Columbia WLntotvZify intieCitpofJ&togorfe College of pbitfictans anb gmrgeona Reference JLibxaxy jfc 1 * PEELIMINAEY COUESE LECTUEES ON PHYSIOLOGY. Entered according1 to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PHYSIOLOGY: PRELIMINARY COUESE LECTURES, BY JAMES T. WHITTAKER, M.A., M.D., PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY AND CLINICAL MEDICINE IN THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF OHIO; LECTURER ON CLINICAL MEDICINE AT THE GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL; MEMBER OF THE CINCINNATI ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, AND OF THE CINCINNATI JCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY: SOCI ON THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY UPON PRACTICE; ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORCE; ON THE ORIGIN OF LIFE, AND THE EVOLUTION OF ITS FORMS ; AND ON PRO- TOPLASM, BONE, MUSCLE, NERVE AND BLOOD. ILLUSTRATED. CINCINNATI: CHANCY R. MURRY, 103 W. Sixth St. 1879. Die Natur weisz allein was sie will. Goethe; Sprueche. To make man mild and sociable to man ^o cultivate the wild licentious savage "With wisdom, discipline and liberal arts Th' embellishments of life. Addison; Cato. I DEDICATE \iz Jpl? mt& fttt&mfe AT THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF OHIO. J. T. W. PEEFACE. I have endeavored in the delivery of these lectures to put within the reach and comprehension of the first course student the foundation facts and princi- ples upon which the stately edifice of physiology is built. And in the publication of them, which I have only presumed to venture in consequence of repeated requests on the part of the students of my class, I have adhered strictly to the spirit, and as far as I could, to the letter of the delivery. This explanation will suffice, I hope, to excuse the latitude of expres- sion and selection which would be accorded to off- hand, lecture-room, delivery, and which might be inexcusable in a text-book compiled for the more careful study of leisure hours. J. T. W. 100 West Eighth St., Dec, 1878. CONTENTS. LECTURE I. THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY UPON PRACTICE AND UPON THE PRACTITIONER. Dr. Jacob Primrose — The Exercitatio de Motu Cordis, etc. — Science vs. Practice — The Fallacy of Experience — Some Old Receipts — Opin- ions of Noted Men — Sterne, Shakespeare and Moliere — The Royal Touch and the Caul — Contributions of Physiology to Practice — The University of Naples — The Modern Physician — Gladstone's Response — Harvey and Haller — Characteristics of Physiologists 1-23 LECTURE II. THE CONSERVATION OF FORCE. The Alphabet of Science— Indestructibility of Matter — No Matter without Force — Solar Origin of Heat of Coal — Correlation of Forces — Machinery, a Means of Changing Force — Clocks, Water-Wheels, Winds, Windmills and Steam Engines — The Equivalence of the Forces — The Conservatory of Arts and Trades — Motion from Heat — Motion from Electricity — The Electric Light — The Sun as the Source of Power — Source of Solar Force — The Nebular Hypothesis — The Channel of Mt. Pilatus — The Perpetuity of Force — Physiological Force — Excretions, the Products of Combustion — Animal Bodies as Machines — The Force Value of Foods — Physiological, Correlative with Physical Force 23-46 LECTURE III. THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF.LIFE. Definitions of Physiology — Ancient Definitions of Life — Modern Definitions of Life — Difference between Organic and Inorganic Matter — The Property of Assimilation — Period of Development of Life— The Theory of Evolution — Palaeontology — The Cataclysms of Cuvier — The Operation of Existing Causes — The Age of the Earth — The Evolution of Fossil Forms 47-63 X CONTENTS. LECTURE IV. THE EVOLUTION OF FORMS OF LIFE. Comparative Anatomy — Of the Eye and the Ear — Order of Develop- ment— Jean Lamarck — Wilhelm von Goethe — The Intermaxillary Process — Erasmus Darwin — Anatomical Resemblances — The Hand and its Homologues — Comparative Embryology — Ernst Haeckel — The Rudimentary Organs — Bone Rudiments — Muscle Rudiments — Rudiments from the Digestive System — Other Rudiments — Explana- tions of Rudiments 64-83 LECTURE V. THE EVOLUTION OF FORMS OF LIFE. The Law of Inheritabiiity— Transmission of Acquired Defects — Ho- mochronous Transmission — Atavism — The Physics of Reproduction — Adaptation to External Conditions — Difficulty of Classification — Arti- ficial Selection — The Struggle for Existence — Natural Selection — Protective Colors — Warning Colors — Sexual Selection — Complications in Natural Selection — Preservation of the Individual and of the Race —General Summary „ 84-104 LECTURE VI. PROTOPLASM AND ITS PROPERTIES. The History of Histology — The Invention and Use of the Microscope — The Discovery and Doctrine of The Cell — Derivation and Im- port of The Cell— The Cell Wall— The Nucleus and Nucleolus— The Cell Contents or Protoplasm — The Amoeba — The Properties of Proto- ■ plasm — Motion — The Color Changes of the Chameleon — Ciliary Mo- tion— Motion of Other Cells — Molecular Motion — Molecular Changes in the Ovum — Parthenogenesis — Motion as the Essence of Repro- duction 105-128 LECTURE VII. PROTOPLASM AND ITS PROPERTIES. The Chemistry of Organic Matter — The Ultimate Elements — The Proximate Principles — Albumen and its Products — The Chemistry of the Cell — Absorption and Assimilation — Metabolism — Oxidation Processes — Oxidation in the Ovum — Oxidation in Muscle — Oxidation in the Blood — Oxidation in Nerve Tissue — The Quantity of Oxygen in the Body — The Genesis of Protoplasm — Spontaneous Generation — Omne Vivum ex Ovo — Reproduction and Nutrition — Modes of Cell Genesis — Death of Cells — Recapitulation — Classifications of the Tissues 128-149 CONTENTS. XI LECTURE VIII. BONE AND ITS PROPERTIES. Anatomical Dignity of Bone — Relation of Bone to Nerve Tissue — The Skeleton — The General Properties of Bones — The Histology of Bone — The Haversian Canals — The Lamellae — The Bone Corpuscles and Lacunae — The Canaliculi — The Chemistry of Bone— Difficulties Attending the Study of Osteology — Bones as Fuel — Gelatine as an Aliment — The Resistance and Resilience of Bone — Constancy of Chemical Composition — Rachitis and Osteo-Malacia — The Phosphate of Lime — The Preservation of Bone — Bone a Connective Tissue — The Formation of Bone — The Periosteum — The Centre of Ossification — The Determination of Age — The Femoral Epiphyseal Centre — The Excavation of Bone — Air in Bout: — The Marrow — Studies in Living Bone — Bone as a Symbol of the Body , 150-175 LECTURE IX. MUSCLE AND ITS PROPERTIES. Etymology of Muscle — Muscular Motion — Striped and Smooth Mus- cle— The Color of Muscle — The Anatomy of Voluntary Muscle — The Sarcolemma — The Muscle Fibre — Muscle Protoplasm — General Prop- erties of Muscles — Names of Muscles — Form and Shape of Muscles — Smooth Muscle — Disposition of Smooth Muscle — The Chemistry of Muscle— The Reaction of Muscle — Specific Properties of Muscle — The Elasticity of Muscle— The Tonicity of Voluntary Muscle—, Tonicity, a Reflex Phenomenon— Tonicity of Involuntary Mxiscle — The Sensibility of Muscle— Sensibility and Sensation— The Sensation of Fatigue — The Exercise of the Muscular Sense .....175-195 LECTURE X. MUSCLE AND ITS PROPERTIES. Contractility of Muscle — Effects of Muscular Contraction — Degree of Contraction — Change of Form— Agents which Induce Contraction — Direct and Indirect Excitation— Thermal Excitation— Electric Excita- tion—The History of Galvanism — The Action of Induced Electricity — The Action of Nerve Force — The Sound of Muscle Contraction — The Muscular Wave — Independence of Muscular Force — The Action of the Sulphocyanide of Potassium and Curare— The Generation of Heat — The Generation of Electricity — Du Bois-Reymond's Theory of Muscular Action— Rigor Mortis— Post-Mortem Changes in Muscle — The Fuel of Muscle— The Oxygen Supply— The Dependence of Muscle upon Blood— The Muscles as Levers — The Absolute Power ■of Muscle— The Power of Muscle in General— Differences of the Sexes— Differences in Different Animals— The Velocity and Delicacy ■of Muscular Action...^ , 195-222 Xii CONTENTS. LECTURE XI. NERVE AND ITS PROPERTIES. The Prime Function of Nervous Tissue — Subordination to Other Tis- sues— Independence of Nerve Force — Genesis of Nerve Force — Ar- rangement of Nerve Tissue — White and Gray Matter — The Cerebro- spinal and Sympathetic Systems — The Nerve Cells — The Nerve Fibres —The Neurilemma— The Axis Cylinder— The Gray Fibres— The Prop- erties of Nerves — Terminations of Sensitive Nerves — Terminations of Motor Nerves — Course of Nerve Fibres — Identity of Nerve Fibres — Indifference of Direction of Nerve Force — The Chemistry of Nerve Tissue — The Action of Electricity upon Nerve Tissue — The Nature of Nerve Force — Rate of Conduction of Nerve Force — Nerve Force and Electricity — Comparative Velocity of Nerve and Other Forms of F'orce — The Reception and Perception of Impressions — Ancient Sig- nificance of Nerves — The Effects of Use and Disuse and of Age 223-24S LECTURE XII. THE BLOOD AND ITS PROPERTIES. The Value of the Blood— The Transfusion of Blood— The Constitu- tion of the Blood — The Color of the Blood — Reaction of the Blood —The Odor of the Blood— The Taste of the Blood— The Temperature of the Blood— The Weight of the Blood— The Quantity of the Blood — The Morphology of the Blood — The Red Blood Corpuscles — Size of the Red Corpuscles — Number of the Red Corpuscles — Elasticity of the Red Corpuscle — Constitution of the Red Corpuscles — Use of the Red Corpuscles — The Colorless Blood Corpuscles — The Blood Plasma — The Coagulation of the Blood — The Blood as the Substitute of the Body 247-272 Index 273-28* PRELIMINARY COURSE LECTURES. LECTURE I. THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY UPON PRAC- TICE AND UPON THE PRACTITIONER. The Address Introductory to the Course on Physiology at the Medical College of Ohio, September 1, 1878. C ONTENTS. Dr. Jacob Primrose — The Exercitatio de Motu Cordis, etc. — Science vs. Practice — The Fallacy of Experience — Some Old Receipts — Opinions of Noted Men — Sterne, Shakespeare and Moliere — The Roj-al Touch and the Caul — Contributions of Physiology to Practice — The Uni- versity of Naples — The Modern Physician — Gladstone's Response — Harvey and Haller — Characteristics of Physiologists. Nobody in this hall ever heard, I venture to say, of Dr. Jacobus Primerosius. But Primrose made a good deal of noise in his day, and many were they who thought him a great physician. I pick out Primrose to-night from among all the notabilities of his time because he was a representative man. He made himself the exponent of his class. When the immortal Harvey proclaimed that startling truth about the circulation of the blood, which electrified the every-day world as well as the world of science and our branch of it to such degree that physicians met in counsel and gravely looked in each others faces and distressedly asked "what is now to become of us?" Primrose arose and said : "Pah ! The Ancients made good cures before Harvey was born." Thereupon Primrose proceeded to put Harvey down. Harvey had worked twenty years over his study before he 2 HARVEY'S WORK. could solve it to his own satisfaction. Then only did he preach his doctrine. He worked on nine years more. He repeated all his old experiments. He made new ones. He called in all his friends whom he considered competent and secured their confirmation. Then only did he publish it. Harvey was fifty years old, it was in '1628, when he pub- lished this first and of all the most brilliant triumph of ex- perimental physiology. It was written in the purest spirit of science, expressed with an accuracy the most rigid and impressed with a modesty all through it in accord with its title. He called it "An Attempt." It was only a short manuscript, seventy-two pages in all, a fact in itself which put it in wonderful contrast to the gigantic folios of speculation composed at that time. There is a spirit of reverence all through it for the labors of his predecessors, especially for those of Galen. It lies now, the original paper, upon the shelves of the British museum; as to the truths contained in it, what child but knows that its heart beats with pulses of blood. There followed after Harvey in later years the next great man in physiology. This man, a Swiss, Albert Haller by name, said of Harvey : "His name is second only to Hippocrates." "Libellus aureus" he said of his book. Primrose felt towards Harvey, the keen envy of ignorance and pretense towards solid knowledge and sound truth. He hurried out his book under a high-sounding title in just fourteen days. The same Haller said of it: "It is subtle in cavil, in experiment empty." Harvey never noticed it at all. I would like to use this incident in illustration of the sub- ject of my theme. Had the respective studies of these two men, Primrose and Harvey (I will scarcely be pardoned now SCIENCE VS. TRACTICE. 3 for mentioning their names together), anything to do with their characters as men and physicians. Besides this vindication of the study of physiology I would like to use the opportunity to speak of the influence of physiology upon practical medicine as well as upon the status of the medical practitioner. Science vs. Practice. It may seem strange to the non-professional observer that there could be any possible question as to the general use of physiology. A man would hardly entrust his watch for re- pair to an operator who was not familiar with its mechanism and the manner of its work when in good working order, but there are those in the profession now, hard as it sounds, just as there were in Harvey's day, who believe, or affect to believe, that scientific investigation unfits a man for practice. John Aubrey, who was at Harvey's funeral and "helpt to carry him into the vault," writes : '*T have heard him (Harvey) say, that after his booke of the Circulation of the Blood came out, he fell mightily in his practice, and t'was believed by the vulgar that he was crack-brained ; and all the physitians were against his opinion and enoyed him. All his profession wTould allow him to be an excellent anatomist, but I never heard of any that admired his thera- peutique way. I knew several practitioners in this town (London) that would not have given 3d. for one of his bills (prescriptions), and that a man could hardly tell by one of his bills what he did aime at." We shall see shortly how much to be admired was the "therapeutique way" of Harvey's contemporaries. It is meet that we should consider these questions now while we stand on the threshold. If we can become fully convinced of the use of its study we shall enter with more 4 THE FALLACY OF EXPERIENCE. earnest zeal. Nothing so dampens enthusiasm, so hampers progress, as doubt of the utility of the work. I might, if I chose, content myself with merely pointing to the discovery of the circulation, the event which marked a new era in practical medicine. The skeptic must shut his eyes on this discovery before he can discuss the question at all. Is there any disease or accident incident to man in the recognition or treatment of .which we do not hold this ele- ment in mind like letters of the alphabet in reading the page. Take coarser facts. Could any one diagnosticate the character of a valve disease of the heart without a knowledge of the round of the circulation. Does not the treatment of wounded arteries or diseased, as in aneurism, by placing ligatures on the vessels between the heart and tne accident or disease rest upon this established course of the torrent of blood. "The active mind of John Hunter," says Mr. Hodgson, "guided by a deep insight into the powers of the animal economy, substituted for a dangerous and un- scientific operation, an improvement founded upon a knowledge of those laws which influence the circulating fluids and absorbent system ; and few of his brilliant discoveries have contributed more essentially to the benefit of mankind." But I do not wish to rely for our foundation simply upon the great corner stone. I would rather upon this occasion enter into some details that you may be impressed the more firmly, that rational practice is based on the dis- closures of physiology, that you may be convinced that the art of medicine, practice, is, or is fast becoming, but a dependent upon its science, physiology. The Fallacy of Experience. Before any knowledge was possessed of the physiological THE FALLACY OF EXPERIENCE. 6 action of medicines, disease could only be treated by em- piricism. Experience was the great physician. See how blindly experience worked. Suppose 1 should read you a few receipts from the prescription books of some of the notabilities of their times, times close about that of the discovery of the circulation. It is the age of Shakespeare, of Francis Bacon, luminaries so glorious in literature and philosophy that there is still no defalcation in the lustre of their rays. And who was the representative man in medi- cine in that illustrious day? Theophrastus Paracelsus Bombastus. A name which has become the synonim of the grossest charlatany. He it was, who openly ridiculed all scientific investigation, who publicly burned the works of Galen and Avicenna and boasted that he treated disease by his superior intuitive knowledge. Maxwell, Greatrake, Digby, foremost men at this time, were theosophic enthusiasts who regarded diseases as the consequence of sin and the work of demons. It was the age of conjury and witch- craft and priestcraft. It was the period of the so-called ont61ogical conception of disease. Diseases were peculiar beings or things with special properties or powers which had to be exorcised or conjured away. This doctrine held sway long aftet Harvey's day. It was only when the natural functions of organs had been fully described that the present physiological view, that disease proceeded from lesion of structure or function, was developed. So in the olden time there were special formulas for special diseases. Bulleyn prescribed for a young child, suffering with some nervous disease, "a small young mouse roasted." Sterne writes : "My physicians have almost poisoned me with what they call bouillons refraichissants. 'Tis a cock flayed alive and boiled with poppy seeds, then pounded in a mortar and afterwards passed through a sieve. There is to be one craw-fish in it, and I was gravely told it must 6 THE FALLACY OF EXPERIENCE. be a male one ; a female would do me more hurt than good." Of one receipt, a regular salmagundi, from the Elizabethan age, its author remarks : "To tell the virtues of this water against colds, phlegme, dropsy, heaviness of mind, coming of melancholy, I cannot at this present, the excellent virtues thereof are such, and also the time were too long." Of another which contained gold and silver, sapphires and pearls, with spices and various perfumes : "This healeth cold diseases of ye brain, heart, stomach. It is a medicine proved against the tremblyings of the heart, fainting and swooning, the weakness of ye stomacke, pensiveness, soli- tariness. Kings and noble men have used this for their comfort. It causeth them to be bold-spirited, the body to smell well and engendereth good colour." Even up to less than fifty years ago they bled patients for the cure of consumption. In the annals of Louis XIV, two centuries ago, is an account of the illness with con- sumption of one of the principal ladies of the court. On consultation, the doctors bled her in the arm. Next week they bled her again, this time in the temple. Strange to relate she was still worse on the following week, and the consultation was more anxious still. But there were re- sources in medicine in the days of the great emperor. The doctors bled her again, this time in the toe ! They never bled her any more. Small-pox was treated in accordance with the' doctrine of signatures. The bed covers were red to bring the pustules to the surface. The bed furniture and bed-hangings were all red, and red substances were to be looked upon by the patient. The very drinks were red. John, of Gaddesden, physician to Edward II, directed his patients to be wrapped up in scarlet dresses ; and he says that when the son of the renowned King of England (Edward II) lay sick of the small-pox I took care that every thing around the bed OPINIONS OF NOTED MEN. 7 should be of a red color, which succeeded so completely that the prince was restored to perfect health without a vestige of a pustule remaining. About the middle of the seventeenth century, the doctrine of signatures was sub- stituted by the system of expelling the peccant humors by the perspiration. We have a fine picture of this practice in the writings of Diemerbroeck, a Dutch physician and Professor. "Keep the patient," says Diemerbroeck, "in a chamber close shut. If it be winter let the air be corrected by large fires. Take care that no cold gets to the patient's bed. Cover him over with blankets. Red blankets have always been preferred — not that the color is material, but because in the times of our ancestors all the best, thickest and warmest blankets were dyed red. Never shift the patient's linen till after the fourteenth day, for fear of striking in the pock to the irrecoverable ruin of the patient. Far better it is to let the patient bear with the stench than to let him change his linen and thus be the cause of his own death. Nevertheless, if a change be absolutely necessary, be sure that he puts on the foul linen that he put off before he fell sick, and above all things, be sure-that this semi-clean linen be well warmed. Sudorific expulsives are in the meantime, to be given plentifully, such as molasses, pearls and saffron." Fantastic and nauseous things were used in the treatment of disease, the raspings of a skull for epilepsy, lizards, the excretions, etc., ad nauseam. Opinions of Noted Men. Is it any wonder that the shrewd author of Tristam Shandy should express his opinion of medicine and medical men in the manner in which he spoke of his treatment at the hands of the physicians of his day : "I was ill of an epidemic vile fever," he writes, "which killed hundreds about me. The. 8 OPINIONS OF NOTED MEN. physicians here are the erran test charlatans in Europe or the most ignorant of all pretending fools. I withdrew what was left of me out of their hands and recommended myself en- tirely to Dame Nature. She (gentle goddess) has saved me in fifty different pinching bouts, and I begin to have a kind of enthusiasm now in her favor, and in my own, that one or two more escapes will make me believe I shall leave you all at last by translation, and not by death." Is it any wonder that a man of Shakespeare's penetration (Shakespeare had been dead three years when Harvey announced his discovery) should depict for us his Dr. Caius in the Merry Wives of Windsor as a boisterous, blustering, ignorant knave, his Dr. Pinch in the Comedy of Errors as a poor fool whose beard is singed by an indignant patient, and whose sacred person is defiled by "great pails of puddled mire." Is it any wonder that he should tell his people, in another place, what to do with physic ! "Believe me," said Napoleon to Antomarchi, his physician at St. Helena, "we had better leave off all these remedies. Life is a fortress which neither you nor I know anything about. Why then throw obstacles in the way of its defense ? Its own means are superior to all the apparatus of your laboratories. Corvisart candidly agreed with me that all your filthy mixtures are good for nothing. Medicine is a collection of uncertain prescriptions, the results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to mankind. Water, air, cleanliness, are the chief articles in my pharma- copeia." Moliere most keenly satirised the credulity of his time in medical matters when he wrote : "11 ne faut pas mourir sans Vordonnance du medicin" (Let no one dare to die without drugs from the doctor). Poor Moliere fell upon the stage suffocated with hemoptysis, in the midst of his bitterest tirade against medical men. Whereupon an old physician remarked : "Faitcs des comedies contre nous si vous THE ROYAL TOUCH. 9 voulez; metis la medecine vous defend dc les jouer sous peine de la vie." The Hoyal Touch. Who lias not heard of the glory and the grandeur of the reign of Louis XIV ? How few of us know of the abject misery and horrible disease which all this glory and grandeur cost. History is full of its pomp and its ceremony. Let us read but one page of its ignorance and credulity. The day is Sunday in early spring, Easter Sunday. 168G. The grand monarch is on the throne. Around him are the tapestries and clothes of gold, the rich hangings, the polished floors, mosaics, marbles, gold and precious stones. About him stand obsequeous countiers. Behold the King by the grace of God ! One thousand six hundred miserable wretches are crowded together outside the door. These are not subjects come to do homage at the foot of the throne. They are the maimed of limb, the blear eyed, the ulcerated. Shakespeare saw a crowd once like them ; they were, he says, "strangely visited people, all swol'n and ulcerous, pitiful to the eye, the mere despair of surgery." They are come to the King to be touched for the King's evil, to be cured by being touched. What a picture this for the artist ; the might and the splen- dor of majesty on the one hand, the loathsomeness and the degradation of disease on the other ! Touching for the King's evil was not confined to France. The numbers subjected to it during the reign of Charles II were almost incredible. The King had more patients, it was said, than all the physicians of his realm. The eagerness to obtain tickets of entry was such that in Evilyn's diary, March 28, 1G84, it is written: "There was so great a con- course of people, men, women and children, to be touched for the evil that six or seven were crushed to death at the 10 THE CAUL. door. Yet, according to statistics, more people died of scrofula in this reign than in any other period, probably from neg- lect of all proper treatment. March 30, 1714, Queen Anne touched 200 persons, among whom was the celebrated lexi- cographer, Dr. Samuel Johnson, the most remarkable ex- ample, perhaps, of the utter failure of the cure. Yet Jeremy Collier, in his Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, speak- ing of the many virtues and miraculous powers of Edward II, says "that this prince cured the King's evil is beyond dispute. He not. only cured it, but transmitted the power of doing so as a hereditary miracle to all his successors. To dispute this matter of fact," he continues, "is to go the excess of skepticism, to deny our senses and be incredulous even to ridiculousness." This author tells us of a Roman Catholic thus cured by Queen Elizabeth, who saidj on being asked about it, that "he was now satisfied by experimental proof that the Pope's excommunication of her majesty signified nothing, since she still continued blessed with so miraculous a quality" (Petti- grew). This was the testimony of a learned man of his day. Where is there now such a fool as to believe in the value of a royal touch ? The Caul One of the most ridiculous, though perfectly innocent, of medical superstitions, which is worthy of mention because it is still cherished by the illiterate everywhere, is connected with the fragment of membrane sometimes born over a child's face, commonly known as a caul. This superstition has existed from the earliest times and the various imaginary virtues attributed to it have differed with every time and place. It is mentioned in the fourth century by Aelius Lampidius in his life of the Emperor Antoninus. Majolus attributes to the Roman lawyers the belief that the possesion CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSIOLOGY. 11 of a child's caul would make tliem eloquent and triumphant. It is spoken of by St. Chrysostom. In France it is an old superstition. Eire ne- coiffl, "to be born with a caul," has always been considered a favorable omen. In Scotland it is called the holy hood. It is .stated by Grose, that a person possessed of a caul, may know the state of health of the party who was born with it ; if alive and well, it is firm and crisp ; if dead or sick, relaxed and flaccid. In former days, the caul was the perquisite of the midwife who often traded upon the privileges it was supposed to confer upon the owner as a charm against drowning. As much as $150.00 has been paid for a caul. The London Times, of May 8, 1S48, contained the following: "For sale, a child's caul. Price six guineas. Apply at the bar of the Tower Shades, Tower Street, London. The above article, for which fifteen pounds was originally paid, was afloat with its late owner thirty years, in all the perils of a seaman's life and the owner died at last at the place of his birth." A child's caul was advertised for sale in the Bristol Times and Mirror, September 30, 1874. The irrepressible Hood seems to have been fully aware of the popular recognition of its value which he combats in the tragic event which subsequently happened to its possessor. "But still that jolly mariner Took in no reef at all, For in his pouch confidingly He wore a baby's caul." Contributions of Physiology. Look with what tenacity the physicians of the empiric school clung to venesection. Long after they dared not practise it they persisted in preaching it still. Centuries upon centuries they put mercury into a man in whatever disease of the liver, blind to the fact that notwithstanding 12 CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSIOLOGY. its administration for months in specific disease it in no way influenced the hepatic functions. And now it turns out that the liver after all was not the organ affected in almost all the cases. Scarce two teachers of materia medica taught the same action upon the heart under digitalis. Why ? Because each gave his own experience. When regular physiological experimentation was commenced, it was not long before it was decided that it had only one action in all cases, namely, to increase the force of the heart's action, to diminish the frequency of its pulsations and restore its regular rythm. Let the most prejudiced observer read up the action ascribed to alcohol in fevers in different works on practice before the physiologist put it unchangeably down. Here it is advised to push it to the utmost ; here to refrajn from it altogether. Each man spoke from his own experi- ence. Comes the physiologist with his thermometer. Alco- hol lowers the temperature is the result of his experimenta- tion, and the indication for its use is established. The surgeon used to cut and cut out the facial nerve, leave the face paralysed and deformed for facial neuralgia (tic douloureux) until the physiologist taught him that the facial was a nerve of motion, to the trigeminal he must look in disturbances of sensation. And then he would cut out this nerve down to its escape from the skull, excise the ganglion of Meckel, until he was again taught by the physi- ologist that this ganglion was only a reinforcing organ of the sympathetic system, and its ablation could in no way permanently cure the disease. "The dangerous disease, to which many children have fallen victims, laryngismus stridulus, although admirably described by practical physicians, was never properly under- stood until the functions of the laryngeal nerves were clearly ascertained and until it had been shown that spas- modic actions may be excited by irritation of a remote part CONTRIBUTIONS OF TTIYSIOLOGY. 13 or through a stimulus reflected from the nervous centre. It is now known that this disease has not its seat in the larynx where those spasms occur which excite so much alarm for the fate of the patient; but that it is an irritation of a distant part, which derives its nerves from the same region of the cerebro-spinal centres as does the larynx — that the afferent nerves of that part convey the irritation to the centre whence it is reflected by certain efferent nerves to the muscles of the larynx." Do not these remarks bear with equal propriety upon epilepsy, chorea, hysteria and a host of kindred affections dependent in many cases upon reflex stimulus, a factor whose paramount importance is only rec- ognised since the labors of the physiologists who first pro- claimed it. How much advanced would we stand to-day in the management of gynaecological diseases beyond the time when the bloody issue was treated by touch, as in the New Testament, were it not for our knowledge of ovulation and its necessary consequence, as discovered and developed solely by physiological investigations. And in ophthalmology, that department which Virchow characterised in a late address before the British Medical Association as "that branch- of medical science which has now reached the highest degree of scientific surety," how sensibly has treatment developed under the physiological investigations into the functions of different parts of the eye. Helmholtz, as is well known, and Grsefe, forsook all other studies to work up the physiology of vision, and to these two observers, more than all others, are we indebted for the "scientific surety" which charac- terises practical ophthalmology. So I might continue for an hour and yet fail to enumerate the direct contributions of physiology to practical medicine within the past few years. But if I should desire to put physiology in its proper light I should have to look out beyond the mere technical details 14 CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSIOLOGY. of direct contributions in the immediate treatment of dis- ease. It would then be my pleasant duty to point out those investigations undertaken to unlock the mystery of the causes of disease and their dissemination by parasitic germs. I should have to linger more than my time upon the influ- ence of the nervous system upon all the vegetative functions as well as upon the circulation. I should have to dwell with that care, which the intense interest of the subject demands, upon those recent experiments of exposing and irritating certain parts of the brain in the now partially successful attempt at a localisation of its functions and upon those electrical changes observed in a living nerve when sentient impressions are transmitted through its course, dis- coveries all of them whose practical importance in the future no prophecy may now fortell. It would be my privilege further to reach out into broader regions still. It is only in our day that the importance of physiology is fully recognised in a sanitary point of view. "In their appre- hensions of epidemics, men are beginning to bend before the shrine of science and to recognise the fact that it is in a patient, persevering, hopeful applications of the faculties of investigation, which have been given them, rather than in any direct interpositions, that they are to look to Provi- dence for security." It is physiology which has been the chief agent in raising medicine from an art into a science. So far as the treat- ment of disease is concerned, or the recognition of its nature, we have no other way to arrive at the action of remedies or lesions of structure than through the portals of physiology. I might illustrate this fact, besides by the agents already referred to, in no way more clearly than by allusion to the really wonderful results following the administration of ergot and its active principle after its mode of action had been fully established by the physiologist. And this, too, THE MODERN PHYSICIAN". 