-•01 ■'O' ^y;:S;#»*w?fgc X.\ 1^ >^vH\W\\ >^/ r, 7i/ Ml / ■ /// i'^ '■m. '' FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD. THE POPULAE SCIENCE MONTHLY. CONDUCTED BY E, L. AND W. J. YOUMANS. VOL. XL MAY TO OCTOBER, 1877. NEW YORK : D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY, 1877. COPTEIGHT BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1877. / 0 ^f 3 X THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. MAY, 1877. GAE-PIKES, OLD AND YOUNG. By Professor BURT G. WILDER, OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY. SOME readers of The Popular Science Monthly may never have seeu gar-pikes, or even heard of them. The word does not occur in some of the dictionaries, and the animals themselves are found alive only in certain parts of the world. So, before telling what gar- pikes do, it is necessary to explain what they are. ^1 M ' I n I M 1 1 F Fig. 1.— The Shokt-nosed Gar-Pike (Lepidosteus plaiysiomus). Nearly adult, one-fourth natural length. O, the gill cover, or operculum. P, the pectoral, and Ve, the ventral, fin of the left side. D and A, the dorsal and anal fins. DF and VF, the " fulcra " which cover the dorsal and ventral borders of the root of the tail. X indicates the point where the eection shown in Fig. 3 was made. The scales are shown in the next figure. In the first place, the gar-pike is not a weapon, but a vertebrated animal. The vertebrates include all animals having a spine or back- bone made up of a series of segments or vertebrce. But this common definition is not wholly accurate. For the very young of man and monkeys, quadrupeds and birds, reptiles and fishes, have no skeleton at all ; and some of the lowest fishes, the Amphioxus and the lam- prey-eels, have no bones. So the vertebrates are now said to include all animals having a longitudinal axis or spine (whether membrane, cartilage, or bone) separating an upper or dorsal cavity, containing the spinal cord and brain, from a lower or ventral cavity, containing VOL. XI. — 1 2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the stomach, intestine, heart, and other organs of vegetative life. This is shown in Fig. 3. Let us now go one step further and learn what kind of a verte- brate is the gar-pike. At present the most natural primary subdivi- sion of the branch seems to be into three great groups. The liighest Fig. 2.— Part of the Side op the Body of Lepidosteus platystomus, Natural size, showing the arrangement of the enameled scales. Below is an outline of a single scale ; the point is covered by the scale in front. is the Mammalia, comprising our common quadrupeds, also bats, mon- keys and men, seals and whales. The females of all these bring forth their young alive, and nourish them with milk. Next come the Sauropsida, including birds, turtles, crocodiles, lizards, and snakes. Lastly, the Ichthyopsida, embracing the Ba- trachians (frogs, toads, and salamanders), and all other vertebrates. Evidently, our gar-pike is neither a mammal nor a bird, a turtle, a snake, nor a lizard. It does look a little like an alligator, but it has not only fins and scales, but also gills ^ which are not known to exist in any reptile ; while all the Ichthyopsida have gills during at least a part of their lives. The gar-pike is neither a frog nor a toad; it has scales and fin-rays unlike salamanders. Why, then, not call it a.Jish f Fig. 3.— Cross-Section (Natural Size) of the Short-nosed GAE-riKE {Lepidosteus plafys- tomvs), Showlntr the general arrangement of the organs which is characteristic of vertebrates. The sec- tion is made in front of the ventral flns at the point indicated by Xon Fig. 1. The cut sur- face is looked at from beliind. Near the middle is the vertebral column or backbone (VC). Above it i? the spinal cord (6'0, surrounded by bony walls. Below are the abdominal viscera. A is the median aorta. T' V the lateral veins. J/A is the median channel of the air-bladder, and LA, LA, are its lateral chambers. The cavity of the stomach (Al) is on the left, and the liver (L). with two veins, on the ri^'ht. O, O are the two ovaries, of which tlie left lies far- ther forward so that its section is smaller. The whole is surrounded by the muscular walls of the body (M,M, M, M), and this again is covered by the plates of the skin. GAR-PIKES, OLD AND YOUNG. 3 Because, unfortunately, we are not sure that there are any "fish- es." The terms "beast, bird, and fish," notwithstanding common usage and the sanction of Scripture, are devoid of scientific accuracy. For " beast " includes turtles and alligators, and excludes the aquatic mammals, whales, porpoises, manatee, and dugong. "Bird" includes bats and pterodactyls, and excludes the ostriches and penguins, which cannot fly. So " fish " is not only held by some persons to embrace the aquatic mammals, but also, when employed in a stricter sense, it includes forms differing among themselves in many important points. At any rate, the " fish-like vertebrates " present the following well- marked groups : 1. Amphioxus lanceolatus ; the lancelet. A single genus with perhaps a single species, but so peculiar as to have received the fol- lowing appellations : Branchiostoma, Cirrostomi, Pharyngobranchii, Leptocardia, Acrania, Entomocrania, Dermopteri. 2. Myzonts, or Marsipobranchii ; the hag-fishes and lamprey-eels. 3. Plagiostomes, or Elasmobranchii; sharks and skates. 4. Ilolocephala; the (7^^ma?/'a and Callorhynchus. 5. Ganoids ; the sturgeons (Acipenser and ScaphyrhyncMis) ; the spoonbill [Polyodon) ; the mud-fish (Amia) ; the gar-pike {Lepidos- teus) ; and the Polypterus and Galamoichthys of Africa, with many fossil forms. 6. Dipnoans ; the mud-fishes of Africa, South America, and Aus- tralia {Protopterus, Z/epidosiren, and Ceratodus). All of the above were formerly, and are now popularly, regarded as fishes. But tlie fishes, proper, or ordinary fishes, are now called: 7. Teleosts ; the perch, salmon, cod, mackerel, and. all others not included within the other six groups. Some have included Amjyhioxus with the Myzonts ; others the Plagiostomes with the Ganoids. The most natural combination seems to be that of the Ganoids with the Teleosts ; and to this larger group the term Pisces has been applied. But for the present it is safer to recognize the distinctions, and to make our generalizations more exact. What, then, is a gar-pike ? Is it a Ganoid or a Teleost ? Curiously enough, tlie prefix "gar" (signifying a dart or pointed weapon) is employed to designate two fishes, of which one {Belone) is a marine Teleost, and the other [Lejndosteus) is a fluviatile Ganoid. Both have long jaws with sharp teeth, but in other respects they are very unlike. It will be better to call Belone the " gar-fish " and Lepidos- teus the gar-pike.^ The general appearance of the gar-pike is sufficiently indicated by ' These common names are very perplexing. Thus the true pike is Esox. The name dog-fish is popularly applied to Menobranchus. a batrachian ; to Amia, a ganoid ; and to Acanthias, a shark. 4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the fio-ure. The body is an elongated cylinder covered with hard and shining scales closely joined, and leaving as vulnerable points only the throat and gills, the eyes, and the parts just under the pectoral fins. The tail is moderate in size and rounded, the longest rays a little above the middle, so that it is not quite symmetrical. Upon the hinder part of the back is the dorsal fin, and below the dorsal an anal fin, immediately in front of which is the vent or outlet of the alimentary canal. The parired fins, pectoral and ventral, occupy the places natural to them as representatives of the anterior and jjoste- rior limbs of salamanders and alligators. The length of the head varies in the difierent species, but, whether longer or shorter, the jaws are furnished with rows of very sharj) and closely-set teeth. The apparent form of these teeth is a simple elon- gated cone ; but it has been shown by Prof. Jefliies Wyman that their surface is really deeply folded, so that a cross-section resembles that of the teeth of the curious fossil Batrachians, called, for that reason, Labyrinthodonts. The eyes are of moderate size. As with ordinary fishes, the ears do not appear externally. The nostrils are two pair of small holes at the tip of the snout, communicating with an olfactory sac on each side; the lining of this sac presents one median longitudinal and many transverse folds. The genus Lepidostetis, according to Huxley, has not been found eai'lier than the Tertiary rocks ; although the family Lepidosteidm is represented by more or less numerous genera as far back as the Car- boniferous and perhaj^s (by Cheirolepis) in the Devonian. True gar-pikes are not found in Europe, Asia, Africa, or Austra- lia, or in South America ; while in North America they seem to be nearly confined to the Mississippi River and its tributaries, and the Gi'eat Lakes.' Prof. Poey has also recorded the existence of a gar-pike in Cuba, a fact which is interesting, not as an indication of "manifest destiny," but as a memorial of the supposed ancient connection between the West India Islands and our continent. None have been found in salt- water, and the writer has no knowledge as to how far they enter the mixed water at the mouth of the Mississippi; but their tenacity of life encourages the belief that they might possibly adapt themselves to the ocean. Their introduction into New England waters would afford to Eastern zoologists the much-desired opportunity of studying their development, of which nothing whatever is known. We must now inquire whether there are more than one species of Le^ndosteus. Unfortunately, this question involves several otliers. For the genus Lepidosteus, established by Laccpede for the single species ' A few examples have been taken in Cayuga Lake, in Central New York, having probably entered by the canal at iti3 northern end ; it is said to occur in the Susque- hanna River, Pennsylvania. It is lately reported that a species has been found in China. GAR-PIKES, OLD AND YOUNG. 5 osseus, has since been subdivided by some authors into Lepidosteus, Cylindrosteus, and Litholepis, or Atractosteus ; and nearly forty spe- cific names have been applied. One of these, Sarchirus, merely de- notes the lobed state of the pectoral fin of the young gar (as will be shown further on), and most of the others seem to be based upon individual or geographical variations. Much more remains to be learned before the exact number of species can be ascertained; mean- time, we may safely admit the three following : L. osseus, the bony gar, having a long and narrow snout, and rarely attaining five feet in length ; L. platystomus, the short-nosed gar, with a short and broad snout, as the name implies ; and X. ada- mantinus, the alligator-gar or diamond-gar, with a short and wide snout, but attaining a greater size than the other two, and more com- mon in the southern part of the Mississippi Valley. Probably the careful comparison of many individuals will oblige us to admit one or two additional species. Notwithstanding, however, the peculiarities by which several of the species of Ziepidosteus may be distinguished, so many and so obvious are the features which unite them together, and separate them from all other fishes, that they are recogtiized by all as belonging together, just as are the catfishes, the suckers, or the sturgeons. Moreover, their internal structure, so far as it has been ascer- tained, presents a remarkable uniformity, whence we may infer that there is no important difierence in their functions or habits, except- ing in so far as may depend upon their circumstances, their food, etc. It is desii'able to ascertain the extent of this variation, by accurate observation of carefully-determined examples, but on the present occasion we must be content, although unwillingly, with the assump- tion that what one gar has done another gar can do.' Like most other New England zoologists, the writer had been long obliged to content himself with dead gar-pikes, and with the some- what unsatisfactory figures and descriptions which occur in a few zoological works. He had gained some more vivid impressions from the words and blackboard sketches of him who regarded " the estab- lishment of the order of Ganoids as the most important advance which he had brought about in ichthyology." "^ But even these privileges only increased the desire to behold the gar alive and active, and to realize the delight expressed by the great teacher when first enabled to observe them ujDon his journey to Lake Superior. ' Unwillingly, because all such assumptions are very undesirable. There have proved to be exceptions to nearly all general rules, whether of structure or of functions, as is shown in a paper by the writer, entitled " Is Nature inconsistent ? " — (The Galaxy, April, 1876.) ' Although most other zoologists have differed with Agassiz respecting the limits of the group, the name has been generally retained. 6 THE POPULAR SCIEXCE MONTHLY. When, therefore, the writer found himself upon the Illinois River (at Peoria, Illinois), his steps almost instinctively sought the water, in the somewhat uni-easonable expectation of being first greeted by a majestic " gar," rather than by some of the many kinds of ordinary fish so abundant in the Western rivers. The first glance was disappointing. The river here widens into a basin known as Peoria Lake ; and from the fishermen's pier, project- ing some forty feet from the shore, could be seen no sign, near or remote, of the hoped-for mail-clad fish. The fishermen, who had not yet become acquainted with that unnatural perversity of naturalists whicli causes them to prize some things inversely as their beauty, their gentleness, and their commercial value, called attention to the " cats," " buffaloes," and other marketable fish swarming in the sunken pens, and promised to bring in some gars from their next haul ; add- ing some emphatic statements as to the superabundance of these and of ot!ier such trash. Just then, gliding slowly about very near the surface, and ap- parently undisturbed by the splashing of the bulky " cats " and " buf- faloes," was seen a slender little fish less than three inches long. It was a young gar-pike. It might easily have escaped between the bars of the tanks, but instead remained within arm's-length of the edge of the open trap, moving gently to and fro as if courting observation. A tin cup was anxiously brought : it was dipped into the water, slowly approached, and quickly lifted. The gar was there. But, floating as usual at the surface, a slight tilting of the cup spilt it back again into the water. To the astonishment of all, it soon reappeared in its former place, seeming actually to welcome death for the sake of (scientific) immortality. By a second and more careful effort the young gar was secured, and soon transferred to the basin of water which was destined to be its home for three weeks. During that time a part of each day was spent in observation of its foi-m and its movements, and in comparing it with other gars, old and young. Their Habits. — None of the young gars observed by the writer showed any disposition to attack each other or the small fishes placed with them ; and the stomachs of the two adults examined with refer- ence to this point contained only a few grasshoppers. But the many and sharp teeth are evidently well fitted for seizing living and active prey, and the fishermen accuse the gai'S of destroying large numbers of food-fishes. On this account, as also in revenge for the damage done by tliem when entangled in the nets, the fishermen are said to throw them out upon the bank to die, or to i^lunge them forcibly head first into the soft mud. More information is needed as to the food of the gar. The following brief account of their manner of feeding is from a GAR-PIKES, OLD AND YOUNG. report of some remarks of Prof. Agassiz on young, living gar-pikes from Lake Ontario, before the Boston Society of Natural History, in 1856: " The manner of feeding also is unlike that of other fishes, and resembles tliat of reptiles. Other fishes take their food and swallow it at once, with open mouth. But this one (the young gar) approaches its prey (in this case small minnows) slyly, sidewise, and, suddenly seizing it, holds it in its jaws until, by a series of movements, it suc- ceeds in getting it into a proper position for swallowing, as is the habit with lizards and alligators." Before attaching much importance to the reptilian analogies here suo-o-ested, it should be ascertained whether the mode of swallowing above described is not followed by certain long-billed Teleosts (as Belone, etc.), and, on the other hand, discarded by the short-headed gar, whose jaws have nearly the form of the pickerel. Upon the whole, the gars and other typical Ganoids seem to haye affinities with Batrachians rather than with scaly reptiles. The flesh of the gar is soft, and speedily decays. In Wood's " Natural History," it is stated that " the flesh of the bony pike is said to be good ; " and Prof. W. S. Barnard informs me that the gars, especially the young, are not infrequently used as food by whites in Wisconsin, and by both whites and negroes in Mississippi. Still, there is no reason for believing that the flesh is particularly desirable. In this connection, it is worth noting that little use as food is made by man of the representatives of the Ganoids and the Plagio- stomes, which, as shown by fossil remains, were created before the ordinary fishes. Some kinds of skates are eaten on the French "coast, and sturgeons are known as " Albany beef," but no comparison can be made between them and the salmon, the cod, or the mackerel. While watching the living gar, w^hether old or young, one of the first things noted is that it not only remains usually near the surface, but, at short intervals, actually protrudes the head from the water. In so doing, it turns partly over upon one side, emits a large bubble of air, executes a slight gulj)ing movement of the jaws and throat, and sinks again below the surface; immediately afterward a few smaller bubbles escape from the gill-slit on each side of the neck. The foregoing is a very bald and inadequate description of a curi- ous and, when first observed, astonishing operation. The movements are very rapid, and almost convulsive, as if the fish were suddenly oppressed by something, and hastened to remove it. The little gar first obtained almost invariably turned upon the left side, the air escaping from the right ; this uniformity w^as not observed with the others. Occasionally they would open the jaws widely, as if gaping; and at other times the sides of the mouth were spread laterally. With reference to the young gars from Lake Ontario already mentioned. Prof. Agassiz is reported as follows: "This fish is re- 8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. markable for the large quantity of air which escapes from its mouth. The source of this air he has not been able to determine. At certain times it approaches the surface of the water, and seems to take in air, but he could not think that so large a quantity as is seen adhering in the form of bubbles to the sides of the gills could have been swallowed, nor could he suppose that it could be secreted by the gills themselves." Since the exhalation of air from any source is evidently as easily performed below the surface, the periodical ascent of the gars goes far to show that there is likewise an inhalation. But as it was not easy to determine this, on account of the small size of the young gars and the difficulty of handling the older ones, the writer experimented upon another Western Ganoid, the Amia, or " mud-fish," or " doo-- hsh." When i^laced in a tank the Amia kept near the bottom, and seemed to prefer the darker portions. But it came to the surface at pretty regular intervals, emitting one or two large bubbles from the mouth, and, on descending, several smaller ones from tlie opercular orifice. The fish was gradually accustomed to having the body gently em- braced by the hand about the middle. Fig. 4.— Vertical Longitudinal Section op the Head op Lepidosteus platystomus. One- half Natural Diameter. Br, the brain cut on the median line po as to show the ventricles of the two hinder lobei», the cerebellum and optic lobes. SC, the spinal cord passino; backward into the canal of the ver- tebral column ( Tx'). CT. a mass of connective tissue filling the hinder part of the brain-cav- ity. HP. the right hyi)opharyngeal bone, just in front of the passage XCH) from the throat {Al) upward and backward into the air-bladder {A). Ve is a valve which seems to guard_ the opening from within ; a corresponding valve is on the left side. LA is one of the openings from the median channel of the air-bladder into a lateral chamber. X is the liver, which ter- minates forward in a large blood-vessel, BV- A and Fare the auricle and ventricle of the heart ; BA, the branchial artery; and ba, the cut ends of the smaller arteries to the gills on the right side. T is the tongue. Having been thus prepared, the fish was permitted to swim to and fro in the tank, but prevented from rising. It soon became uneasy, and, after a few not very violent efforts to disengage itself, emitted a large bubble of air. Now, if this emission were all that was necessary we may suppose that it would have remained quiet for another period. On the con- trary, after a second or two of repose (perhaps resulting from the habit of being satisfied after the respiratory act), the fish became more and more uneasy, moved rapidly to and fro, turned and twisted and lashed with its tail, and finally, by a violent effort, escaped from the hand. It rose to the surface, and, withovt emitting any bubble, opened GAR-PIKES, OLD A.VD TO DWG. its Jaws widely and apparently gulped in a large volume of air, then descended and remained quiet for the usual interval. It FiQ. 5 —View from below of the TJppeb or Dorsal Wall op the Throat of the Long- nosed Gar {Lepidosteus osseus). One-half Natural Diameter. The oesophai^us is removed exceptinsf that part of the dorsal wall (.4/) which is closely attached to the air-bladder (.4). Its cut edges are indicated by x x. Ch is the opeuinij or •' chiuli " lead- ing into the air-bladder, and V Cindicate projecting points at the sides of the chink. HP, hy- popharyngeal bones armed with teeth. The escaping air should be chemically examined. But, so far as the experiments go, it seems probable that, with both Amia and Lepldosteus, there occurs an inhalation as well as exhalation of air at pretty regular intervals, the whole process resembling that of the Menohranchus and other salamanders, and the tadpoles, which, as the gills shrink and the lungs increase, come more frequently to the sur- face for air. But the reader may say : " These fishes have gills, of course ; but have they also lungs ? " To this the answer is both yes and no ; for there are at least two different ways of interpreting certain facts ; and some definitions are not as yet wholly agreed upon. Fig. 6.