CHARLES PAUL ALEXANDER U.S. COMMISSION OF FISH. AND FISHERIES, GEORGE M. BOWERS, Commissioner. ee : ‘ ~~ CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF THE GREAT LAKES. THE PLANKTON ALG-E OP LAKE ERIE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE CHLOROPHYCE-. JULIA. WwW. SNow, Instructor 1m Botany, Sintth College, Northampton, Mass. ~ Extracted from U.S. Fish Commission Bulletin for 1902. Pages 369 to 394, Plates I to IV; eB WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1903. Ameer Paee CHARLES PAUL ALEXANDER U.S. COMMISSION OF FISH AND FISHERIES, GEORGE M. BOWERS, Commissioner. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF THE GREAT LAKES, Pi PLANKTON ALGA OF LAKE ERIE. WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE CHLOROPHYCEA. “BY JULIA W. SNOW, Lnstructor in Botany, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. ° CSS ce Extracted from U, §, Fish Commission Bulletin for 1902. Pages 369 to 394, Plates I to IV. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICKEH. MOOR. 2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO .THE BIOLOGY OF THE GREAT LAKES. THE PLANKTON ALGA: OF LAKE ERIE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ME CHEOK Omen Ay: By JULIA W. SNOW, Instructor in Botany, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. F. C. B. 1902—24 369 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF THE GREAT LAKES. THE PLANKTON ALGA? OF LAKE ERIE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO . TE sCnLONORnY CRA: By JULIA W. SNOW, Instructor in Botany, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. INTRODUCTION. The unicellular algee, which in themselves show most interesting characteristics in their structure and life history, come to have a double significance when consid- ered in connection with their environment. Investigation shows the presence of an intimate connection and interdependence between them and their surroundings. While they depend upon substances in the water for nutrition, they in turn prob- ably perform a valuable function, the same that has been proved by Bokorny 794 and Strohmeyer ’97, in the case of some higher alge, that of purifying the water, reducing the amount of bacterial growth accompanying decay, and rendering the medium fit for higher life. Their value also as a food supply to the aquatic fauna is well known. In any biological study of a body of water the alge must therefore receive attention, and should be considered with reference to their environment rather than as independent unrelated entities. A study of this kind should be continued for a number of years, for aside from the desirability of repeated observations, it is necessary on account of variations in the flora from year to year. Certain species may be abundant each year, but others are periodic in their appearance, being found only at intervals of three or four years; and forms, more or less polymorphic, have been known to appear almost exclusively in one condition one year and in another condition the next, so that their identity has not been known until their life history has been traced. Such variations must be due to variations in environment, so that before these phenomena can be under- stood the environment must be known and its influence determined. In the natural state, the elements in environment are so numerous and so connected that to know definitely which of these produce a certain effect on an organism is impossible. This must be ascertained under artificial conditions and experimentation must be resorted to for this purpose. Under these circumstances the environment may be altered, certain of its elements may be eliminated and the effect of others studied, so that after repeated trials we may arrive at more definite knowledge of the life principles of these organisms than would be possible in the native state. When the relation to environment is definitely known, then we may go still further and, by changing this environment, exert a certain control over these 371 372 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. organisms, causing them at will to reproduce, or to assume any stage in their development which we may desire. At present great confusion exists in the nomenclature of these lower vegetable organisms. Many, in certain stages of their development, can not be distinguished from one another, and even some polymorphie filamentous algee have often been confused with unicellular forms, as they may assume a unicellular condition in which even a skilled observer is unable to distinguish them with certainty from true unicellular plants. The entire life history should therefore be traced, and although there may be stages in the development of different ones which can not be readily distinguished, a broader knowledge must aid in recognition. To determine accurately the life history of a species, observation should be made from pure cultures. The need of this has been pointed out by Klebs 796, Artari 792 and Senn °99, and has often been suggested by the inaccurate work of a number of investigators, in which many species have been confused. If one start with a single cell or a small cluster of cells, all of which are known to be the same, and from these procure an unlimited supply of absolutely pure material, then one can assert with certitude that whatever developments occur they are character- istic of that species, whereas if the material be not pure one is easily misled as to the connection of different forms. But even a pure culture under one set of condi- tions is not sufficient. Material should be subjected to all possible conditions which might ever occur in nature, and the effect of these conditions studied in all phases of development. When this is done we may venture to classify the organism, and