;-NRLF \ i^^y^rx •raERURALJH » m BY LH- BAILEY LANDSCAPE ARCH. UBRAR? IRural Science Series EDITED BY L. H. BAILEY PLANT-BREEDING Elje Eural Science Series THE SOIL. King. THE SPRAYING OF PLANTS. Lodeman. MILK AND ITS PRODUCTS. Wing. Enlarged and Revised. THE FERTILITY OF THE LAND. Roberts. THE PRINCIPLES OF FRUIT-GROWING. Bailey. 20th Edition, Revised. BUSH-FRUITS. Card. FERTILIZERS. Voorhees. THE PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURE. Bailey. 15th Edition, Revised. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. King. THE FARMSTEAD. Roberts. RURAL WEALTH AND WELFARE. Fairchild. THE PRINCIPLES OF VEGETABLE-GARDENING. Bailey. FARM POULTRY. Watson. Enlarged and Revised. THE FEEDING OF ANIMALS. Jordan. THE FARMER'S BUSINESS HANDBOOK. Roberts. THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS. Mayo. THE HORSE. Roberts. How TO CHOOSE A FARM. Hunt. FORAGE CROPS. Voorhees. BACTERIA IN RELATION TO COUNTRY LIFE. Lipman. THE NURSERY-BOOK. Bailey. PLANT-BREEDING. Bailey and Gilbert. Revised. THE FORCING-BOOK. Bailey. THE PRUNING-BOOK. Bailey. FRUIT-GROWING IN ARID REGIONS. Paddock and Whipple. RURAL HYGIENE. Ogden. DRY-FARMING. Widtsoe. LAW FOR THE AMERICAN FARMER. Green. FARM BOYS AND GIRLS. McKeever. THE TRAINING AND BREAKING OF HORSES. Harper. SHEEP-FARMING IN NORTH AMERICA. Craig. COOPERATION IN AGRICULTURE. Powell. THE FARM WOODLOT. Cheyney and Wentling. HOUSEHOLD INSECTS. Herrick. PLANT-BREEDING BY L. H. BAILEY NEW EDITION REVISED BY ARTHUR W. GILBERT, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF PLANT-BREEDING IN THE NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY gorfe THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1915 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT, 1395, 1906, BY L. H. BAILEY. Set up and electrotyped. Published December, 1895. Reprinted April, 1896; August, October, 1897; March, 1902; March, 1904. Fourth edition, with additions, April, 1906; April, 1907; July, 1908; August, 1910; February, 1912; October, 1913. NEW REVISED EDITION, ENTIRELY RESET. COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published February, 1915. J. 8. Cushing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. , I9»b LANDSCAPE ARCH. LIBRARY HISTORY THIS book had its -beginning in a lecture that I gave twenty-three years ago (December 1, 1891) before the Mas- sachusetts State Board of Agriculture, in Boston, on " Cross- Breeding and Hybridizing " ; and this lecture, in turn, was the outgrowth of one given in 1885 and soon afterwards published. Under the same title, but with a bibliography added, the Boston lecture was published as a pamphlet in 1892, and placed on sale, by the Rural Publishing Company of New York, as one of the Rural Library Series. It com- prised forty-four pages, and sold for 40 cents. In the sum- mer of 1895, I gave two addresses on variation and the origination of domestic varieties of plants under the auspices of the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching at the University of Pennsylvania. In the mean- time, I had been teaching the subject to my classes in horticulture in Cornell University. In the latter part of 1895, I put together these materials in book form, and hav- ing no short descriptive title I used the word or compound " Plant-Breeding." Of this work, the Massachusetts lec- ture comprised Chapter II, and the Philadelphia lectures Chapters I and III. The bibliography was not included. Chapter IV comprised "Borrowed opinions" from the writings of Verlot, Carriere, and Focke. Carriere's work on "Production et Fixation des Varietes dans les Vege- taux" had been translated, with a view to publication, as early as 1886. The book, " Plant-Breeding," was translated 3Q9£69 vi History into the French by J. M. and E. Harraca, and published in Paris in 1901 as " La Production des Plantes." Having been thrice reprinted, the second edition was issued in 1902, although, through an inadvertence, it was not so marked on the title-page. Few text-changes were made, but the bibliography was included. Early in 1904 the third edition was issued. The bibli- ography was extended, and some changes were made in the text; but the principal departure was a new Chapter IV, from which the old "Borrowed opinions" were omitted, and " Recent opinions " were substituted, comprising a dis- cussion of the work of de Vries, Mendel, and others, and a statement of the current tendencies of American plant- breeding practice. " In the eight years since this book was sent to the printer," it was stated in the preface to the third edition, "there have been great changes in our attitude toward most of the fundamental questions that are dis- cussed in its pages. In fact, these years may be said to have marked a transition between two habits of thought in respect to the means of the evolution of plants, — from the points of view held by Darwin and the older writers to those arising from definite experimental studies in species and varieties. We have not given up the old nor wholly accepted the new, but it is certain that our outlook is shift- ing. So far as practical plant-breeding is involved, the changing attitude is concerned chiefly with discussions of tjie nature of varieties and the nature of hybridization." It was declared that " the time cannot be far distant when the subject of plant-breeding will be rewritten from a new point of view." In 1906, the fourth edition appeared, with a new chapter on " Current plant-breeding practice " ; and the book had History vii grown from the 293 pages of the original edition to 483 pages. This edition was translated into the Japanese by D. Karashima, and published in 1907. We now come to the present edition. The book has been made over by Dr. Gilbert, who has rewritten some of it and who has added all the new material, and in whose hands I have been glad to place it. My work in this edition has been only editorial. A considerable part of the old work has been preserved, whether wisely or not will be the occasion for different opinions. It has seemed to be desirable to retain something of a former point of view while at the same time expressing the applications of the work in the method and the language of the day. Con- siderable use has been made of the work of others, as is apparent in the pages. The Open Court Publishing Com- pany has loaned illustrations from the important work of de Vries, and pictures have been taken from the Yearbooks of the United States Department of Agriculture. All these aids we are glad to acknowledge. These new investigations have taken us far from the point of view of Darwin, in which the original editions of the book were founded. I doubt whether the students .receiving their instruction to-day, with all their abounding facilities and opportunities, have any such feeling for a master-spirit as we had in those days when the studies of Darwin had given a new meaning to nature, when there were still a few naturalists left, and when the glow of his writings was warm in every person's work. To one coming out of a plant-growing relationship, the masterful works of Darwin had introduced order, and the forms of cultivated plants had been made worthy of serious study. This inter- est was further stimulated by the writings of Wallace and viii History others. All these writings were fascinating to read. How to produce new forms of vegetation seized some of us with irresistible power. The literature has now become complex and difficult, with considerable gain, no doubt, in a closer acquaintance with the subject, and a nearer approach to the ultimate truth; but the charm of the simple literature is largely buried, and I fear that much of our interest is now expressed in the discussion of methods and in disputing about the reasons. Yet we are accumulating knowledge, and after a time we shall come back to clarity and to a simplicity that the layman can use. L. H. BAILEY. / ITHACA, N. Y., December 1, 1914. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER T PAGES THE FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION . . . 1-13 The fact of individuality, 2 — variation and adapta- tion, 7 — species-formation, 8 — conception of unit char- acters, 9 — differences between plants and animals with regard to general association of parts and their methods of reproduction, 10 — bud-variation and bud-varieties, 11. CHAPTER II THE CAUSES OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES .... 13-33 Fortuitous variation, 14 — action of natural selection on variation, 14 — sex as a factor in the variation of plants, 15 — physical environment and variation, 16 — do external influences produce permanent effects in plants, 17 — natal and post-natal variations, 18 — con- ception of biotypes, 19 — variation in food supply, 20 — variation in climate, 22 — food supply in different branches, 23 — what cultivation is, 24 — variation in cli- mate, 25 — man's control over climate as a means of • making plants vary, 27 — change of seed, 28 — bud- variation, 29 — struggle for life a cause of variation, 30. CHAPTER III THE CHOICE AND FIXATION OF VARIATIONS . . . 34-40 What is a variety, 35 — adaptation in nature, 37 — artificial selection, 37 — bud selection, 39 — variation and selection not entirely within man's control, 39. ix x Table of Contents CHAPTER IV PAGES THE MEASUREMENT OF VARIATION 41-51 The science of biometry , 41 — type, 43 — biometrical expression of variability, 43 — mode, 44 — modal coeffi- cient, 45 — mean, 45 — use of mean, 46 — mathematical expression of variability, 47 — average deviation, 47 — standard deviation, 48 — coefficient of variability, 49 — probable error, 50 — use of statistical methods, 51. i CHAPTER V MUTATIONS 52-91 Evolutionary theories of Darwin and de Vries, 52 — differences between fluctuating variations and mutations, 54 — history of mutation, 55 — history of the appear- ance of double flowers, 56 — de Vries' experiment with cenotheras, 59 — analytical table of seedlings (after de Vries), 68 — how the mutants were produced in the gar- den, 71 — mutating strains of O. Lamarkiana, 72 — de Vries' laws of mutability of the evening-primroses, 72 — frequency of occurrence of mutations, 79 — spontaneous occurrence of new elementary species in the wild state, 80 — spontaneous occurrence of new elementary species and varieties under cultivation, 80 — experimental study of the origin of mutations, 84 — experiments in the pro- duction of double flowers, 86 — what do new characters come from, 90 — can mutations be produced artificially, 90 — economic significance of mutations, 90. CHAPTER VI THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE CROSSING OF PLANTS, CONSIDERED IN REFERENCE TO THEIR IMPROVEMENT UNDER CULTIVATION 92-148 The struggle fgr life, 92 — survival of the most fit, 93 — flexibility as an aid to survival, 93 — causes of varia- bility, 94 — origin and function of sex, 95 — effects of Table of Contents crossing on the species, 97 — the limits of crossing, 97 — swamping effects of inter-crossing, 98 — what deter- mines the limits of crossing, 98 — the limits of crossing tend to preserve the identity of species, 99 — the refusal to cross, the result of natural selection, 100 — for the production of useful hybrids, do not have the parents too diverse, 101 — function of the cross, 101 — rarity of natural hybrids, 102 — change of seed and crossing, 103 — results from change of stock, 105 — crossing from standpoint of plant improvement, 108 — understanding of terms, 108 — history of plant hybrids, 110 — what plants can be hybridized, 111 — vigor as a result of crossing, 112 — Darwin's experiments with morning- glories, 114 — Darwin's results with other plants, 115 — increased vigor in other crosses, 115 — three factors, 117 — the outright production of new varieties, 118 — how to overcome antipathy to crossing, 121 — variability of hybrids, 122 — characteristics of crosses, 123 — difficul- ties in making successful crosses, 125 — hybridization and asexual propagation, 125 — in-breeding, 127 — expe- rience with egg-plants and squashes, 128 — influence of sex on hybrids, 138 — uncertainties of pollination, 140 — graft hybrids, 142 — the case of Cytisus Adami, 142 — Winkler's Solatium graft-hybrids, 146 — are these real graft-hybrids, 147. CHAPTER VII HEREDITY .......... Heredity studied collectively, 149 — the coefficient of heredity, 152 — notation, 153 — conception of unit char- acters, 154 — knowledge of heredity has come through experimental breeding, 154 — rediscovery of Mendel's work by de Vries and others, 155 — Mendel's experi- ments, 157 — explanation of mendelian results, 166 — explanation of diagram, 171 — Mendel's results with the offspring of hybrids in which several differentiating char- 149-208 Xll Table of Contents acters are associated, 171 — Mendel's law of inheritance of unit characters (table), 175 — results in jp2 with com- plete dominance in every character-pair (table 1), 176 — results involving three pairs of characters (trihybrid), 177 — incomplete dominance, 179 — presence and ab- sence hypothesis, 181 — examples of mendelian inherit- ance due to the presence and absence of a single unit, 181 — mendelian inheritance of color, 185— white flowers in F2 from red x cream, 187 — the ratio 9:3:4, 188 — colored forms from white x white and the 9 : 7 ratio, 188 — Emerson's experiments with beans, 189 — absence factors, 192 — mutations resulting from mendelian segre- gation and recombination, 193 — mutations which men- delize are constant, 193 — mendelism in wheats 194 — mendelism summarized, 200 — application to plant- breeding, 202 — the probable limits of mendelism in the production of new varieties, 204 — conclusion, 208. CHAPTER VIII How DOMESTIC VARIETIES ORIGINATE . . . . Indeterminate varieties, 209 — plant-breeding, 212 — plant-breeding by selection, 218 — rules for breeding plants, 222 — specific examples, 253 — the dewberry and blackberry, 253 — the apple, 255 — beans, 260 — cannas, 265 — the cabbage family, 267 — the chrysanthemum, 267. CHAPTER IX POLLINATION : OR How TO CROSS PLANTS .... The structure of the flower, 270 — manipulating the flowers, 281. CHAPTER X THE FORWARD MOVEMENT IN PLANT-BREEDING . Systematic improvement of plants, 295 — the plant- breeder should aim toward definite ideals, 297 — plant 209-269 270-293 294-323 Table of Contents xiii improvement a serious business, 298 — the results of plant-breeding effort, 299 — state plant-breeding associ- ations, 300 — other plant-breeding associations, 304 — commercial breeding agencies, 308 — work of the council of grain exchanges, 310 — United States Department of Agriculture and state experiment stations, 310 — work of the state agricultural experiment stations, 314 — in- struction in plant-breeding in the United States, 321 — Luther Burbank, 321. APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL PLANT-BREEDING TERMS , . 325-327 APPENDIX B PLANT-BREEDING BOOKS 328-331 APPENDIX C LIST OF PERIODICALS CONTAINING BREEDING LITERATURE 332-334 APPENDIX D BIBLIOGRAPHY 335-393 APPENDIX E LABORATORY EXERCISES ....... 394-467 Exercise 1 — Field study of variations by making an herbarium of variations 394-399 Exercise 2 — The statistical study of type and variability 399-412 Exercise 3 — Correlation 412-420 Exercise 4 — Statistical study of apples from different trees 420 Exercise 5 — Statistical study of branches of different trees . 420-423 XIV Table of Contents PAGES Exercise 6 — Statistical study of the quantity of grapes from different grape vines . . . . . . 423 Exercise 7 — Study of variation in pressed specimens of ragweed or some plant showing many different types 423 Exercise 8 — Study of bud variation and reversions in ferns 423-424 Exercise 9 — Study of the morphology of different kinds of flowers 424-426 Exercise 10 — Technique of the cross-pollination of plants . . . . . .• . . . . 426-428 Exercise 11 — Embryological studies from slides show- ing cell division at different stages, chromosomes, pollen mother cells, development of the embryo sac, etc. . 428 Exercise 12 — Study of pollen germination and fecundation . . ... . . . . . 428 Exercise 13 — Practice in the cross-pollination of ap- ples, pears, peaches, plums, etc. . . , . . 429 Exercise 14 — Studies of mendelian inheritance . 429-435 Exercise 15 — A study of mendelian characters in timothy and oats ... .... . . . 435-438 Exercise 16 — Mendelian problems . . .. . 438-445 Exercise 17 — Ear-to-row test with corn . . . 445-447 Exercise 18 — Corn judging .'.... . . 447-448 Exercise 19 — Statistical study of ears of corn . . 448-449 Exercise 20 — Study of correlations of characters in corn . . . ...... . . 449-450 Exercise 21 — Corn selection — laboratory study . 450-452 Exercise 22 — A study in potato selection . . . 452-457 Exercise 23 — Study of citrus hybrids . . . 457-458 Exercise 24 — Study of the results of the plant-to-row tests of wheat, oats, cabbage, onions, or any crop where data are available . . . .• , ": -. , ".'-., 458 Exercise 25— Studies of origin of varieties — corn, wheat, apples, plums, grapes, etc. .... 458 Exercise 26 — Field trip to experimental grounds . 458-459 Exercise 27 — Working plans for practical breeding experiments . , . ••'. . 459 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Variation in heads of timothy 3 2. Two seedling timothy plants, growing side by side, showing a common kind and degree of difference ... 4 3. A productive timothy plant ....... 5 4. A timothy plant that runs much to seed . . . . 6 5. A timothy plant that runs almost wholly to leaf ... 7 6. Couch or quack grass, showing means of asexual propaga- tion by underground root stalks 13 7. Orange hawkweed ........ 32 8. A frequency curve illustrating the distribution, of the height of the pea plants ........ 42 9. Variations in statures of CEnothera nanella, a mutant, and (Enothera Lamarkiana, its parent 53 10. Variations in the amount of sugar in 40,000 beets . . 64 11. Chelidonium majus ........ 55 12. Chelidonium laciniatum . . . . .56 13. Anemone coronaria, single-flowered form .... 57 14. Anemone coronaria, semi-double-flowered form ... 57 15. Anemone coronaria var. florepleno ..... 58 16. Hugo de Vries . .59 17. CEnothera Lamarkiana and (Enothera nanella in bloom . 60 18. CEnothera Lamarkiana. Curve exhibiting variations in the length of fruits of 568 plants 61 1 9. CEnothera lata — CEnothera Lamarkiana — CEnothera nanella 63 20. A, spike with almost ripe fruits of CEnothera gigas, a mutant species; B, the same of CEnothera Lamarkiana, its parent form 66 21. The cage in Professor de Vries' experiment garden, showing corn and various species of CEnothera . . . .70 xv xvi List of Illustrations FIGURE PAGE 22. Cupid sweet pea (photo by Beal) . . . . . .78 23. Linaria vulgaris — peloric flowers * . . . . .81 24. Linaria vulgaris peloria ....... 82 25. Antirrhinum majus ' -. .83 26. Chrysanthemum segetum plenum . . . . . . 86 27. Chrysanthemum inodorum plenissimum .... 87 28. Ancestral generations of Chrysanthemum segetum plenum . 88 29. A, Chrysanthemum segetum; B, Chrysanthemum segetum grandiflorium (after purification) . . . . .89 30. Extreme variability in the shape of the leaves of hybrid pop- pies. Second generation from a cross between the Bride variety of the Opium poppy and the Oriental poppy . 96 31. Inbred corn plants, showing lessened vigor of growth (adapted from Yearbook) .113 32 Hybrid walnut and parents . . . * » . . 117 33. A hybrid walnut (Juglans calif ornica nigra), reaching double the height of ordinary trees . . . . 119 34. Variation in hybrid pineapples . . . v . . 123 35. Variation in hybrid squashes . . . ... .129 36. Hybrid citrange and its parents, Poncirus (citrus) trifoliata and common sweet orange . . . . . .132 37 . Hybrid tangelo and its parents, pomelo and tangerine . . 133 38. Samson tangelo (adapted from Yearbook) . . . . 134 39. Citranges (hybrid of orange and Poncirus (citrus} trifoliata) 135 40. Teosinte and its hybrids with Indian corn . .... 137 41. Cytisus Adami '. . 143 42. Cytisus Adami . 144 43. Mendelism in maize . . . . . . . . 162 44. Diagrammatic representation of Mendel's law . . . 170 45. Hybrid carnation between a single and a burster, showing intermediacy . . 180 46. Fowls' combs 184 47. Three generations of hybrid wheat 195 48. Mendelism in tomatoes 203 49. Pride of Georgia, a good short-staple cotton .... 213 50. Select Jones improved cotton with uniform long staple . 214 61. Improving the tomato 215 List of Illustrations xvii 52. Crop averages in corn breeding for high and for low protein. Results of twelve generations. (111. Exp. Sta.) . . 216 53. Fruit of wild elderberry 217 54. Fruit of a cultivated variety of the elderberry which ap- peared as a variation from the wild form . . .218 55. Field of wilt-resistant watermelons, growing free from disease on infected land (from Yearbook) . . . .219 56. Disease resistance in cowpeas ...... 220 57. Improved types of lettuce and the varieties from which they were developed ........ 221 58. Wild cabbage 240 59. Curled kale . . 241 60. Collard 242 61. Brussels sprouts ......... 243 62. Savoy cabbage 244 63. Cabbage shapes 245 64. Swede turnip, kohl-rabi, and cauliflower .... 248 65. Wild form of Chrysanthemum morifolium .... 249 66. Wild form of Chrysanthemum indicum .... 250 67. Pompon anemone type ........ 251 68. Single type 252 69. Type of pompon chrysanthemum 253 70. Japanese anemone type .... ... 256 71. The small and regular anemone type ..... 257 72. A pompon chrysanthemum ....... 258 73. Type of Japanese incurved chrysanthemum . . . 259 74. Japanese anemone chrysanthemum when fully expanded . 262 75. New type with short stem 263 76. Incurved type ......... 264 77. Hairy type . . . . 267 78. Japanese type 268 79. Reflexed type . 269 80. Bellflower . ......... 270 81. Flower of white lily 271 82. Flower of greenhouse cypripedium ..... 272 83. Flower of niglit-blooming cereus ...... 273 84. Flower. of the shrubby hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) . . 274 xviii List of Illustrations FIGURE PAGE 85. Bugbane (Cimicifuga racemosa} . . . -.. . 275 86. Blossom of flowering raspberry (Rubus odoratus) . . 276 87. Squash flowers of each sex . . . . . . 277 88. Flowers of clematis ( Clematis virginiana) . . . . 278 89. Tobacco flowers, showing the parts of the flower, a bud ready to be emasculated, and an emasculated subject . 282 90. Zinnia flowers • . . . ... . .283 91. Instruments used in pollinating flowers . . . . 284 92. Ladle for pollinating house tomatoes . • . . . 285 93. Bag for covering the flowers . . . . . .286 94. Fuchsias, showing the stamens and pistils, and a bud ready to be emasculated . . . ... . . 287 95. Fuchsia flower emasculated . . •'..'. - . . . 288 96. Fuchsia flower tied up after emasculation i 289 97. Tomato and quince . . . . . . 290 98. Pollinating kit . . . ..;.'"..•'.; . . 291 99. Pollinating kit ". . . .292 100. Main building of Seed Association, offices of Swedish Com- pany (photo by Newman) . . , 'v . . • 307 10L Gardens at Luther Burbank's . . . • • • 319 102. Some of Burbank's frames and garden beds . . . . 320 103. Spineless and spine-bearing cacti at Burbank's . . . 322 104. A specimen herbarium sheet, showing variations in the leaves of the mulberry . . . . . . . . 395 105. A specimen herbarium sheet, showing differences between two leaves of the horse radish . .:,....... . 396 106. A specimen herbarium sheet, showing variations in leaves of the Persian lilac , . 398 107. A specimen herbarium sheet, showing variations in leaves of the blackberry 400 108. A common form of ragweed . . . . . .421 109. Another form of ragweed . 422 110. Demonstration of allelomorphism and of complete dominance 431 111. Demonstration of presence and absence hypothesis and of intermediacy . . . . . . ... 432 112. Demonstration of the presence of an inhibitor factor . . 434 113. Explanation of so-called " dominance and absence " . . 436 Ube IRural Science Series EDITED BY L. H. BAILEY PLANT-BREEDING PLANT-BREEDING CHAPTER I THE FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION THERE is no one fact connected with agriculture that more greatly interests all persons than the existence of numerous varieties of plants that seem to satisfy every need of the gardener. Whence came all this multitude of forms? What are the methods employed in securing them? Are they merely isolated facts or phenomena of gardening, or have they some relation to the broader phases of the evolution of the forms of life ? These .are some of the questions that occur to every reflective mind when it contemplates an attractive garden, but they are questions that seem never to be answered. Whatever attempt the gardener may make at answer- ing them is either obscured by an effort to define what a variety is, or else it consists in simply reciting how a few given varieties came to be known. But there must be some method of arriving at a conception of the ways whereby the varieties of fruits and flowers and other culti- vated plants have originated. If there is no such method, then the origination of these varieties must follow no law, and the discussion of the whole subject is fruitless. But we have every confidence in the consecutive uniform- B 1 2 /:».- *: lpJn,nl.-Bieeding ity of the operations of nature, and it were strange if some underlying principle of the unfolding or progression of plant-life does not dominate the origin of the varied and innumerable varieties which, from time unknown, have responded to the touch of the cultivator. Let us first, therefore, make a broad survey of the subject in a philosophical spirit, and later, discuss the more specific instances of the origination of varieties. The fact of individuality. — There is universal difference in nature. No two living things are counterparts, for no two are born alike or into exactly the same conditions and experiences. Every living object has individuality; that is, there is something about it that enables the acute observer to distinguish it from all other objects, even of the same class or species. Every plant in a row of lettuce is different from every other plant, and the gardener, when transplanting them, selects out, almost uncon- sciously, some plants that please him and others that do not. Every apple tree in an orchard of a thousand Baldwins is unlike every other one, perhaps in size or shape, or possibly in the vigor of growth or the kind of fruit it bears. Persons who buy apples for export know that fruit from certain regions stands the shipments better than the same variety from other regions ; and if one were to go into the orchards where these apples are grown, he would find the owner still further refining the problem by talking about the merits of individual trees in his orchard. If one were to make the effort, he would find that it is possible to distinguish differences between every two spears of grass in a meadow, or every two heads of wheat in a grain-field. The Fact and Philosophy of Variation 3 In timothy, one of the commonest of our grasses, a casual observer may find differences in the length, shape, and color of heads; tendency of some plants to produce asexual leaves in the head: form. of base of the head; FIG. 1. — Variation in heads of timothy. length, width, and color of leaves; erect or drooping character of the leaves ; susceptibility of the leaves and stems to rust ; period of blooming ; habit of growth of plant, — • erect or decumbent ; few or many culms to the plant ; ability to recover after cutting ; quantity of seed Plant-Breeding The Fact and Philosophy of Variation FIG. 3. — A productive timothy plant. produced, and others (Figs. 1-5). Similar differences may be found in any group of plants if the group is suffi- ciently studied. Plant-Breeding FIG. 4. — A timothy plant that runs much to seed. Variation and adaptation. — All this is equivalent to saying that plants are infinitely variable. The ultimate The Fact and Philosophy of Variation 7 causes of all this variation are beyond the purposes of the present discussion, but it must be evident, to the reflective mind, that these differences are a means of adapting the innumerable individuals to every little difference or FIG. 5. — A timothy plant that runs almost wholly to leaf. advantage in the environment in which they live. And if the result of variation is better adaption to the physical conditions of life, then the same forces must have been present in the circumstances which determined the birth of the individual. This change in environment may be 8 Plant-Breeding the cause of much of the variation in plants, since differ- ences in plants were positively injurious if it were possible for the conditions of environment to be the same. Species-formation. — If no two plants are anywhere alike, then it is not strange if now and then some de- parture, more marked than common, is named and becomes a garden variety. We have been taught to feel that plants are essentially stable and inelastic, and that any departure from the type is an exception and calls for im- mediate explanation. The fact is, however, that plants are essentially unstable and plastic, and that variation between the individuals must everywhere be expected. This erroneous notion of the stability of organisms comes of our habit of studying what we call species. We set for ourselves a type of plant or animal, and group about it all those individuals that are more like this type than they are like any other, and this group we name a species. Nowadays, the species is regarded as nothing more than a convenient and arbitrary expression for classifying our knowledge of the forms of life, but the older naturalists conceived that the species is the real entity or unit in nature, and we have not yet wholly outgrown the habit of mind which was born of that fallacy. Nature knows little about species ; she is concerned with the individual, the ultimate complete and working unit. This individual she molds and fits into the opportunities of environment, and each individual tends to become the more unlike its birthmates the more the environments of the various in- dividuals are unlike. We must consider, therefore, as a fundamental concep- tion to the discussion of the general subject before us, the The Fact and. Philosophy of Variation 9 importance of the individual plant, rather than the im- portance of the species ; for thereby we put ourselves as nearly as possible in sympathetic attitude with nature, and, resting upon the ultimate object of her concern, we are able to understand what may be conceived to be her motive in working out the problem of life. Recall the fact that the whole tendency of contemporary civilization, in soci- ology and religion, is to deal with the individual person and not with the mass. The present-day method of study- ing the evolution of plants and animals is essentially an- alytical. As the chemist attempts to discover the smallest units from which the substances of nature have been built up, so the student of biology and evolution is seeking for the smallest heritable units of which plants and animals are composed. This is only an unconscious feeling after natural methods of solving the most complex of problems, for it is exactly the means to which every organic thing has been subjected from the beginning. Conception of unit-characters. — The student of evolution now conceives animals and plants to be composed of what he terms " unit-characters," analogous, roughly, to the atoms of the chemist. These are the smallest heritable units that a plant or animal may possess. Any distinct entity that can be traced from one generation to another, such as the presence or absence of pubescence on the leaves or stems, the height of the plant, whether dwarf or tall, the color of the flower or fruits, and very many others are now known as unit-characters. The more any group of plants is studied, the more definite and distinct these unit-characters become. The time may come when the gardener, from long experience, shall become acquainted 10 Plant-Breeding with these qualities, so that he may synthetically put many units together by crossing and produce new varieties almost at will. Differences between plants and animals with regard to general association of parts and their methods of reproduction. - Unit-characters are nature's blocks, which she uses to build up plants and animals into various shapes for dif- ferent purposes. These combinations of units when added together in proper extent and proportion consti- tute the plant and animal as we know it, the ultimate living and working organism, with power of growth and reproduction. In looking for the ultimate working unit, individuality or personality in nature, we must make a broad distinction between the animal and the plant. Every higher animal is itself a working unit ; it is one. It has a more or less definite span of life, and every part and organ contributes a certain indispensable part to the life and personality of the organism. No part is capable of propagating itself independently of the sex-organs of the animal, nor is it capable of developing sex-organs of its own. If any part is removed, the animal is maimed and perhaps it dies. The plant, on the contrary, has no definite or distinct autonomy. Most plants live an indefinite existence, dependent very closely upon the immediate conditions in which they grow. Every part or branch of the plant lives largely for itself, it is capable of propagating and multi- plying itself when removed from the parent or the colony of branches of which it is a member, and it develops sex- organs and other individual features of its own. If any branch is removed, the tree or plant does not necessarily The Fact and Philosophy of Variation 11 suffer; in fact, the remaining branches usually profit by the removal, a fact which shows that there is a competi- tion, or struggle for existence, between the different branches or elements of the plant. The whole theory and practice of pruning rests upon the fact of the individual unlikenesses of the branches ; and the unlikenesses are of the same kind and often of the same degree as those that exist between different plants grown from seeds. Bud-variation and bud-varieties. — The branches of a Crawford peach tree, for example, differ amongst them- selves in size, shape, vigor, productiveness, and season of maturity, much the same as any two or more separate Crawford trees, or any number of trees of other varieties, differ the one from the others. If any one of these branches or buds is removed and is grown into an inde- pendent tree, a person could not tell — if he were ignorant of its history — whether this tree were derived from a branch or a seed. This proves that there is no essential unlikeness between branches and independent plants, ex- cept the mere accident that one grows upon another branch or plant whilst the other grows in the ground. But the branch may be severed and grown in the ground, and the seedling may be pulled up and grafted on the tree, and no one can distinguish the different origins of the two. And then, as a matter of fact, a very large proportion of our culti- vated plants are not distinct plants at all, in the sense of being different creations from seeds, but are simply the result of the division of branches of one original plant or branch. All the fruit trees of any one variety are obtained from the dividing up and multiplication of the branches of the first or original tree. 12 Plant-Breeding The reader is curious to know how this original tree came to be, and this we may find out before we are done ; but for the present, let it be said that it is equally possible for it to have come from a seed, or to have sprung from a branch which some person had noticed to be very dif- ferent from the associated branches in the tree-top. In other words, the ultimate unit or individual of variation is the bud and the bit of wood or tissue to which it is attached; for every bud, like every seed, produces an offspring that can be distinguished from every other offspring whatsoever. CHAPTER II THE CAUSES OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES WE have now gone back to the starting-point, to that unit with which nature begins to make her initial differ- ences or individualities ; that is, to the point where varia- tions arise. This point is the bud and the seed, — one sexless, or the offspring of one parent ; the other sexual, or the offspring of two parents. Now, inasmuch as the horticultural variety is only a well-marked variation which the gardener has chanced to notice and to propagate, it follows that the only logical method of determining how garden varieties originate is to discover the means by which plants in general vary or differ one from another. There is probably no one fact of organic nature concern- ing the origin of which modern philosophers are so much divided as the causes or reasons for the beginnings of variations or differences. It seems to be an inscrutable problem, and it would be useless, therefore, for us to attempt to discover these ultimate forces in the present book. Still, we must give them sufficient thought to enable us to satisfy our minds as to how far these variations may be produced by man; and, in doing this, we must discover at least the underlying philosophy of plant variation. It is the nature of organisms to be unlike their parents and their birthmates. Why? 13 14 Plant-Breeding Fortuitous variation. — It will probably never be pos- sible to refer every variation to a distinct cause, for it is probable that some of them have no antecedent. If we conceive of the forms of life as having been created with characters exactly uniform from generation to generation, then we should be led to look for a distinct occasion or cause for every departure from the type ; but we know, as has already been pointed out, that heredity by its very nature is not so exact as to carry over every attribute, and no other, of the parent to the offspring. Plasticity is a part of the essential constitution of all organic beings. There is perhaps no inherent tendency in organisms towards any ultimate or predetermined completion of forms, as the older naturalists supposed, but simply a laxity or indefiniteness of constitution which is expressed in numberless minor differences in individuals. That is, some variation may be simply fortuitous, an inevitable result of the inherent plasticity of organisms, and it may have no immediate inciting cause. Action of natural selection on variation. — If we were to assume that every minor difference is the result of some immediate cause, then we should expect every individual plant or animal to fill some niche, to satisfy some need, to produce the definite effect for which the cause stands. But it is apparent to one who contemplates the operations of nature that very many — certainly more than half — of the organisms which are born are not useful to the per- petuity of the species and very soon perish. From these fortuitous variations nature selects, to be sure, many individuals to be the parents of other generations because they chance to be fitted to live, but this does not affect The Causes of Individual Differences 15 the methods or reasons of their origin. It is possible that, whilst many of these mere individual differences have no direct and immediate cause, they may still be the result of a devious line of antecedent causes long since so much diffused and modified that they will remain forever un- recognizable; but even so, the fact still remains that these present differences or variations may be purposeless, and it is quite as well to say that they exist because it is a part of the organic constitution of living things that un- like produces unlike. Sex as a factor in the variation of plants. — All plants have the faculty, either potential or expressed, of propagat- ing themselves by means of buds, or asexual parts. This is obviously the cheapest and most direct possible method of propagation for many-membered plants, since it re- quires no special reproductive organization and energy, and, as only one parent is concerned in it, there is none of the risk of failure that obtains in any mode of propaga- tion in which two parents must find each other and form a union. There must be some reason, therefore, for the existence of such a costly mechanism as sex aside from its use as a mere means of propagation. It may be said that sex exists because it is a means of more rapid multiplication than bud-propagation, but such is not necessarily the fact. Many plants produce buds as freely as they produce seeds ; and then, if mere multipli- cation were the only destiny of the plant, bud-production would no doubt have greatly increased to have met the demand for new generations. The chief reason for the existence of sex in the vegetable world seems to be the need for a constant rejuvenation and modification of the 16 Plant-Breeding offspring by uniting the features of two individuals into one. There thus arises from every sexual union a number of new or different forms from which nature may select the best, — that is, those best fitted to live in the condi- tions in which they chance to be placed. But whilst sex is undoubtedly one of the most potent sources of pres- ent unlikenesses, it is not necessarily an original cause of individual differences, since the two parties to any sexual con- tract must be unlike before they can produce unlike. When once the initial unlikenesses were established, every new sexual union must produce new combinations, so that now, when every new form, from whatever source it appears, comes into existence, there are other intimately related forms with which it may cross. This state of things has existed to a greater or less degree from the moment sex first appeared, so that the organic world is now endlessly varied as the result of a most complex ancestry. Physical environment and variation. — Every phase and condition of physical circumstances, which are not ab- solutely prohibitive of plant life, have plants which thrive in them. Every soil and climate, every degree of humidity, hills, swamps, and ponds, — every place is filled with plants. Even the trunks and branches of trees support other plants, as epiphytes and parasites. That is, plants have adapted themselves to every physical environment ; or, to turn the proposition around, every physical en- vironment produces adaptive changes in plants. There are those, like Weismann and his adherents, who contend, from purely speculative reasons, that these changes do not become hereditary or permanent until they have in- The Causes of Individual Differences 17 fluenced a certain physiological substance which is assumed to reside in the reproductive regions of the organisms, and that all those changes which have not yet reached this germ-plasm are, therefore, lost, or die with the or- ganisms. Do external influences produce permanent effects in plants ? — It is not necessary to discuss here the intri- cate arguments in the time-honored controversy of the permanent inheritance of external modifications. Such violent modifications as traumatic injury do not affect its germ cells and are not inherited. But it is the common experience of gardeners that the modifications of the envi- ronment of plants, such as changing food supply or changing seed from one environment to another, produce changes which eventually become hereditary. Whether these changes of environment act directly upon the germ-plasm to produce the change or whether they stimulate a ger- minal change which was otherwise latent, is a question which long and patient experimentation must decide. Certain it is, that plants have gone through a profound modification and it is easy to believe that environment has played no little part in these changes. Weismann teaches that " acquired characters," or those variations which first appear in the life-time of the indi- vidual because of the influences of environment, are lost, because they have not yet affected the reproductive sub- stances ; but if these characters are induced by the effect of impinging environment during two or more generations, they may come to be so persistent that the plant cannot throw them off, and they become, thereby, a part of the hereditary and non-negotiable property of the species. 18 Plant-Breeding Now, it is apparent that in one or another of the genera- tions which are thus acted upon by the environment, there must be a beginning towards the fixing or hereditable permanency of the new forms, and we might as well assume that this beginning takes place in the first genera- tion as in the last, since there can be no proof that it does not take place in either one. The tendency towards fixity, if it exists at all, undoubtedly originates at the very time that the variation itself originates, and it is only sophistry to assume that the form appears at one time and the tendency towards permanency at another time. Since plants fit themselves into their circumstances by means of adaptive variations, we must conclude that all adaptive variations have the power of persisting, upon occasion. All these remarks, whilst somewhat abstruse, have a most important bearing on the philosophy of the origin of garden varieties, because they show, first that changes in the conditions in which plants grow introduce modifi- cations in the plants themselves, and second, that wher- ever any modification occurs it is probable that it may be fixed and perpetuated. Natal and post-natal variations. — It is necessary at this point that we distinguish between natal and post-natal variations, — that is, between those variations which are born with plants, and those which appear, as a result of environment, after the plant has begun to grow. It is commonly assumed that the form and general characters of the plant are already determined in the seed, but a moment's reflection will show that this is far from the truth. One may sow a hundred selected peas, for example, The Causes of Individual Differences 19 all of which may be alike in every discernible character. If these are planted in a space of a foot apart, it will be found, after two or three weeks, that some individuals are outstripping the others, although all of them came up equally well and were at first practically indistinguishable. This means that, because of a little advantage in food or moisture, or other circumstances, some plants have ob- tained the mastery and are crowding out the less fortunate ones. The theory and practice of agriculture rests on the fact that plants can be modified greatly by the condi- tions in which they grow, after they have become thor- oughly established in the soil. Plants may start equal, but differ widely at the harvest ; and this difference may be controlled to a nicety by the cultivator. Every farmer is confident, also, that the best results for the succeeding year are to be got only when he selects seeds from the best that he has been able to produce this year. So, given uniformity or equality at the start, the operator molds the individual plants largely at his will. Conception of biotypes. — Most varieties are not as uniform as would at first appear. A careful study of plants, when growing, indicates that they are not only modified in different degrees by environment but the plants themselves are not the same. They have different po- tentialities to begin with. Environment causes direct modifications to appear ; it also allows expression in differ- 1 ent degrees of the inherent variability present. Most varieties of plants are polytypic, being composed of many distinct types, or " biotypes" as they have been called by Johannsen. All this is a matter of the commonest ob- servation with the gardener, who is so accustomed to 20 Plant-Breeding seeing great differences arise in batches of plants, all of which start apparently equal and with an equal chance, that he never thinks to comment upon the occurrence. Having noticed that physical environments may modify plants, we are now ready to consider just what changes in these circumstances of plant life are most fruitful in the production of new forms. Variation in food supply. — The greater part of the changes in the physical conditions of life hinge upon the relative supply of food. Climbing plants assume their form because, by virtue of the divergence of character, they are enabled to fit themselves into places that other plants cannot occupy. They rear their foliage into the air, where food and sunlight are unappropriated. The lower branches of tree-tops die, and the others thereby appropriate the more food and grow the faster. The entire practice of agriculture is built upon the augmenta- tion of the food supply. For this purpose, we set the plants in isolated positions, we till the ground, keep down other plants or weeds, add plant-food to the soil, and prune the tree and thin the fruit. Thomas Andrew Knight, the chief of horticultural philosophers, appears to have been the first clearly to enunciate the law that excess of food supply is the most prolific cause of the variations of plants. Darwin sub- scribes to it without reserve: "Of all the causes which induce variability, excess of food, whether or not changed in nature, is probably the most powerful." Alexander Braun, an earlier philosophical writer on natural history, said that "it appears rather, on the whole, as if the unusual conditions favorable to a luxuriant state of development, The Causes of Individual Differences 21 afforded by cultivation, awakened in the plant the inward impulse to the display of all those variations possible within the more or less narrowly circumscribed limits of the species." It is generally agreed by those who have given the matter much thought, that an excess of food above the amount normally or habitually received is one of the very chief, if not the most dominant, causes of in- dividual differences in plants. Certainly every farmer or gardener knows that the richer the soil in available plant-food, the stronger and the more abnormal and unusual his product will be. If, then, excess of food supply is a strong factor in the modification of plants, and the one fundamental aim of agriculture is to supply food in excess of natural conditions, it must naturally follow that cultivated plants should be, of all others, the most variable. This is notably true. Now, the first variation that usually comes of this liberal food supply is increase in mere bulk. Probably every plant which has ever been cultivated has increased its stature or the size of some or all of its parts. Moreover, this is generally the direct object of cultivation, — to secure larger herbage, fruits, seeds, or flowers. Inci- dentally, we find here an indubitable proof of the truth of the hypothesis of evolution, for if it were impossible for plants to vary or to assume new characters, there would be no cultivation and no agriculture; for there would be little object in cultivating a product if it grew equally well in the wild. This variation into mere bigness is more important than it may seem at first. All thoughtful horticulturists agree in thinking that the first thing to be done in ameliorating 22 Plant-Breeding any plant is to " break the type," that is, to cause it to vary. The particular direction of variation is not so important, at first ; for all experience . has shown that if once the seedlings of a plant begin to depart from the parental type, other and various modifications will soon follow. If a plant is once strongly modified in size, variations in shape, color, flavor, or other attributes are forthcoming. This apparent accumulation of variation seems at first to be incapable of scientific explanation, but the reasons for it are not difficult to understand when once they are presented. We now ask ourselves why these many variations appear when once the type begins to modify itself. Consider the fact that the world is now full of plants. In untamed nature, but one more plant can grow unless another plant dies. All plants, therefore, are held down to narrow limits of numbers, and since there are so few individuals, — in comparison with the seeds and buds which each plant produces for the chance of multiplying itself, — there must be, also, few kinds and degrees of individual dif- ferences. The farther and more freely a plant distributes itself, the greater must be the differences between various individuals, because they must adapt themselves to a wider range of conditions. All plants are held in equilib- rium, so to speak ; but the plant organism is plastic by nature and quickly responds to every touch of environ- ment ; so, as soon as the pressure is removed in any direc- tion, the plant at once springs into the breach. Recall the monotonous vegetation of the deep forest, where the battle of centuries has subdued all but the strongest. Clear away the forest, and then observe the fierce scramble The Causes of Individual Differences 23 for place and life amongst a multitude of forms which spring in for an opportunity to better their conditions. In a few years more, the tender low herbs have gone. The briers and underbrush have usurped the land. As time goes on, one species after another perishes, and when the place is again reforested, two or three species hold un- disputed sway over the land. The poplars that followed the pines have long since perished and pines again dominate the forest. Or, if the area were turned to pasture a few years after the woods were removed, the herbs and bushes die with the browsing, and in time the June-grass covers the whole landscape with the mantle of conquest. So plants may be said to be always ready to fill new places in the polity of nature by adapting themselves to the new circumstances as they grow into them. The appearance of any one marked variation, therefore, is indication that the plant may have found a new condition, that pressure is somewhat lifted, and that the whole plastic organization may soon respond to. the new environment. It is ap- parent, then, how the simplest and rudest cultivation has been able, through the centuries, so profoundly to modify our domestic plants that we are often unable to recognize the forms from which they have sprung. Food supply of different branches. — We must not forget to notice, at this point, that the food supply differs amongst the various branches of the same plant. Some branches, by reason of position with reference to the main trunk or with reference to air and sunlight, or, because of a better start in the beginning as a result of some incidental advantage, gain the mastery over others and crowd them out. We have already seen that no two branches 24 Plant-Breeding on a plant are alike ; and we are now able to understand that sports or bud-varieties are no more inexplicable than seed-varieties. What cultivation is. — Cultivation is really but an ex- tension or intensification of nature's methods of dealing with the plant world. The ultimate result of both nature and man is to supply more food. The variations which arise from the effects of mere cultivation, therefore, are in kind very like those which nature produces, the chief differences being that of degree. The accustomed opera- tions of the farmer, therefore, have been powerful agents in the evolution of vegetable forms. The ways in which cultivation affords a more liberal food supply are as follows : — 1. By isolating the individual plant. The husbandman sets each plant by itself, and then protects it by destroying the weeds or plants which endeavor to crowd it out. There is a partial exception to this in the " sowed crops," like the grains, and it is noticeable that variation in these plants is usually less marked than in the "hoed crops." 