, tlic (!: X ratio being 1 Mt'> (see page 664 . and it is unaccompanied by any of the classical symptoms Been in tin- clinical « • < n i « 1 i t i < > n . Exp< mental pancreatic diabetes can, however, be made to simulate very clos tin- disease in man. This was first of all demonstrated by Sandeme • who found that it' the greater part of tic- pancreas was removed, tin1 animals I'm- some months, if at all. were only occasionally glycosuric, lmt later became more and mure frequently so, until at last the conditi t ypical of complete pancreatectomy supervened. Similar results 1 nnne recently been obtained by Thiroloix ami Jacob, in Prance, ai •! by Allen in this country. These investigators poinl out that differenl suits are to he expected according to whether the portion <»f panci which is left does, >>v does not. remain in connection with the duodenal duct. When this dud is Ligated, atrophy of any remnant of panel that is left is bound to occur, ami this is associated with rapid emacia- tion of the animal, diabetes ami death. When the remnant surrounds a still patent duct, a condition much more closely simulating diabetes in man is likely to become developed one. namely, in which there is. some months following the operation, a more or h-sS mild diabel which, however, usually passes later into the fatal type. It is. of course, difficult to state accurately what proportion o pancreas must he Left in or, in- that the above described condition may super- vene. Leaving a remnant amounting to from one-fifth to one-eighth of the entire gland is commonly followed by a mild diabetes, wher if only one-ninth or less is left, a rapidly fatal typ - As in clinical experience, the distinguishing feature between the mild ami the ere types of experimental pancreatic diabetes is the tolerant carbohydrates. In the mild form, no glycosuria develops unless rbo- hydrate food is taken: in the severe form, it is pies. -lit when the diet is composed entirely of flesh. It is thus shown that "by removal o suitable proportion of the pancreas, it is possible to bring an animal to the verge of diabetes, ye1 to know that the animal will n< become diabetic. . . . Such animals, therefor valuable objects tor jnd'_riiiLr the effects of various agencies with diabetes" A.llcn It therefore becomes theoretically possible to in- vestigate, on the one hand, other conditions whirl) will have an inHii- 680 METABOLISM similar to removal of more of the gland, or, on the other, conditions which might prevent the incidence of diabetes, even though this extra portion of pancreas is removed. From the work which lie has already done, Allen believes that he has sufficient evidence to show that the continued feeding Avith excess of carbohydrate food will surely convert a mild into a severe case, and in one experiment he succeeded in bringing about the same transition by performing puncture of the medulla — that is, by creating an irritative nervous lesion. By none of the other means usually employed to produce experimental glycosuria could the bordering case be made diabetic, although one such animal became acutely diabetic after ligature of the portal vein. To the clinical worker the value of these results lies in the fact that they furnish experimental proof that a so-called latent case of diabetes — thai is, one that has a low tolerance value for carbohy- drates— may be prevented from developing into a severe case by proper control of the diet. Attempts to show whether or not there are any conditions which might bring about improvements in animals that were just diabetic have not as yet been sufficiently made to warrant any con- clusions that could help us in the treatment of human cases. The en- couragement of the internal pancreatic secretion by diminution of the secretion into the intestine may be of value. The certainty with which diabetes results from pancreatectomy in dogs, as well as the frequent occurrence of demonstrable lesions in the pan- creas in diabetes in man, leaves no doubt that this gland must be in some way essential in the physiologic breakdown of carbohydrates in the normal animal, but how, Ave can not at present tell. All we know is that the first change to occur after the gland is removed is a sweeping out of all but a trace of the glycogen of the liver, although the muscles may retain theirs; indeed, in the cardiac muscle there may be more than the usual amount. 2S Nor can any glycogen be stored in the liver when excess of carbohydrates is fed. After the glycogen has disappeared, gluconeogenesis sets in, so that the tissues come to melt away into sugar, and all the symptoms of acute starvation, associated with certain others that are possibly due to a toxic action of the excess of sugar or other abnormal products in the blood, make their appearance. So far it might be permissible to consider an overproduction of glu- cose as the sole cause of the hyperglycemia of pancreatic diabetes, just as Ave have seen it to be of these forms of hyperglycemia that are due to stimulation of the nervous system; but this can not be the case, for another very definite abnormality in metabolism becomes evident — namely, an inability of the 1 issues to burn sugar. This fact is ascer- tained by observing the respiratory quotient. When glucose is added THE METABOLISM OF THE CABBOHTDSA1 681 to the blood in the case of a completely diabetic animal, no chai cms in the quotient. There are, therefore, two essential disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism in pancreatic diabetes -overproduction ol r and aboli- tion of the ability of the tissues to ase it. It becomes important for us to Bee whether the tissues exhibil this inability to us.- Bugar when t; are isolated from the animal; for if they Bhould, a much mo rching investigation of the essential cause of their inability would 1"' possible than is the case when they are functioning along with the other organs and tissues. The earlier experiments of L6pine and his pupils, which Beemed to show thai diabetic blood did nol possess the glycolytic power of normal blood; and those of Cohnheim, from which it was concluded that mixtures of the expressed juices of muscle (liver) and pancreas, although ordinarily destroying glucose, failed to do so when they were taken from a diabetic animal, are now known to be erroneous. The failure to show a depression of glycolytic power by these methods prompted Knowlton and Starling24 to investigate the question whether any difference is evident in the rate with which glucose disappears Prom a mixture <>f hi 1 and saline solution used to perfuse a heaii outside the body, according to whether the hear! was from a normal or a dia- betic dog. In the first series of observations which these workers made. it was thoughl that the normal heart used glucose at the pate of ahout i m<_r. pei' gram of heart substance per hour: whereas that <<\ a dia- betic (depancreatized) animal used less than 1 mg. If such Btriking differences in the rate of sugar consumption could make themselves manifest \\>v SO relatively small a mass of muscular tissue as that of the heart, it is permissible to assume that a much more striking din* could he demonstrated when the perfusion fluid is made to traverse all oi- practically all of the skeletal muscles, as well ;is the heart. For this purpose an eviscerated animal max- he employed that is, one in which the abdominal viscera are removed after ligation of the celiac axis and mesenteric arteries, and the liver is eliminated by mass ligation of its lobes. rsim_r such preparations, R »> Pearce and Macleod ' found that the rate at which glucose disappears from the blood, although \ irregular, is in no way differenl in completely diabetic with normal ihejs. They were thus unable to confirm any of Knowlton and Starling's earlier conclusions. Patterson and Starling subsequently pointed out that a serious error was involved in the earlier perfus experiments, partly on accounl of a remarkable but irregular dis pearance ^( glucose from the lungs, and partly because the diabetic heart may contain a considerable <\ f glycogen, from which its HS12 METABOLISM demands for sugar may be met without calling on that of the perfusion fluid. In spite of the failure to show that the isolated tissues of diabetic animals have a lower glucose-consuming power than those of normal animals, it is important from a practical standpoint that Ave should know something regarding the possible nature of the disturbance which a removal of the pancreas entails. Even if we could not tell exactly how this disturbance operates, it would be of value to know whether it depends on the removal from the organism of some hormone that is essential to carbohydrate utilization, for, if this Avere proved to be the case, encouragement Avould be offered to seek for the chemical nature of this hormone so that Ave might administer it with the object of re- moving the diabetic state. The hope of a fruitful outcome of such an investigation is encouraged by the success of researches on diseases of other ductless glands, particularly the thyroid. The remoA'al of some hormone necessary for proper sugar metab- olism is, however, by no means the only way by which the results can be explained, for Ave can assume that the pancreas OAves its influence over sugar metabolism to some change occurring in the composition of the blood as this circulates through the gland — a change Avhich is de- pendent on the integrity of the gland and not on any one enzyme or hormone which it produces. It is obvious that the results of remoA^al of the gland could be explained in terms of either A'ieAv, and indeed there is but one experiment which would permit us to decide Avhich of them is correct. This consists in seeing Avhether the symptoms which folloAv pancreatectomy are removed, and a normal condition reestab- lished, when means are taken to supply the supposed missing internal secretion to the organism; if they should be, conclusive evidence would be furnished that it is by "internal secretion" and not by "local in- fluence" that the gland functionates. The experiments have been of tAvo types: in the one, variously pre- pared extracts of the glands have been employed, and in the other, blood which is presumably rich in the internal secretion. The most recent work with pancreatic extracts has sIioavu that injection of pan- creatic extracts into a depancreatized animal produces no change in the respiratory quotient, although injections of extracts of pancreas and duodenum may cause a temporary fall in the dextrose excretion in the urine on account of the alkalinity of the extract. Neither have experiments with blood transfusions yielded results that are any more satisfactory. In undertaking these experiments it is of course assumed thai the internal secretion is present in the blood, and that if this blood is supplied to an animal suffering Prom diabetes because of the loss of I III Mi i UBOLIS M OP i III I ARBOHYDB \ I its pancreas, it will restore it to a nondiabetic stale. The al con- clusion thai may be drawn from the numerous researches of this nature is thai tlinc is no evidence thai the blood of a normal animal, e when it is from the pancreatic vein, contains an internal secretion that can restore to a diabetic animal any of its losl power to utilize carbo- hydrates. When the extent of glycosuria alone is used as the criterion iif the state of carbohydrate metabolism, serious errors in judgmenl are liable t<> be drawn. The condition of the blood mcmt ami the extent ami character of the respiratory exchange arc the mosl reliable [nde: DIABETIC ACIDOSIS OR KETOSIS Nature and Cause. Much confusion lias existed in medical literature over the correcl definition of acidosis, mainly because the term was firsl used for the particular variety of the condition observed in th< stages of diabetes mellitus. The acids which accumulate in the ti- fluids in this disease arc acetoacetic ami /8-oxybutyric, which are re- lated to acetone ami are derived from fatty acids by a faulty metabo- lism i see pane 709). The essential cause of the acidosis is therefore entirely different from that in nephritis; in diabetes foreign acids are added to the blood, whereas iii nephritis the acids of a normal metabo- lism accumulate because of faulty excretion through the kidneys. The usual siLrns nt' acidosis exist in both cases, because the surplus of acid depletes ihc store of 1 >ica rl 1011a I e and causes changes in the al- ar < <> . in the C02-absorbing power of the blood, in the reserve al- kalinity, and in the acid excretion by the kidney. It is important t.> recognize the special nature of diabetic acidosis by a separate name — l,i tosis. The chemical processes by which the ketone bodies are produced is discussed elsewhere (page T « ^ * . It remains for us to consider the general nature of the metabolic disturbance responsible for their ap- pearance in diabetes. For the thorough combustion of fat in the animal body a certain amounl of carbohydrate must be simultaneously burned. Fat evidently is a hss readily oxidized foodstuff than sugar; it needs the tire of the burning sugar to consume it. If the carbohydrate fires do not burn briskly enough, the fal is incompletely consumed; it smo and the smoke is represented in metabolism by the ketones and der acids. Such a closing t bj Home fault in the mechanism of the furnace itself, as in diabetes Besides fat, protein may als tribute 684 METABOLISM to the production of ketones when carbohydrate combustion is de- pressed. Fundamentally, therefore ketosis in diabetes is due to the same cause as in starvation — namely, an improper adjustment between the metabolisms of fat and carbohydrate. Bearing these principles in mind, it is easy to see how the intensity of acidosis which develops during starvation will depend upon the re- lative metabolism of carbohydrate, on the one hand, and of fat and protein, on the other; it will therefore depend on the amounts of these foodstuffs which have been stored in the organism, and this again will depend on the nature of the diet previous to the starvation period. For the first few days following entire abstinence from food in a healthy, well-nourished individual, very few if any ketones will be excreted in the urine, because the carbohydrate stored in the body as glycogen has sufficed during this time to maintain the proper proportion between fat and carbohydrate. Afterwards, however, their appearance is to be ex- pected, because the glycogen stores become exhausted long before those of fat. If starvation is still further prolonged, a stage will come when the. fat. as well as the carbohydrate, is used up so that the organism has now to subsist on protein alone. When this stage arrives, the ketones will diminish, for, although they might be derived from certain of the amino acids, yet this does not actually occur, because a large part of the protein molecule (nearly half) also becomes changed into glucose, which by burning, as above explained, prevents the formation of ketones from the other part of the molecule. For the same reasons, marked acidosis will not be expected to occur during any stage of starvation in lean persons, who from the start must utilize mainly their stored protein to supply the fuel upon which to live. In diabetes exactly the same principles apply, but to an organism in which the ability to metabolize carbohydrate has been depressed, so that "the maximum rate at which dextrose can be oxidized is fixed at some level which is absolutely lower than in health."30 Therefore, since a cer- tain proportionality must exist between the rates of combustion of fat and carbohydrate, the diabetic can thoroughly oxidize less fat; in other vords, an amount of fat which could readily be burned in a healthy body is improperly burned by the diabetic, and ketones and their acids ac- cumulate. Starvation Treatment. — "In order to check a diabetic acidosis, it is necessary to restore the proper ratio of fatty acid to glucose oxidation, which can best be done by starvation, rest in bed and warmth. But this treatment may not at first suffice, because wc have to deal not only with the acidosis bodies derived from fat. but with those which can be derived from protein on account of the diabetic organism having lost the power Till \li i UJ01 ISM OF Till I &BOHYD&A I even of burning the glucose which is derived from this foodstuff. Bj persistence in the starvation, however, the ability of the organism to utilize carbohydrate usually becomes bo fai I thai enough bun • prevenl acidosis. Every <*a>e of diabetes can not, to read in the same waj i<> starvation, the determining condition I »• • i 1 1 lt Hi.' relation between the quantities of glycogen ami f;n 1 in the b at tin- outset of tin' fasting period. This relationship depends on the nature of the previous diet To sum up. "fasting \\\\\ lower acidosis either in health or in diabeti if it has the effecl of ^ 1 < > j > i > i 1 1 <_r a one-sided metabolism ami throwing the lissii.v on a more nearly balanced ration of fatty acids ami glucose" — (Woodyatl , A practical poinl may he noted here— namely, that ti is likely to he more danger of serious acidosis developing during starva- tion in fat than in lean diabetics. The importai our appreciation of these facts in tlm starvation treatmenl of diabetes will he self-evident. CHAPTER LXXVII FAT METABOLISM Before considering the physiology of fats, a few of the most essential points regarding their chemistry may be of assistance. THE CHEMISTRY OF FATTY SUBSTANCES It is usual to classify all substances that are soluble in ether as lipoids. They include fatty acids, neutral fats, cholesterols, cholesterol esters, and phospholipids. The fit tt>i acids belong to two main homologous series, which differ from each other with regard to whether they are saturated or unsaturated. A saturated fatty acid is typified by palmitic, whose formula is CH3-CH0-CH0- CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-COOH, or" CH3- (CH2)14-COOH; that is to say it is a higher member of the series to which acetic acid (CH3-COOII) belongs, differing from the latter in having four- teen extra methyl radicles, each joined to its neighbor by one bond or satu- rated linking on either side. Another member of this series is stearic, in which there are sixteen extra CH2 groups (CH3(CH2)lr,-COOH). An un- saturated fatty acid is oleic (CH,(CH2)7— CH29 = CH-(CH2)7-COOH). Its unsaturation is represented in the formula by the double bond or unsaturated linking, which it will be seen occupies a position in the mid- dle of the molecule, the other methyl radicles being linked together by single bonds. The fatty acids readily combine with alkali to form soaps; thus, CH3(CH2)14-COOH + KOH=CIT3(CH2)]4-COOK + H20, the reaction being (palmitic acid) (soap) analogous to that by which acetic acid forms an acetate with alkalies. In place of being combined with alkali, the COOH (carboxyl) group of fatty acids may combine with alcohols to form substances called esters. Thus, acetic acid and ethyl alcohol form ethyl acetate, CH3COO JH + OHi C2H5=CH ;COO-C2H, + H20. When the alcohol thus (acetic (ethyl (ethyl acetate) aeid) alcohol) united with fatty aeid is glycerol (glycerine), in which there are three 686 PAT Ml TAB01 l-\! <»II (hydroxyl) groups, the resulting ester called triglyceride is neu trnl ful. Tripalmitin has the formula: CH OOCC II CH OOCC ii CH, OOC-C H By boiling neutral fats with alkali the fatty acid radicles are split «»ff as soaps, 1 « • ; i \ i 1 1 >_r the glycerol. This process is called saponification, and it may be effected in man} other ways, as for example by heating with steam or by the action of special enzymes called lipases, which are widely distributed in plants and animals. The natural fats are usually a mixture of triglycerides, ;m!».:! ('. The solidity of animal fats depends the proportion of olein. palmitin and stearin present. Mutton fat, for ex- ample, is much stiffer than pig fat because it contains less olein and mere stearin. The melting points of fats from different parts of the body may also vary. 2. Tin acid unmix r indicates the amount of free fatty acid mixed with the fat, and is determined by titrating a solution of a weighed quantity the fa1 in alcohol with a N L0 alcoholic solution of K«>1I. phenolphtha- lein being used as indicator. :!. '/'!■• saponification valm indicates the total amount of fatty acid present, both that which is free and that combined with glycerol. It is determined by heating a weighed amount of fat with an exactly known amount of alcoholic K(»ll determined by titration with standard acid . After saponification is complete, titration of the mixture shows how much alkali has 1 n used to combine with the fatty acid. This is the saponi- fication value. I //. ester valm indicate- the amount of fatty acid combined with glycerol, and is obtained by subtracting the acid value from the saponi- fication value. Besides these there are two values, known as the iodine and the Reichl Bfeiasl values, that are of importance because they depend on certain ci iwti rist ■/" fatty-acid radu 688 METABOLISM 5. Thi iodine value indicates the amount of unsaturated fatty acids pres- ent, or the number of double bonds. It depends on the fact that iodine, like many other substances, is capable of directly attaching itself to the fatty-acid chain wherever double bonds exist. 6. The Jit irln rl-Meissl value indicates the amount of volatile soluble acid present in the fat. It is determined by first of all saponifying the fat, then decomposing the soap by mixing it with mineral acid and dis- tilling the liberated fatty acid, the distillate being collected in a known amount of standard alkali and titrated. It is a value that is not of very meat use in physiological investigations, but il is so in connection with food chemistry. Since volatile acids are present in butter, the Reichert- Meissl value helps us to distinguish between butter and margarine. Fat is insoluble in water but soap is soluble, forming a colloidal solu- tion which presents the phenomenon of surface aggregation of molecules. This consists in the concentration of the soap both at the free surface of the liquid, where a skin may form, and at the interfaces between the soap solution and any undissolved particles present in it. This pellicle- formation around the particles prevents them from running together so that they remain suspended, thus forming an emulsion. An emulsion may therefore be formed either of neutral fat of any other physically similar substance. When fat itself is used, there is usually enough free fatty acid admixed with it to make it unnecessary in forming the emul- sion to do more than shake the fat with weak sodium-carbonate solution. With other substances not containing any free fatty acid, some soaps should be added. To preserve the emulsion it is often useful to add some mucilage. In the emulsified state, neutral fats are much more readily attacked by lipases than when they are present in an unemulsified state. Thus, emulsified fats are "digested" by the relatively small amounts of lipase present in the stomach, whereas neutral fats themselves are not so. Fatty acids also exist in nature in combination not with the triatomic alcohol, glycerol, but with monatomic alcohols such as cholesterol. These cholesterol fats differ from the glycerol fats in being very resistant to- wards enzymes and microorganisms. They are therefore used for pro- tective purposes in the animal economy; for example, they occur in the sebum, the secretion of the sebaceous glands, where they serve to moisten the hairs and skin. They are also present in cells, in which it is prob- able they take an important part in forming the skeleton of the cell. Cholesterol is absorbed from the intestine; it is always present in the blood both in plasma and in corpuscles; and it is an important constituent of bile, from which it may separate out in the bile passages and form calculi (gallstones). In the cells themselves the lipoids are represented mainly by compounds PAT METABOLISM 689 of it Bomewhat more complex structure namely, the phospholipid. As their name indicates, these consist chemically of phosphoric acid combined with neutral Cat and with a nitrogenous base, cholin. The beat known of the phospholipid is lecithin, which Is w idely distributed in the animal body (presenl in blood and bile as well as in all cells . Other phospholipid present in nervous tissue are cephalin, cuorin and sphingomyelin. Tl are various lecithins distinguished from one another by the fatty-acid radicles which they contain. Distearyl-lecithin, for example, has the formula: CHt-0-OC(CH1)l,-CH C|[ -O-OC CH . CH teai ic acid I cir.-o o \ / (glycerol) P / \ OK OCH, CH, N CH (phosphoi i>' aci.l) OH (cholini This complex molecule can readily be split up by hydrolysis (warming with baryta water) into: glycero-phosphoric acid, ('IT. -oil I " ('II - oil oir -o o \ / P ; choline, N / \ on oh C ll/'il i mi w ethyl anunoninm oil hydroxide) ; and fatty acida. With hydrochloric aci.l, choline tonus a salt which readily forms ;i double salt with platinic chloride Since this double salt forms chai teristic crystals, it is used to identify ami separate lecithins. For quan- titative purposes, however, it is more suitable to determine lecithin in- directly by the amount of phosphoric acid present in an ethereal tract of the organ or tU^im. Evidence is constantly accumulating to show that lecithin is an I tremely important constituent of cells; indeed, it srcnis to he the h • mediate staire in the utilization of neutral fats hy protoplasm. Its p] phorus also probably Berves as the source of this element for the con- struction of nucleic acid i sec pa-_r'- 637 In nervous t - t is oft associated with carbohydrate molecules (galactose . forming the sul»- stance known as cerebrin. It may therefore have some role to play in carbohvdrate metabolism. Some workers also attribute to lecithin an 690 MI'TAUOTJSM important timet ion in the transference of substances through cell mem- branes. When mixed with water it swells up by imbibition, and if crys- talloids or other substances art' dissolved in the water, a means is offered for bringing water-soluble and fat-soluble substances into intimate con- tact. DIGESTION OF FATS A certain amount of fat, especially when it is in an emulsified condi- tion, can be digested in the stomach by the lipase contained in the gas- tric juice. Most of it, however, is digested in the small intestine, into which as we have seen, it is gradually discharged suspended in the chyme. For this intestinal digestion of fat both pancreatic juice and bile are nec- essary. This is easily shown in the rabbit, in which the pancreatic duct enters the intestine at a considerable distance below the bile duct. If the mesentery is inspected during the absorption of fatty food, no fat in- jection of the lymphatics will be noted between the bile and the pan- creatic ducts but only below the latter. In the dog, in which both the bile and the main pancreatic ducts enter the intestine at about the same level, fat injection of the lymphatics starts at this point, but if the bile duct (or rather the gall bladder) is transplanted at some distance down the intestine, it will be found that the injection of the lymphatics with fat occurs only below the new point of insertion of the bile duct. Removal of the pancreas interferes very materially with the absorption of fat. In man, for example, absence of the pancreatic juice alone di- minishes the absorption of fat by 50 or 60 per cent. If the bile is also absent, the diminution amounts to 80 or 90 per cent, and in such cases, as is well known, the administration of bile or pancreas powder greatly improves fat absorption. In the dog, although ligation of the pancreatic duct apparently only slightly influences fat absorption, removal of the pancreas itself greatly interferes with the process; from which fact some observers have concluded that the pancreas, in addition to its external secretion into the intestine, must produce an internal secretion into the blood which has something to do with the efficient absorption of the fat (Pratt, McClure and Vincent ,v ). It is. however, improbable that such an hypothesis is necessary, for it is very likely that the moribund condi- tion into which an animal is brought by extirpation of the pancreas, adequately accounts for the suppression of the fat-absorbing function. As to the relative roles of pancreatic juice and bile in the digestion of fat, we know of course that in the pancreatic juice there exists a lipolytic enzyme, lipase, which, under suitable conditions has the power of split- ling neutral fat into fatty acids and glycerine. If bile is examined, no lipolytic enzyme will be found in it. It is entirely inactive on fat, but PAT Ml TABOMSM 691 if vve mix 1 » i I * * with fresh pancreatic juice, which by itself only slowly digests Eat, we shall find thai the bile very materially increases the lipo- lytic activity of the pancreatic juice, li has been found that the salts of cholalic acid, the so-called bile salts, are th< stituents of bile thai are responsible for this activation of lipase, this fad having bi demonstrated with bile salts prepared in such a way thai then ■ no possible chance of any other biliary constituenl being present as an impurity. It is importanl to remember, however, that lipase itself be- comes slowly activated on standing, which explains why it should be that bile added to pancreatic juice thai has si 1 for some time, ha less evident activating influence than bile added to fresh juice. It is probable that the activating influence of bile salts is due to some physico- chemical change induced in the digestion mixture. < >ne may ask how it happens that, when bile and pancreatic juic both absenl from the intestine, the fat which appeals in the feces is not neutral fal bu1 fatty acid. The reason is that the neutral fat that has escaped digestion in the small intestine becomes acted on by the intestinal bacteria, particularly in the large intestine. Under these conditio however, the fatty acid that is split off is tiol absorbed, because the epithelium of the lower parts on the intestinal tract can not perform this function. Besides assisting the action of lipase, bile facilitates fat digestion in other ways. Thus, by its containing alkali and mucin-like substai it assists in the emulsification of fat. Although emulsification is no sential part of fa1 absorption, yet it greatly facilitates the process by breaking up the fa1 into small globules on which the lipase can act much more efficiently. The alkali also combines with the fatty acids, as they are liberated by the digestive process, to form water-soluble s.»aps. which are readily absorbed by the epithelial cells. The bile salts further assist in the solution of the fatty acids, and they lower the sur- face tension ><\' fluids in which they are contained and so bring the fat and lipase into closer itact. ABSORPTION OF FATS After its digestion fat lies in contacl with the intestinal border of the epithelial cells as fatty acid and glycerine. The fatty arid is combi either wilh alkali to form a water soluhle soap, or with bill - to form a compound, which is also soluble. The glycerine and the dissol fatty acids are separately absorbed into the epithelial cells of the in- testine, in the protoplasm of which after the fatly acid has b< \'\e^ from the alkali or bile Ball they 1 ome united or resynt to form neutral fat. which graduallv finds iis way by the central lac- 692 METABOLISM teals into the villi, and then by way of the lymphatics to the thoracic duct. The chemical explanation of the absorption of fat is very different from that formerly held by histologists who maintained that the fine particles of emulsified fa1 in the intestine penetrate by a mechanical process through the striated border of the epithelial cell into its protoplasm. The histologic evidence for this view seemed very convincing, for fine fat globules can readily be seen in the epithelial cells of the intestine after fatty food has been taken, while they are absent during starvation. These par- ticles seemed to have passed directly from the intestinal canal into the epithelial cells because, when the fat was stained with characteristic fat stains before1 feeding it to the animal, the globules in the epithelial cells were found to be similarly stained. The supporters of this mechanistic view of fat absorption maintained that the appearance of the stained fat globules in the epithelial cells could not be explained in any other way than by supposing that the fat globules had wandered unbroken into the epithelial cells. Such a conclusion is, however, unwarranted, for the stains that are soluble in fat are also soluble in soap, so that when the fat splits up, the stain will remain attached to the soap and be carried along with it into the intestinal epithelium. Absolute proof that the chemical theory is the correct one has been supplied by a large number of experiments. The following may be cited: (1) When the lymph flowing from the thoracic duct is examined after feeding with fatty acids instead of neutral fat, it is found to contain only neutral fat, indicating that a synthesis must have occurred between glycerine and fatty acid during the absorption. The glycerine for this synthesis is furnished from sources which will be described later. (2) When an emulsion made partly of neutral fats and partly of some hy- drocarbon, such as albolene, is fed and the feces are examined for these substances, it has been found that all the fat but none of the hydrocar- bon is absorbed; the feces contain all of the albolene but none of the fat. This experiment supplies very strong evidence against the mechanistic theory, for microscopic examination of the above described emulsion shows the particles of neutral fat and hydrocarbon to be of exactly the same size. (3) By examining the properties of the fatly substances in the thoracic lymph collected during the absorption of such an emulsion as thai described above, nothing but neutral fat has been found present. (4) Similar results are obtained when wool fat, which is an ester of cholesterol and fatty acid, is fed. We may conclude that fatty substances which an insoluble in water or (■(in no/ be changed by digestion into substances (soap) that ore soluble in water, nn not absorb* a dose of 0.4 gram per kilogram of h.:! per cent, being twice ;i^ abundant in corpuscles ;i> in plasma, and the cholesterol, 0.2 per cent, about equally distributed. In diabetes ;ill of these substances arc seen to 1'" inc in proportion to the severity of the disease, tin- increase l><'in<_r mostly in the plasma. The increase in cholesterol (confined mainly to tin' plasma) is particularly interesting, since the substance is unaffected in amounl 1».\ excessive feeding with fat. The Destination of the Fat of the Blood. In general, it may be said that tlif blood fnt is transported to three places: 1 the depots for fat ; _' tin' liver; and (3 the tissues. The fal present in each of these pli differs from that in the others, as is revealed by chemical examination by the methods described on page 687. The depot fat usually yields about 95 per cenl of its total weight as fattj acid. The I fat, nn the other hand, yields only aboul 60 per cenl of its total weighl as fatty acid. This difference indicates thai the fatty acid must 1 ombined in the tissues with a much larger molecule than is the case in the fat of the depots. This large molecule is probably that of lecithin or other pi pholipin, and the smaller molecule in the depots, that of neutral The liver fat takes an intermediate position between depot fat and ti- fat in its yield of fatty acid. When no active metabolism of fat is ing on. the liver fat is like that of the tissues-, luit when fat metabolism is active, the liver fat occupies an intermediate position between 1 fat and depot fat. 700 METABOLISM Another difference among the fats in these three places is ^\ itli regard in the degree of saturation of the fatty-acid radicles. This, it Avill be remembered, is indicated by the iodine value; the higher the iodine value, the greater the desaturation of fatty acid. In depot fat this value is relatively low — for example, about ;S0 in the goal and about 65 in man; depending somewhat on the fat taken in the food, compared with which it is usually a little higher! The fat in the tissues, on the other hand, lias a high iodine value, possibly 110 to 130. The iodine value of the fat of the liver is remarkably inconstant, being about Ihc same as that of the tissues when fatty-acid metabolism is not particularly active, but approximating that of the depots when fat mobilization is proceeding. The significance of this fact we shall consider later. The Depot Fat. — The places in the animal body where depot fat is deposited in greatest amount are the subcutaneous and retroperitoneal tissues. These fat depots may sometimes become of enormous size, as in the ease of the famous dog of Pfliiger, of whose total body weight 40 per cent was due to fat. Bloor suggests that there may really be two different types of fat storage: one of a purely temporary character, which readily takes up and liberates the fat, but which is of limited capacity and possibly under the control of some quickly acting regulat- ing mechanism, like that of the glycogenic function of the liver; and another of a more permanent nature, into which the fat is slowly taken up, but the capacity of which is very much greater. Two questions present themselves concerning this depot fat: (1) where does it come from, and (2) what becomes of it? Regarding the source of the depot fat, there is no doubt that it comes partly from the fat and partly from the carbohydrate of the food; in other Avords, it is either taken ready-made with the food or manufactured in the organism. That some of it comes from the fat of food is now a Avell-established fact, the evidence for Avhich need not detain us long. The best-knoAvn experiment consists in first of all starving an animal until his stores of fat are nearly exhausted and then feeding him with some "ear-marked" fat — that is, with some fat having a characteristic property Avhich it will not lose during absorption. It will be found that the depot fat thereby deposited presents many of the qualities of the fed fat. The "ear- marking" of the fal may be secured by using fats of different melting points, such as mutton fat. which has a high M.P., or olive oil, which has a low M.P. On feeding a previously starved dog with mutton fat, the M.I', of the depot fat approaches that of mutton fat — he becomes a dog in sheep's clothing; whereas when olive oil is fed, the subcutaneous fat becomes oily. Or again we may "ear-mark" the fat by combining it with bromine, when the deposited fat will likeAvise be brominized fat. F\T Ml TABOLISM 70] It must no1 be imagined, however, that no change takes place in the fat during its absorption and before it becomes deposited in the tissues. On the contrary, the Btamp of individuality is pu1 upon the fat, for, we have already seen, its iodine value may become altered and its melt- ing poinl changed during the process of absorption. In other woi although the absorbed fal does no1 become entirely adapted to conform with the ordinary qualities of the depot fat, ye1 it tends to change in this direction. That sun f the depol fa1 comes from carbohydrate is well known to stock raisers. When, for example, an animal is fed on large quantities of carbohydrate and kept without doing museular exercise, its tias become loaded with fat. It' we desire strict scientific proof for this, we do not need to go further than the old experiments of Lawes and (!il- bert, who, it will he remembered, showed thai the fat deposited in the tissues of a growing pig is greatly in excess of the fat that could have been derived from the fa1 or protein which was meanwhile metabolized. The experiment was performed on two young pigs from the same lii and of approximately equal weighl ; one was killed and the exacl amounts of fat and nitrogen in the body determined; the other was fed for several months on a diet the fat and protein contents of which were accurately ascertained. When after four months this p'n_r was killed ami tin- fat determined, it was found that much more had 1m me deposited than could he accounted for by the fat and protein of the food, even Buppos- ing that all the available carbon of the protein had become converted into fat. The only conclusion is thai the carbohydrate must have 1 n an important source of the extra fat. The Destination of the Depot Fat. The depol fat becomes mobilized and transported by the blood to the active tissues whenever the energy requirements of the body demand it. During starvation, as we have seen, the depol fat is used to supply !,(> per cenl of the energy on which the animal maintains its existence. Before the fat is transported, il probably broken down into fatty acid ami glycerine, as which it pas through the cell walls to he again reconstructed into neutral fat in I hi 1. What agency effects this constanl breakdown and resynthesis <>f fat it is difficull to say. Two ester-splitting enzymes are | -in blood, one acting mainly on simple esters, the other on glycerides; hut it has been impossible to demonstrate any evident relationship betw< either of them and the extent ..f t'at mobilization. The Fat in the Liver. The physiology of the liver fat has 1 n \> diligently studied, particularly by Leathes and his pupils. " Tin* out- come of this work has hceii to buow that the liver upies an extremely important position in the melabolism of fat. being, as it were, the half- 702 METABOLISM way house in the preparation of the fatty-acid molecule \'ov consumption in the tissues. Fat is a material containing large quantities of poten- tial energy. While in the depots this potential energy is so locked away as to be unavailable for tissue use. To make it available the depot fat is carried to the liver, where the energy becomes unlocked but not actu- ally liberated. The fat is then transported to the tissues, and the libera- tion of the energy occurs. Neutral fat is like wet gunpowder: it con- tains much potential energy, but not in a suitable condition for explo- sion. The liver, as it were, dries this gunpowder, whence it is sent to the tissues to be exploded. The great importance of the liver in fat metabolism is indicated by comparison of the percentages of fat — or better of fatty acid — contained in it under different conditions of nutrition. In the ordinary run of slaughter-house animals the liver contains from 2 to 4 per cent of higher fatty acid, hut in about one in every eight animals a much higher per- centage will be found to occur. The same is true in laboratory animals. In the case of the human liver as obtained from autopsies in certain classes of patients, from 60 to 70 per cent of the dry weight of the organ, or 23 per cent of the moist weight, may be fatty acid. There is no other organ in the animal body that is ever loaded with fat to this extent. As in the depots, this liver fat might be derived either from fat carried to the organ from elsewhere in the body, or it might represent a surplus of manufactured fat. That transportation of fat to the liver occurs is very readily demon- strable both in the laboratory and in the clinic. About forty hours after giving phlorhizin to a dog, it has been found that enormous quan- tities of fat appear in the liver; a few hours later, however, this excess of fat may have entirely disappeared. Fatty infiltration of the liver is ;il so observed in phosphorus poisoning, although in this case the fat usually persists till the death of the animal. In man, in delayed chlo- roform poisoning and in cyclical vomiting, enormous quantities of fat may be present in the liver within a very short period of time after the onset of the condition. There can therefore be no doubt that fat is transported to the liver under abnormal conditions, but this can not be taken as evidence that the liver has anything to do with fat metab- olism in the normal animal. Such evidence has been supplied by Coope and Mottram,51 who have been able to show that, at least in rabbits, a similar invasion of the liver with fat occurs in late pregnancy and early lactation. They also found that the fatty acid deposited in the liver in late pregnancy gives an iodine value which lies nearer to that of the mesenteric fatty acid than is the case in normal animals. Mottram con- cludes that "wherever . . . there is abundant fat metabolism, the PAT METABOLISM liver is Pound to be infiltrated with fats, presumably to be handed on elsewhere when worked up." It is interesting thai the fetus is greedy of unsaturated fatty acids. The most likely soura of tin fat transported to tl>< liver is the fat cut in the depots, unless when digestion is in | is, when it may l>c the fat from the intestine. That much of it comes from the depot easily demonstrated. Thus, the more extensive the infiltration liver -with fat, the inure closely will this fa1 1"' found to with the depot fat in its chemical characteristics. This has been very clearly shown by, firsl of all, starving an animal so as to clear the dep fat as much as possible; then feeding it on some "ear-marked" fat (unusual melting-point or a brominized fat); and after another day or bo of starvation, so as to clear the liver itself of fat, poisoning the animal with phosphorus or phlorhizin. The liver will be found shortly afl wards to be invaded with fa1 which lias all the ear-marks of that on which the animal had been fed. Evidence <>f the same character has been furnished in a series of clin- ical cases by observations on the amount of fat and 'he iodine value of the fatty acid of the liver. This is shown in the ai mpanying table. r rn \' ros of Liver CAUSE OK r>F.\Tir HIGHER KATTY ACIDS PER CENT IODINE VALUE :V WITiMIT KATTY A> 12.1 116 9 13.7 IK - 1 1.25 116 1 l.l 119.6 Normal < '"inni.-li fatty change cing 1 . Pernicious anemia _'. Lobar pneumonia .".. Pernicious anemia I. Diab 5. Toxemic jaundice i\. Accident 7. Empyema 8. Phthisis r o. ncho-pneura wia - - 10. Appendicil is 14.0 91.1 Afarked u. Carcinoma of bladder 17.2 77.8 fatty J \-i. cho-pneumonia 54.6 change 13. Dlcei ativc colitis ! l l. Accident 15. 1 >\ Bentery 1 . This table clearly shows that the more fat there is in the liver, the nearer this fat approaches in character that Btored in the depots That some of the fat -in the liver may come directly from t) cently absorbed tfn intestim is also very readily demonstrable. Thus, when COCOanul oil was placed in the intestine Of anestl an- imals, along with bile salts and glycerine, it was found by Raper*' that ::n per emit of the absorbed oil appeared in the livi 704 METABOLISM The characteristic feature of cocoanut oil is that its fatty acids are volatile in steam and are saturated. Some of the fatty acids of the liver are volatile in steam, but they arc unsaturated. By distillation in steam of the fatty acids obtained by saponification iif the liver, it is possible to determine how much of the cocoanut oil lias passed to the liver. Similar results have been obtained when unsaturated fatty acids, such as those contained in cod-liver oil, are fed. In all these eases the rela- tionship of the liver fat to that of the food is even more evident than that between food fat and. depot fat, because in the liver the newly absorbed fat is not diluted by that deposited it may be months previously, as is the case in the connective tissues. The question now arises: What happens to the fat during its stay in the liver? An indication of the nature of the change is furnished by observing the iodine value of the fat. This, it will be remembered, in- dicates the degree to which the fatty acid is unsaturated. It does not necessarily indicate the number of unsaturated bonds present in the fatty- acid molecule, for the difference in iodine-absorbing power may depend not on the number of such bonds but on the position in the chain at which a given double bond is inserted. Even with this reservation, how- ever, it is evident that the increase observed in the iodine values shows that the liver has the power of desaturating fat. The advantage of this change depends on the fact that the desaturated fatty acid will be more liable to break up than the saturated fatty acid. In other words, the double linkage will weaken the chain with the consequence that it is liable to fall apart at this place; such at least is the natural interpreta- tion which the chemist would put on the result. It may not, however, be the correct interpretation, for it has been shown that, although un- saturated fatty acids are more susceptible to chemical change in the laboratory than saturated, yet when fed to animals they appear to be more stable than many saturated acids. It may then be wrong to con- clude that the introduction of a double linkage in fat necessarily means the liability of the fatty-acid chain to break at that point. However this may be, it seems likely that one function of the liver consists in introducing double linkages at places in the fatty-acid chain, as a result of which the chain breaks at these places, and the fragments then undergo further oxidation. Double linkages may be introduced not only in one place in a fatty- acid chain, but in several. For example, it has been found in the liver of the pig, after oxidizing the fatty acids with permanganate, that oxida- tion products are obtained indicating the existence of unsaturated acid with four double links. Permanganate (in alkaline solution) is used for detecting the position of these double bonds, because, when it is allowed PAT METABOLISM 705 to acl od unsaturated fatty acids in tl old, it causes hydroxy] groups Ik- introduced in the position oi the double bonds. When the oxidation is formed al a moderate temperature, the fatty acid falls apart at the hydroxy] groups. A fatty acid with eighl hydroxy] groups lias been obtained in this way from the liver of the pig. The presence of the hy- droxy] groups has been confirmed by finding thai an octobromide is ob- tained by treatment with bromine. An acid of the same formula is said t<> be presenl in cod-liver oil. Te sum up, we may conclude thai there are certain positions, in the chains of carbon atoms which constitute the fatty- acid radicle, where the liver introduces double bonds, and thai tin- weak- ened radicles then circulate to the tissues, where they break u]> at tl itions. Bui this is probably nol the only way in which the liver assists in the metabolism of fat. It may also lake pari in the building of fatty- acid radicles into the complex molecule of lecithin. The process of de- saturation thai we have just considered is probably a preliminary step to this incorporation of the fatty-acid molecule into lecithin, for it is well known that lecithin contains highly unsaturated fatty-acid radi- cles. In support of such a view it is interesting to note that in alcohol- ether extracts from normal and pathological livers, the lecithins, which are precipitated by acetone, have higher iodine values i. e., are more ui urated than the neutra] fats extracted from the same liver, which also have higher iodine values than the depol fal of the same animal. The desaturation process must, therefore, involve the fatty acids before t; become built into the lecithin molecule. The liver is probably not the only place in the animal body where the desaturation of fatty acids i> broughl about. The relative activity of the different tissues in this regard has 1 ii studied by feeding cats with fatty fish and then determining the iodine value of fa1 from various places in the body. The absorbed fal was more obvious in the fiver than hi the subcutaneous tissues, because it had not become diluted with fat deposited it may have keen months previously, which would he the le in the fat of the tat depots: and it was found that, although the iodine value of the subcutaneous fat was slightly raised, that of the liver was much more so, indicating that the desaturation process had I n more active in this organ, hut had als !CUrr< a certain extent in the depots. Before leaving this subjed of fat in the liver, it is important I call the old observation of Rosenthal, that a more or less recipi relationship exists between glycogen and fat in the liver. When much glycogen is presenl th< little or > and v 1' is ita] 70(1 METABOLISM taut to note that the exacl local ions of I'al and carbohydrate in the he- patic lobule «*ire somewhat different in t lie two cases. A practical clinical application of the above work is found in the fact that fats will be more readily utilized by the body when they contain a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids. It is probably for this reason that Norwegian cod-liver oil is of such undoubted nutritive value. It is much more so than Newfoundland cod-liver oil, because in the prep- aration of this variety oxidation occurs, which makes it no longer unsat- urated. Fish oils in general are more unsaturated than other animal oils, and are for this reason more nutritious. The fat in the tissues differs very materially from that of the liver or the depots. Only 60 per cent of this fat consists of fatty acid, which is present very largely as part of the lecithin molecule, thus accounting for the high iodine value. Some is probably also present as simple glyceride, in a highly unsaturated and therefore very fragile condition. CHAPTEB LXXIX PAT METABOLISM (Cont'd Two very important questions of fatty-acid metabolism may now be considered: namely, (1) how is fatty acid formed (rum carbohydrate? and (2) what becomes of the fragments into which thi fatty-acid molecuh is split as the result of thi desaturation process? Although these prob- lems involve chemical details of a somewhal complex nature, we must not on lliis account fail to consider them; for, as we shall Bee, much of what is known has an importanl practical application depending on the fact that certain of the intermediary substances may accumulate in the organism and develop a toxic action. The Production of Fatty Acid out of Carbohydrate. If we place the formulas for glucose and palmitic acid side by side, thus: CH,0H-(CH0H)4-CH0 (glucose), and CH3- (CH,)M-OOOH (palmitic ari.l) ; we shall sec that this transformation must involve: (1) a considerable alteration in the structure of the molecule, (2) the removal of oxygen, and (3) the fusion of several glucose molecules into our molecule of fatty acid. The conversion of carbohydrate to fa1 therefore involves a process of reduction, and the resulting molecule must be capable of yielding more energy when it is oxidized than the original one of carbohydrate, for obviously the system 08- CH2 (which corresponds 1«> fat) will d more energy than thai of 0, CHO I which corresponds to carbohydrate just as a piece of wood when it is burned will develop more heat than ;i piece of charcoal. This explains why one gram of fat yields 9.3 calories of heat, and one gram of carbohydrate, only 4.1 (page Patty acid therefore contains more potential energy than sugar, and in explain- ing its synthesis from BUgar in the animal body We must indicate sourci of tin extra energy. Tins is dependent on oxidation of Borne Bug molecules which do not themselves become changed to fatty acid proceeding side bj side with the reduction which affects the others and represented in the outcome of the reaction by the combustion products CO, and II. <>. thus: M •• 13 0 20 CO C16H„0 20H,0 gll BC itty acid 707 708 METABOLISM What evidence have we thai such a j>roccss actually occurs in the body? If we compare the intake of oxygen with the output of carbon dioxide in the respired air, we shall find that usually there is less of the latter; that is to say, the respiratory quotient, as this ratio is called, is usually less than unity. During the extensive conversion of carbohydrate into fat, however, which occurs during the fall months in hibernating animals, the 1\.Q. has been round to rise as high as 1.4. The great excess of C02- output over 0„ - intake which such a quotient indicates conforms with the above equation. The entire dissimilarity in chemical structure between the molecules of fat and carbohydrate suggests that the primary step in the conversion must be a thorough breakdown of the carbohydrate chain into compara- tively simple molecules, from which the fat molecules are then recon- structed and the unnecessary oxygen set free. The problem is to ascer- tain the chemical structure of these simpler molecules and the manner of their union into fatty acid. Of the several suggestions which have been made, that of Smedleysa seems the most likely. As will be seen from the following equations, the first step is the conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid (page 600, No. 1 in equations). By enzymic action pyruvic arid is converted into acetaldehyde (No. 2), which then condenses with another pyruvic- acid molecule to form a higher ketonic acid (No. 3), from which by the loss of CO., as in the case of the production of acetaldehyde from pyruvic acid, an aldehyde is pro- duced (No. 4). This higher aldehyde behaves like acetaldehyde in again combining with pyruvic acid, forming a still higher ketonic acid; and so on until at last a long fatty- acid chain is built up, thus: (1) GVEijA, + 02 = 2CH3COCOOH + 2H,0 (glucose) (pyruvic acid) ( 2 ) CH3COCOOH = CH3CHO + CO. (acetaldehyde) (3) CJLCIIO 4- CH3COCOOH = CH3CH: CHCOCOOH + H20 (unsaturated ketonic acid) (4) CH3CH : CHCOCOOH = CHsCH:CHCHO-rC02; and so on. (higher aldehyde) (5) From the ketonic aldehyde formed at any stage, an unsaturated fatty acid (with one less C-atom) is readily formed, and this by taking up H may become saturated: CH3CH:CII CO COOH +0 — CH, CH:CH COOH + C02. During the butyric-acid fermentation of sugar a slightly different process may occur — namely, the lactic acid, which we know is readily produced from glucose, may break down into acetaldehyde (and formic acid), and two such molecules condense to form /3-oxy- butyric aldehyde; and this a-ain condense to form higher fatty acids, thus: ( 1 ) C0H12O0 = 2CH3CHOHCOOH. (glucose) (lactic acid) (2) 2CH3CHOHCOOH = 2CH3CHO + II.COOH (acetaldehyde) 2CH,CHO --('II CHOHCH2CHO; and so on. (jS-oxybutyric aldehyde) PAT METABOLISM Thai higher fatty acids, Buch as caproic 0,H 0, and caprylic C,H « >_ . bi actually been isolated from the products of ti entation is a •■ and it is of interest to note thai L< and an acids ■ sur during the aseptic ii d of liver pulp ' . the increase of fatty acid could not be Bhown to be affected by addii _ the liver which, according to the above equal id. The Method by Which the Fatty Acid is Broken Down, [n tl mi- ca! laboratory, ordinary oxidizing agents attack tl e fatty-acid chain ;it the C-atom iir\t the carboxy] (COOH group (the alpha C-atom). B I this can nol occur in the animal body, because it would leave behind a smaller chain containing an uneven number of C-atoms, and such chains are never found presenl in the animal fats. < >n the contrary, the com- moner fats all contain an even number of < ' atoms thus : Butyric, C I ! 