15 when there had been previously such a diversity Of opinion concerning its action as to practically abolish it from general use. Pathology is only the physiology of disease. It is physiology which distinguishes regular medicine from charlatanry. Together with the other natural sciences it gives evidence which is positive, immutable. Theories about fever may be limited only by the number of those who choose to express an opinion, but there is only one interpretation to the circulation of the blood, the action of a nerve, the constitution of a secretion. It is. physiology, thus, chiefly, which lifts off the mist and the mystery of dogma and puts medicine on the basis of other natural sciences, so that it may be proven like them by evidence before all the cultivated senses. So when physiology be- comes a perfect science, should that day ever be, there can no more be quackery in medicine than in machinery. "When the question of the propriety of introducing homoeopathy into the Medical School of Naples was presented to the faculty a few years ago, the following characteristic reply was tendered : "The University of Naples is not a proper field for instruction in homoeopathy, because the rational medicine which is imparted here, on the basis of the natural sciences, excludes allopathy, as well as homoeopathy, or any other absolute system or dogma. The study of rational medicine is as far removed from the ancient allopathy, with its blood-letting and purgation, as from the recent delusion of homoeopathy, with its ridiculous infinitesi- mal doses and similia similibus medication." The Modem Physician. This revolution in the study an.d practice of medicine has not passed unobserved in the outside world. It has changed the 16 THE MODERN PHYSICIAN. whole social status of the physician. Even as late as the J 5th century an apprentice would not be accepted in any of the mechanical arts unless he could prove that he was not the child of a butcher, executioner or a bleeder. The following old time advertisement clipped from a paper of Shakespeare's day thoroughly establishes the position of the every-day practitioner at that period: "Wanted. — In a family who have had bad health, a sober steady person in the capacity of doctor, surgeon and man mid-wife. He must occasionally act as butler and dress hair and wigs. He will be required sometimes to read prayers and to preach a sermon every Sunday. A good salary will be given." The modern dramatist, if he would reflect the sentiment of the people, exhibits the doctor in a role very different from the old time cunning knave or ignorant charlatan. A moaern novel is scarcely perfect without a modern medical character. Witness, more especially, the best works of Bulwer and George Eliot. The chord so feelingly struck by the master hand of Lever has responded full and as feelingly to the magic touches of Dickens and Thackery. The physician is called, like Haller, to the chief position among the chairs of state. His profession is recognised by the highest civil authorities. Said Mr. Gladstone in a recent response : "and speaking of the body cf the profession, even as an observer from without, it is impossible for us not to notice the change, it is impossible for us not to see how far more strongly now than of old, the medical man of to-day conforms to those general laws of common sense and prudence, which are, after all, universal laws of human life in every one of its depart- ments. It is impossible not to see his greater and more sustained earnestness of purpose, that elevated sense of the professional dignity, that desire to make it subservient to the good of humanity, that general exaltation of his aims in the exercise of his profession." WILLIAM HARVEY. 17 And what is it that has thus lifted up the character of the physician in the eyes of his fellow-men ? It is because the modern science of medicine is supported by the same kind of evidence as any other science. Evidence which may be sifted by instruments of precision, evidence which is tangible, demonstrable, indisputable. Such evidence i3 plain to the common understanding in whatever pursuit of life. It is evidence, to repeat the language of the dis- tinguished statesman just cited, which conforms to those general laws of common sense, after all, the universal laws of human life in every one of its departments. I do not know how I could better exhibit the influence of the study of physiology than by a very brief narration of some of the principal incidents in the lives of the two greatest of physiologists, Harvey and Haller, already cited. With both physiology wras a life study. Each is known in medical history as having contributed a discovery by means of which we are chiefly guided in the treat- ment of disease; Harvey's, the circulation; Haller' s, the knowledge that disease depends on lesion of structure or function. William Harvey.— 1578-1658. Harvey was the oldest in a family of nine children. His parents belonged to the respectable middle class of society, that class from which has emanated, as is statistically proven, the greatest number of great men. With the rest of the family, he had that kind of training, which instils those virtues in childhood life, obedience and respect to authority and order, so characteristic of the English race, and without which excellence can be attained in no pursuit in life. With these traits, industry. That was all. But that is always enough. After leaving Cambridge, at the age of 21, he went to Padua to study under the great Fabricius, 18 WILLIAM HARVEY. who gave him the first clue to his discovery by show'ng him the valves in the veins. What were these valves for? It was no flash of inspiration that answered this question for Harvey. It was solved, as has been stated, only after twenty years of patient, earnest toil. It was only the fact of his reputation as a worker that secured him any recogni- tion at all at first. But there was a charm in Harvey's statements that could not fail to win him followers. It was the extreme modesty which characterises every line. When he could, he would support the opinions of those who had preceded him. When the truth forced him to differ, he did so, but with a delicacy the most sensitive, and with an array of proof that could leave no doubt of the correctness of his views. There have been to this day no corrections to make in Harvey's work, and there never since has been written a description of the circulation so comprehensive, so terse, so vivid. He was a worker so indefatigable and his works were so full of results that he soon acquired fame. The work of an earnest man is a synonim with fame. He was made a physician at St. Bartholomew's, a boy but 20 years of age. He was only 37 — that was a youthful age in his day — when he was appointed professor of anatomy and surgery, and it was but a few years later that he became body physician to Charles I. He lived a life of the greatest simplicity and self-denial; Michael Angelo not more so. Much of his time he spent in perfect retirement with one or other of his brothers at their village homes. He declined the high honor of the presidency of the College of Physicians, though they succeeded in persuading him to allow his bust to be cast. At the age of 80, writes Haeser, the historian, he closed a life which had not been less glorious by the magnitude of his scientific labors than by his most rigid sense of justice, his exceeding gentleness and amiability of character and modesty of manner. "On ALBERT HALLER. 19 June 3, 1G58, lie died," said Spengel, Our greatest historian, "but he left a name which is immortal. It is a name which posterity the most distant will never pronounce without experiencing a sentiment of veneration and of gratitude. It will shine with equal lustre with those of Aristotle, Fallopius and Haller. His industry, his prudence and his rare modesty, make of his character, eternally, a model, the most noble, for the naturalists, for the writers of all peoples and times." Albert Haller.— -1708-1777. The most cultivated physician and the greatest naturalist of his age was Albert Haller, of Berne. His advent upon the theatre of action is characterised as the illumination of a meridian sun upon the obscure dawn of day. Haller was of patrician parents, but it was no misfortune to him, as is the rule, and his subsequent career in the face of the tempta- tions besetting wealth affords an illustrious example of the manner in which money may be made subservient to the higher purposes of life. A puny, delicate, rachitic boy, he could not be kept away from books. It is said of him that up to the age of nine years he had read over two thousand biographies. When his father died, his education was com- mitted to a priest who attempted to force his studies in the direction of theology with the intention of making him wear the robes. But Haller loved the teachings of nature better than the wisdom of man, and the time which should have been devoted to clerical studies was spent among the flowers. He was only 15 years old, when he commenced the study of medicine at Tubingen. All the anatomy he could learn here was from dissections of the dog. The fame of Boerhaave and Albinus drew him to Leyden. Here he became such a favorite with his teachers that Albinus would permit him to dissect on one side of the body while he 20 ALBERT HALLER. worked on the other. At 19, he graduated and commenced his travels. He was the student of Douglas, in London, in whom he inspired such confidence that he made Haller promise to help him in his investigations into the develop- ment of bone. The same restless, knowledge seeking spirit carried him next to Paris, where his enthusiasm is said to have been kindled to such a pitch under the teachings of le Dran and Winslow, that he stole a body from the grave for material upon which to work. He had to leave Paris to escape punishment and next we find him in Basel, at the age of twenty, teaching anatomy to the students. In 1736, he was now 28, he was elected professor of anatomy and surgery at the newly established university of Gottingen. Proud of so early a recognition of his talents, he labored for the success of this institution until students streamed in td the young college from all parts of Europe. He was now teaching anatomy, surgery and botany. A regular chair of physiology had not yet been established. Besides these labors, he kept up his work in natural history, wrote a great number of literary papers and occupied what leisure was still left in composing poetry. At the age of 45 he was so completely broken down that he had to retire. from all active duties. We form some idea of his "iron industry, his almost incredible memory, his profound culture in all the branches of human knowledge" by the story which has come down to us that no one of his Gottingen colleagues ever ventured to visit him without a formal preparation upon the theme to be made the subject of conversation. He is said to have written 12,000 reviews! And yet he never left a letter unanswered. According to all testimony, there was never in medicine a laborer so untiring. Rudolphi naively remarks in the preface to his own work on physiology : "If you should ask all the authors of works on physiology, which book they considered the best, it could not be thought strange if each CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSIOLOGISTS. 21 one would reply, his own. But if you should go further and ask each one what book he considered next best, I am convinced that every one without exception would name Haller's. And surely," Rudolphi continues, "what seems to all the second best must be in reality the first." Besides this, his greatest work, Haller was the author of three distinct bibliographies, of anatomy, surgery and prac- tical medicine, which have been characterised as "monu- ments of his incredible literary activity, which stand isolated in medical literature, and will remain for all time as inex- haustible sources of information to the medical historian." Colin, in his Comparative Physiology, called Haller "Uhomme desfaits, Vhomme de V observation et des experiences ; son oeuvre est le point de depart de toute la physiologie moderne. Cruveil- hier spoke of it as "full of discoveries." His original in- vestigations were so numerous and so valuable, as to justly entitle him to the place assigned him by posterity as the "Founder of Modern Physiology." The latter part of his life he spent at Berne in the exercise of the highest civic powers in the state, though even here he found leisure to prosecute his favorite scientific and literary pursuits. The sculpture on the pillar of fame in history has chiseled his name beside that of Aristotle and Goethe and Humboldt. Characteristics of Physiologists. And what then were the characteristics of these two great physiologists? They were cautious men. Harvey proved his study twenty years before he preached it. Haller made 109 experiments before he published his discovery of the independent irritability of muscle. They were truthful men. The bitter opposition of their contemporaries, the experimentation of all posterity, have never shaken the facts they advanced. They were simple men ; in all their tastes and habits ; among other things it is recorded of both, they 22 CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSIOLOGISTS. were men of gentle deportment. Above all, they were working men. And if the question were asked as to the influence of the study of physiology on the character of the physician, there could be no more fitting answer than a reference to the lives of men who have drifted into it as a life study because of their natural adaptability to it. One point more. Physiology offers to the physician a present refuge in time of trial. The vicissitudes of practice, the rancor of rivals, the unceasing combat against prejudice and ignorance and superstition make life a burden at times even where envy marks it a great success. It is in dark hours like these, and who but knows them, that the physi- cian may turn to the study of physiology. No man of the world, no man of other profession than natural science, may ever know or be able to understand the peace, in the way of fresh inspiration for future work, which nature offers at the foot of her altars. The chief reward of every kind of mental work — higher than either wealth or fame— is its effect upon the character. The study of medicine is pe- culiarly excellent in developing the mental faculties. Hav- ing elements in it belonging to both literature and science — ■ the bride and her spouse in modern education — it most happily blends the virtues and balances the faults, pertain- ing to a purely literary or a purely scientific pursuit. I should fall short of the high purpose of our convo- cation, to-night, should I fail to impress upon you clearly the trial which science demands at your hands before she will adorn you with the stamp of her nobility. It is the trial of work, the chief characteristic, as you have seen, in the lives of our eminent men ; work with the sacrifice of self ; work which is only stimulated to higher efforts by the achievements of others ; work with something, at least, of that feeling in the breast of Themistocles— a poor illegiti- mate boy— Euler of AtherTs he became— who was alone THE CONSERVATION OF FORCE. 23 sorrowful and distressed amidst the general rejoicing over the great victory at Marathon. And when they asked him why his eyes were red with weeping and why he walked the streets with disheveled hair, he made them that reply which foretold his future success : "It was the trophies of Miltiades that would not let him sleep." LECTURE II. THE CONSERVATION OF FOECE. CONTENTS. The Alphabet of Science — Indestructibility of Matter— No Matter with- out Force — Solar Origin of Heat of Coal— Correlation of Forces — Machinery, a Means of Changing Force— Clocks, Water-Wheels, Winds, Windmills and Steam Engines— The Equivalence of the Forces — The Conservatory of Arts and Trades— Motion from Heat — Motion from Electricity— The Electric Light— The Sun as the Source of Power— Source of Solar Force— The Nebular Hypothesis— The Channel of Mt. Pilatus— The Perpetuity of Force— Physiological Force — Excretions, the Products of Combustion— Animal Bodies as Machines— The Force Value of Foods— Physiological, Correlative with Physical Force. Within the past quarter of a century has been generally promulgated one of those fundamental principles or laws in natural science which, like that of gravitation or of ter- restrial revolution, marks a most memorable epoch in its history. What especially distinguishes this law and lifts it to a plane above all other laws of nature, is the fact that it spans, in its giant grasp, every order of existence. It reduces to shape and order the primitive chaos of the uni- verse, governs the movements of the heavenly bodies thus created, generates the various forms of the mighty forces about us, and, while engaged in this stupendous work, con- 24 INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF MATTER. cerns itself no less with the insignificant phenomena of life upon our insignificant globe ; swinging systems of planets in their spheres, upon the one hand, and, on the other, springing flowers from the bosom of the earth. I need hardly say that this law, which has been announced as the primal law of all science, and which has been characterised by Faraday as the highest law in physical science that our faculties permit us to perceive, is the law of the Conservation and Correlation of Force. That is, it is the law which has demonstrated that force, as well as matter, is indestructible, however much its form may change, and which has proven that all the forces, light, heat, electricity, motion, etc., may be converted, the one into the other, quantity for quantity, in exact equivalents, no force being ever created anew and no force being ever lost. We shall study this law to-night more especially in its bearing upon human life, and shall try to make it plain that what is known as life, or vital force, is only part of the general store of force in the universe, borrowed for the time being from other physical forces and being continually sur- rendered again in the various phenomena of life, as in heat, motion, secretion, reproduction, intellection, etc. Indestructibility of Matter. It is now more than a century ago that it was known among men of science that matter is indestructible. When we speak of the destruction of matter, we refer simply to the form of the matter. For instance, we say matter is destroyed by fire. But when we come to analyse the pro- ducts of combustion, we find in the smoke, the gases and the ash precisely the same elements as before. We pro- ceed to weigh these various products in delicate scales to discover only pounds and ounces and grains, just the same as before. Fire has only changed the form. So when wa SOLAR ORIGIX OF HEAT. 25 speak of organic matter suffering destruction by decay, we refer again simply to the form. The water, the salts, the gases of decomposition, weigh exactly the same, are in elementary construction, in every particular, just the same ' as before. Putrefaction has only changed the form. And so, too, of creation. We justly boast of our manu- factured products. But no ingenuity of man has ever suc- ceeded in creating matter anew. Ex nihilo nihil fit. Anni- hilation of matter, creation of matter are alike impossible and unknown. Now it is discovered that there is No Matter without Force. The force may not be always apparent, that is, it is not always in active operation, but we have simply to change the condition of matter to awaken and make manifest its silent force. Force in operation is known as actual force ; that which is silent, at rest, so to speak, or latent, is known as potential force. The arrow speeding in its flight or striking its target represents actual force, while the bent bow, unsprung, represents latent or potential force. The force in the bow is stored up muscular force to be set free, it may be at once, or it may be after years. Plants now living contain recently stored latent or potential force, while coal fields are vast magazines of force stored up ages ago. Solar Origin of Heat. George Stephenson, the celebrated engineer, long ago con- ceived the happy idea, as he sat by his hearth, that the light and heat of the burning coal in his grate originally came from the sun. This thought, which seemed at the time to be as visionary as a poet's dream, is now known to be true. Every one knows that coal is a product of vegetable life. 3 26 SOLAR ORIGIN" OF HEAT. A fresh fracture often reveals upon its surface the outlines of stems and branches and leaves with such distinctness as to enable the botanist to specify the particular plant which has formed the specimen of coal. Vegetation of all kinds develops only under the light and heat of the sun. Veget- able, seeds imbedded in clean sand and moistened with water containing only mineral matters in solution, germinate and develop into plants containing a large amount of starch. The simple process is as follows: Carbonic Acid Gas. Water. Oxygen. Starch. C6012 + H10O5-O12 = C6H10O5. The light and heat of the sun, entering the substance of the plant, dislodge a certain amount of oxygen gas that the atoms of the inorganic compounds may rearrange themselves to form organic matter. Starch is the first organic principle of the plant. The sugar, cellulose and other ingredients are easily developed by the addition or change of equivalents of water. Thus : Starch. Water. Grape Sugar. C6H10O5 -f- H20 = CGH1206. Thus, then, is built up the plant, the tree, vast forests of which covered the earth in primeval times to become sub- sequently submerged and converted into coal. In burning coal we simply release from it the locked up heat of the sun. The heat and light we enjoy to-night came down from the sun thousands of years before man put in his pres- ence upon earth. No force is ever lost. It may be changed as to its direc- tion or changed as to its character, but in some form or other it perpetually reappears. So all the affections or con- ditions of matter, heat, light, electricity, chemical affinity, motion, etc., are mutually convertible. Neither can be said, strictly speaking, to be the cause of the other, but MACHINERY A MEANS OF CHANGING FORCE. 27 either may be converted into the other : "it being an irre- sistible inference from observed phenomena that a force caunot originate otherwise than by devolution from some preexisting force." It is, therefore, not right to say that any one force is the cause of all the rest. One writer, for instance, claims electricity as the primal cause ; another, chemical action ; a third, heat ; but the true expression of the fact is, that each mode of force is capable of producing the others, and that any one of them can be produced by any other. Machinery a Means of Changing Force. "We may best exemplify the conversion and correlation of force by the transmutations which take place in various kinds of machinery. In fact, machinery is only a means of effecting change in the form of force. Thus in our clocks, the wheels which sweep the hands around the dial plates are revolved by sinking weights. When the weights reach the floor of the clock the wheels cease to move. In other wrords, the force of gravity ceases to act. We must first raise the weights, or, in the case of a watch, give tension to the springs, before the wheels will run. This is accomplished in the winding up. The individual wrho winds the clock simply transfers power from his muscular force and precisely so much as is thus transferred is again surrendered in the ensuing twenty-four hours. The wheel work of the clock, in measuring out time, creates or exhibits, therefore, no new force ; it simply distributes a borrowed force over a longer period of time. The borrowed force is that of the muscle, which receives it, in turn, from food containing, latent, the original force from the sun. We stand in admiration before the majestic revolutions of a gigantic water wheel, whose force is distantly conducted to intricate machinery, constructed to minister to the wants 28 THE EQUIVALENCE OF THE FORCES. of man. Broad belts here and there take off some of the force for widely different purpose. The antecedent force is gravitation, which causes the fall of the water. The force behind gravitation was that which lifted the water to its higher level. What is this force but the heat of the sun which has raised the vapor of the sea to the clouds, whence it has fallen in rain, to form brooks and rivulets, ever widening streams, the force of whose fall (gravity) may be used in running mills. The swiftly sailing vessels cleaving the breast of the waters under the resistless force of the wind is no less indebted to the heat of the sun, the unequal distribution of which creates the currents of air and the tides. It is the same force of the wind, produced by precisely the same cause, which, by means of windmills, lifts whole lakes of water from inundated lands. The most powerful, and the most widely varied, of all our machines, the steam engine, is just as distinctly, though not so directly, driven by the heat of the sun. For, first of all, we make use of artificial heat. This heat is the result of chemical force, the union of oxygen and carbon, i. e., coal, which contains in it, latent, the original heat of the sun. This chemical force produces heat, which is con- verted into motion, which is, in turn, again converted into heat at the axles of the wheels. A locomotive has there- fore been likened to a kind of distilling apparatus, which takes heat into its big retort, the boiler, converts it into motion and reconverts the motion into heat at the axles of the wheels. The Equivalence of the Forces. What especially contributed to establish the doctrine of the conservation of force, was not so much the discovery that one force could be converted into another, but that one CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET DES METIERS. 29 force, or one form of force, could be converted into another, quantity for quantity, in exact equivalents. Though the constancy of the forces was first formally announced by Grove before the London Institution in 1842, it did not receive general acceptance until Mayer and Ilelmholtz, of Germany, and more especially Joule, cf England, had succeeded in establishing the equivalents of various kinds of force, that is, the amount of one kind, or form of force, necessary to produce a certain amount of another kind of force. The correlation, or convertibility of force, is thus based upon the conclusion that the whole amount of force in the entire universe is always the same. It may change its form continually, but it may never change its total sum. Joule first discovered the equivalent of heat to mechanical force. The quantity of heat sufficient to raise the temperature of a pound of water one degree in tempera- ture would, when properly applied, raise a pound of water 772 feet high. One degree of heat is, therefore, equivalent to the mechanical force represented in an elevation of 772 feet. This constant relation between heat and mechanical force has been confirmed in the most varied manner and the law thus established has proven of the highest im- portance in practical adaptation to mechanics. As every form of steam engine is an illustration of the convertibility of heat into motion, it would seem needless to cite further proof, but I may not refrain from mention- ing the curious application of the law recorded by Liebig in his article on the Connection and Equivalence of Forces in the case of the Conservatoire des Arts ct des Metiers, in Paris. In this building, which was formerly a convent, the nave of the church was converted into a museum for industrial products, machines and implements. In its arch, 30 CONVERSION OF MOTION INTO HEAT. traversing its whole length, appeared a crack, which gradually increased to the width of several inches and permitted the passage of rain and snow. There were, doubtless, not wanting individuals at this time who looked upon this threatened destruction of the building as a sign of Divine vengeance for its desecration. The opening could have been easily closed by stone and lime, but the further yielding of the side walls would not have been thus prevented. The whole building was on the point of being pulled down when a natural philosopher appeared on the scene and proposed a plan which finally saved the building. A number of strong iron rods were firmly fixed at one end to a side wall of the nave and after passing through the opposite wall were provided on the outside with large nuts which were screwed up tightly to the wall. The nuts were now tight, but no force was sufficient to move the walls a line. So then the rods were heated with burning straw, whereupon they extended in length. The nuts were thus removed several inches from the wall and were now again screwed up further on to the thread and tight to the wall. The rods, on cooling, contracted with enormous force and made the side walls approach. By repeating this operation the crack entirely disappeared. The building, with its retaining rods, is still in existence, a monument to the triumph of a natural philosopher over the supposed act of vengeance of an offended Deity. Even the savages knew how to transform Motion into Heat by the friction of two pieces of wood or by striking a flint. A skillful blacksmith can render an iron rod red hot by hammering. The axles of our carriages have to be greased to lessen the heat of friction. In some factories where a surplus of water-power is at hand, this surplus is applied to MOTION FROM ELECTRICITY. 31 cause a strong iron plate to revolve swiftly upon another, so that they become strongly heated by the friction. The heat so obtained warms the room and thus is secured a stove without the expense of fuel. An example of Motion from Electricity we have proclaimed from our watch towers every day at noon, or on the occasion of every fire. Electricity is con- verted into the motion of the hammer which falls upon the bell. This electricity itself is the product of chemical action, that between zinc and acids at work in a few glass cups. Almost any chemical action, as the oxidation of metals, or the burning of combustibles, the combination of oxygen and hydrogen, develops electricity. There is little doubt that the time will soon come when we will be able to realise as electricity the whole of the chemical force, wrhich is active in the combustion of cheap and abundant fuel, such as coal and wood and fat, and thus "secure a mechanical power in every respect superior to its applicability to the steam engine." Even now we convert Electricity into Light, whose brilliance over that from every other artificial source is a promise of the power yve shall one day possess in every field of mechanics. Let us trace up the transformations of force now necessary to secure a powerful electric light. First, light, the result of electricity, produced by magnetism, in turn developed by the mechanical force of steam, which force is a transformed chemical force evolved in the com- bustion of fuel, containing in it, latent, the original light of the sun. In every case we finally block up at the sun. 32 THE SUN AS THE ULTIMATE SOURCE OF FORCE. The Sun is the Ultimate Source of all the force manifest upon the earth. With the excep- tion of the tidal force, partly caused by the attraction of the moon and which, though in some isolated cases it is utilised to run a few mills, must, nevertheless, be regarded as the earth's greatest foe, because it is insidiously checking up the velocity of our rotation, with the inevitable effect of finally plunging us into the sun, with this exception, all terrestrial force emanates from the sun. But the sun is so vast, its resources are so enormous, that it can feed our whole plane- tary system and still irradiate infinite heat into interstellar space. The surface of the sun measures 115,000 millions of square miles and its mass is 350.000 times greater than that of the earth. The amount of heat aid light emanating from the sun is sufficient to account for all the force of whatever form, manifest upon the earth. According to the pyrheliometric measurements of Pouillet, three or four •equivalents of heat are received upon every square foot of the earth under perpendicular rays of the sun. The amount received daily is equivalent to that engendered in the con- sumption of five billions tons of stone coal, which is again equal to sixty-six billions horse-power every hour. If the entire quantity of solar heat received in a year were uni- formly distributed over the whole surface of the earth, it would suffice to melt a universal layer of ice one hundred feet thick or bring from the freezing to the boiling point an ocean covering the earth to the depth of fifteen miles. In every second of time the sun irradiates into space as much heat as would result from the combustion of eleven thousand mx hundred billions of tons of stone coal. We are told as an easily remembered relation, that each portion of the sun's 8U rfacc, as large as our earth, emits as much heat, per second, as would result from the combustion of a billion tons of coal, ORIGIN OF THE FORCES ITSt THE SUN. 33 whence it is calculated that if its whole mass consisted of coal and could burn right out to the last ton, maintaining till then the present rate of emission, the supply would last five thousand years. The small pencil of rays which the earth intercepts at a distance of ninety-three millions of miles is only the one-twenty-three-hundred-millionth part of all the heat irradiated from the sun. This heat at the surface of the sun is so intense as to volatilise iron and other metals, which we are unable by any known method of application to reduce to a gaseous state upon the earth. The enormous quantity and intensity of heat from the sun can only be fully comprehended by some familiar illustra- tion of its magnitude. As Helmholtz has put it : "Its diame- ter is so great that if you suppose the earth to be put into the centre of the sun, the sun itself being like a hollow sphere, and the moon going about the earth at its distance from it of 238,000 miles, there would still be a space of more than 200,000 miles around the orbit of the moon, lying all interior to the surface of the sun." The heat and light from such a vast source of power are thus infinitely more than sufficient to account for every form of force upon earth without the necessity of any local genesis. But unde^ the doctrine of the conservation of force we may not stop at the sun. What then is the Source and Origin of the Forces in the Sun? The original signification of physiology, a description of nature, permits us, without too great migration from our proper studies, to consider, for a moment, the workings of nature in its grandest fields, in the construction and move- ments of the heavenly bodies. I avail myself here, in the main, of the clear and concise description of Helmholtz, in his paper on the Interaction of the Natural Forces, taking 34 COMMENCEMENT OF THE PLANETARY SYSTEM. the liberty, simply, of condensation and omission to bring the subject within the limits of our time. A number of singular peculiarities in the structure of our planetary system indicates that it was once a connected mass with a uniform motion of rotation. Without such an assumption, it is impossible to explain why all the planets move in the same direction around the sun, why they all rotate in the same direction around their axes, why the planes of their orbits and those of their satellites and rings all nearly coincide, why all their orbits differ but little from circles, and much besides. From these remaining indica- tions of a former state, astronomers have shaped an hypo- thesis, regarding the formation of our planetary system, which althougn from the nature of the case it must ever remain an hypothesis, still in its special traits is so well supported by analogy, that it certainly deserves our atten- tion. No other hypothesis has ever so well explained the facts. It was Kant, first, who, penetrating the fundamental ideas of Newton, seized the theory that the same attractive force of all ponderable matter, which now supports the motion of the planets, must also, in ancient times, have been able to form from matter loosely scattered in space the planetary system. Afterwards, and independent of Kant, Laplace, the great astronomer, laid hold of the same thought and gave it the support of his fame. The commencement of our planetary system was thus an Immense Nebulous 3Iass, which filled the portion of space now occupied by our system far beyond the limits of Neptune, our most distant planet. Even now we see similar masses in the distant regions of the firmament, as patches of nebulse and nebulous stars ; and within our system, comets, the zodiacal light, the corona of the sun during a total eclipse, exhibit rem- COMMENCEMENT OF THE PLANETARY SYSTEM. 