Q"^x^\ Urx^ Columbia ®nibergitP(^ mtjjeCitpofi^ettjgorfe T\ COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Reference Library Given by ALUMNf ASSOCfATfOIN, ^^^^^®l?/.f£^'^'^^^^«'^ SURGEONS THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE AMINO ACIDS Courtesy of Prof . L. B. Mendel THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE AMINO ACIDS By FRANK P. UNDERHILL, Ph.D. Profeaaor of Pathological Chemistry, Yale University aatnioiq owJ iswol 9ifT .bsJnnJa nsscf z&d ,9 ,rioriJw io srro ,3-gB iud fid-gievr emBZ edi \o .z^bi ot/J rrsswJscT noahBqmoo b bioBe i8oI ion a£rf ,9 ,jB-r bsJnirJa ,-19 Mo sriT .9§b iii ^rthsSrl) Y^9£>iw .0 ,lBmm£ ■ragirij^oy srij io anoritoqoiq orJahaJoBiBifo edi New Haven: Yale University Press London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press MDCCCCXV and B show the contrast between two rats of the same age, one of which, B, has been stunted. The lower two pictures afford a comparison between two rats of the same weight, but widely differing in age. The older, stunted rat, B, has not lost the characteristic proportions of the younger animal, C. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE AMINO ACIDS By FRANK P. UNDERHILL, Ph.D. Professor of Pathological Chemistry, Yale University New Haven: Yale Univehsity Press London: Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press MDCCCCXV COPYRXGHT, 1915 BY Yale University Press First printed, November, 1915 Reprinted, June, 1916 PREFACE During the past few years the physiology of the amino acids has been subjected to much experimenta- tion with the result that these protein cleavage prod- ucts have assumed an ever increasing importance in the problems associated with nitrogenous metabolism. Owing largely to our too recent appreciation of the significance of these substances in metabolic processes there exists at present no compilation which fur- nishes an adequate conception of the roles which may be played by the amino acids. It has been, therefore, the aim of the writer to gather together in one place the results which have thus far been obtained in the field of the biochemistry of the amino acids, thus affording the busy practitioner, and others whose resources for consulting original communications are limited, an opportunity of gaining a knowledge of the present-day problems in this field of nutrition. In the accomplishment of this purpose the writer has made no effort to include all the details or all the literature available upon a given topic, but has sought rather to indicate leading lines of thought. At the end of each chapter are given references in which all the impor- tant literature upon the topic discussed is cited. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the fundamental principles of metabolism, hence, in gen- eral, these have been omitted. The author is deeply indebted to Professor Lafay- ette B. Mendel for suggestions, criticisms of the manuscript and for some of the plates presented. CONTENTS Chapter I. page The Proteins and their Derivatives, the Amino Acids ....... 1 Chapter 11. Digestion, and Bacterial Activity in Relation to the Amino Acids ..... 28 Chapter III. The Absorption of Proteins and Amino Acids 46 Chapter IV. In What Form Does Ingested Protein Enter the Circulation? . . . . .58 Chapter V. Theories of Protein Metabolism ... 81 Chapter VI. The Further Fate of Amino Acids . . 99 Chapter VII. The Amino Acids in Relation to the Specific Dynamic Action of Proteins . . . 120 Chapter VIIL The Amino Acids and Simpler Nitrogenous Compounds as Foodstuffs . . . 126 Chapter IX. The Specific Role of Amino Acids in Nutrition and Growth . . . . . .136 Index ....... 159 t LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Plate. Photograph of mice . . Frontispiece PAGE Figure 1. Survival periods of mice on diet of zein and tyrosine and zein and tryptophane .... 140 Figure 2. Growth curve of normal white rats 144 Figure 3. Growth curve with casein and milk diets ..... 144 Figure 4. Growth curve with milk diet . . 145 Figure 5. Maintenance on casein and growth after addition of protein-free milk 146 Figure 6. Resumption of growth after addi- tion of protein-free milk to casein diet 147 Figure ^. Failure of growth on gliadin plus protein- free milk . . . 149 Figure 8. Recovery of the capacity to grow after a period of stunting . . 150 Figure 9. Maintenance and fertility on a gliadin diet . . . .151 Figure 10. Indispensability of lysine for growth 153 Figure 11. Failure of zein to maintain or pro- mote growth .... 154 Figure 12. Indispensability of tryptophane for maintenance in nutrition . . 156 Figure 13. Growth on diets containing zein + tryptophane -f- lysine . .157 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE AMINO ACIDS CHAPTER I THE PROTEINS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES— THE AMINO ACIDS The Proteins The presence of nitrogen as a fundamental con- stituent of protoplasm attests the supreme importance of this element for the construction of living matter and the continued existence of organized life. It is well recognized, however, that all forms of nitrogen are not equally available for the maintenance of physiological rhythm. In support of this may be cited the fact that although the animal organism is con- tinually surrounded by an atmosphere rich in nitrogen, little or none of this nitrogen can be utilized by the body for nutritional purposes. The organism pos- sesses discriminating powers and demands nitrogen in a specific form, namely, such as that peculiar to protein and its derivatives. Protein material con- stitutes therefore an essential foodstuff and without it life would be impossible for any considerable period of time. "It is the chemical nucleus or pivot around which revolves a multitude of reactions characteristic of biological phenomena." 