ry Airy a ee are PIN aie | J ‘ Le ; ie, i } bah! iT i ¥ Nie ek ait wi), ie wae | 1 Wt Af) f ; “0% Jab, 2) as be bl e etree, ae ae oes - Lig oe, BOP PLANT-BREEDING Garden-Cratt Series THE HOoRTICULTURIST’S RULE-BOOK PLANT-BREEDING bein . =A... =» a PLANT-BREEDING BEING FIVE LECTURES UPON THE AMELIORATION OF DOMESTIC PLANTS i 4 ee BY ie: BAILEY <\ OF COA YG PY RIGHT “DEC aoe /> BHYBO SY of WASHIS? RES ~ ule Neo Bork MACMILLAN AND CO. AND LONDON 1895 All rights reserved ae Copyrient, 1895, By L. H. BAILEY. Norwood 4Bress Jj. S. Cushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. PREFACE. THERE is no subject associated with the care of plants respecting which there is so much mis- apprehension and imperfect knowledge, as that of the origination of new forms. Most of the scattered writing touching it treats the subject as if all our knowledge of the matter were and must be derived wholly from experiment. It therefore recites examples of how this and that new form has come to be, and has made little attempt to discover the fundamental causes of the genesis of the novelties. Horticulturists commonly look upon each novelty as an isolated fact, whilst we ought to regard each one as but an expression of some law of the variation of plants. It is the common notion, too, to con- sider any type of plant to be essentially a fixed entity, and to regard any marked departure from the type as a phenomenon rather more to be Vv vl PREFACE. wondered at than to be explained. It is evident, however, that one cannot understand the pro- duction of new varieties until he has grasped some of the fundamental principles of the on- ward progression of the vegetable kingdom. Any attempt, therefore, to explain the origin of garden varieties, and the methods of producing them, must be at the same time a contribution to the literature of the philosophy of organic evolution. I do not know of any explicit and sustained attempt to account for the evolution of all gar- den forms, and I have therefore brought together in this volume the subject-matter of various lectures which I have been in the habit of giving before my students. The first and third lectures were newly elaborated the present summer for two addresses before the class in biology which came together at the University of Pennsylvania, under the -auspices of the American Society for the Extension of Univer- sity Teaching. The second lecture was first presented before the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, in Boston, December 1, 1891. In April, 1892, it was republished, with a bibli- PREFACE. Vil ography of the subject, by the Rural Publishing Co., under the title, “« Cross-Breeding and Hybrid- izing.” This publication is now out of print. I have made no attempt to collect lists or cata- logues of varieties, but have endeavored to make very brief statements of some of the underlying principles of the amelioration of plants, with only sufficient examples to fix them in the mind. I hope that teachers of horticulture and botany may find the book useful in their classes. When it ig necessary to abridge the instruction or to present it to untrained students, only Lectures IIT. and V. may be used, for these contain the matters of greatest demonstrative importance. L. AH BAT LEY. CORNELL UNIVERSITY, IrHaca, N.Y., September 1, 1895. Nee “eC sii ain Diet: ee aged ai ae = ae ts hi: re ea: Vy ere ie +e « a ss i CONTENTS. LECTURE I. Tur Fact AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION s I. The Fact of Individuality . The seed-individual. The bud-individual. Il. The Causes of Individual Differences a. Fortuitous variation b. Sex as a factor in the variation of plants ¢. Physical environment and variation 1. Variation in food supply 2. Variation in climate 3. Change of seed. Bud-variation d. Struggle for life a cause of variation . Ill. The Choice and Fixation of Variations : = LECTURE II. Tur PHILOSOPHY OF THE CROSSING OF PLANTS, CONSID- ERED IN REFERENCE TO THEIR IMPROVEMENT UNDER CULTIVATION I. The Struggle for Life Il. The Division of Labor ; : . Ill. The Limits of Crossing é : : : ix PAGE CONTENTS. TY. Function of the Cross : a. The gradual amelioration of the os b. Change of seed and crossing . The outright production of new varieties V. Characteristics of Crosses . VI. Uncertainties of Pollination Conclusion LECTURE III. How Domestic VARIETIES ORIGINATE I. Indeterminate Varieties II. Plant-breeding Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule 12. Rule 13. Rule 14. Rule 15. iis 2. - 8. 9. Rule 10. Rule 11. Antagonistic features Quickest results in the most vastalste groups . . Breed for one thing a ihe ‘ Contradictory attributes . Characters of the entire ie fast important Plants differ in her entitagy power Less marked variations more impor- tant : Crossing a means, 0 an aad Choice of parents to a cross The ideal should be mental Seek to produce variation in the desired direction . Watch for bud-varieties Progress lies in selection . The type is kept up to standard By continued selection The best final results are to he es tained by high tillage and intelli- gent selection PAGE 127 CONTENTS. X1 PAGE Ill. Specific Hxanples i ‘ ‘ ; : - 129 The dewberry and blackberry ‘ ; s 29 The apple f ; : , ‘ : - lor Beans : : ; : - ; é . 135 Cannas . : ; : 3 4 : . 140 LECTURE IV. BORROWED OPINIONS ; BEING EXTRACTS FROM THE WRIT- Incs oF B. Vertot, E. A. CARRIERE, AND W. O. FocokeE ; ; . , ‘ : ‘ , . 148 I. Verlot’s Classification of Varieties of Ornamen- tal Plants. ; : : : k . 148 Il. Carriére’s Account of Bud-varieties . ; YS 1. General remarks upon bud-variation . . 154 2. List of bud-varieties . 2 z ; EO Ill. Focke’s Discussion of the Characteristics of Crosses ; : h , y : «, 2h i. The simple primary cross . ‘ 215 Proposition 1. Similarity of Bascal off. spring . : 215 Proposition 2. Dissimilarity of et offspring. . at Proposition 3. Weueatire powers of hy- brids . ‘ 225 Proposition 4. Caumanstiye fertility of hybrids : ‘ 228 Proposition 5. Mintitonmiaitions: in hybrid offspring . ‘ : : : Bor ii. The progeny of crosses. 237 1. Progeny of crosses with ‘itil own pollen. ‘ , : : . 2388 Xli CONTENTS. PAGE 2. Derivative hybridization of crosses with the parent forms . . . 242 3. Hybrids of several species . i . 244 a. Triple hybrids. ; : . 244 b. Hybrids of four to six species . 246 c. Crosses of plants grown together 247 iii. Cross-breeds and hybrids . . ; . 247 LECTURE V. POLLINATION; OR How To Cross PLANTs . : ; . 252 I. The Structure of the Flower : : ‘ . 252 Il. Manipulating the Flowers . : : , . 265 GLOSSARY. ; : ; : : F : .. 282 INDEX —.-. : : : ‘ . : - : . 286 PLANT-BREEDING. LECTURE I. THE FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. THERE is no one fact connected with horticult- ure which so greatly interests all persons as the existence of numerous varieties of plants which seem to satisfy every need of the gardener. Whence came all this multitude of forms? What are the methods employed in securing them? Are they simply isolated facts or phenomena of gar- dening, or have they some relation to the broader phases of the evolution of the forms of life? These are some of the questions which occur to every reflective mind when it contemplates an attractive garden, but they are questions which seem never to be answered. Whatever attempt the gardener may make at answering them is either befogged by an effort to define what a vari- ety is, or else it consists in simply reciting how a few given varieties came to be known. But there B 1 2 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. must be some fundamental method of arriving at a conception of how the varieties of fruits and flowers and other cultivated plants have origi- nated. If there is no such method, then the origination of these varieties must follow no law, and the discussion of the whole subject is fruit- less. But we have every confidence in the con- secutive uniformity of the operations of nature, and it were strange if some underlying principle of the unfolding or progression of plant life does not dominate the origin of the varied and in- numerable varieties which, from time unknown, have responded to the touch of the cultivator. Let us first, therefore, make a broad survey of the subject in a philosophical spirit, and, later, discuss the more specific instances of the origination of varieties. I. THe Fact oF INDIVIDUALITY. There is universal difference in nature. No two living things are exact counterparts, for no two are born into exactly the same conditions and experiences. Every living object has individ- uality ; that is, there is something about it which enables the acute observer to distinguish it from all-other objects, even of the same class or spe- cies. Every plant in a row of lettuce is different from every other plant, and the gardener, when INDIVIDUALITY. 