2. By giving the plant the advantage of position, whereby it is allowed the most congenial exposure to sun and contour of land. 3. By increasing the fertility of the land, either by tillage or the direct application of plant-food, or both. Rich and moist soils tend to "break" the type, — or to cause initial variations, — to produce verdant colors and loss of saccharine and pungent qualities, to induce redundant growth, and to delay maturity and thereby to render plants tender to cold winter climates. 4. By thinning the tops of plants and the fruits, whereby The Causes of Individual Differences 25 the remaining parts receive an amount of food in excess of the habitual allowance. 5. By divergence of character in associated plants. It is well known that a field planted so thickly to corn that it cannot grow more with profit, may still grow pumpkins between. The pumpkins and the corn are so unlike in form that they complement each other, the one filling the place which the other is not fitted to occupy. We have already seen that a copse ever so full of bushes may still grow vines. A meadow full of timothy may still grow clover in the bottom, and land covered with apple trees still grows weeds beneath. " The more di versed the descendants from one species become in structure, con- stitution, and habits," writes Darwin, "by so much will they be better enabled to seize on many and widely diver- sified places in the polity of nature, and so be enabled to increase in numbers." Variation in climate. — The fact that any distinct climatic region usually has plants that are very closely related to those of other climatic regions in the same zone, points strongly to the probable profound modifica- tion of plants by climate. And, furthermore, we should expect that if the food environment modifies plants, the climatic environment must have the same power. More- over, there is abundant historical and experimental proof that climate is capable of greatly modifying the vegetable kingdom. There are those who contradict any great effect of climate in the variation of plants, and acclimatization has been even stoutly denied. These persons make the mistake of asking that a visible modification take place at once upon the transfer of a plant from one climate to 26 Plant-Breeding another, and they also err in supposing that a plant can adapt itself to a cold climate only by developing a capa- bility to withstand more cold. Indian corn is sometimes cited as proof that plants do not become acclimatized, for it is as tender to frost now as ever, for all that we know. Yet this very plant affords a most unequivocal example of complete acclimatization, because it has shortened its period of growth fully one-half whereby it escapes the cold of the North. The influence on plants of a change of climate, or, what may amount to the same thing, the result of a trans- fer of plants to new climates, is so complex and so general that no discussion of the subject can be made at this time. It will answer present purposes briefly to designate the ways in which climate modifies plants : — 1. Climate generally modifies the stature of plants. They become dwarfer in high latitudes and altitudes. 2. It modifies form. Plants tend to be broader-headed, and also more prostrate, in high latitudes and altitudes. 3. Proportionate leafmess generally increases, at the same time. 4. There is also often a gain in comparative fruitful- ness following transfer towards the poles. 5. The colors of leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds are greatly influenced by climate, there being a general tendency, in plants of temperate regions, to augmentation in intensity of colors as they are carried towards the poles. 6. There is modification in the flavor and essential ingredients of various parts, following a change of climate. 7. There is a variation in variability itself. The more difficult the climate in which a plant finds itself, the more The Causes of Individual Differences 27 it tends to vary to meet the uncongenial environments. In the high North, many plants are so variable that the marks used to identify the species in other latitudes are often lost. 8. There may be a profound variation or modification in constitution and habit by which plants become ac- climatized, or enabled to endure a climate at first injurious to them. This may occur by a variation in the constitu- l tion of the descendants, which enables them directly to endure more untoward conditions. It generally comes about, however, through a change in habit, by which plants, when transferred towards the poles, shorten their season of growth or even become annuals. Plants become more sensitive to spring temperatures in cold climates, so that they start relatively much earlier in the season — that is, at a lower sum-temperature — than in warm climates. Any one who has passed the springtime in both the North and South must have noticed how much more suddenly the vegetation comes forward in the North; and it is surprising how the spring-sown crops accelerate their growth in the North over those in the South. Man's control over climate as a means of making plants to vary. — The characters that result from a change of climatic environment are peculiarly within the control of the agriculturist, for a leading factor in his business is the transfer of plants far and wide over the earth. So it has come that the staple varieties of the important grains and fruits are unlike in Europe and America and in all great geographical areas, although all the various forms may have sprung from one ancestor within historic times. A new country is stocked with varieties from 28 Plant-Breeding the mother country; but in the course of a few genera- tions it is found that the varieties in cultivation are unlike the ones originally introduced, and from which they came. As wild plants have become separated from each other as species in the different geographical regions, so the cul- tivated plants soon begin to follow similar lines of diver- gence. In the beginning of the colonization of this country, for example, all the varieties of apples were of European origin. But in 1817, over sixty per cent of the apples recommended for cultivation here were of American origin, that is American-grown seedlings from the original stock. At present, probably fully ninety per cent of the popular apples of the Atlantic States are American pro- ductions. The northern states of the Mississippi Valley to which most of our eastern apples are not adapted, are now witnessing a similar transformation in the adaptation and modification of the varieties introduced from the East and from Russia. The recently introduced Japanese plums are conceded to be great acquisitions to our fruit- growing, but no doubt the best results are yet to come with the origination of domestic varieties of them. So there is an irresistible tendency towards a divergence of forms in different continental or geographical regions, and much of the inevitable result is no doubt chargeable to climatic environment. Change of seed. — We may now pause for a moment to consider two agencies or phenomena often associated with the genesis of varieties. One of these is the fact that the simple change of seed from one locality to another usually gives a larger or better product or even more marked variation. Mere transfer of seed is not of itself, The Causes of Individual Differences 29 however, a cause of variation. The change is beneficial because it fits together characters and environments that are not in equilibrium with each other. A plant grown for several years in one set of conditions becomes fitted to them, so to speak, and it is in a state of comparative rest. When the plant or its progeny is taken to other conditions, all the adjustments are broken up, and in the refitting to the new circumstances new or strange characters are likely to appear. We shall leave this sub- ject for the present, expecting to give it a fuller treatment in a later chapter. Bud-variation. — Bud-variation, or sport, is a name given to those branches which are so much unlike the normal plant in any particular that they attract atten- tion. Many garden varieties are simply multiplications of such abnormal branches. This bud-variation is com- monly held to be such an unusual and inexplicable phenom- enon that it is considered apart from all the general discussions of variation. It is not, of course, a cause of variability, but only an effect of some antecedent, the same as seed-variation is. We have already seen that all the different branches, or even nodes of any plant are, in a very important sense, distinct individuals, since every one develops its own organs, each is capable of reproducing itself independently, and each is unlike every other because it is acted upon differently by environment and food supply. It is not strange, therefore, that some of these individuals should now and then depart very widely from the ordinary type, and thereby attract the attention of the gardener, who would forthwith make cuttings or set grafts from the part. Every branch is a 30 Plant-Breeding bud-variety, just as truly as every seedling is a seed- variety, — since no seedling is ever like its parent, — and there should be no greater mystery connected with the sports of buds than there is with the varieties from seeds, for the causes that produce the one may be and probably are equally competent to produce the other (Figs. 6, 7). Struggle for life a cause of variation. — We have seen that the world is full of plants. There is room for more only as the present individuals die. Yet nearly every species produces a great number of seeds, and makes a most strenuous effort to multiply its kind. Any one plant, if left to itself, is capable of covering the earth in a comparatively short time. A fierce struggle for a chance to live is therefore inevitable. This conflict is most apparent to the general observer in the springtime, when every "herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind," are sending forth a host of sturdy offspring. The very land seems to be pregnant with weeds and aspiring young growths. But by midsummer the numbers may be less. The weaker and less fortunate ones have perished, and the victors have waxed stronger thereby. The annual and half of the biennial species complete their course upon the approach of winter, and the older peren- nial herbs are becoming weak; so in the succeeding springtime there is again a fierce combat for the vacant places. One of the results of this conflict is the adjustment of plants to each other. We have seen how the climbing plant insinuates itself amongst the shrubberies and ties them together in an impenetrable tangle in order that The Causes of Individual Differences 31 FIG. 6. — Couch-grass or quack-grass. Showing means of sexual propa- gation by seed and a sexual propagation by underground rootstocks. (After Clark and Fletcher.) it, itself, may have a chance to live. So the low plants of the deep forest are such as have been plastic enough to 32 Plant-Breeding FIG. 7. — Orange hawkweed. This plant can withstand the struggle for existence. It produces immense quantities of seed and also repro- duces itself by underground rootstocks. (After Clark and Fletcher.) adapt themselves to the damp shades. Thus plants have developed companionships or divergences in character, The Causes of Individual Differences 33 by means of which, under the stress of circumstances, they are able to live together. Plants have adapted themselves to other plants as truly as to soil or climate ; and if these latter environments are ever the sources or causes of variation, then the first must be also. We must look upon the struggle for existence, therefore, as itself a cause of individual differences, since we know that any continued pressure from without awakens an adaptive response in the form of the vegetable organisms. CHAPTER III THE CHOICE AND FIXATION OF VARIATIONS WE have now seen that every living object is unlike every other. In plants, even every branch is unlike any other branch. We have endeavored to discover some of these universal differences. We have found that they are intimately associated with the welfare of the type or species, inasmuch as they appear, for the most part, to be the means of fitting the plant to live in the conditions in which it is placed. But we have also seen that there are more individuals than can find a place to live. How, then, does nature choose the best from the poorest (or, rather, the fit from the unfit), and, having chosen them, how does she endeavor to fix them or to make them more or less stable ? "This preservation of favorable individual differences and variations, and the destruction of those which are injurious, I have called Natural Selection or the Survival of the Fittest." This is the philosophy which was pro- pounded by Darwin, and which will carry his name to the last generation of men. It looks simple enough. Those forms which are best fitted to live, do live, because they crowd out the others. Yet, this simple principle of natural selection was the first explanation of the process of evolution that seemed to be capable of interpreting 34 The Choice and Fixation of Variations 35 the complex phenomena of the forms of organic life. For a time, this philosophy was thought to be the one funda- mental motive of the evolution or progression of life, but we are n6w convinced that there are other motives or forces at work; but it seems to be indisputable that natural selection is a major force underlying the evolution of plants, and it is the only one with which the person who desires to breed plants need intimately concern himself. We must now determine what a variety is. This is a vexed question, and one which seems never to be capable of an answer that is satisfactory to the gardener. Time and again, some person has introduced what he considered to be a distinct new variety, only to find that other horticul- turists dispute him and declare that it is only some old variety renamed. And yet the introducer knows that he has not renamed an old variety, but that he has propa- gated a form which appeared or originated on his own grounds. What is a variety? — Now, let us see. Nature starts out with the individual to make a new form. Every in- dividual is unlike every other one. When the individual differences are so well marked that we can readily de- scribe and distinguish them, and so permanent that they pass down nearly intact to a few generations, we say that we have a variety. If the differences are still more marked, we say that we have a species. Where the variety ends and the species begins it may be utterly impossible to determine ; and so we mark off at a certain point and say, arbitrarily, that this much is variety and that much is species. Asa Gray once said that " species are judgments." Now, if there is no hard and fast line 36 Plant-Breeding between the variety and the species, so there is none between the individual and the variety ; for a variety is only the family of descendants from some one individual. That is, the idea of variety or species rests on difference, but just how much difference shall constitute one grade or another is a matter of individual opinion. There is no standardized practice. So, when two gardeners cannot agree as to whether a given introduction is a new variety or not, they are having the same kind of difficulty that two botanists have when they cannot decide whether two plants are two species or one. It is apparent, then, that every individual plant is a distinct variety, only that the differences between it and other individuals may be so slight that they have no practical utility and cannot be described and recorded. Just as soon as an individual plant has characters so un- like its kin that it has some commercial value, then the plant will be increased by cuttings or grafts or seeds, the brood of offspring will be given a name, and a new variety is born. Individuals with the same general features may appear simultaneously in two or more places, and two or more men may propagate, name, and introduce them. When they are all brought together and compared, it will be said that they are all the same variety, that, according to the rules of nomenclature, the brood which chanced to be named first must " stand" or be held to be the type of the variety and the other names must become synonyms. Yet some persons may discover minor differences in them and demand that the variety be kept distinct. So the see-saw goes on — a variety is a variety so long as it an- The Choice and Fixation of Variations 37 swers some purpose in use or trade, and it is not a variety when it is so much like some other variety that it has no merit that the other does not possess. As soon as a plant appears with some features which are more desirable than anything that has preceded it, therefore, it may be the beginning of a new variety. Man chooses it, and then propagates it. This is human selec- tion. If nature did the same thing, it would be natural selection. It must not be understood that there are no definite species hi nature. Some plants are so distinct, and so constant in their characters, as to leave no doubt. But wide variability is very common, and it may obscure the relationship. Adaptation in nature. — Now, how does nature preserve or fix this type ? She does not preserve it. She simply chooses it as a beginning and gradually modifies it and shapes it into the form which she needs. She has no permanent forms. There is a general onward progression of one type either towards other types or towards ex- tinction. We have seen that nature is constantly choosing and selecting. If she selects an individual for the be- ginning of a race, then she selects just as keenly from every offspring of that individual, and so on to the end of time. The process never stops. So nature fixes her forms by keeping them moving, growing, constantly developing farther away from their beginnings. The vexed question as to whether there is an accumula- tive effect in variation, need not be considered here, as it is foreign to the particular point of view at this place. Artificial selection. — Now, man does the same thing. 38 Plant-Breeding A plant in a cabbage row pleases him. It has a solid small head and stout stem. He stores it away for seed. Amongst the offspring, perhaps fifty per cent are as good as the parent. These are saved. So the process goes on, from season to season. In four or five generations of plants, he finds that ninety per cent of the seeds "come true." Then he names it and introduces it. It is well advertised in the seed catalogues. Many persons buy the seeds. Some of these persons will grow their own seeds, and every one of them has a different ideal in mind when selecting the seed parents. So, in the course of a few years it is found that there are really several more or less different forms under the same name. Some persons may observe this difference and legitimately introduce one or more of the forms as distinct varieties. Some other person, however, who has known the history of the stock and who is not aware that varieties pass into other forms, objects to the new names and declares that the introducer is imposing on the public. This is the history of ninety out of every hundred varieties which are habitually propagated by seeds, like the kitchen-garden vegetables and the annual flowers. Some peculiar individual, appearing we know not why, is discovered, and seeds are saved and selection — perhaps unconscious selection — begins. After a time the variety is broken up into several, or else, if it varies only slightly, into divergent forms, the whole body or generations of the variety move onward, gradually departing from the initial type until it is no longer the same, although it may bear the same name. The life of seed varieties, in their pure and original forms, is very short. Even the The Choice and Fixation of Variations 39 best of them are usually measured by a score of years or less. They run out or pass out by variation, into other forms. The Trophy tomato is not the Trophy tomato which was introduced over forty years ago, although it bears the old name and is a direct descendant of the first stock. Bud selection. — In plants multiplied by buds — that is, by budding, grafting, cuttings, tubers, and the like — there is less variation in the offspring than in those prop- agated by seeds. Yet we have seen that no two Baldwin apple trees — all of which are but divisions, more or less remote, of the same original tree — are alike, and now and then one branch of a fruit tree may " sport " or develop a strange bud-variety. We know, also, that the same variety of fruit tree takes on different characters in different geographical regions, so that the Greening apple is no longer the Greening of Rhode Island in the West and South. So, it is apparent that even when we divide a plant into many parts and distribute the members far and wide, and when there is no occasion for concerning ourselves with fixing the type, — even here there is variation. In some cases, particularly in those in which we multiply the plant by dividing abnormally developed parts, there is a tendency to scatter or to vary in many directions, and also a tendency to run out by degeneration. This is admirably true of the potato, varieties of which, in ten years or less, become so mixed in their characters, through rapid variation and deterioration, that we must return to seedling productions for a new start. Variation and selection not entirely within man's con- trol. — Man is only rarely the direct means of originating variations. He finds them among the normal plants of 40 Plant-Breeding the fields and gardens. His skill and science are exercised in the selection and so-called breeding of the offspring, more than in the original genesis of the new form. It is usually only in those plants which he multiplies by simple division that he gains much immediate profit by crossing or hybridizing. It is the slow and patient care and selec- tion, day by day, which permanently ameliorates and improves the vegetable world. Nature starts the work; man may complete it. It is now generally held that species in nature some- times originate suddenly, by means of " leaps." In fact, the de Vriesian view is that real species so originate, and the steps whereby a few species come into existence are called mutations. (See Chapter V.) However this may be, it is nevertheless true that these mutations are yet beyond the power of man directly to produce. Selec- tion is t still a powerful agent with which to ameliorate domestic plants. CHAPTER IV THE MEASUREMENT OF VARIATION IT is often desirable to describe a plant or a group of plants in exact mathematical terms. Most of the plant characters with which a breeder deals are measurable, and an individual plant may be described as having so many leaves, so many grains, and so on throughout a long list of measurements ; or a group of plants may be expressed in the form of averages ; likewise, the degree of resemblance or difference between plants and their offspring, or among plants of a certain group or " popula- tion. " The degree or extent of correlation or association of plant characters may also be expressed mathematically. The science of biometry. — The expression of variation and heredity by means of statistical methods is known as the science of Biometry. This method of description is now being widely employed by experimental plant-breeders. It is another tool which the breeder uses to record his progress and describe his plants. The biometrician should be cautioned to keep his use of mathematical treatment subservient to the biological facts, not forgetting that biometry is simply a means toward an end and not an end in itself. It is better first of all to become ac- quainted with the real plants before any mathematical treatment of their variability is attempted. It is often 41 1 fi'Z § \ ,-c 1 1 1 1 O'^ M •j c \ \ \ s ! S > » J n I \ ^ K ^1 J S > v %.. •> ^ > 42 The Measurement of Variation 43 desirable, however, to treat plants in groups by means of statistical generalizations. Type. — In the study of any group of plants, called a " population, " whether it be corn, wheat, the ray-florets of daisies, or what not, the breeder has in mind a certain type around which the individuals tend to center. The corn breeder has in mind a certain length of an ear of corn which is his ideal type. He chooses ears of this length and plants them in his plat, and at harvest time what does he get ? Not all ears of this length, but ears ranging above and below this length. The offspring will be distributed, in all probability, above and below this parental type and may possibly reach the upper and lower limits of the race. There will be a group near the average which will contain a larger number of individuals than any other and thus we have another conception of type. There is the ideal parental type which the breeder has in mind, and another type, probably different, shown by the offspring. To find the latter, the ears of corn are' care- fully measured and their average length determined. This average constitutes a concrete mathematical expres- sion for the type of the offspring. Biometrical expression of variability. — The amount and range of variability may also be well expressed statistically. As an illustration, a number of pea plants were measured and their height was found to range from 5 to 30J inches. A few were short and a few were tall, but most of the plants were of average height. For the sake of convenience, the plants having similar measurements were placed together in one class. When all the results had been brought together they appeared as in the following table : — 44 Plant-Breeding TTwTnwT TXT Tie™™ NUMBER OF INDIVID- UALS IN EACH CLASS (/) 5.1- 6.5 1 6.6- 8 4 8.1- 9.5 6 9.6-11 29 11.1-12.5 30 12.6-14 37 14.1-15.5 39 15.6-17 43 17.1-18.5 34 18.6-20 26 20.1-21.5 18 21.6-23 8 23.1-24.5 5 24.6-26 2 26.1-27.5 2 27.6-29 1 29.1-30.5 _1 286 Here we have what is called a "frequency distribution," representing the crop as it falls into the different groups. The curve in Fig. 8, known as the "Quetelet curve," represents the results graphically. The frequencies, that is, the number of times each measurement appears (see column / in the table), are plotted on the axis of ordinates, line A-C, and the classes on the axis of abscissas, line C-B. For the purpose of plotting and working the data the mid-class is used, that is, 5.8 inches instead of 5.1-6.6 inches, and so forth. Mode. — We see by inspection of the foregoing data that there is one group of the most common height, that is, ( there are more plants having a height of 15.6 to 17 inches (16.3) than any other class. The group containing the greatest number of plants, The Measurement of Variation 45 that is, of the greatest frequency, is called the mode. It is an excellent expression of type. When the group of plants or population which is being studied is measured and arranged with some suitable grouping, as illustrated here, we see what the variety tends to do on the whole. Modal coefficient. — It is desirable to know what per- centage of the individuals falls into this group of highest frequency, called the mode. This can be readily found by dividing the number of individuals in this class (43) by the total number (286) and multiplying by 100. This is called the modal coefficient, and denotes the percentage of individuals conforming to type. This modal coefficient is .15 or 15%; that is, fifteen per cent of all of the plants in this variety are found in one class. However, as this is dependent on the system of measure- ment, one modal coefficient is not directly comparable with another unless the same practice of measurement has been used. Moreover, one could not compare the modal coefficient of height directly with that of weight or any other character of a different nature. It may readily be seen that a knowledge of the distribu- tion of plants as represented by the mode or modal coeffi- cient is of scientific and practical importance. It enables the breeder at any time to spread out before himself a fair representation of his variety. He can see at a glance what is the prevailing type and in what direction and to what degree his breeding is extending. Mean. — There is another conception of type known as the mean or average. One can understand that the average height will differ in most cases from the commonest height. The mean is most easily obtained by 46 Plant-Breeding multiplying the mid-value of each class, say 5.8, by the number in that class, adding their products, and dividing by the total number of individuals. This is expressed by the formula M (mean) = * where V represents the n variables, / the frequency of each variable, n the total number of individuals, and 2 the summation of fV. MEAN. — F / fV 5.8 1 5.8 7.3 4 29.2 8.8 6 52.8 10.3 29 298.7 11.8 30 354.0 13.3 37 492.1 14.8 39 577.2 16.3 43 700.9 17.8 34 605.2 19.3 26 501.8 20.8 18 374.4 22.3 8 178.4 23.8 5 119.0 25.3 2 50.6 26.8 2 53.6 28.3 1 28.3 29.8 1 29.8 n = 286 2 = 4451.8 Mean, 445L8 286 Use of mean. — The mean gives a good average value of the character and is often more useful than the mode in expressing type. The breeder must use his judgment The Measurement of Variation 47 as to which should be used in each case, the mean or the mode. Mathematical expression of variability. — After the average or mean of any group of plants has been deter- mined, it is desirable to know the amount of deviation of the different individuals from the mean. This determina- tion gives a concrete expression which is an index of the amount of variability exhibited. This variability is ex- pressed as the average deviation or the standard deviation. The latter is ordinarily employed by mathematicians. Average deviation. — The average deviation is deter- mined by obtaining, first of all, the amount which each class varies from the mean and multiplying each deviation by the number of individuals concerned. For example, the column D is obtained by finding the difference between the mean, 15.5, and the variations in column V : thus in the first case the difference between 5.8 and 15.5 is — 9.7 while farther down column V we find 16.3, which is greater than the mean, giving us a value of 0.8 in column D. Now, if there were the same number of individuals in each class, the average deviation could be found by adding up the deviations in column D, and dividing by the total number of individuals in column /, but there is one indi- vidual deviating - 9.7 while there are 43 deviating 0.8 and 18 deviating 5.3, and so forth. In order to overcome this the deviations are multiplied by the number of in- dividuals giving the column /D. The sum of this column divided by the total number of individuals gives the average deviation. This is an index of variability. The average deviation is expressed by the following formula : — 48 Plant-Breeding Average deviation = Standard deviation. — The operations for finding the standard deviation are the same as for the average devia- tion except that the deviations in column D are squared before multiplying by the frequency numbers (/), thus giving the columns D2 and D2f respectively. The sum of the latter divided by the total number of individuals and the square root of the result extracted gives the standard deviation. This can be expressed by the follow- ing formula : — ^ r\if The details of determining the average and standard deviation are as follows : — V / D /£> Z>2 D*f 5.8 1 - 9.7 9.70 94.09 94.09 7.3 4 - 8.2 32.80 67.24 268.96 8.8 6 - 6.7 40.20 44.89 269.34 10.3 29 - 5.2 150.80 27.04 784.16 11.8 30 - 3.7 111.00 13.69 410.70 13.3 37 - 2.2 81.40 4.84 179.08 14.8 39 - 0.7 27.30 0.49 19.11 16.3 43 0.8 34.40 0.64 28.12 17.8 34 2.3 78.20 5.29 179.86 19.3 26 3.8 98.80 14.44 375.44 20.8 18 5.3 95.40 28.09 505.62 22.3 8 6.8 54.40 46.24 369.92 23.8 5 8.3 41.50 68.89 551.12 25.3 2 9.8 19.60 96.04 192.08 26.8 2 11.3 22.60 127.69 255.38 28.3 1 12.8 12.80 163.84 163.84 29.8 1 14.3 14.30 204.49 204.49 n=286 925.20 5 = 4851.31 The Measurement of Variation 49 nor on Average deviation = = 3.24 inches. Standard deviation, ( 00 1— 1 CO i> 00 r— I 3 co * T— 1 3 0 N ^ ^ N ^ o o 0 o § o 0 Q' 05 1 >& \ co 1 i-H 1 + -H R O o § CO 00 1— 1 g S S 2 % 1-H i-H 1 1 CO 1— 1 CO r— 1 i co So 1 1 I Heredity 151 25.5 27.5 41.5 43.5 /10 1/09 '09 D09 »m -^09/09 2P 4 6 -9.83 96.62 386.48 165.14 20 70 -7.83 61.30 1226.00 814.32 40 220 -5.83 33.98 1359.20 443.08 1 44 330 -3.83 14.66 645.04 347.76 1 65 617.5 -1.83 3.34 217.10 92.41 58 667 0.17 .02 1.16 - 4.18 37 499.5 2.17 4.70 173.90 119.56 2 1 41 635.5 4.17 17.38 712.58 535.01 19 332.5 6.17 38.06 723.14 318.98 10 195 8.17 66.74 667.40 285.95 8 172 10.17 103.42 827.36 410.86 1 7 164.5 12.17 148.10 1036.70 390.65 2 51.0 14.17 200.78 401.56 93.52 0 16.17 261.46 1 29.5 18.17 330.14 330.14 -67.22 0 20.17 406.82 1 0 67 22.17 491.50 983.0 456.70 3 3 1 358 4057 9690.76 4402.54 10 O \o o CO £ CO co l> 00 TfH o M09 = 11.33 ± .182 M10 = 11.20 ± .182 33 '3 0-09 = 5.20 ± .130 "^ CO ^J t>- Oi pn ! * — ••• ^- .\Jtj oq 18.9 co t> co i— 1 Oi TfH S CO l> C | 152 Plant-Breeding the parentage and the related group that constitutes the offspring." The coefficient of heredity. — The degree of inheritance between a parental group of plants and their corresponding group of offspring is determined by the use of a correlation table. The degree of correlation or the resemblance is determined between the parents and offspring. This may be expressed mathematically and the result is known as the "coefficient of heredity." The latter is, therefore, nothing more nor less than the correlation coefficient (r) obtained from a table in which two sets of individuals related by descent are tabulated with respect to the same character. The coefficient of heredity is expressed as a decimal, somewhere between 0 and 1. The nearer 1, the greater the closeness of resemblance between parents and offspring, and conversely the nearer 0, the smaller the degree of resemblance. In the table (pp. 150-151) will be found the number of tubers in hills of potatoes in 1909 as compared with the off- spring from these hills in 1910. For example, there were 3 hills of seedling potatoes having either 7 or 8 tubers in 1909 represented in the table by the midpoint 7.5 which gave offspring in 1910 having either 3 or 4 tubers (3.5) ; 8 parental hills numbering either 7 or 8 tubers in 1909 which produced offspring in 1910 having either 5 or 6 tubers ; 11 parental hills having the same number of tubers as above which produced offspring having either 7 or 8 hills, and so forth for each number in the table : — Notation. — n = Total number of individuals in the population, equals summation of all frequencies. Heredity 153 /og = Class frequencies of total population in 1909. Fog = Value or measurement corresponding to a given frequency in 1909. MW = Mean number of potatoes per hill in 1909. Dog = Deviation of number of tubers per hill from mean, 1909. cr09 = Standard deviations of number of tubers per hill, 1909. /io = Class frequencies of total population in 1910. y10 = Value or measurement corresponding to a given frequency in 1910. MIQ = Mean number of potatoes per hill in 1910. DIO = Deviation of numbers of tubers per hill from mean, 1910. o-10 = Standard deviation of number of tubers per hill, 1910. r — Coefficient of correlation. The process of finding the mean and standard devia- tion is the same as is given in Chapter IV, so that the only column that needs explanation is the one headed SP. As an example, we will take the column on the 1910 tubers, beginning with 15.5. The figures 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 9, 6, 5, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1 are known as a horizontal array; similarly the vertical columns are known as a vertical array. We will now show how 535.01 in 3P column is obtained. The first number after 15.5 is 1. Going down the verti- cal column to column Di0, we find — 9.7, which is multi- plied by 1 ; the same process is gone through for each number following 15.5 and the algebraic sum is taken, 154 Plant-Breeding which is multiplied by 4.17, found in column D09 opposite 15.5. So the result is as follows : — 4.17+ l(-9.7) +l(-7.7)+ 1 (-5.7)+ l(- 9(0.30) +6(2.3) +5(4.3) +2(6.3) +3(8.3) +3(10.3)+1(12.3) + 2(14.3)+ 1(16.3) = 535.01. Having obtained all the numbers in the 2P column, the sum is taken and the coefficient of correlation is found ac- cording to the following formula : — SP 4402.54 358(5.20) (5.23) Conception of unit-characters. — Most recent studies are analytical in their nature. We now conceive of plants and animals to be composed of separately heritable units known as unit-characters. It is not possible at present to say exactly what a unit-character is, but we may call it the smallest heritable part or attribute a plant may possess. For example, the color of the flower, size and shape of leaf, height of the plant, susceptibility or im- munity to disease, and so forth, may be unit-characters. Knowledge of heredity has come through experimental breeding. — Much has been written and many conjectures made by earlier horticulturists in their attempt to classify hybrids so that inheritance could be found to proceed in an orderly and regular manner. All of these attempts had been more or less failures until Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, began a series of classic experiments in Heredity 155 crossing garden peas. Mendel's work, however, was little known at the time and did not receive public recognition until many years afterwards. Rediscovery of Mendel's work by de Vries and others. — de Vries made a thorough search of the literature of plant evolution. In an American publication x he saw a ref- erence to an article on plant hybrids by G. Mendel, published in 1865 in the proceedings of a natural history of Briinn in Austria. On looking up this paper he was astonished to find that it discussed fundamental questions of hybridization and heredity, and that it had remained practically unknown for a generation. In 1900 he published an account of it, and this was soon followed by independent discussions by Correns, Tschermak, and Bateson. In May, 1900, Bateson gave an abstract of Mendel's work before the Royal Horticultural Society of England; and later the society published a translation of Mendel's original paper. It is only within the last 10 or 12 years that a knowledge of Mendel's work has become widespread in this country. Perhaps the agencies that are most responsible for dis- 1 The following extract from a letter from Professor de Vries (printed here by permission) will explain the reference in the text : " Many years ago you had the kindness to send me your article on ' Cross-breeding and Hybridizing ' of 1892 ; and I hope it will interest you to know that it was by means of your bibliography therein that I learnt some years after- wards of the existence of Mendel's papers, which now are coming to so high credit. Without your aid I fear I should not have found them at all." My reference to Mendel in the bibliography referred to was taken from Focke's writing. I had not seen Mendel's paper. The essay, "Cross-breeding and Hybridizing," formed Chapter II of the old "Plant-Breeding"; but the bibliography that accompanied it was not reprinted until the second edition of the book. — L. H. B. 156 Plant-Breeding semination of the mendelian ideas in America are the in- struction given by Webber and others in the Graduate School of Agriculture at Columbus, Ohio, in the summer of 1904 and the prolonged discussion before the Interna- tional Conference on Plant Breeding at New York in the fall of 1902. Since that time many articles on the subject have appeared from our scientific press. Mendel's work is important because it cuts across many of the current notions respecting hybridization. As de Vries' discussions call a halt in the current belief re- garding the gradualness and slowness of evolution, so Mendel's call a halt in respect to the common opinion that the results of hybridizing are largely chance, and that hybridization is necessarily only an empirical subject. Mendel found uniformity and constancy of action in hybridization, and to explain this uniformity he proposed a theory of heredity. One of the most significant points connected with Mendel's work is the great care he took to select plants for his experiments. He thought that hybridism is a complex and intricate subject, and that, if we are ever to discover laws, we must begin with the simplest and least complicated problems. He was aware of the general opinion that the most diverse and contradictory results are likely to follow any hybridization. He conceived that some of this diversity may be due to instability of parents rather than to the proper results of hybridizing. He also saw that he must exclude all inter-crossing in the progeny. Furthermore, the progeny must be numerous, for, since incidental and aberrant variation may arise in the plants, it is only by a study of averages of large numbers that the Heredity 157 true results of the hybridization are to be discovered. Moreover, the study must be more exact than a mere con- trasting and comparing of plants : character must be com- pared with character. Mendel's experiments. — The garden pea seemed to fulfill all of the requirements. Mendel chose well-marked hor- ticultural races or varieties. He grew these two years before the experiment proper was begun in order to de- termine their stability or trueness to type. When the experiments were finally begun, he used only normal plants as parents, throwing out such as were weak or aberrant. Peas are self-fertile. It was to be expected that under such conditions the hybrid offspring would show uniformity of action ; and it did. In order to study the behavior of the hybrids, it was necessary to choose certain prominent marks or characters for comparison. Seven of these characters were chosen for observation. These marks pertain to seed, fruit, position of flowers, and length of stem, and they may be assumed to be representative of all other characters in the plant. These characters were paired (practically opposites) as long-stem vs. short-stem, round-seed vs. angular-seed, inflated pods vs. constricted pods. They were " constant" and "differentiating." Of course every parent plant possessed one or the other of every pair of contrasting characters ; but in order to facilitate his studies, Mendel chose a special set of parents to illustrate each character. The seed-shape characters were roundness and angu- larity— the former being the " smooth" pea of gardeners and the latter the " wrinkled" pea. Let us suppose that 158 Plant-Breeding twenty-five flowers on round-seeded plants were cross- pollinated in the summer of 1900 with pollen from angular - seeded plants, or vice versa, and that an average of four seeds formed in each pod. With the death of the parent plants the old generation ended, and the 100 seeds that matured in 1900 — the year in which the cross was made — began the next generation; and these 100 seeds were hybrids. Now, all of these 100 seeds were round. Round- ness in this case was "dominant." (Dominance per- taining to the vegetative stage of the plant of course would not appear until 1901, when the seeds "grow."") These seeds are sown in the spring of 1901. If each seed be supposed to give rise to four seeds, — or 400 in all, — this next generation of seeds (produced in 1901) will show 300 round and 100 angular seeds. That is, the other seed- shape now appears in one-fourth of all the progeny; this character is said to have been "recessive" in the first hybrid generation. If the 100 angular seeds, or reces- sives, are sown in 1902, it will be found that all the progeny will be angular-seeded or will "come true"; and this occurs in all succeeding generations, providing no crossing takes place. If the 300 round seeds, or dominants, are sown in the spring of 1902, it will be found that 100 of them produce dominants only, and that 200 of them behave as before — one-fourth giving rise to recessives and three- fourths to dominants; and this occurs in all succeeding generations, providing no crossing takes place. In other words, the three-fourths of dominants in any generation are of two kinds, — one-third that produce only dominants, and two-thirds that are hybrids. That is, there is con- stantly appearing from the hybrids one-fourth that are Heredity 159 recessives, one-fourth that are constant dominants, and one-half that are dominants to all appearances, but which in the next generation break up again into dominants and recessives. This one-half part that breaks up into the two characters are the true hybrids; but they are hybrids only in the sense that they hold each of the two parental characteristics — roundness and angularity — in their purity and not as blends or intermediates ; and these two characteristics reappear in all succeeding generations in a definite mathematical ratio. Proportionally, these facts may be expressed as follows : — 1900. Iseed 1901. 8R 16 R It will be seen that two-thirds of the dominants break up the following year into one-fourth constant dominants, one-fourth recessives, and one-half that again break up, the half that break up being the hybrids. This formula for the hybrids is Mendel's law. In words, it may be expressed as follows : Differentiating characters in plants reappear in their purity and in mathematical regularity 160 Plant-Breeding in the second and succeeding hybrid offspring of these plants; the mathematical law is that each character separates in each of these generations in one-fourth of the progeny and thereafter remains true. In concise figures, it is expressed as follows : — 1 D : 2 DR : 1 R. 1 D and 1 R come true, but 2 DR breaks up again into dominant and recessives in the ratio of 3 to 1. Mendel found that this law holds more or less for the other characters that he studied in the pea, as well as for the seed-shape. He did not conclude, however, that it holds good for all plants, but left the subject for further investigation. It will be seen at once that it will be a very difficult matter to follow this law when many char- acters are to be constrasted, particularly when the char- acters are quantitative, or qualitative which grade into each other. The dominant characters pertain to either parent. Some of them may come from the seed parent and some from the pollen parent. When this roundness is dominant from the male parent, there can be seen the immediate effect of pollen, the same as if the dominant roundness came from the female parent. In the case of the pea, the seed-content is embryo and we are not surprised to find this immediate effect of pollen. In those plants in which the embryo is embedded in endosperm, however, the effect of the cross- fertilization is not seen until the seed has been planted and produced a new generation. The endosperm is a part of the female parent and is not ordinarily changed by the process of cross-fertilization. In the case of a few plants, Heredity 161 of which the Indian corn is the most conspicuous example (Fig. 43), there is double fecundation, both the embryo and endosperm being fertilized, and hence if the male parent contains dominant characters, they will be seen immediately because of the cross-fertilized endosperm. This is called Xenia and has been carefully worked out by de Vries, Webber,1 and others. Mendel's numerical results.2 — In the experiments conducted by Mendel with peas the relative numbers obtained for each pair of differentiating characters are as follows : — Experiment 1. — Form of seed. From 253 hybrids, 7324 seeds were obtained in the second trial year. Among them were 5474 round and roundish and 1850 angular, wrinkled ones. Therefore, the ratio 2.96 is to 1 is de- duced. Experiment 2. — Color of albumen. 258 plants yielded 8023 seeds, 6022 yellow and 2001 green ; their ratio, there- fore, is 3.01 to 1. Experiment 3. — Color of seed-coats. Among 929 plants, 705 bore violet-red flowers and gray-brown seed- coats ; 224 had white flowers and white seed-coats, giving the proportion of 3.15 to 1. Experiment 4. — Form of pods. Of 1181 plants, 882 had them simply inflated and in 299 they were constricted. Resulting ratio 2.95 to 1. Experiment 5. — Color of unripe pods. The number 1 Bull. 22, Div. of Veg. Phys. and Path., U. S. Dept. of Agric., 1900. 2 The following is taken from a translation of Mendel's article as given by Bateson, and slightly revised. See Bateson-Mendel's "Principles of Heredity," Appendix. M FIG. 43. — Mendelism in maize. — Stowell Evergreen (sweet corn) was pol- linated with Indian flour corn, giving a hybrid similar to the latter the first year. This was self-pollinated, giving the ear on the right, and pollinated with the evergreen, giving the ear on the left (Webber). 