THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE AMINO ACIDS Courtesy of Prof . L. B. Mendel THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE AMINO ACIDS BY AU FRANK Pi UNDERHILL, PH.!). Professor of Pathological Chemistry, Yale University srfJ to aJBi owj naswted JaBtJnoo aift worfg 9 brrfi A 39-ijjjorq owJ isv/ol ariT .bsJnu^g rrsad afirf ,9 ,rforrfw lo sno ,9^a Jrid ^ri^graw arriBa artJ to^lfii ow^ nssw^sd noghfiqmoo B bioft.6 iaol ion afiri ,9 Jm bajnnJg ,TohIo yrfT .9ga rrr -gnhsBrb .0 ,lBmrnB -itj;§rrr.fc>Y ori-i lo anohioqotq NEW HAVEK: YAI.E Uvn'KwsiTY PRESS LONDON: HUMPHREY MJLKORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY P; MDCCCCXV A and B show the contrast between je, one of which, B, has been stunted. The lower afford a comparison between two rats of the same widely differing in age. The older, stunted rat, B, has the characteristic proportions of the younger animal, C. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE AMINO ACIDS , ,. BY 1 0 A I FRANK P: UNDERBILL, PH.D. Professor of Pathological Chemistry, Tale University NEW HAVEN: YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCCXV COPYRIGHT, 1915 BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS First printed, November, 1915 Reprinted, June, 1916 PREFACE During the past few years the physiology of the amino acids has been subjected to much experimenta- tion with the result that these protein cleavage prod- ucts have assumed an ever increasing importance in the problems associated with nitrogenous metabolism. Owing largely to our too recent appreciation of the significance of these substances in metabolic processes there exists at present no compilation which fur- nishes an adequate conception of the roles which may be played by the amino acids. It has been, therefore, the aim of the writer to gather together in one place the results which have thus far been obtained in the field of the biochemistry of the amino acids, thus affording the busy practitioner, and others whose resources for consulting original communications are limited, an opportunity of gaining a knowledge of the present-day problems in this field of nutrition. In the accomplishment of this purpose the writer has made no effort to include all the details or all the literature available upon a given topic, but has sought rather to indicate leading lines of thought. At the end of each chapter are given references in which all the impor- tant literature upon the topic discussed is cited. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the fundamental principles of metabolism, hence, in gen- eral, these have been omitted. The author is deeply indebted to Professor Lafay- ette B. Mendel for suggestions, criticisms of the manuscript and for some of the plates presented. ERRATA Page 6, line 21. For Protomines, read Protamines. Page 14, line 5. For Isoleucine. a-amino-0-ethyl-propionic acid, read Isoleucine. a amino methyl-ethyl propionic acid. Page 14, line 25. For HO.C*H».CHi.CH<^oHJ read HO.C6H4.CH2.CHCH.CH< In 1856 v. Gorup-Besanez isolated a substance having the formula CsHnNCb from pancreas and because it possessed properties similar to leucine he looked upon it as a homologue of leucine and called it butalanine. Although a similar sub- stance was isolated from certain seedlings by Schulze and Barbieri, and from the protamine, clupeine, by Kossel, it was not until 1906 that its identity was established by Fischer who gave it the name of valine. Valine is obtained from most proteins. Leucine. a-amino-isobutylacetic acid. Leucine was described by Proust in 1818 and was called oxide-caseux. Braconnot in 1820 obtained a substance from a hydrolysis of meat which on account of its glistening white appearance he called leucine. Liebig regarded it as one of the constituents of the protein molecule and this was later proved to be correct. Leucine is also a constituent of many organs and tissues occurring in the free state. It is yielded by both 14 THE AMINO ACIDS animal and vegetable proteins and with the possible exception of arginine is the most widely distributed amino acid found as a protein cleavage product. Leucine has been found also in the urine under pathological conditions. fsoleuctne. o-amino-/3-ethyl-propionic acid. NHS < C2H5> COOH This amino acid was not described as a protein constituent until 1903 when it was isolated as a decomposition product of fibrin and other proteins by F. Ehrlich. Norleucine. o^amino-normal-caproic acid. CHs.CHg. CH2.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH. From the leucine fraction of the decomposition of the proteins of nervous tissue this amino acid has recently been isolated by Abderhalden and Weil. It is probable that other proteins may yield it also. Phenylalanint \ j8-phenyl-a-amino-propionic acid. Although it had been recognized for many years that a substance having the composition of CoHnNC^ could be ob- tained by cleavage of both animal and vegetable proteins, it was Fischer who first proved the presence of phenylalanine as a protein derivative. In those proteins lacking tyrosine, as gelatin, for example, the aromatic ring is supplied by phenyla- lanine. Tyrosine* /3-para-oxyphenyl-a-amino-propionic acid. ''-COOK In 1846 Liebig isolated from a decomposition of cheese a substance possessing the property of crystallizing in silky needles. He named it tyrosine. Since then tyrosine has been regarded as a protein cleavage product. It was not until 1882, THE PROTEINS 15 however, that the structure of tyrosine was positively deter- mined. Tyrosine is absent from the gelatine molecule. In acute yellow atrophy of the liver and in phosphorus poisoning it is claimed that tyrosine may be present as a urinary con- stituent. Serine /3-hydroxy-a-amino-propionic acid. '"-COOK Cramer found serine among the decomposition products of sericin (silk gelatin), and it was not obtained again until 1902 when Fischer isolated it from various proteins as a result of hydrolysis. He also definitely established its structure. Cystine. di-cysteine or di-/3-thio-a-amino-propionic acid. HOOC.CH.NH2.CH2.S— S.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH. Cystine has been known since 1810 having been first de- scribed by Wollaston who separated it from a urinary calculus and called it cystic oxide. From that period, although cystine was repeatedly isolated from various organs of the body, as the liver and kidney, its presence as a regular decomposition product of protein was not established until 1899 when K. A. H. Morner obtained it by a hydrolysis of horn. Bau- mann demonstrated the relationship of cysteine to cystine and thus revealed the structure of cystine. Cysteine and cystine bear the same relation to one another as does a mercaptan to a disulphide, thus, CH2.SH CH2 S — S CHi CH.NH2 CH.NH2 CH.NHj I I ! COOH COOH COOH cysteine cystine Cystine is of considerable importance in metabolism inasmuch as it is the only known sulphur-containing amino acid in the protein molecule. 16 THE AMINO ACIDS Aspartic Acid — Amino-succinic acid. CH2.COOH CH.NH2.COOH Asparagine, the amide of aspartic acid, has been known since 1806, having been isolated from asparagus juice by Robiquet and Vanquelin. Upon boiling asparagine with lead hydroxide Plisson in 1827 obtained aspartic acid. In 1868 aspartic acid was shown by Ritthausen to be present as a product of hydro- lytic cleavage of vegetable proteins. In a similar manner Kreussler obtained it upon hydrolysis of animal proteins and in 1874 it was isolated by Radziejeioski and Salkowski from a tryptic digestion of protein. Its structure was established in 1887. Glutamic Acid (Glutaminic Acid) o-amino-glutaric acid. CH2 H2.COOH .NH2.COOH Although glutamic acid was first separated from a hydrol- ysis of wheat gluten in 1866 by Ritthausen its structure was not shown until 1890. Ritthausen demonstrated that it was an amino acid and from this fact together with its origin from gluten gave it the name of glutaminic acid. Glutamic acid was later shown to arise from hydrolytic cleavage of proteins of animal origin as well as from those derived from the vege- table kingdom. Lysine. a-, e,-diammo-caproic acid. H2N.CH2.CH2.CH2.