— Cross-Section of the Air-Bladder of L osseus. One-half Natural Diameter. The central open space is the median channel; on each side is seen one of the numerous sabdi- visions of the lateral portions of the air-bladder. Above are the median aorta and the two lateral veins, as in fig. 3. The facts are as follows : the Lepidostens and Amia, like many other fishes, have an air-bladder — a sac lying under the spine and above the alimentary canal, and communicating by a slit-like orifice with the upper side of the throat. With sturgeons and catfishes and most common fishes, the sac is nearly or quite simple, and the com- munication with the throat may be very narrow or even closed Such fishes are not known to swallow air, and there is need of further infor- mation as to the composition and source of the contained gas. But the air-bladder of A>>u'a 2A\^ Lepidosteus is divided into many cells, lo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. so as to resemble a frog's iungs ; and the walls and partitions of these cells have many blood-vessels. These air-bladders are, in fact, more cellular and more vascular than the lungs of Menohranchus^ or the hinder and larger portion of the lungs of serpents. And, in the light of the observations already recorded, there seems good reason for be- lieving that pure air is inhaled and vitiated air exhaled whenever the fish rises to the surface. It is worth noting, also, that both Amia and Lepidosteus are very tenacious of life, and endure removal from the water for a time much better than do the sturgeons, whose air-bladders are neither cellular nor vascular. The latter, also, are bottom-feeders, while the gars seem to keep near the surface of the water. Why, then, are not these air-bladders lungs ? The most obvious objection is, that their openings are into the upper or dorsal side of the throat, while the glottis of batrachians, reptiles, birds, quadrupeds, and ourselves, communicates with the lower or ventral side. This objection may be met in two ways. In the first place, if al- lowed, we should have to admit that all the so-called air-breathing vertebrates have organs (the lungs) which have no representative in the fishes, and that most of the latter have an organ (the air-blad- der) which has no representative in the former. It is true that some fishes have no air-bladder ; but with some, as Amphioxtis, the lamprey-eels, the sharks,* and the skates, we may in- fer that it has not yet become developed ; while with others, as the fiat fishes, the air-bladder may have been lost through what may be called a local retrograde metamorphosis. It is important to note, also, that an air-bladder and lungs have never been found in one and the same animal ; and since arms, front- legs, flippers, and wings, are all regarded as modifications of the same organs, anterior limbs ; and since, in many other cases, organs of very different size, form, complexity, and function, are considered as homologous, we shall be following precedent in admitting a willing- ness to regard air-bladders and lungs as modifications of the same organ. But the true argument against the objection is derived from the existence of transition forms, or links, between air-bladders and lungs, as to the position of the organs themselves, and their communications with the alimentary canal. "With Amia and Ijepidostetis the air-bladder and the opening of the duct are both dorsal. With the Brazilian fish called £Jri/thrim(S (as first stated by Johannes Milller, and lately verified by the writer), the duct opens iipon one side of the throat. In the lately-discov- ered Ceratodus of Australia, as described by Gtlnther, the sac and duct are single, but the former is vascular, and the latter enters at the left ' Maclay has figured a rudimentary air-bladder in certain ehark-embryos. GAR-PIKES, OLD AXD YOUNG. 11 of the ventral surface. With two African Ganoids, Polypterits and Galamoichthys (as also stated by Miiller, and verified by the writer as to the latter genus) the sac is double, and communicates with the ven- tral side in the median line ; but it is slightly cellular, as in Meno- branclius. A. sturgeons and many Teleosts. B. Amia and Lepidosteus. C. ErythrinuK. G. Ceratodus. D. Polypterus, Calamokhihys. E. Lepidosiren, Protopterus. F. Eeptiles, birds, mammals. Fig. 7.— Diagbams bepresenting the Con~nection' betwe'^n the Air-bi^adber or Lxing and THE Alimentary Canal in Certain Vertebrates. ^/, the alimentary canal, vl, the air-bladder. J.Z>. the air-diict. The flsjures at the right show the alimentary canal and air-bladder from the left side ; those at the left represent cross-sectioiis more or less foreshortened in some cases. A A' represent the simple condition-connections of the air-bladder in the stiirgeons {Acipen- ser) and in most Teleosts where the air duct remains open. B B' represent the arrange- ment in Amia and Lepidosteuf!. where the duct opens upon the dorsal side of the throat, but the bladder is more or less cellular. The hinder end of the bladder is left open to indicate its great length in Lettidoxteus. In C C is shown the arrangement in Ei-ythrinus. The bladder is still upon the dorsal side, but the front part is separated from the hinder two-thirds by a constriction, and the long duct passes f irward from just behind the constriction to enter the left side of the throat. There are fibrous partitions in part of the bladder, but I do not know that they are vascular. The condition in Ceratodus is shown at G ; the bladder is single but vascular, and the duct opens on the ventral side, but not in the middle line. In the remaining figures the air-duct opens on the lower or ventral surtoce of the throat, and the air-bladder is in two parts, which unite at the duct, but separate backward and lie upon the sides of the stomach, or even to gome extent upon its dorsal surface nest the back- bone. In the side-views only the left sac is seen ; in the cross-sections the whole is fore- shortened so as to bring it into one plane. In Polypterus and Calamoichthys the inner surface of the sacs is nearly smooth, but in Lepidosiren, as in the salamanders, it is more or less folded and vascular, and is also connected with the heart bv special vessels. In the reptiles, birds, and mammals, the duct or trachea soon divides into the two bronchial tubes. Finally, in the " mud-fishes " of Africa and South America (Pro- topterus and Lepidosireii) the duct is ventral, and the air-bladder is a double and lung-like sac with stiff walls. This series seems to connect the air-bladder of the fishes with the lungs of the true aerial vertebrates, and to remove the objection 12 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. based upon the different position of the communication between them and the alimentary canal.* But another and perhaps more weighty objection has been urged by Prof. Huxley. He says: "But such air- sacs are air-bladders and not lungs, because they receive their blood from the adjacent arteries of the body, and not direct from the heart, while their efferent vessels are connected only with the veins of the general cir- culation." According to this view, therefore, the Dipnoans {JProto2:itervs and Lepidosireyi) have lungs, because the blood goes to the air-sacs by a pulmonary artery, and returns by a pulmonary vein into a left auricle ; while the cellular and vascular air-bladders of Amia and Leindostexis are not lungs, because such an arrangement does not exist. Yet Prof Huxley applies the name placenta to the vascular inter- digitations by which the young of some sharks are connected with the mother, although they are developed from the yolk and not, as in mammals, from the chorion. It would be interesting to know whether the nerves of the air-bladder are the same as those of the lungs. The best test of the naturalness of the definition would be fur- nished by the discovery of some form having the pulmonaiy vessels connected with an air-bladder lying upon the dorsal side of the ali- mentary canal. Meantime, since all are agreed upon the facts, the question concerns interpretations and definitions. Whether or not the air-bladder of the gar-pike is entitled to the name of lung, we may admit that it corresponds with a lung in its essential connection with the alimentary canal, and apparently in its function as an organ for aiding the oxygenation of the blood. -♦♦♦- MESMEEISM, ODYLISM, TABLE-TUENING, A^^D SPIRITUALISM.* By WILLIAM B. CAEFENTER, C. B., M. D., LL. D., F. E. S. I. THE aphorism that "history repeats itself" is in no case more true than in regard to the subject on which I am now to address you. For there has been a continuity from the very earliest times of a be- lief, more or less general, in the existence of " occult " agencies, capable of manifesting themselves in the production of mysterious phenomena, ' In fact, considering the resemblance of the brains and enameled scales of Lfpidosteus and Pohiptcrns, and the differences of their air-bladders and ducts, one is inclined to re- gard the latter as of slight taxonomic importance. ' This discussion, in which the subjects are considered historically and scientifically, is an expansion of the lectures delivered at the London Institution. MESMERISM, ODYLISM, TABLE-TURNING, ETC. 13 of which ordinary experience does not furnish the rationale. And while this very continuity is maintained by some to be an evidence of the real existence of such agencies, it will be my purpose to show you tliat it proves nothing more than the wide-spread diftusion, alike among minds of the highest and of the lowest culture, of certain tendencies to thought, which have either created ideal marvels possessing no foun- dation whatever in fact, or have by exaggeration and distortion in- vested with a preternatural character occurrences which ai-e perfectly capable of a natural explanation. Thus, to go no further back than the first century of the Christian era, we find the most wonderful nar- rations, alike in the writings of pagan and Christian historians, of the doings of the Eastern " sorcerers " and Jewish " exorcists " who had spread themselves over the Roman Empire. Among these the Simon Magus slightly mentioned in the book of Acts was one of the most conspicuous, being recorded to have gained so great a repute for his " ma^-ic arts " as to have been summoned to Rome by Nero to exhibit them before him ; and a Christian father goes on to tell how, when Simon was borne aloft through the air in a winged chariot in the sight of the emperor, the united praters of the apostles Peter and Paul, pre- vailing over the demoniacal agencies that sustained him, brought him precipitately to the ground. In our own day, not only are we seri- ously assured by a nobleman of high scientific attainments that he himself saw Mr. Home sailing in the air, by moonlight, out of one window and in at another, at a height of seventy feet from the ground ; but eleven persons unite in declaring that Mrs. Guppy was not only conveyed through the air in a trance all the way from Highbury Park to Lamb's Conduit Street, but was brought by invisible agency into a room of which the doors and windows were closed and fastened, com- ing " plump down " in a state of complete unconsciousness and partial deshabille upon a table, round which they were sitting in the dark, shoulder to shoulder. Of course, if you accept the testimony of these witnesses to the aerial flights of Mr. Home and Mrs. Guppy, you can have no reason whatever for refusing credit to the historic evidence of the demoniacal elevation of Simon Magus, and the victory obtained over his demons by the two apostles. And you are still more bound to accept the solemnly-attested proofs recorded in the proceedings of our law courts within the last two hundred years, of the aerial transport of witches to attend their demoniacal festivities ; the belief in witchcraft being then accepted not only by the ignorant vulgar, but by some of the wisest men of the time, such as Lord Bacon and Sir Matthew Hale, Bishop Jewell, Richard Baxter, Sir Thomas Browne, and Addison, while the denial of it was considered as virtual atheism. The general progress of rationalism, however, as Mr, Lecky has well shown, has changed all this ; and to accept any of these marvels we must place ourselves in the mental attitude of the narrator of Mrs. 14 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Guppy's flight, who glories in being so completely unfettered by scientific prejudices as to be free to swallow anything, however pre- posterous and impossible in the estimation of scientific men, that his belief in " spiritual " agencies may lead him to expect as probable. If time permitted, it w^ould be my endeavor to show you, by an his- torical examination of these marvels, that there has been a long suc- cession of ejiidemic delusions, the form of which has changed from time to time, while their essential nature has remained the same throughout ; and that the condition which underlies them all is tJie subjection of the mind to a dominant idea. There is a constitutional tendency in many minds to be seized by some strange notion which takes entire possession of them ; so that all the actions of the individ- ual thus " possessed " are results of its operation. This notion may be of a nature purely intellectual, or it may be one that strongly inter- ests the feelings. It may be confined to a small group of individuals, or it may spread through vast multitudes. Such delusions are most tyrannous and most liable to spread when connected with religious enthusiasm: as we see in the dancing and flagellant manias of the middle ages ; the supposed demoniacal possession that afterward be- came common in the nunneries of France and Germany ; the ecstatic revelations of Catholic and Protestant visionaries; the strange per- formances of the Convulsionnaires of St.-Medard, which have been since almost paralleled at Methodist " revivals " and camp-meetings ; the preaching epidemic of Lutheran Sweden, and many other out- breaks of a nature more or less similar. But it is characteristic of some of the later forms of these epidemic delusions that they have connected themselves rather with science than with religion. In fact, just as the performances of Eastern magi took the strongest hold of the Roman mind when its faith in its old religious beliefs was shaken to its foundations, so did the grandiose pretensions of Mesmer — who claimed the discovery of a new force in Nature, as universal as gravi- tation, and more mysterious in its effects than electricity and magnet- ism— find the most ready welcome among skeptical votaries of novelty who paved the way for the French Revolution ; and this pseudo-scien- tific idea gave the general direction to the doctrines taught by Mes- mer's successors, until, in the supposed " spiritualistic " manifestations, a recurrence to the religious form took place, which, I think, may be mainly traced to the emotional longing for some assurance of the con- tinued existence of departed friends, and hence of our own future ex- istence, which the intellectual loosening of time-honored beliefs as to the immortality of the soul has brought into doubt with many. I must limit myself, however, to this later phase of the history, and shall endeavor to show you how completely the extravagant preten- sions of mesmerism and odylism have been disproved by scientific in- vestigation ; all that is genuine in their phenomena having been ac- counted for by well-ascertained physiological principles; while the MESMERISM, ODYLISM, TABLE-TURNING, ETC. 15 evidence of their higher marvels has invariably broken down when submitted to the searching tests imposed by the trained experts whom I maintain to be alone qualified to pronounce judgment upon the matter. Nothing is more common than to hear it asserted that these are subjects which any person of ordinary intelligence can investigate for himself. But the chemist and the physicist would most assuredly demur to any such assumption in regard to a chemical or physical inquiry; the physiologist and geologist would make the same protest against the judgment of unskilled persons in questions of physiology and geology; and a study of mesmerism, odylisra, and spiritualism, extending over more than forty years, may be thought to justify me in contending that a knowledge of the physiology and pathology of the human mind, of its extraordinary tendency to self-deception in re- gard to matters in which its feelings are interested, of its liability to place undue confidence in persons having an interest in deceiving, and of the modes in which fallacies are best to be detected and frauds ex- posed, is an indispensable qualification both for the discrimination of the genuine from the false, and for the reduction of the genuine to its true shape and proportions. And I further hold, not only that it is quite legitimate for the in- quirer to enter upon this study with that " prepossession " in favor of the ascertained and universally admitted laws of Nature which believ- ers in spiritualism make it a reproach against men of science that they entertain, but also that experience proves that a prepossession in favor of some " occult " agency is almost sure to lead the investigator to the too ready acceptance of evidence of its operation. I would be the last to affirm that there is not " much more in heaven and earth than is known to our philosophy ;" and would be among the first to welcome any addition to our real knowledge of the great agencies of Nature. But my contention is, that no new principle of action has any claim to scientific acceptance, save upon evidence as complete and satisfac- tory as that which would be required in any other scientific investi- gation. The recent history of Mr. Crookes's most admirable invention, the radiometer, is pregnant with lessons on this point. When this was first exliibited to the admiring gaze of the large body of scientific men assembled at the soiree of the Royal Society, there was probably no one who was not ready to believe with its inventor that the driving round of its vanes was effected by light ; and the eminent physicists in whose judgment the greatest confidence was placed, seemed to have no doubt that this mechanical agency was something outside optics properly so called, and was, in fact, if not a new force in Nature, a new modus operandi of a force previously known under another form. There was here, then, a perfect readiness to admit a novelty which seemed so unmistakably demonstrated, though transcending all previ- i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ous experience. But after some little time the question was raised whether the effect was not really due to action of heat upon the attenuated vapor of which it was impossible entirely to get rid; and the result of a most careful and elaborate experimental inquiry, in which Nature has been put to the question in every conceivable mode, has been to make it, I believe, almost if not quite certain that the first view was incorrect, and that heat is the real moving power, acting under peculiar conditions, but in no new mode. No examination of the phenomena of spiritualism can give the least satisfaction to the mind trained in philosophical habits of thought, unless it shall have been, in its way, as searching and complete as this. And when scientific men are invited to dark seances, or admitted only under the condition that they shall merely look on and not inquire too closely, they feel that the matter is one with which they are en- tirely precluded from dealing. When, again, having seen what ap- pears to them to present the character of a very transparent conjuring trick, they ask for a repetition of it under test-conditions admitted to be fair, their usual experience is that they wait in vain (for hours it may be) for such repetition, and are then told that they have brought an "atmosphere of incredulity " with them, which prevents the mani- festation. Now, I by no means affirm that the claims of spiritnalism are c^/sproved by these failures; but I do contend that, until the evi- dence advanced by believers in those claims has stood the test of the same sifting and cross-examination by skeptical experts that would be applied in the case of any other scientific inquiry, it has no claim upon general acceptance; and I shall now proceed to justify that con- tention by an appeal to the history of previous inquiries of the like kind. It was about the year 1772 that Mesmer, who had previously pub- lished a dissertation " On the Influence of the Planets on the Human Body," announced his discovery of a universal fluid, " the immediate agent of all the phenomena of Nature, in which life originates, and by which it is preserved ; " and asserted that he had further discovered the power of regulating the operations of this fluid, to guide its cur- rents in healthy channels, and to obliterate by its means the tracks of disease. This power he in the first instance professed to guide by the use of magnets; but having quarreled with Father Hell, a Professor of Astronomy at Vienna, who had furnished him with the magnets with which he made his experiments, and who then claimed the dis- covery of their curative agency, Mesmer went on to assert that he could concentrate the power in and liberate it from any substance he ])leascd, could charge jars with it (as with electricity) and discharge them at his ])leasure, and could cure by its means the most intractable diseases. Having created a gi'eat sensation in Bavaria and Switzer- land by his mysterious manipulations, and by the novel eftects which they often produced, Mesmer returned to Vienna, and undertook to cure MESMERISM, ODYLISM, TABLE-TURNING, ETC. 17 of complete blindness a celebrated singer, Mademoiselle Paradis, who had been for ten years unsuccessfully treated by the court physician. His claim to a partial success, however, which was in the first instance supported by his patient, seemed to have been afterward so completely disproved by careful trials of her visual powers, that he found himself obliged to quit Vienna abruptly, and thence proceeded to Paris, where he soon produced a great sensation. The state of French society at that time, as I have already remarked, was peculiarly favorable to his pretensions. A feverish excitability prevailed, which caused the pub- lic mind to be violently agitated by every question which it took up. And Mesmer soon found it advantageous to challenge the learned societies of the capital to enter the lists against him ; the storm of op- position which he thus provoked having the effect of bringing over to his side a large number of devoted disciples and ardent partisans. He professed to distribute the magnetic fluid to his congregated pa- tients from a haquet or magnetic tub which he had impregnated with it, each individual holding a rod which proceeded from the haquet ; but when the case was particularly interesting, or likely to be par- ticularly pi-ofitable, he took it in hand for personal magnetization. All