162 Heredity 163 of trial plants was 500, of which 428 had green pods and 152 yellow pods. Consequently these stand in the ratio 2.82 to 1. Experiment 6. — Position of flowers. Among 858 cases, 651 had inflorescence axial and 207 terminal. Ratio 3.14 to 1. Experiment 7. — Length of stem. Out of 1064 plants in 787 cases the stem was long and in 277 short. Hence a mutual ratio of 2.84 to 1. If the results of the whole experiment be brought to- gether, there is found, as between the numbers of forms with the dominant and recessive characters, an average ratio of 2.98 to 1 or 3 to 1. The following is an account of Mendel's results with peas in their third hybrid generation (F3) : — These forms which in the F2 generation exhibit the recessive character do not further vary in the F$ generation as regards this character : they remain constant in their offspring. It is otherwise with those that possess the dominant character in the second generation. Of these, two-thirds yield offspring that display the dominant and recessive characters in the proportion of 3 to 1, and thereby show exactly the same ratio as the hybrid forms, while only one-third remain with the dominant character constant. The separate experiments yield the following results : — Experiment 1. — Among 665 plants which were raised from round seeds of the second generation, 193 yielded round seeds only, and remained, therefore, constant in this character; 372, however, gave both round and wrinkled seeds, in the proportion of 3 to 1. The number 164 Plant-Breeding of the hybrids, therefore, as compared with the constants, is 1.93 to 1. Experiment 2. — Of 509 plants which were raised from seeds whose albumen was of yellow color in the second generation, 166 yielded exclusively yellow,while 353 yielded yellow and green seeds, in the proportion of 3 to 1. There resulted, therefore, a division into hybrid and constant forms in the proportion of 2.13 to 1. For each separate trial in the following experiments, 100 plants were selected which displayed the dominant character in the second generation, and in order to as- certain the significance of this, ten seeds of each were cultivated. Experiment 3. -- The offspring of 36 plants yielded exclusively gray-brown- seed-coats, while of the off- spring of 64 plants some had gray-brown and some had white. Experiment 4. — The offspring of 29 plants had only inflated pods ; of the offspring of 71, on the other hand, some had inflated and some had constricted. Experiment 5. — The offspring of 40 plants had only green pods ; of the offspring of 60 plants, some had green and some yellow ones. Experiment 6. — The offspring of 33 plants had only axial flowers; of the offspring of 67, on the other hand, some had axial and some terminal flowers. Experiment 7. — The offspring of 28 plants inherited the long axis, and those of the 72 plants some of the long and some of the short axis. In each of these experiments a certain number of plants came constant with the dominant character. For the Heredity 165 determination of the proportion in which the separation of the forms with the constantly persistent character results, the first two experiments are of especial importance since in these a greater number of plants can be compared. The ratios 1.93 to 1 and 2.3 to 1 gave together almost exactly the average ratio of 2 to 1. The sixth experiment gave a quite concordant result; in the others the ratio varies more or less, as was only to be expected in view of the small number of 100 trial plants. Experiment 5, which shows the greatest departure, was repeated, and then in place of the ratio of 60 and 40 that of 65 and 35 resulted. The average ratio of 2 to 1 appears, therefore, as fixed with certainty. It is, therefore, demonstrated that, of those forms which possess the dominant character in the second generation, two-thirds have the hybrid- characters, while one-third remain constant with the dominant characters. The ratio of 3 to 1, in accordance with which the dis- tribution of the dominant and recessive characters re- sults in the second generation, resolves itself, therefore, in all experiments into the ratio of 2 : 1 : 1 if the dominant character be differentiated according to its significance as a hybrid-character or as a parental one. Since the second generation (^2) springs directly from the seed of the first generation (Fi), it is now clear that the hybrids from seeds have one or the other of the two differen- tiating characters, and of those one-half develop again the hybrid form, while the other yields plants which re- main constant and receive the dominant or the recessive characters, respectively, in equal numbers. Dominance and recessiveness. — Which characters will 166 Plant-Breeding be dominant in any species we cannot determine until we perform the experiment; that is, there is no mark or attribute which distinguishes to us a priori a dominant or a recessive character. However, the mere fact as to whether the one or the other character is dominant is relatively unimportant, for constant dominance is no more a regular behavior than recessiveness is. In various subsequent experiments it has been found that even when marked dominance is not shown in the first product, the hybridization may follow the law in essential numeri- cal results. The really important points are : (1) That the characters typically remain pure or do not blend, and (2) that their reappearance follows a numerical order. Explanation of mendelian results. — After finding such surprising results as these, Mendel naturally endeavored to discover the reasons why. The product of his specu- lations is the theory of gametic purity (to use our present- day terminology), which is a partial theory of heredity. Every plant is the product of the egg, or female, cell fertilized by the sperm, or male, cell. When constant progeny is produced, it must be because the two cells, or gametes, are of like character. When inconstant progeny is produced, it must be because the sperm-cell is of one character and the egg-cell of another. When these un- like gametes come together, they will unite according to the law of mathematical probabilities, one-fourth of those of each kind coming together and one-half of those of both kinds coming together. If A and B represent the contrasting parental characteristics, they would combine as: — Heredity 167 A + A = A\ A + B = AB. B +A = BA. B + B = B\ A2 and B2 are equivalent only to A and B. Since both of the opposed or contrasted characters cannot be visible at the same time, we have the following : — B in which small 6 represents the character that for the time being is not able to express itself, or is recessive, and large B represents the same character fully expressed. In these gametes, the unit-characters of the plants that bear them are pure. Even in hybrid plants the pollen- grains and the egg-cells are not hybrids. According to the hypothesis of gametic purity, therefore, hybrids follow natural and numerical laws; but these laws are always obscured by new crossing. True intermediate characters do not occur. If new characters appear, it is because they have been recessive or latent for a genera- tion, or because the plant has varied from other causes ; they are not the proper results of hybridization, unless they are due to a reconstruction of characters. We may suppose that a new character that appears because of some internal change may be impressed on the gametes and thereby be perpetuated. The results of hybridiza- tion, according to the mendelian view, are not funda- 168 Plant-Breeding mentally a mere game of chance, but follow a law of regularity of averages ; but the results are so often masked that it is sometimes impossible to recognize the law. It is a question, of course, whether the proportional results secured by Mendel and others express a biological principle, or whether they are only the numerical propor- tions that may be adduced from the averages of large numbers of combinations — whether these combinations are of gametes or letters, or words, or figures. It is a fundamental necessity that certain proportions follow from " chance " combinations often repeated. But whether the " theorem of probabilities" can express a real bio- logical fact may well be doubted. Perhaps the basis of heredity is something more than the mechanico-physical conceptions that we habitually apply to it. Mendel's law of heredity is stated as follows by Bateson and Saunders : "The essential part of the discovery is the evidence that the germ-cells or gametes produced by cross-bred organisms may in respect of given characters be of the pure parental types and consequently incapable of transmitting the opposite character; that when such pure similar gametes of opposite sexes are united together in fertilization, the individuals so formed and their pos- terity are free from all taint of the cross, that there may be, in short, perfect or almost perfect discontinuity between these germs in respect of one of each pair of op- posite characters." The genetic constitutions of plants, if they are known, may be conveniently represented by formulae containing the gametic make-up of the parents entering into their union. At least such unit-characters as are known may Heredity 169 be represented in this manner. For example, RR may represent a plant which has been formed by the union of a red pollen-grain (pollen-grain from a pure red parent) R and a red egg-cell R. This plant if self -fertilized will always remain red. Similarly rr represents a plant which has the absence (or the opposite) of red, say, yellow. If a red plant R were crossed with a yellow plant r, the result would be a hybrid Rr. Red being dominant, the first generation hybrid, F\, would appear as red. The following method of squares will be found very convenient to illustrate the action of chance which governs the union of gametes to form the F2 hybrid plants : — POLLEN-GEAINS R r (1) (2) RR Rr (3) Rr (4) rr Square (1) represents a plant (RR) formed from the union of a red pollen-grain R with a red egg-cell R, and is pure red. Square (2) represents a hybrid plant (Rr) formed by r pollen-grain and R egg-cell. Square (3) 170 Plant-Breeding Heredity 171 is the same as (2) except formed by pollen-grain R and egg-cell r, and square (4) is a pure recessive rr in which pollen-grain r united with egg-cell r. This may be illustrated diagrammatically in another manner, as in the colored plate (Fig. 44) . Explanation of diagram. — It is assumed that a variety having red flowers (R) is crossed with another variety having yellow flowers (r). The arrow indicates the direction of the cross and also the transfer of pollen from the anthers of the yellow variety to the stigma of the red. The plants produced from these fertilized ovules will have red flowers because redness is dominant. This F\ hybrid, however, contains both red and yellow qualities and at the time of the formation of its gametes will give rise to red and yellow pollen-grains and egg-cells. During the process of self-fertilization the law of chance will govern the union of the red and yellow egg-cells. These FI ovules will give rise to the plants indicated by Fz. The subsequent operations are assumed to follow regular mendelian ratios. Mendel's results with the offspring of hybrids in which several differentiating characters are associated. — Two ex- periments were made with a considerable number of plants. In the first experiment the parental plants differed in the form of the seed and in the color of the albumen. Experi- ments with seed characters give the results in the simplest and most certain way. Experiment 1 . — Seed parent = round seeds (R) and yellow cotyledons (Y). Both dominant and hence their symbols are expressed as capital letters. Pollen parent = angular seeds (r) and green cotyledons (y). Round 1 72 Plant-Breeding yellow (RY) X angular green (ry) = RrYy appearing as round and yellow in FI. Gametes of F\ = RR, Ry, rY, and ry. Visible types of F2 = 9 (apparently) RY, 3 Ry, 3 rY, and 1 ry. The following were actually found by Mendel in F2 : — • RY, round and yellow, 315. rY, angular and yellow, 101. Ry, round and green, 108. ry, angular and green, 32. These figures stand approximately in the ratio of 9 RY : 3 rY : 3 Ry : 1 ry, but these forms, which appeared to be only four classes, were found in the next generation to be made up of nine really different classes. From the round yellow seeds (apparently RY) there were obtained in the next year : — 1. RY, round and yellow seeds, 38 2. RYy, round, yellow and green seeds, 65 3. RrYj round, yellow and angular seeds, 60 4. RrYy, round, yellow and green angular, yellow and green, 138 From the round and green seeds (apparently Ry) were obtained : — 5. Ry, round and green seeds, 35 6. Rry, round angular and green seeds, 67 From the angular and yellow seeds (apparently rY) were obtained : — 7. rY, angular and yellow seeds, 28 8. rYy, angular and yellow-green seeds, 67 From the angular and green ry seeds were obtained : — 9. ry, angular and green seeds, 30 Heredity 173 Compare this carefully with problem 4 with special reference to the actual counts as compared with theo- retical ones. The offspring of the hybrids appeared, therefore, under nine different forms, some of them in very unequal num- bers. When these are collected and coordinated, we find:- 38 plants with the sign RY. 35 plants with the sign Ry. 28 plants with the sign rY. 30 plants with the sign ry. 65 plants with the sign RYy. 68 plants with the sign rYY. 60 plants with the sign RrY. 76 plants with the sign Rry. 138 plants with the sign RrYy. The whole of the forms may be classed into three essen- tially different groups. The first includes those with the signs RY (or RRYY, as previously designated — it is not necessary, however, to repeat the letters), Ry, rY, and ry ; they possess only constant characters and do not vary again in the next generation. Each of these forms is represented, on the average, thirty-three times. The second group includes the signs RYy, RrY, Rry; these are constant in one character and hybrid in another, and vary in the next generation only as regards the hybrid character. Each of these appears, on the average, sixty-five times. The form RrYy occurs 138 times; it is hybrid in both characters and behaves as do the hybrids from which it is derived. 174 Plant-Breeding If the numbers in which the forms belonging to these classes appear, be compared, the ratios of 1, 2, and 4 are evidently unmistakable. The numbers 32, 65, 138 present very fair approximations to the ratio numbers of 33, 66, 132. The developmental series consists, therefore, of nine classes of which four appear therein always once and are constant in both characters; the forms RY, ry resemble the parental forms, the two others present combinations between the conjoined characters R, r, F, y, which com- binations are likewise possibly constant. Four classes appear always twice, and are constant in one character and hybrid in the other. One class appears four times, and is hybrid in both characters. Consequently the off- spring of the hybrids, if two kinds of differentiating char- acters are combined therein, are represented by the ex- pression RY — Ry — rY—ry — 2 RYy — 2rYy — 2 RrY This expression is indisputably a combination series in which the two expressions for the characters R and r, y and Y are combined. We arrive at the full number of the classes of the series by the combinations of the ex- pressions. The following, quoted from East, has reduced the above to a mathematical expression : "The numerical rela- tions found are approximately the following series : AB, Ab, aB, ab, 2 ABb, 2 aBb, 2 Aab, 2 AaB, and 4 AaBb. This is really a combination by multiplication of the two series (A — 2Aa — a) x (B — 2 Bb — b) = AB — Ab — aB - ab — 2 ABb — 2 aBb — 2 Aab — 2 AaB — 4 AaBb. The two pairs of characters behave independently of each other and as if chance only governed their combinations. Heredity 175 Moreover, three pairs of contrasted characters were found to behave in exactly the same manner, the number of forms found being what would theoretically be expected if the above product were multiplied by another series represented by C — 2 Cc — c. " These results can be reduced to still simpler terms, as is shown in the following table. Let N represent the number of pairs of contrasted characters in the parents. When they are crossed the second generation, when self- fertilized, shows visible differences of 2 to the nth power. These visibly different classes actually contain 3 to the nth power different classes, the phenomena of dominance obscuring part of them. Finally, when crossing to secure combinations of n characters, we must have 4 to the nth power number of individuals, to be theoretically certain of at least one individual in each class. MENDEL'S LAW OF INHERITANCE OF UNIT-CHARACTERS No. OF PAIRS OF DlF. BE- TWEENPARENTS NO. OF VISIBLY DIF. CLASSES EACH CONT. ONE PURE INDIVIDUAL No. OF ACTUAL CLASSES BOTH PURE AND HYBRID SMALLEST No. OFFSPRING, ALLOWING AT LEAST ONE TO A CLASS n 2n 3n 4n 1 2 3 41 Experimentally 2 4 9 16 tested by Men- 3 8 27 65 j del for peas 4 16 81 256 5 32 243 1024 Calculated 6 64 729 4096 J A is substituted for R, a for r, B for T7, and 6 for t, and instead of writing AA and aa in the series, one of the letters is dropped." 176 Plant-Breeding Heredity 177 Results involving three pairs of characters (trihybrid). — When three allelomorphic pairs are concerned, the num- ber of forms in the second and subsequent generations is greatly increased. For illustration, let us take a hypo- thetical case. Suppose we cross together a tomato having red fruit, dwarf vine, and hairy stems and leaves (the latter is hypothetical) with a variety having yellow fruit, tall vine, and smooth stems. Their formulae would be as follows, using capitals again to represent dominant units and small letters to represent recessive units : red, dwarf, hairy (RtH) X yellow, tall, smooth (rTh) = red, tall and hairy (in appearance) RrTtHh. F2 generation will be as shown in table on page 178. In order to get a better understanding of the probable union of gametes of various kinds of crosses, the student should carefully master the method of squares, always having in mind that the use of formulae is only a con- venient method of representing plants. Each square represents a plant. (See methods as already outlined on page 169.) Capital letters will be used for dominant units and small letters for recessives as formerly. Plants having as their formulae large and small of any letter, i.e. Rr, are hybrids (heterozygous) for that character, and those in which the letters are the same, i.e. RR, are pure (homo- zygous) for that character. It will be seen that when three pairs of characters are involved, at least 64 squares are necessary to allow for the theoretically possible number of combinations to be formed. A very careful study of the table will show that there are produced 8 visible types (2n) with proportions as follows : 27 Red Tall Hairy, RTH ; 9 Red Tall smooth, 178 Plant-Breeding POLLEN-GRAINS RTH RTh RtH Rth rTH rTh rtH rth RR RR RR RR Rr Rr Rr Rr RT TT TT Tt Tt TT TT Tt Tt HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh RR RR RR RR Rr Rr Rr Rr RTh TT TT Tt Tt TT TT Tt Tt Hh hh Hh hh Hh hh Hh hh RR RR RR RR Rr Rr Rr Rr RtH Tt Tt tt tt Tt Tt tt tt HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh RR RR RR RR Rr Rr Rr Rr Rth Tt Tt tt tt Tt Tt tt tt Hh hh Hh hh Hh hh Hh hh Rr Rr Rr Rr rr rr rr rr rTH TT TT Tt Tt TT TT Tt Tt HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh Rr Rr Rr Rr rr rr rr rr rTh TT TT Tt Tt TT TT Tt Tt Hh hh Hh hh Hh hh Hh hh Rr Rr Rr Rr rr rr rr rr rtH Tt Tt tt tt Tt Tt tt tt HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh Rr Rr Rr Rr rr rr rr rr rth Tt Tt tt tt Tt Tt tt t! Hh hh Hh hh Hh hh Hh hh NOTE. It must be remembered that these are different visible types and not actual types. For example, the 27 which appear as RTh are not all alike, their identity is obscured of dominance. Heredity 179 RTh ; 9 Red dwarf Hairy, RtH ; 9 yellow Tall Hairy, rTH ; 3 Red dwarf smooth, Rth ; 3 yellow Tall smooth, rTh ; 3 yellow dwarf Hairy, rtH ;' and 1 yellow dwarf smooth, rth. Of course most of the visible types are multiple, containing both pure and hybrid forms. The number of actually different types is 27 (3n) . Incomplete dominance. — It was stated previously that dominance is due to an unequal potency between the unit-characters associated in a cross, the dominant unit being " stronger" and covering up the weaker unit in the FI generation. This is not always the rule, by any means. There are various degrees of equilibrium between the opposed units : if one is much stronger than the other, complete dominance occurs ; if they are of equal potency, we have a form in the first generation which is intermediate between the . two parents. This intermediacy may lean to one parent or the other in proportion to their strength. When intermediacy exists, the mendelian ratios are somewhat modified. Instead of having 3 : 1 ratio, we have a 1 : 2 : 1, in which the 2 represents the heterozygous or intermediate forms and the 1's represent the homo- zygous forms. If we are concerned with more than one allelomorphic pair, complete dominance may occur in certain units and intermediacy or incomplete dominance in others. The commercial carnation is a heterozygous form which is an intermediate between a single type and a type which in commerce is called a " bull-head" or a " buster." This latter is exceedingly double. When the hybrid 180 Plant-Breeding commercial types are self-fertilized, they produce progeny in the approximate ratio of 1 single : 2 commercial doubles : 1 dpuble-double or bull-head (Fig. 45). FIG. 45. — Hybrid carnation (center) between a single and a burster, showing intermediacy. The hybrids between a large, apple-shaped tomato and a small, pear-shaped one are intermediate between the parents in the first generation, as has already been noted. In all probability there are represented in the above characters more than one unit. Emerson has made similar observations in beans, gourds, and maize, Locke in maize, and Castle in rabbits. "While it is not uncommon," says Spillman, "for a character to be dominant or recessive in a cross, it is seldom that dominance is absolute. The presence of the recessive characters can easily be detected, and in some cases very easily. Thus in the cross between bearded Heredity 181 and smooth wheat the hybrids usually show a slight tend- ency to be bearded. Likewise, the cross between horned and polled cattle may have scars (hornlessness is dominant) . It frequently happens that instead of either of two opposite characters being dominant, we get a form intermediate between the two parent forms. Thus, in the cross be- tween long-headed wheat and the short-headed club wheats of the Pacific Coast, the hybrids have heads of intermediate length, though they are much more like club wheat than they are like the ordinary kinds, so that the club character is at least partially dominant. In cer- tain crosses between red-flowered and white-flowered ornamental plants the hybrids are pink." Presence-and-absence hypothesis. — The phenomena of mendelian inheritance may be explained in one of two ways : first, the presence of a definite substance in the germ cells of both parents representing each unit-character in the allelomorphic pair, and, second, the " presence-and- absence" hypothesis. The latter assumes that what appears to be a pair of characters is really the presence and absence of a single character. Examples of mendelian inheritance due to the presence- and-absence of a single unit. — Red flowers may be due to the presence of red, and white flowers to its absence. The wrinkled pea owes its character to the absence of something which the round pea possesses. Darbishire has found in the round pea that all of the sugar has been converted into starch, while only a part of it has been thus converted in the wrinkled pea and the wrinkling is primarily due to the escape of the water from the solu- 182 Plant-Breeding tion of sugar left over after ripening, and, consequently, in the last resort due to the absence of that which completes the conversion of the sugar into starch or, at any rate, to an insufficiency in the quantity of that substance, whatever it is. The round pea has the full share of this substance, the wrinkled pea an insufficient one. Some- thing is absent from the wrinkled which is fully present in the round. The same author applies the presence-and-absence hypothesis to another pair of characters in peas, the color of the cotyledons. The two characters which meet the eye are yellow and green. But the matter is ' not so simple as this. Bunyard has shown that there is a yellow and a green pigment both in the yellow and in the green cotyledon. When both are present at' the same time, as in the ripe but still moist pea, the green masks the yellow. All peas, both yellow and green varieties, are green when they are eaten. Just as cooks think that all peas -are round, so they think that all peas are green. It is only gardeners who sow and harvest them who know the distinction between yellow and green. The ripe but still moist cotyledons of both yellow- and green-seeded varieties are, therefore, green. The yellow kinds become yellow as they ripen ; the green do not change color during this process. The yellowing of the former is brought about by the gradual fading and dis- appearance of the green pigment, which thus leaves the yellow pigment (which is present in both kinds) exposed. The successive stages in the fading of the green can be easily observed. The simultaneous presence of both Heredity 183 green and yellow pigment in yellow and in green peas has also been demonstrated. Green-seeded varieties therefore contain two pigments in their cotyledons, a yellow and a green ; neither of them fades during the process of ripening, and inasmuch as the green masks the yellow, the ripe seed is green. Yellow- seeded varieties also contain the same two pigments, but the green fades in the process of ripening, so that the ripe seed is yellow. This fading of the green pigment in the yellow pea is supposed to be brought about by the presence of some substance which is absent from the green pea. Similarly, when the apparent absence of a character is dominant, as in the case of dominance of hornlessness in cattle and of white color in swine, there is believed to be present an inhibiting factor or " inhibitor" which pre- vents the formation of the black pigment. In other words, it is the presence of the inhibitor (causing white) over its absence (black) which explains the phenomena of the dominance of white over black. It is not the dominance of an absent factor, but the presence of an unseen inhibitor, which reacts upon the otherwise visible character, causing it to disappear. Let us now consider another type of cause which may be explained on the basis of the presence-and-absence hypothesis. The heredity of the combs of fowls has been carefully studied by Bateson, Davenport, Punnett, and others. The latter gives an excellent description l of this on the presence-and-absence hypothesis. Four types of combs are recognized ; namely, rose, pea, walnut, and single. (See Fig. 46.) 1 Punnett, " Mendelism," pp. 35, 36. 184 Plant-Breeding B Rose and pea combs behave as simple dominants to single comb, segregating in the F% generation in the nor- mal 3 : 1 ratio. What happens when the two dominants are bred together? It was found that a third type ap- peared as an FI hybrid, the so-called walnut comb. When these FI hybrids were bred inter se, four types of combs were found among the F2 prog- eny ; namely, walnut, pea, rose, and single in the approximate ratios of 9:3:3:1 respectively. What is the explanation of this unusual phe- nomenon ? We are evidently concerned with two allelomorphic pairs of characters, which are the presence-and- absence of rose comb (R) and the presence-and-absence of pea comb (P). As suggested by Punnett, let us denote the rose comb by RRpp (containing the presence of rose and the absence of pea) and the pea comb by rrPP. When these are crossed together, the zygote RrPp results. This differs from either and has a walnut comb. When these FI hybrids are crossed together (RrPp X RrPp), the fol- lowing results may be graphically expressed in the series of squares : — • FIG. 46. — Fowls' combs: A, pea; B, rose C, single ; D, walnut. Heredity 185 RP SPERMATOZOA Rp rP rp RP Rp rP rp RP RP Walnut RP Rp Walnut RP rP Walnut RP rp Walnut RP Rp Walnut Rp Rp Walnut Rp rP Walnut Rp rp Rose RP rP Walnut Rp rP Walnut rP rP Pea rP rp Pea RP rp Walnut Rp rp Rose rp rP Pea rp rp Single Diagram to illustrate the nature of the F2 generation from the cross of rose comb X pea comb. (After Punnett.) All the resulting zygotes containing both rose and pea (RP) will be walnut ; those containing rose only (R) and not pea (p) will be rose and those containing pea only (P) and not rose (r) will be pea-combed. But all individuals containing neither rose nor pea will have single combs. This was found to be a pure recessive and to breed true. The character of singleness seems to underlie all the types of comb and appears whenever allowed to do so by the absence of something representing the other kinds. Mendelian inheritance of color. — Colors of plants or animals are generally very complex and often consist of many units of different kinds. Very rarely a certain color may be said to be due to a single unit acting alone. A knowledge of the kinds of color and the constitution of each is necessary to understand their inheritance. 186 Plant-Breeding 1. White is due to the absence of pigment, and to the reflection of light from the cells. 2. Green color is caused by the presence of a green pigment in the chlorophyll. 3. Yellow, cream, and related colors are due to a yellow pigment either associated with green in the chloro- plasts or found alone in the chromoplasts, generally the latter. Yellow may sometimes come from the cell-sap. 4. Red color may, under certain circumstances, be due to the presence of that pigment in the chromoplasts, but it is ordinarily a cell-sap color. 5. Most of the remaining colors, purple, blue, generally red, pink, etc., are due to pigments in the cell-sap. 6. Many of the colors and shades found in flowers are the result of both plastid colors and cell-sap colors acting together in various amounts. 7. Certain of the denser plastids or cell-sap colors may cover up the more delicate colors so that they cannot be seen. 8. Finally, the color in the cell-sap may be due to the relative presence of a non-nitrogenous and chemical substance anthocyanin. This is blue in an alkaline and red in acid reacting cell-sap, and, under certain conditions, also dark red, violet, dark blue, and even blackish blue. Anthocyanin can be obtained from the supersaturated cell-sap of a number of deeply colored parts of plants in a crystalline or amorphous form. Blood-colored leaves, such as those of the Copper Beach, owe their characteris- tic appearance to the united presence of green chlorophyll and anthocyanin. The different colors of flowers are due to the varying color of the cell-sap, to the different dis- Heredity 187 tribution of the cells containing the colored cell-sap, and also to the combinations of dissolved coloring matter with the yellow, orange, and red chromoplasts and the green chloroplasts. There is occasionally found in the cell-sap a yellow coloring matter known as xan- thein ; it is nearly related to xanthophyll, but soluble in water. Thus we see the plant colors are not always unit-charac- ters, such as hairiness, glabrousness, and the like. Certain colors found in plants, purple flowers, for example, are the result of the union of certain other pigments. These pigments are produced by definite units in the gametes. Color inheritance thus becomes very complicated as the results of certain crossings indicate. White flowers in F2 from red X cream. — Bateson points out a typical case of the paradoxical appearance of white- flowered individuals in the F2 from the cross of a sap- colored variety with a variety having cream-colored flowers. For example, in sweet peas or stocks, when a red-flowered type is crossed with a cream, FI is red with- out any cream color. F2 consists of 9 without cream, 3 reds with cream, 3 whites, 1 cream. The red-flowered variety consists of red sap color only and the cream variety of yellow plastids only. These are inherited separately in the hybrids. The 9 reds of the Ft hybrids have a much brighter red color than the red-creams. In the latter the red is diluted by the yellow plastids. When the allelomorphs are correctly distinguished, the significance of this series is obvious. The operations may be shown in tabular form, thus : — 188 Plant-Breeding Parents .... Red variety X Cream variety Red Sap (D) Colorless sap (r) Colorless corpuscles (D) Yellow corpuscles (r) p ( Red sap \ Colorless corpuscles 2 T 1 1 F~ ~V~ HT ~ I Red sap Red sap Colorless sap Colorless sap Colorless Yellow Colorless Yellow corpuscles corpuscles corpuscles corpuscles Appearance 9 red 3 red-cream 3 white 1 cream The ratio 9:3:4. — The F* ratio, 9 : 3 : 4, is one which very frequently occurs in mendelian analysis. For ex- ample, as Tschermak found, when a pink-and-white flowered eating pea (Pisum sativum) is crossed with a white-flowered type, FI is often the original purple-flowered. Then F2 will be 9 purple : 3 pink and white : 4 white. In this case the factor for purple is evidently brought in by the albino. The latter contains the presence of purple, which needs a factor from the other parent to bring it out, and the absence of pink and white. The other parent contains the presence of pink and white and the absence of a factor for purple. All that is essen- tial for the production of the ratio in F2 is that F\ should be heterozygous for two factors, of which one is percep- tible whenever present, while the other needs the presence of the first in order that its own effects may be mani- fested. Emerson's experiments with beans. — By crossing self- colored varieties of beans with white varieties, Emerson Heredity 189 obtained in the FI generation, 65 mottled. In F2 genera- tion there were 113 mottled, 52 self-colored, and 70 white, that is, in the ratio of 6.45 : 2.97 : 4 instead of 9:3:4. In the Fz generation he secured the following results : — 1. All white seeds produced white seeds. 2. 7 mottled gave 22 mottled, 19 self-colored, 11 white. 3. 2 mottled yielded 13 mottled, 13 self-colored. 4. 4 mottled bore 5 mottled, 5 white. 5. 2 mottled produced 6 mottled. 6. 5 self-colored gave 63 self-colored. 7. 9 self-colored yielded 80 self-colored, 29 whites. For the purpose of explaining the above, Emerson adopted the formula of Shull. 1. P and p for the factor presence and absence of pig- ment. 2. M and ra for the factor presence and absence of mottling. 3. Pm = self-colored. 4. pM = white. 5. PM = mottled. Thus he considers a self-colored variety containing the factor for pigment and having no factor for mottling. The white variety lacks the factor for pigment, but has the factor for mottling. The mottled form is originated by the presence of two factors, for the pigment and mottling. If we follow these formulae, we must confer to the F\ generation the following gametic composition, PpMm, since FI hybrids will produce 9 mottled, 3 self-colored, and 4 white for the F2 generation as seen on page 190 : — 190 Plant-Breeding PM POLLEN-GRAINS Pm pM pm PM Pm pm PM PM Mottled Pm PM Mottled pM PM Mottled pm PM Mottled PM Pm Mottled Pm Pm Self pM Pm Mottled pm Pm Self PM pM Mottled Pm pm Mottled pM pM White pm pM White PM pm Mottled Pm pm Self pM pm White pm pm White The ratio of 6.45 : 2.97, instead of 9 : 3 : 4, seems to be chiefly due to the paucity of number treated for hybridi- zation. Doubtless it is no small importance to study the ratio of offspring in Fs in the light of the theoretical deduction. But here again the insufficient number of seeds informs us of its inadvisibility. In conclusion Emerson says: "The result of most of my own experiments might be explained as due to the mendelian behavior of an allelomorphic pair, Mm presence and absence of mottling, M being visible only in the pres- ence of P." Colored forms from white X white and the 9 : 7 ratio. — • In the case of the sweet peas, Bateson has shown that the formation of color in the flowers can be proved to depend on the coexistence of two complementary factors in the individual. He says that the first indication of this phenomenon Heredity 191 was found in the fact that two plants, each totally devoid of color in the flowers and stems and each breeding true to albinism may, when crossed together, give purple flowers in FI. The two white parents each contain a factor which, alone, is incapable of forming color. Each of these factors is independently transmitted in gameto- genesis, and thus in F2 the ratio of colored individuals to whites is 9:7. This proportion depends on the fact that a series of 16 individuals is necessary to exhibit all the possible combinations of germ cells, for, as in any example of hybridization involving two pairs of allelomorphs, there will be four types of female cells and four types of male cells produced by FI. Of these sixteen individuals, 9 will contain both the dominant or present factors, while of the remaining seven individuals, 3 will contain one dominant, 3 will contain the other, and 1 will contain neither. There will, therefore, be 9 which are colored and 7 which are albino. In the diagram (p. 192) C and R are the symbols representing the two comple- mentary factors, c and r being their respective allelomor- phic absences. Absence factors. — It may be well for us in this connection to touch upon the different conceptions of several investiga- tors on such characters as cannot be seen without resorting to breeding tests. Tschermak considers the appearance of mottling in FI between a white and self-colored varieties due to the presence of mottling in a latent condition in the self-colored variety. Latency in his view is inactivity. Shull often speaks of latent characters, but latency, according to him, means invisibility and not dormancy or inactivity. 192 Plant-Breeding CR POLLEN-GRAINS Cr cR cr CR 3 Cr H 1 O cr CR CR Colored Cr CR Colored cR CR Colored cr CR Colored CR Cr Colored Cr Cr White cR Cr Colored cr Cr White CR cR Colored Cr cR Colored cR cR White cr cR White CR cr Colored Cr cr White cR cr White cr cr White Composition of the 9 colored and 7 albino offspring in FZ from the cross between the albino Cr with albino cR, showing the ratio 9 colored : 7 albino. On the other hand, Bateson advocates the undesir- ability of using such a terminology. He scorns the idea that there is latency of mottling or red in the white forms. Certain factors may be present which are absolutely necessary for the production of such pigments, but this fact does not lead us to contend that there are those colors latent. He emphasizes stating that " sulphate of copper is blue and chloride of copper is green, but it would be incorrect to speak of blue as latent in sulphuric acid, or of green as latent in hydrochloric acid." Hurst seems to have difficulty to perceive a factor for absence. He brings forth three distinct views : — 1. The absence factor may be a concrete one, literally representing absence. Heredity 193 2. It may be nothing but presence in a latent state. 3. There may not be such a factor as the absence factor. Of the three proposed, the first seems to be, Hurst remarks, the simplest, but it is difficult to realize and understand how such an absence factor is originated. Furthermore, he says: " There are many cases where the factor .for presence is in a latent condition." The third explanation meets an objection in the fact that there is no pairing of factors in cross-breeding. Consequently, it follows that, according to this view, it is impossible to explain the phenomenon of segregation. Mutations resulting from mendelian segregation and re- combination. — It is very probable that many mutations which appear suddenly and remain constant are the result of mendelian segregation and recombination. If many unit-characters are involved, it is easily perceived how certain combinations of these would produce plants of unusual appearance which will be homozygous and breed true. Reference to Table I, p. 176, will show the great possibilities of obtaining apparently new characters by new combinations of old ones. It will be noted that when as many as 10 allelomorphs are involved, and this does not seem to be an impossible number, there is the possibility of producing 1024 different visible types. Mutations which mendelize are constant. — The effect of swamping of mutations by crossing is prevented be- cause of their continued identity due to the purity of the germ-cells which represent them. Mutations may be due to three things : (a) the ac- quisition of one or more new characters, (6) the loss of o 194 Plant-Breeding one or more characters, and (c) recombination of existing characters. If the mutation is due to the addition of a new char- acter and it remains constant, there must be present in its germ-cells some unit to represent that new character as there was in the gametes of the parent which produced it. Likewise, if a character is lost, its germinal potentiality must have become lost or entered into a latent condition. If mutations of these types are crossed, the new gametic representatives or absences in the case of a lost character become pure in the germ-cells and reappear in the next generation. Hence they are not lost. If the mutation has a hybrid beginning and is due to an unusual combination of characters, this condition can- not be lost, as this certain combination which has once occurred will reproduce true if it is homozygous, or if not, it having occurred once may appear again through a like combination of unit-characters even though crossing and amphimixis may have taken place. Mendelism in wheat. — As a specific example of evident mendelian results, W. J. Spillman, agriculturist of the Department of Agriculture, here explains some of his ex- periments with wheat.1 Mr. Spillman independently dis- covered numerical results, before the knowledge of the mendelian experiments had become generally known. "The photograph (Fig. 47) shows three generations of one of my hybrid wheats. Of the three heads in the upper row, the left-hand one is the male parent (variety Valley) ; the right-hand one is the female parent (variety 1 Published in fourth edition of this work, 1906 ; and here reproduced nearly entire for its historical as well as for its plant-breeding value. Heredity 195 FIG. 47. — Three generations of hybrid wheat: A 1 = male parent, A 2 = the hybrid, A 3 = female parent ; B 1-6 = the progeny of A 2 ; C 1 = progeny of B 1, C 2-4 = progeny of B 2, C 5 = progeny of B 3, C 6 and 7 = progeny of B 4, C 8-13 = progeny of B 5, C 14 and 15 = progeny of B 6. The results in the fourth generation, available too late to include in the photograph, indicate that B 2 and B 3, while not always separable on external appearances, are absolutely different, the one being hybrid, the other pure. Little Club) ; and the middle one is the hybrid. The second row shows the second generation, and .the third row the third generation. Of the six types in the second generation, the following points are important : Each 196 Plant-Breeding type was present in a certain proportion, which was ap- proximately the same as in thirteen other similar cases, and the average of these fourteen cases approximated the theoretical numbers called for by Mendel's hypothesis of the disjunction of parental characters. The three at the left, being bearded, possess a character which was latent in the first generation. The fact that the beards show in these three indicates that the opposite character is absent, and they should therefore remain bearded in succeeding generations. That is, they are no longer hybrid with reference to this character. It will be observed that this was actually the case, for no beard- less heads appeared in the progeny of either of these three (see lower row, first five heads). The following diagram will show the character of each of the six types in row 2. In this diagram the letters have the following meanings : — B = bearded (written b when latent) . S = smooth (not bearded). L = long heads. C = Club heads (short). I = Intermediate in length of head. (The hybrid was intermediate in this respect.) PARENTS FIRST GENERATION SECOND GENERATION BL SC, Sbl BL BI BC SbL Sbl 2 SbC 1 SL 2 SI 16 Heredity 197 "This diagram shows the nine types called for by Mendel's theory. Of these, EL, BC, SL, and SC are no longer hybrids — at least they have no latent char- acters, and will therefore reproduce true to seed. Of the remaining five types, BI and SI are hybrid only with reference to length of head, and SbL and SbC only with reference to beards; while Sbl is hybrid with reference to both characters, as in the preceding generation. "It will readily be seen that the types BL and BC can be separated from the others even by external appearances, and obtained in a pure state. BL is the type shown at the left in the second row in the picture, and all its prog- eny was like it, showing that it conformed to theory. BC is the type shown at No. 3 in the second row of heads ; being pure, it should reproduce itself true to type, which it did, with an easily explained exception to be noted be- low. The type BI (shown at No. 2, row 2), being hybrid with reference to length of head, should produce again all types based on this character, and it did this, as is seen in heads Z-4, row 3. Referring again to the above diagram, it will be seen that the types SL and SbL cannot be distinguished by external characters. SL will of course reproduce true to type, while SbL will reproduce SL} SbL, and BL. Now SL and SbL being mixed together in the selection made in the second generation, we shall find a large percentage of SL mixed with some SbL from which it cannot be distinguished, and a small percentage of BL in the third generation. Heads 6 and 7, row 3, show that the types called for actually occurred. Types SI and Sbl of the diagram appear alike externally, and were there- fore selected together in the second generation (see head 198 Plant-Breeding 5, row 2). Now SI should produce the types SL, SI, SC, while. Sbl should produce all nine types again (these nine types can be separated only into six by exter- nal appearance). It is therefore seen that the group represented by head 5, row 2, should produce all six types again. Heads 8-13, row 3, show these types. Types SbC and SC of the diagram are alike externally, and were hence selected together last year. Of these SC should produce only SC, while SbC should produce SC, SbC, and EC. But since SC and SbC look alike, the progeny of these two types should show only SC and BC. The last two heads in row 3 show that this actually occurred. "In the single set of heads shown, there were two easily explained exceptions to theory. It will be seen that heads 2 and 3, row 2, differ only in length ; now the group represented by head 2 varied in length from that of 1 to that of 3. In separating 2 and 3, it might easily happen that some of 3 should be placed with 2. In this case the progeny of 3 would show a few heads like 1, and this was the case. I have shown in the photograph only the heads called for by theory, for it would only lead to con- fusion to include the exceptions which would probably not have occurred if 2 and 3 of row 2 had been accurately separated last year. Again, in the progeny of the group represented by head 5, row 2, only five of the six types shown (row 3, heads 8-13) were found in this particular case, though all six were found in most of the others. As the missing type should constitute only 4£ per cent of the group, and as it differed from one of the others only slightly, it is possible that it was included with the related type when the selections were made. Heredity 199 "I have not yet seen the data for the third generation of all these wheats, but those which are at hand are decidedly interesting. The following are the data for the third generation of the cross between Jones Winter Fife (male) and Little Club (female). The fife is long- headed and has velvet chaff (V) ; the Club short-headed, and has glabrous chaff (G). Velvet proved to be domi- nant over glabrous and the hybrids were intermediate in length. Type I of the second generation included the two types VL and VgL, since these could not be distin- guished by external appearances. Seed of Type I pro- duced in the third generation : — PERCENTAGE OP TYPES PLOT I = VL ll = GL 1 87 13 2 81 19 Theory 83 1 16f The figures for the remaining five second-generation types are as follows : - TYPE II = GL PERCENTAGE OP TYPES PLOT II 1 100 2 100 Theory 100 TYPE III = VI AND Vgl PLOT I II III IV V VI 1 21 7 38 9 20 5 2 W_ 4| 38_ 12 15 4| Theory 20 f 4| 41 f 8£ 20 f 4* 200 Plant-Breeding TYPE IV = GI PLOT II IV VI 1 28 52 20 2 31 47 22 Theory 25 50 25 TYPE V = VC AND VgC PLOT % I II V VI 1 2.4 80.0 17.6 2 4.72.6 79.8 12.9 Theory 83£ 16f TYPE VI = GC PLOT II VI 1 7.7 92.3 2 100.0 Theory 100.0 "The only departures from theory of any consequence in these data are the occurrence of small amounts of Types I and II in the progeny of V, and of II in the prog- eny of VI. Now, Type V of the second generation (VC and VgC) differed from Type III (77) only in being slightly shorter. If a few individuals of III had been included in V in separating the types of the second gen- eration, we should have the actual result obtained in the third generation. Likewise, Type VI of the second gen- eration (GC) differed from II (GI) in the same manner. Evidently a few plants of II got into the Type VI last year, and thus gave the results shown." Mendelism summarized. — This, in barest epitome, is the teaching of Mendel. This teaching strikes at the root of two or three difficult and vital problems. It represents Heredity 201 a new conception of the proximate mechanism of heredity, although it does not represent a complete hypothesis of heredity, since it begins with the gametes after they are formed and does not account for the constitution of the gametes, nor the way in which the parental characters are impressed upon them. This hypothesis focuses our attention along new lines, and will arouse more discussion than Weismann's hypothesis did ; and it will have a much wider influence. Whether it expresses the actual means of heredity or not it is yet much too early to say ; but this hypothesis is a greater contribution to science than the so-called "Mendel Law" as to the numerical results of hybridization : the hypothesis attempts to explain the "law." One great merit of the hypothesis is the fact that its basis is a morphological unit, or at least an appreciable unit, not a mere imaginary concept. This unit should be capable of direct study, at least in some of its phases. It would seem that the mendelian hypothesis would give a new direction to cytological research.1 It is yet too early to say how far Mendel's law applies. We shall need to restudy the work that has been done and to do new work along more definite lines. There are relatively few former results or experiments that can be conformed to Mendel's law, because the data are not complete enough or not made from the proper point of view. We should expect the fundamental results to be masked when the plants with which we work are 1 See, for example, "A Cytological Basis for the Mendelian Laws," Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29, 657 (1902), by W. A. Cannon; and other papers of this kind. 202 Plant-Breeding themselves unstable, when cross-fertilization is allowed to take place, or when the pairs of contrasting characters are very numerous and very complex. Application to plant-breeding. — The wildest prophecies have been made in respect to the application of Mendel's law to the practice of plant-breeding, for the mathe- matical formulae express only definiteness and precision. Unfortunately, the formulae cannot express the indefinite- ness and the unprecision which even Mendel found in his work. The greatest benefit of Mendel's work to the plant-breeder will be in improving the methods of ex- perimenting. We can no longer be satisfied with mere " trials'' in hybridizing: we must plan the work with great care, have definite ideals, "work to a line," and make accurate and statistical studies of the separate marks or characters of plants. His work suggests what we are to look for. The time may come when the hybridizer will be able with many plants to make out beforehand plans and speci- fications for their breeding and for carrying these through with a large degree of exactness. The best breeders now breed to unit-characters, for this is the significance of such expressions as "avoid breeding for antagonistic characters," "breed for one thing at a time," "know what you want," "have a definite ideal," " keep the variety up to a standard." In certain classes of plants the mendelian laws will be found to apply with great regularity, and in these we shall be able to know be- forehand about what to expect (Fig. 48) . The number of cases in which the law or some modification of it applies is being extended daily, both for animals and plants ; but FEMALE PARENT VARIETY— Yellow Plum HYBRID MALE PARENT VARIETY— Quarter Century Height— tall Color— yellow Size— small plum Height-/a« Color— red Size— intermediate FJ HYBRIDS Helght-4u>ar/ Color-red Slto-larae round Height— tall Color— red Size— small plum Height— tall Color— red Size — intermediate Height— tall Color-yellow Size— small plum Height— dwarf Color — red Size— small plum Height— dwarf Color— ^red S Iz e — in ter mediate Height— tall Color— red Size — large round Height— tall Color— yellow Size— intermediate Height— dwqrf Color— -yellow Size— small plum O Height-tall Color— yellow Size— large round Height— dwarf Color—red Size — large round Height— dwarf Color — yellow Size — intermediate Height— dwarf Color— yellow Size — large round FIG. 48. — Mendelism in tomatoes. There were, found in a field of Fz hybrids, the 12 distinct types, illustrated above. This redistribution of characters illustrates an important economic bearing of Mendel's law. 203 204 Plant-Breeding in practice we shall probably find as many exceptions to the formula? as confirmations of them, even though the exceptions can be explained, after we find them, by Men- del's principles of heredity. The probable limits of mendelism in the production of new varieties. — It has been said that we shall soon be able, as a result of Mendel's discoveries, to predict varie- ties in plant-breeding. Before considering this question, we must recall the fact that a cultural variety is a succes- sion of plants with characters sufficiently marked and uniform to make it worth while cultivating in place of some older variety. Now and then it may be worth while to introduce some new energy or new trend into a general lot of offspring by making wholesale crosses, not expecting ever ta segregate any particular variety or strain from the progeny ; but these cases are rare, and the gain is indefinite *and temporary. So far as our knowledge at present goes, we see no warrant for the hope that we can predict varieties with any degree of exactness, at least not beyond a very narrow effort. Following are some of the reasons that seem to argue against the probability of useful prophecy of varieties so far as the mende- lian results are concerned : (1) We do not know what plants will mendelize until we try. (2) Even in plants that do not mendelize, one-half of the offspring have stable characters. But we cannot predict for even this half, for it is impossible to determine beforehand which seeds showing dominant characters (and these are three- fourths of the offspring) will "come true." Dominance, as we have seen, is of two kinds in respect to its behavior in the next generation, — constant and hybrid ; and the Heredity 205 hybrid dominance, which is twice as frequent as the other, breaks up into constant dominance, hybrid domi- nance, and recessiveness. (3) Mendel's law deals pri- •marily with mere characters, not with a variety or with a plant as a whole. Every plant is a composite of a mul- titude of characters, and from the plant-breeder's point of view there may be as many undesirable characters as desirable ones. No plant is perfect; if it were, there would be no need of plant-breeding. The breeders want to preserve the desirable characters or traits and elimi- nate the undesirable ones ; but under the strict interpre- tation of mendelism this may be difficult and perhaps impossible. The one egg gamete and the one sperm gamete that unite to make the new plant, each contains all the alternative parental characters; these various characters appear in the offspring, and all that the breeder gains is a new combination or arrangement of characters, and the undesirable attributes may be as troublesome as before. (4) The breeder usually wants wholly new characters as well as recombinations of old ones, or he wants augmented characters, and these lie outside the true mendelian categories. For example, a carnation grower wants a four-inch flower, but he has only three- inch flowers to work with, and the augmentation of char- acters is no part of the original mendelian law. Perhaps