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH. Lysine is widely distributed as a protein constituent. It was first isolated from casein by Drechsel in 1889. Ellinger THE PROTEINS 17 first demonstrated its structure in 1900 by obtaining cadav- erine from it by putrefaction. Arginine. a-amino-5-guanidine-valerianic acid. NH2 HN = C — NH.CH2.CHa.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH. Among the products of a decomposition of casein Drechsel found a substance which he called lysatinine. Later, in 1894, Hedin demonstrated that this product was in reality a mix- ture of lysine and arginine. Arginine had been obtained pre- viously by E. Schulze and Steiger from the seedlings of various plants. Urea and ornithine are among its decomposi- tion products. Histidine. /3-imidazole-a-amino-propionic acid. CH N NH .CH2.CH.NH2.COOH Histidine was discovered by Kossel in 1896 among the de- composition products of the protamine of sturgeon testes. From the fact that histidine, arginine, and lysine each contain six carbon atoms Kossel called these three substances the hexone bases, and they were regarded as a very important portion of the protein molecule. It was not until 1904 when the structure of histidine was shown by Pauly and Wind- haus and Knopp that it was recognized to belong to a group of compounds entirely different from that including arginine and lysine. Proline. o-pyrrolidine-carboxylic acid. CH2 CH2 H2 CH.COOH 18 THE AMINO ACIDS Proline was first isolated by Fischer from casein. Its pres- ence in various other proteins was soon shown. Oxyproline. This amino acid was prepared from gelatin in 1902 by Fischer. Its structure is not yet definitely established although it undoubtedly possesses one of the following formulas. HO.CH - CH2 CH2 - CH.OH II II CH2 CH.COOH or CH2 CH.COOH Tryptophane. /3-indole-a-amino-propionic acid. C.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH NH' It was shown in 1826 by Tiedemann and Gmelin that when chlorine or bromine water is added to a tryptic digestion mixture a violet color is produced. Stadelmann named the substance giving this reaction proteinochromogen and Neu- meister proved that any severe treatment of protein would cause the production of this compound to which he gave the name tryptophane. Hopkins and Cole in 1902 isolated from a tryptic digestion of casein a substance which gave all the reactions of tryptophane, namely, the violet coloration with bromine or chlorine, the Adamkiewicz reaction, and the pro- duction of indole and skatole as a result of putrefaction. In this manner the origin of the substances characteristic of putrefaction was made clear. The structure of tryptophane was regarded by Nencki as indole amino acetic acid. Ellinger, however, showed it to be an indole amino propionic acid. Caseinic Acid, or diamino-trioxy-dodecanic acid. This compound has been isolated by Skraup from casein only. Its structure is still unknown. THE PROTEINS 19 On inspection of these formulas it may be estab- lished that certain of the amino acids are very closely related; thus, glycocoll, the simplest of all, by intro- duction of the group (CH3) becomes alanine. This substance possesses interest because several of the amino acids may be regarded as alanine derivatives. By the replacement of an (OH) group alanine be- comes serine, or by substitution of an (SH) group alanine is changed to cysteine. If the phenyl group (CeH5) is introduced phenylalanine is obtained, and the additional substitution of an (OH) group leads to tyrosine. CH, CH.NH, COOH Alanine CHa.OH CH.NH, COOH Serine CH..SH CH.NH, COOH Cysteine CH.NHa COOH Phenylalanine CHa.C8H4.OH CH.NH, COOH Tyrosine The introduction of the indole or iminazole group leads to the formation of tryptophane or histidine respectively. THE AMINO ACIDS CH, CH.NH, COOH r*TT r* CH /\ -C CH II 1 C CH /X/ CH v_/.tla L/ 1 II CH.NH3 CH 1 \ / COOH NH Alanine Tryptophane CH— NH 1 >H r*Ti r* TM^ Urla — U IN CH.NHa COOH Histidine Again valine, leucine and isoleucine are closely re- lated structurally as may be seen from the formulas following. CH, CH, CH, C«ri, v>j.j.s \_,2ix6 NCH/ CH.NH, CHa CH.NHa COOH CH.NHa COOH COOH Valine Leucine Isoleucine THE PROTEINS 21 Viewed from another standpoint the amino acids may be divided into mono-amino acids, — glycocoll, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tyro- sine, serine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid, — each containing, as the name implies a single amino (NKb) group — diamino acids, containing two amino groups, as arginine, and lysine and finally the heterocyclic com- pounds as histidine, proline, oxyproline, and trypto- phane. THE QUANTITATIVE RELATIONSHIPS OF AMINO ACIDS IN PROTEINS The most serious obstacle to the quantitative estima- tion of amino acids in hydrolysis mixtures has been that of inadequate methods of separation. By means of the ester method of E. Fischer this difficulty has been obviated in large measure. In Table I below are presented figures showing the yield of individual amino acids obtained by various investigators from repre- sentative simple proteins. The figures have not all been derived from use of the most exact methods of isolation, hence it is probable that they may not repre- sent maximal values or be strictly correct. Neverthe- less, they are sufficiently suggestive to demonstrate the distinct differences that exist between the simple proteins. Table II undoubtedly gives the most accurate figures obtainable at present for the quantitative yield of (Z) CO •*"!"*- lOfM (Z) j o~Tvotsi cvi (Z) (Z) (Z) CM O •-! CMlOt>. OtNCMO O O cxiT-t ••*• CM O VO ON VO 00 • piouiwnqiy OOOt-010 (I) I •*• O O to O •^ O ON 1O CM O >O OO 00 IO t- T-I r4 rn ^t- 10 eg o (2) ;KS? :i ^-(OOOrHOO CM r-i oot puouijv ujspoxg (S) (I) tO .HO^ i~f~VO r-! r-J sJod+ : : : mamqiv (S) (I) rHrH \0100 -0 CO CM O CM f-t 9SJOH) •* rt o 0 04 ^-1 - »H (I) (») CD iNNINHJlpNil iijiiii^jllliyil] THE PROTEINS 23 amino acids obtained by hydrolysis from proteins representing various groups of, these substances. TABLE II. QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON OF AMINO ACIDS OBTAINED BY HYDROLYSIS FROM PROTEINS (Compiled by T. B. Osborne, 1914)* (After Mendel) Zein Edestln Glycocoll 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 80 0 38 Alanine 1.50 2.22 2.00 13.39 3.60 2 08 Valine 7 20 2 50 3 34 1 88 6 20 ? Leucine 9 35 10 71 6 62 19 55 14 50 8 00 Proline 6 70 3 56 13 22 9 04 4 10 3 22 Oxyproline 0 23 ? ? ? ? ? Phenylalanme Glutammic acid Aspartic acid 3.20 15.55 1.39 5.07 9.10 2.20 2.35 43.66 0 58 6.55 26.17 1.71 3.09 18.74 4.50 3.75 13.80 5.30 Serine 0 50 ? 0 13 1 02 0 33 0 53 Tyrosine 4 50 1 77 1 61 3 55 2 13 1 55 Cystine ? ? 0 45 ? 1 00 ? Histidine 2 50 1 71 1 49 0 82 2 19 2 42 Arginine 3.81 4 91 2 91 1 55 14.17 10.12 Lysine 5 95 3 76 0 15 0 00 1 65 4 29 Tryptophane, about Atnnionia , , 1.50 1.61 present 1 34 1.00 5 22 0.00 3 64 present 2 28 present 1 99 65.49 48.85 84.73 88.87 82.28 57.43 "These analyses are combinations of what appear to be the best de- terminations of various chemists. It may be seen from these tables that certain pro- teins, as serum albumin and casein contain no glyco- coll, whereas serum globulin contains a small amount and gelatin a large quantity. Alanine presents vari- able figures but is usually present. The same may be said of leucine, phenylalanine, proline, and aspartic acid. Tyrosine may be absent as in gelatin. Glutamic 24: THE AMINO ACIDS acid may show very wide variations being present to the extent of nearly 44 per cent in wheat gliadin where- as gelatin contains less than 1 per cent. Tryptophane may be absent as in zein and gelatin. Arginine shows great variation being present in largest quantity in the protamines (salmine). On the other hand, lysine is absent in salmine as well as in zein. In the protamine, salmine, histidine is not present but may be isolated from all other examples of simple proteins shown here. It is clear that in general the various proteins are made up of the same units and it undoubtedly follows that the individual protein characteristics are bestowed by the relative