3 transplanting them, selects out, almost uncon- sciously, some plants which please him and others which do not. Every apple tree in an orchard of a thousand Baldwins is unlike every other one, perhaps in size or shape, or possibly in the vigor of growth or the kind of fruit it bears. Persons who buy apples for export know that fruit from certain regions stands the shipments better than the same variety from other regions; and if one were to go into the orchards where these apples are grown, he would find the owner still further refining the problem by talking about the merits of individual trees in his orchard. If one were to make the effort, he would find that it is pos- sible to distinguish differences between every two spears of grass in a meadow, or every two heads of wheat in a grain-field. All this is equivalent to saying that plants are infinitely variable. The ultimate causes of all this variation are beyond the purpose of the present discussion, but it must be evident, to the reflective mind, that these differences are the means of adapting the innumerable indi- viduals to every little difference or advantage in the environment in which they live. And if the object of variation is better adaptation to the physical conditions of life, then the same motive must have been present in the circum- stances which determined the birth of the indi- 4 . FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. vidual. The variation in environment, therefore, must be the cause of much of the variation in plants, since differences in plants were positively injurious if it were possible for the conditions of environment to be the same. If no two plants are anywhere alike, then it is not strange if now and then some departure, more marked than common, is named and becomes a garden variety. We have been taught to feel that plants are essentially stable and inelastic, and that any departure from the type is an excep- tion and calls for immediate explanation. The fact is, however, that plants are essentially un- stable and plastic, and that variation between the. individuals must everywhere be expected. This erroneous notion of the stability of organisms comes of our habit of studying what we call species. We set for ourselves a type of plant or animal, and group about it all those individuals which are more like this type than they are like any other, and this group we name a species. Nowadays, the species is regarded as nothing more than a convenient and arbitrary expression for classifying our knowledge of the forms of life, but the older naturalists conceived that the species is the real entity or unit in nature, and we have not yet wholly outgrown the habit of mind which was born of that fallacy. Nature knows nothing about species; she is concerned with the INDIVIDUALITY. 5 individual, the ultimate unit. ‘This individual she moulds and fits into the chinks of environment, and each individual tends to become the more unlike its birthmates the more the environments of the various individuals are unlike. I would impress upon you, therefore, as a fundamental conception to the discussion of the general subject before us, the importance of the individual plant, rather than the importance of the species; for thereby we put ourselves as nearly as possible in a sympathetic attitude with nature, and, resting upon the ultimate object of her concern, we are able to understand what may be conceived to be her motive in working out the problem of life. That I may still more forcibly emphasize this thought, let me recall to your minds the fact that the whole tendency of contemporary civili- zation, in sociology and religion, is to deal with the individual person and not with the mass. This is only an unconscious feeling after natu- ral methods of solving the most complex of problems, for it is exactly the means to which every organic thing has been subjected from the beginning. In looking for the ultimate unit or individuality or personality in nature, we must make a broad dis- tinction between the animal and the plant. Every higher animal is itself a unit; it is one. It has a more or less definite span of life, and every part 6 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. and organ contribute a certain indispensable part to the life and personality of the organism. No part is capable of propagating itself independently of the sex-organs of the animal, nor is it capable of developing sex-organs of its own. If any part is removed, the animal is maimed and perhaps it dies. The plant, on the contrary, has no definite or distinct autonomy. Most plants live an indefi- nite existence, dependent very closely upon the immediate conditions in which they grow. Every part or branch of the plant lives largely for itself, it is capable of propagating and multiplying itself when removed from the parent plant or the colony of branches of which it is a member, and it de- velops sex-organs and other individual features of its own. If any branch is removed, the tree or plant does not necessarily suffer; in fact, the remaining branches usually profit by the removal, a fact which shows that there is a competition, or struggle for existence, between the different branches or elements of the plant. The whole theory and practice of pruning rest upon the fact of the individual unlkenesses of the branches of plants; and these unlikenesses are of the same kind and often of the same degree as those which exist between different plants which are grown from seeds. That is, the branches of a Crawford peach tree, for example, differ amongst themselves in size, shape, vigor, productiveness, and season of BUD-INDIVIDUALS. c maturity, the same as any two or more separate Crawford trees, or any number of trees of other varieties, differ the one from the others. If any one of these branches or buds is removed and is grown into an independent tree, a person could not tell—it he were ignorant of its history — if this tree were derived from a branch or a seed. This proves that there is no essential unlikeness between branches and independent plants, except the mere accident that one grows upon another branch or plant whilst the other grows in the ground. But the branch may be severed and grown in the ground, and the seedling may be pulled up and grafted on the tree, and no one can distinguish the different origins of the two. And then, as a matter of fact, a very large pro- portion of our cultivated plants are not distinct plants at all, in the sense of being different crea- tions from seeds, but are simply the results of the division of branches of one original plant or branch. All the fruit trees of any one variety are obtained from the dividing up and multiplica- tion of the branches of the first or original tree. You are now curious to know how this orig- inal tree came to be, and this I hope to tell you before I am done; but for the present, let me impress it upon you that it is equally possi- ble for it to have come from a seed, or to have sprung from a branch which some person had 8 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. noticed to be very different from the associated branches in the tree-top. In other words, the ultimate unit or individual in growing plants is the bud and the bit of wood or tissue to which it is attached ; for every bud, like every seed, pro- duces an offspring which can be distinguished from every other offspring whatsoever. Il. THE CAUSES OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES. We have now gotten back to the starting-point, to that unit with which nature begins to make her initial differences or individualities ; that is, to the point where variations arise. This unit is the bud and the seed,—one sexless, or the offspring of one parent; the other sexual, or the offspring of two parents. Now, inasmuch as the horticultural variety is only a well-marked variation which the gardener has chanced to notice and to propagate, it follows that the only logical method of determining how garden vari- eties originate is to discover the means by which plants vary or differ one from another. There is probably no one fact of organic nature concerning the origin of which modern philoso- phers are so much divided as the genesis or reasons for the beginnings of variations or dif- ferences. It seems to be an inscrutable problem, and it would be useless, therefore, for us to at- FORTUITOUS VARIATION. 9 tempt to discover these ultimate forces in the present hour. Still, we must give them sufficient thought to enable us to satisfy our minds as to how far these variations may be produced by man; and, in doing this, we must discover at least the underlying philosophy of plant variation. It is the nature of organisms to be unlike their parents and their birthmates. Why? a. Fortuitous Variation. It will probably never be possible to refer every variation to a distinct cause, for it is probable that some of them have no antecedent. If we con- ceive of the forms of life as having been created with characters exactly uniform from generation to generation, then we should be led to look for a distinct occasion or cause for every departure from the type; but we know, as I have already pointed out, that heredity by its very nature is not so exact as to carry over every attribute, and no other, of the parent to the offspring. Elas- ticity, plasticity, is a part of the essential consti- tution of all organic beings. There is probably no inherent tendency in organisms towards any ultimate or predetermined completion of form, as the older naturalists supposed, but simply a laxity or indefiniteness of constitution which is expressed in numberless minor differences in individuals. 