35 nants of a nebulous substance, which is so thin that the light of the stars passes through it undiminished and un- bent. If we calculate the density of the mass of our plane- tary system at the time when it was a nebulous sphere, reaching out to the path of the outmost planet, we find that it would require several cubit miles of such matter to weigh a single grain. The general attractive force of all matter must, however, impel these masses to approach each other and to condense so that the nebulous sphere became incessantly smaller, by which, according to mechanical laws, a motion of rotation, originally slow, would gradually become quicker and quicker. The enormous centrifugal force thus developed, acting most energetically, of course, upon the equator of the nebulous sphere, would swing off masses from time to time, which, separating from the main mass, would form themselves into single planets, or, similar to the great original sphere, into planets with satellites and rings, until finally the principal mass left condensed itself into the sun. When the nebu- lous chaos first separated itself from other fixed star masses, it must not only have contained all kinds of matter which was to constitute the future planetary system, but also, in accordance with our new law, the whole store of force with which we have since become acquainted. Then, too, an immense dower of force was bequeathed in the entire or partial arrest of the general attraction of all the particles for each other. When through condensation of the masses, particles came into collision and clung to each other the force of gravity is lost to reappear as heat. The store of force yet possessed by our system is also equivalent to immense quantities of heat. If our earth, whirl- ing about the sun at the rate of eighteen miles a second, and whirling on its own axis, in our latitude, at the rate of 110 feet a second, were to be suddenly stopped in its orbit, a 36 HEAT FROM PROCESSES OF CONTRACTION. calamity not to he feared in the present condition of things, by such a shock a quantity of heat would be generated equal to that produced by the combustion of fourteen such earths of solid coal, that is, the earth would be heated to 11,200 degrees centigrade, in other words, it would be instantaneously fused and converted into vapor. When it then fell into the sun, as would of necessity be the case, the quantity of heat developed by the shock would be just 400 times greater still (Helmholtz). Here, now, we have something of a clue to the mysterious origin of the heat of the sun. From time to time a similar process is repeated upon our earth in the fall upon it of meteors or meteoric stones deflected from their course about the sun. It has been calculated that a velocity of 3,000 feet a second would raise a piece of meteoric iron 1000° C. in temperature, or, in other words, to a vivid red heat. Now the average velocity of meteors is thirty to forty times this amount, and we can thus understand why it is that meteors often burst upon striking the earth with a violent explosion, or are completely fused to vapor, by the resistance of the air, before reaching it at all. But, it is now generally admitted by physicists and astronomers that the solar heat has had its origin, in the main, almost wholly in fact, in Processes of Contraction; and that it is maintained by such processes. In other words, the gravitation of the sun's mass has given birth to all, or very nearly all, the heat which the sun has emitted in the and will continue to emit to the end of his career as a sun. As, however, the heat resulting from this contraction corresponds to only about twenty million years supply, a period far short of the known age of the earth, the theory has been proposed that an immense store of heat was already CONVERSION OF GRAVITATION INTO HEAT. 37 present in the original nebular mass. The hypothesis most generally accepted by astronomers at present derives this original heat from the collision of dark bodies circulating in space. But we are now being carried too far away from our special studies in the attempt to follow up the transfor- mations of matter and force in the remotest history of the universe. It is sufficient for our purpose to know that the immense store of force in the sun, like the insignificant store of the earth, was also derived from some antecedent force ; and whether this force was the result of meteoric bombard- ment of the sun, as formerly believed, or of continuing con- densation of matter, as now maintained, are questions of no essential difference. The practical result is the conversion of Gravitation into Heat. To form even a faint conception of such mighty forces, we are in constant need of some familiar standard. Such a basis for estimation is given by Mayer, in his work on Celestial Dynamics, in the case of the Gigantic Wooden Channel, in which tall trunks of trees were allowed to glide down from the steep and lofty sides of Mount Pilatus into the plain below. This channel, which was built about forty years ago by the engineer Rupp, was nine miles in length and was so nearly perpendicular, that the largest trees were shot down it, from the top to the bottom of the mountain, in about two minutes and a half. The momentum possessed by the trees on their escaping at their journey's end was sufficiently great to bury their thicker ends in the ground twenty to twenty-five feet. To prevent the wood getting too hot and bursting into flames, streams of cold water had to be let into the channel in various parts of its course. But this stupendous mechanical process appears infinitely 38 THE PERPETUITY OF MATTER AjStD FORCE. small when compared with the cosmical processes on the sun. It is here the mass of the sun which attracts and, in lieu of the height of Mount Pilatus, we have distances of thousands upon thousands of miles. The amount of heat that would be generated by cosmical falls, is at least nine million times as great. The Perpetuity of Matter and Force. Such are the questions that engage us and the conclusions that face us in studying the operations of the Law of the Conservation of Force. "Presented rightly to the mind," I cite from the eloquent peroration of Mr. Tyndall, "the discoveries and generalizations of modern science con- stitute a poem more sublime than has ever yet been addressed to the intellect and imagination of man. The natural philosopher of to-day may dwell amid conceptions that beggar the visions of Dante and Milton. So great and grand are they, that in the contemplation of them, a certain force of character is requisite to preserve us from bewilder- ment." All the energies of our earth, mighty as they seem to be, are derived from the small pencil of rays it receives from the sun. Of this store, which represents but the one-twenty-three-hundred-millionth part of all the heat irradiated from the sun, but a small fraction is really stored up in latent force. And in all the lapse of human history, at least, there has been no diminution in the efflux of solar force. "Measured by our largest terrestrial standards such a reservoir is infinite ; but it is our privilege to rise above these standards and to regard the sun himself as a speck in infinite extension — a mere drop in the universal sea." We pass out to regions in space where all our planets are in- visible and the sun himself is reduced to a point of light. We may pass again, beyond and beyond, to points where the places of each successive survey disappear in the limitless PHYSIOLOGICAL FORCE. 39 regions of space, boundless, because we no sooner assign a boundary than we must ask, what bounds the boundary. Everywhere and forever is the same force and matter in the midst of incessant change. Creation, annihilation still re- main impossible and unknown. Nebulae may condense into systems and suns, collisions of suns may reproduce nebula?, our earth, our whole system, nay, our visible firmament might, in the figurative language of the Orient, be indeed rolled up like a scroll and wafted to distant regions of space, but the matter and the force must forever remain the same ; secula scculorum, the same. Physiological Force. When a weight is lifted by the hand it seems a long way off to go to the sun for the muscular force necessary to effect it. Yet the fact is capable of direct proof. All muscular force, all force of whatever character in the body, is directly liberated from the food. We have already seen how the light and heat of the sun become locked up in the plant and all animal life is directly or indirectly dependent upon the life of plants. Either the animal feeds upon vegeta- bles exclusively, as in the case of the herbivon, or it feeds upon the flesh of these animals and thus indirectly upon the plant. "The carbonic acid of the air which is decomposed by the plant, is decomposed solely and exclusively at the expense of the light of the sun. Without the sun the reduction can not take place and an amount of sunlight is consumed exactly equivalent to the molecular work accomplished." The so-called chemi- cal rays of sunlight (blue and violet) have a higher affinity in the green leaves of plants for the carbon of the carbonic acid gas than has oxygen. The carbonic acid gas is thus decomposed, the oxygen is set free and the carbon and the chemical rays of the sun, which thus disappear completely, 40 PHYSIOLOGICAL FORCE. are locked up in the plant. If the solar rays fall upon a surface of sand, the sand is heated, but the heat is later irradiated into the air, but if these rays fall upon a forest, some of it is retained or invested in the structure of the trees. "A bundle of cotton ignited bursts into flames and yields a definite amount of heat ; precisely that amount of heat was abstracted from the sun in order to form that bit of cotton. This is a representative case. Every tree, every plant, every flower, flourishes and blooms by the grace and the bounty of the sun" (Tyndall). In the bodies of animals, vegetables are burnt up just as coal is burnt up in the furnace of the engine and thus is liberated the force in either case. So much fuel, so much force, in the case of the engine; so much food, so much force, in the case of the animal body. The plant is like the clock wound up but not running. In the animal, the pendu- lum is swung, the wheels are started and the latent force is set free. The clock runs down. And as surely as the force which moves the clock's hands is derived from the arm which winds the clock, so surely is the force of the muscle derived from the sun. The great mass of organised matter in both plants and animals consists (aside from water) of carbon compounds ; carbon united with oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. These compounds are built up in plants from inorganic matters in the earth and air. The carbon is chiefly derived from the carbonic acid gas in the air. The vast magazines of carbon stored away in our inexhaustible mines of coal, ex- tending from the tropics to the poles, were abstracted from an ancient atmospheric ocean far richer in this gas than the air about us now. The remaining ingredients, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, are derived from water and air, and the ammonia and nitrates constantly present in each. Compounds of these simple bodies are constructed in the EXCRETIONS, THE PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION. 41 protoplasm of nature in the vsame manner as in the labora- tory of art. In fact, complex organic substances have been already thus artificially compounded. Wohler first, in 1828, made urea (CH4 No O) from the cyanate of ammonia and a number of organic compounds, allantoin, for instance, and various organic acids have been since artificially constructed. Excretions, the Products of Combustion* The essential difference between organic and inorganic compounds lies in the fact that the inorganic compounds are products of oxidation (combustion). They have been already oxidised, these ashes of nature, and admit of no further combustion. Organic compounds, on the other hand, containing little or no oxygen, are still highly oxidisable (combustible): The phenomena of life ; that is, the liberation of the latent forces stored up in these com- pounds ; depend upon the oxidation of these compounds. "We have as the result of life precisely the same oxidation products (excretions) from these compounds as after their more direct combustion. When an animal or a vegetable body is burned (oxidised), the mass of it is resolved into the gases of combustion. The carbon unites with oxygen to become carbonic acid gas (CO>), the hydrogen unites with oxygen to form water (H20), or with nitrogen to form ammonia (NH3), while the phosphorus and sulphur (when present) remain with other inorganic matter in the ash. Examination of the ash reveals carbon (not escaped in gas), chlorine, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. ; the same elements and principles discovered in the various excretions of the living body. When the Duke would excite in the mind of Claudio 42 EXCRETIONS, TIIE PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION". (Measure for Measure) a contempt of life, lie advises him : — * * * "Reason thus with life: — * * * a breath thou art, (Servile to all the skiey influences), ***** For thou exist' st on many a thousand grains That issue out of dust." The plant-cell, then, absorbs from the earth and air these inorganic, oxidised compounds, and under the light and heat of the sun liberates the oxygen and fixes the now deoxidised compounds in their substance; whereas the animal cell absorbs (ingests) the deoxidised compounds and the oxygen with which it burns (oxidises) them, and thus again reduces them to gases and salts for reabsorption by the plants. That is, the earth and air feed the plants, the plants feed the animals, the animals feed the earth and air. This is the great circle of nutrition in nature. The carbon of the carbonic acid gas in the air becomes the carbon of cellulose, starch, sugar, fat, etc., of the plant, which, in turn, furnishes carbon for the albumen in the blood, muscle, brain, etc., of the animal, by which it is again delivered over as carbonic acid to the air, whence it was derived. The plant-cell fixes in its body as latent force the light and heat of the sun, that the animal cell may set it free in other forms, as in heat, electricity, mechanical work, nerve- force, etc. But that the animal cell may possess this power, it must make constant consumption of oxygen gas. In the body of man, where the liberation of forces meets itshighest expression, the consumption of oxygen is immense. A man of average weight inhales, by various avenues, 700-1000 grammes per day, that is 500-700 pounds of oxygen a year. And as the great bulk of his body is composed of material already thoroughly oxidised (two-thirds to THE FORCE VALUE OF FOODS. 43 three-fourths of it is water), it may be readily seen that all the organic matter of the body would be soon resolved into gases and ash, were it not for the new matter constantly furnished by the food. The new matter thus furnished so nicely balances the loss by oxidation that the body, though in incessant change, may lose nothing of its weight in years. And that the atmosphere may also remain the same under the constant abstraction of oxygen by animal cells, this gas must be as perpetually furnished by the plants. Thus, that the 700-1000 grammes of oxygen, appropriated by each human being in a day, to say nothing of other animals, may be restored to the air, the plant must decompose enough water and carbonic acid gas to make 33-40 lbs. of starch, cellulose, etc., in the same period of time. Animal Bodies as Machines. Our bodies come, therefore, to be regarded as machines for the exhibition of various forms of force. As the steam engine liberates in other forms the forces stored up in the fuel, the body sets free in the phenomena of life, the forces stored up in the food. We are, however, unable as yet to construct a machine that may liberate force as perfectly as the human body. Helmholtz has shown that the best steam engine can convert into motion only one-tenth of the force of its fuel, the remaining nine-tenths escaping as heat ; whereas the body of man may transform into mechanical work as much as one-fifth of the force of his food, the re- maining four-fifths escaping with the unoxidised, that is, the unburnt, compounds in the various excretions. The Force Value of Foods. The force of the body being thus directly derived from the food, and the amount of heat being known which the combustion of any article of food outside the body will 44 COST OF FUEL AND FOOD. produce, it is easy to compute the force value of the different kinds of food. Frankland has thus tabulated the force value of foods and has shown, as might have been antici- pated, that the most highly combustible articles of food, the fats, stand at the head of the list in the amount of force that may be liberated in their digestion. Thus, half a pound of fat furnishes the same amount of force as one and one-third pounds of flour, one and one-half pounds of sugar, three and one-half pounds of lean beef and live pounds of potatoes. The laboring man gets from his slice of breakfast bacon more work than the retired merchant, professional man or epicure can obtain from a table overloaded with other things. The appetite comes thus to be recognised as a measure of the capacity for work. A farmer when asked "how he could afford to pay his laborers so well," replied, that "he could not afford to pay them less, as less wages meant less food and less work." Another sat at the table with his men and wThen he found one of them taking less food he turned him off, as he at once knew that that individual was shirking his work. Longet relates that in 1841, some English and French laborers were engaged in the construction of a railroad from Paris to Rouen. It was soon discovered that the French laborers could accomplish only about two-thirds as much work as the English. It was suspected that this deficiency of force was due to the deficiency of food. The French laborers were thereupon supplied with an equal amount of food and soon were able to accomplish an equal amount of work. "The muscular strength, the intelligence and com- mercial industry of a people depend upon the proper use and right distribution of its food/' Cost of Fuel and Food. But if force is more fully set free by the human body than by a machine, the question becomes pertinent: why not employ COST OF FUEL AND FOOD 45 human beings for mechanical work rather than machinery. The answer is very easy ; because of the cost of food in com- parison with fuel. A steam engine will work all day at a cost for its fuel of twenty cents ; the food of two horses, the equivalent of the machine, costs $2.00; and the food of twenty-four men, required to perform the same work, costs $10.00. Hence, as Donders has shown, the animal body can never successfully compete with the steam engine, and "the worst use to make of a man is to employ him exclusively in mechanical work, a statement which harmonizes with the increased introduction of machinery in our advancing civilization." If we should allow any humanitarian influence a place at all in this consideration, we should have to remember also that if we divert all the force in the body to mechanical work, there is none left for mental work. The force of the body is of course pretty much a fixed quantity, just as it is for a machine, depending largely upon its original construc- tion, as determined by heredity. We cannot use all the power of a machine for a special purpose, say to saw a log, and have enough left to turn a mill-stone. So with very few exceptions hard muscular workers achieve no eminence in intellectual life. Stallions whose force is to be used in reproduction are kept idle in the stalls. The body of man is built up of cells (protoplasm), which are, in turn, composed of atoms or molecules, whose arrange- ment (transmitted by heredity and modified by external conditions) determines the special action or use. Or, as Goethe has put it : "Nicht allein das angeborene, auch das Enoorbene ist der Mensch." (Man is not alone what he inherits ; he is also what he acquires.) The action of protoplasm, though sometimes apparently, is never really spontaneous. The cells are called into action by stimu- lus, which, so far as we can trace it, always pro- 46 PHYSIOLOGICAL, A PHYSICAL FORCE. ceeds from without. The various phenomena of life are principally manifestations of reflex action. In simple bodies (individual masses of protoplasm) the out- side stimulus is conveyed from atom to atom, like chemical force in gunpowder, from grain to grain. In complex bodies the stimulus is carried along definite trains (nerve- strands) to special destinations. If a muscle contract, it contracts in obedience to stimulus carried to it by a motor nerve. The stimulus conveyed along the nerve has its development in a nerve-center (ganglion). The stimulus experienced in the nerve-center is in turn derived from a sensitive nerve. The sensitive nerve transmits an im- pression received upon a sensory surface (skin, mucous membrane, gland, etc.). Even the most complex mani- festations of the brain fall under the same category. So- called voluntary movements are only the final responses to impressions made upon the special senses at the time or in the past (memory). The highest expressions of the intellect of man may be resolved into the more perfect transmutations of outside forces by machinery made more perfect by original construction (heredity), or made more perfect by labor, (education). Thus : Physiological is Correlative with Physical Force, or, more literally expressed, is identical with physical force, and, the matter of our bodies being the same, and the forces which operate upon it being the same, as in the inorganic world, the exhibition of life is no more due to an innate principle, a separate essence, a quid intus, a something within, than is the registry of time in a clock. THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF LIFE. 47 LECTURE III. THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF LIFE. C O NTENTS. Definitions of Physiology — Ancient Definitions of Life — Modern Defi- nitions of Life — Difference between Organic and Inorganic Matter — The Property of Assimilation — Period of Development of Life — The Theory of Evolution — Palaeontology — The Cataclysms of Cuvier — The Operation of Existing Causes — The Age of the Earth — The Evolution of Fossil Forms. Physiology (ow^f, Aoyog), in our day, has a meaning very different from the old conception of the term. It is no longer a "description of nature" in general, according to its literal origin and primitive significance. The vast collection of facts in natural science, accumulated since physiology first was taught, has been classified in appropriate lists, and relegated to special and separate departments. The range of physiology in ancient times becomes apparent from the titles of the works of the oldest authors. Thus, Aristotle wrote a work entitled Historic!, Partes, Incessus, Motus, Generatioque Animallum; atque Plantarum natures brevis descriptio. Aristotle was the first to use the term 61 vcno2.oyoi, designating as such, Thales, Anaximenes, Heraclitus, Dio- genes, Empedocles and Anaxagoras, philosophers who were engaged in the study of the nature of things, their causes and commencements. Fernel first (1538) limited the term to the nature of man in health. Boerhaave and Haller used it in the sense of the use or actions of the various parts of the body. Synonims of Physiology were the Philosophy of Living Bodies, Dynamology, Organonomia, Zoonomia, Biology. Johannes Muller (1833), "who dealt the death blow to vitalism" in physiology, called it "The Physics of 48 ANCIENT DEFINITIONS OF LIFE. Organisms," basing it solely upon Anatomy, Chemistry and Physics. Physiology, in its modern sense, is limited to the phe- nomena observed only in living things, and though really only more closely allied with subjects not especially endowed with life, it has gradually become disencumbered from necessary consideration of them. Physiology is, in short, biology, the science of life. What, then, is Life? A satisfactory definition of life in a few words was a want experienced long before physiology was studied as a separate branch of knowledge. With the ancients this question was easily answered. Life to them was a miracle, a supernatural creation. "Humanity in its infancy, like the infant still in humanity, was satisfied with a word it could not compre- hend." Every inexplicable event, from an eclipse to an epidemic disease, was accepted as a miracle, and further inquiry was prevented, if not punished, indeed, as a presump- tion upon the prerogatives of the gods. Ancient Definitions of Life. Or, later, definitions of life were evolved from the revel- ries of metaphysics. Life, said Thales, of Miletus, emanates from water with every other earthly thing. According to Pythagoras, the principle of life is heat. Alcmeon thought that the principle of life was in the blood, but the soul, a distinct principle, was seated in the brain. The chief ingre- dient in the manufacture of life for Empedocles was fire, though water, air and earth, all the elements, entered into its composition. It was with fire stolen from heaven that Pygmalion infused the breath of life into his marble statue. Hippocrates, most wise of all, refrained from any definition of life, and counseled the study, not of its causes, but of its ANCIENT DEFINITIONS OF LIFE. 49 manifestations. Plato, the great spiritualist, maintained that the rational soul, an immaterial essence, was located in the brain, the irrational, likewise an essence, in the abdo- men. The body is only the theater in which the soul lives, and thinks and acts. Aristotle subdivided the soul to such extent as to localise its parts in every organ, whose functions the special parts direct. The still popular "animation" of the heart, stomach, bowels, liver, spleen and kidneys is the relic of these views. In the reaction which naturally followed this exaltation of the soul, Epicurus, like Demo- critus before him, renounced the soul entirely with every form of immateriality. The body is only an accidental collocation of atoms, whose aggregation and arrangement explains the different functions. Galen with his pneuma again restored the soul as the principle of life. It was developed in the ventricles of the brain, and lodged in the" arteries, the air or pneuma carriers, whence they have their name. But with Galen came again the reinstatement of observation, as recommended by Hippocrates, and the first establishment of experiment. Galen is thus justly looked upon as the father and the founder of scientific physiology. Unfortunately, his example had no followers. "Fireside and writing-desk theories" — easier paths to notoriety — soon sup- planted bed-side observations and experimental studies, one' after another triumphing in turn, until everything was lost in the succeeding darkness of the middle ages. "The field of physiology illuminated for a moment by the genius of Galen was then enshrouded in twelve centuries of gloom." After the long night of ignorance and superstition broke the dawn of the day which is still upon us in glimmers of light from the natural sciences. From the still smouldering embers of alchemy and astrology — as Christianity- upon the altars of the unknown gods — -were fanned the flames of modern chemistry, physics, and the. other natural sciences, under 5 50 MODERN DEFINITIONS OF LIFE. the light of which were read new interpretations of the prin- ciple of life. Paracelsus, Van Helmont and Sylvius, could see in its most complicated phenomena nothing but effects of combinations in chemistry. Descartes introduced the new science of mechanics. "The body had been an alembic ; now it was a machine. The principles of gravity, mechanics and hydrostatics served to explain the phenomena of the senses, the movements of organs, the exercise of all the functions, and even the acts of intelligence" (Longet). Again, there was reaction toward a vital as distinct from physical force. Haller, who was second only to Harvey, for having revived anew the long neglected studies by direct observation and experiment in lieu of surmise and specula- tion, discovered the inherent "irritability" in various tissues, a property innate to the tissue itself, and characteristic of living matter. Modern Definitions of Life. The definition of life in our own day has been mostly a play upon words. Bichat says "life is the sum total of the functions which resist death." Lawrence declares it to be "an assemblage of all the functions or purposes of organised bodies, and the general result of their exercise." Lewes defines life as "a series of definite and successive changes without destruction of identity." Duges calls it "the special activity of organized bodies," Beclard, "organisation in action," and Spencer, "the coordination of action." Truly, it might be said of all these phrases, they are only idle repe- titions of "life is life." Thus, to define physiology as the science of life, is one thing; but to define life, the subject of which it treats, is another. One might almost say that the definition of life is a rock surrounded with shipwrecked attempts. It is no answer whatever to say that life is a creation. ORGANIC AND INORGANIC MATTER. 51 Such an assertion may satisfy the wants of the emotions, but it will in no way appease the demands of the intellect, trained by cultivation in physical science to entirely ignore unnatural explanations for natural events. Equally empty and evasive in the pcriphrase that life is the result of all its phenomena. Difference between Organic and Inorganic Matter. May we succeed better, perhaps, with the understanding of life by a comparison between matter endowed with it, and that which is not ? Automata have been made to simulate every visible manifestation of life. Vaucanson's duck could walk, talk, i. e., utter sounds (Faber's machine could talk), eat, digest food, and even void per anum indigestible residue. Yet this automaton was wholly built up of wheels and springs, retorts and tubes, mechanical and chemical devices, a cunning contrivance to nearly realise the fanciful conception of Frankenstein. In what respect does such a finished piece of mechanism differ from an organism, a really living thing ? It has been said that the activity of an organism is innate, while that of a mechanism is accidental. An animal lives, moves, and has its being of itself, while a machine, steam- engine or watch must be supplied with fuel or wound up before its activity is shown. But an organism is no more capable of living without food, than a machine of running without fuel. The food is fuel in a literal sense, and it is the combustion of the food in the body of man, as it is the combustion of fuel in the furnace of the engine, that develops the force in either case. Again, it has been said that activity of some kind or other is essential to the organism, but unessential to the mechanism ; that is, if the organism ceases to act, it perishes and is lost, 52 THE PROPERTY OF ASSIMILATION. whereas an engine remains an engine, or a watch remains a watch, even though not set in motion for years. But we know many organisms that have ceased to show any signs of life for years and yet still exist as such. Small wheel- like animals, tardigrades, rotifers, etc., may be completely dried up and kept as lifeless particles for years, to be re- stored with every manifestation of life, swimming as actively as before, on being put again in water. Frogs and fishes, low in the scale, have been frozen hard into inanimate bodies and again thawed into life. Seeds from the tombs of mummies have been made to germinate and bear fruit after the desiccation of a thousand years. Nor can the much-vaunted power of reproduction be looked upon as a criterion of living things. The power of reproduction is present only at a certain phase of life in all animals and plants, and yet at every period are they none the less alive. Besides, many living things are sterile throughout life, as the workers among bees, the soldiers of ants, hybrids among horses, etc. Nor, again, may it even be maintained that every living thing is descended from a parent like itself; for many species of animals and plants now upon the earth differ so entirely from ancestral forms as to have been long regarded as entirely different species. A skilled zoologist is required to trace the resemblance between fossil and existent forms. The Property of Assimilation. Nevertheless, observes Briicke, who has so clearly estab- lished these refutations of long accepted views, we do possess a difference, which enables us to separate living from lifeless matter. Organisms have the property, with which no mechanism of any kind has ever been endowed, of taking up foreign matter and transforming it into their own sub- THE PROPERTY OF ASSIMILATION. 