proportion of the units or by their absence. In the tables given it will be observed that in most instances the total amino acids fall far short of the theoretical yield, a deficit of 40 to 50 per cent being in order. Previously it has been assumed that only a portion of the amino acids was known. At present, however, it seems very probable that the deficit is to be explained on the hypothesis of inadequate methods of analysis. SYNTHETIC PROOF OF THE STRUCTURE OF PROTEIN Since the time of Liebig it has been assumed that the protein molecule consisted of a huge complex of amino acids linked together in some unknown manner. There are many possibilities for such combinations and certain of them have been subjected to experimen- THE PROTEINS 25 tation without, however, yielding any very far-reaching conclusions. It remained for Emil Fischer and his associates in 1901 to conceive of a combination which undoubtedly will ultimately lead to a clear under- standing of the structure of the protein molecule. These combinations of amino acids were termed polypeptides. Just as we have mono-, di-, or tri- saccharides so there may be di-, tri-, etc.,-peptides. According to Fischer's method the amino acids are linked together by dehydration of their hydroxyl and amino groups, the carboxyl group of each acid being condensed with the amino group of its neighbor in the molecule, thus NHH L. CH. CO OH H R .CH.COOH By continued union of amino acids infinite possi- bilities of complexes are presented. Actually com- pounds containing as many as eighteen amino acids have been synthesized by Fischer and some of the products obtained have shown properties similar to those of the native protein. After demonstration of the possibility of forming protein-like compounds by synthesis Fischer next attempted to determine whether similar simple com- plexes could be derived from proteins by suitable treat- 26 THE AMINO ACIDS ment. For this purpose he employed a mild hydrolysis which only partially broke up the large aggregates formed and he succeeded in isolating from the pro- ducts peptides identical with those made synthetically. Since then other investigators have separated similar compounds. One of the best proofs that proteins are built up of these amino acid complexes is that, also furnished by Fischer, of the action of various enzymes upon the synthetical products. It was found that with the exception of pepsin the various enzymes of the body are quite capable of hydrolyzing the polypeptides into amino acids. Although these investigations prove beyond doubt that amino acids are linked together in protein in the form of polypeptides, there are possibilities of other forms of combination which will be revealed only by future research. For the present we are justified in accepting the hypothesis of the protein molecule as a huge complex polypeptide. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE Abderhalden: Text Book of Physiological Chemistry. 1914. Abderhalden and Weil: Zeitschrift fur physiologische chemie. 1913, 88, p. 272. [Norleucine.] Hammarsten: Text Book of Physiological Chemistry. 1914. Kossel: The Chemical Composition of the Cell. The Harvey Lectures. 1911-1912. THE PROTEINS 27 Kossel: The Proteins. Johns Hopkins Bulletin. 1912, -?j, p. 65. Mann: Chemistry of the Proteins. 1906. Mendel: Nutrition and Growth: Harvey Lectures 1914-15. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1915, 64, p. 1539. Osborne: The Vegetable Proteins, 1909. Osborne: Chemistry of the Proteins. The Harvey Lectures, 1910-1911. Plimmer: Chemical Constitution of the Proteins, 1908. Van Slyke: The Proteins. New York Medical Journal. 1912, August 10 and 17. CHAPTER II DIGESTION, AND BACTERIAL ACTIVITY IN RELATION TO THE AMINO ACIDS Concerning the nature of protein digestion Schaefer in 1898 wrote : "The products found toward the end of a proteid digestion in vitro are distinguished from the proteids from which they originate by being slightly diffusible. To this fact great importance was at one time attributed, because it was thought that only pro- teids in a diffusible form were capable of absorption, and hence that peptonization was in all cases a neces- sary preliminary. It is now generally admitted that many forms of native proteid are capable of entering the epithelial cells (of the intestine) without previous change by digestion or otherwise ; and in those cases in which a proteid is incapable of direct absorption a much less profound change than peptonization is suffi- cient to render it so, namely, conversion into acid or alkali albumin." With regard to the extent of amino acid formation in digestion Schaefer says: "It is not known with certainty to what extent amino acids are formed from proteids, in the natural course of intes- tinal digestion. The experimental evidence is some- what conflicting, but the majority of observers are of the opinion that but little proteid is absorbed as leucine or tyrosine, being nearly all absorbed as albumose or DIGESTION 29 peptone, or even at a still earlier stage. The only posi- tive evidence as to the formation of leucine and tyrosine in natural digestion, rests on the amounts found in the intestinal contents during protein diges- tion." It is then stated that in general the quantities of amino acids present during digestion are small. In the few years since the above was written the advances made in the chemistry of the proteins and of digestion have made necessary a radical revision of our ideas of the nature and extent of the alimentary treat- ment of protein. No longer tenable is the view that digestion stops with the transformation of insoluble and non-diffusible substances into compounds soluble and diffusible, nor can the idea be accepted of a dis- tinction between directly assimilable and non-assimi- lable proteins. The change to "peptone" is now held to be merely an intermediate stage in digestion, not the end, as was once assumed. According to the latest con- ception of protein digestion a profound disintegration occurs, the ultimate products formed being a variety of polypeptides and amino acids. Digestion, in accord- ance with this idea, consists in a series of hydrolytic cleavages which are induced through the agencies of the enzymes present in the gastro-enteric tract. The products formed by these enzymes undoubtedly are identical with those produced outside the body by means of the action of acids. Amino acids therefore must be looked upon as the ultimate nitrogenous food- stuffs— it is to these substances that the organism must look for its essential requirement of nitrogen. 30 THE AMINO ACIDS ARE AMINO ACIDS FORMED DURING GASTRIC DIGESTION OF PROTEIN? Protein digestion is initiated in the stomach through the action of gastric juice — the active constituents being pepsin and hydrochloric acid. In investigating the nature and extent of gastric digestion three general methods have been employed — as follows: (1) the stomach tube method, the only procedure applicable to man, whereby the stomach contents are withdrawn at intervals after a meal, (2) animals fed definite diets are quickly killed at varying periods of time and the stomach contents examined ; or animals are killed with the stomach empty, food introduced and analyzed at intervals, (3) the polyfistulous method — fistulas being inserted in the stomach and at various points in the intestine, the food products being withdrawn through these openings. What products are formed in the stomach under the influence of peptic digestion? It is self-evident that experiments carried out under artificial conditions, as in beakers, can afford no positive assurance that the products are identical with those formed in the stom- ach. Kiihne was the first to demonstrate that pepsin digestion in vitro leads only to the formation of pro- teoses and peptones. On the other hand, numerous recent investigations have shown by the polyfistulous method that under normal conditions also proteoses and peptones represent the final stages in gastric digestion of protein. All the protein does not of necessity reach DIGESTION 31 the peptone stage. Indeed, in general the process goes only as