10 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. That is, some variation is simply fortuitous, an inevitable result of the inherent plasticity of organisms, and it has no immediate inciting cause. If we were to assume that every minor difference is the result of some immediate cause, then we should expect every individual plant or animal to fill some niche, to satisfy some need, to produce the definite effect for which the cause stands. But it is apparent to one who contem- plates the operations of nature that very many — certainly more than half — of the organisms which are born are wholly useless in the struggle for life and very soon perish. From these fortuitous variations nature selects, to be sure, many indi- viduals to be the parents of other generations because they chance to be fitted to live, but this does not affect the methods or reasons of their origin. It is possible that, whilst many of these mere individual differences have no direct and immediate cause, they may still be the result of a devious line of antecedent causes long since so much diffused and modified that they will remain forever unrecognizable ; but even if so, the fact still remains that these present differences or variations may be purposeless, and it is quite as well to say that they exist because it is a part of the organic constitution of living things that unlike produces unlike. SEX AND VARIATION. tt b. Sex as a Factor in the Variation of Plants. All plants have the faculty, either potential or expressed, of propagating themselves by means of buds, or asexual parts. This is obviously the cheapest and most direct possible method of propa- gation for many-membered plants, since it requires no special reproductive organization and energy, and, as only one parent is concerned in it, there is none of the risk of failure which resides in any mode of propagation in which two parents must find each other and form a union. There must be some reason, therefore, for the existence of such a costly mechanism as sex aside from its use as a mere means of propagation. It may be said that it exists because it is a means of more rapid multiplication than bud-propagation, but such is not necessarily the fact. ‘There are many plants which produce buds as freely as they produce seeds ; and then, if mere multiplication were the only destiny of the plant, bud-production would no doubt have greatly increased to have met the demand for new generations. ‘The only reason for the existence of sex in the vegetable world seems to be the need for a constant rejuvenation and modification of the offspring by uniting the features of two individuals into one. ‘There thus arises from every sexual union a number of new or different forms from which nature may select 12 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. the best, — that is, those best fitted to live in the conditions in which they chance to be placed. But whilst sex is undoubtedly one of the most potent sources of present unlikenesses, it 1s not necessarily an original cause of individual differ- ences, since the two parties to any sexual con- tract must be unlike before they can produce unlike. When once the initial unlikenesses were established, every new sexual union would pro- duce new combinations, so that now, when every new form, from whatever source it appears, comes into existence, there are other intimately related forms with which it may cross. This state of things has existed to a greater or less degree from the moment sex first appeared, so that the organic world is now endlessly varied as the result of a most complex ancestry. The variety which sexual union has introduced into the world performs such an important part in the evolution of the forms of plants, and the prob- lems which it presents are so complex, that I shall leave the whole subject for an independent dis- cussion (Lecture II.). c. Physical Environment and Variation. Every phase and condition of physical cireum- stances, which are not absolutely prohibitive of plant life, have plants which thrive in them. EEE eel ENVIRONMENT AND VARIATION. 13 Every soil and climate, every degree of humidity, hills, swamps, and ponds,—every place is filled with plants. Even the trunks and branches of trees support other plants, as epiphytes and para- sites. That is, plants have adapted themselves to every physical environment ; or, to turn the propo- sition around, every physical environment pro- duces adaptive changes in plants. There are those, like Weismann and his adherents, who contend, from purely speculative reasons, that these changes do not become hereditary or perma- nent until they have influenced a certain physio- logical substance which is assumed to reside in the reproductive regions of the organism, and that all those changes which have not yet reached this germ-plasm are, therefore, lost, or die with the organism. It is not necessary to combat this philosophy, for we know, as a matter of common horticultural experience, that every change or va- riation in any organism — unless it proceeds from mere accident or mutilation — may become heredi- tary or be the beginning of a new variety; it is only necessary, therefore, for the Weismannians to assume —as they are always ready to do—that any variation which has become fixed or permanent has already affected the germ. Their assumption needs only another assumption to prove it, and, therefore, when we are considering merely plain matters of fact and experience, we need give little 14 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. attention to the subtleties of this Neo-Darwinian philosophy. Weismann teaches that “ acquired characters,” or those variations which first appear in the life- time of the individual because of the influences of environment, are lost, because they have not yet affected the reproductive substance. But if these characters are induced by the effect of impinging environment during two or more generations, they may come to be so persistent that the plant can- not throw them off, and they become, thereby, a part of the hereditary and non-negotiable prop- erty of the species. Now, it is apparent that in one or another of the generations which are thus acted upon by the environment, there must be a beginning towards the fixing or hereditable per- manency of the new form, and we might as well assume that this beginning takes place in the first generation as in the last, since there can be no proof that it does not take place in either one. The tendency towards fixity, if it exists at all, undoubtedly originates at the very time that the variation itself originates, and it is only sophistry to assume that the form appears at one time and the tendency towards permanence at another time. Since plants fit themselves into their circumstances by means of adaptive variations, we must con- clude that all adaptive variations have the power of persisting, upon occasion. NATAL AND POST-NATAL VARIATION. 15 All these remarks, whilst somewhat abstruse, have a most important bearing upon the phi- losophy of the origin of garden varieties, because they show, first, that changes in the conditions in which plants grow introduce modifications in the plants themselves, and second, that wherever any modification occurs it is probable that it may be fixed and perpetuated. It is necessary, at this point, that we distin- guish between natal and post-natal variations ; that is, between those variations which are born with plants, and those which appear, as a result of environment, after the plant has begun to grow. It is commonly assumed that the form and general characters of the plant are already determined in the seed, but a moment’s reflection will show that this is far from the truth. One may sow a hun- dred selected peas, for instance, all of which may be alike in every discernible character. If these are planted in a space a foot square, it will be found, after two or three weeks, that some indi- viduals are outstripping the others, although all of them came up equally well and were at first practically indistinguishable. This means that, because of a little advantage in food or moisture, or other circumstance, some plants have obtained the mastery and are crowding out the less fortu- nate ones. Here is a variation taking place before our very eyes, and we may be able to see the exact 16 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. cause of it. Moreover, variations which originate in this way may pass down to the offspring through the seeds, as in the case of “ viney” peas, which are grown on too rich soil. All this is a matter of the commonest observation with the gardener, who is so accustomed to seeing great differences arise in batches of plants, all of which start equal and with an equal chance, that he never thinks to comment upon the occurrence. In fact, the theory and practice of agriculture rest upon the fact that plants can be modified greatly by the conditions in which they grow, after they have become thoroughly established in the soil. Plants may start equal, but may differ widely at the harvest; and this difference may be controlled to a nicety by the cultivator. Every farmer knows, too, that the best results for the succeeding year are to be got only when he selects seeds from the best which he has been able to pro- duce this year. So, given uniformity or equality at the start, the operator moulds the individual plants largely at his will. Having noticed that physical environments may modify plants, we are now ready to consider just what changes in these circumstances of plant life are most fruitful in the production of new forms. 1. Variation in Food Supply.