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S 2 w S < . _ to • .it t/> •<. to LSNI NVINOSHillMS S3iavaan libraries SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSHillMS S3iav: ~ ■- to — in — <0 X •■» CO o ■ Q -J Z _ IIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSHlIlMS^Sa I ava 8 I . ^ 2: r- ^ z O '' " XJvasv; LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN'^INSTITU E CO ^ — \ Z in — in ISNI NVINOSHillMS SBiavaail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN "INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSHillMS S3iav: Z to Z to ••'■w.i.iwijwii— — (n MES SMITHS0NIAN_INSTITUT|0N NOlinillSNI NVINOSHillMS S3 I a Va a ^ SMITHSONIAN _ INSTITl JOAN W. NOWIGKE and JOHN J. SKVARLA SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY • NUMBER 37 SERIES PUBLICATIONS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Emphasis upon publication as a means of "diffusing knowledge” was expressed by the first Secretary of the Smithsonian. In his formal plan for the Institution, Joseph Henry outlined a program that included the following statement: "It is proposed to publish a series of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries in science, and of the changes made from year to year in all branches of knowledge.” This theme of basic research has been adhered to through the years by thousands of titles issued in series publications under the Smithsonian imprint, commencing with Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge in 1848 and continuing with the following active series: Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics Smithsonian Contributions to Botany Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology Smithsonian Studies in Air and Space Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology In these series, the Institution publishes small papers and full-scale monographs that report the research and collections of its various museums and bureaux or of professional colleagues in the world cf science and scholarship. The publications are distributed by mailing lists to libraries, universities, and similar institutions throughout the world. Papers or monographs submitted for series publication are received by the Smithsonian Institution Press, subject to its own review for format and styie, only through departments of the various Smithsonian museums or bureaux, where the manuscripts are given substantive review. Press requirements for manuscript and art preparation are outlined on the inside back cover. S. Dillon Ripley Secretary Smithsonian Institution ■T. . '•1 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY • NUMBER 37 Pollen Morphology and the Relationship of the Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primulaceae to the Order Gentrospermae Joan W. Nowicke and John J. Skvarla ISSUED f : ; i HUG 18 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1977 ABSTRACT Nowicke, Joan W., and John J. Skvarla. Pollen Morphology and the Relation- ship of the Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primnlaceae to the Order Centro- spermae. Sinilhsonian Coniributions to Pwlany, number 37, 64 pages, 200 figures, 5 tables, 1977. — Three families, Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primnlaceae, are considered to be related to or derived from the Order Centrospermae by vari- ous authors. These three families have anthocyanin pigments in contrast to the betalains found in all but two families in the Centrospermae. In addition, all three are known to have starch-type sieve-tube plastids in contrast to the protein type found in all centrospermous families. Examination of the pollen of 134 species by SEM, TEM, and light microscopy revealed great diversity, especially in the Polygonaceae, but not tlie spinulose and tubuliferous/punctate ektexine, which characterizes the vast majority of the centrospermous taxa. Recent evidence argues against a close relationship of the Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primidaceae with the Centrospermae, and the absence of any pollen types com- mon to the three families further suggests that they are not closely related to each other. Official publication date is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution’s annual report, Sinitlisotiian Year. Series cover design: Leaf clearing from the katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum Siebold and Zuccarini. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Nou'icke, Joan W. Pollen morphology and the relationship of the Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primnlaceae to the order Centrospermae. (Sinith.sonian contributions to botany ; no. 37) Bibliography: p. 1. Plumbaginaceae. 2. Polygonaceae. 3. Primnlaceae. 4. Centrospermae. 5. Palynotaxonomy. 6. Pollen morphology. 1. Skvarla, John J., joint author. 11. Title. III. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to botany ; no. 37. QKL.S2747 no. 37 [QK495.A12] oSL.OSs [583’.672] 77-608070 Contents Page Introduction 1 Materials and Methods 3 Results of Pollen Analyses 4 Centrospermae 4 Plumbaginaceae 5 POLYGONACEAE 8 Primulaceae 11 Discussion and Conclusions 12 Literature Cited 15 Tables 16 Figures 23 iii Pollen Morphology and the Relationship of the Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primulaceae to the Order Centrospermae Joan W. Nowicke and John J. Skvarla Introduction The Centrospermae (Caryophyllales) represents one of the most controversial orders in the angio- sperms. This group of at least 10 families, which in the past has been cited as one of the few natural orders based mostly on morphological characteris- tics, has unique N-containing pigments, the beta- lains, and a distinctive structure in the sieve-tube plastids. Both Cronquist (1968) and Takhtajan (1969) unite the betalain families, Aizoaceae, Ama- ranthaceae, Basellaceae, Cactaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Didiereaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, and Portulacaceae, as well as two anthocyanin families, Caryophyllaceae and Molluginaceae, in the order Caryophyllales (± Centrospermae). Both authors include Halophytum ameghinoi Spegazzini (a beta- lain taxon) and the Gyrostemonaceae in this order: Cronquist (1968) treats Halophytum as a monotypic genus in the Chenopodiaceae while Takhtajan (1969) gives it family status; Cronquist regards the Joan W. Nowicke, Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560. John J. Skvarla, Department of Botany and Micro- biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 75019. Gyrostemonaceae as part of the Phytolaccaceae, and Takhtajan separates it as a distinct family. Takh- tajan recognizes the Tetragoniaceae as a separate family while Cronquist includes it in the Aizoaceae. Dysphania is treated as a member of the Chenopo- diaceae by both authors; and finally Takhtajan also places the Hectorellaceae and the Bataceae in this order. Thorne (1968) in a synopsis of angiosperm classi- fication has placed the betalain families in a sub- order, Chenopodiinae, one of two constituting the order Chenopodiales. He recognized the Gyrostemo- naceae and the Halophytaceae as distinct families but treated the Molluginaceae as a subfamily in the Aizoaceae, the Achatocarpaceae as a subfamily in the Phytolaccaceae, and Dysphania as a member of the Chenopodiaceae. The other suborder, Caryo- phyllinae, consists of two families, the Caryophylla- ceae and the Polygonaceae. The next order, Bati- dales, consists of only the Batidaceae, but Thorne apparently regards this family as somewhat related to the Chenopodiales since both orders are united under a superorder, Chenopodii florae. Mabry, Taylor, and Turner (1963) and Behnke and Turner (1971) have treated the betalain fami- 1 2 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY lies as a distinct group, separate from, yet closely allied to, the two anthocyanin families, Caryo- phyllaceae and Molluginaceae. Evidence from ultrastriictural research on sieve- tube plastids (Behnke and Turner, 1971; Behnke, 1976) and pollen morphology (Nowicke, 1975; Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976) has reinforced the close tie between the betalain families and the Caryo- phyllaceae and the Molluginaceae. In an investiga- tion of these plastids (colorless leucoplasts found in the sieve-tubes) of the above-mentioned families (Behnke and Turner, 1971) and the Magnoliidae and Ranunculidae (Behnke, 1971), two main types were found: plastids accumulating only starch and designated as the S-type; and plastids accumulating at least some protein, variously deposited, and desig- nated as the P-type. The betalain families and the Caryophyllaceae and the Molluginaceae all had the P-type plastid in which proteinaceous fdaments formed a peripheral ring usually around a crystal- loid. Within the above-mentioned families, Behnke (1976) was able to distinguish three groups based on the crystalloid: globular, the most common; polyg- onal, found in the Caryophyllaceae and in two other genera, Limeiim (Molluginaceae) and Stegno- sperma (Phytolaccaceae); and crystalloid-free, hav- ing only the ring, found in two families, the Amaranthaceae and the Chenopodiaceae. Examination of the pollen of 177 species (No- wicke, 1975) by light microscopy and SEM revealed that 85% had a similar type of ektexine pattern or sculpture, which was described as spinulose and the tectum perforate, the openings described as tubules or punctae. This was the predominant ektexine pat- tern in every betalain family and in the Caryo- phyllaceae and the Molluginaceae; in some families, i.e., the Phytolaccaceae and the Molluginaceae, this pattern was the only one found. Examination of selected taxa by TEM (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976) revealed that the predominant pollen-type in the betalain families and in the Caryophyllaceae has a similar, sometimes identical, wall structure. Pollen of the Achatocarpaceae, Bataceae, Gyro- stemonaceae, and Theligonaceae was also examined, but none of the species in these small families has the spinulose and tubuliferous/punctate ektexine described above. The Bataceae, Gyrostemonaceae, and Theligonaceae all have the starch-type plastid and lack the betalain pigments. Thus the evidence from palynology, pigmentation, and plastid struc- ture indicates that these three families are not closely related to the Centrospermae. The relation- ship of the Achatocarpaceae, a family unknown with regard to pigmentation, to the Centrospermae is more obscure — the pollen morphology does not, in Nowicke’s opinion (1975) support a close tie, but on the other hand the two genera that comprise the family, Achatocarpus and Phaulothamnus, do have the P-type of plastid (Behnke, 1976). The Gyrostemonaceae have in fact been the sub- ject of a multidisciplinary study (Goldblatt, et al., 1976) in which all lines of evidence, including cyto- logical, argue strongly against any relationship of this family to the Centrospermae. Although there is almost universal agreement on treating the betalain families as a closely related group, the precise definition of the order Centro- spermae, i.e., to include or exclude the Caryo- phyllaceae and Molluginaceae, may never be re- solved to everyone’s