the surroundings were such as to favor, in the hysterical subjects who constituted the great bulk of his patients, the nervous paroxysm termed the " crisis," which was at once recognized by medical men as only a modified form of what is commonly known as an " hysteric fit;" the influence of the imitative tendency being manifested as it is in cases where such tits run through a school, nunnery, factory, or revi- valist-meeting, in which a number of suitable subjects are collected together. And it was chiefly on account of the moral disorders to which Mesmer's proceedings seemed likely to give rise that the French Government directed a scientific commission, including the most emi- nent savants of the time — such as Lavoisier, Bailly, and Benjamin Franklin — to inquire into them. After careful investigation they came to the conclusion that there was no evidence whatever of any special agency proceeding from the haquet ; for not only were they unable to detect the passage of any influence from it that was appreciable, either by electric, magnetic, or chemical tests, or by the evidence of any of their senses ; but, on blindfolding those who seemed to be most sus- ceptible to its supposed influence, all its ordinary effects were pro- duced when they were without any connection with it, hut believed that it existed. And so, when in a garden of which certain trees had been magnetized, the patients, either Avhen blindfolded, or when igno- rant which trees had been magnetized, would be thrown into a convul- sive fit if they believed themselves to be near a magnetized tree, but were really at a distance from it ; while, conversely, no effect would fol- low their close proximity to one of these trees when they believed them- selves to be at a distance from any of them. Further, the commissioners reported that, although some cures might be wrought by the mesmeric VOL. XI. — 2 i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. treatment, it was not without danger, since the convulsions excited were often violent and exceedingly apt to spread, especially among men feeble in body and weak in mind, and almost universally among w^omen ; and they dwelt strongly also on the moral dangers which, as their inquiries showed, attended these practices. Now, this report, although referring to a form of mesmeric pro- cedure which has long since passed into disrepute, really deals with what I hold to be an important principle of action, which, long vague- ly recognized under the term " imagination," now takes a definite rank in physiological science ; namely, that in individuals of that ex- citable nervous temperament which is known as " hysterical " (a tem- perament by no means confined to women, but rare in healthy and vigorous men), the expectation of a certain result is often sufficient to evoke it. Of the influence of this " expectancy " in producing most remarkable changes in the bodily organism, either curative or morbid, the history of medicine affords abundant and varied illustrations ; and I shall presently show you that it operates no less remarkably in call- ing forth movements which, not being consciously directed by the person who executes them, have been attributed to hypothetical occult agencies. I shall not trace the further history of Mesmer, or of the system advocated by himself; contenting myself with one ludicrous example of the absurdity of his pretensions. When asked in his old age by one of his disciples why he ordered his patients to bathe in river-water in preference to well-water, he replied that it was because river-water is exposed to the sun's rays ; and when further asked how these affected it in any other way than by the warmth they excited, he replied, " Dear doctor, the reason why all water exposed to the rays of the sun is superior to all other water is because it is magnetized — since twenty years ago I magnetized the sunf'' In the hands of some of his pupils, however, animal magnetism, or • Mesmerism (as it gradually came to be generally called), assumed an entirely new development. It was discovered by the Marquis de Puy- segur, a great landed proprietor, who appears to have practised tlie art most disinterestedly for the sole benefit of his tenantry and poor neighbors, that a state of profound insensibility might be induced by very simple methods in some individuals, and a state akin to somnam- bulism in otiiers; and this discovery was taken up and brought into vogue by numerous mesmerizers in France and Germany, while, dur- ing the long Continental war, and for some time afterward, it remained almost unknown in England. Attention seems to have been first drawn to it in this country by the publication of the account of a severe operaition performed in 1829, by M. Cloquet, one of the most eminent surgeons of Paris, on a female patient who had been thrown by mesmerism into the state of somnambulism; in which, though able to converse with those around her, she showed herself entirely insen- MESMERISM, ODYLISM, TABLE-TURNING, ETC. 19 sible to pain, while of all that took place in it she had subsequently no recollection whatever. About twelve years afterward, two ampu- tations were performed in our own country — one in Nottinghamshire, and the other in Leicestershire — upon mesmerized patients, who showed no other sign of consciousness than an almost inaudible moaning ; both of them exhibiting an uninterrupted placidity of countenance, and declaring, when brought back to tlieir ordinary state, that they were utterly unaware of what had been done to them during their sleep. And not long afterward Dr. Esdaile, a surgeon in Calcutta, gave details of numerous most severe and tedious operations per- formed by him, without the infliction of pain, upon natives in whom he had induced the mesmeric sleep — the rank of presidency surgeon being conferred upon him by Lord Dalhousie (then Governor-General of India), " in acknowledgment of the services he had rendered to humanity." The results of minor experiments performed by various persons, desirous of testing the reality of this state, were quite in har- mony with these. Writing in 1845, Dr. Noble, of Manchester (with whom I was early brought into association by Sir John Forbes in the pursuit of this inquiry), said: " We have seen a needle thrust deeply under the nail of a woman sleeping mesmerically, without its exciting a quiver ; we have seen pungent snuff in large quantities passed up the nostrils under the same circumstances, without any- sneezing being produced until the patient was roused, many minutes afterward ; we have noticed an immunity from all shock when percussion-caps have been discharged suddenly and loudly close to the ear ; and we have observed a pa- tient's little-finger in the flame of a candle, and yet no indication of pain. In this latter case all idea of there having been courageous dissimulation was re- moved from our mind in seeing the same patient afterward evince both surprise and indignation at the treatment received ; as, from particular circumstances, a substantial inconvenience was to result from the injury to the finger, which was by no means slight." ' This " mesmeric sleep " corresponds precisely in character with what is known in medicine as "hysteric coma;" the insensibility being as profound, while it lasts, as in the coma of narcotic poisoning or pressure on the brain; but coming on and passing ofi*with such suddenness as to show that it is dependent upon some transient con- dition of the sensorium, which, with our present knowledge, we can pretty certainly assign to a reduction in the supply of blood caused by a sort of spasmodic contraction of the blood-vessels. That there is no adequate ground for regarding it as otherwise than real^ appears further from the discovery made not long afterward by Mr. Braid, a surgeon practising at Manchester, that he could induce it by a very simple method, which is not only even more efiective than the "passes" of the mesmerizer, but is, moreover, quite independent of any other will than that of the person who subjects himself to it. He found that ^ British and Foreign Medical Review, April, 1845. 20 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, this state (which he designated as hypnotism) could be induced in a large proportion of individuals of either sex, and of all ranks, ages, and temperaments, who determinately fix their gaze for several minutes consecutively on an object brought so near to theii- eyes as to require a degree of convergence of their axes that is maintainable only by a strong effort.* The first state thus induced is usually one of profound comatose sleep ; the " subject " not being capable of being roused by sensory impressions of any oi'dinary kind, and bearing without the least indi- cation of consciousness what would ordinarily produce intolerable un- easiness or even severe pain. But, after some little time, this state very commonly passes into one of somnambulism, which again corre- sponds closely on the one hand with natural, and on the other with mesmeric, somnambulism. In fact, it has been by the study of the somnambulism artificially induced by Mr. Braid's process that the essential nature of this condition has been elucidated, and that a scientific rationale can now be given of a large proportion of the phenomena repoi'ted by mesmerizers as having been presented by their somnambules. It has been claimed for certain mesmeric somnambules, however, that they occasionally possess an intelligence altogether superhuman as to things present, past, and future, which has received the designa- tion " lucidity ; " and it is contended that the testimony on which we accept thereality of phenomena which are conformable to our scientific experience ought to satisfy us equally as to the genuineness of those designated as " the higher," which not only transcend but absolutely contradict what the mass of enlightened men would regard as univer- sal experience. This contention, however, seems to me to rest upon an entirely incorrect appreciation of the probative force of evidence ; for, as I shall endeavor to prove to you in my succeeding lecture, the only secure basis for our belief on any subject is the confirmation afforded to external testimony by our sense of the inherent probability of the fact testified to; so that, as has been well remarked, " evidence tendered in support of what is new must correspond in strength with the degree of its incompatibility with doctrines generally admitted as true; and, where statements obviously contravene all past experience ' Mr. Braid's peculiar success in inducing this state seemed to depend partly upon his mode of working his method, and partly upon the " expectancy " of bis subjects. Finding a bright object preferable, he usually employed his silver lancet-case, which he held in the first place at ordinary reading-distance, rather above the plane of the eyes ; he then slowly approximated it toward the middle point, a little above the bridge of the nose, keeping his own eyes steadily fixed upon those of his " subject," and watch- ing carefully the direction of their axes. If he perceived their convergence to be at all relaxed, he withdrew the object until the axes were both again directed to it; and then again approximated it as closely as was compatible with their continued convergence. When this could be maintained for a sufficient length of time upon an object at no more than about three inches' distance, the comatose state generally supervened. MESMERISM, ODYLISM, TABLE-TURNING, ETC. 21 « and the universal consent of mankind, any evidence is inadequate to the proof, which is not complete, beyond suspicion, and absohitely in- capable of being explained away." Putting aside for the present the discussion of these asserted mar- vels, I shall try to set before you briefly the essential characters which distinguish the state of somnambulism (whether natural or acquired) on the one hand from dreaming, and on the other from the ordinary waking condition. As in both these, the mind is in a state of activity; but, as in dreaming, its activity is free from that controlling power of the will by which it is directed in the waking state ; and is also re- moved from this last by the complete ignorance of all that has passed in it, which is manifested by the " subject " when called back to his waking self, although the events of one access of this " second con- sciousness " may vividly present themselves in the next, as if they had happened only just before. Again, instead of all the senses beino- shut up, as in ordinary dreaming sleep, some of them are not only awake, but preternaturally impressible ; so that the course of the som- nambulist's thought may be completely directed by suggestions of any kind that can be conveyed from without through the sense-channels which still remain open. But, further, while the mind of the ordinary dreamer can no more produce movements in his body than his im- pressions on sense-organs can affect his mind, that of the somnambulist retains full direction of his body (in so far, at least, as his senses serve to guide its movements) ; so that he acts his dreams as if they were his waking thoughts. The mesmerized or hypnotized somnambule may, in fact, be characterized as a conscious automaton, which, by appropriate suggestions, may be made to think, feel, say, or do, almost anything that its director wills it to think, feel, say, or do ; with this remarkable peculiarity, that its whole power seems concentrated upon the state of activity in which it is at each moment, so that every faculty it is capable of exerting may become extraordinarily intensified. Thus, while vision is usually suspended, the senses of hearing, smell, and touch, with the muscular sense, are often preternaturally acute, in consequence, it would seem, of the undistracted concentration of the attention on their indications. I could give you many curious in- stances of this, which I have myself witnessed, as also of the great ex- ertion of muscular power by subjects of extremely feeble physique ; but as they are all obviously referable to this one simple principle, I need not dwell on their details, preferring to narrate one which I did not myself witness, but which was reported to me on most trustworthy authority, of a remarkable manifestation of a power of imitative vocal- ization that is ordinarily attainable only after long practice. When Jenny Lind was singing at Manchester, she was invited by Mr. Braid to hear the performances of one of his hypnotized subjects, an illiterate factory-girl, who had an excellent voice and ear, but whose musical powers had received scarcely any cultivation. This girl, in the hyp- 2 2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. notic state, followed the Swedish nightingale's songs in different lan- guages both instantaneously and correctly ; and when, in order to test her powers, Mademoiselle Lind extemporized a long and elaborate chro- matic exercise, she imitated this with no less precision, though unable in her waking state even to attempt anything of the sort. Now, I wish you to compare this case with another, which was reported about the same time upon what seemed equally unexceptionable testimony. When Miss Martineau first avowed her conversion to mesmerism, the extraordinary performances of her servant J were much talked of; and, among other marvels, it was asserted tliat she could converse, when in her mesmeric state, in languages she had never learned, and of which she knew nothing when awake — the particular fact being ex- plicitly stated that Lord Morpeth had tested this power and had found it real. Now, you will readily perceive that, supposing the testimony in these two cases to have been exactly the same, its probative force would have been very different. For the first of them, though unpre- cedented, presented no scientific improbability to those who were pre- pared, by their careful study of the phenomena of hypnotism, to be- lieve that the power of imitative vocalization, like any other, might be intensified by the concentration of the " subject's" whole attention upon the performance. But it seemed inconceivable that an unedu- cated servant-girl could understand what was said to her in a lan- guage she had never learned ; still more, that she should be able to reply in the same language. And the only possible explanation of the fact, if fact it was, short of a miracle, may have lain either in her having learned the language long before and subsequently forgotten it, or in her being able by "thought-reading" (which is maintained by some, even at the present time, to be one of the attributes of the mesmeric state) to divine and express the answer expected by Lord Morpeth. But the marvel was entirely dissipated by the inquiries of Dr. Noble, who, being very desirous of getting at the exact truth, first applied for information to a near relative of Miss Martineau, and was told by him that the report was not quite accurate ; for, on Lord Morpeth putting a question to J in a foreign language, J had replied appropriately in her own vernacular. Her compre- hension of Lord Morpeth's question, however, appeared in itself suf- ciently strange to be suggestive of some fallacy ; and having an op- portunity not long afterward of asking Lord Morpeth himself what was the real state of the case. Dr. Noble learned from him that when he put a question to J in a foreign language she imitated his speech after a fashion by an unmeaning articulation of sound. On the lesson which this case affords as to the credibility of testi- mony in regard to what are called the "higher phenomena " of mes- merism, I shall enlarge in my succeeding lecture, and at present I shall only remark that it was shown by careful comparison between the phenomena displayed by the same individuals, when " mesmerized '* MESMERISM, ODYLISM, TABLE-TURNING, ETC. 23 in the ordinary way, and " hypnotized " by Mr. Braid's process, that there was no other difference between the two states than that arising from the special rapport between the mesmerizer and his subject ; and that this was clearly explicable by the " expectancy " under which the " subject " passed into the state of second consciousness. For Mr. Braid found himself able, by assuring his " subjects " during the in- duction of the coma, that they would hear the voice of one particular person and no other, to establish this rapport with any person he might choose ; the case being strictly analogous to the awaking of the telegraph-clerk by the clicking of his needles, of the doctor by his night-bell, or of the mother by her infant's cry, though all would sleep soundly through far louder noises to which they felt no call to attend. And thus, as was pointed out long since by Dr. Noble and myself, not only may the general reality of the mesmeric somnambulism be fully admitted, but a scientific rationale may be found for its supposed distinctive peculiarities, without the assumption of any special "mag- netic " or " mesmeric " agency. It is affirmed, however, that proof of this agency is furnished by the power of the "silent will" of the mesmerizer to induce the sleep in " subjects " who are not in the least aware that it is being exerted; and, further, to direct from a distance the actions of the somnambule. Doubtless, if satisfactory proof of this assertion could be furnished, it would go far to establish the claim. But nothing is more difficult than to eliminate all sources of fallacy in this matter. For while it is admitted by mesmerizers that the belief that the influence is being ex- erted is quite sufficient in habitual somnambules to induce the result, it is equally certain that such " sensitives " are raarvelously quick at guessing from slight intimations what is expected to happen. And it has been repeatedly found that mesmerizers who had no hesitation in asserting that they could send particular " subjects " to sleep, or could affect them in other ways, by an effort of silent will, have utterly failed to do so when these subjects were carefully kept from any suspicion that such will was being exerted. Thus, Dr. Noble has recorded the case of a friend of his own, who, believing himself able thus to influence a female servant whom he had repeatedly mesmerized, accepted with the full assurance of confident faith a proposal to make this experi- ment in Dr. Noble's house instead of his own. The girl, having been sent thither with a note, was told to sit down in Dr. Noble's consult- ing-room while the answer was being written ; her chair being close to a partially-open door, on the other side of which her master, whom she supposed to be elsewhere, had previously taken up his position. Although this gentleman had usually found two or three minutes suf- ficient to send the gii'l to sleep when he was in his own drawing-room and she was in the kitchen, the two being separated by intervening walls and flooring, yet when he put forth his whole force for a quarter of an hour within two feet of her, with only a partially-closed door 24 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. between them, it was entirely without result ; and no other reason for the failure could be assigned than her entire freedom from expect- ancy. So, in another case, in which Mr. Lewis (accounted one of the most powerful mesmerists of his time) undertook to direct the actions of his somnambule in the next room, according to a programme agreed on between himself and one set of witnesses, while the actions actually performed were recorded and timed by another set, there was found to be so complete a discordance between the programme "willed" and the actions really executed as entirely to negative the idea of any dependence of the latter upon the directing power of the mes- merizer — the supposed relation having obviously grown up under the habitual repetition of a certain succession of performances (such as I had myself frequently witnessed), which the somnambule supposed himself expected to go through in the same order.' A converse ex- periment, performed by Dr. Elliotson himself, satisfied him that ex- pectancy would take the place of what he maintained to be the real mesmeric influence. Havins: told one of his liabitxi'ees that he would go into the next room and mesmerize her through the door, he retired, shut the door, performed no mesmeric passes, but tried to forget her, walked away from the door, busied himself witli something else, and even walked into a third room ; and, on returning in less than ten minutes, found the girl in her usual sleep-waking condition. The ex- treme susceptibility of many of these "sensitive" subjects further accounts for their being afiected (without any intentional deceit) by physical impressions which are quite imperceptible to others : such as slight differences in temperature, when two coins are presented to them, of which one has been held in the hand of the mesmerizcr ; or two wineglasses of water, into one of which he has dipped his finger for a short time. But the 5e?