— The greater part of the changes in the physical conditions of life hinge upon the relative supply of food. Ee FOOD SUPPLY AND VARIATION. Ly Climbing plants assume their form because, by virtue of the divergence of character, they are enabled to fit themselves into places which other plants cannot occupy. They rear their foliage into the air, where food and sunlight are unappro- priated. ‘The lower branches of the tree-top die, and the others thereby appropriate the more food and grow the faster. ‘The entire practice of agri- culture is built upon the augmentation of the food supply. For this purpose, we set the plants in isolated positions, we till the ground, keep down other plants or weeds, add plant food to the soil, and prune the tree and thin the fruit. Thomas Andrew Knight, the chief of horticul- tural philosophers, appears to have been the first to clearly enunciate the law that excess of food supply is the most prolific cause of the variation of plants. Darwin subscribes to it without re- serve: ‘*Of all the causes which induce. varia- bility, excess of food, whether or not changed in nature, is probably the most powerful.” Alex- ander Braun, an earlier writer upon the philosophy of the organic world, said that ‘it appears rather, on the whole, as if the unusual conditions favor- able to a luxuriant state of development, afforded by cultivation, awakened in the plant the inward impulse to the display of all those variations pos- sible within the more or less narrowly circum- scribed limits of the species.” It is generally Cc 18 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. agreed by those who have given the matter much thought, that an excess of food above the amount normally or habitually received is one of the very chief, if not the most dominant, causes of indi- vidual differences in plants. Certainly every farmer and gardener knows that the richer the soil in available plant food, the stronger and the more abnormal and unusual his product will be. If, then, excess of food supply is a strong factor in the modification of plants, and if the one fun- damental aim of agriculture is to supply food in excess of natural conditions, it must naturally follow that cultivated plants should be of all others the most variable. ‘This is notably true. Now, the first variation which usually comes of this liberal food supply is increase in mere big- ness. Probably every plant which has ever been cultivated has increased its stature or the size of some or all of its parts. Moreover, this is gener- ally the direct object of cultivation, —to secure larger herbage, fruits, seeds, or flowers. Inci- dentally, we find here an indubitable proof of the truth of the hypothesis of evolution, for if it were impossible for plants to vary or to assume new characters, there would be no cultivation and no agriculture; for there would be little object in cultivating a product if it grew equally well in the wild. This variation into mere bigness is more impor- BREAKING THE TYPE. 19 tant than it may seem at first sight. All thought- ful horticulturists agree in beheving that the first thing to be done in ameliorating any plant is to ‘‘break the type,” that is, to cause it to vary. The particular direction of variation is not so important, at first; for all experience has shown that if once the seedlings of a plant begin to depart from the parental type, other and various modifications will soon follow. If a plant is once strongly modified in size, variations in shape, color, flavor, or other attributes are forthcoming. This apparent accumulation of variation seems at first to be incapable of scientific explanation, but the reasons for it are not difficult to understand when once they are presented. When plants are placed in new conditions, whether in the wild or in cultivation, then they begin to vary, but usually only in one direction at first, although the amount of the variation, and sometimes the kind, is determined very largely by the nature and the extent of the change in the conditions. This initial variation, particularly when plants are transferred to cultivated areas, is generally in the direction of greater size con- sequent upon the greater amount of food. This initial variation is generally soon followed by others in various directions, and from these the cultivator may be able to establish new varieties. We now ask ourselves why these many variations 20 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. appear when once the type begins to modify itself. Consider the fact that the world is now full of plants. In untamed nature, not one more plant can grow unless another plant dies. All plants, therefore, are held down to narrow limits of num- bers, and since there are so few individuals, — in comparison with the seeds and buds which each plant produces for the chance of multiplying itself, — there must be, also, few kinds and degrees of individual differences. The farther and more freely a plant distributes itself, the greater must be the differences between the various individuals, because they must adapt themselves to a wider range of conditions. All plants are held in equi- librium, so to speak; but the plant organism is plastic by nature and quickly responds to every touch of environment; so, as soon as the pressure is removed in any direction, the plant at once springs into the breach. Recall the monotonous vegetation of the deep forest, where the battle of centuries has subdued all but the strongest. Clear away the forest, and then observe the fierce scramble for place and life amongst a multi- tude of forms which spring in for an opportunity to better their conditions. In a few years more, the tender low herbs have gone. The briars and underbrush have usurped the land. As time goes on, one species after another perishes, and when the place is again reforested, two or three species EQUILIBRIUM IN NATURE. a hold undisputed sway over the land. The pop- lars which followed the pines have long since per- ished and pines again dominate the forest. Or, if the area were turned to pasture a few years after the woods were removed, the herbs and bushes die with the browsing, and in time the June grass covers the whole landscape with the mantle of conquest. So plants may be said to be always ready to fill new places in the polity of nature by adapting themselves to the new cir- cumstances as they grow into them. The appear- ing of any one marked variation, therefore, is evidence that the plant has found a new condi- tion, that the pressure is somewhat lifted, and that its whole plastic organization will soon re- spond to the new environment. It is apparent, then, how the simplest and rudest cultivation has been able, through the centuries, to so profoundly modify our domestic plants that we are often unable to recognize the forms from which they sprung. We must not forget to notice, at this point, that the food supply differs amongst the various branches of the same plant. Some branches, by reason of position with reference to the main trunk or with reference to air and sunlight, or, because of a better start in the beginning as a result of some incidental advantage, gain the mastery over others and crowd them out. We 22 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. have already seen that no two branches on a plant are alike; and we are now able to understand that sports or bud-varieties are no more inexplicable than seed-varieties are. Cultivation is really but an extension or intensi- fication of nature’s methods of dealing with the plant world. The ultimate object of both nature and man is to supply more food. ‘The variations which arise from the effects of mere cultivation, therefore, are in kind very like those which nature produces, the chief difference being that of degree. The accustomed operations of the farmer, there- fore, have been powerful agents in the evolution of vegetable forms. The ways in which cultiva- tion affords a more liberal food supply are as fol- lows :— | 1. By isolating the individual plant. The husbandman sets each plant by itself, and then protects it by destroying the weeds or plants which endeavor to crowd it out. There is a partial exception to this in the “sowed crops,” like the grains, and it is noticeable that variation in these plants is usually less marked than in the ‘hoed. .cropsid 2. By giving the plant the advantage of posi- tion, whereby it is allowed the most congenial exposure to sun and contour of land. 3. By increasing the fertility of the soil, either by tillage or the direct application of plant MEANS OF AUGMENTING FOOD SUPPLY. 23 food, or both. Rich and moist soils tend to “break” the type,—or to cause initial varia- tions, —to produce verdant colors and loss of saccharine and pungent qualities, to induce re- dundant growth, and to delay maturity and thereby to render plants tender to cold winter climates. 4. By thinning the tops of plants and the fruits, whereby the remaining parts receive an amount of food in excess of the habitual allow- ance. 5. By divergence of character in associated plants. It is well known that a field which is planted so thickly to corn that it cannot grow more with profit, may still grow pumpkins be- tween. The pumpkins and the corn are so unlike in form that they complement each other, the one filling the niche which the other is not fitted to occupy. We have already seen that a copse ever so full of bushes may still grow vines. A meadow which is full of timothy may still grow clover in the bottom, and land which is covered with apple trees still grows weeds beneath. “The more diversified the descendants from any one species become in structure, constitution, and habits,” writes Darwin, ‘‘ by so much will they be better enabled to seize on many and widely diversified places in the polity of nature, and so be enabled to increase in numbers.” 24 ¥FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. 