satisfaction. Of more interest in view of the accumulating data on the Centro- spermae (sensu lato) is the question of the deriva- tion of the families Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primulaceae from this order. Takhtajan (1969) considers the Polygonales, con- taining only the Polygonaceae, as near the Caryo- phyllales, especially the Portulacaceae and Basella- ceae, and probably derived from the same stock as the Caryophyllales (Centrospermae). His views on the Plumbaginaceae are similar: nearest to Portula- caceae and Basellaceae and probably derived from the same stock as Caryophyllales. He does admit that the pollen morphology of the Plumbaginaceae is different — apparently from that of Portulacaceae and Basellaceae. According to Cronquist (1968:185), “both the Polygonaceae and Plumbaginaceae are pretty clearly related to the Caryophyllales. Both have a single, basal, bitegmic, crassinucellate ovule in a com- pound, unilocular ovary, and both have trinucleate pollen. These characters are not known to occur in combination outside the subclass Caryophyllidae. The Polygonaceae are further bound to the Caryo- phyllales by similarities in the pollen and by a more or less transitional group of genera which are vari- ously referred to the Caryophyllaceae or treated as a separate family, Illecebraceae. The Plumbagina- NUMBER 87 3 ceae are somewhat more isolated but may also be derived from the Caryopliyllaceae.” In one respect the system of Thorne (1968) paral- lels those of Cronquist (1968) and Takhtajan (1969) in that all three authors consider the Polygonaceae as related to the Caryopliyllaceae. Although Thorne treats the Primulales and Plumbaginales as adjacent orders indicative of some relationship, they are far removed from the Chenopodiales, at least in his linear sequence. Philipson (1975) in a review paper on evolution- ary lines in the dicotyledons states that there is general agreement to exclude the Primulaceae from the subclass Caryophyllidae (sensu Cronquist, 1968). “Almost as universal is the acceptance of the Poly- gonaceae as at least peripheral to the group. The position of the Plumbaginaceae remains more de- batable” (Philipson, 1975:74). Hutchinson (1959:117) regarded the Caryophyl- lales (Elatinaceae, Molluginaceae, Caryopliyllaceae, Ficoidaceae, and Portulacaceae) as “a prolific herba- ceous group which has given rise to apetalous orders such as Polygonales, Clienopodiales, and perigynous petaliferous families as Lythrales, besides sympeta- lous groups as Gentianales and Primulales.” The Illecebraceae are given family status and included as the only other family in the Polygonales. It is noteworthy that Hutchinson included Herniaria, Paronychia, and Scleranthus, as well as Illecebriim, among the genera listed at the end of the family description. He united the Primulaceae and Plum- baginaceae as the order Primulales, closely related to the Caryophyllaceae and perhaps the Saxifraga- ceae. The Primulaceae, Polygonaceae, and Plumba- ginaceae contain the anthocyanin pigments, and the last two, at least, are known to have the starch-type of plastid (Behnke and Turner, 1971) and appar- ently the Primulaceae also has this type (Behnke, pers. comm.). In an effort to resolve the limits and relationships of the Centrospermae, pollen of Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primulaceae were examined by light microscopy, SEM, and TEM. For purposes of comparison and the reader’s convenience, we have included a brief discussion and a SEM and TEM of a species from several betalain families, and from the Caryophyllaceae and Molluginaceae. Acknowledgments. — In an extensive study like this numerous persons have contributed in one way or another, but Janice Bittner at the Smithsonian Institution and William Chissoe at the University of Oklahoma deserve special thanks for their fine technical assistance and helpful suggestions. The scanning electron photographs were prepared by the Scanning Electron Microscope Laboratory at the Smithsonian Institution. We also wish to thank Aaron Goldberg and Stanwyn G. Shetler for their critical review and Clara Ann Simmons for her assistance in the preparation of the manuscript. This research was supported in part by BMS grant 75-19846 to John J. Skvarla. Materials and Methods Pollen of 20 species in the Plumbaginaceae (Table 3), 85 in the Polygonaceae (Table 4) and 29 in the Primulaceae (Table 5) was examined by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Also examined and included are 38 additional taxa from the centrospermous families (Table 2). Pollen sam- ples were removed from herbarium material and acetolyzed according to procedure outlined in Erdt- man (1966). Samples for the SEM were vacuum- coated with gold, and examined and photographed with a Cambridge Stereoscan MK IIA microscope. Samples for the TEM were incorporated into agar, dehydrated through increased concentrations of ethyl alcohol, and subsequently embedded in araldite-epon resins (Skvarla, 1973). Some pollen samples were stained in 0.125% OsO^ in 0.1 M so- dium cacodylate buffer for two hours prior to agar incorporation. Thin-sections were made with dia- mond knives, collected on iincoated grids and stained with uranyl acetate and then lead citrate. Electron microscope observations were made with a Philips model-200 transmission electron micro- scope. Slides of all samples are deposited at the Palynological Laboratory, Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution. This study is a comparison of the pollen mor- phology of three families, Plumbaginaceae, Poly- gonaceae, and Primulaceae, with the pollen of the Centrospermae, and detailed measurements and/or descriptions are not given. The species examined are listed in Tables 2-5; the names were taken from the herbarium labels or the most recent annota- tions. The identifications would have to be mis- 4 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY taken at the level of family to be significantly mis- leading in this type of study, but all vouchers and geographical locations are given in Tables 2-5. Results of Pollen Analyses Pollen analysis of the Plumbaginaceae, Polygona- ceae, and Primulaceae revealed diverse forms within each family, especially the Polygonaceae, but no dis- tinctive pollen type(s) was common to all three families. For this reason each family will be dis- cussed separately following a review of the Centro- spermae. Centrospermae Figures 1-28 The common pollen types in the Centrospermae are illustrated in Figures 1-6: 3-colpate, pantopo- rate, and pantocolpate, all with a spinulose and tubuliferous/punctate ektexine. With the exception of some taxa in the Caryophyllaceae which are 3-colporoidate, the apertures in the Centrospermae pollen are simple. The most variable class of aper- tures is that of pantoporate. Anredera scandens (Figure 3) is usually 6-porate, with one pore on each plane of the roughly cube-shaped grain. Gymnocar- pos fruticosiim pollen (Figure 4), with large, sunken pores in a geometric pattern, contrasts sharply with that of Chenopodiiun ambrosioides (Figure 5), which has numerous small pores. Figures 7 through 12 illustrate at high magnifica- tion (X 7500) the ektexine surface, spinulose, and tubuliferous/punctate, which characterizes the vast majority (85%) of the centrospermous taxa. Hama- tocactus septispinus pollen (Figure 12) has the largest perforations among the species examined by SEM. Figures 13 through 18 illustrate specialized or un- usual forms, but at least one species, Cardionema ramosissima (Figure 16), has the typical ektexine. Two other taxa, PsilotricJnim amplum (Figure 13), considered unusual because of the stellate aperture plates, and Herniaria glabra (Figure 15), in which the grains have a rare tetrahedral shape, also have the common ektexine pattern but a modified ver- sion of it — the spines and perforations are much reduced. The internal structure of the exine in various centrospermous pollen types is illustrated in Fig- ures 19-28. Characteristically in the centrospermous taxa, the ektexine is well developed while the en- dexine, with few exceptions (e.g., Mesembryanthe- mum variabile, Figure 19; Herniaria glabra. Figure 24), is developed only in the region of the aperture. Apertures with spine-shaped flecks of ektexine are common in the Centrospermae and in this study are illustrated by Opiintia (Figure 22), Limeiim (Fig- ure 26), and Gymnocarpos (Figure 23). Representa- tive pollen from nine families of the Centrospermae were examined by TEM. Comparison of these data with those of earlier TEM work in the Centro- spermae (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976) allows us to expand our knowledge of this order, and a brief summary for each family is presented below. Aizoaceae. — Mesembryanthemiim variabile pol- len (Eigure 19) is considerably different from that of M. crystallinum (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976, fig. 13) in possessing a thinner tectum and columellae, as well as an extremely thick foot layer and a nar- row but consistent endexine. Mesembryanthemiim, however, is a large and unsatisfactory genus and structural variation is not unexpected. The exine stratification of M. variabile bears a striking simi- larity to that of Boerhavia erecta of the Nyctagina- ceae (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976, fig. 30). Amaranthaceae. — The pollen of this family has been shown with SEM and TEM to be highly pleo- morphic (Nowicke, 1975; Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976). The exine structure of Psilotrichum amplum (Eigure 20) extends this pleomorphism by indicat- ing a complete absence of endexine. Baseli.aceae. — Some pollen in this family is unique in having a cuboidal shape (Nowicke, 1975; Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976). The structure of Anredera scandens pollen (Figure 21), is quite dif- ferent from that of Basella alba (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976, fig. 19) but similar to that of Boussingaultia gracilis (Roland, 1968, pi. 8: fig. 4), a more typical member of the family. Cactaceae. — The structure of Opuntia lindhei- rneri pollen (Figure 22) is consistent with other ex- amples of the Cactaceae. Comparison of this micro- graph with one of Alhiaudia (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976, fig. 28) again underscores the close relation- ship of the Cactaceae and Didieriaceae. NUMBER 37 5 Caryophyllaceae. — The two taxa examined, Gymnocarpos fruticosiim (Figure 23) and Herniaria glabra (Figure 24), correspond in exine structure to that previously noted for the family (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976, figs. 41-48). Additional comments on H. glabra will be given later. Chenopcdiaceae. — The exine structure of Che- nopodium ambrosioides (Figure 25) agrees with other examples in the family: thick tectum with few spines and a thin foot layer. Molluginaceae. — The exine structure of this family has not been previously examined. Pollen of Limeiim viscosttm (Figure 26) appears similar to the pollen of Cometes siirattensis of the Caryophyl- laceae (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976, fig. 41), as well as to