"D n \> **•<» r 4- ft Vf«7 Y X. ?cS PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF TRINIDAD. Part YL] [June 1809. RANUNCULACE^E. NAEAYELIA Zeylanica, DC. Coylon. CLEMATIS Caripensis, Kunth. Western Tropics. DILLENIACE^E. DILLENIA speciosa, Thanh. India. ' ,, scaberella, Roxb. Assam. TETEACEEA ovalifolia, DC. Trinidad, Venezuela. 1UYILLA rugosa; Poir. W. Indies (Trinidad), :iana. /» ?7S 11 11 2.32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. CUBATELLA Americana, L. Western Tropics, MAGNOLIACEJE. MAGNOLIA grandiflora, L. North America. ferruginea, Andre. North America. sphenocarpa, Roxb. Bengal. TALAUMA pumila, Andr. Arnboyna, MICHELIA Champaca, L. Tropical Asia. SCHIZANDREJE. KADSUBA Eoxburghiana, Arnott. Silhet,Trop. Himalayas SPHiEROSTEMA grandiflora, Blame. Temp. Himalayas. AXONACE^E. ANONA muricata, L. W. Indies, Tropical South America. TV. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad). TV. Indies (Trinidad), Tropical S. America. . Mexico to New Grenada. Jamaica, Tropical America. Mexico, Trinidad, St. Vin- cent, multiflora, Splih. Trinidad, Trop. S.America. CAN ANGA odorata, Jloolc. Java. ANAXOG011A acuminata, St.IIil. Trinidad, Guiana. UNONA discolor, Vahl. India. ,, la3vigata, Wall. China. ,, ,, macropetala, Java. ARTABOTRYS odoratissimus, R. Br. Ceylon, Java, QUATTERIA suberosa, Dtimal S. India, Ceylon. 11 reticulata, L< 11 squamosa, L. 11 palustris, L. 11 Cherimolia, Mill. 11 laurifolia, Don. EOLLINIA Sieberi, A.LC. 11 I AXTS IN THE I'.OYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. XYLOPIA frutescens, Aull. W. Indies (Trinidad). MONODOEA grandiflora, Bentli. Guinea. MILLUISIA montana, Card. S. India, Ceylon. GONIOTHALAMUS Gardner ii. India. MENISPERMACE.E. COCCULUS Domingensis, DC. W. Indies (Trinidad^ Tropical S. America. ,, palmatus, Bvcsne. TIL1ACOEA acuminata, Miers. Trop. India, Ceylon, Java. ANAMIBTA Cocculus, W.&A. India, Ceylon, Malayan Isles. CISSAMPELOS Periera, L. All Tropical Countries. BERBERIDE.E. BEEBEEIS omarginata, North Asia. NELUMBIACE.E. NELUMBIUM speciosum, Wild. Asia, Tropical Australia. ,, luteum, Wild. Trop. S.America, Jamaica. NYMPIIACEJE. YICTOEIA regia, Lindl. Amazon. EURYALE ferox, Salisb. Bengal, China. NYMPHS A ampla, DC. W. Indies, Mexico to Brazil. ,, elegans, Mexico. ,, gigantea, Hook. Australia. ,, rubra, India. ,, dentata, Sierra Leone. PAPAYERACEJS. AEGEMONE Mexicana, Z. Tropical Asia & America. 254 PROCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION- CRUCIFERE^E.. CHEIBANTHUS Cheiri, Z. Europe. AUBEEITlA gracilis, Spruce. IBEEIS umbellata, Z. BBASSICA oleracea, Z. SINAPIS alba, Z. ,, brassicata, Z. BAPHANUS sativus, Z. LEPIDIUM Yirginicum, Z. South Europe. South Europe. South Europe. South Europe. Tropics. South Europe. North America, and W. Indies. CAPPARIDEJE. CLEOME pentaphylla, DC. Tropics. speciosa, Kunth, pun gens, Wild. CBAT^EYA gynandra, Z. ,, Boxburghii, Br. CAPPABIS Jainaicensis, Jacq. )> ■>} Western Tropics. Western Tropics. W. Indies (Trinidad). f> >» n )) ?> >> W. Indies (Trinidad), vars. a & b, Grise.- cynophallophora, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad), verrucosa, Jacq. W. Indies (Trinidad), frondosa, Jacq. W. Indies (Trinidad), horrida, Z. India, Ceylon. STEBIPHOMA elliptica, Spruce. Trinidad, Cuniana. RESEDACE.E. BESEDA odorata, Z. Shores of the Mediterra- nean. POLYGALACE.E. POLYOALA Timoutou, AM. W. Indies (Trinidad). „ longicaulis, Kunth. W. Indies (Trinidad). PLANTS IN THE ROYAI BOTANICAL GABJDEBTS. 255 POLYGALA variabilis, Kunth. W. Indies (Trinidad). „ Americana, Mill. W. Indies (Trinidad). CATACOMA lucida, Benth. Trinidad,Trop.S.America, SECUEIDACCA volubile, Z. Jamaica, Trinidad. PITTOSPORACE.E. PITTOSPOEUM undulatum, N. S. Wales-. ,, Tobira, Japan. ,, crassifolium, New Zealand. VIOLARIEJE. YIOLA odorata, Z. Europe. ,, tricolor, Z. Europe. BIXACEiE. BIXA orellana, Z. Western Tropics. FLACOUETIA Eainontchii, Her it. India. prunifolia, II. B. India. cataphracta, Rox. India. sepiaria, Rox. India. SAMYDE^E. CASEAEIA sylvatica, Swartz. W. Indies (Trinidad). serrulata, Smartz. W. Indies (Trinidad). parviflora, Wild. W. Indies (Trinidad). GUIDONIA spinescens, Grise. Cuba, Trinidad, Guiana. CARYOPHYLLACE^. DIANTHUS Ohinensis, Z. China. ,, Hedwegii, Levant. ,, ,, laciniatus, ,, earyophyllus, Europe. 256 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION, DEYMAEIA cordata, Wild. Tropics. PORTULACACEJE. LTULi LCA oleracea, L. Tropics, and Temperate Zones. )> pilosa, L. Mexico to Brazil. >» Gilliesii, Mendoza. rOETULACAHIA afra, Jacq. Cape Good Hope; MALVACEAE. ALTHEA sinensis, Car. China. ,, ,, flore plena, MALYASTEIJMspicatum,6Wsr.W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, tricuspidatum, Grise. W. Indies (Trinidad). SID A carpiniifolia, L. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, rliombifolia, L. \ ,, ,, vars. a & b, [ Most Tropical Countries. Grise. J ,, urens, L. W. Indies, "West Africa, Madagascar. ,, cordifolia, I. Tropics. ABUTILON periplocifolium, G. Bon. Western Tropics. ,, lndicum, G. Bon. Western Tropics. ,, striatum, Dick. Brazil. ,, molle, G. Bon. Peru. ,, atropurpureum, E. Indies. BASTARDIA viscosa, II. B. West Africa. MALAOHRA capitata, L. Western Tropics, Tropical Africa. ,, palmata, Michx. Cuba, Trinidad. ELAKTS IX THE EOYAL BOTAXICAL GABDEX3. 2-3 7 MALACHRA radiata, L. Western Tropics. UltEXA lobata, Z. Tropics. ,, sinuata, Z. Tropics. BAVONIA bracteosa, Benth. Trinidad, Guiana. typhceleoides, Kuntn. Trinidad, Trop. 8. America, racemosa, Swariz. Western Tropics. MALYAYISCUS arboreus, Car. Jamaica, Bahamas. ,, mollis, DC. Mexico. ABEL MO SCII US moschatus, 3Iichx. Central America. ,, esculentus, W.A. W. Indies, Guiana. IIIBISCUS trilobus, Car. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, Canabinus, Z. India. ,, Sabdarrffa, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, fragilis, Z. India, Bourbon. Lampas, Car. India, Ceylon, Java. Lindleyana, Wall. Tavoy. fastigiatus, India. t;dipiflorus, Hook. Dominica, Trinidad, Ilosa-sinensis, Z. China, India. ,, var. flava-plena. ,, ,, ,, rubra plena. ., ,, ,, variegata. Indicus. populifolius, Bon. India, liliiilorus, China. 5) >> ,, callosus, Blame, Java. ,, tricuspis, Cav. India, Society Isles. 5) grandiflorus, Michx. India, phoeniceus, Jacq. W. Indies, Yenezuela. GrOSSYPITJM barbadense, Z. W.Indies, Trop. S.America. 258 PBOCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. OOSSYPIUM herbaceum, Z. W. Indies, Tropical S. America. PAEITIUM tiliaceum, Adr. Juss. Tropical Seashores. ,, elatum, Bon. Tropical South America. THESPESIA populnea, Corr. Society Islands. BYTTNERIACE.E. OUAZUMA tomentosa, Kunth. Western Tropics. j, ulmifolia, Lam. W. Indies (Trinidad). TIIEOBEOMA Cacao, Z. Yenezuela. HEEEAjSTA albiflora, Yenezuela, ABE01IA fastuosa, II. Br. Timor, Australia. ,, augusta, L.f. India, Moluccas. EYTTKEEIA scabra, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). KLEINIIOYIA hospita, Z. India. DOMBEYA mollis, Hook. South Africa. ,, Mastersii, Hook. West Africa. KYDIA calycina, Rox. India. EUIZIA variabilis, Bourbon. ERIOLiENAHookeriana, W.etA. South India. YISENIA velntina, Voigt. Java, Mauritius. rTEEOSFEEMUM acerifolium, Wild. India. j, semisagittatum, Ham. Assam. STERCULIACEiE. ADAXSOXTA Agitata, Z. West Africa. . . . caud: 259- '.' SjTfop.S.America. Ja n >> China. India, Ceylon, Java, Bengal. Now Grenada. PACHIRA hi. ,, Javanica, [ODEKDEON anfractuosum,!). C Western Tropics. DURIO zebetliinus, Rumj. ' . India. OCHROMA lagopus, Swarts. W. Indies (Trinidad). HELICTE11E3 Jamaicen. 1 r. A .*. Indies. baruensis, Jaeq. V7. Indies (Trinidad). ▼irgata, W HERITIERA littoralis, Ait ,, minor, Lam. MATISIA eordata, II. B. STE11CULIA Oartliaginens's, CV«\New Grenada. caribeea, R. Br. W. Indies (Trinidad)., faotida, L. India, Ceylon, sp. East Indies. COLA acuminata, R. Br. Tropical Africa. tiliaci: . : TRIU:.IFETTA Lappula, L. W. Indies (Trinidad macrophylla, VdHl. Trinidad, Guiana. semitriloba, L. Tropics. SPAEMANN1A Africana, L. CORCHORUS olitorius, L. >) »» MUNTIXGIA Calabura, L. APEILA Tibourbou, Auhl. ulmifolia, JI. B. Petoiimou, Auhl. SLOAXEA. Madagascariensis, Senemariensis, Auhl. )} >y Africa. India. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Orinoco. Trinidad, Venezuela. Madagascar. >j 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION.. GEEWIA maior, Juss. India. ,, sepiaria, JZox\ Bengal. EEERYA amonilla, Box. S. India, Ceylon=, TERNSTROEMIACE^E. CAMELLIA Japonica, L, China, Japan. THEA viridis, L. China. ,, ,, var. erecta, Xorth India. GUTTIFERJE. QUIXA Creugeriana, Grise. Trinidad. ,, Guianensis, Aubl. Trinidad, Guiana.. TOVOMITA Amazonica, Walp. Trinidad to Brazil. CLTJSIA rosea, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, flava, L. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, sp. St. Lucia. MOBOXOBEA coccinea, Aull. W. Indies (Trinidad), Tropical S. America. MAMMEA Americana, Z. W. Indies, Venezuela. ,, humilis, V. "Western Tropics. CALOPHTLLUM Calaba, Jacq. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, inophylluui, Z. Ceylon, India. GAECIXIA Mangostana, Z. Malayan Peninsula and Islands. ,, Gambogia, Desrous. South India, Ceylon. ,, Livistonii, India? ,, cornea, L. Malayan Peninsula and Islands. XANTHOCHYMUS ovalifolius, Rqx. Ceylon. ,, pictorius, Rox. South India, Ceylon. PLANTS IX THE ROYAI BOTANICAL GARDENS. 251 MESUA ferrea, L. South India, Ceylon. MARCGRAYIACE.E. NOKANTEA Guianensis, Wild. Trinidad, Guiana. RUYSCIIIA Souroubea, Wild. Trinidad, Guiana. MAECGRAVIA umbellata, L. W. Indies (Trinidad), Venezuela. HYPERICINE.E. MARILA racomosa, Swartz. TV. Indies (Trinidad). VISMIA ferruginea, Kunth. TV. Indies (Trinidad). ,, Cayennensis, Pers. TV. Indies (Trinidad). HYPERICUM Japonicum, TJmnb. Japan. AXCISTllOLOBUS carneus, Wall. China. RHIZOBOLE.E. CARYOCAR nuciferm, L. Guiana. ,, butyrosum, Wild. Guiana. ,, glabrum, Pers. Guiana. SAPIXDACE.E. CARDIOSPERMUM Helicacaburn, L. Tropical Asia. ,, microcarpum, Kunth. Tropics. SERJANIA paucidentata, DC. Trinidad, Guiana. PAULLINIA pinnata, L. Tropics. ,, vespertilio, Sicartz. TV. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. CUPANIA Americana, L. TV. Indies (Trinidad), Tropical America. BLIGHIA sapida, Kan. Western Africa. SAPINDUS Saponaria, L. TV. Indies (Trinidad), Tropical America. 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION* SAPINDUS Indicus, Poir. India. ,, ernargitiatus, Vald. India, Ceylon. ,, fruticosus, Rox. Moluccas. ,, sp. Bengal. -NEPHELIUM Litchi, W.et-A. China. ,, Mora, China, Japan. „ erectum, India. „ sp. MELICOCCA Lijuga, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). HYPELATE trifoliata, Sw. Trinidad, Guiana. DODONEA viscosa, Z. Tropics. EELICIUM decipiens, Thivaitcs. Ceylon. UEVILLEA ferruginea, H.B.K. MALPIGHIACE2E. BYESONIMA spicata, Rich. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, crassifolia, Kunth. W. Indies (Trinidad). BUNCHOSIA polystachya, DC. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, sp. Trinidad. MALPIGHIA glabra, Z. W. Indies, Tropical South America. ,, coccigera, Z. W. Indies. ,, urens, Z. W. Indies. ,. punicifolia, Z. W. Indies. STIGMAPIIYLLUM diversi- folium, Tuss. W. Indies (Trinidad). IIETEEOPTEEIS macrosta- chya, Tuss. W. Indies (Trinidad). ERYTIII YLE^]. EEYTHEOXYLONovatum^-.W. Indies (Trinidad). Co — Brazil, Peru. ■SJ PLANTS IN TII£ ROYS L BOTAiNICAL GARDENS. - OLACIXE.E. XIMENIA Americana, L. W. Indies, Tropical Airl- and India. MELIOIDE.E. MELIA sempervirens, L. Tropics. ,, Azadaraehta, L. Tropics. TEICHILIA hirta, L. W. Indies (Trinidad), New Grenada. PnOLACILIATrn is, Grin. Trinidad. ,, diversifolia, 0' n.se. Trinidad, Dominica. MOSCHOXYLON Swartzii, Ju*s.\V. Indies (Trinidad). CARAPA Guianensis, Avid. Trinidad, Tropical South America, Senegambia. Trinidad. W, Indies (Trinidad), Tropical South America. Honduras, Jamaica. »» sp. CEDKELA odorata, L. SWEITEN1A Mahogani, L. AURAXTIACK.i:. TRIPHRASIA trifoliata, DC. China. LIMONIA acidiseima, L. MURRYA exotica, L. 13ERGERA Kcenigii, L. COOKIA punctata, Iietz. EERONIA elephantum, Corv. iEGLE Marmelos, Corv. CITRUS decumana, L. Medica, L. limonum, L. » 5) J> India. India, Ceylon. South India, Ceylon. China. India, Ceylou. India, Ceylon. Moluccas. Asia. Asia. )) var. Brazilian Lemon. 26 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. CITHUS limetta, L. Asia. liinetta vars. St. Michaels*, „ ,, Bengal. ,, ,, Persian, aurantium, Hiss. Asia, vars. Sweet Seville. Prolific. Navel. Silver. Maltese blood-orange, nobilis, II. R. ,, minor, hystrix, DC. India. AMPELIDEiE. M >> ii )> ii it >i it it it it >i a it it >» a ti a a CISSUS discolor, Blume. quadrangulare, Z. sicyoides, L. a a a a a a rliombifolia, V. trifoliata, L. sp. sp. VITIS caribcea, DC. Java. Cape Good Hope. W. Indies (Trinidad), Tropical America. Trinidad. W. Indies (Trinidad), New Grenada. Trinidad. Singapore. W. Indies (Trinidad), Tropical America. it it >> tt vinifera, L. vars. Muscadine. Black Ilambro. a a a a a LEEA coccinea, Muscat of Alexandria. India. PLANTS IN THE IiOYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. 265 LEEA hirta, Banks. ,, sanguinea, ,, sainbuciaa, Wild. ,, horrida, Bengal. Bengal. India. Sandwich Islands, India. GERANIACE^E. PELAEGONIUM cuspidatum, Ait. Cape Good Hope. crithmifolium, Sm. graveolens, Ait. cucullatum, Ait. Cape Good Hope, zonale, Ait. Cape Good Hope. ,, varieties. inquinans, Ait. Cape Good Hope, varieties. >> OXALIDK/::. OXALIS Marti an a, Luce. corniculata, L. >> j> Barrelierii, Jacq. D pleuperi folia, AYEEEHOA Bilimbi, L. Carambola, L. 3> Western Tropics. Tropical and most Tem- perate Regions. Panama to Brazil (Tri- nidad). Sandwich Islands. India, China. India, China. BALS AMINES. IMPATIENS latifolia, Hook. India. ,, Lalsaminia, Hurt. India. TROPEOLE.E. TEOPEOLUM majus, L. Peru. 266 PROCEEDINGS 01? THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION-.. TKOPEOLmi sp. Venezuela. ZYGOPHYLLACEiS. ZYGOPHYLLUM sp. Trinidad. GUAIACUM ofEcinale, L. Cuba to Venezuela (Tri- nidad). POJTE2E. LEMONIA spectabilis, Lindl. India. ESENBECKIA attenuata, Grise. Trinidad.. ,, castanocarpa, Grise. Trinidad. METHODOHEA atropurpurea, SLHil Brazil. KUTA graveolens, L. South Europe. ZANTHOXYLACE.E. ZANTEOXYLOX clava-herculis, L. W. Indies (TrinidadV ,, aromaticum, Wild. W. Indies (Trinidad).. SIMARUBEJS. SIMABA Cedron, Aubl. New Grenada. QUASSIA amara, Z. /. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana, Venezuela. SrATHELIA simplex, L. Jamaica. OCIINACE^E. GOMPHIA nitida, Swarte. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, Guianensis, Mich. Guiana, Trinidad. OCIINA squarrosa, Z. South India, Ceylon. ,, atropurpurea, Decsne. Cape Good Hope. AMYRIDEJE. BALSAMODENDEON corticosum, India. PLANTS DT TIIE EOTAX BOTAXICAL GAEDEN9. 2 67 IOIOA heptaphylla, Aubl. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. BUBSEBA gumniifera, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. HEDWIGIAbalsamifera, Swartz.W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. CANARIUM commune, Z. Moluccas. AMYRIS bi ra, Z. Jamaica, Trinidad, Ve- nezuela. ,, maritima, Jacq. Trinidad, Cuba. ,, eylvatica, Jacq. Tropics. AXACARDIACE.E. COMOCLADIA, ilicifolia, Swartz. St. Kitts, Antigua. A8TRONIUM obliquum, Grise. Trinidad. MANGIFEKA Indica, L. India. „ ,, vars. Great Malda. ,, ,, Small Malda. ,, ,, Gordon. ,, ,, Martinique Peters. Strawberry. Sierra Leone. ANACAEDIUM occidentale, Z. Western Tropics, SEMECARPUS anacardium, Z. Coromandel. BPONDIAS lutea, Z. Western Tropics. „ purpurea, Z. Jamaica, New Grenada. ,, dulcis, Forst. Society Islands. ,, emarginata, India. „ ep. Bengal. 268 PROCEEDINGS OP TSE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION, LEGUMINOSiE. CEOTALAEIA stipularis, Desv. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, retusa, L. W. Indies (Trinidad). HYMENOCAEPUS inebrians. INDIGOFEEA violacea, j) jy !) hirsuta, Z. tinctora, L. Anil, L. Saundersii, viscosa, L. TEPHEOSIA toxicaria, Pers. ,, Candida, D. C. SABIKEA carinata, Grise. COURSETIA arborea, Grise. SESBANIA occidentalis, Pcrs. AGATI grandiflora, Desv. ,, coccinea, Desv. PISUM sativum, L. AEACHIS hypogsea, L. PICTETIA squamata, Poir. ZOENIA diphylla, Pers. India. E. Indies, Naturalized in Western Tropics. India. India, Naturalized in Western Tropics. South Africa. W. Indies (Trinidad). Mexico to Brazil. India. W. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad). E. Indies. E. Indies, S. Europe, Tropics. Brazil. Tropics. ^ESCHYKOMEXE Braziliana, D. C. Western Tropics. ASLYICAEPUS vaginalis, D. C. E. Indies. LOUEEA vespertilionis, Desv. India. ,, sp. Australia. DESMODIUM gangeticum, DC. Tropical Asia. PLANTS IX THE EOY.il BOTANICAL GARDENS. 2C3 M DESMODIUM latifolium, DC. gyrans, DC. gyroides, DC. barbatum, Benth. trillorum, DC. ascendens, DC. axillare, DC. ecopiuris, Desv. ,, 6pirale, DC. CLITOEIA Ternatea, L. glycinoides, DC. arborescens, Ait. CENTKOSEMA Huinieri, Benth. virginianum, Benth. Braziliensis, STEXOLOBIU^Icsoruleum, Benth. GALACTIA filiformis, Benth. DIOCLE.: violacea, Benth. ,, Guianensis, Benth. CANAYALIA obtusifolia, DC. ,, altissima, DC. MUCUNA pruriens, DC. ,, altissima, DC. ,, ureus, DC. ERYTHEIXA corrallodendron, L. umbrosa, L. velutina, Wild. ovalifolia, Roxh. monosperma, Lam. a >> 99 Tropical Asia. Eastern Tropica. E. Indies. Western Tropics. "Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Tropics. Western Tropics. Trinidad, Guiana. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Trinidad, Brazil. Western Tropics. Trinidad. Trinidad, Guiana. Trinidad, Guiana. Tropics. Jamaica, Trinidad. Tropics. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. W. Indies, Venezuela. Trinidad, Jamaica. Ceylon. Java, Sandwich Islands. 570 PROCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. ERYTHRINA caffra, Thumb. North Africa. ,, herbacea, L. ? BUTEA frondosa, Roxb. India, Ceylon. PHASEOLUS semierectus, L. Tropics. ,, lunatus, L. Tropics. }J lasiocarpus, Mart. Trinidad, Trop. South America. YIGNA luteola, Benth. Western Tropics. ,, vexillata, Rich. Tropics. DOLICHOS lablab, L. Tropics. ,, lignosus, L. Tropics. PACHYRRHIZTTSangulatus, Rich. Tropics. CAJANUS Indicus, Spreng. India. ERIOSEMA violacea, Mey. Trinidad, Guiana. BHYNCHOSIA minima, DC. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, pliasioloides,DC. W. Indies (Trinidad). PLEMINGIA strobolifera, 7?. Br. India. ,, semialata, Roxb. India. ABRITS precatorius, L. Tropical Asia, "W. Indies. HECASTOPHYLLIDI Brownii, Pers. Tropics. ,, monetaria, DC. Western Tropics. PTEROOARPUS Rohrii, Mey. Western Tropics. ,, dalbergioides, Roxb. Adam an Islands. Marsupiam, Roxb. South India. Draco, L. Trinidad, Trop. South America. CENTROLOBmMParceanum,2EZJ. Guiana, Trinidad. DREPANO CARPUS lunatus, Mey. Western Tropics. PLANTS IN THE EOYAL BOTANICAL GAUD ENS. 271 MACHJERIUMrobinifoliuni, Vog. Western Tropics. LOKCHOCABPUSlatifoKu8,ir«wa. Western Tropica. ,, Bericeus, JTunt h. Western Tropics. ,, violaceus, Kit nth. Western Tropics. rLATYMISCITDI platystachyum, Benth. Trinidad, Guiana. P1SCIDIA erythrina, L. Western Tropics. ANDIRA inermis, Kunth. W. Tropics, Senegambia. ,, sp. Trinidad. DIPTEEYX odorata, Wild. Guiana, Venezuela. ,, sp. Venezuela. SOPITORA tomentosa, L. Tropics. OHMO^IA dasvcarpa, Jacks. W. Indies. DIPLOTROPISbrachypetala, Fid. W. Indies, T.S.America. M I HO SPEEMUM frutescens, Jacq. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, peruiferum, D C. Peru. HiEMATOXYLOX Campeachia- num, L. Yucatan, Jamaica. PAPKIXSOXIA aculeata, L. W. Indies. POIXCIAXA regia, Bty. Madagascar. ,, pulcherrima, L. Tropics. ,, Gilliesii, ITooIc. Chili. CGULTEPIA Guianensis, Guiana. CJSSALPINIA Sappan, L. India. ,, sepiaria, Roxb. India. ,, paniculata, Desf. India. ,, paucijuga, Beuth. Venezuela. ,, ferruginea, India. LEBIDIBIA coriaria, Schlect. W. Indies, Tr. S. America. 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. COLVILLEA racemosa, Boj. CASSIA fistula, L. ,, baccillaris, L. ,, viminea L. ,, grandis, L. ,, epectabilis, DC. 5, multijuga, R. ,, occidentalis, L. ,, glandulosa, Vogt. ,, obtusifolia, L. ,, glauca, Lam. ,, patellaria, DC. SWARTZIA grandiflora, Wild. pinnata, Wild. ep. BKOWNEA Rosa, Berg. a a i7 latifolia, Jacq. grandiceps, Jacq. capitella, Jacq. „ sp. AMHERSTIA nobilis, Wall JONESIA Asoca, lloxh. ,, minor, Zoll. SCHOTTIA speciosa, Jacq. EPEEUA falcata, Auhl. TARIVOA grandiflora, Aull. TACHIGALIA bijuga, Auhl. TAMABINDUS Indicus, L. Madagascar. India, China. "W. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies, S. America. "W. Indies, Guiana. Tropics. W. Indies (Trinidad). Java. W. Indies (Trinidad). "Western Tropics. Trinidad, Tr. S. America. Trinidad, Guiana. Trinidad. Trinidad, St. Vincent, Venezuela. Trinidad, Venezuela. Venezuela. Venezuela. Venezuela. Bur m ah. S. India, Ceylon, Java. Java. South Africa. Guiana. Guiana. Guiana. Asia. PLANTS IN THE B0YAL BOTANICAL GABDEN3. 273 VOUAPA bifolia, Aull. Guiana. MACROLOHIUM multijugum, Venezuela. FELTOGYNE paniculata, Aubl. Guiana, Brazil. porphyrocardia, Grise. Trinidad, Guiana. >> HYMENiEA Courbaril, L. ,, verrucosa, CASPA"REA porrecta, Kunth. PIIAXERA purpurea, Benth. Vahlii, Benth. diphylla, Benth. BAUHINIA variegata, L. W. Indies, Tr. S. America. >> •>■) Jamaica, Trinidad. India, Ceylon, China. India. Burmah. E. Indies (Trinidad), megalandra, Grise. TV. Indies, Venezuela, ungula, Jacq. W. Indies, Venezuela. Eredemeyeri, Vog. Venezuela, Trinidad, ep. Trinidad, auguina, Roxh. Malaba, Sylhet. Mexicana, Mexico, Venezuela. Trinidad, Panama. Trinidad, Jamaica. Trinidad, St. Vincent, Venezuela. Trinidad. Trinidad, Guiana, Vene- zuela. S. India, Java, Sumatra. SCHNELLA excisa, Grise. PRIORIA copaifera, Grise. COPAIFERA officinalis, Jacq. „ ep. CRUDYA oblonga, Benth. CYNOMETRA cauliflora, L. DETARIU1I senegalense, Gmel. Venezuela. UORA excelsa, Benth. Trinidad, Guiana. GLEDITCHIA sp. Ceylon. PENTACLETHRA filamentosa, Smth. W. Indies (Trinidad). 274 PROCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. PABKIA Africana, R. Br. E. Africa. ENTADA polystachya, DC. W. Indies (Trinidad), Trop. S. America. ADENANTHEEA pavonina, Z. India. NEPTUNIA plena, Benth. Western Tropics. ,, oleracea, Lour. Tropics. DESMANTHUS virgatus, Wild, Tropics. MIMOSA pudica, Z. Tropics. asperata, L. Tropics. polydactyla, Humh. St. Vincent, Trinidad. ceratonia, L. floribunda, Wild. sp. a it >) H ii W. Indies (Trinidad). Trinidad. Trinidad. SOHRA!S"KIA brachycarpa, Benth. Trinidad, Tr. S. America. LEUOZENA glauca, Benth. ACACIA Catechu, Wild. tortuosa, Wild. Earnesiana, Wild. Arabica, Wild. leucophla3a, Wild. JuJibrissin, Wild. Lebbek, Wild, cornigera, Wild. eburnea, Wild. sarmentosa, Desv. macracantha, H. B. Lophanta, Wild. leptopliylla, DC. laurifolia, Wild. a a a a a a if a a a a it a it Tropics. India. Tropics. Tropics. India, Egypt & S. Africa. India, Burmah. Asia. E. Tropics. North Tropical America. India. Western Tropics. "Western Tropics. Australia. Brazil. N. S. Wales. cultriformis, A. Cunn. S. Australia. FLANT3 IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAI GAREEXS. 275 CALLIANDHA Portoricensis, Benth. Jamaica, Porto JRico* Creugerii, Grise Trinidad, Venezuela, tergemina, Benth. "W. Indies. Guildingii, Benth. St. Vincent, latifolia, Grise Trinidad, sp. sp. Mexico. Saman, Grise. Caracas, Nicaragua. ENTEILOLOBIUiM cyclocarpum, Grise. Jamaica, V< -la. PITHEOOLOBIUM unguiscati, Benth. W. Tropics. ,, oblongum, Benth. 7, Indies (Trinidad), Venezuela. IXGA laurina, Wild. T7. Indies (Trinidad), heteropliylla, Wild. Guiana, Trinidad, setifera, Benth. Trinidad, Brazil, vera, W\ W. Indies (Trinidad), ingoides, /■ W. Indies (Trinidad), purpurea, Benth. W. Indies, Venezuela, pulcherrima, P< Mexico. MORING-ACEiS. MOEIXGA pterygosperma, Gcertn. Tropical Asia. ROSACEA. ROSA microphylla, Box. China. rubiginosa, L. England, centifolia mucosa, Ser. South Europe. Indica, L. China. ,, Archduke Charles. ,, Cramoisie Superieure. ,, Pabvier. >> Gonda. 276 MOCEEDIJfGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION-. BOSA Indica, L. Lawrenceana. }> it L'Eblouissant. a si Louis Philippe. n a Mdme. Bosanquet. 11 ii President d'Olbeque. 11 it CEillet. 31 ii Vicomtesse d'Auberg 11 ii Old China. Si ,, odoratissima, Lindl. St a Adam. 31 it Aurora. It ii Adoration. }> ii Blanche. It ii Bougere. it ii Boutin d'Or. 11 it Caroline. Ii n Clothilde. 11 it Comte de Paris. tt it Comte Osrnunde. St it Devoniensis. St it Eliza Sauvage. St n Gloire de Dijon. it a Isabella Sprunt. 11 ii Lais. St it Lady of the Lake. it it Modeste. 11 it Mdme. Paul. it ii ,, William. 11 ti ,, Falcott. ft a ,, Villermoz. PLANTS INr THE EOTAL BOTANICAL GABDENS. 277 POSA I. odoratissima, Lindl. Mdme. Maurin. tt )> ,t Pauline Labonte. ,1 11 i, Lacharme. ii ii Mareckal Bugeaud. tt )i ii Niel. tt ,, Narcisse. ,, ,, Nepketos. ,, ,, Odorata. „ ,, President. ,, ,, Peine de Portugal. Souvenir d?un Ami. ,, i j Soplirano. Smithii. Sombreuil. n ii Trionrphe de Luxembourg. Vicomtesse de Gazes. Pourboniana. Acidalie. Armosa, ii ,, Catherine Guillot. Charles Duval. ,, Comte Bobrinsky. ii I, Dupetit Thouars. Edouard. Gloire de Eosemenes. ii ii Empress Eugenie. L'Avenir. La Peine Bourbon, Mdme. Breon. 37 tr ii Desprez, w tt it tt it it tt tt tt it tt n ft tt tt tt tt tt a a a tt tt a tt it ft it a tt a it tt a 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION, EOSA I. Bourboniana. llodele de Perfection. 33 33 Paul Joseph. 33 33 Princess Eoyal. 33 33 Prince Albert. 33 33 Prince Imperial 33 33 Souvenir de la Malniaison. 33 33 Vorace. 33 33 Noisettiana. 33 33 Amiee Yibert. 33 33 Caroline Marniesse. 33 33 Celine Porestier. 33 33 Cloth of Gold. 3) 33 Du Luxembourg. 3) 33 Pellenberg. 33 33 La Biche. 33 !3 Lamarque. 33 33 Mdme. Massot. 33 33 Miss Glegg. 33 33 Ophirie. 33 33 Solfaterre, 33 3) Triomphe de Eennes. 3) Portlandica perpotua. 33 33 Abd-el-lvader. 3> 33 Abraham Lincoln. 33 33 Achille Gonod. 33 33 Alex. Dumas. 33 33 Alfred de Eougeniont. 33 33 Andre Leroy. M 33 Am I bach. 3) 33 Antoino I I'lANTS IN THE EOYA.L BOTANICAL GARDENS. 2?i> ItOSA P. p8rpetua. Augusta If ie. Auguste Riviere. >> >» n >> j> u a )> 1) >> }> 5> 5) >> J) >> }) )> >f >) J) >> >> 5J >> >J 5) >> >> )) j) )) >> jj >) )> >! >> >) >> >> 5) Baron Hallez. Baronne de Pothchild. Baronne Prevost. Beauty of Waltham. Belle Normande. Cardinal Patrizzi. Caroline de Sansol. Charles Lefevre. Comte de Nanteuil. Deuil de Prince Albert. Dr. Andry. Dr. Marx. Due de Cazes. Duchesse de Cambaceres. Duchesse de Morney. Duke of Wellington. Empereur de Moroc. Francois Treyoe. Geant des Batailles. Grenl. Jacqueminot. „ ,, AVashington. George Paul. Gloire de Montplaisir. Jean Eosenkrantz. Ipswich Jem. J. G. Yeitch. „ ,, Jules Margotl >> )? La Briiiant. 280 PROCEEDINGS OF TKE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION ROSA P. perpetua. La Reine. Lady Suffield. >> j> 11 »» >> 11 11 1) 11 11 11 11 11 11 m ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii i) ii '> ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii u ii ii ii ii it ii ii ii ii ii ii if ii ii >) ii Leon des Combats. Lord Raglan. Louis Chaix. Mrs. Ward. Mdme. VerschafTelt. Mdme. Boll. Mdme. Campbell d'Islay. Mdme. Wood. Mdme. Clemence Joigneaux. Mdme. Domage. Mdme. Fillion. Mdme. Laffay. Mdme. Schmidt. Mdme. Rivers. Mdme. Rival. Mdme. V. Yerdier, Mdme. Yidot. Mdlle. Peyronny. Mdlle. Jean Marie. Maurice Bernardine. Mons. Boncenne. Mons. Norman. Mon Plaisir. Oderic Vital. Ornement des Jardins, Pauline Lansezeur. Pierre Notting. Tius Ninth. TXAXTS IN THE EOTAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. "ROSA P. perpetua. Prince Noir. ,, ,, Princess Alice. ,, ,, Princess Marie of Cambridge. ,, ,, Professor Koch. ,, ,, Peine de Yiolettes. ,, ,, Senateur Yaise. ,, ,, Sceur des Anges. ,, ,, Souvenir de Leveson Gower. „ ,, Souvenir de la Peine d'Angleterre. >> >> ,, ,, Thorin. Souvenir de la Peine des Beiges. Thorin. William Griffith. i} ,, "William Jesse. ,, ,, "William Paul. HUBUS Jamaicensis, Swartz. Jamaica. ,, sp. Martinique. P PAG API A vesca, var. Z. Europe. POTENTILLA sp. Sandwich Islands. SPIPiEA Peevesii — alba-plena. China. CYDOXIA sinensis, Tourne. China. EPIOBOTPYA. Japonica, Lindl. Japan. PYRTJS malus, var. Z. Britain. AMYGDALPS Persica, Z. Persia. PPPNPS occidentalis, Swartz. Jamaica, Trinidad. CHRYSOBALAITOS Icaco, Z. W. Indies(Trinidad), Tro- pical Africa & America. ,, pellocarpus, 2Iey. Trinidad, Guiana. EIPTELLA racemosa, Lam. Western Tropics. ,, paniculata, Sw. W. Indies, Guiana. triandra, Swartz. Cuba to Brazil, Trinidad. ?» 282 ML0CEEDI2TGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. LIC AM A pyrifolia, Grise. Trinidad. ,, r^poleuca, Benlh. Trinidad. PARINARI campestre, Anil. Guiana, Trinidad. MYRTACE^. BEAUFORTIAdecussata, R.Br. N. Holland. MELALEUCA Cajeputi, Herit. Amboyna. EUCALYPTUS corymbosus, Herit. Australia. ,, Globulus, Lai ill. Australia. METROSIDEROS vera, Rumph. India. ,, florida, Sm. New Zealand. PUNICA Granatum, L. Asia Minor, North Africa. ,, ,, var. flore pleno. CAHPOMANESIA aromatica, Grise. Trinidad, Venezuela. MARLIERIA elliptica, Grise. Trinidad. CALYPTRANTHESsericea, Grise. Trinidad. PSIDIIJM Guava, Radd. Western Tropics. ,, Cattleyanum, Saline. China, Brazil. ,, polycarpum, Lam. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. ,, Several improved varieties. MYRCIA multiflora, DC. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, splendens, DC. Western Tropics. MYRTUS communis, L. South Europe. ,, ,, mucronata, PIMENTA vulgaris, W.A. W. Indies ,, acris, W.A. Jamaica, Venezuela. SYZYGIUM Jambolanum, DC. Java, India. CARYOPHYLLUS aromaticus L. E. Indies. JOSSINIA buxiiblia, DC. Mauritius. PROCEEDINGS 01 THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. 283 EUGENIA Poirettii, DC. Trinidad, Hayti. ,, Surinamensis, Schat. Trinidad. ,, Gregii, DC. Dominica, Trinidad. ,, ligustrina, Wild. W. Indies. ,, ep. Trinidad. ,, rufescens, DC. JAMBOSA Aquea, Humph. E. Indies. ,, vulgaris, DC. E. Indies. ,, Malaccensis, DC. E. Indies. BARRINGTONIACEyE. BARRIXGTOXIA speciosa, L. India, Ceylon, Java. ,, acutangula, G'art. Ceylon, Moluccas. GTJSTAYIA augusta, L. Trinidad, Surinam, New Granada. GEIAS cauliflora, L. Jamaica. LECYTHIDACEJE. COUEATA&I sp. Trinidad, South America LECYTHIS Idatimon, Aubl. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, minor, Jacq. Brazil. ,, leevifolia, Grise. Trinidad. ,, 6p. Trinidad. BEETHOLETIA excelsa, U.B. Brazil. COUROUPITA Guianensis, Aubl. Trinidad, Guiana. MELASTOMACE^E. LOEEYA trinitensis, Creug. Jamaica, Trinidad, MEDINILLA magninca, Lindl. Formosa, Japan CYANOFHYLLUaI magnificum, Brazil 284 PLANTS IN THE EOTAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. CLIDENIA hirta, Don. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, spicata, DC. Western Tropics. „ Creugeriana, Grise. Trinidad. ,, latifolia, DC. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, rubra, Mart. Western Tropics. TSCHUDYA lanata, Grise. Trinidad, Dominica. ,, rufescens, DC. Trinidad, Brazil. HENRIETTA succosa, DC. Trinidad, America. DAVYA ciliata, DC. Trinidad. HETEROCENTRUM Mexicanum, Mexico. DIPLOCHITA parviflora, Benth. Trinidad. ,, tomentosa, Grise. Trinidad, Brazil. CONOSTEGIA subhirsuta, DC. Western Tropics. MICONIA Peruviana, DC. Western Tropics. ,, argyrophylla, DC. Western Tropics. ,, holosericea, DC. Western Tropics. „ prasina, DC. Western Tropics. ,, myriantha, Benth. Western Tropics. LYTHRARIEiE. CUPHEA Trinitatis, DC. St. Vincent, Trinidad. ,, platycentra, Lindl. Brazil. GRISLEA tomentosa, Box. India. ,, sp. India. LAWSONIA alba, Lam. Egypt, India. LAFCENSIA microphylla, Vaudl. Brazil. LAGERSTRCEMIA regina, Box. Ceylon, Malabar. ,, Indica, L India, Java. ONAGRARIE.E. JUSSLEA variabilis, ITey. Western Tropics. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. 