2. Variation in Climate. —The fact that any distinct climatic region usually has plants which are very closely related to those of other climatic regions in the same zone, points strongly to the probable profound modification of plants by cli- mate. And, furthermore, we should expect that if the food environment modifies plants, the climatic environment must have the same power. More- over, there is abundant historical and experimental proof that climate is capable of greatly modifying the vegetable kingdom. There are those who contradict any great effect of climate in the varia- tion of plants, and acclimatization has been even stoutly denied. ‘These persons make the mistake of asking that a visible modification take place at once upon the transfer of a plant from one climate to another, and they also err in supposing that a plant can adapt itself to a cold climate only by developing a capability to withstand more cold. Indian corn is sometimes cited as proof that plants do not become acclimatized, for it is as tender to frost now as ever, for all that we know. Yet this very plant affords a most unequivocal example of complete acclimatization, because it has shortened its period of growth fully one-half to enable it to escape the cold of the north. The influence of a change of climate upon plants, or, what may amount to the same thing, the result of a transfer of plants to new climates, CLIMATE AND VARIATION. 25 is so complex and so general that no detailed dis- cussion of the subject can be made at this time. It will answer our present purpose to briefly designate the ways in which climate modifies plants: — 1. Climate greatly modifies the stature of plants. They become dwarfer in high latitudes and alti- tudes. 2. It modifies form. Plants tend to be broader- headed, and also more prostrate, in high latitudes and altitudes. 3. Proportionate leafiness generally increases, at the same time. 4. There is, also, often a gain in comparative fruitfulness following transfer towards the poles. 5. The colors of leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds are greatly influenced by climate, there being a general tendency, in plants of temperate regions, to augmentation in intensity of colors as they are carried towards the poles. 6. There is modification in the flavor and es- sential ingredients of various parts, following a change of climate. 7. There is a variation in variability itself. The more difficult the climate in which a plant finds itself, the more it tends to vary to meet the uncon- genial environments. In the high north, many plants are so variable that the marks used to iden- tify the species in other latitudes are often lost. 26 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. 8. There may be a profound variation or modi- fication in constitution and habit by which plants become acclimatized, or enabled to endure a cli- mate at first injurious to them. ‘This may occur by a variation in the constitution of the descend- ants, which enables them to endure directly more untoward conditions. It generally comes about, however, through a change in habit, by which plants, when transferred towards the poles, shorten their season of growth or even become annuals. Plants become more sensitive to spring tempera- tures in cold climates, so that they start relatively much earlier in the season — that is, at a lower sum-temperature — than they do in warm climates. Any one who has passed the springtime in both the North and South must have noticed how much more suddenly the vegetation comes forward in the North; and it is surprising how the spring- sowed crops accelerate their growth in the North over those in the South. The characters which result from a change of climatic environment are peculiarly within the control of the agriculturist, for a leading factor in his business is the transfer of plants far and wide over the earth. So it has come that the staple varieties of the important grains and fruits are unlike in Europe and America and in all great geographical areas, although all the various forms may have sprung from one ancestor within historic CLIMATE AND VARIATION. oT times. A new country is stocked with varieties from the mother country; but in the course of a few generations it is found that the varieties in cultivation are unlike the ones originally in- troduced, and from which they came. As wild plants have become separated from each other as species in the different geographical regions, so the cultivated plants soon begin to follow similar lines of divergence. In the beginning of the colo- nization of this country, for example, all the vari- eties of apples were of European origin. But in 1817, over sixty per cent of the apples recommended for cultivation here were of American origin, that is, American-grown seedlings from the original stock. At the present time, fully ninety per cent of the popular apples of the Atlantic states are American productions. The northern states of the Mississippi valley, to which most of our east- ern apples are not adapted, are now witness- ing a similar transformation in the adaptation and modification of the varieties introduced from the East and from Russia. The newly introduced Japanese plums are conceded to be great acquisitions to our fruit-growing, but no doubt the best results are yet to come with the origination of domestic varieties of them. So there is an irresistible tendency towards a di- vergence of forms in different continental or geographical regions, and much of the inevi- 28 FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OF VARIATION. table result is no doubt chargeable to climatic environment. 3. Change of seed. Bud-variation. —1 wili pause for a moment to consider two agencies or phenomena which are often associated with the genesis of varieties. One of these is the fact that the simple change of seed from one locality to another generally gives a larger or better product or even more marked variation. Mere transfer of seed is not of itself, however, a cause of variation. The change is beneficial because it fits together characters and environments which are not in equilibrium with each other. In. the genera Dianthus, Pelargonium, Begonia, Rhododendron, Nicotiana, Achimenes, Calceolaria, Salix, Hippeas- trum, Gladiolus, and a few others, there has been made a number of such unions without any par- ticular difficulty. One must nevertheless deter- mine if he unites three essentially different species, or if two of the factors, or even all three are only closely related to each other. ‘There are similar but evidently different species which, in crossings among themselves, behave almost like races of the same species, as for example: — Melandrium album and rubrum. Vitis vinifera, cordifolia, zestivalis and Labruscea. Lobelia fulgens, splendens, and cardinalis. Rhododendren Ponticum, arboreum and Cataw- biense. R. flavum, viscosum, nudiflorum, and calendu- laceum. Berberis Aquifolium, and the most closely related species. Hybrids between the crosses of two species of these groups with the third species of the same genus, can no more be called true triple hybrids than crosses of species belonging to some smaller or narrower group of Vitis, Lobelia, and Rhodo- dendron. True triple hybrids which have been 246 BORROWED OPINIONS. formed from three essentially different species are apt to be much varied in form, especially if the male parent species was a hybrid. On the other hand, in those unions which are most easily formed and are made by the formula (A xB) 2 x Cé, the type of C is apt to predominate strongly, as, for instance, Nicotiana (rustica x paniculata) 9- x Longsdorffii ¢, Achimenes (grandiflora x can- dida) 2 x longiflora ¢, and other Gesneracee. The hybrids of Erica are said to produce just as uniform a progeny as the pure species. Several Salix hybrids have acted in the same manner. For gardeners, therefore, the triple hybrids in some genera (as in Pelargonium, Begonia, Rhodo- dendron, Achimenes, Isoloma, Cypripedium, Gladi- olus) are very valuable. If they produce seeds, their progeny is very variable. b. Hybrids of Four to Six Species. If one does not count the crossings of very nearly related species (as Vitis, Rhododendron, etc. ), these hybrids of four or more parent forms are somewhat rare. We know them especially in the genera Dianthus, Pelargonium, Begonia, Rho- dodendron, Nicotiana, Salix, Hippeastrum, Gladi- olus. The artificial union of different species in a single hybrid form has been carried farthest by Wichura, who united six Salix species. . ee hee A ee —— SO ee FOCKE ON GROSS-BREEDS AND HYBRIDS. 