^V/'that he has transmitted his influence in any mode is quite sufficient to produce the result, as was shown in an amusing case recorded by M. Bertrand, whose treatise on " Animal Magnetism" (Paris, 1826) is by far the most philosophical work ex- tant on the subject. Having occasion to go a journey of a hundred leagues, leaving a female somnambule under the treatment of one of his friends, M. Bertrand sent him a magnetized letter, which he re- quested him to place on the stomach of the patient, who had been led to anticipate the expected results — mesmeric sleep, with the customary phenomena, supervened. He then wrote another letter which he did not magnetize, and sent it to her in the same manner, and with the same intimation. She again fell into the mesmeric sleep, which was attributed to the letter having been unintentionally impregnated by ' Mr. Lewis was challenged to this test-experiment, in consequence of his assertion that he had repeatedly induced the mesmeric sleep, and had directed the operations of his somnarabules, by the exertion of his "silent will," from a distance. His utter failure to produce either result, however, under the scrutiny of skeptical inquirers, obviously discredits all his previous statements, except to such as are ready to accept without question the slenderest evidence of the greatest marvels. MESMERISM, ODYLISM, TABLE-TURNING, ETC. 25 M. Bertraud with the mesmeric fluid while he was writing it. Desir- ing to test the matter still further, he caused one of his friends to write a similar letter, imitating his handwriting so closely that those who received it should believe it to be his — the same effect was once more produced. And so it was with the large number of expei'iments that were made within my own knowledge during the twenty years' attention that I gave to this subject, with a view to test the mesmerizer's power of inducing any of the phenomena of this state without the patient's consciousness. Successes, it is true, were not unfrequent ; but these almost invariably occurred when the experiments were made under conditions to which the parties had become habituated, as in the case of Dr. Noble's friend. For his performances were so continually being repeated to satisfy the curiosity of visitors, that Dr. Noble's call at his house would have been sufficient to excite, on the part of the " subject," the expectancy that would have thrown her into the sleep. But when such expectancy was carefully guarded against, the result was so constantly negative as — I will not say to disprove the existence of any special mesmeric force, but to neutralize completely the affirm- ative value of the evidence adduced to prove it. For I think you must now agree with me that, if " expectancy " alone is competent to pro- duce the results, as admitted by the most intelligent mesmerizers, nothing but the most rigid exclusion of such expectancy can afford the least ground for the assumption of any other agency. And my own prolonged study of the subject further justifies me in taking the position that it is only when the inquiry is directed, and its results recorded, by skeptical experts, that such results have the least claim to scientific value. The disposition to overlook sources of fallacy, to magnify trivialities into marvels, to construct circumstantial myths (as in the case of Miss Martineau's J and Lord Morpeth) on the slightest foundation of fact, and to allow themselves to be imposed upon by cunning cheats, has been so constantly exhibited by even the most honest believers in the " occult " power of mesmerism, as, not only in my own opinion, but in that of my very able allies in this inquiry, to deprive the unconfirmed testimony of any number of such believers, in regard to matters lying beyond scientific experience, of all claim to acceptance. In fact, the positions taken in regard to mes- merism by my friend Dr. Noble, as far back as 1845,* and more fully developed by myself a few years later on the basis of Mr. Braid's ex- periments, and of my own physiological and psychological studies,* have not only in our own judgment, but by the general verdict of the medical and scientific world, been fully confirmed by the subsequent course of events, the history of which I shall next proceed to sketch. — Fraserh Magazine. ' British and Foreign Medical Jievieio, vol. xix. ' " Principles of Human Physiology," fourth edition, 1853 ; and Quarterly Review, Oc- tober, 1853. 26 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. AQUEDUCTS. THE remains of the lofty arcades upon which the aqueducts of ancient Rome were carried to the city have been justly classed among the finest and most picturesque ruins of the Roman Empire. Stretching across the plain eastward of the city, and towering high above the landscape, they are the first objects to fix the gaze and command the admiration of the stranger approaching the home of the Cajsars, and to fill his mind with visions of the strength and grand- eur of the nation which mastered the world two thousand years ago. But these ruins speak not only of the mechanical skill and physi- cal greatness of that vanished people, but also of their refinement and their acquaintance with the deeply-hidden laws of hygiene ; for they well knew what has become known to us only after a lapse of twenty centuries, after the measurement of the heavens, and the dis- covery of the steam-engine, that for every large city an abundant supply of pure, fresh water is indispensable to the preservation of health. At the zenith of her grandeur, Rome had eleven distinct aqueducts, w^hose aggregate discharge was equivalent to a stream twenty feet wide by six deep, with a fall six times as rapid as that of the river Thames, The daily supply was in the proportion of 332 gallons to each inhabitant, and it was distributed to the palaces and humbler dwellings in every part of the city, as well as to innumer- able fountains, many public wells and large reservoirs, to the numer- ous baths, and to several artificial lakes, where the emperors held their naumachice, or sham naval battles. These eleven constituted the most extensive and perfect system of aqueducts that has been pos- sessed by any city even up to the present time. Their combined length was over 300 miles, 50 of which were above-ground either upon low substructures or more imposing arcades. The loftiest arcade was that belonging to the Aqua Claudia and the Anio Novus ; it was in one place 109 feet high.* In respect to height of arcades, however, the aqueducts of Rome were less remarkable than several built by the emperors, about the same time, for certain provincial cities of the em- pire, and others of more recent times. Thus the Emperor Agrippa built an aqueduct for the city of Nemausus (Nimes) in France, and carried it across the river Gard upon an arcade 180 feet high, and about 900 feet long. This splendid structure, still perfect, is now called the Pont du Gard, and is an object of attraction and aston- ishment to modern travelers. It consists of a triple row of arches, which in the two lower tiers are of wide span, and in the upper one narrow. This arcade "has no rival for lightness and boldness of ' The Roman foot was 11.6496 English inches ; 5 feet made one passus ; 1,000 passus one mile, or 1,618 English yards. AQUEDUCTS. 27 design among the existing remains of works of this class carried out by the ancient Romans." It is constructed entirely of freestone, to the covering of the upper row of arches. The stones were laid with- out cement, and each was raised by the lewis, the holes in which it was inserted being still visible exactly over the centre of gravity in every stone. Still more remarkable for height is one of the bridges of the aqueduct of Antioch, also built by the Romans. It is 700 feet long and 200 feet high. The lower part consists of a solid wall pierced by two arches, in the centre — one upon the ground, the other directly above. Along the top is a row of narrow arches. The design and workmanship of this structure are very rude. But in later times arcades of even greater height have been built. The ar- cade Delle Torri, near Spoleto, built in the seventh or eighth century A. D., is about 300 feet high and over 700 long. It consists of ten arches between lofty columns, and is remarkable as an early example of the pointed arch, as well as for lightness of design. The arcade of the Roquefavour Aqueduct across the river Arc is 262 feet high, and 1,287 feet long. This aqueduct supplies the city of Marseilles with water from the river Durance, 51 miles distant. It was constructed between 1839 and 1847, and has eight and a half miles of tunnels pass- ing throucrh three chains of limestone mountains. But the most im- posing arcade in the world, as regards the combined effect of height and length, is that of Maintenon. It is about five-sixths of a mile long, and over 200 feet high. Louis XIV. built it for an aqueduct he pro- jected to convey the water of the Eure from Pont Gouin to Versailles, a distance of about 33 miles. This great enterprise was abandoned in 1688, after an expenditure of four years and 22,000,000 francs. The design contemplated one arcade over three miles long, which in its highest part was to have been formed of three tiers of arches. At the time that it was built, the Anio Novus, probably of all aqueducts in the world, drew its water from the most distant source. True, the conduit of the Aqua Marcia, one of the most important 'of the aqueducts of Rome, was longer, but its source was only 39 miles from the city, while that of the Anio was 42 ; the conduit of the one was 61 miles and 710 paces long, of the other 58 miles and 700 paces. There are at Carthage the remains of an aqueduct which is said to have been over 50 miles long, but it is impossible to tell whether it was built by the Carthaginians proper, or by the Romans who, long after the destruction of the old city, founded a new one on its ruins. The accompanying cut represents the remains, near TJndena, of one of the arcades of this aqueduct. It comprised 1,000 arches, many of which were over 100 feet high. The ancient Peruvians are said to have built the most remarkable aqueducts in the world for length. Garcilasso speaks of one that was 360 miles long, and another 450, but these were for irrigating purposes, and they wound around the mountains and followed the surface of the valleys instead of crossing 28 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. them on arcades, and therefore differed essentially from the aqueducts that we have been considering. And, besides, the statements as to their length should not be received without caution, for, at the time that the Spaniards first visited the country, their belief in the marvel- ous had been very greatly enlarged by the discovery of a new world. Fia. 1.— The AqtrEDUCTS. The Crossing in the Canipagna near the Piscina; and Koma Vecchia. The longest aqueduct proper is that now building to convey the waters of the Somme-Soude, Soudon, and Dhuis, to Paris. It will be about 110 English miles long. The aqueduct of Roquefavour, already referred to, is 60 miles long, the longest in actual use. The Romans appear to have got their knowledge of aqueduct-' building, like most of their other knowledge, from the Greeks ; for, while their first aqueduct, the Aqua A2)pia, was not constructed until 441 years after the building of the city, or 312 b. c, the Greeks had built aqueducts at Megara and Samos as early as 625 b. c, and at Athens in 560 b. c. But there is this difference, that the Greeks did not use arcades, which, however, were not rendered necessary by the topography of the country. At Samos, a tunnel four-fifths of a mile long, eight feet high and eight wide, was cut through a hill between the city and the water-source. A channel three feet wide was built within the tunnel, and an opening of the same width made to the sur- face from end to end, so that the fresh air came in contact with the water, which flowed into a conduit of masonry at the lower end, and thence directly to the baths, fountains, etc., of the city. This work AQUEDUCTS. 29 was constructed by Eupalinus, who had previously gained celebrity by building the aqueduct at Megara. At Athens the water-supply was drawn by subterranean conduits from Mounts Hymettus, Penteli- cus, and Parnes, and received into reservoirs outside the city. Two conduits came from Mount Hymettus, and passed under the bed of the river Ilissus. Of course, it was necessary to supply fresh air to the water flowing through these subterranean channels, and that was done by piercing them with shafts at intervals of about fifty yards. Subterranean channels were also used to distribute the water through the city; they were of different forms, being round or square, and in some of them pipes of baked clay were laid. It is somewhat remarkable that these beneficent works were constructed by the wis- dom of rulers who have come down to us branded as tyrants. The tyrants Theagenes of Megara, Polycrates of Samos, and Pisistratus of Athens, were the men who caused them to be built. Some of those old aqueducts still continue to supply Athens with water. The aque- duct of Syracuse which still supplies the city with an abundance of water, and which is remarkable for having a tunnel under the sea, between the city and the mainland, was built some time prior to the Athenian invasion, 412 b. c, for Thucydides mentions that it was partially destroyed by the invaders. But far more ancient than any yet referred to is the one at Jerusalem, built by Solomon, to conduct the water from the reservoirs, or " pools," that bear his name, to the city, a distance of six miles. It was formed by an earthen pipe ten inches in diameter, incased in stone and laid underground. It is still in use. The periodical overflow of the Nile, the Tigris, and Euphrates, enabled the peoples of Egypt and Babylonia to store up vast quan- tities of water in artificial lakes, of which the Mceris in Egypt is a celebrated example, and the water was utilized as required, by sur- face-conduits or canals. Let us now turn back to the aqueducts of Rome, and examine somewhat the details of construction. A recently-published work on the aqueducts comprehetided in the archoeology of Rome, by John Henry Parker, C. B., affords much interesting information in this con- nection. The facts are ascertained partly from the work of Sextus Julius Frontinus, who was superintendent of the aqueducts {curator aquarum) under the Emperors Nerva and Trajan (a. d. 94-107), and partly from explorations of the courses and remains of the aqueducts made by Mr. Parker himself. Of the eleven aqueducts already referred to, ten approached the city from the east and one fi'om the west. Of the ten on the east, four had their sources near Subiaco, in a spur of the Apennines beyond Tivoli ; the others took their rise in the lower lands nearer Rome. Two of these, the Anio Vetus and the Anio JVovus, were fed by the river Anio, as is indicated by their names ; the others received their waters from springs or small lakes, 30 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and were called after their builders or projectors. The waters of the Marcian, the most prized for their purity and coldness, were collected from several springs. For the Anio Novus, which was unfailing as well as the most abundant of the aqueducts, the river Anio was arrested near its source by three gigantic walls at different levels, and formed into as many lakes, one below the other. Over these walls the waste-water fell in magnificent cascades, one of them over 150 feet high. The object of the lakes was to clarify the water; for the Anio, though usually a limpid stream, is liable to become muddy after a heavy rain. The sources of the Anio Novus and the Aqua Claudia are over 2,000 feet above the level of the city, and those of the Marcia and Anio Vetus are not very much lower. Descending from such a height and for distances varying in direct lines from 30 to 43 miles, the water would naturally acquire great velocity and tremendous force, which it was necessary to dimin- ish, and that was done by making numerous angles in the con- duits. The angles were made generally at every half-mile, and were points at whi$h reservoirs (castella), or filtering-places {piscinoi), or both, with accompanying air - shafts, were built. These were sur- mounted by small towers. As an additional means of breaking the force of the water, the bottoms of the conduits were given a succes- sion of short undulations. The conduits, reservoirs, and filtering- places, were lined with a cement called ojms signinum, which is so compact that it will resist a hard tool. The art of making it has been lost. The conduits, always covered, were carried on arcades only where it was necessary to cross a valley or a plain above its level ; for the rest of their way they ran in places upon the surface of the ground, but mostly below it. Thus of the 58 miles of the Anio Novus, 49 were underground. No two aqueducts were on the same level, and so, where their courses converged, it was both possible and convenient to carry one conduit upon another, because it was forbidden by law to erect a building within a certain number of feet on either side of an aqueduct; hence Ave find the Aquae Mar- cia, Tepula, and Julia, carried from their ^Doint of convergence one above the other on one arcade, and the Aqua Claudia and Anio Novus on another. Each of the conduits was differently shaped, some having arched, others angular roofs. Besides the small reser- voirs referred to as occurring at the angles of the conduits, there were larger ones at longer intervals. The ruins of one of these, belonging to the Aqua Marcia, are still to be seen near Carciano. It is a huge subterranean chamber divided by an arcade in the middle. Between five and seven miles from Rome were the great filtering- places to which most of the aqueducts converged. The waters, how- ever, were not mingled, for each aqueduct had its separate chambers, thougli it was always within the power of the attendants (aquarii) to turn the water from one aqueduct into another at will. Of these A Q UED UCTS. 31 filtering-places, those of the Claudia and Anio Novus were under- ground, and now appear simply as mounds. The others were above- ground, but covered over. From this point two magnificent arcades, the Marciau and the Claudian, extended to the city — the one carrying three aqueducts, the other two. They were not more than 100 yards apart, and the Marcian was 30 feet high, the Claudian 50. The filter- ing-places were of peculiar construction and admirable design. They consisted of four chambers, two on a level with the conduit, and two directly below (Fig. 2). The water flowing into the first descended Fig. 2.— Section op the Piscina op the Anio Novus, at the Entrance into Eome in a Tower of the Wall of Aureliau and of the Gardens of the Sessorifin Palace. through an opening in the floor to the second, whence it flowed on through a perforated wall or grating to the third, ascending from that through an opening in the roof to the fourth, where it found its origi- nal level and reentered the conduit. A stairway descending to an opening afforded access into the chambers beneath, and by the assist- ance of sluice-gates the water could be turned directly from the first chamber into the fourth, so that the mud could be cleaned out of the chambers below. It is remarkable that this ingjenious device for filtering has not occurred to modern aqueduct-builders, for its simplicity and utility are conspicuous. The details of distribution are interesting, but we have not space to go far into them. There were 247 main reservoirs in the city, from which the water was distributed to 19 barracks for the use of the army, 95 public establishments, 39 theatres and places of amusement, and 591 open reservoirs for the public. That was in the time of 32 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Frontinus. The number of open reservoirs was afterward increased. Heavy penalties were inflicted for dipping a dirty vessel into one of these reservoirs. Of the total supply, a little over one-third was given to the public, and the remainder divided pretty evenly between private and imperial purposes. The wealthy had water brought into reservoirs within the courts of their residences, whence it was raised to the upper stories in buckets worked by windlasses. This method of supplying the upper stories is in use at the present time. The Ro- mans had no pumps. Why the water was not conveyed upward in pipes does not appear, except that in regard to the more elevated parts of the city it was probably not brought in at a high enough level. They possessed lead pipes of diflferent sizes, and stopcocks of bronze and silver, for these have been found in various places; and that they were perfectly familiar with the principle of liydraulics, that water may be returned to its original level, is proved not only by the construction of the filtering-places already described, but also by the fact that they actually applied the principle on a stupendous scale. Besides, there is a work of Vitruvius extant which recognizes and gives directions for conveying water on this principle. An aque- duct constructed by the Emperor Claudius, for the ancient city of Lugdunum (now Lyons), possessed two inverted siphons, by which the water was carried across deep valleys. There is no doubt that they were acquainted, too, with the poisonous action of lead on water; but, if that deterred them from raising the water, it shows they were more careful in guarding against unhealthful influences than we mod- erns are, for lead pipes are in general use to distribute water through our houses to-day. The aqueducts were placed under the care of a curator aqiiarum^ and afterward, in the time of Diocletian, under several magistrates, called consulares aquarum. The actual attendants numbered 700, and were divided into the familia publica and the familia Ccesaris. The former, 240 in number, were paid by the state; the latter, 460, by the emperor. With regard to the cost of building the aqueducts, it seems to have been defrayed, in the majority of cases, out of government funds ; but it is recorded in an inscription on the Porta Maggiore, a gate of the city over which the conduits of the Claudia and Anio Nevus were carried, that those two aqueducts were built by the Em- peror Claudius at his own expense. Tliis gate affords a clew to the reason why arcades instead of solid walls were used to cany the aque- ducts across the plains : it was not solely for economy's sake, nor for beauty's ; but while those considerations, no doubt, w^ere entertained, the main object was, to avoid interference with the freedom of travel. The aqueducts were all destroyed in the Gothic wars under Vitiges and Totila, but the most important of them Avere restored either by Belisarius or Narses. These, however, fell gradually into decay, and ultimately became useless. Pope Paul III. (1540) restored to use the AQUEDUCTS. 