these augmented and new characters are to be got by means of ordinary variation and selection, or other extra- crossing means; but we know, as a matter of fact, that augmented characters do sometimes appear in hybrids. (5) New and unpredictable characters are likely to arise from the influence of environment or other causes, and 206 Plant-Breeding very likely may be recorded in the gametes and vitiate the final results. (6) Variability itself may be a unit- character and therefore pass over. There is probably such a thing as a " tendency to vary/' wholly aside from the fact of variation. (7) Many of the plants with which we need most to work in plant-breeding are themselves eminently variable, and the results, even if there is true mendelism, may be so uncertain as to be wholly unpre- dictable. (8) Many plants with which we must work will not close-fertilize. Some of them are monoecious or dioecious. Even if there is gametic purity in such plants, the probability is that the fact can be discovered only by a long line of scientific experimenting for that particular purpose and not by the work of the man who desires only to breed new plants. (9) A cultural variety, in any true acceptation of the term, is a series of closely related plants having a pedigree. It runs back to one individ- ual plant, from which propagation has been made by seeds or asexual parts. Now, one can never predict just what combination of characters any plant will have, even though it be strictly mendelian. A person might have a thousand hybrids of which no one plant shows any two characters in the proportion of 3 to 1 (both seed-char- acters may appear in the same pod or in different pods) on the same plant, let alone all the characters as 3 to 1 or in other definite relation ; and yet the total average numeri- cal results might conform exactly to the mendelian law. Mendel's law is a law of averages. For example, in ten plants of peas, Mendel found the following ratios in respect to seed-shape and seed-color. (Similar ratios were found for other characters.) Heredity 207 SHAPE COLOR SHAPE COLOB 3.75 : 1 2.27 : 1 4.33 : 1 3.33 : 1 3.37 : 1 4.57 : 1 3.66 : 1 2.43 : 1 3.43 : 1 2.80 : 1 2.20 : 1 4.88 : 1 1.90:1 2.59 : 1 4.66 : 1 3.57 : 1 2.91 : 1 1.85:1 3.57 : 1 2.44 r 1 Mendel reports one instance in which the ratio in seed- shape was 21 to 1, and another of 1 to 1. He also reports instances of seed-color of 32 to 1, and 1 to 1. It has been said that, because of Mendel's work, we shall be able to produce hybrid varieties with the same certainty that we produce chemical compounds. Now, a plant is made up of many combinations of many units, and these com- binations are the results of mathematical chance or prob- ability. Of course, when the offspring are numerous, all possible combinations are likely to occur; but these occurrences are essentially fortuitous. Chemical com- pounds are specific entities in which the parts combine by necessity with definiteness. The comparison is fallacious and the conclusion unsound. We must remember that there are whole classes of cases of plant-breeding that do not fall under hybridization at all. Granting the de Vriesan view that selection is incom- petent to produce species from individual fluctuations, it is nevertheless well established (and admitted by de Vries) that very many of our best cultural varieties have been brought to their present state of perfection by means of selection; and by selection they are maintained in their usefulness. Selection will always be a most important agency in the hands of the gardener and the plant-breeder 208 Plant-Breeding — none the less so now that we have challenged its role in the evolution of the plant kingdom. For the time being, the new discussions of hybridizations are likely to overshadow all other agencies in plant-breeding; but selection under cultivation is as important now as it was in the days of van Mons and Darwin. Conclusion. — Now, in conclusion, what are ihe great things that we have learned from these newer studies? (1) In the first place, we have been brought to a full stop in respect to our ways of thinking on these evolution subjects. (2) We are compelled to give up forever the taxonomic idea of rigid species as a basis for studying the process of evolution. (3) The experimental method has finally been completely launched and set under way. Laboratory methods, comparative morphology, embry- ological recapitulation, life-history studies, ecological in- vestigations — all these means are likely to be overshad- owed for a time by experiments in actually growing the things under conditions of control. (4) We must study great numbers of individuals and employ statistical methods of comparison. (5) The doctrine of discontin- uous evolution is now clearly before us. (6) We are beginning to find a pathway through the bewildering maze of hybridization. CHAPTER VIII HOW DOMESTIC VARIETIES ORIGINATE "THE key is man's power of accumulative selection: nature gives successive variations; man adds them up in certain directions useful to him." This, in Darwin's phrase, is the essence of the cultivator's skill in ameliorat- ing the vegetable kingdom. So far as man is concerned, the origin of the initial variation is largely chance, but this start or variation once given, he has the power, in most cases, to perpetuate it and to modify its characters. There, then, are two very different factors or problems in the origination of garden varieties, — the production of the first departure or variation, and the subsequent breeding of it. Persons who give little thought to the subject look upon variation as the end of their endeavors, thinking that a form comes into being with all its char- acters well marked and fixed. In reality, however, variation may be but the beginning in the process ; selec- tion is the end so far as the plant-breeder is concerned. Indeterminate varieties. — There are two general classes of garden varieties in respect to the method of their origin, — those that come into existence somewhat suddenly and which require little else of the husband- man than the multiplication of them, and those that p 209 210 Plant-Breeding are the result of a slow evolution or direct breeding. The former are indeterminate or uncertain, and the latter are determinate or definite. The greater part of those in the first class are plants that are multiplied or divided by bud-propagation. They comprise nearly all our fruits, the woody ornamental plants, and such herbaceous gen- era as begonia, canna, gladiolus, lily, dahlia, carnation, chrysanthemum, and the like, — in fact, all those multi- plied by grafting, cuttings, bulbs, or other asexual parts. The original plant may be either a seedling or a bud-sport. The gardener, who is always on the look-out for novelties, discovers its good qualities and propagates it. Varieties which are habitually multiplied by buds, as in those plants that have been mentioned in the last para- graph, vary widely when grown from seeds, so that every seedling may be markedly distinct. As soon, however, as varieties are widely and exclusively propagated by seeds, they develop a capability of carrying the greater part of the individual differences down to the offspring. That is, seedlings from bud-multiplied plants do not ''come true," as a rule, whilst those from seed-propagated plants do "come true." The reason of this difference will be- come apparent on a moment's reflection. In the seed- propagated plants, like the kitchen-garden vegetables and the annual flowers, we select the seeds and thereby eliminate all those variations which would have arisen had the discarded seeds been sown. In other words, we are constantly fixing the tendency to "come true," for this feature of plants is as much a variation as is form or color or any other attribute. Suppose, for example, that a certain variation were to receive two opposite treatments, How Domestic Varieties Originate 211 the seeds from one-half of the progeny being carefully selected year by year, and all those from untypical plants discarded, whilst in the other half all the seeds from all the plants, whether good or bad, are saved and sown. In the one case, it will be seen, we are fixing the tendency to "come true," for this is all that constitutes a horticul- tural variety, — a brood very much like all its parents. In the other case, we are constantly eliminating the tendency to "come true" by allowing every modifying agency full chance. So the very act of taking seeds only from plants that have "come true," tends still more strongly to fix the hereditary force within narrow limits. Working against this restrictive force, however, are all the agencies of environment and atavism, so that, fortu- nately, now and then a seed gives a "rogue," or a plant widely unlike its parents, and this may be the start for a new variety. With bud-multiplied varieties, however, the case is very different. Here every seed may be sown, as in the illustrative case above, because the seedlings are not wanted for themselves, but only as stocks on which to bud or graft the desired varieties. So there is no seed selection in the ordinary propagation of apples, pears, peaches, and the usual orchard fruits. The seeds are taken indiscriminately from pomace or the refuse of can- ning or evaporating factories. Moreover, many such varieties are hybrid, and when propagated by seed, split up into many forms. But every annual garden vegetable is always grown from seeds more or less carefully saved from plants that possess some desired attribute. There is no reason why the tree fruits should not reproduce them- 212 Plant-Breeding selves from seeds just as closely as do the annual herbs, if they were to be as carefully propagated by selected seeds through a long course of generations. There is excellent proof of this in the well-marked races or families of Rus- sian apples. In that country, grafting had been little employed, and consequently it has been necessary to select seeds only from acceptable trees in order that the off- spring might be more acceptable. So the Russian apples have come to run in groups or families, each family bear- ing the mark of some strong ancestor. Most of the seedlings of the Oldenburg are recognizable because of their likeness to the parent. We may thus trace an incipient tendency in our own fruits towards racial characters. The Fameuse type of apples, for example, tends to perpetuate itself ; and a similar tendency is very well marked in the Damson and Green Gage plums, the Orange quince, Concord grapes, and Hill's Chili and Crawford peaches. But inasmuch as bud-multiplication is so essential in nursery practice, we can hardly hope for the time when our trees and shrubs, or even our per- ennial herbs, will "come true" with much certainty. In them, therefore, we get new varieties by simply sowing seeds; but in seed-propagated varieties we must depend either on chance variations or else we must resort to definite plant-breeding. Plant-breeding. — The breeding of domestic animals is attended, for the most part, with such definite and often precise results that there has come to be a general desire to extend the same principles to plants. It is not unusual to hear well-informed people say that it is possible to breed plants with as much certainty and exactness as it is to How Domestic Varieties Originate 213 214 Plant-Breeding How Domestic Varieties Originate 215 breed animals. The fact is, however, that such exactness will never be possible, because plants are very unlike animals in organization, and because, also, the objects sought in the two cases are character- istically unlike. Plants, as we have seen, are made up of a colony of poten- tial individuals, and to breed between two plants by cross- ing means that we must choose the sex-parents from amongst as many individuals as there are f 1 o wers or branches on the two plants, whilst in animals we choose two definite personal parents. And these personal parents are either male or fe- FIG. 51. — Improving the tomato : A, fruit of approximately ideal form secured by cross- ing and selection; B, fruit showing im- perfections and undesirable characters. (Yearbook, U. S. Dept. Agric.) male, and the union is essential to the production of offspring, whilst in plants each parent — that is, each flower — is usually both male and female^ and the union of two is not essential to the produc- tion of offspring, for the plant is capable of multiplying 216 Plant- Breeding itself by buds. The element of chance, therefore, is one hundred, or more, to one in crossing plants as compared with crossing animals. Then, again, the plant-parents may be modified profoundly by every environmental condi- tion of soil and temperature and sunshine, or other ex- ternal conditions, since they possess no bodily tempera- /<7 VJ \ N /*7//3fc/ \/ FIG. 52. — Crop averages in corn breeding for high and for low protein. Results of twelve generations. (Illinois Experiment Station.) ture, no choice of conditions, and no volition to enable them to overcome the circumstances in which they are placed. Animals, on the contrary, have all these ele- ments of personality, and the breeder is also "able to con- trol the conditions of their lives to a nicety. In view of all these facts, it is not strange that animals can be bred by crossing with more confidence than can plants. But there is another and even more important difference How Domestic Varieties Originate 217 between the breeding of animals and the breeding of plants. In animals, our sole object is to secure simply one animal or one brood of offspring. In plants, our object is, in general, to secure a race or generation of FIG. 53. — Fruit of wild elderberry. offspring, which may be disseminated freely over the earth. In the bovine race, for example, our object in breeding is to produce one cow with given characters; in turnips, our object is to produce a new variety, the seed of which will reproduce the variety, whether sown in Pennsylvania or Ceylon. It is apparent, therefore, that 218 Plant-Breeding any comparisons drawn between the breeding of animals and plants are likely to be fallacious. Is there, then, any such thing as plant-breeding, any possibility that the operator can proceed with some con- FIG. 54. — Fruit of a cultivated variety of the elderberry which appeared as a variation from the wild form. fidence that he may obtain the ideal he has in mind? Yes, to a certain extent. Plant-breeding by selection. — It is apparent that the very first effort on the part of the plant-breeder must be to secure individual differences ; for so long as the plants How Domestic Varieties Originate 219 that he handles are very closely alike, so long there will be little hope of obtaining new varieties. He must, therefore, cause his plants to vary. In plants that are comparatively unvariable, it is frequently impossible to produce variations in the desired direction at once, but it is more important to "break" the type, — that is, to FIG. 55. — Field of wilt-resistant watermelons, growing free from disease on infected land. (From Yeai'book.) make it depart markedly from its normal behavior in any or many directions. If the type once begins to vary, to break up into different forms, the operator may expect that it will soon become plastic enough to allow of modi- fication in the ways he desires. But whilst it is impor- tant or even necessary to break a well-marked type into many forms, it would no doubt be unwise to encourage this 220 Plant-Breeding tendency after it once appears, lest the plant acquire a too strong habit of scattering. This initial variation is induced by changing the conditions in which the plant has habit- ually grown, as a change of seed, change of soil, tillage, varying the food supply, crossing, and the like. As a matter of fact, however, nearly all plants that FIG. 56. — Disease resistance in cowpeas. Showing a variety which is immune (on the left) and a susceptible variety (on the right) to cowpea wilt. have been long cultivated are already sufficiently variable to afford a starting-point for breeding. The operator should have a vivid mental picture of the variety which he designs to obtain ; then he should select that plant in his plantation which is nearest his ideal, and sow the seeds of it. From the seedlings he should again select his type, and so on, generation after generation, until How Domestic Varieties Originate 221 the desired object is attained. It is important, if he is to make rapid progress, that he keep the same ideal in (1) Grand Rapids, one parent used in developing improved types. (2) Golden Queen, the other parent used in developing improved types. (3) New loose type for the western market, secured by crossing the varieties shown in (1) and (2). (4) New head type for eastern conditions, secured by cross- ing the varieties shown in (1) and (2). FIG. 57. — Improved types of lettuce and the varieties from which they were developed. mind year after year, otherwise there will be vacillation, and the progress of one year may be undone by a counter- direction the following year. In this way it will be 222 Plant-Breeding found that almost any character of a plant may be either intensified or lessened within certain limits. This is man's nearest approach to the Creator in his control over the physical forms of life, and it is great and potent in pro- portion as it sets for itself correct ideals in the beginning and adheres to them until the end. For examples of improvement by selection see Figs. 49- 56, that represent familiar results. RULES FOB BREEDING PLANTS When beginning this selection or breeding for an ideal, it is important that impossible or contradictory results be avoided. Some of the cautions and suggestions that need to be considered are these : — 1. Avoid striving after features that are antagonistic or foreign to the species or genus with which you are working. Every group of plants has become endowed with certain characters or lines of development, and the cultivator will secure quicker and surer results if he works along the same lines, rather than attempt to thwart them. Nature gives the hint : let man follow it out, rather than to endeavor to create new types of characters. Consider some of the solanaceous plants for examples. There are certain types of the genus Solanum which have a natural habit of tuber-bearing, as the potato. Such species should be bred for tubers and not for fruits. There are other Solanums, however, as the egg-plants and the pepinoes, which naturally vary or develop in the direc- tion of fruit-bearing, and these should be bred for fruits and not for tubers ; and the same should be true in the related genera of tomatoes, red peppers, and physalis. How Domestic Varieties Originate 223 Those ambitious persons who are always looking for a tuber-bearing tomato, therefore, might better concen- trate their energies on the potato, for the tomato is not developing in that direction; and even if the tomato could be made to produce tubers, it would thereby lessen its fruit production, for plants cannot maintain two diverse and profitable crops at the same time. It is more rea- sonable, and certainly more practicable, to grow potatoes on potato plants and tomatoes on tomato plants. 2. The quickest and most marked results are to be ex- pected in those groups or species which are normally the most variable. There are a greater number of variations or starting-points in such species ; but it also follows that the forms are less stable, the more the species is variable. Yet the variations, being very plastic, yield themselves readily to the wishes of the operator. Carri&re puts the thought in this form: "The stability of forms, in any group of plants, is, in general, in inverse ratio to the num- ber of the species which it contains, and also to the degree of its domestication." The most variable types are the most dominant ones over the earth; that is, they occur in greater numbers and under more diverse conditions than the compara- tively invariable types do. The Compositse, or sunflower- like plants, comprise a ninth or tenth of the total species of flowering plants, and the larger part of the subordinate types or genera contain many forms or species. Aster, goldenrod, the hawkweeds, thistles, and other groups, are representative of .the cosmopolitan or variable types of composites. Whenever, for any reason, any type begins to decline in variability, it usually begins to perish ; it is then 224 Plant-Breeding tending towards extinction. Monotypic genera — those which contain but a single species — are usually of local or disconnected distribution, and are probably, for the most part, vanishing remnants of a once important type. As a rule, most of our widely variable and staple culti- vated species are members of large, or at least polytypic, genera. Such, for example, are the apples and pears, peaches and plums, oranges and lemons, roses, bananas, chrysanthemums, pinks, cucurbits, beans, potatoes, grapes, barley, rice, cotton. A marked exception to this statement is maize, which is immensely variable and is generally held to have come from a single species ; but the genesis of maize is unknown, and it is possible that more than one species is concerned in it. Wheat is also a partial exception, although the original specific type is not understood ; and the latest monographers admit three or four other species to the genus, aside from wheat. There are other exceptions, but they are mostly unim- portant, and, in the main, it may be said that the domi- nant domestic types of plants represent markedly poly- typic genera. 3. Breed for one thing at a time. The person who strives at the same time for increase or modification in prolificacy and flavor will be likely to fail in both. He should work for one object alone, simply giving sufficient attention to subsidiary objects to keep them up to normal standard. This is really equivalent to saying that there can be no such thing as the perfect all-around variety that so many people covet. Varieties must be adapted to specific uses, — one for shipping, one for canning, one for dessert, one for keeping qualities, and the like. The How Domestic Varieties Originate 225 more good varieties there are of any species, the more widely and successfully that species can be cultivated. A knowledge of Mendel's laws of heredity assists the breeder to secure more rapidly the proper combination of qualities and to fix them. 4. Do not desire contradictory attributes in any variety. A variety, for example, that bears the maximum number of fruits or flowers cannot be expected greatly to increase the size of those organs without loss in numbers. This is well shown in the tomato. The original tomato produced from six to ten fruits in a cluster, but as the fruits in- creased in size the numbers in each cluster fell to two or three. That is, increase in size proceeded somewhat at the expense of numerical productivity; yet the total weight of fruit to the plant has greatly increased. The same is true of apples and pears ; for whilst these trees bear flowers in clusters, they generally bear their fruits singly. Originally, every flower normally set fruit. The reason why blackberries, currants, and grapes do not increase more markedly in size, is probably because the size of cluster has been given greater attention than the size of berry. Plants which now bear a full crop of tubers can- not be expected to increase greatly in fruit bearing, as already explained under Rule 1. This fact is illustrated in the potato, in which, as tuber-production has increased, seed-production has decreased, so that growers now com- plain that potatoes do not produce bolls as freely as they did years ago. 5. When selecting seeds, remember that the character of the whole plant is more important than the character of any one branch or part of the plant ; and the more Q 226 Plant-Breeding uniform the plant in all its parts, the greater is the likeli- hood that it will transmit its characters. If one is striv- ing for larger flowers, for example, he will secure better results if he choose seeds from plants that bear large flowers throughout, than he will if he choose them from some one of the large flowering branches on a plant that bears indifferent flowers on the remaining branches, even though this given branch produces much larger flowers than those borne on the large-flowered plant. Small potatoes from productive hills give a better product than large potatoes from unproductive hills. The habit of selecting large ears from a bin of corn, or large melons from the grocer's wagon, is much less efficient in producing large products the following season than the practice of going into the fields and selecting the most uniformly large-fruited parents. A very poor plant may occasion- ally produce one or two very superior fruits, but the seeds are more likely to perpetuate the characters of the plant than of the fruits. The following experiences detailed by Henri L. de Vilmorin illustrate the proposition admirably: "I tried an experiment with seeds of Chrysanthemum carinatum gathered on double, single, and semi-double heads, all growing on one plant, and found no difference whatever in the proportion of single and double-flowered plants. In striped verbenas, an unequal distribution of the color is often noticed; some heads are pure white, some of a self-color, and most are marked with colored stripes on white ground. I had seeds taken severally from all and tested alongside one another. The result was the same. All the seeds from one plant, whatever the color of the How Domestic Varieties Originate 227 flower that bore them, gave the same proportion of plain and variegated flowers." The second part of the proposition is equally as impor- tant as the first, — the fact that a plant which is uniform in all its branches or parts is more likely to transmit its general features than one which varies within itself. It is well known that bean plants often produce beans with various styles of markings on the same plant or even in the same pod, yet these variations rarely, if ever, perpet- uate themselves. The same remark may be applied to variations in peas. These illustrations only add emphasis to the fact that intending plant-breeders should give greater heed than they usually do to the entire plant, rather than confine their attention to the particular part or organ which they desire to improve. At first thought, it may look as if these facts are directly opposed to the prop6sition emphasized in the first chapter that every branch of a plant is a potential auton- omy, but it is really a confirmation of it. The variation itself shows that the branch is measurably independent, but it is not until the conditions or causes of the variation are powerful enough to affect the entire plant that they are sufficiently impressed upon the organization of the plant to make their effects hereditary through seeds. There is an apparent exception to the law that the character of the entire plant is more important than any one organ or part of it, in the case of the seeds themselves. That is, better results usually follow the sowing of large and heavy seeds than of small or unselected seeds from the same plant. This, however, does not affect the main proposition, for the seed is in a measure independent of 228 Plant-Breeding the plant body, and is not so directly influenced by envi- ronment as are the other organs. And, again, the seed receives a part of its elements from a second or male parent. The good results which follow the use of large seeds are, chiefly, greater uniformity of crop, increased vigor, often a gain in earliness and sometimes in bulk, and usually a greater capacity for the production of seeds. These results are probably associated less with any innate hereditable tendencies than with the mere vegetative strength and uniformness of the large seeds. The large seeds usually germinate more quickly than the small ones, provided both are equally mature, and they push the plantlet on more vigorously. This initial gain, coming at the most critical time in the life of the new individual, is no doubt responsible for very much of the result that follows. The uniformity of crop is the most important advantage which comes of the use of large seeds, and this is obviously the result of the elimination of all seeds of varying degrees of maturity, of incomplete growth and formation, and of low vitality. Another important consideration touching the selection of seeds, is the fact that very immature seeds give a feeble but precocious progeny. This has long been observed by gardeners, but Sturtevant, Arthur, and Goff have made a critical examination of the subject. "It is not the slightly, unripe seeds that give a noticeable increase in earliness," according to Arthur, "but very unripe seeds, gathered from fruit (tomatoes) scarcely of full size and still very green. Such seeds do not weigh more than two-thirds as much as those fully ripe. They germinate readily and are more easily affected by retarding or harm- How Domestic Varieties Originate 229 ful influences. If they can be brought through the early period of growth and become well established, and the foliage or fruit is not attacked by rots or blights, the grower will usually be rewarded by an earlier and more abundant crop of slightly smaller and less firm fruit. These characters will be more slightly emphasized in sub- sequent years by continuous seed propagation." Goff remarks that the increase in earliness in tomatoes, fol- lowing the use of markedly immature seeds, "is accom- panied by a marked decrease in the vigor of the plant, and in the size, firmness, and keeping quality of the fruit." These results are probably closely associated with the chemical constitution and content of the immature seeds. The organic compounds have probably not yet reached a state of stability, and therefore they respond quickly to external stimuli when placed in conditions suitable to germination ; and there is little food for nourishment of the plant let. The consequent weakness of the plant let results in a loss of vegetative vigor, which is earliness. (See Rule 2.) Still another feature connected with the choice of seeds is the fact that in some plants, as in various Ipomceas, for example, the color of the seed is more or less intimately associated 'with the color of the flower which produced them and also with the color of the flower which they will produce. 6. Plants that have any desired characteristics in common may differ widely in their ability to transmit these characters. It is usually impossible for the cul- tivator to determine, from the appearance of any given progeny, which is the most unvariable and the most like 230 Plant-Breeding its parent ; but it may be said that those individuals that grow in the most usual or normal environments are most likely to perpetuate themselves. A very unusual condi- tion, as of soil, moisture, or exposure, is not easily im- itated when providing for the succeeding generation, and a return to normal conditions of environment may be ex- pected to be followed by a more or less complete return to normal attributes on the part of the plant. If the same variation, therefore, were to occur in plants growing under widely different conditions, the operator who wishes to preserve the new form should take particular care to select his seeds from those individuals that seem to have been least influenced by the immediate conditions in which they have grown. Again, if the same variation appears both in uncrossed and crossed plants, the best results should be expected in selecting seeds from the former. We have already seen, in the seventh chapter, how it is that crosses are unstable, and how the unstability is likely to be the greater the more violent the cross. " Cross-breeding greatly increases the chance of wide variation," writes Henri L. de Vilmorin, "but it makes the task of fixation more difficult." It is very important, therefore, when selecting seeds from plants which seem to give promise of a new variety, to sow seeds of each plant separately, and then make the subsequent selections from the most stable generation ; and it is equally important that the operator should not trust to a single plant as a starting-point, whenever he has several promising plants from which to choose. 7. The less marked the departure from the genus of How Domestic Varieties Originate 231 the normal type, the greater, in general, is the likeli- hood that it will be perpetuated, although this may not be true of sports. This is admirably illustrated in crosses. The seed-progeny of crosses between closely related varieties, or between different plants of the same variety, is more uniform and usually more easy of improve- ment by selection than the progeny of hybrids. In un- crossed plants, the general tendency is to resemble their parents, and the greater the number of like ancestors, the greater is the tendency to "come true." There is thought to be a tendency, though necessarily a weak one, to return to some particular ancestor, or to "date back." This is known as atavism. The so-called ata- vistic forms are likely to be unstable, to break up into numerous forms, or to return more or less completely to the type of the main line of the ancestry. The following statements touching some of the relations of atavism to the amelioration of plants are the results of an excellent study of heredity in lupines by Louis Leveque de Vil- morin : — "1. The tendency to resemble its parents is generally the strongest tendency in any plant; "2. But it is notably impaired as it comes into conflict with the tendency to resemble the general line of its ancestry. "3. This latter tendency, or atavism, is constant, though not strong, and scarcely becomes impaired by the intervention of a series of generations in which no rever- sion has taken place. "4. The tendency to resemble a near progenitor (only two or three generations removed), on the other hand, is 232 Plant-Breeding very soon obliterated if the given progenitor is different from the bulk of its ancestors." 8. The crossing of plants should be looked upon as a means or starting-point, not as an end. We cross two flowers and sow the seeds. The resulting seedlings may be unlike either parent (see Fig. 57) . Here, then, is varia- tion. The operator should choose that plant which most nearly satisfies his ideal, and then, by selection from its progeny and the progeny of succeeding generations, gradu- ally obtain the plant which he desires. It is only in plants which are propagated by asexual parts — as grafts, cut- tings, layers, bulbs, and the like — that hybrids or crosses are commonly immediately valuable ; for in these plants we really cut up and multiply the one individual plant which pleases us in the first1 batch of seedlings, rather than to take the offspring or seedlings of it. Thus, if any par- ticular plant in a lot of seedlings of crosses of cannas, or plums, or hops, or strawberries, or potatoes, is valuable, we multiply that one individual. There is no reason for fixing the variety. But any satisfactory plant in a lot of seedlings of crosses of pumpkins, or wheat, or beans, must be made the parent of a new variety by sowing the seeds of it and then by selecting for seed-parents, year by year, those plants which are the best. "The unsettled forms arising from crosses," Focke writes, "are the plastic material out of which gardeners form their varieties." But even in the fruits, and other bud-propagated plants, crossing may often be used to as good advantage for the purpose of originating variation as it may in peas or buckwheat. It only requires a longer time to fix and select variations because the plants mature so slowly. How Domestic Varieties Originate 233 Ordinarily, if the operator does not find satisfactory plants among the seedlings of any cross of fruit trees, he roots up the whole batch as profitless. But if he were to allow the best plants to stand and were to sow seeds from them, the second generation might produce something more to his liking. But it is generally quicker to make another cross and to try the experiment over again, than to wait for unpromising seedlings to bear. This repeated repeti- tion of the experiment, however, — continual crossing and sowing and uprooting, — is gambling. Throwing dice to see what will turn up is a comparable proceeding. The sowing of uncrossed seed is little better. Peter M. Gideon sowed over a bushel of apple seed, and one seed produced the Wealthy apple.1 D. B. Wier raised a mil- lion seedlings of soft maple, and one plant of the lot had finely divided leaves, and is now Wier's Cut-leaved maple. Teas' Weeping mulberry, which is now so deservedly popular, was, as Mr. Teas tells me, "merely an accidental seedling." So this explains why the production of new varieties of fruits is always chance, while a skilled man can sit in his study in the winter time and . picture to himself a new bean or muskmelon, and then go out in the next three or four summers and produce it. 9. If it is desired to employ crossing as a direct means 1 The facts in the origination of the Wealthy apple, as related to me by Mr. Gideon, are these : he first planted a bushel of apple seeds .and then each year, for nine years, he planted enough to give a thousand trees. At the end of ten years, all the seedlings had perished (this was in Min- nesota) except one hard seedling crab. Then a small lot of seeds of apples and crab apples was obtained in Maine, and from these the Wealthy came. There were only about fifty seeds in the batch of crab seed which gave the Wealthy ; but before this variety was obtained, much over a bushel of seed had been sown. 234 Plant-Breeding of producing new varieties, each parent to the proposed cross should be chosen in agreement with the rules already specified, and also because it possesses in an emphatic degree one or more of the qualities which it is desired to combine; and the more uniformly and persistently the parent presents a given character, the greater is the chance that it will transmit that character. It has already been said that crossing for the instant production of new va- rieties is most certain to give valuable results in those species which are propagated by buds, because the initial individual differences are not dissipated by seed reproduc- tion. This is especially true of crossing between distinct species ; for in such violent crossing as this the offspring is particularly likely to be unstable when propagated by seeds. The results of hybridization appear to be most certain in those plants grown under glass, and in which, therefore, the selection of the seed-parents is most care- fully made, and where the conditions of existence are most uniform. The most remarkable results in hybridiza- tion yet attained are with the choicer glass-house plants, such as orchids, begonias, anthuriums, and the like. The more violent the cross, the less is the likelihood that desirable offspring will follow. Species which refuse to give satisfactory results when hybridized directly or between the pure stocks, may give good varieties when the " blood" has become somewhat attenuated through previous crossings. The best results in hybridizing our native grape with the European grape, for example, have come from the use of one parent which is already a hy- brid. Two notable examples are the Brighton and Diamond Grapes, raised by Jacob Moore. The Brighton is a cross How Domestic Varieties Originate 235 of Concord (pure native) by Diana-Hamburg (hybrid of impure native and European). Diamond is a cross of Concord by lona, the latter parent undoubtedly of impure origin, containing a trace of the European vine. T. V. Munson's Brilliant is a secondary hybrid, its parents, Lindley and Delaware, both containing hybrid blood. Others of his varieties have similar histories. Even when the cross is much attenuated — or three or four or even more times removed from a pure hybrid origin by means of subsequent crossings — it may still produce marked effects in a cross without introducing such contradictory characters as to jeopardize the value of the offspring. Among American fruit plants there are comparatively few valuable species-hybrids. The most conspicuous are grapes, particularly the various Rogers varieties, such as Agawam, Lindley, Wilder, Barry, and others, which are hybrids of the European and native species. Other hybrids are the Keiffer and allied pears (between the common pear and the Oriental pear), probably the Transcendent and a few other crabs (between the com- mon apple and the Siberian crab), the Soulard and kin- dred crabs (between the common apple and the native Western crab), a few blackberries of the Wilson Early type (between the blackberry and the dewberry), the purple-cane raspberries (between the native red and black raspberries, and possibly sometimes combined with the European raspberry), the Utah Hybrid cherry (be- tween the Western sand cherry and the sand plum), prob- ably some plums, and a few others. There is undoubtedly a fertile field for further work in hybridizing our fruits, particularly those of native origin, and also many of the 236 Plant-Breeding ornamental plants ; the danger is that persons are likely to expect too much from hybridization, and too little from the betterment of all the other conditions which so profoundly modify plants. Violent hybridizations gen- erally give unsatisfactory and unreliable results; but subsequent crossings, when the " blood" of the original species to the contract is considerably attenuated, may be expected to correct or overcome the first incompatibility, as explained above. 10. Establish the ideal of the desired variety firmly in mind before any attempt is made at plant-breeding. If one is to make any progress in securing new varieties, he must first be an expert judge of the capabilities and merits of the plants with which he is dealing, otherwise he may attempt the impossible or he may obtain a variety that has no merit. Make frequent use of a score-card to famil- iarize yourself with all details. It is important, also, that the person bear in mind the fact that a variety which is simply as good as any other in cultivation is not worth introducing. It should be better in some particular than any other in existence. The operator must know the points of his plant, as an expert stock-breeder knows the points of an animal, and he must possess the rare judgment to de'termine which characters are most likely to reappear in the offspring. Inasmuch as a person can be an expert in only a few plants, it follows that he cannot expect satis- factory results in breeding any species that may chance to come before him. Persistent and uniform effort, con- tinued over a series of years, is usually demanded for the production of really valuable varieties. Thus it often happens that one man excels all competitors in breeding a How Domestic Varieties Originate 237 particular class of plants. The horticulturists will recall, for example, Lemoine in the breeding of gladiolus, Eckford in peas, Crozy in cannas, Bruant in pelargoniums, and others. There are now and then varieties which arise from no effort, but because of that very fact they reflect no credit upon the so-called originator, who is really only the lucky finder. So far as the originator is concerned, such varieties are merely chance. If, however, the operator — himself an expert judge of the plant with which he deals — chooses his seeds with care and dis- crimination, and then proposes, if need be, to follow up his work generation after generation of plants by means of selection, the work becomes plant-breeding of the highest type. First of all, therefore, the operator must know what he can likely get, and what will likely be, worth getting. Many persons, however, begin at the other end of the problem, — they get what they can, and then let the public judge whether the effort has been worth the while. 11. Having derived a specific and correct ideal, the operator must next seek to make his plant vary in the desired direction. This may be done by crossing, or by modifying the conditions under which the plant grows. If there are any two plants that possess indications of the desired attributes, cross them; among the seedlings there may be some that may serve as starting-points for further effort. A change in the circumstances or environment of the plant may start the desired attribute. If the plant must be dwarfer, plant it on poorer or drier soil, transfer it 238 Plant-Breeding towards the poles, plant it late in the season, or transplant it repeatedly. Dwarf peas become climbing peas on rich, moist lands. If the plant must have large fruits, allow it more food and room, and give attention to pruning and thinning. Certain geographical regions develop certain characters in plants, as we have seen ; if, therefore, the desired feature does not appear spontaneously or as a result of any other treatment, transfer the plant for a time to that region which is characterized by such attri- butes, if there is any such. It is not intended to convey the impression that the placing of plants on poor soil will directly cause a dwarfing which will be inherited, or large size on good soils, but if the plant already holds the characteristic of dwarfness or some other quality in a latent form, it will probably appear if the conditions are made right. The importance of growing the plant under conditions or environments in which the desired type of characters is most frequently found, is admirably emphasized in the evolution of varieties which are adapted to forcing under glass. Within a century — and in many instances within a score of years — species that are practically unknown to glass-houses have produced varieties perfectly adapted to them. This has been accomplished by growing the most tractable existing varieties, selecting those which most completely adapt themselves to their environment and to the ideals of the operator. One of the most re- markable examples of this kind is afforded by the carna- tion. In Europe it was chiefly a border or outdoor plant, but within a generation it had produced hosts of excellent forcing varieties in America, where it is grown almost ex- How Domestic Varieties Originate 239 clusivqly as a glass-house flower. So the carnation types of Europe and America have been widely unlike. Sowing the seeds of hardy annual plants in autumn often stimulates a tendency to produce thickened roots. The plant, rinding itself unable to perfect seeds, stores its reserve in the root, and it therefore tends to become biennial. In this manner, with the aid of selection and the variation of the soil, Carriere was able to produce good radishes from the wild slender-rooted charlock (Raphanus Raphanistrum) . Lessened vigor, so long as the plant continues to be healthy, nearly always results in a comparative increase of fruits or reproductive organs. It is an old horticultural maxim that checking growth induces fruitfulness. It is largely in consequence of this fact that plants bear heaviest when they attain approximate maturity. Trees are often thrown into bearing by girdling, heavy pruning, the attacks of borers, and various accidental injuries. The gardener knows that if he keeps his plants in vigorous growth by constantly putting them into larger pots, he will get little, or at least very late, bloom. The plant- breeder, therefore, may be able to induce the desired initial variation by attention to this principle. (See dis- cussion of variation in relation to food supply.) Arthur has recently put the principle into this formula: "A decrease in nutrition during the period of growth of an organism favors the development of the reproductive parts at the expense of the vegetative parts." A most important means of inducing variation is the simple change of seed, the philosophical reasons for which are explained on earlier pages. A plant becomes 240 Plant-Breeding closely fitted or accustomed to one set of conditions, and when it is placed in new conditions, it at once makes an effort to adapt itself to them. This adaptation is varia- tion. No doubt the free interchange of seeds between seed-merchants and customers is one of the causes of the enormous increase in varieties in recent times. When once a novel variety appears, others of a similar kind are likely soon to follow in other places, and some persons have supposed that there is a synchro- nistic variation in plants, or a tendency for like variations to appear simultaneously in widely separated lo- calities. There is per- haps some remote reason for this opinion, because there is, as Darwin ex- presses it, an accumula- tive effect of domestica- tion or cultivation, by virtue of which plants that long remain comparatively invariable may, within a short time, when cultivation has been continued long enough, vary widely and in many directions ; and it is to be ex- pected that even when plants have long since responded to the wishes of the cultivator, an equal amount or accumu- lation of the force of domestication would tend to produce like effects in different places. But it is probable that by far the greater part of this synchronistic variation is simply apparent, for whenever any marked novelty appears FIG. 58. — Wild cabbage. How Domestic Varieties Originate 241 the attention of all interested persons is directed to looking for similar variations amongst their own plants. 12. The person who is wishing for new varieties should look critically to all perennial plants, and particularly to trees and shrubs, for bud-varieties or sports. It has already been said that the branches of a tree may vary among themselves in the same way in which seedlings FIG. 59. — Curled kale. Brassica oleracea var. acephala. vary, and for the same reason. As a rule, any marked sport is capable of being perpetuated by bud-propagation. The number of bud-varieties now in cultivation is really very large. Many of the cut-leaved and colored or variegated varieties of ornamental plants were originally found on other trees as sports. The "mixing in the hill" of potatoes is bud-variation. Nectarines are de- rived from the peach, some of them as sports and some as seedlings. The moss-rose was probably originally a sport 242 Plant-Breeding from the Provence rose. Greening apple trees often bear Russet apples, and Russets sometimes bear Greenings. Bud-varieties may not only come from buds, — as grafts, cuttings, and layers, — but they sometimes perpetuate themselves by seeds. Now, these seedlings are amenable to selec- tion, just the same as any other seedlings are ; the bud-variety, there- fore, may give the in- itial starting-point for plant-breeding. But, more than this, it is sometimes possible to improve and fix the type by bud-selection as well as by seed-se- lection. Darwin cites this interesting testi- mony: "Mr. Salter brings the principle of selection to bear on variegated plants prop- agated by buds, and has thus greatly improved and fixed several varieties. He informs me that at first a branch often produces variegated leaves on one side alone, and that the leaves are marked only with an irregular edging, or with a few lines of white and yellow. To im- prove and fix such varieties, he finds it necessary to en- courage the buds at the bases of the most distinctly marked leaves and to propagate from them alone. By following, FIG. 60. — Collard. How Domestic Varieties Originate 243 with perseverance, this plan during three or four successive seasons a distinct and fixed variety can generally be secured." Ernest Walker, then a gardener at New Al- bany, Indiana, is of the opinion that the abnormal charac- ter of sports often intensifies itself if the sport is allowed to remain on the parent plant for a considerable time. He has observed this particularly in coleus, where color sports are frequent. "In these," he says, "the sport begins with a branch which may be taken off and propagated as a new variety. If left on the parent, other parts of the plant are 'apt to show similar varia- tions. Indeed, I think it is not best to be in too great hurry to remove a sporting branch, for its character seems to tend to be- come more fixed if it remains on the plant." 13. The starting-point once given, all permanent progress lies in continued selection. This, as we have already pointed out, is really the key to the whole matter. In the great number of cases, the operator cannot produce the initial variation which he desires, but, by look- ing carefully among many plants, he may find one which shows an indication of his ideal. This plant must be carefully saved, and all of the seeds sown in a place where crossing with other types cannot take place. Of a hundred seedlings from this plant, perhaps one or two will still further emphasize the character which is sought. These, FIG. 61. — Brussels sprouts. 