2 THE AMINO ACIDS Viewed from the chemical standpoint protein is seen as a huge molecule, complex in structure, labile in character and therefore prone to chemical change. So large and intricate is the make-up of the molecule that chemists for generations have been baffled in their attempts to gain any adequate conception of its nature. At the present stage of our knowledge it is impossible to form any satisfactory definition of a protein based either on its chemical or physiological properties. In general, proteins contain about 15 to 19 per cent of nitrogen, 52 per cent of carbon, 7 per cent of hydrogen, 23 per cent of oxygen and 0.5-2.0 per cent of sulphur. Some also contain phosphorus or iron. They act like amphoteric electrolytes, that is, they are capable of forming salts with both acids and bases. Proteins belong to that class of substances known as colloids and as such do not possess the power to pass through animal or vegetable mem- branes. In a manner similar to colloids they may be separated from their solutions by suitable treatment with salts, such as sodium chloride, ammonium sul- phate, etc. By a process known as "coagulation," which may be induced by the action of heat or the long continued influence of alcohol the proteins lose their colloidal characteristics which cannot be restored. Many proteins are capable of crystallization and indeed may occur in nature in crystalline form. It has been found possible also to cause some to crys- tallize although their presence in nature as crystals is unknown. Some doubt has been cast upon the THE PROTEINS 3 probability of proteins, as we differentiate them at present, being chemical units, but since many of the crystalline plant proteins show a constancy of proper- ties and ultimate composition there is little reason for the assumption that these at least are mixtures of two or more individuals. Concerning the size of the protein molecule some idea may be gained when it is recalled that the molec- ular weight has been calculated to be approximately 15,000. The proteins possess the property of turning the plane of polarized light to the left, the degree of rota- tion for an individual protein varying with the solvent employed. Classification of Proteins At present proteins are classified according to their physical properties, as, for example, their solubility in pure water, weak salt solutions and dilute acids and alkalies. It is well recognized that such a classifi- cation is far from ideal, but it is the most satisfactory plan that has been offered. When more complete knowledge is gained concerning the chemical make-up of the protein molecule a classification will undoubt- edly be framed which will be based upon the presence or proportion of certain chemical groups in the differ- ent proteins. All albuminous substances may be divided into 4 THE AMINO ACIDS three large groups, namely, the Simple Proteins, the Conjugated Proteins and the Derived Proteins, Simple Proteins may be defined as substances which yield only a-amino acids or their derivatives on hydrol- ysis. Conjugated Proteins are substances which con- tain the protein molecule united to some other mole- cule or molecules otherwise than as a salt. As their name implies, the Derived Proteins are substances that have been formed from naturally occurring proteins. The various sub-divisions of these large groups, as adopted by the American Physiological Society and the American Society of Biological Chemists, follow: Simple Proteins Conjugated Proteins 1. Albumins. 1. Nucleoproteins. 2. Globulins. 2. Glucoproteins. 3. Glutelins. 3. Phosphoproteins. 4. Alcohol-Soluble Proteins. 4. Hemoglobins. 5. Albuminoids. 5. Lecithoproteins. 6. Histones. 7. Protamines. Derived Proteins A. Primary Protein Derivatives. 1. Proteans. 2. Metaproteins. 3. Coagulated Proteins. B. Secondary Protein Derivatives. 1. Proteoses. 2. Peptones. 3. Peptides, THE PROTEINS 5 Occurrence and Characteristics of Different Classes of Proteins A. Simple Proteins Albumins are simple proteins that are soluble in pure water and are coagulable by heat. Globulins, on the other hand, are insoluble in pure water but are readily soluble in dilute salt solutions. Albumins and globulins are generally found together in nature occurring, for example, in large quantity in the blood serum, white of egg, in the substance of cells in gen- eral, and in various seeds. Egg white may be divided into two parts by dialysis against distilled water — the globulin being precipitated owing to the diffusion of the salts from the solution which originally were present in quantity sufficient to hold the globulin in solution. Glutelins are simple proteins insoluble in all neu- tral solvents but easily soluble in very dilute acids and alkalies. Alcohol-Soluble Proteins are simple proteins readily soluble in relatively strong alcohol (70 to 80 per cent), but are insoluble in water, absolute alco- hol and other neutral solvents. These two groups of proteins occur together as constituents of the cereal grains. Glutenin and Gliadin, respectively, from wheat, are the best known examples of these two groups. They constitute the gluten of flour. The elasticity and strength of the gluten, and therefore the 6 THE AMINO ACIDS baking qualities of a flour are influenced by the pro- portions of glutenin and gliadin. Albuminoids may be defined as simple proteins which possess essentially the same chemical compo- sition as the other proteins, but are characterized by great insolubility in all neutral solvents. Examples of this group may be found as the organic basis of bone (ossein), of tendon (collagen and its hydration product, gelatin), of ligament (elastin) and of nails, hairs, horns, hoofs, and feathers (keratins). Histories are basic proteins which may be looked upon as standing between protamines and the more complex proteins. They are precipitated by other proteins and yield a coagulum on heating which is readily soluble in very dilute acids. The histones are soluble in water but