33 aqueduct on the west side of Rome ; and Sixtus V. (1585) restored the aqueduct of Trajan by mistake for the Marcian. These two, the former called Paola, and the latter Felice, continued to be the only means of supply until 1870, when the real Marcian was restored by a company of Englishmen and Romans. The water is brought as far as Tivoli in a stone conduit, and the rest of the way in cast-iron pipes. It has sufficient pressure to supply the tops of all the houses. Fig. 3.— Eeservoik of Aqua Marcia. (Interior.) Reference has been made to the aqueduct now building for Paris. The supply of water required is 22,000,000 gallons per day, and the aqueduct was designed to convey that quantity. It is intended for household use only, the existing supply, which is abundant for other purposes, having become somewhat polluted. It was calculated that the aggregate yield of the three rivers which are to be turned to ac- count would be 28,000,000 gallons per day ; but subsequent observa- tion has shown that in very dry seasons it falls considerably below the quantity required. It was therefore found necessary to sink wells or shafts into the chalky formation in which the rivers have their rise, to artificially increase the supply. The plan comprises conduits for collecting the waters from the several soiirces called " conduits of derivation," and a main aqueduct to which these converge. The former are together about 50 English miles long, and the latter is 110. The main aqueduct has a fall of 73f feet, and terminates in service- reservoirs at Belleville 83f feet above the level of the city. Along VOL. XI. 3 34 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the course of the main and subsidiary conduits are 17 bridges, 3f miles of arcade, 4^ miles of siphon, and 17^ miles of tunnel. The work is done under the direction and supervision and in accordance with the designs of M. Belgrand. The total estimated cost, including $900,000 paid for injury to riparian rights, is $5,200,000. The aqueduct which supplies the city of Manchester (England) with water is remarkable for its system of impounding reservoirs, comprising seven, with dams varying from 70 to 100 feet in height. The work was begun in 1848, and bad not been completed in 1874, although it was far enough advanced to supply the city with water. The city of Glasgow is supplied by the Loch Katrine Aqueduct, 35 miles long, which conveys the water of the famous lake of that name. It consists of a conduit of masonry 8 feet deep, 8 wide, and 27 miles long, and two lines of cast-iron pipes, between the city and the ser- vice-reservoirs, 8 miles long. The conduit between Loch Katrhie and the service-reservoirs is for the most part a timnel through solid rock. It crosses some ravines on stone or iron arcades, and others by siphons. It is capable of discharging 50,000,000 gallons per day. It was opened by the queen with appropriate ceremonies in October, 1859. The work was begun in 1855, and finished in 1860. The cost, exclusive of facili- ties for distribution, was $3,340,000. In the autumn of 1873 was finished the aqueduct designed by Herr Carl Junker, of Vienna, and constructed by Mr. Antonio Gabrielli, of London, to convey the water of two springs (the Kaiserbrunn and Stixenstein), situated at the foot of the Styrinn Alps, to Vienna, a distance of 56^ miles. The conduit, which varies in size from 44^ x 2^ feet to 6^ X 4 feet, and is faced with polished cement, to facilitate the flow of the water, is always six feet below the surface of the earth or embankment through which it is carried. The object aimed at is to keep the water cold in summer and from freezing in winter. It has several splendid arcades, chief among which are one at Baden, another at Modling, and a third at Liesing. The former is 96 feet high, about 2,000 feet long, and comprises 43 arches. The aqueduct delivers about 20,000,000 gallons a day. It was begun in 1869, and its cost was $10,000,000. But, in regard to water-supply, the Roquefavour Aqueduct, referred to previously, is by long odds the most remarkable. The conduit is 7 feet deep, 30 wide at the top, and 10 at the bottom. It discharges 11 tons of water per second, or about 285,000,000 gallons per day. The water is used for the city of Marseilles, and to irrigate 25,000 acres around it. In our own country there are several noted aqueducts — as the Cochituate at Boston, the Washington Aqueduct, and Croton at New York. The method employed by the cities of Chicago and Milwau- kee to obtain their water-supply is unique. The Avater of Lake Michi- gan is brought into the city by a tunnel from a sufficient distance off" AQUEDUCTS. 35 to insure its being pure, and is then pumped up into service-reser- voirs, whence it is distributed in the usual manner. The Chicago tun- nel is three miles long, that of Milwaukee is shorter. The Washington Aqueduct leads from a reservoir which impounds the river-water at the Potomac Falls, is 16 miles long, and supplies the cities of Washington and Georgetown. Its capacity is 70,000,000 gallons per day. The water is conveyed in a brick-and-rubble masonry conduit, of circular form, to the service-reservoir five miles from the city, and the rest of the way in three large cast-iron pipes capable of delivering 30,000,000 gallons per day. This aqueduct was constructed at the expense of the United States Government, and cost 13,000.000. It has several fine bridges, of which the most notable is the one across Cabin John Creek. This is a single granite arch, 100 feet high and 220 long. Another remarkable example of the wide, single arch oc- curs on the Lisbon Aqueduct, finished in 1738. It is 115 feet wide and 250 high. By far the finest aqueduct in America is the Croton. This was begun in 1837, and finished in 1842, at a cost of |8,575,000, with- out the means of distribution, which cost $1,800,000 more. The length of conduit from the impounding to the receiving-reservoirs in Central Park is 38^ miles, for 33 of which the conduit is built of stone, brick, and cement, arched above and below, 8 feet 5 inches high, Q)\ feet wide at the bottom, and 7f at the top. The water crosses Harlem River in two cast-iron pipes 3 feet in diameter, and one wrought-iron pipe 7 feet 6 inches in diameter, laid upon High Bridge, a magnificent granite arcade 1,460 feet long and 114 high. It comprises 15 arches, 7 of which have 50 feet span, and 8, those over the river, 80 feet. The fall is 1.10 foot per mile, the velocity of the water 1^ mile an hour, and the possible discharge 115,000,000 gal- lons per day. For the first six years after the completion of the aqueduct, the quantity of water used was only 18,000,000 gallons per day, but it has now increased to over 88,000,000. The supply is drawn from Croton River, a small stream that flows into the Hudson, a short distance above Sing Sing. The river was arrested by a dam 40 feet high, and made to form what is now called Croton Lake. The mouth of the aqueduct is 12 feet below the surface of the lake, whereby it is pro- tected from freezing up in winter, and the water is obtained pure and cool in summer. The lake has an area of 400 acres, and usually affords a daily supply of 50,000,000 gallons ; but this fell oflf, during a severe drought seven or eight years ago, to only 27,000,000, and since then another source has been added by damming up the western branch of Croton River. The receiving-reservoirs, two in number, are located in Central Park : the " old " covers 35 acres, and holds 150,000,000 gallons; the "new" covers 100 acres, and holds 1,030,000,000. The distributing-reservoir is situated 2\ miles farther down, between Fifth 36 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and Sixth Avenues, Fortieth and Forty-second Streets. Its walls are 45 feet high, and they inclose a little more than 4 acres. The water is brought down in five lines of iron pipe, two of which are 30 inches in diameter, two three feet, and one four feet. The distributing-pipes, ramifying throughout the city, are about 340 miles long. The " mains " are laid near the sidewalks on either side of the streets, and at every crossing are provided with branches for supplying the adjacent build- ings. These branches are provided with stopcocks for turning off the water when necessary. The higher parts of the city lying north of Manhattan Valley are sujiplied from a tower and reservoir recently built on high ground near One Hundred and Seventy-third Street and Tenth Avenue, to which the water is raised by powerfid pumps. The reader will have been struck with the similarity between this aqueduct and those of ancient Rome ; it remains to be shown that there is one other point of resemblance, in the air-shafts that are built at intervals of a mile. They rise 14 feet above the ground, and, like the old Roman ones, are in the form of towers. Every third one is provided with a door and way of access into the conduit. But the conduit is without the filtering-places and the angles. The condidt does, indeed, make several curves of 500 feet radius, but these are for changing the course of the aqueduct to avoid obstacles, instead of for breaking the force of the water, which in fact is unnecessary, the inclination being, as already shown, insignificant. The level of Croton Lake is about 115 feet above that of Manhattan Valley, and when the old reservoir in Central Park was yet building, the citizens of New York were afibrded the magnificent spectacle of a vertical column of water shooting up over 100 feet from the bottom of the valley. In connection with our subject, though not strictly belonging to it, may be mentioned the fact that canals are in many places carried across valleys and rivers upon bridges. Examples have long existed on the Languedoc Canal in France. The first in England was the Bar- ton Bridsce, which carries a canal across the river Irwell 39 feet above the surface. It was constructed by Brindley, for the Duke of Bridge- water. Says a contemporary English writer : " It was commenced in September, 1760 ; and in July of the following year the spectacle was first presented, in this country, of vessels floating and sailing across the course of the i-iver, while others in the river itself were passing under them." The Lancaster Canal has one of five arches of 72 feet span each, and 65 feet high, across the river Lune. Later and more celebrated examples, though, are those of Pont-y-Cysylte and Chirk in Wales. The former, constructed by Mr. Telford, " is justly cele- brated for its magnitude, simplicity of desgin, and skillful disposition of parts, combining lightness with strength in a degree seldom at- tempted. It consists of cast-iron arches resting on pillars of stone ; the length is 1,000 feet, the number of arches 19, and the height 126 feet." In this country these bridges are numerous, there being GRAVITATION, AND HOW IT WORKS. 37 no less than 32 on the Erie Canal. The finest of them are two across the Mohawk River, a third at Richmond over the Seneca Rivej-, and a fourth across the Genesee at Rochester. The latter is a splendid stone arcade 920 feet long, having six cut-stone arches of 52 feet span. A wire suspension-bridge of seven spans, each 160 feet long, conveys the Pennsylvania Canal across the Alleghany River at Pittsburg. GRAVITATION, AND HOW IT WORKS. By GRANVILLE F. FOSTEE, " The force of gravity acts on bodies directly in proportion to the quantity of matter in each." " The force of gravity decreases in the reciprocal proportion of the square of the dis- tance."— (Orr's " Circle of the Sciences," vol. vi., p. 1.) AMONG students of natural philosophy no facts are more fre- quently misunderstood than those pertaining to the laws of gravitation. It is readily admitted that if a body A exerts on B a certain force of attraction, if A's mass be doubled, then will A's at- tractive influence on B be doubled also, but the fact is not so apparent that any two bodies, whatever their disparity of mass, or however great their distance apart, will attract each other with precisely equal forces ; and that if, for instance, the mass of A be doubled, not only will''A's attraction for B be doubled, but at the same time B's attrac- tion for A wnll be doubled also. The pen I hold in my hand attracts the sun with precisely the same amount of force that the sun attracts the pen, and, if either the mass of the pen or sun be doubled, the mutual attraction will be doubled also. The first law of gravitation most certainly teaches that the earth, so insignificantly small as com- pared with the sun, both in volume and mass, attracts the sun with a force exactly equal to tliat which, being by the sim exerted on itself, reduces it to obedience, and compels it to make its annual revolution. So, too, the moon and the earth mutually and equally attract each other. The fact that the forces of attraction between two bodies are equal may be easily explained as follows : Let there be five bodies. A, B, C, D, E, and let A be so situated as to be at equal distances from the other four : then it is evident that the forces which measure the mu- tual attractions of (A and B), (A and C), (A and D), and (A and E), are equal. Calling the force which A exerts on B, or B exerts on A, one, then will the sum of the forces which B, C, D, and E exert on A be equal to foicr, but the sum of A's attractions for B, C, D, and E, will also be equal to four, since A's attraction for B is in no way 38 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. either increased or diminished by the fact that at the same time it also exerts an attraction on C, D, or E. Now, let B, C, D^ and E, be united into one mass, F, and it will be readily perceived that the truth of the foregoing statements cannot thereby be affected. As a general formula the law of gravitation may be enunciated as follows : " If one of the masses contain m units of mass, and the other one unit, the force will be m times as great as though they were both units of mass ; but if the second body contain n units of mass, the attraction will be n times as great as before ; that is, m n divided by the square of the distance between the bodies." Now, suppose A and F fi-ee to move, then on meeting A will have moved over four-fifths of the distance between A and F, and F during the same time will have moved over one-fifth of the same distance ; tiiat is tc say, the velocity of A has just been equal to four times that of F, and this is just what might have been expected from what is known of the laws of force. Suppose A and F to be placed where friction and other obstacles to motion do not exist, the velocities of the bodies will be indirectly as their masses, if the respective forces exerted on the bodies be equal ; that is, a force which would propel a body with a certain velocity would proj)el another body one-quarter of the mass of the former with four times the velocity. In the case sujjposedj since A is one-quarter of the mass of F, a given force must necessarily move A over four times the space and with four times the velocity that it is able to move F, and when A and F meet the mo- menta of A and F will be respectively equal. The truth that two bodies mutually and equally attract each other is also abundantly proved in astronomy. Take the case of the earth and moon. The earth by its attraction compels the moon to make around it as a centre her monthly revolution ; but it is equally true that the moon compels the earth to move around the centre of gravity of the earth and moon, which centre, on account of the earth's mass being over eighty times that of the moon, is distant from the earth's centre a little pv^er 2,000 miles, and this motion of the earth is per- formed in precisely the time of the lunar revolution, namely 27^ days. Now, it will require but little reflection to perceive that to move the earth in a circle with a radius of a little more than 2,000 miles, and the moon in a circle with a radius of nearly 240,000 miles, would requii-e equal forces. The same thing is true of the sun, which is obliged by the combined forces of the planets to revolve around the centre of gravity of the solar system, and on making the neces- sary calculations we find that the force exerted on the planets by the sun just equals the force exerted by the j^lanets on the sun. Weight has been defined as the measure of the earth's attraction. A body weighing one pound attracts the earth and is attracted by it with a force of one pound, but the same body at the sun's surface would attract the mass of the sun with a force of twenty-seven pounds. ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 39 since its weight has been increased twenty-seven times by the sun's attraction. We have hitherto considered the mutual attraction of two bodies, but now let a third be introduced, as, for instance, in the case of A and F, let G be placed at equal distances from A and F, and let the relative masses of A and F be as stated before in this paper : then will the force which measures the mutual attraction of F and G be equal to four times the force which measures the mutual attraction of G and A, or, in other words, F will attract G with four times the force that A will attract G. Lastly, let G's mass equal A's mass, and let G be placed at double the distance from F that A has been placed : then, according to the second law of gravitation, the units of force which measure the m^utual attraction of A and F will be four times the force which measures the mutual attraction of G and F. ♦«» ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. By SIK JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart. THE anthropoid apes no doubt approach nearer to man in bodily structure than do any other animals ; but when we consider the habits of ants, their social organization, their large communities, elaborate habitations, their roadways, their possession of domestic animals, and even in some cases of slaves, it must be admitted that they have a fair claim to rank next to man in the scale of intelli- gence. They present, moreover, not only a most interesting but also a very extensive field of study. In this country we have nearly thirty species ; but ants become more numerous, in species as well as individuals, in warmer countries, and more than seven hundred kinds are known. Even this large number certainly is far short of those actually in existence. I have kejDt in captivity nearly half of our British species of ants, and at the present moment have in my room more than thirty nests, belonging to about twenty species, some of which, however, are not English. No two species are identical in habits, and on various accoTints their mode of life is far from easy to unravel. In the first place most of their time is passed underground ; all the education of the young, for instance, is carried on in the dark. Again, ants are essentially gregarious ; it is in some cases difficult to keep a few alive by themselves in captivity, and at any rate their habits under such circumstances are entirely altered. If, on the other hand, a whole community is kept, then the greater number introduces a fresh element of difficulty and complexity. Moreover, within the same species, the individuals seem to differ in character, and even the same individual 40 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. will behave very differently under different circumstances. Although, then, ants have attracted the attention of many naturalists — Gould, Ue Geer, Swammerdam, Latreille, Leeuwenhoeck, Huber — and have recently been the object of interesting observations by Frederick Smith, Belt, Moggridge, Bates, Mayr, Emery, Forel, and others, they still present one of the most promising fields for observation and ex- periment. The larvse of ants, like those of bees and wasps, are small, white, legless grubs, somewhat conical in form, being narrower toward the head. They are carefully tended and fed, being carried about from chamber to chamber by the workers, probably in order to secure the most suitable amount of warmth and moisture. I have observed also that they are very often sorted according to age. It is some- times very curious in my nests to see them divided into groups ac- cording to size, so that they remind one of a school divided into five or six classes. When full grown they turn into pupre, sometimes naked, sometimes covered with a silken cocoon, constituting the so- called "ant-eggs." After remaining some days in this state, they emerge as perfect insects. In many cases, however, they would per- ish in the attempt, if they were not assisted, and it is very pretty to see the older ants helping them to extricate themselves, carefully unfolding their legs and smoothing out the wings, with truly femi- nine tenderness and delicacy. Under ordinary circumstances an ants' nest, like a beehive, consists of three kinds of individuals : workers, or imperfect females (which constitute the great majority), males, and perfect females. There are, however, often several females in an ants' nest ; while, as we all know, there is never more than one queen in a hive. The queens have wings, but after a single flight they tear off their own wings, and do not again quit the nest. In addition to the ordinary workers there is in some species a second, or rather a third, form of female. In almost any ants' nest we may see that the workers differ more or less in size. The amount of difference, however, depends upon the species. In Lasius tiiger, the small. brown garden ant, the workers are, for instance, much more uniform than in the little yellow meadow ant, or in Atta barbara, where some of them are more than twice as large as others. But in certain ants there are differences still more remarkable. Thus, in a Mexican species, besides the com- mon workers, which have the form of ordinary neuter ants, there arc certain others in which the abdomen is swollen into an immense sub- diaphanous sphere. These individuals are very inactive, and prin- cipally occupied in elaborating a kind of honey.' In the genus J'hei- dole — very common in Southern Europe — there are also two dis- tinct forms Avithout any intermediate gradations : one with heads of the usual proportion, and a second with immense heads provided * Westwood, " Modern Classification of Insects," vol. ii., p. 225. ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 41 with very large jaws. These latter are generally supposed to act as soldiers, and the size of the head enables the muscles whicli move the jaws to be of unusual dimensions, though the little ones are also very pugnacious. Tiiis differentiation of certain individuals so as to adapt them to special functions seems to me very remarkable ; for it must be remembered that the difference is not one of age or sex. The food of ants consists of insects — great numbers of which they destroy — of honey, honey-dew, and fruit ; indeed, scarcely any animal or sweet substance comes amiss to them. Some species — such, for instance, as the small brown garden ant — ascend bushes in search of aphides. The ant then taps the aphis gently with her antennas, and the aphis emits a drop of sweet fluid, which the ant drinks. Some- times the ants even build covered ways up to and over the aphides, which, moreover, they protect from the attacks of other insects. Our English ants do not collect provision for the winter — indeed, their food is not of a nature which would admit of this. Some southern species, however, collect grain, occasionally in considerable quantities. Moreover, though our English ants cannot be said exactly to lay ujd stores, some at least do take steps to provide themselves with food in the future. The small yellow meadow ant {Lasius Jlavus), for instance, lives principally on the honey-dew of certain aphides which suck the roots of grass. The ants collect the aphides in the nest, not only watching over them themselves, but, as I have been able to satisfy myself, even over their eggs — an act which one is much tempted to refer to forethought, and which in such a case implies a degree of prudence superior to that of some savages. Besides these aphides, many other insects live in ants' nests. If they are to be regarded as domestic animals, then ants have more domestic animals than we have. The majority of these ant-guests are beetles. Some of them — as, for instance, the curious little Claviger — are quite blind, and are only found in ants' nests, the ant taking just as much care of them as of their own young. It is evident, therefore, that in some way they are useful or agreeable to the ants. The subject, however, is one as yet but little understood, and very difficult to study. Grimm and Lespes consider that some of these beetles secrete a sweet fluid like the aphides, and from analogy this seems probable. Other creatures which habitually live in ants' nests, like the little Beckia albinos or the blind woodlouse {Platyarthrus), perhaps make themselves useful as scavengers. Nor are ants without their enemies. In addition to birds and other larger foes, if you disturb a nest of the brown ants at any time during the summer, you will probably see some very small flies hovering over them, and every now and then making a dash at some particular ant. These flies belong to the genus Phora^ and to a species hitherto unnamed, which Mr. Verrall has been good enough to describe for me. They lay their eggs on the ants, inside which 42 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the larvae live. Other species of the genus are in the same way para- sitic on bees. On the 14th of October last I observed that one of my ants had a mite attached to the underside of its head. The mite, which is still in the same position, is almost as large as the head. The ant cannot remove it herself. She has never come out of the nest, so that I could not do it for her, and none of her own com- panions from that day to this have thought of performing this kind office. In character the different species of ants differ very much from one another. F. fusca, the one which is preeminently the enslaved ant, is, as might be expected, extremely timid ; while the nearly allied F. cinerea has, on the conti'ary, a considerable amount of individual audacity. F. rufa, the horse ant, according to M. Forel, is especially characterized by the want of individual initiative, and always moves in troops; he also regards the genus -Fonnzca as ^the most brilliant, though some others excel it in other respects, as, for instance, in the sharpness of their senses. F. jjratensis worries its slain enemies ; F. sanguinea never does. The slave-making ant (P. intfescens) is, perhaps, the bravest of all. If a single individual finds herself surrounded by enemies, she never attempts to fly, as any other ant would, but transfixes her opponents one after another, springing right and left with great agility, till at length she succumbs, over- powered by numbers. 31. scabrinodis is cowardly and thievish ; during wars among the larger species they haunt the battle-fields and devour the dead. Tetramorium is said to be very greedy ; Myrmecina very phlegmatic. In industry ants are not surpassed even by bees and wasps. They work all day, and in warm Aveather, if need be, even at night too. I once watched an ant from six in the morning, and she worked without intermission till a quarter to ten at night. I had put her to a saucer containing larvae, and in this time she carried off no less than a hundred and eighty-seven to the nest. I once had another ant, Avhich I employed in my experiments, under observation several days. When I came up to London in the morning, and went to bed at night, I used to put her in a small bottle, but the moment she was let out she began to work again. On one occasion I was away from home for a week. On my return I let her out of the bottle, placing her on a little heap of larvae about three feet from the nest. Under these circumstances I certainly did not expect her to return. However, though she had tlius been six days in confinement, the brave little creature immediately picked up a larva, carried it off to the nest, and after half an hour's rest returned for another. We have had hitherto very little information as to the length of life in ants. So far, indeed, as the preparatory stages are concerned, there is little difficulty in approximately ascertaining the facts — namely, that while they take only a few weeks in summer, in some ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 43 species, as our small yellow meadow ants, the autumn larvae remain with comparatively little change throughout the winter. It is much more difficult to ascertain the length of life of the perfect insect, on account of their gregarious habits, and the difficulty of recognizing individual ants. It has, however, generally been supposed that they live about a season, and this is probably the case ; but I have still some workers of F. cinerea, which I captured at Castellamare in November, 1875, and some of F. sanguinea and F. Jusca since September in that year. They must now, therefore, be at least a year and a half old. I have also some queens of F. fusca which have been with me since December, 1874, and still seem in perfect health. If they lived mucli longer, and could compare their ex- periences, ants would, from their immense numbers, even in temper- ate regions, contend with mankind on no such very unequal terms. The behavior of ants to one another differs very much according as they are alone or supported by numerous companions. An ant which would run away in the first case, will fight bravely in the second. It is hardly necessary to say that, as a general rule, each species lives by itself. There are, however, some interesting exceptions. The little Stenamma Westwoodii is found exclusively in the nests of the much larger F. riifa and the allied F. pratensis. We do not know what the relations between the two species are. The Stenammas, however, follow the Formicas when they change their nest, running about among them and between their legs, tapping them inquisi- tively with their antennae, and even sometimes climbing on to their backs, as if for a ride, while the large ants seem to take little notice of them. They almost seem to be the dogs — or rather cats — of the ants. Another small species, Solenopsis fugax, which makes its chambers and galleries in the walls of the nests of larger species, is the bitter enemy of its hosts. The latter cannot get at them, because they are too large to enter the galleries. The little Sole- 7iopsis, therefore, are quite safe, and, as it appears, make incursions into the nurseries of the larger ant, and carry ofi* the larvse as food. It is as if we had small dwarfs, about eighteen inches to two feet long, harboring in the walls of our houses, and every now and then carrying otf some of our children into their hoi'rid dens. Most ants, indeed, will carry oif the larviB and pupae of others if they get a chance ; and this explains, or at any rate throws some light upon, that most remarkable phenomenon, the existence of slavery among ants. If you place a number of larvae and pupae in front of a nest of the horse ant, for instance, they are soon carried off; and those which are not immediately required for food remain alive for some days, though I have never been able to satisfy myself whether they are fed by their captors. Both the horse ant and the slave ant {F. fusca) are abundant species, and it must not unfrequently occur that the former, being pressed for food, attack the latter and carry off 44 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. some of their larvae and pupae. Under these circumstances it occa- sionally hajjpens that the pupae come to maturity in the nests of the horse ant, and nests are sometimes, though rarely, found in which with the legitimate owners there are a few F. fuscas. "With the horse ant this is, however, a very rare and exceptional phenomenon ; but with an allied species, F. sanguinea, a species which exists in our southern counties and throughout Europe, it has become an estab- lished habit. The F. sanguineas make periodical expeditions, attack neighboring nests of F. fusca, and carry oiF the pupae. When the latter come to maturity, they find themselves in a nest consisting partly of F. sanguineas^ partly of F. fuscas — the results of previous expeditions. They adapt themselves to circumstances, assist in the ordinary household duties, and, having no young of their own species, feed and tend those of the F. sanguinea. But though the F. san- guineas are thus aided by the F. fuscas, they have not themselves lost the instinct of working. It seems not improbable that there is some division of functions between the two species, but we have as yet no distinct knowledge on this point, and at any rate the F. sangui- neas can " do " for themselves, and carry on a nest, if necessary, without slaves. In another species, however, Polyergus rvfescens, which is not British, this is not the case. They present a striking lesson of the degrading tendency of slavery, for they have become entirely depend- ent on their slaves. Even their bodily structure has vmdergone a change : their mandibles have lost their teeth, and have become mere nippers — deadly weapons, indeed, but useless except in war. They have lost the greater part of their instincts : their art, that is, the power of building ; their domestic habits, for they take no care of their own young, all this being done by the slaves ; their industry — they take no part in providing the daily supplies ; if the colony changes the situation of its nest, the masters are all carried by the slaves to the new one ; nay, they have even lost the habit of feeding. Huber placed thirty of them, with some larvae and pupre, and a supply of honey, in a box. "At first," he says, " they appeared to pay some little attention to the larvsB ; they carried them here and there, but presently replaced them. More than one-half of the Amazons died of hunger in less than two days. They had not even traced out a dwelling, and the few ants still in existence were languid and without stren|plh. I commiserated their condition, and gave them one of their black companions. This individual, unassisted, established order, formed a chamber in the earth, gathering together the larvae, extricated several young ants that were ready to quit the condition of pupas, and preserved the life of the remaining Amazons." ' This observation has been fully confirmed by other naturalists. However small the prison, liowever large the quantity of food, these ' Huber, " Natural History of Ants." ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 45 stupid creatures will starve in the midst of plenty rather than feed themselves. I have had a nest of this species under observation for a long time, but never saw one of the masters feeding, I have kept isolated specimens for weeks by giving them a slave for an hour or two a day to clean and feed them, and under these circumstances they remained in perfect health, while but for the slaves they would have perished in two or three days. I know no other case in Nature of a species having lost the instinct of feeding. In P. rufescens^ the so-called workers, though thus helpless and stupid, are numerous, energetic, and in some respects even brilliant. In another slave-making species, however, Strongylognathus, the workers are much less numerous, and so weak that it is an unsolved probtem how they contrive to make slaves. Lastly, in a fourth species, Anergetes atratulus^ the workers are absent, the males and females living in nests with workers belonging to another ant, Tetraynoriutn ccespitum. In these cases the Tetra- moriums, having no queen, and consequently no young of their own, tend the young of the Anergetes. It is, therefore, a case analogous to that of Polyergus, but it is one in which slave-owning has almost degenerated into parasitism. It is not, however, a case of true para- sitism, because the Tetramoriiims take great care of the Anergetes.^ and, if the nest is disturbed, carry them off to a place of safety. M. Forel, in his excellent work on ants, has pointed out that very young ants devote themselves at first to the care of the larvae and pupae, and that they take no share in the defense of the nest or other out-of-door work until they are some days old. This seems natural, because at first their skin is comparatively soft ; and it would clearly be undesirable to undertake rough work or run into danger until their armor had had time to harden. There are, however, reasons for thinking that the division of labor is carried still further. I do not allude merely to those cases in which there are completely different kinds of workers, but even to the ordinary workers. In L. flavus, for instance, it seems probable that the duties of the small workers are somewhat different from those of the large ones, though no such division of labor has yet been detected. In F. fusca I made an observation which surprised me very much. In the autumn of 1875 I noticed an ant out feeding alone. The next day the same ant was out by herself, and I could easily recognize her because by some accident she had lost the claws of one of her hind-feet. My attention being roused, I watched the nest for some weeks, and saw this same ant out repeatedly, but no other. This winter I have kept two nests under close observation — that is, I arranged with my daughters and their governess. Miss Wendland, most conscientious observers, that we should look at the nest once every hour throughout the day, and this has been done since the middle of November, with a few exceptions not enough 46 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to affect the conclusion. The former nest contains about two hun- dred, the second about four hundred individuals ; but as they are somewhat torpid, and there are no larvse to be fed, much food is not required. In each case only two or three individuals came out for food, each about twice a day, though some days they did not come out at all. Thinking that possibly these specimens were un- usually voracious, or in some other way abnormal, I imprisoned the foragers belonging to one of the nests. The following day two others came out for food, and continued coming for several days. I then imprisoned them also, when two others came out — showing, I think, that the community requires food, and that it was the functions of certain individuals to obtain it. One of the most interesting problems about ants is, of course, to determine the amount of their intelligence. In order to test this, it seemed to me that one way would be to ascertain some object which they would clearly desire, and then to interpose some obstacle which a little ingenuity would enable them to overcome. With this object in view, I placed food in a porcelain cu^j on a slip of glass surrounded by water, but accessible to the ants by a bridge, consist- ing of a strip of paper two-thirds of an inch long and one-third wide. Having then put a F. nigra from one of my nests to this food, she began carrying it off, and by degrees a number of friends came to help her. I then, when about twenty-five ants were so engaged, moved the little paper bridge slightly, so as to leave a chasm just so wide that the ants could not reach across. They came to the edge and tried hard to get over, but it did not occur to them to push the paper bridge, though the distance was only about one-third of an inch, and they might easily have done so. After trying for about a quarter of an hour they gave up the attempt, and returned home. This I repeated several times. Then, thinking that paper was a substance to which they were not accustomed, I tried the same with a bit of straw one inch long and one-eighth of an inch wide. The result was the same. I repeated this twice. Again I placed par- ticles of food close to and directly over the nest, but connected with it only by a passage several feet in length. Under these circumstances it would be obviously a saving of time and labor to drop the food on to the nest, or at any rate to spring down with it, so as to save one journey. But, though I have frequently tried the experiment, my ants never adopted either of these courses. I arranged matters so that the glass on which the food was placed was only raised one- third of an inch above the nest. The ants tried to reach down, and the distance was so small that occasionally, if another ant passed underneath just as one was reaching down, the upper one could step on to its back, and so descend ; but this only happened acciden- tally, and they did not think of throwing the particles down, nor, which surprised me very much, would they jump down themselves. ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 47 I then placed a heap of fine moukl close to the grass, but just so far that they could still not reach across. It would have been of course quite easy for any ant, by moving a particle of earth for a quarter of an inch, to have made a bridge by which the food might have been reached, but this simple expedient did not occur to them. On the other hand, I then put some provisions in a shallow box with a glass top, and a single hole on one side, and put some specimens of Lasius niger to the food. As soon as a stream of ants was at work, busily carrying supplies off to the nest, and when they had got to know the way thoroughly, I poured some fine mould in front of the hole so as to cover it up to a depth of about half an inch. I then took out the ants which were actually in the box. As soon as they had recovered from the shock of this unexpected proceeding on my part, they began to run all around and about the box, looking for some other place of entrance. Finding none, however, they began digging down into the earth just over the hole, carrying ofi" the grains of earth one by one, and depositing them, without any order, all round at a distance of from half an inch to six inches, until they had excavated dov/n to the doorway, when they again began carrying oif the food as before. This experiment I repeated on the following days three or four times, always with the same result. As evidence both of theiri intelligence and of their aifection for their friends, it has been said by various observers that when ants have been accidentally buried they have been very soon dug out and rescued by their companions. Without for a moment doubting the facts as stated, we must remember the habits which ants have of burrowing in loose fresh soil, and especially their practice of digging out fresh galleries when their nests are disturbed. It seemed to me, however, that it would not be difiicult to test whether the exca- vations made by ants under the circumstances were the result of this general habit, or really due to a desire to extricate their friends. With this view I tried (20th of August) the following experiments ^ I placed some honey near a nest of Lasius niger on a glass sui^ rounded with water, and so arranged that in reaching it the ants passed over another glass covered with a layer of sifted earth about one-third of an inch in thickness. I then put some ants to the honey, and by degrees a considerable number collected round it. Then, at 1.30 p. sr., I buried an ant from the same nest under the earth, and left her there till 5 p. m., when I uncovered her. She was none the worse, but during the whole time not one of her friends had taken the least notice of her. Again, September 1st, I arranged some honey in the same way. At 5 p. M. about fifty ants were at the honey, and a considerable number were passing to and fro. I then buried an ant as before, of course taking one from the same nest. At 7 p. m. the number of ants at the honey had nearly doubled. At 10 p. m. they were still 48 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. more numerous, and had carried off about two-thirds of the honey. At V A. M. the next moi'ning the honey was all gone ; two or three ants were still wandering about, but no notice had been taken of the prisoner, whom I then let out. In this case I allowed the honey to be finished, because I thought it might perhaps be alleged that the excitement produced by such a treasure distracted their attention ; or even, on the principle of doing the greatest good to the greatest number, that they were intelligently wuse in securing a treasure of food before they rescued their comrade, who, though in confinement, was neither in pain nor danger. So far as the above ants, however, are concerned, this cannot be urged. I may add that I repeated the same experiment several times, in some cases with another species, Myrmica ruginodis, and always with the same results. Ants have been much praised on account of their affection for their friends. In this respect, however, they seem to vary greatly. At any rate, any one who has watched them much must have met with very contradictory facts. I have often put ants which were {Smeared with a sticky substance on the boards attached to my nests, and very rarely indeed did their companions take any notice of or seek to disentangle them. I then tried the following experiment : A number of the small yellow ants {L. fiavus) were out feeding on some honey. I took five of them, and also five others of the same species, but from a different nest, chloroformed them, and put them close to the honey, and on the path which the ants took in going to and from the nest, so that these could not but see them. The grass on which the honey was placed was surrounded by a moat of water. This, then, gave me an opportunity of testing both how far they would be disposed to as- sist a helpless fellow-creature, and what difference they would make between their nest-companions and strangers from a different com- munity. The chloroformed ants were put down at ten in the morning. For more than an hour, though many ants came up and touched them with their antennae, none of them did more. At length one of the strangers w^as picked up, cai-ried to the edge of the glass, and quietly thrown, or rather dropped, into the water. Shortly afterward a friend was taken up and treated the same way. By degrees they were all picked up and thrown into the water. One of