0 palmitic, C II 02; stearic, C II 02; oleic, C 1 1 0 The intermediary substances which are produced during the gradual breakdown of the fatty-acid molecule in the normal animal are of a v< transitory character so much so indeed that it is impossible for any one of them to accumulate in sufficient amounl to permil of isolation, or even detection, by chemical means How then are we to idi mediary products? This has 1 o rendered possible by the discovery that, when anything occurs to disturb tlie normal course of fat metabolism, as, for example, when the tissues are deprived of carbohydr; as in star- vation or in severe diabetes . the oxidation of the fatty-acid chain stops short when ;i chain of four C-atoms still remains unbroken. Those four ( '-atoms seem to form a residue thai is more resistant to oxidation than the remainder of the fatty acid molecule. It is a residue, theref which is quite readily further oxidized to COa and II <> under normal con- ditions, but which, although incapable of becoming completely oxidi when the metabolism is upset, docs undergo a partial oxidation, result- ing in the production of various intermediary products. These accumu- late in the body in sufficienl amounl to overflow into the urine, which they can be isolated and identified. The fatty acid with 4 C-atoma is butyric, CH CB 'II COOH, and I firsl oxidation producl formed from it in the body seems to be I d, CH CHOHCH COOH. This then 1 omes oxidized t< i a body having the formula ''II COCH COOH, d, which, further oxidation, readily yields CH COCH . or Tl ib- Btanci f-oxybutyric acid, acetoacetic acid and acetone ■at- in the urine during carbohydrate starvation, as in diabei It mighl be objected, however, thai a chemical pr< ng undi abnormal conditions n I not als.. occur in the uiimal. Thai it probablv docs, however, is indicated h\ the result incuts 710 METABOLISM of Knoop and of Embden and his coworkers. Knoop conceived the idea of introducing' into the fatty-acid molecule some group which is resistant to oxidation in the body. The phenyl group (CuH5),was found to have this effect. By feeding an animal with the phenyl derivatives of acetic, propionic, butyric, and valeric acids, it "was found that the urine con- tained either hippuric (see page 030) or phenaceturic acid. Both of these are compounds of aromatic acids with glycocoll or aminoacetic acid (CII .XILCOOIJ), one of the protein building-stones and always available in the organism to form such compounds, thus: ( 1 ) c,iiscooi-i + ch.nh.cooh = cgh5conhch2 coon. (benzoic (glycocoll) (hippuric acid) acid) (2) CcH5CH.COOH + CHNH.COOH = CcHsCH2CONHCH2COOH. (phenylacetie (glycocoll) (phenaceturic acid) acid) When either benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) or phenylacetie acid (C0H5CH2- COOH) is formed in the body as a result of the oxidation of phenyl derivatives of the higher fatty acids, the acid combines with glycocoll according to the above equations. From this it follows that if oxidation occurs so that two C-atoms are thrown off at a time (/^-oxidation), fatty acids with an even C-atom chain should yield hippuric acid, and those with an uneven chain, phenaceturic. This was found to be the case, as the accompanying table shows. ACID FED OXIDATION' . EXCEETED Ag ■ PRODUCT Benzoic acid, CcH5.COOH Not oxidized Hippuric acid Phenylacetie acid, C6H5 . CH2 . COOH Not oxidized Phenaceturic acid Phenylpropionic acid, CaHB.CH2.CH2.COOH CHH,.COOH Hippuric acid Phenylbutyric acid, C,.H5.CH,.CH2.CH,.COOH C6H5.CH,. COOH Phenaceturic acid Phenylvaleric acid, C6H5.CH,.CH2.CH.CH..COOH 0(1H,i.COOH Hippuric acid (From Dakin.) Embden 's experiments are equally convincing. He studied the forma- tion of acetone in defibrinated blood perfused through the freshly excised liver. Normally only a trace of this substance is formed, but when fatty acids with an even number of carbon atoms were added to the blood, they gave rise to a marked increase in acetone, whereas those with an uneven chain failed to cause any change. The acetone was found to be derived immediately from acetoacetic acid. The following table shows the results. FAT METABOLISM 711 ' \I. KATTY ACID PORM OP AC rlCACID Acetic acid CH .COOB Propionic add CB ,CB ,.COOB Butyric add «'ll .CH,.CHt.COOB + Valeric add CB ,CH1.CH1.CB .COOB Oaproic add CB .CHf.CB .CB .CB .COOB Beptylic arid CB .CB .CB .CB .CB .CB .COOB (Mtiie acid <'ll .CB .CB .CB .CB .CB .OB .COOB Nbnoic add CB .CH,.Cfl .CB .CB .CB .CB .CB .COOB Heroic arid CH, . CH,.riI,;. CH, . CH,. ( 'H,. .CB,. CU, .('H7. CH;.COOH + (From Dakin.) For a long time it was difficult for chemists to understand how such a process of oxidation at the /8-C-atom could occur, since they * unable to bring it aboul in the laboratory by the use of tin- ordinary oxidizing agents, hut recently Dakin has removed the difficulty by show- ing that hydrogen peroxide II 0 oxidizes fatty acids just exactly in this way. We may sum up the results of these experiments and observations by stating that normal saturated fatty acids "ml their phenyl derivatives cai undergo oxidation, not only in thr animal body, but also in vitro, in such a manner that tht two {or some multipU thereof) termial C-atoms an removed at each successivi step in their decomposition. But we must not be too hasty in concluding from these experiments thai the steps in the process are necessarily in the order of first, the produc- tion of a )8-hydroxy acid, and second, the oxidation of this to a ketone group. The mere presence, side by side, of (i hydroxyhutyric acid ami of acetone in the above experiments docs not indicate which is the ante- cedent of the other, and indeed there arc several experimental facts that seem to show that the hydroxy acid may he derived from t ho ketone For example, when acetoacetlC acid is added to minced liver and the mixture incubated, £-hydroxybutyric acid is formed a reduction process . although less usually the reverse action oxidation! may occur when 0-hydroxy acid is added. A reversible reaction must therefore he capable of occurring between these two substances, thus: reduct ion CB .CHOH.CB .•'noil « CB .<'<». en .COOB. oxidation (/9-oxy butyric add) » ;,i • W'e know practically nothing as to the conditions determining whether oxidation or reduction shall predominate, hut there are two Bignificanl facts that one should hear in mind: | 1 thai a plentiful supply of o\\ gen is n ssar\ for the oxidative process, and 2 that the presence rcadil\ oxidi/.ahlc material in the liver (e.g., carbohydrates may del mine the direction which llic reaction shall take. It is COmmonl] Said that fats burn in the tire of carbohydrates, and it ma\ he that t ho tin- 712 METABOLISM doubted diminution in acidosis which occurs in diabetes when carbo- hydrate food is given is dependent upon the directive influence which its combustion in the liver has on the above processes. But we must be cautious not to transfer results obtained by experiments with minced liver in judging of the reactions which occur during life. Provisionally, then, we must assume either that ^-hydroxybutyric acid is a necessary stage in the oxidation of butyric acid or that it is formed by reduction of acetoacetic acid, which is really the first step in that process. Of course there is no evidence in the above experiments that the higher fatty acids are also broken down by the removal of two C-atoms at a time, nor has it been possible to detect any ketonic or ^-hydroxy deriv- atives of them in the animal body. We can only reason from analogy that a similar process may occur, although some support is furnished for such a view by the fact that ketonic fatty acids have been found in vegetable organisms. What, then, it may be asked, is the relation of the desaturation of fatty acids which we have seen occurs in the liver (and probably elsewhere) to the p oxidation? There can be no doubt that both processes can occur in the animal body, indeed in the same organ, e.g., the liver; and it is important to ascertain their relationship to each other. The conclusion which would seem to conform best with the known facts is that the desaturation process occurs (in the liver) so as to break up the long fatty-acid chain into smaller chains, which are then capable of /? oxida- tion (in the tissues) ; desaturation may be the process by which the mole- cule is rough hewn, and (3 oxidation that by which the resulting pieces are finally split to their smallest pieces — that is, to molecules of the size of acetic acid, ivkick are finally completely burnt to carbonic acid and water. The increase of iodine value observed by Leatlies and his coworker? need not, as has already been pointed out, necessarily indicate that new double linkages have been intro- duced in the fatty-acid chain; it may merely indicate that structurally isomeric deriva- tives which absorb iodine more readily have been formed. Direct evidence of desatura- tion has, however, been offered by Hartley, who isolated the unsaturated fatty acids (by dissolving the lead soaps in ether) from pig's liver and then proceeded to oxidize them with alkaline permanganate. "When the olein of the depot fat is thus treated at a low temperature, two hydroxy] groups become attached where the double linkage existed (forming dioxystearic acid'), and when the mixture is now warmed, the molecule splits into two at this place, forming two lower acids (pelargonic and azelaic) : (1) CIL- (CH;).CH :CH(CH2) ,00011; (oleic acid) OH : on / / (2) CH3-(CH,)T-CH- CH- - (CH2).COOII ; (dioxystearic acid) (?,) CH, (CH,).COOH + COOH- (CH^COOH. (pelargonic acid | ("azelaic acid) PAT Mil IBOLISM , 1', We may conclude from this that the doable linkage in the oleic acid of tlr exists between the ninth and tenth C-a1 I the un- saturated acid from the liver yielded caproic acid, which, since this acid has six < ... double linkage existed betwi i ight to light by th( Inch fell apart in such a way as to indicate that the hydi and seventh and between the ninth and tenth ' would 1" ictoi ily explained l ■i.l double bond i. <-.. between the sixth ai < • 1 in the pig's liver may be a< unted for, in other words, by supposing tl ation of Btearic acid and of the ordinary (depot) oleic acid double link between the Bixth and seventh carb d i thes). E other double links may. however, be introduced into the fatty-acid chain, ( tho linolic acid series ar< at in l-liver oil. Finally, it is of interest 1 acid i< a product of the above oxidation p Dumber ami therefore will form |8-oxybutyric acid. To go into these chemical problems any further here would l>e <>nt place. One other fact, should, however, 1"' borne in mind- namely, that the unsaturated acids may lie formed from saturated acids throng intermediate formation of /8-hydroxy and /S-ketonic acids. Their m presence, in other words, should no1 be taken as evidence that the oxida- tion of fatty acids is initialed by the introduction of an hydroxy] gTOup a1 tin' ft position in the chain. CHAPTER LXXX CONTROL OF BODY TEMPERATURE AND FEVER The classification of animals into two groups — warm-blooded and cold- blooded— according to their ability to maintain the body temperature at a constant level, is more or less arbitrary. Between the two groups an- other exists, represented mainly by hibernating animals, in which at certain times of the year the animal is warm-blooded and at other times cold-blooded. The ability of the higher mammals to maintain a constant body temperature may or may not be present at the time of birth. The heat-regulating mechanism of the human infant for example remains ill developed for some time, so that exposure to cold is liable to lower the body temperature to a dangerous degree. VARIATIONS IN BODY TEMPERATURE In animals in which the heat-regulating mechanism is fully developed, there is not, even during perfect health, entire constancy in temperature in the different parts of the body or in the same part at different periods of the day. The average rectal temperature of man is usually stated as being 37° C. (98.6° F.), but the diurnal variation may amount to 1° C, being highest in the late afternoon and loAvest during the night. There are probably several causes for this variation, and they are in part at least dependent upon the greater metabolic activities of the waking hours and upon the taking of food. Apart from these influences, how- ever, others which are less evident appear to operate ; for it has been found that, when the daily program is reversed by night work, the usual diurnal variation, although much less pronounced, still remains evident even although this reversal in habit may have been kept up for years. It is of interest to note in this connection that nocturnal birds have their maximum temperature at night and their minimum during the day. Regarding the temperature in different parts of the body, that of the rectum is usually about 1° C. higher than that of the mouth, and this again higher than that of the axilla. Of these three the mouth tempera- ture is the most variable, for many conditions, such as mouth breathing, talking, drinking cool liquids and even exposure to cold air, are sufficient to lower markedly the temperature of this region. When the mouth 714 CONTROL OF BODY TEMPERATURE AND FEVER 715 temperature is carefully taken by leaving the bulb of the thermon* under the tongue for a minute or more, it is practically the Bame as the temperature of the arterial blood of the hand when this Lb exposed to the ordinary conditions of outside temperature. Greater differences than 1° c. i,, the temperature of differenl regions of the body are often ob served in feeble individuals and in those with some circulatorj disturb- ance. FACTORS IN MAINTAINING THE BODY TEMPERATURE The body temperature represents the balance between heal production and heal loss. The production is effected mainly in the muscles by the oxidative processes which are constantly ensuing there. When the activity of the muscles is abolished by paralyzing the terminations tin- motor nerves with curare, the temperature <>t" warm-blooded animals immediately falls or rises a rding to the temperature "t' the environ- ment. A curarized warm-blooded animal is thus made to behave lil cold-blooded one. Increased muscular activity, on the other hand, promptly raises the body temperature by 1" <>r 2: (•'.. above which, how- ever, a further rise does not occur, provided nothing has been done to interfere with the mechanism by whieh the excess of heat is Lr<»t rid from the body. The temperature in such cases adjusts itself at n higher level, ;it which it remains fairly constant however strenuous th< cise. It is possible that a certain amount of heat may also he generated by the chemical processes occurring in the liver and other viscera, hut when compared with the muscles this source of heat is undoubtedly in- significant. Many of these chemical pr isses, as in the liver, instead of producing actually absorb heat, so that the balance between 1 producing and heat-evolving mechanisms may or may not come out in favor of the liberal ion of heat. The production id' heat goes on all the time in muscles mi account the condition of tonic contraction in which they are held see page SH . and which is also necessary for keeping the joints in the proper deg of flexion or extension. When more heat is required by the animal body, the tone of the muscles increases independently of the function which they may he performing in controlling the position of the joints. -This increased tone may become bo pronounced that it causes visible conti tions, which we recognize as shivering. Whenever the irfsensible hyp tonicity and the shivering are inadequate to produce a sufficient amount of heat, the animal inst inct i\ el\ moves about in order that tl iter contractions may liberate more heat. The heat is produced in the muscles hy oxidation of tin- foodstuffs that have been assimilated from the blood. Even during the p 716 METABOLISM similation itself a certain amount of heat is generated; this is known as the specific dynamic action of the foodstuff, and is most pronounced with protein and least so with carbohydrate (page 538). Advantage may be taken of this heating power of protein to produce more heat when the cooling conditions are excessive; in winter, for example, there is an inclination to take more protein food than during summer, and the per capita consumption of such food is much greater in peoples- living in temperate zones than in those living in the tropics. The ultimate amount of heat produced by oxidation is greatest with fat and least with carbo- hydrate. TFrat loss in man is effected partly through the lungs, hut mainly through the skin. Through the latter pathway heat is lost by the physical processes of heat conduction and radiation and by the evaporation of the sweat. Through the lungs it is lost mainly in the vaporization of the water contained in the expired air (latent heat of vapor). The amount of heat lost from the skin by conduction and radiation depends on the temperature of the skin, which again depends on the rate at which the blood is circulating through the cutaneous vessels. Under ordinary con- ditions of external temperature tAvo or three times as much heat is lost by these methods as by evaporation. The losses by evaporation, under conditions of rest and average external temperature, are about equally divided between the lungs and the skin. From all these facts, it is evident that licat loss occurs mainly l>]i the skin and only to a small degree by the lungs. This means that under average conditions in man the main regulation of heat loss is effected by variations in the sl:in temperature brought about by peripheral vasocon- striction and dilatation. The marked sensitivity of the cutaneous blood supply to changes in the temperature of the environment has been very clearly shown by observations made with the hand calorimeter of Stewart described elsewhere (page 281). When the bloodflow through the hand is examined in a person who has been exposed to the outside aii-. it may be little more than half that which it attains after he has been in a warm room for some time. In the outside air the vessels con- strict to prevent heat loss by conduction and radiation; in the warm room they dilate to facilitate this loss. The afferent impulses which retlexly • •oiitrol the change in the cutaneous blood circulation may be set up by local applications of heat or cold, as can be shown in the hand-calorim eter experiments by applying a cold pad to the skin of Hie correspond- ing forearm, when an immediate curtailment of bloodflow takes place. Or the reflex may be excited from distant skin areas, as illustrated in the curtailment in bloodflow observed when the opposite hand to that <>n which the observation is being made is placed in cold water. The I ONI ROL OP BOD1 l l MP] R \ [M BK AND PEVFJJ 717 magnitude of the change in cutaneous circulation i^ nevertheless depend- enl ii])(ni the extenl of the area of the body thai is opposed to the change in temperature, as seen in tin- dilatation of the skin vessels prior * rise in body temperature wh6n a person is immersed in a warm bath. Although afferenl impulses from the skin are then eat im portance in adjusting the cutaneous blood supply according to the amounl of surface < ling thai has to occur, s further e also ; duced on them by the action on the nerve centers of temperatun ferences in the blood itself. Thus, when the temperature of blood going to the brain is raised by placing the carotid arteries on some heati - vice or when the region of the corpora .striata is directly warmed, the skin vessels 1 ome dilated as if the animal had I o exposed I - eral warmth. When the loss of heal by radiation and conduction is no longer ade quate to prevenl a rise in body temperature, or when the process not operate on account of a high temperature in the environment, th< '"-v of heal from the skin is mainly dependent upon tJn evajn sweat. Under ordinary conditions this evaporation takes place at such a rate that there is no visible perspiration on the surface of the body — the so-called insensible perspiration. When the heal loss by this channel must become greater, the perspiration is produced in larger amount, thai it collects on the surface of the body; and. provided the conditions the environment are such that evaporation can readily take p low- relative humidity . the amount of cooling of the body that can I becomes very great. A man may exist without any marked rise in b< temperature in a very hoi environment even when he is exposed to an side temperature that is the same as thai of 1 y, or even greater. To encourage evaporation, however, he should be naked or very lightly clad, and the air should be kepi in constant motion so that the la\ ait- next to the skin, which ordinarily very quickly become saturated \ vapor, are transferred and repla I by dryer air. Movement of the air also increases the heat loss by conduction, provided the temperature the air is nol too near that of the body. The importance of the movemenl of air in the regulation I -- has been' clearly demonstrated by Leonard Hill. ' P. S Lee, and ol s who have found that a greal part of the discomf ied by living stagnant air can be obviated by putting the air in motion by electri without doing anything to improve its chemical purity. In one fam leriment a number <>f young men were placed in an air-tight cabi at the ordinary temperature of the room. Afl exhibit the symptoms usually attributed to polluted air; they became drowsy and some of them developed headaches, \ small e 718 METABOLISM Can was then started so as to set the air in motion. Immediately all of the men recovered and remained in a perfectly comfortable condition so long as the fan Avas kept going. The practical application of these facts to the hygienic control of the working conditions in mine shafts, in submarines, in workshops, etc., will be self-evident. The stimulus to increased sweating seems to be dependent mainly on changes in the temperalure of the blood; for sweating does not im- mediately set in when the body is subjected to heat, as by a warm bath or a hot pack. It usually takes from ten to twenty minutes after the person has been placed in the bath or surrounded by the warm blankets of the pact before sweating becomes pronounced. It can usually be shown that before it sets in the body temperature has been raised from 0.1 to 0.8 degrees C. (0.2 to 1.4 degrees F.). In this regard, therefore, the response of the sweat glands does not occur so promptly as does the dilatation of the cutaneous vessels. Loss of heat by evaporation of sweat occurs only in certain animals. It is practically absent, for example, in the dog. The degree to which it may occur also varies in different individuals of the same species. The power of withstanding high temperatures is proportional in man to the facility with which he perspires. Where sweating is interfered with by skin diseases, — by ichthyosis, for example, — exposure to heat or in- creased heat production, as by muscular activity, may raise the body temperature to a dangerous degree. Another factor upon which the efficiency of evaporation of sweat in cooling the body depends is the relative humidity of the air. When this is high, evaporation of water into it can not occur, and it is on this account that an increase in body temperature is much more likely to occur in warm, humid atmospheres than in those that are dry. At the same temperature people can live in perfect comfort in the dry air of the open plains, but suffer immediately from rise of temperature when they go into the humid air of the river valleys. Similarly, work in hot fac- tories or in mines is quite possible at very high temperatures if the air is kept dry and in motion, but becomes impossible when the air is moist. In judging of the adequacy of air from this point of view, it is there- fore important to take not the ordinary dry-bulb thermometer reading but that of the wet-bulb.* In animals, like the dog-, that do not perspire over the surface of the body, vaporization of the water in the expired air is the most important method of regulation of heat loss. When such an animal is exposed to *The wet-bulb thermometer registers a temperature that is lower than that of the dry-bulb in proportion to the relative humidity of the air. When the air is completely saturated with moisture. the temperature recorded by the two instruments will be the same; when it is perfectly dry, the difference will be maximal. I ONTROL OP BODV l I MP1 R \'i 'i Bl IND I i \n: 719 warmth or when the region of il orpora striata is artificially warmed, the breathing immediately becomes much quicker and deeper, bo thai pulmonic ventilation is greatly increased and much more water is carried i. ut as vapor with the expired air. To vaporize the water large quanti- ties of heal are required Been in the latenl heal of steam). In man this method is. ordinarily, nol of greal importance, bul it may become when sweating is interfered with, as in ichthyosis. The more rapid breathing also facilitates cooling by increasing the conduction of heal from the mucous membranes of the tongue, mouth, throat, etc. The im- portance of this method of ling has been shown by finding thai after the introduction of a tracheal cannula a dog can nol withstand an in- crease of external temperature nearly so well as a normal animal. There are many other questions concerning the control of heat 1 from the human body thai mighl be considered, but it is - essary to do so here. It should ho added, however, that the relative humidity of the air in the control of heal loss has a different significance when the temperature is high from that when it is low. High relative humidity at high temperatures, as we have seen, interferes with evapora- tion of sweat, whereas high relative humidity at low temperatures in- creases tlio heat-conducting power of the air and therefore tends to c off the surface of the body by greater conduction. It is on this account that it is much more comfortable to live at a low temperature when tho air is dry than when it is moist. On the dry plains of the Wesl a tom- perature of many degrees below zero causes less bi E cold to be perienced than in the moist atmosphere at a considerably higher tem- perature along the Greal Lakes and in the river valleya THE CONTROL OF TEMPERATURE In the case of man the body temperature is very largely under volun- tary control, as by the choice of clothing and the artificial heating of the room. Desirable as this voluntary control of heal loss may be, there can be little doubl thai it is often managed to the detriment of good health. Living in overheated rooms during the cooler months of the year - diminishes the loss of heal from the body thai the tone and heat-produc- ing powers of the muscular system are lowered \ • only does this diminish the resistance to cold, hut it causes the food to be incompletely metabolized bo that it is stored away as fat. The superficial capillaries also l me constricted and the skin bloodless and ••pasty." I- looks alone that suffer, however, hut health as well, for by having little to do the heat-regulating mechanism g< - it wore, oul 720 METABOLISM so thai when it is required to act, as when the person goes outside to the cold air. it may not do so as promptly as it should, with the result ■ that the body temperature falls somewhat and catarrh, etc., are the result. There can be little doubt that much of the benefit of open-air sleeping is owing to the constant stimulation of the metabolic processes which it causes. As will be inferred from what has been said above, the control between heat production and heat loss is effected through a nerve center located in or near the corpora striata. In most animals, when the spinal cord is cut in the cervical region, the body temperature quickly falls unless artifieally maintained. In the case of man, on the other hand, it has usually been observed, after accidental section of the spinal cord in the cervical region, that a rise in temperature occurs. In twent3T-four un- complicated cases of spinal-cord injury in man, collected from the rec- ords of Guy's Hospital by Gardiner and Pembrey, it was found that nineteen showed hyperthermia (sometimes amounting to 43.9° C.), and • inly five, hypothermia (sometimes 27.6° C.). If the patient lived, the ultimate effect of the section, as in the lower animals, would no doubt be the loss of the power of maintaining a constant temperature. The extent to which the animal comes to behave as if cold-blooded after section of the spinal cord varies considerably according to the level of the lesion; if the cord is cut in the upper thoracic region, for example, the regulation against cold, although distinctly less efficient than normal, is far better than when the section is made through the cervical cord. This difference is dependent on the fact that after the loAver lesion much larger muscular groups and skin areas are left intact, so as to make regulation possible. Section of the dorsal cord in mice has been found by Pembrey to abolish entirely the increased metabolism which occurs in normal mice when they are exposed to cold. In the light of these experiments it is probable that the difference in the effects produced on body temperature by section of the cervical spinal cord in man and the lower animals depends on the relative im- portance of the heat-producing and heat-dissipating mechanisms. When the control of heat loss is paralyzed in the smaller animals, the cooling of the body becomes excessive in relation to the amount of heat produced in the paralyzed muscles, because the body surface is extensive in com- parison with tlic body weight (sec page 551). In the Larger animals such as man, on the other hand, the cooling effect is much less marked, espe- cially when, as is common after such an accident, the patient is kept nnusuallv warm. CONTROL OF BOD'S TEMPERATURE AND FEVER 721 FEVER The clinical application of a knowled the mechanism of heal regu- lation in the animal body concerns the causes of fever. In the i familiar form fever is produced by infectious p but it may also be owing to various other causes, among which may 1"- mentioned I parenteral injection of foreign protein, excessive destruction of prot substances in the body itself, the action of certain drugs, and lastly. injury to the base of the brain or lesions of the upper levels of the spinal cord. Various types of fever are recognized: when the temperature re- mains constantly above the normal, it is known as continuous fever: when oscillations occur bu1 the temperature never falls to the normal level, it is known as remittent; when it attains the normal level at cer- tain periods during the day, it is known as intermittent. Causes of Fever During a sudden risi in temperature there is, on the one hand, in- creased heat production in t lie muscles, and on the other, dimin- ished heat loss from the surface of the body. Tht fever is therefore due to an exaggeration of the processes b]i which the body normally re- acts to conditions which tend tolowerthi body temperature. Theincreat muscular activity thus induced often causes visible contractions, familiar as shivering; and the constriction of the cutaneous blood vessels pro- duces t he subjective sensation of chills, and causes the skin to 1 me pale and cold to t lie touch. The skin muscles also contract, producing "goose skin." During this Btage, objective demonstration of the cur- tailment of the skin circulation can be secured by observation of the bloodnow through the hands and feel page 283). When the temperature suddenly falls again, the crisis, as it is called, muscles become flac and produce less heat, and the cutaneous blood vessels dilate, as has been shown by measurements of the bloodflow of the hands and ;• At the same time also, the sweal glands are stimulated and marked ; Bpiral ion occurs. Concerning tin causi oj continuous fever, it most be assumed that I balance between heat production and heat loss has been adjusted at a higher plane than normal. \Y- can m>t explain the fever on th< either thai heat production is permanently increased or that heat is permanently diminished, for in neither of these cases would the tem- perature stand at a permanent level but would steadily rise or fall, ac- cording to which mechanism was disturbed. While this higher plane of fever, the thermogenic nerve'eenters are still capable of re- sponding in the usual way to the influences which cause the body tern- 722 METABOLISM perature to change in a normal person. For example, when a fever pa- tient is subjected to a hot bath so that his body temperature rises about 0.2 to 0.5 degrees C, sweating occurs just as in a normal individual; or if exercise is taken the increased amount of heat thereby produced in the muscles is dissipated in the usual way. When, on the other hand, the patient is exposed to cold, the vessels of the skin contract and he shivers. Although fever is not caused by an actual disturbance of balance be- tween heat production and heat loss, neither of these processes is pro- ceeding at its normal level. That there is a distinct increase in the total heat production of the body in acute fevers in well-developed persons has been shown by means of the respiration calorimeter. This increased heat production is not observed in patients who have been brought into a weakened condition and in whom the muscular tissues have become atrophied by long-continued fever. The increased heat production in continuous fever is mainly dependent upon the increase in body tem- perature and is not one of its causes, as is evident from the fact that far larger quantities of heat are frequently produced in normal individuals as a result of muscular exercise or the taking of large quantities of protein-rich food. The heat thus produced is, however, very quickly dissipated, so that onty a temporary rise in temperature occurs, (cf. Hewlett.57) Similarly, it can be shown that in continuous fever there is a relative inefficiency in the mechanism of heat dissipation. When the temperature of a normal person is artificially raised through about 1° C, a marked increase in cutaneous bloodflow and profuse perspiration are invariably noted. In a patient with fever of the same degree, on the other hand, there is practically no change in the skin circulation; indeed, it is usually diminished, and there is no unusual perspiration. The heat-regulating mechanism is now fixed on a plane that is higher than the normal, so that although further increase in body temperature, as we have seen, calls forth responses like those in a normal individual, yet at the fever temperature itself there are none of the reactions which a normal individ- ual would exhibit if his temperature were artificially raised to that level." The adjustment of the temperature at the higher level is by no means so perfect as it is at the normal level of health, so that a normal subject is more resistant to the effects of cold than is a patient with fever. The degree of response of the fever patient, however, varies considerably from time to time; a cold bath in typhoid fever, for example, lowers the body temperature much less effectively at an early stage in the disease, when the fever is more or less continuous, than later when it is becoming of the intermittent type. In the third week of the disease the cold bath CONTROL OF BOD? TEMPEBATUB1 wi' rivu: 72-°. more readily brings down the temperature :im<1 keeps ii down for a Longer time than during the firsl or Becond week. The mechanism for heal is also tic ranged in fever, which explains the rise in temperature thai likely to follow the performance of even moderate muscular i • or the taking of too hearty a meal in tuberculous and convalescent typhoid patients. Changes in the Body During Fever In seeking Eor the fans.' of fever which is evidently of an obscure nature, it is necessary to colled all the information we can regarding iln- in. 'tain. lie changes thai are then occurring in the animal body. A few of the most significan1 facts thai have so far been collected may be mentioned here. Some of the most important concern the dis- turbance in nitrogenous equilibrium cause.] by th< nsiderable loss of nitrogen which takes place in fever patients when they are fed on the usual hospital did prescribed for such cases. This loss of nitro- gen is no doubt the result of the partial starvation in which the pa- tienl is kept: for it has Keen shown by Shaffer and Coleman88 that patients with typhoid fever may be maintained in nitrogenous equi- librium by feeding them with relatively largo am. units of carbohy- drate, which acts by protecting the protein of the body from disintegra- tion (see page 571). Even with a diel excessively rich in carbohydi that no more than covers the calorie requirements of the patient, nitrog- enous equilibrium has also been attained. The protein minimum to which fever patients .-an be reduced is nevertheless considerably higher than the minimum in normal individuals. From the above results as a whole, it is probably safe to conclude that there is a specific destruction of proU in Lr«>in>_r on in the body during fever. Further evident £ such a destruction is furnished by the presence in the urine of excessive amounts of creatinin, of purine bases, and. it is said, of incompletely hydrolyzed proteins, such as the albumoses pro- teoses.) Moreover, when the fever suddenly terminates in crisis, there Lb a marked increase in the excretion of urea (the epicritical area in- Be), which indicates that an extensive deamination of protein build- ing ston.s amino acids is occurring. The so-called "diazo react: obtained in the urine during the fever is also believed to depend on the present f abnormal protein-disintegration produ As t.» the specific cause of the increased protein disintegration, little is known. Several factors may operate: 1 the partial starvation patient, entailing an b tkdown of protein 10 meet the caloric requirements; 2 the high temperature, which in itself may stimul increased protein metabolism, for it has been shown that, when normal 724 METABOLISM animals are artificially warmed, protein metabolism becomes increased; and (3) toxic protein-decomposition products specifically causing an ex- cessive breakdown of protein. Although there is increased protein breakdown during fever, it must not be forgotten that only about 20 per cent of the total expenditure of the body is derived from this foodstuff, 80 per cent coming from non- nitrogenous material, which must be fat, because the available carbo- hydrates are used up at an early stage. Since the general metabolism is increased, the excessive breakdown of the fatty substances, occurring as it does in the presence of a diminished combustion of carbohydrates, interferes with the proper oxidation of the fatty-acid molecules and leads to the appearance of so-called acidosis products in the urine, and consequently to a relative increase in the urinary ammonia (page G16). A tendency to acidosis therefore exists. The acidosis may reach a considerable degree of severity and cause the tension of carbon dioxide in the alveolar air to become diminished. Since a similar degree of acidosis may be produced in partially starved ani- mals by overheating them with moist air, but not so if the animals are liberally fed with carbohydrates, it is probably safe to conclude that abundance of carboh37djate is advisable in the food that is furnished to fever patients. Another interesting metabolic change in fever concerns the salt bal- ance. This is studied by observing the amount of sodium chloride excreted by the urine. As is well known, this becomes markedly diminished until the crisis of the fever, when it suddenly increases. Salt retention is more marked in certain types of fever than in others, and it is essentially dif- ferent in nature from the salt retention that has been observed to occur in nephritis. This difference has been brought to light by examination of the chloride content of the blood. In nephritis, the concentration of chlorides in the blood is considerably increased, whereas in fever it is markedly diminished. The deficiency in salt elimination can not be at- tributed to a deficiency of salt in the food, for it sets in before the did has been curtailed and, when salt is given to a febrile patient, it is re- tained in the body to a greater degree than is the case in the normal individual. For some reason the tissues in fever have acquired the property of retaining large quantities of salt. Attempts to study the water balance during fever have frequently been made, but the technical difficulties of such investigations make the re- sults uncertain and of little value. That some retention of water occurs • luring fever is, however, evidenced by the dilution of the blood. At the crisis this hydremia quickly disappears at the same time as the increased CONTROL OF BOD1 TEMPEBATUR1 \m« PEVEB >-■> elimination of chlorides is going on. Chlorides and water would th< fore seem to behave in a similar fashion during fever. The Heat-regulating Center In all discussions on the regulation of body temperature and the causes of fever, it is assumed that a I igulating or thermogenic center exists somewhere in the brain. It is believed to b< about the optic thalami or corpora striata, for it lias been found in rabbits that destruction of the brain anterior to this region does cause any change in body temperature, whereas destruction behind it is followed by an entire upset in the heat-regulating mechanism. Fur- thermore, artificial puncture of this part of the brain causes marked elevation in body temperature in rabbits (heat puncture). Most in- teresting experiments have been recorded by Barbour,58 who - eded in applying boat or cold locally in the region of the centers. By the application of cold, increased muscular metabolism, on t lie one hand, and diminished heat loss, on the other, were excited; and conversely, when warmth was applied, an increased heat loss and a diminished I production were observed. Irritation of this region of the brain in man. as after cerebral hemorrhage, is also accompanied by remarkable dis- turbances in heat regulation. Tt is believed by many that the essential cause of infectious fever is an action on these centers by toxic substai which develop in the blood. The centers may also be acted on by various drugs, some of which excite them to increase the body temperature, others, to lower the tem- perature when this has already been elevated. When solutions of sodium chloride are injected intravenously or subcutaneously or even sometu particularly in children, when administered by month, more or may result. This must be a s| itie action of the Na ion, for, if of pun solutions o \ CI. solutions containing calcium and potassium salts as well as tho sodium are injected, no fever is induced. This fact, taken along with the close similarity between puncture dial ■ and heal puncture, lends support to the view thai in its initial experimental fever of this type is the result of an excessive breakdown of glycogen in the liver. It must not be imagined, ho . that | cut fever can be attributed to such a cause, sin.- er remaii the glycogen has all been removed. Other chemical substanci duc- ing fever are caffeine, certain Other purines, and particularly tetra-hy naphthylamin. Belonging to this group of fevers musl he im- portant ones produced by the intravenous injection D - protein, as 1 rom th< 726 METABOLISM teria or from the laked corpuscles of a foreign blood. The fever in those cases is no doubt caused by a mechanism closely related to that responsible for anaphylaxis (see page 89). Such injections do not pro- duce fever in animals after division of the cervical spinal cord or ex- cision of the midbrain. It is believed that many cases of so-called asep- tic fever, occurring after severe contusions or other wounds, may be the result of destruction of proteins within the body. Similarly the rise in temperature during infections may be owing to the breakdown protein of the microorganism in the cells. Significance of Fever in the Organism It is impossible at present to state definitely whether fever is a re- action of the organism against some infection and therefore of benefit in assisting the organism to combat it, or whether it is in itself an un- favorable condition. The question can certainly not be answered by observing the behavior of bacteria growing at different temperatures in various media outside the body. That certain bacteria should be found not to thrive at incubator temperatures equal to those found in the body during fever, does not at all prove that this fever is of sig- nificance as a means of combating the growth of the bacteria in the body. It is undoubted that, where the body temperature becomes ex- cessively high, the correct treatment is to keep it down as much as possible. On the other hand, the reduced mortality that has followed the introduction of the cold-bath treatment in typhoid fever may not be due so much to the reduction in body temperature itself as to the favorable effect produced on the nervous system and circulation. We certainly know that in normal animals moderate degrees of hyper- pyrexia produced by exposure to moist heat are well borne for consider- able periods of time, thus indicating that it is the infection and not the hyperthermia that causes the serious damage to the body in infectious fevers. METABOLISM REFERENCES (Monographs and Original Papers) iLusk, Graham: The Elements of the Science of Nutrition, W. B. Saunders Co., eil. 3, 1917. -Cat heart, E. P.: The Physiology of Protein Metabolism, Monographs on Bio- chemistry, Longmans, Green &. Co., 1912. •''Taylor, A. E.: Digestion and Metabolism, Lea & Febiger, New York, 1912. lUnderhill, F. P. : The Physiology of the Amino Acids, Yale Press, New Haven, 1915. •'•Macleod, J. J. "R.: Diabetes, Its Pathological Physiology, E. Arnold. 1913. saFiirth, von: The Problems of Physiological and Pathological Chemistry, etc., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1916. sbJones. AV.: Nucleic Acids, Monographs in Biochemistry, Longmans, Green & Co., 1914. ccMendel, Lafayette B. : Eigcbnisse dcr Physiologic, 1911. CONTROL OF BOD'S TEMPEBATUBE AND FEVER 727 ^Leathes, J. !'».: The Fats, Monographs in Biochemistry, Longmans, Green A I . A. I1.: Physiological Chemistry, Win. W 1 A Co., 1917. s'Dakin, If. K.: Oxidations and Redactions in the Animal Body, Monographs in I chemistry, Longmans, Green & Co., 1912. 5gLeathes, J. I:.: Problems in Animal Metabolism, P." flDu Bois, E. F., and collaborators: Clinical Chemistry, Papers I Lrch. Int. M L915 1 7, xvi-.xix. I'.onedict, F. G. : Am. Jour. PhysioL, 1916, xli, 275 and -92. 'Mendel, Lafayette B.: Harvey Lecture, J. B. Lippincotl Co., 1914-1915, p. 101. '■'McColIum, E. V., ami collaborators: Numerous papers in Jour. Biol, f'hem., bc- ginning 1913. Hopkins, P. Gowland, and Willcock, E. G.: Jour. Physiol., 1906, xxxv, 88. "Baylies, W. M.: The Physiology of Pood and Economy in Diet, Longman-. & Co., 1917. "McColIum, E. V.: Harvey Lecture, Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1917. i Bweet, J. E., Carson-White, E. P., and Baxon, G. J.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1913, xv, 181: ibid., 1915, xxi, .. i*Stepp, W.: Biochfin. Ztschr., 190!), xxii, 4 ."2. 'Punk, Casimir: Ergebnisse der I'hysiologie, 1915. i«McKillop, M.: Food Values: What Tiny Are and How to Calculate Them. Rutledge. McCoy, D. Major: The Protein Element in Nutrition, E. Arnold, London, 1912. "Pembrey, ML B.: Chemistry of Respiration, in Schafer's Text Book of Physiol | 1898, i. isAllen, F. P.: Glycosuria and Diabetes, Boston, 1913. •'•'Joslin: Diab' -"Woodyatt, R. T., Sansum, W. D., and Wilder, EL M.: Jour. Am. Med. Assn., I lxv, 2067. Also Taylor, A. E., and Hulton, F.: Jour. Biol. Chem.. 1916. v 173. acleod, J. J. B., and Fulk, M. E.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1917, xlii, 193. "Hamman. L., and Hirachbaum: Arch. Int. Med., 1917, xx, 761-788. -3Cannon, W. B.: Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage, B. Appleton & Co., 1915. 'Knowlton, F. I'., and Starling, E. II.: Jour. Physiol., 1912, xlv, 146. Patterson, S. W., and Starling, E. II.: Jour. Physiol., 1913, xlvii, 135; also Cruiek- shank and Patterson: Ibid., p. 113. la.leod, J. J. R.: Glycolysis, Jour. Biol. Chem, 1913, xv, 497. lurlin, J. P.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1913, xvi, 79. asCruiekshank: Jour. Phvsiol., 1913, xlvii, 1. •Macleod, J. J. R., and Pearee, K. G.: ZentralbL f. Phvsiol., 1913, xx\i, 1311. "Woodyatt, R. T.: Jour. Am. Mod. Assn., 1916, lxvi, 1 31 Van Slyke, D. D.: The Presenl Significance of the Amino Acids in Physiologv and Pathology, Harvey L , J. B. Lippincott A Co., 1915-1916, p. 146. Also papers in Jour. Biol. Chem., 1911, ix, 185; xii, 27.": ibid., 1912, xii, 301 and 399: ibid., 1913, xiii, 121, 125 an I L87. a^Folin, O., and Denis, \\\: Jour. Biol. Chem.. \i, ^7 :in,i \>y.\ ■ ibid., 1912, xii. 11 and 253. Abel, J. J.: The Mellon Lecture, Science, 1915, xlii, 135. 'Hewlett, \. w., Gilbert, L. 0., Wickett, A. D.: Arch. in*. Med., 1916, xviii, 636. 1. . .L 1;.. and Van Slyke, D. D.: Jour. Med. \-n., 1917, cliii, 94. ■•Shaffer, P. A.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1908, xxviii, 1. "Catheart, L. P.: dour. Physiol., 1007. txxv, 500. ttiyera and Pine: Jour. BioL Chem., 1913, xiv, 9. >Lev< ne, P. L: Cf. W. Jon. *oJones, w.: Nucleic A da, " 1 raphs on Biochemistry, Longmans Co.. 1914. 'i:. aediot, s. p.: Harvey L. . ture, L91fi "Hunter, L, and Givens, M, IL: Jour. Biol Chem,, 1914, xviii, I MBurian, P.. and Schur, H.: Cf. Macleod in Becenl Advances In Phys chemistry, ed. by Leonard Hill, K. Arnold, London. "Mendel Lafayette B., and Lyman, J. P.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1910, viii, lit ■It. \. 1 .'and BoSC, W. • ir. Pool. Chem . Hopkins. P. G . and Hope, w. B.: Jour. Physiol., 1- 728 METABOLISM wAscoli, M., and Izar, G.: Ztsclir. f. Phvsiol. Chem., 1909, lviii, 529; ibid., 1911, lxiii, 319. isMcClure, C. W., Vincent, P.., and Pratt, .1. H.: Am. Jonr. Physiol., 1916, xlii, 596. 4oBloor, W. E.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1912, xi, 429; ibid., 1913, xv, 105; ibid., 1914, xvi, 517; ibid., 1912, xi, 141; ibid., 1915, xxi, 421; ibid., 1914, xix, 1; ibid., 1915, xxiii, 317; ibid., 1914, xvii, 317; ibid, 1915, xxii, 133. Also Bloor and Knudson: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1916, xxvii, 107; ibid., 1916, xxiv, 447; Bloor, Joslin and Horner: Ibid., 1916, xxvi, 417; ibid., 1916, xxv, 577. •^Lcathes, J. B.: The Fats, Monographs on Biochemistry, Longmans, Green & Co. siCoope, E., and Mottram, V. H.: Jour. Physiol., 1914, xlix, 23; ibid., 191."). xlix, 1 r, 7 . 52Eaper, H. S.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1913, xiv, 117. ••Rmedley, I. D. : Proe. Phys. Soc, Jour. Physiol., 1912, xlv, 2"). •"•■*Hill, Leonard: Address to the Phys. Sec. Brit. Assn. for the Adv. of Sci., Section, J, 1912. "-■Shaffer, P. A., and Coleman, W.: Arch. Int. Med., 1909, iv, 538. ^Barbour, H. G.: Arch f. Exper.'Path. u. Pharmac, 1912, lxx, 1. Also Barbour and Wing, S. S. : Jour. Pharmac. and Exper. Therap., 1913, v, 105. -'^Hewlett, A. W.: Monographic Medicine, D. Appleton & Co., 1917, i. PART VIII THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS CHAPTEB I. XXXI THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS In order that the various activities of the animal organism may act efficiently as a whole, it is necessary that those of one part be correlated with those of another. This correlation of function is mediated either through the nervous system or through the action on one part of the body of substances produced in another part and carried between them by the blood. Control through the nervous system is especially developed for those functions which have to be brought promptly into play, such as muscular movemenl and the other physiological processes concerned in the adjustment of the organism to quickly changing conditions of its environ- ment. ( lontrol through the blood is the mechanism by which the metabolic activities of different organs are mainly correlated. The chemical sub- sf.ii s involved are often called internal secretions. Some of these internal secretions are merely by-products of metabolism, and are only incidentally used Eor the purpose of bringing about control between different parts of the body. To this group belong carbon dioxide, which may act on the respiratory and other nerve centers, and urea, which may stimulate increased activity of the kidneys. Indeed, the list of sub- Stances included under such a definition of internal secretions is air illimitable, ami to designate by the special name of hormone every con- stituent thai can affect physiological functions, as Borne have done, can only to confusion. The internal 'ions with which we are mort directly concerned are those that are specially produced for the purp of controlling the metabolic functions. They ate given the general name of ant; ids ES. A. Schafer).60 Autacoids may be either the - lucl of some special gland or a secondary product of glands which have o* functions. To the former class belong the autacoids produced by the para- thyroid, thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands, and to the latl produced by the pancreas and generative glands; Autacoids have further been subdivided by S r into two • 729 730 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS according to "whether they excite metabolic processes or depress them. Examples of excitatory autacoids, also designated as hormones, are the epinephrine produced by the adrenal glands, "which excites the termina- tions of the sympathetic nervous system, and pituitrin produced by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which excites plain muscular fiber. Inhibiting autacoids, also called chalones, are not so commonly known, but are illustrated by the substance contained in extract of the placenta, which tends to prevent the secretion of milk. Autacoids may have either an immediate or a delayed action; the effect which they produce may be like that with which we are familiar as the result of stimulation of the nerve supply of a gland, being illustrated again by the effect of epinephrine, or they may act so slowly that it is only after a considerable period of time during which they have been in the organism in excess, that any apparent effect is produced. The slowly acting autacoids have been called morphogenetic, and they are well illustrated in the internal secretions of the anterior lobe of the pituitary and of the generative glands — secretions which affect growth. Regarding the chemical nature of autacoids, certain facts stand out prominently. Being very largely the products of glands, it might be imagined that they would be enzymic in nature, for enzymes are now known to be the most important active agents in bioplasm as well as the active agents in many of the external secretions, like those of the sali- vary, gastric and intestinal glands. Autacoids, however, are not enzymes. They are far simpler in chemical structure, and are not destroyed by heat in the presence of water. They are represented by a comparatively small molecule, and are therefore dialyzable. This latter fact justifies the hope that it may be possible to prepare them or their simpler salts in crystalline form — a hope which has already been realized in the case of at least one of them — epinephrine. Great progress has likewise been made in isolating the active principles of the thyroid and of; the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary glands. To sum up, then, we may say that an autacoid is a specific organic substance, formed by the cells of one organ and secreted into the circulating fluid, which carries it to other organs, upon which it produces effects similar to those of drugs. Methods of Investigation To investigate the function of an autacoid, careful studies are made of the effects produced (1) by excision of the gland which furnishes the autacoid and (2) by administering intravenously or subcutaneously or orally extracts prepared from the gland. Frequently, also light is thrown on the function of the autacoid by observing the effect which fol- lows prolonged feeding with the endocrine organ that manufactures it Tin: ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OB DUCTLESS GLANDE and by observing the pathological changes in tin- various endocrine orgj In diseased conditions. Embryological and histological studies are i the greatest importance. A difficulty in investigatit *ion of an endocrine organ lies in the fad that the secretion of no one gland acts independently of those from other glands. < »n the contrary, there is undoubtedly a close association of function, v., that we can not tell whether a change of function observed after removal of some gland administration of some extract is a direct consequence of the experi- mental procedure, or is induce. 