Mesembryanthemiim crystallimim of the Aizoaceae (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976, fig. 13). These relationships are of interest in the context of the introductory remarks concerning the Mol- luginaceae. Nyctaginaceae. — Abronia angustifoUa (Figure 27) pollen morphology differs from that of previous taxa examined by lacking an endexine. As indicated earlier (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976), however, the Nyctaginaceae display a spectrum of exine mor- phology. Portulacaceae. — The exine morphology of Naiocrene parvifolia (Figure 28) is similar to that of other taxa examined in the family, most notably Calyptridium umbellatum (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976, fig. 38). Several taxa whose placement or affinities are in dispute were also examined. GeocarpoJi ininimiirn (Figure 9), the single species of this monotypic genus, has an ektexine pattern that is characteristic of the order Centrospermae, but the presence of anthocyanins would seem to restrict the family placement to Caryophyllaceae or Molluginaceae. Two more monotypic genera, Hectorella and Lyallia, have been united as a separate family, Hectorellaceae (Philipson and Skipworth, 1961), or included in the Caryophyllaceae (Eckhardt, 1964). Material of Hectorella was not available, and a pollen sample of Lyallia kergiielensis yielded only 10-12 grains, all of which were 3-colpate with a spinulose and sparsely punctate ektexine. As with Geocarpon, the pollen morphology of Lyallia ap- pears characteristic of the Centrospermae, but in- conclusive with regard to status or family affinity since these types are of wide occurrence in the order. The evidence from plastic! structure is more definitive and supports the treatment of Hectorella and presumably also Lyallia as a separate family, or at least argues for their exclusion from the Caryophyllaceae. Hectorella has the P-type plastic! but lacks the polygonal central crystalloid that char- acterizes the Caryophyllaceae (Behnke, 1975). The pollen types in Figures 15 and 16 are rep- resentative of a small group of genera that have been treated as a subtribe, the Illecebrinae, in the Caryophyllaceae (Pax and Hoffman, 1934) or given family status, the Illecebraceae (Hutchinson, 1959). Pax and Hoffman regarded the subtribe as consist- ing of four genera, Illecebrum, Haya, Cardionema, and Chaetonychia, while Hutchinson’s concept of the Illecebraceae includes several additional genera, among them, Herniaria. Pax and Hoffman placed this particular genus in the first subtribe, Parony- chiinae, with the Illecebrinae as the second. Cron- quist (1968:185) regards these genera as a transi- tional gi'oup between the Caryophyllaceae and the Polygonaceae. Figure 15 is a single grain of Her- niaria glabra and is extremely similar to those of Illecebrum verticillatxim in scanning electron mi- croscopy and light microscopy. Herniaria glabra is illustrated because the material of Illecebrum was insufficient for examination by TEM. Figure 16 is Cardionema ramosissima; material of Haya and Chaetonychia was not available. For a detailed discussion of pollen morphology in the order Centrospermae the reader is advised to consult Nowicke (1975) and Skvarla and Nowicke (1976). Plumbaginaceae Fir.URE.s 29-81 Twenty species and one variety, representing nine genera (Table 3), were examined by light microscopy and SEM, and eleven of these species were sectioned and examined by TEM. In all taxa, the apertures appeared to be simple, mostly 3-zonocolpate, rarely 4- (or 5-)zonocolpate, and in one collection of Ceratostigma ivillmottianum (Eig- ure 59) the grains were pantocolpate. The ektexine was either reticulate or verrucose, two sharply dis- tinct morphologies with no intermediate forms. These correspond to the two pollen types noted for 6 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY the family by Erdtman (1966:325); the Plumbago type, which is verrucose, and the Armeria type, which is reticulate. The Plumbago type (Figures 29-40, 59-64) has a well-defined foot layer, highly irregular columellae and a continuous tectum. Ex- tending from the latter is another set of columellae, designated as verrucae, thicker than those below the tectum, with the terminal sculpturing appearing as fine bristles in TEM. The Armeria type (Figures 41-58) has a foot layer supporting straight, regular columellae, which are fused distally into an incom- plete tectum of the reticulate configuration. Heterostyly, frequently associated with dimorphic stigmas and dimorphic pollen grains, is a well- documented phenomenon in the Plumbaginaceae (Baker, 1948, 1953, 1966; Dulberger, 1975; Philipp, 1974). Although the collections at the U.S. National Herbarium are too limited and valuable to permit a study of heterostyly per se, and this is not our in- tention, the survey of the Plumbaginaceae revealed seemingly controversial results. Neither author claims taxonomic expertise in the Plumbaginaceae, but the collection sampled in each case was similar to or within the range of variation of the remaining collections of the particular species as identified. Few specimens had sufficient numbers of open flowers to permit a designation of short- or long- styled with any degree of confidence, nor could we follow Baker’s (1966) scheme of labeling the two Armeria forms “A” or “B” since this too is based on style length. However, the results in two species with the Plumbago type reinforce each other, and the pollen forms found in four species with the Armeria type reinforce each other. The following discussions apply only to the particular collections listed in Table 3 for each species, and within each major type the different grains are referred to as forms. What appears to be the two forms in the Plum- bago type pollen can be illustrated by two collec- tions of Ceratostigma griffithii from China (Figures 29-32) and two collections of Plumbago europaea (Figures 35-38). In each species there is a form with pointed verrucae (Figures 32, 38) and a form with more rounded verrucae (Figures 30, 36). Whether these two forms actually represent dimorphic pollen and are associated with heterostyly remains to be answered, but our results agree, for the most part, with those of Erdtman (1970). Baker (1948, 1966) regarded Ceratostigma and Plumbago as having monomorphic pollen, but the similarity of the two forms makes them difficult to distinguish using only light microscopy. As a result only those species examined also by SEM have been designated as having pointed verrucae or rounded verrucae in Table 3. Collections having the pointed verrucae were found in Plumbago rosea (Figures 33, 34) and in Ceratostigma ivillmottianurn (Figures 59-62). A collection identified as Plumbago auri- ciilata (Figures 39, 40) had the more rounded verrucae. The above reservation does not apply to the Armeria type in which the two forms are strikingly distinct even in light microscopy. The Armeria forms can be illustrated by two collections each of Armeria ynaritima (Figures 43-46), Limonium vulgare (Figures 51, 52), and Statice sinuata (Figures 55-58) and one collection of Statice tenella (Figures 47-50) with several unattached branches, presum- ably from different plants. In each of the above species there is a prominently (or coarsely) reticu- late form (Figures 45-48, 51, 55, 56) and a finely reticulate form (Figures 43, 44, 49, 50, 52, 57, 58). While each form exhibits subtle interspecific differ- ences, i.e., the coarsely reticulate grain of Armeria maritwia may be slightly different from the coarsely reticulate grain in Statice sinuata, the classification of grains as to coarsely or finely reticulate could have been made without knowledge of the alternate form. The remaining Armeria types illustrated by SEM are Goniolinum collinum (Figures 53, 54) and Limonium viciosoi (Figures 41, 42). In both species the collection sampled had the coarsely reticulate form. TEM observations corroborate the dimorphism shown by SEM. The verrucose type is represented by Ceratostigma griffithii (Figure 69): the fine bristle-like columellae heads correspond to the rounded verrucae illustrated in Figure 30 by SEM; ill Figure 70, the verrucae have thicker bristles, and those with perfect longitudinal section illustrate the large blunt protrusion of the pointed verrucae shown in Figure 32 by SEM. In Armeria maritirna (Figures 67, 68) and Statice sinuata (Figures 77-80), representative of the reticulate morphology, TEM reinforces the differences in diameter and length of the columellae between the finely and coarsely reticulate forms, and also the existence of a fine NUMBER 37 7 network of sporopollinen around the muri of the coarsely reticulate forms (Figure 67), which was not readily apparent in the finely reticulate forms. Our observations of A. maritima agree with the TEM investigations of Erdtman and Dunbar (1966). These workers designated the coarsely reticulate exines as “A-line” and the more finely reticulate exines as “B-line,” Direct correlations in exine struc- ture between our TEMs (Figures 67, 68) and those of Erdtman and Dunbar (1966, figs. 1, 2) are ob- vious. In all samples examined the endexine pollen wall unit that characteristically occurs beneath the foot layer in the majority of angiosperm pollen grains is highly reduced in the Plumbaginaceae. We have noted its presence only in the aperture region, and, therefore, it is depicted in just a few of the trans- mission electron micrographs included in this report (Figures 65, 66, 68, 71, 73, 74, 80). Internal foramina in the columellae and foot-layer (Figures 65-67, 75) are also found in the Plumbaginaceae. This feature has been described in the large family Compositae by Skvarla and Larson (1965). These holes are of sporadic distribution and are most commonly noted in the Armeria pollen type. In Ceratostigma willmottianum, a collection from India had 3-colpate grains (Figures 61, 62), and a collection from China had pantocolpate grains (Fig- ures 59, 60). The pantocolpate grain has larger clus- ters of verrucae, but at high magnification, X 7500 (Figures 60, 62), the tips of the verrucae in both forms are very similar in the terminal structure. These results do not correlate with those of Cera- tostigma griffithii and Plumbago europaea, but di- morphic pollen grains based on aperture structure are not unknown (Kohler, 1976). Additional sam- ples are needed to confirm the alternate form as 3-colpate. As stated above, this study was not intended to document or identify the species of Plumbaginaceae with dimorphic pollen. We are aware that a de- tailed investigation of each of the species listed in Table 3 might well reveal that a majority of these have dimorphic grains. Also, most pollen samples in this family consist of a single flower with the five anthers. This sampling technique limits damage to the specimen, but does not yield large numbers of grains. If, especially in the Armeria types, 15 or 20 an- thers from each collection had been examined, the larger sample might have produced results more compatible with those of previous workers. In the case of Limonium vulgare^ examination of four col- lections (Table 3) revealed three with the coarsely reticulate form (Figure 51) and one with the finely reticulate form (Figure 52). Our coarsely reticulate form corresponds exactly with the “A” grain of Baker (1966, fig. 1), but we did not find the form which he illustrated as the alternate or “B” (1966, fig. 2) and described as bearing a pattern of small spines on the surface of the grain. In fact, the closest similarity to his “B” grain is Plumbago rosea (Fig- ures 33, 34). It seems unlikely that both major pollen types, which are morphologically and struc- turally very different, would be found in one species, but our results do not exclude this possibility. Another problematical taxon is Armeria maritima var. sibirica (Turczaninow) Lawrence. This particu- lar variety, sometimes treated as a subspecies or even as a species, has been investigated by a number of workers, with differing, but not necessarily mutually exclusive, results. Both Baker (1966:355-356) and Philipp (1974:41) regard “sibirica” as monomorphic, having the papillate stigma and Type A pollen (coarsely reticulate form). However, in a study of collections made between longitudes 30°W and 60°E, Praglowski and Erdtman (1969) described six pollen forms, and found as many as four in a single anther. These include an “A” and “B” that cor- respond to our coarsely and finely reticulate forms. Of all the Plumbaginaceae examined in our study, 39 collections representing 20 species, only Armeria maritima var. sibirica had both forms within a single sample. The holdings of var. sibirica at the United States National Herbarium are mostly from Greenland and Canada, with only two from Norway. Pollen was removed from a single inflores- cence on each of six collections (Table 3) . The SEMs, taken at a range of low magnifications, illus- trate mixtures of the finely and coarsely reticulate Armeria forms. Unfortunately this variety was ex- amined late in the study and the micrographs could not be included here. However, two observations seem worthy of note: the coarsely reticulate form appears to be predominant, and, secondly, the dis- tinction between the two forms is not as striking as in the other dimorphic Armeria taxa. Philipp (1974, fig. 1) illustrates grains from dimorphic 8 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Danish Armeria maritima (1974, fig. 1a, b) which agree very well with our Figures 43-46, but more importantly the two SEM’s from monomorphic Greenland plants (1974, fig. 1c,d) also show a pos- sible dilution of the distinction: the mesh of what could be the finely reticulate form (fig. Ic) is larger, and the mesh of what could be the coarsely reticu- late form (fig. Id) is slightly smaller. Philipp (1974:49) also cites the existence of large and small pollen grains in the hybrids between the dimorphic subspecies, A. maritima ssp. mari- tima X ssp. elongata. The proportion of the grains varies widely; in one cyme the percentage of large grains in open flowers ranged from 45 to 90. In one plant the maximum variation between the cymes was from 24% to 90% large grains. The variation in size is not exactly comparable to the structural variation in the exine, but her results, those of Praglowski and Erdtman (1969), and ours, indicate that one plant, or even one inflorescence, is capable of producing variable or dimorphic grains. To summarize the results of pollen analysis in this family — the striking difference in the two types designated as “Armeria” and “Plumbago,” the dis- tinction of the Plumbago type from all other pollen examined to date in these studies, the existence of the two Armeria forms within a single inflorescence raise more questions than they answer. The exist- ence of heterostyly and dimorphic pollen grains in the Plumbaginaceae, however, in no way detracts from the conclusion of this study: None of the pollen examined in the Plumbaginaceae is simi- lar or related to the common type found in the Centrospermae. POLYGONACEAE Figures 82-173 This is a much larger family than either the Plumbaginaceae or Primulaceae. The possibility of a relationship with the Centrospermae is more widely held and thus was examined in greater depth. The 85 species (Table 4) representing 36 genera were examined by light microscopy and SEM; 32 of these species were sectioned and ex- amined by TEM. The Polygonaceae are one of the most palyno- logically diverse families in the dicotyledons, and this extensive variation may have great taxonomic potential at all levels, particularly that of generic definition. The aperture structure is more complex and vari- able than in the Primulaceae and much more so than in the Centrospermae or Plumbaginaceae. While the most common type in the Polygonaceae is 3- (rarely 4—) colporate, the endoaperture, readily delimited in light microscopy, is variable and in- cludes some zonorate types. Also found in the family are taxa with pantoporate (Figures 113, 114, 134) and pantocolpate (Figures 112, 118, 120, 133) apertures. Some collections of 3-colporate taxa had occasional grains that were syncolporate. The surface of the ektexine varies widely and in- cludes tectate and nontectate (reticulate) forms. The tectate forms can be punctate (Figures 82-85); punctate-striate (Figures 94-99); prominently spinu- lose (Figures 133, 134); or perforate and small- spinulose (Figures 136, 138); and there are some unique types that are difficult to describe accurately in text (Figures 98, 106, 108, 110). The nontectate forms are finely to coarsely reticulate (Figures 112- 123). In some taxa the gi'ains had one type of sur- face outlining the colpi, and another on the poles and mesocolpial ridges (Figures 130, 140). The most common surface pattern is punctate. The size and distribution alone of these punctae vary widely, but an additional characteristic is pres- ent in many taxa — the punctae are connected by grooves or striae which are also variable in depth, width, and placement (Figures 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99). In Ruprechtia laxifiora (Figure 106), the tectum be- tween the striae is variously upraised, producing an uneven surface. In Ruprechtia ramifiora (Figures 108, 109), the intergroove tectum is more promi- nently upraised. In Atraphaxis buxifolia (Figures 98, 99), the connecting striae are larger, tend to be parallel, and result in, at least superficially, a striate- like surface pattern. These distinctions are not as conspicuous in TEM (Atraphaxis, Eigure 143; Ruprechtia laxifiora. Figure 171; R. pallida, Figure 172), but this, of course, is frequently the case when cross-sections are compared with surfaces having irregular variations. Within the broad category of punctate ektexines, the following six subtypes with some representative species can be recognized: 1. Ektexine finely punctate: Chorizanthe breiueri. NUMBER 37 9 Eriogonum correlUi, and Nemacaulis denudata (Figure 82). 2. Ektexine with clustered punctae: Centrostegia thurberi, Chorizanthe fimbriata (Figure 84), C. pani- culata (Figure 85), Eriogonum parishii, and E. race- mosum. 3. Ektexine punctate, the punctae connected by small striae: Eriogonum inflatum, E. ynarijoliurn (Figures 90, 91), E. thomasii, Mucronea californica (Figures 88, 89), Oxytheca trilobata (Figure 83). 4. Ektexine more prominently punctate-striate: Antigonurn guatemalense, Calligonum comosurn (Figures 94, 95), Gymnopodium antigonoides (Fig- ures 92, 93), Harfordia macroptera (Figures 96, 97), Muehlenbeckia chilensis (Figures 102, 103), M. poly- botryar, Neomillspaughia paniculata, and Triplaris americana (Figure 86). 5. Ektexine with prominent sunken punctae: Fagopyrum esculentum (Eigure 87), Muehlenbeckia tamnifolia (Eigures 104, 105). 6. Ektexine microreticulate: Oxygonum drege- anum, O. zeyheri, and Podopterus mexicanus (Fig. ure 132). The subtypes listed above should be treated with reserve since the distinction between consecutive ones is not very great, particularly between subtypes 3 and 4. Also, variation within a sample made classification of some taxa arbitrary or impossible. Observations of exine wall with TEM indicate that the six subtypes established by SEM have con- siderable structural diversity as well. Sixteen of these taxa were examined in sections: Chorizanthe breweri (Eigure 145) and Nemacaulis denudata (Fig- ure 157) of subtype 1, Chorizanthe pajiiculata (Fig- ure 146) and Eriogonum parishii (Figure 149) of subtype 2, Eriogonum marifolium (Figure 148) and Oxytheca trilobata (Figure 158) of subtype 3, Antigonum guatemalense (Figure 142), Calligonum comosurn (Figure 144), Harfordia macroptera (Fig- ure 152) and Muehlenbeckia polybotryar (Figure 156) of subtype 4, and Muehlenbeckia tamnifolia (Figure 154) and Fagopyrum esculentum (Figure 150) of subtype 5 are all essentially similar in pos- sessing a moderate to thick tectum, long, narrow columellae {Calligonum comosurn, Figure 144, ex- cepted), a very reduced (absent?) foot-layer, and a distinguishable endexine. The TEM’s of some of the above taxa revealed an unusual characteristic that may be of phylogenetic significance: Chori- zanthe spp. (Eigures 145, 146), Eriogonum parishii (Figure 149), Nemacaulis (Figure 157), and Oxytheca trilobata (Figure 158) all had a tectum in which the inner face was conspicuously granular. Two of these 16 taxa examined by TEM, Mueh- lenbeckia chilensis (Figure 153) and Podopterus mexicanus (Figure 160), are distinguished from the preceeding ones by a prominently developed foot layer and an endexine well developed only in the region of the aperture. Gymnopodium (Figure 151) and Triplaris (Figure 173), with a thin foot-layer and endexine, appear intermediate between the above gioups. The second most common surface pattern is a reticulum formed by larger and fewer columellae, arranged in a network and distally fused, thus pro- ducing incomplete tectum. Differences in the size and placement of the primary columellae and in the surface of the lumina produce wide varieties and some recognizable pollen types. Grains with this ektexine were 3-colpate (colporate?) (Figures 116, 122), pantocolpate (Figures 112, 118, 120), or pantoporate (Figures 113, 114). In Polygonum capi- tatinn (Figures 122, 123) and P. dielsii (Figures 116, 117) the columellae are massive, and a high, con- spicuous reticulum is the result. The lumina are larger in P. dielsii, but in both species they are almost free of any columella material. In Poly- gonum acuminatum (Figure 113) and P. orientale (Figures 114, 115), both pantoporate, the muri alter- nate with large lumina filled with smaller, free columellae. In three pantocolpate taxa, Persicaria coccinea (Figure 112), Polygonum amphibium (Fig- ures 120, 121), and P. virginianum (Figures 118, 119), the columellae which form the reticulum are smaller in length and diameter, closely placed, and a finer reticulum results. In all three the lumina are filled with small, free columellae. Thin-sections of Polygonum orientale (Figure 159), P. dielsii (Figure 166), P. amphibiinn (Figures 162, 163), and P. virginianutn (Figure 169) empha- size the SEM observations. The formation of the reticulum in the above Polygonaceae is unusual: the ridges or muri are formed by distal fusion along the midline of two rows of columellae, which are opposite or sometimes alternate, producing a “staggered” effect