insoluble in ammonia. They have been isolated from varied sources, as glohin from hemoglobin, scombron from spermatozoa of the mack- erel, gaduhiston from the codfish and arbacin from the sea-urchin. Protomines are the simplest natural proteins. They are soluble in water, are not coagulable by heat, have the property of precipitating other proteins from their solutions, are strongly basic and form stable salts with strong mineral acids. Examples of protamines are salmin (from the spermatozoa of the salmon), sturin (from the sturgeon), clupein (from the herring), and scombin (from the mackerel). THE PROTEINS 7 B. Conjugated Proteins I Nucleoproteins are compounds of one or more protein molecules united with nucleic acid. The nucleoproteins, as their name implies, are the proteins of cell nuclei and give to the latter their character. The nucleoproteins are therefore found in largest quantity wherever cellular material is abundant, as in glandular tissues and organs. By artificial hydroly- sis or during treatment in the alimentary tract a nucleo- protein is decomposed into protein and nucleic acid. Nucleic acid, of which there are several types, may be made to yield a series of well-defined compounds, the purine bases (xanthine, hypoxanthine, adenine and guanine), the pyrimidine bases (uracile, cytosine and thymine), a carbohydrate group (pentose or hexose) and phosphoric acid. Glucoproteins are compounds of the protein mole- cule with a substance or substances containing a car- bohydrate group other than a nucleic acid. Particu- larly rich in glucoproteins are the mucus-yielding portions of tissues. They serve also as a cement sub- stance in holding together the fibers in tendons and ligaments. An amino-sugar, glucosamine, has been isolated from some of the glucoproteins and it is gen- erally regarded as constituting the carbohydrate radicle of these conjugated proteins. Phosphoproteins are compounds of the protein molecule with some, as yet undefined, phosphorus- containing, group other than a nucleic acid or lecithin. 8 THE AMINO ACIDS Conspicuous foods containing phosphoproteins are milk with its caseinogen and tgg yolk with its vitellin. A trace of iron is also evident in these proteins and although it is possibly present as an impurity there is no evidence that it does not exist in combination with the protein. Hemoglobins are compounds of the protein mole- cule with hematin or some similar substance. The coloring matter of the blood is hemoglobin which acts as oxygen carrier for the tissues and is charac- terized by holding iron as a constituent part in organic combination. Globin is the protein portion of hemo- globin. In certain of the lower animal forms copper enters into combination with protein forming hsemo- cyanin imparting a blue color to the blood. Lecitho proteins are compounds of the protein mole- cule with lecithins. Lecithins are complexes charac- terized by yielding glycerol, phosphoric acid, fatty acid radicles, and a nitrogenous base, choline. The lecithins are present in all plant and animal cells but are especially abundant in the nervous tissues. They belong to the group of essential cell constituents. C. Derived Proteins Certain of the native soluble proteins upon con- tinued contact with water, or the influence of enzymes or acid change their character and become insoluble. Such insoluble substances are called proteans. After repeated reprecipitation globulins may become insolu- THE PROTEINS 9 ble, that is, they are changed to proteans, and it is believed by some protein investigators that nearly every protein may assume a protean state. The metaproteins may be formed from simple protein by the action of acids and alkalies. In this instance, however, the change is undoubtedly more profound than in the case of the proteans. Formerly, metaproteins were termed albuminates, that formed by acid being called acid albuminate, that from the action of alkali being designated alkali albuminate. These substances are insoluble in neutral fluids but are readily soluble in an excess of acid or alkali. The metaproteins are of interest when it is recalled that the acid metaprotein arises as the first step in gastric digestion of protein and that likewise alkali meta- protein may be formed during pancreatic digestion. The coagulated proteins can be produced from simple proteins by the long continued action of alco- hol, stirring or shaking of their solutions, or by the influence of heat. In one instance, namely, the trans- formation of fibrinogen into fibrin in shed blood, the process has long been assumed to be induced by an enzyme. More recent work, however, tends to show that enzyme action is not concerned in the reaction. The class of derived proteins called Secondary Protein Derivatives represent a more profound change from simple proteins than is true for the proteans, metaproteins and coagulated proteins which are grouped together as Primary Protein Derivatives. Of the secondary protein derivatives the proteoses 10 THE AMINO ACIDS and peptones are characterized chiefly by their greater solubiUty and by the fact that, unUke most other pro- / teins, they are diffusible through suitable membranes. They represent stages in gastric, pancreatic and bac- terial digestions of protein and the peptones are regarded as products of greater cleavage than the proteoses. There are several proteoses, as protopro- teose, heteroproteose and deuteroproteose and prob- ably there may be several types of peptones. The proteoses are distinguished from the peptones prin- cipally in being precipitated from solutions by. satura- tion with ammonium or zinc sulphate. The peptides are "definitely characterized combina- tions of two or more amino acids, the carboxyl (COOH) group of one being united with the amino (NH2) group of the other with the elimination of a molecule of water." For example, if two molecules of glycocoU (glycine) — amino-acetic