247 c. Crosses of Plants Grown Together. In some genera, as Pelargonium, Fuchsia, Be- gonia, Rosa, Erica, Rhododendron, Achimenes, Cal- ceolaria, Gladiolus, Hippeastrum, gardeners have crossed species and hybrids in the most manifold manner, intentionally and unintentionally, and have used the most promising forms obtained for further propagation. The progeny of this com- plex crossing is naturally almost always very vari- able. There appear, however, to be exceptions to _ this rule; Sweet plainly asserts that one always obtains the same cross from the crossing of some complex Pelargonium hybrids. Such constant complicated hybrids are, according to him, P. (hyb.) involucratum x (hyb.) ignescens and P. (hyb.) Mostyne x (hyb.) ignescens. That the Erica and some Salix hybrids produce a uniform progeny has already been mentioned. II. CROSS-BREEDS AND HYBRIDS. According to usage, we designate unions of two different varieties of one species as cross-breeds, unions of two different species as hybrids. It is necessary, on account of the indefiniteness of the term “variety,” to remember that only varieties true to seed, or races and sub-species, can bequeath their characteristics with any degree of certainty ; 248 BORROWED OPINIONS. inconstant species, which are so often designated as varieties, are not considered in the theory of hybridization. : 3 Many writers have taken great pains to find a difference between cross-breeds and hybrids; they held firmly to the hope that by means of trials in crossing a boundary between species and _ sub- species could be formed. Gartner, who expresses himself plainly in several parts of his work that the appearance of crosses clearly proves the specific differences of relationships of the parent forms, becomes very reticent as soon as he attempts, on pages 574-582, connectedly to unfold the princi- ples of ‘‘ variety hybrids.” Herbert and Naudin have formed the opinion, after their many experi- ments, that it is impossible to draw the line be- tween cross-breeds and hybrids ; but, nevertheless, later botanists have again tried to find precise dif- ferences between them. The following propositions have been made : — 1. The pollen of cross-breeds is normal: hy- brids have a greater or less number of imperfectly formed grains in their pollen. 2. The fruitfulness of cross-breeds is normal: that of hybrids plainly diminished. 3. Hybrids of two species with differently col- ored blossoms produce flowers of mixed or uni- formly modified colors: plants with irregular, mottled flowers have always been produced by FOCKE ON CROSS-BREEDS AND HYBRIDS. 249 the crossing of varieties. It is the same with the coloring, marking, covering of the fruits, and other characteristics. 4. Cross-breeds have a strong inclination to return to the parent form in later generations. _ These four propositions are in the main correct, but they offer little help, in a case of doubt, to a right decision as to specific merits. The cross of the red and white Anagallis arvensis would have to be considered as a hybrid on account of its pol- len, and as a cross-breed on account of the appear- ance of flowers of two colors. In Datura, crosses, which in other respects are plainly characterized as hybrids, easily show complete returns to the parent forms. Hybrids whose fruitfulness appears to be in no way diminished have already been men- tioned (page 229). One can, consequently, make the rule, that crosses of closely related races are apt to show the characteristics ascribed to cross- breeds, but it is impossible by that means to es- tablish any sharp line between race crosses and species hybrids. Usually a few other characteristics are ascribed to cross-breeds by which they are distinguished from the hybrids of species. Giirtner has asserted that cross-breeds of like descent are even in the first generation very dissimilar, while hybrids of the first generation are always very uniform. This assertion, which is also repeated by others, 250 BORROWED OPINIONS. is entirely wrong. ‘The polymorphism of the hy- brids of the species of Abutilon, Passiflora, Hiera- cium, ete., has already been shown, while, on the other hand, the crosses of races, in the first gener- ation, are usually just as uniform as the real hy- brids. Again, it has sometimes been asserted that the “varieties” of one and the same species, when crossed with another species, always produce the same hybrid forms. Giirtner, especially, has laid particular stress upon this supposed behavior of varieties, although he must have known that IXol- reuter had already observed the inheritance of color of the blossom in the races of Mirabilis, Dianthus, and Verbascum, the doubling of flowers in Aquilegia and Dianthus, the carriage and form of the leaf in the races of Nicotiana Tabacum and Hibiscus. The white-blossoming Datura ferox gives with D. Stramonium a white-blooming cross, and with the smooth-fruited race (var. Bertolonil) of the same species, a blue-blossoming cross. Nymphea Lotus x rubra is different from N. Lotus x dentata. It cannot be in the least doubt- ful that the inheritable characteristics of races and so-called varieties are also bequeathed to their progeny. One will hardly go wrong if he assumes that Girtner came to make this rule about the be- havior of varieties through the behavior of unfixed garden crosses and garden sorts. It is a matter FOCKE ON CROSS-BREEDS AND HYBRIDS. 251 of course that forms which show themselves un- fixed in their normal progeny should produce polymorphous hybrids, and that unfixed variety- signs are apt to disappear entirely in the products of crossing with pure species. The true situation is, in short, as follows : — The nearer the morphological and systematic rela- tionship of the parent forms is, the less the sexual capacity of reproduction in the cross is apt to depart from the normal direction ; the greater the difference between the parent forms, the more, on the average, is the fruitfulness of the cross weak- ened. Exceptions are not rare. The nearer the parent forms are related to each other, the oftener the progeny of crosses show complete returns to the parent forms. Crosses from nearly related parent forms some- times show in their blossoms and fruits the pe- culiar characteristics of the parent forms unmixed beside each other ; this rarely takes place in crosses whose parent forms were considerably different. Most unsymmetrically colored flowers (Mirabilis, Camellia, Mimulus, Petunia, etc.) first originated in the progeny of crosses. LECTURE V. POLLINATION; OR HOW TO CROSS PLANTS. 1. THE STRUCTURE OF THE FLOWER. POLLINATION is the act of conveying pollen from the anther to the stigma. It is the manual part of the crossing of plants. The word fertilization is often used in a like sense, although erroneously; for it is the office of the pollen, not of the opera- tor, to fertilize or fecundate that part of the flower which is to develop into a seed. The chief requirement in pollinating flowers is to know the parts of the flower itself. The con- Fic. 1. — Bell-flower. spicuous or showy part of the flower is the envelope, which is endlessly modified in size, form, and color. 252 STRUCTURE OF THE FLOWER. PASS} This envelope protects the inner or essential organs, and it also attracts insects, which often perform the labor of pollination. This floral envelope is usu- ally of two series or parts, —an outer and commonly green series known as the calyx, and an inner and generally more showy series known as the corolla. ‘These two se- ries are well shown in the bell-flower, Fig. 1. The calyx, with its re- flexed lobes, is at C, and the large bell-form portion is the corolla. When the calyx is com- posed of separate parts or leaves, each part is called a sepal; in like manner each separate part of the corolla is a petal. In the lily, Fig. 2, there is no dis- tinction between calyx and corolla; or, it may be said, the calyx is wanting. These envelopes of the flower are often much disguised. This is particularly true in the orchids, one of which, a lady-slipper, is illustrated in Fig. 8. The sepals are seen at DD. They are apparently only two, but there is reason to believe that the lower sepal Fic. 2.— Flower of white lily. 954 POLLINATION. is really made up of a union of two. The three inner leaves are the petals, the lower one, H, being enlarged into the sac or slipper. The most important organs of the flower, how- ever, to one who wishes to make crosses, are. the so-called sexual organs, the stamens and _ pistils. They can be readily distinguished in the lily, Fig. . 2.) Bhe six bodies shown at S are the ends of the stamens, or so- called male organs. These stamens gen- erally have a stalk or stem, known as a filament, and the en- larged tip as the anther. It is in this anther that the pol- lenis. borne: 9 The pollen is generally made up of very mi- Fic. 3.— Flower of greenhouse cypripedium. nute yellow or brown- ish grains, although it is sometimes in the form of a more or less glu- tinous or adhesive mass, as in the milk-weeds and orchids. The irritating dust which falls from the corn tassels at the later cultivatings is the pollen. THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. 255 The pistil, or so-called female organ, is shown at OP, Fig. 2. The enlarged portion at O is the ovary, Which will develop into the seed-pod. The stigma, or the enlarged and roughened part which receives the pollen, is at P. Between these two parts is the slender style, a portion which is absent in many flowers. The stamens and pistils are known as the essen- tial organs of the flower, for, whilst the calyx and corolla may be entirely absent, either one or both of these organs is present; and these are the parts which are directly concerned in the reproduction of the species. Like the floral envelopes, these essential organs are often greatly modified, so much so that botanists are sometimes perplexed to distinguish them from each other or from mod- ified forms of the petals or sepals. ‘The particu- lar features of these organs which the plant-breeder must be able to distinguish are the anther and the stigma; for the anther bears the pollen, and the stigma must receive it. In Fig. 1, the stamens are shown at E. In the flower A, which has just expanded, these stamens are rigid and in condition to shed the pollen, but in the flower B, they have shed the pollen and have collapsed. ‘The stigma in this case is divided into three parts, but when the flower first opens, these parts are closed to- gether, H in flower A, so that it is impossible that they receive any pollen from the same flower ; 256 POLLINATION. when the stamens have withered, however, as in B, the stigma, H, spreads open and is ready to Fic. 4. — Flower of night-blooming cereus. receive any pollen which may be brought to it by insects or other agencies. In this case, the ovary THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. IST or young seed-pod, which is in the bottom of the flower, is not shown in the engraving. Some of the particular forms of essential organs are well illustrated in the accompanying photo- eraphs. In the night-blooming cereus, Fig. 4, the many-rayed stigma is shown just below the Fic. 5. — Flower of the shrubby hibiscus (Hibiscus Syriacus). centre of the mouth of the flower, and the nu- merous stamens are arranged in a circular manner outside of it. The many petals and numerous spreading sepals are also well shown. ‘The hibis- cus, Fig. 5, has a central column with the anthers hanging upon it, and a large stigma raised beyond Ss 258 POLLINATION. Fic. 6.