liest illus- trated in a “planar” view (Eigures 115, 117). Four species of Polygonum, P. affine (Figure 124), 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY P. bistorta (Figures 128, 129), P. vaccinifolium (Fig- ures 126, 127) and P. vivipariim (Figure 125), which belong, among others, to the Bistorta complex (Hedberg, 1947), and an Australian species of Muehlenbeckia, M. cimninghamii (Figures 100, 101), have an ektexine pattern that could be de- scribed as sparsely spinulose and sparsely punctate. Grains of all five taxa were 3-colporate, the endo- aperture well defined. In thin-section, Muehlen- beckia cunninghamii, (Figure 155) is very similar to the other species of Muehlenbeckia examined by TEM (Figures 153, 154, 156). It is difficult to reconcile the TEM of P. bistorta (Figure 164) with the sparsely spinulose and sparsely punctate ektexine depicted in SEM (Figures 128, 129). The lack of a continuous tectum may be due in part to an oblique section and perhaps to the densely packed columellae. The SEM’s of P. vac- cinifolium (Figures 126, 127), with the larger per- forations in the tectum, are more compatible with the cross-section illustrated in TEM (Figure 168). Koenigia islandica. Polygonum cyanandrium (Figures 134, 135), and P. forrestii (Figure 133) had grains that were either pantoporate or pantocolpate with a prominently spinulose ektexine. Comparison of these giains (Figures 133-135) with the common type in the Centrospermae (Figures 1-12) indicates that the above species could not be related paly- nologically to that order. Polygonum forrestii (Fig- ure 167) was the most distinctive Polygonum of those examined by TEM. The exine consists of a thin endexine and an ektexine containing abun- dant holes or internal foramina. The surface of the tectum was composed of very large, solid spines with numerous, small projections in between. Hedberg (1947), in a classic study of pollen morphology in the genus Polygonum , sensu lato, recognized ten pollen types for which he gave descriptions and listed species. He segregated Poly- gonum convolvulus (Figures 140, 141), P. cristatum, and P. dumetorum as slightly aberrant forms of his Tiniaria type. These three species have almost identical pollen giains: 3-colporate with a zonorate endoaperture, the ektexine echinate near the colpi and psilate at the poles and the mesocolpial re- gions. The above characteristics make the gi'ains distinct, not only from the more typical Tiniaria pollen, but from the remaining species examined in the present study. This particular morphology is paraded by that of Polygonella fimbriata (Figure 130) and closely related species (Horton, 1963. 181-183): both groups have grains with similar apertures and a dimorphic ektexine in which the two surface patterns have the same distribution. Examination of P. convolvulus in TEM (Figure 165) revealed a remarkably uniform tectum (throughout the psilate area of the ektexine) and foot layer, underlain by a prominent endexine. This rare combination of well-developed foot layer and endexine was also found in Polygonella (Fig- ure 161), which reinforces the parallel exomor- phologies. Polygonum cilinode, P. cuspidatum, and P. multiflorum, which Hedberg lists as typical Tiniaria, have 3-colporate grains and a uniform ektexine, punctate-striate or prominently punctate. Four species of Rumex were examined: R. aquaticus, R. acetosa (Figures 138, 139), R. aceto- sella, and R. scutatus, all of which had a perforate and very finely and evenly spinulose ektexine (Fig- ure 139). Two species of Emex had an ektexine (Figure 136) similar to that of Rumex, but with a distinctive aperture structure. The ectoaperture is very reduced in length, and its polar margins almost coincide with those of the endoaperture. The close similarity of the ektexine in Emex and Rumex and its restricted occurrence reinforce Ham- mer’s (1893) consecutive placement of the two genera. Comparison of the ektexine of Rumex (Figure 139) with the common Centrospermae type (Figures 7-12) indicates that there is not a close relationship between the two groups. The section of Rumex acetosa (Figure 170) reveals a thin exine in which the columellae and especially the foot- layer-endexine unit are greatly reduced. The ektexine of seven species in the large New World genus Coccoloba illustrates a continuous variation. All taxa are 3-colporate, and Coccoloba cordata (Figures 110, 111) has an ektexine best de- scribed as columnar-pyramidal on a base of ran- domly oriented small rods; C. barbeyana has an ektexine similar to Ruprechtia rarniflora (Figures 108, 109); C. diversifolia is similar to Calligonum comosum (Figures 94, 95); Coccoloba venosa and C. obovata are pi'ominently punctate; and C. pari- mensis has a microreticulate ektexine similar to Podopterus mexicanus (Figure 132) and Polygonella polygama (Figure 131), but with slightly smaller lumina. NUMBER 37 11 The internal morphology of Coccoloba cordata pollen (Figure 147) also appears unique for the family. The ektexine surface consists of prominent irregular protuberances supported by a moderately thick tectum underlain by notably reduced colu- mellae, greatly thickened foot-layer, and an ex- tremely thin endexine, if any. The genus Lastarriaea has been regarded as con- sisting of two endemic species, L. chilensis Remy in Chile, and L. coriacea (Goodman) Hoover in Baja and Southern California. The California taxon has been treated as L. chilensis ssp. californica Gross, or as a species of Chorizanthe, C. coriacea Good- man, who had to select another specific epithet since “californica” was already applied. The pollen of Lastarriaea chilensis (Figure 137), L. coriacea, and Chorizanthe species (Figures 84, 85) are all very similar, 3-colporate with a punctate ektexine. This is the most common morphology in the family, however, and the similarity does not necessarily indicate that Lastarriaea is congeneric with Chori- zanthe or is closely related. For the same reason, the close similarity of the pollen in the two species of Lastarriaea does not, a priori, indicate a single species. Careful observation of the floral morphol- ogy when sampling for pollen, however, revealed that the flowers of the plants from Chile and from California are nearly identical in structure. Good- man (1934), in a revision of the North American species of Chorizanthe that included the California taxon, described the genus as having nine stamens, rarely six or three. The California and Chilean species of Lastarriaea have only three stamens. Within limits of the taxa investigated (Table 4), a number of pollen types were found in only one species, and such cases are discussed separately here. Polygonella fimbriata (Figure 130). Grains 3- colporate, the endoaperture zonorate; the tectum variable; finely punctate in the region of the col- pus, conspicuously reticulate at the mesocolpial ridges and more so at the poles. The TEM also indicates that P. fimbriata is distinctive for the family. This conclusion is based on the presence of a well-developed foot-layer and a thickened en- dexine (Figure 161), two characteristices that were rarely combined. See also the earlier discussion of Polygonum convolvulus and allied species. Polygonella polygama (Figure 131). Grains 3- colporate, the endoaperture zonorate, the nexine thickened at the margins; the ektexine ± micro- reticulate. Comparison of the major subdivisions of the Polygonaceae (Dammer, 1893; Roberty and Vau- tier, 1964; Reveal and Howell, 1976) with pollen morphology reveals little correlation. This lack of correlation is due primarily to two complementary phenomena: the wide distribution of the punctate- striate pollen type, which cuts across subfamily and tribal lines, and the wide array of pollen types within one genus. Polygonum. Thus far, the pollen morphology would support Reveal’s concept (Reveal and Howell, 1976) of the subfamily Eriogonoideae. Twelve of the 13 genera that he assigned to this subfamily, have been examined by light microscopy and/or SEM, and all are 3-colporate with either punctate or punctate-striate ektexines, the most common pollen type in the Polygonaceae. However, an unusual characteristic illustrated by TEM, a granular inner surface of the tectum, is known thus far to be restricted to the Eriogonoideae; Chori- zanthe (Figures 145, 146); Eriogonum (Figures 148, 149); Nemacaulis (Figure 157); Oxytheca (Figure 158). Another genus in this subfamily, Harfordia (Figure 152), is slightly gi'anular. Examination of additional genera by TEM might well reinforce the value of this characteristic and also the validity of the subfamily. Primulaceae Figures 174-200 Twenty-nine species (Table 5) representing 22 genera were examined by light microscopy and SEM, and 9 of these were sectioned and examined by TEM. The structure of the aperture in the Primulaceae is more complex than in the Plumbaginaceae and in the Centrospermae. If the number is three or four, the apertures are generally compound, and the endoaperture is easily seen in light microscopy. A number of taxa with 3-colporate grains had a bridge over the endoaperture formed by the exten- sion of the two lateral margins of the colpus (Eig- ures 175, 180-184). One species, Lysimachiopsis hillebrandia, had 4-colporate grains in which each side of an endoaperture frequently terminated in a V-shaped process. Sometimes the V from one endo- 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY aperture and that of the adjacent one formed the outline of a diamond. Grains with 5-8 apertures, e.g., some Primula species, are generally zonocol- pate (Figure 186). In some taxa, e.g., Cortusa matthioli L. (Figure 188), the colpi fuse at the poles to form a triangular apocolpial field. Different surface patterns were due largely to variation in the perforation of the tectum. In some grains the surface was finely punctate (Lysimachia hybrida, Figure 175; Douglasia montana, Figure 182), in others prominently punctate {Coris mon- speliensis, Figure 174; Cyclamen neopolitanum. Figure 184), irregularly perforate (Naurnbergia thrysiflora, Figure 176), or microreticulate {Hot- tonia palustris, Figure 185; Primula veris, Figures 186, 187; Omphalogramma vinciflorum, Figure 191). Still others {Lysimachia terrestris, Figure 177; Stimpsonia ch am ae dry aides, Figures 178, 179) might be described as finely reticulate. Additionally, in some grains the tectal perforations were most pro- nounced in the mesocolpial regions {Coris, Figure 174; Naurnbergia, Figure 176; Lysimachia terrestris. Figure 177; Anagallis, Figure 183). Transmission electron microscopy indicates a variability of exine structure within the family. Most taxa examined have a well-developed foot- layer and tectum, e.g., Anagallis (Figure 192), Glaux (Figure 194), Nainnbergia (Figure 196), Omphalogramma (Figure 197), ± short columellae, e.g., Glaux (Figure 194), Naurnbergia (Figure 196), and an endexine that is massive in the region of the colpus and thinner but still prominent in the meso- colpial regions, e.g., Anagallis (Figure 192), Glaux (Figure 194), Namnbergia (Figure 196), Omphalo- gramma (Figure 197), Stimpsonia (Figure 199). In Lysimachia hybrida (Figure 195) the irregular tec- tum, incomplete columellae, and possibly