285 JUSSIiEA suffruticosa, Z. Tropics. ,, liirta, Vaudl. "Western Tropics. (ENOTHERA procumbens, Z. Brazil. COMBRETACEiE. BTJCIDA Buceras, Z. TEEMINALIA Catappa, Z. Belerica, Rox. W. In" >s (Trinidad). South Europe, Tropical Asia, Africa, Naturaliz- ed in Western Tropics. India, Ceylon. Mauri tiana, discolor, Mauritius. Fatrcea, DC. Madagascar. laurina, sp. PENTAPTERA coriacoa, Rox. CHUNCOA obovata, Foir. sp. CONOCARPUS eroctus, Z. Mauritius. Trinidad. South. India. W. Indies (Triuidad). Trinidad. W. Indies (Trinidad). LAGUNCULARIA racemosa, G. Western Tropics, Africa. COMBRETUM laxum, Lcefl. u eriopetalum, Don. CACOUCIA coccinea, Aull. POIVREA coccinea, DC. QUISQUALIS Indica, Z. Trinidad, America. West Indies. Trinidad, Guiana. Madagascar. South India, Pegu, Ma- lay Islands. RHIZOPHORACE^E. RHIZOPHORA Mangle, Z. Tropical Sea Shores. CASSIPOTJREA elliptica, Voir. Western Tropics. „ Guianensis, Aull. Trinidad, S. America. $86 PLANTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS* CRASSULACE.E. CEASSULA arborescens, Wild. Cape G. Hope. BRYOPHYLLTTM calycinum, Satis. Tropics. ECHEYEEIA sp. Mexico. PAPAYACE,E. CAEICA Papaya, L. Tropical South America. „ sp. PASSIFLOBACE^E. RYANIA speciosa, Vatil. Trinidad, Guiana. SMEATHMANNIA laevigata, Sierra Leone. PASSIFLOEA alata, Ait. W. Indies, Trinidad. ccerulea racemosa, South America. ,, Imperatrice Eugenie. quadrangularis, L. Jamaica. gracilis, Link. Jamaica. tetragona, Cape G. Hope. laurifolia, L. Trinidad, America. biilora, Lam. "W. Indies, (Trinidad), Yenezuela. suberosa, L. Trinidad, Jamaica. fa>tida, L. AVestern Tropics. sp. hederacea, Cav. W. Indies (Trinidad). ciliata, Ait. Jamaica, Bahamas. serrata, L. Trinidad, Dominica, Mar- tinique. TACSOXIA sanguinea, DC. Trinidad, Guiana. BELVISIACE^E. ^AI'OLEONA Imperialis, Palis. Sierra Leone. fBOCEEDnrGS OF THE SCIENTinC ASSOCIATION. 28T CACTACEiE. MAMILLAEIA angularis, Tropical America. polyhedra, simplex, Haw MELOCACTUS communis, L. it 11 Mexico. Jamaica, Venezuela. Mexico, W. Indies, Cen- tral America. ECHIXOrSIS multiplex, Pf. et Ott. Brazil. ,, Eyriesii, Pf. et Ott. Buenos Ayres. CEEEUS alLispinus, S. Dych. repandus, He . it tt tt a it >> n it 11 gemmatus, Zucc. tetragonus, Haw. serpentinus, Lag. variabilis, Pf grandiflorus, Mill. triangularis, li tortuosus, Fori Tropical America. W. Indies (Trinidad). Mexico. Tropical America. Tropical America. Tropical America. Jamaica, Trinidad. Jamaica, Trinidad. Buenos Ayres. Mc Donaldecc, Hook. Honduras. Peruvianus, Tabern. strigosus, flagelliformis, Mill. strictus, DC. Curtisii, Otto. EHIPSALIS pentaptera, Pf. funalis, Salm. Cassytha, Gart. OPUNTIA Tuna, Mill. Ficus-indica, Mill. coccinellifera, Mill cylindrica, Juss. a it ii ii it it tt it it » Peru, Central America. Mexico. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Tropical America. Brazil. W. Indies (Trinidad). Tropical America. Tropical America. Jamaica. Mexico. Mexico. 288 PLANTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. OPUNTIA vulgaris, Haw. South Europe. ,, ferox, Haw. Mexico. ,, nigricans, Haw. Mexico. ,, stricta, Haw, Brazil. ,, decumana, Haw. Brazil. PEIEESCIA aeuleata, Mill. Western Tropics. „ subulata, Iluhl. „ Bleo, DC. New Grenada. „ sp. W. Indies. PHYLLACACTUS latifrons, (?) Tropical America ,, phyllantkoides, (?) Brazil. CUCURBITAOEiE. PUEILLIA cordifolia, Swartz. MELOTHBIA pervaga, Grise. CEEATOSANTHES tuberosa, & ANGUBIA urnbrosa, Kunth. trilobata, Wild. trifoliata, L. sp. MOMOEDICA Charantia, L. ,, Balsamina, L. LUFFA acutangula, Rox. LAGEtf AEIA vulgaris, Ser. CUCUEBITA Melopepo, L. Pepo, L. citrullus, L. ovifera, L. verrucosa, L. 11 11 11 11 11 Jamaica, Trinidad, Guiana. Western Tropics. reng. West Indies. Trinidad, Venezuela. Trinidad, Venezuela. West Indies (Trinidad). Trinidad, Tropics. Tropics. Tropics. Tropics. Levant. Levant. S. Europe. Astracan. Levant. PROCEEDINGS OE THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. 289 CUCUaTIS sativus, L. Asia. „ Anguria, L. W. Inclie3 (Trinidad). ,, Melo, L. Asia. ,, moschata, Duch. ,, anguinus, L. E. Indies. TrJCnOSANTHES anguina, W. Indies, South America. CIOXAXDHA racemosa, Grise. Hayti to Brazil, Trinidad. SECHIUM edule, Sicartz. Jamaica. CELASTRINE.E. ETJOXYMOS Japonicus variegatus, Thumb. Japan. ,, ,, aureo-variegatus, CATHA edulis, Ford. South Africa. CELASTRTJS serratus (?) Japan. ,, stylosus, Wild. Himalaya. ELJEODENDRON orientale, Jacq. Mauritius. ILEX Europea variegata, Europe. ,, latifolia, Japan. ,, Paraguayensis, Lam. Paraguay. ,, sp. Japan. ,, foveata, Japan. ,, cornuta, Japan. ,, Macoucoua, Pcrs. Western Tropics. RHAMNACK2E. ZIZYPHUS Lotus, Lam. Arabia, South Europe. ,, rugosus, Lam. India. EHAMNUS utilis, Decsne China, Japan. COLTJBRINA Asiatica, Brong. India, Ceylon. „ reclinata, Brong. "W. Indies (Trinidad). 290 PLANTS IN THE EOYAL BOTANICAL GAEDENS. UMBELLIFERJE. HYDROCOTYLE umbellata L. "W. Indies (Trinidad). SPINANTHE paniculata, Jaeq-. W. Indies (Trinidad). ERYNGIUM fcetidum, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). PETEOSELINUM sativum, Hoffm. Europe. HELOSOIADUM leptophyUum, DC. W. Indies (Trinidad). DATIOUS Carota, L. Europe. AEACACHA esculenta, DC. W. Indies. CORIANDEUM sativum, L. Europe. ANETHUM Eoeniculum, L. Britain. ARALIACEJE. PANAX Morototoni, Auhl. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. ,, coclileatum, DC. Java, Amboina. SCIADOPHYLLUM capitatum, Grise. W.Indies(Trinidad), Venezuela. TUPIDANTHUS calyptratus, Hooh f. Khasia. AEALIA Duncanii, Mauritius. CORNACEiE. ATJCUBA Japonica, Thumb. Japan. ,, ,, variegata, Japan. RUBIACEiE. MUSSiENDA frondosa, L. India, Ceylon, Java. ,, tenuiilora, Bentli. West Africa. „ luteola, Dclil West Africa. PLANTS IN THE BOYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. 201 POSOQUEPIA longiflora, Tropical America. OXYAXTHUSNatalensis, U.K. Natal. GENIPA Caruto, Eunth. Americana, L. >> GAEDENIA florida, L. lucida, Rox. 7) macrocarpa, Cav. Thunbergii, L.f. radicans, Thunb. Eortunei, Lindl. Plantii, Lindl. Stanleyana, Hook. Sierra Leone. EHODOSTOMAgaidenioides, Schir. >) ?> >> ?» 3) >) Trinidad, St. Vincent. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. China, Japan. India. India. Cape G. Hope. China. China. China. EANDIA longiilora, Lam. ,, minor. aculeata, L. Mussamda, DC. armata, DC. >> >> )> 5> India. W. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad). Western Tropics. Trinidad, St. Lucia, New Grenada. COCCOCTPSELUMrepens, Swartz. Trinidad, Guiana.; ,, mumularifolia, Chamb. Trinidad, Guiana. HIGGINSIA regalis, Sew Grenada. porphyrophylla, Brazil. refulgens, Brazil. COTJTAEEA speciosa, Anil. Western Tropics. HYMENODICT YON thyrsiflorum, Wall. India. NAUCLEA undulata, Rox. Moluccas-. MANETTIA coccinea, Western Tropics/ CHIMAPvBHIS cymosa, Jucg. Trinidad, .Jamaica, if 3J 292 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. POETLANDIA grandiflora, Z. ,, coccinea, Swartz. EONDELETIA speciosa, Lodd. ,, ,, minor. PENTAS carnea, Bentli. ,, rosea, GONZALEA spicata, DC. ,, Potesia, Grise. ISEETIA parvinora, Vahl. SABICEA hirsuta, Wild. H AMELIA patens, Jacq. lutoa, Rohr. latifolia, Roclib. VANGUEEIA edulis, Vahl. ,, spinosa, Roxb. MOEINDA Eoyoc, L. ,, citrifblia, L. CHIOCOCCA racemosa, Jacq. ,, pavifolia, Wullsch. MALANEA macropbylla, Bt nth. 1XOEA coccinea, L. ,, suporba, Bandbuca, Roxh. rosea, Wall. acuminata, Rox. longiflora, Rich. Javanica, DC. dicifolia, DC. ,, crocata, Lindl. >) >> Jamaica. Jamaica. Jamaica, Hayti. Brazil. Brazil. Western Tropics. Trinidad, Jamaica. Trinidad, Guiana. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. Wostern Tropics. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Madagascar.. Bengal. Jamaica, Trinidad. India. Western Tropics. Western Tropics. Trinidad, St. Vincent. India, Central & West India. Kbasia Hills. India, Ceylon. Madagascar. Java. Java, Borneo. Cbina. riAXTS IN THE BOI'AL BOTANICAL GABDENS. 293 IXOBAliniilora, alba, Roxb. affinis Amboynensis, DC. Griffithii, Lobbii, undulata, Rox. lanceolaria, PAYETTA Borbonica, L. »? n )> )) >j j> 5> India. India. India. Amboyna. Singapore. Java, Borneo. Bengal. Java, Borneo. Bourbon. >) >> angostifolia, Thicaitcs. Ceylon. CafFra, Thunb. South Africa. SIDEEODENDEONtrifioruni, FaM.W. Indies (Trinidad), EAEAMEA vaginata, GrUe. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. Mountains of Arabia. )> )> j> COFFE7E Arabica, L. „ Moka, Bengalensis, Rox. India. laurina, Leroy. Africa. RUDGEA Hostmaniana, Benih. Trinidad, Guiana. PS YCH.OTEI A brachiata, Swartz. West Indies. arcuata, Benih. Trinidad, Guiana. cornigera, l!> nth. Trinidad, Guiana. PALICOUEEAlIexicana,i?^/j. Western Tropics, crocea, DC. Western Tropics. triphylla, D C. Western Tropics. CEPHiELIS Ipecacuanha, L. Brazil. tomentosa, Swartz. Western Tropics. Svrartzii, DC. Western Tropics. EICHAEDSOXIA scabra, X. ' Western Tropics. DIODIA sarmentosa, Swartz. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. >> ?» >> >> a 3> 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. SPERMAOGCE tenuior, Lamb. Trinidad, Guiana. BORERA lsevis, Grise. W. Indies (Trinidad). „ podocephala, DC. Western Tropics. ,, Porotetii, Benth. Western Tropics. ,, paryiflora, Benth. Western Tropics. SERISSA fsoticla, Comm. Japan. AMAIOUA Guianensis, Seeman. Trinidad, Panama, Brazil. CAPRIFOLIACE.E. LONICERA Japonica, Desv. Japan. VIBURNUM tinus, L. South Europe. ,, ,, lucidum, ,, ,, variegatuni, SAMBUCUS nigra, Z. Europe. DIPSACACE^E. SOABIOSA atropurpurea, L. Sauth Europe. COMPOSITE. OLIGANTHEScondensata, Schultz. Trinidad, Guiana. VERNONIA divaricata, Swartt. Western Tropics. ,, arborescens, Swartz. Cuba, Nicaragua. CENTRATHERUMinuticum,Z*ss. Trinidad, Venezuela. MONANTHEMUM Crugerii, Grics. Trinidad. ELEPHANTOPUS scaber, L. Louisiana to Brazil. „ mollis, L. Western Tropics. DISTREPUS spicatus, Cass. Western Tropics. ROLANDRA argentea, Rott. W. Indies (Trinidad) Brazil. HEBECLINIUMniacrophyllum, DC. Brazil. ,, iantliium, JjT(?o/.-. Brazil. PLANTS IN TnE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDEN ■ 295 BE1CKELIA diffusa, A. Gray. Western Tropics. PECTIS elongata, H. B. K. Western Tropics. AGEEATUM conyzoides, L. Tropics. muticurn, Griesb. Cuba to Peru. Mexicanum, Wild. Mexico. CEITONIA Dalea, DC. Western Tropics. „ parviflora, DC. Western Tropics. CALEA solidaginea, Kunth. Mexico (W. Indies) Tri- nidad. ECLIPTA erecta, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). EUPATOEIUMlsovigatum, Lamb. Trinidad, Panama. „ odoratuni, L. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, conyzoides, Vahl. Cuba, Trinidad.) ,, paniculatum, Schreb. W. Indies (Trinidad) MIKANIA scaber, D C. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, glochomaofolia, &7^#. Trininad, Guiana. ,, scandens, Wild. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, umbellifera, Hook. Guiana, Trinidad. ,, Orinocensis, Kunth. Cuba, Trinidad, Brazil. CLIBADIUM asperum, DC. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) DAHLIA variabilis, Desf. Mexico. PAETHENIUM hysterophorus, L. Cuba to Patagonia.; AMBEOSIA artemisifolia, L. Canada to Brazil. ZINNIA elegans, Jacq. Mexico, New Grenada, St. Vincent. WEDELIA Caracasana, DC. Trinidad, Venezuela. COREOPSIS hirta, Hoot California, Mexico. , , Drurnmondii, T. § Gr. California, Mexico. BIDEXS bipinnatus, L. Tropics. „ leucantlia, Wild. Western Tropics. 296 PBQCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. COSMOS caudatus, Kunth. Western Tropics. ,, sulphurea, Cav. Trinidad, Venezuela. SYKEDBELLAnodiflora, Gries. Western Tropics. CHRYSANTHELLUMprocumbens, Rich. Tropics. CLEMENOCOMA montana, Cass. Peru. PODOPHYLLUM ruderale, Cass. Mexico to Buenos Ayres. GAILLAEDIA picta, Don. California. CHRYSANTHEMUM Indicum, DC. China. GNAPHALIUM lanuginosum, IL.fi. Brazil. ,, Americanum, Mill. W. Indies (Trinidad). NEUROLJENA lobata, R. Br. CubatoEcuador(Trinidad) EPECHTITES heracleifolia, Raf. U. States to Buenos Ayres. LACTUCA sativa, Z. Europe. SONCHTJS oleraceus, L. All Countries. GOODIACE^E. SCzEYOLA Lobelia, Z. Seashores of Tropical Asia, Madagascar, and Paci- fic Islands. LOBELIACE^E. LOBELIA cardinalis, Z. Virginia. " Trinitensis, Gries. Trinidad. CENTROPOGON Surinamensis, First. Trinidad, Guiana.1 ,, lucyanum, Brazil. PONGATIEiE. POXGATIUM Indicum, Lam. Tropics. ERICACEiE. CALLUNA vulgaris, Salts. Europe. ARBUTUS Unedo, Tounic. South Europe. AZALIA Iudica, Z. India, China. PLANTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS'. RHODODENDRON Japonieum, Japan. OLEACEJE. OLEA Europea, L. Levant, Persia. OSMANTIIUS ilicifolius, Thanh. Japan. ,, ,, vareigatus, Japan. NORONHIA emarginata, Poir. Madagascar. LIGUSTRUM Japonieum, Thunb. Japan. JASMINES. JASMIXUM Sanibac, L. India, Arabia. ,, floro pleno, undulatum, Wall. India. gracile, Andre. Asia. ligustrifolium, Wall. Malabar. otlicinale, L. Pacific Islands. fruticans, L. South. Europe. NYCTANTHES Arbor- trist is, Juss. India, Ceylon, EONTANESIA Fortunei, China. PLANTAGINE.E. PLANTAGO lanceolata, L. Euro] PLUMBAGINACEiE. PLUMBAGO Capensia, Thunl. Capo G. Hope. ,, rosea, L. Moluccas. >} scandens, L. Western Tropics. SALVADORACEiE. SALYADOREA Persica, L. Persia, Palestine. MOXETIA barlerioides, URer. India. MYRSINEiE. MYRSIXE lrota, L. Western Tropics. 298 PROCEEDINGS OE TEE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. AEDISIA decipiens, DC. Trinidad, Panama. ,, crenulata, Vent. Mexico. „ acuminata, Wild. W. Indies (Trinidad) Ve- nezuela. ,, Wallichii, India. ,, sp. ex Calcutta. JACQUINIA ruscifolia, Jaoq. Tropical America. „ armillaris, L. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, sp. Mexico. THEOPHEASTA Jussice, Lindl Hispania. ,, regalis, Brazil. ,, latifolia, Brazil. CLAVIJA ornata, Don. Trinidad, Guiana. „ undulata, Brazil. EBENACE.E. DIOSPYEOS discolor, Wild. Philippines. ,, tetrasperma, Swartz. Trinidad, Panama. ,, sp. Trinidad. ,, ebenum, lietz. Sumatra, Moluccas. STYEAX sp. Trinidad. SAPOTACE^E. CHEYSOPHYLLUM albidum, South America. Caimito, Wild. W. Indies (Trinidad). glabrum, Jacq. W. Indies (Trinidad) Guiana. oliviformo L. W. Indies. POUTEEIA Guianonsie, AuU. Trinidad, Guiana. LUCUMA obovata Tropical South Amorica. >> >> >> J) J J PLANTS IN" TIIE EOYAE BOTA.STCAL GAEEE:. . LUCUMA mnltiflora, DC. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, deliciosa, Guiana, Trinidad SAPOTA Achras, Mill. Western Tropics. SIDEIIOXYLON Masticliodendron, Jacq. Trinidad, Tropi- ' America. I3ASSIA longifolia, Z. India, Ceyl MIMTJ30PS globosa, Gr\ Trinidad, Venezuela, C ana. sp. Trinidad. *;ngi, L. India. ,, cyanocarpa, L. India. LOGANACE.E. SPIGELIA Anthelmintica, L. W. Indie.?. STRYCHNOS potatorum, liox. Inc. ,, Nux-vomica, L. Indi FAGRiEA obovata, J7". '. India, Ceylon. ,, Zeylanica, Thunb. n. GENTIANAC1 SCIIITLTZIA stenophylla, Mart. Tropical America, Tri- ni ERYTHEEA ramosissima, Pers. Western Tropii LASIANTHUS alatus, Aubl. Western Tropics. TACHIADENTJS carinatus. LIMN ANTHEM UM Humboltia- num, Grite. Mexico to Brazil. SLEVOGTIAoccidentaliSj^rm. W. Indies (Trinid 1 APOCYNACE^E. ALLAMANDA cathartica, L. Tropical America, Tri- nidad, 300 PROCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. ALLAMANDA Schotti, Polil, ,, violacea, CAEISSA Carandas, Z. ,, Arduina, Lam. RAUWOLEIA canescens, Z. Bio Janeiro. Brazil. India, Ceylon, China. Cape G. Hope. W. Indies. Burmah, Tavoy. Madagascar. Sierra Leone. ,, heterophylla, R. ct Schult%. THEVETIA neriiformis, Juss. W. Indies (Trinidad). KOPSIA fruticosa, DC. TANGHLSTA venifera, Poir. EOUPELLIA grata, Wall. TABEENAMONTANA corona- ria, R. Br. Tropical Asia, C. G. Hope. laurifolia, Z. Trinidad, Jamaica. undulata, Vahl. "W. Indies (Trinidad). jasminoides, Cape G. Hope. psychotrifolia, iTwM^. Trinidad, Venezuela. capensis, sp. citrifolia, Jacq. DIPLADENIA Harrisii, ITook. 17 amabile, urophylla, VINCA rosea, Z. ,, ,, alba, TLUMIEEIA alba, Z. rubra, Z. obtusa, Z. >» >» Cape G. Hope. Trinidad, Venezuela. Mexico, W. Indies (Tri- nidad). Guiana, Venezuela, Tri- nidad. Brazil. Brazil. "Western Tropics. W. Indies. "Western Tropics. Bahamas, St. Thomas. BEAUMOKTIAgrandiflora, ITaU.E. Indies. ILAX1S IN THE ROTiX BOTANICAL GARDENS. 301 \VEIGHTIA mollissima, Wall. Tropical Himalayas. ALSTONIA scholaris, R. Br. India. XEEIUM Oleander, Lour. Palestine, India. ,, ,, album, HUNTEEIA corymbosa, Roxl. Penang. KHYNC1IOSPEEMUM jasminoides, Japan. VALLAE1S dichotoma, Wall. Bengal. AGANOSMA caryophyllata, Don. India. ECHITES sympliytocarpa, Mey. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. ,, subsagittata, RuizetPav. Western Tropics. HEMYDICTYOX venosum,Ziww#. Madagascar. HOYA carnosa, it. 1 Burma! ,, ,, variegata, ,, lorjgifolia, Borneo. ,, bella, Hoolc. China. ,, imperialis, Lindl. Borneo, 302 P2GCEEMXGS OF THE SCTEHTEETC ASSOCIATION. HOY A fraterna, Sumatra. CENTEOSTEMMA multiflora, Deem. Java. CEBOPEGIAGardnerii, Thwaites. Ceylon. GONOLOBUS rostratus, Ii. Br. Trinidad, Venezuela. ,, pubesceus, Grise. Trinidad, Jamaica. EISCHEBIA multiflora, Deem. Trinidad. POLEMONIACEyE. PHLOX Drummondii, Hooh. Texas. HYDROPHYLLACE.E. HYDROLEA spinosa, Z. Mexico to Brazil (Trinidad) WIGANDIA Caracasana, IIoolc. Caracas. CONVOLVULACE^E. EVOLVULUS alsinoides, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). CONVOLVULUS violaceus, Vahl. Western Tropics. pentanthus, Jacq. Western Tropics. micrantlius, It. S. Western Tropics. JACQUEMONTIA tamnifolia, Grise. Western Tropics. Tropics. >> >* 1POMEA bona-nox, Z. pterodes, Chois. dissecta, Pursh. pentaphylla, Jacq. glabra, Chois. Batatas, Lam. ,, a & b, Grise. digitata, Z. umbellata, Mey. pes-capra3; Swarte. Trinidad, Fanama to Brazil. Tropics. Tropics. Western Tropics. Tropics. Tropics. Tropical Africa & America. Tropics. PLANTS IN I I1L ROYAI BOTANICAL GARDENS. COS IPO A quamoclit, Z. Western Tropics. >> coecinea, Z. Tropics. n nil, Tropics. 