1 by some secondary - eloped on another endocrine organ. It will no doubt take many years hefore suf- ficient data have been collected to enable us definitely tate what the particular function of each endocrine organ may be. Since most pi has been made in connection with the adrenal gland, it will be advan- tageous to consider the functions of this gland first. ADRENAL GLAND In mammals the adrenal gland is composed of two parts, th< x and the medulla. In other groups of animals however, these two are more or 3 separate, being completely so in fishes. This not infrequent separa- tion of cortex and medulla suggests a different function for the I structures. Experimental investigation supports this view. The Cortex The cortex on microscopic examination is Been to be composed of rows of epithelial cells arranged more or less in columns except at the periphery, where they form glomerular mass< 3, and next the medulla, where they assume a reticular formation. The cells of the greater part of the cortex, unlike those of the medulla, contain no granules with special Btaining qualities, but they do contain particles which are be- lieved t<> be composed of cholesterol esters and lecithin. In the cells the reticular portion of the cortex, however, pigment part re not infrequently observed. The blood supply of the cortex is not relative]-, a rich as that of the medulla, being represented by fine arterioles which run inwards from the capsule towards the medulla in the connective ' - Nile that lies between tli Jumna of cortical cells. N es similarly penetrate into the cortex, some supplying its blood, vessels and cell columns, but most mi* them pro ling to the medulla. Th<\\ are der from ,i network of nerve fibers in the capsule of the organ, and the ni supply of this network comes partly from the suprarenal plexus, and partly from the splanchnic nerve. Embryologically ihe cortex is veloped from the cells of the genital ridge, thai is, from mesodermic cells. 732 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS Very little is known concerning the function of the adrenal cortex, although there is little doubt that it is elosely related with the develop- ment of the sexual organs. The evidence for this is as follows: (1) in cases of sexual precocity it is found that the adrenal cortex is much hypertrophied ; (2) it becomes hypertrophied during pregnancy; (3) it is ill developed in sexual deficiency; (4) changes occur in it during the estrnal cycle in many animals; (5) after castration it is said to be hyper- trophied; (6) the innermost portion of the cortex,- sometimes called the boundary zone, is much hypertrophied in the human fetus, but this hyper- trophy entirely disappears after the first year of extrauterine life. The other functions of the cortex are not as yet known, but there is very strong evidence that they are of great importance to the welfare of the animal. It has been suggested that the passage of blood through the cortex before reaching the medulla indicates that some change which is preparatory to the main change occurring in the medulla takes place in the blood while it is in the cortex. This view is partly substantiated by the observation that when an excised portion of cortex is incubated at body temperature, a substance develops in it which has an action like that of the hormone of the medulla — epinephrine. It is possible, however, that this action is due to the fact that certain of the decomposition products of protein develop an epinephrine-like action (see page 502). The Medulla Histologically the medulla is composed of masses of polygonal cells with blood sinuses between them. The blood supply is derived from ves- sels that have proceeded to the medulla through the capsule, and it is extremely rich, being indeed the richest blood supply to any organ in the body, greater even than that to the thyroid gland. The nerves form a dense plexus, extending into and between the secretory cells. The most characteristic feature of the cells composing the medulla is the presence in them of granules which stain readily Avith chromic acid, and are hence often called chromaffin cells. There are also some cells containing coarser grannies that are soluble in water and do not stain with chrome salts. Embryologically the medulla is developed from the same neuroblastic cells that give rise to the sympathetic nervous system. This evidence of the close association between the medulla and the sympathetic nervous system, we shall see to be substantiated by the results of experimental investigation. On account of the anatomic relationships, it is impossible to study the effect of excision of the cortex and medulla separately, or, indeed, of the action of pure extracts prepared from either of these portions of the THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OB DU< rLESS OLAND gland. Our investigations must concern the effecl of removal of the whole gland or of the injection of extracts of it, and as we proc 1 to examine the data, it will become evidenl that most of tl ob- served to occui a-, a resnll of injection of extracts of the gland, can be attributed to the medulla. The fatal effects of complete extirpation, on thr other band, are prohably due to removal of the centi Adrenalectomy Excision of the adrenal gland in most animals is very quickly fatal, the only well-known exception being in the case of the white rat, in which excision of both adrenals may uo1 be incompatible with life. For some time after recovery from the anesthetic the animal upon which double adrenalectomy lias been performed usually behaves in a perfectly non fashion, although it may be less lively and less inclined 1" feed than usual. Very soon, however, generally within twenty-four or forty- eight hours, definite symptoms of muscular weakness are apparent. This weakness soon becomes extreme, and is accompanied by a feeble ]>i, a depression of body temperature, and, later, by dyspnea. After an interval which is never longer than a few days, death supervenes, being sometimes preceded by convulsions. When only one adrenal is removed, very few animals succumb: and if BOme time is allowed to elapse so that the immediate shock of the operation has disappeared, it will usually be found that removal of the remaining adrenal, although ultimately fatal, is not so quickly so as when Imih glands are removed at one operation. The reason for this result is that opportunity is given \<>v a compensatory hypertrophy of accessory adrenal bodies to occur. Such acc< ry adrenal bodies may l.e composed of cortical or medullary tissue, and there is a growing belief that th trtical tissue is the more important. Chromaffin tissue is found in most animals along the front of the aorta, between th • renal arteries, where it can usually be recognized by Btaining the tissue with chromic acid. Sometimes accessory chromaffin tissue is located in distant parts, as in the epididymis Of the rat. for example. It is Baid that life can be maintained if one-eighth of the total amount of the adrenal subsl present in the body. Attempts to prolong lib adrenalectomy by adrenal transplantation have almost invariably met with negative results, because the grafl under rapid process of necrosis and dis- appears; although it is said that transplantation may sometiim cessfiilly accomplished if the grafting is done into the kidney. Adminis- tration of suprarenal extract is also without definit< adrenalectomy. 734 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS Suprarenal Extracts — Preparation Injection, particularly intravenous, of extract of the adrenal gland has furnished us with most of the evidence upon which our knowledge regarding the function of this organ depends. Such an extract is best made by grinding the entire gland with fine sand in a mortar and then extracting with a weak' (decinormal) solution of hydrochloric acid. The extract may then he boiled, filtered through muslin and nearly neutral- ized, preferably by means of sodium acetate. If kept in this acid reac- tion, the active principle of the extract does not materially deteriorate with time, but if it he neutralized or considerably diluted, destruction due to oxidation occurs, as evidenced by a distinct browning of the solution. The active principle of such extracts has keen isolated in a crystalline form (Takamine and Abel). It has been given various names (adrenalin, suprarenin, adrenin, etc.), but the tendency is definitely towards the use of epinephrine. Chemically, epinephrine has been found to be orthodioxyphenylethylolmethylamine. HO IIO<^ \ -*CH(OH) - CH2NHCH3. It will be noted that it is closely related to tyrosine (see page 604). It is also closely related to a group of substances (amines) occurring in putrid meat and to which the active principles of ergot belong. It contains an asymmetric carbon atom (asterisked in formula), which indicates that there must be three varieties of epinephrine, differing from one another in the effect which they produce on the plane of polarized light (i.e., a dextro- and a levo-rotatory and a racemic form). Epinephrine can be prepared by synthetic means, the first product of this synthesis being the racemic salt, which can then be split by appro- priate methods into dextro- and levo- varieties. The levo- variety ap- pears to be identical in its pharmacological action with the natural product. The dextro- variety on the other hand has only poorly developed physio- logic activities (about seven per cent that of the levo- variety), while the racemic variety comes in between the two in its action. A valuable assay of the amount of epinephrine in tissue extracts can be made by the method of Cannon, Folin and Denis,62 in which an acid extract of the gland is treated with phosphotungstic acid, and the blue color thereby developed compared colorimetrically with a standard blue. Physiological Action The physiological effects of the intravenous injection of epinephrine are markedly excitatory and slightly inhibitory in nature. We will consider THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OB DUCTLESS GLANDS the excitatory action first, [mmediately after the intravenous injection of as small an ;i mount as 0 noons milligrams per kilogram of body weight, a distincl rise in arterial hi I pressure may I"- observed. When the pise is distinct, it is accompanied by a Blowing of the pulse. This Blow- ing is caused l>.\ stimulation of the vagus center, as is evidenced by the Fad thai it* the vagus nerves are eut, or sufficienl atropine administered to paralyze them, the Bame dose of epinephrine produces not a Blowing hut a quickening of the pulse, and consequently a much greater rise in blood pressure. The vagus action is developed not because of an effecl of epinephrine <>n the \a'_rus center, bul secondarily because of the rise in blood pressure. These preliminary experiments indicate that the locus of action epinephrine, so far as the circulatory system is concerned, is mainly on the small blood vessels, constricting them and thus raising the peripheral resistance. This conclusion can readily ho confirmed by applying the epinephrine directly to the blood vessels of the exposed mesentery, or by enclosing a vascular organ such as the kidney in a plethysmograph during the injection of epinephrine, when a greal diminution in volume. accompanying the rise of arterial hi 1 pressure, will be obs< i. Tim vasoconstricting effect of epinephrine dees not become developed on the Large blood vessels near the hear! on account of t ho deficiency in muscu- lar tissue in their vails. Indeed, these vessels may hecome passively dilated because of the increased hlood pressure. The arterioles of dif- ferent parts <>f the circulation are not equally sensitive to epinephrine; those of the splanchnic area are mosl sensitive, ,wh< those of the heart the coronary vessels do not respond at all in most animals page 257). The pulmonary and cerebral \essels have a variable reactivity to epinephrine. The effect on the vessels persists after complete destruction, not only of the central nervous system, hut also of the vasomotor nerves; epi- nephrine still ads, for example, on vessels the nerve fibers of which have been allowed to degenerate by cutting them several days before the epinephrine is applied. This would seem to indicate that the epinephrine acts directly on the muscular tissue in the walls of the hlood \ hut this does not appear to he the for it has been found that epi- nephrine is incapable of acting on t a bich are devoid of sympathi nerve fibers, and is also inactive on those • u the embryo which 1. not yet received any nerve supply. In brief, then, although epinephrine acts only on blood vessels that an- supplied by the Bympatheti( system, it is not on the nerve fibers that the epinephrine unfolds its action. We shall see immediately that this conclusion is in conformity 736 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS with the results of observations made on structures other than t he blood \cssels. Other muscular structures excited by epinephrine are as follows: (1) the dilator muscle of the pupils, especially after the nerve supply has been destroyed by extirpation of the superior cervical ganglion; (2) the sphincters of the pylorus and of the ileocecal valve; (3) the muscle fibers of the spleen, the vagina, the uterus, the vas deferens, and the retractor penis. Regarding the action on the uterus, however, it should be noted that a different response may be obtained according to whether the uterus is pregnant or not. The plain muscles of the orbit and globe of the eye are sometimes excited by suprarenal extract, causing the eyes to protrude, the palpebral fissure to become large and the third eyelid to be retracted, changes which are very like those which develop as a result of fright. Inhibitory effects of epinephrine on muscle are exhibited by the follow- ing: (1) the muscle of the intestine; (2) the stomach; (3) the esophagus; (4) the gall and urinary bladders. The effect of epinephrine in inhibiting the rhythmic contractions of an isolated portion of the intestine in oxygenated Ringer's solution is a very striking phenomenon, and one which, as we shall see, may be very successfully employed for detecting small quantities of epinephrine. The effects of epinephrine on glandular structures are the same as those which would be produced by stimulation of the sympathetic nerve supply of the gland. Thus, the secretions of the lachrymal gland, the salivary gland (in the cat), the mucous glands of the mouth and pharynx, the gastric but not the pancreatic glands, can readily be shown to be excited. From these results as a whole, it is evident that the effect of epineph- rine on muscles and glands is exactly the same as that which would be produced by stimulation of their sympathetic nerve supply. This paral- lelism of action between epinephrine and the sympathetic nervous sys- tem becomes still more evident when we consider certain of the changes in metabolism that follow administration of epinephrine. Injection of epinephrine excites glycogenolysis in the liver so that hyperglycemia and glycosuria become established, results which are also obtained by stimulating the great splanchnic nerve. Intravenous injection of epineph- rine causes the clotting time of the blood discharged from the liver to be very materially shortened, an effect also produced by stimulating the splanchnic nen e As in the case of the blood vessels, the above results are obtained even after the sympathetic nerves to the part have been allowed to undergo degeneration, from which it is concluded that the tissues elaborate some THE ENDdCBINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS OLA 7-17 substance which reacts with epinephrine. This substance may be ; duced either al the junction between the nerve and muscle the myo- aeural junction, or perhaps throug] i the protoplasm itself. It is failed the receptor substance of Langley, and is believed to read not only with epinephrine, bul also with various drugs. The receptor bud- stance seems to increase, it' no1 in amount, ;it leasl in sensitivity the removal of t he nerve control. Ergotoxin, which is an amine obtained from ergol and also from <■■ tain of the products of histidine, lias an action on the receptor substance which is inhibitory and therefore antagonistic to thai of epinephrine. The antagonistic action of ergotoxin affects the excitatory bul not the inhibitory actions of epinephrine. By using this drug we are en- abled to show that, although the main effect of epinephrine on tissue is excitatory, a less marked inhibitory influence may be simultaneously developed. The inhibitory effed may also sometimes be evoked by doses of epinephrine very much smaller than ihose used to produce excitatory effects. These facts are well illustrated in the case of tho muscle fiber of the blood vessels. With an ordinary dose of epinephrine constriction occurs; after ergotoxin the same dose of epinephri ises dilatation. Or this latter result may also be obtained by administer- ing to a normal animal quantities of epinephrine that are very much smaller than the usual quantity. The coexistent E inhibitory and citatory influence is also well noted in the case of the uterus. In some animals the effect of epinephrine on this organ is to augment its rhythmic contractions, in others lo inhibit them. In the former case, however, if ergotoxin is first of all administered, epinephrine in its usual d< will invariably produce an inhibitory effect. The ergotoxin no doubt acts on the receptor substance, and similar effects have also been produced with apocodeine. Although ii is especially on plain muscular fiber having a sympathetic nerve supply that epinephrine unfolds its action, yet, accordii Can- non, it increases the contracting power of voluntary muscle and dimin- ishes the tendency to fatigue.* •For further details of th< s the pa CHAPTER LXXXIl THE ADRENAL GLANDS (Cont'd) Variations in Physiological Activity Since it is clearly established that the adrenal glands are indispensable to life and that extracts of them have very pronounced physiological ac- tions, it remains to consider whether the glands produce this internal secre- tion within the body, and if so, whether it is essential for the well-being of the animal or is required only under certain conditions. "We must also endeavor to find out upon which of the bodily functions of the intact animal the internal secretion acts. These problems have been attacked by three methods of investigation: (1) by comparing the epinephrine content of similarly prepared extracts of the resting gland and of one removed after a period of supposed increased activity; (2) by collecting the blood as it flows into the vena cava from the adrenal vein and ex- amining it for epinephrine by physiological tests. These consist in observ- ing the behavior of some tissue that is sensitive to the action of epineph- rine, such as the intestine or uterus, after applying the blood or serum to it, or by injecting the blood or serum intravenously into another ani- mal and looking for epinephrine effects; and (3) by allowing the blood of the adrenal vein to be discharged under certain conditions through the vena cava into the blood vessels of the same animal, and observing the effect produced on certain physiological processes which in one way or another have been sensitized toward the influence of epinephrine. This autoinjection method has recently been used successfully by Stew- art and Rogoff,66 their favorite structure upon which to observe the epinephrine effect being the denervated pupil. Assaying the Epinephrine Content of the Gland With regard to the first mentioned of the methods, either chemical or physiological means may be employed to assay the strength of the ex- tracts. The best chemical method is that of Cannon, Folin and Denis,0- the , principle of which has already been described. The physiologic method yielding most satisfactory results is that of Elliott,67 which con- sists in injecting a portion of the extract intravenously into animals from which the influence of the nerve centers on the heart and blood vessels has been removed by decapitation. The rise in arterial blood 738 i ill \hi;i N \l. GLAN pressure produced by the injection is then ;i very fair measure of the amount of epinephrine contai ! in it. It lias been shown that the re- suits obtained by the chemical method agree very closely with those obtau by the physiological, bul it should be remarked thai it is difficult to Bee how the physiological method could be accurate in all cases, sine- it has been shown that with greal dilution of epinephrine a reversed effed a vj dilatation- may be obtained. Attempts to assay the strength of an epinephrine solution by investigating the effects which it produe other preparations, Buch as isolated loops of intestine or uterus, or the enucleated eyeball of the frog, arc not always successful, sim effects are no1 alone dependenl on the concentration of epinephrine in the extract. When such preparations are used for quantitative purpos the strength of the extract may be judged by finding tl stent to which it can be diluted and still remain active. Quite apart from the foregoing possible sources of error, it musl be remembered that the results merely give us an idea of how much epineph- rine may have been contained in the gland at the limo of its excision. They can not tell us how much epinephrine the gland was secreting. Prior to excision as much of this hormone mighl have been undergoing a proc< ss of manufacture in the gland as was being discharged from it, so thai the yed amount would represenl merely the balance of production and loss of hormone by the gland. We mighl quite well find that the amount of epinephrine in the excised gland was normal under conditions wl there had been an excessive discharge of it into the blood; that is to say. - and production mighl have been equal. Where, however, a marl deficiency is found to exist, it probably indicates that exhaustion of the power of producing epinephrine was taking place. The Epinephrine Content of the Blood. The second method, in which blood from one animal is tested for its epinephrine effed by intravenous injection into another animal or by applying it to some isolated prepara- tion on which epinephrine ads. has yielded important results. Since serum contains all the epinephrine of blood, it can be conveniently used for the tests Stewart and Rogoff). The isolated physiological prepara- tions that have been used in testing for epinephrine in the animal fluids are as follow B: 1. .1 segment of the small intestim of a rabbit, suspended in oxj -• ated Locke's solution at body temperatu 2. .1 segment of the uterus of a nonpregnant rabbit similarly prepaid The apparatus used for observing the contractions of either prepara- tion consists of a small glass chamber furnished below with a hook to which one end of the segmenl is attached, the other end bej 740 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS to a muscle lever, so thai the regular rhythmic contractions can be regis- tered on a drum (Fig. 190). Epinephrine inhibits the contractions of the intosline but stimulates those of the uterus of most animals, the intestine preparation being the more sensitive (Pig. 191). Indeed, it is said that the inhibition in this case may be obtained with a solution containing 1 part of epinephrine in 20.000,000 of solution. In using this method, however, great care and judgment must be exercised in drawing conclusions, because other sub- stances present in the blood are liable to affect the contractions; thus, Air. vent Fig. 190. — Arrangement of apparatus for recording contractions of a uterine strip, intestinal strip, or ring, etc. The metal water-bath is made of a cheap metal water-pail with a heating rod soldered through the side at the bottom. A short metal tube is soldered into a 1-inch opening in the bottom to receive a perforated cork for connecting with the Harvard muscle-warmer inside. (From Jackson.) certain substances in blood serum which have been produced by the act of blood clotting may cause augmentation of the beat in both the intes- tinal and the uterine preparations. A certain amount of epinephrine in Locke's solution is consequently more likely to cause inhibition of the intestine than a similar amount added to blood serum, because in the lat- ter case the pressor substance will neutralize the depressor effect of the epinephrine. On the uterine preparation, both the blood serum and the epinephrine have pressor effects. As has been pointed out by G. N Stewart,68 if both preparations are employed for testing a solution sup- Till \l>kl \ \l. QLANDS 741 posed i" contain epinephrine, little chance of error is likely to I"' in- curred; thai is, if the solution produces inhibition of the intestine along with augmentation of the uterus, it musl contain epinephri 3. The fresh carotid artery of thi sheep. A ring cut from the art is suspended in oxygenated Locke's solution and attached below to a Pig, l''i Tracing • nephrine on the intestinal '. on the arterial blood i>n - preliminary addition of barium to the nutritive fluid may be garded, > < Prom J small hook and above to a loaded muscle lever, by which th>' contraction of the muscle fibers can 1"' magnified. Epinephrine causes the muscle contract, I >u t the tesl is no1 so sensitive as the foregoii ally in the presence of blood serum, because the pressor substances therein con- tained also causr contraction. Blood plasma does not contain the r sor substances, so thai oxalated plasma should be used in pi um 742 THE 11XD0CRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS in applying the test. To increase the sensitiveness of the muscle, the artery ring should be slightly stretched by loading the lever. 4. The blood vessels of a frog. This method depends on the same prin- 192. — Arrangement of apparatus for perfusion of the vessels of a brainli j. (From Jackson.) ciple as in that just described. The fluid supposed to contain epinephrine is added to Locke's solution, which is meanwhile being perfused under constant pressure through the blood vessels and the rate of outflow i BE vi -K I nai. QLAND8 - 13 noted (Fig. L92 . If 1 1 1 « - fluid added to the inflowing fluid contains epi- nephrine, the outflow will become diminished. This is a \ method, although it is Bomewhal limited in Bcope unless Large frogs are procurable, because of the difficulty <>t' «_r « • 1 1 i 1 1 «_r the necessary cannula? into the vessels (aorta and abdominal vein). 5. The pupil of tl>> enucleated < >i< of thi frog. Extremely small trac of epinephrine are observed to cause a dilatation. 6. 77/< denervated iris. Tfie fluid to be tested is placed in the conjunc- tival s;ic of an animal from which the superior cervical ganglion <>f the corresponding side has been removed sum.- days previously. Under such conditions, if epinephrine is present in the fluid, dilatation of the pupil occurs. I'.oth of the preceding reactions we owe to Meltzer.7 ' It should ho emphasized that, although each of these methods is in itself vn-y sensitive for the detection of epinephrine without being al- ways specific, yet the result should not be considered conclusive unl< definite effects have been secured hy at least two methods that are '''s far as possible independent of each other. As an outcome of investigations by these methods it has been found that, when blood from the adrenal vein is collected in a pocket of vena cava made by applying clamps above and below the entrance of the adrenal veins, the presence of epinephrine can be revealed, the rate secretion being from 0.0003 to 0.001 mer. per kilogram of body weighl per minute (Stewart and Bogoff). The absolute amount of epinephrine liberated from the gland can be measured only by finding the concen- tration in the adrenal vein blood and the rate of bloodflow. This amount is approximately constant, so that the concentration in the blood which collects in the cava pocket varies inversely with the rate of bloodflow. In asphyxia the bloodflow is d< \ so thai the concentration nephrine increases, bu1 there is no change in the absolute amount. N ther anesthesia nor trauma affects the amount. The concentration is likely to rise late in an experiment because of the slowing of bloodflow. Adrenal activity may, however, be excited by massage of the trland'. by stimulation of its nerve supply through the greal splanchnic nerve The presence of epinephrine in hi 1 collected directly from the adrenal veins does nol justify us in concluding that, when mixed with the mainder of the hi I in the body, there would be a sufficient concentra- tion of this substance to develop any of its activities. It has th< been necessary to devise methods by which this possibility could be tested. The Autoinjection Method. Such a method was first of all fully used by Asher, who employed an animal from which all the abdom- inal viscera had 1 n removed. On stimulation of the g splanchnic 744 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DI'CTLESS GLANDS nerve a rise in arterial blood pressure occurred provided the adrenal veins were open, but not so if the adrenal veins were clamped. By re- moving the viscera, the effect of splanchnic stimulation on the abdom- innl IiIikkI vessels themselves is eliminated, and any constriction which occurs in the blood vessels of the rest of the body must obviously be due to the action of epinephrine. The most satisfactory of these methods is that more recently employed by Stewart, Rogoff: and Gibson,69 which consists in observing the be- havior of the pupil on the side from which the superior cervical ganglion has been removed about one week previously. Of course the blood pres- sure cl'fccl is also observed. Among the most important results secured by this method it may be mentioned that dilatation of the pupil occurs on stimulation of the great splanchnic nerve, provided the vena cava and adrenal vein are unobstructed so that the blood from the adrenal glands can get to the head. If the vena cava is clamped and the splanchnic nerve stimulated, there is no pupil- lary dilatation, but it immediately occurs after the clamp is removed. Epinephrine continues to be discharged for a considerable period of time after stimulating the splanchnic nerve, but the immediate increase which follows the application of the stimulus does not last long, so that more secretion can be obtained by intermittent than by continuous stimula- tion. It does not seem to be' possible to exhaust the adrenal gland of its supply of active material by stimulating the splanchnic — a fact which would seem to throw considerable doubt on the reliability of the con- clusions arrived at by the use of those methods in which extracts of the uland nre assnyed (see page 739).* Many interesting facts concerning the nature of the innervation of the gland have been secured by one or other of the above methods. After section of the sympathetic chain and the great splanchnic nerves on both sides (in the thorax), no epinephrine is secreted into the blood of the adrenal vein, and when one gland is extirpated and the nerve connec- tions of the other entirely cut, the epinephrine content of the adrenal vein blood sinks to not more than 1/1000 of the normal amount. The animals survive this latter operation and behave in a perfectly normal fashion, indicating that the internal secretion of the adrenals can not have the physiological significance so often ascribed to it. The splanchnic fibers concerned in the secretion of epinephrine seem to come from a nerve center situated relatively low down in the spinal cord. Section of the cord at the level of the last cervical segment does not affect the spontaneous secretion, but this disappears when the section is made below the third thoracic segment. (Stewart and Rogoff.) "Another great advantage >>f the aul'oinjection method is that no 'confusion can be caused by the development of pri bstances through clotting. I ill IDRENAL GLAN 745 In connection with these observations it is of interest to note that dur- ing stimulation of the Bplanchnic nerve in a normal animal, the eoi quenl rise in hi I pressure shows two pea Pig 29, page 137 . The first is no doubl due to dired stimulati >f the splanchnic vasoconstric- tors, and the second to the outpouring of epinephrine into the blood, the justification for this conclusion being thai the latter rise fails to app< after removal of the adrenal glands. Taking the results as a whole, it is indeed doubtful whether under nor- mal conditions a sufficienl amounl of epinephrine is discharged into the blood of the vena cava to affed appreciably the tone of the blood vessels. and ihis conclusion seems all the more justified because of the fad thai small quantities <>f epinephrine have a dilating rather than a constricting influence, at leasl on certain vessels (Hartman**). It may be, however, that the maintenam t' vascular tone under certain conditions is greatly as- sisted by the presence of epinephrine in the hi I. similarly the sympa- thetic control of other functions may be facilitated by the presence small amounts. It has been found, for example, that, although stimula- tion of the celiac plexus causes the glj cogen stored in the liver to be con- verted into sugar, this result is qoI as a rule obtained <»u stimulating the plexus shortly after removal of the adrenal glands. The presence of epinephrine in the blood would, therefore, seem to be necessary to bring aboul functional activity of the sympathetic nerve endings concerned in the glycogenolytic process see page 637 , Adrenalemia. — In the lighl of these researches it is important to point out that a greal pari of the work done by clinical observers purporting to show thai in such conditions as nephritis and arteriosclerosis there is an increase of epinephrine in the blood, has been found by Stewart and others, using controlled methods, to be entirely unproven.7 Some ur tigators, however, still hold that temporary conditions, such as transient rises of arterial blood pressure or temporary glycosuria, may sometimes due to increased adrenal discharge into the blood. Ephinephrine has been thoughl to be a substance which is - id into the blood in supernormal amount when certain emergencies arise, the most important of these being fright, or some other extreme .'motion. This belief has arisen partly from the similarity in the general behavior of an animal following the intravenous injection "f epinephrine and dur- ing stales of extreme excitement. Dilatation of the pupils, bristling of the hair, salivation, rise in arterial blood pressure, inhibition of the ii tmal movements, protrusion of the eyeballs are all symptoms of tear ju^- they arc of epinephrine injection. Impressed by these resemblances Can- non7' undertook an extended research to test the hypothesis thai the reac lion of an animal to fear and other emotional stales is partly dependent on 746 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS hypersecretion of epinephrine into the blood. The results seemed to con- firm the hypothesis. In the first place, it was found that, whereas the blood drawn from the vena cava opposite the entry of the adrenal veins (by passing a catheter up the femoral vein till its free end lay at this level) in a normal male cat did not give evidence of the presence of epinephrine when tested by means of the intestinal segment method, it did so in a cat that had previously been frightened by allowing a dog to bark at it. Such results were not obtained after removal of the adrenal gland, or in a female cat, which is usually indifferent to such a method of frightening. Cannon also thought that many of the other adaptations which take place in an animal in this condition are in part dependent on the presence of an excess of epinephrine in the blood. The three most important of these are: (1) increased discharge of sugar from the liver into the blood; (2) in- creased efficiency of muscular contraction; (3) diminished clotting time of the blood — all of which are adaptations enabling the animal either to con- quer the source of the fear or to be in a better position to recover from any bodily injury involving a loss of blood should he suffer bodily dam- age. Stewart and Rogoff have more recently thrown considerable doubt on these conclusions by finding that cats in which both adrenal glands are entirely removed from the influence of the nervous system, behave like normal animals when frightened, and develop hyperglycemia when as- phyxiated or etherized. It is scarcely necessary to point out that, until it is definitely established by experimental investigation that epinephrine may be discharged in excessive amounts under certain conditions, it is irrational to assume that such may occur in disease. Tit c surgical removal of flu adrenal gland is certainly not warranted under any circumstances. The Association of the Adrenal with Other Endocrine Organs We have at present very little accurate and reliable information on the association of the adrenal with other endocrine organs. That epinephrine has an influence on many diverse organs and glands is an undoubted fact, bu1 this is more probably to be attributed to an activating influence on sympathetic nerve endings than to any specific relationship between the adrenal glands and the gland in question. The most important of the results that have been obtained are the following: 1. With the Thyroid and Parathyroid. — Cannon and Cattell, after con- firming Bradford's discovery that an electric current of action is set up in the salivary gland when it is excited to activity, proceeded to investigate the occurrence of such a current in the thyroid gland.73 By placing one nonpolarizable electrode on the gland itself and the other on the neigh- boring subcutaneous tissues or on the trachea, a current was found to be set up by stimulation of the sympathetic nerve supply of the thyroid, by intravenous injection of epinephrine, or by stimulation of the great THE ADRENAL GL VNDS 71. splanchnic nerve before it reaches the adrenal gland. This !. rait, which is the most Important in the present connection, was, ho not observed when the blood of the inferior vena cava was prevented by the application of a clamp from '_r<-t t i 1 1 -_r to the heart, but immediately ap- peared, after stimulation, when the clamp was removed This experim taken alone docs not, however, justify the conclusion that th< i any direct relationship between the adrenal glands and the thyroid, because there are in the thyroid gland structures such as the muscle fibers in the blood vessels, which a hypersecretion of epinephrine might affect Bet any direct relationship between the two glands could be claimed to exist, it would bo necessary to show that the thyroid action current is obtained with a concentration of epinephrine in the blood lower than that affecting the blood vessels. 2. With the Sexual Glands. As mentioned above, a very direct rela- tionship exists between the development of the sexual glands and that of the suprarenale, particularly the cortex of the glands. In addition to the evidence above furnished, it may be mentioned that in hyperplasia of the adrenals changes occur in the testicles, particularly in their interstitial celK 3. With the Liver. — Of the many functions of this gland that which is most directly associated with epinephrine is the production of glue from glycogen— the glycogenolytic pr ss see page 669 . The injection of epinephrine causes an immediate discharge of such an excess of irlncose into the blood that hyperglycemia and glycosuria immediately follow. This result is most striking when the injection is made in glycogen-rich animals. In animals from which all the glycogen of the liver lias been removed by starvation, the injection of large amounts of epinephrine causes glycogen to accumulate in the liver cells a result which it is difficult to interpret. In the lighl of the facl that stimulation of the greal splanchnic nerve causes a demonstrable increase of epinephrine in the blood, ;1 natural con- clusion is that the glycosuria and hyperglycemia which are known to re- sult from stimulation of the splanchnic nerve or of its center in the medulla, must be dependent upon a hypersecretion of epinephrine. Evidence supporting this hypothesis seemed to be furnished by the obs< \ation that, after the removal of the adrenal glands, stimulation splanchnic or of the BO-Called "diabetic" center in the fourth vent! no longer produced glycosuria even in a glycogen-rich animal. Bui it is difficult to sec how such an important physiological proci ss as that of the nerve control of the production of sugar by the liver should be depend on the hypersecretion of the adrenal gland, i illy si; pineph- rine would have to be carried by the blood around a considerable part 748 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS the circulation before it arrived at the place on which it is to act. More- over, it has been shown that stimulation of the previously cut hepatic nerve plexus (around the hepatic pedicle) in a normal animal produces hyperglyeogenolysis, in which ease there can be no question of a hypcr- S( 'iet ion of epinephrine. No doubt the adrenal glands have some important relationship to the nerve control of the glycogenolytic process, for, in animals from which the adrenal glands have been removed, stimulation of the hepatic plexus does not produce hyperglycemia. From this result it would appear that the presence of a certain amount of epinephrine in the blood is necessary for the proper transmission of the nerve impulse from the sympathetic nerve fibers to the liver cell. When the nervous system is stimulated in such a way as to excite the glycogenolytic process, two effects both operat- ing in the same direction with regard to the glycogenic function are developed: the one. a hypersecretion of epinephrine, which activates the sympathetic nerve endings, the other, the transmission of the nerve impulse to the liver cell (Macleod and R. G. Pearce).74 4. With the Pancreas. — The function of the pancreas here concerned is that of its supposed internal secretion from the Isles of Langerhans. Since epinephrine readily produces glycosuria, and since excision of the pancreas has the same effect, it has been natural to inquire whether any relationship exists between the two glands, and some observers have obtained results which they interpret as indicating that it does. Certain observers even state that glycosuria does not occur after the injection if at the same time extract of pancreas is injected. It is al- most certain, however, that these results are not trustworthy. Thus, removal of the adrenal glands in an animal suffering from pancreatic diabetes does not restore any of the lost power of utilizing glucose during the few hours that the animal remains alive.74 That some rela- tionship may, however, exist is indicated by the fact that epinephrine causes dilatation of the pupil Avhen it is dropped into the eye of a per- son suffering from diabetes, whereas it has no such effect in the normal individual. CHAPTEB I. XXXI II THE THYROID AND PARATHYROID GLAND Structural Relationships The thyroid and parathyroid glands are intimately associated, anatom- ically, in most animals. The thyroid is present in all the vertebral 1'iit the parathyroids do nol occur below the amphibia. The thyi exists as two- lateral Lobes joined over the trachea by the BO-called isthmus. The parathyroids are very much smaller, being four in number and located in pairs on the posterior aspecl of the thyroid lobes. The two upper parathyroids are usually more or less embedded in the thyroid tissue, whereas the lower ones are much more loosely attached to the thyroid; indeed, in Borne animals they are quite separate from it and may be Located at a distance, as in the mediastinum. Accessory thyroid and parathyroid glands are sometimes present in the tissues of the neck, or in the anterior mediastinum, accessory parathyroids being common in the rabbil and pat, and parathyroid tissue being present in the thymus in 5 per eenl of dogs (Marine : . Before these anatomical relationships were thoroughly worked out, there was much confusion in the inter] tation of the results following removal of one or the other gland. In their histological structure and embryological derivation, the two glands are very different. The parathyroids are developed as an out- growth from t ho third and fourth branchial pouches, and they are com- posed of masses of epithelial-like cells, sometimes more or less divided up into Lobules or trabecular by hands of connective tissue. The cells contain granules, some of which are of a fatty nature. Sometimes col- loid-like material is found between the cells, or it may be enclosed in small vesicles nol unlike those of the thyroid, although usually consid< ' ably smaller. The blood vessels are extremely numerous, and form sinusdike capillaries, which come into close relationship with the epi- thelial cells of the glands. Xerxes also ;ire ahiindant and pass both to the vessels and to the Becreting cells. The blood vessels are derived from the inferior thyroid artery. The thyroid is developed by immediate outgrowth from the entoderm lining the floor of the pharynx, at a Level between the first and second branchial pouches. Represented at first by a solid column of cells, there very soon occurs a division at the lower end into two lateral p 749 /."ill Till ENDOCRTNE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS (il.ANDS lions, and the original soli* I column becomes hollowed out. The two lateral branches of the original column divide again and again so as to form a system of hollow tubes lined with epithelium. These afterward become cut up so as to form the closed vesicles characteristic of the gland. Each vesicle is more or less spheroidal in shape, and has no basement membrane, but its walls are formed by a layer of epithelial cells, which may be columnar, cubical, or flattened in shape. Each vesicle is filled with the so-called colloid material, which is peculiar in con- taining iodine, and between the vesicles is a layer of connective tissue often containing small cells, some of which are not unlike those of the parathyroid. The connective tissue also contains the blood vessels, Avhich are very numerous— indeed, the thyroid, in proportion to its size, receives more than five times as much blood as the kidneys, the only tissue that surpasses it in this regard being the medulla of the adrenal gland fsee page 211). The nerves arise, from both the vagus and the sympathetic systems and have been traced to the secreting epithelial cells. The above description applies to a strictly normal gland. THE THYROID GLAND Condition of the Gland In the crowded communities of the Great Lakes Basin of this conti- nent, it has been found that in most. animals the thyroid gland is more or Less abnormal. In Cleveland, for example, Marine has found this to be the case in well over 90 per cent of the dogs brought to the laboratory.77 The condition usually goes under the name of simple goiter, which in- cludes all thyroid enlargements except those of exophthalmic goiter. Tn man the goiter originates usually about the age of adolescence and more frequently in girls than in boys. It may sometimes pass over into tin' exophthalmic type. The exact pathological changes in the goitrous gland vary with the species of animal and with the duration of the dis- ease. In man, besides the cystic or colloid goiter an adenomatous type is very common although rare in other animals. From the numerous observations that have been made on the glands of domestic animals, it has been clearly established that the very earliest sign of goiter is a diminution in the iodine content of the gland; fol- lowed by an increase in the epithelial cells and in the blood supply and a decrease in the colloid. Such hyperplasia may be induced in what re- mains after removal of a large part of a normal gland (compensatory hyperplasia), or if a similar operation be performed early in pregnancy, the young when born will be found to have hyperplastic thyroids. A certain degree of hyperplasia exists as an accompaniment of pregnancy, in i i ii n emu \\i> r \i; \ i in ROID 0LA1 "".1 and ii can I'" produced in certain normal animals (particularly rats) by placing them on an excessive meal diet. Importanl observations bearing on this point have I M made by Marine on brook trout, in which it has i found thai ili«' so-called carci aa thai develops when the fish kept in hatcheries are fed with unsuitable food and overcrowded, is really a typical hyperplasia. In its second stage this develops into what is known • > .; >, S" "T.- . w /•■•. 193 Mi • thyroid gland of dog, .1. normal; B lloid From .V .1 L,enhai I as colloid goiter which is produced by a deposition of colloid material between the rows of cells so as to cause an opening oul again of the vesicles (Fig. 193 . with a consequent tendency to a reversion to the normal histological structure, so far ;is this is possible. The vesicles in such a gland are of enormous Bize, and the lining epithelium, low cubical, or almost flat in shape. The outstanding characteristic feature of th Moid material is that 752 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS it contains iodine, which exists in combination with a nonprotein nitrog- enous base, and is usually called iodothyrin. In the gland itself the iodothyrin may be in combination with protein, forming iodothyro- globulin. E. C. Kendall7'-' has recently succeeded in isolating a pure crystalline substance of perfectly constant composition and containing over (io per cent of iodine. It has been identified as an indole compound and has been made synthetically. In extremely minute dosage it greatly af- fects the energy metabolism, and is said to induce symptoms like exophthal- mic goiter. Its therapeutic value in eases of thyroid deficiency is remark- able. Kendall believes this substance to be the active constituent of the thy- roid and to be associated with the metabolism of amino acids. For one thing, when it is given alone no change occurs in pulse rate, whereas if amino acids are given along with it, there is acceleration. The importance of the relationship between the function of the thyroid and the iodine-containing material is indicated by the changes- which occur in the percentage of iodine in the glands under varying condi- tions of activity. Marine observed that the amount of iodine is inversely proportional to the degree of hyperplasia of the gland, and when the hyperplastic condition becomes fully developed, scarcely a trace of iodine is contained in the gland. Later, when the hyperplasia gives place to colloid goiter, the iodine increases again, both absolutely and relatively. Moreover, it has been found that if iodide is administered to an animal suffering from hyperplasia, the hyperplastic condition very quickly disappears (Fig. 192) and the animal becomes normal. Thus, in brook trout, the poor nutritive condition of the fish when hyperplasia has developed can be immediately remedied by placing them in larger quan- tities of running water or by adding small traces of iodide to the water. The administration of small amounts of iodine as in ordinary salt from salt deposits also prevents goiter in farm stock, this having been first noted in the State of Michigan, where prior to the discovery of salt deposits sheep breeding was an entire failure. The importance of admin- istering small doses of iodides to school children living in goitrous dis- tricts has recently been emphasized by Marine and Kimball.78 As small a dose as 0.001 gm. at weekly intervals prevents goiter in puppies sus- ceptible to it. Experimental Thyroidectomy A- correct interpretation of the functional changes and symptoms which follow upon partial or complete removal of the thyroid gland, or from its disease, has proved a very difficult problem, partly because sufficient care has not been taken to note how much parathyroid tissue was re- moved along with the thyroid, and partly because the fact has been over- Till THYROID \M» PARATHYROID GLAN 753 looked thai the effects produced by thyroidectomy and parathyroid- ectomy are often verj differenl in animals of the same kind at dif- fered ages. Speaking generally, i1 may be said thai the influence of the parathyroid is focused mainly on the nerve centers and only to a second- ary degree on the metabolic functions, whereas the reverse is th< with the thyroid, its main effecl being on metabolism, although it prob- ably also exercises a secondary effecl on the aerve centers. Mori than in the case of any other endocrine organ, our knowledge concerning the function of the thyroid has been gained by clinical experience, -• i n < 1 it is difficull to saj whether the clinical or the experimental t h « ►< 1 has contributed the greater amounl of information. The results of experimental extirpation of the thyroid vary accord- ing to the age of the animal, and frequently they are by no means marked, provided sufficienl parathyroid tissue has been undamaged. The symptoms are in general thickening and drying of the skin, with ;i tendency to adiposity and a loss of i • of the muscle. The body tem- perature is low and the sexual functions I me subnormal. Nervous symptoms in the direction of mental dullness and lethargy are also usually present. Surgical removal of the thyroid in man produces the condition known as cachexia strumipriva. The symptoms may first of all become a]. parent a few days after the operation, or they may remain latent for years, and then develop so as to produce the condition known as myxedema. When nervous symptoms are prominent in cachexia strumipriva, it is usually taken as evidence that an excessive amount of parathyroid tissue has hen destroyed. ECocher states that after com- plete h>ss of the thyroid, life is impossible for more than seven years, and thai to prevent ultimate ill effects, at leasl one-fourth of the organ should be left intact. Disease of the Thyroid The symptoms of diseased conditions of the thyroid may be inter- preted as the consequence of increased or diminished Functioning of the gland. Sometimes, however, the less active gland is really inc 1 in hulk, this increase being caused by the accumulation in it of very large quantities of colloid material accompanied by an attenuated condition of the vesicular cells (see page 751 . When the gland is atrophied at birth, the condition of cretin on becomes developed Fig. 194 . The Characteristic features of cretinism are: 1 An arr. gTOWtl cially of the skeleton, accompanied by incomplete ossification of the long hones and failure of the fontanelles of the skull I •• properly. Poor development of the muscular system. :: An unhealthy, dry. swollen condition of the skin, s.. that it is yellowish in color, the face being pale 754 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS and puffy. (4) An abnormal development of the connective tissues causing a shapeless condition of the surface; the abdomen is always swollen, the hands and feet are shapeless, and the nose depressed. (5) The nervous system also fails to develop properly, so that at the age of puberty or over, the child remains like an infant in his mental behavior, idiotism being common. Indeed, the whole clinical picture is so char- acteristic that once having seen a case no one can fail afterward to - ■111- \ In ! . *■'_.. 