far as the proteose stage as may be seen from the following table from London. In these experi- ments dogs were fed different types of proteins and from a fistula below the pylorus the products were collected. Kind of Protein Fed Percentage of Proteases Found Egg Albumin 72.5 Gliadin 67.7 Edestin 60.3 Casein 59.1 Gelatin 50.6 Serum Albumin 46.1 London and his co-workers also found that upon feeding varying quantities of the same protein a defi- nite proportion of proteoses was always formed, thus — Quantity of Gliadin Fed Percentage of Proteoses Found in grams 25 80.8 50 86.1 75 86.5 100 84.9 It is therefore probable that ingested protein enters the duodenum largely in the form of proteoses and to a smaller extent as peptones. By long continued action of both artificial and nor- mal gastric juice various investigators have observed the gradual formation of amino acids. These results obtained from digestive mixtures allowed to stand for months cannot be regarded as applicable to normal 33 THE AMINO ACIDS stomach digestion which is at most a matter of hours. They may be explained in several ways, as for instance in those cases where extracts of the stomach were employed amino acids may arise from autolytic proc- esses, or perhaps in all cases from the action of hydro- chloric acid alone. Protein is a labile molecule which apparently needs slight inducement to start on the downward path to its demolition into amino acids. The formation of amino acids in gastric digestion under normal conditions seems hardly probable. Against such an idea may be set the fact that pepsin- hydrochloric acid is utterly incapable of breaking down artificial polypeptides thus far tested. On the other hand, they are readily split by pancreatic juice. It would seem therefore that in peptic digestion neither amino acids nor relatively simple polypeptides are normally found in significant amounts. Gastric digestion, however, has the very important function of preparing protein for the later action of trypsin and the intestinal juices. Fischer and Abder- halden have shown that tryptic digestion is much more rapid and complete when protein has been previously acted upon by pepsin-hydrochloric acid. If casein is first digested with an artificial gastric juice and then subjected to the influence of trypsin amino acids like proline and phenylalanine could be isolated. Treated with trypsin alone casein failed to yield the free amino acids ; instead a corresponding polypeptide was present. One may conclude therefore that although gastric digestion fails to yield amino acids directly it aids in DIGESTION 33 their rapid formation indirectly by facilitating the action of trypsin. INTESTINAL DIGESTION Kiihne made the important discovery that there is an essential difference between the digestive action of trypsin and that of pepsin. He stated that the influ- ence of the former does not cease with the formation of peptone but is carried to a stage where crystalline products appear — the amino acids. As late as 1900, however, these substances were regarded as by-pro- ducts in natural digestion — of little significance and formed in relatively small quantities. At that time the cleavage products recognized were leucine, tyrosine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, arginine and histi- dine and proteinochromogen (see Chapter I). With the growth of knowledge concerning protein chemistry most of the characteristic amino acids have since been isolated from intestinal contents. In 1906 Cohnheim gave a new meaning to intestinal digestion by his discovery of an enzyme capable of splitting proteoses and peptones into simpler products. Cohnheim was of the opinion that synthesis of protein from peptones occurred in the intestinal wall. While endeavoring to determine this point he noted that the characteristic peptone reaction disappeared. Its dis- appearance was not due to protein synthesis as was early assumed, but because crystalline decomposition products were formed from it. This chemical trans- 34 THE AMINO ACIDS formation was shown to be enzymatic in nature and to the enzyme Cohnheim gave the name erepsin. Later investigators showed that erepsin is quite specific in its action — it has no influence upon native proteins with the exception of casein and gelatin — but is capable of completely transforming proteoses and peptones into amino acids, such as leucine, tyrosine, lysine, histidine, and arginine. In intestinal digestion, therefore, two agencies are to be considered in protein disintegration, namely, trypsin and erepsin. From these two differ- ent types of activity one may perhaps draw the con- clusion that there is a purposeful function for each. It may be imagined for instance that trypsin may per- form a twofold function, the degradation of the protein molecule which may have escaped gastric diges- tion to the proteose or peptone stage, or completely to amino acids. Erepsin on the other hand is present to guarantee that all complicated structures as proteoses, peptones, or polypeptides are reduced to their simplest terms. It is apparent, therefore, from the distribution of enzymes in the intestinal tract that there is a natural provision for ingested protein to be subjected to a series of hydrolytic cleavages whereby only relatively simple amino acids are finally present. Although it was generally admitted that protein di- gestion may proceed to the stage of amino acids it was exceedingly difficult to prove the fact when applied to the alimentary tract under normal conditions. The difficulty was twofold in nature. In the first place, demolition of the protein molecule is not of the nature DIGESTION 35 of an explosion resulting in a large number of frag- ments scattered about, but instead it may be looked upon as a kind of slow erosion whereby certain pro- jecting pieces are rubbed or broken off. Secondly, absorption takes place rapidly and the erosion products have a tendency to disappear from the alimentary canal. A knowledge of the thorough character of intestinal digestion has been made possible through the employment of the polyfistulous method devised by London. Animals with a series of fistulas along the intestinal tract were fed gliadin and from successive openings the enteric contents were examined for the quantity of tyrosine and glutamic acid present. It was shown that in the duodenal contents 0.75 gram tyrosin and 2.5 grams of glutamic acid were present, in the jejunum were 1.1 gram tyrosin and 20.9 grams of glutamic acid while the ileum yielded only a trace of tyrosin and 33 grams of glutamic acid. Similar experi- ments with casein and meat yielded comparable results. From these observations it is quite evident that the processes of digestion in the intestine are gradual in nature but the rate of disintegration is much greater than obtains in artificial digestion mixtures. The apparent explanation for the slower rate of hydrolysis in in vitro experiments is that the digestion enzymes form compounds with the amino acids split off and thus are rendered inactive. This inactivation probably does not occur to any extent in the intestine because the amino acids do not accumulate therein, undoubtedly being absorbed almost as soon as they are split off. 36 THE AMINO ACIDS The small intestine, therefore, may be regarded as the seat of profound protein digestion, the products arising being the amino acids typical for hydrolytic cleavage of protein. Undoubtedly all digestible pro- teins are ultimately reduced to the condition of amino acids. From this it follows according to present views that nitrogenous metabolism is concerned mainly with the amino acids and the transformations which they undergo. INTESTINAL BACTERIA AND THE AMINO ACIDS In the early days of the history of protein digestion great difficulty was experienced in the determination of the actual products formed because of the accompani- ment of putrefaction. This was especially true for tryptic digestion where it is desirable to maintain an alkaline medium, an environment also favorable for bacterial growth. Kuhne was the first to demonstrate the activity of trypsin in the presence of antiseptics