the exten- sive endexine, are due to oblique section. Two species of Prnnula, P. officinalis (Figure 198) and P. veris (Figure 200), are exceptional, the foot-layer seemingly absent. Heterostyly and dimorphic pollen grains are known to occur in the Primulaceae. Punt, et el. (1974) acknowledge this condition in some species of Primula and in Hottonia palustris, as well as dimorphic pollen grains in Trientalis europaea, due apparently to polyploidy. In Glaux maritima the collection of Redfield s.n. from Maine was dis- tinct enough from that illustrated by Punt, et al. (1974, pi. 14: figs. 1, 2) that the identification of Redfield s.n. was rechecked and verified, but still a second sample, Haakana s.n. from Finland, was examined, and these grains were more similar to those illustrated by Punt, et al. (1974). The differ- ences in Glaux pollen may be due to heterostyly, not reported in the literature to our knowledge, or the pollen grains of this species may be simply rather variable. There are also some differences between our illustration of Hottonia palustris (Fig- ure 185) and that of Punt, et al. (1974, pi. 4: figs. 11, 12; pi. 5: figs. 1-6), but the distinctly prolate shape shown in Figure 185 may be an artifact of preparation, i.e., collapse. We acknowledge the existence of heterostyly in the Primulaceae and dimorphic pollen (as in the Plumbaginaceae) but did not want the present study to be diluted by a detailed examination of this phenomenon. Whether it is the long- or short-styled form that is illustrated for Hottonia, Primxda, and other Primulaceae, both authors feel strongly that the alternate form will not be shown to have the ektexine characteristic of so many of the centrospermous taxa (Figures 1-12). For detailed descriptions and measurements, the reader is advised to consult the article by Punt, et al. (1974). Discussion and Conclusions Of the three families examined in this study, the Polygonaceae is the most frequently considered as being related to the Centrospermae. Of the families that comprise this order, the Caryophyllaceae ap- pears to be the most likely family from which the Polygonaceae could be derived or related to, since both have the anthocyanin pigments. The data from plastid structure, however, does not support a relationship between the Polygonaceae and Caryo- phyllaceae; the Caryophyllaceae not only have the protein or P-type plastid characteristic of the Centrospermae, but the plastids have a central crys- talloid with a distinctive polygonal shape Behnke, 1976:42); the Polygonaceae have the more common starch or S-type plastid, but admittedly this char- acterization is based on a small number of species. The data presented in this palynological study indicate that the Polygonaceae and Caryophyllaceae are not related. Although the Polygonaceae is a large and palynologically diverse family, examina- NUMBER 37 13 tion of 85 species representing 36 genera (Figures 82-173), revealed no pollen types similar to those in the Caryophyllaceae. (For additional information on Caryophyllaceae, see Nowicke, 1975; Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976). The pollen data do not support a relationship between the subtribe Illecebrinae (Caryophyllaceae) or the larger Illecebraceae and any of the Polygonaceae examined in this study. The grains of Illecebnan verticillaturn are almost identical to those of Herniaria glabra (Figure 15): in both species the pollen has a distinctive tetra- hedal shape with a large aperture on each of the three (four?) faces. Cardionema ramosissima (Figure 16) has pantoporate grains, roughly cube-shaped and with a spinulose and tubuliferous/punctate ektexine. The unusual grains of Illecebnim verii- cillatum and Herniaria glabra have not been found in any other taxa examined to date, including those remaining in the order Centrospermae, as well as the Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Primu- laceae. These results would support Hutchinson’s (1959) inclusion of Herniaria in the Illecebraceae, but not necessarily the family status since the re- maining species examined, including another species of Herniaria, H. hirsuta, all have a common panto- porate grain. An argument could be raised that the pollen of the Bistorta complex in Polygonum (Figures 124- 129) and that oi Muehlenbeckia cunninghamii (Fig- ures 100, 101) provide some evidence for a rela- tionship to the Centrospermae. However, we think it much more likely that the occurrence of this ektexine surface in a limited number of species is a reflection of the enormous palynological diversity in the Polygonaceae: ektexines that are ± psilate, punctate, punctate-striate, conspicuously spinulose, perforate with small spines, microreticulate, finely reticulate to coarsely reticulate; apertures that are porate, pantocolpate or colporate with variable endoapertures; and grains that are probably unique (limited to the Polygonaceae), such as those of Poly- gonella fimbriata (Figure 130) and related species. Polygonum convolvulus (Figures 140, 141) and re- lated species, or Coccoloba cordata (Figures 110, 111). It is also clear that a diversity of structural forms exist in the Polygonaceae. These observations par- allel the sculpturing pleomorphism illustrated by SEM. The TEM reveals wide variation in the de- velopment of two layers — the endexine and foot- layer. The endexine can be absent (apparently) as in Podopterus (Figure 160), thin but recognizable as in Chorizanthe paniculata (Figure 146), well de- veloped as in Atraphaxis (Figure 143) and Nerna- caulis (Figure 157), and greatly enhanced as in Eriogoniwi spp. (Figures 148, 149). The foot-layer has a similar range of variation: from apparently absent in Chorizanthe breweri (Figure 145) and Nemacaulis (Figure 157) to prominently thickened in Coccoloba cordata (Figure 147) and Podopterus (Figure 160), with many intermediate stages repre- sented in other taxa. Another unusual characteristic is the granular inner surface of the tectum found in a number of closely related genera: Chorizanthe spp. (Figures 145, 146), Eriogonum (Figure 149), Nemacaulis (Figure 157), and Oxytheca (Figure 158). While the tectum tends to be thin in the above taxa, in others, Fagopyrum (Figure 150) and Tri- plaris (Figure 173), it is much thicker. The structure of the exine in the Bistorta com- plex of Polygonuju (Figures 164, 168), densely packed columellae, is unique in all the taxa exam- ined with TEM in this study or previously (Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976) and thus diminishes the pos- sibility tliat the Centrospermae and the Poly- gonaceae could be linked by this group. In fact, it seems quite notable that in spite of the diverse exine structures in this family, there is very little similarity to the Centrospermae. Tlie spinulose and punctate ektexine surface found in the Polygonaceae or in the Centrospermae, for that matter, is simple enough to have arisen independently in any of these taxa. However, the significance attached to this ektexine in the Cen- trospermae is that in every betalain family, as well as in tlie Caryophyllaceae and Molluginaceae, the overwhelming majority of the species examined had pollen grains with a spinulose and tubuliferous/ punctate ektexine, which, moreover, were some- times identical between families. Insofar as pollen structure is concerned, a more defensible relation- ship could be proposed between the Polygonaceae and any dicot family with a preponderance of punctate ektexines. Pollen grains with a promi- nently reticulate ektexine are widely (and ran- domly?) distributed among dictoyledon families, but this may be due to parallel evolution and does 14 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY not necessarily mean that these families are related to each other or to the Polygonaceae. This study reinforces current opinion (Cronquist, 1968; Philipson, 1975:74; Takhtajan, 1969:220) that the Primnlaceae are not related to nor derived from the Centrospermae. According to Croncjuist (1968:177, 223) the only special feature in common between the Caryophyllales (Centrospermae) and the Primulales is the free-central placenta tion. The results of pollen analysis indicate that the ancestors and/or relatives of the Primnlaceae are not in the centrospermous families. Although the pollen of the Primnlaceae exhibits some variation (Figures 174- 200), none of the taxa examined had grains with a counterpart in the Centrospermae. Unlike the Primnlaceae, the Plumbaginaceae are still regarded as being related to the Centrospermae (Takhtajan, 1969:215), although Cronquist (1968: 185) refers to the family as “somewhat more iso- lated but may also be derived from the Caryo- phyllales” and Philipson (1975:74) considers the Plumbaginaceae-Centrospermae relationship as more debatable (than that of the Polygonaceae-Centro- spermae). The pollen of the Plumbaginaceae (Figures 29-81) consists of the two major types, designated previously as Armeria and Plumbago, each of which can be dimorphic in heterostyled species. This results in four distinctive types, all 3- (or 4-) colpate (Ceratostigma xvilbnottianum and Limoniastrum monopetalum notwithstanding): finely and coarsely reticulate Armeria forms (Figures 41-58), and pointed-verrucae and rounded-verrucae Plumbago forms (Figures 29-40). Admittedly the two forms of the Plumbago type are based on re- sults from only two species, but the Plumbago ektexine type has not been found in any other taxon in this study or in earlier related ones (Nowicke, 1975; Skvarla and Nowicke, 1976). The coarsely reticulate form of the Armeria type has a superficial resemblance to some reticulate grains in the Polygonaceae, but the formation of the muri in the Polygonaceae is distinctive, alternate dupli- baculate (Figures 112-117, 122, 123), versus sim- plibaculate in the Armeria forms (Figures 41-58). In reticulate grains found in the Centrospermae and in the Polygonaceae (Figures 113-116), the lumina usually have at least some free columellae (or bacida), whereas in both Armeria forms (Figures 42, 44, 46, 48, 51, 55, 56), the lumina are consistently free of any columellar material (the data of Praglow- ski and Erdtman, 1969, notwithstanding). In the Plumbaginaceae the pollen data, plastid structure, and pigmentation (unless the tie is to the Caryophyllaceae and/or Molluginaceae) suggest that this family is not related to the Centrospermae and that its phylogenetic position needs to be reevaluated. Like the Plumbaginaceae, the Primnlaceae has the anthocyanin pigments, and has the starch type plastid structure (Behnke, pers. comm.). However, most authors (Cronquist, 1968; Philipson, 1975; Takhtajan, 1969) do not regard the Primnlaceae as related to the Centrospermae and the pollen data presented here reinforces that view. Literature Cited Baker, H. G. 1948. Dimorphism and Monomorphism in the Plumba- ginaceae, I; A Survey of the Family. Annals of Botany, 12:207-219. 1953. Dimorphism and Monomorphism in the Plumba- ginaceae, II: Pollen and Stigmata in the Genus Limonium. Annals of Botany, 17:433-445. 1966. The Evolution, Functioning and Breakdown of Heteromorphic Incompatability Systems, I: The Plumbaginacea. 