then many phenomena not now understood will-probably be explained. In the present study, which was continued during the summer of 1898, 1899, and 1900 at Put-in Bay, Lake Erie, and at Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1900, the work has been largely preparatory, and has been confined to comparatively few of the numerous forms present. The first summer was devoted principally to becoming acquainted with the forms found in Lake Erie, and in experimenting with culture media, that pure cultures of the different forms might be obtained and the condi- tions governing development be determined. It was soon found that although alge existed side by side in the water of the lake, the conditions which determined their growth were not the same—that the favorable conditions for development must be determined for each genus, and often for each species individually. Comparatively few would live at all in the media which are so generally used for more hardy forms found in stagnant pools. After determining the favorable media for some of the most common forms in the plankton, the following summers were devoted to tracing their life history and studying such biological facts as could be determined. As the amount of work to be done was so great, it was thought best to limit investigation to some special group, and as the Chlorophycew are more easily main- tained in culture and are more varied in their development, requiring more constant observation, they were taken first. All species to which special attention is given in this paper, unless a statement to the contrary is made, were taken from the plankton, and an abundance of pure material was obtained by cultivation. Cultures were made in the ordinary Stender dishes, and parallel with these were also continued hanging drop cultures, where the development of the same individuals could be observed from day to day and no step be overlooked. Aside from tracing the development of a number of the members of this group, ro PLANKTON ALG OF LAKE ERIE. : 373 a partial list is added of the alge occurring in the plankton, though this is by no means complete, as comparatively little time was given to the determination of the Diatoms. The material was merely preserved for future examination. The determination of the Desmids was mainly left to Mr. A. J. Pieters, who has given a list of this family. (Pieters 01.) A number of the Cyanophycece also, which are common in the plankton, have not been determined. These are minute gelatinous forms occurring as flocculent masses in the water, and though the structure of the cells is constant, the form of the colony is more or less variable, depending apparently on the age of the colony and the kind and amount of nutritive sub- stanees in the water. To make an accurate list of these would require careful comparison and a more perfect knowledge of their life conditions than we now have. Undoubtedly many of them are undescribed species. Though the list of Chloro- phycee here given is fuller than that of other classes, it is by no means complete. Some unrecognized forms were met with where attempts at cultivation failed, due to inappropriate culture conditions, and as a result classification could not be made. In the examination of fresh plankton material, the more conspicuous forms were easily detected, but there were always a number of minute forms, such as Chlorella, Chlorosphera, and Chlamydomonas, which easily escaped notice, or, if observed, they appeared as single green cells which could not be identified. That these might be taken account of, and not be altogether overlooked, large cultures were started from the fresh plankton, and in these cultures developed many such forms which had escaped observation in the examination of the fresh material. Some of these were isolated from all other forms of alge and their development studied. It is believed, however, that farther study in this line will give many additional species and many interesting biological facts, for as yet but few of these larger cultures have been thoroughly examined and the species determined. For the names of species, where a detailed study is not given, the determination is based on the simple descriptions of other authors. The list is given, however, only as a temporary guide to the forms present, for it is believed that new methods of investigation, when applied to the development of even some of the best recog- nized genera, will change the nomenclature considerably. Some forms which have been classed together may prove to be distinct species, and possibly others which show variation should be combined to form one species. In the physiological work done on these forms, by far the greatest amount of attention has been given to the subject of nutrition and culture media. Tempera- ture is of less importance, for relatively great variations do not seem to affect them. The water in the natural condition never reaches a temperature so high as to kill them, and low temperature—even freezing, at least in sone cases—does not end their existence, but seems to affect them mainly in reducing their rate of increase. The degree of light, too, in which they can live would seem to vary largely, as they are often found at considerable depth, as well as at the surface. The belief of many recent investigators that algee with chromatophores may make use of both organic and inorganic substances in their nutrition, is supported by the experiments of Artari 701 and Knorrich ’01, both of whom found that the alge used in experi- mentation thrived much better when organic substances were present in addition to the inorganic. Artari even found that at least certain forms could live and remain green in total darkness. . It has been the experience of the writer that great variation