1 >V -r". p 1 * 4 1 1 Fig. 194. — Cretin, nineteen years old. The treatment with thyroid extract started too late to be ot benefit. (Patient of Dr. S. J. Webster.) recognize the disease. Besides being due to congenital absence of the thyroid (sporadic type), cretinism may also occur as a result of goitrous degeneration of the gland. This forms the so-called endemic variety of the disease, and is more commonly seen in goitrous districts, being not infrequently associated with disease of the parathyroid, in which case the nervous symptoms are very prominent. Atrophy of the thyroid in adults causes the clinical condition known i III tii vi;iiin \M> l-\l: \TH\ ROIP 01. • I .,., as myxedema, and here again the Bymptoms are very characteristic I 195). The skin is drj and thick, with a deposition of connective often containing fal in its deeper layers; the hands and feet become unshapely; the lips thick and the tongue somewhal enlarged, bo thai when the person attempts to speak, it appears as if the tongue w< large for the mouth ; the hair falls out ; there is a low bodj temperature, and it can be shown that the energy metabolism is greatly depressed, and thai a deficiency of oxygen is being consumed. It is said the person can take a larger quantity of sugar than an ordinary individual withoul the development of glycosuria, bu1 the depression of the metabolic function causes the patienl to take sparingly of food, in spite of which, however, the body weiehl maj steadily increase. The sexual function becomes ./. B. Pig. l myxedema; B, ■ n montl ' I ■ depressed, and there is involvemenl of thi ous system wn by mental dullness and Lethargy. Although the thyroid gland is much atrophied in myxedema, sympto thai are very similar may also occur when the gland is aously en- larged. As already explained, however, this enlargement is due merely to an accumulation of colloidal material and is really an atrophic c< dition. A patienl Buffering from endemic goiter may at fin ibit symptoms which are usually attributed to a hyp< etion of thyroid material into tin1 blood (the Bymptoms will be described imm Imt later these give placi ms not unliki I myxedema. It is concluded that the above conditions leficiei thyroid function, or hypothyt . beca ise I is atrophied, 756 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS and (2) similar symptoms to those exhibited by the clinical conditions can be produced experimentally by 1 lie removal of the gland in animals. By observations on the effect of administration of thyroid extract to cretinous or myxedematous patients, prompt amelioration of the symp- toms occurs, which certainly suggests that the real cause is the absence of an internal secretion. There is probably nothing more striking in the whole domain of therapeutics than this effect from the administration of thyroid extract or, more so still, of alpha-iodine.* If the treatment is stalled early enough, the cretinous child from being an ill-developed idiot quickly cat (dies up with children of his own age and becomes in every respect normal. Even if this treatment is not undertaken until the child is several years of age, it is remarkable how quickly the benefit may show itself. In myxedema and cachexia strumipriva also, the symptoms very quickly disappear and the person becomes perfectly nor- mal by the treatment. In all these conditions, however, the thyroid extract must be administered continuously in order to prevent the reap- pearance of symptoms. Quite distinct from the above described conditions of hypothyroidism are those produced by an excess of thyroid autacoid in the blood, namely, hyperthyroidism. Such a condition can be produced experimentally in normal animals by the administration of thyroid extract or alpha-iodine (Kendall). In man large doses are soon followed by great quickening of the pulse with some irregularity, flushing of the skin, increased per- spiration, tremor in the limbs, emaciation, and marked nervous excita- bility. Along with these symptoms, metabolic investigations have shown that the energy output per square meter of surface is greatly increased, being sometimes nearly doubled; that the nitrogen excretion is exces- sive; and that alimentary glycosuria is very commonly present. The body temperature is not, however, as a rule increased, because although metabolism is excited, yet heat loss is correspondingly increased. Ex- ophthalmos is said to develop very occasionally after such administra- tion, but this is doubtful. Lastly, there are usually digestive disturb- ances, although the appetite is likely to be increased. The pulse is quick- ened after administration of alpha-iodine only when protein food is also taken. This is believed by Kendall to be due to the association between the thyroid hormone and the metabolism of the amino acids. The symptoms following the injection of the extract are very similar to those of the disease known as exophthalmic goiter. Indeed, the symp- toms are so much alike in the two conditions that it is scarcely neces- sary to describe them specially for the disease except to mention that the exophthalmos is much more likely to be present. Like simple goiter this variety is from three to four times more fre- * Alpha-iodine refers to the active principle isolated by Kendall. THE TllYi; .WD PABATHYBOID QLAND8 757 quenl in women than in men, a fact of significance when we recall the evidence of association between the thyroid gland and the generative organs. It is said that the disease is usually coupled with persistence of the thymus gland. The thyroid gland in exophthalmic goiter is enlarged, sometimes in one Lobe; it is hard and pulpy, and on auscultation a mur- mur is heard. Histologically the gland presents a picture very like thai which has been described above as hyperplasia; thai is to say, the vesicles have a deficiency of colloid material: their epithelium is colum- nar and folded up into t he vesicles; and the interstitial tissue betw< the vesicles is very markedly increased. Exophthalmic goiter is almosl universally claimed to be due to hyp< secretion of the thyroid, because: 1 the symptoms of the di ire not unlike those produced by excessive administration of thyroid to a normal individual: and (2) they are in general opposite in character to the symp- toms found in rases where the thyroid gland is atrophied. The blood of a person with exophthalmic goiter when inject* d into mice increases their resistance to the toxic action of acetonitrile, which is also the Eter thyroid extract has been injected. In many cases of exophthalmic goiter partial removal of the gland is said to ameliorate the symptoms. Other clinicians, however, state that if the patient is given proper medical treatment, rest, and diet, equally beneficial results can be obtained. Certain investigators, however, deny that it has yet been conclusively demonstrated that exophthalmic goiter is due to hypersecretion of the thy- roid .Marine . It is pointed out that, if hypersecretion were the cause of the disease, one would expect thai the injection into animals of the hi I of patients suffering from ii would produce symptoms similar to tl following the injection of thyroid extract. The results of such experi- ments, however, have been extremely confusing and very indecisive, since it is difficult to recognize in laboratory animals many of the characteru symptoms, especially those affecting the skin and eyes and the gen< bodily nutrition. Another difficulty in accepting the hy] m hypoth- esis is the fact that an extrad of a gland removed from an exophthalmic patient has no differenl physiological action on a normal animal from an extrad of a normal gland containing the same percentag ;odine. The evidence is by no means conclusive one way or the other, and it may well he that the observed changes in the thyroid gland are not tin of the symptoms of exophthalmic goiter, hut merely, like th- symp- toms of this disease, a resull of Borne condition loc re. The Relationship of the Thyroid with Other Endocrine Organs 1. With the Generative Organs. Evidence of an association between the female generative organs and the thyroid is very strong; thus, the 758 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS lliyroid becomes enlarged at puberty, during the menses, and during pregnancy, and in thyroidectomized young animals the sexual glands fail to develop properly. 2. With the Adrenal Glands.— (See page 746.) 3. With the Pituitary Body. After removal of the thyroid, the pitu- itary becomes greatly altered and enlarged, particularly the pars an- terior, in which it is not uncommon to find that a certain amount of vesicles containing colloid, not unlike those of the thyroid, become devel- oped. This colloid material, however, does not contain iodine. It is said that this increase of the pituitary after thyroidectomy does not occur if thyroid extract be administered. Increased activity of the pars inter- media of the pituitary is also quite plain. These facts -would at first sight seem to indicate that the pituitary and the thyroid can act vica- riously, but this is very doubtful, for it has not been found that pitu- itary extract has any beneficial effect in the treatment of goiter and myx- edema. Nevertheless the association in function of the two glands must be more or less close, not alone for the above reasons, but also because they arc both associated to much the same degree with the sexual organs, and both act on the higher functions of the nervous system in much the same manner. 4. With the Thymus Gland. — The persistence of the thymus in ex- ophthalmic goiter, as well as the anatomic and embryological relationship between thymus and thyroid, is taken to indicate some close relationship. THE PARATHYROIDS Experimental Parathyroidectomy Experimental parathyroidectomy yields results which vary in dif- ferent groups of animals, undoubtedly because of the fact that in some, such as the rat and rabbit, accessory parathyroids may exist. In gen- eral, however, it has been found that if more than two of the four parathyroids be removed, very definite and pronounced nervous symp- toms soon supervene and if all four glands be removed, a quickly fatal result is inevitable. The most acute symptoms are exhibited by the carnivora. They may not be apparent for a day or two after the opera- tion, although during the period the animal is in a depressed state, re- fusing food and losing weight rapidly. The muscles are also more or less stiff during this stage. When more definite symptoms appear, they con- sist of a marked abnormality of muscular contraction, leading to the occurrence of fibrillar contractions, or tremors and, later, to cramp-like and clonic contractions. When spontaneous movements are made, a Mil THYBOID \\l> PABATHTBOID GLANDS 759 peculiar shaking of the foot, like thai made by a normal animal to shake water off its pa. Is, is a characteristic symptom. The - 1 1 «_r 1 1 1 . ■ -v t stimulation of tin' peripheral nerves is sufficient to induce one of tins.- attacks, which recur with ever increasing frequency, 1> >miu'_r at tin- same time more pronounced and accompanied by other disturbances, such as diarrhea, profuse salivation, rapid pulse, and dyspnea (in the dog but not in I cat). In cases that arc not quickly fatal, the hair tends to be shed, and the teeth to he improperly calcified ! in young animals). Where a certain amount of parathyroid tissue has been left — for example, one of the four lobes the symptoms may nol appear except under conditions of special strain to the animal economy, such as pregnancy Or improper PARATHYROID QLAN1 761 toms like those of tetany can be induced by deficiency of calcium in the body and the Bymptoms of parathj roidectomy relieved by administration of this cation, calcium deficiency is the cause of the Bymptoms. While not denying thai these ions may have some relationship to the Bymptoms, Noel Paton ascribes them to intoxication by guanidim pag The evidence is as follows: 1 Guanidine and methyl guanidine admin- istered to normal animals produce Bymptoms thai are identical with tl following parathyroidectomy. (2) There is a marked increase in the amount of these substances in the Mood and urine of parathyroidec- tomized do'_rs and in the urine of children suffering from idiopathic tetany. (3) In certain eases the serum of parathyroidectomized d acts upon the muscles of the frog similarly to weak solutions of guani- dine and methyl guanidine. (4) There is a striking similarity in the relative amounts of the nitrogenous metabolites in the urine of parathy- roidectomized dogs and of normal animals injected with guanidine. It is concluded thai the parathyroids control the metabolism of guani- dine "by preventing its development in undue amounts, in this way they probably exercise a regulative action upon the tone of the skeletal muscles." It is believed thai disease of the parathyroids is the cause idiopathic tetany, since it is similar with regard to its characters and metabolism to the condition following thyroidectomy. The Relationship of the Parathyroid with Other Endocrine Organs We know very little of the relationship of the parathyroid with other endocrine organs. Vincent and others have stated that after removal of the thyroid itself enlargemenl of the parathyroid may ur with the formation of colloid material between the rows of cells, hut the con- clusion that this represents a vicarious function between the thyroid and parathyroid glands is not generally accepted. The supposed relation- ships among the parathyroid ami the pituitary and adrenal glands are also based upon uncertain evidenci CHAPTER LXXXIV THE PITUITARY BODY Structural Relationships Situated at the base of the brain and lying in the sella turcica, the pituitary body in man does not weigh much more than half a gram. It is connected with the brain by a funnel-shaped stalk, the infundibulum. On account of a natural cleft, which runs across the gland in an oblique plane, it is an easy matter to split it into two portions, an anterior, or pars glandularis, and a posterior, or pars nervosa. This cleft in the case of man is usually found to be more or less broken up into isolated cysts containing a colloid-like material, and it represents the remains of the original tubular structure from which the pars glandularis is de- veloped ; namely, a pouch growing out from the buccal ectoderm. On microscopic examination it will be found that the pars glandularis consists of masses of epithelial cells with large sinus-like blood capil- laries lying between them. These blood vessels are very numerous, so that in an injected gland this portion of the pituitary stands out very prominently. The vessels are derived from about twenty small arterioles that converge toward the pituitary from the circle of Willis, and enter the gland by the infundibulum or stalk by which the gland is connected with the base of the brain. Three types of cell can be differentiated: nonstaining (chromaphobe) and granular (chromaphil), of which latter there are cells with acid-staining and others with base-staining granules, the former being by far the more numerous (Schafer).60 In some animals such as the cat, the cells of the pars anterior are arranged around the blood sinuses in rows as in a columnar epithelium. The cells with acid-staining granules are said to become much increased in number in pregnancy and also in the enlarged gland of acromegaly (see page 772). After thyroidectomy it has been observed that colloid-like masses ac- cumulate in the pars glandularis, the cells sometimes arranging them- selves around these masses as in the thyroid gland. The colloid, how- ever, contains no iodine. The posterior part of the gland, or pars nervosa, is composed almost entirely of neuroglia, cells, and fibers, usually with some hyaline or granular material lying between them, particularly in the neighborhood 762 THE ITU [TAB? BODY of the infundibulum, into which it may be traced. It is believed that the active principle of the gland is represented by this material. < blood supply of the pars nervosa is relatively Bcanty. Between the pars nervosa and the intraglandnlar cleft ab< to is a layer of cells differing from those of either the anterior or the posterior Lobe. This layer of cells constitutes the Bo-called part ini media. The cells are somewhal like those of the pars glandulai sepl that they are distinctly granular, the granules being of the neutrophile variety, thai is to say, they slain with neither hash- nor acid dyes. Well- defined vesicles containing an oxyphile colloid material are often found f Fig, 196.- Drawing from a photogi i through th< . 'anu, of ■ human fetus < 5th month): ii 1a; c, third ventricle; d, e, infun- dibulum surround' ial cells; ;. para intermedia; g, intraglandular cleft; h. pars ne: (Herring, from Howell's Physiology.) ii them. The blood supplj is much less abundanl than thai of the pars glandularis. Although well separated by the cleft from the | glandularis, the pars intermedia is not well separated from th< nervosa, because many of its cells extend for some disl the lat- ter between the neuroglial fibers Certain of the cells in the pars i< I media may lie seen in various stages of conversion into globular hyaline bodies, or a granular mass of material may appear in them. In either e, the cells ultimately break down. Betting Tree the hyaline or granular material, which is believed to be the origin of the similar material al- ready described as existing between the neuroglial fibers of tl • nervosa ami therefore ultimately finding its w a\ by the infundibulum 764 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS into the third ventricle of the brain. These hyaline globules are greatly increased after thyroidectomy. It should be mentioned, finally, that at the margin of the intraglandular cleft the intermediary and anterior portions of the pituitary come together, although the cells of each can readily be distinguished on account of their staining properties. This pars glandularis et intermedia also extends as a thin layer over part of the pars nervosa and around the neck of the gland at the infnndibnlum. These relationships are "well shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 196). Functions Concerning the functions of the pituitary, it maybe said in general that the anterior lobe has an important relationship to the nutritive con- dition of the body during growth, especially of the skeletal structures, and that the posterior lobe produces a very active autacoid having to do with the physiological activity of unstriped muscle fiber. The pars inter- media seems to be associated with the posterior lobe in the production of this autacoid. The function of these two parts will therefore be con- sidered together. Function of the Anterior Lobe. — The facts concerning the function of the pars glandularis have been gleaned largely by observing the ef- fects produced by partial or complete removal of the entire pituitary, justification for ascribing to the removal of the anterior, rather than the posterior, lobe the results that are obtained being furnished by control experiments, in which by removal of the posterior lobe alone similar effects are not observed. Complete removal of the pituitary is almost invariably fatal, the Gon- dii ion being called apitiiitarism. Two operative procedures have been employed for the removal of the gland. One of these, elaborated by Cushing and his pupils,82 consists in trephining the skull and elevating the temporal lobe of the cerebrum so as to expose the gland. The other, elaborated by Horsley,83 consists in approaching the gland through the orbital cavity. Although there is some danger of injury to nervous tissues by the intracranial method, its results arc more dependable since the gland is actually exposed to view before being removed. Most hypophysectomized animals die within two or three days, unless they are very young. This longer survival of young animals is ascribed to the presence of accessory pituitary material situated in the dura mater lining the sella turcica. The most extensive observations have been made on dogs. On the day following the operation the animal appears about normal, but it gradually becomes less active, refusing food and respond- ing slowly to stimulation. It gradually gets weaker and weaker; muscu- THE PITUITARY BOD? lap tremors may appear, the respiration ;ui<1 pulse becomi . the back arched, the temperature subnormal; and, usually within about forty- eight hours, < a develops and the animal dies in this condition. When the symptoms are less acute ;iu1 ankylose; the thyroid and thymus glands are enlarged; and the cortex of the suprarenal and the sexual organs fails develop. The animal, though small, becomes very fat and may therefore in- crease in weight. There is distind evidence of mental dullness. Prom tl ilts it is concluded that tin anterior lobe of tin pituitary pn autacoids having to do with tin development of tin skeletal and other structures of the growing nun, mi. That this autacoid is no1 derived from the posterior lobe is evidenced by the fad thai partial injury of this lobe, or indeed its entire removal, is qoI followed by similar symptoms. Closer examination of the metabolic function in hypophysectomized animals has shown that there is a marked depression in th< iratory exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and thai the ability to metabo- lize carbohydrate becomes heightened ; that is to say, the animal can tolerate a larger quantity of sugar than the normal animal without develop- ing glycosuria. This effect on carbohydrate metabolism may how- ever be associated no1 so much with the function of the anterior with thai of ih<> posterio . ter, Cushing and his pupils have found that extracl of the posterior lobe has a marked influence on the assimilation limit of carbohydrat< Attempts have been made to grafl the pituitary, especially the ai I lobe, into various parts of the body. It has been found, 1 r, that within a few days the grafts atrophy ami disappear unless thei i complete removal of the pituitary itself, in whicl may remain for a month or so and the otherwise fatal outcome of hypophy- sectomy he warded off. Sometimes, where the grafl lias remained for a longer time, [\ is said that a temporary increase in tin the animal has been noticed Other observers have investigated the effects in normal anim: ds continuous oral administration of pituitary substance 766 Till ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OB DUCTLESS GLANDS injection of extract. The earlier results were indefinite and confusing, but recently Brailsford Robertson8^ has succeeded in isolating from the anterior lobe a substance called tethelin, which accelerates growth in young animals and is thought to have a possible value in hastening the healing process in wounds. Tethelin is precipitated by dry ether from an alcoholic extract of the carefully isolated anterior lobes. It contains 1.4 per cent of phosphorus and nitrogen in the proportion of four atoms for every atom of phos- phorus, two of the nitrogen atoms being present as amino groups and one in an imino group. The effects on growth of mice are in every par- ticular like those of the administration of anterior lobes, and consist in retardation of the first portion of the third growth cycle,* followed by acceleration of the latter portion of this cycle. When fully grown, tethelin-fed mice also differ from normal animals in being smaller in size but of greater weight, with a distinct difference in the condition of the coat. Normal animals at fourteen months of age have "shaggy, staring and discolored coats," whereas in tethelin-fed animals they have the glossy and silky appearance of young animals. During growth, nor- mal animals display a greater variability in weight than tethelin-fed animals. Extraordinary effects have been observed by Clark8"' to be produced by feeding laying hens with pituitary gland. Thus, by giving to one- year-old hens, in addition to their usual food, 20 milligrams of fresh pituitary substance for four days, it was found that the average daily number -of eggs laid by a batch of 655 hens was raised from 273 during the four days preceding the pituitary feeding to 352 during the four days of the administration, these results being obtained at a time of year when the natural egg-production of the hens was diminishing. It was further observed that not only is the output of eggs greatly increased as a result of the pituitary feeding, but likewise their fertility, for in another experiment in which 35 hens were kept along with two cockerels of the same breed, not only was the output of eggs increased (from 18 up to 33), but the fertility of the eggs was greatly enhanced. Functions of the Posterior Lobe (and Pars Intermedia). — As already mentioned, excision of this part of the pituitary can be tolerably well with- stood by the animal, so much so indeed that from its behavior after the operation we can conclude little as to the function of the lobe. On the other hand, extracts of the posterior lobe injected into normal animals produce effects that arc very striking, indicating that the main function 'Robertson has contributed valuable and very extensive data on the normal curve of growth of wh.te mice kept under carefully controlled conditions. Three growth cycles are present: the first attains its maximum velocity between seven and fourteen days alter birth; the second, between twenty-one and twenty-eight days; and the third about six weeks, after which the velocity decreases progressively, until further growth ceases between the fiftieth and sixtieth weeks succeeding birth. THE PITUITABY BODY of this lobe is production of an autocoid. The extracts have more or Leas an epinephrine-like action. Such extracts, rendered proteii teril- i/«.,|, are obtainable on the markel under the various names of pituitrin, hypophysin, etc. From them a crystallizable material has been obtained, I. ut this is probably a mixture of various Bubstances. In disci] the functions of these various extracts, it must be remembered that the inter- mediary part (pars intermedia) is included with the posterior lobe in their preparation. Although the effed of pituitary extracl on plain musch fiber and on glandular tissue) appears, on first sight, to be very like that produc by epinephrine, it lias been found on closer examination thai the two substances really act in different ways. The rise in blood pressure p duced by pituitary autacoid is likely to be more prolonged than thai produced by epinephrine. It stimulates increased cardiac activity, but after the vagi have been cut or sufficient atropine administered to para- lyze tlirin, the pituitary autacoid continues to stimulate th< gth of the heartbeat without producing the acceleration noted with epinephrine. Whereas epinephrine has little or no action on the coronary - or on those of the lungs, pituitary autacoid usually produces constriction of both types of vessel; and on the renal arteries the actions of the two autacoids are entirely different, for epinephrine has a marked constric- ing effect, while the pituitary autacoid produces dilatation. Another striking difference in the extracts from the two glands is \ealed by repeating the injection after the effect of a previous one has completely passed oft". With epinephrine the original effect is rep duced; with pituitrin, on the other hand, the effect of the second ii tion is very often the reverse of that of the first: that is to say, the bl pressure, instead of rising, may fall, or the rise be very much less marked. Whether this effed of the Second dose is caused by the action of an autacoid having a chalonic rather than a hormonic influe whether it is due t<> a reversed effect ^\' the same hormone, it is impos- sible at present to say. The chalonic effect in any case is much more evanescent than the liorinoiiic, and it is not cause,] by cholin. as som< have suggested. The effect of epinephrine, it will be remembered, abolished by ergotoxin and apocodeine. These drugs, on the other hand. have no influence on the action of pituitrin. The difference in between the two autacoids is usually explained by assuming that the epinephrine acts on the receptor substance associated in some way with terminations of the sympathetic nerve fibers in involuntary mus whereas pituitrin nets directly mi th< involuntary muscle fibers I Other types of involuntary liber are also acted on by pituitrin. The uterine contractions for example are stimulated Fig I 7fi8 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS the intestine (in contrast to the inhibiting effect of epinephrine), and of the bladder-ureter musculature. Dilatation of the pupil of the excised frog J9±L&».= /-*£ i?^;- /ZM*~-(%^$£jUOvsutt^ uMaajlA. Usn- sAAAAA.. Fig. 197. — Tracing showing the action of pituitrin on the uterine contractions and blood pressure in a dog. Made by Barbour's method. (From Jackson.) eye is produced. The effect of pituitrin on the muscle of the bronchioles is shown in Fig. 198 by the diminished excursions of the respiratory tracing. The glands on which the pituitrin has the most pronounced action are Till: I'lTIITARY I'.nl.Y tli.- mammary glands and the kidne; d" I evi- denced by the remarkable increase in the arinary flow following injection of the pitnitrin. This diuresis mighl dne merely to the vasodilatation that we hs such extracts produce dilatation which is all the more marked because the \ in the b undergo constriction. But pituitrin continues I l arinary outflow iii the abseii t* any demonstrable vascular change; it ah after the administration of atropine, ■><> that it I by n observers to act on the excretory epithelium «»f the convo tubules on n.) in much the same way i tain diuretics, like diuretin. This renal hormonic action of pituitrin would appear t<> he analogous with that m on the epithelium of the pancreas Auothe ing that tin secretory hormone is independent of that producing \ dilatation of the renal that a repeated d pituitrin. although, . it usually has a d< . -rill produces a stimulating effect on ti The value of pituitrin as a diuretic in clinical pi v well i ized. The etTeet on milk - *t demonsl by placii . 770 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS in the mammary ducts so that the milk may freely flow out. By observ- ing the rate of outflow during the injection of pituitrin, it will be found that a remarkable increase occurs. After this increased secretion has ceased, however, the injection of more pituitrin has no further effect, indicating that the influence of the first injection must have been, not so much to stimulate the secretion of milk, as to accelerate the outflow of that, which previously had been secreted and had collected in the alveoli and ducts. This effect explains why the pituitary galactagogue should have very little if any effect on the total production of milk or on the total amount of fat and other constituents contained in it. Histological examination of sections of a resting mammary gland and of the same gland after administration of the pituitrin, bears out the above interpre- tation of the action. Alveoli in the resting state will be found largely distended with milk and the epithelium flattened against the basal mem- brane, whereas alveoli from the gland after pituitary activity show small shriveled-up alveoli, containing little milk, and with epithelium that is well marked and stands out prominently from the basal membrane. These facts taken together indicate that pituitrin stimulates the mus- cular fibers of the ducts of the mammary glands, thus squeezing out the milk contained in them. Muscular fibers have been described as existing between the basal membrane and epithelial cells, much in the same way as they do in the case of the sweat glands. At least Schafer has suc- ceeded in demonstrating in this position rod-shaped nuclei which prob- ably belong to muscular fibers.60 By their contraction, the milk in the alveoli is expelled into the ducts. It has also been found that pituitrin stimulates the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid, and that this stimulation is independent of a rise in blood pressure. Pituitrin has a distinct effect on carbohydrate metabolism. After its intravenous or subcutaneous injection, a marked lowering in the toler- ance for sugar is observed (page 652), usually to such an extent that glycosuria becomes established, dishing and his pupils have concluded that the posterior lobe contributes an autacoid which stimulates the utili- zation of sugar in the body. Confirmatory evidence for this view is fur- nished by the observation that mechanical stimulation of the posterior lobe, such as is produced by puncturing it with a needle, is followed by a temporary glycosuria, which is said to be as pronounced as that fol- lowing puncture of the diabetic center (page 672), provided glycogen is present in the liver. The production of this carbohydrate autacoid would appear to be under the control of the sympathetic nervous system, for it has been found by Cushing and others that stimulation of the superior cervical ganglion, which has been known for many years to be fre- quently followed by glycosuria, has this effect only provided the posterior [Ill PITUITARY BODY 771 lobo of the pituitary is intact. Even surgical manipulation of the pitui- tary may excite a hyp etion of pituitrin, which would the glycosuria often observed after experimental i partial destruction <>t' the pituitary. A similar irritation may be Bel up in • of tlir gland. , Tin' glycosuria which is usually observed after partial hypoph; my Boon passes off, to be followed by a permanent '-"li.lii ■ tolerance for sugar, because now Less pituitrin is being produced. 'It is sai.l thai during the stage of increased tolerance diab< n nol ; duced even by excision of the pancreas. The glycosuria produced by irritation of the posterior lobe is a< npanied by a marked polyuri betes insipidus), which may outlast tin- glycosuria. A. B. Fig. 199. — A, To show the ai>] carai Tin; 0ONAD6 777 granules, staining black with osmic acid, are also present in tin- cyto- plasm. The degree of developmenl of the interstitial cells varies in dif- ferent animals, being marked in the <'at ami man ami ill-marked in the rat and rabbit. In animals which slmw seasonal changes in Bexnal activ- ity, the cells are mosl prominenl between the periods of sexual activity, when the semeniferous epithelium is less evident. They also become prominenl in eases where the Bemeniferous epithelium is atrophied, either as a result of disease or following I iur;it inn of the vas deferens done iii such a way that the artery and nerves to the testicles are not included in the Ligature. When the testicle or a portion of it is grafted into another part of the body, the Bemeniferous epithelium degenerates, but the interstitial cells remain alive and become quite prominent. It is believed that the interstitial cells are responsible for the production of an autacoid thai has to do with the development of accessory sexual characteristics. '/'Ik i ffii-ts of castration are not significant in animals below the verte- brata. In all of those, how-over, they are very pronounced. The . trated male frog fails to show development of the thumb pad, hut this development immediately ensues if portions of testis from another frog be placed in the dorsal lymph sac. Tn birds the results are more pro- nounced; in the Castrated male chick the comb, spurs, wattles, etc., fail to develop, hut will usually do so if some testis from another bird is trans- planted into it s tissues. In mammals tho effects are most Striking in animals that develop marked male characteristics, such as the growth of antlers in stairs. These fail to develop properly and are prematurely sheil after castration. In man also, ;is is welhknown from a study of eunuchs, castration has a very profound effect. Hair fails to grow on tho face; the larynx remains undeveloped; the epiphyses are a long time in Ossifying, so that the stature may become great, hut at the same time the limb hones may he more delicate than Usual ; the sutures of the skull are slow in closing; and the whole architecture of a castrated male comes to he very like that of the female. Confirmatory evident f tho infiu- ence of the testicles on the developmenl of secondary sexual character- istics is afforded by the observation that malignant tumors of the tee in hoys are associated with the premature development of the secondary sexual characteristics, and thai these may recede after the removal of tho tumor. As a result of castration, interesting changes have also been observed in other ductless glands. Thus, the suprarenal cortex and tho thymus become enlarged, whereas the thyroid ami pituitary become atrophied. The metabolic fund ions also l>( me tardy, as is e> idenced by i ncy to the deposition of fat. 778 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS When the castration is performed on an adult man, the above changes in the sexual characteristics are of course not so evident, although the prostate, etc., atrophy. The effect on the metabolic functions is, how- ever, very marked, there being a striking tendency to increased forma- tion of fat. It is interesting that accompanying this there should usually occur a lowering of the assimilation limit for carbohydrate, so that glyco- suria is very readily induced. We can not assume, therefore, as dish- ing has done in the case of hypopituitarism, that the fat deposition is attendant upon an improper combustion of carbohydrate. These remarkable effects of castration have naturally prompted ob- servers to study the influence of injection of testicular extract on the development of sexual characteristics in different animals, but the re- sults have in general been considered to be negative in character. The Female Generative Organs It is veil known that, besides their function in producing ova, the ovaries also produce autacoids that have to do not only with the fixa- tion of the embryo in utero, but also with the changes that occur during pregnancy in the maternal organism. It is however at present uncertain as to where these autacoids are produced in the ovary. The two most likely sources are the stroma cells and the corpus luteum. In the stroma of the ovary of certain animals, groups of cells have been described having a different appearance from those of ordinary stroma cells. They have been called the interstitial cells of" the ovary, and are believed to be analogous with the similar structures found in the testicle. It is possible, however, that these interstitial cells are nothing more than cells derived from previous corpora lutea. The latter are formed by proliferation of the follicular epithelium which remains after extrusion of the ovum, and by the ingrowing into the follicle of the so-called theca cells and blood vessels. The fully developed corpus luteum in most animals consists of cells arranged in trabecular converging toward the scar which formed at the place where the follicle had burst. The luteal cells, as they are called, are characterized by containing considerable quantities of lipoid material. That the ovary produces some autacoid is evidenced by both clinical and experimental observations. Thus, if both ovaries are removed in a young animal (oophorectomy or spaying), it is well known that not only does the uterus fail to develop properly, but the external changes characteristic of puberty in the female fail to materialize, although act- ually the general effects arc not so pronounced as they are in the male after castration. Menstruation does not set in; the mammary glands fail to develop; and there is ;i tendency for the hair 1o grow as in the male. i hi: PINEAL GLAND \ni> THE G0NAD6 i 12 When the operation is performed in adull life, the changes are no1 v< pronounced, excepl thai menstruation ceases and tli<' uterus and mam- mary glands atrophy. Metabolism also becomes altered, causing a tendency to the deposition of fat, and in the case of the human animal at least, there is frequently eviden< E mental disturbance. Attempts to acquire more definite information regarding the physio- logical effects of the ovarian autacoid have r atly been made by Schafer and [tagaki.80 Extracts were prepared from the corpus luteum or Graafian follicles or from the hilum ovariae, and observations were made on the effect produced on the behavior of the chief forms of unstriated mut by adding the extracts to isolated preparations of uterus or intestine or by injecting the extracts Into animals. Applied to the isolated prepa- rations, cxtr.-ict of follicular tissue or of liquor folliculi was found to increase the force and rate of the rhythmic contractions of the uterus as well as its tone, whereas inhibition was produced when extract of the hilum was used. Extract of corpus luteum, when injected into the veins, was found to cause the uterus to increase its contraction or if quiescent to begin contracting. Tt was further noted that extracts of hilum caused a fall in arterial blood pressure, whereas those of corpus luteum had little or no effect. Tt would appear from these observat: that the extracts contain two different autacoids, one having a hormonic and the other a chalonic action on plain muscular fiber. Extract of corpus luteum when intravenously injected also stimulates the outpouring of the milk from the mammary glands, although no1 markedly so as extract of pituitary gland. This pituitary-like action is not obtained with extracts of ovary that do not contain corpora Lut Besides being concerned in the outpouring of milk, corpus luteum has also been shown to lie related in some way to the development of the mammary gland during pregnancy. These glands b me developed in young virgin rabbits after the continuous administration for a month or so of extract of corpus luteum. and they also develop in unimp nated animals when the corpus luteum is made to develop by artificial means such as puncturing the Graafian follicle. Furthermore, destruc- tion of the corpora Lutea in a pregnanl rabbit arrests development the mammary glands. Th rpus luteum has also an important func- tion in connection with the formation of the uterine decidua and the fixation of the embryo. Thus, after destruction of the corpus luteum at an early period in pregnancy, the embryo fails to become adherent to the Uterus. 780 THE ENDOCRINE ORGANS, OR DUCTLESS GLANDS DUCTLESS GLANDS REFERENCES* (Monographs) 58"Vincent, Swale: Internal Secretions and the Ductless Glands, Ed. Arnold, London. soBiedl: The Internal Secretory Organs, Wm. Wood & Co., 1913. G0Schafer, Sir E. A.: The Endocrine Organs, Longmans, Green & Co., New York and London, 1916. (Original Papers) eiFulk, M. E., and Macleod, J. J. R,: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1916, xl, 21. e^Folin, O., Cannon, W. B., and Denis, W. : Jour. Biol.' Chem., 1913, xiii, 447. «3Cannon, W. B., and Gray, H.: Am. Jour. Phvsiol., 1914, xxxiv, 232; also with Men- denhall, W. L.: Ibid., 243 and 251. eiHartman, T. H., and others: Am. Jour. Phvsiol., 1915, xxxviii, 433; ibid., 1917, xliii, 311; ibid., xliv, 353; ibid., 1918, xlv. e^Hoskins, R. G. : Am. Jour. Physiol., 1912, xxix, 363 ; Jour. Pharm. and Exp. Therap., 1911, iii, 93; Am. Jour. Phvsiol., 1915, xxxvii, 471 ; ibid., 1916, xli, 513. ^Stewart, G. N., and Rogoff, J. M.: Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1918, iii, 209. See full bibliography by Rogoff in this paper. e^Elliott, T. R.: Jour. Physiol., 1912, xliv, 374. esStewart, G. N.: Jour. Exp. Med., 1911, xiv, 377; ibid., 1912, xv, 547; ibid., xvi, 502. GoStewart, G. N, Rogoff, J. M., and Gibson: Jour. Pharm. and Exper. Therap., 1916, viii, 205. "Meltzer, S. J.: Deutsch. mod. Wchnschr., 1909, xiii. "Stewart, G. N. : Jour. Exper. Med., 1912, xv, 547. "Cannon, W. B., et al.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1911, xxviii, 64; ibid., 1914, xxxiii, .".56; also Bodily Changes in Hunger, Fear, and Rage, Appleton, 1915. "Cannon, W. B., and Cattell, McKeen : Am. Jour. Physiol., 1916, xli, 74. "Macleod, J. J. R., and Pearce, R. G. : Am. Jour. Physiol., 1912, xxix, 419. "Marine, D. : Personal communication. "Marine, D. : Jour. Exper. Med., 1914, xix, 89. "Marine, D., and Lenhart, C. H. : Jour. Exper. Med., 1910, xii, 311; ibid., 1911, xiii, 455; also Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1910, xxi, 95. "Marine, D., and Kimball, O. P.: Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1917, iii, 41. "Kendall, E. C. : Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1916, 175, 557; also Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Am. Jour. Physiol., 1918, xliv. sopaton, Noel and Finlav: Quart. Jour. Exp. Physiol., 1917, x, 203. Paton, Noel. Finlav and Watson, A.: Ibid., 233, 243, 315, and 377. siMacCallum, W. G., etc.: Jour. Exper. Med., 1909, xi, 118; ibid., 1913, xviii, 646; dour. Pharm. and Exper. Therap., 1911, ii, 421. s^Cushing, Harvey: The Pituitary Body and Its Disorders, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1912. ssHorsley, V.: Brit. Med. Jour., 1885, i, 111. siRobertson, Brailsford, and Ray, L. A.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1916, xxiv, 347, 363, 385, 397, 409. s^Clark, L. N. : Jour. Biol. Chem., 1915, xxii, 485. *The numbering is in continuation with that for metabolism. PART IX THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CHAPTER I. WW VI THE EVOLUTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system of the higher animals consists of the nerve cen- ters, and the nerves with their various interconnecting trad The nerve trad and centers are located mainlj in the spinal cord and brain, where, by their interlacement, they form an extremely complex struc- ture. The exad position of the centers and the course and connections of tlie tracts with the centers are problems which, under t lie title of neurology, have during recenl years been contributed to more particu- larly by the anatomisl and the pathologist. The information thus gathered tells us the possible tract or tracts of nerve fibers through which the various centers may communicate either with one another or with the structures outside the central nervous system upon which they act. Since each of thes,. .-enters may, however, be played upon by in- fluences coming from differenl regions of the body, it is evident that tl must remain, as an equally important aspect of the subject, the investi- gation of the means by which the various available centers and tracts are broughl into communication and action at the proper time. In other words, we must investigate tin functional uses <>t tin avaUabU paths. We may compare the central nervous Bystem with a telephone system, the exchanges representing the nerve centers, and the wires the nerve trunks. Any incoming wire may be connected by the rator with any outgoing wire, but a knowledge of how each wire runs does aot I us under what conditions the various wires will be connected for trans- mission of messages. It is the same with the nervous system; the neun gist can tell ns how the tracts and centers run, hut not the conditi under which they may art together. This it is the duty ^'.' the physiolo( to ascertain. Since it is the degree of development of the central nen .- system which determines an animal's position in the evolutionary scale, much Information concerning the relative importance of the various parts of 781 782 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM it can be gleaned from a survey of the conditions under which the nervous system makes its appearance in the lowest forms of animal life. In the case of unicellular organisms, such as the ameba, the ap- plication of a stimulus to the surface causes a movement, because the protoplasm of the organism possesses, among its other properties, those of excitability, conductivity and contractility. In the case of multicel- lular organisms, on the other hand, some colls are set aside and spe- cialized for the assimilation of food, others for movement, others to receive stimuli from the outside, and yet others to compose the tougher tissues which protect the surface of the animal from injury. This loca- tion of specific function in specialized groups of cells makes it necessary, for the welfare of the organism as a whole, that some means of com- munication should be provided between the distant parts of the animal, for otherwise the cells which are occupied in absorbing food would be unable to move away or be protected from harm when some destructive agency approached them, and indeed the moving (muscle) cells could never know when the welfare of the organism as a whole demanded that they should become active. It is probable that, in some of the lower organisms, the messages trans- mitted from one group of cells to the others are carried by chemical substances present in the circulating fluid — hormones, as they are called (page 729). For the quick adaptation that is necessary in the struggle for existence, however, such hormones are usually too slow in bringing about the response, and very early in the evolutionary scale we find that cer- tain cells become differentiated for this special purpose. The cells thus specialized constitute the nervous system, their differentiation, as would be expected, being, however, antedated by that of the cells that form the muscular tissues. In the sponrjes, for example, muscle cells become developed from ameboid epithelium and from a layer underneath the external epithelium. These muscle cells contract slowly so as to cause opening and closing of the small mouths, or oscula, on the surface of the sponge in response to movements in the sea water. They are in- dependent of any nervous structures. In certain Ccelenterates the muscle cells respond a little more quickly than in the sponges, and this greater efficiency is found to be dependent upon the appearance of a localized, very primitive nervous system1. This nervous system consists of specially modified epithelial cells, or receptors, sending branches from their inner ends, which either come in con- tael with the muse] lis. of effectors. In the region between the receptors and the effectors the network at first serves merely as a structure whereby the entire musculature of the animal can he brought into harmonious action from a single point on the surface, as, for example, in the ease of the sea THE I V0L1 TION OP Till. \l RVO anemone No. 2 of Pig. 201 . In the jellyfish, which in contrasl to the anemone is a free moving animal, we find thai the receptors are more highly specialized and, therefore, much more sensitive, and thai tin- impulses which they receive are -transmitted to a more definite nerve network, capable doI only of conveying the excitatory process from one pari <>t' the animal to an- other, Km also of imprinting on the impulse ;i characteristic rhythmic ac- i. 5|)ent)c 5ea anemone Simple form in earthworm i e Addition of association neurons in earthworm l. Diagram to show gradual e> iti '•'»' cell and in the »| '■ epithelu ■ .11 in tbf m u | in a Kank- mi simple form miii in the earth.. M - invertebr. tivity which brings aboul the contraction <»t' the bell ami the sw imming mo m. 'lit hi' the animal. 'I'll.' network now assumes the function «>t' an n as well as a transmitter of imputa So far the adjuster is an extremely simple structure, ami it is possible that the effector ami receptor organs are directly com by fil running through it. When we come t.> the segnu nted ini 784 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (such as the earthworm, crayfish, lobster, etc.,) much more definite spe- cialization of the adjuster occurs, for now this intermediate nervous tis- sue becomes collected into so-called ganglia, a pair existing for each segment and the various pairs being connected by definite nerve structures, constituting the ganglion chain. It is in tli is group of animals that we have, for the first time, def- inite evidence of the existence of the neuron, which may be considered as the elementary unit of which the nervous sys- tem of all the higher animals is built. A neuron may be either sensory or motor, and in both cases it consists of a cell with a nucleus, one long process, called the axon, and several short branching processes, called the den- drites. The axon in its course may give off a branch, or more, at right angles, — these are sometimes called collaterals, — and at its end it may break up into very fine branches called a synapsis. In a sensory neuron the im- pulse is transmitted from the end of the axon to the nerve cell, whereas in a motor neuron it is transmitted in the opposite direction from the cell to the end of the axon (Fig. 203). The simplest arrangement of sensory and motor neu- rons to constitute the nervous system is seen in the earthworm, in which it forms the simplest type of reflex arc (Fig. 201, No. 3). The sensory neuron has its cell body in the skin, and its axon proceeds to one of the segmental ganglia, in which are large nerve cells whose thick axons pass out from the ganglion as motor fibers to the muscles of the body wall. The dendrites of the motor neuron and the branching of the termination of the sensory neuron cause a very fine interlacement of nerve fibers in the ganglia, forming a network known as the neuropile. The sensory impulse, on reaching the ganglion, is transmitted by the synapsis to the den- drites, probably without the fibers actually joining to- gether; that is, the nerve impulses pass from the one to the other set of branches by contact rather than by transmission through continuous tissue. By such an arrangement it is evident that the nervous apparatus in each segment could cause a contraction of the muscles of its own neighborhood, but that a stimulus applied to one re- ceptor would be incapable of calling forth a contraction of the muscles of a far distant segment, much less a coordinated contraction of the musculature Fig. 202.