— Bugbane (Cimicifuga, racemosa). them. The wild bugbane, or cimicifuga, is seen in Fig. 6, natural size. Here is a long spike or cluster of flowers. At the top are the unopened buds, in the centre the expanded flowers with the floral envelopes fallen away, — the fringe-like stamens very prominent, — and below are seen the pis- tils, the stamens having fallen. These pistils will now ripen into pods, but the tip-like stigma may still be -seen on them. The stamens and the long protruding style, tipped with its stigma, are also shown in the fuchsia, Fig. 15. The essential organs of orchids are cu- riously disguised. They are combined into a sin- gle body. In the lady- slipper, Fig. 3, the lip-like stigma is shown at P. Upon either side, at its STAMINATE AND PISTILLATE FLOWERS. 259 base, is an anther $. Projecting over the stigma is a greenish ladle-like body, T, which is a trans- formed and sterile anther. In all lady-slippers, these organs are essentially the same as in the drawing, although they vary much in size and shape; but in most other orchids, the two side anthers, S, are wholly wanting, and the terminal organ, IT, is a pollen-bearing anther. In numer- ous plants, there are many distinct pistils in each flower. Such is the case in the strawberry, where each little yellow ‘‘seed” on the ripened berry represents a pistil; and the blackberry and the raspberry, where each little grain or drupelet of the fruit stands for the same organ. = “i 5. eee $ Sa . - . = “? ‘4 A q bank is sg ; ' d ae. & “ ‘ r¢ < . ; . a5 . 4 =2 > <> Te e—_—_- Abortive varieties, 152. Aralia, bud-variety, 180. Abutilon, crosses, 220, 288, 250. Arthur, 103, 116. Accident, 154. Arundo, variation, 176, 180. Acclimatization, 24, 26. Asexual propagation, 7. Acer, bud-variety, 177. Aspidistra, sport, 180. Achimenes, crosses, 245, 246, 247. Aster, varieties, 180. Acorns, bud-variety, 177. ‘ Atavism, 106. Acquired characters, 14. Atragene, 184. Adult forms, 156, Atropa, crosses, 223. Aigilops, crosses, 248. Azalea, bud-varieties, 180. fsculus, bud-variety, 178. Aisculus, crosses, 239. Bag for covering flowers, 272. Agatha, bud-variety, 178. Bamboos, variation, 176. Ageratum, bud-varieties, 178. Banana, varieties, 175. Agrostemma Ceeli-rosa, dwarfs, 144. Bartel, T. C., 130. Albinos, 148. Barteldes, 140. Allut, Cazalis, 211. Bean, bud-variation, 176. Almond, bud-variety, 179. . Beans, types of, 135. Alnus, crosses, 226..- Beet, crosses, 56. Alopecurus, crosses, 230. Begonia, crosses, 224, 226, 227, 229, Altitude and plants, 25. 230, 281, 288, -284, 239, 245, 246, Amelioration, gradual, 50. 247. Amygdalus, crosses, 239. Begonia pollinations, 86. Anagallis, crosses, 222, 223, 231. Bell-flower, 252. Anemone, crosses, 224, 229. Berberis, crosses, 245. Anemone, varieties, 179. Bigness, variation in, 18. Animal and plant contrasted, 5, 91. Blackberry, crosses, 79, 111. Année, 141. Blackberry, introduction of, 129. Antagonistic features, 95. Bletia, crosses, 222. Anther, 254. Bohnhof, 80. Apple, Wealthy, 108. Bornet, 232. Apples, bud-variation in, 118, 175. Bouschet, Henri, 212. Apples, hybrid, 66, 79, 111. Brassica, crosses, 223, 239, 240, 241. Apples, races of, 90. Braun, Alexander, 1T. Apples, variations in, 3, 27, 37, 99, 131. | Breaking the type, 19, 28, 93. Apricot, bud-variety, 179. Bruant, 113. Aquilegia, crosses, 224, 229, 234, 239, | Buckwheat, crosses, 56. 240, 250. Budd, Professor, 133. 287 288 Bud-variation, 6, 21, 28, 37, 101, 118, 126, 153. Bugbane, 258. Burpee, 139. Buxus, bud-varieties, 181. Cabbage, crosses, 56. Cacti, crosses, 235. Calceolaria, crosses, 222, 229, 283, 234, 239, 245, 247. Calceolaria plantaginea, dwarfs, 144. Calliopsis tinctoria, dwarfs, 144. Callistephus hortensis, dwarfs, 145. Calyx, 253. Camellia, bud-varieties, 182. Camellia, crosses, 251. Canary-grass, crosses, 57. Cannas, 140. Capsella, crosses, 226, 231. Carman, 79. Carnation, 115. Carriére, 96, 116, 153. Caspary, 229. Cedars, 156. Cephalotaxus, sports, 183. Cereus, bud-variety, 184. Cereus, crosses, 226, 230, 238, 289. Cereus, night-blooming, 256. Change of seed, 28, 59, 116. Checking growth, 116. Cheiranthus, sport of, 185. Cherry, hybrid, 112. Cherry, sports of, 171. Chloranthic varieties, 153. Chlorosis, 149. Choice of variations, 31. Chrysanthemum carinatum, 100. Chrysanthemum, sports of, 158. Cimicifuga racemosa, 258. Cinchona, crosses, 225. Cirsium, crosses, 229, 288, 239. Cistus, crosses, 219, 222, 231, 234. Clematis, crosses, 224. Clematis, flowers, 262. Clematis, varieties, 184, Climate and variation, 24, 114, 146. Coleus, sports in, 120. Coloration, 148. Colors, modified by climate, 25. Conifers, 156. INDEX. Contradictory attributes, 98. Convolvulus pollinations, 85. Coreopsis tinctoria, dwarfs, 144. Cornus, bud-varieties, 185. Corolla, 253. Cotyledon, crosses, 229. Crabs, hybrid, 66, 111. Cratzegus, crosses, 239. Crinum, crosses, 218, 225, 229, 232, 234. Cross-breeds, Focke on, 247. Cross, function of, 50. Cross, primary, 215. Crosses, characteristics of, 68. Crosses, Focke on, 215. Crossing a means, 107. Crossing and change of seed, 59. Crossing, limits of, 44. Crossing, philosophy of, 39. Crossing, rule for, 109. Crozy, 113, 140. Cucumber pollinations, 85. Cucumis, crosses, 222. Cucurbita Pepo, 75, 84. Cucurbitacee, crosses, 46, 58, 74, 82 229, 230, 235. Cultivation, philosophy of, 22. Currant, sports of, 1738. (See Ribes.) Cypripedium, 254. Cypripedium, crosses, 218, 227, 229, 246. Cytisus Adami, 185. Dactylis, bud-variety, 185. Darwin, 17, 23, 32, 42, 47, 51, 54, 56, 60, 68, 69, 72, 84, 87, 117, 119, 121, 176, 228. Dating back, 106. Datura, crosses, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 234, 239, 240, 249, 250. Decaisne, 229. De Candolle, 150, 178. Derivative crosses, 238. Dewberry crosses, 79, 111. Dewberry, introduction of, 129. Dianthus Chinensis, dwarfs, 145. Dianthus, crosses, 218, 219, 228, 226, 227, 299, 238, 234, 237, 239, 240, 2438, 244, 245, 246, 250. Dianthus semperflorens, 156. Dichroism, 154. INDEX. 289 Digitalis, crosses, 218, 219, 221, 223, | Fuchsia flowers, 273, 274, 275. 226, 227, 229, 280, 232, 237. Dimorphism, 154. Diccious plants, 260. Divergence of character, 28. Division of labor, 42. Doubleness in hybrids, 237. Doubleness of flowers, 149. Dracana, variation, 176. Duval, M., 167. Dwarfing, 25, 114, 148. Early varieties, 146. Echinocactus, sports, 186. - Eckford, 118. Egg-plant, crosses, 57, 74. Egg-plant pollinations, 85. Egg-plants, variation in, 95. Egypt, plagues of, 40. Eleagnus, bud-varieties, 186. Emasculation, 265. Envelopes, floral, 252. Environment and variation, 12. Epilobium, crosses, 218, 222, 229, 230, 233. Equilibrium of organisms, 20, 61. Erica, crosses, 229, 233, 239, 240, 246, 247, Essential organs, 255. Euonymus Japonicus, 156, 186. Fagus, fern-leaved, 187. Fall sowing, 115, 148. Ferns, crossing, 277. Fertility of soil, 18, 22. Ficus, forms of, 188. Filament, 254. Fittest, survival of, 32, 39. Fixation of plants, 31. Flavor, modified by climate, 25. Flon, M., 156. Flowerless plants, crossing, 277. Focke, 68, 81, 108, 215. Fontanesia, sport, 188, Food supply, 16, 116. Fortuitous variation, 9. Fragaria, crosses, 229, Fraxinus, bud-varieties, 188. Fromont, 158. Fuchsia, crosses, 229, 238, 239, 247, U Function of the Cross, 50. Fusain, 156. Galium, crosses, 222. Gardenia, bud-variety, 189. Gartner, 216, 218, 219, 220, 228, 2383, 235, 239, 240, 243, 244, 248, 249, 250. Gazania rigens, 146. Genera, monotypic, 97. Gesneracee, crosses, 227, 229, 246. Geum, crosses, 219, 229, 239. Giant forms, 145. Gibb, Charles, 133. Gideon, Peter M., 108. Gillyflower, bud-variety, 189. Giraud, Désiré, 166. Gladiolus, crosses, 226, 229, 234, 245, 246. Gleditschia triacanthos, 207. Glossary, 282. Goff, 103. Gordon, 229, 241, 244, Gourd, crosses, 58, 74, 82. Grape, bud-varieties, 174, 210. Grapes, hybrid, 66, 78, 110, 111. Gray, Asa, 33, 178. Greenhouses, produce variation, 115. Hallock, V. H., & Son, 124. Hardy varieties, 145. Hartogia Capensis, 192. Hedera, forms of, 189. Helianthemum, crosses, 223, 226. Helichrysum bracteatum, dwarfs, 144. Henderson, 138. Herbert, 248. Hibiscus, bud-varieties, 190. Hibiscus, crosses, 225, 250, Hibiscus Syriacus, 257. Hieracium, crosses, 220, 238, 234, 237, 239, 250. Hippeastrum, crosses, 226, 229, 234, 239, 245, 246, 247. Holly, sports, 191. Horse-chestnut, bud-variety, 178. Husk-tomato, 60, 85. Hyacinth, forms, 190. Hybrids, characters of, 68, 215. Hybrids, Focke on, 215. 