and through the employment of antiseptic digestion mixtures a sharp division line was soon drawn between the products of tryptic digestion and those formed by bacterial agencies. In general the products of putrefaction are identical whether formed outside the body or within. The type of action is similar to other kinds of digestion activity. Indeed, there is little doubt that the same kind of agencies are at work in the two instances, namely, enzymes. In the one case they are present in a secre- DIGESTION 37 tion, as in intestinal juice, in the other instance they are contained within an organism. In bacterial digestion the first stages of digestion are very similar to those induced by trypsin. If the protein is insoluble solution is first effected which is not a rapid process as in the case of trypsin. The proteoses and peptones are next formed but are quickly transformed into lower decom- position products. Proteoses and peptones are much more readily attacked thai/ are the native proteins, which may not begin to undergo a profound change until the former have been broken up to smaller mole- cules. Putrefaction may be regarded as causing a different type of cleavage than occurs in ordinary tryptic or in- testinal digestion as exemplified by the specific sub- stances produced. It would appear much more likely, however, that the early stages of tryptic digestion and those induced by bacteria are identical in both instances, amino acids being the final products. On the other hand, little or no putrefaction occurs in the small intes- tine and there is little reason to assume that under ordinary circumstances any unchanged protein or perhaps even proteoses or peptones succeeds in pass- ing the ileo-caecal valve. It is therefore probable that normally putrefactive bacteria act upon the amino acids rather than upon their precursors, the complex protein molecules. It is even doubted whether pure solutions of native proteins will putrefy directly. Accepting the hypothesis that it is the amino acids which are con- cerned primarily in putrefactive processes the forma- 38 THE AMINO ACIDS tion of the substances characteristic of putrefaction is readily understood. The ammo acids which are espe- cially susceptible to bacterial action are tyrosine and tryptophane. From tyrosine a whole series of com- pounds may be formed and are regularly present as putrefactive products, as for example, paroxyphenyl- propionic acid (hydro-paracumaric acid), and paroxy- phenylacetic acid (also phenylpropionic and phenyl- acetic acids), as well as paracresol and phenol. The relationships are readily seen from the following formulae : OH OH OH COOH Tyrosine, or p. oxy-phenyl a-amino-propionic acid OH COOH p. oxy-phenyl propionic acid p. oxy-phenyl acetic acid OH Phenol DIGESTION 39 From tryptophane the malodorous bodies indole and skatole may be produced, thus : C.CEbCH.NHa.COOH y\ C.CH2CH2.COOH H N] Indole-amino- propionic acid Tryptophane O> \/ NH Indole- propionic acid C.CHs CH CH CH Indole-acetic acid NH Indole In the explanation of these changes in both instances it is seen that the types of chemical reactions are iden- tical. First deamination or splitting off of ammonia, NH3, occurs. This is followed by a cleavage of carbon dioxide, oxidation, and finally demethylation. The chemical transformations therefore are quite varied and extensive. When putrefaction is mentioned one invariably thinks of indole, skatole, the oxy acids, etc. These compounds, however, by no means represent all of the substances actually formed for a type of chemical compound has been isolated which is also peculiarly 40 THE AMINO ACIDS characteristic of putrefaction — namely, the amines. Dixon and Taylor in 1907 aroused considerable interest by the publication of their observation that alcoholic extracts of the human placenta when injected intro- venously caused a marked rise in blood pressure and contractions of the pregnant uterus. It was later shown that these phenomena failed to appear in placen- tal extracts free from putrefaction. Evidence was soon produced showing that putrefaction of the placenta caused the production from tyrosine of a new body, namely p-oxyphenylethylamine. This substance was isolated from a pancreas digestion several years pre- viously by Emerson and its production as a product of tryptic action was regarded as unique. In the light of present knowledge there is little doubt that here also it was formed through bacterial agency. This new substance is produced by the liberation of CC>2 from tyrosine, thus: OH p. oxyphenyl-ethylamine DIGESTION 41 To this compound has been given the name tyramine. It is of special significance both from the chemical and pharmacological standpoints because of its resemblance in both respects to epinephrine. OH OH Tyramine Epinephrine Tyramine acts upon the sympathetic nervous system as does epinephrine. Its action, however, is somewhat weaker. Its effects are produced whether absorbed from subcutaneous tissues or from the alimentary canal. A further interest attaches to tyramine in that it is one of the substances that confers upon ergot its characteristic action on the uterus. Not only is tyramine found in putrefaction mixtures without the body, but it has been isolated from the contents of the large intestine and it may, therefore, be looked upon as a product formed regularly in the body. On the other hand its presence in the alimentary canal does not necessarily imply that it was formed 42 THE AMINO ACIDS there for it has been shown quite recently that it may be ingested with certain food products. Thus tyramine occurs in such varieties of cheeses as the Camembert, Roquefort, Emmenthal and even the American cheddar cheese is not free from it. In a manner similar to the formation of tyramine we may have amines produced from other amino acids by bacteria. From leucine may be formed isoamyla- mine, thus : CH CH I I CHa CHa CH.NH, CHa COOH NH3 Leucine Isoamylamine From tryptophane a corresponding amine may be produced, thus : C.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH /\ C.CH2.CH2.NH2 H NH Tryptophane Indole-ethylamine When histidine is subjected to the action of putre- factive bacteria it is transformed to /2-iminazolylethyl- DIGESTION 43 amine or as it has been called histamine. The reaction occurring follows. CH CH HIST XN UN ^N I I I HC C HC C I I CHa CH, CH.NH2 CHa JCOOJH NHa Histidine /3-iminazolylethylamine This substance besides possessing an action upon the nervous system is capable of producing symptoms identical with those of anaphylactic shock. Its pres- ence in the alimentary canal has also been demon- strated. The diamines, cadaverine and putrescine, arise in the alimentary through the action of bacteria. Cadav- erine is produced in the following manner, lysine serv- ing as the mother substance. Lysine, which has the following formula: CH2.CH..CHa.CHa.CH.COOH NH, NH, by cleavage of carbon dioxide yields cadaverine which has the structure below 44 THE AMINO ACIDS CHa.CHa.CHa.CHa.CH, NHa NH3 Cadaverine or Pentamethyldiamine Arginine, another amino acid, is the mother sub- stance of putrescine. Arginine under suitable condi- tions yields urea and ornithine, thus : CHa.CHa.CH9.CH.COOH NH NH, = c volume 35.] NUTRITION AND GROWTH 141 whether addition of any amino acid would produce an effect, and hence, therefore, to find out directly the specific action of tryptophane. A prominent feature in connection with the mice given zein alone was a condition of torpor; the mice were very inactive and made no movement when handled or touched, the ears, feet, and tail were cold, the coat was glairy and the eyes were half-closed. Those fed tryptophane with zein showed a strikingly different behavior, being active and apparently healthy even up to the end of life. In both instances death was not caused by a lack of food intake, as all animals gave evidence of appetite. Quantitatively, sufficient food was received but qualitatively something essen- tial to life was lacking. It is possible that had lysine, the other amino acid lacking in zein, been fed also, even better results would have been obtained. Tryp- tophane undoubtedly