acid — are con- densed, a peptide, glycyl-glycine, will result. Thus — NHH NH, CH«.CO.NH CH,.COOH CH,.CO OH NH H CH2.COOH glycyl-glycine. The peptides are designated di-tri-tetra-peptides, etc., according to the number of amino acids in combina- tion. The name polypeptides is also applied to these THE PROTEINS 11 substances. It is usually accepted at the present time that the peptones are relatively simple polypeptides, the line of demarcation between a simple peptone and a complex peptide not being well defined. The Amino Acids For nearly a century chemists have been seeking to establish the composition and structure of the pro- tein molecule. Progress, which was slow and irregular in the earlier decades of this period, has taken rapid strides in the last twenty years, more intimate knowl- edge of the problem being gained during this inter- val than in all previous time. The investigation has been pursued in three directions — first the demolition of the molecule and the subsequent identification of the resulting fragments; second, the determination of the quantitative relationships of these fragments ; and finally, attempts to unite the disintegration products in such a manner as to reproduce the original molecule. After a considerable period of investigation it was established that, although the protein molecule may yield different types of substances according to the character of the means employed for disrupting it thus indicating a variety of possible lines of cleavage, hydrolysis furnishes the most promising types of units. Latterly, this type of chemical reaction has been employed exclusively and it has yielded the important information now available concerning the nature of the protein decomposition products. Each 12 THE AMINO ACIDS protein investigated by this method was found to yield relatively large molecules, such as proteoses and peptones, and on further disintegration a series of comparatively simple nitrogenous substances of low molecular weight which belong to a definite group of chemical compounds — namely, the amino acids. An amino acid may be regarded as an organic acid in which one hydrogen is replaced by the amino group (NH2), or viewed from another standpoint, an amino acid may be considered as a substituted am- monia, one hydrogen of ammonia, NH3, being replaced by an organic acid- A description of the amino acids yielded by proteins follows. ... ^ NH2 Glycocoll or glycine, ammo-acetic acid. CH2. <[ p^w^tt is the simplest of the products obtained from pro- tein by hydrolytic cleavage and it was also the first to be discovered. Its separation dates back to 1820 in which year Braconnot obtained the substance by boiling gelatin with sulphuric acid, and because of its sweet taste called it sugar of gelatin. About twenty-five years later Dessaignes isolated it after a hydrolysis of hippuric acid. It was shown by Strecher in 1848 that glycocholic acid, then called cholic acid, consists of a combination of cholalic acid and glycocoll, and in consequence of its being a constituent of a bile acid, glyco- coll assumed a position of some physiological importance. Its presence in various types of albuminoids, such as elastin, etc., was later demonstrated and finally it was shown to be a decomposition product of globulin. Glycocoll is not present in all proteins for albumin, casein, and hemoglobin fail to yield it, and from the vegetable proteins it is obtained in small quantities only. On the other hand, albuminoids are particularly rich in glycocoll. In an extract of the mollusc THE PROTEINS 13 Pecten irradians Chittenden found glycocoll in a free state; and it has been reported as occurring in the urine under vari- ous pathological conditions. After administration of benzoic acid to man and animals hippuric acid (benzoyl-glycocoll) is found in the urine — thus demonstrating a synthesis of hip- puric acid from benzoic acid and glycocoll. NH2 Alanine — a- amino-propionic acid, CHs.CH «< p^^^^tt was prepared synthetically previous to its isolation from among the protein decomposition products and was named by its discoverer, Strecher. Alanine has been shown to be a constant decomposition product of proteins. CH3 NH2 Valine — a-amino-isovalerianic acid. "> CH . CH <" CH3 XOOH In 1856 V. Gorup-Besanez Isolated a substance having the formula C5H11NO2 from pancreas and because it possessed properties similar to leucine he looked upon it as a homologue of leucine and called it butalanine. Although a similar sub- stance was isolated from certain seedlings by Schulze and Barbieri, and from the protamine, clupeine, by Kossel, it was not until 1906 that its identity was established by Fischer who gave it the name of valine. Valine is obtained from most proteins. Leucine, a-amino-isobutylacetic acid. CH3 NH2 >CH.CH2.CH<^^^ ^ CHs COOH Leucine was described by Proust in 1818 and was called oxide-caseux. Braconnot in 1820 obtained a substance from a hydrolysis of meat which on account of its glistening white appearance he called leucine. Liebig regarded it as one of the constituents of the protein molecule and this was later proved to be correct. Leucine is also a constituent of many organs and tissues occurring in the free state. It is yielded by both 14 THE AMINO ACIDS animal and vegetable proteins and with the possible exception , of arginine is the most widely distributed amino acid found as a protein cleavage product. Leucine has been found also in the urine under pathological conditions. Isoleucine, a-amino-/3-ethyl-propionic acid. CHs NH2 C2H5>^^-^^^ w < > P H a -u H u !zi W w CO (z) aoiivos iZ) inqiiOE: {Z) ud:^oti{Q {z) /99a" uttunqiY (z) S3a (e) uRBpo piouxtunqiY 21UW s.Avoo (I) upsBO U'i9j.oj,dO'qdsoiu (azrepi) (2) IIX9Z lonooiv puoinxv too J J uipuBtav (z) tuoaj uisxaoxg pazinBt^SifjQ ■ (2) «nnqoi£) (S) (T) tinnqoio muinqxv uinaag (S) (T) (pooia ssaoH) niqoxSomsq uiojj uiqoxf) VOCM -tH VO 00 O T-H O O i-H o O Cvj r-t 00 fO (M"r00 (tj (T) O CO rH CM COCV) ooo" •OTh+t (M 0"r VO t^ o CO o o o ^^ cvj o CO VO CM O CO'*OOCOO»-(»Hr-l'^lOINOr-5 •Tt-CM tH ■* ■ VO • »H 00 O »H O O c8 a ^1 0) (U 0 id /3 5^ E 3 \/ ^ ,^ ^_ / \ J ^r / i 1 /^ ! /v^ 1 I J" 2 C 2 3 4 0 6 0 8 D 10 0 (2 0 14 FiGU 0 l€ HE 3. 