the strangers was, indeed, taken into the nest, but in about half an hour she was brought out again and thrown into the water like the rest. I repeated this experiment with fifty ants, half friends and half strangers. In each case twenty out of the twenty-five ants were thrown into the water as described. A few were left lying where they were placed, and these also, if we had watched longer, would no doubt have been also treated in the same way. One out of the twenty-five friends, and three out of the twenty-five strangers, were carried into the nest, but they were all brought out ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 49 again and thrown away like the rest. Under such circumstances, then, it seems that ants make no difference between friends and strangers. It may, however, be said in this experiment that, as ants do not recover from chloroform, and these ants were therefore to all intents and purposes dead, we should not expect that much difference would be made between friends and strangers. I therefore tried the same experiment, only, instead of chloroforming the ants, I made them in- toxicated. This was a rather more difficult experiment. No ant would voluntarily degrade herself by getting drunk, and it was not easy in all cases to hit off the requisite degree of this compulsory intoxication. In all cases they were made quite drunk, so that they lay helplessly on their backs. The sober ants seemed much puzzled at finding their friends in this helpless and discreditable condition. They took them up and carried them about for a while in a sort of aimless way, as if they did not know what to do with their drunkards, any more than we do. Ultimately, however, the results were as follows : The ants removed twenty-five fi-iends and tliirty strangers. Of the friends, twenty were carried into the nest, where no doubt they slept ofi" the effect of the spirit — at least, we saw no more of them — and five were thrown into the water. Of the strangers, on the contrary, twenty- four were thrown into the water; only six were taken into the nest, and four of these were shortly afterward brought out again and thrown away. The difference in the treatment of friends and strangers was, there- fore, most marked. Dead ants, I may add, are always brought out of the nest, and I have more than once found a little heap on one spot, giving it almost the appearance of a burial-ground. I have also made some experiments on the power possessed by ants of remembering their friends. It will be recollected that Huber gives a most interesting account of the behavior of some ants, which, after being sepai-ated for four months, when brought together again, immediately recognized one another, and "fell to mutual caresses with their antenme." Forel, however, regards these movements as having indicated fear and surprise rather than affection, though he also is quite inclined to believe, from his own observation, that ants would recognize one another after a separation of some months. The observation recorded by Huber was made casually ; and neither he nor any one else seems to have taken any steps to test it by subsequent experiments. The fact is one, however, of so much interest, that it seemed to me desirable to make further experiments on the subject. On the 4th of August, 1875, therefore, I separated one of my nests of F. fusca into two halves, which I kept entirely apart. I then from time to time put an ant from one of these nests into the othei', introducing also a stranger at the same time. The stranger VOL. XI, — 4 50 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. was driven out, or sometimes even killed. The friend, on the con- trary, was never attacked, though I am hound to say that I could see no signs of any general welcome, or that she was taken any particular notice of. I will not trouble you with all the evidence, but will content my- self with one case. On the 12th November last — that is to say, after the ant had been separated for a year and three months — I jnit a friend and a stranger into one of the divisions. The friend seemed quite, at home. One of the ants at once seized the stranger by an antenna, and began dragging her about. At — 11.45. — The friend is quite at home with the rest. The stranger is being dragged about. 12. — The friend is all right. Three ants now have hold of the stranger by her legs and an antenna. 12.15.— Do. do. 12.30.— Do. do. 12.45.— Do. do. 1. — Do. do. 1.30. — Do. One now took hold of the friend, but soon seemed to find out her mistake and let go again. 1.45. — The friend is all riajht. The stranger is beiuo: attacked. The friend also has been almost cleaned; while on the stranger the color has been scarcely touched. 2.15. — Two ants are licking the friend, while another pair are hold- ing the stranger by her legs. 2.30. — The fi'iend is now almost clean, so that I could only just perceive any color. The stranger, on the contrary, is almost as much colored as ever. She is now near the door, and I think would have come out, but two ants met her and seized her. 3. — Two ants are attacking tlie stranger. The friend was no longer distinguishable from the rest. 3.30.— Do. 4.— Do. 5.— Do. 0. — The stranger now escaped from the nest, and I put her back among her own friends. The difference of behavior to these two ants was most marked. The friend was gradually licked clean, and, except for a few moments, and that evidently by mistake, was never attacked. The stranger, on the contrary, was not cleaned, was at once seized, was dragged about for hours with only a few minutes' interval, by one, two, or three assailants, and at length made her escape from the nest at a time when no other ant was out. In most species of ants the power of smell is very keen. I placed ants on a strip of paper, each end of which was supported on a pin. ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 51 the foot of which was immersed in water. They then ran backward and forward along the paper, trying to escape. If a camel's-hair pen- cil be suspended just over the paper, they pass under it without tak- ing any notice of" it; but if it be scented, say with lavender-water, they at once stop when they come near it, showing in the most unmis- takable manner that they perceive the odor. This sense appears to reside, though not perhaps exclusively, in the antennae. I tethered, for instance, a large specimen of Formica ligniperda with a fine thread to a board, and when she was quite quiet I approached a scented camel's-hair pencil slowly to the tip of the antenna, which was at once withdrawn, though the antenna took no notice of a similar pencil, if not scented. On the otlier hand, as regards their sense of hearing, the case is very different. Approaching an ant which was standing quietly, I have over and over again made the loudest and most shrill noises I could, using a penny pipe, a dog-whistle, a violin, as well as the most piercing and startling sounds I could produce with my own voice, without effect. At the same time I by no means would infer from this that they are really deaf, though it certainly seems that their range of hearing is very different from ours. We know that certain allied insects produce a noise by rubbing one of their abdominal rings against another. Landois is of opinion that ants also make sounds in the same way, though these sounds are inaudible to us. Our range is, however, after all, very limited, and the universe is probably full of music which we cannot perceive. There are, moreover, in the an- tenuEe of ants certain curious organs which may perhaps be of an auditory character. There are from ten to a dozen in the terminal segment oi Lasiusflavus, the small meadow ant, and, indeed, in most of the species which I have examined, and one or two in each of the short intermediate segments. These organs consist of three parts : a small, spherical cup opening to the outside, a long, narrow tube, and a hollow body shaped like an elongated clock-weight. They may serve to increase the resonance of sounds, acting, in fact, to use the words of Prof. Tyndall, who was good enough to look at them with rae, like microscopic stethoscopes. The organs of vision are in most ants very complex and conspicu- ous. There ai*e generally three eyes arranged in a triangle on the top of their heads, and on each side a large compound eye containing sometimes more than two thousand facets between them. Neverthe- less, the sight of ants does not seem to be very good. In order to test how far ants are guided by vision, I made the following experi- ments : I placed a common lead-pencil on a board, fastening it up- right, so as to serve as a landmark. At the base I then placed a glass containing food, and then put a L. niger to the food ; when she knew her way from the glass to the nest and back again perfectly well, she went quite straight backward and forward, I then took an oppor- 52 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tunity when the ant was on the glass, and moved the glass with the ant on it about three inches. Now, under such circumstances, if she had been much guided by sight, she could not of course have had any difficulty in finding her way to the nest. As a matter of fact, however, she was entirely at sea, and, after wandering about for some time, got back to the nest by another and very round-about route, I then again varied the experiment as follows : I placed the food in a small china cup on the top of the pencil, which ihus formed a column seven and a half inches high. When the ant once knew her way, she went very straight to and from the nest. This puzzled her very much ; she went over and over the spot where the pencil had previously stood, retraced her steps several times almost to the nest, and then returned along the old line, showing great ijerseverance, if not much power of vision. I then moved the pencil six inches. She found the pencil at last, but only after many meanderings. I then repeated the observation on three other ants, with the same result; the second was seven minutes before she found the pencil, and at last seemed to do so accidentally; the third actually wandered about for no less than half an hour, returning iip the paper bridge several times. Let us compare this relatively to man. An ant measuring say one-sixth of an inch, the pencil, being seven inches high, is conse- quently forty-two times as long as the ant. It bears, therefore, some- what the same relation to the ant as a column two hundred and fifty feet high does to a man. The pencil having been moved six inches, it is as if a man in a country he knew well would be puzzled at being moved a few hundred feet, or, if put down in a square containing less than an acre, could not find a column two hundred and fifty feet high, that is to say, higher than the Duke of York's column. Another evidence of this consists in the fact that if, when my L. nigers were carrying ofi" food placed in a cup on a piece of "board, I turned the board round so that the side which had been turned tow- ard the nest was away from it, and vice versa, the ants always re- turned over the same track on the board, and consequently directly away from home. If I moved the board to the other side of my arti- ficial nest, the result was the same. Evidently they followed the road, not the direction. It is remarkable that we do not even now know exactly how an ants' nest is begun. Whether they always commence as a colony from some older establishment ; whether wandering workers w^io chance to find a queen under certain circumstances remain with her and begin a new nest ; or whether the queen ant, like the queen wasp, forms a cell for herself, and then brings up a few workers, who afterward take upon themselves the labors of the family, as yet we know not. When once started, the communities last for years, being kept up by a succession of individuals. The queens themselves ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 53 rarely or never quit the nest, but receive their food from the work- ers, and indeed appear to do nothing except hxy eggs. A nest of ants must not be confused with an ant-hill in the ordi- nary sense. Very often, indeed, a nest has only one dwelling, and in most species seldom more than three or four. Some, however, form numerous colonies. M. Forel even found a case in which one nest of F. exsecta had no less than two hundred colonies, and occupied a cir- cular space with a radius of nearly two hundred yards. Within this area they had exterminated all tlie other ants, except a few nests of lapinoma erraticum^ which survived, thanks to their gi-eat agility. In these cases the number of ants thus associated together must have been enormous. Even in single nests Forel estimates the numbers at from 5,000 to 500,000. In their modes of fighting, different species of ants have their sev- eral peculiarities. Some, also, are much less military than others. Myrmecina Latreillii, for instance, never attack, and scarcely even defend themselves. Their skin is very hard, and they roll themselves into a ball, not defending themselves even if their nest is invaded : to prevent which, however, they make the entrances small, and often station at each a worker, who uses her head to stop the way. The smell of this species is also, perhaps, a protection. Tetramorium cms- pitum has the habit of feigning death. This species, however, does not roll itself up, but merely applies its legs and antennse closely to the body. Formica rufa^ the common horse ant, attacks in serried masses, seldom sending out detachments, while single ants scarcely ever make individual attacks. They rarely pursue a flying foe, but give no quar- tei", killing as many enemies as possible, and never hesitating, with this object, to sacrifice themselves for the common good. Formica sayiguinea, on the contrary, at least in their slave-making expeditions, attempt rather to terrify than to kill. Indeed, when they are invading a nest, they do not attack the flying inhabitants unless they are attempting to carry off pupoe, in which case they ai'e forced to abandon the pupae. When fighting, they attempt to crush their enemies with their mandibles. Formica exsecta is a delicate but very active species. They, also, advance in serried masses, but in close quarters they bite right and left, dancing about to avoid being bitten themselves. When fighting with larger species they spring on to their backs, and then seize them by the neck or by an antenna. They also have the instinct of com- bining in small parties, three or four seizing an enemy at once, and then pulling difierent ways, so that she, on her part, cannot get at any one of her foes. One of them then jumps on her back and cuts, or rather saws, ofi" her head. In battles between this ant and the much larger F. pratensis, many of the latter may be seen, each with a little F. exsecta on her back, sawing ofi" her head from behind. 54 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. One might, at first sight, be disposed to consider that the ants with stings must have a great advantage over those with none. In some cases, however, the poison is so strong that it is sufiicient for it to touch the foes to place them hors de combat, or at least to render them incapacitated, with every appearance of extreme pain. Such species have the abdomen unusually mobile. The species of Lasius make up in numbers what they want in strength. Several of them seize an enemy at once, one by each of her legs or antennae, and, when they have once taken hold, they will suf- fer themselves to be cut in pieces rather than let go. Polyergus rufescens, the celebrated slave-making or Amazon ant, has a mode of combat almost peculiar to herself. The jaws are very powerful and pointed. If attacked — if, for instance, another ant seizes her by a leg — she at once takes her enemy's head into her jaws, which generally makes her quit her hold. If she does not, the Polyer- gus closes her mandibles, so that the points pierce the brain of her enemy, paralyzing the nervous system. The victim falls in convul- sions, setting free her terrible foe. In this manner a comparatively small force of Polyergus will fearlessly attack much larger armies of other species, and sufier themselves scarcely any loss. Much of what has been said as to the powers of communication possessed by bees and ants depends on the fact that, if one of them in the course of her rambles has discovered a supply of food, a num- ber of others soon find their way to the store. This, however, does not necessarily imply any power of describing localities. If the bees or ants merely follow their more fortunate companion, or if they hunt her by scent, the matter is comparatively simple ; if, on the contrary, the others have the route described to them, the case becomes very difi"erent. To determine this, therefore, I have made a great number of experiments, of which, however, I will here only mention a few. Under ordinary circumstances, if an ant discovers a stock of food, she carries as much as possible away to the nest, and then returns for more, accompanied generally by several friends. On their return, these bring others, and, in this way, a string of ants is soon estab- lished. Unless, therefore, various precautions are taken — and this, so far as I know, has never been done in any of the previous observa- tions— the experiment really tells very little. I therefore made the following arrangement : One of my nests of the small brown garden ant, Lasius niger, was connected with a board, on which I was in the habit of placing a supply of food and water. At a short distance from the board I placed two glasses {b b'), and on 5 I placed some food. I then connected the glass b with the board a by three slips of paper, c, d, e, and put an ant to the food. She carried off a supply to the nest, returning for more, and so on. Several friends came with her, and I imprisoned them till the experiment was over. When she had passed several times over the ON THE HABITS OF ANTS. 55 paper bridges, I proceeded as follows : Any friends who came with her were excluded from the bridges when she was on them. If she was not there, as soon as a friend arrived at the bridge ed also for statuary, and finally came to be preferred to the Parian. The " An- tinous" of the Capitol, now in the Paris Museum, is of this marble, and, according to some, the "Apollo Belvedere" also; but the Ro- man sculptors think the latter is a Greek marble. The marble of Luna, called by the ancients marmor Lunense, and which is the same as the modern Carrara, is whiter than either the Parian or Pentelic, and some of its veins are not inferior in beauty of grain and in soft- ness to the former. In 1847 a quarry of white marble was opened at Maremma, about •JO THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. thirty-five miles from Leghorn, which bore many evidences of having been worked in ancient times. It closely resembles the Pai-ian in color and grain, works smoothly, and takes a high polish. White marbles Avere also obtained by the ancients from Mount Phelleus, Rhamnus, and Snninm, in Attica; Demetrias, in Thessaly; on the river Sangarius, in Phrygia ; from near Alexandria Troas; from Mount Prion, near Ephesus; from Cappadocia, and from Mount Libanus, the modern Lebanon. The marbles of Phelleus, Rhamnus, and Suniuin, were of good col- or, but were coarse, and less homogeneous than the Pentelic. The Sangarian marble was sometimes called Coralitic. The Cappado- cian was called Phengites ($eyyof), on account of its translucence. The temple of Fortuna Seia, built by Nero within the precincts of his Golden House, was built of this stone ; and, although it had no win- dows, it is said to have been perfectly light when the door was closed. The marble of Mount Libanus, usually called Tyrian, was probably the material of Solomon's Temple and of Herod's palace. The Scala Santa in the Lateran Palace, Rome, said to have been brought from Pi- late's house in Jerusalem, is of this marble, which is a clear blue-white. The Proconnesian marble, a pure white with black veins, was quar- ried in the island of Proconnesus, in the Propontis, The celebrity of this stone has changed the name of the island to Marmora, and also given its modern name (Sea of Marmora) to the Propontis. This marble was also called Cyzican, because it was largely used in tlie city of Cyzicus, opposite the island in Mysia, The palace of Mauso- lus, at Halicarnassus, was built of it. It was also much used at Con- stantinople, under Honorius and the younger Theodosius. Several columns of it in the mosque of St. Sophia were spoils of the temple of Cybele at Cyzicus. A white marble, with yellow spots, was brought from Cappadocia, and a similar marble from Rhodes, but the spots wei*e of a brighter, more golden, yellow. White marble, with black spots, was quarried in the Troad. But the most beautiful of the antique variegated marbles, with a white base, was the Synnadic, Docimasan, or Docimite, sometimes called marmor Phrygium. It was quarried at the village of Docimia, not far from Synnada, in Phrygia Major. The ancient authorities generally describe it as pure white, marked with red or purple veins, which the poets compared to the blood of Atys, slain at Synnada; but Hamilton, who visited the quarries about 1835, says that they yield several different kinds. He mentions white, bluish-white, white with yellow veins, white with blue veins, and white with blue spots, the latter having almost a brecciated appearance. He describes the principal quarry as worked horizontally into the hill, the sides of which are cut away perpendicularly to a great height to secure the splendid columns for which it was famous. Strabo says that pillars ANTIQUE MARBLES. 