53 stance ; and the organism grows at the expense of the substance thus acquired. This is the property of assimila- tion. "It pertains to every organism, so long as it is an organism, and must pertain to every organism, because upon it is based its whole organic life." But if we contrast the growth of an organism with the growth of inorganic matter we may not make this difference so distinct. For, in the first place, we observe that the elements which go to form an organism are not different from those that constitute inorganic matter. The carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen of living matter are precisely the same carbon, hydrogen, etc., in the inorganic world. A simple monad, a shapeless mass of protoplasm, scarcely contains as many elements as a piece of common feldspar. That either should increase in size, it must be placed in a medium con- taining matter like itself, or that may be cjianged into matter like itself. In the slow evaporation of the solution of a salt, the formation of crystals develops. Each crystal particle grows by addition to its surface. In the growth of an organism the addition is effected from within. So far as growth is concerned the essential difference between the two is merely one of density. Organisms are of soft consistence, hence are penetrable to nutrient matter. Inorganic matter, from its nature, is hard and dense, impenetrable from with- out. Growth may only take place on its surface, but it is here, as in the organism, always at the expense of the new material. It is true that in the organism the new material is subjected to chemical change, a new arrangement of its atoms resulting from its absorption and assimilation, but this change is due to the fact that carbon, the principal elementary ingredient of organic bodies, has such multi- tudinous and varied relations with all the other elements. In other words, the various manifestations of life, in its simplest forms at least, admit of explanation on physical 54 PERIOD OF DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE. grounds alone ; and, so far as growth and reproduction are concerned, it is no more necessary to invoke the phantom of a mystic vital force in their comprehension, than in the explanation of the form or formation of a crystal in the inorganic world. Whatever theory we may adopt as to the nature of life, there is no longer any doubt as to the Period of its Development upon our Earth, that is, it is positively known that life did not appear coeval with the dissipation of the chaotic confusion which marks the first epoch in every theory of creation. Ages must have lapsed before the necessary conditions of life could have developed. Two theories prevail at present in the civilized world regarding the firs&,creation of life ; the so-called miraculous and non-miraculous theories. These theories are more euphemistically designated the teleological and mechanical theories ; teleological {rzloc^ end and 7.oyoq, discourse) because evincing design, according to human conception of the term ; and mechanical in the sense of being explicable by the action of natural laws in continuous operation. The miraculous is the supernatural theory as revealed in the first book of Genesis. Because it has received its finest exposition in our day at the hands of the great English poet, Milton, this theory is often called the Miltonic theory. It is depicted in the Bible with the solemn cadence, the metaphor and poetic imagery, the "inspiration," characteristic of the Orient. In its regular sequence of chaos, darkness, absence of form and life, then lir^ht, water, vegetation, aquatic life, land life, and, last of all, man, it is in perfect harmony with the natural theory of creation. But, in its disposition of the earth as the center of the universe, and of man as the center of all life, it is directly opposed to all the facts of astronomy, PERIOD OF DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE. 55 geology and biology. The earth we know to be but an atom in the illimitable expanse of space and we have reason to consider man but as an accident of conditions upon its surface prevailing at his time. The non-miraculous is the natural theory of creation. This theory in the first place repudiates every idea of crea- tion in the strict sense of the term. Such a thing as the creation of a new substance is impossible and unknown. The matter of which our earth consists has existed and will exist forever. It may become subject to as many changes in future ages as it has undergone in the past; it may, ultimately, even lose its separate existence and identity by fusion with other globe's of matter and return to a former nebulous state, but the matter of its present composition must remain, in essence, forever the same. "Dinanzi a me non fur cose create, Se non eterne, ed io eterno duro." As it is imperishable, it may not have been created. In its organic form it may suffer decomposition but, as we have seen, the water, the gases, the "dust," into which it is resolved, is the same matter in its elements as before. It has only changed its form. The smoke and ashes of matter consumed by fire, weigh exactly as much, and are the same elements as before. Creation under the natural theory refers not to substance, but to form. Facts in the natural sciences, which it is not our prov- ince to repeat, enable us to trace back the past history of our earth, through successive changes of form, to a mass of molten matter, irradiating its heat into space, until its ex- terior was enveloped in a more or less solid crust. The sub- sequent condensation of steam, into which its water had been forced by heat, let the rain fall upon the surface until it was wholly covered with water. The surging of the mol- 56 THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION. ten interior lifted land above the waters in islands, conti- nents and mountain chains. Then, when the heat had been sufficiently reduced, when water was present in quantity, when an atmosphere (though not the air we are breathing now) floated above the waters, then — all the conditions being present — life was developed in its lowest forms, as inevitably as the heat was irradiated, or the steam condensed, or the minerals crystallised into special forms, or as inevitably as any physical law. The Theory of Evolution. That higher and higher forms of life were successively developed from lower forms, is now abundantly proven by facts in palaeontology, comparative anatomy and embryology, as well as by direct observation of the effects of natural and artificial selection. Palceontology , the Science of Petrifactions, or of fossils, furnishes what may be now called indisputable proof of the gradual evolution of higher forms of life. "The organisms buried in the most ancient geological strata must be looked upon as the ancestors from which the rich diversity of forms of the present creation have originated by continued generation and by accommodation to pro- gressive and very different conditions of life" (Carus). The different strata of the earth, successively deposited at differ- ent epochs of time, may be thus regarded as so many shelves, each filled with specimens of synchronous creation. Of the vertebrate animals, for example, we encounter first fish, then amphibious animals, then reptiles, birds and mammals. The explanations offered to account for the existence of fossils on any other theory than that of evolution are very curious. It was believed, for instance, that fossils were models in clay or mineral matter of subsequently improved THE SCIENCE OF PETRIFACTIONS. LI creations in organic life. According to others, petrifactions resulted from the influence of the stars upon the interior of the earth. "Sports of nature," they were playfully called. Since we have become acquainted with the vast denudations effected by the action of the air and falling and running water, we can readily understand how forms of life become gradually encrusted with sand and mud, and remain en- tombed for all time, as indestructible as the subjects and objects in Pompeii and Herculaneum while still enveloped in ashes and lava. Though the animal nature of fossils was recognised by some of the ancient Greek philosophers, notably by Xeno- phanes, of Colophon, as also by Aristotle, and though even the manner of their petrifaction seems to have been under- stood by that most versatile genius of the fifteenth century, Leonardo da Vinci, it was not until the beginning of the present century that their regular order of deposit began to be observed, so that laws could be deduced to entitle palaeon- tology to a distinct place amongst the exact sciences. AVe owe our first definite knowledge of the deposition of these ancient forms cf life to the great natural philosopher of France, George Cuvier. This observer discovered that the fossils deposited last, that is, those nearest the surface in undisturbed strata, most closely resembled the forms of life now existing upon earth, whereas those deposited first, in the deeper strata, differed most widely from living forms. Unfortunately, Cuvier wasnot able from this most suggestive discovery to proclaim the gradational development of forms of life, and thus anticipate for himself and his time the honor of the discovery of the theory of descent. The differ- ences in the forms of life encountered in different strata, he believed to be inherent, and to have been imprinted from their birth. In other words, he believed that each new strata represented an entirely new creation of all the forms of life. 58 THE CATACLYSMS OF CUVIEE. The Cataclysms of Cuvier. To account for such extraordinary phenomena as the ex- tinction of all existing, species and the creation of new, he invented the theory of the cataclysms, sweeping revolutions or mighty casualties of nature, which at stated periods suddenly convulsed the earth, overwhelmed every form of life, and changed to chaotic confusion the whole face of the globe. With the restoration of order came new forms of life, different from their predecessors, to again take possesion, until they, too, in turn succumbed in the general crash of another grand disaster. These unnatural cataclysms of Cuvier prevailed uncontra- dicted during the first quarter of our century, completely paralysing any hope of progress in biological studies, by not only recognising multiple creations and destructions in the past, but providing also for new ones in the future. Any connected history of development under such an hypothesis was, of course, impossible. Closer observations, however, in physical geography began to develop the fact that changes were continually taking place in the level of different regions, and in the disposition of land and water. Mr. Croll and Mr. Geike concluded from the results of their investigations that the whole terrestrial surface is denuded at the rate of one foot in six thousand years. "At this rate, one foot in six thousand years, ten feet in sixty thousand years, one hundred feet in six hundred thousand years and one thousand feet in six million years, the Mississippi river would not require more than about four million five hundred thousand years to wear away the whole of the North American continent, if its mean height is correctly estimated by Humboldt at seven hundred and forty-eight feet." The potency of falling water in degrading the higher surfaces — a potency which, if un- checked, would thus reduce the whole face of the earth to a THE GREAT AGE OF THE EARTH. 59 common level in a few million years — is being continually counteracted by the elevating influence of the molten interior of our globe. The coast of Sweden, for example, is observed to be continuously rising, while that of Holland is continuously sinking. So constant, indeed, must be the labor of man, in lifting off the water from the coasts of Holland as to have given rise to the saying there, that "God made the sea, and man, the shore." The west coast of South America has been lifted up perceptibly within the history of man, while the east coast has sunk in the same way in the same space of time. It was the observation of such alterations that led the eminent geologist, Robert Lyell, of England, to the conviction that all the changes which have heretofore taken place in the physical geography of the earth were the Results of Existing Causes, that is, those still in operation. "The rivers and the rocks, the seas and the continents have been changed in all their parts; but the laws which direct those changes and the rules to which they are subject have remained invariably the same" (Playfair). We may explain all the phenomena of nature, said Generelli, in his address to the Academy at Cimento, "senza violenze, senza finzioni, senza supposti, senza miracoli" (without violence, without fictions, without hy- potheses, without miracles). These changes, which may be very slight — a line or an inch — in the life of man, or, indeed, of mankind, assume sufficient magnitude in the untold ages of the past to account for the loftiest peaks of mountains or the greatest depths of the sea. The Great Age of the Earth is now attested by a multitude of facts. Geologists claim to have positive evidence that for at least ninety 60 THE GREAT AGE OF THE EARTH. millions of years, rain must have fallen upon its surface to effect the present degree of denudation. The formation of coal and of coral, of stalactites and stalagmites, furnish in- disputable evidence of the lapse of ages upon ages of time. "Men are in the habit of measuring the greatness and the wisdom of the universe by the duration and the profit which it promises to their own race ; but the past history of the earth already shows what an insignificant moment the duration of the existence of our race upon it constitutes. A Nineveh vessel, a Eoman sword awakens in us the con- ception of gray antiquity. What the museums of Europe show of the remains of Egypt and Assyria we gaze upon with silent astonishment, and despair of being able to carry our thoughts back to a period so remote. Still must the human race have existed for ages and multiplied itself before the pyramids of Nineuch could have been erected. We estimate the duration of human history at 6000 years; but immeasurable as this time may appear to us, what is it in comparison with the time during which the earth carried successive series of rank plants and mighty animals and no men ; during which in our neighborhood the amber tree bloomed and dropped its costly gum on the earth and in the sea ; when in Siberia, Europe and North America groves of tropical palms flourished; where gigantic lizards, and after them elephants, whose mighty remains we still find buried in the earth, found a home ? * * * * And the time during which the earth generated organic beings is again small when we compare it with the ages during which the world was a ball of fused rocks. For the duration of its cooling from 2000° to 200° centigrade, the experiments of Bishop upon basalt show about 350 millions of years necessary. And with regard to the time during which the first nebulous mass condensed into our planetary system our most daring conjectures must cease. The history of man, therefore, ia GItADATIONAL EVOLUTION OF FORM. 61 but a short ripple in the ocean of time" (Helmholtz). It is only necessary to appreciate the great age of the earth to understand the might of the slow and silent changes in per- petual operation, and to realise the truth of the remark that "changes which are rare in time are frequent in eternity." It was this revalation of the order, instead of disorder, observed in the history of the development of the inorganic world that enabled palaeontologists to disclose in fossils the Gradational Evolution of Forms of Life. It is only within the past twenty years that proof of this fact has received its highest confirmation in the accumula- tion of evidence of the existence of man in ages antedating any historical record. It may be stated as now beyond question that "not only man, but, what is more to the pur- pose, intelligent man, existed at times when the whole physical conformation of the country was totally different from that which characterises it now." And the fact itself that the difference is so slight between the most ancient remains of human forms as yet discovered — the celebrated Neanderthal skull for instance — and the forms now upon the surface of the earth, is most conclusive evidence of the time required to effect any very great change in the physical conformation and constitution of our earth. The horse, which now exists is the same in all essential regards as the horse of .the period of time referred to, but is a very different animal from the horse of a much more ancient period. It was the recognition of the eras of time necessary to effect radical changes in the structure of animal forms under the slow agencies of natural selection that forced upon scientists the conviction that no series of sudden catastrophes or convulsions have marked or marred the even course of nature. As Mr. Huxley has remarked : "Catastrophic palaeontologists are now practically extinct." It may 62 GRADATION AL EVOLUTION OF FORM. not be said, indeed, that our record is in all respects complete. When we consider the disturbing eleva- tions and depressions to which all parts of the earth have been repeatedly subjected, the yery small extent of surface as yet explored — not the one-thousandth part of the whole — the metamorphic changes which heat has induced in the lowest strata of rock, and when we recall the perishability of intermediate forms, and of all except the hardest parts of all forms, we cease to wonder at the "missing links." Many of the specimens still preserved are in sadly mutilated state, like the wounded in the broken ranks at the roll call after battle. But the losses are compensated in some degree by the skill of the interpreters. Some of you are doubtless familiar with the story of Zadig in the Eomances of Voltaire. He was a youth who had "chiefly studied the properties of plants and animals, and soon acquired a sagacity that made him discover a thousand differences, when other men see nothing but uniformity." The light and long furrows impressed upon the sand between the marks of the paws, revealed to him that the animal escaped was a bitch recently whelped ; other side traces told of the hanging ears of a spaniel, and the slighter impression of one of the paws showed that the animal was a little lame. Thus also he was able to divine the height of a runaway horse, the length of his tail, the character of his shoes and bit, in a manner to astound his questioners, and, as has often happened since, under similar circumstances, to render him liable to persecu- tion for sorcery. But how much more incredible and incom- prehensible to the unlearned is the more definite and extensive knowledge afforded by a footprint to the palaeontologist or com- parative anatomist? "Whoso sees merely the print of a cleft foot," wrote Cuvier, "may conclude that the animal which left this impression ruminated, and this conclusion is as certain as any other in physics or morals. This footprint GRADATIONAL EVOLUTION OF FORM. 63 alone yields to him who observes it, the form of the teeth, the form of the jaws, the form of the vertebra?, the forms of all the bones of the legs, of the thighs, of the shoulders and of the pelvis of the animal which has passed by ; it is a surer mark than all those of Zadig." A fossil fragment of a lower jaw directly attached to a piece of skull would enable the palaeontologist as positively to assert that the animal of which the fragment was part had two occipital condyles with an ossified basi-occipital bone, had also red corpuscles in its blood and breasts to suckle its young. Thus the excavation of a few fossil bones of the leg in our country completed the line of descent of the horse, the discovery of a couple of small back teeth (of a predatory marsupial) in the Trias formation established the existence of mammals at that early period of time, and the im- perfect impression from the Jura of a fossil bird (the archseopteryx) with a lizard's tail confirmed the con- jecture previously made that birds were developed from lizards. Thus from a fragment of bone or a tooth, from a feather or a footprint, has been deciphered, as from ancient hieroglyphics, the gradational development of animal life. For my part, said Mr. Darwin, in speaking of the imper- fection of the geological record, for my part, following out Ly ell's metaphor, I look at the geological record as a history of the world imperfectly kept and written in a changing dialect ; of this history we possess the latest volume alone, relating only to two or three countries. Of this volume, only here and there a short chapter has been preserved , and of each page, only here and there a few lines. Each word of the slowly changing language, more or less different in the successive chapters, may represent the forms of life which are entombed in our consecutive formations and which falsely ap- pear to us to have been abruptly introduced. On this view the difficulties discussed are greatly diminished or even disappear. 64 THE EVOLUTION OF FORMS OF LIFE. LECTURE IV. THE EVOLUTION OF FORMS OF LIFE. CONTENTS. Comparative Anatomy— Of the Eye and the Ear— Order of Develop- ment—Jean Lamarck — Wilhelm von Goethe— The Intermaxillary Process— Erasmus Darwin— Anatomical Resemblances— The Hand and its Homologues— Comparative Embryology— Ernst Haeckel— The Rudimentary Organs— Bone Rudiments— Muscle Rudiments — Rudiments from the Digestive System— Other Rudiments— Explana- tions of Rudiments. To-day we approach the development of life from the standpoint of Comparative Anatomy. The most striking feature in a general survey of the forms of life is their almost infinite diversity. The mind is fairly confused in its attempt to review the vast procession of ani- mated beings in constant defile about us, having nothing more in common, apparently, than motion or growth, repro- duction or assimilation, the grosser phenomena of life. Humboldt estimated, many years ago, that there were 56,000 species of plants and 51,700 species of animals. We know now that species are numberless because they are mutable. It is comparative anatomy alone that reveals to us the simi- larity of structure pre vading all these forms, notwithstanding their great diversity in external appearance. By the study of comparative anatomy we are thus enabled to group the forms of life into species, genera and tribes, to single out elements or types of structure from which all the various forms are modeled, however much they vary to superficial inspection, and to trace the points of resemblance to and Fig. i. — Man, iv weeks. Fig. 2. — Dog, iv weeks. Fig. 5. — Ccecum and vermi- form appendix, c, small in- testine, e, large intestine. With this knowledge of the physics of reproduction, we are not surprised to learn that its material manifesta- tions are simply divisions of the parent cell. This division may concern the protoplasm first, so that a more or less central constriction, vertical or horizontal, deepens to a furrow, and finally completely separates the main mass and its nucleus (when it exists) into two, each of which then commences its independent existence. In more complex structures the division of the generative cell (ovum) proceeds, each division subdividing, until finally the original cell presents the appearance of a mul- berry. This process of segmentation, as it is called, pro- vides separate atoms in each part of the subdivided cell for the construction of separate organs and tissues. The wall of the original "mother" cell may remain intact while this "endogenous" production of new cells is tak- ing place within it, and may even take part in the construc- tion of the new product, or it may burst, as it were, and permit the new "daughter" cells to escape and provide for themselves. The ovum or primordial cell is a typical example of the first method of procedure, cartilage cells of the second. In the cartilage cell, as in the white blood corpuscles of mammals, birds and amphibious animals, and in the red blood corpuscles of the embryos of mam- mals and birds, the division first affects the nucleus, which splits in two, each half aggregating about itself, by molecular motion, a quantity of protoplasm until the en- tire mass is thus divided. Such corpuscles are sometimes encountered with 1-2-4 nuclei, each of which attracts suffi- cient protoplasm to subsequently form a separate cell. So-called "giant cells," which play such an important role in rapidly proliferating structures (cancer, tuberculosis, THE DEATH OF CELLS. 145 etc.), are produced by a rapid multiplication of nuclei ■without corresponding division of the surrounding proto- plasm. Or, finally, the division of the cell (protoplasm) may be more lateral than uniform, protrusions shooting out from the mass of protoplasm to finally separate from the parent cell. This method of division by budding, as it is called, is mostly characteristic of the vegetable cell, but occurs also in animal cells (polyps, tape-worms, etc.), and, as a rule, in the regeneration of all cells after partial destruc- tion of tissue. The yeast plants (torulae) which rapidly develop in myriads in solutions of sugar, and are the imme- diate cause of all fermentation, are convenient objects for the study of reproduction by gemmation. The Death of Cells. The cell (protoplasm) having thus been born, it serves its special purpose in the animal economy, and dies. The final dissolution and disappearance of the individual cell may occur in several ways. In the first place, it may simply lose its fluid contents, dry up and desquamate, that is, be mechanically rubbed away. Such a mode of death characterises cells exposed to the open air, as the epithel- ium cells of the skin. Or, cells may perish from excess of fluid, be washed away and lost. This mode of death oc- curs in superficial mucus cells. The "rice-water" appear- ance of cholera discharges is due to the presence of mul- titudes of intestinal mucus cells, washed off by excessive drainage into the intestinal tube. Cells again may be killed by such rapid increase (proliferation) in number as to effect mutual compression and expression of their fluidity, as in the caseous degenerations of scrofula and phthisis. But most cells die by liquefaction of their contents ; conversion of their protoplasm into fat, or mucus, or water. 13 146 CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE TISSUES. These substances are then absorbed from the shriveled cell wall, which, in turn, finally disappears. Lastly, the protoplasm of the cell may be substituted by the salts of lime, and, undergoing this calcareous degeneration, cease to functionate as cells. The vast majority of cells die a natural death by fatty or calcareous degeneration. Recapitulation. The body of an animal or plant consists, as we have seen, of a single cell, or of an aggregation of such cells. The single-celled bodies are said to be simple, the many- celled, compound bodies. These structures are, however, in essence the same : the simple bodies being simply sep- arated further from each other. One such body (cell) depends for its existence (sustenance) upon other bodies. In the compound body, the single cells are also in a sense individual, yet they are all mutually dependent. A com- pound body is like a colony of ants or a hive of bees ; completely isolated individuals perish. The cells in a compound body are connected together by fluid, or more or less solid, intercellular substance. The intercellular substance is the product of cells. A compound body is made up of cells and intercellular substance. Classifications of the Tissues. Like cells, differentiated from the rest, and grouped to- gether for a special purpose, constitute the organs or tissues of a compound body. The body thus comes to be made up of organs and tissues, each having a special and particular purpose to subserve for the benefit of other organs and tissues as well as of itself. The body is, hence, constructed upon a plan of a division of labor; just as society is composed of farmers, tradesmen, thinkers, etc. ANATOMICAL AND CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION. 147 Anatomical Classification. If we regard the tissues of the body simply from an anatomical stand-point, we recognize: — 1. Tissues composed of simple cells, with fluid inter- cellular substance, as the blood, the lymph and chyle. 2. Tissues composed of simple cells, with a small amount of solid intercellular substance, as the epithelium, nail, etc. 3. Tissues composed of simple or transformed cells cohering (in some cases), situated sometimes in homo- geneous, sometimes in fibrous, and, as a rule, more or less solid intermediate substance, as cartilage, colloid tissue, adipose tissue, fibrous and elastic tissue, dentine and bone (connective tissue group). 4. Tissues composed of transformed, and, as a rule, non-cohering cells, with scanty, homogeneous and more or less solid, intermediate substance, as enamel, lens and muscle. 5. Tissues so mixed as to admit of no grouping under any of the above heads; as nerve tissue, gland tissue, vessels and hairs. This is the histological classification of Frey. Chemical Classification. If we regard the body from a purely chemical stand- point, we shall have to recognize its separation into the three great classes of proximate principles: — 1. The inorganic principles ; definite in their chemical composition, crystallizable, derived exclusively from with- out (forming to great extent the crust of the earth), sub- serving their special purpose in the body and then being voided from it, having undergone little or no change; as water, common salt, phosphate of lime, etc. 118 PHYSIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION. 2. The non-nitrogenized or hydro-carbonaceous prin- ciples ; which, as their name implies, contain no nitrogen, but are made up of carbon in large quantity, and of hydro- gen and oxygen ; principles which do not belong to the crust of the earth, but are formed exclusively in the bodies of animals and plants, where they undergo such changes as to be entirely broken up and consumed as such ; as starch, the sugars and the fats. 3. The nitrogenized, albumenoid or protein bodies; in- definite in their chemical composition, containing nitro- gen and mineral matters in addition to the carbon, hydro- gen and oxygen, varying in consistency according to the consistence of the organ in which they are found, hygro- scopic (that is, having the power to absorb water and be restored to their original consistence after desiccation), coagulable, spontaneously or artificially, and undergoing fermentation and putrefaction, by serving as food to microscopic animals and plants, which split up their chemi- cal combinations into new compounds (alcohol, carbonic acid gas, Water and other products of decomposition), principles also formed exclusively in the vegetable or ani- mal cell and undergoing entire change in the body. Examples of this class of proximate principles, which includes also the coloring matters and certain crystallized products of excretion, are albumen, fibrin, casein, myosin, pepsin, lecithin, hcemoglobulin, urea, etc. This is the chemical classification of Eobin and Verdeil. Physiological Classification. If, however, we regard the construction of the body from a purely physiological stand-point, we shall have to separate the tissues into classes according to pre-eminence in especial properties, with all the rest of which each one is endowed in subordinate degree, as : — PHYSIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION. 149 1. The tissues eminently mechanical ; bone (including teeth ), outside layers of epithelium (including hair and nai Is). 2. The tissues eminently contractile; the muscles. 3. The tissues eminently irritable ; the nerves (and nerve- centers). 4. The tissues eminently secretory (including excretory) ; the digestive, genito-urinary, pulmonary, etc., epithelium. 5. The tissues eminently metabolic (elaborative or trans- formative) ; the gland cells. 6. The tissues eminently reproductive ; the ovary and the testis. This is essentially the classification of Michael Foster. A study of these three methods of classification gives a clear survey of the construction and action of the various tissues in the body, whether simple or complex. These properties and actions in the simplest forms of protoplasm, like the amoeba, are very few and very limited. Under favoring conditions and in many millions of years, aggregated masses of protoplasm build up the most complicated structures. At various periods in the history of our earth. "In days of yore, no matter where or when Before the low creation swarmed with men." different animals have successively held the dominant place. At the present time the highest and most complicated structure is the body of man. But the principles of con- struction, the general properties of composition, remain everywhere the same. What is true of the monad, is true of man. The binary compounds of inorganic matter, carbonic acid gas (COO), and water (HHO), are raised in organic matter to ternary compounds, starch, etc. (CHO), and upon the question whether this rearrangement of elements happens naturally, i. e., chemically, or supernatural ly, rests the most momentous problem of our day. 150 BONE AND ITS PROPERTIES. LECTURE VIII. BONE AND ITS PROPERTIES. CONTENTS. Anatomical Dignity of Bone — Relation of Bone to Nerve Tissue— The Skeleton— The General Properties of Bones — The Histology of Bone— The Haversian Canals — The Lamella? — The Bone Corpuscles and Lacuna? — The Canaliculi — The Chemistry of Bone — Difficulties Attending the Study of Osteology — Bones as Fuel — Gelatine as an Aliment — The Resistance and Resilience of Bone — Constancy of Chemical Composition — Rachitis andOstco-Malacia — The Phosphate of Lime — The Preservation of Bone — Bone a Connective Tissue — The Formation of Bone — The Periosteum — The Centre of Ossification — Tho Determination of Age — The Femoral Epiphyseal Centre — The Excavation of Bone — Air in Bone — The Marrow — Studies in Living Bone — Eonc as a Symbol of the Body. The Anatomical Dignity of Bone. Bone has a structural dignity which is attained, with one exception, by no other hard or solid formation in the economy of nature. The existence of true bone in the body of an animal brings it to rank at once among the class of vertebrates. Wherever is bone, is a spinal column. The hard parts of all invertebrate animals are made of horn and shell, never of true bone. Even the teeth, which alone among other solid structures enjoy the same exceptional place, from the stand-point of compara- tive anatomy, could not be present at all, were it not for the fact that their roots are incrusted with a layer of bone, the cement, whose periosteum fusing with that of the alveolae of the bones of the jaws, secures their fixation in the body. Relation of Bone to Nerve Tissue. For the bone in the spinal column of the vertebrata stands in the most intimate . relation to the great chain * c Fig. 21. — The structure of bone, a, b, the Haversian canals, c, d, the Haversian lamellae. e, e, periosteal lamellae. f,g, the bone cells and canaliculi. (p. 153-156) -h Fig. 22. — The structure of striped muscle, a (left fig- ure), sarcolemma. b, end of ruptured fibre, a (right fig- ure), transverse striae. £, h- brilla. (p. 178-179) Fig. 23. — Involuntary (smooth) muscle fibre, a, nucleus, (p. 182) Fig. 24. — Termination of motor nerve in voluntary muscle. The muscle fibres exhibit the striae and sarcolemmar nuclei; the nerve, its constituent parts and the terminal plates. (P- 231) Fig. 25. — Schematic representation of re- flex action. 1, sensitive (epithelial) sur- face. 2, motor (muscular) structure. A, afferent (sensitive) nerve; B, nerve cell; - C, efferent (motor) nerve, (p. 237) L Fig. 26. — Schematic representation of volitional action. 1, sensitive surface. 2, motor structure. A, afferent nerve; C. efferent nerve; B, nerve cell (for simple reriex action). Z>, afferent nerve; F efferent nerve; £., nerve cell (for volitional action), (p. 238) The Structure of Bone and Muscle, and the Modus Operandi of Reflex Action. THE SKELETON. 