0 »fi Gro^ 0 2C CT^TH ( )0 23 2 1 ;^URVE B ,^ H ■^^ ^^ ^ '^ r V^ -^ /^ V veight '\/-' 4 - - Milk 240 260 280 300 320 H Casein and Milk Diets. 310 360 380 400 420 440 460 NUTRITION AND GROWTH 145 as a result a decline set in, which could not be checked by doubling the percentage of casein in the diet. That lack of protein can not account for the decline is well shown in period 4, during which the original amount t«rm»nal6d Figure 4. Growth Curve with Milk Diet. of casein was replaced and "protein-free milk" was also added. An immediate response in appetite was evidenced and speedy recuperation and growth were in order. This experiment demonstrates that a rat unable to maintain itself on an isolated protein may be caused 146 THE AMINO ACIDS to speedily resume a normal condition by the addition to the diet of "protein-free milk." From these and many similar results it is apparent that if suitable non-protein constituents of the dietary 20 40 60 80 too 120 Days Figure 5. Maintenance on Casein and Growth AFTER Addition of Protein-free Milk. are supplied, such as are furnished by "protein-free milk" maintenance and growth in white rats may be normal. Emphasis should therefore be laid upon the importance of the role played by the accessory food- stuffs, as contained in "protein-free milk" the nature SUJ9J0 148 THE AMINO ACIDS of which remains obscure. It is also evident that the establishment of a satisfactory non-protein dietary aifords an opportunity for the study of any specific influence which a peculiar type of protein, or one with an unusual type of internal structure, may exert in nutrition. In addition to casein Osborne and Mendel have demonstrated that perfectly satisfactory results may be yielded when other types of pure proteins are employed, a single one sufficing for all the nitrogen requirements of white rats. Thus, adequate growth has been secured with lactalbumin from cow's milk, ovalbumin from hen's egg, ovovitellin from hen's egg, edestin from hemp seed, cannabin from hemp seed, glu- tenin from wheat, glycinin from the soy bean, globulin from squash seed, globulin from cotton seed, excelsin from Brazil nut, and glutelin from maize. Taking advantage of the opportunity afforded them, the above mentioned authors have studied the influ- ence which a peculiar protein, for example, one lack- ing one or more important amino acid, may exert in nutritional processes. It soon became evident that all proteins do not promote growth under otherwise favorable conditions. Gliadins . of rye and wheat, which are deficient in glycocoll and lysine and on the other hand are very rich in glutamic acid, and hordein of barley, which closely resembles gliadin in chemical constitution, are capable of giving maintenance, but fail to induce growth. A condition of stunting is brought about, old animals retaining the characteris- NUTRITION AND GROWTH 149 tics of well-nourished young rats. In Fig. 7 are re- produced curves which show the failure of a rat to present normal growth on a diet containing protein- free milk and gliadin as the only protein. The «A0 lEO 100 80 €0 -*0 20 ^' y / o^ I / / / / / / / -1 ^^ Body V /e.ght ^^ ^ rood eaten 1 G ladm ♦ Pi olein-f ee f"iik ■ » 20 40 60 Os/s 60 100 Figure 7. Failure of Growth on Gliadin plus Protein-free Milk. frontispiece shows the photograph of this rat (B) and as a contrast that of a rat (A) of the same age presenting normal growth, together with a pho- tograph of a rat (C) of the same weight as (B) but much younger. This stimting is apparently a method 150 THE AMINO ACIDS which may be employed for the attainment of a type of animal infantilism. In connection with the sub- ject of stunting it became of interest to determine whether this condition would remain permanent under all circumstances or whether a return to a diet con- taining a more typical protein than gliadin would also cause a resumption of growth. Fig. 8 shows the slight growth of a young white rat during 276 days of gliadin feeding. That the capacity to grow had not been lost, but was merely inhibited, may be seen in the second part of the curve in which milk food replaced the gliadin. At the beginning of the milk food diet the rat was 314 days old, an age at which rats usually show very little growth. Fertility is not impaired by the act of stunting, as may be seen from the curve in Fig. 9, for this rat, after a period of 154 days with gliadin as its protein supply, was mated and produced four young, which were suckled during the first month of their existence by the mother who was still maintained upon a gliadin diet. These young rats presented normal growth curves during this period. When a month old, three of the young ani- mals were removed from the mother and kept upon diets of casein, edestin, and milk food. All showed normal curves of growth. The fourth young rat, kept with the mother began to exhibit a failure to grow as soon as forced to depend upon the gliadin food mixture. Inasmuch as casein, which has been proved to be efficient as a source of nitrogen for both maintenance and growth, is lacking in glycocoll. (50- 130- 110 90 70 so 30- E -Gl a^Tn t PKote, n-fr Ik- 60 60 100 120 140 160 (fiO ZZO Figure 8. This figure shows failure of rat to make more than slight gn at a normal rate after 276 days of stunting. At this time the rat was 314 day Biological Che^nistry ^ volume 12.] ,y y ' ' ■1' y^^ ^^ ^~^ / / / / / / J V f \ r\ '^./ \ V ^y" — ^ "\, \ / v/ \ K, iilk f. i. 500 280 300 320 340 3fcO 380 AOO 420 4-40 460 480 )n a diet containing gliadin as the sole protein, and capacity to resume growth '^■" age at which rats normally grow very little more. [From the y6>«r«a/ ^ an >D0 ISA lib do ■ GUad n •♦ Proteirv-Prce milk r»-^ /' f>0 40 n e O 0 Doi^s 20 40 €0 80 100 120 140 160 ISO ZOO 220 240 Figure 9 shows maintenance and fertility on a diet containing gliadin as its sole protein. After 154 days this rat was paired, four young being the result of the mating. [From the Journal of Biological Chemistry^ volume 12.] 