— Dia- gram of nervous system of seg- mented inverte- brate; a, supra- esophageal g a n- glion; b, subeso- phageal ganglion; oe, esophagus or gullet. I III EV0L1 TION OF Till M RVO STEM of the whole animal such as would be required for locomotion. To ren this possible it is n< Bsary that some means of communication become tabli&hed between* the differenl segmental ganglia. This is effected by association neurons, each of which, as the name implies, consists of a nerve cell with its dendrites Located in one ganglion and of an axon, which passee to the next or oven to some more distanl ganglion, where it ends by synapsis. The important point to note is that tin--.. ;i-»hm;iT ion neurons do not leave the central nervous system; they merely conned various ganglia. So far the ganglia of each segment are of equal importance, but if we examine further we shall find that at the head end* of the animal several of the ganglia become fused together to form a larger ganglion, -'03. — Schema of simple r< ; r, receptor in an epithelial memhrane; a, afferent fiber; s. synapsis; c, nerve cell of center; r , •; m, effector on which lies jusl above the gullet, and from which fibers pro< d around the gullet to unite in front of it in another large ganglion, which usually shows three lobes. These Larger ganglia receive afferent nerve fibers from the closely adjacent primitive BCnse organs for sight, sound and smell, from structures, thai is, that are really highly specialized recep- tors. The cells of the retina and ear have been made capable of reacting to impulses of lighl or sound instead of those of pain, touch or tempera- ture, to which the receptors of the integument an eially sensitised They are distana receptors projicienl receptors . and it is evident that the nerve reflexes with which they are concerned are of a higher 0] than those located in the segmental ganglia themsel1 Some of the neurons of the head ganglia are merely motor and act on the muscles of the head cud of the animal, but otic purely assoeia- 786 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM tion neurons and proceed down the ganglion chain to terminate by synapses in one or other of the segmental ganglia. These association neurons exercise a dominating influence over the activities of the seg- mental ganglia, so that they may determine Hie response of the animal when its safety is threatened by some approaching enemy. When, for example, the stimulus produced by some sight or sound of an approach- ing enemy is received by the head ganglia, these will transmit impulses down the ganglion chain which so influence the various nerve cells of this chain as to produce in all of them a coordinated action for the pur- pose of removing the animal from danger. Even should some local stimulant be acting on one or more of the segments, the response may be inhibited on account of stimuli meanwhile transmitted by way of asso- ciation neurons from the large head ganglia; in other words, the part controlled by the segmental ganglia becomes subservient to the whole through the dominating control of the head ganglia. This illustrates the beginnings of the integration of the nervous system; and as we pass to the study of the higher animals, we shall see that this integration becomes more and more complicated, and that, as it does so; the nerve centers acquire the power of storing away the impressions they receive, which they may afterwards apply to regulate the reflex response. Thus memory and volition come to find their place in the nervous inte- gration of the animal. The afferent stimulus arriving, let us suppose, at nerve cells controlling the movement of the leg, may fail to cause a response of the corresponding muscles because of impulses meanwhile transmitted by association neurons from higher memory centers, for the animal may have learned by experience that such a movement as the local stimulus would in itself call forth is opposed to its own best in- terests. This experience will have been stored away in memory nerve centers, so that, whenever the local stimulus is repeated, impulses are discharged from the memory centers to the local nerve centers, and the reflex response does not occur, or is much modified in nature. For storing away these memories and for related psychological processes of volition, etc., the anterior portions of the nervous system in higher ani- mals become very highly developed so as to constitute the brain, and the simple chain of ganglia of the invertebrates is replaced by the spinal cord. As we ascend the scale of the vertebrates, the brain becomes more and more developed, until in the higher mammalia, such as man, very few reflex actions can occur independently of the higher centers which are located in it. The reflex arc now involves, not one nerve center, but several, and of these the most important are located in the brain. There is thus no essential difference in the general nature of integra- THE I VOLUTION OF Till \i RVOl i.M tion in the nervous Bystem of the lower as compared with the higher animals, bu1 there is a very distinct morphological difference: in the lower or invertehrate animals the ganglion nerve chain is ventral to the alimen- tary canal, whereas in the higher or vertebrate, the spinal cord, which lakes the place of the ganglia, is dorsal to the alimentary canal. In b groups the head ganglia arc dorsal to the alimentary canal, but in vertebrates these become much more definite in structure, and constitute the brain. This morphological difference between vertebrates and inverte- brates is probably no1 so fundamental as a1 first sighl it may appear to bo, for, as Gaskell has shown, ii is possible thai the alimentary canal of the invertebrates is really homologous with tl intra] canal of the spinal curd and the ventricles of the brain of the vertebrates. Accord- ing to this observer, what has really happened in the latter group of animals is thai the ganglia have grown up so as to Burround the alimen- tary canal and so constitute a continuous structure, a new alimentary canal beinir meanwhile provided by the enclosure of a space as a result of ventral downgrowth of the body walls. Although this view'has nol Keen generally accepted by biologists, their is no inherent reason why it should not lie accepted. It is no more to be wondered at than the well- known fact thai a new respiratory system 1" mes developed in the passage from aquatic to land amphibians. The fibers of the sensory neurons in vertebrates are collected tog to form the posterior roots of the spinal cord, and the eel] bodies of these neurons are located not on the surface, as in invertebrates, l>ut in t In- posterior root ganglia, the cells being connected to the filters by T-sha] junctions. The olfactory nerve is the only one in the higher vertebrates winch retains its primitive condition. In the vertebrate animals the spinal member in the integration of the central nervous Bystem is the motor neuron, the fibers being collected in the anterior roots. Toward the cell of this neuron impulses are transmitted, not only from the segmenl in which it is itself located, hut by way of SOCiation neurons from other BCgmentS or from far distant parts of the central nervous system. In other words, this motor neuron may transmit impulses which cause the muscles to perform local independent mi merits, which are coordinated with those of adjl nd which may lie of widely varying types. The motor neuron has therefore ■ appropriately been called the final common /><»//'. ami it will be one of our main objects later to show the conditions under which several diffei competing influences may obtain possession of this path. CHAPTER LXXXVII THE PROPERTIES OF EACH PART OP THE REFLEX ARC Having briefly traced the physiological development of the nervous sys- tem, we are prepared to consider in greater detail the peculiar function of each of the parts which enter into the formation of the reflex arc. THE RECEPTOR With the advance in animal organization is associated the development of the ability to appreciate and discriminate between external phe- nomena, special organs called receptors being evolved to receive the stimuli which these occasion. Those receptors which are distributed over the skin of the animal are called external or cxteroceptors, and are especially adapted to react to such stimuli as temperature, pressure, and pain, but at the fore end of the animal certain receptors become more highly specialized so as to react to stimuli coming from a distance — that is, to stimuli that are not produced by contact of external objects with the surface of the animal. These specialized receptors — sometimes called proficient — include the eye, the ear, and the olfactory epithelium. Receptors are also provided in the interior of the organism for the pur- pose of receiving stimuli dependent upon the activities of the organism itself. They may be called internal receptors, and we may further dis- tinguish two groups of them — namely, those which come from the sur- faces of the mucous membranes and those which come from the sub- stance of the various organs and tissues themselves, as, for example, from the substance of muscle or tendon. A receptor may be denned in a general way as a mechanism in which some particular kind of stimulus produces changes that result in the excitation of the nerve fiber with which the receptor is connected, al- though the stimulus in itself is incapable of exciting the nerve fiber. In other words, as Sherrington puts it, the receptor has the threshold of its excitability raised to every kind of stimulus save one, toward which it is lowered. A nerve fiber, for instance, responds to every kind of stimulus approximately equally; a receptor will also respond to these same stimuli, but with great inequality, since each receptor is specialized to react to one kind of stimulus and to others only when these are very strong. 788 THE PROPERTIES 01 l LOH PABT OF THE Hi HI \ ABO Ii is often a difficull matter to determine .just exactly what it is in ihe nature of the stimulus thai makes it capable of affecting on< and not another; for example, it is often merely a question of tl of vibration of the stimulus. Lighl and heat rays both duo to vibration of the ether which fills Bpace When these vibrations are slow, they stimulate receptors thai have been specialized for apprecia- tion of temperature, bu1 when they are rapid and exist as rays of li^ht. they no longer aftVrt the temperature r iptors bul only the highly spe- cialized receptors of the retina. Similar vibrations of tin- air in pli of tho ether cause sound and stimulate tho auditory receptors. Tt is quite likely that tho receptors in different groups of animals are attui to react tn different rates of vibration. For example, a cat can hoar higher pitehod notes than man, and it is possible that the retinas of some animals respond to rays vibrating with a different frequency from those to which the retina of man is adaptod. Tn this connection it is of in- terest to note that tho touoh roooptors of tho skin rospnnd so promptly to stimulation that ono hundred vibrations of a tuning fork per seeond can bo felt as separate stimuli, whereas to tho oar at this frequency th^ fork omits a eontinuous note. Tho roooptors of touoh are therefore moro prompt in their response than tho roooptors of tho auditory nerve. When onee tho roooptor has boon stimulated, tho impulse passes and is transmitted to the nerve centers, where it is translated into a par- ticular sensation. Tho conditions are really not unlike those whioh ob- tain in tho ease of tho various physioal instruments used to reeeive and convert into tl lectric current stimuli <>f heat, light, chemical ene eto. Tho roooiver required to bring about this transformation must ho especially constructed in eaoh ease, that for light boinir the aotinomoter. that for motion the dynamo, that for heat the thermopile, and that for chemical energy the oonoontration coll. Eaoh of these physioal instru- ments may bo considered as a specialized receptor for tho purpose of producing an electric current out of other forms of energy Tn accepting the above analogy we must not fail to boar in mind that very feeble stimuli are often able to set in operation nerve impti that are as potent as those produced by much stronger stimuli. Here again, we have a physical analogue in the case of relay currents, in which a fooblo electric current may operate to complete the circuit from ind( 'it soi. •' electric discharge and thus set in motion a much larger amount of oner These general considerations ,,f the natal ptor naturally lead u< ti. the law of thr >- properties of > which is to the effect that, however excited, each nerve of special sense gives riso to its own peculiar sensation. Tims, in whatever way the chorda tympani 790 THE CENTRAL Minors SYSTEM nerve is stimulated (chemically, mechanically or electrically) during its passage across the tympanum, the sensation evoked is that of taste. And so with llif receptor; whatever the means by which it is excited, whether by the particular kind of stimulus for which it is adapted or by excessive intensities of other stimuli, excitation always evokes the same sensation, [f the optic nerve or retina is mechanically stimulated, as by pressure againsl the outer eanthus of the eye or by an electric cur- rent, the sensation is thai of light. Applying these facts to less well- known receptors, such as those of heat and cold, it is interesting to note that stimulation of a "cold spot' by extreme heat or by mechanical or electrical stimuli brings out the sensation of cold. Properties of Epicritic and Protopathic Receptors A valuable grouping of receptors of the skin has been demonstrated by Eead and his pupils by experiments on himself. Head found after sec- 1 itMi of the skin nerves — of the radial nerve, for example — that deep pressure and pain were still present in the area supplied by the nerve, indicating that these deep sensations are carried by the sensory fibers present in the muscular nerves. In such a paralyzed sensory region the power of general localization is fairly good, although light, touch, tem- perature and superficial pain are entirely absent in the overlying skin. In the case of the fingers the nerves of deep sensibility run in the ten- dons of the finger muscles, so that after severance of the cutaneous nerves and tendons of the hand, all sensibility is gone. During the regeneration of the cut nerve the cutaneous sensations re- appear at two periods: one group, called the protopathic, begins to ap- pear in from seven to twenty-six weeks, whereas the other, called epicritic, does not fully appear for one or two years.2 The protophatic sensations are of a distinctly lower order than the epicritic. When they alone arc present, there is the sensation of pain, but not that of fine touch; tem- perature sensations are fell when extreme degrees of heat or cold — above -38° C. or below 20° C— are applied to the skin, but not for slight de- grees; the power of discriminating between two points is almost entirely absent ; and the sense of Localization is very imperfect. For example, the person will often vd'ov the point that lias actually been stimulated to a neighboring normal portion of skin. Protopathic sensibility is more or less distributed in spots, mid il is strongly "affective" in character, caus- ing an intense subjective sensation. A stimulus that causes only moderate pain under normal conditions produces in a ''protopathic area" a pain thai may he intense. The epicritic sensation, as will he inferred from the foregoing, responds Till PROPERTIES OP I \' M PART OF Mil REFLEX \K< 791 to finer grades of stimulation. Bj it we can feel the 1 i *_r 1 1 1 ♦ • s. t touch and can discriminate, tin- finesl grades of temperature between 26 and 37 I The power of localization of the stimulus and the ability to discrimii between two points also return with epicritic regeneration. In the Bpinal cord the nerve fibers carrying one kind of Bensation are grouped together, in the Bense thai pain sensations, whether deep or protopathic, run in the Bame column in the cord. Likewise temperature sensations, whether protopathic or epicritic, run together. The Peculiarities of Each of the Separate Sensations Temperature. The receptors for temperature are arranged in groups, Borne being sensitized for heat, others for cold. These groups of receptors are called heat and cold spots. They can be very easily detected on an Fig. 204. Thermoesthesii area of s U i n by means of a pointed hollow vessel, through which water ifl made to flow at a temperature a Little below or a little above that of the skin. The instrument is called a thermo-csthesiometer. On a part of the skiii where their are mi heat and cold spots, the thermo-esthesiometer will elicit no sensation either of heat or of COld. This is charted on an Outline drawing of the part as a neutral spot. At other places it will call forth a Bensation of heat, indicating the presence of heat spots, or at othei sensation of cold, indicating the presence of cold spots. It will he n< that certain of the spots are much m ictive titan others, and that t1 of cold are much the more numerous Bee Pig 205 Both heal and cold spots are most fre.pient at the nipples; then, in Order, cine the idlest, the nose, the anterior surface ,,!' the arm. and the abdomen They are marked on the exposed BUrfaCC of the skin, guch .is tin1 face, and tl 792 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM also very infrequent in the scalp. They are almost absent from the mucous membranes, which explains why one is able to swallow a liquid that is too hot for the hand. The acuteness of the temperature sensation, as with all the other cu- taneous sensations, depends very much on the condition of the skin, being most sensitive when this is at the ordinary temperature, but very imperfect when it is either very hot or very cold. There is also very marked adaptation of the sense. This can be very well shown by the simple experiment of taking three vessels of water, one at a moderate tempera- ture, one very hot and one very cold. If a finger of one hand is placed in the hot water and a finger of the other in the cold, and they are left there for a short time, until the skin has assumed the same temperature as the water, and then transferred to the lukewarm water, the finger Fig. 205. — Cold spots (A) and heat spots (B) of an area of skin of the right hand. In each case the most intense sensations were experienced in the hlack areas, less intense in the lined, and least in the dotted. The blank areas represent parts where no special sensation of either kind was experienced. (From Goldseheider.) transferred from the cold water will feel hot, and that transferred from the hot water will feel cold. Temperature sensation also produces a marked positive after-effect. Thus, if a cold coin is placed on the fore- head and then removed, the cold sensation will persist for some time in the area of skin on which the coin was laid. That the receptors for heat and cold respond only to one kind of stimulus, or if to others, only when these are excessive, can be well il- lustrated by the experiment of touching a cold spot with a very hot ob- ject: the sensation will be that of cold. The hot object has so pronounced a power of stimulation that it has overstepped the threshold for heat of the cold-adapted receptors. The sensation of cold is elicited more promptly than that of warmth. The distinction between a warm and a THE PROPERTIES OF EA< II I'AKT OF THE KEFLEX ARC hot bath may really depend on the fact that in the tatter the cold s] are stimulated as well as those of heat. It is at least interesting to note thai the physiological reflexes stimulated by either a cold or a very hoi bath are the same; thus, a rise of blood pressure and a contraction of the muscles of the skin occur in both eases. The Touch Sense. — In order to investigate the tonch sense fcely, von Fvcy has devised a method of asing hairs of differenl thickness each mounted on a different handle. The hair which prodn * 1 « » 1 1 of touch when pressed on the skin so that it just 1m ads is then similarly pressed on one scale pan of a balance, and the weight required in the other scale pan to hold the heam horizontal -when the hair just hends, is ascertained. From the diameter of the hair one can then calculate how many grams per square millimeter are necessary to elicit the Bensation of touch. The following quantitative results have been ohtained by ap- plying von Prey's method to different parts of the body: Gm. per sq. mm. Tongue and nose 2 Lip 2.."> Finger tip and forehead ?• Back of finger 5 Palm 7 Forearm Back of hand 12 Calf, shoulder 16 Abdomen 2fl Outside of thigh Shin and sole 2*5 Back of forearm L"in )v That the sense of touch is located in spots — touch spots — can best 1"' demonstrated on the calf of the leg. Tf this is shaved and then carefully explored with a fairly stiff hair, it will he found that there are only some twelve to fifteen spots in an area of a square centimeter at which the hair can he felt. Between these spots there is no sensation of touch. That these spots are composed of specialized receptors can he very clearly shown by pressing a fine needle into one of them, when no pain will he experienced hut only a peculiar shotty sense of pressure. Careful examination of the position of the touch spots will further show that they are grouped around hair follicles, particularly on t: front which the hair extends the windward ride, v 6 may call it. This fact explains 1he well-known experience that an object may he felt n acutely on a hairy surface than after that surface has been shaved. The hairs bend slightly when the objeel eomes in contact with them, thus 794 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM causing pressure to be exerted on the hair follicles, so that the touch corpuscles in the neighborhood of the follicles, or perhaps the fine nerve plexus which surrounds them, hecomes excited. The influence of hairs in increasing the touch sensation can be demonstrated by the von Frey method; For example, in one experiment over an area of 9 square mil- limeters of skin with hairs present, 2 milligrams were found to produce the sensation, whereas after the hairs had been removed, it required 36 milli- grams. The frequency of touch corpuscles differs very much in different parts of the body. They are most plentiful on the fingers, relatively infrequent over the skin of the back, and very scarce in the skin directly over bony surfaces. They are entirely absent from the cornea, the conjunctiva of the upper lid, and the glans penis. The adequate stimulus for touch is evidently deformation of the surface. Pressure exerted over all the touch corpuscles of a portion of skin is not felt. This can be demon- strated by dipping the finger into mercury. The pressure of the mercury is felt on the surface but not in the submerged portion of the finger. Touch is the most responsive of all the sensations. Thus, as has already been noted, a tuning fork can be felt vibrating by the finger when to the ear its note is a continuous one, and the stimuli produced by a re- volving serrated wheel can be felt by the fingers as separate even up to a rate of five or six hundred stimuli per second. Adaptation is also a marked feature of the touch sense, as is the experience of every one who has worn flannel underclothing or a plate of false teeth. Closely related to the tactile sense is the power of discrimination oc- tween two points. This is tested by finding at what distance the two points of a pair of calipers stand in order to be distinguished as separate. The result in any given part of the body varies a little according to whether the points rest on touch corpuscles and according to the rela- tionship of the calipers to the hair follicles. On an average, however, we may take the following distances in millimeters as being those at which the two points can be distinguished over different areas of the body: mm. Tip of tongue 1.1 Volar surface of finger tip 2.3 Dorsal of lost phalanx 6.8 Palm dl' hand 11.3 Baf EACB PART OP Till. Kl.H.l.x ARC at the tip of the tongue and the tip of the fingers; it is least on the relatively immobile skin (lf the back. These distances are much less v. hen the points real on two touch corpuscles*. Under these conditions, for in- stai the distance for the volar Bide of the finger tip or even for the palm of the hand may be only one-tenth of a millimeter; and for the arm and back it may become reduced to half a millimeter. Localization of touch is a very accurate process, al leasl in the d sensitive parts of the skin, hut nevertheless it is very probably a mat- ter of education. An evidence of this is the fart thai in tin- much more highly specialized retina the power of localization of objects' in the visual field is a process of education and experience. For tins reason a pei from whom a congenital cataract has been removed, can not locate the objects which he sees until after he has learned by his experience of touch, taste, etc., to associate the portion of the retina stimulated with a certain part of the visual field. If this is true for the retina, it is also probably true for touch. The famous experiment of Aristotle is explicable on the same basis. If the fingers are crossed and a marble placed between the crossed fingers, it will be felt as double, since now it touches two skin surfaces which have not been accustomed to touch the same object, but educated to feel different objects. Experience associates those two skin areas with different objects, not with the same object. The Pain Sense. — It was at one time thought that the sensation of pain was due to overstimulation of any kind of receptor, but it is now known that for this, as for other skin sensations, there exist special receptors. Tims, it is found thai in certain parts of the body, such as the cornea, and to 8 certain extent in. the glans penis, pain receptors alone are present, and in disease the sense of pain may be entirely abolished, whereas that of touch remains, this condition being called analgesia. Overstimulation of a touch spot does not, as we have seen, cause pain but only a sense of pressure. Although pain is appreciated by special receptors, the charac- ter of the pain is dependent on the other sense receptors simultaneously excited: for example, a throbbing pain is due to the simultaneous pi snre produced by dilated blood vessels, etc. A sensation of pain accom- panies certain reflexes of a protective nature (nociceptive reflexes, page 825), and when the reflex is absenl the part is likei) to suffer damage. On this account the pain nerves may be regarded as trophic nerves. The sense of pain ma\ als lir in structures which are devoid of ordinary sensibility, such as the intestine and the ureter CHAPTER L XX XV III THE PROPERTIES OF EACH PART OF THE REFLEX ARC (Cont'd) THE NERVE NETWORK Tn all animals above the Celenterates, no direct protoplasmic continuity exists bet-ween the various neurons, the transmission of the nerve impulse depending on contiguity rather than continuity of the elements that con- stitute the reflex arc. This transmission may be effected through a syn- apsis coming in contact either with dendrites or with nerve cells. It is extremely difficult to know whether there is really any anatomic con- tinuity between the various fibers which form the network in the gray matter of. the central nervous system. "We shall not attempt to discuss this vexed question here, but in order that we may learn something of the possible functions of a nerve network, we may consider that present in the Avails of the intestine (plexus of Auerbach and Meissner.) This plexus seems to have an important function to perform in connection with the myenteric reflex (see page 466). At least it has been shown by Meek3 that after transsection of the intestine the muscular and epithelial structures be- come regenerated considerably earlier than the nervous plexus, but that the myenteric reflex, which, it will be remembered, is characterized by a wave of inhibition preceding one of contraction does not occur until after the plexus has been regenerated. NETWORK ON SKIN NERVES A very important type of nerve network, from the medical viewpoint, is that which is produced close to their receptor endings by the branch- ing of the afferent fibers of the skin. Through these branches the vas- cular reactions following the application of an irritant to the sensory surface take place without the intervention of any nerve cells. It used to be thought that such reflex vasodilatation depended upon the trans- mission of an impulse along an afferent neuron to an efferent vaso- dilator neuron, a view strictly in consonance with the neuron hypothesis. That such is not the case, however, is shown by the fact observed by Xinian Bruce4 that irritants such as mustard oil applied to the skin or cornea continue to produce their usual reaction for some time after 796 THE PROPERTIES 01 I \< H I'AUT OP 'Mil. REFLEX ARC section of the posterior roota of the spinal cord, but fail to e transmitted down the fibers an afferent aerve has been confirmed by Bayliss, who found thai va dilatation occurred in the hind limb when the posterior spinal roots were stimulated I Bee page 23 I . Post, root gang.- I -■ Diagram I n reflex of sensory nerve fiber of shin. A stimulus applied I the skin is transmitted by tb< i.l.< r i \ I, part . mu to the spinal co: . an>i part of it parsing by the collateral (C) to the arteriole i.-ii, which it causes to dilate. In this peripheral branching of the afferenl fibers of the skin, we have therefore a sort of neuropile which, like that of certain forma Celenterates see page T^-j . is capable of s,.r\ in lt as a pathway for the transmission of a Bensory impulse to an effector organ without the in- tervention of aerve cells. Such a reflex is known as an axon reflex, and it is evident that it may occur through any fiber which gives off brand one traveling to a sensory surface, the other to some effector organ, occurs in the hypogastric aerves to the bladder Bee paj ~~ ; . THE SYNAPSIS At tin* poinl of ita.-t between a branch of one neuron and a nerve cell of the next, we have seen thai there exists structure known the synapsis. Although this is described by hist . tuft-like 798 Till CENTRAL NKRVOnS RYSTKM branching ft' the end of the axon (Fig. 207), it may really consist of a sort of membrane- the synaptic membrane. It permits the nerve im- pulse to pass in one direction only, from synapsis to cell. Of what this membrane may be composed, we do not know, but there can be no doubt as to ils greal functional importance in connection with the in- tegration of the central nervous system; for example, failure of an im- pulse to pass between two neurons may be due to retraction of the synaptic membrane from the cell, or to alteration in its permeability to- wards the nerve impulse, perhaps as a. consequence of changes in surface Fig. 207.- — Arborization of collaterals from the posterior root fibers around the cells of the posterior horn. A, ascending fiber in posterior columns; B, collaterals; C, cells of posterior horn; napsis. ( Prom Ramon y Cajal.) tension. Similar changes may also be brought about by the action of electrolytes or by chloroform, strychnine, and other drugs. As we shall see when we come to study the reflexes of the higher animals, there can be little doubt that it is in the synaptic membrane that many of the peculiarities reside which characterize conduction in a reflex arc as compared with that in a nerve trunk. The phenomena of summation, of reciprocal inhibition, of facilitation, etc., are undoubtedly depend- ent upon such alterations. The synapsis is also almost certainly the seat of fatigue in the central nervous system, and it is possibly the strueture whose physiologic activity becomes upset in surgical shock. Till. PR0PRRTI1 - OP I \« II PART OP Till Kl III X \l:< THE NERVE CELL Aside Prom being a meeting place of fibers coming from various sources, the nervi II may have other functions, such as that of rein- forcing impulses, jusl as a relay may reinforce an electric current It is also responsible for maintaining the nutrition of the axon with which it is connected. In the case of the posterior rool fibers of higher ani- Pig, 208. Normal cell from the anterior horn, stained to show N ( Prom 1 1' ■» ell. > mala, this function is probably the must importanl which the cell | forma, for it has been found by separating the ganglia from their bli supply in the frog that, although the cells degenerate in about two weeks, Bensory impulses continue to be transmitted through the gan- glia, similar observations have I »«•«■! 1 made in tl • of the crab, in which the '•••11 bodies of the neurons lie <>n the surfa the ganglion MHI THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM mass, from which they can be separated, leaving merely the neuropile, through which, however, the reflex continues to be conveyed. After a time, of course in this case also the reflex disappears, because an axon can not live indefinitely after it has been separated from its nerve cell. These fads regarding the general function of the nerve cell arouse our curiosity as to its morphological structure. When nerve cells are fixed and stained in various ways they show certain elements in the Ax ' 'i&M Fig. 209. — Part of an anterior cornual cell from the calf's spinal cord, stained to show neurofibrils. ax, axon; a, b, c, dendrites. (From Bethe.) cytoplasm — namely, (1) large granules or masses, which stain deeply with basic dyes and are called Nissl bodies (Fig. 208), and (2) a fine network of fibrils passing through the cell substance from one process or dendrite to another — neurofibrils (Fig. 209). These appearances in fixed and stained preparations are possibly, however, entirely artificial ; for when nerve cells are preserved in a living state — by being suspended in some of the animal's own lymph or blood serum — it is found, when they are ex- amined by the aid of the ultramicroscope (see page •rJ2), thai the cytoplasm THE PROPERTIES OF I \!>> THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM upon the lowering of arterial blood pressure which a section of the cord higher than the mid-dorsal region must entail. The poor nutritive condition of the skin which Ave have seen to exist in the hind limbs in shock, shows that the blood vessels in them are profoundly dilated, but evidently the fall in blood pressure has nothing to do with the faulty conduction through the spinal cord, for such a fall would affect the centers for the fore limbs as well as those for the hind, and yet the former show no symptoms of shock. Exactly similar shock is obtained by any section of the spinal cord as high up as the medulla. Of course as the section is made higher and higher up, the resulting paralysis becomes more and more marked, and may reach such a degree of severity that recovery of the animal be- comes an impossiblity. When we come to consider the functions of the various parts of the brain, we shall have occasion to study the effects following section at higher levels of the cerebrospinal axis. Meanwhile, however, it is im- portant to note that when a section is made across the crura cerebri, so that the cerebral hemispheres alone are isolated from the rest of the nervous system, a condition of contracture of all of the extensor muscles occurs. This condition is known as decerebrate rigidity. CHAPTEB XC PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OP THE SDfPLK KKFLKX ARC We may now proceed to study the properties of reflex actios occur- ring through the isolated spinal renters of a spinal animal. There are two aspects of tlic qnestion to be considered: 1) the properties of a single reflex arc, and (2) the action or influence of one reflex arc on another. The importance of llie Latter will be evident when it is re- membered thai complicated muscular movements depend for their proper coordination entirely on the interaction between the various reflex arcs which compose the nervous system. This interaction, as already ex- plained, has been called l>y Sherrington the integration of tht nervous system. Probably the simplest way to study the physiologic properties of the simple reflex is to compare the mode of conduction of a nerve impulse through it with conduction along a simple nerve trunk. \)y comparing the two modes of conduit ion we shall be better able to appreciate the modifications to -which the impulse is subjected by con- duction through the reflex are. The important points are these: 1. The Latent Period. — The latent period, or period which intervenes be- tween the moment of application of the stimulus and the response, is very short in the ease of a nerve trunk, and under normal conditions always the same, but is quite variable and sometimes very long in the case of a reflex arc. Thus, in the ease of the conjunctival reflex, which is produced by applying a stimulus to the corneal conjunctiva (causing a closing of the eyelids), the reflex time is very short and invariable, whereas in the case of the scratch reflex it may vary From two and a half to three and a half seconds, according to the strength of the stimu- lus. The seat of delay in the reflex arc is probably in the synapse, but its cause is obscure. 2. Grading- of Intensity. In a nerve trunk the intensity of the im- pulse is more or less proportional to the strength of the stimulus. This can be judged by observing either the action current in the nerve by means of a galvanometer or the response of the end organ; e. g., mus attached to the nerve. In the case of a reflex arc, on the other hand, there is hy mi means BO evident a parallelism between stimulus and response. Reflexes, however, vary considerably in this regard The conjunctiva] reflex and the extensor thrust behave according to tl ■ Med "all or nothing principle;" i.e., the intensity of the response is more "r independent of the strength of the stimulus, in other reflexes, Buch as the flexion reflex and the scratch reflex, the intensity of the response 90S 810 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM is much more nearly proportional to the strength of the stimulus. Thus, a feeble stimulus applied to the flank calls forth only a slight flexion of the hind limb of the same side, whereas a stronger stimulus sets going a typical scratching movement. 3. After-effect. — When a stimulus is removed from a nerve, the effect which it produces, as judged, for example, by the action current, im- mediately disappears. There is no after-response. In reflex arcs, how- ever, such a phenomenon is usually well marked. Particularly is this the case in the flexion and scratch reflexes of the spinal dog. A mo- mentary stimulus of optimal strength applied to the scratch skin-area may produce no immediate response, but after its removal a violent scratching movement may set in. This after-discharge, in cases in which the. stimulus is strong, may indeed, as in the flexion reflex, be more marked than the response during the time of application of the stimulus. In this particular reflex, the after-discharge often takes the form of a clonus, with a rate of contraction of from seven and a half to twelve per second. The crossed extension reflex also has a very pronounced after-discharge, which may outlast the stimulus for from ten to fifteen seconds. Regarding the phenomenon of after-discharge, Sherrington has stated that there is "no feature of the conduction of a reflex arc which distinguishes its mechanism more universally from that of a nerve fiber, tract or trunk than lengthy after-discharge." 4. Summation. — When a subliminal stimulus — that is, one that has in itself no visible effect — is frequently repeated in the case of a nerve, no response occurs. In the case of a reflex arc, however, such repeti- tion of subliminal stimuli ultimately calls forth response. This sum- mation is wry evident in the case of the scratch reflex; e. g., one or two elect l'ieal stimuli applied to the scratch field-area call forth, as a rule, no movement of the coi'responding hind leg, but if these same stimuli are frequently repeated, the typical reflex scratching movement will occur. Evidently, then, in a reflex arc there is a considerable amount of resistance towards a single stimulus, which resistance is overcome by a succession of stimuli. In other words, the threshold of the excitability of the reflex mechanism becomes lowered as a result of its previous stimulation. Each stimulus excites the sensory surface so that it responds more easily to the succeeding stimulus. 5. Irreversibility of the Direction of Conduction. — This is well illus- trated in the so-called Bell-Magendie law of conduction in the spinal nerve roots. A motor impulse travels oul of the cord by the anterior roots, while a sensory impulse travels in by the posterior. This direc- tive influence can not depend on the nerve trunks or the nerve cells, for nerve trunks conduct equally in both directions, and so also must the nerve cell. The irreversibility must therefore depend on the synaptic PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OP THE SIMPLE KEFLEX .\\:> Ml connections. It can be demonstrated by observing t he action eur- renl produced in the spinal cord by stimulating the anterior or posterior spinal roots, in the former case no action currenl is ob L, l>ut it is very evidenl in the latter case. 6. The Refractory Period. This lias been well defined by Sherrington as being "a state during which apart from fatigue the mechanism sh less than its full excitability." We are already familiar with the re- fractory period in the cases of the heari muscle and the musculature of the esophagus and intestine. For example, the application of a stimu- lus to the quiescenl frog heari while it is contracting in response to an im- mediately pre ling stimulus fails to produce any further effect. The re- fractory period is extremely brief Tone thousandth of a second') in a nerve trunk, hut is much longer in a reflex are, being probably longest in the ease of the scratch reflex, in which it is demonstrated by the fact that, however frequently we apply suitable stimuli to the sensory surface, the rhythm of response of the contracting limb is always the same. After each stimulus, therefore, a refractory period must become developed during which a repetition of the stimulus has no effeet. Tt is evident that the existence of the refractory period is the factor responsible for the rhythm of the movements. Tt is interesting to consider the exact structure of the reflex arc that is responsible for the existence of the refractory phase It obviously can not be a function of the motor neuron, for through the same motor neuron may be discharged, at one time, impulses which bring about the scratching movement and, a1 another, those causing a tonic flexion of the same muscles. Nor can the scat of the refractory period be in the sensory area of the skin or the afferent neuron, for if a scratch mi nient is elicited by stimulation at a point .1 in the proper skin area. the rhythm of response which it calls forth will not in any way be altered by the application of a second stimulus applied at />' at some distance from .1 and having a different frequency I Fig. 'Jll . There is evidently, therefore, some part <>f the reflex arc that is common to impulses starting both at .1 and at /»'. for if in each of these spots a refrac- tory phase occurred, then there would be interference before the two im- pulses had reached the centers of the spinal cord. By exclusion, there- fore, "the seat of the refractory phase seems to lie somewhere central to the receptive neuron in the afferent arc" — (Sherrington1*). Many other types of reflex activity illustrate rhythm due to the re- fractory phase Two laboratory examples may be given: 1 When the central end of an afferent root is stimulated in the lumbar region of the spinal cord, the movement produced is distinctly rhythmic in character. (2) Upon stimulating the central end of the sciatic nerve in a frog whose spinal cord has been cu1 some days previously, 8 clonic 812 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM action of the contralateral foot occurs, and the rate of the rhythm is not affected by variation in the frequency of the stimulus. In all the above cases the refractory period may be held responsible for the rhythmic nature of the contraction. In other reflexes it exists for another purpose. In the case of the extensor thrust, which it will be remembered is elicited by pressure applied to the pads of the plantar aspect of the foot, the momentary extension of the leg lasts only for a little less than two-tenths of a second, but is followed by a refractory Fig. 211. — Tracing from the hind limb of a spinal dog during the scratching movements pro- duced by applying stimuli at two skin points {A and B), the application of the stimuli being in- dicated by the signals. Not only were the stimuli applied at different points, but at B they were of much greater frequency than at A. Although there is a slight change in "local sign," it will be observed that there is no alteration in rhythm, indicating that this property can not be a function of the final common path. (From Sherrington.) period lasting nearly a whole second, during which a second stimulus elicits no response. The object of this loni>' refractory period is no doubt that opportunity may be given for the flexor muscles to perform the contraction that would naturally ensue (hiring the normal occurrence of the extensor thrust, as in the act of walking. When the animal places liis fool on the ground, the sudden pressure exerted on the pad of the foot immediately calls forth the extensor thrust, by means of PHYSI0IXX3ICAL PROPERTIES OP Till. SIMPLE REFLEX IRC B13 which the weighl of the body is temporarily removed from the ground, and the muscles perform the contractions accessary in produce flexion of the liml). Although the refractory period is unaffected by the strength of the stimulus it is very dependenl upon the internal condition of the nerve reflex arc, Buch as thai caused by changes in blood supply or by narcosis. Reflex conduct inn is much less resistant than aerv adnction t<> various conditions affecting the nutritive condition of the conducting pathway. For example, deprivation of oxygen causes hut slight interference with the conduction along ;i nerve trunk, hut very soon abolishes the spinal reflexes. Even in the frog, reflex movements entirely disappear in thirty to forty-five minutes after the centers have been rendered completely anemic, and in mammals they disappear in a few minutes. In the C of drugs such as chloroform, 0.3 \«v cent of the drug may be required to abolish conduction in a nerve, whereas a much lower percentage is Miffi- cient to abolish it in a reflex are. Prom the above differences in conduction in a nerve trunk and a re- flex are, we learn many facts concerning the importance of the latter. and we further see that the differences ;ire due very largely to the synaptic connection. SUCCESSIVE DEGENERATION Before concluding the subject, it may be of interest to consider briefly fjir ))i(tlio<] of successivi degeneration, by which Sherrington succeeded in demonstrating the exact tracts in the white matter of the spinal cord along which the intraspinal neurons travel from oi gment to another. This was worked out in the case of the scratch reflex in the following nmnner: The spinal cord was first of all cut in the upper thoracic region, so that degeneration occurred in all the descending tracts below the level of the section. In about a year's time these degenerated tracts had entirely disappeared, and the debris of the degenerated fibers had been replaced by cicatricial tissue, bo that a section of the cord revealed noth- ing but healthy nervous tissue with cicatrices where the degenerated tracts had existed. When at this stage a second cut W as made across tl >rd a little lower than the first one. further degeneration occurred involving those fibers whose centers were located between the two cuts — that is, the fibers coming from the intraspinal neurons, with the eellfi which the afferent nerve fibers coming From the skin of the Bcratch re- tlex area wer innected. A section of the cord, Btained appropriately for degenerated fibers, ai this time demonstrated these fibers t. in the lateral column of white matter, those that travel a short distance — i. e., between neighboring segments being near the gray matter, and those traveling greater distances, towards the outside. CHAPTEE XCI RECIPROCAL INNERVATION Reciprocal Inhibition. — It might appear that to bend a joint or to move the eyeball the only muscular action required would be contrac- tion of the muscles which flex the joint or rotate the eyeball, and that the antagonistic muscles would merely become passively elongated. When Ave remember, however, that all the muscles of the body are or- dinarily in a condition of slight contraction, or tone, and that this tends to become increased when the muscles are passively stretched, then we see that for efficient movement there must be inhibition of the tone of the muscles which oppose those that are contracting. This reciprocal inhibition, as it is called, is a very widespread function throughout the animal body. Sometimes it is purely peripheral in origin, as in the claw of the crayfish, where stimulation of the nerve causes an opening of the claw due to the contraction of one set of muscles and the simultaneous inhibition of their antagonists. Instances of peripheral reciprocal in- hibition in the higher animals are not so common, but are illustrated in the case of the myenteric reflex, where it will be remembered a contraction of the intestine over a bolns of food is accompanied by inhibition in front of the bolns. The reciprocal action in this case is probably dependent on the myenteric plexus. On the other hand, reciprocal inhibition of central origin is very com- mon in the higher mammalia. Thus, in the case of the lateral movement of the eyes, if we cut the third and fourth nerves to one eye, say, the left, the external rectus of that eye will alone be under the control of the nervous system, through the sixth nerve; nevertheless, if we after- ward cause the animal to look toward the right, as by holding some ob- ject in that direction, it will be found that the left eye as well as the right follows the object. Obviously there must be an inhibition of the external rectus muscle of the left eye, an inhibition which is pronounced enough to bring about a movement of the eyeball, and which exactly cor- responds in point of time with the contraction of the external rectus of the right eye. This movement, due to the atonicity of the external rec- tus, does not however succeed in causing the eye to rotate beyond the midline of the field of vision. This is an instance of n willed reciprocal inhibition ; i. e., a reciprocal inhibition brought about by stimuli coming 814 Kl < ll-icoc \l. INNERVATION Mr. from the volitional center in the cerebrum. The Bame result may be obtained by electric stimulation of 1 1 1 • - center for eye movements \ Blfl than the particular lev£l of thai reflex, will also be able to induce the inhibition. In the case of the decerebrate ea1 this can 1"- demonstrated by stimulation of the Lateral columns of the Bpinal cord; inhibition of the extensor muscles of the elbow joint occurs, which is all the more marked because in Buch a preparation these muscles are iri a Btate of hypertonicity. We shall sec later also thai through the pyramidal ti impulses may descend from the cerebrum which exercise a marked in- hibitory influence over the reflex activities of the cord. Similarly the inhibition itself may be terminated by impulses from other sources, and the motor neuron thus thrown from a ^tate of inhibition into one of citation. This fact can perhaps beBt be demonstrated by exciting the central end of the contralateral peroneal nerve (which produces a reflex extension of the 1<'<_:'S; while the leg is being held in a flexed position by stimulation of the homolateral peroneal oerve. This will be clear from ;i study of Pig. 214. Such alternating excitation and inhibition of an active motor neuron serve to make it possible for rhythmic discharges t »cur through the neuron, as in the action of the muscles of the leg in walking or during the scratching movement. Tn order to insure that the same final com- mon path may he occupied at one time by bu1 one kind of stimulus, either inhibitory or excitatory, it is further of importance that the after-dis- charge (see page sl" of the firsl stimulus should 1"' capable of imme- diate inhibition; otherwise, while one reflex was in progress, it would he impossible to st art another of a different type employing the same motor neuron without confusion of movement. That this occurs can be demon- strated in the ease of the after-discharge of the flexion reflex by stimula- tion of the proper afferent nerve. Tn view of all these facts it is probable that the seat of the reciprocal innervation is al or about the synapsis. Tn other words, the synapsis at the termination of one collateral will allow a stimulating impulse to | to the cells of one motor neuron, whereas that at the end of another col- lateral of the same afferenl fiber will allow an inhibiting impulse to p to an antagonistic motor neuron, these conditions being, however, readily interchangeable and thus making even rapid rhythmic contraction and relaxation a possibility. The Action of Strychnine and Tetanus Toxin on Reciprocal Inhibition Under certain conditions reciprocal action may fail to OCCUT, I example, al certain st. •' sf nii-lni' Ing and during the action of tetanus toxin. In order to demonstrate this failure of reciprocal t ion. it is necessary to examine muscles which acl on one joint only, and 820 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM to observe their behavior when an afferent nerve is stimulated which un- do r ordinary conditions would throw them into inhibition. Such a preparation can be obtained in the hind limb of a dog by cutting all the muscles thai act on the knee joint except the vastus crureus, which in a norma] animal invariably undergoes inhibition when the central end of the internal saphenous nerve is stimulated. If a suitable dose of strych- nine is injected, it will be found that stimulation of the internal saphenous nerve, in place of inhibition, causes contraction of the vastus crureus muscle. The same result is obtained by injection of tetanus toxin. The failure of the reflex inhibition explains the symptoms produced by these substances. It explains, for example, the well-known rigidly extended condition of the limbs in strychnine poisoning, and the dis- tressing symptom of lockjaw in tetanus infection. In this latter con- dition the sufferer is subjected to extreme torture with every endeavor that he makes to open the jaw for the purpose of taking food or drink. Firmer closure is the result because the normal inhibition of the temporal and masseter muscles does not occur, but instead they become excited and the jaw all the more firmly closed. Not only does the inhibition fail to occur, but the above muscles are usually in a state of constant hy- perexcitability, which it is impossible for the patient to restrain ; indeed, whenever he attempts to do so the opposite occurs and the excitation becomes heightened. Chloroform acts on reciprocal innervation in an opposite way from strychnine and tetanus; namely, it paralyzes the ex- citation of the contracting muscles. Finally, it must be pointed out that this mechanism of reciprocal in- nervation is by no means confined to the voluntary muscles. We have already seen that it occurs in the case of the myenteric reflex. It is also a most important function in the innervation of the blood vessels, dilata- tion in one vascular area being accompanied by constriction in another. These facts have been already sufficiently dwelt upon elsewhere (page 243). Sometimes also Ave may have reciprocal action between differently acting nervous mechanisms, as for example in the case of the submaxil- lary glands, which respond to stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve by dilatation of the blood vessels, an inhibition of their tone occurring along with stimulation of the activity of the gland cells. CHAPTER X « 1 1 [NTERACTION AMONG REFLEXES A single reflex acting independently of the rest oi the central nervous system does not really occur. An afferent impulse on entering the cord spreads so as to involve a large variety of motor neurons, each of which may, however, be excite.] through other afferenl fibers arriving either from other receptors or from higher nerve centers. The motor neuron itself may therefore be a pathway occupied at different times by v< different typos of nerve impulse. Hence it is appropriately ealled the final common path, and its activity at any moment must depend on the nature of the various afferent impulses that are transmitted to it through the synapses. Tn other words, an entering afferent fiber must communi- cate in the cord with internuneial paths which are available in various degrees to other afferent fibers. Since it is through internuneial paths that the impulse is transmitted to the final eommon path, it is obvious that, if afferent impulses in several of these paths were competing at the same time for the possession of the final common path, confusion of movement would result unless some provision were made whereby only one kind of stimulus could be transmitted at one time. "One kind of stimulus must be inhibited and the other facilitated in its icupancy of the final common path." To understand the nature of this integration of the central nervous system, it is therefore neeess;iry for us to consider the factors which de- termine which of tiro competing afferent impulse* shall obtain possession of the final common path. Let us take the competition between the flexion reflex and the scratch reflex of the spinal dog. If we elicit the scratch reflex and, while it is in progress, apply some nocuous stimulus to the skin of the hind leg and thus induce the flexion reflex, it will be found that the scratching movement subsides and the flexion movement comes on without any overlapping or confusion. If. ho- timulus responsible for the scratching movement is a strong One, and that ap- plied to the skin of the hind leg a feeble one, then the displacement may Dot Mir | see Pig. 216). In considering this integration of reflex* died, we must dis- tinguish between those that arc allied and those that are antagon: and we must further distinguish between reflexes that are simub SL'12 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ously competing Eor the same final common path and those which occupy it successively. INTEGRATION OF ALLIED REFLEXES Perhaps the simplest experiment to show this is performed by using the scratch reflex. The skin area from which this reflex can be elicited is very widespread (see Fig. 217), the type of reflex produced from any given area being in general the same, although "the local sign" — that is, the point at which the animal scratches — will vary according to the point stimulated. If then we take point A in the reflex scratch area and apply to it a stimulus which is just inadequate to produce any reflex at all, and then, while this stimulus is still in progress, apply a similar subliminal stimulus to point B a little removed from it, the two sub- Fig. 216. — Diagram showing the reflex arcs involved in the scratch reflex. Ra and RQ represent the afferent neurons connected with hairs on the skin of the back and flank. The afferent im- pulses are transmitted by these fibers, and on entering the corresponding segments of the spinal cord terminate by synapses on cells of the internuncial neurons, whose arrows Pa and PQ travel down in the lateral columns to terminate similarly around the cells of the motor neurons that innervate the muscles of the hind limb. Since afferent impulses coming from elsewhere, par- ticularly from the skin of the leg (R and L), also terminate on these neurons and may excite them to a different type of action, the motor neuron is called the final common path (F.C.). < From Sherrington.) liminal stimuli will become effective and produce a typical scratching movement. In other words, the subliminal stimulus of point A be- comes added on the final common path with the subliminal stimulus of point B; the one has reinforced the other and produced, therefore, a simultaneous integration of allied reflexes. The receptors from which these mutually reinforcing impulses are re- ceived need not, as in the above example, be of the same kind, similar results being obtained by stimulation of receptors of widely different kinds, such as exteroceptors and proprioceptors (sec page 788). For ex- ample, if a stimulus inadequate to elicit a flexion reflex is applied to the skin of the leg, and another stimulus, itself also inadequate, is ap- plied to the central end of some deep afferent nerve in the same leg, then the two subliminal stimuli will become effective in producing a INTi.KA" TION AMONG BEFL1 ~j:; flexion movement. Nevertheless, the more closely allied the receptors are to one another, the more easily does summation occur. The mutual reinforcement of allied reflexes lasts for a short time after the stimulation has been removed, the phenomenon being HOW known as successive integration of allied reflexes. It can be illustrated also in the case of the BCratch reflex. If point A on the skin area is excited with a stimulus that in itself would be inadequate, immediately after an effec- tive stimulus has been discontinued ;it point /-'. then the scratch m- ment will be kept up smoothly although it will of course become mo' li- fted in local sign. For the same reason, a moving stimulus applied to the BCratch area is far more effective than a stationary stimulus ap- plied over the same extenl of area. In Mieli a ease the stimulus thai excites a reflex lends by its occupancy of the oervous pathway to Eacili- 5 / ,' ^^L_L^; ..'17. — Showing region of body of dog from which the scratch reflex can be elicited. (From Sherrington.) tate the spread along the same pathway of succeeding allied stimuli; towards such it lowers the threshold of excitability of the reflex arc. This phenomenon is also often called immediate induction, and it is by no means confined to the spinal cord. It is well illustrated, for ex- ample, in the ease of vision. If a thin line drawn on a white card be looked at so that it falls "ii the edge of the receptive field of the retina. it will not be seen so well as a dot of similar width which is DMT through the same distance as the line. From these facts we see. therefore, that, when two allied impulses are being transmitted to the final common path, the one is likely to reinfi the other, and that this tendency to reinforce the allied impulse is main- tained for a brief period of time after the impulse has been removed. We may now proceed i osider the factors which will become operative in determining to which of two competing or antagonistic reflexes the final common path will become available. S'J4 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Integration of Antagonistic Reflexes. — Although the phenomenon of immediate induction encourages integration of allied reflexes, yet it is frequently succeeded by one of successive induction, in which just the opposite conditions occur; the resistance in the reflex pathway becomes lowered for a type of movement antagonistic to that which first occu- pied the reflex. To understand clearly what relationship this bears to immediate induction, it may be well to take the instances in which these phenomena apply in the case of vision. When the eye, after darkness, is suddenly directed to a light and then closed, there remains a bright image (positive after-effect) of the light; but if the light is looked at for some time, then on closing the eyes it will be seen as a dark pat- tern (negative after-effect). In the former instance we have an exam- ple of immediate induction, in the latter, one of successive induction. In the spinal animal successive induction is demonstrated with equal ease by using two reflexes that are of a more or less antagonistic charac- ter— for example, the flexion reflex and the knee-jerk, or better still the crossed extension reflex and the flexion reflex. If we elicit the knee- jerk in a spinal dog at regular intervals, with stimuli of equal intensity, the extension movements (the kicks) will be approximately equal. If now Ave apply a nocuous stimulus to the skin of the foot and so throw the leg into flexion, it v\ ill be found, after the flexion movement has dis- appeared, that the knee-jerk is much more pronounced than previously. Similarly, if we elicit the crossed extension reflex by nocuous stimuli of equal intensity applied to the opposite limb, the extension movements will be approximately equal. By now throwing the limb exhibiting them into the flexion reflex, the extensor movements will of course disappear, but after the flexion has been discontinued, they will reappear with marked intensity. These facts show us, then, that after the final common path has been occupied by a reflex of one type, it becomes more available to a reflex of an opposite type. In other words, it is evident that if the two op- posite reflexes are constantly competing with each other for possession of the final common path, they will tend alternately to occupy it, thus bringing about a rhythmic movement. Such is the mechanism involved in walking: the leg is lifted from the ground (flexion reflex) ; it is then brought on the ground, and the mechanical push given to the plantar surface of the foot brings out the extensor thrust, the appearance of which is greatly facilitated by the fact that immediately before the flexion reflex occupied the final common path. Other Factors Which Determine the Occupancy of the Final Common Path. — Besides immediate and successive induction, several other fac- tors affect the relative availability of the reflexes to afferent stimulation. INTl.KM PION AMONG KEFLEX] 825 Important among these is fatigue of tht reflex arc for a particular kind of stimulus. Many characteristics differentiate reflex fatigue from fat:. of a nerve as observed in an isolated nerve-muscle preparation, 'i most important of these distinguishing features are as follows: (1) The fatigue comes on intermittently; thus, when the flexion reflex is persistently elicited, the first dgn of fatigue is an irregular decline in the flexion movement followed by its entire disappearance for a short time. These lapses become more and more frequent, until at last com- plete fatigue sets in and no flexion occurs 2 Reflex fatigue soon passes off. (3) It appears earlier for weak than for Btrong stimuli. 