290 Hybrids, multiple, 246, 247. Hybrids, rarity of, 53. Hybrids, seven-eighths, 243, Hybrids, three-fourths, 243. Hybrids, triple, 244. Hydrangea, 146, 191. Hymenocallis, crosses, 280. Iberis umbellata, dwarfs, 145. Ignotum tomato, 123. Ilex, bud-varieties, 191. Impatiens Balsamina, dwarfs, 145. In-breeding, 72. Indeterminate varieties, 87. Individuality, causes of, 8. Individuality, fact of, 2. Instruments for pollination, 270. Ipomeeas, colors of seeds, 104, Iris, bud-variety, 192. Isolation of the plant, 22. INDEX. Leafiness, 25, Lecogq, 227. Lemoine, 113. Lens for pollinating, 270. Leptosiphon densiflorus, dwarfs, 144. Lettuce, crosses, 56. Ligustrum, sports, 193. Lilac, bud-varieties, 193. Lily, white, 253. Lima beans, 188. Limits of crossing, 44. Linaria, crosses, 222, 227, 238, 289, 241, Lindley, 68. Links, missing, 41, 48. Linneus, 81, 152. Linum, crosses, 223. Lobelia, crosses, 219, 222, 282, 238, 234, 235, 245, Luffa, crosses, 232, Isoloma, crosses, 226, 227, 231, 233, | Lupines, heredity in, 106. 246. Ivy, forms of, 189. Jamain, M., 163. Jobert, M., 179. Joigneaux, M., 204. Juniperus, bud-varieties, 192, Klotzsch, 226, 229. Knight, Thomas Andrew, 17, 54, 227, 229. Kohl-rabi, 80. Kdlreuter, 54, 73, 216, 217, 219, 228, 229, 248, 244, 250. Kumerle, W. J., 140. Kuntze, 225. Labor, division of, 42, 48. Lachaume, M.,-166. Lactuca, crosses, 238. Ladle for pollinating, 271. Lamium, bud-variety, 192. Lamium, crosses, 289, 241. Lantana, crosses, 222. Large-flowered varieties, 145. Late varieties, 146. Latitude and plants, 25. Laurocerasus, sports, 192. Layatera, crosses, 234, 239, 243. Lychnis Ceeli-rosa, dwarfs, 144, Lychnis, crosses, 240, 241. Lycium, crosses, 218, 226, Lycopods, crossing, 277. Maize, crosses, 56. Malle, Dureau de la, 175. Mamillaria, sports, 194, Maple, Wier’s, 109. Meadow, plants in, 28. Medicago, crosses, 220, 233, 240. Melandrium, crosses, 220, 222, 228, 225, 231, 238, 240, 244, 245. Mendel, 239. Mentha, bud-variety, 194. Mentha, crosscs, 229, 241, Mersereau, 131. Mimulus, crosses, 222, 251. Mirabilis, crosses, 222, 226, 227, 228, 234, 241, 250, 251. | Mirabilis pollinations, 85, Missing links, 41. Mixing in the hill, 118, 201. Molinia, bud-variety, 194. Moncecious plants, 259. Monotypie genera, 97. Moore, Jacob, 110. Morning-glory, 54. Morong, Dr. Thomas, 60. INDEX. Morren, 149. Mourriére, M., 175. Mulberry, Teas’, 109. Multiple hybrids, 246, 247. Munson, Professor, 58. Monson, TV, (9, 2i1, Musa, bud-variety, 194, Muskmelon pollination, 85, Myrtle, bud-variety, 195, Nanz & Neuner, 170. Narcissus, crosses, 220, 225, 236. Natal variations, 15. Natural selection, 32, 51. Naudin, 216, 229, 248. Nectarine, origin of, 118, 178. Nepenthes, crosses, 220. Nicotiana, crosses, 72, 217, 219, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 233, 234, 237, 238, 239, 241, 248, 244, 245, 246, 250. Nicotiana pollinations, 85, 86. Nuphar, crosses, 226, Nymphea, crosses, 218, 225, 227, 231, 234, 250. ; Odoriferous varieties, 147. (nothera, crosses, 219, 239, (nothera Drummondii, dwarfs, 144. Oger, Pierre, 166. Olea ilicifolia, 195. Opuntia, bud-variety, 195, Orange, bud-variety, 195. Orchide, crosses, 229, 233, 235. Orchids, hybrids, 79. Orontium, sport, 195. Osmanthus, sport, 195, Ovary, 255, 263. Palmer, Asa, 139. Pansy, 146. Papaver, crosses, 218, 224, 226, 229, 231, 237. Papayer, forms of, 151. Paré, M., 160. Parents, influence of, 81, 217. Passiflora, crosses, 220, 226, 229, 235, 250. Peach, bud-variation in, 118, 178, 196. Peach, hybrids, 47. Peaches, races of, 91. 291 Pear, bud-varieties, 174, 197, Pears, hybrid, 66, 79, 111. Pears, variation in, 99. Peas, viney, 16. Pelargonium, crosses, 218, 220, 229, 280, 233, 234, 237, 245, 246, 247. Pelargonium, sports in, 198. Peloric varieties, 152. Pentstemon, crosses, 241, Pepino pollinations, 86, Pepino, variation in, 95. Pepper, red, pollination, 85. Peppers, variation in, 96, Persica, 196, Petal, 253. Petunia, crosses, 218, 240, 241, 251. Petunia pollinations, 85, 86. Phalaris, sports, 198. Phaseolus, crosses, 228, 288, 241, Phlox, bud-varieties, 199. Phragmites, bud-varieties, 199. Physalis, 60, Physalis, variation in, 96. Picea, bud-variety, 199. Pink, 156, 160. Pinus, bud-varieties, 199. Pinus, crosses, 226, Pistil, 255. Pisum, crosses, 223, 238. Pittosporum, sport, 200. Plant-breeding, 91. Pliny, 131, Plum, hybrids, 47, 112. Plum, sports of, 172. Plums, Japanese, 27. Podocarpus, 155, 183. Pollen, 254, 264. Pollinating kit, 277, 278. Pollination, 252. Pollination, uncertainties of, 83. Polymorphous varieties, 153. Polytypic genera, 97. Populus, bud-variety, 200. Populus, crosses, 222. Position, advantage of, 22. Post-natal variations, 15. Potamogeton, crosses, 227. Potato, 37, 117. Potato and tomato, 95. Potato, bud-varieties, 201, 209. 292 Potato, seedlessness, 99. Precocious varieties, 146. Primula, crosses, 2389, 240, 241. Progeny of crosses, 237. Proliferous varieties, 150. Propagation, asexual, 7. Pruning, 23. Prunus, bud-variety, 205. Prunus, crosses, 229, 239. Pumpkin, crossing, 46, 58, 74, 82. Pyrus, crosses, 229, 239. Quercus, crosses, 226, 229, 289. Quince, pollinated, 276. Races in fruits, 90. Radish pollinations, 85. Raphanus Raphanistrum, 116, 231. Raphanus sativus, 231. Raspberry, flowering, 260. Raspberry, hybrids, 79, 111. Representative species, 66. Retinosporas, 156. Rheum, bud-variety, 206. Rhododendron, crosses, 145, 218, 222, 225, 226, 229, 230, 239, 245, 246, 247, Ribes, bud-varieties, 206. Ribes, crosses, 230, 233. Robinia, bud-varieties, 206. Rogue, 89, 127. Rosa, 161. Rose, bud-varieties in, 118, 161, 207. Roses, crosses. 233, 247. Rubus, crosses, 227, 230, 232, 234. Rubus odoratus, 260. Running out of varieties, 36, 125. Russia, fruits from, 27, 90, 133. Rye, hybrids, 79. Salix, bud-variety, 208. Salix, crosses, 219, 225, 226, 227, 229, 231, 234, 239, 244, 245, 246, 247. Salter, 119. Salvia, crosses, 223. Sambucus, sports, 208. Satyrium hircinum, 148. Scabiosa atropurpurea, dwarfs, 145. Scalpel for pollinating, 270. Schizanthus retusus, dwarfs, 145. Scissors for pollinating, 270. INDEX. Secondary crosses, 288. Seed, change of, 28, 59. Seeds, colors of, 104. Seeds, early, 147. Seeds, immature, 103, 147. Seeds, large and small, 101. Selection and progress, 120, 122, 127. Selection, natural, 32, 51. Self-fertilization, effects of, 54. Senecio cruentus, dwarfs, 144. Sepal, 253. Seven-eighths hybrids, 248. Sex and variation, 11, 48. Silene, crosses, 234. Sinningia, crosses, 231. Solanum, bud-varieties, 209. Solanum, variations in, 95. Spencer, 61. Spirea, bud-varieties, 209. Sports, 22, 28, 37, 153. Sprengel, 54. Squash, crosses, 58, 74, 82. Squash flowers, 261. Squash, Hubbard, 46. Stamens, 254. Stigma, 255. Strawberry, Wilson, 125. Struggle for life, 20, 29, 39. Sturtevant, 103. Style, 255. Sugar-cane, varieties, 175. Survival of the fittest, 32, 39. Swamping effects of inter-crossing, 46. Sweet, 247. Symphoricarpus, sport. 209. Symphytum, bud-varieties, 209. Synchronistic variations, 117. Tagetes, dwarfs, 145. Teas, 109. Teleology of hybrids, 236. Thinning, 28. Three-fourths hybrids, 243. Thuyopsis, sport, 209. Tillage and food supply, 17, 22. Timbal-Lagrave, 217. Toad-flax, 152. Tobacco flowers, 266. Tobacco pollinations, 86. Tomato and potato, 95. INDEX. Tomato, crosses, 58. Tomato, Ignotum, 123. Tomato, pollinated, 276. Tomato pollinations, 85. Tomato, Trophy, 37. Tomato, variation in, 98. Tomatoes, breeding, 103. Tragopogon, crosses, 288. Triple hybrids, 244. Tropxolum, crosses, 222, 226. Ulmus, bud-variety, 209. Ulmus, crosses, 226. Variability, variation in, 25. Variation and environment, 12. Variation caused by sex, 11, 48. Variation, fortuitous, 9. Variation, philosophy of, 1. Variations, choice of, 31. Variations, fixation of, 31. Variations, natal and post-natal, 15. Variations, origin of, 8, 41. [157. Variegation, perpetuating, 120, 149, Varieties, running out, 36, 125. Variety, what is a, 35. - Verbascum, crosses, 219, 221, 222, 228, 224, 226, 229, 285, 239, 250. 293 Verdier, Victor, 167. Verlot, 121, 148. Veronica, crosses, 233, 239. Viburnum, sports, 209. Vilmorin, 152. Vilmorin, Henri 142. Vilmorin, Louis Levyéque de, 106. Vine, bud-varieties, 174, 210. Viola, bud-variety, 210. Viola, crosses, 229, 231. Vitis, crosses, 229, 239, 245, 246. L. de, 100, 108, Walker, Ernest, 120, 169. Wallace, 47, 60, 67. Watermelon pollination, 85. Weismann, 13, 14. Wheat, hybrids, 79. Wichura, 216, 246. Wier, D. B., 109. Wigandia, sport, 215. Willdenow, 152. Yucca, variation, 176. Zinnia, crosses, 241. Zinnia, flowers, 268, NEW EDITION. The Horticulturist’s Rule-Book. A COMPENDIUM OF USEFUL INFORMATION FOR FRUIT- GROWERS, TRUCK-GARDENERS, FLORISTS, AND OTHERS. By L. H. BAILEY, PROFESSOR OF HORTICULTURE IN THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Third Edition, Thoroughly Revised and Recast, with Many Additions. I2mo. 302 pages. Limp Cloth. 75 cents. This volume is the only attempt ever made in this country to codify and condense all the scattered rules, practices, recipes, figures, and histories relating to horticul- tural practice, in its broadest sense. It is much condensed, so that its three hundred pages comprise many thousand facts, the greater part of which the busy man would never possess if he were obliged to search them out in the voluminous literature of recent years. All the approved methods of fighting insects and plant diseases used and discovered by all the experiment stations are set forth in shape for instant refer- ence. This feature alone is worth the making of the book. 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