exists among 374 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. different algee on this point and that the kind of substance and the amount best suited to development must be determined for every alga selected for culture. While some grow more luxuriantly in a purely inorganic solution, others, among which are the unicellular blue-green algze, seem to prefer a solution where at most but a trace of mineral matter is present. The culture medium most favorable in a large number of cases was a decoction made from the organic matter of the plank- ton. ‘Thisseemed especially favorable if large quantities of Anabeena flos-aque were present. This observation that the organic matter of the water could be used by the algze has suggested a possible explanation of the great increase of alge at certain seasons, causing the ‘‘ water bloom.” This phenomenon has been observed by the writer but three times, but at each time it was known that an unusual amount of dead organic matter was in the water of that vicinity. At one time the matter was in the form of numerous small dead fish floating on the water; at another time a quantity of refuse had been emptied into the bay where the water bloom was noticed; and a third time large areas of the surface of the water were covered with the skins of Ephemera which are shed before the insect reaches the imago state. Such phe- nomena as these can be explained only experimentally, and it is along these-lines of increase and source of nutrition that further investigation should be carried. THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORY OF CERTAIN PLANKTON ALG£Z. Chlamydomonas gracilis Snow, new species. This species of Chlamydomonas (fig. 1) in its most vigorous and normal motile condition is cylindrical, ovoid or ellipsoidal in shape, rounded at the posterior end and bluntly pointed at the anterior end. Length 10.5 to 13 4; breadth 5 to 6.5 4. In the nonmotile condition the cells are ovoid or spherical, and often motile individuals of the same shape are noticed, with a diameter of 9 to 10.5 «. The chloroplast and entire contents are sometimes withdrawn from the membrane either at the anterior or posterior end. When at the anterior end the two protoplasmic flagella can be seen to be continuous with the protoplasm within. The flagella are somewhat longer than the cell. The single hollow chloroplast lines the membrane throughout, except for a very small area just at the anterior end, at which point two pulsating vacuoles can be seen. The color is a dull bluish-green, rather than a vivid green. Oil is always present. The pyrenoid is in the extreme posterior end of the cell. The pigment spot is a conspicuous dull-red disk, and is often situated as far back as midway between the two ends or even farther. The nucleus occupies a position between the center and the anterior end of the cell. After division the cells are liberated by the enveloping membrane becoming dissolved at one point, through which the new individuals escape, leaving the empty membrane behind. This species, like most species of Chlamydomonas, grew and reproduced readily in a 0.2 to 0.4 per cent Knop’s solution, and this culture medium was used to trace the life history of the species. On transferring material from Knop’s solution to water, individuals were formed which were taken to be the gametes, though only in one instance was indication of copulation noticed (fig. 1, 4). These were in all respects like the ordinary motile form, except that they were smaller, ovoid in shape, and had no membrane (fig. 1,3). Though the species resembled Chlamydomonas debaryana Goros., it is much smaller and more cylindrical in shape than that species. This species was found 23 miles north of Kelley Island,in Lake Erie. It is by no means widely distributed in the water of the lake. Chlamydomonas communis Snow, new species. This species in the motile stage resembles closely the preceding species, but after cultivating the two forms in pure cultures side by side for over two years, and finding characteristics which are distinguishing and constant, they have been separated into two species. The size and shape of the two are almost identical, the shape being oval or ellipsoidal and pointed at the anterior end (fig. 11). PLANKTON ALG OF LAKE ERIRF. 315 The dimensions are 10.5 to 13 “ long and 6.5 to 8 “ broad. The color is a brighter and yellower green than that of the preceding species; the pyrenoid, instead of being at the extreme posterior end of the cell is near the center, and the pigment spot is an inconspicuous elongated strip of dull red which can rarely be distinguished, except when viewed at the side. In all other respects the structure of this species resembles that of the preceding. The division is longitudinal. Chlamydo- monas communis, though in general appearance greatly resembling Chlamydomonas media Klebs, is smaller, the largest cells being only about half as large as the largest of that species. The mode of division also in the two species is so different that the two could not be classified together. This species was found in many collections taken at the western end of Lake Erie. Chlamydomonas globosa Snow, new species. In the natural condition in the plankton of Lake Erie this species exists abundantly, but in a form not easily recognized as a Chlamydomonas. In appearance it resembles Plewrococeus regu- laris Artari, consisting of one or more clusters of spherical cells, more or less separated from each other, and all imbedded and held in place by a thick, gelatinous covering. When first placed in culture the gelatinous envelope disappears, the cells become isolated and the normal appearance of a Chlamydomonas is assumed; but when division occurs the alga takes again the cluster form as found in the plankton. In