4 The movement produced by the reflex action may also change in charai during reflex fatigue; thus, the beat of the scratch reflex may become Blower and less steady and the foot be less accurately directed to the spot stimulated. The Incus of the fatigue in the reflex arc can not be the motor neuron itself, for, after this has been completely fat i lt by stimulation of the scratch area, the same muscles may quite readily be thrown into a perfectly normal flexion reflex by stimulation of the shin of the hind leg. It is evident that, when two reflexes are competing with each other for possession of the same final common path, the <>ne that becomes fa- tigued will be mastered by the other, especially since at the same tim^ successive induction will be well developed. Tims, ordinarily tl itch reflex is much less readily elicited than the flexion reflex, and if both are excited at the same time the latter will prevail; but if the flexion re- flex is kept up until it shows signs of fatigue, then by simultaneous excitation of both reflexes the scratch reflex will obtain the mastery. Another important factor is the relative strength of tht competing impulses. This depends partly on the nature of the reflex and partly on the intensity of the stimulus. Regarding the nature of tJir refii X, it is important to remember that crossed reflexes are usually less easily obtained than homo- lateral ones, but of still greater importance is the species of refl- that is, whether flexion, scratch, extension, etc. The reflex movements produced by nocuous stimuli [nociceptive refl< xes always tal ence of those produced by other hinds of stimuli; or, to put it in other words, "nociceptive reflexes are prepotent in their occupancy final common path" (Sherrington1*). The best known example of a »• is the flexion reflex. Its movement is one produced with the intention of removi] mu- tated portion of the body from the source of the stimulus, all stimuli which produce it being such as would elicit pain in an intacl animal, or if | sisted in cause some damage to the skin it- Buch nociceptive reflexes we may take those which an ncerned in maintaining the cen- 826 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ter of gravity of the body — postural reflexes, as they are called. The best type of this reflex is the knee-jerk, another good example being the extensor thrust. The scratch reflex contains a certain element of the nociceptive in it, and of the simpler reflexes it comes second in its claim on the final common path. In brief, then, in reflexes which in an intact animal would cause the sensation of pain and probably some reflex ac- tivity of the vocal organs, we gel in the spinal animal a reflex flexion movement of the part stimulated with the evident object of removing that part from the stimulating agency. This reflex flexion secures pos- session of the final common path whatever other reflex may at the time be occupying it. Thus, if the animal is scratching itself and something occurs to hurt its foot, then immediately the scratching movement will give place to one of flexion, and so on. Some integration between distant reflex arcs in the nervous system is to a certain extent an application of the principle of reciprocal in- hibition of the muscles moving a joint. In this broader integration the inhibition affects more removed fields of reflex activity so as to harmonize the activities of one part of the animal -with those of every other part. The manner in which the stimulation may spread along the various available pathways also depends on the strength of the afferent im- pulses. If a very feeble stimulus is applied to the skin of the leg in a spinal animal, the reflex will be represented only by a slight contraction of the inner ends of the hamstring muscles. As the stimulus is increased in strength the reaction will spread, until at last it involves all the flexors in contraction and the antagonistic extensors in inhibition. If it is still further increased, the flexion movement will be accompanied by an extension of the muscles of the opposite hind limb — the crossed exten- sion reflex. Further increase of the stimulus will cause the reflex move- ment to spread to the anterior extremities, involving, first of all, the fore limb of the same side (extension at the elbow and contraction at the shoulder), and then that of the opposite side (flexion at the elbow and extension at the wrist). A very powerful stimulus applied to the hind limb will even spread to other more distant muscular groups, such as those of the neck, causing a turning of the head to the side stimu- lated, opening the mouth, etc. This spread or irradiation of the reflex in the spinal cord can not be entirely explained on anatomic grounds, and must depend, therefore, upon varying resistance to the flow of the afferent impulse to different motor neurons, some of which it excites while others it inhibits. The necessity for adjustable resistance to the transmission of different afferent stimuli on to the final common path becomes evident when Ave remember that, not only are there about five times as many fibers en- 1NTI l; \< TIOM AMiiM, l;l H.l XI ^-~ tering the cord as motor fibers leaving it, hut also that each afferent fiber, after its entry tu t lie cord, gives ofl BeveraJ collaterals, each of which runs to some nerve center in the cord -■ ■ I - 207 Certain conditions may break down the path along which the impul passes; for example, at a certain stage in the actioi trychnine all pathways become opened ap, so thai the reflexes which ordinarily do occur together, ad simultaneously, with the result thai a I cal convul- sive movement is produced. Strychnine, as we have already seen, also interferes with the sorting out of the impulses into inhibitory and ex- citatory, so that no reciprocal action occurs. CHAPTER XCIII THE TENDON JERKS; SENSORY PATHWAYS IN SPINAL CORD Certain responses are of importance largely because of their clinical application. Of greatest interest in this connection are the tendon jerks. The location of the sensory pathways in the spinal cord also demands at- tention. The Tendon Jerks.— One of the most important reflexes for diagnostic purposes is that known as the knee-jerk, which is elicited in man by ap- plying a smart tap to the patellar tendon of a person who is sitting on a high stool or table so that the joint is passively flexed and the leg hangs loosely from the knee joint. In this position the extensor muscles are put slightly on the stretch, and when the patellar tendon is struck, these muscles contract and cause the leg to become extended as in kick- ing. This reflex, as we haAre seen, is also readily elicited in spinal animals. Its importance from a clinical standpoint depends on the fact that it may be altered not only in various general conditions of the body, but also when any pathological condition disturbs the continuity of the reflex arc concerned in maintaining the tonicity of the extensor mus- cles of the thigh. The centers involved in this arc are situated about the third or fourth lumbar segment, and the afferent impulses come partly from the antagonistic flexor muscles and partly from the extensor muscle itself. Abolition of the reflexes may therefore be produced either by neuritis involving the afferent fibers or myelitis affecting the gray matter of the cord. That certain of the afferent impulses come from the hamstring muscles is shown by the fact that when the central end of the cut motor nerve of the extensor muscles is stimulated electrically, the knee-jerk becomes much less evident, a result which is also obtained by massaging the muscles. Although such facts show clearly that the knee-jerk is of reflex na- ture, yet there are difficulties in explaining the exact mechanism by which the tap to the tendon produces the muscular contraction. The chief difficulty is in accounting for the promptness with which the contrac- tion occurs, the latent period being very much shorter than that of such reflexes as the flexion or even the conjunctival. The total latent period of the knee-jerk, as judged by the time elapsing between applying a tap 828 TENDON JERKS; SENSORY PATHWAYS IN SPINAL OORD to the tendon and the electrical response observed in tin- vastus internus muscle by the string galvanometer, was found by Jolly in the spinal cat to be 0.0055 of a second, whereas measured in the Bame way the latent period of the flexion reflex was tumid to lie just twice a> long; i. <•.. 0.0101 a second. These differences were explained by Jolly as indicating thai the knee-jerk is a simple reflex, involving bul two neurons, whereas the flexion reflex involves three and therefore 1ms twice as long a hv period. r>y subtracting from the total latent period the time occupied in the transmission of the impulse along the nerves and the time lost at the afferenl and efferenl nerve endings, we secure a figure -_r i \- i 1 1 «_r the time lost in the synapses between the neurons. Tins synapse time, ris it is called, was found by Jolly to be 0.002] of a second for the knee-jerk and <).()()4:! of a second for the flexion reflex.' Snyder obtained somewhal similar results in man by the same method. Some authors, particularly (lowers, do not, however, believe that the knee-jerk is of the nature of a simple reflex, bul explain it as being due to a contraction of the extensor muscles brought about by direct mechanical stimulation while the muscle is in a hyperexcitable condition as a result of a reflex increase in its tonicity. Cowers believes that by putting tl stensor muscles on the stretch and the hamstring mua in the relaxed condition, afferent impulses are transmitted to the cord which excite the efferenl neurons of the extensor muscles, so as to throw them into a hypertonic condition, during which the tapping of the ten- don directly excites a contraction. Of course this hypothesis would ac- count once and for all (■)!■ the remarkably short latency of the knee- jerk, hut on the other hand it leaves US many difficulties to explain: such, for example, as the fact that, although tapping the tendon produces the jerk, similar tapping of the muscle itself has no effect. The effective stimulus of the jerk is a slight passive increase of the tension to which the extensor muscle itself is subjected, and not a stimu- lation of receptors in the tendon, for it still occurs after the tendon has i denervated. The importance of die relationship of the hamstring nerve to the knee-jerk becomes evidenl in connection with recipr< action; thus, when the flexor is contracted, as in the flexion reflex, the knee-jerk disappears (page Hl I , whereas when the hamstring nerves an- cut, it is augmented. Whatever its nature may he. the knee-jerk is of value because of the ease with which it can he altered not only by conditions affecting the reflex arc concerned, hut also by changes occurring here in the central nervous mi. The hest known of these conditions is that known as reinforctment. This is brought about by having the patient make some voluntary muscular effort at the moment that the tap is ap- 830 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM plied to the tendon. If this voluntary effort coincides in time with the tapping of the tendon, the knee-jerk will be found much augmented; but if the two events do not accurately coincide, we may find instead that the knee-jerk is diminished; thai is to say, we may have positive fol- lowed by negative reinforcement. The most usual way of having the patient make this voluntary efforl is to ask him to lock the fingers of his two hands together and then at a given signal try to pull the locked arms apart. Similar reinforcement may also he produced by the application of a strong sensory stimulus in some distant part of the nervous system, as, for example, by pulling the hair or pinching the ear. Accurate work on the time relationship between the reinforcing act and the tap on the tendon has shown that the knee-jerk is most marked when the tap ac- curately corresponds with the voluntary effort or sensory stimulation. It then quickly declines and an inhibitory influence appears in about 0.3 to 0.6 of a second, immediately after which it becomes pronounced again, gradually fading off to be no longer evident in about 1.7 of a second ; that is. no change from the normal will be found in the knee-jerk in about 1.5 of a second after the reinforcing act (Lombard8). Many explanations have been offered of the mechanism involved in this reinforcement, The most commonly accepted is that it is due to the overflow of impulses from other parts of the nervous system, par- ticularly the cerebrum, upon the reflex arc concerned in the knee-jerk. During voluntary effort the cerebral impulses discharged down the spinal cord pass not only to the neuron for which they are intended, but ir- radiate or spread to other, even far distant, neurons, thus adding their effect to that of the afferent impulse entering the cord locally. The suc- ceeding inhibition may be assumed to be due to successive induction (see page 824). It is difficult to offer direct experimental proof in support of the explanation, but indirect evidence is furnished, in so far at least as the augmentation is concerned, by the results of the experiments which we have already described concerning the integration of allied reflexes (paije 822). To these might be added the well-known fact that the simul- taneous application of two subliminal stimuli, one to the cerebral cortex and the other to the skin of the corresponding body area, may call forth a contraction of certain groups of muscles. AFFERENT SPINAL PATHWAYS The nature of the impulses transmitted by the various afferent path- ways in the spinal cord. We have seen that the sensory impulses travel- ing from the periphery to the spinal cord group themselves into three TENDON JERKS; DRY PATHWAYS IN SPINAL CORD 831 classes: protopathic, epicritie, and deep or muscular. It is important now for ns to consider what becomes of each of these impulses after entering the spinal cord, for there is abnndanl evidence thai they tr. up to the brain by differenl pathways. This evidence is furnished partly by examination of the cord of patients who during life exhibited per- versions of the skin sensations, and partly by producing experimental lesions affecting differenl p;irts of the spinal cord ill animals. Tn the disease syringomyelia, for example, enlargemenl of the central canal of the spinal cord causes rupture of certain of the tracts and a conse- quent disintegration of the skin sensations; that is, the sensations of pain and temperature disappear, whereas those of touch and deep muscular sensation remain. Or, from the experimental side, if we make a lat < hemiseetion of the spinal eord, then after recovery, so far as we can study it in a dumb animal, we shall he able to show that certain sen- s;iti(ins have disappeared, whereas others remain. Tt is evident, how- ever, that we must judcre by objective and not by subjective phenomena in these experiments, and our results are only approximate and very liable to misinterpretation. Importanl contributions to this subject have recently been made, particularly by Holmes6 and by Pnllier.9 on sol- diers wounded in the spinal cord. Summing up the results obtained by the earlier investigators, Brown- Sequard sumo sixty years ago stated that hemiseetion of the eord on one side produced the following results: (l") paralysis of voluntary motion of the same side: (2) paralysis of vasomotor control on the same side. so that the limb is hotter than oormal ; (3) anesthesia for all kinds of sen- sation, excepl muscular sense on the side opposite to that of the lesion; <4) a condition of heightened skin sensitivity (Called hyperesthesia) on the same side as the lesion, with the exception of a narrow strip of skin corresponding to the segmenl at which th rd is cut, which is anesthetic. These results indicate that in general the skin sensations "f pain, touch. ami temperature cross i>\rv to tl ther side shortly after their entry into the corcl. but thai the deep muscular sensations remain in la pari uncrossed. More recent experimental and clinical investigations do not support Brown-Sequard's conclusions. Ransom has recently shown that the afferent toots of the spinal cord contain both medullated and nonmedullated uerve fibers, and he be- lieves that the former transmit the epicritic sensations, and the la- the protopathic. !'•> tracing those different kinds of fibers into the spinal COrd, he found thai the nonmedullated lie in Lissauer's tract one or two segments and then pas> into the substantia gelatinOSS R landi. which, therefore, appears to be the nucleus for the reception the protopathic impulses 832 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Among the reflex activities which become excited by these nociceptive impulses are those causing a rise in blood pressure — pressor impulses. This correlation between nociceptive impulses and those affecting the vascular reflexes has prompted 'Hanson and von Hess"1 to make a care- ful study in cats of the vascular reflexes that could be elicited from various lesions in the spinal cord. Two kinds of vascular reflexes were studied, pressor and depressor, the former being elicited by strong and the latter by very feeble stimulation of the central end of the sciatic and brachial nerves. They found that the pathways for pres- sor and depressor afferent impulses were quite different. Thus, after lateral hemisection of the cord, the depressor reflex obtained by weak stimulation of the sciatic on the same side as the lesion was normal, whereas it was greatly reduced when the sciatic nerve on the opposite side from the lesion was stimulated. On the other hand, the pressor reactions that were most markedly diminished were those from the sciatic on the same side as the lesion. The depressor fibers evidently cross in the cord, whereas the pressor do so only to a limited degree. Further it was found, after cutting across the posterior part of the cord, that the pressor reflexes were interfered with but not the de- pressor, thus indicating that the former are transmitted either by the posterior columns of white matter or by the gray matter of the posterior horns. To determine which, experiments were also performed in which the posterior columns were alone destroyed and the results compared with others in which the tip of the posterior horn was included. Since it, was only in the latter experiment that any interference with pressor re- flexes was found to occur, it was concluded that the posterior horn alone is concerned in the transmission of pressor impulses. Regarding conduction of the afferent impulses which in consciousness produce pain and of those concerned in the reflex changes in respiration, il was found that the posterior horn of gray matter is not concerned, from which it is inferred that such impulses are conducted by the same afferent path that is involved in the depressor reflex; that is to say, as we have indicated above, the impulses cross in the cord to the opposite side and ascend in the lateral funiculus. The pathway of the epicritic and pressor sensations in the cord is not well known. It is believed, however, that impulses of touch pass up the posterior column on the s;ime side of the cord for four or five segments, and then gradually pass to the anterior column of the opposite side. But for obvious reasons it is mainly from clinical observations and accurate postmortem location of the spinal damage that the problem must finally be solved. By these methods it has been shown that sen- sations of pain and temperature pass through I he opposite lateral col- TENDON JERKS; SENSOR! PATHWAYS IN SPINAL CORD minis, nvusch si a si through tin homolateral dorsal column, whil( tactih sensations pass partly by thi uncrossed fibers of tin dorsal column and partly lm tin oppositi lateral columns. It is interesting thai of tl two paths for tactile impulses the crossed one is alone closely associated with the trad thai carries pain (Holmes . Head and Thompson11 have also found thai the sensations are grouped to the extenl thai those of one kind travel together, whether they are from deep or superficial, from protopathic or epicritic receptors. When the appreciation of cutaneous pain is lost, bo also is thai produced by deep pressure; light touch and heavy touch are also losl simultane- ously. The appreciation of ;ill degrees of temperature is abolished al the same ti The ability to discriminate between two points, the apprecia tion of \\ri'_rlit, the recognition of the vibrations of ;i heavy tuning fort applied to the skin- all depend on impulses conducted through the homolateral dorsal columns. Because the crossing in the cord of sensory fibers carrying certain sen- sations occurs more promptly than thai of those carrying others, and for other less clearly understood reasons, the clinical findings are "I'i-mi diflficnll of interpretation, especially when the lesions are only partial. Tin- senses of pain and temperature are undoubtedly lost much more readily than those of cutaneous sensibility, though sometimes the reverse con- ditions are found. If a partial lesion of one-half of the cord occurs aboul the level of the twelfth dorsal segment, ;i very common symptom is loss of i»;iin and temperature on the opposite side, bul n<>t of touch even when strong stimuli are applied. This crossed relation does not, however, occur when the lesion is below the twelfth dorsal. Regarding the number of segments necessary for the decussation of each kiml of sense fiber, observations on cases in which there is unilal eral injury of the cord are being collected, so thai the npper limit of the anesthetic area maj be compared with the segmental level of the injury, n appears thai pain and thermal impulses cross quickly i. e., within b uegmenl nut .-ill decussate al the same level, for anesthesia t.> heat may reach higher up on the skin area than thai to cold. When recoven occurs, the sensations gradually reappear caudalwards 834 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Sometimes in high lesions of the cord there is anesthesia at the cor- responding level, but the area supplied by the lower spinal roots, espe- cially the skin in the region of the anus, is sensitive to one or other kind of stimulation. In recovery, too, there may be an early reap- pearance of sensations in isolated caudal areas. The explanation given for these results is that the fibers carrying different kinds of sensation have a Lamellar arrangement in the cord, the longest libers being on the outside (see page 813). When a partial lesion affects the mesial fibers more than the lateral, there will accordingly be recovery of the caudal skin areas before those higher up. CHAPTER XCTV EFFECTS OF EXPERIMENTAL LESIONS OF VARIOUS PARTS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Saving Learned the main characteristics of reflex action, we shall now proceed to study the peculiar function of each part of the cerebrospinal system by noting tin- effects which follow destruction or stimulation of its different parts. THE ANTERIOR ROOT Section of an anterior root produces a limited degree <>f paralysis in- volving several muscles having no functional relationships to one an other. If several anterior roots are cut, the paralysis b mes much more extended, and is followed yery soon by an evident atrophy of the muscles concerned. Reflex actions from these muscles are of course im- possible, stimulation of the peripheral end of a cut motor root cai partial contraction of several muscles, no definite joint movement, how- ever, being the result, because the affected muscles are not functionally re- lated and there is no reciprocal inhibition Flexor and extensor, adductor and abductor may contract at the same time, thus causing the joint on which they act to become muscle-bound. It is in the plexus that the nerve fibers of the roots become suited out, according to function, into motor and sensory nerve trunks. The distribution of the anterior root fibers according to segments in man for the cervical and lumbosacral regions is as follov 8: id, biceps, brachialis, supinators, rhomboids. 0 ally radial extensors. Rarely pronator radii C6 Pronators, radial extensors, peetoralia major (clavicular fibers Berratns antiens. C7 Triceps, extensor carpi ulnaria • - lingers, peetoralia major. OS Pl( icora of "i i-' and I Tl Intrinsic muscles of hand. • ; ti.i ani, sphincter ani, perineal muscli Glutei, biceps, Bemitendinosus and semimembranoa SI Intrinsic muscles of foot, tibialis ; 9, ami : LS Muscles of ventrolateral leg t tibialis anticu l.t Extensor! g and tibialis anti. 336 Till CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The knowledge of the segmental innervation of the limb muscles, as furnished in the above table, is of value in 1 lie localization of spinal lesions. Paralysis of the extension movements of the wrist and fingers, along with the triceps, for example, usually indicates a lesion of the seventh cervical. It is more particularly in the trunk, however, that the segmental innervation of the muscles is evident. The innervation of the intercostal muscles being unisegmental, one may diagnose the level of ,i lesion of the upper thoracic region of the cord by observing their behavior during deep inspiration. If the fingers are placed in the in- tercostal spaces, the paralyzed muscles will feel limp and the fingers sink into the space during the act. Localization may also be shown by studying the parajyses of the abdominal muscles when the lesion involves one of the lower six thoracic segments. "When the patient with a lesion of the eleventh thoracic raises his head from the bed or coughs, the rectus contracts, but the iliac re- gions bulge owing to paralysis of the lower portions of the obliques. Under the same conditions, when the ninth segment is involved the rectus contracts from aboul one inch above the umbilicus, whereas below this level it remains oncontracted, so that the umbilicus is pulled up. Besides muscular movement, stimulation of the anterior roots in lightly anesthetized animals sometimes causes evidence of general reflex re- sponse and of pain. The explanation is that there are present in the an- terior root certain sensory fibers which are derived from the posterior root but recur in the anterior, so as to reach the membranes of the spinal cord where they terminate. The stimulation of the peripheral end of the motor root must produce, therefore, the same reflex responses as stimu- lation of the central end of the sensory root. Stimulation of the cen- tral end of a motor root has of course no effect. THE POSTERIOR ROOT The posterior root is the pathway by which impulses of the various receptors enter the spinal cord. Section of any considerable number of posterior roots causes therefore, anesthesia of the corresponding skin and muscle areas, but such a result does not become evident when one root alone is cut, because the sensory area supplied by each root over- laps at least half of that supplied by the neighboring roots. Although it is often difficult to distinguish the segmental distribution in the ramification of the fibers of the motor roots by finding what muscles they influence, this is more evident in the case of the sensory roots. On the trunk" itself this segmental arrangement is very plain, but in the I Tl'i - TS OP l XP1 i;i Ml \T\I. LESION'S - 17 extremities it is nol al firsl sighl so clear, although it ••an !»<• accurately worked out, as is indicated in the accompanying diagram Pig 218 In attempting to determine the level of a lesion from the sensory paraly- sis, some confusion often arises mi account of the oblique course of the decussation of the sensor} fibers in the spin,!] cord, fibers for the differenl sensations qoI crossing al the same levels. For example, the appreciation of moderate temperature is often lost Blightly higher than thai of pain. The appreciation <>!* the vibrations caused by drawing the base of a Pig 218 Diagram showing • I "t th Stew ln-a\\ tuning fork over the skin is often very useful in locating the Lesion, particularly in the abdomen. When this method is used on the thorax, however, the skin Bhould be pulled up in folds before the fork is applied, since otherwise the thorax will act as ;i resonator and spread the sensation. Section of two or more sensor} a very definite area <>i" anesthesia, involving all the skin sensations as well several of those of deep sensat ion. If ■• ■ tevered roots includi all of thost going to there is nol onlj an entire absence of sensation, Imt a marked int ace 838 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM with the usefulness of the limb, the condition being called apesthesia. The exact results depend somewhat on the type of animal. If all the posterior roots of the anterior extremity are cut in a monkey, the corresponding Limb will not be used in climbing or for other purposes. It will appear to be completely paralyzed, unless when the opposite normal limb is in vigorous activity, when the apesthetic arm may be moved in association. On careful examination, however, it will be found that marked dif- ferences exist in the types of paralysis produced by the section of the anterior and the posterior roots. When a motor root is cut no reflexes are possible either from the skin or from the cerebral cortex, and the muscles undergo atrophy. After section of the posterior root, on the other hand, although reflexes from the skin area affected are impos- sible, yet movements may be elicited by artificial stimulation of the cerebral cortex, and the muscles do not atrophy to the same extent. If only one sensory root of an extremity is left uncut — for example, the last cervical — so that the skin of the hand is still supplied with sensation but all the deep receptors are severed, then the limb may be used to a modified degree.' It may be used by the monkey to pick up nuts, but the movement will be distinctly clumsy and ataxic in nature. Instead of neatly picking up the nuts, he will make wild movements and often miss them. The apesthesia is not so profound in lower animals. After section of all the sensory roots to both hind limbs in the dog, there may be a certain attempt at walking on the part of the affected limb; that is to say, when the animal tries to progress, the hind limbs, although at first, merely dragged along the ground, afterwards begin to execute walking movements, which howrever are very jerky or ataxic in nature and con- tribute little to the forward progression of the animal, although he may succeed to a certain extent in supporting the body by the hind limbs. The importance of the sensory root in controlling the contraction of the muscles is further illustrated by comparing the contraction curve of a muscle produced by stimulating its uncut motor nerve with that pro- duced by stimulating the peripheral end of the cut nerve. In the former case, the curve is more prolonged and shows a gradual relaxation, whereas when the peripheral end of the cut nerve is stimulated, the con- traction is brief and the relaxation is followed by a distinct rebound or "inertia swing," as it is called. That this difference depends on afferent impulses is indicated by the fact that, after section of the posterior roots, stimulation of the uncut nerve in the limb will produce the same effect as occurs when the cut nerve is stimulated. These re- sults can be very clearly obtained in the case of the frog, in which EFFECTS OF EXPERIMENTAL LESIO 839 also it will be noted thai after section of the posterior roots of or the corresponding limb hangs lower than its fellow because its muscles are tonel* Stimulation of the central end of a cul afferenl root prod already been indicated, a contraction of the muscles accompanied K reciprocal inhibition <>i' their antagonists, bo thai Borne definite move- ment of the joint takes place. This movemenl is. however, merely a flexion or extension or rotation, bu1 with no very evidenl objecl in vii Tn this regard it is quite different from the purposeful movement wl results from stimulation of a Bkin area, indicating, therefore, that the receptor apparatus itself must contribute to the nerve impulse some- thing which causes it to bring about a more perfectly integrated move- ment Hi* the musculature than is the case when the nerve trunk is di- rectly stimulated. Besides the movements of the musculature innervated from segments which are beside those <>t" the stimulated afferent root, there is a gen< reflex response through other centers, for example, the respiratory and the vasomotor; and, in animals which are not deeply anesthetized, there is also evidence of pain, stimulation of the peripheral end of the sen- sory root lias of course no effecl THE SPINAL CORD AND BRAIN STEM The results of transsection of the cord have been already sufficiently de- scribed. It remains to discuss the effed of total ablation or removal of portions of the cord. As would be expected, there is a marked degree of shod; for some weeks after ablation. During this shock the tone of the sphincters and vessels is greatly depressed, so that congestion and edema of the feet, diarrhea and retentio urince are marked, and ulcerati f the skin is practically unavoidable. After a few week-. however, recovery becomes evidenl u far as the blood vessels and sphincters are concerned, hut the skeletal musculature atrophies very extensively and comes to resemble connective tissue, [f the spinal ablation involves the thoracic region, for example, the affected in- tercostal muscles become stiff and parchment-like; the hones ah brittle, and visible perspiration can not be produced. On the other hand, after s time the sphincters functionate more or less normally, the hair is shed and renewed ill normal fashion, and the application of cold to the skin causes the usual vascular reaction, it is of inter that in female animals whose lumbar spinal cord has been remoi pregnancy maj take place normally, followed by lactation. Section Just Above the Medulla. After such an operation, the aui- S40 THE CENTRAL NKRYOIS SVSTKM mal -bulbospinal, as it is called — shows a greater integration of re- flexes llian is possible when the section is between the medulla and the spinal cord. Its reflex responses arc more broadly integrated, but the extremities are incapable of executing movements that are of any value in progression. Movements like those of progression may occur, but they are quite ineffective. Such animals show marked superiority over strictly spinal ones on account of the fact that in the medulla are located so many of the important centers which control circulation, respiration and the anterior openings of the body; that is, the mechanisms which accompany the first stages in the digestion of food. Section Just Behind the Posterior Corpora Quadrigemina. — A very distinct improvement becomes noticeable in the responses of the animal. 'I'll is condition has been studied most carefully in the case of the froij, which after such a section can Avalk, spring and swim apparently like a normal animal, and croaks when the side of the body is stroked. In the mammal a similar increase in the complexity of movement is evident, but there is not yet any power of progression. Section in Front of the Anterior Corpora Quadrigemina. — When the medulla, pons and mesencephalon are present, as well as the spinal cord, the condition known as decerebrate rigidity supervenes. This is most marked in mammals, but is also present to a certain extent in much lower animals, as, for example, in frogs. It consists of a tonic condition of the postural musculature of the body, mainly of the extensor mus- cles; the elbows and knees are extended and they resist passive flexing; the tail is stiff and straight; the neck and head are retracted. The con- dition is undoubtedly due to overactivity of the reflex tonic function of the spinal centers, for it disappears when the posterior spinal roots are cut. The reflexes that depend on the tone of the musculature — for example, the knee-jerk and extensor thrust — are very pronounced in such an ani- mal, and, on account of the higher integration present, reflexes appear that are absent in animals having the cerebrospinal axis cut lower down. For example, although such an animal can not feel, yet when a stimulus is applied that in a normal animal would cause. pain, the vocal apparatus may be excited so that a sound or cry of pain is produced. The rigidity 'Iocs not affect the respiratory muscles. After such an operation, how- ever, normal respiration is much more likely to be maintained if the section is in front of the anterior corpora quadrigemina than behind it. Removal of the Cerebral Hemispheres. — This furnishes us with what is known as a decerebrate preparation— thai is, one in which the animal retains everything from the basal ganglia downward. The operation produces a condition which varies according to the habits of 1he animal. Thus, in such fish as the Elasmobranchs, which depend for their impressions I I'll I TS OP l M'l Rl MENTAL l.i 310 841 very largely dm tin- sense of smell, we find thai d rebration caus< ani- mal i" become completely immobile. It can nut seek f 1 I" the sense of smell, upon which it ordinarily solely depends, lias been de- stroyed. In a bony fish, mi the other hand, decerebration '•,-. little difference in the behavior of the animal, provided the thalami and optic lobes have been left intact. It continually swims aboul and is able l<> distinguish edible from nonedible material. In the frog the resull depends very largely upon whether the optic thalami have been simultaneously removed. Even when 3tructu have been removed along with the cerebrum, tin- animal at first appears very Little different from the uormal frog. It sprint away when toucl it (-limits up an inclined plane, and when thrown in water it swims. It is. however, quite incapable of producing any spontaneous movement, and is in short nothing more than an extremely complex machine, re- acting always in exactly the same May to the same kind of stimulus. When the optic thalami ate also intact, spontaneous movements are said to he occasionally observed. Such a frog is said indeed to read on the approach of winter as normal frogs do by preparing itself for hiberna- tion, and with spring, to resume its activity and feed itself by catching insects. In the bird, in which the operation of removing the cerebral hemi- spheres is a very easy one. the movements after decerebration may he quite complicated, particularly if the optic lobes are intact. Such a bird is more active than usual during daylight, hut becomes perfectly still in the dark. It is, however, unable to distinguish friends from ene- mies, and it shows no fear. As we ascend further in the animal scale, the operation of ,; bration becomes \^vy difficult. Goltz, however, succeeded some >• ago in removing practically all of the cerebrum from a dog by perform- ing the operation in three stages separated by considerable intervals time. The animal lived eighteen months after the last operation, and during this time it behaved exactly like an automatic machine. All its reilexes were perfectly normal. It could not distinguish objects, hut a brigh.1 light caused it to close its eyes. During daytime it walked tinuously up and down its whereas at night it would sleep and remain perfectly quiet. When food was placed in the mouth, the dog would masticate and swallow in a perfectly normal fashion, and would reject unpalatable food. While asleep, a very loud sound might awaken it. and when a harmful stimulus was applied to the skin, the animal would snarl and growl and attempt to fight the offending object. Then absolutely no signs ,,f pleasure or of recognition of the person that it or of fear. ^IL1 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM From these results it is in general clear that the brain stem is able to adjust the motor and the visceral reactions of the animal to changes in the immediate environment, but that no power of spontaneous move- ment is possible. Although in the higher apes and in man removal of any considerable part of the cerebral cortex is impossible, yet we may infer, from the results which have just been considered, that in the higher animals more and more of the action becomes shifted to the motor centers of the cerebrum. Reflexes which in the lower animals involve only a spinal or a bulbo-spinal tract, also involve in the higher forms a cerebral patli which is laid down only as the result of experience and education. The newly born infant is able to perform fewer move- ments than is the case in the lower forms of animal life, but his power of learning new movements is incomparably greater. He inherits less in the way of stereotyped reflexes, but in place of these he possesses innumerable nerve tracts leading through cerebral neurons, through which new reflex responses may be laid down as a result of education. In connection with these experiments it is interesting to note that in lower animals it can readily be demonstrated that the general in- fluence of the higher on the spinal centers is of an inhibitory nature. Thus, the latent time of the flexion reflex in the decerebrate frog, as judged by the Turck method,* is very much prolonged when a stimulus, such as that produced by a crystal of common salt, is applied to the optic lobes just posterior to the cerebrum. In general, the influence Avhich the cerebrum exercises on the spinal centers is an inhibitory one, whereas that of the cerebellum is augmentatory. *Turck's method consists in measuring with a metronome the time that elapses between dipping the foot into weak acid solution and the reflex flexion of the leg. CHAPTER \< \ CEREBRAL LOCALIZATION Of niucli greater practical importance than the experiments in which the entire cerebrum is removed, as described in the lasl chapter, i those in which various parts of it are destroyed or stimulated. Prom the results conclusions may be drawn regarding the important subji of cerebral localization. The effects produced by removal or stimulation different parts of the cerebral cortex vary considerably, some parts of I cortex being set apart for the control of the motor mechanism of the body, others for the reception and interpretation of affer* I stimuli, while others, and these by far the mos1 extensive, are concerned in the correlation or association of the sensory and motor centers. It may !"■ stated in general that: (1) Tim precentral region of the cerebrum contains the centers of higher thought. (2) The ascending frontal con- volution immediately in fronl of the precentral buIcus contains the chief motor centers, a center being distinguishable for each muscular grouping of the body. (3) The postcentral convolution has to do with the centers for the immediate reception of sensory stimuli, the lied sensory centers. (4) A large area occupying most of the parietal lobe ami pari of the occipital is undoubtedly associational in its function, since from it do response can be obtained by stimulation, etc. 5 !'• himl this, in the occipital lobe, there is a center having to do with reception of visual impulses. (6 In the upper ivolution of the tem- poro-sphenoidal lobe, is a similar center for hearing. These centers have been differentiated from one another by anatomical. experimental and clinical research. At present we shall confine ourselves to the ' tperimental results. These are obtained by ablation and stimula- tion, and in considering the results it will be convenienl to divide the centers into motor, Bensory, and nonreactr ABLATION OF THE MOTOR CENTERS Removal of >'»< cortex from the area which controls the movements a definite part of the body say, the arm will l>e found to pi an immediate and profound muscular paralysis Th< animal do. the paralyzed extremity for any purpose whatsoever, and yei the mus- 843 844 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM cles do not undergo any more atrophy than can be accounted for by disuse. The extremity docs not suffer from any of the nutritional dis- turbances which we saw supervene upon destruction of the motor cen- ter in the cord; and likewise Local reflex ad ions elicited by stimulation of the local receptors are perfectly normal. A pinprick, for instance, causes the usual flexion reflex. After some weeks the limb begins to recover and can be used in volitional movement. Recovery rapidly progresses until, in the case of the higher apes, it becomes almost complete in a little over four months. It occurs earlier in the lower animals. When a center is destroyed on the cerebral cortex in the case of man, only partial recovery takes place. So that in general we may say that the higher the animal in the animal scale, the less complete will be recovery from the paralysis produced by cerebral ablation. Regarding the nature of Ihe recover)/, several possibilities exist: either the nerve centers become regenerated in the destroyed area, or the cor- responding area of the opposite hemisphere or some other part of the same hemisphere or the basal ganglia assume the function. Evidence has been furnished by Sherrington and Graham Brown12 tending to show that the last of these is the most likely cause for the recovery. Thus, it was found, in working on the arm centers on the brain of the chimpanzee, that after complete recovery of the paralysis produced by removal of the center on one side, stimulation of the area that had been removed caused no movements, indicating that no regeneration had occurred, and that removal of the corresponding center of the opposite hemisphere, although followed by paralysis of the arm to which it corresponded, still did not cause any paralysis of the limb which had recovered from the previous operation. To see whether some other part of the gray cortex might have assumed the lost function, the postcentral convolution was removed two months after the removal of the arm centers. Although a temporary weakness of both arms resulted, the voluntary movements were soon as good as before. These results are of course exactly what we should expect from the experiment on the dog, already described in which Ihe cerebral cortex had been entirely removed, and the conclusion that we niiisl draw is thai the basal ganglia assume the function of the lost cerebral cortex. STIMULATION OF THE MOTOR CENTERS To investigate ihe effects of stimulation, it is found that tin1 stimulus is besl applied by tie' electrical method, one pointed electrode, called the stim- ulating, being applied to the area under investigation, and the other, CEREBR \l. I 01 ILIZATIO B 15 called the indifferenl electrode and consisting of a flal pi eing placed on some other pari of the body, Buch as the Bkin of the back. Tliis unipolar method gives much finer results than when the ordinary bipolar electrodes are employed. Before we describe the results which have been obtained by the u nf this method, a question arises which if may be well to consider briefly; namely, how do we know thai the electric currenl is really stimu- lating the center presenl in the gray matter of tl . and not the numerous nerve fibers thai constitute the white matter <>f the brain and along which, between the two electrodes, it is plain some of the electric currenl musl pass? The evidence thai we are really stimulating miters is as follows: I The latenl period for a response produced by stimulating the centers is much longer than that which follows upon di- rect stimulation of the white matter. '_' Under deep narc that produced by chloral or morphine, tl ffed >f stimulation of the gray matter is greatly delayed and altered in type; whereas stimulation <»t' the white matter gives the usual response. (3 A weaker current suffices to stimulate the gray matter than thai required for the exposed white matter. Tn order to demonstrate the movements which follow stimulation the cerebral <-<>)-i<>x, [\ is necessary, as will be inferred from the p ceding remarks, thai the animal be nol too leeply anesthetized! Pur- thermore, it is necessary to ho very careful in adjusting the strength of stimulati mployed, for the results vary considerably accordingly. Winn the stimulus is of the proper intensity, the movements are Iocj in some particular group of muscles, for example, those of the thumb or of the hand, whereas, if the stimulation is strong, the movements spread over much larger areas. As a result of feeble or moderj mu- lation, it is found thai the muscles which move are those of the oppos side uf the body, and thai the localization is finer the higher the position of the animal in the scale of development. The movements are perfectly coordinate and purposeful in character, and reciprocal innervation is evident. There is. however, a marked difference in the reactions obtained by stimulation of the motor cortex and those obtained by eliciting spinal reflexes. For example, the movements produced bj Btimulatii cortex are much m idily modified by slight variations in 1 1 dition of the animal, the blood supply, the degn are those elicited by stimulation of r iptor neuroi s. A can idy of this difference h.