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Table 1. — Results of pollen analysis of taxa examined for ektexine characteristics Spinulose -t- Tubuliferous/ Taxa Species Genera Punctate Other Plurabaginaceae 20 9 0 21 Polygonaceae 85 36 4? 81 Primulaceae Betalain families 29 22 0 29 plus Caryophyllaceae and Molluginaceae 21? 184 33 Table 2. — Centrospermae specimens examined, arranged alphabetically by family (pollen types I, II, and III are 3-colpate, pantojxirate, and pantocolpate respectively, all with a spinulose and tubuliferous or punctate ektexine; Spec. = specialized, any type not included in I-III) Taxa Collector Location Pollen description Figure numbers AIZOCEAE Geoaarpon minimum Mackenzie Palmer 5517 Missouri II 9 Mesembryanthemum variabile Hawortn.... Walther s.n. California I 1, 8, 19 Tetragonia arbusoula Fenzl Bayliss 2171 S. Africa I AMARANTHACEAE Aahyranthes aspera L Philipson 10510 New Zealand II Chamissoa altissima (Jacquin) H.B.K Curtiss 269 Cuba II Dicraurus altemifolius (Watson) Uline & Bray. Carter et al. 2061 Mexico II Psilotriohum amplum Suessenguth Burger 3248 Ethiopia II 13, 20 Ptilotus aorymbosum Gaudichaud-Beaupre. ....... Pritzel 58 Australia II P. obovatum Gaudichaud-Beaupre Lazarides 4333 Australia II NUMBER 37 17 Table 2 — Continued Taxa Collector BASELLACEAE Anredera saandens Moquin. Nelson 1666 Location Pollen Figure description numbers Mexico II 3, 21 CACTACEAE Borsiaaatus tenuiserpens (Rauh & Backeberg) Kimnach Hamatoaaatus setispinus Britton & Rose Opuntia lindheimeri Engelmann. . . Hutchison & Wright 4448 Pratt 9483 Griffiths 9031 Peru Texas Texas I 11 III 12 Spec. 17, 22 CARYOPHYLLACEAE Aohyronyohia aooperi A. Gray Cardionema ramosissima A. Nelson & Macbride,.. Gymnoaarpos frutiaosum Per soon demiaria glabra L H. hirsuta L Illeaebrum vertiaellatum L Polliohia aampestris Alton. Silene armeria L Siphonyahia ameriaana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray. Tunica striata (Bunge) Fischer & Meyer CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Parker et al. 7768 Arizona II Fosberg 22540 Ecuador II 16 Chevallier 28 Algeria II 4, 23 Staszkiewicz in Plantae Poloniae, Poland 527 Spec . 15, 24 Mandaville 139 Saudi Arabia II MO 176804 France Spec. Wood 591 S. Africa II Klein 2621 Brazil II Thorne 15254 Florida II 14 Goloskokov s.n. USSR II Guinea 112 Spain II 5, 25 HECTORELLACEAE Lyallia kjcrguelensis Hooker Transit of Venus Expd. New Zealand II MOLLUGINACEAE Limeum viscosum Fenzl Mollugo oppositifolius L NYCTAGINACEAE Abronia angustifolia Greene. Bougainvillea peruviana H.B.K. Mirabilis alipes Watson. ...................... Selinooarpus diffusus A. Gray Seydel 751 SW Africa I Gandhi 2092 India I Peebles & Harrison Arizona Spec 3949 Hutchison 1415 Peru Spec Atwood 4550 Utah II Woo ton s.n. New Mexico II 2, 7, 26 18, 27 PHYTOLACCACEAE Agdestis alematidea Mocino & Sesse. . Miarotea muypurensis (H.B.K.) G. Don Stegnosperma aubense A. Richardson.. Pringle 3276 Bang 1589 Goldsmith 99 Mexico I Bolivia II Mexico I PORTULACACEAE Lenzia ahamaepithys Philippi Lewisia Columbiana (Howell) Robinson. . Montia meridensis Friedrich. Naioarene parvifolia (Moquin) Rydberg. Johnston 6091 Jones 214 Hammen 1194 Applegate 2556 Argentina I Idaho I Colombia Spec. Oregon m 6, 10, 28 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Table 3. — Plumbaginaceae specimens examined (all 3-colpate except as noted; A = Armeria type, AC = coarsely reticulate Armeria form, AF = finely reticulate Armeria form, P = Plum- bago type, PP = pointed verrucae Plumbago form, PR = rounded verrucae Plumbago form) Species Collector Location Pollen description Figure numbers Acantholimon glumaoeum Boissier Unknown collector Cultivated Hort. AC Brussels A. Olivieri Jaubert & Spach. . Koelz 15794 Iran AC 65,66 A. phrygium Boissier Bornmuller 5511 Turkey AF Armeria maritima (Miller) Willdenow Mathiesen & Pedersen s.n. Denmark AC 45, 46, 67 Svenson s.n. ' Scandinavia' AF 43, 44, 68 • Thedenius s.n. Sweden AC A. maritima var. sibirioa (Turczaninow) Lawrence Bartlett 147 Greenland A Calder 2014 Canada A Cody 1794 Greenland A Ekblaw 610 Greenland A Lindager s.n. Greenland A Stein 175 Greenland A A. saabra Pallas H. Smith s.n. Sweden AC Ceratostigma griffithvi C. B. Clarke Rock 6577 China PP 31, 32, 70 Rock 11578 China PR 29, 30, 69 C. minus Stapf Schneider 2584 China P C. willmottianum Stapf Kingdon-Ward 12530 MO India PP 61, 62 Wilson 1373 China ppl 59, 60, 71 Dyerophytum afriaanum (Lamarck) 0. Kuntze Goldblatt 2250 MO S. Africa PR Werdermann & Oberdieck 594 S. Africa P 63, 64, 72 Seyel 4025 MO Namibia P Goniolimon aollinum (Grisebach) Boissier Rechinger f. 10375 Greece AC 53, 54, 73 Limoniastrum guyonianum Durieu de Maisonneuve Chevallier 82 Algeria AF 74 L. monopetalvjn Boissier...... Puech s.n. France Ac2 Limoniwn viaiosoi Pan. Vicioso s.n. Spain AC 41, 42, 75 L. vulgare Miller Holm-Nielsen s.n. MO Denmark AF 52 Hubbard 13206 MO Britain AC Moss MO Britain AC Lawalree 3820 MO Belgium AC 51 Plumbago avcriaulata Lamarck Bayliss 1187 GH S. Africa PR 39, 40 Bayliss 3106 MO S. Africa P P. europaea L Raine s.n. GH 'Almunarro' PP 37, 38 Sporiks s.n. GH Persia PR 35, 36 P. rosea L Urban 5490 GH Puerto Rico PP 33, 34 P. saandens L Woytkowski 5592 Peru P 76 Statiae sinuata L. ......... Maire & Wilczek 1048 Morocco AF 57, 58, 77, 78 Vaccari 495 Greece AC 55, 56, 79, 80 S. tenella Turczaninow Chaney 517 Mongolia AC 47, 48, 81 Chaney 517a Mongolia AF 49, 50 ^ Pantocolpate 2 4-5 zonocolpate NUMBER 37 19 Table 4. — Polygonaceae specimens examined (3C = 3-colporate, PC = pantocolpate, PP = pantoporate) Species Collector Location Pollen description Figure numbers Afrobmnniahia erecta Hutchison & Dalziel Antigonon guatemalense Baldwin 11489 Liberia 3C, punctate 142 Meisner Atraphaxis buxi folia Laughlin 2635 Mexico 3C5 punctate-striate Jaubert & Spach Woronow s.n. USSR 3C, striate-punctate 98, 99, 143 Brunniahia airvhosa Banks . . Calligonwn aomosim L' Heritier Centrostegia thurberi Biltmore Herb. 1678 B Alabama 3C, punctate-striate Mandaville 69 Saudi Arabia 3C, punctate-striate 94, 95, 144 A. Gray Chorizanthe bvewevi S. Hoover 4373 California 3C, clustered punctate Watson Hoover 11393 California 3C, finely punctate 145 C. fimbi-iata Nut tall Wiggins 9908 Mexico 3C, clustered punctate 84 C. membranaoea Bentham. .... Bruce 155 California 3C, clustered punctate C. paniaulata Bentham Bro. Claude Joseph 2997 Chile 3C, punctate 85, 146 Chorizanthe sp Simon 289 Chile 3C, punctate Coaaoloba bavbeyana Lindau. Schunke 76 Peru 3C, deeply punctate- striate C. oordata Chamisso Hatschbach et al. 13352 Brazil 3C, columnar-pyramidal 110, 111, 147 C. diversifolia Jacquin.... Bro. Clemente s.n. Cuba 3C, punctate-striate C. obovata H.B.K Duke 4988 Panama 3C, prominently punctate C. parimensis Bentham Ducke 1289 Brazil 3C, microreticulate C. swavtzii Meisner. Webster et al. 10296 Bahamas 3C5 punctate-striate C. venosa L Dedeakera eurekensis Harris & Britton 10756 Jamaica 3C, punctate Reveal & Howell. Reveal et al. 3909 California 3C, punctate Emex australis Steinheil... Scheepers 928 MO S. Africa 3C, perforate and spinulose Seydel 2975 SW Africa 3C, perforate and spinulose 136 E. spinosa (L.) Campdera. . . Koelz 14304 Iran 3C(?), perforate and spinulose Eriogonum oorrellii Reveal. E. inflation Torrey & Reveal & Davidse 883 Texas 3C, finely punctate Fremont E. mari folium Torrey & Gentry 14437 Mexico 3C, clustered punctate A. Gray Holmgren & Reveal 2706 Oregon 3C, finely punctate- striate 90, 91, 148 E. parishii S. Watson. Wiggins & Demaree 4913 Mexico 3C, clustered punctate 149 E. raaemosum Nut tall. ...... Eggleston 5847 Colorado 3C, clustered punctate E. thomasii Torrey Fagopynm esaulentum Jones s.n. California 3C, punctate-striate Moench Gilmania luteolum Braun s.n. Ohio 3C, deeply punctate 87, 150 (Coville) Coville. ....... Gymnopodium antigonoides Gilman 1520 California 3C, punctate (Robinson?) Blake Gaumer & Sons 23207 Mexico 3C, punctate-striate Harfordia maaroptera Goldman 743 Mexico 3C, punctate-striate 92, 93, 151 (Bentham) Greene & Parry. Hollisteria lanata S. Wiggins 7601 Mexico 3C, punctate-striate 96, 97, 152 Watson Hoover 3496 California 3C, punctate Koenigia islandioa L. ..... Koelz 6424 India PP, spinulose Lastarriaea ahilensis Remy. Worth & Morrison 16270 UC Chile 3C, punctate L. aoriaaea (Goodman) Worth & Morrison 16338 UC Chile 3C, punctate 137 Hoover Muoronea oalifomioa Leiberg 3260 Howell 32083 California California 3C, punctate 3C, punctate Bentham Muehlenbeakia ahilensis Grinnell s.n. California 3C, finely punctate- striate 88, 89 Meisner. E. & M. Holway 199 Chile 3C, punctate-striate 102, 103, 153 U. aunninghamii Mueller. . . . Aston 984 Constable 18440 Lazarides 5745 Australia Australia Australia 3C, sparsely spinulose and punctate 3C, sparsely spinulose and punctate 3C, sparsely spinulose and punctate 100, 101, 155 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Table 4 — Continued Species Collector Location Pollen description Figure numbers M. polybotryar Meisner..... Pritzel 399 Australia 3C, punctate-striate 156 M. tamni/blia (HBK) Meisner . Neomillspaughia paniculata Balls 5804 Ecuador SC, punctate-striate 104, 105, 154 (Donnell-Smith) Blake.... Nemaaaulis denudata Edwards P 675 Honduras 3C, punctate-striate Nuttall. ................. Oxygonum atpipliaifolium Cleveland s.n. California 3C, finely punctate 82, 157 Martelli. Piemeisel & Kephart 56 Kenya 3C, punctate and microreticulate 0. dregecmm Meisner ....... Bayliss 4515 S. Africa 3C, microreticulate 0. seyhepi Sender. ......... Galpin 13075 S. Africa SC, microreticulate Oxypia digynia (L.) Hill... Oxy theca dendroidea Neilson 902 Canada 3 colpate-very thin walled Nuttall. ................. Eastwood & Howell 7353 Wagenknecht 18118 Nevada Chile 3C, finely punctate- striate 3C, finely punctate- striate 0. luteola Parry. .......... Pringle s.n. Walther 14379 California California 3C, finely punctate- striate 3C, finely punctate- striate 0. parishii Parry. ......... S. & W. Parish 993 California SC, punctate 0. trilobata A. Gray....... Abrams 3807 California 3C, finely punctate- striate 83, 158 Persiaaria aooainea Greene. Eastwood 1427 California PC, finely reticulate 112 Podoptepus mexicanus Kunth. Polygonella fimbrdata Langlassi 922 Mexico 3C, microreticulate 132, 160 (Elliot) Horton. ......... P. polygama (Ventenat) Ward & Smith 2236 Florida 3C, finely punctate and reticulate 130, 161 Engelmann & A. Gray. ..... Bright 6309 S. Carolina 3C, microreticulate 131 Polygonwn acuminatum Kunth. Irwin & Souza 9565 Brazil PP, reticulate 113 P. affine D. Don. .......... Staunton et al. 1328 Nepal 3C, finely punctate and spinulose 124 P. amphibium L. ........... Braun 29 Indiana PC, finely reticulate 120, 121, 162, 163 P. bistopta L. ............ Cantlon & Gillis 57-439 Alaska 3C, finely punctate and spinulose P. capitatum D. Don........ Cantlon & Malcolm 580085 Calder & Billard 3833 Alaska Canada 3C, finely punctate and spinulose 3C, finely punctate and spinulose 128, 129, 164 Tsiang 4503 China 3C, reticulate 122, 123 C'il'inode Michaux Hardin 722 N. Carolina 3C, finely punctate- striate P. convolvulus L. ......... P. cristatum Engelmann Horr & McGregor E495 Kansas 3C, psllate and spinulose 140, 141, 165 & Gray. .................. P. auspidatum Siebold & Graham 25 Texas 3C, psllate and spinulose Zuccarini. ............... Makino 13368 Japan 3C, deeply punctate P. cyanandpium Diels. ...... Rock 5935 China PP, spinulose 134, 135 P. dielsii Leville (?)