151 of nervous matter, the spinal cord, which it encloses and protects. Each vertebra corresponds to, and is developed in connection with, one of the primitive ganglia of the nervous system. Above it and below it emerge the spinal nerves. So that a vertebra has been defined to be "a bone or axial segment of the skeleton included between two pairs of nerves." The subsequent growth of the column, however, faster than the cord, disturbs this topical relation so that the cord which at the third month of intra-uterine life reaches as low as the end of the sacrum, if not to the coccyx, stops short in the adult at the second lumbar vertebra. The spinal nerves then come to pass down from the cord and out through the interverte- bral foramina with such a degree of obliquity, increasing from the first to the last pair, that it would seem as though the cord had been drawn upwards, bodily, within the spinal canal. The Skeleton. The bones of various shape and size, jointed together in various ways, constitute the skeleton or scaffolding, whose disposition determines the size, shape, posture, in short, the configuration and habitus of the animal: — Ossa autem corpori humani for mam, rectitudinem et firmitatem conciliant (Galen). The word skeleton is often said to be derived from ax&hu, to dry up, in the sense in which this term was used by Herodotus who speaks of the sole aridum et exsiccat- um cadaver, which the Egyptians exhibited at their festivities, with the greeting, edite et bibite, post-mortem tales eritis! Skeleton is more probably derived from gx^oq, thigh bone, which, as the largest bone in the body, had its name used as a designation for the whole structure (Hyrtl). In the Crustacea, molluscs and in insects, the skeleton^ 152 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF BOXES. of shell or horn, is on the exterior of the body. The first example of internal skeleton is met in the cephalopodous molluscs in which certain cartilaginous plates are inclosed in the body of the animal protecting certain parts of the nervous system. General Properties of Bones. The elongated, tubular, bones of the extremities serve as levers for the muscles, to the action of which, by their restriction, of movement, they lend precision and effect. Hence the bones are often mentioned as the passive organs of locomotion. Spread out in surfaces, more or less flat, or stretched out in rods, more or less flexible, they form cavities, the skull ; or basins, the pelvis ; or cages, the thorax, for the protection and support of the softer organs. Broken up, as it were, into smaller fragments, with irregular surfaces and spongier structure, often with intercalated cartilaginous pads, they act as bumpers or cushions to break the force of shocks, as at the wrist and ankle and in the spinal column. Contracted in their shafts, or alternately convex and concave in their course, as in the long bones and vertebral column, they give space for the origin and lodgment of muscles, and support to the heavier organs, and expanded at their ends, they widen the surface of articulation, afford room for the insertion of ligaments and tendons, and furnish fulcra for the action of the muscles, by distancing the point of insertion from the centre of motion. Increased in weight and size near the trunk, they give momentum and range to the movements of the body, and abbreviated in all their dimensions at their distal extremities, they lend celerity and accuracy to its various actions. They are thickened into massive bars and plates as in the pubes and ilium, thinned down to papyraceous sheets, or rolled up in delicate scrolls as in the nasal fossa?, projected in vast promontories THE HAVERSIAN CANALS. 1q3 in the various tuberosities, or reduced to insignificant frag- ments as in the bones of the ear, all for purposes familiar to every student of anatomy. The Histology of Bone. The microscopic appearance of bone is characteristic. For bone belongs, histologically, to the group of the con- nective tissues and hence consists, primarily, of a network of stellate ramifying cells (bone cells, bone corpuscles, cor- puscles of Purkinje, etc.). In the subsequent process of ossification these cells desiccate and leave spaces, lacuna?, filled with serum or air (carbonic acid gas). The hardness of bone is due to the deposit of various mineral salts, prin- cipally of lime, in the intercellular spaces. Any doubt as to the nature of a substance is at once resolved under the microscope, so far as bone is concerned, at a single glance. The distinguishing characteristics of bone are four, viz., First, The Haversian Canals. These canals are the conduit tubes for the bloodvessels, the main trunks of which penetrate the surface of the bones at the so-called nutritious foramina. Reaching the interior of the bone, the canals ramify throughout its substance, varying in size from -^ So0- °f an incn (0.112S-0.0149 mm.) in diameter, so completely sup- plying all parts of it, that no osseous tissue is removed from its nutrient blood at a greater distance than the yi^j of an inch. The abundance of the blood supply to bone imparts to it a pinkish hue, though the fundamental color of bloodless bone is a pale gray, except in some fishes where it is green. Bone, like all other vascular structures, is liable to inflammations, and wounded bone bleeds. In cross sections of bone, the bloodvessel canals, called also the 154 THE LAMEL.L2E. Haversian canals, to perpetuate, the name of their dis- coverer, Clopton Havers (1691), appear as rounded or ovoid openings of various size, in long sections as split canals. Where the bone tissue is so thin that it may be directly nourished by the vessels in the two enclosing layers of periosteum, as in the laminae papyraceae of the ethmoid bone and in the translucent regions of the palate and lachrymal bones, and in the leaves of spongy tissue every where, Haversian canals are not developed. In the flat bones of the cranium, etc., and in the sternum, the Haversian canals radiate in stellate form from definite points (from the tuber frontale, parietale, etc.). Second, The Lamella?. Bone tissue is deposited in layers, 6-15 in number, each about -^oVo of an inch (0.0065 mm.) in diameter, about the bloodvessels, the oldest layers being, like geological strata, the deepest, that is, nearest to the vessels. Or, the layers are formed from the under surface of the periosteum and thus encircle the entire bone. As the bone continues to grow, the relation of these layers to each other, of course, undergoes change. That is, they appear to abut against each other like the upheaved volcanic strata of the earth against the horizontal aqueous strata. The Haversian lamellae lie con- centrically about the bloodvessel canals, and as these canals in the long bones run, for the most part, parallel with the long axis of the bone, the Haversian lamellae form series of columns about each other throughout the length of the bone, connected with each other, braced, as it were, by the lateral columns about the lateral anastomosing canals. A singular system of lamellae first described by Sharpey (1856), as perforating bone fibres, pass from the under sur- face of the periosteum downwards through the circular THE BONE CORPUSCLE^. 155 periosteal layers "like nails through the leaves of a book, pinning them together." They arc found in human bone as well as in that of other mammals, but more frequently in amphibia and fishes. They are the residue of the connec- tive tissue substance, the original matrix of bone, and hence are not found among the Haversian canals. Third, The Bone Corjjuscles, corpuscles of Purkinje (1834), or rather the lacunae, the spaces left after disappearance of the corpuscles. These lacunae, ovoid, and with their radiating canaliculi, stellate in shape, are seen profusely scattered about in the microscopic field (Harting counted 910 in a square milli- meter of bone), lying between or in the various lamellae. They measure from tiVo^soo of an inch in their long diameter by about ^J^y of an inch in width. (0.0181—0.0514X0.0068 mm.). The lacunae (?mko^ lake), as already intimated, are the open spaces filled with serum, in dried bone with air, representing the sites of the original bone (connective tissue) cells. In the process of ossifica- tion, mineral matter comes to be deposited about the bone cells, which finally disappear, leaving the lacunae as moulds indicating their former site and size. The original bone corpuscles (protoplasm) or cells, with their elongated nuclei, may only be obtained from fresh (growing) bone whose mineral matter has been dissolved out by hydro- chloric acid. Fourth, The Canaliculi. These are the minute wavy canals which make communi- cation between different lacunae, between lacunae and Haver- sian canals, and between lacunae and the general medullary cavity (the marrow). They merit the diminution appended to their name, as they measure but from so£>-r, if the movement of the muscle be represented in exaggerated form, as by the attach- ment to it of a long, delicate, lever (the myograph), which shall register the tracing of the muscle with great accuracy, it is seen that a short, but appreciable, interval of time lapses between the application of the stimulus and the movement of the lever. This interval is known as the "pose" of the muscle, and occupies about the -^ of a second. Now the lever is rather abruptly raised, and if its point be traversed by a sliding plate, evenly run by clock-work, it traces an obliquely ascending arc, the elevation of which corresponds to the force of the contraction. "When the point of the lever has reached its highest point, in a period of time occupying about ^ of a second, the contraction has ceased, whereupon it falls in a descending curved line, occupying in its trace about -^ of a second, to its original level. The curve registered in this way is known as the 204 THE ACTION OF NERVE FORCE. "muscle curve." Thus the muscle, in its entire contraction, occupies the yV+^o+aV^To °f a second. A second shock of electricity, of course, repeats these phenomena in every particular, but if a second shock shall have been entered before entire relaxation has occurred, the muscle curve will not fall to its original level before it is caught again, so to speak, and forced to rise. Now, if re- peated shocks be entered rapidly, but not too rapidly, the curve will be held high on the plate, and the rise and fall of each contraction and relaxation will be very slight. At ten shocks (vibrations of the fork) per second, the distinct effects of each still remain visible ; at fifteen, the individual shocks begin to become fused, and at twenty vibrations to the second, the muscle is held permanently contracted. This constitutes what is known as tetanus. We use the ordinary Faradic battery as a good instrument for "the exhibition of the spasmodic contractions of individual shocks, and the small French Voltaic battery to exhibit the tetanising effects of rapidly succeeding shocks. The Action of Nerve Force. The constant current of electricity produces contraction in the muscle only at the moment of making and breaking contact. During the steady, constant, flow of the electric force, the muscle remains perfectly passive and unaffected. When muscle contracts physiologically, that is, under the influence of nerve force, it is held contracted, as in tetanus, until the stimulus from the nerve is voluntarily or invol- untarily withdrawn. The inference is, hence, plain, that norve force is sent to muscle, not in a continuous, but in an interrupted current. And as muscle does not contract spasmodically under nervous force, this force must be transmitted to muscle in a series of vibrations, numbering at least twenty to the second. THE MUSCULAR WAVE. 205 The Sound of Muscle Contraction. What lends to this inference additional support, is the fact that muscle, in contracting, produces sound. Sound implies, of course, a series of vibrations. A body at perfect rest emits no sound. Muscle emits a sound which is distinctly audible. If a stethoscope be placed over a contracting biceps, a humming sound is distinctly perceived, or if, in the stillness of the night, the ears be stopped with the fingers and the jaws firmly closed, the sounds of the power- ful flexors of the jaw may be clearly perceived. The note emitted by the sound of contracting muscle is always the same. It indicates twenty vibrations to the second. This is the "music of motion," and "Such are the subtle strings in tension found Like those of lutes, to just proportion wound Which of the air's vibration is the force." Blackmore. The Muscular Wave. From what has been already said, it is plain that muscle has no power to contract of itself. In other words, muscle possesses no automatism. It has the capacity for work, but exhibits this capacity only under stimulus. This stimulus is imparted physiologically, as we have seen, only by the nervous system, and is manifested first, as would have been assumed, at the points where the nerve reaches the muscle. As a nerve is about to be distributed to muscle, it subdivides into a leash or into branches, like a whip-lash with many tails, and these branches, containing at their termination in the muscle only the essential conducting element of nerve force, fuse with an accumulation of sarcolemmar nuclei, which are collected to form a disc or plate at certain points on the surface of the muscle fibre. The muscle fibre begins to swell in thickness at this point, and at other similar 206 INDEPENDENCE OF MUSCULAR FORCE. points, so as to present the appearance of a beaded rod. The beads or swellings, under continuing contraction, con- tinue to increase in size, so that the intervals are absorbed, so to speak, in contiguous enlargements, until the whole fibre and the whole muscle is gathered up into a globar or rather a fusiform mass. By means of ingeniously contrived appar- atus, Aeby was able to estimate the velocity of the muscular wave at 40 inches (1 meter) per second, a rate, thus, much more rapid than ordinary protoplasmic (e. #., ciliary) motion, but much less rapid than nerve force. Hence muscular force is not nerve force. Nerve force is the sepa- rate force which evokes muscular force. Independence of Muscular Force. The independence of muscular force is likewise proven by the fact that muscle removed from all connection with the nervous system will still respond to other stimulus. Still living muscle will continue to contract, under stimulus, when entirely removed from the body, and will continue to respond to artificial excitation in the body after the nerve force has been annulled by section of the nerve fibre and death of its peripheral end. Thus Longet, in 1841, cut the facial nerve and found that it lost its irritability entirely in four days. But the muscles supplied by this nerve con- tinued contractile for more than twelve weeks. Action of Sulphocyanide of Potassium and Curare. But the most striking and irrefragable proof of the inde- pendence of muscular contractility was established by Claude Bernard in the discovery of the action of an agent, the sulphocyanide of potassium, which paralysed muscular irritability without affecting that of the nerve, and of the action of an agent, woorara, which paralysed nervous irritability without affecting that of the muscle. THE ACTION OF CURARE. 207 The solution of sulphocyanide of potassium (KCyS) is made by simply boiling sulphur with a solution of pure cyanide of potassium. It is used in commerce as the basis (with mercury) for the manufacture of the dangerous little fire cones, known as Pharaoh's serpents. When a small quantity of the sulphocyanide of potassium is introduced beneath the skin of the frog, the muscular system becomes entirely paralysed to every other stimulus than that trans- mitted through the nerves. Electricity applied directly to the muscle now produces no effect, but still exerts its power upon the muscle when applied directly to the nerves dis- tributed to the muscle. The real nature and composition of woorara (curare) con- tinue unknown. It is an extract of one or several vege- tables, and probably contains also several animal products. The Indians dip the points of their arrows in it and thus kill their foes by the slightest wounds. They use it also for hunting purposes, experience having taught them its per- fect innocuousness when introduced into the stomach, not- withstanding its deadly effects upon the blood. The flesh of animals killed by woorara is eaten with perfect impunity, while if the poison be extracted from the stomach of an animal to which it had been administered in its food, and injected into the blood of another animal, it will promptly exhibit its toxic effect ; proof that the immunity which the stomach enjoys, is not due to neutralisation of the poison by the gastric j uice, but to refusal to absorb it. In this re- spect it resembles the poison of snakes, on which account its active principle has been supposed to be the venom of the crotalus (Fournie). When a small quantity of curare is introduced beneath the skin of an animal, it paralyses all the motor nerves, but has no effect whatever upon the sensitive nerves, or upon the muscles. Electricity or other excitant may now 208 THE GENERATION OF HEAT. be applied to the nerves without the least effect upon the muscle, but the muscle still continues to respond to direct excitation of its substance. Curare acts by first destroying the irritability of the end plates of the nerves within the muscles. Some of the derivatives of strychnia, ethylstrychnia, methylstrychnia, etc., produce the same effect. Thus is absolutely determined the question of the inde- pendence of muscular contractility and its inherence in muscular tissue itself. But the solution of this question in no way invalidates the fact that muscle never contracts spontaneously, but always, and only, in obedience to some force outside of the muscle substance. It is only within a very few years that the heart has been proven to be no ex- ception to this absolute law. Bernstein found that if the ventricle be compressed transversely in the middle with a pair of narrow-bladed forceps, the part beyond the line of compression remains absolutely inactive, though its nutri- tion is perfectly provided for by the persistence of the normal movements in the rest of the heart, and Bowditch concludes from his experiments that "when after transverse compression of the ventricle, the apex, at first brought to rest, recommences to beat, this renewal of activity depends upon the restoration of an imperfectly destroyed connection between the apex and the motor apparatus at the base of the heart." The Generation of Heat. Muscle, in contracting, develops heat. Every one is familiar with the fact that the temperature of the body in- creases during exercise. In the absence of fire, we depend upon exercise to furnish means of sustaining the body heat under exposure to cold. But exercise also increases the activity of the circulation, of respiration, etc., as more probable sources of the origin of heat. To determine THE GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY. 209 whether muscle developed heat, and if so, its exact amount, Becquerel and Brechet made use of an instrument known as a thermo-multiplicator, so constructed as to cause wide deviations of a needle under fractions of a degree of tempera- ture. A needle connected with the apparatus was now stuck into the biceps muscle of a man. When the biceps contracted, it registered a deviation corresponding to an increase of 1° C. Helmholtz experimented with frog's muscle connected with the body only by its nerve ; removed, thus, from the circulation ; and observed, by means of a very sensitive multiplicator, a deviation, during contraction, cor- responding to an elevation of 0.1° C. In a frog's muscle a single contraction may develop 0.005° C, which tetanus may increase to 0.15° C. Beclard, Thyry and Meyerstein, Heidenhain, and, more recently, Fick, have all, by numerous experiments, demonstrated the increase of temperature in the contraction of muscle. Fick observed that when a muscle was allowed to extend itself with the weight, which it had just lifted, still attached to it, it gave out more heat than when it was allowed to extend itself without the weight, that is, with the weight removed at the maximum of contraction. For, in the sinking of the weight, while muscle regains its former length, the mechanical work is changed into an equivalent quantity of heat. This fact, Cyon remarks, can only be construed as an irresistible sub- stantiation of the law of the conservation of force in muscular work. So, too, it has been observed that if a muscle be held down during contraction, or during the effort of contraction, more heat is developed ; the chemical force in the muscle not being able to expend itself in mechanical work, appears as heat. The Generation of Electricity. Lastly, muscle, in contracting, develops electricity. 18 210 THE GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY. When this fact was first discovered by Galvani, the most extravagant conceptions were entertained as to its signifi- cance. It was believed that animal electricity was the fons et origo, the supreme source and cause of all vitality. This idea seems to us now sufficiently absurd, but in view of our so recent release from the thralldom of a mysterious "vital force," that refuge of ignorance and phantom of superstition, infinitely more illusive and delusive than animal electricity, which has at least demonstrable existence, we may not cast reflections upon the credulity of the older physiologists. The electricity evolved from muscle may be readily demonstrated by applying the exposed nerve of the frog's leg to the separated muscle of the thigh, so that the nerve will touch the muscle at two points only, viz., on the surface of the muscle, and on its cut end. By arranging a series of separate thighs (frogs), so that one rested into the other like a set of cups, the outside of one resting in the in- side of the one below it, Matteucci constructed a so-called frog battery. By connecting with wires, attached to a galvanometer, the two end thighs, of a series of ten, an electric current was obtained, sufficient to deflect the needle thirty degrees. Our positive knowledge regarding the electric currents in muscle and nerve dates from the remarkable experiments of Du Bois-Reymond, of Berlin. This observer has shown that t'.ic current of electricity runs, in all cases, from the surface to the cut end of a muscle, and this is the case whether the observation be made upon a whole muscle or upon any part of a muscle. The surface is hence positive, and the cut end negative. So soon as the muscle is called into action, the strength of this current is at once diminished, and the current is hence said to experience a "negative variation." This diminution of the current during the contraction of muscle, is a result which would have been premised from our DU bois-tieymond's theory. 211 knowledge of the law of conservation of force. For the electricity evolved from muscle has its origin in the chemical changes constantly at work in the muscle, and if these chemical changes may expend their force in muscular work, the electric current must, of necessity, be diminished in strength. Du Bois-ReymoncVs Theory of Muscular Action. In order to explain the peculiar direction assumed by the electric current in muscle, Du Bois-Reymond has proposed the theory that muscle fibre is composed of molecules, each of which has an equatorial belt or zone manifesting positive electricity, and two polar zones manifesting negative electricity. The equatorial zones being always on the sur- face, no matter how much the muscle be divided longitu- dinally, will always exhibit positive electricity, while the polar zones, being exposed by transverse section, will always exhibit negative electricity. Hence the current must pass from the natural or artificial surface of muscle towards its transversely cut end. The subject of muscle electricity is still in its infancy, and while it is possible that further investigations may yield results of the highest prac- tical interest, regarding the molecular construction and essential action of muscle, it may "not be claimed that they have as yet been obtained. It is stated, indeed, that the mere shape of the pieces of muscle employed in experi- ments has great effect upon the direction of the current. And it is stated by Kiiss that "a muscle may possess its normal electric current and yet have lost all its other properties; thus poisons, which kill the muscle, have not always the same effect upon its electro-motor power ; finally, similar currents have been observed in living tissue of various kinds, even in vegetables, as, for instance, in pieces of the pulp of a potato." 212 RIGOR MORTIS. Rigor Mortis. We may take up now the changes which muscle under- goes at and after death. It is a familiar fact that death of all the tissues does not take place simultaneously. For a long time after volitional or reflex control has been lost, by suspension of volition or reflex action, a muscle will still continue to respond to artificial stimulus. The muscles of cold blooded animals remain irritable for 8-10 days after the death of the animals, and under favorable circumstances, much longer. Thus my colleague, Dr. Longworth, reported to our Academy of Medicine, the continuing pulsation of the heart of a boa constrictor twenty-one days after it had been sent in dead from the Zoological Garden for purpose of post-mortem examination, and Redi saw contractility persist in a tortoise twenty-three days after death. But the muscles of warm blooded animals lose their irritability in a few hours, or at most, in a few days. The muscles of birds cease to respond to irritation sooner than those of mammals. The precise time at which muscle irritability is lost, depends then upon the nature of the animal. It depends also upon surrounding conditions. Thus it is preserved longest at a temperature of 0° C. ; a lower temperature freezes muscle and thus speedily destroys its irritability, and a much higher temperature hastens chemical change and thus exercises the same effect. The death of muscle is characterised by a peculiar change in its substance. It becomes gradually more dense and less extensible. When this stage has wholly developed, muscle is said to be in the stage of cadaveric rigidity or rigor mortis. The immediate cause of these physical changes is the coagulation of the myosin, or muscle protoplasm. Myosin clots after death just as fibrin clots in the blood, and thus change** the consistency of muscle substance. The RIGOR MORTIS. 213 members of the body must be composed shortly after death to anticipate these changes by a fixation in the position in which it is intended they shall remain. For, after rigidity is developed, the posture of the body, or the position of members, can be changed only with considerable force. Rigidity first establishes itself in the muscles of the neck and jaws, next in those of the trunk and lastly in those of the upper and lower extremities, and it is in this order or sequence that it gradually disappears to putrefactive change. It never occurs immediately after death, and is never entirely absent, though it may be comparatively slight in degree. Involuntary muscle experiences the same change, but at a later period. The very last muscle to sur- render to rigor mortis is the right auricle of the heart, and because this fact was first noticed by Haller, this organ was complimentarily designated the "ultimum moriens Halleri" Such radical change occurs in muscle substance when undergoing rigor mortis, that it is only at the commence- ment of this process that its irritability can be restored by the transfusion of fresh blood. Preyer was able, however, by dissolving the coagulated myosin with a solution of .common salt, and then injecting blood, to restore irritability to muscle in cadaveric rigidity. This recovery of tone was, of course, due to the fact that all the myosin does not coagulate at once ; enough for purposes of demonstration still remains fluid, and able to act, when relieved from the clogging action of the coagulum about it. Post-mortem . rigidity sets in very speedily in muscles whose tone has been exhausted just before death, as in hunted animals, or after poisoning with strychnia, tetanus from septic disease, or other cause. It is stated by Sommer that it never manifests itself sooner than seven minutes 'cr later than ten hours. Although army surgeons have con- tended, from observations of the postures of soldiers killed 214 POST-MORTEM CHANGES IN MUSCLE. on the field of battle, that rigidity is occasionally immediate, it is known that some interval of time always intervenes. But in cases of very sudden death the interval is very short. As a rule, the more slowly it develops, the longer it lasts. In cases of death by stroke of lightning or poisoning by prussic acid, its persistence is so short as to have given rise to the erroneous belief that it had not occurred at all. We know of no agent that may temporarily induce it after the manner of the drug which the friar gave to Juliet, that "Each part deprived of supple government, Shall stiff and stark and cold appear like death." Post-Mortem Changes in Muscle. Very curious changes sometimes occur in muscle after death. In the presence of much moisture, bodies are occa- sionally completely saponified, converted into adipocire, and are thus indefinitely preserved. Or, muscle, with other soft parts, may become dried up, mummified, and be thus pre- served for thousands of years. Both these processes, as well as that of calcification (lithopaedion), may occur also in the foetus in utero. But, in the rule, muscle substance under- goes gradual liquefaction and resolution by ordinary putre- factive changes. But all the muscles do not suffer dissolu- tion to the same degree. Thus the walls of the aorta persist long after the smaller vessels and the voluntary muscles have disappeared. The tissue or structure which survives, or rather persists, the longest, is the uterus, and it is to call your attention to this fact, which is of great value from a medico-legal point of view, that I make mention of a subject not strictly physiological. The uterus remains fresh and firm long after destruction of all other soft parts in the body. In- the midst of universal decomposition it may still be removed from the body in its entirety, be opened and ex- amined, and thus the presence or absence of pregnancy at THE FUEL OP MUSCLE. 215 or prior to death, established. The uterus of the new-born child persists in the same way. In his monumental work on Legal Medicine, Casper details cases of extreme interest in which the persistence and appearance of the uterus furnished positive evidence concerning conditions at the time of death. The Fuel of Muscle. The muscle machinery is no more capable of action without food than a steam engine without fuel, and the promptitude and power of muscular action depends, as in the machine, upon two factors: (1), upon the character of the fuel, and (2), upon the capacity of the muscle to convert latent into active force. The fuel from which the most force can be evolved is that which contains the most combustible material. The most combustible material (that is least expensive) is carbon. The fuel which contains the most carbon is coal, hence coal is the best fuel for the engine. The food which contains the most carbon is fat, and the various hydrocarbons, hence these aliments form the best fuel for muscular work. It has always been maintained up to very recent years that muscle consumed its own substance in its work, but this view was easily dis- proven by the observation that the products of muscular work are not products of muscular consumption. Muscle protoplasm is largely composed, as we have seen, of myosin, a pecular albumenoid substance, which occupies a place between fibrin and globulin. Oxidation of myosin, which with all the albumenoids is a nitrogenised matter, must yield nitrogenised products (urea) in the excretions. But observation has shown that the urea is not increased in the urine as the result of muscular work. This conclusion has been reached from many directions, but nowhere so decisively as from the observations of Fick and Wiscilenus, who as- 216 THE OXYGEN SUPPLY. cended, fasting, a high mountain in the Bernese Alps, carefully measuring the urine voided at every stage of progress, for its quantity of urea. The quantity of urea was not increased by this severe physical exercise, but the exhalation of carbonic acid gas from the lungs and skin was very markedly increased, proof that the material used as fuel was not the muscle substance itself, but the hydrocarbons of the blood. Indeed, Mayer has made a calculation showing that if muscle consumed itself in action the whole muscular system would be burnt up (oxidised) in just eighty days. But though muscle machinery does not use up itself as fuel any more than any other engine, it does, like every other engine, undergo the wear and tear of daily use and thus experience waste in slight degree. That this waste may be repaired and the physiological integrity of the muscles preserved, nitrogenous food is also a necessity. The Arab, says Donders, never lets his horse eat grass and hay to satiety. Its chief food is barley, and in the wilderness it gets milk, and if great effort is required, even camels flesh. A super-abundance of nitrogenous food is found for animals in corn, which, notwithstanding its excess of hydro-carbons, contains more albuminates than any other vegetable food. Oats, too, furnish horses an abundance of nitrogenous matter, and jockeys have a saying, on witnessing spirited work in horses, that they "feel their oats." The Oxygen Supply. The food thus furnishes the oxidisable material. Then muscle must also receive abundant supply of oxygen. We have already seen, that this supply is brought to muscle by the blood, which reaches it red and leaves it blue. If the muscle be at rest, however, the blood is so little deoxygenated THE MUSCLES AS LEVERS. 217 that its escaping blood preserves its arterial hue. It is said that oxygen administered roughly, as by the injection of a highly oxygenated substance, permanganate of potash, for instance, will restore irritability to a dying muscle, and it is well known that the transfusion of fresh blood will, by means of its oxygen, effect this result up to, and even after the commencement of, cadaveric rigidity. Dependence of Muscle upon Blood. The necessity of a continuous supply of material for consumption (food), and material for consuming (oxygen), by the blood, is conclusively demonstrated by the observa- tion of the effects attending ligation of the vessels supplying muscles. Thus Longet tied the abdominal aorta in five dogs and found that voluntary motion ceased in about a quarter of an hour, and response to artificial stimulus in two and a quarter hours. When the ligature was removed, irritability to stimulus, and afterwards voluntary motion, shortly returned. Brown-Sequard made some similar ex- periments of more striking nature upon the human body. In the cases of two decapitated criminals, he transfused fresh blood into the arteries of the hand, thirteen hours and ten minutes after death, when all muscular irritability had disappeared, and cadaveric rigidity was quite marked, and found that it reappeared and could be demonstrated in all but two of the muscles of the hand. On a subsequent occasion, he used the defibrinated blood of the dog with the same effect (Flint). The Muscles as Levers. Let us now look at the muscles from a purely mechanical point of view, viz., as levers. Those of us who are at all acquainted with the laws of mechanics are aware that there are three different classes of levers. The first is represented in 19 218 THE ABSOLUTE POWER OF MUSCLE. using the common crowbar, or in working the pump handle, or in raising coals with a poker in a grate. The fulcrum rests between the power and the weight. Though there is in this form of lever considerable power, there is not much range of movement. The chief advantage of this lever is celerity of action. A typical illustration of this form of lever in the body is the action of the muscles which move the head upon the spine. The muscles of the neck constitute the power, the head is the weight, and the spine is the fulcrum. In a lever of the second class, the weight is between the power and the fulcrum, as in the case of trundling the common Avheelbarrow. Here there is great power, but little velocity, and less range. The best, and almost the only, example of this lever in the body, is the action of the tendon of Achilles in lifting the whole body in walking. The muscle of the calf form the power, the body is the weight, and the toes are the fulcra. In the lever of the third class the power is between the weight and the fulcrum. It is represented in lifting a ladder up against, or away from, a wall. There is here but little advantage for power, there is less velocity, but there is wide range. The free end of the ladder has enormous sweep. The lever of the third class is the feeblest of all the levers, but every thing here is sacrificed to range. This is by far the most common form of lever in the body, and is typically represented in the action of the biceps brachialis. The Absolute Power of Muscle. The absolute power of muscle is dependent, as would have been inferred, upon its bulk, as exhibited on cross section, and is determined by observing the weight which it will lift. It has been observed that the power of contraction is at its maximum on the beginning of shortening, and thus THE POWER OF MUSCLE IN GENERAL. 