-is been made in recenl ; Bro rington." They observed the behavior of h acl ing on the elbow w hen thi 'tivc corl mil- B46 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Lated, and found that the latent periods were very variable, the after- effects indefinite, and inhibition more prominent than excitation. More- over, the inhibition was more or less independent of the simultaneous excitation of the antagonistic muscle, in which respect it therefore dif- fered from the type exhibited in the reciprocal innervation of the spinal reflexes (see page 814). Nor were the results obtained from a given cortical center always the same; thus, if a point giving a certain re- sponse was stimulated immediately after previous stimulation, the re- sult was often reversed; if it was inhibition in the first instance, it might be excitation immediately afterward. But if sufficient time was allowed, then the response was always of the same kind. By comparing the effect of simultaneous stimulation of an afferent spinal root and of a flexion or extension point on the cortex, it was found that the stimulation of the afferent root Avhen a flexion point was being stimulated augmented the flexion, but when an extension point was stimulated, stimulation of the afferent root might change the response to flexion, the exact result depending considerably on the rel- ative strength of the two stimuli. The general conclusion that may be drawn from these results is that the special function of the cortex is to reverse the centers of purely spinal reflexes when such reversal is de- sirable or necessary. The cortex dominates the spinal reflexes, and in general it may be said that its main effect is inhibitory in nature. It is particularly by the use of the method of moderate electrical stimu- lation that exact localization has been worked out on the cerebral cor- tex. As would be expected, this localization is much less defined and definite in the lower as compared with the higher animals. In the higher apes, it has been found that the motor centers are limited to a narrow strip of cortex immediately in front of the Eolandic fissure — the precentral area, as it is called. (Fig. 219.) From the accompanying figure, it will be noted that the centers are arranged from below upward, in the reverse order to that in which the muscular groups occur in the body; that is to say, the face, neck, etc., are located lowest on the cortex, and the leg highest up. It will further be noted that the extent of the centers for the neck and tongue is very much greater than for the body or leg, that for the arm being interme- diate. Tt is not. therefore, the extent of the muscular tissue that de- termines the size of the cortical area controlling its movements, but the type or complexity of the movements that the muscles perform. The complex movements of the tongue and the vocal cords evidently require greater cortical representation than do the coarser movements of the large mass of muscular tissue of the trunk. The centers extend somewhat upon the mesial aspect of the brain, but occupy here only a I i REBR \l. LOCALIZATION 847 very small part of 1 1 1 « - superficial gray matter. They extend also into the fissure of liolando and the other fissures, and thi at of the citable area which is thus buried away in the fissures may d that on the free surface of the hemispheres. It will be noted that there are two centers for tin movements of tht eyes, one in the frontal lobe isolated from the motor area, and the other at the tip of the occipital lobe. The former is the motor center for the conjugated movements of the two eyeballs, wl • the latter functionates in association with the so-called visual center, which re- ceives the visual impressions and transmits them to other parts of the Anui & Vagina Sulcus centralis Toes i Ankle Knee. Abdomen cnest Shoulder--, Elbow Wrist YES Fingers & thumb. Closure of jaw Opening of jaw Vocal cords Sulcus centralis Mastication Pig 219. i 'Mi. r i;ii nf the chim; i enters, trie stimulation ;it the parts indicated cle groups. Sherrington.) brain to be interpreted and cm-related. Excitation of the center for eye movements in the frontal lobe, say. of the right Bide, causes con- jugate deviation of both eyes tn the opposite side, that is, to the l< and it can readily be shown that this movement of the eyeballs is the result of reciprocal innervation of the extraocular muscles 314). Even at the risk of repetition we will again describe the fundamental experiment that demonstrates this. When the i a in the ah experiment, move to the left, it means that the internal rectus <>f the righl eye and the external rectus of the left ting, when the external rectus of the former and the internal rectus 848 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM arc becoming reciprocally inhibited, the other muscles participating to a slight degree. If all the nerves to the extraocular muscles of the right eye are cut except the sixth, which supplies the external rectus, it will be found that this eye looks permanently toward the right side; that is, an external strabismus is produced. If now the right cortex is stimulated, both eyes will, as before, move to the left, although the right eye will not move farther than the middle Line. Us movement as far as this, however, niusi evidently be due to an active inhibition of Ihe externa] red us muscle, for none of Ihe other muscles can act since the nerves are cut. The experiment of conjugate deviation brings out another point re- garding cerebral localization — namely, that the muscles which ordinarily acl along with muscles on opposite sides of the body, are innervated from both sides of the cerebral cortex. This applies not only to the movements of the eyes, but to the respiratory and other movements of the neck and trunk. Destruction of the trunk center of the cerebral cortex on one side does not produce any paralysis, while stimulation in this region produces an equal movement on both sides. We may say therefore that bilaterally acting muscles are innervated from both sides of the cerebral cortex. The movements produced by stronger stimulation of the cerebrum do not remain localized, and they persist for some time after the stimulus has been removed. Still further increase in the strength of the stimulus may cause the contraction to spread until it affects all parts of the body, giving rise to a convulsion. There are two types of contraction during this convulsion, the first being a strong tonic contraction, which outlasts the stimulus for some time and then gives way to a series of clonic contractions, occurring at intervals of from six to ten per second, and gradually getting slower as the fit dies away. The convulsion al- ways starts in the muscle group represented by the cortical center that is being stimulated. Thus, if the hand area is the seat of stimulation, the convulsions begin in the muscles of the hand; then they spread to the muscles of the forearm and shoulder on the same side, and then to the face, the trunk, and the leg; and if the stimulus is strong enough, they may spread to the opposite side and thus involve the whole body. This "march" of the convulsion depends upon the overflow of the stimu- lus on to the various centers of Ihe brain, and the pathways through which it occurs seem to be located in the subcortical centers, for the spread is not prevented by isolating the cortical centers from one another by cuts encircling them, or by division of the corpus callosum. Never- theless, 1he centers do in some way become involved in the spread, as is indicated by 1hc fact that Ihe complete excision of one of them CEREBRAL L0( ALIZAT10 will exclude the corresponding muscular area from participation in the fit. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS The foregoing results obtained bj experimental stimulation in anim; are very similar to the symptoms observed in man when the cerebral cortex is stimulated by the pressure on it of a meningeal tumor o spicule of bone. Such stimulation causes contraction in the correspond- ing muscular area; the contraction then spreads to aeighborii ups of muscles, and may ultimately involve the whole musculatu body in a convulsive lit, like thai produced in animals. This is known as Jacksonian epilepsy, and it is to be distinguished from ordinary epilepsy by the fad that the patient does uo1 become unconscious dur- ing the fit. Like ordinary epilepsy, however, l! ksonian typ usually preceded l>\ a peculiar sensation of numb] a ing in the area thai is to show the first contraction. i of tl • achi< ments <>( modern brain surgery is the cure of Jacksonian epilepsy, by trephining the skull over tin- affected center and removing the mening tumor or spicule of bone which is responsible for the stimulation. T enable the surgeon to locate exactly the position of the irritating body, it is necessary to examine the patienl very closely as I ilar group which is initially affected during the convulsions, ami then examine an outline map of the cerebral hemisphere indicating the po- sition of the various motor and sensory areas as deduced mainly from experiments on the higher monkeys ami verified by the expe trained by previous operations. Topographic maps indicating the sur- e markings corresponding to the various convolutio -ebrum must also he used. In such operations the surgeon often has the op. portunity of experimentally verifying the position of various cent. CHAPTER XCVI CEREBRAL LOCALIZATION (Cont'd) SENSORY CENTERS That the motor centers are located in the areas which, we have just described does not indicate that the nerve cells of the centers normally dominate the reflex movements which their stimulation elicits. The motor centers, strictly speaking-, are the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord; and the so-called motor centers of the cerebral cortex must really repre- sent nothing more than internuncial neurons between the entering and leaving paths concerned in reflex movements. They are only links in the long cerebral chain — way-houses on the reflex cerebral pathway. According to this view we should expect that these centers would be the ultimate recipients of sensation, as well as the distributors of motor impulses ; sensorimotor, they have been called. Such, however, is not the case, for Sherrington has shown that the centers most directly con- cerned in the reception of sensory impulses are not located in front of the Rolandic fissure but immediately behind it in the ascending parietal or postcentral convolution. Electrical stimulation in this region does not evoke any immediate response, at least if the stimulus is not too strong. A movement indirectly due to the receipt of a sensation may 1)0 elicited by a strong stimulus, just as is the case when the visual cen- ter in the occipital lobe is strongly stimulated, producing secondary movements of the eyes. Histologic, experimental and clinical evidence has been furnished to support this location of the chief sensory center. The clinical evidence was furnished by Harvey dishing,14 who induced two patients in whom this part in the brain was exposed to allow him to stimulate it while they were in a conscious slate. As the result of the stimulation of the post- central convolution definite sensory impressions were experienced, consist- ing of a sensation of numbness or deadness to tactual impressions, but no muscular groups underwent movement unless the precentral con- volution was stimulated. During these movements, moreover, no sen- sations were experienced by the patient except those which accompanied the change in the position of the part that was moved. The sensations which are thus represented on the cortex are those of touch discrimina- S50 CEREBRAL L0< IUZATION 351 tion and those relating to the position and movements of the muscles. Pain and temperature sensations ■ !<» no1 seem to have cortical rep tation. There is of course a close association between sensory and motor cen ters, as is illustrated in the experiment described elsewhere under the head of apesthesia (page 838), in which it will be remembered that the complete section of all the posterior roots <>f an extremity renders the pari as effectively paralyzed for volitional movement as it would 1; been had the motor roots themselves been cut. Afferenl impulses are therefore necessary for the efficient volitional control of the muscular nio\ ements. SENSE CENTERS Attempts to locate exactly the position on the cerebral cortex win impressions of the projicient sensations vision, hearing, etc. — are re- ceived are of course more or less difficult because of the fact that the experiments have to he performed on dumb animals. Nevertheless Borne information can lie gleaned from the results of ablation and stimulation of various parts of the cortex, ablation causing, for example, definite evidence either of blindness or of deafness, and stimulation causing movements of the eyes or cars similar to those ordinarily observed when these organs are stimulated in the usual way. The auditory center is located in the hack part of the superior temporal convolution. Stimulati f this area in animals causes a pricking up of the ear on the opposite side as if the animal heard a sound. Clinical observation has confirmed this conclusion. The visual Ci nti r is located in the occipital lobe. Tt is important • peal again that there are two centers uu the cerebral cortex concerned in vision: the frontal visual center, located as we have Been in the frontal lobe, and the so-called visual center itself, located in the occipital I stimulation of the frontal visual center produces a prompter movement of the eyes than does stimulation of the occipital center, indicating that the frontal center has the immediate control of the muscular movements, whereas the occipital lobe IS probably concerned in the adjust mi the muscular reactions which are necessary in controlling the eye mo incuts, bo that the objects may he properly viewed and judgmi formed, by the extent of the movements, of its distanc sition, The actual response to stimulation of the occipital i hat the lobe on one side is connected with the corresponding half o retina, the fovea centralis being, however, connected with both 852 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ASSOCIATION AREAS The brillianl outcome of the researches conducted by the experimental mot In id in enabling us to locate the chief motor and sensory areas of • i r * X k A Motor leer area fj". m ti * i { k i ^ Yisr.osensory / /* A A 1 1 K> * ,**f m'aV* ^ :K; *A Yisuopsychic 220. — Three sections through different parts of the cerebral cortex. For description see Rei awn from Starling, i the cerebral cortex leaves ye1 uncharted those vast areas lying between them which do nol respond in any definite way to artificial stimulation, and the ablation of which results only in more or less indefinite symp- I I'.i: \l. I 0( \l.l/ \i turns. I n order to discos er t 'unci ion of i oecessary to employ «• ntirely diflferenl method that of and embryological examination. When the patterns of the are compared with the habits of the animals animals (phylogenetic study . or even in diff* individuals ^-r-TTT -^ A. cerebral localization can ;iK<> be gained In the human animal much progress is being made by comparing the structural patl 854 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM lex in differenl parts of the normal brain with that found in the brain of psychopathic individuals whose mental symptoms have been care- fully studied before death.* For the purpose of this work it is necessary to recognize several laminae or layers of nerve cells and nerve fibers composing the cortex. The most practical division is represented in Fig. 220, and is as follows: (1) a narrow superficial layer of nerve fibers, with a few scattered cells — the outer fiber Lamina or molecular layer; (2) a much wider "layer of small, medium and large pyramidal cells — the outer or pyramidal cell lamina; (3) a layer of granules — the middle cell lamina; (4) an inner layer of nerve fibers, sometimes containing large solitary cells (Betz cells) — the inner fiber lamina; (5) a layer of polymorphic cells — the inner cell lamina. This five-layer type undergoes structural modifications in the different regions of the cortex, and these modifications possess a dis- tinct functional significance. The only part of the brain in which they can not be recognized is the hippocampus and the pyriform lobe. Based on the relative thickness of these layers maps of the cerebral cortex have been produced. The most important are those of Brodmann and Campbell, of -which the latter is reproduced in Fig. 221. Two re- gions can be very definitely located; namely, the precentral or Betz- cell area, and the visual or visuosensory area of Campbell. Surrounding the visuosensory area is a definite visuopsychic area, and similarly, bordering on the precentral is the so-called intermediate precentral area. At the very front of the frontal lobe is the prefrontal area. Post- central and intermediate postcentral areas are indicated, but the re- mainder of the center is undefined. Reasoning from phylogenetic and ontogenetic data, we can assign to each of these lamina? a functional significance, which according to Bol- ton is as follows: The outer cell lamina (pyramidal cell lamina) proba- bly constitutes the "higher level" basis for the carrying on of the higher or psychic cerebral functions. It is a prominent feature of the human cortex, the last cell layer to be evolved, and the one which undergoes retrogression most readily. During development it rapidly attains ma- turity in the visuosensory area, next in the visuopsychic, and only later in the prefrontal region. In the visuopsychic area it is practically of the same depth as in the visuosensory, whereas in the prefrontal region it develops according to the mental capacity of the animal. In patients ex- hibiting symptoms of dementia this layer of cells is distinctly deficient. These facts indicate that the outer or pyramidal cell lamina "subserves the psychic or associational functions of the cerebrum" — (Bolton). *An excellent account of the physiologic basis for such work is given by Bolton in Leonard Hill's Further Advances in Physiology. We have made free use of this article in the present review and wouid strongly recommend its perusal by any who may desire further information.19 CI R] BR \I. L0< \U/ iTIO The middl ■!! lamina is much hypertrophied in tl ailed proj< lion areas of tl srel mi m for example, 111 the visuosensory ar< Pig. 220 . where il is so thick thai it is usually described as being divided into two parts by a oarrow fiber band the line of Gennari Dimination in the layer occurs in the visuosensory area in long-standing c atrophy. '"It Beems therefore primarily to Bubserve the function of re ceiving afferent impressions whether these arrive directly from the lower sensory neurons or indirectly through other regiot a of I • brum." The fifth or inner cell lamina is the firsl to I me differentiated, and ii is of extremely constant depth in the adult. It is qo1 much affected in amentia, unless when this is very severe, as in patients who are unable to carry on the ordinary animal functions. In short, 'it suIi-.tv.-s the lower voluntary and instinctive activities of the animal economy"- -(Bolton). Taking the results as a whole, it appears thai the region of t; behind the Rolandic fissure consists of sensory areas and association anas wliieli may be immediately connected with them (visuopsychic and Intermediate postcentral) or mure removed in parietal lobe . Thi tion in front of the Rolandic fissure, on the other hand, contains the efferent areas, of which the precentral may bi irded as of 1"' grade. The motor discharges from it an nditioned upon impul coming partly from the adjacent intermediate pr. central area, in "which again are elaborated those received from the 3< ad partly from those coming from the prefrontal region, which is the n om- plex /one of association. This last is indeed the Bupreme dominating area. It coordinates or integrates the activities of the other association areas and may be considered as the seal of the i) idence for this high evolution of the prefrontal area is v< 3 sti g H - last portion of the cortex to be evolved and the first to tu tro- gre8sion. In idiots and iml iles the thickness of the pyramidal cell layer in this region is directly proportional to tl tal power, and in dementia degrees of retrogression occur thai vary directly with the existing grade of dementia. In normal brains this layer is thi one which varies in depth in differenl individuals. Along with its high development in the brain of man. as compared with that of other ani- mals, goes hand in hand a greal increase iii the other association an Thought is the product of integration between I various tion areas, and articulate and written language the outward ma; tion of the proci as. It is owing to the relatively great extent ami com- plexity and constant development of the prefrontal lobe that man excels even the highest apes in his intellectual activil 1o the relative functional development of this lobe that individuals dif- fer from one another in their mental pOW( CHAPTER XCVI] CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED KEFLEXES In studying' the reflexes in the spinal animal, we have seen that the effect of a given stimulus or of different stimuli is predictable with absolute certainly. There is a fatality in the -responses. When the higher centers are included in the reflex arc, the reflexes become modi- fied or inhibited by events occurring in other parts of the central ner- vous system and the results come to be more and more unpredictable. The reflex comes to be a conditioned reflex (Pavlov). Studies of the circumstances affecting these conditioned reflexes really constitute a study of the function of the higher centers in the brain. Since such experiments must be performed on the lower animals, Ave are limited in the investigation to motor responses, for we have no way whatever of studying the subjective sensations produced. The motor phenomena by which the animal may express its sensations can be interpreted by us only in terms of psychological ideas thai in large part are derived from our own experiences. Obviously the conclusions that can be drawn are subject to very great sources of error, and it must be considered as one of the greatest advances of modern physiology that Pavlov and others should have succeeded in evolving methods by which Ave may ar- rive at conclusions regarding the nature of certain of the integrations that occur in the higher centers of the neiwous system preceding the motor manifestations by which the animal expresses its sensations. The methods employed for the study of these higher integrations of the central nervous system all depend on the reactions of the animal that are associated with the taking of food. When the food is actu- ally placed in the mouth, it excites a secretion of saliva, Avhatever the circumstances may be. This is an unconditioned reflex. Suppose, how- ever, that every time food is given a particular sound is made; after some time it will be found that the occurrence of the sound alone is- sufficient to cause a secretion of saliva. In other Avords, a conditioned reflex lias been formed. Similarly, sight or smell or any other type of sensation m UNCONDITIONED REFLEX association with salivary secretion, so thai ii becomes an i cretion if only it has been frequently presented al the time with the unconditioned reflex stimulus, E 1 in the moutl Work along lines similar to thai devised by Pavlov has more recently been undertaken by students of animal behavior, who have utilized the acquired habits of an animal in searching for its food in ordei influence of conditioning circumstances on its procedure. I iif this method depends mainly on the fad thai it can be applied to all groups of animals. In carrying ou1 such an observation, ihe animal is placed in one compartmenl of a <-ii '_r<-. from which it is then r< ! t<> a s i H 1 compartment, the end of which is « 1 i \ i . 1 # • « l int.. two pi ways, one leading to food, the other leading to some apartment in which the animal is punished for its mistake as by receiving an electric shock. Objects such as colored lights are placed in tin- different p sageways, ami the animal by repeated trial comes ultimately to learn which particular colored lighl -> i <_r 1 1 i I i « - ~s the passage along which he will receive food. A reflex has therefore becoi istablished conditioned <»n the particular colored light. On accounl of the unavailability of his publications, it is impossible at presenl to -rive any complete ace. nut of Pavlov's discoveries A few- facts, however, arc of such importance that it is i ry for us I state them here as far as we know them. See Bayl as, /' ,"/. Two mechanisms scon t . . he concerned in the conditioned refl that of temporary association, ami (2) that of analysis. Temporary associa- tion is well illustrated in the above experiment in which the secretion of saliva is induced by a Bound Temporary association of the Bound with the secretion of the saliva may readily he inhibited by all kinds of ternal phenomena; thus, if the dog's attention 1 omes diverted while tin- conditioned reflex is being stimulated, the response does not i ur. In a dog that had been trained 1.. Becrete saliva to the sound of a i ticular metronome heat, inhibition occurred one day because, .in-1 t ho dot,' waa being presented with the food, the laboratory servant made a m.isc outside of the building which diverted the animal's attention. The conditioned reflex may also he ; red with by internal inhibi- tion, which is illustrated by experiments in which, after a • trained to respond to a given conditional r> vera! follow when food is not given to the animal after the particular Bensation to which it has been trained to respond. The condition for examph its effect. 'Phis is internal inhibition, hut it is a temp since the reflex returns of itself after a period of These experiments illustrate what is meant by • matioi tem- porary associations occurring in conditioned reflexes, hut in i -hat 858 Tin: central nervous system there may be a fine discrimination between those stimuli which shall and those which shall not serve to call forth the conditioned reflex, an- other mechanism becomes involved — that of analysis. This is performed by a sense organ the function of "which is to separate and distinguish the complicated phenomena of the outer world. For example, it has been proved that small differences in the pitch of a musical note may determine whether or not a conditioned reflex will be excited or in- hibited, as in the case of one animal that was trained to respond by the secretion of saliva to a tuning fork vibrating at 100 per second. It was found that no secretion was produced by a tuning fork vibrating at 104 or at 96. Much work has also been done with the skin receptors. Thus, when a given spot of skin is stimulated every time that food is presented, this becomes an active spot for the conditioned reflex. At the same time another spot may be stimulated so as to be associated by the animal with the nonpresentation of food ; it is a conditioned reflex for no food, and is associated with the absence of salivary secretion. By comparing the responses from active and inactive spots when both are stimulated either simultaneously or at close intervals, much can be learned concerning the delicacy of appreciation for external stimuli and the influence of the inhibitory on the excitatory process. Bayliss cites the following experiment. Along a series of spots on the skin of the leg five devices are arranged for producing equal mechanical stimulations of the skin. The four uppermost of these are made active spots for the salivary reflex, and the lowest one inactive — that is, when- ever it is stimulated no food is presented. Let us suppose that upon administering mechanical stimuli of equal intensity to each of the active four spots, a certain amount of saliva is produced in a certain time; if now the inactive spot is stimulated and then thirty seconds later one of the uppermost spots, there will be no secretion. The previous stimu- lation of the inactive spot must evidently have caused an inhibition to be set up in the nerve centers concerned in the reflex. This inhibition only gradually passes away, disappearing first in the spot farthest removed from that made inactive, but it may take several minutes before all the active spots have reacquired their original sensitivity. The persistence of the inhibition produced by stimulating the inac- tive spot in the above experiment indicates an Important factor in con- nection with the produd ion of conditioned reflexes. For example, an animal can be trained to know that in a certain number of minutes after the sound of a given bell food will be presented to him; the condi- tioned reflex will become established so that he salivates at exactly the same time after the bell is sounded. Something must be going on in the centers during this time— something inhibiting the reflex. If < 0NDI1 IONED .WD i M 0NDITI0N1 D I:i l i during this interval of inhibition some other sensory stimulus is applied, it will be likely to cul shorl the inhibition; in other words, i1 produ an inhibition of inhibition, so thai the secretion of Baliva occurs. Another mosl curious combination of conditioned stimuli is illustrated in the following experiment. Suppose, for example, that a given light and sound are each separately made a stimulus for a c litioned reflex, but thai when they occur together there is no reflex. Suppose now that while one of these act iv«> stimuli is being presented, the other stimulus is also presented; the result will be thai the secretion produced by the one stimulus will stop. Evidently, although each is in itself a stimulus. acting together they cause inhibition. By studying the conditioned reflexes after a certain part of the ce bra! cortex has been removed, it has been found that the power of estab- lishing certain kinds of conditioned reflexes becomes abolished, while that Eor others is retained. CHAPTER XCVIII THE HIGHER FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRUM IN MAX; APHASIA The study of the higher functions of the cerebrum leads us to the border- land between physiology and psychology, but into this vast and relatively unexplored field we can not venture here, unless just far enough to gain a suitable vantage point from which to understand the pathology of the condition known as aphasia* As we have seen from our studies on cerebral localization, the cerebrum must be regarded as a great sensorimotor gan- glion, whose functional activities are indicated by various movements. These movements may. in general, be classified as objective indications cither of feeling and emotion or of intelligence. Although both classes arc evident in all animals, it is particularly in the case of man that the evi- dences of intelligent activity are especially prominent, since they include gesticulation and the muscular activities required in spoken and written language. The movements that express emotional conditions are evolved earlier and from lower planes than those of intellectual activity. Thus, very young infants "make faces" when there is reason to believe they feel pain, and, as they develop, their power of expressing emotion is evolved long before they present evidence of intelligent motor activity, and still longer before they can articulate words. The phenomenon of human psychic activity which is of greatest im- portance is that of language, and to understand the nature of the cerebral integration required to produce it, we must briefly consider the cerebral processes involved in the intellectual development of the infant. The first step in this development is the storing away in projection centers of memories of the sensations which these centers have received. For ex- ample, when the child looks at a bell, there is stored in the visual center a memory of the shape of the bell, and when the bell moves so as to produce sound, this also is stored as a sound impression in the auditory center. Likewise, when he touches the bell impressions of its hardness and smooth- ness and temperature are stored in the centers for cutaneous sensations. At first each of these memory impressions occupies an isolated position ; but later, association tracts open up between them, so that the calling use of Bolton's articli is rriade in this chapter. 860 HIGHER FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRUM IX MAN: APHASIA v'd forth of one memorj impression is associated with others, and the child comes to 1"' able to associate the appearance or image of the bell with a certain sound ami with certain sensations of hardness, rotundity, etc. This preliminary use of observation is known as p< /•- < pi ion. It involves the fusion of direcl sensations as well as their correlation with memory im- pressions of former sensations. The number and variety of the latter called into activity by a particular sensation will obviously vary at dif- fered times. On seeing a bell, for example, a child may associate it with sound "ii one occasion, and <>n the next with the feeling <>f the bell. On accounl of this difference in the detail of the method of association, it is evident thai perception musl 1"' a producl of cerebral integration rather than one depending on memory impressions stored in the isolated centi It is a nplicated process with an infinite variety of possibil the exacl way iii which it is integrated on each occasion. The act of perception, however, becomes considerably simplified in the higher animals by the laying down of short-cut paths of association. These are formed firsl of all with the auditory center, in which the memory impression of an articulated sound representing the object— for example, the word "bell"- is stored away. The child comes to learn that this par- ticular word is to be associated with the memory impressions it has stored away n? the sound, the sight, and the feeling of tic hell. Similar short -cut paths later become developed in connection with the visual centers, where a certain symbol, like the word '"hell." is presented to the child as signi- fy inir all the other attributes of hell. In its mosl highly developed form, therefore, perception may he described as the act of calling up one integrate sensorimemorial impressions in the above described manner, the child oexl learns to integrate the motor centers concerned in the control of the articulatory apparatus so ;is to produce a sound. This sound is the word indicating the objeel invoh in the integrating pr ss. It is the integration necessary to produce the sound which symbolizes the particular object. When the power of understanding ami producing lan<_'iia'_re has been acquired, the crowning process of intellectual development the forma- tion of a concept, or general notion becomes evolved. Thus, the evolu- tion of a genera] name will include a number of particular objeel "This process of conception involves Hie revivification of numerous sorimemorial images which present common points of similarity' Bol- ton). It is relatively a simple process for such genera] object animal, man, building, hut becomes very complex for such abstract heaviness, beauty, etc. it is obviously a proci ss I which m> one cerebral • - ; ; ; ■ - - I .r'1 • ;f :i imi,"-.yj." ." v. : r : - . - " ; >~: ".".".v. ■;.: :z •- : kins; itegMmfaat ■ad. depend am the . . . - . ._ - -^ -i.;^ - ■ - _ I ■ :r - - . - ■- ■ :;i.:--'' . ■ :-; ■ "j r!i tine ■ -.J ■ .-„ ••-■--•••• • H m0V< - :- mi] cation in unjusl aphasia, and 1 dOCM llOt ; iJIJO/j - impairment. Marie pc ■ ■ out that flu intellectual impairment ha rj mad* the intellectual •••• of the pal "■ fering from aphasia . . or raise the hand, ean do them ■ rmal individual, > a]] are very in the ordir. rforms -ma] individual. To test the intellectual pc t is neeessa: patient to perform acts which entail a considerable amount of t integration. We must ask him to perform some sequ- as walking several times in one direction, then in ai tain objects, etc., or hould observe 1 business transactions and everyday routine of life I things exactly as he did them be '■ to show that in aphasia the mental ; predated. The portion of the cerebral cortex affected in aphasia - neighborhood of the so-called area of Wernicke, which the visual and auditory cent* tg In making this s . sion, Marie admits that e ses : pure word-blindness but not of word-deafness may exist: that is. a patient still retaining his ini his ability to interpret correctly what !>' gees, all accurately what he he, - This conclusion conforms exactly with those of ti - hys gists garding the difference in the langua_ nanisms of educated i. educated persons. Langaag 3 h sd through the sens ring, anc I - only by later education that mor- - .amed by - that is To - - learns to read only after stand spoken language. Word-blindness m.-.; I symptom, and is less than w ss 1 normal hit . tions of the an. T" ss p de- pends upon a lesion involving the auditory I ss means disturbance ii ss ition fund - :11m. ;v ied b> mount of me- ' . Tn porrol I de*f-mu1 - infer' that is eons ss of - - - .loss of s 864 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM To quote Boltou again, ' ' In such cases deafness is therefore a more serious deprivation than blindness, as, for the evolution of the functional activity of the cerebrum, an entirely new development of associational spheres to replace those normally employed for auditory and spoken language has to he acquired. In the case of congenital or early-acquired hlindness, on the other hand, the complex sphere of language, with all its psychic com- ponents, can he employed in a perfectly normal manner and almost ex- actly as it is brought into use in the case of persons who neither read nor write." It would he beyond the scope of this work to go into the clinical and pathological evidence upon which Marie bases his far-reaching conclusions. Suffice it to say that it is definitely shown that the old contention of Broca, that a special speech center exists, is entirely unjustified by the facts of clinical and pathological experience. Broca, it will be remembered, con- tended that motor aphasia is always due to destructive processes occurring in the lower portion of the ascending frontal convolution on the left side, and he concluded that this portion of the cerebrum represents the speech center. Marie has shown, however, that a patient may show distinct evi- dence of aphasia without any lesion involving this so-called Broca area, and, on the other hand, that cases not infrequently occur in which this is completely destroyed without any evidence of aphasia. Important though tli is discovery of the inaccuracy of Broca 's conclusion is, by far the most important conclusion which we may draw from Marie's work is that, since language is a product of an extended integration of impressions and memories stored in different parts of the cerebrum, it is not so likely to be interfered with by destruction of any one of the centers as it is by destruc- tion of the paths which connect the centers with one another. As a matter of fact, Marie has shown that in cases of aphasia the lesion is nearly always located in the course of the pathway connecting the visual and auditory centers with the other centers of the cerebrum ; it lies around the upper end of the fissure of Sylvius in the region which in previous years had been considered particularly associated with the condition known as sensory aphasia. Those interested in this subject should consult Bolton's article. CHAPTEB X( IX FUNCTIONS <»!•' THE CEREBELLUM In our discussion of reflex action we have so Ear considered only tl, receptors coming from the exterior of the body, although we have r< aized thai a considerable Dumber of the afferenl aerve roots contain fibers coming from receptors situated in the muscles, the tendons and the joints, and called proprioceptors because they respond not to changes in the environmenl but to alterations in the body itself. We ha o that the proprioceptors consisl structurally of muscle spindles and of the ne endings in the tendons and ligaments and synovial membranes. They are receptors that are attuned to respond to differences in tension caused either by bulging of the muscles or by stretching of the fibers of tendons a Ligaments. The impulses are transmitted in the spinal cord, either by the posterior columns <>r by the lateral cerebellar tracts. Those traveling by th>' pos- terior columns are sent mainly to the cerebral cortex of the opposite side, whereas those in the cerebellar tracts enter the cerebellum by the inferior peduncles of the same side. The cerebral impulses conned with ne which transmit the impulse back again to the cerebellum of the oppos I side, so that ultimately the cerebellar cortex is connected with the spinal cord "i' tin- same Bide either directly or indirectly through the cerebral cortex. These anatomical facts indicate in ;i general way that we may expect the function of the cerebellum tn he that of the chief nerv niter concerned in the integration of the proprioceptive impulses originated by the condition of contraction or relaxation of the different groups muscles in the body, and by the amount of tension existing in the var tendons, ligaments and other membranes surrounding t lie joints. Experimental investigation has justified thes tions The re- moval of the entire cerebellum— an operation which has usually been performed t is curved toward the side of the lesion, and the movements 866 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM animal cause it to fall in that direction. A similar experiment with dogs yields like results, but the operation is of course considerably- more difficult. In man, a destructive tumor of the cerebellum produces a con- dition known as "cerebellar ataxy," in which the patient moves his limbs in a very incoordinate fashion; he staggers, is uncertain in his gait, and behaves in general very like a drunken man. Although these immediate effects of cerebellar extirpation indicate Fig. 222. — Footprints after destruction of the cerebellum in a dog: a, before the operation; b, four days after; c, five days after; d, a month after; e, two months after. (From Luciani.) clearly that this organ lias to do with the control of muscular movements, yet the results are probably not primarily dependent on the ablation, but rather on the conditions of irritation which are set up as a result of the operation, and which probably affect the cerebellar peduncles. At least, such is the view that Luciani, one of the greatest investigators in this field, has adopted because of the fact that, if the animal is kept alive for sufficient time so that the. symptoms of irritation disappear, they become IP THE CEREBELLUM 867 replaced by those of an entirely different nature. The pigeon may r< qnire the power of flying straight, or and this is particularly importanl the dog may reacquire the power of apparently normal pr< ion, al- though, it' its muscular movements are carefully examined by physiological methods, it will be found that at leasl three changes hav< late resull of the extirpation; namely, a weakness of co tion, a tremor during the contraction, and a want of tone when at pest. Th< mdi- tiona have been called asthenia; atonia and astasia, res] tively. <>n su- perficial examination it may often be difficult to make out these three con- ditions, but they can readily be observed in animals in which tli pebellar extirpation has been performed on one side, so that the abnormal may be compared with the normal Bide. In a dog that has had one Mar hemisphere removed some time previously, the muscles "-, the correspond- ing side are so much weaker than those on the opp side that the animal, in order to retain his equilibrium, lias to prop himself up by leaning against whatever objecl may he convenient, or by extending his legs so as to increase his base of support. In other words, 1.-' constantly lends to fall to the side of the lesion, but tries to prevent this either by increased muscular effort or by taking advantage of artificial support. The effect which this weakening has on his <_rait ran he very clearly demon- strated by comparing the footprints produced by the normal with those of the abnormal side, these footprints being obtained by making the animal trut along a piece of glazed paper blackened with a carbon de] - in taking tracings (Fig. 222). Localization of Function in the Cerebellum Although these facts in themselves would tend to indicate a certain de- gree of localization of function in the cerebellum, or at least that certain parts of the cerebellar cortex have to do with certain groups of muse yet for many years it was considered that the cerebellum did not show in any marked degree the same kind of localization that we find in the e bral cortex. One cause for the backward state of our knowledgi jern- ing cerebellar localization is that, unlike I rebrum, its cortex is practically inexcitable. In recent years, however, on account partly of anatomic and partly of experimental and clinical work a high d« _ localization has 1 n found to exist in th pcbellum. Prom the anatomical point of view it has been found that in certain groups of animals, such as the nngulata, the postero-medial lobule of the cerebellum is very la whereas the lobuli ansiformes are small. In another grou] earnivi the opposite obtains, the lobuli ansiformes being oped and postero medial lobule quite small. SliS THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM By studying these developmental differences in relationship to the activi- ties of the muscular system, Bolk suggested that movement of those regions of the body which are affected by muscle groups on both sides — for example,' the head, neck or trunk — would be represented on the cerebellar cortex by an unpaired center — that is, a center occupying a middle position — and that this would be capable of exercising an influence equally upon the muscles of both sides. Movements of the limbs would require an entirely different type of coordination, since they are not accustomed to act together, unless Eor certain movements, as walking. Based on these theoretic considerations Bolk found a definite correspondence to exist between the variations in the development of certain cerebellar lobules and the functional importance of certain muscle groups, and the general conclusions deducible from his and Fig. 223. — Diagrams to represent respectively a ventral view of the left half ami a dorsal view of the_ right half of the human cerehellum illustrating the scheme of subdivision according to Bolk. (From photographs of specimens from the Anatomical Museum, Western Reserve Medical School.) (From Davidson Black.) correlated work may be summed up as follows (cf. Davidson Black10) : The lobus anterior cerebelli (see Fig. 223) contains the centers for the coordi- nation of the muscle groups of the head (eyes, tongue, muscles of mastica- tion, muscles of expression), and of the larynx and pharynx. The lobus sim- plex contains centers for the coordination of the muscles of the neck. The lobulus medianus posterior contains the unpaired centers for the synergic movements required by the right and left extremities for the purposes of progression. On the other hand paired centers for the extremities — those centers thai have to do with the independent movements of each limb of the same side of the body — are located in the lobuli ansiformes et para- median! (crus primum and crus secundum). The centers for the rest of I'l \< TIONS OP i III • i l:l r.l.l.l.i'M the trunk ;iik1 tail region are located in the remainder of the cerebellum. These conclusions are the l>asis of the accompan} ing map of the cerebellum. Basing his work on these anatomic conclusions, Van Rijnberk has studied t he effed of circumscribed extirpation of certain Lobules of the cerebellum on the muscular control of the differenl parts of the body, with the following results. Total or partial extirpation of the lobulua simplex produces sid< side oscillations of the head, indicating the removal <>t' the influei the cerebellum thai control the movements of the muscles of the neck. Complete extirpation of the crus primum of the lobuli ansiformes causes ^ an imme- diate irritative effecl dynamic disturbai the fore limb of the same side, replaced later by a condition of atonia, which make* imb hang limp, and of asthenia, which makes it feeble in its movement when i1 is excited to contract. Extirpation of the crus secundum lias a similar 3 luina of th< ■ in Rijnl i Luiciani. Op. lit.i On the riijlit I the differenl lobules to the functional develop! g to the theory of Bolk noted in the t< .ck.) influenc i the muscles of the hind limb of the corresponding > i < 1 > • . Extir- pation of both crura of the lobulus ansiformis causes marked asthenia and atonia in both fore and hind limb on the same side as the Lesion. A char- acteristic disturbance in walking develops as a late effed of this extirpation. It lias been termed the "hen's gait." Extirpation of the lobulus pai medianus causes rotation on the longitudinal axis of the body, with pleuro- thotonus tu the operated side. Fig 224 •lust as in the case of cerebral localization, bo in ■ ar we find that within each of the largesl centers a more particular localization can <><■ mi out; thus, in cadi of the centers for the upper and 1" there is a definite arrangemenl of subsidiary cent< the dii of the activities of antagonistic muscle groups erned in the movem< particular joints. It must be remembered, hi that in all I no real paralysis is produced bj extirpation, bu1 only a want irdina- 870 '1111' CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM lion on account of the fact that the sthenic, tonic and static impulses re- quired for muscular harmony are not properly elaborated. After some time, as in the case of complete cerebellar extirpation, the s\ mptoms gradually disappear, but they can be obtained more or less char- acteristically in practically all animals., at least in all those that have been investigated, including dogs and monkeys. It will be of interest to consider for a moment the possible causes for the ultimate disappearance of the symptoms of cerebellar extirpation. These are either: (1) an organic compensation by the uninjured parts of the cere- bellum, or (2) a functional compensation by the voluntary centers of the cerebrum. Although the former of these methods of compensation may sometimes develop after partial destruction of the cerebellar cortex, it can not of course explain the recovery which we have seen to occur after the entire cerebellum has been removed. The most important compensation no doubt is effected by the cerebrum, as the following observation clearly in- dicates. If half of the cerebellum of a dog is destroyed, and the animal kept alive until the symptoms of cerebellar extirpation have entirely dis- appeared, it will then be found, if the cerebral center on the opposite side is removed, that the symptoms return in their original severity. After this second operation the powers of standing in the erect position and of walking are permanently lost. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS Application of these laboratory results has been recently made in the clinic, the most important contribution having come from the clinic of Barany, who for his work was awarded the Nobel prize. In cases of abscess, cysts, or regional agenesia, it is now possible to determine the exact site of the lesion in the cerebellum. To effect this localization, it has been necessary to work out certain clinical tests. The most important of these is called the index test. This is described by Davidson Black as follows: "The patient's eyes being closed, he is asked to execute a simple movement in a given direction with one of his extremities. For example, the forearm being firmly supported, the patient's index finger is extended and brought into contact with thai of the observer; the patient is then required to move his finger vertically downward and then to return it to its previous position. The test is repeated a number of times, both in the vertical and in the horizontal direction, and if any tendency toward deviation from the plane of movement be present, its direction is noted. By slight modification of the foregoing procedure it is possible to test each of the limb segments in all positions of rotation, pronation or supination." The index test is applied (1) without previously producing nystagmus I r\< TIONS QP Tin - I 1:1 Rl I. MM -71 and - after producing artificial i nus. The artificial produced by spinning the patienl two or three times, and slant lateral movements of the eyeballs, quick in the direction in which the artificial movemenl took place, and slow in the opposite direction. In a normal subject, previous to spinning the inde I I devia- tion, bu1 after the production of artificial nystagmus a deviation is noted in the direction corres] ling to the slow jerk of the i tion Figi • Hum h Andre-Thomas N. VII, N. 1\, ' •V XII, dossus. Tli' the muscuiai hand; N. VI, Xcrvus .1 VII, N Ncrv deviation). When a cerebellar lesion < , the in a patient without nystagmus Bometimes caus< tion in the segment of the body corresponding to the position the cerebellar cortex, l>ut more frequently, if it is applii 872 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM of artificial nystagmus, the reaction deviation in that segment will fail to he obtained. The exact site of the cerebellar lesion is diagnosed partly from the nature and direction of the deviation which is produced and partly from the segment of the limb in which it occurs, the explanation for the disturbances being that interference with the cerebellar control of one muscle group causes the antagonistic muscular groups to perform their movements in an exaggerated manner, so that the segment moves too much in their direction. Barany's conclusions so far may be summarized as follows: (1) The centers for the extremities are located on the cortex of the hemispheres in the semilunar (superior and inferior) and digastric lobules (see Pig. 225). The representation is uncrossed or homolateral, thus con- trasting with cerebral localization, in which it is crossed or heterolateral. (2) "Within each of these chief centers there is a further localization, which however does not refer to anatomical groups of muscles but rather to the functional performances of the different segments of the limb. Thus, within the arm centers there are subsidiary centers concerned in the movements of the limb in the various planes in rotation, in pronation ;\\](\ in supination. It is a functional rather than an anatomical localization. (3) When a center concerned in the movements of the limb in a certain direction, e. g., to the right, is suddenly destroyed, a spontaneous devia- tion is produced in the opposite direction (to the left). CHAPTER l THE CEREBELL1 M AND THE SEM* [R( i l..\i; CANALS FUNCTIONAL TESTS The cerebellum serves as the great aerve center to which are transmit- ted, through the various proprioceptors, the impulses which, as it w< inform it as to the exacl degri t muscular effort required to maintain the animal in its various postures, h is, as Sherrington ; ganglion of the proprioceptive system. Such impulses from the na tendons, etc., could not, however, supply information regarding the position of the body in space. For this purpt I receptors eon- nected with the eighth nerve are provided in the semicircular These, it will be remembered, are three in number on either side, each canal consisting of a semicircular bone tube attached to the vestibu interna] cat-: and they are arranged so thai they lie at right ang one another in the three planes of space. The thr< anals on eithei thus disposed so as to form an arrangemenl like a V-shaped armchair with the back inwards. This arrangement causes the posterior vertical canal of one side to be in the same plane as the superior vertical canal of I opposite side, the external canals being in the horizontal plane on hoth sides. The arangement will be plain from the diagram Fig. 227 . Within the osseous canals are suspended membranous tubes, which do i fill the canals. The canals, etc., contain fluid, but are not completely filled. The osseous as well as the membranous canals are dilated at end to form the ampulla, and it is here that the vestibular division eighth nerve ends in a structure called the "crista acustica," hair ••ells supported by sustentacula cells. The q< irminates in fine arborizations between the hair cells, [nt ad utricle an j1 t hits similar to the crista, called the macule acust l - st r ptors specialized for the purpose of respond ii I in the position of the head, and therefore of the body in general. When the head moves in a certain plane of Bpace, the fluid in the membran and in the utricle and saccule "ii a unit of inertia nn-i movement, which acts on the hi lis and I stimulus. According to the d< timulation in tl ampulhe. which again will be ^i'} I upon tl which the movement of the head I urred, impuls S74 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTKM through the vestihular nerve, and these impulses ultimately reach the cerebellum. The experimental evidence for these conclusions regarding the functions of the semicircular canals is very strong. Thus, after destruction of all the canals — an operation which is particularly easy in the pigeon — the animal behaves very much the same as after cerebellar destruction. After some months these disorders disappear, because the cerebellum learns to control the movements of the body from other proprioceptive impulses, particularly those of sight, If such a recovered animal is bandaged, the symptoms return in all severity. This compensation is furthermore an educative process, for it does not occur when the cerebral centers as well Fig. 27. — The semicircular canals of the ear, showing their arrangement in the three planes of space. (From Howell's Physiology.) as the semicircular canals are removed, and it can be abolished in a re- covered animal by removal of the cerebral cortex. Many observations of great interest have been made concerning these labyrinthine sensations by Pike and others, but we can not discuss them further here. One point of interest, however, is that forced movements in definite planes are induced by removal of a canal. Removal of the horizontal canals, for example, causes continued nodding movements of the head in the plane of the injured canals. An experiment of great sig- nificance was performed by Ewald to show the effect of causing a move- ment of the fluid in one of the canals. For this purpose a bony canal was opened at two places by a dental drill. Through the hole farther from the ampulla, amalgam was introduced so as to block the backward movement of fluid, and into that nearer the ampulla a fine tube was inserted con- nected with a rubber bulb. ]U' manipulating the bulb, the membranous CI REB] ! Li M Wi« llli I Mil !!:• I I canal could be compressed and currents Bel up in tl Pound tli.it these currents alv. animal to mi eyes in the plane v\' the canal thai was I timulated and in of the currenl of endolj mph. Finally, visual impressions supply much of the inform linn requires, the close association of the movemi cerebellar and labyrinthine disturbai a b< tagmus already described in i nection with B upon tliis association. The symptoms and sent I produced by rotation <>!' the body, or by unusual m< (if ,-i boat, are no <1< »i il >t due to tin' irregular and in rinthine s^ns^ti^ns which they excite. In ;i word, then, tin- function of the cerebellun ceptive impulses from the body ; 1 1 < • 1 1 «_r with labyri pressions and to integrate and develop from them imp being transmitted to tin' cerebral and other nei muscular movements, so coordinate the n< when muscular movemenl occurs, it does bo in relationship to th< position of tin' animal and in the mosl efficient way I for which the movement \\;is made. 