244 Plant-Breeding again, are saved, and all the seeds are sown. So the operation goes on, patiently and persistently, and there is a reward at the end. This is the one fundamental practice that underlies the amelioration of plants under the touch of man ; and because we know, from experience, that it is so important, we are sure, as Darwin was, that selec- tion in nature must be a factor in the progress of the vegetable world. But suppose this suggestion of the new variety does not appear among the batch of plants that we raise? Then sow again ; vary the con- ditions; choose the most widely variable types ; cross ; at length — if the ideal is true — the suggestion will come. " Cultivation, diversification of the conditions of existence, and repeated sowings" are the means which Verlot would employ to induce variations. But the skill and the character of the final result lie not so much in the securing of the initial start, as in the subsequent se- lection. Nature affords starting-points in endless num- bers, but there are few men alert and skillful enough to take the hint and improve it. If we want a new tomato, we first endeavor to discover what we want. We decide that we must have one like the Acme in color, but .more spherical, with a firmer flesh, and a little earlier. FIG. 62. — Savoy cabbage. How Domestic Varieties Originate 245 Then we shall raise an acre of Acme tomatoes, and closely allied varieties ; if we cannot do that, we make arrange- ments to inspect the neighbor's fields. We scrutinize every plant as the first fruits are ripening. Finally, one plant is found — not one fruit — which is something like the variety desired. Very well. Wait two to five years and you shall see the new variety. FIG. 63. — Cabbage shapes: flat; round or ball; egg-shaped; oval; conical. Some of these initial variations possess no tendency to , reproduce themselves. The seedlings of them may break up into a great diversity of forms, no form representing the parent closely. In such cases, it is generally useless to proceed further with this brood. Another start should be made with another plant. So it is always im- portant, as we have already seen (Rule 6), to have as 246 Plant-Breeding many starting-points as possible, to lessen the risk of failure. Whilst it requires nice judgment to choose those plants which possess the most important and the most transmissible combination of characters, the great- est skill is nevertheless required to carry forward a correct system of selection. 14. Even when the desired variety is obtained, it must be kept up to the standard by constant attention to selection. That is, there is no real stability in the forms of life. So long as the conditions of existence vary, so long will the plants make the effort to adapt themselves to the changes. No two seasons are alike ; and no two fields, or even parts of fields, are alike ; and there are no two cultivators who give exactly the same and equal at- tention to tillage, fertilizing, and the other treatment of plants. All forms or varieties, therefore, tend to "run out" by variation or gradual evolution into other forms; but because we keep the same name for all the succeeding generations, we fancy that we still have the same variety. " In 1887 I found a single tomato plant in my garden in Michigan, that had several points of superiority over any other of the one hundred and seventy varieties I was then growing. It came from a packet of German seed of an inferior variety. The tomato was very solid, an unusually long keeper, productive, and attractive in size and appearance. The variation was so promising that I named it in a sketch of tomatoes that I published that year, calling it the Ignotum (that is, unknown), to indicate that the origin of it was no merit of my own. I sent seeds to a few friends for testing. I sowed the seeds for about five hundred plants in 1888 in an isolated patch How Domestic Varieties Originate 247 on uniform soil. The larger part of the plants were more or less like the parent. A few reverted. A few of the best plants were selected and the seed saved. I then moved to New York and took the seed with me. This was sown in uniform soil in an isolated position in 1889. This crop, probably as a result of the careful selection of the year before and of the change of locality, was re- markably uniform and handsome. Of the 442 plants I grew that year, none reverted to the little Eiformige Dauer, the German variety from which it had come, but there was some variation in them due to different methods of treatment. I again saved the seeds, and I was now ready to introduce the variety. I therefore sold my seeds, six pounds, to V. H. Hallock & Son, Queens, New York, who introduced it in 1890. The very next year, 1891, I obtained the Ignotum from fifteen dealers and grew the plants side by side. Of the fifteen lots, eight bore small 'and poor fruits which were not worth growing and which could not be recognized as Ignotum ! Grown from our own seeds, it still held its character well. Here, then, only a year after its introduction, half the seedsmen were selling a spurious stock. It is possible that some of this variation arose from substitution of other varieties by seedsmen, although I have yet secured no evidence of any unfair dealing. It is possible, also, that the product of some of the samples which I early sent out for testing had found their way into seedsmen's hands. But I am convinced that very much of this variation was a legiti- mate result of the various conditions in which the crops of 1890 had been grown, and the varying ideals of those who saved seeds. I am the more positive of this from the 248 Plant-Breeding fact that the Ignotum tomato, as I first knew it and bred it, appears now to be lost to cultivation, although the name is still used for the legitimate family of descendants from my original stock. All this experi- ence illustrates how quickly varie- ties pass out by variation and by the unconscious and unlike selec- tion practiced by different per- sons."— Bailey, earlier editions. The longevity of any variety is inversely proportional to the frequency of its generations. An- nual plants, other conditions being the same, run out sooner than perennials, because seed-re- production — or the generations - intervenes more frequently. Trees, on the other hand, carry their variations longer, because the seed generations — in which departures chiefly take place — are farther apart. Of all the so- called fruit plants, the strawberry runs out soonest and the varie- ties change the oftenest, because a new generation can be brought into fruit-bearing in two years, whilst it may require ten years or more to bring a new generation of apples or chestnuts into bearing. " Yet, my reader will remind me that the Wilson FIG. 64. — Swede turnip (top) ; kohl-rabi (middle) ; cauliflower (bottom). How Domestic Varieties Originate 249 strawberry has been and is the leading variety in many places for nearly forty years, to which I reply that the Wilson of to-day is not necessarily the same as that introduced FIG. 65. — Wild form of Chrysanthemum morifolium, as grown in England. by James Wilson, simply because the name is the same. Every different soil or treatment tends to produce a different strain or variation in the Wilson strawberry, as it does in any other plant; and every grower, when setting a new 250 Plant-Breeding plantation, chooses his plants from that part of his field which pleases him best, rather than from those plants that most nearly correspond to the original type of the Wilson. That is, the unconscious selection on the part of the grower takes no account of what the variety was, but only of what it ought to be, and this ideal differs with FIG. 66. — Wild form of Chrysanthemum indicum, as grown in England. every person. It is not surprising, therefore, to find strains of Wilson strawberry as unlike as are many named vari- eties ; and it is to be expected that all the strains now in existence have departed considerably from the original type." — Bailey, earlier editions. This example borrowed from the strawberry is a most important one, because it illustrates how a variety may How Domestic Varieties Originate 251 vary and pass out of existence even though it is propa- gated wholly asexually or by buds. There are to-day several different types of Rhode Island Greening apple in cultivation which have probably originated from varia- tions induced by environment and by the different ideals of propagators ; and the same is true in other fruits. All the foregoing remarks illustrate the importance of constant attention to selection if one desires to maintain the exact type of any variety which he has produced. They explain the value of the "roguing" —or systematic destruction of all "rogues" or non- typical plants — which is invariably practiced by all good seed growers. But they still more emphatically show that every variety is essen- tially unstable, and that the only abiding result is constant evolution, the old forms being left behind as the type expands into new and better forms. Varieties to be valu- able, therefore, ought not to be rigidly fixed, and, for- tunately, nature has prescribed that they cannot be. Probably every ten years sees a marked change in every variety of any annual species which is propagated ex- clusively from seeds, and every century must see a like change in the tree fruits. These changes are so gradual and the original basis of comparison fades away so com- pletely that we generally fail to recognize the evolution. 15. Itr is evident, therefore, that the most abiding FIG. 67. — Pompon anem- one chrysanthemum. 252 Plant-Breeding progress in the amelioration of plants must come as a re- sult of the very best cultivation and the most intelligent selection and change of seed. Every reflective person must admit that the cultivation of plants — which is the fundamental conception of agriculture — has been and is crude and imperfect, and that there has been no conscious effort on the part of the human race to produce any given final result upon the cultivated flora. Yet, this imperfect cultivation has al- ready modified plants so pro- foundly that we cannot deter- mine the originals of many of them, and we can trace the evo- lution of but few. The science of rural industry is now fairly well understood in its essential funda- mental principles, and the in- telligence of those classes of per- sons who deal with plants is rapidly enlarging. The first part of the twentieth century will vir- tually mark a new era for agri- culture, and from that time on the onward evolution of plants should proceed confidently and unchecked. Our eyes are too often dazzled by the novelties which suddenly thrust themselves upon us, and we look for some mystic power which shall enable us to produce varieties forthwith at our will. We need not so much varieties with new names as we do a general increase FIG. 68. — Single type. How Domestic Varieties Originate 253 in productiveness and efficiency of the types we already possess; and this augmentation must come chiefly in the form of a gradual evolution under the stimulus of good care. The man who will accomplish most for the amelioration and unfolding of the forms of plants is he who fixes his eyes steadily upon the future, and, with the inspiration of a long forecast, urges the betterment of all conditions in which plants grow. SPECIFIC EXAMPLES The foregoing principles and discussions will become more concrete if a few actual examples of the origination of varieties are given. To begin with a very simple case, we relate the intro- duction of the varieties of the dewberries, for this fruit is yet little cultivated, the varieties are few, and the domestication of it is not yet fifty years old. The dewberry and black- berry. - The dewberries are native fruits, and it is only within twenty-five years that they have become prominent among fruit-growers. The most important is the Lucretia. r™ . <• i . FIG. 69. — Type of pompon chrys- ThlS was found growing anthemum. Grown outdoors, wild on a plantation in ™th no special care. 254 Plant-Breeding West Virginia in war time. In 1876, a few of the plants were sent to Ohio, and from this start the present stock has come. It is probable that similar wild varieties are growing to-day in many parts of the country, but they have not chanced to have -been seen by persons who are interested in cultivating them. It is a form of the com- mon wild dewberry that grows all over the Northeastern states. Just why this particular patch in West Virginia should have been so much better than the general run of the species nobody knows, but it was undoubtedly the product of some local environment or special ancestry. Early in the seventies, T. C. Bartel, of Huey, Clinton County, Illinois, observed very excellent dewberries grow- ing in rows between the lines of stubble in an old cornfield, where the plant had evidently been quick to avail itself of unoccupied land. This was introduced as the Bartel dewberry, and is now the second in point of prominence amongst the cultivated varieties. Other varieties have appeared in much the same way. A fruit-grower in Michigan found an extra good dewberry in a neighboring wood-lot, and introduced it under the name of Geer, in compliment to the owner of the place. In Florida an unusually good plant of the common wild dewberry of that region was discovered, and introduced by Reasoner Brothers under the name of Manatee. There are now about twenty named varieties of dewberries in cultivation as described in our horticultural writings, all of which, apparently, are chance plants from the wild. As the dewberries become more widely grown, good seed- lings will now and then appear in cultivated ground, and these will be named and sold. After a time persons will How Domestic Varieties Originate 255 begin to sow seed for the purpose of producing new varieties ; and those seedlings which chance to possess unusual merit will be propagated, and in due time intro- duced. This is the history of the cultivated blackberries and raspberries which have come from the wild plants in little more than half a century. These fruits are now so far developed that we no longer think of looking to the woods and copses for new varieties of promise, yet the novelties are mostly chance seedlings from cultivated varieties. A few years ago a friend purchased plants of the Snyder blackberry. When they came into bearing, he noticed that one plant was better than the others. It bore larger fruits, and the bearing season was longer. He took suckers from this plant, and from these others were taken, until he had a large plantation of the novelty, mostly selected from plants which pleased him best. The variety had such distinct merit that it was named the Mersereau, in honor of the man who recognized and propagated it. The apple. — The original apple is not definitely known, but it was certainly a very small and inferior crabbed fruit, borne mostly in clusters. When we first find it described by historians, it was still of small value. Pliny said that some kinds were so sour as to take the edge off a knife. But better and better seedlings continued to come up about habitations, until, when printed descrip- tions of fruits began to be made, three or four hundred years ago, there were many named kinds in existence. The size had vastly improved, and with this increase came the reduction of the number of fruits in the cluster ; so that, at the present time, whilst apple flowers are borne 256 Plant-Breeding in clusters, the fruits are usually borne singly. That is, most of the flowers fail to set fruit, and they complete their mission when they have shed their pollen for the benefit of the one which persists. The American colonists brought with them the staple varieties of the mother countries. But the needs of the new country were unlike those of the old, and the tastes and fashions of the people were chang- ing. So, as seedlings came up about the buildings and along the fences, where the seeds had been scattered, the ones that promised to satisfy the new needs were saved, and many of the old varieties were allowed to pass away. In 1817, the date of the first American fruit-book, over sixty per cent of the varieties particularly recommended for cultivation in this country were Fm. 70. -Japanese anemone Qf American origin In 1845) nearly two hundred varieties of apples were described as having been fruited in this country, of which over half were of American origin. Between these two dates introduction of foreign varie- ties had been freely made, so that the percentage of domestic varieties had fallen. But the next thirty years saw a great change. Of 1823 varieties described in 1872, nearly or quite seventy per cent were American, and a still greater proportion of the most prized How Domestic Varieties Originate 257 kinds were of domestic origin. In the older states, the apple had now become so completely accustomed to its environment, and the tastes of the people were so well supplied, that there was no longer much need for the in- FIG. 71. — The small and regular anemone type. troduction of foreign kinds. It was not so in the North- west. There the apples of the Eastern states did not thrive. The climate was too cold and too dry. Atten- tion was turned to other countries with similar or rigorous s 258 Plant-Breeding climate. In 1870, the Department of Agriculture at Washington imported cions ' of many varieties of apples from Russia, but these did not satisfy all fruit-growers of the Northern states. It was then conceived that the great interior plain of Russia should yield apples adapted to the upper Mississippi Valley, whilst those al- ready imported had come from the seaboard terri- tory. Accordingly, early in the eighties, Charles Gibb, of the province of Quebec, and Professor Budd, of Iowa, went to Russia to introduce the promising fruits of the central plain. The re- sults have been most in- teresting to the pacific looker-on. There are ar- dent advocates of the Russian varieties, and there are others who see nothing good in them. There are those who think that all progress must come by securing seedlings from the hardiest varieties of the Eastern states ; there are others who would derive everything from the Siberian FIG. 72. — A pompon chrysanthemum. How Domestic Varieties Originate 259 crabs; and still others who hold that the final result lies in improving the native crabs. There has been no end of discussion and cross-purposes. In the meantime, nature is quietly doing the work. Here is a good seedling of some old variety, there a good one from some Russian, and now and then one from the crab stocks. The new varie- FIG. 73. — Type of Japanese incurved chrysanthemum. ties are gradually supplanting the old, so quietly that few people are aware of it ; and by the time the contestants are done disputing, it will be found that there are no Russians and no Eastern apples, but a brood of Northwestern apples that have grown out of the old confusion. All these new apples are simply seedlings, almost all of them chance trees which come up here and there 260 Plant-Breeding wherever man has allowed nature a bit of ground upon which to make garden as she likes. In 1892, there were 878 varieties of apples offered for sale by American nursery- men, and it is doubtful if one of the whole lot was the result of any attempt on the part of the originator to pro- duce a variety with definite qualities. And what is true of the apple is about equally true of the other fruit trees. In the small fruits and the grapes, where the generations are shorter and the results quicker, more has been done in the way of direct selection of seeds and the crossing of chosen parents ; but even here, the methods are mostly haphazard. Latterly, however, the professional experi- menters have begun the breeding of the apple and new varieties on a new basis have been secured; and there is now considerable literature on the subject. Beans. — Perhaps there are no plants more tractable in the hands of the plant-breeder than the garden beans. A few years ago, a leading Eastern seedsman conceived of a new form of bean pod that would at once com- mend itself to his customers. He was so well con- vinced of the merits of this prospective variety, that he made a descriptive and "taking" name for it. He then wrote to a noted bean-raiser, describing the proposed variety and giving the name. "Can you make it for me?" he asked. "Yes, I will make you the bean," re- plied the grower. The seedsman then announced in his catalogue that he would soon introduce a new bean, and, in order to hold the name, he published it, along with the announcement. Two years later, I visited the bean- grower. "Did you get the bean?" I asked. "Yes, here it is." Sure enough, he had it, and it answered the re- How Domestic Varieties Originate 261 quirements very well. Another seedsman would like a round-podded, stringless, green-podded bean. This same man produced it, and I went into a field of fifteen acres of it, where it was growing for seed, and the most fas- tidious person could not have asked for a closer approach to the ideal which the dealer had set before him some four or five years before. How is all this done ? It looks simple enough. The ideal is established first of all. The breeder revolves it in his mind, and eliminates all the impracticable and con- tradictory elements of it. Then he goes carefully and critically through his bean fields, particularly through those varieties most like the desired kind, and marks those plants which most nearly approach his ideal. The seeds of these are carefully saved, and they are planted in an isolated position. If he finds no promising variations among his plantations, then he must start off the varia- tion in some other way. This is usually done by crossing those varieties which are most like the proposed kind. He has got a start ; but now the care and skill begin. Year by year he selects just those plants which please him best and which he judges, from experience, will most surely carry their features over to the offspring. He starts with one plant; the next year he may have only two. If he has ten or twenty good ones, then the task is easy, for the variety has elements of permanence — that is, of hereditability — in it. But he may have no plants the second year. In that case, he begins again ; for if the ideal is true, it can be attained. This par- ticular bean-breeder upon whom many of our best seeds- men rely for new varieties, says that he has discarded 262 Plant-Breeding fully three thousand varieties and forms as profitless. This only means that he is a most astute judge of beans, and that he knows when any type is likely to prove to be a poor breeder. The bean also affords an excellent example of the care which it is generally necessary to exercise to keep any variety true to the type. The person of whom we have spoken, in common with all care- ful seed-growers, searches his field with great pains to discover the " rogues," or those plants which vary perceptibly from the type of the given variety. The rogue may be a variation in size or habit of plant, season of maturity, color or form of pods, productiveness, susceptibility to rust, or other aberrance. In the dwarf or bush beans, which are now most exclusively grown, the most fre- quent rogue is a climbing or half-climbing plant. This is a reversion to the ancestral type of the bean, which was no doubt a twining plant. This rogue is always destroyed even though it may be, itself, a good bean. In some cases, the men who perform the roguing are FIG. 74. — Japanese anemone chrys- anthemum when fully expanded. How Domestic Varieties Originate 263 sent along every row of a whole field on their hands and knees, critically examining every plant. The effect of "this continual selection is always to push the variety to greater excellence. The various " improved" strains of plants are obtained in essen- tially this way. If the grower has been painstaking with his roguing, he soon finds that his seed gives better and more uniform crops than the common stock of the variety. If the improvement is marked, he may dignify his strain with a distinct name, and it thereby becomes a new variety The improvement may be a very important one to a careful bean-grower and at the same time be so slight as to escape the attention of the general farmer, or even of experimenters who are not particularly skilled in judging the merits of beans. All these examples drawn from the bean are excellent illustrations of the best and most scientific plant-breeding, and the same methods — varied to suit the different needs — apply to the amelioration of all other plants. The recent dwarf lima beans may be cited as examples of accidental or fortuitous varieties, in which the precon- ceived ideal of the plant-breeder had no place. Four FIG. 75. — New type with short stem, which is becoming very popular with commercial growers. 264 Plant-Breeding or five of these beans have attained some prominence. Henderson and Kumerle Dwarf limas were introduced in 1889, Burpee in 1890, and Barteldes in 1892 or 1893. The variety now called the Henderson was picked up thirty or more years before by a negro, who found it growing along a roadside in Vir- ginia. It was afterwards grown in various gardens, and about 1885 it fell into the hands of a seedsman in Richmond. Hen- derson purchased the stock of it in 1887, grew it in 1888, and offered it to the general public in 1889. The introduction of Henderson's bean attracted the attention of Asa Palmer, of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, who had also been growing a dwarf lima. He called on Burpee, the well-known seeds- man of Philadelphia, described his variety, and left four beans for trial. These were planted in the test grounds and were found FIG. 76. -Incurved type. ^ be yaluable Mr Palmer's entire stock was then purchased, — comprising over an acre, which had been carefully inspected during the season, — and Burpee Bush lima was presented to the public in the spring of 1890. Mr. Palmer's dwarf lima originated in 1883, when his entire crop of Large White (Pole) limas was destroyed by cut-worms. He went over his field to remove the poles before fitting the land How Domestic Varieties Originate 265 for other uses, but he found one little plant, about ten inches high, which had been cut off about an inch above the ground, but which had re-rooted. It bore three pods, each containing one seed. These three seeds were planted in 1884, and two of the plants were dwarf, like the parent. By discarding all plants which had a tendency to climb, in succeeding crops, the Burpee Bush lima, as we now have it, was developed. The Kumerle, Thorburn, or Dreer, Dwarf lima origi- nated from occasional dwarf forms of the Challenger Pole lima, which J. W. Kumerle, of Newark, New Jersey, found growing in his field. The stock which came from these selected dwarf plants was introduced by Thorburn and Dreer, under their respective names. The singular Barteldes Bush lima came from Colorado, and is a similar dwarf sport of the old White Spanish or Dutch Runner bean. Barteldes received about a peck of the seed and introduced it sparingly. It attracted very little attention, and as the following season was dry, Barteldes himself failed to get a crop, and the variety was lost to the trade. C annas. — Few plants have shown more remarkable evolution in very recent years than the cannas. At the present time, the Crozy cannas — so named from Crozy, of Lyons, France, who has introduced the greater number of them — are most popular. This type is often called the French Dwarf, or the Flowering Canna, and it is marked by comparatively low stature, and very large and showy spreading flowers in many colors, whereas the cannas of former years were very tall plants, with small and late dull red narrow flowers, and they were 266 Plant-Breeding grown for their foliage effects. How has this transforma- tion come about? In the first place, it should be said that there are many species of canna, and about a half-dozen of these were well known to gardeners at the opening of last century. About 1830, the cannas began to attract much attention from cultivators, and the original species were soon variously hybridized. Crossed seeds, and seeds from the successive generations of hybrids, introduced a host of new and variable forms. The first distinct fashion in cannas seems to have been tall late-flowering forms. In 1848, Annee, a cultivator in France, sowed seeds of Canna nepalensis, a tall oriental species, and there sprung up a race of plants which has since been known as Canna Anncei. It is probable that this Canna nepalensis had become fertilized with other species growing in AnneVs collection, very likely with Canna glauca. At all events, this race of cannas became popular, and was to its time what the French dwarfs are to the present day. The plants were freely introduced into parks, beginning about 1856, but their use began to decline by 1870 or before. Descendants of this type, variously crossed and modified, are now frequently seen in parks and gardens. The beginning of the modern race of dwarf large- flowered cannas was in 1863, when one of the smaller- flowered Costa Rican species (Canna Warscewiczii) was crossed upon a larger-flowered Peruvian species (Canna iridi flora). The offspring of this union came to be called Canna Ehemannii. This hybrid has been again variously crossed with other species, and modified by cultivation and selection, until the present composite type is the re- How Domestic Varieties Originate 267 suit. Seeds give new varieties; and any seedling which is worth saving is thereafter multiplied by divisions of the root, and the resulting plants are introduced to commerce. The cabbage family (see Figs. 58-64). — A good illustra- tion of unconscious improvement is to be found in cabbage, kale, collard, borecale, Brussels sprouts, kohl-rabi, and cau- liflower. These probably came from a single, somewhat woody, branching perennial (Brassica oleracea) which is to be found growing wild on limestone bluffs in southwestern Europe. Some are a modification of the leaf, as in the cabbage and kale, others of the stem, as kohl-rabi, while in the cauliflower it is the selec- tion of the inflorescence that has caused the peculiar modifi- cation. Some of these types have twenty and more varieties, so that there are probably over one hundred distinct forms from this one wild type. All of these forms are the result of long and patient selection of variations that were considered desirable by the gardener without any conscious attempt to produce these specific forms. The chrysanthemum. — An excellent illustration of the appearing of a wide range of forms within the epoch of the systematic botanists is afforded by the florist's chrys- anthemum (Figs. 65-79). These chrysanthemums are now so widely variable and so little referable to wild species FIG. 77. — Hairy type. 268 Plant-Breeding that they have recently been named as a garden group- species, Chrysanthemum hortorum (Stand. Cyc. Hort. ii. 755) . These plants now comprise forms single and double ; pompon and giant ; discoid, flat-rayed, and quilled ; ball- head and reflexed ; hairy-rayed ; a wide range of colors ; bizarre forms ; and marked differences in stature and habit of plant. If one were to bring together the little pompons, the hardy border types, the anemone-flowered, the Japanese incurved, and the slender singles, he would have difficulty in refer- ring them to any single origin. And yet the records show that these multitudes .of forms have come from one oriental feral group, or what some botanists re- gard as two very similar species. The original was introduced to England about 150 years ago. In 1796 the Botanical Magazine figured an important large- flowered departure, marking the beginning, or practically the beginning, of the modern record and development. The plants may have been long cultivated and consider- ably modified in China and Japan. What are considered to be the feral forms have been introduced within very recent years. They are most unpromising looking herbs, one (C. morifolium) with white rays, and the other (C. indicum) with yellow rays. They look no more promising than many weedy composites of the fields ; and yet some process has evolved a multitude of astonishing forms without our knowing how or why even though the evolu- FIG. 78. — Japanese type. How Domestic Varieties Originate 269 tion has proceeded under our eyes and within the period when plants have been under close scrutiny. These various examples are but types of what has been and can be accomplished in a given group of plants. There is nothing mysterious about the subject, so far as the cultivator is concerned. He simply sets his ideal, makes sure that it does not contra- dict any of the fundamental laws of development of the plant with which he is to work, then patiently and persistently keeps at his task. He must have good judgment, skill, and inspiration, but he does not need genius. "In the improvement of plants," writes Henri L. de Vilmorin, "the action of man, much like influences which act in the wild state, only brings about slow and gradual changes, often scarcely noticeable at first. But if the efforts towards the de- sired end be kept on steadily, the changes will soon be- come greater and greater, and the last stages of the improvement will become much more rapid than the first ones." FIG. 79. — Reflexed type. CHAPTER IX POLLINATION: OR HOW TO CROSS PLANTS POLLINATION is the act of conveying pollen from the anther to the stigma. It is the manual part of the cross- ing of plants. The word fertilization is often used in a like sense, although erroneously; for it is the office of the pollen, not of the operator, to fertilize or fecundate -that part of the flower which is to develop into a seed. The structure of the flower. — The chief re- quirement in pollinat- ing flowers is to know the parts of the flower itself. The conspicu- ous or showy part of the flower is the envelope, which is endlessly modified in size, form, and color. This envelope covers the inner or essential organs, and it also attracts insects, which often perform the labor of pollination. This floral envelope is usually of two series or parts, — an outer and commonly green series known as the calyx, and an inner and usually more showy series known as the corolla. These two series are well shown in the bellflower, Fig. 80. The calyx, with 270 FIG. 80. — Bellflower. Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 271 its reflexed lobes, is at C, and the large bell-form part is the corolla. When the calyx is composed of separate parts or leaves, each part is called a sepal ; in like manner each separate part of the corolla is a petal. In the lily, Fig. 81, there is no distinction between calyx and corolla ; or, it may be said, the calyx is wanting. These envelopes of the flower are often much disguised. This is particu- larly true in the orchids, one of which, a lady-slipper, is illustrated in Fig. 82. The sepals are seen at DD. They are apparently only two, but there is reason to believe that the lower sepal is really made up of a union of two. The three inner leaves are the petals, the lower one, H, being enlarged into the sac or slipper. The most important organs of the flower, however, to one who wishes to make crosses, are the so-called sexual organs, the stamens and pistils. They can be readily distinguished in the lily, Fig. 81. The six bodies shown at S are the ends of the stamens, or so-called male organs. These stamens generally have a stalk or stem, known as a filament, and the enlarged tip as the anther. It is in this anther that the pollen is borne. The pollen is usu- ally made up of very minute yellow or brownish grains, FIG. 81. — Flower of white lily. 272 Plant-Breeding although it is sometimes in the form of a more or less glutinous or adhesive mass, as in the milk-weeds and orchids. The irritating dust which falls from the corn tassels at the later cultivatings is the pollen. The pistil, or so-called female organ, is shown at OP, Fig. 81. The enlarged portion at 0 is the ovary, which develops into the seed-pod. The stigma, or the enlarged and rough- ened part which receives the pollen, is at P. Be- tween these two parts is the slender style, a part that is absent in many flowers. The stamens and pistils are known as the essen- tial organs of the flower, for, whilst the calyx and corolla may be entirely absent, either one or both of these organs is present ; and these are the parts that are directly concerned in the reproduction of the species. Like the floral envelopes, these essential organs are often modified, so much so that botanists are sometimes perplexed to distinguish them from each other or from modified forms of the petals or sepals. The particular features of these organs which the plant-breeder must be able to distin- guish are the anther and the stigma ; for the anther bears FIG. 82. — Flower of greenhouse cypripedium. Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 273 the pollen and the stigma must receive it. In Fig. 80, the stamens are shown at E. In the flower A, which has just FIG. 83. — Flower of night-blooming cereus. expanded, these stamens are rigid and in condition to shed the pollen, but in the flower B, they have shed the pollen and have collapsed. The stigma in this case is 274 Plant-Breeding divided into three parts, but when the flower first opens, these parts are closed together, H in flower A, so that it is impossible that they receive any pollen from the same flower; when the stamens have withered, however, as in B, the stigma, H, spreads open and is ready to receive any pollen which may be brought to it by insects or FIG. 84. — Flower of the shrubby hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus). other agencies. In this case, the ovary or young seed-pod, which is hi the bottom of the flower, is not shown in the engraving. Some of the particular forms of essential organs are well illustrated in the accompanying photographs. In the night-blooming cereus, Fig. 83, the many-rayed stigma is shown just below the center of the mouth of the flower, Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 275 and the numerous stamens are arranged in a circular form out- side of it. The many petals and numerous spreading sepals are also well shown. The hibiscus, Fig. 84, has a central column with the anthers hanging upon it, and a large stigma raised beyond them. The wild bug- bane, or cimicifuga, is seen in Fig. 85, natural size. Here is a long spike or cluster of flowers. At the top are the unopened buds, in the center the expanded flowers with the floral envelopes fallen away, — the fringe-like stamens very prominent, — and below are seen the pistils, the stamens having fallen. These pistils will now ripen into pods, but the tip-like stigma may still be seen on them. The stamens and the long protruding style are also shown in the fuchsia, Fig. 94. The essential organs of orchids are curiously dis- guised. They are combined into a single body. In the lady-slip- per, Fig. 82, the lip-like stigma is shown at P. On either side, at its base, is an anther, S. Pro- FIG. 85. — Bugbane (Cimici- fuga racemosa). 276 Plant-Breeding jecting over the stigma is a greenish ladle-like body, T, which is a transformed and ^sterile anther. In all lady- slippers, these organs are essentially the same as in the drawing, although they vary much in size and shape ; but in most other orchids, the two side anthers, S, are wholly wanting, and the terminal organ, T, is a pollen-bearing anther. In nu- merous plants, there are many distinct pistils in each flower. Such is the case in the straw- berry, where each little yellow "seed" on the ripened berry represents a pis- til ; and the blackberry and the raspberry, where each little grain or drupelet of the fruit stands for the same organ. A flowering raspberry is illustrated natural size in Fig. 86, for the purpose of showing the ring of many anthers near the center of the flower, inside of which, in the very center, is a little head of pistils. It frequently occurs that the stamens and pistils are borne in different flowers, rather than together in the FIG. 86. — Blossom of flowering raspberry (Rubus odoratus). Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 277 same flower, as they are in the examples we have studied. In these cases the flower is said to be staminate, or male or sterile, in one case, and pistillate, female or fer- FIG. 87. — Squash flowers of each sex. tile, in the other case. If these two kinds of flowers are borne together on the - same plant, , as in pumpkins, melons, cucumbers, chestnuts, oaks, and begonias, the plant is said to be monoecious; but if the staminate and 278 Plant-Breeding pistillate flowers are on entirely different plants, as in willows and poplars, the plant is dioecious. The two kinds of squash flowers are shown in Fig. 87. The pistillate flower is on the left, and it is at once distinguished by the ovary or little squash below the colored part, or corolla of the flower. The lobed stigma is seen in the center. The staminate flower is on the right. It has a longer FIG. 88. — Flowers of clematis (Clematis virginiana). stem, no ovary, and the anthers are united into a con- spicuous cone in the center. The flowers expand early in the morning. Insects carry pollen to the pistillate flower, which then begins to set its fruit, whilst the staminate flower dies. The flower of the common wild clematis is shown in Fig. 88. On the right are the sterile flowers, which are wholly staminate. On the left, the flowers with larger sepals — the petals are absent — have a cone of pistils in the center, and a few short and Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 279 sterile stamens spreading from the base of the cone. These different flowers are borne on different plants in this species of clematis, and the plants are therefore practically dioecious, because the stamens of the pistillate flowers generally bear no pollen. A similar mixed ar- rangement occurs in some strawberries, except that there are no purely staminate flowers. There are purely pistil- late varieties, others, as the Crescent, with a few nearly or quite abortive stamens at the base of the cone of pistils, and others in which the flowers are perfect or hermaph- rodites, that is, containing the two sexes. The compositous flowers — as the asters, daisies, golden- rods, sunflowers, dahlias, zinnias, chrysanthemums, and their kin — need to be considered in still a different category. In these plants, the head, or so-called flower, is an aggregation of several or many small flowers or florets. Each seed in a sunflower head, for example, represents a distinct flower. Sometimes all of these flowers are perfect, — contain the two sexes, — and sometimes they are pistillate or staminate in different parts of the head; and in some cases the plants are dioecious. In many plants of the composite family, the flowers near the border of the head are unlike those of the center or disk, in having a long ray-like corolla; and these ray-flowers are frequently of different form from the others in the character of the essential organs. Very frequently the ray-flowers are pistillate, whilst the disk flowers are generally hermaphrodite. The anthers in these plants are united in a ring closely about the style and below the stigma. The ovary, as we have seen, ripens into the pod, berry, 280 Plant-Breeding or other fruit ; but it is not able to bear seeds until it is assisted by the pollen. The pollen falls upon the roughish or sticky surface of the stigma, and there germinates or sends a minute tube downwards through the style and finally reaches the ovule, which, when fertilized, rapidly ripens into the seed. The nature of this fecundation is not germane to the present subject ; but it may be said that only one pollen-grain is necessary to the fertilization of a single ovule, but the addition of a superabundance of pollen greatly stimulates the growth of the fleshy or enveloping parts of the fruit. It is important that the person who desires to cross plants should become familiar with the stigma when it is "ripe," receptive, or ready to receive the pollen. This condition is usually indicated by the glutinous or sticky or moist condition of the stigma, or in those stigmas which are not glutinous it is told by the appearing of a distinctly roughened or papillose condition. This receptive condition generally occurs about as soon as the flower opens. If pollen is withheld, the stigma will remain receptive much longer than when fertilization has taken place, — in some flowers for two or three days. The pollen is discharged from the anther in various ways, but it most commonly escapes through a chink or crack in the side of the anther. Sometimes it escapes through pores at one end of the anther; and in other cases there are more elaborate mechanisms to admit of its discharge. In most plants, the anthers and stigma in the same flower mature at different times, so that close-fertilization or in-breeding is avoided. This is well illustrated in the bellflower, Fig. 80. Here the anthers Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 281 wither and die before the stigmatic lobes open. In other cases, the stigma matures first, although this is not the usual condition. Manipulating the flowers. — We are now familiar with the essential principles in the pollination of flowers. Before a person proceeds to operate on a flower with which he is unfamiliar, he should carefully study its structure, so as to be able to locate the different organs, and to dis- cover when the pollen and the stigma are ready for work. The first and last rule in the pollinating of plants is this : Exercise every precaution to prevent any other pollina- tion than that which you design to give. The anthers, therefore, must be removed from the flower before it opens. This removal of the anthers is known as emascula- tion. Just as soon as this is done, tie up the flower securely in a bag to protect it from foreign pollen, which may be brought by winds or insects. As soon as «the stigma is ripe, remove the bag and apply the desired pollen, placing the bag on the flower again, where it must remain until the seeds begin to form. The stigma may be receptive the day following emasculation, or, perhaps, not until a week afterwards. Much depends on the age of the bud when emasculation takes place. It is commonly best to delay emasculation as long as possible and not have the flower open; but the operator must be sure that the anthers do not discharge or that insects do not get into the flower before he has emasculated it. The bud at B, in Fig. 82, is nearly ready to emasculate. The older buds on the top of the spike of bugbane, Fig. 85, are ready to operate ; and so is the bud seen at the left in Fig. 86. 282 Plant-Breeding The manner of emasculating the flower varies with the operator. It is a common practice to clip off the anthers with a pair of small scissors, or to hook them out with a bent pin or a crochet hook. There are disadvantages in any of these methods, because the anthers are likely FIG. 89. — Tobacco flowers, showing the parts of the flower, a bud ready to be emasculated, and an emasculated subject. to drop into the bottom of the corolla, where it is some- times difficult to rescue them ; and if one uses tweezers, there is always danger that the anthers may be crushed and that some of the pollen may adhere to the instrument and contaminate future crosses. We may therefore cut the corolla completely off just above the ovary, with a Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 283 pair of small, long-handled surgeon's scissors (see Fig. 91), removing everything but the pistil. The operation is explained in Fig. 89, which shows the tobacco flower. FIG. 90. — Zinnia flowers ; the upper head ready for emasculation, the lower one showing the operation performed. The flower at the left shows the pin-head stigma in the center of the throat, and the five anthers surrounding it. The second flower is spread open for the purpose of showing these organs. The third figure is a bud in 284 Plant-Breeding FIG. 91. — Instruments used in pollinating flowers, natural size, scalpel, scissors, lens. Pin the right condition for operation. The right-hand figure shows this bud cut around with the points of the scissors, Pollination: or Hov) to Cross Plants 285 leaving only the pistil. The line at W, in Fig. 81, shows where the flower of the lily might be cut off. The method for a compositous flower is shown in the picture of the zinnia, Fig. 90. In this plant the outer flowers of the head are pistillate, whilst those of the disk are perfect. It is only necessary, therefore, to remove the central stamen-bearing flowers before any of them open, and to cover the flower up before any of the pistils near the border have protruded themselves. The upper head in Fig. 90 shows the untreated sample, while the lower one shows the same with the cone of central flowers pulled out. This treated head should now be covered, FIG. 92. — Ladle for pollinating house tomatoes. to await the maturing of the stigmas. In many composi- tous plants, however, the case is not so simple as this, because all the flowers are perfect. In such cases, nearly all the florets should be removed from the head, and a few remaining ones emasculated in essentially the same method as described for the tobacco, Fig. 89. Whenever flowers are borne in clusters, nearly all of them should be removed and the attention confined to only two or three of them. One is then more certain of getting seeds to set. In some cases, like the apple cluster, only one or two flowers of any cluster ever set fruit, and the operator should then choose the two or three strongest and most promising buds, and cut all the others off. 286 Plant-Breeding Flowers that bear no stamens, as the pistillate flowers of squashes, strawberries, and many other plants, of course do not require emasculating. They should be tied up while in bud, however, to prevent the access of any foreign pollen. Indian corn is a case in point. The pistillate flowers are on the ear, each kernel of corn representing a single flower. The silks are the stigmas. If it is desired to cross corn, there- fore, the ear should be covered before any silks are protruded, and the pollen should be applied some days later, when the silks are fully grown. The staminate or male flowers are in the tassel. The pollen should be derived from a flower which has also been pro- tected from wind and insects, be- cause foreign pollen may have been dropped upon an anther by an insect visitor, and it may be unknowingly transferred by the operator. The pollen-bearing parent needs no oper- ation, of course, but the flower should have been tied up in a bag when it was in bud. The pollen is best obtained by picking off a ripe anther and crushing it upon the thumb- nail. Then it is transferred to the stigma by a tiny scalpel made by hammering out the small end of a pin, as shown, full size, at the left in Fig. 91. The stigma should be entirely covered with the pollen, if possible. It is often advised to use a camel's-hair brush to transfer pollen. FIG. 93. — Bag for cov- ering the flowers. Pollination* or How to Cross Plants 287 but much of the pollen sticks amongst the hairs of the brush and is ready to contaminate a future cross; and when the pollen is scarce it cannot be conserved to ad- FIG. 94. — Fuchsias, showing the stamens and pistils, and a bud ready to be emasculated. vantage by a brush. In some cases the pollen is discharged so freely that the anther may be rubbed upon the stigma, or even shaken over it, but in most instances it will be 288 Plant-Breeding necessary actually to place the pollen upon the stigma with some hand instrument. When pollinating house- grown melons and cucumbers, the staminate flower is broken off, the corolla stripped back, and the anther- cone inserted into the pistillate flower, where it is allowed to remain until it driesxand falls away. In pollinating house tomatoes, an implement shown in Fig. 92, one-third size, is used. This is simply a watch-glass, T, secured to a FIG. 95. — Fuchsia flower emasculated. handle. When the house is dry, at midday, the watch- glass is held under the flowers, which are tapped, and the pollen falls into the glass. The glass is then held up under another flower until the stigma rests in the pollen. It should be said, however, that this pollination of toma- toes is for the purpose of making the fruit set in the ab- sence of insects, not to effect a cross. If the latter pur- pose were the object sought, the flowers which are to bear the seeds would need to be emasculated. Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 289 Sometimes it is im- possible to secure the pollen at the time the stigma is ready. In some cases of this kind, the intended parents can be grown under glass so as to bring them into bloom at the same time. In other cases, it is nec- essary to keep the pollen for some time. The length of time that pol- len will keep varies with the species and probably also with the strength and vigor of the plants that bear it. As a rule, it will not keep more than a week or two, and, in general, it may be said that the fresher it is, the better it may be expected to act. It is best kept in dry and tight paper bags, such as are used for covering the flowers. Something more should be said about the bags which are used for covering the flowers. It has been found that light transparent oiled paper bags are the best. For FIG. 96. — Fuchsia flower tied up after emasculation. 