5> tuberosa, Z. Tropics. J> arborescens, Martinique (?). 11 murucoides, Martinique (?). 5) alatipe3, Hook. Trinidad. AEGYHIEA splendens, Swarfe. India, Ceylon. ,, Colieri, India. PORA.N A paniculata, .Roxl. Southern India, Ceylon. SOLANACKE. CESTRTTM fcetidissimum, Jacq. W. Indies (Trinidad). PLANUM nodillorum, Jaeq. Tropics. ,, SeafortManunv -bulr. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, triste, Jacq. Western Tropics. ,, Radula, VaJd. Western Tropics. ,, Juripeba, Rich. Western Tropics. ,, strauionifolium,./rtc^. Western Tropics. ,, manimosum, Z. Western Tropics. ,, aculeatissinium, Jacq. Western Tropics. SOLAXUM Melongena, Z. Tropical Asia. CAPSICUM frutescens, Z. India, Tropical America. ,, arboreum, India. ,, annum, Z. South America. SOLANDRA grandiilora, Sicartz. Mexico toBrazil (Trinidad) MARCKIA longiflora, Mrs. Trinidad. BRTJGMANSIA arborea, Wild. Tropical South America. , , suaveolens, Wild. Peru. NICOTIANA Tobacum, Z. ,, ,, v.ir, Shiraj, Persia. "304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION, NICOTIANA Tobacum var. Latakia, Lebanon. ,, glauca, L. Buenos Ayies. ACNISTUS arborescens, Schlet. W. Indies (Trinidad), PETUNIA nyctaginiflora, Juss. South America. ,, violacea, L. Buenos Ayres. PHYSALIS minima, L. Tropics. CORDIACEJE. COEDIA gerascanthus, Jacq. Trinidad, Venezuela. ,, alba, H. S. Western Tropics, „ Sebestana, Jacq. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana, New Grenada. ,, Collococca, I. Western Tropics. ,, macrophylla, Mill. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, sulcata, DC. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. „ speciosaj Wild. "W. Indies. ,, Myxa, L. South India, Ceylon. ,, cylindrostachya, U.S. California to Uraguay. BORAGINE.E. 10UENEFOETIA hirsutissima, L. Western Tropics. „ bicolor, Swartz. Western Tropics. ,, laurifolia, Vent. Western Tropics. ,, Caribrca, Grise. Trinidad, Dominica. ,, tomentosa, Mill. W. Indies (Trinidad). HELIOTROriUM Indicum, L. Tropics. ,, parviflorum, L. Western Tropics. ,, Peruvianum, L. Andes. ,, inundatum, ISwartz. Western Tropics, PLANTS IN THE EOYAL BOTANICAL GAED1 305 OYNOGLOSSTJM pictum, L. Madeira. MYOSOTIS Azorica, Azores. LABIATES. OCIMUM Basilicum, Z. Tropical Asia and Africa. COLEUS Amboinicus, Lour. Arnboyna. ,, Verschafelti, Java. ,, Blumei, Benth. Java. ,, ,, nigricans. MARSYPIANTHES hyptoides, J/iir*. "W. Indies (Trinidad). IIYPTIS brevipes, Pott. Tropics. ,, spicata, Poit. "Western Tropics. ,, capitata, Jacq. Mexico to Brazil. MENTHA veridis, Z. Europe. „ » crispa, ,, aquatica, Britain. SALVIA splendens, Sell. Rio Janeiro. ,, coccinea, Z. Florida to Brazil. ,, serotina, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, pratensis. ,, lamiifolia, Jacq. W. Indies (Trinidad). ROSMARINUS officinalis, Z. South Europe. THYMUS vulgaris, L. South Europe. LEONURUS Sibericus, L. Tropical, and most tem- perate Countries. LEONITIS nepetsefolia, E. Br. Tropics. if SCUTELLARIA purpurascens, S^arte. W.Indies (Trinidad). Yentenantii, Sta. Martha. Costaricensis, Costa Rica. Mexicana, Mexico. >> >> 30G PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION TSUCEIUM Cubense, L. var. Trinidad. POGOSTEMON Patchouli, Fell. India. VERBENAGE2E. VERBENA radicans, var. Chili. ,, Tweediana, Chili. ,, Yenosa, Buenos Aj7res. PRIYA echinata, Juss. Brazil. STACHYTA11PHA Jamaieensis, VaM. W. Indies(Trinidad). „ strigcsa, Void. Trinidad, Antigua. ,, mutabilis, Vahl.'W. Indies (Trinidad). Guiana. LIPPIA betulifolia, Kuntli. Trinidad, Tropical South America. ,, gemminata, Kunth. Western Tropics. LANTANA camara, L. W. Indies (Trinidad), Tro- . pical South America. ,, reticulata, Pers. Cuba, Jamaica. r, Sellowiana, Monte Yideo. ,, involucrata, L. Trinidad, Jamaica, Pa- nama. CITHAEEXYLON quadrangulare, Jacq. Western Tropics. ,, cinereum, L. Jamaica, Cuba, Trinidad. DURANTA Plumieri, Jacq. W. Indies, Tropical South- America. stenostachys, ] r- > Ilort. Pot. Martinique. turbinata, J x Ellisia, Jacq. PETEEA volubilo, Jacq. Venezuela, Trinidad. ,, erecta, W. Indiuc, Venezuela. PLAXTS IX TILE EOYAL BOTAXICAL GAEDEXS. 307 PETEEA arborea, Kantli. Venezuela, Mexico. COXGEA tomentosa, Roxb. India, West Africa. TECTONA grandis, L. India. CLEEODENDEON hastatum, Wall. Silhet. ,, fragrans, Vent. China. ,, Kempferii, South America. ,, tomentosurn, India. ,, splendens, Bon. China. ,, Thompsons, Hook. West Africa. „ volubile, Guinea. AMASONIA ere,cta, L. Trinidad, Venezuela. GMELIXA arborea, Roxb. India. VITEX capitata, Vahl. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. HOMLSKIOLDIA sanguinea, Retz. Himalaya, Silhet. ACANTHACE^E. THUNBEEGIA alata, Bojer. 1 Mosambique, India, Cey- ,, var. alba, J Ion. Vogeliana, India. Hawtaynii, Wall. India, Ceylon. fragrans, Roxb. India. Harrisii, Madagascar. HEXACENTRIS Mysorensis, Mysore. ,, lutea, Moulmeine. DIPTERACANTHUS Herbstii, Hook. Brazil. KUELLIA geminiiflora, Kuntli. W. Indies, Venezuela. HENFREYA scandens, Lindl. Sierra Leone. ASYSTASIAGangetica, T.Ander. Tropical Asia & Africa. STEPHANOPHYSUM Baikei, •>■> ■>■> 5J 5) 5> 308 PBOCEEDriCGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. BAELEEIA cristata, Z. Ceylon, Java, China. Prionitis, Z. India, Ceylon, Abysinia. Arnottiana, N. ab. E. Ceylon. ,, Gibsoni, Dak. India. ,, lupulina. India. CEOSSANDEAinfundibuliformis, JV. ab. E. South India, Ceylon. GEISSOMEEIA aurantiaca, Lindl. Brazil. ALPHELANDEAtetragona, N. ah, E. Equatorial America, Trinidad. ,, cristata, U.K. W. Indies, pulcherrima, Brazil. • Leopolds, Brazil. PACHYSTACHYScoccinea,iW0s.Trinidad,GuianatoBrazil. GEAPTOPHYLLUM hortensis, Nees. Islands of Pacific. ,, ,, vars, versicolor, ,, ,, bicolor, CYETANTHEEAmagnifica, Nees. Brazil. ,, catafrrcfolia, Brazal. ,, Pohliana, Brazil. ,, velutiua, Brazil. ,, sp. Trinidad (Aripo). JUSTICIA Adhatoda, Z. India, Ceylon. ,, decussata, Box. Burmah. ,, secunda, Vahl. W. Indies, S. America. ,, androsaemifolia, T. Anders. W. Indies (Trinidad). EEANTHEMUM nervosum, R.Br. India. ,, leuconervum, Brazil. ,, rubronervum, Cordilleras. Iil^LOPEEOME nemorosa, Sees. Jamaica, Trinidad. PLANTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. 309 DICLIPTA Martinicensis, Jim. Martinique, Trinidad. BEAYAISIA rloribunda, DC. Western Tropics. PEDALIACE.E. MAETYNIA diandra, Ghx. Cuba to Mexico. SESAMUM orientale, L. Tropical Asia & N. Africa. BIGNOXIACE^E. BIGNONIA ecquinoctialis, L. Western Tropics. Martinii, DC. Trinidad, unguis, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad), luiinervis, Hoff, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Ve- nezuela, venusta, Ker. Minas Gereas. MTLLINGTONIA hortensis, L. Burmah. CALOSANTJELES Indica, Blame. India, Ceylon, Ohina. MACFADYENA uncinata, A. DC. Guiana, Trinidad. AEABIDiEA Sieberii, DC. Trinidad. PETHECOCTENIUM Aubletii, Splits. Mexico to Brazil, (Trinidad). SPATHODEA stipulata, Wall. Burmah. „ Indica, India. STEREOSPERMTJM chelonoides, A. DC. India, Ceylon. PHYLLARTHBON Comorense, Boj. Comoro Islands. COLEA caulinora, A. DC. Madagascar. CEESENTIA Cujeti, L. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) alata, U. B. K. Mexico. Curcubitina, L. W. Indies, Venezuela, macrophylla, Venezuela. PARMENTIERA cerifera, DQ. Panama. Jfc>J 5> 310 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. KIGELIA pinnata, A. DC. Mozambique. GESNERIACE.E. COLUMNEA longiflora, scandens, Z. Dominica, Trinidad, Guiana, liirsuta, Swartz. Trinidad. BESLERIA lutea, L. Western Tropics. EPISCEA melittifolia, Mart. W. Indies (Trinidad). GESNERIA corymbosa, Sivartz. Jamaica. ISOLOMA hirsuta, Reg. Trinidad, Venezuela. ACHIMENES longiflora, Lecsne. Guatemala. ,, grandiflora, Lecsne. Mexico, coccinea, Pers. Jamaica, vars. — Amhoise Verschaplt, Beaumanniana, Carl Woolfarth, Dazzle, Estella, Grandis, Georgeana Discolor, Margarette, rosea magnifica. GLOXINIA Passingliami, Rio Janeiro. ,, nebra, Rio Janeiro. ,, speciosa, Rio Janeiro, j, vars. — Acton Green, ,, ,, Alico Mande, „ ,, A. de Kimbler, ,, ,, Cerise violet, „ ,, Emerald, >> PLANTS IN THE EOYAL BOTANICAE GARDENS. 311 Jj >* j> )) 3> JJ ?) 55 RYTIDOPHYI ?> >> )> ?j GLOXINIA vars. — Einperatrice Eugenie, Esperance, Indienne, Leander, Lord Lyon, Mdme. de Smet, Mon. Borsig, Princess Mary, Rose et cochinille. jLUM grande, Mart. Jamaica, Trinidad. iESCHYNANTHUS grandiflorus, G. Don. Bengal. speciosus, Hook. Java. pulcher, J)ecsne. Java. Lobbianus, Hook. Java. Albicans, Borneo. SCROPHULARIE^S. BROWALLIA deniissa, L. W.Indies (Trinidad), Tro- pical South America. BRUXSFELSIAHopeana, Benth. Trinidad, Brazil. eximia, Scheid. Brazil. acuminata, Rio Janeiro. calycina major, Brazil. confertiflora, Americana, Swartz. W. Indies (Trinidad). ANGELONIAsalicarifolia,£4rw. Mexico. NYCTAGINEyE. BOERHAAYIA erecta, L. Western Tropics. tJ paniculata, Rich. Western Tropics. MIRABILIS Jalappa, L. Western Tropics. BUGAINYILLEA glabra, Chois. Rio Janeiro, MinasGereas. , t spectabilis, Wi Id. Brazil. ,, warsewiczii, BISONIA alba, Spank. Timor. ,, inermis, Jacq. Western Tropics. „ aculeata, L. Western Tropics, & Mada- gascar. 5 J J) TLA2TTS IX THE UOTAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. 313 CHENOPODIACE.E. CHENOPODIUM ambrosioides, L. Western Tropics. AMARANTACE.E. CELOSIA cristata, Mj'j. India, Java. AMAEANTHUS oleraceus, Box. Tropics (cultivated). ,, ,, tricolor, Japan. ,, sanguinens, Z. Tropics. ,, caudatus, India. PHYTOLACCACE.E. PET1VEEIA alliaceae, Z. "Western Tropics. IilVINA loevis, Z. Western Tropics. PHYTOLACCA icosandra, Z. Western Tropics. LAURINE.E. CINNAMOMOI Zeylanicum,Z/\?j/w. Ceylon. ,, nitidum, N. ah.E. Sumatra, sp. CAMPHOPtA officinarum, Bauh. Japan, China. PERSEA gratissinia, N. ab. E. Tropical America. AYEDEjSDKON citrifolium, Nees. Trinidad, Brazil. NECTANDEA mollis, Nees. Western Tropics. ,, sanguinea, Ro tib. Western Tropics. LAUEUS nobilis, L. Asia Elinor, shores of^Ie- diterranean. ,, aggregata, Sims. China. SANTALACE.E. SANTALTTM album, Z. Malabar, Islands of Ma- layan Archipelago. 314 FKOCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. THYMELE^. DAPHNOPSIS tinifolia, Grise. Jamaica. LAGETTA linearis, Lam. Jamaica. ,, funifera, Brazil. HERNANDIE^E. HEENANDIA sonora, L. E. Indies, Pacific Islands. PROTEACE.E. GEEVILLEA robusta, Cunn. Moreton Bay. EHOPALA Skinnerii, Guatemala. ,, De Tonghii, Guatemala. ,, crenata, ,, montana, Aubl. Panama toBrazil, Trinidad. HAKEA lissospermum, Australia. ,, salicifolia, Australia. , , acicularis, Australia. ELEAGNACE^E. ELE AGNUS reflexus, China, Japan. ,, variegatus, China, Japan. MYRISTICE.E. >) MYEISTICA fatua, W. Surinam. ,, fragrans, Houtt. Moluccan Archipelago. Surinamensis, Roland. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. sp. Trinidad. ARISTOLOCHIACE^E. AMSTOLOCHIA grandiflora, Swartz. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, odoratissima, L. Jamaica, Trinidad, Vene- zuela. PLANTS IX THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. ARISTOLOCHIA barbata, Jacq. Trinidad, Venezuela. „ triloba, L. "Western Tropics. NEPENTHACE.E. NEPENTHES Rafflesiana, Jack. Singapore, Sumatra. gracilis major, Singapore, Sumatra, lsevis, Singapore, Sumatra, ampullacea, Singapore, Sumatra. BEGONIACE^E. BEGONIA humilis, Dry and,. Trinidad. ulmifolia, Wild. Trinidad, Venezuela, glandulifera, Grise. Trinidad, scandens, Stcartz. Dominica, Trinidad, Gui- ana to Brazil. >> >> >> fagifolia, Fish. Brazil. Malabarica, Dry and. India. Maerhingii, nitida, Drya?id, India. ^A Jamaica. Ingramii, Moorr. Diswilliana Peru. Peru . f'uschioides, Doolc. New Grenada. acrifolia, Kunth. Mexico. Natalensis, Natal. manicata, Brong. Brazil. heracleifolia, S. $* C. Mexico. Pex, J. Pz. Assam. ,, Sambo, ,, Princess Marie > riciniifolia, Mexico. hydrocotylifoli a, Hook. Tropical South America nelumbsefolia, Brazil. 316 PROCEEDINGS OF TEE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. BEGONIA velutina, )} crassicaulis, Lindl. Guatirnala. >> macrophylla, Wild. Jamaica. >) muricata, Sclieidw. Brazil. 71 longipes, Hook. Mexico. )> ep. Cuba. >> dichotoma Wild. Caracas. >) argyrostigma, Fisch. Brazil. >> undulata, Schott. Mexico to Brazil., }> sp. Mexico. Beautiful hybrids raised in the Botanic Garden, Trinidad. J) hybrida,j3. velutina, ~i -p. . . ..o v } a. Attorney -General. 15. ricinniolia, J J J) „ B. Malabarica, 1 !-> -n ,. > a. Zuleika. / , 15. acenlolia, J „ ,, b. Mrs. C. TV. Warner. J> J> ,, B. Mserinhgii, | B. argyrostigma, J »» ,, hybridization uncertain, a. 7> j> a i) V' }> >> >) 3> C' 3> ?» >> >> **• EUPHORBIACEJE. HEIRON'YMA alchornoides, Allan. Jamaica, Trinidad. CICCA disticha, L. Cultivated inTropical Gar- dens. BIIYLL ANTHUS Oonami, Swart*. Western Tropics. „ Kiruri, L. Tropics. PIkAKTS I^r IHE L.OTAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. 317 JATEOPHA gossypifolium, L. W. Indies (Trinidad), liasta, Jacq. Cuba, Trinidad. Curcas, L. Tropics, podagrica, JTooIc. New Grenada, pandura^formis, Wild. Cuba, multifida, Wild. Tropical South America. JANIPA Mainhot, Kimtk. ,, utiliseima, Fold. ALEUEITES triloba, Forst. RICINUS communis, L. CEOTON eleuteria, Swartz. urticifolius, Lam. liirtus, L1 Her. gosyypifolium, Vahl. tiglium, L. discolor, CODkEUM pictum, Hook. variegatum, Illume. 11 11 11 ;> >> ?> 11 11 var. longifolium, j Tropics. Tropics. Moluccas, Timor. E. Indies. W. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad), W. indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad). India, China. Indi pe. > Philippine Islands. j? n n u if ii elegans, ,, medium, ,, premorsum, TEPGONOSTEMON nemoralis, Thwaites, Ceylon. OELEBOGYNE ilicifolia, J. Sm. Australia. MABEA occidentalis, Benih. W. Indies (Trinidad). ACALYPHA macrostachya, Jacq. Trinidad, Caracas. TEAGIA volubiHs, Lindl. Western Tropics. SAPIUM aucuparium, Jacq. Western Tropics. SIPPOMANE Mancinella, L. Western Tropics. spinosa, ii SI 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. HURA crepitans, L. Western Tropics, OMPHALEA triandra, L. Trinidad, Jamaica, Guiana DALECHAMPIA scandens, Z. Western Tropics. Roezliana, EUPHORBIA hypericifolia, Z. splendens, Bo}. Canariensis, Z. lophagona, tetragon a, ROTTLERA tinctora, Roxb. SAUROPUS Gardnerii, >» ?> ?? )» 5» New Grenada. Western Tropics. Bourbon, Madagascar. Canary Islands, C.G.Hopo, South Africa. South Africa. India. India. STILLINGIA sebifera, A. Jim. China. BUXUS sempervireAs, Z. Britaiu, South Europe, Tersia. PUTRANJ1VA Roxburghii, Wall. India. SALICINE.E. SALIX BaV y aica, L. Levant. HLK .bltiana, Wild. Mexico to Peru. UETICACE^E. 5) URERA Caracasana, Gaud. ,, baccifera, Gaud. LAPORTEA magnifica, FLEURYA rcstuans, Gaud. PILEA inicromera, Liebm. , , insoqualis, Jl redd. URTICA sp. BCEHMERIA nivea, Gaud. cylindrica, Wild. ramiflora, Ja. PHENAX vulgaris, JVcdd. >> •>•> Western Tropi Western Tropi India. Tropics. Western Tropics. W. Indies (Trinidad). Martinique. India, Ceylon, China, Ma- lay Islands. W. Indies (Trinidad). W. Indies (Trinidad). Martinique, Trinidad, Brazil. PLOTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GA 319 MORUS alba, Z. HORACES. ia Elinor, Himalaya. Wild. Italy. BROUSSONETIA papyrifera, Vent. China, Japan. MAOLUilA zanthoxylon, Kadi. Western Tropics. >> nigra, FICUS nymphaefolia, Z. laurifolia, Lai . crassinerva, h populnea, Wild. carica, Z. ferruginea pallida, Vahl. religiosa, elastica, Roxb. comosa, Roxb. indica, Z. elastica, Roxb. repens, Wild. >> ? > >> 5> >> )f >> J> ?) >) 5) 5» Trinidad, Tropical Amei Jamaica, Trinidad. W. Indies (Trinidad). Trinidad, Antigua. Asia Minor. Brazil. Trinidad. India, Ceylon. India. India. India, CV " Tropical St ' \i, Assa Bengal, Assam. Tropical Himalaya. Western Tropics. congomerata, Roxb. DORSTENIA Contrajerva, Z. ARTOCARPACE^E. BROSIaLTJaI Aubletii, Poepp. Western Tropics. ,, Alicastrum, Swartz. Jamaica. CECIiOPIA peltata, Z. W. Indies, Venezuela. ARTOCABPTJS incisa, Z. Pacific Islands. var., integrifolia, Z. India. Lakoocha, Eox b. India, Ceylon, Java. CANNABINLE. CAXXABIS sativus, Z. Central Asia, Himalaya. 