the motile form the cells are spherical or slightly ellipsoidal, with a diameter of 5 to 7.8 w. No anterior beak is present. There are two flagella, as long or slightly longer than the cell, and a small inconspicuous pigment spot at the side, about half way between equator and cilia (fig. ur). The chloroplast extends to the extreme anterior end of the protoplast, and is much thickened at the posterior end, in which portion the pyrenoid lies. The pyrenoid is enveloped by a thick layer of starch. Only a single pulsating vacuole can be distinguished at the anterior end, but this is unusually large in size. Several globules of oil are present in the anterior portion of the cell. Often the cell contents are withdrawn from the membrane, either at the anterior end, the posterior end, or at all points. Gametes were not found. After division the cells are liberated by the cell wall becoming gelatinous. In 0.2 per cent Knop’s solution, where division took place normally and rapidly, the cells existed in clusters of four, which resembled in every respect some of the cell compounds found in the plankton. This species of Chlamydomonas was cultivated for a period of two years, and during this time no variation was noticed. Scenedesmus bijugatus var. flexuosus Lemm. The form under consideration is identical with Scenedesmus bijugatus var. flecuosus described by Lemmerman ’99, except that in a ccenobium 32 cells seem to occur more frequently than 16 (fig. 1v,1). Both numbers frequently appear in the plankton of Lake Erie, however, and the two forms are undoubtedly the same. This variety was cultivated by the author for about a year under a large number of conditions, and as some points were observed, not noted in Lemmerman’s description, they are given here. It was first thought from its general resemblance to S. bijugatus that it might be this species which had assumed a greater development due to unobstructed light and the inexhaustible supply of oxygen. carbon dioxide, and nutritive substances which are constantly supplied by the ever- moving water of the lake, but cultivation of the species for some months, during which many generations were traced, proved that the great number of cells was characteristic for the organism, and that when placed under the artificial conditions, where the supply of air and nutrition were not so constantly renewed as in the lake, it did not necessarily revert to the usual form of S. bijugatus with 8 cells. It is true that. under special conditions, where the vitality was low, it sometimes produced an 8-celled ccenobium, but in the same culture where 8 cells were found ccenobia of 16 or 32 cells were also found. The ccenobia of 8 or 16 cells produced again ccenobia of 32 cells, so that it would seem that the larger number of cells was normal, rather than abnormal. The greatest diameter of the cells of a mature coenobium is 20.8 4, while the shortest is 8.9 u. A young coenobium of 32 cells measured 160 in length, while an older one measured 364 “. The great length of one of these individuals strongly suggests a filamentous alga. The shape of the cells in young ccenobia is cylindrical, with slightly rounded ends. In older individuals which are 376 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. passing into a resting condition the ends become more rounded and the shape more ellipsoidal. In the mature resting stage the cells are spherical (fig. Iv, 2). The membrane is perfectly smooth without processes or markings of any kind. The composi- tion of the membrane is cellulose, turning blue when treated with iodine and sulphuric acid. In the younger individuals the membrane is comparatively thin, but when the cell passes into a rest- ing condition the membrane becomes very much thickened, is 2.5 to 3.25 4 in diameter, and two, three, or sometimes four layers are distinguishable. The thick inner layers are also of cellulose, while the outermost layer becomes to a greater or less degree cutinized. As the cells pass into a resting stage and become spherical in shape, the surface of contact between two adjoining cells becomes less and less, and finally they break away from each other and exist singly. The chloroplast, under natural conditions, is a thin, homogeneous layer, irregularly interrupted at the center, and forming a lining to the membrane. At one side near this point a large pyrenoid is present. Under cultivation, in most media, the chloroplast assumes a granular appearance on the surface and the perforations are obscured. Later a large amount of oil is developed which is readily dissolved in absolute alcohol. As the cell passes into a resting condition this oil gradually assumes an orange color. On account of the ease with which the cells pass into a resting condition the normal condition of the chloroplast can with difficulty be maintained under cultivation. The nucleus is small and les near the pyrenoid, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other. Staining with hematoxylin brings out the presence of several large vacuoles in the cell cavity. In its relations to external conditions this variety seems in many ways to deviate from most other alge. Ina numberof solutions, found generally to be favorable for algal culture, this variety simply passed into a resting condition. The only solution tried which really proved to be favorable was a solution of decaying Anabena flos-aque, which occurred at times in great quantities on the surface of the lake. In this the development seemed normal.~ In an organic solution (decaying peas) and in 0.2 per cent Knop’s solution the color became green and healthy, but no reproduction occurred, at least for many weeks. aes a! ls J ; vl \ Vi x \ va ¢ mS wa XVIII Nee ee ae ee | Whroococcus mupuze Y Fart xv. Chlorosphaera parvula - 3 9088 0098