..... Henry 9379 China 3C, coarsely reticulate 116, 117, 166 P. dumetonan L. ........... Makino 13491 Japan 3C, psilate and spinulose P. foppestii Diels......... Rock 9697 China PC, spinulose 133, 167 P. multiflopum Thunberg.... Makino 15020 Japan 3C, deeply punctate P. opientale L. ........... Johnson s.n. New York PP, reticulate 114, 115, 159 P. vaaainifolium Wallich. . . Koelz 976 Ind ia 3C, punctate 126, 127, 168 P. virginianum L. ......... Standley 8342 Missouri PC, finely reticulate 118, 119, 169 P. vivipavum L. ........... Ptepopypum auchepi Aim Son* Sweden 3-4C, very finely spinulose 125 Jaubert & Spach. ......... Ptepostegia dpymopioides Rechinger 27660 Pakistan 3C, punctate-striate Fischer & Meyer. ......... Gillespie 5495 Arizona 3C, punctate-striate Rheum delavayi Franchet .... Rock 16256 China 3C, punctate Rumex aaetosa L. .......... Greuter & Hainard 567 Switzerland 3(-4)C, perforate and spinulose 138, 139, 170 R. aoetosella L. .......... Rouleau 67 Canada 3(-4)C, perforate and spinulose NUMBER 37 21 Table 4~Continued Species Collector Location Pollen description Figure numbers R. aquations L Heikkinen s.n. Finland 3(-4)C, perforate and spinulose R. arispus L Standley 18083 Montana 3C, perforate and spinulose R. sautatus L Rupreohtia laxifLova Pfister 1158/2 France 3C, perforate and spinulose Meisner Hatschbach 13161 Brazil 3C, deeply punctate- striate 106, 171 R. pallida Standley R. rami flora (Jacquin) Newman 17 Mexico 3C, perforate-rugulose 107, 172 Meyer. Syrmeria paniaulata Haught 3914 Colombia 3C, deeply punctate- striate 108, 109 Bentham. Ducke 650 MO Brazil 3C, i psilate Triplaris amerioana L Plttier 12204 Venezuela 3C, punctate- striate 86, 173 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Table 5. — Primulaceae specimens examined (3C = 3-colporate, 4C = 4-colporate) Species Collector Location Pollen description Figure numbers Anagallis linifolia L Reverchon 388 Spain 3C, prominently punctate 183, 192 Androsaae septentrionalis L. Tarleton 8 Alaska 3C, punctate Apoahoris pentapetala Duby.. Ardisandra wittsteinii R. Zimmermann 257 China 3C, microreticulate Wagner Centunaulus pentandrus R. Greenway & Kanuri 15044 MO Kenya 3C, punctate Brown Standley 12941 Florida 3C, microreticulate Coris monspeliensis L. ..... Tidestrom 13554 France 3C, sculptured 4 psilate 174, 193 Cortusa matthioli L Cyalamen neapolitanwn Koelz 4994 India 3-syncolporate , granular 188 Tenore. Stefani s.n. Corsica 3C, punctate 184 Dionysia mira Wendelbo Dodeaatheon alpinvm Mandaville 3600 Oman 6-8 zonocolpate, deeply punctate (A. Gray) Greene Maguire & Holmgren 26449 Oregon 3C, punctate-granular 180, 181 Douglasia montana A. Gray... Thompson 13766 Idaho 3C, punctate 182 Glaux maritima L Haakana s.n. Finland 3C, punctate-striate Redfield s.n. Maine 3C, irregularly punctate- striate 190, 194 Hottonia palustris L Cernohorsky 4 Kraj ina 286 Czechoslovakia 3C, microreticulate 185 Lysimaohia ailiata L Cronquist 4 Jones 5956 Idaho 3C, psilate-f inely punctate L. hybrida Michaux. L. terrestris (L.) Britton, Leonard 4 Killip 871 Maryland 3C, finely punctate 175, 195 Stern & Poggenberg Ly simaohiopsis hillebrandii Mac Kenzie 2720 New Jersey 3C, microreticulate 177 Heller Naumbergia thyrsiflora Degener 21278 MO Hawaii 4C, punctate-psilate (L.) Reichenbach OmphaZo gramma vinaae flora Andersen s.n. Norway 3C, irregularly microreticulate 176, 196 Franchet Rock 3573 China 3C, microreticulate 191, 197 Primula farinosa L. St. John 90675 Quebec 4-syncolporate , microreticulate P. inaisa Franchet Rock 17474 China 3C, microreticulate P. offioinalis (L.) Jacquin. Ludera s.n. Poland 6-8 zonocolpate, microreticulate 198 P. veris L Charpin et al. s.n. France 6-10 zonocolpate, microreticulate 186, 187 Skvortsoo s.n. USSR 6-8 zonocolpate, microreticulate 200 P. vulgaris Hudson. ......... Pfister s.n. Switzerland 6-8 zonocolpate, microreticulate (many abnormal grains) Samolus ebracteatus Kunth. . . Francis 8a Florida 3C, punctate Soldanella alpina L Treffer, 1362 in Flora Exsiccata Austro- Hungarica Austria 3-colpate (syncolpate? ) , scabrate-spinulose 189 S. austriaaa Vierhapper Stimpsonia ahamaedryoides C. Keller s.n. Austria 3-colpate (syncolpate?), scabrate-spinulose Wright. ................... Trientalis ameriaana Ying Hu 10001 Hong Kong 3C, finely reticulate 178, 179, 199 (Persoon) Pursh Palmer 1370 Canada 3C, punctate NUMBER 37 23 Figures 1-6. — Centrospermae pollen, SEM: 1, Aizoaceae, Mesembryanthemum variabile Haworth, equatorial view, x 4100; 2, Molluginaceae, Lirneum viscosum Fenzl, equatorial view, X 3900; 3, Basellaceae, Anredera scandens Moquin, X 3550; 4, Caryophyllaceae, Gymnocarpos fruticosum Persoon, X 3350; 5, Chenopocliaceae, Che7Topodium a7nbrosioides L., X 3600; 6, Portulacaceae, Naiocrene paTrvifolia (Moquin) Rydberg, x 1900. (Photo reduced to 81 percent.) 24 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY }H (U 3 RS ^ w cy h e O N ^ g < § % ® I S I I s S . -' ti R3 R3 ^ s ra O o w a. .2 r-. o o m i>- X 0^ c — u V5 O qj ^ G CD 'X o o rt i w - 00 - ^ (i, TjH > kJ <; VW S s 34 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Figures 53-58. — Plumbaginaceae pollen, SEM. GonioUmon collinum (Griscbach) Boissier; 53, polar view, X 1600; 54, ektexine surface, X 5000 (coarsely reticulate Armeria form). Statice sinuata L.: 55, polar view, X 1500; 56, ektexine surface, X 4000 (55, 56, Vaccari 495, coarsely reticulate Armeria form); 57, polar view, X 1550; 58, ektexine surface, X 7500 (57, 58, Maire it Wilczek 1048, finely reticulate Armeria form). (Photo reduced to 76 percent.) NUMBER 37 35 X S 3 ‘S 'T S „' 3 X s C CO o . X H?; ■^ § 8 y o rt o /N «+-l W 36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY CO 1 > - NUMBER 37 37 (o s C/2 g O cis -a c 3 c « a ■| ^73 gj 'O O C o o 3 c 1; SS .2 « « u «-; w ^ S c „ u ^ S ?-.£P ° 'S 0 r3 C G a; QJ 0 Q pG be 0 G 'C G QJ Vi .s U G 0 pG 2 f-O 3 C3 s o ci! « § ^ S ^ ^ I ^1 n § § 0 ® 1 X •■tr • ~ ft iT ft o .2 5^ •a. g O S QJ s .s O W cn s o S ^ c« a o bO 'o ■ Oh I <3 “ “ c/5 lO SCvf ID O 1> S ■§ i = o-'B o; 44 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Figures 94-99. — Polygonaceae pollen, SEM: 94, Calligonum comosum L’Heritier, equatorial view, X 2500; 95, ektexine surface, X 7500; 96, Harfordia macroptera (Bentham) Greene & Parry, equatorial view, X 3050; 97, ektexine surface, X 7500; 98, Atraphaxis buxifolia Jaubert & Spach, equatorial view, X 2800; 99, ektexine surface, X 7500. (Photo reduced to 84 percent.) NUMBER 37 45 Figures 100-105. — Polygonaceae pollen, SEM: 100, Muehlenbeckia cuniiinghamii Mueller, equa- torial view, X 2730 (Aston 984)-, 101, ektexine surface, X 7500 (Aston 984); 102, M. chilensis Meisner, equatorial view, x 3570; 103, ektexine surface, X 7500; 104, M. tamnifolia (H.B.K.) Meisner, equatorial view, X 3600; 105, ektexine surface, X 7500. (Photo reduced to 83i^ percent.) 46 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Figures 106-11 1. — Polygonaceae pollen, SEM: 106, Ruprechtia laxiflora Meisner, equatorial view, X 3400; 107, R. pallida Standley, equatorial view, X 2500; 108, R. ramiflora (Jacquin) Meyer, equatorial view, X 2700; 109, ektexine surface, X 5000; 110, Coccoloba cordata Chamisso, equa- torial view, X 2520; 111, ektexine surface, X 7500. (Photo reduced to 79 percent.) NUMBER 37 47 Figures 112-117. — Polygonaceae pollen, SEM: 112, Persicaria coccinea Greene, X 1575; 113, Polygonurn acuminatum Kunth, x 1575; 114, P. orientate L., X 1600; 115, ektexine surface, X 7500; 116, P. dielsii Leville(?), oblique view, colpus horizontal in lower half, X 2200; 117, ektexine surface, colpus in center, X 5000. (Photo reduced to 76 percent.) 48 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY CM CM Figures 118-123. — Polygonaceae pollen, SEM: 118, Polygonum virginianum L., x 2000; 119, ektexine surface, X 5000; 120, P. amphibium L., X 1400; 121, ektexine surface, colpus lower right, X 5000; 122, P- capitatum D. Don, polar view, X 2500; 123, ektexine surface, X 7500. (Photo reduced to 77i/2 percent.) NUMBER 37 49 Figures 124-129. — Polygonaceae pollen, SEM. Polygonum affine D. Don: 124, equatorial view, X 2200. P. viviparum L.: 125, slightly oblique equatorial view, X 1700. P. vaccmifolium Wallich: 126, equatorial view, X 1900; 127, ektexine surface X 5000. P. bistorta L.: 128, mesocolpial view, X 2300; 129, ektexine surface, x 5000 (128, 129, Caution ir Malcolm 580085). (Photo reduced to 83 percent.) 50 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Figures 130-135. — Polygonaceae pollen, SEM: 130, Polygonella fimbriata (Elliot) Horton, meso- colpial view, X 3400; 131, P. polygama (Ventenat) Engelmann & A. Gray, equatorial view, X 5750; 132, Podopterus mexicanus Kunth, equatorial view, X 2970; 133, Polygonum forrestii Diels, X 2900; 134, P. cyanandrium Diels, X 3600; 135, ektexine surface, X 8500. (Photo re- duced to 74 percent.) NUMBER 37 51 Figures 136-141. — Polygonaceae pollen, SEM: 136, Emex australis Steinheil, equatorial view, X 2990 (Seydel 2975); 137, Lastarriaea chilensis Remy, mesocolpial view, X 3400 {Worth ir Morrison 16338 UC); 138, Rumex acetosa L., equatorial view, X 4400; 139, ektexine surface, X 10,000; 140, Polygonum convolvulus L., mesocolpial view, X 3050; 141, ektexine surface, X 7500. (Photo reduced to 78i/^ percent.) 52 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Figures 142-149. — Polygonaceae pollen, TEM: 142, Antigonon guatemalense Meisner, the endexine is narrow and plate-like; 143, Atraphaxis buxifolia, section somewhat oblique but NUMBER 37 53 54 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Figures 150-156.— Polygonaceae pollen, TEM: 150, Fagopyrum esculentum, the section is NUMBER 37 55 3 « I ^ e S ^ u 8 © d ^ .d 8 ^ ^ s © 3 S ^ -se •S © S s ' s s , © o '=© ,c © ^ 1 0 •5 ° s ^ 2 £ "o Si ^ fi © *3 s © 'S "d ^ s s w 8 O ^ I © On ^ Ph © © 3 c2^ 3 © a ■; 13 S © © ^ > ^ © D Of . 3 ' Ji> Ji© © s=i ^ s s S tb © fed •S i5 5 « i 8 c a© ^ ^ ,3 © QO ^ ^ S y »o s £ ^ - w g _ .1 a * ^ © S s S biD 8 © 8 O 0^ 8 ^ 0 ^ — © © ^ g © "D S © Oj ^ © o ^ © w © ^ ^ ta d o b£) ^ © . s ^ ’3 s « .. e © © 5£) •£ •y d ^ C3 3 ^ b£) © K I .S Z W) .C • ^ 3 tr u -o S O U ■e, « 5 35 g © S »d E 00 ^ s, © o d 8 3 O bjo 8 fe S, o b s tU 9J t 5 o w S S S aj 3 .« iO ^ -.1 - ^ s °3 o g 1? ^ ^ s S g ■i 3 s ^ U o a © o ’V 8 « © ^ w K ^ M=S , .d ^ © iQ 5 ^ © ^ ^ Qm o g a, -a a, -g rt ? S ™ © © 5 3 .3 I 56 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Figures 157-165. — Polygonaceae pollen, TEM: 157, NemacauUs denudata, the section illustrates NUMBER 37 57 S ed cr 58 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Figures 166-173 — Polygonaceae pollen, TEM: 166, Polygonum dielsii, section ± oblique, solid NUMBER 87 59 5 g a O i I HI a. “ 5 « g s S ^ 1 § 8 •n s ® S-! (3j 2 ,2 ^ ^ >- S 3 -H w pd -a ’3 3 u s „ .y 3 W M ■o c 'O _ ” S M s ^ o a 2" ^ hS £ a ^ s. 3 C 3 C to > ^ i i§ a .§ ‘C w &i 3 o ‘S £ s ^ c^ OJ QJ ^ *• cu ;-< c^ . G. i ^ Sh CTJ V ^ a s S a, 2 <« ^ e !2 i’ 2 M> e 2 o -S d y (U X c “u a ^ O G) i s o 3 C^l u - in tsH 3^^ U ^ 2 W 'd e w « •y CL, G .2 a - .S o 3 ^ cr ^ c *« ^5 K qj .S ^ a O c^ ’"a u G 3 03 to s ^