71 and slabs of siirprising magnitude and beauty, approaching the aha- bastrite marble in variety of colors, were conveyed thence to Kome notwithstanding the long land-carriage of more than 100 miles to the place of shipment. The quarries are entirely surrounded by tracliytic hills, to which, says Hamilton, the marble " owes its crystalline and altered character, being to all appearance a portion of the older sec- ondary limestone caught up and developed by the protruded volcanic rocks, and crystallized by igneous action." The alabastrites marble of the ancients, or onychites, was not a marble proper, b»it a hard carbonate of lime, identical in composition with stalagmite, the modern alabaster. It was quarried, says Piiny, near Thebes, in Egypt, and Damascus. "When first brought to Eome it was considered almost a precious stone, and was made into cups and small ornaments, such as the feet of couches and chairs. When Balbus decorated his theatre, in the time of Augustus, with four small columns of this stone, it was noted as an unprecedented occurrence ; but, in tlie reign of Claudius, Callistus, a freedman of that emperor, adorned his banquet hall with thirty large columns of alabastrites. The ancient quarries were reopened by Mehemet Ali, Viceroy of Egypt, to obtain material to build his mausoleum at Cairo. The four magnificent pillars of this marble that support the baldacchino over the altar in the church of San Paolo fuori le Mura, in Rome, were presented by him. Each is a monolith forty feet long. Of the yellow marbles of antiquity, that called by the Italians giallo antico is the rarest and most beautiful. There are several varieties of it, varying in tint from a cream-yellow to the deepest chrome-yellow, sometimes shading into red and purple hues. Some is as bright as gold [giallo dorato), some of an orange-shade {gicdlo capo), and some, extremely rare, of a canary-color {giallo paglia). The ancient writers compared it to safiron, to sunlight, ^nnd to ivory grown yellow with age. Some of it is variegated with black or dark- yellow rings. The grain is exceedingly fine. Its colors are derived entirely from carbonaceous matter. Among the finest existing speci- mens of this marble are the large columns in the Pantheon at Rome, and a single pair in the Arch of Constantine. The giallo antico was called marnior Numidicum by the Romans, but the precise site of the quarries is not yet ascertained. M. Fournel believes that the yellow marble of Philippeville, Algeria, which closely resembles it in varying tints, is identical with it. The island of Melos and Corinth also pro- duced yellow marbles, and in the time of Justinian a marble of a fiery yellow was quarried in the neighborhood of Jerusalem. Among the most celebrated marbles of the ancient wo)-ld was the rosso antico, or red antique. Its color passes from a red, almost scar- let, to a wine-lees or blood-red, which is divided by parallel layers of white, and sometimes also intersected by a network of delicate black veins. Its variation in tint is probably according to the quan- 72 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tity of the oxide of iron contained in it. Until lately this marble was known only through its remains, and it has generally been ascribed to Egypt. The largest ancient specimens preserved are the fourteen slabs composing the double flight of steps in the church of San Pras- sede, Rome. Napoleon I. at oue time intended to carry these to Paris to ornament his throne. There are several statues of rosso antico, including the " Antinous " in Paris and the " Marcus Agrippa " in the Grimani Palace, Venice, and many medallion portraits. It is now as- certained that this beautiful marble was not Egyptian, but Greek. It was quarried on the coast of the gulf of Laconia, near what is now the bay of Scutari. The quarry lies near the sea, and large blocks cut by the ancients are still to be seen there. In 1851 the Greek Gov- ernment sent specimens from it to the London Exposition, and it was fully recognized as the famous rosso mitico. There are many varieties of the marble called red and white an- tique, but they are so near alike that it is impossible to distinguish them by description alone. They are variously called by the Italians rosso annulato, serpentelo, vendurino^ fiorito, cotonello^ etc. They are found only in the Roman ruins, and their quarries are unknown. The marble called cervelas is of a deep red, with numerous gray and white veins. It is supposed to have been brought from Africa. The ancients were acquainted with many kinds of green marble, one of the most noted of which was the marmor Atraciwn, called by Julius Pollux Thessalian, and identical Avith the verde antico of the Italians, The quarries were on Mount Ossa, near the entrance of the vale of Tempe, and not far from Atrax in Thessaly, whence it de- rived its name. It is a species of breccia, whose paste is a mixture of talc and limestone, interspersed with fragments of white marble. But the verde antique marbles differ from the modern breccias in that the colors are, so blended that the line of demarkation is not percep- tible. Tlie Erechtheum in Athens was adorned with columns of verde antique, and it was one of the marbles selected by Justinian for the decoration of St, Sophia, The eight splendid columns of it still to be seen in the mosque are said to have been taken from the temple of Diana at Ephesus, Tlie celebrated Carystian marble, the cij)olmo verde of the Ital- ians, derived its name from Carystus, a town at the foot of Mount Oche, in the island of Euboea, where it was quarried. The temple of Apollo Marmarinus of Carystus was named from this quarry. It is a true steatitic limestone or cipolin, and is of a beautiful grayish green, with white zones and spots, and sometimes sprinkled with dif- ferent colors. It was easily obtained in very large blocks, suitable for columns, and was largely used in the temples and other public build- ings in Athens and Rome. An English traveler, who visited the quarry lately, found seven entire columns on the site, about three miles from the sea, just as they were left by the ancient workmen. ANTIQUE MARBLES, 73 The rnarmor Lacedcemonimn^ Laconicum, or Spartum^ of the Romans has always been regarded as a species of verde-antique niar- ble. Clarke says that it differed from the Atracian only in being variegated with black or dark -green serpentine instead of with white. But M. Boblaye, the mineralogist of the French commission to the Morea, has proved pretty conclusively that it was not a marble but a true porphyry, and probably identical with the ophites of the ancients, which Pliny says was so called from its resemblance to the skin of a serpent (o^tf). Pausanias calls it Crocean stone (Kpo/ccwv XWog). The French discovered the quarries near the ancient Croceae, on the road from Sparta to Gythium, and about two miles from the mod- ern village of Levetzova, in Laconia. The stone is of a dark grass- green, strewed with little parallelograms of a lighter green, sometimes approaching white and sometimes yellow. Procopius compares its color to emerald, and Statius and Sidonius call it a grass-green. Eurycles, the Spartan architect, used this stone in decorating the baths of Neptune at Corinth ; and it was quarried to a large extent by the Romans, who enriched the monuments of Greece, Italy, and Gaul, with it. The Auo-ustan and Tiberian marbles, so fashionable in Rome nn- der those emperors, were obtained in Egypt. They are breccias com- posed of fragments of greenstone, gneiss, and porphyry, cemented with a calcareous paste. They are similar in color, a bright green, spotted and streaked with dark green, reddish gray, and white; the only difference being, according to Pliny, that in the Augustan the figures undulate and curl to a point, while in the Tiberian the streaks are not involved, but lie wide asunder. It is probable that these marbles were quarried in the mountains between Thebes and the Red Sea. Inscriptions in the ancient quarries there, near the well of Haramamat, show that they were worked in the sixth dynasty of Manetho. A green marble called Memphites was quarried near Mem- phis in Egypt. There were many other varieties of green marble known to the ancients, such as the red-spotted green antique, having a dark-green ground marked Avith small red and black spots and white fragments of entrocM ; the marmo verde paglioco, yellowish green; and leek marble, of the color of a leek; but they exist only in small fragments, and their quarries are unknown. Another variety of green marble was found in the island of Tenos. A blue marble is said to have been obtained in Libya. The isl- and of Naxos yields a dark blue elegantly striped with white, Tenos a light blue veined with dark blue, and Scyros many kinds of blue and violet breccias, with other colors variously disposed. Scyros was one of the chief places whence the ancients derived their varie- gated marbles, and its quarries furnished many varieties closely re- sembling the famous marbles of other localities. Strabo says it pro- 74 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. duced the Carystian, Deucalian, Synnadic, and Hierapolitic marbles. The quarries of Tenos are still worked to some extent, but those of Scyros and Naxos remain almost as the ancients left them. Of the black marbles of antiquity that now called nero antico, or black antique, was the most celebrated. It is more intensely black than any marble now quarried, the black marbles of France appear- ing almost gray beside it. It occurs only in sculptured pieces, and its origin is unknown ; but Faujas discovered a quarry which had been worked by the ancients, about two leagues from Spa, not far from Aix-la-Chapelle, the marble of which closely resembles the an- cient specimens. The largest masses known of nero antico are two columns in the church of Regina Coeli at Rome, but there are also some fine specimens in the Museum of the Capitol and in other col- lections. Some suppose it to be identical with the marmor Lucul- lum^ which was introduced at Rome by Lucullus in the first century B. c, according to Pliny from Melos (another reading is Chios), but according to other authorities from Egypt or Libya, whence it is sometimes called marmor Lihycum. Pliny says that Marcus Scaurus had pillars of it thirty-eiglit feet high in the atrium of his house. The Chian marble, a deep, transparent black, sometimes variegated with other colors, was quarried on Mount Pelinaeus, in the island of Chios. A fine black marble was quarried on Mount Taenarus, in Laconia, and in the island of Lesbos, and a blue-black marble in Lydia. One of the most beautiful of the antique breccias, the African breccia, has a deep-black ground, variegated with fragments of grayish white and deep red or purplish wine-color. The grand antique breccia consists of large fragments of black marble united by veins of shining white. Columns of this and of African breccia are in the Paris Museum, but their quarries are unknown. ON THE WOITDERFIJL DIYISIBILITY OF GOLD AND OTHER METALS. By ALEXANDER E. OUTERBRIDGE, Je., ASSAY LABOEATOKY, UNITED STATES MINT, PHILADELPHIA. IT is both curious and interesting to notice how frequently original investigators, working from different standpoints, and with en- tirely dissimilar objects in view, will, independently of each other, accumulate a mass of observations corroborative of some one phys- ical law, but Avhich require to be collated in order to reveal their mutual relations. The motive of this paper is to collect together several observa- tions illustrating the divisibility of gold (made either as the direct DIVISIBILITY OF GOLD AND OTHER METALS. 75 object of experiment, or as incidental to other investigations), and to present them in a condensed Ibrm to the readers of The Popular Science Monthly. Some of these experiments (notably those of Faraday) present the curious anomaly of revealing to the physical sense of sight particles of matter which are almost too infinitesimal for the mind's eye to conceive, thus seeming to reverse the order of scientific inves- tigation which usually prolongs the mental vision far beyond the region of possible physical revelation. The experiments to be described have been arranged in the fol- lowing order: 1. On the natural dissemination of gold. 2. Beating into thin leaves. « 3. Faraday's researches. 4. Depositing by the galvanic battery. 5. Vaporization by the electric spark. Some years since a very interesting series of experiments was made by the late Mr. J. R. Eckfeldt, then chief-assayer of the mint at Philadelphia, and his associate, Mr. W. E. DuBois (the present incumbent), upon the "l^atural Dissemination of Gold." The results were presented to the Amei'ican Philosophical Society, in the form of a paper, by Mr. DuBois, and j)ublished in their " Proceedings " of June 21, 1861. The precious metal was found disseminated in marvelously fine division through a number of substances where its existence had not been previously suspected. In the clay of which the Philadelphia bricks are made, gold was found in the proportion of about forty cents' worth to the ton. Each brick contains a sufficient amount of gold to make a glittering show of two square inches, if brought to the surface in the form of leaf. An estimate of the thickness of the bed of clay under the city revealed the startling fact that more gold lies securely locked up in it than has been procured, according to the statistics, from Aus- tralia and California. A specimen of galena fi'om Buck's County, Pennsylvania, yielded gold in the proportion of one part of gold in six million two hundred and twenty thousand (6,220,000) parts of ore ; not quite ten cents to the ton. The report of these experiments concludes as follows : " Of this we may be confident, that the atoms of gold are homogeneously and equably dispersed through the clay, or other matrix; but by what natural process or for what final cause these fine particles should be thus diflused, seems quite beyond the reach of human philosophy." The remarkable malleability of fine gold was a property well known to the ancients. Homer refers to the art of gold-beating, and Pliny mentions that an ounce of gold was beaten into seven ^e THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. hundred and fifty leaves, " each leaf being four fingers square," or about three times thicker than our ordinary gold-leaf. On the cof- fins of the Theban mummies, gold-foil has been discovered of extraor- dinary thinness. The ancient Peruvians covered the walls of their temples with very thin sheets of gold, and the rude specimens of gild- ing on the palace of Tippo Saib, at Bungalore, prove that the art of gold-beating was practised in India. We also have Biblical author- ity for the antiquity of the art.' Experiments made in modern times have shown that a single grain of gold may be beaten out so as to cover a space of seventy-five square inches ; the thickness of the leaf is then only the three hun- dred and sixty-seven thousand six hundred and fiftieth (-j-btWo) •part of an incli, or about twelve hundred times thinner than an ordi- nary sheet of printing-paper. Faraday states in his researches on " The Experimental Relations of Gold (and otiier Metals) to Light " ^ that a leaf of beaten gold occupies an average thickness of no more than \ to |- part of a single wave of light. He reduced the thickness of gold-leaves at pleasure, by spreading them upon glass plates and gradually dissolving the metal by means of a weak solution of cyanide of potassium. "By this means," he says, " I think fifty or even one hundred might be included in a single progressive undulation of light." ^ Faraday's researches upon the nature of thin films of gold and other metals, and upon the size of finely-divided particles of gold diflfused through various liquids, are of a most interesting and refined character. Availing himself of the well-known reducing power of phosphorus, he floated small particles of it upon the surface of weak solutions of chloride of gold. In the course of twenty-four hours he found that the surfaces of the liquids were covered with films of metallic gold, which were thicker near the pieces of phosphorus " possessing tlie full golden reflective power of the metal," but becoming so thin by gradations as to be scarcely perceptible. " They acted as thin plates upon light, producing the concentric rings of colors round the phosphorus at their first formation, though their thickness then could scarcely be the ydt, perhaps not the ^-i^, of a wave-undulation of light." By treating very dilute solutions of gold with phosphorus he ob- tained the metal diff"used through the liquid in extremely fine particles, producing a beautiful ruby-color. These particles, " when in their finest state, often remain unchanged for months, and have all the ap- .pearance of solutions, but they never are such, containing, in fact, no dissolved but only diffused gold. The particles are easily rendered evi- dent by gathering the rays of the sun (or a lamp) into a cone by a lens, "And they did boat the j:;old into thin plates" (Exodus xxxix. 3). » " Philosophical Transactions," 1857. 2 Faraday's " Researches in Chemistry and Physics." DIVISIBILITY OF GOLD AND OTHER METALS, yj and sending the part of the cone near the focus into the fluid ; the cone becomes visible, and though the illuminated particles cannot be dis- tinguished, because of their minuteness, yet the light they reflect is golden in character and seen to be abundant in proportion to the quantity of gold present. Portions of gold so dilute as to show no trace of gold by color or appearance can have the presence of the difliised solid particles rendered evident by the sun in tliis way. . . . The state of division of these particles must be extreme; they have not as yet been seen by any power of the microscope." Faraday further tells us that he endeavored to obtain an idea of the quantity of gold in a given ruby fluid, and for this purpose selected a plate of gold ruby glass, of good full color, to serve as a standard, and he compared the different fluids with it, varying their depth until the light from white paper, transmitted through them, was apparently equal to that transmitted by the standard glass. Then, known quantities of these ruby fluids were evaporated to dry- ness, the gold converted into chloride, and compared, by reduction on glass and otherwise, with solutions of gold of known strength. "From these considerations it would appear that one volume of gold is present in the ruby fluid in about "750,600 volumes of water; and that, whatever the state of division to which the gold may be re- duced, still the proportion of the solid particles to the amount of space through which they are dispersed must be of this extreme pro- portion. This accords perfectly with their invisibility in the micro- scope ; with the manner of their separation from the dissolved state; with the length of time during which they can remain diff'used ; and with their appearance when illuminated by the cone of the sun's rays." While all the statements of this profound investigator were so carefully kept within the limit of actual observation, he tells us, in conclusion, that he not only believed the gold to be diffused in solid metallic particles, but that he also believed " there may be particles so fine as to reflect very little light indeed, that function being almost gone." The art of gold-plating has become so extensive in its application to a great variety of ornamental objects, that it seemed to the writer an interesting question " How thick a film is required to produce a fine gold-color? " He was unable to find, on inquiry, that any careful notes to determine this point have been recorded,' and he recently made some experiments with the following results : A sheet of copper was rolled down to an average thickness of joVo ^^ ^^ inch. Two plates were cut from this strip, 4 by 2^ inches, having a metallic sur- face of twenty square inches each. These plates were boiled in alkali, to remove grease, polished, and accurately weighed on a bal- ' It is stated that when a cylindrical bar of silver is coated with gold and drawn into the fine wire used in embroidered housings, etc., a grain of gold will cover 345.6 feet of wire. 78 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ance sensitive to the twentieth of a milligramme, or the yoVr of a grain. No. 1 weighed 126-j^fu% grains troy. A gold "blush" of sufficient thickness to produce a fine gold- color was then deposited by the battery. The plates were washed in distilled Avater, dried, and reweighed without rubbing, and were found to have each gained in weight exactly one-tenth (yL) of a grain. It thus appears that one grain of gold may be distributed, by the galvanic deposit, over the surface of two hundred square inches, as contrasted with seventy-five square inches by beating. In other words, the metal is more than two and a half times thinner in the former case than in the latter, or 330^400 P^^^'*^ ^^ ^" ^"^'^^> ^^ compared with -g- --f'eTo" ^^ ^'^ inch. A still thinner deposit of gold could, of course, be detected on the delicate assay-balance, but, owing to the transparency of the film, it would not possess the true gold-color. It seemed important to ascertain whether the gold was evenly distributed over the cop- per surface, or whether it was deposited in spots. The strips were accordingly examined under a microscope. A careful examination showed that there were no exposed surfaces of copper, and the gold appeared to have a fine, bright, smooth sur- face. This, however, was not considered sufficient proof, and several expedients were tried to obtain the gold films free from the copper plate, in order tliat they might be examined by transmitted light. Owing to their extreme thinness this was difficult to accomplish. One method, which was partially successful, was to heat the copper plates to a cherry red in the annealing muffle of an assay-furnace. On cool- ing, the gold film peeled off in flakes with a thin backing of oxide of copper ; these flakes were pressed between two plates of glass, and nitric acid allowed to flow in by capillary action. The acid dissolved the copper; leaving a film of free gold, Tlie difficulty was, tliat the bubbles of gas formed perforated the film of gold. Another plan was then tried. The gold-plating was removed from one surface of the copper plates by means of fine emory-paper. Pieces about one inch square were immersed for several days in very weak nitric acid. The copper was entirely dissolved, and detached films of gold were found floating intact on the surface of the liquid ; these were carefully collected on strips of glass, washed with distilled water, and dried ; they then firmly adhered to the glass. When examined by reflected light they retain their brilliant gold color and lustre, but when viewed by transmitted light they are bright green and very transparent ; the color is an even shade, having none of the mottled appearance of gold-leaf when seen by transmit- ted light, caused by its very uneven thickness. This monotone ap- pears to be a positive indication of uniform thickness, for, when two DIVISIBILITY OF GOLD AND OTHER METALS. 79 films were superposed, one upon the other, the color was very per- ceptibly darkened; even when subjected to a magnifying power of 1,000 diameters the films retain their continuous character, though the brilliance of the green color is of course diffused. The dimensions of the waves of light, when decomposed by the prism, have been care- fully measured. There are 47,000 green waves in the space of an inch ; dividing the estimated tliickness of our gold film by this number, we find that the thickness of the film is less than gL part of a single undu- lation of green light. In the course of an examination made by the writer upon " The Practicability of assaying Metals used in Coinage, by means of Spec- trum Analysis, made in and for the Assay Department of the United States Mint at Philadelphia," * it was noticed that a large number of very powerful electric flashes might be passed between two slips of metal without any apparent loss, and an important query suggested itself, viz., whether the amount of metal vaporized by each spark was not too infinitesimal to be determined. In order to ascertain this p