219 Weber has been able to fix the absolute power of one square centimetre of frogs muscle (hyoglossus), under the most favorable circumstances at 0.G02 kilogrammes (24 oz.). Rosenthal succeeded later in obtaining better results, viz., for the same quantity of muscle a little over one kilogramme (35 oz.). Weber found that muscle exerted its maximum effect when he loaded the same piece of muscle with only 450 grammes (15 oz.). The muscle then lifted 93 times its weight 15 millimeters (006 in.) high. In subsequent experi- mentation on man, Weber found that the absolute power of human muscle is very much greater. Thus a square centimeter (0.4 in.) of the gastrocnemius muscle of man has an absolute power of 700-1087 grm. (24-38oz.). Henke and Kosterhave, also, obtained better results, observing that a square centi- meter of muscle from the thigh had a power 5.9 kilogrammes (215 oz.) and from the arm of 8 kilogrammes (282 oz.), a difference, as Bruecke observes, which was clearly due to difference in the muscular power of the individuals under observation. The Power of Muscle in General. The general power or force of muscles may be readily estimated by means of an instrument first devised by Regnier, the dynamometer, which consists of a steel spring whose compression (by the hand or other group of muscles), moves a needle along a scale graduated to represent equiva- lents of weight. This instrument of precision is of great value in clinical medicine in enabling the physician to accurately guage the effects of treatment of paralysed muscles and has enabled physiologists to make the observa- tion that the muscles differ in force in different individuals, and in different muscles in the same individual at different times. Thus Koster found that the power from the same sections, was for the biceps brachialis 17 kilogrammes, for the 220 THE DIFFERENCE IN THE SEXES. gastrocnemius 10 kilogrammes and for the posterior tibial only 2 kilogrammes. The difference in different individuals is generally determined after the method first employed by Begnier, which consists in lifting a weight- from the ground between the feet. Quetelet called the force thus employed the renal force, and remarked that in youth it is very slight; it increases rapidly up to the age of 17 or 18 and attains its maximum at 25 years. It now remains stationary for a time and then declines markedly towards 40 years. It is always much less in woman than in man. Desaguliers states that the weakest men in health may lift 125 lbs., and the strongest of ordinary men, 400 lbs. Topham, a so-called Sampson, could lift 800 lbs. Differences in the Sexes. It is a subject of daily observation that the female of most animals is capable, though of less powerful, of more sustained effort. And this observation is supported by anatomical and physiological differences in the construction and action of the muscles. The action of muscular fibres has been not inaptly compared by Milne Edwards to the work of a number of laborers. The fibres are laborers in long parallel lines. They do not all pull at once or with the same degree of exertion. Hence the greater the number of fibres the greater the number of rested or resting fibres. The muscular fibres in the female, though individually smaller, are numerically greater, and hence the capacity for greater sus- tentation of effort. Differences in Different Animals. C. Sachs has shown that the muscle caskets are smaller in warm than in cold blooded animals, and smaller in cold blooded animals than in anthropods. In the smaller pieces the physiological surface of tissue is increased and the VELOCITY AND DELICACY OF MUSCULAR ACTION. 221 energy of metamorphosis is greater. Hence the mechanical effects of smaller fibres is heightened, "just as a bundle of magnets has a greater effect than one massive magnet of the same weight." The force of the muscle of mammals is hence greater than that of the frog. The remarkable duration and sustentation of muscular effort in birds thus also finds satisfactory explanation. Mon- tague, a celebrated ormithologist, estimates that hawks fly at the rate of 150 miles an hour and various birds often travel 600 to 1000 miles without food in their winter and summer migrations. But it is in insects, in which the muscle caskets have been discovered to be minute structures distinctly suspended in fluid, that the force of contraction is greatest in proportion to their size. Thus Dunglison states that the lucanus cervus, or stag-beetle, has been known to gnaw a hole, of an inch diameter, in the side of an iron canister in which it had been confined, and the same author calls attention to the persistence and apparent ease with which flies will keep up with the fleetest racehorse, sweeping large circles about him all the time. The stridulations (scrapings of wing covers) made by crickets and grasshoppers can be heard a mile, whence it is estimated that if man could emit sounds whose intensity should be proportionate to his size, he could make himself heard all around the earth. The Velocity and Delicacy of Muscular Action. We may not take final leave of the properties of muscle without calling attention to the readiness of its re- sponse to stimulus, its capacity for swift repetition of con- traction, and the degree of delicacy and accuracy of its action under proper cultivation. The ready response of muscle has been clearly shown by Kronecker and Stirling in their demon- strations that muscle replies to stimuli, which reach their 222 VELOCITY AND DELICACY OF MUSCULAR ACTION. maximum in the nerve in less than the ^rroVoo Par* °f a second. And as to the capacity for swift repetition of contraction, these same experimenters quote the observations of llanvier, who remarked that the pale muscle of the rabbit could indicate 357 single contractions in a second, and of Marey that the common horse-fly can make voluntarily 330 movements of the wing in a second. The musical tone emitted by the contraction of muscle gives an accurate estimate of the rapidity of muscular movement. A certain tone corresponds, of course, to a certain number of vibrations, and hence it is calculated that the wings of insects strike the air even many thousand times every second. The finest muscular movements in man, are those which change the position and tension of the vocal cords. Muller has observed that there are at least 240 different states of tension of the vocal cords, and as the whole variation is not more than one-fifth of an inch, the variation required to pass from one interval to another will not be more than x^Vu" of an inch. The quick, deft and delicate play of muscles is hardly anywhere better exhibited in man than in the modulations of the voice, in the shades of expression of the face, and in the infinite variety of gesticulation. Thus: — "With hurried voice and eager look Fear not, he said, * * * * * * but there the accents clung In tremor to his faltering- tongue." Scott. "The arched and polished forehead," says Sir Charles Bell, "terminated by the distinct line of the brow, is a table, on which we may see written in perishable characters, but dis- tinct while they continue, the prevailing cast of thought." "You may sometimes trace A feeling in each footstep, as disclosed By Sallust in his Cataline who, chased By all the demons of all passions showed Their work even by the way in which he trode." Byron. NERVE AND ITS PROPERTIES. 223 LECTURE XI. NERVE AND ITS PROPERTIES. CONTENTS. The Prime Function of Nervous Tissue— Subordination to Other Tissues —Independence of Nerve Force— Genesis of Nerve Force— Arrange- ment of Nerve Tissue— White and Gray Matter— The Cerebro-Spinal and Sympathetic Systems— The Nerve Cells— The Nerve Fibres— The Neurilemma— The Axis Cylinder— The Gray Fibres— The Prop- erties of Nerves — Terminations of Sensitive Nerves— Terminations of Motor Nerves— Course of Nerve Fibres — Identity of Nerve Fibres — Indifference of Direction of Nerve Force— The Chemistry of Nerve Tissue — The Action of Electricity upon Nerve Tissue— The Nature of Nerve Force— Rate of Conduction of Nerve Force — Nerve Force and Electricity— Comparative Velocity of Nerve and Other Forms of Force — The Reception and Perception of Impressions — Ancient Sig- nificance of Nerves— The Effects of Use, Disuse and Age. The primary object of the nervous tissue is to link together different and often widely distant structures. The nervous system is thus the supreme regulator of the actions of the body. It secures harmonious and consentaneous, or coordi- nated, operations. Thus, if muscular activity is to be in- creased (exercised), the muscle substance must needs have more fuel in the way of additional supply of blood ; it must also have more oxygen to effect the consumption of the fuel and thus the liberation of additional force. Hence increased muscular activity implies accelerated circulation and accelerated respiration. It is the function of the nervous system to secure this consentaneous and correspondent activity on the part of the heart and lungs as well as on the part of the muscle. The nervous system has, at the same time, to regulate the activity of the secretory organs to provide for the escape of the products of combustion. Complexity of organisation implies, therefore, a nervous 224 THE XERVOUS, STJBSIDARY TO OTHER TISSUES. system in high degree of development. An animal takes rank in the animal scale, according to the degree of develop- ment of its nervous system, that is, according to the quantity and quality of its nervous tissue. The Nervous, Subsidary to Other Tissues. But so much stress has been laid upon the supremacy of the nervous system that we are apt to forget that the rest of the animal was not constructed for the nervous system; the ner- vous system is constructed rather for the benefit of the animal. In fact, the nervous system stands towards the rest of the body, much in the light of telegraphy to the inhabitants of a country. It signalises wants and supplies, regulates transmissions, warns of dangers and furnishes intelligence. "We look back with a feeling of pity and contempt, upon that state of society which enjoyed no system of telegraphy, no means of rapid communication, just as we look down upon animals not endowed with nervous tissue, yet we may not forget that such states of society, and such kinds of animals, did and do exist. The nervous system is thus an addendum to a higher grade of development. We may not, therefore, look upon the body as a collection of cells attached to the nervous tissue like the leaves, for example, upon the trunk and twigs of a tree. On the contrary, it is the nervous system which is attached to the cells. The nerve fibres are to be looked upon as offshoots from the cells for the purpose of association and interaction. Independence of Nerve Force. It was once believed, is taught now by some meta- physicians, that nerve force is born in nerve centres and is sent through nerve fibres to muscles, for instance, where it acts as motion. That is, that motion is only a transformed nerve force. But the physiologist can not accept such a GENESIS OF NETtVE FORCE. 225 doctrine. The nerve force is not the fuel for the muscle. The blood, which is the prepared food, is the fuel that furnishes the muscle with force. The nerve force is simply the excitant of the muscle. A very small amount of nerve force suffices to induce a very great amount of muscular force. Muscle is a machine, as we have seen, like an engine. It stands ready to act. There is steam in the boiler, that is, there is blood in its substance. Still the engine does not move. The nerve force is the hand that opens the throttle and thus causes the machinery to move. I might make this point plainer by likening the parts of the body to different branches of a great army out upon the field. The nervous system is the system of telegraphy which directs the movements of the army. But no one would claim that the movements of the army, were trans- formations or transubstantiations of the force of electricity in the battery of the telegraph. Genesis of Nerve Force. The nerve force is generated in nerve cells and is conducted along nerve fibres or tubes. The study of the nervous system divides itself, thus, physiologically, into the study of the generators and the conductors. Cells never conduct and fibres never generate. Of course, in using the term generate, it is not meant to imply the creation of a new force. Such a conception is unscientific, that is, false. The nerve cells generate nerve force in the sense in which the cups of a galvanic battery generate electricity. The electricity from galvanism is the result of chemical force which, in turn, is liberated from force latent in metals,etc, stored up in the past. So the nerve cells are simply means of transforming latent force in the blood into nerve force. We return again to the galvanic battery. 226 THE DIVISIONS OF NERVE TISSUE. Arrangement of Nerve Tissue. The nervous system, we find to be arranged like the telegraph system of a nation or state. There is a great central battery in the capital, represented in the brain ; there are smaller batteries in smaller cities, as in the separate collec- tions of nerve cells (ganglions) in different organs, and where distances are great, there are reenforcing batteries, as along the sympathetic and pneumogastric nerves. The connecting wires are represented by the nerve tubes. The Color of Nerve Tissue. The nerve cells, en masse, present a more or less grayish hue, while the tubes, en masse, present a distinct white color. Hence the terms gray matter and white matter. The outside (cortex) of the brain and the inside of the spinal cord are mainly composed of cells, gray matter, while the interior mass of the brain and the exterior of the cord, are composed of nerve fibres, white matter. The great ganglia at the base of the brain and the smaller ganglia scattered over the body, everywhere, are composed of both cells and fibres, and show colors according to the relative arrangement or predominance of one or other structure. The Cerebro-Spinal and Sympathetic Systems. Finally, the mass of nerve substance accumulated in the cranial cavity (the brain), and in the great tube formed by the imposition above each other of the arches of the vertebra? (the spinal cord), together with all the nerves (cranial and spinal) which issue from their base and sides, constitute the cerebro-spinal system (voluntary), presiding over animal life ; and the ganglionic masses, disposed along each side of the spinal column and extending into the cavity of the cranium, connected with each other and with the cerebro- THE NERVE FIBRES. 227 spinal nerves by commissures and supplying motor and sensitive structures with nerve filaments, constitute the sympathetic (involuntary) system, presiding over vegetative life. The Nerve Cells. The nerve cells are readily recognised under the microscope by their irregular, often almost fantastic, shape, their bright nucleus and nucleolus, the amount of colored protoplasm (pigment) which they contain, and by the prolongations which issue from their circumference. The prolongations are known as poles. We observe, thus, unipolar, bipolar, multipolar cells. Apolar cells are probably artificial creations that is, they are results of accidents in the examination. Else, having no use, they would have to be regarded as foreign bodies or parasites. We may mostly recognise among the poles one which seems to be composed of the essential element only of the nerve fibre. It is, in fact, the commencing nerve fibre. Some of these fibres pass out to the periphery as nerves, others pass to other cells, connecting them, as commissures. The great transverse bridge of the brain, the corpus callosum, is made up, for the most part, of these internuncial fibers, connecting the cerebral hemispheres. The Nerve Fibres. Nerves are bundles of nerve fibres. The ultimate nerve fibre is composed of three parts ; the investing membrane neurilemma, or tubular sheath ; the medulla or white sub- stance of Schwann ; and the essential element or axis cylinder. The Tubular Sheath, or neurilemma, is an exceedingly delicate, translucent, but highly resistant and elastic membrane which envelops the exterior of the nerve throughout its course. It is absent 228 THE AXIS CYLINDER. at its inception from the nerve cell, it is absent also in places where the nerve is already sufficiently protected, in cavities containing only nerves, as in the substance (white matter) of the brain, and is absent again where the nerve passes to its ultimate distribution. The White Substance of Schwann, unfortunately named the medulla, as it does not occupy the centre of the tube, like the medulla of bone, is the gelati- nous, translucent, substance, which composes the bulk of the nerve fibre. Shortly after death of the nerve, it coagu- lates to an opaque, white mass, and gives to the nerve a quite characteristic, varicose, appearance. The medulla is also absent in central nerves and at the beginning and end of nerves. The Axis Cylinder, or axial band, is the central, rather flattened band of clear, glassy, jelly-like matter, which occupies the centre of the nerve tube. The axis cylinder is the sole essential conduct- ing element. The nerve issues from the cell as the axis cylinder only, and the medulla and the tubular sheath are subsequent additions of structure. At its final distribu- tion, the tubular sheath and medulla both disappear, and the axis cylinder alone passes to the substance of the muscle, gland cell, hair bulb, or other structure, destined to receive it. Just before its termination, the nerve divides into a number of branches, each commencing with a con- striction, and then expanding to the full size of the original trunk. The axis cylinder throughout exhibits fine longitu- dinal striae or lines, which are supposed to represent fibrilla;, like the subdivisions of muscle fibre, and which are regarded by some histologists (Schultze) as the ultimate elements of composition. When staining solutions, aniline, THE PROPERTIES OF NERVES. 229 carmine, etc., are brought into contact with a piece of living nerve under the microscope, it is the axis cylinder alone which is colored. The Gray Fibres. Besides these so-called medullated fibres, there exists a different variety of very delicate fibres, whose interior con- sists of a uniform, grayish matter, and whose rather thick sheath is provided with distinct nuclei. Such fibres are found only in the sympathetic system. They are commonly known, from their discoverer, as the fibres of Remak. Most nerve fibres of the sympathetic system, however, are constituted upon the same plan as those of the cerebro- spinal axis, and the several parts are roughly likened to the constituents of the sub-marine cables ; the envelop repre- senting the neurilemma; the rubber or silk insulating matter, the medulla; and the conducting wire, the axis cylinder. The Properties of Nerves. It is the function of some of the nerves to conduct from the nerve cells, motion, and of other nerves to conduct to the cells, sensation. Other nerves passing to and from the various glands, to regulate secretion, are known as secretory nerves, and still other nerves passing to the walls of blood- vessels, to regulate their calibre, are known as vaso-motor nerves. The secretory and vaso-motor nerves, including fibres of motion and sensation, are described with the rest as motory and sensory nerves. Motor and sensitive nerves are such exclusively at their origin from motor and sensitive nerve cells, but shortly after emergence from the brain, spinal cord, or ganglion, the fibres commingle to constitute what are known as mixed nerves. 230 TERMINATION OF SENSITIVE NERVE FIBRES. Terminations of Sensitive Nerve Fibres. The nerve fibres issue, as we have seen, from the nerve cells, and are to be regarded as prolongations from the nerve cells to the periphery, where they terminate in special structures. The sensitive nerves terminate in a number of peculiar bodies, corpuscles of Pacini or Vater, corpuscles of Meissner and Wagner (tactile corpuscles), and corpuscles of Krause. These bodies consist of rounded or ovoid layers of connec- tive tissue, in the interior of which, or upon the exterior of which, the axis cylinder ends. In the case of the large Pacinian bodies, located in the tendons, and especially abundant about the mesentery, the axis cylinder enters its base and divides, in its central cavity, like a fork with prongs, into two or three branches, which finally terminate in granular expansions. In the case of the smaller tactile corpuscles, found in such abundance in the papillae in the cutis vera, the axis cylinder is wound spirally about the ex- terior to finally terminate in a point of extreme tenuity. In the still smaller corpuscles of Krause, found in the tongue, conjunctiva, glans penis and clitoridis, and in the nipple, surfaces of extreme sensitiveness, the axis cylinder penetrates the base and terminates in the interior in a loose coil. All these bodies would seem to exist for the purpose, in the first place, of acting as points oVappui, points of support, and, secondly, of increasing the area of surface for the termination of the nerve fibre. They officiate something like the thickenings of epidermis on the feet, commonly known as corns. Though the epidermic mass has in itself no sensation, it transmits pressure from every part of its surface to the few nerve fibres at its base, and thus is a conductor of sensation, which often amounts to positive pain. TERMINATIONS OF MOTOR NERVE FIBRES. 231 But the greater number of the sensitive nerve fibres pass to terminate in the hair bulbs. It is a well-known fact that we experience tactile sensation before absolute contact with the skin is effected. The touch is felt by the hairs, which so uniformly cover the whole surface of the body. The hairs, of course, simply transmit pressure to the nerve endings in their bulbs. These endings are especially abundant about the face, and, in the case of some animals, are peculiarly large and sensitive about the various vibrissae or whiskers. Thus, a cat will readily wander about a darkened chamber, guided by the exercise of the fine sense of touch in its whiskers, which correspond to the antennae of insect life. It is said that a kitten will thus find its way even though perfectly blind. But if, in addition to its loss of sight, it is made to lose its whiskers, it will knock its head against every obstacle. Nerve fibres terminate in the glands by effecting with the secreting cells the most intimate union. Ends of nerve fibres have been absolutely traced by Pflueger to the nucleoli of the cells composing the salivary gland and the pancreas. Terminations of Motor Nerve Fibres. In smooth muscle, nerve fibres have been traced by Frankenhseuser and Arnold into very fine networks, which, connect together the nucleoli of the muscle fibres. The final distribution of the nerves in striped muscle is still, however, a question of doubt. It is conceded by all observers that the nerve fibre, after penetration of a muscular mass, splits into a number of branches, that it then loses its medulla, and that a number of nuclei present themselves upon the still persisting neurilemma. These nuclei, accumu- lated in mass as the nerve fibre approaches the muscle fibre, fuse with accumulated nuclei in the sarcolemma of 232 COURSE OF NERVE FIBRES. muscle fibre, to constitute a disk or plate upon the surface of the muscle fibre. So far, there' is general agreement. The disagreement concerns the ultimate disposition of the nerve fibre. While Doyere, Krause and Engelmann main- tain that the muscle plate is the end of the nerve fibre, Kiihne and Gerlach claim that the axis cylinder afterwards leaves the muscle plate and passes in to make immediate connection with the muscle protoplasm. From among the many opinions expressed by the most competent observers, we elicit the fact that the difference concerns the question whether the axis cylinder touches the muscle fibre at one point only, or whether it absolutely fuses^with it within its sarcolemma. This latter view is probably most correct ; but the muscle may not be regarded as the end of, or attach- ment to, the nerve, as Gerlach has advocated ; the true ex- pression of the fact is that the nerve is an offshoot or an addendum to the muscle. Course of Nerve Fibres. Except at their final termination, nerve fibres never divide or anastomose (if we may use such an expression of tubes whose contents are more or less solid) with each other. Each fibre pursues a course, as straight as may be, from the centre to the periphery, or vice versa. To this anatomical fact is due the precise circumscription or localisation of sensation or motion. A motor nerve fibre, irritated any- where in its course, produces spasmodic contraction in the muscle or part of muscle to which it is distributed, and no- where else. So irritation of a sensitive nerve, in any part of its course, causes sensation to be perceived at, or referred to, the peripheral distribution of the nerve, and nowhere else. A blow received upon the ulnar nerve at the elbow, for instance, is felt as a tingling sensation in both sides of the little finger and the little finger side of the ring finger, COURSE OF NERVE FIBRES. 233 [surfaces receiving the entire peripheral distribution of this nerve. So a tumor or foreign body pressing upon the intra- cranial trunk of the fifth pair of nerves, may be the cause of the intense pain of tic-douloureux experienced in the face. Romberg reports a most instructive case illustrative of this point. It was a case in which the patient had suffered for years previous to his death from most distressing and frequent paroxysms of facial neuralgia, the cause of which, as re- vealed on post-mortem examination, was an aneurismal en- largement of the carotid artery, which made direct pressure upon the fifth nerve in the vicinity of the Casserian ganglion. The aneurism had surmounted the process of bone on the lateral aspect of the body of the sphenoid, which process Hilton has signalised and denominated the "carotid process," having to exercise "the important func- tion of preventing the artery, during its pulsations, from pressing on the second division of the fifth — a nerve en- dowed with such exquisite sensibility, that the slightest injury or pressure would lead to the production of serious pain and distress." So definitely and. distinctly are sensations referred to the periphery of nerves, that individuals who have suffered amputation wTill imagine, on experiencing irritation in the stump, the presence of the foot or hand, and cases are recorded in which patients have thus injured the parts in the attempt to step upon an ununited stump of the leg. This distressing feeling, or imagination of feeling, in absent fingers or toes is, as a rule, gradually corrected by educa- tion or habit, but it has persisted in some cases for 15-20 years. It is also because of this distinct localisation of sen- sation, that individuals who have undergone plastic opera- tions, as in the transplantation of skin from the forehead for the creation of a nose, still refer impressions received upon the nose to the forehead. Of course, this reference 20 234 IDENTITY OF NERVE FIBRES. only applies to cases in which cutaneous continuity has been maintained, as in the stem of the graft which is twisted upon itself, not dissevered, to become the root of the nose. The facetious comment of Hudibras, therefore, regarding absolute ablation of skin and transplantation at distant points, finds no foundation in fact. Identity of Nerve Fibres. The nerve fibres are thus so distinctly separated into con- ductors of motion and sensation as to preserve their charac- teristics throughout their course. Nevertheless, there is no anatomical or chemical difference between motor and sensi- tive nerves. It is- the connection of a nerve fibre, and not its construction, which determines its use. A nerve con- nected with a muscle is a motor nerve ; a nerve connected with a gland is a secretory nerve ; a nerve connected with a sensitive surface is a sensitive nerve. So the nerves are compared to battery wires which may conduct force to ring a bell, show a light, or write a message, according to the con- struction of the end apparatus. Experiments have been made to exhibit this indifference of the nerve fibre, so to speak, by transferring the cut end of a motor fibre to the cut end of a sensitive fibre, and securing or awaiting union of the apposed ends. Philipeaux and Vulpian thus observed after union of the lingual (sensitive) and hypo- glossal (motor) nerves of the tongue, that irritation of the lingual produced contraction in the tongue. It is only fair to state, however, that the results of later experiments by Vulpian have left this question somewhat in doubt. For Vulpian observed that contraction of the tongue supervened upon irritation of the lingual, thus united to the hypoglossal, only when the chorda tympani fibres in the lingual remained intact. When the chorda tympani was divided, the contractions did not supervene. These experi- THE CHEMISTRY OF NERVE TISSUE. 235 ments, therefore, simply prove that motor nerves will con- duct for each other. Indifference of Direction of Nerve Force. It is, however, a clearly established fact that nerve fibres will conduct just the same in both directions. That is, if a nerve fibre be exsected and reversed, so that its peripheral end is now central, nerve force will travel along it, after union of the ends, just as before. This fact was very strikingly demonstrated by Paul Bert, who inserted and fastened the denuded tip of a rat's tail into an incision over the centre of its back. After firm union had been secured, he separated the tail from the rump of the animal by division of its base. The positions of the free and fastened ends were now exactly the reverse of the natural condition. At the end of three months, irritation of the end of the tail was evidently perceived, and at the end of six months, sensation was as distinct as before the operation. The sensi- tive nerve now conducted the impression in a reverse direc- tion. The Chemistry of Nerve Tissue. Four-fifths of nervous tissue is water, and of the remain- ing fifth, the most essential element part is the peculiar albumenoid substance, known as lecithine, which is remark- able for the amount of phosphorus which it contains. Lecithin is a nitrogenous, organic, phosphorised acid, a glycerinphosphoricacid, which is made up of radical fatty acids (stearic, oleic, etc., acids), and a derivative of ammonia (neurine). Lecithin and cerebrin, an additional albumenoid body of somewhat similar constitution (but more easily soluble in alcohol and less easily in ether), give to nerve tissue its physical characteristics. Both these sub- stances swell in water, and thus form the drops of medullary 236 ACTION OF ELECTRICITY UPON NERVE TISSUE. tissue which exude from the nerve on microscopic examina- tion. Both these substances more nearly resemble casein (in easy solubility in dilute acids and solutions of soda) than any other familiar albumenoid body. The predominance of phosphorus also makes itself manifest in the mineral salts entering into the composition of nerve tissue. The analyses of Bibra show that of 100 parts of mineral matter from the human brain, the phosphates of potassium, sodium, iron, lime and magnesium form 84.5 parts. This presence of phosphorus, in such quantities, in all parts of nervous matter, is the fact of highest interest from a chemical point of view. That chemical processes are continually at work in living nerves is proven by the existence of electric currents in the nerves. In the absence of any other cause, electricity cannot exist, or be developed, without chemical action. The fact, too, that nerve fibres degenerate so soon as they are separated from their central connections, also proves the presence of chemical action. We may surmise that the chemical pro- cesses in nerve fibres consist essei tially in oxidation of the non-nitrogenous elements of the blood, whose chief product is carbonic acid gas, but we have as yet no positive and definite knowledge concerning the fuel of nerve tissue. The Action of Electricity upon Nerve Tissue. Nerve fibre differs from muscle in not manifesting the action of stimulants or irritants in any visible effects. Nerve fibre does not shrink, contract, or undergo, under irri- tation, any perceptible change. Nerve fibre exhibits its susceptibility to irritants only in the effects produced in the structures innervated; that is, in the contraction of muscle, secretion of glands, perceptions of impressions of general or special sense, or manifestations of the intellect. Neverthe- less, a nerve fibre is affected by the passage along its course NERVE FORCE. 237 of the electric current. When the constant current of electricity is brought to bear upon a nerve, the whole nerve is brought to a condition of electric tension, the so-called electrotonus, during the existence of which, the sensitive- ness of the nerve is very curiously changed. For in the part of the nerve near the positive pole the sensitiveness to irritation and the rate of conduction are markedly lessened, while in the part of the nerve near the negative pole the sensitiveness to irritation and the rate of conduction are as markedly increased. The condition of the nerve at the region of diminished sensitiveness is known as anelectrotonus, while the condition at the region of increased sensitiveness is known as catelectrotonus. These regions, however, are not confined to the intrapolar spaces, but extend on either side beyond the poles throughout the entire course of the nerve. Between the poles is a point where neither increase nor decrease may be observed and this point is known as the neutral point. Finally, the arrest or diminution of the natural electric current, caused by the passage of the natural nerve force, constitutes what is known as the negative variation of the electric current. Nerve Force. "We are as ignorant of the ultimate changes in nerve cells, which attend the conversion of latent force in the blood into active nerve force, as of the ultimate changes which take place in any body, when it produces light, heat, electricity, or any physical force. We are forced to content ourselves, therefore, with the study of the properties and actions of nerve or other force. We recognise the fact that the influence of irritants or impressions are conducted along afferent nerve fibres to nerve cells, whence they are trans- mitted through efferent nerves to motor, glandular, etc., structures. Such a process constitutes a reflex action. 