152 THE AMINO ACIDS whereas gliadin is deficient in glycocoU and lysine and fails to promote growth, it is reaso^abfe to assume that the low content of lysine in gliadm is responsible for the failure of white rats to grow. On the other hand, lysine is apparently not essential for mere main- tenance. Another conclusion which may be drawn from these experiments is that the organism is unable to synthesize lysine, although glycocoll may be syn- thesized with apparent ease, as has been shown in previous pages of this book. Growth means the for- mation of new tissues and in the absence of sufficient lysine the construction of new tissue does not occur readily, or at least proceed at the normal rate. The inference that lysine is concerned with the function of growth may be tested from another viewpoint. If the animals fed with gliadin, lacking in lysine, show a failure to grow the addition of lysine to gliadin should be followed by a resumption of normal growth. Such trials have been made by Osborne and Mendel and the results obtained are most strikingly seen in the following curves. [See Fig. 10.] Failure to grow on gliadin as the sole protein is first shown in the curves followed by a period of growth when lysine was added to the diet. The subsequent with- drawal of the lysine is followed in each instance by a cessation of growth. If lysine is added again growth is again resumed at a normal, to cease again when lysine is taken away. These results lead to the con- clusion that lysine is indispensable for the functions of growth. Data collected by Osborne and Mendel 1 ^ a <^ •i^* o <>> to "vj 1—1 <^ 1"* -3 ;:» S i? rv^ «o ^ ^•S r^ ^ ^ >* » .« !^ JV» «o ^ (D ^ .^ ^ "^ ."§ -)-> cc \s- -^ « o ^j ^ 8 •« Ui <;i "^ +J ^ « 1/1 ?^ ►«? ^ ^■g H ^5 ^ .2 ?i ^ s^-^ s « o 3 ? p^ f-, ^ o U 4-) t^ a ^ w ^ § 1 — 1 M CO O* s >. Si a ;3 ^ .a tS n o > H 1— 1 M 1 w o d It <1 i-H ri <;> tn a. r«? S5 D "Q •o ^ '^ ^< s P I? 0) "^ 1 t— ( Cfl ^ ,c:i o iH Pi P •^ Q r o ^ s 8 fe « > A •s s^ -M 5t(h Days Figure 11. Experiments with Zein. Neither growth normain- tenance can be secured when zein is the sole protein in the dietary. [From ih& Journal of Biological Chemistry^ volume 17.] NUTRITION AND GROWTH 155 reveal the "teleologically interesting fact . . . that those proteins, Hke casein, lactalbumin, and egg viteUin, which are in nature concerned with the growth of animals, all show a relatively high content of lysine." The experience of these investigators with zein, which lacks glycocoU, tryptophane and lysine, has brought to light the fact that tryptophane is undoubt- edly essential for maintenance and emphasizes anew the significance of lysine as a growth promoting sub- stance. One may also assume that a little lysine is necessary for maintenance and this is ordinarily sup- plied in sufficient amount by the traces in gliadin or (in the zein and tryptophane experiments) by traces in protein-free milk protein or from the tissues them- selves. In an earlier portion of this chapter were pointed out in some detail the experiments of Will- cock and Hopkins with zein, with and without addi- tion of tryptophane. They found that zein as the only protein in the dietary cannot maintain growth in the young animal nor even support life. The addi- tion of tryptophane resulted in prolonging life with- out causing a resumption of the growth impulse. The outcome of the work of Osborne and Mendel with zein alone is best shown in the chart, Fig. 11. The large number of experiments shown here yielded concordant results and show that neither maintenance nor growth can be secured when zein is the only pro- tein ingested. When tryptophane is added to the zein food mixture, maintenance of body weight follows, as may be seen from Fig. 12. Addition of both trypto- 156 THE AMINO ACIDS Days Figure 12. Indispensability of Tryptophane for Main- tenance IN Nutrition. These experiments should be contrasted with the failure of maintenance on zein-food alone, shown in figure 11. [From the Journal of Biological Chemistry, volume 17.] pliane and lysine results in the establishment of perfect maintenance and growth. [See Fig. 13.] It may be inferred from these experiments then that tryptophane is indispensable for maintenance in nutrition and that the animal organism does not possess the ability to synthesize this amino acid. That lysine cannot replace tryptophane in the establishment of the condition of Days Figure 13. Growth on Foods Containing Zein+Tryptophanb +LYSINE. The growth obtained on this diet may be contrasted with maintenance without growth in the absence of the lysine (see Figure 12) 2.ndi failure to be maintained in the absence of both lysine and tryptophans (Figure 11), thus demonstrating the role of these amino acids in growth and maintenance respectively. That lysine cannot replace tryptophane in maintenance is shown by Rat 1900. [From the Journal of Biological Chemistry^ volume 17.] 158 THE AMINO ACIDS maintenance, may be seen from the chart, Fig. 13. Rat 1900. Investigation of this type into the biochemical de- portment of the protein cleavage products will un- doubtedly lead ultimately to the assignment of more or less specific functions to the various amino acids, and hence will indirectly indicate the relative efficiency of this or that protein in bringing about a desired result in nutrition. References to Literature Mendel: Nutrition and Growth : Journal of the American Medical Association. 1915, 64, p. 1539. Osborne and Mendel: Journal Biological Chemistry. 1914, ir, p. 325. Willcock and Hopkins: Journal of Physiology. 