11 >> >> 320 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION'. 7) CASUARINACEiE. CASUARINA equisetifolia, Forst, Moluccas. torolosa, Ait. "New South Wales, leptoclada, Miquel. New South "Wales. quadrivalvis,Za&///.Ne\v South Wales, New Zealand, sp. West Australia. PIPERACEiE. riPEEOjiIAmimularifolia,A^«^.W. Indies (Trinidad), exilis, Grise. W. Indies (Trinidad), tenella, Did. Western Tropics. pellucida, Kuth. Jamaica, Trinidad, Brazil. repens, Kunth. obtusifolia, Miq. incana, Haw. ^uj ^ holla, Haw. J) >) ^•aiholla, Ha *.. -Qlusiaofolia, W. Indies (Trinidad). Mexico to Brazil. Brazil. W. Indies. Brazil. ,, arifolia, variegata, New Grenada. ENKEA smilacifolia, Kunth. Panama to Brazil(Trinidad) ,, Sieberi, Miq. Western Tropics. SCHILLERIA caudata, Kunth. W. Indies (Trinidad). AETANTHEBredermeyeri, Miq. W. Indies (Trinidad). adunca, Miq. scabra, Miq. tuberculata, Miq, cequalis, Miq. PIPEE nigrum, ,, Cubeba, L. OTTONIA Yahlii, Spreng. Jamaica, Trinidad, Brazil. St. Yincent, Trinidad. Dominica, Trinidad. India, Ceylon, Malayan Archipelago. Malayan Archipelago. Trinidad. TLAXTS TN THE ROYAL EOTAXTCAL GARDENS. oil pinace^:. PINUS Ehrenbergii, n Canariensis, Bitch. Canary Islands, 5» Nordmanniana, Crimea. >> macrophylla, Lindl. ]\rexico. )) insignis, Douglas. California. >> Strobus, L. North America. J) Yerschafeltii, Mexico. 5> Antoniana, Mexico. >) rnaginiica, Mexico. >> longifolius, Lam. North India. 5> parviflorus, Japan. ) J Menzicsii, Zand. California. AEAUCAEIA imbricata, Pay> excelsa, Ait. Norfolk Island. Bidwellii, Hook. Cookii, Hook. Moreton 1 ope. New Calia DAMMAEA Moorei, New South Wales JUNIPERUS excelsus, Wild. Himalaya. a Chinensis, China. >> thurifera, Wild, Spain. >> Japonica, Japan. >> Barbadensis, Wild. 5) sagittifolia, THUJA orientalis, Tourne. Asia. ?> aurea, Japan. >> gigantea, California. LIBEOCEDEOS decurrens, BIOTA . pendula, Endl. North India. » Meldensis, Gai •den hybrid. oc22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION* THUJC »PSIS dolabrata, Japan. ?> borealis, Glanca. California. i > loetevirens, Japan. CEYPTOMEEIA elegans, Japan. ■>■> Japonica, Don . Japan. ? ? Lobbi, CUPEESSUS sempervirens, Candia. >> pyramidalis, Targ '. Soutli Europe. J) horizontals, Mill. Soutli Europe. >> torulosus, California. ») funebris, Endl. China, Japan. >> thyoides, China, Japan. EETINOSPOEA obfc^sa, Japan. j> picifora, Japan . >> squarrosa, Japan. )> -;i princeps, fu] '■ leptoclada, filifera, Japan. >> Japan. j? Japan. 5> ericoides, Japan. ?) plumosa, Japan . CALLITEIS quadrivalvis, Vent. South Europe, North Africa ,, Australis, Australia. ,, columnaris, Australia. TAXODIUM distichum, North America. WIDDRIrTGTONIAcupressoides,Cape G. Hope. EEENELA Gunnii, Tropical Australia. ,, Yontenanti, New Holland. TAXAOE/E. TAXUS baccate, Europe. ,, horizontal: Europe. PLANTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAX GARDENS. 323 TAXUS drupaceus, China. TOEEEA nucifera, Japan. PODOCAEPUS elongatus, P. S. South Africa. ,, neriifolius, D. Bon. Nepal. ,, salicifolius, Kunth. Trinidad, Jamaica, Cuba. ,, coriaceus, Rich. Trinidad, Jamaica. CYCADE^E. CTCAS revoluta, Thun. China. ,, circinalis, L. Moluccas. ,, Eumphii, Miq. Moluccas, ,, sp. South Africa. DION edule, Lindl. Mexico. ZAMIA integrifolia, Alt. Cuba, Hayti, Jamaica. MACROZAMIA Denisoni, Moon et Muel. MoretonBay. ENCEPHALAETOS Lehmannii, Cape G. Hope. ,, villosus, Cape G. Hope. „ Barterii,ZZboX-.West Africa. PALMES. CHAM^EDOEEA excelsa, Mexico. HYOSPATHE pubigera, Grise. et Wendl. Trinidad. EUTEEPE sylvestris, Brazil. ,, oleracea, Mart. Jamaica, Trinidad, Guiana. ,, sp. Trinidad. (ENOCAEPUS Batua, Mart. Trinidad, Amazon. OEEODOXA oleracea, Mart. W. Indies (Trinidad), Mexico to Brazil. PINANGrA maculata, Bengal. 324 PROCEEDINGS OE THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. AEECA Catechu, L. India, Ceylon, Malayan Peninsula. 11 rubra, Bonj. il horrida, Griff. Moluccas. 11 Madagascariensis, Mar t. Madagascar. 11 lutescens, 11 Bauerii, Hook. Norfolk Island. SEAFOKTHIA elegans, E. Br. Tropical Australia. CAEYOTA urens, L. India. >> Bobolifera, Wall. India. )t Cummingii, Pacific Islands. It mitis, Lour. China. 11 elegans, It humilis, Rein. CALAMUS Eoxburghii, L. India. )> viminalis, India, if Jenkinsii, India. )t asperrimus, Borneo, Sumatra. a sp. India (Calcutta). MAUEITIA flexuosa, Mart. Trinidad. BOEASSUS flabelliformis, I, Eastern Tropics. JjATANIA glaucophylla, 11 mirabilis, »» Borbonica, L. Bourbon. ii Commersonii, L. Mauritius, Madagascar. •GEONOMA vaga, Grise. ct JFendl. Trinidad, Tropical South America. i) Schottiana, Mart. Brazil, New Grenada. j> fonestrata, Ilort. Brazil. Yorschafelti, Brazil. :•:. v:ri3 in the eoyal botanical gabdi 325 ANICARIA saccifera, Mart. j> >> 5) >> Trinidad, Tropical South. America. Pacific Islands. Ceylon, Malabar. Bengal. Australia. Assam. Malayan Peninsula, Java,,, Bahamas. Central America, mauritiiformis, Grise. ct Wendl. Trinidad (?) Venezuela PEITCHARDIA Pacifica, CORYPHA umbraculifera, L. elata, Rox. Australis, LIVISTONA Jenkinsii, Griff. LICUALA spinosa, Warmb. SABAL umbraculifera, Mart. Palmetto, ,, Adansonii, Guern. ,, carata, H.P., MS. CHAILEBOPS stauracantha, R APHIS flabelliformis, Ait. THBINAX parviilora, Sivartz. ,, radiata, Lodd. PUCEXIX dactylifera, L. sylvestris, Roxb. Leonensis, Ro.xb, farinifera, Roxb. acaulis, Roxb. sp. j> jj >> >> )> South United States. Trinidad. Mexico. Japan, China. Jamaica, Trinidad. Jamaica, Trinidad. N. Africa, Syria, Arabia Bengal. Sierra Leone. India (Sunderbund), Bengal, Behar, India. Trinidad. • > DESMONCUS major, Creug. ,, minor, R. P., MS, Trinidad. BACTRIS simplicifrons, Mart. Trinidad, Brazil. acanthonemis, Mart Cuesa, Creug. >i 5) >> )) niaraja, sp, Trinidad, Guiana, BraziL Trinidad. Brazil. Trinidad. 326 PEOCEEDIWGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. GUILIELMIA speciosa, Tropical South America : ,, sp. Trinidad (Mission). MABTTNEZIA caryotaefoiia, Martinique, San Domingo. ACEOCOMIA sclerocarpa, Mart. Trinidad, Panama. vulgare, L. Trinidad, Tropical South )> America. ,, Mexicana, Mexico. „ rostrata, Hoolc. Jamaica, Martinique, San Domingo. ATTALEA compta, Mart Brazil. ,, mirabilis, Brazil. MAXIMILIANA regia, Mart. Trinidad, Tropical South America. , j caribsea, Grise. et Wendl. Trinidad, Guiana, Surinam, Venezuela. ELAIS Guiniensis, Z. "West Africa. COCOS nucifera, Z. Naturalized in almost all Tropical Countries. ,, plumosa, Mart. Brazil. j, botryophora, Mart. Brazil. ,, campestris, Lodd. Tropical South America. ,, amara, Jacq. Brazil. ,, coronata, Mart. Brazil. ,, Romanzorfhi, Brazil. DITLOTHEMITOI maritium, Mart. Brazil. AMIIIENGA saccharifera, Lahill. Malayan Islandg. WALLICHIA caryotoides, Roxb. Tropical Sikkira, Assam. PHYTELEPHAS macrocarpa, Ruiz, et Pav. Guiana, Suri- nam, New Grenada. XL AXIS IX THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. 327 PANDANACEJE. CARLTJDOYICA palmata, Brazil. „ Plumierii, Kunth. Trinidad, Demerara. PAN!) ANUS odoratissiinus, L.f. Shores of India & Arabia. utilis, Bojcr. Mauritius. furcatus, Boxb. Tropical Sikkim. variegatus, Miq. Balie. elegans, Isle of France. Lais, Hab. Ignot. Australis, Australia. liurnilis, Rum ph. Mauritius. inermis, Roxb. Amboyna. TYPHACEJE. TYP1TA angustifolia, L. ,, ,, var. Domingensis, Pers. Trinidad, (this var.) Texas to Brazil. AROIDE.E. AMORPROPIIALLTJS campanulatus, Blume. Tropics. ,, bulbifer, Blume. Bengal, Malay Peninsula. CALOOASIA odora, Brong. Pegu. ,, antiquorum, Schott. Cultivated in Tropical Countries. ,, macrorhiza variegata, Tropical Asia. ,, metallica, Borneo. ,, Yeitchii, Borneo. „ Lowii, Borneo. ,, Jenningsii, New Grenada. j ,, gigantea, New Grenada. it :> )) J) ^ Tropical South America*. 328 PECCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION CALADIUM bicolor, Vent. Brazil. ,, splendens, Chantinii, Newmauii, Wightii, Psecile, Houletii, hastatum, Lam. Belleymei, Brazil, marmorata, Math. Tropical South America., argyrites, Lamb. Brazil. ACOXTIAS helliborifolius, Scltott. Western Tropics. XANTIIOS01[Aatrovirens,7r«^M. W. Indies. ,, sagittifulium, Schott. W. Indies (Trinidad). BHILODENDROX dispar, Schott. Jamaica, Trinidad, Brazil. ,, tripartitum, Schott. Jamaica, Trinidad, Brazil. ,, erubesceus, Lindl. Jamaica, Trinidad, Brazil. ANTnUBIinEviolacenm, S'chitt. Mexico to Brazil. ,, Guildingii, Schott. "Western Tropics. ,, cordifolium, Kunth. W.Indies(Trinidad)Brazil ,, acaule, Kunth. Trinidad to Brazil. MONSTEBA deliciosa, Brazil. ,, pertusa, Grise. "Western Tropics. SPATHIPHYLLUM cannrcfolium, Schott. Trinidad, Brazil. AGLAONEMAmarantaofolia, Schott. Brazil. DIEFFENBACHIA seguine, Schott. Trinidad, Tropical S. America. ,, ,, variegata, ,, Weirii, New Grenada. ;i Fearcei, New Grenada. PLANTS LX THE ROYAX BOTANICAL GAHDEXS. 329 DIEFFENBACHIA Earaquini, New Grenada. MONTKICHAEDIA aculeata, Cren7. Trinidad, Guiana. PISTACE^. PISTIA stratiotes, Jacq_, Tropics. LEMNxl minor, Z. Ternperate&TropicalZones ,, trisulca, Z. Temperate&TropicaLZones ORCHTDACE^. STELIS ophioglossoides, Swartz. Trinidad, Mexico toGuiana OCTOMERIAgraminiifolia,2^Z/\Dominica, Trinidad. MIOEOSTYLIS umbellata,Z^.W. Indies (Trinidad), Mexico. DENDBOBIUM moschatum, Wild. Silhet. macrophyllum, Lindl. Manilla. ,, giganteum, clavatum, Dayanum, Dalkousianum, Paxt. Moulmein. agregatum, Eoxb. Arracan. formosum, Roxl. E. Indies. densiflorum, Wall. Nepal. nobile, Lindl. Tropical Sikkim, Assam. ,, "Wallichianum, tortile, Lindl. Moulmein. fimbriatum, Hook. E. Indies. ,, occulatum,E. Indies. albo-sanguineum, Lindl. Moulmein. chrysanthum, Wall. Nepal. Farmeri, Lindl. E. Indies. Pierardei, Roxl. Tropical Himalaya, Assam Gibsoni, Paxt, E. Indies. >) 11 11 if 330 PEOCEEDISTG3 OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. C2ELOGYNE speciosa, Borneo. „ cristata, Nepal. ISOOHILUS linearis, B. Br. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) EPIDENDEUM Ottonis, G.BcJib. Trinidad, Venezuela. rufum, Lindl. Trinidad, Bahamas. serrulatum, G. Rchb. Trinidad, Jamaica. bicornutum, Hook. Trinidad, Venezuela. indivisum, Bradf. Trinidad. ciliare, L. W. Indies (Trinidad), Mexico to Grenada. ,, fragrans, Swartz. Cuba to Brazil, (Trinidad) Trinitatis, L. Trinidad, New Grenada. nutans, Swartz. Trinidad, Jamaica. pallidseflorum, Hook. Trinidad, Jamaica. nocturnum, L. "Western Tropics. elongatum, Jacq. Western Tropics. Schoniburgkii, Lindl. Trinidad, Brazil. rhizophorum, New Grenada. strobolifcrum, G.Rchb. Trinidad, Jamaica, Guiana. ramosum, Jacq. Cubato Brazil, (Trinidad). umbellatum, Swartz. CubatoBrazil, (Trinidad). sthenopetalum, LTooIc. Trinidad, Jamaica, Guiana. teretifolium, Swartz. Trinidad, Jamaica. aurantiacum, vitellinum, Lindl. Mexico. macrocliilum, Hook. Guatimala. atropurpureum, dichromum, „ aromatic um, Bate. Guatimala. n ?> 11 11 11 » 11 J) if ;> y> n n n n PLANTS IN THE EO-YAX BOTAXICAL GAEDEXS. 331 >> J> HEXADESMIA fusiformis, Grise. Trinidad. SOPHRONITLS grandiflora, Lindl. Organ Mountains. BARKERIA spectabilis, Bate. Guatiraala. Skinnerii, Lindl. Guatimala. Lindleyana, Bate. Costa Rica. BROUGIITONIA sanguinea, R.Br. Jamaica. LiELIA gigantea, Brazil, elegans, Morrem. Brazil. Perinii grandiflora, Brazil, purpurata, Lindl. autumnalis, Lex. majalis, Lindl. CATTLEYA Dowiana, Bate. Trianiae., Loddigei, Lindl. Forbesii, Lindl. Acklandre, Lindl. lob at a, Lindl. Skinnerii, Bate. labiata, Lindl. Mossise, Lindl. superba, Lindl. SCHOMBURGKIA undulata, Lindl. Trinidad, Venezuela.. ,, Tibicinus, Bate. Honduras. LEPTOTES bicolor, Lindl. Brazil. BRASSAVOLA euculata R.Br. Western Tropics. PHAJUS Wallichii, Lindl '* Khasia Hills. ,, grandifolms, Lonr. Tropics. BLETIA Shepperdii, Lindl. Jamaica. florida, R.Br. Trinidad, Venezuela, >) )> n >> n >> >) )y >> >> >> >> >) >> Brazil. Mexico. Guatimala. Costa Rica. Tropical America, Tropical America. Brazil. Brazil. Guatimala. Tropical South America, Tropical South America. Demerara. a 5 J 332 PEOCEEOINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION* CYOTOPEBA Woodfordii, Lindl. Trinidad, Guiana YANDA Koxtmrghii, R.Br. India, Ceylon. ,, Batemanii. Lindl. Moluccas. ,, insignis, Blume. Java. ,, suavis, Lindl. Java, tricolor, Lindl. Java, furva, Lindl. China, cristata, Lindl. Nepal, Sikkim. teres, Lindl. Burrnah, Sikkim. PHALJENOPSIS rosea, Lindl. Manilla. ,, amabilis, Blume. Philippines, & Islands of Malayan Archipelago. SACCALABIUM Blumei, Lindl. Java. , , ampulaceum , Lindl. Sik kim. ,, giganteum, ,, guttatum, Lindl. India, Ceylon, China. ABIDES Warnerii, „ maculosurn, Lindl. E. Indies. odoratum cornutum,io?t'r. Kliasia Hills, Sikkim. suavissimum, Lindl. Malacca, quinquevulnerum, Philippines. Lobbi, roseum, superbum, Lodd. E. Indies. ,, virens, Lit- Java. ,, affine, Wall. Nepal. CYMBIDIUM Mastersii, Griff. E. Indies. ft aloifoliuna, Sw. -#8outh India, Ceylon. ANSELLIA Africana, Lindl. W. Africa. 1PASI4 variegata, Lindl. Tropical South America, and Trinidad. 5> ? J 1) PLANTS IX THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. o o o a 0 O Mexico. Trinidad, Brazil. AVestern Tropics. Trinidad, Venezuela. Trinidad, Brazil. TEICHOPELIA tortilis, ,, suavis, Lindl. N ANODES discolor, Lindl. DICHEA graminea, Chrise. LOCKHAETIA acuta, Rchb. ,, elegans, Hook. POLYSTACHYA luteola, Book. W. Indies (Trinidad). ONCIDIUM iridifolium, Kth. Mexico to Brazil, Trinidad, triquetrum, Jamaica, luridum, Lindl. Trinidad, Venezuela. ,, guttatum, Trinidad, ampliatum, Lindl. Trinidad, Venezuela, major, Trinidad. Trinidad, Guiana. New Grenada. Trop.S.Aineriea,Trinidad, »> >> >) >> )i >> >> >> jj >> >) )i )> 5) J) Lanceanum, Spruceanum, bifolium, LL.K. sanguineum, barbatum, Lindl. pulvinatum, altissimum, Sw. citrinum, Lindl. flexuosum H.Br. papilio, Lindl. Tropical South America. New Grenada. W. Indies. Tiinidad. Carupano. Trinidad, Venezuela. Trinidad, Venezuela. Cebolleta, Sw. OD0NT0GL0SSUM Cervantesii, Lime, Mexico grande, Bate. Guatimala. gloriosum, pulchellum, sp. BEASSIA verrucosa, Bate. ;> )f }» )> Guatimala. Guatimala. Jamaica. Guatimala. 334 rEOCEEDIXGS OF TBCE scientific association. BKASSIA Wrayii, Guatimala. ,, rnaculata, R.Br. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, caudata, Lindl. Jamaica. MILTONIA stellata, Brazil. STANHOPEA grandiflora, Lindl Trinidad, Guiana, PERISTERIA elata, Hook. Panama, New Grenada, Venezuela. j, pendula, Hook. Trinidad, Demerara, ,, sp. Trinidad. BATEMANIA Colleyi, Lindl Trinidad, Demerara. GONGORA atropurpurea, Hook. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, rnaculata, Lindl Trinidad, Guiana. CORYANTHES rnaculata, Hook. Trinidad, Guiana. ORNITHIDIUMconfertum, Gria*. Trinidad, Cuba. HUNTLEYA violacea, Lindl Trinidad, Guiana. ,, sp. Trinidad. ZYGOPETALUM cochleare, Lindl Venezuela, Brazil, Tri- nidad. ,, . Mackayii, Hook. Brazil. MAXILLAEIA alba, Jamaica, Trinidad, Guiana, ,, rufescens, Lindl Trinidad, Venezuela. ,, pallidrcflora, Hook. Trinidad,Cuba, Venezuela ,, sp. Trinidad (Cedros). ,, sp. Trinidad (Saut d'Eau). LYCASTE Skinnerii, Lindl. Guatimala. ANGULOA Clowesii, Columbia. CAMARTDIUM ochroleucuni,£/W/. Guiana, Venezuela. PAPIIINIA cristata, Lindl Trinidad, Guiana. CATASETUM tridentatum, Hook. Trinidad, Brazil. 1IORMOKDES sp. Carupano. PLANTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. 335 CLOWESIA rosea, Lindl. Venezuela. CYCHNOCHE8ventricosa,Zm<#. Brazil. CYllTOPODITJ3J:Andersonii,i2.J9r.CubatoBrazil(Trinidad) ,, cristatum, Lindl. Trinidad, Guiana. ORNITHOCEPHALUS gladiatus, ZftoZ;. Trinidad. ,, Creugerii, G.Rchb. Trinidad. CRYPTARR1TENIA pallidreflora, G. Rchb. Trinidad, Mexico, Ecuador. TEIZEUXIS falcata, Lindl. Trinidad. RODRIGUESIA secunda, Kunth. Trinidad, Venezuela, Brazil BURLIXGTOXIA Candida, Lindl. Pemerara. IONOPSIS utricularioides,Zmrf/. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, pallidseflora, Lindl.. Trinidad. CALANTHE vestita, Lindl. Tavoy. ,, nivalis, ,, Veitchii, ,, ,, superba, LIMATODES rosea, Lindl. Martaban. POGONIA Surinamensis, Lindl. Trinidad, Guiana. VANILLA aroniatica, Grise. "Western Tropics. planifolia, And. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) claviculata, Sw. Jamaica, Hayti. lutescens, SPIRANTHES picta, Lindl. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. ,, ,, variegata, Trinidad. ,, ,, punctata ,, simplex, Grise. :■} PHYSURTTS plantagineus, Zmr//. Trinidad. CYPEEPIDIUM Hookerii, $ barbatum, Lindl. Java, 336 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION". CYPREPIDITJM venustum, Wall. Nopal. ,, insigne, Wall. Nepal. ZINGIBERACE.E. GLOBBA sp. E. Indies. MANTISIA saltatoria, E. Indies. ZINGEBEE officinale, Rose. Cultivated in Tropical Countries. CUECUMA sp. Trinidad. ,, lloscoeana, India. KEMPFERIA rotundaefolia, L. Cultivated in Tropical Gardens. AMOMUM granum-paradisi, Hook. fit. Sierra Leone. ,, melagueta, Rose. West Coast Africa. ELETTA1MA cardamoinum,.3/0fow. Malabar. HEDYCHIUM angustifolium, Rox. India. ,, flavescens, B.C. India. ,, coronarium, Keen. Bengal, Cuba. ALPINIA nutans, Rose. India, Ceylon, Philippines* ,, mutica, Java. ,, Allughas, Rose. Malayan Peninsula. COSTUS cylindricus, Jacq. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, spiralis, Rose. Trinidad, Brazil. ,, spicatus, Sic. W.Indies(Trinidad)Brazil ,, zebrinus, New Grenada. CANNACEJE. TIIALIA geniculata, L. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. MARANTA arurfdinacea, Z. Tropical S. America. ,, Indica, Tuss. Western Tropics. „ Tonchat, Aubl. Western Tr< PLANTS IX THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GJSRDENS. n 17 PHEYNIUM setosura, Rose. PorteanuiH, sagarina, CALATHEA discolor, Mey. )> ?» New 5) Allouya, Hindi. J) comosa, Lindl. )» Van deu Heckei, >> bicolor, Air. J) sp. )> sp. OANNA Indica, Z. n Lamberti, Lindl. ?> edulis, K< r. ; > glauca, Z. »j Warcewiczii, Z. Brazil. Brazil. Brazil. Trinidad. Guiana, Grenada. Trinidad, Dominica, Gui- ana. Trinidad, Guiana. Brazil. Brazil. Trinidad (Caroni). Trinidad(Caroni&St. Ann). Jamaica, Venezuela. Trinidad, Guiana. Trinidad, Guiana. Trinidad, Guiana. Brazil. MUSACE^E. MUSA paradisiaca, Z. sapientivm, Z. Cavendishii, Pax. vittata, Hook. textilis, rosacea, W. HELICONIABihai,Z. 11 Tropics. Tropics. India, China. West Africa. Manilla, Java. Mauritius. Trinidad, Guiana to Peru. pulverulenta,Zmf//. Trinidad, Guiana to Peru. psittacorum, Z. Venezuela to Brazil. buccinata, Roz. Sumatra, Moluccas. BAVENAI*A Madagascariensis, Sonn. Madagascar. STKELIT£IA augusta, Thunh Cape Good Hope, 338 PROCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION* STKELITZIA regina, H. K. Cape Good Hope. PHENACOSPEEMUM Guianensis, Endl. Guiana. IRIDE^E. ClPURA paludosa, Aubl. Tropical America. ,, Martinicensis, Kth. W. Indies, N. Grenada. ,, sp.. Trinidad. "WATSONIA speciosa, GLADIOLUS psittacinus, L. LILIACE.E. GLORIOSA superba, L. Bengal, Assam. HEMEROCALLIS fulva, W. Levant. AGAPANTHUS umbellatus, EHerit. Cape Good Hope.. POLIANTHES tuberosa, L. Tropical America. PHORMIUM tenax, Forst. Australia. SANSEVIEEAGuineensis, Wild. Guinea. ,, teretifolia, Guinea. ,, sessiliflora, Gard. China. ALOE Soccotrina, Lamb. Soccotra. ,, frutescens, Cape Good Hope. ,, vulgaris, Lamb. Tropics. ,, spin ulosus, Cape Good Hope. ,, coarctata, Ram et Schultcs. Ca\m Good Hope. YUCCA gloriosa, IV. S. United States America, Mexico. „ sp. ,, aloifolia, variegata, L. Jamaica, Mexico. SCILLA maculata, ORNITHOGALTJM lacteum, IV. Cape Good nope. TULBA( i 1 1 1 A alliacca, IV Cape Good Hope. PLANTS IN THE DOTAL BOTANICAL GARDENS, 333 TBITONIA aurea, Pajipe. Cape Good Hope. ASPAEAGUS officinalis, Z. S. Europe. j) sp. Natal. COEDYLINE heliconieefolia, •Brazil. >} Rumphii, ZToo/:. New Zealand. >> sp. South Africa. )> rubra, Australia. DRACAENA Draco, W. Teneriffe, Socotra. >> tesellata, n arborea, Sierra Leone. >) Assamica, Assam. >> terminalis, E. Indies, China. ;> nobilis, >> ferrea, H. K. China. j> cannsefolium, >> fragrans, H. K. Africa. )) gracilis, jj vivipara, >> sp. Natal. GASTEEIA sulcata, Cape Good Hope. j> lrete-puncatata, Cape Good Hope. >> verrucosa, Cape Good Hope. j> glabra, Cape Good Hope. DIOSCOREjE. DIOSCOEEA alata, Z. Cultivated in most Tropi- cal Countries. ,, vars. a & b, Grise. bulbifera, Z. E. Indies, China. Kegeliana, Gr. Trinidad, multiflora, Fred. W< ladies (Trinidad) • it 340 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. DIOSCOEEA discolor, Tropical South America, Trinidad. COMMELYNACEiE. COMMELYNACayennensis,i^.W. Indies (Trinidad) to Brazil, Tropical Africa. ,, persicarifolia, D C. ,, elegans, Kunth. Cuba to Brazil (Trinidad). TEADESCANTIA geniculata, Jacq. W. Indies (Trinidad), Mexico to Brazil. „ discolor, Swartz. Trinidad, Guadaloupe. ,, umbellata, Vald. Trinidad, Brazil. ,, Warcewiczii, Brazil. ,, sp. Trinidad. EAPATEA paludosa, Aubl. Brazil, Trinidad. DICHOEIZANDBA Aubletiana, Rich. Western Tropics. ,, thyrsiflora, Vand. Brazil. ,, vittata, „ undata, Peru. CYPERACEJE. ,, polystachyus, Rott. Tropics. ,, compressus, Z. Tropics. ,, viscosus, Ait. Western Tropics. CYPEEUS laxus, Lamb. Western Tropics. ,, Surinamensis, Rott. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) ,, tricliodes, Grisc. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, odoratus, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad). T, elatus, Z. E. and "W. Indies, Guiana. >> if >> 5J riAXTS IX TITE EOYAX EOTAXICAL GAEDEXS. 341' CYPEEUS Vahlii, Steud. W. Indies (Trinidad), ligularis, Z. W. Tropics, S. Africa. densiflorus, Mey. Western Tropics. cyclostachys, Grise. Trinidad, Jamaica. flexuosus, Vald. Cuba to Brazil (Trinidad), giganteus, Vald. Trinidad, Guiana. ,, esculentus, Z. Tropics, Italy, C.G.Hope. rotundus, Z. Tropics, and warmer tem- perate parts, alternifolius, variegatus, Xew Zealand. SCIBPTJS retroflexus, Voir. Mexico toBrazn(Trinidad),. „ capitatus, Z. Tropics. ,, ferrugineus, Z. Tropics. ,, brizoides, Swartz* W. Tropics. ,, capillaris, Z. Tropics. ,, juncoides, Wild. Cuba to Brazil. EYLLIXGA brevifolia, Rott. ,, var. plurifolia, Grise.Cuha to BraziJ (Trinidad). FUIREXA umbellata, Rott. Tropics. DIPLASIA karatifolia, Rich. Trinidad, Guiana, Brazil. BHYXCHOSPOKAceplialotes, Vahl. Panama to Brazil (Trinidad). ,, comata, Link. Panama to Brazil(Trinidad) ,, curvata, Grise. Trinidad. cyperoides, Mart. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) stenorhyncha, Grise. Trinidad. Surinamensis, JSTees. Tropics. >5 ,, flliformis, Vald. Trinidad, Brazil, ,, Yahliana, Grise. Western Tropics. Persooniana, Grise. lEexicotoGmana (Trinidad) 342 PROCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. 11 11 11 11 11 SCLERIA pratensis, Lindl. Cuba to Brazil (Trinidad). latifolia, Swartz. "W. Indies. bracteata, Cav. Cuba to Peru (Trinidad). CALYPTPvOCAEYAangustifolia,iV^. Trinidad, Brazil. GRAMINE^. ANDEOPOGON brevifolius, Swartz. Tropics. condensatus, Kunth. "Western Tropics, fastgiatus, Swartz. "Western Tropics. Schrenanthus, Z. Asia. SOEGHUM vulgare, Pers. Tropics, and S. Europe. AlSTATIIERUl[muricatum,P.Z. E. Indies. SACCHARTJM officinarum, Z. E. Indies. var. Otaheite. Congo. Yellow Creole. Purple Cane. Bourbon. White Cano. Ribbon Cane. ntea, Wall. Burmah. regia, Thorns. vulgaris, Schred. spinosa, Po.r. Sieberi, Grisc. sp. BTEEPTOGTNE crinita, P. P. S.United States, to Guiana (Trinidad). EEAGEOSTIS pilosa, P. U. Tropics. n 11 11 11 11 BAMBUSA giga it it ii >» Burmah. E. Indies. Bengal. E. Indies. Trinidad. PLAXTS IN THE ROYAL BOTAXICAL GARDEN"?. 343 ERAGROSTIS ciliaris, Link Tropics. ELEUSINE Indica, Grise. Tropics. LEPTOCHLOA mucronata, Kuntli. Tropics. ,, virgata, P. B. "Western Tropics. ,, filiformis, R. etP. Trop. America (Trinidad). CHLORIS radiata, Kuntli. Tropics. ,, polydactyla, Swartz. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) ISACHNE arundinacea, Grise. W. Indies (Trinidad) Tro- pical South America. ERIOCHLOA punctata, Uamilt. W. Indies (Trinidad). GY^ERIUM argenteum, S. B. K Brazil. SPOROBOLTJS virginicus, Kuntli. TropicalSwamps(Trinid ad ,, littoralis, Kunth. South Canada to extreme South America. Jacquemontii, Western Tropics. Indicus, R. Br. Tropics. ANTHEPHORA elegans, Schreb. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) CENCHRUS echinatus, Z. Tropics. SETARIA glauca, P. B. Temperate & Trop. Zones. OPLISMENUS hirtellus, R. Br. Guiana, Trinidad. ,, variegatus, Pacific Islands, Australia. PANICUM colonum, Z. Tropics. ,, crus-galli, Temperate, and most Tro- pical Countries, fuscum, Swartz. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) molle, Swartz. Tropics, distichum, Lamb. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) stoloniferum, Poir. Guiana toBrazil (Trinidad) maximum, Jacq. Western Tropics, brevifolium, W. Indies (Trinidad). n n 11 11 ii 344 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. PANICUM palmifolium, Poir. sulcatum, Auhl. lanatum, Sivartz. n n 11 oryzoides, Swartz. Jamaica, Trinidad. Mexico toBrazil(Trinidad) W. Indies (Trinidad) Pa- nama to Brazil. Jamaica, Trinidad, Gui- ana to Brazil. Trinidad. Tropics. "\V. Indies (Trinidad) Mex- ico to Brazil. PASPALUM compressum, Necs. "Western Tropics. conjugatum, Berg, "Western Tropics, Africa, distichum, Tropics, and Australia, notatum, Flugg. Tropical America, Trinidad decumbens, Swartz. Trinidad, Venezuela. sordidum, Tliomp. pallens, Swartz. OLYEA latifolia, Z. ii ii ii ii ii ii ii virgatum, Z. VILE A parvana, St cud. COIX lacliryma, Z. OEYZA sativa, Z. ZEA Mays, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad) Mex- ico to Uruguay. W. Indies, Trop. America. Tropics. Cultivated in mostTropical and someTemp. Countries. Tropics. POLYPODIACEiE. OLEANDEA nodosa, Presl W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. ,, neriiformis, Cav. Western Tropics. DAYALLIA pentaphylla, Blumc. Malayan Archipelago, dissecta, J. Sm. Java, solida, Sw. rOLYPODIUMpectinatum,Z. Trinidad, Trop. America. ii ILANTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. 345 POLYPODIUaE paradisic, Lang.etFkch. Brazil. LEPICYSTIS squaniata, J. Sm. W. Indies (Trinidad). GOXIOPHLEBITDI loriceum, J. Sm. Trinidad, Trop. America ,, lsetum, J. Sm. Trinidad, Brazil. , , meniscifolium, J. Sm. Trinidad, Brazil. ,, dissimile, J. Sm. Trinidad, Jamaica. ,, neriifolium, /. Sm. "Western Tropics. SCHELLOLEPIS subauriculata, J.Sm. MalayanArchipelago PHLEBODIUM aureum, R. Br. Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, sporodocarpum, ./. Sm, Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, dictyocallis, J. Sm. Trinidad, Trop. America. LOPHOLEPIS piloselloides,.ir.Trop. America, Trinidad. ,, fovearum, Jladd. Trinidad, Brazil. ,, trapeziforme, L. Western Tropics. ,, cultratum, J. Sm. Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, tenerum, Swartz. Western Tropics. ,, concinnum, IT. B. K. Tropical America. ,, cuneatuin, L. et F. Brazil. PTEBIS cretica, albo-lineata, Hook. ,, heterophylla, L. Jamaica. ,, sulcata, Link. Trinidad, Brazil. j i argyrea, Moore. E. Indies. GIANTS IN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS, 34& PTEEIS tremula, R. Br. New Zealand. ,, laciniata, Wild. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, aquilina, L. Trop. and temperate zones of both, hemispheres. LIT0BK0CHIAgrandiflora,7.£w.Trop. America, Trinidad, ,, macroptera, J. Sm. Trop. America, Trinidad, ,, podophylla, Presl. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, biaurita, J.Sm. W. Indies (Trinidad). DOKYOPTEEIS sagittifolia,./". ^.Brazil. ,, pedata, J. Sm. Brazil, LOXCHITIS Lindeniana, Hook. Trinidad, Trop. America. liLECHNUMlongifolium^.^.JT.Trinida^Trop.S.America,,. ,, Braziliensis, Desv. Brazil. ,, occidentale, L. Trinidad, Trop. America, ,, serrulatum, Rich. Trinidad, Trop. America, DOODIA caudata, R. Br. AustraKs. LOMAEIA onocleoides, Spreng. Western Tropics. S ALPICHLJENA volubile, J. Sm. Western Tropics. ASPLENIUM serratum, L. Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, crenulatum, L. Trinidad, Trop. America. „ salicifolium, L. Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, obtusifolium, L. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, firmum, Kunze. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, dentatum, L. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, Belangeri, Kunze. Java. ,9 Fabianum, Homb. Mauritius, Australia. ,, dimorphuin,irwftZ0.Norfolk Island. ,, viviparum, Presl. Mauritius. ,, cicutarium, Sw. South America, Trinidad, ,, cirrhatum, Rich. Trop. America, Trinidad. 350 PROCEEDINGS OP THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION, ASPLEX1UM auritum, Swartz. Trop. America, Trinidad, ,,. macilenta, Kunze. Trop. America, Trinidad. ,, fragrans, Swartz. Jamaica, Trinidad. DIPLAZIUM plantagineum, Sw. Trop. America, Trinidad. ,, grandifolium, Sw. Trop. America, Trinidad. ,, juglandifolium,£w. Venezuela, Trinidad. ,, Shepperdi, Link. W. Indies (Trinidad). Btriatum, Presl. Trop. America, Trinidad, eylvaticum, Swartz. E. Indies, Trinidad. Franconis, Lieb. Mexico,Jamaica,Trinidad. NEOTTOPTEBIS Australasica, J.Sm. New South Wales. ,, nidus, J. Sin. E. Indies. HEMIDIOTYOX marginatum, Presl Trinidad,Trop. America LINDSiEA trapeziformis, Dry. Western Tropics, stricta, Dry. Western Tropics. Guianensis, Dry. Trinidad, Guiana. SACCOLOMA elegans, JBTaulf. W. Indies (Trinidad). SITOLOBIUM adiantoides,t/'.&w. Trinidad, Trop. America. Pavoni, J. Sm. Trinidad, Trop. ximerica. dissectum, /. Sm. W. Indies (Trinidad). CYATHEA arborea, Swartz. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, aculeata, Wild. W. Indies (Trinidad). IIEMITELIA Bpeciosa, Kaulf. Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, graudifolia, Sprang. W. ladies (Trinidad). ,, horrida, R. Br. W. Indies (TrinidadjT ALSOPHILA ferox, Presl. Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, aculeata, J. Sm. Western Tropics. ,, gittifolia, Uook. Trinidad. JjOPIIOSOIilA pruinata, Presl. Trinidad, Trop. America. 5> J) J) PLANTS EN THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDEXS. 351 GLEICHENIA dichotonia, Hook. Tropics and sub-tropics of southern hemisphere, furcata, Spreng. E. Indies, Trinidad, longipinnata, Kl. Trinidad. HYMEXOPHYLLTJMasplenoides, Swart*. WesternTropics. ,, polyanthos, Swartz. Western Tropics. ,, fucoides, Swartz. Western Tropics. ,, ciliatum, Swartz. Western Tropics. ,, hirsutum, Swartz. Western Tropics. ,, liirtellum, Swartz. Trinidad, Jamaica. ,, sericeum, Swartz. Western Tropics. TRJCHOMANES membranaceum, Z. W.Indies (Trinidad). ,, muscoides, Swartz. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, ~KvdiMsii, Hoolc.et Grev.y^ . Indies (Trinidad). ,, sinuosum, Rich. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, pyxidiferum, L. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, trichoideum, Stoartz. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, crispum, L. Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, ~Ka.w\£\i§&i, Hook. etG rev. Trinidad, Trop. America. ,, alatum, Swartz. Trinidad, Trop. America. FEE A spicata, Presl. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, nana, Bory. Trinidad, Guiana. nYA[EXOSTACHYSelegans,Pm/. Trinidad, Guiana. LYGODIUM volubile. Swartz. Trinidad, Guiana to Brazil. ,, venustum, Swartz. Mexico to Brazil. ANEMIA adiantifolia, Swartz. Western Tropics. ANEMYDICTYON phyllitidis, J. Sm. Western Tropics. bCHIZEA elegans, Swartz. Trinidad, Trop. America. MARATTIACILE. MAKATTIA. alata, Sm. W. Indies (Trinidad). 352 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION". DANEA nodosa, 8m. Western Tropics. ,, elliptica, Sm. Western Tropics. 3r stenophylla, Kunze. Trinidad, Jamaica. OPHIOGLOSSACE^J. OPHIOGLOSSUM reticulatum,Z.Tropics. ,, palmatum, Z. W. Indies (Trinidad) Tro- pical South America. LYCOPODIACEJE. PSILOTUM triquetrum, Swartz. Tropics and sub-tropics of both hemispheres. SELAGINELLA serpens, Spring. Cuba. ,, cuspidata, Link. Tropical South America. „ flabellata, Spring. Tropics. stolonifera,5/;ri'w^.W. Indies (Trinidad), ciliauricula, W. Indies (Trinidad). Lobbi, Borneo, felicina, Spring. Columbia, Peru. LYCOTODIUM carolinianum, Z. Tropics. clavatum, Z. Tropics, cernuum, Z. Tropics, phlegmaria, Z. Tropics. taxifolia, Z. W.Indies (Trinidad), Peru verticellatum, Z. W.Indies (Trinidad), Bra- zil, Natal. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. 353 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 251 Read scabrella for scaberella. 253 ,, Nymphceaceoe for Nymphacese. 254 „ Cruciferae for Oucifereae. 