'I rebellum of tli»> proprioceptive Bystem. THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN THE EYE MOVEMENTS AND THE SEMICIRCULAR CANALS The close association between the eye m canals is indicated by tl ccurrence of nystagmus \\1 lated either electrically or by means "t' mod< mi the membrana t\ mpani. The latter m< tl Btyled the caloric, and is employed in the r\;m the aviation sen ice. Its value over t; the body and the index tesl aln that it enables us to ti ibular appai Water a1 68 P. i-^ all run throu ternal auditor} canal, fi aboul "• feel above the l ead, which inwhili forward. In aboul 10 s< the jerk to the side opp i ti"1 douch< dizziness complained mediately afterward the head is incl from the perpendicular, when posite to the douched ear should 876 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The procedure is repeated on the other ear. If it takes longer than 90 seconds for the nystagmus to appear, the vestibular apparatus of that side is abnormal. Absence of the reaction deviation after the douching is a certain sign of internal car disease. It is undoubtedly essential that these tests should be most carefully applied to all would-be aviators. They frequently reveal lesions of the vestibular apparatus or the cerebellum in subjects who had thought themselves perfectly normal, and who indeed may have boasted of their powers of equilibrium because they imagined that freedom from seasick- ness or failure to become dizzy in dancing indicated a high development of this function. There can be no doubt that many aviators have gone to their death because of impairment in the ear mechanism. When on "terra firma" the muscular sense and cutaneous sensations often make the vestibular weakness of no consequence, but when deprived of these con- tributory sensations and dependent on the ear-balance mechanism alone; as in flying, any weakness becomes a serious menace. It is probable that the value of the turning and past pointing tests has been overestimated in appraising the flying abilities of aviation can- didates. Recent work of Gordon Holmes and others has emphasized the necessity of considering many other tests along with those designed to detect changes in the equilibration apparatus of the ear. It is most im- portant also to remember that the tests vary from time to time according to the general body condition. Many aviators with unusually good flying records have failed to pass the turning tests and others who have passed them without a slip have found themselves quite incapable of judging their position in the air while flying. CHAP1 ER CI THE AUTONOMIC NERVOl - SYSTEM In discussing the physiology of the central oervou I m, we hi broken away from the traditional text! k treatment of the Bubject in that we have lefl practically untouched any description of the various nerve tracts or of the position of the nerv nters. Wi pursued this policy in the belief thai the study of tl ture belongs just as surely to the anatomisl as does the structui of the body, notwithstanding that to trace the course of ,: ath- ways he may have to call to his aid the physiologist and clinical ne There is one part of the nervous Bystem, however -namely, the involuntary or autonomics] the physiology of which it is impossible to discuss a] from its anatomy, because this lias depended very largely on physiological methods for its elucidation. Until such methods were emphasized and while anatomy alone was depended upon, little could be learned functions and connections of the sympathetic chain and of the varii nerve plexus thai compose the involuntary nervous Bystem. v. review briefly the general anatomical plan of this Bystem ;is described by Ga shell.17 GENERAL PLAN OF CONSTRUCTION The plan of the involuntary nervous m is much the Bam< of the voluntary, the main points of difference being dependenl upon the location of the neurons composing the reflt It u ill be remembered that there ate three of these: the receptor, the internuncio! lector neurons (page 782). The receptor neurons have the - for both systems; Qamely, the posterior root ganglia F 3 Tic- it nuneial neurons of the involuntary system, lik< have their cella in the spinal cord, where the d. in thoracic region, by the cella of the lateral horn ol sacral region, bj a similarly pla 1 collection of cells; and in the bul region, mainly by the dorsal nucleus of the rhe m tlu^ difference between the two systems is dependenl o fibers of the internuncial neurons, in tin- involunl spinal cord befon connecting with the eff< are contained in the various ganglii s7> THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM in the voluntary, they remain within the spinal cord, and terminate on the effector neurons, which are the anterior horn cells. The outflow from the spinal cord of involuntary internimcial fibers, which Ave shall hereafter style connector fibers, occurs along the an- terior spinal roots, but is somewhat irregular in distribution, because it is interrupted in the cervical and lumbar regions, where the nerve plexus for the extremities come in. There are, therefore, three main regions of outflow for the connector fibers — a thoracicolumbar, a bulbar, and a sacral : and the fibers (Pig. 229) do not behave in the same manner in all of them. The fibers of the thoracicolumbar region form the so- called sympathetic sgsicni, and run by the corresponding white rami communicantes either immediately to the ganglia of the sympathetic Post root gang. ramus Fig. 228. — Diagram to illustrate the different arrangements of the internuncial neurons of the voluntary and involuntary nervous systems. In both systems the afferent fiber terminates (by col- laterals) around a cell of the gray matter of the cord. In the voluntary system this cell is sit- uated in the posterior horn, and its axon travels to an anterior horn cell. In the involuntary system, on the other hand, it is located in the lateral horn, and its axon leaves the cord by the anterior root and travels by the white ramus into a sympathetic ganglion, where it connects with a nerve cell, whose axon forms the postganglionic fiber. (From Gaskell.) chain, or by the splanchnic nerves to the abdominal ganglia. In the gan- glia are situated the cells of the effector neurons. The fibers of the sacral region connect with effector neurons, forming the pelvic ganglionic group (pelvic nerves, nervi erigentes) ; and those of the bulbar outflow7 with effector neurons located either peripherally or in the ganglia of the vagus and the seventh, ninth, and eleventh cranial nerves. In the mid- brain there is a fourth ^roup of involuntary connector fibers running to effector neurons found in the ciliary ganglia. The anterior roots <>f many of the spinal nerves are therefore not Pi j arrow II. i *t t Solar ganglion Fig, 230.- Diagram (aftei l.anglcy) showing Ihc mannei ing the great Bplanchnic nerve. The left-hand diagram r< preganglionic fibers (black) passing through the n:i"is-h.i ilieir cell - in the solar ganglion, from which thi . - to run to their destii Jong th< blood . ptional arranf 'Mil \i rONOMIC NERVi M B79 composed entirely of fibers belonging to voluntary also of connector fibers of the involuntarj tem l distin- guished from the voluntary fibers by being much smaller in diamel indeed it was by this characteristic thai Gaskell succeeded in ti course of I he involuntary fibers. In brief, therefore, the fibers of the internuncial neuroi volun- tary nervous system are confined within the central ner where they are contained mainly in tin1 white columns of tin- Bpinal cord, pyramidal tracts, for example, being composed of internuncial fi: from the cerebral ueurons; the corresponding fibers of the involuni nervous system (connector), on the other hand, run oul of ti rd with the anterior roots to effector neurons situated either in the ganglia the sympathetic chain or in peripheral localities. Jus1 ;i- the voluntary internuncial fibers give off many collaterals, so do those <>t* 'he involun- tary system, so thai an impulse transmitted by one internuncial neuron may excite a broad field of effectors. We shall see later thai it is through these collaterals that reflex responses can apparently often by the stimulation of the central ends of nerves such as the hypogastric tn the bladder after all connections with the central nervo have been severed. Pig. 230. To elucidate the further coursi of the involuntary fibers, and d mine the location of the effector neuron nerve cells, it becon • 3ary to supplement anatomical with physiological methods of investigation, various functions of the innervated parts ascular changes, muscular movements, glandular activity are observed by the usual methods the physiologist, and the nerve mots or nerves believed to contain involuntary fibers either cu1 or stimulated. It' a change is ol i in the functions, it indicates that part at least of the involuntary net supply is contained in the nerve structure that has been cul of stimu- lated. Such a resull does not. however, inform us a- \>> whethei fiber is that of the connector or effector neuron whether it is ganglionic or postganglionic. This may he determined in man;. by observing whether nerve degeneration occu the fibers, hut the most useful method for answering th( that discovered h\ Langlej by the use of nicotine, which ii cent rat ions specifically paralyzes the synaptic connector and the effector neurons. IT a weak I this alkaloid is painted on a ganglion or peripheral • • in which the connector neuron finds its effector tie ill hn the nerve path, so thai physiological responses produced l»> stinm the preganglionic fibers become no longer elicitabh w '"• tary connector fibers run through Beveral 880 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM chain, it becomes possible, by systematically painting the ganglia with nicotine, to tell exactly in which of them the fiber finds its effector nerve cell. The course and functions of the effector neurons of the three outflows — bulbar, thoracolumbar, and sacral — vary in many details and must be considered separately. THE THORACICOLUMBAR OUTFLOW, OR SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM PROPER The connector fibers arc sharply confined in their outflow from the cord between the first thoracic and the fourth lumbar segments, and they run by the white rami communicantes to the sympathetic chain, where some of them connect with effector nerve cells in its ganglia, while others run beyond the chain to find their effector cells in collateral gan- glia represented by the semilunar, superior and inferior mesenteric and the renal in the abdomen: The fibers of the effector cells, often called postganglionic, are distinguished from the connector or preganglionic fibers by being nonmedullated. Those derived from cells in the lateral sympathetic ganglia proceed to their destination either by way of the gray rami communicantes to the segmental nerves after the fusion of the anterior and posterior spinal roots, or by the outer walls of the blood vessels. (Fig. 231.) The effector neurons supply the following structures: 1. The blood vessels and heart. 2. The musculature of the sweat glands. 3. The musculature of the hair follicles and other muscles lying under the shin. 4. The musculature of the so-called segmental duet, which is repre- sented in the adult by the uterus, Fallopian tubes, ureters, etc. 5. The sphincters of the intestine. Regarding the innervation of the blood vessels, the exact situation of the ganglia in which the effector neurons are situated and of the nerve roots which contain the connector fibers, is shown in the accompanying table (page 881). It is clear that the innervation of the blood vessels is practically con- tinuous, the effector neurons being situated both in the lateral and in the collateral chain of ganglia. Those of the former run to the vessels of structures innervated by the crania! and spinal segmental nerves, while those of the latter supply the vessels of the abdominal and pelvic viscera. The connector fibers to the sweat glands are also strictly confined to the thoracicolumbar system, the cell station being found in the ganglion Post. root- Ant, root - i preganglionic fiber \ — Sympathetic ganglion White rami - Postganglionic fiber Fig. 231. Diagram (after Langlcy) t" *li"v\ the manner i emanating from the spinal nervt by the white ramus commui sympatl hain with I), the axon of which th< fiber ircili 1 •>■ way of thi mmunicans hack to it .i\<-]~ to the periphery. It will be svnaosia in tin- first eancli ( ' Mil \i l"\o.\ll< VERVO II. M -1 stellatum for the fore limb, and 'Ii«' lower lumbar :inN OF BLOOD VESSELS LB 1 and neck. - perior cervical ganglion. Anterior extremity. tellatum and in- cervical ganglion. Ganglion stellatum. terior extremity. 6th lumbar, 7ih lumbar, and Isl Bacral ganglion. Kidney. R i lion. Spli Semilunar ganglion. Abdominal viscera. Superior mesenteric ganglion and semilunar ganglion. I'. Ivic viscera. Inferior mesenteric ganglion. 1. 2, ■"•. t. 5, •'■ rimum effect. 1. 2, ."•. I. 5 maximum. I. 5, 6, 7. B, '.'. • Blightly. II. 12, 13, • and 3 slightly. I. 5, 6, 7. - 11. 12, thoracic : I, 2, 3, 1. luml ::. I. 5, 6, 7. B, 9, 1". n. 12, 13, thoracic ; I, 2, 3, lun 6, 7. 8, 9, 1". 11, 13, '!. 1. 2, 3, lumbar. 1. 2, •"■. 1. lumbar. ikell) The ganglia for the pilomotor fibers are more widespread (extending from the fourth thoracic to the coccygeal ganglia); hut the eonnec fibers are again Btrictly confined to the thoracicolumbar region. Stimu- lation i>t' these fibers causes movement of the hairs, or <>n hairless animals, the condition called " goose Bsdn." The Motor Nerves of tin Muscles Surrounding t) v \a\ Duct. — h will 1 bserved thai the connector fibers to the abdominal and - vie viscera are collected into two Bpecial nerve trunks, the great* the lesser or Lumbar) Bplanchnics. The collateral ganglia semilunar and Buperior and inferior mesenteries with which thes nnect, I ning to am< as that which is produced by stimulation of tin- sympathetic nerve supply, whether this effect is one ot stimulation or inhibition. Head t Neck tPojfqang ) Splanchnic (Pcutgang.) Medulla = Key PreGanyiionic Sympathetic Post Ganglionic Sum; Pre Ganglionic Bulbo Sacral ( Paralympa- Post Ganglionic Bulbo-Sacral Arm Head o ...Neck (Pre gang ) 5ymparr'- Ganglia Thorjcic 6planinnic v nerve Coeliac Piexuj & 5up.Me5.0ang. Leg Arm (Preg ■ Lumtwr Jpiancnnic nerte Abdominal Vucera ^Pre- Inf Mes.Gang. Leg iPojr • A5p. int ceral nerve I arts of t h< ■ be with i auton ire omittcii. but the position of t! ■ of the I ill \i rONOMIl ■■: i;. same manner as the vagui l musculature of the gastrointestinal tract, inclu vagus as far as the end of the Bmall from this poinl on. It must of remem muscles namely, the Bphinctera of the Bmall receive their nerve supply from the sympathel structures innervated by the sympathel the action of epinephrine, it lias been disco by the bulbosacral system are verj susceptible to tl choline, which is presenl in ergot. I nor arc the structures upon which this arts . AXON REFLEXES At this place 11 is convenient to consider for a momenl tl mm which has already been referred to as an axon [| covered that when oi f the hypogastric nerv< end stimulated there was a reflex contraction of tin- bladder ami I ternal anal sphincter, along with vasoconstriction in tl turn ami thai this occurred, even after disconni the in- teric ganglion from the .spinal cord by cutting the Lumba Injection of nicotine immediately abolished tl ■ [1 if reflex action was possible through the ganglion; which ■ the name "sympathetic" originally given i<> the involunti tein in the belief thai the ganglia were centers for local i Further investigation showed, however, that this refl< those occurring in the voluntary system, hut is dependenl presence of a collateral on internuncial fibers that run thn ferior mesenteric ganglia to nerve cells Bituated peri' walls of the bladder and rectum. Th( (laterals termii around nerve cells in the ganglion, th( hich, i lam to the bladder, the rectal hi 1 vess "1 the int ani. The evidence for this explanation d< the axon reflex is no longer possible after the iun been cu1 and lime allowed for their fibers to ; erated. Similar reflexes depending on coll chain, and there can he little doubl tl throughout the whole involunl w ithin the spinal cord, in the volunl I and the fact that ner\e fil that a st.imulus transmitted througl 884 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM neurons may excite a broad field of effectors and cause a widespread effect. FUNCTIONS OF AUTONOMIC NERVES The functions of the autonomic nerve fibers have been discussed in connection with the structures which they supply, and we shall require in this place only to review them in a general way. Two opposed effects may be obtained: stimulatory (augmentory) and inhibitory; and these may be produced through one nerve by its being stimulatory for one set of muscle fibers and inhibitory for another set in the same viscus. The branches running from the inferior mesenteric ganglion to the colon, for example, are augmentory (constrictor) for the blood vessels and inhibitory for the muscular walls of the colon. The greatest interest centers on the inhibitory impulses. They are best known in connection with the vagus nerve to the heart, the sympa- thetic to the small intestine, and the hypogastric to the musculature of the bladder. It is interesting to compare the nature of inhibition in the involuntary and voluntary systems. In the latter, it will be remembered, inhibition can occur only through the internuncial neurons and the ef- fector nerve cell, stimulation of the effector nerve fiber never having any other than an augmentor effect. It is quite otherwise in the involun- tary nervous system, for stimulation of the effector nerve fiber, after complete destruction of the effector nerve cell, is still followed by a typical inhibition. This, it will be remembered, may be demonstrated on the frog heart by applying electric stimulation to the white crescentic line after paralyzing the effector nerve cells by nicotine. The same may also be shown in the case of the chorda tympani, Avhere stimulation of the post- ganglionic fibers in the hilus of the gland causes dilatation of the blood vessels after paralysis of the ganglion by nicotine, vasodilatation being of course a phenomenon of inhibition. It is a difficult matter to designate precisely which fibers in any part of the involuntary nervous system are inhibitory and "which augmentory. Indeed, as mentioned above, one fiber may perform both functions. In cases where the existence of inhibitory fibers is doubtful, great aid is afforded by the use1 of ergotoxine, an alkaloid of ergot, which possesses the remarkable property of specifically paralyzing the augmentor nerves of the sympathetic system (but not of the parasympathetic); that is, the siimc fibers as are stimulated by epinephrine. When a particular structure is supplied with augmentory and inhibitory fibers by a com- bined sympathetic nerve, electric stimulation or the application of epi- nephrine usually giv.es only augmentory effects; after the injection of \pilo motor n7u.sc/e Lachr Nasal mucosa Sublingual gland Submaxillary gland Submaxilldry(5ublinqual J ganglion Call bladder and ducts 5mall intest. Pancreas KEY - Cranial and 5acrai nerves ry nerves by the same segment as that to which the afferent autonomic til- ticular via run. It lias further been shown that vascular ssii THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM tivity of the corresponding cutaneous areas, so that clinical methods are available for Localizing the site of the disease by studying the exact position and extent of the referred pain or skin tenderness. NERVOUS SYSTEM REFERENCES (Monographs and Original Papers) iParker, G. H.: Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1911, i, 217-225. *Head, 11.. and Riv.Ms. \\\ n. R.: Brain, 1908, xxxi, 323-450. sMeek, W. .1.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1911, xxviii, 356-360. *Bruce, A. Ninian: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., 1910, lxiii, 426-433. ^Sherrington, C. S. : Numerous papers on reciprocal innervation of antagonistic muscles, Proc. Hoy. Soc, Vol. 1'., 6(}; also in Jour. Physiol., xxii, xxxiv, xxxviii, xliii, and Quart. Jour. Exper. Physiol., ii. Holmes, Gordon: Brit. Med. Jour., 1915, ii, Nov. 27, Dee. 4 and 11. Pike, F. II.: Am. Jour. Physiol., 1909, xxiv, 124-152. "Jollv, W. A.: Quart. Jour. Exper. Physiol., 1910, iv, 67-87. BLombard, W. P.: Jour. Physiol., 1889, x, 122-148. aCollier, J.: Lancet, April 1, 1916, 711. lORanson, 8. W., and von Hess, C. L. : Am. Jour. Physiol., 1915, xxxviii, 128. Hi-ad, II., and Thompson: Brain, 1906, xxix, 537. "Sherrington, C. S., and Brown, T. Graham: Jour. Physiol., 1913, xlvi, Proc. Physiol. Soc, p. xxii. "Brown, T. Graham, and Sherrington, C. S. : Proc. Roy. Soc, 1912, 85, B>, 250-277. "Cushing, Harvey: Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Am. Jour. Physiol., 1909. "Luciani, L.: Kleinhirn, Ergebnisse der Physiol., 1904, i. lsBlack, Davidson: Cerebellar Localization in the Light of Recent Research, Jour. Lab. am! Clin. Med., 1916, i, 467. i"Gaskell, W. II. : The Involuntary Nervous System, Monographs on Physiology, ed. by E. II. Starling, Longmans, Green & Co., 1916. Other Monographs not Specifically Referred to in the Context errington, C. S.: (1) The Integrative Action of the Nervous System, Silliman Lec- tures, Yale University. Scribher's Sons, New York. (2) Shafer's Textbook of Physiology, II. Young J. Pentland, London, 1899. "Bolton, J. S.: Recent Researches en Cortical Localization and on The Function of the Cerebrum in Further Advances in Fhysiology, ed. by Leonard Hill, London, E. Arnold, 1909. I M ) E X Abdominal respirat ion, Abnormal pulses, 276 Absorption, in general, 13 from Btomach, 456 of fats, 691 Acapnia, 292 Accessory food factors, 584 Acetaldehyde, 7 - Acetoacetic acid, 68 Acetone, 683, 7"'.' Acid : buffer action, •".»'> excretion of, by kidneys, l«*> number <>t' fats, i;s7 total concentration of, •"■-' Acidity, actual degree "t". 23 Acidosis: ammonia-urea rutin during, 616 compensated, 39 in diabetes, • S in nephril is, 68 in starvation, 569 relationship to alveolar COj, 35 t relationship to breathing, 354 theory of, 3 uncompensated, Acids, of urine, 524 Actual 'i ' acidity :ui<1 alkalinity, Adenini . I Adenosine, • 9 Adjusters, 78 Adrenal glands and diabel Adrenaline i< i Epinephi Adsorption, 65 compounds, conditions influenced by, effect "i" chemical I effect "t" electric changes on, ryday reactions d< pending Afferent tit' tutonora nal pathways, - effect on creatinine Albolene absorption, I Albuminuria, 519 Alkali retention, determinat Alkaline buffer, Alkaline measurement of, il Allantoin, Allied of, ■ - Alloxan, Alveolar air : clinical in- • stimation of i \ lericia metl Ealdane n Pearce method, 3 15 tension of i during breathing in tension Ambard 's equatio in acid ex< Anil" Amino acid and •■ ■ _ H in 1>1 1. I chemistry determination fat in growth, in • in urii Alii;: Aminopropioi Ammonia : ammonia art ■ influent in d int! ■ ■ Ammonium Ammonium in — INDEX bloodflow in, ! - Anesthesia, ! Aneurism, bloodflow in, 284 pulse in, l • Angina pectoris, fibrillation in, 196 Animal calorimeter, 5 Anions, 16, Antagonistic muscl Antagonistic reflexes, B24 Anterior roots. 7-7 Anticoagulai Antidromic impulses, 234 [ferments in blood, 89 Antithrombin, 104, 112 Antitoxins, 69 Antitrypsin, 90 Aortic regurgitation, pulse in. 131 l, 838, 851 Apex beat, tracing of, 275 Aphasia, motor, 860, 862 3 subcortical, 862 Apnea, nervous element in, 332, 362, 365 Apparatus for measuring respiratory ex- change, 554 Appetite juice, nature of, 440 Are, reflex, 784 Arginase, Bl, 616 Axginine, 605, 616, 627 Aromatic sulphates, 632 Arrhythmia of sinus, 266, 277 Arterial pressure, 122 Arteries, bloodflow in, 198 Arteriosclerosis, diastolic pressure in, 143 Aspartic acid, 605, 666 Asphyxia, 311 Assimilation limit, 652 Association areas, cerebral, 8.12, 861 neurons, 783, 785 Astasia, cerebellar, 8C7 Asthenia, 867 Asthma, dead space in, 311 Ataxy, cerebellar, 866 Atonia, cerebellar, 867 Atophan, 651 Atropine, eff< - lands, 122 Auditory center, 851 Auricle, pressure in, 148 propagation of beat in, 191 Auricular eun . L53 Auricular fibrillation, L96, 269, 280 Auricular flutter, 196, 269, 279 Auriculoventricular orifice, 1 bundle, 183 le, 183 Ausculatorv method of blood pressure), 130 Autocatalysis, 77 Autonomic nerves, cerebral, 423 ■apathetic, 423 Autonomic nervo ^77 afferent fibers of, v~ Autonomic nervous system — Cont'd axon reflexes in, 883 bulbosacral outflow, 882 connector fibers of, 878 functions of, 884 general plan of construction, 878 parasympathetic, 882 thoracicolumbar outflow, 880 internal vesical sphincter, 882 Axon, 784 reflexes, 797, 883 Azelaic acid, 712 B Bacillus coli communis, 500 Bacteria, in intestine, 499, 657 in stomach, 482 Bacterial digestion, 499 Balance, energy, 535 material, 543 sheet of body, 543 Banting cure, 571 Basal heat production, 538 Basal ration, 576 Basophile cells, 96 "Bends" in caisson workers, 402 Benzoic acid, 630, 710 Benzoyl chloride, 631 Beriberi, 584 Beta-hydroxy butyric acid, 709 Bile, 442 and fat digestion, 690 chemistry of, 494 constituents of, 492 from gall bladder, 492 functions of, 493 pigments of, 495 salts, 494 Bilirubin, 495 Biliverdin, 495 B-imidazolylethylamine, effect on blood vessels, 397 Birds, removal of liver from, 618 Blood: absorption into, 13 amino acids in, 606 amount in body, 135 antiferments of, 89 circulation of, 122 dissociation curve of, 383 fat of, estimation, 696, 697 variations in, 697 ferments of, 89 gases of, transportation, 379 general properties of, 85 mass movement of, 281 means by which gases are carried, 390 oxidation in, 396 proteases of, 89 proteins of, 87 origin, 88 INDEX Blood Cont'd quantity of, in body, s~, refractive index of, 88 specific gravity of, B6 sugar level of, 657 regulation, 671 transfusion of, 93, 1 35, 139 viscosity of, 1 10 volim f, 136 water content of, 86 ' od cell, red, fate of, 93 origin of, 92 regeneration of, 93 b1 roma of, 93 white, 96 .od clotting, 98 in diseases, 1 1 1 in physiological conditions. I In influence of calcium on, 103 influence of tissues on, 104 intravascular, L07 methods of retarding, in drawn blood, 99 negative phase of, 108 theories of, 106 time of, 100, 108 visible changes during, 08 Blood corpuscles in mountain Bickness, 401 tdflow : inical conditions affecting anemia, 283 cardiovascular diseases, 284 fever, 284 diseases of nervous system, 28 mass movement of, -08 movement in veins, 2 1 I variations in, 282 velocity of, 206 visceral, 212 Blood gas manometer, •"•si I'.l 1 platelets, 97 ill I pressure, 122 diastolic, 127 effeel of hemorrhage 135 effect of pleural pressur factors maintaining, 134 11 ion of Moo, I on, 237 mean arterial, 123 in shock, 290 Bystolie, 127 tracing, L25 Blood vessels, S80 elasticity of, 1 12 tone of, 236 Body Quids, reactions of, 35 Body weighl and energy production, Botulism, 5< Bowman, capsule of, 507 Bradycardia, 193 Brain: circulation in, l* 1 7 vasomotor oerves, 252 volume of, 250 ithing, in com] in rarefied air. periodic, Brownian movement, collo Bruits, I - Buffer action of blood, Buffer substam B tones ol Bulbosacral outflow Butyric acid, ' Cadaverine, « laffeini . I Caisson disease, 102 can 103 dec pression of t 106 prevention, 404 Bymptoms, 402 working conditions in, I - ( *:i l.iuiii ion, influence on clotl u influence on heart, 166 Calcium rigor, 166 ('alonni electrode, < laloi ie, < !alorimeter, 535 animal, 536 Benedict, 537 bomb, hand, 281 respiration, ■" Rn>~' I B i Calorimetry, direct, 5 16 indirect, 546, 554 < 'anal-, semicircular, B removal of, s«t Cannabin, i lapillary anal] olloids, Carbamino reaction, 59 < larbohydrates, absorption assimilation limits, 652 • n of, 656 ami growth, 58 metabolism of, 652 production from protein, i turation limit, 13 Carbon balance, i larbon dioxide, combining effect on respirati • imation in bloc output . volume pei in bio i 'ai li.m dioxide li osion, in alveolar air. afl in mountaii in periodic in arterial bid in venous blo< Carbonic acid Carboxyl grou] line il« [NDEX < *.- 1 r . I i : i . ■ depressor nerve, 239 Cardiac muscle, physiological characteris of, 176 ( iardiac pouch I Btomach I, 153 < Iardiac sphincter, 1 18 diorenal disease, bloodflow in, 284 energy output in, 5 12 Cardiograms, 275 Cardiovascular disease, bloodflow in, 284 Casein, 488, 576 Caseinogen, is^ Catalase, 90 Cations, 16 Catalysts, 72 Catalytic power, 23 Celenterates, nervous 3ystem of, 782 Cellulose, digestion of, 500 I 'inters : association, 852, 855 diabetic, 672 motor, 843 rise, auditory, 851 visual, v~' l sensory, 850 word centers, 862 Cephalin, 689 ' lereals and growth, 581 | lerebellar ataxy, 866 ( Cerebellum : ablation of," 869 clinical observations, 870 extirpation of, 869 functions of, 865 lobes of, 868 localization of function of, 867 Cerebral circulation, 247 ' !ei i bra] compression, 253 Cerebral cortex, stimulation of, 844 -nurture of, 852 Cerebral localization, 843 clinical observations, 849 hemispheres, removal of, 840 Cerebral vessels, ligation of, 247 Cerebrospinal fluid, 248 rebrum, higher functions of, 860 < 'ir, method of expressing, 27 i Iheyne Stokes breathing, 371, .".77 Chlorides, urine, 513 Cholesterol, 194, 688 estimation of, 697 Choline, 689 Chorda tympani, 231, 396, 123 Chromatolysis, 801 Chromatine, v ■ in' ii t iif blood, through the heart, 257 Circulation of Mood — Cont'd through the liver, 255 through the lungs, 253 time of, 213 Circulation time, 206 Clinical application, circulation, 259 nervous system, 828, 849, 862 respiration, 310, 399 Clotting of blood (see Blood clotting) Coagulative ferments, 82 Cod-liver oil, nutritive value, 706 Coefficient of oxidation, 393 Coefficient of solubility of gases, 337 Cold spots, 792 Collaterals, 784 Colloids: Brownian movement, 57 capillary analysis, 56 characteristic properties of, 50 diffusibility of, 51 dispersion means, 54 dispersoid, 54 electric properties of, 55 osmotic pressure, 57 electrophoresis, 56 external phase, 54 gelatinization, 61 heterogeneous, 51 homogeneous, 51 imbibition, 62 internal phase, 54 isoelectric point, 64 lyophobe, 60 mutual precipitation of colloids, 56 osmotic pressure of, 141 size of colloid particles, 53 suspensions, 53 suspensoids and emulsoids, action of electrolytes on, 63 Tyndall phenomenon, 51 Compensated acidoses, 39 Complemental air, 300 Compressed air sickness, 399 cause of symptoms, 403 prevention of, 404 treatment of, 406 Concentration cell, 30 Concentration point, auricles, 185 Conception, 861 Concept, 861 < londitioned reflexes, 481, 856 Conductivity, determination of, 17 equivalent, 19 molecular, 19 specific, 17 < lonductivity cell, 18 Conglutin, 538 Construction of autonomic nervous sys- tem, 877 Contracture, extension, 806 Cooking, 593 Coronary circulation, 257 Coronary vessels, vasomotor nerves, 268 INI) Corpora quadrigemina, vi" ction behind, st" tion in front • < lorpuscles of blood, red, !»1 white, 96 Cortex, removal of, Coughinj ilL' < franial <;<\ ity, pressure in, Creatine, 606, 613 chemistry of, 622 estimation of, 623 in < 1 i ^ . ■ : i ■> . ■ . 626 metabolism of, 62 I origin of, 626 < Ireal inine, ,;l 3 chemistry of, 622 coefficient, 624 estimation, 623 in urine, 529 metabolism, 624 of blood in diseasi . 651 origin of, 626 Crista acustica, - Critical concent latioii, S Crossed extension reflex, B04 Cuorin, 689 < 'iiri.ut of action of heart, 1 ^7 Cyanosis, 360, 100 ' ysti in< . ''■":: Cystine, 577, 592, 604 itosine, • 1» Dalmatian dog, purine metabolism of, 646 Dalton 'a law. Dead space, ■:<>-. 310 Deafness, B64 Deamidization, deaminization, 501 minizing enzyi Decerebrate rigidity, B - I tocerebration, B 13 Decolorization of liquids by charcoal cation, blood pressure during, Ml' I »( fibrinated blood, l"l ■ I teglul ition, 1 i". Delayed conduction, 27 irium cordis, I Dendriti Depression of I point, 1" ..t' arii Depressor m I '■ •• ation compoum Dextrii Dexti • imitation limits in, I'l I examii blood ■ • ■ - pani IHI pern phlorhizin, itprandial I renal, 661 tr> - Dig Diab Dialuric acid, I |li:, Dialysis, U method, ■ "'1 Diaphragm, i phj jtolic filling Diastolic i . 127, 1 in.; !", in n, Dicrj wa ■ -- Differential mi Diffusion, 12 stibilit) - in inti in hormoi ■ infl INIH.K Diuri Diaretii s, Diver's palsy, 402 Douglas method, 5 1 •. 558 Dropped beat, -71 Du Bois formula, 5 1 1 Ductless glands, 729 in diabetes, ,;7s Dys] a, 314, 349 Dystrophy, isolation, ^||S E Earth worm, nervous system of, 783 Eck fistula, '''I ~ Eclampsia, 620 Edema, 62, 120 Edestiu and growth, 577 Effectors, 782 Elastin, digesi ion of, 486 Electric conductivity, 16 Electric currents, development of, 20 Electric properties of colloids, 55 Electrocardiograms, 158, 259 normal, 261 ■ indardizal ion of, 260 ventricular complex, 262 waves of, 261 P-wave, 189, 261 T-wave, 220, 263 Electrocardiograph, 260 Electrocution, cause of death in, 19.5 Electrolytes, 16 action of, on colloids, 63 Electrolytic solution pressure, 29 Electrophoresis of colloids, 56 Electrostatic attraction, 29 Emboli, 107 Emetics, 450 Emotional glycosuria, 675 Emphysema, 311, 314, 324 Empyema, •"■24 Emulsions, 688 Emulsoids, colloids, 60 Endocrine organs, 729 Endoenzyme, 71 Endogenous metabolism, 615 of purines, 647 Energy balance, 535 ! Energy output, and age, 541 and body weight, 549 and disease, 542 and muscular work, 549 and sex, 541 and surface area, 540 in starvation, 568 Bnterokinase, 443, 489 Enzymes, 71 action of temperature on, 7 I amylases, Bl and catalysis, 72 antienzymes, si arginase, sl Enzymes — Conl M coagulative ferments, 82 conditions of activity, 82 endoenzymes, 71 glyoxylase, 82 iuvertases, 81 lipases, 81 nature of, 72 oxidases,. 82 peculiarities of, 80 peroxidases, 82 properties of, 73 proteases, 80 reversibility of action of, 25, 77 specific action of, 73 types of, 79 urease, 82 velocity constant, 74 Epicritie receptors, 790 Epilepsy, Jacksonian, 849 Epinephrine, 236, 502 and diabetes, 673 Equilibrium, nitrogen, 571 Equivalent, conductivity, 19 Erepsin, 490, 601 Ergastoplasm, 420 Ergot, 502 Ergotoxine, 209 Erythrocytes, 91 fate of, 94 regeneration of, 93 Escapement, 218 Esophagus, during swallowing, 446 inhibition of, 447 peristaltic wave in, 447 Esters, 686 Ester value, 687 Ethereal sulphates, 501, 632 Excelsin, 577 Exogenous metabolism, 615 Exophthalmic goiter, 756 energy output in, 542 Excretion of acid combined with ammonia, 46 Excretion of urine, 507 Extension contracture, 45, 806 Extensor thrust, 57 • reflex, 805 Exteroceptors, 788, 822 Extrasystole, 266 Eyes, movements of, 847 Factor safety, in diet, 592 Fatigue of reflexes, 825 Fats: absorption of, 691 chemical theory, 693 mechanistic theory, 692 and growth, 583 blood, 696, 697 destination of, 699 IM>I X Fate, blood Conl M determination, • daring absorption, 6 daring fasting, fl variations in, 697 chemistry of, 686 depot fat, 699, 700 destination of, 70] saturation of, 705j 712 digestion of, 690 fat dust, 696 liver fat, 699, 701 metabolism of, ,;'"; tissue fat, 699, 706 transportation to liver, 702 Fatty acids, 686 acid cumber, 087 breakdown of, 709 rter value, ,;^~ formation from carbohydrates, 701, 707 in liver in disease, 703 iodine Value, tiss meltiiif,' point, C>s7 Eeichert-Meissl value, oss saponification value, (>S7 Feces, 199, 521 Ferments (see Enzymes) Ferments in blood, 89 Fever, bl Iflow in. 284 cold hath treatment, 284 purine excretion during, 648 Fibers, anterior root, I'm connector, l!»". internuncial, 802 Fibrillation, auricular, 196, 269 ventricular, 195 Fibrin, 99 fibrin needles, 99 source of, l"l Fibrin ferment I -< i Thrombin >, 102 Fibrinog . 87, 101, L03, 111 Filtration, L3 Final eommon path, 787, B21, 824 Fistula, biliary, 192 trie, Fit salivary, 430 Flexion-reflex, 804, B21 Flutter, surieular, 1 id: accessor] factors cooking, importance of, effect of, on circulation, 243 effeel on creatinine excrotiou, 624 bixative qualities, 594 palatability, ■ Food factors, a . 584 Foodstuffs, rate of leaving stomach, i S For 1 breathing, 324 Formaldehyde titration, amino acids, 187 Formation of solid surface films, Fre< sing point constant, ' g point, depression of, Fridericia's method f< ■ Frm Functions of autonomic d< Fund tomach, Q Gallstones, 194 i lalvanomi ter, aglia, ! ! imach, 162 (ias laws, adsorption of, I coefficient of solubility, estimation of, •"• 1 * partial pressure i solution of, 3 tension transportation in blood, • ( raakell 's clamp, 1 75 Gastric contents, regurgitati f, 149 Gastric digestion, 181 rate of, 187 trie fistula. 134 I .astric juice, quantity •!. 1 I" Btrength of, 1 1 1 retion, 132 hormone control of, 437 local stimulation of, I - nervous control of, 134 Gastric tube, 153 Gastrin, 139, 156 i last roenterostomy, 160 Gastrointestinal contents, etion of, I •■ latin, 578 1 1( latinization, 61 Glands, changes during activity, 122 electric changes, 122 normal conditions of activity, I oxygen consumption . 121 respiration of, Globulin, 577 < rliadin, Glomerulus, Glueoneog 2, 677, I - direct method, 6( indirect method, iii normal animal Glucose, 7 8 absorl glucose to nitrogen ral in j< ctions, intravenou • Bubeuta parenteral assimil utilisation of, in • Glut Glutaminic < llutein, • -''! INDEX Glycocholic acid, 194, 63] Glycini . Glycinin, 577 ill, 601, :. 71" Glycogen, 662 fal I 69 if, 662 Glj . 662 Glycogenolysis, 669 hormone, i;7»> - . 672 ortem, 670 Glycolaldehyde, • Glycolysis, ,;77 genesis e < Huco gem - Glycosuria, alimentary, 659 emotional, 675 postprandial, 659 relation to sugar of bl I, 060 renal, 661 Glycuronates, 630 Glyeuronic acid, 630, 631, 632 Glyoxal, •'>:■, i Glyoxylase, - sylic acid, 631 . ratio, • Goiter, exophthalmic, 542 Gout, 648, 650 etiology of, 650 guanine, 'it11 uric acid excretion in, 648 ling of intensity of reflex action, 809 Gram molecule, •"■, 5 ■a molecular solution, 22 i rravity, on circulation, 2 1 1 compensation for, 245 Growth, 574 accessory factors, 585 basal ration, carbohydrates and, 58 curves of, 576 ■ - of inhibition, 579 fats and, 58 inorganic salts and, 586 lysine and, proteins and, trypanophane and, 578 vitamines, 622 ■ 35 ■ I Gum II Haldane Barcrofl apparatus, 15 Haldane ej.-is apparatus, 559 Hald • ethod for alveolar nir, 340 til : 1 t I a i curve, i iii. :', 1 !•" Heart — Gont 'd isometric period in, 1 19 muscle, properties, 170 nutrition of, 161 opening ami closing of valves, 15 1 oxygen requirements of, 396 oxygen supply of, 164 perfusion of outside body, 101 postsphygmic period, 150 presphygmic period, 149 pressure in, l 16 pumping action of, 134, 144 resuscitation in situ, 164 rhythmic power in, 170, 1 7 1 sounds of, 157 -vstole of, 14.1 utilization of glucose, in, 681 vagus control of, cold blooded, 217 vagus control of, mammalian, 220 vagus terminations in, 225 ventricular curve, 140 work of, 212 Heart beat : arrhythmia of, 266 myogenic hypothesis of, 171 neurogenic hypothesis of, 170, 172 origin of, in cold-blooded animals, 170 origin of, in mammalian, 182, 189 pace maker of, 174 propagation of, 224 sympathetic control of, 223, 227 ultimum moriens, 185 vagus control of, 217, 221 1 Heart block, 174, 270, 276 effect of vagus on, 219 Heart disease, vital capacity of lungs in, 314 Heart dung preparation, 158 Heat production and age and sex, 541 and body weight, 539 surface, 540 disease, 542 Heat spots, 792 Heat value of foods, r,:\r, Hematocrit, 7 Hematoporphyrin, 49 0 Hemiplegia, 258 Hemodromograph, 200 Hemoglobin, 91 dissociation constant, >^ dissociation, curve of, 380, 382, 383 estimation of, 92 rate of dissociation, 386 relationship to bile pigments, 496 specific oxygen capacity of, 379 transportation of 02 by, 390 Hemolysis, 7, 95 Hemolytic jaundice, 93 Hemophilia, 112 Hemopoietic activities of hone marrow, '.'3 Hemorrhage, 59 immediate effects of, 1".7 recovery from, 138 IM'I X Hemorrhagic di L12 Henle, loop of, 507 Hepatic artery, flow in, 255 Heterocyclic compounds, 604 II. 652 Hibernating animal, metabolism of, 549 Hibernation, breathing during, 374 Higher functions i II ion or hydrogen Ion, 168 II ton concentration, ~- after hemorrhage, I 12 catalytic power of, determination <>t', -".1 of Intestinal contents, 505 law nt' mass action and, 26 method of expressing, 27 method of measurement : electric method, -'.' indicator method, 32 standard solutions for, 34 II ion concentration in blood : effect mi dissociation cui v< . 386, 38 • effecl mi respiratory center, .';;;-"i Hippuric acid, 530, ''.':;". 710 Hirudin, I"" Histamine, ■■'.':, 5 Histidine, 606, 623 Homogentisic acid, 502, 531 Hordein, 578 Hormon 729 in control ut' circulation, 216 respiratory . 3 19 Howell theory i blood clotting i, 106 Hunger, 171 Hunger contractions : alcoholic beverages and, 178 control of, 176 during starvation, \~~> in esophagus, 17 I inhibition nt', 177 in stomach, 171 nerve centers and, 17:' remote effects of, 17 1 rhythmic, 171 Bplanchnic nerve and, 177 \.il'iis nerve and, 177 Hurthle manometer, . l -<>, 1 i«i Hydrocephalus, 249, Hydrochloric acid, amount of, :iinl emptying of Btomach, 460 functions of, 182 source of, Hydrogen i' ;i Hyperacidity, 161 II \ I nia, in pa postprandial, I Bplanchnic, 11% perpnea, 1 1 \ ("it hj roidism, 7 Hypertonic solutioi Hypcrtonicity, I H}'1 thyroid Hypotonic Bolution, «» Hypoxanthii 1 Ignition ju J IcOCOlic II; Ileocolic sphii Imbibition, •'>_' Imidazole and lini'l.i/ii [midazolylethylam [mmediate induct i< Impulses, natui Index b [ndican, 632 Indicator method, li*t of indi Indole, 501, 604, • [ndoxy] Bulphate of ; ti Induction, immedial - Inhibition, reciprocal, - [nhibitory effecl IniiiTvatii.ii, reciprocal. sl t Inorganic eonstit ~ ;i Inorganic Baits and growth, " - [nosinic acid, I Inspiration, negatii • gration of allied r< Integration of nervous I I Intercostal muscles, Internal anal Bphincter nm* Lactim, 649 Language, 8f lungs, -".1 1 Milk, clotting of, 188 Miniature stomach, 133 Minimal air, 300 Mononuclear leucocytes, 96 Morawitz theory, blood clotting, 1"7 Motor arras, ablation of, 843 stiiiuilatii.ii of, 84 1, B46, 848 Motor nerves of segmental duct mus --] Mountain Bickneas, 360, 399 adaptation to, I"11 alveolar 00, in, 360 blood corpuscles in, 401 Movements, <'!' intestine, 463 of stomach, 152 Municipal food statistics, 591 Muscarine, action on heart, 226 Muscle, cardiac, properties of, 176 refractory period, 178 respiration in, Btaircase phenomenon treppe), 177 skeletal, 177 respiration in, .'■■>i Muscles, ant tic, sis Muscular exercise, 2 13, 539 circulatory changes during, 110 effect on metabolism, 551 effect mi respiration, 366 11 ion during, i L3 purines during, "''7 redistribution of bl 1 during, changes during, 410 mperature of blood during, 11". Mutual precipitation of collo Myenteric reflex, 796 genie hypotl 171 Myxedema, 3 output in, and 1-1 1 t ■ Nephrecton Nephril 'inn iii, i net ■ ■ specific proper! vasodilati Nerve cells, Nervi erigentes, 23] • iitml : ■ ileocolic Sphind of intestinal glands, i't' intestinal movemei of pancreas, i_7 hi' salivary glandi of stomach cement Nervous diabeti in man, 67 Nervoi m : autonomic, 877 bulbar fibers, 88 functions • sacral fibei thoradcolumbar fib - 88 effe • ection at various li anterior root, '.':•. - just behind medulla, - just behind post. corp. • just in front of ant. corp. quad., - posterior root spinal cord, 8 evolution of, 718 influence mi excretion •■;' m ; integration of, 78 Network, nerve, 796 neurofibrils, B00 neuropil nil' hypothesis, of rons, 78 • intermedial internuneial, s Neutrality, regulati notion mi i M : in undetermined, urii I - INDEX tceptive, B04 I itipitl -■ reflex, - Noeud vital, Nonelectrolytes, 16 Nonthreshold Bubstances, 512 Normal acid, 22 Normoblasts, Nueleas ■ 9 eic acid, 637, 689 Nuclein ferments, 90 Nuclei] ■ Nucleoside, I 3 Nucleotide, Nystagmus, 871, B75 0 Obesity, Banting cure Eor, 571 Oleic acid, - Olein, - ■ Opsonins, 70 us, loss of weight during .starvation, 568 perfusion of, 618 Ornithine, 616, 631 Ornithuric acid, 631 Orthopnea, 313, llatory method of blood pressure, 130 ometer, 5, 230 Osmosis, 4 otic pressure, 4, 10 ami formation of lymph, 13 and hemolysis, 7 and plasmolysis, 8 measurement by depression of freez- ing point, 11 in physiological mechanisms, 13 in production of urine by kidneys, 14 of transfusates, 141 Ovalbumin, as food, 577 vitellin, as food, "77 Oxidases, 82 i (Nidation of blood, 387 Oxybutyric aeid, 616, 683, 709 Oxygen : coefficient of oxidation. 393 termination of, 562 ■ Lmation in blood, 390 uirements of tissue-. sion in alveolar air, 340, 344 -ion in arterial blood, 337 asportation by blood. 379 volume percentage in blood, 390 Oxygen insufficiency, and periodic breath- ing, 373 effect of. on respiration, 350, 359 supply of heart, i I add, til"." chionian body, 249 a: tion of, 8 1'aiii, sensation of — Cont'd transmission in cord, 830 sense, 795 Palatability, 593 Palmitic acid, 686, 707 Pancreas : hormone control of, 4U" histological ehanges of, 129 oxygen requirements, 396 nervous control of, 427 sugar metabolism and, 678 Pancreatic diabetes, 678 Pancreatic digestion, 489 Pancreatic juice, 441 and fat digestion, 690 secretion of, 420, 426 Pancreatin, 490 Parasympathetic system, 882 Paroxysmal tachycardia, 269, 278 Partial dissociation, 271 Partial pressure of gases, 336 Pathways, sensory, in spinal cord, 830 Pelvic ganglionic group, 878 Pentose, 664 Pepsin, action of, 485 products of, 486 Pepsinogen, 485 Peptides, 601 Peptone, 105, 486 Perception, 861 Perfusion, of kidney, 631 of liver, 618 Perfusion fluid, of heart, 165 Perfusion of heart, 161 Periodic breathing, causes of, 372 types of, 371 Peripheral resistance, 134, 229 Peristalsis : in esophagus, 446 in large intestine, 468 in small intestine, 465 in stomach, 453, 456 Peristaltic rush, 466, 470 Peristaltic wave, 465 Pernicious anemia, energy output in, 542 Peroxidases, 82 Ph, 27 Phagocytes, 97 Phenaeeturic acid, 710 Phenol, 501 Phenolacetic acid. 502 Phenolphthalein, 482. 525 Phenylacetic acid, 631, 710 Phenylalanine, 604 Phenyl group, 604 Phlorhizin, 664, 665 Phosphates, excretion of, 47 1'hosphate solutions for H-ion, 34 Phosphates of urine, 532 Phospholipid, 689 in bile, 498 Phrenic center, 328 Phygicochemical basis, 1 [NDEX Physiological processes depouding on ad sorption, I I Pigments, absorption of, 1 1 7 Pilocarpine, action on heart, 226 Pilomotor fibers, v- "1 Plasma, 99 Plasmolysis, B Platelets, of blood, '.'7. L06 Plethora, 86 Plethysmograph, 209, 230, 27 . Pleurisy, 324 Plexus of A.uerbach and Meissncr, 166, 71" I 'neumothorax, 305 Poikilocytes, 94 Polygraph, 273 Polyneuritis, 58 i Polynuclear cells, 96 Polypeptides, 187, 601 Polyphosphoric acid, 637 Polysaccharides, t89 Polysphygmograms, -'■'• Portal vein, bloodflow in. 255 tdicrotic wave, pulse, 203 Postprandial hyperglycemia, 659 Postcentral convolutions, B50, B5 I Posterior roots, 787, 836 Postsphygmic period, 150 Postural reflexes, 826 Potassium, microchemical test for, ii'l Potassium ions, on heart, L67 Potential acidity of urine, 524 Precentral convolutions, 843, B5 I Precipitins, 595 Predicrotic wave, pulse, 203 Prefrontal region, 85 i Premature beats, 277 Premortal rise, 566 Presphygmic period, 1 •'• Pressor impulse-, 238, 239, 240 Pressu intrapleural, 30 I effecl of, in blood pressure, 306 intrapulmonic, 299 negative, 305 osmotic, l" Pressure pulse, 127 Principle of Willard Gibbs, Proline, 604 Proprioceptive impulsi rioceptors, B22 • in. 126 Proteas Protein sparera, 571 Proteins Proteii a- colloids bacterial digest ii f, 501 chemistry bf, 597 metabolism ol I 1 3 end products, 613 minimum requirement S8 relative value irth, 'ill • ing oul of, Protopathic im] Protopathic Protothrombin, 103, 106, 111 Psychopatholog Ptomaines, 502, 6 Ptyalin, 191, 656 Pulmonary circulation, ! Pulmona ry v< ntilation, 1'nl- abnormal, 276 alternans, 181 bigeminus, 1-1 contour of wave, 200 length of wave, palpable, 201 pressure, 127 pulse curves, 202 pulse waves, 189, 200, 2 rate of transmission, 198 Velocity. 'J00 venous, central, 205, 27 I venous, peripheral, 205 I'urkinje fibers, 1M Purine bodii Purines Purines : chemistry of, 529, 613, 634 endogenous, 641, l exogenous, ,; ! 1 metabolism in starvation, synthesis of, 646 Putrefaction, intestinal, 501, •" Putrescine, 629 Pyloric canal. 452 Pyloric sphincter, control of, Pyloric vestibule, 453 Pyramidal cell lamina. - Pyrimidine basi Pyruvic acid, 600, ' - B Rami communicant) Raj naud 's . bloodflo« in, - - •inn deviat tion of urine, tions depending ody flui = distant ■ epicril rnal, 7— - internal, 7*- pro pr< !" [NDEX procal inhibition, 81 I on of Btrychnine on, B19 ;,1 innerval I'l"1"' vessels, 241 , 8 14 Bed blood corpuscles, origin of, 92 Reduction of bio rred pain, v^ \. conditioned, 131 unconditioned, 131 Reflex B after - BIO ding of intensity, 809 versibility of c luction, 810 latent period, 809 oxygen deprivation, 813 properties of, 13, 29, 19 refractory period, 81 1 summation, 810 Reflex conduction, resistance of, 813 Reflexes: allied, simultaneous integration of, 823 antagonistic, 824 axon, 797 Ral-inski, Sh7 conditioned, 856 cremasteric, 856 crossed extension, 804 extensor thrust, 805 fatigue of, 825 flexion, 804, 821 integration of allied, 821 interaction between, 82] irradiation of, 826 mark-time, 806 myenteric, 796 nature of, 825 nociceptive, B25 postural, 826 unconditioned, 431, 856 Refractive index, blood, 88 Refractory period, 811 Refractrometric methods, 88 Regeneration of erythrocytes, 93 !.'• gulation of neutrality, 36 irgitation of gastric contents, lilt Reichari Meissl value of fats, 688 Reinforcement of knee jerk, 829 1 diabetes, 661 Renal function, theorii '11 Rennin, 488 erve alkalinity, measurements of, indi- t methods, 12, 16 measurement of, titration methods, ll Residual air, 300, 311 liration : abdominal, 307 beyond the lunj during muscular exercise, 11" in compressed air, 402 in rarefied air, mechanics of, 299 movements of diaphragm in, 32] iii<>\ ■ ibs in, 319 Respiration calorimeter, 536 Respiratory center, 327 afferent impulses to, 331, 332 automat icity of, 329 hormone control of, 335, 349 rellex control of, 331 sensitivity to alveolar CO.,, 357 stimulation by CO,, 352 subsidiary, 328 Respiratory changes in muscular exercise, 410 Respiratory exchange: according to body weight, 550 and body temperature, 551 clinical method for determining, 554 in diabetes, 678 and muscular exercise, 551 and temperature of environment, 551 in tissues, 393, 397 Respiratory hormone, nature of, 349 Respiratory movements, 315 Respiratory passages, pressure of air in, 299 Respiratory quotient, 545 in diabetes, 678 influence of diet on, 547 influence of metabolism on, 549 influence of muscular activity on, 370 Respiratory tracings, 303 Respiratory valves, Pearce's, 554 Reticulated erythroblasts, 93 Reversible action of enzymes, 25 Ribs, movements of, 315 musculature of, 319 undulatory movements of, 317 Right lateral connection, heart, 185 Rigidity, decerebrate, 808 Rolandic fissure, 855 Roots, 787 anterior, 787, 835 posterior, 787, 836 Rhythmic segmentation, 464 S Sacral outflow, 882 Salicylates, 648, 657 . Saline injection, effect on blood pressure, 139 Saliva, control of secretion, nervous, 423 psychic, 431, 856 normal secretion, 431 Salt, dietetic value, 586 . Salted Mood, 100 Salting of proteins, 60 Saponification, 687 Saicosine, 623 Saturation limits, 652, 654 Scratch reflex, 805, 821 Scurvy, 585 Sea anemone, nervous system of, 783 Second wind, 415 Secretory fibers, varieties of, 421 INI) 'ii| • ii, 125 chemical nature of, 126 mechanism of action i under various glan general considerations, lis mental distribution of nen mentation movements, 163 mented invertebrates, net i - Semicircular canal eye movements and, - removal of, *7 I Semilunar valves, 150, L55 Semipermeable membrane, I Sense, temperature, 791 touch, 783 pain, 795 Sensory centers, B50, v"i Serine, I Scrum albumin, 87 Serum globulin, 87 Sex, effect « ■ • j creatinine excretion, 624 effeel mi energy oul put, 5 1 1 sham feeding, 435 Shell shock. 287 shock. 287 anesthetic, 288 blood pressure in, 290 experimental investigations, 289 gravity, 287 hemorrhagic, 288 nervous, S - recovery from, B05 secondary Bymptoms of, 295 m.mI. 288, B03 surgical, 2J treatment of, 295 vasomotor control in, Sinoauricular node, 185, 266 Sinus arrhythmia, 266, 277 sinus bradycardia, 266, 277 Skatole, 501, 632 in urine, ."..",1 skeletal muscle, respiration in, 394 skin, receptors Sodium ions, 166 Solution of Solution - laws and, ■'• gram molecular, 5, 2" hypertonic, hypotonii nature of, usen method for groups, trdiac, 1 ording of, Specific conductivity, 17 Specific dynamic actioi ific grai ity of urine. Sphingonn elin, Sphygmic period, i Spin iph, In: and isotonii amino ial animal, I : ablation oi - in 1. in mai hemisection - Spinal path. Spinal -ho. I - Spire Splanchnic circulation in Splanchnic I Stalagmomi I iar.l of neutrality. 31 ■ adard solutions Stannius ' ligature, Starvation, acidosis sl effect Of rate of, I - iii. #62 miniature, movemi ■ •■-,1 cell, SI imuhr, i ' Strychnine, - Subcostal ai % Subdural - Submicn S INDKX Sulphates, ethereal, 632 Sulphates, of urine, 532 Sulphur, excrel ion of, <>l I in starvation, 569 Summation in reflexes, si" i rior la rj ngeal uerve, Influence on piration, 334 Supplemental air, 300 Surface area, and energy output, 540 Surface tension, measurement of, 64 Surgical shock, 289 Survival period, 580 Suspensions, 51 'his, colloids, 60 Swallow ing, i 15 center, 1 17 "l" li<|iii.l I' 1, I is nervous control of, 1 17 inds produced by, I 19 \ ray < i 1 1 r i 1 1 ur . 1 19 ■ glands, S80 Sympathetic control < ■'■ l composition, 521 creatinine "t", 529 depression of freezing poinl • bippuric acid, homogentisic acid, 531 inorganic constituents of, 531 nitrogenous constituents of, normal organic suit- of, 523 phosphate physical processes involved in produc- tion of, I i purine bodies of, 529 rate of excretion, 643 iction of, 524 sk.-ituli', 531 — * ► 1 1 « I consi i 1 1 1 . in - of, 525 specific gravity of, 522 Bulphates of, 532 total potenl i.-il acidity of, 52 t urea of, 527 Uriniferous tubule, Urobilinogen, 496 Utilization limit, 653 B78 control of heart, 21 7 impulses, afferent, 222 jus center, effecl of nicotine on, 226 location of, 222 tonicity of, 221 is nerve, influence on respiration, 332 Valine, 604, 606 Valves, cardiac, mechanism of, 154 auriculoT entricular, L5 i semilunar, 155 \':in Blyke method for acidosis, 12, tt Van Blyke method for amino groups, Vascular reflex, 283 Varicose veins, -I t Vasoi b1 i i « - 1 ion, --'.> constrictor fibers, 229 methods of detecting, 229 of extremities, of head, 2 >.t* viscera, 2 "ri^'in of, dilator till. methods for detecting, . origin Vasodilator nen \ .- 1 ^ . > 1 1 1 < • t < > r center : aff< renl impu chief center, 2 effecl of II Ion of blood on, bormo Vasomotor I ■ impul Velocity, mean lineal, i puk ■ ■ Ven< • Venous ^i n Ventilation of lung Ventricli ■•• in, Ventricles : induct ivity I fibrillation, 195 i of l»:it in. 192, i Vignin, Viscera, blood Bupply <.t", •_' )7 nil 1.1 Iflow, 212 Visceral Bensil ii Viscosity "t" blood, 1 10 Visual center, Bal Visual psychic Visual sensory ai i a, 85 l Vital activity, 1 i Vital capacity, 13 in • 314 Vital theory of urine Vitamit Vivi diffusion, 6 Volition, 78 Vomiting, tl'.» W Water content <•( blood, - Water hammer, in blood ; Wheatstone bridge, Is Whit entic lu - manometer, ' Willard (iil.l.s, principli \\'..r.l blindness - \V..t .1 .cut. ! .!.•:! t*i X Xanthim Xanthim Xanl PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY QP M208 1919 ' \T*d