290 Plant-Breeding small flowers use the two-ounce bags and for larger flowers use the four-ounce size. If oiled bags are not available, the ordinary manilla bags may be used. When they are still flat, as they come from the packages, a hole is made near the opening, and a string is passed through it and then tied at one of the folds, as shown in Fig. 93. The bag is then ready for use. Before it is put on the flower, the lower end of it is dipped in water to soften it so that FIG. 97. — Tomato and quince, showing how the sepals were cut off in emasculating. it can be puckered tightly about the stem and thereby prevent the entrance of any insect. A bag is put upon the seed-bearing flower when emasculation is performed, and upon the intended pollen parent when the flower is still in bud. The bag may be removed from the emas- culated flower from time to time to examine the stigma, and again when the pollen is applied; but it should not be taken off permanently until the pod or fruit begins to grow. By way of recapitulation, let us consider the crossing Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 291 of a fuchsia flower. In Fig. 94 two flowers are shown in full bloom, with the long style and the eight shorter sta- mens. The single bud is just the right age to emasculate. We therefore cut off the two flowers and emasculate the bud, as in Fig. 95. The pollen of another flower is applied and the bag is tied on, as seen in Fig. 96. The best label is a small merchandise tag, and this records the staminate parent and the date. It will be seen that in the operation of emas- culating the fuchsia flower we cut off the sepals as well as the petals. In some plants the calyx adheres to the full-grown fruit, as on the apple, pear, quince, gooseberry, or persists at the base of the fruit, as in the tomato, pea, raspberry. In these fruits, there- fore, the cutting away of the calyx leaves an indelible mark which at once distinguishes the fruits which have been crossed, even if the labels are lost. In Fig. 97 a tomato and quince are shown thus marked. All the foregoing remarks do not apply to the crossing of ferns, lycopodes, and the like, because these plants have no flowers; yet cross-fertilization may take place FIG. 98. — Pollinating kit. 292 Plant-Breeding in them. When the spores of these flowerless plants are sown, a thin green tissue, or prothallus, appears and spreads over the ground. In this tissue the , separate sex-organs appear, and after fecundation takes place, the fern, as we commonly understand it, springs forth. Thereafter, this fern lives an asexual life and produces spores year after year; but it is only in this primitive prothallic stage that fertilization takes place, once in the life time of the plant. If these plants are to be crossed, the only procedure open to the gardener is to sow the spores of the intended parents together in FIG. 99. — Pollinating kit. the hope that a nat- ural mixing may take place. There are various well-authenticated fern hy- brids. The pollination of flowers is such a simple work that few implements are required for its easy performance. Great care is more important than any number of tools. Every one who expects to cross plants should provide him- self with the three instruments shown in Fig. 91, — a pin scalpel, sharp-pointed scissors, and a large hand-lens. If one contemplates much experimenting in this direction, however, it is economy of time to have some sort of box in which there are compartments for the various necessi- ties. These various compartments suggest at once whatever accessories are wanting, and they hold a sufficient supply for several hundred operations. There should be a com- Pollination: or How to Cross Plants 293 partment for bags, string, lens, scissors, and pencils, tags, note-book, and the like. Figs. 98 and 99 show a con- venient case for an experimenter, and one that has been used with satisfaction for several years. This kit is twelve inches long, nine inches wide, and three inches deep. CHAPTER X THE FORWARD MOVEMENT IN PLANT- ' BREEDING THE first specific interest in cultivated plants was in the gross kinds or species. As the contact with plants be- came more intimate, various indefinite form-groups were recognized within the limits of the species. Gradually, with the intensifying of domestication and cultivation, very particular groups appeared and were recognized. These smaller groups came finally to be designated by names, and the idea of the definite and homogeneous cultural variety came into existence. The variety-con- ception is really a late one in the development of the human race. It is practically only within the past two centuries that cultivated varieties of plants have been recognized as being worthy of receiving designative names. It is within this period, also, that most of the great breeds of animals have been defined and separately named. All this measures the increasing intimacy of our contact with domesticated plants and animals. It is a record of our progress. The peoples that are most advanced in the cultivation of any plant are the ones that have the most named varieties of that plant. In Japan, to this day, the plums are said to pass under ill-defined class 294 The Forward Movement in Plant- Breeding 295 names. We have introduced these classes, have sorted out the particular forms that promise to be of value to us, and have given them specific American names* Some time ago a native professor in Japan wrote me asking for cions of these plums, in order that he might introduce Japanese plums into Japan. The Russian apples are designated to some extent by class names ; in fact, it was not until the appearance of Regel's work, about a. generation ago, that Russian pomology may be said to have begun. What constitutes a variety is increasingly more difficult to define, because we are constantly differentiating on smaller points. The growth of the variety-conception is really the growth of the power of analysis. The earlier recognized varieties seem to have come into existence unchallenged. There is very little record of inquiry as to how or why or even where they originated. That is, the quest of the origin arose long after the recognition of the variety as a variety. Even after inquisitive search into origins had begun, there was little effort to produce these varieties. The describing of varie- ties and the search into their histories was a special work of the nineteenth century. One has only to consult such American works as Downing's " Fruits and Fruit Trees of America," and Burr's " Field and Garden Vegetables of America," to see how carefully and methodically the descriptions and synonymy of the varieties were worked out. These are types of excellent pieces of editorial and formal systematic work. Systematic improvement of plants. — There have been isolated efforts at producing varieties for many years. These efforts began before the time of the general discus- 296 Plant-Breeding sion of organic evolution. In fact, it was on such experi- ments that Darwin drew heavily in some of his most important writing. Roughly speaking, however, the conception that the kinds of plants can be definitely modi- fied and varied by man is a product of the last half century. We now think that there is such a possibility as plant- breeding. It is really a more modern conception, so far as its general acceptance is concerned, than animal- breeding. But both animal-breeding and plant-breeding are the results of a new attitude toward the forms of life — a conviction that the very structure, habits, and attributes are amenable to change and control by man. This is really one of the great new attitudes of the modern world. The term plant-breeding itself is new. It occurs only in the most recent supplements of dictionaries. Before this term came into use, such words as " improvement " and " amelioration " of plants were employed, although cross- breeding had long been current. The early writings of Verlot and Carriere were under the title of " production and fixation of varieties of plants." The term plant- breeding carries the conception of a definite purpose in the producing of new forms and attributes of plants, by cross- ing, selection, and whatever other means may be useful. One of the " signs of the times" in North America is the attention that is being given to the practical breeding of plants. A host of persons is actually at work. There are professorships devoted to the subject. Many societies are giving special attention to the practical improvement of plants. Results are accumulating rapidly with very many kinds of plants, and the literature is growing rapidly. The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 297 Eventually, of course, we shall be able to formulate somewhat definite statements as to how to proceed to secure desired results, and then the literature of plant- breeding can be intelligently rewritten. However, there is no hope that plant-breeding can ever proceed with such exactness as to enable us to produce forthwith the things that we desire, in the way in which the mechanician devises new machines, notwithstanding all the suggestions of persons who write with much self-assurance. For all that we can now see, plant-breeding will always be an experimental process. It is this very experimental uncertainty of the work that gives it much of its charm to inquisitive and sensitive minds. The plant-breeder should aim toward definite ideals. — Now, plant-breeding is worthy of the name only as it sets definite ideals and is able to attain them. Merely to produce new things is of no merit ; that was done long before man was evolved. A child can " produce" a new variety, but it may learn nothing and contribute nothing in producing it. In many "new" things that are pro- duced there may be dispute as to whether they are new, and as to whether they are distinct enough to be named and therefore to be ranked as varieties at all. This is not science, nor even breeding : it is playing and guessing. What does the world care whether John Jones produces " Jones' Giant Beardless Wheat" ? But it does care if he produces wheat having a half of one per cent more protein. We must give up the production of mere "varieties" ; we must breed for certain definite attributes that will make the new generation of plants more efficient for certain purposes : this is the new out-look in plant-breeding. 298 Plant-Breeding Plant improvement a serious business. — In considering the American achievement in plant-breeding, we must divest ourselves at the outset of all idea of " wonder," and "miracle," and other nonsense, which has been so much written into the subject in very recent time. Plant- breeding is a plain and serious business, to be conducted by carefully trained persons in a painstaking and method- ical way. It is not magic. There are persons who have unusual native judgment as to the merits and capabilities of plants and who develop great manual skill; but they are plain and modest citizens, nevertheless, and their methods are perfectly normal and scrutable. The wonder- mongers are the reporters, not the plant-breeders. It is a curious psychological phenomenon that the popu- lace, or a certain part of it, seems to lose its head now and then. This phenomenon is not peculiar to politics. It enters those domains that are compassed by fact and that in ordinary times are dominated by common sense. Plant-breeding has been seized of this sensationalism. Newspapers, magazines, and books have spread the most wonderful tales. The lay writers have at last awakened to the fact that great progress is making in agricultural subjects, and, with a fragmentary and superficial view here and there, have written of the subjects with all the enthusiasm and partiality of new discovery. We have now in mind not only the inflated writing about plant- breeding, which constitutes a regrettable contribution to current horticultural literature, but also that general tendency to exploit everything that is capable of high coloring. The agricultural historian, when he takes ac- count of the exploitations of the present day, will recall other The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 299 stages in which we seem temporarily to have lost our better judgment, of which the Morus multicaulis craze and the lightning-rod boom are examples in two past generations. Having now warned our readers that we have nothing marvelous in store, we shall proceed to indicate some of the ways in which American plant-breeders are working, fully conscious that the space at our disposal is much too little to allow of any adequate presentation of the subject. It may not be out of place to call the reader's attention to the three foundations on which rests the in- creased productiveness of crops and animals : — The enrichment of the land; The tillage and care ; The producing of better varieties and strains. We have long given careful attention to the first two ; now we are studying the third with new enthusiasm an,d purpose. The results of plant-breeding effort. — Happily, we are not without abundant accomplishment in this new field. The last ten years has seen a remarkable specialization in the producing of plants that are adapted to particular needs. The days of merely crossing and sowing the seeds to see what will turn up are already past with those who are engaged seriously in the work. The old method was hit-and-miss, and the result was to take what good luck put in our way : the new method proceeds definitely and directly, and the result is the necessary outcome of the line of effort. The crux of the new ideal is efficiency in one particular attribute in the product of the breeding. These attributes are measurable; the kinds of results are foreseen in the plan. 300 Plant-Breeding State plant-breeding associations. — One of the most significant advances in popular interest in plant improve- ment is the banding together of persons in many of the states and provinces in an organized effort to improve plants, especially field crops. This line of effort has been largely brought about at the suggestion of some officer of the state agricultural college, who is often an expert plant-breeder himself, and usually acts as secretary of the association. These associations have done great good in arousing interest in plant-breeding. The Wisconsin Association, known as the Wisconsin Agricultural Improvement Association, was established Feb. 22, 1901, and now has a paid-up membership of over 2000 persons, consisting of "all former, present, and future students and instructors of the Wisconsin College of Agriculture," also " any person residing within the state having completed a course in agriculture in any college equivalent to that given by the Wisconsin University." More recently the county agricultural schools have been admitted to membership and honorary members may be elected by a majority vote at any annual or special meet- ing of the association. The association has organized some 44 county sub- orders, which are smaller units conducting an active work in more restricted areas. These county orders con- tain approximately 4000 members. Any one interested in agriculture may unite with the county order. They have become live centers which stand behind all agricultural activities and lend a helping hand in making agricultural and other resources of the county known far and near. As a result of the association there has been established The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 301 in the neighborhood of 2000 seed-grain centers where pure-bred seed barley may be obtained. It is estimated that over seventy-five per cent of the seed barley of Wis- consin is of one distinct variety. Another series of organizations, to be known as "town- ship organizations," has been planned. These are smaller groups within the county orders. Three are already in existence. This scheme of organization brings the activi- ties of the association to practically every farmer of the state. Starting out primarily as breeding associations, their activities have extended in many directions. An alfalfa order has been established which is closely affiliated with the main association : its object is "to promote the alfalfa interests of the state in general," 1st. By cooperating with the Department of Agronomy and the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Association in growing, experimenting, and in the wide dissemination of alfalfa; 2d. By having alfalfa exhibits at agricultural fairs ; 3d. By having annual meetings in order to report and discuss topics beneficial to the members of the order ; 4th. By distributing literature and information bearing upon the production of alfalfa for seed and forage. The alfalfa order was organized three years ago and now has a membership of 1200. In 1914, 50 tons of alfalfa seed were sent out for experimental purposes. The association receives state aid, $5000 a year, and some of the county orders receive financial aid from the county. The annual dues of members is fifty cents. One of the principal aims of the Wisconsin association 302 Plant-Breeding is to place pure-bred seed on the market. This seed is to bear the seal of the association. It is estimated that members of the association sell over three hundred thousand dollars' worth of pure-bred seed a year. The members are in close touch with the breeding work of the experiment station and test, propa- gate, and disseminate the improved grains which are pro- duced on the station farm. The association prints an annual report of over one hundred pages containing the progress of the members in improving seed grain and much valuable information concerning plant-breeding in general. Such titles as the following appear in recent annual reports : — Dissemination of Pure Bred Seed Grains, Through the Coopera- tion of Students in the Country Schools, J. C. Brockert. Necessity of Thorough Preparation of Pure Bred Seed Grain for the General Trade, Wm. R. Leonard. County Order of Experiment Association as Factor to Promote Dissemination of Pure Bred Grain, R. A. Moore. Importance of Testing Our Pure Seed Grains Previous to Sowing Season's Crop, H. L. Post. • Importance of the Farm Inspection Work, and How Shall It Be Carried Out? E. B. Skewes. Growing and Preparing Seed Grains and Forage Plants for Exhibition, O. R. Frauenheim. Wheat Breeding — The Value of the Individual, F. H. Demaree. In this connection, mention should be made of the Wisconsin Potato Growers' Association, an active and growing organization whose object is to improve the seed and table potatoes of Wisconsin by breeding and to The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 303 guarantee variety shipments true to name and free from disease. This association, like its sister organization, does business on a large scale and has at present nearly 300 members. " Potato Special" trains have been run through- out the state under its auspices and that of the State College of Agriculture, and several very successful potato exhibits have been held. This association has done much to standardize certain commercial varieties of potatoes and to put seed on the market which is true to name. Its members found our varieties badly mixed up and containing many distinct types. This purifying of varieties is the first step toward careful and systematic breeding. A Minnesota association, known as the " Minnesota Field Crop Breeders' Association," has been organized with a similar plan and objects as the Wisconsin associa- tions. It publishes an elaborate annual report giving information concerning the work of the association as a whole and the activities of the county sections, of which there are many. One of the functions of the association, besides encouraging the production and sale of pure-bred seeds, is to stage elaborate exhibits of farm products at the state and other fairs. • In some states, notably Illinois, Ohio, and New York, associations of breeders have been established on a dif- ferent membership basis. They have chosen to have smaller associations consisting of persons who bind them- selves to follow certain rules and regulations laid down by the association. The Illinois Seed-corn Breeders' Association is such an organization. Its members grow .certain varieties of corn recognized by the association 304 Plant- Breeding and offer these for sale with the approval and backing of the association. The Ohio and New York associations laid out elabo- rate plans of breeding for their members to follow, but it was found that farmers were not ready for such work and as a result the Ohio association has never been very large and the New York association has abandoned this plan and is turning its attention to bringing the farmers and seedsmen into closer relations, encouraging the farmer to demand a better product and the seedsmen to produce one. Other plant-breeding associations. — • The most notable breeders' associations are the Canadian Seed Growers' Association and the Swedish Seed Association. The former has an elaborate system of inspection of all seeds sold by members of the association under the su- pervision of a permanent, salaried secretary. The results are noteworthy. The standard of seed grain has been tremendously raised in Canada and much better crops are the result. Canadian seed grain is now in demand all over the world. The Canadian experiment stations are leading in this work by carefully and systematically producing improved varieties on their experimental farms and distributing them to members of the association who grow them, keeping up a careful selection from year to year and offering them for sale. The Swedish association has an interesting history and an enviable record. It has done more, probably, than any other organization to reshape our conception and methods of selection. Dr. Nilsson and his associates have started on a large scale the principle of individual selection in contrast to the older method of mass selection The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 305 which is now largely given up. The group of scientists at Svalof have not only shown their ability to produce practical results, but they have also elaborated scientific principles. The founding of the station at Svalof is wholly due to the private initiative of a group of Swedish farmers. The purpose of the association has always been to produce practical results, to breed better grains for local use. But the station has been fortunate from the first in having in its employ expert botanists whose skill has not only produced many noteworthy new varieties, but who have elaborated scientific principles of far-reaching im- portance. These men have been given a free hand to pursue their work without such distracting activities as teaching, comparative field trials, commercial analyses, and the like. This fact together with an unrestricted organization, a well-selected program, and an expert corps of assistants accounts for the wonderful success of this station. This Swedish seed association has two groups of mem- bers: those who are permanent after having paid $28 once for all ; and those who pay annually $1.40. The association has an annual budget of about $40,000 derived from dues of members, contributions from agri- cultural associations, government aid, and sale of pedigreed seed. Funds from the last two sources have increased very rapidly in recent years. Gifts of various kinds amounting to $77,000 have been set aside for buildings. Accordingly, the society now has at its disposal a large and well-equipped establishment, comprising two con- nected buildings serving as laboratories (Fig. 100), a house 306 Plant-Breeding The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 307 for preparatory work, with a little farm and a dwelling house ; it also owns 40 acres of land, of which special cultures and seed multiplication plots occupy 25 acres. Despite this, it has been found necessary to make most of the cultural experiments on the wide fields of the huge property adjoining, in order to give the different cereals, occupying in all about 30 acres a year, their proper place in the rotation of crops, which is found absolutely neces- sary for a normal development. The program of work in Sweden was, at first, vague and uncertain. Theorizing scientists were attempting to solve problems for practical farmers and nobody had blazed the trail. The starting-point of the work was naturally the method of selection in vogue at the time, that is, the Darwinian method of " methodical selection" or of "mass selection" as it is now called. By this system, a selection of seed was made from a large number of plants and the whole thrown together and sown "en masse" in a single plot. But it soon became evident that this method of selection was not yielding the results which the Swedish farmers demanded — better varieties which would be constant. The method of selection was therefore changed and in two years the difficulties were being over- come by the new method. This new method consisted of testing individual plants and their progeny instead of making, at once, a com- posite test of many plants. 'This plan of individual selection has proved itself. The results were convincing. It left no doubt as to the fact that the only true starting- point for the fixation of different types must be plants taken one by one. 308 Plant-Breeding This Swedish discovery has changed the outlook on the problem of plant-breeding, especially the methods of selection. It could be easily demonstrated that there existed in any cultural variety of plants a large number of independent forms having widely divergent qualities and a practical value that was quite useful. It was found, moreover, that most of the descendants or " pedigree culture " of single individuals were constant. In employing the old method of "mass selection," they were working blindly without knowing how or when or even whether they were going to reach a stability of type ; on the other hand the method of pedigreed culture or "individual selection" eliminated the fear of failure because of the appearance of the hitherto unsurmountable variations. The varieties are already there, and fixed from the beginning of the work ; the only difficulty is to learn to recognize them and to place the proper valuations upon them. The success of this method of breeding at Svalof has profoundly modified the method of selection in this country. The principle almost universally applied now is the method of individual selection. Thus we hear about plant-to-row, head-to-row, ear-to-row, or tuber-unit testing, depending upon the plant used. This method of selection is by no means the only one used for plant improvement at the Swedish station, hy- bridization also plays an important part in the work. The work has grown very rapidly and has now been split up into different departments with an expert in charge of each. Commercial breeding agencies. — The chief among com- The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 309 mercial breeding agencies are, of course, the professional seedsmen. The demand for " novelties " is ever present and the seedsman must meet it. Therefore every seeds- man's catalogue each spring features them, giving them a prominent place and often painted in radiant colors. Everybody knows that novelties are often no better than the old standard sorts. But this demand for some- thing new seems to be inherent. It does not seem to be the common practice among American seedsmen to produce their own novelties by precise and recognized plant-breeding methods. Many of them are purchased abroad and others are accidental discoveries picked up here and there. Our standard sorts of seeds of all kinds are being gradually improved, but usually not by any particular up- to-date methods, except in certain unusual or exceptional instances. The seedsmen, however, carefully rogue their fields to eliminate divergent plants in an attempt to pro- duce seed of more importance. Recently, however, the American Seed Trade Associa- tion, consisting of the better class of seedsmen of the United States, has begun a general movement for im- proving crops by methods such as are used by careful breeders at the agricultural experiment stations. A committee on crop improvement has . been organized whose duties are to ascertain, so far as possible, how the seed trade can be most helpful in these movements for better bred seed, and to bring about a close harmony between the seedsmen and the plant-breeding experts of the agricultural experiment stations. Many seedsmen feel, at present, that the extra cost 310 Plant-Breeding entailed in producing pedigreed seed will not be ade- quately paid for by the average American buyer. There is probably much justification for this feeling. Two things should be done — to educate the buying public to the importance of better seed and the justification for its greater cost, and also to devise methods whereby this seed may be more cheaply and economically produced. The agricultural colleges through various channels are doing much to solve these two difficulties. Work of the council of grain exchanges. — The National Council of Grain Exchanges is the associated body of the various grain exchanges or boards of trade of this coun- try. This organization is interested in a larger yield of better grain. It has a crop improvement committee which is very active in grain-improvement work, including grain-breeding. This committee is conducting a very extensive publicity campaign in an attempt to induce farmers to use select seed and improve their crops. The executive work is done by a secretary, who acts as general manager, and an agronomist, who is an expert plant- breeder and advises concerning the technical features of the work, most of which is done through the county agents. To aid in this work, the committee publishes a monthly publication called The County Agent, a paper filled with terse information concerning all phases of farm improvement work. The secretary and agronomist have large funds at their disposal, which are being used to bring about concerted action by farming communities for the improvement of seed grain. United States Department of Agriculture and state experi- ment stations, — The most methodical plant-breeding is The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 311 now being done by officers of the experiment stations in the United States and Canada, and by the United States Department of Agriculture. In most of the experiment stations there is at least one person interested in improv- ing horticultural plants and others interested in field crops; as there is an experiment station in every state and territory and in the provinces of Canada, it will be seen that there are several hundred persons who, by their profession, are directly concerned in plant-breeding, aside from a number of persons in the federal Department of Agriculture who devote themselves exclusively to this subject. 'The work is extended, also, into the hands of various assistants in the different institutions ; so that it is probably no exaggeration to say that three to four hundred professional investigators are now giving atten- tion, for a greater or less part of their time, to measures for improving American crop production by means of breeding. The breeding enterprises of the federal Department of Agriculture were formerly confined to investigators in the Plant-Breeding Laboratory. But the work has grown to such an extent and breeding now touches so many phases of plant work that the former organization, as such, has been discontinued, and breeding is taken up in connec- tion with many other departments. There is now more of a tendency for the administrative divisions to group themselves around the crops such as corn, cotton, wheat, vegetables, and so forth, rather than processes such as plant-breeding, or culture. The work of the federal investigators has been tre- mendously important both from the standpoint of original 312 Plant-Breeding research and the production of improved varieties and strains for dissemination. The success of the cotton-breeding experiments is noteworthy. These have been conducted with the object of increasing the length and strength of lint ; and an early variety to avoid the ravages of the boll-weevil is desired. The famous long-stapled Sea Island Cotton has been much used for hybridizing with the upland cottons to increase the length of lint of the latter. The length has been increased very considerably by this method and the varieties have been made more uniform, an important factor in ginning. The work of Webber and Swingle in producing new types of oranges which are resistant to cold is exceedingly important. Various varieties of the common sweet orange were crossed with Pondrus (or Citrus) trifoliata, a hardy hedge orange, and hybrids have been produced which are called " citranges." These will grow some four hundred miles farther north than the present orange belt, which is no small factor in orange-growing. These hybrids are too bitter to be eaten out-of-hand, but they make an excellent ade ; many of them have more juice than lemons. A cross has also been made between the pomelo or grapefruit and the tangerine. A hybrid was produced which combines the easily removable rind of the tan- gerine and has the flavor, not of the pomelo, but of the sweet orange. A fruit of this kind, combining these char- acteristics so well, bids fair to play an important part in orange-growing of the future. The division of Plant Introduction has contributed no small part to breeding work. Through its activities, a great The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 313 many plants have been imported from all over the world which have formed rich material for the plant-breeder to take and improve, and many other varieties have been introduced which have immediately become valuable without further improvement. Such plants as durum wheat, Japanese kinshu rice, Swedish select oats, Wash- ington navel orange, cold-resistant varieties of alfalfa, Russian apples, varieties of dates for Southern Cali- fornia and Arizona, drought-resistant olives, Egyptian cotton, and very many others have added millions to our agricultural wealth. The work of Orton and his associates in breeding plants resistant to disease forms an important chapter in this work. They have been successful in waging war on wilt of cotton, cowpeas, watermelons (see Figs. 55 and 56), and other crops by means of breeding to obtain wilt-resistant strains. The only successful method of combating certain maladies seems to be in this way. Strains of disease-resist- ant asparagus and of rust-resistant cereals have reached economic importance. Many great sections of the United States which are now nearly barren could be made productive if varieties of plants could be developed which are resistant to drought and alkali. This work has occupied the attention of a large corps of plant-breeders and not without results. The experts from eighteen state experiment stations be- sides the men from Washington are engaged in this work. As a result, varieties of wheat and other cereals, alfalfa, nuts, olives, and various fruits have been developed which will grow in parts of this great region and are of considerable economic importance. 314 Plant-Breeding Work of the state agricultural experiment stations. — Investigators in the state experiment stations have always taken an active part in plant-breeding work. Five years ago, in an admirable editorial in the Experiment Station Record, Dr. Allen says as follows: "The list of proj- ects conducted by the experiment stations under the Adams fund includes sixty-three which fall under the head of investigations in breeding (eleven of these relate to the breeding of animals). This relatively large number indi- cates the popularity of the subject, and an evident feeling that it not only presents large research possibility, but is a line in which investigation is greatly needed. The attention which is being given to breeding is encouraging and the number of enterprises suggests the possibility of material additions to the general understanding of its various phases." The experiments subsequent to that time have, to a considerable extent, justified the hope of "material additions to the general understanding of its various phases." Numerous bulletins have been published which have added to that knowledge, and the experiment station men have written many articles which have appeared in various serial publications. The lines of work which have received the greatest attention and in which the most constructive work has been done are the application of Mendel's laws to economic plants and the elucidation of individual selection and pure- line breeding. Not only have important practical results been obtained in improving our economic plants, but a considerable amount of material of scientific value has been accumulated. The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 315 The experiments with corn at the Illinois and other experiment stations and those with timothy at the Cornell station stand out prominently as examples of pieces of scientific research which, at the same time, have tre- mendous economic importance. There is scarcely an economic crop but is receiving some attention by the plant-breeders of our experiment stations, and bulletins are appearing frequently dealing with this phase of the work. Many experiment stations, such as Wisconsin, Minne- sota. Ohio, New York, and Kansas, are also busily engaged in producing superior varieties upon their own grounds for distribution to their constituents. The old-time very prevalent variety tests are still made, but these are now supplemented by variety im- provement and careful studies of variety adaptation. Beside the large amount of practical work which most of the stations are doing, there are a large number of breeding projects prosecuted by them, and which are destined to become of scientific importance. The following projects have been reported by Dr. Allen of the federal Office of Experiment Stations as now conducted at the different stations : — Breeding Corn — Alabama Station. Breeding Experiments with Cotton — Alabama Station. Breeding Oats — Alabama Station. Wheat Breeding Investigations — Kansas Station. Alfalfa Breeding Investigations — Kansas Station. Analysis of Cellular Structure of Hybrids — Maine Station. Experimental Modification of the Hereditary Process — Maine Station. 316 Plant-Breeding Breeding Alfalfa with Reference to the Extreme and Sub-tropical Conditions of Arizona — Arizona Station. Cotton Breeding — Arkansas Station. Nicotiana Hybrids — California Station. Improvement of Dent, Flint, and Sweet Corn in Yield and Feeding Value, by Breeding Work in Six Different Localities — Connecticut Station (State). Breeding Investigations with Tobacco — Connecticut State Station. Zenia in Maize and Hereditary Transmission of Various Char- acters — Connecticut State Station. The Effect of Variations in Physical Characters and Chemical Composition of the Corn Kernel upon the Vigor of the Plant — Delaware Station. Plant Breeding — Florida Station. Investigation of Mendelian Laws in Application to the Cotton Plant — Georgia Station. Inheritance of Contrasted Characters — Mississippi Station. Study of the Correlation of Characters and of Inheritance in Pure Lines and Varieties — Montana Station. Degree of Close Breeding in Maize — Nebraska Station. Plant Breeding Work with Pure Lines of Cereals — New Mexico Station. Place Variation with Cotton — North Carolina Station. The Increase and Fixation of Desirable Properties in Plants — Ohio Station. Breeding Drought-resistant Corn ; Study of Qualities of Drought Resistance — Oklahoma Station. Breeding Sorghums, especially Kafir Corn, Milo Maize, and Broom Corn, to secure more Drought-resistant Types — Oklahoma Station. Fundamental Study of Inheritance in Cotton — Texas Station. Comparative Study of Durum, Poulard, and Bread Wheats — Arizona Station. The Forward Movement in Plant- Breeding 317 Study of Principles Underlying the Development of Disease Resistance or Immunity in Farm Crops — North Dakota Station. Effects of Pollen from Barren Stalks of Corn — South Carolina Station. Breeding a Strain of Peaches resistant to Brown Rot — Alabama Station. Biological Analysis of Papago Sweet Corn for the Synthesis of Desirable Characters — Arizona Station. Principles relating to Transmission of Characters in the Apple as affected by Selection and by Crossing — Illinois Station. Apple Breeding — Iowa Station. Investigations upon Asparagus — Massachusetts Station. Study of the Principles of Heredity underlying Disease and Climatic Resistance in the Apple, Plum, and Strawberry — Minnesota Station. Heredity in Plants — Nebraska Station. Studies of Heredity in Vegetables, especially Squashes and Tomatoes — New Hampshire Station. Carnation Breeding — New Hampshire Station. Nature of the Inheritance and Correlation of Structural Char- acters in Crosses — New Jersey Station. Improvement of Mexican Chili by Breeding and Selection — New Mexico Station. Investigation of the Laws of Inheritance in Hybridization — New York (Cornell) Station. An Investigation of Mutation and Other Types of Variation in Wild and Cultivated Plants, to determine their Value in Plant Breeding — New York (Cornell) Station. Influence of Environment in producing Variation of Value to the Breeder — New York (Cornell) Station. Study of Transmission of Characters in Hybrids of Rotundifolia Grapes — North Carolina Station. 318 Plant-Breeding A Study of the Fecundation of the Rotundifolia Grapes — South Carolina Station. Improvement of Hardy Wild Fruits of the Northwest by Breed- ing and Crossing — South Dakota Station. The Breeding of Apple and Pear Varieties for Resistance to Blight — Tennessee Station. Breeding Work with Blackberry — Texas Station. Breeding Experiments with Apples — Virginia Station. Mendelism of the Hybrids of Blackberries and Raspberries, particularly with Reference to Leaf Structure and Habits of Growth — Washington Station. Pollination of the Apple — West Virginia Station. Investigation of Mendel's Law as applied to Hybridizing the White with the Black Varieties of Muscadine Grape — Georgia Station. Apple Breeding Investigations — Idaho Station. Effects of Fertilizers on Cell Structure of Crops and their Rela- tions to Mutations in Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers — Maryland Station. Investigations on "Double Flower" and Sterility in Blackberries and Dewberries — North Carolina Station. Pollination of the Apple and Conditions affecting It — Oregon Station. In addition to the work of the experiment station men, very much highly valuable work is under way by such men as East at Harvard, Shull at Cold Spring Harbor, Harper and Stout at the New York Botanical Garden, Bradley Moore Davis at the University of Pennsylvania, B. M. Duggar at the Missouri Botanical Garden, and many others. This research is undertaken by well-trained specialists who are producing the very highest type of fundamental constructive results. The Forward Movement in Plant- Breeding 319 320 Plant-Breeding The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 321 Instruction in plant-breeding in the United States. — One of the most, if not the most, significant advances that plant-breeding has made in recent years is the increase in the amount of instruction given in the agricultural colleges and other agricultural schools. Formerly, the only teaching of this subject was in connection with a course of horticulture, probably, and the breeding was likely to receive minor considera- tion. All of this has been changed. Strong courses are given in this subject in all of the agricultural colleges. Some go so far as to have separate departments. or divi- sions in which the staff devotes all of its time to plant- breeding instruction and investigations. It is estimated that over two thousand students receive regular plant- breeding instruction each year in this country. This is bound to have tremendous influence upon practical plant improvement on the farms of the country. Plant- breeding holds a very prominent place in the instruction given to short-term students, as it should, and in the form of various extension enterprises. Luther Burbank. — In addition to the large number of plant-breeders who have some official connection with the state experiment stations or the federal government, there has always been a number of men who have maintained private plant-breeding establishments. Chief among these is Luther Burbank. He will always be given a prominent place in American horticulture because of the many and valuable varieties which he has added to it. The practical results, however, that Mr. Burbank has secured have been praised by the writers beyond reason. 322 Plant-Breeding The Forward Movement in Plant-Breeding 323 His place abounds in interesting and surprising things, just as would be expected of any man's place if conducted under similar conditions (Figs. 101-103), and many of the things will undoubtedly have great value. His work has been so much written about that it is not necessary to make any catalogue of the things that are under his hand. It is not too much to hope that some of his productions, as the plumcots, may be the starting-points of strong and noble lines of evolution. Some of those that have been much heralded are of doubtful economic value. The value of Mr. Burbank's work lies above all merely economic considerations. He is a master worker in mak- ing plants to vary. Plants are plastic material in his hands. He is demonstrating what can be done. He is setting new ideals and novel problems. Heretofore, gardeners and other horticulturists have grown plants because they are useful or beautiful : Mr. Burbank grows them because he can make them take on new forms. This is a new kind of pleasure to be got from gardening, a new and captivating purpose in plant growing. It is a new reason for associating with plants. APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL PLANT-BREEDING TERMS Allelomorph. — • One of the pure unit-characters commonly existing singly or in pairs in the germ-cells of mendelian hybrids, and exhibited in varying proportion among the organisms them- selves. Thus an allelomorphic pair of characters comprises the opposed units, one of which comes from each parent in a hybrid. For example, the roundness and wrinkledness found in two varie- ties of peas is an allelomorphic pair. Biometry. — The application of statistical methods to biological problems. Chromosome. — A term applied to certain minute bodies, in the nuclei of the animal and vegetable cells which appear at definite periods in the division of the cell ; they are constant in number for each species of animal or plant, and are characterized by the fact that they stain very deeply with certain dyes. The chromosomes are supposed to be the bearers of heredity. Dominant characters. — It often occurs, when two varieties or species are crossed, that the characters of one appear in the first generation hybrid to the exclusion of the other. These are called dominant characters. Duplex. — The state of inheriting a character that is present in both parents. Epistatic. — Used to describe a color factor which, in hybrid- ization, covers up or hides other color factors in the first genera- tion hybrid (opposed to hypostatic). 325 326 Plant-Breeding Factor hypothesis. — An assumption that organisms may contain various hereditary units which do not appear in their body cells. This is especially applied to color units. Very often these factors do not appear until the plant has been crossed with another plant containing a complementary factor. Fi. — A symbol introduced by Bateson, to designate the first filial or hybrid generation. F2. — A symbol for the second generation. F3. — A symbol for the third hybrid generation. And so on. Galton curve. — A curve, devised by Galton, when the values for all the individuals are recorded consecutively in an ascending series. The class values are plotted on the vertical axis. Gamete. — A mature sex- or germ-cell , which will produce a new individual upon uniting with another such cell of the op- posite sex. Genetics. — A study of the phenomena of variability and heredity, or of the physiology of descent, as affecting individuals or races of plants, animals, or human beings. Genotype. — A type represented by individuals of the same germinal constitution. The' nature of such a type can be determined only by a breeding test, not by inspection. Heterozygote. — An individual formed by the union of two germ-cells of unlike constitution. Homozygote. — An individual which is of a pure type in regard to a certain character because both of its parents were of the same gametic constitution. Hybrids. — The offspring of crosses between individuals of distinctly different natures. Hypostatic. — Used to describe a color factor which is con- cealed by higher color factors. (See Epistatic.) Mutation. — A sudden variation, differing from its parents in a distinct character or characters, and able to transmit its new characters in full degree to its offspring. Nulliplex. — A condition of an individual when it does not Appendix A 327 possess a character because neither of its parents carried the possibilities for such a character in their germ-cells. Phenotype. — The visible type of a group as expressed by external characteristics. Opposed to genotype. There may be several genotypes in a phenotype. Plateation. — (From the Latin platea, meaning place.) A physiological variation caused by external influences such as locality, climate, soil, and so forth; sometimes called place- variation. It is what Darwin called " definite variation." This word was coined to express in one word the third of the three kinds of variation — fluctuation, mutation and plateation. (Here first defined.— A. W. G.) Quetelet curve. — A curve which shows the relative frequency with which individuals of a given lot, or population, occur in certain classes. Class values are plotted on the horizontal line and frequencies on the vertical. The mode is the highest point of such a curve and represents the dominating type of the character studied. Recessive characters. — (See Dominant characters.) The characters which are entirely covered up the first generation but reappear the second and subsequent generations. Segregation. — The reappearance in definite ratios, in the second hybrid generation, of the characters of two forms crossed ; and the first hybrid generation (when this differs from the dominant character). Simplex. — The condition of an individual which has inherited a character from only one parent. Somatic. — Of, or pertaining to, the body as opposed to the germ-cells. Xenia. — The results of a cross-fertilization between different varieties of plants due to a double fertilization ; found in such plants as corn, peas, etc. Zygote. — The result of the union of two gametes. (See Gamete.) APPENDIX B PLANT-BREEDING BOOKS FOLLOWING is a brief list of books containing material more or less related to plant-breeding. This list is not intended to be complete, but is designed to give the reader an idea of the more important books on the subject. There are many books which are not listed upon the general subject of botany, others upon heredity and evolution in their broadest phases, and still others upon animal breeding which will contain much material which is related to the subject of plant improvement by breeding. American Breeder's Association Reports. Washington, D.C. 1905-1912. Bailey, L. H., Cyclopedia of American Agriculture. Vol. II, Crops. Macmillan Co. 1907. BAILEY, L. H., Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. 6 vols. (Continuing) Macmillan Co. 1914. BAILEY, L. H., Sketch of Evolution of Our Native Fruits. xiii + 472 pp., 125 figs. Macmillan Co: 3d edition. 1898. BAILEY, L. H.,The Survival of the Unlike. 515 pp., illus. Mac- millan Co. 1897. BATESON, W., Mendel's Principles of Heredity, xiv + 396 pp., 9 pis., and 35 figs. Cambridge. 1909. BAUR, DR. ERWIN, Einfuhrung in die experimentelle Vererbungs- lehre. 293 pp., 80 figs. Berlin. Gebriider Borntraeger. 1911. 328 Appendix B 329 CASTLE, W. E., COULTER, J. M., DAVENPORT, C. B., EAST, E. M., TOWER, W. L., Heredity and Eugenics. 315 pp., 98 figs. The Univ. of Chicago Press. 1912. CASTLE, W. E., Heredity, in Relation to Evolution and Animal Breeding. 184 pp. N. Y. and London. D. Appleton Co. 1911. CRAMPTON, HENRY EDW., The Doctrine of Evolution; its Basis and its Scope, ix +311 pp. N. Y. Columbia Univ. Press. 1911. DARBISHIRE, A. D., Breeding and the Mendelian Discovery. xii + 282 pp. Cassell & Co. London. 4 colored pis., 34 figs. 1911. DAVENPORT, E., Domesticated Animals and Plants, xiv + 312 pp., 49 figs. Ginn & Co. 1910. DAVENPORT, E., and RIETZ, H. L., Principles of Breeding (by E. DAVENPORT). Appendix: Statistical Methods (by H. L. RIETZ). A treatise on thremmatology, or the prin- ciples and practices involved in the economic improvement of domesticated animals and plants, xiii + 727 pp. Ginn & Co. Boston. 1907. Fifty Years of Darwinism, v + 274 pp., 5 pis., 1 fig. N. Y. 1909. FRUWIRTH, C., et al., Die Zuchtung der Landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. Vols. 1-5. 1904-1912. JOHANNSEN, W., Elements der Exakten Erblichkeitslehre. vi + 515 pp., 30 figs. Gustav Fischer. Jena. 1903. JOHANNSEN, W., Ueber Erblichkeit in Populationen und in reinen Linien. 68 pp., 8 figs. Gustav Fischer. Jena. 1903. KELLOGG, V. L., Darwinism To-Day. 403 pp. Henry Holt & Co. N. Y. 1907. KNUTH, P., Handbook of Flower Pollination. Vol. I, xix -f- 382pp. Oxford. Porter. 1906. LANG, H., Theorie und Praxis der Pflanzenzuchtung. viii + 169 pp., 47 figs. 1910. 330 Plant-Breeding LOBNER, M., Leitfaden fur Gdrtnerische Pflanzenzuchtung. vii + 160 pp., 10 figs. Jena. 1909. LOCK, R. H., Recent Progress in the Study of Variation, Heredity, and Evolution. 2d ed., xiv + 334 pp. Murray. London. 4 pis., 45 figs., and 5 portraits. 1909. NEWMAN, L. H., Plant Breeding in Scandinavia. 193 pp., 63 figs. The Canadian Seed Growers' Association. Ottawa. 1912. PUNNETT, R. C., Mendelism. 192 pp. N. Y. Macmillan Co. 5 pis., 35 figs. 1911. REID, G. A., The Laws of Heredity. 548 pp. Methuen & Co. London. 1910. RUMKER, VON K., Ueber Organisation der Pflanzenzuchtung. 56 pp. Berlin. 1909. SEWARD, A. C. (Editor), Darwin and Modern Science, xvii + 595 pp., fig. and pi. 1909. STEVENS, W. C., Plant Anatomy from the Standpoint of the Development and Functions of the Tissues and Handbook of Micro-technic. xii + 349pp. Blakiston's Son & Co. Phila- delphia. 136 illus. 1907. THOMSON, J. ARTHUR, Heredity, xvi + 605 pp., 49 figs. 2d ed. 1912. VERNON, H. M., Variation in Animals and Plants, pp. ix + 415, 30 figs. Henry Holt & Co. 1902. VRIES, HUGO DE, Species and Varieties, their Origin by Mutation. Edited by Daniel Trembly MacDougal. The Open Court Pub. Co. Chicago. 1904. VRIES, HUGO DE, Plant Breeding. Comments on the experiments of Nilsson and Burbank. xiii + 360, figs. 114. 1907. VRIES, HUGO DE, The Mutation Theory. Vol. I, "The Origin of Species by Mutation." English translation by Prof. J. B. Farmer and A. D. Darbishire. xvi + 582 pp. The Open Court Publishing Co. Chicago. 4 pis. and 119 figs. 1909. Appendix B 331 VRIES, HUGO DE, The Mutation Theory. Vol. II, " The Origin of Varieties by Mutation." English translation by Prof. J. B. Farmer and A. D. Darbishire. viii + 683 pp. Chicago. The Open Court Publishing Co. 6 pis., 149 figs. 1911. WALTER, HERBERT EUGENE, Genetics. An Introduction to the Study of Heredity, xiv + 264 pp. The Macmillan Co. N. Y. 72 figs, and Diagr. 