255 „ volubilis for volubile ; and add after 8th. line — Canella alba, Murr. West Indies. 25D Add after 3rd line — Bonibax eliipticum, H.B. Tropical South America. 261 Read nuciferum for nuciferm. 267 Add after last line — Connarace.e. Connarus Guianensis, Lamb. Trinidad, Guiana. 292 Read Petcsia for Potesia, and parvifolia for pavifolia. 293 ,, angustifolia for angostifolia. 294 „ Distreptus for Distrepus. 296 ,, Clomenocoma for Clcmenocoma. 298 „ Cainito, L. for Caimito, Wild. 299 ,, Lisianthus for Lasianthus, and after 17th. line add Buddleya Madagascariensis, Lamb. 301 ,, Hoemadictyon for Hemydictyou, C'ryptostegia for Cryptostegia. 304 ,, Gerascanthus for gerascantlms. 305 ,, Labiata? for Labiateoo. 306 „ volubilis for volubile ; and after 20thl;neadd Aloysia citriodora, Ort. Chili. 307 Add after 27th line — Acanthus montanus, Fernando Po. 308 Read Aphelandra for Alphelandra. and Cyrtanthera catal- pa?folia, Honduras, for C. Catafraefolia Brazil. 309 ,, Cucurbitina for Curcubitina, and after 17th line add : Tecoma leucoxylon, Mart. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. „ pentaphylla, DC. Trinidad, Guiana, St. Vincent. „ serratifolia, Don. St. Vincent, Trinidad. „ spectabilis,P/a«cA. St Vincent, Trinidad. „ Stans, Juss. Western Tropics. „ jasminoides, Lindl. Moreton Bay. Jacaranda mimosaB folia, Don. Brazil. „ paulistana, Silv. Brazil, 310 Read rubra for nebra. 311 „ Scrophularineee for Schophalarieae, and Antirrhinum for Anterrhinuni. 354 PLANTS IX THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page ■ 312 Read Polygonaceee for Polygalacees. 313 „ sanguineus for sanguinens, and Aydendron for Ayedendron. 314 „ De Jonghii for De Tongliii. 315 „ acerifolia for acrifolia, and Msehringii for Mserhingii. 316 „ Msehrin^rii for Maeringhii. 317 „ ManihotforMainhot.andCoelebogyneforCselebogyne. 318 Add after 10th line — Emblica officinalis, Moluccas. 319 Head conglomcrata for congomerata, and CannabineoB for Cannabiniae. 320 „ torulosa for torolosa. 321 ,, Menziesii for Menzicsii. 322 ,, borealis glauca for borealis glanca. 326 Cancel Ac-rocomia vulgare L. and A. rostrata, Hook; and after A. Mexicaua road Astrocaryum vulgare, L. and A. rostratum, Hook. 329 Add after 2ndline — Butomaci Limnocharis Humboltii, Trinidad, Brazil. 332 Read Hyrtopera for Cyotopera. 334 Add after 27th line— Scuticaria Steelii, Lindl. Guiana. 335 Read Cycnoches for Cychnoches, Cryptarrhena for Cryp- tarrhenia, and Cypripcdium for Cyprepidium. 336 ,, Zingiber for Zingeber. 338 Add alter 8th line : — Amaryllide/e, Amaryllis equestris, Ait. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. ,, Bclladona. Z. ,, carinata, Spreng. "Western Tropics. Vallota purpurea, lLrh. Cape Good Hope. Crinum aquaticum, Birch. Cape Good Hope. ,, revolutum, Maranham. „ asiaticum, China ,, amabile East Indies. Haemanthus coccineus, Wild. Cape Good Hope. „ tigrinus, Wild. Cape Good Hope. Ilvpoxis decumbens, L. Trinidad, Brazil Pancratium caribseum, L. W. Indies (Trinidad). ,, s]>cciosum, L. W> Indies (Trinidad). ,, Mexicanum, Kunth. Mexico. Alstrcemia psittacina, Lchm Mexico. „ Bp. Trinidad (Carenage). Clivia nobilis, Lindl. Cape Good Hope. ,, Aitoni, Hook. Cape Good Hope. Pagh PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION 355 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Agave americana, L. Mexico, W. Indies. „ „ variegata. Mexico. „ Saundersii, Hook. Mexico. „ sp. Mexico. Fourcroya gigantea, Vent. Western Tropics. BROMELIACE.E. Ananassa sativa, Lindl. Tropical South America. „ „ vars Red Antigua. „ „ Black Jamaica. j „ ,, Queen. „ „ South Queen. „ ,, Pitch Lake (Trinidad). NidulariumKaratas,ZewcuV. Cuba to Guiana. Bromelia pinguin, X. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. Achmea fulgens, Paxt. Tropical South America. „ bracteata, Grise. W. Indies (Trinidad). „ sp. Trinidad. „ panicaligera, Gr. Trinidad, Venezuela. Macrochordium melananthum, Beer. Trinidad, Guiana. Brocchinia Plumierii, Grise. W. Indies (Trinidad). Pitcairnia tabula?formis, Australia. „ angustifolia, Ait. Mexico, W. Indies. Tillandsia setacea, Sicartz. W. Indies. ,, compressa, Bert. Jamaica, Trinidad. Balbisiana, Schultz. W. Indies (Trinidad), rlexuosa, Sicartz. Trinidad, Venezuela. „ glutinosa, Mart. Trinidad. ,, bulbosa, Hook. Jamaica, Trinidad. ,, argentea, Brazil. „ amaena, Lodd. W. Indies (Trinidad). „ anceps, Lodd. W. Indies (Trinidad). „ excelsa, Grise. W. Indies (Trinidad). „ usneoides, L. Western Tropics. Guzmannia tricolor, R%P. Cuba,Trinidad, Venezuela Caraguata lingulata, Lindl. W. Indies (Trinidad), Guiana. 339 Read Tritoma for Tritonia, and add after 23rd line— PONTEDERIACE.E. Pontederia crassipes, Mart. Trinidad, Guiana. 344 Add after Oryza sativa, O. latifolia, Desv. 347 Read Bahia for Bahai. „ Arthropteris for Arthopteris. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF Part VII.] [June 1869. Tuesday, 12th January, 1869. R. J. Lechmeee Guppy, F.G.S., F.L.S., &c, President, in the Chair. The following Visitor was introduced ; — Dr. Forbes New- sam, by Mr. Lambert. The following donations were announced : — 1. "The Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New- York." April, 1868. Presented by the Lyceum. 2. "Notes on the Land Shells of Trinidad, Grenada, and Dominica," By Thomas Bland, Esq., F.G.S. Presented by the Auth 358 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. The Secretary read the following Report : — As Secretary I have to present the following statement of the progress of the Association during the past twelve months, and of its condition at the end of that period. The numbers of the Association do not show any augmen- tation since the last Report. This is in some measure owing to the fact that the names of several of our former members have been removed from the list in consequence of non-com- pliance with the rules. We have elected 5 members and 2 corresponding members during the preceding year ; one of the latter has been elected a full member, and is included in the former number. Three of the previous members have been removed from the list, and three have resigned, leaving the composition of the Asso- ciation as follows : — Members 25 I Tonorary Member 1 Corresponding Members 11 Total 37 being a decrease of one member and an increase of one cor- responding member as compared with the previous year. The finances are, is to be noted, in a prosperous condition. The balance, however, would not have been so large had not the Fourth Part of our Proceedings fallen below the average size, owing to the paucity of papers read during the first half of the year now under consideration. On the other hand during the last three months our expenses have been much increased by our meetings taking place in a room in a public building, and the necessity we have been under of providing some articles of furniture as well as refreshments for the members. Though this will be felt more in the ensuing vent. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 359 I see no reason to fear that our finances will prove insufficient, a proper degree of economy being maintained. The hope expressed by the Secretary in his last report that the sale of the Proceedings would show an increase in the year just ended, has been amply realized, and it is gratifying to see so respectable an addition to our resources under this head ; much of this is due to the sale of our Proceedings in England, a publisher in London having undertaken the Agency there. The following is the balance-sheet of the Association on 31st December last : — Receipts. S c. Balance, 1st Jan. 18G8 27 10 Subscriptions received 99 90 Corresponding Members ... 9 95 Sale of Proceedings 30 51 S1G7 4G Payments. $ c. Printing, &c 67 22 Postage and Stationery 8 84 Expenses of Meetings 14 71 Furniture 12 85 Remittances and Charges. . . 3 72 Balance, 31st Dec. 1868... 60 12 S1G7 46 The following list comprises the Papers that have been read : — 1. The Annual Report of the Secretary. 2. Table of Rainfall for 1S63-4-5-6-7. By T. W. Carr. 3. R. J. Lechmere Guppy, F.L.S. & G.S. — Note on the Earthquake of 7th July, 1868. 4. Capt. Henry Kelsall, A.D.C, of H.M. 16th Regt.— No- tice of the occurrence of the Scarlet Tanager in Trinidad. 5. The Hon. R. Hill. — On Poisonous Fishes. _ 6. Dr. Giinther, F.R.S., &c. — Note on Three Cyprinoclontes, Small Freshwater Fishes of Trinidad. 7. The Hon. R. Hill.— On Fish-poisons. 360 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. 8. R. J. Lechmere Guppy, F.G.S. & L.S. — Further addi- tions to the catalogue of Land and Freshwater Molluska of Trinidad. 9. Henry Prestoe, Government Botanist. — Catalogue of Plants in the Botanic Garden. The latter paper which is a valuable contribution to our stock of knowledge relative to this Island, will appear in the next Part of our Proceedings. As it will occupy much space, special arrangements have been made by which the expense of printing will not fall on the Association. Donations of various publications have been made by the Sociedad de Ciencias of Caracas, and the exchange of our respective proceedings has been agreed-to by that Society and ourselves. It is much to be wished that other scientific bo- dies in this part of the world, of which there are unfortunately but few, would similarly unite with us in the diffusion of valuable information. Allusion has already been made as to our having obtained a place of meeting in a public building. Our accommoda- tion.- are, however, anything but satisfactory, and it is to be hoped that before long better arrangements on this point will be made. I should bring under the notice of the Association the ne- -ity which will soon arise for binding the papers and books presented to the Society, and of adopting sum,' rules whereby Buch donations may be made more accessible to the members for reading and reference. *o HENRY F. J. GUrPY, CARE — VOYAGE ROUND TRINIDAD. 361 The following communication was read : — Notes of a Voyage round the Island of Trinidad in October, 1868. By Thomas William Carr. (Communicated by the President.) Part I. (abridged.) Mr. William Tucker Laving invited me to accompany him on a coasting voyage, I gladly took advantage of his invita- tion, with a view to make myself better acquainted with the geography and natural history of the island. We sailed from Port-of-Spain on the 11th October last, and ran down to Monos to take in ballast. We neared that Island towards 3 p.m. during a southerly squall heralded by thunder and ac- companied by driving rain, the wind veering round to east, and going down in about three-quarters of an hour as the storm passed by to the West. We were fortunately so close to our destination that we were able to gain shelter behind Dominique Point, and run into l'Anse Maho in the bottom of Dehert Bay, anchoring just as the squall and gloom reached their height. We lay nearly landlocked ; and the storm, by the rapidity of its pas_ sage, not having had time to raise a sea in the Gulf, we were in still water. This squall recalled to our minds that it was the anniver- sary of the last Hurricane by which the island had been vi- sited : this, the only Hurricane of which I (or Mr. Tucker) had had any experience, set in near midnight of the 11th October, 1847, lasting in strong but fitful blasts for about 3 3C2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. hours. Trinidad was swept by the southern skirt of a Hur- ricane, which having exerted its full force in passing over Tobago, ran in a path nearly parallel with our Northern shores, striking Carupano and Pampatar (Margarita.) Its influence was slight to the south of the Caroni and the Oro- pouche rivers, and in Naparima it was not felt at all. In Trinidad, Toco suffered most, being nearer to the heart of the storm than any other exposed quarter. In town, the Dry river ran wild, and the bridges were carried away. In the vallies running down through and from the northern range of mountains, Cacao estates suffered from the fall of the Bois Immortels ; fallen Bamboos choked the Carenage road where it passes through the Hope estate in the mouth of the Diego- Martin valley, and Plantain and Manioc fields suffered much. Beyond the injuries and the wreck of the boats and droghers in our harbor, no further notable harm was done. The lar- ger craft held to their anchors, as they generally have done here in similar cases, thanks to our excellent holding ground (mud), to our enclosed position, and to the merely third or fourth-class character of the few Hurricanes by which we are visited. Only four Hurricanes are recorded as having touched this island within the present century ; they occurred on 18th October, 1809. 12th August, 1810. 23rd June, 1831. 12th October, 1847. That of 1S31 was the worst, and was felt throughout the Island — the wooden jetties at San Fernando and Port-of- Spain were destroyed, many feluccas wrecked and several si lips were driven on shore, but the bottom being mud these were subsequently hauled back into deep water unhurt. On this occasion also the Dry Paver overflowed its banks. CARR — VOYAGE ROUND TRINIDAD. 263 The plants I particularly noticed in Monos were the fol- lowing : — Tecoma stans (Bois flambeau.) Cnidoscolus napaeformis. Lantana camara (Sage.) L. radula. Cordia cylindristachys (Black Sage.) C. interrupta. Blechum Brownei. Stachytarpheta cayennensis ) ,_ , Tr . N „ . . . > (Bastard Vervains.) S. jamaicensis J Cassia bacillaris. Cosmos sulpliureus. Desmodium axillare. D. incanum. Crotolaria incana. Evolvulus sericeus. Pitcairnia angustifolia. Anthusium Huegeli. Wulffia havanensis. Randia aculeata. Chiococca racemosa var. Pithecolobium oblongum. Bumelia buxifolia. Brunsfelsia fallax. Critonia parviflora. Peperomia obtusifolia. Pedilanthus tithymaloides. Solanum lanceifolium. S. radula. Miconia sp. Macfadyena sp. 364 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. Ogiera ruderalis. Wedellia caracasensis. Paritium tiliaceum. Sophora tomentosa. Acacia paniculata ? Combretum sp. Gomphia nitida. Dioclea guianensis. Cypsela humifusa. Lonchocarpus pentaphyllus. Securidaca Brownei. A small tree, 12-15 feet high, not unlike, in stem, branch- ing and proportions, that I can recollect a standard Apple tree to be, and that grew pretty commonly along the cliffy shores, presented a beautiful appearance, having shed its leaves, or nearly all, and being in full blossom with delicate bright-yellow spreading-petalled flowers. The long narrow- based expanding yellow petals remind one of the orchid-like flowers of the Stigmaphyllon convolvulifolium, a wild vine miming over wild shrubs in the outskirts of Port-of-Spain, or of the S. diversifolium, a scandent shrub with a smooth man- ove-like leaf very common in Mangrove swamps. It is Gomphia nitida. It flowers profusely on short panicles, and would be very ornamental in a garden when in flower. To my surprise, a person who accompanied us, a native of Monos, in answer to an inquiry as to Lta common name, said it v. ' Mangle Blanc' : whereas this was stated by Mr. Criiger to be Laguncularia racemosa, a Combretad. Trivial names . applied, in this country a1 least, on decidedly trivial grounds and quite regardless ot repetition . how many Lilacs, Ver- vains, i Cherrii Pommes, Olives. &c, have we nol belonging itural , widely 1 is it CARR — VOYAGE ROUND TRINIDAD. 