1906, 35, p. 88. INDEX INDEX Absorption, from intestine, 48. from large intestine, 56. from stomach, 46, 47. of amino acids, 47, 54, 56. of amino acids by rectum, 131. of amino acids by tissues, of fat, 53. of proteoses and pep- tones, 52, 56. of putrefactive products, 56. of undigested protein, 48. Accessory foodstuffs, 146. Acetic acid, 101. Acetone, 101. Acid, acetic, 101. aspartic, 16. caseinic, 18. glutamic, 16. hippuric, 108. homogentisic, 106, 115. isovaleric, 100. lactic. 111, 112, 113. nucleic, 7. uric, 93. Acids, amino, 12. diamine, 21. hydroxy, 38. Acids, ketone, 100. monoamine, 21. Adrenaline, see also Epine- phrine, 138, 141. Alanine, 13. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 111. formation from glycogen, 113. in blood, 55. Albuminates, 9. Albuminoids, 6. Albumins, 4, 5. Alcohol-soluble proteins, 4, 5. Alkaptonuria, 114. Amides, as foodstuffs, 131. Amines, 40. fate of, 57. Amino acid, definition of, 12. metabolism, anomalies of, 114. Amino acids, 12. absorption of, 54, 56, Id. absorption of, by rectum, 131. action of intestinal bac- teria upon, 38. 162 INDEX Amino acids, as foodstuffs, 126, 131. as functional test of liver, 71. as protein sparers, 127. content of, in tissues, 11, 78, 79. deficiencies of, in gliadin, 148. deficiencies of, in zein, 155. description of, 12. fate of, in tissues, 76. formation of carbohy- drates from, 109. formation of, from car- . bohydrates, 113. formation of, in gastric digestion, 31. formation of, in intestinal digestion, 35. formulas of, 12. further fate of, 99. in blood, 55, IZ, 75, 78. in digestion, 28, 29. in duodenal contents, 35. in intermediary metabo- lism, 78. in maintenance and growth, 148. mono, 21. quantitative yields from proteins, 22. relationship of different, 19. Amino acids, relation of, to specific dynamic action, 123. specific role of, in nutri- tion and growth, 136. synthesis of, 107, 132, 134. synthesis of, to protein, n. Ammonia, 93. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. in intestinal putrefaction, 39. Ammonium salts, as food- stuffs, 131. Amounts of amino acids yielded by protein^, 22. Anabolism, 81. Animal infantilism, 150. Anomalies of amino acid metabolism, 114. Arginase, 71. Arginine, 17. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 106. dextrose formation from, 112. fate of, in putrefaction, 44. in blood, 55. urea from, 71. Arbacin, 6. Artificial foodstuffs, value of, in nutrition, 143. INDEX 163 Artificial production of foodstuffs, 130. Asparagine, food value of, 132. Aspartic acid, 16. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 112. in blood, 55. Bacterial digestion and amino acids, 36. j3-iminazolylethylamine, 43. jS-oxybutyric acid, 102. Blood, amino acids in, 55, 73, 75. fate of amino acids in, 76. non-coagulable protein, 60. non-protein nitrogen of, 55. proteose of, 50. proteoses and peptones in, 59. seromucoid in, 61. Cadaverine, 43, 147. Cannabin, growth with, 148. Carbohydrate, formation of amino acids from, 113. formation of, from amino acids, 109. "Carbon moiety" of protein, 110. Casein, as sole protein of diet, 144. Caseinic acid, 18. amount in casein, 22. Catabolism, 81. of amino acids, 99. Circulating protein, 84. Classification of proteins, 3. Clupein, 6. Coagulated proteins, 9. Coagulation of protein, 2. Colloids, 2. Conjugated proteins, 4, 7. Creatinine, 92. Cresol, 38. Cystine, 15. absence of, in gelatin, 137. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. excretion of, in cystinu- ria, 117. Cystinuria, 116. Deamination, 70, 71, 72, 99, 100, 101. Derived proteins, 4, 8. Dextrose, formation of, from amino acids. 111, 112. Diacetic acid, 104. Diamines, 43, 117. Diamino acids, 21. Diaminuria, 116. Diet, variety in, 143. Digestion, a hydrolytic pro- cess, 29. and amino acids, 28. 164 INDEX Edestin, growth with, 148. Endogenous metabolism, 95. Enzymes, in blood after protein injections, 51, 61. in protein synthesis, 67, 69. Epinephrine, see also Adrenaline, 41. Erepsin, 34. Ethereal sulphates, 94. Excelsin, growth with, 148. Excretion of putrefactive products, 56. Exogenous metabolism, 95. Fertility, and stunting, 150. influence of gliadin on, 150. Fibrin, 9. Fibrinogen, 9. Foodstuffs, amides as, 131. amino acids as, 126, 131. ammonium salts as, 131. artificial production of, 130. value of artificial, in nu- trition, 143. Gaduhiston, 6. Gastric digestion, impor- tance of, 32. products of, 30, 31, 32. relation of, to amino acid formation, 32, Gelatin, absence of certain amino acids in, 137. Gelatin, as a protein sparer, 138. nutritive value of, 137. Gliadin, 5. deficiency of amino acids in, 148. influence of, on fertility, 150. influence of, on growth, 150. yield of lysine and glyco- coll, 137. Globin, 6. Globulins, 4, 5. growth with, 148. Glucosamine, 7. Glucoproteins, 7. Glutamic acid, 16. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 112. in blood, 55. in gliadin, 148. Glutelin, growth with, 148. Glutelins, 4, 5. Glutenin, 5. growth with, 148. Glycinin, growth with, 148. Glycocoll, 12. absence of, in gliadins, 137, 148. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 111. INDEX 165 Glycocoll, in blood, 55. synthesis of, 108. Glycogen, 109. formation of alanine from, 113. Growth, and maintenance, 143. influence of lysine upon, 152, 155, 156. influence of milk food upon, 144. influence of tryptophane upon, 155, 156. influence of zein upon, 139, 155. specific role of amino acids in nutrition and, 136. with various proteins, 148. Heat production, and me- tabolism, 89. Hemocyanin, 8. Hemoglobins, 8. Heredity, in alkaptonuria, 115. in cystinuria, 117. Heterocyclic compounds, 21. Hippuric acid, 108. Histamine, 43. Histidine, 17. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. fate of, in putrefaction, 42, 43. in blood, 55. Histones, 6. Homogentisic acid, 106. relation of, to tyrosine and phenylalanine, 115. Hydrolysis, of protein, 11. Hydroxy acids, 38, 39. Indole, 39. ethylamine, 42. Inorganic sulphates, 93. Intestinal digestion, 33. relation of, to amino acid formation, 34. Intestinal work, influence of, in specific dynamic action, 112. Isoamylamine, 42. Isoleucine, 14. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. Isovaleric acid, 100. Ketone acids, 100. Lactalbumin, growth with, 148. Lactic acid. 111, 112, 113. Lecithins, 8. Lecithoproteins, 8, Leucine, 13. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 100. fate of, in putrefaction, 42. in blood, 55. Leucocytes, role of, in pro- tein synthesis, 66. 166 INDEX Liver, in amino acid metab- olism, 71. role of, in protein synthe- sis, 129. Lysine, 16. absence of, in zein, 137. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. inability of body to syn- thesize, 152. in blood, 55. influence of, on growth, 152, 155, 156. in gliadin, 137, 148. in maintenance, 156. Maintenance, and growth, 143. influence of lysine upon, 156. influence of tryptophane upon, 155, 156. influence of zein upon, 155. Metabolism, 81. and heat production, 89. of amino acids, 99. of plethora, 124. Metaproteins, 9. Milk, and growth, 144, 145. food, influence of, on stunting, 150. protein-free, 143, 144, 145, 149, 155. Monoamino acids, 21. Mucoids, in blood, 60, 61. Neutral sulphur, 93. Nitrogen, equilibrium, 97. form needed by body, 1. in protein, 1, 2. in tissue formation, 96. Norleucine, 14. Nucleic acid, 7. Nucleoproteins, 7. Nutrition, specific role of amino acids in, 136. Occurrence, and character- istics of proteins, 5. Organized protein, 84. Ornithine, 44. dextrose formation from, 112. Ovalbumin, growth with, 148. Ovovitellin, growth with, 148. Oxidative deamination, 99. Oxyproline, 18. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. p.oxyphenylethylamine, 40. Parenteral introduction of protein, fate of, 49. Peptides, 10, 26. Peptone, action of erepsin upon, 34. in gastric digestion, 31. Peptones, 10. in intestinal putrefaction, 37. INDEX 167 Phenol, 38. Phenylalanine, 14. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 103. relation of, to homogen- tisic acid, 115, 116. Phosphoproteins, 7. Plastein formation, 68. Plastic foods, 84. Polypeptides, 10, 25. action of enzymes upon, 26. value of, in amino acid mixtures, 129. Proline, 17. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 112. in blood, 55. Protamines, 6. Proteans, 8. Protein, action of enzymes in synthesis of, 67, 69. as a complex polypeptide, 26. definition of, 2. fate of ingested, 58. free milk, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149, 155. tnolecular weight of, 3. molecule, 2. molecule, structure of, 24. metabolism, theories of, 81. Protein, regeneration, place of, 62. sparers, 127, 132, 133, 138. synthesis, by intestinal bacteria, 133. synthesis, by intestine, 62. synthesis, from amino acids, by tissues, 78. synthesis, role of leuco- cytes in, 66. synthesis, role of liver in, 129. Proteins, and growth, 148. as colloids, 2. classification of, 3. characteristics of, 5. composition of, 2. conjugated, 4, 7. crystallization of, 2. derived, 4, 8. influence of, on plane of polarized light, 3. occurrence of, 5. quantities of amino acids yielded by, 22. simple, 4, 5. specific dynamic action of, 120. Proteose, in blood, 50. Proteoses, 9, 10. action of erepsin on, 34. and peptones, in blood, 59. in gastric digestion, 31. in intestinal putrefaction, 37. Ptomaines^ 117. 168 INDEX "Pure" diets, 142. Purine bases, 7. Putrefaction, fate of argin- ine in, 44. fate of histidine in, 42, 43. fate of leucine in, 42. fate of tryptophane in, 39. fate of tyrosine in, 38. formation of ammonia in, 39. hydroxy acids in, 38. nature of, 36. products of intestinal, 38. proteoses and peptones in, Putrescine, 43, 117. Pyrimidine bases, 7. Rate of blood flow, IZ. Relationship of different amino acids, 19. "Residual nitrogen" of blood, 74. Respiratory foods, 84. Salmin, 6. Scombin, 6. Scombron, 6. Serine, 15. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 112. Seromucoid, 61. Simple proteins, 4, 5. Skatole, 39. Specific dynamic action, 90, 120. Starvation, amino acids in blood during, 78. Structure of protein mole- cule, 24. Stunting, 144, 149, 150. influence of milk food upon, 150. Sturin, 6. Survival period, influence of zein upon, 139, 140, 141. Synthesis of amino acids, 107. Theories of fate of in- gested protein, 58. Theories of protein metab- olism, 81. Theories of protein regen- eration, 62. Transformations of amino acids in body, 99. Tryptophane, 18. absence of, in certain pro- teins, 24, 137. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 106. importance of, for life, 141. importance of, in nutri- tion, 130. INDEX 169 Tryptophane, inability of body to synthesize, 156. influence of, on mainte- nance and growth, 155, 156. value of, in gelatin feed- ing, 137. value of, in zein feeding, 139, 140, 141. Tyramine, 41. Tyrosine, 14. absence of, in gelatin, 23, 137. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 105. relation of, to homogen- tisic acid, 115, 116. value of, in gelatin feed- ing, 137. value of, in zein feeding, 139, 140. Urea, 93. formation, 70, 71, 72, 98, 99. Uric acid, 93. Urine, composition of, 92, 93. Utilization, of amides, 134. of amino acids, 127, 130. of ammonium salts, 133, 134. of protein, parenterally introduced, 51. Valine, 13. amounts of, in proteins, 22,23. in blood, 55. Variety in diet, 143. Vitellin, 8. "Wear and tear" quota, 89. Zein, absence of lysine and tryptophane in, 137. deficiencies of, in amino acids, 155. effects of feeding, 141. feeding experiments with, 139, 155. influence of, upon growth, 139. influence of, upon growth and maintenance, 155. influence of, upon survi- val periods of mice, 139, 140, 141. ERRATA Page 6, line 21. For Protomines, read Protamines. Page 14, line 5. For Isoleucine. a-amino-iS-ethyl-propionic acid, read Isoleucine . a amino methyl-ethyl propionic acid. Page 14, line 25. For HO.C6H5.CH2.CH