238 REFLEX AXD VOLITIONAL ACTION. But the nerve cell has also the property of retaining the in- fluence of the external impression, and releasing it at a later period. This later period may be very remote from that of the original impression. When the action then supervenes, it is known as a volitional act. Acts of volition therefore are, in reality, reflex actions, whose constituents are separated by longer intervals. We do not, of course, look upon nerve force as a simple transfer of the external irritant. The nerve force is just as different from the external force, as muscular force is from nerve force. And just as a small amount of nerve force may call into action a large amount of muscular force, so a small amount of external force may evoke a large amount of nerve force. The nervous system is, thus, just as much a machine as is the muscular system, or the gland system. The nervous system is a machine for the transformation of outside force into nerve force. We can, therefore, no more conceive of force being developed spontaneously, or automatically, in the case of nerves,, than in the case of muscles. What is true, thus, of the grosser phenomena of nerve tissue, sensation, motion, secretion, etc., must be true of the more intricate processes connected with the special senses, and the faculties of the mind. Impressions are made upon the nerve cells through the avenues of nerve fibres of general or special sense. These impressions may be reflected to act at once through motor nerves, or they may be stored up to constitute memory. We do not know what material changes occur in the nerve cells during the reception, reflection or retention of these impressions, any more than we know what changes take place in any proto- plasm when it absorbs, assimilates, or excretes matter, or any more than we know what changes take place in an iron bar when it becomes magnetic. We appeal in our ignorance to molecular changes, but we do not accept them as positive KEFLEX AND VOLITIONAL ACTION. 239 facts until their character and degree shall have been definitely demonstrated. What shall we say then of the higher actions of the nerve cells (cerebrum), which have come to be differentiated from the rest and set apart for purely intellectual pur- pose? We observe, in the first place, that the development of these cells is a gradual process. The cerebrum is an addition to forms of life highest in the animal scale. Its cells are intimately linked with the cells of all other ganglionic masses lower in physiological dignity. We should therefore naturally infer that the same laws which apply to the nerve fibres and cells composing the spinal cord and sympathetic system would also apply to the nerve fibres and cells of the cerebrum. We observe, then, in the second place, that no intellectual phenomena of any kind are born with an individual of even the very highest form of life in the animal scale. All the movements and actions of the body are as distinctly reflex in the new born child as in the foetus in utero. The cry, the seizure of the breast, the direction of the eyes towards a light, are all purely and simply reflex actions. The intellectual manifestations are in every case slowly, and we might almost say painfully, acquired. The capacity or aptitude for acquisition exists, it is true, because the character of the apparatus is rigidly determined by inheritance, but the acquisition itself is entirely a matter of education. A human being kept away from light, would not be able to see ; kept from sound, it could not hear or speak ; kept from the reception of ideas, it could not think. We find ourselves forced to the conclusion that the purely intellectual processes, as they are called, the memory, the reason, the will, result entirely from the impression of outside influences. Inheritance determines the aptitude or plasticity of the brain cells to impressions, and the 240 THE RATE OF CONDUCTION. character of the impressions determines the character of the mind. In other words : — •'L'instruction fait tout ; et les mains de nos peres Grave en nos faible cceurs ces premieres characteres" Que l'example et le temps nous viennent retracer Et que peut-etre en nous Dieu seul peut effacer." Voltaire. (Instruction does all ; our father's hands Engrave in our hearts indelible bands, Which time and example only retrace And which God [death] alone may ever efface.) Hate of Conduction. Although we are ignorant of the ultimate essence of nerve force we are by no means entirely unacquainted with its properties and effects. We have in the first place some quite definite information as to the velocity or rapidity with which it travels. When this question first excited the attention of physiologists, it was considered a subject beyond the possibilities of human comprehension. Haller thought that it would be impossible to measure the rate of conduction of nerve force because there was not sufficient distance for estimate as in the case of light. But as Goethe has said "one must continue to believe the inconceivable to be conceivable, else there will be no discovery." Continued investigation has at last been rewarded with positive results so that we possess now tolerably accurate data regarding the velocity of nerve force. By attaching two levers to two different parts of a muscle and causing the muscle to contract by stimulating successively two different parts of the trunk of the nerve terminating in the muscle, Marey wras able to determine that the response of the muscle was quicker to the irritation nearer the muscle. The interval which lapsed between response to stimulus at different points along the nerve corresponds to the rate of conduction between the points. The distance between these points NERVE FORCE AND ELECTRICITY. 241 being known, it is easy to estimate the rate of conduction along the entire nerve. In like manner, by noting the interval of time which lapses between perception of an irritation at a distant point, as at the foot, and at a near point, as on the face, the rate of conduction along sensitive nerves was approximately established. Though this rate of conduction differs in different animals, being more rapid in warm blooded animals; differs in the same animal at different degrees of temperature, being increased by heat and diminished by cold ; differs also in the same nerve at different parts of it course, being increasing in motor nerves as the nerve approaches the periphery, and in sensitive nerve as it approaches the centre ; differs, lastly, according to the degree of freshness or fatigue, being much slower in fatigue ; the general velocity of conduction is estimated at about 100 feet per second. Auerbach and v. Kries have shown that the perception of the difference between two different impressions upon the sense of touch requires, as a rule, 0.021-0.036 of a second ; of hearing 0.019-0.053 second, according to the quality of the tone ; but the localisation of a noise required 0.032-0.077 second. The perception of the difference of two objects addressed to the sense of sight required 0.011-0.017 second. The recognition of the differ- ence between two different colors (blue and red) required 0.012-0.034 second. In appeals to the sense of touch and taste in the tongue, Yintschgau and Honigsmied found that touch was always experienced first. The perception of taste required for salt 0.05, for sugar 0.20, for quinine 0.49 second. Nerve Force Analogous to, but not Identical with, Electricity. Though electricity more closely than any other force re- sembles nerve force, their rates of travel alone afford positive evidence that nerve force is not electricity. For electricity 21 242 RECEPTION AND PERCEPTION OF IMPRESSIONS. travels at the rate of many thousand miles a second. While it is true that electricity is developed in nerves during rest of the nerve, as the result of the chemical operations in continuous operation, this electricity is at once arrested so soon as the chemical force may expend itself as nerve force. That is, the most delicate galvanometer fails to register in nerves the faintest electrical current during the transmission of nerve force. This fact is, of course, simply another illustration of the operation of the law of the conservation of force. Comparative Velocity of Nerve and other Forms of Force. Nerve force, thus, travels at about the rate of an express train. It is much more rapid than muscle force, but is infinitely more slow than light or electricity. We may form some more definite idea of the velocity of nerve force by a comparison with that of some more familiar forces. Le Bon presents us for this purpose the following table in which the figures represent so many metres (a metre is about 40 inches) per second : — Muscular Contraction - 1 Race Horse ----- 26 Locomotive - - 27 Nerve Force 30 Eagle's Flight 35 Sound in Air ----- 332 Cannon Ball 550 Earth's Revolution about the Sun - 30,800 Light 300,000,000 Electricity - - - - 464,000,000 The Reception and Perception of Impressions. We fail to appreciate the interval of time between the reception and perception of an impression simply because of RECEPTION AND PERCEPTION OF IMPRESSIONS. 243 the short distance to be traversed between the brain and the ends of the most distant nerves. In very large animals, that is, in animals with very long nerves, as in the whale, a harpoon, thrust into the body near the tail, is not felt for an entire second, and as an additional second must elapse before responding motor force can be sent down from the brain, the movement of the animal could not occur in less than two seconds. So, in the case of a tall man, a mosquito operating upon the foot, would have the one-sixth of a second to make its escape, ample time, as we have seen, for the quick movements of insect life. Mr. Flower has expressed the opinion that the large animals of the tertiary epoch were all slow of motion and stupid, in comparison with modern species, and this sluggishness and dulness finds explanation in the mere size of the animals and corresponding length of the nerves. So the proverbial obtuseness and imper- turbability of giants stands in marked contrast to the acute- ness and activity of small people. Ponies and terriers are much more active and vivacious than horses and mastiffs. But we are not to forget that the character of the receiv- ing and generating centres is also an important factor in this consideration. Thus children "lose the benefit of their small stature from want of command and correlation of their faculties," that is, from want of development of the nerve cells. Cold blooded feel much less acutely than warm blooded animals. In Chamber's Journal is the story of a shark caught with a line, the hook of which tore open the abdominal cavity, cut out the liver, and left the intes- tines hanging from the body. The sailors, in abhorrence, threw it into the sea, but it continued near the boat and shortly afterwards pursued and attempted to devour a mackerel. In one of the older numbers of The Clinic is a well authenticated statement to the same effect. A fish was caught in the eye by a hook, and the eye ball was torn 244 THE ANCIENT SIGNIFICANCE OF NEHVES. from the socket. The eye ball was then left upon the hook as a bait, and in a little while it secured the rest of the animal in the usual way. It is therefore not true that "The poor beetle that we tread upon In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great As when a giant dies." though the pain experienced by the albatross, shot by the ancient mariner, may have been as keen as that felt by a human being. The sportsman, who so cruelly wounds birds and runs down mammals, inflicts far more torture than the physiologist with his experiments upon frogs, and has less justification for his work. Ancient Significance of Nerves. Nerves were not known as such by the older anatomists and physiologists. Hippocrates always confounded nerves and tendons. Hence the derivation of the word nerve (vr.vpov, cord). We speak yet of a strong nervous man, with reference to the original meaning of the term, and a weak nervous woman, with reference to its modern significance. Although the true nature of nerves was known to Erasis- tratus and Galen, we do not find any general recognition of it until almost within our own times. All the allusions of Shakespere concerning nerves, evidently refer to the sinews or tendons. Thus Macbeth cries out to the ghost: — "Take any shape but that, and my firm nerves Shall never tremble." And Hamlet says, alluding to bloodvessels as cords: — "As hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve." The French translate the "sinews of war" literally, "ks nerfs de la guerre" THE EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE. 245 The Effects of Use and Disuse. The literary allusions to the nervous system, therefore, still have reference to the mind and the mental faculties, chiefly from a metaphysical point of view, as sufficient time has scarcely yet elapsed for general appreciation of the physicial significance of nervous tissue. But there is one point connected with this tissue which has not, in its effects, at least, escaped general recognition. And that is, that the tone of the nervous tissue is only maintained and sustained by its exercise. If a nerve of whatever character be cut, and union of the divided ends be prevented, atrophy of the nerve inevitably ensues. The essential element of the nerve undergoes a granulo-fatty degeneration and at last entirely loses its capacity to conduct force. This atrophy then not only affects the nerve, but also the end apparatus of the nerve. The structure innervated dies with the nerve. Nor is the field of destruction limited to the nerve and its distribution ; the nerve centres also suffer atrophy and finally cease to functionate at all. The same effect follows disuse of the centre, even though anatomical integrity of structure be preserved. The brain develops by use and atrophies by disuse. No sight is more melancholy than that gradual contraction of ideas, that irritability to trival cause, which inevitably supervenes in an active and liberal mind when its faculties cease to be exercised. Middle aged men who retire from active pursuits to secure the otium cum dignitate, secure the dignity perhaps, but generally lose the ease. Some allowance must, of course, be made for the defective nutrition of advancing age, but aside from this factor, or superadded to it, is the more marked desolation effected by atrophy from disuse. There are forms of animal life which in the earlier phases of existence are endowed with motion (cilia) and various organs of special sense. No 246 THE EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE. sooner, however, do they become fixed in a convenient place than they lose their microscopic oars, lose, one after another, their special senses,- become thus reduced to shapeless, inert, masses of protoplasm, and thus vegetate simply for the rest of their existence. Such reduction and waste occurs as the result of disuse throughout the animal scale. Wo realise thus the force of Schiller's observation to Korner; ilDie Hauptsache ist der Fleisz; clenn dleser giebt iiicht nur die Mlttel des Lebens, sondern er giebt ihm auch seinen alleinigen Werth." (The chief thing is industry ; it not only furnishes the means of living, but also gives to life its sole worth). The atrophic changes in the nervous tissue incident to age, make themselves manifest in the action of the nerve centres as well as in the loss of conductivity in the nerve fibres. The intellectual and moral faculties suffer the same alterations as the special senses. The organs of communica- tion with the external world being blunted in their nice perceptions, the old man has only his memories whence to derive his intellectual food. As he cannot comprehend the world about him in its new order, he looks upon all that is new with distrust, if not absolute aversion. But this, blunting of the sympathies enables age to regard events and occurrences dispassionately, and hence peculiar wisdom is ascribed to this period of life by all peoples and in all lands, "If we consider this epoch," remarks Carl Vogt, one of the most profound philosophers of his day, "in its retrocessions of the feelings, in its insensibility to external impressions, in its lack of the loftier inspirations, in its insipidity of intellectual productions, we may well cease to begrudge it, the wisdom usually ascribed to it." At last, ensues the last stage of atrophy, and : — "From Marlborough's eyes the tears of dotage flow And Swift expires a driveler and a show." THE BLOOD AND ITS PROPERTIES. 247 LECTURE XII. THE BLOOD AND ITS PKOPERTIES. CONTENTS. The Value of the Blood— The Transfusion of Blood— The Constitu- tion of the Blood — The Color of the Blood — Reaction of the Blood —The Odor of the Blood— The Taste of the Blood— The Temperature of the Blood— The Weight of the Blood— The Quantity of the Blood — The Morphology of the Blood — The Red Blood Corpuscles — Size of the Red Corpuscles — Number of the Red Corpuscles — Elasticity of the Red Corpuscle — Constitution of the Red Corpuscles — Use of the Red Corpuscles — The Colorless Blood Corpuscles— The Blood Plasma— The Coagulation of the Blood— The Blood as the Substitute of the Body. The Value of the Blood. The blood is for the most part, the prepared, digested, fluidified, food. Bub the blood is made up also of the waste products of the body. The blood thus officiates as the fresh food (solid, liquid, and gaseous) supply and at the same time, as the sewage escape. No where in art may we observe a nutrient supply conveyed along the same conduits or tubes with waste matter without suffering contamination. "The blood circulating through the body may be regarded as a river flowing by numerous canals through a populous city, which not only supplies the wants of the inhabitants, but conveys from them, all the impurities which through various channels find their way into its stream" (Bennet). The mass of the blood is the digested food. To secure the elaboration of the coarse elements of the food into the finished elements of the blood, is the work of a digestive apparatus, which is extensive and complicated according to the nature of the food. For food is of no use to the body 248 THE TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD. until it is converted into blood. It is the blood which is consumed in the processes of life ; thus directly or indirectly, all animals are carnivorous. The blood of plants is the sap which is made up of the fluidified salts of the earth. The material which acts as blood for the lowest forms of animal life is the sea or the water in which they live. Blood (Saxon, blod), in some form or other, is thus the most important juice in the body, and its value was recog- nised long before its nature and character were established. We observe something of the popular recognition of its significance in the aversion, or feeling of horror, which the mere sight of it occasions. The shedding of blood is associated with the loss of life. So blood is the fluid, so to speak, with which tragic artists paint. Helena, when she finds Lysander asleep (Midsummer Nights Dream), can not believe him hurt, because as she says : — "I see no blood, no wound!" And the watchman in the grave yard scene (Romeo and Juliet) appreciates the injury to life with the exclamation and injunction: — "The ground is bloody; search about the church yard: Go, some of you, whoe'er you find, attach." The Transfusion of Blood. Perhaps no single experiment so convincingly exhibits the fact that "the blood is the life" as the practice of inject- ing fresh healthy blood into the veins of an animal dying from its loss. Almost simultaneously with the reception of the blood, the respiration becomes more profound, the pulse becomes again perceptible, consciousness returns with motion and sensation, in short, the animal is restored to life. TIIE TRANSFUSION" OF BLOOD. 249 The operation of transfusion of blood was first practised on man by a French physician, Denis, June 15, 1667, with defibrinated blood from a calf, though numerous experiments had been previously made upon lower animals. The first recorded inti%ition of the operation is found in Ovid's Metamorphoses, book vii, fable ii, in the order of Medea to the daughters of Pelos : "unsheath your swords, and exhaust the ancient gore, that I may replenish his empty veins with youthful blood." But this statement is usually construed by commentators to have only meta- phorical meaning, and to have reference to the vivifying effect of a potent decoction which Medea had previously used on animals and men. However this may be, it is known that the modern operation of transfusion was largely discussed by the metaphysicians of the middle ages, that period so replete^ with curious and fantastic projects, and was even practised to some extent upon lower animals. As a sample of the fabulous expectations entertained of transfusion, at this time, I may mention that it was generally believed that the long sought secret of rejuvenation had been at last discovered. Very soon after the first practice of the opera- tion upon man, marvelous results began to be reported. Cases of insanity were cured, lost special senses were restored, and aged and decrepit constitutions rehabilitated with the vigor of youth. Time, the experimentum cruets of all dis- coveries, soon dissipated all these conceits, and the number of accidents and fatal results which attended the operation at last brought it into disrepute, when legal injunction caused the practice of it to be suspended and forgotten. In this oblivion it laid, then, until the beginning of our own century, when it was revived by a distinguished obstetrician of Dublin, Blundell (1818), with such improvements in method and restriction in practice, as to give it permanent place among the most valuable acquisitions to modern therapy. 230 THE TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD. Iii our day, transfusion is limited to cases of hemorrhage, where it is peculiarly adapted to meet the indications, and to cases of poisoning by toxic agents (sewer gases, for instance) for which we have no antidote. A temporary renewal or protraction of life m^- also be effected with it in cases of phthisis, and sometimes permanent relief afforded in cases of inanition from any cause, when the ordinary avenues of food are temporarily blocked, or may not be addressed, as in cases of gastric ulcer. It is highly probable, however, that other nutrient fluids, an artificial serum, or milk, will gradually substitute blood in the majority of cases. Though the transfusion of a few ounces of blood usually suffice, according to the observations of J. Worm Muller, rabbits and dogs may receive as much as eighty per cent, additional blood without permanent injury. Inexplicable laws regulate the kind of blood which an animal may receive. The transfusion of the blood of birds into the veins of mam- mals produces convulsions and death, as does also the trans- fusion of some mammals blood into the veins of other mam- mals. Dogs blood may be injected into the veins of rabbits with perfect impunity, while sheeps blood rapidly proves fatal (Mittler). Most remarkable results have been obtained by the injec- tion of blood into the veins of animals recently dead. Brown- Scquard has performed a great many experiments of this kind, and his accounts of effects secured would seem incredi- ble, were they not in full accord with our knowledge of the part the blood plays in the animal economy. On one occasion, he decapitated a dog, taking care to make the section below the point where the vertebral arteries pene- trate their osseous canals. "Ten minutes after cessation of the respiratory movements of the nafes, lips and lower jaw, I inserted into the three arteries of the head canuke con- THE CONSTITUTION OF TIIE BLOOD. 251 nectcd by caoutchouc tubes to a copper cylinder contain- ing oxygenated blood. The blood was now injected by means of a syringe. In two or three minutes, the eyes began to move, as also the muscles of the face, and these movements seemed directed by the will. I prolonged this experiment a quarter of an hour, and during all this time, these movements, apparently voluntary, continued to take place. When I ceased the injections, the movements ceased and were soon replaced by convulsive movements of the eyes, face, respiratory movements of the nose, lips and jaws, and finally by the tremors of the death agony. The pupils now dilated and became fixed as in ordinary death." On a subsequent occasion, the same experimenter injected into the veins of a dog, just dead from peritonitis, some fresh blood from a living dog, and the dead dog so far re- vived, as to stand upon his feet, wag his tail, make various voluntary movements, and survive for twelve and a half hours, when he again laid down, and died the second time. No physiologist has, as yet, had the temerity to practice this operation upon the brain, or the whole body, of a human being, not even for juridical purposes, where it might seem justifiable, but there can, of course, be no doubt as to its result. Prof. Vulpian remarks upon this subject : — "If a savant should attempt this experiment upon the head of an individual who had been decapitated, he would assist in the production of a grand and terrible spectacle ; he would re-awaken in the head all its cerebral functions ; he wTould restore, in the eyes and facial muscles, the movements, which in man are evoked by the emotions, and the thoughts, of which the brain is the seat." Constitution of the Blood. The blood consists of a fluid, the so-called plasma (Schultze), and of formed elements suspended in the fluid, the so-called 252 THE COLOE OF THE BLOOD. blood corpuscles (Miiller). The only exception to this con- stitution of blood is offered by certain worms, the nemertinea, in whose blood no corpuscles have as yet been dis- covered. The Color of the Blood, The blood of all vertebrate animals, with the single ex- ception of the lowest of all, the lancelet, is red. The blood of invertebrate animals is either colorless, or is of other color than red, as blue, yellow, green, brown, etc. When the blood of invertebrate animals is colored, it is the plasma which contain the coloring matter, whereas, in vertebrate animals, the corpuscles contain the coloring matter, and the plasma is colorless, except in cephalopods, where the cor- puscles have a violet hue, and the terebella, whose corpuscles are yellowish-red (Gscheidlen). But the red blood of vertebrate animals varies in its tint. Like all other colored fluids (sea-water, for instance), the blood is darker when present in quantity. A thin layer of blood or a single corpuscle presents a faint amber hue, which may be regarded as the intrinsic color of blood. The freshly oxygenated blood as it leaves the lungs- and heart to circulate throughout the body in the arteries is a bright scarlet red. The deoxygenated and carbonised blood as it collects in the veins to be returned to the heart and lungs is purple or blue. The intrinsic color of blood is due to the presence in the corpuscles, as one of the ingredients of con- struction, of haemoglobin, which, as its name implies, con- tains iron. The degree in which the iron is oxydiscd de- termines the tint of the blood. Thus the coloring matter of the blood is iron, a fact which gave to Mr. Ruskin the oppor- tunity for a bit of sentiment in the comment that it seems strange that iron, one of the sternest and hardest substances THE ODOR OF THE BLOOD. 253 in nature, should be selected to give expression in the face to the most delicate emotions of the heart. "Behold how like a maid she blushes here: Conies not that blood, as modest evidence To witness simple virtue?" Reaction of the Blood. The blood of all animals is alkaline. We have already seen how this alkalinity of the blood favors oxidation pro- cesses, and the importance of this reaction becomes evident with the statement that so soon as the alkalinity of the blood of an animal is neutralised, by the injection of an acid into the vessels, the animal inevitably dies. But it is only fresh and living blood that exhibits alkalescense. Dissolved, dried blood is mostly acid and the alkalescence of fresh blood con- tinues to diminish after withdrawal from the body. Thus 40 cubic centimetres of phosphoric acid are required to neutralise 100 cubic centimetres of blood freshly drawn, while 31 centimetres suffice to neutralise blood which has been drawn five minutes. It is by reason of the alkalinity of the blood which is chiefly effected in man by the phos- phate of soda entering into its composition, that the fluidity of the blood is preserved. Blood withdrawn from the body is kept fluid by the addition of alkalies, as of ammonia or the sulphate of soda. The Odor of the Blood. The blood has a peculiar odor, which is different in differ- ent animals. Thus oxen blood smells of musk, and the blood of many insects (caterpillars) has an exceedingly dis- agreeable odor. In fact, it is the blood which largely gives the characteristic odor to the animal. The odor of the blood is due to the existence in it of certain volatile fatty acids, in alkaline combinations, whose quantity and exact 254 THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BLOOD. nature is as yet undetermined. Concentrated sulphuric acid liberates the characteristic odor of the blood in much greater intensity, or develops it when not present in sufficient degree to be perceptible (Barruel), and valuable juridical evidence has been furnished in this way in doubtful cases. This halitus sanguinis of the older physiologists is somewhat more marked in male animals. To obtain or develop the odor of the blood in any intensity, it should be received from a vein in a glass vessel and concentrated sulphuric acid should be added to it, in the proportion of one-third to one half the quantity of blood. The odor of cattle, sheep, dogs or fishes may be distinctly recognised in this way. The odor of fresh human blood is not very distinct at best. It was a psychical conception and not a physical impression which Lady Macbeth perceived with such intensity, when in her somnambulism she muttered : — "Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes in Arabia will not sweeten this little hand." The Taste of the Blood, though not so distinctly characteristic of its source, is nevertheless peculiar. The taste of the salty, sweet, and extractive elements so mask each other as to render the gustative impression of the blood sui generis. The Temperature of the Blood. The blood is kept in the body at a temperature of about 100° F. (38°C.) But much variation in temperature is encountered in different vessels. The blood of the surface capillaries, being cooled by exposure, may fall, even a degree or two, according to the external temperature, while in the interior of the body, it may be elevated six or seven degrees. As all chemical action develops heat, we might naturally THE WEIGHT OF THE BLOOD. 255 infer, what direct observation positively confirms, that the blood is warmest in places where chemical processes are most active. So the very hottest blood in the body is found in the hepatic veins, vessels which receive the blood after the intensely active chemical processes of the liver. The temperature of the blood here mounts up to 107° F. (41.6° C), a degree which if maintained for a length of time upon the surface of the body would indicate inevitably fatal oxidation. But the general heat of the blood and of the body is almost exclusively sustained by the oxidation processes effected by muscular tissue. Donyza's servant then gives his mis- tress proper counsel in the advice : — "Pray you walk softly, do not heat your blood." The Weight of the Blood. The specific gravity of the blood varies between 1054 and 1060. To obtain it, the blood must of course be thoroughly defibrinated. This is accomplished by flagella- tion of the blood with a wisp of straw, or by stirring it with a spatula or glass rod. The specific gravity of the plasma is 1028, and of the corpuscles 1088. The corpuscles being thus much the heavier, sink in the plasma whenever the blood comes to rest. The red corpuscles being heavier than the white sink faster, and leave the white to form the "buffy coat" on the surface of the clot. The buffy coat is thus no sign of inflammation (crusta inflammatoria) as formerly believed. It simply indicates in its depth the sluggishness of coagulation. It is always seen in the blood of the horse withdrawn from the body of the animal. The specific gravity of the blood is markedly decreased by hemorrhage and increased by transfusion. The Quantity of Blood. It would seem to be an easy matter to arrive at the whole quantity of blood in the body of an animal by simply open- 250 THE QUANTITY OF BLOOD. ing large vessels and collecting it as it flows. But the blood will not all flow out from the body. When syncope super- venes, the blood ceases to flow in quantity from paralysis of the vaso-motor nerves, and no posture can be secured which will permit gravity to effect the discharge of blood from all the vessels. A more effective method is to collect all the blood that will flow spontaneously, and then wash out the rest by injection with a known quantity of water, which could be subtracted from the whole amount. The objection to this method lies in the fact that a forcible injection would carry out other fluids, lymph, chyle, muscular fluids, synovial serum, etc., which would pass into the bloodvessels by diffusion and thus invalidate conclusions. Some idea of the difficulties encountered in computing the whole amount of blood may .be gathered from the different estimates obtained by different experimenters. Thus Harvey, Lister, and Moulins compute that the human body contains about 8 lbs. of blood, Miiller and Burdach 20 lbs., Haller 28-30 lbs., Hamberger 80 lbs., and Keill 100 lbs., differences which sufficiently exhibit the defective- ness of the methods employed. From among the many improved methods of more modern investigators, I may mention that of Lehmann and Weber which consisted in collecting all the blood which would flow spontaneously from the divided vessels of decapitated animals, washing out the vessels until the water injected escaped colorless, and then evaporating the fluid to a solid residue which repre- sented, of course, a certain amount of blood. In this way these observers estimated that the proportion of blood to the body was about that of one to eight ; that is, the body of a man of average weight, 145 lbs., contains about 18 lbs. of blood, a quantity too great because of admixture with other fluids. TIIE QUANTITY OF BLOOD. 