is essential for the maintenance of life, although the specific role it plays has not yet been determined. As the authors mentioned above point out, "If it [tryptophane] serves as a basis for the elaboration of a substance absolutely necessary for life — something, for instance, of an importance equal to that of adrenaline — then, in starvation, or when it is absent from the diet, a supply is likely to be maintained from the tissue-proteins, the demand for it would become one of the factors determining tissue breakdown. In the case of young animals which directly benefit from the addition of a protein con- stituent otherwise absent from their diet, to the extent 142 THE AMINO ACIDS of a well-nigh doubled life, and lose, instead of gaining, weight, the utilization of the constituent would seem to be of some direct and specific nature." These words give the first definite suggestion that individual amino acids may play a specific role in the maintenance of nutritional rhythm. The failure of zein as a suitable source for the essential nitrogen requirement leads to the query whether any single protein will suffice in this respect. Attempts to answer this question have been many and it is only recently that a satisfactory positive reply has been given. In many of the older experiments lack of success has been attributed to various factors other than the character of the protein, and where appar- ently successful results have been obtained criticism has been pertinent in that, in most instances, the protein or proteins employed have not been free from impuri- ties. The general impression gained from this type of investigation has been that sooner or later animals die when kept for a prolonged period upon a con- stant diet even though an abundance of energy producing material may be present. A so-called "pure" diet has been deemed impracticable. Lunin, one of the early investigators of the problem, fed mice with mixtures of casein, fat, cane sugar, and milk ash. On this artificial diet death occurred in from twenty to thirty days, a survival period greater than when the ash of milk was omitted. Mice fed dried milk were alive at the end of two months. Hall with mice and Steinitz with dogs obtained comparable NUTRITION AND GROWTH 143 results when a similar form of dietary was used. By considerable variation in the non-nitrogenous portion of the food Rohmann showed that mice will thrive for weeks. A criticism of these experiments is that the range of variation in the make-up of the dietary resulted really in furnishing the animals an ordinary mixed diet. The experiments of Jacob with pigeons, of Falta and Noeggerath, and of Knapp with rats demonstrated that variety in the dietary undoubtedly tends toward prolongation of life but that death eventually ensues. After experiencing many failures, Osborne and Mendel have succeeded in maintaining white rats for long periods of time upon single, pure, isolated pro- teins, growth also being at a normal rate. They attributed their success to the addition to the dietary of what they term "protein-free milk." This is pre- pared by removing the protein and fat from milk, leaving the milk sugar, inorganic salts and the un- known components. "Protein-free milk" always con- tains very small quantities of protein but not enough to support life. They have also demonstrated that by artificially imitating the composition of "protein- free milk" by union of the various ions fairly success- ful results have been obtained. It is therefore pos- sible to construct a dietary in such a manner from purified isolated foodstuffs and artificial salt mixtures that animals may not only be maintained but normal growth may also be induced. In their work, Osborne and Mendel differentiate 144 THE AMINO ACIDS sharply between a maintenance diet and one capable of promoting growth. They have shown, for example, that a young animal may be maintained on a certain diet indefinitely without manifesting any tendency to grow. From the work of Donaldson it has been dem- onstrated that the life span of the white rat is about three years. Sexual maturity is reached in sixty days. The first year of life for the rat corresponds to the first thirty years of human life, and the curve of growth for this period is reproduced below. Fig. 2. As an illustration of the influence of an isolated protein, casein (fed with starch, sugar, agar, lard, and a salt mixture), the chart, Fig. 3, is shown. It is evident that casein as the sole source of nitrogen was apparently incapable of allowing normal growth in a young rat during a period of forty-six days. In other words, stunting occurred. In period 2, casein and sugar were replaced by milk. Growth was resumed. The influence of changing the salt mixture content of the food intake is quite evident in periods 3, 4, and 5. The ability of milk to furnish the necessary nitrogen requirement is well shown in the chart, Fig. 4, the curve obtained being to all intents and purposes identical with the normal growth curve. If to the casein diet "protein-free milk" is added, instead of whole milk replacing casein, normal condi- tions obtain as is well illustrated in the chart, Fig. 5. Casein alone was found to be unable to support growth. In Fig. 6 is shown a curve in which, during period %, casein was the only source of protein and 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 1 < ^ ? / / & / 5 & s ^ — ^s *~~ t /4 X ,** $•• // ^ '' ,,s ^ »<-° 1 /// J-!*- / / 1 // / / 7 > 20 40 60 80 (00 120 I4Q 160 180 FIGURE 2 shows average normal rates of growth of male a 1 220 Z40 260 Z80 300 320 340 360 360 400 ',: 'emale white rats according to Donaldson and to Osborne Qdel. 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 V) 6 O j^f \A W /" X_ E / \ J xXX. 4 / / / jvd I J \ e— Case n food- z _ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 '80 200 221 FIGURE 3. GROWTH CURVE weight - Milk 'ood 240 260 280 300 320 3*0 360 380 400 420 440 460. •JI:H CASEIN AND MILK DIETS. NUTRITION AND GROWTH 145 as a result a decline set in, which could not be checked by doubling the percentage of casein in the diet. That lack of protein can not account for the decline is well shown in period 4, during which the original amount 220 200 180 160 100 '/.. Milk food • -terminal** 20 40 60 80 KX) «0 Days FIGURE 4. GROWTH CURVE WITH MILK DIET. of casein was replaced and "protein-free milk" was also added. An immediate response in appetite was evidenced and speedy recuperation and growth were in order. This experiment demonstrates that a rat unable to maintain itself on an isolated protein may be caused 146 THE AMINO ACIDS to speedily resume a normal condition by the addition to the diet of "protein-free milk." From these and many similar results it is apparent that if suitable non-protein constituents of the dietary Z\Q 190 />** .'' x- / |Cf) — — *> % w I rn food r asein + 1 rotein-f reemilk "^ > ~\ C • V -V/N, z > ao 40 60 60 100 »20 "0 160 £3 Days FIGURE 5. MAINTENANCE ON CASEIN AND GROWTH AFTER ADDITION OF PROTEIN-FREE MILK. are supplied, such as are furnished by "protein- free milk" maintenance and growth in white rats may be normal. Emphasis should therefore be laid upon the importance of the role played by the accessory food- stuffs, as contained in "protein-free milk" the nature c vx 3 § § ^ V -=*- g 8 8 148 THE AMINO ACIDS of which remains obscure. It is also evident that the establishment of a satisfactory non-protein dietary affords an opportunity for the study of any specific influence which a peculiar type of protein, or one with an unusual type of internal structure, may exert in nutrition. In addition to casein Osborne and Mendel have demonstrated that perfectly satisfactory results may be yielded when other types of pure proteins are employed, a single one sufficing for all the nitrogen requirements of white rats. Thus, adequate growth has been secured with lactalbumin from cow's milk, ovalbumin from hen's egg, ovovitellin from hen's egg, edestin from hemp seed, cannabin from hemp seed, glu- tenin from wheat, glycinin from the soy bean, globulin from squash seed, globulin from cotton seed, excelsin from Brazil nut, and