365 not so, over the world, with Cedars, Oaks, Beefwoods, &c, ? Such confusion shows the value of a fixed systematic nomen- clature, but as this can never come into common use, we should endeavor, in common names, to hold to some special and if possible the aboriginal name of a plant, as Mammee instead of Maruniee-apple, Jambolan instead of Java-plum or its absurd Creole alternative of Prune manage, Avocado instead of Avocato-pear, Alligator-pear or Zaboca, and so on through numberless instances. I once asked an old black man what, if any, common name was given to a pretty pink- flowering plant (Stachytarpheta mutabilis) — pointing to it — "wha' we caal 'im, hea'about ? — Queen- Victoria dressin'- gown-bush, — da he naim, — putty flower !" On the beach of l'Anse Caribe a Conchologist would look in vain for a single shell ; yet a friend who stayed there ten days during last month, December, brought back from it not less than 30 species, in various condition, whole, broken, and fragments. We had been talking of shells before he went down, and when there, having little occupation or variety of modes in which to pass the time, his household amused them- selves with seeking shells by scraping aside the stones and fine gravel. Columbella mercatoria, JVassa antillarum, Ce- rithium valgatum, Cerithium versicolor and Purpura auri- culata, were numerous ; Murex pomiformis, Columbella lae- vigata, Capulus intortus, Nerita praecognita^ Siphonaria lineata and the handsome Triton pilearis were pretty fre- quent— the remainder were generally single specimens or fragments — these were all what a malacologist would call dead shells, indicating nevertheless the existence of as many living species of mollusks in the sea washing that shore. On the very narrow beach cleared of the bushes for a land- 366 PROCEEDING OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. ing place, there were a number of Trigona Mactroides, the valves united but the animal invariably gone — they had ap- parently been gathered for cooking, and, after boiling, the meat had been taken out without breaking the hinge. The same remark applies to the Asiphis rugosa and the Venus crenulata also found here in considerable numbers. I saw no other shells here than those four sorts. The bottom of this bay is probably too calm to allow of shell fish or dead shells being driven ashore on its beaches. Tuesday, 9th February, 1869. R. J. Lechmere Gltpy, F.G.S., F.L.S., President, in the Chair. Edward Johnston Hammond, Esq., M.R. C.S.,L. was elected a Member. The following communication was read : — Notice of sonic new Marine Shells found on the Shores of Trinidad. — By R. J. Lechmere Guppy, F.L.S., F.G.S. &c, Purpura trinitatensis n. sp. A solid ovate yellowish subrimate shell adorned with nu- merous rounded Bpiral ridges which are crossed by fine im- bricating Whorls about 6, with 4 spiral rows of ob- it ire elongated tubercle^ of which the two upper rows are much the largest, the ior one forming the angle of the whorls. Suture hidden by a row of stout curved and re- fleeted lamellae, of which there are about 3 above each of the tubercles on I le of the whorl. Spire conic, sharp. Mouth pink within and often ornamented with two or three more or ht.i interrupted Bpiral red or chestnut lines corres- ponding to the external rows of tubercles. Aperture oval with a small and decided posterior canal forming the succes- GUPPY — SHELLS OF TFJNIADD. 367 sive sutural lamellae ; anterior canal open and a little reflect- ed. Pillar lip smooth, flattened or hollowed out, bright pink ; outer lip denticulate, obsoletely striate within. Height 40 millimetres, greatest breadth 27 mill., longest diameter of aperture 26 mill. A species somewhat resembling P. mancinclla, but with a sharper spire and a more decided striation. The sutural lamellae are well developed like those of P. coronal a. There i strong ridge round the base. Gulf of Paria. Cardium eburniferum n. sp. Shell a little angularly suboval, moderately tumid : exter- nally marked with irregular orange-brown spots, and adorned with 35 narrow imbricated ribs closely covered towards the margins of the shell with numerous porcellanous semitubular tubercles, which are thicker anteriorly ; posterior edge nearly straight, strongly serrate. Hinge-teeth -, -, , — strong. Interior salmon-color, growing white towards the strongly dentrate margins which are yellowish. Height 52 mill., length 45, thickness 40. South Coast of Trinidad (T. W. Carr). Cardium haitense Sowerby. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. vi, p. 52, pi. x, f. 11. An oblique subovate shell with 20 — 24 radiating nodose rather square ribs wider than their finely crenate interstices. Allied to C. subovale Brod. This was originally described by Sowerby as a fossil from Haiti, but I have dredged two small examples of it in the Gulf of Paria. 368 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. Area centrota Guppy. Proceedings of the Scientific Association, p. 175 (Dec. 1867). This species was described as a fossil, but I have since as- certained that it is likewise living on our coasts, having been collected by myself on the shores of the Gulf of Paria, and by Mr. Carr on the South Coast. Its umbones are often, pink or red, which color is visible inside as well as outside and the shell has a hairy epidermis, generally worn off at the umbones. Height 17, length 24 mill, The following is the original description : — " Transversely subrhomboidal, with a strong wide carina- tion running from the umbo to the posterior angle ; ornament- ed with many (36-38) squamosely nodose radiating ribs each with a fine subsidiary thread-like rib in the nrrrow interstice ; anterior margin short, rounded ; posterior margin strongly sinuate, angulate above with the hinge-line and forming a more rounded angle with the strongly crenate lower margin. Hinge-teeth small in the middle of the straight hinge, but becoming larger and diverging considerably towards the angles ; ligamental area more or less grooved, especially an- teriorly." Th racia diss im L lis. Ovatc-oblong, compressed, white, roughened by numerous line granules which are generally arranged in lines radiating In >m the umbo; trar ely excentrically plaited ; anteriorly rounded, posteriorly vertically truncate, with a keel (most prominent on the smaller valve) running from the umbo to the lower posterior angle. Height 27, length 40, thickm 15 mill. This is nearly allied io T. plicaia, which Peeve (C. I. Thracia, 7) con ditto bo. Our shell is rather interme- GTJPPY — SHELLS OF TRINIDAD. 369 diate between T. plicata and T. magnified, differing from the former in ornamentation and general shape. On a tablet in the British Musenm the name dissimilis is applied to our species ; but I have not been able to find any authority for that name, which I now adopt for the shell. The animal is furnished with two long siphons separate for the whole of their length and coarsely fringed. The epidermis along the posterior margin extends beyond the the shell and covers the bases of the siphons. Tuesday, 13/A April, 1868. R. J. Leciimere Guppy, F.L.S., F.G.S., &c, President, in the Chair. The following Donations were announced : — "Journal of the Society of Arts"— Nos. 819, 824, 825, 826, 827, 837, 838, 832, 840. Presented by the Co- lonial Government. The following communication was read : — " On the Manufacture of Sugar by Evaporation." By The Hon. Henry Stuart Mitchell, M.D, Ph.D. The last communication which I had the pleasure of sub- mitting to tbe Association, was an examination of the me- thods in use or proposed for obtaining the juice of the Sugar Cane in as nearly a state of sugar and water as possible. Experience has decided clearly in favour of slicing the cane and then washing out the saccharine element with water. This may be done in more than one way, but it may be af- firmed that science points out as the most perfect mode that in which the cane after the process of slicing is exposed to such a heat under 212° as will be sufficient to fix the albu- 370 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. men-oil and colouring matters and at the same time prevent any degenerating process from beginning through the action of the air on vegetable ferment or otherwise till ample time elapse for driving off the superfluous water and isolating the whole sugar in a state of purity. It was further stated that the next best mode of extraction, where the desiccation of the slices was undesirable, would be to macerate the slices as they fell in vessels containing water dosed appropriately with bisulphite of Lime. In either case the displacement of the sugar would be attained in the former methods entirely, and in the latter to extent of about nine-tenths of the whole but of somewhat inferior purity. Whenever the slightest impu- rity occurs, it should be at once removed by filtration, through charcoal, as it may be safely maintained with Dmitri Davidou, probably the best practical writer on the manufac- ture of Beet-root sugar, that previous to evaporation, "the juice must be in a slate of perfect purity." To this axiom every manufacturer who hopes for success must implicitly conform, and the planter in these colonies who chooses to incur the extra expense and trouble, will yet find it much easier to do so in the earlier stages of manufacture, than in manipulating the comparatively weak but complex juice of the Beet in Europe, or in refining, an originally low quality of Muscovado. To attain such purify animal charcoal is the agent almost universally employed, but wood charcoal and many shales possess similar power and though in less degree have been occasionally used a institutes. To gentlemen com with this Colony it must be interesting and may be profit- able to know, thai in the Bitumen which exists so abundantly in the Pitch Lake and elsewhere, they po lib bance MITCHELL — SUGAR BY EVAPORATION, 371 which carefully manipulated, equals animal charcoal in de- colorising power, while it communicates no unpleasant smell to the nitrate, and as refuse becomes a valuable cane-manure To return to the subject of these remarks, the Evaporation of Cane-juice. It is clear that whatever the mode employed, the end to be obtained is in all instances the same, namely, to get rid of the superfluous water in the shortest time, aud with least injury to the remaining sugar — in other words, to expose the largest surface of liquid to the largest heating surface under such circumstances as do not necessarily involve deterioration of the liquid. Omitting for the present any consideration of Vacuum-pan working, which is the most perfect as well as the most expensive, I shall confine thesa remarks to evaporation from the inclined plane and by the Shower. The Inclined Plane or tray was originally described by its Inventor in 1S37, as a shallow trough 6 metres long and 2 metres wide, made of copper and heated by steam, with the lower end at such an inclination, that the Beet-root juice when poured on the upper part in a state of " perfect purity" took two minutes and-a-half to reach the lower end, whence it fell in a continuous stream, marking 22J degrees of Beau- me, the temperature on the surface never marking above 72° of Reaumur (167° Fahr.) This inclined plane was imper- fectly divided throughout its whole extent by transverse per- pendicular flanges alternately attached to the opposite sides of the tray in such a manner that the liquid in its descent had to traverse the whole breadth of the pan before escaping at the free end of each flange to course along the next one — ■ each flange thus acting as a dam or gutter till the liquid reached its free end, descending to the next, and so on, till 372 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATOIN. the liquid to be evaporated come in contact with, many hun- dred feet of evaporating surface. A blast of air along this surface as proposed by the inventor, but not put in execution by him, would, if heated or even dry, have more than doubled the evaporative effect. Dmitri Davidou then proceeds to state the results obtained in the following language : " Les produits bruts que j'ai obtenus l'annee passee (1836) de la betterave tres alteree, a l'aide de mon plan incline (apres lequel j'achevai la concentration du sirop dans un cylindre tournant) avaient la blancheur de la neige et offraient l'aspect du sucre en pains par le rapprochement compacte de leurs crystaux, mais comme les sirops n'avaient point subi Faction violente du feu, la saveur, etc." These results are brilliant, and it is not astonishing that a pure juice (for Davidou insists on purity as essential) should when rapidly evaporated by steam in a copper vessel at a low temperature produce a white concrete, the wonder is that a system so simple and presenting such advantages, should have remained in abeyance till within the last 3 or 4 years, when it has been revived by Mr. Fryer in the introduction of the Concretor. This last, a modification of the inclined plane and cylinder of Davidou, appears to be a wonderful improve- ment on the canon coppers, producing in a single concrete form, easily made, handled and shipped with little or no loss, what was formerly shipped with great trouble as the two separate articles, sugar and molasses with an eventual loss on their aggregate of seldom less than 12 or 14 percent. Mr. Fryer rates the gain at something over £4 per ton by employing the Concretor ; I am inclined to place it much higher if the apparatus be worked with care, not that it will ever give or was ever intended to give a white concrete like MITCHELL — SUGAR BY EVAPORATION. 373 Davidou's, its iron surface cannot be kept as clean as that of the copper plane, nor can its open fire be as carefully regu- lated as a steam supply. Yet the principle is one whose adoption must lead gradually from one modification to another till it end in the production of pure concrete or loaf sugar ; this was probably not intended by Mr. Fryer, but to me the conclusion appears to be inevitable and not remote. The second method of evaporation to which I would direct your attention is the " Shower ;" a process which may dispute the palm with the inclined plane of Dmitri Davidou or the more recent Fryer's Concretor — inasmuch as the surface it exposes, either to steam or heated air, is practically unlimited, and the heat does not rise high enough to scald the fingers, The application is as follows : premising as in the preceding mode that the cane-juice to be operated on is perfectly pure, it is received into a vessel heated by steam or otherwise ; to this is adapted a pump, endless belt or other suitable elevator, which by its action raises the liquid to be evaporated to any given height above the receiving vessel, into which it again falls through a sieve or perforated surface in as many drop- ping rills as there are perforations in the sieve ; through this " Shower," which gives its name to the apparatus, dry or heated air may be driven or not, according to the speed of evaporation required. It is clear that by increasing the height of the Shower and the amount of dry air driven through its particles or drops, the superfluous moisture may be driven off with such speed as to cause almost instantaneous evaporation. The action of the apparatus when used with water illustrates its power more clearly. When applied to a vessel 3 feet wide by 5 feet long 2 feet deep, in which the water was made to boil fiercely, the temperature of the water 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. immediately sunk to 150° fahrenheit, nor could the skill of the fireman raise the heat higher, as long as the " Shower" was in action. This mechanism, including the Fanner blast, was worked successfully on a practical scale before Lord Harris, the Governor of Trinidad, and several Members of the Legislative Council, in 1849, and those present satisfied themselves, ihat while the Shower was in full action and the evaporation at its quickest, the syrup could be handled with impunity. The importance of using cane-juice or syrup in a state of perfect purity is so great, that you will perhaps excuse me for adding a few words on this subject, and recom- mending to your careful examination an automatic or self- acting process for clarifying and cleansing cane-juice or other materials in the earlier stage of evaporation. It was borrowed originally from Cuba, and subsequently patented in Trinidad and Demerara. Tuesday, 8th June, 18G0. R. J. Lechmere Guppy, F.L.S., F.G. S., &c, President, m the Chair. In the absence of the Secretary, Dr. Knaggs was requested to act in his place. The following Donations were announced : — " Journal of the Society of Arts," Nos. 834—839. Present- ed by the Colonial GovernmerU. " Scientific Opinion," Nos. 1 — 20. Presented by the Pre- sident. NOTICE OF MEMOIRS. 375 NOTICE OF MEMOIR. Hydraspis Gordoni. Dr. J. E. Gray has described to the Zoological Society of London a new Tortoise from Trinidad, which it was proposed to call Hydraspis Gordoni, a specimen having been deposited by The Hon. Arthur Gordon in the Society's Gardens. [R. J. L. G.] x^ sp***^: 4 ~*f ,* i (