257 Vierordt made a computation by multiplying the quantity of blood expelled from the heart at each ventricular con- traction by the number of beats required to effect the entire round of the circulation. If the ventricle pump out G.3 oz. (an amount evidently too great), and 27.7 contractions are necessary to effect the round of the circulation, as he maintains, the proportion of blood to the body would be fa- fa about 11-12 lbs. Welcker first employed the color test, which consists in mincing the body of the animal after all its blood has escaped, and been washed out. The mince meat was then infused and the color of the infusion compared with that of previously prepared color tests containing a known quantity of blood. Welcker concluded that the body of a man (143 lbs.) contains about 11 lbs. of blood. Preyer's spectroscopic test (estimation of the amount of haemoglobin) yields about the same result, as does also the entirely different method of Brozeit, which consisted in the recovery of the haematin from the washed out blood, so that this proportion, the fa may be assumed to represent the amount of blood in the body. The proportion of blood to the rest of the body in different animals is about as follows : guinea pig, tW*, rabbit fa-^Ut doS tVtV, cat fa birds tVtV > f ™SS TTio. fisnes TV-A- lt must not be forgotten, of course, that the quantity of blood varies very greatly at different times of the day, with reference especially to the hours of taking food. Bernard illustrated this fact by drawing ten and a half ounces of blood from a rabbit, after eating, without serious result to the life of the animal, whereas the withdrawal of five ounces proved fatal to the animal fasting. According to Colard de Martigny, the quantity of blood in a rabbit, in a healthy well-fed state, is about 30 grammes, which is reduced by three days fasting to 20 grammes, and by ten days fasting to only 7 grammes. This great variation with reference to 258 THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. meals may account, as Carpenter suggests, for the wide dis- crepancies observable in different estimates of the whole quantity of blood. Then the average quantity is widely departed from in cases of plethora and anaemia. Thus Wrisberg states that a plethoric woman, who died of metro- rhagia, lost 26 lbs. of blood, and reports the fact that as much as 24 lbs. was collected from the vessels of a woman who had suffered death by decapitation. The Morphology of the Blood. The blood as it flows from a divided vessel is apparently a perfectly homogeneous fluid. But on examination under the microscope it is seen to contain, in myriad numbers, certain formed elements, the corpuscles. The corpuscles seem to occupy about half the space in the microscopic field. It was not given to Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation of the blood, to ever see the blood corpuscles or the capillaries in which their course and conduct in life are distinctly visible. The blood corpuscles were first recognised by Malpighi (1661), as peculiar and hitherto unrecognised particles, floating in the current of the blood. Malpighi, however, did not appreciate their significance ; he regarded them as particles of fat. It was only then after the lapse of twelve years, that Leeuwenhoek was able to describe the true nature of the red corpuscles, as morphotic elements, always present in the blood. And it was not until a hundred years later still, that the second variety of bodies, the white corpuscles, were pointed out by a distinguished English observer, Wm. Hewson. The recognition of the morphotic elements of the blood, was then only finally complete with the discovery by Schultze (1865) of certain, minute, irregular, colorless, granules, distinguished by their varying quantity and their great refrangibility.' As we have as yet no knowledge of these bodies, other than that of their existence, THE 11ED BLOOD CORPUSCLES. 259 we may pass to the consideration of the elements with whose nature and use we are most familiar. The Bed Blood Coiyuscles. There is a description of the red blood corpuscle that is so concise and complete as to have been adopted in most works on physiology. The blood corpuscles are described viz., as "flattened, biconcave, circular disks." So, then, we may say, roughly, that red blood corpuscles look like biconcave lenses, or like crackers (butter crackers), without their central elevation. The camel and the lama are the only mammals whose corpuscles depart from this shape, in that in these animals, the red corpuscles, like those of fishes, amphibious animals, reptiles, and birds are elliptical. The exceptional shape of the corpuscles in the camel species is very remarkable, in that the small family of the camelidse is thus distinguished alone among all mammals. Milne Edwards sought for elliptical corpuscles in more than 200 species selected from all the natural subdivisions of this group, but could not find them "even among the marsupials and monotremata, which seem, in certain respects, to establish a transition between ordinary mammals and oviparous vertebrates." The elliptical shape of the blcod corpuscles of the camel tribe, like the existence in the small intestine, of the same tribe, of valvulse conniventes, which were once believed to be characteristic of man, is, when properly interpreted, additional evidence of the mutability of species. In the study of the structure and properties of red blood corpuscles, the precaution must always be taken to add to the specimen of blood some diluent. Else, the corpuscles speedily shrink from evaporation of their fluid contents, become crenated upon their edges, and finally shrivel away. But the character of the diluent must be selected with caution. The addition of simple water dissipates the cor' 260 SIZE OF THE BLOOD CORPUSCLES. puscles from the field in a very few minutes. The water is very quickly absorbed, the coloring matter is separated, the corpuscles swell to colorless spheres, burst, or are entirely dissolved from vision. The best fluid in which to preserve corpuscles is the natural serum of the blood, and the serum should be taken from the same animal or from the same species of animal. For, according to Landois, the blood corpuscles of the rabbit, for instance, are transformed, on the addition of the serum from dogs blood, to spheres or balls, and the coloring matter is dissolved out. In the absence of serum, a six per cent, solution of common salt exercises the least injurious effect upon the size, shape, and structure of the corpuscles. Blood corpuscles (of any ani- mal) are best preserved by holding a thin layer of blood over an aqueous solution of perosmic acid, in such a way that its vapor may pass to the blood. The blood corpuscles are hardened in this way, without change of form or color. They maintain also their central depression and become so consistent that they may be kept unaltered for a very long time in water or in glycerine. It is the central depression which gives to red corpuscles their peculiar optical appear- ance. Either the centre is dark and the circumference light, or vice versa, according as one or other is in focus. Size of the Blood Corpuscles. By means of a micrometer it is not difficult to measure the exact size of the blood corpuscles of an animal, a point of great medico-legal interest. Yet there is by no means that unaminity of statement upon this subject that might naturally be expected. Thus Kulliker, the highest German authority says, as regards human corpuscles, that 95 out of every 100 corpuscles measure ^p of an inch (0.0071 mm.) in diameter ; Robin, tjie highest French authority states the exact diameter to be ^Vr °* an *ncu (0.0073 mm.) ; while SIZE OF THE BLOOD CORPUSCLES. 261 Gulliver, who examined the corpusclesof all the animals in the London Zoological Garden, and hence had great experience in measurements, puts the diameter of human corpuscles at ■52W °f an inch, a fraction which is undoubtedly too high. That there is no relation whatever, between the size of an animal and the size of its blood corpuscles is evidenced by reference to Gulliver's table, showing the size of the corpuscles in 176 mammals. The ox, for example, a very large animal, has a blood corpuscle whose diameter is exceedingly small, T^Vr °f an inch, much smaller, thus, than that of the corpuscles of man ; while the cat, a small animal, has a corpuscle -^W °f an inch diameter, very nearly as large as that of the ox, and the mouse, which is much smaller than the cat, has a much larger corpuscle, viz., ^ttt °f an inch diameter, much larger, thus, than that of the ox. Milne Edwards has endeavored to show that there is an inverse relation between the size of the corpuscle and the muscular activity of the animal, that is, the more active animals have the smallest corpuscles. There is much foundation for this observation, which may, indeed, be considered a rule, but it is a rule, not without exceptions. Thus the dog, a very active animal, has a corpuscle which is generally regarded as having exactly the dimensions of the human corpuscle, viz., -g-Jjjrr of an inch, while the ox, a very sluggish animal, has a mnch smaller corpuscle, ^^^ of an inch. As the size and shape of blood corpuscles are among the chief factors in the identification of blood, and its source, it is important to have definite and accurate data concerning every point. The differentiation of human blood from that of fishes, reptiles and birds, never offers the least difficulty, because of the elliptical shape of their corpuscles. They are not only ellipses, whose long diameter is about twice as great as the broad diameter^ but they are also 262 SIZE OF THE BLOOD CORPUSCLES. distinctly embossed (biconvex). But the differentiation of human blood from that of lower mammals is effected with great difficulty and in some cases can not be effected at all. The most recent and reliable measurements of blood cor- puscles have been furnished by Welcker, who estimated the size of his own blood corpuscles from 130 observations as follows : — Greatest transverse diameter - 0,00774 mm. thickness - - - - 0.00190 " These measurements were made by introducing into the eye-piece of a microscope, a micrometer, whose lines stood, under a magnification of 620 diameters, 0.001723 mm. apart, and the tenths of a division could be estimated with accu- racy. The blood corpuscles were suspended in serum, and evaporation, as well as agitation, was prevented by fastening down the edges of the cover glass with Canada balsam (Gscheidlen). Welcker also made measurements in the case of other ani- mals as follows : — Animals. No. of Observations. Average Diameter. Elephant 20 0.0094 mm. Dog - 10 - 0.0073 " Eabbit - - - 20 - - 0.0069 " Cat - - 20 - 0.0065 " Sheep 20 0.0050 " Goat 20 - 0.0041 " Deer - 5 0.0025 " And of animals having elliptical corpuscles as follows: — Animals. No. Obs. Long- Diameter. Short Diameter. Lama 20 0.0080 0.0040 mm. Pigeon 20 0.0147 0.0065 " Frog 50 0.0223 0.0157 " Triton 20 0.0293 0.0195 " ELASTICITY OP THE HED CORPUSCLE. 263 The Number of Red Corpuscles, The number of blood corpuscles in a given quantity of blood may be ascertained by directly counting them in a known quantity under the microscope, and multiplying this known quantity, a fractional part of a drop, by the whole quantity under consideration. A better method, however, is to dilute a known quantity of blood with a known quantity of serum or salt solution, and then count and compute as before. From these methods it is estimated that a cubic centimetre of human blood contains 4,231,500 (Stoltzing), 4,620,000 (Welcker), 5,174,000 (Vierordt), corpuscles. In ansemia, leucocythsemia, etc., this number may be reduced by millions, to be again restored by chalybeate, or other suitable treat- ment. The whole number of corpuscles in the blood of a man of average weight is roughly estimated at about twenty-five billions. Elasticity of the Red Corpuscle. The red blood corpuscles are highly elastic bodies. When studied under the microscope it is observed that pressure of the cover upon the object glass flattens them, but they speedily recover their original shape and size when the pres- sure is relieved. Observed in the capillary vessels (web of frog's foot, tail of lizard, mesentery of mouse, or lung of frog) they are seen to become elongated almost to a thread, and thus succeed in traversing capillaries whose diameter is much less than their own, to resume their original size and shape on escape into wider tubes. So they are sometimes caught at an angle, formed by the division of one capillary into two, and to be swung first partly into one tube, then partly into another, changing their shape (passively) con- tinually, until, finally, sufficient vis a tergo from the proper direction sweeps them entirely into one or other tube. The 264 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CORPUSCLES. elasticity of the corpuscle is also manifest in the constant change of shape they are made to undergo under permeation and surrender of various gases. Carbonic acid gas distends the corpuscle, and oxygen leaves them more flat, a factor which partially effects the difference of color between arterial and venous blood. The red corpuscles, therefore, are rather semi-fluid than semi-solid. They are to be regarded as thoroughly homogenous bodies, like particles of jelly and are in no sense cells, in the ordinary acceptation of the term, with walls, contents and nuclei. Constitution of the Corpuscles. The red blood corpuscles are composed of a gelatinous basis; the stroma, and the iron containing, albumenoid, coloring matter ; the haemoglobin. The haemoglobin is easily soluble in water or serum but is so intimately blended with the stroma, as to require artificial intervention to effect its separation. If blood be repeatedly frozen and thawed, or if successive strokes of electricity be transmitted through its mass, the haemoglobin is separated, and is held in solution by the plasma, so that the blood loses its opacity (which is due to the different angles at which the corpuscles and the plasma refract light) and becomes quite translucent like colored varnish. Dilution with water, the addition of bile salts, agitation with ether, chloroform, alcohol or bisulphide of carbon effect the same result (Fick). So also septic and miasmatic germs, in disorganising the corpuscles, liber- ate the coloring matter, so that the skin, mucous membranes, in fact, all the tissues, become stained with it. This con- stitutes the hematogenous icterus of yellow, malarial, typhus, etc., fevers. The haemoglobin when thus separated assumes special rhombic forms which may be differentiated from the forms assumed by the haemoglobin of lower animals. One of the most reliable of all the tests for blood is the THE USE OF THE RED BLOOD CORPUSCLE. 265 spectroscopic test afforded by the lines formed in the spectrum by hemoglobin, when oxidised (oxyhemoglobin), as in arterial blood, or when reduced, as in venous blood. Reduced hemoglobin distinguishes itself by an absorption band in the yellow part of the spectrum. If new this solution of reduced hemoglobin be agitated with oxygen, the absorp- tion band falls into two, one of which approaches the line D, the other the line E of the solar spectrum, and the space formerly occupied by the- absorption band of the reduced hemoglobin is now clear. Hemoglobin on standing for any length of time separates into an albumenoid substance and the iron coloring matter hematin. The addition of acids effects the same division. Hematin, dissolved in ether or in alkalies, or reduced, gives also special bands in the spectrum. The stroma of the corpuscles is a very complicated com- bination of an albumenoid substance (protagon or lecithin) with salts of potash and phosphorus and with fats and cholesterine. It is markedly hygroscopic, swells by imbibi- tion with water, and thus restores the size and shape of blood corpuscles after the dessication of years. Blood stains, shaved up from floors or scraped from knives, have been recognised as such, by this restoration of the size and shape of dried corpuscles, after the lapse of several years. Use of the Red Blood Corpuscles. The red blood corpuscles are the oxygen carriers to the tissues. They arrive at the lungs partly emptied of oxygen, receive an additional quantity as the result of inspiration, and are swept off into the general circulation by the action of the heart. In the capillaries, the oxygen, a great part of it, at least, is surrendered to the tissues, and carbonic acid gas is received in its place. The blood corpuscles have the property of absorbing ten to thirteen times as much oxygen as water. The blood plasma will absorb two or three times 23 266 THE COLORLESS BLOOD CORPUSCLES. as much oxygen as water, and this constituent officiates in its conduction, though to much less degree than in the con- duction of carbonic acid gas. The red corpuscles being thus so distinctly the oxygen carriers, any marked diminution in their amount should produce symptoms of asphyxia. And, in fact, it is observed that animals dying of hemorrhage experience first vertigo and syncope, from lack of oxygen for nervous supply, become finally convulsed, and die panting for air. So Paul Bert has shown that the resistance to asphyxia manifested by diving animals, so long inexplicable, is due to the simple fact that these animals have more blood, and consequently more blood corpuscles. Thus a chicken can be drowned or strangled in two minutes, while a duck of the same weight will survive seven or eight minutes. The duck has, how- ever, one-third or one-half more blood than the chicken, and each additional corpuscle is, of course, an additional reservoir of oxygen gas. The Colorless Blood Corpuscles. Colorless corpuscles exist in the blood of both vertebrate and invertebrate animals. The first noticeable fact con- cerning the white corpuscles in the blood of man is their comparative paucity. They exist in the proportion of one to three to four hundred of the red corpuscles, but their absolute and relative number varies greatly according to the period of observation. That is, they are very markedly in- creased after meals. Thus Hirt found them present before breakfast, at the period of greatest fasting, in the proportion of 1:1800, after breakfast 1:700, before dinner 1:1500, after dinner 1:400, etc. The white blood corpuscle diners from the red in other respects than color. In the first place it is larger than the red. Though Schultze describes three different sizes of THE COLORLESS BLOOD CORPUSCLES. 267 white corpuscles, that which exists in greatest number and which is mostly studied, measures vr-1^ of an inch (0.0101 mm.) in diameter. Secondly, the white blood corpuscle is not a disk. It is spherical in shape. It differs additionally in being abundantly granulated, and in containing a distinct nucleus. Bodies which have always been regarded as similar, and which are now known to be identical in every respect to white corpuscles, are found also in the lymph and chyle, in colostrum, semen and in the vitreous humor of the eyeball. Such bodies constitute the morphotic elements of pus, where they are known as pus cells. But what especially distinguishes white blood corpuscles (leucocytes), is their property of motion. They move like the amoebae, which we have already studied, and hence are often known as the amoeboid cells. Circulating in the ves- sels, they keep close to the wall of the vessel, while the red corpuscles form an axial mass in quicker motion. This amoeboid motion of the white corpuscles may be very easily brought under observation. A watch glass is filled with frogs blood, which is allowed to coagulate. The coagu- lum is then separated with a needle from the edge of the glass, and when a little serum has exuded, a drop of it is let fall upon a .cover glass, which is then placed upon an object glass, so arranged that it can be kept warm. The edge of the object glass should be covered with oil, to prevent evaporation. The object glass is now to be gently heated. So soon as the temperature rises to 36° C. (96° F.) the well known processes of motion ensue. The movements of the white corpuscles of human blood, and their response to various stimulants, may be studied in the same way. The white blood corpuscles represent the incunabular stages of the red corpuscles, as transition forms have been discovered in abundance in the lymph glands, in the spleen, thymus 268 THE BLOOD PLASMA. and thyroid glands, supra-renal capsules, marrow of bones, etc., structures, all of them, found only in vertebrate ani- mals, in which alone red corpuscles are found. The Blood Plasma. The plasma contains all the remaining ingredients of the blood except the corpuscles. To obtain a satisfactory analysis of the plasma it is necessary to examine the blood before coagulation and after the sinking of the corpuscles. As the corpuscles sink very rapidly in the blood of the horse, leaving a supernatural clear plasma, the most reliable results have been obtained from this animal. The following table exhibits the composition of the blood of the horse : 1000 Parts Blood Cont'n r Water 184.30 ' Haemoglobin 122.75 ' Corpuscles 324.2 ' Solids Albumen 17.80 [ 141.9 Lecithin 0.84 Cholesterin 0.51 ' Water 579.4 " Fibrin 6.4 ^ Plasma 673.8 Albumen 43.1 Solids Fat 0.8 b 58.4 Extracts 2.5 Soluble Salts 4.1 Insoluble Salts 1.1 No fluid in the body has been subjected to so many and such careful and skilful analyses as the blood, but the conclusions reached by different observers have shown very marked differences. When we recall, however, what changes the blood must undergo, not only daily, and hourly, but in every second of time, in yielding up constituents for continu- ous supply, and in receiving as continuously the products of combustion and waste, we cease to wonder at any quanti- tative or qualitative discrepancies in the results of chemical analyses. "Xor are, although the river keep the name Yesterday's waters and to-day's the same." THE COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 269 The blood in its entirety contains, thus, proximate princi- ples of the three different classes ; of the inorganic class in its water, iron and salts, of the non-nitrogenous class in its fat, extractives and part of the lecithin, and of the nitro- genised class in its albumen, globulin and fibrin. Hence it is that the blood is the pabulum of all the tissues. It contains the materials out of which the protoplasm of all the tissues may evolve work, that is fuel, and it contains materials from which the tissues may repair their own waste. But all these matters do not really exist in the blood as such, and hence are not, strictly speaking, proximate principles. This is notably the case with regard to fibrin. Fibrin does not exist in the blood as such, and only presents itself as an ingredient when physiological conditions are in some way disturbed. Fibrin is a product of two substances, the so-called fibrin generators, paraglobulin and fibrin- ogen (A. Schmidt). Both these substances exist as such in the blood, and may be recovered from it by suitable manipulation. Nor is the albumen in the blood the same as ordinary albumen (white of egg). It differs from it in many chemical reactions, and more especially in its osmotic properties. If ordinary albumen be injected into the blood, it is not absorbed, but is rejected by the kidneys, while blood albumen is retained and absorbed. The Coagulation of the Blood. Within five minutes after blood is withdrawn from the body it begins to clot. A gelatinous pellicle first forms upon its surface and afterwards extends down the sides of the vessel containing the blood. When the vessel is now agitated, the mass of blood does not spill out ; it quivers like a mass of jelly. Gradually now the process of coagula- tion invades the whole mass of the blood until, finally, the entire quantity has become "set." The time occupied in 270 THE COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. this solidification of the whole mass is, according to Nasse, from seven to sixteen minutes. The clot next begins to contract, and pellucid drops of fluid exude from its surface. The further process of coagulation consists in the continua- tion of contraction of the coagulum and expression of fluid until, in from 10-12 hours, the whole mass of the blood has become separated into "a clot" and surrounding "serum." The clot is composed of the fibrin, entangling the corpuscles, and the serum contains the water, the albumen and the salts. The coagulation of the blood depends upon the fact that the fibrin generators, when placed under abnormal con- ditions, pass from the fluid to the solid state, that is, that the fibrin generators unite to generate fibrin. If a drop of blood be observed under the microscope, this gradual development of fibrin manifests itself in the formation of threads or fibrillar, which extend across the microscopic field, entangling the corpuscles, Avhich have now become packed up against each other, in rows or rouleaux, like coins upon a banker's table. The corpuscles escape entanglement if time be allowed for their subsidence. Thus when the blood coagulates slowly, naturally, or artificially (as by the addition of alkalies), the corpuscles gravitate to the bottom of the vessel. The position of the body at death, after subsequent change, has sometimes been determined by the location of the corpuscles in the clot, as in the longitudinal sinus. We have as yet no satisfactory explanation of the cause of the coagulation of the blood. None the less, however, are we able to appreciate its utility. Were it not for this forma- tion of fibrin under certain conditions, to officiate as a plug for divided vessels, the slightest solution of continuity in the walls of a bloodvessel would be attended with fatal hemorrhage. In fact there are cases characterised by a deficiency in its formation, the so-called cases of hemorrhagic THE COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 271 diathesis in which the extraction of a tooth, the scratch of a pin, the slightest lesions, permit the most disastrous hemorrhage. In these, cases, pressure or ligation of vessels, if of sufficient size, affords only temporary relief. When the pressure is relieved, or the ligature comes away, the hem- orrhage, of course, recurs. Ordinarily, however, the coagu- lating blood blocks the orifice in the wounded vessel, and thus checks further loss. The great vessels in the walls of the uterus, after the extensive lacerations of parturition, are stuffed by clots of blood and, further escape is thus, as a rule, prevented. Thus, also, successive layers of fibrin are sometimes deposited in the walls of a vessel, weakened and distended by disease (aneurism), so that the weakest places become the strongest by this adventitious padding. Unfortunately, fibrin some- times exercises a more malign influence, in being swept off in the torrent of the circulation, from surfaces upon which it has become deposited, to distant places, to block up most important vessels. Masses of fibrin (emboli) are thus occasionally detached from valves of the heart, upon which they have come to be deposited, in consequence of the roughening induced by endocardial inflammations, and carried to plug the great vessels feeding the brain, and thus cause the most serious lesions, and often death. Here, then, we must conclude our brief survey of the properties of the blood. And whether we look upon it in the light of its mere complexity of construction, of the grave symptoms induced by even its partial loss, of its speedy reproduction after hemorrhage, of its maintenance of itself under the constant consumption which it must suffer, we can not fail to appreciate its importance. Magendie says that a celebrated physiologist became so convinced of the value of the blood as to define life as "the contact of arterial blood with the organs of the body, especially with the brain." If he had said, the consumption of the blood by 272 THE BLOOD AS THE SOURCE OF LIFE. the organs, and liberation of its latent force, he would have told all the truth. The older physiologists were fond of locating life as a peculiar principle or essence in the blood. It lodged in the pure or arterial blood. It was the promulgation of this delusion, that the soul dwelt in the arterial blood, that cost Servetus his life. Such temerity as the attempt to localise the soul awakened the ire of the theologians, and at the instigation and by the order of John Calvin, Servetus was publicly burned at the stake in Geneva, and nearly every copy of his works was thrown into the flames. The older clinicians waged bitter war among themselves concerning the part the blood played in disease. The "humoral" pathologists maintained that the blood was the seat of all disease. Much of the popular conceit of our own times regarding "impurities" of the blood is derived from the doctrines of humoral pathology. The impurities, which we are called upon to treat, are, for the most part, impurities of the skin, animal and vegetable parasites, with which the blood has nothing to do, except to nourish their host. The real impurities of the blood are the acute infectious dis- eases, the germs of which breed in the blood, with character- istic fecundity, feed upon it, disorganise and corrupt it, so that : — "The life of all his blood is touched corruptibly." The blood, as the source of life, has always been recognised as the maternal substitute of the body from which it is derived. The contract for the sale of the soul had always to be signed in blood. So Mephistopheles insists that Faust shall sign his compact with him with a pen dipped in his blood, because as he says of this subtle fluid — a saying to which we are now prepared to agree: — "Blub ist ein ganz besonderer Saft" (Blood is a very peculiar juice). INDEX. PAGE. Absorption and assimilation 132 Adaptation, force of. 90 Age, determination of 1C7, 1G8 " effect of upon nerve tissue 245 " of the earth 59 Air in bone 170 Albumen and its products 130 " of the blood.., 2G9 Alcohol, action of. 12 Alkalinity as favoring- oxidation 137 Amoeba, the 114 Amoeboid motion of white blood corpuscles 207 Aneurism, Hunter's treatment of. 4 Animal bodies as machines 43 Animals, fertility of 94 Appendix vermiformis as rudiment 80 Artificial selection 90 " " effects of. 92 " construction of organic bodies 41 Assimilation, the property of 52, 132 Atavism 87,89 Atmosphere, maintenance of composition of 43 Aubrey John, remarks concerning Harvey 3 Autogeny 141 Axis cylinder, the 228 Bathybius, the 113 Bee, generation of 127 Birds, action of muscles in 221 *' classifications of. 92 Blood albumen 269 M and its properties 247 ** as source of life 272 " as substitute of the body 272 " coagulation of. 2G9 « color of 252 *« constitution of 251, 268 274 INDEX. Blood corpuscles colored 265 " " colorless 2G6 ** " affected by coagulation 270 " " red 250 " " " constitution of .., 2G4 " " " elasticity of. 203 " " " number of. 203 " " " size of. 2C0 " " " use of. 2G5 " dependence of muscle on 217 " fibrin of. 269 " " use of 270 " morphology of. 258 " odor of. 253 " of man and animals 71 " oxidation processes in 136 " . plasma 2G8 " proximate principles of. 2G9 " quantity of. 255 " reaction of. 253 '* spectroscopy of 265 " taste of. 254 ** temperature of. 254 " transfusion of 248 " value of 247, 272 " weight of 255 " vessels, contractility of. 197 Bone, absorption by 172 " air in 170 " and its properties 150 " as a connective tissue 164 " as fuel 158 ** as symbol of the body 174 " canaliculi 155 " centres of ossification in 1G7 " chemistry of. 15G, 159 " corpuscles 155 " constancy of composition of 159 14 distortion effected by weight 173 •* effects of use and disuse on 172 " excavation of 109 " formation in anomalous places 164 *' " of 105 M general properties of. 152 index. 275 Bone, harmony of development of. 173 " Haversian canals of. 153 " histology of. 153 44 lamellae of 154 44 marrow of. 171 44 studies in living 171 44 preservation of. 103 " phosphate of lime in 1C2 44 relation to nerve tissue 150 44 resistance and resilience of 150 44 rudiments 78 Brain of man and animals 70, 71 Brambles, classification of 92 Branchial clefts 75 Cadaveric rigidity 212 Canaliculi of bone 155 Cancellated structure of bone 109 Carbon compounds in plants 40 Carbonic acid gas, decomposition of in plants 39 Carotid process, the 233 Cataclysms of Cuvier 58 Caterpillar, colors of 98 Cats and red clover 101 Caul, the 10 Cell, chemistry of. 131 44 contents or protoplasm 113 44 derivation and import of the term 110 44 discovery and history of the 108 44 metabolism of 133 44 mode of birth of. 144 44 44 44 death of. 145 44 nucleus and nucleolus „ 112 44 pigment in chameleon 118 44 shape and size of. 109 44 wall ..: HI Centre of ossification KJ7 Cerebro-spinal and sympathetic systems 220 Cerebrum, action of cells of 239 Chameleon, color changes in 117 Chamisso on alternation of generation 87 Channel of Mt. Pilatus 37 Chemistry of blood 2G4, 208 44 44 bone 15G, 159 " 44 the cell 131 276 index. Chemistry of muscle 184 " " nerve tissue 2)15 " " protoplasm ; 123, 1.11 Child, resemblance of to parent 80, 00 Chorda dorsalis, discovery of cell structure of 110 " " ossification in 1G7 Cilia and ciliary motion 110 Ciliary motion, conditions affecting- : 121 Circulation, discovery of..... 2 " value of knowledge of 4 " work on.... 2 Classification of tissues 146 " ". " anatomical 147 " " " chemical 147 " " " physiological 148 " " animals and plants, difficulty of. 01 Clocks, the force which runs 27 Clover, red and cats 101 Coagulation of the blood » 200 Coal, magazines of 40 Coccyx as rudimentary organ 78 " muscles of 70 Color changes in chameleon 117 " of blood 252 " " flowers, use of 101 " " muscle 177 " " nerve tissue 226 Colors, protective 07 '* warning 07 Combustion, excretions as products of 41 " gases of 41 Comparative anatomy, evidence furnished by 01, 65 " embryology 73 Conservation of force 2') Contraction process as cause of heat of the sun 36 Conservatoire des Arts et des Metiers 29 Contractility of muscle (see muscle) Convertibility of the forces 26, 29 Corpuscles, blood (see blood). " bone (see bone). " of Pacini 230 " of Krause 230 " tactile 230 Cranium, bones of. C8 INDEX. 277 Curare, action on muscle 207 Curve, the muscle 203 Cuvier, cataclysms of 58 " on comparative anatomy C5 ** " footprints G2 Darwin Charles Robert, discoveries of 91 " Erasmus 70 " on imperfection of geological record G3 " views on rudiments 83 Death of cells 145 Decay, action of upon matter 25 Denudation of earth, rate of. 58 Diemerbroeck's treatment of small-pox 7 Digestive system, rudiments in 79 Digitalis, action of 12 Disease, ontological conception of 5 Diseases transmitted by inheritance 85 Drinking water, lime salts in 162 Du Bois-Reymond1s theory of muscular action 210, 211 Duck, resistance of to asphyxia 2G6 Dynamometer, the 219 Ear, comparative anatomy of. G5 " external as rudiment ; 81 " lopped in rabbits effect on bones 173 " rudimentary muscles of xm 79 " the point of as rudiment ; 81 Earth, age of 59 " effect of arrest of rotation of 35 " past history of 55 Egg (see ovum). Egg, oxidation processes in 135 Elasticity of muscle „ 185 Electricity, action of on muscle 201 203 201 " action of upon nerve tissue... 23G u and nerve force 241 " generation in muscle 209 44 light from 31 " motion from : 31 Electrotonus of nerve fibre 237 Elements, ultimate composing organic matter 129 Emboli 271 Embryology comparative 73 Endogenous development of cells 144 278 INDEX. Epiphyseal centre in femur 108 Equivalence of the forces 28 Ergot, physiological action of. 14 Evolution, the theory of. 50 Excretions as products of combustion 41 Exercise, influence of on nerve tissue 245 Existence, the struggle for ." 94, 96 Existing causes, operation of 59 Experience, the fallacy of 4 Eye, rudimentary structure in 81 ** comparative anatomy of. 65 Facial bones, air in 171 " neuralgia nerves affected in 12 Fatigue, effect on muscle 1S5 " sensation of. 191, 102 Femur, epiphyseal centre in 108 Fertility of plants and animals 94 Fcetus of man and animals 74, 75 Fibrin, blood 209,270 Filum terminale as rudiment 80 Fire, action of upon matter 24 Fishes, air in bones of. 170 Flowers, use of smell and colors of. 101 Food and fuel, relative cost of. 44 " as source of force 39 11 force value of 4.1 " in relation to work 44 Foot of man and animals 76 Foot prints as evidence 62 Force, conservation of 2i> " machinery a means of changing 27 « muscular 218, 219 M nerve, the 237 " no matter without 25 " perpetuity of 38 M physiological 39 Forces, convertibility of the 26 M equivalence of 28 Fossils, explanations of 56 Fuel, bones as l,r'8 " and food relative cost of 44 Galvani and galvanism 202 Gases of combustion 41 Gelatine as an aliment *58 INDEX. 279 Generation, alternation of. 87 *' spontaneous 141 Genesis of protoplasm 140 GcofFroy St. Ililaire on rudiments