glutelin from maize. Taking advantage of the opportunity afforded them, the above mentioned authors have studied the influ- ence which a peculiar protein, for example, one lack- ing one or more important amino acid, may exert in nutritional processes. It soon became evident that all proteins do not promote growth under otherwise favorable conditions. Gliadins of rye and wheat, which are deficient in glycocoll and lysine and on the other hand are very rich in glutamic acid, and hordein of barley, which closely resembles gliadin in chemical constitution, are capable of giving maintenance, but fail to induce growth. A condition of stunting is brought about, old animals retaining the characteris- NUTRITION AND GROWTH 149 tics of well-nourished young rats. In Fig. 7 are re- produced curves which show the failure of a rat to present normal growth on a diet containing protein- free milk and gliadin as the only protein. The 120 100 60 €0 20 Bod Tood eaten m* Protem- free ^0 40 60 Days 80 100 FIGURE 7. FAILURE OF GROWTH ON GLIADIN PLUS PROTEIN-FREE MILK. frontispiece shows the photograph of this rat (B) and as a contrast that of a rat (A) of the same age presenting normal growth, together with a pho- tograph of a rat (C) of the same weight as (B) but much younger. This stunting is apparently a method 150 THE AMINO ACIDS which may be employed for the attainment of a type of animal infantilism. In connection with the sub- ject of stunting it became of interest to determine whether this condition would remain permanent under all circumstances or whether a return to a diet con- taining a more typical protein than gliadin would also cause a resumption of growth. Fig. 8 shows the slight growth of a young white rat during 276 days of gliadin feeding. That the capacity to grow had not been lost, but was merely inhibited, may be seen in the second part of the curve in which milk food replaced the gliadin. At the beginning of the milk food diet the rat was 314 days old, an age at which rats usually show very little growth. Fertility is not impaired by the act of stunting, as may be seen from the curve in Fig. 9, for this rat, after a period of 154 days with gliadin as its protein supply, was mated and produced four young, which were suckled during the first month of their existence by the mother who was still maintained upon a gliadin diet. These young rats presented normal growth curves during this period. When a month old, three of the young ani- mals were removed from the mother and kept upon diets of casein, edestin, and milk food. All showed normal curves of growth. The fourth young rat, kept with the mother began to exhibit a failure to grow as soon as forced to depend upon the gliadin food mixture. Inasmuch as casein, which has been proved to be efficient as a source of nitrogen for both maintenance and growth, is lacking in glycocoll, ISO 2o *° FIGURE 8. This figure shows failure of rat to make more than slight gro^ii at a normal rate after 276 days of stunting. At this time the rat was 314 days Biological Chemistry, volume 12.] V ilk f 3ZO 340 ifeO 380 4-00 460 480 ,.„-«. a diet containing gliadin as the sole protein, and capacity to resume growth ;i an age at which rats normally grow very little more. [From the Journal of 220 ZOO 180 -Chad Prc II 4W £ VA 40 E S 0 DO.JS 20 60 80 100 120 160 160 200 FIGURE 9 shows maintenance and fertility on a diet containing gliadin as its sole protein. After 154 days this rat was paired, four young being the result of the mating. [From the Journal of Biological Chemistry ', volume 12.] 152 THE AMINO ACIDS whereas gliadin is deficient in glycocoll and lysine and fails to promote growth, it is reasonable to assume that the low content of lysine in gliadin is responsible for the failure of white rats to grow. On the other hand, lysine is apparently not essential for mere main- tenance. Another conclusion which may be drawn from these experiments is that the organism is unable to synthesize lysine, although glycocoll may be syn- thesized with apparent ease, as has been shown in previous pages of this book. Growth means the for- mation of new tissues and in the absence of sufficient lysine the construction of new tissue does not occur readily, or at least proceed at the normal rate. The inference that lysine is concerned with the function of growth may be tested from another viewpoint. If the animals fed with gliadin, lacking in lysine, show a failure to grow the addition of lysine to gliadin should be followed by a resumption of normal growth. Such trials have been made by Osborne and Mendel and the results obtained are most strikingly seen in the following curves. [See Fig. 10.] Failure to grow on gliadin as the sole protein is first shown in the curves followed by a period of growth when lysine was added to the diet. The subsequent with- drawal of the lysine is followed in each instance by a cessation of growth. If lysine is added again growth is again resumed at a normal, to cease again when lysine is taken away. These results lead to the con- clusion that lysine is indispensable for the functions of growth. Data collected by Osborne and Mendel 1? 8 •£ I 3 ^ I, £ I w _, ll &* § Ss H ,rt " 1^ II fe 'S O ^ ££ 1-5 'Si ^s §4i a? O .! ^ S H .' rt -j P ' O \ &-\ It £ -S ^ tf ^J ^ *^*> 22, ^. dextrose formation from, 111. formation from glycogen, 113. in blood, 55. Albuminates, 9. Albuminoids, 6. Albumins, 4, 5. Alcohol-soluble proteins, 4, 5. Alkaptonuria, 114. Amides, as foodstuffs, 131. Amines, 40. fate of, 57. Amino acid, definition of, 12. metabolism, anomalies of, 114. Amino acids, 12. absorption of, 54, 56, 76. absorption of, by rectum, 131. action of intestinal bac- teria upon, 38. 162 INDEX Amino acids, as foodstuffs, 126, 131. as functional test of liver, 71. as protein sparers, 127. content of, in tissues, 77, 78, 79. deficiencies of, in gliadin, 148. deficiencies of, in zein, 155. description of, 12. fate of, in tissues, 76. formation of carbohy- drates from, 109. formation of, from car- bohydrates, 113. formation of, in gastric digestion, 31. formation of, in intestinal digestion, 35. formulas of, 12. further fate of, 99. in blood, 55, 73, 75, 78. in digestion, 28, 29. in duodenal contents, 35. in intermediary metabo- lism, 78. in maintenance and growth, 148. mono, 21. quantitative yields from proteins, 22. relationship of different, 19. Amino acids, relation of, to specific dynamic action, 123. specific role of, in nutri- tion and growth, 136. synthesis of, 107, 132, 134. synthesis of, to protein, 77. Ammonia, 93. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. in intestinal putrefaction, 39. Ammonium salts, as food- stuffs, 131. Amounts of amino acids yielded by proteins, 22. Anabolism, 81. Animal infantilism, 150. Anomalies of amino acid metabolism, 114. Arginase, 71. Arginine, 17. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 106. dextrose formation from, 112. fate of, in putrefaction, 44. in blood, 55. urea from, 71. Arbacin, 6. Artificial foodstuffs, value of, in nutrition, 143. INDEX 163 Artificial production of foodstuffs, 130. Asparagine, food value of, 132. Aspartic acid, 16. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 112. in blood, 55. Bacterial digestion and amino acids, 36. /S-iminazolylethylamine, 43. /3-oxybutyric acid, 102. Blood, amino acids in, 55, 73, 75. fate of amino acids in, 76. non-coagulable protein, 60. non-protein nitrogen of, 55. proteose of, 50. proteoses and peptones in, 59. seromucoid in, 61. Cadaverine, 43, 147. Cannabin, growth with, 148. Carbohydrate, formation of amino acids from, 113. formation of, from amino acids, 109. "Carbon moiety" of protein, 110. Casein, as sole protein of diet, 144. Caseinic acid, 18. amount in casein, 22. Catabolism, 81. of amino acids, 99. Circulating protein, 84. Classification of proteins, 3. Clupein, 6. Coagulated proteins, 9. Coagulation of protein, 2. Colloids, 2. Conjugated proteins, 4, 7. Creatinine, 92. Cresol, 38. Cystine, 15. absence of, in gelatin, 137. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. excretion of, in cystinu- ria, 117. Cystinuria, 116. Deamination, 70, 71, 72, 99, 100, 101. Derived proteins, 4, 8. Dextrose, formation of, from amino acids, 111, 112. Diacetic acid, 104. Diamines, 43, 117. Diamino acids, 21. Diaminuria, 116. Diet, variety in, 143. Digestion, a hydrolytic pro- cess, 29. and amino acids, 28. 164 INDEX Edestin, growth with, 148. Endogenous metabolism, 95. Enzymes, in blood after protein injections, 51, 61. in protein synthesis, 67, 69. Epinephrine, see also Adrenaline, 41. Erepsin, 34. Ethereal sulphates, 94. Excelsin, growth with, 148. Excretion of putrefactive products, 56. Exogenous metabolism, 95. Fertility, and stunting, 150. influence of gliadin on, 150. Fibrin, 9. Fibrinogen, 9. Foodstuffs, amides as, 131. amino acids as, 126, 131. ammonium salts as, 131. artificial production of, 130. value of artificial, in nu- trition, 143. Gaduhiston, 6. Gastric digestion, impor- tance of, 32. products of, 30, 31, 32. relation of, to amino acid formation, 32. Gelatin, absence of certain amino acids in, 137. Gelatin, as a protein sparer, 138. nutritive value of, 137. Gliadin, 5. deficiency of amino acids in, 148. influence of, on fertility, 150. influence of, on growth, 150. yield of lysine and glyco- coll, 137. Globin, 6. Globulins, 4, 5. growth with, 148. Glucosamine, 7. Glucoproteins, 7. Glutamic acid, 16. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 112. in blood, 55. in gliadin, 148. Glutelin, growth with, 148. Glutelins, 4, 5. Glutenin, 5. growth with, 148. Glycinin, growth with, 148. Glycocoll, 12. absence of, in gliadins, 137, 148. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 111. INDEX 165 Glycocoll, in blood, 55. synthesis of, 108. Glycogen, 109. formation of alanine from, 113. Growth, and maintenance, 143. influence of lysine upon, 152, 155, 156. influence of milk food upon, 144. influence of tryptophane upon, 155, 156. influence of zein upon, 139, 155. specific role of amino acids in nutrition and, 136. with various proteins, 148. Heat production, and me- tabolism, 89. Hemocyanin, 8. Hemoglobins, 8. Heredity, in alkaptonuria, 115. in cystinuria, 117. Heterocyclic compounds, 21. Hippuric acid, 108. Histamine, 43. Histidine, 17. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. fate of, in putrefaction, 42, 43. in blood, 55. Histones, 6. Homogentisic acid, 106. relation of, to tyrosine and phenylalanine, 115. Hydrolysis, of protein, 11. Hydroxy acids, 38, 39. Indole, 39. ethylamine, 42. Inorganic sulphates, 93. Intestinal digestion, 33. relation of, to amino acid formation, 34. Intestinal work, influence of, in specific dynamic action, 112. Isoamylamine, 42. Isoleucine, 14. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. Isovaleric acid, 100. Ketone acids, 100. Lactalbumin, growth with, 148. Lactic acid, 111, 112, 113. Lecithins, 8. Lecithoproteins, 8. Leucine, 13. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 100. fate of, in putrefaction, 42. in blood, 55. Leucocytes, role of, in pro- tein synthesis, 66. 166 INDEX Liver, in amino acid metab- olism, 71. role of, in protein synthe- sis, 129. Lysine, 16. absence of, in zein, 137. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. inability of body to syn- thesize, 152. in blood, 55. influence of, on growth, 152, 155, 156. in gliadin, 137, 148. in maintenance, 156. Maintenance, and growth, 143. influence of lysine upon, 156. influence of tryptophane upon, 155, 156. influence of zein upon, 155. Metabolism, 81. and heat production, 89. of amino acids, 99. of plethora, 124. Metaproteins, 9. Milk, and growth, 144, 145. food, influence of, on stunting, 150. protein-free, 143, 144, 145, 149, 155. Monoamino acids, 21. Mucoids, in blood, 60, 61. Neutral sulphur, 93. Nitrogen, equilibrium, 97. form needed by body, 1. in protein, 1, 2. in tissue formation, 96. Norleucine, 14. Nucleic acid, 7. Nucleoproteins, 7. Nutrition, specific role of amino acids in, 136. Occurrence, and character- istics of proteins, 5. Organized protein, 84. Ornithine, 44. dextrose formation from, 112. Ovalbumin, growth with, 148. Ovovitellin, growth with, 148. Oxidative deamination, 99. Oxyproline, 18. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. p.oxyphenylethylamine, 40. Parenteral introduction of protein, fate of, 49. Peptides, 10, 26. Peptone, action of erepsin upon, 34. in gastric digestion, 31. Peptones, 10. in intestinal putrefaction, 37. INDEX 167 Phenol, 38. Phenylalanine, 14. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 103. relation of, to homogen- tisic acid, 115, 116. Phosphoproteins, 7. Plastein formation, 68. Plastic foods, 84. Polypeptides, 10, 25. action of enzymes upon, 26. value of, in amino acid mixtures, 129. Proline, 17. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 112. in blood, 55. Protamines, 6. Proteans, 8. Protein, action of enzymes in synthesis of, 67, 69. as a complex polypeptide, 26. definition of, 2. fate of ingested, 58. free milk, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149, 155. molecular weight of, 3. molecule, 2. molecule, structure of, 24. metabolism, theories of, 81. Protein, regeneration, place of, 62. sparers, 127, 132, 133, 138. synthesis, by intestinal bacteria, 133. synthesis, by intestine, 62. synthesis, from amino acids, by tissues, 78. synthesis, role of leuco- cytes in, 66. synthesis, role of liver in, 129. Proteins, and growth, 148. as colloids, 2. classification of, 3. characteristics of, 5. composition of, 2. conjugated, 4, 7. crystallization of, 2. derived, 4, 8. influence of, on plane of polarized light, 3. occurrence of, 5. quantities of amino acids yielded by, 22. simple, 4, 5. specific dynamic action of, 120. Proteose, in blood, 50. Proteoses, 9, 10. action of erepsin on, 34. and peptones, in blood, 59. in gastric digestion, 31. in intestinal putrefaction, 37. Ptomaines, 117. 168 INDEX "Pure" diets, 142. Purine bases, 7. Putrefaction, fate of argin- ine in, 44. fate of histidine in, 42, 43. fate of leucine in, 42. fate of tryptophane in, 39. fate of tyrosine in, 38. formation of ammonia in, 39. hydroxy acids in, 38. nature of, 36. products of intestinal, 38. proteoses and peptones in, 37. Putrescine, 43, 117. Pyrimidine bases, 7. Rate of blood flow, 73. Relationship of different amino acids, 19. "Residual nitrogen" of blood, 74. Respiratory foods, 84. Salmin, 6. Scombin, 6. Scombron, 6. Serine, 15. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. dextrose formation from, 112. Seromucoid, 61. Simple proteins, 4, 5. Skatole, 39. Specific dynamic action, 90, 120. Starvation, amino acids in blood during, 78. Structure of protein mole- cule, 24. Stunting, 144, 149, 150. influence of milk food upon, 150. Sturin, 6. Survival period, influence of zein upon, 139, 140, 141. Synthesis of amino acids, 107. Theories of fate of in- gested protein, 58. Theories of protein metab- olism, 81. Theories of protein regen- eration, 62. Transformations of amino acids in body, 99. Tryptophane, 18. absence of, in certain pro- teins, 24, 137. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. catabolism of, 106. importance of, for life, 141. importance of, in nutri- tion, 130. INDEX 169 Tryptophane, inability of body to synthesize, 156. influence of, on mainte- nance and growth, 155, 156. value of, in gelatin feed- ing, 137. value of, in zein feeding, 139, 140, 141. Tyramine, 41. Tyrosine, 14. absence of, in gelatin, 23, 137. amounts of, in proteins, 22,23. catabolism of, 105. relation of, to homogen- tisic acid, 115, 116. value of, in gelatin feed- ing, 137. value of, in zein feeding, 139, 140. Urea, 93. formation, 70, 71, 72, 98, 99. Uric acid, 93. Urine, composition of, 92, 93. Utilization, of amides, 134. of amino acids, 127, 130. of ammonium salts, 133, 134. of protein, parenterally introduced, 51. Valine, 13. amounts of, in proteins, 22, 23. in blood, 55. Variety in diet, 143. Vitellin, 8. "Wear and tear" quota, 89. Zein, absence of lysine and tryptophane in, 137. deficiencies of, in amino acids, 155. effects of feeding, 141. feeding experiments with, 139, 155. influence of, upon growth, 139. influence of, upon growth and maintenance, 155. influence of, upon survi- val periods of mice, 139, 140, 141. University of Toronto Library Acme Library Card Pocket LOWE-MARTIN CO. LIMITED