1913. WILSON, E. B., The Cell in Development and Inheritance, xxi + 483 pp., 194 figs. Macmillan Co. 1900. Yearbooks U. S. Department of Agriculture. 1894r-1913. Hybrid Conference Report (First International Conference). London. Printed in Journal of the Royal Hort. Soc., April, 1900. International Conference (Second) on Plant Breeding and Hybrid- ization. Proceedings published as Memoir, Vol. I. Hort. Soc. of New York. 1902. International Conference (Third) on Genetics. London. Report issued by Royal Hort. Soc. 1906. International Conference (Fourth) on Genetics. Report pub- lished in Paris, 1911, under Editorship of Ph. de Vilmorin. APPENDIX C LIST OF PERIODICALS CONTAINING BREEDING LITERATURE WE have attempted to include in this list such periodicals as are most likely to contain breeding articles that may be of interest to the general reader and the teacher and student of Genetics. This list is not intended to be complete, but to in- clude the principal publications. ABBREVIATIONS : semi-a = semi-annual ; q = quarterly ; semi-q = semi- quarterly ; m = monthly ; bi-m = bi-monthly ; semi-m = semi-monthly ; w = weekly : semi-w = semi-weekly ; i = irregular. American Naturalist. New York. m. American Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Philadelphia. 3 nos. Annales de la science agronomique. Paris, m. Annales des science naturelles. Botanique. Paris. Annals of Applied Biology. London. Annals of Botany. London, q. Archiv fur Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Biologie. Leipzig, bi-m. Archives des sciences biologiques. St. Petersbourg. Association internationale des botanistes. Progressus rei botanicse. Jena, semi-a. Biological Bulletin, m. Wood's Hole, Mass. Marine Bio- logical Laboratory. Biologisches Centralblatt. Erlangen, Leipzig, semi-m. Biometrika. Cambridge, Eng. i. 332 Appendix C 333 Botanical Gazette. Chicago, m. Botanische Zeitung. Abt. 1 and 2. Leipzig, w. Botanisches Centralblatt. Jena. w. Botanisches Centralblatt-Beihefte., Abt. 1 ; 3 nos. Anatomic, Histologie und Physiologic der Pflanzen. Abt. 2 ; 3 nos. Systematik, Pflanzengeographie, Augewandte, Botanik, etc. Dresden. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft. Berichte. Berlin, m. Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, q. Die Landwirtschaftlichen Versuch-Stationen. Berlin, semi-m. Florists' Exchange. New York. w. France — Institut national agronomique. Annales. Paris, i. Gardeners' Chronicle. London, w. Jahrbiicher fur Wissenschaftliche Botanik (Pringsheim's) ., 12 nos. Leipzig. Journal of Agricultural Research, m. Journal of Agricultural Science. Eng. q. Journal de botanique. Paris, m. Journal of Genetics. Cambridge, Eng. q. Journal of Heredity. Washington, m. La Cellule. Lierre. i. La Science agronomique. Paris. Linnean Society : Journal, botany. London, m. Transactions, botany. London, i. (The) Mendel Journal. London. New Phytologist. London. 10 nos. Physiological Researches. Baltimore, i. Plant World. Tucson, Ariz. m. Popular Science Monthly. New York. m. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London, q. Revue, generate agronomique. Uccle lez-Bruxelles. m. Revue gene*rale de botanique. Paris, m. Royal Microscopical Society. Journal, bi-m. 334 Plant-Breeding Royal Society of London, Philosophical transactions, i. Science. New York. w. Socie*te" de biologic, Comptes rendus. Paris, w. Socie*te* botanique de France. Bulletin. Paris, m. Socie*te" des agriculteurs de France. Bulletin. Paris, semi-m. Socie*te" royale de botanique de Belgique. Bulletin. Bruxelles. Torrey Botanical Club. Bulletin. New York. m. United States Dept. of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. Experiment Station Record. Washington. 16 nos. Zeitschrift fur Planzenziichtung. Wien. Zentralblatt f iir Allgemeine und Experimented Biologic. Leipzig. APPENDIX D BIBLIOGRAPHY FOLLOWING is a list of miscellaneous references to writings on subjects related to plant-breeding. It is not intended to be either complete or comprehensive. This bibliography begins with the year 1905. References to earlier writings may be found in the fourth edition of this work. For reference to the literature of cross-fertilization, the reader is directed to d'Arcy Thompson's list in Mueller's " Fertiliza- tion of Flowers," and an extensive bibliography to the rapidly growing literature upon the heredity of color can be found in a technical bulletin by the junior writer of this book. This bulle- tin will soon be published by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Cornell University. 1905. BALLS, W. L., The Sexuality of Cotton. Khed. Agr. Soc. Yearbook, 199-222. 1905. BIFFEN, R. H., Mendel's Laws of Inheritance and Wheat Breeding. Jour. Agr. Sci., Cambridge, 1 : 4-48, 1 pi. 1905. BIFFEN, R. H., The Inheritance of Sterility in the Bar- leys (Hordeum sativum, etc.). Jour. Agr. Sci. 1 : 250-257,' Ifig. 1905. BUTLER, E. J., The Bearing of Mendelism on the Suscep- tibility of Wheat to Rust. Jour. Agr. Sci. 1 : 361-363. 1905. CONKLIN, EDWIN G., The Mutation Theory from the Stand- point of Cytology. Science, n.s. 21 : 525-529. 1905. EASTMAN, C. R., On the Spelling of " Clon." Science, n.s. 22 : 206. 335 336 Plant-Breeding 1905. HURST, C. C., Notes on the " Proceedings of the Inter- national Conference on Plant Breeding and Hybridisation, 1902." Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 29 : 417-433. 1905. JONES, L. R., Disease Resistance of Potatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 87 : (39 pp.). 1905. JONES, L. R., Concerning Disease Resistance of Potatoes. Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. 18 : 264-267. 1905. KLINCK, L. S., Corn Breeding in the Corn Belt. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 2 : 56-61. 1905. PEARL, RAYMOND, Investigation by Statistical Methods of Correlation in Variation. Carnegie Inst. (Wash., D.C.), Yearbook (1905) (No. 4) : 285-286. 1905. PEARL, RAYMOND, Note on Variation in the Ray Flowers of Rudbeckia. Am. Nat. 39 : 87-88. 1 fig. 1905. PETRUNKEVITCH, ALEXANDER, Natural and Artificial Parthenogenesis. Am. Nat. 39 : 65-76. Bibliog. 1905. POLLARD, CHARLES Louis, On the Spelling of " Clon." Science, n.s. 22 : 87-88. 1905. POLLARD, CHARLES Louis, " Clon " versus " Clone." Science, n.s. 22 : 463. 1905. SHAMEL, A. D., The Effect of Inbreeding in Plants. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 377-392. 3 pis., 1 fig. 1905. SHAMEL, A. D., Tobacco Breeding Experiments in Conn. Conn. (State) Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 331-343. 1905. STARNES, HUGH N., Japan and Hybrid Plums. Georgia Agr. Exp. Sta. 68 (see pp. 1-40). 1905. VRIES, H. DE, Dauer der Mutationsperiode bei (Enothera Lamarckiana. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 23 : 382-387. 1905. VRIES, H. DE, The Mutation Theory. Gard. Chron. 3d ser. 37 : 321-322. 1905. WEBBER, HERBERT J., The Science of Plant Breeding. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 2 : 79-92. PI. II., fig. 1 & 2. 1905. WEBBER, HERBERT J., Pedigree or Grade Breeding . Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 2 : 61-70. PI., Photo., Fig. Appendix D 337 1905. WIESNER, J., Untersuchungen uber den Lichtgenuss der Pflanzen im Yellowstone Gebiete und in anderen Gegenden Nordamerikas. Photometrische Untersuchungen auf pflan- zenphysiologischem Gebiete (V. Abhandlung). Kais. kon. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, mathem. naturw. Klasse, Sit- zungsber. 114: (Part 1). Rev. in Am. Nat. 40:600-603. 1905. WILLIAMS, C. G., Pedigreed Seed Corn. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta., Circ. 42: 1-11. 1906. ANDREWS, F. M., Some Monstrosities in Trillium. Ind. Acad. Sci. Proc. 187-188. 1906. BATESON, W., and SAUNDERS, Miss E. R., and PUN- NETT, R. C., Inheritance in Sweet Peas and Stocks. Roy. Hort. Soc. (London) Proc. B. 77 : 236-238. 1906. BATESON, W., Coloured Tendrils of Sweet Peas. Gard. Chron. 39 : 333. 1906. BEAL; W. J., Improving Wild Potatoes by Selection. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci. Proc. 27 : 75. 1906. BIFFEN, R. H., Experiments on the Hybridization of Barley. Phil. Soc. Proc. (Cambridge), 13:304-308. 1906. BLANCHARD, W. H., A New Dwarf Blackberry. Torreya 6 : 235-237. 1906. BUCHANAN, J., Some Effects in Varieties of Cereal Crops arising from Different Conditions of Growth. Can. Seed- Grow. Assoc. Rep. 3 : 74-77. 1906. CARD, F. W., BLAKE, M. A., and BARNES, H. L., Rasp- berry Score Card. Rhode Island Agr. Exp. Sta. 168-169. 1906. CARD, FRED W., Apple Breeding. Rhode Island Agr. Exp. Sta. 20 : 250-252. 1906. CARD, FRED W., Corn Selection. Rhode Island Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rept. 20 : 216-220. 1906. CASTLE, W. E., Inbreeding, Crossbreeding and Sterility in Drosophila. Science, n.s. 23 : 153. 1906. CROCKER, W., Role of Seed Coats in Delayed Germination. Bot. Gaz. 42:265-291. Fig. 338 Plant-Breeding 1906. DUVEL, J. W. T., The Germination of Seed Corn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 253 : (16 pp.), 4 figs. (Includ- ing : Value of a germination test. Average yield of corn to the acre. Testing individual ears. Selecting seed ears. Numbering the ears. The germination box. Results of tests.) 1906. GAGER, C. S., De Vries and His Critics. Science, n.s. 24 : 81-89. Bibliog. in notes. 1906. GRAENICHER, S., Some Notes on the Pollination of Flowers. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull. 4 : 12-21. 1906. GRIFFON, E., Le greffage des Solanees. Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend. 143: 1249-1251. 1906. HAACKE, WILHELM, Die Gesetze der Rassenmischung und die Konstitution des Keimplasmes. Arch. f. Entwick'- mech. d. Org. 21 : 1-93. 104 tab. 1906. HALSTED, B. D., Breeding Sweet Corn — Cooperative Tests. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 192 : 1-30. Fig. 1906. HECKEL, E., Variation in the Potato Tuber. Gard. Chron. 3d ser. 39 : 88. 1906. HENSLOW, G., Evolution and Adaptation. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. n.s. 31 : 159-163. 1906. HENSLOW, G., The True Meaning of "Natural Selec- tion " and the "Survival of the Fittest " in Nature. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. n.s. 31 : 90-96. 1906. HENSLOW, G., Species and Varieties; their Origin by Mutation. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. n.s. 31 : 164-168. 1906. HESKETH, R. T., Apple Grafted on Hawthorn. Gard. Chron. 3d ser. 39 : 347. 1906. HURST, C. C., Mendelian Laws of Inheritance. Gard. Chron. 3d ser. 39 : 187. 1906. LE CLERC, J. A., The Effect of Climatic Conditions on the Composition of Durum Wheat. U. S. Dept. Agr. Year- book: 199-^212, 2 pis. Same. Yearbook Separate, 417: 199-212, 2 pis. Appendix D 339 1906. LOCK, R. H., Plant Breeding in the Tropics. 777, Ex- periments with Maize. Roy. Bot. Gard. Ann. 3:2: 95- 184. 1906. MACOUN, W. T., The Improvement of the Potato. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 3 : 77-84. Photo., Fig. 1906. MORGAN, T. H., Are the Germ-cells of Mendelian Hybrids "Pure " f Biol. Centralbl. 26 : 289-296. 1906. MUNSON, W. M., Plant-breeding in its Relation to Ameri- can Pomology. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 132 : 149-176. 1906. ORTMANN, A. E., The Mutation Theory Again. Science, n.s. 24 : 314-317. Bibliog. in notes. 1906. OSTERHOUT, W. J. V., Experiments with Plants, x + 493pp. The Macmillan Co., N. Y. 252 figs. Rev. in Am. Nat. 40 : 146-148. 1906. PEARL, RAYMOND, Variation in the Number of Seeds of the Lotus. Am. Nat. 40 : 757-768. 4 figs. 5 tab. 1906. RAUNKIAER, C., Transmission par heredite dans les especes heteromorphes. Vid. Selsk. Overs. 31-39. 1906. RIVIERE, G., and BAILHACHE, G., Influence du porte- greffe sur le greffon. Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend. 142 : 845- 847. 1906. ROSENBERG, 0., Embryobildung in der Gattung Hieracium. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 24: 157-161, 1 pi. 190|6. SAAME, 0., Kernverschnelzung bei der karyokinetischen Kernteilung im protoplasmatischen Wandeelag des Embryo- sacks von Fritillaria imperialis. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 24:300-303, 1 pi. 1906. SCHARF, E., Keimkraft-Apparat. Deutsch. landw. Presse 33 : 507-508, 514r-516. 1906. SCHULTE, J. I., Corn Breeding Work at the Experiment Stations. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 279-294. 1906. SOLMS(-LAUBACH), H. GRAF zu, Cruciferenstudien. IV. Die Varianten der Embroyolage. Bot. Zeitung, 64: 1 : 1&-43, 1 pi. 340 Plant-Breeding 1906. SPERLING, J., Korrelation zwischen Kornfarbe und Aehren- formen beim Roggen. Fuhlings landw. Zeitung, 55 : 93-99. 1906. STUART, W., Disease Resistance of Potatoes. Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 122: (see pp. 107-136). Abstr. in Exp. Sta. Rec. 17 : 1078. 1906. VAN DEN HEEDE, A., Variation chez les vegetaux. Soc. Nantaise d'hort. Ann. 79 : 97-103. 1906. VRIES, H. DE, Aelters und neuere Selektionsmethode. Biol. Centralbl. 26 : 385-395. 1906. VRIES, H. DE, Die Svalofer Methode zur Veredelung land- wirtschaftlicher Kulturgewachse und ihre Bedeutung fur die Selektions-Theorie. Arch. Rassenbiol. 3 : 325-358. 1906. VRIES, H. DE, Species and Varieties; their Origin by Mutation. Second edition, xviii + 847 pp. 1906. WEBBER, H. J., New Citrus and Pineapple Productions of the Department of Agriculture. U. S. Dept. Agr. Year- book, 329-346. 8 pis., 1 fig. Same. Yearbook Separate, 427:329-346. 8 pis., 1 fig. 1906. WEISMANN, A., The Evolution Theory. Translated with the author's cooperation by J. A. & Margaret R. Thomson. 2 vols. xvi +416 pp. and 405 pp. E. Arnold. London. Rev. in Am. Nat. 40 : 375-377. 1906. WIANCKO, A. T., Corn Improvement. Indiana (Purdue Univ.) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 110 : 79-120. 14 figs. 1906. WILBRINK, G., Deuxieme rapport sur les experiences de selection faites avec I'indigotier de Natal. (In Dutch.) Buitenzorg (1906), 1-20. 1906. WILSON, E. B., Mendelian Inheritance and the Purity of the Gametes. Science, n.s. 23: 112-113. 1906. WILSON, EDMUND B., Studies on Chromosomes. III. The Sexual Differences of the Chromosome-groups in Hemiptera, with Some Considerations on the Determination and Heredity of Sex. Jour. Exp. Zool. 3: (No. 1). Rev. in Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 21 : 357. Appendix D 341 1906. WINKLER, H., Morphologic und Biologie tropischer Bluten und Fruchte. Bot. Jahrb. 38 : 233-271. 1906. WINKLER, H., 'Parthenogenesis bei Wikstroemis indica (L.), C, A. Mey, und ihre Bedeutung fur die Lehre der Be- fruchtung. Jard. Bot. Ann. n.s. 5 : 208-276, 4 pis. 1906. WITTMACK, L., Berichte iiber die Internationale Konferenz uber Hybridisation und Pflanzenzucht in London vom 30. Juli bis 3. August 1906. Gartenflora 55: 481-486, 509- 511. 1906. WITTMACK, L. The Influence of the Graft on the Rooting of the Pear. Gard. Chron. 3d ser. 40 : 150. 1906. WITTMACK, L. Sports. Gard. Chron. 3d ser. 40 : 223. 1907. BALLS, W. R., Note on Mendelian Heredity in Cotton. Jour. Agr. Soc. 2 : 216. 1907. BESSEY, C. E., A Synopsis of the Plant Phyla. Univ. Studies, Univ. of Nebraska, 7 : 275-373. 1-99. 1907. BIFFEN, R. H., Studies in the Inheritance of Disease Re- sistance. Jour. Agr. Sci. 2 : 109. 1907. BIFFEN, R. H., The Hybridization of Barleys. Jour. Agr. Sci. 2 : 183. 1907. BOULENGER, G. A., On the Variations of the Evening Primrose, (Enothera biennis. Jour. Bot. 45 : 353-363. 1907. BROWN, ARTHUR ERWIN, Variation or Mutation. Science, n.s. 25 : 107-108. 1907. BROWNLEE, JOHN, Statistical Studies in Immunity. A discussion of the means of estimating the severity of cases of acute diseases. Biometrika, 5 : 423-435. Tab., Diagr. 1907. BUTLER, E. J., The Selection of Sugarcane Cuttings. Agr. Jour. India, 2 : 193. 1907. CARD, FRED W., Cherry Crosses. Rhode Is. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rep. 258-259. 1907. CASTLE, W. E., On a Case of Reversion Induced by Cross- breeding and its Fixation (guinea-pig}. Science, n.s. 25: 151-153. 342 Plant-Breeding 1907. COCKERELL, T. D. 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P., On the Inheritance of Certain Characters in Primula sinensis. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. Rep. 691- 693. 1907. HATAI, S., Studies on the Variation and Correlation of Skull Measurements in Both Sexes of Mature Albino Rats. (Mus norvegicus,v&r. Albus.) Am. Jour. Anat. 7 : 423-441. 1907. HECKEL, E., Sur I'origine de la pomme de terre cultivee et sur les mutations gemmaires culturales des Solanum tuberiferes sauvages. Facult. d. Sciences Marseille Ann. 1907. HILL, A. W., The Natural Hybrid between the Cowslip and Oxlip. New Phytolog. 6 : 162. 1907. HURST, C. C., Mendel's Law of Heredity. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 32 : 227. 1907. International Conference on Plant Hardiness and Ac- climatization. Science, n.s. 26 : 356-357. 1907. JOHNSON, E. W., Sage Brush and Cactus. Am. Bot. 12 : 59-63. 1907. KAMMERER, PAUL, Bastardierung von Flussbarsch (Perca fluviatilis L.) und Kaulbarsch (Acerina cernua L). Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 23 : 511-551, 2 pis. & 1 fig. Bib- Hog. 1907. KLEBS, GEORG, Studien uber Variation. Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 24 : 29-113, 15 figs. 4 tab. Bibliog. 1907. LAMB, A. B., A New Explanation of the Mechanics of Mitosis. Jour. Exp. Zool. 5 : 27-33. 1907. LEVEILLE, H., Un nouvel hybride de Juncus. Soc. Botan. France Bull. 54 : 517-518. 1907. LOCK, R. H., The Interpretation of Mendelian Phenomena. Nature, 76 : 616, 77 : 32. 344 Plant-Breeding 1907. LOCK, R. H., On the Inheritance of Certain Invisible Char- acters in Peas. Roy. Soc. Proc. London B. 79 : 28 pp. 1907. LUTZ, ANNE M., The Chromosomes of (Enothera Lamarck- iana and One of its Mutants, 0. gigas. Science, n.s. 26 : 151-152. Fig. 1907. MACDOUGAL, D. T., VAIL, A. M., & SHULL, G. H., Muta- tions, Variations, and Relationships of the (Enotheras. Car- negie Inst. Pub. no. 81. 1-92. pi. 1-22. & Fig. 1-73. 1907. MACDOUGAL, D. T., Hybrids among Wild Plants. Plant World 10 : 25-37. Figs. 7-8. 1907. MACDOUGAL, D. T., Hybridization of Wild Plants. Bot. Gaz. 43 : 45-58. Figs. 1-4. 1907. MACDOUGAL, D. T., Natural Hybrids. Plant World, 10 : 138-139. 1907. MARTINET, M., Experiences sur la selection des cereales. Annuaire Agr Suisse, 75. 1907. MUDGE, G. P., The Interpretation of Mendelian Phenom- ena. Nature, 70 : 8. 1907. NOLL, F. Uber eine Heegeri-dhnliche Form der Capsella bursa pastoris Much. Niederrheinischen Gesell. f. Natur- u. Heilk. z. Bonn. Sitzungsber. 1907. NUSBAUM, JOZEF, Kleiner Beitrag zur atavistischen Regeneration der Sch ren bei Flusskrebse. Arch. f. Ent- wick'mech. d. Org. 24 : 124-130, 2 figs. Bibliog. in notes. 1907. O'MARA, P., Sports. Hort. Soc. N. Y. Jour. 1 : 39-43. 1907. PEARL, R., Variation and Differentiation in Ceratophyllum. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 58 : (136 pp.), 2 pis., 126 figs. Rev. in Am. Nat. 41 : 404-405. 1907. REID, A. G., The Interpretation of Mendelian Phenomena. Nature, 7 : 566. 1907. REITSMA, J. F., Correlative variabiliteit bij planten. Dissert. 98 pp. Amsterdam. 1907. RUSBY, H. H., Some Little-known Edible Native Fruits of the United States. N. Y. Bot. Gard. Jour. 8 : 175, 177-178. Appendix D 345 1907. RUSBY, H. H., The Wild Grains and Nuts of the United States. Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 7 : 269-273. 1907. SHAMEL, A. D., and COBEY, W. W., Tobacco Breeding. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 96 : 1-67, 10 pis. & 14 figs. 1907. SHAMEL, A. D., The Art of Seed Selection and Breeding. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 221-236, 5 pis. Same. Year- book separate, 446 : 221-236 5 pis. 1907. SHEPARD, W. F., The Calculation of the Moments of a Frequency Distribution. Biometrika, 5 : 450-459. Rev. in Am. Nat. 42 : 418-422. 1907. SHULL, G. H., Results of Crossing Bursa bursa-pastoris and Bursa Heegeri. Intern. Zool. Congress, 7th Proc. (6 pp.) Boston. Cambridge, Mass. 1910. 1907. SPALDING, V. M., The Artificial Production of Mutants. Science, n.s. 26 : 349-350. 1907. SPILLMAN, W. J., Standardizing Breed Characteristics. Soc. for Prom. Agr. Sci. Proc. 28: 116-120. 1907. STOLL, Ein interessanter Bastard zwischen einem Emmer und Kolbenspelze. Deutsche Landw. Presse, 100. 1907. VILMORIN, PH. DE, Evolution et Selection, theories an- ciennes et nouvelles. Paris. Soc. Agr. de France. 1907. VRIES, H. DE, Luther Burbank's Ideas on Scientific Horti- culture. Century Mag. 73:674-681. Illus. 1907. VRIES, H. DE, Evolution and Mutation. The Monist, 17:6. 1907. VRIES, H. DE, On Twin Hybrids. Bot. Gaz. 44 : 401- 407. 1907. WEBBER, H. J., and BOYKIN, F. B., The Advantage of Planting Heavy Cotton Seed. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 285: (16pp.), 6 figs. 1907. WIGHT, W. F., The History of the Cowpea and its Intro- duction into America. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. PI. Ind. Bull. 1026:1-21. PI. 1-3. 346 Plant-Breeding 1907. WILSON, J. H., The Hybridization of Cereals. Jour. Agr. Sci. 2 : 68. 1907. WINKLER, H., Uber Pfropfbastarde und Uanzlichefl Chimaren. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 25 : 568. Rev. (Ger.) in Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 28 : 163. 1907. YULE, U., Mendelism and Biometry. Nature, 76 : 152. 1908. BALLS, W. S., Mendelian Studies of Egyptian Cotton. Jour. Agr. Sci. 2 : 346-379. 1908. BEAL, W. J., Mutations of Rudbeckia hirts. Am. Ass'n Adv. Sci., Sec. Bot. Abstr. in Science, n.s. 27 : 207-208. 1908. BENNETT, B. L., A Method of Breeding Early Cotton to Escape Boll-weevil Damage. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 314: (30 pp.), 16 figs. (Including: A description of the distinguishing characteristics of early cotton, instruc- tion for seed selection, crossing one plant with another, treatment to insure a stand, experiments, etc.) 1908. BIFFEN, R. H., On the Inheritance of Strength in Wheat. Jour. Agr. Sci. 3 : 86-101. 1 fig. 1908. BOLLEY, HENRY L., Observations regarding the Constancy of Mutants and Questions regarding the Origin of Disease Resistance in Plants. Am. Nat. 42: 171-183. Bibliog. in notes. 1908. BRIEM, H., Naturliche Bastardierungen zwischen Zucker- ruben und Futterrilben. Oester.-rung. Zeitsch. f. Zuckerin- dustrie u. Landw. : (4 pp.). 1908. BRIEM, H., Mitteilungen und Bemerkungen zu de Vries, zuchtersichen Ansichten. Blatter f. Zuckerriibenbau, 15: 309-312. 1908. BRISTOL, C. L., Otter Sheep. (Note.) Am. Nat. 42 : 282. 1908. BULL, C. P., Corn Breeding in Minnesota. Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 173-266. 1908. BURTT-DAVY, J., How to Secure Good Seed-maize. Trans- vaal Agr. Jour. 6 : 441-453. 5 pis. 1908. CANNON, W. A., A Redwood Sport. Plant World, 11 : 232- 234. Appendix D 347 1908. CLARK, CHARLES C., Wheat Crops of the United States, 1866-1906. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Statistics Bull. 57: (39pp.) (revised). 1908. CLUTE, W. N., The Boston Fern and its Sports. Fern Bull. 15 : 73-74. 1908. CLUTE, W. N., A Remarkable Change of Color in Trillium. Am. Bot. 14 : 33-35. Illus. 1908. COBB, J. A., The Effect of Errors of Observation upon the Correlation Coefficient. Biometrika, 6 : 109. 1908. COCKERELL, T. D. A., Variation in Helianthus. Bot. Gaz. 45 : 338. 1908. COOK, 0. F., The Mendelian Inheritance of Mutations. Science, n.s. 28 : 86-88. 1908. COOK, 0. F., Reappearance of a Primitive Character in Cotton Hybrids. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Circ. 18: (llpp.). 1908. CORRENS, C., Die Bestimmung und Vererbung des De- schlechtes nach neuen Versuchen mit hoheren Pflanzen. Ab- stract presented before a recent meeting of the Medico- Biological Journal Club of the University of Virginia, by H. E. Jordan, adjunct professor of anatomy. Rev. in Am. Nat. 42 : 811. 1908. CORRENS, C., Weitere Untersuchungen uber die Geschlechts- formen polygamer Blutenpflanze. Jahr. f. Wiss. Botan. 45 : 661-700. 1908. COTTON, J. S., The Improvement of Mountain Meadows. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 127 : (29 pp.), 4 pis. 1908. CRAMER, P. J. S., Mutaties bij Coffea robusta. Teys- mannia (Batavia), 19 : 531-537. 1908. CRAMER, P. J. S., De variaties van Coffea liberica in Liberia. Teysmannia, 19 : 667-683. 1908. CUENOT, L., "Les Idees Nouvelles sur I'Origine des Es- ' peces par Mutation." Abstr. in Science, n.s. 30 : 768-769. Trans, from Rev. gen. Sci. pures et appliq. 19: (No. 21). 348 Plant-Breeding 1908. CUENOT, L., and MERCIER, L., Etudes sur le cancer des Souris. Y a-t-il un rapport entre les differentes muta- tions connues chez les souris et la receptivite a la greffef Acad. Sci. Paris Compt. Rend. 147 : 1003-1005. 1908. CUNNINGHAM, J. T., The Inheritance. of Acquired Char- acters. Nature, 77 : 367. 1908. DACHNOWSKI, A., Type and Variability in the Annual Wood-increment of Acer rubrum L. Ohio Nat. 8 : 343-349. Fig. 1. 1908. DANFORTH, C. H., Notes on Numerical Variation in the Daisy. Bot. Gaz. 46 : 349-356. 1908. DARBISHIRE, A. D., On the Result of Crossing Round with Wrinkled Peas, with Especial Reference to their Starch-grains. Roy. Soc. London Proc. B. 80 : 122-135. 1908. DAVENPORT, C. B., The American Breeder's Association. Science, n.s. 27 : 413-417. 1908. DAVENPORT, C. B., Determination of Dominance in Mendelian Inheritance. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 47 : 59-63. 1908. DAVENPORT, C. B., Recessive Characters. Science, n.s. 28: 729. 1908. DAVIS, C. A., Some Interesting Variations of Common Plants. Michigan Acad. Sci. Rep. 10 : 37-38. 1908. DEAN, BASHFORD, The Lamarck Manuscript in Harvard. Am. Nat. 42 : 145-153. Illus. 1908. Dix, W., Uber die Entstehung eines Squarehead bei Tri- ticum turgidum Weizen. 111. Landw. Zeitg. 837-838. 2 figs. 1908. DRUERY, C. T., Natural Selection. Roy. Hortic. Soc. Jour. 33:114-118. 1908. DRUERY, D. T., The Origin of the Potato. Nature, 79 : 305. 1908. EAST, E. M., Suggestions concerning Certain Bud Varia- tions. Plant World, 11 : 77-83. 1908. FIORI, A., Un nuovo ibrido di Carduus (C. simplicifolius X nutans Nol). Soc. Bot. Ital. Bull. 155-156. Appendix D 349 1908. FYSON, P. F., Some Experiments in the Hybridising of Indian Cottons. India Dept. Agr. Mem. Bot. Ser. (29 pp.). 1908. GAIN, E., Etude biometrique sur un hybride de prime- veres, Primula flagellicaulis Pax. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci. Compt. Rend. 36 : 490. 1908. GALLARDO, A., Sur I'epreuve statistique de la loi de Mendel Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend. 146 : 367-372. 1908. GATES, R. R., The Chromosomes of CEnothera. Science, n.s. 27 : 193-195. Bibliog. in notes. 1908. GATES, R. R., A Preliminary Account of Studies in the Variability of a Unit Character in CEnothera. Am. Ass'n Adv. Sci., Sec. Bot. ; Abstr. in Science, n.s. 27 : 209. 1908. GEERTS, J. M., Uber die Zahl der Chromosomen von CEnothera Lamarckiana. Deut. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 25 : 191. 1908. HANSEN, N. E., New Hybrid Fruits. South Dakota Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 108: (14 pp.), 9 pi. (Plums.) 1908. HARDY, G. H., Mendelian Proportions, in a Mixed Popu- lation. Science, n.s. 28 : 49-50. 1908. HARRIS, D. F., The Functional Inertia of Living Matter. A contribution to the physiological theory of life. 136 pp. London. 1908. HENSLOW, G., The History of the Cabbage Tribe. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 34 : 15-23. 1908. HILDEBRAND, F., Uber Sdmlinge von Cytisus Adamii. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 26a : 590-595. 1908. HILL, E. J., A Red Fruited Huckleberry. Torreya, 8 : 30- 31pp. 1908. ILTIS, H., Johann Gregor Mendel als Forscher und Mensch. 20 pp. Briinn. 1908. JACKSON, H. S., Development of Disease-resistant Varie- ties of Plants. Mass. Hort. Soc. Trans. 123-136. 1908. JENNINGS, H. S., Heredity, Variation and Evolution in Protozoa II. Heredity and Variation of Size and Form in 350 Plant-Breeding Paramcecium, with Studies of Growth, Environmental Action and Selection. Am. Philos. Soc. Proc. 47 : 393-546. 1908. KORIBA, K., Variation in the Ray-flowers of Some Com- positce. Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 22: 109-112, 121-128. 1908. KRIBS, H. G., Note on the Relative Variability of the Sexes in Carabus auratus, L. Biometrika, 6 : 103-105. Tab. 1908. LEAKE, H. M., Studies in Experimental Breeding of the Indian Cottons; and introductory note. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Jour. 13-20. . 1908. LEFEVRE, J., Contribution a I'histoire des theories pro- posees sur la variation des types vegetaux. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci. Compt. Rend. 36 : 426. 1908. LOCHHEAD, W., The Problem of Breeding Disease-resistant Plants. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 4 : 64-70. 2 tabs. 1908. LOCK, R. H., The Present State of Knowledge of Heredity in Pisum. Roy. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya Ann. 4:93-111. 1908. LOLLI, A., Osservazioni su una varieta di Mais ramificato. Staz. Sper. Agr. Ital. 41 : 761-767. 1 pi. 1908. MACDOUGAL, D. T., First Crosses Breeding True. Plant World, 11:42. 1908. McALPiNE, D., The Improvement of Cereals by Selection and Crossing. Dept. Agr. Victoria Jour. 6 : 282. 1908. MEYER, P., Les croisements et I'heredite des caracteres (la loi de Mendel). Rev. Gen. des Sci. pures et applique"es, 27-31. 1908. 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Proc. 15: 77-83, pis. 1-2. 352 Plant-Breeding 1908. SHULL, G. H., Dr. Baur on Variegation. Plant World, 11 : 147-151. 1908. SHULL, G. H., The Pedigree Culture, its Aims and Methods. Plant World, 11:21. 1908. SHULL, G. H., Some New Cases of Mendelian Inheritance. Am. Ass'n Adv. Sci., Sec. Bot. ; Abstr. in Science, n.s. 27 : 206. 1908. SHULL, G. H., Some New Cases of Mendelian Inheritance. Bot. Gaz. 45: 103-116, figs. 1-4. 1908. SHULL, G. H., A New Mendelian Ratio and Several Types of Latency. Am. Nat. 42: 433-451. Bibliog. in notes. 1908. SUTTON, ARTHUR W., Brassica Crosses. Linnean Soc. Bot. Jour. 38 : 337-349. 12 pis. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. ind. Abs. u. Vererb. 2 : 140. 1908. TERRY, W. A., A New Variety of the Ostrich Fern. Fern Bull. 16 : 3-4. 1908. TRAIL, J. W. H., Floral Variation in the Genus Veronica. Scottish Nat. Hist. Soc. Ann. 68 : 158-259. 1908. TSCHERMAK, E. VON, Die Mendelschen Vererburgegesetze. Schr. zur Verbr. Naturwiss. Kennt. (Wien.) 48 : 145-164. 1908. TSCHERMAK, E. VON, Der Moderne Stand des Vererbungs- problems. Arch. f. Rassen- und Ges.-Biol. 5 : 305-326. 1908. VRIES, H. DE, Especes et varietes; leur naissance par mutation. Trad, de 1'angl. p. L. Blaringhem. Paris. 1908. VRIES, H. DE, Uber die Z willing sbastarde von (Enothera nanella. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. Ber. 26a : 667-676. 1908. WEBBER, H. J., Plant Breeding for Farmers. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 251 : 282-332. 1908. WEBBER, H. J., Improving Corn by Seed Selection. Cor- nell Univ. Farmers' Reading Course Bull. 42 : 5. Figs. 1908. WERNER, F., Nochmals Mimikry und Schutzfdrbung. Biol. Centralbl. 28 : 567-576, 588-601. 1908. WHITE, C. A., Aggregate Mutation ofGossypium. Science, n.s. 27 : 193. Appendix D 353 1908. WICKSON, E. J., Luther Burbank and his New Environment. Sunset Mag. 27 : 151-162. 1908. WILLISTON, S. W., What is a Species? Am. Nat. 42: 184-194. 1908. WINKLER, HANS, Vber Parthenogenesis und Apogamie im Pflanzenreiche. Prog. Rei. Bot. 2 : 293-454. Fig. Bibliog. 1908. 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Rep. 5 : 185-207. 1909. CASTLE, W. E., The Behavior of Unit Characters in Heredity. Appendix D 355 In Fifty Years of Darwinism, pp. 143-159. Bibliograph. in notes. 1909. CHAMBERS, ROBERT, Einfluss der Eigrosse und der Tem- peratur auf das Wachsthum und die Grosse des Frosches und dessen Zellen. Arch, fiir Mikroskopische Anatomic und Entwicklungsgeschichte? Vol. 72, pt. 3, pp. 607-661. Rev. in Am. Nat. 43 : 57. 1909. CHAMBLISE, CHARLES E., A Note on Rice Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 5 : 182-185. 1909. CLOTHIER, GEO. L., Practical Possibilities of Grafting and Building Forest and Nut Trees. A. B. A. Rep. 5: 262- 265. 1909. COLLINS, G. N., The Importance of Broad Breeding in Corn. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. 141 (pt. 4) : 33-44. 1909. COOK, 0. F., MCLACHLAN, ARGYLE, and MEADE, ROW- LAND M., A Study of Diversity in Egyptian Cotton. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 156: (60 pp.), 6 pis. 1909. COOK, 0. F., Pure Strains as Artifacts of Breeding. Am. Nat. 43 : 241-242. 1909. COOK, O. F., Suppressed and Intensified Characters in Cotton Hybrids. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 147: (27pp.). 1909. COOK, 0. F., The Superiority of Line Breeding over Narrow Breeding. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 146: (45pp.). 1909. GRIDDLE, N., The So-called White Wild Oats and What they Are. Ottawa Nat. 23 : 127-128. 1909. DARBISHIRE, A. D., An Experimental Estimation of the Theory of Ancestral Contributions in Heredity. Roy. Soc. London Proc. 81 : 61-79. 1909. DARBISHIRE, A. D., Recent Advances in the Study of Heredity. III. New Phytolog. 7 : 157-181 ; 7 : 237-248. 1909. DAVENPORT, CHARLES B., Mutation. In Fifty Years of Darwinism, pp. 160-181. 356 Plant-Breeding 1909. DE LOACH, R. J. H., The Problem of Fixation in Cotton Hybrids. A. B. A. Rep. 5 : 130-138. 1909. DEMOLL, R., and STROHL, J., L' influence de la tem- perature sur le developpement des organismes et la duree de la vie. Soc. Biol. Compt. Rend. 66 : 855-857. 1909. Dow, GEORGE, Some Results Obtained through the Careful Selection of Seeds. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 5 : 109- 111. 1909. EAST, E. M., A Study of the Factors Influencing the Im- provement of the Potato. III. Exp. Sta. Bull. 127: Rev. in Zeitsch. f. ind. Abs.- u. Vererb. 2 : 142-143. 1909. EAST, E. M., Note concerning Inheritance in Sweet Corn. Science, n.s. 29 : 465-467. 1909. EAST, EDWARD M., The Distinction between Development and Heredity in Inbreeding. Am. Nat. 43: 173-181. Bib- liog. in notes. 1909-10. EAST, E. M., The Transmission of Variations in the Potato in Asexual Reproduction. (Contr. from the Labora- tory of Genetics, Bussey Institution of Harvard University, No. 3.) Conn. Exp. Sta. Rep. 120-160, 5 pis. 1909. EMERSON, R. A., Factors for Mottling in Beans. A. B. A. Rep. 5 : 368-376. 1909. EMERSON, R. A., Inheritance of Color in the Seeds of the Common Bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. Nebraska Agr. Exp. Sta. Rep. 22:65^-101. 1909. FORBES, F. E., A New Hybrid Violet. 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HAGEDOORN, AREND L., Mendelian Inheritance of Sex. Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 28 : 1-34, 3 figs. 1909. HANSEN, N. E., The Wild Alfalfas and Clovers of Siberia, with a Prospective View of the Alfalfas of the world. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 150: (31 pp.), 1 pi. 1909. HARRIS, J. A., Variation in the Number of Seeds per Pod in the Broom, Cytisus scoparius. Am. Nat. 43 : 350-355, 2 tab. Diag. Bibliog. in notes. 1909. HARRIS, J. A., A Short Method of Calculating the Coefficient of Correlation in the Case of Integral Variates. Biometrika, 7 : 214-218. 1909. HARRIS, J. A., Note on Variation in Adoxa. Biometrika, 7 : 218-222. 1909. HARRIS, J. A., The Correlation between Length of Flower- ing Stalk and Number of Flowers per Inflorescence in Nothos- cordum and Allium. Missouri Bot. Gard. Rep. 20 : 105-115. 1909. HARRIS, J. A., Variation and Correlation in the Flowers of Lagerstrcemia indica. Missouri Bot. Gard. Rep. 20 : 97-104. 1909. HARSHBERGER, J. W., The Biologist's Part in Practical Plant and Animal Breeding. Amer. Vet. Rev. 35 : 254- 265. 358 Plant-Breeding 1909. HECKEL, M., Fixation de la mutation gemmaire culturale du Solanum maglia. Soc. Nation. d'Agr. Bull. 69 : 874^877. 1909. HOLDEFLEISS, P., Bastardierungsversuche mil Mais. Landwirtsch. Inst. Halle a. S. Ber. 19 : 178^198, 1 pi. 1909. HOLMES, S. J., The Categories of Variation. Am. Nat. 43 : 257-285. 1909. HOWARD, A., and HOWARD, G. L. C., The Varietal Char- acters of Indian Wheats. India Dept. Agr. Mem. Bot., Series 2: (66pp.). 1909. HY, F., Sur une forme sterile de Cardamine hirsuta. Soc. Bot. France Bull. 56 : 210-213. 1909. JENNINGS, S. H., Heredity and Variation in the Simplest Organism. Am. Nat. 43 : 321-337. Bibliog. in notes. 1909. JEPSON, WILLIS L., Spontaneous Hybrids of Native Cali- fornian Trees. A. B. A. Rep. 5 : 25^-262. 1909. JOHANNSEN, W., Uber Knospenmutation bei Phaseolus. Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 1 : 1-10, 2 figs. Bib- liog. | p. 1909. JOHNSON, R. H., Variation in Syndesmon and Hepatica. Ohio Nat. 9:431-436. 1909. JORDON, D. S., and KELLOGG, V. L., The Scientific As- pects of Luther Burbank's Work, xiv + 115 pp. San Francisco. 1909. KNUTH, R., Uber Bastardbildung in der Gattung Pelargo- nium. Bot. Jahrb. f. Systematik usw. (Engler) 44 : 1-35. 4 figs. 1909. LEAKE, H. M., Studies in the Experimental Breeding of Indian Cottons 2. On Buds and Branching. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Jour., n.s. 5 : 23-30. 1909. LEAVITT, R. G., A Vegetative Mutant and the Principle of Homoeosis in Plants. Bot. Gaz. 47 : 30-68, figs. 1-19. 1909. LEE, F. E., Report of Wheat Improvement Committee. Dept. Agr. Victoria Jour. 7 : 239-254. 1909. LOCK, R. H., A Preliminary Survey of Species Crossing Appendix D 359 in the Genus Nicotiana from the Mendelian Standpoint. Roy. Bot. Gard., Peradeniya Annals, 4: 195-227, 12 pis. & 1%. 1909. LOVE, HARRY H., Influence of Food Supply on Variation. A. B. A. Rep. 5:357-365. 1909. MACALLUM, A. B., On the Origin of the Life on the Globe. Canadian Inst. Trans. 8 : 423-441. 1909. MACDOUGAL, D. T., The Direct Influence of Environment. In Fifty Years of Darwinism, pp. 114-142, 2 pis. Bibliog- raphy in notes. 1909. McALPiNE, D., and DE CASTELLA, F., Bud-variation in Corinth Currant Vine. Victoria Dept. Agr. Jour. 7 : 145- 149. 1909. MCCALLUM, W. B., The Reciprocal Influence of Scion and Stock. Plant World, 12 : 281-286. 1909. MARRYAT, (Miss) DOROTHEA C. E., Hybridisation Ex- periments with Mirabilis Jalapa. Roy. Soc. London Evol. Comm. Rep. 5 : 32-50, 2 pis. Tables. 1909. MARTIUS, FR., Das pathogenetische Vererbungsproblem. 4- (letztes) Heft der tl Pathogenese inner -er Krankheiten." Nach Vorlesungen fur Studierende und Arzte. pp. 323-467. Leipzig und Wien. 1909. MAYNARD, G. D., Variability in Shirley Poppies from Pretoria. Biometrika, 7 : 227-230. Fig. 1909. MEISENHEIMER, JOHANNES, Experimented Studien zur Soma und Geschlechts-Differenzierung. Erster Beitrag. 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VOLLMANN, F., Die Bedeutung der Bastardierung fur die Entstehung von Arten und Formen in der Gattung Hiera- cium. Bayer Bot. Gesell. Ber. 12 : 29-37. 1909. VRIES, H. DE, Fertilization and Hybridization. Monist, 19 : 514-555. 1909. VRIES, H. DE, On Triple Hybrids. Bot. Gaz. 47 : 1-8. 1909. VRIES, H. DE, Transformisme et mutation. Rev. du Mois. (Sept.), 269^-302. 1909. WAGNER, A., Die drei Elemente der Lamarckschen Lehre. Zeitsch. Ausbau Entw. Lehre, 3 : 44-60. Appendix D 363 1909. WARBURTON, C. W., Improvement of the Oat Crop. \J. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Circ. 30 : (10 pp.). 1909. WAUGH and SHAW, Variation in Peas. Mass. (State) Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 167-173. 1909. WEBBER, H. J., Improving Corn by Seed Selection. Cor- nell Univ. Reading-Course for Farmers, 42. 1909. WEBBER, H. J., Methods of Breeding and Improving the Potato Crop. Cornell Univ. Farmers' Reading-Course Bull. 43 : 3 figs. 1909. WEBBER, H. J., Clonal or Bud Variation. A. B. A. Rep. 5:347-357. 1909. WEISMANN, AUGUST, The Selection Theory. Darwin and Mod. Sci. pp. 18-65, pi., fig. Bibliog. in notes. 1909. WESTGATE, J. M., Methods of Breeding Alfalfa by Selec- tion. A. B. A. Rep. 5 : 144-166. 1909. WESTGATE, J. M., Another Explanation of the Hardiness of Grimm Alfalfa. Science, n.s. 30 : 184-186. 1909. WHELDALE, (Miss) M., The Colours and Pigments of Flowers, with Special Reference to Genetics. Roy. Soc. London Proc. 81 : 44-60. 1909. WHELDALE, (Miss) M., Further Observations upon the Inheritance of Flower-colour in Antirrhinum ma jus. Roy. Soc. London Evol. Comm. Rep. 5 : 1-26. Tables. Bib- liog. in notes. 1909. WILSON, EDMUND B., Studies on Chromosomes V. The Chromosomes of Metapodius. A Contribution to the Hypothesis of the Genetic Continuity of Chromosomes. Jour. Exp. Zool. 6 : 147-205, 1 pi. & 13 figs. 1909. WILSON, EDMUND B., The Cell in Relation to Heredity and Evolution. In Fifty Years of Darwinism, pp. 92- 113. 1909. WOODHEAD, J. W., and DRIERLEY, M. M., Development of the Climbing Habit in Antirrhinum majus. New Phy- tologist, 8 : 284-298, 3 pis. & 5 figs. 364 Plant-Breeding 1909. WOODRUFFE-PEACOCK, E. A., Heredity of Acquired Characters. Jour, of Bot. 47 : 320-321. 1909. WRIGHT, R. P., Potatoes, Effect of Planting Sprouted Tubers on Yield. West. Scot. Agr. Coll. Ann. Rep. 9: 101. Roy. Hort. Soc. Abs. in Jour. 35 : 557. 1909. ZAVITZ, Z. A., Foundation Stock on Plant Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 5: 167-171. 1909. ZIMMERMANN, W., Orchis coriophora X morio. Allg. Bot. Zeitsch. 15: 150-151. 1910. ANDREWS, F. M., Twin Hybrids (fata and velutina) and their Anatomical Distinctions. Bot. Gaz. 50 : 193-201. 1910. BABCOCK, ERNEST B., Walnut-Oak Hybrid Experiments. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 200-202. Tab. 1910. BALL, CARLETON R., The Breeding of Grain Sorghums. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 283-293. 1910. BALLS, W. L., Some Complications in Mendelian Cotton Breeding. Inst. Egyptien Bull. 3 : 120-127. 1910. BALTZER, F., Uber die Beziehungenzwischen dem Chroma- tin und der Entwickelung und Vererbungs-richtung bei Echinodermenbastarden. Arch. Zellforschung, 5 : 497-621. 5 pis. & 19 figs. 1910. BARUS, C., Variations Graphically. Science, n.s. 31 : 867-868. 1910. BATAILLON, E., Contribution a I' analyse experimentale des phenomenes karyocinetiques chez Ascaris megalocephala. Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 30 : 1 : 24-44, 1 pi. Bib- liog. 1| PP- 1910. BAUR, E., Pfropf bastards. Biol. Centralbl. 30:497-514. 7 figs. 1910. BENEDIKT, MORIZ, Biomechanische Grundfragen. Of- fenes Sendschreiben an Herrn H of rat Ernst Ludwig. Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 31 : 164-174. 1910. BERNARD, NOEL, Uorigine de la pomme de terre. 19 pp. Soc. Franc. d'Impr. et de Librairie, Poitiers. Reprint Appendix D 365 from Soc. Acad. d'Agric., Belles] ettres, Sci. et Arts de Poitiers Bull. 1910. BERTHAULT, P., A propos de Vorigine de la pomme de terre. Rev. Ge*n. Bot. 22 : 345-353. 1910. BERTHAULT, P., Sur les types sauvages de la pomme de terre cultivee. Acad. Sci. Paris, Compt. Rend. 150 : 47- 50. 1910. BESSEY, E. A., Air Drainage as Affecting the Acclimatiza- tion of Plants. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Mem. 2: 25-28. 1910. BLANCHARD, HENRY F., Improvement of the Wheat Crop in California. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 178 : (37 pp.), 10 figs. ' 1910. BORDAGE, E., A propos de I'heredite des caracteres ac- quis. Bull. Scient. France et Belgique 44: (Heft 1). 1910. BORNET, E., and GARD, M., Recherches sur les hybrides artificiels de Cistes obtenus par M. Ed. Bornet. I. Notes inedites et resultats experimentaux. Ann. des Sci. Natu- relles (Botanique) 12:71-116. 1910. BRAND, CHARLES J., The Utilization of Crop Plants in Paper Making. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 329-340. Same. Yearbook Separate, 541 : 329-340. 1910. BRUCE, A. B., The Mendelian Theory of Heredity and the Augmentation of Vigor. Science, n.s. 32:627-628. 1910. BRUCE, A. B., Self-fertilization and Loss of Vigour. Na- ture. March 3. 1910. BUDER, J., Pfropfbastarde und Chimaeren. Zeitsch. f. allg. Physiol. 11: 15-31. 1910. BUDER, J., Studien an Laburnum Adami. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 28: 188-192. 1910. BURTT-DAVY, J., A Note on the Correlation of Characters in Maize Breeding. Transvaal Agr. Jour. 8 : 453-455. 1910. BURTT-DAVY, J., An Experiment in Breeding a New Type of Maize. Transvaal Agr. Jour. 8 : 450-453. 1910. CHEVALIER, J., Influence de la culture sur la teneur en 366 Plant-Breeding alcaloides de quelques Solanees. Acad. Sci. Paris Compt. Rend. 150:344^347. 1910. CLARK, CHAS. F., Variation and Correlation in Timothy. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 279 : 421-469, 40 figs. 1910. CLEMENTS, F. E., The Real Factors in Acclimatization. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Mem. 2 : 37^0. 1910. CLOTHIER, GEO. L., Breeding to Improve Physical Quali- ties of Timber. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 261-263. 1910. COCKERELL, T. D. A., A New Variety of the Sunflower. Science, n.s. 32 : 384. 1910. COIT, J. E., The Relation of Asexual or Bud Mutation to the Decadence of California Citrus or Deads. Fruit Growers' Cons. (Cal.) Proc. 37 : 31-39. 1910. COLLINS, G. N., Increased Fields of Corn from Hybrid Seed. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 319-328. Same. Yearbook Separate, 540 : 319-328. 1910. COLLINS, G. N., The Value of First-Generation Hybrids in Corn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 191: (45 pp.). 1910. COTTE,' J., and COTTE, C., Sur I'indigenat du ble en Palestine. Soc. Bot. France Bull. 56 : 538-540. 1910. COUPIN, H., Sur la vegetation de quelques moisissures dans 1'huile. Acad. Sci. Paris Compt. Rend. 150:1192- 1193. 1910. CROSBY, DICK J., and HOWE, F. W., School Lessons on Corn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 409 : (29 pp.), 12 figs. (This bulletin contains outlines for class studies and exer- cises on the growth and structure of the corn plant, selection and testing of seed corn, and the cultivation and breeding of corn, with list of publications on the subject.) 1910. CROSBY, DICK J., School Exercises in Plant Production. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 408: (48 pp.), 39 figs. (This bulletin describes the material needed for laboratory exercises in plant production, and contains outlines of Appendix D 367 lessons in the structure and growth of plants, methods of propagation, seed testing, etc., and a list of publications on agriculture, of special interest to teachers.) 1910. DACHNOWSKI, A., Physiologically Arid Habitats and Drought Resistance in Plants. Bot. Gaz. 49 : 325-339. 1910. DERR, H. B., A New Awnless Barley. Science, n.s. 32 : 473-474. 1910. DILLMAN, ARTHUR C., Breeding Drought-Resistant Forage Plants for the Great Plains Area. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 196: (40 pp. ), 4 pis. 1910. Dow, GEO., The Status of the "False " Wild Oats. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 6: 105-107. 1910. DRZEWINA, A., La transmission des caracteres heredi- taires chez les hybrides. Revue des Idees, 7 : 372-376. 1910. EAST, EDWARD M., A Mendelian Interpretation of Varia- tion that is apparently Continuous. Am. Nat. 44 : 65-82. 7 tab. Bibliog. in notes. 1910. EAST, EDWARD M., Inheritance in Potatoes. Am. Nat. 44 : 424-430. Bibliog. in notes. 1910. EAST, E. M., Notes on an Experiment concerning the Nature of Unit Characters. Science; n.s. 32 : 93-95. 1910. EAST, E. M., The Role of Hybridization in Plant Breeding. Pop. Sci. Mo. 77: 342-355, figs. 1-11. 1910. EAST, E. M., The Transmission of Variations in the Potato in Asexual Reproduction. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rep. 119-160, 5 pis. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst- u. Vererb. 4:375-376. 1910. EMERSON, R. A., The Inheritance of Sizes and Shapes in Plants. Amer. Nat. 44 : 739-746. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 5: 193. 1910. FLETCHER, S. W., Varieties of Fruit Originated in Mich. Mich. Agr. Exp. Sta. Spec. Bull. 44. 1910. FROST, H. B., Variation as related to the Temperature Environment. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 384^396. 368 Plant-Breeding 1910. FRYE, T. C., Height and Dominance of the Douglas Fir. Forest Quart. 8 : 465-470. 1910. GASSNER, G., Uber Solanum Commersonii und S. "Com- mersonii violet " in Uruguay. Landw-. Jahrb. 1011-1020. Ipl. 1910. GATES, R. R., Abnormalities in (Enothera. Missouri Bot. Gard. Ann. Rep. 21 : 175-184, pis. 29-31. 1910. GATES, R. R., The Earliest Description of (Enothera Lamarckiana. Science, n.s. 31 : 425-426. 1910. GATES, R. R., The Material Basis of Mendelian Phenom- ena. Am. Nat. 44 : 203-213. Bibliog., 1 p. 1910. GAUSS, ROBERT, Acclimatization in Breeding Drought- resistant Cereals. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 209-217. 1910. GRIFFON, E., Sur la variation dans le .greffage et I'hybri- dation asexuelle. Acad. Sci., Paris, Comp. Rend. 150: 629-632. 1910. GRIFFON, E., Variations avec ou sans greffage chez les Solanees et les Composees. Spc. Bot. de France Bull. 57 : 517-535, 2 pi. 1910. GROFF, H. H., Hybridizing the Gladiolus. Are its Lessons Possible of General Application? Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 6 : 52-58. 1910. GUTHRIE, C. C., On Graft Hybrids. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 356-373. 1910. HAECKER, VALENTIN, Die Radiolarien in der Variations- und Vererbungslehre. Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abs.- u. Vererb. 2 : 1-17. Rev. in Arch, f . Entwick'mech. d. Org. 29 : 573. 1910. HANSEN, N. E., 7s Acclimatization an Impossibility? N. Y. Hort. Soc. Mem. 2 : 69-74. 1910. HARPER, J. N., Experiments with Hybrid Cottons. South Carolina Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 148: (17 pp.). 1910. HARTLEY, C. P., Seed Corn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 415: (12 pp.), 3 figs. (This bulletin contains direc- tions for the growing^ selection, and care of seed corn, Appendix D 369 the destruction of weevils or grain moths, the testing, grading, and shelling of the corn to be planted, with sug- gestions to the corn grower as to the importance and re- quirements of good seed, and adaptability of any variety to his locality.) 1910. HENRY, A., On Elm Seedlings Showing Mendelian Results. Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 39 : 290-300. 1910. HENSLOW, G., The Origin and History of our Garden Vegetables and their Dietetic Values — II. Royal Hort. Soc. Jour. 36 : 345-357, figs. 120-125. Roots and tubers. 1910. HENSLOW, G., The Origin and History of our Garden Vegetables. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 36: 115-127. 1910. HERRE, A. C., Suggestions as to the Origin of California's Lichen Flora. Plant World, 13 : 215^220. 1910. HEUER, W., Pfropfbastarde. Gartenflora, 59 : 434-438. 1910. HIMMELBAUR, W., Der Gegenwdrtige Stand der Pfropfhy- bridenfrage. Natw. Ver. Univ. Wien Mitt. 8 : 105-127. 1910. HINDLE, EDWARD, A Cytological Study of Artificial Par- thenogenesis in Strongylocentrotus Purpuratus. Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 31 : 145-163, 1 pi. Bibliog. 1£ pp. 1910. HOWARD, ALBERT, and HOWARD, GABRIELLE, Wheat in India. Its Production, Varieties, and Improvement. Calcutta. 288 pp., 7 maps, 4 figs., 7 pis. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 4 : 153-154. 1910. HUMPHREYS, E. W., Variation among Non-lobed Sassafras Leaves. Torreya, 10 : 101-108, figs. 1-8. 1910. KURD, WM. D., Corn Selection for Seed and for Show. Mass. State Board of Agr. Ann. Rep. 58. 1910. HURST, C. C., Mendel's Law of Heredity and its Applica- tion to Horticulture. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 36 : 22-52. 1910. IKENO, J., Sind Alle Arten der Gattung Taraxacum Parthenogenetisch? Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 28:394- 397. 1910. JAVILLIER, M., Sur la migration des alcaloides dans les 2s 370 Plant-Breeding greffes de Solanees sur Solonees. Inst. Pasteur Annales, 24 : 569-576. 1910. KEARNEY, THOMAS H., Breeding New Types of Egyptian Cotton. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 200 : (39pp.) 4 pi. 1910. KEEBLE, FREDERICK, and (Miss) PELLEW, C., The Mode of Inheritance of Stature and of Time of Flowering in Peas. Pisum sativum. Jour, of Gen. 1 : 47-56. 1910. KEEBLE, FREDERICK, and (Miss) PELLEW, C., White Flowered Varieties of Primula sinensis. Jour, of Gen. 1 : 1-5. 1910. KEEBLE, F., PELLEW, C., and JONES, W. N., The In- heritance of Peloria and Flower Colour in Foxgloves (Digi- talis purpurea). New Phytolog. 9: 68-77, 1 fig. 1910. KROLL, H. G., Uber Polygamie bei Polygonatum officinale. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Verh. 52: 98-101. 1910. LECAILLON, A., La parthenogenese naturelle rudimen- taire. Bull. Scientif . de France et Belgique, 7th ser. 44 : 235-272. 1910. LOVE, HARRY H., Are Fluctuations Inherited? Am. Nat. 44 : 412-423, 9 figs. & 4 tab. Bibliog. in notes. 1910. MACDOUGAL, D. T., VAIL, A. M., and SHULL, G. H., Mutations, Variations, and Relationships of the (Enotheras. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 81 : (92 pp.) 1907. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 3 : 226-228. 1910. MAIGRE, E. F., L'heredite Mendelienne. Rev. des IdSes, 234-242. 1910. MOOREHOUSE, L. A., Improvements of Bermuda Grass. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 95-98, fig. 1910. MORGAN, T. H., Chromosomes and Heredity. Am. Nat. 44 : 449-496, 3 tab. Illus. 1910. NAKANO, H., Variation and Correlation in Rays and Disk of Aster fastigiatus. Bot. Gaz. 49 : 371-378, figs. 1-4. 1910. NASH, G. V., Observations on Hardiness of Plants culti- Appendix D 371 vated at the New York Botanical, Garden. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Mem. 2: 130-143. 1910. NEMEC, B., Das Problem der Befruchtungavorgdnge. 526 pp. Borntraeger, Berlin. 5 pis. & 119 figs. 1910. NEWMAN, L. H., The Correlation of Characters in Plants and its Economic Importance to the Plant Breeders. Ottawa Nat. 23 : 220-224. 1910. NIENBURG, W., Die Jungsten Ergebnisse der Pfropf- bastardforschung. Gartenflora, 59 : 479-495. 1910. NILSSON-EHLE, H., Kreuzungsuntersuchungen an Hafer und Weizen. Lunds Universitats Areskirft. N. F. Afd. 2. 5 : 1-122. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 3:290-291. 1910. NILSSON-EHLE, H., Svalofs Pudelhvete. Sveriges Utsades- for. Tidskr. 20 : 69-87. 1910. OLIVER, GEORGE W., New Methods of Plant Breeding. Fig. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 21-30. 1910. ORCHARD, HAROLD, Potato Breeding in Manitoba and Some Results Obtained. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 6 : 103-104. 1910. OSTENFELD, C. H., Further Studies on Apogamy and Hybridization of Hieracium. Zeitsch. f. Indukt. Abst. 3 : (Heft 4). Rev. in Am. Nat. 44:750-762. Bibliog. in notes. 1910. PATON, ALKMAN, Notes on Some Hybrid Tuberous Solanums. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 36 : 127-133. 1910. PEARL, RAYMOND, and SURFACE, F. M., Experiments in Breeding Sweet Corn. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 183 : (66pp.). 1910. PEARSON, KARL, Darwinism, Biometry and Some Recent Biology, I. Biometrika, 7 : 368-385. Tab. 1910. PEARSON, KARL, On a New Method of Determining Cor- relation when one Variable is given by Alternative and the Other by Multiple Categories. Biometrika, 7 : 248-257, Tab, 372 Plant-Breeding 1910. PLANCHON, Mutation gemmaire du Solanwn Commersonii. Soc. Nation. d'Agr. Bull. 70 : 373-375. 1910. REHDER, A., A New Hybrid Cornus (Cornus rugosa X stolonifera) . Rhodora, 12 : 121-124. C. Slavinii Rehder. 1910. RICHTER, 0., Pfropfungen, Pfropfbastarde und Pflanzen- chimaeren. Lotos, 58: 1-22. 1910. RIETZ, H. L., Correlation in Corn. 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull, 148: (25 pp.): 1910. SALAMAN, R. N ., The Inheritance of Colour and Other Char- acters in the Potato. Jour, of Gen. 1 : 7-46, 29 pi. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 5 : 192-193. 1910. SAUNDERS, E. R., Studies in the Inheritance of Double- ness in Flowers. I. Petunia. Jour, of Gen. Fig. 1 : 57. 1910. SCHRIBAUX, Sur le Solanum Commersonii. Soc. Nation. d'Agr. Bull. 70:798-801. 1910. SHEPPERD, J. H., Report of Committee on Breeding Fiber Crops. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 197-199. 1910. SHOEMAKER, D. N., Report of Committee on Breeding Cotton. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 293-294. 1910. SHULL, GEORGE HARRISON, Color Inheritance in Lychnis dioica L. Am. Nat. 44 : 83-91, 3 tab. Bibliog. 1910. SHULL, A. FRANKLIN, The Artificial Production of the Parthenogenetic and Sexual Phases of the Life Cycle of Hyda- tina senta. Am. Nat. 44 : 146-150, 5 tab. 1910. SHULL, GEORGE HARRISON, Hybridization Methods in Corn Breeding. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 98-107. Bibliog. 1910. SMITH, LOUIE H., Increasing Protein and Fat in' Corn. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 15-21. Tab. 1910. SMITH, J. RUSSELL, Breeding and Use of Tree Crops. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 86-91. 1910. SPILLMAN, W. J., A Theory of Mendelian Phenomena. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 113-125. Diagr. 1910. SPILLMAN, W. J., Effect of Recent Discoveries on the Art of Breeding. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 69-70. Appendix D 373 1910. SPILLMAN, W. J., Mendelian Phenomena without de Vriesian Theory. Am. Nat. 44 : 214-228, 4 tab. Bibliog. in notes. 1910. SPILLMAN, W. J. (Reviewer), Heredity. (Rev.) Am. Nat. 44 : 504-512. Bibliog. in notes. 1910. SPILLMAN, W. J., The Nature of "Unit" Characters. The American Naturalist, 43 : 243-248. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 3 : 110. 1910. STEVENS, R. L., and HALL, J. G., Variation of Fungi Due to Environment. Bot. Gaz. 48:1-30, fig. 37. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 3 : 343-344. 1910. SUDWORTH, GEORGE S., Report of Committee on Breeding Nut and Forest Trees. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 185-193. Tab. 1910. TAYLOR, GEORGE M., The Cross Fertilization of the Potato. Gard. Chron. 3d ser. 48 : 279. 1910. TISCHLER, G., Untersuchungen uber die Entwicklung des Bananen-Pollens. Arch. f. Zellforschung, 5 : 622-670, 2' pis. & 4 figs. 1910. TRABUT, L., Sur une mutation inerme du Cynana Cardun- culus. Soc. Bot. de France Bull. 57 : 350-354, 2 pis. 1910. TRACY, W. W., Breeding and Raising Garden Seeds. Mass. State Board cf Agr. Ann. Rep. 58. 1910. TRACY, W. W., Report of Committee on Breeding Vege- tables. Am. Breed. Mag. 1 : 110-113. 1910. TUTTLE, A. H., Mitosis in (Edogonium. Jour. Fxp. Zool. 9: 143-157, 18 figs. 1910. VILMORIN, PHILIPPE DE, Recherches sur Vheredite men- delienne. Acad. Sci., Paris, Compt. Rend. 151 : 548-551. 1910. VRIES, H. DE, The Production of Horticultural Varieties. Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 35 : 321-326. 1910. WALDRON, L. R., A Suggestion regarding Heavy and Light Seed Grain. Am. Nat. 44 : 48-56. 1910. WALDRON, L. R., Heredity in Populations and in Pure Lines. Plant World, 13 : 1-12, figs. 1-5. 374 Plant-Breeding 1910. WESTGATE, J. M., Variegated Alfalfa. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 169 : (63 pp.), 9 pis. & 5 figs. 1910. WHEELER, SEAGER, Plant Breeding of the Farm. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 6: 107-109. 1910. WHELDALE, M., Plant Oxydases and the Chemical Inter- relationships of Colour-varieties. Prog. Rei. Bot. Vol. 3 : 457-473. Bibliog. in notes. 1910. WILSON, E. B., Studies on Chromosomes. Jour. Exp. Zool. 9 : 53-79. 1910. WINKLER, H., Uber das Wesender Pfropfbastarde. (Vor- laufige Mitteilung.) Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 28 : 116-118. 1910. WINKLER, H., Uber die Nachkommenschaft der Solanus- Pfropfbastarde und die Chromosomes zahlen ihre Keimzellen. Zeitschr. fur Botanik. 2 : 1-33. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 3 : 223-224. 1910. WINKLER, HANS, Weiters Mitteilungen uber Pfropfbastarde. Zschr. f. Botanik. 1 : 315-345, 1 pi., 4 figs. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 3: 111-113. 1910. WINKLER, HANS, Zur Kritik der Ansichten von der Ent- stegung der Angiospermenbluten. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Kult. Bteslau. Jahresber. 87 : 22-28. 1910. WINSLOW, E. J., A New Hybrid Fern. Am. Fern Jour. 1 : 22-23, figs. 1-4. 1910. WITTE, H., Vallvdxtforddlingen pa Svalof, dess nodvdndighet och behafver af utstrdckt inhemsk froodling. Sveriges Utsade's- for. Tidskr. 20:317-331. 1910. ZAVITZ, C. A., Heredity in Plants and its Bearing on Agri- cultural Problems. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. 6th Ann. Meeting Rep. 49-52. 1910. ZEIJLSTRA, H. H., On the Cause of Dimorphism in (Eno- thera nanella. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam Proc. 13 : 660, 1 pi. 1911. AGEE, HAMILTON P., Propagation of Seedlings of Sugar Cane in Louisiana. A, B. A. Rep. 6: 178-183. Appendix D 375 1911. ATKINSON, ALFRED, Grain Investigations with Different Varieties of Wheat, Oats, and Barley. (Types and variety tests.) Montana Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 84 : 24 pp. 1911. BABCOCK, ERNEST B., Walnut-Oak Hybrid Experiments. A. B. A. Rep. 6: 138-141. 1911. BALLS, W. LAWRENCE, The Inheritance of Measurable Characters in Hybrids between Reputed Species of Cotton. IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 429-440, fig. 9. 1911. ~BALix,W.,CytologischeStudeinanChytridineen. Jahrb. wissensch. Bot. 50 : 95-156, 5 pis. & 8 figs. 1911. BARRUS, M . F . , Variation of Varieties of Beans in their Sus- ceptibility to Anthracnose. Phytopathology, 1 : 190-195, 1 pi. 1911. BATESON, W., and PUNNETT, R. C., Reduplication of Terms in Series of Gametes. IV Inter. Conf. Genet. Paris, 99-100. 1911. BEMBOWER, W., Pollination Notes from the Cedar Point Region. Ohio Nat. 11 : 378-383. 1911. BENEDICT, RALPH C., Do Ferns Hybridize? Science, n.s. 33 : 254r-255. 1911. BRINGHAM, E. S., A Year's Work in Potato Breeding. R. N. Y. 70 : 559. 1911. BLARINGHEM, L., L'etat present de la theorie de la mu- tation. Soc. Bot. de France Bull. 58 : 644-652. 1911. BLARINGHEM, L., Sur I'heredite en Mosaique. IV Inter. Conf. Genet. Paris, 101-151. 1911. BRAEM, F., Die Varoation bei den Statoblasten von Pec- tinatella magnifica. Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 32: 314^348, 8 figs., 2 tab. Bibliog. J p. 1911. BUFFUM, B. C., Effect of Environment on Plant Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 212-225. 1911. CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS HOUGHTON, The Nature of Graft- Hybrids. Am. Nat. 45 : 41-53, 1 fig. Bibliog. in notes. 1911. CHUBBUCK, LEVI, A Variety of Corn for Elevated Regions. Am. Breed. Mag. 2 : 235, fig. 376 Plant-Breeding 1911. CLEMENTS, FREDERICK B., Proposals for a System of Tree Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 275-282. 1911. CLOTHIER, GEO. T., Breeding to Improve Physical Qualities of Timber. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 170-172. 1911. CLUTE, W. N., and FERRISS, J. H., A New Species of Phlox. Am. Bot. 17 : 74-76. Phlox argillacea sp. nov. 1911. COLLINS, G. N., and KEMPTON, J. H., Inheritance of Waxy Endosperm in Hybrids of Chinese Maize. IV Inter. Conf. Genet. Paris, 347-357. Tab. X. 1911. COLLINS, G. N., Increased Yields of Corn from Hybrid Seed. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 319-328. 1911. COOK, O. F., Hindi Cotton in Egypt. U. S. Dept. Agr. Plant Ind. Bull. 210 : 1-58, pis. 1-6. 1911. COOK, 0. F., and MEADE, R. M., Arrangement of Parts in the Cotton Plant. U. S. Dept. Agr. Plant Ind. Bull. 222 : 26, figs. 1-9. 1911. COUPIN, H., Sur la localisation des pigments dans le tegument des graines de haricots. Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend. 153: 1489-1492. 1911. CREED, RICHARD, The Growing of Turnip Seed in the Maritime Provinces. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 7 : 49-50. 1911. DALLIMORE, W., Notes on Trees suitable for Experimental Forestry. Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1911 : 211-223. 1911. DANIEL, L., Etude biometrique de la descendance de Haricots greffes et de Haricots francs de pied. Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend. 152: 1018-1020. 1911. DANIEL, L., Recherches biometrique sur un hi/bride de greffe entre poirier et Cognassier. Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend. 152: 1186-1188. 1911. DAVENPORT, E., " Domesticated Animals and Plants." Science, n.s. 34 : 715. 1911. DAVIS, BRADLEY MOORE, Genetical Studies on (Enothera. II. Some Hybrids of (Enothera biennis and 0. grandi flora Appendix D 377 that resemble 0. Lamarckiana. Am. Nat. 45 : 193-233, 18 figs. Bibliog. f p. 1911. DECKER, H., Mendel's Law as Related to Heredity and Breeding. I-V. Horticulture, 13 : 635 ; 13 : 669 ; 13 : 70&-706 ; 13 : 741-742 ; 13 : 780. Illus. Translated from Cosmos by G. Thommen. 1911. DELACROIX, G., Maladies des plantes cultivees dans les pays chauds, publie par A. Maublanc, vol. 1., 605 pp. Challamel. Paris. 1911. EMERSON, R. A., Genetic Correlation and Spurious Allelo- morphism in Maize. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 24: 59-90, 9 figs. 1911. EMERSON, R. A., Latent Colors in Corn. A. B. A. Rep. 6:233-237. 1911. EMERSON, R. A., Production of a White Bean Lacking the Factor for Total Pigmentation. A Prophecy Fulfilled. A. B. A. Rep. 6:396-397. 1911. EVANS, G. W., Wheats and Wheat Breeding. Agr. Jour. of Brit. East Africa, 3 : 348-356. 1911. EWING, E. C., Correlation of Characters in Corn. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 287 : 67-100, 14 tab., 2 figs. 1911. FAIRCHILD, DAVID, Plant Introduction for the Plant Breeder. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 411-422, 6 pis. & 1 fig. Same. Yearbook Separate, 580: 411-422, 6 pis. 1911. FOOTE, E. H., A Study of the Supposed Hybrid of the Black and Shingle Oaks. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. Bull. 16:315-338, pis. 11-14. 1911. FREEMAN, E. M., Resistance and Immunity in Plant Diseases. Phytopathology, 1 : 109-115. (Also published in Publ. Bot. Soc. Am. 50 : 17-26.) 1911. FREEMAN, G. F., and JONES, D. F., Plant Breeding. Univ. Arizona Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 541-546. 1911. GATES, R. R., Mutation in (Enothera. Am. Nat. 45: 577-606. Bibliog. 378 Plant-Breeding 1911. GATES, R. R., Studies on the Variability and Heritability of Pigmentation in (Enothera. Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 4 : 337-372, pi. & 5 figs. Bibliog. J p. 1911. GAUSS, ROBERT, Acclimatization in Breeding Drought- Resistant Cereals. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 147-156. 1911. GAUSS, ROBERT, The Plant Breeding Problem. Am. Breed. Mag. 2:259-263. 1911. GAUTIER, ARMAND, Sur le Principe de la coalescence des plasmus vivants et I'origine des races et des especes. IV International Conf. Genetique, Paris, 79-90. 1911. GENTY, C., Note sur deux Carduus hybrides. Monde des Plantes, 14 : 26. 1911. GILBERT, ARTHUR W., Suggestions for an Undergraduate Course in Plant Breeding. A. B. A Rep. 6:352-356. 1911. GILBERT, ARTHUR W., Suggestive Laboratory Exercises for a Course in Plant Breeding. Am. Breed. Mag. 2 : 196- 212, fig. Tab. Bibliog. in notes. 1911. GRANIER, J., and BOULE, L., Sur le phenomene de con- jugaison des chromosomes a le prophase de la premiere cinese reductrice (microsporogenese chez Endymion nutans . Dum). Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend. 152:393-396. 1911. GREGORY, R. P., Experiments with Primula sinensis. Jour, of Gen. 1 : 73. Illus. 1911. GREGORY, R. P., On Gametic Coupling and Repulsion in Primula sinensis. Roy. Soc. London Proc. 84 : 12-15. 1911. GRIFFON, E., Greffage et Hybridation Asexuelle. IV Internat. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 164-196, figs. 24. 1911. GRIFFON, E., Observations et recherches experimentales sur la variation chez le mais. Soc. Bot. France Bull. 57 : 604- 615. 1911. GROTH, H. A., The FI Heredity of Size, Shape, and Number in Tomato Leaves. I. Seedlings. N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 238 : 3-38, 5 figs. & 1 pi. 1911. GROTH, H. A.; The FI Heredity of Size, Shape, Number Appendix D 379 in Tomato Leaves. Part II. Mature plants. New Jersey Exp. Sta. Bull. 239: 3-12, pi. 1-9. 1911. HAGEDOORN, A. L., Facteurs Genetiques et Facteurs du Milieu dans I' amelioration et I'obtentian des races. IV Internat. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 132-135. 1911. HALSTEAD, B. D., Geometrical Figures in Plant Breeding. Am. Breed. Mag. 2 : 217-220, fig. 1911. HANSEN, N. E., Some New Fruits. So. Dak. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 130 : 163-200, 1 fig. 1911. HARRIS, J. ARTHUR, On the Formation of Correlation and Contingency Tables when the Number of Combinations is Large. Am. Nat. 45: 566-571, 2 tab. Bibliog. in notes. 1911. HARRIS, J. ARTHUR, The Biometric Proof of the Pure Line Theory. Am. Nat. 45 : 345-363. Bibliog. in notes. 1911. HARRIS, J. ARTHUR, The Measurement of Natural Selec- tion. Pop. Sci. Mo. 78 : 521-538, figs. 1-7. 1911. HARTLEY, C. P., The Corn Breeder's Problems. Am. Breed. Mag. 2 : 212-217. Diagr. 1911. HATAI, . SHINKISHI, The Mendelian Ratio and Blended Inheritance. Am. Nat. 45 : 99-106. Bibliog. 1911. HAYES, H. K., and EAST, E. M., Improvement in Corn. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 168: 21, 4 pis. 1911. HAYES, H. K., Inheritance in Corn. Conn. (State) Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 407-427. 1911. HECKEL, E., Sur les mutations gemmaires culturales du Solanum Maglia et sur les premiers resultats culturaux de ces mutations. Acad. Sci., Paris, Compt. Rend. 153 : 417-420. 1911. HENRY, J. L., Results obtained through the Use of Hand Selected Seed. Can. Seed-Grow. Assoc. Rep. 7 : 79-80. 1911. HILL, E. J., (Enothera Lamarckiana: its Early Cultiva- tion and Description. Bot. Gaz. 51 : 136-140. 1911. HILLMAN, F. H., Testing Farm Seeds in the Home and in the Rural School. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 428 : 380 Plant-Breeding (47 pp.), 32 figs. (This bulletin describes the seed- trade condition, the seed used as adulterants, methods and ap- paratus used in making tests, etc.) 1911. HONING, J. A., Die Doppelnatur der (Enothera Lamarck- iana. Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 4:227-278, 10 figs. Bibliog. in notes. 1911. HOPKINS, L. S., A New Variety of the Cinnamon Fern. Am. Fern Jour. 1 : 100-101. Osmunda cinnamomea auri- culata var. nov. described and illustrated. 1911. HUMBERT, E. P., A Quantitative Study of Variation. Natural and Induced, in Pure Lines of Silene noctiflora, Zeitsch. .f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 4 : 161-226, 12 figs. Bibliog. in notes. 1911. HURST, C. C., The Application of the Principles of Genetics to Some Practical Problems. IV Internat. Conf . Genetique, Paris, 210-221. 1911. Hus, H., and MURDOCK, A. W., Inheritance of Fascia- tion in Zea Mays. Plant World, 14 : 88-96, 1 fig. 1911. JANSONIUS, H. H., and MOLL, J. W., Der anatomische Ban des Holzes der Pfropfhybrids Cytisus Adami und ihrer Compomenten. Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerland. 8 : 333-368. 1911. JENNINGS, H. S., Computation of the Coefficient of Cor- relation. Am. Nat. 45 : 413. 1911. JENNINGS, H. S., Pure Lines in the Study of Genetics in Lower Organism. Am. Nat. 45 : 79-89. Diagr. 1911. JESENKA, F., Sur un hybride fertile entre Triticum sativum (Ble Mold-Squarehead) and Secale Cereale. (Seigle de Petkus.) IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 501-511. 1911. JOHANNSEN, W., Mutations dans des lignees pures de haricots et discussion au subject de le mutation en general. IV Internat. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 160-163. 1911. KASTLE, J. H., and HADEN, R. L., Color Changes in Blue Flowers of Wild Chicory (Cichorium intybus). Amer. Chem. Jour. 46: 315-325. Appendix D 381 1911. KEEBLE, F., and PELLEW, C., The Mode of Inheritance of Stature and of Time of Flowering in Peas (Pisum sativum) . Jour, of Gen. 1 : 47-56. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 5:331. 1911. KOCK, G., Eine Mutation der Kartoffelsorte Up to Date. Monatsh. f. Landw. 4 : 10&-109. 1911. KROEMER, K., Uber das "Mendeln " und seine Bedeutung fur die gdrtnerische Pflanzenzuchtung. Hollers Deutsche ; Gartner-Zeitung, 26 : 50-52. 1911. LACKE, M., and PARR, A. E., The Problem of the Im- provement of Cotton in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. Agr. Jour. India, 6 : 1-13, 5 pi. 1911. LANG, H., Technisches aus dem Gebiete der F utter pflanzen- zuchtung. Illus. Landw. Zeitung, 704. 1911. LEAKE, H. M., Studies in Indian Cotton. Jour, of Gen. 1 : 205^-272. Illus. 1911. LEIDIGH, A. H., Methods for the Improvement of Sorghum. Am. Breed. Mag. 2 : 294-296. Port. 1911. LOTSY, J. P., Hybrids entre especes d' antirrhinum. IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 416-428, figs. 9. 1911. LOVE, HARRY H., Studies of Variation in Plants. Cornell . Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 297 : 593-677, 70 figs., 48 tab. 1911. MACDOUGAL, D. T. , Climatic Selection in a Hybrid Prog- eny Oak. Plant World, 14: 129-131, 1 fig. 1911. MASON, SILAS C., Drought Resistance of the Olive in the Southwestern States. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 192: (60 pp.), 6 pis. & 20 figs. 1911. MAYER, A., Bemerkungen zu G. Lewitsky: Uber die Chondriosomen in pflanzlichen Zellen. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. Ber. 29 : 158-160. 1911. MENDEL, G., Versuche uber Pflanzenhybriden. Heraus- gegeben von E. v. Tachermak. Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften, No. 121, 2d ed. Leipzig, Engel- mann. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 6 : 182. 382 Plant-Breeding 1911. MONTGOMERY, E. G., Correlation Studies in Corn. Ne- braska Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rept. 24 : 109-158. 1911. MONTGOMERY, E. G., Note regarding Maize Flowers. Science, n.s. 33 : 435. 1911. MONTGOMERY, E. G., Perfect Flowers in Maize. Pop. Sci. Mo. 79 : 346-349, figs. 1-6. 1911. MOREHOUSE, L. A., Improvement of Bermuda Grass. Figs. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 60-63. 1911. MULLER, R., Mutationen ~bei Typhus- und Ruhrbacterian. Mutation als spezifischee Kulturmerkmal. Centralbl. f. Bacteriologie, 58 : 1 : 97-106, 2 pis. 1911. MUNDY, H. S., Maize Breeding and Seed Selection. Rho- desia Agr. Jour. 8 : 385-390. 1911. MUNSON, T. V., Single Character vs. Tout Ensemble Breed- ing in Grapes. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 183-189. 1911. NEWMAN, H. H., Reply to E. Godlewski's li Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von H. H. Newman: 'Further Studies of the Process of Heredity in Fundulus Hybrids.' ' Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 32 : 472-476. Bibliog. in notes. 1911. NEWMAN, L. H., Plant Breeding in Sweden. Can. Seed- Grow. Assoc. Rep. 7 : 89-99, 4 tab. 1911. NILSSON-EHLE, H., Mendelisme et Acclimatation. IV Internat. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 136-157. 1911. NILSSON-EHLE, H., Svalofs Solhvete, Ny sort for sodra Sverige. Sveriges Utsadesfor. Tidskr. 21 : 123-126, 1 pi. 1911. NOMBLOT, A., Recherches de varietes fruitier es nou- velles. IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 464-468. 1911. OLIVER, GEORGE W., New Methods of Plant Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 11-20. Figs. 1911. ORTON, W. A., Disease Resistance in Varieties of Potatoes. Indiana Acad. Sci. Proc. 219-221. 1911. ORTON, W. A., The Development of Disease Resistance Varieties of Plants. IV Internat. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 247 : 265, figs. 9. Appendix D 383 1911. OWEN, E. J., Inheritance Studies with Beans. N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bot. Dept. Rep. 277-281, 1 pi. 1911. PARDE, L., Enquete sur I' acclimation des essences exo- tiques en France. Soc. Dendr. France Bull. 19 : 5-12. Illus. 1911. PEARL, RAYMOND, Biometrics. Am. Nat. 45:319-320. 1911. PEARL, RAYMOND, Biometric Arguments regarding the Genotype Concept. Am. Nat. 45 : 561-566. Bibliog. in notes. 1911. PEARL, RAYMOND (Reviewer), Some Recent Studies on Variation and Correlation in Agricultural Plants. (Review.) Am. Nat. 45 : 415-425. Bibliog. 1 p. 1911. PEARL, R., The Personal Equation in Breeding Experi- ments involving Certain Characters of Maize. Biol. Bull. 21:339-366. 1911. PEARSON, KARL, On a Correction to be made to the Cor- relation Ration. Biometrika, 8 : 254r-256, pi. 1911. POLE-EVANS, J. B., South African Cereal Rusts with Ob- servations on the Problem of Breeding Rust-resistant Wheats. Jour. Agr. Sci. 4 : 95-104. 1911. REDFIELD, R. L., Acquired Characters Defined. Am. Nat. 45 : 571-573. 1911. ROBERTS, F. B., A Method of Corn Pollination. Am. Breed. Mag. 2 : 54-60. Fig. 1911. ROBERTS, HERBERT F., Breeding for Type of Kernel in Wheat. A. B. A. Rep. 6: 142-147. Figs. 1911. RUDOLPH, J., UAster cordifolius et ses varietes. Rev. Hort. 83 : 326-327. 1911. RuGG-GuNN, A., Sociological and Other Aspects of the Unit-Character Conception. IV Inter. Conf. Genet., Paris, 204-208. 1911. SALAMAN, R. N., Studies in Potato Breeding. IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 373-376. 1911. SAUNDERS, EDITH R., The Breeding of Double Flowers. IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 397^05. 384 Plant-Breeding 1911. SAUNDERS, CHARLES E., Production de varietes de ble de haute valeur boulougere. IV Inter. Conf. Genet., Paris, 290-300. 1911. SAUNDERS, E. R., On Inheritance of a Mutation in the Common Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). New Phytologist, 10 : 49-63, 1 pi. & 12 figs. 1911. SCUDDER, H., Similarity of Color in Bud and in Leaf. Rhodora, 13 : 86-87. 1911. SHAMEL, A. D., A Study of the Improvement of Citrus Fruits through Bud Selection. U. S. Dept. Agr. Plant Ind. Circ. 77 : 1-19, 5 figs. 1911. SHERFF, E. E., Tragopogon pratensis X porrifolius. Torreya, 11 : 14-15. 1911. SHULL, G. H., A Pure-Line Method in Corn Breeding. Amer. Breeders' Assoc. Rep. 5 : 51-59. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 5 : 331-332. 1911. SHULL, G. H., Defective Inheritance-Ratios in Bursa Hybrids. Naturf. Vereins Briinn Verb. 49: (12 pp.), 6 pis. 1911. SHULL, G. H., Hybridization Methods in Corn Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 63-72, figs. 1911. SHULL, G. H., Reversible Sex-Mutants in Lychnis dioica. Bot. Gaz. 52 : 329-368, 15 figs. 1911. SMITH, LOUIE H., Increasing Protein and Fat in Corn. A. B. A. Rep. 6:5-11. 1911. SMITH, RUSSELL J., Breeding and Use of Tree Crops. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 51-56. 1911. SPILLMAN, W. J., Heredity. Am. Nat. 45 : 60-64. 1911. STRAMPELLI, N., De V6tude des characteres anormaux presenter par les plantules pour la recherche des varietes nouvelles. IV Internat. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 237-246, figs. 11. 1911. STYAN, K. E., Pollen Grains. Rev. in Am. Bot. 17 : 41- 44. Originally published in Selbourne Magazine. Appendix D 385 1911. BUTTON, W., Compte Rendu. D'esperiences de Croise- ments faites entre le pois sauvage de Palestine and les pois de commerce dans le but de decouvris entre eux quelque trace d'identite specifique, IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 558-567, figs. 4. 1911. TAYLOR, G. M., Disease Resisting Potatoes. Gard. Chron., 3d ser. 49:181. 1911. TEDIN, H., Ar skalhalten hos arter en sortegenskap? (With German resume'.) Sveriges Utsadesfor. Tidskr, 21 : 72-77. 1911. The Sugar-Beet Industry is based on Breeding. Am. Breed. Mag. 2 : 234. 1911. THODAY, M. G., and THODAY, 0., On the Inheritance of the Yellow Tinge in Sweet Pea Colouring. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc. 16 : 71-84. 1911. THOMAS, ROSE HAIG, Nicotiana Crosses. IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 453-461, figs. 6. 1911. TOWER, W. L., The Determination of Dominance and the Modification of Behavior in Alternative (Mendelian) In- heritance, by Conditions Surrounding or Incident upon the Germ-Cells at the Time of Fertilization. Biol. Bull. 18 : (No. 6). Rev. (Ger.) in Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 31 : 345-348. 1911. TRACY, W. W., Report of Committee on Breeding Vege- tables. A. B. A. Rep. 6 : 75-78. 1911. TSCHERMAK, PROF. ERICH VON, Examen de le theorie des facteurs par le recroisement methodique des hybrids. IV Internat. Conf. Genetique, Paris : 91-95. Tab. VIIIc. 1911. VILMORIN, P. DE, and BATESON, W., A Case of Gametic Coupling in Pisum. Roy. Soc. London Proc. B. 84: 9-11. 1911. VILMORIN, PHILIPPE DE, Fixite des races de Froment. IV Inter. Conf. Genetique, Paris, 512-516. Tab. 3. 1911. VILMORIN, PH. DE, Recherches sur I'heredite mendelienne. Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend., 54&-551. 2c 386 Plant-Breeding 1911. VOGLER, Die Variationen der Blattspreite bei Cybisulabur- num L. Bot. Zentralbl. Beih. 27 : 337-390. 1911. VRIES, HUGO DE, Intracellular Pangenesis. Translated into English by C. Stuart Gager, Chicago. Open Court Publ. Compt. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.-u. Vererb. 5:90. 1911. VRIES, H. DE, Uber doppeltreziproke Bastarde von (Eno- thera biennis L. und 0. muricata L. Biol. Centralbl. 31 : 97-104. 1911. WALDRON, L. R., Variegation of European Alfalfas. Science, n.s. 33 : 310-312. 1911. WHELDALE, M., On the Formation of Anthocyanin. Jour. of Gen. 1 : 133. 1911. WHELDALE, M., The Chemical Differentiation of Species. Biochemical Jour. 5: 445-456. 1911. WITTMACK, L., Botanische Fragen in Beziehung zur Kartoffehuchtung. Illus. Landw, Zeitung, 51 : 289. 1911. WOODRUFF, CHAS. E., Breeding for Color Adjustment, under Certain Climates. Am. Breed. Mag. 2 : 313-000. 1911. ZAVITZ, C. A., Report of Committee on Breeding Cereals. A. B. A. Rep. 6: 141-142. 1911. ZEIJLSTRA, H. H., CEnothera nanella de Vries, eine krank- hafte Pflanzenart. Biol. Centralbl. 31 : 129-138. 1912. ACLOQUE, A., La genealogie du chrysantheme. Monde des Plantes, 14 : 27-28. 1912. BALL, CARLETON R., and HASTINGS, STEPHEN H., Grain- Sorghum Production in the San Antonio Region of Texas. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 237 : (30 pp.), 4 figs. 1912. BATCHELOR, LEON D., Carnation Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 199-205. 1912. BAUR, ERWIN, Vererbungs- und Bastardierungeversuche mil Antirrhinum. II. Faktorenkoppelung. Zeitsch. f. in- dukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 6: 201-216, 3 tab. Bibliog. in notes. Appendix D 387 1912. BEACH, S, A., and MANEY, T. J., Mendelian Inheritance in Prunus Hybrids. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 214^227, fig. 1912. BEACH, S. A., Report of the Committee on Breeding Tree and Vine Fruits. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 213. 1912. BELLING, JOHN, Breeding Experiments with Forage Plants in Florida. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 43&-440. 1912. BELLING, JOHN, Selection in Pure Lines. Am. Breed. Mag. 3:311-312. 1912. BLARINGHEM, L., Les problemes de biologie appliquee examines dans la quatrieme conference Internationale de genetique. Revue Scientifique, 50 : 50 : 265-269. 1912. BRAINERD, E., Violet Hybrids between Species of the Palmata Group. Torrey Bot. Club Bull. 39: 85-97, 3 pis. 1912. BURTT-DAVY, J., Observations on the Inheritance of Char- acters in Zea Mays. Roy. Soc. South Africa Trans. 2 : 261-270. 1912. CASTLE, W. E., The Inconstancy of Unit-Characters. Am. Nat. 46:352-362. 1912. CHRISTIE, W., Untersuchungen uber alte norwegische Hafersorten. Fiihlings landw. Zeitung : 297. 1912. COCKERELL, T. D. A., The Red Sunflower. Pop. Sci. Mo. 80 : 373-382. Illus. 1912. COCKERELL, T. D. A., The Word Genotype. Science, n.s. 35 : 304. 1912. COLLINS, G. N., and KEMPTON, J. H., An Improved Method of Artificial Pollination in Corn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Circ. 89: (7 pp.), 2 figs. 1912. COLLINS, G. N., Improvements in Technique of Corn Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 349-353. 1912. COOK, 0. F., Results of Cotton Experiments in 1911. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Circ. 96 : (21 pp.). 1912. DAVIS, BRADLEY MOORE, Genetical Studies on (Enothera. III. Further Hybrids of (Enothera biennis and 0. grandiflora 388 Plant-Breeding that resemble 0. Lamarckiana. Am. Nat. 46: 377-427, 15 figs. Bibliog. £ p. 1912. DEAN, A., The Potato and Floral Sterility. Gard. Chron. 3d ser. 51 : 13. 1912. DERR, H. B., The Breeding of Winter Barleys. Am. Breed. Mag. 3: 103-113. 1912. DILLMAN, A. C., Breeding Alfalfa as a Dry-land Crop. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 414r-424. 1912. DONCASTER, L., Sex-limited Inheritance in Cats. Science, n.s. 36 : 144. 1912. DORSET, M. J., Variation in the Floral Structures of Vitis. Torrey Bot. Club Bull. 39 : 37-52, 3 pi. 1912. DORSET, M. J., Variation Studies of the Venation Angles and Leaf Dimensions in Vitis. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 227-250, %. 1912. EAST, E. M., A Study of Hybrids between Nicotiana Bigelovii and N. quadrivalvis. Bot. Gaz. 53 : 243-248, 4 figs. 1912. EAST, E. M., and HATS, H. K., Inheritance in Maize. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 167: (137 pp.), 25 pis. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 6 : 193-196. 1912. EAST, E. M., Inheritance of Color in the Aleurone Cells of Maize. Am. Nat. 46 : 363-365. 1912. EAST, E. M., The Application of Biological Principles to Plant Breeding. In Heredity and Eugenics, pp. 113- 138, fig. 1912. EAST, E. M., The Mendelian Notation as a Description of Physiological Facts. Am. Nat. 46 : 633-655, 1 tab. 1912. FINLOW, R. S., and BURKILL, J. H., The Inheritance of Red Colour and the Regularity of Self-fertilization in Cor- chorus capsularis L., the Common Jute-plant. India Dept. Agr. Bot. Ser. Mem. 4 : 73-92. 1912. FROST, H. B., The Origin of an Early Variety ofMatthiola by Mutation. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 536-545. Appendix D 389 1912. FUNK, EUGENE D., Ten Years of Corn Breeding. Am. Breed. Mag. 3 : 295-302, 4 figs. 1912. GATES, R. R., Early Historico-botanical Records of the (Enotheras. Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc. 85-124, 6 pis. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 6 : 285-287. 1912. GERNER, W. W., Some Observations on Tobacco Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 458-468, fig. 1912. GERNERT, WALTER B., A New Subspecies of Zea Mays L. Am. Nat. 46 : 616-622, 3 figs. 1912. GERNERT, WALTER B., Methods in the Artificial Pollina- tion of Corn. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 353-367. 1912. GILBERT, A. W., A Me'ndelian Study of Tomatoes. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 169-188. 1912. GILBERT, A. W., and UPTON, G. B., An Algebra of Men- delism and its Application to a Mixed Hybrid Population. A. B. A. Rep. 7:312. 1912. GILBERT, A. W., Present Status of Plant-breeding In- struction in the United States. A. B. A. Rep. 7: 7-11. 1912. GLAWE, M., Timotheezuchtung in Amerika. Deutsch. Landwirtsch. Gesell. Mitt. 146. 1912. GROTH, B. H. A., The F2 Heredity of Size, Shape, and Number in Tomato Fruits. N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 242 : 3-39, 3 pi. 1912. HARTLEY, C. P., BROWN, E. B., KYLE, C. H., arid ZOOK, L. L., Cross-breeding Corn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 218: (72 pp.), 1 fig. 1912. HARTLEY, C. P., BROWN, E. B., KYLE, C. H., and ZOOK, L. L., Cross-breeding Corn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Plant Ind. Bull. 218 : 5-72. 1912. HARTLEY, C. P., Productivity of Seed Corn as Influenced by Factors Other than Heredity. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 335-338. 1912. HARTLEY, C. P., The Seed-Corn Situation. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Ind. Circ. 95 : (13 pp.), 2 figs. 1912. HAUMAN-MERCK, L., Observations sur la pollination 390 Plant-Breeding d'une Malpighiacee du genre Stigmaphyllon. Rec. Inst. Bot. Leo Errera, 9 : 21-28, 1 fig. 1912. HAYES, H. K., Methods of Corn Breeding. Am. Breed. Mag. 3 : 99-108, pi. Tab. Bibliog. 1912. HAYES, H. K., Correlation and Inheritance in Nicotiana Tabacum. Connecticut Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 171 : 3-45, 5 pis. 1912. HEDRICK, U. P., and WELLINGTON, R., An Experiment in Breeding Apples. N. Y. (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 350. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 8 : 347. 1912. HILL, ARTHUR W., The History of Primula obconica, Hance, under Cultivation, with Some Remarks on the History of Primula sinensis Sab. Jour, of Gen. 2: 1-20, 2 pis. Bibliog. in notes. 1912. HOUSER, TRUE, Certain Results in Ohio Tobacco Breeding. A. B. A Rep. 8:468-479. 1912. HUNT, B. W., Fig Breeding. Univ. Georgia Bull. 12: 107-110. 1912. JOHNSON, ROSWELL H., The Malthusian Principle and Natural Selection. Am. Nat. 46:372-376. 1912. JONES, W. NEIL'SON, Species Hybrids of Digitalis. Jour. of Gen. 2 : 71-88, 3 pis., 45 figs. Bibliog. in notes. 1912. KAJANUS, BIRGER, Genetische Studien an Beta. Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 6 : 137-139. (Correction : p. 268), 9 pis., 2 figs., 5 tab. 1912. KELLOGG, VERNON LYMAN, The Animals and Man. An elementary text-book of zoology and human physiology. 495 pp. Henry Holt & Co., N. Y. Rev. in Science, n.s. 35:270-272. 1912. LEAKE, H. M., and PEYSHAD, R., Observations on Certain Extra-Indian Asiatic Cottons. India Dept. Agr. Mem. 4: 93-112, 7 pis. 1912. LEIGHTY, CLYDE E., Correlation of Characters in Oats with Special Reference to Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 50-61. Appendix D 391 1912. LEWIS, C. I., The Teaching of Genetics. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 327-329. 1912. LOCK, R. H., Notes on Color Inheritance in Maize. Royal Bot. Gard. Peradeniya Abbls. 5: (part IV). Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 8 : 347-348. 1912. LOVE, H. H., A Study of the Large and Small Grain Ques- tion. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 109-118. 1912. LOVE, H. H., Relation of Certain Ear Characters to Yield in Corn. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 29-40. 1912. LOVE, H. H«, The Relation of Seed Ear Characters to Earliness in Corn. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 330-335. 1912. LUTZ, A. M., Triploid Mutants in (Enothera. Biol. Centralb. 32 : 385-435, 7 figs. 1912. MACOUN, W. T., Apple Breeding in Canada. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 479-488. 1912. McLENDON, C. A., Mendelian Inheritance in Cotton Hybrids. Georgia Exp. Sta. Bull. 99 : 143-228, 20 figs. 1912. MONTGOMERY, E. G., Wheat Breeding Experiments. Nebraska Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 125 : 5-16, 7 pi. 1912. MOORE, A. R., On Mendelian Dominance. Arch. f. Entwick'mech. d. Org. 34 : 168-175, 9 figs. Bibliog. in notes. 1912. MULLER, R., Bakterienmutationen. Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.-u. Vererb. 8 : 305-324. Bibliog. i p. 1912. MUNSON, T. V., Problems in Breeding Tree and Vine Fruits. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 13-214. 1912. MYERS, CLYDE H., Effect of Fertility upon Variation and Correlation in Wheat. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 61-74. 1912. NEWMAN, L. H., Principles Recognized in the Breeding of Cereal Plants at Svalof, Sweden. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 502-508. 1912. NORTON, J. B., Asparagus Breeding. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 440-444. 1912. PARK, J. B., and SMITH, L. H., Experiment on the Methods of Conducting Plot Tests. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 525-528. 392 Plant-Breeding 1912. PLANCHON, L., Solanum Commersonii et Solatium tubero- sum. Soc. Bot. de France Bull. 59 : 70-77. 1912. RAMALEY, FRANCIS, Mendelian Proportions and the In- crease of Recessives. Am. Nat. 46 : 344-351, 4 tab. Bibliog. in notes. 1912. ROBERTS, H. F., Variation and Correlation in Wheat. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 80-109, figs. 1912. SHAMEL, A. D., Bud Selection as a Means of Improving Citrus and Other Fruits. A. B. A. Rep. 8: 497-502. 1912. SHULL, G. H., Defective Inheritance-ratios in Bursa Hybrids. Naturf. Vereines in Briinn. Verhandl. 49: (12 pp.), 6 pis. Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 6 : 281-282. 1912. SHULL, G. H., "Genotypes," "Biotypes," "Pure Lines," and "Clones." Science, n.s. 35 : 27-29. Bibliog. in notes. 1912. SHULL, G. H., Hermaphrodite Females in Lychnis dioica. Science, n.s. 36 : 482-483. 1912. SHULL, G. H., "Phenotype" and "Clone." Science, n.s. 35 : 182-183. 1912. SHULL, G. H., Reversible Sex-Mutants in Lychnis dioica. Bot. Gaz. 52 : (No. 5). Rev. in Zeitsch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 6 : 282-283. 1912. SMITH, F. W., The Application of Mendelian Principles to Sugar-cane Breeding. West Ind. Bull. 12 : 365-377. 1912. SMITH, L. H., Occurrence of Natural Hybrids in Wheat. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 412-414. 1912. SNOW, E. C., The Application of the Correlation Coefficient to Mendelian Distributions. Biometrika, 8 : 420-424. Tab. 1912. SPILLMAN, W. J., Chromosomes in Wheat and Rye. Science, n. s. 35 : 104. 1912. STOCKBERGER, W. W., A Study of Individual Performance in Hops. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 452-458. 1912. SUDWORTH, GEO. B., Annual Report of Committee on Breeding Nut and Forest Trees. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 250. Appendix D 393 1912. VRIES, HUGO DE, and BARTLETT, H. H., The Evening Primroses of Dixie Landing, Alabama. Science, n.s. 36: 599-601. 1912. WALDRON, L. R., Breeding Certain Field-crop Plants in the Cold Northwest. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 429-438. 1912. WALDRON, L. R., Hardiness in Successive Alfalfa Genera- tions. Am. Nat. 46:463-469, 2 tab.' 1912. WALDRON, L. R., Influence of Variegation in Alfalfa upon Hardiness. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 424-429. 1912. WALDRON, L. R., Value of Continuous Selection and its Bearing upon Hardiness in Winter Wheat. A. B. A. Rep. 7:74-80. 1912. WATTS, FRANCIS, Work with Seedling Sugar-canes in the British W. L and British Guiana. A. B. A. Rep. 7 : 167-169. 1912. WEBBER, H. J., Preliminary Notes on Pepper Hybrids. A. B. A. Rep. 7: 188-199, fig. 1912. WEBBER, H. J., The Cornell Experiments in Breeding Timothy. Am. Breed. Mag. 3 : 85-99, tab., 4 pis. 1912. WEBBER, H. J., The Effect of Research in Genetics on the Art of Breeding. Science, n.s. 35 : 597-609. 1912. WEBBER, H. J., The Production of New and Improved Varieties of Timothy. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 313:339-381, 10 pi. 1912. WELLINGTON, R., Influence of Crossing in Increasing the Yield of the Tomato. N. Y. (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 346 : 57-76. 1912. WILLIAMS, C. G., Variation in Pure Lines of Wheat. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 409-412. 1912. WINKLER, HANS, Untersuchungen uber Pfropfbastarde. Erster Teil : Die unmittelbare, gegenseitige Beeinflussung der Pfropfsymbionten. 186 p. Jena, Gustav Fischer. 2 Illus. Rev. in Zeitch. f. indukt. Abst.- u. Vererb. 7 : 77-80. 1912. ZOOK, L. I., Tests with First Generation Corn Crosses. A. B. A. Rep. 8 : 338-343. APPENDIX E LABORATORY EXERCISES THE following laboratory exercises are intended to serve merely as suggestions. It is impossible and inadvisable to attempt to outline a rigid set of exercises for instructors to follow. It is the hope that these may serve as hints or type exercises, capable of all sorts of modification to suit conditions. An attempt has been made to avoid elaborate laboratory equipment which is expensive and unnecessary. The instructor should always aim to arrange laboratory practicums so that the student's inquisi- tive curiosity may be aroused and he may be induced to find out things for himself from the material with which he has to work. These exercises are not arranged with any particular order or sequence. The sequence will depend on the time of the year, material at hand, and so forth. The first group of exercises is of a general nature, and the exercises on corn, potatoes, and the cereals are grouped more or less together. We wish to acknowledge the assistance of Professor E. E. Barker in the preparation of these exercises, most of which have been successfully used by him with large classes. A few new ones have been added. EXERCISE 1 Field Study of Variations by making an Herbarium of Variations Have each student collect, press, and mount fifty variations of plants. This is an excellent exercise, because it calls the 394 Appendix E 395 FIG. 104. — A specimen herbarium sheet, showing variation in the leaves of the mulberry. 396 Plant-Breeding FIG. 105. — A specimen herbarium sheet showing differences between two leaves of the horse-radish. Appendix E 397 student's attention very effectively to the vast extent of varia- tion in wild and cultivated plants. Since variation is the basis of artificial selection as well as evolution in nature, it is highly important that considerable time and attention should be given to this study. Material. — A botanical collecting case, 20 blotters, 12 X 18 inches; 50 mounting sheets, 12 X 18 inches; 50 labels, and glue. The accompanying photographs represent specimens treated as above (Figs. 104 to 107). The following directions may be given to each student : — Directions for collecting, pressing, and mounting an herbarium of variations 1. Search for fluctuations, plateations, mutations, and bud- variations of plant characters which have been discussed in the lectures. 2. Collect as nearly the whole plant as practicable. The size of the mounting sheets is 12 X 18 inches. When you collect your specimens plan upon this size of sheet, and arrange them accordingly when you are putting them into the blotters. 3. Do not mount large, woody branches showing different degrees of thorniness, etc., upon the mounting sheets, but pre- serve them in bundles properly labeled. 4. If you wish to show variations of berries, such as thorn- apples, etc., dry the fruits and fasten them to the mounting sheets by threads. 5. Leave specimens in the blotters until they are thoroughly dry. If you do not have enough blotters, take out the speci- mens which have been in the blotters for a week or more, and put them between pieces of newspapers, under pressure, until they become thoroughly dry. Then dry your blotters near a radiator and put in the fresh material. 6. After the specimens have become thoroughly dry, stick them to the mounting sheets, preferably with glue. Put a small 398 Plant-Breeding ..... FIG. 106. — A specimen herbarium sheet, showing variation in leaves of the Persian lilac. Appendix E 399 band of adhesive tissue over the larger stems. Arrange the specimens, if possible, so that you have at least one variation on a sheet. 7. Put the label on the lower right-hand corner, leaving a small margin. Attach the label to the mounting sheet with glue or paste, putting it only on the left edge of the label, that is, do not cover the back of the label with paste or glue. SAMPLE OF LABEL HERBARIUM OF VARIATIONS DEPARTMENT OF PLANT-BREEDING. NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Name Locality Date Habitat Description of variation Class of variation Collector . . . . No. 8. Before the specimen is handed in, fill in as many of the blank spaces on the label as possible. Place your name after the word " Collector." Fill in both the scientific and common names. 9. Absolute neatness is essential. EXERCISE 2 The Statistical Study of Type and Variability Making measurements. — The value and uses of the statistical method of studying variation are explained in Chapter IV. In dealing statistically with a group of organisms, or parts of them, the first step in the procedure is, of course, to collect data. These 400 Plant-Breeding FIG. 107. — A specimen herbarium sheet, showing variations in leaves of the blackberry. Appendix E 401 will consist of quantitative measurements of characters to be studied. These data are later analyzed, certain constants are derived therefrom, and, lastly, the constants are interpreted. The conclusions of the breeder or the investigator are based on his interpretations of these constants. The meaning of the various constants is explained in Chapter IV. In collecting data, it is important that as large a proportion as possible of the entire population should be measured. Fail- ing this, the sample should be fairly representative of the whole. The time or season during which measurements are taken is important where populations are to be compared. It would obviously be unfair to collect data one year on fully matured plants and another year on immatured plants. It is not always easy to avoid a selection, conscious or unconscious, but the collector should try to take his data with absolute impartiality. He should collect at random until he has obtained a represent- ative sample. Much time and labor will be saved if he can conveniently limit the number of individuals measured to a num- ber whose square root is an integer. The frequency distribution. — Having measured a representa- tive sample of the entire population, the next step is to sort the data. All individuals of the same or nearly the same size are grouped together in one order of magnitude. In order to give a clear understanding of what follows, let us take, for example, the data collected by a class of students on 500 bean plants. The individual lengths range from 5 cm. to 95 cm. This is known as the range of variability and the way in which the in- dividuals are distributed along the successive equal intervals in this range is spoken of as the frequency distribution of the vary- ing character. For convenience, these lengths may be grouped into classes, thus: 5-14; 15-24; 25-34 . . . 85-94. It is desirable that the number of classes be limited to not more than about a dozen, and thus the size of the class will depend upon the nature of the material. For example, bean 2o 402 Plant-Breeding plants may vary in height from 5 cm. to 95 cm. ; to make the classes differ by only 1 cm. would give us 90 classes, which would be very inconvenient to handle mathematically. The class limits should be given in all cases, not the mid- point of the class. The magnitude of a class is its value and is designated by the symbol V. In calculations the mid-point of a class is "used as the class value. The number of individuals falling into each class is termed its frequency and is symbolized by the letter /. The accompanying table shows how the various bean lengths are distributed throughout the range : — V f 5-14 4 15-24 72 25-34 169 35-44 125 45-54 64 55-64 38 65-74 11 75-84 11 85-94 6 500 The graph or frequency polygon. — It is often desirable to present the data in a graphic way so that the eye can take in at a glance such information as would otherwise require an extended and careful study of quantities of figures. For this purpose the frequency polygon is used. Such a simple diagram or chart presents a picture embodying the chief characteristics of the given population. Its significance is apparent to the student at once. The frequency polygon is made, as explained in Chapter IV, by plotting the class range along the base-line or axis of abscissas. On the vertical axis, or axis of ordinates, are plotted the class frequencies. When all the frequencies have been plotted in their proper places on the chart they may be connected by a continuous Appendix E 403 line. This will form the frequency or distribution curve, known also as the "probability curve." It will take the form of a Quetelet curve rising from the lowest class value at the left end of the base-line to an apex at the class of greatest frequency, then dropping to the right end at the highest class value. Such a curve shows at once four things about our data : (1) The extreme values, or the extent of the range, (2) the way in which the individuals are distributed throughout this range, (3) the prevailing type, or class of greatest frequency, and (4) whether the curve is symmetrical, following the normal probability curve or not. If the classes are arranged along the base-line in the sequence of their values instead of their frequencies, the curve will ascend constantly from the lowest value on the left end to- ward the highest value at the right end. This forms a Gallon curve. The Galton type of curve shows merely a different method of exhibiting the frequency distribution of a population that is under study. Mode. — The class of greatest frequency, the most "popular " or "modish" class, so to speak, is known as the mode or modal class. In our problem, the modal class is 25-34, or the mode is 29.5, the mid-value of this class. This is oneway, and an excel- lent one, of expressing type. A typical bean plant of this popu- lation, we can say, is 29.5 cm. long. Modal coefficient. — It is desirable to know what proportion of the population conforms to this type, or falls into this modal class. This proportion, which is expressed as a percentage des- ignated as the modal coefficient, is found by dividing the number of individuals in the modal class by the total number of indi- viduals measured. In our example, it would be *%% = .3836 = 38.36 %, which is the percentage of the population in the class of greatest frequency, hence, the modal coefficient. Mean. — If one desires to know what an average individual in the population is worth, the mean, symbolized by the letter M, will show it. The mean shows the average value of the 404 Plant-Breeding population, hence it is only another method of expressing type. It is found by multiplying the mid-value of each class (V) by the number of individuals in that class (/), then summing the products and dividing this sum by the total number of individ- uals. The formula for this operation is L.1 n Thus : — V / Vf 9.5 x 4 = 38.0 19.5 x 72 = 1404.0 29.5 x 169 = 4985.5 39.5 x 125 = 4937.5 49.5 x 64 = 3168.0 59.5 x 38 = 2261.0 69.5 x 11 = 764.5 79.5 x 11 = 874.5 89.5 x 6 = 537.0 500 18970.0 18970.0 = 37 .94 cm. 500 We would get exactly the same result if we arranged the bean plants, in order of size, in. a single line, placing them end to end, and then divided the total length of this line by 500, the number of individuals in it. Average deviation. — One way of expressing variability is to find out by how much, on the average, any individual in the population deviates from the mean, the constant thus secured being termed the average deviation. This is ascertained as follows : the amount by which each class differs from the mean, or in other words, the deviation from the mean (designated by D) is multiplied by the frequency of the corresponding class, and then the sum of these products is divided by the total 1 The Greek letter capital "sigma" (£) indicates that the sum of a series of values is to be taken. The total number of individuals measured is designated by n. Appendix E 405 number of individuals. The formula for the operation is — *•• n Thus in our problem it would be found as shown in the table : — V f D Df 9.5 x 4 28.44 113.76 19.5 x 72 18.44 1327.68 29.5 x 169 8.44 1426.36 39.5 x 125 1.56 195.00 . 49.5 x 64 11.56 739.84 59.5 x 38 21.56 819.28 69.5 x 11 31.56 347.16 79.5 x 11 41.56 457.16 89.5 x 6 51.56 309.36 5735.60 5735'60 = 11.4712cm. 500 Of course, the deviations below the mean (28.44, 18.44, 8.44) are negative quantities, those above (1.56, 11.56, 21.56, 31.56, 41.56, 51.56) positive, but inasmuch as we are here concerned only with deviation from type, we are correct in neglecting these signs, and using the arithmetic sum, and not the algebraic. We would secure the same result if we went along our line of bean plants spoken of above with an average or mean indi- vidual as a measure, added up the lengths by which each one missed of being an average individual, and then divided this total by 500, the number of individuals measured. Clearly this would give the amount by which, on the average, each individual missed of being the mean or the average individual. Standard deviation. — Another constant expressing departure from type, and one which is preferred by biometricians on mathe- matical grounds, is standard deviation, designated by the Greek letter small "sigma " ( -* i-H tH CO i— 1 i-H 2 CO i-l > T-(